Trader's Dispatch April 2020

Page 1

APRIL 2020

Vol. XXI No. 3 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website:

Private applicator pesticide license process changes

From University of Wyoming Extension The University of Wyoming (UW) Extension has implemented an online process for those seeking private applicator pesticide licenses in light of the University of Wyoming suspending all in-person activities until May 15 due to COVID-19 concerns. Extension pesticide training coordinator Jeff Edwards said those interested can go to, click the Private Applicators tab, and have two options under Licensing. All of the required files are linked in the website, said Edwards. Option 1. Self-study and take-home workbook – Download or print the Core Manual – Print the Private Applicator Workbook – Print the private applicator license application – Read the Core Manual – Complete the take-home workbook by answering questions in the workbook – Completely fill-out the private applicator license application – Mail the completed take-home workbook and the private applicator license application to: Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Technical Services Division, 2219 Carey Ave., Cheyenne, WY 82002 Option 2. Electronically scan and email the completed take-home workbook and the private applicator license application to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture at


April or May, Kevin Hill Auction Services Inc., Business Liquidation, Plains MT.....................................................................................................................A12 April 2 - May 3, Smith Sales Co. Auctioneers, Spring Fever, Online......... A4, A5 April 7 - April 28, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Box L Farms, Online.... ............................................................................................................................A3 April 10 - 21, Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Ag Marketplace Equipment, Online.................................................................................................................A2 April 12 - 21, Smeltzer Auctions & Real Estate, Dawson County & City of Glendive Surplus, Online..................................................................................................A8 April 15 - 28, Smeltzer Auctions & Real Estate, Vaira Estate, Online.............A10 May 2, Ophus Auction Company, Roger Folwer Estate, Virtual/Online..........A25 May 2, Kevin Hill Auction Services Inc., Farm & Ranch, Hot Springs MT........A6 May 16, Weaver Auctions, Consignment, Drummond MT...............................A18 May 23, Matt’s Auction Service, Spring Consignment, Vaughn, MT...............A20 May 30, Shobe Auction & Realty, Cabin Fever, Lewistown MT.......................A22 June 13, Shobe Auction & Realty, MT Horse Progress Days, Moore MT.......A22 June 25, Flying D Auction, Taft Estate, Devon MT............................................A18 June 25, Shobe Auction & Realty, Taildragger Farms Equipment, Turner MT...... ..........................................................................................................................A22

Signup for Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands

From USDA Farmers and ranchers may apply to enroll grasslands in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands signup beginning March 16. The signup runs through May 15. “Through this CRP Grasslands signup, farmers and ranchers can protect grasslands, rangelands and pastures, while CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


April 23 , Mangen Angus Ranch, Belle Fourche SD..........................................A7 April 30, Nelson Ranch, Glasgow MT..................................................................A8


June 12-14..................Montana Mule Days, Whitehall MT................................A32


These four bum lambs got quite a bit of attention during the GATE held in Glendive, MT the weekend of February 14-15. A part of the Dawson County FFA Chapter’s fundraiser, they provided much entertainment for the children attending the event with their parents and grandparents.

Stay safe during brandings, shearings and other spring agricultural work

The Montana Farm Bureau is commending the Department of Livestock and the Montana Department of Public Health for their safety guidelines for agricultural activities in our state during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I’m hoping our Montana agricultural community realizes the seriousness of this pandemic and follows commonsense guidelines,” said Montana Farm Bureau President Hans McPherson. “As a farmer myself, I know how independent farmers and ranchers can be, but this is the time to act for the health and safety of everyone. I know how fun big brandings are, but we must all accept the fact that this year is unique and adjust accordingly. It’s not only our duty to keep producing food, it’s also our duty to help stop the spread of COVID-19. A lot of us in rural counties already are social distancing—which seems to be keeping the virus at bay—now is not the time to go dumb!” “The State of Montana and the Department of Livestock recognize the importance of business continuity for farmers and ranchers. We understand that ranching activities such as branding, pregnancy checking, bull-testing and shearing may require involvement of multiple individuals,” said Montana Department of Livestock Executive Officer Mike Honeycutt. “While we continue to encourage local governments to permit continuation of ranching activities, we ask farmers and ranchers to strongly

consider implementation of the following guidelines set forth by Montana Department of Public Health.” Individuals at risk for severe complications of COVID-19, such as those with diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and those who are immunosuppressed should avoid performing ranch activities within a group. Limit brandings and other activities to essential crews only (smallest crew possible to get the job done). Do not provide a group meal. Offer sack lunches or have attendees pack their own lunch. Do not share water bottles or utensils. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY.................................A16 Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT...............A45 Ehlke Herefords, Townsend MT...................................A31 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT...............................A31 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT...................................A31 K & C Herefords, Deer Lodge MT................................A31 Little Bitterroot Ranch, Hot Springs MT.....................A34 Maloney Angus & Simmental, Turner MT....................A22 McKechnie Herefords, Shelby MT...............................A31 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT........................................A31 O’Hara Land & Cattle, Fort Benton MT.......................A33 Peterson Angus, Drummond MT.................................A28 Praise the Lord Gelbvieh, Reserve MT.......................A37 R & R Cattle, Roy MT....................................................A20 Rafter Ranch Inc., Wise River MT................................A31 Rimrock Cattle Co, Kevin MT.......................................A24 Sleeping Willow Ranch, Stevensville MT....................A23 Thomas Herefords, Gold Creek MT.............................A31 Wichman Herefords, Moore MT...................................A31


The deadline for May issue is WEDNESDAY, April 29 Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A30 Email:

Trader’s Dispatch April 2020 — Page A2


1995 John Deere 8100 MFWD tractor with power shift, 1000 PTO, 3-point hitch and 7817 hours. In good condition................................................................................ Asking $46,500 2014 PJ 30-ft. flatbed trailer, 10-ft. hydraulic dovetail, dual wheels, 16,000# tandem axles and air brakes. Excellent condition...................................................................... Asking $14,000 1994 Ford L9000 daycab, Cat 3176 engine, 370 hp, 9-speed transmission, 4-way lockers.... ......................................................................................................................... Asking $9000 Phone (406) 397-3333, Hingham, Montana


2010 New Holland P2060 60-ft. seed tool with P1060 430 bushel cart, set up for double shoot. Cart is tow between, three compartment, variable rate with Pro600 control, external switch box and is ISO compatible to run through tractor display. Dual tires, dual fans and LED lights on back. Extra meter rollers included. Seed tool has 550 lb trips with Dutch side band openers and 4.5” steel packer wheels. All packer bearings have been replaced. Primary blockage monitors. Excellent tires on seed tool. Drill and cart are in good shape and rockshafts are not all bent up. 2nd owner.........................................................$56,000 obo Phone 406-390-6477, Dagmar, Montana




Signup for Conservation Reserve Program Grasslands CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

maintaining the land as working grazing lands,” said State Executive Director Lois Van MARK. “The program emphasizes support for grazing operations and plant and animal biodiversity, while protecting land under the greatest threat of conversion or development.” Through CRP Grasslands, participants retain the right to conduct common grazing practices, such as haying, mowing or harvesting seed from the enrolled land. Timing of some activities may be restricted by the primary nesting season of birds. Participants will receive an annual rental payment and may receive up to 50 percent cost-share for establishing approved conservation practices. The duration of the CRP contract is either 10 or 15 years. FSA will rank applications using a number of factors including existence of expiring CRP land, threat of conversion or development, existing grassland, and predominance of native species cover, and cost. The 2018 Farm Bill set aside 2 million acres for CRP Grassland enrollment. CRP is one of the largest conservation programs at USDA. CRP marks its 35-year anniversary in 2020 with 22 million acres currently enrolled. For more information or to enroll in CRP Grasslands, contact your local FSA county office or visit crp. To locate your local FSA office, visit service-locator.

Stay safe during spring work CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

Selling for: Madonna Oeck Beach, ND - Rosebud County Forsyth, MT Lazy F Bar LLC Fallon, MT The Spring 2020 Agricultural Marketplace Auction has several pieces of quality equipment from either a complete sell out dispersal, Divorce or County entity. Bid with confidence. TRACTORS John Deere 7800 MFWD Tractor 5441 hrs. • John Deere 9420 4WD Tractor 4085 hrs. • John Deere 9520 4WD Tractor 4098 hrs


• •

TRUCKS - SEMI TRUCKS • 2006 International 9400 - 228 inch wb, 10 speed, sleeper. • 1991 International 4900 4x2 truck, 170” wb, dump box, 120,760 , automatic. • 1986 Mack Model DM6856 Tree Spade Truck , 19,207 miles on Odometer, Manual transmission. • 1999 International Semi 60 series,13 spd. • 1977 Ford 9000 11.5 yard Dump Truck • 1995 Ford L9000 Semi Truck, 13 spd. FEED MIXER WAGON • Kuhn Knight Model 3142 Mixer Feeder Wagon- 1000 PTO, s/n 130367. VEHICLES • 2009 Ford Expedition • 2006 Ford Explorer • 2005 Ford Explorer • 2001 Ford F250 XLT super duty 4x4 • 2001 Ford Crown Victoria • 1997 Ford wheeled coach ambulance • 1998 Ford wheeled coach ambulance

Pintle Hitch tandem axle tilt bed 1993 Kentucky moving van trailer

CONSTRUCTION • Smith 200 Air compressor on trailer (Diesel) • Genie TML 4000N Light Plant • 1970 J.I Case Crawler Dozer, angle blade MISC. IMPLEMENTS • Krause 18’ offset disc. Model 1498SN#6054 (good condition- recent disc replacements. • Sakundiak- HD8 -1400 PTO Grain Auger • Brillion 3 point Ripper 3CP-51, s/n 71986 11’ wide, 19” ripper spacing. VEHICLES • 1992 Chevy Cheyenne 2500 4x4 • 1990 Ford F250 4 speed • 1997 F250HD 2wd 4 speed • 1967 Chev. Truck, Model 50, v8, oil truck • 1965 Dodge 500, tandem axle oil truck • 1988 Dodge diplomat car •


Have water and soap available for handwashing on site. Hand sanitizer is not effective if hands are soiled (dirt, manure, blood, etc.). When taking breaks, maintain six feet of distance between individuals while socializing. When branding, consider the use of branding forks to restrain animals when using a rope/drag method. When a calf table is used, identify the smallest number of people needed to operate the equipment you have. Keep the number of people near the animal at one time to a minimum, such as having the person vaccinating wait for the person performing castration to step away. Honeycutt added that local public health officers have the authority to require more restrictive measures than those described above so be aware of regulations specific to your local jurisdiction. Questions, please contact the Department of Livestock at (406) 444-2976.

We’re on the web THE TRADER’S DISPATCH (USPS 019-793)

April 2020 — Vol. XXI No. 3 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for May issue WEDNESDAY, April 29.

Financing Available 888.525.9805

Have equipment to sell? Want top dollar and have it sold at your farm on one of our timed online auctions? Call today!

877-243-6691 www.FarmIronBid.Com

North Dakota Auctioneers License #1066


Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales

Office Phone 406-271-5533

FAX 406-271-5727

e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build you ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.

Ag sector may begin seeing coronavirus pandemic effects

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A3

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


(2) 2019 John Deere S790 STS combines with 45-ft. flex draper By Cole Ehmke, rural entrepreneurship specialist, headers. Only 163 hours per machine. Used one season and UW Extension these are absolutely loaded with options. Still under full warranty. Coronavirus is taking a bite out of local businesses on $520,000 each or will negotiate a discount for both machines Main Street and now the implications for agriculture are beginning to take shape, said the rural entrepreneurship Call Dean (406) 579-6557 or specialist with University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. Those implications include falling commodity TIMED ONLINE ONLY ENDS: TUE APRIL 28th prices affecting any farmer who had March contracts for Starts Closing At 7 PM delivering grain, said Cole Larslan, Montana Ehmke in the Department 54 Larslan Rd • From Glasgow: East on Hwy 2 to Nashua, of Agricultural and Applied North on Nashua Rd 438 for 33.5 mi to Larslan Rd, East 3.5 mi Economics at UW. “And it seems likely there will be a manpower shortage,” said Ehmke. “Custom harvesters for wheat often draw crews from countries such as Australia and South Africa who may not be able to get here. Labor will likely be an issue for producers of fresh vegetables for farmers markets and horticultural products as the spring develops.” Interrupted logistics could delay needed supplies TRACTORS • COMBINES • TRUCKS • TRAILERS of fertilizer, chemicals and SPRAYER • GRAIN HANDLING EQT • BINS seed, especially as planting AIR DRILL • CONSTRUCTION EQT time nears for some spring crops like corn, he said. TRUCKS GRAIN HANDLING CONTRACTOR EQT “I’d guess that things are 2014 CIH 8230 Combine; 1247 2012 Deere 320D Skidsteer; 825 2004 Peterbilt 379 Semi; 905,389 okay for the next month rHrs/1685 eHrs, CIH GPS, FS Pro hrs, 76” bkt, quick attch, encl cab mi, Cat C15-550hp, 18 spd, jake, with the supplies on hand, 700, 300 bu tank, ext auger, chaff diff lock, 5th whl, 70” Unibilt sleeper, 1978 Case 580C Backhoe; 4071 chopper, 20.8R42 duals, hdr tilt, but uncertainty is an issue t/a, 11R22.5 virgin, 265” wb hrs, 4 wd, 30” bkt, 80” bkt, new elec adj, air ride, after that,” said Ehmke. “If tires 1993 Kenworth T600; 987,011 mi, 2013 CIH 8230 Combine; 1357 truckers stay home, then Erskin Skidsteer Snowblower 74” Cat 3406B, 13 spd, 20’ Renn box, rHrs/1735 eHrs, CIH GPS, Pro 700, hoist, 3 axle w/air lift, plumbed for our ability to move products HLA Skidsteer Fork Attch 48” 300 bu tank, ext auger, chaff choppup, Shurlok tarp, jake, diff lock, per, 900/60R32 may be an issue. And some Skidsteer Trailer Mover Attch 285/75R24.5 2015 MacDon Flex Draper Header technical ingredients come Generac Generator; 35kw/20kw 1993 Peterbilt 377 Semi; 711,361 FD75-0; 45’, trnspt, Flex-Float tech cont, 540 pto from China.” mi, Cat 3176, 10 spd, jake, diff lock, 2014 MacDon Flex Draper Header BINS & TANKS t/a, 285/75R24.5, 5th whl, 230” wb The future gets cloudier FD75-0; 45’, trnspt, Flex-Float tech (3) Amber Wave Hopper Btm Bins; if the human factor of panic 1963 IH 1800; 31,544 mi, 16’ 2014 Parker 839 Grain Cart; 800 3200 bu Knapheide box, hoist, Shurlok tarp, buying is added – which bu, scales, roll tarp, 30.5-32 9.00-20 (2) Grain Max Hopper Btm Bin 2016 Loftness Bag Grain Uncreates an incentive for reaGM3000; 3200 bu loader GBV-10 1961 Ford F600; 79,452 mi, 12’ sonable people to buy before Grain Max Hopper Btm Bin box, hoist, 6 cyl gas, 4 spd, Honda 2016 Loftness Grain Bag Loader there is none left. GM1000; 1000 bu 3” pump, 350 gal tank, hose reel, GBL-10 “While the run on toihose (3) Friesen Hopper Btm Bin; 3200 2015 WF MKX130-74 Auger; bu, poly lined let paper was irrational 13”x74’, swing away 1974 IH L800; 16,271 mi, 20’ MW (3) Endurapas 10,000 Gal Poly Tank since the usage rate hasn’t box, hoist, V8 gas, 5/2 shift, twin WF MK130-61 Auger; 13”x61’, screw, 9.00-20 swing away Endurapas 7000 Gal Poly Tank changed, it may be more WF MK100-61 Auger; 10”x61’, Enduraplast 2200 Gal Poly Tank difficult for pesticide apTRAILERS swing away Enduraplast 2500 Gal Poly Tank plicators to find the needed 2010 Maurer Grain; 36’, ShurLok WF J208-31 Auger; 8”x31’ tarp, 11R24.5 respirators required for use 2600 Gal Poly Tank, 3” port Sakundiak Auger HD7; 7”x45’ with some pesticide prod100 Gal Port Fuel Tank, 12v pump 2004 Jet Grain; 40’, ShurLok tarp, Batco 1545 Belt Auger; 15”x45’, 11R24.5, t/a ucts,” he said. Handler II Mix Tank, pump & hose hydr mover In the animal agriculDuromax 3” Transfer Pump & hose 2004 Jet Grain Pup; 20’, ShurLok Batco 1590 Belt Auger; 15”x90’, tarp, w/dollie, 40,000 gvwr swing away ture sector, illnesses at proGrain Guard Blower; 5 hp Horvack Belt Auger; 12”x40’ cessing facilities with large 2002 Neville Dropdeck; 45’, beaPICKUPS vertail, 68,000 gvwr, 255/70R22.5 6- Ipesasilo Grain Bags 10’x250’ workforces could create 2002 Chev 2500; 205k mi, 4x4, 350V8, port fuel tank DIRT WORKING & SPRAYER 1993 Wabash Flatbed L96; 45’, t/a, issues with a backlog of 75,000 gvwr, 285/75R24.5 2015 John Deere R4038 Sprayer; 1996 GMC 3500; 290k mi, 4X4, animals on a ranch or in 1466 hrs, Starfire 3000 gps, Greendually, 454V8, port fuel tank 1995 Titan Flatbed; 20’/5’ beaverfeedlots, and even traditionstar 3, 120’ booms, 5 way nzls, tail, ramps, t/a dually, gsnk, 10,000 1999 Chev 2500; 186k mi, 4x4, ally social events like spring 1000 gal, inductor tank, air susp, gvwr, 7.50-16 LT 454V8, 250 gal water tank auto fold, adj axles, deluxe cab brandings might have to be MISC 2010 PJ Flatbed; 16’, ramps, t/a, 2014 John Deere Air Seeder; 60’ reconfigured. ST225/75R15 Pallet Scale; 3000 lb cap 1890C tool bar, dbl disc, 7 1/2”, “Many animals are taken 1910T cart, 430 bu, 3 cmprt, seed 2003 Const Dollie TSDL-18; t/a, Champion Port Air Compressor; to slaughter based on certain treater, 520/85R38 duals, Greenext tongue 30 gal, 175 psi, gas mtr Star 3 monitor size or weight. So, there may 2- Goodyear Tires 800/70R38’s TRACTORS Phillips 4305A Rotary Harrow 43’ be processing challenges 2013 John Deere 9510R; 4wd, later on,” Ehmke said. “This 2416 hrs, Starfire 3000 GPS, will also mean producers Greenstar 3, Autosteer, 5 hydr, 1000 pto, 800/70R38 duals, 510 HP will have to make larger investments in feeding and 1986 Deutz 7110; 3313 hrs, 2wd, sells w/Westendorf loader, 3pt, maintaining the health of the 540/1000 pto, 2 hydr, 18.4-38 animals.” The situation is the coronavirus is forcing local BID ONLINE AT businesses and government agencies to adjust, “And ag will have to adjust, too,” 406.652.2266 Ehmke said.


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A4

20th Spring Fever Auction

Timed Online Machinery Auction Sunday May 03, 2020 Expecting Over 400 Items, Lots start closing at 1pm MST Preview Dates Online Miles City, MT Directions: From I-94 Take Exit 141 then go downhill one mile & look left. 406-234-7355 25+ Unused Skid Steer Attachments Lowe Hyd Auger 1650 w/ 9" 12" 18" ; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 9" & 12"; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 12" ; Lowe Hyd Auger 750 w/ 9" 12" 15"; Stout Brush Grapple 66-9; Stout Grapple Bucket HD72FB; Stout Rock Bucket Grapple 72-3; Stout Rock Bucket/Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open-End; Stout Rock Bucket/Brush Grapple Combo HD72-3 Open-End; Unused Stout Material Bucket 84" w/ double-cut edge; Unused Stout Tree & Post Puller ; Unused Stout Grapple Attachment AddOn; Stout Regular Weld-on Skid Steer Plate; Stout Solid Weld-on Skid Steer Plate; Stout WalkThrough Pallet Forks 48" w/ skid steer quick attach; Stout Add-on Fork Grapple; 4- Maxam 1016.5 Skd Str Tires 10-ply

10 Rolls Used 6 ft. Chain Link Fence This will be the last chain link fence we will be selling. Each roll is about 75– 85 ft. +/- heavy gauge from State Surplus. Heavy Equipment CAT D6H high track dozer, little over 4000 hours, two owners, with book, 3306 engine 1985 John Deere 670A Motorgrader, JD 6 cyl. Engine, power shift transmission, 12 ft. moldboard, former US Air Force machine from Great Falls. CAT 613B Motor Scraper, Training unit from local college, perfect size for any Farm or Ranch.

20+ Pickups 1957 Chevrolet Napco 4x4; original 1967 GMC 4x4 Good body, runs good. 2 - 1969 GMC 1 ton duallys 2 - 1973 Ford F100’s drivers 2015 Chevrolet Crew Cab 4x4 flt bed 2008 Ford F350 Crew Cab V10 Gas 43K 2003 Ford Crew Cab w/ Bale Bed diesel 2003 Ford F150 4x4 25K original miles 2002 Duramax crew cab, Red, 300k 2004/5 Duramax Crew cab short bed 1997 Ford F350 Crew Cab 460 / Auto 1995 Chevy 1/2 ton 185K miles 4x4 1991 GMC 1/2 Ton 70K original miles 1984 Ford F250 4x4, 460, Auto, nice 1982 Chevrolet 1/2 ton 4x4, Nice Farm / Ranch & Misc. Items Ford Ranger ext cab 4x4 truck 2 - Hesston 6600 Swathers, field ready, 12 ft. Datsun B210 car; 1949 Studebaker Truck Headers, both slant 6 gas engines ++ More Coming! Watch for additional units. 2 Freeman 200 Self propelled Square Balers NH 1049 Self propelled, Ford 390, field ready Heavy Trucks & Trailers 3 - NH 55 Hay Rakes, Square bale Picker; 1985 IH 9370 BC400, 13 speed IH 19 ft. Draper header; NH 1033 Bale wagon; NH 1980 Kenworth 900 CAT 3406A, 15 sp 310 Square Baler; JD 2 Row corn chopper; JD 6 S/A Ford Flatbed 3208 & 5 speed row 3 pt. Planter; 25 ft. Brillion Roller Harrow; IH Volvo Cab Over T/A Feed Grinder; Hyd. Calf chute; More items online 1995Fontaine Drop Deck, Spread Axle Older Ford Flathead V8 Farm Truck Tractors & More Older 1950’s Chevrolet Farm Truck JD 4440 w/ JD 260 loader & grapple; one owner Military 4x4 Truck since 1998, Heat, AC, everything works, 3 point, 1997 Wilson & 68 TRMB Hay Train quad range, inside is well kept / clean tractor 40 ft. GN Flatbed Trailer Duals JD 4440 W/ 158 Loader, quad range JD 4430 w/ Loader; 3 pt., quad range Forklifts & Man Lifts JD 4105 Compact Tractor; like new Hyster 6K pound forklift, rubber tires JD G Tractor, one family tractor, nice Genie Z-60 34 man lift, in Billings, MT JD 620 Tractor Wide front, gas engine Genie S-85 man lift in Billings, MT Pair of 10 hole Hubs / Duals for JD 4440 JLG 60K man lift in Colstrip, MT Massey Ferguson 65, gas, 3 pt, runs grt 75 HP Electric Pumps Used Laminated Wood Beams 2 - 75 hp. Smith & Loveless 3 phase water Over 50 Laminated Beams; variety of thickness & pumps, valves, panel etc. lengths; perfect for open face sheds or center beams on modular home foundations; many uses ATV’s & Side by Sides 2012 Polaris 850 AWD four wheeler, lady Flat Bed, Enclosed & Stock Trailers owned, super clean; JD 825 efi side by side; 12 Ft. Utility Trailer; Boast Trailer Frame: Kawasaki 4 wheeler; Kawasaki side by side, Finshline Bumper pull Equipment Trailer; 2009 Small Chopper Motorcycle; Kawasaki LTD 750 Loadmax Gn Dually 29 ft. x 101” wide; 2– Enw/ 6300 miles; 2012 Polaris Ranger S+S closed Bumper Pull Trailers; 20 ft. Stock Trailer with 8 lug Dexter Axles; GN Low Pro Flatbed Misc. Items, No particular order trailer; more coming in, keep watching online. 14- 24.5 Aluminum truck rims; 2 - 22.5 aluminum truck rims; Engine crane; Quantity of BrickRV layers scaffolding, Water pump and fire hose 2016 Keystone Cougar 36 ft. Bumper pull, 3 slide reel, Amoco frame machine platform, 2 - 8 foot outs; Arctic Package; Awning; fireplace; like a tiny toppers: Variety of wheels and tires for 6 lug house on wheels, Good Kitchen / Layout. Chevrolet pick ups, 67 to 72 Ford truck doors; First GEN Camaro sheet metal fenders doors & more: Two utility trailer's: Pallet full landscape timbers; Pallet full steel studs; Vintage truck sleeper, Sleeper off T 800 truck; 200 gallon per minute fire hose platform; 1000 gallon plastic tank and hoses, 10 - 9' x 5' tall light duty panels, round bale feeder, mound maker three point, 500 gallon fuel tank, thousand gallon fuel tank, 7 foot sickle mower, 4 - 10:20 truck tires, diesel and Onan gas generator trailer; several three point post hole diggers; 3 pt. Broadcast spreader; 1250 pcs. 3/8"X20' #3 Gatorbar; Quantity of Unused Amsco Windows 300 pcs. 4/4x3.5 x12' James Hardie primed cement bd trim; 1" 4X8 Styrofoam insulated panel; Moisture 4 - Sports Cars All 2014 Year Models shield composite decking, Several colors and ++Back in 2014 one of our customers had a mid lengths; 25 pcs. 1"X8" 18' KLEER START trim; life crisis when he was 82 years old. He went to 200 pcs. 5/16 x 7.25 X 12' James Hardie town & bought four sports cars. A 2014 Camaro, Primed cement bd siding; 30 pcs. 5/16 x 11.25 x 2014 Mustang, 2014 Challenger & a 2014 M5 12' James Hardie Primed cement bd trim; VariMiata. At 88 years old, he has decided to slow it ous bunks of Cull lumber, hem fir and also up a tad. Each car has super low miles & are well treated lumber; White Deck Railing & more; kept. Lesson here is ”LIVE your life!” - Sorry, No 1000 gal. Fuel tank w/ Pump; 500 gal. fuel tank test drives. w/ pump; Denali Bear Trap 3 ft. wide; Snap On Wheel balancer for Car & motorcycles; Snap On AC Service Machine; Car Towing Caddy; Fence Bid Online at Chargers & more! Many Unused Items TMG Wheel Balancer & Tire Changer, TMG 3 pt. branch grinders; TMB Skid Steer buckets, root rake; TMG Container Covers; TMG 3 PT. 70” Rototillers; TMG Skid Steer HYD Breaker; TMG Forklift extensions; TMG Plate compactor & 14 inch Concrete saw: TMG 9000 Gen: 2– TMG 10,000 lb. Shop Hoists; 2 TMG 10 ft. Bamboo top work benches: TMG 2 Car Ports, 2 Greenhouses: TMG 30x60x15ft. Fabric building; TMG Chicken Plucker; TMG 252 Unused Traffic cones; TMG 10 ton Digital scale; TMG 2 - 12 ton pipe benders; TMG 10 Ton Porta power; TMG 2 & 4 inch Trash pumps; TMG 50 ton Shop Press

Bldg. in in Forsyth, MT One Owner, Only 25,000 miles

Auction Commercial Building **Inspection Dates** 27 April 2020- 03 May 2020 From 8 am-4pm daily. 1108 US Hwy 12, Miles City, MT I-94 to Exit 141 downhill one mile

COVID-19: Use common sense. If you are sick, STAY HOME, call or text for information. Please follow State of MT guidelines. Thanks!

Terms: Look online for full terms. Everything sold as is where is. 6% BP

192 N. 10th Street Forsyth, MT Building only, Tenant has lease until Sept 2020 @ $600. per month Details online, Sells May 05, 2020


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A5

20th Spring Fever Auction

JD 4105 is like new 300+ hours

We are Still Accepting Consignments

Auctioneers Note: Our 20th year for this annual auction. Watch website for many other items coming in. Unreserved Consignments being accepted till 01 May 2020. Items in Miles City, Colstrip & Billings, MT. Due to the Covid-19 virus, please respect a proper social distance from staff & other customers. Over 1000 pictures online. Watch the videos. Thanks & Happy Spring! - Matt Smith


* Please note we have a good line up of

Haying Equipment this year. All of it is field ready. Quality Square Bale Machinery. This is a partial listing about 35 days out from the Auction date.

Please Bid Online at

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A6

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.




PICKUP FLATBEDS! • Steel or Aluminum • 4 Models to Choose From!


C&B and Walton Dump Trailers

3000 Series Aluminum Beds

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SLT Steel Truck Beds

w/several additional options!

Aluma Aluminum Trailers

C&B and Walton Equipment Trailers

Mirage Cargo Trailers

Adams Raft Trailers

C&B and Adams Utility Trailers

Don’t Dally, Come to Valley Quality Products at Competitive Prices 5246 Jackrabbit Lane • Belgrade, MT 59714


Monday thru Friday 9 am - 5:00 pm email:



Due to current events please go to our website to check the status of all auctions. IRRIGATION Big Gun Sprinklers (2) 40 HP 3PH Motor w/Pump 230/460 (2) 25 HP 3PH Motor w/Pump 230/460 2 Wheel Line Movers For Parts 2 Wheel Line Movers w/o Motors Submersible Well Pumps 25HP 3PH Motor w/Pump 208-440 V Motor Starter Boxes (2) Misc Sprinkler Parts Wheel Line Mover Motors (Several) Tower Motors - Omni Gear 3PH460V

Pipe Press on Pickup Bed Trailer 15HP Pump HP Gas 10HP 1PH, 230V Motor w/Pump 4” Handline-40’ w/Center Riser Spring Coupler (11) Fairbanks Morse PTO Pump on Wheels Pipe Trailers (4) Wheel Line Pipe 4” (7) Wheel Line Pipe 5” (5) Misc Irrigation Pipe-Hand & Wheel Line

LIVESTOCK SUPPLIES Powder River Maternity Pen-Self Catch 10x10 Thorson 5’ LH Squeeze Chute Hi-Qual Self Catch 8’ LH Squeeze Chute Hi-Qual 3’ Palp Cage Sioux Mineral Feeders (5) Solar Stock Pump 1000 Gal Water Tank 750 +/- Gal Poly Tanks 8’ Priefert 7’ Squeeze Chute Misc Hay - Round Bales Misc Straw - Square Bales

EQUIPMENT / VEHICLES JD 4955 4WD Tractor, 15 Spd Power Shift, Rear Duals, 3 Remotes, Meter Read 3469 Hrs, SN# RW4955P001001 JD4055 Tractor w/740 Loader, 2 Remotes, Meter Reads 4721.8 Hrs, SN# RW4055H010613 JD7420 4WD Tractor w/Loader & Grapple, 2 Remotes, Meter Read 6771 Hrs, SN# RW7420R001786 Kuelker’s J5B900 Bale Processor, SN# JSB7576 2 Wheel Rake Extension NH Stackliner 1033 SN# 10433 IH 4 Bottom Rollover Plow RW Spinoff 3pt

Peerless/Joplin Grain Roller - PTO SN#13011217 Ford T08 3613 3Pt Ripper 2002 Polaris Magnum 325 4 Wheeler ATV Trailer 5’W x 8’L w/Ramp 15’ x 4” Auger John Deere 630 Disc 21-ft. Hydraulic Wings SN# N00630X003419 NH 169 Digidrive Tedder SN# B0650 Vermeer R23A Twin Rake SN# 1VRR201P9Y1001716 2015 Breviglieni B170V Rototiller 10’ SN# Z1700449 Tana GN Trailer 8’ x 24’, No Deck 12’ Culti Packer, Single

F350 Powerstroke Truck, Auto 4x4, 11’ Steel Bed, 119k Miles w/Dew Eze 487 XRM Bale Feeder Alliance 520/85R42 Tractor Tire - NEW Honda Rebel 250(?) Motorcycle JD Net Wrap 67”x7000’, 5.5 Rolls 6’ Back Blade 3Pt Quacker 6’ 3Pt Norwest Center Pivot Track Filler Post Hole Auger 3Pt, 12” Bit ATV Trailer w/Tilt Bed 4’W x 6’L 2002 F250 Powerstroke Truck, Auto 4x4, 178k Miles Delta Harrow S3 Flex Harrow 32’ Massey Ferguson 5 Bottom Plow, Pull

More than 3.4 million acres selected for CRP

From USDA Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced the acceptance of more than 3.4 million acres in the general Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) signup recently completed, the first general signup enrollments since 2016. County offices will begin notifying producers with accepted offers no later than April 3. Through CRP, farmers and ranchers receive an annual rental payment for establishing long-term, resource-conserving plant species, such as approved grasses or trees, to control soil erosion, improve water quality and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland. Farmers and ranchers who participate in CRP help provide numerous benefits to the nation’s environment and economy. “The Conservation Reserve Program is one of our nation’s largest conservation endeavors and is critical in helping producers better manage their operations while conserving valuable natural resources,” State Executive Director Lois Van MARK said. “The program marked its 35th anniversary this year, and we were quite pleased to see one of our largest signups in many years.” Over these 35 years, CRP has addressed multiple concerns while ensuring the most competitive offers are selected by protecting fragile and environmentally sensitive lands, improving water quality, enhancing wildlife populations, providing pollinator forage habitat, sequestering carbon in soil and enhancing soil productivity. Seventy percent of the nation’s land is owned and tended privately, and America’s farmers, ranchers and landowners have willingly stepped up to protect the environment and natural resources. This general signup included offers for State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE), which allows producers to install practices that benefit high-priority, locally developed wildlife conservation objectives using targeted restoration of vital habitat. Over 95 percent of SAFE offers submitted were accepted under this general signup representing more than 487,500 acres. This acceptance level highlights the commitment to SAFE as an important part of CRP. The 2018 Farm Bill established a nationwide acreage limit for CRP, with the total number of acres that may be enrolled capped at 24.5 million acres in 2020 and growing to 27 million by 2023. While the deadline for general CRP signup was February 28, 2020, signups for continuous CRP, Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, CRP Grasslands and the Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) are ongoing. The CRP Grasslands deadline is May 15, and the SHIPP signup begins March 30, 2020, and ends August 21, 2020. Continuous and Grasslands enrollments are available nationwide. All counties located within the Prairie Pothole region states of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota are eligible for SHIPP. This spring, FSA will roll out a new pilot conservation program, the Clean Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers 30 (CLEAR 30). For state-by-state information on general signup results, visit

National Honesty Day

Date When Celebrated: Always April 30th National Honesty Day encourages us to be honest today, and everyday. We honestly believe you try your best to be honest. Honesty is a great virtue. If we want people to believe us when its important, then we need to be open and honest all of the time. We all know about the boy who cried wolf. When a wolf actually appeared, no one believed him. Celebrate National Honesty Day in a completely open and honest way. To be totally honest, there are few rules for this special day......just be honest. Origin of “National Honesty Day”: M. Hirsh Goldberg, former press secretary to a governor of Maryland and author of five books, created National Honesty Day in the early 1990s after spending four years researching and writing The Book of Lies (Morrow). This book has been translated into Japanese, Korean and Chinese. Goldberg created this day, because he felt that the month of April, which begins with a big day of lying (April Fools Day), should end on a higher moral note.

How satellites, drones and the internet are changing agriculture

By Cole Staudt, media relations specialist at the American Farm Bureau Federation As my dad climbs into the tractor this And as more data is collected on farms spring, he’ll plug in his iPad, open an app nationwide, we can better track all the facand start planting. As the tractor rolls across tors that impact crop and animal growth, the field, the screen on the iPad turns green which will help reduce waste and produce with it. better, more nutritious products. The app is logging seed population data, In November 2018, romaine lettuce cross-referencing the soil type with surveys was pulled from store shelves nationwide of the land. because the source of an E. coli outbreak As the plants come up, satellite photos couldn’t be found. New technology, once of his field are analyzed, and a color-coded fully implemented, will be used in the fumap shows him any trouble spots. He’ll go ture to track food from field to table. That out to the field and put the drone he purmeans if something does go wrong, like a chased last year into the air and take a closer food-borne illness, it can be traced back to look at those spots and make any necessary the place it started, allowing for an efficient adjustments. recall targeting only the products that came In the fall, he’ll plug the iPad into the in contact with the contamination. combine so it can track the yield as he harThese are just a few of the many ways vests. When harvest is complete, he can see farmers and ranchers are starting to implehow different seeds performed in different ment technology. As farmers like my dad soils, analyzing the impacts of fertilizer start using these new technologies, our food and other inputs, and make his plan for supply will become even safer, healthier and next year. more sustainable. I never could’ve imagined my dad utilizing technology like this on the farm; it was hard enough to teach him to use his first smartphone. But it’s becoming standard operating procedure for farmers and ranchers across the country. As technology has become more affordable, many farmers see it as a tool to help reduce inputs, increase yields and reduce runoff from fertilizers and other necessary chemicals. Technology can also decrease the time farmers spend on a task, allowing them to focus on other duties, of which there is no shortage on the farm. There are many organizations supporting the development of this technology, especially from start-up companies in rural communities. One example is the American Farm Bureau’s Ag Innovation Challenge, which recently named Dana Mohr of HydroSide Systems Lot 119 • BD: 03/03/2019 • Reg No: 19604729 as Entrepreneur of the Year. Sire: Gmar Active Duty • WW: 749 lbs. HydroSide Systems developed a product that can be added to an existing wheel line which will autonomously move the line to irrigate the whole field. Automating the wheel line’s movements means farmers save time and effort usually spent manually moving the line. Other start-ups that were Lot 153 • BD: 03/28/2019 • Reg No: 19665544 featured in the Challenge Sire: Gmar Waylon • WW: 717 lbs. monitor swine herds in real time, use drones to spray specific areas in a field and reduce biomass waste. By integrating data into decisions, farmers can increase their profit margins, which could make all the difference in this tight farm economy. Using drones to drastically reduce the amount of weed killer a Lot 11 • BD: 03/18/2019 • Reg No: 19604627 farmer must apply can save Sire: GS Tiger 328 • WW: 744 lbs. thousands of dollars and decrease the risk of run-off. Implanting microchips into an animal’s ear can help specialize its diet, monitor its health and even save its life.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A7


Phone (406) 788-6478


John Deere X728, only 40 hours, 27 hp, JD 45 loader & JD 647 rotary tiller included. Purchasing terms and delivery available.......................................... $13,500

Call 406-250-6080

Lot 139 • BD: 03/01/2019 • Reg No: 19662681 Sire: MAR Long Distance • WW: 660 lbs.

Lot 1 • BD: 04/05/2019 • Reg No: 19604617 Sire: GS Tiger 328 • WW: 736 lbs.

Lot 93 • BD: 04/11/2019 • Reg No: 19604703 Sire: GS Bullseye • WW: 686 lbs.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A8

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


Common, believed to be Old Isky. Good for pasture blends. Phone (406) 473-2293

Red & Black Simmental & Sim/Angus

BULL SALE April 30 • Glasgow Stockyards Sale starts at 1 p.m. 40 Head Solid Head Solid Red 50 Black Head• 40 Black 15 Head Solid Red Composite

YEARLING BULLS Thick – Meaty – Moderate Framed – Easy Calving A. I. Sires Represented

Red Sires Distinction 9 Mile Franchise HXC Allegiance Honor 18 Karat Cadillac

Black Sires Leachman @ Last Trinity Accelerate Payweight 1682 H A Cowboy Up Pay Dirt

This herd has produced the top rate-of-gain steer 8 of the last 12 years at the NE Montana Fair.

“Breeding Simmentals since 1969”

Nelson Ranch

Don Nelson

Floyd Nelson, Jr.

(406) 367-5261 • cell 263-5261 (406) 228-2024 • cell 263-5251 173F Nelson Rd. • Glasgow, MT 59230 PO Box 254 • Glasgow, MT 59230





1978 CHEVY C30 Pickup

1999 FORD F-350 7.3 7 3 Diesel


2000 FORD F-350

1970 FORD Dump Truck & Sander

1991 FORD Van

1998 VOLVO Garbage Truck

1981 GMC C1500 Pickup

1976 POLARIS Jett Boatt


TORO Riding Lawn Mower

VOLVO Dump Truckk

• BENELLI, Super Black Eagle, 12 Gauge • REMINGTON 870 FIRE ARMS EXPRESS, 12 gauge, no cap • 20 GAUGE, barrel • SAVAGE, 67 E Series, 12 gauge • SAVAGE, 340 E Series, .222 • REMINGTON, 550L, .22 cal • MOSSBERG, Maverick Model 88, 12 gauge • MARLIN, Model 81-DL, .22 cal • MARLIN, 60W, .22 cal, with Tasco Pronghorn scope • REMINGTON, 788, .308 WIN, with Weaver scope • WESTERN FIELD, EMN 175, 12 gauge • CROSSMAN, 2100 Classic, .177 pellet • MARLIN. Model 336, 30-30, with Bushnell 3X9 • WINCHESTER, Model R, .22 Win. Mag, Weaver 3X6 • TAURUS, Rossi, .357 Magnum Revolver • SPRINGFIELD, XD-9, 9X19, NO MAG! • JIMENEZ, JA Nine, 9mm • KIMBER, .45 ACP • RUGER, LCP, .380 Auto • JIMENEZ, JA 25, .25 Auto • STEVENS, 94B, 12 gauge • PREDZEE, Model 98, 8mm

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

BLACK OPS, 4X32 Scope, .177 pellet gun H&R, Model 088, 12 gauge MARLIN, Model 60, .22 LR WOOD STOCK .177 pellet gun MOSSBERG, 500A, 12 gauge COLT AR-15, Model SP1, with Sling, No Mag DUO, .25 Auto CROSSMAN , Marksman, .177 bb BERSA, Thunder, .380 ACP ERMA, Mod. RX, .22 LR BRYCO, T380, .380 Auto TAURUS, TCP, .380 Auto BERSA, Thunder, .380 ACP, with holster NORINCO CHINA, 7.62X32 HOPKINS & ALLEN, .22, Broken Stock FIE, Model SB, 12 gauge REMINGTON, Air Master 77, .177 Pellet R.F. SEDGLY, 37 mm WINCHESTER, Model 94, 30-30 WINCHESTER, Model 94, 30-30 SAVAGE, Model 94, 12 gauge RAVEN ARMS, Model MP-25, .25 Auto ERMA-WERKE, Model KGP 58, .22 LR



Auctioneer & Real Estate Agent •


Montana Valley Irrigation opens new location Area growers can see the latest in Valley center pivot and linear equipment at the new Montana Valley Irrigation location in the Manchester industrial park at 1 Windmill View Loop, Great Falls MT 59404, beginning March 16. “We are very excited to provide our community with a convenient location to fulfill all of their agricultural irrigation needs. We are committed to providing our customers the very best in parts and service, and feel confident that this new location will help us to do so,” said owner Chris Music. As a family owned and operated Valley dealer, Montana Valley Irrigation offers growers the most reliable irrigation products, the industry’s best-trained service technicians, a dependable parts supply and knowledgeable agronomic support. We of-

fer a full line of parts for all types and brands of agricultural irrigation systems. Valley products are manufactured by Valmont Irrigation, the leader in precision irrigation. Valmont introduced the very first center pivot irrigation unit. Among other Valmont “firsts” are corner arm units and computer control technology for center pivots and linears. Today, Valley products enhance food production while conserving and protecting natural resources in more than 100 countries. Growers can obtain additional information about Valley Products from Montana Valley Irrigation by calling 406-761-8195, coming to our new shop at 1 Windmill View Loop, or by visiting

Timely snowpack recovery improves spring and summer streamflow forecasts

Montana NRCS News Release Following on the heels of January’s and volumes we experience during runoff abundant snowfall, February also delivered this year.” above normal to record-setting snowfall As the transition into spring continues, in mountain ranges supplying water to reweather patterns across Montana will gional rivers and streams. New records were change. Mountains west of the Divide set for February snowfall at seven mountain typically experience lower monthly snow SNOTEL (SNOwpack TELemetry) sites totals through spring. However, spring in southern and central Montana that were months can be significant to river basins favored by the unstable north-northwest east of the Divide. “Even though spring flow coming from Canada during the first starts on March 19, there is still typically a three weeks of the month. lot of winter left to come in the mountains, The recovery in snowpack was well and the juicy months are on the horizon for timed. “January and February snowfall some of our east of the Divide river basins. took the dismal snowpack totals reported on These months can make or break our spring January 1 along the Montana/Idaho border and summer streamflows,” said Zukiewicz. and improved snowpack to near to above Long-range forecasts issued by NOAA’s normal on March 1,” said Lucas Zukiewicz, Climate Prediction Center indicate better USDA Natural Resources Conservation than normal chances of above average temService water supply specialist for Montana. peratures across the state and near to below “This is great news for water users as we normal precipitation. “While we’ve got approach spring and summer.” Snowpack more water than we typically have stored totals in all river basins across Montana in the snowpack on March 1, I’ve learned are now near to above normal for March 1. from experience it’s never wise to assume At this point in the winter, around 75 to we will be in the same shape come May 1,” 85 percent of the seasonal peak snowpack said Zukiewicz. has typically accumulated at mountain loMonthly Water Supply Outlook Reports cations. This data gives forecasters clearer can be found at the website below after the insight into what the snowmelt may yield fifth business day of the month: https:// in seasonal water supply during spring and summer. “Streamflow prospects for spring snow/ and summer look to be near to slightly above average at this time due to the healthy snowpack totals we have in the mountains,” Zukiewicz said. However, he warns that “future snowfall, spring precipitation and temperatures during the next three months will play a critical role in both the timing

Mini-grants available through GTA Program

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) announced mini-grant funding is now available through its Growth Through Agriculture (GTA) Program. All projects will need to demonstrate how they expand Montana agriculture, but given the current public health situation with COVID-19, special attention will be paid to projects that strengthen and expand local food offerings, distribution, and infrastructure. “We’re excited to revive our mini-grant program, and now more than ever we need to invest in our food and ag companies,” said Director Ben Thomas. “In particular, we are hoping to see applications that will strengthen and diversify local food options in communities across Montana.” To qualify for consideration, proposals must have practical, near-term relevance involving education, promotion, marketing, travel or other business-related expenses that will stimulate expanded agricultural development, economic activity, and employment growth. The maximum amount for any single application is $5,000 or $2,500 for education, promotion, marketing and travel projects. Eligible applicants include individuals, businesses and industry organizations, public and private agencies, educational institutions, and local governments. Applications can be submitted through the Webgrants ( system. A review panel comprised of MDA staff with expertise in agricultural marketing and business development will begin evaluating applications on April 13, 2020. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until May 22, 2020. For more information on the GTA Mini-Grant Program, eligibility requirements, application procedures and the award process, visit our website at: The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

Money management program by UW Extension

A financial management program offered by the University of Wyoming Extension that reached more than 33 social service organizations to enhance the skills of their clients has been recognized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The FDIC presented extension’s Master Money Manager Coach (M3C) program its Creative Money Smart for Adults User of the Year honor. The program, which uses the Money Smart curriculum from FDIC, was created by a group of UW Extension’s community development educators. “UW Extension always aims to help unlock opportunities for our clients and our communities,” said Cole Ehmke, extension personal financial management specialist. “We created M3C to train community organization staff members, including individual coaching, on how to teach money management to enhance the money management skills of their clientele.” Project team members include Julie Daniels, Laramie County; Mary Martin, Teton County; Michelle Vigil, Campbell County; and Ehmke, Laramie. The M3C program was offered in Teton, Laramie, Campbell and Natrona counties. Daniels said increasing the capacity of social service organizations to assist financially at-risk clients with money management exponentially increases the network of organizations and individuals available and willing to help individuals and families. Ehmke said the CDE group found that engaging directly with organizations to get a sense of their needs, then providing a well-planned, hands-on training (that isn’t too long) increases their interest. “Many nonprofits found a significant side benefit of our class was having a forum to network with like-minded agencies,” said Ehmke. MC3 was funded by a grant to UW Extension from the Ellbogen Foundation in Wyoming. The foundation was founded by John P. Ellbogen to enhance the quality of life of Wyoming citizens. “We wouldn’t have been able to offer the program without funding from the Ellbogen Foundation,” said Ehmke. “They recognized money management as an issue and provided the funds to deliver the trainings across Wyoming.”

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A9

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1995 Ford 8630 tractor, with hay grapple, 121 hp, less than 6000 hours. In good condition. Used for haying and feeding livestock. Asking price.. ....................................... $35,000 or best offer Contact (406) 561-3110


P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235

Inventory Available

Williamson 10-ft. gravel box w/hoist. Complete, very clean - No Rust!

2007 International 4400 20-ft. refrigerated van body, will seperate, white 2006 Sterling SA tractor, green 2006 International 4300, 24-ft. all steel flatbed, hydraulic gate, 93,000 actual miles, white 2000 Great Dane 53-ft. reefer trailer 1995 Chevrolet 1 ton diesel pickup, consigned 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white

1992 Chevrolet Kodiak SA chassis, white 1991 GMC Top Kick Pepsi trucks!, 3 to choose from 1982 International SA dump, yellow 1982 Ford L8000 cement mixer, white 1979 Fruehauf 45-ft. reefer trailer, consigned 1973 International 1600 welder truck, consigned

Ali Arc elk catcher. Near new! (60) transport chains and binders 80 gallon fuel and tool slip combo (2) 1999 Fruehauf SA converter dollies (24) Excel 10.00x20 tires on wheels (6) late model semi trailer suspensions Sturdy-Weld 16-ft. aluminum dump box and hoist (3) 16-ft. through 24-ft. van bodies Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double hoist

(2) Omaha 16-ft. flat beds and hoists Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly (3) wet kit assemblies 22-ft. all steel flat bed, like new National 300B truck mounted, crane (3) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists Pacific 16-ft. all steel grain box and hoist, excellent shape (5) aluminum cab guards, various styles (9) aluminum under body tool boxes (3) underbody hoist assemblies

Special Equipment

Currently wrecking 155 trucks! All shapes & sizes!


4th and 5th generation Montanans representing buyers and sellers of Montana’s finest farms and ranches. Call us today for a confidential analysis of the marketability of your property!

Logan Todd 406.930.3673

Mary Ann Duffey


301 W. 1st Avenue | Big Timber, Montana 59011 | (406) 932-1031

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A10

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Timed Online-Only Auction


1999 Chevrolet K2500

Airr Compressorr

Titan Generratorr


John Deere Garden Tractors - Pickup - Trailers – Antiques - Misc.

John Deere Snow Blowerr

John Deere Garrden Trractors


Auctioneer & Real Estate Agent •


7 W Farms

Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 • Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 P.O. Box 807 • (406) 292-3240 or 292-3233 (Shop) Inverness, Montana 59530

7W Farms is now a Distributor for Parker hydraulic hose and fittings.

We can make any length of hose to meet your specific needs.

We are currently carrying 4000 psi hose only but can order whatever meets your needs.

We also have Certified and registered MSU Lanning Spring Wheat (Vida replacement) •  Certified: $11.50/Bushel

•  Registered: $16.00/Bushel

New varieties coming: Coming Fall 2020

Certified and Registered MSU’s “Four 0 Six” Winter Wheat Seed (Yellowstone replacement)

Coming Spring 2021:

MSU’s new “Buzz” barley seed (new malt variety bred from Hockett) Greg Woods: (406) 399-0488 - 7W Farms - Matthew Woods: (406) 399-3640

RPH IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! RPH Irrigation Services Limited • PO Box 1201, 4056 HWY 89 Choteau, MT 59422 • PH: 406-466-2242 • FAX: 406-466-5242 Jordan Ratliff, Manager/Sales 406-799-4746

Service & Parts for All Makes, Models & Brands

Check your sump pump

By NDSU Extension Service A sump pump is the first line of defense for many homeowners to prevent water from seeping into the basement. “Last spring, many sump pumps hadn’t run much in the previous years, but with snowmelt last spring and excess rain in the fall, they ran quite frequently and, in some houses, the sump pump has been running almost all winter,” says North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agricultural engineer Tom Scherer. “However, before the snow starts melting this spring, homeowners should check their sump pump to make sure it works properly, and if it has been running a lot, have a backup ready in case it quits. “Due to excess rain last fall, the soil is saturated, and as the snow starts melting, some water is sure to seep into the tile surrounding the house footings,” he adds. Sump pumps are available in two basic models: upright (commonly called a pedestal) and submersible. Either works well with proper maintenance. The pedestal pump’s motor usually is about a foot above the top of the sump and the pump is at the base, which sits on the bottom of the sump. The motor is not meant to get wet. A ball float connected by a rod to a switch near the motor turns the pump on and off. “One advantage of this type of pump is that the on/off switch is visible without having to look into the sump,” says NDSU Extension agricultural engineer Ken Hellevang. Submersible pumps are designed to be submerged in water and sit on the bottom of the sump. A float-activated switch controls the pump’s on/off operation. The float moves according to the water level in the sump. When the water in the sump rises to a certain level, the pump turns on, and when the water drops to a certain level, the pump turns off. The float control mechanism can have different configurations, depending on the manufacturer. The on/off distance is adjustable on some models and not on others. To check the pump’s operation, first make sure the discharge pipe on the outside of the house is not plugged and that it directs water away from the house. Alternatively, some cities allow the sump pump to discharge into the sanitary sewer before March 31 for a fee. Make sure the pump is plugged in. Remove the lid (if the sump has one) and use a flashlight to check that the sump doesn’t contain any material that can plug the pump. If the sump is dry, lift the float for about 10 seconds to see if the pump turns on and runs smoothly, then lower the float slowly. Briefly running a pump when it’s dry will not do any damage. If you have an electric backup pump, that can be checked the same way. You also can check the pump’s operation by pouring water into the sump until the float turns the pump on. Try to simulate the speed that water normally would flow into the sump. Watch the on/off float operation and listen to the pump. “Make sure the pump turns on and off at least twice,” Hellevang advises. “If the pump sounds like it is pumping gravel or the float is sluggish, then you may need a new pump or float.” A common cause of pump failure is damaged or rusted bearings in the motor. Another common problem is the float switch doesn’t make good electrical contact and turns on slowly or not at all. “If the homeowner is new and not familiar with sump pumps, now is a good time to call a licensed plumber,” Scherer says. “The plumber can check to make sure the sump pump is ready for the spring thaw.” Because of power outages or sump pump failure, many houses have additional protection in the form of an electric backup sump pump. This pump is installed in the same sump as the primary pump, but it only turns on if the primary pump fails. These pumps are battery-powered. Battery maintenance is very important, the specialists say. For more information, see the NDSU publication “Electric Backup Sump Pumps for Houses” (available online at https:// or from the NDSU Distribution Center at 701-231-7883), or contact the Extension office in your county. Check out the video at sump-pump-tips for more information on sump pumps and the video at for information on electric backup sump pumps.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A11


Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964

Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries

(406) 761-4848

After Hours (406) 791-6712



For Non Potable Water Storage

HOPPER BOTTOM CARS Great for grain storage

Fax (406) 791-6708

Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday



12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails

✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗

Various sizes available – CALL

Round Tubing

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’

Great for corrals

Great for bridges

1 /4”, 1 /2” & 1 /4” O.D. 1




20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths

13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available 20” Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”

USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths

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51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#

Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts


$500each 5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available

Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.

Used Electric Motors & Boxes Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”

New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll


NEW 20-ft. Containers

Leather Gloves

Used Drill Pipe 2 /8”, 27/8”, 31/2” & 41/2” 3


Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate

NEW STEEL plate & beams IN STOCK Call Adam, Joe, or Tanner

Call for Current Sizes!

(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws

• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe • Angle • Sq. Tubing • Round Bar

#1 Railroad ties - $16 each

Sand & Slag Abrasives

7” Used Pipe good for corners and hanging gates

and Combines

We Buy Old Farm Tractors


3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths

#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each

New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert

Call for sizes

NEW Rebar

(1) Hobart mixer/ grinder

New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert

Misc. Used Steel Beams

In Stock

LAND ROLLER PIPE 42” & 60” Heavy Wall

HYSTER Electric Forklifts

6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths.... Call for pricing

Lifting Capacities 3000 - 4500 lbs.

2 - Lux spiral dough mixers

$4500 each 3 Available



GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 • (406) 761-4848


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A12

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Montana made...


Gernaat Land and Livestock for conservationist of the year From Pondera County Conservation District

Rod Weeder

Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. •  Fits all cultivators •  Easy to pull, saves fuel •  No drive required. •  We build special applications for air drive •  U-joint adapter for rocky conditions •  Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame.    Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket.    When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.

Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS

Ben Taylor Farm Store ............................................Valier, 279-3365 Big Equipment........................................................ Havre, 265-9432 Churchill Equipment....................................... Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag Solutions.............................. Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag Solutions............................ Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag Solutions...........................Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..................................Great Falls, 727-2203 Hoven Equipment Co.....................................Great Falls, 727-7153 Joyce Fuel & Feeds............................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Musselshell Valley Equipment ..............Roundup, 1-888-423-2605

Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC..................................... Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Torgerson, LLC..........................................Hysham, (406) 342-5571 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393


Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900

A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT


APRIL OR MAY, Plains, MT Due to current events please go to our website to check the status of all auctions.

EQUIPMENT / SHOP / OUTDOORS Miller Bobcat 225NT Welder/Generator, 8000W, w/Onan P216 Gas Engine Kubota Tractor L4300T, 4x4, w/ LB552 Loader Frame, Aux Hydraulics, Bobcat 61”Wx30”D Bucket Quick Coupler Attach. Kubota Rototiller FL1521C, 66” Wide, 3Pt Mount Woods 60” Brush Hog Mower, 3Pt Bobcat 48” Loader Forks, QA Bobcat 60” Grapple Forks, Hydraulic, QA 2006 F250 Powerstroke Crew Cab Truck, Lariat Super Duty, 179k Miles 1998 Ford Work Van w/Bins & Ladder Rack, 261k Miles 1983 Haulmark Cargo Trailer Hydraulic Wood Splitter, Heavy Duty, 26” Stroke Hydraulic Post Driver Stanley PD45 28 Gal Weed Sprayer Setup, 10’ Folding Boom, 2GPM, 12VDC Pump Husqvarna Riding Lawn Mower YTH1842, B&S 1835HP, Gas, w/ Catcher Bale Spear Attachment w/2 - 2” Diameter x 36” Long Spears 2000 Polaris 500 Sportsman 4 Wheeler 2001 Polaris 400 Sportsman 4 Wheeler 100T Hydraulic Jack, Hollow Core, OTC-RH1003, 3” Stroke, 3/8” Inside Diameter, 10” High Retracted, w/Enerpac P-84 Hand Pump

SPORTING GOODS Most New In Boxes ~ Some Used Coghlans- Tableware Set, Candles, Power Pack, Tube Tent, Rentals Emergency Blankets, Matches, WIN. SXP Marine Defender 12 GA. Camp Heat, Fire Starters, Stove, 3” Pump Kitchen Supplies, Lights, Grill, Ruger LCP 380 Auto Pistol, 2.75” Roasting Forks & Rests, Mirrors, Barrel, Stainless Soap, Insect Hammocks, Saws, Sunglasses Much More….. Ammo-.17HMR. 22 Hornet, .22, .410, 16, 20, & 12 GA., .40, 9mm, Coleman 3 & 4 Person Tents, Balls, Squirt Guns, Water & Board 10mm, .380, .38 Spec., 357, 6.5, Games 30-06, 270, 300 Savage, 300 Win Stanley Thermos, Bass Pro Eclipse Mag. Sleeping Bag, Sleeping Pads Lifetime Single Kayaks (2), Phoenix Browning Cast Iron 12” Dutch Oven 10.4 Kayak, LC 14’ +/- Raft Kit, Coleman Propane & Fuel Inflatable Paddleboards (2), 1 Person Kayaks (3), 2 Person Kayaks HOUSEHOLD / COLLECTIBLES (2) Tube Loungers, Floats, Chairs, Digital Cameras Gun Case, Briefcases, Suitcases Coolers, 17 +/- Life Jackets. Nacqua Paddleboard light Kits, Antique Cabinet Maker Tools Paddleboard & Kayak Bags, Kay- Water Coolers, Cup Dispensers Gun Safe, Stronghold, 60”H x 30”W ak Stand & Locks x 24”D, 4 Shelves, 90 Min Air Pumps-Manual & Electric, Backpacks, T Shirts, Paddles, Neon Signs Digital Cameras Umbrella’s Raft & Kayak Paddles, Dry Bags, Gun Case, Briefcases, Suitcases Tarps, Snorkel Sets, Tackle Boxes Antique Cabinet Maker Tools Rod & Reel Combos, Reels, Rods, Water Coolers, Cup Dispensers Hard & Soft Baits, Kids Fishing Gun Safe, Stronghold, 60”H x 30”W x 24”D, 4 Shelves, 90 Min Combo’s Inflatable Repair Kits & Protectants, Neon Signs Dinner Bell, Bird Houses, SilverGoggles, Throw Bags, ware Set, Jumper Cables, Batteries, Lamps, Decks of Cards, Clocks, Very partial listing in all Pictures, Huckleberry Candles & Hand categories, please see Cream, Jewelry, website for photos and Stuffed Animals, Folding Metal complete inventory. Chairs 40+/-, Chair Cart

Pictured in order from L-R. Bryce Gernaat, Clayton Gernaat, Julie Gernaat, Darryl Gernaat, and Bryce Johns PCCD Board Member

Gernaat Land and Livestock is being honored as our conservationist of the year for 2019. They have been a staple in the community for decades and have shown to us that they care about what they do and how they do it, in all aspects, not just conservation. They have implemented all sorts of great techniques to enhance their place and environment, including grazing management to improve areas for their livestock and for wildlife as well. They have also included crop rotations with pulse crops for a soil benefit. They also have been improving livestock and range health using nutritional analysis. By also incorporating GPS and technology into their programs they have improved chemical and fertilizer efficiency. Thank you Gernaats

Build more effective monarch butterfly gardens

By Katie Pratt, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Installing gardens with milkweed and other flowering plants is a way for the public to help conserve the monarch butterfly, but University of Kentucky (UK) scientists have found not all gardens are equal when it comes to attracting them. A new study conducted by Adam Baker, UK doctoral student, and Daniel Potter, UK entomology professor, suggests that garden layout is important to making these socalled “Monarch Waystation” habitats more effective. The monarch is a beloved, native butterfly whose population is declining due to habitat loss. Since the 1990s, eastern migratory populations have dropped by 80%. Scientists attribute the population decline to the loss of milkweed host plants due to agricultural practices and increasing urbanization. Baker and Potter showed in a previous study that the butterflies readily find and use small, urban gardens as steppingstones during their incredible cross-continental, annual migrations to Mexico. “Numerous programs encourage citizens to establish gardens with milkweed and nectar plants to help offset habitat loss across the monarch’s breeding range,” Baker said. “Our recent findings suggest guidelines for garden design that can help make the urban sector’s contributions to monarch habitat restoration more rewarding for participants, and of greater potential value to monarch recovery.” In the most recent study, Baker and Potter discovered that monarch eggs and larvae were 2.5 to 4 times more abundant in gardens with milkweeds planted around the perimeter as opposed to gardens in which milkweeds were surrounded by or intermixed with the other plants. They also found more eggs and larvae on milkweed plants in gardens that had 100 meters of north-south access unobstructed by buildings or other structures. In a companion field study, the UK entomologists found female monarchs laid significantly more eggs on standalone milkweed plants as opposed to milkweeds that were visually “camouflaged” or physically blocked by adjacent non-host plants. For the study, Baker monitored the presence of monarch eggs and larvae at 22 citizen-planted gardens in Central Kentucky and completed a field study of three different waystation layouts at UK’s Spindletop Research Farm. The study was published in the open-access academic journal, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, and is available as a free download at articles/10.3389/fevo.2019.00474/full.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A13

The best way to predict the future is to create it Roller

• Forward folding • 62-ft. • 48” drum Buy or Lease to own $9952/yr - oac

• Forward folding • New unit • 62-ft. • 48” drum Buy or Lease to own $9602/yr - oac



Call for Pricing Options

• Green • Roll tarp • Sight window • Hydraulic drive

Buy or Lease to own $4536/yr - oac


NEW 12 Ton

(1) Open Slots (3) Open Slots Up to 100% of rental toward purchase!

Variable Tillage

Buy or Lease to own

$20,094/yr - oac

Rent...Lease...Purchase Pay yourself to spread!

ONLY $3.25/acre!

• Full GPS • Auto steer • Auto shift • Road at highway speed • 12 ton truck mount spreader

Buy or Lease to own $10,476/yr - oac • NEW unit • Built to last • 53-ft. • 3 section

Buy or Lease to own $9253/yr - oac


Spray Fill Express Call for Pricing & Options

Ultimate Sprayer


NEW 8 Ton

• Blue • Sight window • Roll tarp • Hydraulic drive


• ISO capability • PTO drive • 80-ft. spread pattern • Dual spinners • Stainless chain and floor




NEW 8 Ton


$3.00 per acre

• Hydraulic degree control • Rolling baskets • 36-ft.

• Adjustable variable tillage • Adjust gang angles • 30-ft. working width


Roller Rentals

Roller Rental Return

• 1650 gallon tank • 90-ft. • Agitation • Field ready

Ultimate Sprayer

Buy or Lease to own $9107/yr - oac

Seed Tender

Buy or Lease to own $4536/yr - oac


Used 8 Ton

• White with red frame • Clean unit • Hydraulic drive

Buy or Lease to own $3127/yr - oac

Seed Tender

• 100-ft. • Suspended boom

Buy or Lease to own $2839/yr - oac

12 ton truck mount fertilizer spreader

•Truck mount spreader • Auto steer • Prime-X tires • Dual spinners • New Chandler fertilizer box

Buy or Lease to own $32,645/yr - oac

• Green • LC390 • Conveyor • Remote control

Buy or Lease to own $6068/yr - oac

• Tan • LC390 • Conveyor • Remote control

Buy or Lease to own $6068/yr - oac

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A14


2001 Case IH 2388 combine, 30-ft. 1010 header with pickup reel, grain tank extension, yield and moisture monitor, straw chopper, field ready, 2121 rotor hours, 2608 engine hours. Header trailer included.......................................................................................................... $42,000 2012 Titan 30-ft. tandem axle dually, 5th wheel trailer with beavertail, tool box and spare tire. ........................................................................................................................................ $8500 Case IH 1015 pickup header with Victory pickup attachment......................................... $4300 Westfield 13x61 grain auger with swing auger............................................................... $7300 Cattle squeeze chute..........................$750 3-point hitch cement mixer..................$500 Phone (406) 450-5359, Conrad, MT

Phone 216-3050

PROFESSIONAL Hand-Picked Quality & Selection

Done on All

2016 Ford F350

Regular cab, 8-ft. aluminum flatbed, includes gooseneck ball, 4 locking tool boxes, bumper pull receiver on backend with all the wiring, aluminum wheels, running boards, power seat, windows, locks and mirrors. Flatbed alone is worth $8500 installed.................................................. $26,999

2006 GMC 2500 HD

Extended cab, 4x4 with 9-ft. flatbed on it, 6.0 gas engine, automatic transmission, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, 100,000 miles................................................... $12,999

2015 Ford F350 XLT

1-ton, crewcab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, aluminum wheels, FX4 Off Road package, power cloth seat, vinyl floor, 84,000 miles............ .......................................................................... $27,999


5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT

2010 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with only 40,000 miles on it. Also has brand new Ford crate motor with 3 year unlimited miles warranty on engine. Low, low miles................................. $19,999

2015 Ram 3500

Crewcab, 4x4 dually diesel, 9-ft. flatbed, 6 new tires, 6.7L Cummins, automatic transmission. Set to pull whatever you have..................................................................$34,999

2016 Ford F250 XL

Supercab, long box, 4x4 with brand new flatbed, 2 locking tool boxes, 6.2 liter gas with automatic transmission, XL trim so vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, lock and mirrors............................................................. $26,999

Due to the Coronavirus we are unsure of business hours. So if you have questions, or want to schedule an appointment, please call or text Brian on his cell phone: 406-868-4309 between 9 am - 6 pm. Thanks!

2015 Chevrolet 1 Ton

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.0 gas engine, 4.10 gear ratio, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks & mirrors.................................................................... $23,999

2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Double cab, 4x4 with 6.0 gas engine, new tires, aluminum wheels, bed liner, vinyl floor, cloth seats, 8-ft. long box ....... ..........................................................................$22,999

Your Local ALiner Hard-Sided Pop-up Trailer Dealer!

