August 2018

Page 1


Vol. XIX No. 7 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: E-MAIL:

Soil health and cover crop field days set for MT, WY and ND North 40 Ag, an agronomy and soil health consulting company based in Ballantine, Montana, will host 12 soil health & cover crop field days across Montana, northern Wyoming, and western North Dakota in August and September. Topics include the benefits of implementing soil health practices such as no-till, crop rotation, cover crops, and incorporating cover crops into grazing systems. “Field days are a great opportunity to learn about cover crops and soil health practices firsthand” said Kate Vogel, agronomist with North 40 Ag. “Each event is tailored to the unique agronomic conditions in the area and allows us to learn from the successes and challenges of other producers.” Field days will be held at the following locations: Stevensille, Montana: August 14 @ 9am- 1506 Wheelbarrow Creed Rd. Stevensville, Montana 59870 Baker, Montana: August 27 @ 1pm- 12 miles North of Baker on Hwy 7. Turn east on Big Hill Rd. Field on north side of road. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


Aug. 13, Pate Auction Inc, HL Construction, Online......................................... A2 Aug. 26,Fritz Auction, Land Auction, Havre MT................................................ A4 Aug. 27, Pate Auction Inc, Rental Equipment, Online....................................... A5 Aug. 29, Pate Auction Inc, Real Property, Online.............................................. A7 Sept. 8, Weishaar Auction Service, Christman Farm & Ranch, Hettinger, ND...A6 Sept. 9, RLP Auctions, Western Auction, Hamilton MT.................................... A8 Sept. 15, Rivers West Auction, Reiter Estate, Trout Creek MT........................ A11 Sept. 15, Weaver Auctions, Jules Waber Estate, Deer Lodge MT.................... A9 Sept. 22, Weishaar Auction Service, Knutson Farm & Ranch, Lemmon SD... A6 Sept. 28, Weishaar Auction Service, Rohr Farm & Ranch, Elgin ND............... A6 Oct. 1, Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Equipment, Online...................... A13 Oct. 13, Fritz Auction, R&S Grain, Dunkirk MT................................................ A23 Dec. 17, Kinsey Auctioneers & Real Estate, Equipment, Online................... A13

Updates to canola sugarbeet apps

By Lindy Coleman, Northern Canola Growers Association The “NDSU Canola Doctor” and “Sugarbeet Production Guide” mobile apps are now available for installation on both Android and iOS devices. Previously, the Canola Doctor app was available for android, while the Sugarbeet Production Guide app was available only for iOS devices. The apps deliver critical information to make timely management decisions and optimize crop production for canola and sugarbeet growers, respectively. The apps can be installed by following the short links: canoladoctor&hl=en_US or id1397239260 and ndsu.sugarbeetproductionguide or


Aug. 25, Montana Columbia Sheep Breeders Show & Sale, Lewistown MT..A16 Sept. 1 & 2, Powder River Quarter Horse, Broadus MT...................................A21 Sept. 20, Diamond K Shorthorns, Missoula MT...............................................A13


Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT................................................................... A21 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT....................................................................... A21 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT............................................................................ A21

Dr. Mike Giroux, Processor of Durum Wheat Breeding Program at MSU-Bozeman along with his PhD student Justin Vetch discuss research projects at Western Triangle Ag Research Center Field Day.

Field day is August 23 in Garden City

By K-State Research and Extension News Kansas State University’s Southwest • Update on mobile drip irrigation Research-Extension Center will host its Field • Diversified annual forage crop rotations Day 2018 on Thursday, August 23 at 4500 • Perspectives on Forbs in Kansas grassE. Mary St. in Garden City. The day features lands: Who they are, what they do, and why field tours, indoor seminars and seed, implethey’re important Seminars include: ment and farm supply company displays. • Insect research update Registration and vendor exhibits open at 8 • Pesticide safety update a.m. with the program, showcasing K-State • 2.5 hours available plus core hour for research updates at 9:15 a.m. A complimencommercial pesticide license tary lunch will be provided. More information is available at www. Field tours include: or email rscurrie@ • Weed control in irrigated corn • Weed control in irrigated grain sorghum

Grazing School set for September 5-7 By NDSU Extension Service

Livestock producers will have an opportunity to learn about the principles of range management and how to incorporate them into livestock operations during the 2018 North Dakota Grazing School set for September. 5-7 at the North Dakota 4-H Camp near Washburn. North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension, the North Dakota Chapter of the Society for Range Management, North Dakota Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition are hosting the event. “The three-day school will include ranch tours, presentations from livestock producers, and sessions on soil and ecological sites, plant identification, proper stocking rate, grazing management, infiltration and range improvements,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. “At the end of the school, producers will have a completed grazing management plan

Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch Page B15

they can incorporate into their operation,” says Breana Kiser, NDSU Extension’s agriculture and natural resources agent in Dickey County. “Each operation also will receive a range monitoring kit.” The registration fee is $150 for the first person and $75 for each additional person in the same operation if paid by August 1. After that, the fee is $200 for the first person and $100 for each additional person. Registration is limited to 20 operations. Meals and lodging are included in the registration fee, and camper hookups are available. Students can attend for a reduced registration fee of $75 prior to August 1 and $100 after that date. Register for the school online at For more information, contact Kiser at breana.s.kiser@ or 701-541-7050, or your local county Extension or NRCS office. This event is sponsored by the North Dakota Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, Farm Credit Services of Mandan, Agassiz Seed & Supply, North Dakota Natural Resources Trust and North Dakota Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program.

Trader’s Dispatch August 2018 — Page A2


2 hopper, 330 bushel trailer. Can be used as pup or 5th wheel Case IH 1688 combine, 3365 engine hours, Kirby straw/chaff spreader, 30-ft. 1010 header. Many recent repairs/replacement Contact Art Adamson (406) 432-3225

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones – 406-544-4766, cell

83,000 bushel storage at Lewiston, ID

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Schlagel • Complete millwright and concrete service • Bin roof repairs or replacement • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington

Addisyn Bengtson was the 3rd place junior Pocket Pet showman at the Marias Fair. Photo by Kim Woodring.

Soil health and cover crop field days CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

Timed Online Only

AUCTION H L Construction

429 Josephine Drive • Billings, MT.

Bidding Ends Monday, August 13th

JOHN DEERE 410G 4x4 Loader Backhoe BOBCAT skid steers • DODGE service trucks • Trailers • Barricade forms Construction Signs and road sign trailers • Safety Equipment Tools, Shop Equipment and much more! Online Only Auction

Download our app or go online and bid your price on this line of tools and equipment!

This is a 200+ lot auction, register online and bid now!! For viewing information and registration go to Download our app to receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!

Pate Auction Inc. 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 443-7748 • Toll Free 800-356-0307

Williston, North Dakota: August 28 @ 9am- 5658 133rd Avenue NW, Williston, North Dakota 58801 Culbertson, Montana: August 28 @ 2pm- 6224 Rd 1017, Culbertson, Montana 59218 Larslan, Montana: August 29 @ 10am- 145 Sather Road, Larslan, Montana 59244 Jordan, Montana: August 30 @ 9am- 860 East Sand Creek Rd., Jordan, Montana 59337 Winnett, Montana: August 30 @ 3pm- 3 miles south of Winnett Hwy 244. Meet at 3 grain bins on east side of highway. Musselshell, Montana: August 31 @ 10am- 5 miles west of Melstone, Highway 12. Turn north on Ragged Point Rd. Two Dot, Montana: September 4 @2pm- 2 Moe Lane, Two Dot, Montana 59085 Lavina, Montana: September 5 @ 9am- 275 Three Pines Rd., Lavina, Montana 59046 Gillette, Wyoming: September 6 @ 2pm- 1050 Collings Rd., Gillette, Wyoming 82717 Hulett, Wyoming: September 7 @ 10am- 461 New Haven Rd., Hulett, Wyoming 82720 Additional information is available at www.north40ag. com or by contacting Kate Vogel, (406) 600-5205, kvogel@ Field days are part of a Risk Management Education cooperative agreement awarded to North 40 Ag by the USDA Risk Management Agency to deliver soil health education and risk management training across the region.


August 2018 — Vol. XIX No. 7 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for September issue WEDNESDAY, August 29. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste and Suzy Benzing, ad layout. Office Phone 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 e-mail:

Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.

Trader’s Dispatch August 2018 — Page A3


& 2ND cutting Alfalfa * Grass/Alfalfa * Grain hay * Blended Oats & Peas * Millet – – Delivery Available – – ST


Phone 701-690-8116, South Heart, ND

B & B Auction Sales & Service

Just completed Farm Sales for Rod Courtnage at Big Sandy, MT and for Harold & Shirley Klinker at Power, MT I want to thank everyone for attending!

Thinking of having an Auction? Give us a call at 406-262-2346 or

“We enjoy what we do, and it shows!”

Coalter Littrell was the recipient of the first Dean Peterson Memorial Award at the Marias Fair. Coalter was selected by the family based on his example of generosity, service, conduct, and leadership, traits that Dean Peterson was known by.

Previously unknown rice blast resistance isolated

By Sharon Durham, Agricultural Research Service A never-before-described gene that gives rice resistance to a disease that has been costing about $66 billion a year in global damage has been isolated by a team of scientists led by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant pathologist Yulin Jia. Rice blast, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, results in annual yield losses large enough to have fed 60 billion people each year, according to the team’s paper just published in the journal Nature Communications (https:// In the United States’ mid-south rice-growing region, the cost of mitigating rice blast infection with fungicide applications can reach almost $20 per acre; plus, the fungus may still cause significant yield loss depending on the susceptibility of each rice variety and the degree of infection at the time of fungicide application, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic Research Service. Amazingly, Ptr, the disease resistance gene Jia and his team found, has a structure that has not been seen in plants before. It has been previously deployed unknowingly in blast-resistant rice cultivars because it has been tightly linked to another disease resistance gene, Pi-ta, which has a genetic structure that is well-described in scientific literature. Ptr has essentially been living in the shadow of Pi-ta. “Our research was able to separate the two genes and demonstrate that Ptr is independently responsible for its own broadspectrum blast resistance without Pi-ta,” says Jia. “This will provide a new strategy for developing blast-resistant rice cultivars.” The full genomic sequence of the Ptr gene was put into GenBank for use by public researchers worldwide. Jia, along with his colleagues Haijun Zhao, Melissa H. Jia and Jeremy D. Edwards, is with the ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center in Stuttgart, Arkansas. Other contributors include Xueyan Wang and Yeshi Wamishe at the University of Arkansas Rice Research and Extension Center (Stuttgart, Arkansas); Bastian Minkenberg, Matthew Wheatly and Yinong Yang at the Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pennsylvania); Jiangbo Fan and Guo-Liang Wang at the Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio); Adam Famoso at Louisiana State University (Rayne, Louisiana); and Barbara Valent at Kansas State University (Manhattan, Kansas).

Auctioneer - Bob Sivertsen PO Box 2226 Havre, MT 59501

EVENT SCHEDULE Saturday & Sunday (10AM - 4PM)

9:00AM Worship Service, Sunday only

30th Annual

Featuring Ford & Fordson Visit us on the Web at:

August 18 & 19, 2018 at Huntley Project Museum (near MSU Ag. Research Center)

Between Huntley & Worden, MT on Hwy 312E (approx 15 miles NE of Billings)

(at Tractor Pull Bleachers) 10:00AM - Noon Working Sawmill, Shingle Mill & Branding Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull Corn-On-Cob & Steam Calliope by Steam Engine Threshing & Binding Dutch Oven Bread Baking & Butter Churning Homemade Ice Cream by Stationary Engine 10:00AM - 3:00PM Thresher’s Lunch by Party Pig 10:30AM - 2:30PM Musical Entertainment - *The Reflections Band* Noon - 1:00PM Antique Tractor Pull 1:00PM Corn-On-Cob & Steam Calliope by Steam Engine Slow Tractor Race & Barrel Race Stationary Baling 2:00PM “People Parade of Power Mover” 2:30PM - 4:00PM Working Sawmill, Shingle Mill available & Branding ALL DAY! Antique Tractor Pull Threshing & Plowing Kiddie Pedal Tractor Pull Dutch Oven Bread Baking & Butter Churning Homemade Ice Cream by Stationary Engine ~ ALL DAY EVENTS ~ Pie, Ice Cream & Coffee • Tractor Balance Stationary Engine Display Working Blacksmith/Machine Shop Shingle Branding • Arts & Crafts • Kids Barrel Ride Huntley Project Museum • Grist Mill & Spinners

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A4


1997 MacDon 960 30-ft. header, 5 batt poly pickup reel, fore/aft, gauge wheels and transport, with 1998 adapter for Case IH, manuals, good header, adapter needs repair. $ Trades considered........................................................................................................................ obo Phone John at (406) 431-1361


Land auction August 26, 2018 at 5:00 pm

Havre MT, on 12th Ave between Cypress and 16th Street (watch for sign on Hwy 2) Twenty (20) acres of highly coveted grassland on the southeast edge of Havre MT has been in the same family for over 60 years and they have 5 acres 20 undeveloped that finally decided to sell it via auction on August 26. may This parcel is out of city limits with city services acres be adjoining thru continuation of three main streets added from adjoining development. The south is lined by undeveloped city property. It is located on 12th Avenue between 16th Street and 14th Street, if it ran all the way to the east, directly east of Cypress & Spruce. You could build your dream country home with pristine views of Saddle Butte, the Bear Paws and on a clear day, the Sweetgrass Hills and still be less than 5 blocks from Havre High School. Any hiker/biker/dog walker would love to have the Baltrusch Trail & Nature Walk out their back door. Just to the east of the property, the Baltrusch Trail boasts 3.3 miles of maintained trail. The north .7 miles are paved as the south end loops into Beaver Creek Road. This land could also have huge profit potential by developing 4 beautiful, 5 acre ranchettes or subdividing into 32 spacious, 1/2 acre lots. Those are just a few ideas for this once in a lifetime purchase of a Havre life. The possibilities are as endless as the great big sky you can enjoy from this property. 20 undeveloped acres S16,T32N,R16E, N/2W/2W/2NWNE, N/2NENW. Sells to the highest bidder. All mineral rights are reserved. Professional transfer of deed. Easement for gas will be granted. The additional 5, connected acres to the east may be offered the day of the sale, seller's decision. See or Fritz Auction on Facebook for photos and information or call us at 406-432-2845

Fritz auction

Bonded and Insured Chester, Montana

Jim, Dena, Jake & Jack Fritz 406-432-2845

Not responsible for accidents or lost or stolen merchandise.Auction Company or advertising counsel will not be held responsible for advertising inaccuracies.

Gus Meiwald’s 1410 pound Charolais cross steer had the Top Rate of Gain for the Marias Fair and was named the Top Charolais influenced steer. Meiwald’s steer started out at 590 pounds and gained 3.6 pounds/ day to win the contest. Photo by Kari Lewis.

Repurposed paint brush

Before you throw away that old paintbrush, use it as a cleaning brush. Cut the bristles very short and use in hardto-reach places like the corner of the tub.

114 East Washington Avenue Chester, Montana 59522

(406) 759-6489

ALPINE Equipment Rebate Program New customers can qualify for up to $3000! We can make the transition easy to liquid ALPINE starter fertilizer and micronutrients. ALPINE equipment is designed for the precision placement of starter fertilizer in the seed furrow. ALPINE has years of experience and can supply the equipment necessary to ensure proper placement and maximize the benefits of ALPINE fertilizers on any make or model of seeding equipment. Find out how you can qualify for rebates on application equipment and storage tanks today. Contact Stricks Ag for more information!

Offering New Crop ORGANIC Contracts and HTA (hedge to arrive) Spring & Winter Wheat Futures Contracts


We have 2 facilities in Chester, MT to meet your delivery needs!

* Employment Opportunities available at Stricks Ag. Call our HR Department for details. (406) 759-6490

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A5

MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295

Timed Online Only

AUCTION Rental Equipment Auction 3320 Dredge Drive • Helena, MT.

Bidding Ends Monday, August 27th

Montana sweeps wool show for third time

The National Columbia Show and Sale was held in June in Gillette, Wyoming. Nearly 50 fleeces were ranked by retired University of Wyoming’s sheep specialist Dr. Leroy Johnson. This year’s overall champion fleece was a ewe fleece shown by Blackman Columbias of Wolf Creek, Montana. The 1st place ram fleece was shown by their daughter Loni Blackman. In 2017 the National Show and Sale was held in Spencer, Iowa. The Overall Champion Fleece ewe came from the Gene & Mary Langhus flock of Big Timber, Montana. Their son Kevin Langhus exhibited the first place ram fleece. Timber Coulee Columbias of Sunburst, Montana was awarded the Reserve Champion Overall Fleece (ewe). At the 2016 National Show and Sale in Minot, North Dakota, the overall champion fleece (ewe) was shown by Timber Coulee Columbias The Overall Reserve Champion (ewe) came from the Gene & Mary Langhus flock. Fleece weight, individual fiber diameter, the length of fibers, color, softness and purity (freedom from colored fibers, kemp, and hair-like fibers) are factors used to determine the value of wool.

K-State Risk and Profit Conference August 16-17

By K-State Research and Extension News Ambassador Richard T. Crowder, former U.S. agricultural trade negotiator and current Thornhill Professor of Agricultural Trade at Virginia Tech, will headline Kansas State University’s Risk and Profit Conference planned for August 16-17. Crowder will speak at the opening luncheon on August 16. The conference will be at the K-State Alumni Center in Manhattan. Crowder will address “Trade Policy Changes: Risks and Opportunities for Agriculture.” He also served as undersecretary of agriculture for farm and foreign agricultural services. Prior to his career in public service, he worked in private industry for such companies as Exxon, the Pillsbury Company, and Armour Swift-Eckrich. Another highlight of the conference will be “A Conversation with a Kansas Producer,” this year featuring Shawnee County corn, soybean and wheat producer Bob Haselwood at the Thursday evening general session. K-State Research and Extension agricultural economists Dan O’Brien and Glynn Tonsor will present the grain market outlook and the livestock market outlook, respectively, during the conference, which also features 22 breakout sessions on a variety of topics. Those topics include updates on the Farm Bill; factors affecting net farm income; attitudes toward groundwater use in the Ogallala Aquifer; Kansas farm finance issues; principles of hedging livestock sales; and others. Online registration is available at More information is available by contacting Rich Llewelyn at 785-532-1504 or

Full line of newer rental equipment in good condition including Trailers Lawn & Garden Equipment • Scaffolding • Concrete Tools & Equipment Tables & Chairs • Bobcat landscape rake • Power Tools • Ladders Generators • Pumps • Wood Splitter • Chain Saws and much more! Online Only Auction Download our app or go online and bid your price on this line of tools and equipment!

This is a 120+ lot auction, register online and bid now!! For viewing information and registration go to Download our app to receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!

Pate Auction Inc. 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 Doug Dandro 406-439-8855 • Dan Pate 406-439-5561

RANCHERS & CATTLEMEN! Fall is almost here - do you need to update, fix or start your new feedlot or repair your corrals? We have three styles of panels for all your reconfiguring or fixing needs!

Feed Bunks

Free Standing Panels

Sucker Rod Panels

Windreak Panels

Call Wayne at 701-570-1653 or email For Prices and Availablity We offer used oilfield tubing, sucker rod, and highway guardrail

ul or U-Ha ery Deliv ble a avail

Phone (701) 570-1653

Tru Dis ckloa d c Ava ounts ilab le

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A6

WORTMAN FENCE LLC. 406-439-2499

A new, smelly bug comes to Wyoming By Scott Schell, University of Wyoming Extension entomology specialist

Three views of an adult elm seed bug, a new invasive pest just reported from Worland. This species is a little shorter from head to tail than a typical boxelder bug at only 1/3 of an inch. The side view shows the beak they use to suck liquid food from plants. Their warning coloration is not as bright as a boxelder bug, although they also defend themselves with a bad odor. Photo: Emilie Bess, USDA APHIS PPQ,


FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT RETIREMENT AUCTIONS Sept. 8, 2018 – Todd Christman, Hettinger, ND (ph. 701-567-3125)

Tractors: JD 4850 2wd, 15spd, * 2 – ‘83 JD 8850’s, * ’89 JD 4755 FWA, *’89 JD 4955 FWA w/Loader Sprayer: ‘01 John Deere 4710 Sprayer, 800 gal SS Tank, 90ft Booms, Triple Nozzle Bodies Combine & Headers: ‘96 John Deere 9600,*’06 JD 936 D Draper Head, * ‘07 JD 893 Corn Head Semi & Trucks: ‘96 Freightliner FLD120, * ‘93 INTL. 4000 Dump Truck, * ‘88 Freightliner w/2- 250 bu. Tyler Tanks w/Auger, * ‘84 GMC General Truck w/20ft box, * ‘72 GMC 2ton Truck – silage or grain Grain Trailers: ‘12 Merrit Heritage 42ft Hopper Trailer, * ‘99 Timpte LG Trailer, * ‘97 Jet Hopper Livestock: 2009 Vermeer BP8000 Bale Processor, 24ft Standing Windbreak, 24ft Free Standing Panels, Hopper Bins: 3300 bu. & 1900 bu. Augers: Brandt 1370 w/Swing, Brandt 835, Westfield 10 x61 Tillage: JD 1810 52ft Chisel Plow,*’14 Schaben Side Dresser, *JD 1600 16ft Chisel Plow, *JD 24ft Chisel Air Seeder: ’05 JD 1820 Hoe Drill, 12” spacing, Dutch Internet PrecisionBidding OpenerAvailable s, 1910 Cart, 270 bu. Plus Many More Items!!! Friedt, Collection of MinneapolisContact: MolineAaron Tractors

TLL Internet Sales Manager

‘66 MM G1000 * ’64 MM 602 * ’67 MM M670 Super * ’70 MM White A4T-1400 *’71MMA4T-1600, * ’67 MM 701-590-9597 Wheatland G1000 * ’64 MF 97 * ’67 MM Vista G1000 * ’63 MM G705 *MM U * MM GB * MM G706 * Register 24 *hours MM M5 * MM G705 * MM G955 * MM G706 * MM G1355 & More Plusin2-advance John Deere 8850 * Oliver 77 w/Loader. Most of these tractors are in running condition.

Sept. 22, 2018 – Marlin & Karen Knutson, Lemmon, SD (ph. 701-376-5981)

Tractors: JD 7200 MFD w/ 740 JD Loader * Case STX 375 * ’14 Versatile 220 w/ 3894 Versatile Loader Livestock Equip: Hyd. Livestock Scale * Calving Pen * Asst. of Panels * Squeeze Chute w/ Foremost Headgate * Bale Feeders * Hog Feeders * Fencing Supplies * Boss 720 Livestock 20ft GN Trailer Tillage: 14ft Kewanee Disc *JD 100 14ft Tool Bar * Track Wacker * Morris 29ft Chisel Plow * JD 350 Disk Harvest: ’06 Case IH AFX 8010 Combine w/ Duals, Sunflower Chimney * Case 2062 Flex Draper Head 36ft, Finger Reel * Case 1010 Header w/Lucke Sunflower Pans * JD 38 Corn Chopper * Header Trailer Hay Equipment * Semi Trailers * Trucks * Sprayer * Grain Augers * Misc Equip * 1991 Trailer House

Sept. 28 2018 – Edgar & Marge Rohr, Elgin, ND (ph. 701-584-3287)

Tractors: 1984 JD 8440, Quad Range * 1975 JD 4430, Quad Range * 1979 875 Versatile, Tires Good Combine & Headers: R72 Gleaner, Deutz Air Cooled Engine * Gleaner Pickup Header 13 ft w/ Melroe Pickup * 30 ft Agco Draper Header w/ Finger Reels * 27 ft Straight Cut w/ UII Finger Reels * 27 ft Bat Reel Haying Equip: ’04 New Holland 1475 Haybine * ’12 New Holland 7090 Rnd Baler * JD 530 Baler * JD 2420 Swather w/ 240 Hay Head, 21ft Dbl Swath Draper Head * NH 256 & 56 Dbl Throw Rakes Silage Equip * Grain Handling Equip * Trucks & Trailers * Livestock Equip * Tillage * Sprayer

View Complete Listings at:

Internet Bidding Available Contact: Aaron Friedt TLL Internet Sales Manager

701-590-9597 Register 24 hours in advance

Wyoming is usually one of the last states to get invaded by non-native insect pests. This time we are one of the first six states to get a new insect pest, originally from the areas of Europe and Asia that can grow elm trees. The elm seed bug (Arocatus melanocephalus) was first detected and reported in the United States in 2012 in southwest Idaho and has since spread into Oregon, Washington, Utah, and made a long-distance jump to Michigan. Worland appears to be ground zero for the elm seed bug’s Wyoming invasion with several reports of masses of the bugs appearing on houses and elm tree trunks on warm March days. The only good news is that elm seed bugs are not serious agricultural pests. The elm seed bug lives up to its common name; elm tree seeds are its preferred food. This is similar to the food preference of their distant American relative, the boxelder bug. Their favorite food is the seeds of boxelder trees. The bad news is that many Wyoming folks have Siberian elm trees as shade trees and in windbreaks around their homes and farm yards. This also means people who have never had the unpleasant experience of an invasion of boxelder bugs into their homes might now get invaded by elm seed bugs. Additionally, if there are boxelder and elm trees nearby, you might have home invasions of both. Elm seed bugs will try to take shelter in buildings when it gets hot and dry in the summer and when cold weather starts in the fall. Gaps around house siding are an attractive place for them to spend the winter. The gaps under the siding are like the crevices in the bark of trees, their natural winter habitat. When cold returns, the bugs will try to return to shelter and try to enter houses then, too. “Bug-proofing” a house to keep them out of living spaces is the goal when dealing with any nuisance pest that originates outside. A side benefit of bug-proofing a house is having lower winter heating costs. CONTINUED ON PAGE A7

A new, smelly bug comes to Wyoming CONTINUED FROM PAGE A6

Make sure weather stripping around doors and windows is in good condition and sweeps on the bottom of the doors are tight-fitting. Check for and repair holes or gaps around window screens and any utility entrances. Good screens will also protect from mosquitoes when windows are open to catch summer breezes. Any opening to the outside wider than a quarter is thick enough to allow elm seed bugs to squeeze in. It is probably impossible to seal every crack and hole, but you can certainly reduce the possible entry points. Don’t crush elm seed bugs if they find their way inside, as they stink, and their body fluids can stain paint. A vacuum can be used to sweep them up. If a household insect spray is used on the invaders first, you would still need to vacuum up the bodies. So, I recommended saving a step and just vacuuming them and disposing of the captured bugs. A barrier treatment with a properly labeled insecticide around the exterior foundation of a house can reduce the numbers of bugs trying to gain entry. Make sure the product is non-staining and labeled for such usage. Removal of elm trees to stop the elm seed bugs is not recommended: the benefits of the trees outweigh the nuisance of the insects. However, many old Siberian elm trees in Wyoming are in sad shape from severe storms and banded elm bark beetle damage, so replacing them with other tree species for a long-term solution to the elm seed bug problem is an option. I hope our native insect predators and parasites of the elm seed bug’s native relatives will adapt and attack them and bring down the elm seed bug populations to tolerable levels. An example is the non-native white satin moth, whose populations only explode for a few years after they reach a new region of America before subsiding. Additional links: • How to Pest-Proof Your Home, ( • University of Idaho Extension’s Managing Elm Seed Bugs around Your Home, (

Quantify the sustainability of the supply chain

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News A multi-disciplinary team of researchers at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) will conduct a project targeting the sustainability of Nebraska’s supply chain. The project is funded by a $15,510 grant from the Nebraska Environmental Trust. National Ag Statistics Service lists Nebraska farms accounting for 91 percent of Nebraska’s land with farms covering 43.2 million acres. With such a large amount of land controlled by farmers the sustainability on these acres is critical to overall sustainability. “The first step toward a more sustainable agriculture sector is to quantify the sustainability of the supply chain,” said project leader John Hay, extension educator with Nebraska Extension A diverse group of 80 private and public stakeholders worked together to develop the Field to Market sustainability initiative for commodity crop production, including a tool to aid in quantifying sustainability from crop fields. From this effort came the Fieldprint calculator tool. Nebraska Extension will work with farmers to use the tool with a goal of continuous improvement leading to increased sustainability. The Fieldprint Calculator assesses sustainability in the areas of land use, conservation, soil carbon, irrigation water use, water quality, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions. The tool will enable farmers to quantify and visualize the sustainability of their fields, and compare their sustainability metrics with peers using local, state and national averages. “We will use this information to help farmers make management decision to reduce inputs and increase sustainability,” Hay said. According to Hay, previous work with the Fieldprint Calculator has provided strong results with 45-85 percent of participating farmers planning to change some practices in the areas assessed to improve sustainability. The project is one of the 105 projects receiving $18,301,819 in grant awards from the Nebraska Environmental Trust this year. The Nebraska Legislature created the Nebraska Environmental Trust in 1992. Using revenue from the Nebraska Lottery, the Trust has provided over $289 million in grants to over 2,000 projects across the state.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A7


(307) 851-2426 or

Timed Online Only

AUCTION Real Property

24 Eagle Rock Circle • Cascade, MT.

Bidding Ends Wednesday, August 29th

1920 sq. ft. 3 bedroom 3 bath 2 level home on 2.81 acres with attached 3040 sq. ft. shop/garage, 2 full service RV hookups just off I-15 at the Dearborn Exit in one of the best fly fishing areas Montana has to offer! The property is just over a mile from the Missouri River boat launch and just over the hill from the Dearborn River! Download our app or go online and bid your price on this unique Montana property!

Online Only Auction

Viewing: Wednesday, August 8 and 22 from 2 to 4 p.m. each day or call to make an appointment.

Broker Participation is welcome, contact us or go to the website for details. For more information and registration go to Download our app to receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!

Pate Auction Inc. 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 Doug Dandro (406) 439-8855 • Dan Pate 406-439-5561

Direct Ag Network, LLC Ag Equipment Agency (406) 697-9205



2013 John Deere 6140M MFWD, H340 Loader 2014 John Deere 6150M MFWD, H360 Loader 2006 John Deere 7520 MFWD, 741 Loader 2005 John Deere 7320 MFWD, 741 Loader 2004 Case IH MXU 125 MFWD, Quicke Loader 2014 John Deere 6115R MFWD, Loader/Grapl 2013 John Deere 6150R MFWD, H360 2006 John Deere 7520 MFWD, 741 2650 hrs 2011 John Deere 7330 MFWD w/ 741 Loader

$82,500 $81,000 $62,500 $67,000 $SOLD $82,000 $99,000 $73,000 $73,500

Skid Loaders, Pay Loaders & Telehandlers 2012 Case TV380, cab, new tracks, 2184 hrs. 2012 Deere 320D cab, new tires, higher hours 2012 Deere 318D 1646 hours, cab, aux. hyd. 1980 John Deere 644B Loader w/ Grapple

Implements and Attachments

New Allied 3-point hydraulic angle blades John Deere CX15 15’ HD Rotary Mower New H&S SW3143 430 Bushel Spreader New Notch Bale Spears, Various configs. Danuser EP-15 Post Hole Augers, var. bits MDS John Deere Buckets & Grapples Loader Conversion Plates Notch Lift and Tilt Land Levelers

Hay Equipment

2010 Vermeer 8-wheel V-rake 2016 John Deere 956 Rotary MoCo 2015 John Deere 569 Baler, Mega-Wide, Net 2015 Vermeer 605N Baler, 12,000 bales

$34,900 $15,500 $23,900 $27,000

$ Call $16,000 $ Call $ Call $ Call $ Call $ 990 $ Call

$ 3,000 $ Sold $ Call $ Call

Wanting to go a New Direction? Call Us!

(406) 697-9205

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A8

4-H HORSE PROJECTS Start with a Good One. Visit (406) 434-5724


Farmall 300, good rubber and tin, torque amplifier, runs good...................................................................$2500 obo Ford 851, diesel, tired engine, nice loader and equipment available. Will overhaul if wanted.............................. $2000 Call 406-951-2283 - please leave a message

WESTERN AUCTION Sunday, September 9, 2018 9:30 am at RLP Sale Barn, Hamilton, MT

Cowboy Collectibles, Native American, Americana, Guns,Gold, Tack, and much more. RLP Auctions (406) 369-2640

Destini Anderson compiled a beautiful scrapbook for the fair of the Longview 4-H club’s activities throughout the year. Maria Peterson served as the scrapbooking judge at the Marias Fair. Photo by Kari Lewis.

New legal and financial packet for caregivers of those with memory loss

By Montana State University News Service Montana State University Extension has information about its 24/7 helpline. And, teamed up with the Montana Alzheimer’s Montana AARP has included an explanation Workgroup and the Department of Public about the Montana Caregiver Act. Health and Human Services to offer a “We want to ensure those with Alzheimfree packet of information with Montanaer’s and related dementias and their family specific information for caregivers and caregivers have access to Montana-specific others concerned about memory loss called materials about legal and financial alterna“Legal and Financial Steps and Resources tives,” said Marsha Goetting, MSU family for Caregivers and Others Concerned About economics specialist. Memory Loss.” Kerrie Reidelbach from the Montana The packet includes fact sheets called Office on Aging said that she believes this MontGuides about financial powers of atinformation is crucial for Montana families torney, wills, letters of last instruction, Meddealing with memory loss situations. icaid and long term care costs, Provider’s “We want family members to be able Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment and to execute appropriate legal documents more. The Montana Alzheimer’s Assofor their circumstances,” Reidelbach said. ciation has provided three brochures and “We also want to provide access to printed materials for those who do not have computers or have difficulty accessing internet Two Locations in Idaho services.” For a free copy of the Twin Falls Caldwell packet call 406-994-3511, 3140 Kimberly Rd 220 Farmway Rd contact khayes@montana. Twin Falls, ID 83301 Caldwell, ID 83606 edu or visit msuextension. org/alzheimer to download 208-733-5543 208-466-7875 the materials or order the free packet.

WWW.BURKSTRACTOR.COM Spring Housecleaning for Fall Tillage Work! All items must Go, Go, Go! We will dissassemble for transport. NEW


Was: $31,000

STK# DM5894 2014 Case IH 690 Ripper 17-ft. folding, spring reset, hydraulic depth control, rear hitch, shank shins


Was: $31,000

Was: $25,000


STK# UDM455 2008 Case IH RMX340 Disk 22-ft., rear tine harrow



STK# DM0140 2016 Case IH 110 Crumbler 30-ft. working width

Was: $45,000


STK# UDM034 2013 Case IH 870 Ecolo-Tiger 26-ft., gang cushion disk, rear lever w/crumbler, hydraulic depth control

Visit our website at WWW.BURKSTRACTOR.COM for our complete line of New and Used Farm and Construction Equipment. Like us on Facebook.


STK# DM2336 2016 Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 875 14-ft., spring reset, individual cushion disk, shank shins

Was: $45,000


STK# DM5288 2015 Case IH FT600 Chisel Plow 27-ft., 12” spacing, rear harrow assembly

Was: $17,000

Was: $44,000



STK# UDM666 2013 Case IH 870 Ecolo-Tiger 26-ft., gang cushion disk, rear lever w/crumbler, hydraulic depth control


Was: $14,000


STK# DM0111 2016 Case IH 160 Crumbler 20-ft. working width

Can horses really dance?

Many horsemen wholeheartedly believe that their mounts, with the training of certain steps and maneuvers, can intentionally dance in synchronization with music. The horse’s ability to demonstrate rhythm and style can be felt by the rider, and the keen observer. There are traveling dance horse exhibitions, dinner theaters for dancing horses, competitions for dancing horses, and exhibitions where people dance on the ground with horses. Musical freestyle dressage competitions are the epitome of dance perfection, with correct, classical horsemanship choreographed to movements such as the half-pass, flying changes of lead, pirouette, piaffe, passage, collected and extended gaits, and so on.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A9

– – WANTED TO BUY – – John Deere 6030 tractor, any condition. Will pay cash and pickup.

Phone Andy (605) 680-2470, Mitchell, SD

HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa/grass mix round bales, some triticale (nitrate tested, safe to feed).. $80-$110/ton Anderson Ranch, Dupuyer, MT (406) 472-3375

Dallas Berkram was the top Pre-Junior beef showman of the Marias Fair and was named the ‘Most Promising 1st Year Beef Member.’ Photo by Kari Lewis.

Be vigilant about your car insurance

When your auto insurance renewal comes in the mail, don’t just write a check and send it in. Review your policy and make sure it’s still the type of coverage you need as your vehicle ages year after year. When it gets

to the point where your collision coverage premiums (plus the deductible) are almost the same as the value of the car itself drop that portion of the coverage–you’re only flushing money down the toilet.

2018 ProAg 1400.....Simply the BEST Still available and still with Pre-Season Pricing

Hay Hiker 1400 ~ move more bales faster ~ handles 14- 5x6 bales

Heavy duty frame, axles and tires. Move bales with a pushbar to avoid damaging bales.

Financing Available


1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT

NEW H&S HIGH CAPACITY V-Rakes Volume Purchase strikes again OUR LOWEST PRICES EVER

BF4112..........$12,234..........$11,450 BF4114..........$14,574..........$13,400 418 Main, Roundup, MT

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A10

Our Advertising Deadline for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29. Phone us at (406) 271-5533


Threshing Bee

2018 Threshing Bee in honor of Charter Member Rick Corey

September 15 & 16, 2018

Choteau, Montana 2 blocks south of the City Park Saturday - Enjoy a 35th Birthday Celebration for TASGA Admission - $8.00 FOR BOTH DAYS $25 for the family! Grounds open at 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Saturday Square Dance

by Dudes N’ Dolls of Great Falls


Six Raffle Items $5 each or 5 tickets for $20

Drawing Sun. Sept. 15 at 4:00 pm Need not be present to win!

Montana State Fiddlers - Saturday afternoon Dutch Oven Supper - Saturday 4 pm Open Jam Fest - Sunday

— Daily Attractions —

• Tractor Games • Threshing 1:00 p.m. • Parade of Tractors 3:00 p.m. • One Room Schoolhouse • Steam Engines • Homestead House • Swap Meet • Stationary Engines • Tractors • Blacksmithing • Sawmilling & Planing • Shingle Milling • Hay Press Collins Church/School • Old Time Print Shop See the “Do Nothing” Machine!

