APRIL 2021
Vol. XXII No. 3 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997
Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com
Oilseed crop checkoff proposed
E-MAIL: advertising@tradersdispatch.com
Montana Department of Agriculture Montana oilseed growers will soon receive a ballot in the mail proposing a 0.5% checkoff for canola, camelina, flaxseed, mustard, safflower, soybeans, and sunflower crops. If passed, the Montana Oilseed Advisory Committee will advise the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) on how to invest the funds for research, market development, and education. “Checkoff programs have a long history of improving and expanding markets for growers,” said MDA Director Mike Foster. “Montana’s oilseed production has grown significantly in recent years, and I share the committee’s excitement for establishing a state checkoff program to continue advancing the industry.” The Montana Oilseed Advisory Committee was formed after MDA received a verified petition from 25 growCONTINUED ON PAGE A4
Apr 12 - 22, Shobe Auction & Realty & Ascent Auction Service, Hamilton Retirement Farms, Online........................................................................... A5 Apr 12 - 27, Pate Auction Inc., Equipment Auction, Online........................... A7 Apr 12 - 27, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Mullin Dryland Equipment, Online.......................................................................................................... A3 Apr 12 - 28, Ascent Auction Service & Shobe Auction & Realty, Ag & Construction, Online.................................................................................................. A9 Apr 12 - May 9, Smith Sales Co, Spring Consignment, Online........... B16, B17 Apr. 17, RK Statewide Auction, Thornberg Farm & Ranch Dispersal, Miles City MT............................................................................................................. A25 Apr 17, Montana Auction Company, Larry Truscott Estate, Terry MT......... A11 Apr 21, Dakota Auctioneers, Large Spring Farm Equipment, Leeds ND..... A12 Apr 21, Steffes Group, Equipment Retirment, Online & Sidney MT............ A15 Apr 24, Gardner’s Auction Service, Corkran Estate, Potomac MT.............. A10 May 1, RK Statewide Auction, Gun & Furniture, Sidney MT.......................... A2 May 5, Shobe Auction/Ascent Auction Service, Getten Ranch, Harlem MT....A17 May 8, Jeff Welborn Auctions, Fabel Equipment, Sheridan MT.................. A18 May 8, Shobe Auction, Cabin Fever & Western Art, Lewistown MT............ A17 May 15, Weaver Auctions, Probert Retirement, Deer Lodge MT................... A6 May 15, Stan Howe Auction, Leonard Matteson Estate, Galata MT............ A27 May 22, Weaver Auctions, Farm & Ranch Consignment, Drummond MT... A16 June 5, Barnes Auction Service, Spring Consignment, Dillon MT.............. A16 June 5, Gardner’s Auction, Vintage Horse Drawn Items, Eureka MT.......... A26
Apr 30 - May 1, Western Ranch Supply AG Tradeshow, Billings, MT.......... A19
Nebraska Ranch Practicum
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Ranchers interested in learning about the latest cuttingedge research in range livestock production from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) are encouraged to register for the 2021 Nebraska Ranch Practicum offered by Nebraska Extension. The practicum will be held during eight sessions over the course of three seasons in order to cover the production cycle of livestock and forage resources. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about a variety of topics, including the effective use of decision support tools to evaluate management and marketing alternatives, plant identification, range condition and grazing strategies, wildlife management, evaluation of cow body condition scores, and beef cattle production systems. The practicum will be held June 7 and 8, July 8, September CONTINUED ON PAGE A4
Apr 21, Milk River Angus, Chinook MT........................................................ A13 Apr 29, Nelson Ranch, Glasgow MT............................................................. A16 May 6, Koenig Ranch Reds, Glasgow MT..................................................... A21 May 21, Like It Like That Red Angus, Chinook MT...................................... A19
The Rise of the Gummies team at the Nebraska State First Lego League Competition in Grand Island, Nebraska. Front row, left to right: Lee Rogers, James Downer, Jared Turnidge, and Hunter Creech. Back row, left to right: Capria Rogers, Wyatt Leggott, Noah Rugroden, Hudson DeVos, and Landen Heine. See article on page A16 of this issue.
Last Nebraska private pesticide applicator’s certification training
April 13th, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., CST, North Platte, WCREEC Classroom, 402 W State Farm Road. Please call the Extension Office at least 1 week prior to the training so we can be sure to have enough materials and spaces for the training. Under COVID 19 restrictions space is limited so pre-registration is required. Listen to the radio for weather cancellations. Due to space limits, we may have to turn away
participants to online certification. Please note the cost of the Training Classes is $50 per applicator. CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF DURING THE TRAINING PER THE NEBRASKA DEPARMENT OF AGRICULTURE. We will follow all COVID 19 protocols which includes suggested face coverings which will be provided. Please watch the mail for your State of CONTINUED ON PAGE A3
Workshops planned for produce growers K-State Research and Extension News
John and Freida Miller thought it was just good business to wash lettuce before putting it out for sale at Cheney Lake Produce, a busi-
Brownell Polled Herefords, Conrad MT...................... A2 Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY............................... A28 Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT............... A4 Duncan Ranch Co, Joplin MT................................... A41 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT............................ A41 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT................................ A26 K & C Herefords, Deer Lodge MT.............................. A41 K.L. Slagsvold Herefords, Lindsay MT...................... A41 Konesky Simmental, Sand Coulee MT....................... A3 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT..................................... A41 Peterson Angus, Drummond MT.............................. A22 Rafter Ranch Inc., Wise River MT............................. A41 Rimrock Cattle Co, Kevin MT.................................... A29 Sleeping Willow Ranch, Stevensville MT................... A9 Turner Angus, Shelby MT.......................................... A23 Wichman Herefords, Moore MT................................ A26
ness they’ve operated for the past 12 years. After attending a produce safety workshop hosted by the Kansas Department of Agriculture and K-State Research and Extension, the Millers learned that there was a better way to assure the safety of produce once it got into the hands of consumers. There are no regulatory requirements to wash lettuce before selling it to consumers. So instead, the Millers began encouraging customers to wash lettuce once they got it home, which helps prevent the unintentional introduction of food pathogens during commercial washing. For the Millers, that was one of the lessons learned at a Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) training, which will again be offered in Kansas beginning in March. A full list of CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
The deadline for May issue is WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A44 Email: advertising@tradersdispatch.com
Website: www.tradersdispatch.com
Trader’s Dispatch March 2021 — Page A2
Seed & fertilizer tender box that can be mounted on trailer or 2-ton truck Call or text (406) 450-0137, Valier, MT
Hereford bulls on black cows give you an extra 50-60-lbs. at weaning.
Phone Dave Brownell (406) 788-3242, please leave message
Gun & Furniture
auction Saturday, May 1, 2021 - 10:00 am
LOCATION: Sidney, Montana - Parish Center. From Central Ave turn east at the Loaf & Jug on 7th Street for 3 blocks. (Located on the left - 310 7th Street SE) Lunch will be available.
Auctioneers Note:
The Winchester guns are in very good condition along with some new commemoratives, as well. The furniture is beautiful, unique, original and hand crafted. This is an auction you will not want to mss. Hope to see you Saturday, May 1st! Rick
Highlights include:
(2) $500 bills (2) $1000 bills (30) Old Winchester lever actions (15) pistols Hand crafted new furniture Replica of Conestoga wagon
See complete details at: www.r-kauction.com
MT Certified Seed Plant MT Certified Organic Cleaning Plant (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT
Custom Cleaning & Treating SPRING 2021 SEED
✯ Explorer* (HWW) ✯ Lanning* ✯ McNeal
✯ Hockett* ✯ Lavina (hay) ✯ Haxby (feed)
✯ Finch ✯ CalWest 3268*
✯ Horsepower* ✯ Riveland* ✯ Streaker*
Austrian Winter Peas * Denotes PVP
✯ Check with us for mixes & CRP blends
Stock Salt • Feed Corn • Wood Pellets
FEED BARLEY and SAFFLOWER CONTRACTS Call for Details Feed Dealer
Feed Dealer
Produce growers worshops CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
upcoming trainings is available online (https://www.ksre.kstate.edu/foodsafety/produce/index.html). K-State Research and Extension produce safety associate Cal Jamerson invited Miller and his son, Walter, to attend PSA training. “Cal is very helpful,” Miller said. “He comes from a farming background, so it doesn’t take long to connect. I appreciate that Cal can speak from experience when he’s leading training.” In addition to the changes in washing lettuce, Cheney Lake Produce also installed stainless steel cutting surfaces. “We try to keep the whole growing process clean and sterile, so we don’t have to get rid of anything or add anything,” Miller said. Jamerson called Miller “a great farmer…he has fantastic growing and post-harvest practices,” but noted that the Millers’ commitment is symbolic of many produce growers in Kansas. “I can say from firsthand experience that Kansas growers strive to grow and distribute safe produce,” Jamerson said. Londa Nwadike, an extension associate professor of food safety who has a dual appointment in Kansas and Missouri, said the upcoming produce safety training sessions are available online (https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/foodsafety/ produce/index.html) at no- or low-cost, but registration is required. Upcoming webinars include: • April 21 (3-5 p.m.) – Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) food safety plan. • May 10 (3-5 p.m.) – Introduction to produce safety and post-harvest handling. In addition to the free webinars, K-State Research and Extension and the KDA can provide an On Farm Readiness Review to produce growers for free, according to Nwadike. K-State Research and Extension also continues to provide free water testing to produce growers and currently has costshare funding for growers interested in GAPs certification. “We can also provide general technical assistance in produce safety to growers,” Nwadike said. The workshops are available to produce growers because of funding from various sources, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture; KDA and the Food and Drug Administration; and KDA specialty crop block grants. “Grower education is a team effort, reflecting a partnership with the Produce Safety Alliance and K-State Research and Extension that results in On-Farm Readiness Reviews and other quality educational programs,” said Brad McMillan, a KDA food, drug, lodging surveyor. “These efforts have helped hard-working produce growers understand the new produce safety rule and incorporate the new requirements into their production system to ensure they are providing safe, healthful food for consumers.” For more information about produce safety workshops in Kansas or Missouri, interested persons may contact Nwadike at 913-307-7391 or lnwadike@ksu.edu.
April 2021 — Vol. XXII No. 3 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.
Deadline for May issue WEDNESDAY, April 28 Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales
Office Phone 406-271-5533
FAX 406-271-5727
e-mail: advertising@tradersdispatch.com www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build your ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.
Common Sense vs Cancellation
If you don’t like the book, don’t read it; If you don’t like the song, change the station; If you don’t like the show, don’t watch it; If you don’t like the sport, don’t go to the game; If you don’t like the toy, don’t buy it or play with it; If you don’t like the restaurant, don’t eat there; If you don’t like the store, don’t shop there; If you don’t like the state, don’t live there; If you don’t like the speaker, don’t listen; Make the choices that suit you and let everyone else do the same.
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A3
Deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 28th.
Nebraska letter that needs to be completed and brought to the training. You will also owe $25 for a 3-year license to the State of Nebraska after the training by mail (watch for postcard). Remember to contact the office one week prior to the session by e-mail at rsaner2@unl.edu or by phone at 308532-2683 Lincoln Logan McPherson or 308-284-6052 Keith Arthur.
Konesky simmental Yearling & 2-year-old Pure Bred and Sim/Angus Black, Polled, Fleshing ability
Good feet and legs. Docile and Registered.
AI Sired
Phone Joe (406) 788-4415, Sand Coulee, MT
12365 County Road 319 LAMBERT, MT
2015 Versatile DT550 Quadtrac Tractor, 230 hrs 2013 CIH Steiger 600 Quadtrac Tractor, 267 hrs 1997 NH 9882 Tractor, 4123 hrs 1984 Case IH 4894 Tractor, 3322 hrs 1985 Case IH 4894 Tractor, 7641 hrs 1990 Deutz Fahr 7120 Tractor, 4963 hrs 1974 IH 1066 Tractor 7228 hrs IH 706 Diesel Tractor, 2501 hrs 1944 IH M Tractor AC 190 Tractor 6616 hrs, Ezee-On Loader Long 460 Utilitiy Tractor, 991 hrs
2005 IH 9400I Semi Truck 1995 IH 9400 Truck, 16’ Box 1981 Chev C70 Truck, 96,968 miles 1975 Dodge D600 Fuel Truck, 83,751miles Chev C10 Custom Deluxe Pickup
1998 Tempte Super Hopper Trailer 45’ 1977 Transcraft TL42 Trailer 42’ Wilson Grain Trailer, 42’ 2004 Wilson Pup Trailer 20’, DDWH-500 1997 Trails West Sierra Horse Trailer 26’ H & H Flatbed Trailer 20’ Fruehauf Trailer Dolly
2010 Lexion 580R Combine, 693 sHrs 1991 MF 8570 Combine, 2497 hrs 1987 MF 8590 Combine, 2597 hrs 2010 CIH 1203WD Swather 609 hrs, 36’ 2012 Claas MaxFlex 1200 Header 40’ 2009 Claas F540 Flex Header 40’ 2015 Claas P516 Pickup Header 16’ 1991 Massey Ferguson 9230 Header 30 1993 Honey Bee SP36 Draper Header 36’ 2008 J & M 760-14 Grain Cart 1982 Versatile 4400 Swather, 25’ New Holland 276 Square Baler Sakundiak HD8-1200, 8”X40’ Sakundiak HD8-1800 Grain Auger 8”x60’ Brandt 745 Grain Ager 7”x45”
2016 Riteway F3-50NT Land Roller 50’ 2016 Riteway UH8100 Heavy Harrow 78’ New Riteway roller 42”x20’ 2010 Flexi-Coil 5500 Air Drill & Cart 60’ Flexi-Coil 5000 Air Drill & Cart 57’ 2007 CIH ATX 700 Air Drill & Cart 70’ 1998 CIH 3400 Tow Behind Cart Victory 9000 Seedovator (air drill) & Cart 49’ Summers Heavy Harrow 60’ White Tandem Disk 24’
Krause 2200 Tandem Disk 24’ Hess Chisel Plow 54’ Hess Chisel Plow 57’ Flexi-Coil 800 Chisel Plow 62’ Flexi-Coil 820 Chisel Plow 45’ Anderson Chisel Plow, 36’ Melroe 900 Plow, 7 btm Melroe Chisel Plow 24’ Melroe Chisel Plow 41’ Morris Chisel Plow 36’ Morris Cultivator 41’ Degelman R570 Prong Rock Picker
SPRAYERS & MISC ITEMS 2010 Versatile 275 Sprayer, 267 hrs 2007 CIH FRX160 Sprayer Spra-Coupe 216 Sprayer 56’ Spra-Coupe 103 Sprayer 54’ Fimco Landscape Sprayer Grain Bin Moving Trailer Cosmo 500 Broadcaster Spreader Loftness 961B Snow Blower 75” Rocut Rotary Mower 72” 1235 Gallon Horizontal Poly Tank 4- Michelin Tires 380/90R46
(406) 774-3394 or (406) 480-2832
Oilseed crop checkoff proposed
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A4
The deadline for advertising for the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
ers, and those present at listening sessions held thereafter unanimously expressed their support for proceeding with the formation of the committee. Assessments are voluntary and collected at the first point of sale. Growers can request assessment refunds by submitting a written request to MDA. The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee is widely recognized for its checkoff program that generates close to $4 million annually. Checkoff dollars are invested in crop variety and breeding program research, domestic and international marketing, as well as education. tradersdispatch.com Ballots were sent to growers this week and are due back to MDA April 16, 2021. Any current producer of canola, camelina, flaxseed, mustard, soybeans, safflower, or sunflower, that did not receive a ballot can request one by phone at (406) 444-2402 or email at danielle.jones@mt.gov. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Montana oil crops added over $54 million in value to the U.S. economy in 2019, more than a 25% increase from 2018. Montana ranks second in the nation for production of canola, flaxseed, and safflower. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit www.agr. mt.gov.
We’re on the web
Thick, easy calving, heavily pigmented, quiet dispositions. Sires: Churchill Oasis, RemW Casino Cash, TH411 719T Victor 109Z Delivery available Dallas Polled Herefords - Don Dallas
Box 532, 8210 Little Prickly Pear Rd - Canyon Creek, MT (406) 410-0406 cell (406) 368-2244 ranch
Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Statewide Service
(406) 289-0053 • 4250 Liberty School Road - Conrad, MT
“When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... Feel free to give us a call during the day or at night!”
Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc. Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep
✓ Directional Boring ✓ Excavation Needs ✓ Road Grading
Fencing Now . Available r o f Call details..
✔ Excavator - ✔ Backhoes - ✔ Trucks ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader
Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote
Nebraska Ranch Practicum CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
1 and 2, and November 4, 2021, and January 12 and 13, 2022. Classroom activities will open and close the practicum in North Platte with the remainder of the classes conducted at the university’s Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory, a working ranch with education and research facilities, near Whitman. The practicum can count for college or continuing education credit. The registration fee is $675. The fee for a spouse is an additional $350. Registration covers educational materials, noon meals and breaks. Participants are responsible for travel and lodging expenses. The practicum can count for college or continuing education credit. To register, submit a completed application and registration fee by May 3. Applications will not be accepted after that date. Enrollment is limited to 35 participants. Applicants will be notified of their status no later than May 21. Refunds will be issued if space is not available. To learn more or register, visit https://nebraskaranchpracticum.unl.edu/ or contact Troy Walz at 308-872-6831 or troy. walz@unl.edu.
Maximize your spring burndown program with
Simplify Your Spring Burn Down and Save Money with Full
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Spray Adjuvants
Engineered to Perform. Designed to be Simple.
Full LoadTM is the Perfect Spray Adjuvant for all weed control treatments including: glyphosate and all of its tank mixes, 2,4-D, Dicamba and Paraquat. Full LoadTM replaces AMS and NIS. Full LoadTM activates your herbicides, counteracts hard water cations, supplies Glyphosate’s Favorite Surfactant and does not cause phenoxy herbicides to increase volatility. Drift-fiantTM--Get your herbicides on target with the best drift reduction and deposition adjuvant out there. The perfect tank mix partner with Full LoadTM. For Purchase, Contact—Taylor Aviation—(406) 622.5682 or HiLine Havre—(406) 265.2294 For more information about Full LoadTM and Drift-fiantTM, check out our website: www.agrasyst.com
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A5
hamilton Farms, inc.
Retirement Farm Auction
n o i t c Au ds En
THURSDAY, ApRil 22, 2021 G 6:00 p.m. mdt
Owners: Hamilton Farms, Inc., Doug & Frances Hamilton, Hogeland, MT Equipment Location: Main Street, Hogeland, MT (Hogeland is located 26 miles north of Harlem, MT. Turn north on Hogeland Main Street and go 2 blocks.)
2011 Gleaner S77, 2141 eng hrs, 1573 sep hrs
2012 Case IH 2152, 40’
Westfield 8”x36’
2009 Case IH Steiger 335, 4x4, 2261 hrs
2011 MacDon FD70, 40’
Rite-Way 7100, 62’
Brandt 5000
2009 Case IH 7120, 1968 eng hrs, 1410 sep hrs
Flexi-Coil 2320, 52’
2014 Top Air TA 1600, 120’
2004 John Deere 7320, 3257 hrs
1998 Flexi-Coil 820, 52’
Big Bud 360/30, 4x4, 375 hrs (new eng)
Flexi-Coil 300B, 41’ AuCTIon TERMS Timed Internet-Only Auction 3% Buyer’s Premium
(i.e. $10,000 bid + 3% = $10,300 purchase price).
1990 KW, 20’, 979,821 mi.
1989 KW, 20’, 453,580 mi.
1988 KW T600, 411,377 mi. & 1984 Great Dane GP45, 45’
Preview/Inspection Dates: Tuesday, April 13 – 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Saturday, April 17 – 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
1995 Wilson Pace Setter, 48’
1993 Jet Pup, 22’
Hamilton Farms Contacts: Doug Hamilton: 406-390-1374 Steve Humphreys: 406-399-2100
- AucTionEEr’S noTE Doug and Fran are retiring from a lifetime of farming and are liquidating their line of equipment. All of their machinery is clean, well maintained and ready for the field! Join us on the preview dates for a first-hand look and bid with confidence. Truly an exceptional, functional line of farm equipment. ~Kyle & Jayson
Payments accepted are Cash, Check, ACH or Wire Transfer ($20 fee). Payment must be received in full before buyer’s removal of items. PLEASE REVIEW COMPLETE TERMS & CONDITIONS ON THE BIDDING WEBSITE. www. ShobeAuction.com Removal: Friday, April 23, 11:00 a.m.. – 2:00 p.m., or by appointment
Auctioneers: Kyle Shobe: 406-366-0472 Jayson Shobe: 406-366-5125 nick Bennett: 406-451-3899
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A6
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
COMBINE FOR SALE 1994 Case IH 1688 combine with low hours. It comes with 30-ft. pick-up header and a header trailer................ $27,000 Phone Mike Downey, Florence, MT (406) 381-4164
A great line up of older, running antique tractors! So much more not listed here, contact us!
Operational Tractors & Equipment: IH Drott skid shovel Cat D7 Dozer Case 1030, Good Running Tractor IH wd9 w/Hydr—Tractor Pull Champ IH F Cub IH W-9 w/Loader Mc D W30 (2) Mc D W-6 w/Case 310 Backhoe Mc D wd9 w/Cab & Hydraulics IH FarmAll A IH FarmAll A w/Hydraulics IH W-4 Standard—Restored IH wd 6 w/Hydraulics (2) IH 460 w/Torque Amplifier Sev Parts Tractors & Other Equip Livestock & Other Equipment: NH Selp Prop Stack Wagon NH 48 Pull Type Stack Wagon NH 271 Baler NH 469 Haybine 8-Pack Hay Heads Side Delivery Rakes Hay Accumulator McCormick hay Elevator 14’ Tandem Disc MM 3 pt. 2 Bottom Roll Over Pull Behind 3 Bottom Plow Howard Rotivator Cultivator Dunham Roller Packer Homemade Aerator 10’ Homemade Drag Heavy Moore Rane 4” End Riser (13) Centrifugal 25HP Pump (L New) Split Fuel Tank, 200 Gal 12v Pump 28+/- 16’ 6 Rail Panels A LOT of Scrap Metal
Vehicles/Trailers/Other: ‘62 Ford 602 w/Dump Box NT ‘78 F250 w/Good 460 Engine Haynes 2H Trailer Wood Splitter on Trailer ‘92 Polaris Indy Trail NT Tools & Misc: Amrox 12spd HD Drill Press 20 Ton Press, 2 Ton Eng Hoist Lodge & Shipley 16” Lathe 6HP, 60 Gal Air Comp Electric Plant—remote cntrl Forney F260 Arc Welder Welder 440v—Motor Driven HD Welding Table w/3 Vices Husqvarna Rototiller (L New) DeWalt Power Tools Antique Log Tongs Ext. Cords, Hand Saws Lg. Vrty Tools, Parts, Elec. Fittings & Power Tools Nuts, Bolts, Nails, Screws 4’ Circular saw Blade Several Antique Stoves Tack & Packing Gear: 16’ x 20’ Canvas Wall Tent (3) Single Pole TeePees (2) Cowboy Bedrolls 4+ Army Cots Lg Vrty Saddle pads & Bags, Halters, Headstalls, & Gun Scabbards Vrty Camper Ovens, Coleman Stoves, Lanterns, Gas Cans Bosal w/Horsehair Mecate Reinsman 15” Saddle, Simco 15” Saddle Decker Pack Saddle Vrty Older Saddles & Other Equipment
(406) 544-8696 OR 540-2919 weaverauctions24@gmail.com
Manufactured from animal proteins like feather meal, meat meal and bone meal, Nature Safe offers dry pelleted and wettable powder solutions for your crops. Use Nature Safe as a starter fertilizer or a top-dress for any crop you are growing. Nature Safe offers high organic nitrogen and phosphorous formulations that can meet your agronomic or economic fertility challenges. Available in bulk, totes and bags. Plants in Kentucky, Nebraska and California now serving you.
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naturesafe.com Your Choice for Soil and Plant Nutrition
Eighth annual Chouteau County Agriculture Day
Chouteau County Extension Office The eighth annual Chouteau County Ag Day for 4th and 5th graders will take place at the Chouteau County Fairgrounds on April 27, 2021. All 4th and 5th graders in Chouteau County are invited to attend. Home school kids who are interested in participating need to contact the Chouteau County Extension Office at 622-3751. Participants will learn the importance of Montana’s number one industry, agriculture, and why agriculture is important to their health, home and community. For thousands of years, civilization has been built upon the foundation laid by farmers and ranchers. Today’s American farmers produce an abundance of food and fiber, as well as flowers, fish, forest products, forage and fuel. Farmers and ranchers provide American consumers with products at prices among the lowest in the world. Many agricultural products are exported, helping feed people around the world. Farmers and ranchers are also stewards of the land. Agricultural producers promote clean water, improve wildlife habitat and promote soil health in an effort to sustain their farms and ranches for future generations. Participants will learn about pollination, sheep and wool, horsemanship on the ranch, farm to table, soil health, and how farm machinery is used on the farm and ranch to produce food. Educators are from the Chouteau County and Big Sandy Conservation Districts, Natural Resource Conservation Service, Farmers Union, MSU Extension, 4-H and FFA. The event is being organized by Chouteau County and Big Sandy Conservation Districts, Chouteau County Principals and FFA advisors, Farmers Union and MSU Extension Chouteau County. Highwood, Big Sandy, and homeschoolers will begin at 9:30 a.m. and finish shortly after noon. Fort Benton and Geraldine will begin at 12:00 p.m. and finish at 2:30 p.m. Sack lunches will be provided at the fairgrounds. The afternoon group will need to eat at 11:15 a.m.so they can begin at noon. The morning group will eat at noon before returning to school. Covid guidelines will be followed as determined by the Chouteau County Health Department and school policies. A special thank you to Farmers Union for sponsoring lunches for the event. In addition, thank you to the Chouteau County Fair Board, Joyce Fuel and Feed, Power Motors Implement, Torgerson’s of Havre and Great Falls, Frontline Ag of Great Falls, and Hoven Equipment for lending us equipment on previous Ag Day events.
Deciphering a hay test: Minerals
Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum While typically lower on the lab results, the mineral makeup of forages is no less important than the protein and energy portions we discussed previously. Mineral supplementation can be a big expense in operations, so knowing how to utilize the information in a hay analysis is important. Mineral demand in animals is highly dependent on your location and feed resources. Forage analysis can help identify possible mineral imbalances in your operation and form the basis for developing a solid mineral program. However, we need to be aware of a few things first. When dealing with forages, just because a certain amount of mineral is listed in the analysis doesn’t mean it will be 100% available to the animal. Because mineral availability is depended on a number of factors from the feed to animal digestion, only a percent of reported minerals are actually absorbed into the blood steam. Typically, P, K, Mn, and Fe are higher in bioavailability, Ca, Zn, and Cu in the middle, and Mg absorption is considerably lower. To further complicate things, some minerals are able to be accumulated or stored up in cattle at times when they are in excess and then used as a reserve when diets are deficient. Using the values provided along with animal intake, an estimate of mineral consumption for each element can be calculated and used when planning a mineral program to ensure animal needs are met without going over and unnecessarily increasing expense. Figuring the right mineral balance for your heard can be a complicated process, so getting help from an expert if needed is always recommended. Those looking for a publication to read might find EC288Minerals and Vitamins for Beef Cows is a great resource.
Managing mother’s milk
K-State Research and Extension News The old phrase “Milk Does A Body Good” is an advertising slogan from the 1980s but still rings true today not only for people but for cattle as well. And just like in humans, the most important drink of milk in a calf’s life happens within the first 24 hours, according to Kansas State University veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White. “The first milk the calf gets is called colostrum and it provides critical immunity passed from the dam to her offspring,” White said. “Cattle aren’t born with immunity and the colostrum is vital to their health as they are exposed to pathogens in the first few months of life.” In cattle, timing is everything, according to Larson who addressed this topic on a recent Beef Cattle Institute Cattle Chat podcast. “Calves are only able to absorb the colostrum within the first 24 hours of life because of changes that happen in the gut wall, and ideally calves need to be nursing several times within the first 12 hours for the best success,” Larson said. For that to happen Larson stressed the importance of a cow bonding with her calf early and that the calf is born in a clean, dry environment. He added that the cow’s health is important too. “If she is in good body condition, she’ll concentrate the antibodies in the first milk,” Larson said. “It is also important that she is current on her vaccinations so that she can pass that protection to her calf.” The veterinarians agreed that it is ideal when the cow and calf can manage this without assistance, but sometimes that isn’t the case. “If there’s been a difficult birth, sometimes the cattle producer or veterinarian will have to offer assistance in delivering the colostrum to the calf,” Larson said. That may mean putting the cow in the chute to milk her out and bottle feed the calf, or it may involve supplementing the calf with a commercial milk powder or colostrum provided by another cow from the same herd to avoid introducing diseases through the colostrum, Larson said. “Mother’s milk is the best, and if that isn’t an option, then I would recommend feeding the calf a commercial colostrum replacement product,” Larson said.
Timed Online Only
##### “The Law of Common Sense” Never accept a drink from a urologist.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A7
35 ton RGN lowboy for swathers, combines and sprayers Licensed and insured • Fairfield, Montana • 406-799-8323
When Comparing Grazing Corn Varieties Consider
There is still time to plant! Only 45-60 days of growth needed!
BMR 90 planted July 7th 50 days growth
Unmatched Forage Quality and Quantity at Reasonable Seed Cost
* BMR genetics offer improved performance * Longer maturity is better for yield and quality * Our F2 hybrid offers improved yield over openpollinated varieties * Our seed is sized small meaning more seeds per pound and less damage through drill meters
Many Harvest Options
* High sugar and starch content * BMR gene for improved palatability and digestibility * Tall plant with wide leaves and large ears * Performs well dryland or irrigated * Works well in cover crop blends
* Early fall grazing * Winter grazing * Windrow grazing * Silage * Baleage
Ease of Planting * Corn planter or grain drill * Narrow or wide row spacing
Give Us a Call For More Info! (406) 399-1113 - Chinook, MT
Spring 2021 Equipment Auction 2955 Cottage Rd. • East Helena, MT
Bidding ends Tuesday, April 27 2 Excavators • 4 Backhoes • Side Dump Trailer • JD 770B-H Motor Grader Water Trucks • Bucket Trucks • Truck Tractors • Skid Steer • Tractor • Flat Deck and Step Deck Trailers • Dump Trailer Service Trucks • 3/4 ton & 1 ton pickups Line Truck • Genie Manlift • Mixer Trucks • Tools, Shop Equipment & More!
Download the Pate Auction App to your mobile device or go online and bid your price on this line of tools & equipment!
Pate Auction Inc.
2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 406-439-5561 or 406-439-8855
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A8
Rosebud Conservation District John Deere drill for sale
2018 John Deere 1590 drill, 15-ft., 7.5” spacing, combo box 7.5”, grass seed box, bootsextd-7.5” with plastic wheels, mechanical seed rate adj., hitch and wheel supt 15-ft. mode, hydraulic markers, front rank lockup, open center kit with change valve, 15-ft. agitator parts, approximately 4000 acres. Available immediately. Phone or email Bobbi 406-351-8012 or bobbie.vannattan@mt.usda.gov
Time For Spring Seed!!!
R AAC Concord
R Cert. Metcalfe R Cert. Hockett R Cert. Lavina Hay Barley
R MS Ranchero R Cert. Vida R Cert. SY Longmire
R Cert. Lanning R Cert. Ingmar
The New Malt Barley
R Cert. Hampton R Cert. 4152’s R Orion Chickpeas R Flax R Millet
Solid Stem
Solid Stem
Different seed varieties available
We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal
• Horse Feeds
• 4H Rations
We are a Hubbard Dealer
Phone: 406-378-2112 Dealer for:
Dealer for:
Chickpea genetics reduce need for chemicals
Emily Matzke, American Society of Agronomy In recent years, hummus has become a pop culture food phenomenon, drawing praises from dieticians for the health benefits and chefs for the flavor. However, the core ingredient, the chickpea, has had its production threatened. The chickpea has played a significant role in the vegetarian diet for thousands of years. It is high in protein and rich in important carbohydrates and minerals. Grown in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Plains of the United States, the chickpea has an integral role in the agriculture systems of these regions. Recently this role has been threatened by a soil-born water mold, Pythium ultimum. George Vandemark and his team have worked to improve chickpea varieties and develop new ways to control disease in legumes. Their research was recently shared in Crop Science, a publication of the Crop Science Society of America. “For over 30 years, common pathogens in chickpeas and other legumes have been controlled by fungicides,” says Vandemark. “We discovered this approach was not working effectively when one of my coworkers visited a field where seedlings had not emerged.” The planted seeds died shortly after they started to germinate. As the seed grew to the top of the soil, the disease attacked the plant and killed it. To identify the cause, researchers isolated the chickpea seeds in the soil. They discovered that the pathogen P. ultimum developed resistance to fungicide. This resistance allowed the mold to infect the plant. “Our approach looked at two different types of chickpeas – kabuli and desi,” says Vandemark. “The kabuli chickpea is almost exclusively grown in the United States because of the large export market.” Kabuli chickpeas are larger, have a clear or light beige seed coat, and are typically canned and used to make hummus. Desi is smaller, has a colored seed coat, and is used for making stews. The researchers examined different lines of the chickpea to identify natural sources of resistance to P. ultimum. The most popular varieties of chickpea grown in the United States were susceptible to the disease. The team did discover other chickpea varieties that showed resistance to the soil-born mold. “We identified many desi chickpeas that were resistant to the pathogen,” said Vandemark. “Luckily, several kabuli also displayed intermediate levels of resistance.” These resistant chickpea varieties excited the researchers because they produce chickpeas that look similar to what consumers are used to. “These traits are not ones we want to lose,” said Vandemark. “Consumers expect the kabuli type chickpea to come from the United States. The lines we identified with resistance to the disease have the shape and seed color that are desirable.” With this discovery, the research team is using the resistant plants to breed new kabuli varieties. The resistance chickpeas are crossed with current commercial varieties. This will develop a type that is more resistant to the disease. “Moving forward, this will lead to new chickpea varieties with improved resistance to P. ultimum,” explains Vandemark. “This research will also lead to new methods for controlling diseases that rely less on fungicides and more on genetic resistance.” From this research, scientists can gain a better understanding of disease and disease resistance. This will push researchers to use plant breeding as a means to combat diseases, rather than synthetic chemicals. “P. ultimum has a broad range of hosts,” says Vandemark. “While we looked at chickpeas, it can affect small grains like wheat and other legumes like soybeans. The chickpea has a small genome size, making it easier to examine.” Future researchers can build upon this research to examine potential disease resistance to P. ultimum in other crops. Naturally controlling the disease using genetics and breeding can lead to a more sustainable production system. ##### Before machinery, pasta was kneaded by foot. Because pasta dough is so tough, workers would walk over large batches of dough to knead it and a single batch would take “a full day’s walking” to make. ##### The average Italian eats 60 pounds of pasta per year... While Americans eat just 26 pounds a year.
Information for those concerned about memory loss
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A9
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) Extension has teamed up with several state departments to create a free packet of information related to giving care for those with memory loss. “Legal and Financial Steps and Resources for Caregivers and Others Concerned about Memory Loss” was created in partnership with the Montana Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia Workgroup, Alzheimer’s Association Montana Chapter, AARP Montana and the Department of Public Health and Human Services. “We want to ensure those with Alzheimer’s and related dementias and their family caregivers have access to Montanaspecific materials about legal and financial alternatives,” said Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. The packet includes MontGuide factsheets about financial and health care powers of attorney, wills, letters of last instruction, Medicaid and long-term care costs, Provider’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment and more. The Alzheimer’s Association Montana Chapter has provided three brochures and information about its 24/7 helpline. “Early planning allows the person with dementia to be involved and express their wishes for future care and decisions,” said Lynn Mullowney, executive director of the chapter. “This eliminates guesswork for families and allows for the person Sleeping Willow Ranch ~ Stevensville, Montana with dementia to designate decision makers. Early planning also allows time to work through the complex legal and fiTim Hamilton at 406-360-4710 or email swrcattle@gmail.com nancial issues involved in long-term care.” AARP Montana provided materials that explain the Montana Caregiver Act, which, according to the organization’s Outreach Director Nancy Anderson, provides support when patients return home after hospital stays. The act requires hospitals to Equipment at Various Locations around South West Montana notify caregivers about the patient’s release and instructs the caregiver on managing medication and other athome care. Kerrie Reidelbach from the Montana Office on Aging said she believes this TRACTORS VEHICLES PLANTER, DRILL & AIR SEEDER information is crucial for 1963 John Deere 4010 w/ John Deere 158 2014 Chevrolet Silverado High Country, Great Plains YP625A3P-12TR 6 row planter, Montana families dealing grapple loader, 80 hp, 3,139 hrs. 122k miles, V8, crew cab, 4x4, white, leather twin row, monitor, excellent rubber. Excellent 1972 Oliver 1855 w/Westendorf loader, 102 & loaded Condition! with memory loss situahp, cab, 8,237 hrs. 1998 Dodge Ram 2500, Laramie, SLT, 24 (2) John Deere 9350, 10’ grain drills tions. Its office has a Legal John Deere 3010, 52 hp, 2,489 hrs., gas Valve Turbo Diesel, extended cab John Deere 777/610 air seeder 1989 Ford F150 XLT Lariat, 4x4, ODO Reads: Developer Program, which ATTACHMENTS & OTHER EQUIPMENT WHEEL LOADER, DOZERS 137,819 can help people age 60 and New Holland FP240 pull-type forage 2008 John Deere 304 J, Wheel Loader, 8,300 HAYING EQUIPMENT harvester older draft documents, as hrs. 2004 Hesston 4910, 30k bales, 1000 pto KAGE KBSS12, 12’ snow blade & box, Like New! 2012 Mini Dozer w/ Jiangsu Jiangdong Diesel well as figure out which are John Deere 535 round baler, 540 pto New Holland 575, tandem axel manure engine, 660 hrs., Great little machine! John Deere 930 pull-type swather w/ spreader most appropriate for their 1949 Caterpillar D2, 43hp, 626 hrs. conditioner, 12’ New Holland 351, grinder mixer situation. John Deere 1209 pull-type swather w/ 1996 Spray-air 1800, 3pt sprayer, 40’ booms HARVEST EQUIPMENT conditioner, 10’ Shaver HD10 post pounder “We want family mem1983 John Deere 7720 Turbo Combine, 145 Servis back blade, 3pt hp, 3,688 hrs. bers to be able to execute TRAILERS Field cultivator, 18’ John Deere 224 header, 24’, bat reel Macey 16’ deckover trailer, tandem axle, appropriate legal documents 5 bottom plow Westfield W70-46 grain auger ramps Round bale spear, 3pt Westfield W60-41 grain auger for their circumstances,” 1995 CM two horse, bumper pull trailer, tandem axle, rubber floor TANKS Reidelbach said. “We also 1000 gal. fuel tank want to provide access to Preview/Inspection Dates: By appointment with seller. 500 gal. fuel tank printed materials for those who do not have computers or have difficulty accessing internet services.” For a free copy or to download the materials of the packet go to: https://alzheimers.msuextension.org/ concernedaboutmemoryresources.html, call 406-9943511, or contact khayes@ montana.edu
For Sale!
Registered Irish Black and Irish Red Bulls, Cows and Heifers
Bidding Ends: Apr 28 @ 6:00PM
##### There are approximately 350 shapes of pasta... And it’s estimated that there are about four times as many names as there are shapes. Spaghetti, farfalle, and fettuccini are just the beginning. ##### Spaghetto is the singular word for spaghetti.
More Info & Photos At: www.AscentAuction.com Strategic Partners with
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A10
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
AUCTION Saturday, April 24th at 10:00 a.m. 32146 Slocum Lane, Potomac, MT
1955 Dodge Coronet fully restored, 1936 Ford Coupe fiberglass reproduction body partially restored, 1969 Chevy El Camino/383 stroker and 4 speed, 1965 Chevy Malibu SS drag car w/big block, rollover protection, 1950 Studebaker pickup-was fully restored but has been rolled, another parts truck will be sold with it, 1924 Dodge 2 door, original condition, Kubota M4800SU diesel tractor w/LA1002 loader & 445 hours, Befco BSB 3pt. sickle mower, King Kutter 7-ft. 3 pt. rock rake, King Kutter 7-ft. 3 pt. back blade, King Kutter 5-ft. 3 pt. rototiller, Blizzard B74 6-ft. 3 pt. snowblower, 2007 United UMT 6x12 enclosed trailer, 2014 Harley Davidson Fat Boy motorcycle, Chevrolet 1 ton dually flatbed w/Boss V snowplow, hemi small block engine, large sandblasting cabinet, Thermal Arc 210 wire feed welder, pallet jack, several sets of automotive wheel dollies, Troybilt riding lawnmower w/50” deck & 23 hp engine, Milwaukee metal cutoff saw and stand, Northstar pressure washer w/Honda 6.5 hp engine, 2500 psi, Wacker trash pump w/Honda 9 hp. engine, foldup engine hoist, job boxes, Shelter Logic popup canopy, hydraulic press, parts washer, pneumatic oil drain pan, automotive frame straightener, hydraulic transmission jack, John Deere A tractor w/loader, folding ATV
Viewing Friday, April 23rd 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
ramps, Roto Zip, automotive paint guns, Pull-Rite 5th wheel hitch, 6” bench grinder, lots of hand and power tools, furniture bar clamps, hydraulic motorcycle lift table, steel rack and misc. steel tubing, galvanized stock water tank, scaffolding, horse hay feeders, Werner step ladders, single axle trailer and mounted spray tank, Craftsman radial arm saw, heavy bench vise on stand, Grizzly 20” planer, Delta unisaw, roller stands, commercial grade tile saw, Milwaukee metal band saw, air nailers, cordless DeWalt tools, routers, Ridgid portable air compressor, Rockwell belt sander, several sets of like new tires and wheels, saw horses, cinder blocks, Worksaver 3 pt. post pounder, Woods PHD65 3 pt. post drill, antique slip scraper, pull behind water filled landscape roller, portable basketball hoop, antique kitchen cupboard...And many other items not listed!
(406) 251-2221
“Serving Montana Since 1960”
NEW New Holland Equipment
2019 New Holland T7.230 HiViz cab (suspended), MFWD, Auto Command transmission, RADAR, Auto Guidance ready, 4 remotes CALL FOR PRICE
2021 New Holland Speedrower 260 Auto Guidance ready, Durabine 416 header, ST #5772811 Special Pricing CALL
OTHER EQUIPMENT Supreme 600 cutter-mixer-feeder, 540 PTO, digital scale. ST #CON20024..................... $19,500
1982 White 2-135 tractor, 2WD, with cab, 3 remotes,1000 PTO. ST #563023...................... $14,500 2012 Haybuster 2800 bale processor, excellent condition..... $22,000
Sitrex trailed bale wrapper, 4-ft. round bales, good shape. ST# 562799................................$8000
2016 New Holland L220 skidsteer, open cab, 2 speed, mechanical controls, 1168 hours. ST#563783. .........................................$28,000
2011 Case IH SB541C small square baler, 14x18, extended chamber, lightly used, hydraulic tension, quarter turn chute. ST#562614..... .........................................$19,800
Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996
Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348
7719 Thornton Dr. Missoula, MT
Find current listings and upcoming auctions at: www.westernmontananewholland.com
USDA seeks innovative partner-led projects
USDA NRCS News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking proposals to fund up to $75 million in new, unique projects under the Regional Conservation Partnership Program’s (RCPP) Alternative Funding Arrangements (AFA) that take innovative and non-traditional approaches to conservation solutions at the local, regional and landscape scales. In making selections. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will prioritize projects related to climate smart agriculture and forestry. NRCS will fund up to 15 projects this year through AFA, where partners have more flexibility in working directly with agricultural producers to support the development of new conservation structures and approaches that would not otherwise be effectively implemented through the classic RCPP. “Targeted collaboration and partnership are leading to advanced conservation delivery on working lands, both rural and urban,” said Tom Watson, NRCS state conservationist for Montana. “We want to continue funding focused projects that harness the power of partnership and innovation to develop solutions that benefit producers while conserving our natural resources.” A significant portion of funds will address projects related to climate smart agriculture and forestry. These include projects related to carbon markets and new technologies. Meanwhile NRCS also strongly encourages proposals from RCPP projects that address the conservation needs of urban farmers in metropolitan areas, supporting access to healthy fresh food in historically underserved populated communities. NRCS will execute AFAs through agreements with eligible lead partners who will be responsible for contracting directly with eligible producers and landowners to implement conservation activities on the ground. NRCS is accepting AFA project proposals now through May 28. Proposals must be submitted through the RCPP portal at https://nrcs-sites.secure.force.com/. Information about this request for proposals is available on grants.gov. A list of last year’s awarded projects can be found on the NRCS website (www.nrcs.usda.gov). Contact Jerry Shows, NRCS Program Manager for RCPP in Montana, for more information at jerry.shows@usda.gov or 406-587-6967. AFA projects were initially authorized under the 2014 Farm Bill, while the 2018 Farm Bill enhanced the AFA provision and authorized NRCS to award up to 15 AFA projects annually. Project types that may be suited to AFAs, as highlighted by the 2018 Farm Bill statute include: • Projects that use innovative approaches to leverage the federal investment in conservation. • Projects that deploy a pay-for-performance conservation approach. • Projects that seek large-scale infrastructure investment that generate conservation benefits for agricultural producers and nonindustrial private forest owners. • The fiscal 2021 AFA funding announcement incorporates policy updates following publication of the RCPP final rule, including: • The revised RCPP Critical Conservation Areas (announced in August 2020). • Updated RCPP AGI waiver policy. • Clarifying language about when RCPP activities can be carried out on public lands. • New policy language developed for AFA easements. • New policy language to highlight that producer “costshare” funding related to implementation of conservation activities, like land management practices or systems, cannot be counted as partner contributions for the project. Farmers, ranchers and private forest landowners apply for RCPP projects through project partners, like conservation districts, producer associations, water districts, state or local governments, American Indian tribes, institutions of higher education and nongovernmental organizations. ##### A fellow was walking along a country road when he came upon a farmer working in his field. The man called out to the farmer “How long will it take me to get to the next town?” The farmer didn’t answer. The guy waited a bit and then started walking again. After the man had gone about a hundred yards, the farmer yelled out “About 20 minutes.” “Thank you. But why didn’t you tell me that when I asked you?” “Didn’t know how fast you could walk”.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A11
larry Truscott Estate
AUCTION Saturday, April 17th 2021-10:00am MTN Prairie County Fairgrounds, Terry, MT
Lunch will be served For more information please visit www.montanaauctioncomp.com To phone bid please call (406) - 480 - 2778 Directions: From exit 176 (Terry Exit) head north on Ten Mile RD for 3/10 mile to Spring St. Turn left and head west for 1 mile to Hoagland St. Turn right and head north for 3/10 mile to fairgrounds. Watch for signs
Dies, Reloading Supplies and Powder
Rifles and Shotguns
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Lee .45 ACP Pacific 30-06 Hollywood Gun Shop .270 win Armory Inc 30-06 RCBS .357mag RCBS .308 RCBS .222 RCBS .270 win RCBS 7x57 Lee 6.5x55 Lee .303 British CH 30-30 Lyman .32 S&W RCBS 30-06 Redding 6mm AI 40 degree Redding 45-70 Redding 32-20 RCBS .300 Rem Ultra Mag RCBS 22-250
• • • • • • • •
RCBS press on stand Lyman case trimmer Frankford Arsenal scale Lee Auto Prime tool Lee Shot Shell reloader Lee Load All II .32, .451, .452 Lee Bullet Luber/Resizing kit Lee and Lyman Bullet Molds (.340, .451RB, .450, .385, .535RB, .457, .358) Lead melting pot Large amount of scrap lead RA 45 acp cartridge gauge Wilson 222 cartridge gauge Dillon 380 gauge Lyman 223 cartridge gauge Gunsmith tool kits Lyman shell holder set Borelights Powder funnels Many, Many hand cut, caliber specific, gun cleaning flannel patches
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
(Many of these are partial bottles) IMR Trail Boss XMR 4350 WC 852 Winchester 748 IMR 7828 (new) Hogdon Retumbo Magnum Rifle Red Dot Shotgun powder Winchester 231 ball powder IMR PB H 4831 Early 40s Hercules Unique smokeless powder Partial 8lb can Winchester 760 rifle powder HiVel #2 Military rifle powder
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Chicago Electric 225 amp arc welder (used very little) Chicago Pneumatic 125psi air compressor Honda 9hp generator 120/240 SkilSaw 10" table saw Central Forge pipe threading kit in box Large welding table with vise Oxy/Acetylene hoses and gauges K&P 6" Bench grinder B&D 6" Bench grinder Cummins Pro 13mm bench top drill press Milwaukee Sawzall (like new) 18" Poulan chain saw (like new) Carbon steel hole saw kit Drill bit sets Duracraft bench vise Misc. hand tools Handyman jacks Misc log chains Older Wisconsin and Briggs engines
Shop Tools
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Larry took great pride in his Cowboy, shooting, and reloading skills. He always took excellent care of his firearms. This is an opportunity to bid on a great collection of firearms and shooting supplies you won’t want to miss.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Firearms sell at 1:00 pm MTN
Circa 1955 Springfield M1 Garand, Serial Number 5848397, Springfield Armory barrel dated 4/55 Circa 1891 Winchester Model 1886 40-82 lever action, marbles sights, serial number 63695 Circa 1894 Winchester Model 1885 .32 WCF falling block, serial number 70073 Winchester Model 1894 30-30, serial number 4030033 Remington Model 700 22-250, 4-12x40 Simmons scope, serial number 6619251 Remington Model 700 25-06, 4-12x40 Bushnell scope, serial number A6589627 Remington Model 700 30-06, serial number 6312044 Remington US Model 03-A3, 30-06, serial number 3552419 Savage Model 110 .300 Remington Ultra Mag, glossy, VXII Leupold 3-9x40, 24" barrel, serial number G359376 Custom built 6mm Ackley Improved, Savage action, 26" custom barrel, action serial number F684396 1917 Enfield, sporterized, barrel marked 10/18 Savage MKII .22LR bolt action, serial number 0616621 CZ 455 .22LR, bolt action, Simmons 4-12x40, serial number 14B599849 Czech Mauser action .270 win, Hughes barrel, Simmons 3-9x40, serial number A8426 Mosin Nagant M44 7.62x54r, Simmons scope Chelean Mauser 7x57, sporterized, 20" barrel 25-06 built on Mauser action, custom barrel, Simmons 39x40 Pro Sport scope Remington 870 Express, 2 3/4 or 3" mag 12 gauge, serial number A992223 J. Stevens .410 bore or 12mm single shot, Patented 1913 45/70 Martini style action, adjustable peep sights
Rock Island 1911, .45 ACP, after market NM barrel, serial number RIA849563 Colt Army Special 32-20WCF, serial number 315548 Smith and Wesson Model 10-5, .38 special, serial number 132x1 Ruger MKIII .22 semi auto pistol, serial number 270-91884 Fillipieta-Italy .44cal black powder with 45LC conversion ASM Italy .45LC revolver, serial number Sa3875
Other Shooting and Military Supplies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Stack On 6 gun cabinet Custom built steel 12 gun cabinet +/- 40 empty M1 Garand clips 1945 Military canteen Military surplus bore cleaner and oil US 1945 canvas M1 Garand ammo belt Colt Model H7003 Holster M1 Bayonet US 1911 holster US mess kit with cutlery M1 Garand Op-Rod Gun cleaning kit with numerous brushes Muzzle loading bullet starter handles Muzzle loading primer seater, patch knife, bullet starter Misc. Scope mounts and rings Misc, Sling swivels Misc. Gun oils and lubes Model 28 Smith & Wesson Grips
• •
"Hell, I Was There!" by Elmer Keith, 1979 with dust jacket "Audie Murphy: American Soldier" by Harold B. Simpson, 1982 with dust jacket "To Hell and Back" by Audie Murphy, 1949 first edition, no dust jacket "Up Front" by Bill Mauldin, 1945 "Basic Field Manual Soldier's Handbook" US War Department, July 23, 1941 "Precision Shooting with the M1 Garand" by Roy Baumgardner Plus MANY, MANY military history, hunting, western and shooting books Dupont Special Gelatin, Clicquot Club, Hercules Blasting Caps, US Shot Shells wooden crates (all very nice) Numerous reproduction framed firearm ads Necchi model 538 sewing machine Black Buck Antelope and Mule Deer Horn Mounts 10x Stetson, 7x American hat cowboy hats. 6 7/8 Don Greytak Prints ”Cowboy Lineman” Cutting Horse Bronze
Books, Collectibles and Household • • • • • • • • • • • •
Sidney, MT
Ammunition, Brass & Bullets AMMO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
+/-440 rounds 30-06 M2 Ball (2) ammo cans with 240 rounds 30-06 M2 Ball 36 full M1 Garand clips with bandoliers in ammo can 20 rounds 30-06 loaded in stripper clips +/- 110 rounds .38 special +/- 64 rounds 45-70 +/- 52 rounds 25-06 +/- 21 rounds 6mm +/- 15 rounds 270 Win +/- 23 rounds .556 +/- 20 rounds .32 S&W +/- 18 rounds .45ACP +/- 13 rounds 22-250 +/- 13 rounds 7x57 Mauser 12 GA Shotgun Shells (17) boxes 6 shot (some partial) (10) boxes 7.5 shot (2) boxes 4 shot (2) boxes steel 2 shot
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
+/-1600 30-06 brass +/-1400 .45ACP brass +/-1600 .223 brass +/-1800 .38 Special brass +/-240 .357 Mag brass +/-200 32-20 brass (new) +/-200 25-06 brass +/-200 6mm brass +/-200 22-250 brass +/-150 300 Rem Ultra Mag brass +/-140 45-70 brass +/-130 30-30 brass +/- 80 7x57 Mauser brass +/-120 270 win brass +/-75 .32 S&W brass +/-23 .280 Rem brass +/-20 6mm AI brass
• • • • • • •
+/-1850 6mm bullets +/-1380 .30 cal. (Sierra, Hornady, Remington) +/- 820 .312 cal. 115 grain cast bullets +/-536 .452 cast round nose 230 grain +/-200 .451 cast bullets +/-93 .458 350 grain W/ gas checks Various amount of 7mm, .32, .458, .32, .303, .358, .224, .25 cal bullets
PRIMERS (Individual) • • • • • •
+/-85 Large rifle magnum +/-58 Small Rifle +/-43 Large BR-2 Rifle +/-42 Shotshell +/-46 Large Rifle +/-5 Small Pistol
+/-20 foot Aeromotor, in good operating condition, located South of Lindsey, MT (Winning bidder responsible for disassemble and removal from property.) +/-20 foot Dempster, tower in good shape, head has a few damaged blades (will be at auction site in Terry.)
Fletch Whitlow Custom Leather of Phoenix, AZ. Ritter tree, double bull hide, 15" seat, 14” swell, 5” cantel, #2 dally horn, excellent condition. This was Larry's saddle when he was cowboying and it was his pride and joy.
• • • • • • • • • • • • •
Bushnell 3x9 Tasco 3x9 BSA 6x18 Sweet .22 Simmons 3x9 Pro Sport BSA 2x20 Tasco 4x16 Stainless BSA 3x9 Bushnell 4x12 Tasco 3x9 Bushnell fixed 4 power Bushnell 4x12 Bushnell 8x42 Binoculars Tasco Laser Sight range finder
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cash or good check. All items sold AS IS, WHERE IS. No warranties are expressed or implied by Montana Auction Company, it’s auctioneers, or the sellers. Any and all statements and announcements made on sale day by auctioneers and owners take precedence over any and all advertising. Not responsible for accidents, errors, or omissions.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A12
Check out our website www.tradersdispatch.com
Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 – 9:30 am Location: Leeds, ND – 1 mile west of Leeds, ND on the south side of Hwy 2 COME PREPARED TO BUY AT TWO RINGS – Lunch will be served! AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Each year, this has been a huge auction that always features an outstanding line of well-kept equipment. If you are looking for a specific piece, be sure to look this entire list over carefully, as equipment is categorized by owner rather than by type of equipment. Additonal note: This is a partial list. New consignments are arriving daily. INTERNET BIDDING: This auction will feature live internet bidding. For live bidding the day of the auction, please visit our website at https://dakotaauctioneers.com/ and click on the “Online Auctions” tab. Pre-registration is required prior to auction day.
CONSIGNMENTS ARRIVING DAILY, PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITES FOR LIST AND PICTURES!!! Visit our websites at www.midwestauctions.com/dakota or www.globalauctionguide.com or www.dakotaauctioneers.com or https://allauctionsales.com/auctioneers/north-dakota/dakota-auctioneers
Your North Central North Dakota Auction Leader!
Grass-alfalfa mixtures or pure alfalfa?
Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Planting a new alfalfa hay field is a pretty routine undertaking. Have you considered putting some grass in that new planting this year? Putting a field back into alfalfa is a practice that often goes with little thought of alternative species. Every operation is different, so pure alfalfa may still be the best option. Some producers may want to seed smooth bromegrass, orchardgrass, festulolium, or other grasses with the alfalfa. But why consider a mixture? Many producers roll out bales for winter feeding, while others may grind different hays or feedstuffs. If more than 5 to 6 pounds of alfalfa is being fed to brood cows, that may be too little energy or TDN and too much protein. This is with a good quality alfalfa. If an alfalfa-grass hay is fed instead, the protein may be lower, but the TDN will be higher and better meet the energy requirements of those cows while not overfeeding protein. The mixing of the hay is done in the field while it grows instead of with the machinery in the winter. Not every field is equal; just look at a soil map. Soil types or conditions may vary within a field and a mixture may result in a better overall stand. Alfalfa, for example, doesn’t like “wet feet” so the grass planted will do better in low lying areas where alfalfa can’t survive. Additionally, an alfalfa-grass mix usually dries down more quickly so it can get put up sooner. Typically, a mixture will yield the same or more than pure alfalfa on an annual basis, with most of the grass tonnage produced in the first cutting. Mixtures do have to be managed differently than pure alfalfa stands, and some buyers may only want alfalfa, but for some operations, a mixture might be the perfect recipe. ##### And a typical Italian portion is only 100 grams. Compare that to a 700 gram portion of pasta at Olive Garden and it’s clear why Italians can get away with eating 60 lbs. a year!
Dakota Auctioneers, Larry Swenson (701) 968-4224 Office or (701) 303-0379 Cell
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National Pecan Day
Date When Celebrated: Always April 14 Pecan Day is a rather nutty day. Its a day to celebrate and enjoy popular, tasty pecans. Apparently, someone thought that it was such a great nut, that they created two days to celebrate Pecans. One in March, and the other in April. A little nutty perhaps, but true. Name the only nut tree native to North America. ... You guessed it........ Pecan trees. Celebrate Pecan Day and National Pecan Day by cracking open and eating a few pecan nuts. Also, have some pecan pie. Today’s Quote: “Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.” - - Redd Foxx
##### Spinach originated from ancient Persia and wasn’t introduced in China until the 7th Century. Today, it is still commonly known in China as the “Persian Green.”
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A13
Looking for pasture or ranch to lease for grazing 2021 and beyond. 100-250 head. Prefer in the Central Montana area, but will look at others. Good money offered for good grass.
Call or text 406-546-1743
www.MissouriRiverRealty.com email: missouririverrealty@yahoo.com
Malta 406-654-2273 • Glasgow 406-228-2273 Sidney 406-433-3010
Worrisome weaving
Horses that are bored, lonely, or anxious may develop a vice called weaving. In a stall, weaving horses will continuously rock, swaying their necks sided to side, or up and down. When these horses are placed in areas larger than box stalls, they may also pace back and forth. Weight loss and joint problems can result from weaving. There are several ways to tackle the problem: provide a companion animal, such as a goat or donkey; make other horses visible from the stall; or place a large mirror across from the stall so that the horse becomes its own security.
9889 Bowdoin Road Malta MT
East Side Fairfield Bench Vaughn, MT
8 miles west on Hwy 363 Malta, MT
246+/- hay-able acres 152+/- grazing acres, Irrigated and has domestic 28 x 44 shop, hightensile electric fence
397+/- acres, irrigated acres, pivot, barns, shop, 2 - homesteads, corrals, feedlot, spring, domestic well
160+/- deeded acres, including 134+/- irrigated acres 27 x 76 mobile home, livestock out buildings, paved road access
CED 8 • BW -.3 WW 65 • YW 117 Milk 33 • MB .66 RE .79 • $C 234
W W W. M I L K R I V E R A N G U S . C O M
CED 2 • BW 1.6 WW 56 • YW 103 Milk 26 • MB .10 RE .14 • $C 144
NF IDEAL 4223 HF17 #19850014
106 LOT 111 LOT
CED 6 • BW .6 WW 50 • YW 85 Milk 22 • MB .11 RE .33 • $C 162
R44 MISSING LINK 0867 #19915221
7 C-Bar Angus - 406-301-0887, 406-390-3594 Ross and Bruce Christofferson • Malta, MT North Fork Angus - 406-357-2410, 406-399-3933 Kade, Shane & Morgan Friede • Scott & Fay Friede Chinook, MT CED 7 • BW 1.1 WW 76 • YW 134 Milk 28 • MB .07 RE .92 • $C 224
CED 5 • BW 2.9 WW 84 • YW 155 Milk 12 • MB .88 RE .90 • $C 280
Top Notch Angus - 406-262-3127, 406-357-3534 Marv & Patty Cross • Chinook, MT
CED 7 • BW .8 WW 69 • YW 126 Milk 30 • MB .27 RE .60 • $C 237
DHRA IDEAL 11682990
Selling 100 Yearling Angus Bulls All Bulls
CED 9 • BW -.8 WW 70 • YW 132 Milk 24 • MB .80 RE .47 • $C 276
4 Butte Cattle - 406-788-5952 Bryan Pike • Cleveland, MT
CED 1 • BW 3.5 WW 68 • YW 127 Milk 27 • MB .09 RE .69 • $C 214
DH Angus - 406- 357-3785 Dale Hofeldt • Lloyd, MT
CED 9 • BW -.6 WW 53 • YW 89 Milk 25 • MB .11 RE .38 • $C 187
R44 PAXTON 0765
•Performance Tested •Fertility Tested •DNA’d for Parentage •Carcass Ultrasounded
APRIL 21, 2021
ay d s e dn PM e W :00 1 BEAR PAW LIVESTOCK, CHINOOK, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A14
Fort Benton Realty, LLC
1426 Front Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442
Project to help farmers address greenhouse gas emissions
By Leslie Reed, University Communication, UNL Wisconsin-Platteville; South Dakota State University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) University; the USDA Agricultural Reresearchers affiliated with the Daugherty search Services laboratories based in Ames, Water for Food Global Institute have reIowa, Morris, Minnesota, and Lincoln; the ceived a $3 million grant from the U.S. Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Department of Energy to better quantify Science Societies; and AgriThority, an agcarbon sequestration and greenhouse gas ricultural science consulting firm based in emissions connected with corn production Kansas City, Missouri. fields in the Midwest. “Our objective is to measure all greenThe high-tech effort is included in the Farm/Ranch, Home & Gardens: 19 Acres with 14 acres cropland lohouse gases being emitted and also being first phase of the Smart Farms program cated 20 miles East of Conrad, MT. Includes nice 4-bedroom home and sequestered at fields in Nebraska, Iowa launched by the Energy Department’s Adgood set of farm buildings with shop, storage/barn buildings, and grain/ and Minnesota,” said Christopher Neale, vanced Research Projects Agency-Energy. feed storage. Large garden area and tall matures trees around buildings. director of research at the Daugherty Water The data gathered during the three-year Water storage for agricultural, livestock and garden use. Water District for Food Global Institute and biological project will help inform American farmers provides 120,000 gallons of water annually, and more water could be systems engineering professor at Nebraska. to improve their operations and participate available. Near Glacier National Park. Good hunting and fishing nearby in Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Marias River, and Tiber Reservoir......... “Once we establish these careful meain bioenergy and carbon markets expected ..................................................................................................$499,500 surements, we can use these data sets to to develop in coming years. Call Mark 406-788-9280 inform and fine-tune models for different The Nebraska-led group is one of six production systems. Our ultimate goal is to tapped by the agency to do careful green“We look forward to assisting you establish how much carbon credit a typical house gas measurements in production with all of your Real Estate needs” farmer creates, based on soil types, producfields for grain crops that supply the ethanol tion systems, crops and so forth.” 406-622-3803 www.fbrealty.com industry. Corn and soybeans will be the The information would enable farmers to focus of the Nebraska-led project. Other adjust their operations to reduce net greenpartners with Nebraska are the University of house gas emissions and to generate additional revenue by trading the resulting carbon credits on bioenergy markets. The team will use soil chambers to measure gases emitted at the soil level, install flumes that will measure fertilizer runoff and add new high-tech instruments to existing eddy covariance Graze r e P towers located in Nebraska, 1 n 500 Yearl Gai 28 Ton Silage f o ) . i Iowa and Minnesota. Exists N n 130 A gs on a .5 lb (69% TD * 3 Pasco, WA ing towers detect the verc Day t. Cattle for 30re Pivot tical flux of water vapor 5-7 w Days and carbon dioxide, among other factors. The new sensors will add nitrous oxide * Jesse Norcutt, Currant, NV and methane to the mix. A scientist at Wisconsin, PlatGreenway Seeds Grazing Corn (GX80) is the No. 1 grazing corn in the nation teville, will install flumes to because it is 5-6 days earlier than the competition. measure water quality from the run-off from fields and This allows the rancher to plant 5-6 days later and still reach peak drain systems. sugar content (pre tassel) before the frost shuts you down! These towers will be part of a network being deployed through the Smart Farms project in Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois and other locations across the grain belt. Plant with a grain drill following second cutting on an older field alfalfa. Ready to graze in early September. “What makes this new “We planted GX80 following second cut alfalfa. If we had to do that over we would follow third cut. We grazed 400 head for is the scale,” Neale said. two weeks on 20 acres” Cory Veterre - Greenriver, Utah “When you add all this up, there will be 15 towers in fields producing highquality data that will inform models in different producCasey Calvin - Monte Vista, CO tion systems in different We grazed lambs on GX80. They ate it all the way to the ground. Unbelievable! (See website for photos) parts of the country and Crawford Cattle - Winnemucca, NV microclimates.” Planted mid July, it was way over our heads. We were surprised as to how long we were able to graze. We also baled some of it. We’re Other Husker scientists buying again. involved in the effort are Roberti Ranches - Loyalton, CA Timothy Arkebauer, profesWe grazed pairs. They ate it all to the ground. We also baled it. The cows like it. We plant GX80 every year. sor of agronomy and hortiCoffin Butte Farm and Ranch - New Leitzigg, ND culture, and Andy Suyker, We planted 400 acres on dryland and fed out 800 pair. We grazed it from Oct 20 to Nov 24. The corn was 7-1/2 ft. tall. The program was associate professor with a success! the School of Natural Resources, as well as Virginia Jin, USDA-ARS scientist in Lincoln, associated with the Alan Greenway university. Seedsman Caldwell, Idaho The Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science www.greenwayseed.com Societies will provide indusAlan cell: 208-250-0159 try relations to the project and will keep the farming Message: 208-454-8342 Over 40 years community informed about Experience $ the project via field days and 58 per Bag - Free Shipping on 2000 lbs. or more! similar activities.
OVERSEED ALFALFA with Grazing Corn
Greenway Seeds
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A15
2Part Equipment Retirement
34940 Hwy 23, Sidney, MT 59270 Visit SteffesGroup.com for Complete Lot Listings, Photos & Details!
PREVIEW: April 1 – April 21, 8AM – 5PM MST | LOADOUT: April 21 – April 30, 8AM – 5PM MST AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Registration, terms, & details at SteffesGroup.com
Komatsu WA200PT-5 wheel loader Pro-Tech FP14L snow pusher Paladin jib Haugen MTJ-12 jib
MINI EXCAVATORS John Deere 60G John Deere 50G John Deere 30G 2016 Bobcat 418 2012 Bobcat E50 2013 Bobcat E35
(2) JLG SkyTrak Gehl RS6-34 Genie GTH-844
TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOES 2014 Case 580N John Deere 310SJ
TRACK SKID STEER LOADERS 2018 Bobcat T740 2010 Bobcat T320 John Deere 325G
WHEEL SKID STEER LOADERS 2016 Bobcat S740 2018 Bobcat S650 2010 Bobcat S630 2016 Bobcat S570 John Deere 324G
Bobcat 36” bucket (3) Bobcat 24” buckets (2) Bobcat 18” buckets Bobcat 16” bucket (2) John Deere 18” buckets (3) John Deere 12” buckets John Deere 36” bucket John Deere 24” bucket Quick tach bucket
(3) 2018 Snorkel S2770RT rough terrain (5) Snorkel S3226E Snorkel S3226E (2) Snorkel S3219E (2) Genie GS-2646 2002 Genie GS-4390
SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS Bobcat NB160 hyd. breaker Bobcat broom Bobcat smooth drum roller Bobcat rototiller (2) Bobcat sweepers Bobcat grader (2) Bobcat V-blades Bobcat snow bucket (3) Bobcat pallet fork sets Edge 1207 mower LT313 trencher Melroe LR6B landscape rake (2) Montana post drivers for skid steer loaders Quick tach sheepsfoot roller (2) Buckets Grapple bucket (3) TriCountry pallet forks Virnig 1171 grapple bucket Virnig mower Virnig snow bucket Quick tach mower (2) Striker SA30 auger heads for skid steer loader Danuser 1175 auger head for skid steer loader Danuser EP10 auger head unit for skid steer loader Bobcat auger head for skid steer loader
2018 Bobcat MT85 mini track loader Bradco forks
(4) 2018 Genie Z-34/22 (2) 2014 Genie Z-34/22
Grove AMZ68XT 2006 JLG 260MRT 2002 JLG 450AJ
(2) Ditch Witch C16X walkbehind trenchers
(2) 2018 Multiquip RAMMAX 1575 2017 Multiquip RAMMAX 1575
2004 Peterbilt 378 tandem axle day cab 2000 Peterbilt 378 tandem axle day cab
1974 Chevrolet C65 single axle 1974 GMC 6000 single axle
2005 Ledwell 2004 Trail-Eze 2005 Tak3 car trailer MAXX-D tandem axle air drop down 2020 MAXX-D tandem axle gooseneck 2018 MAXX-D tandem axle gooseneck 2019 MAXX-D gooseneck PJ tandem axle gooseneck 2019 MAXX-D gooseneck 2018 MAXX-D gooseneck 2021 MAXX-D gooseneck (2) 2018 MAXX-D 2020 MAXX-D (2) 2018 Road King Bear Track tandem axle aluminum trailer 2014 Benkhe
PORTABLE GENERATORS Allmand MP45-8E1 Allmand MP258E1 2011 Baldor TS45
(4) 2018 Magnum MLT3060MV Magnum MLT3060MV Magnum MLT3060MV-002 2017 Magnum MLT3060K 2013 Magnum MLT3060KV-003 (6) Allmand Night-Lite Pro II Allmand Night-Lite Pro II Genie TML-4000N light tower
(3) 2018 Sullair 185DDPQKU4F 2018 Sullair 185DDPQKU84F Sullair 375C/DPQ/JD4 (2) 2018 Sullivan Palatek D185PDZ (3) 2017 Sullivan Palatek D185PDZ NEW & USED SINGLE AXLE 2013 Atlas Copco XAS185JD
2021 MAXX-D tandem axle 2021 MAXX-D tandem axle 2020 MAXX-D tandem axle MAXX-D tandem axle gooseneck 2019 MAXX-D tandem axle (2) 2018 Road King tandem axle
Frost Fighter IDF-500 Frost Fighter dual source
MFWD TRACTOR & LOADER Case Farmall 45 Case L350 loader
A&B Eagle Line disk A&B Eagle Line rake A&B Eagle Line box blade NEW DECKOVER TRAILERS Box blade 2020 MAXX-D tandem axle Tebben mower 2020 MAXX-D tandem axle Buhler C4572 tiller 2020 MAXX-D tandem axle Loader forks Snow bucket ROLL-OFF TRAILER & BINS Scarifier A&B Eagle Line 2-5/16” hitch 2021 MAXX-D tri-axle Forks gooseneck roll-off trailer (2) 2021 MAXX-D roll-off bins Scarifier Danuser head unit for 540 PTO auger DUMP TRAILERS Auger bits 2021 MAAXD single axle 2015 PJ tandem axle 2015 PJ single axle MAN BASKETS PJ tandem axle Including Haugen & Star
2000 Chevrolet 3500 regular (3) 2021 Aero single axle cab V-nose enclosed trailers 2008 Ford 350 Lariat Supercab 2019 Sharp Mfg tandem axle dually 2019 Aero tandem axle V-nose 2018 Sharp Mfg single axle V-nose PICKUPS 2018 Ford 250XL Supercab WATER TRAILER 2013 Ford F150 Load-Trail tandem axle trailer 2006 Chevrolet K2500HD Silverado crew cab
Lee DOT500 fuel trailer Lee DT200 fuel storage tank Buds fuel storage tank w/hand pump Liquid storage tank w/GFI hand pump
Timed Online Equipment Kubota GL5600S Lowboy generator Generac generator Several flatbed truck bodies Large assortment forms including: New EMI 2’x4’x2’; Honda EM6500SX generator also 1’x6’; 2’x4’; 2’x6’; 2’x8’; Honda WMP20X multiCEMENT EQUIPMENT 4’ angle; 4’x6’; 18’x6’; 20’x6’; purpose trash pump, Vibra Strike cement trowel Multiquip QP-2TH multiMultiquip HHNG5 mechanical and others purpose trash pump Concrete clips ride-on power trowel Multi-purpose trash pump Rebar 2017 Multiquip Whiteman Milwaukee hand truck dolly Flat ties: 1’, 3’, & 4’ WBH-16 power buggy Powermate hand truck Base ties: 12”, 28” Multiquip MQ single axle Edco ED33230K industrial portable mixer Wacker finisher LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT vacuum Multiquip finisher (2) Billy Goat Outback brush TrailFX service fuel tank w/toolbox Core CC120 walk-behind saw cutters Uline steel band roll Diamond water jet walkTurfco Pro-26 walk-behind behind saw aerator SHOP EQUIPMENT (2) MK Diamond walk-behind (3) Husqvarna DT22 & TOOLS saws dethatchers Benco industrial truck/car Husqvarna Soff-Cut 150 walk- Ryan Jr. sod cutter hoist behind saw Ohio Steel lawn roller Large asst. industrial shelving Target MG8 walk-behind saw Honda FRC800 walk-behind Power washers Edco CPM8 walk-behind rear-tine tiller Space heaters scarifier John Deere E35 lawn edger Millermatic welder Walk-behind packers Husqvarna weedeater Rotary hammer drill Rebar tier Husqvarna chop saws Hilti jack hammer SUPPORT EQUIPMENT Ellis industrial band saw Hilti rotating laser Ellis variable speed drill press
Norco hyd. press Hilti & other grinders Diamond cut grinder Tyrolit grinding pad Electric sewer snakes Floor jacks Buyers toolboxes Large quantity DeWalt Numerous other asst. shop items
CONSUMABLES, SUPPORT ITEMS & PARTS Asst. tires Tie down straps Asst. brake pads Aluminum wheel fenders Plastic wheel covers Asst. high speed diamond blades Auger bits Several boxes sheet metal screws Madjaw golf cart seat Golf cart top covers Smokin Bros premium wood pellets
SteffesGroup. com SteffesGroup.com Steffes Group, Inc., 2000 Main Ave East, West Fargo, ND
Mike Weeks, 406.433.1888 or 406.478.4698 or Terry Moe at Steffes Group, 701.237.9173 or 701.580.2426
All items sold as is where is. Payment of cash or check must be made sale day before removal of items. Statements made auction day take precedence over all advertising. $35 documentation fee applies to all titled vehicles. Titles will be mailed. Canadian buyers need a bank letter of credit to facilitate border transfer. Scott Steffes ND81, MTRRE-BRO-LIC-16877
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 Live On-Site Equipment
Starting at 10AM
Timed Online Equipment
Closing at 7PMMST
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A16
low boy service
40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)
Barnes Auction Service June 5th, 2021 at the Beaverhead County Fairgrounds
Annual Spring Consignment Auction We are currently Accepting Consignments
Call soon to get your items listed and advertised!