New and Used available, light, low, and easy to tow! All models under 2000 lbs. and less than 90 seconds to set-up.

2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, bed liner, running boards, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 4.10 gears, 6.0L gas with 6 speed automatic transmission................................................................... $22,999

2012 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with an 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, grill guard, 109,000 miles. Hard to find.................................................................... $14,999

2013 Ford F250

Supercab, 4x4, cab and chassis, 98,000 miles on 6.2 gas motor, new tires, perfect to use your own 8-ft. utility box, or flatbed, or bale bed........................................... $15,995

Visit our website at:

Barn quilt workshop

Karin Baker, whose home is near the little town of Dickey, North Dakota, enjoys rural life. And, she loves using art to make it more interesting. Barn quilts are one way she expresses this love. On June 6, in the banquet room of the Downtowner in Napoleon starting at 10 a.m., Karin will hold a workshop in which each participant will be provided with the materials and the guidance to create their own unique finished barn quilt, which they will take home. Karin notes that these quilts can be displayed in many ways, on homes, garages, driveways or even indoors. One doesn’t need a barn to participate. Barn quilts also make good gifts. There is some evidence that barn quilts were used at farmsteads in pre-Civil War days to mark the locations of safe houses on the Underground Railroad. The modern versions, though, date to 2001, when Donna Sue Groves of Adams County, Ohio wanted to honor her mother by hanging a painted quilt on her barn. The idea seemed odd, but her friends encouraged her. Then, they expanded the idea. Why not, they suggested, put quilts on barns along scenic byways of their rural area and encourage people to drive these routes as a form of recreation? And so, the first “barn quilt trail” was born. The idea has been spreading. Nelson County (west of Grand Forks County) is home to North Dakota’s first and only barn quilt trail. North Dakota Tourism ( ndquilt) officially recognizes the trail. Though the trails are still uncommon, the website states individual barn quilts can now be found in every state as well as the provinces of Canada. That’s good progress for an art form that’s been around for less than two decades. Karin’s mentor in barn quilting was Cynthia Buchholz from Bittersweet Barnquilt Company in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Karin learned fast. Karen says that making the quilts is relatively simple, once one understands the process. And as anyone who has ever handled a child’s kaleidoscope knows, the pattern possibilities are endless. Karin would like to see more people making and displaying this from of art. Karen notes that a 2-by-2 inch square is a reasonable size for a beginner who can go on to create a 4-by-4 or 8-by-8. The workshop will be at the Downtowner banquet room in Napoleon on June 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This workshop is sponsored by Logan County Farmers Union and the TriCounty Tourism Alliance. Lunch will be provided. Participant fee is $70 including all instruction and materials to make a lovely 2-by-2 quilt square painted on a board to take home the same day. To register for the event, send $35 payable to Karin Baker with “June 6, Barn Quilt Workshop” in the memo line to: Tri-County Tourism Alliance, PO Box 246, Napoleon, ND 58561. Only 20 participants will be accepted, and names will be placed on the participation list once their registration of $35 is received. The remaining $35 is payable the day of the event.

USDA sets easement application cutoff date

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service News Release The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in Montana is accepting applications for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). While NRCS accepts easement applications on a continuous basis, applications for the next funding consideration must be submitted by April 17, 2020. “Easements are sometimes a perfect fit for a landowner who is looking to protect his or her land from future development or to protect and improve wetlands or provide critical habitat for wildlife,” said Allen Persinger, NRCS assistant state conservationist for easement programs in Montana. ACEP Agricultural Land Easements provide financial assistance to eligible partners for purchasing easements that project the agricultural use and conservation values of eligible land. In the case of working farms, the program helps farmers and ranchers keep their land in agriculture. ACEP Wetlands Reserve Easements allow landowners to successfully restore, enhance and protect habitat for wildlife on their lands, reduce damage from flooding, recharge groundwater and provide outdoor recreational and educational opportunities. Eligible landowners can choose to enroll in a permanent or 30-year easement. Tribal landowners also have the option of enrolling in 30-year contracts. To learn about ACEP and other technical and financial assistance available through NRCS, visit your local USDA Service Center or

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A15

Big Sky Equipment Co. Service Corey Combs, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell

Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:


Parts After Hours/Weekends 450-6463


2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture............................... Just Traded

2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate......................................$74,500 2013 New Holland CR7090, low hours, ASP stone protection, yield & moisture........... .................................................. $228,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995


2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor......................................................................................................................$62,500


2003 New Holland HW320 self-propelled windrower, 18-ft. sickle header. Very well maintained.................................. $44,900 New Holland 1116 self-propelled windrower, 16-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, gas engine..................................... $7900

MacDon A30 16-ft. swing tongue mower conditioner, rubber-on-rubber roller. Very good condition............................ $21,900 2009 Vermeer R2800 hay rake....... $19,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call


We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.

2012 Case IH Puma 170 with loader, auto-guide ready, NEW Alo Quicke loader. .................................................. $89,900 2005 Case IH DX40, ROPS, hydro, 84” mower, loader. Very clean, low hours.... ....................................................Just In 2016 New Holland Boomer 41, MFWD, cab, loader, hydro. Low hours.. $36,500 2015 New Holland Boomer 37, ROPS, hydro, loader. Low hours.......... $21,500 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, loader. Very low hours.....Just In 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours. ....................................................Just In 2001 New Holland TC35, MFWD, ROPS, hydrostatic transmission, 1 hydraulic outlet, loader...................... Just Traded


2014 Apache 1220 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel boom, Auto-Boom UltraGlide chemical eductor, Envizio Pro monitor, Ravan Smartrax.................................. $139,900 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.... $89,900

2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal 2010 John Deere 9770 STS combine......... ............................................. Just Traded 2009 John Deere 9770 STS combine......... ............................................. Just Traded 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine......... ............................................. Just Traded

NEW & USED HEADERS 2016 MacDon FD75 35-ft. flex draper, slow

speed transport.................... Just Traded 2012 MacDon FD70 35-ft. flex draper, slow speed transport.................... Just Traded 2014 MacDon D65 40-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $51,900 2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport............................. $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 2010 John Deere 635F 35-ft. flex draper, auger................................... Just Traded Case IH 1010-30 combine header, pickup reel.......................................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel........... ............................................. Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal


Bale King 880 bale processor........... $6900 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor.... $7500

During the Governor's Stay at Home directive, we will now be keeping our doors closed but will continue to conduct business during regular hours. If you need any parts, please call and we will leave them outside. For any service needs please call. We know that this may cause some added inconvenience but we want to do our best to keep our community safe. Thank you!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A16


Call (406) 544-2035

2017 Chevrolet 3500HD dually crew cab, loaded, 6.6L Duramax, engine brake, auto start, electric windows/locks, spray-on clear bra, running boards, splash guards front and rear, tow mirrors, backup camera, DVD player, stereo, Bluetooth, gooseneck hitch and plug in, spray-in bedliner, Weather Tech floor mats, 18,000 miles. Like brand new condition.......................$45,995

Trucks & Trailer For Sale

2007 Kenworth T800, Cummins diesel, 8LL transmission, 16,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. double locking rearends, double frame............................................................................. $29,950

1997 Kenworth T800, 10-speed, 420 hp Cat, with 42-ft. TrailEze hydraulic tail trailer........................$26,000 (Will separate.)

Please call 406-855-4465

Utilizing starter fertilizer in grain sorghum

By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Director of Agronomy Reduced and no-till cropping systems have become increasingly important as growers recognize the benefits of these systems to soil health, sustainability, yield and profitability in many regions of the U.S. However, early in the season, increased surface residue results in cooler soil temperatures at planting leading to slower emergence and reduce root growth. This reduced root growth results in a lower rate of nutrient uptake reducing early season growth and plant health. The use of starter fertilizer at planting can help minimize the effect of cool temperatures. Starter fertilizer can be applied in band over the row, in the seed furrow, below the seed, on the surface to the side of the row, or on the side but below the surface. In-seed furrow placement, often referred to as ‘pop-up’ placement, has been shown to increase early season growth, but any yield advantage to this treatment has been inconsistent. Part of the reason for this is that the rate of nitrogen placed in the seed furrow must be kept low, generally less than 8 lb/A, depending on soil type, to prevent injury to the germinating seed. However, much higher rates can be applied when fertilizer is placed a small distance from the seed.

CLAY CREEK ANGUS PRIVATE TREATY 80 Two-Year-Old Bulls • 160 Yearling Bulls 60 Calving-Ease Heifer Bulls • 80 Replacement Heifers

Jim & Lori French 3334 Rd. 14 • Greybull, Wyoming 82426 • 307-762-3541 •

Sires represented include:

Coleman Charlo

Coleman Doc 2261

BW: -0.1 WW: +51 YW: +91 Milk: +26

BW: +0.2 WW: +62 YW: +101 Milk: +15

S A V Angus Valley 1867

S A V Renown 3439

BW: +0.6 WW: +52 YW: +99 Milk: +22

BW: +2.8 WW: +72 YW: +127 Milk: +21

HL Emulation Rito 6FX5

Vermilion & Connealy Spur

BW: -0.1 WW: +60 YW: +104 Milk: +14

BW: +3.3 WW: +70 YW: +119 Milk: +32

In a three year study conducted in Kansas, positive yield results were obtained by placing nitrogen and phosphorus either dribbled on the surface two inches from the row, or by injecting the fertilizer two inches to the side and two inches deep (Figure 1). All plots received a second application of N following planting to bring the total N in each plot to 140 lbs. A combination of both N and P were needed in the starter mix to maximize yield. Best yields were obtained with 30 lbs of N and 30 lbs of P applied two inches to the side and two inches deep. Both dribbling on the surface and injecting the fertilizer improved yields, but in all treatments, injecting provided the highest yield. Another major benefit to the starter fertilizer application was the decrease in time it took the sorghum to reach maturity. Sorghum reached mid-bloom eight days faster in the 30x30 treatment compared to when no starter fertilizer was applied. Decreasing the time it takes sorghum to reach physiological maturity can potentially make a big difference at the end of the season to avoid damage from an early freeze event. In the Kansas study, grain sorghum reached 15 percent moisture 13 days earlier than the sorghum that received no starter fertilizer (Figure 2).

##### A little boy visits his farmer grandpa and watches him milk the cows. The next day one of the cows runs away and grandpa is really upset about it. “Don’t worry, Grandpa,” says the boy helpfully, “she can’t have gone very far with an empty tank.”

Social distancing doesn’t have to mean further isolation for older adults

From University of Wyoming Extension Social distancing is a necessary precaution to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but that doesn’t mean communities can’t stay connected, especially with older adults, said a gerontologist with the University of Wyoming. About 11.7 percent of Wyoming is above the age 65 and about one out of three of the state’s older adult residents live by themselves. “Too much isolation was already an issue before the coronavirus situation developed,” said Bernard Steinman, in the Department of Family and Consumer Services. “We’re in a situation in which a group of people who are likely to live alone already have now been told not to leave the house.” Isolation and loneliness have negative effects on people of all ages, but research shows it can cause higher rates of morbidity among older adults. “But social distance doesn’t need to mean social isolation,” said Steinman. Using video chat tools like Skype, Facetime and Zoom can help connect elders with their family and friends in a safe way, said Steinman. While some elders might be hesitant to try new technology or have bad internet connections, Steinman also suggests calling others to see how they are doing. Even arranging a time to visit them at their home and stay outside is a positive way to connect, comments Steinman. “I’ve seen communities rally to find creative ways to include older people from greater than 6 feet, or even through glass,” said Steinman. One neighborhood created an email list-serv to arrange times when all could go out to their front porches for friendly chats at a distance. Neighborhood groups are also popping up with the purpose of looking out for those who are at greater risk as well as mutual aid groups that match volunteers with needs. “We don’t know where the situation is going, but I think it has united communities in wonderful ways,” said Steinman.

##### Military war dogs, like their military counterparts, often find service in law enforcement after retiring from military service.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A17

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118

Three locations to Serve Your Real Estate Needs! Malta 406-654-2273 • Glasgow 406-228-2273 Sidney 406-433-3010 email:

1694+/-acres (2 parcels) Malta area

3871+/- acres Quonset/Grain Bins (North of Havre)


#420AF - Jarrell

#680AR - Casey

160+/- acres with Home (Malta area)

361+/- acres grain bins/ Quonset (Harlem area)

428+/- north parcel 1266+/- south parcel $27,059 CRP income Well, reservoirs, electricity #211FL - Dennis

3340+/- Productive Grain Farm (North of Havre)

2027+/- cropland 1297+/- improved grass Quonset/ 3 grain bins/ fencing


Mobile home 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom 134+/- irrigated acres Paved road access

#702BD - Jarrell

#276KM - Jim




Phone 406-759-5188

293+/- irrigated, 27+/- grazing Grain bins, barn, shop 2940+/- sq. ft home


Quonsets, grain storage Fishing pond and cabin

##### If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success?

320+/- Productive Irrigated Farm (Harlem area)

Flat bottom ditches gated pipe 337+/- irrigated acres


#218HK - Dennis

Complete Truck & Tractor Repair

Chester, Montana

•  Mechanical and electronic engines •  Transmissions and rear ends •  Brakes •  Custom battery cables Call 406-759-5188 or cell 265-0883

Grade 5 Bolts - HUGE SELECTION! 1/4” - 1” diameter, up to 6” long. We also carry fine thread, some metric and Grade 8 bolts.

See our supply of welding accessories & rod.


KunzArc Ease rough cutmower

We’re sure to have what you need.

We carry a large selection of Interstate Batteries And, we make BATTERY CABLES! 4 ga. up to 2/0 Stop in and see us! Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts

We can ship to your farm or ranch

We have a great selection of valves & spray fittings.

Wheatheart Grain Augers H 23-hp H  57” cut H  2” to 8” cutting height H  Four tire design for added support on rough ground


Come here for your oil & chemical needs.

New Honda Replacement Engines

4 and 5.5 hp 2” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm

In Stock

8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36 See us for DOT truck inspections

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A18

Bruce Taft Estate

Thursday, June 25, 2020 South of Devon, Montana

Farm Equipment Recreation Items Tools and More There will be a full listing of items for sale in upcoming issue of Trader’s Dispatch.

Flying D Auction

Call 406-278-7713 or cell 289-0514 Conrad, Montana

•  •  •  •

Organic fertilizer & sulfur Organic seed wheat available OMRI listed Can deliver to you

MSU student seeks to create more equitable environments

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service Whether it’s during morning commutes, timately problem solve everything, and that dog walks or Frisbee throwing in the park, we’re separate and exceptional in some way many people probably don’t think much beyond other living things,” said Britton. about the artistic elements of the environ“This is a way of saying we’re not. How could design change with this new sort of ments they move through each day. But one precept?” Montana State University (MSU) student That question is the one Fiske hopes to hopes to change that. answer through a series of interviews and Through interdisciplinary research that interactive experiments that explore how applies art theory to landscape architecture, people respond to and interact with different Esben Fiske hopes to create landscapes and landscape designs. The research will begin environments that are more equitable for on the East Coast, where he will travel to both the humans who populate them and the examine structures designed for community, nature they interact with — that is to say, such as a new public park in Philadelphia ensuring that spaces are accessible for marsimilar to New York City’s High Line, which ginalized groups who may not have always transformed part of the New York rail line had that access. into an elevated park in 2009. Fiske is a senior studying landscape de“Especially with posthumanist theory, the sign, an option within the environmental High Line has some problems because of horticulture program in the Department of gentrification,” said Fiske. “If you build this Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in MSU’s grand park through a city, people are going College of Agriculture. His passions for both to flock to it, and then it will push out the art and ecology led him to pair that major very people it was intended for. I’m curious with one in art and a minor in art history from about, in Philadelphia, what their ideas are the School of Art in the College of Arts and for avoiding that.” Architecture. The other part of his research will be done In his research, Fiske approaches landat MSU. Fiske and Britton will create a series scape design from a slightly different angle of preference tests — a common practice in than most, using a theory called posthumanlandscape design — to gauge the reactions ism. Posthumanism stems from the humanof visitors to different hypothetical options ist school of thought, which focuses on the for landscaping a space between MSU’s value and agency of human subjects. In art, Plant Growth Center and School of Art on humanism is represented in the work of the campus. Some options will reflect traditional Italian Renaissance. landscape architecture styles with others in“Posthumanism is essentially based on the idea that humanism has been very much focorporating posthumanist theory and some combining the two. cused on the wealthy and dominant cultures” “I’m essentially seeking to find out if this he said. “People of color and people in lower art historical theory can be used in landscape socioeconomic classes weren’t previously architecture to better inform design that can included in the humanist definition of ‘hube more equitable and more sustainable enman,’ and their struggles haven’t necessarily been included when considering design and vironmentally,” said Fiske. planning.” Applying art theory to landscape design On the other hand, landscape design has is a unique approach in a field that generally been dominated largely by the conception seeks only “improvements” to an environof humans as problem solvers and stewards, ment or space, said Britton. Fiske hopes to controlling and molding the environment encourage a different way of thinking about around them, according to Jennifer Britton, landscape architecture and design. Fiske’s adviser and program director for “I think this theory is very much about landscape design at MSU. Fiske’s research, how we build equality into a landscape,” said she said, probes instead the idea that humans Britton. “Equality of environment and equalaren’t separate from the nature they inhabit, ity of people. And that’s valid even for rural that they exist as part of a holistic system. Montana, not just urban areas. These are “The inherent concept is that we can ulideas that could definitely be extrapolated.”

The U.S. Marine Corp Eugene Sara Detachment booth was a popular booth at the MATE in Billings, Montana. The detachment was sponsoring a raffle for a rifle during the event. Kevin Kuhlman and Tom Jones man the booth on this day.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A19

AG-TRK 430


We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:

Mobility • Capacity • Durability • Economics • Simplicity ! AVAILABLE SOON ! SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS 2014 VECTOR with 1600 gallon 120-ft. boom, 1700 hours, 350 hp, 8.9 Cummins, Allison 3000 Auto, Capstan Nozzle Control, Raven Viper, Smart Trax, Auto Boom height

“Call For Details”

SIMONSEN 2584 8 TON PULL-TYPE CART Very, very nice cart, spreads 50’-70’, tandem float tires, hydraulic chain and fan, roll tarp, always shedded, no rust. Immaculate!...................................... $20,000

REMEMBER: Ag Trucks is Your Montana Dealer for SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS

• High Strength Aluminum Alloys • Light and Durable Construction • Engineered Welds • Outer Boom Sections Hyd Breakaway • 100, 120, 132-ft. widths • SS Plumbing

2015 John Deere 4038

1997 MARFLEX FL 106

2200 hours, 1000 gallon SS tank, 120-ft. boom, 5 way nozzle bodies, JD 2630 Controller, section control, boom height, two sets of tires. Very nice condition.........................................................$185,000

with 1250 tank, 100-ft booms, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750 GPS.............................................................. $70,000

2014 Apache 1220 Plus II

1200 hours, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100-ft. boom, Raven Viper 4, section control, boom height, 380 rubber, dual rears, Very nice.............. ......................................................................................$162,000


1-, 3-, 5-, & 7-section rollers available. 20- to 85-ft. widths •  /4” wall thickness •  Very tough and well built Plan for Spring and Call Now!! 3


Simonsen 6 ton spreader very nice 2 year old Simonsen 6 ton, PTO fan drive, ground drive feed chain, tandem axle, always shedded...................................................... $11,500 2007 Flexi-Coil 95XL 1500 gallon tank, 132-ft. Caster wheel boom, boom shields, Flex controller, very nice shape........................... $9000

! SIMONSEN FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT! Ag Trucks sells Simonsen Equipment •  Pull Type Carts •  Truck Mount Boxes: 85-ft. spread •  Tender Bodies •  AG-TRK 430: 10 ton Spreader Boxes •  Plan for Spring and Call Now!

Great Falls, Montana Steve Raska • 406-788-5361

Garfield, Washington

Justin Honcoop • 509-338-7346

See us on Facebook and Instagram

• Individual Nozzle Control • Control Pressure Independent of Rate or Speed • Row-to-Row Liquid Fertilizer Uniformity While Automatically Changing Orifice Sizes Based on Rate or Speed • No Need to Change Orifices for Anhydrous Ammonia Apps

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A20


360 acres, most under center pivot, mostly rock free cultivated land at Harlem, Montana. Additional pasture or building site is available. Possible rent-to-own is available. Email or call (307) 996-1270

We welcome you to check out our 2020 offering of 28 yearling Charolais Bulls Please contact Ryan or Riley Knerr for more information Riley Knerr (406) 464-5211 M (406) 366-6788 Ryan Knerr (406) 464-2004 M (406) 301-4333

Trade Shows around Montana are a popular place for friends and neighbors to gather, and also for businesses to make personal contact with some potential customers. The GATE in Glendive, held February 14-15. TriCounty Implement was one of the businesses who had a booth for the event.

Montana grazing lands education and demonstration funding available

Montana NRCS News Release April 15, 2020. The current focus is on emergThe Montana Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) is accepting applications ing issues in grazing land management as well for mini-grants and demonstration projects. as topics that may assist the Natural Resources Demonstration project applications are due Conservation Service with delivering Montana April 15, 2020. Focused Conservation. The mini-grants will provide funding for Applications will be accepted from groups educational events throughout the year and of individuals, non-governmental organizasupport partners and organizations with an tions, and state or local units of government. interest in the conservation, education, and The Montana GLCI steering committee places awareness of grazing lands and natural respecial emphasis on cooperative efforts worksources in Montana. ing with partners. Individual projects will be Mini-grant funding requests are limited to considered only if the project provides broada minimum of $50 and a maximum of $1,000. scale, community-wide impacts and education. There is no application deadline. Submissions Projects must be initiated in 2020. Funding will be considered year-round by the Montana will be allocated on an annual basis, which GLCI steering committee. is dependent upon the yearly Montana GLCI “The GLCI mini-grants and demonstrabudget allocation. Application submission does not guarantee project funding will be tion projects help organizations to both test available. All applicants must show a one-toand implement advanced resource solutions, one match for project costs. as well as educate Montanans young and old Get more information about both the miniabout those advancements and the value of our grant and demonstration project funding opgrazing lands,” said Kirt Walstad, Montana GLCI co-coordinator. portunities, including application requirements Demonstration project applications are due and forms, at








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Come see us for all your Hydra Bed needs!

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A21



G ll steel flatbeds

Stop in or call for more info. IN STOCK NOW!!!


New Circle D pickup flatbeds

New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires..................................................................$12,695 New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.....$11,995

New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package............$10,995 New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package.............. $13,295



Diamond C 26-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box.....................................................$9595


Starting at $6795 • 20-ft. • 22-ft. • 24-ft.



3-point Bale Unroller Includes cylinder and hoses.

BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW......................................$5795 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9195 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9595 GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.................................$10,495 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW.................................$14,500

Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame, torque tube........................................................ 32-ft. $13,395 ............................................................... 30-ft. $13,195 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 2 piece with folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks........$9995 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket..................................$10,995 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket..................................$10,795 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 2 piece with folding beavertail................$7995

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1650 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1650 71/2x9..............................................................$1700 8x9..................................................................$2000 8x11................................................................$2350

LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

Give us a call about any of our trailers or let us find what you need!


2001 Travalong Bandit 3-horse 1997 Titan 3-horse slant, bumper slant, walk-in tack compartpull.............................. $4500 ment............................ $7500

1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20ton equipment trailer.......$8500

1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.. ..........................................$8500

2014 Kaufman 24-ft. gooseneck flatbed, no ramps ...... $5500

2001 Belly Dump Pup 20-ft., roll-up Load King lead trailer, 42-ft., triple tarp, aluminum wheels ..$10,000 axle.................................$25,000 & pup..............................$15,000 As a pair.........................$39,000

1995 51-ft. wedge car hauler, winch, 1982 Landoll hydraulic tilt equipment trailer w/winch................$14,500 Country Side carriers, 3-7000 lb. axles..................................$7500

2002 Container chassis, like new.... ........................................ $7500 1995 Wilray 24-ft. pintle hook flatbed trailer, 2-7000 lb. axles, slide-in ramps, always shed- 1980 Kentucky van trailers, ofded, excellent shape ...$4500 fices in front, 2 doors on 1 side, 1 door on other ...$6500 Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE NEW! ......................... $6500

(2) Iron Steer 24-ft. lumber roller trailers................$6995 & $8995

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

1980 Alray 22-ft. stock trailer stocktrailer ............................. $2500

New Diamond C Car Haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand

TURNOVER BALL 2018 Look 6-ft. x 12-ft. enclosed trailer ............................. $3595

A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t


Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

14-ft. snow pusher .............. $4200 1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool 8-ft. skid steer snow pusher $. 2000 boxes ............................ $9595

Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps Tie-downs • Jacks • Bearings & seals • Etc.

Triple T Sales

1997 Ford F250 extended cab Ford F250 with flatbed & 8-ft. 351 5 speed, 160,000 miles, Western snow plow ......$6500 Hydrabed ....................$13,000

4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats $65 each

Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A22

Maloney Angus & Simmental Turner, Montana

Registered Angus bulls for sale Private Treaty /2 and 3/4 brothers available High Growth Easy Calving Maternal Function Phone (406) 654-7115 1

##### They forbid tweezers on airplanes. But frankly, if you manage to hijack an airplane with just a pair of tweezers, you probably deserve that airplane. ##### The sunlight you see is in fact 8.5 minutes old – that’s how long it takes for light to travel to Earth from the Sun.


May 30th

Cabin Fever Winchester & Western Collectibles Auction 10:00 a.m. • Trade Center • Lewistown, MT 50 Old Winchester lever ActiOn rifles including Models 1873, 1876, 1886 1892, 1894’s

Win 1894 Deluxe Win 1876 .45-75 Saturday

June 13th

vintAge & cOntempOrAry indiAn ArtifActs, Western Art & geAr


8th Annual Montana Horse Progress Days Auction 10:00 a.m. • Reuben Miller Farm • Moore, MT



elite selectiOn

teAms G driving & sAddle hOrses/mules tAck, hArness, Buggies, cArriAges, WAgOns, implements & equipment. Accepting quality consignments - Call Reuben at 406-374-2287.


June 25th

Taildragger Farms, Inc. Farm Equipment Auction Timed Online-Only Auction - Ends 1:00 p.m., THURSDAY, JUNE 25th

Owners: Chet & Leesha Wolery, Turner, MT

Equipment will be located at Hogeland, MT. Check back for inspection dates. 2008 Case IH 535 Quadtrac • 2006 John Deere 9760 Combine • 2009 Honeybee 40’ Header • 2008 Flexicoil Air Cart 2008 Bourgault 5710 Series II Air Drill • 2001 E-Z Trail 710 Grain Cart • 2008 Kenworth T800 Tandem Truck w/pup Buhler 10 x 60 Swing Hopper Auger • 2007 GMC Duramax Crew Cab Pickup • 2003 Flexi-coil Field Cultivator

Please note: We have re-scheduled our March and April auctions to later this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Please view our website and the Trader Dispatch for updates! Thank you for your understanding and be well! Kyle and Jayson Shobe

408 W. Main Street • Lewistown, MT • 406-538-5125

Cancer screening can save your life

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “A box arrived for you this afternoon,” my husband said. I was not expecting a box. “Is it a small box or a big box?” I asked. Maybe it was a late Christmas gift, I thought to myself. “It’s a medium-sized box,” he replied. I saw the box on the table inside our front door. I recognized the little cartoon character, which was shaped like a box with arms and legs. I had seen the box fly in and out of homes on TV. This was the colon cancer screening test my health-care provider had ordered for me because I’m of average risk for colon cancer. It did not have a Christmas bow on the box. I checked the weight of the box: 3 pounds. My husband had a clever quip when he saw my wide eyes at the size and weight of the box. You will have to ask him what he said because I can’t print it here. OK, his remark had to do with the sample size they were expecting. I opened the box and read the illustrated directions. I noted the test detects cancer and precancer using the DNA in a stool sample. In a clinical study of 10,000 people, the testing method detected 92% of cancer for those of average risk. I continued to pack a suitcase to leave for a conference the next day. I decided to do the test when I returned. Sometimes you can’t “decide” to do a colon cancer screening test; your body decides for you. Our phone rang when I returned from my conference. I saw the call was coming from the screening test manufacturer, and I looked over at the box on the shelf. They were nudging me to get it done. I answered the phone and was prompted by an automated voice that accepted voice responses. “Yes” I received the kit. “Yes” I planned to do the test. “No” I didn’t need help. Were they planning to send someone over to help? Or would a virtual assistant pop up on my phone to guide me through the process? Fortunately, no. I carefully followed the sampling directions. The manufacturer thought of everything to make this easy. The kit included a sample collection device that reminded me of the plastic insert I had used years ago to train three toddlers how to use a toilet. To complete the test, you collect your sample, add the chemical stabilizer, seal the plastic container and immediately mail it back. I received an email message from my provider a few days later. My heart was beating fast. Would they send me really bad news in an email? My life flashed before my eyes. I figured they would call instead of email if the news was grim. I opened the message right away. Hooray! The results were negative. I wanted to dance a little jig around the house. However, if the results of the cancer screening test had been positive, then I would be having more tests and, potentially, be placed on a treatment plan. Being aware of health issues can save your life. Don’t die of embarrassment. I encourage people to do a colon cancer screening test and all other health screening tests recommended by your health-care provider. March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. More than 90% of colorectal cancers occur in people age 50 and older. Screening should begin at age 45, according to the latest guidance. About one-third of people are not up to date with their screenings. Are you among them? Your provider might recommend a colonoscopy that allows the detection and removal of polyps. Or your provider may recommend an at-home stool test or another clinical test. Be aware that colorectal cancer does not cause symptoms right away. If you have symptoms, such as blood in the stool, stomach pain that doesn’t go away or weight loss without a reason, make an appointment to see your health-care provider promptly. We cannot change our genetic tendencies toward diseases, but we can take steps to reduce our risk for cancer and other diseases through exercise, proper nutrition, not smoking and regular medical care. We in nutrition recommend that your diet includes foods high in fiber such as beans and other legumes, vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as oatmeal and whole-wheat bread. See for more information about nutrition and fitness. CONTINUED ON PAGE A23

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A23

Cancer screening can save your life

Advertising Deadline for the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.


Here’s a tasty snack to make in a slow cooker. Oats are high in fiber, which promotes a healthy colon and a healthy heart. Slow Cooker Honey Granola 4 c. old-fashioned oats, uncooked 6 Tbsp. honey 1/2 c. flax seeds 1 c. bran cereal 1 c. raisins 1/4 c. canola oil Pour all ingredients into a 6-quart slow cooker and mix well. Put the cover on a little bit askew and cook on low for about three hours, stirring occasionally. Let cool on parchment paper and store in an airtight container for one to two weeks. Makes 24 servings. Each (1/4 cup) serving has 130 calories, 4 grams (g) fat, 3 g protein, 23 g carbohydrates, 2 g fiber and 10 milligrams sodium.

For Sale!

Registered Irish Black and Irish Red Bulls, Cows and Heifers

Sleeping Willow Ranch ~ Stevensville, Montana

##### When it rains, why don’t sheep shrink?

Tim Hamilton at 406-360-4710 or email

Providing Your Montana Realty Needs



406.759.5560 1.800.256.4407 Tyler Streit - broker/owner Jill Streit - sales/owner Brenda Streit - broker Ray Morkrid - sales Montana Solum Fruit - sales 715.651.9015

NEW LISTING! Farm for Sale

Farm Land South of Chester, MT

North of Devon, MT Acres: 1986.39 acres total Grazing: 76 acres approx. Cultivated: 1910.33 acres approx. Asking: $2,100,000 Great opportunity to own a large portion of farm ground north of Devon, with a perfect view of the hills! This property has a larger yard with several tree rows, grain bins, several outbuildings, quonsets and a well. Great access in a proven good growing area.

Price: $704,000 Cultivated Acres: 640 acres total Approximately one section worth of productive farm ground located south east of Chester, off Buelow Rd. Great access to improved roads. The property has been farmed to allow any type of crop rotation. AGENT OWNED

NEW LISTING! Farm Land for Sale




South of US HWY 2, Joplin Rd, Joplin, MT Cultivated Acres: 1,550 acres Total Acres: 1,600 acres Asking Price: $1,627,500 Easy access to road and highway, property has several reservoirs on it. Call Bootlegger today for more info on this new property!

Give us a call for more information!

Toll Free

Farm Land North of Chester, MT



Price: $1,210,671 Cultivated: 1120.8 acres Graze: 31.8 acres Total Acres: 1,153 acres Several sections of productive farm ground located 4 miles North East of Chester, off Laird Rd North. Great access to improved roads. The property has been farmed to allow any type of crop rotation.

Farm Land North of Chester, MT

Farm Land North of Chester, MT

Price: $640,000 Cultivated Acres: 640 acres total One section of productive farm ground located 6 miles North West of Chester, off Tiber Rd North. Great access to improved roads. The property has been farmed to allow any type of crop rotation.

Price Reduced: $208,000 Now: $192,000! Acres: 160 acres CRP: 74.88 approx. Crop Acres: 80 approx. East of Laird Rd, North of Chester Crops planted in surrounding area: Winter and Spring Wheat, Peas, Mustard, Canola, Barley, Oats, Alfalfa and Chickpeas. *Prepped for Lentils right now.

Farm Land North of Lothair, MT



Price: $850,000 Acres: 797 acres total Graze: 46 acres approx. Fallow: 751.6 acres approx Great opportunity to own a section and a 1/4 of farm ground north of Lothair! This property has a smaller yard with several tree rows, 6 grain bins, several outbuildings and a small reservoir.

Farm Land North & South of US Highway 2

Price: $317,000 Cultivated Acres: 317 acres Approximately 317 acres of prime farm ground right outside of Chester. Located on the North and South side of Hwy 2, this farm ground has easy highway access. Currently 318 cultivated acres, property has long history of yield data and fertility. Has above average APH (actual production history) and would fit into any farmers pulse or grain rotation as no adverse chemicals have ever been used on it. Currently in Summer Fallow practice for 2019 crop, owner would sell with growing crop. AGENT OWNED!

Farm Land Liberty County, MT

Price: $850,000 Acres: 680 total acres Cultivated acres: 660 approx. Grazing acres: 20 approx. Crops planted in area: Winter and Spring Wheat, Peas, Lentils, Mustard, Canola, Barley, Oats, Alfalfa and Chickpeas. Great opportunity to own a piece of Black Coulee area farm land. This acreage sits conveniently 12 miles south of Joplin, on the west side of the Joplin road. This is a great parcel if you’re looking to increase current production or purchase as an investment property.The county has a total area of 1,458 square miles. 97% of Liberty County’s economy is supported by agriculture. Rich soil provides nourishment for vast fields of wheat, barley and pulse crops.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A24


2-Volkswagen square backs, 1969 and 1973. Need work.....................................................$500 for both Phone (406) 453-4524

Blister beetle management in hay By Jeremiah Vardiman, Agriculture and Horticulture Extension Educator, University of Wyoming Extension

Black Angus Bulls for Sale or Lease Starting at $2,000/hd. with volume discounts and delivery available Lease Options Available OAC Top Stevenson Angus Sires

Call today to schedule a viewing!

Rimrock Cattle Co.

Wayne & Roxy Gillespie, Kevin, MT 406-337-2863 Chris & Lacy Roberts, Cut Bank, MT 406-209-5378

Call Now & Book Your Seed Today! It’s not too early to start talking about


Syngenta Wheats


WestBred Wheats


Lima Grain Cereals

4 Forage Barleys, Oats, Peas and Triticale

Stop in or give us a call! ✽ Custom Pasture & Hay Mixes ✽ ✽ FSG Alfalfa ✽ ✽ 1st Select Alfalfa ✽ ✽ Complete Grass Seed Selection ✽ See us for your CRP needs

✽ REA-Hybrid Corn & Soybeans ✽ ✽ Whole & Cracked Feed Corn ✽ We Buy Malt Barley & Feed Grains

Give us a call!

Other Items Available Upon Request

Post Office Box 130 Three Forks, MT 59752


WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC

Black blister beetle

Ash-grey blister beetle

Lately, there has been a fair amount of coverage on blister beetle toxicity to horses. What should Wyoming hay producers know about blister beetles? Are there any management options for blister beetles in Wyoming hay? Blister beetle is the common name given to members of a family of insects native to the United States that contain the chemical cantharidin as defense against predators. There are more than 300 species of blister beetles in the United States. Many blister beetle species can be found feeding on the leaves and flowers on alfalfa, beans, potatoes, and various horticultural plants. However, the black, ash-gray, and spotted blister are the most common species found in Wyoming’s alfalfa fields. The major concern is when mating swarms of blister beetles contaminate alfalfa hay during harvest. Cantharidiasis or blister beetle poisoning, from eating contaminated hay is reported most often in horses. However, sheep and cattle can be affected as well. Adult blister beetles of the problematic species are slender, soft bodied beetles with fairly long legs that measure approximately 1/2 inch in length. The head, thorax, and abdomen are clearly visible. Adults of the pest species emerge in late spring to early summer and are most active during the summer months. Typically, first cutting hay in Wyoming escapes blister beetle infestations because their peak swarming activity occurs later in the growing season. This is because the larvae of the pest species, that mate and feed on blooming alfalfa, must find grasshopper eggs pods to develop in and grasshopper egg pod numbers increase through the summer months. Blister beetle populations usually increase within areas that had high grasshopper populations the year prior because their larvae found more grasshopper eggs to survive on. High grasshopper populations in or around a producer’s alfalfa field, even on native rangelands, can indicate to a hay producer to be on the lookout for blister beetles the following growing season. USDA grasshopper surveys can be found at the following website: https://www.ars. pest-management-research/pmru-docs/ grasshoppers-their-biology-identificationand-management/outbreak-information/ Toxicity levels of blister beetles vary

among the different species. The most toxic blister beetle that contaminates alfalfa is the threestriped species, (Epicauta occidentalis), just 120 of this species of beetle is required to cause mortality to an 800 pound horse. In comparison, the black blister beetle requires an estimated 1,700 beetles to cause mortality to that same size horse. Luckily, the threestriped beetle has not yet been documented as being present in Wyoming. The black blister beetle is the most commonly found in the state. The spotted blister beetle being the most toxic of the three species common to Wyoming, requiring an estimated 520 beetles to cause mortality to an 800 pound horse. So, what can a producer do if they have blister beetles in their alfalfa field? The best management is to avoid trapping or crushing of blister beetles during hay harvest. The risk of including blister beetles in your hay can be reduced in two ways. The first way would be harvesting alfalfa hay prior to bloom because, blister beetles swarm into fields to feed on the blossoms. The second way would be to harvest the hay with equipment that does not have a hay conditioner, such as an old sickle bar mower, or disengaging the conditioner on your swather. Crushing the beetles will contaminate the hay with the bodily fluids which contain the toxin, even if the beetle carcass does not remain in the bale. This method cuts the hay without crushing or injuring the beetles, allowing them to crawl away and leave the windrow as it dries down prior to baling. Both methods can be combined to achieve the highest mitigation of blister beetle contamination. There are labeled insecticides that are effective at controlling blister beetles, however this is usually not the most effective management strategy. This is especially true with insecticides that have long pre-harvest intervals. This interval is the amount of time required between application of the insecticide and the harvesting of the crop and is usually measured in days. More of the alfalfa will come into bloom and new populations of blister beetles can re-infest the field during the pre-harvest interval negating the insecticide control. This next hay season keep an eye out for high populations of blister beetles within alfalfa hay fields prior to and during harvest. Contact your local Weed and Pest Office or University of Wyoming Extension Office for assistance identifying blister beetles.

Remainder of Great Falls hunter education course canceled

FWP News Release For the latest information on COVID-19, Due to health concerns for students and please visit the Governor’s Coronavirus volunteers, Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) Task Force website at or is cancelling the remainder of the current the Montana Department of Public Health hunter education course taking place at and Human Services website at www.dphhs. North Middle School in Great Falls. The Great Falls Public School District For more information about hunter and on Friday announced they are not allowing bowhunter education classes and schedules, large outside groups to use school buildings. please contact your regional FWP office. FWP will mail the students’ certificates of completion.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A25

Ophus Auction Company invites you to the

Roger Fowler Inc. Estate Auction Saturday, May, 2 , 2020 nd

Thepreview previewwill withbe beheld heldatatthe thefarm farm1361 1361Telstad TelstadRd Rdon onApril April28 28and andApril April 30thth 11 a.m. -5 The - 5p.m. p.m. We will be beholding holdingaa‘Virtual ‘VirtualAuction’ Auction’and and On-line ONLY We will bebe On-line ONLY PLEASE Theauction auctionwill willbegin beginatat10 10a.m. a.m. MST PLEASERegister Registerearly earlyonline. online. The MST TRUCKS


2012 John Deere 2320 MFWD utility tractor, 24 Hp 3 Cyl. Yanmar diesel, Hydro, ROPS, 4X4, only 107 Hr. serial Num. 1LV2320HCBH710548, sells with a JD 200CX loader with 4.5 bucket, a 48 inch 3 Pt. roto-tiller and a JD 54 inch snow blower.

2011 Case IH 535 Quadtrac, Cab air heat radio, 535 Hp, 16 speed power shift, 30 inch tracks, 4 Hyd., AFS Accu Guide, Pro 600 monitor, Diff. Lock, Luxury cab, 2,993 Hr. Serial Number ZAF122942. • 197? Steiger Cougar I cab air heat, Cat 333 Turbo, 10 Speed Trans, 23.1-34 duals are poor, Hr. unknown. • Massy Ferguson 204 utility tractor, 4 Cyl. gas, 4 speed Hydro, 3 Pt., PTO, loader with 4 Ft. bucket Serial Num. A340243.

1994 Ford 9030 bidirectional, cab air heat, 3 PT, PTO, on loader end, loader with 8 Ft. bucket, pallet forks, 4,791 Hr. serial Num. D 200137 loader is in good shape. • 1963 John Deere 4010 tractor, cab, 8 speed Trans, PTO, unknown Hr. serial Num. 49083 1970 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, 8 speed power shift, PTO, new front Hyd. pump, The Hyd. pump in the Transmission is out so it doesn’t shift or drive.

1977 Chevy C-70 tandem twin axle truck, 3208 Cat diesel, Allison automatic, 19 Ft. ITB aluminum box 127,550 miles. • 1974 Ford F-600 single axle truck, V-8, 4&2 speed, 16 Ft. box & hoist. • 1973 Ford F-600 single axle truck, V-8, 4&2 speed, 16 Ft. box & hoist, 51,503 miles.


1935 Ford model 85 truck, V-8 engine, 4 speed 12 Ft. box & hoist; stored inside and looks good. • 1969 Ford F-600 Single axle truck, V-8, 4&2 speed, 14.5 Ft. box & hoist, hood is smashed. • 1966 Ford F-600 single axle truck, V-8, 4&2 speed, 12 Ft. box & hoist, front winch.


WOOD WORKING • Powermatic 10 inch table saw with Accu-fence. • Dust collector. • Delta 43-431 single spindle shaper.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 1985 Steiger Panther CM325, cab air heat, Cat 3406, 20 speed Trans, 24.5-32 duals in poor condition, 5,814 Hr. Serial Num. 123-06028.

EVERYTHING ELSE • 17 Ft homemade 3 axle bumper pull trailer. • 8 -12 Ft. mud leg portable panels. • 1974 Oldsmobile Tornado car, green color, 117,275 miles, 455 4 barrel engine. • Ford 6 Ft. 3 Point mower. • 2004 Bombardier 4X4 Rotax 500 ATV. • 1985 Yamaha Moto 4 ATV shows 111 miles. • John Deere X300 lawn tractor, 18 Hp, Hydro, 42 inch deck, only 95.6 Hr. • Walk behind concrete saw. • Approximately 11,750 Gal. horizontal fuel tank.

Auctioneers Note:

This maybe the first virtual farm machinery auction held in the state of MT. To keep all of our staff and all of our customers’ sellers & buyers safe we are holding this auction Virtual. The only way to bid and buy at this auction is to register online with Do not wait until the date of the auction to register. REGISTER EARLY! You will hear the auctioneer on your computer smart phone or tablet as the bids are called. There will be pickup and loadout on May 4th and May 6th. - Shane

Hitachi model UH 07-3 excavator, 32 inch tracks, 36 inch and a 60 inch ditch cleaning buckets, unknown Hr. MFG. Num. 164-10512.

1993 Komatsu WA 380-1 articulated frontend loader, cab, 196 Hp, 3.4 Yard 9.5 Ft. wide bucket, 23.5-25 tires 11,690 Hr. sells with JRB pallet forks 64 inch long forks can go 6 Ft. wide, Serial Num. A 45179.

• 4 barrel oil dispenser. • LeBland Regal metal lathe, 4 Ft. long, 13 inch swing, 3 & 4 jaw Chucks, steady rest. • Set of Morris taper drill bits. • Roll around tool box & tools. • Miller Matic 200 wire welder. • Thermal Dynamics Econo Pak 50 plasma cutter & cart. • Oxygen Acetylene torch & cart. • Gates Hyd hose machine & few fittings. • Dayton drill press. • Apollo metal band saw. • Parts washer. • Several anvils. • Milwaukee Magnetic base drill press, & 12 new bits. • Hyd. gear gear puller set. • 2 - floor jacks Parts washer.

Brandt 4500 grain vac. • 2013 Brandt 10X70 swing out auger. • Walinga 510 grain vac. • Wheatheart Hyd bin sweep & Honda GX 390 Hyd. unit. • Farm King 10X70 mechanical swingout auger.

Superior disk grain cleaner with 2 universal elevator legs and screener mounted on a homemade 5th wheel trailer with tandem 7,000 # axles. • Brandt 8X35 auger 7.5 Hp electric motor.


AUCTION ONLY Register Early

Auction 10 a.m.


Genie S-40 Upright MX 19 scissor lift, battery powered, 19 Ft. lift height, 500 # capacity slide out platform. • 1976 TT Inc. 50 ton lowboy, triple axle with 10.00R15 duals, 16 Ft. well, 96 inch wide, 38 Ft total length. • Allis Chalmers HD-9 crawler tractor, Garwood hard nose 12 Ft. Hyd. dozer manual angle, runs well. • 20 Yard Letourneau scraper converted to Hyd. • Ditch Witch R-30 4X4 trencher, 8 Ft. stinger, 4 Cyl. Wisconsin air cooled engine, shows 779 Hr. Serial Num. 340174.

2003 IH7400 Work Star truck, air heat radio, DT 466 diesel, 6 speed auto Trans with 2 speed gear box, 80,989 miles, high rise front axle, Trimble auto steer with a CFX 750 monitor, Raven SCS 450 auto rate controller, mounted with a 2012 Spray Flex 110 Ft. Field Star mid mount boom sprayer, 1,500 Gal, 385/85R34MPT front tires, 650/65R-38 rear tires, triple nozzles. Allis-Chalmers AD-40 road grader, cab, 4 Cyl. GM diesel, 6 new tires, 14 Ft. blade, scarifier with no teeth, serial Num.AD40-1155 runs well.

2002 Genie S-40 self-propelled 4X4 telescopic boom lift, dual fuel 500# capacity, serial Num. S40-6225.



John Deere 1830 60 FT. air drill, single shoot, 10 inch spacing rubber capped packers with mud scrapers and rock guards, Serial Num. 1A81830XEBH740258 sells with a John Deere 1910 tow behind seed cart, 150 - 200 bushel split tank, 28L-26 rear rice tires, 21.5-16 front tires Serial Num. 1A811910HJBF740483 Total Acres 39,382. • 45 Ft. Krause model 2100 • 48 Ft. Melro chisel plow, tandem rock flex disk, 18 inch 5 section, Degelman 3 bar front disks, 21 inch rear disks, mounted harrows, wing lift 2 new tires. Cyl. missing. • 45 Ft. Gysler chisel plow, 3 section, • Older 13 Ft. disk.

70 Ft. Degelman Strawmaster 7000 heavy harrow, 5 bar harrows, 9/16 teeth 23 inch long with weld on carbide tips Serial Num. 4746 very nice shape. Hyd wing lift. • 58 Ft. John Deere 1650 chisel plow, 5 section, 1 ¼ inch shanks, dead rod. • Graham 10 Ft. chisel plow.


Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane, Blaine & Taylor, Auctioneers • Mason Ophus , Clerk FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL SHANE @ (406) 788-6662

Printed by The Blaine County Journal News~Opinion

Chinook, Montana Phone: (406) 357-3573


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A26

New Holland Equipment

New Holland 195MBS Manure Spreader

New Holland P2060 Drill with New Holland P4950 Tank

heavy duty, double chain drive, 16.5x16.1 float tires, hydraulic end gate, splash guard, upper beater


New Holland Swathers

New Holland Round Balers

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

Zerbe Bros.

New Holland Combines


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2004 New Holland SD440 57-ft., 10” spacing, 41/2” steel packers, double shoot, stealth openers with SC430 tow between air cart, 30.5x32 tires, mechanical drive...................................... Just In 2005 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 51/2” rubber packers, single shoot, dual wing castors, with 2340 tow between air cart, mechanical drive. UDF259...................................$45,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$65,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244............................................... $50,000

2012 Seed Hawk 8412 air drill with 800 tow behind cart, section control, conveyor, single side band openers, ViperPro................................... Just In! 2014 New Holland P1060 air cart, tow between, variable rate, dual 18.4x38 tires, 430 bushel, dual fan, “Deluxe” auger system...................... Just In


2013 New Holland S1070 suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft., 1600 gallon, 380/90R46 tires, screens, rinse with wand wash............ $25,500 2012 New Holland S1070 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon, windscreens, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash............................ $35,000 2009 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash, with auto boom................... $13,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate..$20,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, 14.9R46 tires, SP655 control, rinse tank w/wash, windscrews..$6000




2015 New Holland L218 skidsteer, 60 HP diesel, cab with heater, hydraulic quick coupler, block heater, 237 hours. #USNH72..........$29,500

2008 Apache AS1010 1949 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30.......$105,000


1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139....................................................$3500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$20,000


2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20.............................................. $88,000 1992 Gleaner R72 8.3 Cummins conversion, 260 hp, 600 hours on new engine, 2667 separator hours. ............................................................... $19,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28.............................................. $15,000


Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Travis Volk

2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 985 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/Accu Boom. #USNH62...................................$219,000


2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2016 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, transport, cross auger, double knife, AWS air bar & finger reel with JD adapter. #UHMD51............................$69,000 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft., trailer package, cross augers, double knives, gauge wheels, flex drapers, Case New Holland adapters...................$61,000 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., flex draper, double knife, finger reel, cross auger, transport...........$54,000 2005 MacDon 973 39-ft. draper transport package, upper cross auger, finger reel, gauge wheels, JD adaptor. #UCM044..................................$19,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500


70 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A27


1981 New Holland 1037 balewagon, 540 PTO drive, 104 bale capacity, 3 wide 7 high, 11Lx15 tires..... ...................................................................$8000

New Holland Workmaster 25S New Holland Workmaster 40 New Holland Powerstar 75 New Holland T6.175 USED TRACTORS

2009 Case IH 535 Steiger 4WD, hi-cap hydraulics, 3300 hours, luxury cab, 5 hydraulics, HID lights, Pro 600 monitor, AutoSteer, 520/85R46 triples... ..............................................................$159,000

John Deere 714A forage wagon, 540 PTO drive, 11Lx15” tires, LH discharge.......................$3000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.........................................................$2500

2003 Case IH MXM175 MFD, 46” rear duals, 540/100 PTO’s, 3 pt hitch, Powershift, 7400 hours, loader, bucket & grapple fork..............................$45,000


2012 Apache AS1220 sprayer, 1430 hours, 250 hp Cummins, 6 speed PowerShift, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, Viper Pro, 10 section, rear duals, AutoSteer, AccuBoom, AutoBoom........$135,000 2006 New Holland SF115 sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1500 gallon tank, EZ-Guide 500 with 10 valve section control and auto steer included...............$16,500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............$12,000 2008 Case IH ATX700 70-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb trips, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, Stealth body with 4” Dutch spread tip, all run blockage, ADX3430 tow behind air cart, 430 bushel, duals, variable rate drive...................................$66,000 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air drill with 1720 tow between, 9” spacing, stealth boots, goose shooters, 31/2” steel packers.............................$23,000

2007 Brent 7 shank ripper w/rear disc.........$15,000

1996 Wishek 842T disc, 23”, 24-ft., w/3 bar gates harrows...................................................$35,000

1980 Friggstad 53-ft. cultivator, new knock-on sweeps, with harrows..............................$13,000


1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43........................................ $8500 2012 New Holland BR7090 twine & net wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO drive, new belts, rebuilt pickup, float tires, approx. 12,000 bales.............. $28,000 2005 New Holland BR780 twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO drive, x-tra sweep pickup, Bale Command monitor......................................................10,500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500

2000 Cat Challenger 85E 375 hp, 11.9 liter, 10 speed, Powershift, 6950 hours...........................$65,000

2011 New Holland P2050 58-ft. hoe drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, Stealth openers w/ Goose shooters, w/P1060 430 bushel TBT air cart, dual fan, variable rate, 10” auger, duals................$90,000


2013 Seed Hawk 8412 drill, double shoot, side band openers, w/800 TBH cart, conveyor, section control, Viper control...................................$239,000

2013 Bale King 5100 round bale processor, hydraulic chute. #UHBK03.....................................$11,000 2016 Haybuster 2660 knobby float tires, hydraulic chute, 1000 PTO.....................................$17,500

Bale Processors

1967 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, 9991 hours, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO’s, no 3-pt., 2 remotes ith JD 148 loader & bucket......................$11,000 1961 John Deere 3010 tractor, 60 hp gas, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, w/John Deere 46 loader, 5-ft. bucket. ...................................................................$5500 2008 New Holland T7050 MFD, 2600 hours, 165 PTO hp, 18.4R42 rear duals, 19x6 Powershift, 3-pt. hitch, 540/1000 PTO’s.....................$72,500

Zerbe Bros. 406-228-4311

2014 New Holland H7150 pivot tongue, 1000 PTO pump drive, 31x13.50-15 tires, (pivot only)..$7500 2013 Farm King sickle mower, 3 pt mount, 9-ft., 540 PTO drive w/skid shoes.............................$4500 2016 New Holland 366 belly mower, 66”, mid PTO drive, came off 37 Boomer tractor..............$2800 2017 Premier H015 post digger, 2” hex drive, w/12” heavy duty auger, skid steer mount...........$2500 2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 936D header....................................................$65,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000

2016 Trail Tech CT220TT combine trailer, 34.5” length, wide torque tube neck, LED’s, 255/70R22.5 tires, pintle on rear, unit like new......................$29,900

Check Out Our Web Site at 2016 Vaderstad CR400 carrier, vertical tillage tool, 13-ft., 5” spacing, steel runner packers, weight package, 3 point mount w/Vaderstad #250 Biodrill seeder..................................................... Just In!

Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!

Your Vermeer Equipment Dealer

Glasgow, Montana

2013 New Holland T9.670 Smartrax tractor, 1625 hours, Hi Flow hydraulics, PTO, new 36” tracks... ..............................................................$289,000

Vaderstad Precision Hoe Drill

2-Batco WCX 1545 field conveyors 15” x 45-ft., 32 hp, Kohler gas engine w/mover, cold weather kit, light kits, 9000 bu./hr.


Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

2006 Versatile 2145 MFD, 5800 hours, 145 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 42” rear tires, 3895 loader w/bucket & grapple..................................$65,000 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points.............................................$6000 2010 Kinze 3600 planter, 16 row, 30” spacing, rubber closer wheels, coulters & row cleaners w/liquid fertilizer 2-160 gallon tanks.....................$61,000

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A28

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 80,000 bushel storage at Choteau, MT

Marion L. Jones 406-544-4766, cell

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Brock • Complete millwright and concrete service • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington





For Sale Sale Private Private Treaty Treaty For Sale Private Treaty For

Range raised bulls out of moderate framed, easy fleshing females • Developed for Soundness raised moderate framed, •Range Raised on Grassbulls & Hay out - No of Grain Range raised bulls out of moderate framed, ••Positive Energy Values Developed for Soundness easy fleshing females easy&fleshing females Raised on Grass Hay - No Grain ••Outcross Genetics

• Positive Energy Values • Outcross Genetics •• Developed Developed for for Soundness Soundness Raising low input, practical cattle Raised on Grass Grain ••• Developed for Soundness Raised on Grass & & Hay Hay -- No No Grain Positiveon Energy Values •••Raising Raised Grass & Hay - No Grain Positive Energy Values low input, practical cattle Bloodlines Include: Outcross Genetics •• Positive Energy Values

• Outcross Genetics Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 • Outcross Genetics Bloodlines Include: Pinebank Waigroup 152/04

for 35 years for 35 years

Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 Dunlouise Jipsey Earl Pinebank Waigroup 152/04 These New Zealand and Scottish genetics excel Dunlouise Jipsey Earl in Montana's Environment. These New Zealand and Scottish genetics excel Bloodlines Include: in Montana's Environment. Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 Bloodlines Include: Pinebank Waigroup 152/04 Bloodlines Include: Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 Drummond, MT 59832Waigroup Dunlouise Jipsey Earl Pinebank 41/97 152/04 Drummond, MT 59832 These New Zealand and Scottish genetics excel Pinebank Waigroup Dunlouise Jipsey152/04 Earl in Montana's Environment.

Raising low input, practical cattle for 35 37 years

Raising low input, practical cattle for 35 years Raising low input, practical cattle for 35 years Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897

Jipsey Earl These New Dunlouise Zealand and Scottish genetics excel These New in Zealand and Environment. Scottish genetics excel Montana's Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 in Montana's Environment.

Drummond, MT 59832 Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 Drummond, MT 59832 $7500

See us all your trailer needs

Drummond, MT 59832



2016 Volvo ECR88D excavator cab, heat, air conditioning, blade, quick attach, 879 one-owner hours. Nice machine!

John Deere 770 BH grader cab, heat, 6800 hours, 13-ft. moldboard, auxiliary hydraulics, mounts for side blade. Fresh service, good machine.


18th April will be... Auctioneers Day

Some of the planet’s biggest personalities, loudest voices, and quickest talkers are celebrated on Auctioneers Day. It’s a time to remember that auctioneering is one of the world’s most ancient professions, having begun more than 2,000 years ago. In fact, the very first auction was held about 500 B.C. in Babylon. The late 17th century saw the establishment of the world’s oldest, still-practicing auction house, Stockholms Auktionsverk. America’s first president, George Washington, was a big fan of scoring himself a hot deal via the mallet. Since the 1950s, the humble auction has expanded to include a plethora of financial institutions and marketplaces. These days, of course, there’s eBay. To celebrate, many auctioneers spend the day working as volunteers, often in local communities. They’re seen running charity events, using their skills and time to fundraise. Some even hold auctions in which the auctioneers themselves are put up for sale.



Erskine pick-up broom with curb sweeper


$47,600 2013 International ProStar 383,000 miles, 10 speed AutoShift, pusher axle. Nice truck.

346 Sunrise Creek Loop Columbia Falls, MT

From USDA January 2019 contained 23 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. January 2020 contained 23 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.96 billion pounds in January, up 5 percent from the 4.70 billion pounds produced in January 2019. Beef production, at 2.39 billion pounds, was 3 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.90 million head, up 2 percent from January 2019. The average live weight was up 12 pounds from the previous year, at 1,375 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.4 million pounds, 2 percent below January a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 50,000 head, 7 percent below January 2019. The average live weight was up 11 pounds from last year, at 224 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.55 billion pounds, 8 percent above the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.8 million head, 7 percent above January 2019. The average live weight was up 2 pounds from the previous year, at 290 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 11.9 million pounds, was 5 percent below January 2019. Sheep slaughter totaled 182,200 head, 3 percent below last year. The average live weight was 130 pounds, down 4 pounds from January a year ago.

2006 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!


Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in Montana

Record high red meat, beef, and pork production for January


10-ft. manbasket OSHA approved, black powder coated, gates at each end, fork mount. (2) In Stock!

Scag Giant-Vac TL20W-26CH-EFI 26.5 hp Kohler engine, 12 inch x 10-ft. hose.

• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

2007 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!

Erskine power angle 7-ft. broom

view inventory on the web at:

Equipment Connection For all pieces, log on to our website:

Small Town Company with Big Connections

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 – Page A29

Equipment Connection

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available


346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West Columbia Falls, MT 59912


Small Town Company with Big Connections Check out our Great Selection of Dump Trailers! $12,950

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.

NEW 2020 PJ 16-ft. x 82” HD dump trailer (2) 10,000 lb axles, 3-ft. sides, upgraded cylinder, spare and ramps.



2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$10,100



2020 Southland 270T 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare.

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers $4250

2020 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2020 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4300 and 20-ft.....$4500




2020 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.

$6600 2020 Royal 6-ft. x 14-ft. Enclosed Trailer Single axle, V-nose, rear ramp door side door, radial tires.

2020 PJ 20-ft. gooseneck trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, straight deck, slide-in ramps.


2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2450 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3450 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3650



2020 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.

PJ Deckover Trailers $8650

view inventory on the web at:


2020 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft......$8750

2020 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$7000 Also available: 3-axle



2020 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber. TJ HR 22-ft. tilts......$9850

Used Trailers



2020 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.

$11,200 $5450

2020 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 78” height.


2020 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.

$12,950 2020 Royal 8.5-ft. x 26-ft. Car/Sled Trailer (2) 6000# axles, rear and front ramp door, side RV door, aluminum wheels, rubber floor, translucent roof.


2020 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$13,400

2020 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9750

$7850 2020 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.



PJ Tilt Trailers

2020 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.

New Enclosed Trailers

2020 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 20-ft.....$7950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8450


2020 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”..$2150 10-ft. 77”..$2250

$9050 2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp Also available: 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer, (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.....$8850

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 7000# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft. single axle.......$3850

2020 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3650 20-ft......$3950


2020 PJ 12-ft. x 72” tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, split gate, ramps Also available: 10-ft. .....$7650


PJ Gooseneck Trailers


2020 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare.

2020 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,200

PJ Utility Trailers

$12,800 2020 Southland 30-ft. gooseneck flatbed (2) 12,000 lb axles, 6-ft. beaver tail, flip-over ramps.

$10,600 $10,250

Southland Trailers

2019 PJ 22-ft. HD equipment tilt trailer (2) 8000 lb axles, fork rack, spare.

2020 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.


2020 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6400 And 24-ft.....$6600

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices 2019 PJ 22-ft. x 8” I-beam deckover trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, fold-up ramps, 3-ft. dovetail.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A30

HELP WANTED - Farm Foreman Sheffels Farms is a family owned dryland farm raising primarily wheat and barley located 11 miles northeast of Great Falls, Montana. In our second century of operation, we take pride in our employees, land, and equipment. We are seeking a farm foreman responsible for all on-farm aspects of the operation including supervising two full-time and up to 10 seasonal employees. Must have 2-years management experience, significant mechanical experience (mechanic/welder), and a positive attitude. Farm experience strongly preferred. Wages depend on experience. Health insurance, paid vacation, 401(k) with employer matching, and production shares available after meeting vesting requirements. On-farm subsidized housing may be possible. Send background and motivation to Steve at

Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service

411 North Main - Conrad, MT (406) 278-5915

Recipe Patch by Geri

Air Fryer Whole Chicken

4 lb whole chicken 2 tbsp garlic salt 1/2 tsp basil 1/2 tsp onion powder 3 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp oregano Pat chicken dry, rub olive oil on skin. Spray inside of air fryer basket with non stick spray and put chicken into basket with the breast side facing down. Season with half the amount of spices. Close air fryer lid, cook at 360 degrees for 30 min. Then flip to breast side up and spray with olive oil. Add other half of listed seasonings listed on to the breast side. Then cook remaining 30 minutes at 360 degrees. Leave in the machine for at least 5 minutes to retain juices, cut into pieces and enjoy!

Air Fryer Brussel Sprouts

2020 models are in! Come Check ‘Em Out! We have a nice selection of used travel & cargo trailers!!!

• 2018 Winnebago MicroLite 20-ft. bumper pull • 2008 Terry 289 bumper pull with large slide • 2007 Springdale 26-ft. bumper pull • 2000 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel with slide • 2001 Nash 23-ft. 5th wheel • 1999 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel with slide

• 2016 Neo 29-ft. cargo trailer



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1.5-2 lbs brussel sprouts ends cut off, sliced lengthwise 2 tbsp olive oil 1 1/4 tsp garlic salt 1/4 tsp chili powder 1 lemon fresh, squeezed 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1.5 tbsp butter melted 1/8 tsp pepper 1 tsp Dijon mustard Preheat air fryer at 390 degrees for 5 minutes. Put brussel sprouts with ends cut off and sliced in half lengthwise in a bag or bowl. Add olive oil, 1 tsp garlic salt, chili powder, squeeze 1/2 your lemon, and apple cider vinegar into your baggie or bowl. Toss. Pour coated brussels into your air fryer basket and close lid. Cook at 390 degrees for a total of 15 minutes, stirring/flipping pieces over twice during that total time. When that is cooking melt your butter and whisk in 1/4 of garlic salt, pepper, the other 1/2 of your lemon juice, and dijon mustard together. When brussel sprouts are done pour them in a bowl and toss with this butter mixture.

Air Fryer Chili Cheese Hot Dogs

Hot dogs use as many as will fit inside your air fryer Onion, diced 1/4 c cheese 8 oz chili Hot dog buns Put hot dogs inside buns, place into fryer. Spoon about 2 oz. of chili on top of hot dog in bun, add diced onions if you want on top of this, and then sprinkle a generous amount of shredded cheese on the very top. Close lid and set again to 375 degrees for 4 minutes or until cheese is melted and golden brown enough for you. (4 min. is about perfect)

Air Fryer Bacon Wrapped Steak

2 rib eye steaks 6 strips bacon Dry Steak rub of choice Lay steaks on cutting board and sprinkle dry rub seasoning on 1 side of both steaks, pat down so it sticks. Flip over and do the same until seasonings are gone. Lay 3 pieces of bacon down horizontally. Lay steak on top of the bacon. Wrap bacon around and under steak. Place both bacon wrapped steaks inside your air fryer basket. Preheat your air fryer at 375 degrees for 5 minutes, then put basket with steaks inside and set for a total of 18 minutes. After 9 minutes flip both steaks so other side can cook and crisp bacon. Allow steaks to rest for 3-5 minutes to stay juicy, then serve.

Air Fryer Baked Potatoes

Local ownership – personal service

4 medium potatoes russet 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp sea salt Wash your potatoes, then poke them with a fork all around each one. Pat them dry. Rub olive oil over each one (generously) and then sprinkle sea salt over the entire outside of each potato. Place a trivet inside your air fryer. Put your potatoes on your trivet so they aren’t overlapping. Close your air fryer lid. Set to air crisp, 400 degrees for 35-45 minutes.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A31

Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Bayers Ranches, Inc.

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co

Hop Creek Ranch

406-799-2264, Lavina, MT

Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch J Bar E Ranch

Feddes Herefords

406-214-5120, Missoula, MT

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

Brownell Polled Herefords

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Cooper Hereford Ranch

406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT

406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT

Curlew Cattle Co

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT

Feddes Herefords

K & C Herefords

L Bar W Cattle Company

Lucky U Cattle Company

McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc. 406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

McMurry Cattle

406-254-1247, Billings, MT

On Point Cattle Co

570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT

Frank Herefords

Griffin Polled Herefords 406-821-0247, Darby, MT

H Hanging J

406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT

Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper 406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT

Harper Herefords

406-323-1686, Roundup, MT

Holden Herefords

406-450-1029, Valier, MT

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch

Bulls, Registered Heifers, and F1 Baldy Heifers Available Now!

Plentywood, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149

Yearling Bulls & Heifers

Emily Pederson

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

406-835-2501, Glen, MT

Townsend, MT 59644 (406) 266-4121 (406) 439-4311

2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Otis Ranch

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT

Garrison Ranches Inc

Female Production Sale in September

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

406-322-8541, Columbus, MT

307-631-6012, Absarokee, MT

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.

406-979-5720, Vida, MT

406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT

Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

For Sale Private Treaty

Rafter Ranch Inc.