TETON ANTIQUE CLUB, P.O. BOX 278, CHOTEAU, MT 59422 Dave Klette (406) 450-1803 or Rick Corey 466-5409 or email No Camping at Show Grounds. Lodging & Restaurants nearby

Rural North Dakota communities need volunteer leaders

By Carmen Rath-Wald, Logan County Extension Agent, North Dakota Driving down streets in our local University of Nebraska Extension Service communities, the efforts of volunteers lists these benefits for youth at https:// are everywhere. Clean and welcoming parks, streets lined with hanging baskets cd/2003/fs0323.pdf of flowers, and pots of flowers in front of Youth who volunteer just one hour or businesses and homes create an attracmore a week are 50% less likely to abuse tive community where young workers alcohol, cigarettes, become pregnant, or want to live. From cleaning ditches to engage other destructive behavior. coaching youth sports, those individuals Teens say the benefits received from who give back make communities survive volunteering are: Learning to respect and thrive. others; learning to be helpful and kind; Attractive, vibrant communities entice learning to understand people who are young adults to choose to stay or return to different; developing leadership skills, rural communities to engage in the workbecoming more patient, and better underforce, build the local economy, maintain standing of citizenship. a healthy community and engage with Youth who volunteer are more likely leaders and volunteers. to do well in school, graduate and vote. Leadership and volunteers are crucial Volunteering as a family is a way of to the lasting success of organizations, giving back to the community, and showthe workplace and communities. With ing the children firsthand how volunteermore than 8,300 organizations in North ing makes a difference and how good it Dakota, one in every 24 people over the feels to help other people and animals and age of 18 must step up and serve. Small enact change. It’s also a valuable way for towns are counting on it. We need people you to get to know organizations in the to run for the school board, volunteer for community and find resources and activithe local ambulance service and serve on ties for your children and family. nonprofits supporting our communities. According to Harvard Health, VolunThere are many opportunities to serve. teering and helping others can help you Volunteers for judging 4-H exhibits, reduce stress, combat depression, keep volunteers to water Main Street flowers, you mentally stimulated, and provide a as well as running for office on various sense of purpose. While it’s true that the ag-related boards, water boards, healthmore you volunteer, the more benefits care boards and other local, regional and you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment statewide ballots are just a sample. Thank you to those of you who volor take a huge amount of time out of your unteer. Maybe you serve at a funeral busy day. Giving in even simple ways can help others those in need and improve luncheon, sew quilts, or volunteer to clean port-a-potties…thank you. If a position your health and happiness. For more information about this topic on a board, commission or council is not your thing, there are opportunities for or another, contact me at the NDSU Exvolunteering to help with a craft show, tension Office in Napoleon at 754-2504 alumni event, or historical Society. You or email: I can make a difference. would be glad to help! There are benefits to volunteers. The

Mountain View Livestock - Choteau, MT Your KayDee Mineral and Redmond Salt Distributor

Benefits of feeding chelated minerals:

•  Increased conception rates and fewer services    per conception. •  Improved heat cycles •  Stronger immune system •  Higher weaning weights.

Fall Promotion on KayDee Minerals starts September 1


Volunteers take a break from cleaning at the museum. LtoR: Viola Wolf, Barbara Hilzendeger, Delores Becker and Carleen Weigel.

We also carry flax tubs and protein blocks and tubs. Redmond Salt

naturally contains over 50 minerals and has been sealed away from modern pollutants for thousands of years. It is also unique in the way animals benefit from it. Feed this for excellent hoofrot and pinkeye control

Contact - Brad Hodgskiss - (406) 466-2001 or 576-2001 Brock Hodgskiss - (406) 576-2002

Jeff Bowman judging a birdhouse made by 4-H’er Adrianna Hayen

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A11



Saturday, September 15, 2018 • 10:00 A.M. • Trout Creek, MT This fall auction is loaded with quality equipment, tools, and materials. Join us in September in Sanders County for a fun Saturday auction that is sure to have something for the entire family.The flyer for this sale will be coming off the press within the next week or two and will be in mailboxes before the Labor Day holiday. Stay connected to our website for online bidding and more information to come!



Caterpillar D3 dozer 8-ft. blade, winch, meter-2500 hrs., brush rake Massey Ferguson 261 tractor w/Al- Massey Ferguson MP25 side delivery SN#79U1391 rake lied 495 loader, PTO, 1827 hrs., Deere 690C excavator w/ thumb, 6615 hrs. SN#DW690CA509327 Allis Chalmers Gleaner Baldwin SN#5971B17615 John Deere 310B loader backhoe, 5959 hrs. combine. SN#A-337384 John Deere 730 diesel tractor, 1750 hrs. John Deere 1520 tractor w/37 loader, Brush Bandit 250 wood chipper, needs engine work 3-point, PTO, 5500 hrs. WOOD WORKING International 595 manure spreader Woods M5 Brush Hog 3-Point, 60” EQUIPMENT John Deere 336 square baler Shaver HD8 3-point post pounder All wood working tools are 1 phase John Deere 435 round baler, 3-point two-bottom plow 1996 Wood-Mizer LT40 Super Band SN#E00435X969662 John Deere TRS 27 snow blower, selfsaw mill, 1388 hrs. Lombardini turbo John Deere 820 moco swather, 9-ft., propelled diesel, 30-ft. Hydraulic log loader. SN#E00820X976137 Winter Wolf 84” skid steer snowplow SN#456B62410TNEF8144 New Holland 489 sickle mower. 9-ft. 4-wheel 6-ft. pasture harrow Wood-Mizer True Sharp band saw Vermeer 820 8-wheel rake, 25-ton gas log splitter sharpener w/set grain auger SN#1VRA201A6B1002225 Wood-Mizer/ Lathe Mizer EX lathe fuel tanks International 3-bottom plow Delta sanding center BUILDING MATERIALS 14” woodcutting band saw (3 1/2) 12-ft. bunks of #1 1X4 P4S General wood lathe (1/4) 12-ft. bunk of #1 1X4 P4S Bridgewood 8” jointer (1) 16-ft. bunk of #1 1X4 P4S Bridgewood TSC-10A table saw (4) 16-ft. bunks of rough saw 1X4 Several rolling racks (5) mixed rough saw 16-ft. 1X8 & 1X10 Woodmaster Tools W-725 wood Lots of misc. lengths & widths of molding machine rough saw 1X boards Bridgewood BW3S Dado/tongue & (40) 2” galvanized pipe greenhouse groove machine bows Bridgewood 6” universal surface Multiple beams from 6X-12X, asgrinder sorted lengths Bridgewood BW50B 20” planer (6) 4” X 20” bar top/ mantle top slabs Bridgewood BW003A-1PH sawdust Assorted 16-ft. 2X4 & 2X6 collector Tongue & groove flooring Wood-Mizer portable edger, gas powered Half-log siding Misc. stack of tin 24 panes of 24” X 36” glass More than a bunk of 4x8 - 1/2” drywall 1200 square feet of insulation Approximately 3 dozen, 16-ft. piecVEHICLES/ATV’S/SNOWMOBILES/ BOAT es of composite 6” decking 1998 Dodge 3500 dually extended cab pickup, 5 speed, 225K miles (recent Lots of PVC conduit engine work), 1 owner, VIN#1B7MF3361WJ232417

HAY & LIVESTOCK (5) Powder River 12-ft. green pindrop panels (7) Priefert Premier 12-ft. corral panels (25) Powder River 16-ft. Heavy Duty Panels

9-ft.X16-ft. hay wagon Calf table Bale feeders 400+ small straw square bales 200 +/- 700lb. round hay bales 300lbs. pasture mix seed

1991 Chevy S10 5 speed, 135K miles, VIN#1GCCS14R9M0146456 1979 GMC Caballero Laredo automatic, power windows/seats, air conditioning, 93,000 miles, with title, 267 or 305 engine 1987 Mazda B 2600 LX 4x4 extended cab,164,000 miles, manual, 5 speed, needs engine work, body is in good shape Ford 750 dump truck. 12-ft. box, 4 speed, lockers 1998 Ski-Doo Summit 700 snowmobile, 1140 miles, VIN#2BPS15632YV00128 Honda Foreman 400 4-Wheeler Tracker 1648 Blind Duck 16-ft. jetboat, 35hp, Evinrude, fish finder, trailer Enclosed servicebody utility pickup box Fruehauf 24-ft. dry van

GUNS & TACK Parker New cross bow w/scope & scabbard Revelation Model 200 30-30, (Western Auto Supply Co./Marlin) w/ scope, SN#AD46767 Ruger 10-22, SN#239-91289 Winchester Model 94 30WCF, SN#1222888 Raven Arms 25 auto model P-25, original box, SN#084532 Ranger M36A 22S,LR

Panther Arms 308, adjustable stock, Nikon Pro staff scope, SN#126115 Big Horn Classic 24-gun vault, keypad entry Lots of ammunition Hereford TexTan 15” western saddle Saddle King of Texas 15” western saddle W Brand 15” western saddle full carved No.1212 Pair of shotgun chaps, Misc. tack

ANTIQUES AND MISCELLANEOUS (2) Hair-off deer hides & (2) Hair-off elk hides Planet Junior antique self-propelled gas power walk behind disc Fishing poles & tackle Hudson antique Oak ice box refrigerator 32”X18”X47” complete

Contact: Reed Tobol (406) 249-1767 Jason Clinkenbeard (406) 239-3529 Travis Jeppeson (406) 314-0288

6-ft. chest freezer Several pieces of antique furniture Antique Presidential portrait prints Trunk full of historical newspapers, wartime, president, military records, letters, etc. WWI and WWII Half dozen tree stands, Railroad ties

SHOP TOOLS & POWER EQUIPMENT Lincoln AC225 stick welder Honda EB5000X generator Lincoln SA200 pipeliner welder Full chain saw chain sharpening center w/all tools & lots of chain Air compressor Metal band saw Electric over hydraulic power unit Hitachi chop saw Rototiller Oxy-acetylene torch set Ariens HVZ 2350 Zero-turn lawn mower 3.5 ton floor jack Tool boxes Overhead lift Bench grinder Lots of power tools-corded & cordless Several chain saws Air nailers & wood working power tools Cherry picker Misc. bolt bins, misc. shop supplies Pressure washer Sandblaster

Go to for more info & photos

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A12

Waste pesticide disposal collections

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, August 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.

1992 Case 621 front end loader, grapple fork, 3rd valve, full cab, low hours.

2004 Chevy K3500 4x4, flatbed Duramax diesel, automatic, air conditioning, 168,00 miles, clean.

1997 International truck tractor, N14 Cummins, 13 speed transmission, rear pintle, only 175,000 miles

2002 International crew cab service truck, 160 cfm PTO air compressor, crane, diesel, automatic, under CDL, 107,000 miles.

1993 Ford F450 tire truck, IMT knuckle boom, rear lift gate, hydraulic air compressor, V8 gas, automatic, 50,000 miles, complete.

2008 Sterling mechanics truck, 8000 lb. crane, 160 CFM PTO air compressor, welder, only 25,000 miles, like new

2005 Ingersoll Rand 185 CFM air compressor, John Deere diesel, trailer mounted, only 1470 hours

1987 Freightliner truck tractor, NTC400 Cummins, 13 speed, air ride, 418,000 miles, one owner, clean

1991 Case 580 SuperK backhoe, full cab, only 1563 original hours, wobble sticks, extra clean

1998 Crisafulli pump, 10”, 3500 GPM, 27-ft. TDH, 40 hp, electric motor

2012 International truck tractor, 450 hp, 13 speed, full locking rear ends, 272,000 miles, one owner, clean.

Glendive, MT • 406.365.7010 •

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture’s annual Pesticide Waste Disposal collections will be held in several locations across central Montana during September: • September 18, 2018 in Havre • September 19, 2018 in Great Falls • September 20, 2018 in Bozeman • September 21, 2018 in Columbus Visit the Pesticide Waste Disposal Program page (http:// page for more info or to register online.

Living with Montana’s snakes

From Montana Department of Agriculture Info on Montana’s snakes, how to identify them, and snake control go to pdf to view the new Vertebrate Pest Bulletin from Montana Department of Agriculture Vertebrate Pest Specialist Stephen Vantassel and go to for more bulletins and info about the Department’s Vertebrate Pest Program. Most bulletins are also available from MSU County Extension Offices ( localoffices.cfm). For many, snakes evoke feelings ranging from unease to outright panic. Sometimes these feelings cause people to run away from snakes. Many, however, respond by killing snakes, even when those snakes pose no threat to the wellbeing of themselves or loved ones. This bulletin has two important goals. First, it will explain basic snake biology and the role snakes have in Montana’s ecosystem. The goal is to use the following information to overcome fear, increase appreciation of the role snakes play in our environment and to be safe around snakes.

Quality Seed and Seed Conditioning 2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406) 467-3377 Email:

Silax 100 Hay Preservative

Your Seed Source for over 39 years

Clearfield Winter Wheats


Conventional Winter Wheats

X WILLOW CREEK (FORAGE) X FALL TRITICALE X WARHORSE X BEARPAW X KELDIN X LOMA X LCS-JET X YELLOWSTONE • Pasture Mixes • Turf Mixes • Custom Mixes • NRCS & CRP Mixes We will blend to your specifications. Please contact us to discuss your seed needs.

for Sales please call Chad Becker or Scott Gasvoda

It’s not too early to think about Winter Wheat Seeding. Please give us a call, we have many varieties available! WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.

Call Scott at the Seed Plant to schedule your custom cleaning and treating! Seed treats available are:

U.S. Targhee Sheep Association 2018 National Show & Sale results

Production, performance, lamb and wool. These are the fundamental characteristics of Targhee sheep. The Targhee breed excelled in exhibiting all of these core qualities at the 2018 National Show and Sale in Miles City, Montana. As producers of high quality lamb and wool, we concern ourselves with the value of our product. As an association for 66 years, we have focused on our bottom line and yours. The Grand Champion ram shown by University of Wisconsin-Madison. Clover Meadows of Sheridan, Montana had the Reserve Champion. High selling ram was purchased by TLE Ranch for $2900 from Beastrom Family of Pierre, South Dakota. The Grand Champion ewe was shown by Beastrom Family of Pierre, South Dakota. The Reserve Champion ewe was from Kopren Targhees of Bison, South Dakota. The high selling ewe was purchased by Plum Creek Targhees/Leo Pedersen from Clover Meadows. On 98 head of registered Targhee sheep the sale average was $761.43. 18 head of yearling rams averaged $1315. 25 head of yearling ewes averaged $654.40. Champion Fleece was shown by the Green Ranch of Melville, Montana. The Reserve Fleece was shown by Lewis Ranch/Otis Targhees of Reed Point, Montana. The USTSA has always believed in and promoted the accomplishments of its young

people in its Junior Show. The Grand Champion ram was shown by Jacob Beastrom of Pierre, South Dakota. Reserve Champion Ram was shown by Tessa Kilber of Ipswich, South Dakota. Grand Champion ewe was shown by Colt Kopren of Bison, South Dakota, and the Reserve Champion ewe shown by Colt Kopren of Bison, South Dakota. Champion Best Fleece on Live Animal was Tessa Kilber of Ipswich, South Dakota and Reserve went to Colt Kopren of Bison, South Dakota. Youth Futurity was won by Andy Nevens of Lodi, Wisconsin with a ewe he purchased from University of WisconsinMadison. Champion Senior Showman was Haylee Kilber of Ipswich, South Dakota, Reserve Champion was Jonalyn Beastrom of Pierre, South Dakota. Champion Junior Showman was Kathryn Kilber of Ipswich, South Dakota, with Reserve Champion going to Madison Holtz of Little Falls, Minnesota. Champion Intermediate Showman was Jayce Beastrom of Pierre, South Dakota, Reserve Champion was Dawson Otis of Reed Point, Montana. Receiving the annual designation of USTSA Premier Exhibitors was Kopren Targhees. The Junior Premier Exhibitor was Colt Kopren of Bison, South Dakota. They were awarded traveling USTSA trophies for their efforts.

Jacklyn Waller of Glacier County was the Overall Obedience Grand Champion and won First Place in Dog Obedience Sub-Novice B with her dog Tip at the Marias Fair. Photo by Mandi Henderson.

Installing a carpet

A carpet layer had just finished installing carpet for a lady. He stepped out for a smoke, only to realize he’d lost his cigarettes. In the middle of the room, under the carpet, was a bump. “No sense pulling up the entire floor for one pack of smokes,” he said to himself. He proceeded to get out his hammer and flattened the hump. As he was cleaning up, the lady came in. “Here,” she said, handling him his pack of cigarettes. “I found them in the hallway.” “Now,” she said, “if only I could find my parakeet.”

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A13

BALE PICKER FOR SALE Large round or square bales. Pick/Haul/Stack - One Unit. (406) 450-4760 • Cut Bank, MT

DIAMOND K SHORTHORNS Twin Bridges, Montana

Will be consigning to the Montana Shorthorn Association Sale September 20, 2018 at Missoula Livestock Exchange, Missoula, MT Bull calves, heifer calves, and bred heifers

- Best in REAL Shorthorn Genetics Take a Look Here! Sold throughout US & Canada Phone: (406) 684-5414 Cell: (406) 660-1469 or (406) 684-5338

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A14

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

Montana Department of Agriculture 2018 Pesticide Disposal Program If you have any old pesticides - insecticides, herbicides, rodent poison or fungicides - laying around unused, the Montana Department of Agriculture will take them off your hands. The agency will hold waste pesticide collections in central Montana in September. The collections are scheduled in Havre on September 18; Great Falls on September 19; Bozeman on September 20; and in Columbus on September 21. The disposal program is a non-regulatory, service progam that offers pesticide users the opportunity to dispose of unwanted and unusable pesticides in a safe and legal way that is economical and convenient. Disposal costs are free for the first 200 pounds and 50 cents per pound for additional amounts over 200 pounds. Disposal by other services can cost 5 to 10 times more. Additional information and the required pre-registration forms are available by contacting Carli Lofing in Larslan at (406) 465-0531; mail to Dept. of Agriculture, Pesticide Disposal Program, 54 East Larslan Road, Larslan, MT 59244; email; website

WTARC Farmers Field Day

By Gadi V.P. Reddy, Anamika Sharma, John H. Miller and Govinda Shrestha, Montana State University, Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center, Conrad, MT

SY 517 CL2 - New AP 503CL Brawl - Clearfield with Yield WB Matlock - Jerry that Stands SY Monument - New Top Yielder Willow Creek - For Forage

On 26 June 2018, Montana State University Western Triangle Ag Research Center’s (WTARC) staff members organized a field day at their research center. An enthusiastic crowd of more than 150 individuals (farmers, extension agents, crop consultants and members from other MSU research centers) welcomed important information on Montana small grains breeding and genomic programs, varietal testing program of quinoa, winter pea and canola, crop diseases, weed and insect management of Montana field crops. There were 16 speakers and additional information about the speakers is available at the WTARC link, http:// html. Lunch and drinks were generously sponsored by Stockman Bank of Montana, Centrol Crop Consulting, Anheuser-Busch and CHS Inc. In this brief press release, we are briefly summarizing the field day activities and key notes from each speaker.

COMBINE AND SWATHER draper header belts and PICKUP header belts available Registration started at 11:30 PM, which followed by lunch at 12:30 PM. Dr. Darrin Boss (MSU Research Center’s Dept. Head/Superintendent, NARC, WTARC), welcomed everyone with his opening remarks and thanked all the sponsors. He appreciated the efforts put in by WTARC team to organize the event. Julie Orcutt,

CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405


FAX: 406-453-1127

##### From actual Church Bulletins…….. • This afternoon there will be a meeting in the north and south ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. • Please join us as we show our support for Amy and Alan in preparing for the girth of their first child.

Admin Associate and Shad Chrisman, Farm Mechanic and Safety Coordinator along with other staff members worked hard and were part of the event. Dr. Gadi V.P. Reddy briefly outlined the afternoon’s schedule to the attendees and invited them to board the wagons to travel to the research fields.

Doug Holen (Manager, Montana Foundation Seed) provided a quick update on recent activities of MSU foundation seed, where he mentioned about efforts made in finding an alternative to the winter wheat “Yellowstone” variety. Doug Holen also covered the MSU Foundation Seed program that provides foundation seed to statewide producer partners, primarily from the university’s spring and winter wheat and barley breeding programs in addition to oats, safflower, peas and lentils. His talk also included MSU’s breeding program goal to increase recommended varieties with the assurance of genetic purity and high quality standards. CONTINUED ON PAGE A16

##### The Babe Ruth bar was created in 1920 by the Curtiss Candy Company. It was named after the famous baseball player. ##### In Hershey, Pennsylvania, the street lights on “Chocolate Avenue” are in the shape of Hershey Kisses. “ya just gotta see it!

Tiny weevils cause big losses for hay producers

By Jeremiah Vardiman, UW Extension agriculture and horticulture educator in Powell and Scott Schell, entomology specialist in the UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Ecosystem Science and Management As few as two alfalfa weevil larvae per plant stem can cause yield losses of more than 400 pounds per acre in the combined first and second cuttings, and feed quality of the harvested hay is reduced. Many alfalfa hay producers report spraying for the pest at least once a year to save alfalfa yields. Alfalfa Weevil Life Cycle In Wyoming, most adult alfalfa weevils overwinter in the leaf debris and crowns of alfalfa plants and become active in the spring when average temperatures warm to above 48 degrees. Female weevils chew holes in new and dead alfalfa stems and deposit yellow eggs in clusters of five to 40. Each female lays 400 to 1,000 eggs a season. In the Midwest and Southern Plains, adult weevils become active and start depositing eggs in the fall. This may be happening in Wyoming during years with long, mild falls. After hatching, new larvae – called first instars – are very small, approximately 1/20-inch long. They emerge from the stem, crawl up to the stem tip and burrow into the leaf whorl head first. There they feed and stay hidden until late in their second larval instar stage. As the plant grows, the leaves unfold, exposing the larger weevil larvae and skeletonized leaves. After weevils reach the fourth instar stage of larval development, they move to the base of the plant where they spin a cocoon, pupate into adults and start the life cycle over again. The third and fourth weevil larval instars do the greatest damage during a time that coincides with the first cutting of the hay. New Tool Predicts Peak Populations Because alfalfa weevils grow and develop incrementally with increasing spring temperatures, a growing degree-day (GDD) calculator can be used to determine the approximate dates to monitor fields for damage and time insecticide spray applications. A GDD chart published by UW Extension in 1993 was intended to give farmers approximate calendar dates for monitoring critical weevil activity. It was not very precise, however, because varying spring weather can change weevil development by several weeks from year to year. Extension is now tailoring a generalized online GDD calculator to utilize local weather station temperature data for more accurate predictions. The program will allow producers to more precisely time weevil monitoring and sampling to coincide with critical periods in the pest’s life cycle. For example, with spring-deposited weevil eggs, the larvae should reach peak second instar at 425 degree-days. The GDD prediction tool will make scouting for the pest more efficient and accurate and facilitate decisions to treat or harvest early before significant yield losses occur. We are now working with growers in the Big Horn Basin in the ground truthing phase of the GDD calculator development. We will know better how accurately the online GDD calculations predict important sampling dates after the 2018 field sampling season. Observations and Progress The first year’s data collections reveal one-year-old adult weevils with new adult weevils and larvae in multiple stages on the same sampling dates. This suggests multiple hatches and overlapping life cycles and could help explain why weevil populations in Wyoming are more difficult to manage than in the past. Research findings from South Dakota and Utah indicate adult weevils do not always overwinter or spend the summer inactive period in the alfalfa fields. Alfalfa weevils can fly, and in South Dakota, they have been found to move into tall, thick vegetation on the field border. In Utah, they have been found a couple miles up canyons adjacent to the fields. It is not known where most weevils in Wyoming spend their summer dormancies. Modifying the weevil’s preferred dormancy habitat inside or outside the fields may offer another opportunity for control. University of Wyoming Extension recommends using integrated pest management, which combines multiple control tactics to reduce alfalfa weevil crop damage. Within the university and in the region, we are working to develop recommendations for better cultural practices, insecticide choices and application timing for better economic control of this pest. Along with improving the GDD calculator, this combination of practices should help Wyoming hay producers better manage this costly pest.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A15

On-The-Farm or On-The-Road

When you need tires call us! We carry a HUGE inventory!!!

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A16

WURZ CUSTOM SWATHING LLC • For all your swathing needs • No job too big or too small • Comparable Rates


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Tired of Shoveling?

Dr. Mike Giroux and who is a Professor of Durum Wheat Breeding Program at MSU-Bozeman. He explained more about his experience with new Durum varieties in Montana and specific important characteristics of varieties that include good yield, good root growth, low cadmium, and firmness traits. Further his PhD student, Justin Vetch briefly described about importance of pre-harvesting sprouting characteristic in spring and winter wheat and barley varieties. Justin’s talk also covered other current research projects including testing the impact of variation in genes on overall plant growth and development.

Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available

Dr. Luther Talbert, Professor of Spring Wheat Breeding Program at MSU-Bozeman, talked about recent advancement in spring wheat breeding and also some broad and specific issues that breeders are currently dealing with. As a global issue, breeders are dealing with the elevated CO2 level, which although may enhances yield, but may change planting time because of a shift in environmental conditions. Breeders target to improve protein and gluten strength. While dealing with specific issue for Montana, breeders are looking at ways to minimize losses caused by wheat stem sawfly. To do this, breeders are trying to integrate genes for early stem solidness. The topic also included the development of spring wheat varieties for Montana farmers and research programs focuses on experi-


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Cowmen: Consider Sheep Work at Dickenson Research Extension Center found one ewe could be added per cow without a reduction in cow numbers because sheep and cows tend to eat different plants.

•  5 ewes = 1 animal unit •  150% lamb crop 100 lb. weaning wt x 5 @ $1.69/lb = $1267.50

•  The annual operating cost/ewe = $150 x 5 = $750 Profit per animal unit = $517.50 •  Proceeds from a 550 lb. steer calf @ $1.75/lb = $962.50 •  Annual operating cost/cow = $711 Profit = $251.50 200 ewes could possibly net you an extra $20,680/year

Sources: SD Dept. of Ag, ND Lamb and Wool Production Association, Utah State University, Pays Sheep Market Report, Northern Livestock Video Auction

Montana Columbia Sheep Breeders Association Show and Sale

August 25, 2018 Presentation - 12:30 pm Sale - 2 pm Lewistown Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT

Come to the Montana Columbia Sheep Breeders Association Show and Sale August 25 and learn how to raise sheep practically predator free. For a catalog call 406-235-4227 or go to

Jim Berg, (Research Associate, Winter Wheat Breeding Program, MSU-Bozeman), thanked Montana Wheat and Barley Committee for all their support and talked about winter wheat cultivars for North Central Montana. Jim mentioned that attendees about four major wheat varieties being developed in Montana, namely, Colter, Keldin, SY Wolf, SY Clearstone. He discussed yield variation and importance of herbicide and sawfly resistance in wheat varieties. The topic covered developing improved winter wheat cultivars adapted to Montana while developing production strategies to maximize wheat quality consistency. It will eventually enhance wheat marketability, environmental, genetic and management factors that influence wheat productivity and end-use quality.

ments related to the overall improvement of wheat. Dr. Alan Dyer, (Professor, Seed and Root Pathology, MSU- Bozeman) talked about improvement in Crop Science program in Montana State University. While talking about root lesion nematodes, he mentioned about a recent survey which was done at MSU to investigate the impact of root lesion nematodes on small grains. He stated that root lesion nematode can reduce small grain yield up to 14%. Crop rotation with barley and pulses help fighting nematodes problems. Since high numbers of nematodes were found following winter wheat, studies are focused on the development of resistant winter wheat varieties. CONTINUED ON PAGE A18

Record high production for May

From USDA May 2017 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. May 2018 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.50 billion pounds in May, up 5 percent from the 4.28 billion pounds produced in May 2017. Beef production, at 2.31 billion pounds, was 7 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.91 million head, up 6 percent from May 2017. The average live weight was up 8 pounds from the previous year, at 1,315 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.4 million pounds, 1 percent above May a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 46,400 head, up 18 percent from May 2017. The average live weight was down 38 pounds from last year, at 237 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.17 billion pounds, up 4 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 10.2 million head, up 3 percent from May 2017. The average live weight was up 3 pounds from the previous year, at 285 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 13.4 million pounds, was up 14 percent from May 2017. Sheep slaughter totaled 196,800 head, 9 percent above last year. The average live weight was 137 pounds, up 6 pounds from May a year ago. January to May 2018 commercial red meat production was 21.9 billion pounds, up 4 percent from 2017. Accumulated beef production was up 4 percent from last year, veal was up 1 percent, pork was up 4 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was up 6 percent.

Olives for healthy joints

People who eat the most olive oil and cooked vegetables are about 75 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis that those who eat the fewest servings. So, use olive oil in your cooking, and consider buying some gourmet olive oil that you can mix with pasta and eat as-is.

2017 GMC Sierra 1500, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 45 miles...............$44,935

2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT All Star Edition, 5.3L 8 cylinder...............................$44,006

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A17

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, August 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Judisch Custom Swathing Judisch Custom Baling

For all your grain and hay swathing and baling needs! MacDon M205 with 35-ft. draper header 16-ft. rotary disc hay header 2- Krone 3x4 big square balers John Deere 569 round baler Golden Eagle rake Canola roller

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2018 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD LTZ, 6.6L 8 cylinder....$62,163 2018 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT Rally Edition, 5.3L 8 cylinder.. ....................................$48,452

2018 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD chassis, 6.6L 8 cylinder............ ....................................$54,923 2014 GMC Sierra 1500, 5.3L V8, 88,000 miles...............$27,395

2017 GMC Terrain SLE, 3.6L 6 cylinder, 68 miles...............$33,995

2014 Jeep Cherokee Latitude, 3.2L 6 cylinder, 142,000 miles......... 2018 Chevrolet Malibu, 1.5L 4 cylin....................................$10,500 der...............................$26,021 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L V8, 59,000 miles.$29,988 2016 GMC Sierra SLT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 16,000 miles........$40,979

2001 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD, 8.1L V8, 166,000 miles..$7790

2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer LS, 4.2L V6, 146,000 miles..........$6900

2015 Chevrolet Silverado 3500, 6.6L 8 cylinder, 50,000 miles... ....................................$51,313

2015 Chevrolet Suburban LT, 5.3L V8, 64,000 miles.......... $38,995 2013 Chevrolet Traverse LT, 3.6L V6, 97,000 miles.........$14,995

2006 Dodge Durango SLT, 4.7L V8, 125,000 miles.............. Just In 2013 Ford Edge Limited, 3.5L 6 cylinder, 87,000 miles......$16,582

2017 Chevrolet Cruze LS, 1.4L 4 cylinder, turbo, 1000 miles....... ....................................$16,915


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2014 Buick LaCrosse, 3.6L V8 Flex Fuel, 32,000 miles......$20,242



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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A18


All types of hay to bale on shares. Call for custom baling. Phone (406) 799-8323



2016 Degelman 7200 rock picker. Done less than 80 acres. Paid $24,000 new............................... Make offer 2016 Degelman RR1500 rock rake. Done less than 80 acres. $22,900 new....................................... Make offer 2008 New Holland H8040 swather...............................Call 2010 Ford F350, 4x4, super duty, crew cab, Power Stroke, leather, long box..........................................$17,000 obo Phone 406-476-3241 home or 406-564-7036 cell

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Dr. Jamie Sherman, (Assistant Professor, Barley Breeding Program, MSU-Bozeman) spoke about improving barley varieties for Montana, such as ‘Hockett’, ‘Genie’ and ‘Odyssey’ with low protein gene, and high yields. Breeders are working on varieties for irrigated lands with good root system, to develop good malt barley. Growers are requesting lines that will make malt under dryland production and would like to have a stable market for their malting barley.

We are always happy to discuss price and financing. Call John, Breck or Jeff at 538-9435.

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Further Dr. Hikmet Budak, (Professor, Winifred Asbjornson Plant Sciences Chair, MSU-Bozeman) spoke about new technologies to improve wheat and barley varieties in Montana. He emphatically talked about

necessity of higher yielding varieties. Dr. Hikmet updated attendees on the work being done at MSU including genome editing and green house and field experiments to improve yields and provide insect resistance. His talk gave attendee’s a better understanding of gene transmission and silencing. He also highlighted a new program, ‘Voice of Montana Farmers’ where farmers can talk about their concerns and experiences. It will start again this September at MSU, Bozeman. Dr. Prashant Jha, (Associate Professor, Weed Science, MSU- SARC, Huntley), spoke extensively about the need of development of multi-tactic methods for herbicide resistance in Montana. Herbicide resistance is becoming prominent in Montana, especially glyphosate resistance. He spoke about necessity of managing weed seed banks, managing fallow land using fallapplied soil residual herbicides, effective crop rotation, and strategic tillage to combat problem of glyphosate-resistant kochia and Russian thistle. He specifically talked about wheat, pulses, sugar beet cropping system, and weed management strategies in these cropping system. Growers do not usually notice resistant plants during the first few years of their appearance, or attribute them to application problems. However, by repeatedly using the same herbicide mode of action over time, you remove all susceptible individuals and select for the resistant plants. Dr. Jha’s talk was informative and can give some management tips to deal with this problem. CONTINUED ON PAGE A22

are in!

Dr. Prashant Jha, (Associate Professor, Weed Science, MSU- SARC, Huntley), spoke extensively about the need of development of multi-tactic methods for herbicide resistance in Montana.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A19

Industries Roll Tarps

Time to plan for fall seeding Was Harvest hard on your seat?

Sears Seating NEW

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Hopper Openers 7” Grain Vac Hose 25’ for $995

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A20

BUSINESS FOR SALE Starter, Alternator Repair and Small Engine Repair

Hot weather increases risk of cyanobacterial poisoning to livestock

By NDSU Extension Service Call (406)544-1095 for more info ingested. Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green Cyanobacteria can produce neuro and algae, can produce toxins that are harmful liver toxins. Signs of neurotoxin poisonto livestock, wildlife and people. ing can appear within five minutes to up to The North Dakota Department of Health several hours after ingestion. In animals, has posted blue-green algae advisories for symptoms include weakness, staggering, four lakes: Camels Hump Dam in Golden HELP WANTED muscle tremors, difficulty in breathing, Valley County, Green Lake in McIntosh • Looking for full time FARM HAND • convulsions and, ultimately, death. County, Long Lake in Burleigh County and Must be able to operate farm equipment with GPS, Animals affected by liver toxins may Sweetbriar Lake in Morton County. 60-ft. drills/cultivators, sprayers, swather, baler, semis (CDL’s not required). Housing may be available. Competitive hourly wage. exhibit weakness, pale-colored mucous In addition, several water samples asmembranes, mental derangement, bloody sociated with the death of cattle and other Call Leonard 406-949-0208 or Jason 406-949-4851 diarrhea and, ultimately, death. Typically, animals that were submitted to the North Toston, MT livestock are found dead before producers Dakota State University (NDSU) Veterinary observe symptoms. If cyanobacterial poiDiagnostic Laboratory have tested positive soning is suspected as the cause of death, for cyanobacteria. producers should check the edges of ponds “The growth of this bacteria is faciliFARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE for dead wildlife. tated by the high temperatures common in When collecting a water sample, follow July and August,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension’s Livestock Water Testing NDSU Extension livestock environmental Guidelines ( specialist. “Blue-green algae LivestockWaterTesting). often occurs in stagnant ponds or dugouts John Deere 28-ft. pull type swather......................... $1200 “Be sure to wear gloves, as cyanobacteria with elevated nutrient levels, forming large can be toxic to humans,” advises Michelle colonies that appear as scum on or just beMostrom, NDSU veterinary toxicologist. low the water surface. Live cyanobacterial “Collect a sample of the suspected cyablooms can be green, but also red or yellow, nobacterial bloom from the surface of the and often turn blue after the bloom dies and water and deeper in the water. The sample dries on the surface or shoreline.” Versatile 400 swather with Massey-Ferguson 750 should be kept cool but not frozen and subSome species of cyanobacteria can be 20-ft. double swath header. combine, Perkins 372 enmit it to the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic toxic when livestock and wildlife ingest ..................................$1200 gine good. Laboratory or a commercial laboratory. them. Toxicity is dependent on the species Morris 36-ft. rod weeder................................... Make offer “The sample can be evaluated microconsuming the water, the concentration of Phone (406) 576-1045, Valier, Montana scopically for algae, or the water can be the toxin or toxins and the amount of water analyzed for several of the toxins at commercial labs Certified Seed has a proven economic yield advantage of bin-run seed. at a higher cost,” she adds. For more information on Call us today to book your Certified Seed. sample collection and submission, contact your local NDSU Extension agent. Here are some ways producers can prevent cyanobacterial poisoning of livestock: • Reduce nutrient levels entering the water source Call Us For Your Price Before You Buy by implementing a nutrient management plan or establishing buffer strips with perennial plant species. • Create a designated drinking area where the risk of cyanobacteria is minimal. * Denotes PVP variety • Fence off the pond and Hollow Stem pump water from the pond to the water tank. WB4614* Yellowstone* • Use water from other High Yield - Short Height - High Test Weight High Yield - Winter Hardy - Stripe & Stem Rust Resistant sources following periods Keldin*(CSO) of hot, dry weather. Decade* High Yield - High Protein - High Test Weight High Yield - Winter Hardy - Stem Rust Resistant • Add copper sulfate to the water if the source has Northern* Sawfly Tolerant a history of algae blooms. High Yield - Stem & Stripe Rust Resistant Apply 2 pounds of copper Warhorse* SY Monument* sulfate per acre-foot of waSolid Stem - Stripe & Stem Rust Resistant High Yield - Leaf & Stripe Rust Resistance ter, which is equal to a rate Loma* of 8 pounds per 1 million Semi Solid Stem - Improved Yield Clearfield gallons. Livestock must be WB4483* (CSO) 2* fenced out of treated water SY Clearstone CL Solid Stem - Good Winter Hardiness sources for at least 10 days. High Yield - Winter Hardy Check out NDSU ExForage tension’s “Cyanobacteria Brawl CL Plus* (Blue-green Algae) PoisonWillow Creek Beardless - Winter Hardy Early Maturing - High Yield ing” publication at http:// stock a full line of alfalfa, pasture, CRP and lawn grasses (Custom Mixing Available) green-algae for more information. For sales information call Have your Seed Custom Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp Cleaned and Treated with... ##### 406-265-5443 Autumn babies, or those born between September 1 mile north of Havre on Highway 232 and November, are more Box 1028, likely to live to 100 than NOW ACCEPTING Associate Member Associate Havre, MT 59501 those who were born in WestBred and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC. other times of the year.

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A21

Advertising Deadline for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.

Will Suta had a strong showing with his first swine project at the Marias Fair. Suta’s pig weighed in at 253 pounds. Photo by Kari Lewis.

John Neuhaus shared his solar system knowledge with Jodi Duncan, 4-H Cloverbud judge at the Marias Fair. Photo by Kim Woodring.

Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Sam Anderson

406-848-2588, Emigrant, MT

Bar Star Cattle

406-399-7811, Loma, MT

Barker Herefords

406-450-9716, Shelby, MT

Bayers Hereford Ranch

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT

Marty Bennett

406-221-6350, Feely, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT

Cooper Hereford Ranch

406-539-6885, Willow Creek, MT

First West Insurance

Curlew Cattle Co

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Duncan Ranch Co

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.

Feddes Herefords 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Feddes Herefords

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT 406-922-6044, Bozeman, MT

K & C Herefords

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-425-2252, Absarokee, MT

Sparks Herefords

Griffin Polled Herefords

406-891-0973, Baker, MT

Holden Herefords

McKechnie Hereford Ranch

Indreland Ranch

406-549-4442, Missoula, MT

406-254-1247, Billings, MT

J Bar E Ranch

Merrimac Cattle Co

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Loyning Farms

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT

Storey Hereford Ranch

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT Storey-Hereford-Ranch

M/D Herefords

Thomas Herefords

406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

Vandeberg Ranch

McMurry Cattle

406-735-4493, Geyser, MT

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

L Bar W Cattle Co

Frank Herefords

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

Rafter Ranch Inc

406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

307-631-6012, Columbus, MT

406-450-1029, Valier, MT

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords 406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

406-821-0247, Darby, MT

Otis Ranch

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT


Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102

HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A22

Deadline for ads in the September issue is Wednesday, August 29th.

Dr. Patrick Carr talks about Canola production in Montana.