This will be a LIVE AUCTION!!
Tom and Cindy Barnes 406-660-2792 or 406-660-2374 Barnes Auction Service Website: www.barnesauctionservice.com
mwf 3/29-4/9
Red & Black Simmental & Sim/Angus
BULL SALE April 29 • Glasgow Stockyards
Lunch starts at noon • Sale starts at 1 p.m. 35 Head Solid Head Solid Red 50 Black Head• 40 Black 15 Head Solid Red Composite
YEARLING BULLS Thick – Meaty – Moderate Framed – Easy Calving A. I. Sires Represented
Red Sires PIE The Cowboy Kind 9 Mile Franchise 9 Mile Linebacker HXC Allegiance Leachman Distinction Lorenzen Next Episode
Black Sires Hooks Capitalist Hooks Trinity Leachman @ Last Leachman Accelerate CCR Pay Dirt
This herd has produced the top rate-of-gain steer 9 of the last 13 years at the NE Montana Fair.
“Breeding Simmentals since 1969”
Nelson Ranch
Don Nelson
Mrs. Floyd Nelson, Jr.
(406) 367-5261 • cell 263-5261 (406) 228-2024 173F Nelson Rd. • Glasgow, MT 59230 PO Box 254 • Glasgow, MT 59230
Robotics team learns STEM while learning teamwork, having fun A group of Scotts Bluff County 4-H members ranging in age from 9 to 14 has been meeting weekly since summer ended last year to share their interest in writing computer code and robotics. In the process they have learned the joy of discovery, problem-solving, and teamwork. They call themselves the Rise of the Gummies. At the recent Nebraska state First Lego League competition at Grand Island, they finished third in the robot team challenge and brought home a second-place trophy for innovative robot design. The Rise of the Gummies had qualified for the state meet by bringing home the championship trophy from a regional qualifier meet in Sidney earlier in March. They were one of 28 teams that qualified for state and one of 70 First Lego League teams in Nebraska, so their success is notable, said Coach Pam DeVos. “They’re pretty proud of that,” she said. “To have the third-place run was a huge accomplishment for our team.” Team members include Hunter Creech, Hudson DeVos, Wyatt Leggott, Landen Heine, James Downer, Capria Rogers, Lee Rogers, Jared Turnidge, and Noah Rugroden. In addition to DeVos, other coaches include parents Cody Creech and Kiowa Rogers. 4-H Extension Educator Nathan Nathan Rice also helps coach and Scotts Bluff County 4-H Assistant Jana Schwartz helps mentor the group, and numerous other parents volunteer to help in a number of ways. First Lego League is a global program sponsored by FIRST, a non-profit designed to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology and pursue education and careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields, and Lego, the maker of toy blocks and kits. The program’s core values are discovery, innovation, impact, inclusion, teamwork and fun. In Nebraska, First LEGO League programs are organized by Nebraska 4-H. Constellation Energy donated the team’s Spike Prime kit and were major sponsors for this region. The Rise of the Gummies participate in First Lego League Challenge, for grades 4-8. There are other leagues for younger groups. Worldwide, First Lego League is made up of 35,200 teams of up to 10 members each, more than 280,000 participants altogether, from nearly 90 countries, according to the organization’s website. First Lego League comprises several components that engage students in research, problem-solving, coding and engineering. The first part is an innovation project challenge. This year’s challenge was to create something to help youth be more active. The Gummies developed a mobile phone app that, among other things, gets kids to use common household items to get them moving, such as weightlifting with milk jugs, stuffed animal jumps, and dance challenges. The Gummies team presented their plan to the judges at the Sidney qualifier, and were scored according to creativity and innovation. The second part is robot games, in which the students build and program a Lego robot to complete a number of challenges in 2 ½ minutes on a table-top playing field. According to DeVos, the young coders learned a new programming language, Lego Education Spike, which is based on Scratch, a free programming language often used to create interactive stories, games, and animations. The third component of First Lego League is core values: impact, inclusion, discovery, fun, teamwork, and innovation. At the competition, the students must
demonstrate how they use their core values throughout the year as they worked on the challenges and prepared for competition. First Lego League keeps the youth involved for about half of the year, according to DeVos. The season begins in August or September, when the latest challenge is announced. Since the 2020 challenge was unveiled the Rise of the Gummies have been meeting weekly for about two hours, working on a solution for the challenge and building and programming their robot. Each team receives a table-top playing field and builds and programs the robots to complete tasks on the field, relating to picking up, moving, and putting down various Lego cargoes at different points. DeVos said the Gummies learned to work as a team. “They spend a lot of time doing teamwork activities to get them bonded as a team and complete both those challenges.” She said she got involved in the club because of her son. This is her second year as coach, and before stepping into her current role she served as a parent mentor who helped wherever needed. As the weeks pass and the competition gets near, she said “the coaches get just as excited as the kids. We just get really excited for them to complete that. It’s just a lot of work that pays off. It’s so fun to watch all the teams and how they creatively solve problems.” Twelve teams from Scotts Bluff, Gordon, Rushville, North Platte, Ogallala and Hyannis competed in the qualifier. The Scottsbluff group received the Champions Award and the Robot Performance Award and a state nomination. Their robot scored 290 points. As they gathered for their final meeting of the season after the state competition, Rise of the Gummies team members talked about their reasons for joining and what they liked about First Lego League. Landen Heine, 13, Scottsbluff, said he got involved to join several friends. He specializes on building and coding the robot. He said, “I like the people here and how I get to build robots, the challenges. The competition is really friendly.” Hudson DeVos, 13, of Redington, took to robotics following a brother. He says, “I’ve always been interested in robots. My favorite part is coding the robots.” Noah Rugroden, 12, of Scottsbluff, got involved “because I always liked programming, and I realized there was a 4-H program focused on it. I really like the robot competition because it’s exciting.” Lee Rogers, 10, of Scottsbluff, also was drawn by coding and building robots. His favorite part: “being part of the project group.” In addition to the mobile phone app, the group made a website, and then went out to demonstrate how it works to home-schoolers and several local schools. They also surveyed the students for their opinions. James Downer, 12, of Mitchell, was also on the project group that developed the app. His favorite part: “Encouraging kids to exercise and encouraging teammates to speak out so they don’t feel like they’re left out.” Wyatt Leggott, 13, Melbeta, got involved “because I like figuring out how things work and pretty much I’m the engineer of the team. My favorite part is building stuff, and getting the challenges done.” Jared Turnidge, 9, of Scottsbluff, in his first year, joined for the fun. He likes Legos and “building the stuff” is the most fun. Coach DeVos said it’s been a great season. “We had a ton of fun, but we’re excited to get our Mondays back. We’ll probably start up in August or early September, as soon as the next project and problem come out.”
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A17
Getten ranch
d Time nly -O E EquipmEnt n i Onl uction A Auction
WEdnEsday, May 5, 2021 G 6:00 p.m. mdt
Owner: Bernard “Eddy” Getten, Harlem, MT & Select Guest Consignors Equipment Location: 980 Feedlot Road, Harlem, MT (7 miles west of Harlem)
Swanson Equipment Location: Shipwheel Cattle Co., 2265 Gooseberry Lane, Chinook, MT (13 miles south of Chinook on Clear Creek Rd)
2014 Jd 6170M MFWd w/ Jd H38
2000 Jd 7810 MFWd w/ Jd 840
2019 Vermeer 605n
1997 Circle d, 30’
1985 Great dane, 45” x 96” & 2000 Wabash national, 37’ x 96”
2016 Wishek 814nT, 14’
2008 Massey/Hesston 1841
Macdon 972, 25’ w/ transport
new Holland Super 1048
Preview/Inspection dates: Wed., Apr. 21 – 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Fri., Apr. 23 – 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. 1996 Travalong, 24’
1954 Caterpillar d4
2000 Premier 2950
2014 Jd Gator 825I 4x4
2015 Jd 956 MoCo
Owner: Eddy Getten: 406-945-0647 Guest Consignor: Klint Swanson: 406-357-2492 Auctioneers: Kyle Shobe: 406-366-0472 Jayson Shobe: 406-366-5125 nick Bennett: 406-451-3899
Western Gear
Cabin Fever
Large private collection of Al Furstnow collectibles.
Western Art & GeAr Auction
Live Auction with Live Internet Bidding!
Saturday, May 8th, 2021 • 10:00 a.m. Trade Center, Fairgrounds • Lewistown, MT
-Sale FeatureE Garcia
Hand written, signed postcard with sketch
Buermann/Miles City straps
Western Art
Originals by Will James, William Standing, Jay Contway, Ted Long, Steve Devenyns, Dave McCrary, Daniel Parker, Howard Rees, Ron & William Bailey and more!
Ted Long
Daniel Parker
Dave McCrary
Will James
sprinG/summer 2021 Auction cAlendAr
Thursday, April 22nd
Hamilton Farms Inc. Equipment Auction, Hogeland, MT TIMEd OnLInE OnLy, Bidding Closes 6 p.m. Preview: Saturday, April 17, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Wednesday, May 5th
Bernard (Eddy) Getten Ranch Equip. Auction, Harlem, MT TIMEd OnLInE OnLy, Bidding Closes 6 p.m. Previews: Wed., April 21, 4 – 6 p.m. & Fri., April 23, 4 – 6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 28th
Saturday, May 8th • 10 a.m.
Mid-Spring Ag & Construction Equipment Auction TIMEd OnLInE OnLy, Bidding Closes 6 p.m.
Cabin Fever Western Art & Collectibles Auction Trade Center, Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT Live Auction with Internet Bidding Available
Thursday, May 27th • 10 a.m. Henry (Bill) Smith Estate Farm Auction, Choteau, MT
920 23rd Rd NW, Choteau, MT (11.3 miles N of Choteau) Live Auction with Internet Bidding Available
Saturday, August 28th • 10 a.m. Montana Horse Progress days Auction
Reuben Miller Farm, 826 Kirkeminde Rd, Moore, MT
Live Auction with Internet Bidding on Horses, Carts & Wagons
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A18
1984 Case IH 1480 combine, good condition, runs well, many new parts, Case IH 1010 25-ft. header with pickup reel, big auger, new wobble box............................................. $11,500 obo Phone 406-899-5806, Simms, MT
10:00 am
Saturday, May 8, 2021 67 Jessica Lane, Sheridan, Montana 2016 Titan, 24-ft. trailer, double deck capability. 2011 Titan, 24-ft. flatbed trailer, beavertail, flip over ramps. Steffes big bale clamp, skid steer plate, like new. 2015 Bad Boy zero-turn 48” mower. Polaris side-by-side. Speedrite solar electric fence chargers. Skid steer attachments, snow pusher, box blade, pallate forks. Plus livestock handling equipment, shop tools and much more!
For complete listing call:
Jeff Welborn Auctions LLC 406-949-6070
or owner: Will Fabel (406) 697-7133
Skunk tests positive for rabies in Yellowstone County
Montana Department of Livestock On Tuesday, March 16th, the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) received confirmation of the first case of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in the state in 2021. The rabiesinfected skunk was captured in Yellowstone County. Two dogs were exposed to the rabid skunk and are being managed for exposure to rabies. In response to this finding, MDOL has issued a 60-day county-wide quarantine for dogs, cats and ferrets in Yellowstone County that are not currently vaccinated for rabies (MCA Title 81, Chapters 2 and 20). The quarantine is in effect from Tuesday, March 16th, to Saturday, May 15th. Animals past-due for a rabies vaccine booster, animals that are not 28-days past the date of first vaccine administration, and animals that have never been vaccinated are all subject to the quarantine. Rabies is a fatal viral disease that can spread through the saliva of an infected animal. The virus can infect any mammal, including people. However, it is virtually 100% preventable in domestic animals through the administration of rabies vaccine. The most common animals infected with rabies in Montana are bats, but cases involving terrestrial species do occur. The last documented cases of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in Yellowstone County was in 2013. “This case is an important reminder of the presence of rabies in wild animal populations in Montana and the need to keep our pets safe,” says Dr. Anna Forseth with the Department of Livestock. “Rabies vaccination is a low-cost, safe, and effective way to protect our pets and subsequently ourselves from this disease.” Residents should report any contact between a pet and a wild animal, including skunks and bats, to their veterinarian or the MDOL to ensure potential rabies exposure are assessed for risk and managed accordingly. The mission of the Montana Department of Livestock is to control and eradicate animal diseases, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to protect the livestock industry from theft and predatory animals. For more information on the MDOL, visit www.liv.mt.gov.
MOWING SEASON IS HERE ! 2021 KG XD • 54” deck • 37 hp EFI Vanguard
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Starting At $5995 Financing Available on all Mowers through Sheffield Financial 1-888-453-2924
3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
MSU to offer estate/legacy planning webinars
Montana State University Extension, in partnership with the MSU Alumni Foundation will offer a five-part webinar series on estate and legacy planning. Thoughtful Thursdays will run from 10 to 11 a.m. beginning April 15 through May 15. In the first session, viewers will learn how to pass property without probate while saving more money for their heirs. The Montana Legislature has provided payable-on-death designations, transfer-on-death registrations and transferon-death deeds, and according to Emily Standley, MSU Extension Fergus/Petroleum County agent, viewers will understand how these designations override provisions written in wills. The second session will discuss how traditional and Roth IRAs can be useful estate planning tools. Participants will discover how qualified charitable distributions from a traditional IRA can support your favorite charity or nonprofit while reducing your tax liability at the state and federal levels, said Kevin Brown, associate vice president of development for estate, trust and gift planning for the MSU Alumni Foundation. The series’ third session will touch on the Montana Endowment Tax Credit, which MSU Extension family economics specialist Marsha Goetting calls a major benefit for Montana taxpayers and Montana charities. “This credit could provide a credit up to $10,000 annually on your Montana income tax,” she added. “This is a win-win for Montana taxpayers and Montana charities and nonprofits. Montana is one of just a few states to offer such a credit.” The fourth session will cover how charitable gift annuities are different from commercial annuities and how they can provide income, support a person’s favorite charities or nonprofits and reduce state and federal income taxes. The final session will explore how a charitable remainder trust could be a valuable tool in any estate plan. Registration is required for the webinars. For more information and to register, visit https//www.montana.edu/ estateplannin/thoughtfulthursdays/.
##### Q: Why did the school kids eat their homework? A: Because their teacher told them it was a piece of cake.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A19
ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A20
AIR DRILL FOR SALE Call (406) 450-2157, Shelby, MT
2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 2340 cart, 10” spacing, 4.5” capped steel packers, new primary hoses. Field ready! Asking.......... $35,000
Selling farm or ranch property and tired of paying capital gains tax?? HELP IS HERE!!! Save by deferring capital gains tax. For example, a 1031 exchange to sell a farm valued at $2,000,000 can creat a tax savings of approximatley $250,000,000; this tax savings can be used to purchase substantially more replacement property. Catherine Witmer,
Qualified Intermediary for 1031 tax-deferred exchanges Esi1031@gmail.com
EXCHANGE SERVICES INC. 200 Parkhill Drive Whitefish, Montana 59937 1-888-244-1031
For more information go to www.exchangeservicesinc.com
Water Law 101: Part 1, the basics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News stream but a part not bordering the stream, This the first in a six-part series of articles say the back 40 acres, is sold, those 40 acres covering basic water law in the United no longer are considered riparian and can States, predominately in the western part never regain their legal riparian status by of the country, and how it affects this finite being reassembled into a “riparian” tract resource. of land. Water law has a long history. It can be Prior Appropriation Doctrine (“first in traced back to Roman times and also has time, first in right”) is a concept under which roots in English common law. Across the a right to use a quantity of water is based on United States, it varies from state to state, the earliest priority date. This system is used and from East to West. in most of the western United States. Under When conflicts arise the courts usually prior-appropriation systems, priority of use determine the outcome unless there are state refers to the date a water right is acquired, or federal laws or previous case studies to with senior rights prevailing over junior resolve the issue. Exceptions to the law can rights. All water rights are defined in relation arise from differences in each state’s water to other users, and a water rights holder only laws. acquires the right to use a specific quantity Most of the information for this series of water under specified conditions. Thus, comes from Water Law, a class taught at when limited water is available, senior the University of Nebraska-Lincoln by Prof. rights are satisfied first in the order of their David Aiken. Water law is full to the brim priority date. of terminology and definitions – but they all Priority of use is distinguished from statintertwine with each other to make up water law in as we know it today. utory preferences (designations), which What is water? refer to statutory statements of preference Water can be defined as the liquid that among different types of beneficial use and descends from the clouds as rain or other would come into play, for example, in deprecipitation. It forms streams, lakes, seas ciding which of two concurrent water rights and is a major constituent of all living matter. should be satisfied first during a shortage of Water is measured in various ways, includwater or which of two competing applicaing gallons per minute (gpm), and cubic feet tions for a water right should be granted. per second (cfs, or second feet, which is apAppropriative rights can be lost through nonuse; they can also be sold or transferred proximately 449 gallons water per minute). apart from the land. Water is also measured as acre-feet, the Preferred use is a use given some sort of volume required to cover one acre one foot preference not given other uses. Preference deep, or approximately 325,829 gallons. can take many forms, depending on state Another measure of water is consumptive law. One type of use, such as domestic use, use, a use that renders it no longer available may be preferred over others when there because it has been evaporated, transpired by are competing applications to appropriate plants, incorporated into products or crops, the same water. Persons having water rights consumed by people or livestock, or otherfor preferred use may be entitled to take wise removed from water supplies. Related water before those having rights for other to consumptive use is return flow, the part uses, regardless of their relative priorities. of a diverted flow that is not consumptively A person needing water for a preferred use used and returns to its original source or may be authorized to condemn (to buy in a another body of water. forced judicial sale) water being used for Two sources of water - surface and non-preferred purposes. ground water Beneficial use, the cardinal principle of Surface water can be an open body of the prior appropriation doctrine, is a use of water such as stream, lake or reservoir. Surwater that generally produces public benefit face water in Nebraska is managed by the and promotes the peace, health, safety and Nebraska Department of Natural Resources welfare of the people of the state. Putting (NDNR), with an exception. NDNR grants water to a beneficial use is a condition of and manages surface-water rights, EXCEPT receiving a certificated water right. The right those managed by the U.S. Bureau of Recmay be lost if beneficial use is discontinued. lamation on Bureau projects. Most states recognize certain uses as benGroundwater is water that flows or seeps downward and saturates soil or rock, supeficial: domestic and municipal uses, indusplying springs and wells. The upper limit of trial uses, irrigation, mining, hydroelectric the saturated zone is called the water table. power, navigation, recreation, stock raising, Nebraska’s 23 natural resources districts public parks, wildlife and game preserves, (NRDs) manage groundwater and may limit and other uses. the amount of water that can be pumped. These terms make up some of the basics Two basic doctrines that determine concerning water law, but not all. This water rights or use series will cover other water rights, some Riparian Doctrine is the system for case studies and their affects, which will allocating water used in England and the demonstrate the complexity of water rights eastern United States, in which owners of and water law. lands along the banks of a stream or water In my position with Nebraska Extension, body have the right to reasonable use of I often speak about water to audiences. the waters and a correlative right protectI always ask an audience one question: Considering economics, the environment, ing against unreasonable use by others that aesthetics, considering the short term and diminishes the quantity or quality of water. the long term – what is water worth? Riparian rights are lost by severance. NEXT: Other water rights. If land is part of a larger tract bordering a ##### Why did the farmer name his pig ink? Because he kept on running out of the pen. ##### My friend told me he had the body of a Greek god. I had to explain to him that Buddha is not Greek. ##### Q: What do you call a pig that does karate? A: A pork chop.
##### The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement. ##### If Mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes? ##### “Weiler’s Law” Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn’t have to do it himself.
Wild potatoes tapped for late blight guard duty
Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service tent variant that can “neutralize” a valuable Distant cousins of cultivated potato may potato gene known for conferring broadhold the key to unlocking new sources of spectrum late blight resistance, namely RB. resistance to the tuber crop’s most devastatOf the 72 total species the researchers ing disease, late blight. examined, 12 of them showed high levThat’s the hope of a team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists, who els of leaf resistance that had never been conducted laboratory trials in which they documented before, opening the door to exposed the leaves of 72 different species entirely new defense mechanisms against of wild potato to spores of the late blight late blight. pathogen Phytophthora infestans—the That said, developing new potato varisame culprit that triggered the Irish Potato eties with new traits is a lengthy process, Famine of the 1840s. taking 10-15 years before they’re ready Late blight remains a worldwide threat for market. But Halterman is hopeful that today to not only potato, but also tomato with new approaches like marker-assisted crops, inflicting an estimated $6.7 billion selection, genome mapping and the ability annually in yield losses and control costs. to clone (copy) and insert specific genes In susceptible varieties, the fungus-like of interest, prized traits like late blight repathogen causes dark lesions and other sistance can be passed into promising new disease symptoms that rapidly destroy the varieties faster and more efficiently. plant’s leaves, stem, fruit or tubers, noted Five of 12 stand-out species—namely, Dennis Halterman, a plant geneticist with S. agrimonifolium, S. albornozii, S. chothe ARS Vegetable Crops Research Unit in matophilum, S. hypacrarthrum and S. Madison, Wisconsin. piurae—can be used in potato breeding proThere, Halterman specializes in the gegrams immediately without a critical first research step that’s necessary to overcome netic “arms race” that potato plants engage chromosomal incompatibilities typical of in with the pathogens that attack and sicken wild potato, the researchers reported in the them, often forcing growers to retaliate with December 2020 issue of the journal Plant chemical controls like fungicide that can Disease. ratchet up production costs and concerns over environmental harm. In collaboration with ARS scientist Shelley Jansky (retired) and ARS research associate Hari Karki, Halterman set his sights on the hard-scrabble relatives of cultivated potato growing wild in Central and South America, and Mexico, where late blight originated and co-evolved with the plant, a member of the nightshade family. “Although most wild species make small potatoes that you would not want to eat—they could actually make you pretty sick—they exist in harsh natural environments without fertilizer, irrigation or pesticides,” noted Halterman in an educational video on his efforts. In addition to adapting to diverse growing conditions, many wild potato species boast formidable defenses against diseases like late blight. This makes them an especially valuable resource for resistance genes that can benefit farmed varieties— and more broadly, contribute to world food security. “Once we identify a species that contains resistance, our goal is to transfer that resistance into cultivated potato so that farmers can grow healthy crops using less pesticide,” said Halterman. The need for new sources of late blight resistance is a constant one. Partly, this is because of the pathogen’s uncanny ability to mutate into new variants that can overcome a potato variety’s existing genes for protection against the disease. Among those are US-23, the most common variant circulating in U.S. potatoes, and NL13316, an even more po-
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A21
The deadline for advertising for the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE
Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118
Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America
• Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales • Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard • Custom sizes and special projects welcome • Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from
100% made in USA
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A22
##### Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, is credited with being the first person to introduce pasta to America, back in 1789.
Tate Miller Welding
• Cattle Guards - any size • Panels - 24-ft. • Calf Hutches • Wind Break Panels - 24-ft. x any height Delivery available Phone 701-220-1350, Golva, ND
Grow lights for seed starting
By Carrie Knutson, NDSU Extension Agent, Grand Forks County Starting your own seeds can be a fun activity for your family and allows you to explore different garden vegetables and varieties. I tried many times to start garden seeds using south-facing windows instead of using artificial lights. Sadly, my seedlings didn’t receive enough light and were tall, thin and floppy. The seedlings did not do well when I transplanted them outside. I learned the hard way that artificial lights are key to starting seeds indoors successfully. Artificial light needs to mimic sunlight to grow sturdy seedlings. Sunlight has different wavelengths. Think of the colors in a rainbow. Plants use mostly the red and blue range of light, and seedlings will need the red and blue range of light for strong stems and leaf growth. Fluorescent and light-emitting diode (LED) are common home artificial light options. Fluorescent lights can be sold as “grow lights,” which provide the red and blue light range. Using cool-white and warm-light fluorescent light tubes is another option. LEDs come in different colors and intensity of light. Blue (coolcolored) and red (warm-colored) are common. Incandescent lights do not work well for starting seeds. They generate a lot of heat and the light produced is not in the correct light range needed for plant growth. Seedlings should get about 16 hours of light a day to ensure proper development and prevent floppy plants. An automatic timer is a good idea to help manage the chore of turning the lights on and off at the correct time. The distance from the seedlings to the light source is another important consideration. Lights should almost be touching seedlings after they germinate. Move the lights up as the seedlings grow, keeping the lights no more than 4 to 6 inches from the plants. I have a long list of seeds to start this year. Parsley, Savoy cabbage and calibrachoa are a few. My grow lights are busy growing microgreens until the time to start my garden seeds.
For Sale Private Treaty Range raised out of moderate framed, For Salebulls Private Treaty For Sale Private Treaty easy fleshing females
For Sale Private Treaty easy fleshing females
• Developed for Soundness
raised bulls moderate framed, Range raised bulls out of moderate framed, •Range Raised on Grass & Hay out - No of Grain Range raised bulls out of moderate framed, ••Positive Energy Values Developed for Soundness easy fleshing females easy fleshing females easy fleshing females Raised on Grass & Hay - No Grain ••Outcross Genetics • Positive Energy Values • Outcross Genetics •• Developed Developed for for Soundness Soundness R a i s i n g l o w i n pu& t,Hay pra--cNo ticGrain al cattle • Raised on Grass • Developed for Soundness Developed forGrass Soundness • Raised on & Hay No Grain Positiveon Energy Values •••R Raised Grass & Hay Grain Positive Energy Values a i s i n g l o w i n p utHay , pra--cNo tNo icInclude: aGrain l cattle Raised on Grass & • Outcross Genetics Bloodlines • Positive Energy Values
for 35 years • for 35 years • • Outcross Genetics • Positive Energy Values Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 • Outcross Genetics Bloodlines Include: Pinebank Waigroup 152/04 • Outcross Genetics Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 Dunlouise Jipsey Earl Waigroup Raising lowNew inPinebank pZealand ut, pra ctiScottish cal c152/04 agenetics ttle forexcel 3 5 years 38 These and Dunlouise Jipsey Earl
Raising lowNew ininpZealand uMontana's t, praand ctEnvironment. iScottish cal cagenetics ttle forexcel 35 years RaisingThese low inpBloodlines u t , p r a c t i c a l c a t t l e f o r 3 5 years Include: in Montana's Environment. Pinebank 41/97 Raisin g low&inSue pPinebank utPeterson , prWaigroup aWaigroup ctiInclude: ca152/04 l406-240-5897 cattle for 35 years Bloodlines Randy Bloodlines Include: Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 Drummond, MT 59832 petersonangus@aol.com Dunlouise Jipsey Earl Drummond, MT 59832Waigroup speterson5897@gmail.com Pinebank 41/97 152/04 Drummond, MTZealand 59832and Scottish petersonangus@aol.com These New genetics excel Pinebank Waigroup 152/04 Bloodlines Include: Dunlouise Jipsey Earl in Montana's Environment. Dunlouise Jipsey Earl These New Zealand and Scottish genetics Pinebank Waigroup 41/97 excel These New Zealand and Scottish genetics in Montana's Environment. Waigroup 152/04excel Randy & Pinebank Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 in Montana's Environment.
Dunlouise Jipsey Earl Drummond, MT 59832 petersonangus@aol.com Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 These New Zealand and Scottish genetics excel Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 in Environment. Drummond, MTMontana's 59832 petersonangus@aol.com
Certified Seed Plant Drummond, MT 59832
For sales information call Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp
Randy & Sue Peterson 406-240-5897 Specializing Cereal Grains,petersonangus@aol.com Drummond,In MT 59832 Grasses, Legumes
1 mile north of Havre on Highway 232
Box 1028, Havre, MT 59501 NOW ACCEPTING
AC Metcalfe (PVP) Haxby Hockett (PVP) Buzz (PVP)
Field Peas & Lentils
Hampton green (PVP) Montech 4193 yellow (PVP) Montech 4152 yellow (PVP) Avondale Lentil (PVP) Richlea Lentil
Forage Crops Lavina Barley Haymaker Barley (PVP) Westford Barley Otana Oats Austrian Peas
Wheat www.wildhorseseeds.com
Custom Grass, Forage & Cover Crop Mixes Available Brown Flax & Mustard Seed Available
Have your Seed Custom Cleaned and Treated with... Custom blend
Call Us For Your Price Before You Buy
Alzada Durum (PVP) WB Gunnison (PVP) Corbin (PVP) WB 9377 (PVP) WB 9719 (PVP)
Duclair (PVP) Vida (PVP)
SY Longmire
*Additional Varieties May Be Available
Deer favor crops high in crude protein
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A23
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read their ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
K-State Research and Extension News A study of plants preferred by white-tailed deer is providing important information to outdoor enthusiasts who design food plots to encourage hunting or viewing opportunities. Charlie Lee, who recently retired as the wildlife specialist for K-State Research and Extension, said the study from Mississippi State University indicates that white-tailed deer avoid plants high in sulfur (which potentially can be toxic) and select plants highest in crude protein and digestibility at the time. “I’m asked many times about the best food plot seed that is out there; what do deer prefer,” Lee said. “This is the time of year that people are thinking about planting cool-season food plots.” New information from the Mississippi State study indicates that the crops high in crude protein include numerous types of clovers, as well as winter wheat, oats, rye grass and Australian winter peas – many of which are already being used in Kansas. Lee noted that ladino clover or oats are two good choices for Kansas. Some examples of less-desired crops include rape seed and turnip and other brassica plants, which are high in sulfur. Turnips start off high in crude protein, Lee said, but by the middle of the growing season, its protein value “drops way down.” Other crops that deer avoid include chicory, a plant from the sunflower family. “I always encourage people to use a mixture of crops in a food plot, not use just one variety or crop selection,” Lee said. “For deer, it’s important to have a diversity of crops so that they have options to pick the highest quality nutrients with the highest digestibility during all seasons that you expect them to be grazing.” The research findings draw from more than 13,000 photographs involving more than 18,000 deer over a five-month period for two consecutive years.
If you are going to pay for land selling calves, you have to be a low input, least cost producer focused on profit. That means smaller cows, more of them, producing more pounds per acre, sold at a higher price per pound. Smaller pastures, grazing longer, feeding less. Calving later with more live calves, fewer cull cows, fewer replacements And if you are all in, it means raising your own bulls.
Raising Line Bred, Low Input, No Maintenance, Hands Free, Brown Grass Cattle
Semen • Embryos • Calves • Seedstock
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A24
The deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th. Phone (406) 271-5533.
John Deere 825 spring tooth cultivator.................................$2200
New Holland 455 7-ft. sickle mower................................$600
Shaver 8 & Danuser 3-point and post pounders....................$900
John Deere Model 37 9-ft. sickle mower................................$900
Hay Buster 256 Plus 2 bale processor...............................$1800
Bale head..............................$1100 2-wheel hay rake.................... $300
Phone 406-793-2210
SPRING SEED VARIETIES Spring Wheat SY Rockford* Vida* SY Ingmar* SY Longmire* MS Ranchero* AC Metcalfe
CLEARFIELD™ Spring Wheat WB9879CLP *
* Denotes Plant Variety Protection Variety
Certified CDC ORION* CHICKPEA SEED also available (406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022
Denton, Montana 3 /2 miles SW - Near Airport 1
LEAD set to resume this fall, applications available
The Nebraska Leadership Education Action Development Program (LEAD), a two-year development program for leaders in the state’s agricultural sector, will resume programming in 2021, following a year-long pause as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nebraska LEAD is accepting applications for its 40th cohort until June 15. In addition, the program’s 39th cohort will resume its monthly seminars and other scheduled activities this fall. “We are anxiously anticipating the resumption of LEAD programming this coming fall. We have spent our pause year reassessing the entire program,” said Ed Woeppel, Chairman of the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, which sponsors the program. “We are confident that the Nebraska LEAD Program is positioned to continue to be a leader in agricultural leadership development. We look forward to continuing the experiences for LEAD 39 after a one-year pause as well as to welcome in a new group in LEAD 40.” Applications for Group 40 are now available for men and women involved in production agriculture or agribusiness. “Up to 30 motivated men and women with demonstrated leadership potential will be selected from five geographic districts across our state,” said Terry Hejny, Nebraska LEAD Program director. Applications are due no later than June 15 and may be requested via e-mail by contacting the Nebraska LEAD Program office at leadprogram@unl.edu. Those interested in the program may also request an application by writing to Nebraska LEAD Program, 104 ACB, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68583-0940 or by calling (402) 472-6810. Information about the selection process is available at www.lead.unl.edu. LEAD fellows attend monthly three-day seminars throughout Nebraska from mid-September through early April each year. Fellows also have the opportunity to participate in a 10-day national study/travel seminar, as well as a two-week International study/travel seminar. Seminar themes include leadership assessment and potential, natural resources and energy, agricultural policy and finance, leadership through communication, Nebraska’s political process, global perspectives, nuclear energy, social issues, understanding and developing leadership skills, information technology, advances in health care, and the resources and people of Nebraska’s Panhandle, Hejny said. The Nebraska LEAD Program prepares the spokespersons, problem-solvers, and decision-makers for Nebraska and its agricultural industry. The program is operated by the Nebraska Agricultural Leadership Council, a nonprofit organization, in collaboration with the UNL’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and in cooperation with Nebraska colleges and universities, business and industry, and individuals throughout the state.
Deciphering a hay test: RFV and RFQ
Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Recently, we looked at Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) or energy and understanding how it is important for the health and nutrition of livestock. TDN is used to calculate forage energy availability to meet animal needs. Today we will look at Relative Feed Value or RFV and Relative Forage Quality or RFQ. Both RFV and RFQ take into consideration intake, the energy content of the feed, and the use of a standard. ADF and NDF have been used to measure fiber and ultimately energy of hay. Labs combine them in to come up with the estimate or relative feed value or RFV. RFV has a downfall because it assumes all fiber digestibility is the same and we all know that’s just not the case. The RFV of grasses is often incorrectly valued because they have a lot of fiber compared to legumes but is more digestible than legumes. RFQ is a newer, more accurate fiber digestibility lab technique. It also uses ADF and NDF to calculate values, but uses a simulated digestion using rumen fluid to predict forage intake and digestibility. RFQ is more accurate than RFV because it uses actual digestion values. It is a better indicator for grass hay than RFV. Understanding which measurement of energy to use in an operation is important to calculate livestock needs which changes drastically with different stages of production. Being able to decipher RFQ and RFV will help in the purchasing or marketing grass and alfalfa hay.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A25
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A26
Coverage for those affected by the irrigation canal tunnel collapse
WANTED John Deere 940 or 945 land plane Call Riley (406) 899-0595
Horses & Cattle left shoulder 2 electric irons 1 regular iron
Horses & Cattle left shoulder 1 regular iron Call 406-642-3381 or 406-207-0747
D L O S Horses right shoulder Cattle left shoulder 2 electric irons 1 regular iron $4800 Each
J Bar E Ranch
Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls Arvid Eggen 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen 406-765-8219 Jarett Eggen 406-478-1017 Jay-De Eggen 406-671-7149 Plentywood, Montana
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News planting portion of their policy for the 2020 On July 17, 2019, Tunnel No. 2 colgrowing season. For producers who had a lapsed on the Goshen / Gering-Ft Laramie policy in both 2019 and 2020, the insurance irrigation canal, leaving 107,000 acres of period for a 2020 prevented-planting loss farmland without water for much of the started on March 15, 2019 (prior year sales 2019 growing season. Although repairs to closing date). the collapsed tunnel and two other tunnels However, the insurance period for a 2021 have been made, challenges remain for irprevented planting loss only extends back rigators relying on this system. to March 15, 2020, so the reduced flow of The metal “ribs” installed to support the water from the tunnel repairs is no longer tunnels along the canal have reduced the an insurable cause because the event that water delivery capacity of the system to 75 caused the collapse of the tunnel occurred percent. This reduction in water capacity outside the insurance period. Prevent plantraises many questions for farmers and landing cannot be claimed for the 2021 season owners regarding crop insurance coverage because of reduced flow from the tunnel for the upcoming 2021 crop year. repairs. Crop insurance is a federal program adConcerns regarding irrigation water ministered by the USDA Risk Management availability due to snowpack are still relAgency. All crop insurance policies, regardevant. However, this is a separate issue less of the crop insurance agent, are subject from the carrying capacity of the Goshen/ to the same provisions. Crop Insurance Gering-Ft. Laramie canal. provides protection against “unavoidable, This information is designed to support naturally occurring events”. and help clarify existing crop insurance Farmers along the Goshen / Gering-Ft policy provisions and procedures. For more Laramie canal were covered for production detailed information and options you may losses in 2019. In some cases, farmers could have, please consult a crop insurance agent. also have filed a claim against the prevented ##### Dolly Parton once lost a Dolly Parton look-alike contest.
Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount
AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B AGA 15H Brit Candidate ET 97C AGA 60H Mo Le Domino 80E AGA 43K Stanmore Ernie 70E LBH 237B Billy Lad 124F WH 46Z Silver Standard 626D
Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123 Moore, Montana www.wichmanherefords.com
Saturday, June 5th at 10:00 a.m. Eureka, MT
A more complete listing with photos and auction information will appear in the May Issue of the Traders Dispatch. Mark your calendar now to attend this auction.
Featuring an outstanding collection of vintage horse drawn items including over 80 horse drawn implements, 11 wagons consisting of a very unique Standard Oil Company fuel delivery wagon, sheep herders wagon, freight wagons, grain wagons, hay wagons, water tender wagon, childs farm wagon, plus a fully operable Adams Leaning wheel grader No. 31, manure spreaders, walking plows, sulky plows, John Deere potato planter, hay loaders and hay rakes and other implements, child’s wooden wheelbarrow, horse drawn equipment manuals, parts manuals and books, several anvils, milk cans, cream cans, and
Kerosene cans, scythes, cradle scythe, miners candle holders, barn lanterns, cast iron and steel tractor and implement seats, lots of vintage tools, wagon wrenches, 3 railroad baggage carts, wash boards, copper boilers, Deer and Elk antlers, McClellan saddles, a large assortment of vintage labeled wooden shipping boxes, oak slant top desk, oak secretary, lots of wood planes, draw knives, traps, wagon seats, nail kegs, glass insulators, US leather saddle bags, crosscut saws, log tongs and log rollers, ice tongs, horse collars and harness, child’s sleds, milk bottles, galvanized dairy boxes, harness line spreaders, oil cans, and hundreds of other items.
www.gardnersauction.com “Serving Montana Since 1960”
(406) 251-2221
28 steps to recovering stuck equipment
MT Agriculture Safety Program 1. Know how deep the stuck equipment is buried. 2. Know the size of the stuck equipment. 3. Ensure the towing vehicle is large enough to recover the piece of equipment. 4. Ensure the chains, cables, straps, or ropes are properly rated. 5. Keep the tailpipe of running equipment uncovered. 6. Dig around the tires of the stuck equipment. 7. Ensure a fire extinguisher is accessible. 8. If possible, reduce the weight of the stuck vehicle. 9. If possible, disconnect trailers or implements. 10. Position the towing vehicle as close to the stuck equipment as possible. 11. Always position the towing vehicle on higher ground when possible. 12. Ensure the towing vehicle has enough traction. 13. Attempt to always pull in a straight line. 14. Attempt to make only two attachment points. 15. Ensure the attachment points are secure and will hold under pressure. 16. If you do not own the stuck vehicle or equipment, ask the owner to attach the devices. 17. Use your own equipment. 18. Protect towing devices from sharp edges. 19. Always hook from the bottom. 20. Place the clevis directly on the equipment, ensuring the strap or rope is on the pin, not on the side of the clevis or shackle. 21. Place something heavy on top of the towing device, this will help dampen the force if it should break and become a projectile. 22. If possible, try to protect windshields. 23. Remove non-essential people from the area. 24. If the stuck equipment can help, use it. 25. Give instructions to the driver of the stuck vehicle or equipment. 26. Use the lowest gear possible. 27. Pull straight ahead to maximize power. 28. Apply power slowly and smoothly. These steps and tips are part of a larger document provided by Purdue Extension. The full document can be found on www.mtagrisafety.com/resources and click on “Towing Safety!” ##### A doctor examines a man who has speghetti in his hair, sauce on his shirt and mashed potatoes in his ear. “What’s wrong with me, Doc?” asks the man. Doc says, “I can see there’s a problem here, you’re just not eating right.”
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A27
The Leonard Matteson Estate
You’re Invited to the 435th
Collector Car Auction
~ Saturday May 15, 2021 ~
50+ years collecting - Restoring & Preserving - Leonard loved everything with an engine and wheels - Cars - Trucks - Tractors - Flywheel Engines, Wagons and relics of Homestead Days. He especially liked original - the rarer the better - and saved many projects he was never able to get to. He loved auctions, buying and selling and had plenty of room to store his treasures. A Barn full, A Shop full, A Quonset full & A Car shed full; a hillside full of projects, some very worthy ones; a lot of parts and just neat stuff!! He preserved many signs, cans & automotive miscellaneous. Lot of Farm History and “Discoveries!” I met Leonard nearly 40 years ago when I was just getting started in the auction business & he was pretty well retired from it. We hit it off immediately, we both liked Auctions, had a wide range of interest in everything from antiques to Model T’s, old tractors & homestead collectibles. Over the years he came to a lot of auctions, bought a lot & gave me a lot of good advice. Time moves on & now he is gone & I am getting close to the end of my career. I’m pleased to be able to conduct his estate auction & think he would like to be there visiting with all his friends and finding some treasures to take home &, maybe sell a few items for us -The Jabbering Swede was a good auctioneer -- and a good friend.
Registration and Inspection Noon - 7 PM Friday May 14, Auction day, 8 AM - Auction 10 AM North of Galata, Montana 22 miles on the pavement - 343 - or North of Shelby 15 miles to the Kevin-Oilmont exit & 25 miles east on 343. WATCH FOR SIGNS Concessions by Crossroads Bistro from Malta. 8 AM Coffee and Pastries, great food all day!!
NOTE THE ORDER OF THE AUCTION: We will sell a few miscellaneous items starting at 10 AM & will be SELLING VEHICLES BY 10:30 at the latest. After 30 or so vehicles we will sell the gas pumps & large signs and move on to the rest of the vehicles and hillside, etc. Much of the auction will be on the Internet as well as live bid. Visit the web site after April 15 for information on bidding via Internet, Absentee or Telephone. There is good cell service at the auction location but we make no guarantee of service or availability for cell phones or Internet bidding. Statements day of auction take precedence over all previous advertising. Note that there are no household items, no shop tools, no trailer loads, etc. This is ALL collector related! Due to the large number & variety of items to sell we may run two rings at times. Removal is preferred day of auction however we will be there for a day or two after the auction.
40+++ Cars - Trucks - Tractors - Running - Projects - Parts - From Dry and Windy Northern Montana 1959 Edsel Corsair Convertible - Restored from a solid original - New White/Red Paint, Upholstery, Top, Ready to roll!! 1963 Buick LeSabre Convertible - Beautiful restoration, Dark Blue with White Top & Upholstery, Road Ready!! 1950 Dodge Pickup, rare Springtime Edition, Bought new by Earny Gardner of Devon Mercantile and seldom driven. Actual mileage is 8,303 documented miles. Leonard bought this years ago with just under 7,000 miles & drove it in a few parades, kept it inside and preserved it. 1932 Ford BB 1 Ton Truck, All Original Paint, Interior, Box, 4 Cylinder Engine, ex W J Heckford Farms, Choteau. Stored inside for 50 years. 1940 Chevrolet Cabover Truck - Well restored rare year & Model, Nice Dark Blue with correct grain box. 1949 Diamond T One Ton Dually Flatbed. Excellent Original Condition & a rare model. 1947 Packard Clipper 120, 4 door, original straight 8 - Nice example of a very low production car. Indoor storage for over 40 years, shows 51,000 miles. Polish it up and drive it! 1939 Packard 120 Convertible, Straight 8, apart for restoration but appears complete - from 40 year inside storage. 1930 Desoto Coupe - First year for the straight 8, rare and worthy project , appears complete. 1950 DeSoto Traveler 4 door with the correct interior, fold down seat, etc. Rare car & well restorable. 1956 DeSoto 2 dr hardtop, complete and ready for restoration, another similar for parts. 1927 Model T Ford Speedster - Rajo Overhead, complete and easy to finish, new paint 1919 Model T Ford Wooden Cab truck with wooden grain box - good amateur restoration 1927?? TT truck, wooden cab, needs restoration but a rare piece. We have the engine and some extra parts. 1950 Hudson 4 door sedan -- Straight 8, very nice with some restoration done, should run and drive, very nice older Hudson.
1950 Studebaker Bullet nose Starlight coupe. Well preserved project, very little rust, drivetrain complete. 1929 Ford Model A Rumble Seat Roadster - Complete original ready for restoration 1930 Model A Coupe with pickup box trunk -- very creative and well done project 1930 Ford Model A Town Sedan cut down to a pickup -- nicest work we’ve ever seen on one of these. 1934 Ford 1 1/2 ton Truck with original 21 stud engine - near perfect cab and fenders, good grill, appears complete -a very worthy project. 1942 Ford Sedan “Army Command Car” recreation - driven to Alaska a few years back. Very well done and a rare year well restored. 1957 Nash Metropolitan -- older restoration, runs and drives, very cute, Red and white. 1979 Lincoln Mark V, nice original car, 460, Black with Red Plush interior!! 1994 Lincoln Town Car, Leonard’s last personal car. 1953 Ford Victoria 2 Door Hardtop, light Yellow with Blue roof and wheels, very nice older restoration, correct flathead, hard to find in this nice condition, new upholstery, rust free, etc. will need very little work to drive. 1954 Ford F 100 Pickup, short box, 1st year 239 Overhead, complete but needs work. 1916 REO truck project. Very rare, Leonard searched the US and Canada for parts for this but ran out of time to do much work on it. It is fairly complete and a very worthy project. 1935 & 1936 IHC pickups, one complete with original wire wheels - stored in the barn for 40 years; one for parts. Hard to find, restore one, street rod the other!! 1928 IHC Grain Truck, Big 6, nice box, appears complete. Hard to find with a decent cab, this one is a worthy project! 1941 Ford Cab Over truck, nice cab, very little rust, appears complete, has the original flathead and the correct grill. This is a worthy project -- restore it or just the right size to make a hauler out of.
FRONT RANGE AUCTIONEERS 4433 RED FOX DR. HELENA, MT 59602 406-949-3448 CELL www.frontrangeauctions.com ~ OUR 435TH AUCTION SINCE 1982 ~ Properly Organized -- Widely Advertised -- Honesty Sold -- Promptly Settled Stan Howe - Rob McDowell - Craig LaFond - Auctioneers Donna Smith -- Head Cashier
1947 Studebaker Grain truck. Good original condition, nice tin and box, Leonard drove it to where it is parked 20+ years ago. With a day’s work you could probably drive it home!! Rare Truck!! 1947 Dodge flatbed with a mounted water tank. In use up until a few years ago, will need some work to run but is the nicest original we have ever seen! Last year of this design! 1951 Chevy Pickup, 5 window cab, appears complete, has damage to front fender and grill, very solid and not rusty. 3) 1937 Ford Trucks for projects, fairly complete -- 1936 IHC 2 ton -- 1947 IHC wrecker -- 1934-5 Dodge truck, suicide doors, complete, good tin -- 1922 White & 1936 White Oil Field Trucks -- Several Model T, A & Later truck cabs -- several more trucks not listed. 2) 1958 Willys Forward Control pickups, One has box, one is cab & chassis, both have engines and drivetrain. Less rust than 90% of the Willys pickups we’ve seen. Projects!! 1948 Dodge Sedan, complete, good parts or restore. 1927 John Deere D - on steel, extension rims, correct mag and carb, appears complete. 1950’s John Deere R -- complete 1950’s D on Rubber - project but appears complete John Deere farm wagon, wooden wheels, repainted and very nice -- . Cable tool drilling rig, Blacksmith made during the Homestead era -- 4 HP Root & Vandervort Hit & Miss power, well made on a heavy steel wheel frame, needs to be preserved, Flywheel engines -- 5 or 6 smaller engines, Sandwich, John Deere, etc Also some older farm engines, Briggs, etc. A Model T power unit on a cart. Ford chassis with a Flathead powered Welder!
Threshing Machine -- John Deere combine -- a hillside full of older homestead era farm machinery. Several pieces of nicely restored and painted early farm machinery -- a sweep type mower, a Van Brunt wooden wheeled grain drill, etc. Studebaker Buggy with no wheels - Small farm wagon -A hillside full of wagons - complete - parts and pieces - wheels, a steam engine water wagon, etc. Russell road grader - smaller size - great sign for a construction company! We cleaned out the storage barn & hauled several big trailer loads of fenders, light, body parts, for Model T’s, A’s later vehicles known and unknown. Treasure!!!! About a dozen engines, Model T, Model A, Ford, unknown, etc. SIGNS!!! Leonard collected signs for years. Large and small - from the 20’s up through the 60’s Post signs, wall signs, dealership signs, gas station signs, etc. The Car shed Walls are full, the barn is full -- The walls of the barn are full of Oil cans, Gas station memorabilia, Parts cabinets & related. Visit the Web Site to get an idea of what is there, we are still working the Petroliana collection and will post it there. SIX GAS PUMPS! From the 20’s to the 40’s, Wayne 60 & Tokheim + Ottowa, G & B & Wayne Visibles complete with glass & a Fry Mae West project. See the web site!!!! Two very old Bulk Delivery tanks for trucks. Spudnik!! A parade rig Leonard made with his Grandsons, powered by a Gilson Hit & Miss on a Model A Truck Frame, Hot air Balloon basket on the front -- lotsa fun for parades!! “Leonard built” kid size Ferris wheel he built to take to his auctions to entertain the kids! Trailer mounted! Big Fun!! Many more items not listed.
Plenty of parking for trucks, trailers, motorhomes, etc. Camping is available Fri. and Sat. nights at no charge. No Dogs -- this is not an auction for small children. All activity is recorded from entrance to the grounds, registration, etc. Security on site. Visit our web site - email or call for a full color brochure. Payment cash, credit card or Montana check. All payments due day of auction. Canadian payment in US funds only.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A28
Montana made...
Rod Weeder
Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. • Fits all cultivators • Easy to pull, saves fuel • No drive required. • We build special applications for air drive • U-joint adapter for rocky conditions • Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame. Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket. When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.
Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS
Ben Taylor Farm Store ....................................... Valier, 279-3365 Big Equipment.....................................................Havre, 265-9432 Churchill Equipment.................................. Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag Solutions.......................... Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag Solutions.........................Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag Solutions....................... Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..............................Great Falls, 727-2203 Hoven Equipment Co...................................Great Falls, 727-7153 Joyce Fuel & Feeds........................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Musselshell Valley Equipment ......... Roundup, 1-888-423-2605
Taylor’s True Value Farm Store.............. Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester ......................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC................................ Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Torgerson, LLC.......................................Hysham, (406) 342-5571 Zerbe Bros........................................... Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393
Ag Engineering........................... Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900
A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT
Kansas Forest Service prepping for busy spring
K-State Research and Extension News A swing to drier weather patterns and higher winds this spring is likely to increase the risk of wildfires in parts of Kansas, according to a recent report from officials with the Kansas Mesonet, a network of 70 weather stations throughout the state. Chip Redmond, the manager of Kansas Mesonet, added that the expected weather conditions combined with an above normal amount of grass loading – or fuel – has increased the potential of fire in south central to northwest Kansas. “The weather pattern is anticipated to transition toward La Niña and become conducive to dry frontal passages by early March,” Redmond writes in a recent forecast of the potential for spring wildfires. “With recent drought in the western part of the state, these areas are likely to expand because precipitation trends statewide are below normal through most of spring, a time of more critical importance for annual moisture totals.” An increase of dry fronts typically results in an increase of Kansas wind events. Redmond writes: “This is poor timing. The combination of warmer and drier weather with increased frontal passages will coincide with what we typically consider the fire season in Kansas.” Many of the state’s historically large fires have occurred due to strong front systems like those expected this spring, according to Redmond. Eric Ward, an assistant fire manager officer with the Kansas Forest Service, said his agency is preparing for what could be an active spring for the state’s 600-plus fire agencies and more than 10,000 firefighters. “I would say, at this point, our preparations are pretty typical for what we do ahead of each season,” Ward said. “The Kansas Forest Service and our state and federal partners are here to support as needed, such as by our contract with Tanker 95 to provide aerial fire suppression. “We also have agreements with the Kansas Ag Aviation Association, whose members can provide smaller aircraft to assist, and the Kansas Army National Guard has provided helicopters with buckets a number of times to support firefighting efforts.” Ward says the Kansas Forest Service – in addition to providing firefighting support – fills a role to provide information to partner agencies, local fire departments and the public to help them prepare for potential fire events. “We’ve also met with our counterparts in Oklahoma to be better prepared for cross-border fires like we’ve seen in recent years,” Ward said. “We provide training, equipment, grant funding and other direct services to local fire departments to help them prepare, since they are primarily responsible for fire suppression in Kansas.” He added that residents are also part of the effort to prevent widespread fire. “There are two major things people can do,” Ward said. “First, prepare your property to be able to withstand fire. In a major wildfire, there aren’t enough fire engines to protect every home, so the best defense is to make sure the property can withstand the fire unprotected. “The second thing residents can do is avoid starting unwanted fires. Most wildfires in Kansas are human-caused, ranging from defective equipment sparking, welding in dry weather, dragging trailer chains, burning trash or burning property.” Ward said the Kansas Forest Service advocates prescribed burning as a land management tool, “but it is essential that in planning a burn, property owners carefully check the National Weather Service Fire Weather Forecast, not only for the day of the burn, but 2 to 3 days beyond. A fair number of fires get started when a person burned on a nearly perfect day without realizing that a day or two later was going to be hot, dry and windy. Then, an ember blows out and creates a major fire.” Redmond noted one good way to reverse the current fire danger is to get more precipitation, which not only provides moisture to Kansas lands, but also helps grass to green up faster – reducing available fuels. “Precipitation timing is critical, and if consecutive storm systems can impact the region with widespread moisture in mid- to late-March, it could drastically enhance green-up and aid in diminishing fire concerns,” Redmond said. ##### Better not to think about it? Lasagna comes from the Latin word for “chamber pot.”
Fertilizing cool season grass pastures
Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Fertilizing cool season grass is something many producers do each year, but one should consider forage needs, the value of the forage, and fertilizer costs. Fertilization of smooth bromegrass pastures should occur late March through April. If the nitrogen is a single application, usually between 80 to 100 lbs. of actual N per acre is suggested for eastern Nebraska. The recommended application rate declines westward across the state with about 30 to 40 lbs. N per acre suggested for the Panhandle. If doing split applications, usually it’s 2/3 in the spring and 1/3 in the fall when growth resumes on the cool season grasses. With fertilized pasture, be sure to include a rotational grazing plan that will effectively harvest the extra forage and provide the greatest return on the fertilizer investment. Something to consider when deciding to fertilize cool season grass pastures, or any pasture for that matter, is that during drought years the forage quality might still be very high even though yield might be reduced. Work done in Eastern Nebraska has shown a 30% increase in forage yield with fertilization and the economic optimum is between 80 to 120 lbs. per acre of actual N. A crude protein increase from 16 to 20% was seen with fertilizer applications up to 160 lbs. That is a lot of fertilizer, but it did increase crude protein and organic matter digestibility while decreasing NDF or neutral detergent fiber. Always use best management practices when applying fertilizer especially in pastures and fields near water sources such as ponds. Assure phosphorous and potassium levels are adequate for forage as well. Brome pastures are hardy and we can and do graze them hard in Nebraska. Haying or grazing operations can benefit if managed correctly with fertilizer.
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A29
##### There are at least 16 different flavors of Coca-Cola. ##### The Titanic’s sinking was a true miracle to the lobsters in the kitchens.
LOADER FOR SALE John Deere 644B loader, 3 yard bucket, 2200 hours. Good shape........................... $17,900
Phone (406) 892-4475
##### They sell a face cream that promises to take 20 years off of you. Is that life-threatening for a 19-year-old?
2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 treasure@3rivers.net www.treasurestateseed.com For Alforex products and BASF Clearfield Wheats BARLEY:
Moravian 165, Bill Coors 100 (Miller-Coors contract varieties available here) Hockett, AC Metcalfe, Haxby, Haymaker and others
Quality SPRING WHEAT: SY-605CL2*, WB9879CLP*, WB9668, Lanning (high yield Vida replacement) Seed Fortun, Duclair and others *(PVP) Varieties CLP - Clearfield Plus PULSE CROPS: DURUM: and Forage Peas, Lentils, 4152 & 4193 Yellow Peas, Alzada Banner and Aragorn for contract production Seed FORAGE BLEND Custom blended or stock blend of 1/3 hay barley, Conditioning 1/3 forage peas, and 1/3 oats ALFALFA:
Roundup Ready Alfalfa
Alforex varieties: Rugged and AFX 457; Magnum 7, Magnum 7 wet WL-356 RR & WL-319, HayPro, Ladak, Ladak ‘65, and others WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.
Pasture Mixes • Turf Mixes • Custom Mixes • NRCS & CRP Mixes • Cover Crop Mixes Call us today to discuss your seed needs and secure your order. Availability is limited!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A30
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
2100 Highway 2 East Havre, Montana 59501 1-800-214-4654 406-265-6387 jim@vaughntrucksales.com
1983 Walker Tanker stainless steel, 6200 gallon, 11-24.5 tires, ball seat wheels, spring suspension........................ $10,000
1980 Merit Tanker Pup 5,300 gallon, 2 compartment, lo-pro 22.5 tires on aluminum ball seat wheels, turntable........... $4500
Check out our website for more inventory and photos Give us a call TODAY!
Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 Phone 434-5600 FAX 406-434-5014 E-mail: bigskyseeds@3rivers.net
Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass
du p n u o e R alf a v a e H d y Al f a ble W l Legumes R e a d av a i Alfalfa Big Sky Ladak Alfalfa Se e Sainfoin Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil
Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome Meadow Brome Sheep Fescue Hard Fescue Paiute Orchardgrass Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass Pubescent Wheatgrass A/C Saltlander Crested Wheatgrass Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass Siberian Wheatgrass
Put our “over three decades of experience in the grass seed & legume Wetland Native Items business” Nuttal Alkaligrass Alkali Bulrush to work on Tufted Hairgrass your farm Tame Wetland Items or ranch Reed Canarygrass Garrison Creeping Foxtail Timothy
Visit our website
Parasite hijacks iron in honey bees
Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service An Agricultural Research Service (ARS) entomologist has discovered the Nosema ceranae parasite that causes major problems and death in honey bees works by hijacking its host’s iron for itself. Iron is as essential a micronutrient for honey bees as it is for people. Honey bees usually get enough to meet their needs from their flower pollen diet. They use iron in their immune system and for reproduction and development. As does Nosema ceranae. “In a number of mammal species, there is an iron tug-ofwar between host and pathogen that is part of the central battlefield that determines the outcome of an infection. But this has not been explored before in honey bees and not with Nosema,” explained entomologist Yan Ping “Judy” Chen. She is with the ARS Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. When Chen tracked iron in N. ceranae-infected honey bees, she found iron is also a part of the honey bee’s physiological struggle with the parasite, as it is in the mammalian system. If honey bees lose the battle of infection with N. ceranae, the gut parasite begins to hijack the iron in the flower pollen that the honey bee has eaten before the bee can absorb it, diverting the iron into its own spore reproduction. How the N. ceranae does that involves a protein called transferrin that, in honey bees, is responsible for binding and transporting iron from pollen out of the gut and throughout the bee. N. ceranae uses the honey bee’s transferrin to divert the iron to its own use, causing the honey bee to produce more and more transferrin as the bee’s system becomes more and more starved for iron. “This only results in greater iron deficiency for the honey bee as the increasing transferrin level just gives the N. ceranae the opportunity to scavenge even more iron from the bee host for its own proliferation and survival,” Chen said. She further found that reducing transferrin production was accompanied by reduced iron loss and improved immune function and improving survival of N. ceranae-infected bees. Since there is no truly effective treatment for N. ceranae, this study suggests a welcome possibility for a new treatment that might be based on regulating iron or the synthesis of transferrin, Chen added. This will be of interest for beekeepers, researchers, and policymakers worldwide. N. ceranea is one of the major parasite problems causing beekeepers’ colony losses today. It is a microsporidia, a member of a group of single-celled parasites closely related to fungi. Originally, N. ceranae was a parasite only of Asian honey bees (Apis cerana). But in the late 1990s, it jumped species to the European honey bees (Apis mellifera) that we have in this country.
Red meat production down 3 percent from 2020
USDA January 2020 contained 23 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. January 2021 contained 21 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 5 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.80 billion pounds in January, down 3 percent from the 4.96 billion pounds produced in January 2020. Beef production, at 2.31 billion pounds, was 3 percent below the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.74 million head, down 5 percent from January 2020. The average live weight was up 24 pounds from the previous year, at 1,399 pounds. Veal production totaled 4.6 million pounds, 28 percent below January a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 32,300 head, 35 percent below January 2020. The average live weight was up 23 pounds from last year, at 247 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.48 billion pounds, 3 percent below the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.2 million head, 5 percent below January 2020. The average live weight was up 5 pounds from the previous year, at 295 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 10.4 million pounds, was 12 percent below January 2020. Sheep slaughter totaled 161,800 head, 11 percent below last year. The average live weight was 129 pounds, down 1 pound from January a year ago.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A31
Loren Hawks, Distributor
2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810
Equip your drill with VW. Call today!
Visit us at www.vwmfg.com or vwmfgusa.com New website g
VW12FC 2 1/4” - full carbide
m VW10FC - 41/4” - full carbide
VW11FC - 3 /4” - full carbide 1
~~ ATTENTION ~~ Important Message to our Much Valued Customers! – With the uncertain times we are experiencing – VW Mfg. is urging you to be “ProActive.” By taking advantage of today’s Inventories and Prices, and purchasing your products for Spring Seeding Now, you can take away some of that uncertainty. – While VW Mfg. is doing everything possible to have a good supply of inventory, there are some things out of our control given the current business climate Again - Be ProActive & give me a CALL!
Shown on Flexi-Coil Stealth
VW13FC 1.5” Slim Spread
REMINDER When finished with spring seeding plan ahead to FALL and get your drill prepared NOW!
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A32
2008 John Deere 9770 combine with 936D header and 915 pickup platform. Call or text (406) 403-6952, Dutton, MT
##### If you have average reading skills, you cannot look at a word in your language without reading it.
The nuances of pruning spring-flowering shrubs
By Esther McGinnis, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension My former neighbor did not have a green thumb. Shh! Don’t tell her I said that! Although she was a woman of many talents, pruning shrubs was not one of them. We each had a lilac shrub adjacent to the property line. In mid-May, my shrub would burst forth in all of its lavendercolored glory. In contrast, my neighbor’s shrub would quietly leaf out and never bloom. One year, she asked me why my lilac consistently bloomed each year and hers would not. I delicately responded that bad timing, combined with her pruning method, sheared off all of the newly formed flower buds before they could bloom. Knowing when flower buds form is important information to have before pruning. Most spring-blooming shrubs have flower buds that were formed the previous year in late summer or fall. In spring, the flower buds on forsythia, bridal wreath spirea, viburnum and lilacs finish their development and put on a spectacular floral display. Major pruning between late summer and spring bloom would remove flower buds. To muddy the waters, NDSU Extension states that the best time of year to prune spring- and summer-blooming shrubs is March or early April, while the shrubs are still dormant. The rationale is that pruning cuts heal faster if made just before spring growth comServing all of Montana and Idaho mences. You may be rightly asking, “Won’t this cut off the flower buds on my lilac and forsythia?” The answer depends upon the pruning method you use. I don’t blame my neighbor for not knowing the nuances of pruning. Most people use a gigantic set of hedge clippers and give their shrubs an all-over haircut. We call this shearing and this is not the proper technique. Also specializing in designing and installing Shearing stimulates a lot of dense growth on top of the stockwater pipelines for over 30 years! shrub that can shade out the interior leaves. Repeated shearing will result in an unhealthy shrub. Getting back to our original timing issue, shearing the shrub between late summer and spring may cut off the flower buds of spring-blooming shrubs. A better method of spring pruning that also will conserve Installing flower buds is to annually thin 1 1/4”, 1 1/2”, out a couple of the oldest and 2” & 3” thickest stems all the way to 406.683.2175 the ground on mature deciduHDPE pipe, 15 R amshorn ous shrubs. Also remove dead 100 PSI to branches. Thinning opens the 500 PSI pipe Dillon, MT 59725 www.remillerandsons.com canopy to more sunlight and reinvigorates the plant. This type of pruning only works for shrubs that have mulFor ALL Your Seed Cleaning Needs! tiple stems emerging from the We are a certified facility offering cleaning and treating of all seed varieties ground, such as lilac, forsythia and dogwood. Unlike shearing, only a limited number of stems are pruned, thereby conserving the flower buds on the unpruned SPRING WHEAT SEED PEAS & LENTILS stems. Joplin & Rudyard, MT If you forget to thin your Gunnison WestBred (CSO) Ginny (PVP) (CSO) spring-flowering shrub in ----------------------------March or April, the second best Arvika Hay Peas WB 9377 WestBred (CSO) BARLEY time to prune a limited number (Good Sawfly Tolerance) Montech 4193 Yellow Peas of stems is immediately after AC Metcalfe (PVP) ----------------------------the shrub is done flowering. Aragorn Peas (CSO) If your multi-stemmed shrub WB 9590 WestBred (CSO) Lavina Hay Barley is seriously overgrown, you Avondale Lentils Vida MSU (PVP) can thin out a maximum of one-third of the oldest stems Lanning MSU (PVP) for three consecutive years to Treat with: SY Longmire (PVP) renew your shrub. The result Rancona will be vigorous growth and Attendant renewed flowering after the CALL US for wireworm shrub has recovered. RegardStamina • Zinc WestBred FOR PRICING! less of bloom time, this type of Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are Inoculant Available trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC drastic pruning should occur only during the dormant season PO Box 167 Plant Phone Reed (406) 899-2774 in March or early April. Rudyard, MT 59540 406-355-4333 Ron (406) 390-1220
R.E. Miller & Sons
Oats and Italian ryegrass for high quality pasture
Jerry Volesky, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Good quality pasture might be in short supply this spring. If you need some spring pasture, plant oats or a mix of oats and Italian ryegrass. Spring-planted oats grows during spring when we are likely to receive rain and when moisture is used efficiently to produce forage. Oats can be grazed earlier than anything else you plant this spring. Once it gets five or six inches tall, which is usually about the third week of May, it quickly can shoot up to a foot tall in almost no time. Unfortunately, once oats get that tall it may not stool out, tiller, and regrow after grazing very well. So, it’s important to start grazing early when oats get six to eight inches tall to stimulate it to form new tillers. After this first grazing, keep oat regrowth between six and sixteen inches tall. Begin with a light stocking rate, about one animal every two acres. Then adjust animal numbers as oat growth changes. For a longer grazing season, plant a mixture of oats and Italian ryegrass. Oats comes on strong early, while Italian ryegrass tends to wait until June before it grows rapidly. Then it just keeps growing high quality leaves the rest of the year if moisture is available. For straight oats, drill at least two bushels per acre in late March to early April. Oats will be 6 to 8 inches tall and ready to graze in about 7 weeks. With good moisture and 40 to 60 pounds of nitrogen, oats can provide a couple months of grazing for 1 or 2 cows per acre. For extended grazing, drill oats plus around 15 to 20 pounds of Italian ryegrass per acre. Your stocking rate might need to be a little lighter at first, but with some timely moisture or irrigation you can continue to get great grass all summer and fall.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A33
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A34
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Sage Hill Property: 560 +/- acres of prime development property with potential for subdivisions, ranchettes, and recreational opportunities. Cove canel traverses across the north end of the parcel with 10 shares currently allocated. State section borders the west side of property. Seller may consider dividing property into three separate tracts of 161 acres or more. Contact broker for more details. Purchase price $2,800,000.
Pryor Creek Ranch: Highly sought after Ranch Property 15 miles south of Billings, MT. 877 +/- total acres (134 +/- ac. tillable with potential to be irrigated). Improvements consist of 2 homes, barn with metal corrals, shop, and machine shed. Wildlife consists of deer, antelope, pheasant, and turkey. Purchase price of $1,500,000.
Chouteau County Farmstead: 23 +/- ac. located in Chouteau County near Carter, MT. Improvements consist of a 2,799 sq. ft. residential home, two car detached garage, quonset, shop and 10 grain bins of various sizes. Public water provided by the Carter Chouteau Co. Water District. Property is accessed by a well maintained gravel road. High speed internet available and newer septic system (2017). Just a short 32 miles away from Great Falls, MT and all of its amenities! Purchase price $465,000.