Look us up on Facebook

Cory & Keesha Dutton Deer Lodge, MT 406-240-9301

Rockin’ Double R Ranch

406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT

Sparks Herefords

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Vandeberg Ranch

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT

XA Cattle

308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE

Yorlum Cattle Co

406-882-4086, Trego, MT


Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

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Richard & Shirley Bruce & Tammy (406) 544-1536 WWW.THOMASHEREFORDS.COM

Registered Bulls Heifers

Commercial Calves Yearlings

by private treaty

Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102


Mountain Raised Herefords Since 1930

HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040

Gold Creek, MT

KT Built Tuff 1010

Many sons of this polled Calving Ease trait leader selling at private treaty

Liz and Yvonne Jones 64542 Hwy 43 Wise River, MT 59762 Phone (406) 832-3219 Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount

Sires: Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 • AGA 18Y Standard 46Z WH 137Y Standard 333A ET • XTC 5C Total Recall ET 66A AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A • AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A32

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

Tate Miller Welding

•  Cattle Guards - any size  •  Panels - 24-ft. •  Calf Hutches •  Wind Break Panels - 24-ft. x any height Delivery available Phone 701-220-1350, Golva, ND


1974 White 4-150 tractor, 3208 Cat, 1000 PTO, new starter.................................................... $4000 obo 1980 GMC General truck, engine shot, 20-ft. Strong Box and hoist, newer tarp...................... $8000 obo 1990 Ford F250 4x4, extended cab, 450 engine (not running), 8-ft. custom service body (Rhino lined), 225 gallon fuel tank (air deliver), HD tow hitch, HD bumper mounted winch................................. $4400 2010 MacDon D50 35-ft. draper header. Good condition...................................................... $20,000 obo Pictures available Call or text 406-390-1954 or 406-399-4360 Hingham, MT

Archaeologists partner with businesses to uncover forgotten past

From UM News Service Historic maps reveal an area that contained Archaeology students and researchers Chinese dwellings and stores, as well as a at the University of Montana (UM) have hardware store, saloons, boarding houses discovered artifacts in downtown Missoula and “female boarding” houses. that illuminate the lives of people from While infamous Missoula madam Mary more than a century ago. Gleim owned multistory brothels along The finds were made during construction the south side of West Front Street, lesser for a new brewery and pub on the 200 block known women with fewer economic opporof West Main Street. UM alumni Jed and tunities worked in the cramped, tiny cribs Jennifer Heggen, owners of the soon-tothat lined the north side of West Front, a open Cranky Sam Public House, partnered detail of the area’s land-use history that the last summer with a team that included UM UM team immediately recognized. archaeology graduate students Nikki Man“We are incredibly grateful to Biga ownning and Kate Kolwicz. They salvaged artier Bob Marshall, as well as the Heggens, for facts uncovered during construction work. their sincere stewardship and support of the The Heggens had unexpectedly found research programs that are blossoming as themselves atop a major archaeological site a result of these materials,” Dixon said. “I that was in the heart of Missoula’s red-light know it is important to the business owners district and Chinese community from about and our research team to avoid sensational1880 to the early 1920s. Red-light districts izing the artifacts or using them to perpetuand “Chinatowns” were found in close ate common stereotypes based upon race, proximity to one another in many towns culture and social status. We look forward across the American West. to sharing our ongoing findings, as well as While research shows that the area was lessons from the past that are applicable to connected with the Chinese population, our complex world today.” it also was the neighborhood of “female The Heggens originally had a different boarding houses” – a euphemism for prosname for the Cranky Sam Public House titution that included brothels and one-room but interacting with the UM research cribs. team helped them learn about an English“The site has turned up thousands of speaking Chinese immigrant who played a artifacts,” Kolwicz said. “We have found central role in some illicit activities in the intact liquor, beer and medicine bottles, Chinese district. ceramics, countless ceramic sherds and Known as Cranky Sam, his 1910 obituglass shards. We also found artifact types ary reads: “He was known to every freassociated with the Chinese specifically, quenter of the restricted district as a man such as Chinese-made ceramics, pill viwho knew no law and respected no person.” als associated with Chinese traditional “Sam is the epitome of someone we medicine, opium paraphernalia and Chinese know only through the words and percepgame pieces and coins. Artifacts associated tions of outsiders,” Kolwicz said. with prostitution also were collected at the Despite the “lawlessness” mentioned in site, including perfume bottles, feminine this excerpt from his obituary, Manning hygiene products and cosmetic jars.” noted that someone in Missoula took the She said the site is part of a small but time to prepare a nicely written obituary, diverse neighborhood that once housed reminding people living today that Sam people of various economic statuses, as was an appreciated, if not iconic, member well as people with Chinese, African and of the community. European ancestry. “The artifacts left behind by those who Under the guidance of UM Department likely knew, worked with, socialized with of Anthropology Professor Kelly Dixon, and maybe even quarreled with the man students and community volunteers recovknown as Cranky Sam provide connecered the artifacts and moved them to an tions to Missoulians whose names did not UM archaeology laboratory for cleaning make the newspapers as much as he did,” and analysis. Manning said. “The artifacts collected at the site are The UM team hopes to learn more as critical to understanding what life was like they continue analyzing the archaeologifor these early Missoulians,” Manning said. cal traces of historic Missoula. Dixon said “Because of the small size of the neighborsome of the more notable artifacts will be hood and the amount of urban development displayed at the Cranky Sam Public House that has occurred over the past century, this when it opens. The remainder will form is one of the only intact archaeological a teaching and research collection that is sites pertaining to the red-light district and already providing content for master’s theChinese community in Missoula that we ses, doctoral dissertations, hands-on underare likely to find.” graduate experiences and K-12 field trips. Dixon said the artifacts recovered at the Kolwicz said the excavation has been an site represent the lives of people largely incredible opportunity. forgotten by history. Historical sources “As a native Missoulian, I have always were generally written about these people been fascinated with the lives of ‘people of rather than by them. little note’ in historic Missoula,” she said. “This type of archaeology helps democ“I never dreamed that I would be lucky ratize our multicultural history,” Dixon enough to find an archaeological site in said. “Right now, the sheer volume of artidowntown Missoula. This site is the topic facts will require time to properly research of my master’s thesis, and I will be expandand analyze, so it’s too early to make any ing it into a doctoral dissertation as well.” presumptions about the data. We hope to reveal more of the story as the research continues.” ##### She said a business adjacent to the Modern war dogs are trained to sniff out Cranky Sam Public House, Biga Pizza, sits bombs and drugs, track people and even atop the location of a temple that served attack when necessary. They’re like living, Missoula’s Chinese community from the four-legged Swiss Army knives… 1890s to 1910s. Dixon said recent construc##### tion work there is unearthing even more arThere are about 2,500 war dogs in service chaeological evidence that appears to align today, with about 700 serving at any given with the materials currently being analyzed. time overseas.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A33

##### Barley is a grain that is similar to wheat in appearance and is the only grain that grows well in the extreme north and in high altitudes. It can be found in Arctic regions and in the high Himalayas. Russia leads the world in barley productions (around 42 million tons a year).

Trade Shows around Montana are a popular place for friends and neighbors to gather, and also for businesses to make personal contact with some potential customers. The GATE in Glendive, held February 14-15, saw a good crowd attend, due in part to the nice weather that weekend.

David L. Hayden - Independent Dealer Big Sky Synthetics LLC 1017 Montana Ave. • Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-491-2030 •



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Montana Ag Student Loan Assistance Program

Custom Cleaning & Treating

The Montana Department of Agriculture is now accepting applications for the Montana Agriculture Student Loan Assistance Program. The program was established with the signing of HB 431 during the 2019 legislative session. Applications can be submitted at and the application deadline is June 1, 2020. More information, including eligibility requirements can be found on MDA’s website. “Montana’s young ag producers are the future of our industry, and there are tremendous opportunities out there,” said MDA Director Ben Thomas. “We feel this program will help to remove some of the barriers young folks have when trying to get started in agriculture.” The Montana Agriculture Student Loan Assistance Program was developed to encourage Montana’s collegeeducated youth to pursue a primary career in farming or ranching; reduce financial stress on Montana’s farm and ranch operators; and promote succession planning to preserve interest in Montana’s agricultural future. Successful applicants may receive loan assistance for up to five years for qualified education loans. All awards will be made by the Agriculture Development Council. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit www.agr.



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Private Treaty

Maine-Anjou Bulls currently available!

Bulls like this available: MVH Allstar Xtra 536G

Maine-Anjou Bulls offer YOU:

Free delivery in the state of Montana! Reasonably priced high quality bulls that are semen checked and ready to work for you.

● Calving Ease ● Improved Disposition

We have a good selection of Maine-Anjou, Maine Angus and MaineTainer bulls for your evaluation. Please stop by the ranch anytime to look through this exciting group of bulls. We look forward to vistiting with you.

Mike O’Hara (406)899-6903

Heath O’Hara (406)899-6902

● ● ● ●

Hardy O’Hara (406)734-5252

More information available at :

in One Generation More Muscle More Pounds at Weaning Feed Lot Performance Hybrid Vigor

Your “MAINE” bull source!

O’Hara Land and Cattle 811 Redant Lane, Fort Benton, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A34

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch

Little Bitterroot Ranch SIMMENTAL & SIM/ANGUS BULLS


48 yrs breeding Simmental by AI Call Frank (406) 741-2523

##### Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little coarse, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice? Up again, you shall nevermore be so afraid of a tumble. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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750R Rancher $6490

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USDA approves Montana hemp production plan

From USDA The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) received formal approval of its hemp production plan by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on March 6, 2020. This federal authorization comes after a nearly 60-day review period. The 2018 Farm Bill directed USDA to develop a national regulatory framework for hemp and include a process for states desiring to have primary authority to submit their production plans. On October 31, 2019, the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program was established through the USDA’s Interim Final Rule (IFR) which included provisions for licensing requirements, sampling and testing procedures, maintaining information on land where hemp is produced, and disposal requirements. Montana submitted its state plan on January 9, 2020. While MDA views the approval of its plan as a major accomplishment, there were some areas of compromise exchanged with USDA. “I’m pleased with USDA’s approval of our plan, but still see a need to advocate for what will work best in Montana,” said Director Ben Thomas. “Because the hemp industry is so new, and growing conditions can vary so much from state to state, there’s still potential for improving oversight at the federal level.” The Montana State Hemp Program has been federally compliant since its formation. Operating under authority provided in the 2014 Farm Bill, the pilot program grew from nearly 20 growers and close to 525 acres in 2017, to nearly 60 growers and around 22,000 acres in 2018. With the signing of the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp was removed from the controlled substances list and regulatory authority transferred from the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to USDA. Interest in hemp surged and over 200 licensed growers planted approximately 50,000 acres in 2019. MDA worked diligently to develop and establish its program with input from growers, law enforcement, and stakeholders. Growers can expect procedures similar to those implemented in 2019 for the 2020 growing season. MDA will continue to operate under authorities provided in the 2014 Farm Bill until October 2020. Montana State Hemp License applications have been available since January and MDA will continue to accept them through April 30th. Montana is one of 11 states and 12 tribes with an approved plan. The Fort Belknap Indian Community received approval of its plan on January 27th. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

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Extension postpones face-toface work through May 15

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension is postponing, canceling or offering in an alternative format all face-to-face contacts through May 15. “Earlier we had announced that this postponement of activities would be through April 5,” says Greg Lardy, vice president of Agricultural Affairs and Extension director. “However, with the continuing COVID-19 situation, we’ve decided to follow NDSU’s academic schedule with virtual learning and teach and work remotely through May 15.” This includes 4-H meetings and activities, office visits, educational meetings, programs taught by volunteers, pesticide certification and other in-person activities. “I’m very proud of the faculty and staff who have so quickly changed their delivery modes,” Lardy says. “For example, more than 200 people were on a webinar where our ag economists talked about the impacts COVID-19 might have on agriculture. Many of our county family and community wellness agents are teaching through Facebook Live and other technologies to teach nutrition and food safety to children who are home rather than in school. And some 4-H clubs are having their meetings virtually.” Lardy says most Extension personnel are working at home but still can be reached by email.

##### Our prayers should be burning words coming forth from the furnace of a heart filled with love. – Mother Teresa

Pig in a Blanket Day

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always April 24 Pig in a Blanket Day is a day to eat a sausage wrapped in a pancake. Why? Because that’s what “Pig in a Blanket” is. Somebody, somewhere decided that this was a very special treat to them. So, they created a special day to celebrate this culinary delight. Aren’t you glad that they did? How does one go about celebrating Pig in a Blanket Day? Cook up some sausage. Make some pancakes. Wrap the sausage inside of the pancake. Add maple syrup. Then, chow down.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A35

LOOKING FOR: Versatile-Noble 2000 drills, 10” spacing preferred. Also split seed fertilizer boots for same drill. Phone (406) 473-2293

Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc. Serving the Trucking Industry Since 1959 2100 Industrial Drive Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-0480 • 800-472-2649

Quality Built Quality Sold

3631 38th Street SW Fargo, ND 58106 701-282-3790 • 800-246-3790

Visit us at:

2020 Ranco 42-ft. x 102” side dump tri axle air ride with rear lift. Located at Bismarck................................CALL

2014 Wilson DWH-550 – 2 sets available! 29-ft. x 102” x 78” lead and 25-ft. 6” x 102” x 78” pup, telescoping draw bar (67” - 191”) on the pup. Single hoppers, ag hoppers, air ride, electric tarp. Located at Bismarck...... ............................................................................. CALL

BISMARCK LOCATION: 1992 Muvall machinery trailer, 48-ft. x 102”, hydraulic beavertail w/aluminum side expandables. Located at Bismarck............................................................. CALL

FARGO LOCATION: 2015 Wilson 43-ft. x 102” x 78”, Black, air ride, ag hoppers, stainless front and rear 2003 Transcraft 48-ft. tri-axle, beavertail, center axle lift 2003 - 2006 Vans 53-ft., swing doors and roll-up doors

2002 Merritt 42-ft. x 96” x 66”, air ride, ag hoppers 1996 Merritt 43-ft. x 96” x 66”, air ride, ag hoppers 2000 Wilson flatbed, 48-ft. x 102”, closed tandems, 2 available 2016 Wilson 38-ft. x 96” x 72”, air ride, ag hopper, electric tarp and traps 2011 Wilson 38-ft. x 96” x 78”, air ride, ag hopper, electric tarp, pintle hitch on rear 2020 Manac step deck, 53-ft. x 102”, all steel 2021 Manac step deck, triple axle, beavertail, 2 available 2020 Wilson 50-ft. x 102” x 84”, Gun Metal Gray, rear axle lift, electric tarp, 3rd hopper



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2015 Ford Explorer Limited

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2017 Ford Explorer XLT

2015 Ford F150 SuperCrew

3.5L V6, Ecoboost, sliver exterior, gray interior, rear view camera, 75,890 miles


2017 Ford Mustang GT Coupe Premium 5.0L V8, 6-speed manual, silver exterior, leather trim Sport interior, 10,302 miles

4WD, Magnetic exterior, black interior, heated front seats, remote start, keyless entry, 40,617 miles.



2012 Ram 3500 Laramie

MegaCab, 6.7L turbo diesel, black exterior, black leather interior, heated steering wheel, receiver hitch, 154,106 miles

2015 Dodge Ram 1500 Longhorn

Crew cab, 3.0L V6 turbo diesel, black exterior, wood/metal trim, navigation, 54,716, miles


2012 Ram 5500

6.7L turbo diesel, 6-speed automatic, 40-ft. Fassi crane w/air compressor, blue exterior, 128,041 miles


2013 Dodge Ram 1500

Crew cab, 5.7L V8, silver exterior, heated seats, power locks & windows, 87,360 miles


2005 Honda Odyssey Passenger Van

3.5L V6, gray exterior, gray interior, third row seat, rear AC controls, 186,629 miles


2010 Dodge Ram 1500


Crew cab, short box, 5.7L V8, white exterior, black interior, grille guard, 179,001 miles


2013 GMC Sierra Denali

Crew cab, 6.2L V8, maroon exterior, leather, remote start, heated seats, 83,459 miles


2017 GMC Acadia Denali

3.6L V6, black exterior, black interior, third row seat, remote start, navigation, 54,629 miles


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A36

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.



As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.


� Build soil carbon � Build soil health � Reduce fertilizer applications

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al Arriv

2005 Kenworth T800B Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 18 speed Eaton-Fuller, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears, lift axle.... $44,500

8360 Hwy 10 West• Missoula, MT 406.549.1047 or 207.1945


1998 Kenworth W900 Cat 3406E, 475 hp, retarder, 15 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, air ride suspension, dual exhaust........................................ $31,500

1989 Mack RD688S E6-350 Mack, Fuller 13 speed, 14-ft. dump box plumbed for pup, 13-ft. snow plow with Swenson sander box, county maintained................ $17,500

2012 Peterbilt 389 extended hood, 485 hp, ISX 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 620,000 miles, clean one owner truck, all maintenance records.... $68,500

1989 Kenworth T800 cab and chassis, 12.7 Detroit S60, 450 hp, 201” wheelbase, 9 speed transmission, wet kit, clean older truck that drives great. 440,000 original miles............................................ $18,000


al Arriv

1995 Peterbilt 379 460 hp N14, 15 speed, 12,000 lb. front, new 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 40,000 lb. rears on Pete air track, Cozad lowboy ramps, aluminum headache rack, two line wet kit, clean one owner truck.................................. $37,500

1998 Peterbilt 378 Cat 475 hp, 13 speed, 12,000 front, 13,200 lb steerable lift axle, 40,000 rears on Pete air leaf, locker, 16-ft. box plumbed for pup.................... $47,500 1991 IHC crew cab, 4 door, DT466, 10 speed, 12,000# front, 40,000# rears on Hendrickson walking beam suspension, spring over beam, 300 National Series crane, 105,000 original miles....... $13,500 1987 IHC VT466, 5 speed, 200,000 original miles............................................... $5000

edu ice R

Pr 1987 Peterbilt 359 Cat 3406B, 425 hp, 13 speed transmission, 242” wheelbase, 12,000 lb. front axle, 40,000 lb. rears, low boy ramps, wet kit........................ $21,500 2007 Fontaine Phantom aluminum flatbed, 48-ft. x 102”, aluminum wheels, good tires, toolboxes, one owner, side kit with bows and tarps............................ $19,500

2014 Kenworth T800 550hp Cummins ISX with records, 400,000 miles, Eaton RTLo18918, air ride, 245” wheel base, very clean.................................... $58,500

1985 Freightliner FLD120 Big Cam 400 hp Cummins, 13 speed, Reyco spring suspension, new paint w/records...... $17,500

MSU research on pest-fighting fungi granted patent for biocontrol

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service Research conducted at one of Montana State University’s (MSU) agricultural research centers was patented in January after the discovery of a group of unique fungi that may lead to strides in combating wheat stem sawfly and Hessian fly, two of the most prominent wheat-targeting pests in the U.S. Gadi V.P. Reddy, who was the superintendent of MSU’s Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center in Conrad and is now a research leader for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Southern Insect Management Research Unit in Mississippi, helped to isolate novel strains of five fungi from samples in Montana wheat fields. The fungi — Beauveria pseudobassiana, B. amorpha, B. bassiana, Metarhizium pemphigi and M. anisopliae — occur naturally in certain wheat plants and are lethal to both wheat stem sawflies and Hessian flies. Wheat stem sawfly and Hessian fly cause millions of dollars in damage to wheat crops throughout Montana and the Rocky Mountain region each year, said Reddy. They pose a particularly challenging threat because they can’t be combated by spray pesticides. Sawfly lay their eggs inside wheat stems, so the plant provides protection to the very pest that ultimately kills it. Once the egg hatches, the larvae eat the inside of the stem and burrow downward for winter hibernation, which weakens the stem and causes lodging. “We don’t have any reliable control methods for sawfly right now,” said Reddy. “Even if you spray chemicals, it doesn’t go inside the plant and kill the larvae. The flies have few natural enemies, and those are established and effective in only a few places.” The patent, entitled “Compositions and Methods to Reduce the Population of Wheat-Stem Sawfly and Hessian Fly,” was issued to MSU and the USDA January 14 after a research and field-testing process that began in 2013. The patent will facilitate the production of commercial products that growers can apply to fields in an effort to accomplish what many adaptive management efforts haven’t yet been able to. The most effective management method for Hessian fly and wheat stem sawfly in recent years has been the development of solid-stemmed wheat varieties. MSU breeders have released nine solid-stemmed varieties since 1995, including 2013’s Warhorse, the leading variety in Montana that year, and 2019’s Bobcat. However, said Reddy, solid-stemmed wheat often shows lower yield and lower protein content than traditional hollow-stemmed varieties, which can make it less attractive for farmers to plant. The advent of no-till agriculture has also benefited the pests, which hibernate in the stubble left behind after wheat is harvested, waiting until the next spring to emerge. After the initial discovery of the fungi in 2013, Reddy’s team sent them to co-inventor Stefan Jaronski at USDA’s Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, which frequently conducts research with the MSU College of Agriculture and Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Once the fungi were isolated from the wheat samples and laboratory and field tests were completed, MSU and the USDA applied for the patent in 2017. “We found out that based on the experimental results, these fungi were specific to sawfly and Hessian fly,” said Reddy. “When spores end up on the insects themselves, they can germinate and release enzymes and substances that are toxic to the flies but are safe to both human beings and the wheat plant itself.” Through a licensing process with MSU’s Technology Transfer Office, agricultural companies will be able to manufacture sprays or other products containing the fungi and eventually make them available to farmers.

Installing a carpet

A carpet layer had just finished installing carpet for a lady. He stepped out for a smoke, only to realize he’d lost his cigarettes. In the middle of the room, under the carpet, was a bump. “No sense pulling up the entire floor for one pack of smokes,” he said to himself. He proceeded to get out his hammer and flatten the hump. As he was cleaning up the lady came in. “Here,” she said, handing him his pack of cigarettes. “I found them in the hallway.” “Now,” she said, “if only I could find my parakeet.”

Teams win Little I 4-H crop judging contest

##### And finally, if you won $1,000,000 from the lottery your life would not change that much. You’d keep right on farming, maybe with newer equipment and more land, but you’d keep farming because that is who you are and what you do...You Might be a Farmer.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A37


By NDSU Extension Service Are your calving barns cold and drafty??? The Grand Forks County 4-H crop judging team placed WE CAN HELP!! first in the senior division and the Ward County team placed Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. first in the junior division of the Little I 4-H crop judging LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan contest at North Dakota State University (NDSU). (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 The Grand Forks County team’s members are Jennifer Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana Schneibel of Manvel, Evan Coles and Emily McHugo of Grand Forks, Joseph Vandal of Minto and Ryan Juve of Thompson. Schneibel placed first individually in the senior 4-H contest. The Grand Forks County team is coached by Cheryl Granger and Tyler Stover. The Walsh County team placed second in the senior New location opens division. Team members are Andrew Myrdal of EdMonday, March 16th inberg, Connor Hodek of Fordville, Justin Klose of Please call with any questions: Hoople, and Owen Zikmund and Jonah Zikmund of 1-406-761-8195 Pisek. The team is coached by Brad Brummond. The Steele County team placed third in the senior division. Team members are Emma Gullicks of Galesburg, Sydney Jacobson of Hatton and Jack Thompson of Page. The team is coached by Angie Johnson. 1 Windmill View Loop The first-place junior Great Falls, MT 59404 Ward County team’s mem@montanavalleyirrigation bers are Abby Finke of Berthold, Mark Schauer and Daylon Yanish of Carpio, and Makayla White of Berthold. Kelly Finke is the team coach. The Mountrail County junior team placed second. Team members are Alyssa Haakenson and Brendan Haakenson of Parshall, and Rebecca Littlefield of New Town. Alyssa Haakenson placed first individually in the contest. The team is coached by Roger Christenson. The third-place junior division team of Tucker Stover of Larimore, Gabriel Satisfaction & EPDs & Catalog Schneibel of Manvel and Phoebe Stover of Larimore Calving Ease Guaranteed information available represented Grand Forks County. Granger and Stover also coached this team. The junior crop judging contest consists of youth judging crop seed classes of wheat, barley and oats, and identifying plants and seeds. The contest also requires CED 17 (Top 4% for Breed) participants to evaluate market factors of wheat, grade Avg. BW EPD -2.5 (Top 5% for Breed) grain, and identify insects and equipment. The senior contest consists of those activities plus identifying crop disorders. The Little I 4-H crop Get a hold of us to discuss your bull needs. We’d love to visit with you! judging contest is conducted with support and sponsorship from the North Dakota 4-H Foundation and NDSU Collegiate FFA Club.


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Gelbvieh Bulls

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#### Stress is when you wake up screaming, then realize you haven’t even fallen asleep yet!

Dale & Cindy Andersen Reserve, MT 406-286-5602 - home - leave message Cell: 765-7836 or 765-7839

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A38

The deadline for advertising for the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT

Interpreting your soil test reports

From PennState Extension lab you await patiently for your test results, Soil tests are tools that allow you to unbut when they arrive do you know what it derstand soil fertility in your fields. With all means? the basic soil sampling tests and techniques, Each soil testing lab will represent results you can get an estimate of the average in a different way. In this article we are field fertility, but in order to get accurate going to break down the soil test reports and useful results, it’s important to get a from the Penn State Agricultural Analytirepresentative sample. Check out our soil cal Services Laboratory (Image 1 and 2). sampling video ( In images 1 and 2, the soil tests are broken soil-sampling) to see how soil samples into four sections. should be taken. After you send in your soil sample to the

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD

See us on the web: 2015 Cat D5K2XL 4050 +/- hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM, CD player, Trimble Modem and GCS base kit, rock guards, 3 shank ripper, Accugrade ready, full SALT undercarriage, under carriage replaced by Cat with

OEM Cat under carriage at 3343 hours, 20” track width, 6-way blade, new engine at 3343 hours installed by Cat, very nice, clean, tight dozer, just serviced, jobsite ready. Located in Spearfish, SD......................... $94,900 2005 Deere 772D 8615 hours, allwheel drive, front weight with push block, 14-ft. mold board, ripper scarfier, 230 max hp, pre-emission machine, 17.5R25 Radial tires at 80%. Southern CA machine with no corrosion, overall very good condition, tight and dry. Located in Victor, MT........................................ $89,900 2004 Cat 924G 9840 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, air ride cloth seat, ride control, reversing fan, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 2.75 CY bucket, has been through the shop all repairs have been done, just serviced, very nice clean loader, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................................................................. $59,900 Bobcat 763 1972 +/- original hours, enclosed cab with heat, new tires, new cutting edge, new battery, has been through the shop, all repairs have been done, just serviced, very nice and tight, low hour skid steer. Located in Spearfish, SD......................................$21,900 2006 Cat D3G XL, 2570 hours, OROPS, under seat heater, ripper, 96” PAT blade, hydrostatic drive, 70 hp, 17,000 lb operating weight, undercarriage at 50%. Very nice and tight machine, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD..... ..........................................$49,500 2017 Cat 926M HL wheel loader, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 7150 +/- hours, air ride heated cloth seat, ride control, differential lock, Bluetooth AM/FM radio, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, new radial tires, 3 CY bucket, maintained very well by Cat. Super clean loader, Located in Spearfish, SD...... ...................................................................................................... $98,900 2014 Volvo MC135 skid steer, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 60 +/- hours, AM/FM radio, ride control, 2 speed travel, Quick attach, pilot controls, 12x16.5 tires, 92 hp, 8500 lbs. 6000 lb. max lift load, 3000 lb. operating load. Like new. Located in Spearfish, SD........ ..........................................$46,900 2013 Deere 310SJ 2900 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, air ride cloth seat, ride control, power shift transmission, 2 lever backhoe controls, 24” backhoe bucket, new front tires, rear tires approximately 40%, recent service, very clean. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................... $59,500

Image 1. Soil test report broken into four sections with recommendations for corn grain, corn silage, and planting alfalfa-grass.

The first section is composed of the information you filled out when you sent in the soil sample and forms -- name, contact, and field information. In the second section, we start to get into the measured soil fertility levels- pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and magnesium (Mg). Phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are essential plant nutrients that are measured in parts per million (ppm), which measures nutrient concentration per million particles of Soil pH measures the acidity or alkalinity and pH levels will range from 0-14, with <7 indicating an acidic pH, 7 a neutral pH, and >7 a basic pH. The pH scale is based on a logarithmic scale, meaning the difference from a pH of 6.2 to 6.3 is 1.3x difference in acidity. soil. In section 2 of figures 1 and 2, you’ll find levels of pH, P, K, and Mg represented by a numerical value and a bar chart describing the levels as below optimum, optimum, and

above optimum. The measured soil fertility values are nothing without research on how crops respond under varying soil fertility conditions. A lot of research has gone into determining what numerical values mean in terms of crop response (Image 3). Image 3 shows an example of soil test calibrations where different crops where tested in soils with different amended fertility levels for each factor measured (pH, P, K, Mg). As you can see, crop response at a certain point will start to level off and enter an optimum zone, where no additional nutrient amendments will affect crop production. Above the optimum, could be a point of concern when it comes to some nutrients like phosphorus. Where phosphorus levels are greater than crop utilization there is potential for pollution and water quality concerns. Below the optimum, the crop will respond to additional nutrient supply that can have a positive impact growth and production. CONTINUED ON PAGE A40

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A39


$67,095 Great loader tractor! 70 engine hp and 57 PTO. Has 3 hydraulic remotes, heat, and air. Loader has skidsteer attachment on it for availability to use various attachments. 3rd function kit is available but not installed.



Demo Discounts on this brand new unit. Great loader tractor with a grapple bucket. Warranty will start with retail sale/lease.

2016 Challenger MT515E Super low hour loader tractor. Currently getting an inspection done. 130 engine hp. Will have brand new loader installed...................... $94,995 2016 Challenger MT515E Super clean tractor, loader will be installed in 3-4 weeks. Save some money on new and buy this low hour machine!.............................. $95,995 2013 Challenger MT535D Lease return tractor in excellent shape. Would make a great addition to your farm or ranch. Extended 2014 Challenger MT545D CVT transmission, warranties available...................... $79,000 Deluxe cab, 2 electric spool valves, rear wheel weights, 540/1000 PTO, 420/85/2................... CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE ...........................................................$94,000



2-2019 Massey Ferguson WR9980 deluxe cab, air suspension, deluxe radio, leather seat, header quick disconnect, AG3000 auto guide, 390 turf tires, C2100 monitor, standard lights, auger/draper connect, reel fore/aft, counterbalance weight kit....................................................................... Call

Tilleman Equipment Co. is a Challenger Dealer!


2019 Gleaner S97 deluxe cab, power-fold ladder, standard radio, 480/80r26, 900/60r32 drives, variable speed feeder house, quad display cameras, led lights, trimble lights, hi wire concave, yield monitor, hyd shaff spreader........................... Call

2019 Massey-Ferguson 9950 w/16-ft. auger head 2020 Massey-Ferguson 9960 w/16-ft. rotary 2020 Massey-Ferguson 2956A Round Baler

Call for more information!

For All Your Haying Needs!

2019 Vermeer 605N net, twine, wide pickup, float tires, bale kicker, 8600 lbs, 0% for 60 mo OAC..........................Call

2008 Vermeer 605M Great used baler, has around 6000 bales on it.................$17,600

2019 VERMEER R2300 new, 23-ft. maximum, 18-ft. minimum raking distance, hydraulic unfold, 35hp tractor required. 0% for 48 OAC.... .................................................................Call

2020 Bobcat S570 New, 1900 lb lift capacity, air seat, open cab, joysticks................. Call

2019 Bobcat V519 New, 5,000 lb. lift capacity, 19-ft. reach, enclosed cab, heat/ac....Call

2019 Vermeer BPX9010 new, square/round bale kit, high float tires, 0% for 48 mo........ ....................................... Call

2019 VERMEER R2800 new, 28-ft, hydraulic lift, 0% for 48 mo OAC!............................Call

2020 Bobcat S595 SJC, power bob-tach, 7 pin, 2 speed, bucket positioning, ride control, reversing fan, heat, air, radio, heated cloth air ride seat...Call

2019 Bobcat S850 New, heat/ ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket......Call

John Deere Combines & Tractors


2018 John Deere S770 1000/1300hrs, duals, deluxe cab,2x4, 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC...............................................$305,000

2017 John Deere S670 Fresh trade, premium cab with enhanced air suspension seat. Green Star 3, LED lights, 2 sets of concaves, inspection will be available upon completion. 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC... .......................................................$195,000

2017 John Deere S670 Fresh trade, premium cab with enhanced air suspension seat. Green Star 3, LED lights, 2 sets of concaves, inspection will be available upon completion. 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC... .......................................................$195,000

2016 John Deere S670 2300/3300 hrs, 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC.......................... Call

2004 John Deere 9760 STS 2300/3200 hrs wheat machine...................................... Call

2011 John Deere 8260R Great tractor ready to go to work for you! 6500 hours, has only ever pulled a grain cart, 60 gpm pump......... .........................................................$99,000

2011 John Deere 4720 MFWD, 58 hp, 1165 hours, Hydro transmission, PTO............ Call

2014 John Deere 6170M Local trade, 2700 hrs.......................................................... Call

2019 Bobcat S770 New, heat/ ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket.......Call

Call Justin at Tilleman Equipment for ALL your Irrigation Needs!


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A40

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

Interpreting your soil test reports CONTINUED FROM PAGE A38


2009 John Deere 896 header with steel conditioner, 16-ft. cut, extra sickles, fits JD A400 or 4895, low acres, very good condition.............. $17,500 obo Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT

Call us today to get a quote!

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2018 Honda Pioneer 1000 EPS $14,600

2018 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS $13,850

F 2018 Honda Pioneer 700-4 Deluxe ........ $13,490 F 2017 Polaris Ranger Crew XP 1000 ....... $15,699 F 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 1000 EPS ......... $14,999 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Foreman RUB ........$5,650 F 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS .............$8,650 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 .........$5,495 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 .........$5,250 F 2016 Polaris Ranger 570 full size ...........$6,500 F 2016 Honda Pioneer 700 ................... $12,950 F 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS HU ...... $11,895 F 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS HU ...... $11,600 F 2016 Honda Fourtrax Foreman RUB ........$5,199 F 2015 Yamaha Viking 4x4 EPS ................$8,999 F 2015 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS .............$9,999 F 2013 Polaris Ranger 800 EFI .................$7,350 F 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO .............$4,680

Image 2. Soil test report broken into four sections with recommendations for planting tall fescue, planting orchardgrass, and renovating pasture with legumes.

You may notice that nitrogen (N) is not measured. Although nitrogen is a macro plant essential nutrient, required in larger quantities and is often the limiting factor in plant growth, it is very difficult to measure in the field and make accurate assumptions on how much will be available for crop use (unless it is measured in season, when plants can use it more readily). Nitrogen is a very dynamic nutrient, moving very quickly in the environment from one form to another. If we measure nitrogen when you take soil tests, typically done in the fall through early spring, the value reported doesn’t mean much. By the time your crops are planted and actively growing, that pool of nitrogen measured might have leached, run-off, or

left the field in another form. In section 3, you will find nitrogen recommendations and those are based off average crop uptake of nitrogen. In section 3 of the soil test report, the recommendations are reported. The upper portion of section 3 is used for the recommendations of limestone and magnesium. Limestone is reported as pounds per acre required to get to a target pH of 6.5 and reducing soil acidity. It is also indicated that lime recommendations are based on the liming material being 100 on the calcium carbonate equivalency scale, meaning that it neutralizes with the same value as pure calcium carbonate. This is becoming more CONTINUED ON PAGE A42

We are always happy to discuss price and financing. Call John, Breck or Jeff at 538-9435.

302 Truck Bypass • Lewistown

Image 3. Soil test calibrations, created by Doug Beegle (, Emeritus distinguished Professor of Agronomy.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A41


Our new location is 17 Liberty Lane, Great Falls in the old Bridger Steel location off Vaughn Frontage Road, next to the Cascade County Shop. The owners of AG-WEST are expanding the service and parts department to better serve you!

PLEASE CALL US ABOUT OUR SERVICE TECH POSITION OPENINGS! PARTS AND EQUIPMENT SALES: CASEY LILLY - Central/North-Central MT, Northwest MT and Eastern MT Email: JIM NICHOLLS - Southern/South-Central MT, Southwest MT and Wyoming Email:

Call us for your new and used application needs! • Office: 406-453-0010 • Toll Free: 800-452-0010

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PULL TYPE APPLICATORS & AFTERMARKET CHASSIS MOUNT AIR BOOMS & SPINNERS At Salford Group, we have range—in our product lineup and when it comes time to apply. As global leaders with the widest range of spinner spreaders and air boom applicators in the industry, we’ve got

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A42

SAWMILL FOR SALE Heavy duty stationary sawmill, 45” circular saw blade. Complete. Phone (406) 363-4907, Forsyth, MT

##### I thought the wind settled down a bit so we could go for a walk. Then a crow flew past my window, backwards.

Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy



(406) 543-0382 COMING IN 2012 Freightliner 45-ft. Altec bucket truck, 6.7 Cummins, automatic transmission, ex government truck........$25,000

1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.........................$19,000

2006 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow............................$12,500

1997 Volvo water truck, 3600 gallon, M11 automatic, 2 lift axles.......................... $25,000

2000 Case 460, 6-ft. trencher, backhoe, front blade...$10,000

1998 International bucket truck, 7.3 automatic, High Ranger 54-ft...............$15,000

1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed......... ............................................................................................ $15,000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor......................................................................... $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 crane, hydraulic air compressor.................................................................... $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed..................... $9000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................. $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500

1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed, 12.5-ft. cabto-axle........................$10,000

1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach.....$20,000

1997 Skytrack 8042 teleforklift, 8000 lb, 42-ft...............$22,500

2002 Skytrak 4290H telehandler, 9000 lb, 42-ft., Cummins, solid tires....................$32,500

12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Miller 350 amp diesel welder.................................................... $4500 Hobart 400 diesel generator, ex-government........................... $3500 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800

Check us out on the web!

Interpreting your soil test reports CONTINUED FROM PAGE A40

important with the variety of liming products becoming available. This section also has magnesium recommendations because magnesium deficiencies are usually remedied with a dolomitic lime application, treating soil pH and Mg simultaneously. More information on calcium carbonate equivalency and liming can be found at the Penn State Extension article Soil Acidity and Aglime (https://extension. Moving down through section three, you will next find recommendations for plant nutrient needs. In this section you will see the cropping year, the crop, expected crop yield, crop nutrient needs, and laboratory notes. Recommendations from the lab are based on the crop you are growing and the year of rotation. If you are producing a grass crop, the recommendations for nitrogen will be higher that the recommendations on a legume crop. Likewise, the nutrient recommendations will be higher in a crop that is being mechanically harvested, like corn silage, when compares to pasture. At their essences, recommendations are designed to keep nutrients from being the limiting resource to the crop, while maintaining economic and environmental balance. When all nutrients are in the optimum range, recommendations are based on crop removal, meaning recommendations are to replace the nutrients removed by the harvested crop. When nutrients are below optimum, recommendations are based on a building approach, meaning the recommendations are designed to get the soil nutrients to the optimum rage over the three years of the soil test. As mentioned previously, nitrogen is based on average crop uptake and expected yield, rather than an analytical soil test. Opposite of nitrogen are phosphate and potash which are both recommended from soil measurements and are recommended in the forms of P2O5 and K2O, respectively. It is important that you recognize how your recommendations and nutrient levels are reported. Below the recommendation are the laboratory notes. Often in this section you will find information about split applications of nitrogen, recommendations on applications timing, animal health issues, etc. The laboratory note section can provide valuable insights and tips into proper applications and nutrient timing. The last section to discuss is the bottom section, or section 4. Section 4 contains many of the analytical results or other tests that can be purchased at an additional fee. A few keys to notice in section 4 are as follows: Acidity is not the same a soil pH, these are very different things. As we see in Image 2. The soil pH is 5.2 and the soil acidity is 8.7. If you have purchase additional test options, such as organic material, nitrate-N, or salts, results will be found in the sections. Also, trace mineral concentrations for zinc, copper, and sulfur are found in this section. Although recommendations are not provided for trace minerals, a normal range table can be found on the back of your soil test result. Reading soil test results can be overwhelming and can be hard to digest all this information. Hopefully this will help take some of the pressure off, but if you have any concerns, comments, or questions about soil testing, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Penn State Extension Office and speak to an Agronomy Educator.

April 25th will be... Veterinary Day

Whether you’re a cat person, a dog person, a rabbit person or a horse person, there’s one thing all animal lovers can agree on, and that’s the fantastic work carried out by veterinarians. Celebrate with your pet on Veterinary Day by buying them a treat or a new toy to show them how much they mean to you as you appreciate the work veterinarians do to keep pets healthy. Veterinarian Day was created in 2000 by the World Veterinary Association to highlight and promote the lifesaving work performed by veterinarians around the globe. Each year, a different theme is chosen which helps pet owners to remember the importance of various aspects of animal care, and how vets can help, for example ensuring your pet’s vaccinations are up to date. On this special day, why not raise a paw, hoof or claw to say thank you to our veterinarians.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A43

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Phone (406) 271-5533.


6 $3


or email: advertising 0 5,9 $3


1 $4


0 5,9 $3

2017 GMC Sierra 3500HD 86,131 miles, 6.6L Duramax, heated seats

2017 GMC Sierra 1500 26,692 miles, 5.3L V8, black leather interior, cooled seats Water, an important commodity whether you live in the city or the country, was the topic of choice at the Western Water Wells booth at M.A.G.I.E.



2,9 $3

Night of the living Eds

In a baseball game in the early 1950s, Philadelphia Phillies right fielder Bill Nicholson hit a high pop-up that was destined to come down somewhere near the mound. Pittsburgh Pirates pitcher Bill Werle didn’t want to catch it, so he called for one of his fielders to step in. “Eddie’s got it! Eddie’s got it!” he shouted. Then everyone in the Pirates’ infield stood and watched as the ball landed on the grass…including catcher Eddie Fitzgerald, first baseman Eddie Stevens, and third baseman Eddie Bockman.

2017 Ford F350 XLT Premium 45,206 miles, 6.7L Powerstroke, Radio/CD/DVD/NAVI

2017 Ford F250 XLT Premium 58,786 miles, 6.2L gas engine, heated seats, keyless entry

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2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 LTZ 54,524 miles, 6.0L gas engine black leather heated front seats

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A44

Hurry...Now booking Spring & Summer Spreading

No job too big or small!

For all your manure spreading needs just give us a call.

2 Trucks and Loader Available Now running triple beaters for better broadcasting


b Kory Ha

Also skid steer for barn, corral & tight spot cleaning

Call for a quote and to schedule your barn and corral cleaning. cell (406) 289-1866 office (406) 271-2746

“This is our profession, not a sideline”

##### Wheat and barley agriculture spread out of Fertile crescent by 7000 B.C. By 6000 B.C., it had gotten as far as the Black Sea and present day Greece and Italy. By 5000 B.C. it had spread to most of southern Europe. The Linear Pottery Culture of central Hungary is believed to have introduced agriculture to central Europe around 5000 B.C. Agriculture finally reached southern Britain and Scandinavia around 3800 B.C. and north Britain and central Scandinavia by 2,500 B.C.

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

2013 Deere 310K EP, 4x4, 600 hours from new extend-a-hoe, 11/8 yard loader bucket, 24” dig bucket, cab, AC. Nice as they come............................................................. $60,000 1996 Deere 650G LGP, low ground pressure machine, torque converter, 26” shoes, John Deere 4000 series winch, 6-way hyd blade that’s very tight, has had very light work load. This is a very nice crawler.................................... $35,000


2004 Deere 650H cab, winch........................................... Call Deere 450C, 6-way hyd blade, good undercarriage, arch with fair lead, block heater, starts very good. Operates very nice. Serviced and ready to go...................................... $15,000 1997 Deere 550G LGP, power shift, recently replaced undercarriage, 6-way hyd blade. Very nice..................... $27,500 Deere 550 LGP Series IV, 6-way hyd blade, winch. Very nice....................................................................... $29,500 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours..... POR


1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2012 Cat 305.5E CR, enc cab, dig bucket, hyd thumb, blade. Runs excellent, quality machine........................... $42,000 2012 Cat 312 EL.............................................................. Call 2005 Cat 314 CLCR, blade, long arm, 36” dig bucket, blade, 10,500 hours......................................................... $45,000 2008 Deere 35D, AC, heater, JD hyd thumb, QC, auxiliary hyd, 16” dig bucket, short arm, Yanmar engine, 69” dozer blade, 4600 hours............................................................ $29,900 2006 Deere 200CLC, hyd thumb, low hours.................... Call Deere 490D nice older excavator, dual link hyd thumb, good cab with cab guard, good undercarriage..................... Call Kobelco SK150LV IV................................................. $14,900 Komatsu PC138 USLC-8, hyd dual link thumb, hyd QC, 36” dig bucket, blade, rear camera, 8644 hours. Very nice work ready machine...................................................... $69,000 2012 Hitachi ZX60 USB, bucket, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 4000 hours............................................................ $45,000 1998 Hitachi EX120-5E................................................... Call Hitachi EX450-5 good machine, bucket, thumb............... Call Hitachi ZX200LC-3, bucket, thumb.................................. Call Hitachi ZX225US, bucket, thumb..................................... Call 2012 Volvo ECR 145DL, hyd QC, hyd thumb, 2 dig buckets (24” and 36”), like new pin wheel compactor, rear view camera, low hours (2400). Very good excavator................. $79,000


1997 Carelift ZB6037-44, enc cab, heater, Cummins engine, 37-ft. reach, good tires, all wheel steering. Good operating lift.......................................................................... $23,500 1993 JLG 60HA lift, 4WD, 60-ft. reach....................... $10,900 1992 JLG 120HX lift, 4WD, Deutz diesel engine, telescopic boom, 120-ft. ........................................................ $12,500

Many 5 - 10,000# forklifts available

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Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call 1990 Cat 518 skidder, Esco swing grapple, 23.1x26 tires, chains, winch, extra tire. Will be serviced with a new hyd pump. A good swinger.......................................... $35,000 Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount. Good operating condition........................................................................ $11,500 Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timbco T425D feller/buncher........................................... Call Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Several slide booms for parts available


2008 Deere 770-D, 14-ft. moldboard, 4 shank ripper, good tires, push block, 7757 hours. Real nice grader.... $72,000 2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 14-ft. moldboards.......................................... $92,000


1994 Cat IT28F nice loader, good tires, quick change, bucket and forks..................................................................... Call Clark Ranger 45C, 4BT engine, 17.5x25 tires in good condition. Good older loader......................................... $14,500 1997 Komatsu WA250-3L, QC, forks, bucket, 3rd valve......... .............................................................................. $25,000


Bobcat S185, auxiliary hyd, traction lock override, very nice tires, 3800 hours. Runs and operates very well, work ready..................................................................... $16,900 2015 Cat 259D, 2000 hours............................................. Call 2013 Kubota SVL75W, OROPS, new tracks, 74” bucket, aux hyd, forks, 3200 hours.......................................... $29,000


1971 Ford F9000, roll back bed, winch. Ready to haul your equipment............................................................. $11,000 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components................... For parts only 1980 Kenworth, 14-ft. box, 12R22.5 radial tires, Cummins engine, Jake brake, walking beam suspension, pintle hitch on back. Good older dump truck........................... $10,500

New team to better serve beginning farmers & ranchers

From USDA The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is standing up a new team of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) staff that will lead a department-wide effort focused on serving beginning farmers and ranchers. “More than a quarter of producers are beginning farmers,” said USDA Deputy Secretary Stephen Censky. “We need to support the next generation of agricultural producers who we will soon rely upon to grow our nation’s food and fiber.” To institutionalize support for beginning farmers and ranchers and to build upon prior agency work, the 2018 Farm Bill directed USDA to create a national coordinator position in the agency and state-level coordinators for four of its agencies – Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Risk Management Agency (RMA), and Rural Development (RD). Sarah Campbell was selected as the national coordinator to lead USDA’s efforts. A beginning farmer herself, Campbell held previous positions with USDA and has a wealth of experience working on issues impacting beginning farmers and ranchers. She recently served as acting director of customer experience for the Farm Production and Conservation Business Center, where she led the piloting of innovative, customer-centric initiatives. In her new role, she will work closely with the state coordinators to develop goals and create plans to increase beginning farmer participation and access to programs while coordinating nationwide efforts on beginning farmers and ranchers. “We know starting a new farm business is extremely challenging, and we know our customers value and benefit from being able to work directly with our field employees, especially beginning farmers,” Campbell said. “These new coordinators will be a key resource at the local level and will help beginning farmers get the support they need. I look forward to working with them.” Each state coordinator will receive training and develop tailored beginning farmer outreach plans for their state. Coordinators will help field employees better reach and serve beginning farmers and ranchers and will also be available to assist beginning farmers who need help navigating the variety of resources USDA has to offer. More on Beginning Farmers Twenty seven percent of farmers were categorized as new and beginning producers, with 10 years or less of experience in agriculture, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture. USDA offers a variety of farm loan, risk management, disaster assistance, and conservation programs to support farmers, including beginning farmers and ranchers. Additionally, a number of these programs have provisions specifically for beginning farmers, including targeted funding for loans and conservation programs as well as waivers and exemptions. More Information Learn more about USDA’s resources for beginning farmers as well as more information on the national and state-level coordinators at and For more information on available programs in your area, contact your local USDA service center.

April 28th will be... Blueberry Pie Day

What could be more enjoyable than a slice of, delicious, Blueberry pie? Blueberries, or star berries as the Native Americans called them, are one of nature’s super foods. The humble blueberry is one of few blue foods, found in nature, and it is native to the Americas. The chemicals found in blueberries may contribute to fighting diseases and preventing against certain cancers. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, it’s only fitting that we should have a special day, in the form of Blueberry Pie Day, to celebrate them. Americans have been enjoying blueberry pies for years and there is no shortage of scrumptious recipes on the internet. Why not have your own blueberry pie celebration by making a pie, or eating blueberry themed dishes? As well as using traditional blueberry pie recipes, why not experiment with some new ones? Adding ricotta cheese to the filling will add a creamy twist to the pie or adding black pepper, combined with warm spices, will give your pie a real kick!

Avoid raw meat and eggs

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A45

##### Aside from being the first President of the United States, George Washington was also quite the booze hound – and manufacturer. Washington was a savvy businessman who owned one of the largest distilleries in 18th century America, and by 1799 alone he was producing 11,000 gallons of whiskey.

The deadline for advertising for the May2020 issue By NDSU Extension Service of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Don’t let foodborne illness ruin your party. Raw meat dishes such as tartare and “tiger meat” are popular this time of year, but they can pose a health risk for a couple of reasons. POLLED HEREFORD BULLS Tiger meat isn’t actually made with meat from tigers. It’s Yearling and two year olds. a mixture of raw ground beef, raw eggs, onions and other Excellent pigmentation, easy calving and quiet dispositions. seasonings served on rye bread or crackers. “Raw ground beef and raw eggs pose a health risk,” says Dallas Polled Herefords Box 532, 8210 Little Prickly Pear Rd - Canyon Creek, MT Julie Garden-Robinson, North Dakota State University (406) 368-2244 ranch (406) 410-0406 cell (NDSU) Extension food and nutrition specialist. “Try summer sausage as an alternative to tiger meat on crackers,” she advises. For ALL Your Seed Cleaning Needs! “Summer sausage has been We are a certified facility offering cleaning and treating of all seed varieties processed to be safe.” Raw ground beef has been associated with several large outbreaks of foodborne illness. For example, SPRING WHEAT SEED PEAS & LENTILS 13 people from eight states Joplin & Rudyard, MT became ill between Aug. 8 Gunnison WestBred (CSO) Ginny (PVP) and Oct. 22, 2019, from a ----------------------------strain of Salmonella likely Arvika Hay Peas WB 9377 WestBred (CSO) BARLEY from contaminated ground - Solid Stem Montech 4193 Yellow Peas beef. Nine people were hosAC Metcalfe (PVP) ----------------------------pitalized and one died in this Avondale Lentils outbreak. WB 9590 WestBred (CSO) Lavina Hay Barley Listeria, e. coli O157:H Vida MSU (PVP) and Campylobacter are other Haymaker (PVP) illness-causing bacteria that Lanning MSU (PVP) can be found in ground beef. Treat with: Alzada Durum WestBred (PVP) Raw or undercooked eggs Rancona also can carry Salmonella, Attendant Listeria and Campylobacter CALL US for wireworm bacteria. Stamina • Zinc WestBred FOR PRICING! The Centers for Disease Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are Inoculant Available trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC Control and Prevention estimates 48 million people, PO Box 167 Plant Phone Reed (406) 899-2774 or one in six Americans, get Rudyard, MT 59540 406-355-4333 Ron (406) 390-1220 sick, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die each year from foodborne illnesses. Bacteria such as E. coli can cause severe stomach cramps and diarrhea, kidney failure, and even death. E. Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 coli is particularly danger717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) ous for people with weakened immune systems, children and older adults. Thorough cooking can kill most bacteria in meat, poultry, seafood and eggs, Garden-Robinson says. To prevent illness, always cook ground beef to an internal temperature of 160 F. The only way to tell if the meat reaches the right We stock a temperature is with a food large variety of thermometer. Color is not Honey Bee parts an accurate indicator that ground beef is fully cooked. Garden-Robinson also including rod weeder supplies. cautions cooks not to taste dishes containing raw meat, such as meatballs or meatloaf, before cooking them thoroughly, even if you just want to taste the seasoning. “You could be putting your families and friends at risk for foodborne illness if you serve raw or undercooked food,” GardenCall today for New VR12 Robinson says.




T & T Farm Supply, LLC


Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.

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##### Good-humor makes all things tolerable. – Henry Ward Beecher ##### Mountains are removed by first shoveling away the small stones.

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A46

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.



ustom Sawmil C k e e r C k ling R oc

Producers shouldn’t change planting plans By NDSU Extension Service

your source for.... Corral Boards - Wind Breaks & Custom Sized Lumber Jerry Miller 406-374-2770

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email:


John Deere 4055 MFWD, PowerShift... ............................................ $32,000

New Holland 8360 MFWD....... $34,000 John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3-pt., PowerShift, 6500 hours. Excellent condition...................................... $50,000 John Deere 6140M MFWD, AutoQuad, left-hand reverser, 4000 hours. Clean.................................. $52,000

John Deere 8200 MFWD......... $48,500

Loaders Available


John Deere 4055 MFWD Powershift, low hours

Check our web site:

IT’s ! NEW


Producers should not change their spring planting intentions because of the coronavirus outbreak, according to North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension crops economist Frayne Olson. “Don’t change your plans based on what you see in the markets today because it’s not going to be a good reference point,” he says. Livestock, grain and energy, mainly oil, prices and the stock market have dropped so dramatically because of the uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, and not because of a supply and demand issue, he notes. This situation is unprecedented, so people don’t know what to expect and tend to think of the worst-case scenario. “Right now, this is a psychological battle,” Olson says. The market volatility likely will continue until the number of new cases of COVID-19 in the U.S. starts to decline, he believes. That’s when people will feel that the worst is over. But producers shouldn’t expect conditions to improve quickly. “It’s still going to be a slow process,” Olson cautions. Energy and grain prices probably will recover more quickly than livestock prices, he says. Livestock prices likely will rebound more slowly than the other two because of consumer behavior, such as how quickly they are willing to return to eating at restaurants. The stock market will be the last to recover. In the meantime, despite the low prices, some producers may need to sell grain they have in storage because they need the money, or the quality of the grain is deteriorating. “For those who have to sell, go ahead and sell,” Olson advises. The lowest risk strategy is to buy a call option if producers want to take advantage when prices start to rebound, he says. However, producers will need to select a broker to work with and set up an account if they don’t already have one. He also recommends producers do a bit of research, so they understand call options.

National Garlic Day



One of two grasses that does well on low fertility or high alkali soils! Hercules will establish on soils with a PH as high as 10.1 More forage and better quality than Alkar or Jose Good growth early in the spring As with Newhy, be sure to graze before heading Over 40 years experience

Greenway Seeds Caldwell, Idaho Alan Greenway, Seedsman Cell: (208) 250-0159 Msg: (208) 454-8342

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always April 19 National Garlic Day promotes the many uses of Garlic. And, there certainly are many uses. It’s a vegetable. It’s an herb. It is used in recipes around the world. Garlic has been used medicinally for thousands of years. And, Garlic is believed to ward off evil spirits. About the only negative thing you can say about it, is that it can negatively affect an otherwise romantic evening. As a medicinal herb: Phytochemicals in garlic are believed to provide protection against heart disease and cancer. Specifically, stomach and colorectal cancers. • Helps to fight off colds and flu. • Lowers blood cholesterol levels. • Reduces the buildup of plaque in arteries. • Used as a treatment for acne and warts. • Used for toothaches Celebrate National Garlic Day by using it heavily in your meals and snacks today. Spend some time researching its medical benefits. You might find you are adding more garlic to your menu everyday. Did you know? We all have fears. As a matter of fact, there are so many phobias, that psychologists can hardly keep track of them all. Just so you are well informed, Alliumphobia is the fear of garlic.


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A47

0% FOR 84 MONTHS ON 2019 RANGER AND F150!! 1-800-823-1234

2019 Ford Rangers Best Deals Right Now! 0% for 84 months on Rangers and Select F150!!!

2018 Ford Flex Limited • $24,995

2015 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4, crew cab, LOADED

Super Nice 2016 Ford F150 4x4 XLT

JUST IN! 2015 Dodge Caravan well cared for, 1 local owner

Josh 391-0602

Klay 590-2313

2008 Ford F350 Crew Cab Custom wheels & tires AND lifted! WAHOO!

Josh 391-7056

Matt Chad 391-9241 471-0735

2012 Ford F350 Lariat 6.7 liter diesel automatic

2014 Ford F150 Lariat SAVE $$$$$ Has a couple dents 2018 Ford F150 XLT Crew Cab, SUPER NICE! $26,995

2019 Ford F350 crew cab, PowerStroke LARIAT! SAVE THOUSANDS OVER NEW!!!

2017 Chevrolet Silverado 51,000 miles!

2010 Ford F250 Lariat Crew Cab Only 100,000 miles

2017 Ford F-250 crew cab, PowerStroke, KING RANCH! SUPER NICE

2016 Ford F350 Lariat Crew Cab • NICE!

Redesigned 2020 Ford Escapes are HERE and we are dealing!

2017 Ford F250 Lariat Crew Cab EXCELLENT CONDITION

2016 Dodge Durango Citadel AWD One local owner, excellent shape

2005 Ford F350 crew cab 4x4 Powerstroke Lifted, custom wheels and tires, MORE! Great project truck • $3999

2017 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT Crew Cab


2011 Ford F150 Lariat crew cab • ONLY $12,995

See our full inventory at

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page A48

Advertising Deadline for the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Wednesday BEFORE first Monday of each month.

Eastern Montana Ag Sales • Parts • Service

For ALL of your New and Used Equipment Needs! 43 Waterplant Rd, Miles City, Montana 59301


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Keyhole Steel Brace System

With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.

UM to award three honorary doctorates at commencement

UM News Service The University of Montana (UM) will confer three honorary doctorates during its May 9 Commencement exercises. UM benefactor and respected businessman William “Bill” Franke will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Business. The late Bonnie “Sim-Sin” HeavyRunner, a tribal court judge and staunch advocate for Native American causes, will receive a posthumous Honorary Doctorate of Law. William S. Yellow Robe Jr., a noted playwright and educator, will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts. “It is our great privilege to present these honorary doctorates to three outstanding individuals,” UM President Seth Bodnar said. “All three have led lives of tremendous impact and service, and we are honored to count them among the UM Family.” Franke will be the featured speaker at the 9 a.m. Commencement ceremony. Yellow Robe will speak at the 2 p.m. ceremony. HeavyRunner will be honored during both ceremonies, which will take place in the Adams Center. For more about spring Commencement, visit https://www.umt. edu/registrar/Commencement. Franke is a renowned corporate leader and business pioneer with a legacy of achievements in forest products, banking, retail and financial companies, and, most notably, the airline industry. He now serves as managing partner of Indigo Partners LLC, a private investment company that invests in air transportation. Franke also is respected as a dedicated mentor to young business people, as well as a teacher and generous philanthropist who has made a substantial impact at several institutions, including UM. Despite his roots in Texas and South America and his undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stanford University, Franke has a deep appreciation for Big Sky Country and UM, where both the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation and the Franke Global Leadership Initiative bear his name. HeavyRunner was raised as one of 13 children in Browning on the Blackfeet Reservation. A two-time UM graduate, HeavyRunner received an undergraduate degree in social work and a juris doctorate from the Alexander Blewett III School of Law, where she was the only American Indian law student in her class. Beyond her numerous and impressive accomplishments as a lawyer, educator and civil rights advocate, HeavyRunner was the founding director of UM’s Native American Studies Department. She worked as a tribal court judge, administrator and consultant. Before her death in 1997 at age 46, she received many awards recognizing her unrelenting efforts to support American Indian communities, victims of domestic violence and other disadvantaged groups. The main entrance and lobby of UM’s Payne Family Native American Center was named in her honor in 2010. Born in Poplar, Yellow Robe teaches as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Maine. He cultivated his writing and performing art skills at UM before launching a career as a skilled playwright, author, poet, educator and actor. He is the recipient of numerous awards, and his creative works have brought an American Indian perspective and experience to many new audiences. His mentorship of young Native students and playwrights has boosted the prominence of American Indian theater in the United States. His plays include “The Star Quilter,” “Rez Politics,” “Sneaky,” “A Stray Dog” and “Mix Blood Seeds,” among many others. Yellow Robe is a member of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes.