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Dr. Govinda Shrestha, (Postdoctoral Researcher, Entomology/Insect Ecology, MSU-WTARC, Conrad) talked about wheat midge, its biology and its natural biological control agents. He spoke about active monitoring of wheat midge and its parasitoids and the impact of changing moisture conditions on both wheat midge and parasitoids in Montana. Later he also mentioned about integrated pest management of alfalfa weevil by using parasitic wasp and Bacillus thurengienis (Beetle Gone). Further, Dr. Reddy thanked the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee for funding to carry out Dr. Govinda Shrestha speaks this research work. Further, about active monitoring of wheat he mentioned that parasitic midge and its parasitoids. wasps such as Macroglenes penetrans and Platygaster tuberosula are known to be present in the Golden Triangle, Montana. Efforts are underway to introduce an additional parasitic wasp species of Euxestonotus error from Saskatchewan to Golden Triangle area of Montana. Dr. Anamika Sharma, (Postdoctoral Researcher, Entomology/Insect Ecology, MSU-WTARC, Conrad) spoke about monitoring of wireworms in Montana. She also spoke about experiments regarding cultural and biological control of wireworms by using trap crops and entomopathogenic fungus. Later she also spoke about testing of bio-pesticides for use against canola pests, flea beetle, cabbage seed pod weevil and lygus bug. Dr. Reddy mentioned further research work will be planned to identify the attractants for canola pests under the funding from USDA-NIFA. Dr. Patrick Carr, (Superintendent/Associate Professor, Cropping Systems, MSU-CARC, Moccasin) talked about Canola production in Montana. He explained that Canola as a good rotational crop, if ideal climatic conditions prevail. Canola is a significant crop of the Canadian Prairies and has been grown there for quite some time. He also spoke about importance of soil testing for canola cropping. For many irrigators in the cooler parts of Montana, canola has become a significant cash crop in a very traditional cereal grain rotation. CONTINUED ON PAGE A26

* Based on surge hopper loading

RENN Mill Center Inc., RR#4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Call the factory to find your local dealer.


403-784-3518 |

Dr. Anamika Sharma speaks about experiments regarding cultural and biological control of wireworms by using trap crops and entomopathogenic fungus.

Central Grasslands Center gaining 2 specialists

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A23

Our website is new and improved!

By NDSU Extension Service Lisa Pederson has joined North Dakota State University’s Central Grasslands Research Extension Center (CGREC) near Streeter, North Dakota, and Erin Gaugler started there August 1. Pederson is the center’s NDSU Extension livestock specialist. Gaugler will be the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station’s range research specialist at the center. Both have NDSU experience. Before joining the CGREC, Pederson spent 19 years as Extension’s beef quality assurance specialist at NDSU’s Dickinson Research Extension Center. “Lisa will continue working in the area of beef quality assurance while strengthening the Central Grasslands and NDSU Extension outreach and programming as a livestock specialist,” says Kevin Sedivec, the CGREC’s interim director. “We feel fortunate to have her on our team.” Pederson, who grew up on a cow-calf operation in southwestern Colorado, earned bachelor’s degrees in agricultural business and animal science and a master’s degree in farm and ranch management and livestock production from Colorado State University. In addition to her Extension work, she and her husband are involved in his family’s fifth-generation cattle operation. Gaugler has been the NDSU Extension agent in Bowman County since May 2016, providing Extension programming in agriculture and natural resources, as well as working with 4-H. She earned associate of science degrees in wildlife management and human communication from Casper (Wyoming) College, a Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture and natural resources from Berea (Kentucky) College and a Master of Science degree in range science from NDSU. “She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience looking at real-world application of grazing management on range and pasture, late-season grazing alternatives and using cover crops to enhance soil health,” Sedivec says. “Erin will not only strengthen the center’s research portfolio but add depth to our opportunities to conduct demonstration projects with local ranchers and Extension agents within the Missouri Coteau.”

Check it out at:


(406) 590-0079




(406) 590-0079

corner of Grain Ave and 1st. Street East Dutton, Montana

R&S Grain Auction

Ron & Sandy Munson, Dunkirk, MT Saturday, October 13, 2018 Rain-out date of October 20, 2018

Ron and Sandy have decided to lease their farmland to neighbors and are offering all of their farm equipment at this sale. There is a full-line of well maintained, low houred items as well as a handful of older pieces. There will not be many small items so be there early.

2004 Freightliner, Detroit 60 Series engine, automatic, Columbia cab, INTERCONTINENTAL TRUCK 19-ft. custom aluminum box (600 bushel), remote hoist/end gate, tag axle, air ride, 295/75R/22.5 front/tandem dual rear

2004 Freightliner, Cat C15 engine, automatic, Conventional cab, KNAPHEIDE 20-ft. box, hoist, roll tarp, tag axle, air ride, 295/75R/22.5 front/tandem dual rear

For a full listing see, Fritz Auction Facebook and next month’s Trader’s Dispatch

Case IH 9380 articulating tractor, CUMMINS N14 engine, set at 400 hp (can bump to 425 hp), 12 forward/3 reverse powershift, 4 remotes, case drain, 30.5LR32 tiger dual front/rear, 2838 hours. SNJFF0068150 Case IH 2188 Axial Flow combine, extended auger, 3309 engine hours, 2551 rotor hours Case IH 2042 36-ft. draper header, new reels, like new drapers, slow-speed transport, 11L-14 front, 9.5L-14 rear Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder, 9” spacing, single shoot, 5” steel packers, hydraulic lift filling auger, Flexi-Coil 3850 tow between cart, 350 bushel, triple tank, 153/111/86, variable rate (controller included)

2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled sprayer, 1000 gallon, 100ft. boom, 3-way nozzles bodies, 100 gallon rinse tank, tilt hood, 380/80R38 fronts, 380/90R46 rears, 870 hours.

Fritz auction

Bonded and Insured Chester, Montana

Jim, Dena, Jake & Jack Fritz 406-432-2845 Not responsible for accidents or lost or stolen merchandise.Auction Company or advertising counsel will not be held responsible for advertising inaccuracies.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A24

Sorghum Checkoff board directors appointed






“Swathing is our business, not a side line” Ag Leader GPS Mapping and AutoSteer 16-ft. hay headers with crimpers 35-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels STATEWIDE COVERAGE

We have full transport trailers to come to you. 1 mile or 1000 miles, we’ll be there!


Prompt - Competitive Rates - Reliable

Kim Harris 406-450-5961 Conrad, MT Colt Harris 406-450-5452

Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy



(406) 543-0382

1995 Ford L8000 water truck, 8.3 Cummins 6-speed, 2400 gallon stainless steel tank, frnt and rear spray, hose reel......... ...................................$12,500

1987 Oshkosh wildfire pumper, Cummins, 4WD, 1000 gallon tank, water cannon & foam..... .................................. $29,000

Grove AP206 Carry deck crane, diesel, 12,000 lb...........$10,000

1998 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$17,500

1992 International 4900 service truck, 11-ft. utility box, 5000 lb. crane, 225 amp Miller welder, Ingersoll air compressor...............................$20,000 1999 Interstate 3-axle equipment trailer, 60,100 lb. GVWR, 21-ft. deck, 5-ft. ramp..$18,000

2000 RediHaul 20-ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck, 6-ft. ramps.... .....................................$10,000

1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. bucket reach....... ...................................$20,000

1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic.$10,000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles.................$12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist...............................................$3500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed.......... ......................................................................................$10,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000

1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket............... $12,500

1995 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$15,000

Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow............................................$5000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic...................$10,000 2000 Ford F550 service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, 2800 lb crane.................................................................$12,500 2000 Ford F550 4WD, service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, IRT030 compressor, outriggers, PTO, set up for crane....... ......................................................................................$15,000 1999 Ford F550 4x4, crew cab, utility, V10 automatic......$10,000 1999 Ford F450 utility truck, 7.3, 6 speed, 4x4................$10,000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed... ......................................................................................$15,000 1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket.................................................................$12,500 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................$12,500 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.. ......................................................................................$19,000 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers....................................$15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor........................................................$11,000 Check us out on the web!

1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate........$9000 1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers..............................................................................$8000 1999 Ford F450 7.3 diesel, automatic, 4WD, 12-ft. flatbed........... ......................................................................................$10,000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic.$2500 1979 GMC chip truck...........................................................$6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom......... ............................................................................................. $12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed..........$10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump......... ......................................................................................$12,500 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed...............$9000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor................$5000 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ...........................$10,000 1996 Holden 20-ton tilt bed equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck...........$12,500

12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer....................................................$6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers...........................$7500 - $12,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at................................................$1000 2 ton dump boxes, each......................................................$1000 2013 Terex light plant..........................................................$5000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder..........................$1500 - $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders................................................. Call Forklift forks............................................................................ Call 16” to 36” augers.................................................... $750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment.......................................$3000 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires........................$800 (6) Goodyear 1200xR20 unused traction tires....................$1200 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires..........................$800

From United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Sonny Perdue announced recently the appointment of four individuals to the United Sorghum Checkoff Program (USCP) board of directors. Members will serve three-year terms. According to the USDA press release, the sorghum farmers appointed to the board are: • Adam Schindler from Reliance, South Dakota (At-Large) • Boyd Funk from Garden City, Kansas • Craig Poore from Alton, Kansas • Jim Massey from Robstown, Texas Schindler will fill the at-large seat currently held by David Fremark of St. Lawrence, South Dakota, who will complete his service as board director in December. Funk, Poore and Massey were all reappointed to their respective seats. “We are excited to welcome both the new and returning directors to the Sorghum Checkoff,” said Sorghum Checkoff Executive Director Florentino Lopez. “The board of directors plays an essential role in our efforts to increase producer profitability and enhance the sorghum industry, and we look forward to working with the appointed board of directors in carrying out the goals of the Checkoff for our farmers.” The 13-member board is authorized by the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996. The Secretary selected the appointees from sorghum producers nominated by certified sorghum producer organizations. Research and promotion programs are industry-funded, authorized by Congress and date back to 1966. Since then, Congress has authorized the establishment of 21 research and promotion boards. They empower farmers and ranchers to leverage their own resources to develop new markets, strengthen existing markets and conduct important research and promotion activities. The Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) provides oversight, paid for by industry assessments, which ensures fiscal responsibility, program efficiency and fair treatment of participating stakeholders.

Final Great Falls Hunter Education Course

It’s time to sign up for the final hunter education course of 2018 in Great Falls. Online registration is going on now. Everyone must register online, but there will be a two-day opportunity at Fish, Wildlife and Parks, 4600 Giant Springs Road, for those without access to a computer. Anyone 10 years old or older may take the course. Classes will run 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Sept. 10, 12, 13, 17, 19 and 20 at East Middle School, 4040 Central Ave. A field day will complete the course on Sept. 22 at FWP. The first class night will start with a 10-minute, parentstudent orientation in the school cafeteria, then the students will go to their classrooms. To register online go to the FWP website, http://fwp., and follow the links to Education and Hunter education. Then go to Sept. 10 and select a classroom at East Middle School. When registering, students must pick a four-hour time slot for the Sept. 22 field day, either 8 a.m. to noon or 1-5 p.m. For the morning time slot register for classrooms H1, H3, H4, H5 or H6; for the afternoon time slot register for classrooms H9, H11, H12, H13 or H14. The two-day opportunity to register at FWP for those without Internet is 7-8 p.m., Sept. 6, or 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sept. 6-7. After registering, downloading and printing the attached files, students must pick up a course manual, and read it before the first class. Manuals are available at one of the following locations: North 40 Outfitters, 4800 10th Ave. S.; Scheel’s in Holiday Village; or FWP. ##### There are approximately 33 million elementary school children in the U.S, 17 million kids attending high school, and 8.8 little ones in nursery schools and kindergartens. ##### Pencils can be used in zero gravity, upside down, or even underwater! ##### People who live on the equator or central area of the planet never experience autumn.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A25

Honesty, Integrity, Great Service & The Best Prices.


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Josh 391-7056

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2012 Chevrolet Tahoe with 49,000 miles

2015 Chrysler Town & Country

We’re talking the unbeatable Hemi in this 2014 Ram 2500 4x4 GORGEOUS PICKUP

Less than 1/2 price - Save thousands!! 2014 Hyundai Genesis Loaded with every option, 1 owner, non-smoker!!!!!!


Locally owned - Immaculate Care 2012 Ram 2500 4x4 with a Hemi and only 78,000 miles

2016 Ford Edge SEL All wheel drive, don’t forget winter!!!

2006 Dodge Ram 2500 mega cab, 4x4, CUMMINS. SAVE $$$$$

2006 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab

1-800-800-2299 •

2012 Ford Expedition Leather, one owner

2 to choose from!!! 2014 Ford Edge AWD

2014 Ford F150 SuperCrew Lariat 4x4 Heavy duty front bumper and grill guard!!!

2010 Ford F150, regular cab, 4x4 With matching topper, 93,000 miles

2014 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4, supercrew Remember last winter? 2012 Toyota FJ 57,000 miles

2016 Ram 1500 REBEL PACKAGE!! MUST SEE!! 2008 Ford F250 4x4, crew cab, Power Stroke

- GREAT CAR AT A GREAT PRICE 2017 Chevrolet Equinox LS All Wheel Drive

10,000 miles on this gorgeous 2016 Ford F150 Lariat, 4x4, non-smoker, Rhino lined undercarriage!!!! 6.2 liter gas motor in this 2015 Ford F250 Lariat crew cab 4x4

40,000 well cared for miles on this 2014 Ford Edge, all wheel drive

2013 Ford E150 cargo van with bins

2013 Ford F150 LIMITED Loaded up and super clean!

2008 Ford Fusion, 49,000 miles

2015 Ford Escape Titanium AWD

SUPER NICE 2014 Chevrolet 1500 LT, crew cab. With the Z71 package!

BEAUTIFUL 2015 Ram 1500 EcoDiesel, 4x4 PRICED RIGHT!!!!!!!

2016 RAM 1500 LONGHORN crew cab. In PRISTINE condition

2014 Ford F150 Lariat, crew cab 2005 Chevrolet Avalanche 1500, 4x4 Well cared for 2015 Ford F350 Lariat, crew cab, Power Stroke, one owner, non-smoker


2010 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4, supercrew

Don’t Miss Summer Fun with This 2009 Dodge Challenger!!! ONLY 41,000 miles!!!!!

2012 Ram 1500 SLT, crew cab, 4x4!!!

2015 Ford F150 Lariat, 4x4, crew cab, LOADED

2008 Ford F350 crew cab, 4x4, V10

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A26

Our Advertising Deadline for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29th. Phone us at (406) 271-5533.



Pressure Washers • Hose Reels

Dr. Chengci Chen speaks about pulse crop variety performance in different environments in Montana.


Champion service truck

compressor/generator combo units in stock

MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps.

Dr. Chengci Chen, (Superintendent/Professor of Agronomy, MSU-EARC, Sydney) spoke about pulse crop variety performance in different environments in Montana. He spoke about different varieties and their performance in 2017. He mentioned, that although Desi peas are not in high demand, Desi are more heat and dryness tolerant. In order to enhance yield and quality, information on varietal testing and improved agronomic management practices are needed. The Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC) of Montana State University (MSU) is currently coordinating a series of statewide dry pea, lentil and chickpea variety evaluation projects across Montana.

troduced other team members Debra Miller, Rama Gadi and Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi, who are working on pheromone trapping of pea leaf weevil, survey of pea weevil and predatory nematodes for biological control of wireworms respectively. Dr. Reddy also thanked USDA-Montana Specialty Block Grant and US Dry and Lentils Council for funding the research work.

MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal with metal flex spout fuel cans.

We Also Have Available:

4 Several affordable options in DEF pump systems 4 Flexzilla hose IN STOCK, 3/8-1” sizes 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT

406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816

Dr. Gadi V.P. Reddy speaks about the importance of faba beans as trap crop for pea leaf weevil management.

Dr. Gadi V.P. Reddy, (Professor and Head of Entomology/Insect Ecology Program Unit, MSU-WTARC, Conrad) talked about the different entomology programs for pulse crop insect pests, particularly a new pest pea weevil. He also mentioned about importance of faba beans as trap crop for pea leaf weevil management. Dr. Reddy’s talk covered biology, threshold level and management of these two insects’ pests. Growers are looking forward to having information on how to solve these insect pests’ problems in their fields. In the meantime, Dr. Reddy in-

Dr. Frankie Crutcher talks about disease management in cereals and legumes.

Dr. Frankie Crutcher, (Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology, MSU-EARC, Sydney), talked about disease management in cereals and legumes. She mentioned about Fusarium and importance of working with breeders to improve the variety to make them disease resistance. She briefly explained about the procedure followed to test disease resistance. She mentioned about root rot in peas and lentils and progress in trials to test for fusarium resistance. Growers are looking for information on disease management practices and Dr. Crutcher talk provided information to cereal growers and participants in general. CONTINUED ON PAGE A28

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A27

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at





of p u e n i wl e h n c t r u u D O and e r st! e a e f D g n n i h go Jo e r y. a a w s t a n t i h o seed p s secured rig ur ing o d y e t e e s t G ! r Whea

Shown on Flexi-Coil Stealth

Winte approaching is fast

m m



Shown on Bourgault boot







Shown on Dutch boot


Shown on John Deere boot

m l g



Shown on John Deere Acra-Plant opener

l g

Shown on VW14FB



m Our VW7CC

Note the extra carbides • Full carbide spread points, also available: 41/4, 31/4, 21/4, 11/2, also paired row VW21DSF and Flexi-Coil Stealth • VW shares freight costs on full drill point orders • Deposit assures price and availability • VW full carbide drill points cost very little per year, per acre, per bushel • Our 3 carbides make for longer drill point life as compared to others • Order yours now for winter wheat seeding

• Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications


Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A28

HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa/Orchard Grass • Sanfoin/Orchard Grass Round Bales - $135/ton • Small Square Bales - $150/ton

(406) 544-1444 • Drummond, MT

##### About 52% of high school students worked at least part-time during the school year, with 20% working full time.

FUEL STORAGE ~ SINGLE WALL DOUBLE WALL ~ FUEL SYSTEMS Turnkey System features: Tank Mounting Base • Pump Stand • Fuel Filter Level Gauge • Required Venting and Valves Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 2000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules

WTARC Farmers Field Day

Variety of pumps/meters from 18 GPM to 100 GPM 1” to 1-1/2” discharge hose with spring rewind reels Service Body Tanks • Galvanized Water Cisterns


LAND ROLLERS Tandem Rollers

Single Rollers

42”x 7/8” pipe

Bolt on Hitch ➔

Fisher Metal can more than double the size of your single roller!

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Fisher Metal Products 622-5233

Fort Benton


John H. Miller, (Research Scientist, MSU-WTARC, Conrad) spoke about quinoa variety trials in Montana. He mentioned about last year’s climatic conditions, and how it decreased the seed size. Weather parameters play a major role in growing quinoa and cooler temperatures and higher moisture are good for quinoa yields. He mentioned the characteristics of different varieties of quinoa and suggested growers test it on a small scale before trying it on a large scale. Dr. Rebecca McGee, (ARS-USDA, Pullman, WA), spoke about varieties of winter peas. She mentioned that breeders are concentrating on food quality peas with improved cold tolerance and disease resistance. John H. Miller discussed the new and existing winter pea lines in Northcentral Montana cropping systems. At the end, Dr. Charles Boyer, (Vice President and Dean/ Director of Agriculture) thanked farmers, collaborators and advisory committee for all their efforts to improve the various agricultural programs within Montana State University.

WORK. EASIER. FASTER. BETTER. Full inventory and pricing online at and

15% off your next rent of tractors, tillage tools, 6” pumps, or grain carts! May not be combined with other discounts. Offer valid through September 30, 2018. Mention this ad when reserving equipment.

WE OFFER: High-speed tillage, heavy harrows, vertical tillage, offset disks, pasture harrows, manure spreaders, rock pickers, rock rakes, land rollers, brush cutters, scrapers, tow-behind blade, bale wrappers, hay hikers, hay rakes, grain carts, post pounders, augers, tractors, skid steers, excavators, trenchers, tub & alley, cattle scale, calf table, portable panels, and portable corrals.

406.538.9033 •

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 – Page A29

Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220


2014 New Holland Boomer 3050, MFD, cab, 50 hp, CVT transmission, loader, 300 hours. Like new.........................................$36,100 2013 New Holland T4.105, ROPS with canopy, loader with skidsteer loader quick attach, 800 hours.......................................$41,500 2004 New Holland TS125A, loader, grapple, 3 rear remotes, 3200 hours...............$51,500

See us for all of your equipment needs NEW New Holland Compact Wheel Loaders

1996 Ford 9030 bidirectional, loaded cab end, engine end hydraulics, PTO, draw bar. Newer Loader!!!.............................$39,500 Ford 276, hydraulics, PTO, 3-pt. on both ends, loader, grapple, 5300 hours. Great shape.... .......................................................$31,000 Ford 4000, 2WD, Select-O-Speed, 3-pt., PTO... ..........................................................$2500 Farmall H 2WD, loader............................$3500 NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK WITH EXCELLENT DISCOUNT AVAILABLE NOW!!!


2015 New Holland C232 compact track loader, cab, air, heat, E-H controls, bucket, 600 hours..............................................$48,100

5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500


2014 New Holland 560 Special Crop, 5400 bales. Excellent..............................$38,500

2010 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, Xtra Sweep..................$27,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, 1000 PTO, Bale Command, Crop Special........$24,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, Crop Special, 15,500 bales..................................$24,500 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... .......................................................$14,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ .......................................................$11,500 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 6500 bales..............................................$15,600 Vermeer 605 Super M, 9000 bales. Excellent condition.........................................$25,000 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 John Deere 566, twine. Great condition.$7800



2015 New Holland L230 skid steer loader, cab, air, heat, E-H controls, bucket, 800 hours... .......................................................$43,100 1996 Caterpillar IT24-F front end loader, third valve, 3 yard bucket, 11,000 hours. Nice shape.............................................$47,500 2004 JCB 212 SU backhoe, 4WD, loader, 4-1 bucket, cab, 560 hours...................$32,500 John Deere 450 dozer, 6-way mechanical blade........................................ Make Offer New Holland 716C 9-ft. snowblower with hydraulic chute/spout, 3-pt................$5000 BoDozer 10-ft. blade with hydraulic angle, loader mounted.................................$6500 Huge selection of SSL, CTL and mini excavators ready for work!!

New Holland B Series compact wheel loaders pay their way on the jobsite with outstanding performance in a compact, maneuverable machine. the Universal Link design of the W50B TC and W80B TC offers a combination of increased versatility with increased operator comfort and control. The result? You get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Precised parallel forklift path eliminates the need for manual correction so operators can focus on load placement rather than load leveling.

2013 John Deere W110 swather, 140A sickle head, 600 hours. Very nice. Reduced to.... .......................................................$89,800 MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700 New windrowers, big balers and supporting hay tools - SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!


Hesston 1160 12-ft. pull-type sickle header. Very nice..........................................$7500



Supreme 1200T TMR mix wagon with tub extension ...............................................$63,500 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$2000 New Holland 7614 loader for TV tractor. Excellent!!...............................................$10,500 Koyker 150 loader, mounts, bucket.........$3500 Frontier RB1210 10-ft. 3-pt. rear blade, hydraulic angle and tilt, mechanical offset...$3950 BoDozer 9-ft. 3-pt. blade.........................$2800 Land Pride RBT1584 7-ft. 3-pt. rear blade.$650 Land Pride 1572 72” 3-pt. rear blade........$600 A&B Eagle 78” 3-pt. scarifier.....................$400 Tebben TC96-600 6-ft. 3-pt. rotary cutter.......... ..........................................................$1200 8-ft. pasture harrow, 1/2” teeth, draw bar...$350 30-ft. bumper pull hay trailer....................$2500 Loftness 8-ft. 3-pt. PTO driven snowblower. Very nice...................................................$5500 New Holland 6-ft. front mount snowblower. Like new...................................................$3800 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 Land Pride PD15 3-pt. post hole auger, 12” bit ............................................................$900

2005 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 16x18 kit, very low hours. Like new........$125,500 Buhler 2500 round bale retriever, dual arm. Excellent........................................$28,500 2003 New Holland BB940A, 3x3x8 big square baler, 3x3 tandem axles, 21,000 bales....... .......................................................$35,800 Vermeer R23A hydraulic basket rake...$12,500 New Holland HT154 12 wheel rake with 25-ft. working width....................................$9500 Hustler SL340 3-pt. chain bale feeder....$8650 Highline 6000 round bale feeder............$5500


Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.

*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland Dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through September 30, 2018. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2018 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Come see all of our equipment at

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A30

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Steiger disk and John Deere 118 flail shredder/mower

Call 406-952-1774 or 406-781-7995, Great Falls, MT

##### If wipers are beginning to wear down, you can extend their life by rubbing them briskly with sandpaper.

GOLDEN TRIANGLE SEEDS Joplin & Rudyard Plant Phone 406-355-4333

Ron Spicher Don Troup

PO Box 167 Rudyard, MT 59540


Certified WB 4059 CLP (Clearfield) 2 gene, CSO Certified Warhorse (PVP) WB 4623 (CLP) CSO WB 4483 Solid stem, CSO SY Monument Loma Keldin CSO Winter Triticale Treat with

Rancona V100, Attendant for wireworm, Stamina & Zinc.

Call for Great Prices, Quick Easy Loading and Treating

WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.

Kunz Arc Ease rough cut mower

Noxious weed identification available for mobile devices

Montana State University Extension has updated its publication on noxious weed identification, “Montana’s Noxious Weeds,” making the information available for the first time as an electronic flipbook accessible on mobile devices. Mobile device users can download the flipbook for free from the MSU Extension store at by searching the publication number (#EB0159). The new flipbook includes key characteristics of 35 noxious weeds and five regulated plants, colorful photographs of each species and links to MSU Extension and USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service publications that describe plants in more detail, including integrated management recommendations. “Noxious weed management begins with correct identification of the target weed,” said Jane Mangold, invasive plant specialist with MSU Extension and associate professor in the MSU Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences. “Over 100,000 copies of the original pocket guide have been distributed across the state since 2001, helping many people to identify and manage noxious weeds during that time. To stay current, we try to update the publication frequently, adding information as new weeds are added to the state noxious weed list.” The publication can be downloaded onto computers and mobile devices, making it accessible even when Wi-Fi is unavailable. Links within the download describing management procedures, however, are only available with a Wi-Fi signal. “This flipbook will serve as a tool for noxious weed managers, land owners, recreationalists and others who may wonder if an unknown plant is a noxious weed,” Mangold said. “They can simply look up the plant in question, then be able to search immediately for information on how to best manage it.” “Montana’s Noxious Weeds” and other updated noxious weed publications can be ordered from MSU Extension Publications at 406-994-3273 or at by searching “noxious weeds.” In addition to the free mobile flipbook, printed copies of “Montana’s Noxious Weeds” can be purchased for $4.95 each. There is also a high-resolution PDF available for download.

Got Weeds?

H 23-hp H  57” cut H  2” to 8” cutting height H  Four tire design for added support on rough ground

See our display of welding accessories & rod. We’re sure to have what you need.

Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.

Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts We can ship to your farm or ranch


New Spotlyte 15-gallon sprayers attach easily to your ATV or garden tractor. Honda 4-stroke weed trimmer

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8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36

Flexilla 1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.

•  Mechanical and electronic engines •  Transmissions and rear ends •  Brakes •  Custom battery cables Call 406-759-5188 or cell 265-0883

Posi Lock

gear and bearing pullers in stock.

TIBER TRACTOR CO. Phone 406-759-5188

Wheatheart Grain Augers

Chester, Montana

New Honda Replacement Engines - IN STOCK 4 and 5.5 hp 2” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm

Reduce heat stress in cattle

By NDSU Extension Service This summer’s high temperatures are taking their toll on humans and cattle. Extreme heat actually is a mix of temperature and humidity, and when both are high, the effort to stay cool can be stressful, according to Karl Hoppe, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock systems specialist at the Carrington Research Extension Center (CREC). Cows will look for shade to provide some relief from heat radiating from the sun. They’ll also seek a wind or breezy location to provide some evaporative relief, and water, mostly for drinking and some for cooling. “Adequate drinking water is the first step in relieving heat stress,” Hoppe says. “During hot weather, cattle will substantially increase water intake. It’s important to have enough drinking space and adequate water reserves to allow cattle to drink and not fight with other cattle for water.” Depending on their size and stage of production, cows can require 15 to 30 gallons of water per day. “The minimum livestock storage tank capacity should be enough to meet the minimum water requirements for the number of animals being grazed per day,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. “The water tank should supply adequate water for two to three days using an electric (hard-wired) pump or three to seven days using a wind- or solar-type pump.” Because of cattle’s need for water, producers should be extremely diligent about monitoring water sources on hot days, the specialists say. “Hot, dry conditions support the growth of blue-green algae (cyanobacteria), which is toxic to livestock,” Meehan adds. “Ponds that had adequate-quality water for drinking early in the grazing season may become toxic because salts and sulfates become more concentrated as water evaporates.” If water quality is a concern, immediately collect a water sample and have it tested for total dissolved solids (TDS) and sulfates. Greater than 3,000 to 5,000 parts per million of TDS would indicate the water is poor quality and producers should find alternative water sources. Biting flies also create stress on cattle. To lessen fly stress, cattle will bunch together. This reduces the wind that can get into the middle of the herd and exaggerates heat stress. Bunched cattle also can create a dust cloud on dry days. Too much dust can lead to breathing stress. When the weather is hot, cattle with reduced lung function can be identified easily; they may have labored breathing with increased panting, their tongue may be hanging out and they may be frothing at the mouth. Hoppe says feedlots use water sprinklers to cool the pen surface or wet the cattle. However, spraying water can lead to increased localized humidity, which on hot day may create more heat stress than relief. Cattle with white hides will reflect sunlight and tend to handle heat better than black-hided cattle. However, in winter, black-hided cattle may enjoy the solar heat-collecting properties of their hide. In North Dakota, the nighttime temperatures usually fall below 72 F, giving cattle an opportunity to cool. When the temperature doesn’t drop below 72 F, cattle remain stressed, and after two or three days, they can develop heat stress. “When several days of hot and humid weather are forecast, be proactive and create cooling opportunities in the morning before cattle start panting,” Hoppe advises. “Cooling options are more water tanks with easy access, moving cattle to shade and away from windbreaks, and controlling flies.” The specialists also suggest producers sign up for the Cattle Heat Stress Forecast Maps (https://toolkit.climate. gov/tool/cattle-heat-stress-forecast-maps) to receive alerts about cattle heat stress conditions in their location. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service offers daily maps with seven-day forecasts of temperature, humidity, wind speed and cloud cover based on information from the National Weather Service. For more information about heat stress, water requirements and water quality, check out these NDSU Extension publications: • “Livestock Water Requirements” ( LivestockWaterRequirements) • “Livestock Water Quality” ( • “Dealing with Heat Stress in Beef Cattle Operations” ( ##### Chocolate contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a natural substance that is believed to stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A31

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A32

Our new email address is



RJ Horse

All reasonable offers will be considered Call (406) 895-7018 • Outlook, MT


1999 Ford F550 XLT 4x4, loaded hauler, only 173,000 miles, 7.3 Power Stroke diesel, automatic, A/C, PW/PL & etc., new performance transmission with edge programmer, 3 speed auxiliary transmission, custom exhaust, bumper and grill guard, 95% tires & brakes, cloth interior, hauler bed, gooseneck hitch, clean truck..$25,000

Finalists for MSU Extension executive director forums Three finalists for the position of executive director of Montana State University Extension will interview on campus August 27, August 28 and August 29. Each candidate will hold an open forum at 9 a.m. in Room 233 of the Strand Union Building. The finalists and the dates of their open forums are:

Skytrak 9038 Telehandler 4x4x4, 9000 lb lift, 38-ft. lift height, turbo diesel, bucket and forks. Runs good, some leaks, 1st gear strong....$15,000 Phone 406-777-1435, leave message or 406-369-8508 1995 Ford F800 service truck 8.3 Cummins, Allison, 30/60 transmission, PTO and pump, 5000# IMT crane with remote, air brakes, 11-ft. body, 70% tires, pintle hitch with electric brake control.....................$15,000

Call Now & Book Your Seed Today! ✽ Winter Wheat ✽

Suzanne Stluka, food and families program leader with South Dakota State University Extension, will engage in an open forum on Monday, August 27. Stluka’s CV is available at

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WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC

Cody Stone, interim executive director of MSU Extension, will engage in an open forum on Tuesday, August 28. Stone’s CV is available at Stone.pdf.

Eric P. Webster, assistant regional director, southwest region; director, Iberia Research Station; and Florence Avalon Daggett Professor of Rice Research at Louisiana State University, will engage in an open forum on Wednesday, August 29. Webster’s CV is available at news/documents/Webster.pdf. The forums will also be available to view via a live web stream. To view the session remotely, individuals are asked to download the Adobe Connect Add In prior to the session. The download for Windows is available at Connectsetup. The download for Mac is available at ConnectSetupMac. More information about the live stream is available by contacting Jay Van Voast at 406-994-5638 or jay@ or Millie Veltkamp at 406994-4291 or Miley Gonzalez, chair of the search committee and vice provost of the MSU Office of International Programs, invites students, faculty, staff and community members to participate and provide input in this phase of the search process for the next leader of MSU Extension. Individuals attending or viewing the open forums may submit feedback about the finalists through an online survey. Surveys will open at 8 a.m. the date of each open forum and close before 8 a.m. the following day. The survey links for feedback about each of the candidates follow. Stluka: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/NM55RPZ Stone: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/NXG86KB Webster: https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/NN2L2S3

National Marshmallow Toasting Day

Date When Celebrated: Always on August 30th During eleven out of the twelve months of the year, we enjoy a wide range of holidays. When we get to August, there is a major shortage of big holidays to celebrate. Perhaps that is why many Europeans take the month of August off for vacation. Perhaps it as just as well that there are no big holidays to compete with National Marshmallow Toasting Day. After all, how could any holiday compare with this day!?! Enjoy today or tonight by a campfire or bonfire, toasting a big, soft, sticky and sweet marshmallow, or two, or three, or….. Summer would not be the same without a campfire and this great campfire treat. Summer is short. Summer is good. Let’s enjoy it while it is still

here. Toast a marshmallow and forget about everything else. And, don’t forget to make a few S’mores. The recipe is below. S’mores Recipe: Ingredients: Chocolate candy bar Honey Graham Crackers Marshmallows Instructions: Break off a square of Graham cracker Add a piece of Chocolate. Toast a big marshmallow over the campfire. Add the hot marshmallow. Top it with another graham Cracker. Eat, savor and enjoy! Note: You can make S’mores in the microwave. Just put them together and pop them into the microwave on high for 15 to 20 seconds.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A33


4181 North Park Trail Great Falls “Partners in Production”

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Hoven Equipment 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT 406-727-7153


John Deere 9450 40-ft. with 12” spacing. Sold individually...........................$2000 John Deere 50-ft. drill hitch.............$1400


Farm King 13x85 auger............$7900 Westfield MK13x71 auger.....$14,500 Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger......... Westfield 13x71 Plus auger with hop...............................................$1500 per mover............................$11,200 Westfield MK13x91 swing auger........ Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; ............................................$10,500 Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028



2014 MacDon D65D 40-ft. header.$57,900 Agco 5200 36-ft. draper header... $19,900 MacDon D60D 30-ft. header........ $36,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header.......... ................................................. $29,900 MacDon 960 30-ft. with pickup reel.......... ................................................. $14,900 MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel........................................... $14,900 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.......... $799

- COMING IN • Morris 881 Hay Hiker

500 Bale Minimum


(Plus set up insurance and delivery) USED COMBINES

New Holland 9060 combine, no header... ............................................... $150,000 New Holland TR98 combine....... $29,900 New Holland TR97 combine....... $19,900


New Holland 680 spreader.............$9000 Ford F350 4WD, automatic, flatbed........... ..................................................$19,900 Ford F250 with bale bed.................$4900 International 2-ton truck.................$1900 Rem 2700 grain vac......................$13,800 Matthews MC flail mower................$7900 John Deere 148 loader, grapple......$5500 Kelly 41 3-pt. backhoe.....................$3100 KC 3-pt. disc....................................$1900 Danuser F8 3-pt. post hole auger....$1100 Shaver HD-8 post pounder................$600 Hanson 3-pt. snowblower................$1900


Rely on T6 for unrivaled performance. 406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Pasture Harrows • 5/8” diameter high carbon steel • 50 lbs./ft. • 6-ft. deep mat • 45° & 15° angle teeth • Width (bar included)

AerWay 26-ft. harrow with cart.......$8799

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT

Haybuster CNF 430 vertical mixer with scales........................................$28,900 Haybuster H-1100 1000 PTO mixer.......... ..................................................$26,000 Hesston BP20 processor................$3390 Versatile 836 tractor.....................$24,000 Case IH MX150 tractor/loader......$52,000 John Deere 5020 tractor with PTO & loader.......................CALL FOR PRICE Kelly 60 backhoe.............................$5900 Case IH 2188 combine, 1015 pickup header.......................................$42,500 Gleaner R72 combine..................$41,900 Massey-Ferguson 8570 combine, 24-ft. header, pickup header...............$30,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel.............................$4500 New Holland CR7090 combine................. .................................CALL FOR PRICE New Holland TR97 combine,36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment...............$42,500 John Deere 7700 combine..............$5500 White 9700 combine.......................$5294 Massey 8590 combine, parts only...$2500 New Holland 94C 42-ft. double sickle, pickup reel, double swath..........$19,900 New Holland 971 header with Rake-Up pickup attachment........................$6000 MacDon 962 36-ft. header............$16,900 MacDon 30-ft. header...................$10,000

Case DHX302 draper header.......... CALL Westfield MKX13x84 auger.........$19,900 Westfield TFX10x36 auger..............$9900 New Holland 499 pull type swather..$4900 New Holland 1442 15’3” rotary disc..$6700 Ag Shield 300 recon hay conditioner........ ..................................................$24,000 Case 8465 round baler....................$5000 Buhler 1500 7-bale retriever.........$14,950 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms... $29,500 Summers 80-ft. pickup sprayer, 500 gallon.............................................$12,900 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank...................................$8000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms...............................$8000 Case 800 70-ft. x 12” spacing air drill........ ..................................................$80,000 John Deere 777 40-ft. air seeder....$4000 Liquid fertilizer cart.......................$14,200 Quicke 660 loader - grapple............$5000

Dakota Wire Winder

This tool is perfect for pulling up electric fencing and barbed wire

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A34

New “Want to give your crops the best start possible?”

Contour Air Drill

Call us and learn about the “Contour Drills” ultra-precise seed and fertilizer placement. USED AIR DRILLS

Morris Contour I 41-ft. air drill with 7240 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spaccart, consigned........................$99,000 ing............................................$24,900 Case 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, 43 VRT PreHoven Equipment cision SS drill, 3430 cart tow between, 4181 North Park Trail single chute..Lease for $15,628/yr-oac Great Falls, MT Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing 406-727-7153 and 2320 air cart......................$26,000 Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Versatile 450....................................$206,000 Valtra T140-4 with loader.............. $65,000 (L) Valtra C120 with loader......................$53,900 John Deere 8960 tractor....................$32,000 Versatile 835 tractor...........................$14,900 Massey Ferguson 4609.....................$49,900

USED SPRAYERS Freightliner with F/S sprayer............. $25,900 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer............... $3900 Ag Shield 1500 sprayer...................... $24,900

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

New Holland Boomer 33 tractor........$16,900 Ford 841 tractor/loader..........................$5900 David Brown 1212 3 pt., 540 PTO........$5900 David Brown 1200A tractor..................$6500 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.

Batwing cutter, loaders, backhoes, rakes, packers, rear blades, tillers, seeders, disc harrows, logsplitters, grinders, chippers, post hole diggers, shredders, and more!