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Husker scientists studying our ‘second brain’
Craig Chandler, University Communication, UNL IANR News As researchers for the University of Nebrasdepartment. ka–Lincoln’s (UNL) Food for Health Center Why is it important to study the connection between the gut microbiome and how Andy Benson and Robert Hutkins are asking our diets affect it? and answering questions about our second Hutkins: The microbes that live in the gut brain — the gut microbiome. depend on the food that we eat for them, and Using what they’ve learned in the laboratory, and the specialized strains of bacteria they so it makes perfect sense that diet and food developed, Benson and Hutkins, along with would have an impact on the gut microbiome, Nebraska animal scientist Tom Burkey and for better or for worse. former Husker scientist Jens Walter, launched What role do fermented foods play in our their own company to bring their research to gut microbiome? the marketplace. Hutkins: The microbes transform proteins Synbiotic Health will provide something into amino acids and sugars into organic acids novel and clinically proven — a product that and they produce vitamins directly in the food. mixes beneficial microbes and the fiber-like We benefit from that. For example, certain fuel that feeds them — for health-conscious yogurts are more digestible and contain more consumers. vitamins than the milk from which they were Nebraska Today recently sat down for a made. Once we consume those products, conversation with Benson, professor of food the microbes have a chance to reach the gut. science and director of the center, and Hutkins, Now, we know they do not take up permanent residence, but they could live there for a Kem Shahani Distinguished Professor of Food short period of time and in doing so, they can Science, to discuss how our food choices affect our health, what sets Nebraska apart in outcompete pathogens, displace unwanted the research of the gut microbiome, and what organisms, and again, produce vitamins and research will emerge following the COVID-19 other bioactive molecules directly in the gut. pandemic. Speaking of food, are there one or two What exactly is the gut microbiome and things we can do or eat, that we know from how does it affect our overall health? research has a benefit of keeping our gut Benson: The gut microbiome, so to speak, microbiome healthy? is this collection of hundreds of trillions of miHutkins: It turns out that there’s some pretty croorganisms — most of them bacteria — that compelling data now that the best thing that we live in our gastrointestinal tract. And they form could be eating is fiber-rich foods. In addition a very complex ecosystem that does a number to many established benefits of fiber, we now of things that contributes to our health and our know that fermentable fibers support growth wellness. For example, the microbiome plays of beneficial microbes that live in the gut. a major role in training our immune system. Benson: The “fiber deficit” has emerged We know from work in germ-free animals that among the westernized diets because our fiber intake has declined steadily since WWII. their immune system does not develop or function normally without those organisms present. Because dietary fibers are a major source of Another example is their role in breaking down “food” for the gut microbiome, we believe dietary components, especially components the fiber deficit has had a major impact on the such as fiber that our bodies don’t break down. gut microbiome and also on our health. That’s And they convert those components into difclearly one general thing that most individuals ferent types of metabolites, some of which our can do is to increase the amount of fiber intake, body actually uses and are very beneficial to us. which in turn serves to feed the organisms in What led you to study the gut microbithe gastrointestinal tract. ome? Is there a quick fix, so to speak, to increase fiber intake? Are supplements an Hutkins: Many years ago, I started off option? actually studying fermented foods and the Benson: Supplements is an approach but bacteria that were in fermented foods. And including it in your actual dietary components then we realized as we began that project, that is probably the best way to do it. Short of that, the microbes that were in the fermented foods supplements can certainly be a way to augment were often the very microbes that come out at your fiber intake. the other end. We realized they must be doing What would you recommend to someone something along the way. who is making a conscious decision to add Benson: More than 10 years ago now, in the more fermented foods to their diet, for their food science department, we were looking at health benefits? future opportunities for research. And essentially, new technology became commercialized Hutkins: You have to be a careful shopper, because a lot of fermented foods will not at that point that would allow us to study the contain live microbes. If you buy sauerkraut hundreds of trillions of organisms that were in a can that’s stored at room temperature, it’s in the GI tract. Microbiologists had dreamed almost certainly been heat treated, so there about doing that for 200 years, since we’ve are no live microbes. You have to find the known that this was a rich environment with sauerkraut that’s in the refrigeration section, lots of organisms, but we never had a way to and it might even say “not pasteurized” or “not study them. And the commercialization of that heat treated.” In addition to the billions of live technology was what really drove us down this microbes, they also have a fresher flavor and path. We knew that it would open the doors to crunchier texture. being able to study these organisms and how Yogurt is the easiest one, because yogurt they contribute to our health and wellness. will contain plenty of live microbes, and deWhat sets the Food for Health Center at pending on the brand, even strains that have Nebraska apart from other universities and been assessed in clinical studies. Yogurt in the institutions studying the gut microbiome? U.S. is rarely heat treated. Whether it’s Greek Benson: One of the biggest things that differentiates us is the fact that our microbiome yogurt or regular yogurt, whether it’s flavored research — our research into the study of all or plain, doesn’t matter that much. these gut organisms — evolved in the context Tell us about your new company, Synbiotic Health. of a food science department. Most universities, their microbiome research centers are Benson: Synbiotic Health is spin-off company from the Nebraska Food for Health Cenusually affiliated with medical schools, but ter. And the goal of that company is to produce we’re one of the few institutions where the ecologically-advanced products that impact gut microbiome research actually grew up and grew out of the context of a food science CONTINUED ON PAGE A35
Our ‘second brain’ CONTINUED FROM PAGE A34
the microbiome and are clinically proven to improve health and wellness. Now, the real novelty of the company builds upon the word ecology. That’s important because we use ecological approaches to identify organisms and to select the growth substrates that they use in the gut. And we combine the microbes that can compete in the gut ecosystem with growth substrates (unique types of fiber) that enable these organisms to compete. We have two of them licensed already that were discovered here, largely due in part to Dr. Hutkins’ and Dr. Walter’s work. The company is now in the process of doing additional clinical studies to further define the health benefits. Hutkins: What distinguishes Synbiotic Health is the very name, Synbiotic, where we combine the microbes with the fiber that they will grow on in the gut so that they have a much better chance of establishing themselves and providing health benefits. The development of these strains is done through a unique pipeline, that’s based on ecological performance. And many of the products that we’re competing with, to be quite honest, are lacking that kind of ecological rigor that we apply to our process. The other thing that I think distinguishes our research platform is the potential for developing strains for personalized nutrition, tailored to one’s microbiome. And that’s really important for us. Is there anything in the recent research or past research of the gut microbiome that can tell us what might help or hurt when we’re battling viruses and pathogens like COVID-19? Benson: We’re starting to learn, in general, the concept of having a healthy microbiome, having a strong, resilient microbiome, is probably your first and best line of defense against any sort of infectious agent. One of the things that’s been observed not only with COVID-19, but also other enteric infections or gut infections is that there is an impact on the gut microbiome. Hutkins: It’s still early, but I think we’re going to see even more data come out in the next year or two, that will point to dietary factors that contributed or perhaps directly reduced the risk of COVID infections. There are already suggestions that the having a healthy gut microbiome is protective against other infections. Certainly, a healthy immune system supported by healthy eating will probably turn out to be a very important protective measure.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A35
##### Q: If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have? A: Big hands.
ALL I WANT IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A36
Pasture tips for a healthier herd
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Corteva Agriscience Range & Pasture Our uncharacteristically harsh winter has precipitated an especially challenging calving season. Extreme conditions in many parts of the country make it more important than ever for producers to maximize assets that help cows — and calves — meet their nutritional needs. Effective weed and brush control increases forage yield, elevating the energy and protein available to grazing cattle. This helps cows efficiently meet their own nutritional requirements and that of their calves. “A good grazing management program is just as important as a good vaccine, feed and mineral program, yet it is often overlooked,” says Jeff Clark, Market Development Specialist at Corteva Agriscience. “This year had a rough start, but the sooner producers start to think about their grass, they’re better able to implement changes that can impact herd performance this year.” Grass replaces weeds controlled pound for pound, at least. Once the snow melts, frost clears and pastures begin to green. Producers should prioritize ridding pastures of troublesome species to allow grasses to take root. The benefits are twofold: • Increased utilization — Cattle tend to stay clear of weedy areas due to physical or chemical barriers, resulting in grazing avoidance. When animals start to avoid areas because of weeds, cattle may focus on and overgraze areas with better access to desirable forages. • Improved health — Providing ample, quality forage benefits the cow’s body condition and its far-reaching impact on everything from reproductive performance to weaning weights to the health of both cow and calf. Mature weeds can reduce the quality and palatability of the forage available for livestock grazing. Or worse, toxic weeds such as poison hemlock, perilla mint and sneezeweed cause severe illness that can lead to death. “When we remove those toxic weeds, we benefit our overall herd health by eliminating potential illness caused by weeds,” Clark says. “Any time a cow gets sick, we risk her not being able to produce milk or return to her cycle for the next breeding season.” The next calf crop is what keeps producers in business. Forages are the basis for ensuring productive cows with thrifty, high-performing calves. We can’t always anticipate weather conditions, but we can be better prepared for what Mother Nature throws at us, Clark says. Weed-free pastures and hayfields can help producers more cost-effectively get cows back in condition quicker after calving and produce high-quality hay that helps maintain condition through next winter.
Dormant spraying alfalfa weeds
Todd Whitney, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum As our weather warms, alfalfa producers are reminded to eliminate weeds in their fields before plants break dormancy. Herbicides for controlling winter annual weeds such as pennycress, mustards, and shepherd’s purse should be applied before alfalfa regrowth reaches 2 inches of height. If alfalfa shoots are green when sprayed, its growth may be set back a couple weeks. Broadleaf weeds can lower yields, reduce hay quality; and slow first-cutting alfalfa dry-down. Grassy weeds such as downy brome, cheatgrass and bromegrass can have even higher impact on lowering hay quality. If your alfalfa variety is Roundup Ready, then glyphosate can be applied to the alfalfa almost any time without harming the fields. Fortunately, if you treat your alfalfa soon; you can have cleaner, healthier alfalfa at first cutting. Before spraying these weeds, be sure they are causing economic damage to your crop. Spraying will provide a purer alfalfa stand; but may reduce your overall total tonnage. Our new Nebraska Extension Weed Guide, EC 130, lists herbicides labelled to control weeds in alfalfa. To be most successful, apply herbicides before alfalfa shoots green-up this spring to avoid alfalfa injury. If it does get late, use either Raptor or Pursuit; because they tend to cause less injury to your alfalfa. Get ready to control unwanted weeds now before alfalfa plants break dormancy. Spray timing is critical.
Updated publications focus on extending growing season
University of Wyoming Extension Three free University of Wyoming (UW) Extension publications on extending the growing season, greenhouses and hotbeds and cold frames have been revised and are available for download in PDF, HTML or ePub formats. “These bulletins cover season extension from very basic and inexpensive strategies to the ultimate season-extender: a greenhouse,” said Karen Panter, UW Extension horticultural specialist, and author of the publications. “Together with UW Extension’s High Tunnel Handbook, growers can use the information to start crops earlier in the spring, produce them later in the fall or go year-round with a greenhouse.” Extending the Vegetable Growing Season, http://bit. ly/B-1148R, explains general considerations and provides information on how to start vegetables indoors, warm-season vegetables, cool-season vegetables, variety selection, mulching and season-extending tips. With slight modifications to counteract the short growing seasons, cool temperatures, low humidity and high wind characteristics, vegetable gardens can be grown almost anywhere in Wyoming, said Panter. Greenhouse Structures, http://bit.ly/B-1147R, shares general considerations in selecting a greenhouse and offers information on covers, heating, ventilation, cooling, controls and accessory equipment. “A greenhouse provides a means of changing the environment around plants to improve their growth,” said Panter. The publication includes drawings and charts with suggested appropriate temperatures for growing common vegetables and flowers. “Seedlings are often started in a greenhouse and moved to a hotbed when they fill the available space,” said Panter. Gardening: Hotbeds & Cold Frames, http://bit.ly/B1151R, teaches how to construct, cover, heat and manage hotbeds and how to build, shelter and manage cold frames. Hotbeds provide an economical way to grow plants until they are transplanted to their permanent outdoor locations. Cold frames work as solar heat traps to warm soil and plants during late fall and early spring, shared Panter.
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A37
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Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A38
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Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937
Role for spring wheat in Kansas
K-State Research and Extension News Ongoing research trials on growing spring wheat in Kansas continue to indicate that producers can expect reduced yields compared to the more popularly grown hard red winter varieties in the state. But Lucas Haag, a crop production specialist at the Northwest Research-Extension Center in Colby, said that spring wheat might fit as a niche in crop rotations and markets. Spring wheat, he added, may provide producers an opportunity to grow a crop that is high in protein content and a favored product for baker’s flour. “Really what’s driving (interest in spring wheat) is producers are looking for another alternative to fallow,” Haag said, referring to farmland that is left unsown for a period of time. “Over the past couple years, we have seen a lot of acres where producers have attempted to go in and seed winter wheat back into fresh corn stalks or freshly harvested sorghum stalks, with varying levels of success.” Winter wheat indicates those varieties planted in the autumn or winter for harvest the following summer. Spring wheat, on the other hand, is usually planted in the spring and harvest approximately a week to 10 days after the winter wheat harvest. Haag said planting winter wheat into fresh row crop stalks has mixed success because the ground is usually dry and planting dates are later than optimal. When winter wheat is planted into fresh stalks, yields are typically lower, he added. “There has been interest into whether we can accomplish the same thing but do it with spring wheat,” Haag said. “The thought is that we could frost-seed that wheat – in December, January or February if the ground allows it – or even on-time seeding in February or March.” Researchers at the Colby agricultural experiment field have been testing the possibility of growing spring wheat in Kansas for more than 100 years. Haag said there is data from trials held between 1915-1950; additional studies were done in the 1970s and again the early 2000s. All of those studies show a similar trend: “Spring wheat grown on fallow makes just a tick under half of what winter wheat grown on fallow would make in the same year.” For yield potential, Kansas spring wheat has not been favored compared to areas such as North Dakota, which annually challenges Kansas as the top wheat producer in the United States. Spring wheat is limited in Kansas because annual temperatures are typically higher March through May, an important time for flowering and grain fill. Spring wheat trials at Colby in 2019 yielded as much as 50 pounds per bushel when grown on fallow, but yields dropped to 20 pounds per bushel in 2020 due to severe heat, “and the rotation effect from planting the wheat into fresh corn stalks,” according to Haag. The 2020 trials, however, also yielded wheat with protein content at 16-18%, “which is quite high, and higher than it would need to be for the quality standards of wheat,” Haag said. Those fields, however, were “over-fertilized (based on that year’s yield potential),” according to Haag, so there is still work to do to balance inputs. Even so, Haag said high protein spring wheat creates an opportunity for farmers who can effectively plan to capitalize on the market. “Typically, our Kansas flour mills import some spring wheat from the northern plains to improve the quality profile of the flour they’re making out of predominantly hard red winter wheat,” Haag said. “If we could raise quality spring wheat here, we have an obvious freight advantage over the wheat they’re bringing in from the Plains.” Haag said local elevators have expressed an interest in storing spring wheat in Kansas. And some producers are improving their on-farm storage capabilities for spring wheat. “It’s important that producers have some marketing options, or plans lined up ahead of time,” Haag said. The results of K-State’s spring wheat trials are available online from the Northwest Research-Extension Center. ##### My husband purchased a world map and then gave me a dart and said, “Throw this and wherever it lands – that’s where I’m taking you when this pandemic ends” Turns out, we’re spending two weeks behind the fridge. ##### To increase milk production, an Oregon farmer makes his cows sleep on water beds. ##### What kind of exercise do lazy people do? Diddly-squats.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A39
2015 Case IH Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2922 hours $148,000
2005 John Deere 724J payloader, diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, 118” bucket, Michelin750/65R25 tires, 6442 hours.............................. $77,500
2017 TerraGator 8400B AirMax Precision 2, Raven Viper 4, 2533 hours....................................................... $184,000
2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 3000 hours... $109,000 2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin spinners, 2860 hrs...$86,000
2016 TerraGator TG8400B Airmax Precision 2, 1178 hours, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper 4...... $184,000
2015 TerraGator TG8400B Airmax Precision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3640 hours..................... $132,500 2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours.............................. $86,000
2014 Case Titan 4530 3000 hours, 70-ft. boom, single product............................... $123,500 2014 Case Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2 product, 1469 2010 Case IH 4020 dry floater, hours.......................... $143,500 diesel engine, automatic, Viper Pro Monitor, New Leader L4000 G4 twin bin dry box, 750/45R26.5 front tires, 1000/50R25 rears, 3690 hours..................... $94,500 2015 Case IH Titan 4030, New Leader L4000 G4, multi-bin, Ag Leader monitor, 3451 hours........ . ..................................... $153,500 2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours..................... $98,000
2016 TerraGator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT trans2014 TerraGator TG8400 Airmax mission, 2132 hours. New LeadPrecision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular er L3220 G4 stainless steel dry bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3500 spinner box, belt/chain, MultiAphours.............................. $123,500 plier ready..................... $151,000
2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, New Leader bed............$112,000
2013 Merritt With Rapat conveyor system, electric roll tarp, 4 hoppers, air ride suspension......... $44,500
Hyster 6-ton forklift, gas engine. Was propane, changed to carburetor, could use some carb work. . .......................................... $6000
1986 John Deere 644D payloader, turbo charged 6 cylinder 155 hp diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, cab, lights, heat, Am/Fm radio, 3 yard 103” bucket, quick attach. 5313 hours.$39,500
2010 Timpte 2 hopper belt trailer, electric roll tarp............... $39,000
1994 Kenworth T800 tender, Cummins, 10 speed, air lift cheater & pusher axles, Rayman 24 ton hydraulic stainless steel dry fertilizer tender box, roll tarp, top swing auger, 151,982 miles........ $39,000
2014 Case IH 4430 sprayer, diesel, hydrostatic drive, 1200 gallon stainless steel liquid system, AIM Command, 120-ft. boom, stainless steel chemical inductor, Raven Viper IV controller, 2011 Case IH 4520, 810 box, 2912 650/65R38 flotation tires, 2234 hours, variable rate, Autosteer, Vi- hours............................ $157,000 per Pro.......$99,500........ $115,500 2014 Case IH Patriot 4430 sprayer, 1200 gallon, 100-ft boom, Wilger nozzles with AIM Command solenoids, 20” nozzle spacing, Autosteer, Raven auto boom height, rear camera, GPS, AIM Command Pro, Raven Viper 4 monitor, 4348 hours... $121,500 2014 RBR Vector 300, New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours..........................$124,500
2004 Peterbilt floater sprayer truck, 76-ft. boom, 20” nozzle spacing, Raven Envizio Pro control valves, 4368 hours... $89,000
Free Freight
Up To 1200 Miles 2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000
2005 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained. $34,500
1985 Ford fertilizer tender, truck runs good, bed needs hydraulic control valves repaired... $12,500
1998 Ford Louisville petroleum truck, Cummins, manual transmission, single axle, tag axle, 1997 Progress 5 compartment fuel body, 3000 gallon, dual meters, dual hose reels, 11R22.5 tires, 459,846 miles........ $34,000
2009 Terra Gator 8203 floater, Air Max Precision, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, electric roll tarp, Ravin Viper Pro controller, Smart Trax auto steer, 3043 hours......... . ....................................... $79,000
12,000 gallon Nh3 tank, loaded.... ....................................... $22,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi.........$15,000 for the pair
Greyn’s Crop Specialists
1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........................ $39,500
1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi............ $31,000
1997 Hart 2 hopper semi tender.. ....................................... $19,500
2012 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 2176 hours..................... $27,500
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We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356 Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A40
WAGYU BULLS FOR SALE Yearlings, 2 & 3 year olds full blood bulls Larry Stachey 406-860-7085 Broadus, MT
MT BRAND FOR SALE Horses - left thigh Cattle - left hip Phone (406) 289-0420
FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2006 Case IH MX210 tractor, 5802 hours...... $49,000 2012 TopAir ag sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, 120-ft....... .................................................................... $34,000 2004 John Deere 9650 STS combine, 2067/2665 hours........................................................... $59,500 2002 Volvo tandem with grain box, recent engine...... .................................................................... $37,500 Call 406-262-3444, Havre, MT
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Model predicts gene responses to cold across diverse plant species
By Scott Schrage, UNL University Communication ally learn to distinguish the former from the When Xiaoxi Meng and Zhikai Liang latter. The team initially presented its own first proposed the idea a couple of years model with an enormous pile of sequenced ago, James Schnable was skeptical. To say genes from corn, along with the average the least. activity levels of those genes when the plant “‘Well, you can try, but I don’t think it’s was subjected to freezing temperatures. The going to work,’” the associate professor of model was also fed “every feature we could agronomy and horticulture recalled saying think of” for each corn gene, Schnable said, to Meng and Liang, then postdoctoral reincluding its length, its stability and any searchers in Schnable’s lab at the University differences between it and other versions of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL). of it found in other corn plants. He was wrong and, in hindsight, never Later, the researchers tested their model happier to be. Yet at the time, Schnable by concealing from it just one piece of inforhad fair reason to raise an eyebrow. The mation in a subset of those genes: whether duo’s idea — that the DNA sequences of they responded to the onset of freezing temcold-sensitive crops that surrender to a peratures, or whether they didn’t. By anahard frost could help predict how wilder, lyzing the features of genes, it had been told hardier plants tolerate freezing conditions were either responsive or non-responsive, — seemed audacious. To say the least. Still, the model discerned which combinations of it was a low-risk, high-reward proposition. those features were relevant to each — and Because if Meng and Liang could get it to then successfully slotted the majority of the work, it might just fast-track efforts to make remaining, mystery-box genes into their cold-sensitive crops a little or even a lot correct categories. more like their cold-resistant counterparts. It was a promising start, no doubt. But the Some of the world’s most important crops real test remained: Could the model take the were domesticated in tropical regions — training it had received in one species and corn in southern Mexico, sorghum in eastern apply it to another? Africa — that put no selective pressure on The answer was a definitive yes. After them to evolve defenses against cold or being trained with DNA data from just one freezing. When those crops are grown in of six species — corn, sorghum, pearl milharsher climates, their sensitivity to cold let, proso millet, foxtail millet or switchlimits how early they can be planted and grass — the model was generally able to how late they can be harvested. Shorter predict which genes in any of the other five growing seasons equal less time for phowould respond to freezing. To Schnable’s tosynthesis, resulting in smaller yields and surprise, the model held up even when it less food for a global population expected was trained on a cold-sensitive species — to approach 10 billion people by 2050. corn, sorghum, pearl or proso millet — but Plant species that already grow in colder tasked with predicting gene responses in the climates, meanwhile, evolved tricks to encold-tolerant foxtail millet or switchgrass. dure the cold. They can reconfigure their “The models we trained worked almost cellular membranes to maintain liquidity at as well across species as if you actually had lower temperatures, preventing the memdata in one species and used the internal branes from freezing and fracturing. They data to make the predictions in that same can add dashes of sugars to the liquids in species,” he said, a hint of wonder lingering and around those membranes, lowering in his voice months later. “I really would not their freezing point in much the same way have predicted that. that salt does a sidewalk’s. They can even “The idea that we can just feed all of produce proteins that smother minuscule this information into a computer, and it ice crystals before those crystals grow into can figure out at least some rules to make cell-busting masses. predictions that work, is still kind of amazAll of those defenses originate at the ing to me.” genetic level, though not just in the seThose predictions could prove especially quences of DNA itself. When plants begin useful when considering the alternative. to freeze, they can respond by essentially For roughly a decade, plant biologists have turning certain genes off or on — preventactually been able to measure the number of ing or allowing their genetic instruction RNA molecules — the ones responsible for manuals to be transcribed and carried out. transcribing and transporting DNA instrucKnowing which genes cold-tolerant plants tions — produced by every gene in a living turn off and on in the face of freezing templant. But comparing how that gene expresperatures, then, can help researchers grasp sion responds to cold in living specimens, the very foundations of their fortifications and across multiple species, is a painstaking and, ultimately, engineer similar defenses undertaking, Schnable said. That’s particuinto cold-sensitive crops. larly true with wild plants, whose seeds can But Schnable also knew, as Meng and be difficult to even acquire. Those seeds Liang did, that even an identical gene often may not germinate when expected, if at all, responds differently to cold across plant and can take years to grow. Even if they do, species, even closely related ones. Which every resulting plant has to be cultivated in means, frustratingly, that understanding an identical, controlled environment and how a gene responds to cold in one species studied at the same developmental stage. tends to tell plant scientists almost nothing All of that poses a massive challenge conclusive about the gene’s behavior in to growing enough wild specimens, from another. That unpredictability, in turn, has enough wild species, to replicate and stahindered efforts to learn the rules dictating tistically evaluate their genes’ responses what will deactivate or activate genes. to cold. “We’re still really, really bad at un“If we really want to get at what genes derstanding why genes turn off and on,” are important — that actually play a role Schnable said. in how the plant adapts to cold — we need Lacking a rulebook, the researchers to be looking at more than two species,” turned to machine learning, a form of artiSchnable said. “We want to look at a group ficial intelligence that can essentially write of species that are tolerant of cold and a its own. They specifically developed a sugroup that are sensitive and look at the patpervised classification model — the sort that terns: ‘This same gene always responds in can, when presented with enough labeled images of, say, cats and not-cats, eventuCONTINUED ON PAGE A42
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A41
Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT
Sam Anderson
248-914-7491, Emigrant, MT
Bar Star Cattle
Duncan Ranch Co
Harper Herefords
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
406-323-1686, Roundup, MT
Dutton Hereford Ranch
Hereford America
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT 406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com
Bayers Ranches, Inc.
Elings Polled Herefords
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT www.bayersherefordranch.com
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com
Marty & Leslie Bennett 406-221-6350, Butte, MT
Brownell Polled Herefords 406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT
Churchill Cattle Co
406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com
Cooper Hereford Ranch
Feddes Herefords
Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT www.feddes.com
Frank Herefords
G & R Farming, LLC
Garrison Ranches Inc
M/D Herefords
Hop Creek Ranch
McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc.
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT www.sparksherefords.com
406-799-2264, Lavina, MT www.hopcreekranchcompany.com
Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch
MK Black Herefords
406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com
J Bar E Ranch
Mohican West
JZ Livestock
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
Dallas Polled Herefords
Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper 406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT
Private Treaty Silent Auction Powerful Polled and Horned Herefords
406-265-6115, Havre, MT
On Point Cattle Co Otis Ranch
Rafter Ranch Inc
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.
2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 tfeddes@msn.com Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602
Yearling Bulls & Heifers
For Sale Private Treaty Look us up on Facebook
Cory & Keesha Dutton Deer Lodge, MT 406-240-9301 dutton.cory@gmail.com
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
Wichman Herefords
406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com
406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT
L Bar W Cattle Company
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT www.lbarw.com
Vandeberg Ranch
406-323-1297, Roundup, MT
570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT
Feddes Herefords www.feddes.com
Bruce Duncan • 406-292-3503 • Joplin, MT btduncan@itstriangle.com • catalog available
406-489-2414, Molt, MT
Northern Ag Research
406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
406-445-2315, Roberts, MT
Tri-State Livestock News
406-670-8529, Laurel, MT www.mohicanpolledherefords.com
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
Thomas Herefords
Opportunity, MT
K & C Herefords
Curlew Cattle Co
Storey Hereford Ranch
McMurry Cattle
406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com
H Hanging J
Duncan Ranch Co.
406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
Houck Ranch, LLC
406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT
406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT
Sparks Herefords
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT
Griffin Polled Herefords 406-821-0247, Darby, MT
Sidwell Ranch
406-788-2393, Baker, MT
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
406-835-2501, Glen, MT
406-239-9907, Evaro, MT
406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com
406-214-5120, Missoula, MT
406-580-1303, Willow Creek, MT
Rocky Mountain Mini Herefords 406-322-4425, Columbus, MT www.sidwell-land.com
406-795-8118, Wibaux, MT
307-631-6012, Roscoe, MT
Rockin’ Double R Ranch
406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT
406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT www.LuckyUCattle.com
Holden Herefords
406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT
Lucky U Cattle Company
605-866-4495, Reva, SD www.herefordamerica.com
Ehlke Herefords
406-947-5322, Musselshell, MT www.barstarcattle.com
The Livestock Link
605-210-1956, Reva, SD www.thelivestocklink.com
Wilson Hereford Ranch
406-370-4074, Trout Creek, MT
XA Cattle
308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE
Yorlum Cattle Co
406-882-4086, Trego, MT
Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales
Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102
HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040 mcmurrycattle@gmail.com www.mcmurrycattle.com
Mountain Raised Herefords Since 1930 Registered Bulls Heifers
Commercial Calves Yearlings
by private treaty
Liz and Yvonne Jones 64542 Hwy 43 Wise River, MT 59762 Phone (406) 832-3219
Board of Directors
Performance tested bulls and heifers
Hyer McKechnie, Pres. - (406) 432-2296 Dave Hanson - (406) 570-5519 Chad Murnin - (406) 947-5322 Jon Bouma - (406) 799-2973 Austin Frank - (307) 631-6012 Carl Loyning - (406) 425-2484 Jane’a Ehlke - (406) 202-2799 Johanna Bouma, Sec. - (406) 240-2587
Kenny Lars (406) 584-7571 cell (406) 939-0252 671 Fas 470 Lindsay, MT 59339
Contact MHA to get your information into our ad in the Trader’s Dispatch and featured on MHA’s Facebook page. Connect with us at www.montanahereford.org
Since 1922
For sale private treaty at the ranch
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A42
Deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 28th.
2011 Summers truck mount sprayer, 60-ft. booms, triple nozzles, 500 gallon tank, Raven 450 Trimble 250
Phone 406-759-5562, Chester, MT
##### Results of a two-year FBI study: The lyrics to the song “Louie Louie” are unintelligible. ##### Wendy’s “Where’s the Beef?” spokeswoman Clara Peller was fired...by Wendy’s for appearing in a Prego ad saying, “I found it!” ##### One in four British veterinarians say they’ve treated a drunken dog.
Calves are especially vulnerable to sub-zero temps
K-State Research and Extension News “Adult cattle are pretty robust; they have a huge, functioning rumen that really acts as their heating core during the cold winter months,” said K-State Research and Extension beef veterinarian A.J. Tarpoff. “But the newborn calves are much more vulnerable to hypothermia and cold stress.” Tarpoff noted that a calf’s internal body temperature should be between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Trouble begins to arrive when body temperature drops below that. “The body starts to shunt blood away from the extremities – the skin, lower legs, ears, tail…. Their body doesn’t pump as much blood to those areas,” Tarpoff said. “The body is trying to defend itself and the way it maintains its core temperature is to pump warm blood to the brain and other vital organs. They will scavenge their own body, so to speak, to hold that warmer blood in the core of the body.” Hypothermia begins as the body temperature dips below 100 F. Below 95 F, organs begin cooling, and when temperatures dip into the mid-80s, Tarpoff said the animal may be comatose. Tarpoff said producers need to take a rectal temperature to know how serious they need to get with helping a calf that has been exposed to the cold. Then, some of the options available include: • Pull the calf inside the truck onto the floorboard heater. It may take up to an hour for the calf to warm up. Once it’s warmed up, supplement with colostrum. • If you have nearby access to a barn, bring them into the shop near heating lights and wrap them in warm blankets. Dry the calf before starting the warming process. Be careful once the calf begins moving around that it doesn’t knock over the heating lights and cause a fire. • Put the calf in a hot box. Some commercial boxes are made of plastic, though some producers have made their own. Use lights or warm air fans to promote heating. • Warm water immersion. Bring the calf inside and immerse in a tub of warm water, just a little over 100 degrees F. Do not use hot water, as it can cause heart failure due to cold shock. This is a labor intensive technique since you must continuously add warm water. Tarpoff added that if initial techniques aren’t working, producers should contact their veterinarian, or take the calf to the veterinarian’s office. “A veterinarian may be able to use some different techniques, such as a warm saline IV which administers warm fluid to the inside of veins, which heats the core of the animal at a quicker rate,” Tarpoff said. Treatments aside, Tarpoff added that preventing hypothermia and cold stress is the preferred route to keep calves safe. “Make sure cows have the energy and protein they need to produce good colostrum and quality milk for their calves,” he said. “On top of that, wind is an absolute killer. Make sure you have provided windbreaks or some kind of barrier to help animals get out of the elements; and provide wheat straw, baled corn stalk or something that provides a barrier to the cold ground.”
Model predicts gene responses to cold across diverse plant species CONTINUED FROM PAGE A40
one and always doesn’t respond in the other.’ “That starts to become a really big and expensive experiment. It’d be really nice if we could just make predictions from the DNA sequences of those species instead of, say, taking 20 species and trying to get all of them at the same stage, put them all through the exact same stress treatments, and measure the amount of RNA produced for each gene in each species.” Fortunately for the model, researchers have already sequenced the genomes of more than 300 plant species. An ongoing international effort could push that number as high as 10,000 over the next few years. Though the model has already wildly exceeded his modest expectations, Schnable said the next step will nevertheless involve “convincing both ourselves and other people” that it works as well as it has so far. In every test case to date, the researchers have asked the model to tell them what they already knew. The ultimate test, he said, will come when both the humans and the machine are starting from scratch. “The next big experiment I think we need to do is to make predictions on a species where we don’t have any data at all,” he said. “To convince people that it really works in cases where even we don’t know the answers.”
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A43
Evaluating alfalfa stands
Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Were you expecting more from last year’s alfalfa yields? Did your plants get enough time to winterize in the fall or are you concerned about winter kill? Evaluating your alfalfa stand in the spring is key to planning management and setting expectations for this year. A hay square is a quick and easy way to begin evaluation. While we call it a hay square, square or circle shapes work equally well. A 17 x 17 inch square or 19 inch in diameter circle are the size we need. Next, we need to determine what to count. There are two options when evaluating your stand: 1) by the number of plants per square foot (typically recommended for new stands, like plantings last fall) and 2) by the number of stems for established stands. Stem count more accurately predicts yield compared to plant number. However, either method will provide information for making management decisions. Pick 4 to 5 random areas in your field to sample. Then count the plants or stems that would be harvested, typically anything over 6 inches, to determine your count. Then divide those numbers by 2 to get stems or plants per square foot. For established stands having 4 to 5 healthy plants per square foot or 55 stems per square foot would warrant a productive and healthy stand. Stem counts below 55 see a significant decrease in dry matter production. For stands planted last fall, you will see more plants per square foot compared to stems. Remember, that a good rule of thumb is, for every pound of seed planted, expect 3 to 5 plants. New plantings that contain fewer than 12 plants per square foot may need to be reseeded.
7 W Farms
Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 • Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 P.O. Box 807 • (406) 292-3240 or 292-3233 (Shop) Inverness, Montana 59530 gwoods@itstriangle.com
Parker hydraulic hose and fittings.
We can make any length of hose to meet your specific needs.
We are currently carrying 4000 psi hose only but can order whatever meets your needs.
Rock-O-Matic rock picker, new cylinders, in good condition............................................................ $6000 obo Selling for my relatives: Gysler 28-ft. plow with Morris harrows, hydraulic wing lift............................................................................... $3500 Gylser 31-ft. plow with anhydrous pump, cable lift.......................................................................................... $3500 Frigstad B-31 40-ft. plow.............................................................................................................................. $16,000 Hutch Master 31-ft. disk.................................................................................................................................. $6500 Brandt 1060 swing away auger. Very little use............................................................................................. $10,500
Certified Lanning Spring Wheat Seed - $11.50 per bushel Registered Vida Spring Wheat Seed - $13.50 per bushel Registered Buzz Barley Seed - $10 per bushel Fall 2021 Registered Bobcat Winter Wheat Seed Fall 2021 Registered Loma Winter Wheat Seed Fall 2021 Certified Four O Six Winter Wheat Seed Spring 2022 Dagmar Spring Wheat Seed
2% cash discount on seed purchase if paid at time of pickup or booking Greg Woods: (406) 399-0488 - 7W Farms - Matthew Woods: (406) 399-3640
We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-546-1743 Simms, MT
www.northstarequipment.biz John Myers 406-546-1743
2015 Komatsu PC390 LC10 5700 hours, hydraulic thumb, coupler. Buy or Rent!.....$125,000 2016 Kubota SVL95-2S skid steer, cab, heat, air conditioning, 3500 hours...................... $41,000
2005 Cat 314C excavator, 5600 hours, blade, hydraulic thumb...... ........................................$69,500
1992 John Deere 4960 MFWD, 220 hp, front weights, duals, rear weights, 15 speed powershift....... ....................................... $45,000
2011 John Deere A400 swather, 1100 hours, Green Star ready, no header.............................$49,500
1992 John Deere 4960 MFWD tractor, 220 hp, 8100 hours, 1000 PTO.................................$45,000
2012 Genie GTGH5519 enclosed cab, lateral tilt................. $42,500
1997 Cat D8R U-blade, 4 barrel ripper...............................$99,500
2013 Cat TL1055C telehandler, cab with heat, air conditioning, outriggers, 4500 hours. Rent it or buy it............................... $62,500
2000 Kenworth W900L day cab, Cat 2WS, 13 speed, 3:55’s 768,000 miles................. $39,500
1997 Volvo daycab, Detroit 11L, 330 hp. 10 speed................$8000 1995 Kenworth T800 water truck, Cummins N14, 4000 gallon water tank, spray bars.... $34,500
1996 Cat D7H semi U-blade, enclosed cab, ripper............$85,000
2014 Precision 3 axle side dump, tarp, air ride..........$40,000 Cat 627F scraper, push/pull cushion hitch, 10,000 hours.......... ......................................$150,000
John Deere 772D AWD, 14-ft. moldboard, ripper, 20.5 rubber, set up for Topcon GPS, new transmission, engine work............ ........................................$90,000
Cat 627G scrapers, push/pull cushion hitch..................$225,000
Bomag 84” smooth drum roller, enclosed cab, 500 hours, like new..................................$85,000
(2) 2007 Neville 53-ft. steel drop decks with beavertail and ramps. Each............................... $20,500
2005 Reinke 48-ft. combo step deck................................ $17,500
2005 John Deere 772D AWD grader, 14-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. ext. front scarifier, rear hydraulic. Ex-county machine, 19,000 hours, motor and tranmission have been rebuilt............ $50,000
2011 Peterbilt 367 ISX, 18 speed, 46K rears with full lockers, 622K miles, 48” flat top sleeper.... ....................................... $39,500
2008 SiDump’R side dump, 3 axle with lift axle............. $37,500
1994 Trailmobile drop deck, 53ft. spread axle, all steel... $14,500 John Deere 770BH enclosed cab, 14-ft. moldboard, snow wing. ........................................$30,000
Mack manure truck for Rent!
Call for prices
2012 Fontaine 55MX 3 axle, 55 ton extendable lowboy, 7-ft. deck insert and 2 flip necks available as well..............................$75,000
2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $30,000
1996 Trail King TK130 3-3-2 hydraulic De-tach lowboy......... $102,500
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page A44
POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???
Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana
##### A 100 years ago, nearly everyone had a horse and only the rich people had cars. These days, nearly everyone has a car and only the rich people have horses. (Oh, did the stables turn…) ##### What if your dog realized you contain loads of bones?
Spring has sprung... Let us make your summer a blast with a new RV
2021 Arctic Fox 25W 25-ft. bumper pull with slide
2018 Forest River Impressions 26RET 30-ft. 5th wheel with 3 slideouts We carry a full line of RV parts and supplies
PJ Trailers
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We have a nice selection of used travel & cargo trailers!!! trailers!!! • 2017 Interstate 5x8 cargo trailer
Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service
411 North Main - Conrad, MT (406) 278-5915
Want a “sharp” ag lender? No matter how you “cut” it... we’ll give you a big slice of financial advice. Stop in and take a “stab” at banking here! Local ownership – Local Decisions
Recipe Patch by Geri
Instant Pot Beef Stroganoff
2 pounds stew meat salt and pepper, to taste 1 cup sliced mushrooms 3 teaspoons minced garlic 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 3 cups beef broth 4 tablespoons worcestershire sauce 10 ounces egg noodles 1/2 cup sour cream 2 tablespoons corn starch + 1/4 cup beef broth or cold water optional Set pressure cooker to SAUTE. Add butter, garlic, and mushrooms. Once butter is completely melted, sprinkle in flour and stir to coat the mushrooms. Add 3 cups beef broth, worcestershire sauce, and the stew meat. Cover, turn steam valve to the sealed position, and set to PRESSURE COOK (or MANUAL) for 15 minutes. Do a quick release (turn to VENTING position and remove lid once float valve drops). Stir in egg noodles and set to PRESSURE COOK (or MANUAL) for 3 minutes. Do another quick release. Stir in sour cream, taste, and add salt and pepper as needed. Serve OR for a thicker stroganoff sauce, set pressure cooker to SOUP setting, whisk together 1/4 cup broth and corn starch, and stir into the stroganoff. Once sauce comes to a boil and has thickened, serve.
Blueberry Cheesecake Flapjacks
1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened 3/4 cup whipped topping 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs 1 tablespoon Granulated Pure Cane Sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1-1/4 cups buttermilk 1/4 cup butter, melted 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 3/4 cup maple syrup, warmed Additional blueberries, optional For topping, in a small bowl, beat cream cheese and whipped topping until smooth. Chill until serving. In a large bowl, combine the flour, cracker crumbs, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Combine the eggs, buttermilk and butter; add to dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in blueberries. (If using frozen blueberries, do not thaw them before adding to the pancake batter.) Pour batter by 1/4 cupfuls onto a greased hot griddle; turn when bubbles form on top. Cook until the second side is golden brown. Spread topping over pancakes. Top with warm syrup; sprinkle with additional blueberries if desired. Yield: 12 pancakes (3/4 cup topping).
Baked Apples on the Grill
4 medium tart apples, cored 1/3 cup raisins 1/3 cup sweetened shredded coconut 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Place each apple on a piece of heavy-duty foil (about 12 in. square). Combine the remaining ingredients; spoon into center of apples. Fold foil over apples and seal tightly. Grill, covered, over medium heat for 20-25 minutes or until apples are tender. Open foil carefully to allow steam to escape.
Beer Dip
2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup beer or nonalcoholic beer 1 envelope ranch salad dressing mix 2 cups (8 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese Pretzels In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, beer and dressing mix until smooth. Stir in cheese. Serve with pretzels. Refrigerate leftovers. Yield: 3-1/2 cups.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 – Page A45
Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana
2015 Cat 279D CTL
New tracks 2020, cab with heat & air conditioning, 2 speed, 3000/6000 lb. operating load.................................$45,500
2012 Cat 302.7DCR Mini Excavator
Low hour, hydraulic thumb, two speed, pattern changer, good tracks!....................................................................$28,800
1999 Deere 250 Skidsteer
64 hp, 1800 lb lift capacity, 1000 hours, 45% tires, high flow hydraulic with bucket and forks.............................$19,000
Cat 140G Grader
Really nice machine, cab with heat, ripper, ready to roll!............ ..............................................................................$65,000
2008 Cat 256C Skidsteer Loader
Cab with air conditioning, two speed, very clean, 4400 hours..... ..............................................................................$27,000
1990 Cat 426 Backhoe Loader
1999 Genie S-60 Boom Lift
4x4, runs well, weighs 26,000 lbs. work ready!..........$17,700
Excellent Machine! 4x4, cab, Extend-A-Hoe, great maintenance records..................................................................$27,500
Deere 772A Motor Grader
6 wheel drive, cab, front lift group with blade, meter shows 7559 hours!....................................................................$26,500
2005 Kubota KX121-3 Mini Excavator
Cab, heat, air conditioning, hydraulic thumb, good tracks, good tight machine!........................................................$29,500
2015 Polaris Ranger XP
Good tires, winch, ready to ride!.....................................$8500
SPRING IS COMING! More Equipment Coming In Every Week!
Give Greg or Jim a Call Greg 406-690-2754
Jim 406-690-0737
For Help With All Your Equipment Needs! Give Us a Call about our
Additional photos & info at
2000 Skytrak 6036 Telehandler
4x4x4, 3800 hours, good tires, work ready today!......$35,000
The Place to Go for Snow Attachments!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A46
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Cattle care in the cold
K-State Research and Extension News After working outside on a cold winter’s day, cattle proSPRAYER, AIR SEEDER, TRACTOR, COMBINE, ducers know there is nothing quite like coming inside to a warm house and filling their stomachs with those favorite HEADER AND MISCELLANEOUS comfort foods. Leased out Farmland And though cattle are naturally equipped to manage cold temperatures, like humans they need some extra care to 2013 John Deere 4830 sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon SS tank, AutoTrac and boom make those frigid winter days a little easier, according to the height control, 2 sets of wheels and tires, always shedded........................... $128,200 OBO 2011 John Deere 1830 50-ft. air seeder, 1910 350 bushel tow between cart, 10” spacing, experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute capped steel press wheels, 10” fill auger, variable rate with power calibration.....$66,800 OBO (BCI). 2007 John Deere 9320 4WD tractor, 24F/6R power sync transmission, new engine, always On a recent Cattle Chat podcast, BCI veterinarians Brad shedded, 4207 hours..................................................................................... $108,350 OBO White, Bob Larson and Phillip Lancaster discussed ways for 2012 John Deere S680 combine, premium cab, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. auger, 2189 separator hours, 3104 engine hours, John Deere off-season maintenance plan...$112,980 OBO ranchers to help their herds from experiencing cold stress. 2014 John Deere 640FD header, 40-ft. draper with pickup reel and top crop auger for pulse “Cattle handle cold weather reasonably well as they have crops, Unverferth 4-wheel steer transport trailer, always shedded.................. $44,900 OBO a thermoneutral zone (the range of temperatures where they Several trucks and 7” Sakundiak augers. don’t expend extra calories) that goes as low as 20 degrees Phone (406) 939-5337, Glendive, Montana Fahrenheit,” Larson said. Nutritional Maintenance “However, once that temperature drops 10 more degrees with a wind chill, their nutritional maintenance requirement montanaseeds.com • NON BLOAT montanaseeds.com MontanaSeeds.com montanaseeds@gmail.com will double,” said Lancaster, who also serves as the BCI montanaseeds@gmail.com montanaseeds@gmail.com • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT nutritionist. • NON BLOAT He said that on cold winter days, cattle ranchers need to • APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT TURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT add feeds that increase the energy in the ration. Alfalfa loses 1/4 to 1/3 of its digestible “Instead of using a high starch energy source like corn, • APHID WEEVIL RESISTANT protein & through bloat, lack of condensed tannis I recommend producers supplement with feeds such as montanaseeds.com • • NON NON BLOAT BLOAT • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT montanaseeds@gmail.com distiller’s grains, soybean hulls or wheat midds to provide • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT •• APHID montanaseeds.com APHID & & WEEVIL WEEVIL RESISTANT RESISTANT energy but is also a highly digestible fiber,” Lancaster said. montanaseeds@gmail.com Larson cautioned that thin cows may need extra feed and care in cold weather to avoid additional health challenges. “A thin cow is much more sensitive and expends energy more quickly than her fleshier herd mates,” Larson said. He • NON BLOAT • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT suggested that those cattle may need to be sorted and man• APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT aged differently from the rest of the herd. Another aspect of meeting the nutritional needs is providing access to clean water, said the veterinarians. GoBLOAT Green And Pink “In cold weather cattle don’t drink water often, so it is • NON Livestock, wildlife, wildlife, and and even even honey honey bees bees prefer prefer Sainfoin Sainfoin over over other other forages. forages. Livestock, Alfalfa dealers dealers are are despartely despartely trying trying to to get get the the condensed condensed tannins tannins in in their their Pollution Less, Save Energy Alfalfa important that the water access is open to them not only at Pollution Less, Save Energy Y GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT Alfalfa and and use use high high pressure pressure sales sales to to convince convince you you to to grow grow Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Alfalfa “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder ” feeding time, but other times of the day as well,” White said. “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder ” & WEEVIL RESISTANT Sainfoin leaves leaves naturally naturally contain contain tannins, tannins, allowing allowing the the protein protein to to be be digestdigestSainfoin Rocky Mountain Remont $1.50/lb Enhancing the Environment ed instead instead of of excreted. excreted. Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed Delaney Delaney -- $2.00/lb $2.00/lb Along with meeting the increased nutritional demands, Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared Shoshone to Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s Sanfoin’s ability ability to to be be grazed grazed or or hayed hayed gives gives producers producers options options Shoshone -- Price Price on on request request to the veterinarians stressed the importance of providing cattle to best best utilize utilize it’s it’s benefits benefits in in your your operation. operation. to Reasons: Reasons: GoSAINFOIN Green And Pink adequate housing to keep them dry. Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. ALFALFA SAINFOIN ALFALFA Growing practices: Growing best practices: Alfalfa dealers arebest despartely trying to get the condensed tannins in their •• Legume •• Legume Pollution Less, Save Energy Larson said that while cattle will often find breaks in the Legume Legume Alfalfa and••use high pressure sales to convince you to grow •• Non •• Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without cover crop. Non Bloat Bloat Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without a a cover crop. Alfalfa. Livestock, wildlife, and evenithoney bees prefer S “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder •• Weevil Resistant •• Weevil Problem hills that keep them from the wind, is important to provide •• Best if not mixed with other plants such as barley or wheat. Weevil & & Aphid Aphid Resistant Weevil Problem ” Best if not mixed with other plants such as barley or wheat. Minimal Loss Loss Protein Protein Losses of of 1/4-1/3 1/4-1/3 of of Digestible Digestible Protein ProteinSainfoin leaves naturally contain tannins, allowing the protein to be per digest•• Minimal •• Losses 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds acre 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds per acre • Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense additional shelter are and bedding to keeptrying them protected Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed instead offor excreted. or multi-cuts. Alfalfa dealers despartely to get and the c • Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense for irrigated irrigated or multi-cuts. •• Cheap •• Expensive Control Cheap Weed Weed Control Control Expensive-Weed Weed Control Delaney $2.00/lb wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin •• Seed fall or moisture will be toLivestock, the seed. •• Little •• Methane warm. Seed in inand falldigestibility or spring spring when when moisture be held held seed. Little or or No No Gas Gas Methane Gas Gas (Bloat) (Bloat) Sanfoin’s palability provides morewill return per to tonthe compared Alfalfa and use high pressure sales to convince oy •• Seed of inch deep or less. •• Ease Production •• Complicated Production - Price on request Seed 3/4 3/4ability of an an to inch or or less. Ease of of Shoshone Production Complicated Production to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s bedeep grazed hayed gives producers options •• Low •• High is to rolltrying out the to hayget on the ground in the •• Hay/graze when near full Alfalfa dealersOne arestrategy despartely the condensed Low Seed Seed Cost Cost High Seed Seed Cost Cost Hay/graze when nearoperation. full bloom. bloom. to best utilize it’s benefits in your (Webster’s Dictionary) •• Easy •• Expensive Reasons: Easy Stand Stand Enhancement Enhancement Expensive Stand Stand Replacement Replacement pasture to provide forage, but also give the cattle natural •• High •• Less High Palatability Palatability Less Palatability Palatability Alfalfa and use high pressure sales contain to convince you to gro SAINFOIN ALFALFA •• Good •• Less Production Growing best practices: FFor Good Pollen Pollen Production Production Less Pollen Pollen Production - $2.25/lb A Sainfoin leaves naturally tannins, allowi N or more more information, information, call call A • Legume • Legume Mountain Remont A T N bedding outdoors. N •• Rocky Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F A O T M N Nector Produced at 60° F • Bloat • Nectar Produced at 90° F O Livestock, wildlife, and evenSchlepp honey bees • Non• Bloat Rollie • Sainfoin establishes M itself without aDictionary) cover crop. (Webster’s Producer •• Less Honey Rollie Schlepp • #1 #1 &Honey Honey Producer Less Honey Production Production S D • Weevil Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem SE “Understand you will be wasting some hay by feeding Delaney $2.25/lb EE • Best if not mixed with plantsother such 406-788-9556 as barley or wheat. ed instead of that excreted. Eother •• Flexible Harvest Dates •• Short Harvest Window DS Sover 406-788-9556 prefer Sainfoin forages. Highly Flexible Harvest Dates Short Harvest Window • Minimal Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein •• Longevity of Established •• Short Term Productivity or 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds Sainfoin per acre Longevity Established Stand Stand Short TermExpense Productivity leaves naturally contain the pro or • Little Fertilizer of Expense • Hefty Fertilizer it on the ground, but you willtannins, likely save allowing the overall energy Shoshone - $2.25/lb fordigestible and a higher sugar content gives irrigated or multi-cuts. Montana Seeds office • Cheap Weed Control • Expensive Weed Control Montana Seeds Inc. Inc. office • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held to the seed. 406-278-9951 • Little or No Gas • Methane Gas (Bloat) costs for the herd because the bedding will allow them to Reasons: excreted. Sainfoin the edge over Alfalfa. 406-278-9951ed instead of • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. • Ease of Production • Complicated Production Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides mo www.montanaseeds.com www.montanaseeds.com Legume stay warm,” Larson said. • Low• Seed Cost • High Seed Cost Sainfoin leaves naturally contain con• Hay/graze when near full bloom. Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. • Easy• Stand • Expensive Stand Replacement NoEnhancement Bloat to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s to bearegrazed or and haye White agreed: “Cold ability temperatures short term densed tannins, thetrying protein • High Palatability • Less Palatability Alfalfa dealers are allowing despartely tocallto getbethe condensed tannins in their • Pollen No Weevil Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return • Good Production • Less Pollen Production For more information, A N A digested ofpressure excreted. require is not a winter totosometimes best utilize it’simmediate benefitssolutions. in yourIt operation. • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F ONT high Alfalfa andMinstead use sales to convince you grow Alfalfa. • No Loss Protein Rollie Schlepp • #1 Reasons: Honey Producer • Less Honey Production to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed Sthe EEDS$$$! Sainfoin Follow is worth 25 to 50 long feeding decision; rather, it is this week’s feedinggives plan.” pr Wholesome Fodder ” ( Webster’s Dictionary) 406-788-9556 • Flexible Harvest Dates • Short Harvest Window • Little Fertilizer Expense
m montana montana montanaseeds@
(Webster’s Dictionary) (Webster’s Dictionary)
Go Green And Pink Green AndLess, PinkSave Energy Pollution (Webster’s Dictionary)
llution Less,Wholesome Save Energy “Healthy, Fodder ”
ealthy, Wholesome Rocky Mountain Fodder Remont” - $1.50/lb
Delaney - $2.00/lb cky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb en And PinkShoshone - Price on request Delaney - $2.00/lb n Less, Save Energy Shoshone - Price on request • Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity
• Cheap Weed Control ons:SAINFOIN • Little or No Gas ountain Remont - $1.50/lb
percentleaves morenaturally per ton than Alfalfa as graze Sainfoin contain tannins, allowing the protein to be digestto best utilize it’s benefits in your operation. Montana Seeds Inc. office ALFALFA hay. Without condensed tannins, 1/4 to edorinstead of excreted. 406-278-9951 Growing best practices: or
Ease of Production •• Legume • Legume 1/3 of Alfalfa protein will pass through the Delaney - $2.00/lb FOIN•• Non ALFALFA Low Seed Cost Horseshoes Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared animal undigested. Bloat • Bloat • practices: Sainfoin establishes itself without a cov Growing best oshone Price on request • Easy -Stand Enhancement to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives producers options Growing best practices: me •• Weevil • Legume Shoes are put on horses to prevent theother feet from chipping & Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem Highest Palatabilty • Best if not mixed with plants such to best utilize it’s benefits in your operation. • Sainfoin established itself without Bloat•• Minimal • Bloat • Sainfoin establishes without a cover crop. under heavy use. Shoesitself also help to maintain the shape of Good Pollen Production Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein 30maximum poundsperformance. per acre for dryland or 1 cut • Nectar Produced at 60º F • Weevil Problem a cover crop. the feet for il & Aphid Resistant ALFALFA • Best if not mixed with other plants such as barley •• Little Fertilizer • Hefty• Growing Fertilizer Expense Do not mix other plants such bestwith practices: # 1 Honey ProducerExpense Horseshoes are usually made out of various metals, includ• Legume for irrigated or multi-cuts. mal Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein barley or wheat. 30 pounds per Flexible Harvest •• Cheap Weed Dates Control • Expensive Weed Control 30crop. pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 p • Bloat • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover ing iron, titanium, and aluminum. Newwhen innovations include acreGas for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense • Seed in fall or spring moisture wi esistant • Weevil •Alfalfa Little or NoProblem Gas • Methane • Best if (Bloat) not mixed with other plants suchfor as barley or wheat. glue-on shoesor andmulti-cuts. cushioned rubber shoes. irrigated • Legume pounds per acre for irrigated or • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein Weed Control peinWeed Control • Seed 3/4 an inch deep less. 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40Borium pounds per acre • Ease of Production • Expensive • Complicated Production shoes withofadded traction are or used onbe parade multi-cuts. pense • Bloat• Hefty Fertilizer Expense • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will held or No Gas • Methane Gas (Bloat) for irrigated or multi-cuts. • Weevil Problem horses •soHay/graze that they willwhen not slipnear on streets. Spiked shoes, Cost • High• Seed Cost trol • Low•Seed Expensive Weed Control full bloom. Seed in fall or spring when moisture • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will besuch held to seed. Losses of 1/4-1/3 of(Bloat) Digestible Protein • Seed 3/4 of anare inch deep orhorses less.that run or jump on of Production • Complicated Production •Stand Methane Gas as the cleats, often put on will be held to the seed. •• • Easy Enhancement • Expensive Stand Replacement Hefty•Fertilizer Expense • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. n Complicated Production slick grass.when near full bloom. Seed•• Cost • High Seed• Cost • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less • Hay/graze High Palatability Less Palatability Expensive Weed Control • High Seed Cost • Hay/graze when near full bloom. Most horses require new shoes every 6-8 weeks, although • Replacement Hay when near full bloom, graze anytime. Stand Enhancement • Expensive•Stand Methane Gas (Bloat) cement • Expensive Stand Replacement •• Good Pollen Production Less Pollen Production For some breeds, like Saddlebreds, Arabians, Morgans, and • Complicated Production • Less Palatability • Less Palatability ANA Palatability T N • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F O Mmore, thus creating higher cancall wait a few weeks uction• High •Seed Less Cost Pollen Production For moreHackneys, information, A Production • FLess Pollen Production Ro Expensive Stand Enhancement For more info atPollen 60° •F• #1 • Nectar Produced at 90° Honey Producer • Less Honey ProductionMONTAN A leg action. N A S E Rollie Schlepp T E • Low Palatabilty N er Produced • Less Honey DS hoof toughens and or at Harvest 60° FProduction • Nectar Produced at 90° F Window O of the horse’s 406 SEEDS In the wild, theMhorn • Flexible Dates • Short Harvest 406-788-9556 Production Dates • No Pollen • Short Harvest Window Rollie Sch oney Producer • Less Honey Production breaks off naturally and wears down. Depending on their Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity blished•• Stand • Short Term Productivity or Nectar Produced at 90º F SEE or DS www.montanaseeds.com
ble Harvest • LesserDates Honey Producer • Short Harvest Window • Short Harvest Window evity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity www.montanaseeds.com
www.montanaseeds.com For more information, call www.montanaseeds.com
Rollie Schlepp 406-788-9556
use, Seeds some horses can go barefoot with trims (just like toenail Montana Inc. office Mo trims) about every 6-8 weeks. or 406-278-9951 Hooves are thought to grow 3/8 inch (1 cm) per month
Montana and can grow out from the coronet band to the ground in a S period of a year. 406-278-99 Artists and welders turn used shoes into wreaths, Christmas trees, sculptures, hat racks, furniture, toilet paper dispenser, and so on.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A47
2021 Massey Ferguson 7716S New, MFWD, 150 hp, Powershift..................................Call
Call us for all your equipment needs!
2021 Gleaner S98 & S97 combines available now. Call for details
2019 Gleaner S98 Fresh Trade, pictures will be posted as soon as they hit our lot. Three machines in total that are very similar houred. Low hours, still under warranty. Call
2021 Massey Ferguson 9960 New, 16-ft. header, GPS........... Call for details 2021 Massey Ferguson 2956A Brand new - 4 in stock, Soft core kit, Power Beyond adapter, 1000 PTO. Call us to see about financing options.............................Call
2021 Bobcat S66 Power bob-tach, 7 pin attachment control, high flow, 2 speed, hydraulic bucket positioning, ride control, air/heat, radio ready. 2400 lb. rated lift.......... Call
2015 Bobcat S650 A71 pkg with standard Bobcat controls, air conditioning and heat.............$32,000
2020 MacDon D65 New............. Call 1994 MacDon 9000 Used swather Call for price and header options
1999 MacDon 9300 3266 hours, steel conditioner, tires at 95%........ ..........................................$32,995
(3) 2016 MacDon FD75D double knife, 40-ft., flex, transport....... Call 2004 MacDon 973 36-ft single knife, Deere adapter $12,000
2021 Schulte FLX1510 • Call
2020 Schulte FX1200
2021 Schulte XH1500-S4
2021 Schulte XH1000-S4
2014 MacDon A30-D This swing tongue has not seen a ton of acres. In excellent shape.............$27,000
1994 MacDon 960 $9000 1990 MacDon 960 36-ft. single knife $9000
1990 MacDon 722 14-ft fits a MacDon 700 swather. Will need some work but appears to be all there $2000
2015 Massey Ferguson 2956/2956A Local trade, low rate financing available. Pickup has been rebuilt and many new parts installed...........................$29,000
2021 Challenger WR9960 Selfpropelled wind-challenger. Brand new. 208 hp............................Call
2021 Challenger WR9970 Series self-propelled wind-challenger, 250 hp....................................Call
2014 Massey Ferguson 7624 Great used tractor, has brand new transmission just installed (manufacturer defect) Loader is available just not pictured.................. $119,000
For All Your Haying & Processing Needs!
2010 MacDon D60D used draper head for M Series MacDon swather. Just put new drapers on and went through shop. Great shape................................$32,000
2019 Vermeer ZR5-1200 Call for details & pricing info
2021 Vermeer 605N Brand new- 2 in stock, both options have the pickup clutch kick out option, twine and net. Call
2011 Vermeer 605SM Local trade, owner has shedded this unit since new, 9700 bales, net/ twine. Great baler. $29,000
2008 Vermeer 605M Used 605 that has been updated to Super M rollers. Tons of work done in the shop, new bands across the pickup, excellent shape. $22,000
2021 Vermeer R2300 Twin rake Call
2020 Vermeer R2800 Twin Rake, New. Call
2014 Vermeer BPX9000 Clean machine, has square bale kit. $15,000
2004 MacDon 974 flex header, John Deere adapter...................$21,000
2001 MacDon 962 used 36-ft. draper, have tons of adapters that will work on this. Will install new drapers as well.........................$14,000
*************** USED EQUIPMENT ***************
2001 Vermeer 605XL 8000 bales, have done many repairs in shop, twine only, should be field ready. $6500
2021 Vermeer R2800 Twin rake Call
*************** USED EQUIPMENT *************** continued
1992 Case IH 8820 14-ft. hay head and 25-ft Draper included.$18,000
2019 Schulte FLX1510 flex arm, will fit 10-ft. to 15-ft. mower. Call
2013 Case IH LB434 13,800 bales, 3x4 bale chute...................$75,000
2003 Hesston 856A Call
2009 John Deere 1790 CCS Fresh trade. MaxEmerge, 15” spacing, 15,000 acres.....................$79,540 2019 Schulte FX-1200 New, 10-ft., single safety. Call
1996 Haybuster 256 used 3 point processor.............................$4995
2004 Schulte XH1000-S2 • $6000
2020 ProAg Hay Hiker 900 new, 29ft., 13.9-ft. wide, can haul 12 48’’ bales or 8 60’’ bales................ Call
2018 Case IH 4412...............$56,000
2016 Geringhoff Rota-Disc 1230..... ..........................................$55,000
1998 New Holland 595 Fresh trade, need to get ran through shop. 16,000 bales.....................$18,500 2011 Case IH 2152 45-ft., double knife, transport, case window kit..............................$35,000 2012 Honey Bee SP40 Used, auto header height, has cross auger, not pictured.......$23,909
2014 John Deere 160A Same thing as MacDon A40D in excellent shape, came off machine with 325 header hours.....................$29,000
2008 Agco 500 used flex head with Crary air reel, flex head with large window Gleaner adapter......$7000
2017 Case IH Axial-Flow 8240 2 available......................................... ............Call for more information
2016 John Deere S670 Premium cab, enhanced air seat, GS3 7” display with ITC globe, 3 speed transmission, LED lights, variable speed fore/aft, small wire and large wire conclaves, custom cutter extended wear package. Work order and inspection available upon request...................$110,000
2017 John Deere S670 Premium cab, enhanced air seat, GS3 7” display with ITC globe, 3 speed transmission, LED light, variable speed fore/aft, small wire and large wire conclaves, custom cutter extended wear package, extended wear grain handling. Work order and inspection available upon request...................$135,000
2011 Case IH 2152 45-ft., double knife, transport, case window kit.... ..........................................$35,000 2008 John Deere CX15 Traded in from county use. A pile of spare parts go with it................$7900
2006 Hesston 9230 1140 hours, ballast kit................................$35,995
New Holland ST830 60-ft. chisel plow...................................$40,000
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page A48
2011 John Deere 1835 Air Drill 2011 John Deere 1835 Air Drill • 60’ tillage • Implement tires • 430 tow behind cart • 10” spacing • Field Ready! • List: $125,000
NOW ONLY: $79,740! • 61’ tillage • Very nice • 430 tow behind cart • Variable rate • Field Ready! • List: $121,000
Buy or Lease to own
$18,062/yr - oac 2009 John Deere 9630
• 800’s • Weights • Powershift
ONLY $159,000! 2015 John Deere R4038 sprayer
2017 John Deere 9010 550 bushel tank
• Section control • Duals • Like New!
Buy or Lease to own
$19,950/yr - oac
NOW ONLY: $83,970! 2013 John Deere 1870 drill
• 12” independent • 550 bushel tank • Very Nice!
2016 John Deere 9520R
Renegade Post Pounder
• Trailer pull • Electric start Buy or Lease to own $1882/yr - oac John Deere 6155R
• 800’s • Extremely Clean! • Weights • (1) Owner
Buy or Lease to own $34,879/yr - oac
2018 John Deere R4038 sprayer
Ultimate Sprayer
• Loader • GPS Ready! • Excellent condition
NEW 62-ft. Land Roller
• 100-ft. • Full techology • 1000 gallon • Optional floats
Buy or Lease to own
$32,507/yr - oac
• 100-ft. • 1000 gallon • Warranty! • Optional floats
Buy or Lease to own
$44,687/yr - oac 62-ft. Land Roller DEMO UNIT
• 62-ft. • Hydraulic adjust Buy or Lease to own
$6345/yr - oac
• Forward folding • 42” drum • Warranty Buy or Lease to own
$9602/yr - oac
Check us out on the web frielingagequipment.com
• 1650 gallon tank • 90-ft. • Agitation • Field ready Buy or Lease to own
$7863/yr - oac
• Forward folding
• 42” drum
Buy or Lease to own
$10,353/yr - oac
52-ft. Land Roller Delta Harrows
Narrow transport
Call for Pricing
Available from 20-ft. – 42-ft.
Call for Pricing 1-888-453-2924
3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B1 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT .......................... B2 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .................. C6 Action Toys, Billings MT .............................. B14 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ............................................ A45 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT........ B9 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ..................................... C9 AgraSyst Dealers ........................................... A4 American Manufacturing, Hogeland MT ..... A28 Badland Truck Sales, Glendive MT ............. C29 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT...................... A2 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT ........ C46 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ...................... C7 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT............ C24, C25 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .................. C27 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT ... A23 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls MT....................... C15 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT .................................................................. C43 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby MT ........ A30 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT.... C6 Brock Bins, Rydelle Ent., Drummond MT.... C10 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ............................... C7 Buckley Auction MT .................................... C33 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT....B6 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ................... C46 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT...A40 Clearview Seed, Denton MT........................ A24 Cobett, Josh Wenger, Loma MT.................. C20 Commercial Lynks, Inc. Ledger MT............... C5 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ........ C28 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT.......................... C23 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ................................................ B29 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ....................... C19 Dakota Truck & Farm, Minot ND.................. A37 Darling Ingredients, Inc..........................A6, C23 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ......................................... C11, C38 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT . C36 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ..................................................... C6 Dry Fork Ag, Ledger MT .............................. A33 Dust Master, Gruber Excavating, Inc, Clancy MT............................................................. B25 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT....... ......................................................... C12, C13 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT... B18 Evergreen Forest Management, LLC, Ovando MT............................................................. B30 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT ........ A20 FarmStack, Bjelland, Karl, Conrad MT ........ B28 First State Bank, Shelby MT........................ A44 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ......A33, C26 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT ........... A14 Fox Ford, Wolf Point MT.............................. A36 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT .................... C34 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT......................................A18, A48, C3, C37 Frontier Fence, Billings MT.......................... B15
Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT ...... C17 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ........ C20, C21 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT............................................................. C28 Gazeeka, Ryan DeBruycker, Fairfield MT .... B28 Glasgow Rental, Glasgow MT ..................... C39 Glass Trucking, Denton MT ........................... C9 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT .......... A8 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard MT........... A32 Gomer’s Diesel, Inc (US Diesel Parts), Missoula MT............................................................. A12 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ............... B8 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ............... B27 Greenway Seeds, Caldwell ID ...............A14, B3 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT....A39 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY ........................ B11 Grove Construction, GSI Bins, Moccasin MT..C30 GSI Bins, Grove Construction, Moccasin MT..C30 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT....B10 HCL Truck Equipment, Billings & Belgrage MT .. .................................................................. C41 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin MT ... B13 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ................... C35 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT.. .................................................................. B20 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT .............................................. B29 Hi-Line Rental, Havre MT ............................ C39 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT .... B12 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT....C47, C48 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT ........ B8 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT............................................................... C2 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT .................................. C32 Jackson Group Peterbilt, Billings, Missoula, Columbia Falls MT ...................................... B1 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ...... B6, C8 Jason’s Agri-Motive, Lefleche, SK Canada.....A37 JCT Building Services, Shelby MT .............. C30 Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc., Bismarck & Fargo ND ............................................................. C14 Johnson Distributing, Great Falls MT .......... B15 Krogmann Mfg............................................. B30 Larry’s Tractor & More, LLC, Missoula, Columbia Falls, Hamilton MT ...................................... C4 Lattin & Sons, Power MT.....................A33, C26 Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Currant Canada..C43 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT ............... C39 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT............................................................. B25
M & W Machine, Three Forks MT ................ C12 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT....C40 Milk River Ag, Chinook, MT ...................A7, C22 Mineral Tub Lifter, Malta MT ........................ C44 Missouri River Realty, Glasgow, Malta, Sidney MT............................................................. A13 Montana Farrier Supply, Livingston MT ........ B7 Montana Fiberglass Inc, Lewistown MT ...... B13 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb, Great Falls MT ................................... C31 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT... B29 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT...B13 Montana Quality Structures, Stevensville MT..C41 Montana Recovery, Sweetgrass, MT ............ B4 Montana Seeds, Conrad MT ....................... A46 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT ........ B23 Montech Seed Group, MT ........................... A42 Morris Land Surveys, Choteau MT.............. A32 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY .................. A38 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT ..... C38 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT...C45 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc......A6, C23 Nessan & Associates Realty, Billings MT .... A34 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ........ A34 NGS Sales, Denton MT ............................... C30 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT .................................................................. A43 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ....................... B21 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MT B24 Norwood Sales, Inc., ND & NE .................... C43 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc, Conrad & Great Falls MT............................................................. A20 Ole Warren & Sons, Hingham MT................ B14 Opportunity Bank ........................................ C19 Oxbow Engineering LLC, Randy Pierce PE Three Forks MT ................................................... B18 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ................. C1 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT...B24 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree MT ....... C44 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ............. B31 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT ...................................................... C11 Pretty Good Twine, Synthetic Resoures, Peabody KS ............................................................. C32 Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT ......... C8 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT.... .................................................................. C36 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ....... B8 R & M Exterminators, Cheney WA............... B28 R.E. Miller & Sons, Inc, Dillon MT ................ A32 Red E, LLC, Fargo ND ................................. C15 Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading, Matt Meyers, Chester MT ................................. B27 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT... C10 Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT ..................... A35
Reinke, RPH Irrigation Services, Choteau MT...B4 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ....................... A21 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT .................. A16 RPH Irrigation Services, Reinke, Choteau MT...B4 RWI Enterprises, LLC, Moore MT................ C29 Rydelle Enterprises, Drummond MT ........... C10 Safflower Technologies International, Fairview MT............................................................. B22 Severinsen Irrigation, Zimmatic & GSI, Fairfield MT.....................................................B10, B22 Shepherd’s Garage, Inc., Dillon, Jackson, Helena, Victor MT .................................................. B27 Shop Specialties, Valier MT......................... C20 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT............................. C16 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT .............A21, C18 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ...... B22 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .......... B29 Staheli West, Ryan DeBruycker, Fairfield MT...B28 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT ............................ B19 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT........................ C41 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT....... .................................................................... A4 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT.......................................A9, C1 Synthetic Resources, Pretty Good Twine, Peabody KS .................................................... C32 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT... B10, C5 Tate Miller Welding, Golva ND ..................... A22 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ....................... C7 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT .................................................................. B14 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .................. C11 The Fagenstrom Co. Great Falls MT ........... C46 Thermosink, Nathan Stortz, Glendive MT ... B32 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT ..................... A35 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT ... A47 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT..................... B26 Torgerson’s LLC, Ethridge, Glasgow, Great Falls, Havre, Billings, Lewistown, Belgrade, Hysham, Kalispell, Denton MT................................. C31 Transport Equipment, Missoula MT ............ C26 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ............... A29 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT ................. B7 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT........... C33 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT....................A36, B5 TT&E Inc, Victor MT..................................... C42 Up In Smoke Diesel Tuning, Brian Keller, Great Falls MT .................................................... C14 US Diesel Parts (Gomer’s Diesel Inc), Missoula MT............................................................. A12 Valley Trailer Sales, Belgrade MT ................ B23 Vaughn Truck, Havre MT ............................. A30 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT ............ A31 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ................. A44 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT ... .................................................................. A10 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ............. B8 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT ........................ A22 Zimmatic, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT...B22 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ............................ A33
Montana Peterbilt is now part of Jackson Group Peterbilt! Please visit any of our Montana locations to see how we’ve expanded our ability to serve our customers. More available trucks and more parts inventory than ever before!