International Plant Appreciation Day

Date When Celebrated: Always April 13 Plants are our friends, our counterparts. We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Why, you could say its a marriage born heaven, or at least the garden of Eden. Today is a perfect opportunity to get closer to the plant world. Pamper your indoor plants. Don’t have any? Well, what are you waiting for? Go out and buy some. This special day falls in the spring, a perfect time for you to plant outdoor plants. If you are not yet a gardener, now is the time to start a relaxing and rewarding, lifetime gardening hobby.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad MT ................................C19 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT ...............................A14 Action Toys, Billings MT ......................................C42 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ............................................................C48 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .............A19 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT ...........A41 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ..........................................B13 AgraSyst Dealers....................................... A20, A34 American Manufacturing, Hogeland MT .............A12 Amsoil, Big Sky Synthetics, Deer Lodge MT ......A33 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT ...........................A33 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .................B24 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ...........................B17 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ................... B14, B15 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .........................A15 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT ............B2 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls ....................................C15 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT....C15 Big Sky Synthetics, Amsoil, Deer Lodge MT ......A33 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT .........A22 Bootlegger Realty, Chester .................................A23 Border Plains Equipment, Plains Ag, MT, ND, KS, CO ......................................................................C5 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ....................................B17 Buckley Auction MT ..............................................C9 Burks Tractor, Twin Falls, Caldwell ID..................C15 Cahill Seeds, Scobey MT ...................................A32 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT ......C13 Central Steel Building & Construction, GSI Bins, MT & ND .................................................................B28 Cervus Equipment, Stettler AB Canada .............C44 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ............................B9 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT.....A24 Clearview Seed, Denton MT.................................B8 Clearwater Properties, Pete Schultz, Great Falls MT ............................................................................C7 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ................B13 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT .................................A35 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ......................................................................C7 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ...............................C32 Darling Ingredients, Inc.............................. A36, C32 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell MT ............B9 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT .................................................C33, C40 Diamond Seed, Garrett Herden, Vida MT...........A18 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT ..........C4 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ....................................................................A36 East Slope Kennel & Game Bird Farm, Conrad MT . ..........................................................................C16 Eastern Montana Ag Repair, Miles City MT .......A48 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MTA28, A29 Erickson’s 9:25 Insurance, Hobson MT ..............C42 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT .........A40 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT ...............C46

Index Fagenstrom Co. Great Falls MT ..........................B24 First State Bank, Shelby MT ...............................A30 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ............C29, C44 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT ...........................C12 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT ..... ................................. A13, A43, B7, B19, C29, C35 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT ...............C1 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ..........................C10, C11 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ....................................................................A48 Glasgow Rental, Glasgow MT ............................C23 Glass Trucking, Denton MT................................ B18 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT .................B2 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard MT ..................A45 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ......................C8 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ......................B25 Greenway Seeds, Caldwell ID .............A46, B11, C9 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT ......B23 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY .....................................................B3 Grove Construction, GSI Bins, Moccasin MT .....B11 GSI Bins, Central Steel, MT & ND ......................B28 GSI Bins, Grove Construction, Moccasin MT .....B11 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ......B12 H & H Spreading, Conrad MT.............................A44 Hampton Truck Sales, Idaho Falls ID ..................C39 Handy Man Construction, Roundup MT ...............B5 Harlow’s Truck Center, Missoula MT ...................C13 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin MT .............B6 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ..........................C17 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT..B27 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT ......................................................B25 Hi-Line Rental, Havre MT ...................................C23 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ............C30 Hodgskiss Seed, Choteau MT ..............................B4 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ......C20, C21 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT .........B21 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT ...............C8 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT................B12 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ....................................................................C18 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT...............................................B9 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ............ B6, C34 Jason’s Agri-Motive, Lefleche, SK Canada .........C40 JCT Building Services, Shelby MT .....................C22 JGL Grain, Blue Springs, MO .............................B10 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT...................A9 Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc., Bismarck & Fargo ND.... ..........................................................................A35

JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester MT ...................B9 KayDee Feeds, Mountain View Livestock, Choteau MT ....................................................................C10 Krogmann Mfg. ...................................................B18 Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD..C16 Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Currant Canada ......B20 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown MT ............. A40, C42 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT .......................C23 Liphatech, Rozel .................................................C30 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT ..... ..........................................................................B28 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .......................B20 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT ...........C6 Milk River Ag, Chinook, MT ................................C34 Missouri River Realty, Glasgow, Malta, Sidney MT..A17 Montana Ag Safety Program ..............................B26 Montana Farrier Supply, Livingston MT ..............B18 Montana Fiberglass Inc, Lewistown MT .............B26 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb MT ....................................................................C14 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT ..........B24 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT ........B9 Montana Post Driver, Shepherd’s Garage, Dillon, Jackson, Helena MT .........................................A34 Montana Seeds, Conrad MT ..............................C22 Montana Valley Irrigation, Great Falls MT ...........A37 Montech Seed Group, MT ..................................C28 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY..........................C24 Mountain View Livestock, Choteau MT...............C10 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT ...............B1 MBP Seeds, Chris Maloney, Turner MT ................C5 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ..A46 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT..C26, C27 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc.......... A36, C32 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ...............B16 NorMont Equipment Co., Black Eagle MT ..........A42 North Star Auto Sales, Lambert MT ...................A43 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT...C31 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ..............................A47 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MT..........C2 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc, Conrad & Great Falls MT ..........................................................................C30 Ole Warren & Sons, Hingham MT ......................B20 Oxbow Engineering LLC, Randy Pierce PE Three Forks MT ..........................................................B20 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ......................C25 Plains Ag, Border Plains Equipment, MT, ND, KS, CO ......................................................................C5 Poteet Construction, Missoula MT ........................B5 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT .........B16 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree MT ...............C41 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ....................C33 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT ....................................................................C33

Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT .................B8 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ....A42 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ..............C8 Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading, Matt Meyers, Chester MT .........................................B10 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT..........A44 Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT ............................C37 Reinke, RPH Irrigation Services, Choteau MT ...A10 Rock Creek Custom Sawmill, Moore MT ............A46 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ..............................B25 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.........................C37 Rozel, Liphatech .................................................C30 RPH Irrigation Services, Reinke, Choteau MT ...A10 Rydelle Enterprises, Drummond MT ..................A28 Salois Construction, Conrad MT.........................C14 Severinsen Irrigation, GSI, Fairfield MT ..............B12 Shepherd’s Garage, Inc., Dillon, Jackson, Helena, Victor MT ..........................................................A34 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ................................C38 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT......................................C2 Skookumchuck Ag, Sunburst MT .........................C3 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT .................... A17, C36 Sonny Todd Real Estate, Big Timber MT ..............A9 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..............B26 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .................B25 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT...................................A11 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon MT ......................C4 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...............................C18 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT .......C45 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT ..................................................C31, C40 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT .................A45 Tate Miller Welding, Golva ND ............................A32 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ............................B17 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT........ ..........................................................................B16 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .........................C38 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.............................A17 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT ..........A39 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ............................C14 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ............... B7, C39 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT.......................C41 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT..................C46 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT .................................A21 TT&E Inc, Victor MT ...........................................A38 Valley Trailer Sales, Belgrade MT .........................A6 Vaughn Truck, Havre MT.......................................C5 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT ...................C47 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ........................A30 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT .....B5 Western Water Wells, Jack Clark, Helena MT ....C25 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ....................C8 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT ...............................C45 Z-E Fencing, Whitehall MT .................................B22 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT .......................... A26, A27 Zimmatic, Salois Construction, Conrad MT ........C14 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ....................................C43

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B2

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

Time For Spring Seed!!! SPRING BARLEY SPRING WHEAT R Cert. Metcalfe R Cert. Hockett R Cert. Lavina Hay Barley


R Cert. Hampton R Cert. 4152’s R Flax R Millet

R Cert. Vida R Cert. Valda R Cert. Lanning R Cert. Ingmar R SY Longmire -solid stem-


We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal

Remove limit on saturated fats in 2020 Dietary Guidelines

From the Nutrition Coalition Recently, the Nutrition Coalition, a group that aims to bring rigorous science to nutrition policy, is urging the federal government to reconsider the current limits on saturated fat intake recommended in our nation’s federal nutrition policy, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), ahead of the final meeting of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC, an expert group appointed every five years to review the science for the government’s nutrition policy and make recommendations to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and Health and Human Services (HHS), meets for the last time this week, before the release of 2020 Dietary Guidelines scientific report in early May. Last month a group of leading nutrition scientists, including three former members of previous Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committees, including the Chair of the 2005 committee, released a groundbreaking consensus statement challenging current DGA recommendations that limit consumption of saturated fats to 10% of energy. This group of 11 prominent scientists agreed that the most rigorous and current science fails to support a continuation of this policy. “Americans deserve nutrition recommendations based on the most current and rigorous science available, which includes these new groundbreaking findings reversing years of traditional thinking on the health effects of saturated fats,” said Nina Teicholz, Executive Director of The Nutrition Coalition. “Before the advisory committee releases its scientific report, we urge the committee to critically review the most up-to-date evidence on saturated fats and modify their conclusions accordingly. With rates of diet-related diseases continuing to climb, it’s more important than ever that the dietary guidelines be trustworthy, reliable and based on the most up-to-date science—which now indicates that continued caps on saturated fats are not warranted.” Members of the group of scientists also sent a letter regarding their findings to the Secretaries of USDA and HHS. The letter urged USDA-HHS to give “serious and immediate consideration to lifting the limits placed on saturated fat intake for the upcoming 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.” The scientists wrote, “The effect of these fats on health cannot be considered in isolation but instead must be analyzed as part of the larger food matrix in which these fats exist. It is now known that the impact of nutrients on health needs to be considered in the context of the overall diet, the type and degree of food processing that a food undergoes, and other crucial factors such as a person’s metabolic health and propensity for disease. For example, some foods, such as dark chocolate, whole-fat dairy, and unprocessed meat, have a relatively high saturated-fat content but show no association with increased cardiovascular risk.” The federal government has published the Dietary Guidelines—the principal policy guiding diet in the United States—with the goals of promoting good health, helping Americans reach a healthy weight, and preventing chronic disease. However, since the launch of the DGA in 1980, the rates of chronic, diet-related diseases, including diabetes, dementia, obesity and heart disease in America have dramatically increased. For more information, please visit

National Eggs Benedict Day

Phone: 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220 Dealer for:

Dealer for:

Date When celebrated: Always April 16th National Eggs Benedict Day is a day to enjoy eggs with hollandaise sauce, canadian bacon and english muffins. A lot of people have never had Eggs Benedict. If you’re upper crust, you most likely have enjoyed Eggs Benedict a number of times, and perhaps, on a regular basis. However, many people (regular folk) have never tried Eggs Benedict. Go ahead and do a survey. See how many of your friends can even tell you how its made, or what’s in it. Or, ask them what hollandaise sauce is. Celebrate today by eating Eggs Benedict. If it’s your first time, we suggest you go to a restaurant where they know from experience how to properly make it. Origin of “National Eggs Benedict Day”: We do know that Eggs Benedict was created in New York City over 100 years ago. There are historical claims that one of two individuals are credited with its creation: Mrs LeGrand Benedict in 1893, and Mr Lemuel Benedict in 1894.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B3

(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040

(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631

(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636

(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971

(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449

(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908

(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325



2017 John Deere 1895 & 1910 (PI), Stk #61679, 43-ft. 1895 & 350 bushel TBT Cart, Low Acre (7,000) On Unit! Liquid Fertilizer Openers. ....................................... $179,000 2017 John Deere 1795 (WA), Stk #61486, 3 Seasons On Planter, About 4,800 Acres, Hydraulic Drive, CCS, ME5 Units, Active Down Force.....................$161,000

2016 John Deere 1890 & 1910 (WA), Stk #61454 & 61455, 60-ft. 7.5” Spacing, 350 bushel 2 Tank, Single Shoot w/Blockage, Only 1997 John Deere 1750 (HA), Stk Used On Soybeans.........$189,500 #61484, 6R30, Dry Fertilizer w/ Openers, Vac Planter, Insecticide Setup, Finger Trash Openers......... ..........................................$19,500

2013 John Deere 1830 (WI), Stk #61067, 61-ft. 12” Spacing, 350 bushel Tow Behind Cart, Ingelligent Ag Section Control, Duals On Case IH 900 (WA), Stk #57844, Wings…........................... $96,500 8R38, Great Food Plot Planter, Insecticide Not Used In Years, Shedded, Only Used For Corn....$1,500



2000 John Deere 1530 (WI), Stk #64058, 20’ 15” Spacing, Yetter Dolly Hitch, Pneumatic Down Force Pressure, Soybean Cups............................$17,000

2017 John Deere 9520R (PI), Stk #60076, 1,342 Hours, 18/6 PowerShift Trans, 2630 Gen 3 Display W/10” Screen, Hi-Flow Hydraulics, 5 SCV’s, Premium Lights.$284,000

2017 John Deere 9570R (WI), Stk #62604, 1,466 Hrs, 800/70R38 Duals, 5 SCV’s, Premium Cab W/ Leather............................ $274,500

1990 John Deere 8760 (PI), Stk #61521, 9,389 Hours, 3 Point Hitch, 3 Remotes, PowerSync Transmission, Standard Hydraulic Pump................................. $26,000

2010 John Deere 1990 (WI), Stk #61185, 40-ft. 10” Spacing, Always Shedded, Boots & Gauge Wheels Look Good, Does NOT Come w/ Tank Or Markers…........... $88,500

2019 John Deere 6145M (WA), Stk #59384, 209 Hrs, MFWD, Partial Power Shift Trans..............$110,000


2017 John Deere 6155R (WA), Stk #61819, 322 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, GreenStar Ready, 45 GPM Hyd Pump, 3 SCV’s, Single 450lb Rear Weights........... $127,000


2019 John Deere 560M (BF), Stk #63741, 3,857 Bales, Customer Trades Every Spring, 1,000 PTO, MegaWide & Pushbar......... $43,000

2019 John Deere 560M (BL), Stk #63576, 6,000 Bales, Hydraulic Pickup, Has Lube Minder, 1 3/8” PTO..................................... $35,500

2018 John Deere 560M (HA), Stk #57424, New Demo W/Precutter, Warranty Still Left, Twine & Surface Wrap................................... $62,900

2018 John Deere 560M (WA), Stk #64335, 5,200 Bales, Variable Core, Corn Cob Filler Plates & Crop Deflector Kit............................. $40,000

2016 John Deere 569 Std (WI), Stk #61468, Just Under 13,500 Bales, Wide Pickup, 1,000 PTO, Big Tires.. ............................................ $28,900

2015 John Deere 569 (BF), Stk #62086, 7,936 Bales, 1,000 PTO, MegaWide Plus Pickup, Hydrualic Pickup................................. $32,900

2015 John Deere 569 (WA), Stk #61682, Belts Look Good, 1,000 PTO, Kept Inside When Not Used.... ............................................ $21,500

2013 John Deere 569 Premium (WA), Stk #62838, 14,000 Bales, Small Thousand, Netwrap & Twine, Needs Display To Run......... $23,000

2009 John Deere 1830 (PI), Stk #63599, 61-ft. 12”Spacing Single Shoot, Hoses Nearly New, 350 Bu Tow Behind Tank...............$72,000

2019 John Deere 6155R (PI), Stk #58608, 218 Hours, IVT 40K Trans, Triple Link Suspension, GreenStar Ready W/4600 10” Display, Premi2009 John Deere 1895 (PH), Stk um Radio & Lights............ $154,000 #63283, 36-ft. 10” Spacing Double Shoot, Includes 1910 430 Bu Cart, Very Well Cared For......... $79,000

2017 John Deere 8320R (WA), Stk #61510, 695 Hours, PowerShift Trans, Suspension, Super Single 1998 John Deere 1850 (PH), Stk Metric 600 Front, Super Metric #61898, 42-ft. 7.5” Spacing Single 800/70R38 Rear Duals..... $252,000 Shoot, Includes 1900 Cart, Includes 2 Different Meters, Available Spring 2020.............. $31,000

2014 John Deere 6210R (HA), Stk #60048, 6,227 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, TLS Front Suspension, H380 Loader, 4 SCV’s, Weighted Up On Rear............................ $105,500

2014 John Deere 8310R (WA), Stk #64322, 5,500 Hrs, IVT, 1 Pair 1,400# Weights, 60 GPM Pump, Premium Cab.................... $150,000

Call for more info on any of these listed units, or to find out what else we have available! Nebraska Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908

South Dakota Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche(605) 892-2621 Wyoming Sundance (307) 283-2971

View all of our inventory online at:


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B4

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


2004 Case JX100U, 95 hp, FWA, skid steer quick attach loader, 24 speed transmission, 1687 hours............ $32,500 More info and pictures: Phone (406) 827-3578

##### Rin Tin Tin was another famous working dog from WWI. You may know Rin Tin Tin from his illustrious movie career, but the German shepherd started off as a German war dog, before being rescued from the battlefield by an American soldier named Lee Duncan. Duncan adopted the abandoned German shepherd and after the war, brought Rin Tin Tin back to the U.S., where the canine became a famous movie star.

Your Source for In Demand, Spring Wheat, Pulses, Oil and Grass Seeds

Spring Wheats • SY Longmire    NEW Solid Stem • SY McCloud   NEW High Yield • SY 611 CL2    NEW high yield •  SY Ingmar

•  SY Rockford Other Crops •  SY 605 CL II •  Alfalfa and Many More •  Cover Crops • Barley • Flax Pulses • Chickpeas • Mustard • Green Peas • Canola • Grass Seed • Lentils

Give us a call to make a plan for your farms specific needs

Fast and Reliable Custom Cleaning Montana Certified Cleaning Plant 406-466-5553 Choteau, MT

Athletes awarded scholarships during Harvest Bowl

By NDSU Extension Service Scholarships were awarded to 20 North Dakota State University (NDSU) athletes during this year’s Harvest Bowl program on November 8-9. Harvest Bowl scholarship awardees, sport, hometown and major are: • Patrick Benedict Memorial Harvest Bowl Scholarship Endowment - Austin Brenner is a freshman on the NDSU Wrestling team from St. Cloud, Minnesota, majoring in exercise science. He is the son of Mark and Annie Brenner. • Gene Dahl Scholarship - Jacob Drew is a junior righthanded pitcher on the NDSU Baseball team from Alexandria, Minnesota, majoring in agribusiness. He is the son of David and Gail Drew. • Scott and Ann Dau Family Scholarship - Bailey Retzlaff is a senior thrower for NDSU Women’s Track and Field from Carrington, North Dakota, majoring in agricultural education. She is the daughter of Doug and Holly Retzlaff. • John and Kay Dean Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Tyler Enerson is a sophomore who competes in multiple events for NDSU Men’s Track and Field from Grand Forks, North Dakota, majoring in agricultural economics. He is the son of Norman and Lisa Enerson. • Glenn and Alice Strouse Ellingsberg Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Akealy Moton is a sophomore thrower for NDSU Women’s Track and Field from West Fargo, North Dakota, majoring in animal science. She is the daughter of Alonzo and Joleen Moton. • Farmer’s National Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Karson Schoening is a junior center for the NDSU Football team from Rolla, North Dakota, majoring in crop and weed science and minoring in animal science. He is the son of Ryan and Marie Schoening. • Gooseneck Implement/ Green Iron Equipment Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Rylee Nudell is a senior forward on the NDSU Basketball team from Buffalo, North Dakota, majoring in elementary education and human development and family science. Her parents are Ron and Rhonda Nudell. • Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Bryan Nohava is a freshman offensive guard for the NDSU Football team from Hawarden, Iowa, majoring in general agriculture. He is the son of Bryan and Brenda Nohava. • Harvest Bowl Scholarship in honor of Robert Johansen - Kirstin Tidd is a sophomore middle hitter on the NDSU Volleyball team from Verona, Wisconsin, majoring in agricultural economics. She is the daughter of Ray and Sonja Tidd. • Myron and Muriel Johnsrud HB Endowment - Garret Wegner is a junior punter on the NDSU Football team from Lodi, Wisconsin, majoring in food science. He is the son of Dan and Mary Wegner. • LeVon C. Kirkeide and Friends Harvest Bowl Scholarship - Connor Wendel is a junior sprinter and hurdler for the NDSU Men’s Track and Field team from Carrington, North Dakota, majoring in agribusiness. His parents are Shane and Mary Wendel. • Darrell Larson Family Scholarship - Garrett Malstrom is a senior fullback on the NDSU Football team and graduate student in business administration from Vergas, Minnesota. His parents are Jay and Judy Malstrom. • Bob Lauf Memorial Scholarship - Derrek Tuszka is a senior defensive end on the NDSU Football team from Warner, South Dakota, majoring in crop and weed sciences with a minor in agribusiness, biological sciences, and natural resource management. His parents are Mark and Stacy Tuszka. • Nipstad Family Athletic Scholarship Endowment - Jackson Hankey is a sophomore linebacker on the NDSU Football team from Park River, North Dakota, majoring in agricultural economics. His parents are David and Jana Hankey. • Ron and Karen Offutt Scholarship - Isaac Huber is a freshman distance runner for NDSU Men’s Cross Country and Track and Field from Jud, North Dakota, majoring in exercise science. His parents are Bryon and Emmy Huber. • Red River Commodities Scholarship - Dan Stibral is a senior on the NDSU Wrestling team from Tabor, South Dakota, majoring in agricultural systems management. His parents are David and Darla Stibral. • Richard and Kelly Sager Harvest Bowl Endowment Cameron Sykora is a senior on the NDSU Wrestling team from Wheaton, Minnesota, majoring in sports management. He is the son of Denny and Jenny Sykora. • Titan Machinery Scholarship - Spencer Waege is a sophomore defensive end on the NDSU Football team from CONTINUED ON PAGE B5

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B5

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


VNS alfalfa seed, winter hardy, professionally cleaned and bagged, State tested for purity, 90+ germ....................... ........................................................$2/lb plus shipping C&L Farms (509) 394-2400, Touchet, Washington

Handy Man Construction

•  Metal Roofing      •  Flooring

•  Shingles         •  Siding     •  Window installation    • and More Spencer Smelser of Circle S Seeds from Three Forks, Montana waits at his booth at MATE in Billings, Montana to answer question about his seed business.

Athletes awarded scholarships CONTINUED FROM PAGE B4

South Shore, South Dakota, majoring in general agriculture. His parents are Lynn and Lana Waege. • #64 Bob Yaggie and #58 Bruce Yaggie Father – Son Football Scholarship - Cordell Volson is a junior offensive tackle on the NDSU Football team from Balfour, North Dakota, majoring in general agriculture. He is the son of Ralph and Wendy Volson. • Bob and Darlene Yaggie Football Scholarship - Dimitri Williams is a senior running back on the NDSU Football team from Lakeville, Minnesota, majoring in economics. His parents are Steve and Jennifer Wentworth. The NDSU Harvest Bowl program also recognizes the work of agriculturists in 53 counties in North Dakota and 7 counties in western Minnesota. A special agribusiness award goes to an individual who has a distinguished career in agriculture and business. This year’s award recipient is Bill Bowman, former North Dakota state senator.

Contact Harley Yoder (406) 323-8006

For Sale

Used W-Beam Guardrail 3460 Grant Creek Road Missoula, Montana

Call Steve - (406) 241-7077

NEW New Holland Equipment

FOR SALE: Used W-Beam Guardrail located in Missoula, Montana. Short Used GR Panel: 13’6” @ 93 lbs - (12’ 6” lineal) Long Used GR Panel: 26’ @ 182 lbs - (25’ lineal) $2 per lineal foot Private trucking can be arranged at additional cost.


2017 New Holland T7.245 MFWD, Hi-Vis cab, CVT, Sidewinder II, 421 hours........ ................................$155,000

New Holland Skidsteers EH Controls, mechanical controls, various sizes in stock.

New Holland 195HBS Spreader, tandem axle, floatation tires. Here Now!

2016 New Holland Boomer 41 w/loader, cab, MFWD, Shuttle transmission, R4 tires, 408 hours......................... $27,500 2014 New Holland LM9.35 telehandler, 1242 hours, 7700 lbs capacity, reversing fan, smooth ride boom suspenKubota L3430 loader, backhoe, sion........................... $79,000 MFWD, HST, 12” & 18” buckets, 1207 hours......... $24,500 John Deere 54 manure spreader, single beater, 540 PTO, floation tires. Nice shape........ ..................................... $5900

2019 New Holland T7.230 HiViz cab (suspended), MFWD, Auto Command transmission, RADAR, auto guidance ready, 4 remotes............. Call for Price 2018 New Holland Powerstar 120 with loader, MFWD, 12x12 Power Shuttle Transmission, two remotes.................... ........................................Call for price 2018 New Holland Workmaster 70 tractor with loader, MFWD, ROPS, 2 remotes.. ........................................Call for price 2019 New Holland Workmaster 60 tractor with loader, MFWD, ROPS, 8x8 Shuttle Transmission...................Call for price 2018 New Holland Boomer 55 tractor with loader, MFWD, cab, 16x16 Synchro Shuttle Transmission, R4 tires, 2 remotes...........................Call for price

Carted Pasture Harrows

2018 New Holland T5.110 MFWD, dual command, HiVis cab, loader, 592 hours...... ..................................$62,000

2015 New Holland T7.210 with 855TL loader, Hi-Viz cab, MFWD, 1650 hours..$105,000

2016 New Holland L228 skid steer, open cab, mechanical controls, auxiliary hydraulics, 1140 hours................ $37,000


Danuser, Bush Hog, & Shaver New & Used Call TODAY for Availability and Prices!

24 -ft - $7600 26-ft. - $7900 30-ft. winged - $8200

1967 Oliver 1550 tractor with loader, 2WD, gas, new manifolds, rebuilt carb, new seat cushions.....................$6,250

Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996

7719 Thornton Dr. Missoula, MT

Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348 Find current listings and upcoming auctions at:

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B6

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.


mega cab 4x4, cummins,

loaded laramie, leather,

55,000 miles

$45,900 Now $41,000

2014 RAM 1500

crew cab 2wd, hemi, loaded tradesman,

68,000 miles

2014 RAM 3500

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crew cab 4x4, hemi,

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104,000 miles

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2012 RAM 1500

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96,000 miles

$20,900 Now $19,500


2018 GMC 3500 DENALI

Now $28,600

2014 RAM 1500

2013 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4, hemi,

$22,300 Now $19,500

V6, loaded, 3rd seat, middle row buckets, 37,000 miles

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Now $58,500

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2016 FORD F250

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6.7 powerstroke diesel, loaded lariat, leather, short box, 81,000 miles

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Now $31,900


crew cab 4x4, V8, automatic, loaded sv,

131,000 miles

Now $15,900

Jamieson Motors, Inc. 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

Caregiving in the era of COVID-19

By Tim Summers, AARP Montana State Director Even in ordinary times, the 114,000 unpaid family caregivers in Montana face a daunting set of daily tasks. Oftentimes with little or no training, they may be responsible for wound care, tube feedings, dressing, transportation, managing the finances and medical bills of their loved ones and more. Of course, these are no ordinary times. The coronavirus pandemic has complicated the lives of family caregivers, especially those with older loved ones who are most susceptible to COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus. It has added fear, anxiety and isolation to an already-stressful situation. Here in Montana, routines have been upended as communities cope with this disease. Among other measures, Governor Bullock has suspended visitation in Montana’s nursing homes, except for certain compassionate care situations, to help stop the spread of the virus to especially vulnerable populations. Since the outbreak of the virus, AARP has been urging family caregivers to develop a plan in case they get sick or their loved one does. Our recommendations include: Pull Together a Team. Develop a list of family and friends who can perform daily caregiving tasks. If available, identify local caregiving services that may offer a respite for family and friends. Identify Local Services. In response to the virus, many restaurants, pharmacies and grocery stores are adding or increasing their pick-up and delivery services. AARP Montana has launched a new webpage to help locate resources for those affected by COVID-19 (found at The federal government’s Eldercare Locator (found at eldercare.acl,gov) can help you find support services in your area. The new online “AARP Community Connections” (found at enables people to enter their zip codes and find informal groups of neighbors and friends offering help right in their own communities. Inventory Essential Items. Determine how much food, medication, and basic supplies your care recipient has on hand. We recommend a two-week supply of food, water, household cleaning supplies and medical materials and equipment. Get Prescriptions in Order. Make sure you have a list of medications, medical contacts and important information about your loved one, such as drug allergies. If there are upcoming routine medical appointments, reschedule those or, if possible, switch to a virtual visit. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommends having an extra 30-day supply of essential medications on hand. Don’t forget over-the-counter medications such as cough suppressants and fever reducing drugs like acetaminophen. Stay Connected. Isolation is a big issue as we all follow the social distancing guidance from the CDC. However, social distancing doesn’t have to lead to social disconnection. Develop a communication plan and identify times when members of the care team will check in on your loved one. Skype, Zoom and Facetime are useful digital apps that can help, but so are lower-tech options like email, texting and telephone calling. To help fight the isolation, encourage people to send cards, letters, magazines, puzzles or other items a loved one would be happy to receive. Protect Yourself. Now more than ever, it is important for family caregivers to take care of themselves. Follow the CDC guidelines of washing hands frequently, avoiding crowds, practice social distancing and, by all means, if you feel sick stay home. If you develop the virus, you will be of little use to those who are counting on you. To help caregivers, AARP has a dedicated, toll-free family caregiving line for people looking after a loved one. Live operators are available to take calls Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (MT) at 877-333-5885. AARP also has a Facebook group ( aarpfamilycaregivers) where caregivers get tips from experts, share their own stories and sometimes just get a little encouragement from others in a similar situation. You can also find answers to many of your questions online at the AARP Caregiver Resource Center caregiving. Our caregiving information and services are free and available to everyone. Our founder, Ethel Percy Andrus, said, “What we do, we do for all” – that founding principle continues to guide us and has never been more important than it is today. Working together – and caring for each other – we will get through this.

April 21st will be... Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day

Bulldogs are known for the stocky physique, wrinkly faces, and short snouts. While not the most elegant of dogs, bulldogs are beloved by many. Many people find bulldogs to be cute and lovable. Bulldogs are Beautiful Day aims to show this appreciation through celebrating this adorable breed. History of Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day Bulldogs are Beautiful Day corresponds with the day that the bulldog was officially recognized by dog breeders back in 1886. Bulldogs are associated with the Asiatic Mastiff, which lived around 4,000 BC in Mesopotamia. The mastiff was introduced to Europe by traveling nomads. Since then, breeders helped form the different kinds of bulldogs that exist today. These include the English bulldog, French bulldog, and American bulldog. As one of the most popular breeds, bulldogs are known to be lovable. They provide overall general happiness to every dog owner. Some of the most famous bulldogs to have existed were Tillman, an English Bulldog with skateboarding skills that made him a celebrity. Another bulldog, Uga, was the official live mascot of the University of Georgia Bulldogs. Chesty was a bulldog take on the role of the next official mascot of the US Marine Corps. Each year, people celebrate Bulldogs are Beautiful Day by showing appreciation for these lovable, fuzzy creatures. At Drake University, an annual contest for the most beautiful bulldog is held. Owners showcase their bulldogs and walk the pageant runway, showing off their clever tricks and beauty. Owners post funny videos of their bulldogs and treat their dogs by giving them goodies like treats and stuffed toys. People also take the time to learn the history of bulldogs and how they earned their cute, wrinkled faces that everyone knows and loves. How to Celebrate Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day If you own a bulldog, take this time to treat them well and show how much you appreciate them in your lives. Give them treats, let them sleep in your bed for the day, and dress them up in cute outfits. You can also share this love for your bulldog by posting pictures of you and your dog on your favorite social media websites.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B7

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.


no fairweather friend Developed in Montana for Montana and intermountain conditions. Ladak’65 remains the best variety for dryland and limited moisture sites. A proven performer. Guaranteed genetic purity. Preinoculated - Ready to seed.

There are alfalfas and there are alfalfas. Some do well in one climate or region and just can’t make it in another. That’s why Ladak’65 is so right for the dryland, intermountain grower. Ladak’65 proves a real winner, offers winterhardiness you probably can’t match with any other strain.

Resists Bacteria Wilt

Its performance is in the records.

Out-yields other Alfalfas

In normal, dryland conditions Ladak’65 shows its colors fast. In ideal, irrigated conditions Ladak’65 may not prove your biggest yielder, but, when the going’s tough, moisture is limited, Ladak’65 will outperfom the rest.

Holds its vigor

In dry years, when moisture is light, Ladak’65 retains its vigor. Recovers fast when moisture comes to give you good tonnage in adverse conditions.

Animals love it

Outstanding palatability is one of the secrets of Ladak’65. Fine-stemmed and leafy, animals prefer Ladak’65.

LADAK’65 Winterhardy, high-yielding,

wilt resistant and highly palatable. The intermountain grower can’t plant a better alfalfa!

2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 • Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: • Web Site:

2014 John Deere 2018 John Deere 2013 John Deere 9510R tractor 9460R tractor 9570R tractor

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$41,855/yr - oac

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3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Connect With Us On Facebook

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B8



18” - 12-ft. diameter, lengths up to 64-ft. Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new.

Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge.................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (1) 12’x13’ Timber Bridge..................................... $3000 (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking...................... . ....................................$5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also)

Treated Timber: $1 per board foot under 20 feet long. $1.50 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.

Call Carol 406-274-3064 Stevensville, MT

Freeman 1390 In-Line Square Baler 16x22 bales, 3 knotter, Duetz 4 cylinder 67 hp, very low use....$10,000

SPRING SEED VARIETIES Spring Wheat CLEARFIELD™ Spring Wheat SY Rockford* SY Ingmar*



AC Metcalfe Hay Barleys Westford & Lavina ALFALFA, GRASS & FORAGE CROPS also available


Pulse Crops CDC Orion Chickpeas* Avondale* Lentil Seed Arvika Peas

* Denotes Plant Variety Protection Variety

(406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022

Denton, Montana 3 /2 miles SW - Near Airport 1

Microplastics can be harmful to farm crops

K-State Research and Extension News A Kansas State University crop physiologist has found that plastic products – which are well known to cause negative impacts on fish and other aquatic animals – also have an adverse effect on land-based organisms, such as farm crops. Mary Beth Kirkham, University Distinguished Professor in agronomy who specializes in the relationship between soil, plants and water, said that fact should throw caution to such industries as agriculture in which plastic products are part of doing business. “Ideally, plastics should break down into water and carbon dioxide, which are two very innocuous (harmless) molecules,” Kirkham said “But studies have shown that the plastics we use just don’t break down. Microorganisms just have not yet evolved to break down the plastics.” In a greenhouse experiment with wheat, Kirkham showed that the presence of tiny particles of plastic in soil caused water to pool up on the surface and the flooded conditions prevented oxygen from getting to a plant’s roots. She also found that plastic serves as a vector (or vehicle) for plant uptake of such toxic materials as cadmium. “Many plants died in the month-long experiment,” Kirkham said. “In the plants where cadmium was in the soil with plastic, the wheat leaves had much, much more cadmium than in the plants that grew without plastic in the soil.” Kirkham explained that plastic is used in agriculture in many ways, commonly as plastic mulch in fields to warm soil in the spring, or to keep weeds out during growing seasons. Greenhouses often are made of plastic material, and fertilizer bags are often made of plastic. “On the farm, eventually that plastic will break down (due to ultraviolet light, temperature or wind) into what we call microplastics, or very small particles that settle in the soil,” Kirkham said. “So, we end up with all of these tiny particles that remain in the soil or move into the aquatic environment.” In the ocean, fish eat plastic particles, eventually causing them to die. On land, microplastics build up to form a barrier against water infiltration, or they might attract toxic materials to the plant’s roots. “I know it’s a drastic statement to say,” Kirkham said, “but we just need to get rid of plastics in the environment, because they are never going to break down. They are around forever.” Plastics used in agriculture are less likely to be recycled, Kirkham said, because residue that is left on such products as fertilizer bags and plastic mulch is hard to clean and, thus, is costly. Instead, she said, it might be beneficial to simply reduce the use of plastic materials and products, when possible. “I do think it would be beneficial in growing plants, as well as for the whole environment,” Kirkham said. Kirkham has recently co-edited a book, titled Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments, which will be published by CRC Press later this year. She said her work on that project raised her overall concern about plastic in the world’s environment. “The problem with all of our plastics in the United States is that we used to ship them off to China, but China and a lot of other countries won’t accept them anymore,” Kirkham said. “All of this plastic is being shipped back to the United States. We are going to have to find a way to get rid of our plastics. And so far, we don’t have it.”

Look Up at the Sky Day

Date When Celebrated: Always April 14 Look Up at the Sky Day is a fun day to check out what’s up there. ‘Ya never know what might be going on up there. An asteroid or meteor may be on it’s way. A solar eclipse could be on display. A flock of geese or birds may be over head (you may need to duck for cover). Or, the clouds may be forming into interesting characters and patterns. Take a few minutes out from your busy day to look up at the sky today. If nothing else, the break from the routine will be relaxing. Important Note: If you look up at the sky too long, people are going to think you have nothing better to do. And, maybe you don’t! Deep Thought for Today: Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

National Zucchini Bread Day

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B9

WANTED Pickup bed bale handler to mount on flatbed. Phone (406) 590-1572


JW FEEDS 406-390-5076 • Chester, MT

Providing all your cattle needs! • Cake • Tubs • Liquid Feed • KayDee Mineral • Salt

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Fire damaged or non-running tractors Date celebrated: This holiday is always April 23 National Zucchini Bread Day is a day to enjoy Zucchini bread. In researching this day, we first asked ourselves “why hold this day in the spring, when this prolific garden squash in not in great supply?” The answer quickly dawned on us....they hold this at a time when you are not sick of all that zucchini. In the summer months, the prolific zucchini plant produces more fruit than gardeners can use. As summer progresses, everyone becomes sick and tired of the eating zucchini. But, the harvest goes on, day after day, after day. By mid summer, gardeners are resorting to all sorts of tricks to get rid of the mountains of fruit produced in their gardens. Some even stealthily leave zucchini on neighbors’ door step in the middle of the night. So here you are in the month of April. Zucchini finds its way in small supply to grocery stores in your area. Now, you’ve got the urge for zucchini bread. Hence, the creation of this day in April!

April 15th will be... Banana Day

Properties For Sale • Ronan, MT - Productive 535 irrigated farm acres with beautiful Mission Mountain views. Home, shop, barn, corrals, grain bins, center pivots, wheel lines & 3 pumps. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 120 +/- irrigated acre livestock operation planted in hay & pasture. Nice home and older outbuildings. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 210 acres (138 acres irrigated). Corrals, calving shed & water system. Currently in hay, pasture & native breaks. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 40 wheel-line irrigated pasture acres, power, well & septic installed. Beautiful Mission Mountain views. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Choteau, MT - Grazing & CRP income with potential appreciation from Rocky Mtn. Front location SW of Choteau. 7,700 deeded acres plus leased acres.

(406) 393-2380

Banana Day is a bit like a heady mix of April Fool’s Day and Halloween (without the sweets or vandalism) and with a helpful portion of healthy eating thrown in for good measure. The origins of Banana Day, which is aimed at celebrating bananas in every conceivable sense of the word, are murky. However it’s known that every year students at many prestigious American universities use Banana Day as a way of celebrating this humble lunchbox standard. They eat and share weird and wonderful banana concoctions (banana punch, anyone?), they dress as bananas and they generally go a bit…well…nuts. And bananas too, of course. There aren’t many days in the year when you can legitimately goof off and have a little fruit-based fun, so why not take a (banana) leaf out the students’ book and go a little bit bananas today?


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail:

Flying Shit House Ranch Hay/Farm/Ranch Equipment for Sale- AUGUSTA MONTANA CUSTOM WELDING AND FABRICATION for Hire HAY FOR SALE

75 ton 2nd cutting premium alfalfa 3x4x8 square bales 25 ton feeder hay 2nd cutting alfalfa 3x4x8 squares Contact Chase 406-899-6055


30+ years of welding and fabrication experience. Welding and fab work done at Flying Shit House Ranch main shop Experience includes: • Building Flatbeds and Stock Trailers • General farm/ranch repairs • Hand railing and stairs • Building and fitting bumpers and grill-guards • Decorative steel furniture Contact Gary Predmore at (406) 868-1751


2001 GMC Sierra crew cab pickup, big block gas motor, short box, 160,000+ miles. Comes with toolbox and extra fuel tank. Good running pickup........................ $4500 John Deere 7520 tractor, 9788 hours. Selling as-is. $6000 International 1460 combine, 3,791 hours................ $3500 Krause 2100 29-ft. disc............................................. $7000 Morris 30-ft. tool bar plow......................................... $2250 Call Chase 406-899-6055 or Rhett 590-6054


1984 GMC 7000 Top Kick red, 2-ton, 210 hp, 3208 Cat diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, power steering, disk brakes, good tires, 10-ton National crane, rebuilt lift cylinder, 60-ft. hook height, 15-ft. steel dump flatbed, 28,000 GVW, low miles. Handy ranch truck, runs good.....................................$11,500

1979 Oshkosh 6x6, water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins and jake brake, 8LL transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow.............................$12,500

Case 580 Construction King, loader,, 4 cylinder diesel, power steering, QC bucket, forks and straight blade, 3-pt. with mount for backhoe, no PTO, 4-speed transmission, torque converter and shuttle, runs good. Good small ranch machine.....$5900 Fiat Allis 945B wheel loader, 7 yard bucket. Runs good, needs transmission work, with spare parts and tires, works as forklift...............$6500 obo

1999 Ford F550 XLT, 4x4, loaded service truck, 7.3 Power Stroke diesel, automatic performance transmission, welder, generator and air compressor, 6500# hydraulic mechanic crane with winch remote, 13-ft. main boom & 10-ft. jib, custom bumper, low miles, runs good, clean.$18,500

Phone 406-777-1435 leave message

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B10

Our Advertising Deadline for the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Phone us at (406) 271-5533

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2008 New Holland TV145 bidirectional, PTO front and rear, 3-pt. front and rear, loader and grapple, tires 60%, engine end wheel weights, 3500 hours.

2017 New Holland 18-ft. hay header, push frame, works great. Package deal, tractor/header. Great for haying.

1996 New Holland 9030 bidirectional, PTO front and rear, hydraulic front and rear, 3-point cab end, loader with grapple, new seat, new radio, new AC, new shocks on window and doors, 80% tires, 10,500 hours. Great Shape............. $27,000 obo

Call 406-278-3970, leave message

Red House Ag

Custom Fertilizer Spreading

Call to schedule spring fertilizer application

(406) 945-2905 Chester, MT

Providing procurement and marketing solutions to the grain and feed industry. Looking for FEED WHEAT and FEED BARLEY


(816) 229-0303

Ranchers consider diverse factors in managing their land

From UM News Service with Virginia Tech In a new study published in Rangeland it helps conservation professionals unEcology and Management, researchers exderstand the social context of agricultural plore the diverse factors that influence how irrigation decision-making in the West,” ranchers manage their land. Missoula-based said Dave Smith, Intermountain West Joint collaborators on the project include UniverVenture coordinator. “The findings will sity of Montana Assistant Professor Alex enable the conservation community to Metcalf and the Intermountain West Joint increasingly support agricultural irrigators Venture, a Missoula organization commitin continuing to provide vital habitat for ted to bird habitat conservation by fostering wetland-dependent birds on working lands.” public-private partnerships. The relationships between conservaWetlands in the Intermountain West, a retionists and ranchers can be complicated. gion nestled between the Rocky Mountains, People are quick to assume that ranchers the Cascade Range and the Sierra Nevada, are solely concerned with profit, but this are home to a diverse range of flora and research found that ranchers’ decisions fauna. Wetlands may only make up 2% of are much more complex. This needs to be the region, but 80% of wildlife rely on the taken into consideration when developing rich habitat wetlands provide. programs and policies to foster private lands The majority of these wetlands are conservation. located on private ranchlands. While the “The workshops created an open, trusting persistence of these “working wetlands” space where there was social learning and depends on the management decisions of social exchange happening,” said Sketch, ranchers, their perspectives are often missthe lead author on the paper. “It was imporing from conservation and policymaking tant for ranchers to know the researchers and discussions. the conservation professionals alike were The Montana researchers partnered with there to hear them.” Ashley Dayer, an assistant professor at This study specifically focused on Virginia Tech, and her graduate student, choices about flood irrigation, a traditional Mary Sketch. The research team hosted two method involving complex reservoir and landowner-listening workshops – one in ditch systems that spread water across a southern Oregon and another in southwestfield, recharging areas once sustained by ern Wyoming – and invited various landnatural flooding. When the water flows from owners and conservation professionals to the ditches, saturates the field and seeps encourage dialogue between the two parties. into the groundwater, it provides forage for Partners for Conservation, a landowner-led cattle while also providing rich habitat for conservation organization, played a key migrating and breeding water birds, like role in successful implementation of the ducks and cranes, as well as sage grouse, workshops. an iconic ground-dwelling bird in decline. Metcalf said they evaluated the complex “Flood irrigation is often vilified for not decision-making process of how ranchers being water efficient,” Sketch said. “The choose to manage their land – specifically numbers don’t always add up when it comes how they choose to irrigate their land and to saving water because there’s so much why. They found that various factors go into more in the game of land management and deciding how land is managed, and it’s not conservation, like creating wildlife habitat. just money. This traditional definition of efficiency “Our project was able to add nuance to doesn’t grasp that social-ecological comthat understanding. There is a lot more to plexity. it,” said Metcalf, a social scientist and as“Our work suggests an expanded definisistant professor in the W.A. Franke Coltion that considers how flood irrigation prolege of Forestry and Conservation at UM. vides bird habitat on working wet meadows, “Yes, ranchers have to meet the bottom line recharges the groundwater for communities because they have to make sure they have downstream, creates in-stream flow for fish food on the table, but other concerns and and keeps ranchers ranching.” considerations are at play in the choices Ranchers described factors that either they make for their lands.” help or hinder the use of flood irrigation on The study “Western Ranchers’ Perspecprivate lands. The study identified cultural tives on Enablers and Constraints to Flood considerations as a key enabler for continuIrrigation” was published Jan. 14 in Rangeing flood irrigation. land Ecology and Management and can be “Ranchers have strong ties with the found online at ranching lifestyle, so many choose to conrama.2019.12.003. tinue flood irrigation because of its history “In order to have effective conservation and their personal connection to it,” Sketch in the West, where ranchers own huge tracts said. “It’s something they do every year, the of land, the conservation community is keen generation of ranchers before them did it, to work together with them,” said Dayer. and they want to maintain that tradition.” “Ranchers can make choices to manage “What stands out to me in this work is their land for the benefits of wildlife or they that there are a group of ranchers commitcan make choices that don’t prioritize wildted to the future of their land,” Dayer said. life. We aimed to facilitate a better under“They rely on that land for their livelihood. standing of how conservation professionals They’re closely tied to it; they spend every could work with ranchers toward conservaday outside. It’s something that they’re very tion and wildlife management goals.” passionate about. I think that’s just a critical The Intermountain West Joint Venture thing for the majority of the U.S. public livhas a long history of working alongside ing far from ranches to keep in mind – our landowners and conservationists and has food isn’t just coming from grocery stores. become trusted in the region. Their connecIt’s coming from people who are making tions, experiences and on-the-ground work choices about how land is used and whether proved valuable in executing the research. to contribute to conservation.” As a result, co-authors were better able Despite the commitment of ranchers to to understand ranchers’ experiences and their land, nearly half of all U.S. ranches perspectives. The joint venture also now is are sold every decade, and recruitment of playing a critical role in ensuring the results younger generations into the ranching lifeof this study are used. style has declined. Most of these once-open CONTINUED ON PAGE B12 “This research is groundbreaking in that

April 21st will be... Chocolate Covered Cashews Day

##### In the car repair shop: Customer: “Can you save my car?” Repair man: “I believe we could, by screwing a new car in between the license plates.”

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B11


2009 John Deere 4830 100-ft. boom sprayer, 1000 gallon tank with auto boom and auto steer, super clean, new rubber, full service this spring by Frontline Ag Equipment, Great Falls, MT, multiple nozzles and tips included. If interested, please call (406) 231-8515

There are times in life when two perfect things come together to create something that is absolutely sublime. Sometimes they’re two people, other times it’s the perfect song and mood, but Chocolate Covered Cashew Day celebrates the coming together of a nut and bean to create what may very well be the penultimate snack food. Rich flavorful chocolate wrapped around the distinctly nutty flavor of roasted cashew, could you imagine anything better? Chocolate Covered Cashew Day just blows Extended Discount Pricing our tastebuds out of the water! • History of Chocolate Covered Cashew Nut Day Crews Available The history of the Chocolate Covered Cashew is the culmination of the history of two foods and how they crossed • miles and ages to come together. The first is the Cashew, a Grain Bins, Full Floor delicious nut that grows in an odd configuration on a tree that Aeration and Unload Systems was originally native to Brazil (no, this isn’t the Brazil nut, Farm and Stiffened Bins that’s something different). The cashew tree is an evergreen Available up to 50,000 Bushel that develops quite an unusual fruit, even more, unusual for • the fact that the nut actually grows ‘under’ the fruit, rather Call TODAY for your than in the middle of it. In fact, there’s a special name for nuts that grow in this way, they’re called an ‘accessory fruit’. Grain Storage & Handling Needs! Little known to those outside of Brazil is the fact that the fruit itself, called the Cashew Apple, is edible as well! Then we have chocolate, and if you’re not familiar with 1 2/18/2019 12:02:20 PM 360-D Ad Traders Dispatch 2-18-2019.pdf chocolate you must be living under a tree somewhere… On another planet. However, the chocolate bean comes from the Cacao tree and has been cultivated for almost 3000 years in Mesoamerica, (that’s Central and parts of South America). It was originally eaten bitPlant On Dryland Plant If Your Pivot Only Pumps 400gal/ ter, without sweetener, but since has come into its own in a wide variety of flavors On the Market including milk and dark port Never a Re for 31 years chocolate, and, white. ill of Winter K (and still unbeatable) At some point in the past, Greenway a genius was born who realized that these two flavors needed to come together yland ing Dr We are a non-GMO and be joined in delicious Plant ays use n e h W Alfalfa a alw seed house! Never Alfalf ed seed! culinary matrimony. Out t a o c a positive hit for ve it!) of this stroke of genius was us pro This Alfalfa has been called a tetraploid anomaly by alfalfa t e L ( GMO born the Chocolate Covered breeders. On the market for 30 years, and being improved twice, Cashew, and if there is a It remains the highest yeilding, low water alfalfa on the market! more perfect treat out there, we certainly don’t know what it is. HERE’S WHAT GROWERS ARE SAYING: How to celebrate Choco"This is the fourth year we are planting 360-D. It works well both on Irrigated and dry land. Very good late Covered Cashew Day variety." Celebrating Chocolate Al Renner - Beach, ND / Laurel, MT Covered Cashew Day is as "We love that alfalfa! We get 2 cuts on dryland, and we are ordering for the fourth time." simple as buying yourself . Skip Ahlgren, Rocking TS Cattle - Winnett, MT a bag of cashews dipped in chocolate and going to town "The 360-D stayed green in a very dry summer. For range dryland seeding the coating on Vavilov on them! But if you’re like Siberian and 360-D dryland alfalfa made all the difference in getting a good stand!" us, you may want to sample Michael Kubacher - Moorcroft, WY all the world has to offer and "360-D is an excellent dryland variety! It is very tolerant to rough growing conditions. We will order again!" find your own particular palette. We’ve discovered that Neil Turnbull - Culbertson, MT dark chocolate and sea salt "We got 3 good cuts on 360-D. It did well, and we will order again!" dipped cashews are amazAl Miller - Allendale, ND ing, and that white chocolate mixed with lavender brings Alan Greenway a gentle floral taste to the √ Will produce AT LEAST 80% of crop with 50% of water Seedsman treat. This is just the begin√ Will produce a subsequent cutting after water is gone ning! Just buy a bag of raw √ Plant on dryland/ guaranteed to out yield Ranger or Ladak cashews, and roasted ca√ Plant under pivots that only pump 400 gal/ shews, along with a variety √ Plant on fields that have only early season creek water of chocolates and let your √ Plant under end guns on pivots imagination run wild!

GROVE CONSTRUCTION Your Montana Authorized GSI Dealer since 1993

Jeremy (406) 350-2055

SHORT ON WATER ? Two Alfalfas in One 360-D










√ Plant in the late fall with your dormant seeded grasses

##### Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again tomorrow.

Over 40 Years Experiance

Greenway Seeds Caldwell, ID Alan Greenway 208-250-0159 (cell) 208-454-8342 (message)

Plant in your pivot corners. *Two ton bonus per acre per year. w w w. g r e e n w a y s e e d . c o m

We have sold out by April 1st each of the last 3 years. Order early!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B12

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch


2006 John Deere 4895 with 896 power reverser 16-ft. head, 1653 hours. Swather is also plumbed for a draper head. Great shape, ready to cut hay...................... $46,500

Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT

Specializing in hopper, flatbed and stepdeck, freight including hay and machinery. Local and out of state, fully licensed and insured. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

– – FOR SALE – –

HAY in large round bales. 2009 48-ft. stepdeck, great condition.


Grain in the overhead chamber is dried by a large fan and heater then dumped to a holding area below. An aeration fan below captures heat from this previously dried grain, and pushes it upward to help dry the next load. This recycling of heat increases efficiency which greatly reduces drying costs.


GSI’s material handling line includes bucket elevators, chain conveyors, belt conveyors, bin unloads, and chain loops. Also available are towers, catwalks, and support structures.


Today’s farm operations have greatly varied needs for their drying solutions. Size, type and investment all play a part in the decisions for which to use. GSI provides systems of every size and type to help with those needs. Options include TopDry, Portable, Modular, and T-Series Tower Dryers.


GSI and GSI Dealers alike share the same passion and commitment to our customers. GSI Dealers understand down time is not an option, construction schedules must be met. From site planning to installation and service. GSI Dealers are the proven partners for your operation. When you buy GSI, you get the quality product of a worldwide leader and the dependable service of your local Dealership.

Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436

406-467-3999 Brett’s Cell


Billboards promote health, fitness

University of Wyoming Extension to about 69 in the general population of the Two billboards featuring a Native Americounty and 71 in the general population of can in full traditional dance regalia is helpWyoming. ing send a culture-specific message of the The billboard idea began two years ago importance of health and physical activity when, as a CNP member, Pingree joined a to residents of the Wind River Indian Resreservation group concerned about health ervation. and fitness. There were a few billboards The billboards, one just south of Riveron the reservation showing the culture and ton, Wyoming and the other near Lander, native ways. depict John Pingree in a traditional dance “I brought up the idea of using the billwith the message “More Your Way Every boards to introduce CNP that way, by putDay.” ting something cultural out there for people The billboards, a project of the Cent$ible to see,” she said. “Since our people are more Nutrition Program in the University of Wyophysical and visual, I thought it was a very ming Extension, went up in January and are good way to get out who we are and what expected to be taken down this month, said we are doing out here.” Kelly Pingree, extension educator on the Meuli and marketing coordinator Kali WRIR. CNP is a free, income-qualifying, McCrackin Goodenough agreed. Mccooking and nutrition education program Crackin Goodenough, Meuli, and Pingree in Wyoming that can help people cook and developed the message and started to work eat better for less money. on the design. Kelly said the billboards are an effort to “Native people relate to anything dealing raise overall health on the WRIR. with native,” said Pingree. “We had to have “We have such a pandemic of obesity, some sort of cultural or physical activity up diabetes and heart disease, and that’s on there they can relate to.” pretty much any reservation,” she said. Pingree thought of the photograph of “Since we’ve gotten colonized more than her husband taken by photographer Mike 180 years ago, our lives have gotten more Jackson of Best of the Tetons in Jackson sedentary. There is really not a lot of movHole. The photograph had been taken near ing about or having to work and hunt and their home and featured in Cowboys and gather like we used to.” Indians magazine. Pingree started with CNP, a program “When Kelly showed me the photo, I in the College of Agriculture and Natural thought, ‘This is perfect!’,” McCrackin Resources, in 2016. Billie Spoonhunter Goodenough said. “I love that the photo was recently joined her in the CNP office on taken on the Wind River Indian Reservation the WRIR. and that it features someone many people “The ability to engage with local partknow.” ners for community changes, in addition The message and billboard design were to direct education, has opened up ways to shown to CNP participants prior to the billincrease health impacts on the Wind River boards going up. McCrackin Goodenough Indian Reservation,” said Mindy Meuli, said the feedback was positive, and CNP CNP director. “Due to their community went ahead. connections, Kelly and Billie have been a “Any native will understand that mesgreat asset to CNP.” sage – traditional dancing and moving in our Pingree said she saw the health of the cultural way,” said Pingree. “Dance regalia WRIR in a new light when she joined CNP. is one of the most powerful symbols of his “It really opened my eyes to how big of or her native identity. In that regard, it can a problem we do have on the reservation,” be considered sacred.” she said. “I think a lot of Indian communiMany outfits could be several generations ties have really woken up about that. There old and of family design. is serious talk about how we are going to Pingree said she believes community rechange that. What are some of the ideas action has been good, and the CNP logo and to change this, to start getting our people message are becoming more recognized. healthier?” “I have had people come up and recThe average life expectancy of Native ognize John, and then some people who Americans in Fremont County is about 55, don’t,” she said. “And they see the CNP according to information from Wyoming symbol up there. A lot of the community has Vital Statistics in In the Heart of Wyoming taken notice we are trying to get healthy and is Indian Country: Home to the Eastern physical. That’s also a U.S.-wide initiative. Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes We are starting to work getting us healthier.” Rich with Beauty, Spirituality, Families and Tradition published in 2016. That compares

Ranchers consider diverse factors in managing their land CONTINUED FROM PAGE B10

spaces have been lost to subdivisions and other development. Land conversion not only erodes the sense of community and cultural identity among ranchers, it also eliminates important wildlife habitat. To keep ranches both environmentally and economically sustainable, both workshops highlighted key areas where conservation professionals can increase rancher engagement and ensure working wetlands continue to benefit both landowners and wildlife. Ranchers identified partnerships and open communications with conserva##### If you’re struggling to keep an even keel, let Him take over the oars for a while.

tion professionals and policymakers as critical to maintaining successful operations in addition to effective, long-lasting conservation practices. Central to strong partnerships is building trust and “honest people sitting around, getting over their biases, their agendas and listening to one another,” said one rancher. Listening turned out to be an effective conservation tool, and the research team hopes this work inspires closer collaboration between conservation professionals and ranchers across the West.

##### The only thing worse then hearing the alarm clock in the morning is not hearing it.

##### If you find it hard to make a joyful noise today, talk to the Song Leader.

April, 2020 will be... Garden Month

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B13

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Spring is coming on strong, and by the calendar is techniOffice cally already here. If you haven’t already begun looking at 406-622-3224 planting this year’s garden it’s time to Trampus Broker/Owner get a move on. The changing weather 406-231-8515 We are the ONLY LandLeader promises good growing seasons to Staci affiliated agents in Montana and Wyoming. come, and Garden Month encourages Broker/Owner This added online exposure is a benefit to 406-799-5908 YOU both in Selling and Buying properties! TRAMPUS & STACI CORDER you to get out and start preparing your YOUR TRUSTED REAL ESTATE EXPERTS Excellent client service and communication are our #1 priority. ground! If you can’t find the motivaAllow us to represent you in the purchase or sale of your property. Corder and Associates is your trusted source for buying and tion, then let the smell and taste of freshly grown tomatoes We want the job! We look forward to working with you. selling farms, ranches, and recreational properties in Montana. tempt you, or the sweet taste you can’t get from anything but If you are considering selling, the market is ACTIVE home grown cucumbers, and strawberries. Garden Month is and we have qualified buyers calling daily. your chance to get out and start preparing the ground! NEW NEW History of Garden Month LISTING LISTING Gardens have played an important role in the history of human culture, from sources of food to locations for leisure and entertainment. They’ve even been used to produce natural medicinals for the home. The word garden traces its roots to Middle English, French, and German languages, with the word specifically meaning a small enclosed piece of land next to a building in the UK. There are multiple types of gardens, all dependent on the Yellowstone Trail Investment Lazy J Hanging W Ranch primary purpose and content. For instance, in arid regions Huntley, Montana – 1,744 acres – $4,300,000 Ledger, Montana - 1,014 acres – $860,000 or 1,131 acres – $2,800,000 (882.3 grazing/131.7 tillable) plus 80 acre lease you may have Cactus Gardens, or you may aim for a parAlready subdivided and ready to sell in 10 acre parcels with access to Marias River/Tiber Reservoir ticular style of aesthetic, such as a Bonsai garden or a Dutch or use as grazing land or a combination of the two. Garden rife with Tulips and an eye to efficiency and a density of foliage. Gardens have also been used to create new habitats and resting places for bees, butterflies, and seasonal birds, making them both beautiful and able to aid these creatures whose natural habitats may be diminishing. While most home gardens are incredibly informal and relaxed, there’s also far By more formal gardens that adhere tightly to a given style. French Formal and Italian Renaissance gardens SeedMaxx® represents a new THE ONLY ADJUVENT generation of prebiotic nutriadhere to a particular style, tion in a convenient, seed safe YOU WILL EVER NEED and Knot Gardens are exformulation that has a targeted tremely formal with specific effect on the soil and plants guidelines that govern their biological system pushing crops to grow through yield dragging Why Hook designs. Garden Month is a challenges and better reach great time to research garOutperforms the their genetic yield potential. dens and learn more about CPDA Competition them. Call for more info! Certified • Eliminates off-target spray drift How To celebrate Gar• Maintains the droplet spectra den Month • Reduces evaporation and pesitiLike we mentioned above, cide volatization • Optimizes leaf coverage by you can start celebrating droplets Garden Month by studying Hook is Designed to • spreading Hold the tank mix in solution NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY all the different types of and reduces foaming be Used with Every NON-AMS WATER gardens in the world. CONDITIONER ONE • Creates a positive charge that Spray Tank Mix If you find yourself inattracts the droplets to the plant Water Conditioner REMOVES MINERAL Spreader - Sticker trigued or inspired, you • Keeps the pesticide on the plant for all applications AND SOLID and is “rain-fast” in 30 minutes Deposition Agent could even go on to making RESIDUES ONE one of your own. Gardens Activator - Penetrator • Eliminates unwanted barriers Pint per BINDS WITH CALCIUM, IRON, MAGNESIUM, on the leaf and allows for indon’t have to be large, so ZINC, SODIUM AND POTASSIUM CATIONS Drift Control 100 gallons creased penetration even if you live on a small PREVENTS CLOGGED SCREENS ONE plot in the city with a mere LOW ONE PINT USE RATE Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Low Price sliver of a yard, you could still have your own. Don’t ECONOMICALLY PRICED Including hose, valves, fittings & more! even have that much space? It’s time to invest in a selection of pots and make your own potted garden on your windowsills! Gardens can LIQUID - DRY - ANHYDROUS be anywhere, and anyone can garden! Garden Month is for all of you, new gardeners and old hands alike, to embrace your love of gardening. ##### If you’re waiting to be served in a restaurant, shouldn’t you be called the waiter? ##### There should seriously be a button on every TV that would make the remote beep.

“Your Crop Production Specialist”

Ag Wise, Inc. 406-372-3200

Kremlin, Montana

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B14


Case IH ADX3430 430 bushel tow between with 70-ft., 12” spacing, Case 700 single shoot drill $6.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup

Flexi-Coil 2320 Tow between with 39-ft., 12” spacing 5000 air drill $6.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup

John Deere 1830 Air Drill 60-ft., 12” spacing with 430 bushel tow behind 1910 air cart, single air $6.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup

Great Plains 3S4000 Disc Drill 40-ft., 7.5” spacing $7.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup

Cat Challenger MT765C 300 hp PTO, Powershift, 3 point $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Versatile 535 12 speed, manual duals $140 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Versatile 895 Manual, 310 hp, duals $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Big Bud 400/30 400 hp, Powershift, duals $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Case 9170 375 hp, duals, Powershift $90 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Cat Challenger MT965C 525 hp, duals, Powershift, PTO $150 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Case 7120 MFWD with loader, 150 hp, Powershift, PTO $75 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Friggestad 53 56-ft. chisel plow $5 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate

Versatile Viking Vertical Tillage 38-ft. , rolling baskets $7.50 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.

Farm King 6650 Disc 32-ft., 24” blades, heavy duty disc $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.

Summers Super Coulter 30-ft., tine harrow and rolling baskets $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.

Versatile SX275 Self-Propelled Sprayer 1200 gallon, 100-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate control $1200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.

Spra-Coupe 7650 Sprayer 660 gallon, 90-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate controller $900 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.

Accessories Unlimited Land Roller 50-ft., 3 section $3.00 per acre, plus delivery and pickup. 140 acre minimum. Case 1150G Bulldozer 118 hp, 6-way hydraulic bulldozer, ripper $900 per day plus delivery and pickup.

Give us a call to get more information about rates, schedule delivery, etc.

• •

406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 Parts: Teresa 406-265-9554

GM: Dan Spicher CELL: 406-399-4435

1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501

Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255

Owner: Ron Harmon CELL: 406-265-0096

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B15

2015 Versatile SX280

100-ft. booms, 3 auto, 3 sensors, full guidance Raven controls, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 3” side fill, mixing cone, 200 gallon fresh water tank, triple nozzle bodies, 5 boom control. Very clean


3 to choose from!

2019 Versatile 345 Soil razor blades, 9” spacing, heavy duty scrapers, bearing wear plates,rolling basket $98,000

1995 Versatile 9880 Just in, 400 hp, ready to go to work! Call

3 Versatile 895’s to choose from, give us a call for more info!

2 to choose from!

2 Versatile 875’s to choose from, give us a call for more info!

2012 VERSATILE SX275 Trimble Control, Auto steer, 100-ft. booms. $169,000 w/no auto boom ht, $179,500 w/auto boom ht

1986 Versatile 976 360 hp, nice tractor $32,500

406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501

• •

Parts: Teresa General Manager: Dan Spicher Sales: Marty Lundstrom Owner: Ron Harmon 406-265-9554 CELL: 406-399-4435 CELL: 406-265-0096 406-654-7255

Take your pick!

1979 Big Bud 525/50 4290 hours, 900 Trellaborg tires, very clean tractor $180,000

1996 Case IH 7120 Call for details!

Big Bud 525/50 $125,000

2008 John Deere 1830 60-ft., 12’ spacing, with 1910 430 bushel tow behind air cart $82,500

2012 Challenger MT965C 5 remotes, Trimble auto steer PTO, Full weight package front and rear $220,000

2 to choose from! 2 Case IH ATX700’s with ADX3430 carts to choose from!!! $98,000

Great Plains 40-ft., 7.5” spacing, double disc drill, liquid fertilizer, 4500 acres $75,000

3 Big Bud 400/30’s to choose from!!

1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000

2005 SPRA-COUPE 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine $60,000

John Deere 6150 with loader, 2780 hours, very nice clean tractor $120,000

2019 Wil-Rich 2550 CPW55-59 Heavy duty harrows, 12R225 tires

2015 Seedmaster 6012 Nice, clean 60-ft. double shoot air drill with Onboard $230,000

2005 CASE IH SPX3310 New reman engine, 90-ft boom with 1000 gallon tank, 20” spacing $82,000

Case 1150 8990 hours, 118 horse power, ripper $49,000

See More at:

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B16

The deadline for advertising for the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.


Stacks 6, 3x4x8 bales, new tires............. $18,000 Call (406) 788-9934, Conrad, MT


Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage 20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges

Phone (406) 899-4104


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I-90 Off Zoo Drive

Visit our Website:

Call George 799-7459 Power Motors Fresh supply of Krause parts is here “more coming” Parts stock for

on the way

We are willing to direct ship parts for Westfield, Wheatheart and Batco

Power Motors has carryover Westfield augers and a Batco 1545 conveyor on the lot “IN OUR PASTURE”

Two truckloads of Westfield augers coming.

“Got to have inventory” Good selection of Westfield parts. “Got to be helpful”

“Call or stop in”

GEORGE ... 799-7459...Fort Benton, MT

Diarrhea can be deadly for calves

By NDSU Extension Service late in life.” Cattle producers need to be on the lookout Under range conditions, a calf adapts a patfor calf diarrhea, according to North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock tern of nursing that fills its needs. Calf scours experts. can be the result of anything that disrupts this The majority of scours, or diarrhea, cases normal habit, such as a storm, strong wind occur when calves are 3 to 16 days old. Unor the dam going off in search of new grass. When the calf eventually nurses, it is treated calves essentially die of shock from overly hungry, and the cow has more milk a loss of fluids and electrolyte imbalances. than normal. This inconsistent nursing may “Calf scours is most often associated with lead to a condition known as enterotoxemia. infectious, environmental and nutritional The organism most often involved with this stresses,” says NDSU Extension veterinarian is clostridium perfringens, which has several Gerald Stokka. types. A number of infections can cause viral and The disease has a sudden onset. Affected bacterial calf scours. Viral infections associcalves become listless and strain or kick at ated with calf diarrhea include rotavirus and their abdomen. Bloody diarrhea may or may coronavirus. not occur. In some cases, calves may die Rotavirus causes the calves’ intestinal without any signs being observed. tract to secrete fluid into the intestinal tract, Treating Scours resulting in severe dehydration and electro“The key to successful treatment is identilyte imbalances. The coronavirus destroys the cells lining the intestinal tract and causes fying and successfully treating a dehydrated malabsorption, resulting in severe diarrhea animal early,” Stokka says. and lack of nutrient absorption. Calves that have lost significant amounts Neither of these viruses is associated with of fluid will have skin that “tents” (stays up infections in people. E. coli and salmonella for more than 3 seconds when you pull it species are bacterial pathogens associated away from the body), a dry mouth, cold ears with calf diarrhea and can be associated with and sunken eyeballs. They often have low infections in people. blood sugar, low body temperature and low A different infectious organism called urine output, and decreased blood electrolyte cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite (sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride) that causes scours. Cryptosporidia usually levels that adversely affect organ function, are found in conjunction with other scoursparticularly the heart. They are visibly decausing bacteria or viruses and may cause pressed. infections in people as well. The critical first step in treating cases of “Unfortunately, this organism presents calf scours is correcting dehydration and elecmanagement problems as there is no vactrolyte loss. Antibiotics can be administered if your veterinarian deems it to be appropriate. cine or licensed therapeutic agent available,” Stokka recommends using a nipple bottle Stokka says. to replace the calf’s fluids if scours are deConditions Leading to Scours “Inadequate nutrition for the pregnant tected early, when the calf still is standing dam, particularly during the last third of and relatively bright. gestation, as well as the calf’s exposure to “In these situations, it is best to leave the poor environmental conditions, insufficient calf on milk and add several 2-quart electroattention to the newborn calf or a combinalyte feedings a day to replace the fluid that is being lost through diarrhea,” he says. tion of these often result in scours outbreaks,” Calves that are down but alert probably says Karl Hoppe, Extension livestock sysneed to have fluids administered with a tems specialist based at NDSU’s Carrington stomach tube. They will need 2 quarts of a Research Extension Center. high-energy electrolyte solution containing Not meeting the pregnant dam’s energy glucose several times a day. and protein requirements will decrease the Producers may need to provide a heat quality and quantity of the cow’s colostrum. source as well. Calves that are comatose or Colostrum is a form of milk that mammals lying down must be administered fluids inproduce in late pregnancy. It contains energy, protein, fat and vitamins, plus antibodies to travenously. Producers need to be thorough protect newborns against disease until their when replacing fluids in a scouring animal, own immune system is totally functional. according to Stokka. Deficiencies in vitamins A and E, and trace “First of all, the amount of fluid lost must minerals have been associated with greater be replaced,” he says. “It is a common misincidence of calf scours. take to give the animal too little fluids. A “Inadequate environment conditions, such 100-pound calf that is 10% dehydrated will as mud, overcrowding, contaminated lots, need about 10 liters of fluid a day just to calving heifers and cows together, wintering replace fluid loss.” and calving in the same area, storms, heavy Diagnosing Scours snow, cold temperatures and rainfall are all • Consult your veterinarian about collectstressful to the newborn calf and increase its ing appropriate samples. exposure to infectious agents,” says Janna • Send samples to a laboratory as early as Block, Extension livestock systems specialist possible. based at NDSU’s Hettinger Research Exten• If your veterinarian is not available, colsion Center. lect a fresh fecal sample from an untreated “Attention to the newborn calf is essential, calf. Place this sample in a sterile plastic particularly during difficult births or adverse container and submit it to the lab chilled for weather conditions,” Stokka advises. “The analysis. calf is born without most antibodies, includ• If you have a dead animal, submit it to the lab within 24 hours of death. ing those that fight the infectious agents that Prevention Strategies cause scours. The calf will acquire these • Maximize the calves’ ingestion of colosantibodies only from colostrum. Because of this, any effort to prevent scours by vaccinattrum immediately after birth. When necesing cows is wasted unless the calf actually sary, use colostrum from cows in the same receives colostrum, preferably before it is 2 herd or colostrum replacement products. to 6 hours old. • Maintain the cows’ proper nutrition and “As the calf grows older, it rapidly loses body condition. its ability to absorb colostral antibodies,” he • Minimize the dose of an infectious agent adds. “Colostrum given to calves that are to which the calf is exposed through sanitamore than 24 to 36 hours old will be less than tion. ideal as antibodies are seldom absorbed this CONTINUED ON PAGE B18

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B17




•  A 28% protein supplement using plant protein and NPN. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals. Maintain gut health and stability for profitability.

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Should producers chase after yield?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B18

SPRAYER FOR SALE Summers NT Ultimate sprayer 90-ft. hooded booms, Raven wetware, 450 controller, Accuboom, 3 section 20-50-20, 1600 gallon, chemical inductor, excellent condition, always shedded.

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By Ronald Goldy and Jonathan LaPorte, Michigan State University Extension problematic fields and areas of fields. For Most agricultural producers are facing an example, planting occurs on large land areas economic crisis. Prices for most agricultural prone to flooding even in moderate rains. products have declined while input costs This wastes resources that could have been increase ( used on better sites. agricultural-economic-situation-placingNext comes improved plant and animal pressure-on-producers). Producers’ genergenetics followed closely by optimizing ally fall back to two solutions: reduce input nutrient usage, implementing timely pracand increase output. This approach genertices addressing critical animal or plant ally leads to bigger farms, bigger equipment production challenges. By taking these ideas and bigger everything and causes mid- and and using them effectively, it is possible to small-size farmers to go out of business, make money more efficiently off less by specialize or go into direct marketing. This managing the best in such a way that they is a dangerous cycle since in a supply and reach a higher potential. If it is a dairy herd, demand economy, increasing yield further cull the bottom performers and spend those decreases price, speeding the downward resources nurturing high performers. That spiral. Agricultural supply companies and combination is how to obtain high per acre, university researchers continually develop per animal and per farm yield. products and practices to increase yield, Much is said about being the “low cost or improve efficiencies further fueling the producer.” This concept is often associated chasing yield dilemma. This tends to cause with an increase in scale to spread cost short-term solutions to solve long-term over larger acreage, herds, poultry houses, problems. etc. However, the concept applies to any In some ways, this is self-inflicted. Averoperation. There is a difference between age U.S. corn and soybean yield is 170 and maximum yield and economic yield. Many 47 bushels per acre, respectively. However, growers strive for maximum yield taking record corn yield is 542 bushels and 190 them beyond economic yield. Inputs beyond bushels for soybeans. Average U.S. potato economic yield will not provide justifiable yield is 444 cwt per acre while the world return. This is seen often in leaf nutrient record is 2400 cwt. Average U.S. milk analysis. Many producers think the resulting production per cow is 23,100 pounds annutrient levels need to be above optimum. nually, but the record is 78,170. Granted, In reality, above optimum wastes money. these are from limited acres and exceptional To become an economically successful, individuals that have been treated extremely low cost producer requires decision-making well, but it does show existing production based on current monitoring, sampling and potential. Everything has a record yield and record keeping technology. an average yield, but if producers achieve Another thing that might help farmers even half of record yield, farm gate prices is for end users to identify characteristics would be even lower. they most want and pay a premium for OK, we have stated the obvious, almost that trait versus just yield. This is already the entire U.S. (and maybe most of the done to some extent with sugar, butterfat, world) agricultural system is geared toward color and other traits. However, production more yield, but what alternatives are there? goals could be developed for multiple traits The reality is that one way a producer has to including nutraceuticals. Maximizing yield affect their gross income is to produce more, in plants can actually lower the desired no matter the market signals. Someone once ingredient. In direct market situations, the said, “The American farmer has the right to producer can be the end user if they further overproduce.” However, should we always process the raw product. Self-processing has exercise that right since it gets us in trouble? limitations, but many have found it a way Overproduction increases competition to maximize profit and capitalize off “buy within the current year but potentially over local” interest and at the same time provide several years, causing the current year’s an educational experience to customers. crop to compete with last year’s crop. Some Better distribution systems also need to would say the quick answer is to raise food be considered. The world still has underfed prices. Realistically, that is just not going to people. While one area has excess, another happen. There would be 98% of the people has a shortage. This indicates a distribuin the U.S. upset with 2%, and the 2% would tion, not a production problem. However, still chase yield. There is not an easy answer producers of excess cannot be expected to but that does not mean we should not braingrow crops without fair compensation. storm possible solutions. Chasing yield is not always the solution. Every farm, field and herd has varying When something is developed that increases yield potential. Record crop yield starts yield, it is not uncommon for the industry as with identifying the best areas based on soil a whole (e.g., farmers, suppliers, university type, drainage, inherent fertility and other extension) to want to adopt the new practice characteristics. No matter how hard you try, widely. Yet ultimately, more production can you will not get record yield from a poor reduce commodity price and farm profitabilsite. A simple drone flight before and during ity. Therefore, the biggest change needs to the growing season can reveal poor, good, be a different mindset from producer to end better and best areas. Plant only the better user and everyone with supporting interests. and best, do soil building on the good to A change of mind is not an easy task. The determine if they can be made better, and let conversation, however, needs to begin. poor sites go for wildlife. Consider avoiding

Diarrhea can be deadly for calves CONTINUED FROM PAGE B16

• Minimize the density of susceptible calves. Spread them out if possible. • Keep calving premises clean and dry. • Isolate sick animals. Quarantine them and don’t comingle them with uninfected calves. • Do not bring in 1- to 5-day-old calves from neighbors or that were purchased at an auction market. • Sanitize equipment. • Avoid traveling to operations experiencing calf diarrhea problems.