Hoven Equipment 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT 406-727-7153

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A35

New Belt Conveyors Offers: Gentle Handling Low Horsepower High Capacity Clean Convenience Low Maintenance/ Long Wear Unique “S” Drive Unique collapsible Hopper

Hoven Equipment 406-727-7153

Great Falls, MT

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls “Partners in Production”

New Vermeer 605N Balers


MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header.$27,900


Massey Ferguson 2190 baler..... $52,000 Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4, cutter......... ................................................. $44,900 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter..$54,900 New Holland BB960 baler.......... $29,900

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


Vermeer BPX9000 processor..............$21,000 Vermeer BP8000 with final cut............$15,500 Vermeer BP8000 processor................$11,900 Vermeer 7000 processor........................$8900 2012 Highline CFR650 processor..$18,500 (L) Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover..............................................$14,900 Bale King processor............................$13,000 Haybuster 256 Plus processor..............$8000 Hesston BP25 processor.......................$3900

5x6 bales – Mesh and Twine Call for more information

New Vermeer R2300 & R2800 TwinRakes Get great-looking bales quickly and easily. It all starts with the Vermeer R2300 & R2800 twin rakes, which produces box-shaped windrows. Built to last, the twin rakes allow you to adjust the width of the windrows to match your baler. Control the width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor.

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls It’s hard to believe you can take the best loader in the industry and make it better. But that’s exactly what Bobcat has done. Our loaders offer more cab space, improved visbility, increased fuel capacity and more. It’s increased comfort and performance all across the board.

2015 New Holland L230 skid steer, 3060# lift ROC.......$39,900 (L) Bobcat LR65 land rake........$6000

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity - 727-7153; Lance - 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


New Holland BR7090 net & twine.$22,000 New Holland BR780 net & twine..$14,000 New Holland BR780A twine only... $6500 New Holland 664 twine only........... $7900 Case IH RB565 net & twine......... $44,000 Case IH RB564 net & twine........ $25,000 Vermeer 605M net & twine.......... $21,000 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..$9000 Vermeer Super 605J twine only..... $4900

John Deere 535 twine only............. $4900 John Deere 535............................. $5500 John Deere 530 baler.................... $4200


MacDon 1300 bale stacker.......... $14,900 Buhler 1500 Hay retriever. STK #23772.. .................................................... $9900 H&S Hay Machine II rake.............. $4500

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A36

STORAGE CONTAINERS 20 and 40-ft. – For rent or sale Delivery anywhere in Montana

Call (406) 460-1142, Dupuyer, MT

ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler - Certified Shaw - Ladak

Call Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809

FOR SALE Flexi-Coil ST820 62-ft. cultivator

New 16” sweeps HF, 650 lb trip shanks, Honey Bee rods, heavy tire package and transport. New transport spare 235/75R17.5 One owner. Excellent condition

Call 406-234-5331 Dealer for Dutch Openers

Come see us or call for more information!

Jordyn Fields was a strong competitor at the Marias Fair with his 1,310 pound market steer. Fields is the president of the Longview 4-H club as well. Photo by Kari Lewis.

##### The good news is that approximately twothirds of all children (66.7%) like school.

##### Arizona State is the largest public university, with 81,000 students!

REMINDER!!! It’s a GREAT time for soil sampling for fall!

Dealer for Chembine Chemical Handling Tanks

A cutting edge way of mixing and blending your chemicals for your agricultural needs. The Chembine™ incorporates all the features of a typical chemical mixer plus adds some user-friendly features. Call TODAY for more information!

Paraquat Concentrate for Pulse Crops

IN STOCK NOW Call for pricing!

Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Including hose, valves, fittings & more!


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Ag Wise, Inc. 406-372-3200

Kremlin, Montana

CoCoRaHS turns 20

By University of Wyoming Extension A deadly rainstorm on the west side of Fort Collins, Colorado, led to an international network of citizen weather observers you can join. Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) officially began on June 17, 1998, with a few observers along Colorado’s Front Range. Today, more than 20,000 observers are active in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada and the Bahamas. Volunteers include gardeners, rural landowners, teachers, students, youth in 4-H and after-school programs, and other volunteers. It takes about five minutes a day to measure and report precipitation using low-cost measurement tools and the interactive CoCoRaHS website or phone application. The CoCoRaHS network provides valuable data for natural resource management, education and research. Meteorologists, flood plain managers, insurance adjusters, farmers, ranchers and recreationists use CoCoRaHS data to make decisions such as when to plan a trip or when to issue severe storm warnings. To learn more, including how to volunteer, see the new fact sheet from University of Wyoming Extension at and visit the CoCoRaHS website at www.cocorahs. org.

This Month in History - August

13 Spanish defeat the Aztecs Indians and conquerors Mexico City. (1521) 14 Japan surrenders, ending World War II. (1945) • Get a whiff of this...the Whiffle Ball was patented on this day. (1953) 15 The Panama Canal is opened. (1914) 16 Gold is discovered in the Klondike. (1896) 17 Construction is started on the Berlin Wall. (1961) 18 The 1,000 Islands bridge, connecting the US and Canada is dedicated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. (1938) 19 Indianapolis Speedway holds it’s first auto race (1909) 20 The Civil War is formally declared to be over by President Andrew Johnson. (1866) 21 Venetian blinds are patented. (1841) • Hawaii becomes the 50th state. (1959) 22 The Mona Lisa is stolen from the Louvre (1911) 23 The first picture of Earth from the moon is taken by Lunar Orbiter 1. (1966) 24 The infamous Mount Vesuvius eruption buries the city of Pompeii. (79) • The Waffle Iron is patented by Cornelius Swarthout of Troy, New York. (1869) 25 Ivan the Terrible, the first Tsar of Russia was born. (1530) • Amelia Earhart completes her trans-continental flight. (1932) 26 Julius Caesar’s Roman army invades Brittain (55 BC) • U.S. Congress passes the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote. (1920) 27 The island volcano of Krakatoa in Indonesia erupts. It was heard over 3,000 miles away and was one of the biggest natural disasters ever recorded. (1886) 28 Senator Thurmond begins a 24 hour filibuster against the Civil Rights Bill. (1957) • Martin Luther King Jr. makes his “I Have a Dream” speech. (1963) 29 Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins is released. (1964) 30 The Late Show with David Letterman premieres on CBS. (1993) 31 Heavy weight champion Rocky Marciano dies in a plane crash near Newton, Iowa. (1964)

Parman joins NDSU Extension

By NDSU Extension Service Bryon Parman has joined North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension as an assistant professor and agricultural finance specialist. Parman will identify financial issues faced by North Dakota farmers and livestock producers and develop Extension programs to help keep North Dakota agriculture financially healthy. His programs will focus on whole farm and agribusiness financial structure, farm financial risk management, investment analysis, machinery cost assessment, land values and rents, farm financial record analysis, farm financial trends and income tax management. In addition, he will work closely with agricultural lenders and agribusinesses to promote good working relationships between lenders and producers. He also plans to work with the North Dakota Farm Business Management Program. Parman, who grew up on a large corn and cattle farm in southwest Nebraska, earned a Master of Science degree in economics with a specialization in agricultural real estate and finance from the University of Nebraska-Omaha and a doctorate in agricultural economics from Kansas State University. Most recently, he was an assistant professor and agricultural finance and farm management specialist at Mississippi State University. “We are excited to have Bryon join NDSU Extension,” says Charlie Stoltenow, NDSU Extension assistant director and program leader for agriculture and natural resources. “His background and expertise in agricultural production, econometrics and finance make him uniquely qualified for the position.” Parman can be reached at 701-231-8248 or

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A37


2014 John Deere 6140D 140 hp, loader and grapple, only 1100 hours, equipped with MFWD, 3 point hitch, 9F/9R transmission with power reverser and 540/1000 rpm PTO............... Asking only $69,000

Call (406) 538-8655 or 366-2230 • Lewistown, MT Henke ~ Chester, MT HENKE ENTERPRISES INC.Dougcell (406) 799-2616


eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!

2009 Marflex Truck Sprayers 100-ft. booms, 1300 gallon tanks, 2003 & 2005 International trucks, Allison transmission, 2 speed transmission, 255 & 300 hp. Excellent condition! $69,900 each

Website - Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

John Deere 4930

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm



2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900

Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616


Jamieson Motors, Inc. If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be sure to make Tribune pdf 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

Stock photo

2018 DODGE DURANGO SXT 4X4 V6, automatic, rear air/heat, alloys, cloth interior, 16,000 miles NOW $29,900

2016 RAM 1500 SPORT crew cab, 4x4, hemi, loaded, heated seats, navigation, rear camera $35,500

2004 RAM 1500 LARAMIE quad cab, 2wd, hemi, leather, 47K miles $10,900

2015 RAM 2500 LARAMIE crew cab, 4x4, 6.4 hemi, leather,

2011 RAM 3500 TRADESMAN crew cab, 4x4, cummins, automatic, hydrabed NOW $31,900

NOW $37,500

2014 RAM 1500 EXPRESS crew cab, 2wd, hemi, loaded, alloy wheels $22,700

low miles


ram box

2016 RAM 3500 LARAMIE crew cab 4x4, cummins, automatic, heated leather, srw $51,000

2017 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 4X4 mega cab, cummins, automatic, loaded,

2016 RAM 3500 SLT mega cab, 4x4, 6.4 hemi, loaded, heated seats, new tires, srw $39,500

2014 RAM LARAMIE 4X4 mega cab, cummins, automatic, loaded,

2014 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED awd, v6, loaded, heated leather, rear camera,

2013 RAM 2500 LARAMIE crew cab, 4x4, 5.7 hemi, loaded, heated leather,



remote start



short box

Jamieson Motors, Inc. Your Trusted Dealership For Over 75 Years! No Dealer Markup • No Fees • No BS • Just Good Honest Deals •

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A38

Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541

Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins

We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer

Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business

We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver

Call TODAY for More Info!

We are a NEW Authorized Dealer for Optimum Bins Call For More Information!

High Quality Bins

•Available in 800-6500 bushels

Manufactured to Satisfy Your Needs

• Grain Bins • Steep Cone Bins • Multi-Purpose Bins • Custom Bins • Feed Bins • Accessories

16,500 gallon tanks for sale

$5000 Call for Info!

1995 GMC TopKick Fuel Truck


Call Cory at 406-432-2321 for more information on these trucks! UTV Field Boss • Low profile UV stabilized fully drainable tank with easy access lid •Multi-control regulator mounted on swinging arm, easy access from seat • Reinforced boom with complete nozzle protection & return breakaway system • And More!

ATV Skid Sprayers


BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO BUY! Contact Cory for more information!

Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/ right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank.

4 Trailer Sprayers 4 ATV Sprayers 4 Truck Mount Sprayers 4 Self Propelled Sprayers

On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.

We make hydraulic hoses


2018 State 4-H Meat Judging Contest winners announced

By NDSU Extension Service Kidder, Ward and Stark/Billings County teams took top honors in the State 4-H Meat Judging Contest held recently in the meat laboratory at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Shepperd Arena. Senior Division The top teams were: • First - Kidder County, with team members Shaye Koester, Bradyn Lachenmeier, Austin Schmidt, Madelyn Schmidt and Austin Weippert (coach Gary Martens) • Second - Stark-Billings County, with team members Kia Ward, Victoria Trochez, Taylor Downing and Jersey Filkowski (coach Kurt Froelich) • Third - Ward County, with team members Matthew Schauer, Ethan Myers, Tate Novodvorsky, David Schersky and Kaden Korgel (coaches Jacob Scheresky, Jayd Novak and Thomas Schauer) Individual winners: • First - Rhea Laib, Sheridan County • Second - Ryeleigh Laib, Sheridan County • Third – Koester • Fourth – Lachenmeier • Fifth - Ward Intermediate Division The top teams were: • First - Ward County, with team members Mark Schauer, Mason Kraft and Wyatt Kersten (coaches Jacob Scheresky, Jayd Novak and Thomas Schauer) • Second - Stark-Billings County, with team members William Schmidt, Justin Kathrein, Wyatt Dorner, Jess Schultz and Katie Schmidt (coach Kurt Froelich) • Third - Towner County, with team member Cordell Walters (coach Rick Vannet) Individual winners: • First - William Schmidt • Second – Schauer • Third – Walters • Fourth – Kraft • Fifth - Kathrein Junior Division The top teams were: • First - Stark-Billings County, with team members Joel Schultz, Mark Schmidt and Ryan Schumacher (coach Kurt Froelich) • Second - Ward County, with team members Layne Korgel, Elizabeth Kraft and Danny Kersten (coaches Jacob Scheresky, Jayd Novak and Thomas Schauer) Individual winners: • First – Korgel • Second – Schultz • Fourth – Schmidt • Fifth - Schumacher In meat judging, 4-H’ers rank retail cuts, primal cuts and/ or whole carcasses. The contestants then identify retail cuts, including specifying the species, primal cut, name of the retail cut and recommended cooking method. At the state 4-H contest, all participates were asked 10 questions on meat classes chosen by the official judges. “Meat judging is one of the most effective tools for the recruitment and development of future meat science technologists in existence today,” says Leigh Ann Skurupey, animal science specialist in NDSU Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development and this event’s organizer. 4-H is a program of NDSU Extension. “Meat judging is much more than the determination of quality and lean meat yield of a carcass or wholesale cut,” Skurupey adds. “As a 4-H participant gearing up for a meat judging contest, this opportunity serves as a training tool to develop young leaders in the meat and livestock industries. Meat judging is the prime training ground for U.S. meat companies.” She notes that meat judging helps the youth develop analytical, decision-making and communication skills, and confidence, as well as practical skills they can use every time they visit the grocery store or butcher shop. “From listening to these 4-H’ers practicing in the cooler to watching them skillfully navigate each class with focus and determination, I couldn’t be more impressed by these future leaders and their talent,” Skurupey says. “I commend the coaches for the hard work they pour into these incredible young people.” Results for the State 4-H Meat Judging Contest are posted on under North Dakota 4-H Meat Judging Contest ( aspx?ID=9719).

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A39

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page A40

FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY

##### The average family spends $700 in school supplies every year, adding up to $80 billion in annual sales!

To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229

Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842 Gary Reighard 406-879-9418

Jhala honored with outstanding associate editor award

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Amit Jhala, associate professor of agronomy and horticulture and extension weed management specialist, was awarded an Outstanding Associate Editor Award by the Canadian Journal of Plant Science. The peer-reviewed bimonthly journal has been published since 1957 and contains new research on all aspects of plant science relevant to continental climate agriculture, including plant production and management, horticulture and pest management. The publication is affiliated with the Canadian Weed Science Society, Canadian Society of Agronomy and Canadian Society for Horticultural Science. The journal is published by Canadian Science Publishing. The annual award recognizes an associate editor who has handled and reviewed scientific papers submitted to Canadian Journal of Plant Science. Selection is based on scientific quality of reviews and timeliness, unbiased review process and decision on scientific papers submitted to the journal. Jhala handles weed science related manuscripts submitted to journal. Jhala has been at Nebraska since 2012. His research focuses on the biology, gene flow and management of herbicide-resistant weeds. Jhala is specifically interested in pollen-mediated gene flow from herbicide-resistant crops and weeds and management of herbicide-resistant weeds in corn-soybean cropping systems. Publication credits for Jhala include 11 book chapters and 85 papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Jhala is also serving as an Associate Editor of Weed Technology ─ a peer reviewed scientific publication of Weed Science Society of America. Jhala was also awarded the Distinguished Achievement Young Weed Scientist Award by the North Central Weed Science Society in December 2016 and Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award by the Weed Science Society of America in 2017. More information about Jhala’s research program: https://

Precision Truck & Trailer 2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 • (406) 265-4563

Quality Used Trucks & Trailers • 888-453-4563 • FRONT DOOR DELIVERY AVAILABLE • $69,900




Dealer For New


Grain Trailers

We are your Dealer for Time To Go Electric

2004 Sterling

Cat 3126, 300 hp, 8LL, Tuff Trac spring ride, new box, new paint, new push axle, new tarp with remote control gate & lift


2000 Peterbilt 378

3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, winch, headache rack, COZAD ramps

2005 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

ISX, 500 hp, 13 speed, American Class interior, headache rack, double bunk


2003 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

6NZ single turbo, 550 hp, 18 speed, 252” wheelbase, newer transmission, grille guard, headache rack, freshly painted frame

Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free

$35,000 1995 Kenworth T600 Box Truck

Detriot S60, 430 hp, 9 speed, lift axle, pintle hitch, 4-stage head lift hoist, 21-ft. grain box


Trailers For Sale:

$29,900 1993 Kenworth T800

3406C, 425 hp, 18 speed, 222” wheelbase, 565,000 original miles, Magnum grille guard

1988 Peterbilt 379

3406B, 425 hp, 13 speed, new paint, all new drive tires and steers, new bumper, new brakes and drums


1992 Ford L9000 Aeromax

Detriot Series 60, 10 speed, 16-ft. dump box

2013 Jet 38-ft. ag hopper ............. $26,500 1976 Load King 30-ft. flatbed with ramps . ................................................ $11,500

1987 International 9300

Cat 3406B, 425 hp, 10 speed, newer Southland box, pintle hitch, very clean truck!


$38,900 2011 Wilson PaceSetter 50-ft. ag hopper, 10-ft. spread axle

$18,900 CALL on these trailers! $25,900 2000 International 8100 Cummins M11, 400 hp, 10 speed, 150” wheelbase, 230,924 miles

1983 Kenworth W900

855 Cummins, 425 hp, 13 speed, fresh inframe w/paperwork, steerable push axle


Series 60, 430 hp, 10 speed, 3 stage headlift hoist, 349,000 miles

1987 GMC 7000 Single Axle Dump Truck 366 V8, 5 speed

2003 Frontier 34-ft. ag hopper

2015 Frontier 24-ft. ag hopper pup

see these units and more info at

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad MT ........................B19 87 Rentals, Shepherd MT...........................B16 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .................A2 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive MT ............................................. C9 Action Toys, Billings MT ..............................B12 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT .............................................B3 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .... C37 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT .. C24 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ..................................A36 Aldrich Lumber Co., Billings .......................B28 B & B Auction, Havre MT ..............................A3 Badland Truck Sales, Glendive MT .............A12 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT ...................B22 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .........A18 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank MT ....................... C5 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT .................. C29 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ................... C27 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .................B21 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT ................................................................B18 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby MT .........B7 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT ....... ......................................................... B7, B18 Brandt Agricultural Products LTD............... C32 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ........................... C29 Buckley Auction MT ....................................B18 Bull Mountain Fencing, Yoder, Dan, Roundup MT .......................................................... C12 Burks Tractor, Twin Falls, Caldwell ID...A8, C30 C&B Operations, LLC, Circle, Culbertson, Glasgow, Plentywood MT ....................... C35 Cahill Seeds, Scobey MT ...........................A14 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT .... ................................................................A14 Chamley Pipe & Salvage, Williston ND.........A5 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula MT ................B7 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ....................B2 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT... ................................................................A32 Clearview Seed, Denton MT...................... C22 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT ........................ C33 Cowtown Ag, Miles City ..............................B25 Cox Ranch Equipment, Winston MT...........B24 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT .............................................. C28 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT .......................A15 D-Cat, Construction LLC, Sun River MT.....B17


David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell MT ..B25 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby MT......................B6 Direct Ag Network, LLC Dan Thome, Billings MT .............................................................A7 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT A31 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT ..... ...........................................................C6, C7 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT .......A16 First State Bank, Shelby MT .......................B15 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton MT......A28 Fisher Truck & Equipment, Scobey MT...... C15 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ....B10, C19 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT .......... C34 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT ...................A38 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT .................................A19, C13, C21, C31 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .... C40 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT........C10, C11 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad MT ..B18 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT ...... C12 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard MT ..........A30 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ............. C33 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT .... ............................................................... C39 Harris Custom Swathing, Conrad ...............A24 Havre Ford, Havre MT ............................... C10 Hedman, Inc, Brett Hedman, Grass Range MT ................................................................A39 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT ................................................................B11 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT ......................................A37 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ......B6 Hodgskiss Seed, Choteau MT ................... C36 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ............. ...............................................A33, A34, A35 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT ...B5 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT .....B24 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT..........B4 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT .......................................................... C26 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT ..................................B2 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ..A37, C15 Jason’s Agri-Motive, Lefleche, SK Canada C22

Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT.........B28 Joe Judisch Custom Swathing & Baling, Conrad ...........................................................A17 JT Harvesting, Jim Bartsch, Brady ............ C15 Knobel Welding, Dutton ..............................A23 Krogmann Mfg. .............................................B8 Lane Judisch Swathing, Conrad .................A22 Lemken, T&T Farm Supply, Chester MT.......B1 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown MT ..... A18, B25 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT ...............A28 Liphatech, Rozel .........................................B10 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .................B8 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT .A26 Mohrlang Fabrications, Brush CO ..............B10 Montana Department of Agriculture ...........A14 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb MT ......................................B14 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT . C34 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT B6 Montana Post Driver, Gold Creek MT .........B18 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT .......B14 Moore Technology, Bozeman MT............... C14 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade MT ............B20 Mountain View Livestock, Choteau MT.......A10 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .... C19 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ................................................................B22 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT....A9 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade MT .....A29 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT .......B14 NM Machinery, Missoula MT ..................... C36 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT ................................................................B23 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank MT ................A25 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ......................A25 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls MT ........... C9 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MTA15 Northwest Plastics, Libby MT .....................A16 Pima Medical Institute, Dillon MT ................ C2 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT .B25 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree MT ...... C18 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ............A40 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT .. ................................................................A24 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ....B24 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT........ ....................................................... B12, B13

WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR... Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.

Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers

We stock a large variety of Honey Bee parts including rod weeder supplies.

REM VRX Grain Vacs Now selling Bourgault Tillage and Seeding Tools CALL US TODAY!

Also Now Available

1” and 2.5” air seeder hose 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts

Call today for New VR12 Grain Vac pricing and availability

We also have parts for REM Grain Vacs

We are your MAV Chopper Dealer

Now Selling

Parts and Conveyors

T & T Farm Supply, LLC

Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)

RENN Mill Center, Inc. ...............................A22 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ......................B18 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.................B14 Rozel, Liphatech .........................................B10 Ruralands Real Estate, Pavillion, WY ..A7, C23 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond MT .............................................................A2 Shobe Auction & United Country Realty, Lewistown MT ...................................................B23 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ........................B13 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT...................C18, C28 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ..............B16, C4 South Central MT Antique Tractor Assoc, Worden MT .............................................................A3 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..... C20 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT............................ C3 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon MT ........... C20 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...................... C32 Stricks Ag, Chester MT.................................A4 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MTC30 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT................................. A24, A40 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls MT ....... C9 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT ...........B1 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ................... C29 Teton Antique Steam & Gas Assoc, Choteau MT ...........................................................A10 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .................A31 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.....................A30 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT....C25 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange MT ......................B25 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ..............A12 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT...............B17 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT......... C38 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ..................B9, C14 TT&E Inc, Victor MT .................................... C8 Van Motors, Conrad MT..............................A17 Vaughn Truck, Havre MT.............................. C1 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT ...........A27 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ................B15 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT . ................................................................. C1 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ..........B24 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT .......................A20 Wortman Fence, Boulder MT........................A6 Wurz Custom Swathing LLC, Choteau MT....A16 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade MT ....... C23 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT .................. B26, B27 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ...................C16, C17

NOW DEALERS FOR LEMKEN German-engineered Tillage Tools

The ONLY Dealer in Montana!

Call to get more information about how your operation can benefit from Lemken products!

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B2


2018 4-H Achievement Day Food Exhibits By Carmen Rath-Wald, Logan County Extension Agent, North Dakota

Are your calving barns cold and drafty???


Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana


Fire damaged or non-running tractors


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail:

Grand Champion Ribbon:Teagan Erbele with Teagan’s Peanut Butter Cup Brownies Ingredients ter cups and chopped peanuts on top. Return 1 box 9x9 brownie mix, or your own to oven for remaining 5 minutes to melt the homemade brownie recipe of choice, prechocolate. pared according to directions in a 9×9 pan As soon as you pull them out of the oven, 1/2 cup chopped salted or honey roasted spread the melty peanut butter cups/peanuts peanuts with an off-set spatula to smooth over top. 12 peanut butter cups, chopped Let brownies cool. 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips Next in a microwave safe bowl combine 1 Tbsp butter chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. 1 ¼ cups creamy peanut butter Heat in microwave for 1 minute, stirring 1 3/4 cups crispy rice cereal when done. If needed, continue heating in 1 tsp vanilla 20 second increments until chocolate chips 1/2 tsp salt are melted. Instructions Stir in cereal, vanilla and salt until evenly Bake brownies according to package or combined. recipe directions in a 9×9 pan lined with foil. Pour over brownies and smooth. Chill During last 5 minutes of baking, remove until chocolate is set, about 2 hours. from oven and sprinkle chopped peanut butCut into squares to serve.


Too numerous to mention all: 1973 Chevrolet C60 grain truck, excellent.............................$3000 Frisen (approx. 1000 bu.) hopper bottom bins, nice, very good condition, with ladders and 3 windows, can be moved on a Donahue trailer................................................. $5000/pair or $2750 each Tyler 5 ton fertilizer spreader, excellent..................................$2500 John Deere 1600 19-ft. chisel plow with mulchers.................$1500 R Moline excellent, with new rubber.............................. $3500 obo 20-ft. flatbed trailer, heavy, 2 axle...........................................$2500 Fork-type rock picker, nice........................................................$700 Melroe 202 24-ft. drills..............................................................$400 International 400 36” cyclo planter, corn and bean drums 1 through 4 bottom John Deere plows, 2 bottom Oliver, 5 bottom Case, 2 row potato and corn planters, silage blower, steel wheels, windmills, numerous belts/hoses, injection and hydraulic pumps, clutches and pressure plates, AC pumps, antiques. 3 ATV’s, 20 guns, also all household items from dishes to furniture.

Call 605-880-8309 or 605-880-8109 Watertown, SD

Reserve Champion to Sabrina Haas with her Easy Caramel Apple Pie Ingredients 1 ½ cup butter or margarine 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1 bag caramels (won’t use it all) 1 cup flour Apple, slices Directions: Spray pan really well, whatever size you

want to make 9 (the bigger the pan the more sauce you need). Place premade crust into pan. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on the crust. Place apple slices on the crust. In saucepan melt margarine/butter and caramels. Add sugar, flour and egg. Pour mixture over apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake for one hour at 350 degrees. CONTINUED ON PAGE B4

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 – Page B3

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


Call Jim at 406-690-0737

2008 Case CX80 Excavator 2800 hours, quick coupler with 2 buckets, dozer blade, hoe pack, cab with air conditioning and radio.........................$55,000

2009 Cat 420E Backhoe Loader 4WD, extend-a-hoe, cab with heat and air conditioning, new rear tires, auxiliary rear hydraulics, quick coupler on rear............. . ...............................................................................$54,000

Helping People for over 14 years! We Work Hard to be Your Best Source for Quality Equipment!

2007 Yanmar Vio 35-3 Mini Excavator Only 1510 hours, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick couple, 2 buckets, good tracks, full cab with heat..................$30,000

2016 Cat 308E2 CR Excavator 130 hours, loaded up, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic coupler, long stick..................................................................... $102,000

2009 Komatsu WA250 Wheel Loader 2.75 yard bucket, quick coupler, forks, with only 4200 hours!...... . ...............................................................................$98,000

2013 Genie Z34-22 Boom Lift

2014 Bobcat T650 Track Loader Loaded up machine with all the options and special A71 package! New tracks. 2700 hours..................................$38,450

2013 Cat 246C Skidsteer 1700 hours, cab with air conditioning, hydraulic quick couple, 2 speed, nice machine!.............................................$38,000

Excellent condition, 34-ft. height with 22-ft. of reach, easy to haul and very handy! 4x4, diesel engine


2014 Cat 279D Track Loader Only 1400 hours, 75 hp, 3000/6000 operating capacity, cab with air conditioning, ride control...................................$48,800

2005 Ingersoll Rand SD25D Roller

2012 Cat 302.7 Mini Excavator

900 hours, smooth and padfoot shell, knock down blade. Good 48” roller package!................................................$26,000

Only 760 hours, excellent and powerful machine! Hydraulic thumb with QC........................................................$33,500

Only 1700 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine! The Handiest Machine for Building Everthing!.. . 2004 Cat 433E Roller ...............................................................................$17,000 66” smooth drum roller, only 1400 hours. Efficiently setup for gravel or asphalt compaction, water system. Excellent tion!........................................................................$48,000

8 foot broom, cab with heat and air conditioning, water system, 1250 hours. Really nice broom...............................$28,800

2006 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift 2008 Broce RCT350 Sweeper Broom

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B4


2018 4-H Achievement Day Food Exhibits CONTINUED FROM PAGE B2

2001 Gleaner R72 combine, 2191/2934 hours, Cummins engine, N.D. Dan’s updates and improvements, new Rodono chopper, power ladders, excellent large capacity machine, polymer feed chain slats, Gibson accelerator rolls, stored inside............................$52,500 USD O.B.O. Different headers available. New, never used MacDon adapter, fits R62-R72. Probably fits other series as well................$6750 USD O.B.O. Phone (403) 502-3290


2015 Case IH Maxxum 140 with Case IH L755 loader, Deluxe Cab, Powerboost

Call 406-984-6257 • Southeast Montana

Honorable Mention to Trenton Erblele with Trenton’s Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie (recipe from Carol Erbele): Mix flour with soda. Combine butter, 2 ¼ cup flour sugars, vanilla and pudding mix in large 1 tsp soda bowl; beat until smooth and creamy. Beat 1 cup butter, softened in eggs. Gradually add flour mixture and ¼ cup sugar stir in chips. Batter will be stiff. Drop onto ¾ cup brown sugar ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees 1 tsp vanilla for 10-12 minutes. Remove from oven be1 package vanilla instant pudding fore completely firm and let cool slightly 2 eggs on cookie sheet. 12 oz mini chocolate chips Honorable Mention to Caiden Quinlivan with His Brownie Bites:

Iron Horse Express trucking dedicated to meeting your commercial/industrial and farm/ranch needs, local and out of state, fully licensed and insured, multiple trailer configurations to meet your needs. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424


Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new. Bridges available - Call for details.

Freeman Model 1390 In-Line Square Baler 16x22 bales, 3 knotter, Duetz 4 cylinder 67 hp, very low use $10,000

Call Scott 406-370-9924 Stevensville, MT

1998 Cornhusker Aluminum Gravel Pup Trailer 23-ft. tongue, 14-ft. box, new floor, tri-axle $10,000

2 cups sugar 1 cup melted shortening 2 pinches salt 1 cup flour 2 tsp vanilla 2 cups nuts (optional)

4 eggs 2 oz. squares melted bitter chocolate Mix in order by hand. Pour in greased 9”X13” pan. For brownies, bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees F, for bites bake for 18 minutes.

Rhubarb Preserves made by Adrianna Hayen (Maggie Leier, this is especially for you as I know you were wanting this recipe!) Stir in a can of strawberry or cherry pie fill8 cups rhubarb ing. Bring to a boil. Add 1 small package 4 cups sugar strawberry or cherry Jello. Freeze or can Mix and put in the refrigerator overnight. to preserve. Bring to a boil then simmer 10 minutes. Tombstone Buns made by Cloverbud Sophia Horner 3 Tablespoons Butter Dough Recipe: Marshmallows (Large) 1 egg Cinnamon & Sugar Mixed 2/3 cup warm water Dough 2/3 cup warm milk ¼ cup margarine or butter Make dough in bread machine. When 1 tsp. salt it has risen, begin process of making buns. 1/3 cup sugar Warm up Butter in microwave. Take a 4 ½ cup Dakota Maid bread flour marshmallow, roll it in butter to coat then Heaping T gluten----add this in flour place in cinnamon sugar mixture to coat. measurement Take enough dough to wrap around the 2 tsp instant yeast marshmallow. Fold up so no holes are in the Mix in order given in bread machine, dough. Place on cookie sheet and bake at run on dough cycle. Use for buns, bread, 350 degrees for 12 minutes. When cooled, dumplings, ramen noodles, monkey bread, can frost with icing. cinnamon rolls, caramels rolls.

Sabrina Haas’s Great Grandma’s Rhubarb Bread ½ cup chopped nuts 1 ½ cup brown sugar Cream brown sugar and oil. Add egg 2/3 cup oil and vanilla. Beat. Add dry ingredients al1 cup buttermilk ternately with buttermilk. Fold in rhubarb 1 tsp baking soda and nuts. Pour into 2 greased and floured (or 1 ½ cup diced fresh rhubarb 3-4 small) loaf pans. Sprinkle with mixture ½ cup sugar with 1 Tbsp butter of sugar and butter. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 egg 60 minutes. Do NOT under bake. Use dry 1 tsp vanilla toothpick to test. 1 tsp salt 2 ½ cup flour Questions about this column or something else may be directed to me at the NDSU Extension office at 754-2504, or email: I would be glad to help!

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B5

HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana



“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.

New Holland 2300 14-ft. header. Tag #GlennP0818...................................$2500 New Hollland 16H header with 276 Versatile tractor adapter. Tag #Russ0818. Versatile 4022 22-ft. DSA draper header. Case 4690 4WD tractor, fairly new engine repair, transmission problem. Tag #FredV0818. Alloway 30-ft. aerator. Tag #RickW0818. Massey-Ferguson 860 combine with 15-ft. pickup header with pickup attachment header and attachment. Tag#Rob0818........................................$9500 Batco 18”x45-ft. elevator, 15 hp 3 phase motor, drive-over conveyor. Tag #ChuckC0818.......................................................................................$7500 Massey-Ferguson 750 combine with 24-ft. header with air and batt reel. Tag #GaryS0818..........................................................................................$5500 DuAl loader to fit John Deere 4520 tractor. Tag #GaryS0818.....................$4500 Tailgate auger. Tag #GaryS0818....................................................................$950 Gysler 36-ft. plow with 12-ft. center section, AM rod weeder, Degelman mounted harrows. Tag #GaryS0818.....................................................................$5600 1991 Oldsmobile Toronado automatic, 2-door sedan hard top, showroom condition, new tires, sun roof, tan color. Tag #BobC0818...........................$7500 New Holland TR70 combine with 22-ft. 960 header. Tag #LarryMc0818....$6500 John Deere 6410 MFD tractor with loader, grapple, 3-point, dual PTO. Tag #Dan0818..........................................................................................$45,000 Polaris pull type full type spreader. Tag #BC0818.........................................$200 Case IH 1015 pickup header, Sund pickup. Tag #RonD0818......................$6500 1997 John Deere 9600 combine with 930 header, header is rebuilt, combine has 3500 hours. Tag #AlanM0818.............................................................$40,000 John Deere 930 30-ft. straight cut header. Tag #ANF0818.........................$4500 John Deere 4020 tractor. Tag #ANF0818. John Deere 7520 tractor. Tag #ANF0818. John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0818......................................................................................$6500 2008 John Deere 9770 combine with 635 draper header, 3000 engine hours and 2200 separator hours, new motor, new sieve, new gearbox. Tag #Terry0818..............................................................................................$155,000 M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum0818... ..............................................................................................................$7500 2011 Case IH 8120 combine. Tag #GaryG0818.....................................$140,000 2009 Bourgault 5725 air seeder with 6700 4-compartment air cart. Tag #GaryG0818. 2001 Case IH 2388 combine, 2856 hours, 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup. Tag #Vince0818.............................$60,000 Hesston 1200 30-ft. pull type swather. Tag#Seville0818.............................$3500 1989 Ford F600 truck (less box or tank). Tag #Paul0818............................$2500 Golf cart. Tag #EPaul0818...........................................................................$3500 Homemade 17-ft. gooseneck trailer. Tag #Paul0818....................................$3500 Push blade to fit on Gehl telehandler. Tag #Paul0818.................................$2500 125-ft. of 14 gauge link fence with 4 gates. Tag #Paul0818...........................$500 10-ft. cattle guard. Tag #Paul0818..................................................................$250 12-ft. cattle guard. Tag #Paul0818..................................................................$350 Bobcat skid steer loader V-blade. Tag #DaveT0818. Ford 900 lineman’s truck. Tag #DaveT0818. Fire trailer with 3 fire hoses, 500 gallon tank, Honda, great for upcoming harvest. Dave T0818...........................................................................................$6500 Service trailer with fuel tank, Miller welder, crane. Tag #DaveT0818. Wacker RT compactor. Tag #Dave0818. Case grapple fork to fit skid steer loaders. Tag #DaveT0818. 2011 Ingersol-Rand light plant, excellent shape. Tag #SteveM0818..........$5500 John Deere 212 pickup header with Sund pickup attachment. Fits JD 8820 combine. Tag #JerryS0818..........................................................................$6500 John Deere 214 pickup header with Rake Up pickup attachment. Fits John Deere 8820 or Case 2188 combines. Tag #0818..................................$6500 Summers 53-ft. sprayer, 500 gallon tank, single jet nozzle, GPS and radar. Tag #JerryG0818.........................................................................................$6500 L shaped 90-gallon fuel tank with electric fuel pump. Tag #JasonB0818.......$900 1998 Ford F150 pickup, 1/2-ton 4-wheel drive, automatic transmission, gas engine, front winch. Tag #JasonB0818......................................................$6000 Steiger PTA 310 Panther tractor with Degelman front blade with 24.5x32 tires. Tag #Reid0818...................................................................................$27,000 Case IH WDX100 haybine. Tag #DougR0818..........................................$19,500 IBX 432 big square baler. Tag #DougR0818.............................................$37,000 John Deere 4020 tractor, no 3-point, almost new tires. Tag #ANF0818......$7500 John Deere 7520 tractor, 1000 PTO. Tag #ANF0818..................................$7500 John Deere 9650 STS combine with 36-ft. MacDon 962 header, 2400 separator hours. Tag #Gordon0818....................................................................$35,000 John Deere 6620 combine with John Deere 925 25-ft. header. Tag #Jeff0818.... ..............................................................................................................$7500 1989 Volvo truck with Jaylor 1500 mixer, new engine overhaul, new clutch, new knives on screw. Tag #Hillside0818....................................................$55,000 2011 Case IH 800 70-ft. air drill, 3430 cart with 3 compartments, 430 bushels, all run monitors. Tag #McRae0818.........................................................$65,000


1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3300 separator hours, new walkers, 930 rigid header, batt reel. Tag #Abe0916........................................................$48,000 2000 John Deere 9650 combine, conventional machine. Tag #RickW0318. 2013 John Deere S690 combine, 1000 engine hours, 995 separator hours, Premier chopper. Tag #Grant0318.........................................................$285,000 Massey 850 combine with 24-ft. header and air reel. Tag #KenT1117........$6500 2012 John Deere 9770STS combine with JD 940D draper header, 1000 engine hours and 771 separator hours. Tag #Ralph1217............................$255,000 1978 Case 1480 combine. Tag #BlakeS......................................................$8500 Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32 tires, good feeder chain. Tag #JackW0418..Call 2006 Case IH 2388 combine, 1200 rotary hours, 25-ft. 1010 bat reel. Tag #Ron0518..........................................................................................$78,000 Massey-Ferguson 760 combine with 24-ft. header with pickup reel. Tag #GaryS0117..........................................................................................$6000 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header. Tag #MikeMc0916................... $3500


1987 Ford F250 pickup with new bed, parts pickup, new exhaust system, engine runs, transmission work done. Tag #D&B0418. 2000 Ford F350 pickup, Stahl service box. Tag #JasonA0916...................... $7500 Jeep CJ2, rollbar, flathead. Tag #BDawson0316 2010 Chevrolet 2500 HD Duramax pickup, 125,000 miles, automatic, quad cab, long box. Tag #RichT0318..................................................................$29,000


Tebben 6-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418.............................Preseason Price New!! Tebben 5-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418...................Preseason Price Woods 6-ft. 3-point rotary mower. Tag #BrokenP90117................................$650 New Tebben 10-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418...................Preseason Price John Deere 896A side delivery rake. Tag #D&B0418.................................$1000 New knotter for International baler. Tag #WSpiecher1008 John Deere 506 3-point 5-ft. rotary mower. Tag #JackW0418....................... Call John Deere 503 rotary mower with 2 extra blades. Tag #Rusty0618............$800


Case 680 2WD, tractor, loader, backhoe, extend-a-hoe. Tag #Hug0218 2016 New Wacker Neuson ST track skid steer loader. Tag #LarryB0617. Melroe 811 skidsteer mounted backhoe. Tag #KenBert0916........................ $6500 2016 New Wacker Neuson WL34 wheel loader. Tag #LarryB0617.