New Dump Trucks NOW BEING BUILT!!
2018 Peterbilt 367 Cummins, Locker, Air Trac, 148k - $89,900
2014 Peterbilt 384 Paccar, Air Ride, 10 speed, 206k - $37,500
TRADER’S DISPATCH PARTS & SERVICE SPECIALS - just mention this ad to receive specials! • $69 DOT Inspections on Trucks, good at ALL Montana locations! • $74 Group 31 Top Stud Batteries, 925 CCA #31s-9 exchanged • $349.95 Seats Inc. Heritage Seat, Cloth, 20” 4 Position Seat Cushion, High Back, Air, Gray or Black
Now hiring TECHNICIANS at ALL LOCATIONS! Top pay and benefits for top techs with the Premier Truck Dealer in the region! Come join the Jackson Peterbilt Family! 3255 N Frontage Road Billings, MT 59101 (406) 252-5667
9550 Cartage Road Missoula, MT 59808 (406) 721-6100
5565 US-2 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 (406) 892-3271
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B2
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper head, excellent shape................................... $15,000 Brandt 7x50 grain auger with bin sweep, 18 hp Honda motor........................... $3250 Brandt 7x50 grain auger, 16 hp Briggs & Stratton motor................................... $1250
Phone Don at (605) 580-5886
Phone 216-3050
PROFESSIONAL Hand-Picked Quality & Selection
Vehicles Done on All
2016 Ford F250
Crew cab, short bed, 4x4, Lariat trim package. Only 34,500 miles! Great gas puller, 6.2 liter engine, B&W hide-a-ball, 4.30 gears, air bag rear suspension, black leather, bed liner. Like new.................................................... $45,900
5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT
2016 Ford F250
Supercab, 4x4, 8-ft. long box, 6.2 liter gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks, and mirrors.................. .......................................................................... $26,999
2015 Ford F250
2015 Ford F350
Crew cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. flatbed, 6.2 litre gas with vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, new tires and a very nice Ali-Arc aluminum front bumper and grill guard................................................................ $25,999
2012 Chevrolet 2500HD
Crew cab, 4x4 cab and chassis, great balebed truck, 6.0 gas engine, 8-ft. long bed, 90,000 miles................. $22,999
Crew cab, long box, 4x4 with the FX4 offroad package, 18inch aluminum wheels with newer tires, spray-in bedliner, 6.2L gas engine, automatic tranmission, 3.73 gears, backup camera, sync, 10,000 lb GVW. Very clean and straight. .......................................................................... $26,999
2015 Ford F250
Supercab, 4x4, 8-ft. long bed, new 10-ply tires, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 6.2L gas engine, automatic transmission........................ $24,999
Due to the Coronavirus we are unsure of business hours. So if you have questions, or want to schedule an appointment, please call or text Brian on his cell phone: 406-868-4309 between 9 am - 6 pm. Thanks!
2017 Chevrolet Colorado LT
Crew cab, 4x4, Bose sound system, aluminum wheels, heated leather, V6 engine, factory remote start, backup camera, trailer tow package, navigation, 48,000 miles....$29,999
2018 Subaru Forester Premium
1 owner, no accident, factory warranty, only 20,600 miles, back up camera, eyesight package, panoramic sunroof, heated seats, all wheel drive. Priced to sell at.. $23,999
2017 Chevrolet 2500HD
Regular cab with 8-ft. bed, 4x4, 6.0 gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks, and mirrors. Hard to find.................................................................... $28,999
Your Local ALiner Hard-Sided Pop-up Trailer Dealer!
New and Used available, light, low, and easy to tow! All models under 2000 lbs. and less than 90 seconds to set-up.
2015 Chevrolet
Regular cab, 4x4, 6.0 gas engine, 8-ft. long bed, vinyl floor, cloth seat, power windows, locks, and mirrors. Hurry in...... .......................................................................... $25,999
Visit our website at: www.a-plusauto.com
Pretzel Day
Date Celebrated: April 26th There’s something special about a pretzel, the rich warm bready smell, the burst of salt as you bite into it, and in the best of time, the delicious flavor of cheese that you dip it in. Or maybe you’re one of those who prefer the crunch of the kind you can buy in a bag at the store, that amazing addition to any snack mix, and the foundation of sports gatherings everywhere. Whatever your preference, Pretzel Day exemplifies this amazing treat in all its forms. So grab your favorite variety, sit back and munch down on the most auspicious of snack based days! History of Pretzel Day Like all food related holidays, we like to start with a little history of where the food came from. We love the story of the pretzel, especially as it shares a theme with candy canes, another of our favorites! (In fact, Candy Cane Pretzels, dusted with crushed candy canes instead of salt and glazed with frosting, are a great winter time treat!). Sometime during the Middle Ages, Catholic Monks were trying to figure out what to do with these bits of leftover dough. Clever as they were, they came up with the pretzel, folding the dough into the shape of praying hands, or the knot representing the Holy Trinity, depending on who you ask. Since then the pretzel has evolved into a much loved treat has seen many uses, including representing marriage (where the term ‘tying the knot’ came into prominence) and finally into modern day as a popular addition to concession stands at carnivals and events of all kinds. The origin of the hard pretzel is a bit more recent, and is among the ranks of other great accidental discoveries like the potato chip. You see, apparently when you leave a pretzel in the oven too long, it will bake into a crisp and crunchy bit of deliciousness. The baker was so pleasantly surprised with the result that he took the time to perfect the recipe, and now they’re a hugely popular snack! How to Celebrate Pretzel Day Let’s start off with getting yourself your favorite variety of pretzel! Even better, a lot of places celebrate this holiday by offering free pretzels to their customers. After all, sometimes the best way to get someone started on a delicious and addictive snack is to give them the first one free! If you’re feeling particularly adventurous you can always try making your own with one of the hundreds of recipes online, or take the middle road and whip up a delicious snack mix using premade hard pretzels, seasonings, and other snack mixes.
Replacing thin alfalfa
Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Planting new fields of alfalfa is expensive. So many of us put off tearing up old fields and planting new ones. But is this smart? Alfalfa stands usually reach peak production by year two or three. After this, yields tend to decline each year. By year four or five, yields are often much lower than their peak years, especially for dryland fields, because the subsurface moisture that plants were using during the early years is all gone. This is most noticeable during drought years when regrowth is almost zero after the first or second cut. Yield decline in irrigated fields is slower but usually is a ton or more lower by year five or six. In addition, thin stands with densities of less than 50 stems per square foot can open the door for weed encroachment. So, should you try to squeeze another year out of your alfalfa stand? Calculate the costs. First, and most obvious, how will the lower yield of your old field compare to yields from a younger field. A second loss is the lost rotation benefit received by crops like corn that follow alfalfa in the rotation. Not only will alfalfa reduce your nitrogen fertilizer needs by one hundred to one hundred fifty pounds over the next couple years, much research has shown that corn after alfalfa often yields ten to twenty bushels more per acre than it will even with extra fertilizer. This rotation benefit could be especially valuable this year if corn prices stay high. So, if you have alfalfa fields that are past their prime, or maybe show winter damage this spring, this might be an excellent time to rotate those fields to a different crop and plant some new, higher yielding acres to alfalfa. Both your alfalfa crop and the rotated crop could benefit.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B3
SHORT WATER ? ? SHORTON ON WATER Two in One TwoAlfalfas Alfalfas in One Plant OnOn Dryland Plant DrylandPlantPlant If YourIfPivot Pumps 400gal/ YourOnly Pivot Only Pumps 400gal/
On Onthe theMarket Market for for3030years years
(and unbeatable) (andstill still unbeatable)
We are We area anon-GMO non-GMO seed house! Never seed house! Never a positive hit forfor positive hit GMO GMO
Greenway Greenway
port Never a Re Never a Repo ill of Winter K of Winter Ki
360-D 360-D
d rylan D g n g i Plant ays useen Plantin n e h W AlfalfaAlfalfa alwa a alw Wh Alfalf ed seed! Alfalfa se coat t!) coated i e v o s pr s pro This Alfalfa has beenhas called a tetraploid by alfalfa This Alfalfa been called aanomaly tetraploid anomaly by alfalfa (Let u (Let u
breeders. On the On market 30 years, twice,improved twice, breeders. thefor market forand 30being years,improved and being It remains the highest water alfalfa on the alfalfa market!on the market! It remains theyeilding, highestlow yeilding, low water
"This fourth yearyear we are 360-D. It360-D. works well both on Irrigated dry land. Very "Thisisisthe the fourth weplanting are planting It works well both and on Irrigated andgood dry land. Very go variety." variety." Al Renner - Beach, ND / Laurel, MT ND / Laurel, Al Renner - Beach,
"We alfalfa! We get cuts2oncuts dryland, and we are ordering the fourthfor time." "Welove lovethat that alfalfa! We2get on dryland, and we areforordering the fourth time." . Skip Ahlgren,Skip Rocking TS Cattle - Winnett, Ahlgren, Rocking TS MT Cattle - Winnett, M "The green in a very summer. For rangeFor dryland seeding the coating onthe Vavilov "The360-D 360-Dstayed stayed green in a dry very dry summer. range dryland seeding coating on Vav Siberian 360-D dryland alfalfaalfalfa made all the difference in getting ain good stand!"a good stand!" Siberianand and 360-D dryland made all the difference getting Michael Kubacher - Moorcroft, WY - Moorcroft, Michael Kubacher
"360-D excellent dryland variety! It is veryIttolerant rough growing conditions. Weconditions. will order again!" "360-Disisanan excellent dryland variety! is verytotolerant to rough growing We will order aga Neil Turnbull - Neil Culbertson, MT - Culbertson, Turnbull "We cutscuts on 360-D. It did well, we will again!" "Wegot got3 good 3 good on 360-D. It didand well, andorder we will order again!" Al Miller - Allendale, ND - Allendale, Al Miller
Alan Greenway Alan Greenway Seedsman Seedsman
√ Will produce LEAST 80% crop with of water √ WillAT produce AT of LEAST 80%50% of crop with 50% of water √ Will produce subsequent cutting after water is gone √ Willaproduce a subsequent cutting after water is gone out yield Ranger or Ladak √ Plant on Plant onguaranteed dryland/ to guaranteed to out yield Ranger or La √ dryland/ √ Plant under pivots that pivots only pump 400 gal/pump 400 gal/ √ Plant under that only √ Plant on early season water √ fields Plantthat on have fieldsonly that have onlycreek early season creek water √ Plant under endunder guns onend pivots √ Plant guns on pivots latein fallthe withlate yourfall dormant seeded grasses seeded grasses √ Plant in√ the Plant with your dormant
* * Over 40 Experiance Over 40Years Years Experiance
Greenway Seeds Greenway Seeds Caldwell, IDID Caldwell, Alan Greenway Alan Greenway 208-250-0159 (cell) 208-250-0159 (cell) 208-454-8342 (message) 208-454-8342 (message)
* *
Plant Plant in yourin pivot corners. your pivot corners. Two ton bonus acre per Two tonper bonus peryear. acre per year. w w w. gw r ew e nw. w agyrsee e dn.w c oamy s e e d . c o m
We have sold out sold by April of 1st each o We have out1st byeach April the lastthe 3 years. early! last Order 3 years. Order early!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B4
MISCELLANEOUS FARM EQUIPMENT 4 3-point chisel plow 4 John Deere 10-ft. disc 4 DuAl loader 4 Buckrake with DuAl loader 4 John Deere 2840 tractor 4 John Deere 8650 with Degelman blade 4 1970 Chevrolet 2-ton with Feed-R-Wagon, runs good All in good to fair condition – Located in western Montana
Call for prices, 405-855-4125
##### The older generation can discount the digital world all they like, but they cannot deny that checking your bank account balance naked in the middle of the night was a much more stressful activity in the good old days. ##### Do they have coffee breaks in a tea factory?
THE ULTIMATE SMART IRRIGATION PACKAGE Combine the structural integrity of the Reinke Swing Arm Corner with the precision accuracy of the ESAC™ for an extremely efficient and uniform water application. Electronic sprinkler sequencing provides you with a smart solution for virtually eliminating over and under watering throughout your fields’ corners.
RPH Irrigation Services Limited
<Dealer Name Goes Here> PO Box 1201, 4056 HWY 89 Location 1 Name (000) 000-0000
Choteau, MT 59422 • PH: 406-466-2242 • FAX: 406-466-5242 Name JordanLocation Ratliff,2 Manager/Sales 406-799-4746
(or) 123 Street Somewhere, US 00000 (000) 000-0000
(000) 000-0000
(or) 123 Street Somewhere, US 00000 (000) 000-0000
Service & Parts All Makes, Models & Brands
for www.yourcompany.com
Dealer Logo
Jabco JT 3045 lift with 4 hydraulic extensions, fork attachment, 50-ft. extension will lift 750 lbs, 22-ft. extension will lift 10,000 lbs. When mounted on 24-ft steel bed can rotate 360°. Tires on frame are 60%. Complete....................................................... $8500 or will separate
Crown fork type rock picker, in transport, new tires, hydraulic dump.................... $2500 1966 Metor Montcalm builder car, 390 automatic, running, driveable.
Montana Recovery Phone (406) 439-7864
Student earns design honor for veterans’ facility plans
University of Wyoming Extension A veterans’ living facility that addresses the tenets of social sustainability and equability earned a University of Wyoming student third place in the Pacific west region in the Interior Design Educator’s Council (IDEC) competition. Claire Larson, a senior in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), was given the IDEC competition prompt as part of her contract design class during the fall semester. Larson did background research on physical disabilities and mental and psychological impairments veterans might have and how that would affect the design of the space. “I made sure to include ADA compliancy throughout the building,” said Larson. “That could be anything from how wide your corridors are to what the doorknobs and levers look like.” Larson also ensured her design met the basic tenets of social sustainability by referencing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which describes five levels of human needs. “I made sure to point how my multifunction spaces or even small features like the sinks I chose in my bathrooms and how all of those contributed to people’s sense of self and belonging,” said Larson. Each year the IDEC creates a design competition to showcase what designers can offer society with spaces that have the capacity to heal, inspire and compassionately serve those on the margins of society, shared Treva Sprout Ahrenholtz, FCS senior lecturer, in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. “They (IDEC) provide the prompt and all the programming requirements they want you to have in the space,” said Larson. “They give you a couple of resources to begin doing background research on the project and an open floor plan. You only get three weeks to complete the project.” There were 81 submissions from 29 different programs nationally. Sprout Ahrenholtz was not surprised to see Larson’s design rise to the top in the region. “Claire is a very talented and diligent student who shows great empathy and consideration in designs,” said Sprout Ahrenholtz. “She solves problems from the user’s perspective and makes sure the design solution would function well and be culturally appropriate for diverse groups.” The design had to include a lot of flexibility and distancing arrangements because of the pandemic but also a look to create more flexible spaces in the future, said Larson, a Columbus, Ohio, native. When designing spaces like this, Larson likes to look on the internet, Pinterest, office spaces and libraries for inspiration. “I think libraries represent really equitable, public spaces in general,” said Larson. Larson didn’t originally plan to be on the path of interior design. She graduated from Occidental College in Los Angeles in 2012 with her first bachelor’s degree in art history and visual art and came out of the program unsure of where to go next. She decided to return to school at the University of Wyoming and was headed in the direction of sports nutrition and exercise science but soon realized she didn’t want to spend her life doing research. She decided she wanted to work with people. “I reached back and dug into my art history background and stumbled on interior design,” said Larson. “It sort of matched my interests of science and art together, and it presented an opportunity for me to work more hands-on with people and address problems in people’s lives and come up with solutions that work.” Now that Larson has found her passion in interior design, she is looking for jobs in either commercial or residential interior design but is leaning toward residential. “The pandemic has really shown how important our living spaces and our home environments are,” said Larson. “I would like to make interior design a space that is more economically accessible and equitable just because the pandemic has really shown huge disparities in what peoples home lives are like.” She said the IDEC competition was really eye-opening for her and makes her take notice of public buildings not serving everyone to the best of their ability, whether a temporary or permanent disability. “My goal is to make it easier for everybody to function at home at a basic level of human, happiness and health standards,” said Larson.
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
* Prices subject to stock on hand
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B5
New Circle D pickup flatbeds NEW HEAVY DUTY FLATBED TRAILERS
Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame . 25-ft. w/7000 lb axles .28-ft. • 30-ft. • 32-ft. . 35-ft. w/ max ramps . 35-ft. w/ hydraulic dovetail Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 2 piece with folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 2 piece with folding beavertail
3-point Bale Unroller
Includes cylinder and hoses.
Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166 Chinook, MT
Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook
NEW DIAMOND C DUMP TRAILERS BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW
Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1995 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1995 71/2x9..............................................................$2045 8x9..................................................................$2385 8x11................................................................$2775
New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand
Starting at $7495 • 20-ft. • 22-ft. • 25-ft.
w/ 7000 lb. axles, 8000 lb. axles, 10,000 lb. axles
Stop in or call for more info. IN STOCK NOW!!!
A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t
New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 tires sliding center gates, full bull package New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires
5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295
Diamond C 26-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box..................................................$10,500
Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.
New Diamond C Car Haulers IN STOCK!
2017 Chevrolet extended cab, blue, with NEW Hydrabed .... $41,500
Kentucky 53-ft. van trailer, for storage ...................................... $7000 53-ft. van trailer, air ride suspension .......................................... $7500
1997 Trailmobile w/1997 Trailmobile pup......... $14,500/pair
(2) Iron Steer 24-ft. lumber roller trailers..................$6995 & $8995
4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats $65 ea.
Large Trailer Parts Inventory Axles • Springs • Lights Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs Jacks Bearings & Seals • Etc.
Cat V100 forklift, gas, 10,000 lb. 18-ft. lift ..................................$8500 Champ forklift, gas, 5000 lb. 21-ft. lift ........................................$8900
Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE NEW! .........................$6500
14-ft. snow pusher ......................$3900 8-ft. skid steer snow pusher ........$1900
Your Local HydraBed Dealer Diamond C 12-ft. x 83” ATV trailer, excellent shape............$2100
Wilray 5-ft. x 10-ft. like new......... .....................................$1000
See us for your HydraBed needs!
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B6
Deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue is WEDNESDAY, April 28th.
Call us for ball bearings and roller bearings.
CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: www.cascademachineco.com 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405
Filling the needs of local farmers
Clinton Burgardt, owner of Dakota Truck and Farm in Minot, ND has come a long way from the rural farm home he grew up in north of Garden City, Kansas. His father, Dennis Burgardt grew up on a farm then worked for a farmer prior to beginning his career as a tractor mechanic for CASE IH, where he worked for nearly 40 years. When he grew up Clinton worked as a diesel mechanic too, but his focus was on construction equipment. That is up until 2010 when he was approached by his father-in-law Mike Hemphill to move to Minot to take over the family business. In 1997 Mike spearheaded the new business, Dakota Truck and Farm, to fill the needs of the truck and farm community in the area by becoming a Goodyear commercial tire and service etwork and Goodyear farm tire dealer as well as an International truck and Cummins dealer. Several tire lines were added over the years. Clinton spent time learning the business from Mike before purchasing it from him on January 1, 2016. He continued to strive to meet the needs of the area by adding trailers to the product line. In 2020 the Versatile dealerships in Kenmare and Washburn both went out of business leaving a huge gap for the farmers and ranchers who owned Versatile equipment. With no one to service their tractors, Clinton was approached about becoming a Versatile dealer to help fill the gap. Dakota Truck and Farm mechanics had already become proficient in working on Cummins engines since that is the majority of engines built into International trucks. Versatile tractors are built with Cummins engines and the service bays were built large enough to accommodate the largest Versatile tractors. Combined with the multiple lines of tractor tires serving the farm and ranch community it was a good fit to incorporate Versatile into the product line-up. In December, 2020 the first Versatile used tractor and a new Fury 35’ disc was on Dakota Truck and Farm’s lot. The first new Versatile tractor arrived in February and was sold in March leaving Dakota Truck and Farm with a CASE IH trade in, bringing Clinton full circle from his early days working with his dad on the farm.
Study results from four UW research centers compiled
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University of Wyoming Extension Field study results from the University of Wyoming’s (UW) four research and extension centers across the state are now available in the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES) 2020 Field Days Bulletin. The free 124-page publication details research at the Laramie R&E Center, Powell R&E Center, the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SAREC) near Lingle and the Sheridan R&E Center. The publication can be viewed online or downloaded at bit. ly/2020FieldDaysBulletin, The WAES is the research branch of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Each research project’s background and results are compiled into two pages and lists the scientists involved and their contact information. The wide-ranging research includes grasses, wheat, potatoes, barley, beans, sugar beets, silage, alfalfa, fertilizer and pesticide and herbicide management, among many others.
Arbor Day
When: Always the last Friday in April. National Arbor Day is the Tree Planter’s holiday, and has been celebrated since 1872. It began in Nebraska, a largely treeless plain back in the 1800’s. It is a day to plant and dedicate a tree to help nature and the environment. Millions of trees are planted on this day. The National Arbor Day Foundation provides millions of trees for planting. It is estimated that 18 million tress are planted each year on Arbor Day. Did you know? The Latin word for “Tree” is “Arbor”... sure you did!!! Bird Day, held on May 4th, is often celebrated in conjunction with Arbor Day. Deep Thought for the Day: “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. - - Albert Einstein
NDSU Bison Strides therapy horse wins regional award
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News services programs in North Dakota, South Bronco is a dun quarter horse gelding Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota. who has spent the last 11 of his 28 years Bison Strides provides services for helping individuals become stronger in their people with physical, cognitive, emotional bodies, grow in their confidence and find and behavioral challenges, partnering them independence, says Erika Berg, North Dawith horses to meet individual goals. kota State University (NDSU) Department “Bronco is our most trusted and versatile of Animal Sciences associate professor and program horse,” Berg says. “He is incredBison Strides program director. ibly intuitive, meeting riders where they are He is one of six horses in NDSU’s Biand offering just the right amount of chalson Strides Equine Assisted Activities and lenge to build their confidence and horseTherapies Program and was just selected manship skills. We are eternally grateful for as the 2021 Professional Association of this horse and the gifts he continues to share Therapeutic Horsemanship International with all the humans who cross his path.” (PATH Intl.) Region 6 Equine of the Year. Fifteen-year-old Greta Tangquist was This award is given annually to hardscared by Bronco’s size the first time she working equine that symbolize the celmet him but soon realized he was a gentle ebration of ability and optimism in the giant. equine-assisted services industry. PATH CONTINUED ON PAGE B10 Intl. Region 6 encompasses equine-assisted
Case IH Farmall 120A
Case IH Puma 185 CVT
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B7
The right tools for the job. 406-222-1155 • WWW.MONTANAFARRIERSUPPLY.COM P.O.Box 1792, 110 North N. St., Livingston, MT 59047 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00
Case SV280B
New Holland 9682
New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer guidance.... .....................................$69,000
Used Haying Equipment
New Tractors
• Case IH Puma 185 CVT
New Haying Equipment Case IH 1504 Windrower
2003 Case IH RB562 twine & mesh....... .....................................$22,000
Used Sprayers & Tillage
Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. boom...................$19,900 John Deere 2100 inline ripper... $3500
Used Combine Headers
2013 Case IH 3152 40-ft., uppercross auger kit, transport.............. $40,000
New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake
New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock Grasshopper 725D 61” or 72” deck Grasshopper 524V 42” deck
Used Lawn Mowers
2016 Grasshopper 729 liquid cooled, 72” deck, mulching kit.......... ........................................................................... $9500 335 Big Block 61” deck, 64 hours................................... $8900
Miscellaneous Used Equipment
Case IH 330 Turbo till, 34-ft., consigned..............................$30,000 2013 Haybuster 2650 bale processor.... .....................................$15,000 2014 John Deere 520 20-ft. shredder good condition...................$14,000 Phoenix rotary harrow, 60-ft., very nice condition, consigned............$20,000 Rem VRX grain vac, 300 hours.. $17,500
New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock
Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers REM VRX grain vac Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper Danuser Hammer post pounder Schulte FX1800 rotary mower Parma 30-ft. land plane
See photos and more information at: www.tri-cnty.com
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B8
The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)
Are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time.
ystem the
r countries.
rs............................................$83,000 .....................................................CALL
our product lines. Call for all ment/equipment needs.
Ag Supply, LLC
350-2676 The cell MTR-series Vermeer rakes (R2300 andand R2800) are for who need to cover lots of lots acres a in a TheHilger, Vermeer R-seriestwin twinbasket basket rakes (R2300 R2800) arecustomers for customers who need to cover ofinacres very forfor performance andand durability, these machines help to achieve faster fast dry er down 406-350-0380 veryshort shortperiod periodofoftime. time.Built Built performance durability, these machines help to achieve dryand down and make rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and and transport easily. What’s more,more, these these machines are are make tightly rolledtwin bales that preserve quality, transport What’s machines Alone Panels $375 ea. R-series Built for tightly performance and durability, these help towater achieve faster dry down andlots make tightly that preserve The Vermeer basket rakes (R2300machines and R2800)shed are for customers who need toeasily. cover of acres in a rolled bales proven on the millions ofofacres they have worked andand the the tremendous resale values they maintain. nd Break Panels $875 ea. proven on the millions acres they have worked tremendous resale values they maintain. very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve fast er dry down and quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machine are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and ittings, andmake tightly rolledresale bales that preserve shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are thewelder tremendous values they quality, maintain. rers & Partsproven In Stock on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.
nd Machine, LLC
374 – Geyser, MT
ned..........................................$22,000 e processor............................$13,500
ch Equipment
94-2204, Winston, MT 94-2205, Winston, MT day 406-547-4749, phur Springs, MT quip@gmail.com
The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.
N SPROCKETS ON HAND 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain to Length
epair Baler Belts es & Models Introducing Vermeer N-series balersbalers – the Introducing newest models the flagship from Vermeerin N-series balers –line the newestthe models in the flagship Introducing Vermeer N-series – the newest models in the flagship line from the line from the company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide strength and provide superior strength and company that started superior itprovide all. Heavy-duty components Vermeer Sales company that started it all. Heavy-duty components superior strength and the Introducing Vermeer N-series balers the newest models on the flagship linepickup from company that Introducing N-series balers – theSmart newest models in the flagship line from durability. features like the available automatic clutch and the auto lube system durability. SmartVermeer features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system 7 (shop) – started Baker, MT durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability. Smart features like further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in the company that started all.they’re Heavy-duty components providenetwork superior strength and further extend machine life. itPlus, backed by the best distribution in the (cell) -978-3777 industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network inlube the Plus, the available automatic pickup clutch andtoauto lube system further extend machine life. they’re industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here stay. durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto system Vermeer, thehere Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. industry. Vermeer 604N/605Narenetwork balers are to stay. backed byextend thelogobest distribution inVermeer the industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers areEQUIPPED here to stay. TO Vermeer, the Vermeer andmachine Equipped to Do More trademarks ofVermeer Manufacturing the U.S.distribution and/or other countries. ©they’re 2016 Corporation. All Rights Reserved. further life. Plus, backed byCompany the inbest network in the
DO MORE. EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and 604N/605N Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer balers are here to stay.
© 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
NEW & USED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ........DO ............MORE. .....................................CALL JD net, 6125M loader, 800 hours .............Many .........Tractors .............Available .........$83,000 (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, floats,, ramp . .Starting at $17,500 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do MoreVermeer are trademarks Company and/or 605N.....of .....Vermeer ....Many .............Manufacturing ...................Available ........DEMO Tractors ..SPECIAL ......in...the ......U.S. .......We ......have .....other ....expanded .....countries. .............our CALLproduct lines. Call for all (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats, ramp . . Starting at $17,500 JD 6125M loader,ea.800 hours .....farm .......attachment ................../..equipment ....DO ........$83,000 MORE. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned .................,$14,500 your needs. & AllUSED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer NEW Corporation. Rights Reserved. Vermeer 605N......................................................DEMO SPECIAL Vermeer R2300, rake..........We .........have ......Many .......expanded .........Tractors ...2017’s In Stock our product Available ....lines. ..........Call ........for ......all .............................CALL (3)Vermeer Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats, at, chopper $17,500 CFR 650 .......your .............farm ............RENTAL RETURN (2) R2300 , rakes, reconditioned .....ramp ......Highline ........Starting $14,500 ea. attachment needs. /equipment , loader, 800 hours ..........Ag ........Supply, ......................LLC ....$83,000 Wichman , 16’ header, 1475 hours.......JD ........6125M .............$60,000 VermeerR2300 605N,NEW .............& .......USED .....................EQUIPMENT ...........Hesston ...........9435 DEMO SPECIAL Vermeer rake 2017’s In Stock We have expanded our.product lines. Call for all Hesston 9635 , 16’ header...........................Many Reduced Tractors to $70,000 Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......MT ...CALL Vermeer 605N auto greaser, maintenance lights........................NEW 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, Highline CFR 650 , chopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTAL RETURN 3 Vermeer 605N ..........Starting .1275 ......,$14,500 ea. (2) (3) Vermeer VermeerR2300 605M,,rakes, twine,reconditioned net, floats, ramp $17,500 Hesston swing at tongue ..............................your ...............farm $13,500attachment/equipment needs. Hesston 9435 , 16’ ,header, ...........width. ............$60,000 Vermeer R2800 Walter 406-350-0380 4790 , 3x4 square baler............................We ...........have .with $27,500expanded Vermeer R2300 ...hours .......28-ft. In Stock Vermeer 605N .hydraulic .rake .........1475 .....raise, ..................raking ..............Hesston .2017’s ......................NEW .DEMO SPECIAL auto greaser & moisture sensors our product lines. Call for all Hesston 9635 16’ header ...rake, ..............HD .........Reduced $70,000 Vermeer VR1428 wheel 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 Hilger, Highline CFR,, swing 650 ,tongue chopper ..............wheel ......suspension. ........to ....RENTAL RETURN .....NEW ..................NEW ......$14,500 ea. 2 - Vermeer (2) Vermeer R2300 ,..rakes, your farmR2800 attachment equipment needs. 51⁄cell 2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea.the cab fully adjustable from & USED EQUIPMENT /MT Hesston 1275 ...........reconditioned .......bales, ............scales .............available. ...$13,500 Vermeer BPX9010 round/square . ..........NEW 16’ header, 1475 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Hesston 9435 , Vermeer R2300 , rakebaler ........................................................Vermeer .......................$27,500 .....2017’s Stock 605N net, twine,Infloats ....................Walter ............USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Breakfrom Panelsthe $875cab ea. 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square 2 - Vermeer R2300 opens
New Equipment Arrivals Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
Vermeer BP8000 rotor............................................... $13,000 Hesston 9635 16’New header ..........................................2017 ......Reduced to $70,000 R2300 , rakes ..............................................In Stock Highline CFR,NO 650 , chopper ....Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN HDPE pipe, fittings, and welderMT or 350-2676 cell Hilger, Vermeer VR1428 wheel rake, Hustler TX205 LEAVES LOST BALE PROCESSOR...............DEMO rebuilt ..24’ ..........Stand ..............$14,600 Vermeer 605XL ,..completely 51⁄2...’...x...406-538-5686 Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Hesston 1275 , swing tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock 16’ header, 1475 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Hesston 9435 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 Vermeer 555 , Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder. $6000 HDPanels rake wheel suspension Vermeer net twine, floats ......................................................... Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler .........2016 .....Reduced ....Vermeer ...DEMO .........R2300, $27,500 24’ Stand Break $875 ea. Hesston605N 9635 ,, 16’ header .......................................(2) .USED to $10,000 $70,000 Demos ............Alone .................Wind ....IN STOCK R&L Seed and Machine, LLC MT Haybuster 2650 bale processor. 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, ........................................................ ..................NEW ........MDS .....InBucket Stock& Grapple, 2017 Vermeer R2300 , rakes McCormick X7.670 for JD 740 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Hesston 1275 , swing tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Bale King 3100 grain tank.................................................. $13,500 51⁄ 2 ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED Vermeer 605XLNEW , completely rebuilt........EQUIPMENT ..............Quick ..........Mount ...$14,600 ....$3,480 , NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger180 hp cab suspension, loader/grapple Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston5554790 , 3x4 ..............hours. .......Hole ...,......... .post ..Auger ...pounder, ..$35,000 .$27,500 Geotherm rlmccray@3rivers.net Massey 2800 ...........Waterers .............$2,150& Parts In Stock Vermeer , rebuilt ..4610 ..,..twine, ..square ......loader, .....floats ...baler ........grapple, ...........................................3PT VermeerFerguson 605N net ............Worksaver ............$9,250 ...USED DEMOall hydraulic 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. Vermeer 605N, R2300, net, ramp, moisture sensor, 400 bales.............DEMO (2) 2016 Vermeer Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK 605M,Alone reconditioned .....................$375 ...................ea. ..$22,000 2017 VermeerNEW R2300& , rakes............EQUIPMENT .........................NEW .........& In USED Stock EQUIPMENT51⁄ 2’ x pipe, 24’Vermeer Stand Panels HDPE fittings, and for JD 740 loaderNEW .......$4,500 NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple,USED BP8000, used bale welder processor............................$13,500 , 21’ cut..406-735-4374 ...............................COMING IN– Vermeer completely rebuilt ..........................................Vermeer ......................TM1410 .......USED .$14,600 Vermeer 605XL , net Geyser, MT Vermeer 605N , twine, floats . . . DEMO Quick Mount Holescours Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15”NEW auger ....$3,480 Wind Break Panels Vermeer TM850issues , trailed mower..............24’ ..Geotherm ..........Stand .406-538-5686 .IN STOCK Alone Waterers &Ranch Parts InEquipment Stock $875 Cox PREVENT or 350-2676 cellea. Vermeer 555,,post rebuilt ..........all..and ..hydraulic ..........other ...................calving .........TM1200 ...........,.15.5’ ...$9,250 unit....rlmccray@3rivers.net .....................IN STOCK 3PT Worksaver pounder, 2017 Vermeer R2300 , rakes ......................Vermeer .......Vermeer ......$2,150 .......................cut, In demo Stock Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT ...................................Hilger, ............IN STOCK HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder SweetPro cattle tubs MT Walter 406-350-0380 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ........with ...NEW .........BIO-MOS ..........R2300 ...IN STOCK Winston, MT center605M splitter,...reconditioned ................IN STOCK Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt......NEW .......Vermeer ...........VR1224 .........Vermeer ., .with $14,600 ..................Nate ..........Cox .........406-594-2205, .....$22,000 NEW & EQUIPMENT NEW MDS Bucket &USED Grapple, for JD 740NEW loader .......RR140 .....in ...$4,500 Vermeer , rotary rake..................www.wichmanagsupply.com ..............Geotherm .IN STOCK Waterers & Parts In Stock Cattle and Sheep tubs and mineral stock Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 R23IN Rakes , reconditioned.......................$8,000 ea. NEW , 21’ cut, NH9030 ..................bi-direct .........(2) .....Vermeer .COMING QuickVermeer MountTM1410 Hole Auger 15” auger ....$3,480 White Sulphur Springs, MT RakeSTOCK ..............................................$3,000 mower ..................Vermeer ....IN NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ............Vermeer ....WR24 ....STOCK ..........6650 ...Wheel ..........Rancher .$2,150 .IN rlmccray@3rivers.net coxranchequip@gmail.com 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, all hydraulic . . . . . NEW , net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW Vermeer R2300.....................................................IN STOCK PULLEY..&...WELD-ON NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ........MT .............................$22,000 Quick Mount Hole,& Auger , NH9030 15” auger .$3,480 NEW EQUIPMENT Nate Winston, withUSED center splitter .....bi-direct ....Vermeer ..........IN6650 STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 Rancher.,. .baler ..............Cox .............406-594-2205, ......................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain ,406-547-4749, used bale processorCut ......to ....Length ..................$13,500 .................Sereday ....BP8000 ......IN STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotarypounder, rake .cut ...........all .........hydraulic ...............Vermeer .....IN 3PT Worksaver , post ....STOCK ....COMING .R2800 ........, .hydraulic ....$2,150 NEW VERMEER PROCESSOR AVAILABLE! Shane NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ .................NEW IN rakesVermeer NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake.............................................IN STOCK reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , ..................605 ......N........IN NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed MTSell & Repair Baler Belts Vermeer 605N new, net mower only.......................ON .......STOCK .......SALE! ......................White ...................Sulphur ......IN STOCKSprings,We Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake................................Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ............&...Models .........................$22,000 15.5’ demo unit ...Vermeer ........................IN ......605M ..$3,000 .STOCK ......,..net, IN twine, STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , 2800 floats, rampscoxranchequip@gmail.com .....Vermeer .....................$18,900 NEW & cut, EQUIPMENT All..Makes 2020 Vermeer rake, SALE! NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher ,USED net, twine,new...................ON moisture Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, ........................$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor ..............MT ..............$13,500
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
R&L Seed and Machine,Ag LLCSupply, Wichman
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Cox Ranch R&L Equipment Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT rlmccray@3rivers.net
New Geotherm Waterers & Parts Cox Ranch Equipment Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT Nate CoxAvailable 406-594-2205, Winston, MT Shane Sereday 406-547-4749,
Cox Ranch Equipment
NEW R2300 .......,..21’ .......cut ....................................................................IN STOCK IN NEWVermeer Vermeer TM1410 2020 Vermeer R2300 rake. ........................ON Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566, twine only.....COMING ...........SALE! ...............................Nate .................Cox ....$5,000 406-594-2205, Winston, MT & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN NEW Vermeer VR1224 , NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver ,......................CALL NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed mower......use. .................. ............$17,750 .STOCK INPULLEY STOCK 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Vermeer Vermeer 6650R2300 Rancher ,rakes, baler .......one .rake .........season ..............Techno .........980 ......,..8..NEW NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary . . . . . . . IN STOCK 80 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain bale mover ......chain, ...................60 .........chain, ..........Shane ......$32,500 Sereday 406-547-4749, 15.5’......... cut, demo unit.......Rhino .......IN ...,.STOCK ..........hay ...IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200 ,hydraulic Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) baleShop trailer...........................Cut ............to $7,500 rakes..Coming ...............Red NEW VermeerR23A R2800 , rake. Vermeer .....In ...Through ..8..round ...$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned Length White Sulphur Springs, MT NEW Vermeer R2300 ................................................................................IN ....STOCK .............IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake . ...................................... .................................$21,600 $3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Vermeer 2800 goneRake through. NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK We Sell & Repair Baler Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher , net,6800 twine, moisturenew . . . . .IN STOCK Vermeer 605SM net/twine, ....... Vermeer 605M , net, twine, floats, ramps ..................bales, NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake .............$18,900 .............belts. ..IN STOCK All Makes & Models .(2) .................................................................... twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , .......................$27,900 $8,000 ea.PULLEY & WELD-ON VermeerNEW R23 Rakes , reconditioned SPROCKETS ON HAND & USED EQUIPMENT White Sulphur Springs, MT Trendline Sales JD 566, twineWR24 only......Wheel ...............Rake .........................................................................$5,000 ..................................NEW .$3,00080 chain, Vermeer Vermeer Have Gophers, Badgers, Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL coxranchequip@gmail.com 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT NEWVermeer Vermeer 6650 Rancher , .net, twine, moisture . . . .STOCK IN STOCK NEW ...........IN Cut to Length - Geyser, MT Pocket Techno 980, 8 baleR2800 mover .,...hydraulic ..............Gophers? ....rakes ............................................$32,500 406-735-4374 (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 NEWRhino Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK 8 round hay bale trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Red , We have Haukass leveling shovels PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ON HAND ......USED .................EQUIPMENT ...............................IN STOCK Vermeer 605 NEW N...........& rlmccray@3rivers.net IN STOCK Vermeer605M 6650, Rancher , baler ...ramps ............................................................$18,900 ............NEW 80 chain,All 60Makes chain,&60 Heavy Vermeer net, twine, floats, Models chain, 50 chain
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic ...................................................$7,500 .IN STOCK rebuiltrakes pickup Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine, NEW R2300 .IN STOCK JD 566Vermeer , twine only ..........,...rake ........................................................$5,000 ............Hitter ...........Post ........Driver ...........,......................IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N..Heavy NEW Wheatheart ..CALL 2020 Tubeline TLR5000 ......CALL mover ........floats, ..AX2 .........ramps ...bale ..........wrapper. Techno 980 , 8 bale Vermeer 605M , net, twine, .....................$32,500 .....$18,900 New Vermeer TM1410 trailed hay, bale trailer ........pickup .mower.................CALL ...............................$7,500 Red Rhino , 8 round twine, rebuilt ......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 New ZR5-12 self-propelled JD 566 , twine only .......................baler. ........................ .................HERE ............NOW! ...$5,000
New baler..Post ................................CALL NEW Vermeer Wheatheart605N Heavy Hitter Driver,......................CALL New 2020 Techno 980, Massey-Ferguson 8 bale mover..................BR4180V. ...........................$49,000 ..........$32,500 round hay bale twine, trailer...9250 ............bales. ...............$10,500 .............$7,500 Red Rhino 2007 John, 8Deere 567, New Vermeer BPX9010 bale processor..............CALL Highline bale processors.......................................CALL 2014 Highline CFR651 bale processor, chopper........... ..................................................................... $17,000 Kramer Ranch Hand BP660 bale processor. Great shape............................................................$14,900 Chisholm Trail/Cannonball bale beds, dumping beds.. ...........................................................................CALL
New & Used Equipment
Cut to Length
Trendline Vermeer Sales
We &(shop) Repair BalerMT Belts Hwy 12SellEquipment & Repair 406-778-3777 – Baker, All Makes & Models Greg 406-978-3777 8201 Hwy 12 W (cell) - Baker, MT
Trendline Vermeer Sales
Connor 406-778-3777 • hwy12equip@gmail.com
www.hwy12equipment.com 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 Full line of feed and mineral products in stock
Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, and Chisolm Trail • In-Shop Repairs & Service Truck Repairs • WW HD EZ 4-wheeler lifts for balebeds.............. $1000 Hay Liner 42-ft., 8 bale dumping trailers............. $6200 (2) 2002 Vermeer R23A rake, no welds........... $7500 Vermeer R2300 hydraulic rake, 23-ft. raking width....... .....................................................................$16,000 John Deere 7800 tractor, PowerShift, no loader, 3 SCV’s............................................................$40,000 John Deere 4520 tractor, cab, Leon loader.... $12,500
Vermeer BPX9010 bale processor.................... $NEW Hustler TX205 chainless trailed bale feeder....... $NEW Hustler LX105 chainless mounted baler unroller. $NEW 2014 Vermeer BPX9000 bale processor.......$15,000 Haybuster 2650 right hand discharge............$10,000 Vermeer BP7000 bale processor, hydraulic deflector.... ........................................................................ $9000 Bale King Vortex 2000 bale processor............ $6500 Vermeer TM1410 trail mower, 21-ft. cut, 9-ft. transport.. ........................................................................ $NEW (3) Vermeer 605M, net/twine, flotation tires................. 406-234-4595 Miles City, MT ....................................................$12,000 - $16,000 www.gordonrepair.com sales@gordonrepair.com
Chevron oil distributor, Fleetguard filter, Bad Boy mowers, Hustler
Gordon Repair, LLC
Candidate awarded fellowship to study beetle evolution
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service A Montana State University (MSU) doctoral candidate recently received a prestigious international fellowship to continue his research on beetle evolution at the Natural History Museum of Denmark at the University of Copenhagen. Vinicius Ferreira, who is part of MSU’s Entomology Group, will complete his doctorate in MSU’s Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in the College of Agriculture this summer. Ferreira received the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual European Fellowship in February. He was one of just over 1,600 recipients chosen from 11,000 international applicants across all disciplines. The award is named for renowned Polish-French physicist Marie Skłodowska-Curie, who researched radioactivity and was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, ultimately receiving two in her lifetime. “These very prestigious awards from the European Commission are the European Union’s flagship fellowship program for researchers,” said Michael Ivie, Ferreira’s adviser and an associate professor of entomology in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology. “They are awarded in an open competition in all fields of science, open to applicants world-wide. For Vinicius to receive one is a really big deal. This highlights the quality of students we have at MSU and the quality of the work they are doing.” Ferreira’s doctoral research focuses on a family of beetles called Lycidae, known as net-winged beetles, which are related to fireflies. Last year, he and collaborators at the University of Florida discovered a new lineage of fireflies in specimens from scientific collections from a number of museums. With the help of the two-year, 219,312 euro fellowship — around $260,000 by current exchange rates — Ferreira will craft his postdoctoral research around a largely unexplained evolutionary phenomenon called paedomorphosis, through which adult beetles retain the characteristics of their juvenile forms, which in beetles means traits of larvae and pupae. “If you think of most domestic animals like dogs or cats, they look different from their wild forms in a few different ways,” said Ferreira. “For example, in dogs, most domesticated adults have floppy ears, softer fur and a pretty mellow personality, which are all associated with puppies, their immature forms. Wild adult dogs, on the other hand, have coarser fur, have a more aggressive personality and their ears are always upright. Those changes in morphology are examples of paedomorphosis.” Paedomorphosis, Ferreira said, has occurred in several beetle lineages independently. His work in Copenhagen will seek to understand the phenomenon, identify whether the same evolutionary mechanisms are causing the change in each of the affected lineages, and see if that knowledge applies to other animal groups. “What happened is that paedomorphosis has occurred multiple times in different species of beetles, resulting in a similar appearance in groups that are distantly related, and we don’t know why or what has caused it,” he said. “We also don’t know if the modified anatomy and similarity of adult individuals with their immature forms have occurred through the same biological mechanisms in all beetles or if they have independently converged toward a similar appearance.” The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship requires recipients to conduct their work at a European institution. Ferreira will collaborate with one of the top beetle specialists in Europe, Alexey Solodvnikov, who is also an entomology curator at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. Solodvnikov’s research incorporates both morphological and genetic elements, which Ferreira said will help him develop new facets of his own work. Ferreira plans to move to Copenhagen late this summer after finishing his doctoral studies at MSU. After five years living in the United States, Ferreira, who is from Brazil, is looking forward to extending the geographic and academic work of his research. “This is one of the more prestigious fellowships in the world. They fund all kinds of research with this program and they thought it was worth it to fund this beetle project,” he said. “That’s pretty exciting.” ##### Coca-Cola on tap at McDonald’s is apparently the best place to get Coke. There are multiple reasons for this! First of all, Coke syrup is delivered to McDonald’s in stainless steel containers. The steel preserves the syrup better than plastic bags which are what other soda syrups are distributed in.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B9
AG-TRK 430
SPRING IS HERE! Call us for all your application needs!
We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:
Mobility • Capacity • Durability • Economics • Simplicity SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS
2011 SPRAYFLEX 2000-120-FT.
REMEMBER: Ag Trucks is Your Montana Dealer for SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS
Very nice truck sprayer, 335 hp, Allison automatic, 2 speed drop box, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 120” aluminum box boom, rear float tires, Outback E-Turn GPS............................ $125,000
USED SIMONSEN 2584 8 TON PULL-TYPE CART Nice cart, spreads 50’-70’, tandem float tires, hydraulic chain and fan, Raven 660, roll tarp, always shedded........... $12,000
• High Strength Aluminum Alloys • Light and Durable Construction • Engineered Welds • Outer Boom Sections Hyd Breakaway • 100, 120, 132-ft. widths • SS Plumbing
D L O S 2019 Apache AS1240XP
730 hours, 1200-132-ft. aluminum boom, 10 sections, big motor, deluxe cab, Raven Viper 4, Hawkeye, Ultraglide, 2 sets of tires =, ABSOLUTELY IMMACULATE!................................. $265,000
Call (406) 788-5361
2000-120-ft., 2200 hours, 350 hp Cummins, No DEF, Allison automatic, Meritor axles, 710 Alliance tires, 2000 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. Sprayflex booms, John Deere 2630 controller with JD steer, Capstan Pin Point, Raven boom height!
D L O S 1997 MARFLEX FL 106
with 1250 tank, 100-ft booms, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750 GPS......................................................... $55,000
Call Steve: (406) 788-5361
! SIMONSEN FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT! Ag Trucks sells Simonsen Equipment
1-, 3-, 5-, & 7-section rollers available. 20- to 85-ft. widths 3 • /4” wall thickness • Very tough and well built Plan for Spring and Call Now!!
Ag Trucks stocks New and Used parts! Give us a call.
• Pull Type Carts • Truck Mount Boxes: 85-ft. spread • Tender Bodies • AG-TRK 430: 10 ton Spreader Boxes • Plan for Spring and Call Now!
Great Falls, Montana Steve Raska • 406-788-5361
Garfield, Washington
Justin Honcoop • 509-338-7346
See us on Facebook and Instagram
• Individual Nozzle Control • Control Pressure Independent of Rate or Speed • Row-to-Row Liquid Fertilizer Uniformity While Automatically Changing Orifice Sizes Based on Rate or Speed • No Need to Change Orifices for Anhydrous Ammonia Apps
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B10
FLEXI-COIL 5000 FOR SALE 2320 cart, 57-feet, 12-in. spacing, single shoot, steel capped packers, Stealth 3/4” points. CLEAN drill. $
Fairchild Farms, (406) 390-0654
5’ x 51/2’ round bales, straw............................$30/bale Small square bales, straw...............................$4/bale 1st cutting Timothy hay, small square bales....$5/bale Phone (406) 546-7952, Saint Ignatius, MT
SPRA-COUPE FOR SALE 3640 Model, 1056 hours, heat and air conditioning, 60-ft. booms, 300 gallon tank, EZ Steer with 750 touch screen, always shedded and maintained
406-590-2810 Fairfield, MT
2 3
T & T Farm Supply, LLC Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576
717 Madison Avenue West • Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)
Measuring carbon nanotubes taken up by plants
Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, American Society of Agronomy in a honeycomb pattern is called graphene. Carbon nanotubes are tiny. They can be A carbon nanotube is a sheet of graphene a hundred thousand times smaller than the rolled into a tiny cylinder. width of a human hair. But they have huge Carbon nanotubes made of a single sheet potential. of graphene are called single-walled nanoProducts manufactured using carbon tubes. Layering multiple tubes within others nanotubes include rebar for concrete, sportyields multi-walled carbon nanotubes. ing goods, wind turbines, and lithium batScientists can add different molecules to teries, among others. carbon nanotubes. Adding these molecules Potential uses of carbon nanotubes could can change their characteristics. They extend to diverse fields, such as agriculture, might dissolve more easily in solvents, for biomedicine and space science. example. But as we use more carbon nanotubes to “Carbon nanotubes with molecules added make things, we also increase the chances on could be used in the fabrication of nanothat these nanotubes enter different environcomposites, biomedicine, and chemical or ments and ecosystems. biological probes,” says Yang. “That makes it important to understand In previous research, Yang’s group quanhow carbon nanotubes behave in these entified multi-walled carbon nanotubes in vironments,” says Yu Yang, a member of the plants. But no one had measured if this kind Soil Science Society of America. of carbon nanotube with a specific molecule In a new study, Yang and his colleagues added on gets into plants. describe a way to measure levels of a speThe researchers used a technique called cific kind of carbon nanotube in plant tisprogrammed thermal analysis. In this apsues. Their research was recently published proach, materials are heated in a controlled in Journal of Environmental Quality. manner in different environments – say plus Carbon nanotubes may make their way or minus oxygen, for example. into agricultural fields and food products. How different materials react to being There, they can pose a threat to human and heated in different environments can proenvironmental health. vide big clues about these materials. “Knowing how to measure carbon Yang and colleagues found they could nanotubes in the environment is crucial to use programmed thermal analysis to detect understanding their environmental fate and the carbon in the nanotubes. Using these effects,” says Yang. data, they could also tell apart the carbon in To mimic the nanotubes in the environcarbon nanotubes from the carbon in plants. ment, Yang and colleagues grew hydroponic This is the first study to measure levels lettuce in the presence of carbon nanotubes. of this kind of carbon nanotube in plants Then they analyzed the lettuce leaves for using the thermal analysis. “That’s crucial traces of carbon nanotubes. for understanding carbon nanotube fate in Yang found this method could detect the environment and estimating potential small amounts of carbon nanotubes in the human exposure,” says Yang. leaves, stems and roots of the lettuce plants. Yang is now working on detecting even “We have developed a method to address smaller amounts of carbon nanotubes in the the challenging issue of quantifying carbon environment. nanomaterials in the environment,” says “We also want to try to measure carbon Yang. “These findings can help guide the nanotubes with different molecules added sustainable application of carbon nanotubes on,” says Yang. He also plans to expand test in natural environments.” materials beyond lettuce plants. “We want The challenge in measuring carbon to test this approach in different environnanotubes in the environment is that they ments.” are made of carbon. All living things on Ultimately, the goal is to advance the apEarth – including humans and plants – have plication of carbon nanotubes. “Being able carbon as a key building block. to accurately measure carbon nanotubes in The task Yang and colleagues faced was the environment can promote their sustainto distinguish between carbon in living able use,” says Yang. material from carbon in carbon nanotubes. A single layer of carbon atoms arranged
NDSU Bison Strides therapy horse wins regional award CONTINUED FROM PAGE B7
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436
Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003
“Bronco makes me feel calm inside and now I feel tall and strong when I ride him,” she says. Jolene Youngquist, the mom of another rider, says, “Bronco has been a very special horse for my daughter, Shanda, helping her develop core muscle tone, balance, strength and direction following skills.” Bronco is not only an essential part of Bison Stride’s adapted therapeutic horsemanship program, but he also plays an integral role in Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services. Beyond Boundaries offers physical and occupational therapy incorporating equine movement (hippotherapy), and the therapists who work with Bronco have nothing but praise for him. “Bronco is the best-co-worker ever,” oc-
cupational therapist Valerie Stevenson says. “The intuition and care he takes with each and every client is immeasurable. I am so thankful to work alongside this horse.” Bison Strides also offers veterans horsemanship sessions and will be piloting an equine-assisted learning program focusing on youth with emotional and/or behavioral diagnoses this summer. Bison Strides staff hope to raise money through Giving Hearts Day on Thursday, Feb. 11, to maintain Bronco and his herd mates, purchase additional horses and support program development. For more information on Bison Strides, visit https://ndsubisonstrides.wixsite.com/ mysite or the Bison Strides Facebook or Instagram accounts, or contact Berg at erika. berg@ndsu.edu or 701-231-9611.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B11
(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040
(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631
(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636
(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971
(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449
(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908
2020 John Deere DB60 (WA), Stk #66686, 48R15 OR 24R30, Exact Emerge with PTO Generation, CCS with Refuge Tank, Gen4 Software, 980 Acres................$450,000
2013 John Deere 1770NT CCS (HA), Stk #67370, 24R30, CCS, Variable Rate Drive, Row Command Clutches, Pneumatic Down Force, 2 Pt Hitch........................ $102,500
2012 John Deere 1770NT CCS (WA), Stk #68495, 24R30, Well Kept, Shark Tooth Row Cleaners, Rubber Closing Wheels, Single Disk Fert....... ................................$121,000
2011 John Deere 1770NT (PI), Stk #67994, 16R30, 3.0 Bushel Hoppers, Has Rear Hydraulic To Pull JD Cart, In Row Fert, Precision Air Row Cleaners.................... $49,900
2009 John Deere 1770NT CCS (WA), Stk #68978, 16R30, 14,498 Acres, Tru Count Clutches, Single Disks, Fertilizer Pumps & Tank, Yetter Shark Tooth, Field Ready...... ..................................$73,000
(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325
*30% Down Payment Required, Based On Approved Credit Offer Ends 4-30-2021, See Dealer For Exact Details*
1998 John Deere 1780 (WA), Stk #68857, 16R30, 1998 Runs, Brown Box, 3 Bushel Boxes, Spring Down Force, Single Coulters.........$14,000
1996 JD 1760 (WI), Stk #68463, 8R36, In Furrow Fertilizer & (2) 150 Gallon Tanks, Seed & Sunflower Disks........$10,900
1999 John Deere 1770 (HA), Stk #69103, 16R30, Very Nice Unit, 3.0 Bushel Hoppers, Units Rebuilt 400 Acres Ago, Field Ready......$23,000
John Deere 7300 (HA), Stk #69120, 12R30, Vacuum Metering System, 3.0 Bushel Hoppers..................... $12,500
Offer Ends 4-30-2021, See Dealer For Exact Details
DON’T WAIT! Be one of the first 30 customers to buy a USED John Deere Round Baler and receive a FREE Polar Cap Equalizer 40 QT cooler!*
2019 John Deere 560M (WI), Stk #68305, 6,523 Bales, Shedded When Not Used, MegaWide W/Kicker, Hydraulic Pickup......... $37,000
2016 John Deere 569 (HA), Stk #67926, Only 7,926 Bales! Belts In Great Shape, Big Tires, Both Twine & Wrap....................... $32,500
2014 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #65248, 26,305 Bales, 21.5-16.1 Tires, All New Belts & Chains, Cam Bearings Replaced, Drive Rollers Replaced................. $22,000
2017 John Deere 569 (SU), Stk #64838, 13,360 Bales, over 2019 John Deere 560M (BL), $6,000 Invested In It, Chains Stk #67605, 12,500 Bales, & Sprockets Are Good, KickWrap Only, Always Shedded, er...............................$25,900 Went Thru Winter Inspection ................................ $28,500
2015 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #66492, 19,801 Bales, Very Good Shape, MegaWide Pickup, Hydraulic Pickup............................$20,900
2013 John Deere 569 (BF), Stk #67822, 25,000 Bales, MegaWide, High Flotation Tires, High Moisture Kit........ ................................ $19,500
2015 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #66603, 21,099 Bales, Top Idler Bearing & Starter Roller Replaced, Cam Bearings In Pickup Replaced...... ................................ $21,000
2013 John Deere 569 (WA), Stk #69013, Only 3,391 Bales On Unit!! Non-Cornstalk Bales, 1000 PTO, Slip Clutch Alert & Auto Speed Compensation!.........$34,500
2019 John Deere 1990 (WI), Stk #65462, 42’ 10” , Less Than 3,000 Acres On Unit, CCS Tank, JD Blockage System, Always Stored Inside, Very Nice!...............$135,000
2013 John Deere 1890 & 1910 (PI), Stk #68581, 42’ 7.5” , Single Shoot, Extended Wear Boots, All Run Blockage, 430 Bushel 3 Tank TBH Cart........ .................................$117,900
2017 John Deere 569 Prem Call for more info on (WI), Stk #67963, 5,039 Bales, Highly Spec’d, Used any of these listed units, or to find out what else As A Spare Baler, 1000 PTO we have available! ................................ $33,000 Nebraska Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908 South Dakota Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche(605) 892-2621 Wyoming Sundance (307) 283-2971
2014 John Deere 569 Premium (WI), Stk #66554, 13,425 Bales, Shedded In Winter, Has Kicker, Hydraulic Pickup, Mostly Used On Alfalfa & Grass Hay.$22,000
2007 John Deere 568 (WI), Stk #65388, 28,812 Bales, But Had $5,400 Invested Into It, Pickup Is Straight, Bale Kicker............................... $14,900
2010 John Deere 1990 (WA), Stk #61185, 40’ 10” , Scale Added, Boots & Gauge Wheels Good, Fertilizer Pump & Distribution.. $79,500
2019 John Deere 9570R (PH), Stk #68457, 232 Hours, Very Nicely Equipped, Tow Cable, Leather Seats, Extended Monitor, AutoTrac & Section Control.................. $389,000
2019 John Deere 9570R (PH), Stk #68458, 393 Hours, Tires In Good Shape, Leather Seats, Very Well Kept/Maintained, Field Ready............... ...............................$387,000
2019 John Deere 9570R (PH), Stk #68459, 469 Hours, Leather Seat, Tow Cable, Extended Monitor, PowerShift Transmission, Could Have An Extra 100 Hours When Available..... $383,000
2012 John Deere 9460R (WA), Stk #67824, 5,800 Hours, PowerShift Transmission, Big Metric 710/70R42, Big Hydraulic Pump, 5 SCV’s, 3 Pt Hitch, HID Lights............. .............................. $164,000
* Offer Valid April 1st – April 30th, 2021 or while supplies last (first 30 used balers sold). Offer only good on the purchase of any used Baler or Planter from Grossenburg Implement. No substitutions or cash value allowed. Suggest retail value is $249.99. Other restrictions apply. See dealer for additional details.
2015 Challenger 2956 (PI), Stk #65453, 3,253 Bales, Twine & Wrap, Big Tires, Wind Guard, AutoWrap, Baler Looks Like New.... ........................................$24,900
2001 Vermeer 605XL (SU), Stk #66157, 16,396 Bales, Bale Kicker, Chains & Sprockets Look Good, Belts Good, Both Air Bags Holding Air..........................$4,750
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B12
1988 Circle J 2 stall horse trailer. 9-Portable corral panels, 12-ft. 6-ft. gate.
Call (406) 323-4162, Roundup, MT
MONTANA BRANDS FOR SALE Cattle left shoulder
Horses - left jaw Cattle left shoulder
$4000 each
Phone (406) 564-0469
MACHINERY FOR SALE 2017 John Deere 6130M tractor, 640R loader, bucket & grapple, 1500 hours. New Holland 1112 swather. 2018 Vermeer R2300 hay rake, approximately 1300 acres raked.
Call 406-217-8945 or 781-0387, Fort Shaw, MT
Allis Chalmers tractors 4W305, 4W220, D21, 220, 8010-8070 mfwd Any condition considered Phone Nathan at 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846, email: swensonrv@srt.com
202 North Central Avenue, Cut Bank, MT 59427 (406) 873-2984 l hilinecomm@gmail.com
$6M project to study waterways’ changing ecology
By Tiffany Lee, Research and Economic Development, UNL Scientists have long known that all projects have been hampered by the lack living things require specific amounts of of a comprehensive repository of stoichiometric data. elements such as carbon, nitrogen and To fill that gap, Corman’s team is develphosphorous to survive and thrive — it’s oping Stoichiometric Traits of Organisms why we fertilize our yards and crops, for in their Chemical Habitats, or STOICH, an example. But the increasing frequency of open-source, publicly available database phenomena such as harmful algal blooms, that will be housed at Nebraska’s School nitrate-contaminated water and “dead of Natural Resources Scientific Computing zones” in oceans and lakes have underscored that there can be too high or low of Center and the University of Arkansasa concentration of these essential elements Little Rock’s Midsouth Bioinformatics in the environment. Core. The database will contain information on many different scales, ranging from Human activity such as burning fossil individual-level data on single organisms fuels, fertilizing crops and developing to the elemental composition of an organurban and residential land is increasingly ism’s environment. altering these concentrations — with crucial impacts on water quality, biodiversity The backbone of STOICH will come and evolution. from the National Ecological Observatory To equip researchers and policymakers Network, a large federal data-gathering to study, predict and manage how the evereffort collecting ecological information changing balance of elements is affecting from across the U.S. Corman’s team will ecosystems at the regional and national launch the new database by using some levels, University of Nebraska–Lincoln of NEON’s existing data, then partnering (UNL) aquatic ecologist Jessica Corman with NEON to collect additional data from will use a four-year, $6 million grant from 34 aquatic sites nationwide. In addition, the National Science Foundation’s Estabthey’ll incorporate datasets from published lished Program to Stimulate Competitive and unpublished studies. Research to lead a four-institution team in Using the new database — which will building a first-of-its-kind database that be publicly available during development includes information from streams, lakes — the team will investigate three research and other inland water systems across the questions. The first focuses on the link nation. Once built, the database will unlock between phosphorous and nitrogen levels major potential in ecological stoichiomin water, a relationship that may shed light etry, a framework that may hold the key to on how to better control nitrate contamination of drinking water, a trend potentially understanding large-scale environmental connected to cancer risk in adults and a patterns triggered by a mismatch between dangerous blood condition in babies. the elements available in the environment The second focuses on how elemental and those needed by organisms. mismatch affects food web structure. If an “What’s exciting and new about this organism near the base of the food web eats project is that we’re compiling a set of existing datasets that are located in different algae with a higher-than-average amount places or collected by different institutions of nitrogen, for example, it will excrete and putting them together to ask broadermore nitrogen, with a potential aggregate scale questions about ecology and evolueffect of changing energy flow and nutrition,” said Corman, assistant professor of ent cycling within and among ecosystems. natural resources. “This is the first time this The third aim is focused on the stoichiometric and genetic makeup of individual type of work is being done on a regional or organisms, with the goal of determining national scale.” how elemental composition affects behavCollaborating institutions are the University of Wyoming, Central Arkansas Uniior, physiology and other organismal traits. versity and Middlebury College. Because Beyond these research aims, the EPSCoR Corman and the four co-principal investiteam is pursuing an innovative partnership gators all are early-career researchers, the with Nebraska’s School of Art, Art History grant marks a starting point for groundand Design to tackle a major problem in breaking work in ecological stoichiometry ecological stoichiometry and other fields: throughout their careers. an inability to clearly visually represent “When addressing issues as complex data with more than two variables, such as water quality, we must bring together as a carbon-nitrogen-phosphorous ratio. researchers from various backgrounds, Though there are some options — such as disciplines and institutions. This project is a 3D point cloud or aesthetic manipulations on a 2D scatterplot — their lack of an excellent example of doing just that,” clarity makes it difficult for researchers to said Mike Boehm, Harlan Vice Chancellor present findings to each other and to the for agriculture and natural resources and general public. University of Nebraska vice president. Under Anania’s leadership, student sci“I am thrilled by the opportunity for collaboration that this project presents, as entists and student artists will collaborate well as for the potential for long-lasting to design better methods for graphic communication. They will share their techinterdisciplinary relationships among early niques through a workshop series aimed at career researchers from across the country helping researchers improve their science that will no doubt lead to new insights and communication. impactful outcomes.” “We’re thinking about how we can comThe Nebraska team also includes Jennifer Clarke, professor of food science and municate our findings to a broader audience and tackle an important challenge in technology; Steven Thomas, professor of dealing with stoichiometric data,” Corman natural resources; and Katie Anania, assistant professor of art history. said. “This will make it more accessible to Ecological stoichiometry focuses on the public.” how the balance of energy and elements Another goal is to boost diversity in impacts living systems, and researchers STEM across the four EPSCoR states. have successfully used the approach for Corman’s team is partnering with the Society of Freshwater Science’s Instars and small-scale investigations — studying Emerge Program, a mentoring initiative small groups of rivers or closely related species, for example. But larger-scope CONTINUED ON PAGE B14
Be a fan of cows
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “Do you want to go see the cows?” my grandpa asked me when I was a young child. Well, of course, I did. I was halfway out to the barn by the time he finished his sentence. I especially enjoyed interacting with the calves that licked my hands with their silky smooth tongues. I wanted to bring one home with me. That didn’t happen, unfortunately. Yes, I washed my hands after being in the barn playing with the calves. My mom made sure of that. Although I didn’t grow up on a farm, I lived within a mile of a dairy farm. My relatives lived a few more miles beyond that farm. During the pandemic, you may have seen news coverage of farmers dumping their surplus milk when restaurants and schools were closed. While cow’s milk is highly nutritious, it also is perishable. You may be tempted by other beverages at the grocery store. We have lots of choices displayed near cow’s milk in the grocery store, which may include almond, rice, coconut, cashew, soy and hemp milk. Why do we have so many “milklike” beverages, anyway? Some people are allergic to the proteins in milk and must avoid it. Look carefully at the ingredient statements on foods to learn about the potential allergens in any food. Allergens can have very serious consequences for those who have allergies. Other people follow a vegan diet, and alternative plantbased beverages provide options. Others have issues with the natural sugar (lactose) in milk and experience bloating, gas or other symptoms. In some cases, those with lactose intolerance can add an enzyme to the milk to break down the sugar. An intolerance is less serious than an allergy. Others with lactose intolerance can try smaller amounts of milk with food. The highly popular almond milk might appear to have more calcium than cow’s milk; however, cow’s milk provides the most absorbable source of calcium. Calcium is necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium also is needed for muscle contracting and nerve firing. Most of the plant-based milk products are highly fortified, meaning that the nutrients were added and were not there in the first place. Check out the ingredient statement for nutrients that have been added. These “formulated” beverages were developed to imitate cow’s milk, which should be flattering to cows. A cup of cow’s milk provides about one-fourth of the daily calcium recommendation naturally. As a public health measure, milk is fortified with vitamin D to help your body use the calcium. Vitamin D also has many other healthpromoting functions. Cow’s milk provides ample proteins that support building and maintaining our muscles and the rest of our body. It naturally provides B vitamins such as riboflavin and B 12. Cow’s milk provides minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, potassium and zinc. All of these nutrients have “jobs” to do in our body. Milk is fortified with vitamin A to help promote healthy skin and eyes. For example, a cup of nonfat cow’s milk has 8.3 grams (g) of protein. Plant-based milk beverages have less protein present naturally. Soy milk is closest to milk in protein content, with 7 g protein per cup. Soy milk and soy formula often are recommended for people who cannot drink cow’s milk due to allergies. Some plant-based milk-type beverages also have added sweeteners. Although the sweet flavor may appeal to children, keep in mind that early exposure may fuel their “sweet tooth” as they grow older. The health benefits of cow’s milk also stand up to scientific scrutiny. Researchers reviewed more than 100 published research studies about cow’s milk. They reported that cow’s milk consumption may reduce our risk for diabetes, heart disease, and colon, bladder and breast cancer. Consumption of dairy products may help promote weight loss or maintenance. If you have an athlete in your home, be aware that chocolate low-fat cow’s milk is considered the ideal exerciserecovery, “refueling” drink for athletes of all ages. It has a ratio of three parts carbohydrate to one part protein. Based on all of this information, I continue to be a fan of cows and the dairy farmers making my family’s favorite daily beverage possible. CONTINUED ON PAGE B15
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B13
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B14
1978 Big Bud 360 tractor, really good tires, weak motor. Comes with new hydraulic pump and other parts........... ........................................................................... $30,000 Call Sam (406) 853-3219, Winnett, Montana
2016 New Holland 560 Specialty Crop round 2019 New Holland 560 Specialty Crop Plus baler, 1650 bales............. round baler, 2650 bales. ...........................$33,500 Very nice, field ready....... ...........................$42,500 (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT
Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage 20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges
Phone (406) 899-4104
MSU professor explores the history of wheat in new book
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service where plants usually like to grow. And the When Cathy Zabinski decided to write difference between those sites in Butte her first book, she steered away from topics and in Yellowstone from an evolutionary she has studied for nearly three decades: soil ecology perspective is that Yellowstone’s ecology, remediation of damaged ecosysthermal sites have been around for much, tems and crop rotations. Instead, she picked much longer.” a new topic, one she could learn about along With that research, Zabinski examined with her readers. For her main character, she the ways plants adapt to environments that chose the humble wheat plant. would otherwise be inhospitable. Over Zabinski’s book, “Amber Waves: The hundreds of thousands of years, plants Extraordinary Biography of Wheat, from in Yellowstone have adjusted to fit with Wild Grass to World Megacrop,” was pubecosystems their predecessors couldn’t. lished last month. For Zabinski, a professor “Amber Waves” explores how wheat has in the Department of Land Resources and done the same, evolving from a wild grass Environmental Sciences in MSU’s College to one of the world’s most harvested agriof Agriculture, the project meant getting out cultural crops. of her comfort zone in order to connect with While her own expertise played a vital her audience. role in the book’s construction, Zabinski “I was concerned since I study soil ecolalso had to explore several fields she was ogy at a really technical level, it would be unfamiliar with. During her sabbatical, she difficult to write about in a way that could be read up on archaeology and anthropology, as of interest to non-scientists,” Zabinski said. well as the history of agriculture and society “I thought learning about a new topic could in early civilizations. be a really good way to keep in mind this “Those subjects are not in my training, process of discovery and communicating and the domestication of plants and how to an audience who is learning about that early societies started cultivating them was topic just as I am.” newer to me,” Zabinski said. “I couldn’t Zabinski received a fellowship from figure out how to segue from the Greeks and the Arthur P. Sloane Foundation to write Romans to Charles Darwin, so I shifted into the book and took a sabbatical during the learning about the medieval period, which 2016-17 academic year to pursue the projtook me through famines and the plague ect. While many sabbaticals take the form and all sorts of other topics. It was really of field work and international travel, hers a journey that I hadn’t anticipated when I meant time in New York City, where she set out.” visited the botanical gardens to research Even through the process of writing her the evolutionary history of wheat and other first book, Zabinski’s research activities plants and attended lectures at Columbia continued. Her projects range from studying University and New York University fothe effects of cover crops on soil quality to cused on the intersection of science and addressing invasive species and deepening journalism. understanding of the relationships between Elements of Zabinski’s own studies dovepollinators, plants and their associated funtailed perfectly with the new project. Since gi. After nearly three decades of research, earning her doctorate in ecology from the she says there are always more questions to University of Minnesota, she has explored look into. With each new research question, belowground systems, learning about the she relishes the opportunity to learn someways symbiotic fungi, known as mycorrhithing new, part of her reason for writing zae, interact with plants in their landscapes, “Amber Waves” in the first place. influencing the evolution of those plants and “I figured if there were places I got stuck, allowing them to adapt to changing condimy audience would probably get stuck too. tions and differing climates. In a way, we really were learning together,” Her interests brought her to Montana, she said. “This book was very much writwhere she spent six years as a researcher ten for the public. I wrote this to give us a at the University of Montana. She worked sense of the history of our food production, in metal-contaminated sites near Butte, and that background is what I think is really exploring the potential for mycorrhizae to helpful as we’re addressing the big queshelp remediate pollution and facilitate the tion of how to produce enough food for the establishment of native plants on damaged upcoming decades with a growing human landscapes and studying how native and population. It was a journey that I had not invasive plants interacted with one another. really anticipated when I set out, and that In 2000, Zabinski moved over the Conwas both interesting and rewarding.” tinental Divide to Bozeman. Her research Zabinski’s book, “Amber Waves: The focus at MSU shifted to restoration ecology, Extraordinary Biography of Wheat, from soil science and the extreme landscapes of Wild Grass to World Megacrop,” was Yellowstone National Park. published Sept. 15 by The University of “Like metal-contaminated sites, YelChicago Press. She was also featured in a lowstone offers an opportunity to look at Sept. 27 episode of the BBC podcast “The another set of really extreme sites,” said Food Programme,” discussing the book and Zabinski. “They have unique soil chemthe history of wheat. istry and acidity that are beyond the range
$6M project to study waterways’ changing ecology CONTINUED FROM PAGE B12
supporting undergraduate students from underrepresented groups who are interested in freshwater science. The researchers will host student training workshops at the society’s annual meeting, equipping participants with data science knowledge and professional development skills. The goal is to diversify the STEM student
population, and later, the STEM workforce. The project is funded through NSF’s EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations. The program’s mission is to build sustainable science, technology, engineering and mathematics capacity through research and education activities.