“Also remember that many infectious agents that cause calf scours can cause disease in people as well,” Stokka says. “Wear gloves and wash your hands. When working with sick animals, treat them last, and wear dedicated coveralls and boots that can be washed. “Individuals with any disorder of the immune system and pregnant women should not work with sick calves in any way as they are more susceptible to zoonotic disease,” he notes.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B19

Farming is worth enjoying, come visit with us. 2018 Wilson Trailer

Spray Trailer

• 40-ft. aluminum • Power tarps • Power gates

Buy or Lease to own $8392/yr - oac

New Trailer



• 6500 gallon water • Spray fill express • Electric start • Auto shut off • (3) tool boxes Buy or Lease to own $16,614/yr - oac

2012 Frontier Trailer

• 47-ft. steel • Ag Hoppers • Triple axle • Rear lift Buy or Lease to own $6846/yr - oac

8x42 Auger

Farmer to Farmer • 40-ft. steel • Ag Hoppers • LED lights

Buy or Lease to own $7531/yr - oac

Bale Processor • Implement tires • Hydraulic deflector • Right hand discharge

“We needed a piece of equipment but needed it modified slightly. Frieling’s made the modifications and had it in our hands very quickly. The price was very fair. The service was excellent.”

• 50-ft. Aluminum • Ag Hoppers • Stainless rear Buy or Lease to own $9587/yr - oac


1547LP Conveyors • Powermover • Winch • 26.5 Kohler engine • Cold weather package

Buy or Lease to own $4375/yr - oac

Bale Processor

Montana Flour and Grain, Owner ‘s of a New Brandt 1535LP

Buy or Lease to own Heavy Harrow

$5182/yr - oac

Just what your Farm Needs!

Sale Price $5600

New 1552LP

• 35 hp

Delta Harrow

• EZ Mover

Buy or Lease to own $5330/yr - oac

DEMO UNIT • Big flotation tires • Hydraulic deflector • Right hand discharge

Buy or Lease to own $4465/yr - oac


Delta Harrow • 62-ft.

Buy or Lease to own $7466/yr - oac


• Hydraulic drive • 3 chain • 435 bushel

Buy or Lease to own $4890/yr - oac


• Hydraulic adjust

7614 • Large vac for large capacity • 7” system • No augers


Buy or Lease to own $6719/yr - oac

• Full hose package • (2) Cleanup heads

Buy or Lease to own $4694/yr - oac



• Drop deck • Spread axle

Buy or Lease to own $8671/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $2278/yr - oac


• No augers • 6” system • Precleaner • Step deck • Triple ramps

• 28-ft. • Hydraulic fold options • Grass seeder options • 32-ft. • Hydraulic fold options • Grass seeder options Sale Price $11,470

Buy or Lease to own $5566/yr - oac

• Full hose package • No dust • Fastest loading time

Buy or Lease to own $7103/yr - oac

• 5200 bushel/hr. • Full hose package • Binsnake Buy or Lease to own $4989/yr - oac

Used Fertilizer Spreader 8 Ton

Buy or Lease to own $3519/yr - oac

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B20

Gopher Traps by Lee’s TrapWorks • Easy to set • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap • Kills quickly • Very visible if painted bright color • Traps are sold unpainted, paint them your favorite color • Traps are currently $20 each Canadian and approximately $16 US at today’s exchange rate • Postage for package of 10 traps is around $42 Canadian • Check us out at Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order

Needing an irrigation or stock water project design? Pivots, wheel lines, subsurface micro irrigation and any length of stock water design. Irrigation designs are based on crop consumptive use, soil types and available water rights. All projects will meet USDA-NRCS specifications.

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MSU agriculture student earns national leadership honor

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service impact how nutritious that crop is. It’s been A Montana State University (MSU) really neat to get to experiment with that student will travel to Washington, D.C. both in the lab and in the field.” after earning a spot in a selective national While busy with undergraduate research program from the U.S. Department of Agprojects, Sturm has reserved time for enriculture. gagement in the greater MSU and Montana Natalie Sturm, a senior studying agrocommunities. She’s been a member of the ecology in MSU’s Sustainable Food and College of Agriculture’s ambassador proBioenergy Systems program in the College gram for three years, currently serving as of Agriculture’s Department of Land Rechair, and calls it one of her favorite parts of sources and Environmental Sciences, was her college experience. As an ambassador, one of 20 undergraduate students selected Sturm interacts with prospective students as part of the USDA’s 2020 Future Leaders and their families and helps organize events in Agriculture Program. The goal of USDA such as MSU Friday and the college’s anprogram is to assist young agriculturalnual Celebrate Agriculture weekend. She ists from around the nation in shaping the judges middle school and high school FFA current and future state of agriculture by events, coordinates ambassador involveinteracting with policymakers, producers ment in the annual FFA convention and has and industry leaders at the annual USDA long been engaged in showing younger stuAgriculture Outlook Forum. dents how agriculture can become a career. “Natalie always amazes as she leaps to “A lot of times it’s hard for people to new heights with her achievements in acafeel connected and find a community and demics, discovery, leadership and service being an ambassador has really helped me to Montana State University, the Bozeman with that,” Sturm said. “It’s helped me to community and the field of sustainable food cultivate that community for myself and has systems,” said Selena Ahmed, associate also given me the opportunity to hopefully professor in sustainable food and bioenshow prospective students that those comergy systems, an interdisciplinary program munities can exist at a university.” between College of Agriculture and the Sturm will travel to Washington, D.C. College of Education, Health and Human later this month for the Agricultural Outlook Development, who nominated Sturm for Forum and a week of networking with legisthe program. “She shines in every class and lators, agricultural experts and the 19 other in the lab with her unparalleled enthusiasm undergraduate and 10 graduate members of and deep curiosity characteristic of a strong the Future Leaders in Agriculture program. researcher.” That trip will cause her to miss the presenSturm became involved with Ahmed’s tation of MSU’s annual Awards for Excelwork in MSU’s Food and Health Lab after lence, of which she is one of three student her freshman year at MSU, but she said recipients from the College of Agriculture. she was inspired to pursue work in the field Once she returns, she plans to present her of sustainable food and agriculture much research at the National Conference on Unearlier, after taking a human nutrition class dergraduate Research to be hosted by MSU while in middle school in her home state March 26-28 — a weekend that coincides of Illinois. with Montana’s annual FFA convention in “I grew up north of Chicago, definitely Great Falls, an important event for agriculnot an agricultural area at all. That class ture ambassadors. She plans to make room opened my eyes to the idea that agriculture for both events. doesn’t have to be harmful to the environ“Natalie is that student, only once or ment, which was the story I’d always been twice in your entire faculty career, that you told,” said Sturm. “When I realized that have a chance to watch grow as a person agriculture can actually help to solve some and an academic at every turn,” said Perry of our most pressing environmental probMiller, one of Sturm’s advisers. “It seems lems, I knew that was what I needed to do like yesterday when a bright-eyed freshman with my life, from the time I was 13 or 14.” cornered me after a lecture, asking questions Drawn by MSU’s Honors College and about sustainable agriculture and literally sustainable agriculture curriculum options, abuzz with the unlimited potential of her Sturm arrived in Bozeman in 2016 and imdegree.” mediately became involved in both research For Sturm, who hopes to pursue a masand her new community. She spent the ter’s degree after she graduates in the spring, summer after her freshman year studying the same curiosity and drive sparked by that local food systems in eastern Montana and first middle school nutrition class burns just later took a trip to Morocco to participate as brightly nearly a decade later. in a research project focused on sheep graz“My time here has been a lesson in being and plant surveying. But some of her ing open to things happening in ways that I favorite work has been done in the Food didn’t expect,” she said. “It’s been a lot of and Health Lab, examining how agricultural learning about how to be a problem solver management and the environment impact and how to approach questions. I definitely the nutrient density of agricultural crops. have a much more refined understanding of “I had never really thought of that before I agriculture now, but I feel really grateful started working in Dr. Ahmed’s lab,” Sturm that I still get to carry that initial passion for said. “I’d never made the connection that sustainable agriculture with me.” where and how a crop is grown can actually ##### The first mascot of the USMC was an English Bulldog named Jiggs. Jiggs enlisted in the Marines in 1922 and quickly climbed through the ranks, attaining the rank of Sergeant Major in 1925. Sgt. Maj. Jiggs died in 1928 and his death was mourned throughout the Marine Corps. ##### 85% of military working dogs are purchased from Germany and the Netherlands.

##### If your tractors and combines have working air conditioners, but your truck doesn’t... You Might be a Farmer. ##### If you’ve ever had to wash off your boots in the back yard with a garden hose, or strip down to your skivvies on the carport before your wife would let you in the house because of mud, manure or both...You Might be a Farmer.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B21


Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana Website: “If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.


Massey 8-bottom plow. Tag #Hug0420........................................................$3500 Massey 35 25-ft. pull type swather in excellent shape with extra parts. Tag #Hug0420................................................................................................$2500 New Wessex pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0420......................... $170 per section Farm King 10”x70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #HiddenLake0420.............$3500 NEW!! Danuser hydraulic post hole digger, 9” & 12” auger. Tag #Hug0420.......... ...............................................................................................Preseason price NEW!! Spike tooth harrow. Tag #Hug0420. NEW!! Danuser pallet forks for skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0420.......................... ...............................................................................................Preseason price Tebben 6-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0420.............................Preseason price NEW!! Tebben 5-ft. 3-point mower. Tag #Hug0420...................Preseason price NEW!! Tebben 10-ft. 3-point mower. Tag #Hug0420.................Preseason price New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0420...Preseason price Smithy lathe, Tag #Ruth0420......................................................................$1700 1948 Dodge grain truck with Knapheide box. Tag #Ruth0420.....................$1900 (2) 22-ft. tip-tops for Knapheide box. Tag #StanW0420...........................$500 ea. International feed grinder, complete with PTO. Tag #Neal0420...................$400 1994 Top Kick truck with 18-ft. van box, 6 speed transmission. Tag #D&B0420.... .................................................................................................................$8000 1991 Ford F700 truck with 24-ft. van body with tail lift, 427 gas engine, new radiator, 247,727 miles. Tag #D&B0420...................................................... Call 1987 Ford F250 pickuyp with no bed, parts pickup, new exhaust system, engine runs, transmission work done. Tag #D&B0420. 1987 GMC truck, 24-ft. van body, 427 gas engine. Tag #D&B0420. Pickup rack. Tag #D&B0420...........................................................................$275 Squeeze chute, good shape. Tag #D&B0420 1989 Ford, 12-ft. van body, 4-speed overdrive, 7169 miles. Tag #D&B0419.. Call Pickup rack. Tag #D&B0420...........................................................................$350 2-500 gallon round fuel tanks. Tag # #D&B0420......................................$500 ea. Fuel stand for 500 gallon tank. Tag #D&B0420..............................................$100 International 160 truck with 14-ft. box and hoist. Tag #D&B0420.................. Call International L160 truck with 16-ft. box and hoist, 4x2 speed transmission. Tag #D&B0420.................................................................................................. Call Chevrolet 60 truck with box and cattle rack, 4x2 speed transmission, 68,290 miles. Tag #D&B0420.................................................................................. Call 1984 GMC truck without tail, gas engine, 5 speed transmission, 24-ft. van body. Tag #D&B0420............................................................................................ Call John Deere 896A 12-ft. side delivery rake. Tag #D&B0420........................$1000 2- 6-ft. spike tooth harrow with drawbar. Tag #JackW0420............................. Call Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0420...............$1500 John Deere LZB drills, 32-ft., 4) 8-ft. JDS drills with fertilizer boxes, hitch for the 32-ft. Tag #JackW0420.......................................................................... Call 2-John Deere 628 28-ft. plow, Noble mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0420...... Call John Deere 10” spacing drill with fertilizer. Tag #JackW0420. Noble M 24-ft. of V-blades, 3 – 8-ft. Tag #JackW0420.................................... Call Cat D7 for parts. Tag #JackW0420. Valmar 320 Fargo spreader mounted on 54 harrow cart, good shape. Tag #JackW0420. 2-John Deere LZB 12-ft. 10” spacing drills, steel packers. Tag #JackW0420. John Deere 16-ft. plow. Tag #JackW0420...................................................... Call 18-ft. drawbar spike tooth harrow. Tag #JackW0420....................................... Call 4- 6-ft. mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0420...................................................... Call Degelman 6-ft. harrow. Tag #JackW0420....................................................... Call 3-8-ft. John Deere LZB 12” spacing drills. Tag #JackW0420......................... Call 4-12-ft. 10” spacing drills with steel packers, manual lift. Tag #JackW0420.... Call 1972 Ford F900 dump truck with 10-yard. Tag #JackW0420......................... Call Case IH 1010 straight cut header. Tag #JackW0420...................................... Call 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0419........................ Call Versatile 800 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, (2 new tires), manual transmission, 5953 hours. Tag #JackW0420.................................................................. Call Tulsa 12-ft. flatbed with tail roll and winch. Tag #Jack0420............................ Call 14-ft. truck body. Tag #JackW0420.................................................................. Call Summers sprayer for parts. Tag #JackW0420. Mineral feeder. Tag #JackW0420.................................................................... Call Booms for Summers sprayer. Tag #JackW0420.............................................. Call 3 spike tooth harrows. Tag #JackW0420..................................................$125 ea. Noble harrows. Tag #JackW0420. 18.4x26 tires, 24.5x32 lug tires, 18.4x38 tires. Tag #JackW0420................... Call Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32 tires, good feeder chain. Tag #JackW0420..Call 1987 Holiday Rambler 35-ft. RV, sleeps 6, has new awning, 70,000 miles. Tag #JackW0420............................................................................................ Call GMC 7000 truck with 1500 tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 5 speed manual, 114,363 miles. Tag #Jack0420. 2-1500 gallon storage tanks. Tag #JackW0420.............................................. Call Summers 60-ft. sprayer mounted on pickup. Sprayer has triple nozzles, 8 hp Honda motor. Tag #JackW0420.................................................................. Call 1952 rockpicking truck with 12-ft. box and hoist. Tag #JackW0420................. Call 1984 Ford F250 pickup, 4-speed manual, 2 wheel drive. Tag #Jack0420...... Call 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0420................................................................ Call Feterl 7”x27-ft. grain auger with Wisconsin engine. Tag #Jack#W0420.......... Call 2010 John Deere 85F 83 hp orchard tractor, FWD, runs great. Tag #RicjT0420... ..............................................................................................................$15,000 New Luck Now TMR mixers. Tag #Larry0420. New Fair bale processor. Tag #Larry 0420. New Harsh mixer wagon. Tag #Larry0420. MacDon 973 36-ft. header with pickup reel, fits Case IH 2188 combine. Tag #Jim0420...........................................................................................$18,000 2008 John Deere 568 net wrap baler. Tag #Gordon0420. John Deere 567 loader. Tag #0420..........................................................$11,000 Kubota out-front mower, 6-ft. deck. Also has rotary broom, hydrostat 4x4, 3 cylinder diesel, 2201 hours. Tag #Leon0420.............................................$12,500 Case David Brown 990 tractor with loader, 3-point. Tag #Leon0420. International 706 2WD tractor with loader. Tag #Leon0420. Oliver 80 Hart Par tractor. Tag #Leon0420. Crown rock picker. Tag #Leon0420. 6-ft. rotary mower. Tag #Leon0420. Stihl forklift 8000 lb. capacity, 18,883 hours, propane, side shift. Tag #Leon0420. Hyster 1140 forklift, 2650 hours, side shift. Tag #Leon0420. Jarco lift with 25-ft. bed. Tag #Leon0420..................................................$11,000 2019 PJ 18x43 trailer. Tag #EquipC0420.....................................................$2500 Doepper Super 8 hay trains, hauls 40 round bales. TAg #JeffH04201.....$10,500 1978 Steiger tractor, 9300 hours. Tag #DarwinZ0420.................................$9900 Case IH 310 Magnum FWD. Tag #RogerW0420...................................$220,000 2018 Versatile 610 4WD tractor, 350 hours, 870x38 tires. Tag #RogW0420.......... .........................................................................................................$280,000 Minneapolis Moline G900 2WD tractor. Tag #ANF0420. Minneaspolis Moline G706 tractor, 2WD. Tag #ANF0420. Bougault 7200 84-ft. heavy harrow. Tag #Rog0420.................................$40,000 1985 Champion 780 road grader with Detroit diesel engine. Tag #Rog0420........ ...........................................................................................................$17,000


M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, portable dryer, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum0919....................................................................................$7500 M&W 450 grain dryer. Tag #DaveB1018. Keho grain drying equipment........................................................Call for prices


Kinze 1050 grain cart, duals. Tag #Rog0916...........................................$36,000 2009 Avalanche 1100 bushel grain cart, tarp. Tag #Rog0916.................$44,000



1995 Concord 4012 air seeder, 40-ft. 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips. Good condition. Tag #RonH0320................................................$29,000 Melroe 36-ft. plow with 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JoeK0320.................................$4500 2007 New Holland SF216 sprayer, 80-ft. booms, windscreens, 1600 gallon tank. Tag #Dale0320...................................................................................$15,000 John Deere 360 36-ft. swinger disc. Tag #BC0320. 2-35-ft. pickup reels. Tag #BC0320. MacDon 24-ft. reel. Tag #BC0320. Shop lights. Tag #Zenith0320. John Deere 9400 40-ft. drills. Tag #Klint0320............................................... $9500 New Holland 1048 2-wide bale wagon. Tag #Klint0320. Massey Ferguson 1841 center line square baler. Tag #Klint0320. Tender box. Tag #Klint0320............................................................................ $3500 Used Bale King bale processor. Tag #Larry0320......................................... $8500 Versatile 276 bidirectional with loader, no grapple. Tag #RonC0320......... $25,000 New Holland 664 twine wrap baler. Nice shape. Tag #BobS0320.


See Me about your bale processor needs. Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1019...................................$14,900 2013 Haybuster T1130 tub grinder. Tag #CodyY0219............................ $28,000 New Fair bale processors. Tag #Larry0419. New Harsh mixer wagons. Tag #Larry0419. New Luck Now Tmr mixers. Tag #Larry0419. New Fair bale processors & snowblowers. See Huggy Bear. International 1150 grinder mixer, 20” mill, 2 screens, new drive belt, shedded. Tag #ANF0220......................................................................................$5500

New Holland 1032 bale wagon. Tag #Lyle0120. 1985 New Holland 1032 2-wide bale wagon, 69 bale capacity. Tag #HerbK0519. New Holland Super 1049 3-wide bale wagon. Tag #BobB0619..............$14,000 New Holland 1049 bale wagon. Tag #MarionT1019. 3-point round bale retriever. Tag #BigSkyC0617..........................................$1500


Farm King 10x60 swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0619...........................$9500 Brandt 1060 swing hopper grain auger. Tag #JohnA1118..........................$8500 Westgo 1310 10”x60-ft. side delivery auger. #Hugh0220...........................$2500

International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1019.........................................................................................$7500 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader., 5232 hours, has 18.4x30 rear tires. Tag #ArtH0619.....................................................$19,500 1996 New Holland 9030 bi-directional, 6000 hours, with Case 18-ft. auger header, loader and grapple fork. Tag #Tanner0619............................................$59,000 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #Neal0519...$7500 John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0819......................................................................................$6500 Big Bud HN360 tractor, 855 Cummins engine, 400 hp. Tag #ArtH0519..$45,000 2018 Case IH 580Q quad track tractor, twin hydraulic pumps, PTO, Luxury cab, full auto steer, 1330 drive line hours. Next to new. Tag #Kem1219...$275,000 Case IH Puma 180 FWD tractor with loader/grapple, Tag #Wayne1118...$80,000 Case MX120 MFD tractor with L300 FEL loader, 96” bucket, square bale fork. Tag #Rog0919....................................................................................$45,000 Versatile 610 4WD tractor, only 250 hours, has 8:00x38 dual tires, power shift, 60 GPM hydraulics, weight package. Tag #RogW1019....................$385,000 John Deere 4020 tractor with loader, engine overhaul.Tag #TedH0519.....$15,000 Ford 8000 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, cab, loader. Tag #Glenn0619. 2008 Case IH 535 4WD tractor, 20.8x46 triples, PTO, PowerShift transmission, 3800 hours. Tag #Roger0120. 2014 Case IH 550 quad track tractor, 1200 hours. Tag #Roger0120........$280,000 Versatile 895 4WD tractor. Tag #Riley0219............................................. $17,500 Case 4490 4WD tractor, 18.4x38 tires with 1000 PTO. Tag #BillB0220....$12,000 Steiger PT225 tractor. Tag #Paul0220......................................................$12,500


2013 John Deere 569 Premium round baler. Tag #Abe0919..................$16,500 Case IH 3450 soft core round baler, makes 900# bales. Tag #JohnP1019...$4500 2005 Challenger RB 56 round baler, twine wrap, 1000 PTO, only 4400 bales. Tag #Harvey1019.............................................................................. $13,000 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0519......................$12,000 2008 John Deere 568 round baler, net wrap, Gandy Hat preservative kit.$25,000 New Holland 275 small square baler. Makes 14x16 bales. Tag #Ben0619......$2500 2005 Case RBX562 round baler with net wrap. Excellent shape. Tag #Doug0819........................................................................................$13,500 New Holland 644 round baler. Tag #Fred0719............................................$5000 Case IH LBX 432 big square baler. Tag #DougR0819.............................$37,000


Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms with John Deere rate controller. Tag #BigSky0719...........................................................................................$5500 Valmar 245 pull type granular spreader. Tag #Karen1219. Simonsen granular trailer type spreader. Tag #Karen1219. Bourgault 1460 sprayer, 110-ft. booms. Tag #KeithD0716 John Deere 335 pickup sprayer with 35-ft. booms, QuickJet nozzles. Tag #Ruth0619 NYB 60-ft. sprayer for parts. Tag #DanRP0619. Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms with double nozzles. Tag #HerbK0519. 1982 Valmar 240 granular applicator, hydraulic drive, mounted on homemade cart. Tag #HerbK0916 Polaris pull-type fertilizer spreader. Tag #BC0819....................................... $200 Barber 34-ft. spreader. Tag #BDawson0316 F/S sprayer mounted on 21/2 ton Kaiser Jeep, 80-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank. Tag #GBrunner0516.................................................................................$22,000 Century sprayer. Tag #HugBr0914................................................................$200 Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer with wind screens. Tag #Paul0220......................................................................................... $15,000 Compu Spray 60-ft. sprayer. Tag #Hugh0220............................................ $3500


2001 John Deere 4890 windrower with 16-ft double sickle header, 1700 cutting hours. Tag #Harvey0220...................................................................... $42,000


1999 Ford E350 van, 15-passenger, 459,893 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619....$6000 2012 Ford F150 pickup, 4x4, 68,500 miles, automatic. Tag #Doug0819..$17,000 1993 5-seat bus, 138,000 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619...................................$6000 2008 Dodge 3500 pickup, grill guard, flatbed with tool boxes, 299,000 miles, Cummins, 10,000 miles on new transmission. Tag #TagLorenze0619....$15,000 1976 Ford F250 pickup, manual transmission, gas. Tag #JackW0120........$6500 1996 GMC 3500 pickup with service box. Tag #JackW0120.......................$7500 2002 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup, automatic transmission, crew cab, gas engine. Tag #RichT0120.................................................................................$10,500 2011 Dodge new long box, fender flares, rear bumper and tailgate. Black in color. Tag #DanG1219....................................................................................$5500 1981 Ford F250 2WD pickup with service box. Tag #Ruth0618..................$1500 1948 CJ Jeep. Tag #MartyD1019. 1995 Chevrolet 2500 pickup, long box. Tag #DP0919. 1973 Ford F250 pickup, set up as a fire truck. Tag #Hugh0220................. $6000

Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE


H&S 2212 manure spreader, 125 bushel, 540 PTO. Tag #FredV0120.......$10,500



Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air seeder, 1720 tow behind tank, 7.5” spacing. Tag #Paul0120. 2012 New Holland P1060 70-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, steel packers, stealth opening, complete with 430 bushel V-R tow between cart. Tag #Rog0120. Great Plains 40-ft. air drill with 7.5” spacing, 1400 bushel tank. Tag #RogWill0919.............................................................................................$62,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder with Flexi-Coil 3450 tow behind tank, 12” spacing, variable rate, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0519................................$49,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. 9.5” spacing air drill with 1720 tow behind cart, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0519.........................................................................$45,000 2013 Sunflower 60-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3 Rank Edge on shank with 360 bushel air cart. Tag #KevinB1118............................$145,000 Concord 6012 3 rank air seeder with Fargo 3350 stainless steel air cart. Tag #DBK1118..........................................................................................$25,000 Victory 35-ft. air seeder, 14” spacing with 5” spreader (actually will spread 7” spacing), 2320 tow behind tank with auxiliary 3rd tank, rubber packers. Can be either single or double shoot. Tag #Rick0416....................................... $18,500 Haybuster 32-ft. drills, for parts. Tag #Russ0519........................................$5000 2-Melroe 8-ft. 9” spacing drills. Tag #CarlT1019......................................$700 ea. 2006 New Holland 57-ft. air seeder with 430 tow-behind cart, single shoot. Tag #Rog0219..........................................................................................$65,000 Versatile 2000 42-ft drills on transport hitch, 12” spacing. Packers have been recapped. Tag #GaryS0220................................................................. $6500 2006 New Holland 57-ft. air seeder with 430 tow behind cart single shoot. Tag #Rog0220......................................................................................... $65,000 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 air seeder with 1720 tow behind cart, 7.2” spacing. Tag #Paul0220......................................................................................... $25,000


Melroe 33-ft. plow, no wing lift cylinders, Flexi-Coil mounted harrows. Tag #GeraldB0120...............................................................................................$4500 Gysler 36-ft. plow with Degelman mounted harrows and rod weeder. Tag #GaryS0120......................................................................................... $5000 John Deere 5-bottom pull type moldboard plow. Tag #DanG1219..............$2500 Gysler 36-ft. plow with 12-ft. center section, AM rod weeder, Degelman mounted harrows. Tag #GaryS0819.................................................................... $5600 Melroe 36-ft. plow, no wing lift, Honey Bee rod. Tag #JohnA0619...............$4500 Gysler 24-ft. plow with wing lift. Tag #Tex0519............................................$3500 Flexi-Coil 340 40-ft. plow. Tag #ArtHanson0220........................................$11,500


1991 Case IH 2188 combine, 4400 engine hours, 3021 separator hours, 36-ft. Honey Bee draper header. Tag #DaveP0220.....................................$28,000 2005 Case 2388 combine with 36-ft. 2042 draper header, 2610 engine hours, and 1899 separator hours. Tag #Paul0220........................................ $65,000


Riteway 8100 heavy harrow. Tag #Doug0518......................................... $39,500 25 harrow teeth for Morris mounted harrow. Tag #Mrshal0619......................$100 1998 Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow with straight tines, down pressure springs. Tag #Paul0220..................................................................... $13,000


2012 Marv Haugen land plane. Tag#Brent0719..........................................$3500 1979 Wilderness travel trailer, 20-ft. bumper pull, 2” ball, good tires, 2 30# bottles ..............................................................................................................$5000 2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0719...............................................$4000 NEW Farm King rototillers available. Tag #Hug0519. 3 spear bale spear, fits bidirectional tractor. Tag #DonB1218......................$1200 2011 Ingersol Rand light plant, excellent shape. Tag #SteveM0819..........$5500 Techno-Paul portable squeeze chute with AgTronic scale with 5 panels. Tag #TonyS0617. Canola roller. Tag #Hugh0220..................................................................... $1500 2 new scraper tires, 32.25x29 E-3 32-ply. Tag #Riley0220....................$5500 ea. Degelman 5178 hylift rock picker. Tag #Doug0518.....................................$9500 Degelman R570S rockpicker. Tag #Fey0619..............................................$4500


New Holland L220 skid steer loader. Tag #Pack1019. Cat D4 dozer, pull start Pony motor. Tag #MarvinC0218............................... $6000 Caterpillar D7E with dozer. Tag #Oween0619.........................................$21,500

Financing Available COMBINE & HAY HEADERS

Case IH 1015 pickup header with Rakeup pickup attachment. Tag #Paul0220..... ...........................................................................................................$10,000

PJ Trailers & Mini Trucks Call Huggy Bear

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B22

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


Kelderman 18 inch water pump with 75hp electric motor 8000 GPM 10 TDH............................................. $15,000 Call, 406-489-6489, Sidney MT

Call Garrett Harshbarger


1998 John Deere 9610 combine, 2806 separator hours, very clean deluxe cab. Combine is field ready. New concave and cylinder bars, Crary Big Top grain tank extension installed, straw chopper with hydraulic chaff spreader, unloading auger extension. Very clean and well maintained........................... $35,000 or Best Offer Phone Aaron (406) 355-4402 or Shawn (406) 355-4404, Rudyard, Montana


John Deere 925R header auger. Needs work..$2500

WW 2-horse trailer.....$1000

Brandt pto post pounder, 2-wheel trailer..........$1500 Ford pto post hole auger, 3-point.......................$500 Heatstar space heater, diesel.............................$500

Hale tandem gooseneck stock trailer..............$1500

Miller portable welder/gen, 2-wheel trailer.........$1500

1953 Imperial Crown 4-door sedan with hemi..... ................................$1000 1946 Diamond T C.O.E...... John Deere 310 riding mower.......................$500 ................................$3500

Phone (406) 539-2306

Rick Young and his son Brian stand at the ready for the opening of the day for the MATE show in Billings, Montana in early February. They were ready to answer any questions attendees may have had about scheduling an auction.

How drones can help farmers

From American Society of Agronomy very useful to pros. “Purchasing a used or Have you seen a drone buzzing by in refurbished drone or an older model can a park and wondered what all the fuss is help reduce the initial cost but still provide about? These flying vehicles may seem like a lot of the same features.” just an upgrade to the remote-controlled There’s only so much you can learn helicopters of yesteryear. But drones are reabout drones online. That’s why de Koff ceiving a lot of attention for good reasons. also takes drones around Tennessee so Drones can help people, including farmfarmers can try them out firsthand. ers and scientists, look at and analyze pretty “Farmers get the chance to fly a drone,” much anything. When it comes to farm says de Koff. “And then I talk about differfields, they can help track flooding, hail damage, or even plant health — fast. ent uses in agriculture, drone regulations “The easiest advantage of drones is and then different types of drones and opthat they can be a huge time saver,” says tions as well as cost.” Jason de Koff, an extension professor at So, it takes a lot of work — and a good Tennessee State University. “Rather than amount of money — just to start flying. going out and scouting fields on foot or by But it can pay off for farmers and ranchers, truck, they can scout them with a drone in and the scientists who want to help them. a lot less time and pinpoint specific areas Ranchers can keep close eyes on their that they might want to visit for closer herds using drones to keep animals safe. inspection.” Or drones can help farmers spot diseases But drones aren’t a toy, and they take on their crops. That knowledge could help training to use safely. In fact, the Federal farmers spray pesticide only at the time and Aviation Administration (FAA) requires place it’s needed. drone pilots get certified to use drones lePlus, farms are bigger than they used to be. So, it can be hard for a farmer to see all gally. That’s why de Koff offers a webinar their land. Farmers can use drones to keep series through the American Society of up with their operations. Agronomy so farmers and researchers can But maybe the most exciting possibility learn about drones. is the chance to study how plants grow. Those FAA requirements are all about Special cameras attached to drones can acsafety. Drones can only fly during daylight, to make sure they’re visible. And pilots quire a lot of information from a picture of must be able to see their drones at all times. fields. “Software is available that can take Drones are also limited to flying under 400 images captured by the drone and measure feet to prevent them from colliding with things like plant health, plant populations, airplanes. And drones can’t be flown near plant cover,” says de Koff. people who aren’t part of a flight. So, if That wealth of information can help scisomeone buzzes their drone too close to entists help farmers. Researchers could use you, they’re breaking the rules. that special software to tell when drought is Getting a remote pilot license takes more starting to slow plant growth. Then water than just knowing what not to do. Weather could be used where it’s needed most. Or is a big factor. If it’s raining or snowing, software could automatically track how flying is impossible. But a professional many weeds are in a field. Eventually, drone can handle windy conditions. Plus, phone apps might be available that analyze de Koff teaches how to read airport charts. drone images and give farmers the informaThese maps give drone pilots the info they tion they need to keep their farms running need to stay away from passenger planes. smoothly. In his course, de Koff covers these rules So, with a little know-how — and the to prepare would-be drone pilots to take the right license — farmers can turn to drones FAA test. He also discusses the confusing to grow food more efficiently. That’s betworld of commercial drones. More drones ter for their business, for consumers, and are becoming available all the time, which for the environment. Knowing how useful makes it hard to know which one to buy they are, you’ll never look at a drone the and how much to spend. same way again. “A good drone can cost around $1,200 Learn more about de Koff’s recent webito $1,800,” says de Koff. The toys that nar series by visiting the American Society cost just a couple hundred dollars aren’t of Agronomy.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B23

2015 Terra-Gator 8400B 2 product with chemical granular bin, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, Accuboom, electric roll tarp, Raven SmarTrax, Viper Pro monitor, 2855 hours........... ..................................$139,000 2010 Case IH Titan 4020 Cummins, automatic, 1800 gallon, 85-ft. boom, defco pump, Envizio Pro, 3753 hours...............$88,000

2014 Case Titan 4530 1856 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom, leather, Viper controller, SmartTrax...........................................................$148,000 2014 Case Titan 4530 4916 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom............ CALL

2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours....................$109,000 2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 3000 hours....$109,000

2012 RBR Vector 300 Case IH 810 Flex-Air applicator box, 70ft. boom, Viper Pro, Auto Steer, tarp, Cummins, Allison automatic, tires: 650/65R38, air ride, 4 wheel drive...............................$106,000

2010 Terra-Gator 8204 Dry floater, C9, Terr-Shift, AirMax 1000 Precision, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, electric roll tarp, SmarTrax, Viper Pro, 4310 hours..................$73,500

Free Freight

2016 Terra Gator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 1662 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready..............................$156,000

Up To 1200 Miles

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000

2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin 2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, spinners, 2860 hours.......$78,000 New Leader bed.......... $112,000 2006 Ingersol-Rand WL-440 wheel loader, shuttle shift transmission, 75” bucket, 4-ft. forks, 1737 hours................... $33,500

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours......................$98,000 2014 RBR Vector 300 New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours...... ......................................$124,500 2005 Peterbilt 379 Cummins, 13 speed, 665,946 miles................... ......................$33,000.....$42,000

1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge.........................$39,500

1989 Kenworth T800 dry, Cummins, tandem with tag axle, Ray Man 20 ton, 5 compartment, top auger...............................$33,500 Caterpillar 904H articulating loader, diesel engine, 2 speed, ROPS, 12-16.5 tires, approximately 72” bucket, 2624 hours..... ........................................$29,500

1993 International 20-ton Rayman top auger, Cummins L10 diesel, cheater axle, shows 689,222 miles................................$29,500

1985 Freightliner with 16 ton rear auger Willmar tender, working truck and tender, 300 Cummins.................................$24,500

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader 2002 Loral 400 Cummins Air- controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 max 1000, 4100 hours... $45,000 hours.............................. $82,000

1999 Willmar 24 ton side shooter, electric roll tarp...........$31,500

2006 Peterbilt 387 conventional, Cat C-13 diesel engine, 430 hp, 659,741 miles................... $29,500 2012 International 16 ton Willmar side shooter tender with roll tarp, 455K miles..............$69,000

2000 Caterpillar 924G high lift wheel loader, 20.5-25L tires, 13,095 hours....$33,000...$43,000

2012 Case IH 4520, 810 box, 2912 hours, variable rate, Autosteer, Viper Pro.............. $115,500

2012 John Deere 4940 liquid system, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. boom, 20” spacing..........................$23,000

New Holland W80B front quick tach, 1000 hours........................... ........................$39,500...$43,500

2003 Ray Man 24 ton, 7 compartment dry tender trailer, top swivel discharge auger...............$36,500

Check our website

2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours......................$29,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4550...... ........................................$24,000 2005 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained.... ........................................$34,500

Case 921E wheel loader, QSM 11, Cummins diesel engine, shuttle shift trans., AM/FM, heat, air, 5430 hours. Incredible Loader Big bucket. Like new tires................... ................$89,000...........$99,000

1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi.....................$31,000

2-12,000 gallon Nh3 tanks, loaded....................................$44,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi...................$15,000 for the pair

2000 Sterling C12 with fresh overhaul, 4000 gallon Nh3 transport............. $27,000......$34,000

Greyn’s Crop Specialists


We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356 Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B24

The deadline for advertising for the May 2020 issue of the Trader’s Dispatch will be April 29th.

MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs


22-ft. HILLSBORO In Stock

Flatbeds Available

in Steel & Aluminum Utility Trailers Available

UM Anthropology program makes Top 25 list

UM News Service doctoral programs. The University of Montana’s (UM) “The Anthropology Department at this Anthropology program again has received University is unique because I absolutely accolades, ranked the No. 24 best anthropoladored my professors and was eager to ogy program in the country by gradreports. come to class every day,” wrote a 2019 com. anthropology graduate on gradreports. UM shares this list with esteemed procom. “My adviser in the department was grams at the University of California-Davis, encouraging and went above and beyond the University of Vermont, Arizona State in order to make sure my class schedule and the University of North Carolinawasn’t overwhelming but challenging and Chapel Hill. made sure I had internship opportunities The rankings are based on annual tuition, whenever they became available – even in median debt and median salary a year after her ancient DNA lab.” graduation, as reported by the U.S. DepartThrough their program, anthropology ment of Education. UM anthropology stustudents receive a hands-on education. dents pay around $25,000 annually and take Recently, students in Kelly Dixon’s on $26,750 in debt, but then make a median archaeology class discovered artifacts in salary of $27,900 after they graduate. downtown Missoula that illuminated life The UM Anthropology Department demore than a century ago. fines anthropology as the study of people, Last year, an anthropology doctoral stuboth ancient and contemporary, in their dent received three prestigious awards and biological, archaeological, cultural and linfellowships, including the Philanthropic guistic context through integrating findings Educational Organization Sisterhood from the social sciences, natural sciences Scholar Award, for her work connecting the and the humanities. UM’s program offers goals of cultural collections with Indigenous seven undergraduate degrees, including communities. archaeology, forensic anthropology, linLearn more about an UM anthropology guistics and more, as well as three minors education on the Anthropology Department and three undergraduate certificates. The site ( program also boasts four master’s and two

Planting Potatoes

We Are Open!

A farmer is sent to jail, with the wife left responsible for the farm until he returns. She, though is not the best farmer and writes him a letter in jail. “To my sweet husband, I want to plant the potatoes, but when is the best time to do it?”, it read. He responds, “Don’t go near that field babe, that is where I

buried all of my guns”. The guards intercept the letter before it makes it to the farmer’s wife and they then dig up the entire field in search of the illegal weapons. After two days digging, they give up, having found nothing. The farmer then writes to his wife again, “Now honey, you can plant the potatoes”.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B25

Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America

•  Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales •  Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard •  Custom sizes and special projects welcome •  Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from

100% made in USA Montana Valley Irrigation of Great Falls had a booth at M.A.G.I.E. to show off some of the new technology of irrigating in Montana.

April 23rd will be... Thank You Thursday

All too often in our lives, we find ourselves in utterly thankless situations. We have dedicated our heart and soul to various projects and goals, only to find that, in the long run, these efforts are utterly pointless. Or so that’s what we’re led to believe by the level of gratitude we receive from others. Thank You Thursday is a great opportunity to start making a positive change in this situation by recognizing those in your life who make things easier, those who love you, and those who just make your day better by tossing you a smile and a friendly hello. History of Thank You Thursday In situations from interpersonal to corporate, a show of gratitude can make a huge difference in the happiness and morale of those involved. Productivity can be improved by showing those who work for you that their efforts matter, simply by thanking them and showing them the full gratitude for all they’ve done. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, there’s a lot of hurt and misunderstanding that can be waved away with a simple “I’m thankful for you and all that you do.” Thank You Thursday was established to remind us that there’s always an opportunity to thank someone and that gratitude can happen on any day, for any reason. This one is for those who need the excuse and a reminder. Originally inspired by the inspirational work of Jon Gordon, Thank You Thursday was established both to embrace the power of positivity, and to show the boost you can give to another life and how such a simple act can even improve the life of the one showing gratitude. Jon Gordon is a motivational speaker who has published multiple books on how to improve attitudes, morale, and the end result of doing so. Fortune 500 companies like Campbell Soup and Wells Fargo and sports teams alike have benefitted from his lessons. How to celebrate Thank You Thursday Quite simple really, celebrating Thank You Thursday requires little more than recognizing the amazing people in your life. Grab donuts to thank your team, or pass out cards for a personalized touch, or even just give a word of praise for those who make your life or business run smoothly and bring a smile to your face. It doesn’t take long and Thank You Thursday will show you the results if you just take this one opportunity to voice the gratitude you feel. So get out there and be thankful, and maybe you’ll even find out who’s thankful for you. ##### In Stockholm, Sweden, there is a restaurant called ‘Garlic and Shots’. Specialty of the restaurant? Everything you find on the menu has garlic as an ingredient and that includes even the desserts! Yes, they offer garlic ice cream and garlic cheesecake. ##### Ah, the modern days. I just saw a grandpa help a youngster who was staring into his phone to cross the street. ##### If your family becomes instantly silent when the weather comes on the news each night...You Might be a Farmer.


Henke ~ Chester, MT HENKE ENTERPRISES INC. Dougcell (406) 799-2616


eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!


$49,900 AND UP!!!!

Website - Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

John Deere 4930

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm



2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900

Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616


GREAT FALLS FENCE If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be sure to make High Quality pdf

Central Montana’s Fencing Super Store!




705 S. Vaughn Frontage Road • Great Falls, MT 59404 Sales (406) 727-3661 • Licensed, Insured, Bonded • Contractor #3123


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B26

HAY FOR SALE Central Montana Area

Dryland alfalfa/grass and sainfoin in big square bales. Tested and covered. Phone 406-473-2293

MONTANA AG SAFETY PROGRAM Are you keeping your workers and family safe? How The Program Can Help: • Keep your family & friends safe and reduce liability • Create a culture of safety to reduce risk, lost time, loss of income, loss of property & life • Learn how to reduce 4x4 and side-by-side accidents • Create short safety training and procedures for tractors & other machinery • Learn low stress livestock handling procedures to help with safety and efficiency

Safety is an attitude! Attitudes are contagious! Is yours worth catching? Accidents cost money, change business plans, disrupt lives, and could cost you your business. Learn how to protect your way of life through good safety procedures and policies.


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MSU Extension had a couple of Extension agents on hand at their booth at MATE in Billings, Montana. Molly Masters, Big Horn county agent and Callie Cooley, Yellowstone county agent were there to answer question for the attendees. • 406-860-6129

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Considerations for potential hemp producers

By Katie Pratt, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture As much uncertainty continues to swirl around the hemp industry, University of Kentucky (UK) agricultural economists remind producers to consider their personal risk tolerance, business contracts and all possible production scenarios before committing to grow hemp. “This is still a developing industry that has long-term viability but is going through significant growing pains as it tries to find its footing and develop the infrastructure needed to support the industry,” said Tyler Mark, economist in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. With the 2018 Farm Bill removing hemp from the controlled substance list, growers from more states will be producing hemp this year, increasing the supply for a market that is struggling to build the infrastructure needed to support the current supply. While consumer demand continues to increase for hemp-based products, U.S. producers more than doubled their hemp acreage from 2018 to 2019. In Kentucky in 2019, producers licensed 60,000 acres for hemp production, up from 15,000 acres in 2018. Of those acres, farmers planted 26,000 acres and harvested a little more than 20,000 in 2019. This was up from around 5,000 acres for both in 2018. “Farmers across the nation are looking for a ‘magic bullet’ to help counter an overall depressed farm economy. While future demand for hemp-related products remains positive, farmers must understand the market risks they face with competition from producers across the U.S. and the world,” Mark said. While UK economists’ preliminary budgets continue to show potential for favorable returns for the production of cannabidiol, federal regulations concerning CBD content need clarification. Those budgets show a significant drop in farm-level prices for hemp biomass since July. With many producers not only new to hemp production but also to agriculture, they will likely be unfamiliar with agricultural lending and crop insurance. It is an exciting time right now for agriculture as new producers enter the hemp sector, however, there is a steep learning curve with this crop for both experienced and inexperienced producers, Mark said. Here are some questions the economists recommend potential and current producers ask themselves: • How many acres can I effectively manage? • Do I have market access? • How much money do I have to invest? • Who and how will I finance the crop? • Do I have a contract? Do I understand its terms? • Have I effectively researched the company I am contracting with? • What can I do to lessen my risk? • What is my plan B? CONTINUED ON PAGE B27

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B27

Add “true” low-carb diet to U.S. Dietary Guidelines

From the Low-Carb Action Network The Low-Carb Action Network (L-CAN), a coalition of doctors, academics, advocates and Americans with personal success stories, is strongly urging members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) to support adding a “true” low-carb as just one dietary option for Americans. L-CAN believes that adding a true low-carb (properly defined as 25% of calories as carbs or less) could go a long way towards reversing the epidemics of chronic illnesses faced by 60% of Americans. Clinical trial research shows that subjects are losing weight, lowering high blood pressure and even reversing type-2 diabetes and prediabetes on lowcarb diets. This is why the American Diabetes Association included low- and very-low carbohydrate eating patterns in its 2020 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Dr. Nadir Ali, Chairman, Department of Cardiology, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center, and Research Professor, Dept. of Nutrition and Applied Science, University of Houston, is a national leader in the use of low-carb diets to prevent and manage cardiovascular disease. “As a cardiologist, I regularly prescribe a low-carb diet to treat patients with type 2 diabetes and other heart-related diseases to better their health and improve their quality of life,” said Ali. “Given the significant amount of scientific research and evidence supporting this diet, it’s time for U.S. nutrition policy leaders to prescribe a low-carb option for those who are tipping into obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and more.” Dr. Charles Cavo, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Pounds Transformation in West Hartford, CT, stated that USDA and HHS officials have defined “low-carb” inaccurately for their scientific reviews. They’ve defined the diet as having a carbohydrate intake of less than 45 percent or less of overall daily calories, while leading experts in the field define a low-carb diet as less than 25 percent or less. “If USDA and HHS continue to wrongfully define lowcarb diets, they will skew the results of their analyses,” said Cavo. “Defining ‘low-carb’ as 45 percent of calories will wash out any positive results, which are largely achieved only when people significantly reduce carbohydrates, down to 25 percent of calories or less. It’s not clear why USDA chose their definition of low-carb, since the agency provided no documentation or footnotes. But it’s clearly not consistent with leading research in the field or what we see working for weight loss and disease reversal in clinical practice.” The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) are updated every five years and are supposed to provide nutrition advice for the entire nation. With obesity rates and nutrition-related illness rates hitting all-time highs, it’s imperative that the guidelines are updated to include viable dietary options for all Americans, including the majority of our population suffering from a nutrition-related illness. L-CAN members have been urging the DGA committee that the current guidelines are incorrectly defining a low-carb diet. There were over 350 public comments submitted to the USDA on low-carbohydrate diets – at least 85% of the total submissions during a two-week allowed for public comment on the scientific protocols last year. L-CAN members say they have one simple ask for the committee: to include a true low-carb diet as just one option in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. More information on L-CAN can be found at http://links.

Considerations for potential hemp producers CONTINUED FROM PAGE B26

• What happens if I have to destroy my crop for high THC content? UK agricultural economists developed interactive, enterprise budget models for hemp producers that they can use to evaluate different production methods and scenarios. They are available online at “While competition is tight and risks exist, Kentucky producers have significant advantages for growing hemp compared to producers in other states, including an experienced farmer base, one of the top research programs in the nation, existing infrastructure and investments, and administrative support from the Kentucky Department of Agriculture,” Mark said.


Zetor 5211 with Ezee-On loader, 42 HP, low profile, good rubber.........$6500 Zetor Agripower 5000, 2WD, PTO, 3-pt.........................................$2500 Ford 4000 gas tractor, loader......$6500 Ford Major 2WD, 3-pt., PTO.......$1000



Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. ....................... CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................... CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty........ ............................................... CALL Kioti DK4710SEH with KL5020 loader 47 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires.......... $9999 On Sale!


Allied/Farm King YC74 snow blower w/ hydraulic chute control...........$3500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header..........................COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL Kioti backhoe attachment, PTO driven. ...............................................$2500

New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower.........................$1595 5-ft. rotary mower.........................$1395 4-ft. rotary mower.........................$1295 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.............$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.............$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow..........................$695 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point..................$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.............$575 7-ft. back blade...............................$475 6-ft. back blade...............................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear... .................................................$499

We now have


wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available. NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750


Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Running gear.......................................$1000 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295

NEW Eagle attachments

New Eagle 560HD..................$625 New Eagle 566HD..................$699 New Eagle 672HD..................$729 New Eagle 784 HD.................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$725


New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork...........................................$1000 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork. ..................................................$856


New Holland 575 square baler.$12,500 American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 John Deere 327 square baler.....$3250 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500


Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts

NEW DIRTY HANDS POST HOLE AUGERS IN STOCK Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page B28


New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.

Shane Ophus of Ophus Auction Service takes the opportunity of M.A.G.I.E. to visit with old and new friends.


It’s got sleek lines and a powerful engine, its name speaks of wild places and adventurous For generations it g As times. As your your fArm fAr As your fArm grows, was the car of choice for action heroes and spies alike, even your your system system shou sh your system should too James Bond drove one in Goldfinif you’re if you’re expecting expectin reco if you’re expecting record bushels or ger. For some it was the very flavorplanning planning for more for mor acre planning for more acres, you need a system system that can that keep can up. keep w system that can keep up. we will design of summer sunsets and nighttime a system a system to fit your to fit gy a system to fit your growing needs. drives on youthful misadventures, but it always brought them home Website: Website: www.gra www. Website: safely. We’re talking about the Ford Email: Email: centralsteel centrals Email: Mustang, of course, and Ford Mustang Day celebrates this incredible and iconic piece of American engineering. History of Ford Mustang Day The Ford Mustang was first introduced to the world in PrOve Pn rO & ve Dn eP & en DD eP Ae bn le D™ Abl |e ™ ww |ww w rA wi .n Gs ryA si t ne sm ys st .C eO mm s.C Om PrOven & DePenDAble ™ | w w w.Gr Ainsystems.COm April of. G 1964. The World’s Fair was in full swing, and this car Central Central Steel Steel Building Building & introduction Construction & Construction CentralCentral Steel Building & Construction was Ford’s as the car of the future. This introSteel Building & Construction call Kevin Becker at 6729 Hwy. 6729 6729 Hwy. Hwy. 200200duction of the Mustang also was the introduction of the first 6729200 Hwy. 200 Carrington, Carrington, ND ND 58421 58421 ND 58421 406-650-3435 or Carrington, Carrington, ND 58421 email - kevincentralsteel@yahoo.com701-652-2886 701-652-2886 701-652-2886 Pony Car, to wit, a line of small sporty cars with sleek lines 701-652-2886 and an affordable price-tag. Sales of the Mustang proved that this car was going to become an American favorite, with well over 400,000 sales in the first year it was in production, an unprecedented success for an unprecedented vehicle. The muscle car of the time was the Thunderbird, and that beauty was the one that every serious sports car fanatic Manufactured in Stevensville, MT wanted to own. The Mustang came into existence with the idea not of replacing that vehicle, but instead putting its like within reach of the working class. Such was its popularity that over 500 clubs celebrating the Mustang came into existence within just 3 years of its release. This is the kind of fanaticism that’s usually saved for classic cars, but the Mustang just rolled right in and took its place as a new classic right off the bat. Such was the popularity of the Mustang that 60 years later over 9 million of them have been sold. Ford Mustang Day celebrates this vehicle that came out of nowhere to become an American institution. Celebrating Ford Mustang Day All over the country (and indeed, all over the world) festivals and celebrations are held that honor this vehicle. 60 years of different models of this line are brought out by ONLY 10, 400 lb. GVW trailer with 14,000 lb. GVW Tires! enthusiasts, most maintained in impeccable shape, standing 10 ply, 16” steel High Speed Radials • FREE Spare, FREE Tool Box Pad as an icon of their time. You can find these with a simple web search, and then go out and see the march of time and tech8,000 lb. Jack, Dropleg set back so tailgate will open, 6-Hole adjustable 2 5/16 “ coupler nology as it reshaped the overall appearance of the Mustang ONLY AT M&M - Steel grate on dovetail, grip strut galvanized ramps that stow under while leaving its underpinning sense of aesthetic and purpose tool box pad, and the only trailer with 10 digit LEDS, front & back fenders for safety and backing untouched. Ford Mustang Day presents an opportunity to really appreciate what American Engineering can do, and how a car can change the face of the automotive industry. Copyright © 2014 AGCO Corporation

Copyright Copyright © 2014 AGCO © 2014 Corporation AGCO Corporation

21-ft. Equipment Trailer



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Horses are considered unsound when they are lame. Lameness may be temporary when involving stone bruises, abscesses, and minor muscle, ligament, and tendon strains. Serious lameness issues may involve injuries to bones, tendons, and ligaments; bone degeneration (navicular disease, sesamoiditis, arthritis); and founder.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 – Page C1




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Winter is still here

Call us for all your feeding needs 2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2013 John Deere 569 Premium, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, MegaWide pickup, bale push bar, 19,000 bales..............$33,500 2009 John Deere 568, 36,000 bales....................................$23,000 2007 John Deere 568, 34,900 bales....................................$19,500 1998 John Deere 566, twine only, 13,000 bales. Good condition...... ............................................................................................$5500


2019 Haybuster 2660’s in stock...Call for pricing TILLAGE

2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding..................$92,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 16.5-ft. intensive cultivator, rolling basket on rear, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding...................$70,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 13-ft. intensive cultivator, solid packer wheel on rear, semi-mounted (3-pt.), hydraulic folding....$70,000 2015 Brillion WLS-360 30-ft. pulvi-mulcher, S-tines, notched wheels, hydraulic folding. Brand new............................................$57,750 2005 Brillion WL-03 25-ft. roller harrow, hydraulic S-tines, hydraulic folding, rear hitch.............................................................$19,500 2016 McFarland HD30 harrow cart..........................................$8500 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500 1983 John Deere 210 tandem disc, 14-ft. Rigid, 9” spacing....$4000




(2) 2019 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header. Each.........$139,900 2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each....................................................................$134,900 2007 New Holland HW305, HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards....$39,900


John Deere 705 basket rake....................................................$7750 2018 New Holland 216 rake. Like new.................................$28,000 2011 New Holland 216 rake.................................................$12,500 2008 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$12,000 1998 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$8500 2002 Vermeer R-23A hydraulic v-rake.....................................$8500 H&S MK12 12 wheel rake........................................................$8000

Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs! JOHN DEERE




2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290, 4x4, 0 bale count.. Call for Pricing



2018 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty........$135,900 2019 John Deere 6155, loader...........................................$139,900 2016 John Deere 6155M, cab, air, heat, 1787 hours, no loader........ .........................................................................................$91,500 (2) 2019 John Deere 6145, loader. Each............................$133,900 2018 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty.....................$129,900 2018 John Deere 2038R, open station, loader, backhoe, 400 hours. .........................................................................................$30,000 2018 John Deere 2032R with 220R loader, hydrostatic transmission, 540 PTO, 50 hours, block heater.....................................$26,250 2016 John Deere 1023, hydrostatic transmission, H120 loader, 160 hours................................................................................$13,500 2006 John Deere 6715 cab tractor, PowerQuad transmission, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 740 loader/grapple, approximately 9500 hours...................................................................................... Call





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2005 Haybuster 2650 bale processor..................................$13,000 Haybuster 256+2 tub grinder/bale processor..........................$3000 1984 New Holland 359 grinder/mixer, scales, hydraulic folding auger, 1000 PTO. 1980 New Holland 359 for parts.... $8500 for the pair 2017 John Deere 659 header, front roller, hydraulic gauge wheels. NEW.................................................................................$39,000 (2) John Deere 659 headers, hydraulic gauge wheels. Each.$25,000 New Holland HW300 swather, HS12 header, 3031 hours....$26,500 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 2004 John Deere 730 mo-co, equal angle hitch, flail conditioner...... ..........................................................................................$12,000 1999 John Deere 945 mo-co, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner......$8500 New Holland 499 pull type mo-co, 540 PTO, 12-ft. header with rubber conditioner..........................................................................$5000 2014 John Deere 569 round baler........................................$34,000 John Deere 569 round baler, net wrap & twine, bale count 11,109... ..........................................................................................$32,000 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, net wrap & twine, 19,431 bales.. .............................................................................................$5500 2015 John Deere 778 8 row corn head, low acres...............$59,500 2015 John Deere 8600 forage harvester, 1354 engine hours, 767 header hours, Premium cab and lighting package, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab....................$259,000



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2018 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lbs. weight on each side on rear, Premium Light Package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty till 6-2023, 256 hours........... .......................................................................................$302,500



NEW Stinger 6500 square and round bale stacker............$295,000 NEW Higginbotham bale squeeze, for John Deere 544 loader........ .........................................................................................$12,000 2012 Case IH 3520 boom spreader, 3566 hours..................$93,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$28,000 2017 Haybuster 980 tub grinder...........................................$55,000 2016 Haybuster 980 tub mixer/feeder, right hand dog leg discharge, scales..............................................................................$49,500 Sitrex MK-10-12 ground driven wheel rakes, hydraulic fold.....$8000 2014 John Deere S680 combine, 1000 engine hours, 795 separator hours, 3000 Globe AutoTrac, ProDrive, small wire concaves, Premium cab and lighting, PowerCast tailboard............$245,000 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit.......................$52,500 2016 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grain boxes, no grass box.........................................................................$44,000 2019 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes..................................................... Call for Pricing 2012 John Deere RSX 850i, camo, soft cab, 2056 miles.....$10,500 2015 Polaris Ranger XP900, hard cab, front glass windshield, no doors, winch, 6871 miles....................................................$8000 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575



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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C2

MERIDIAN AUGER are stable Designed MERIDIAN AUGER MOVERS are built built strong, stable and and versatile. versatile. Designed Deadline for advertising in the MayMOVERS 2020 issue isstrong, WEDNESDAY, April 29th. for for conventional conventional augers, augers, our our four-wheel four-wheel movers movers have have been been engineered engineered to to fit fit between between most above-ground hopper legs. undercarriage the walking MERIDIAN AUGER MOVERS are no built strong, stablethat andconnects versatile. most above-ground hopper legs. With With no undercarriage that connects theDesigned walking beams to axle, the allowed unrestricted movement around and for conventional augers, our four-wheel movers have beenand engineered fit between beams to the the auger auger axle,MOVERS the operator operator isbuilt allowed unrestricted movement around and MERIDIAN AUGER areis strong, stable versatile.toDesigned underneath the In addition, the wheels set on independent walking most above-ground hopper legs. With nomovers undercarriage that connects the walking underneath the auger. auger. In our addition, the mover mover wheels are setengineered on independent walking for conventional augers, four-wheel haveare been to fit between beams for increased stability as gear pumps, attached to universal to the auger axle, thelegs. operator movement around and beamsabove-ground for increased stability as high-quality high-quality gearunrestricted pumps, attached to aathe universal most hopper Withisnoallowed undercarriage that connects walking mounting bracket, supply hydraulic to the system. Our unique design helps underneath the auger. In addition, thepower are set on independent walking mounting bracket, supply hydraulic power towheels theunrestricted system. Our unique design helps beams to the auger axle, the operator ismover allowed movement around and the operator because, no matter or auger is, controls are always beams for increased as how high-quality gearthe pumps, to a universal the operator because, no matter how high or low low the auger is, the controls are always underneath the auger.stability In addition, thehigh mover wheels are setattached onthe independent walking at waist level, right in front of mounting bracket, power togear the system. unique helps at waistfor level, rightsupply instability fronthydraulic ofasyou. you. beams increased high-quality pumps, Our attached to adesign universal the operator because, no matter howpower high ortolow augerOur is, the controls arehelps always mounting bracket, supply hydraulic the the system. unique design waist level,because, right in no front of you. 8” IN STOCK 2020 operator matter how highFEB or low the15TH, auger is, the controls are always 8” AUGERS AUGERSattheBACK BACK IN STOCK FEB 15TH, 2020 waist level, engine, right incold front of you. 8”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5atHP EFI Kohler weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox,


8”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light SALE $15,500 light package, package, shovel shovel kit, kit, spring spring belt belt tensioner tensioner ..................................................................... ..................................................................... RETAIL RETAIL $21,200 $21,200 SALE $15,500 8”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with with26.5 26.5HP HPEFI EFIKohler Kohlerengine, engine,cold coldweather weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, 8” x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, 8” x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light light light package, shovel kit, springtensioner.................................................................................. belt tensioner ..................................................................... RETAIL RETAIL $22,500 $21,200 $15,500 package, shovel spring SALE $16,000 8”x 39’ MERIDIAN 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, package, shovel kit, kit, AUGERS spring belt beltwith tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $22,500 SALE $16,000 SALE $15,500 light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ..................................................................... RETAIL $21,200 8” x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5HP HP EFIVanguard Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light 10”x 10”x 39’ 39’ MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGERS AUGERS with with 37 37 HP EFI EFI Vanguard engine, engine, cold cold weather weather muffler, muffler, Meridian Meridian Mover, Mover, electric electric clutch, clutch, reversing reversing gearbox, gearbox, light light package, shovel shovel kit, spring spring belt tensioner.................................................................................. tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL RETAIL $23,500 $22,500 SALE $16,000 $16,600 package, 8” x 46’ MERIDIAN 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, MeridianRETAIL Mover, $23,500 electric clutch, SALE reversing gearbox, light SALE $16,600 package, shovel kit, kit, AUGERS spring belt beltwith tensioner.................................................................................. SALE $16,000 package, shovel kit, spring beltwith tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $22,500 10”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 37 HP EFI EFI Vanguard engine, engine, cold weather weather muffler, Meridian Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light 10”x 10”x 46’ 46’ MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGERS AUGERS with with 37 37 HP HP EFI Vanguard Vanguard engine, cold cold weather muffler, muffler, Meridian Mover, Mover, electric electric clutch, clutch, reversing reversing gearbox, gearbox, light light $16,600 $23,500 SALE $17,600 package, shovel belt tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $25,100 10”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 37 HP EFI Vanguard engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light SALE $17,600 package, shovel kit, kit, spring spring beltwith tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $25,100 SALE $16,600 package, shovel kit, spring beltwith tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $23,500 10”x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 37 HP EFI Vanguard engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed add $900 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider &RETAIL mounting peg installedSALE add $900 $17,600 package, shovel kit, spring beltMotor, tensioner.................................................................................. $25,100 10”x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 37 HP EFI Vanguard engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light 1-MERIDIAN SEED TENDER 1260RT w/Hydraulic Power Pack, Triple Axle Trailer with air ride and brakes SALE $17,600 package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $25,100 1-MERIDIAN SEED TENDER 1260RT w/Hydraulic Power Pack, Triple Axle Trailer with air ride and brakes BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, $135,000 weld in spider &Clearance mounting peg installed add $900 .............................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................. WAS WAS $135,000 Clearance ............ ............ $95,000 $95,000 $90,000 $90,000 OBO OBO BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose,Pack, swivelTriple bracket, in spider & mounting peg installed add $900 1-MERIDIAN SEED TENDER 1260RT w/Hydraulic Power Axleweld Trailer with air ride and brakes

USED USED .............................................................................................................. WAS $135,000

Clearance ............ $95,000 $90,000 OBO

Like New STAINLESS CONVEY-ALL 1-MERIDIAN SEED TENDERSTEEL 1260RT w/Hydraulic CONVEYOR Power Pack, HYDRAULIC Triple Axle Trailer with air ride and brakes Like New 1435 1435 STAINLESS STEEL CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR HYDRAULIC w/Isuzu WAS ........... NT drive drive w/Isuzu Diesel Diesel Motor Motor ..................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... WAS $15,000 $15,000 ........... NT SALE SALE $11,995 .............................................................................................................. WAS $135,000 Clearance ............ $95,000 $90,000 $11,995 OBO USED 20-45 MERIDIAN CONVEYOR w/ Mover, 19’ reach; Like New 1435 STAINLESS STEEL CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR HYDRAULIC 20-45 MERIDIAN CONVEYOR w/ Mover, 19’ reach; USED includes 35HP KohlerMotor Gas light kit, and drive w/Isuzu Diesel ..................................................................................................... WAS $15,000 ........... NT SALE $11,995 includes 35HP Gas Engine, Engine, light kit, electric electric clutch clutch and more. more. Like New 1435Kohler STAINLESS STEEL CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR HYDRAULIC ................................................................................................. WAS $38,300 ........... NT SALE $29,995 Used only for ................................................................................................. WAS $29,995 Used only for demonstrations demonstrations 20-45w/Isuzu MERIDIAN CONVEYOR w/ Mover, 19’ reach; drive Diesel Motor ..................................................................................................... WAS $38,300 $15,000 ........... ........... NT NT SALE SALE $11,995 13”x 92’ 92’ 35HP HARVEST INTERNATIONAL includes KohlerINTERNATIONAL Gas Engine, light kit, electric clutch and more. 13”x HARVEST 20-45 MERIDIAN CONVEYOR w/ Mover, 19’ reach; with electric mover and winch.................................................................................................................................. NT SALE $16,000 ................................................................................................. WAS $38,300 ........... NT SALE $29,995 Used only formover demonstrations with electric and winch.................................................................................................................................. $16,000 includes 35HP Kohler Gas Engine, light kit, electric clutch and more. 10”x MDSA, New $8,000 13”x 72’ 92’ HARVEST INTERNATIONAL 10”x 72’ MERIDIAN MDSA, Like Like New Condition.................................................................................................... Condition.................................................................................................... NT SALE SALE $8,000 ................................................................................................. WAS $38,300 ........... NT $29,995 Used onlyMERIDIAN for demonstrations with electric mover and winch.................................................................................................................................. NT SALE $16,000 CONSIGNED 13”x 92’ HARVESTEQUIPMENT INTERNATIONAL 8”x updated to w/E-Kay volt treater 10”x 72’SAKUNDIAK MERIDIAN MDSA, Like Newflighting, Condition.................................................................................................... NT110 SALE with electric mover and winch.................................................................................................................................. $16,000 8”x 46' 46' SAKUNDIAK updated to poly poly flighting, w/E-Kay mover mover 25 25 HP HP Kohler Kohler engine, engine, electric electric clutch, clutch, also also comes comes with with 110 volt seed seed $8,000 treater and triangle plastic and plastic hopper hopper CONSIGNED EQUIPMENT 10”xtriangle 72’ MERIDIAN MDSA, Like New Condition.................................................................................................... NT SALE $8,000 (1) 8” Gas Auger 8”x 46' SAKUNDIAK updated to Transfer poly flighting, w/E-Kay mover 25 HP Kohler engine, electric clutch, also comes with 110 volt seed treater (1) Used Used 8” WHEATHEART WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger CONSIGNED EQUIPMENT and triangle plastic hopper (1) Used 10” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger (1) Used 10” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger 8”x 46' SAKUNDIAK updated to poly flighting, w/E-Kay mover 25 HP Kohler engine, electric clutch, also comes with 110 volt seed treater (1) WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger 13” x 90’ BRANDT XL w/electric mover & and plastic hopper 13”Used xtriangle 90’ 8” BRANDT XL Auger Auger w/electric mover & hydraulic hydraulic winch winch (1) Used 10” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger BRING CONSIGNED (1) Used 8” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger ITEMS IN TO US. WE WILL SELL THEM FOR YOU!