Case IH 1010 straight cut header. Tag #JackW0418...................................... Call Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0717..$4500 New Holland DSA 21-ft. header, fits new 1100 or 1116 swathers. Case IH 1015 pickup header with a Sund pickup. Unit is like new. Tag #Harry1017...................................................................................................$6500 MacDon 65D 40-ft. header to fit John Deere S690 combine. Tag #Grant0617...... ...........................................................................................................$55,000 MacDon D60 45-ft. header to fit S690 combine. Tag #Grant0318. 2004 MacDon 972 36-ft. header to fit NH TV140 tractor. Tag #DaveT0916


Allis Chalmers 7020 2wd tractor with Farmhand F236 loader, 3-pt. Tag #VicC0218.............................................................................................. $6500 John Deere 7330 FWD tractor, loader, grapple, 3-pt, dual PTO, low houred. Tag #Riley0218........................................................................................... $85,000 2008 Case Puma 180 trailer with L770 loader, bucket and grapple, 3-point, 540 PTO, 2289 hours. Tag #Wayne1017...................................................$88,000 Case 1200A 2WD tractor, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 1/2 cab, power steering, power drawbar, new 18.4x30 rear tires, 92 hours. Tag #RodB1217...............................$7500 International 656 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point, 741 loader, 5302 hours, needs seat. Tag #D&B0418. 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0418........................ Call 2014 John Deere 9510 4-wheel drive tractor, 1000 PTO. Tag #Ralph0418. Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #Neal0518...$7500 John Deere 4520 tractor with loader. Tag #GaryS0917. John Deere 2240 tractor with 3-point. Tag #GaryS0917. International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1017.........................................................................................$7500


24-ft. pipe panels. Tag# Joe 0318..................................................................$350 R&L 600 grain cart, 600 bushel tank with fire retardant kit, augers are good. Tag #Randy1117.......................................................................................$13,000 Ag Rain 3570 Big Reel, 4” plastic hose, sprinkler head. Tag #JimH1117...$8500 1999 Royalite 30-ft. RV camper, gooseneck, slide out, sleeps 4, all self contained. Need to see to appreciate. Tag #DaveH0617.........................$17,000 New Fair bale processors & snowblowers. see Huggy Bear Hi-Hog squeeze chute. Tag #VicC0218......................................................... $2000


Concord 3542 air drill, 12” spacing, 2000 Concord air cart with engine drive. Tag #Spencer0518....................................................................................$25,000 Concord 6012 3 rank air seeder with Fargo 3350 stainless steel air cart. Tag #DBK1117..........................................................................................$25,000 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips, good condition. Tag #RonH0318.................................................$29,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft. 9” spacing air drill with 2320 tow behind air cart, updated loading auger. Tag #JackW0418.


Sunflower 8830 grain cart. Tag #RalphJ0618..........................................$30,000 Kinze 1050 grain cart, duals. Tag #Rog0916...........................................$36,000 2009 Avalanche 1100 bushel grain cart, tarp. Tag #Rog0916.................$44,000


1979 Cook 40-ft. belly dump gravel trailer, single gate, completely rebuilt. Tag #Pack0716.........................................................................................$17,500 1978 21-ft. tandem dually 5th wheel trailer, haul Cat D6C. Tag #BK0117....$4500 Mirage 32-ft. triple axle gooseneck, 21,000# GVW, extra storage above gooseneck. Tag #Kerry1017............................................................................$6500 2006 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7000 lb. axles. Tag #Pack0617.................$7500 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 35-ton lowboy trailer. Tag #Pack0617........................................................$12,500 1974 Homemade flat bed trailer, 107” deck. Wide enough for older swathers. Tag #TSimo1117..........................................................................................$2500

Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE


John Deere 16-ft. plow. Tag #JackW0418...................................................... Call Melroe 33-ft. plow, no wing lift cylinders, Flexi-Coil mounted harrows. Tag #GeraldB0117...............................................................................................$4500 Graham-Hoeme 15-ft. plow, good shanks with shovels, needs depth cylinder. Tag #GuyM0617....................................................................................$1500 Gysler 40-ft. plow. Tag #Russ0518..............................................................$4500 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, 1” shanks. Tag #DaveT0916 Melroe 30-ft. plow. Tag #GaryS0117...........................................................$4000 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, no wing lift, new tires, 1” shanks. Tag #JohnA0618..$4500 Melroe 36-ft. plow, no wing lift, Honey Bee rod. Tag #JohnA0618...............$4500 Gysler 35-ft. plow with wing lifts. Tag #JohnA0618......................................$4500 Gysler 24-ft. plow with Degelman harrows. Tag #JohnA0618.....................$3500 Friggstad B3-31 34-ft. plow, 11/4” shanks. Tag #JohnA0618.......................$9500


Riteway 8100 heavy harrow. Tag #Doug0518..........................................$39,500 NEW pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0518...................................... $179 per section Aerway 18-ft. pasture harrow with drawbar. Tag #Kerry1017......................$5500 NEW!! Wessex 4x6 pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0418..............................$170 ea. 2- 6-ft. spike tooth harrow with drawbar. Tag #JackW0418............................. Call 18-ft. drawbar spike tooth harrow. Tag #JackW0418....................................... Call 4- 6-ft. mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0418...................................................... Call Degelman 6-ft. harrow. Tag #JackW0418....................................................... Call 3-Spike tooth harrows. Tag #JackW0418.................................................$125 ea. Noble harrows. Tag #JackW0418.


New Holland 1048 2-wide bale wagon, 90 bale capacity. Tag #D&B0418..... Call 1985 New Holland 1032 2-wide bale wagon, 69 bale capacity. Tag #HerbK0518. 3-point round bale retriever. Tag #BigSkyC0617..........................................$1500


Hesston 8100 windrower with 30-ft. DSA header. Tag #BlakeS1117.......$18,000 International 5000 swather with 21-ft. header. Tag #BlakeS1117...............$7500 International 5000 swather with 14-ft. auger header, diesel. Tag #BlakeS1117.... ..............................................................................................................$6500 2001 John Deere 4890 windrower with 16-ft double sickle header, 1700 cutting hours. Tag #Harvey0218...................................................................... $42,000 New Holland 910 swather with 14-ft. header, gear drive. Tag #D&B0418...... Call Hesston 8450 windrower with 14-ft. auger header. Tag #Neal0518.........$27,000

Aeration Equipment Available GRAIN DRYERS

Keho grain drying equipment........................................................Call for prices Other grain dryers available


24-ft. portable corral panels. Tag #BCreek0718.............................................$350 Du-Al loader off International 806. Tag #ANF0718......................................$1950 New PJ trailers for sale. Tag #Wyatt0718. BBP 600 hoist off of single axle truck. Tag #RonBC0718............................$1500 Budweiser truck box for storage. Tag #RonBC0718...................................$4000 B&W turnover ball. Tag #BooBoo0718..........................................................$600 John Deere 9500 combine with 930D draper. Tag #Ralph0718...............$72,000 John Deere 940D 40-ft. draper header. Tag #RalphJ0718. John Deere 9510R 4WD tractor, 5 banks of remotes, 1000 PTO, 1300 hours, 800/70R tires. Tag #RalphJ0718 John Deere 590 36-ft. swather. Tag #JeffH0718. 2005 Case IH AFX8010 combine, 14-ft. 3016 pickup header, 14-ft. RakeUp pickup attachment, 45-ft. 2152 draper header with pickup reel. Tag #Kyle0718. Case 1015 14-ft. pickup header with 14-ft. Victory pickup attachment. Tag #KyleS0718. John Deere 730 tractor, narrow front. Tag #ANF0718. 2) Allis Chalmers graders. Tag #Jess0718.............................$6000 for the pair Bazooka 8”x35-ft. auger with PTO drive. Tag #LarryB0718..........................$950 Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0718..$4500 New Holland 21-ft. DSA header, fits New Holland 1100 or 1116 swather. Tag #KemA0718..........................................................................................$4500 New Holland 644 round baler. Tag #Fred0718............................................$5000 Lamar 18-ft. car hauling trailer with ramps, 5200# axles. Tag #Glenn0718.$3050 3-point bale unroller. Tag #BigSky0718........................................................$1500 24” culvert, 3 sections. Tag #ANF0718. 3-point snowblower for Allis-Chalmers 170. Tag #J&J0718.........................$1900 John Deere 930 30-ft. flexheader. Tag #ArtH0718...................................$11,000 2011 Cat 420 tractor/loader/backhoe. Tag #Brent0718............................$75,000 RemMax ditch roller. Tag #Brent0718..........................................................$3500 Finn T30 hydroseeder on 2-ton flatbed. Tag #Brent0718.........................$15,000 1994 Ford 700 24-ft. van truck. Tag #Brent0718.........................................$6000 2010 John Deere 624K wheel loader. Tag #Brent0718...........................$97,000 1986 International 560 loader. Tag #Brent0718......................................$22,000 2011 John Deere 304 loader. Tag #Brent0718........................................$67,000 Snow blower for John Deere 304. Tag #Brent0718......................................$7000 John Deere HH80 hammer. Tag #Brent0718..............................................$9500 2012 John Deere drum roller. Tag #Brent0718...........................................$9000 2012 John Deere 73” sheepsfoot roller. Tag #Brent0718............................$8000 2012 Marv Haugen trencher. Tag #Brent0718............................................$5700 2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0718...............................................$4000 2012 Marv Haugen 76 tiller. Tag#Brent0718...............................................$4500 2012 Marv Haugen land plane. Tag#Brent0718..........................................$3500 Cat 650H dozer/crawler. Tag#Brent0718..................................................$46,000 Chieftain screening plant. Tag#Brent0718...............................................$46,000 Pioneer roll crusher. Tag#Brent0718........................................................$27,000 1994 Ford LT9000 dump truck. Tag#Brent0718.......................................$36,000 1999 Kenworth W900 truck. Tag#Brent0718...........................................$26,000 1994 Ford LT900W truck. Tag#Brent0718................................................$22,000 1981 International cement truck. Tag#Brent0718.......................................$3000 1992 Twanco trailer. Tag#Brent0718........................................................$17,500 2012 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$36,000 2013 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0718..........................$38,000 PJ tilt trailer. Tag#Brent0718........................................................................$6000 2015 Hitachi 50G mini excavator. Tag#Brent0718...................................$79,000 1996 Dodge 2500 fuel pickup. Tag#Brent0718............................................$5000 1994 Chevrolet 2500 fuel truck. Tag #Brent0718........................................$3000 2000 Chevrolet S10 pickup. Tag #Brent0718..............................................$5000 Brillion 10-ft. grass seeder. Tag #Brent0718...............................................$6000 New Holland 1112 windrower with 3200 hours. Tag #Marty0718............$15,000 Used grapple for Versatile 256 swather. Tag #Mike0718..............................$1500 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms, John Deere rate controller. Tag #BigSky0718................................................................................................$5500 Haukaas marker for 45-ft. Flexi-Coil air seeder. Tag #BigSky0718..............$3500 John Deere 785 manure spreader, hydra push. Tag #BigSky0718.............$5500 50 pig panels. Tag #D&B0718...............................................................$12.00 ea. Several T-posts. Tag #D&B0718..............................................................$3.00 ea. Hutchison 36-ft. conveyor with power unit. Tag #Jess0718.....................$18,000 1993 Chevrolet Corisca 4-door sedan. Tag #Bob0718..............................$9500


New Holland BR780 round baler, twine tie, less than 5000 bales. Tag #GaryC0318. New Holland 660 twine wrap baler, new belts. Tag #NorthStar0518..........$6000 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0518......................$12,000 New Holland 664 round baler, twine wrap, Bale Command. Good shape. Tag #JasonA0916................................................................................................ $5500 1993 New Holland 499 12-ft. pull type haybine. SN 539811. Tag #JohnDR0418. ..............................................................................................................$6000 Case RB562 round baler, net wrap, 6500 bales. Tag #Jaym0318...............$8500 Krone 3x3x8 baler. Only 11,000 bales have been through it. Tag #GaryS1217..... ...........................................................................................................$24,000


1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$5500 GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 114,363 miles, 5 speed manual transmission. Tag #Jack0418....................................................... Call 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0418................................................................ Call 1994 Top Kick truck with 18-ft. van box, 6-speed trans. Tag #D&B0418.....$8000 1991 Ford F700 truck with 24-ft. van body with tail lift, 427 gas engine, new radiator, 247,727 miles. Tag #D&B0418................................................... Call 1987 GMC truck with gas engine, 24-ft. van body.. Tag #D&B0418. International 160 truck with 14-ft. box and hoist. Tag #D&B0418.................. Call 1984 GMC truck without tail gate, gas engine, 5 speed transmission, 24-ft. van body. Tag # #D&B0418............................................................................. Call 1997 Ford F800 service truck, 8.3 Cummins, 9 speed, air brakes, 5000 lb crane, 246,000 miles. Tag #JasonA0916........................................................ $15,000 International 190 fire truck. Tag #JohnR0518.............................................$6000 1972 Ford F900 dump truck with 10-yard. Tag #JackW0418......................... Call International 4900 truck with Mohrlang 480 mixer. Tag #BrokenP1217....$15,000 GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 5-speed manual, 114,363 miles. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................$7000 1989 GMC 7000 gravel truck, 5 speed/2speed, 47,116 miles. Tag #BrokenP0117..............................................................................................$8500 1976 Chevrolet C65 grain truck, 20-ft. box, Allison automatic transmission, drill fill, hydraulic lift, roll tarp. Tag #RodC0418............................................$6500


Westfield MK100 10”x61-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #GaryS0917...........$3900 Westfield 8”x50-ft. PTO auger. Tag #Ruth0418...........................................$1700 Wesco 1310 10”x70-ft. swing away grain, hydraulic drive. Tag #Ruth0418..$3500 Mayrath 60-ft. PTO grain auger. Tag #BrokenP0117.....................................$750 FarmKing 10x60 swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0618............................$9500 Brandt 1070 10” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0618..................$9500 MK tailgate auger. Tag #JohnA0618............................................................$1500 Farm King 10”x70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #HiddenLake0618.............$3500



2012 Case IH PS100 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1600 gallon tank, excellent shape. Tag #RonH0317........................................$37,000 2007 New Holland SF216 sprayer, 80-ft. booms, wind screens, rinse tank, mixer tank, 1600 gallon tank, double nozzles. Tag #Dale0318.....................$15,000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms, double nozzles. Tag #HerbK0518.

Financing Available

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B6


1981 International 1480 combine, only 2436 hours, stored inside, many updates, 30-ft. header with large auger....... ...........................................................$9000 USD O.B. O. 1980 International 1480 combine, 3730 hours, 30-ft. header with large auger, low hours on large insurance W.O.....................................................$6000 USD O.B.O. Phone (403) 502-3290

Unique MSU lab rides wave of growth in pulse crops By Marshall Swearingen, MSU News Service

50-Ton Crane – Fork Lifts – – Winch Trucks – – Cherry Pickers – 24-Hour Service

DICK IRVIN TRUCKING 434-5583 – Shelby

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1977 Versatile 850 Series II, 280 hp, 5760 hours. Very good condition, shedded Gysler 30-ft. chisel plow with harrows Morris B2 24-ft. rod weeder with harrows (2) John Deere LZB drills, 10” spacing, connecting hitch, shedded 1955 Case LA tractor, runs good, shedded John Deere 6602 combine, diesel, 18-ft. header, shedded Versatile 8”x44-ft. PTO auger and 6”x30-ft. auger with motor New Holland 354 grinder/mixer, shedded New Holland 455 mower, 3 extra sickles, shedded Vicon 2 wheel hay turner, tractor mounted, shedded 20-ft. and 14-ft. pull type wood flat bed farm trailer 1955 Chevrolet 2 ton truck with grain box, hoist, shedded Call for price quote: 406-777-3062, pictures available

202 North Central Avenue, Cut Bank, MT 59427 (406) 873-2984 l

Bright Agindotan, manager of the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Laboratory, holds a sample of chickpeas infected with a fungus called botrytis on Friday, June 15, 2018, at Montana State University in Bozeman. MSU Photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez.

Like a farmer scanning the horizon for coming changes in weather, in 2014 Mary Burrows looked to the future of Montana agriculture, and what she saw prompted her to start the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Laboratory at Montana State University. It was a prescient decision. That year, farmers planted about 702,000 acres of pulses — dried leguminous crops that include peas, chickpeas and lentils. Just three years later, they planted more than double that acreage. Burrows, a professor in MSU’s Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, anticipated the change, “but the exponential growth has been pretty surprising,” she said. More and more farmers, Burrows said, are seeing the benefits of planting pulses, which require little soil moisture, provide a cover crop that prevents weeds and fix essential nitrogen into the soil. In lieu of a traditional crop rotation that requires fallowing fields of wheat, a longtime staple of Montana agriculture, many farmers are instead getting extra income by pairing wheat with pulse crops. But the benefits have come with new costs. “Pulse crops are really susceptible to a lot of diseases,” Burrows said. Luckily, “many diseases can be prevented using integrated pest management, including using clean seed.” In 2014, no lab in the U.S. specialized

in diagnosing pulse crop diseases. MSU’s Schutter Diagnostic Lab, which identifies a variety of plant problems, was struggling to apply its expertise to the uptick in pulses. “We established the pulse lab because we had a number of diseases and nobody in the region with the capability to quickly identify them,” Burrows said. In starting the lab, MSU had wide support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, industry groups including the U.S. Dry Pea and Lentil Council and the Northern Pulse Growers Association, the Montana Department of Agriculture and others, Burrows said. Pulse pathogens include a variety of bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes, which are tiny, worm-like parasites. Often, pathogens don’t immediately reveal themselves but become a problem in future generations of plants. “Some seeds look healthy, but have disease,” said Bright Agindotan, assistant research professor in the plant sciences and plant pathology department and manager of the pulse crop lab. Over the past four years, with a few relatively small grants and funding from the Farm Bill, the facility has expanded its capabilities with advanced equipment that can, for example, quickly determine a pulse CONTINUED ON PAGE B7

Bright Agindotan demonstrates diagnostic equipment at the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Laboratory Friday, June 15, 2018, at Montana State University in Bozeman. MSU Photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez.

Unique MSU lab rides wave of growth in pulse crops

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B7

The deadline for advertising in the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29th. Phone (406) 271-5533.


sample’s genetic makeup. “We look at what you can’t see with your own eyes,” said Muhammad Mahathar, a senior majoring in microbiology who works part-time in the lab. If diseases go unchecked, they can reduce yields, undercut a grower’s ability to sell seed and cut off avenues for export. According to the Montana Department of Agriculture, the state’s export of pulse crops grew from $8 million in 2010 to more than $160 million in 2016. Many countries require certification that pulse products are free of nematodes and other pathogens, Agindotan said. If significant levels of specific nematodes or other quarantined pathogens are widely discovered in Montana, Burrows said, a country like India could decide to decline the state’s imports entirely. “(The lab) is a really valuable resource for protecting the industry from trade barriers,” she said. This year, Agindotan received a sampling of chickpeas that had a high concentration, about 17 percent, of Ascochyta blight, a fungus that can decimate the crop. Much of it showed resistance to a commonly used fungicide, and he quickly contacted the grower to advise an effective alternative. The incident demonstrated the importance of catching a disease early and working with the farmer to develop a strategy, he said. “Just like when you go to the doctor, the first step is to diagnose the disease,” he said. “Then you can treat it.” Last year, the lab received more than 1,900 samples, mostly from around Montana. Agindotan and others also travel the state to proactively find diseases that are just beginning to get a foothold. In 2016, for the first time in the state, they found Aphanomyces, a root rot whose spores can persist in soil for as long as 20 years. Lab personnel are now educating farmers about prevention of the disease, and are researching the best way to manage it in Montana. According to Burrows, it’s unclear whether the tide of pulse crops will continue to rise in Montana. Currently, the low price of wheat is helping to bolster pulses. Because farmers have seen the benefits of the crops and gained experience growing them, the levels may never never drop back to 2014 levels, she said. Today, MSU’s diagnostic lab, which serves Montana as well as six surrounding states, remains the only one in the U.S. that specializes in pulse crops. “It has proven its value,” Burrows said.

Graduate research assistant named emerging leader

Chaffers & Sieves

Adjustable Handles OEM-Quality

•  Blunt Finger •  Short Finger •  Long Finger


Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT

2006 Kenworth T800 quad axle dump truck, 550 Cat, 18 speed, 14,600 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, double differentail locks, unused 17ft. box, plumbed for pup, new paint, new tires on steering and tags, excellent condition.........................$74,500

406-549-1047 or 544-0655

2000 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 475 Cat, 8LL transmission, 18,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears with double differential locks, double steering, double frae, 16-ft. box, plumbed for a pup, fleet maintained, extra solid old truck......................................$39,500

1977 Kenworth W900 A with 38-ft. Fruehauf frame type end dump trailer, truck has a 1693 425 hp Cat with a recent overhaul, 13 speed, wet kit, pretty solid old outfit..............$16,500

Check out our website: 1999 International 4700 utility truck, DT 466, 230 hp, 7 speed, 125 cfm hydraulic drive air compressor, 1998 Sturdyweld 4-axle gravel pup, 20,000 lb winch,11-ft. service body, 18-ft. aluminum box, tarp, steerable 90,000 total miles..................$12,500 front and rear axles, very good condition.....................................$19,500

Many other construction trucks & trailers available

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News 1998 Trail King TK70HT 482 48-ft. 1996 Workman Jobber 3 axle gravel Mahrou Sadri, graduate research assistant in the Departhydraulic folding beavertail, hydraulic pup, 15-ft. steel box, 60” axle spread, adment of Nutrition and Health Sciences, was named the winramp on front........................$25,000 justable tongue, good condition..$14,500 ner of the “Emerging Leaders in Nutrition Science Competition” at “Nutrition 2018,” the inaugural flagship meeting of the American Society for Nutrition. Sadri won the bioactive food compounds research interest section of the competition for her presentaThe latest advancements tion on bovine milk exoin Forage Seeds: somes and their miR-30d cargo cross the placenta and Willow Creek contribute toward embryo development in C57BL/6 Forage mice. She was awarded a $400 prize and is a finalist Winter Wheat in the American Society for Nutrition’s Nutritional SciMontech Forage FX ences Council 2018 graduate student research awards Fall Triticale 1001 competition. Sadri is a member of Producers have reported Janos Zempleni’s lab in 31/2 ton dry forage yield Willow Creek Forage Winter Wheat nutrition and health scion dryland crop rotation. ences. This is the fifth year in a row that a student from You have read about it and now it is available at: Montech Forage FX Fall Triticale 1001 Zempleni’s lab has been recBig Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. ognized through the American Society for Nutrition’s Phone: 406-434-5011 FAX: 406-434-5014 most prestigious research e-mail: Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 award competition.

NEW SEEDS Now Commercially Available

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B8

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Diesel pump, was serving 2 wheel lines........................................... $4200 42-ft. ranch semi trailer and 26-ft. pup trailer.................................... $4000 Ford 860 tractor............................................................................... $3500 For info call Wes (406) 726-3396 - Arlee, MT


1997 Agcostar 8360 4WD tractor, only 4378 hours, reliable Cummins N14 set at 400 hp, large quiet cab and smooth ride, excellent 710/70 radial tires, 18-speed transmission, OutBack Autosteer and GPS, meticulously serviced and maintained, stored inside.................$57,500 USD O.B.O. Phone (403) 502-3290


John Deere 9600 combine, 630 head, 5200/3900 hours, excellent condition.............................................. $45,000 John Deere 9600 combine, variable speed feederhouse, (2) 930 heads, 4400/3300 hours, excellent condition..... ........................................................................... $45,000 John Deere 212 pickup header, new condition, new belts. .............................................................................. $3000 Case IH Steiger 9270, 8200 hours, excellent condition..... ........................................................................... $55,000 John Deere 9400 drills, 40-ft. 12” spacing................ $4000 Brandt 10x70 auger, extra long swing, new condition, 100,000 bushel use............................................ $12,000 Call (406) 697-3446, equipment located at Jordan, MT

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Side toolboxes 30” Lx17” H x 12” D standard size of 12 ga. steel with stainless steel hinges and latch.

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Risk analyzer tool evaluates lease arrangements

By James Sedman, consultant to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and John Hewlett, farm and ranch management specialist in the department would cover the expenses associated with irrigation water ($13,400), and the Johnsons would be responsible for the stock water expenses ($900). Moving down the allocation worksheet, the Johnsons would be responsible for all expenses involved with the livestock under this lease ($42,000 total; $28,000 in depreciation). In a previous installment Platte County We would also producers Ryan and Lonna Johnson* were take into account the gain in the value of considering a potential forage lease from a the livestock over the grazing period; the neighboring landowner. calves on the cows grew to marketable size This neighbor is considering convert(500-pound gain) by the end of the lease. ing an old alfalfa stand to irrigated pasture The landlord would receive $16,800 of rather than rotate back to corn and other row this revenue via the lease payment, and the crops. The landlord believes the potential Johnsons would retain the balance, $33,700. lease arrangement could benefit both parFRA Tool Analysis Features ties, they just need to work out the details. The Analysis tab of the FRA tool alInformation in the Forage Risk Analows users to further evaluate what each lyzer (FRA) tool is divided into six broad party would contribute and/or gain under resource categories (one tab for each), a potential lease. The Resource Net Return including land, livestock, housing, stored Analysis Worksheet (Analysis tab) reports feed, labor, and machinery (there would be the summarized and allocated resource costs no stored feed or housing in this example). and returns: in our example, the landlord After the information has been entered, would receive 9.9 percent of the net return the Summary worksheet (Summary tab) and the Johnsons 90.1 percent, Table 3. provides an estimate of the total costs and Here we see the landlord net return tobenefits organized as resource net returns tals $3,400 after covering irrigation water to land, livestock, housing, and stored feed. expenses. The Johnson’s net return is calTotal net return generated for the land culated at -$30,825, mostly as a result of resource category is a loss of $35,925. This assigning the entire years’ worth of cow total includes the expenses for fencing and depreciation ($28,000) to the lease. The water resources, Table 1. Johnson’s net return for the lease would The livestock resource net return totals be closer to break-even if that depreciation $8,500. This total includes revenue estiexpense could be shared across other land mated for changes in calf inventory value resources or spread across other months of at $50,500 (beginning calf value at $500 the year. per head; ending value at $750 per head; The Net Return Analysis table provides death loss 2 head), cow death loss totaling estimates of total net return per year, per -$2,000, annual depreciation for the cows acre, per animal, per pound of total digestat -$28,000, as well as annual livestock ible nutrients (TDN), per animal unit month expenses of -$12,000. (AUM), and per animal unit (AU); each Allocating with the FRA Tool category is broken-out across the suppliers The capacity to allocate resource costs and users entered, Table 4. and returns between suppliers and users (up We will look at the risk analysis features to three of each type) under the Allocation of the FRA tool under the Johnson’s lease tab is one of the more useful features of example in the next installment and discover the FRA tool. The allocation feature allows CONTINUED ON PAGE B12 the Johnsons and the neighboring landlord to fully outline and understand what each party is contributing to the potential lease agreement. The FRA tool shows the total amount of unallocated expenses (positive values black; negative values red) on the far right of the allocation screen, encouraging the user to ensure all costs and benefits are fully split-out. The Johnsons would be responsible for the lease payment of $16,800 and fencing costs of $4,825. When we allocate the water expenses, the neighbor

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B9



New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.......................................................................................................$11,995 New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package...........................................................................................................$10,995

New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package ..........................................................................................................$13,295 New Hillsboro aluminum 6.8-ft. x 20-ft., 1 sliding center gate............................$15,995

New Circle D pickup flatbeds NEW HEAVY DUTY FLATBED TRAILERS

Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame, torque tube........................................................ 32-ft. $12,895 ............................................................... 30-ft. $12,595 ............................................................... 28-ft. $11,895 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 3 piece folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks....................$9695 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket....................................................$10,395 Diamond C 28-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame.......$11,995 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket.......................................................$9995 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 3 piece beavertail...................................$7695


(2) Diamond C 25-ft. partial tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box......................................................................$7595 Diamond C 24-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box.....................................................$8995


Diamond C 24-ft. full power tilt deck-over, (2) 7,000 lb. axles...................................................................$7995 Diamond C 22-ft. partial tilt.....................................$6495

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1650 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1650 71/2x9..............................................................$1700 8x9..................................................................$2000 8x11................................................................$2350

G ll steel flatbeds TURNOVER BALL A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t


4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats $65 each

LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

New Diamond C car haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK


2006 Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer . .....................................$4995 2002 GMC 6500 Cat 3126 7 speed diesel, 190 hp, 15ft. Leland Roustabout bed, 30,000# Tulsa winch, 12,000# Ramsey winch, gin poles, 96,000 miles ............$12,995

2010 Circle D 16-ft. gooseneckstock trailer, new tires .$3995

2014 Circle D 6x18-ft. enclosed trailer, rear swing-out door, side door, insulated with shelving inside ...........$6500

Load King lead trailer, 42-ft., triple axle....................................$27,500 & pup.................................$17,500 As a pair............................$42,000

1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.... ............................................ $8500

1991 Load King 20-ton equipment trailer, 19-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail.... ............................................ $6995

2 horse bumper pull ............. $1400

Donohue 16-ft. 7x16 goosneck stocktrailer ................. $3500

PRONGHORN UTILITY Stop in or call for more info. IN STOCK NOW!!!



1995 Ponderosa bumper pull ....... ....................................... $1700

Prices on New Units good on In Stock Units ONLY!

Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs Jacks • Bearings & seals • Etc.

2015 Sundowner 3-horse slant with living quarters, never used. New: $28,995 ............. NOW: ............................ $19,995


New Diamond C 14-ft. gooseneck........................$9995 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull with tarp........$8895 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck.......................$11,895

1987 Horse trailer ................ $2200

Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE NEW! .........................$6500

1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool boxes ....................$9595

2003 homemade utility trailer ..... .......................................$600

Triple T Sales

2003 Ford V10 automatic, with NEW Hydrabed ........$21,995

1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20-ton equipment trailer.... ................................$8500

2003 Ranco 40-ft. double gate, bottom dump trailer. ............................$17,500

2002 Container chassis, like new.............................$7500

1994 Load King 43-ft. triple axle belly dump................... $17,500 2000 Diamond C 8-ft. x 20-ft. flatbed, tandem dual, pintle hitch ..........................$4500

Detachable neck lowboy 20ft. well, ramps on back, 10.00x15 tires, swing-out extensions ..............$12,995

2006 Wilson 8.5-ft. x 53-ft. drop deck trailers......$17,500

Give us a call about any of our trailers or let us find what you need!

Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B10

Will Boumans would like to thank Balko Oil for buying his pig, Diamond. Will participated in the Marias Fair in Shelby, Montana.

Rediscover cooking and baking this summer

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By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension I thought back in time as I drove by the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center recently. I had reached the rolling hills near Washburn, North Dakota, on my way to the North Dakota 4-H Camp. Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark and their crew built Fort Mandan in the Washburn area in November 1804. The two-year Corps of Discovery Expedition had been commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to find a direct waterway to the Pacific Coast between 1804 and 1806. Although the explorers brought 7 tons of nonperishable foods with them, including sugar, beans, lard, flour, salt and coffee, these explorers had to live off the land, according to food history writer Tori Avery. In North Dakota, buffalo and deer were abundant, and each man ate an estimated 9 pounds of meat per day at times. The men took turns cooking and became fairly adept at creating meals from whatever they hunted or gathered. Sometimes their inventiveness prevented them from starvation. For example, a cooked flour and berry concoction is credited with saving them in 1805. When I reached the 4-H Camp, we had our own “Corps of Discovery” in the culinary sense. Our group included 20 kids, one-third of them boys, who were about to learn skills for life. When I distributed their cooking kits and aprons, they looked at me and said, “Do we get to keep all this?” Thanks to grants and sponsorships, my answer was “yes.” Their kits included measuring cups and spoons, a can opener, spatula, mixing spoon and other items all packed in a reusable lunch bag. These were definitely items that Lewis and Clark’s expedition did not have. Earlier generations relied on guesswork for measurements, and sometimes you just ate to stay alive regardless of the quality of the food. At 4-H Camp, we spent time teaching our budding chefs how to use their equipment to measure and create recipes that they could prepare by themselves or with a little help when they returned home. Early measurements were not precise. In one of my antique cookbooks, a recipe calls for “butter the size of an egg.” Other cookbooks used “teacupfuls” as a measure for flour. In early times, when you were ready to place your creation in the oven, of course, no digital temperature gauge was on the stove. You placed your hand in the oven and counted how long you could hold it in the oven to get an approximation of temperature. Measuring spoons weren’t patented until about 1900 by cookbook author Fannie Farmer, nearly 100 years after Lewis and Clark’s expedition. She developed metal measuring spoons with a swivel design that could be folded together. According to Fannie, “Correct measurements are absolutely necessary to insure the best results. Good judgment, with experience, has taught some to measure by sight; but the majority need definite guides.” Accurate measurements help you recreate your recipe, provide consistent reactions of the ingredients with each other and ensure consistent nutritional content of the recipe. Visit https:// and click on “Invite Kids in the Kitchen.” You don’t have to be a kid to appreciate the content. CONTINUED ON PAGE B11

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B11

KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Beretta Winkowitsch of Glacier County won First Place in Dog Obedience Sub-Novice A. Beretta was also busy with her swine and horse exhibits at the Marias Fair. Photo by Mandi Henderson.

Rediscover cooking and baking this summer CONTINUED FROM PAGE B10

Here’s a kid-friendly favorite that can be used to make an easy gift. See for a printable copy with gift tags. By the way, summer is a great time to explore historical sites, such as Fort Mandan, and be inspired. Peanut Butter Bread Mix 1/3 c. sugar 1/3 c. brown sugar, packed 1 1/4 c. all-purpose white flour 3/4 c. whole-wheat flour 1 Tbsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. salt Layer ingredients in a clean quart-sized wide-mouth jar. To give as a gift mix, cover the jar tightly with a lid, decorate if desired and attach a copy of the recipe card. Peanut Butter Bread Recipe Card 1 jar Peanut Butter Bread Mix 1 c. creamy peanut butter (not natural) 2 eggs 3/4 c. nonfat milk 1/2 c. plain Greek yogurt, nonfat 1 tsp. vanilla Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9- by 5-inch loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray. In a mixing bowl, combine the sugar, brown sugar, white and whole-wheat flour, baking powder and salt. Set aside. In a separate bowl, combine peanut butter, eggs, milk, Greek yogurt and vanilla. Gradually add dry ingredients to wet ingredients, gently folding ingredients together. Mix just until combined; the batter may be lumpy. Pour into the loaf pan and bake for 48 to 52 minutes. Check bread 10 to 15 minutes before the timer goes off, and if the bread is browning too much, place aluminum foil on top and continue baking for duration of time. Allow bread to cool for 10 minutes, remove from pan and place on cooling rack. Makes 16 servings. Each serving has 200 calories, 9 grams (g) fat, 7 g protein, 25 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber and 210 milligrams sodium.


Kioti CK3510 with KL4010 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty..............................COMING IN Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................$20,000 Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, PTO, 3-pt., industrial tires, manual transmission........................$23,500 Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires.... ............................................$12,678 Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires, glass window shield, roof.....................................$13,500

Single Bale Spear, 44”...................$554 Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750

New Load Just Arrived!



BEN-SER SE63 63” snow blower with frame. Runs off rear PTO, fits 40-60 hp tractor...........$2500 Running gear.........................$1000 Massey Ferguson 302 loader/backhoe.......................................$5500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver.......................................$1295 Heavy duty post hole auger, 3-pt..... ...........................................$995 Major tractor..........................$1000


Ford 4000 gas, loader, front blade, Select-O-Speed.....................$3500 Massey Ferguson 255 with loader....... ............................................. Just In


New Holland 1002 balewagon.. Just In Hesston 1014 swather.............. Just In John Deere baler...................... Just In

ZETOR MAJOR 80 Cab Model

air, 540 & 1000 PTO, Synchro transmission, rear remote, 107 hours, still under warranty

We now have

WALLENSTEIN wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available. PARTS UNITS

New Holland 320 square baler.....For Parts Massey Fergusen 165 complete tractor...................................For Parts Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.. FOR PARTS

New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower

NEW Eagle box scrapers New Eagle 560HD..................... $625 New Eagle 566HD..................... $699 New Eagle 672HD..................... $729 New Eagle 784 HD.................... $779 Serving Montana for 70 Years Proudly Family Owned & Operated


with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250

NEW SPEECO POST HOLE AUGERS IN STOCK Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower...................$1435 5-ft. rotary mower...................$1350 4-ft. rotary mower...................$1165 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow....................$695 (3) 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$575 7-ft. back blade.........................$475 6-ft. back blade.........................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear..................................$499


New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.... ............................................ $675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. $725 New Front Mount QA bale spears for skid steer loader mount......CALL Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models......$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts............................... $1500 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor...................MAKE OFFER


American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon.....................$7500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header......... COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel............$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather........... .......................... NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.$3850

Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00

Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply


Phone (406) 227-6821

East Helena, Montana

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B12

300 bales alfalfa/grass CRP hay in round 1450 lb., net wrap....... $90 ton 580 bales alfalfa/grass hay in round 1480 lb., net wrap............. $100 ton

Risk analyzer tool evaluates lease arrangements

Phone 406-928-6222, Grassrange/Bohemian area




• Cast iron seats • Planter lids • Mower lids • Grain drill ends • Seeder ends

• Cast iron tool boxes • Hog oilers • Gas engines

• Windmill weights • Old Tractors • Old wrenches and tools

Jim Johnson (563) 212-7432 • Miles, Iowa

GRAIN TRUCK FOR SALE 1997 Volvo grain truck, VNL64T, 20-ft. Knight unibody box, 418,207 miles, new batteries, M11 Cummins, 10 speed, air conditioning, third axle, excellent shape

$48,500 obo Call 406-467-2221 or 781-6918 • Fairfield, MT

how that can help evaluate whether this is an equitable lease arrangement for the two parties. *The Johnson operation is a case study example created to demonstrate RightRisk tools and their applications. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, or agricultural operation is intended nor should be inferred. For more information Developing a fair and equitable agricultural lease (whether for crops, forages, or livestock) can be challenging. Both sides of the agreement should be examined to form an arrangement that works for landlord and tenant. The Forage Risk Analyzer (FRA) tool from is one way to compare the costs, benefits, and risk of alternative

lease arrangements to determine the full value of a potential or existing forage lease. Visit > Resources > Risk Management Tools to view the numerous planning tools available to examine risk for various business management decisions. RightRisk is an excellent resource for information on managing agricultural risk. In addition to the Forage Risk Analyzer tool, RightRisk. org offers numerous others including the Multi-Temporal Risk Analyzer, Machine Cost Calculator, and Risk Scenario Planner. Each tool offers users a unique way to examine risk and make more-informed decisions. Visit RightRisk. org and select Risk Management. Tools from the Resources tab to begin.