Under cover vegetables, Season Extension Part 2
By Catherine Wissner, Master Gardener Program Coordinator, University of Wyoming Extension Laramie County A quick recap on last month’s season extension article. High tunnels are used for extending the growing season, by starting earlier and going later in the season. Need protection from; frost or wind a high tunnel can do that along with some protection from small hail. Rule, what works in an outside garden can be very damaging inside a high tunnel. High tunnels have a different set of rules for growing in. Watering systems in a high tunnel should be keep on the ground with soaker hoses or even better; a drip tape system. Your watering system should be on a timer for exact delivery and duration. It is better to keep the plants on the dry side, water off their leaves and humidity as low as possible. All diseases will become worse with over watering and high humidity. Don’t turn your high tunnel into a petri dish. Rule, the dryer your greenhouse the healthier your plants will be. Myth busting, the best time of day to water; mid-morning to early afternoon! This helps prevent tomato cracks and splitting problems. Pollinators are needed even before you see the first blooms. The best ones for the job are; Sweat Bees, Mason, Alkali, Bee Flies and Bumblebees to name a few. Myth Busted, honey bees do not do well in high tunnels, get confused and parish. Adding pollen and nectar rich flowering annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs and native plants will supports pollinators will attract good bugs to your garden inside or out. Let the insects do the work for you. Rule, pollinators need a flower garden blooming from April to October this is imperative for their survival and good pollination for your garden. A vegetable garden’s much needed pollinating insects (bees to butterflies) are very susceptible to insecticides including Neem Oil, which is non-selective. Lawn fertilizers that have insecticides in them can also be very toxic to native and honey bees and butterflies. For some beneficial insects just the vapors/smell from insecticides can kill them. Care must be taken on what is used if at all, identify the plant then the insect before you spray and don’t assume it’s an insect problem. Read the label before you use any insecticide, there are very few labeled for use in a high tunnel or greenhouse. Rule, the best approach to insect control is careful use of fertilizers, good strong airflow and reduced humidity. General rules for keeping your high tunnel happy and plants healthy: Increase Air Circulation, Decrease humidity. Never use an overhead watering system, Sanitation is everything keep your tunnel clean of dead plants and weeds. Not all fertilizers work in a high tunnel, Never Use manures or Miracle Grow in your high tunnel or vegetable garden. Keep nitrogen (first number on the fertilizer bag) as low as possible. Too much nitrogen in the garden and you will have huge plants with little to no fruit and insect problems. Since 2002, Catherine Wissner works for the University of Wyoming Laramie County Extension Office as the county horticulturist and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture from Colorado State University. She has 15 years’ experience growing in high tunnels and selling at Farmer’s Markets. Catherine can be reached at cwissner@uwyo.edu
##### “The Law of Reality” Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B15
SKIDSTEER LOADER FOR SALE Case 1816 skidsteer loader, “Like New” Call Gene Harris (406) 563-6781, Anaconda, MT
SPRAYER AND AUGER FOR SALE Flexi-Coil 67XL 80-ft. spray rig, could be rebuilt............................................... $1500 Feterl 10” x 68-ft. auger with swing away hopper.............................................. $2500
Call Stuart (406) 737-4274, Geraldine, MT
Your Central Montana Enduraplas Sprayer Dealer!
Be a fan of cows CONTINUED FROM PAGE B13
Milk always has a place in my family’s refrigerator on the top shelf, not in the refrigerator door, which is warmer. Remember that excess milk can be frozen followed by thawing in the refrigerator. Shake thawed milk before using. This recipe is adapted from the American Dairy Association. It provides a healthful snack on the go. To freeze bananas, simply peel and place them in freezer bags or freezer containers. Chunky Monkey Smoothie 1 medium frozen banana 1/2 c. plain nonfat yogurt, or substitute vanilla-flavored yogurt 1 c. low-fat chocolate milk Combine ingredients in a blender and mix well. Makes two servings. Each serving has 180 calories, 2.5 g fat, 8 g protein, 33 g carbohydrate and 130 milligrams sodium. It also provides 20% of the daily recommendation for calcium.
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B16
21st Spring Fever Auction
Timed Online Machinery Auction Sunday May 09, 2021 Expecting Over 500 Items, Lots start closing at 6pm MST Preview Dates Online Miles City, MT Directions: From I-94 Take Exit 141 then go downhill one mile & look left. 406-234-7355 www.SmithSalesCo.com 25+ Unused Skid Steer Attachments We will have a large variety of Unused Skid Steer Buckets, Plates, Grapples & more. See website for listings Unused Items Expecting Two Semi Trucks filled with New Items including Fabric Buildings, Skid Steer Attachments; Tire Machines; Green Houses; Snow Blades; New Chains; Ratchets, 40 ft. Storage Container w/ 4 units; 9 Ft Storage Cube; 10 ft. Work Benches; 500 New Traffic Cones; Skid Steer Augers, Tree Shears', Decorative Iron gates; Multiple Unused Fabric Buildings; 9 Farm Tractors JD 4020 Diesel, w/ Loader, power shift, good rubber, runs good JD 3010 Gas Tractor with 146 loader, runs good, looks good, IH 424 Utility tractor, 3 point, PTO, Runs great IH 300 w/ loader, 3 point w/ down pressure, pto, gas engine, runs great, good tractor Ford 860 Tractor w/ loader, runs great, 3 point, gas, recent work, good history; 2 - Ford 9N tractors; Farmall H Tractor w/ loader, runs good, 1 family ownership, drawbar; IH 300 Parts / Fix tractor, kind of rough needs work, did run Skid Steer 1978 Bobcat 610 Skid Steer, older unit, gas engine, runs good, operates fine. Stored inside past 20 years Tillage, Planting, Haying & Etc. 18 ft. Heavy Crop Buster disk, Nice shape; IH 7100 Grain Drills with transport, Case IH 8500 Air drill w/ monitor; Twinstar V Rake 24 ft. one owner, Well care for JD 705 V Rake, one owner, 23 ft. well cared for 10 Wheel 3 point Hay rake; Alloway 12 Row cultivator; JD 400 15 ft. Rotary tiller; AgLand 7900 Windrow Invertor; IH 4 bottom rollover plow; JD 3 bottom Rollover plow; JD 2320 Swather, gas engine; JD 800 Swather for parts; JD 894A Side Delivery rake; Eversman 3 point Ditcher; NH Bale wagon w/ 6cyl engine; JD 535 Round Baler w/ monitor Snow Related 2 – Large V Blades for Graders or loaders 14 ft. Straight Pusher for wheel loader 10 ft. Straight Pusher w/ quick connect. Farm Trucks 1972 Ford F750 w/ steel sided 18 ft. grain bed, V8 w/ 2 speed rear, clean truck 1972 IH Loadstar, T/A, Gas engine, runs great, 19 ft. bed, Automatic transmission 1976 Chevrolet C65, 366 gas, 5 speed, Has 24 ft. round bale bed on it. Runs good, 2 speed rear IH cab over S/A gas details pending. Sawmill 540 PTO Powered Sawmill w/ Large blade, works ITEMS LOCATED IN COLSTRIP, MT Freightliner T/A w/ drop axle, VAC Truck Office Jobsite Trailer CAT V40 Forklift Bumper Pull Car Trailer 2015 GMC Duramax Diesel EV Truck w/ 6,900 miles, 4x4, crew cab, Dually, like new condition. **Watch for Items in Billings to be listed on the website.**
Auctioneers Note: Please note our new website, register as a new user. Items in this auction will be primarily in Miles City; some items in Billings and Colstrip. Do not wait until the last minute to ask questions. Thanks, Matt Smith Just Added: Lynn Dankleftsen Estate will sell a beautiful 1957 Chevrolet Nomad Wagon, 1977 Chevrolet Crew Cab Dually, Multiple project vehicles, Tractor, tools & more will be sold. **Inspection Dates** 7 Days prior to the Auction Date From 8 am - 4pm daily. 1108 US Hwy 12, Miles City, MT I-94 to Exit 141 downhill one mile
10 Rolls Used 6 ft. Chain Link Fence Each roll is about 75– 85 ft. +/- heavy 9 gauge Heavy Equipment Caterpillar D6 w/ Winch 11 ft. blade Komatsu PC300LC Excavator, 30 ft., reach, 4 ft. bucket, 8,000 hours; CAT 120 motor grader, 14 ft. moldboard, 3306 engine, nice older machine; JD 410 Backhoe w/ bucket and forks; Heil Cable Scraper, pull type; JD 700 Scraper & Soil Mover Scraper; Fiat Allis 545 Articulating Wheel Loader, good history, grapple on bucket, nice unit. Unused Winch from D6R Dozer. Fits others Expecting 20+ Pickups, SUV’s & Cars 1973 Ford F250 4x4 360 , 4 speed 1973 Ford F100 Explorer, 2 wd, 4 speed 1976 Ford F250 4x4 w/ dually rear & flatbed 1978 Ford F250 4x4 w/ 400 , auto & Flat bed 1976 Ford F250 Super Cab w/ 460, Auto 1976 Ford F250 4x4 Loader Truck 2005 Chevrolet HD 2500 Crew Cab 4x4 8.1, auto 2003 Chevrolet HD 1500 4x4 ext cab, 152K 3 - 2001—2008 Ford F250 4x4 Trucks 1978 Chrysler New Yorker, nice clean car 1993 GMC 4x4 Truck, good runner 1977 Chevrolet 4 door Dually Super clean 2 - 1980’s Dodge Trucks Ford School Bus w/ wheel chair lift, 14 pass. More trucks expected, keep watching website Heavy Truck & Stock Trailers 2001 Fontaine 48 ft. RGN Triple Axle trailer with less than 8,000 miles on it, 121,000 GVW 1980 Merritt 46 ft. Cattle trailer, 2 axle 1991 Merritt 46 ft. Cattle trailer, 2 axle 1976 Aluminum S/A Belly Dump 22 yard cap. 16 ft . 2001 Titan Stock Trailer, good shape 1991 Kiefer Stock Trailer, 18 ft. good shape 1989 Trail Eze 48 ft. Equipment Trailer Hyd tail, slide outs, winch, T/A, needs minor repairs 1995 AGSY 24 ft. Pintle hitch or 2 5/16ths 1995 Road Boss 24 ft. GN flatbed trailer 24 ft. Enclosed Car Trailer Dewatering Pump & HDPE Welder Lombardi Diesel 6 inch Trash pump, fresh service. 1,300 gpm, up to 2 inch solids, runs good HDPE Pipe welder, multiple size fittings ATV’s Honda Rancher 4x4 5,300 miles; 2009 Honda Rubicon 4x4, 26,000 miles; 2002 Honda Rubicon, 22,000 miles; 2008 Polaris 6x6 Side by Side Polaris 4x4 Older non runner Windmills 2 - Nice 8 ft. Windmills that were just taken out of service, One 8 ft. windmill head for parts Truck, Semi Truck, & Implement Tires / Rims Large assortment of used truck tires on rims. Various sizes, 9 & 10:00’s, 22.5’s, 24.5’s, many others. 16 - Unused recap tires, 22.5 & 24.5 See website, 8 - Near new 22.5 Steel pilot hub wheels, 8 - Aluminum 24.5 Hub pilot wheels Other older wheels & tire combinations & Implement tires, 1– Near New 380/90R50 Tractor tire, 4 New 12-16.5 Skid steer tires, more... Hundreds of Misc. Items Multiple welders, Large Drill Press 34 inch, 30 inch table; Multiple Air compressors; Multiple 3 point Post hole diggers; 49 - 12 ft. Steel panels; Multiple 3 Point Back blades; 2 - Delta Dust Collection systems; Multiple Old Farm / Yard art Implements; 2- Head Catch’s; 12 ft. x 7 ft. Cattle Guard; Pallet of JD 71 Drill parts; Pallet of Shanks; Multiple Calf Tables; Bale Spear; 2 - 3 Point MF Sickle bar mowers; 500 & 1000 gallon fuel tanks; 12,000 gallon Fuel or Water tank; Farmhand F11 Loader off JD 720; 2 - Slide in Campers; T/A Camper w/ bath, shower; Multiple old 8-9 ft. Flatbeds; HYD. Hose Crimper set; 2 Electric Wheelchairs; 3/4 Plastic banding; Dirt Slip’s; GM Grain Truck doors & seat; Steel Implement wheels; Tractor weights; 2 Bundles new 1/2 inch rebar over 100 sticks; Dual 600 Truck mount Manure spreader; Hesston 5260 Truck mount manure spreader; Belly Dump Tarp’s; ATV Tires & Rims; JD 3 point Model 165 Backhoe; 2– JD 158 Loaders; Bucket mounted Post driver; Bucket Mounted Post hole digger; TWE Propane Generator; Small Belt driven Cake feeder; 3 - Vintage Hiawatha Bikes; Pallet W/ Usable Hyd. hoses; Add On wood Furnace; Enclosed Aluminum Headache rack for Semi; 2 Gas Powered Jumping Jacks; Honda CT90 for fix; Large Old Safe; JD Tractor Grill guard; Tractor Fenders; Hyd Jacks; Pallet of Electrical items; Real Tuff Cattle Chute; Older Cattle Chutes; JD 3 Point S-Tine Harrow sections; Nice Gehl Feed Wagon; Tractor weight box; Standard Oil Bulk Lube Dispensers; Steel Bldg. roof beams; JD 3pt spring tine; Quantity of Scaffolding; Pneumatic Bulk Grease tank; Watch for Building materials to be added to our website.
NH 88C 37 ft. Header with low use, very clean!
Terms: Look online for full terms. Everything sold as is where is. 7% BP
Expect Many More Items, this flyer Printed 40 days from Sale date. Bid Online at www.SmithSalesCo.com
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B17
21st Spring Fever Auction
Bale Bed fits Dodge Truck
2015 Duramax EV, 6,900 miles
Unused Winch from D6R
3 Axle RGN 8,000 +/- miles on it
7% BP on all items, details online. Thanks for looking!
Information: 406-234-7355
Load Out assistance on all items. Preview in Person if possible. Many other items will be added after this flyer comes out!
Video’s & 1000’s of Pictures at www.SmithSalesCo.com
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B18
Brakes, lights, extendable hitch with jack, front fenders, load range E tires, nice well built trailers. 36-ft.....$6750
Package Price Available
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Cattle - left rib Horses - left thigh Horses - left shoulder
Call (406) 264-5648
UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources bestows lifetime achievement honor
University of Wyoming Extension procurement of more than $20 million in A molecular biologist whose research extramural grants, wrote his colleagues. and publication prowess are internationally Natalia Kirienko, a former molecular known has received the Andrew Vanvig biology Ph.D. student, and now an assistant Distinguished Faculty Lifetime Achieveprofessor at Rice University, recalls Fay’s ment Award from the College of Agriculture approach to teaching his students. and Natural Resources at the University of Fay is careful to ensure students starting Wyoming (UW). in his lab receive the assistance they need, Professor David Fay joined the Depart“But as their training proceeds, he takes ment of Molecular Biology in 2001. A the training wheels off and allows students developmental geneticist, Fay uses nemato proceed with as little (or as much) of his todes – tiny roundworms – to analyze gene involvement as they need,” she wrote. functions conserved across many species, In 2015, Fay accepted the associate including humans. director position of the National Institutes “David Fay already ranks amongst the of Health-funded Wyoming INBRE (IdeA most accomplished biomedical research Networks for Biomedical Research Excelfaculty that have ever graced the halls here lence) and is director of its research wing. Its at the University of Wyoming,” wrote degoal is to help the state build its biomedical partment colleagues Dan Levy, Jay Gatlin research and education infrastructure. and department head Peter Thorsness. INBRE has helped support more than 75 The award honors professors with a individual faculty research programs, more minimum of 15 years in the college. Vanvig than 100 graduate Ph.D. students and has served as head of the Department of Agriinfluenced hundreds of undergraduates at cultural Economics for 25 years and was a UW and Wyoming’s community college. faculty member for 35 years and established In his leadership role, Fay is impacting the award to honor lifetime accomplishfaculty members and students at UW and ments in teaching, scholarship/creative across Wyoming’s higher education system, activity and service. said R. Scott Seville, director of Wyoming “I am thrilled to have amazing faculty INBRE. in our college,” said Barbara Rasco, dean “Dr. Fay joined the faculty in 2001 and of the college. “Dr. Fay epitomizes everysince that time has established himself as thing a faculty colleague should be. He is a prolific research, an exceptional adminleading research in a critical area but more istrator, a stellar instructor and a model importantly, is inspiring the next generation university citizen and colleague,” he said. of scientists to be the best that they can be.” His colleagues in molecular biology Fay received his Ph.D. in molecular noted that within a few years of starting biophysics and biochemistry from Yale at UW, he was urging them to aim higher, University in 1995. He was a postdoctoral think deeper, write better grants and be betfellow at Johns Hopkins University and ter colleagues. then at the University of Colorado, Boulder, “David was largely responsible for from 1997-2001, before joining UW as an moving our department from a cluster of assistant professor. semi-isolated silos to an integrated group “David is a superstar at the University of cooperating scientists,” Thorsness, Levy of Wyoming and would be a leader at any and Gatlin wrote. “He showed us that we research university,” noted Daniel Starr, could contribute significantly to the success Allen Distinguished Investigator and proof each other’s programs by reading and fessor of molecular and cellular biology at critically evaluating grant applications and the University of California, Davis. manuscripts, participating actively in each Starr, who spent 2013-14 on sabbatical at other’s student seminars and defenses and UW, praised Fay’s scholarly and research sharing resources and equipment.” activities, research funding, mentoring and Fay’s most recent research funding is service to the field and UW. a $2.7 million, five-year grant from the “David could have gone to a top-tier National Institutes of Health “In vivo regumajor research university after completing lation of the extracellular matrix,” which his postdoc at the University of Colorado,” seeks to understand how the process of he said. “David chose Wyoming because molting, or outer-skin shedding, is carried of the lifestyle and the realization he could out in round worms. Many of the same have a positive impact on the community.” genes and cellular processes that control Fay has had 57 papers published and has molting in worms are also found in humans, brought in more than $9 million in exterwhere they’ve been implicated in genetic nal funding while at UW. As an assistant diseases including cancer and organ malprofessor, he helped create the Molecular function, said Fay. and Cellular Life Sciences program, the “In addition, a deeper understanding largest interdisciplinary graduate program of molting may lead to new strategies to at UW. He served as MCLS director from combat parasitic roundworms, which infect 2005-2015. hundreds of millions of humans, along with Since its inception, the MCLS program nematodes that negatively impact agriculhas trained more than 110 graduate students ture through the destruction of crops and from across the world, produced more than animals,” he said. 45 Ph.D. graduates and contributed to over 70 publications in scientific journals and
Easy computer fix I received this from a CEO that I worked with a few years back. He doesn’t want to admit it but I think this is his true experience. I was having trouble with my computer so I called Richard, the 11 year old next door whose bedroom looks like Mission Control, and asked him to come over. Richard clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem. As he was walking away, I called after
him, ‘So, what was wrong?’ He replied, ‘It was an ID ten T error.’ I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired, ‘An ID ten T error? What’s that? In case I need to fix it again.’ Richard grinned. ‘Haven’t you ever heard of an ID ten T error before?’ ‘No,’ I replied. ‘Write it down,’ he said, ‘and I think you’ll figure it out.’ So I wrote down: I D 1 0 T
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B19
Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
(406) 761-4848
After Hours (406) 791-6712
Fax (406) 791-6708
Sand & Slag Abrasives
Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
12” x 1/4” wall
5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
Used Culvert Grade Pipe Random Lengths 37-ft. to 40-ft.
NEW! SURPLUS ROUND TUBING Call for Current Sizes!
4”x4”x1/4” & 2”x2”x1/4” Surplus SQ Tube Random Lengths
Used Electric Motors & Boxes
6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths.... Call for pricing
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Round Tubing 11/4”, 11/2” & 13/4” O.D.
20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#
Used Drill Pipe 23/8”, 27/8”, 31/2”, 4” & 41/2” NEW 20-ft. Containers RAILROAD FLAT CARS For Bridges
For Non Potable Water Storage
HOPPER BOTTOM CARS Great for grain storage
Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 45-ft.
Various sizes available – CALL
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges
& beams IN STOCK
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe • Angle • Sq. Tubing • Round Bar
New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert
22” Used Culvert Grade Pipe Random lengths
Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America
00 each
#1 Railroad ties - $16 each
7” Used Pipe good for corners and hanging gates
12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails
Great for corrals
Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts
3 Available
Call Adam, Joe, or Ty
42” & 60” Heavy Wall
New Batteries
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths
LAND ROLLER PIPE Old Farm Tractors & Combines
Lifting Capacities 3000 - 4500 lbs.
NEW Rebar
Temporarily OUT
We Buy
HYSTER Electric Forklifts
#2 Railroad ties - $1100 each
Round steel post caps 3 1 /2 ” & 2 7/ 8”
New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire
13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available 20” Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6” USED SUCKER ROD: 7/8” 25-ft. lengths
(1) Hobart mixer/ grinder
1 left - Lux spiral dough mixers Leather Gloves
In Stock
GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 • (406) 761-4848
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B20
MSU medical student receives prestigious Army scholarship
ZETOR TRACTORS IN STOCK Zetor M25HT, Z625 loader and 54” bucket, ZB80 backhoe with 12” bucket, ZM60 midmount mower....$26,500 Zetor M22HT, ZL20 loader and 48” bucket, ZB70 backhoe with 9” bucket, ZM54 midmount mower....$22,350 Zetor M40HTC with ZL40 loader and 66” bucket, 39 hp, cab, R4 tires........................................... $35,500 Zetor M60HTC with ZL60 loader and 72” bucket, 60 hp, cab......................................................... $42,685
NEW Eagle attachments
New Eagle 560HD.................$625 New Eagle 566HD.................$699 New Eagle 672HD.................$729 New Eagle 784 HD................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade. ..........................................$795
Kioti CS2210hst w/SL2410 loader. and 60” mid-mount mower, 120 hours.... ............................................$12,000 Kioti CK3510SEHC with KL4030 loader, 112 hours, cab, 72” bucket, new Ag tires...... ..................................................$31,500
We have wood splitters, chippers & log grapples available. NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Double Bale Spear, 44”.................$673
IN STOCK Standard Duty & Heavy Duty 9” & 12” Augers
KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. IN STOCK with 60” mid-mount mower. .....................................$13,900 Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty.....$19,900 Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, manual transmission, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............................................. CALL Kioti DK5310SEH with cab, KL5521 loader, 53 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty................... CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires, roof, glass windshield...$13,000
Landpride 5-ft. heavy duty mower with chain guards.............................................$750 Deerborn 2 bottom plow.......................$350 Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Oliver/White loader fits 1650/1655.....$1250 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295 Danuser F7 heavy duty post hole digger, 12” auger.............................................$1000 3-pt. chisel plow...................................$1000 Running gears. Each.............................$600 Wagon with box...................................$1000
New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.
In Stock $6250
USED HAYING American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 New Holland 1032 bale wagon...$4500 New Holland 1032 bale wagon...$4500 John Deere 347 square baler.....$6000 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500
John Deere 4000 w/cab..............$7500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header...................................$2000 Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. ................................ NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL John Deere 920 MoCo disc mower, pull type........................................$6500
New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork..........................................$1075 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork.. ..................................................$895
Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed..For Parts
Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00
Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Phone (406) 227-6821
East Helena, Montana
Serving HELENA and surrounding areas over 70 YEARS!
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By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service A Montana State University (MSU) student and future doctor received a comprehensive and competitive scholarship through the U.S. Army last month to facilitate her medical training and aspirations as a rural health care provider. Tessa Sawyer, who completed her degree in the Cell Biology and Neuroscience Program in MSU’s College of Agriculture in the winter of 2020, will begin medical school this fall through the WWAMI Medical Education Program, a collaboration between the University of Washington’s medical school and universities in Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, states which don’t have medical schools of their own. “For the WWAMI program in Montana, they take 30 students from Montana per year,” said Hilary Becker, director of Health Professions Advising at MSU. “It’s a highly competitive program because it’s the only in-state option for medical school for Montana students.” Sawyer is originally from Dillon. Her connection to her hometown and family runs deep and was part of her drive to join the armed forces at the same time as pursuing medical school. The cousin and granddaughter of veterans, she was commissioned into the U.S. Army on February 23, a recipient of the Army’s highly competitive Health Professions Scholarship, of which around 300 are given nationwide each year. The scholarship will cover Sawyer’s medical school tuition for the next four years, and she will serve a total of eight years of active duty during and after her medical residency. Sawyer was also accepted into the Targeted Rural Underserved Track, or TRUST program, which is nested under WWAMI. Before she begins her education in the fall, she will be paired with a rural community in Montana to shadow health care providers and learn more about the health needs of rural communities. “Our state is so unique in that every community feels like home,” said Sawyer, who won’t know until later this year which Montana community she will pair with for her TRUST experience. Through WWAMI, Sawyer will be enrolled for four semesters of medical school at MSU before finishing out her time as a student at the University of Washington School of Medicine. The latter will include 12 weeks of clinical training in the rural Montana community she partners with through TRUST as well as rotations in Seattle and elsewhere in the WWAMI region. “It’s pretty amazing to get into both WWAMI and the TRUST program, and then to add this scholarship through the Army is even more incredible,” said Becker. “Tessa really represents the best of MSU.” Sawyer’s interest in medicine began in high school, where she took a number of classes designed for students who wanted to pursue medical careers. She had originally wanted to be an engineer like her father, another MSU alum, but those classes opened her eyes to the opportunity to provide care to communities like the one she’d grown up in. During her undergraduate studies, Sawyer engaged in job shadows at a family medicine practice in Bozeman, a traveling gynecology service in Madison County and a community health center in her hometown of Dillon. The experiences stoked her passion for both general medicine and obstetrics and gynecology, the two fields she is most excited to explore as she continues her studies. But her experience at the community clinic furthered her determination to serve rural Montanans. “That experience was so different than any of the other places I saw,” Sawyer said. “Seeing how poverty impacts health care and how living in a rural area impacts your ability to find specialists and get the care you need was really compelling.” For Sawyer, the preparation to enter the next phase of her life and her education has been a bit intimidating. But, she said, as she always has, she has the family and the community that drives her to lean on. “I think this whole process has made me appreciate my support system so much more than I did before,” she said. “It still feels scary and I don’t quite know what to expect. But I feel ready to start this new chapter.” ##### We are lucky that fingerprints are so unique in every individual – otherwise forensic science and security identification devices would have to focus on tongues instead, because like fingerprints, everybody’s tongue print looks different.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B21
Josh 391-0602
Klay 590-2313
Josh 391-7056
Matt Chad 391-9241 471-0735
Warm up with Spring Savings
120 West Main Cut Bank, MT • 1-800-823-1234
2017 Ford F350 Lariat POWER STROKE
2021 Ford Ranger XLT!
2015 Ford F150, crew cab, 4x4 $23,200
IT’S HERE! 2021 Ford F150 Redesigned
2016 Hyundai Sonata Limited, LOADED, 43,000 miles. Now only $17,995
2018 Honda Civic EX-T Excellent shape! Only $18,495
2020 Ford Escape, 4x4! Call Today!!
2018 Ford F150 Platinum! SUPER NICE! $46,300
2019 Lincoln Nautilus Reserve LOADED.....$41,300
2020 Ford Expedition MAX
2013 Jeep Wrangler RUBICON Custom wheels, tires and MORE!!! $27,495 CALL TODAY
2019 Ford Escape SE, 4x4 SAVE $$$$$ Over New!!
2018 Honda Ridgeline
2014 GMC Sierra 4x4!......$25,500 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4 ONLY $27,595
2020 Ford Edge ST! SAVE$$$$$$$$ 2015 Ram 1500 4x4
2014 Ford F450 XL chassis cab, supercab, POWERSTROKE, flatbed. Ready to go to work!! $25,995
2018 Chevrolet Colorado Z71 Only $25,500
2018 Ford F150 XLT, crew cab
2020 Ford Edge SE, 4x4 SAVE $$$$$ 2014 Ford F150, 4x4, crew cab
2018 Ford F150, 4x4, crew cab
2016 Ford F250 Lariat POWER STROKE
2011 Ford F350, supercab, 4x4
2016 Dodge Durango LIMITED Now Only $19,495!!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B22
The deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th. Phone (406) 271-5533.
SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity
Cordless or Pneu. Fencing Staplers
Montana T-Rex Pipe & T-Post Driver
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(888) 754-7909
Gas Powered Drivers * Your Fence Equipment Supplier * 596 Gateway Drive, Powell, WY
(307) 754-7909
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436
Bacteria defeats drugs that fight cystic fibrosis
UM News Service University of Montana (UM) researchers and their partners have discovered a slimy strategy used by bacteria to defeat antibiotics and other drugs used to combat infections afflicting people with cystic fibrosis. The research was published February 23 in the journal Cell Reports. Cystic fibrosis is a life-threatening disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits a person’s ability to breathe over time. A common strain of bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, often thrives in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis, as well as in wounds from burns or diabetic ulcers. Once a P. aeruginosa infection is established, it can be incredibly difficult to cure, despite repeated courses of antibiotics. Dr. Laura Jennings, a research assistant professor in UM’s Division of Biological Sciences and an affiliate with the University’s Center for Translational Medicine, said their research showed that the stubborn germs living in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients create a self-produced carbohydrate slime. And this slime makes the bacteria more resistant to the antibiotics prescribed by doctors, as well as drugs that reduce the thickness of mucus. “We found the first direct evidence that these carbohydrates are produced at the sites of infection,” Jennings said. “We showed that one of the carbohydrates, called Pel, sticks to extracellular DNA, which is abundant in the thick mucus secretions prominent in cystic fibrosis lungs. “This interaction makes a slimy protective layer around the bacteria, making them harder to kill,” she said. “As such, it reduces the pathogen’s susceptibility to antibiotics and drugs aimed at reducing the thickness of airway mucus by digesting DNA.” She said the work supports a hypothesis that it’s the carbohydrates that group, or aggregate, the bacteria in cystic fibrosis lungs. “This is important because we know that physically breaking up bacterial aggregates can restore bacterial susceptibility to killing with antibiotics and cells of the immune system,” 406-467-3999 Jennings said. “Therefore, understanding the mechaBrett’s Cell nisms that promote bacterial 406-590-5003 aggregation may facilitate new therapeutic approaches aimed at digesting the carbohydrates holding bacterial cells together.” The research also suggests that the carbohydrate Pel likely diminishes the efficacy of the most commonly used therapeutics for cystic fibrosis, which are inhaled antibiotics and a drug that breaks down the thickness of the airway mucus, making it easier to cough up. The paper in Cell Reports is titled “P. aeruginosa aggregates in cystic-fibrosis sputum produce exopolysaccharides that likely impede current therapies.” Dr. Matthew Parsek from the University of Washington is the senior author. Jennings is the lead author and a former postdoctoral fellow in Parsek’s laboratory. Other authors are from UW, UM and The Ohio State University.
Come see us for your spring parts needs!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B23
Asparagus Day Celebrated on: April 23rd
There are over 200 forms of asparagus but only a few are commonly eaten. The most popular edible asparagus is the garden asparagus. Other edible forms include Argenteuil asparagus and Viola asparagus. This delicious vegetable is a spring classic and is celebrated as such on Asparagus Day. Asparagus Day celebrates the asparagus season. The exact length of the season depends on the weather. It’s usually from around the end of April to the start of June. Because the season is so short, people need to make the most of it while it lasts. History of Asparagus Day Back in the day of ancient Greece and Rome, asparagus was a delicacy for the rich. With time and trade, however, the asparagus was transported to many other countries around the world. As it became better known, its popularity grew and the arrival of the first, delicious spears became a cause for celebration. How to celebrate Asparagus Day If you live near an asparagus-growing area, you may find that there’s an official Asparagus Day party. If you’re not up for a full-on party, then how about just having some people round for a meal? You could even have people each bring around a dish to reduce the work for you. You’d just provide the asparagus. Asparagus is really easy to cook, you just steam it lightly. Serve it with a Hollandaise sauce or a poached egg or just plain butter. Even though asparagus is a spring treat, it’s a really healthy one. Asparagus is not only packed full of vitamins and minerals, it’s rich in antioxidants. It’s also high in protein and fiber. If you want an unusual way to celebrate Asparagus Day, you could try giving yourself an asparagus beauty treatment. Mix 8 parts asparagus with 2 parts oatmeal and apply directly to the face. Leave for about 15 minutes and rinse off. This cleanses the skin without drying it and is a great treatment for acne.
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B24
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MSU researcher aids discovery of new wild bee virus
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service In an international collaborative effort, researchers at Montana State University (MSU) co-discovered a virus that infects bees, including both native mining bees and honeybees. The new virus was named Andrena associated bee virus-1, or AnBV-1, since it was most prevalent in mining bees, part of the family Andrena. Michelle Flenniken, an associate professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in MSU’s College of Agriculture, worked with researchers from Israel, who collected more than 1,300 bee specimens from 14 sites in the central part of that country. The two most abundant bee species collected were mining bees and honeybees. “Most bee-associated viruses are known as ‘honeybee viruses’ in recognition of the host from which they were first discovered and described,” write the authors of a paper, published February 12 in the journal Viruses, announcing the discovery. “Sequencing a greater variety of bee and other insect species indicates that many honeybee-infecting viruses have a broader host range that includes other bees, as well as other insects.” Mining bees, said Flenniken, can be found all over the world, including in the U.S. They are much smaller than honeybees or bumblebees and do not live in nests. Instead, they burrow in the ground, living alone or in small groups. They forage on a variety of flowering plants, whereas other species specialize on particular plants, like mustard or canola. “It’s not that surprising that we discovered a new virus, because bee virology is an under-explored area of research,” said Flenniken, who co-discovered Lake Sinai virus 2, another bee-infecting virus, while doing postdoctoral research at the University of California San Francisco. “Viruses that affect bees have a wider host range than mammalian-infecting viruses, and this broader host range necessitates the study of multiple co-foraging bee species, because viruses can be transmitted between bee species via shared floral resources.” It is unclear what the impact of AnBV-1 is on bee health, but that is something Flenniken plans to study. In the meantime, she said, the new virus isn’t cause for immediate concern. It is likely that insects have evolved alongside the virus, just as humans have the common cold. Like many beeassociated viruses, AnBV-1 doesn’t have outwardly obvious symptoms and was identified through RNA sequencing of samples taken from the bees collected in Israel. One of the most important impacts of the newly identified virus, Flenniken said, is the opportunity it presents for further study. “Knowledge about the impact of a virus, even at the cellular level, could help lead to strategies that help mitigate colony losses that are associated with viruses,” she said. “Virus-host interactions are natural, common and prevalent, and most of the time a healthy host can clear a viral infection easily. It is important to do research aimed at understanding naturally evolved bee antiviral defense mechanisms, so that we can understand other stressors that perturb the bees’ natural ability to fight off virus infections.” Prevalence and transmission of viruses like AnBV-1 could also potentially be lessened by land management strategies that enhance floral diversity, write the authors of the paper. The greater variety and abundance of flowers available for pollinators, the lower the chance that they will encounter a flower that was recently visited by an infected bee. “That could be an important reason to promote ecological diversity and, by extension, help promote bee health,” said Flenniken. Now that the virus has been identified, members of the Pollinator Health Center, which includes research scientists across multiple disciplines as well as graduate and undergraduate students, plan to further study its impacts on bee health at the cellular and individual levels. In collaboration with Charles Carey, a bioinformatics specialist and associate member of the Pollinator Health Center, Flenniken and her collaborators will examine bee genetic sequence archives and frozen bee specimens to see if AnBV-1 is present in bees from other locations, including Montana. “Further study will be more at the individual bee level, which is both interesting and important,” Flenniken said. “It helps us narrow a little bit the actual real-life effects of this new virus.” ##### Nutella’s greatest achievement was successfully convincing people that chocolate is a good idea for breakfast as long as you put it on bread. ##### It is impossible to stand backwards on stairs.
April, 2021 is the Month of the Military Child
Many kids all over the country have parents in the military. Many times, holidays center around veterans because of the health issues they face, whether physical or mental, after serving their country. However, Month of the Military Child is all about the kids and what they sacrifice as well, and this month is all about giving them the appreciation they deserve. History of Month of the Military Child The Month of the Military Child is an appreciation month where military families and their children get applauded for the efforts and sacrifices they make at home while their loved ones are out serving their country. These children are generally called “military brats” which children coin themselves as a badge of pride as they travel with their parents, learn from them, and deal with issues like separation, deployments, frequent moves, and parent injuries. This holiday began as a part of the legacy of Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, a Republican who served the white house during Ronald Reagan’s presidency back in 1986 and worked on high-initiative projects for the United States. During this month, the Month of the Military Child encourages children of military parents all over the country to “Purple Up!”, wearing purple to school and wherever else they go. The Department of Defense Education Activity encourages schools to let their kid wear purple to school and help endorse the holiday itself to honor military children for the sacrifices they make. The DoDEA hopes to support programs to help families through their military service by giving them services that they can use, no matter where they are. How to celebrate Month of the Military Child The Month of the Military Child is about the military brats that deal with more struggles than most kids. During this month, help endorse military family services in your community so families can have the resources they need to continue without their loved ones near. Help fund a school contest for the military kids so they know they are appreciated.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B25
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B26
Brand New, Nitrogen SEMEN TANK FOR SALE Call 406-380-0960 or 374-2313, Moore, MT
2014 John Deere 440D 40-ft. header, double knife drive, double canvas drive, transport, will fit W150, W155 or MacDon swathers. 2 to choose from......................$32,500 obo
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SPRING FARM EQUIPMENT SALE 2017 Walinga 7614 HD grain vac...............................................$22,000 2013 Brandt 7500 HP grain vac, 238 hours...............................$19,000 1989 John Deere 8960 tractor with AutoSteer, 6000 hours, new air conditioning....................................................................................$48,000 2018 Brandt 20-110 conveyor with swing hopper, used very little!.......... .................................................................................................$48,900 2010 MacDon swather, low hours (600), with 30-ft. MacDon/International draper header........................Swather $38,000 Header $11,000 ..................................................................................Both for $45,000 1994 Freightliner truck, 400 Cummins engine with 4000 gallon stainless steel water tank................................................................$19,900 2011 Neville steel 48-ft. grain trailer...........................................$18,900 Other miscellaneous equipment for sale: rollers, sprayer, water tanker, etc.
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Team IDs compound, gene essential to fungal infiltration of rice plant
By Scott Schrage, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Communication searched for the SPS1 gene in other speAfter paragliding in on a breeze, a spore cies whose genomes have been catalogued. released by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae They found it in multiple others, most of settles onto the leaf of an unlucky rice plant. whose spores can also sprout appressoria. Over the next 24 hours, the spore goes Though Wilson’s team has yet to test those to work infiltrating its landing pad with a other species, he expects that deleting their toolkit worthy of Ocean’s 11. It germinates, SPS1 genes could induce a similar response. sprouting a thin tube whose tip morphs into One of those species can infect the roots of a dome-shaped cell called an appressorium. wheat; another attacks the roots of soybean, The appressorium then grows a peg that procausing sudden death syndrome. ceeds to punch through the leaf’s protective “Nobody knew what the spermine was film with enough force to puncture Kevlar, doing previously,” Wilson said. “Now it granting it access to the tissue inside. seems to be in other fungi that make these “It’s a real brute-force mechanism,” appressoria and not in many fungi that do said Richard Wilson, associate professor not. And that just adds some extra weight of plant pathology at the University of Neto our conclusions that the spermine is braska–Lincoln (UNL). “It’s really quite required.” remarkable.” Though Wilson said it’s too early to tell It’s also quite disastrous for the plant, how the team’s findings might be applied allowing the so-called rice blast fungus to or how effective those applications might spoil up to 30% of the world’s potential rice be, he did venture a couple of possibilities. yields in a given year. “One way would be to target, with inhibiBut new insights from Wilson and his tors, the spermine part of that (biochemical) colleagues could eventually inform novel pathway,” he said. “If those were applied approaches to combating the parasitic funat the right time, that could prevent the apgus. The team found that a glue-like sealant pressoria from sticking down and breaching produced by the appressorium — mucilage the leaf.” — is essential to its infiltration. What’s An experiment designed to verify that more, the researchers have pinpointed both spermine alone is to blame for mucilage an organic compound needed to keep the production could point to another, more mucilage flowing and a gene responsible surprising deterrent. After deleting the SPS1 for the compound itself. gene from the fungus, the researchers grew That compound is spermine. Many fungal the SPS1-deficient strain on plates of growth species don’t produce it, so when Wilson’s media containing moderate levels of spermteam realized that M. oryzae does, the ine. When they did, the fungus responded by researchers took note and started to invesuptaking the external spermine as its spores tigate. They eventually managed to track formed. Those spores formed appressoria down the gene, SPS1, that directs the fungus that produced normal levels of mucilage, to synthesize the compound. allowing them to puncture the surface as Without knowing spermine’s exact purthey otherwise would. pose in the fungus, Wilson suspected that Beyond a certain threshold, though, the deleting the gene might induce a form of external spermine had a very different efillness, limit spore growth or at least refect. strict the development of their appressoria “What we found that was quite interestin some way. Instead, his team discovered ing and counterintuitive is that if we instead that the purpose of the gene and the resultadded a lot of spermine directly to spores, ing spermine is much more specific. The it prevented the appressoria from forming,” spores of the spermine-deprived M. oryzae Wilson said. “Spermine is needed inside the continued to sprout their appressoria, and appressorium to make mucilage, but if you those appressoria even continued to grow apply a lot of it outside, it prevents apprestheir leaf-puncturing pegs. sorium formation all together. So, there may Despite retaining all of its equipment, be a (detrimental) level of spermine, which though, the SPS1-lacking fungus failed is pretty common and probably a cheap to penetrate and infect the leaf. On closer compound just to spray. inspection and after multiple experiments, “I can’t claim that it would be a silver the team traced the failure to a lack of bullet, but it could be part of a toolkit for mucilage. Without enough of the viscous, addressing these issues.” sugar-rich substance, a fungal spore is unThe researchers reported their findings able to establish a leak-proof seal around its in the journal Nature Microbiology. Wilson appressorium. And without a proper seal, authored the study with Raquel Rocha, a a compound known as glycerol can likely recent doctoral graduate of plant patholseep out, Wilson said, sapping the appresogy, undergraduate student Ngoc Pham, sorium of the extreme pressure buildup that and Christian Elowsky, assistant professor drives its peg down through the cuticle of of practice of agronomy and horticulture. a leaf. The team received support from the NaCurious about whether spermine might tional Science Foundation. have a role in other fungi, the researchers
The astronaut’s blank stare
Beefcake by DewEze • Tackle daily livestock feeding chores • Designed to fit any feeding style • Featuring electric or hydraulic models
On March 9, 1961, Ivan Ivanovich became the first person to fly into space. Well, the first personlike thing to fly into space. Ivan Ivanovich (the Russian equivalent of “John Johnson”) was a life-size test-flight mannequin, and he and his companion, a (live) dog named Chernushka (“Blackie”), were rocketed into space weeks before Yuri Gagarin was to take his historic flight. Ivanovich’s mission: to test the Vostok spacecraft and SK-I pressure suit. After completing a single orbit in 89 minutes,
Ivanovich and the dog returned safely to Earth. He was so lifelike–with eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, lips, and all–that the word maket, or “dummy,” was written on his forehead so nobody would think he was a dead cosmonaut. Update: Ivan the Space Mannequin was sold at Sotheby’s auction house in 1993. He was purchased by Texas billionaire (and onetime presidential candidate) H. Ross Perot for $189,500.
MSU weed specialist receives national award
From MSU News Service A Montana State University (MSU) professor and MSU Extension specialist was recognized with a national award by the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) in February for her excellence in outreach. Jane Mangold, a professor in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences in MSU’s College of Agriculture, received the WSSA’s Outstanding Extension Award at the society’s virtual annual meeting in February. She was nominated by scientists and weed control specialists from around the university and state. “I continue to be impressed with the energy and innovation Jane commits to her responsive and strong programming in weed science,” said Tracy Sterling, head of the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences. “She has truly integrated her research and Extension programming, which allows her to create relevant educational programs built upon her research questions.” Mangold, who has been a part of the MSU faculty since 2008, leads MSU’s Integrated Invasive Plant Management Group and has presented at nearly 400 Extension programs across all 56 Montana counties. In addition to community education programs through Extension, she researches ecology and the management of invasive plants. Between Extension and research grants, she has managed more than $4 million in funding since she arrived at MSU. “Dr. Mangold establishes productive collaborations that directly benefit the citizens of the state of Montana,” said Mary Burrows, associate director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and director of the Schutter Diagnostic Lab, which works to identify plants and insects and educate the public about invasive species. “She has provided hands-on teaching opportunities to many thousands of individuals in our state ranging from homeowners to county weed coordinators.” Mangold also serves on the Montana Invasive Species Council and has served on the board of directors for the Western Society of Weed Science. She has partnered with state and federal agencies, nonprofits and private agricultural companies to educate about and management of invasive species. She assisted in the development of the Montana Grasses smartphone app, which provides glossaries, diagrams and descriptions to help users identify native and invasive grass species around the state. Her Monthly Weed Post has been sharing tidbits about invasive plants and noxious weeds since 2011. “What really separates Jane as a truly unique and outstanding Extension specialist is her incredible knowledge base, coupled with her approachability, demeanor and humor,” said Clain Jones, an MSU soil scientist and Extension specialist and one of Mangold’s nominators. “These qualities encourage her clientele to ask her questions and engage in her programs.”
National High Five Day
Date When Celebrated: Third Saturday in April Gimme a high five. As a matter of fact, give everyone you see a High Five! The “High Five” is a celebratory slapping of hands atop raised arms. It’s been a standard for celebration of sporting victories, special event, competitions and many other activities for decades. It’s fun, and easy to celebrate this special day. Give a High Five to everyone you see. This includes friends, family, passersby, and total strangers. The more high fives you give, the better. BTW: It’s okay to give a “Low Five” today. But, only after you’ve given the “High Five”. Origin of “National High Five Day”: The creation of this special day dates back to 2002. It was created by college students at the University of Virginia. Those students were Conor Lastowka from San Diego, California, Sam Miotke of Corvallis, Oregon, and Wynn Walent of New York City. They celebrated with lemonade and a profusion of High Fives. The act of giving a “High Five”, dates back to 1977, when it was first used during a Basketball game. Their congratulatory gesture caught on rapidly, and has been popular ever since.
##### “Heller’s Law” The first myth of management is that it exists. ##### Al dente pasta not only tastes better, it keeps you full longer. ##### The Ancient Romans used to fry their pasta.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B27
Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading Call to schedule spring fertilizer application (406) 945-2905 Chester, MT
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B28
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Vermeer R24A rake in good condition................................... $11,000 Automatic 9100 roller mixer, 540 PTO, 100 bushel tank, self-contained hydraulics, scale, extended discharge auger, good tires, etc..........................................................................................$7500 1973 GMC 6500 tandem/tag, good tires, 20-ft. box with dual ram hoist, combination gate, 366 cu.in. engine, 4 speed with 2 speed rear end..................................................................................$5000
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Extension entomologist honored for diagnosing insect pest problems
University of Wyoming Extension season in the grass seed fields.” University of Wyoming (UW) Extension As the growing season progressed, White entomologist Scott Schell has received the shared photos and sent samples to Schell. Wyoming Crop Improvement Association “I know it was difficult for Scott, as he Excellence in Service award for his contriinformed me, he was working from home, butions to the Wyoming seed industry. but had a microscope and would be able to Schell was selected for his efforts in examine the insect samples if I would send diagnosing a complex of insect pests that them to his residence,” said White. “In my devastated smooth bromegrass production opinion, Scott went above and beyond what in northern Wyoming over the last two he had to, to help with this seed production years and for providing guidance on how problem.” management could retain that production Schell’s work determined there was more opportunity. than just one pest causing damage. “We are proud of Scott Schell and this “Some of the insect pests, such as thrips, recognition of his service to Wyoming wheat stem maggot, and the wheat head agricultural producers,” said Kelly Crane, armyworm are impacting other grasses as director of UW Extension. “Scott is an well, so the economic impact of his efforts outstanding extension specialist with an is significant,” said Mike Moore, manager unquestionable commitment to respondof the Wyoming Seed Certification Service ing to the needs of Wyoming community located at the Powell Research and Extenmembers with technically accurate, relevant sion Center. and engaging educational programs in enSchell’s efforts related to previous work, tomology.” such as providing a greater understanding of Gary White, a seed production field man the lygus bug life cycles and improving confor Allied Seeds LLC, had noticed a drop off trol efforts for the pest that impacts alfalfa in seed yields for smooth bromegrass and and sainfoin seed production in the state. reached out to Schell for help. Schell dissected alfalfa stem samples “I suspected a bug problem and needed sent by White a few years ago to help with help with the first step in finding a soluan issue related to alfalfa seed production. tion, a literature search,” said White. “Scott “Remarkably, Scott dissected those stems helped me with that and volunteered to help with whatever may be found the following CONTINUED ON PAGE B29
Hanging Out Day
Call f price or s!
Date Celebrated: April 19th Laundry can be a pain to deal with, especially if you have loads to do. But if you wish to find a better way of taking care of your clothes, then Hanging Out Day has got you covered. Hanging Out Day encourages you to use a drying line instead of your dryer as a way to help the environment. It also strives to bring awareness to the benefits of air-drying clothes. History of Hanging Out Day Hanging Out Day was founded in 1998, when Project Laundry List was still in development. Former director Alexander Lee was attending Green Corps’ undergraduate Environmental Organizing Semester at the time. Senator Dick McCormack of Vermont introduced the Right to Dry bill in Vermont. The first Hanging Our Day was established during this time, with hundreds of people using clotheslines for drying instead of using a dryer for energy conservation. Project Laundry List continues to work towards encouraging others to use dry lining as a better way of drying clothes for environmental causes. Each year, Project Laundry List works with hundreds of other organizations to sponsor National Hanging Out Day. Sponsored by and as an active member of The CLEAN, a national coalition of environmental organizations, Hanging Out Day encourages communities to learn about the benefits of clotheslines as an alternative drying method. Dry lining clothes can help save money, less lint occurs on your clothes, can help prevent fires, and can help save energy in the process. Dry lining has many benefits in comparison to drying with a machine, and through Hanging Out Day. People can become more aware of the problems a washer and dryer can have on the environment. How to Celebrate Hanging Out Day Get involved by taking the time to try out air drying your laundry. Set up a line in your backyard and test out what air drying can do for your clothes. Show your support by posting the benefits of air drying on social media. Post flyers at your local community center or give flyers out to your schools to educate people about the benefits of air drying. Talk to your friends and family about the idea and help others get their clothing lines set up so they can dry their clothes in the sunlight.
Extension entomologist honored for diagnosing insect pest problems
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B29
and made some groundbreaking photos of alfalfa weevil nymphs exiting stems through the floral buds,” said White. “Until Scott did that work, everyone thought the larvae exited the stems just above ground level.” Those photos helped White better communicate with contract seed producers on how and why to control alfalfa weevil to produce higher quality and better yielding alfalfa seed. “Assessment of the samples, and communication with follow-up questions, was fast and showed an exceptional commitment to helping,” said Moore. Schell’s efforts led to creation of a presentation at the Wyoming Crop Improvement Association (WCIA) meeting last
month to help growers understand the pests. “It is not often that someone can have such a significant impact on an agricultural enterprise that is anything but new, and the WCIA is very grateful,” said Moore.
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Jelly Bean Day
Henke ~ Chester, MT HENKE ENTERPRISES INC. Dougcell (406) 799-2616
Date Celebrated: April 22 eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!! WE ARE NOW Some of us harbor SELLING BIGDOG a dark secret, one that leaves us shamed and MOWERS!!! reviled by all those who, by their estimation, are the repositories of better taste. They sneer at our choices and look upon us with disgust as we dive in and enjoy that thing which bears all the rich, bittersweetness that we love eDrive Sprayer is MANY USED SPRAYERS FOR SALE, MORE COMING!!!!! in life. working GREAT! $49,900 AND UP!!!! That’s right. We like the Black Jellybeans, the dark sheep of the Easter Bunny’s basket of indulgences. Jelly Bean Website - trucksprayers.com Day celebrates the entire rainbow of flavors that the world Henke Enterprises Inc. offers- BUILDING ~ COMING IN has to offer, and that includes our precious black licorice, * Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work 2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, and so we can for once agree on one small detail. That Jelly * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling floater tires ........................................$59,900 * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. Powder Coated Beans are delicious, and the world would be a sadder place 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height ................................................................ Call * Electronic testing and repairs without them. * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new John Deere 4930 electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm History of Jelly Bean Day ........................................................$169,900 MARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE Jelly Beans have a long history, reaching back further than their association with Easter and, in fact, the Easter Bunny. In Contact your authorized dealer Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT • 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616 email: grain@ttc-cmc.net the mid-1800’s, the Jelly Bean was developed, bringing these flavorful rainbows into our lives and much joy with them. It is thought that the original bean was inspired by the sweet candy known as Turkish delight, comprised of rich fruit and powdered sugar. Jelly Beans have had a surprisingly deep influence on our We are to announce our junior company CMFCMF Sales and Rental. We are at 205 Rd Weproud are proud to announce our junior company Sales and Rental. Westill are located still located at Howie 205 Howie We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Sales and Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd culture, with the term expanding beyond meaning a simple but will be providing salessales and rental at our new location in Big Timber nextnext to the Fort. but also willIfalso be providing and rental at our new location in Big Timber to the Fort. you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 next be to the Fort. but will alsoand be providing sales and rental at our new location in Big Timber Sales Rentals Include: delicious candy. The term Jelly Bean has been used to deSales and Rentals Include: Sales and Rentals Include: sure to make High Quality pdf Sales and Rentals Include: Skid Attachments SkidSteer SteerSteer Attachments Accumulators scribe simple multi-use electronics equipment in the ElecSkid AttachmentsHayHay HayAccumulators Accumulators Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Land Rollers Augers &&Auger Bits Land Rollers Augers & Auger Bits Bits Land Rollers Augers Auger tronics Industry, as well as the odd but distinctly American Land Danuser Rollers Augers &and Auger Danuser Pounders Augers Danuser Pounders andBits Augers Pounders and Augers Danuser Pounders and Augers use in the 1910’s. During this time Jelly-Bean was often used to describe a youth who dressed in the latest style to catch ArenaArena Fencing Fencing Arena Fencing the eye of young women, but beyond that had little to offer Specializing continuous fencefence &dealer installation Specializing inauthorized continuous & installation We areinan of 1 continuous Specializing fence & installation those who took the bait. • 3 Rail 1in / ”1120-ft. panel..................$78 • 31Rail / ” 20-ft. panel..................$78 • 3• Rail 1 Rail /11”/ 20-ft. Montana Post Drivers 4 Rail ”1120-ft. panel..................$82 •4 / ” panel..................$78 20-ft. panel..................$82 One of the most well-known uses of Jelly Beans is in the Portable Tub, Alley and Squeeze Chute • 4•Rail 1” 20-ft. 11Rail /1our panel..................$82 1 5 Rail / ” 20-ft. panel..................$93 •5 1 / ” 20-ft. panel..................$93 Visit website for prices & details. We areare We • 5•Rail 11Rail /11”/ 20-ft. hugely successful Harry Potter series, wherein we can find on SALE! 6 Rail ”1120-ft. panel.................$101 •6 / ” panel..................$93 20-ft. panel.................$101 We are 1 • 6Other Rail 1Sizes / ” 20-ft. panel.................$101 Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and and details Montana’s Available • Call for prices detai Montana’s the devilish and untrustworthy “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details Montana’s We are Montana’s Cattle Guards Cattle Guards Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer Bean”. A rather adventurous assortment of Jelly Beans where Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual DealerCattle Guards Loading Chutes Loading Chutes Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer for all livestock equipment needs. Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer for your all your livestock equipment needs.Loading the flavors could literally be anything you imagine. While WindChutes Breaks Wind Breaks for all livestock equipment needs. We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Sales andyour Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs Crowding Tubs Weall are authorized Wean are an authorized for your livestock equipment needs. some of these flavors haven’t translated into real life, Bertie Crowding Tubs Adjustable Alleys Adjustable Alleys but will also be providing sales and rental at ourWe new Big Timber next to the Fort. are location andealer authorized ofin of dealer Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels Portable Panels Bott’s Every Flavor Bean is indeed a product you can buy, dealer of Montana Montana Portable Panels Arena Fencing GatesGates Arena Fencing SalesVomit, and Rentals Include: Montana Arena Fencing with such flavors as Earwax, and more. Certainly not Hay Feeders HayGates Feeders Post Drivers Post Drivers Hay Feeders Pivot Bridges Pivot Bridges Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Post Drivers Visit Visit our website for for our website for the faint of heart. Pivot Bridges Cattle Guards Loading Chutes AND MORE AND MORE Visit prices our website Land Rollers Augers & Auger Bits & details. prices &for details. AND MORE How to celebrate Jelly Bean Day Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs We also sell drill We also sell drill prices & details. Danuser Pounders and Augers stem NEWNEW LOCATION We also sellpipe. drill pipe. stem LOCATION Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels First off, take a big bag of Jelly Beans and make them Call about NEWInLOCATION Big InTimber Big Timber stem pipe.Call about truckload prices!prices! Arena Fencing Gates Hay Feeders truckload Call about Innext Big next Timber to The Fort disappear down your gob hole. Yes yes, you can leave the to The Fort Arena Fencing truckload prices! next to 406-930-2984 The Fort Pivot Bridges AND MORE TravisTravis Klein Klein 406-930-2984 black ones if you like. Shop: 406-932-3559 Shop: 406-932-3559 Travis Klein 406-930-2984 Cell: 406-930-1973 Specializing in continuous fence & installation Cell: 406-930-1973 Shop: 406-932-3559 There are plenty of other ways that you can go about Continuous Fence &visit Installation For more information visit our website 205 Howie Road, Road, 1 more For information our website 205 Howie Cell: 406-930-1973 • 3For Rail 1 / 4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 1 5 Big Timber, MT MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com BigRoad, Timber, moreand visitin our 205 Howie www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.c 20’ 24’ panels 1website /4” or 1 /8” celebrating Jelly Bean Day. If you really feel like being 1information • 4 Rail 1 / 4 ” 20-ft. panel..................$82 Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com Panels come in 4, 5, 6 or 7 rail patterns 1 adventurous, why not try making your own jelly beans? • 5 Rail 1 /4”Archways, 20-ft. panel..................$93 We have Gates and Posts We are • 6 RailSee 11/us 4” 20-ft. panel.................$101 There are plenty of different recipes online for you to folfor all you fencing needs We carry Iron Bull and Norstar Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details low. Generally, you’re goingMontana’s to need some cornstarch, salt, Call for prices and details. flatbeds and trailers. Cattle Guards juice, gelatin, sugar, and water.and You are also goingDealer to need Sioux Steel Hi-Qual We also sell drill stem pipe. Loading Chutes to invest in some jelly beanlivestock molds so you can get theneeds. right for all your equipment Wind Breaks Call about truckload prices! shape as well.We. are an authorized Crowding Tubs Adjustable Alleys Travis Klein Once you have dealer spentofthe day baking goods and doing Portable Panels Shop: 406-932-3559 Cell: 406-930-1973 jelly bean crafts,Montana it is only right that you treat yourself to a Arena Fencing Gates 205 Howie Road, Big Timber, MT Hay Feeders Postright? Drivers delicious cocktail, How about a delicious Ouzo Jelly Pivot Bridges Visit our website www.crazymountainfabrication.com Bean cocktail? If Ouzo is not for the drink for you, you will find AND MORE prices & details. plenty of other jelly bean cocktail ideas online! We also sell drill 4 4 4
stem pipe.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B30
Check out our website www.tradersdispatch.com
TRACTOR FOR SALE Deutz Allis 7120 tractor with 540/1000 PTO, air, heat, only 3800 hours, all books and manuals, very clean.............. $13,500 obo Phone (406) 301-2102 Rudyard, MT
2-Westgo 1310 grain augers, 65-ft. hydraulic swing augers, 1 left, 1 right side. 1997 Flexicoil 5000 33-ft. air drill, 7.2” spacing, 1720 tow behind grain cart. Sold combine: Header For Sale: Case IH 2042 36ft. draper header. Steel I-beam overhead shop hoist frame: (4) 20-ft. 7” I-beam rails, 18-ft. long, 10” I-beam cross rail riding on (2) 5-ft. long carriage rails.
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Student-driven project leads to new foods from sorghum, wheat
K-State Research and Extension News mix and a vegetable cracker for kids. Kansas State University senior Christy Each product received many rounds Vavra has a pretty easy way to let her of testing and feedback from students, friends and classmates know what she’s professors, KDA staff and others. Kelly been doing in her food science classes Whitehair, the menu and recipe developrecently. Take them to breakfast. ment coordinator for K-State’s Housing Vavra is one of 17 students who recently and Dining Services, also was a key condeveloped novel foods as part of a parttributor. Sarah Sexton Bowser, the managing dinership between K-State’s Department of Grain Science and Industry, the Center for rector of the Center for Sorghum ImproveSorghum Improvement and the Kansas ment at K-State, said testing the products Department of Agriculture (KDA). with college students was an important The groups have been exploring pospart of the process. “College students are still in a formative sibilities for using grain sorghum and stage in determining their own preferences wheat in developing new food products. and food experiences,” she said. “This The KDA has provided funds through the project is an opportunity to showcase USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service’s Kansas grains and commodities in their Federal State Marketing Improvement menus and on their pallets during the forProgram, as well as mentoring and marketing support. mative years.” Kerry Wefald, marketing director for The project is in the first of three years the KDA, said sorghum and wheat were to develop sorghum- and wheat-based chosen because of their abundance in Kanfoods. K-State assistant professor of cesas. In 2019, she notes, both crops ranked real chemistry Yonghui Li is conducting No. 1 in U.S. production. “We are always research to develop technologies that will working to secure ways to promote our extract phenolic compounds from some agricultural commodities,” Wefald said, specialty sorghums. “and both of these sectors have indicated “The sorghum extracts interact with an interest in diversifying markets.” gluten proteins and starch when mixed Vavra and classmate Emmalee Gragg with wheat flour and water during dough led work in developing a gluten-free development,” Li said. “This will be usebreakfast waffle sandwich – made from ful for improving low-protein wheat flour sorghum -- that was selected as a product when a stronger dough is more desired.” to be served in K-State’s Kramer dining Getty said K-State students in the 2021 hall. fall class will focus on grain-based entrees, Developing the sandwich “was much and the following year’s class will take on more interesting for us knowing that there snack products. was already an end-user out there instead The groups are now working to add the of developing a product and hoping to get new food choices in the dining centers at it into the stores,” Vavra said. other Kansas Board of Regent schools. Food science associate professor Kelly Officials in the food service program at the Getty said the students in her class, ReUniversity of Kansas already are on board. “We are just pleased to partner and have search and Development of Food Prodthe innovation of the next generation of ucts, were given a challenge at the beginfood scientists working with sorghum ning of the Fall, 2020 semester to create and wheat to develop food items that their a baked item that had wheat or sorghum generation will most likely embrace and as its primary ingredient. purchase in the grocery store, or out in The students chose their class projects the restaurant and retail markets,” Wefald from one of four categories: a baked food said. for students at the university recreation Sexton Bowser added: “It’s been a great center; a par baked bun; a product for child project to see these individual entities and nutrition; or, according to Getty, “somepersons come together, contribute feedthing out of the box.” “As a group, we voted on ideas to purback from their vantage point and provide an end product that is allowing us to shape sue and in the end, there were 13 products the student experience and create markets that are in one of the product development for Kansas grains.” phases – concept to an actual food item,” Vavra, who will graduate this May, figshe said. Nine products are being scaled up and ures the experience has given her a head will be served to students in Kramer dining start in her career. hall. In addition to Vavra’s waffle sand“It was the highlight of my semester,” she said. “We had such ownership in what wich, some of the products offered include we were doing because it does matter.” a tomato basil bun, gluten-free pancake
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Arguably the most brilliant inventor of the 20th century, Nikola Tesla died broke and alone in 1943 after seeing so many of his greatest inventions passed off as other people’s ideas; Marconi got the credit for the radio, and Edison passed off alternating current as the work of his engineers. When asked about his rivals late in his life, Tesla took the high road: “Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.” And it turns out that Tesla really did know a thing or two about the future. In fact, he described a device in 1926 that
sounds a lot like the smartphones of today: When wireless is perfectly applied the whole Earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles; and the instruments through which we shall be able to do his will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B31
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page B32
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
Cattle - Right Rib Horses - Right Thigh Steel and electric irons. Plus heavy duty clippers. Phone (406) 278-3068, Conrad, Montana
HAY & STRAW FOR SALE Round bales & 3x4 squares Straight Alfalfa, Alfalfa/Grass, or straight grass Barley straw in round bales Delivered by semi-load
Call Craig 406-799-5977
BALE WAGON FOR SALE New Holland 1069 selfpropelled bale wagon and stacker, Ford 460 V8 gas engine, not equipped with air. Very clean. Located in Hamilton, Montana. ...............Priced at $33,999 Please call (832) 367-0533 or (406) 961-3677
New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.
Video course details processing carcasses into different meat cuts
University of Wyoming Extension A video course showing the processing out how to make the different cuts while of beef, pork and lamb carcasses into difprocessing an elk. ferent meat cuts – and the correct cooking “He said they went online and looked and methods – is available from the University looked and could not find anyone to teach of Wyoming (UW) Extension. how to process that. That stuck in my mind,” The free course, 4-H Meat Fabrication, said Despain. was developed to help 4-H youths identify He discovered the same thing while visitcuts of meat during their competitions, but ing with 4-H leaders teaching their members the information is useful for anyone, said meat identification and processing. Johnathan Despain, state 4-H program co“So, those two things kind of gelled for ordinator. He said that includes wild game me that said how can we do something processing. about this that not only helps our kids judg“If you want to know how and what difing program, but also helps people like my ferent cuts of meat that you’re buying from brother-in-law or any enthusiast out there?” the grocery come from and from what parts said Despain. “Now there’s a place they can of the animal, this is a great way to go see go and watch and repeat.” that process all the way through,” he said. Course development also coincided with The course contains voluntary quizzes COVID-19 shuttering or slowing down to check knowledge and was developed processing plants. People wanted to process to create more online resources to help their own meat, and local meat processors 4-H’ers and FFA members increase their were booked. meat product fabrication and identification “When the pandemic hit, shipping skills, particularly for the organizations’ stopped, restaurants were closed and also meat evaluation contests, he said. slowed down places to get animals proKelcey Christensen, former manager for cessed,” said Despain. “It brought everythe UW Meat Lab, processes meat from body into thinking if I can’t get access, beef, pork and lamb carcasses and then into what do I do? We in Wyoming are resilient cuts such as steaks, porkchops and lambpeople, and people started saying, ‘Yeah, we chops. He is now owner of the 307 Meat could get our animals processed and we’d Company in Laramie. feed our neighbors in the community.’” Quizzes were developed for 4-H and That raised the red flag that finding a collegiate audiences, “But the content is for place to process an animal is probably going anybody,” said Despain. to be an ongoing issue in the state, he said. McKensie Harris, lecturer in the DepartThe effort also coincided with First Lady ment of Animal Science in the College Jennie Gordon’s hunger initiative and the of Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H program’s first-time deer hunt. 4-H’ers provided technical expertise, ensuring the took their game to be processed and donated content is correct. to the initiative. She’s used the course for her carcass “We told the kids they should check these fabrication class members. (videos) out, that they could process their “They are an excellent resource for stuanimals at home and donate the meat to the dents to review the skills they learn in the First Lady’s initiative,” said Despain. lab or review the cuts that come from each The course also has a cooking methods primal,” she said. resource. The course is at http://bit.ly/4Hmeats National 4-H and FFA contests require as part of the UW Extension WyoLearn participants to apply the best cooking catalog. Users will be directed to create a method for a particular piece of meat. username and password. “It only made sense that we go the full The idea for the course did not originate score of it,” said Despain. “If we’re going for 4-H’ers, said Despain. to provide a digital learning platform for “It didn’t have anything to do with what all those cuts, we want to serve multiple I was doing,” he said. “It just connected.” purposes. Ensuring the cooking methods His brother-in-law was trying to figure was included was a need.”
##### A farmer bragged to his friend about his smart chickens “How do you know they’re smart?” “They love classical music! That’s smarty-pants music right there.” “And how do you know that’s what they like?” “Every morning, I say to the chickens ‘What music for today?’ and they ask for their favorite composer: ‘Bach, Bach, Bach!’” ##### Even though it is packed full of nutrients, spinach has high levels of oxalate which basically prevents your body from absorbing iron. Boiling raw spinach will get rid of most of the oxalic acid! ##### In the medieval days, artists used to extract green pigment from spinach to use as ink or paint.