13”Used x 90’ 10” BRANDT XL Auger Gas w/electric mover & hydraulic winch (1) WHEATHEART Transfer Auger

406-487-2216 • 406-487-2216 US. • 1-888-255-4790 1-888-255-4790 WE WILL SELL THEM FOR YOU!

BRING CONSIGNED ITEMSwinch IN TO 13” x 90’ BRANDT XL Auger w/electric mover & hydraulic 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Box1177, Montana Box1177, Scobey, Scobey, Montana 59263 59263 Box1177, Scobey, Montana 59263 Box1177, Scobey, Montana 59263

BRING CONSIGNED ITEMS IN TO US. WE WILL SELL THEM FOR YOU! 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Anything Anything To To Do Do With With Grain, Grain, We We Handle Handle it it Anything To Do With Grain, Anything Toit We Handle Do With Grain, We Handle it

Microsoft awards funds to apply artificial intelligence tech

From University of Wyoming Extension The same science that powers Google searches, Siri and Alexa and self-operating cars may steer laboratory analysis in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Microsoft has awarded two $15,000 grants through its “AI for Earth” program to scientists in two departments in the college. Researchers Todd Schoborg and Jay Gatlin in molecular biology will examine biomedical imaging datasets to understand the molecular basis of human disease, and Brant Schumaker in the Department of Veterinary Sciences will evaluate migration congregation points and potential for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) transmission. Scientists in both departments will collaborate with Lars Kotthoff, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, whose research combines artificial intelligence and machine learning. He also leads the Artificially Intelligent Manufacturing Center (AIM) on campus. The grant enables scientists to use Microsoft cloud computing resources. “Their idea is to use artificial intelligence to address some of the big problems we haven’t been able to address through other means,” said Schoborg. “It’s their ‘Let’s bring computing thinking into the mix,’ which is where the artificial intelligence comes in.” AI would perform image analyses in much the same way a human would, relying on the ability to “learn” what features are present in an image and then using that information to automatically identify those same features in subsequent images. This process is known as training, said Schoborg. The more images fed to the AI algorithm containing a particular feature, the more accurately AI can identify them. For example, distinguishing between the brain and the heart in a CT scan, or the difference between an elk and a mule deer at a wildlife camera trap. “The AI will analyze data to reach conclusions about things that there’s not really a way to get these answers otherwise,” said Schoborg. Schumaker’s grant will help automate camera trap image analysis to identify wildlife and livestock captured within thousands of images. “Our goal of the project is to evaluate congregation points and potential for CWD transmission among cervids at agricultural salt sites,” said Schumaker, an epidemiologist and supervisor of diagnostic and regulatory serology at the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory. The projects will most likely have students feed images into the programs, building up machine learning to be able to identify features scientists want. Personnel could be freed from spending hours in front of computers going through thousands of images. “These grants are designed to get this framework in place,” said Schoborg. “The image analysis becomes more streamlined. Then we can use it for many things, whether it be for (wildlife) migration initiatives or analyzing biological samples, for example, looking at brain slices to determine whether an animal has CWD.” Schoborg said he and Gatlin do not have experience in machine learning or AI. “That’s where we need Lars and his experience,” Schoborg said. “He’s the brains behind the whole computational aspect of this project. That’s right in his wheelhouse.” The AI for Earth program is funding two graduate students in the College of Engineering to support the two agriculture college projects. Graduate funding has also been provided for College of Education/College of Engineering to support the training of in-service teachers for K-12 computer science deployment for UW as the regional partner. Code. org helps expand computer science in schools, teaching students and providing curriculum to educators. Its goal is to expand diversity in computer science.

Oh, Horsefeathers!

Horsefeathers is a slang term meaning absurd and nonsensical, thought to be first used in a political cartoon, “Barney Google,” written by William De Beck. It is the name of a 1932 Marx Brothers film. The Friesian breed of horse is sometimes called the feathered horse because of the long hairs on the lower leg that resemble feathers. Many draft breeds have these long hairs, called feathering.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C3

Skookumchuck Ag, Sunburst, Montana is liquidating a complete modern line of equipment as they close down the farm division. This is mostly late model, lower hour equipment with dealer maintenance on much of it. Call/text or email Lyle Benjamin for full details and more pictures. (406) 539-5953

2010 John Deere 1835 air drill, 61-ft., 10” spacing, recapped steel packers, 3” carbine openers @ 70%, primary blockage, double shoot, 1910 tow between cart, ground drive $89,000 variable rate, mid row disc banders..........................$92,000 2012 John Deere 1830 air drill, 61-ft., 12” spacing, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, primary & secondary blockage monitors, 1” carbide openers with 3000 acres on them, 1910 tow $73,000 behind 430 bushel cart, 10” fill auger.......................$75,000


2005 XL Specialized 53-ft. drop deck trailer, spread axle, (2) 3200 gallon tanks, 70 gallon mix cone with jug knife, 4 way induction manifold with 12v pump, John Deere 3” pump with electric start, deck space for (5) shuttles..................$28,000


1995 Kenworth T800 grain truck, tandem axle, 20-ft. aluminum box, Cummins N14 425 hp, Super 10 speed, wet kit, pintle hitch, newer tarps, 497,585 miles...................$35,000 1995 Kenworth T800 grain truck, tandem axles, 20-ft. aluminum box, Cummins N14 425 hp, Super 10 speed, wet kit, pintle hitch, newer tarps, 503,803 miles...................$35,000

1994 GMC TopKick 6500, 6.0L gas, 5 speed manual, single axle, 16-ft. flatbed, Montezuma toolbox, (3) Reike toolboxes, 400 gallon fuel tank with 12v 20 gallon/minute pump, Eagle air compressor with 5.5 Honda, Miller 225 welder/generator, low hours, oxy/acetylene torch kit, 80,000? miles....$15,000

2012 John Deere 4830 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon stainless tank, 5 way nozzles includes TeeJet bodies for 4, 7.5, 10, 15 gpa tips plus three hole fertilizer dribble nozzles, 2630 controller with Starfire 3000, full spare set row crop (85%) and floater tires (pictured) (75%), 2591 hours........... ....................................................... $125,000

2005 Case IH 2388 combine, factory straw choppers, maxi tops for 300 bushel capacity, large and small wire concaves, third feederhouse lift cylinder factory kit installed for use with CASE 3020 flex header, recent work orders. Comes with 30-ft. 1010 header with trailer, 2015 pickup header with Swathmaster attachment, 1689 rotor hours, 2078 engine hours........................................................................$75,000 2005 Case IH 2388 combine, factory straw choppers, maxi tops for 300 bushel capacity, large and small wire concaves, recent work orders. Comes with 30-ft. 1010 header with trailer, 2015 pickup header with Swathmaster attachment. Hours close to other unit, will need to verify.............$75,000

2005? Summers 70-ft. heavy harrow, hydraulic adjustable tines, new hoses on main lines................................$15,000 2000 Castleton grain trailer, 42-ft., 102” wide, 72” tall, steel bins, spring ride, newer canvas, pintle hitch, plumbed for pup...........................................................................$15,000

Case IH 3020 35-ft. flex auger head with pickup reel and air reel...........................................................................$27,000 2006 Brandt 65-ft. auger. Has been repaired..................$7000 1977 International 490 30-ft. disc, 18” blades................$4500

1965 Eversman scraper, 3 yard. Good condition............$6000 2000 gallon horizontal tank..... ................................ $1250

1983 Case IH 1390 2WD tractor, 60 PTO hp, cab, loader.................... $12,500 8”x10 poly flighting bin unloader, hydraulic drive, Gerber’s built........... $1000

1999 Bench Industries barley upgrader, 400 bushel/ hour with 6” auger, single phase power.............$4500 Seed treater unit............ $450

1996 John Deere 7600 FWA tractor, 112 hp, PowerShift, 540/1000 PTO, 740 loader, 8-ft. bucket and forks. Newer rubber on front, 4000-5000 hours............................$47,500 2009 E-Z Trail 710 grain cart, PTO or hydraulic drive, tarp. Good condition.........................................................$20,000 2012 Capstan individual nozzle section control for John Deere sprayers, set up for 100-ft. 20” spacing....................$20,000 2018 Brandt 1547 conveyor with hydraulic mover, hydraulic winch, work lights, electric start, collapsing hopper.$20,000 1978 New Holland 1049 self-propelled small square bale stacker, cab, Ford 361 gas, 5 speed, 158 bale capacity, triple wide, 9 tier..........................................................$7500 1975 Allis Chalmers 180 tractor, 65 PTO hp, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 2 hydraulic remotes, loader.........................................$6500 1981 New Castle 10 ton trailer, flip ramp on beavertail, dual tandem axle, pintle, 20-ft. estimated length.................$6000 2004 GMC 2500HD, 3/4 ton pickup, extended cab, 6.0L, 5th wheel ball, Rhino Lined bed, 267,000 miles................$5000 1998 Sakundiak 10”x70-ft. swing away auger. Shear bolts keep breaking..............................................................$2500 1999 Polaris 700 RMK snowmobile, 151” track..............$2000 2014 PJ 12-ft. utility trailer, light duty...............................$1500 1995 Farm King 70-ft. swing away auger. Repairs needed, shear bolts keep breaking...........................................$1500

1981 Wilson pup grain trailer, aluminum, Dayton hubs............. .................................................................................$11,000


1995 Degelman rock picker, average condition..............$4000




Allis Chalmers 3-pt. backhoe.........................................$1500

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C4

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425

Call or Text Or 406-988-0090 Jeff Welborn Travalong 16- or 20-ft. livestock SAVE BIG Hillsboro Endura 22-ft., 7’6” wide, loaded with options. 10-year warranty

$10,900 to $11,500 Don’t Miss Out Limited Supply


Merritt 24-ft. Cattle Drive, 7- or 8-ft. wide. Save Big with our APRIL PRICE BLOW OUT We stock CM, Bradford Built and Hillsboro truck beds.

Please call with your application.

PACE Enclosed

Big Bend 24-ft., Butterfly gates, mats, 14-ply tires. $14,900

Big Bend 16- to 24-ft. with many different options, on the lot and ready to work. Please call for current line up.

Tilt Decks Large inventory, great prices. Check us out Email:

IN STOCK To fit any application

DCT 30-ft., 20,000 GVW, whale tail, twin tool box, dual 2 speed jacks. $11,400 Every day price.

UM research center on population health

As emergent pathogens like coronavirus and climaterelated health challenges like wildfire smoke plague human populations, the University of Montana has received funding for a center dedicated to understanding and addressing public health challenges to Montana and the region. The National Institutes of Health awarded the University a five-year $10.75 million grant to establish the Center for Population Health Research (CPHR, pronounced “see-far”). The center will support epidemiological and mathematical modeling approaches to better understand risk and resilience factors for children’s health outcomes. It also will create disease prevention strategies developed for, adapted to and tested in rural communities. “We are excited about this opportunity to improve the health of children in Montana and the region,” said Curtis Noonan, center director and a professor of epidemiology in UM’s School of Public and Community Health Sciences. “This comes at a challenging time for the public health community. “We could not have predicted the current coronavirus threat when we started building this center over two and a half years ago,” he said, “but we did recognize the importance of developing the capacity to work with medical and public health data to better understand health risk in our communities and identify disease prevention strategies that are relevant to rural states.” CPHR research projects establish scientific capacity and a collaborative infrastructure highly relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. Erin Landguth leads a project to better understand the factors that influence respiratory infection among children. “In the face of today’s infectious disease complexities, mathematical models offer essential tools for synthesizing information to understand epidemiological patterns and for developing the quantitative evidence base for decisionmaking in public health,” Landguth said. “Partnering with pediatric health care providers, my project will integrate novel data streams, computational capacity and new modeling tools, allowing for the description of how respiratory infections vary across space and time – particularly in rural communities where such work is limited.” Public health leaders anticipate that a coronavirus vaccine, when developed, will be an essential component of controlling the current pandemic. A CPHR project led by Sophia Newcomer focuses on identifying the barriers to early childhood vaccinations, especially in rural areas where childhood vaccination rates are lower than public health targets. “Vaccines are the most effective tool we have for infectious disease control and prevention,” said Newcomer. “Working with the state health department and local providers, my project seeks to identify why some Montana children fall behind or don’t receive recommended vaccines and to develop strategies to increase vaccination rates across the state.” Environmental epidemiologist Erin Semmens leads a third research project investigating the impact of community exposures to smoke from wildfires – an increasingly recognized and now constant public health threat to the region. “Wildfire events are increasing in frequency, duration and intensity due to climate change,” Semmens said. “Through a collaboration with the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, local health systems and UM colleagues across campus, our project aims to quantify how these exposures influence early childhood development, as well as birthweight and risk of preterm birth. Both are linked to long-term susceptibility to disease and infections.” A key feature of CPHR is to provide core resources to support both current and future researchers who explore important population health questions. The Data and Modeling Core, led by Jon Graham, provides center researchers with tools and infrastructure for working with sensitive electronic data such as medical records and state health tracking systems. To effectively translate research findings to action, the Intervention Support Core, led by Tony Ward, provides CPHR investigators with the expertise and tools for designing novel disease prevention and health promotion strategies. Such strategies will be further informed by the CPHR Stakeholder Advisory Board, which includes key players in the health care, public health and policy arenas. Reed Humphrey, dean of the College of Health that includes the School of Public and Community Health Sciences, said the award to establish CPHR at UM demonstrates the CONTINUED ON PAGE C5

UM research center on population health CONTINUED FROM PAGE C4

college’s capacity and commitment to grow its reach in public health. “Importantly, it opens the doors to enhanced collaboration across our health professions at UM and our Family Medicine Residency that are consistent with our parallel commitment in interprofessional education and collaborative practice,” Humphrey said. CPHR resources and research projects also provide fantastic opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students to engage in cutting-edge, NIH-funded research. “This project provides undergraduate and graduate students from several departments across campus the opportunity to work with our world-class faculty in research areas that have become increasingly relevant in light of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said UM Vice President for Research and Creative Scholarship Scott Whittenburg. “The University of Montana is rapidly becoming a leader in vaccine development and implications for public health.”

#### An aged farmer and his wife were leaning against the edge of their pig-pen when the old woman wistfully recalled that the next week would mark their golden wedding anniversary. “Let’s have a party, Homer,” she suggested. “Let’s kill a pig.” The farmer scratched his grizzled head. “Gee, Ethel,” he finally answered, “I don’t see why the pig should take the blame for something that happened fifty years ago.”

Plains Ag


Certified Lanning spring wheat Certified Lavina barley seed. Certified Hy-Line yellow peas. Phone (406) 399-2157, 379-2399 or 390-0421, Turner, MT

MBP Seeds


2017 John Deere 338 square baler, 540 PTO, 250 bales... $19,500 (425) 301-6020, Philipsburg, Montana area

2100 Highway 2 East Havre, Montana 59501 1-800-214-4654 406-265-6387

Day of the Mushroom

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always April 16 Let’s Celebrate! Today is Mushroom Day, or Day of the Mushroom. This is a special day to enjoy and appreciate the culinary value of ‘Shrooms. Mushrooms first entered the culinary scene in the 19th century, when French chefs first began using them. Since then, the popularity of mushrooms has bloomed around the world. Mushrooms are a fungus. They grow in a dark and damp area. There are over 14,000 varieties. No matter how much you love them, don’t go out into the woods to harvest mushrooms yourself. You really have to know your mushrooms, as many varieties are from mildly to highly poisonous. One thing we know for certain, recipes abound for mushroom lovers. Find a mushroom recipe, and have a very happy Day of the Mushroom!

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C5

2004 Sterling Mercedes engine, 10 speed transmission, lo-pro 22.5 tires, aluminum front and steel rear, horizontal exhaust, $19,586 engine overhaul 11/2017........ $15,000

2017 Wilson Double Hopper Set 50’ x 72” x 96” lead, 20’ x 72” x 96” pup, full air ride, front and rear axle lift on lead, turn table dolly on pup, all aluminum wheels, 11-24.5 Bridgestone tires, ag hoppers, strap traps, 81-ft. overall length, Shurco 4500 electric tarps with remote. Also have a 2020 set with identical specs................................................ $80,000

Give us a call TODAY!



** SPRING PROMOTION!!! 0% for 60 Months through April on New Holland Tractors!**

2018 New Holland T6.180 195 hours, Elite Package, suspend- 2018 New Holland T6.180 170 hours, Elite Package, suspended cab, block heater, Class 4 MFD front axle, 40 KPH 17X16 2017 New Holland T6.175 420 hours, Plus Package, suspended ed cab, block heater, Class 4 MFD front axle, 40 KPH 17X16 Eco transmission, 420/85 (16.9) R28 front tires, 460/85 (18.4) cab, grid heater, 40KPH 16X16 with Autoshift /Class 4 MFD Eco transmission, 420/85 (16.9) R28 front tires, 460/85 (18.4) R42 rear tires, 133L/Min CCLS hydraulic pump, 4 remotes, Axle / 380/85 (14.9) R30 front tires, 460/85 (18.4) R42, 113L/ R42 rear tires, 133L/Min CCLS hydraulic pump, 4 remotes, 855LA loader with joystick and grapple, 3 point hitch, 6X65KG min CCLS pump, 855LA loader with joystick and grapple, 855LA loader with joystick and grapple, 3 point hitch, 6X65KG rear wheel weights, deluxe air suspension seat, deluxe radio fender mounted controls, 3 point, 6X65KG rear wheel weights, rear wheel weights, deluxe air suspension seat, deluxe radio with bluetooth. Warranty Ends 3/4/2021 or at 2000 hrs. Stk. sunshade rear window. Warranty ends 12/27/2020 or at 2000 with bluetooth. Warranty ends 3/6/2021 or at 2000 hrs. Stk. #N86131. Located at Bowman, ND. ...........................$118,000 hrs. Stk. #N86120. Located at Beach, ND. ...................$95,700 #N86130. Located at Bowman, ND. ...........................$115,000 Stanley, ND • 701-628-2950 Williston, ND • 701-774-0957 Beach, ND • 701-872-4154

2017 Demco 1050 1000 gallon, 90-ft., touchdown wheels, Raven 450 with joystick, 320/90R46 tires, 3000 acres. Stk. #53341B. Located at Glasgow, MT........ $29,500

Bowman, ND • 701-523-3296 Dickinson, ND • 701-483-8741 Hettinger, ND • 701-567-4505

Mandan, ND • 800-223-2972 Minot, ND • 701-838-8884 Garrison, ND • 701-463-2289

Glasgow, MT • 406-228-9341 Sharon Springs, KS • 785-852-4235 Holyoke, CO • 970-854-4535

Burlington, CO • 719-346-5548 Garden City, KS • 620-275-0226 Goodland, KS • 785-899-3432

2008 New Holland BR7090 2014 John Deere 4940 2174 2019 Case IH 8250 425 engine hydraulic wide pickup 2011 Case IH Precision Hoe hours, 348 seperator hours, 2015 MacDon FD75 CNH hours, 120-ft boom, 1,200 800 10”, doubleshoot, pneulift, 13,500 bales, Bale adaptor, 45-ft., stablizer 410 bushel tank, 620 duals, gallon stainless steel tank, Command, net/twine. matic tires, flotation tires, Sunny Brook concaves, all wheels, upper cross auger. IF710/65R46 Trellebourg Stk #38166B. Located in Atom Jet side band boots, deluxe cab. Stk. #23388B. Stk. #28506B. Located in tires. Stk. #53337B. Located Intelligent Ag blockage, with Glasgow, MT......................... Glasgow, MT......................... Located at Glasgow, MT....... at Glasgow, MT..................... 2009 3430TBH 430 bushel . . .. *Price Reduced* $13,400 . . .. *Price Reduced* $59,700 . . ............................. $365,000 .. *Price Reduced* $170,600 cart. Stk. #47276B. Located in Glasgow, MT..................... .... *Price Reduced* $25,000

See more pictures and information on these units, as well as our complete inventory, at

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C6

MDS CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY • IN STOCK • Shop-Style Rolair Compressors


Pressure Washers • Hose Reels

Saylor-Beall Air Compressors American Made and Industrial Quality

MANY PURCHASES QUALIFY FOR FREE SHIPPING IN STATE! MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal with metal flex spout fuel cans.

We Also Have Available:

4 Several affordable options in DEF pump systems 4 Flexzilla hose IN STOCK, 3/8-1” sizes 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT

406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816

Research on brand loyalty could impact growing industry

By Anne Cantrell, MSU News Service Research, which will be held at MSU in Montana State University (MSU) student March. She hopes to present the findings Katherine Hezel’s research project started at the American Marketing Association’s with a dream – literally. International Collegiate Conference, which Hezel is a member of the American Marwill be held in New Orleans in March, and keting Association student organization at she has submitted proposals to present at MSU. Last year, another student member, several other national conferences for unKrista Lauring, conducted research and dergraduates. She and Van Steenburg also went on to win first place at a prestigious hope to publish the results in an academic research competition. She also presented journal. her findings at a large academic research The results could impact a large industry. conference. According to the nonprofit Brewers AsHezel said she dreamed one night that sociation, craft beer makes up more than she followed in Lauring’s steps by cona quarter of the $114.2 billion U.S. beer ducting her own research and successfully market. It’s also growing quickly: From presenting it at conferences. Hezel, a senior 2014 to 2017, the industry saw double-digit working toward a degree in marketing from growth in sales, and it 2018 it experienced the Jake Jabs College of Business and Ena 7% jump in sales. Nationwide, there are trepreneurship and a second degree in ecomore than 7,300 craft breweries. nomics from the Department of Agricultural “The industry is growing so much that Economics and Economics in the College there’s a lot of competition, but there’s also a of Agriculture and College of Letters and lot of opportunity,” Hezel said. “The results Science, decided to give it a shot. of this research could help craft breweries Under the guidance of Eric Van Steenbe more strategic and, ultimately, more burg, assistant professor of marketing at successful.” MSU, Hezel is conducting research about Van Steenburg said the benefit of the craft beer drinkers’ brand loyalty, a research findings to the craft beer industry could be idea Van Steenburg shared with her. The “immense.” research will test the hypothesis that people “If we can determine how craft beer who drink craft beer are not loyal to a certain drinkers perceive the brand personalities of beer brand. If they find that to be true, the their favorite beers, those marketing in the researchers would like to better understand craft beer industry can develop marketing why and learn how marketers can still sucstrategies along those dimensions to support cessfully market craft beer. The research is their brands and foster brand loyalty,” Van supported by funding from MSU’s UnderSteenburg said. graduate Scholars Program. He added that the strength of the research The results could have implications for is that it provides, for the first time, empiricraft breweries, including an estimated 92 cal evidence about whether or not craft beer breweries across Montana. drinkers are brand loyal. More importantly, “Brand loyalty is super important, behe said, it provides information on what cause it is much simpler to keep your current marketers should do to communicate their customers than to try to get new customers,” beer’s brand to these consumers. said Hezel, who graduated from high school “With the craft beer industry on the rise, in Great Falls. “When you have loyal custhis information is crucial for anyone who tomers, your company will thrive.” does marketing related to craft beer,” Van Hezel began her research by going with Steenburg said. Van Steenburg and Graham Austin, an asHezel expects her experience conducting sociate professor of marketing who is also research to help her meet her career goals. working on the project, to two BozemanShe plans to graduate in May and hopes to area businesses that serve craft beer. The work in a position where she can use both three interviewed a total of 30 respondents. her economics and marketing degrees to The researchers used the respondents’ understand and analyze consumer behavanswers to create a survey that they then ior. Her dream job, she said, is working in shared on social media via a technique branding – perhaps for a craft brewery. One called snowball sampling, in which research day, she hopes to have her own marketing participants recruit other participants for a consulting firm. test or study. They used the responses they Undergraduate research and creative received from the survey to create a second activity in all corners of the MSU campus survey, partnering with a company called will be highlighted throughout the 2019Qualtrics to administer it nationally. 2020 academic year as the university marks The nationwide survey seeks craft beer its Year of Undergraduate Research, or drinkers’ evaluation of their favorite beers YOUR. Monthly events showcase outstandalong five dimensions of brand personaling research by undergraduate students and ity: excitement, competence, ruggedness, highlight research opportunities for students sincerity and sophistication. The survey in all disciplines. YOUR culminates with also asks craft beer drinkers why they drink NCUR 2020, the National Conference on craft beer, their favorite craft beer brands Undergraduate Research, which will bring and demographic questions. more than 4,000 undergraduate researchers Once the survey has closed, Hezel will to Bozeman to celebrate research, scholaranalyze the data and search for trends. She ship and creative achievement. More inforhas applied to present the findings at the mation is available at National Conference on Undergraduate ##### The Democratic Party’s donkey symbol was adopted because someone called Andrew Jackson a “jackass.” Yep, the animal associated with one of the United States’ two major political parties was basically the result of Andrew Jackson going “nyah nyah nyah” at a troll in 1828. ##### Where do forest rangers go to “get away from it all”?

##### Malt is used in brewing beers, making malted milks and baby food (the malting process has the same effect as partial digestion). ##### Donkeys get depressed very easily when left alone. That is the reason why they live in herds. In absence of other donkeys, they will need some other companions like goats or humans.

Kid- and adult-friendly healthful snacks can be tasty

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C7

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “Would you like me to pick up some pizza for you?” I called down the steps to the half-dozen teenagers in our newly updated basement family room. I could have guessed the answer to this question. “Yes, cheese pizza and cheese bread, too!” my teenage daughter replied immediately. I was expecting them to say pepperoni pizza. “You don’t want any toppings on the pizza other than cheese?” I asked. “No, just cheese,” she said. “We have a vegetarian down here.” I think I heard them giggle. I suspect we have created the ideal hangout for teens. My husband and I may never get to use the area again. At least we will know where to find our daughter. For entertainment, they have a large TV, a separate gaming TV, two couches, several musical instruments, many chairs and a table to play games and, perhaps, do homework. Most teens are perpetually hungry, so I stocked the kitchenette with easy-to-eat, not-too-messy snacks. I opted for kid-friendly snacks with a nutrition twist. No, I didn’t stock the fridge with Brussels sprouts and broccoli. On this inaugural use of our basement, I filled the fridge with water bottles. The counter had a basket of 100-calorie portion packs of whole-grain crackers, multigrain chips, lightly salted whole-grain popcorn, and trail mix with nuts and dried fruit. Chips with guacamole or salsa would be a fun treat in the future, but tomato sauce might be tough on the carpet. My daughter made a pan of fudgy brownies before her friends arrived, so they had the welcoming aroma of chocolate as they entered. Next time, I will add string cheese, yogurt and individual applesauce containers to the fridge. Apples and tangerines



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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C8

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

o need to cover lots of acres in a p to achieve faster dry down and at’s more, these machines are s they maintain.



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Phone (406) 388-8293

The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)


Are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time.

system n the

er countries.



urs............................................$83,000 ......................................................CALL

our product lines. Call for all hment/equipment needs.

Ag Supply, LLC

350-2676 cell Hilger, MT The rakes (R2300 andand R2800) are for who need to cover lots of lots acres a in a TheVermeer VermeerR-series R-seriestwin twinbasket basket rakes (R2300 R2800) arecustomers for customers who need to cover ofinacres 406-350-0380 very short period ofoftime. Built forfor performance andand durability, thesethese machines help to achieve faster fast dry er down and very short period time. Built performance durability, machines help to achieve dry down and The$375 Vermeer twin rakesthese (R2300machines and R2800)help are for customers who need to cover of acres in arolled bales that preserve Alone Panels ea. R-series Built for tightly performance andbasket durability, to achieve faster dry down andlotsmake tightly make rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are are make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve fast er dry down and nd Breakquality, Panels $875 ea.water and transport easily. What’s more, these machine are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and shed proven on ofofacres they have worked the tremendous resale values they maintain. proven onthe themillions millions acres they have worked the tremendous resale values they are maintain. make tightly rolled bales that preserve shed waterand andand transport easily. What’s more, these machines fittings, and welder the tremendous resale values they quality, maintain. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain. erers & Parts In Stock


and Machine, LLC

374 – Geyser, MT

ned..........................................$22,000 le processor............................$13,500

ch Equipment

94-2204, Winston, MT 594-2205, Winston, MT day 406-547-4749, phur Springs, MT

The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.


ON SPROCKETS ON HAND 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain to Length

Repair Baler Belts Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from the kes & Models company that Vermeer started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superiorinstrength and line from the Introducing N-series balers – the newest the– the flagship Introducing Vermeermodels N-series balers newest models in the flagship line from the Vermeer SalesSmart durability. features like the availablecompany automatic pickupitclutch and auto lube system that started all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and Vermeer N-series balers the newest models on the flagship line from the company that Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from the 7 (shop) –Introducing Baker, MT further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed bySmart the best distribution network in thepickup clutch durability. features like the available automatic and auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system started all.that Heavy-duty provide superior strength and durability. Smart further machine life.provide Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in like the industry. 604N/605N balers are here to extend stay. (cell) itVermeer 6-978-3777 company started itcomponents all. Heavy-duty components superior strength and features industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. like Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network the the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. Plus, they’re EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer Smart logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. clutch and/or otherand countries. durability. features the available automatic pickup autoinlube system

EQUIPPED TO Vermeerto logo stay. and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in theMORE. U.S. and/or other countries. Vermeer 604N/605N balersVermeer, are here ©industry. 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. network backed byextend the bestmachine distribution inthethe industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers areDO here to stay. DO MORE. 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. further life. Plus, ©they’re backed by the best distribution network in the EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo&and EquippedEQUIPMENT to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company the U.S. 6125M , loader, 800 inhours ......and/or .......JD ....other ........countries. ..,..loader, ..........800 .....$83,000 NEW USED 6125M hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. NEW & JD USED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ...DO .............MORE. .....................................CALL ................Many .........Tractors .............Available .................CALL Many Tractors (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp.Available .Starting at...$17,500 (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, Vermeer are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.our product 605N.....of .....Vermeer ................Manufacturing ............................Company DEMO SPECIAL Welines. have expanded lines. Call for all ........logo ........and ......Equipped ......More .......Vermeer DEMO SPECIAL Vermeerthe605N have expanded ourea. product JD 6125M loader, 800 hours ...Call .....attachment ...for ......all ......../ .....DO .......$83,000 MORE. R2300, rakes, We reconditioned .................,$14,500 NEW & Allreconditioned USED EQUIPMENT your needs. © Vermeer Corporation. Rights Reserved. (2)2016 Vermeer R2300 , rakes, ...........(2) .Vermeer ....Vermeer .$14,500 ea. your farm attachment equipment needs. / R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s In Stock NEW Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL Vermeer R2300 , rake..,..& ........USED, .........floats, .......EQUIPMENT .....ramp .......Highline 2017’s In Stock (3) Vermeer 605M twine, . .Starting at $17,500 CFR 650, chopper................................RENTAL RETURN , loader, 800 hours..........Ag .........Supply, .....................LLC ....$83,000 Vermeer VR1224.............................................................. NEW NEW Wichman Highline 650 RETURN 9435 , 16’ SPECIAL header, 1475 hours.....We ..JD ........6125M .............$60,000 VermeerCFR 605N .,..chopper .........& ...........USED ..................................EQUIPMENT .................RENTAL ..Hesston ..........DEMO have expanded our.product Ag Supply, 9635, 16’ header ...Wichman ........................Many ReducedMcCormick to $70,000 Tractors Available .Tractors ..LLC ....or .....lines. .........100-165 ..Call .needs. .....cell ..for .....Hilger, ..all .........hp .MT ...CALL 2Hesston - Vermeer moisture sensor, to $28,000 16’ header, 1475reconditioned hours .floats, ........netwrap. .....ramp ...Hesston ...............$ ....Starting .24,000 .$60,000 9435,605SM 406-538-5686 350-2676 (2) Vermeer R2300 , ,rakes, . . . . . . . $14,500 ea. (3) Vermeer 605M twine, net, at $17,500 your farm attachment / Hesston 1275, swing tongue.............................................$13,500 Hesston 9635 , 16’ header, ........floats, .............ramp. .Reduced to $70,000 Vermeer 605M, twine, ......................... $17,500 406-538-5686 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s Stock Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 In square baler............................We ......LOW .or ...have ..$27,500 Vermeer 605N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEMO SPECIAL HOURourLEASE RETURNS expanded product lines. Call for all tonguenew .........teeth ...........and .........................$13,500 Hesston 1275 , swing rake, Vermeer R2300 ..................................bearings...............$13,500 RETURN Highline CFR 650 , chopper (2) Vermeer R2300 , baler rakes, ..$27,500 .....NEW ......$14,500 ea. Walter your farm attachment needs. 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square ..........reconditioned ............................RENTAL 51⁄2IN ’ x 24’STOCK! Stand/equipment Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT 2Hesston Vermeer R23A rake. Each..........................................$7500 , 16’, rake header, ..........2017’s ....$60,000 Vermeer9435 R2300 .......1475 .........hours .................Vermeer .......................605N Stock , twine,Infloats ................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. $375pipe, ea. fittings, and welder Bale King9635 3110 bale processor NEW &header Hesston ,650 16’ ....EQUIPMENT ..............with .........2017 to $70,000 R2300 , rakes ..51⁄ .......2 ....’...x .....24’ ..........Stand ...............InAlone Stock PanelsHDPE Highline CFR , USED chopper ................grain .....Reduced ..tank...............$13,000 ..Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT ............Alone .................Wind ......$14,600 Harsh mixer wagon..............................................................CALL Vermeer 605N net twine, floats....1475 Hesston 1275 , swing tongue .............hours ............Vermeer ..........USED .............605XL .....DEMO 24’rebuilt Stand Break Panels $875Waterers ea. & Parts In Stock Hesston 9435 ,,16’ header, .Vermeer .555 ....,..rebuilt ....,..completely ....$13,500 .............$60,000 Geotherm ......................................................$9,250 2017 Vermeer R2300 , rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Stock Massey Ferguson WR9870 16-ft. RazorBar header. . ... $85,000 WalterR&L 406-350-0380 baler . .Vermeer .......... R2300, $27,500 Hesston , 3x4 welder orand 350-2676 cell MT Hesston4790 9635 , 16’square header ............................................(2) ......2016 ....Reduced to $70,000 Demos..HDPE ..................pipe, ............406-538-5686 .INfittings, STOCK and Machine, LLC 406-538-5686 orSeed 350-2676 cell Hilger, Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt.sickle, ....hours. ...MDS ....$14,600 Challenger SP115B w/16-ft 1900NEW ....... COMING IN for JD 740 loader..Waterers .............$4,500& Parts In Stock Bucket & Grapple, Hesston 1275 , swing tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Geotherm Hilger, MT 406-735-4374 Walter –406-350-0380 Geyser, ’ x...24’ Panels $375 ea. MT rebuilt ......& ..w/loader, .....USED ................rental .EQUIPMENT ............return.........................CALL .............Mount ......$9,250 Vermeer 555, X7.650 NEW McCormick , NH9030 bi-direct51⁄ 15”2 auger .$3,480Stand Alone Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, R2300, 3x4 square baler ......Quick ........IN ....STOCK ...Hole .., ...Auger ..pounder, ...$27,500 (2) 2016 Vermeer Demos ..............................24-ft. ..........wind .......Worksaver all hydraulic .....Stand ..............and .....$2,150 R&L Seed Machine, LLC 24-ft. stand alonenet panel.....$375 ..........$775 Vermeer 605N , twine, floats ..............3PT .......break. ....USED DEMO 24’ Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. NEW BucketR2300 & Grapple, for..JD Vermeer 605M,Alone reconditioned .....................$375 ...................ea. ..$22,000 2017MDS Vermeer , rakes ....740 ......EQUIPMENT .loader .....................................$4,500 ..NEW .........In Stock 406-735-4374 & USED EQUIPMENT51⁄ – Vermeer Geyser, MT 2’ x pipe, 24’ Stand Panels NEW USED HDPE fittings, and welder Quick Mount Hole Auger,& NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 3PT Worksaver , postnet pounder, hydraulic .........Vermeer Vermeer 605N , twine,all floats .............NEW .........$2,150 .....TM850 ...USED Wind BreakInEquipment Panels $875 ea. , trailedDEMO mower.............24’ ..Vermeer ...........Stand ..IN STOCK Alone Geotherm Waterers &Ranch Parts Stock Cox NEW net wrap available! Vermeer 555 , rebuilt& ......USED ................EQUIPMENT ......................TM1200 ...........,..15.5’ ..$9,250 demo unit.........................IN STOCK 2017 Vermeer R2300 ,..rakes .................Vermeer .....AVAILABLE! .Vermeer ............R2300 ...........Vermeer .....cut, In Stock Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 NEW VERMEER PROCESSOR HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW &R2300, USEDDemos EQUIPMENT (2) 2016 Vermeer .................................IN STOCK Winston, MT ,.with centerBP8000 splitter.....,...used ..........bale .IN STOCK Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt ...............NEW ...........COMING .Vermeer ...........VR1224 .HERE .IN ........Vermeer $14,600 processor....Nate ..........Cox .........406-594-2205, .....$13,500 2019 Vermeer R2300 NOW! NEW TM1410 21’ cutrake............................. .......for .......JD .....740 NEWVermeer MDS Bucket &, Grapple, loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer RR140, rotary rake................................Geotherm .IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 555 , rebuilt ......,mower .one .NH9030 ......season ...........use. ......NEW .15” ....auger .left.$17,750 .R23 ......Rakes .......,..reconditioned .$9,250 – Geyser, MT Vermeer R2300 rakes, NEW Vermeer TM850 ,Auger trailed .........Vermeer ...One ......IN STOCK Cox.........Ranch .....406-735-4374 .........$8,000 ea.Equipment (2) Quick Mount Hole ....$3,480 White Sulphur Springs, MT 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer 2800 gone through. . .................................$21,600 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ........................................................$2,150 .IN STOCKCox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT 3PT Worksaver , post 6650 Rancher,Cliff net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK NEW R2300 ..completely ....pounder, ..................all ..rebuilt.........................$14,600 ...hydraulic ..............NEW ........Vermeer ..IN STOCK Vermeer NEWVermeer MDS605XL, Bucket Grapple, for .JD ...............$4,500 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224,&with center splitter ......740 .........loader ...IN STOCK PULLEY..& ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 555XL, through the .shop.....................$9550 Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ....WELD-ON ..................SPROCKETS ..................$22,000 Quick Mount Hole, gone Auger auger .$3,480 rotary rake, .NH9030 .......EQUIPMENT ...Vermeer ..........IN15” STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 NEW & USED 406-547-4749, 6650 Rancher. ., .baler ...........Shane ...................Sereday ...................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain 3(2)point bale unroller w/hoses........................................ $1235 Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. Vermeer R23 Rakes , NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, ..............$2,150 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut......................................... ..all .....hydraulic .........................COMING IN White Sulphur Springs, MT Cut to Length 4200 lb. skid steer .............................NEW .......Vermeer .......$3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheelpallet Rake...forks. R2300, rake..$910 ...........................................IN STOCK .......Vermeer ..hookup............. ............IN ...605 ..STOCK ....N......IN NEWVermeer Vermeer TM850 We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .......STOCK .......$1050 .........................IN STOCK NEW Rancher , net,mower twine, moisture John Deere6650 5000 lb., trailed pallet fork. Euro 605M, reconditioned .......-....&.Geyser, ...Models .....................MT ...$22,000 cut, demo unit ....Vermeer ............605M .......,, IN......$2750 STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ &pounder, USED EQUIPMENT twine, floats, ramps....Vermeer ...................406-735-4374 ...$18,900 All...Makes Worksaver 3NEW pt. post will drive drillRebel stem. Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer 5500 , Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$13,500 PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW Vermeer R2300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’bits. cut....................................$4250 ...........JD....566 ....,..twine ...............COMING Beltec 36650 pt. digger, Trendline Vermeer MT Sales .........................IN ................Nate .................Cox .....$5,000 406-594-2205, Winston, Vermeer Rancher ,several baler .............splitter .........NEW ..........Wheatheart .........only NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain with . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 , Post Driver,......................CALL NEWVermeer Vermeer TM850 , trailed mower ......................IN ....STOCK ........Heavy ....INHitter STOCK 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT NEW R2800 , hydraulic rakes .............................Techno to Length NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake ..................980 .,...8.....bale .....................................Cut ...Shane .......$32,500 Sereday 406-547-4749,(cell) Vermeer TM1200 ,rake 15.5’ cut, demo unit .......,..STOCK .....IN ..mover ..STOCK .INbale...STOCK Greg 406-978-3777 NEW Vermeer R2300 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN Red Rhino 8 round hay trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 .......................$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned CoxBaler 406-594-2204, Winston, MT NEW & White Sulphur Springs, MT NEW Vermeer R2300 .USED .....................................EQUIPMENT .........................................IN....STOCK ............IN STOCKWe Sell &Cliff Repair Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vermeer 605 N .........................................HERE ........................................$3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake New ZR5-12 baler. NOW! Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT twine, floats, ramps .........splitter ..................$18,900 Vermeer 605Mself-propelled , net, NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK All Makes & Models net, twine,.................................. moisture. . . . .IN STOCK NEWVermeer Vermeer 6650 Rancher New BPX9010 bale ,processor. CALL pickup Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine,, rebuilt 8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT NEW Vermeer RR140 rotary rake.............................................$7,500 .............IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer BP7000 $10,000 Trendline Sales JD , twine onlyR23 ......great ...Rakes ........shape. .....,..reconditioned .................................................. ................................................$5,000 ...........$8,000 ea.PULLEY (2)566 Vermeer Connor 406-778-3777 • &Vermeer WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT White Sulphur MT Highline bale processors............................................................ CALL NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Springs, Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Techno 980Trail/Cannonball , 8 bale mover.............bale ..........beds, ...........dumping ................$32,500 Chisholm beds............... CALL NEW Vermeer 6650 . . . .STOCK IN STOCK Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) NEW Vermeer R2800 , Rancher hydraulic .........IN hay bale trailer .......,rakes, ..........twine, ........................moisture ...............$7,500 Red Rhino , 8 round Length WW HD EZ 4-wheeler lifts for balebeds....................................$1000 Full line of Cut feedtoand mineral products in stock NEW Vermeer rake.....................................$12,500-$14,500 ........IN STOCK Vermeer R2300R2300 rakes ,(4).................................... PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS NEW & USED EQUIPMENT We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ON HAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N New Vermeer R2300 28-ft. rake............................................ CALL Vermeer 6650TM1410 , baler ...ramps ............................................................$18,900 ...........CALL .NEW 80 chain,All 60Makes chain,&60 Heavy chain, 50 chain New Vermeer trailed mower...................................... Vermeer 605M , Rancher net, twine, floats, Models NEWVermeer Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic ...................................................$7,500 .IN STOCK New ...................................................... CALL twine, rebuiltrakes pickup Vermeer Rebel605N 5500 ,baler. Cut & to Service Length Truck Repairs • • In-Shop Repairs New Vermeer 6650RA NEW Vermeer R2300 ............................................SPECIAL .IN STOCK JD 566 , twine only ...........,.twine .rake .........baler. .....................................$5,000 John We Deere 567&twine baler, 9250 bales................... $10,500 Hay Liner 42-ft., bale $6200 Sell Repair Baler Belts ........dumping ....Hitter ..........trailers. .Post ........Driver .................................... ........,......................IN STOCK 2007 Vermeer 605 N8..Heavy NEW Wheatheart .CALL 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT 8 bale mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 Techno 980 , Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps .. ......$18,900 All Makes & Models - New &trailer Used..Equipment Greg 4010406-978-3777 w/148 loader/grapple,(cell) cab, Syncro trans, 1SCV..$9500 hay ......pickup ............-....................$7,500 Red RhinoRebel , 8 round twine, rebuilt ......$7,500 John Deere Vermeer 5500 ,bale Great Plains 13-ft. drill, double discs, 7” grass & fertilizer.................$5500 John Deere 7800 Powershift, 11,544 hours, no loader, 3SCV....... $40,000 JD 566 , twine569 only ............flotation, ........kicker.......$25,000 ..............................-..$30,000 ..$5,000 3-John Deere net/twine Massey 8140 loader, 5500 hrs., Dyna-Shift trans.......................... $39,000 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL 3-Vermeer 605M net/twine flotation tires................... $12,000 - $16,000 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Techno 605N 980, 8net,bale movertires, ......ramp, .........LED ......lights. ................................$NEW$ ....................$32,500 Vermeer flotation Chevron oil 406-978-3777 distributor, Fleetguard filter, (cell) Greg Case RB565 flotation tires, trailer endless...belts.............................$27,500 round hay bale ....................................$7,500 RedIHRhino , 8 net, Bad Boy mowers, Hustler New Holland HW300 2300 swather, 16-ft. header, 2587 hrs..... $33,000 Hesston 6550 swather, auger and draper headers........................$11,000 John Deere 2420 swather, 14-ft. header, no conditioner..................$6000 NEW VERMEER BPX9010 PROCESSORS AVAILABLE! Vermeer TM1410 Trail Mower 21-ft. cut, 9-ft. transport................$NEW$ H&S rake, 14-wheel..........................................................................$9500 Vermeer R23A hydraulic rake, 23-ft. raking width............................$7000 406-234-4595 Miles City, MT Vermeer R2800 & R2300 hyd. rakes...........................................$NEW$ Vermeer VR1224 - VR1022 - VR1428 - VR2040.......................$NEW$

Cloverdale TMR Mixers Available

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

Wichman Ag Supply, Supply, LLC LLC Wichman Ag

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC New Geotherm Waterers R&L andAvailable Machine, LLC &Seed Parts 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC Cox Ranch Equipment Cox Ranch Equipment

Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair

Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, and Chisolm Trail Trendline Vermeer Sales

Trendline Vermeer Sales

Gordon Repair, LLC

Kid- and adult-friendly healthful snacks can be tasty CONTINUED FROM PAGE C7

would be teen-friendly treats, too. I could do some interesting nutrition research with this focus group of kids. Trust me, I didn’t pop down to do a quick nutrition assessment of my daughter’s friends, although embarrassing her a little might have been fun. I won’t be the “weird mom” just yet. Give me some time, though. Snacks are an important part of the diet of kids and teens, who often are growing at a rapid pace. Unfortunately, many kids shortchange themselves on fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and drink too many sweetened beverages. Liquid calories can add up quickly. One can of pop (12 ounces) has up to 170 calories and no nutrients, plus sometimes a lot of caffeine. You can replace pop with more healthful options, such as water, low-fat/fat-free milk or 100 percent juice. Flavor-infused water and/or sparkling water with a squirt of juice are other options. These beverages provide children with the hydration and nutrients they need to grow and develop properly. Consider these 100-calorie snack options with a kidfriendly twist: 1 cup of raw carrots with 3 tablespoons of nonfat dressing, 10 grapes with 2 tablespoons of cream cheese fruit dip, half an English muffin (or half an apple) with a teaspoon of peanut butter or sunflower seed butter. Teaching kids to be comfortable preparing food for themselves also is an important part of parenting. Here are some basic rules for keeping kids safe in a kitchen: • Lay out specific rules so they know what they are allowed to do. • Teach them how to retrieve items from the toaster safely if the items become stuck. (Do not stick in a utensil while the toaster still is plugged in. Unplug it and allow it to cool first.) • Make sure they know metal and microwaves don’t mix. • Supervise them when using an oven. • Teach them to wash their hands properly. • Teach them to clean up after themselves. Next time, I need to reinforce the last tip on the list. I know a little “cleanup” song we all could sing. Yes, that would embarrass my daughter. For more resources about snacks and food preparation, see myplate-resources to view more after-school snacks for kids and teens. See to subscribe to a free monthly newsletter and be eligible for prizes on Facebook. This fun, do-it-yourself snack is courtesy of the Midwest Dairy Council. Pizza Dip 1 (6-oz.) package light cream cheese, softened 1/2 c. light sour cream 1 tsp. oregano 1/2 c. pizza sauce 1 c. shredded low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella cheese 1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese 1/4 c. diced red peppers 1/4 c. diced green onions Whole-wheat breadsticks or crackers Combine cream cheese, sour cream and oregano in bowl. Stir until smooth. Spread evenly into a small pie plate or 8by 8-inch-square pan. Top with pizza sauce, cheese, peppers and onions. Bake at 350 F for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted. Serve warm with breadsticks or crackers. Makes five servings. Each serving has about 210 calories, 13 grams (g) fat, 10 g carbohydrate, 13 g protein, 0 g fiber and 380 milligrams sodium.

Nordic mythological horses

Hofvarpnir (Hoof Flourisher) was the horse of the goddess Gna. It was capable of moving over water and through the air. Skinfaxi was the horse of Dagr, god of the daytime, and Hrimrfaxi was the horse of Nott, goddess of the nighttime. Each horse had a shining mane that lit up the sky for day and night. Sleipnir (meaning smooth or gliding) was an eight-legged horse belonging to Odin, the chief god of Norse mythology. The swiftest horse on earth, Sleipnir could carry Odin over water, through the air, and to and from Valhalla, the land of the dead. ##### Did you know that garlic is consider both a vegetable and a herb?

Introducing horses to spring pastures

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C9


From PennState Extension stores and make it more difficult to regrow. Horse owners are anticipating the joy of AND APPRAISERS One method of gradually introducing the realizing that the long harsh winter is graduWe have auctions booked for spring 2020 horse to grass is to begin with short periods ally changing into the pleasures of spring. but not yet dated. If you are of grazing (15 minutes a day) for a few days. Along with the warmer temperatures, spring planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. Increase grazing time by 10 minutes each day brings greener pastures with high nutritional until the horse has adjusted to a 3 or 4 hour value for the grazing horse. It won’t be long We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and period of grazing period. Then maintain this until the sound of lawnmowers is abundant business type auctions. 4 hour period of grazing for two weeks before and farmers will be processing the first cutWe do it ALL from start to finish. Including giving the horse unlimited turnout on the ting of hay. advertising, setup and display work, pasture. This will enable the horse’s digestive Horses Confined During Winter Months auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types system to gradually adjust to the new diet. During the winter months and inclement of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and Conclusion weather, horses are often confined to areas inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Pasture is a wonderful source of nutriwhere they cannot access natural forage on a day to day basis. Horse owners should retion for most horses, but care must be taken Remember - auctioneers make excellent when grazing spring grass. An abrupt feed strict their horses from pastures in the winter appraisers as we see everything saleable change from hay to lush pasture can cause to protect fields from the damage horses can being sold at our auctions. health problems for horses. Acclimate inflict. Horses are destructive on wet pastures, 58 years in the business. horses to spring pastures gradually and pulling grass plants out of the soft soil by the Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message give grass a chance to grow before letting roots, damaging the grass and roots from hoof or call 278-5880. horses graze. action, or compacting the pliable soil with their considerable weight. A horse owner who wishes to provide nutrition from pasture forages must make a concentrated effort to maintain a healthy pasture year round. These owners often have sacrifice or dry-lot areas for the horse’s daily exercise and turnout during inclement weather and the long months of winter. Problems Associated Per with Spring Pastures n i a When horses are con. of G TDN) s b l 5 3. fined to dry lots over the 69% ttle* ( y a winter, problems can arise D t. Ca w 7 when reintroducing them to 5 spring pastures. Sudden feed changes wreak havoc on a horse’s digestive tract. There * Jesse Norcutt, Currant, NV is a population of microbes within the horse’s cecum, which is the part of the digesGreenway SeedsGGrazing Corn (GX80) is the No. 1 grazing corn in the nation because it raze 1 r tive tract that ferments fiber. in Pe 5 a Y 0 is 5-6 days earlier than the competition. G e 0 f a r This microbial population is s. o N) 130 Alings on a 3.5 lb (69% TD e* specific to the horse’s diet; This allows thef rancher content cr to plant 5-6 days later and still reach peak tl Day sugar t. Cat or 30 e Pivot w when the diet changes, the 7 5 ays shuts you down! (pre tassel) before theDfrost microbial population must change as well to efficiently * Jesse Norcutt, Currant, NV process the feed. Abrupt feed changes, such as switching Greenway Seeds Grazing Corn (GX80) is the No. 1 grazing corn in the nation because it grains, hay types, or going is 5-6 days earlier than the competition. from hay to pasture, do not This allows the rancher to plant 5-6 days later and still reach peak sugar content give the microbial population enough time to adjust. This Planttassel) with a grainbefore drill following cutting on anyou older down! field of alfalfa. Ready to graze in early September. (pre thesecond frost shuts can cause colic or diarrhea in “We planted GX80 following second cut alfalfa. If we had to do that over we would follow third cut. We grazed 400 head for two any horse. weeks on 20 acres” Cory Veterre - Greenriver, Utah Another problem is that early spring pastures are very with Grazing Corn high in non-structural carboPlant with a grain drill following second cutting on an older field of alfalfa. Ready to graze in early September. hydrates (NSC), including “We planted GX80 following alfalfa. If we hadND to do that over we would follow third cut. We grazed 400 head for two Coffin Butte Farm and second Ranchcut - New Leitzigg, simple sugars, starch, and weeks on 20 acres” Cory Veterre - Greenriver, Utah fructans. These nutrients are We planted 400 acres on dryland and turned out 800 pair. We grazed it from Oct. 20 to Nov. 24. The cows ate the corn almost to the ground. The corn was excellent sources of energy 7-1/2 ft. tall. The program was a success! WHAT RANCHERS ARE SAYING HERE’S for the horse, but large quanCoffin Butte- McBride Farm and Ranch - New Leitzigg,WA ND Garry Hess Cattle Co. - Alderville, tities can induce laminitis or We planted 400 acres on dryland and turned out 800 pair. We grazed it from Oct. 20 to Nov. 24. The cows ate the corn almost to the ground. The corn was We planted andwas grazed mother cows. Their body index rose from 5 to 6. It was incredible feed! My recommendation is to graze calves on this founder in horses that have 7-1/2 ft. tall.two Thepivots program a success! product. The weight gain would be tremendous! metabolic disorders such as Garry Hess - McBride Cattle Co. - Alderville, WA Equine Metabolic Syndrome We planted two pivots and grazed mother Bob Strahley - McCook, NE cows. Their body index rose from 5 to 6. It was incredible feed! My recommendation is to graze calves on this product. The weight gain would be tremendous! or insulin resistance. We planted 105 acres on dryland and divided it into three 35 acre parcels. Two hundred head of bred cows were grazed on each parcel for about two weeks Bob Strahley - McCook, NE Introducing Horses to each.planted The corn about 5 ft tall on dryland acreage. We 105was acres on dryland andthe divided it into three 35 acre parcels. Two hundred head of bred cows were grazed on each parcel for about two weeks Grazing each. The corn was about 5 ft tall on the dryland acreage. It is best to wait until pasWinecup-Gamble Ranch - Montello, NV Winecup-Gamble Ranch - Montello, NV ture grasses have had time We planted planted GX80 GX80 on on July July 44 at at 4900 4900 ft. ft. elevation. elevation. Corn Corn made made itit by by the the second second week week of of September. September. Very Very successful. successful. We to grow to at least 6 inches We’re We’re planting planting more. more. before resuming grazing. Perennial plants use a lot of Alan Greenway Alan Greenway their stored energy to regrow Seedsman Caldwell, Idaho in the spring, and they need Seedsman adequate leaf area before photosynthesis can take over, Alan cell: 208-250-0159 Over 40 years creating all the energy needed Experience Message: 208-454-8342 for growth. Grazing too early Over 40 years will deplete the plants’ energy $58 per Bag - Free Shipping on 2000 lbs. or more!



Graz Yearl e 1500 130 A ings on a c for 3 re Pivot 0 Day GREENWAY’S s




Greenway Greenway Seeds Seeds Caldwell, Idaho


Alan cell: 208-250-0159 Message: 208-454-8342

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C10

Estate planning today

Our website is new and improved!

Check it out at:

Mountain View Livestock - Choteau, MT Your KayDee Mineral and Redmond Salt Distributor

Benefits of feeding chelated minerals:

•  Increased conception rates and fewer services     per conception. •  Improved heat cycles. •  Stronger immune system. •  Higher weaning weights.

Spring Promotion (Buy 9 get 1 FREE)

on 1-ton or larger orders of KayDee Minerals – Ends April 30th Please let us know of your summer mineral needs

We have an excellent fly control mineral using Altasid IGR (insect growth regulator) as well as other products that cover your livestock needs.

We also carry flax tubs and protein blocks and tubs

Redmond Salt

Feed this for excellent hoofrot and pinkeye control

naturally contains over 50 minerals and has been sealed away from modern pollutants for thousands of years. It is also unique in the way animals benefit from it.

Contact - Brad Hodgskiss - (406) 466-2001 or 576-2001 Brock Hodgskiss - (406) 576-2002

By Cole Ehmke, Specialist in Ag Entrepreneurship and Personal Finance, UW Extension & Agricultural and Applied Economics The coronavirus pandemic has prompted many people to get their estate plans up to snuff – the search term “getting a will” has risen sharply since March 8, according to Google Trends. Luckily doing estate planning isn’t as difficult as it used to be. Many tech companies are streamlining the process of getting wills, trusts, and life insurance so that the process is more palatable to young families who tend to push estate planning to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list. But estate planning is a lot more concrete today. About 60% of Americans don’t have a will – the cornerstone of many estate plans. And one in five don’t have life insurance, and one in five who do have it say they don’t have enough. Many young families have nothing in place to protect their assets if they die. Some of these new companies include the website Fabric which is a platform to create a will, organize bank account information, and get term life insurance quotes. Or Tomorrow, which does similar things. The website SoFi helps people apply for life insurance. Estate planning apps aren’t for everyone. People with multiple properties and complex investments are better off with lawyers. And permanent life insurance is far more expensive than term. So perhaps the value of some of the websites is that it prompts you to think about what you want and get further down the road to being protected. A well-structured estate plan often is made up of a will, a trust detailing the handling of parents’ holdings both while living and after death and naming of trustee(s) and estate executor(s). It should include instructions for what happens when the author becomes incapacitated. The plan also accounts for assets that automatically transfer to heirs who are named beneficiaries, such as life insurance. A durable power of attorney, living will with medical directives and a letter of intent—instructions that outline a person’s wishes—are also commonly part of an estate plan. For all these, it may take coordinating several professionals. It will certainly take conversations with family members to understand their wishes.

View our FULL inventory at AIR DRILLS

The options are endless! Several different widths and spacings in stock with a variety of cart sizes and configurations!

2019 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, ProSeries openers, spoked narrow gauge wheels, all run blockage, 550 bushel tow behind cart with rear duals, SectionCommand, 12” conveyor with KSI hopper. Stock #70189..................... ........................................ $370,000 (14) 2014 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, 550 bushel tow behind cart, hydraulic drive, 10” auger, spoked gauge wheels, new disks and seed tabs .Stock #51458....... .......................................... $259,000 (1) 2015 John Deere 1890, 50-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 350 bushel tow between cart, SectionCommand, hydraulic auger lift, 10” auger. Stock #64099............................ $170,000 (15) 2011 John Deere 1835, 60-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, 4” capped steel press wheels, all run seed blockage, primary blockage on fertilizer, 430 bushel TBH cart, ground drive, 10” fill auger.Stock #68666.............................$132,500 (11)

1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, primary blockage, 445 TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #55622. .......................................... $80,000 (14) 2009 Morris Maxim II, 60-ft., 10” spacing, Ag Tron primary blockage, 1” carbide tips, 3.5” capped press wheels, 450 bushel TBT cart with 10” auger. Stock #58850.............................. $80,000 (14)

On the Frontline For You!

2019 John Deere 1830, 61-ft., 10” spacing, Intelligent Ag all run blockage, 4x22” steel press wheels, 430 bushel tow between cart, 10” auger, KSI low profile hopper. Stock #69885................. ........................................ $225,000 (14) 2010 John Deere 1830, 61-ft., 12.5” Several used efficient spacing, single shoot, 350 bushel tow John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom widths available. behind cart, 550 lb openers on four Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS! ranks, mechanical depth control, single 2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon 2017 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel wheel caster wheels. Stock #64415...... fiber booms, 20” spacing, auto solution booms, 20” spacing, automatic solution .......................................... $93,000 (14) control, Exact apply, 5 sensor boom control, 380/105R50 tires, auto boom 2011 Seedhawk 6612, 66-ft., 12” spacing, level, VF420/95R50 tires, complete level, complete GPS system, 1730 double shoot, 500 bushel tow behind GPS system, 429 hours.Extended warhours. Stock #69294......... $255,000 (1) variable rate cart, 2500 gallon liquid tow ranty through 03/2022 or 2000 hours. 2019 John Deere R4044, 120-ft. steel between fertilizer cart. Stock #58822.... Stock #65235.................... $425,000 (1) booms, 20” spacing, high flow pump .......................................... $125,000 (1) with dual flow meter, IF420/80R46 tires, Seed Hawk 3012, 30-ft., 12” spacing, 2019 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon tank, auto boom level, 493 hours. Extended double shoot, all run blockage, center manual solution control, section conwarranty until 03/2022 or 1500 hours. tandems, singles on wings, 500 bushtrol, BoomTrac Pro, 480/80R50 tires, Stock #69472.................... $339,000 (1) el tow behind cart, 10” auger. Stock #70157................................ $80,000 (1) complete GPS system, 282 hours. 2019 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. steel Stock #69884.................. $395,000 (14) booms, 20” spacing, section control, IF 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel 420/80R46 tires, boom air purge, high booms, 20” spacing, auto boom level, flow 3” pump, chemical eductor, comauto Solution Command System, Capplete GPS system, 177 hours. Stock stan system, complete GPS, 2175 #69673............................ $332,500 (14) hours. Stock #69371......... $260,000 (2) 2011 John Deere 4830, 100-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1000 gallon stainless steel tank, 5 sensor BoomTrac, eductor, IF420/80R46 and 650/70R38 tires, complete GPS system, 2276 hours. Stock #70396.................... $142,500 (1) 2006 John Deere 4720, 90-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 800 gallon stainless tank, poly booms, eductor, 380/105R50 tires, complete GPS system. Stock #70224... .......................................... $78,000 (12) 2001 John Deere 4710, 90-ft. booms, 800 gallon poly tank, 3 way nozzle body, 420/80R46 tires, hydraulic tread adjust, 11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 2600 display & ATU, 3317 hours. Stock 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 #70349.............................. $72,500 (14) 13=Chester: 406-759-5010 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932



Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C11






/yr ,700


2017 John Deere 569 Premium, both twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar. ONLY 110 bales!! Stock #67070................................ $57,500 (1)

2019 John Deere S780, 320 engine/242 separator, Active Yield, Combine Advisor, power fold grain tank covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS. Extended warranty until 08/2022 or 1000 hours. Stock #68923.................... $421,000 (1)



/yr ,400


2015 John Deere 569 Premium, MegaWide pickup, ISO wiring, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, Harvest Tec inoculant tank, 14,269 bales. Stock #65539......... ...........................................$37,900 (11)



2015 John Deere 569, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, MegaWide pickup, 21.5L-16 flotation tires, 9585 bales. Stock #66738...................... $38,000 (2)


2013 John Deere 569, 1000 PTO, net and twine, MegaWide Plus pickup, hydraulic pickup, push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires, 10,000+ bales. Stock #67335....... ............................................ $35,900 (3)


2013 John Deere 569, MegaWide pickup, net wrap and twine, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup lift, 1000 PTO, 18,439 bales. Stock #67941..........$31,250 (11)




9 $44,


2017 John Deere S670, 488 engine/361 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, variable speed feederhouse, Powercast tailboard, manual grain tank covers, 28.5-ft. unload auger, Interactive combine adjustment, complete GPS. Stock #64854............................ $337,500 (14)

2018 John Deere S780, 659 engine/462 separator hours, Active Yield, LSW 1100/45R46 tires, full GPS system, advanced Powercast tailboard, Powerfold grain tank covers, 28.5-ft. unload auger. Stock #64576............. $401,000 (3)


2014 John Deere 569, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar, MegaWide pickup, ISO compatible, 8415 bales. Stock #62987.................... $35,000 (16)

2016 John Deere S680, 991 engine/700 separator, IF800/70R38, Interactive Combine Adjustment plus Active Terrain Adjustment, advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, TriStream rotor. Stock #64594..................... ........................................ $330,000 (11)


2016 John Deere S680, 1212 engine/865 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, lateral tilt, fixed speed feederhouse, advance Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #64601.......... .......................................... $305,000 (1)


2018 John Deere S780, 792 engine/629 separator, Combine Advisor, Active Yield, advanced Powercast tailboard, power folding grain tank, 28-5-ft. unload auger, IF 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69865............................ $365,000 (13)

2017 John Deere S670, 477 engine/357 separator, single IF 800/70R38 drive tires, ProDrive, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual grain tank extensions, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #60257.......... ........................................ $327,500 (15)



2014 John Deere S680, 1319 engine/968 separator, 520/85R42 duals, variable speed feederhouse, manual vane tailboard, manual fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #68123............ $260,000 (1)


2018 John Deere S770, 255 engine/185 separator, Active Yield, Combine Advisor, manual grain tank covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, IF800/70R38 drive tires, full GPS system. Stock #64662............. ........................................ $385,000 (14)


2016 John Deere S690, 997 engine/735 separator, interactive combine adjustment, power fold grain tank covers, 26ft. unload auger, advanced Powercast tailboard, LSW1100/45R46 drive tires, LSW710/60R30 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69908................... ........................................ $320,000 (14)

2017 John Deere S670, 1068 engine/803 separator, single LSW 1100s, three speed, manual vane tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #70170.............................. $250,000 (1)



90 $25,

2013 John Deere S680, 1853 engine/1310 separator, advanced Powercast tailboard, 900/60R32 drive tires, 620/75R28 rear tires, power fold grain tanks, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #67407................... .......................................... $210,000 (1)




2012 John Deere S670, 1634 engine/1158 separator, 900/60R32 drive tires, Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #70015... ........................................ $165,000 (12)


2016 John Deere S680, 1085 engine/751 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #64593... .......................................... $320,000 (3)

1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C12

We now carry Nachurs G22 Liquid Fertilizers! G22 liquid fertilizer is manufactured by utilizing quality raw materials to provide a very agronomically efficient source of micronutrients.

The Nachurs Rebate Program is open to any NEW customer using NACHURS liquid fertilizer (Group 1 Product Line)

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Crucial conversations

By Cole Ehmke, Specialist in Ag Entrepreneurship and Personal Finance, UW Extension & Agricultural and Applied Economics The coronavirus pandemic highlights how much we need to have conversations about end-of-life issues. Few families, of course, enjoy talking about serious issues. Money. Estate plans and inheritance (who gets what and why). End of life care. Most conversations never get off the ground. Talking about Death Here’s how one person opened a conversation about death with her own parents recently: “Mom, Dad, seeing a lot of people getting very sick with the coronavirus made me think of both of you. None of us knows what’s around the corner, and I want to be sure I know what you would want for yourselves when you get very sick. I want to be your voice so that I can make decisions for you, not for myself.” This person, a doctor in a hospital, used guidance from some resources. Three that are online are The Conversation Project, the Serious Illness Conversation Guide, and Five Wishes. Most of these essentially create a living will. Answering Questions for Yourself For this doctor, working in a hospital with patients suffering from the coronavirus made her ask herself the questions that we all should ask ourselves and the people we love. Here is the way she answered: • What is most important to me in my life? (My family and pets, and the ability to write and doctor). • What makes my life meaningful? (My work; dancing; being outdoors; being with my loved ones). • What sort of quality of life would be unacceptable to me? (Being permanently bed-bound or neurologically devastated; indignity and suffering; depending on others for personal care). • Who is best positioned to speak on my behalf? (My brother). • Who would I not want involved in decision making? (Family living abroad). • Would I want to undergo C.P.R. should my heart stop? (Only if the issue leading to the cardiac arrest is reversible. If my heart stopped even when I was being sustained on life support machines or dying from an incurable disease, then I’d prefer to die peacefully rather than with C.P.R.). • What would bring me comfort if I were hospitalized? (Pictures of my family; music I love playing in my room; prayer). Guiding Questions The Conversation Project offers more questions as well as guidance on how and when to begin these conversations. The Serious Illness Conversation Guide gives health care providers a road map of when and how to start asking patients about dying. Both resources offer the compassionate, incisive — and often unfamiliar — language required for us to ask the right questions and empower our loved ones to share specific, honest answers. Five Wishes is a fill in the blank pdf, though you could easily talk about the answers. Digging Deeper These conversations fill an immediate need of course. But they are also an entrée to broader and deeper conversations reflected in the growing interest in ancestry and family stories – DNA kits leave us wanting to know more, and our awareness of dementia and death makes them more urgent. About a third of Americans admire what their parents have achieved but don’t know how they did it. Check out the StoryCorps oral history project with its suggested questions. And there are journaling apps too.