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

Rodeos Skidder tires, construction tires. Many more available

(4) Bridgestone tires, 18.00R33, rims, 16 lug, radial (4) Michelin tires, 14.00R25 385/95R25, radial good tread, no rims (6) skidsteer tires, 12-16.5, no rims (1) Michelin tire, 29.5R25, radial L3, no rim (1) tire, 26.5-25, good tread, no rim (2) Toyo tires, 18.00-25, 32 ply, rims, good tread View our entire inventory with pictures at

Rodeos originated in the United States as an extension of the day-to-day lives of the pioneer cowboys. Catching cattle for branding, and riding young bucking horses, naturally progressed into competitions between the cowboys. Today, most rodeos hold seven events, including bareback bronco riding, saddle bronco riding, bull riding, steer wrestling, calf roping, team roping, and cowgirls’ barrel racing. A typical unbroken horse costs about $1,000. A top-ranked bucking horse or bull

can be worth over $100,000. The word rodeo comes from the Spanish rodear, which means to encircle or surround, as cowboys do with cattle. The actual term rodeo was first given to cowboy exhibitions in 1916. Animal rights activists are vocal critics of rodeos, claiming that rodeos cause physical and mental distress to the animals involved. Rodeos originally held wagon races and marksmanship contests, in addition to the traditional events.

Farmers, ranchers benefit from promoting pollinators

By Scott Schell, entomology specialist in the UW College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Ecosystem Science and Management I want to make the case that all Wyoming farmers and ranchers can benefit by promoting pollinators. Creating, enhancing and protecting habitat that provides flowers during the growing season can promote pollinators, increase crop yields, reduce pest insect populations and add value to your land. Pollinators Increase Yields To ensure profitable yields, human-managed pollinators – usually honey bees and alfalfa leafcutter bees – are brought in to provide pollination services. Dry beans, though they have self-fertile flowers, show increased yield when wild pollinators, such as bumble bees, visit the flowers and “trip” them. Livestock producers rely on the production of grass, a windpollinated “crop,” and may not think there would be any advantage to maintaining a diversity of flowering plants as part of their range management. Even grassland, however, can benefit from flowering plants in the plant community. Pollinators Reduce Pests Evidence for this can be seen in pure stands of crested or intermediate wheatgrass. These pastures can become heavily infested with black grass bugs, a native insect that sucks the cell contents out of grass leaves, stunting the plants and reducing the nutritional value of the forage. Black grass bug populations are rarely noticeable on native prairie where flowering plants help support populations of their many predators and parasitoids. Many of the same plants that benefit pollinators also promote increased populations of beneficial insect species. These beneficial insects, the many predators or parasitoids of crop pest insects, can help control pests in crops that don’t need insect pollination. While the juvenile forms of many of these beneficial insects prey upon pests, their adult forms use nectar and pollen from flowers to survive and reproduce. Examples of these insects are green and brown lacewings, many tachinid fly species and a multitude of parasitoid wasp species. Parasitoid wasps seek out pest insect adults, immatures and even their eggs, as places to lay their eggs. These eggs hatch and eventually kill the pest insect. The parasitoid wasps in the genus Bathyplectes attack alfalfa weevils and are an example of an important beneficial species that feeds on flower nectar as adults. Pollinators Need a Hand One way to promote pollinator populations, and wildlife in general, is to ensure they have healthy habitats that provide everything they need throughout their life cycles. Pollinator conservation seed mixes are available to add flowering plants and boost pollination. I would recommend you check any wild mix you are considering with your county’s weed and pest district to make sure it doesn’t contain plant species that can become invasive in your region. For enhancing pollinator and beneficial insect habitats on eligible land, the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical assistance through its Conservation Stewardship Program program. This and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program also provide financial incentives to maintain pollinator enhancements. The quickest way to find out if funding is available for enhancing your land is to contact your local field office. Use this link to find an NRCS office: Pollinators Add Value to Your Land The decline of many kinds of pollinators in the United States and around the world has been well documented, and the problem has the potential to impact food production. Most people in the agricultural industry care about the long-term sustainability of agricultural production, especially those who want to pass on productive land to the next generation. To learn more about how to enhance pollinator habitats, check out the following resources. Resources • Issue of “Rangelands Journal” devoted to pollinators in rangelands: • USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) website with pollinator information: • Western SARE “Habitat Plantings and Restoration for Pollinators and Beneficial Insects” factsheet offers guidance and other resources for planning pollinator plantings: restore4pollinators • UW Extension “Promoting Pollinators on Your Place, A Wyoming Guide” provides information on ornamental plant species, habitats favored by pollinators and an excellent section on getting started with beekeeping: • Pollinator Guide resources from Barnyards & Backyards magazine:

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B13

$.00 SHOP SPECIALTIES •Valier •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

John Deere 135D, pin grabber, QC, blade, hyd thumb, quality thumb, 3900 hours................................................ $93,000


Case 590, EROPS, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, ripper tooth, 24” dig bucket................................................................... $19,500 Deere 110 backhoe, 4x4....................................... Coming In


1999 Deere 450H LT, multi-shank ripper, 6-way hyd blade. Nice operating crawler.......................................... $28,900


2006 Cat 308CCR, 92” blade, 24” bucket, Q/C, hyd dual link thumb, heat, AC, 6500 hours. Nice machine......... $39,900 Cat 315, fixed thumb, 36” bucket................................ $27,500 2008 Deere 35D, heat, A/C, 24” bucket, 30” bucket, hyd thumb, newer tracks, 3300 hours...................................... $29,900 Deere 50D, 2 buckets, thumb, like new tracks............ $37,000 Deere 50G, bucket, thumb, EROPS, 600 original hours.. Call 2011 Deere 135D, hyd blade, heat, AC, 57” smooth lip bucket, 26” dig bucket, wedge coupler, thumb available... $73,500 Deere 160D, hyd QC, hyd thumb, 54” smooth lip bucket, 36” dig bucket, 6000 hours. Quality machine.............. $88,000 Deere 200 CLC, thumb, QC.................................. Coming In 2005 Hitachi ZX35UNA-2 new 24” bucket and used 12” bucket, hyd thumb, good tracks, nice tight boom, blade, rebuilt bucket pin, wedge coupler, excellent machine...... $23,000 2000 Hitachi ZX120, progressive link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 9000 hours.................................................................. Call 2015 Kubota KX080-4R3, blade, rubber tracks, 24” dig bucket, hyd thumb, heat, AC, 3148 hours. Very nice............... Call 2008 Volvo EC160, 7500 hours. Going through shop...... Call


Cat 225, comes with Denis delimber, 3204 engine, recent undercarriage and turn table, well kept up............ $13,500 Cat 320B LL excavator, logging front, includes cylinder.. Call Cat 518 skidder................................................................ Call Danzco PT20 delimber.................................................... Call 2004 Deere 200CLC........................................................ Call 2006 Deere 200CLC........................................................ Call Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timbco 2515 feller/buncher with bar saw, low hours on new engine, will go to work.......................................... $29,000 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Fire Tank & Trailer water tank trailer............................. $5500

Case 621F with Q/C, third valve, bucket, very good tires, 4400 hours, ride control. Can’t beat this loader.............. $82,000


Hyster 40, pneumatic tires, side shift, rebuilt dsl engine.. Call Hyster S4L44................................................................... Call Ingersoll Rand VR90, very good forklift........................... Call


Cat 12G, front push blade, 12-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. extensions, good cab, recent head on engine. Operates as it should, came off a working job................................... Call 1998 Deere 770CH.......................................................... Call


Cat 966C, 3rd valve, excellent tires. Good loader...... $25,500 1985 Clark Ranger 55C, Detroit 453 120 hp, 17.5x25 matched rubber, good bucket, 23,000 lb weight. Nice tight machine, runs excellent. Excellent 3 yard loader.................. $16,900


Deere 250C, very clean truck, 8150 hours, good tires, new walking beam bushings, good brakes, good truck.$81,500


(3) Deere 4039D engine and power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator................... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000


Case 1845C............................................................... $12,000 2013 Kubota SVL75W, OROPS, new tracks, 74” bucket, aux hyd, open station, forks, 3200 hours..................... $31,500 Scat Trak 1700C.......................................................... $12,500


Fire tank and trailer.......................................................... Call 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components................... For parts only 1998 Kenworth T800, SQ-100 rears, Prentice loader, 6-ft. extend-a-boom, modified large grapple, high volume dump box.............................................................................. Call Deere 2950 4WD tractor, new tires, loader, enc cab.. $23,000

Parting out many pieces of equipment

View our entire inventory with pictures at



Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B14

low boy service

40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT

Modular Home

READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY On Display Now 2053 Sq.Ft. Featuring 9’ Ceiling, Fireplace, Hickory Cabinets, 7/12 Roof, 3 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths, Walkable Attic Smart Lap 50 Yr. Siding

7239 S Frontage Rd, Billings, MT I-90 off Zoo Drive

Regan Walter’s 1380 lb. steer received a purple ribbon in the market division and was second in his class at the Marias Fair. Photo by Kari Lewis.

##### To get the amount of calcium in an 8 ounce glass of milk, you’d have to eat onefourth cup of broccoli, seven oranges, or six slices of wheat bread.

##### Agriculture is one of the United States’ most important industries, employing more than 24 million workers or 17 percent of the country’s total work force.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B16

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118


8-ft. to 53-ft. Starting under $3000 delivered.

Phone (406) 899-4104


Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 80, 830, 3020, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 6030, 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846

Loans for ag producers in MT impacted by natural disasters

Agricultural producers in Montana who lost property due to recent natural disasters are eligible for physical loss loans from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers these loans for losses caused by three separate disaster events. FSA is offering these low-interest emergency loans to producers with a qualifying loss in eligible counties. Approval is limited to applicants who suffered severe physical losses only, including the loss of buildings and livestock. Blizzard, Excessive Snow, Flooding and High Winds: Physical loss loans are available to eligible agricultural producers in Valley County, Montana, who incurred losses caused by a blizzard, excessive snow, flooding and high winds that occurred on February 1 through April 30. Additionally, producers in five contiguous counties in Montana may be eligible for programs based on this designation. The contiguous counties are: Daniels, Garfield, McCone, Phillips and Roosevelt. The deadline for producers in designated primary and contiguous counties to apply for loans for physical losses is February 25, 2019. High Winds and Extreme Cold: Physical loss loans are available to eligible agricultural producers in Roosevelt County, Montana, who incurred losses caused by high winds and extreme cold that occurred on March 31 through April 1, 2018. Additionally, producers in five contiguous counties in Montana may be eligible for programs based on this designation. The contiguous counties are: Daniels, McCone, Richland, Sheridan and Valley. Producers in

McKenzie and Williams counties in North Dakota may also be eligible because they are contiguous. The deadline for producers in designated primary and contiguous counties to apply for loans for physical losses is February 25, 2019. Flooding: Physical loss loans are available to eligible agricultural producers in Missoula County, Montana, who incurred losses caused by flooding that occurred on May 7, 2018, and continuing. Additionally, producers in seven contiguous counties in Montana may be eligible for programs based on this designation. The contiguous counties are: Flathead, Granite, Lake, Mineral, Powell, Ravalli and Sanders. Producers in Clearwater and Idaho counties in Idaho may also be eligible because they are contiguous. The deadline for producers in designated primary and contiguous counties to apply for loans for physical losses is February 21, 2019. About Physical Loss Loans: Physical loss loans can help producers repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agricultural operation, including livestock losses. Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees, and harvested or stored crops and hay. Please contact FSA for more information on loan eligibility and the application process. FSA office information is available at Additional FSA disaster assistance program information is available at

##### About one shot-glass worth of sunscreen is enough to cover the body.


2015 Case SV300, 1070 hours. Full warranty...................................................$32,500

2010 Cat 272C, 4800 hours..............$26,500

bale bed dealer

2011 Kubota M9540D, 23 hours.......$43,500 Blade, Disk Available for extra

1993 John Deere 444E, 3167 hours.$33,000 2 buckets and 2 sets of tires

Call Us: (406) 861-0779

Email: 281 21 Mile Road Shepherd, MT 59079

Jackie Waller earned the Top Swine Herdsman award at the Marias Fair in her first year of 4-H. Photo by Kari Lewis.

Planning for the future

When you get a bump in salary, put a higher proportion of it into your savings account. For instance, if you get a 4 percent raise, add 1 percent to your household budget and set aside the other 3 percent for your retirement account. You’ll thank yourself later!

National Potato Day

Date When Celebrated: Always August 19th National Potato Day is a day to celebrate and enjoy a few potatoes. The versatile spud can be enjoyed in some way for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a snack. While it can be eaten raw, it is usually cooked, boiled, baked or fried. It is used in countless recipes. Americans can’t seem to get enough of them. Potatoes are one of the largest vegetable crops in the world. They were first cultivated in Peru, around 5,000- 7,000 BC. Pardon the broad estimate, but records were sparse back then, often written on the inside wall of a cave. While most potatoes grow to about the size of your fist or less, the largest potato ever grown, weighed in at 18 pounds, 4 ounces. Now, that’s a whole lot of french fries! In celebration of National Potato Day, make certain to include potatoes at every meal today, and for snacks, too! Happy National Potato Day!

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B17

Excavation Work Wanted

Roads - Sitework - Reservoirs Canal Repair - Canal Lining - Oilfield Work All types of dirt work Also gravel for sale

D-CAT Construction

(406) 264-5056 or(406) 231-5619 Dozers - Scrapers Belly Dumps - Side Dumps Sun River, MT Excavators - Blade - Haul Trucks dennings Licensed and Bonded

References Available

THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded

New Miscellaneous

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute Schulte FX 1200 batwing mower NEW HOLLAND 9682 CASE IH PRECISION SPRAY 100 Rem VRX grain vacs

Used Miscellaneous:

Farmhand 25’ mulcher ... $9,500

Used Combines

New Haying In Stock 2014 Case IH 7240 408/540Equipment hours, duals, Consigned 12, 14 & 16-Wheel H&S High Capacity Wheel Rakes 2014 Case 3152 40-ft. with slow speed transport and cross auger (2)IH ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers 2013 IH 8230 550/670 hours, duals, Traded CaseCase IH WD 1504 Windrower WithAutoguidance.Just 16' HDx162 Header Case LB434 Big Square Baler, 3x4and Bales 2013 Case IH IH 3152 40-ft. with slow speed transport cross auger Case IH RB 565reel, Round 2005 Case IH 2042 36-ft., finger goodBaler condition....$26,000 Used Haying In Stock 2000 Case 2388 combine Equipment with 30-ft. 1010 header, 3469 engine 2002 Case IH LBX331 Square Baler ................................$29,000 hours/2636 separator, hopper extensions, chopper. Consigned.. 2008 Case IH RB564 round baler, 8700 bales, mesh wrap, wide ...................................................................$55,000 pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube ......$26,500 2003 1999 1995 1994 1990

CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 Case IH 8465 .........................................................$8,995 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 Hesston 560 Round Baler ........................................$5,500

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

2003 Case IH RB562 twine and mesh..........................$22,000 In Stock 2013 Case IH New RB564 Tractors round baler, mesh and twine, wide pickup, Case9000 IH Farmall 356B w/loader roller windguard, bales..................................$21,500 CaseIH Magnum 315, front & rear duals, lease return Morris Hay Hiker 14 bale, consigned...........................$16,500 Lease Returns Available This Fall

Case IH Farmall 75C, cab & loader CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125 CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 CaseIH Puma 185• CaseIH Magnum 260

Tractors In Stock UsedUsed Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

IH Farmall Concord 4710Case air drill, 3400 tow356B behindw/loader cart............. $28,000 2008 Case IH Steiger 480, 1480 Hrs, Cummins engine, Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. booms.. $19,900 710 radials, like new .................................... $179,000 JohnJD Deere 2100 ripper..................................$3500 1979 4840, 3 inline pt, PTO .............................. $22,500 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded

New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 900 round bale carrierr

New Equipment In Stock

Case IH 130A Farmall • Case IH 120A Farmall Case IH 8240 Combine

Lease Returns Available

Maxxum 150 • Farmall 130A & 120A • Puma 165 Maxxum 125 • Puma 185 • Magnum 310 CVT

Used Tractors In Stock

2009 Case IH Puma 155 MFD, loader......................... $99,000 2002 Case IH MX270 6800 hrs, 3 pt, MFD, Good Condition$43,500 New Mowers In Stock . $59,000 9370 7600 hrs, 12 speed...................... IH Grasshopper 1997 Case All Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck . $22,000 PTO........................ 3 point, Deere 1979 623,John 727K Fuel 4840 Injected, 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled duals, weight kit, EZ-steer Trelleborg New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, 725D Diesel Baggers Are Available For All Models .......... $75,000 ............................. guidance..................

Used Mowers In Stock

New Skid Steer Attachments In Stock

NewCase Skidsteer 60” RotaryLoaders Cutter Case Case SV28072” Cab,Broom air, heat

Case 72” Hopper Broom Case 72” Snowblower Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000# Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Post DiggerDrivers & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic

New Skidsteer Attachments In Stock Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers Snowblowers, Snow Loaders Buckets New Skidsteer Case SV280 Cab, air, heat Case SV300 Cab, air, heat

New Sprayers NewSeeding, Seeding, Tillage, Tillage, Sprayers Case Air 100 100 Pull-Type Sprayer CaseIH IH Precision Precision Air Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets Case IH 530C Diskripper, 5 shank Parma 24’ Landplane

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers:

Concord 4710 Drill, 3000 tow behind cart, hydraulic drive ... $30,000 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000

Farmall 130A

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter

Farmall 120A

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B18

The deadline for advertising for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29th.

Old Cars Wanted

Looking to buy old cars, pickups and parts up to 1974.

Call Wayne Lugalia 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home)

MONTANA POST DRIVER •  Universal skid loader or excavator mount. •  Quick and easy on/off •  Low profile •  Full control of post while driving •  Plumb bob and depth gauge chain

Call for your local dealer!

See the video of these at work on our website com montanapostdriver.

Gold Creek, MT


Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America

•  Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales •  Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard •  Custom sizes and special projects welcome •  Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from

100% made in USA

406-799-3945 Extended Wear Augers

Concave Sets

•  Small Wire

•  Large Wire •  Round Bar

FEEDERHOUSE CHAINS Most chains have chrome pins

Auger Tubes Replacement auger tubes available

All augers are continuously roll formed for accuracy and durability

Gus Mewald of Cut Bank has won the Top Charolais steer at the Marias Fair two years in a row. This year he added the ‘Top Rate of Gain’ award to his resume as well. His Charolais X Angus cross steer was born May 20, weighed in at 590 pounds last December, and gained 3.6 pounds/day to finish at 1410 pounds! Fritz Inc of Chester sponsored the Top Charolais steer award, an extra $100 for Gus. Photo by Kari Lewis.

2018 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Final results from the 2018 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey show a fourth consecutive year of declining Nebraska agricultural land values. The statewide average value dropped 4 percent to $2,270 per acre. This is an 18 percent reduction since land values peaked in 2014. Average land value changes by district varied from a 7 percent reduction in the North to a drop of 1 percent in the Southeast. Tillable grazing land saw the greatest decline of seven percent. The changes were particularly notable in the East and Central districts where values dropped 11 and 10 percent, respectively. However, tillable grazing land in the Southeast district was an exception and increased 2 percent. Two other categories, dryland cropland with no irrigation potential in the Northeast and nontillable grazing land in the Southeast, were the only others to see an increase. Survey participants identified crop prices and property tax levels as significantly contributing to the drop in land values. Land values and rental rates presented in the report are averages of survey participants’ responses by district. Actual land values and rental rates may vary depending upon the quality of the parcel and local market for an area. The complete results with Nebraska land values and cash rents are available online at realestate/2018-farm-real-estate-report

HAY FOR SALE Premium Alfalfa hay in net wrap Big round bales 406-289-0230 - Choteau, MT

Custom cut to your specs •  Full dimension rough cut lumber

780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT

•  Custom sawing •  Custom drying • Beams •  Wood siding •  Driveway arches •  Bridge planks •  Fireplace mantels •  And much more.....

Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 e-mail:


We have auctions booked for fall 2018 and spring 2019 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 56 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B19

The Advertising Deadline for the September issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be August 29th. Phone us at (406) 271-5533 or email your ad to Ad rates and more info can be found on our website at


Lily Wickum’s 1430 pound steer earned a purple ribbon in the Market Beef show and was named the Top Red Angus steer at the Marias Fair. Lily earned a beautiful belt buckle from Fritz Red Angus, and is pictured with Joe and Garrett Fritz. Photo by Kari Lewis.

##### According to custom, in the United States, a person can wear white pants only during the summer, or between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

##### About 60 percent of eggs produced in the U.S. are used by consumers, and about nine percent are used by the foodservice industry.

Ford New Holland Versatile 946 tractor, 8763 hours........ ........................................................................... $22,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 3450 cart, 12” paired row, double shoot, rubber packers............................. $25,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 2340 cart, 12” paired row, double shoot, steel packers............................... $25,000 Flexi-Coil 67XL 100-ft. sprayer................................. $3500 1999 John Deere 9610 combine, 2807 threshing hours, big topper, 300 bushel, dual tires....................... $39,500 John Deere 936D draper header........................... $16,000 Melroe 64-ft. harrow, light duty................................. $1500 Notch 10-12 bale carrier........................................... $3000 John Deere 24-ft. disc.............................................. $4250 Sitrex MK v-rake, 14 wheel...................................... $6000 International 30-ft. pull-type swather, pickup guards. Excellent shape......................................................... $7000 2006 Chevrolet 4x4 pickup, flatbed, 134,000 miles. Excellent shape........................................................... $13,050 Call 605-580-5886

3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

Visit us on the web

E-mail Address

DewEze EARLY ORDER BALEBEDS have arrived. Perfect for lifting heavy items around the farm in the summer as well!


came off 2008 Chevy dually pickup, comes with storage racks! Combines hold a lot of fuel and it’s taking too long to fill them? No problem! Come check out this DL990 fuel trailer with 100 gallons of DEF!

Duraclass 16-ft. dump box, hoist, hinge, cab shield! 3 /16” AR400 Floor!

(2) Used 21-ft. Reiten bodies, 102” wide

We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

Crysteel 9-ft. tipper dump body. Ready to roll, electric D/A hoist, painted black! Fold down sides!!

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B20

##### The breed of the hen determines the color of the egg shell, and it can range from white to deep brown. Among commerical breeds, hens feathers and ear lobes lay white-shelled eggs and hens with red feathers and ear lobes lay brown-shelled eggs. ##### Every day, 76 million Americans eat beef.

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


2018 1st cutting, second cutting will also be available......................................Call 36 ton Willow Creek winter wheat hay, 1200 lb round bales, twine wrap.$100/ton 45 ton 80% alfalfa/20% grass, 1200 lb round bales, twine wrap.............. $110/ton 53 ton 60% grass/40% alfalfa, 1200 lb round bales, twine wrap.............. $110/ton Will load, deliver within a limited distance of my house. Delivery will cost extra. Forage test available Call or text 406-788-2753, Fairfield, Montana

3202 Big Horn Ave. Cody, WY



• Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals





2006 New Holland TL90A, MFWD, cab, self leveling loader, 4600 hours.............................$27,500 1999 CAT Challenger CH75E, 5348 hours, 50% undercarriage. Low hour machine!........$42,500 1966 John Deere 4020, starts and runs well, new seat, new rear tires. Clean tractor!....... $15,500 2016 General MD8 brush mower. Will sell separate or together

CAT 955K track loader, good undercarriage, runs and shifts good.................................$7500

2003 Volvo EC210B, quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics, 60-70% undercarriage................$44,900 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price


2009 Ammann 55” smooth drum compactor, cab and heat, 950 hours.............................$36,000

TELEHANDLERS International H model tractor, new batteries. Very clean!....... $2750 2007 Pettibone T-8044, 44-ft. reach, 8000 lb capacity, cab, heat, 5200 hours.............................$42,500


2005 Terex TH844C, John Deere turbo engine, 8000 lb capacity, 1975 Ford winch truck, gas motor, air brakes, 59,000 miles.. $5500 foam filled tires. Ready for work! ......................................$34,900


2014 Komatsu WA320-7, JRB quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics, 7900 hours. Ready for work!............................. $89,900

2006 Genie GS2668 RT, 1600 hours. Good running machine!... ......................................$15,900


2014 ABU 3 axle, 30-ft. gooseneck, 21,000 GVW. As new!.......$7000

2000 Kohler 50RZG, transfer switch included, low hours!.......$12,900 1991 Raygo 420C vibratory smooth drum roller.....................$12,500

MOTOR GRADER 2000 Fontaine TB50NG lowboy, 255/70R tires, good tread, selfcontained.......................$44,900 1985 Caterpillar 140G, cab, ripper, accumulators, 75% radial tires. Nice clean machine!..... $60,500


Steve Swan

Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

across from Fremont Ford on Big Horn Ave.

Cat 501P forklift, gas motor, solid tires, 4500 hours...............$3500


The economic impact of using antimicrobials

By K-State Research and Extension News Kansas State University agricultural economists and veterinary medicine faculty members have completed an analysis of the economic impact of treating groups of high health-risk animals with antimicrobials, and they think their findings will help to inform public debate on the topic. Their work focused on the practice of metaphylaxis, or the mass treatment of a pen of high health-risk cattle to eliminate or minimize the onset of disease. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, metaphylaxis is used selectively by 59 percent of U.S. feedlots on 20.5 percent of all cattle placed on feed. The use of antimicrobials in livestock production is under intense public scrutiny, with many major restaurants, food service companies, supermarkets and others pressuring producers to use fewer antibiotics. “There’s a general sentiment and public policy concern about the use of antibiotics in animal production,” said Ted Schroeder, a livestock economist with K-State Research and Extension and University Distinguished Professor of agricultural economics. “Our study assessed the economic impacts on the beef cattle industry and on consumers of using metaphylaxis in the beef cattle industry.” Their major finding: if metaphylaxis were eliminated in the U.S. cattle industry without suitable health management alternatives, it could cost that industry as much as $1.8 billion annually. “We know that if metaphylaxis were not available, a reduction in revenue would result from reduced average daily gains, increased feed conversions, higher health costs from treating more sick animals, more deaths primarily for those high healthrisk animals,” among other factors, said Elliott Dennis, a KState doctoral student who worked on the study. “That reduction in profitability would then be passed up and down the beef supply chain, ultimately resulting in higher prices for consumers to pay for beef at the supermarket. Consumers, when facing higher beef prices at the supermarket would then (choose) other meat products besides beef.” The economists’ findings are based on data from 10 large Midwest feedlots in which they analyzed production and health management data from cattle that were classified as high health-risk and administered an antimicrobial upon entering the feedlot. They classified animals into three weight categories to determine differences between treating high health-risk animals compared with those not treated. They found that for 550-pound animals, producers would lose on average $104 per head by not treating those high healthrisk cattle. For 700-pound animals, they would be expected to lose about $99, and for 850-pound animals, the losses would be $64 per head. “We found that if metaphylaxis was not available for high health-risk cattle, it would reduce industry gross revenue by about 1 percent,” Dennis said. “That’s a sizable amount if metaphylaxis was not allowed to be used in feedlots on high health-risk cattle.” Schroeder noted that removing metaphylaxis or any animal health management technology from feedlots has a snowball effect. “A lot of that direct cost would be absorbed by the feedlot, but a very significant amount of it would go back to cow-calf producers who are supplying calves,” he said. “Even if they are supplying healthy calves, they are still going to be influenced because overall the feedlot sector’s costs get passed down because they are a margin-taker.” “So, it’s a very important issue not only for the feedlot sector, but for the cow-calf sector and consumers, as well.” Dennis said the agricultural economists plan to continue their analysis, looking more closely at options that producers may have for using different types of metaphylaxis drugs, “and what happens if they took away certain drugs, but allowed other drugs to be present. Kind of get down to the producer decision level so that we could create a tool for producers to look at the options they have when it comes to metaphylaxis use.” Schroeder said the current study and future work will nonetheless help to better inform those who make decisions regarding animal health management. “These studies take a long time to do; there is considerable research analyst time to complete projects like this,” he said. “Our goal was to make sure that as such policy options are being debated that at least folks are informed about what kinds of economic impacts alternative strategies like this could entail.” K-State’s study can be read online at http://www.agmanager. info/livestock-meat/cross-subject-areas/value-arrival-metaphylaxis-us-fed-cattle-industry.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B21

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:


New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995 2008 Case IH 7010 combine, yield and moisture, lateral tilt...................... Just Traded

2004 Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, yield and moisture........................ Just Traded 2004 Case IH 2388 combine, yield and moisture, rock trap, hopper topper, long unload auger................................... Just Traded Case IH 1680 combine, rock trap.... $17,900 Case IH 1480 combine with 810 24-ft. header................................................ $12,500


Versatile 900 tractor........................ $5995

GREAT VALUE ON ALL DRILLS IN STOCK New Holland SD440 air drill with 380 cart...

.............................................................Call Case IH ATX400 air drill with ATX3380 cart. .............................................................Call Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition........................................ $18,900

2015 Morris 9450 air cart, tow between, mechanical drive, dual fan. Like new......... .................................................. Let’s Deal


2013 New Holland 840CD-30...............Call MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport. Let’s Deal!...................... Was............................................ $67,900 Drastically Reduced................. $52,900 Case IH 1010-30 combine header............... ............................................. Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................ Just Traded Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ............................................. Just Traded Case IH 1015 pickup header....... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 pickup header....... Let’s Deal 1995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment......................... $8995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rakeup raking pickup. Very little use..... $8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment........................... $2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment..................................... $1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment................................................. $995

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell


2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control............................................. $159,900 PRICE REDUCED.................... $139,500 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 1000 gallon, 100-ft. boom, 3-way Tee Jet, Envisio Pro Raven monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax..................... $134,900

Fantastic saving s and used Apac available on all new he sprayers in stock

2011 Apache 1020 self-propelled, 1000 gallon tank, 100-ft. booms, Power Glide boom control, Envisio Raven Monitor, AccuBoom, Smart Trax auto steer, nice condition.......................................... $134,900 2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 42” crop clearance, 100-ft. boom, 5 ball valves, Raven Envizio monitor, Autosteer, Auto Boom,AccuBoom, inductor.$156,500 PRICE REDUCED...................... $139,500


2009 Miller Condor A75 self-propelled, stainless steel tank, Raven Viper Pro monitor, SmartTrax, UltraGlide auto boom.................................................................................................$89,900

New Holland BigBaler 340S

with bale chamber extension. Very few bales, new condition.

USED HAYING EQUIPMENT MacDon A30-D mower conditioner........Call

New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900

Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 diamond tires (U21171) Reduced............................................ $5995


Compare to new at close to $100,000

SKID STEER LOADERS 2009 Case IH RB564 round baler, net/twine. Good condition........................... $21,900 Vermeer 605SM baler............................Call


We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.

Now stocked with the industry leading Highline CRF650 bale processors Call today for pricing

Bale King 880 bale processor........... $9500 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor.... $8995

2005 Trail-Eze 80HT drop deck equipment trailer with 2-stage hydraulic tail, 80,000 lb GVW, triple axle, hydraulic winch, slide outs widen to 13-ft., good rubber............. Was $52,500......................Now $49,900


John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 35-ft., set up with liquid fertilizer kit..................... $4995

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B22


Cereal Implements 30-ft. self propelled swather (same as Massey), economical Isuzu diesel, only 709 hours, nice big cab with A.C., tractor unit shedded............................. .........................................................$21,500 USD O.B.O. Phone (403) 502-3290


Morris 50-ft. harrow. 1996 Chevrolet Cheyenne regular cab pickup, 4x4, V6, automatic, air conditioning..................................$3500 John Deere S670 combine and 40-ft. header with pickup reel, GPS, mapping, Pro Drive, fine cut chopper and power tailboard, contour feederhouse, 1270 engine hours, 906 separator hours. Excellent shape. Call home 406-627-2202 or cell 406-289-0018, Ledger, MT

##### Iowa Anyone trying to pass off margarine (or oleo or oleomargarine) as real butter is guilty of a misdemeanor. The great butter vs. margarine battle rages on though, so we understand Iowa’s desire for transparency. ##### To eliminate grease on wall paper without chemical cleaning products, first cover the area with a brown paper bag or craft paper. Apply a warm iron and the paper will absorb the grease.

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email:

John Deere 6140M MFWD, A/Q, 3 hydraulics, H360 SL loader/bucket/ grapple................................ $82,000


John Deere 6125M MFWD, A/Q, 3 hydraulics, 1300 hours, excellent..... ............................................ $59,500

John Deere 4055 MFWD, P/S. $32,000

John Deere 7720 MFWD, A/Q, LHR. Very clean........................... $61,500


John Deere 7920 John Deere 4455 2-John Deere 4255’s John Deere 7810 2WD New Holland TL90 MFWD, 3 pt., 2k hours. Clean........................ $32,500

John Deere 5320 only 900 hours. Excellent...................................... $20,500

Loaders Available

Check our web site:

MT Certified Seed Plant (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT

Fall 2018 winter wheat SEED

* denotes PVP Title 5

✯ Judee* ✯ Yellowstone* ✯ Northern* ✯ Willow Creek ✯ Loma*

Water Softener & Stock Salt Wood Pellets FULL LINE OF FARM CHEMICALS Nutrena Feeds by Cargill - Crystalyx Tubs

Stay hydrated during warm summer months

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Like many people, I have been busy with yardwork lately. We have had a proliferation of miniature maple trees popping up all over our yard, thanks to hundreds (maybe thousands) of propellerlike seeds dropping from our tree. I wander around the yard every day, inspecting my pots and gardens for the telltale reddish stems and pointed leaves. Other than preventing a maple tree forest from sprouting in my yard, I really don’t need to check my plants several times per day. However, I love to watch plants grow and flourish with sunny days and regular rain. Sometimes, I almost catch my tomatoes growing before my eyes. OK, maybe my imagination is a bit overactive. We need to stay nourished and hydrated just like plants, especially when we work or play outside in the heat. Along with staying hydrated, be sure to wear a hat that protects your ears and neck, and SPF 30 sunscreen when you’re in the sun. Dehydration can be serious. We need to maintain our hydration level to help regulate processes such as body temperature and waste removal and carry nutrients and oxygen. We mainly lose water through perspiration, exhaling and urination. Symptoms of dehydration include nausea, sunken eyes, muscle cramps, clammy skin and rapid heartbeat. If you suspect you and/or someone under your care are dehydrated, contact a health-care provider immediately. Children, older adults and outdoor workers are especially vulnerable to dehydration. Illness, medications and age can affect water needs. When playing or working outside in warm weather, taking fluid breaks regularly is a good idea. How do you quench your thirst? Do you reach for a soda, lemonade, iced coffee or something else? We have a lot of choices available in the beverage category. Soft drink consumption has increased five times since the late 1960s. Kids are having sweetened soft drinks at younger ages, and the portion sizes of fountain drinks have increased drastically. Watch out for these “liquid calories” that provide few, if any, nutrients. Fruit-flavored beverages (punch, lemonade, fruit-flavored drinks), sweet tea, sports drinks and “regular” (not diet) soda contain added sweeteners and calories without nutrients. Scientists have named sweetened beverages one of the issues linked with higher obesity rates, which can increase our risk for chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Sweetened beverages can promote dental decay. In fact, while diet soft drinks do not have calories, the acid they contain is tough on teeth. One 12-ounce can of cola has about 10 teaspoons of sugar (as high-fructose corn syrup) and 150 calories. Cutting out one can of sweetened soda daily (and not consuming the calories in another way) could result in a 15-pound weight loss in a year. Along with choosing healthful beverage options, how much fluids do you need per day? The answer is, “It depends.” According to research, healthy people usually can use thirst to gauge their needs. The fluid intake of athletes, older adults, young children and people with medical conditions may need to be monitored more closely. On average, we need 8 or more total cups of fluids per day from foods and beverages. For nutrition and hydration, enjoy more fruits and vegetables. Aim for at least 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. On average, fruits and vegetables are at least 85 percent water by weight. Consider these tips as you enjoy the summer season. • Quench your thirst with water. Most kids do not need sports drinks to quench their thirst. • Make water, low-fat or fat-free milk or 100 percent juice options in your home. However, encourage family members to eat whole fruit more often than they drink fruit juice for the fiber advantage. • Take water on the go in a reusable water bottle. If you are purchasing a water bottle, look for one without a lot of crevices that are hard to clean. Reusable water bottles are easy on the environment, convenient and cost-effective. Wash water bottles thoroughly between uses. If your water bottle is dishwasher-safe, run it through the cleaning and sanitizing cycle. • Save money at restaurants by ordering water when dining CONTINUED ON PAGE B23

Stay hydrated during warm summer months CONTINUED FROM PAGE B22

out and drinking water from the tap at home. • Enjoy an occasional sweetened beverage but have a smaller portion. Split a can of soda pop or try the smaller cans. • Read and compare Nutrition Facts labels to learn more about sugar, calories and nutrients in your favorite beverages. If plain water is kind of boring, try infusing water with fruit and/or herbs. This week, I’m featuring flavor-infused water ideas as the “recipe of the week.” Maybe you are growing some fresh herbs, such as mint or rosemary; they can be used to flavor water as well as foods. Be creative and invent some new flavor sensations. How to Make Flavor-infused Water Start with clean hands, containers, cutting boards and knives. Rinse fruit and herbs thoroughly. Try one of these flavor add-ins. If you would like a stronger flavor, add more of the ingredient. Refrigerate overnight. Don’t mix batches; use up the batch, clean the container and make a new batch. • Blackberry mint: 20 blackberries plus 20 mint leaves plus 2 quarts water • Citrus water: 1/2 cup sliced oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit plus 2 quarts water • Strawberry kiwi water: 3 sliced strawberries plus 1 peeled, sliced kiwi plus 2 quarts water • Watermelon rosemary water: 2 cups seedless water melon (cut in chunks or balls) plus 1 sprig rosemary plus 2 quarts water • Raspberry lime water: 20 crushed raspberries plus 2 sliced limes (without rind) plus 2 quarts water

Horses in mourning

In the era of Genghis Khan of the Mongolian Empire, horses were sacrificed to be used by fallen warriors in the hereafter. Primitive northern European beliefs incorporated riderless horses into funerals to signify the need for the fallen warrior to ride in heaven. In the U.S. military, it is tradition to have a riderless horse wearing ornamental tack (called a caparisoned horse) follow the casket of the nation’s president (the military’s commander-in-chief), or any army or marine corps officer of high status. Riding boots are placed in the stirrups backward to symbolize that the deceased person will never ride again.

##### Minnesota In Minnesota, any game in which participants attempt to capture a greased or oiled pig is illegal. The same laws also prohibits turkey scrambles. Let’s assume legislators were more concerned with animal cruelty than human stupidity.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B23


1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa/grass in round bales Rock phosphate - by ton or semi load Land for rent or sale Call 406-451-8644 or 406-570-7460 or 406-279-3461

Early Fall Auction Calendar SATURDAY, SEPT. 22ND

IrwIn Allen estAte AuctIon 10 a.m. • 24 miles N. of Ryegate, MT.

Selling tractors & hay equipment, firearms, vintage autos, modern cars, pickups, many collectibles.


Double estAte AuctIon 10 a.m. • Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT

Featuring the Estates of Jim Arthur, Winifred and George Mueller, Lewistown, MT. Firearms, many Montana historical items, books, maps, vintage furniture. Watch for complete listings in the Sept. issue of the Trader Dispatch.