Proposed maintenance project in Shelby/Sweetgrass
Montana Department of Transportation The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to announce and invite the public to comment on a proposal to complete maintenance work on about 43.6 miles of Interstate 15 (I 15) from the Pondera/Toole County line to the Sweetgrass Interchange. The project begins at the Pondera/ Toole County line and extends north approximately 43.6 miles ending south of the U.S. and Canada Border. Proposed work includes crack sealing north and south bound lanes for the length of the entire project, and chip sealing in select sections of the project. Chip sealing will occur from Kevin to Sunburst in the northbound and southbound lanes and Sunburst to Sweetgrass in the southbound lanes only. Rural interchange ramps and crossroads will receive the same treatments as the nearby Interstate. New pavement markings and shoulder rumble strips will be re-cut in the designated chip seal areas. These improvements will preserve and extend the life of the roadway and increase vehicle traction to the surface. The project is tentatively planned for 2022 depending on completion of all project development activities and availability of funds. An important part of properly planning for future projects is partnering with the community. The Montana Department of Transportation welcomes the public to provide ideas and comments on the proposed project. Comments may be submitted online at http://www.mdt.mt.gov/mdt/comment_form.shtml or in writing to Montana Department of Transportation, Great Falls office at PO Box 1359, Great Falls, MT 59403-1359. Please note that comments are for project UPN 9844000. The public is encouraged to contact Great Falls District Administrator Jim Wingerter at (406) 454-5897 or District Preconstruction Engineer Jim Combs at (406) 788-2773 for question or concerns. Alternative accessible formats of this document will be provided on request. Persons who need an alternative format should contact the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Transportation, 2701 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620. Telephone 406-444-5416 or Montana Relay Service at 711.
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Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C1
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $398/mo. 72mo/3.49%
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Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C2
The deadline for advertising for the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
2001 Volvo TA Tractor 430 hp Series 60, 10 speed autoshift, full lockers, Jake, AC, AR, 60% 295/22.5’s, dual tanks, 600,000 miles, aluminum chain rack and side box.... ....................................$17,500 1996 Ford LTS9000 Tractor Cat 3406E, 8LL, 12,000 lb front, 40,000 lb rears, AC, AR, cruise, 570,000 miles, 60% 295/22.5’s, chain rack, 5th wheel and gooseneck.. $14,500 1979 Trail-Eze 45-ft. Machinery Trailer new 17.5 tires and wheels, 35-ft. lower deck x 102” wide, hydraulic tail, new brakes and deck, self-contained hydraulics. Tows nice..............$17,500 1984 AM General M915A1 Tractor 400 BC3 Cummins, Allison AT, 3 stage Jake, 90% 11R22.5’s, 8900 miles, AC, heater, PS, Hendrickson suspension, standard 5th wheel. Runs and drives great..................$15,500 1998 Freightliner FL70 5 Yard Dump Truck 275 hp 3126 Cat, 7 speed, AB, spring suspension, pintle hitch, 60% 295/22.5’s, 9-ft. dump bed, 74,000 miles........$13,500 1996 Ford CF8000 49,000 miles, 230 hp 8.3L Cummins, 5 speed Allison AT, PS, AC, air brakes, 36,000 gvw., dual PTO’s with hydraulics, 60% 11R22.5’s, Rosco RA300 pothole patcher, 16’-5” cab to end of frame, 12’-9” cab to axle.......................... $11,500 2000 Thomas T245 2200 lb carry capacity, 4200 hours, 87 hp 4 cylinder Kubota diesel, 16 gpm auxiliary hydraulics, new tires, 73” Q/C Bobcat bucket. Strong machine, runs great..........$17,500
1994 Ford LN8000 Boom Truck 8.3 Cummins 275 hp, Allison AT, AC, PS, AB, 12.5 ton Telelect crane, 45-ft. tip height, nice tool boxes, 20,000 lb front winch, 70% 11R22.5’s, 135,000 miles..............$15,500
2013 JLG 3246ES Scissor Lift 32-ft. lift height, 1000 lb capacity, 44”x96” platform + 48” slideout, non-marking tires, 541 hours. Like new.... $11,500
1980 Ford L9000 Water Truck 3000 gallon tank, 350 hp 6v92T, Jake, Allison AT, PS, AB, 70% 22.5 tires. Darley 1000 gpm pump needs rebuilt.. ....................................$13,500 1974 Kenworth W900A Tractor 350 Cummins, 13 speed, Jake, PS, air ride, 60% 11R24.5’s, 4.33 ratio. Runs and drives great............................$12,500
J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT
406-381-3159 – www.jandtequipmentsales.com
‘Pandemic Assistance for Producers’ to distribute resources more equitably
USDA News Release • Euthanized livestock and poultry; Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack an• Biofuels; nounced recently that USDA is establishing • Specialty crops, beginning farmers, lonew programs and efforts to bring financial cal, urban and organic farms; assistance to farmers, ranchers and produc• Costs for organic certification or to ers who felt the impact of COVID-19 marcontinue or add conservation activities ket disruptions. The new initiative—USDA • Other possible expansion and correcPandemic Assistance for Producers—will tions to CFAP that were not part of today’s reach a broader set of producers than in announcement such as to support dairy or previous COVID-19 aid programs. USDA other livestock producers; is dedicating at least $6 billion toward the • Timber harvesting and hauling; new programs. The Department will also • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) develop rules for new programs that will put and other protective measures for food and a greater emphasis on outreach to small and farm workers and specialty crop and seasocially disadvantaged producers, specialty food producers, processors and distributors; crop and organic producers, timber harvest• Improving the resilience of the food ers, as well as provide support for the food supply chain, including assistance to meat supply chain and producers of renewable and poultry operations to facilitate interstate fuel, among others. Existing programs like shipment; the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program • Developing infrastructure to support (CFAP) will fall within the new initiative donation and distribution of perishable and, where statutory authority allows, will commodities, including food donation and be refined to better address the needs of distribution through farm-to-school, restauproducers. rants or other community organizations; and USDA Pandemic Assistance for Pro• Reducing food waste. ducers was needed, said Vilsack, after a Part 2: Adding $500 Million of New review of previous COVID-19 assistance Funding to Existing Programs programs targeting farmers identified a USDA expects to begin investing apnumber of gaps and disparities in how assisproximately $500 million in expedited astance was distributed as well as inadequate sistance through several existing programs outreach to underserved producers and this spring, with most by April 30. This new smaller and medium operations. assistance includes: “The pandemic affected all of agricul• $100 million in additional funding for ture, but many farmers did not benefit from the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, previous rounds of pandemic-related asadministered by the Agricultural Marketing sistance. The Biden-Harris Administration Service (AMS), which enhances the comis committed to helping as many producers petitiveness of fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, as possible, as equitably as possible,” said dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops. Vilsack. “Our new USDA Pandemic As• $75 million in additional funding for sistance for Producers initiative will help the Farmers Opportunities Training and get financial assistance to a broader set of Outreach program, administered by the producers, including to socially disadvanNational Institute of Food and Agriculture taged communities, small and medium sized (NIFA) and the Office of Partnerships and producers, and farmers and producers of Public Engagement, which encourages and less traditional crops.” assists socially disadvantaged, veteran, and USDA will reopen sign-up for CFAP 2 for beginning farmers and ranchers in the ownat least 60 days beginning on April 5, 2021. ership and operation of farms and ranches. The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) has • $100 million in additional funding for committed at least $2.5 million to improve the Local Agricultural Marketing Program, outreach for CFAP 2 and will establish administered by the AMS and Rural Departnerships with organizations with strong velopment, which supports the developconnections to socially disadvantaged comment, coordination and expansion of direct munities to ensure they are informed and producer-to-consumer marketing, local and aware of the application process. regional food markets and enterprises and The payments announced today (under value-added agricultural products. Part 3, below) will go out under the existing • $75 million in additional funding for CFAP rules; however, future opportunithe Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive ties for USDA Pandemic Assistance will Program, administered by the NIFA, which be reviewed for verified need and during provides funding opportunities to conduct the rulemaking process, USDA will look and evaluate projects providing incentives to make eligibility more consistent with to increase the purchase of fruits and vegthe Farm Bill. Moving forward, USDA etables by low-income consumers Pandemic Assistance for Producers will • $20 million for the Animal and Plant utilize existing programs, such as the Local Health Inspection Service to improve and Agricultural Marketing Program, Farming maintain animal disease prevention and Opportunities Training and Outreach, and response capacity, including the National Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, and Animal Health Laboratory Network. others to enhance educational and market • $20 million for the Agricultural Reopportunities for agricultural producers. search Service to work collaboratively USDA Pandemic Assistance for Prowith Texas A&M on the critical intersecducers – 4 Parts Announced tion between responsive agriculture, food Part 1: Investing $6 Billion to Expand production, and human nutrition and health. Help & Assistance to More Producers • $28 million for NIFA to provide grants USDA will dedicate at least $6 billion to state departments of agriculture to expand to develop a number of new programs or or sustain existing farm stress assistance modify existing proposals using discretionprograms. ary funding from the Consolidated Appro• Approximately $80 million in additional priations Act and other coronavirus funding payments to domestic users of upland and that went unspent by the previous adminextra-long staple cotton based on a formula istration. Where rulemaking is required, it set in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, will commence this spring. These efforts 2021 that USDA plans to deliver through will include assistance for: the Economic Adjustment Assistance for • Dairy farmers through the Dairy Donation Program or other means: CONTINUED ON PAGE C4
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C3
2014 Peterbilt 388
2015 Kenworth T800
• 500 hp • 650,000 miles • 18 speed • (1) owner • Lift axle • Very Nice!
• 48” flat top • 485 Cummins • 10 speed Buy or Lease to own 2006 Peterbilt 378
! D L O S
• 10 speed • C-15 • 63” sleeper
Havre, MT
2016 Peterbilt 389
$12,664/yr - oac
Buy or Lease to own
2010 Peterbilt 388
! D L O S
• 10 speed • ISX Cummins • New drives
Billings, MT
2015 Kenworth T800
2015 Peterbilt 579
• 665,000 miles • 18 speed • Paccar • Lift axle
• 13 speed automatic • Lift axle • (1) Owner
Buy or Lease to own
Buy or Lease to own
$14,025/yr - oac
2018 Peterbilt 389 • 18 speed • Flat top • X-15 engine • 63” sleeper • (1) Owner
• 18 speed • Lockers • 550 ISX • (1) Owner Buy or Lease to own
$20,563/yr - oac
! D L O
• 50-ft. grain trailer • Power tarp & gates • Rear lift
Kalispell, MT
Buy or Lease to own
$23,811/yr - oac
• 50-ft. • White • Rear lift • Power tarp Buy or Lease to own
$9554/yr - oac
• Ag hoppers • Power gates & tarp Buy or Lease to own
$10,001/yr - oac
$14,025/yr - oac
• 50-ft. • White • Ag hoppers • Very nice! Buy or Lease to own
$10,500/yr - oac
2013 Peterbilt 388
! D L SO
• 18 speed • Flat top • Lift axle
Pickrell, NE
! D L O S • 50-ft. • Gun Metal Gray • Rear lift
$11,841/yr - oac
• Power tarp
Fort Benton, MT
2021 Step Deck
• 42-ft. • Power tarp • 66” sides Buy or Lease to own
$9554/yr - oac
2021 53-ft. Step Deck
! D L O S
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• Spread axle
Call for Pricing
• Triple ramps • Air ride • Spread axle
Missoula, MT
Check us out on the web frielingagequipment.com
3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C4
Horses - Left Shoulder single iron Phone (406) 454-3933
Flexi-Coil 600 36-ft. chisel plow. Also air seeder with Friggstad 140 bushel tank. Mounted harrows, packers and seed boots......... $8000 White 5542 combine, 16-ft. header, excellent condition, low hours........ ................................................................................................. $4500 Mayrath 10”x40-ft. auger, PTO drive............................................ $2000 8”x24-ft. auger with 16 hp Kohler engine....................................... $1250 Versatile 24-ft. pull-type swather, PTO drive................................ $2000 New Holland 114 swing tongue, hydraulic hay mower................. $1500 New Holland 281 small square baler.............................................. $450 AT Ferrell Clipper large seed cleaner.......................................... $2000 60-ft. sprayer, 500 gallon tank....................................................... $1500 13.5-ft. chisel plow........................................................................... $450
Call Bill O’Connell at 406-581-8569 Located north of Bozeman, MT
CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2001 Deere 644H, 550 hours on rebuilt engine, 8210 hours. Good condition. Asking...........$65,000
1989 Cat 953, 4-in-1 with ripper, 10,965 hours. Asking.........................$25,000 Phone (406) 587-3032 or cell (406) 539-2650, Bozeman, Montana
2001 Cat 320CL, 42” & 68” bucket, thumb, pattern changer, 7865 hours. Good condition. Asking...... .............................$70,000
1992 John Deere 772BH, 6 wheel drive, snow blade and wing. Good running machine. Asking...$50,000
‘Pandemic Assistance for Producers’ to distribute resources more equitably CONTINUED FROM PAGE C2
Textile Mills program. Part 3: Carrying Out Formula Payments under CFAP 1, CFAP 2, CFAP AA The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, enacted December 2020 requires FSA to make certain payments to producers according to a mandated formula. USDA is now expediting these provisions because there is no discretion involved in interpreting such directives, they are self-enacting. • An increase in CFAP 1 payment rates for cattle. Cattle producers with approved CFAP 1 applications will automatically receive these payments beginning in April. Information on the additional payment rates for cattle can be found on farmers. gov/cfap. Eligible producers do not need to submit new applications, since payments are based on previously approved CFAP 1 applications. USDA estimates additional payments of more than $1.1 billion to more than 410,000 producers, according to the mandated formula. • Additional CFAP assistance of $20 per acre for producers of eligible crops identified as CFAP 2 flat-rate or price-trigger crops beginning in April. This includes alfalfa, corn, cotton, hemp, peanuts, rice, sorghum, soybeans, sugar beets and wheat, among other crops. FSA will automatically issue payments to eligible price trigger and flat-rate crop producers based on the eligible acres included on their CFAP 2 applications. Eligible producers do not need to submit a new CFAP 2 application. For a list of all eligible row-crops, visit farmers. gov/cfap. USDA estimates additional payments of more than $4.5 billion to more than 560,000 producers, according to the mandated formula. • USDA will finalize routine decisions and minor formula adjustments on applications and begin processing payments for certain applications filed as part of the CFAP Additional Assistance program in the following categories: – Applications filed for pullets and turfgrass sod; – A formula correction for row-crop producer applications to allow producers with a non-Actual Production History (APH) insurance policy to use 100% of the 2019 Agriculture Risk Coverage-County Option (ARC-CO) benchmark yield in the calculation;
– Sales commodity applications revised to include insurance indemnities, Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program payments, and Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus payments, as required by statute; and – Additional payments for swine producers and contract growers under CFAP Additional Assistance remain on hold and are likely to require modifications to the regulation as part of the broader evaluation and future assistance; however, FSA will continue to accept applications from interested producers. Part 4: Reopening CFAP 2 Sign-Up to Improve Access & Outreach to Underserved Producers As noted above, USDA will re-open sign-up for of CFAP 2 for at least 60 days beginning on April 5, 2021. • FSA has committed at least $2.5 million to establish partnerships and direct outreach efforts intended to improve outreach for CFAP 2 and will cooperate with grassroots organizations with strong connections to socially disadvantaged communities to ensure they are informed and aware of the application process. Please stay tuned for additional information and announcements under the USDA Pandemic Assistance to Producers initiative, which will help to expand and more equitably distribute financial assistance to producers and farming operations during the COVID-19 national emergency. Please visit www.farmers.gov for more information on the details of today’s announcement. USDA touches the lives of all Americans each day in so many positive ways. In the Biden-Harris administration, USDA is transforming America’s food system with a greater focus on more resilient local and regional food production, ensuring access to healthy and nutritious food in all communities, building new markets and streams of income for farmers and producers using climate-smart food and forestry practices, making historic investments in infrastructure and clean-energy capabilities in rural America, and committing to equity across the Department by removing systemic barriers and building a workforce more representative of America. To learn more, visit www.usda.gov.
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In the March issue of the Trader’s Dispatch we ran a couple of pictures of the ice falls in the Bad Rock Canyon in Montana. We were told the colors were created by minerals in the cliff BUT we had some very nice people let us know that is not the case. These are colored by either food coloring poured on them or Koolaid packets. At least it is nice to know someone is reading our paper. I guess we could call it an “April Fool”.
Tree planting in winter?
##### A cement mixer and a prison bus crashed on the highway. Police advise citizens to look out for a group of hardened criminals.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C5
By Joe Zeleznik, Forester, NDSU Extension 9-ft. rock roller, water fill, $ On Super Bowl Sunday, I planted my first trees for 2021. built by Fisher Metal........................................ The high temperature was minus 11. Clearly, they weren’t Phone (406) 736-5677, Great Falls, Montana planted outside. I used tall pots for the 24 green ash seedlings and 24 bur oak seedlings. They’re both native species and can withstand our cold winters, along with droughts and occasional floods. We don’t have a greenhouse at home, so the trees are in our dining room. For now. I’m trying to see what happens to the annual tree rings when the trees break out of dormancy early. Do the rings develop normally? If not, can I describe or measure the different growth? This is dining room science, but it has nothing to do with dinner selection or human nutrition. In my studies on tree rings, I’ve observed several thousand rings from hundreds of trees throughout North Dakota and western Minnesota. The rings show which years had great growing conditions and which years were dry. We can tell when a tree was wounded and sometimes, we can see flooding in the rings. Can we tell which years had an abnormally early spring? That’s what I’m trying to figure out. The annual rings for 1910, 1958 and 2012 in many local bur oak trees show something weird. I know, that’s not a very scientific description. Nevertheless, the rings for these years are clearly different than those from other years. Lentils, Chick Peas, Yellow Peas I remember that spring came early in 2012. The maple and Green Peas tree on our boulevard in Fargo was flowering in January. Yes, January. Temperatures were in the low 50s for at least New Crop / Old Crop three days that month. That maple tree, and many others in the area, didn’t survive. All Varieties But the green ash and the bur oak trees did survive. And the bur oaks had a weird ring in 2012. Apparently, the spring of 1910 also came early, leaving its mark on the bur oak trees. 301 Main St. I’ve seen similarly weird rings in green ash trees in 1947 and Ledger, Mt 59456 1986 as well, at least in western North Dakota. Office: 406-278-0151 And that brings us back to the experiment. Can we force Cell: 406-229-1381 an early spring on these tree seedlings? Yes, we can. We did Email: terryp@commerciallynks.com it last year as well, growing more than 100 seedlings in our greenhouse - I mean in our dining room. Seedlings were planted in early February, early March and early April and they all broke bud and grew normally. Did that early spring result in weird Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 growth in the rings? 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) I don’t know yet. The experiment isn’t finished. A downside to this project is that the seedlings have to be killed to look at the rings. To look at the rings of large, standing trees, we extract cores from them. The cores go across the rings, showing the tree’s response each year. Coring makes a small wound in the stem, We stock a but the trees recover within large variety of a year or two. Too bad I Honey Bee parts can’t do that with these tiny seedlings. I love this project because it demonstrates the scienincluding rod weeder supplies. tific method, where we take our observations and come up with explanations. The explanations become hypotheses that we then test in a controlled environment. And then we adjust our experiments and re-test, and test again. I’ll keep doing that for as long as my wife lets me keep Call today for New VR12 trees in the dining room. Grain Vac pricing and Thanks, dear! availability We Sell For more information We also have parts for about gardening, contact 1” and 2.5” air seeder hose your local NDSU Extension REM Grain Vacs 6”, 7” and 8” rubber/flexible agent. Find the Extension office for your county at grain vacuum hose Parts and https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ We are your MAV Chopper Dealer UII and Hart Cart reel parts Conveyors extension/directory/counties.
T & T Farm Supply, LLC
Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.
Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C6
The deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
1990 Peterbilt 378 dump truck, Cummins N14, 18 speed, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears..........$25,000
2012 Peterbilt 389 extended hood, 485 hp, ISX 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 620,000 miles, clean one owner truck, all maintenance records....$61,500
8360 Hwy 10 West• Missoula, MT 406.549.1047 or 207.1945 doublediamondtrucksales.com 406doublediamond@gmail.com 2019 Komatsu PC55MR 231 hours, as close to brand new as it gets, progressive link thumb, long stick, comes with 3 buckets, everything works as designed, no leaks of any kind, ready to work........... ....................................................$75,500
2014 Peterbilt 388 ISX 485 hp, 13 speed, 14,600 lb. front, 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 46,000 lb. rears on air track with lockers, 430,000 miles............... $62,500 2005 Mack Granite CV713 E7 460 hp, 440,000 miles, 10 speed, 14,600 lb. front, 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 40,000 lb. rears on Mack Camelback, two line wet kit, Pro Tech aluminum cab guard, new drive tires............................ $42,500
2006 Kenworth W900 Cat Accert 475 hp, 13 speed transmission, new clutch and transmission, new tires, cold air conditioner, 12,000 lb front, 40,000 lb rear, 3.55 ratio, 13,000 lb lift axle, extensive motor work with records, new seats, work ready.......................................... $62,500
2003 Peterbilt 379 Cat C12, 430 hp, 13 speed transmission, 234” wheelbase, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, R/A Reyco suspension, aluminum rims, 70% virgin tires, no rust, ready to work............ ................................................... $54,900 1973 Kenworth 900A Cummins 350 hp, 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears on Hendrickson Walking beam pad over beam, great project truck.............. $7500
1991 Ore-West 15-ft. box, spring suspension, super singles..................... $15,500
1997 Clement triple axle, 15-ft. pup trailer, hi lift gate, spring suspension, 11R22.5 tires............................................... $7500
See more inventory and photos on our web site
1993 Trail King 3 axle low boy, air ride, 102” wide, third axle flip, 29-ft. well, 12ft. rear deck, 10-ft. neck. manual detach. 80% rubber................................. $23,500
Survey detects potential canola insect pest in N.D.
Extension and Ag Research News Future trapping and field scouting will be essential for early detection and population monitoring of canola flower midge. An NDSU Extension trap survey detected a new insect called the canola flower midge (Contarinia brassicola) in canola fields in northern North Dakota during 2020, says Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension entomologist. The canola flower midge belongs to the family Cecidomyiidae (gall midges) in the order Diptera (flies). The canola flower midge recently was identified and found to be widespread in Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada. “We obtained 10 pheromone lures from Canada to monitor for canola flower midge for the first time in 2020, mainly along the northern tier of North Dakota,” Knodel says. “At the end of the trapping, six of the 10 traps sites were positive for canola flower midge in five counties: Bottineau, Cavalier, Pembina, Towner and Walsh. The Langdon Research Extension Center in Cavalier County had the highest number of canola flower midge trapped, with a total of 344 midges captured in 2020,” Knodel says. The adult canola flower midge is a small (less than 2 millimeters long), nondescript brown fly. “Farmers and scouts are not likely to notice them in the field due to their cryptic color and small size,” Knodel says. The immature stage is a small, white maggot like larva. Larvae feed and injure the flower buds by causing a swelling (or gall) that prevents flowers from opening. Damaged flowers do not produce pods or seeds. Damaged flower buds are elongated and bottle-shaped and form a closed flower gall. “Canadian entomologists do not know the economic impact of this new Contarinia midge in canola,” Knodel says. “There is little known about its pest management. “Canadian entomologists observed that early planted canola (mid-May) had more midge-damaged pods compared with late-planted canola (early June),” she adds. “Insecticide seed treatments were tested for control of the canola flower midge, but no negative impact on midge injury to pods was found. This is not surprising because the adult midge emerges about four to six weeks after seeding, whereas insecticidal seed treatment activity wanes about three to four weeks after seeding. “Future trapping and field scouting will be essential for early detection and population monitoring of canola flower midge in canola grown in North Dakota,” Knodel says. “This will help the canola industry, so we will know when these midges are present at high populations and pose a threat to canola production in North Dakota.” The Northern Canola Growers Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Crop Protection and Pest Management - Extension Implementation Program supports the survey.
National Cheeseball Day
Date When Celebrated: This holiday event is always held on April 17 National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs. But wait!!! What kind of cheeseball are we talking about? There’s the light and airy, puffy cheeseball that you munch on for a snack by the dozens. There is also the cheeseball, often decorated with nuts, that sits on a party tray until spread on a cracker. In celebration of this special holiday event, let’s celebrate and enjoy both kinds of cheeseballs. When it comes to the cheeseball snack, we are certain that you can’t eat just one. Not even a handful. Cheeseballs are addicting. Place a bowl of cheeseballs on the counter, and watch them disappear right before your eyes. Toddlers and young kids are Cheeseball hounds. So are teenagers and adults. In other words, everyone lives cheeseballs. The cheeseballs of holiday trays is equally loved. Strangely, it is wildly popular around the holidays and hard to find other times of year. Celebrate this cheesy day with cheeseballs (both kinds). Serve them after dinner during your favorite Television show, or whenever its convenient. History and Origin of “National Cheeseball Day”: Is this a celebration derived from the snack industry, or the dairy industry? We suspect so.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C7
• A 28% protein supplement using plant protein and NPN. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals. Maintain gut health and stability for profitability.
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C8
##### Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick? A: “Put it on my bill.” ##### Q: Why did the witches’ team lose the baseball game? A: Their bats flew away.
TRACTORS FOR SALE (3) Super M International tractors, F-11 loaders with hay heads, chains and winter fronts, 12V systems, orbitable control steering with truck axles, live hydraulic to loaders. Retiring, am selling units.
$9000 per unit
(406) 660-5066 • Dillon, MT
18” - 96” diameter, lengths up to 64-ft. Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new. Treated Timber: $1.25 per board foot under 20 feet long. $2.00 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.
Call Scott 406-370-9924 Stevensville, MT
Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (2) 41’x 9’ Rail car with timber decking....... $8000 each (1) 41’x10’ Rail car with timber decking...... $6000 each (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking..................... . ................................... $5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also) 1998 Ford L800, tandem axle, 24-ft. flat bed truck, Cat 3126, RoadRanger RT/RTO 8LL, 394,712 miles. 1995 Asii tri-axle 20-ft. flatbed end dump pup trailer.$22,000 2007 Kobelco ED190 121 HP, 36” bucket with hydraulic thumb, 6810 hours, 6-way blade, tight boom, newer sprockets/ idlers with rock guards, forestry guards, heat and air, Optimal weight 45,000 lb.................................. $90,000
crew cab, 4x4, cummins,
2020 RAM 1500
loaded big horn, short box,
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Winter damage to evergreens
Kathleen Cue, Nebraska Extension Horticulture Educator Spring’s welcome temperatures give us a chance to walk the landscape, checking to see how our trees and shrubs weathered the winter. Rabbit feeding damage on burning bush, vole paths over the lawn, and browning of evergreen needles are some of the things you will notice. Evergreens have the unique ability to photosynthesize when temperatures reach 45° F, which seems odd but can and does occur during our winters. Tree roots in frozen soil, as is often the case during our winters, means photosynthesis is using water that evergreens cannot replace. The result is brown needle tips that can encompass all the leaves on the south side of the tree. (The Northern Hemisphere’s tilt away from the sun during the winter months makes this possible.) The drying effects of bitterly cold winter winds also dries out foliage. Tree owners and tree services alike are reporting lots of tip browning of evergreen needles this spring, primarily of spruce trees. The time to prevent needle browning is in the fall of the year. Tree owners should take note, making sure the soil is evenly moist prior to ground freeze. This ensures tree tissues are well-hydrated. The screwdriver test is the easiest way to check soil moisture levels when ground is unfrozen. A screwdriver blade difficult to push in is indicative of dry soil, while a blade that pushes in smoothly indicates good soil moisture. Newly planted trees are the most severely affected by winter’s dryness, having less established roots to mine the water they need. Besides, watering, newly planted trees benefit from the application of an anti-desiccant in late fall. Anti-desiccants are spray-on products that contain wax or plastic to thinly coat needles and broadleaf evergreens, reducing the amount of winter water loss from drying winds and warm days. Anti-desiccants should be applied twice, once in late fall and a second application in mid-winter, and only on days in the 40-50° F range. More information about anti-desiccants is found here: https://ag.umass.edu/ landscape/fact-sheets/protecting-evergreens-in-winter-qa There is nothing that can be done to force evergreen needles to re-gain their green color. Evergreens shed needles when the leaves are not photosynthesizing efficiently. The best thing to do now is to practice vigilance and water trees when there has been more than a month of no precipitation (or use the screwdriver test to check soil moisture levels). Refrain from fertilizing trees as this can deepen the effects of winter injury and summer drought. Snow melt can skew our perception of just how dry things are, indicating the importance of checking soil moisture. The U.S. Drought Monitor has large portions of Nebraska in the Abnormally Dry to Moderate Drought conditions: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu
Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day Date When Celebrated: Always April 12th Are you ready to chow down? We hope so, ‘cuz today is Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day. People have been consuming the ever popular grilled cheese sandwich for seemingly ever. Its roots go back to ancient Roman times, when bread was topped with cheese and melted. It wasn’t until the 1920’s that sliced bread was created. Shortly after that, today’s grilled cheese sandwich began to be enjoyed by millions. What do you need to celebrate Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day? The ingredients are cheese, sliced bread, a little butter, and your appetite. Any cheese will do. If you are looking to be a little daring, add a couple slices of tomato or tuna fish to it, then grill it in a frying pan. ##### Today I decided to visit my childhood home. I asked the residents if I could come inside because I was feeling nostalgic, but they refused and slammed the door in my face. My parents are the worst. ##### What is the difference between Iron Man and Iron Women? One is a super hero, the other a simple command.
New MontGuide fact sheets to aid Montanans
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C9
The deadline for advertising for the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
From MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) ExMontanans to leave real property to a designated beneficiary upon their death tension recently published six new MontFARM EQUIPMENT & BULLS FOR SALE without going through a probate process. Guides covering a variety of topics to proJohn Deere 2280 swather, 25-ft. header, U-II pickup reel, The MontGuide is available at store. vide unbiased information for Montanans. new canvas, sickle, extra parts msuextension.org/publications/FamilyFiAs part of their outreach efforts, MSU (2) John Deere 2270 swather, parts, good engines Extension specialists and agents write nancialManagement/MT202010HR.pdf (2) new drive tires MontGuides with information gathered Quitclaim Deeds in Montana New Holland 855 round baler, grease and go during their research and outreach work This four-page MontGuide explains New Holland 855 round baler, parts Home-made generator, 4 cylinder Wisconsin, runs a house throughout the year. The fact sheets are quitclaim deeds, including what they Yearling Angus bulls designed for all Montanans, including are, when they are used, what the risks Turner Angus (406) 337-3800, Shelby, Montana agricultural producers, home gardeners, are and what some of the unintended tax families, landowners and other groups. consequences might be. The MontGuide New and existing MontGuides are lois available at store.msuextension.org/ Products/Quitclaim-Deeds-in-Montanacated online at store.msuextension.org, MT202102HR__MT202102HR.aspx. where they can be downloaded for free or Fire-Resistant Landscaping Considprinted copies can be ordered. For more information, call the MSU Extension Diserations for Montana’s Wildland Urban Interface tribution Center at 406-994-3273 or email This four-page MontGuide describes orderpubs@montana.edu. the wildland-urban interface and how The new MontGuides include the folmany plants have developed fire-resilient lowing: adaptations. It also addresses how to creGrowing Cold-Hardy Berries and Small Fruits in Montana ate fire-resistant landscapes, which is an Grain, Liquid, Hay & Livestock Hauling This eight-page MontGuide highlights important component in reducing wildfire • In business since 1960 • currants, gooseberries, dwarf sour cherrisk. The MontGuide is available at store. Visit us at www.glasstrucking.com msuextension.org/Products/Fire-Resistantries, aronia and haskaps (or honeyberLandscaping-Considerations-for-Monries), which are hardy fruits that can be Denton, MT grown almost anywhere in Montana. The tana’s-Wildland-Urban-Interface-(WUI)406-567-2232 800-325-8859 MontGuide is available at store.msuexMT202104AG__MT202104AG.aspx tension.org/Products/ Growing-Cold-Hardy-Berries-and-Small-Fruits-inMontana-MT202101AG__ MT202101AG.aspx Animal Unit Month By (AUM) Lease Rates This two-page MontGuide is intended for livestock producers and SeedMaxx® represents a new THE ONLY ADJUVENT landowners who are ingeneration of prebiotic nutriterested in simple ways to tion in a convenient, seed safe YOU WILL EVER NEED formulation that has a targeted determine rental rates for effect on the soil and plants grazing lands, including biological system pushing crops rangelands, forest lands, to grow through yield dragging Why Hook challenges and better reach and dryland and irrigated Outperforms the their genetic yield potential. seeded pastures. The docuCPDA Competition ment provides an overview Call for more info! Certified • Eliminates off-target spray drift and examples of how to • Maintains the droplet spectra compute AUM rental rates • Reduces evaporation and pesitifor Montana grazing lands. cide volatization The MontGuide is avail• Optimizes leaf coverage by able at store.msuextendroplets Glyphosate HERBICIDE Hook is Designed to • spreading sion.org/Products/AnimalHold the tank mix in solution A post emergent, and reduces foaming be Used with Every Unit-Month-(AUM)-Leasesystemic herbicide • Creates a positive charge that Rates-MT202103AG__ Spray Tank Mix with no soil residual attracts the droplets to the plant MT202103AG.aspx activity. Spreader - Sticker • Keeps the pesticide on the plant It is generally nonStigma Free Addictions and is “rain-fast” in 30 minutes Deposition Agent selective and gives Terminology for MontanActivator - Penetrator • Eliminates unwanted barriers broad spectrum on the leaf and allows for inans control of many Drift Control creased penetration This four-page Montannual weeds, Guide addresses terms perennial weeds, woody brush and trees used surrounding addicCheck us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! tion, which is an umbrella Call for more information! Including hose, valves, fittings & more! term for both substance use, such as alcohol use and drug use, and behavioral addictions, such as gambling or sex addiction. LIQUID - DRY - ANHYDROUS It gives an overview of substance use in Montana and identifies language that can cause stigmas toward people with substance use issues. The MontGuide is available at store.msuextension.org/Products/ Stigma-Free-AddictionsTerminology-for-Montanans-MT202013HR__ MT202013HR.aspx Tr a n s f e r o n D e a t h Deeds in Montana This eight-page MontGuide explains transfer on “Your Crop Production Specialist” Kremlin, Montana death deeds, which allow
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Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C10
You can view an online version of the Trader’s Dispatch at: www.tradersdispatch.com
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1999 Deere 544H loader, 3 yard bucket, straight loader, good matched tires, 12,500 hours................................. $49,000
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Compaction • Hydraulic Breaker • Buckets John Deere 4000 Series H, winch, includes all controls for each, mounting plate, drive shaft.......................... $14,000
2013 Deere 310SK, 4x4, heat/air, extend-a-hoe, 24” backhoe bucket, full PowerShift, 6500 hours...................... $45,000
Cat D7E, very good undercarriage, very good engine, ripper, u-blade. Very nice older dozer.....................Call for Price 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours...$60,000
2011 Bobcat E50 compact excavator, 4250 hours, thumb, quick coupler, front blade, cab/air/heat, 18” bucket........ $43,000 1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2007 Cat 303.5CN OROPS, bucket, thumb............... $28,900 2013 Cat 308E 2 buckets, hydraulic thumb................ $52,000 Cat 314C, blade, Q/C, hyd thumb.................................... Call 2012 Cat 314D, cab, air, heat, front blade with float, 48” smooth bucket, hyd pin-grabber coupler, auxiliary hyd, pattern change in menu, master switch by entry door............ Call 2006 Cat 320CL, cab, air, heat, wedge coupler, hyd thumb, 48” smooth bucket, 36” dig bucket, pattern changer. Very good undercarriage.............................................................. Call 2006 Deere 35D, hyd thumb, blade, damaged cab, 2600 hours. Very good mechanically, new tracks..................... $24,500 2007 Hitachi ZX135, 2 buckets, hyd thumb, blade.......... Call 2002 Hitachi ZX200LC, cab, air, heat, forestry cab guard, thumb, 42” dig bucket, Hendrix pin-grabber coupler, auxiliary hyd. Very good undercarriage...................... $54,000 Hitachi EX270-1, elevated cab, can come off, good undercarriage, bucket and miscellaneous. Runs good............. Call John Deere 892D, good undercarriage, hyd thumb. Starts and operates as it should...................................Call for Price
Cat D4H TSK custom track skidder, grapple, very good pads, needs rails, 6-way hyd blade, good paint. Starts and operates well, on consignment. New rails and bolts available for an additional $4000................................Call for Price Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call Cat 966C loader, open station, average tires. Starts and operates as it should...........................................Call for Price Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount, comes with trailer and lights..................................................................... $10,000 Deere 690E log loader............................................ For parts John Deere 740 skidder, good tires, swing boom grappler. Good older skidder, will go to work..............Call for Price 1996 Timbco 445 feller/buncher, extend-a-stick, Log Max 1000.............................................................Call for Price Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call 2003 Valumet 890 forwarder, good working condition..... Call Several slide booms for parts available
2015 Deere 344K, 3rd valve, QC, 5300 hours........... $68,000
2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 14-ft. moldboards, 10,000 hours.................. $92,000 2006 Deere 772D, cab, air/heat, powershift transmission, LED lights, 17.5x25 tires at 55-85%, 6WD capable, 14-ft. moldboard, wing addition with blade, 5 shank rear ripper, 13,290 hours. Runs good, operates good............ $79,000
2010 Case 321E, cab, air/heat, QC, forks, bucket, 2900 hours..................................................................... $53,000 1997 Cat IT28G................................................................ Call Cat 966C, 4 yard bucket............................................. $25,000
1999 Rosco RB48 sweeper, enclosed cab, air conditioning, low hours. Runs great.............................................. $9500
2011 Bobcat T190 skidsteer................................. Coming In 2006 Bobcat S300 skidsteer................................. Coming In Deere 317 skidsteer, bucket, open station................. $17,000
Ingersoll-Rand VR90B telehandler, open cab, joystick controls, all 3 steering options, 3 speed forward/reverse, 5-ft. x 4” wide tires, front tires 35%, rear tires 85%, . Runs and operates good....................................................... $29,000
Cat Challenger 3-pt., 3 SCV’s........................................ POR John Deere 4010 tractor, hyd front blade, hyd angle snow wing, PTO, 2 hyd remotes, lights, plug in block and oil heaters, new rear tires, studded chains, good front tires, studded chains................................................................... $11,000
1973 Ford F700, 12 yard dump.................................... $5000 1979 Peterbilt DS, self-loader, trailer............................... Call
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The first Gram-positive bacterial disease in Nebraska
Dave Ostdiek, Communications Specialist, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, Scottsbluff Almost two years ago, I introduced the idea of Nebraska serving as a breeding ground for the discovery of new plant diseases. This has been particularly evident with bacterial diseases, specifically those caused by Gram-positive pathogens. “Gram” refers to the reaction of the bacterium’s cell-wall structure to a microscopic dye that broadly differentiates bacteria into two primary groups – negative and positive. This was named for the Danish bacteriologist Hans Christian Gram, who developed the technique. Characteristics Although the majority of plant-pathogenic bacteria are Gram-negative, there is a group of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens that cause damaging diseases in some crops. Nebraska appears to be the original home for a number of these pathogens that have historically been extremely important to major field crops grown here. This diverse group of bacteria varies in shape and size, but exhibits similar short, irregular rods that may be slightly curved, or club-shaped. They are common inhabitants of soil, constituting a large and important component of the soil microflora, consisting of both pathogens and saprophytes (microorganisms that live on dead or decaying matter). A new root disease in sugarbeets Two well-known examples of this group of bacterial pathogens (due to recent epidemics in Nebraska) are bacterial wilt of dry beans and Goss’ wilt of corn. However, did you know that another obscure disease representative of this group was reported much earlier than bacterial wilt or Goss’ wilt and is probably lesser known than either? The first report involving this group of bacteria, apparently native to Nebraska, was a new root-rot disease of sugarbeets in 1901 by George Hedgcock, a graduate student Charles Bessey, an early plant pathologist at the University of Nebraska. Haven Metcalf Haven Metcalf, another student of Bessey’s, may be better remembered today for his pioneering work with forest pathology. As head of the Bureau of Plant Industry’s Forest Pathology Investigations, he became a celebrated figure working with chestnut blight, publishing the first general U.S. Department of Agriculture bulletin on this disease in 1909. Metcalf later chose his close friend and graduateschool colleague, George Hedgcock, to lead the investigations on the different rust disease problems of conifers and surveying for diseases in the national forests in the western United States. Metcalf arrived in Lincoln in 1901 as one of the few trained bacteriologists at that time. He became the first instructor of this subject at the University of Nebraska, teaching while also studying with Bessey. His presence in the department also introduced the new bacterial techniques to the school. Wet Rot of sugarbeet In that same year of 1901, Hedgcock brought to Metcalf’s attention a destructive wet rot of sugarbeet. Studies began in 1902 and the disease was further found to be widespread and prevalent throughout Nebraska – and also to some extent in Arizona and Colorado. With the assistance of Hedgcock, Metcalf determined the disease to be of bacterial origin. Strangely, symptoms of the disease were observed only on mature roots, starting at the root tip and moving upward toward the crown, eventually resulting in a soft, sticky mass of decayed tissues. No foliar symptoms were observed until the entire root was destroyed and leaves suddenly collapsed and turned black. No infections were ever noted on young plants in fields or on seedlings after inoculations in the greenhouse. The pathogen was identified as a white-colored, Gram positive, non-motile (not capable of motion) bacterium, but not viscous. Metcalf concluded that the disease was new, caused by a never-before described pathogen, and named it Bacterium teutlium. The study of this new disease became Metcalf’s Ph.D. topic, completing it in 1904. It is now assumed that this bacterium is a member of a group closely related to various lactic acid bacteria utilized for the production of acid from the fermentation of silage. Nevertheless, regardless of what its identity actually was, it began a string of plant disease reports to come for Grampositive bacterial pathogens from Nebraska. ##### Believe it or not, there is more potassium in spinach than there is in bananas. Potassium helps with digestion and muscular functions.
Rain and snow observers needed
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C11
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News A statewide citizen science network is looking for volunteers for rain and snow reporting in North Dakota. These observers will measure rainfall, snowfall and snow depth as part of the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) Network. Observers also are encouraged to measure the water equivalent of the snow after it melts, although that is optional. “This is your chance to become part of the state’s climatological history and contribute to an accurate flood potential forecast in your local areas as well as drought assessment during the growing season,” says Adnan Akyuz, state climatologist and professor of climatological practices at North Dakota State University (NDSU). North Dakotans have been collecting precipitation (rainfall and snowfall) data since the early 1900s in most places. When farmers, engineers, and weather and river forecasters ask for precipitation data for a given location, that information comes mostly from volunteer observers. “Providing that data is fun and easy, and only takes five minutes a day,” Akyuz says. “The data, however, have tremendous value for farmers, researchers, forecasters and decision makers.” Data from CoCoRaHS Network volunteers routinely are being viewed and used by meteorologists, hydrologists, emergency managers, city utilities, insurance adjusters, agribusinesses, engineers, science teachers and the National Weather Service. Data are used for many applications, such as flooding, water resource planning, severe storm warnings, teaching Earth science, predicting crop yields and assessing drought. “We need as many volunteer observers as possible around the state to fill the gap, especially in unrepresented rural areas,” Akyuz says. “We have a lot of training materials for you to participate in this activity,” he adds. “All you need is an interest in weather and a 4-inch cylindrical rain gauge. “Currently, more than half a million North Dakota citizens are under a drought in the heart of the rural farm and rangeland,” Akyuz says. “Your observation in these areas can help identify fast-emerging drought for decision makers to allocate resources to mitigate the impact.” This year, Akyuz is giving away 10 CoCoRaHS designer face masks to random new observers. To qualify for the drawing, you must join the network in March and submit your first observation by April 15. V i s i t h t t p s : / / w w w. c o c o r a h s . o r g / C o n t e n t . aspx?page=application to learn more about joining the network.
2012 John Deere A400, 16ft. 896 header, 2608 engine hours, 1806 header hours. Clean, well maintained swather......$49,000
2010 John Deere A400, 14ft. 896 header, 953 engine hours, 691 header hours. Low hour, one owner swather.................$64,500
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Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C12
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Case W7E loader, 4WD, rear steer, PS, cab & heater, 4 cylinder gas with Clark power shift trans. with high and low, recent tune up, has QC forks and 11/2-yard bucket, good tires, easy starting handy ranch machine............................$10,900 obo
Ford LN8000 6V53 Detroit diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, 16-ft. dump bed, removeable side, has tailgate & extra racks, air brakes, power steering, great ranch truck. Will haul dirt, excellent, runs good, 27,500 GVW................ $4900
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Case 580 Construction King, loader, 4 cylinder diesel, power steering, QC bucket, forks and straight blade, 3-pt. with mount for backhoe, no PTO, 4-speed transmission, torque converter and shuttle, runs good. Good small ranch machine.... $4900
1979 Oshkosh 6 wheel drive water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins, jake brake, 9 speed transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow................... $10,500
$34,000 2006 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine! John Deere 770 BH grader cab, heat, 6800 hours, 13-ft. moldboard, auxiliary hydraulics, mounts for side blade. Fresh service, good machine
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State vet lab testing 2,500 COVID-19 samples a day
University of Wyoming Extension could be removed from campus if everyone The director of the laboratory testing on campus was sampled every two to three University of Wyoming (UW) COVID-19 days and those testing positive quarantined. samples was describing how the Wyoming Nationwide data made clear universities State Veterinary Laboratory (WSVL) came and similar institutions were hotspots of to be testing 2,500 samples a day when he infection for their surrounding areas. stopped mid-sentence and changed facial “We really wanted to avoid UW being expressions. a source of infection for other people,” he “Let me just step back a minute,” said said. Will Laegreid, a professor in the DepartUW ditched the nasal pharyngeal swab ment of Veterinary Sciences. test, the sample of choice at the time, to folVault Health provided diagnostic testing services to UW until the WSVL took over low such schools as Yale and the University diagnostic testing in December, literally of Illinois that use saliva testing. Accuracy saving the state of Wyoming and UW milis as good or better than the nasal swab, Laegreid said. lions of dollars, Laegreid estimates. Tests The decision was common sense. are conducted in the UW Biocontainment “(Nasal pharyngeal swabs) are pretty unFacility. Hundreds of UW employees are involved pleasant,” he said. “And, if we were trying in the scheduling, testing and results proto do people twice a week, that would last about half a week, because no one’s coming cess, from taking samples, to testing, to back voluntarily to do that twice.” creating the digital communication infraWSVL conduced surveillance or screenstructure, to student and employee contacts and then helping quarantine those testing ing testing from October to December, positive. when the lab was Clinical Laboratory “It’s really striking,” said Laegreid, who Improvement Amendments registered, specializes in the pathogenesis and control which allowed human diagnostic testing. of animal diseases. “One of the greatest The lab is awaiting certification but can things about this is it’s been really great provide diagnostic testing while registered. working with the people who have been Surveillance or screening tests the likeliinvolved in this overall program. And it hood someone may be positive; diagnostic sounds hokey, but we have some really, testing changes the management of an really excellent people on this campus, and individual, such as warranting quarantine. they have really gone beyond the extra mile Ramping up to more than 10,000 tests to get this testing program to work.” a week began to strain the six diagnostic The effort hasn’t been easy, he added, technicians who had volunteered to do the “But it’s sure been a whole lot more pleastests in addition to their day jobs. A robotic liquid handling system, delayed in getting ant than it could have been. And it would to the laboratory, has eased the load, and have been impossible without everyone just another technician has been hired to operate pitching in. And that’s continued.” that equipment. UW is now testing all undergraduate High throughput testing is not usual for students spending time on campus twice the WSVL. Getting 1,000 test samples from per week, while graduate students, faculty a ranch is not unusual. members and staff members are tested “We were able to apply those skills and weekly. The university also offers free knowledge we already had from doing COVID-19 testing to the broader Albany animal testing and apply to human testing,” County community. The testing program, Laegreid said. “And I think that’s why we one of the most innovative in the nation, is were able to do it effectively and efficiently a key component of the university’s efforts with a small number of people.” to limit the spread of COVID-19. Laegreid praises Dr. Brant Schumaker, “We’re extremely grateful for the work a WSVL veterinary epidemiologist, for his done by the WSVL team and others to make efforts. He organized students and other it possible for the university to conduct its volunteers for the expanded COVID hub, own testing program,” UW President Ed which involves checking in people when Seidel said. “Their efforts, and the complithey arrive for vaccinations, monitoring ance of our students, faculty and staff, have them after they receive their shots and rehelped us maintain a safe environment on our campus -- and set the stage for returncording the vaccinations for the Wyoming Immunization Registry. ing to a more traditional semester this fall. “(Brant) is a really good example of an I’m proud of the team and university for infectious disease epidemiologist who’s achieving this national leadership role worked on animal diseases his whole cawhile serving our community.” Efforts began not long after Seidel arreer. But, you know, people are animals, too,” Laegreid said. rived on campus July 1. Seidel had indi“And he was able to go in and help cated in a late-July meeting a desire for establish the parameters for sampling intensive testing of students, staff and our UW population to hopefully achieve faculty members, with the goal of limiting an 80 percent reduction in infectivity on the infection in the UW community. campus and then just on the nuts and bolts That was important, said Laegreid, beof traceback and quarantine and setting up cause stating the reason why then directed those processes. He’s just been tireless, what testing would be done, what would be and he’s shifted that over now to vaccines. done with the data and how many people And honestly, the vaccine program in Alwould be tested. Laegreid said information at the time bany County would not be where it is now indicated about 80 percent of the infectivity without his efforts.” ##### If you were to compare 100 grams of spinach to 100 grams of ground hamburger patty, you would find more iron in the spinach than you would in the hamburger patty. To be exact, there would be 3.57 mg of iron in the spinach, and 2.49 mg of iron in the patty.
##### Japan now has a new class of citizens – the cyber homeless. They live in cyber cafes because it is cheaper than an apartment. The cafes oblige with free showers and even sell underwear. ##### Light switches also work as dark switches.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 – Page C13
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Southland Trailers
$16,650 $11,300
2021 PJ DG 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000 lb. axles, 20” sides, spare tire
NEW 2021 PJ 16-ft. x 82” HD dump trailer (2) 10,000 lb axles, 3-ft. sides, upgraded cylinder, spare and ramps
2021 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare
2021 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles Also available: 16-ft......$4800
2021 PJ 14-ft. x 96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber
2021 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp
2021 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.
2021 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 20-ft.....$7950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8450
$13,950 2021 Royal 8.5-ft. x 26-ft. Car/Sled Trailer (2) 6000# axles, rear and front ramp door, side RV door, rubber floor
2021 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 86” height
• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices
$9800 2021 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate
2021 Royal XR 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer tandem torsion axle, V-nose, aluminum wheels, rubber floors, 86” height
2021 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available: 10-ft.x60”.....$2800 10-ft.x77”.....$2800
Tilt Trailers
New Enclosed Trailers
2021 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles
2021 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 3500# axles, tarp
PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers
2021 PJ 12-ft. x 77” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 14-ft. x 83”.....$3150
view inventory on the web at:
2021 PJ 20-ft. gooseneck trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, straight deck, slide-in ramps
2021 Southland 6-ft. x 10-ft. dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp kit, spare tires, ramps
2021 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$5400 and 20-ft.....$5500 2021 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$12,100
2021 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$12,650
2021 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$16,350
2021 Southland 714 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare 2021 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp Also available: 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer, (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.....$10,650
PJ Gooseneck Trailers
Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in MT
2021 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber
PJ Deckover Trailers
$9800 $8250
2021 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate
2021 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$8450
2021 PJ 24-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW
$6650 $7250
2021 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200# axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt
$14,550 2021 Felling 20-ft. Tilt Trailer 8” I-beam frame, toolbox, 5 sets of HD D-rings, adjustable hitch, 8000 lb axles, spare tire
2021 PJ 20-ft. Deckover Trailer 20-ft. deck, 102” wide, (2) 5200# axles, slide in ramps, spare tire.
2021 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire
Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C14
##### When lightning strikes the ocean why don’t all the fish die? ##### Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
New Noble 392 cart and Seedovator 9000 air drills, 36-ft.. .............................................................................. $5000 Phone (406) 337-3330, Oilmont, Montana
Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc. Serving the Trucking Industry Since 1959
Quality Built Quality Sold
2100 Industrial Drive Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-0480 • 800-472-2649
3631 38th Street SW Fargo, ND 58106 701-282-3790 • 800-246-3790
Visit us at: www.johnsentrailer.com
BISMARCK LOCATION: 2010 Merritt 53-ft. tri-axle, air ride, 10-ft. nose, 28-ft. belly, 15ft. rear.......................................................................... CALL
2013 Load King belly dump, tri-axle, air ride 2021 Manac CPS belly dumps, tri-axle, air ride, 2 available 2020 Manac step deck, 53-ft. x 102”, all steel 2021 Manac step deck, triple axle, beavertail, 2 available 2016 Timpte silver, 48-ft. x 102” x 78” tri-axle, with rear lift, ag hoppers, hydro traps, electric tarp 2012 Timpte 48-ft. x 102” x 84”, black, air ride, tri-axle, ag hopper, 2 available 2011 Wilson 50-ft. x 102” x 78” tri-axle, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper over suspension chute out the back, electric tarp
2021 Ranco 42-ft. x 102” side dump tri axle air ride with rear lift. Located at Bismarck............................................... CALL
2009 Wilson black, 49-ft. x 102” x 84” tri-axle, air ride, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper over suspension, electric roll tarp 2012 Wilson black, 49-ft. x 102” x 84” tri-axle, air ride, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper over suspension, electric roll tarp 2013 Wilson black, 49-ft. x 102” x 84” tri-axle, air ride, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper over suspension, electric roll tarp
View our website for more photos and information on all of our trailers.
Out-of-state buyers
By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC Sizzling bacon! This market is hot! It is difficult to provide accurate statistics to show the influx in out-of-state buyers, but you cannot deny that sales in Montana have continued to upsurge. Real estate professionals and economists agree that 2020 held major changes for the market and attribute it to the new way we are defining home. Home is somewhere that individuals are now spending the majority of their time and not just to eat and sleep but to work as well. To add to that, employees are discovering that as long as they have the essential computer and internet connection, they can ultimately reside anywhere. Observations indicate a record-high demand and a straggling inventory that cannot support it. As a result of the demand and low inventory, prices are climbing higher. Montanan’s are seeing prices that exceed that of their average income. So, who’s buying? People out of state realize the importance of privacy and open spaces while the country endures the pandemic sending them searching for recreational properties or land to build upon. The price explosion can also be attributed to the purchase of vacation or investment properties. There isn’t just an influx in urban areas like Billings or Missoula but in the smaller towns and rural communities as well. The lack of choices in urban cities are driving buyers to the smaller surrounding subdivisions. With market trends similar to these in the past, we could usually anticipate a deceleration after a couple of quarters. At this time, an end is no in sight. The local market reflects what is happening on a national scale as well. Land is an investment that does not depreciate. The most consistent request we receive is people searching for a property with a little bit of acreage. Should a property become available that meets this criteria, you can expect to see it snatched up and off the market within hours of being listed. People want the space and away from neighbors. Additionally, Montana has the recreational activities that come with rural living: hunting, fly-fishing, horseback riding, hiking, etc. The outdoor opportunities drive the purchase home. At this time, the lack of inventory is the only thing holding buyers back. Properties hindered by covenants or conservation easements are not as popular as the free and clear piece of ground. It may sound hyperbolic when we describe 2021 so far, but there is no exaggeration. It is insane!
National English Muffin Day The “Toaster Crumpet”
Date When Celebrated: This holiday event is always held on April 23 English muffins are believed to have been created in the 10th or 11th century in Wales, England. They were first called a “Toaster Crumpet”. Samuel Bath Thomas, a British immigrant to the United States, is credited with introducing the English muffin to the United Sates in 1894. Always toasted, English muffins were originally served in the finest restaurants and hotels. It didn’t take long for this tasty treat to make it’s way to the average American breakfast table. The versatile English muffin was first served as part of the breakfast meal, or as a quick morning bite to eat, before heading out for a busy day. It’s versatility became quickly apparent, and nowadays is consumed for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. For breakfast, toasted English muffins are slathered with butter, which soaks into all of the nooks and crannies. We all have our own homemade version of the Egg McMuffin. Ours is called the “Egg McDaddy”. For lunch, you can load it up with your favorite meats, cheese and condiment. Kids love peanut butter and jelly on English muffins. For dinner time, it acts as the side bread, or you can pile almost anything on top of it. Try heaping some Mac and Cheese on an English muffin... yum! English muffins make great snacks, too. Use them as a base for mini pizzas. This is such an enjoyable and tasty holiday. It’s easy to participate, too. Just pop an English Muffin in the toaster or toaster oven. Then, top it off with whatever your prefer! History and Origin of “National English Muffins Day”: While English muffins have been graced the breakfast table for hundreds of years, this holiday event first appeared around 2017.
Cataloguing genetic information about yams
Rachel Schutte, American Society of Agronomy Yams are a staple food in West Africa, which produces over 90% of the world’s yams each year. Yams play a key role in the food security, economic income, and traditional culture for the region. While they are commonly assumed to be the same as sweet potatoes in the U.S., yams are a completely different plant. The yam tubers are much starchier and drier compared to sweet potatoes. Yams are native to Africa and Asia, and most Americans have never had a true yam. Even though yam is a staple crop for West Africa, there has been limited research to improve the genetic diversity or productivity. Researcher Shinsuke Yamanaka focuses on improving crop breeding resources for yams. His research was recently published in Crop Science, a journal from the Crop Science Society of America. The goal of Yamanaka’s research was to increase the knowledge about the genetic information within yams – to help with future endeavors of breeding more varieties. Presently, there is little information for breeders to rely on – so Yamanaka is creating a type of “library” of information for future yam breeders. There are more than 600 species of yams. The research team focused on the white Guinea yam because of its economic importance. Farmers in tropical and sub-tropical Africa rely on yams to make a living. But yams are not an easy crop to grow. Yams can take up to 11 months to grow before harvest. Also, the male and female flowers grow on different plants, so it is hard to time pollination correctly for a successful breeding. “The long growth cycle, inconsistency in flowering between plants, and polyploidy are major limitations of the yam breeding study,” explains Yamanaka. In addition to improving those characteristics, breeding new varieties can increase the crop yield, improve cooking properties, and decrease harvesting time. These would be beneficial for farmers. When scientists breed crops, it can take several years to identify which plants have the best traits to be used as parents. Once the parent plants are chosen, the breeding process can continue as the plants are cross pollinated to create new, improved offspring. Previous research has focused to collect and characterize genetic material from countries in the “yam belt” of West Africa. But maintaining this large collection is a challenge. Researchers wanted to better understand the physical and genetic variations of plants in the collection. To do this, researchers used molecular markers. Molecular markers are segments of DNA that correspond with certain plant characteristics. This helps researchers predict what the plant will be like based on DNA instead of growing and observing the plant. The team used plant material from over 400 yam plants, and DNA was extracted for analysis. Researchers were able to reduce the size of the collection by eliminating plants that were genetically similar or not unique. A total of 100 yam plants were found to be unique, which will make up the new smaller collection. Important agronomic traits were recorded about each plant in the new collection. These traits included the number of stems per plant, the growth period, number of tubers per plant, yield, and tuber weight. In breeding terms, this is a “mini-core collection.” Similar collections are available for rice, millet and palm, among other crops. This smaller collection will be much easier to maintain and gather information from. And creating new, preferable types of yams will help African farmers. Breeding better crops takes time. This collection of genetic resources will help scientists save time as they evaluate and select which plants to use for breeding. “Although our research is just the beginning of better utilization of the wide genetic diversity in yam, we hope our research will pave the way to improve yam breeding for farmers,” says Yamanaka. ##### Why do people never say “it’s only a game” when they’re winning? ##### Why is it called a funny bone, when if you hit it, it’s not funny at all?
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C15
##### Q: What did the green grape say to the purple grape? A: “Breathe, stupid!” ##### Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer? ##### If quitters never win, why do they tell us to quit while we’re ahead?
Check out our website www.tradersdispatch.com
NEW DR11 - 200 psi HDPE PIPE
11/4” to 4” on 8-ft. metal reels or 3” to 60” in 40- or 50-ft. lengths available by the reel or the truckload
Use for stock or drinking water - conduit - natural gas available in black, orange & black with red stripe.
Contact Ed – Big Sky Pipe – Great Falls, MT 406-453-7299 or toll free 844-453-7299 Email: ed.bigskypipe64@hotmail.com – www.bigskypipeandsupply.com
Your Air Seeder Rebuild Experts #RedEAg Check out the latest upgrade we did on a John Deere 1910 Cart!
Red E, LLC | Fargo, ND USA
CALL OR TEXT US AT: USA: 701-205-1485
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C16
2005 Flexi-Coil 3850 cart with 5000 drill, 380 bushel cart, 60-ft. drill, double shoot, low profile hopper, extra parts, well maintained, ready to go........... $45,000
Call Michael 406-460-1654
##### Q: What is the tallest building in the entire world? A: The library, because it has so many stories. ##### Did they have antiques in the olden days? ##### Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle? ##### Always remember you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
2008 Volvo VNL64T300 Volvo D13 485 hp engine, automatic, air ride suspension, ratio 3.90, 275/80R22.5 tires, polished aluminum wheels, 245” wheelbase, front axle 12,500 lb., rear axle 40,000 lb., Eaton-Fuller transmission, speed, 439,346 miles. NEW OVERSTOCK13 BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS Phone 208-339-5539 or 339-5538, Blackfoot, ID
Anything Anything To To Do Do With With Grain, Grain, We We Handle Handle It! It! Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... $39,995 NEWBelt OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS It!$39,995 Conveyor away ......................................................................... 1-BrandtAnything 15”x100’ To with Doswing With Grain, We Handle 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt swing away $32,995 1- Brandt 15”x90’ 20”x110’Belt beltConveyor Conveyorwith w/steering axle........................................................................... .......................................................................... $42,995 NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS 1- Brandt 20”x1 10’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & 20x95 CLOSEOUT SPECIALS It!$42,995 To Do With Grain, Belt Conveyor with swing away(fits ......................................................................... $39,995 15”x100’ Drive Over w/extended tube with or We 20x110)Handle ................................ $15,995 1-BrandtAnything Hydraulic 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995
Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt 15”x90’ 20”x95’ Belt belt Drive 2021 swing away away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $32,995 $13,995 Conveyor with swing swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with ........................................................................... Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS 1Brandt 20”x1 1 0’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... $42,995 1-Brandt Belt Conveyor Conveyor with with swing swing away away ......................................................................... ......................................................................... $39,995 $39,995 1-Brandt 15”x100’ 15”x100’ Belt Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 20”x95’ belt axle ............................................................................ $33,995 20”x95’ Belt belt Conveyor 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Conveyorw/steering with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $42,995 $13,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic 1Brandt 20”x1 1 0’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... 1Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... $39,995 1-Brandt 15”x100’ BrandtHarvest 20”x110’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... $42,995 1545LP International by Meridian conveyor with mover, 26.5hp EFI engine, 1545LP Harvest International by Meridian conveyor with mover, 26.5hp EFI engine, Drive Over (fits 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended w/extended tube (fits with with 20x95 20x95 or or 20x110) 20x110) ................................ ................................ $15,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Conveyor w/steering tube axle ............................................................................ $33,995 20”x95’ belt electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $$15,995 25,000 electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $$13,995 25,000 Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $42,995 $13,995 1-Brandt 1- Brandt Hydraulic 20”x110’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... The Calf Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 The CalfHarvest Catcher w/ATV brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 1545LP International Meridian conveyor EFI................................ engine, Drive 4-wheeler Overby w/extended tube (fitswith withmover, 20x95 26.5hp or 20x110) $15,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic New 40’clutch............................................................................................................ Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller & scraper options Retail $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000 electric NTP Sale $ 2 5,000 Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic New 40’ Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller & scraper options Retail $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000 One - HD 200 gal 3 pt. Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand Retail $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 1545LP by with mover, 26.5hp EFI One -Calf HD Harvest 200 gal 3 International pt. Homestead by Meridian FSbrackets sprayerconveyor w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 The Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler .................................................................................. $2,150 1545LP Harvest International by Meridian conveyor with mover, 26.5hpRetail EFI engine, engine, 1260RT Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. electricMeridian clutch............................................................................................................ NTP1,000 Salebu. $capacity, 25 5,,0 00 00 0 1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $ 2 self-contained hydraulicPro-Till system w/remote controls. Use & forscraper grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 Sale$120,000 $90,000 New 40’ Degelman disc Otico roller options Retail $174,000 .... NTPNTP Sale self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. Use for grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $90,000 1545LP Harvest by Meridian conveyor with mover, 26.5hp EFI engine, The Catcher 4-wheeler .................................................................................. $2,150 NEW - One Only -w/ATV Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. One -Calf HD 200 gal 3 International pt. Homestead by FSbrackets sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand Retail $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 The Calf Catcher 4-wheeler brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 NEW - One Only -w/ATV Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $ 2 5,000 1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, New 40’ $15,255........................................................................................................... Degelman Pro-Till Pro-Till disc disc Otico Otico roller roller & & scraper scraper options options Retail Retail $174,000 $174,000 .... .... NTP NTP Sale $120,000 Retail NTPSale Sale$120,000 $12,500 New 40’ Degelman self-contained system w/remote controls. Use for grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000NTP NTP Sale Sale $90,000 $1,200 Two -Tebben hydraulic 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 One HD gal pt. Homestead by sprayer w/30’ boom, The Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 $1,200 Two -Tebben mowers rotary .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP One --Calf HD 200 200 gal3 33pt. pt. Homestead by FS FS60” sprayer w/30’ boom, hose hose reel reel w/wand w/wand Retail Retail $4,225..... $4,225..... NTP Sale Sale $3,500 $3,500 NEW One Only - 84” Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. One - -Heavy Duty Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, One -40’ Heavy Duty Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. NTP Sale $3,000 New Degelman Pro-Till Oticow/air roller scraper options Retail 1,260 $174,000 ....approx. NTP Sale $120,000 1260RT Meridian Seed84” Tender, tripledisc axle trailer ride&suspension, 6 compartments, cu. $4,300 ft. or 1,000 bu. capacity, Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 $6,999 26’self-contained Maybridge Harrow withw/remote transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 hydraulic system controls. Use for seed or Retail $134,000 NTP Sale hydraulic system controls. Use for grain, grain, seed or fertilizer................ fertilizer................ Retail $134,000NTP NTP Sale Sale $90,000 $90,000 26’self-contained Maybridge withw/remote transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 $6,999 One --Tebben HD 200 gal pt.mowers Homestead by FS60” sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand Retail $4,225..... Two 3 3Harrow pt. rotary .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP NTP Sale Sale $3,500 $1,200 NEW One Only Wheatheart Heavy Hitterw/tilt, Post grapple Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. Honda. Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, & trailer weightmounted, kit ...Reg.13 $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 NEW --Meridian One Only -- Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, hp. Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 1260RT Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, One - Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300NTP NTPSale Sale$12,500 $3,000 Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 FreeForm 8.25’hydraulic Modelsystem 1000, w/remote 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 self-contained controls. Use for grain, & seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $90,000 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NTP Sale $6,999 $1,200 Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP Sale $1,200 Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, NEW One Only Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. Springland UTL U-84” trough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 One Heavy Duty Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 $3,000 hydraulic mover & lift, light kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 One Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 hydraulic mover & lift, light kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 26’ Maybridge Harrow with allows transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 $6,999 The U-trough innovation thehitch..............................................Reg. augers to be used for all products from lentils, grains, and Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 $1,200 NTP Sale $6,999 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport $7,999 The U-trough innovation allows thethe augers to be used for all products from lentils, grains, and canola, to fertilizer. The design has benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 One Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 $6,500 hydraulic moverAUGERS & lift, light kit 26.5 & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 NoMover, Tradeelectric $21,000 8” x39’ MERIDIAN with HP EFIw/sweeps Kohler engine, coldwheel weather muffler, Meridian FreeForm 8.25’ 1000, 3-pt cultivators, & kit $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 26’clutch, Maybridge Harrow withwith transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 $6,999 8” x39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric FreeForm 8.25’ Model Model 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps & gauge gauge wheel kit ...Reg. ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 reversing gear1000, box, light package, shovel kit,be spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE $15,500 The U-trough innovation allows the augers to used for all products from lentils, grains, and clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE $15,500 Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. 8” hydraulic x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS withkit 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric mover & lift, light & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 8” x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric hydraulic mover & lift, light kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 reversing gear box, light package, kit,engine, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-pt cultivators, & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. NTP Sale $1,800 8” clutch, x39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP shovel EFIw/sweeps Kohler engine, cold weather muffler,$2,170 Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversinginnovation gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 The U-trough allows the augers to be used for all products from lentils, grains, and The U-trough innovation allows the augers to be used for allEngine, products fromclutch, lentils, grains, and clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE $15,500 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas electric canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. mover & lift, light & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750Mover, No Trade $21,000 8” hydraulic x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS withkit 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian electric 10” x 39’ & 10” x 46’ NOW IN weather STOCK 8” x39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 8”The x39’U-trough MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversinginnovation gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 10” x 39’ & 10” x 46’ NOW IN STOCK allows the augers to be usedbelt for all products from$23,142 lentils, grains, and clutch, reversing gear box, light shovel kit, spring ....RETAIL $15,500 clutch,to reversing gear box, light package, package, shovel kit, of spring belt tensioner tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE SALE $15,500 canola, fertilizer. design has benefits a traditional auger and a peg conveyor combined. BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT The c/w Motor, FlowGOOD controlthe valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting installed ....... add $900 USED EQUIPMENT 8” x46’ x46’ MERIDIAN MERIDIAN AUGERS AUGERS with with 26.5 26.5 HP EFI EFI Kohler Kohler engine, cold weather weather muffler, muffler, Meridian Meridian Mover, Mover, electric electric 8” HP engine, cold GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 8” clutch, x39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP shovel EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian reversing gear box, light package, kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882Mover, SALEelectric $16,000 10” x 39’ & 10” x 46’ NOW IN STOCK clutch, reversing gear box, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $16,000 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor$23,882 ...............NTP clutch, reversing gear box,light lightpackage, package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142SALE SALE$15,000 $15,500 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 8” x46’ Brandt MERIDIAN with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric$7,000 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 10x60 XL AUGERS Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP 10” x 39’ 39’ shovel & 10” 10” kit, x 46’ 46’ NOW IN STOCK 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 clutch, reversing gear box, light10” package, spring belt IN tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 x & x NOW STOCK Used Stainless Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 1435 Steel Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KITConvey-All c/w Motor,2”Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 Used Pacer Transfer Pump w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away10” Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 x 39’ & 10” x 46’ NOW IN STOCK F9552Stainless PTO Shaft CVConvey-All (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 1435 Steel Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu F9552Stainless PTO Shaft CVConvey-All (2-6 SPL fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” Ends), w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 1435 Steel Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel diesel Motor Motor ...............NTP ...............NTP $15,000 $15,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 LR7651-51 Degelman Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 F9552 PTO Degelman Shaft CVConvey-All (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 LR7651-51 Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 1435 Stainless Steel Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP 1075 HotsyHarrow Hot Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP$50,000 $6,000 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 10x60 XLWater Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 70’ Brandt Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP 2008 7Brandt x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP$39,000 $4,500 LR7651-51 Degelman Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 F9552 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 F9552M2 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 Ends),engine, fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP 2007 Freightliner with SPL Mercedes auto trans. - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 $500 OBO 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 LR7651-51 Degelman Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 F9552 PTO Degelman Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 LR7651-51 Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 1075 Hotsy Hot Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 LR7651-51 Degelman Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 2008 7 Electric x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $8,000 $4,500 7 Tube Kwick Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. -- flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 7 Tube Electric Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 1075 Hotsy HotKwick Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 2008 7 x8,000 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $5,000 $4,500 Champ lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP 7 Tube Electric KwickGrain Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind rewind kit kit ....................NTP ....................NTP $29,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. bag - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO Renn 1014 Farmboy Bag Unloader, with optional roller $29,000 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Extractor, Like $34,500 Champ Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 Tridekon8,000 Grainlb. Boss 13”, Grain Grain Bag Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP New...................................................NTP $34,500 RENTAL DISCS FOR SALE RENTAL DISCS FOR SALE 7 Tube Electric Kwick Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 Renn Farmboy Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 7 Tube1014 Electric KwickGrain KleenBag Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double Like rollerNew...................................................NTP basket ............................................NTP $34,500 $65,000 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, 36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket $65,000 RENTAL DISCS FOR ............................................NTP SALE 41’ Powerflex w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 7 Tube ElectricSpeedtiller Kwick Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 36’ Degelman Farmet Softer, highdisc speed disc with double roller basket ............................................NTP $65,000 26’ Pro-Till with Otico roller &DISCS scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 RENTAL FOR FOR SALE SALE 33’ Degelman Pro-Till discw/spring with RENTAL Otico roller &DISCS scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 26’ Pro-Till with Otico roller & scraper options............................................NTP ...........................................NTP $70,000 36’ Degelman Farmet Softer, Softer, highdisc speed disc with double roller basket basket ............................................NTP $65,000 36’ Farmet high speed disc with double roller $65,000 RENTAL DISCS FOR SALE 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 500 – 990 Gallon Meridian fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock. 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 500––990 990Gallon GallonThunder Meridian fuel trailer with DEF in stock. and 500 Creek fuel trailer withtanks DEF tanks in stock$70,000 26’ Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ...........................................NTP 36’ Degelman Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller fuel basket ............................................NTP $65,000 and 500 – 990 Gallon Thunder Creek trailer with DEF tanks in stock 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 CALL FOR PRICING. 33’ Pro-Till disc with roller & options .........................................NTP $105,000 C...........................................................................NTP ALL FORtrailer PRICING . DEF tanks in stock. 41’ Degelman Powerflex Speedtiller roller $120,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till discw/spring with Otico Otico roller & scraper scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 500 – 990 Gallon Meridian fuel with
and 500 – 990 Thunder fuel trailer DEF tanks in stock 26’ Degelman Pro-Till discGallon with Otico roller &Creek scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 Low Interest Leasing &with Financing Available on most CALL FOR PRICING . & Financing Available on most Low Interest Leasing 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 500 – 990 Gallon MeridianNew fuel and trailer with DEF tanksCall in stock. Used Equipment. for details.