Phone Booth Stuffing

As a prank, on March 20,1959, twenty five students in Durbin, South Africa, succeeded in stuffing themselves together inside a phone booth. This record was recognized by Guinness Book of World Book of Records. This wild stunt quickly caught the attention of people, mostly students, across the world. Phone Booth Stuffing became a worldwide craze. In England, it was called “Telephone Booth Squash”. A few other groups of students claimed to have broken the world record, but were determined to have cheated. One of these groups used an extra large phone booth. This resulted in a set of rules for Phone Booth Stuffing. The 25 person record stands to this day. As quickly as this craze began, it died out in late 1959.

Is investing in real estate still a good idea?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C13

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425

By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC While I suggest diversifying your investments in your portfolio, there is no better place to park your money than investments you can live in and enjoy! When you invest in your surroundings, you invest in yourself! Investing in real estate can offer several advantages over other types of investments. For example, over time, real estate has the ability to increase in value and produce cash flow from rental income. Furthermore, owning and managing a ranch provides much more than an investment; it provides a rewarding experience in which you can thrive in the wide-open rural spaces and participate in the simplistic farm and ranch lifestyle. Ranch and farmland appreciate at a higher rate and can even bring in profits from the products produced by livestock raised on the land. An investor can help you find ways to protect yourself against significant losses by including asset categories with investment returns that move up and down under different market conditions. In such cases, when one asset category does well another tends to have average or poor returns. HisCall us for aftermarket Caterpillar® parts for heavy equipment. tory supports the idea that the returns on the three major asset categories, stocks, bonds, and cash, have not moved up and down at the same time. Thus, by investing in various asset visit us on the web: categories, you can counteract your losses in one category 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405 with better investment returns in another asset category. Because real estate is a bankable asset, you can always 406-453-8100 use it as leverage providing you with more movement and opportunity in investing. Investing in real estate does not tie up a lot of cash. You can put down as little as 10% and then utilize the bank’s money to grow your investment. With today’s low interest rates, it is not only smart but an easy way 8275 US Hwy 10W • Missoula, MT to make money. Unlike the stock market where many factors are out of your control, your investment in real estate cannot disappear overnight. There is an inherent demand for real estate as well whether the land the land produces a product such as coffee or supports a home or an apartment building. No matter what business you have, you will 2017 International Lonestar 73” sleeper cab, 2016 International Durastar 4300 Cummins ISB always need land to put it Cummins ISX15, manual Eaton Fuller 13 2016 International Prostar Cummins ISX15, 220, 220 hp, automatic (Allison 220) 6 speed, speed transmission, 475 hp, 250” wheelbase, 167,102 miles, VIN#3HAMMMML0GL738228.. on. 450 hp, automatic 10 speed, dual bunk, 2.79 483,911 miles, VIN# 3HSCXAPR8HN224288. . ............................................................. $37,700 gear ratio, 224” wheelbase, 399,174 miles, Building wealth by in............................................................. $65,000 VERY CLEAN! VIN# 3HSDDJAPR9GN676769 vesting in real estate is a ............................................................. $52,500 solid resolution while maintaining an understanding of the market. Those that lose money in real estate do so because of purchasing at the height of the market and then selling at the wrong time. You can also risk poor 2017 Kenworth T680 287,381 miles, 450 hp return by taking too much Cummins ISX 15, Eaton-Fuller 10 speed, equity out of their home 22.5 Lo Pro Aluminum, 230” wheelbase, and leaving no profit margin VIN#1XKYD49X1HJ108295................ $65,000 2016 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Signature for when they sell. It does Cummins Cummins ISX15, 450 hp, autoshift, 10 speed, 2015 International Prostar HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT often take time to see large ISX15, 450 hp, manual 10 speed, single dual bunk, 2.79 gear ratio, 223” wheelbase, OF BUYING A BUS? sleeper, 228” wheelbase, 488,629 miles, appreciations, but if you 230,769 miles, VERY CLEAN! VIN# 3AKJGLVIN#3HSDJAPR3FN014863............... $35,000 BGXGSHB0376................................... $53,000 hold on to your investment in real estate until the time is right, you will see profitPRICES AS LOW AS $2,500 able returns and make your WE CAN HELP! investment worth it. Many millionaires still agree today that owning real estate was what gave them the cash assets to build their fortune.




##### If you refer to land using the names of the farmers who owned them a generation ago...You Might be a Farmer.

2007 MCI J4500 611,189 miles, located in Bismarck, ND. Call and ask for Travis or Saxton $130,000

2005 Setra 844,855 miles, located in Bismarck, ND. Call and ask for Travis or Saxton $80,000

2008 International RE 48 passenger, DT466 diesel, 285 hp, 105 gallon capacity, 303” wheelbase, 463 gear ratio, 134,269 miles, Stk.#6338, VIN#4DRBXAAR29A042938............... $34,000

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C14

Salois Construction

Get rid of chicken mites and lice naturally

From Freedom Ranger Hatchery feed on the dead skin of your birds, while When you hear the words “lice,” “fleas,” Pivot Sales, chicken mites feed on their blood. or “mites,” if you’re anything like us, you Parts, Irrigation Signs & Symptoms of Lice or Mites likely already start to feel itchy. Just the pipe, fittings While it may seem obvious, one of the thought of those tiny eight- or six-legged and supplies tell-tale signs that your flock is lice or mite pests crawling anywhere near you, your infected is if they seem to be over preenfamily, or pets probably has you on edge. Phone (406) 278-7910, cell 289-7910, Justin 289-0030 ing themselves. The thought of these pests But did you know that your chickens can Conrad, Montana makes most of us itch, so imagine how it also contract pests called chicken mites or must feel on your birds! So, if you notice chicken lice? your birds pecking at their feathers more With all of the possible illnesses or disthan usual, you may want to check them a eases (https://www.freedomrangerhatchery. bit more closely. com/blog/how-to-prevent-and-treat-theWhen you inspect your birds, you’ll want 5-most-common-chicken-diseases/) your to part their feathers and look for the pests flock can get, a lice infestation can be one 44/45/357 500/460/454 and the egg clusters that we mentioned of the most annoying to get rid of. Even if 1911’s Taurus Judge above. If you’ve ever dealt with human lice you get new birds from a reputable source Great for Horseback Riding, Bowor fleas on your pets, chicken mites look hunting, Backpacking, ATV riders like Freedom Ranger, you always want to very similar. practice good biosecurity and check your Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather If you don’t see any of these parasites chickens before introducing them to your or egg clusters yet, it may be too early to flock. Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT notice. A few other early signs you can look In today’s post, we’re going to take a out for are feather loss, a reduction in egg look at different types of chicken mites or production, pale wattles and combs (due to lice, the symptoms to look out for in your anemia from blood loss), or just an overall flock, and a few other common questions JD 8420 TRACTOR FOR SALE unhappy chicken. you might have. JD 8420 TRACTOR FOR SALE It’s important to note that chicken mites Most Common Types of Chicken Mites or lice should not go untreated. Not only If you’re asking yourself, “There’s more will this stress out your flock, but anemia, than one type of mite that can infect my lameness, or even death can occur in your birds?!” then you’re probably not alone. birds from the blood loss and stress. Unfortunately, there’s more than one type of How to Naturally Treat Mites & Lice chicken lice that exists and will be attracted While there are plenty of methods to to your flock. Here are a few of the most prevent chicken mites or lice in your flock, common ones: once you have an infestation, you’ll need to • Northern Fowl Mites: As the most treat your birds to avoid further spread. The common type of poultry mites found on problem is, most treatments use harmful birds, the Northern Fowl Mite can be chalchemicals that are not good for you, your lenging to detect early. If you see white birds, or the environment. clusters of eggs around the shaft of the Here at Freedom Ranger Hatchery, we chicken feathers, you know it’s a Northern always want to show our dedication to traFowl Mite. ditional and environmentally-friendly farm• Red Roost Mites: Very similar to the 2003 John Deere 8420 front wheel assist, 1000 PTO, ing. We want our birds and your birds to be Northern Fowl Mite, are Red Roost Mites. 3-point hitch, good tires, Greenstar ready, reman transmisas healthy and natural as possible, which But unlike their counterparts, these ectosion at 8000 hours, JD reman motor with warranty - has 30 is why we suggest a few of these natural parasites (a parasite that lives on or in the 03 JD 8420 1000 PTO, 3 point tires, greenstar hoursFront on it.wheel Total assist. hours 8272. Good clean hitch, tractor.good .. $80,000 treatments for chicken mites. skin) do not live their entire life cycle on the Call or textat (406) Carter, Montana dy, reman transmission 8000750-2210, hrs, JD reman motor with warranty has 30 hrs Dust Baths birds. If your bird is mite-infested, you’ll it. Total tractor hours 8272. Good clean tractor. -------------------------- $84,500 If you don’t have a dust bath area for only notice these pests coming out to feed Call or text (406)750-2210 Carter, MT your chickens, consider making one in your on the birds at night. yard. Chickens will use a dust bath naturally, • Scaly Leg Mites: If your chicken’s feet which helps prevent a lot of parasites before are looking a bit scaly or crusty, they may they become a problem. have fallen victim to the Scaly Leg Mite. To help avoid chicken mites, you can put Unfortunately, these chicken mites are not some wood ash or food-grade diatomaceous visible to the naked eye. Instead, they burearth (more on this later) into their dust area. row under the scales of your chicken’s feet Both are natural, and your chickens will and legs, creating tunnels and leaving feces thank you for the extra help against pests. behind, which causes the infection. Diatomaceous Earth While there are many more types of these Diatomaceous Earth (DE) may sound pests, you can rest assured that you and scary, but it is actually a naturally occurring your family won’t get a lice infestation as type of sedimentary rock. When it’s ground a result. While chicken mites will still bite up, it creates a white powder that can be you (so take precaution when you’re treatsprinkled into your chicken’s dust bathing ing your birds), they won’t stay on you and area, or even directly onto their feathers. will return to the chickens. When using it, be sure to use a food-grade Most Common Types of Chicken Lice brand, and be careful you don’t breathe too It’s a little confusing, but yes, there is a much of it in. You’ll also want to keep it slight difference in chicken mites versus away from your chicken’s eyes. If you are chicken lice. Regardless, they’re both pests still unsure about it, wood ash can do the and a nuisance for your birds, so here are a trick as well. few common chicken lice types: Keep the Coop Clean • Body Lice: Similar to mites, body Just like with humans, your chickens chicken lice can be found by parting a bird’s don’t get lice because they’re dirty. Mites feathers and looking for egg clusters near or lice can easily latch on to your birds from the base of the feather. You’ll mostly find other animals, wildlife, or even you! them near the less feathered areas of your With that in mind, though, it’s still a good bird by the vent, breast, and thigh. idea to keep your coop clean. Especially • Shaft Lice: Slightly smaller than body during the warmer months, which chicken lice, the shaft lice will lay individual eggs mites and lice prefer, take the time to clean along the feather shaft or feather barb. All of out bedding and the resting areas for your these types of louse are tiny but will be easBeefcake by DewEze birds. ily identifiable when examining your birds. • Tackle daily livestock feeding chores Coop Mite Spray If you’re still unsure of the difference be• Designed to fit any feeding style Coop mite sprays are relatively easy to tween chicken mites and chicken lice, that’s • Featuring electric or hydraulic models come by, but you’ll want to make sure it okay—they’re both pests that are treatable uses natural ingredients that won’t harm in the same way (we’ll get to that later). The main thing to remember is that chicken lice 2020 Chevrolet 3500HD SRW, 6.6L gas, regular cab, 4x4.

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig


Get rid of chicken mites and lice naturally CONTINUED FROM PAGE C14

your birds. Using a mite spray while you’re doing other preventative treatments is a great extra step to do to help fight off chicken mites. If you need some spray in a pinch, you can do a natural mixture of water, dish soap, and oil. There are several recipes you can find online that use various ingredients, but ultimately the spray will help to suffocate the pests and prevent mites or lice from spreading further in your flock. Garlic Juice The adage of “garlic cures everything” may not necessarily be accurate, but it can help in several ways in your battle against chicken lice and mites. Putting garlic or garlic juice in chicken’s diet can help since most of the parasites don’t like the taste of it in the chicken’s blood. You can also create a mix of water, garlic juice, and a type of essential oil (like lavender), and spray it directly on your chickens and around their coop. Start Your Flock Off Right Practicing good biosecurity is essential to making sure your chickens stay happy and healthy. Taking precautionary measures similar to what we mentioned above will also help you prevent mites or lice infestations in the future. But one of the best things you can do for your flock is to make sure you get any new birds from a reputable breeder like Freedom Ranger Hatchery. While infestations can occur anywhere and anytime, you can rest assured you’ll always receive happy and healthy chickens from Freedom ba18rc Ranger. Contact us today ( to learn more about our birds and to see how we can help your flock take flight!

Getting the nails done

Ladies go to the beautician to get their nails done. Well, horses sometimes get their hooves done. Only certain horse competitions allow the hooves to be polished, as part of their rules and regulations. Here is how to get that highgloss shine on your horse’s hooves. Have someone hold the horse on a large rug or rubber mat. Use sandpaper to smooth off the rough, crusty surface of the foot. Use steel wool to buff the surface. Apply a clear wax shoe polish with a rag, and buff dry. Apply black or clear liquid hoof polish (or shoe polish), starting at the coronary band (top of the hoof) and letting it slide down the hoof, quickly smoothing out the liquid. Allow the first coat to dry thoroughly, buff with steel wool, then apply a second coat. Use a hoof polish remover immediately after the competition or parade. It is wise to consider using feed supplements formulated for hoof care, and the regular application of hoof conditioners.

##### The most decorated war dog of World War II was a German Shepherd mix named Chips who saw action in Germany, France, North Africa, and Sicily, with the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. Trained as a sentry dog, Chips broke away from his handlers and attacked an enemy machine gun nest in Italy and forced ten enemy soldiers to surrender. Chips was wounded in the fight and was later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star and the Purple Heart, all of which were later revoked due to an Army policy preventing official commendation of animals. ##### What do little birdies see when they get knocked unconscious?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C15

NEW SURPLUS HDPE PIPE FOR SALE Excellent for stock water or conduit use 11/4”, 2” & 4” (128-200 psi) on 8-ft. x 4-ft. metal reels. $.32/ft and up Call Ed – Big Sky Pipe – Great Falls, MT 406-453-7299 or toll free 844-453-7299

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2014 CASE 621F Stk# UCE123, 3,216 hrs. HEAVY DUTY AXLES, CLOTHSEAT, $110,000 aw94bw

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2012 MASSEY-FERGUSON 8670 Stk# UAG77F, 2,290 hrs., 290 hp, FRT & Rear Duals $95,000 at49hc

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Visit our site for more information on inventory!

Farm Bureau steps up with positive messages, mental health resources

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C16


Complete fencing outfit for sale. All tools and equipment needed to put in all kinds of fence. Call or email for complete tool list. Josh (208) 446-9781

Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire takes time to say thank you. Montana Farm Even in months long before the thought Bureau farmer and rancher members, along of COVID-19 pandemic, farmers and with everyone growing crops and raising ranchers across the state were experiencing livestock across this country, are working hard times with low commodity prices and hard to ensure this country continues to natural disasters. American Farm Bureau have an abundant, safe and nutritious food and state Farm Bureaus were stepping up supply.” to the plate by highlighting issues about ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR: McPherson hopes that markets will mental health, stress in rural areas, and the rebound, and farmers will become increasimportance of helping each other. • Pheasant hens - year old - spring delivery ingly optimistic. “It’s good to see consumers Times have changed rapidly and now • Pheasants - 10 weeks old - 50/50 mix - deall over the country realizing that our food it’s an exceedingly hard time for everyone livery August through September 15th system is not broken and realizing what across the world with the onslaught of the • Pheasants & Chukars - Mature flight birds farmers and ranchers do, whether they are Coronavirus. Consumers are worried about delivery starting September 1st opting to buy products from a local farmer shortages of everything from water to toilet or heading to the big grocery chains. Howpaper to all types of food. Yet, hard as times Call now for pricing and available delivery ever, this is still a trying time for everybody, are, it’s important to have a positive outlook. dates. Brochures mailed upon request. and Farm Bureau understands that it’s also “Recently, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture a time of depression---these are scary, unSonny Perdue sent a message where he exTONY FOWLER certain times.” pressed his strong appreciation for everyone PO BOX 640 238 SPUR RD As people around the country look for involved in the food chain, from the farmers CONRAD, MT 59425-0640 big and small ways to help their neighbors and ranchers who grow the food to those inthrough the uncertainty that has come with (406) 278-5814 volved in processing it to those who deliver COVID-19, the Rural Resilience Training it and finally, those who make sure those Pheasant - Chukar Program now available at no cost for all grocery shelves stay stocked,” noted MFBF NPIP: #81-67 Farm Bureau members and staff, is a chance Lab President Hans McPherson. “It makes you FWP: #9027 to do just that. feel really good when someone at that level Developed by Michigan State University Extension in partnership with the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union and Farm Credit, the online training program is designed for individuals who interact with farmers and ranchers to help recognize signs of stress and offer resources. “This free training comes at the perfect time and provides Farm Bureau staff and members a meaningful way to make a difference in their communities,” said RJ Karney, AFBF director of congressional relations. The program gives participants the skills to understand the sources of stress, learn the warning signs of stress and suicide, identify effective communication strategies, reduce stigma related to mental health concerns and connect farmers and ranchers with appropriate mental health and other resources. MFBF has been working with the Farm Stress Prevention Council on suicide prevention. For more resources visit https://mfbf. DRYING. STORAGE. HANDLING. org/rural-mental-healthCovering and-suicide-prevention. ™


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##### A woman walked up to a little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. “I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,”she said. “What’s your secret for a long happy life?” “I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day,” he said. “I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and never exercise.” “That’s amazing,”the woman said. “How old are you?’ “Twenty-six,” he said.

4-in bore 8-in stroke Trader’s - $85 Dispatch,

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2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 • 6-rail 1-1/4” 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 14 ga. $94 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 20-ft long 5-in galvanized octagon • 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga. 9’9” posts $26 20-ft long *Pipe posts can be cut to length


All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing

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Knipex tools!

Grinding and Cutting Wheels

- 36”x24’ 22ga Prime galvanized SuperSteel - Use for windbreaks, corrals, etc.


Guardrail I-Beam Posts Galvanized


Portable Panels

SuperSteel/ Steel Decking

$2.77/lb for Grade 5 $4.40/lb for Grade 8

Cattle Guards

Portable Panel Trailer ATV & UTV Sprayers


Large selection of Grade 5 & 8 BOLTS

Portable Loading Chute

6K torsion axel - $2,200

April 2020 — Page C17

• Skidsteer Plates: $110 • 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 • Extinguisher Mount: $40 • Bale Spears: $85 • Head Catch: $790 • 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 • 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $36.50 • 3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $50 • Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 • Ratchet Chain Binder 5/16-3/8”: $30

Brett 406.390.1110 | Jenni 406.366.9939 |Office 406.428.1110 PO Box 180 | Grass Range, MT 59032 April 2020

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C18

STOKES FENCING Conrad, Montana

Lance Stokes (406) 450-2149 Fencing Done Right 1996 International 9400 410 hp Cat 3406E, 13 speed, jake, wet kit, 3.73 ratio air ride, 90% steer, 30% drives, aluminum wheels, PS, AC, tilt, 171” w.b...............................$13,500 1991 International 9300 10 yard Dump 315 hp Cummins, 7 speed, PS, AC, double frame, Hendrickson suspension, 70% 11R24.5’s, 70% brakes, air gate, runs and drives great..................$16,500 1983 Peterbilt 359 Winch Tractor 400 hp BC Cummins, factory 5&4, PS, AC, Jake, steel frame, RB suspension, 50K PTO winch, 40% 11R24.5’s, 237” w.b.......................$12,500 2003 International 9100i tractor 370/430 hp Cummins N14, jake, 10 speed, air ride suspension & cab, tilt, AC, PS, cruise, 60% 295-22.5’s, dual tanks, 3.90 ratio, 404,000 miles. Clean, tight truck............ ....................................$12,500 1994 Ford CF7000 210 hp 5.9L Cummins 12 valve, Allison 5 speed AT, 2 speed rear,PS, AC, air brakes, 33,000GVW, 15,000 miles. Right or left hand drive, 16-ft. of frame.......................$10,500 2000 International 9100i and 2005 45-ft. Step Deck 370/430 hp Cummins N14, jake, 10 speed, air ride, tilt, AC, PS, cruise, 75% 295-22.5’s, dual tanks, 3.90 ratio, 700,000 miles. 45-ft. tandem dual, new tires, air brakes, beavertail....... ....................................$23,500 1971 Fruehauf 20 Ton Tilt Bed 25-ft. deck x 97” wide, hydraulic winch, 60% 8.25R15, air brakes. Clean straight trailer.... .......................................$8500

1994 John Deere 4039T 4 cylinder turbo diesel 1100 hours, PTO bellhousing. Runs excellent................$3500

1997 Freightliner FL60 hauler 250 hp 3126 Cat, 7 speed, locker, Jake, AC, tilt, air ride suspension and cab, 75% 19.5 tires, 12-ft. flatbed, gooseneck, 182,000 miles. Needs TLC....... .......................................$8500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp, Cat diesel, 6 spd Allison, 137K miles. AB, PS, 11R22.5’s 90%, trailer hookups, 33K GVW................$7750

J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT

406-381-3159 –

NCBA announces 2020 BQA award winners

National Cattleman’s Beef Association throughout the U.S., WVM has seen that The National Cattleman’s Beef Associalots of cattle from BQA certified producers tion, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, has are more likely to be sold at a premium, announced the winners of its 2020 Beef yielding benefits to both producers and buyQuality Assurance (BQA) Awards during ers who recognize the value of the program. the 2020 Cattle Industry Convention in San 2020 BQA Educator Award Antonio, Texas. The winner of the 2020 BQA Educator The National BQA Awards annually of the Year Award is Curt Pate. For more recognize outstanding beef and dairy prothan a decade, Pate has educated tens of ducers and marketers. Winners not only thousands of beef industry professionals demonstrate high-quality animal care and on safe and effective stockmanship and handling principles as part of their day-tolivestock handling throughout the United day operations but express a strong desire States. His insights on best practices for to improve their operations through BQA. low-stress livestock handling have not only As good stewards of the cattle industry, a led more producers to embrace BQA but common trait among nominees is encouragshaped the program itself. Pate has been ing others to implement the producer edua major proponent in developing BQA’s cation program. Award categories include: clinics and demonstrations throughout the Cow-Calf, Dairy, Feedyard, Marketer and program’s history. He continues to advocate Educator. for the program’s use to encourage improve2020 BQA Cow-Calf Award ment in cattle care throughout the industry. The recipient of the 2020 BQA Cow-Calf Award winners are selected by a commitAward is IX Ranch in Big Sandy, Montana. tee comprised of BQA certified representaThe 126,000-acre ranch has prioritized raistives from universities, state beef councils, ing high quality cattle throughout its history sponsors and affiliated groups, who assess and has found that having exceptional cattle nominations based on their demonstrated goes hand-in-hand with training exceptional commitment to BQA practices, their service employees. Implementing BQA fits right in as leaders in the beef industry and their with the ranch’s goal to have a ‘blue-ribbon dedication to promoting the BQA message operation,” as said by the Roth family, who to grow consumer confidence. have owned and operated IX Ranch since Four National BQA Awards (Cow-Calf, the 1950s. All full-time employees at the Feedyard, Dairy and Marketer) are funded ranch are required to be BQA-certified, and in part by The Beef Checkoff program with IX Ranch has seen improvement across its additional financial support provided by operations through low-stress animal hanCargill. The BQA Educator Award is funded dling and increased awareness of employee in part by The Beef Checkoff program with safety. additional financial support provided by 2020 BQA – FARM Dairy Award Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health. Boadwine Farms is the winner of the IX Ranch – Big Sandy, Montana 2020 BQA – FARM Dairy Award. The BalOver the last century, countless innovatic, South Dakota dairy cares for more than tions have shaped modern ranching, such as 2,000 Holstein dairy cows, with 2,500 acres new research, faster transportation, better planted with rotating feed and forage crops. equipment, and greater access to telephones The dairy takes pride in opening its doors and internet. But no matter the changes that to educate interns at South Dakota State affect the industry, there’s one principle that University, local students, and consumers guides everyone from the owners to sumacross the state. Boadwine Farms’ adoption mer interns at IX Ranch: “Remember, the of modern technology and animal handling important thing is the cattle.” practices, including following BQA and The IX brand was first registered in MonFARM guidelines across its facilities, not tana in 1877, with the ranch established not only ensures that visitors gain a clear unlong after to the southeast of Big Sandy, a derstanding of best practices, but that cow small town in the north central part of the comfort and care is always the number one state. The current owners, Steven Roth, priority among its employees. president of IX Ranch, and Richard Roth, 2020 BQA Feedyard Award vice president, are now the fourth generaBledsoe Cattle Company is the recipient tion of the Roth family to work the ranch. of the 2020 Feedyard BQA Award. The Throughout its history, IX Ranch has company is headquartered in Wray, Coloremained committed to raising high quality rado and has feedyard facilities in several cattle, continually adopting new innovations Colorado counties and a stocker ranch in to improve its operations and sharing stories South Dakota. With its diverse operations, and experiences with both the beef industry the company places high value on BQA and consumers. For all of these attributes, guidelines to ensure consistent, high-quality and more, the ranch was nominated and care for its more than 8,000 head of cattle. chosen for the 2020 Beef Quality Assurance Bledsoe Cattle Company provides BQA (BQA) Cow-Calf Award. training and certification every three years Implementing BQA made sense with for its employees. The company also reguthe ranch’s existing goal to have a ‘bluelarly provides BQA training to its contracted ribbon operation,’ as the Roth family calls crews, sharing the benefits of proper chuteit. BQA guidelines combine common side BQA techniques with livestock operasense husbandry techniques with scientific tions across eastern Colorado. knowledge to raise better quality cattle. The 2020 Marketer BQA Award guidelines are designed to make sure all The winner of the 2020 BQA Marketer beef consumers can take pride in what they Award is Western Video Market (WVM). purchase and can trust and have confidence Founded in 1989, WVM has been a propoin the entire beef industry. nent of BQA programs and guidelines for Applying BQA practices has further nearly as long as BQA has been around and improved the ranch’s operations. IX Ranch encourages adoption of BQA practices with has seen increases in attention to animal its producers, buyers, and auction partners. care, more awareness of employee safety During broadcast auctions where buyers and improved low-stress animal handling are limited to seeing video of cattle, having techniques. a BQA certification shows that producers “For us to be assured that we’re doing a follow industry standards for high qualgood job, we have to do the little things and ity animal handling and health care. As BQA programs have grown in recognition CONTINUED ON PAGE C22

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C19

3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

Visit us on the web

E-mail Address

New Dakota aluminum service body

16-ft. Water Tank

fits 8-ft. box removal pickup. Great Deal! Has E-Track in bed area and cabinet lighting, rear bumper

with side sprays, rear spray bar, hydraulic driven water pump and hose reel!

~ New Service Bodies ~

Duraclass dump box 17-ft. includes hydraulic high lift tailgate

2 Used bodies for dual wheel pickups. Lots of value left for the money.


17-ft. with external mount hoist, fits 18-ft. total length, includes hydraulic high lift tailgate

Several flatbeds available with or without tool boxes

In Stock

We are now a distributor for:

Mineral Tub Lifter

a small business located in North Central Montana. We make it easier for you to handle your Mineral Tubs - plastic, metal & biodegradable! Can be used with ALL bale beds.

Butler Flatbeds

Rol-Oyl cattle oilers with big blue brush!

We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available

Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

2021 Freightliner M2 106

New Way Lift Axle

New Shipment on the way! Preplumbed, ready to mount, tight package space

Cummins B6 325 HP Allison 3500 RDS, 26,000 GVW 18-ft. 4” Rugby Bed $95,000

Call Travis Sandau • 406-728-7600

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C20



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)



406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT (L)

Hoven Equipment


Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 4350 tow behind cart............... $45,000

Case IH 800 Precision SS air drill, 50-ft., 10” spacing............................................$14,900

Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, steel packers with 2320 cart...............$19,000 (L) Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing........ ..................................................$17,000 (L) Case IH 3430 340 bushel cart, V rate, tow between.......................................... $44,900


Massey Ferguson 2190 baler..............$39,000

Gradell MT80 fork lift............................$13,250 Degelman 4100 round & square processor...... .........................................................$15,000 Schuler SRM 262 mixer..........................$6825 Morris CP743 chisel plow.....................$12,000 Melroe 501 plow with Valmar...................$6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow....................$6500 International 75 39-ft. plow.....................$3500 Wilray 20-ft. roller, water filled.................$8050 John Deere 5020 tractor with DuAl loader........ ............................................................$8500 John Deere 3020 tractor, no loader with Shaver post pounder........................................$8500 Versatile 800 tractor.............................$12,000 Ford 5000 tractor with mower..................$5000 Massey Ferguson 9540 combine......$190,000 Agco 400 header........................................ Call Gleaner R72 combine with MacDon 962, 36-ft. header..............................................$41,900 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel....................................$4500 New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment........................................$42,500 International 1660 combine. #13168... $12,000 John Deere 9610 combine...................$44,275 John Deere 8820 combine...................$18,000 White 9700 combine...............................$5294 New Holland 971 header........................$6000 Case IH 1680 30-ft. head, pickup head.$19,000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket....$14,900 Farm King 10x60 auger..........................$6000 Feterl 7x41 electric auger........................$2000 Brandt drive over transfer auger...........$12,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck..........$5675 New Holland 200 rotary swather with 416 disc head & 430HB 30-ft. draper head with pickup reel.................................................$138,755 New Holland 1112 swather..................$18,000 New Holland BR7090 net/twine baler.$26,000 Case IH RB564 round baler.................$25,750 Case 8465 round baler............................$5000 Case WRX301 rake........................ $10,900 (L) Morris 1400 Hayhiker..........................$16,750 New Holland 1000 bale stacker..............$2500 New Holland C1002 balewagon.............$2300 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms...........$29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer.....................$127,000

$0 Down 0.0% Interest OAC


John Deere 9450 40-ft. with 12” spacing. Sold individually...........................................$1500 John Deere 50-ft. drill hitch.....................$1400

Case IH LBX432 3x4 baler with cutter, tandem $39,000 Hesston 4910 large square baler.........$25,000 New Holland BB960 big square baler, 3/4 John Deere 569 net & twine................$39,500 turn...................................................$28,000 John Deere 569 net & twine................$28,000 John Deere 466 small square baler..Coming In John Deere 568 net & twine................$18,000


Vermeer BPX9000.......................... Coming In Vermeer BPX9000 round bales...........$18,900 Vermeer BPX8000 with final cut..........$15,500 Vermeer BPX8000 processor...............$11,900

Highline CFR650 round only, final cut processor,............................................ $18,500 (L) Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover..................................................$7900 Haybuster 2650 processor...................$12,000 Haybuster 256 Plus processor...............$5900 Bale King 3010 processor.......................$9000

Check us out on our Website at

Hoven Equipment 406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT



New Holland BR780 net & twine.........$13,600 New Holland 688 net & twine..................$7200 Case IH RB564 baler............................$23,000 Case IH RB564 baler............................$19,900 Vermeer 605 Super M baler.................$21,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$9000 Vermeer 605L mesh & twine baler..........$7900 Vermeer Super 605J twine only..............$2500

Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank................................................$8000 1977 GMC/Summers sprayer..................$8500 1987 International 9670 truck with 3000 gallon stainless steel tanks.........................$19,000 Chevrolet C60 truck................................$9500 1997 Ford F350 diesel pickup.................$8000 Morris Contour I 41-ft. air drill with 7240 cart.. .................................................. $99,000 (L) Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart............................................ $23,450 (L) John Deere 9400 40-ft.x12” drills.........$12,000 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900 1500 gallon poly tank.................................$500

Lewistown, MT (L)


Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot...............................$55,000


Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger............ $1500

Bobcat S650 skid steer with cab, air conditioning, heat, Power Bob........................$44,000 Bobcat MT52 mini track.......................$12,500 Bobcat LR65 land rake...........................$6000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle..$900

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C21



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT



Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)



New Holland CR9060 combine, Intell Plus II, exterior wear, chopper....................$134,000 New Holland TR98 combine................$14,900 New Holland TR97 combine................$14,900

MacDon FD75 40-ft. header, transport, pickup reel, Gleaner adapter, double sickle..$56,000 MacDon FD70 40-ft. header with pea auger..... .................................................... Coming In MacDon D65D 40-ft. with cross auger, JD adapter DS.......................................$33,000 MacDon D65D 40-ft., JD adapter, double sickle.................................................$30,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header......$25,900 MacDon 973 30-ft. header....................$20,000 MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header.........$14,000 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$9900 MacDon 960 25-ft. – 30-ft. headers................... ..............................................$5000 – $6000 MacDon A40D 18-ft. header.................$19,900 Massey Ferguson 5200 36-ft. draper header... .........................................................$12,500 Gleaner 400 header................................$6500

160 - 220 - 260

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT

406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT (L)

Hoven Equipment USED TRACTORS


Case IH 3240 sprayer........................ $199,000

Gleaner S88 combine........................$199,500 Gleaner R75 combine. 836 separator hours, duals, spreader & chopper...............$60,000


Valtra C120 tractor with loader, grapple, 3 pt., PTO................................................. $40,000

Miller 3275 HT 90-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 2WD, Raven Smart Trax...... $64,000 Massey Ferguson 8650 with variable transmission, suspension, 3 pt., PTO.......... $114,900 Massey Ferguson 1526 tractor with loader and angle dozer.......................................$17,000

New Holland LM 445A telehandler..... $45,000 Kelly 47 3-point backhoe........................ $3100 Ford spreader truck. Coming in.............. $6500 International 2-ton truck........................ $1900 Gysler 39-ft. chisel plow......................... $3500 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach.................................................... $500

The smarter, more powerful way to better hay.

Agco 7650 Spra Coupe, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle...................................... $69,900

Case IH MX150 tractor with loader.......$52,000 John Deere 7330 tractor with loader....$66,000 Allis Chalmers 8610 tractor with loader............ .........................................................$19,500 Versatile 835 tractor............................ $11,900 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some Agco 7660 Spra Coupe...................Coming In tires gone. Ag Shield 7700, 1500 gallon tank.......... $9900 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer....................... $14,000 Demco skid mount sprayer. #23959....... $2700

May-Bridge Pasture Harrows

The WR9900 Series Self-Propelled Windrower

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT 406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT

406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT (L)


• 5/8” diameter high carbon steel • 50 lbs./ft. • 6-ft. deep mat • 45° & 15° angle teeth • Width (bar included)

Hoven Equipment

Gates 48-ft. heavy harrow, 1/4 carbide............. ........................................................ $21,000 Allen 8803 26-ft. hydraulic rake........... $18,000

Massey Ferguson WR 9870 16-ft. rotary disc, auto steer, suspension...................$135,000 New Holland HW340 16-ft. rotary disc..$28,000

Case IH WD1504 swather, 16-ft. sickle head, steel conditioner, rear air bags.........$92,000 MacDon M205 with R85 header.........$104,000 MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 Hesston 6450 15-ft. draper header.........$9500







Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C22

NCBA announces 2020 BQA award winners CONTINUED FROM PAGE C18

we have to do them correctly,” said Richard Roth. As crew are brought to work on the ranch, BQA trainSteel Buildings Concrete Slab Work ing is included in the on-boarding process. All full-time employees are required to be BQA-certified. The ranch has also hosted interns from colleges and universities across the United States since 2003, and all are encouraged to take BQA’s online certification courses. At times when the ranch brings on additional help, such as brandings, each person is now instructed about BQA practices for handling cattle, administering vaccines, and record keeping. Additionally, IX Ranch’s two chief operating officers, SHELBY Custom Welding & Rusty Sparks and Todd Amsbaugh, have worked there for Epoxy Floors 406-291-2988 Shop Fabrication more than 30 years. Through their efforts, the ranch has hired exceptional employees and continually offers numerous opportunities for professional development. Quarterly safety training seminars cover topics from wildland fires to • NON BLOAT equipment and animal handling. Employees can also learn horse care and handling, and managers take yearly trips to • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT • NON BLOAT other ranches, universities, experiment stations and industry • APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT seminars to remain at the forefront of ranch management. TURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT Alfalfa loses 1/4 to 1/3 of its digestible “The IX Ranch is a beacon when it comes to best manage• APHID WEEVIL RESISTANT protein & through bloat, lack of condensed tannis ment practices and their positive beef storytelling ability,” • • NON NON BLOAT BLOAT said Chaley Harney, executive director with the Montana • • NATURALLY NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT TOLERANT •• APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT Beef Council. “Starting with the ranch owners and passing it APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT down to their managers and employees, they are excellent at transparency on the ranch to help a consumer feel confident in the quality beef they produce.” Because of IX Ranch’s performance and standards, Har• NON BLOAT ney frequently uses the ranch as an example in industry and • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT • APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT consumer outreach. She said the Roths not only communicate stories from their experiences, but that they tell them in a way that connects with all audiences. The Roths have spoken at industry events and are active Go Green And Pink • NON BLOAT Livestock, wildlife, wildlife, and and even even honey honey bees bees prefer prefer Sainfoin Sainfoin over over other other forages. forages. Livestock, Alfalfa dealers are despartely trying to get the condensed tannins in their in a number of industry organizations such as the National Pollution Less, Save Energy Alfalfa dealers are despartely trying to get the condensed tannins in their Pollution Less, Save Energy Y GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT Alfalfa and and use use high high pressure pressure sales sales to to convince convince you you to to grow grow Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Alfalfa Cattleman’s Beef Association and the Montana Stockgrowers “Healthy, Wholesome “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder Fodder ” ” & WEEVIL RESISTANT Sainfoin leaves leaves naturally naturally contain contain tannins, tannins, allowing allowing the the protein protein to to be be digestdigestSainfoin Association. They also participate in their local government Rocky Mountain Remont $1.50/lb ed instead instead of of excreted. excreted. Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed Delaney $2.00/lb to stay on top of issues concerning policy, water and land Delaney - $2.00/lb Sanfoin’s palability palability and and digestibility digestibility provides provides more more return return per per ton ton compared compared Sanfoin’s Shoshone to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives producers options Shoshone -- Price Price on on request request to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives producers options rights, and the environment. In fact, 30,000 of the ranch’s to best best utilize utilize it’s it’s benefits benefits in in your your operation. operation. to Reasons: Reasons: 126,000 acres are leased to the state for conservation manGoSAINFOIN Green And Pink Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. ALFALFA SAINFOIN ALFALFA Growing best practices: Growing best practices: Alfalfa dealers are despartely trying to get the condensed tannins in their • Legume • Legume Pollution Less, Save Energy agement programs, and the ranch promotes a healthy popula• Legume • Legume Alfalfa and••use high pressure sales to convince you to grow •• Non •• Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without cover crop. Non Bloat Bloat Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without a a cover crop. Alfalfa. Livestock, wildlife, and even honeymountain bees prefer “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder •• Weevil Resistant •• Weevil Problem tion of elk, mule and whitetail deer, antelope, lions S •• Best if not mixed with other plants such as barley or wheat. Weevil & & Aphid Aphid Resistant Weevil Problem ” Best if not mixed with other plants such as barley or wheat. •• Minimal •• Losses naturally contain tannins, allowing the protein to be per digestMinimal Loss Loss Protein Protein Losses of of 1/4-1/3 1/4-1/3 of of Digestible Digestible Protein ProteinSainfoin leaves 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds acre 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds per acre • Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense and upland game birds for both research and recreational Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed instead offor excreted. or multi-cuts. Alfalfa dealers are despartely trying to get the c • Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense for irrigated irrigated or multi-cuts. •• Cheap •• Expensive Control Cheap Weed Weed Control Control Expensive-Weed Weed Control Delaney $2.00/lb wildlife, and even honey beessales prefer •• Seed fall or moisture will be toLivestock, the seed. opportunities. •• Little •• Methane Seed in inand falldigestibility or spring spring when when moisture be held held seed. Little or or No No Gas Gas Methane Gas Gas (Bloat) (Bloat) Sanfoin’s palability provides morewill return per to tonthe compared Alfalfa and use high pressure to Sainfoin convince oy •• Seed of inch deep or less. •• Ease Production •• Complicated Production - Price on request Seed 3/4 3/4ability of an an to inch or or less. Ease of of Shoshone Production Complicated Production to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s bedeep grazed hayed gives producers options ranch is frequently featured industry to •• Low •• High •• Hay/graze when near full Alfalfa dealersThe are despartely trying toinget the outreach condensed Low Seed Seed Cost Cost High Seed Seed Cost Cost Hay/graze when nearoperation. full bloom. bloom. to best utilize it’s benefits in your (Webster’s Dictionary) •• Easy •• Expensive Reasons: Easy Stand Stand Enhancement Enhancement Expensive Stand Stand Replacement Replacement consumers, as well. Stories and videos of life and experi•• High •• Less High Palatability Palatability Less Palatability Palatability Alfalfa and use high pressure sales contain to convince you to gro SAINFOIN ALFALFA •• Good •• Less Production Growing best practices: FFor Good Pollen Pollen Production Production Less Pollen Pollen Production - $2.00/lb A Sainfoin leaves naturally tannins, allowi N or more more information, information, call call A • Legume • Legume Mountain Remont A T ences on the ranch are posted to its Facebook page to reach N N •• Rocky Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F A O T M N Nector Produced at 60° F • Bloat • Nectar Produced at 90° F O Livestock, wildlife, and evenSchlepp honey bees • Non• Bloat Rollie • Sainfoin establishes M itself without aDictionary) cover crop. (Webster’s Producer •• Less Honey Rollie Schlepp • #1 #1 &Honey Honey Producer Less Honey Production Production S D • Weevil Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem SE consumers and new employees. Most recently, a crew Delaney $2.00/lb EE • Best if not mixed with plantsother such 406-788-9556 as barley or wheat. edboth instead of excreted. Eother •• Flexible Harvest Dates •• Short Harvest Window DS Sover 406-788-9556 prefer Sainfoin forages. Highly Flexible Harvest Dates Short Harvest Window • Minimal Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein •• Longevity of Established •• Short Term Productivity or 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds Sainfoin per acre Longevity Established Stand Stand Short TermExpense Productivity leaves naturally the pro or • Little Fertilizer of Expense • Hefty Fertilizer from BBC Londoncontain toured thetannins, ranch for aallowing series on Western Shoshone - $2.00/lb fordigestible and a higher sugar content gives irrigated or multi-cuts. Montana Seeds Inc. Inc. office • Cheap Weed Control • Expensive Weed Control Montana Seeds office • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held to the seed. 406-278-9951 • Little or No Gas • Methane Gas (Bloat) ranching airing in November 2020, and the ranch will be Reasons: excreted. Sainfoin the edge over Alfalfa. 406-278-9951ed instead of • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. • Ease of Production • Complicated Production Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides mo Legume • Low• Seed Cost • High Seed Cost featured in theforages. film “Cowboys Without Borders.” Sainfoin leaves naturally contain con• Hay/graze when near full bloom. Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other • Easy• Stand • Expensive Stand Replacement NoEnhancement Bloat to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability tothere’s be grazed haye densed tannins, thetrying protein • High Palatability • Less Palatability “Wetannins are in world today where a lot of or people Alfalfa dealers are allowing despartely tocallto getbethe condensed ina their •  Pollen No Weevil Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return • Good Production • Less Pollen Production For more information, A N A digested ofpressure excreted. totowho best utilize benefits in your operation. don’t really it’s understand ranching or farming very well, • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F ONT high Alfalfa andMinstead use sales to convince you grow Alfalfa. •  No Loss Protein Rollie Schlepp • #1 Reasons: Honey Producer • Less Honey Production to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives Sthe EEDS$$$! Sainfoin Follow is worth 25 to 50 Wholesome Fodder ” ( Webster’s Dictionary) 406-788-9556 and when people are asking questions about what we do or pr • Flexible Harvest Dates • Short Harvest Window •  Little Fertilizer Expense • Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity or percentleaves morenaturally per ton than Alfalfa as graze Sainfoin contain tannins, allowing the protein digest•  Cheap Weed Control to best utilize it’s in we your operation. why we benefits dotoitbethe way do, it’s a really nice thing to fall Montana Seeds Inc. office ons:SAINFOIN hay. Without condensed tannins, 1/4 to •  Little or No Gas ountain Remont - $1.50/lb ALFALFA edorinstead of excreted. 406-278-9951 Growing best practices: back on that we’re certified BQA producers,” Richard Roth Ease of Production ••  Legume • Legume 1/3 of Alfalfa protein will pass through the Delaney - $2.00/lb said. “It shows that we take the livelihood of our animals, FOIN••  Non ALFALFA Low Seed Cost Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared animal undigested. Bloat • Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without a cov Growing best practices: and our•employees, oshone Price on request •  Easy -Stand Enhancement to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives producers optionsand our environment very seriously.” Growing best practices: me ••  Weevil • Legume & Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem Highest Palatabilty No matter the coming to the industry, • Bestwhat if not mixedyears withbring other plants such to best utilize it’s benefits in your operation. •  Sainfoin established itself without Bloat••  Minimal • Bloat • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover crop. Good Pollen Production Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein whether opportunities or challenges, IX Ranch will continue 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cut •  Nectar Produced at 60º F • Weevil Problem    a cover crop. il & Aphid Resistant ALFALFA to if hold on mixed to its principles in providing the best its • Best not with other plants suchcare asfor barley ••  Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty• Growing Fertilizer Expense Do not mix other plants such bestwith practices: # 1 Honey Producer • Legume for irrigated or multi-cuts. mal Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein cattle.    barley or wheat. 30 pounds per Flexible Harvest ••  Cheap Weed Dates Control • Expensive Weed Control 30crop. pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 p • Bloat • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover “What I love the challenge of taking the ranchwi    acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense • Seed in most fall isorthespring when moisture Alfalfa esistant • Little• Weevil or NoProblem Gas • Methane Gasif (Bloat) • Best not mixed with other plants suchfor as barley or wheat. irrigated or multi-cuts. •  Legume    pounds per acre for irrigated or and turning a natural resource into something that feeds the • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein Weed Control peinWeed Control • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds per acre • Ease of Production • Expensive • Complicated Production    multi-cuts. pense •  Bloat• Hefty Fertilizer Expense world,” Richard Roth said. • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held or NoWeevil Gas•Seed • Methane •Gas (Bloat) forCost irrigated or multi-cuts. Problem Cost High trol ••  Low Expensive Weed Control • Hay/graze when full bloom. • Seed Seed in fall or spring when moisture The BQA Cow-Calf Award isnear funded in part by the Beef • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held to the seed. •  Losses of 1/4-1/3 of(Bloat) Digestible Protein • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. of Production • Complicated Production • Methane Gas    will be held to the seed. ••  Easy Stand Enhancement • Expensive Stand Replacement Checkoff with additional support from Cargill. For more Hefty•Fertilizer Expense • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. n Complicated Production Seed • High Seed Cost •  Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less • Hay/graze when near full bloom. •• Cost High Palatability • Less Palatability Expensive Control information on IX Ranch and other 2020 BQA Award win• HighWeed Seed Cost • Hay/graze when near full bloom. • Replacement Hay when near full bloom, graze anytime. Stand Enhancement • Expensive•Stand Methane Gas (Bloat) cement • Expensive Stand Replacement ners, visit ••  Good Pollen Production Less Pollen Production For •  Complicated Production • Less Palatability • Less Palatability ANA Palatability T About Beef Quality Assurance N • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F O M uction•  High •Seed Less Cost Pollen Production For more information, A Beef Qualitycall Assurance (BQA) is a nationally Production • FLess Pollen Production Ro Expensive Stand Enhancement Forcoordinated, more info atPollen 60° •F•  #1 • Nectar Produced at 90° Honey Producer • Less Honey ProductionMONTAN A N A S E Rollie Schlepp T state implemented program funded by the Beef Checkoff E •  Low Palatabilty N er Produced • Less Honey DS or at Harvest 60° FProduction • Nectar Produced at 90° F Window 406 MO SEEDS • Flexible Dates • Short Harvest 406-788-9556 Production Dates •  No Pollen • Short Harvest Window Sch that provides U.S. beef producers guidelinesRollie and certificaoney Producer • Less Honey Production Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity blished•• Stand • Short Term Productivity or Nectar Produced at 90º F or EEDSsense husbandry techniques tion drawn from S common and 406-788-95 ble Harvest Dates • Short Harvest Window •  Lesser Honey Producer Montana Seeds Inc. office accepted scientific knowledge on how to raise cattle under Short Harvest Window evity • of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity or BQAMo 406-278-9951 optimum management and environmental conditions. 406 reflects a positive public image and instills consumer confiMontana S dence in the beef industry. When producers implement the For more information, call 406-278-99 best management practices of a BQA program, they assure Rollie Schlepp their cattle are the best they can be. For more information 406-788-9556 on BQA, visit

m montana montana montanaseeds@

(Webster’s Dictionary) (Webster’s Dictionary)

Go Green And Pink Green AndLess, PinkSave Energy Pollution (Webster’s Dictionary)

llution Less,Wholesome Save Energy “Healthy, Fodder ”

ealthy, Wholesome Rocky Mountain Fodder Remont” - $1.50/lb

Delaney - $2.00/lb cky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb en And PinkShoshone - Price on request Delaney - $2.00/lb n Less, Save Energy Shoshone - Price on request

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C23

WORK. EASIER. FASTER. BETTER. Full inventory and pricing online


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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C24

FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY

FEED GRAIN FOR SALE Baronesse feed barley, 49 lb/bushel Feed corn, 53 lb/bushel • 10,000 bushels of each Call or text with questions or best price (406) 781-6397

##### Dogs have fought alongside American forces in every conflict since the Revolutionary War, but only officially since WWII. ##### The United States Marine Corps officially began its war dog program in 1942 and during WWII, the Marine Corps trained and fielded the experimental dog units across the Pacific theater.

FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals




1981 Cedarapids 30x42 triple roll plant, Cat D373 re-man power, new clutch, all new tires.$95,000


2007 International 9400i, Cat C13, 18 speed, wet kit, 80% tires, Merritt headache rack with chain hangers........................ $29,900

1985 International F2574 water truck, 350 hp Cummins motor, automatic transmission, 4000 gallon tank. Tires and brakes in good condition.............. $19,900

2015 CAT D6K2 XL, new Cat undercarriage, new cutting edges, 3 shank ripper, sweeps.......................................................................... $114,900

1997 Caterpillar D6R XL, cab, heat, multi-shank ripper, 75% undercarriage. Ready for work!................................................................ $68,900


2018 Deere 332G, 2 speed, heat, air conditioning, ride control, only 747 hours! Clean unit!.. $44,900



1987 Cat D6H, cab, heat, ripper, 75% undercarriage. Very clean dozer!............................$48,500


Researchers put cornstarch to use fighting pests

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Add yet another use for cornstarch—besides thickening soups and gravies, making adhesives, soothing skin and removing stains. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Peoria, Illinois, are now using the versatile commodity to make products that can fight insect pests, prevent disease and decay and impart water resistance to surfaces. Underpinning that effort is the team’s use of patented procedures for converting cornstarch into a new class of material known as amylose inclusion complex (AIC)—an advance aimed at increasing the commodity’s value even more. Products created from the AIC include emulsions using essential oils from garlic, asafoetida (a type of spice) and other plants to control mosquito larvae in aquatic habitats. The emulsions are toxic to mosquito larvae but not the environment, which makes them promising botanical alternatives to synthetic insecticides, noted one of the ARS scientists, Ephantus Muturi, who is with the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR) in Peoria. Muturi said the emulsions envelope droplets of the oils, stabilizing them and protecting them from extremes of heat or oxidation that can reduce their potency when applied to mosquito larvae habitats, like storm water catch basins and old tires. The emulsions also allow the oil droplets to disperse in water, contrary to their natural tendency. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of their contacting and killing the larvae, improving control of the young pests. In laboratory trials, exposure to the essential oil emulsions killed the larvae of yellow fever mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) in 24 hours. The number that died upon exposure was dependent on the type of oil and formulation used, noted Muturi, who reported the findings in the October 2019 issue of the journal Insects together with NCAUR colleagues William Hay, Robert Behle and Gordon Selling. Ultimately, the team envisions using the essential oil emulsions as part of an integrated approach to controlling mosquitoes and preventing the diseases they can spread, such as West Nile virus, yellow fever, dengue and Zika. On another front, Hay, Behle and their colleagues are examining cornstarch-based emulsions that could put the kibosh on wood-damaging termites and rot-causing fungi, including species that cause stored potato losses of up to 25 percent annually. Other products include films and coatings that regulate gas exchange or impart water repellency to paper and other cellulosic materials, as well as glass. Like the emulsions, they too were derived from the AIC. Selling and ARS chemist George Fanta used current industrial techniques such as steam-jet cooking to produce the AIC from high-amylose cornstarch, fatty acid salts, and other biobased ingredients. The team’s efforts support a broader push at Peoria to develop new, value-added uses for Midwestern crops like corn that will help diminish the reliance on petroleum-based goods and the environmental “footprint” their use can leave behind.

2010 Caterpillar 304C CR, cab, heat, knock down blade, auxiliary hydraulics, manual quick-coupler, 65% undercarriage remaining.... ......................................$33,900 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price


TELEHANDLERS 2005 Trailmax TD42-T, tilt deck, steel wheels, 50% tires and brakes remaining...........$17,500 2006 Genie GTH842, cab, heat, foam filled tires, Deere motor, new hydraulic pump. Ready for work!..............................$39,900

1991 Sturdy Weld pup trailer, new front lift axle, 90% tires, all aluminum wheels, box in great shape. ......................................$10,900

Matt Swan • Matt’s cell - 406-579-1948 Steve Swan • Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

The Dawson County FFA held a “Kiss a Sheep” fundraiser for their chapter during the GATE February 14-15 in Glendive, MT. They had four bum lambs at the event which were very popular for the small children who attended. Pictured are Ryan DeSaye, Hannah Beach, holding Buddy the lamb, and Ryleigh Mittelstaed with Remi, who is a 9 month old GoldenDoodle being trained as a service dog.

Commitment to continue export grain inspections

From USDA The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is rising to meet the challenges associated with the new coronavirus disease, Covid-19. As leaders of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Agricultural Marketing Service, we can assure you that the agencies are committed to ensuring the health and safety of our employees while still providing the timely delivery of the services to maintain the movement of America’s food supply from farm to fork. These agencies are prepared to utilize their authority and all administrative means and flexibilities to address staffing considerations. Field personnel will be working closely with establishment management and state and local health authorities to handle situations as they arise in your community. As always, communication between industry and government will be key. We are all relying on early and frequent communication with one another to overcome challenges as they arise. In this time of much uncertainty, we know that many of you have questions about how the department will continue to ensure that grading and inspection personnel are available. We have all seen how consumers have reacted to the evolving coronavirus situation and how important access to food is to a sense of safety and wellbeing. It is more important than ever that we assure the American public that government and industry will take all steps necessary to ensure continued access to safe and wholesome USDA-inspected products. As we come together as a country to address this public health threat, know that USDA remains committed to working closely with industry to fulfill our mission of ensuring the safety of the U.S. food supply and protecting agricultural health.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C25

##### The first telephone exchange opened on January 28, 1878 in New Haven, Connecticut.

ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519

Western Water Wells NEW! Shallow well solar pump package. Only $1799 4 Lorentz Pumps 4 2GPM to 1000GPM 4 From 5-ft. – 2500-ft. 4 Complete Solar Kits Available 4 Professional Installation Statewide 4 Records water pumped 4 Records hours pumped 4 Can adjust pumps to match well production

4 Submersible and surface Pumps available

Please call today for free estimates


406-868-1492 Jack Clark

##### Barley is tall grass. It has hairy, upright stem that can reach 31.5 to 34.9 inches in height. Inflorescence, also known as spike, is located on a top of a plant.

Helena, MT •



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Over 280 Vehicles • 90 Days to First Payment! BARGAIN BOX 2006 FORD ESCAPE XLS 92K regular price: $6995 BARGAIN PRICE: $4991 2000 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN w/handicap ramp, 54K, rare! regular price: $8995 BARGAIN PRICE: $7500 2007 FORD TAURUS SEL 94K, runs and looks great! regular price: $7995 BARGAIN PRICE: $6500 2003 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC 4X4

2010 FORD F250 LARIAT crew, 4x4, 6.4 litre was:

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2017 GMC YUKON XL SLT 4X4 45K miles, local suburban was:

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2019 FORD TAURUS LIMITED awd, sunroof, loaded, 19K miles was: $27,995 - $3000 GT now:


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$324/mo. x 72mo. oac

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2015 FORD EXPEDITION XLT 88K, very nice 4x4 suv was:

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2010 CHEVROLET 1500 LTZ crew, 4x4, 74K, loaded & mint was:


$293/mo. x 72mo. oac

$22,995 - $3000 GT



$309/mo. x 72mo. oac

2016 FORD F150 XLT 4x4, 82K, must see! was: $22,995 - $3000 GT




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2008 CHEVROLET 2500 4X4 crew, long box, duramax was:


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2016 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT passenger van, rare! was: $15,995 - $3000 GT now:


$201/mo. x 72mo. oac

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C26

If you have items you want advertised in the May 2020 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is April 29th.


2001 Ford F450 service truck, 7.3L, 162,000 miles. Call for rest of equipment on truck..........................$29,000

How does flooding affect farms? American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America

Phone (406) 250-4391, Kalispell, MT

2019 CASE IH MAXXUM 125 W/L105 LOADER/GRAPPLE When farmers have advance notice that river levels are high, and there may be flooding, they can take precautions. In 2019, there was no advance notice. Shown, overflowing grain bins from grain that absorbed floodwater bursting through the bin. Credit: John Wilson



See Ryan or Bill today at

Musselshell Valley Equipment 418 Main St., Roundup, MT 59072

(406) 323-2605 or (888) 423-2605

*5 year lease with 300 hours per year OAC with CNH Industrian Capital

Severe flooding caused devastation for farmers across the Midwest in the spring of 2019. The March 7th Sustainable, Secure Food blog explores the effects flooding has on farms and the steps taken to recover. Blogger John Wilson explains, “In the spring of 2019, a perfect storm of conditions led to severe flooding across the Midwest. Farmers in many states had to delay spring planting because fields were too wet.” Rapid snowmelt, precipitation and flooded waterways played into the problem. “The results were catastrophic; some farms still had standing water 6 months later,” says Wilson. “Floods have long-term impacts.” Issues farmers must address after flooding include: 1. Sediment and debris 2. Erosion repair 3. Soil repair and nutrient management 4. Crop repair “Repairing farm fields after floods is possible, but it can be time-consuming and labor-intensive,” says Wilson. “Patience is a virtue when bringing flood-damaged cropland back into production. Inventorying what needs to be done and planning your course of action is critical for flood recovery.” To learn more about how flooding impacts farmers, read the new Sustainable, Secure Food blog:



5-ft. rotary mower, shear bolt protected. Retail is $1628.............. MVE PRICE $1455


Have arrived! 5/8” diameter. Flexible harrow with 3-ft. tines on both sides. Heaviest in the industry. 13-ft. shown.................. Call



3-way hydraulic heavy duty grader blades. Set up and ready to go. Includes cyclinder 9-ft. retails for $6750... MVE PRICE $5890 and hoses. Save $200...............Just $1039 10-ft. retails for $7772.. MVE PRICE $6705

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

418 Main, Roundup, MT

John Albert - cell 406-860-5532, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C27

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Contact us at or


Demo unit with RD 163 16-ft. rotary header, 250 hp, large deluxe cab with great visibility, comfort, and a buddy seat, fully integrated auto guidance for effortless operation, Pro 700 color touchscreen, hydraulic header float and angle, power reverser, and much more. Our new “3 Se- from dryland grass to alfalfa to 12-ft. sorghum ries” rotary headers with ease and run them through the 108” steel are designed to cut a conditioner rolls. MSRP $231,668 wide variety of crops

MVE BLOWOUT $156,135



Demo unit with 18-ft. dual sickle header, 150 HP, 2 speed hydrostat, suspended cab and rear axle, large deluxe cab with unmatched visibility and comfort, power reverser, hydraulic header float and guard angle. MSRP $172,861

MVE BLOWOUT $102,389

Finance with CNH Capital at 0%

For 4 years O.A.C. Longer terms available for slightly higher rates

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.


418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554 Contact us at or


With L360 Case IH loader. This like new unit has ONLY 46 hours. Previous owner bought a bigger place and a bigger tractor. Cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 remotes, 3-point hitch, 16x16 transmission, and Factory Warranty plus extended Warranty. Retails for $43,680 .........MVE Price Just $35,290 $1000 REBATE PLUS 0% FINANCE FOR 5 YEARS WITH CNHI OAC


5x6 twine mesh unit with Megawide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5x-16.1 tires, and bale push bar. Very well maintained unit with 19,899 bales and ready to go to work. Book says $29,854...................... MVE Price $25,892


Includes HD 95” bucket w/4 tine grapple, mounts for Maxxum tractor, 3 function mid-mount valve and joystick.......................... .................................................GREAT BUY $15,780



Really nice 14x18 square baler. Very well taken car of unit......... .....................................Consigned unit for $5950


Like new HDL-1124-16 spike tooth harrow. This is the ideal tool for pasture renovation and field preparation, with 16 bars of HD replaceable spikes. Retailed for $22,619. Previous owner bought a bigger unit. Buy this one with only 50 acres for............ .................................................................................$18,303


This unit was built in 2014 and was used for advertising. It has only 10 acres and is new in every other way. Fits Case IH and New Holland draper ready windrowers. Unit retailed for $69,870 in 2014.................. Unbelievable Buy at $19,660


With L745 loader grapple. Very clean LEASE return with MFWD, 110 hp., 16x16 PowerShift transmission, cab suspension, cold weather package, 29 GPM hydraulic system, Class IV front axle, 3 remotes, front fenders, 3 function MM valve with joystick, and rear wheel weights. Loader is self level with a 4 tine 2 cylinder grapple fork. Just 632 hours and PPP until 5/31/2020.......... ................................................ Great Buy at $75,723 $2000 REBATE PLUS 0% FINANCE FOR 5 YEARS WITH CNHI OAC

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.



Very nice 5x6 twine baler w/540 PTO. Just 18,000 bales on this Xtra clean unit..................... Priced to sell at $9,635

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C28


Wilson Road Brute trailer, 24-ft. tandem axle with duals, 25,000 GVW, dove tail and oil bath bearings. Very good condition.................................................................... $7000 Call (406) 592-3667, Hardin, MT

##### If the 5-gallon buckets hydraulic oil comes in are almost as valuable a tool as the oil for feeding livestock or for portable parts or tool storage, and you’ve neverever thrown one away that was not busted...You Might be a Farmer. ##### Why do we wait until a pig is dead to “cure” it?

Walking pastures - Important step in pasture management

From PennState Extension Pasture Deterioration Pasture deterioration occurs over time, even though it may appear to happen suddenly. Good grazers routinely walk their pastures, looking for changes in populations of desirable plants, increases in weeds, loss of plant vigor, and increasing bare spots. It is important to catch and address problems early. From Reward to Disappointment How many times have you patted yourself on the back when looking at your pastures in spring, congratulating yourself for a job well done? How many times have you been dismayed in August to find that the same pastures turned into weeds, seemingly overnight? Maintaining a productive pasture requires year round attention. Walking pastures in spring and summer will also allow you to develop an inventory of weeds that are present. Cool Season Grasses Remember that the mainstay of most pastures in Pennsylvania is cool season grasses such as Kentucky Bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass, brome, and timothy. These grasses prefer temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees and are very productive in spring and fall. When temperatures increase, cool season grasses slow down their production and become dormant. If a pasture manager is not watching closely and allows animals to continue to graze plants to ground level during hot, dry conditions, the grass can be eliminated from the pasture. Rotating pastures will allow grasses to recover and will keep pastures productive. Tall grasses can be grazed to maintain a height of 4-5 inches; short grasses should be maintained at 2 to 3 inches. If grass is grazed closer than this, the animals should be removed from the pasture and rotated to another pasture. As you walk your pastures, try to estimate what percent is desirable cool-season grasses compared to summer annual weedy grasses, like crabgrass or foxtail. Summer annual grasses will look vibrant in the heat of summer when coolseason perennials are looking dry and dormant. They will also die off in the fall while cool-season grasses thrive in the cooler weather. Sacrifice Areas If there is not enough land on the farm to allow for rotation, then stress lots or sacrifice areas can be constructed to contain animals during periods of adverse growing conditions. Stress lots are generally constructed by excavating the topsoil, then adding a layer of small stone and covering it with packed stone dust so that manure can be scraped from the surface. The lot is slightly sloped to allow water to run off. Vegetation should be maintained around the stress lot to absorb water and excess nutrients. As you walk your pastures, look for large bare areas where forage won’t grow. This might be a good spot for a sacrifice area. You might also locate one in a central part of the pasture to subdivide it into a rotational grazing system and allow access to one field at a time. Avoid locating these near sensitive areas like surface water or wells. Weed Control Continual grazing combined with slow summer forage growth creates bare spots, allowing sunlight to reach the soil surface. This creates a wonderful opportunity for weed seeds to germinate and for weeds to become established. Herbicides today are very safe but are selective and are not always effective on all the weeds that are present. It is important to choose the best herbicide to control the weeds that are in the pastures and equally important to use that product at the right time. Late summer is a good time to control perennial weeds. Summer annual weeds should be identified and controlled in early spring when the weeds are very small and have not had time to produce seeds. Remember that the best weed control agent that exists is a thick, healthy stand of pasture grasses that will not allow weed seeds to germinate in the first place. In a badly overgrazed pasture, weeds can play an important role in absorbing excess manure nutrients and protecting soil from erosion. So, if you choose to eliminate weeds, be sure to develop a plan to thicken up your pasture forages and then keep the plants healthy and thick. Remember that it is easier to keep a pasture productive than to repair one that has deteriorated. As you walk your pastures, try to identify the weeds you see and note the time of year you see them. Create an inventory and decide which weeds are becoming a problem by taking over large areas. Take samples to your local Extension office if you can’t identify them.

Why do farmers care about conservation?

From American Society of Agronomy An American poet once said, “Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.” This quote especially rings true for farmers and ranchers. The March 22nd Sustainable, Secure Food blog explores why farmers care so much about conservation. Blogger Rachel Leege explains, “It’s easy to find examples of public land being set aside for conservation efforts and wildlife habitat. However, conservation on private lands makes up the majority of habitat for wildlife in the United States. Private landowners, like farmers, play a vital role in the game of conservation.” Ultimately, farmers cannot afford to not take care of the land – it supplies their income, recreation and future dreams. Over 90% of American farms are family owned. So, the preservation of natural resources will also likely determine the success of a farm as it’s handed down to the generations to come. Caring for these resources is also like an unwritten agreement between neighbors, as the resources, like water, are shared. “Farmers and ranchers are looking into ways to protect the ecological balance on their land now more than ever,” says Leege. “And, the public is paying attention.” In this blog, Leege explores how natural systems were broken, farmer challenges and solutions, and restoring ecological balance. “It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t love the outdoors. We care about the environment, and we want to protect our natural ecosystems. Farmers are right there with us!” To learn more about the conservation efforts of farmers, read the new Sustainable, Secure Food blog:

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C29

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • Nice selections of Wishek Disks and K-line Speedtillers New or used • New disk from K-line and Wishek • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Grain baggers and extractors - have bags for these • Hay rake • Bale pickers • Grain Vacs • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows & Land Rollers - 50-ft. & 20-ft. • Meyers 440 Manure Spreader with Vertical Beaters

##### If you can remember the fertilizer rate, seed population, herbicide rate, and yields from farms you have rented the past three years, but cannot recall your wedding anniversary... You Might be a Farmer.