Coming this Fall

AntIque Acres, lewIstown, Mt Real Estate and Antique & Collectibles On Line Auction Restored vintage home on 1.28 acres on north edge of Lewistown. Antiques include large collection of furniture, glassware & collectibles. More information coming soon and will be posted on our website. • Lewistown, MT • 406-538-5125 We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-868-5977 Simms, MT John Myers 406-546-1743

Lloyd Walker

(406) 868-5977 2003 Kenworth T800 6NZ CAT, 18 speed, lockers.........$34,500

2009 Cat 257B skid steer, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 2700 hours....$30,000

1999 Freightliner Classic day cab, CAT 3406E, 13 speed, wet kit, new 24.5 tires, motor history..............$29,500

1999 Kenworth T800 log truck, N14 Cummins, 15 speed, WB suspension........... ...............$27,500 as log truck ............ $25,000 as bare truck

1997 Gerrys T/A Jeep, air ride, nice shape.........$15,000 2014 Dakota 3 axle belly dump..........................$28,500

Degelman rock picker..$1850

Case 2015 pickup header, fits Case 2388 series combines, little use .......................$4500

2011 Western RTAC ag hoppers, 29-ft. lead, 25-ft. pup ..... ..................................$57,500

2008 Gradall 534-D9 telehandler, 9000 lb. capacity, enclosed cab! ...............$40,000

2006 Arnes T/A belly dump, air ride.......................$22,500

2001 Liddell 2-2-2 lowboy, self-contained, 27-ft. well with 23-ft. beam insert............................................................................$CALL

1980 Ford F150 straight 6, 2WD..............................$1100

Mack manure truck for Rent! . ....................... Call for prices

2011 John Deere 135D 6000 hours, auxiliary hydraulics, very nice machine.....$59,500

2006 Bobcat 331E excavator, cab with heat, air conditioning, Extend-A-Hoe, 2 buckets........ ..................................$24,500

2003 John Deere 270C LC excavator, 9000 hours, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics.....$47,500

2001 Lode King 53-ft. step deck, sliding axle..................... $17,500


2004 Load King 70 ton lowboy, 3-3-2 set up, 9-ft. wide.... $140,000


Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B24

CARS FOR SALE 1916 Model T Touring Car new top and radiator, runs and drives, Excellent!........................................................................$11,000 1929 Model A 2 door, excellent original driving car, runs and drives.................................................................................$8000 1936 Ford Rat Rod 2 door, 1949 engine, starts and runs perfect... ...........................................................................................$2900 1989 Jeep Cherokee excellent body and interior, runs and drives well, with extra engine, transmission and transfer case complete...................................................................................$3000

Call (406) 847-2758

##### Columbus brought Cacao beans back to Spain in 1520. It quickly spread across Europe. ##### The Mars company invented M&M’s for soldiers during World War II. ##### The Cacao tree can live for over 200 years. But, it only produces for 25 years.

Nikki Hartwell had a great first Marias Fair placing second in the PreJunior sheep showmanship division and winning the sheep herdsmanship award. Photo by Kari Lewis.

Secor receives international potato award

Vermeer bale processors help you make the best use of your bales with the least amount of labor, and give you the versatility you need to process round bales or large square bales with an optional kit. Changing the feeding location promotes a healthier open-range feeding environment and reduces manure-handling issues. Each processor quickly unrolls bales into windrows that give all the cattle equal feeding room. As the bales are processed, dust and mold are blown away and the hay is aerated, becoming more palatable for your herd. Reclaim and protect seeding areas by mulching straw and spreading it up to 40' (12.19 m) away.


Vermeer 605N,.............................................................IN STOCK Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp............................. $17,500 Vermeer 605SM....................................................... COMING IN Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned...............................$14,500 Vermeer R2300, rake.........................................RENTAL RETURN H&S 12-wheel rake. 3 years old..............................................$8500 Highline CFR 650, chopper.................................RENTAL RETURN Hesston 9435, 16-ft. header, 1475 hours.................................CALL Hustler X5000, unroller......................................CALL FOR DEMO New Holland 14-wheel rake, new raking wheels................$12,500 Massey Ferguson WR9870 windrower............................$92,500


2-Vermeer BP7000 processors, 1 with scale............................CALL Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats..............................................CALL 2-Vermeer R2300’s ..............................................................CALL 2-Vermeer R2300 rakes, one season of use.............................CALL Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt...................................$14,600 Vermeer 555, rebuilt............................................................$9250 Beltec digger, multi-auger......................................................$3300 Worksaver 3 pt post pounder............................................... $1850 Used parts for 605F - 505I - 605J - 605K - 605L

Dealer for Cloverdale Bale Retriever and TMR wagon

Call about McCormick Tractors Wichman Ag Supply, LLC 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Walter 406-350-0380

HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT


1-Vermeer TM1410 trailed mower.......................................... NEW 1-Vermeer 605N round baler................................................. NEW 2-Vermeer R2300 twin rakes.................................................. NEW 1-Vermeer R2800 twin rake................................................... NEW 1-Vermeer VR1224 rake....................................................... NEW 2-Vermeer BPX9010 bale processors..................................... NEW 3-Hayliner trailers, self-dumping, 42-ft. gooseneck, 8 bales....... NEW 5-Chisholm Trail bale beds, dumping beds, bale arms............. NEW 1-Vermeer R23A rake. Good condition.................................$9000 1-John Deere 530 round baler. Good condition....................$2750 1-Hesston 565A round baler, net and twine..........................$4000 Net Wrap - Lowest Price for the Industry’s best Net Wrap 64” x 7000-ft...............................................Call for Price Net Wrap 64” x 8800-ft...............................................Call for Price


NEW Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut..........................CALL FOR DEMO Vermeer R2300 & R2800 rakes.............................................CALL NEW Vermeer VR Series wheel rakes........................... IN STOCK NEW Vermeer 605N baler.....................................................CALL Vermeer 605XL used baler ...................................................CALL Vermeer 505I used baler.................................................. JUST IN NEW Vermeer BPX9000 bale processors.................. COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor..............................$12,000

Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair 8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT Connor 406-778-3777

Cox Ranch Equipment

Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, White Sulphur Springs, MT

By NDSU Extension Service Gary Secor, a professor in North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Plant Pathology Department, is one of three scientists worldwide to receive the 2018 Industry Award from the World Potato Congress. He received the award during the 10th World Potato Congress, which was held in Cusco, Peru. Secor has been involved in potato industry research and education for more than 40 years. In 1978, he joined the NDSU Plant Pathology Department, where his research has focused on potato disease diagnosis, disease management, biotechnology and variety development. He served as interim director of NDSU’s potato breeding program for three years. Recently, he has concentrated on late blight management, fungicide resistance management in potatoes and sugar beets, postharvest diseases in potatoes, the expanding host range of the disease Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium yellows disease in sugar beets and unraveling the zebra chip disease complex in potatoes. “It is special to get an award from the industry I have enjoyed working with for 47 years,” he says. “Getting an award like this is not just for one person but is the result of many people working together and supporting each other - students, technical support, colleagues, staff, allied industry collaborators. It takes an industry to identify and solve problems. This is a great honor for me.” The Bozeman, Montana, native received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Montana State University. He earned his doctorate in plant pathology from the University of California, Davis, in 1977. He began his career in Montana as director of the first potato virus testing lab. During his career, Secor has published information on numerous potato diseases that have had a substantial impact on the industry. He has discovered several new diseases, including the zebra chip. In addition, he has authored more than 91 publications and 12 book chapters and delivered more than 300 national and 100 international presentations in 21 countries. He also established a long-term potato project with the potato industry in Chile. Secor is recognized for his ability to explain technical information in a clear and understandable way. He received the Meritorious Service Award from the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association in 1996, Recognition Award from the Latin American Potato Association in 2004 and Economic Development Award from the National Potato Association of Chile in 2017. “This award reflects both the excellent relations that Dr. Secor has established and maintained with the potato industry and the excellent international reputation he has developed while at NDSU,” says Jack Rasmussen, a professor and the chair of NDSU’s Plant Pathology Department. “He is a deserving recipient of the award.”

Our new email address is

Parallel squeeze

Pivot squeeze

Free pick up or Delivery within 300 miles.

Beefcake by DewEze

Tackle daily livestock feeding chores Designed to fit any feeding style Featuring electric or hydraulic models

2015 GMC 3500 SRW, 4x4, double cab, gas, new 675 DewEze 2010 Dodge 3500 dually crew cab diesel with used HydraBed.

SIMPLE AS 1 - 2 - 3 at Power Motors - George 799-7459


Big 84x13 and 94x13 MKX augers ready to work Westfield 1545 WCX “full mule” conveyors. Fastest! Complete low profile hoppers. 10” and 13” in stock Hopper powerswings and hydraulic hopper lift Westfield poly downspouts and hoppers Gearboxes, PTO units, U-joints, etc.


61x8 Sakundiak, motor style, minus motor!.............$1000 61x10 Westfield MK Series, standard hopper...........$3850 60x10 Westgo, hanger bearing, hydraulic hopper....$2500 61x10 Westfield MK Series, standard mech. hopper.... $4400 71x13 Farm King, mechanical drive, hopper mover.$6000

3. Stocking KRAUSE parts

CALL GEORGE ... 799-7459 Power Motors See what’s in store for you at

2015 Polaris Ranger EPS HU $11,000

2015 Polaris Ranger XP 900 EPS $11,400

F 2013 Polaris Ranger 800 EFI .............. $6,950 F 2013 Honda VT750 CD2 ..................... $1,000 F 2015 Honda Fourtrax Foreman 4x4..... $3,600 F 2015 Polaris Sportsman 110 ............... $1,895 F 2016 Honda Fourtrax Rancher 4x4 ..... $1,900 F 2017 Honda CRF 450R ....................... $6,999

We are always happy to discuss price and financing. Call John, Breck or Jeff at 538-9435.

302 Truck Bypass • Lewistown

ASAS honors K-State professor

By K-State Research and Extension News Kansas State University animal science professor Joel DeRouchey has received the prestigious Extension Award from the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), recognizing his work at the university for the past 17 years. “The ASAS Extension Award recognizes the impact that (DeRouchey) has had on livestock producers and places him among the elite extension specialists in the world,” said Mike Tokach, University Distinguished Professor in animal sciences and swine extension specialist. “We are proud to have him on our team at K-State.” DeRouchey grew up on a diversified purebred livestock operation in Pukwana, South Dakota. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from South Dakota State University, and his master’s and PhD from Kansas State University. He is currently an extension specialist in livestock nutrition and environmental management at K-State. His extension expertise is providing livestock producers with nutrition, regulatory and manure management compliance information. DeRouchey also provides leadership in training the next generation of swine producers by coordinating numerous youth activities to increase swine industry knowledge and awareness of career opportunities in swine production. DeRouchey works with the productive applied swine team that maintains 13 master’s and PhD students. He has co-authored more than 151 journal papers, 380 abstracts and 594 extension publications. He has been a co-advisor or active committee member for more than 50 master’s and PhD graduates. Joel and his wife, Julene, have three children, James, Jenna and Jacob. ##### When do you replace automobile tires? Rotate tires every 5000-10,000 miles, and tires will last longer. Replace your tires approximately every 40,000 miles. Buy Tires on sale and save money. ##### It takes approximately 400 cacao beans to make one pound of chocolate.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B25

BOXES & BRIDGES Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers

Phone (406) 899-4104


New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.

Folks are heading west... Best hurry up!

• “East” Ranch - 356 acres, 255 irrigated, 8 tower pivot, house, corrals, sheds, quonset • “Home Place” Ranch - 861 acres, 742 irrigated, main house + 2 rentals, 6 pivots • “Williams” Ranch - 220 acres, 212 irrigated, 3 pivots, great production, home & outbuildings • Fox Rd Ranch - 350 acres, 243 irrigated, 2 pivots, 2 wheel lines, no buildings

(406) 890-2117

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B26

New Holland Equipment

New Holland Round Balers

New Holland Swathers

IN STOCK County “Lease Returns”

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

2015 New Holland T7.210 165 hp, 210 hours, 18 speed full powershift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s, 42” tires, loaded with loader and grapple.....................................................CALL!

New Holland Combines

New Holland T9.645 Quad Tractor

New Holland T-9 Series Tractors

New Holland Compact Tractors

Boomer #24 MFD, 24 hp. diesel, 540 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, hydro transmission with loader....CALL! Workmaster #33 MFD, 33 hp diesel, 540 PTO, 12x12 shuttle transmission with loader...CALL! Workmaster #40 MFD, 40 hp disel, 540 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, single rear hydraulic, 12x12 shuttle transmission with loader.................................................................................................CALL!

Zerbe Bros.


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2013 Case IH 160 100-ft. suspended booom, windscreens, 480/80R38 tires, Trimble 750 controller w/Field IQ, 1600 gallon................................................................................................................................$39,000 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139.. ............................................................................................................................................................$5500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00.......................................................................................................$20,000


2008 Apache AS1010 1880 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30... ..............................................................$110,000


2009 Morris Pro-Ag 4D4SR bale scoop................... ................................................... $23,000.....$20,000 Email

2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 985 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/Accu Boom. #USNH62...................................$219,000

See more online at


New Holland SD550 60-ft. folding drill, 12” spacing, 5.90 x15 Concord packers, double shoot, variable rate with SC430 tow between tank, 430 bushel. #UDNH29................................................$69,000 2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$65,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244................................................$50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550# trips, stealth bodies, 2320 tow between cart. #UDF237.$35,000

2012 Seed Hawk 8412 single side band, section control, full Intelligent AG blockage, 800 tow behind air cart, conveyor, 30.5 duals, bag lift....... Just In 2010 Seed Master 5012 5-sections, precision seeding, 50-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot carbide sideband openers, 400 bushel Ezee-On cart...... ................................................................. Just In


1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500


New Holland 1431 disc mower, 13-ft., rubber conditioners, 2 point swivel hitch, 1000 PTO. #UWN109..................................................$9500

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Travis Volk

New Holland 660 round baler with Bale Command, twine and net, standard pickup, 540 PTO..$4000


68 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B27


2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab, 1050 hours. #UTCA90...................................$340,000

Demco 750 120” axle, 30.5x38 tires, scale kit with roll tarp, small 1000 PTO.............................. $22,000


2002 Versatile/Buhler 2210 MFD tractor, 5135 hours, 210 PTO hp, 3 pt. hitch, 1000 PTO, duals, Allied 2895 loader with bucket & grapple..........$65,000



Flexi-Coli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer..$3000 2008 John Deere 1895 air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, 1910 tow behind cart, 430 bushel......................................$80,000 2008 Case IH ATX700 70-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb trips, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, Stealth body with 4” Dutch spread tip, all run blockage, ADX3430 tow behind air cart, 430 bushel, duals, variable rate drive...................................$66,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000 2011 MacDon FD-70 flex draper, 40-ft., finger reel, double knife, upper cross auger, slow speed transport, CNH adaptor...........................$59,000

Case IH 2188 2200 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 260 hp. #UCCA18...................................$21,000


2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000

2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20...............................................$88,000

2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 9360 header....................................................$82,000 1978 John Deere 4240 2WD tractor, 110 PTO hp, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s with 158 John Deere loader......................................................$21,000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.........................................................$2500 2015 Danuser pallet fork with top tine grabber, for skid steer....................................................$1900 2006 Freightliner 425 hp, Cat diesel, 13 speed transmission, Columbia series................$18,000

2008 Ford F350 service pickup, 4x4, 113,000 miles, diesel, tool racks, 120 gallon fuel tank, welder & generator................................................$18,500 Friggstad 600 plow, tool bar, 44-ft. 5-section, 1 1/4” shanks w/harrow........................................$7000 Harrell 3606 6 bottom switch plow, 3 pt. mount........ ...................................................................$5500 Melroe 1000 plow, 29-ft. 13-18” bottoms.........$6500 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points.............................................$6000 2011 New Holland S1070, 100-ft. suspension boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoBoom...................$40,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate....$20,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............$12,000

1994 Gleaner R62 30.5x32 tires, water cooled, 30-ft. 962 MacDon, 2200 separator hours.......$31,500

2010 John Deere 338 small square baler, 14x18 chamber, 1/2 turn chute, 540 PTO, nice..$10,500

2005 New Holland CR960 Class 7, deluxe cab, 17” rotors, 900/60R32, front tires, 600/28 rears, #UCNH91...............................................$69,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28............................$36,500......$25,000

New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH88........................$19,000 2005 MacDon 973 39-ft. draper transport package, upper cross auger, finger reel, gauge wheels, JD adaptor. #UCM044..................................$19,000 Horst header trailer, wagon style, low profile tires. #UCHR00...................................................$2900

See More Online at

Hay Hikers

1400 Hay Hiker


900 Hay Hikers


Fast, efficient large round bale picking and hauling. Simple, cost-effective round bale handling system designed to quickly and efficiently move large round bales from field to storage. The 900 Hay Hiker can handle 8 or 12 bales and the 1400 Hay Hiker can handle 12, 14 or 18 bales. The ProAg Hay Hiker delivers superior performance and value.

2013 New Holland L230 360 hours, 3000 lb. lift capacity, 2 speed drive, mechanical controls, cab with heat and air conditioning, suspension seat, hydraulic coupler, 14x17.5 large tires...... $41,000

Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

Email SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page B28

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


2011 Apache 1020 self propelled sprayer, 1000 gallon, 120” fixed axle, 6 speed powershift, Cummins, 100-ft. booms with 5 section control, 3-way T-Jet nozzles, 380/90 R 46 & 380/80 R 38 tires, Raven Envisio Pro monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax Auto Steer, Prescription $ 107,500 Top Dress Ready, 1450 hours, $ farmer owned, shedded, charcoal cab air filter.............. Reduced to

1-406-460-5502 Text or Call, Chester, Montana



P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235

Inventory Available

2000 International 4800 SA snow plow dump truck 1980 Ford SA diesel dump truck 2001 International 4900 chassis, white 2006 Sterling SA tractor, green 2000 International 4900 chassis, white 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white 1993 International 4700 scissor dump, white 1992 Chevrolet Kodiak SA chassis, white 1979 & 1982 Ford LN8000 mixer trucks

Currently wrecking 230 trucks All shapes and sizes Transportation available Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange

Special Equipment

22-ft. all steel flat bed, excellent condition Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly (3) 1999 Fruehauf SA conversion dollys

Semi Trailers

2005 Great Dane 53-ft. reefer, white 2000 Great Dane 53-ft. reefer, white 1999 Hyundai 53-ft. curtain van, white 1996 Utility 46-ft. storage, white 1991 Kentucky 48-ft. furniture, yellow 1987 Strick 48-ft. shop, white 1982 Utility 45-ft. storage van (MTS) 1979 Fruehauf 45-ft. storage, silver

(41) 5/16 thru 1/2 transport chains (20) 5/16 thru 1/2 binders

(3) Merritt aluminum cab guards, various styles Knapheide 20-ft. all steel stock and grain body (9) aluminum under bed tool boxes Pacific 16-ft. all steel grain box and hoist, like new (3) wet kit assemblies Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double cylinder hoist (2) semi trailer air ride sliders (2) Omaha 16-ft. flatbeds and hoists National 300B truck mounted, crane, complete Omaha 13-ft. all steel grain box and hoist (3) underbody hoist assemblies (2) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists (2) Ridewell air lift non steer axles (3) 16-ft. thru 24-ft. van bodies 2000 gallon fuel storage truck mounted tank

(10) 1124x5 Traction Tires on steel Budd wheels, 80%

White mold of canola risk

From Northern Canola Growers Association Recent rains and canola entering bloom have prompted questions about white mold and fungicide applications on canola. Below we try to answer some questions about white mold on canola. Why is canola susceptible at bloom? Unlike many other pathogens, Sclerotinia (the white mold pathogen) needs flower petals to cause infection. The ascospores can easily digest flower petals, and once the process starts, the disease will quickly spread into branches and stems and can result in yield losses and lodging. Recommendations for fungicide applications begin at early bloom (usually 2050%) because the earliest infections have the longest time to develop. Consequently, they tend to be lower on the plant and cause greater yield loss. What conditions are favorable for infection? Essentially, the answer is cool and wet. Prior to bloom that pathogen needs water in the soil. Wet soil will allow the sclerotia (the hard black overwintering structure) to germinate, form small mushroom (apothecia) and release ascospores. A minimum of 1-2 inches of rain 1-2 weeks before bloom can initiate germination. During bloom, anything that keeps the canopy wet for prolonged periods of time will facilitate infection. Multiple days of rainfall, very heavy dews, fog, etc… will provide enough water for infection to start. The wild card here is temperature. We rarely see much white mold when daytime highs are 85 F or higher, but the disease can run rampant when high temperatures are in the 60’s and low 70’s F. What’s the risk now? Often, it is a mixed bag across the region. Fields that have had more rainfall, a history of disease, and cooler conditions are at greatest risk. The NDSU Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) Risk Map and Risk Calculator for Canola, operated by NDSU Canola Pathologist Dr. Luis del Rio and funded by the Northern Canola Growers Association, are useful tools that can be used to help producers determine risk. However, please remember that this map is only relevant when canola is in bloom and that the map is only as good as the weather data used to generate it. NDAWN (North Dakota Agriculture Weather Network) is a fantastic resource, and the envy of most other states, but rainfall can be extremely variable even at a field level. The most recent risk map (6/26/18) indicates that risk is highly variable throughout the state, and that can change quickly. The risk map and risk calculator can be found online at and through the Northern Canola Growers Association website, http:// The map and calculator are also available through the Canola Doctor application for Android and iOS-based devices. The application is free and can be downloaded from Google Play Store and the iTunes App Store. The risk maps are updated daily between June 16 and July 31. Fungicides. If growers determine that a fungicide application is warranted, application timing is very important. Targeting the early bloom stages is ideal (commonly 20%). Pictures and descriptions of bloom stages can be found in the NDSU Extension Publication Sclerotinia of Canola PP-1410 http:// Sclerotinia-Control-in-Canola.pdf. Our data demonstrates that multiple fungicides can be effective.

Arched Truss & Column Packages 50’x96’x16’ ~ $10,548 60’x120’x16’ ~ $17,950 65’x144’x16’ ~ $28,945 72’x168’x16’ ~ $45,500

4110 Neibauer Road Billings, MT *Dealer and Contractor Inquiries Welcome

800-829-5531 •

Kade Van Haur of Valier exhibited the Top Certified Hereford Beef steer at Marias Fair. His Hereford/Angus cross steer weighed 1420 pounds and also received a purple ribbon in the Market Beef Show. Van Hauer received an extra $50 from Holden Herefords. Photo by Andy Van Hauer.

World Mosquito Day

Date When Celebrated: Always August 20th World Mosquito Day commemorates the day when the relationship between mosquitos and malaria was identified. Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans. On this day in 1897, the link between mosquitos and the transmission of malaria was discovered by British doctor Sir Ronald Ross. Ross also identified that the female Anopheles mosquito transmits the disease. In 1902, Ross was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery About 1,500 cases of malaria are diagnosed in the United States each year. The vast majority of these cases are travelers and immigrants entering the U.S. from parts of the world where malaria is common. The goal of this special day, is to raise awareness of causes of Malaria, and to to learn methods of prevention. With the knowledge that mosquitoes carry other diseases, most notably the dangerous Zika virus, it is even more important today, to be aware, and to understand the necessity of avoid coming in contact with mosquitos. The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine celebrates World Mosquito Day annually, since the 1930s,. They hold exhibitions and parties designed to entertain and to inform people. Did You Know? At least two million people die each year from malaria and other mosquito born diseases. The Origin of World Mosquito Day: Sir Ronald Ross declared the annual observance of World Mosquito Day. He did so shortly after his discovery of the linkage between mosquitos and malaria. He felt that this day should be known as World Mosquito Day in future years, to act as a reminder of the educational importance of knowing that mosquitos transmit malaria. ##### In 2017, the U.S. government allocated $11,222 per student in public school expenditures.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C1

##### The largest public high school in the U.S. is Morton High in Berwyn-Cicero, Illinois with 8,000 students.

HAY FOR SALE Irrigated, fertilized Alfalfa/Grass Hay 4x4x8 square bales – Good quality Call 406-590-4102, Fairfield, MT

2100 Highway 2 East Havre, Montana 59501 1-800-214-4654 406-265-6387

24-ft. 6” X 102” van box, roll up rear door, side door on curb side, translucent roof ..................................$2500

2001 Peterbilt 379 N14 Cummins 525hp, lift axle, headache rack, 8” exhaust, herd bumper, all aluminum wheels, engine turns over, Salvage ..................................................$CALL

2000 Peterbilt 379 C15 Cat, 6NZ09570, 550 hp, 18 speed transmission, lo-pro 24.5 tires , 6 aluminum & 4 steel wheels, very good brakes.....................$40,000

2000 International 3406E Cat 475hp S/N 6TS18336,13 speed, Salvage ................................................ $CALL

View more online, and give us a call TODAY!

G N I C N A N on all New and Used Equipment I F L A I C E SP Used Tractors

2006 New Holland TL80A John Deere 820 diesel tractractor, loader, 80 hp........ tor with loader, 3-pt. hitch.. ........................... $36,000 .............................. $8500

Miscellaneous Equipment


Farmhand 1140 loader w/ grapple, mounts for Case 2290...................... $3500 New Holland Workmaster 25S tractors with loaders, mowers and backhoes. Come see them today.

Used Hay Equipment Kubota L3010 32 hp, loader, GST shift, 667 hours, International W4 tractor, very clean........... $17,300 very orginal............ $2250

At Western Montana New Holland we sell parts for Ford tractors and other makes

New Holland 1049 balewagon, no cab...................$9500 New Holland 1048 bale wagon, ready soon...........$8000 Hesston 4590 baler.$12,500 John Deere 955 swing tongue, mower flail conditioner, 14-ft. 9” cut...........................................................$7000 John Deere 936 11-ft. 6” cut disc, flail conditioner............ .........................................................................$11,500 John Deere 820 mower conditioner........................$9800 Kubota DM1022 3 point disc mower, 7-ft. 2” cut, like new.. ............................................................................$7800 H&S HT8 tedder, new.$4900 New Holland 488 mower conditioner......................$8500

Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996 Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348

7719 Thornton Drive Missoula, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C2

Pima Medical Institute has 18 campuses throughout the western US that have educated over 100,000 graduates in the past 48 years. When I was handed the task of bringing a Veterinary Technician Program to the campus of the University of Montana Western, PMI was the answer. Having invested over a half of a million dollars into our faculty, facility and equipment, Montana now has its first and only AVMA accredited Vet Tech Program. We are also accredited by ABHES, a human health education accrediting body. Located on the campus of the University of Montana Western, there is a vibrant and unique public/private collaboration of two university systems. Pima students can use the dorms and library and go to University functions while enjoying a true university atmosphere. The collaboration has worked well. Financial aid, faculty, and curriculum are, however, separate from UMW. Our faculty includes both a small animal veterinarian and large animal veterinarian and two veterinary technicians that are CVTs. (certified veterinary technicians by the Montana Veterinary Medical Association) Both the MVMA and the Big Sky Veterinary Technician Association are thrilled to have the program in Montana as many students that wished to be educated in the field of veterinary nursing had to leave the state to do just that. We actually do have some out of state students and there is no difference in our tuition for in or out of state status. Our students do a 1 +1 educational format of veterinary assistant (VA) and then veterinary technician (VT). We have a clinic area where students practice and master skills such as radiology, blood and laboratory work, anesthesia monitoring, surgical assisting, bandaging, etc. There are ample animal resources available to us from local shelters and rescue groups for the small animals. Field trips to ranches allow hands-on training beef, dairy, porcine and equine procedures and acquiring restraint skills such as running a hydrolytic cattle chute or assisting in an equine dentistry. But nothing truly reflects an effective program but surveys and statistics which I share below: 2 Students Population • Current    26 active student (13 Vet Tech/13 Vet Assist)    2 Vet Techs graduating this week •  August Veterinary Assistant start   26 2 Graduates •  13 VT Graduates •  10 have passed the VTNE (The Veterinary Technician National Exam) •  All have jobs but one graduate 2 Retention: •  VA 90% •  VT 87% 2 Credentialing •  VT – N/A Exam Participation Rate (100% previous year) •  VT – N/A Exam Pass Rate (100% previous year) 2 Job Placement •  VA 100% •  VT 100% 2 Student Satisfaction Survey • VA    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction Level 4.49/5 • VT    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction level 4.25/5 2 Clinical Externship Site Satisfaction Survey • VA/VT    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction Level 100% 2 Employer Satisfaction Survey reflecting hired graduates • VT    Participation rate 85%   Satisfaction level 100%

Rob Ament, a research scientist at the Western Transportation Institute, surveys native grasses at a research site along Highway 287 north of Three Forks, Montana, on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. WTI has been working with Montana Department of Transportation to test thin wool batts that help establish vegetation on disturbed ground along roadways. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Golzalez.

MSU researchers pioneer using wool for erosion control

By Marshall Swearingen, MSU News Service Harvey Environmental, a Bozeman-based The stuff of socks, sweaters and high-tech consulting firm specializing in reclamation. underwear now has yet another use, accordPokorny, who now works as a plant materiing to a Montana State University study: als specialist at the Bozeman office of the revegetating roadsides to prevent erosion. Natural Resources Conservation Service, At a road cut along Highway 287 near worked with Ament to develop the wool Three Forks, healthy patches of native products and conduct the field trials. grasses are a testament to the lasting benefits Revegetating disturbed ground along of using wool, said Rob Ament, a research roadsides is required by various laws to prescientist at the Western Transportation Invent takeover by noxious weeds and runoff stitute in MSU’s Norm Asbjornson College of sediment, which can harm fish and other of Engineering. aquatic life, and it also contributes to the When Ament’s research team began longevity of the roadbed by reducing poolthe project four years ago, they suspected ing water, according to Phil Johnson. He that wool might have advantages over the oversaw roadside reclamation for Montana straw and shredded coconut hull used in Department of Transportation for 25 years traditional erosion control blankets, which before retiring in 2017. Johnson provided buffer slopes against sun and rain until seeds guidance for the project, which received germinate and plants take hold. The results an MDT grant, and was “very pleased,” of the recently concluded study, however, he said. surprised him. Prior to the experiment, MDT had seeded “We were astonished by the vigorous the road cut in a traditional manner with a plant growth,” Ament said during a recent seed drill. But the plants on the exposed, visit to the site. west-facing slope had difficulty surviving, At the square-meter plots that received and the agency recommended the road cut erosion blankets made of wool blended with for the experiment, according to Ament. straw, the team observed three to four times “We picked a really harsh site,” Ament more perennial grasses — a result Ament said. “We didn’t want it to be easy.” called “stunning.” Some erosion-preventing wool products Eli Cuelho, a former research engineer at were available internationally, Ament said. WTI, also contributed to the project, as did Stuart Jennings and Monica Pokorny at KC CONTINUED ON PAGE C4

Pima Medical Institute/Dillon on UMW Campus Veterinary Technician Program Director

Jan Winderl, DVM


Rob Ament demonstrates the composition of an erosion control blanket made of a blend of wool and straw on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. MSU photo by AdrianSabnchez-Gonzalez.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C2

Pima Medical Institute has 18 campuses throughout the western US that have educated over 100,000 graduates in the past 48 years. When I was handed the task of bringing a Veterinary Technician Program to the campus of the University of Montana Western, PMI was the answer. Having invested over a half of a million dollars into our faculty, facility and equipment, Montana now has its first and only AVMA accredited Vet Tech Program. We are also accredited by ABHES, a human health education accrediting body. Located on the campus of the University of Montana Western, there is a vibrant and unique public/private collaboration of two university systems. Pima students can use the dorms and library and go to University functions while enjoying a true university atmosphere. The collaboration has worked well. Financial aid, faculty, and curriculum are, however, separate from UMW. Our faculty includes both a small animal veterinarian and large animal veterinarian and two veterinary technicians that are CVTs. (certified veterinary technicians by the Montana Veterinary Medical Association) Both the MVMA and the Big Sky Veterinary Technician Association are thrilled to have the program in Montana as many students that wished to be educated in the field of veterinary nursing had to leave the state to do just that. We actually do have some out of state students and there is no difference in our tuition for in or out of state status. Our students do a 1 +1 educational format of veterinary assistant (VA) and then veterinary technician (VT). We have a clinic area where students practice and master skills such as radiology, blood and laboratory work, anesthesia monitoring, surgical assisting, bandaging, etc. There are ample animal resources available to us from local shelters and rescue groups for the small animals. Field trips to ranches allow hands-on training beef, dairy, porcine and equine procedures and acquiring restraint skills such as running a hydrolytic cattle chute or assisting in an equine dentistry. But nothing truly reflects an effective program but surveys and statistics which I share below: 2 Students Population • Current    26 active student (13 Vet Tech/13 Vet Assist)    2 Vet Techs graduating this week •  August Veterinary Assistant start   26 2 Graduates •  13 VT Graduates •  10 have passed the VTNE (The Veterinary Technician National Exam) •  All have jobs but one graduate 2 Retention: •  VA 90% •  VT 87% 2 Credentialing •  VT – N/A Exam Participation Rate (100% previous year) •  VT – N/A Exam Pass Rate (100% previous year) 2 Job Placement •  VA 100% •  VT 100% 2 Student Satisfaction Survey • VA    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction Level 4.49/5 • VT    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction level 4.25/5 2 Clinical Externship Site Satisfaction Survey • VA/VT    Participation rate 100%   Satisfaction Level 100% 2 Employer Satisfaction Survey reflecting hired graduates • VT    Participation rate 85%   Satisfaction level 100%

Rob Ament, a research scientist at the Western Transportation Institute, surveys native grasses at a research site along Highway 287 north of Three Forks, Montana, on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. WTI has been working with Montana Department of Transportation to test thin wool batts that help establish vegetation on disturbed ground along roadways. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Golzalez.

MSU researchers pioneer using wool for erosion control

By Marshall Swearingen, MSU News Service Harvey Environmental, a Bozeman-based The stuff of socks, sweaters and high-tech consulting firm specializing in reclamation. underwear now has yet another use, accordPokorny, who now works as a plant materiing to a Montana State University study: als specialist at the Bozeman office of the revegetating roadsides to prevent erosion. Natural Resources Conservation Service, At a road cut along Highway 287 near worked with Ament to develop the wool Three Forks, healthy patches of native products and conduct the field trials. grasses are a testament to the lasting benefits Revegetating disturbed ground along of using wool, said Rob Ament, a research roadsides is required by various laws to prescientist at the Western Transportation Invent takeover by noxious weeds and runoff stitute in MSU’s Norm Asbjornson College of sediment, which can harm fish and other of Engineering. aquatic life, and it also contributes to the When Ament’s research team began longevity of the roadbed by reducing poolthe project four years ago, they suspected ing water, according to Phil Johnson. He that wool might have advantages over the oversaw roadside reclamation for Montana straw and shredded coconut hull used in Department of Transportation for 25 years traditional erosion control blankets, which before retiring in 2017. Johnson provided buffer slopes against sun and rain until seeds guidance for the project, which received germinate and plants take hold. The results an MDT grant, and was “very pleased,” of the recently concluded study, however, he said. surprised him. Prior to the experiment, MDT had seeded “We were astonished by the vigorous the road cut in a traditional manner with a plant growth,” Ament said during a recent seed drill. But the plants on the exposed, visit to the site. west-facing slope had difficulty surviving, At the square-meter plots that received and the agency recommended the road cut erosion blankets made of wool blended with for the experiment, according to Ament. straw, the team observed three to four times “We picked a really harsh site,” Ament more perennial grasses — a result Ament said. “We didn’t want it to be easy.” called “stunning.” Some erosion-preventing wool products Eli Cuelho, a former research engineer at were available internationally, Ament said. WTI, also contributed to the project, as did Stuart Jennings and Monica Pokorny at KC CONTINUED ON PAGE C4

Pima Medical Institute/Dillon on UMW Campus Veterinary Technician Program Director

Jan Winderl, DVM


Rob Ament demonstrates the composition of an erosion control blanket made of a blend of wool and straw on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. MSU photo by AdrianSabnchez-Gonzalez.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C3

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Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America


51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#

Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts

] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll


5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available

Used 3 7 2 /8”, 2 /8”, 31/2” & 41/2” drill pipe

2 Galvanized Steel 86-ft. Light Poles USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths • Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings


Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”

New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire


Cincinnati 6S12 Shear

3/4” capacity New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert

NEW STEEL plate & beams IN STOCK

12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails

1-1/2 x 1-1/2 used square tubing

Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries


Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate


Various sizes available – CALL

#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each #1 Railroad ties - $16 each

For Bridges


For Non Potable Water Storage Great for grain storage

Culvert Grade Pipe 22” & 24” - $15.00/ft. NEW 20-ft. Containers

Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.

LAND ROLLER PIPE 60” & 42” Heavy Wall

NEW Rebar

Misc. Used Steel Beams

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges


Call for sizes


NEW STEEL, SALVAGE, AND RECYCLING ALL IN ONE LOCATION 1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848





(2) Hobart M802 dough mixers 80 qt. capacity


3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths

Call for pricing

(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws

13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”

Call Joe or Adam


Sand & Slag Abrasives

8”x4”x5/16”sq., & 6”x2”x1/4”sq. More Sizes Coming In. CALL!

New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert

30-ft. lengths

Domestic A500 OCK Grade B 6”x.250 T S F Ocasing, T well U O 20-ft. lengths....


and Combines

We Buy Old Farm Tractors


Leather Gloves

In Stock

Used Electric Motors & Boxes

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C4

Balewagons & Retrievers

2007 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 4500 hours..........$90,000 New Holland 1089 balewagon.........................................$80,000 New Holland 1085 rebuilt balewagon...............................$57,500

New Holland 1079 rebuilt balewagon...............................$70,000 New Holland 1075 gas.....................................................$26,500 1988 New Holland 1068 rebuilt diesel..............................$47,500 New Holland 1068 rebuilt late model, nice.......................$47,500 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak clamp for 3x4 bales.............................................................................$28,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type balewagon, hauls 160 bales............. ......................................................................................$16,500 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon..............................$18,500 New Holland 1046 self-propelled balewagon, hauls 80 bales....... .........................................................................................$7500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.....................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt...... $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1036 balewagon, slatted deck, new hydraulic pump................................................................................$9500 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............$10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 rebuilt.................................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull type.............................................$10,500 New Holland 1052 retriever mounted on 1998 GMC 6500 truck, 3126 Cat engine, Allison automatic transmission. Nice.$18,500 New Holland 1052 retriever bed..........................................$7500

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Haying Equipment

Hesston 4590 square baler, good condition.....................$13,000 New Holland BR780 round baler with net wrap, nice.......$16,500


New Holland HW325 swather, 14HS header...................$47,500 New Holland HW300 swather, w/12HS header................$32,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours................$39,500


Allen 8827 hydraulic double rake.....................................$10,500 New Holland 55, 56, 258, 259 & 260 rakes. Several to choose from.......................................................... From $600 to $4500

Tractors & Accessories

1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals.......................................................... $35,000 Case 4690 tractor..............................................................$11,000 John Deere 4650 tractor, nice condition.......................... $35,000 Great Bend 870 FEL, grapple, new condition.................... $7500 International 550 PTO manure spreader........................... $2500

Industrial Equipment

2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach..........................................................$45,000


Hyster 200H forklift with SunnyD squeeze.......................$32,000 Massey Ferguson 820 24-ft. disk with hydraulic wings......$6500

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

MSU researchers pioneer using wool for erosion control CONTINUED FROM PAGE C2

Rob Ament unfurls a wool erosion control blanket on May 22, 2018 at WTI in Bozeman. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez.