500 – 990 Gallon MeridianNew fuel and trailer with DEF tanksCall in stock. Used Equipment. forindetails. and Creek fuel trailer DEF stock and 500 500 – – 990 990 Gallon Gallon Thunder Thunder Creek fuel trailer&with with DEF tanks tanks stock 406-487-2216 •in 1-888-255-4790 Low Interest Leasing Financing Available on most C ALL FOR PRICING . 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 CALL FOR PRICING . • Website: www.shortlineag.com Email: sales@shortlineag.com 500 – 990 GallonEmail: Meridian fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock. New and Used Equipment. Call for details. sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com 1177 • Scobey, Anything Toand Do With Grain...We It Thunder 500 – 990Handle Gallon Creek fuel trailerBox with DEF tanks inMontana stock 59263 Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263 Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Low Interest Leasing & Financing Available Low FOR Interest Leasing. & Financing Available on on most most CALL PRICING
Breeding better seeds: Healthy food for more people
Eric Hamilton, American Society of Agronomy Your morning cereal or oatmeal. The bread on your sandwich. The corn chips for your snack, and the cookies for dessert. Not one would be possible with the humblest of ingredients: the seed. Seeds such as wheat, rice and corn directly provide about 70% of the calories eaten by people every day. And they ultimately provide nearly every morsel of food, either by providing feed for livestock or by being grown into fruits and vegetables. It’s no overstatement to say that without seeds, civilization would be impossible. But seeds need our help. They are under stress from climate change, and under pressure to feed a growing population. Scores of dedicated scientists spend their careers working to improve seeds. They are using the latest scientific advances to make seeds larger, more nutritious, and more resilient to stress. Rodomiro Ortiz studies how plant breeding can help meet these goals. His research was recently published in Crop Science, a journal of the Crop Science Society of America. As the science behind seed improvements, plant breeding is the foundation for ensuring agriculture meets humanity’s needs. “The seeds generated from plant breeding have desired traits that allow increases in productivity, reduce human malnutrition, improve genetic diversity in ecosystems, and ensure sustainable food production under the specter of global warming,” says Ortiz. Classic plant breeding doesn’t add in extra DNA like genetic engineering does. Instead, plant breeders cross plants that each have uniquely strong features to create a new plant with several beneficial traits. The same process has been used by farmers and scientists for thousands of years to make better crops. But today, plant breeders have access to more information and more tools than ever. For example, the widespread use of DNA sequencing gives plant breeders huge troves of data about useful genes. By figuring out which genes give rise to which useful traits, plant breeders can develop new varieties of crops much more quickly. “Genome-derived knowledge of seed biology can enhance crop productivity, to improve food and nutritional supply through plant breeding,” says Ortiz. But genes are only one piece of the puzzle. Scientists like Ortiz need to know how the plant grows and what it looks like. In the past, scientists might have been able to easily look and tell that one plant had, for example, larger seeds. But today, improving seeds requires ever greater detail. Enter phenotyping, the science of measurement. A plant’s phenotype is its entire expression of its genes in its environment. The height and color of the plant. Its seeds’ weight and shape. Its tendency to resist or succumb to disease — these are all the phenotype. Capturing this information is time intensive. Some of these traits are impossible for humans to even see. And seeds in particular are so small, measuring them by hand is unrealistic. Technology comes to the rescue. “Phenotyping seed traits is a major bottleneck to systematic analysis of seed variation,” says Ortiz. “Advances in digital imaging technology can automatically measure a variety of shape parameters using high resolution images of seeds.” With these tools in hand, plant breeders can improve seeds and develop new crop varieties faster than ever. Ortiz envisions making seeds larger, so each one has more calories to feed people. Larger seeds can also help the next generation of crops quickly grow in the fields, ready to produce a big yield. And plant breeders are trying to make seed proteins more nutritious or the fats inside seeds stable enough to last on grocery store shelves for longer. Each of those improvements mean stronger seeds, and better food, for more people. So, with your next spoonful of chewy oatmeal, consider the humble seed — and the advanced tech and know-how — behind every bite. ##### “Law of Probable Dispersal” Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. ##### “Law of Volunteer Labor” People are always available for work in the past tense. ##### “Law of Drunkenness” You can’t fall off the floor.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 – Page C17
1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -
Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523 Josh Taylor 406-925-9449
Big or Small, We have it all!
Call us for all your Gator Needs
Come check out the Blue Wave!
2019 Highline CRF960 round and square bale processor...$30,000 2014 D&W round bale processor, 6 bale, excellent condition............ .........................................................................................$21,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$31,500 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575
2007 Alfa See Ya! 40-ft. motorhome, complete slide-out, diesel, 33,000 miles. Stored in heated shop. Excellent condition. $69,900
We can help you with your feeding needs!
2020 Haybuster 2660’s in stock. Call for pricing JOHN DEERE
Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs!
NEW Twin Star Hydraulic Rakes
Case 3x4 baler, 7574 bales...................................... Call for Pricing 2020 John Deere 3x4 baler, 4508 bales.................. Call for Pricing New Holland 3x4 baler, 15,228 bales...................... Call for Pricing Case 3x3 baler, 15,721 bales................................... Call for Pricing 2020 New Holland 3x3 baler, 4034 bales................ Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x2 baler, 18,750 bales.... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 8673 bales....... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 11,441 bales.... Call for Pricing 2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4, 0 bale count..............$147,500
2020 John Deere W-235 550-650 hours................. Call for Pricing 2019 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header........................$139,900 2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each...................................................................$134,900 2013 John Deere R450 with 13-ft. 994 header, V10 conditioner, 2661 hour..................................................................... Call for Pricing 2014 MacDon M155 13-ft. header, 1550 hours....................$68,500 2007 New Holland HW305 HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards...$39,900
Ford 3000 tractor, 2WD, no loader, 540 PTO, 3-point, tires 80%...... .............................................................................................$5000 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 Bale King 880 Vortex round bale feeder.................................$7000 DewEze round bale processor.................................................$5500 John Deere 566 round baler, 80,000 bales.............................$5000
2008 New Holland 216 rake.................................................$13,500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$10,500 2006 New Holland 216 basket rake.....................................$10,500 2006 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9700 Sitrex MK12 wheel rake...........................................................$7750
Great Selection of NEW Lemken Tillage Equipment
John Deere Sprayer
John Deere 560 round baler, 10,723 bales............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560R round baler, 6199 bales.............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560M round baler, 9945 bales............. Call for Pricing (4) 2019 John Deere 560M round balers................. Call for Pricing 2016 John Deere 569 MegaWide, 10,850 bales, Delmhorst Moisture Sensor.............................................................................$32,900 2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2014 John Deere 569 MegaWide, 14,203 bales..................$29,750 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2009 John Deere 568 36,000 bales.....................................$23,000 2008 John Deere 568 net wrap and twine, MegaWide pickup, flotation tires, 29,573 bales...........................................................$19,500 2001 John Deere 567 net and twine, 540 PTO, 30,000 bales........... ............................................................................................$9900
2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding.................$92,000 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call 2013 John Deere 2720 12-ft. 6”.. disk ripper, 5-shank, roller baskets .........................................................................................$32,000 2008 John Deere 512 disk ripper, 5 shank, 24” disks...........$17,500 Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500 John Deere 995 7-bottom switch plow, excellent condition.....$9000
John Deere 8345 IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, 6 SCV’s, 48 front & rear duals, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty.. ......................................................................................$351,000 2-2019 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lb weight on each side on rear, Premium light package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty until 6/2023, 256 hours....... .......................................................................................$325,000 2019 John Deere 6195R IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, duals, 650 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty........ ......................................................................................$205,000 2019 John Deere 6155M approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty.......$142,900 2019 John Deere 6145M MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty........................$135,900 1990 John Deere 4455 MFWD, 12,770 hours, engine work has been done, no loader...............................................................$48,000 1993 Agco LT85 with loader/grapple, 85 hp, MFWD, 540/1000 PTO, 5000 hours......................................................................$35,000
Call for details! TILLAGE
NEW 2021’s Coming! CALL!!!
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John Deere Track Tractor
1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C18
Advertising Deadline for the May issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28. PHONE us at (406) 271-5533
Balewagons & Retrievers 2-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition....................... ........$85,000 - $95,000 New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland 1048 balewagon...........................................$10,500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $24,000 to $30,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $12,000-$16,000 New Holland 1032 pull type, REBUILT...............................$15,000 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000 New Holland 1052 retriever mounted on 2006 Peterbilt....$45,000
New Holland HW325 swather, 16HS header, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours....$42,500
2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$36,500
Haying Equipment
Morris 881 round bale mover, like new...............................$16,500 2012 New Holland BB9080 large square baler, 3x4 bales..$35,000 2007 New Holland BR7080 round baler.............................$10,500 Bush Hog BSR 10-wheel rake, very nice..............................$6500
Industrial Equipment
2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000
2007 Supreme 1200TM mixer. New engine, nice condition.......................$115,000
1956 Ford bucket truck, good condition.................................$3500 John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 Kinze 1040 grain cart, 1,000 bu capacity........................... $18,000 Kinze 800 grain cart............................................................$16,500
2007 New Holland TS115A tractor, MFD, FEL and grapple, 3100 hours.....$54,000
2014 New Holland T4.95 tractor, MFD, FEL under 500 hours. Sharp..............................................................................$61,000
1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals........ ................................$29,500 1990 John Deere 8760 tractor, 300 hp, partial 3-point, PTO, 10,280 hours, nice......................................................................$34,500 Versatile 895 tractor, 6800 hours........................................$21,000
Sod Buster Sales Inc.
Farm Equipment Finding Service
33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
406-249-8565 or 1-877-735-2108
What would you do if your canned food froze?
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension I sat in the auditorium waiting to listen containers in soapy water, rinse and then to a band concert for the first time in about proceed to sanitize them. What is the correct concentration for sanitizing the items, a year. according to the USDA? The students walked onto the stage carrying their instruments. All were wearing A) 1 tablespoon of unscented chlorine special masks that allowed them to play bleach per quart of water trumpets, clarinets and even flutes. B) 1 teaspoon of unscented chlorine As a flutist myself, I wasn’t quite sure I bleach per gallon of water could play wearing a mask. C) 1 tablespoon of unscented chlorine Being in a sparsely populated, socially bleach per gallon of water distanced auditorium and listening to a D) 1 teaspoon of unscented chlorine concert played by masked teenagers was bleach per two gallons of water a new experience. However, this seemed Question 6: Essay question: You accidentally left some canned goods in your more “normal” than watching a livestream garage, and you found the cans swollen and at home a mile from the school. They all the contents solidly frozen. What should left the building with a cookie in a plastic you do? bag as a treat. Here are the answers: 1. B; 2. A; 3. D; 4. The next day I was on a Zoom call talking with colleagues from around the U.S., A, B, C, D; 5. C; 6. Inspect the cans. If the including southern states that had weather seams of the can are rusted or burst, throw emergencies recently. One person talked the cans away in a place where no human or about frozen pipes and water raining in animal will consume the food. Do not taste her house as a result of the extremely cold the contents. If the cans are swollen and the weather and storms. can damage was caused by the freezing, Another talked about having no electricplace the cans in the refrigerator to thaw. ity for days. If the product looks and/or smells normal, Then I went online and read some of the thoroughly cook the contents right away by questions posted by members of a Facebook boiling for 10 to 20 minutes. Products then group. A couple of people were talking can be refrigerated or frozen for later use. about unintentionally frozen canned foods See https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/food for left in a garage. more recipes and food safety information. We are touched by many challenges and See https://tinyurl.com/apvpru9z for even full-fledged disasters in our lives. The more information from the USDA about ongoing pandemic situation has disrupted food safety during emergencies. our lives. Blizzards, tornadoes, hurricanes Spring is on the way, and that often and flooding can affect electricity and food means organizing and cleaning kitchen safety. cupboards and appliances. Check your Here are some scenarios to ponder in cupboards, refrigerator and freezer for case you need to cope with a food-related some ingredients to make this delicious issue after a weather emergency. This informain dish meal. mation is based on recommendations from Cilantro Lime Steak Fajitas the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Cilantro Lime Marinade Safety and Inspection Service. 1 c. cilantro, chopped Question 1: Your electricity went out and 1 Tbsp. garlic, minced you have a refrigerator full of perishable 2 Tbsp. olive oil food. How long will the refrigerator keep 2 tsp. dried onions food safe if you keep the refrigerator door 3 limes, zest and juice closed? Fajitas: A) 2 hours 1 1/2 lb. flank steak, trimmed (or other B) 4 hours beef steak) C) 6 hours Salt and pepper to taste D) 8 hours 1 medium red onion, sliced Question 2: Two-part question: During a 3 bell peppers, sliced power outage, how many hours will a full Seasoning for Vegetables: freezer hold the temperature at a safe level 2 Tbsp. olive oil if the freezer is kept tightly closed? How 1/2 tsp. garlic powder many hours will a half-full freezer hold the 1/2 tsp. onion powder temperature at a safe temperature level if 1/2 tsp. chili powder the freezer is kept tightly closed? 1/2 tsp. cumin A) 48 hours; 24 hours 1/2 tsp. smoked paprika B) 36 hours; 18 hours To make the marinade, add cilantro, C) 24 hours; 12 hours garlic, onions and olive oil to a bowl. Zest D) 16 hours; 6 hours the limes, squeeze juice into mix and whisk Question 3: Which of these is an indicatogether. Add the steak to a zip-top plastic tion that thawed, formerly frozen meat is bag, pour cilantro mix over the steak and safe to refreeze? seal the bag. Turn the bag repeatedly to A) The temperature of the food is 60 F. make sure the steak is covered evenly with B) The temperature of the food is 55 F. marinade. Place in refrigerator to marinate C) The temperature of the food is 45 F. for at least one hour. D) The temperature of the food is 40 F or Preheat oven to 450 F. Take meat out of lower and the food has ice crystals. refrigerator 30 minutes prior to cooking. Question 4: A flood has occurred and Slice onions and pepper and add to a bowl you are checking whether your food stored with all the vegetable seasoning; mix well. in your flooded basement pantry is safe to Using a large sheet pan, lay the steak in eat. Which of these foods would not be the middle and spread vegetables around considered safe to salvage and use if the the beef. Cook for 13 minutes, then broil product came in contact with floodwater? on high for two minutes. After broiling, (Mark all that apply) remove from oven and allow to rest for five A) Foods with screw caps minutes before slicing. When slicing, cut B) Foods with pull tops against the grain. Serve with whole-grain C) Foods with crimped tops tortillas and your favorite fajita toppings. D) Foods with snap lids Makes six servings. Each serving has 350 Question 5: You are about to sanitize calories, 19 grams (g) fat, 33 g protein, 10 your metal pans and glass dishes that were g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber and 75 milligrams touched by floodwaters. You wash the sodium.
Winter calving requires diligence
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Winter and early spring calving can lead to health risks for the newborns, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock specialists caution. This winter’s mild weather has created calving conditions that are favorable to the producer and the livestock. However, colder temperatures and wind are still a risk to newborn calves. Hypothermia can result, which leads to delayed nursing, frozen ears, frozen feet and an increased risk of infectious disease. Calving indoors can alleviate some of these risks, but this environment has its own set of risk factors. “When calving indoors, and with a number of animals producing heat and humidity, the temperature changes can produce poor air quality, leading to efficient transmission of potential pathogens and increasing the risk of neonatal calf diarrhea or pneumonia,” says NDSU Extension veterinarian Gerald Stokka. Newborn calves have two internal mechanisms to help them cope with cold weather. First, calves are able to shiver, which is the involuntary muscle movements designed to increase warmth by expending energy. The second mechanism is the nonshivering response that allows fat to be used to increase the calves’ metabolic rate by two to four times the resting rate to help them cope with colder temperatures. This special kind of fat is known as brown fat. It is readily available to the newborn to provide energy to cope with the sudden change in the calf’s environment at birth. “Calves born to properly fed dams come equipped with this remarkable cold-coping mechanism,” Stokka says. The newborn calf’s ability to cope with cold weather means the calf needs to rise quickly after birth and find its food and life source through the dam’s colostrum. Colostrum is a form of milk that mammals produce in late pregnancy. It contains energy, protein, fat and vitamins, plus antibodies to protect newborns against disease until their own immune system is totally functional. Calving ease and excellent mothering ability are critical to the calf’s ability to stand and nurse quickly. In colder temperatures, calves born without some environmental protection or born to poor mothers with poor-quality colostrum will be at greater risk for infection from diseasecausing pathogens. “These may be pathogens that cause calf scours or pathogens associated with respiratory disease,” Stokka says. “In either case, the pathogens are simply taking advantage of a calf with a compromised immune status.” When determining whether a calf has nursed, observe the dam’s udder and teats for evidence of nursing and feel the inside of the calf’s mouth. A calf with a cold mouth has not nursed and needs attention. Minimizing Disease Risks Stokka advises that if calving outside during this time, extra bedding is necessary as insulation and protection from the wind. However, cows delivering calves usually leave the herd and find secluded locations for giving birth, so producers need to be extra diligent when looking for calves that are cold and slow to get up. These calves may need some type of additional heat source and supplemental colostrum. This may mean the newborns need to spend a few hours in a calf “hot” box or just in a warmer environment that’s out of the wind. In some cases of severe hypothermia, dry heat may not work well enough and a warm-water bath is necessary. “However, supplemental heat alone will not be sufficient to warm a calf,” Stokka says. “The calf must receive colostrum.” The dam’s colostrum is optimal. The next best options are frozen stored colostrum or one of a number of commercial colostrum substitutes, not a supplement. The commercial colostrum substitutes need to contain a minimum of 100 grams of immunoglobulin (IgG) per packet. IgG is an antibody absorbed through the calf’s small intestine and provides protection against diseasecausing pathogens. Cold stressed, immune-compromised calves also may require a little extra care with vaccination protocols. In populations of immune-compromised calves, a significant number of calves may not respond adequately to vaccination procedures. Booster doses, which are the second and third doses given within a defined time frame, may be important this year to prevent respiratory disease during the summer and fall weaning season.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C19
On-The-Farm or On-The-Road
When you need tires call us! We carry a HUGE inventory!!!
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C20
Sense Of Smell Day
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Celebrated on: April 24th In the dark annals of history it served to protect us from danger as we came down from the trees and raised ourselves onto two feet. So strongly attached to our development is it that it is connected to multiple different neurological systems, and as such can trigger memories in a way that little else can. With it we can identify our favorite dish, or pick up the wafting scent of our favorite person, that’s right, Sense of Smell Day is dedicated to this most amazing of our (far more than five) senses. History of Sense of Smell The Sense of Smell Institute sponsors this holiday for reasons so obvious we needn’t mention it. The importance of the sense of smell is often overlooked, and some don’t truly appreciate how much of a role it plays in every day of our lives. Some of the most important and comforting things we can experience are intricately tied to our sense of smell, and our sense of smell becomes much less discerning without it. The Sense of Smell Institute is the research and education division of The Fragrance Foundation. Interesting things that this institute has managed to unveil is the fact that no two people smell odors in quite the same way. As the day progresses your sense of smell gets stronger, with the evening representing our strongest sense of smell. This makes a certain amount of sense when you consider that during the day our sight is the most important sense in identifying dangers, and at night, it could be a scent on the wind that saved our ancestors. Another interesting revelation is that Vitamin A is not, as purported, good for our eyesight by and large, but is actually vitally important for our sense of smell. A lack of it can actually cause Anosmia! (An odd little word that means ‘loss of a sense of smell’.) How to celebrate Sense of Smell Day The best way to celebrate Sense of Smell Day is to give our little sniffer a work-out. Try savoring new scents throughout the day, and really take some time to appreciate all the various odors that cross your path.
View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com
Let’s start the new year with some upgraded farm equipment. Don’t let the breakdowns and downtime from last year’s farming season slow you down this year. Stop by or call!
Be prepared for spring seeding with an upgraded John Deere air drill. Several configurations to choose from!
2014 John Deere 1890, 42-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, Primary blockage, 1910 430 2019 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, bushel cart, 31x13.5-15 hi-flotation tires, no 828 acres, all run blockage, Pro-Series monitor. Stock #75398.......... $132,400 (12) openers, narrow gauge wheels, C850 4 tank 2009 John Deere 1830, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, scales, Section Command dual 850/75R42 single shoot, all run blockage, capped 3” rear. Stock #63019.................$499,000 (14) steel press wheels, 270 bushel tow between cart, 8 run, 12” conveyor. Stock 2014 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 10” spacing, #68765.................................... $75,000 (12) Intelligent Ag all run blockage, single shoot, spoked gauge wheels, 550 bushel tow be- 2013 Bourgault 6650, 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, primary blockage, 550 bushhind cart, hydraulic drive, KSI conveyor, secel tow between cart, duals on cart. Stock tion command. Stock #70581....$219,000 (1) #66530.................................. $129,000 (12) 2013 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, 2009 Case IH 700 Flex, 70-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot, John Deere all run blockage, single shoot, no blockage, 1” point, steel solid gauge wheel, 550 bushel tow behind press wheels, 430 bushel tow behind cart, cart, 10” auger, duals on cart, hydraulic dual fan, 3 tank, hydraulic drive, 10” fill audrive. Stock #70823................ $194,800 (3) ger. Stock #70854..................... $38,000 (1) Morris Maxim II, 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 450 bushel tow between cart, carbide tips, 10” auger, primary blockage, capped steel press wheels. Stock #58850.................$9500 (14)
Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom makes and widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS!
2020 John Deere R4060, 132-ft. carbon fiber, 20” spacing, ExactApply, VF420/95R50 tires, hi-flo pump with dual flowmeter, auto solution command, front fill, boom-leveling, complete GPS system, extended warranty through 03/2024 or 2000 hours, 295 hours. Tag #73959............................. $465,000 (1)
2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber, 20” spacing, ExactApply, 420/95R50 tires, boom air purge, auto Solution Control System, complete GPS system, 503 hours. Extended warranty through 3/2023 or 2000 hours. Stock #69560............... $447,500 (1)
2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 5 body nozzles, eductor, manual solution control, VF420/95R50 tires, complete GPS system, 1812 hours. Stock #72956.................................. $249,500 (14) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” nozzle spacing, manual solution control, IF 380/105R50 tires, front fill, complete GPS system, 2185 hours. Stock #69659...... ................................................ $235,000 (1) 2011 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 380/105R50 tires, hi-flo solution pump, BoomTrac Pro 5, fence row nozzles, deluxe cab, 3210 hours. Stock #69458......... $135,000 (12) 2016 Case IH 4440, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 620/70R38 tires, AutoBoom height control, complete GPS system, Aim CommandPro, active hydraulic suspension, 1450 hours. Stock #73404.... $247,500 (14) 2011 Case IH 4420, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon tank, 650/65R38 tires, Aim CommandPro, complete GPS system, 3216 hours. Stock #71958...... $104,000 (2)
Ready to upgrade from your cold ATV into a cozy, enclosed side by side? We have several options to choose from and new units arriving daily.
2018 John Deere 8355M Gator, diesel, cab with heater, horn, radio, power lift box, 2102 miles. Stock #72559...................$19,900 (1) 2018 John Deere 835M Gator, gas, no cab, glass windshield with wiper, power lift box, winch, radio, hood rack, 3800 miles. Stock #72830.......................................$18,500 (1) 2015 John Deere 825i Gator, cab with glass roll down windows and heater, power steering, differential lock, power lift cargo box, front and rear fender guards, alloy wheels, 7721 miles. Stock #68787........$14,000 (14)
2014 John Deere 825i Gator, poly cab, bench seat, power lift cargo box, 72” blade, 9034 miles. Stock #74289....................$9500 (12) 2016 John Deere 825i Gator, enclosed cab with heat, grill guard, bench seat, 6290 miles. Stock #74625....................$9000 (12) 2019 Kymco 700i, 4x4, gas, power steering, winch, cab, heater, 1784 miles. Stock #74559....................................... $11,000 (4)
1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C21
View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com
Let’s start the new year with some upgraded farm equipment. Don’t let the breakdowns and downtime from last year’s farming season slow you down this year. Stop by or call!
Any chore is easier when you have a little muscle and horsepower. Look at these great work horse units we have in inventory!
2016 John Deere 6215R, MFWD + TLS, IVT, 6 SCVs, 3-point, 540/1000 2019 John Deere 6145M, 24/24 AuPTO, Premium cab with suspension, toQuad, 3 SCVs, PTO, 480/80R42 520/85R38 singles, premium light rear tires, cold start package, 114 L/ package, (2) 450# rear weights, H380 Min hydraulic pump, 640R loader with loader/grapple, 3761 hours. Stock grapple, 752 hours, extended warranty #74732.............................. 134,000 (11) 8/2023 or 5000 hours. Stock #71445... 2012 John Deere 6210R, IVT, 40K, limit........................................ $139,500 (11) ed slip TLS+, 4 SCVs, PTO, 620/70R42 2016 John Deere 5100M, cab, MFWD, rear tires, 600/65R28 front tires, premi3-point hitch, H260 self-leveling loader, um plus cab, cold weather package, 32F/16R transmission, 540/540E PTO, H380 loader with grapple, 7200 hours. Cold Start package, dual rear remotes, Stock #74297......................$94,000 (1) 275 hours. Stock #75261..$72,500 (14) 2019 John Deere 6155M, 20/20 CommandQuad+, 3 SCVs, 520/85R38 rear #74538 tires, 420/85R28 front tires, cold start package, 114 L/Min hydraulic pump, 660R loader with grapple, extended warranty 05/2022 or 1500 hours, 879 hours. Stock #71094.......$147,500 (16) 2019 John Deere 6155M, 20/20 Powr2015 John Deere 5085M, 16/16 power Quad+, 3 SCVs, PTO, 420/80R38 rear reverser, open station, air seat, 3 SCVs, tires, 420/85R28 front tires, 640R load460/85R30 rear tires, 320/85R24 front er, grapple, 847 hours. Extended wartires, 595 backhoe, 161 hours. Stock ranty through 10/2025. Stock #71444.. #74538..............................$62,000 (15) ........................................$138,000 (14) 2018 John Deere 5085E, 24/12 Power 1988 John Deere 4450, 155/140 hp, Reverser, air seat, corner exhause, MFWD, 15/4 PowerShift, 3 SCVs, MFWD, LaForge 3-point hitch, Alliance 3-point, dual speed PTO, 42” rear tires, snow tires, John Deere H240 loader, dual hubs, JD 265SL loader/grapple, HLS Sno-Wing blade, 449 hours. Stock 10,808 hours. Stock #75043................. #73794..............................$70,000 (15) ..........................................$49,900 (16) 2009 John Deere 6230, 16/16 power 2019 John Deere 6145M, 24/24 Powrreverser, corner post exhause, PTO, Quad+, 3 SCVs, 3-pt., PTO, 480/80R42 16.9-34 rear tires, 13.6-24 front tires, rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires, 640R 673 loader with grapple, 350 hours. loader, grapple, 600 hours. ExtendStock #74290......................$64,900 (1) ed warranty through 6/2024. Stock 2019 John Deere 6195R, IVT, 40k, 5 #70748............................$142,000 (16) SCVs, PTO, rear dual 480/80R50, front 2014 John Deere 6150R, 20 speed single 480/70R34, cold start pkg, exPowerQuad, 480/80R42 rear tires, tended warranty thru 5/2024, Starfire 420/85R28 front tires, 3 SCVs, PTO, 6000 SFI receiver, loader, 510 hours.... H360 loader/bucket/grapple, 3275 ..........................................$197,500 (4) hours. Stock # 75186...... $109,000 (11) 2016 Case IH Maxxum 150 T4B, partial powershift, PTO, 3 SCVs, suspended cab, L755 loader, grapple, 6 rear weights. Stock #74184...............................$84,000 (12)
Are you ready to make the spring field work easier? Take a look at the many options of 4WD and row crop tractors that we have available! Anything to match your operation and budget!
2019 John Deere 8345R, IVT 40K, ILS susp., 6 SCVs, PTO, 420/85R34 front duals, 480/80R50 rear duals, 85 gpm dual hydraulic pump, complete GPS system, extended warranty through 04/2024 or 5000 hours, 807 hrs. Stock #70674.......... $351,000 (15) 2019 John Deere 8320R, IVT transmission, ILS suspension, 420/85R34 front duals, 480/80R50 rear duals, 6 SCVs, PTO, 85 gpm dual hydraulic pump, complete GPS system, 1088 hours. Extended warranty through 4/2024 or 5000 hours. Stock #69801.................................. $321,000 (15) 2007 John Deere 8430T PowerShift transmission, 25” tracks, wide spacing, 42 gpm hydraulic pump, 4 SCVs, deluxe comfort cab, front and reat HID lights, 3-point, PTO, dual beam radar, 22 front weights, 5653 hours. Stock #73428.......................... $93,000 (15)
2013 New Holland T9.615 36” quad track, GPS system, cab susp., HID lights, 2838 hrs. Stock #74546................. $199,000 (12) 2009 Case IH Magnum 275, 275 HP, PowerShift, 1000 PTO, 3-point hitch with quick hitch, front fenders, front weights, 380 90R/54 rear duals, AFS Pro 600 display, 5270 hours. Stock #74207...... $74,000 (15) 1988 Case IH 9170, 335 hp, 4WD, PowerShift, 4 SCVs, no 3-point/PTO, single tires 24.5x32, 40 GPM hydraulic pump, 6437 hours. Stock #72007................. $37,500 (1) 2005 Case IH STX375, 30” quad track, differential lock, complete GPS system. 4650 hours. Stock #74177............... $89,000 (12)
Check out our website to see photos and info on all of our inventory!
2019 John Deere 9620RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 3500 tracks, 5 SCVs, premium light package, radar, complete GPS system, 550 hours. Extended warranty through 10/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73199......... .............................................. $495,000 (14) 2015 John Deere 9570R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/70R38 tires, 5 SCVs, ActiveCommand steering, high-flow hydraulic system, dual hydraulic pump, complete GPS system, 5600 lb weight package, 2752 hours. Stock #72827.................................... $280,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 9630, 530 HP, PowerShift transmission, 800/70R38 dual tires, 48 GPM pump, 4 SCVs, Case drain for air drill, HID lights, heavy weight package, 5200 hours. Stock #75005............. $142,500 (14) 2020 John Deere 9520R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 tires, 4 SCVs, PTO, complete GPS system, 8500 lb weight package, 515 hours. Extended warranty through 2/2023 or 1500 hours. Stock #73200.$440,000 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470RX,18/6 PowerShift, 30” Duradrive 3500 tracks, 4 SCVs, PTO, deluxe light package, premium cab, complete GPS system, 459 hours. Stock #69880.................................. $457,500 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 duals, 4 SCVs, PTO, premium light package, complete GPS system, 581 hours. Extended warranty through 2/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #69857.$367,500 (14)
2020 John Deere 8345RT, AutoPowr IVT, 16” tracks, 5 SCVs, radar, poly mid rollers, complete GPS system, 22 front weights, 10 rear weights, 400 hours. Extended warranty through 12/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73198.................................. $372,500 (14)
Did your harvest not go as planned with unexpected break downs and expensive service bills?? We still have several affordable units to choose from!
2016 John Deere S690, 1000 engine/735 separator, Interactive Combine Adjustment, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, advanced Powercast tailboard, LSW1100/45R46 drive tires, LSW710/60R30 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69908.................................. $319,000 (14)
2018 John Deere S780, 398 engine/285 separator, Contour-Master, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, IF 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rears, complete GPS system. Stock #64833........................ $420,000 (12) 2018 John Deere S780, 831 engine/615 separator, Combine Advisor, Active/Yield, IF 800/70R38 tires, 750/65R26 rear tires, manual grain tank, 28.5-ft. unload auger, Advance Powercast tailboard, complete GPS system. Tag #74596..... $365,000 (14)
2016 John Deere S680, 1004 engine/717 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, lateral tilt, fixed speed feederhouse, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank, 26ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Extended warranty through 7/2022. Stock #72016.................................. $310,000 (14) 2015 John Deere S680, 936 engine/618 separator, 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rear, TriStream rotor, 26-ft. unload auger, Powercast tailboard. Extended warranty through 6/2022. Stock #70512........... $267,500 (14)
2016 John Deere S670, 3204 engine hours, 520/85R42 duals, lateral tilt, VS feederhouse with fore and aft, extended wear grain handling system, powerfold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, Premium cab and radio. Stock #70500.............. $145,000 (12) 2016 Case IH 8240, 1188 engine/817 separator, dual drive tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, HID lighting, hydraulic fold grain tank and cover. Stock #71959................ $235,000 (3)
2014 John Deere S670, 1060 engine/677 separator, IF900/60R32 drive tires, 620/75R26 rear tires, TriStream rotor, advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger. Stock #72028.................................. $218,000 (12) 2014 John Deere S670, 1860 engine/1304 separator, ProDrive transmission, Contour-Master, 800/70R38 drive tires, manual vane tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, complete GPS system. Stock #72619.................................. $159,000 (11) 2013 Case IH 8230, 2312 engine/1715 separator, dual drive tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, MagnaCut chopper, GPS. Stock #69613.................................. $127,500 (14)
1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
2009 John Deere 9770, 2101 engine/1777 separator, level land feederhouse with fixed speed drive, extended wear grain handling system, 22-ft. hi-cap unload auger, chopper, chaff spreader with powercast tailboard. Stock #73494................. $94,000 (3) 2005 John Deere 9760 2422 engine/1940 separator, level land fixed speed feederhouse, deluxe header control with header height sensing, 26-ft. unload auger, 800/70R38 singles, chopper/spreader. Stock #72843.......................... $81,000 (12)
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C22
1981 Versatile 855, rebuilt engine, new clutch, new tires... ........................................................................... $30,000 1981 Versatile 895, rebuilt engine, new clutch...... $25,000 Summers Ultimate sprayer, 120-ft., 1000 gallons.$15,000 Eversman 2400 land plane, 24-ft............................. $8500 Whirlpool Legacy 6-man hot tub, 3 years old.......... $6500 Shaver HD10 post pounder, front mount.................. $2500 8”x36-ft. engine drive auger........................................ $650 Richardson silage wagon........................................... $750 All equipment in excellent shape Call Riley (406) 899-0595
##### Q: Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? A: Because Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. ##### Q: Why did the fish blush? A: Because it saw the ocean’s bottom. ##### If a word is misspelled in the dictionary, how will anyone ever know?
CUSTOM SWATHING Booking acres for 2021
John Deere W150 with Gps 4 30-ft. & 40-ft. triple delivery headers available. 4 Canola roller available.
Insured • Competitive • Reliable Fairfield, Montana (406) 799-8323
Milk River Ag – Focusing on Forage Spring Seeds Available Small Grains * Red Rock Barley - added tonage and lodge resistance * Surge Triticale - true awnless * Everleaf 126 Oats - big wide leaves, dense foliage * Lavina Barley
Alfalfa * Big Sky Ladak - improved dryland variety * Milk River Blend - economical irrigated blend • Rugged - productivity, versatility, longevity
Corn * Silage Corn * Grain Corn * BMR90 Grazing Corn
Cover Crop Blends * Wide variety of species * Custom blends to fit your needs * Onsite blender
Grasses * Irrigated or dryland forage mixes * Custom revegetation mixes
Annuals * German Millet * Pearl Millet * Sorghum Sudangrass
Contact Us Early To Allow Us To Serve You Better! (406) 399-1113 - Chinook, MT
2021 Nebraska dairy ambassadors selected
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The Nebraska Dairy Ambassador program has appointed four new student ambassadors and one returning ambassador for 2021. This year’s group of ambassadors include: • Abigail Langdon, a second-year dairy ambassador from Clarkson, Nebraska, is a sophomore agribusiness major with a banking and finance option at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) • Whitney Hochstein, a Wynot, Nebraska native, is a freshman graphic design and entrepreneurship major with a minor in foods and nutrition at Wayne State College • Faith Junck from Carroll, Nebraska, is a freshman agricultural and environmental science communications major at UNL • Claudia Leubner, a Marietta, New York native, is a freshman agribusiness major at UNL • Jordan Wilbur, a Kenesaw, Nebraska native, is a senior agriculture education with a leadership option major at UNL Each year, up to six ambassadors with an interest in dairy production are selected to improve their leadership and communication skills while advocating for the dairy industry. Ambassadors engage in conversations with consumers, school-age children and their peers at agriculture literacy festivals, farmers markets, Moo at the Zoo and via social media. At the end of their ambassador program, each ambassador has the opportunity to earn up to a $1,000 scholarship provided by Midwest Dairy. While serving as an ambassador, students have the opportunity to network with their peers and dairy industry partners, visit dairy farms, and tour agribusinesses in Nebraska. “We have a great group of ambassadors this year. They have the drive, ambition and leadership to positively impact the dairy industry while developing a number of skills,” said Kim Clark, Nebraska Extension dairy educator. The Nebraska Dairy Ambassador program began in 2016 at UNL with four ambassadors. Since its inception, 27 Nebraska college students have completed the yearlong program, which is open to any college student in Nebraska. In 2018, this program began partnering with Midwest Dairy. This program is now offered in a number of Midwestern states including South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Illinois. For more information on the Nebraska Dairy Ambassador program, visit midwestdairy.com.
Planning prescribed burning
By Jerry Volesky, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska Late March and April is a key time period when prescribed burning of pasture and CRP lands occurs. Within this time period, there are a limited number of days when weather conditions such as wind speed, direction, and humidity meet the required prescription for the unit that is being burned. With this, having a detailed burn plan is needed to make sure the work is done safely. The primary objective of most prescribed burns in Nebraska is to control eastern red cedar trees. However, prescribed burns can also improve grass stands, prepare them for interseeding, reduce annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, enhance wildlife habitat, and improve forage quality. Safe and controlled prescribed burns don’t just happen. It takes preparation, planning, and an understanding of how fire reacts in certain weather conditions, with particular fuel loads, and on various types of topography. Prescribed fire is useful on CRP or other fields that are overgrown with dead growth from previous years. This mulch can smother plants and new seedlings, causing stands to thin. Fire removes this mulch, enabling stands to thicken, and it improves wildlife habitat. Timing of a prescribed fire is important. For warmseason grasses, a good time to burn is when they just start to grow, usually mid-April to early May. Burning then will result in rapid green-up and thickening of desirable warmseason plants, and reduce invading cool-season grasses. Plan your prescribed burn carefully and be aware of the topography and other factors that will affect how the fire behaves. Never burn unless weather conditions are within your burn prescription. Plus, make sure your burn is legal. You must obtain a burn permit from your local fire chief. And finally, it is always a great benefit to have someone experienced in prescribed burning as part of your burning crew.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C23
Hug A Plumber Day
Celebrated on: April 25th There’s an unsung hero that has brought us the warmth and comfort of life as we know it. Every day they work to ensure that you have water flowing to your home, that your toilet washes away the unmentionable results of being human, and that your clothes can both be washed, and take away the dirt that had soiled them. Hug A Plumber Day reminds us to sing the praises of these important men and women who make sure that modern living remains clean. History of Hug A Plumber Day The history of plumbers goes back to the birth of internal plumbing and sewers, and are responsible for the spread of civilization away from naturally occurring bodies of fresh water. Initially, they worked to ensure that all of the wastewater from a community was piped into the river or ocean the community was built on, but as time and infrastructure improved, they built massive pipelines that brought fresh water inland and moved sewage away to treatment plants where it could be passed into natural waterways. The most visible, and arguably one of the most important, variety of plumbers are those who service all the homes in a community. When you have a leak in your home, you call the plumber. Is your toilet plugged and the plunger just isn’t doing the job? You call a plumber. Building a new home and need to make sure it’s all piped correctly? Plumbers are there to make sure your home will remain comfortable for years to come! Hug A Plumber Day reminds you that you have many of your modern comforts because of their tireless efforts, and giving them a hug is the least you can do to thank them! How to celebrate Hug A Plumber Day Hug A Plumber Day is remarkably easy to celebrate! You just need to find your local plumbers, gird yourself against the smell that often comes with such an unsavory job, and wrap them up in a big hug to thank them for doing the job that so few people will! Every time you take a shower, wash your hands, get a glass of water, or flush the toilet, you have a plumber to thank. Hug A Plumber Day is a great time to remember these heroes and the efforts they put forth each and every day.
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, April 28. Phone (406) 271-5533.
As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.
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2.7L Ecoboost, bronze fire exterior, camel leather interior, fully loaded, 44,500 miles.
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2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Summit
5.7L V8, black exterior and interior, remote start, navigation system, 7140 miles.
2018 Ford Expedition Platinum 3.5L Ecoboost V6, white exterior, leather interior, rear seat entertainment system, 54,415 miles.
2012 Ford F350 Super Duty Crew Cab 6.7L V8 diesel, maroon exterior, adobe leather interior, 173,802 miles.
2016 Ford F150 SuperCrew
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, race red exterior, black leather interior, fully loaded, 34,070 miles.
2016 Ford F350 Crew
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, blue jean exterior, black leather interior, 57,478 miles.
2016 Ford Expedition Limited
3.5L Ecoboost V6, black exterior, ebony leather interior, heated front/rear seats, 75,443 miles.
2015 Ford F150
Crew cab, 3.5L V6, white exterior, black leather interior, moonroof, remote start, keyless entry, 68,086 miles.
2019 Ford F350 Super Duty
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, silver spruce exterior, black leather interior, 117,733 miles.
2019 Ford F150 SuperCrew
5.0L V8, white exterior, grey cloth interior, engine block heater, rear view camera, 29,701 miles.
2018 Ford Edge Titanium AWD
2.0L Ecoboost, blue exterior, leather trim interior, push button start, 35,781 miles.
2017 Ford F150 SuperCrew
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, silver exterior, black leather trim interior, heated/cooled seats, 60,658 miles
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C24
Combine and header lease as low as $30,000 per year. Call Marty for details!
Case IH ADX3430 430 bushel tow between with 70-ft., 12” spacing, Case 700 single shoot drill $7.00 per acre plus delivery and pickup
Flexi-Coil 2320 Tow between with 39-ft., 12” spacing 5000 air drill $7.00 per acre plus delivery and pickup
Cat Challenger MT765C 300 hp PTO, Powershift, 3 point $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
2014 Pillar DH6010 250 acres on new disks, rubber packers, mud scrapers, double shoot, Flexi-Coil towers Call for rental rates and details
Versatile 895 Manual, 310 hp, duals $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Cat Challenger MT965C 525 hp, duals, Powershift, PTO $150 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1981 Big Bud 525/50 Very clean updated Big Bud Ready to go to work, 600 hp, 3,692 hours, 4 remotes, High Flow hydraulics Call for rental rates and details
Farm King 6650 Disc 32-ft., 24” blades, heavy duty disc $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Versatile SX275 Self-Propelled Sprayer 1200 gallon, 100-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate control $1200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
Versatile Viking Vertical Tillage 38-ft. , rolling baskets $7.50 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Spra-Coupe 7650 Sprayer 660 gallon, 90-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate controller $900 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
2016 Frontier 42-ft. fixed tandem, double hopper, steel wheels $1500 per month or $500 per week
Give us a call to get more information about rates, schedule delivery, and more!
Big Bud 320/10 Cummins NTA855 turbo, 320 hp, 4WD $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum. $3000 per week, plus trucking
Big Bud 400/30 400 hp, Powershift, duals $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1979 Big Bud 525/50 Cummins, duals, 4 remotes, hi flow hydraulics, Powershift, Great Running, big horse power Call for rental rates and details
1990 Case 9170 Cummins, 375 hp, 4wd, powershift $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
• www.bigequipment.com •
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 Owner: Ron Harmon • CELL: 406-265-0096
1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Matt • 406-265-9554
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C25
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 1287 Highway 87 • Havre, MT 59501
• www.bigequipment.com •
Owner: Ron Harmon CELL: 406-265-0096
COMBINE AND HEADER LEASE AS LOW AS $30,000 PER YEAR Call Marty for details
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Matt 406-265-9554
2020 Versatile Vertical Tillage 3 units to choose from
2015 Versatile SX280 100-ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless tank. Very clean -
2010 Versatile 220 Cummins, Powershift, 220 hp, 540/1000 PTO, 4 remotes, duals, 1350 hours, clean tractor - $98,500
Versatile 895 Call for Prices and Info
2000 New Holland 9884 50 GPM hydraulics, 425 hp Super Clean Tractor $75,000
1977 Versatile 825 II Nice clean tractor with a 12-ft. Leon blade $28,000
1990 Case IH 9170 Tractor runs great has high hours but don’t let that scare you. Cummins, 375 hp, 4WD, Powershift - $48,000
Big Bud 400/30
1979 Big Bud 525/50 Cummins, 4738 hours, duals, 4 remotes, hi flow hydraulics, Powershift, great running, big horse power $125,000
1979 Big Bud 320/10 Cummins NTA855 turbo, 320 hp, 4WD, 3 remotes, duals $50,000
1981 Big Bud 525/50 Very clean updated Big Bud Ready to go to work, 600 hp, 3,692 hours, 4 remotes, High Flow hydraulicss $180,000
1998 John Deee 5310 3 pt., 2 remotes, 64 hp, Synchro, 540 PTO $22,000
2012 Challenger MT965C 5 remotes, Trimble auto steer PTO, Full weight package front and rear. $220,000
2010 Challenger MT765 6220 hours, 3 pt., 24” tracks, 4 rear remotes, 306 hp, Powershift transmission. $125,000
John Deere 8770 8300 hours, duals, tires at 50%, 4 remotes, 350 hp, 4WD, Synchro transmission $55,000
2014 Claas Lexion 750 Dual Drive Tires, Deluxe cab, plus many more features! One owner stored inside, Super clean $180,000
1990 John Deere 4955 11,182 hours, duals, MFWD, Powershift $50,000
1982 John Deere 4840 9836 hours, 3 pt., duals, 3 remotes, Powershift $28,000
2014 Pillar DH6010 250 acres on new disks, rubber packers, mud scrapers, double shoot, Flexi-Coil towers. $125,000
2010 Seedmaster 5012 With Ezee-On 4400 Tow between Air Cart Cart $90,000
FlexiCoil 820 54-ft., 12” spacing, extremely low acres, has set idle the last 5 years $55,000
1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000
2005 Spra-Coupe 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine $60,000
1979 Big Bud 525/50 2 to choose from very clean tractors $180,000
K-HART 6010 air drill, just traded FlexiCoil 45-ft. 12” spacing with 2320 cart FlexiCoil 57-ft. 12” spacing with 3450 air cart
2004 John Deere 9760 STS Axle extensions, Nice clean combine. $65,000
3 Case IH ATX700’s 1 - 60-ft. • 2 - 70-ft. with ADX3430 carts $98,000
2016 Frontier 42-ft. fixed tandem, double hopper, steel wheels $25,000
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C26
##### When you laugh, you expel air at speeds up to 70 mph. ##### The other day, my dog ate all of the Scrabble tiles, during the day he was leaving little messages around the house.
Cattle - right hip, Horses - right thigh
$5000 obo
Call (406) 882-4547 or cell 270-2768
Small Feed Bins - Large Capacity and everything in between Heaters and air systems for new bins and add to existing bins
SPOKANE, WA 509-927-2525
MISSOULA, MT 406-541-9097
LEWISTON, ID 208-298-2230
James Cell: 509-714-8232
Brian Cell: 406-381-8154
Russ Cell: 509-993-4482
2020 Mack Granite, high end lift gate, 13,000 lb. lift steer pusher, 22,422 miles. Stk# U001221.... $169,500 2018 Western Star tri-axle, lockers, heavy spec. 611,859 miles, Stk# UJR7203..........................$69,900
Net farm income climbed in 2020 despite COVID-19
K-State Research and Extension News Kansas farms appear to be moving out of the shadow of the global pandemic, according to two Kansas State University agricultural economists. Ad hoc government payments made because of the pandemic and higher than expected grain prices since last summer boosted average estimates for 2020 Kansas net farm income to $137,000, a 7% increase over $128,000 the previous year. Even though 2020 is past, the $137,000 is still an estimate. K-State economists will not have final numbers from the KFMA until the end of May. The outlook is a far cry from what was expected late last spring. In May 2020, an initial estimate of Kansas Farm Management Association net farm income was produced, said K-State associate professor Gregg Ibendahl. Using KFMA member farms as a baseline at that time, K-State economists predicted an 87% drop in net farm income. KFMA member farmers work with agricultural economists across the state to enhance members’ production and financial management skills. “At the time, COVID-19 was starting to spread across the U.S. and the economic effect on much of the country was devastating,” Ibendahl said. “Prices for both grains and livestock had dropped, leading to questions about how severe the crisis might be for farmers.” Since then, the profitability outlook changed course on two key developments, according to Ibendahl, an agricultural economist with K-State Research and Extension. First, the USDA announced programs to help both livestock and grain producers affected by the pandemic. The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) provided $23.6 billion to producers through the first two rounds of the program. Additionally, grain prices rose last summer and are now at levels not seen since before the pandemic. In developing their estimates, Ibendahl and extension agricultural economist Dan O’Brien addressed seven major areas, including yields, prices, crop acres, expenses, crop insurance, government payments from the farm bill, and CFAP or ad hoc government payments. Each area was projected down to the farm level to estimate net farm income for each of the 588 KFMA grain farms for 2020 and 2021. Their full preliminary report issued February 3 is available online (https://www.agmanager.info/kfma/research-articles/ preliminary-estimate-2020-kansas-net-farm-income-andprojection-2021). A more complete analysis of 2020 Kansas net farm income based on KFMA data will be available this spring. “While it originally appeared that COVID-19 was going to play havoc with net farm income, the average grain farm at least will come through the year (2020) with higher profitability,” Ibendahl said, but noted that not all farms will weather the market effects of the pandemic as well as the average grain farm. The economists projected that net farm income in 2021 could increase another 35% to $185,000, based on futures prices. Those projections are uncertain, however, and hinge at least in part on whether futures prices translate to actual higher farm prices and if rainfall amounts are normal enough to allow for average yields. The team also cautioned that the western United States is in a La Nina drought, so the prospect of average yields is questionable. In addition, higher grain prices tend to lead to higher expenses for fuel, fertilizer and seeds, which could cut into farm profitability.
East Meets West Day 1990 Autocar ACL66 AWD, Allison automatic, 350 hp Cummins, 46,000 lb. rears, Holan 88-52 Boom-reaches 46-ft. 5”, front & rear outriggers, air & electrical to the rear, many compartments. Only 48,500 miles, serviced. Stock #505698..................................................$47,500
2014 Armolite Belly Dump 23 cubic yards, 40-ft. X 96”, electric tarp, LED lighting, push block. Stk# U000183... .........................................................................$29,900
Date When Celebrated: Always April 25 It’s East Meets West Day.... time for a few introductions. Many kinds of sports team hold annual East vs. West games. Most often, its held by high school sports teams. It does not have to be limited to sports teams. It could be any club or organization that holds competitions, and can be geographically separated into and east and west groups. These special games usually serve a number of purposes, including: • for charitable benefits • Sports booster clubs • to honor and/or showcase the best players of the season Celebrate “East Meets West Day” by holding an East Meets West game or competition. Participate or attend one of these games, if possible.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C27
Big Sky Equipment Co. Service Corey Combs, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell
Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com
Parts After Hours/Weekends 450-6463
2014 New Holland SP.240F front boom self-propelled, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100ft. booms, IntelliView IV monitor, fence row nozzles, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab, low hours.......................... $182,500 New Holland SP.295F front boom self-propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon poly tank, 120-ft. booms, Intelliview IV monitor, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab........... ................................................. $214,900 2016 Apache AS1230 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, Raven Hawkeye PWM nozzle control, AutoBoom UltraGlide, Smartrax Autosteer Raven Viper 4 monitor........ Just Traded
2015 Apache AS1020 100-ft. steel boom, 1000 gallon poly tank, Smarttrax Autosteer, AcccuBoom, Autoboom UltraGlide, Envizio Pro monitor.................. $145,900 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2015 Apache AS720 self-propelled sprayer, 60/90-ft. booms, 750 gallon poly tank, Top-Con X30 monitor......... Just Traded 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.. $89,900
USED TRACTORS USED AIR DRILLS 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, loader. Very low hours............Call
2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours... ......................................................Just In 2006 Case IH DX34, 34 hp, 540 PTO, 3-pt., loader......................................... $13,900
2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate...................... Let’s Deal
Now Stocked with Highline CFR650 Bale Processors
Great pricing available on hold-over Speedrower 160 sickle machine
2016 MacDon FD75 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $59,900 2012 MacDon FD70 35-ft. flex draper with Case IH adapter, slow speed transport... .................................................... $45,000
2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture.................................. $198,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995 2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor..........$54,900.......... Let’s Deal 2004 Morris Maxim II, 55-ft., 10” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, single shoot, 7300 towbetween tank, mechanical drive cart.......... .................................................. Let’s Deal Flexi-Coil 5000 drill with 3850 cart, 12” spacing, 4.5” steel packers, single shoot Stealth openers, dual fan...................... Let’s Deal
2010 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport.................. $49,900 Case IH 1010 30-ft. headers in stock with mixed reel options.............................Call Good selection of new and used Case IH and MacDon pickup headers on hand............ .................... Call for details and pricing
2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Honey Bee GB40 40-ft. header, New Holland adapter....................................... $34,900 Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel.....Call Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oil-bath wobble drive........................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal
New J&M Grain Cart
USED HAYING EQUIPMENT New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call
New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call
We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.
2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine.... REDUCED $10,000 to................ $39,900
1000 bushel, PTO driven, scale, tarp Call today for pricing
Stop by and see us for all of your spring field work needs!
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C28
License Plates I buy license plates
Please send pictures to rbtcbuysell@gmail.com Or text to 406-600-7824 Mike Haugh, Bozeman, MT
##### What did the pirate say when he turned 80? “Aye matey.” ##### This guy comes to my door asking for a small donation for the new public pool. So I gave him a glass of water.
www.LandLeader.com Excellent client service and communication is our #1 priority. Office 406-622-3224
Trampus Broker/Owner 406-231-8515
Staci Broker/Owner 406-799-5908
Allow us to represent you in the purchase or sale of your property. TRAMPUS & STACI CORDER
We want the job and look forward to working with you.
New Agent Spotlight Kate Sousa
A native Montanan, Kate Sousa grew up ranching outside of Missoula where her family raised Simmental Cattle and Tennessee Walking Horses. Instilling in her a hardworking mindset, they farmed their own hay, utilized the horses for working cows, trail riding, packing into the backcountry and competing in national horse shows. At an early age Kate developed a reputation for excellence in training and showing her horses. She developed a love for animals and a special appreciation for nature, which led to her emphasis in post-secondary education. Kate graduated from the University of Montana with a degrees in Zoology and Wildlife Biology. Her next venture was a career in land conservation including forest, riparian and rangeland management, and restoration. Kate’s abundance of energy allowed her to continue to raise the Tennessee Walking Horses and delve into breeding Scottish Highland Cattle. While she now runs a successful ranch of her own, she lives for the opportunity to introduce people to her favorite breed of horse and cattle breeds! With smiles and delight, they are instantly just as hooked as she is! Montana’s beauty captivates Kate, and she enjoys spending her spare time riding horses, playing with her dogs, being at the lake, but particularly making memories with her friends and family. Kate’s experiences from running her own ranch and from her career in land management provides her with a unique insight to buying and selling land. She has a keen eye for identifying valuable resources and attributes for farm, ranch or recreational pieces of land. Along with her easy going persona, Kate likes to stay organized and professional. She will use her knowledge that she has acquired to help you discover the home or property of your dreams in hopes of bringing to you the happy, assured smile that she is used to seeing come across the faces of new friends visiting her ranch!
(406) 370-1490
Keyhole Steel Brace System
With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.
Consumers still favor beef as protein source
K-State Research and Extension News Consumers who prefer beef over plant-based protein alternatives said they are willing to pay nearly two dollars more per meal for a burger when dining at a restaurant, according to a study from Kansas State University. But, the same study notes, those who have turned to plantbased protein alternatives are equally passionate about their choice, saying they would be willing to pay $1.48 more per meal. Those are among the key findings released by K-State agricultural economists Glynn Tonsor and Ted Schroeder in the study, Impact of New Plant-Based Protein Alternatives on U.S. Beef Demand. The study was co-authored by Jayson Lusk, a Distinguished Professor of agricultural economics at Purdue University. “Beef has what we call a good image and we document it as a good image throughout the report,” Tonsor said. “We’ve looked at a litany of questions, such as how does beef compare to plant-based proteins on a lot of dimensions, such as taste, safety, price, nutritional content, protein, iron and even on whether it’s good for farmers, the planet and consumers.” The nationwide study involved more than 3,000 consumers that represented the population of the country. Nearly 70 percent of respondents identified themselves as regular meat consumers (those who regularly consumer meat or food from animals), while the remainder identified with such alternative diets as vegan, vegetarian, flexitarian or other. Tonsor said regular meat consumers reported being willing to pay $1.87 more per meal for a beef burger in a restaurant. They also would pay up to .29 more per pound for storebrand, 80% lean ground beef at the grocery store. Those who prefer alternative diets would pay $1.48 more per meal in a restaurant, and up to $2.32 per pound more in the grocery store. “There’s a big preference among regular meat consumers today for the beef burger, and there’s a strong preference among the alternative diet folks for those newly offered items,” Tonsor said. But the number of consumers choosing beef over plantbased alternatives is clearly in favor of the beef industry. The report notes that beef is consumed three times more often than plant-based proteins in the U.S. Among the factors influencing consumer’s choices are they consider the taste, safety and price of beef to be more appealing. “Those are key differentiation points we see in this study and have seen in several studies,” Tonsor said. “Taste and safety, in particular, are key drivers of U.S. beef demand.” “The protein market is immensely competitive, both from existing and new products being introduced,” he added. “At the same time, global protein demand is strong and growing. The U.S. beef industry produces a high quality, tasty, safe, nutritious, healthy, and affordable product in an increasingly sustainable way. Capitalizing on what the industry does well while continuously striving to do it better is the best advice we can provide to compete in the evolving global protein market.” The full report, as well as an executive summary, is available online from the K-State Department of Agricultural Economics’ website, agmanager.info
Oatmeal Cookie Day Celebrated on: April 30th Although no record seems to exist regarding the origins of Oatmeal Cookie Day, the Internet is filled with evidence that it is a genuine celebration of what is considered to be the healthiest cookie of all. Oatcakes have been relied on to deliver quick boosts of energy since the middle ages and though recipes are today far more elaborate and tasty, oatmeal cookies are still trusted to supply a healthy dose of fibre and iron. Oatmeal Cookie Day is also trusted to flood the internet with fresh ideas for baking enthusiasts on how to best serve up the humble oat flake. First cultivated thousands of years ago and eaten as a type of porridge, oatmeal is now dressed in the finest of fruits, nuts, candies and spices to reign supreme in cookie jars around the world. Oatmeal Cookie Day is a fitting tribute to the taste and versatility of oats.
Best vegetable varieties for North Dakota
By Tom Kalb, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension out in your flower garden. It’s a showstopper! The first step to growing a great garden is Growing melons in North Dakota is hard to sow great varieties. due to our short growing season. The best What’s the best way to find a great variety watermelon in our trials through the years for us in North Dakota? has been ‘Sweet Dakota Rose.’ It was bred Ask your neighbor. Or better yet, ask hunhere, and many gardeners will tell you it is the dreds of gardeners in North Dakota who test best tasting watermelon they ever have eaten. varieties for North Dakota State University Another special melon that grows well (NDSU). Last year alone, 320 families tested here is the Galia melon. It has green flesh that promising varieties in their backyard gardens. is sweet and aromatic. ‘Arava’ and ‘Passport’ We’ve been doing these tests every summer are reliable and flavorful. since 2008. As for tomatoes, I encourage you to try We’ve discovered lots of great varieties ‘SunSugar.’ Its vines produce an abundant through the years. The following are a few supply of orange cherry tomatoes that are of the finest. absolutely delicious. The best pea is ‘Lincoln.’ This heirloom Our list of recommended vegetable varietproduces high yields of delicious peas and is ies for 2021 is available on our website. Do great for freezing. ‘Sugar Ann’ is our chaman online search for “North Dakota Home pion snap pea. This variety ripens early and Garden Variety Trials” or go directly to the produces big crops of sweet, crisp pods. site at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/homegardenWe’ve tested many bean varieties, and the varietytrials. one that generates the most excitement is I invite you to join our team this spring to ‘Crockett’ filet bean. Have you ever grown a try some of these winners as well as some filet bean? Try it! They are very crisp, slender new vegetable varieties. We test herbs and and full of flavor. ‘Crockett’ produces amazcut flowers, too. The trials are simple, and ing yields of dark green pods. the entire family can get involved. Go to the I invite you to sow burpless cucumbers. Home Garden Variety Trials website and sign They produce the finest cucumbers for fresh up to receive our online catalog. eating. Burpless cucumbers have thin skins, small seeds, crisp flesh and refreshing flavor. ‘Summer Dance’ ripens early, produces a large yield and resists diseases. You will be dancing for joy. For pickling, ‘Homemade Serving the Montana, Dakota and Wyoming regions, Pickles’ is our all-time favorite. Its cucumbers are crisp, and beyond, with an extensive selection of reliable small-seeded and blocky. used trucks and equipment since 1998! Its vines are productive and resist diseases. Gardeners in our lettuce trials look for varieties that tolerate heat. ‘Buttercrunch’ 2014 Ford F350 super cab 4x4 dually is a popular classic and does pickup, 6.7 Power Stroke diesel, auwell in our trials. tomatic, power windows & locks, air, 1997 Bobcat 863H skid steer loader, cruise, tilt, 134,000 miles, one owner, Try a Batavian lettuce. diesel, high flow hydraulics, new clean............................................... Call This type of lettuce produces 12x16.5 tires, one owner, ex municipal machine, 2592 hours...................... Call crisp, wavy, delicious leaves all summer. ‘Muir’ and ‘Nevada’ are outstanding Batavian varieties. Other notable varieties 1996 IHC 4700 bucket truck, Altec A300 of lettuce include ‘Alkindus,’ Boom, 35-ft. reach, DT466 diesel, (me‘Fusion,’ ‘Red Sails’ and 2008 Sterling AT9500 truck tractor, 60 chanical), Allison automatic, service series/14 liter Detroit diesel, 525 hp, 13 ‘Bergam’s Green.’ body, 80,429 miles, low hours, very nice speed transmission, full locking rear ends, complete truck................................ Call Tolerance to heat is imporair ride suspension, rear pintle hitch, only tant also with spring-sown 91,385 original miles, ex municipal, one owner, like new condition....................Call spinach. Our team prefers smooth-leaf varieties, which are easier to clean. ‘Space’ produces impressive yields 2001 Sterling L7500 single axle water truck, 2500 gallon McClellan tank, of flavorful leaves in spring diesel pony motor, front/rear and side and summer. sprays, hose reel, Cat diesel, Allison 1996 Ford/Aeromax LT 9000 tandem Growing pumpkins is fun. dump truck, M11 Cummins diesel, 8LL automatic, like new condition, one ‘Neon’ is the easiest variety manual transmission, rear pintle hitch, owner.............................................. Call 64,000 lb. GVWR, heavy specs, one to grow in North Dakota. owner, clean. 230,000 miles........... Call You will be amazed to see its bright orange pumpkins glowing in your garden in August, weeks ahead of all other varieties. Its vines are 1989 Case W14B front end loader, full 1995 Ford F800 service truck with flatbed & cab, GP bucket, 5.9 Cummins diesel, compact and won’t overrun 5000 lb. mechanics crane, Lincoln Ranger 8 new tires, nice ex-municipal loader, the garden. welder generator, (under cdl), 5.9 Cummins 6300 hours...................................... Call My kids like giant pumpdiesel, Allison automatic, 58,329 miles.. Call kins, but most varieties require constant maintenance and produce big, ugly fruits. ‘Big Moose’ pumpkins will 2006 Kaeser M70 towable air comgrow to 50 pounds without pressor/generator, 250 CFM, 125 PSI, any special care. Its fruits are 1995 Silver Eagle trailer dolly, convert- Kubota, 4 cylinder diesel, auxiliary er dolly, Budd wheels, new brakes, DOT 120/240 volt generator and receptacles, reddish orange and beautiful. ready............................................... Call dual hose reels & hose, tool box, 1446 The most stunning vegehours, nice complete unit................ Call table is ‘Bright Lights’ Swiss 1973 Miller 18-ft. flatbed trailer, step chard. Its colorful stems are deck, tilt bed, new updated brakes and hardware......................................... Call so vibrant they would stand
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C29
HAY FOR SALE (100 bales) first cutting alfalfa..................... $85/bale All in 3x4 square bales • Discount for semi loads Also small square bales of alfalfa......$7/bale Phone (406) 212-3413, Kalispell, Montana
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Toyota 2FGIS shop forklift, 3000 lb. capacity, 2 stage mast, gas motor, pneumatic tires, refurbished and ready to work................................................ Call
1981 Ford F700 dump truck, 8.2 diesel, Allison automatic, roll tarp, air brakes, under CDL, 28,000 miles................ Call
2010 JD 310J backhoe 4x4 full cab, GP bucket, pilot controls, auxillary hydraulics, good rubber, tight/clean machine. 3162 hours...................................... Call
2003 Bobcat S250 skid steer, 2500 lb. capacity, 7800 lb. operating weight, Kubota diesel, dual hand/feet controls, composite (no flat) tires, one owner, 3621 hours...................................... Call
1994 GMC 7500 tandem axle dump truck, 15-ft. bed, Cat 3116 diesel, 653 Allison automatic, double frame, Hendrickson walking beam suspension, rear pintle hitch & air, hot shift PTO, one owner, rust free truck, 68,826 miles, 4564 engine hours.......................... Call
1988 Ford F350 Mechanic’s truck with crane,V8 gas, automatic, underhood air compressor, 2200 lb. crane, 43,000 miles............................................... Call
1995 GMC 6500 knuckle boom service truck, fully hydraulic boom, flatbed/service body, Cat diesel, Allison automatic, under CDL, 63,300 miles................ Call
2003 International crane/derrick truck, remote control boom, 26,000 lb. capacity, 47-ft. reach, 160 CFM PTO air compressor, AC generator, diesel, auto, only 75,900 miles, ultimate service truck... Call
2000 Onan 350 KW 120/240/480 volt, 1-3 phase, N14 Cummins diesel, trailer mounted, very clean. ex city / municipality unit........................................ Call
1995 International 4700 debris dump truck, (under cdl), 12-ft. flatbed dump, barn door tailgate, DT466 mechanical diesel, Allison automatic, air conditioning, rear pintle hitch, 90% tires, one owner, no rust, clean...................... Call
Trader’s Dispatch April 2021 — Page C30
The deadline for advertising in the May 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 28th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
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AUGERS, SPRAYER & TANKS FOR SALE Used Meridian 10x66 auger. Like new $15,000 New Meridian 7x33 auger. Starting at...$4420 New Meridian 7x39 auger. Starting at...$4690
Review beneficiary designations
By Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming The ugly side of not updating your forms is that your assets will go to people you don’t intend. An article in the New York Post recounted how a husband lost his wife’s entire $1 million retirement account because her beneficiary form was never updated when they married. His wife had been a teacher and had completed the beneficiary form early in her career. Her sister was the beneficiary. After marrying, she never updated the form. All the money went to her sister and nothing to him! Estate Planning We often talk about the importance of having an estate plan: a will, power of attorney, health care power of attorney, and advance directives for health care. Perhaps we add a trust or life insurance, among other options. One thing we talk about less is reviewing beneficiary designations and account signatory cards. These need to be up to date, and the account holder needs to understand the effect of these designations at death. Probate vs. non-probate assets A person’s estate has assets that pass through the probate process (hopefully by will, but by state statute if there isn’t one). For instance, if you leave a car to your son. Non-probate assets pass by other means: generally by contract or beneficiary designation. For instance, if you had a life insurance policy with your son as beneficiary. It would pass by contract outside of the probate process. In short, the beneficiary form trumps all other estate planning documents, even a will or a trust. This is exactly why you need to make sure the people named on your beneficiary forms are who you really want. Besides life insurance, other assets to check include bank accounts, retirement accounts (401K, IRAs), annuities, and 529 college plans. Ownership documents How is your bank account set up? Are there co-owners, or just people who are allowed to use the account as signatories? If an account includes language regarding “rights of survivorship,” then the joint owner would automatically take sole ownership when a spouse dies. If you intend (in your will) for a non co-owner to receive the funds, then this would be impossible. A simple checkmark or word on a signature card can make all the difference. The same with an asset like a car. Its ownership would transfer to the coowner outside of probate. Conclusion Oftentimes, a beneficiary designation is done, forgotten, and not thought about again until death occurs. So here are two recommendations. First, review every single beneficiary designation and account ownership form whenever there is a big change in your life like marriage or divorce, birth of children, death of relatives, or a change in your financial position. The second recommendation is to create a list of your accounts and assets. This not only helps with keeping documents current, but is useful for when your executor needs to find and distribute your assets. It is easy to overlook details like beneficiary designations, but the effects can be very painful.
The big dipper and the pointer stars Used 1500 gallon tow-between band wagon. ...........................................................$3000
New Meridian 13x75 auger, hydraulic hopper lift, electric hopper mover.........$28,500 Chemicals Banjo Fittings Feed & Bulk Feed Agronomy Advice Fertilizer Soil Sampling Sprayers Parts Hay Sampling
Used Summers pickup sprayer, 500 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, Honda motor, Raven 450 controller, Raven Envizio GPS.......$18,500
Enduraplas Tanks
1650 and 3000 gallon tanks available.
DENTON Cory Hershberger LEWISTOWN Chemicals Banjo Willmore Fittings Curtis Hershberger Bronya FeedBilli & Bulk Feed Agronomy Advice Taylor Becca Schweitzer Fertilizer Soil Sampling Shane Taylor Kerry Simac Sheri Derks Sprayers Parts Hay Sampling
Check us out on our new Facebook page!
420Cory Truck Bypass Hershberger Curtis Hershberger 406-535-6753 Billi Taylor Shane Taylor Sheri Derks
405 Broadway LEWISTOWN Bronya Willmore 406-567-2532 Becca Schweitzer Kerry Simac
At the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper is the most celebrated star in the sky, Polaris, the North Star. While not the brightest star in the heavens, Polaris has provided directions to countless travelers for thousands of years. The two stars at the end of the bowl of the Big Dipper, called the “Pointers,” point to the North Star. The Greeks used the Greater Bear and the Phoenicians used the Lesser Bear to find north. Americans slaves called the Big Dipper the “Drinking Gourd” and followed it northward to freedom. Seen from the spinning Earth, the sky appears to move during the night, carrying all the stars along with it. Only the North Star stands in the same spot at the hub of the dome of the sky. The Greeks called this star Cynosure, a word that has found its way into our language, meaning “the center of attraction or interest.” Want to find the North Star yourself? Head out on a starry night, look up at the Big Dipper, and follow the Pointers to Polaris. Use the Alaska’s state flag to help you out.