Make the most of our Quality Equipment Heavy Harrow Starting at $2.25 per acre

Land Roller

$3.00 per acre

Truck Mount Fertilizer Spreader 10 ton truck box


$10.00 per acre

$500.00 per day Pull Type Fertilizer Spreader 8 ton

$2.50 per acre

$3.25 per acre Tillage

Manure Spreader

Diamond Disc

$10.00 a day

Vertical Tillage

$9.00 per acre

Put an end to field rodent damage: Put an end to field rodent damage:

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C30

For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact: For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact:

Michael Brownell

Northern Plains District Sales Manager Michael Brownell For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact: E-mail: Northern Plains District Sales Manager Mobile: 414-559-4436 E-mail: Michael Brownell Mobile: 414-559-4436 Northern Plains District Sales Manager E-mail: Mobile: 414-559-4436

202 North Central Avenue, Cut Bank, MT 59427 (406) 873-2984 l

MSU, partners to launch website to share resources for producers under stress

By Anne Cantrell, MSU News Service addition to the MSU Department of Health A group of individuals and organizations and Human Development and MSU Extenfrom across Montana, led by Montana State sion, partner organizations include Montana University (MSU) Extension, are collaboFarm Bureau, Custer County Commission, rating to provide resources and solutions for Garfield County Commission, Montana farmers and ranchers under stress. USDA Farm Service Agency, MSU Ex“We know from various research that tension Local Government Center and the there is a high level of stress in life, specifiMontana Department of Public Health and cally among farmers and ranchers in rural Human Services. areas like Montana,” said Michelle Grocke, Grocke noted that an important compohealth and wellness specialist with MSU nent of the project is its accessibility: IndiExtension and assistant professor in the viduals can access the resources anywhere MSU Department of Health and Human Dethere is an internet connection, whether it’s velopment. Stress can be caused by a range the library or their own homes. of issues, she said, from commodity prices, The project is funded by a $32,737 grant weather and crop yield to debt load, passing from the Montana Healthcare Foundation. a farm or ranch to the next generation, fam“We feel really grateful and excited that ily issues, and injuries or illness. She added they felt this was of value for them to supthat it can lead to mental illness, increased port,” Grocke said. “A lot of the projects risk of suicide and other health issues. this foundation supports are collaborative Now, a team of Montanans known as in nature, innovative and forward-looking. the Montana Farm/Ranch Stress PrevenWe were thrilled to have them think this is tion Advisory Council is working to create a project deserving of their funding.” a new website that will host resources to The advisory council hopes the resources help farmers, ranchers and other community and materials will spark discussions about members better understand the causes of the causes and effects of stress — and, in stress – as well as how to manage it. The the process, remove stigma associated with website is expected to launch this summer. the topic, according to Brennan. They also “Ultimately, we hope these resources will hope it will equip community members with lessen the risk of mental illness and suicide evidence-based farm stress and mental wellamong Montana’s farming and ranching ness resources to assist them in managing communities,” Grocke said. their stress. The website is a direct response to a need “There is, in fact, quite a lot of stigma MSU Extension staff continue to hear about still surrounding discussions about mental from people across the state, said Suzanne health, mental illness, mental disorders Stluka, associate director of MSU Extenand suicide,” Brennan said. “My hope is sion. that by providing a centralized location for “MSU Extension staff began to share relevant information running the gamut of tough stories of how chronic stress was topics — from plant diseases, weather and impacting agriculture producers,” she said. financial management, to stress manage“We knew we needed to do something.” ment techniques, to suicide prevention The team working on the website is combest practices — we can start some crucial posed of more than 20 members representconversations about mental health in rural ing agricultural, health, tribal, veteran, local Montana, reduce stigma and save lives.” government and MSU communities. Project Darla Tyler-McSherry, a member of the leaders are Grocke, Stluka and Alison BrenMontana Farm/Ranch Stress Prevention Adnan, MSU Extension mental health specialvisory Council and director of student health ist and assistant professor in the Department at Montana State University Billings, said of Health and Human Development. In goals for the website include bringing attention to the issue of suicide in Montana’s farm and ranch communities and giving people practical, easy-to-incorporate strategies to improve their mental health. “Additionally, I want to communicate the message that if you or a loved one is struggling with thoughts of suicide, you are not alone, and effective help is available,” Tyler-McSherry said. “Lastly, I want this project to help confirm the notion that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather, a sign of incredible strength.” More information is available at wellness_extn/stress-management/mt_farm_stress_ clearing_house/project_ page.html. To learn more or to offer feedback on the website, contact Grocke at 406-994-4711 or michelle. ##### Why do they report power outages on TV?

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C31

Noxious Weed Trust Fund grant recipients

The advertising deadlines for the Trader's Dispatch are the WEDNESDAY BEFORE the 1st Monday of the month.

##### If there was a tunnel that would go straight through the Earth from one side to the other and you jumped in it, it would take you 42 minutes to emerge on the other side.

To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council has awarded over $1.7 million for the development and implementation of noxious weed management programs across Montana. The grants assist counties, conservation districts, local communities, tribes, researchers and educators in efforts to combat noxious weeds in Montana. The Noxious Weed Trust Fund (NWTF) grant hearings and deliberations took place in Helena on March 2-6th. Grant requests totaled $2,582,556. 45 local cooperative projects were funded at a total of $1,154,600 or 68% of all dollars awarded. Ten research projects were funded at $265,556 or 16%, and 12 educational projects were funded for $279,935 or 16%. A list of funded grant projects for 2020 is available on the MDA website at The Montana Noxious Weed Trust Fund grant program was established by the Montana Legislature in 1985. The advisory council reviews applications, hears applicant testimony, and provides funding recommendations to the director for final approval. Funding is typically passed through a governmental organization, local weed district, conservation district, extension office, or university. Applications for 2021 Noxious Weed Trust Fund grants will be available at in mid-July and must be submitted by January 6, 2021. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-868-5977 Simms, MT John Myers 406-546-1743

Lloyd Walker

(406) 868-5977 2008 Utility 53-ft. combo drop deck, spread axle........... $19,500

1996 Interstate 20 ton, pintle hitch equipment trailer.... $12,500

2008 Bobcat S300 enclosed cab, 2 speed........................... $18,500

2011 Ford F150 crew cab, 3.5 Ecoboost, 4x4, 199,000 miles..... ....................................... $11,000

2006 Cat 314LC excavator, 5500 hours, hydraulic thumb, blade....... ....................................... $59,500 1996 Kenworth W900L Cat 3406E, 18 speed, steerable lift axle................................. $25,000

1988 Fruehauf 45-ft. aluminum flatbed................................ $6000

2015 John Deere 329E track skid steer, enclosed cab......... $32,500

2009 Peterbilt 367 daycab, Cummins ISX, 10 speed, steerable lift axle, air ride, 847,000 miles.......... ....................................... $29,500

2006 Arnes T/A belly dump, air ride................................. $22,500 2002 GMC 2500 Duramax, extended cab, long bed, 4x4, 108,000 miles................. $10,000

2004 Liddell 55 ton hydraulic lowboy, 26-ft. well, self-contained. ....................................... $47,500

1989 Timbco 2515 fellerbuncher, newer engine, bar saw.... $17,500

2005 John Deere 772D AWD grader, 14-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. ext. front scarifier, rear hydraulic. Ex-county machine, 19,000 hours, motor and transission have been rebuilt..................... $50,000

2015 Ford F250 XLT 6.7 diesel, 4x4 long bed, 54,000 miles........... ....................................... $30,000


2007 Hitachi ZX240 excavator, 9,000 hours..................... $35,000

1974 Kenworth W900A dump truck, Cummins, 13 speed, walking beam suspension, 14-ft. bed, new radiator.................... $12,500

2019 Aspen 75 ton lowboy, 3-32.....................................$290,000

2006 Peterbilt 379 EXHD C15, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rear lockers, lift axle, 292” wheelbase, 48” flat top sleeper, 475,000 miles............ ....................................... $80,000

2002 John Deere 444H wheel loader, 16,000 hours, 3rd valve, hydraulic coupler............ $29,500

2001 Snorkle 60-ft. telescopic man lift, 3900 hours........... $9950

2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $39,500

1997 Jet 40-ft. grain trailer, T/A..... ....................................... $16,500 2001 Genie Z60 manlift..$25,000

2012 Gehl Z35 mini excavator, hydraulic/thumb, 1500 hours........ ....................................... $29,500

Mack manure truck for Rent! ....... ............................ Call for prices

2011 Peterbilt 367 48” stand up sleeper, Tri-drive, 0 miles on out of frame pre-emission C15, 18 speed, 16,000 lb front axle, 69,000 lb rears, 500,000 original miles............................... $79,500

2011 John Deere 329D skid steer, enclosed cab, bucket, 3050 hours, very nice...............$32,500

1999 Daewoo Mega 200 hydraulic coupler, 3900 hours ... $35,000


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C32

AIR DRILL FOR SALE 2014 John Deere 1890 with 430 bushel TBH 3-tank cart, 42.5-ft., 7.5” spacing, new disks and seed tbs, less than 10K acres. Field Ready. Phone/Text Cody @ (406) 390-1034, Rudyard, MT

##### Historians report that up until the 16th century, barley was the most important grain on the European continent. It was also used as currency and as a measuring standard.


325 spraying hours, 120-ft. carbon fiber booms, large tank, Exact Apply technology, extra nozzles and all other options.....................................................................$386,000 Call Dean (406) 579-6557 or

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Protecting yourself in a financial crisis

By Cole Ehmke, Specialist in Ag Entrepreneurship and Personal Finance, UW Extension & Agricultural and Applied Economics Even if you haven’t been laid off or had a reduction in work hours, the coronavirus situation is a reminder about how close to the edge many people are. When the income drops but the bills keep coming, keep these things in mind. Steps to take if you have trouble paying your bills If you have trouble paying your bills or loans, or paying on time, contact your lenders and servicers to let them know about your situation. Being behind on your payments can have a lasting impact on your credit. They may be able to offer you options such as: waiving ATM, overpayment, and late fees, as well as allowing you to delay, adjust, or skip some payments. Some landlords have reduced or deferred rental payments. When contacting lenders, be prepared to explain: • Your situation • How much you can afford to pay • When you’re likely to be able to restart regular payments • In the case of mortgages, be prepared to discuss your income, expenses and assets If you’re having trouble with a car loan, your lender may be able to change the date of your payment, create a payment plan, and allow a payment extension. What to do if you lose your income 1. State and federal programs may be able to help people in need. Look at the requirements for making an unemployment insurance claim through the state. Even if you haven’t been laid off or had a reduction in your hours, do collect the information you’ll need for an unemployment claim, like your recent pay stubs and tax filings. You’ll want to have your own records ready, especially if your employer is closed. 2. Take stock of possible sources of cash and credit. It may not be wise to open a new credit card account but do know the credit limit on each card you already have. Set aside as much of any expected income as possible, such as from an income tax refund or coronavirus stimulus payment. 3. Scrutinize spending. Each dollar saved reduces the possibility of having to skip a bill payment or putting something on a credit card. Are there subscriptions you can do without? Is a less expensive cell plan available? Take an aggressive approach. It may be tempting to reduce contributions to a retirement account like a 401(k) or IRA, but it’s wise to keep contributing if possible because these funds provide for financial security in later life (plus your money buys more when stock prices are low). 4. Have a family meeting. Talk with family members about cutting unnecessary expenses. Have a family discussion about how everyone can contribute to the wellbeing of the family. Check on resources like the size of your emergency savings beforehand so that you have good data to work with. Overall, address painful issues face-on. Otherwise resentment and disagreement will erode relationships. Keep the conversation focused on solving the problem, not your annoyance at the people. 5. Identify local sources of help like food banks and how to apply for government benefits like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Be aware of potential scam attempts Scammers look for opportunities to take advantage of the vulnerable, especially during times of emergencies or natural disasters. Be cautious of emails, texts, or social media posts that may be selling fake products or information about emerging coronavirus cases. The Federal Trade Commission has tips to protect yourself from possible coronavirus-related scams. Go to and scroll to the coronavirus post.

National Prime Rib Day

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always April 27 This is my kind of day, the kind of day you can sink your teeth into. National Prime Rib Day gets your mouth watering, and starts you drooling. Many of us look to this day on the calendar to enjoy one of America’s favorite steaks. For just a day, forget about the diet. For just today, don’t fret over the high fat and cholesterol content. There’s only one way to celebrate Prime Rib Day. That is with a big, thick, juicy cut of prime rib, cooked perfectly to your liking. Don’t forget the au jus and the fully loaded baked potato.

Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Advisory Council

The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is currently recruiting for open positions on its Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Advisory Council. The following council terms are currently vacant: Certified Weed Seed Free Forage Producer (Eastern Region) Certified Weed Seed Free Forage Producer (Any Region) Outfitter’s or Guide’s Organization The following council terms expire September 2020: Certified Weed Seed Free Forage Producer (Central Region) Western County Weed District Representative Eastern County Weed District Representative Forage Product Processor Members of the advisory council provide guidance to the Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage (NWSFF) Program, which implements a cooperative forage and product certification system with federal, state, local, and private land managers that benefits Montanans and other states by producing and making available forage free of noxious weed seeds. Council meetings take place annually on one day in January or February. Those interested in serving on the Noxious Weed Seed Free Forage Advisory Council can submit a letter of interest and apply to MDA by July 1, 2020. More information and applications are available on the NWSFF Council website. Nominations can be submitted to Montana Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 200201, Helena, MT 59620-0201, or The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C33

Remember that there is nothing stable in human affairs; therefore avoid undue elation in prosperity, or undue depression in adversity. – Abraham Lincoln

ALFALFA/GRASS HAY FOR SALE 1st & 2nd cutting, located in Valier, MT Call 406-279-3494, 406-279-3657 or 460-3657

##### Clint Eastwood was drafted into the U.S. Army during the Korean War. An expert swimmer, he once swam three miles back to shore after his plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean.

Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842

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2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 • (406) 265-4563



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Grain Trailers $28,000

$39,900 1998 Peterbilt 379

3406E, Reman 18 speed, inframe (paperwork), push axle, American Class interior

2000 Kenworth T800

2005 Kenworth T800 C15 Acert, 475 hp, 10 speed



1985 Kenworth T800

3406B, 425 hp, 10 speed, fresh paint


2002 Kenworth W900L

Cat 6NZ, 550 hp, 18 speed, wet kit

12.7L Detroit, 475 hp, 10 speed, push axle


1986 Kenworth W900

855 Cummins, 425 hp, 18 speed, recent inframe, wet kit, push axle

Trailers For Sale:


1992 Peterbilt 379


Series 60 Detroit, 450 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, headache rack, New virgin rubber, 270” wheelbase.

1995 Kenworth T600 Box Truck

Detriot S60, 430 hp, 9 speed, lift axle, pintle hitch, 4-stage head lift hoist, 21-ft. grain box


1999 Kenworth T800

C12, 430 hp, fresh motor, 13 speed


1992 Ford L9000 Aeromax Detriot Series 60, 10 speed, 16-ft. dump box


1997 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

Cat 3406E, 470 hp, 13 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, Webasto heater, Right Weigh on board scale, headache rack.

Pup trailer 13-ft. box, spring, hydraulic lift $5000

1992 Freightliner FLD120 Series 60 Detroit, 333 hp, 13 speed, COZAD ramps, freshly painted.


1979 Peterbilt 359

855 Cummins, 400 hp, 13 speed, 30,000 on engine overhaul, new paint, new virgin rubber, new lighting, new glass

We are your Dealer for $25,000

2009 Freightliner M2

MBN 4000, 450 hp, Super 10 speed, double lockers, double frame, heavy haul truck


1997 Dodge Ram 3500

4x4, 5.9L Cummins, PTO, hydraulically driven fuel pump and air compressor.

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Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free

2005 Freightliner Columbia MBN 4000, 475 hp, 10 speed, Emissions deleted, 226” wheelbase, 732,000 miles.



1978 International F1850

DT466, 250 hp, 10 speed, fresh overhaul, 19-ft. box.

see these units and more info at

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C34


John Deere air seeder, 787 cart (same as 2320 F/C) with 36-ft. 730 seeding tool. Disc opener spacing 6”. Located at Bozeman, Montana............................................. offers considered Call or text (406) 539-1097



Everleaf Forage Oats

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Dryland Ladak Alfalfa Irrigated Alfalfa Blend * High yield * Regrowth * Disease Resistance $2.60/lb.

* High yield * Drought tolerant $2.70/lb.

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Be prepared for flooding in rural areas

By NDSU Extension Service The forecast is for a rapid warmup starting the last weekend of March, which will cause a rapid thaw, releasing the water in the snow cover. “This may cause flooding in some rural areas,” says Ken Hellevang, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agricultural engineer. “Now is the time to prepare before water is accumulating on the farmstead.” Here is some advice from NDSU Extension on how to protect rural residences and other structures, livestock and stored grain from flooding: Protecting Your Home and Other Structures Do the following based on the probability of flooding or wet conditions: • Test your sump pump to make sure it is operating properly. • Move snow away from building foundations. • Build small ditches to divert water away from your property. • Build a dike around your home or other structure. See NDSU Extension publication AE626, “Sandbagging for Flood Protection,” for information on the correct way to build a dike. It’s available online at Sandbagging-NDSU. • Put appliances such as washers, dryers and freezers in basements up on wood or cement blocks if flooding is threatening. • Shut off power to flood-threatened electrical appliances at the fuse box or breaker panel. • Move valuables, such as irreplaceable family photos, high school yearbooks, tax records, insurance policies, household inventories, and hazardous material, such as agricultural chemicals, paint, oil and cleaning supplies, to higher locations. • If your septic system’s drain field will become flooded or saturated, plug all basement drains and drastically reduce water use in the house or any other water entering the septic system. Unbolt toilets from the floor to plug the outlet pipe. • Tie down fuel tanks and other equipment or material to keep it from floating away in floodwaters. • Use material such as heavy plastic and duct tape to seal your well cap and top of the well casing to keep floodwaters out. • Have an emergency power source, such as a standby generator. • Assemble emergency supplies in case roads become impassible. Protecting Your Livestock, Feed and Grain • Be sure cattle are immunized properly in case they are exposed to floodwaters. • Verify adequate drainage around the farmstead and grain bins. • Move machinery, feed and grain to a higher elevation if possible. • Move livestock to higher ground. For more information on preparing for a flood, visit the NDSU Extension flood information website at https://www.

2018 RAM 3500 CREW CAB 4X4 cummins, loaded laramie, leather


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This future farmer sure enjoyed the equipment on display at the GATE held February 14-15 in Glendive, MT.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C35

Opportunity is knocking, Don’t hesitate! 2015 Peterbilt 567

• 565 hp • 932,500 miles • ISX Cummins • 63” flattop

• 450 hp • 745,000 miles • ISX Cummins engine • Extremely clean

Buy or Lease To Own $11,867/yr - oac

2012 Peterbilt 389

• 500 hp • 861,000 miles • ISX Cummins

Buy or Lease to own $12,780/yr - oac

2005 Peterbilt 379

• 550 hp • 937,000 miles • Cat C15 engine

Buy or Lease to own $15,589/yr - oac

2015 Peterbilt 579

! D L SO

Fort Benton, MT

2012 Kenworth T800

! D L O S

• 565 hp • 363,000 miles • 63” flattop

Oshkosh, WI


2015 John Deere 1830 • 10” spacing • 550 bushel tank • Double shoot • 50-ft.

Buy or Lease To Own $26,527/yr - oac

John Deere 9610

2007 Peterbilt 379

Buy or Lease To Own $16,381/yr - oac

2014 Peterbilt 388

2010 Peterbilt 388

• 455 hp • 822,000 miles • MX13 Pac car

• 475 hp • ISX • 10 speed • 1 owner • Clean truck • Ready To Go!

Buy or Lease to own $11,814/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $12,094/yr - oac

2016 Kenworth W900L

• 485 hp • 443,000 miles • ISX Cummins • 72” flattop

Buy or Lease To Own $18,784/yr - oac

2011 John Deere 1835 2015 John Deere R4038 JUST IN!

• Mid row banders • Double shoot • 61-ft. • 1910 430 bushel tank

Buy or Lease to own $27,316/yr - oac

! D L SO

• 100-ft. boom • 1000 gallon • Full technology

Pawnee, OK

2018 John Deere 6195R 2013 John Deere 4830

2015 John Deere 640FD JUST IN!

• 40-ft. • Good used combine

• 2WD

Sale Price $39,000!

2016 John Deere S670

• Good knives and guards

Buy or Lease to own $9601/yr - oac

John Deere CX15 Mower Sale Price $13,970!

• 788 hours

• 580 separator hours • 2WD

Buy or Lease to own $39,394/yr - oac

• Only 215 hours • Loader • IVT • Duals • Warranty until 8021

Buy or Lease to own $22,712/yr - oac

• 100-ft. boom • 1000 gallon • Floaters • Full technology

Buy or Lease to own $24,080/yr - oac

2014 John Deere W235 2014 John Deere 4940 • 35-ft. draper • 280 hours

Buy or Lease to own $21,564/yr - oac



• 120-ft. boom • 1200 gallon • 2630 with Auto Trac • Section control


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C36

Balewagons & Retrievers 3-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition. $85,000 - $105,000

New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland 1068 with Chev 454 engine with automatic transmission.................................................................................$38,500 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak 1030S bale clamp, get your 3x4 bales off the field fast $28,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type, hauls 160 bales....................$16,500 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons..........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 New Holland 1048 balewagon...........................................$10,500 New Holland 1046 self-propelled, hauls 80 bales.................$7500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 pull type...............................................$10,500 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Swathers New Holland HW325 swather, 16HS header, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours....$47,500

2008 New Holland H8060 swather with 13-ft. discbine header, 1137 hours.................................................................................$69,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$38,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16-ft. 2300 header....$27,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours..................$39,500

Haying Equipment

New Holland 1425 square baler, diesel..............................$10,500 2007 New Holland BR7080 round baler.............................$10,500 1991 John Deere 435 round baler.........................................$4500 Bush Hog BSR 10-wheel rake, very nice..............................$6500 New Holland 56 rake...............................................................$600


Supreme 1200TM twin auger mixer mounted on 2007 Sterling truck, nice shape.........................................................................$95,000 John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 1973 International 4300 truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, Detroit diesel, 13 speed...................................................................$7500

Tractors & Accessories

USDA seeks public comment on more revised conservation practice standards

USDA News Release used by farmers, ranchers, and private forest The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s landowners nationwide. Natural Resources Conservation Service NRCS helps the nation’s farmers, ranch(NRCS) is seeking public comment on proers, and forest landowners plan and carry posed revisions to 49 national conservation out conservation practices to protect natural practice standards through a posting in the resources on their operations. Farm Bill Federal Register. The proposed revisions conservation programs such as the Enviposted this week with the public comment ronmental Quality Incentives Program, period closing April 23, 2020. Conservation Stewardship Program and the The 49 updated national conservation Agricultural Conservation Easement Propractice standards include: gram help producers cover the costs to plan • 12 agronomic practices for water quality and implement these conservation practices. and erosion control Submitting Comments • Two aquaculture practices NRCS is encouraging agricultural pro• Three forestry practices ducers, landowners, organizations, tribes, • Six practices affecting waterways and others that use its conservation practices • Five drainage-related practices to comment on these revised conservation • Seven livestock-related practices practice standards. NRCS will use public • Three energy and air quality practices comments to further enhance its conserva• Eight water conservation practices tion practice standards. NRCS sought the • Three farm traffic-related practices public’s input for 13 other conservation The 2018 Farm Bill required NRCS to repractice standards in October 2019. This folview all 169 existing national conservation lowed the March 11, 2019, announcement practices to seek opportunities to increase that the agency was commencing review flexibility and incorporate new technoloof the practice standards in the National gies to help the nation’s farmers, ranchers, Handbook of Conservation Practices. and private forest landowners better protect Copies of the proposed revisions to natural resources on their working lands. the 49 conservation practice standards “NRCS is committed to efficiently and are available through http://regulations. effectively implementing the Farm Bill gov by accessing docket number NRCSand delivering on our promise to America’s 2020-0001. The proposed revised stanfarmers, ranchers and forest landowners,” dards can also be downloaded or printed NRCS Chief Matthew Lohr said. “We are at a close look at our conservation tal/nrcs/detailfull/national/technical/cp/ practice standards to make sure they make ncps/?cid=STELPRDB1097426. sense – both for farmers and for natural When submitting comments, please inresources.” clude the volume, date and page number of As part of its review, NRCS wanted to this issue of the Federal Register. Comments ensure, as much as possible, that the stancan be submitted using several methods: dards used to carry out the conservation • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to practices are relevant to local agricultural, and search for forestry and natural resource needs, includdocket number NRCS-2020-0001. Follow ing specialty crops, native and managed instructions for submitting comments. pollinators, bioenergy crop production and • Mail or Hand Delivery: Mr. Bill forestry. NRCS plans to seek public comReck, National Environmental Engineer, ment on additional conservation practice Conservation Engineering Division, U.S. standards through the Federal Register Department of Agriculture, NRCS, 1400 process throughout 2020. Independence Ave., South Building, Room Improvements to the 49 revised conserva6136, Washington, D.C. 20250. tion practice standards include expanding For more information on how NRCS is imand updating their scope to incorporate new plementing the 2018 Farm Bill, visit NRCS’s technology and increase flexibility, enhancFederal Register Notices webpage (https:// ing water conservation practices such as irrigation, and addressing wildlife issues. national/home/?cid=nrcseprd1500814) or NRCS’s conservation practices offer guidelines for planning, installing, operating, and maintaining conservation practices

1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals...........$29,500

John Deere 8630 275 hp, 2156 hours, tires 80%...............$21,500 Great Bend 870 FEL, grapple, new condition.......................$7500

Industrial Equipment

2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

One of our “future farmers” sits on one of the new tractors on display at MATE in Billings, Montana. Owen Meidinger looks right at home.

Rain, snow observers needed By NDSU Extension Service

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C37

low boy service

40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)

ley becomes one of the most flood-prone A statewide citizen science network is areas in the U.S.,” Akyuz says. “In fact, looking for volunteers for rain and snow the Red River in Fargo has slightly more reporting in North Dakota. than a 25% probability of exceeding the These observers will measure rainfall, major flood stage in any given year, based snowfall and snow depth as part of the Comon historical data.” munity Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow The likelihood for major flooding along (CoCoRaHS) Network. Some observers the Red River’s main stem from Wahpeton also measure the water equivalent of the to Pembina is greater this spring. Based on snow after it melts. the National Weather Service’s North Cen“This is your chance to become part tral River Forecast Center, the Red River of the state’s climatological history and at Fargo has a greater than 95% chance of contribute to an accurate flood potential exceeding major flood stage. That percentforecast in your local areas,” says Adnan age for Grand Forks and Pembina is greater Akyuz, state climatologist and professor than 75% and 95%, respectively. of climatological practices at North Dakota “There are different economic and psyState University (NDSU). chological implications of being ready for North Dakotans have been collecting the 40-foot river stage and the 35-foot river precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) data stage in Fargo,” Akyuz says. “Therefore, it since the early 1900s in most places. When is more important today than ever before farmers, engineers, and weather and river that we make accurate snow measurements forecasters ask for precipitation data for Allis Chalmers tractors that go into hydrologic models that predict a given location, that information comes the flood stage. The quickest and the easiest mostly from volunteer observers. 4W305, 4W220, D21, 220, 8010-8070 mfwd solution is the CoCoRaHS Network.” “Providing that data is fun and easy, and Any condition considered Visit only takes five minutes a day,” Akyuz says. Phone Nathan at 701-240-5737 or aspx?page=application to learn more about North Dakota has more than 300 such joining the network. volunteer precipitation observers. However, 1-800-735-5846, email: only a handful of these observers are active year-round. “We need as many volunteer observers as possible around the state to help forecast flood potential, as well as drought assessments,” Akyuz says. “We have a lot of training materials for you to become an observer,” he adds. “All you need is an interest in weather to participate in the program and a cylindrical rain gauge.” Data from CoCoRaHS Network volunteers routineWORK TRUCKS ly are being viewed and used by many professions and organizations, including mePERSONAL TRUCKS teorologists, hydrologists, emergency managers, city CUSTOM TRUCKS utilities, insurance adjusters, agribusinesses, engineers, science teachers and the 2020 Ford F550 XCab XL 4X4 2020 Ford F450 Crew XL 4X4 OFF ROAD TRUCKS National Weather Service. 6.7L Diesel Engine 6.7L Diesel Engine Data are used for many apRehbein Price $59,584* Rehbein Price $59,702* plications, such as flooding, water resource planning, se*Price is determined by MSRP, Dealer discounts, Cash Rebates* and Dealer’s $95 Doc Fee. * Other Rebates may apply. Restrictions may apply. See store for details. vere storm warnings, teaching Earth science, predicting 2016 Ford F250 2017 Ford F250 crop yields and assessing SuperCab XLT 4X4 SuperCab XL 4X4 drought. The river stage at Fargo 6.2L V8 Engine 6.2L V8 Engine exceeded the major flood 140,000 miles 127,650 miles category (30 feet or greater) 18 times during the last 137 Rehbein Price Rehbein Price years and seven times (2006, $21,995 $24,895 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013 and 2019) during the *TRUCKS TRUCKS AND MORE TRUCKS! VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.REHBEINFORD.COM last 15 years. “The flow of the river causes a unique sequence 2016 Ford F250 2016 Chevy 2500 in which the spring thaw SuperCab XL 4X4 Silverado 4X4 progresses northward, in 6.2L V8 Engine 6.6L V8 Diesel turn causing natural ice 107,000 miles 73,985 miles jams as the river flows into still-ice-covered surfaces,” Rehbein Price Rehbein Price Akyuz says. $23,995 $35,995 The valley also has a unique topography in which the valley slopes less than 2 inches per mile at places, At Rehbein Ford, we offer work solutions to get any job done. Whether you need your truck for personal which causes the river to use, business use or commercial use, we have the solution for you. All products are installed by Rehbein meander in sharp loops. “Because of these two Ford and warrantied by Rehbein Ford. No need to go anywhere else, we can make it that easy. reasons, the Red River Val-


Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C38


Hesston 8100 swather, 16-ft. double knife sickle head with steel on steel conditioner, cab with air conditioning (works great, blows cold) excellent tires (95%), new batteries last summer, has hydraulics and controls to also run double swath grain head, 2584 hrs.   Pictures available............................................................................................. Phone (406) 217-3097, please leave message, as I am out of cell range most of the day.


Trade up to a new Clean burn get $750 to $1500 for your old heater

SHOP SPECIALTIES •Valier •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448 •

SALE! $10,000 18-ft. Retro Hopper w/set up included

Call for Details!

Havre, MT • Hoppers come with rack & pinion traps and manway, and inspection hole • Full “house” style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete! • Custom hopper bottoms for existing grain bins • Westeel smooth wall hopper bottom bins

Bruce Boyum • 406-945-0876 Matt Boyum • 406-945-1968 • NEW Westeel hopper bottom & flat bottom bins available • Overhead feed bins available • Custom Smoothwall bins from 50 bushel up to 500 bushel • Check us out at or on Facebook

• Built with heavier material than our competition

We now sell and build Sentinel Buildings

Starting at $5,550 Call Us!

N.D. 4-H Camp offers something for everyone

By NDSU Extension Service Youth ages 8 to 18 will have an opportunity to learn new skills while having fun at the North Dakota 4-H Camp this summer. The fully modern camp is on 80 acres nestled in the cottonwoods along the Missouri River near Washburn, North Dakota. The facility was updated in 2013 and an outdoor education building was added in 2018. The cabins and other facilities are air-conditioned. “The North Dakota 4-H Camp has been committed to providing a safe environment where youth build new friendships, master new skills, and gain independence and confidence for more than 50 years,” says Karla Meikle, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension’s 4-H youth development agent in Morton County. 4-H is an NDSU Extension program. The 4-H Camp program is staffed by NDSU Extension agents, state specialists and volunteers who are experts in their field. They design the camps to provide campers with a solid foundation of knowledge and experience to strengthen their abilities. The camp also has counselors who care for campers, monitor camp chores and conduct the recreational activities. All camp staff strive to be mentors and positive role models for the campers. A variety of camps are offered every summer. They include special-topic camps, such as the Livestock Camp and Hardcore Archery Camp, which have a hands-on educational component. The Livestock Camp teaches youth to improve their animal care, handling and show skills, Hardcore Archery Camp is three days of intense archery activities designed to improve practice and shooting skills. Other camps, such as the Adventure Camps, are packed with a variety of content and fun hands-on activities such as robotics, rocketry, shooting sports, crafts and cooking. Other 4-H camp experiences include fishing, flying drones, caring for small animals, geocaching, learning about soils and woodworking. “These provide youth with a perfect opportunity to try out a new interest,” says Lindsey Leker, NDSU Extension’s 4-H youth development science specialist. The Outdoor Skills, Whopper Club Fish Camp and Survivor Outdoor Recreation camps are very popular camps. The Whopper Club Fish Camp is for youth who want a fishing experience to better their understanding of equipment, fish biology and techniques. Survivor Outdoor Recreation Camp teaches teamwork and problem solving, with tribes competing in challenges for the coveted immunity idol and special privileges. Two new camps are being offered this year: Energy Camp and Entrepreneurship Camp. Campers in the Energy Camp will spend a week learning about energy science and job opportunities in that field, interacting with North Dakota energy leaders and taking advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour energy assets across western North Dakota. Campers in the Entrepreneurship Camp will experience how entrepreneurs innovate, think creatively, build teams, collaborate and develop the skills necessary to pitch a new product or service. In addition to the planned educational programs, each counselor will lead recreational opportunities such as hiking on walking trails, getting dirty in the mud pit, archery, Dutch oven cooking, evening campfires, going down the waterslide and dances. The ga-ga pits are a popular attraction at the camp. A waterslide and obstacle course were added in 2019. “We strive to make each child’s camping experience safe, fun, educational and memorable,” says Adrian Biewer, an NDSU Extension 4-H youth development specialist. “We have campers who return for multiple camps each season and have returned for as many as eight years in a row.” Camps also include a Healthy Camp Challenge in which campers get points for making healthful food choices, having healthful habits and getting exercise. In addition, campers can win the Golden Plunger Award for cabin neatness. “Our campers become more confident to try new things, and they learn to solve problems, building their confidence and feeling better about themselves,” Meikle says. “The camp program teaches them lifelong skills while having fun.” The cost of the camps varies. Scholarships will be available for the Energy and Entrepreneurship camps. Registration is open for the 2020 camps. Visit https:// for the camp schedule and descriptions. Contact the Extension office in your county for more information. Also check out the camp Facebook page at https:// to see the fun campers had last year.

Easy recipes in not-so-easy times

From the Montana Beef Council While families are spending more time at home, the Montana Beef Council is here to help by sharing beef recipes using common freezer and pantry staples. Some of these options include: • Beef and Egg Breakfast Mugs – Four basic ingredients and a mug is all that is needed for this recipe. (https://www. • Beef Quesadillas – This complete meal can be table ready with just five ingredients and 30 minutes. (https:// • Beef Jerky Trail Mix – A convenient and customizable snack with as few as four ingredients. (https://www. • Classic Beef Meatloaf – This simple meal calls for fewer than 10 pantry staples and 1.5 pounds of ground beef. (https:// classic-beef-meatloaf) • Chocolate Beefy Brownies – An easy brownie recipe that can be made with items commonly kept on hand. (https:// chocolate-beefy-brownies) “Beef It’s What’s For Dinner is here to help with meal solutions by providing recipes that use common staples many families already have in their pantries and freezers,” said Chaley Harney, Montana Beef Council Executive Director. “These recipes are easy to make with the step-by-step directions on” In addition to these simple recipes, check out for a full collection of cooking lessons. With detailed instructions and tips for a dozen different cooking methods, from grilling to pressure cooking, these cooking lessons are a great resource for all levels of home chefs.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C39

##### Almost half the United States crop of barley is used for brewing beer and most of the rest is used for feeding livestock.

ALL I WANT IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available

Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081

Hampton Truck Sales is OPEN for business! Please stay safe during these trying times. $52,500


2011 Caterpillar 924HZ Wheel Loader

8860 hours, bucket, auxiliary hydraulics, cab with air conditioning, ride control, rear view camera, 17.5R25


2012 JCB 426HT Wheel Loader

5923 hours, hydraulic Q/C 108” bucket, air conditioning, 20.5x25

2005 Caterpillar 430D Loader/Backhoe

5,600 hours, cab with air conditioning, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, back auxiliary hydraulics

$26,500 $28,500

$24,500 2006 Frieghtliner Business Class M2 106

Caterpillar C7 ACERT, 8LL, spring suspension, 12,000 lb front, 40,000 lb rears, 185” wheelbase, 3” pump, front & rear & side spray, 4000 gallon water tank, 54,128 miles

2009 Peterbilt 340 Cab & Chassis

Pascar PX8, exhaust brake, DPF, Eaton Fuller FRO11210C 10 speed, Air Trac suspension, 16,000 lb. front, DSP41 rear, 186” cab to axle, 228” wheelbase, aluminum wheels, 42,370 miles

2006 Caterpillar TH330B Telehandler

Cab with air conditioning, excellent condition, tires 70%, QA, forks

See more on our website at:

803 E. Iona Rd. Idaho Falls, ID After hours call: Doug Hampton 208-317-7676

Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Weekends by Appointment

2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: Web Site:

Quality Seed and Seed Conditioning We are now the BARLEY: distributor in the Moravian 165, Bill Coors 100 (Miller-Coors contract varieties available here) Hockett, AC Metcalfe, Haxby, Haymaker, Stockford and others state of Montana SPRING WHEAT: for Alforex Seed SY-605CL2*, WB9879CLP*, WB9668, Lanning (high yield Vida replacement) in the Duclair and others *(PVP) Varieties CLP - Clearfield Plus Billings area. PULSE CROPS: DURUM: SS1 Forage Peas, Lentils, 4152 & 4193 Yellow Peas, We will have seed Alzada Banner and Aragorn for contract production available in Billings FORAGE BLEND at Baker Transfer Custom blended or stock blend of 1/3 hay barley, 1/3 forage peas, and 1/3 oats and Storage. Roundup Ready Alfalfa



Alforex varieties: Rugged and AFX 457; Magnum 7, Magnum 7 wet WL-356 RR & WL-319, HayPro, Ladak, Ladak ‘65, and others WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.

Pasture Mixes • Turf Mixes • Custom Mixes • NRCS & CRP Mixes • Cover Crop Mixes

We will blend to your specifications. Please contact us to discuss your seed needs.

For updates on how we are doing business during the COVID 19 Pandemic, please check our Facebook page.

Winners of Montana Ag in Color contest

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C40

From Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire

Now Delivering to the U.S.A.!

Bin Specials now thru May

Take Advantage of the Good Exchange Rate and Book Your Bin Today!!! Hopper Bins

3300-bushel hoppers with 18” air & remote gate openers 4900-bushel hoppers with 24” air & remote gate openers

Check Out Our Website Accepting US Funds For More Info and Products Call 1-306-472-3159 For Details

DBL Sales and Service, LLC US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

Now Available 2017 K-Hart 42-ft., 10” spacing, 4612 openers, Carryover Drill Price Reduced 2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. Coming in on trade. $85,000

Why K-Hart Disc Drills?

2012 Case IH Precision 800 50-ft. drill, 10” spacing, Nachurs liquid kit, 12,000 acres. Very good condition, $14,900

• Seed into wetter soils than most other drills • Seed faster • Seed with less horsepower & fuel • Simplest design on the market Call for more • Perfect combination with stripper header information. • 34-ft. to 76-ft. Gen II Drill widths K-Hart drills are ready to seed direct from the manufacturer. Don’t have to spend $300 - $500 per row to seed in our conditions. NOW AVAILABLE: Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632

Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633

Drawing by Kaitlyn Noyes, a 6th grader at Townsend Middle School.

The Montana Farm Bureau Federation has announced the winners of the Montana Youth Agriculture Literacy program drawing contest. “Montana Ag in Color” was developed in recognition of National Ag Week, March 22-28, as a creative competition for elementary school children. Each grade was given a different agricultural theme ranging from “Grains of Montana” and “Cattle of Montana” to noxious weeds, farm safety and ag-related careers. One winner was selected from each grade with judges selecting one drawing from the winners to receive the “Farm Bureau Proud” designation. Kindergarten – Kimber Ross, Ekalaka Elementary, Carter County First Grade – Piper Frye, Ekalaka Elementary, Carter County Second Grade – Dylan Johnson, Chester Joplin Inverness Elementary, Liberty County Third Grade – Rhiaunna Simonson, Whitewater Elementary, Phillips County Fourth Grade – Eva Mitchell, Hillcrest Elementary, Wheatland County Fifth Grade – Emerson Downing, Saco Elementary, Phillips County Sixth Grade – Kaitlyn Noyes, Townsend Middle School, Broadwater County Noyes received the “Farm Bureau Proud” designation. Entries were judged by the Montana Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee on agricultural content, originality, neatness and reproducibility. “It was fun to be on the selection committee for the Montana Ag in Color contest, which welcomed kindergarten through sixth grade students,” said MFB Women’s Leadership Committee’s Carla Lawrence. “It was a difficult task to select winners with all the talented artists who entered the contest. We hope the students who participated in this contest increased their knowledge about agriculture.” Winning entries will be printed and distributed on usable items and educational materials and posted on Montana Farm Bureau’s website and Facebook page.

Young Ag Leadership Conference 2020

From AgNewsWire Mark your calendars! Montana’s Seventeenth Annual Young Ag Leadership Conference (YALC) is set to take place October 16-18, 2020 at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana. Young people involved and interested in agriculture, ages18-40, are invited to attend this one-of-akind conference where leadership, personal development, education and networking take center stage. Planning is currently in the works to bring in an exciting lineup of speakers, entertainment, tours, and more. YALC’s action-packed program is planned specifically with young agriculturalists in mind by representatives from each of these fine Montana Ag organizations: Montana 4-H Foundation, Montana Wool Growers Association, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana Farm Bureau Federation, Alpha Gamma Rho Alumni, Montana FFA Foundation, Montana State University College of Agriculture, Montana Stockgrowers Association, and Montana Farmers Union. Follow @mtyalc on Facebook, Instagram, and on our newly launched website: for updates. For questions regarding the 2020 Young Ag Leadership Conference, contact Leah Johnson at leah.nelson.johnson@gmail. com.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C41

Now is a great time to think about mowers!

• Joystick steering • Stand-up deck

One Factory Demo machine left North of Great Falls, MT

(406) 727-9994

Teresa Walker and Jeanne Downey were recognized at MATE for the “Best Booth”. The MATE show was held in early February in Billings, Montana.

THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded


New Miscellaneous

Case IH 310 CVT

Case IH RB565

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute Schulte FX 1200 batwing mower Rem VRX grain vacs

Used Miscellaneous:

Farmhand 25’ mulcher ... $9,500

Lease Returns Available

New Haying Equipment In Stock

• Magnum 310 CVT Used Tractors In Stock

12, 14 & 16-Wheel H&S High Capacity Wheel Rakes (2) ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers Case IH WD 1504 Windrower With 16' HDx162 Header Case IH LB434 Big Square Baler, 3x4 Bales 1997 Case IH 9370 7600 hrs, 12 speed...................... $49,000 Case IH RB 565 Round Baler

New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer Used Haying Equipment In Stock guidance. .......................................................... $69,000 2002 Case IH LBX331 Square Baler ................................$29,000 2008 Case IH RB564 round baler, 8700 bales, mesh wrap, wide pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube ......$26,500 2003 CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 1999 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 1995 Case IH 8465 .........................................................$8,995 1994 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 1990 Hesston 560 Round Baler ........................................$5,500

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer New Tractors In Stock

Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader CaseIH Magnum 315, front & rear duals, lease return

Lease Returns Available This Fall

Case IH Farmall Tillage, 75C, cab & Sprayers loader Used Seeding, CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125

2013 Brillion WLS360 30-ft. mulcher, very good condition......... CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 . .................................................................... CaseIH Puma 185• CaseIH Magnum 260 $32,000 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, booms... $19,900 Used Tractors In 90-ft. Stock John Deere 2100 inline ripper................................... $3500 Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader

2008 Case IH Steiger 480, 1480 Hrs, Cummins engine, 710 radials, like new .................................... $179,000 1979 JD 4840, 3 pt, PTO .............................. $22,500 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded

New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake Case IH 1504 windrowers Case IH WD 2104 windrower

New Skidsteer Attachments In Stock Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers NEW Grabtec skid steer bucket and grapple Snowblowers, Snow Buckets

New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock

• REM VRX GrainVac • Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper New Grasshopper In Stock • Danuser HammerMowers post pounder All Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck • Patriot 3 bar pivot track filler 623, 727K Fuel Injected, 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled • Schulte FX1800 rotary mower 725D Diesel Baggers Are Available For All Models

Used Mowers In Stock

Used Combines

2013 Case IH Skid 3152 40-ft. with slow speed transport and cross New Steer Attachments In Stock Case 60” Rotary Cutter auger.................................................................. $40,000 Case 72” Broom Case 72” Hopper Broom Case 72” Snowblower Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000# Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

2016 Case TV380 compact track loader, 1500 hours, cab, air, heat, hi-flow and standard $41,500 Newflow....................................... Skidsteer Loaders Case SV280 Cab, air, heat 2003 Case IH RB562 twine and mesh........................ $22,000 Casebale SV300 Cab,....................... air, heat 2013 Haybuster 2650 processor. $17,000 Degelman 5700 dozer, 14-ft. MX series Magnum mounts.... $8900

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets Case IH 530C Diskripper, 5 shank Parma 24’ Landplane

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers:

Concord 4710 Drill, 3000 tow behind cart, hydraulic drive ... $30,000 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter

Farmall 40C

Case IH 1504

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C42


2004 John Deere 9620T tractor, 5 hydraulics, new injectors 5-2019, 4457 hours. Nice shape. Asking.. $100,000 2010 New Holland air seeder, 51-ft., 430 bushel tow between tank, single shoot. Has been inspected and repaired by Zerbe Bros.......................................... $50,000 2008 John Deere 9770 combine, 2100 separator hours. Asking................................................................ $65,000 Call or text for more information 406-779-7106

Dealer For:

97 Central Ave. Hobson, MT 59452 • Erlonna Erickson • 406.366.3273

Tater Erickson • 406.366.1287 406-651-8199 2274 SE Shiloh Rd. Billings MT 59106 9am-5pm Mon.-Sat.

1/64 Green J&M X1112 Grain Cart with Tandem Walking Duals

Die-cast with offset dual rubber tires, folding plastic unloading auger. Made by SpecCast, 6"H x 2.25"H x 2.5"W, for ages 14 & up.




Online ordering avaiable.

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2018 Honda Pioneer 1000 EPS $14,600

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F 2018 Honda Pioneer 700-4 Deluxe ........ $13,490 F 2017 Polaris Ranger Crew XP 1000 ....... $15,699 F 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 1000 EPS ......... $14,999 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Foreman RUB ........$5,650 F 2017 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS .............$8,650 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 .........$5,495 F 2017 Honda Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 .........$5,250 F 2016 Polaris Ranger 570 full size ...........$6,500 F 2016 Honda Pioneer 700 ................... $12,950 F 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS HU ...... $11,895 F 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS HU ...... $11,600 F 2016 Honda Fourtrax Foreman RUB ........$5,199 F 2015 Yamaha Viking 4x4 EPS ................$8,999 F 2015 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS .............$9,999 F 2013 Polaris Ranger 800 EFI .................$7,350 F 2011 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO .............$4,680

We are always happy to discuss price and financing. Call John, Breck or Jeff at 538-9435.

302 Truck Bypass • Lewistown

Farmland Rent Considerations - Part 1: Farmland rent - past, present and future

By Jonathan LaPorte, Bruce MacKellar, and Dennis Pennington, Michigan State University Extension (Updated from an original article written by Dennis Pennington, and Dennis Stein, Michigan State University Extension.) land. For example, individual fields can vary on soil type and field quality, making the potential yield and productivity a significant factor in determining value. Quality land with good fertility, well-spaced tile, a good Farm Service Agency base (i.e. base acres for government programs) are all plus factors toward stronger rental rates. Those fields that are capable of producing a higher yield often warrant a higher land rent payment. Exactly how high needs to be reasonable for both the landowner and producer. Farmland Rent Paid from 2011-2019 The definition of reasonable is often Almost ten years have passed since the helped by understanding what efforts are record high prices in commodities helped made to increase or maintain productivity drive farmland rental rates to their own by all parties. Over the past decade, many record highs. In recent years, those same farmers have made improvements to the commodities have receded to pre-2009 land including installation of tile drainage, prices with net farm income (NFI) falling to removing fencerows and installing irrigaor below where they were during that same tion systems. All of these improvements period in time. Despite the reduced income, lead to higher long-term yields, which tend the rents being paid have remained steady, to help support higher land rental rates. with an upward trend still being seen in irriHowever, with lower commodity prices, gated acres. Farm economists are expecting you can expect that the amount of money only moderate price increases in the next invested in these improvements paid for by five to six years, which indicates that there the farm producer will continue to taper off. will continue to be lower amounts of income Landowners that are looking to maintain to support the rents being paid. This makes their current land rental rates and the yields understanding the impacts that rental prices that supply them may want to consider have on cost of production even more vital taking on these investments. Historically, to a farm’s overall success. landowners that have not made efforts to assist in maintaining their farmland or invest in improvements generally receive lower farmland rental rates. On average, the rental rates received on these farms are 25 to 30 percent lower than other properties in the same area. This presents an opportunity to discuss what improvements are needed and how they will be implemented to maintain yields and profitability for both parties. Having good communication between the landowner and the farmer-tenant is one of U.S. Grain Prices Projected to 2028 (USDA ERS) the most important first steps in establishing a win-win farmland rental agreement. It is important to remember that land rent Another consideration on reasonable land prices vary tremendously not only from rent is what producers can afford to pay. state to state, but also from county to county. To assist in comparing the impact of land In Michigan, the higher productivity soils rent payments against the farm’s net farm that are tile drained in areas where specialty income, MSU Extension offers a land rent crops are grown (such as sugar beets and calculator ( tend to command a higher price. sources/land-rent-calculator). By inputting Other factors such as field size, access, soil estimated income and expenses, a producer type, soil fertility, previous cropping history, can determine whether the land rent being fencerows, telephone poles, wet spots, and paid is reasonable or if a discussion, or even proximity to their farm operation all impact a possible re-negotiation, of the land rent the price that farmers are willing and able to agreement should take place. pay for land rent. Looking at data like this If a discussion with the landowner is will give you a place to start but may not needed, producers can use the calculator reflect the true value of the farmland. to discuss rental values as well as the chalOne place that both landowners and lenges and potential impacts to the farm’s producers like to use as a starting point is production and profitability. the USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics So, what does the future hold for land Service (NASS). It reports information rent? Farmers will want to hold onto the based on surveys sent to and returned by land they farm as long as possible. It is hard producers across the nation. For the state to make a living if you don’t have any land of Michigan, the average land rent price acto farm. If the prices hold for the next year or cording to these surveys was $127 per acre two, Michigan State University Extension in 2019. Non-irrigated farms averaged $120 would expect that farmers will need to rewhile irrigated lands were upwards of $220 negotiate with landowners about their price per acre. The same database contains county and type of rental contract being used. The level data, which would more accurately recent commodity prices and lowered net reflect rental rates in your area. Michigan farm income generates an additional risk to is very diverse from north to south, with farms as they look to move their businesses land rent in southern Michigan often much forward. Farmers may want to share some higher than in the Upper Peninsula. of that risk with landowners, so that when It’s important to keep in mind that while crop prices are good, rental prices reflect those surveys are a helpful starting point, that, but when prices are down, rental prices they should not be used as the final detergo down. mination of rent. As outlined previously, For information on average rental rates there are a lot of differences that exist from in your county, visit the following report one field to another. These differences can be significant in determining the value of CONTINUED ON PAGE C45

Trader’s Dispatch April 2020 — Page C43

April 2020 Conrad, MT 59425

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Visit our website at: • E-mail: $57,000





2015 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX15, 525 hp, 18 speed transmission, 63” flat top sleeper


2006 Kenworth W900 Fuel Truck C-15 engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, 5175 gallon tank, ALL CERTIFICATIONS CURRENT!

2011 Freightliner GLIDER 500 hp, 12.7L Series 60 Detroit, 13 speed, lift axle

CALL for Details 2021 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72”, ag hoppers, electric tarp and hydraulic traps, all LED lights

2007 Trail King belly dump, 40-ft. tandem, good brakes and tires



$29,500 2017 International Prostar 122 Cummins X15, 10 speed Ultrashift, steerable lift axle, 163,000 miles


2016 Peterbilt 579 ISX, 475 hp, Ultrashift transmission, 36” flat top, removeable air deflector


hin atc s! M it 2 Un 2015 Kenworth W900L ISX15, 485 hp, 18 speed, heqdache rack, work lights and much more!


2014 Western Star 4900SB 500 hp, 13 speed manual, FULL LOCKERS, heavy spec’s



2-2007 Kenworth T800’s available! 98,000 to 104,000 miles!!! Cummins ISX, 475 hp, flat top sleepers, 11R24.5, easy to daycab

2014 Peterbilt 579 MX-13, 455 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, day cab, ONLY 148,225 miles!

2010 Freightliner Cascadia Detriot DD13, 10 speed, air ride, 3.70 ratio, clean southern lease return



2007 Kenworth W900 575 hp ISX, 18 speed, 20,000 lb. lift axle, double framed



2016 Timpte Super Hopper 50-ft. x 72” x 96”, electric tarp, AG HOPPERS, 2 rows of 9 LED lights, SS front and rear panels


2012 Freightliner Cascadia daycab, Detriot DD13, Eaton Autoshift, 235,000 miles E N! IC PR CTIO U ED



CALL 2019 Jet 3 axle, air ride, electric tarp

$52,500 2010 Peterbilt 386 ISX, 485 hp, 10 speed manual, air leaf suspension

2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension


2002 Doepker 20-ft. grain pup, ag hopper, turntable, spring ride, 11R24.5

2006 Sterling AT9500 MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s


2016 Jet side dump trailer, 47-ft. w/36-ft. tub, rear lift axle, VERY NICE

DROPDECKS $14,500 2012 Manac drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, 11-ft. upper and 37-ft. main deck.

COMING IN $35,500

2007 Peterbilt 378 479,000 miles ECM verified, Cummins ISX 530 hp, 18 speed, full locking rear ends, 48” stand up bunks, wet kit, platinum interior



$49,500 2000 Freightliner Century 20-ft. aluminum ITB grain box, Cat 430 hp, Autoshift, steerable lift axle, pintle hitch

2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x66”, ag hoppers, 2 pair sight windows, vented slopes, spring ride

$44,500 2010 Mack CXU613 10 speed Ultrashift, 52” midroof sleeper, easy to drive, nice truck




2005 R-Way belly dump, 3 axle, air ride, pintle hitch • 1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. END DUMP, spring ride, very clean.............$19,000 • 1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 12ft. tub, spring ride........................$7500

2008 SDI side dump, 3 axle, air ride, 11R24.5 tires

LOWBOYS & FLATBED TRAILERS $43,500 2008 XL Specialized XL100HFG folding neck lowboy, air ride, 50 ton, rear lift axle, pinned for 4th axle, self-contained, no hydraulics needed, outriggers and D-rings

2018 Wilson Pacesetter AG HOPPERS, tandem axle, 43-ft. x 96” x 72”, electric tarp, stainless front and rear panels, work lights, MUST SEE!

$14,000 2009 Great Dane 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/sliding axles, ready for your hay hauling needs.


1997 Peterbilt 379 525 hp Cummins N-14, 18 speed, BOTH ENGINE & TRANSMISSION ONLY HAVE 20,000 miles on them, 20,000 lb. drop axle

4-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455-490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles


$72,000 for the set

2006 Peterbilt 379 dump truck, 475 hp Cat w/13 speed, w/2002 Superior transfer trailer

2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles

$19,500 1988 Fruehauf stainless steel tanker, double conicle, center discharge, single compartment, 6700 gallons • 1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft. x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door....... ......................................................$6500

Call Zomer Truck Co. for your parts and truck service needs!

$42,500 2014 Wilson 50-ft. hopper, ag hoppers, 12 tire with rear lift, electric tarp • 2015 Utility drop deck, triple axle w/ rear lift, 48-ft. x 102”, 2 tool boxes, sliding winches, air ride suspension......$27,500 • 2012 Great Dane combo drop deck, 51-ft. x 102” tool boxes, sliding winches, aluminum floor, sliding rear axle, air ride suspension.................................$24,000

1996 Fontaine 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/moffet attachment


1995 Utility 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/moffet attachment

Check Out Our Website At:

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C44

The deadline for advertising in the May 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 29th. Phone (406) 271-5533.

K-State experts offer advice on beef cattle breeding

K-State Research and Extension News Creating a great cake starts with quality ingredients mixed together by a talented baker. The same can be said of cattle breeding, only in this case the ingredients include cycling females, quality bull semen and a knowledgeable producer who can plan for a timed breeding through artificial insemination or natural exposure. In a recent podcast from Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute, experts shared tips for successful cattle breeding ( Beef cattle extension specialist Bob Weaber and veterinarian Bob Larson offered the following advice to Small Feed Bins - Large Capacity producers struggling to get their females to settle in pregand everything in between nancy with artificial insemination (AI). “First you have to make sure that your females are ready to be bred,” Larson said. “With heifers, we often do a preHeaters and breeding exam to make sure they have reached puberty, while air systems for with cows you need to make sure they’ve had two to three new bins months to recover from calving.” and add to For Larson, the second step is to confirm the females are existing bins in good body condition. Cows that are thin are less likely to resume fertile cycles. Weaber also stressed the importance of working with a well-trained AI technician. “Breeding heifers through AI can be more challenging than cows just because with heifers the cervix is smaller and there are differences in tract size anatomy, which is why you need to have an experienced technician to increase the likelihood of success,” Weaber said. Timing of insemination Learn more at in breeding is critical and therefore accurate heat deTHE WIDEST SELECTION OF USED EQUIPMENT FROM THE LARGEST JOHN DEERE DEALER IN CANADA tection is an important skill for producers to develop. Summertime is often when $282,000 $445,000 $346,000 $303,000 heifers and cows are bred 2 AVAILABLE TO CHOOSE for late March/April spring FROM calving, and that can also present challenges in detecting estrus (receptivity to breeding). 2018 JD 9570RX, Stk: 104057, 104 Hrs, 2018 JD 8370R, Stk: 101465, 589 Hrs, 2018 CASE IH QUADTRAC 500, Stk: 2018 CASE IH 420 ROWTRAC, Stk: 570 hp, 18/6 Pwrshift, 36” Tracks, Hi-Flow, 370 hp, IVT, 60 GPM, 5 SCV, 710 R42 & 105864, 452 Hrs, 500 hp, 36” Tracks, Hi105865, 615 Hrs, 420 hp, CVT, PTO, 30” “In the summertime, cows 6 SCV, PTO, Full Deere AMS w/ SF6000 480 R34 Duals, PTO, Full Deere AMS Flo, Hydraulic, PTO, 4 SCV, Auto Guidance Tracks, Auto Guidance w/ Nav & Receiver and heifers are not going to exhibit estrus in the middle of the day because it is too $245,000 $289,000 $105,000 $30,000 hot, so you need to observe them twice a day at sunup and sundown,” Weaber said. For producers who aren’t able to watch heifers and 2015 JD R4038, Stk: 92257, 484 Spray Hrs, cows closely, there are prod2017 JD 6145M, Stk: 102698, 623 Hrs, 2016 JD R4045, Stk: 105117, 1047 Hrs, 2015 JD 569 PREM, Stk: 99122, 11460 120’ Boom, Stainless Tank, Section Ctrl, 145 hp, PwrQuad PlusTrans, 3 SCV, Loader 120’Boom, 20”Space, 1200 Gal Stainless, Bales, Mega Wide, Twine/ Net Wrap, ucts that can help with heat VF 380 Michelins & Float Tires, Full AMS Prep Pkg, 520 Rear & 420 Tires, Warranty VF 420 Tires, Full AMS w/ SF6000 1000 PTO, Push Bar, Prem Package detection. Weaber cited detection patches and paint markers as examples of $188,000 $355,000 $288,000 $28,000 5 AVAILABLE 2010 – 2016 other tools that will show if TO CHOOSE MODEL YEARS FROM AVAILABLE the cattle are active around the time of breeding. After following the protocols, if the females still 2011 JD 635D, Stk: 102101, 2018 JD S770, Stk: 108091, 270 Eng / 2013 JD S680, Stk: 92413, 1502 Eng / 2018 CASE IH 8240, Stk: 105846, 829 aren’t becoming pregnant Width: 35’, Full Skid Shoe Kit, Pu 167 Sep Hrs, Contour Master, Lat Tilt, 1019 Sep Hrs, Contour, Lat Tilt, Pwrcast Eng / 578 Sep Hrs, PRWD! Lat Tilt, 620 then it is time to check the Reel, Road Transport w/ Lights Pwrcast Tailbrd, ActiveYield, Full AMS Tailbrd, Var Stream, 26’ Auger, AMS Duals, Pwr Fold Hopper, GPS, 3016 Pickup semen quality in the tank to be sure that it has been handled correctly. “Check to make sure you aren’t using a bad batch AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE of semen; mistakes in the JOHN DEERE SPRAYERS JOHN DEERE ROW CROP COMBINE PLATFORMS JOHN DEERE COMBINES thawing process are the difTRACTORS ference between getting the cows bred and not bred,” • Save money with the US to Canadian Dollar exchange rate we make it easy Weaber said. “I can guaran• We’ll look after proforma, freight and customs documentation tee that dead semen will not TO SHIP SOUTH OF breed cows.” • We help you with getting the best estimates from 0.70 USD = 1 CAD* THE BORDER

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##### When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. Henry Ford

Volunteer Recognition Day

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always April 20 Volunteer Recognition Day honors the legion of volunteers who dedicate themselves to causes and helping others. They are making big and small differences in the lives of millions of people all over the world. They are saving lives. They are improving lives and providing comfort. They assist people, animals, and nature. Most volunteers do not ask for recognition. They just want to help and to “give back” where they can. It is vital and essential that more people get involved. There are so many groups and causes that need volunteer efforts. And, the needs are so broad and urgent, that everyone can find someplace to volunteer and make a difference. Celebrate this “Volunteer Recognition Day by: • Thanking volunteers for their work • Getting involved yourself in a volunteer activity. • Donating to a volunteer group BTW: Volunteers are keeping a big secret from those that don’t volunteer. Volunteer activities are energizing and rewarding. And, it is lots of fun and camaraderie.

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C45

##### Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. – St. Francis of Assisi


John Deere 9400 drills with 7” spacing, Acra Plant points, transport, rock guards. In excellent condition. Phone (406) 466-5614, Choteau, MT

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Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc.


( based on survey data from the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service for Michigan counties. For a copy of this entire series in a fact sheet format, please visit the MSU Extension Farm Management Website (https://www. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit https://extension.msu. edu. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu. edu/experts, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C46

HAY FOR SALE 2500 ton Alfalfa grass and grass hay, round bales, volume discounts available.

Ways to make fire-resistant plastics using wood product By Marshall Swearingen, MSU News Service

nanocrystals for decades, but the particles’ myriad applications are still being developed, Bajwa said. By processing wood pulp Located at Judith Gap, MT of other plant matter using special chemical Call 406-263-7304, evenings reactions, cellulose molecules become building blocks for chemical technologies that operate at the nano scale, which concerns things as small as one-billionth of a meter. Because the particles are so tiny, a relaSelling farm or ranch property and tively small volume of them can be mixed tired of paying capital gains tax?? throughout a much larger amount of polymer, Bajwa explained. When the particles are HELP IS HERE!!! coated in zinc oxide, a common ingredient found in many sunscreens, the zinc oxide’s Save by deferring capital gains tax. For example, a 1031 exchange to sell a farm fire-resistant properties are imparted to the valued at $2,000,000 can creat a tax savings plastic. of approximatley $250,000,000; this tax According to Bajwa, the resulting plastic savings can be used to purchase is a major improvement over fire-resistant substantially more replacement property. polymers currently on the market, which rely on particles of glass or earthen minerals Catherine Witmer, EXCHANGE SERVICES INC. Qualified Intermediary for 200 Parkhill Drive like talc. Because those particles are much 1031 tax-deferred exchanges Whitefish, Montana 59937 bigger, they constitute up to one-fifth of the 1-888-244-1031 mass of product, making it much heavier. For more information go to Those additives also make the plastic brittle, whereas nanocrystals can actually make it stronger, Bajwa said. But the cellulose crystals’ nano size, combined with their polar charge similar to static electricity, makes them Purchase a Qualifying Trimble Display difficult to mix into the plas-Reduce downtime by increasing satellite availability tic. “By their nature, they -Gain advanced line management- name lines, move want to clump up instead of lines, and delete lines. dispersing into the plastic,” -ISO compliant displays to work with your existing Bajwa said. Overcoming implements that is a focus of his research -Works with all Trimble steerng systems under the new NIST grant, which builds on research being funded by $149,000 AND from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National InstiGet 20% Off a Steering System tute of Food and Agriculture. -Improve ef�ciency In his lab, Bajwa will -Get integrated steering for minimal cab clutter develop new kinds of me-T3 terrain compensation to hold the line on slopes chanical mixers as well other -Quickly acquire guidance lines treatments, such as zapping -Steering systems available to work on almost all the nanocrystals with electrically charged gases, in order vehicles, without color discrimination to mix the fire-resistant particles into plastic, he said. The goal is to develop methods that can be integrated with Order a GFX-750, GFX-350 or existing machinery used in industry to form plastic TMX-2050 in April and Get 20% off parts, so that the technology your choice of steering system could easily be adopted by 12 Months manufacturers. Nicole Stark, research chemical engineer at the Forest Products Lab, will Add NextSwath automatic end oversee fire testing of the plastics the team makes. Anof row turning for more other partner on the project, ef�ciency! Mohiuddin Quadir, assistant professor in the Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials at North Dakota State University, will develop methods for effectively coating the nanoparticles. While the primary application would be in the automotive industry, Bajwa said, the nanocrystal-infused plastic could improve upon products such as home siding as well as a variety of durable consumer goods Don’t forget: We take trade-ins! where fire-resistance is 406-622-3887 portant. “We think we’ll be PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street able to move this technology Fort Benton, MT 59442 forward,” he said.





In the quest to make a new generation of lightweight plastics for efficient electric vehicles and other durable products, the key to making the material both strong and fire-resistant may be, ironically, a compound abundantly found in wood and paper. That’s according to Montana State University (MSU) researcher Dilpreet Bajwa, whose team, backed by a new $220,000 grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, is developing methods to infuse polymers with particles called nanocrystals that are made from cellulose, a primary component of plants. Whereas many regular plastics can combust when subjected to fire or very intense heat, the nanoparticles are designed to limit the flames and prevent their spread. “We’ve proven the concept and now we’ll be working on how to move it toward commercialization,” said Bajwa, professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in MSU’s Norm Asbjornson College of Engineering. Scientists have known about cellulose

Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 — Page C47

Loren Hawks, Distributor

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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2020 – Page C48

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


1991 John Deere 310D Backhoe Excellent condition! Cab with heat, 2WD, great backhoe!........... . ...............................................................................$17,000

2013 Bobcat T590 Track Skid Steer cab with heat, new tracks, excellent condition, strong mid-sized machine!.................................................................$27,500

2015 Doosan DX140LC-3 Excavator 2012 Skyjack SJ111 3219 Electric Scissorlift 2009 Deere 27D Mini Excavator

19-ft., 36” extension platforms, non-marking tires, power to the platform, low hours........................$5600 per machine

Very nice machine! Only 1154 hours, hydraulic thumb & coupler, 24” and 36” buckets................................................$87,500

2900 hours, hydraulic thumb, quick attach with 2 buckets........... . ...............................................................................$22,500

2005 Cat TH460B Forklift 45-ft./8800 lb. capacity, 2450 hours, good tires, nice machine!... . ...............................................................................$41,000

2011 Kubota M9540 MFWD Tractor Only 1700 hours, Absolutely excellent condition, 94 hp with both PTO options, fully loaded UltraGrand cab..............$33,000

2016 Case CX57C Excavator Like New!, Only 448 hours, quick attachment with 2 buckets, 1 owner, 1 operator Ever!..........................................$58,000

2002 Fleming Tilt Deck Trailer

tandem 20,000 lb. axles, pintle hitch, good tires!.........$11,500

2012 Kelly Mfg B70D Backhoe Attachment 3-point attachment, 70 hp and up tractor, 8-12 GPM, ripper tooth, Like New!


2012 Cat 299D HXP Track Skid Steer cab with heat and air conditioning, two speed, pilot controls, high flow hydraulics, one owner machine!......................$38,500

2007 Gehl RS842 Forklift cab, 4900 hours, 4 wheel drive & steer, 8,000 lb./42-ft................ . ...............................................................................$37,000

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Greg 406-690-2754

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For Help With All Your Equipment Needs!

Additional Photos & Info at

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