Beef in the Early Years campaign launches
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C31
• 2008 Case IH 8010, late serial number, same machine as an 8120, long auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut chopper, new single 900/60-R32 fronts, 540/65-R30 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter with anything it’s needed, several pages of work orders, too much to list. Stored inside. Excellent machine, have owned it since 450 separator hours. Due to lack of help we are selling it. 3060 separator hours, 4560 engine hours........................................................................................ $70,000 • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell package for............................................................................ $105,000
Montana Beef Council Secretary of Agriculture and the SecreScientific organizations including the tary of Health and Human Services. U.S. American Academy of Pediatrics, the Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Women Infants and Children’s Program, Research Service, Washington, DC. and now, for the first time ever, the Dietary 3. Schwarzenberg SJ, et al. AdvoGuidelines for Americans are making cacy for improving nutrition in the first Call or text Adam for more info • 406-390-3048 • Delivery available recommendations for infants to include 1000 days to support childhood denutrient-rich foods, like beef, starting velopment and adult health. Pediatrics around six months of age.1-5. The Beef 2018;141:e20173716. Checkoff took this science-based guidance 4. USDA WIC Works Resource Sysand produced an educational marketing tem. Infant Nutrition and Feeding Guide. campaign that features real beef-loving https://wicworks.fns.usda.gov/sites/debabies and their parents (not paid actors) 44/45/357 500/460/454 fault/files/media/document/Infant_Nutritalking about how and when they first 1911’s Taurus Judge tion_and_Feeding_Guide.pdf started feeding their children beef. Great for Horseback Riding, Bow5. U.S. Department of Agriculture, This new educational marketing camhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Agricultural Research Service. FoodData paign helps educate parents on the imCarry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Central, 2019. https://www.fdc.nal.usda. portance of feeding babies beef as an gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170208/ early complementary food. The campaign Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT nutrients called “Beef in the Early Years” is just the www.montanaholster.com latest example of how the Beef Checkoff is leading the way when it comes to emerging science that shows introducing STEADY AS solid foods like beef to YOU GROW infants and toddlers helps SINCE 1912 them pack every bite with STEADY AS protein, iron, zinc, and YOU GROW choline, which are imporSINCE 1912 tant for healthy growth and az96gg bh56kf be15gp bi66tc development.1-5 Paid advertisements are running on a variety of bh56kf be15gp bi66tc az96gg digital and social media platforms through April in0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C cluding YouTube, Connect2013 NH BIG BALER 340R #420187, VERY 2019 NH BIG BALER 330 PLUS P #400609 2019 CASE IH LB434XLS #400284, FULL 2019 CASE IH LB434XLR #400286, 1000 ed TV, social media platCLEAN & READY TO WORK! . . . . $58,600 S/N: HAF33D56E04207005 . . . . $105,900 WARRANTY! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $118,900 PTO 1 3/4”; HYDR PICK-UP . . . . $128,500 bi66tb bg09cf bi66td be30mk forms such as Facebook, 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C Instagram, Pinterest and 2013 BIG BALER BALER340R 340R#420187, #420187, VERY VERY 2019 NH PLUS P #400609, S/N: 2019 #400284, 2019 #400286, 10001000 PTO 2013 NH NH BIG 2019 NHBIG BIGBALER BALER330 330 PLUS P #400609 2019CASE CASEIHIHLB434XLS LB434XLS #400284, FULL 2019CASE CASEIHIHLB434XLR LB434XLR #400286, Reddit, as well as WebMD, CLEAN READYTO TOWORK! WORK............... $58,000 HAF33D56E04207005............................ $105,900 FULL WARRANTY!................................ $118,900 1PTO / ”;1HYDRAULIC $128,500 CLEAN AND & READY . . . $58,600 S/N: HAF33D56E04207005 . . . . $105,900 WARRANTY! . . . . . . . . . . . . . $118,900 3/4”; HYDRPICK-UP................. PICK-UP . . . . $128,500 bi66tb bi66td be30mk bg09cf a popular health website. The consumer campaign is being reinforced with 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 2017 CASE IH LB434 #400057, TANDEM 2000 NEW HOLLAND BB960 #430113, 2016 NEW HOLLAND RB560 #490010, 2014 NEW HOLLAND RB560 # 420216, a comprehensive health AXLE, FOLDING HYD CHUTE . . $116,200 GOOD CONDITION, Hyd Pickup . . $22,000 13000 BALES, SPECIAL CROP. . .$25,000 SPECIAL CROP, MONITOR . . . . . . $25,400 influencer program where bg70ul bg20yy bg81sf bi31ar pediatricians, dietitians, 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C and other pediatric feed2016 13,000 2017 TANDEM AXLE, 2000 2014 NEW #420216, 2017CASE CASEIHIHLB434 LB434#400057, #400057, TANDEM 2000 NEW NEW HOLLAND HOLLAND BB960 BB960#430113, #430113,GOOD 2016 NEW NEW HOLLAND HOLLANDRB560 RB560#490010, #490010, 2014 NEWHOLLAND HOLLANDRB560 RB560 # 420216, BALES, SPECIALSPECIAL CROP......................... $25,000 FOLDING HYDRAULIC $116,200 CONDITION, HYDRAULIC $22,000 SPECIAL CROP, $25,400 ing experts across the naAXLE, FOLDING HYDCHUTE. CHUTE............ . . $116,200 GOOD CONDITION, Hyd PICK-UP....... Pickup . . $22,000 13000 BALES, CROP. . .$25,000 SPECIAL CROP,MONITOR..................... MONITOR . . . . . . $25,400 bg70ul bg20yy bg81sf bi31ar tion are being educated on the new recommendations 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C through continuing educa2018 NEW HOLLAND RB560 #430111, 2018 NH ROLL-BELT 560 #430122, 2014 NEW HOLLAND RB560 #420324, 2014 NH RB 560 #480556, 1000 PTO, tion webinars and digital GOOD CONDITION, PREMIUM . $49,500 Premium Laced Belt, Net & Twine $28,000 UNIT IS IN GOOD SHAPE . . . . . . . $24,210 LACED BELTS, MONITOR . . . . . $27,500 bh56kh bh85ni bh30cs bi66sy newsletters. Nutrition and pediatric influencers are 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C also sharing their recom2018 GOOD 2018 HOLLAND ROLL-BELT 560 #430122, 2014 #420324, UNIT IS 2014 RB5601000 #480556, 2018 NEW NEW HOLLAND HOLLANDRB560 RB560#430111, #430111, 2018NEW NH ROLL-BELT 560 #430122, 2014NEW NEWHOLLAND HOLLANDRB560 RB560 #420324, 2014 NEW NH RBHOLLAND 560 #480556, PTO, 1000 CONDITION, PREMIUM........................... $49,500 PREMIUM BELT, NET&&Twine TWINE.$28,000 IN GOOD SHAPE. ..................................... $24,210 PTO, LACED BELTS, MONITOR............. $27,500 GOOD CONDITION, PREMIUM . $49,500 Premium LACED Laced Belt, Net $28,000 UNIT IS IN GOOD SHAPE . . . . . . . $24,210 LACED BELTS, MONITOR . . . . . $27,500 mendations for including bh56kh bh85ni bh30cs bi66sy beef in the diets of infants and toddlers through social 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 2008 NEW HOLLAND BR7090 #420399, media, podcasts and blog 2015 CASE IH RB565 #430124, VERY 2012 NEW HOLLAND BR7090 #420226, 2013 CASE IH RB564 #450253, MESH GOOD CONDITION, MONITOR . $11,900 GOOD CONDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 MESH, TWINE, BALE COMMAND $16,000 WRAP & TWINE; PREMIUM . . . . $13,900 posts. bg37qf bg50tx bi42rx bi66sz Follow Montana Beef Council on Facebook and 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C Instagram to see more of 2008 #420399, GOOD 2008NEW NEWHOLLAND HOLLANDBR7090 BR7090 #420399, 2012 #420226, MESH, 2013 MESH WRAP & 2015 RB565 #430124, 2015 CASE CASE IH IH RB565 #430124,VERY VERYGOOD 2012NEW NEWHOLLAND HOLLANDBR7090 BR7090 #420226, 2013CASE CASEIHIHRB564 RB564#450253, #450253, MESH CONDITION, MONITOR........................... $11,900 GOOD CONDITION, MONITOR . $11,900 TWINE, COMMAND....................... $16,000 TWINE, PREMIUM. $13,900 CONDITION.............................................. $25,000 GOOD CONDITION . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 MESH, BALE TWINE, BALE COMMAND $16,000 WRAP & TWINE;................................... PREMIUM . . . . $13,900 the campaign. Watch the bg37qf bg50tx bi42rx bi66sz “Babies First Bites with 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C Beef” video, see feeding 2005 NEW HOLLAND BR780 #450171, 2005 NEW HOLLAND BR780 #440212, 2000 NEW HOLLAND 688 #430132, WELL 1998 NEW HOLLAND 664 #490044, 1000 tips, recipes and more at BALE COMMAND +, 1000 PTO . . . $7,900 GOOD ROUND BALER . . . . . . . . . . $5,490 MAINTAINED AND STORE INSIDE. $4,500 PTO, Aprx 12000 Bales . . . . . . . . $6,500 www.beefitswhatsfordinbe30ml bh85qj bi66ta bg50ty ner.com/nutrition/beef-inthe-early-years. 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 1. American Academy of 2005 2005 GOOD 2000 688688 #430132, WELL 2005 NEW NEW HOLLAND HOLLAND BR780 BR780 #450171, #450171,BALE 1998 NEW 1000 PTO, 2005 NEW NEW HOLLAND HOLLANDBR780 BR780#440212, #440212, 2000NEW NEWHOLLAND HOLLAND #430132, WELL 1998 NEWHOLLAND HOLLAND664 664#490044, #490044, 1000 COMMAND+, 1000 PTO. ............................. $7900 ROUND BALER........................................... $5490 MAINTAINED ......... $4500 BALE COMMAND +, 1000 PTO . . . $7,900 APPROXIMATELY $6500 GOOD ROUND BALER . . . . . . . . . . $5,490 MAINTAINEDAND ANDSTORED STOREINSIDE. INSIDE. $4,500 PTO, Aprx 1200012,000 Bales BALES.............. . . . . . . . . $6,500 Pediatrics. Pediatric Nutribe30ml bh85qj bi66ta bg50ty tion Handbook. 7th ed. Elk 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C Grove, IL: American Acad2017 NEW HOLLAND BOOMER 45 # 2012 JOHN DEERE 568 #480557, Nice 2005 CASE IH RBX562 #430105, GOOD 1997 NEW HOLLAND 664 #440211, 450178, 95 hrs., 45 hp, MFWD . . $25,900 baler, moisture sensor, 1000 pto . $26,000 CONDITION, GOOD SHAPE!. . . . . . $7,000 ROUND BALER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900 emy of Pediatrics, 2014. ETHRIDGE | GREAT FALLS | DENTON | LEWISTOWN | HAVRE | BILLINGS | HYSHAM | KALISPELL | BELGRADE | GLASGOW 2. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2020. Scientific Report of 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C 0% for 60 mo. O.A.C the 2020 Dietary Guide2017 4545 #450178, 95 2005 #430105, GOOD CONDI1997 NEW #440211, 2012 NICE BALER, 2017NEW NEWHOLLAND HOLLANDBOOMER BOOMER # 2012JOHN JOHNDEERE DEERE568 568#480557, #480557, Nice 2005CASE CASEIHIHRBX562 RBX562 #430105, GOOD 1997 NEWHOLLAND HOLLAND664 664 #440211, HOURS, MFWD. ............................ $25,900 TION, GOOD SHAPE!................................. $7000 ROUND BALER. $2900 MOISTURE SENSOR, 10001000 PTO............. $26,000 450178,45 95HP, hrs., 45 hp, MFWD . . $25,900 baler, moisture sensor, pto . $26,000 CONDITION, GOOD SHAPE!. . . . . . $7,000 ROUND BALER.......................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900 lines Advisory Committee: ETHRIDGE | GREAT FALLS | DENTON | LEWISTOWN | HAVRE | BILLINGS | HYSHAM | KALISPELL | BELGRADE | GLASGOW Advisory Report to the
Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C32
Dawson County 4-H Public Speaking Contest Results
Heavy harrow with Valmar spreader. Has not been used for several years. Asking................................................ $6975 Phone (406) 470-0036
2004 New Holland 440 51-ft. air drill, set up with 2 shedded carts, 2004 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow between variable rate cart and Flexi-Coil 2320 tow behind mechanical drive cart, 550 shanks, 1 year on Dutch double shoot points, 3 inch steel packers.........................$45,000 obo 2009 Apache 1010 sprayer, 100-ft. booms, Raven Viper Pro, AutoSteer, AutoBoom and AccuBoom, 1000 gallon, 1944 hours, shedded..................................$70,000 obo All equipment is in good condition Call (406) 895-2615 or (406) 895-7171, Outlook, MT
Dan Hartman ♦ (406) 538-7213 Kyle Schneidt ♦ (406) 321-1317 (800) 552-3295
Netwrap - Baler Twine - Hay Tarps Silage Film - Grain/Silage Bags
Dawson County 4-H’ers earning recognition at the 2021 4-H Public Speaking Contest were (front, left to right) participants Kylie Sellers, Lexington; Casey Wahlgren, Gothenburg; Grant Wahlgren, Gothenburg; Braelynn Anderson, Gothenburg; Cassidy Reiman, Cozad; Griffin Owens, Lexington; and Terrence Bliven, Lexington; (back, left to right) Brooklyn Reiman, Cozad; Harper Lopez, Lexington; Jaden Hunke, Lexington; Wesley Thompson, Lexington; Carson Reiman, Cozad; Parker Walahoski, Overton; Greta Rickertsen, Lexington; Elijah Graves, Cozad; Lorelai Rickertsen, Lexington; Andrew Salomon, Gothenburg; and Paige Walahoski, Overton. Extension Photo
Eighteen (18) Dawson County 4-H members participated in the 4-H Public Speaking Contest Monday, March 8, at the Dawson County Extension Office in Lexington, according to Andrea Nisley, UN-L Extension Educator. An MP3/radio, courtesy of county sponsor KRVN, was presented to the high individual in each of the three speech divisions. All 4-H’ers received $10 for participating in the contest, courtesy of Dawson County Bankers. State sponsor, Radio Station KRVN, provided county ribbons for all contestants. MP3/radio winners in the speech competition were Griffin Owens, junior division; Grant Wahlgren, intermediate division; and Casey Wahlgren, senior division. Two $10.00 bills courtesy of the Dawson County 4-H Foundation were presented to Carson Reiman and Parker Walahoski for being high individuals in the PSA Category. Representing Dawson County at State Public Speaking Contest in June will be Carson Reiman, Greta Rickertsen, Grant Wahlgren, and Paige Walahoski in the intermediate division; Kylie Sellers and Casey Wahlgren in the senior division; Jaden Hunke, Harper Lopez, Brooklyn Reiman, Carson Reiman and Wesley Thompson in the intermediate PSA division; and Parker Walahoski in the senior PSA category. City codes – C = Cozad, G = Gothenburg, L = Lexington, O = Overton Purple ribbon winners in the junior division were Braelynn Anderson (G) “Horsing Around in 4-H”; and Griffin Owens (L) “5-H, Who Knew?”. Blue ribbon winners in the junior division were Terrence Bliven (L) “Happy
Meal?”; and Cassidy Reiman (C) “My Gold Medal Career”. Purple ribbon winners in the intermediate division were Carson Reiman (C) “Virtues of the Clover”; Greta Rickertsen (L) “Making Cents of Your 4-H Livestock Project”; Grant Wahlgren (G) “Behind the Scenes Look at a 4-H Meeting”; and Paige Walahoski (O) “Name That Project”. Blue ribbon winners in the intermediate division were Elijah Graves (C) “How Speech Can Make You Grow”; Jaden Hunke (L) “4-H – It’s Sew Great”; Brooklyn Reiman (C) “Building Me Into a Model Citizen”; Lorelai Rickertsen (L) “Legos… Who Knew?!” and Andrew Salomon (G) “Missing Out”. Purple ribbon winners in the senior division were Kylie Sellers (L) “Friendships in 4-H”; and Casey Wahlgren (G) “4-H Today, Opportunities Tomorrow”. Purple ribbon winner in the PSA junior division were Griffin Owens (L) “All Aboard”; and Cassidy Reiman (C) “Everyone’s Welcome”. Purple ribbon winners in the PSA intermediate division were Jaden Hunke (L) “4-H Prepares Us”; Harper Lopez (L) “Want to Hear About Opportunities?”; Brooklyn Reiman (C) “Get Creative With 4-H”; Carson Reiman (C) “4-H: Who’s It For?”; and Wesley Thompson (L) “So Many Choices”. Purple ribbon winner in the PSA senior division was Parker Walahoski (O) “4-H: Where Talent & Opportunity Co-Exist”. Judges for the 4-H Public Speaking Contest were Sandy Stockall, Elaine Redfern, Dave Schroeder, and Beth Rogers. Emcee was Wesley Thompson (L).
Grants available to spur innovation technologies
Montana NRCS News Release ter quality and quantity, and range health. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation All projects need to result in technology Service (NRCS) is accepting applications or methods that can be used to augment for grants until April 23, 2021, to fund agency technical guidance; be designed Montana projects that could stimulate the with an understanding of NRCS practice development and adoption of innovative standards, pertinent assessment tools, and conservation approaches and technologies. planning criteria. Information about CIG Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) and the application process is available generally fund pilot projects, field demononline at grants.gov. strations and on-farm conservation research. Applications must be submitted elecTom Watson, NRCS state conservationist tronically through grants.gov by 11:59 p.m. for Montana, said $225,000 is available for EDT on April 23, 2021. In addition, a PDF the state-component CIG this year. He said of the complete application must be emailed applicants can request up to $75,000 for to jerry.shows@usda.gov. projects lasting one to three years. For more information, contact Jerry Watson said projects should address Shows at jerry.shows@usda.gov or 406one or more of the three resource concerns 587-6967. identified for this program: soil health, wa-
Nebraska On-Farm Research Network publishes results
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C33
MONTANA BRAND FOR SALE Horses - left thigh Cattle - left hip
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News $1250 your operation. Nebraska Extension educaFarmers are tasked with finding the best no livestock left with this brand tors can provide technical expertise to set agronomic practices that work for their Phone (406) 228-2696 up robust research studies and analyze and operations. In spite of the challenges that evaluate research results. New research weather, markets, and the current panprojects are being posted online at https:// demic present, on-farm research can play cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch/extensionan important role from an economical and protocols or custom protocols can be develenvironmental standpoint, even in the most oped to address questions that are relevant challenging years. As tractors will be hitting AND APPRAISERS to your operation. the fields soon, now is the time to make To get involved with on-farm research, plans that will impact operations throughWe have auctions booked but, due to contact a member of the Nebraska On-Farm out the growing season. On-farm research coronavirus restrictions, we were not able to Research Network. provides producers with the opportunity to conduct any until the spring 2021. The on-farm research network is a collabaddress critical production, profitability, and If you are planning an auction or need an appraisal give us a call. orative partnership that includes Nebraska natural resources questions. 59 years in the business, plus millions of dollars experience. Extension, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Farmers participating in the Nebraska Remember, auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the On-Farm Research Network conducted everything saleable being sold at our auctions. Nebraska Soybean Checkoff, and the Nenearly 90 on-farm research studies in 2020, We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. braska Dry Bean Commission. covering a wide range of topics. Practices We do it ALL from start to finish. such as cover crops, row spacing, planting Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and population, starter fertilizer, and more were clerking. We also do all types of appraisals including farm and ranch ##### evaluated, as well as technologies such as equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc! Another reason spinach is great to eat drones, sensors, and models for nitrogen Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message while you’re watching your weight – there’s management and variable-rate seeding or call 278-5880 only 23 calories in 100 grams of spinach! technology. You can access these research results and benefit from the research conducted by farmers across the state by downloading a PDF copy is an ef�cient nutrient source for your crops. of the 2020 on-farm research results. New this year, the online results book features enhanced content such as links to short videos about selected studies. “Throughout the growing season, we recorded and INTRODUCING SUREFIRE AG SYSTEMS! produced short videos about ongoing studies so people CUSTOM CONFIGURED APPLICATIONS SYSTEMS could see how studies were progressing in the field,” said Laura Thompson, Nebraska Extension Educator. “This year, as people flip through the result book, E-Mag Dual they will be able to watch Accurate Flow meter metering these videos and then read metering tube has no moving tubes available the report to see the results parts to fail during eliminates plugged for a wide range of the project.” of rates. critical operations. ori�ces. In addition to the PDF book, the Results Finder online tool, produced by the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network, allows users to easily access and search for results of over 800 on-farm research studies dating back to 1990. The book and Results Finder are available at: https:// cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch/resultshome “Our goal is to provide SureFire Custom Application Triangle Ag-Services can help reliable research that farmSystems are compatible with ers and agronomists can use you design a custom application most rate controllers. Including: to make informed manage•Trimble system from SureFire Ag that ment decisions,” Thompson •Raven will deliver the liquid ef�ciently said. “On-farm research is •John Deere and effectively. a great way to generate lo•Case cal and relevant agronomic information. We are excited to continue partnering with AT THE RIGHT PLACE GET THE RIGHT RATE producers to conduct onfarm research in 2021.” The Nebraska On-Farm Introducing Research Network is open to farmers across the state and welcomes new particiTriangle Ag-Services pants. Conducting on-farm research is a great way to www.triangleag.com 406-622-3887 address questions related PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street to the productivity, profitFort Benton, MT 59442 ability, and sustainability of
Liquid Fertilizer
Make sure your liquid fertilizer application equipment is just as ef�cient, effective, and reliable.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C34
Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541
AirMax® Fans
Meridian AirMax® Aeration Meridian Grain Rings Fans are dynamiOur low cost per bushel Grain Rings are cally balanced to ideal for temporary or intermediate grain rigorous, high precision standards. Full line of in-line centrifugal, full-speed censtorage solutions. trifugal, and low-speed centrifugal fans. Available at Fraser’s Oil Store your grain with confidence. Call for Pricing!
Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins
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Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank.
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On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.
Updated sunflower production guide
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News North Dakota growers continue to be the No. 1 producers of sunflowers in the U.S., harvesting 715,000 acres of the crop in 2020. Sunflowers are harvested for oil, confection uses and bird food. Each sunflower variety has distinctive agronomic characteristics that producers should consider when selecting a hybrid to grow. “Choosing a hybrid and using proper agronomic practices are important decisions a producer makes in raising a successful crop,” says Hans Kandel, a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agronomist and co-editor of NDSU Extension’s recently revised “Sunflower Production Guide” (A1995). Key factors in choosing a sunflower hybrid are: • Oil type • Herbicide trait • Yield - Select hybrids with consistently high yields • Maturity - Some hybrids can mature 10 or more days later than others • Plant height and lodging • Disease tolerance - Growing disease-resistant hybrids reduces the chances of yield loss The updated “Sunflower Production Guide,” a spiralbound publication, includes information about hybrid selection. Other topics covered in the publication include understanding the growth and development of sunflower plants, field selection and preparation, planting date guidelines, seeding rates, frost tolerance and damage, soil fertility requirements, weed control, insect pest and disease management, drying and storage. The publication has several photos of agronomy issues, weeds, insects and diseases common in sunflower production. “The previous field guide was published in 2007 and was in need of major updates, especially on the diseases, insects, weed management, desiccation at harvest and other management issues,” Kandel says. Sunflower growers can obtain one free copy of the publication, as long as the supply lasts, from the National Sunflower Association (NSA) by calling 888-718-7033. Or you can request your complimentary copy via email at info@ sunflowernsa.com. For non-growers, the guide is available for sale from the NSA’s online catalog for $15, including shipping, at https:// www.sunflowernsa.com/about/store/mh01. An online version of the updated “Sunflower Production Guide” is available at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/ crops/sunflower-production-guide.
Grazing small grains
By Todd Whitney, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska Now that small grains and cover crops are greening up, this is the time for finalizing your forage grazing plans. Small grains provide ample grazing opportunity. For every 1,000 pounds of forage dry matter production, there is potential beef gains of approximately 100 pounds. Whether growing small grains or cover crops, grazing will be maximized if livestock producers wait until the plants are 4 to 8 inches tall before starting the grazing process. Then, stock the fields with enough animals to maintain plant heights between 6 and 12 inches. Flash grazing or dividing fields into smaller paddocks may prevent over grazing plants below the 6-inch target plant height. For those wanting to graze wheat and rye and still harvest grain from the same fields; stop grazing the plants before they reach first hollow stem or jointing development. Grazing beyond the jointing stage may decrease grain yields 1% to 5% each day that grazing continues. This is because the grazing animals may be consuming grain heads in the immature tillers. Timing of growth stage varies each year and depends on factors such as fall planting date, variety and Spring soil conditions. First hollow stem occurs about a week prior to jointing when the immature head rises in the tiller above the soil surface. The jointing stage can be identified by feeling with your fingers a bump or joint on the tiller stems as you move your fingers up the stem from the soil surface. Generally, you will want to focus our growth stage assessment using the larger primary tillers. With careful management such as delayed grazing, the cool-season grazing can be extended through mid-June.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C35
Montana Post Driver 750R: $6,200
1000E: $8,300
Continuous Fence 6-rail 1-1/4” 14ga. 20-ft long $108 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga 20-ft long $132
Suspension Fencing A more durable & lower maintenance alternative with Polyethylene Superstays and Superconnector Posts
1500E: $10,500 10 FREE Brace SuperSteel / Steel Rails with Purchase Decking 36”x24’ 22ga
Redi Driver Classic
T-Rex Post Driver
Head Catch: $895 Calf Table Maternity Pen: $4,920
Shipping Containers 40-ft New $8,300
Bolt together fence brace kits
Prime galvanized Super Steel Use for windbreaks, corrals, etc. $108 by the POSTS 2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 5-in galvanized octagon 9’9” posts $26 Pipe posts can be cut to length.
Brace rail with hardware $29 Complete brace with 8-ft posts $59 | Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18
GATES All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga 1.66” OD tubing 10-ft bow gates $295 Used guardrail 2-rail & 3-rail 12-ft bow gates $330 Corral gates - 6-bar Guardrail 8-ft $180 Galvanized 10-ft $190 I-Beam Posts 12-ft $210 9-ft $25 14-ft 230 16-ft $250
Skidsteer SNOW Buckets (constructed with 3/16-in plate) 8-ft: $1,150 & 10-ft: $1,350 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 Extinguisher Mount: $40
Buckhorn Centerflow Seed Boxes Bale Spears: $85 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20’ @ $36.50 Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades
Portable alleyway, tub, and headgate
3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20’ @ $50
Portable Panel Trailer: $2,200 Portable Loading Chute
Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 Ratchet Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $30
Pipe, Tubing (Round & Square) & Angle Iron 5” Galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft
Heavy Duty Hay Feeders
Used 2-7/8 pipe Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 pipe available Call for delivered prices!
Calf Shelters 8-ft x23-ft $2,800 Portable Buildings
12x24-ft All steel portable buildings use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc.
1.25” 14ga round tubing 1.66” 14ga round tubing
Gopher Poison & Mouse Poison +
Poly DEF & Fuel Tanks
Tow Ropes: Various sizes up to 200,000-lb breaking strength
Knipex Tools! 3-1/2” used pipe 31-ft
Portable Windbreaks $875
Guardrail Portable Windbreaks $1,275 Rubber Tire Water Tanks: 12.5-ft & 1,725-gal
Mineral Feeders
Pipe Caps in various sizes
Angle Iron 2x2x.120 & 2x3x.250 20ft lengths $0.56/lb
Cattle guard kits with 10-ft $940 used pipe available 12-ft $1,050 16-ft $1,395
Portable Panels All panels are constructed with 12 & 14ga 1.66” OD tubing 10-ft heavy portable panels, 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel panels) April 2021 *Prices Subject to Change
ESAB Wire Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb
A lot more steel...too much to list - Call us for details!
Feedbunks 20-ft x 38in x 12-in (constructed with 10ga & heavy tube legs) other sizes & bottomless available Cattle Guards Constructed with all new 10-ft $1,625 material. 12-ft $1,875 16-ft $2,225
Secondary Square Tubing Various sizes available
Pallet Forks
Bale spears
Box Scraper BATTERIES Stocking Heavy Equipment to 1/2Ton Pickup Batteries
BOLTS $2.77/lb Grade 5 & $4.40/lb Grade 8 | Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680 Harrow 6’x6’x5/8: $630 Drawbar: $180
Steel Work Benches 8-ft $295
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C36
DOWNSIZING OPERATION Excess Equipment For Sale
18-ft. land roller................................................. $5000 8-ft. swath roller................................................... $450 Degelman rock picker....................................... $5000 More info and pictures at Kaergrain.com
Call 406-265-3161
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(406) 543-0382
1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.........................$19,000
1999 GMC 8500 service truck, 7000 lb crane, 185 cfm compressor, Cat 3126, automatic, hydraulic outrigger, 14-ft. box, ex-gov, 97,000 miles..$25,000
1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 lb crane, hydraulic air compressor..............................$10,000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed............................$15,000 1998 GMC bucket truck, 65ft. Hi-Ranger bucket, Cat 6 speed.........................$25,000 2006 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow............................$12,500
1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor.............................................................. $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane, 14-ft. dump bed.. $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach................................................................................... $20,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic...... $10,000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1997 Skytrack 8042 teleforklift, 8000 lb, 42-ft....................... $22,500 2004 Felling 30 ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck, 6.4-ft. ramp, 8.6-ft. wide..................................................................................... $17,500
2004 Felling 30 ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. x 8-ft. 6” ramp...... ...................................$17,500
2008 Sterling L7500 service truck, 6.7L Cummins, 9 speed, 7500 lb IMT crane....... ...................................$22,500
1998 International bucket truck, 7.3L, automatic, High Ranger 54-ft...............$15,000
Check us out on the web!
1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor..................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................ $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at....................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Buckets for skid steer loaders...................................................... Call Forklift forks.................................................................................. Call 16” to 36” augers..........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................ $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800
MSU Extension to offer recordings of webinars
MSU News Service Montana State University Extension is offering recordings of estate and legacy planning webinars to Montanans for viewing. There are six recordings from the MontGuide Mondays series and eight recordings from the Tuesday Tips series. The recordings are free and available to the public. Topics covered in the recordings include: • What individuals can and can’t do with a will. • What to include in a letter of last instruction. • How to avoid probate with a transfer-on-death deed. • Comparing life estates, joint tenancies and trusts as estate and legacy planning tools. • Exploring the benefits of financial and heath care powers of attorney. • How to acquire information about probate and duties of a personal representative. Extension educators Marsha Goetting and Emily Standley hosted the Tuesday Tips sessions. Goetting is an MSU Extension family economics specialist and professor at MSU. During the past five years, she has presented more than 250 educational sessions that have delivered financial and estate planning information to more than 10,000 Montanans. Goetting has received state, regional and national awards for her programs. She has authored 47 MontGuide fact sheets on estate planning. Standley is a county agriculture and natural resources agent for MSU Extension in Fergus and Petroleum counties. She holds a bachelor’s degree in rangeland ecology and management from MSU and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in education. Although her Extension focus is agriculture, Standley knows agricultural enterprises are strongest when they are supported by strong families, strong communities and have the tools to remain ecologically and financially sustainable, Goetting said. MontGuide Mondays were hosted by Goetting and six Extension agents: Mat Walter, Lewis and Clark County; Katelyn Andersen, Ravalli County; Tara Andrews, Custer County; Holly Miner, Big Horn County; Kimberly Richardson, Deer Lodge County; and Jane Wolery, Teton County. Recordings for MontGuide Mondays can be found at montana.edu/familyeconomics/montguidemondays. Recordings for Tuesday Tips are at montana.edu/estateplanning/ tuesdaytips. For further information contact Goetting at marsha. goetting@montana.edu or Standley at emily.standley1@ montana.edu.
Keeping calves healthy
K-State Research and Extension News The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” coined by Benjamin Franklin rings true for many of life’s situations. And for cattle ranchers hoping to prevent calf scours from developing in the herd, prevention is key, according to the veterinarians at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. Veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White offered several tips for keeping the herd free from scours on a recent Cattle Chat podcast. Scours, otherwise known as diarrhea, often impact calves in the first month of life, in part because of their liquid diet of milk and developing immune system, Larson said. If the calves lose too many electrolytes, they may develop metabolic acidosis, which can be fatal if not promptly treated. “The calf is most susceptible to scours in the first few weeks of life. After that they are pretty resilient to becoming severely ill,” Larson said. Management tips offered by the veterinarians for preventing scours include: • Make sure the calves are kept in a sanitary environment to prevent exposure to the pathogens that cause scours to develop and spread in the herd. • Maintain older calves in a separate location from younger calves to reduce the in-herd disease transmission. • Keep the cows in good body condition so they pass the immunity to their calves through the first milk, known as colostrum. • Vary the feeding locations to spread out the calves and keep them from congregating with the other cattle. To hear more of their discussion, tune in to the BCI Cattle Chat podcast online (https://ksubci.org/2021/02/26/stumpthe-experts-prevention-calf-scours-colostrum-follow-upbull-spring-training/).
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C37
Chandler 8 Ton
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Chandler 8 Ton
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C38
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
DBL Sales and Service, LLC
US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
K-Hart 8612 Now Gent Disc Available Opener 2020 K-Hart Demo 56-ft.
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National Zucchini Bread Day
Date celebrated: This holiday is always April 23 National Zucchini Bread Day is a day to enjoy Zucchini bread. In researching this day, we first asked ourselves “why hold this day in the spring, when this prolific garden squash in not in great supply?” The answer quickly dawned on us....they hold this at a time when you are not sick of all that zucchini. In the summer months, the prolific zucchini plant produces more fruit than gardeners can use. As summer progresses, everyone becomes sick and tired of the eating zucchini. But, the harvest goes on, day after day, after day. By mid summer, gardeners are resorting to all sorts of tricks to get rid of the mountains of fruit produced in their gardens. Some even stealthily leave zucchini on neighbors’ door step in the middle of the night. So here you are in the month of April. Zucchini finds its way in small supply to grocery stores in your area. Now, you’ve got the urge for zucchini bread. Hence, the creation of this day in April!
Murphy’s laws of computing
1. When computing, whatever happens, behave as though you meant it to happen. 2. When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it’s probably obsolete. 3. The first place to look for information is in the section of the manual where you least expect to find it. 4. When the going gets tough, upgrade. 5. For every action, there is an equal and opposite malfunction. 6. To err is human . . . to blame your computer for your mistakes is even more human, it is downright natural. 7. He who laughs last probably made a back-up. 8. If at first you do not succeed, blame your computer. 9. A complex system that does not work is invariably found to have evolved from a simpler system that worked just fine. 10. The number one cause of computer problems is computer solutions. 11. A computer program will always do what you tell it to do, but rarely what you want to do.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C39
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C40
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##### Coca-Cola made a special “White Coke” for World War II. Marshal Zhukov, a prominent figure of the Soviet Union, was a fan of the soda but didn’t want to be seen consuming it. He made an appeal to Coca-Cola to make a clear version of the drink which ended up being successful.
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MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) Extension is offering an Alzheimer’s disease awareness program for children that provides a storybook and a reading guide for parents or guardians, teens, aunts, uncles or grandparents who want to help young children understand the disease. According to Jennifer Munter, grant manager for the MSU Extension Rural Prescription Opioid Misuse Education and Awareness program, the guides contain questions to encourage conversations about the storybook and activities for children. They also offer information on the common emotions children may feel regarding Alzheimer’s. “The goal of these guides is to help the reader fully engage themselves with the child while at the same time following with the concepts of the book,” Munter said. “By doing so, the reader and the child may gain a better understanding of the feelings children encounter and the perceptions they may have about the behaviors a person with Alzheimer’s disease may show. When children can gain knowledge about the disease and ask questions, they may have an easier time adapting to the changes they see and experience.” Munter and Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, collaborated on this project. Both of them have had experiences with dementia-related diseases that took away members of their families. Goetting lost a parent to Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, and Munter’s father-in-law lived with Parkinson’s disease. Munter is a recent graduate in community health from MSU’s College of Education, Health and Human Development. She volunteered to develop the reading guides during her senior year at MSU. Prior to returning to college, she had a 15-year career as an early childhood educator. “Jennifer had over a decade of experience working with children and their families, so her ideas for questions and activities to enhance the storybook’s lessons were invaluable,” Goetting said. Individuals who know someone with Alzheimer’s and have a young child who would benefit from gaining an understanding of unusual behaviors their loved one may have can receive one free storybook. An order form can be found at https://alzheimers.msuextension.org/parentmaterials A grant from the Montana Geriatric Education Center at the University of Montana provided funding to purchase the storybooks. Additional support came from the Alzheimer’s Association Montana Chapter and the Montana Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia Work Group.
IANR establishes Center for Agricultural Profitability
Trucks For Sale 1988 International DT466, Allison automatic with PTO and pump, tandem twin screw rear end, Hendrickson walking beam, double framer......................................................... $7500
2005 Freightliner Series 60/515 hp, 10 speed, nice clean day cab................................................................................. $19,900
2002 International 7400 DT530, 8LL transmission with PTO, 24-ft. steel flatbed, 6x4, nice clean truck....................... $24,900
Automatic 2004 Freightliner M2 275 hp Cat, Allison automatic 3000 RDS with PTO gear, locker rear end. Make a great feed truck........... ...................................................................................... $14,750
Please call 406-855-4465
Alzheimer’s disease awareness storybooks for children
2009 Sterling 9500 60 series Detroit, 10 speed, single axle, nice clean truck.............................................................. $9900
By Ryan Evans, Agricultural Economics, UNL Nebraska’s Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education has approved the establishment of the Center for Agricultural Profitability within the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s (UNL) Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The new interdisciplinary center, which was approved March 11, will facilitate faculty research, conduct outreach related to agricultural profitability and train undergraduate and graduate students — all to support informed decisionmaking in agriculture through applied research and education. The center will build on strengths present in the university’s Department of Agricultural Economics through collaboration with other research and education units within IANR and the University of Nebraska system. It aims to serve agricultural producers, agribusiness professionals and the economy in Nebraska and beyond. “It is critical that producers have decision-making information that is current, research-based, specific and holistic, and that they have appropriate tools and procedures to analyze that information,” said Mike Boehm, NU vice president and Harlan Vice Chancellor for IANR. “The center will play a critical role in fulfilling that need.” The center will focus concerted effort among social science, biological and engineering disciplines to provide the research and educational programs required to keep Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers financially healthy. It will begin operating by early summer. For more information on the Department of Agricultural Economics, go to https:// agecon.unl.edu.
Kiss Your Mate Day
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C41
that you limit your kisses to just one mate. Date When Cele• If you don’t have a mate, it’s alright to brated: This holiday kiss someone who is not formally your Conrad, Montana event is always held on mate.... Hey, you never know. This day April 28 may be a beginning....... Kiss Your Mate Day • You can kiss your mate wherever you want is a perfect chance to (location/place). smooch with your part• You can kiss your mate wherever you want ner, as if you need an (anatomically speaking) opportunity to share • Giving candy or flowers is not required. a kiss or two with the But, we believe that those who do, will one you love. With receive more kisses. spring in the air, April is an appropriate time for Kiss Your Mate Day. Some people may ask With two convenient locations to serve you! “why do you need a holiday 233 Orchard Lane • Billings, MT 246 Briar Place #6 • Belgrade, MT to kiss your mate?” OthPhone 406.252.5154 Phone 406.388-2609 ers say “every day should https://hcl-truck-equipment.business.site be Kiss Your Mate Day.” Unfortunately, researchers Grain truck need repaired? tell us that kissing, an imLarge inventory of take off boxes, We can help you with all repairs on grain trucks, portant part of romance and semi trucks or equipment!! grain bodies, big truck flatbeds & more! intimacy, is the first thing to go in a relationship. If you Tommy Gate lift gates for don’t currently kiss your pickups and commercial vans mate everyday, use today to $2800 installed Stahl 132” canopy top serre-establish kissing in your vice body w/lights, bumlife. per......$14,750 plus install Options and Products Available Include: Ladies and Gentle• Service Bodies • Grain Boxes man....... Do we need to tell • PTO and Pumps • Wet Line Kits Scott 16-ft. x 96” x 50” grain you what the tradition is for • Hydraulic Flatbeds body w/lights and 3 piece • Welding Steel and Aluminum this great holiday? I didn’t gates, steel floor.... $6495 • Hi-Lift Hoists • Snow Ex Snow Plows think so. Now, get to it! Service work and parts • Snow Dogg Snow Plows Ebling 14-ft. back drag Scott Magnum aluminum available for multiple Here are some Kiss Your HD flatbed, 11-ft. x 96” w/ • Tarp Systems (manual/electric) blade w/mounts and consnow plow brands. • Truck Boxes and Cranes bulkhead, skirt and lights. Mate Day tips and rules: trols........................ $6500 Call Us! . . ............$4995 plus install • There is no upper limit to the number of times you Distributor/Dealer for: can kiss your mate today. • There is no upper limit to the number of kisses you can share today. Proud to serve the agriculture industry with fabrication and products to help your operation! • It is highly recommended
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Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C42
FOR SALE Sawmill and post peeler/pointer Call (406) 686-4758, Clyde Park, MT
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2017 Case 621F, 7730 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 3 cubic yard bucket, differential lock, almost new radial tires. Has been through the shop, just serviced, loader is in Very good condition. Located in Spearfish, SD...... ....................................................................................................$84,900 2013 Deere 310SK, 4715 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD player, powershift transmission, differential locks, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, hydraulic thumb, 24” bucket, hydraulic loader coupler, cloth air ride seat, pilot controls, ride control, new front tires, rear tires approximately 90%. Has been throught the shop, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................$69,900 2017 Cat 926M High Lift. 6700 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, cloth air ride seat, AM/ FM stereo, ride control, rear view camera, reversing fan, 3 cubic yard bucket, bucket leveling, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic coupler, HIGH LIFT, quick steer mode, Lincoln auto-lube system, new tires. Very nice loader, has been through the shop, all repairs done, recent service. We are a Grabtec grapple dealer and can install a grapple for additional cost. Located in Spearfish, SD.... ..................................................................................................$119,900 2014 Gehl RS634 telehandler, 1900 hours, open ROPS, frame tilt, 3 steering modes, 3 forward/3 reverse gears, foam-filled tires, 6000 lb lift, 34-ft. reach, weighs 18,000 lb. Has been through the shop, all repairs have been done, recent service, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD.....................$45,900 2016 Bobcat E35i, 450 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, long arm, cloth suspension seat, AM/FM radio, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick coupler, extra counter weight, 18” bucket. Recent service, like new condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................$49,500 2015 Cat 272D XPS High Flow skidsteer, 1970+/- hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, heated cloth air ride seat, quick coupler, ride control, HIGH FLOW auxiliary hydraulics, extra counter weights. Just serviced, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD..............................................................................$49,900 2007 SkyTrak 6036, 4325+/hours, auxiliary hydraulics, 72” carriage, 48” forks, very nice foam filled tires, 6000 lb capacity, 36-ft. reach. Has been through the shop, all repairs are done, recent service. Located in Victor, MT..........$39,900 2005 Cat D5G XL, 3400+- hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD, cloth suspension seat, 3 shank ripper, 6-way PAT blade, 20” track shoes, undercarriage is approximately 75%, had just been through the shop, serviced by Cat, very clean, tight dozer. Located in Spearfish, SD..................................................$79,900
What’s your favorite comfort food? By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension
I sat in my living room covered with a blanket. It was a brisk minus 20 F afternoon in North Dakota. I was thinking about a warm, comforting dinner menu. I asked my Facebook friends to name their favorite “comfort foods.” My question prompted more than 140 comments from all over the U.S., including several recipes. I almost had enough data for a “real” study or, perhaps, a cookbook. Their responses inspired this column. As we all recognize, food is much more than the protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients that comprise it. “It’s about the warm feelings that went with it,” one of my friends commented. She went on to describe the tapiocasoaking process as her mother made tapioca pudding. She remembered being the helper who stirred the tapioca pudding. Her comment brought back memories. “I need my stirring girl,” my mom would say when she needed me to stir chocolate or vanilla pudding. Another friend mentioned the time, effort and love that goes into making foods such as homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. My Facebook friends mostly cited warm, creamy foods that were either savory or sweet. Most foods were quiet, not crunchy. Many mentioned a parent, grandparent or in-law and the nostalgic, warm feelings that these favorite foods conjured. The most common comfort foods were mashed potatoes with or without gravy, often served with meatballs, meatloaf, pork or beef roast, turkey or chicken. Several mentioned Sunday dinners and coming home after church to the aroma of a delicious, warm meal. Macaroni and cheese was noted frequently. While some liked boxed mac and cheese, others were very specific as to the type of cheese used to make their favorite homemade version. Soups ranging from lentil soup to chicken noodle to cheddar cheese were popular. Casseroles (or “hot dishes” as we call them in the Midwest) ranked high as comfort foods, with tater tot, tuna noodle or spaghetti hot dish (goulash) cited by several. Tomato soup (homemade or canned) with grilled cheese sandwiches was noted by numerous friends as being comfort food. Although chili was noted as a favorite comfort food by several, most foods were not very spicy. Barbecues (or sloppy joes or slush burgers) were popular for some. Homemade bread or rolls also were a favorite. One of my friends from the southern U.S. mentioned greens, cornbread and a bean dish. Several “heritage food” preferences appeared. Dumplings and other boiled or fried doughs were quite popular. My friends with German from Russia heritage talked about knoephla (dumpling) soup, cheese buttons, kuchen, warm German potato salad and a “German dinner” with sausage and assorted German foods. One friend was very specific about the spelling and preparation of “knaedla,” a boiled dough fried with onions and potatoes. To one friend, Jell-o was “the bomb” in terms of comfort food. That certainly evoked memories for me, especially if it was red Jell-o with suspended mandarin oranges and mini marshmallows floating on top. The Scandinavians piped up with rommegrot (cream-based pudding), lutefisk and creamy rice pudding as comfort foods.
I grew increasingly hungry as I read, except for the lutefisk. That’s cod fish with an interesting texture and served with lots of butter. I share that heritage but not the tastebuds. Fortunately, lutefisk often is served alongside meatballs and gravy. How did my friends’ food recollections compare with published literature? The term “comfort food” has been around since the mid-1960s, and it often is associated with foods that provide emotional comfort or nostalgic feelings. One researcher reported that 86% of survey participants viewed comfort foods as “jubilant” foods eaten at happy times instead of foods that console you. In a 2000 study, potato chips, ice cream and cookies were the top comfort foods. Some researchers have found a gender difference, with women liking ice cream, chocolate and cookies. Men liked ice cream, soup, pasta and pizza. Your age affects what you consider as “comfort foods.” Researchers reported that people ages 18 to 34 tended to prefer ice cream and cookies, and 35- to 54-year-olds liked soup and pasta. Those 55 and older liked soup and mashed potatoes. I did not gather ages from my Facebook friends. However, I had a lot of soup and mashed potato fans in my friend group. You can draw your own conclusions. Do comfort foods really “comfort” you? Researchers split 100 people into three groups. Each of the groups watched a movie considered “upsetting” for 18 minutes, then they were provided with a large portion of their own comfort food, a “liked” food (such as popcorn), neutral food (such as a snack bar) or nothing. About three minutes after eating, they were given a survey to assess their mood. No specific comforting effect was provided by any of the foods. Maybe the foods take longer than a couple of minutes to elicit a neurological response. Instead of a specific recipe, here is an array of recipes, many tested by my former dietetic interns and made more healthful with a few ingredient updates. • Check out some Germans from Russia cuisine compiled in conjunction with the NDSU Library’s German from Russia Heritage Collection. We trimmed fat, calories and sodium by using extra-lean meat, lower-sodium broth and half and half instead of cream. See the recipes, including a friend-favorite knoephla soup, at https:// tinyurl.com/3lmnnozr for details. • Hungry for soup in general? Check out a range of soup recipes here: https://www. ag.ndsu.edu/food/recipes/soups-salads, including cheesy ones. You will find salads, too, for warmer days. • How about a variety of recipes from many cultures, including Scandinavian recipes? See “North Dakota Food and Culture” at https://tinyurl.com/3gj4twhh.
The owner of a drugstore walks in to find a guy leaning heavily against a wall with an odd look on his face. The owner asks the clerk, “What’s with that guy over there by the wall?” The clerk says, “Well, he came in here at 7 A.M. to get something for his cough. I couldn’t find the cough syrup, so I gave him an entire bottle of laxatives.” The owner says, “You idiot! You can’t treat a cough with laxatives!” The clerk says, “Oh yeah? Look at himhe’s afraid to cough!”
2020 proso millet variety trial results available on-line
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C43
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University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Results of University of Nebraska-Linof 380-1094 pounds per acre. Five expericoln’s (UNL) 2020 variety trials for proso mental lines had yields higher than Sunrise, millet have been compiled and posted on the highest-yielding of the check varieties. the Nebraska Extension CropWatch website. Deuel County: The overall average yield Variety trials were conducted at two sites was 794 pounds per acre. Among the check 780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT in the Panhandle (Cheyenne County and varieties, Horizon posted the highest yield, Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 Deuel County) and one in South Dakota 959 pounds per acre. Two experimental lines www.bigskysawmill.vpweb.com (Sturgis). Each site was dryland (rain-fed). had higher yields. The yield ranged from e-mail: bigskysawmill@gmail.com At each site, 30 varieties were planted, in583 to 1073 pounds per acre. That range was cluding 25 experimental lines and five check similar to Cheyenne County. varieties consisting of commercially availSturgis, South Dakota: The overall averable varieties. age yield was 951 pounds per acre, ranging Gopher Traps by The direct link for variety trial results for from 506 to 1,495 to 506. Highest check Lee’s TrapWorks proso millet is https://cropwatch.unl.edu/ variety was Huntsman, 1237 pounds per acre. varietytest/othercrops. Or start at the main Above Huntsman were two experimental • Easy to set CropWatch page (https://cropwatch.unl. lines. • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap edu) and use the navigation bar, clicking on Santa expressed appreciation to coopera• Kills quickly tors Pete Miller of Lodgepole (Deuel County these links: management > variety testing > • Very visible if painted bright color plot) and Christopher Graham, associate other crops. • Traps are sold unpainted, paint professor and agronomist at South Dakota Also on that page are variety trial results them your favorite color State University, Rapid City (Sturgis plot). for 2018 and 2019, along with variety trial • Traps are currently $20 each Canadian and approximately The Cheyenne County plot was at the High results for several other crops – dry edible $16 US at today’s exchange rate Plains Ag Lab. He also acknowledged the beans, industrial hemp, oats, pea, and sun• Postage for package of 10 traps is flower (2020 results will be available soon). work of the alternative crops breeding crew around $46 Canadian Data for earlier years is archived on a separate at UNL, including Vernon Florke, Rituraj • Check us out at www.leestrapworks.com page, linked to that page. Khound, Thiago Santos, Allison Rickey, Zoe Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order The annual report lists data for each vaVan Dyke, and Alyssa Cruz. riety at both Nebraska sites: yield (in order of rank); test weight; heading date; and • Larger Capacity, Non-Leaking Transition Field Loaders height. Data listed for the • Controlled Vertical Discharge Flow South Dakota site includes Self-Propelled • Larger Heavy Duty PEER Bearings yield by rank. Field Loaders All the breeding lines are • Heavier Duty Undercarriage intended for multiple uses • Thicker Walled Tubing 8S WR – bird feed, human food, %3+ • Wider Conveyor Belts and feedstock for alcoholic (50% higher capacity than fermentation (millet whiskey similair sized tubes) Transfer and millet beer). The excepConveyors tion is Plateau, a waxy millet, 8S WR Belt which is primarily used for IW Drive-Over Pitstops Conveyors human food uses in Asian countries, primarily Japan and Korea. Watch a Bunning Manure “We are trying to identify Spreader shred a Volvo! varieties which are specific for specific end uses. CurHeat Treated Boron Auger Flights rently, there is no specific 3 Year Warranty variety specification for specific uses. It may come in Fully the future. The same variety Welded is used for multiple uses,” Construction said Dipak Santra, alternative crops breeding specialist 8S WR %3+ at the Panhandle Research, 7 ton to 50 ton Capacity Extension and Education Center. HIGH OVER THE ROAD CAPACITY STAINLESS TENDER Overall, South Dakota yields were average, CheyIntegrated enne and Deuel county yields High Greaseless Cylinder Flotation below average, primarily Hydraulic Pivot Bushings Stops Split Tanks Tires Hitch because of very low precipiavailable Jack tation during the growing season. Several experimental lines produced consistently higher yields than the check 8S WR lines, which included the 73+ commercially available vaDirt rieties Huntsman, Horizon, Deflector Earlybird, Sunrise, and PlaSizes from Rubber Torsion teau. 600 ft3 to 1166 ft3 Suspension 25” Cage, Santra plans to select one 6WDLQOHVV Spring, Drum, Maintenance or two of the experimental 20” Smooth & Rubber Packers 6WHHO Free Hubs lines that produced consisNotched Discs tently higher yields for potenALL SEASON HIGH SPEED TILLAGE TOOL - Sizes From 8’ to 45’ tial release. It is possible that one line will be approved for Up to 30’ long release in 2021, with limited Discharge Conveyor seed available as early as for extra reach 2022. Results by county: Cheyenne county: The CALL TO LOCATE overall average yield was 840 YOUR LOCAL DEALER pounds per acre, with range
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C44
TRACTOR FOR SALE 1991 Cat Challenger 65B 7000 hours, 285 hp, 2 owners, mechanically sound, clean.............................................................................$25,000
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Mineral Tub Lifters make GREAT GIFTS for the hard-to-shop-for! Jason 406- 390-0826 • Shyla 406-390-1339 email: shyla@mtintouch.net Malta, Montana See photos and videos on our Facebook Page: Mineral Tub Lifter and check out our website at: www.mineraltublifter.com
1998 John Deere 9610 combine with 914 pickup head 2002 John Deere 9520T 450 and 30-ft. platform with pickhp, 7758 hours, Powershift... up reel, 4400 hours.............. ................................ $65,000 .........................$45,000 obo
Patriot WT sprayer, rebuilt Conveyair 3000 grain vac.... motor, Outback GPS............. $25,000 $32,000 obo $4500 $5500 obo ......................... ............................
Phone (406) 403-4642 Dutton, MT
2005 Chevrolet Suburban new transmission in 2017, new transfer in 2018, leather, DVD player, 148,000 miles... $8000 ............................$9000 obo
UM partners with Amazon to make students job ready
UM News Service Just as the world began to transition to to show companies that cloud computing remote work, Amazon announced an initiacan save both space and money. tive to prepare 29 million people around the “This technology excites me in many world for roles in cloud computing. A few ways,” he said. “Learning about it has months earlier, Missoula College at the Unipeeled back a layer and allowed me to see versity of Montana (UM) launched the first how a lot of companies are operating, as Cloud Computing Certificate in the state. well as shown me how cloud computing In response to a rapidly growing tech can be used by smaller companies to lower sector, UM has partnered with Amazon Web startup costs and reach more people.” Services, an IT service management subFor Brenna Bibler, a Missoula College sidiary of Amazon, to prepare students for student in Valgenti’s class who wants the jobs of the future. Through their courseto learn how to program apps and video work, students cover all the necessary skills games, the future of cloud computing also and knowledge, such as cloud computing is promising. and fiber splicing, to pass certifications for “The most interesting thing about cloud high-tech jobs as part of UM’s Tech Skills computing to me is thinking about what it for Tomorrow initiative to address a shortcould be used for,” Bibler said. “Intel, the age of workers in Montana’s tech industry. world’s largest manufacturer of PC microMissoula College Dean Tom Gallagher processors, has been researching the ability said the goal is to equip students for just to decode brainwaves in order to implement about anything in the workforce through interaction with software, model water reproviding them with an in-demand skillset. source management and even cure cancer.” “We want all students to be career-ready,” Heil said the pandemic only has highGallagher said. “And we want them careerlighted the importance of cloud computing. ready the first day at a new job. The Cloud “Look at how many businesses and classComputing Certificate provides individuals rooms would have been shut down and the with the technical skills requested by emnegative impact that would have had with ployers and needed to land that first job.” COVID-19,” Heil said. “Yet we all moved In 2020, LinkedIn ranked cloud comto Zoom or similar ways of communicating puting – the delivery of different services that was housed on the cloud. I wonder how through the Internet – as second among many other businesses moved resources to the most important hard skills for today’s the cloud and will be staying there after the workforce. Missoula College’s first Cloud pandemic ends.” Computing Foundations class drew around Missoula College’s cloud computing cera dozen students, and in a year, it doubled tificate is open to all UM students, who can to 27 and became required for all students pair it with bachelor or associate degrees. pursuing an IT degree. “Cloud computing training is not just Missoula College became Amazon-Web for technical people,” Gallagher said. “It Services-certified this semester, a broad is a technology that everyone needs to credential accepted as the tech industry know about. We need to understand from standard. To receive the Amazon certificaa business standpoint some of the concepts tion, students must take six classes that involving software as a service, platforms range from databases to operating systems. as a service, storage as a service. They are Victor Valgenti, who teaches the cloud revolutionizing what is taking place in the computing course and became the only business industry.” Montana AWS-certified instructor this Bibler also believes everyone can benefit January, said students may not be aware of from understanding cloud computing and why cloud computing is relevant to today’s the opportunities it offers. workforce. “Hopefully more people will catch onto “The cloud is not anything magic, I tell this idea, as the cloud has the ability to cremy students all the time,” he said. “It’s not ate many jobs for people who need them, some new thing. The technologies involved and the number of services, platforms and in the cloud are not revolutionary technoloapplications will rise,” Bibler said. “If more gies. It’s the application that is revolutionpeople apply their ideas to cloud computing ary.” technology, the internet is going to grow Valgenti likens cloud computing to a into a marvelous place, made up of many video rental market, where large companies unique applications from people all over offer up their resources as rentals and other the world.” companies purchase time on their hardware. Valgenti is working on “cloudifying” his He said understanding cloud computing other classes to bring them up-to-date. He is important as businesses move toward plans to teach a class on advanced cloud storing in the cloud rather than hosting less concepts this fall, as well as modify the secure hardware on the premises that takes certificate requirements to work well with up space. other UM programs. “The cloud is where the industry is UM also will partner with other institumoving,” Valgenti said. “It’s really kind of tions across the state and train them in cloud taking over.” computing this summer, ensuring everyone Amos Heil, a Missoula College student has access to important tech skills as the pursuing a career in remote network mancloud only continues to grow. agement and security systems, said he hopes
A man who had spent his whole life in the desert visited a friend. He’d never seen a train or the tracks they run on. While standing in the middle of the RR tracks, he heard a whistle, but didn’t know what it was. Predictably, he’s hit and is thrown to the side of the tracks, with some minor internal injuries, a few broken bones, and some bruises. After weeks in the hospital recovering, he’s at his friend’s house attending a party.
While in the kitchen, he suddenly hears the teakettle whistling. He grabs a baseball bat from the nearby closet and proceeds to batter and bash the teakettle into an unrecognizable lump of metal. His friend, hearing the ruckus, rushes into the kitchen, sees what’s happened and asks the desert man, “Why’d you ruin my good tea kettle?” The desert man replies, “Man, you gotta kill these things when they’re small.”
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C45
418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554
Contact us at or www.musselshellvalley.com or www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley
· 18X6 Powershift Transmission · Closed Center PFC Hydraulics · Standrd Class IV MFWD F/Axle · HD Cat 2/3 Three Point Hitch · Up to 25 hp PTO Powerboost · Direct Digital Fuel Injection Provides More Power When You Need It · SCR/DEF Tier 4/B Final Emissions Means No Restrictions On Your Engine
Case IH MAXXUM Tractors
A Great Addition to Your List of BEST FRIENDS!
Our New MAXXUM Tractors Are Simply The Best • High Torque 4 & 6 Cylinder Engines w/116 to 145 H.P. • Digital Electronic Fuel Injection & Cross Flow Turbo • Great Fuel Economy & Mobile PTO Power Boost up to 24 h.p. • 16x16 Spd. P/S Trans or 23x23 Spd Active Drive 8 Trans. • SCR-only Tier 4B Emission Control • Spacious Surround Vision Cab w/ High Visibility Roof Panel
• Cab Suspension • Class IV H.D. Front Axle • Big Wheel Weights & Rimguard for Ballast • 3 Function Joystick for Loader Control • BIG 31 gpm CCLS hydraulics • L105 Loader Grapple w/5,203 Lift Capacity.
Call Today For a Quote. You won’t be sorry you bought the best.
MEET THE 2021 CASE IH RB 565 PREMIUM BALER These balers are loaded with features for productivity & durability
• FIVE BAR PICKUP - with 160 curved rubber mounted teeth and 6.5-ft. wide. • HEAVY DUTY PICKUP REEL - stronger tines and full height dividers reduce damage. • FRONT LOADING WRAP SYSTEM - provides a short path for optimal wrapping quality. • OVERSHOT FEEDING SYSTEM - continuous feeding of hay to the chamber for a more consistent crop mat. • ENDLESS BELTS - They track better and maintain greater crosswise rigidity. So tough that they are backed by a 3-year/15,000 Bale Warranty. • MVE BALERS - Also have In-Cab Density System, 15”x6” caster pickup wheels, roller windguard, 21.5Lx16.1 10-ply tires, and moisture sensors.
ELIMINATE RAKING WITH OUR WD2104 & WD2504 ROTARY WINDROWERS • HIGH SPEED CUTTING With 210 & 250 H.P. these Quality Windrowers make short work of the heaviest crops. • EXCLUSIVE TRIPLE WINDROWER ATTACHMENT Saves raking in most conditions. • HEAVY DUTY HYDROSTATIC DRIVE Reduces Effort to Operator
• FIELD CRUISE Has 3 Modes for Economy, Power, & Headland Management • FULL AUTOGUIDANCE For Effortless Operation • CAB, REAR AXLE SUSPENSION, & A HIGH QUALITY AIR SUSPENSION SEAT Make Your Life Easier
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C46
QUONSET HUT FOR SALE Open front hut, 24-ft. wide x 40-ft. deep x 15-ft. high, unbuild in Monarch, MT............................................. $7999 Text David at (208) 703-5839
Fire damaged or non-running tractors
Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s
Phone Circle G Salvage
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Tractor and Combine Buyers
Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail: bomar@utma.com
Trailer orders backed up until Spring Put your order in now!!
Travalong 31-ft. gooseneck flatbed with duals Hillsboro flatbeds In Stock
We Are Open!
Nebraska ag land values increase for second consecutive year
By Ryan Evans, Agricultural Economics, UNL The value of agricultural land in Nerange about 3% to 5% higher than the braska increased by an average of 6% prior year. over the prior year, to a statewide averSurvey results also revealed that rental age of $2,895 per acre, according to the rates for cropland and grazing land in the preliminary findings of the University of state have increased by an average of about Nebraska–Lincoln’s 2021 Farm Real Es5% to 7% for cropland, while rates for tate Market Survey. This marks the second pasture and cow-calf pairs saw an average increase between about 3% and 7%. consecutive year that agricultural land in the state has experienced an increase in Survey participants also reported that the late season runup in crop prices were a average market value. Land industry professionals who remajor factor leading to higher cash rental rates in 2021. sponded to the survey attributed the rise in The Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Nebraska farm real estate values to current interest rate levels, crop prices and COSurvey is an annual survey of land profesVID-19 disaster assistance payments prosionals, including appraisers, farm and vided to operators across the state. These ranch managers and agricultural bankers, factors provided stability to the industry conducted by the Department of Agriculin the face of an economic shutdown and tural Economics. Results from the survey disruptions of supply chains. are divided by land class and agricultural “During periods of economic uncerstatistic district. Land values and rental tainty, monitoring Nebraska farm and rates presented in the report are averages of survey participants’ responses by disranch real estate remains important to understanding how financial forces are trict. Actual land values and rental rates impacting agricultural land markets across may vary depending upon the quality of the state,” said Jim Jansen, an extension the parcel and local market for an area. educator who co-authored the survey and Preliminary land values and rental rates report with Jeffrey Stokes, a professor in are subject to change as additional surveys the Department of Agricultural Economare returned. ics. The preliminary report was released in the Department of Agricultural EcoThe preliminary report found that center pivot-irrigated cropland estimated values nomics’ weekly Cornhusker Economics rose by about 8% across the state. Dryland newsletter. Its findings will be discussed cropland values rose by about 6%. Survey in a webinar at noon March 18. To register participants noted higher crop prices as for the webinar and read the report, go to https://agecon.unl.edu/realestate. Final a major force leading to higher cropland values across the state. Improvements in results from the survey are expected to be published in June. grazing land and hayland market values
New tool allows farmers and agronomists to easily analyze data
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News A new tool, Farm Stat, is available on started. The “FarmStat Complete Guide” the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network video – featuring an introduction to the website. Farm Stat enables growers and program as well as a short tutorial – is agronomists to easily run statistical analyincluded on the ‘Welcome’ page of Farm sis of their own research studies. Stat and can also be found on the Nebraska “Each year we discuss that a statistical On-Farm Research Network’s YouTube analysis can help producers have more page. The user’s guide provides a detailed confidence in their research results, but explanation of Farm Stat functionality and until now, we did not have a free and easyhow to use the program. This resource is to-use tool that enabled them to conduct also linked within the Farm Stat program. these analyses themselves,” said Nebraska Excel spreadsheet templates for organizing Extension Educator Laura Thompson. data from randomized complete block deFarm Stat is accessed online and allows signs and completely randomized designs producers or agronomists to specify how are also offered within the program. Jackson Stansell, a Biological Systems many treatments and replications their unique study had and then enter their yield Engineering Graduate student who overdata or other data to be statistically anasaw the development effort says, “Farm lyzed. The program will quickly produce Stat was developed to be straightforward a complete statistical analysis of variance for any user with data to analyze from that can be saved as a PDF. typical agricultural experiments. I highly “One of the features I’m most excited encourage potential users to watch the about is the straightforward conclusion video tutorial resources as an orientation statements that the tool provides,” Thompto the program. Then, let Farm Stat help son says. “At the end of the report, users you analyze and get value from your data!” will see a statement that plainly describes NOFRN is a collaborative partnerwhether there was a statistically significant ship which includes Nebraska Extension, difference in the treatments they were Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Corn studying. For example, the statement Growers Association, the Nebraska Soymight say ‘starter fertilizer had a statistibean Checkoff Board, and the Nebraska cally higher yield than the no starter fertilDry Bean Commission. The goal of the izer check’”. network is to put to use a statewide onThe tool has several layers of funcfarm research program addressing critical tionality. Data can be imported manually farmer production, profitability and natural for analysis or uploaded as an excel file. resources questions. Data from an analysis session can also be For more information, contact Thompsaved and re-imported for further analysis son at 402-245-2224, laura.thompson@ another time. Several training videos and a unl.edu or contact your local Nebraska user’s guide are available to help users get Extension office.
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C47
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
Bobcat S595 skidsteer.........................$45,900 Bobcat T770 skid steer........................$49,900
Bridon & Balekeeper twine *20K130 Was $31.65 Now $22.15 * 9600-170 Was $43.60 Now $30.52 Case IH 3240 sprayer...................$184,900 (L)
While supplies last. No Holds, You Haul. Payment due at point of purchase.
Hoven Equipment Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot........................ $47,500 (L) Bobcat LR65 land rake...........................$6000 JCB270 skid steer.......................... $55,900 (L) Versatile ST280 sprayer, 100-ft., 1200 gallon, JCB 84” snow thrower....................... $7000 (L) Cummins. Coming In..................... $180,000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle........ ..............................................................$900
Vermeer BPX9000 round bale.............$13,500 Vermeer BP8000 with final cut.............$12,000 Highline 6800 round only processor..$5000 (L)
MacDon RB85 header.........................$18,000 MacDon 972 35-ft. with Case 7130 adapter...... ............................................................$9500 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$5000 MacDon 960 25-ft. header......................$6000
Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Massey GC1715 tractor..................Coming In Massey 7614 tractor............................ $69,000 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.
New Holland TR98 combine................$12,000 Case 1680 combine with 30-ft. 962 header....... .........................................................$15,000 Massey Ferguson 8570 with 30-ft. header....... .........................................................$15,000 Miller 3275 HT 90-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 2WD, Raven Smart Trax...... $54,000 John Deere 9600 combine..................$19,500 Agco 7650 Spra Coupe with full run Raven monitor, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic USED HEADERS assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle..... MacDon R116 header..........................$21,900 ........................................................ $63,900 MacDon A40D header.........................$18,900
406-727-7153 406-538-3919
New Holland LM 445A telehandler..... $35,500 H&S BF 12HC 12-wheel rake...........$8900 (L) Vermeer R23A basket rake...............$7000 (L) 2-New Holland 216 rakes...............Coming In Sitrex MK-12 12-wheel rake.................. $5900 Ford F350 flatbed................................... $8900 Cat LR18B rock rake.............................. $3375 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach................................................... $500
Massey Ferguson WR 9870 16-ft. rotary disc, auto steer, suspension...................$120,000 Massey Ferguson 1375 pull type rotary swather.............................................$19,500 MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 New Holland H8040 swather.......... Coming In New Holland 1118 overhauled engine..$19,900 John Deere D450 swather with 6400 draper header......................................... Coming In Hesston 6450 15-ft. draper header.........$6000 New Holland 1475 hydroswing............$15,000
Westfield MK10x70 auger with LP hopper....... .................................................... Coming In Agco 7660 Spra Coupe...................... $79,900 Farm King 13x85 auger.................. Coming In Melroe 3430 Spra Coupe.................... $13,000 Farm King 13x85 auger.......................$12,900 Weed-It system mounted on Chev pickup........ ........................................................ $41,000 Farm King 13x70 auger..........................$7500 Case SRX160 pull type....................... $16,500
New Holland BR7090 baler.................$17,900 New Holland BR780 net/twine baler.$9000 (L) New Holland 688 twine...........................$7500 New Holland 660 mesh & twine baler.....$5900 Case IH RB565 round baler........... $18,000 (L) Case IH RB565 baler...........................$29,900 Case IH RB564 mesh & twine baler.....$25,000 Vermeer 605 Super M mesh & twine...$14,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$7500 John Deere 569 round baler................$39,000 John Deere 569 net & twine................$31,500 John Deere 560 round baler................$48,000 Hesston 956A round baler...................$12,000
Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill with 3450 tank..$44,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing....... ..................................................$15,000 (L)
Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler.......$34,900 New Holland 269 small square baler..$4500 (L) Hesston 7434 baler, less accumulator and liquid applicator..........................................$49,900
TFX2 Series The TFX2, 8” and 10” models come in a variety of lengths and are the most maneuverable truck augers in the industry! Available in EMD, PTO or gas engine drive options to suit your needs.
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Check us out on our Website at www.hovenequipment.com
Degelman 4100 round & square processor...... .........................................................$15,000 Schuler SRM 262 mixer.................... $6825 (L) Morris CP743 chisel plow.......................$6900 Melroe 501 plow with Valmar..................$6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow...................$6500 International 75 39-ft. plow....................$3500 Versatile 800 tractor.............................$12,000 Ford 946 tractor.............................. $46,000 (L) Minneapolis G1355 tractor..................$12,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel....................................$4500 New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment............................$42,500 International 1660 combine. #13168..$12,000 John Deere 8820 combine..................$18,000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket...$14,900 Brandt drive over transfer auger..........$12,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck..........$5675 Case DC132 13-ft. pull-type disc swather......... ......................................................... Call (L) New Holland 1112 swather..................$18,000 Hesston 4900 4x4 baler.......................$15,000 Hesston 4800 baler.................................$2500
Hesston 856A baler................................$7000 Hesston 565A twine baler.......................$5900 New Holland 590 parts baler..................... Call New Holland 1033 stacker......................$6000 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms..........$29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer....................$127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank................................................$8000 Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart............................................ $23,450 (L) John Deere 9450 40-ft. x 12” drills with end transport............................................. $5500 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900 1500 gallon poly tank.................................$500 (4) 4.5’ mounted Morris harrows. Each.....$490
Call us for all your equipment needs!
Trader’s Dispatch, April 2021 — Page C48
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
SALES: Ken – 788-4588;
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
Call us for all your NEW equipment needs! Morris Equipment LTD
900 Round Bale Accumulator
over Car r y es Pric
WINDROW SPECIALS over Car r y es Pric
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We would like to WELCOME Waylen Nash and Dave Ridl to the Hoven Equipment team Waylen has joined as a Service Technician and Dave as the new Parts Manager Hoven Equipment is the
NEW REM Grain Vac Dealer