But they were prohibitively expensive to ship and weren’t designed specifically for revegetation. “We had to be creative and work with wool producers here in Montana,” he said. Ament and Pokorny traveled to three Montana mills and worked with them to produce shredded wool, which was then sent to a Minnesota manufacturer with the specialized equipment for blending the wool with straw to produce the erosion blankets. The researchers then seeded the Highway 287 road cut with native grasses and laid down the wool erosion blankets side by side with various other erosion blankets. They observed the site periodically and measured the growth of the grasses over the course of three years. “We don’t know what mechanisms, exactly, give wool an advantage,” Ament said. He suspects that the wool holds more moisture for a longer period. And wool, which is about 17 percent nitrogen, likely has a fertilizing effect on the plants as it slowly biodegrades. Ament said that wool also appears to adhere

better to soil on steep embankments. Johnson, who graduated from MSU in 1978 with a bachelor’s in range science, said he thought the results indicated that the wool erosion control blankets were better than the industry standard in terms of establishing vegetation and preventing soil erosion. “I think this really has a future,” he said. “There’s a lot more opportunity for testing wool for erosion control,” Pokorny added. Montana ranked fifth in the nation for its wool crop in 2016, according to the Montana Wool Growers Association. The state’s ranchers produced 1.8 million pounds of wool valued at $3.42 million. Ament noted that if wool were widely adopted for erosion control, it could support local manufacturing of the blankets as well as create a significant new market for Montana’s wool growers. Low-grade wool that is otherwise discarded could potentially be used. “There’s a lot of wool that’s not valued in the market that could be used for this,” he said.

Funding will help schools with procurement, distribution of local foods

Producers and students throughout Montana have reason to celebrate, as the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) has been awarded a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to enhance farm to school efforts throughout the state. MDA was awarded $99,980 and will partner with the National Center for Appropriate Technology and Montana Farm to School to increase the procurement and distribution of local food in K-12 schools in Montana. “Farm to school initiatives continue to grow throughout Montana and this grant will build upon those efforts,” said Ben Thomas, Director of MDA. “When we can give our producers another market opportunity, while also providing our students with nutritious, local foods, everyone wins.” The project will focus on three school districts in Montana: Browning, Fort Benton, and Malta. Each of these districts are in the early stages of implementing farm to school activities but have limited access to local foods. Sourcing and access to Montana foods is one of the key challenges to farm to school initiatives in Montana. The Montana Farm to School Leadership Team will research distribution opportunities and challenges on a statewide level while learning first-hand from the participating school

districts. By coordinating with state-level farm to school partners, including supply-chain stakeholders, and bringing together local teams in each of the communities, the project will create a plan that will impact the entire state. “By working with local-level teams in these communities, we expect to expand connectivity and distribution of local foods throughout the state, especially in north and eastern Montana,” said Aubree Roth, Montana Farm to School Coordinator, Montana Team Nutrition. “Our larger goal here is to take the lessons learned from this project, and scale it up so that we can better implement these activities on a statewide level.” The Montana Farm to School Leadership Team, sponsored by Montana Office of Public Instruction, works through partnerships across the state to build farm to school initiatives that help kids eat healthy, connect kids with agriculture and nutrition through education, support Montana farmers and food producers, foster economic vitality, and strengthen communities. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

VJ Day

Date When Celebrated: August 14th - Japan surrenders August 15th - Surrender announced to the world September 2 - Ceremony and formal signing of surrender VJ Day marks the end of WWII, and the cessation of fighting against Japan. It is called “Victory In Japan Day or “Victory Over Japan Day”. The confusion over three dates: There is some confusion over what date is V-J Day. You can consider any (or all) three dates as V-J Day. President Harry S. Truman caused some of this confusion........ On August 14, 1945, the Japanese government cabled to the U.S. their surrender. This is the date of most modern observances. On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. This sparked spontaneous celebrations over the final ending of World War II. On September 2, 1945, a formal surrender ceremony was held in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. At the time, President Truman declared September 2 to be VJ Day. Regardless of which day you view as VJ Day, World War II was finally over. A Little VJ Day History The war in the Pacific was hard fought and bloody. The tide had definitely turned, and the U.S. military was fighting island by island towards Japan. Resistance was fierce. Casualties on both sides were high. The U.S. had developed the atomic bomb. The U.S. government was anxious to end the war, and stop the loss of American lives. On August 6th, 1945, the United States military dropped an atomic bomb over the city of Hiroshima, Japan in an effort to force Japan into an immediate, unconditional surrender. Instead of immediately surrendering, the Japanese government debated what to do. So, the U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb on August 9, 1945 over the city of Nagasaki, Japan. On August 14, 1945, Japanese Emperor Hirohito cabled the U.S. to surrender, and agreed to the terms of the Potsdam Declaration. On August 15, 1945, news of the surrender was announced to the world. World War II was finally over. Hostilities ended. On September 2, 1945, the Japanese formally surrendered aboard the U.S. battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. President Truman declared this to be V-J Day. Did You Know? The battleship USS Missouri was chosen for the formal surrender ceremony, as she was named after President Truman’s home state.

Why price slide important marketing factor

By University of Wyoming Extension Why price slides at livestock markets and in forward price contracts are important when making production and marketing decisions is explained in a new publication from the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. Price slide is the naturally occurring phenomenon that cattle prices tend to decrease as an animal’s weight increases. What is the Price Slide?, B-1319, is available for viewing or free download by going to and clicking on Find a Publication. Enter the title or number. If making operational changes to increase weaning weights – for example, buying more expensive bulls or shifting calving dates – understanding how that decision affects calf values, not just weights, can be important, stated the authors. Understanding how price slide affects forward contracts can help producers decide whether or not to deliver calves that are under or over the agreed-upon weight. Bulletin authors are UW Extension agricultural systems specialist John Ritten, extension livestock marketing specialist Bridger Feuz, beef cattle specialist Steve Paisley and extension educator Hudson Hill. For more information, contact Ritten at 307-766-3373 or, or Feuz at 307-783-0570 or “What is the Price Slide?” is among many free guides, courses and videos from UW Extension to help extend skills in ranching, irrigation, small acreage management, succession, legacy and estate planning and more. YouTube video series from UW Extension include “Barnyards and Backyards,” “From the Ground Up” and “Exploring the Nature of Wyoming.”

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C5


2018 CHEVROLET CRUZE PREMIER Heated seats and steering wheel, hatch back, wireless phone charger. #18C01..........................$26,970 minus rebates

2017 BUICK LACROSSE PREMIUM AWD, dark sapphire blue, loaded. #17B04.............................. .....................................................$46,375 minus rebates

2018 CHEVROLET 1500 LTZ RED LINE EDITION Crew cab, 5.3L engine, 8 speed transmission, spray-in bed liner, 20” wheels. #18T37.............$53,325 minus rebates

2018 CHEVROLET COLORADO LT Crew cab, trailering package, heated gray leather seats. #18T12........................................$39,260 minus rebates

2018 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 Z71 LTZ 100 year Centennial Edition, 6.2L engine, special emblems, 22 inch wheels, appearance package and more. #18T49

2014 GMC TERRAIN SLE2 AWD, cloth seats, 41,428 miles, one owner. #18U12.$17,999 2018 CHEVROLET COLORADO ZR2 Off road apperance package, front and rear locking differentials, off road rocker protection and more. #18T47

2013 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT Black leather heated seats, sun roof, rear DVD, 130,176 miles. #18T08A..................................................... $21,250

2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT Cloth seats, sun roof, 85,556 miles. #18C02B............... $8500

2008 CHEVROLET COLORADO Crew cab, 2x4, headache rack, tool box, black cloth interior. #18T40A............................................................... $11,995

2008 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Black leather heated seats, sunroof, 119,235 miles. #17U26A.................................................................. $6000

2017 CHEVROLET WT 1500 Crew cab, 5.4L engine, electric windows, electric locks. #17T88........................................$44,450 minus rebates

2017 GMC TERRAIN SLT Black leather heated seats, back up camera, 43,745 miles. #18U09................................................................. $23,995

2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LTZ Black leather heated seats, new tires and rims, true dual exhaust, 54,709 miles. #18U07................................ $35,000

2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 Z71 Extended cab, leather heated seats, tow package, 90,457 miles. #18T46B..................................................... $13,995

1-800-823-2355 (BELL) 406-873-5515 CUT BANK

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 – Page C6

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana

Equipment Connection, LLC 406-892-3915

346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email:

Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available

534 Business Hub Drive, Belgrade, MT 59714 email:


Small Town Company with Big Connections

Check out our Great Selection of PJ Dump Trailers! $8250 $10,100

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.

PJ Utility Trailers


PJ Gooseneck Trailers

2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8800 16-ft.........$9700

$16,100 $4450

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 3500# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft, single axle.......$3350

2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck with hydraulic tail trailer 32-ft. deck, 10-ft. hydraulic beavertail, (2) 12,000# axles.


2018 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3450 20-ft......$3750

Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in Montana


2018 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$12,650 30-ft. lo-pro.....$13,400 34 ft.....$13,400 36-ft......$13,600




PJ Deckover Trailers

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers

PJ Roll-Offs


2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$2200 10-ft.x77”....$2100

$7250 2018 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.

$6300 2018 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber. TJ HR 22-ft. tilts......$9450

$6500 2018 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$6600 Also available: 3-axle



2018 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.


2018 PJ 22-ft. superwide trailer (2) 7000# axles, heavy duty drive-over fenders, 2-ft. tail, slide-in ramps, spare tire.


14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $4150 each

2018 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.

$6000 2018 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.

2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.

$4300 2018 PJ 13-ft. equipment tilt trailer single 7000 lb. axle, 83” wide, radial tires, LED lights. Also available: 16-ft......$4450

2018 PJ 20-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000# axles, straight deck slide-in rear ramps, spare tire.

PJ Tilt Trailers


2018 PJ 14-ft. “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, (2) 7K axles. Eliminate job dumpster fees! In Stock: 14-ft. Bumper pull.....$8250 14-ft. Gooseneck.....$9400

2018 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4000 and 20-ft.....$4200

2018 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.



2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” single axle utility dump trailer (1) 5200# axle, 15” rubber.

2018 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9350



2018 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.

2018 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft.


2018 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber. Also available: gooseneck.....$8850

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$9400


2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2250 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$4100 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3400

2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp. Also available: 14-ft. x 83” Lo-Pro dump trailer...$8700


2018 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare. Also available: 24-ft......$9450 2018 PJ 10-ft x 77” Utility Trailer 4-ft. fold-up gate, 22” metal sides, pipe top. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2775



2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer powertail, (2) 12,000 lb axles, 2 speed jacks, fir deck. Also available: 30-ft.....$14,600


2018 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2018 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,100

2018 PJ 16-ft.x10” I-Beam Deckover Dump Trailer fold-down sides, roll-over tarp, cold weather wiring, spare tire.




2018 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6000 And 24-ft.....$6200

PJ Flatbeds Starting at $2500

$5000 2018 PJ 20-ft. medium duty deckover flatbed trailer 10,000 lb GVW, rear ramps. Also available in 16-ft.

Large Selection of Steel & Aluminum Truck Beds

You can view our complete inventory on the web at:

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 – Page C7

Enclosed Trailers




Avalanche Snow Pusher 10-ft., lightly used, excellent condition.


$8600 2018 Cargo Mate 8.5 x 20-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, 5200# axles, additional 1-ft. height, 80” rear door opening, spare tire, LED lights, radial tires, white. Also available: 8 x 22-ft.....$8300 8 x 24-ft......$8800



Pallet Forks 48” heavy duty, quick attach

$500 ea.


Erskine 8-ft. Snow Pusher Erskine Tree Puller



$5250 Erskine 7-ft. Snow Light Material Blade hydraulic angle, bolt on cutting edge. Also available: 8-ft. $3450

Erskine Skidsteer Hitch Makes moving trailers a cinch! Easy visibility! Erskine Heavy Duty Brush Mower

Erskine Stump Bucket




2015 PJ 10-ft. Utility Wash Trailer HDG 9000E 15 hp. 7500 watt generator, Alkota 4182 power washer, tool box, 200 gallon tank, hose reel, very little use!

2018 Cargo Mate 6-ft.x12-ft. Single Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, black/champagne color


10-ft. Manbasket Doors on each end, OSHA approved.




JLG 1930 ES Scissor Lift electric, great shape!


Erskine Bale Spear

1992 John Deere 644E Wheel Loader cab, heat, Grab-Tech hydraulic grapple, good rubber, great older machine!



2015 Case 321F Wheel Loader cab, heat, air conditioning, bucket, skidsteer quick attach, 150 one-owner hours, excellent shape!


2007 Stone Rhino 66X Roller 1150 hours.


1993 Ford L9000 Dump Trailer 3406 CAT engine,34,500# GVW, aluminum wheels, good tires!

2018 Cargo Mate 8-ft.x26-ft. Snowbird Trailer Tandem axle, 9800# GVWR, white in color!


Erskine Earth Auger


2018 Cargo Mate 7x14-ft. enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires, 3500 lb. axles, LED lights, 6” extra height, D-rings in floor. Also available: 7x16....$6450


Erskine Angle Broom

Erskine 6-ft. Skeleton Rock Bucket


$2100 2018 Cargo Mate 8 x 16-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer 1-ft. extended height, side RV door, D-rings in floor, radial tires. Also available: Barn door.....$6400


Erskine Tree Shear cuts up to 12” trees, manual rotating head

Caterpillar 950 Wheel Loader Great older machine, runs great! 2002 Skytrak 8042 Legacy Telescoping Forklift 8000# lift, 42-ft. reach, 6220 hours.


$9500 $3450 2018 Royal 6-ft.x12-ft. Single-Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires

$12,900 2013 Hurricane 40-ft. Gooseneck Enclosed Trailer Triple axle, 21,000# GVW, (2) man doors, LED lights, generator door, dual air conditioner units.


2005 Ditch Witch RT40 Front blade, counter weights, hydraulic angle trencher, low hours.

Ingersoll Rand 185 Air Compressor Trailer mounted, John Deere diesel engine.

2018 Southland Dump Trailers Available: 10-ft......$5450 and 14-ft......$8250

1985 Blaw Knox PF120H Paver rubber tires, Detroit engine, hydraulic transmission

Used Trailers $13,500 2012 Trail Max 25-ft. Gooseneck Tilt Trailer 10,000# axles, 25-ft. total deck length (20-ft. tilt with 5-ft. stationary).


1994 Trailmobile Belly Dump Trailer 3-axle, rear air ride, new paint, new tires, new aluminum outers, pusher block

Now your Globe Lowboy Trailers Dealer of Montana! All Globe trailers come with up to a 10 year structural warranty!

1989 Barrett 45-ft. Cattle Pot Trailer 24.5 rubber, outside aluminum wheels, needs some TLC.

$79,900 2018 Globe 55-ton Lowboy Trailer 9-ft. wide, non-ground bearing, detachable neck, 24-ft. well, powder coated, LED lights, covered rear wheels, air ride with rear lift axle, 22.5 rubber with aluminum outside wheels, front tool box, Honda gas pony motor, wet line plumbing, gray in color.



2016 Globe 55-ton 3-axle Lowboy Trailer Hydraulic non ground-bearing, self-contained pony motor on wet kit, apitong decking, outriggers, 24-ft. well, air-ride with rear lift axle, outside aluminum wheels, H66 setup for 4th axle, very little use. Black in color.


2014 JCB 280 skidsteer hand controls, 84” bucket with cutting edge, cab, heat, air conditioning.


2015 Bobcat S590 Skidsteer cab, heat, air conditioning, new tires, new bucket, forks, 1800 hours


$41,500 2018 Kaufman 35-ton Low Boy detachable, spring ride, 22.5 rubber, front flip ramps, covered rear deck, front toolbox, outriggers, outside aluminum wheels.

2004 Caterpillar 277B Track Skidsteer 1206 hours, good tracks, 80” bucket with cutting edge


Equipment Connection, LLC 406-892-3915

346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: 1995 Ingersoll Rand PT 125 Roller John Deere engine, hydraulic transmission, 2300 hours, foam-filled tires, 19,000# weight.

1991 Vibratory Rex Roller smooth drum, 72” drum, John Deere diesel engine

534 Business Hub Drive, Belgrade, MT 59714 email:


Small Town Company with Big Connections

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C8


• 1975 John Deere 7520 tractor with 8000 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 3520 hours. • 1962 Ford F700 truck, V8 engine, box and hoist. • 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6 engine, box and hoist. Call Jerry at (406) 724-3387 Richland, MT

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572, Victor, MT

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904, Spearfish, SD

See us on the web: 2005 Cat 226B, 605 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, auxiliary hydraulics and electrics, HD Cat tires in like new condition. Machine is in excellent overall condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD.....$28,900 2015 Volvo MC115C, 195 hours, enclosed side door entry cab with heat and air conditioning, stereo, ride control, auxiliary hydraulics and electrics, 78” bucket with BOE, 84 hp, 2600 operating load rating. Machine is in like new condition. Located in Spearfish, SD.......... ...............................$42,900

2001 Bobcat V518, 2835 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, auxiliary hydraulics, pallet forks. Very nice condition overall, serviced and ready to go. Located in Spearfish, SD.............................. $46,900

2006 Cat D3G XL, 2600 hours, OROPS, under seat heater, ripper, 96” PAT blade, hydrostatic drive, 70 hp, 17,000 pound operating weight, undercarriage at 50%. Very nice and tight machine. Located in Spearfish, SD........................ $54,900 2014 Cat 259D 2200 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, advanced display with rearview camera, air ride heated seat, bucket leveling, auxiliary electrics, auxiliary hydraulics, electric coupler, 72” bucket with BOE, 2 speed travel, fresh service and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD. ............................................................................... $44,900

Roundworms gain resistance – how to protect your sheep

By Whit Stewart, UW Extension sheep specialist and assistant professor in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Department of Animal Science parasite burden by at least 95 percent) and Sheep that graze on irrigated acreage, strategically applied. Sampling individual especially intensively grazed, high-traffic animals prior to treatment and re-sampling pastures, any time during the summer are at 14 days after treatment can help. Results risk of ingesting internal parasites (gastroprovide critical information about which intestinal nematodes) that can cause illness, deworming products are still effective on lost production or death. Worse, these paraan individual sheep operation. Applying the sites may be resistant to your dewormers. right one can ensure optimal ewe productivIrrigated operations (flood, sub-irrigated, sprinkler) provide an optimal environment ity and lamb growth. for stomach worms that migrate through Hands-on assessments such as the FAMwater from the fecal pellet to the grass ACHA© scoring system can be used to where sheep graze. The barber pole worm identify at-risk sheep. The scoring system (Haemonchus contortus) of the Trichostronprovides a color chart to match to the color of the mucous membranes of the sheep’s gyloidea family of roundworms can cause eyes. On a scale from one to five, one is not significant losses. anemic and five is severely anemic. As the parasite matures, it consumes blood Submitting fecal samples to the Wyoming inside the digestive system (abomasum), State Veterinary Laboratory in Laramie for causing severe anemia, damage to digestive analysis before major sheep working events function, lack of growth, and in severe cases, can guide whether or not to treat the flock. death. Adult worms shed more larvae onto Pathologist Berit Bangoura and staff can pasture, exacerbating infection and losses. conduct laboratory assays to identify the type Used to be, anthelmintic (dewormer) and quantity of internal parasites. Results treatments were a rest-assured management can guide treatment or if negative, provide strategy. Recent research, however, has idenvaluable peace of mind during the grazing tified widespread resistance to dewormers in season. the Mid-Atlantic states, with resistance seen The cost is modest and the sampling and on 24 to 100 percent of farms for the various mailing process is simple. Submission forms drug classes. and instructions can be found at worms pose a serious threat as they transfer genetics to their larvae, accessionform. By comparison, with a cost per head of $.32 to $1 for deworming, the celerating resistance to an already limited savings from testing sheep throughout the spectrum of available products. year can be significant. Are They Resistant? Steps to Stay Ahead Sheep researchers at University of Wyo1. If managing smaller flocks on irrigated ming and Montana State University and and sub-irrigated pastures, assess more freparasitologists at the University of Georgia in 2017 completed the first year of a twoquently whether and how well dewormers year study funded by the U.S. Department of are working. Agriculture Western SARE (Sustainable Ag2. Selectively deworm animals that rericulture Research and Education) to detect quire treatment versus mass treating the drug resistance in barber pole worm larvae. entire flock. Selective deworming minimizes Fecal samples from irrigated sheep operadrug use and slows drug resistance in internal parasites. tions in Wyoming and Montana were shipped 3. On irrigated acres, implement a rotato Georgia for analysis to determine levels of resistance. First-year results from six ranches tional grazing strategy that rests pasture 20 to indicate moderate to high resistance to 30 days to reduce ingestion of worm larvae. benzimidazoles (Valbazen®, Safe-Guard®). 4. Maintain a forage height greater than Parasite resistance to levamisole (Prohibit®) six inches to prevent sheep from grazing the was seen on five of the six ranches sampled, lower portions of plants where nematodes and resistance to ivermectin (Ivomec®, are most abundant. The internal parasites Eprinex®, Dectomax®) was seen on four. are less abundant in the upper canopy of the No resistance to moxidectin (Cydectin®) forage stand. was detected. 5. Graze horses prior to sheep to reduce For many Wyoming range sheep producworm populations. This provides a dead end for the barber pole worm and contributes to ers, internal parasites are not a significant an integrated approach. challenge, but purchases from resistant 6. Consider deworming after lambing flocks could introduce the threat. and weaning. Lambs are generally more Does My Dewormer Still Work? susceptible to parasites than older sheep, With rising input costs (e.g. feed, animal and twin-bearing ewes are more susceptible health and labor), it’s important that drugs than single-bearing and non-lactating ewes. are effective (defined as reducing internal

2014 Cat 308E2 CR 1326 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, heated seat, dozer blade, wedge style coupler, hydraulic thumb, 1 and 2 way auxiliary hydraulics, swing-away boom, 7-ft. 2” stick, steel tracks, 21,000 lb. operating weight, has been through the shop, serviced, neeeds nothing, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................. $84,900 2014 Cat 236D 1820 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, air ride and heated cloth seat, ride control, hydraulic coupler, 2-speed travel, new tires, 72” bucket with new bolt on cutting edge, recent service, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD................... ..........Asking Price $31,500

Kristen Boumans, Valier would like to thank Dry Fork Ag for buying her pig, Mellow. Kristen participated in the Marias Fair in Shelby, Montana.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C9

Check out our website

Selling good quality used production tubing and sucker rods •  23/8” and 27/8” pipe •  3/4”, 7/8”, 1” rods

Very competitive prices

Other sizes available upon request

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Decorating and transporting a cake to the fair in 90 degree heat is no easy task, but Addisyn Bengtson’s cake decorating skills shown through when she earned a blue rosette on her cake at the Marias Fair. Photo by Kari Lewis.

✓ AUTO ✓ TRUCKS  ✓ MOTOR HOMES ✓ 4x4’s ✓ FARM EQUIPMENT ✓ ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS ✓ Leaf Springs - Custom Made & Repaired Get Engel ✓ U-Bolts - Made to Order Coolers here! ✓ Axle straightening See us on the web -

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C10


Brandt 1585 grain belt with truck hopper...................................... $20,000 Call T-Squared Ag LLC (406) 951-2704 • Terry, MT

##### Avoid bee stings by staying still. Bees can’t see you if you aren’t moving. Take a deep breath and try to stay calm.

1991 Highway 2 West • Havre, MT

(406) 265-2246


2005 Ford F350 XL Regular Cab Chassis-Cab 4WD White, Mileage: 106,880, Turbo Diesel V8 6.0L/366, Automatic, Stock#: F4628B ................................... $19,995

2005 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4WD White, Mileage: 140,025, Diesel V8 6.0L /364, Stock#: G2059M ............ .......................................................................... $24,995

2004 Ford F350 Extended Cab Chassis-Cab 4WD White, Mileage:192,638, Gas V10 6.8L/415, Automatic, Stock#: G1974B ................................................ $19,995

• No Cost to you, our Customer • Browse & Buy With Confidence

LIFETIME POWERTRAIN WARRANTY* *Only qualifying vehicles apply; see dealer for exclusions. See Warranty Forever® agreement for complete details on powertrain coverage.

JR Seewald won the Marias Fair livestock judging contest. The contest consisted of classes of market hogs, market lambs, market steers, heifers, breeding sheep, and oral reasons for which JR had the top score. JR received $50 from the Marias Fair Livestock Committee for his win. Photo by Kari Lewis.

##### Secret...A bit of news we tell to one person at a time and in private.

View our FULL inventory at

100+ new units added this month! Contact your local salesman to be the first to hear about new inventory!


60+ total units - includes 25 John Deere S-series combines with service records, fully inspected and field ready!





HUGE Header Blowout! Call your dealership today to get in on these HOT prices! Don’t miss out on these deals.

#59054 2017 John Deere S690 349 engine/249 separator hours, complete GPS system, advanced powercast TB, powerfold grain tank, 1100/45R46 LSW singles. Stock #59076..... .................................................$412,500 (1) 2016 John Deere S690 507 engine/331 separator hours, advanced Powercast tailboard, tri-stream rotor, fixed speed feederhouse, extended warranty until 2020. Stock #59103 .................................................$385,000 (1) 2017 John Deere S680 206 engine/168 separator hours, 800/70R38 singles, Powerfold grain tank covers, complete GPS system Stock #59190...........................$399,000 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 805 engine/629 separator hours, 520/85R42 duals, fine cut chopper w/manual vane tailboard, complete GPS system. Stock #60478............$285,000 (14)

2016 John Deere S670 486 engine/375 separator hours, 750/65R26 singles, 300 bushel grain tank, Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger. Stock #63087........$327,500 (14) 2014 John Deere S670 975 engine/800 separator hours, 800/70R38 singles, manual vane tailboard, Powerfold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger. Stock #60930....$217,500 (15) 2012 John Deere S670 1892 engine/1232 separator hours, variable speed fedderhouse, fine cut chopper w/manual vane tailboard, tri-stream rotor. Stock #59227...$169,900 (2)

2011 John Deere 635F auger w/full width fingers, Crary air reel, header height sensor in rigid mode. Stock #58643...........$36,500 (1)

2008 Case IH 2588 1508 engine/1185 separator hours, lateral tilt feederhouse, rock trap, yield & moisture monitor, Case IH 1010-30 auger header. Stock #62828..$119,900 (15) 2003 Agco Gleaner R75 30.5L-32 singles, fixed speed feederhouse, chopper, yield monitor. Stock #61344..............$94,500 (14)

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932




1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

2008 John Deere 9870 2570 engine/1865 separator hours, 620 duals, CM vari-speed feederhouse, 22.5-ft. unload auger, Big Top hopper extension. Stock #62838.......... $126,000 (14) 2012 Case IH 8120 1073 engine/753 separator hours, 900/90R32 singles, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Accuguide w/Nav II controller. Stock #62983...........$167,500 (3)

2016 John Deere 645FD pea auger, header height sensing in rigid mode, reel tine flip over bundle. Stock #59054.......$112,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 635FD feed drum anti-wrap bundle, header height sensor in rigid mode. Stock #58531...........................$69,500 (12)


#52012 2013 John Deere 640D single point hookup, pickup reel, slow speed transport. Stock #52012.......................................$30,000 (1) 2012 John Deere 640D poly tine pickup reel, slow speed transport. Stock #52040............ .................................................$25,000 (12) 2011 John Deere 640D poly tine pickup reel, road transport w/lights, new drapers. Stock #16066.......................................$25,000 (1) 2012 HoneyBee SP42 42-ft. draper, transport, single point, Hart Carter reel. Stock #46824. .................................................$20,000 (12)

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C11

View our FULL inventory at

100+ new units added this month! Contact your local salesman to be the first to hear about new inventory!

4WD TRACTORS In stock options include: PTO, high flow hydraulics, and complete GPS guidance systems!



25+ total units - We have the perfect tractor to help your work day go smoother!


Help your harvest go smoother with a used auger or grain cart!





2017 John Deere 9470RX 30” tracks, 18/6 P/S w/Efficiency Manager, PTO, premium cab, Case drain, Power Beyond, Cat 5 drawbar. Stock #60678.........................$425,000 (14) 2017 John Deere 9470R 18/6 P/S w/Efficiency Manager, 4 remotes, heavy weight package, PTO, Power Beyond, turnkey GPS, new 710/70R42 tires Stock #60264..................... ...............................................$327,500 (14) 2014 Buhler 550 Powershift, Hi-Flo hydraulics, PTO, 6 SCVs, differential lock, 900/60R42 tires. Stock #62092.................$262,500 (11) 2000 Caterpillar CH75E, 10 speed powershift, 4 SCV’s, 3-pt., 25” tracks, EZ-Steer system included, 340 hp. Stock #61356................... .................................................$53,900 (15) 1993 John Deere 8770 300 hp, 24/6 partial P/S, 4 SCVs, PTO, differential lock, reman engine less than 300 hours ago, 18.4x46 duals. Stock #61775.....................$49,900 (11)


Great utility tractors with wide array of attachments and options

2016 John Deere 5100E low hours, 24 speed power reverser, PTO, no loader, Comprehensive extended warranty until 2020. Stock #62768.......................................$62,500 (3) 2016 New Holland Boomer 54D CVT transmission w/reverser, loader, MFWD, open station, 2 SCV’s, only 155 hours. Stock #59531.....................................$32,500 (11)

2012 John Deere 7200R IVT, 4 SCV’s. 3 point, PTO, dual 480/80R46 rears, H480 loader w/ bucket & grapple. Stock #62493................... ...............................................$133,000 (15) 2015 John Deere 6155R IVT, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, cold start package, 450 lb. rear weights, 640R loader w/grapple, extended warranty until 2021. Stock #60921........$147,500 (15) 2016 John Deere 6145M 140 hp, 24/24 PowerQuad Plus, 3 SCV’s, PTO, cold start package, 640R loader w/grapple, extended warranty thru March 2019. Stock #61390.......... .................................................$135,000 (2) 2010 Case IH Magnum 210 210 hp, 18/6 Powershift, 4 SCV’s, 1000 PTO, 480/80R46 rear duals. Stock #61212.................$96,500 (11) 2011 Case IH Puma 155 18F/6R Powershift, PTO, 3 SCVs, new 14.9R30 front tires, like new 18.4R42 rear tires, L760 loader w/grapple. Stock #62608.....................$79,000 (11)


Units are going fast! Wheeled or track skid steers in stock now!


2014 Brandt 13x110 auger, 1000 PTO, hydraulic winch & mover. Stock #58949. $27,900 (2) 2016 Brandt 10x35 auger, EZ mover, winch, soft start, reversible gear box. Stock #60883.......... .......................................................$16,500 (2) 2014 Harvest International H1392 auger, 13x92 swing hopper w/auger, new hydraulic winch, hopper mover. Stock #63043............. ....................................................$13,000 (1) Brent 1282 grain cart, 1200 bushel, PTO drive, hydraulic spout, tarp, high flotation singles. Stock #61534..............................$53,900 (3) Degelman Shuttlekart 800 800 bushel cart, large 1000 PTO, Shur-Lock tarp. Stock #56846......................................$19,500 (14) Loftness XLB10 10-ft. grain bagger, like new. Stock #59906............................$35,000 (11)



Great side-by-side options with glass or poly cabs, power dump box, power steering, and many more options



Let us help you get your haying done this season. Auger and rotary platforms available with a variety of cutting widths.

2016 John Deere W155 159 hours, 16-ft. hay head, 600-65R28 wheels. Stock #61388...... ..................................................$153,200 (3) 2012 New Holland H8080 1000 hours, 16-ft. Durabine 416 header, rubber roll conditioner, deluxe cab. Stock #62993.........$79,900 (15) 2007 Massey Ferguson 9635 2100 hours, 14.5ft. rotary header, steel conditioner, Razor Back header. Stock #59270....... $56,900 (11)

ROUND BALERS Experience the benefits of a John Deere baler!

2017 John Deere 569 net/twine, MegaWide pickup, 1000 PTO, only one season of use. Stock #62758...........................$43,500 (12) 2014 John Deere 569 Premium twine/net wrap, 1000 PTO, moisture tester, push bar, ISO harness. Stock #60302.......$39,900 (1) 2013 John Deere 569 flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, net/twine, push bar, 1000 PTO. Stock #59618.............................$30,500 (1) 1997 John Deere 566 twine only, 540 PTO, 31x13.5 tires, hydraulic pickup, bale ramps. Stock #60767..............................$8500 (14)

2015 John Deere 326E skid steer, cab, air conditioning, foot controls, air ride seat, beefy baby tires, 78” bucket. Stock #61487.. ...................................................$53,900 (3) 2014 John Deere 320E wheeled skid steer, 69 hp, canopy, 3-way switchable controls, standard hydraulic pump, cold start package. Stock #61484.............................$43,500 (3) 2007 John Deere CT322 skid steer, newer tracks, 82 hp, cab w/air and heat, 84” bucket, standard flow hydraulics. Stock #62360....... .................................................$26,000 (15) 2015 Case SV300 skid steer, 90 hp, wheeled, cab, air conditioning, 84” bucket, air ride seat, hand controls. Stock #61369............... .................................................$46,500 (12) 2009 New Holland L185 skid steer, 78 hp, cab, hand controls, beefy baby tires, 72” bucket, (3) set rear counterweights. Stock #61353... ...................................................$24,500 (2)

2016 John Deere R4038 turn key GPS guidance, auto solution control, air purge, 120-ft. booms, boom leveling system, premium cab and radio, 380/90R46 tires, 850 hours. Warranty until October 2019. Stock #61300....... .................................................$287,500 (1)


2016 John Deere R4038 turn key GPS guidance, Warranty until October 2019, Auto solution control, air purge, 120-ft. booms, boom leveling system, premium cab and radio, 380/90R46 tiresm 850 hours. Stock #61300.....................................$287,500 (1) 2016 John Deere R4038 100-ft. booms, IF 420/80R46 tires, deluxe lighting, manual solution control, 1130 hours. Stock #59836. ...............................................$247,000 (15) 2014 John Deere 4940 120-ft. booms, hydraulic tread adjust, deluxe CV cab, extended warranty through June 2019. Stock #60347. .................................................$227,500 (1) 2010 John Deere 4930 120-ft. booms, hydraulic tread adjust, 380/105R50 tires, hi-flo solution pump, traction control, stainless steel plumbing. Stock #62623...................... ...............................................$145,000 (12) 2009 Marflex Field Star 1500, 120-ft. booms, 1500 gallon tank, 2009 International, automatic transmission, 380/90R46 tires (75%), Raven guidance. Stock #61016.................... .................................................$109,000 (1)


2016 John Deere 825i Gator full cab with glass roll down windows, heater, front and rear fenders, only 95 hours! Stock #60410.. ...................................................$21,900 (1) 2015 John Deere 825i Gator deluxe glass cab w/poly doors, roll down window, heater, bench seat. Stock #61868........$16,500 (14) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator full glass cab, power dump box, roof lights, turn signals & horn kit. Stock #61358..............$12,500 (14) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator no power steering, Curtis poly cab w/doors and heater, alloy wheels. Stock #61742...........$11,250 (1)


Get a jump start on fall seeding with one of our disk or hoe drills in stock! Variety of widths and spacings available!

2015 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, 550 bushel TBH cart w/3 meter rollers, 10” hydraulic controlled auger w/KSI low profile hopper Stock #63092...........................$297,000 (1) 2014 John Deere 1830 60-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot, 5.5” semi-pneumatic press wheels, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBH cart. Stock #57126...................$133,000 (2) 2014 Seedmaster TXB CT 65-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, variable rate section control, 780 bushel TBT cart, 520 bushel dry, 260 bushel liquid. Stock #62094....$192,500 (11)

Railroad Ties $8.00/tie


Sold in 16 tie bundles

Get a great deal on a large square baler today!

2015 John Deere L340 large squares, Harvest Tec moisture sensor, roller chute, tandem axle, fast fill auto grease, LED lights. Stock #59834...................................$114,900 (15) 2013 Krone BP1290 3x4 baler, high density, hydraulic roller chute, air on knotter, scale, multi-lube system. Stock #59728.................. .................................................$94,500 (12) 2016 Massey Ferguson 2270 large 3x4 bale size, ISO compatible, bale eject, bale chute rollers. Stock #59671..............$104,500 (15)

Self-propelled sprayers that have been reconditioned, and most include complete GPS systems

We will load 1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations

Teens tackle real-world agriculture challenge

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C12

Vibrance Extreme

Phone 406-378-2112 – After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220

WINTER WHEAT SEED We treat with Vibrance Extreme, Cruiser, Cruiser Max Cereal, and Nipsit

Clearfield varieties • Judee • Decade •  Brawl CL2 • Clearstone CL2 • Yellowstone Put Clearfield technology to work reducing cheatgrass and wild oat problems •  Bearpaw •  Warhorse •  Others available Even if we don’t have it listed - WE CAN GET IT!

Willow Creek

Beardless Forage Winter Wheat up to 5-tons/acre, irrigated Call Roger or Jason for details

Pre-Order Your Cake For Fall 406-378-2112 Big Sandy, MT

After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220 Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 5:30 pm

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Nebraska 4-H is using monarch butterflies to demonstrate to youth how agriculture can be fun while also having a real-world impact. The “Monarchs on the Move Challenge” was part of the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience, which is an annual interactive event featuring a new agricultural topic each year. The activity is designed to challenge youth to apply critical thinking and science, technology, engineering and mathematical skills to a real-world agriculture challenge. The program reaches 5,000 youth in five states, including Nebraska where 1,800 youth have participated. Nebraska 4-H is a long-standing recipient of the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience grant, which supports the delivery of the program. This year’s challenge focused on the challenges affecting the monarch butterfly’s survival rates. The monarch butterfly is a flagship species representing many pollinators that contribute to our food supply and the health of our planet. Over 30 teens leading activities in 27 Nebraska counties learned how everyone can contribute to increasing the monarch habitat to support sustainable monarch populations. In addition, several Rwandan students attending the University of Nebraska–Lincoln also participated in the challenge. The students are a part of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Undergraduate Scholarship Program. During the activity, participants built models and reviewed habitats in order to understand the collaborative efforts involved in increasing the monarch’s habitat. According to the participants, the challenge made them more aware of their surroundings and helped them foster an appreciation for the monarch life cycle. “Now, I’m looking for other ways I can make a difference for the monarch butterfly; if we all do our part, everyone can benefit and help our planet become more resourceful,” said Lauren Zack, who led the Monarchs on the Move program in Wilber. “I am thankful that 4-H is preparing me to be a confident, resourceful leader, so that both now and in the future, I can make a difference.” For Galayna Erickson of Culbertson, Monarchs on the Move helped her understand the relationship between the agricultural landscape and biodiversity. “So much of the land we have could be turned into crops or plots for pollinators that would be so helpful to the world around us. I hope that the children I worked with as a teen leader walked away from the program understanding how important agriculture is to our everyday lives,” said Erickson. To learn more about the 4-H Ag Innovators Experience, visit

National Honey Bee Day

Date When Celebrated: Third Saturday in August What’s the Buzz?! Why today is National Honey Bee Day! Let’s celebrate and show our appreciation for the hard working Honey Bee, who works so hard to produce the liquid sugary treat, that is loved so much by bees and humans. Speaking of hard working, did you know that many bees have to travel 55,000 miles to produce just one pound of honey? To get that pound of honey, those bees need to gather nectar from two million flowers. A single bee will gather just a1/2 teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. After all of this hard work, honey bees deserve this special day of recognition. This day was first established in 2009 for beekeepers, as a way to promote honey and to encourage educational programs. But, this is too special a day to limit to the beekeepers. We appreciate hard working honey bees, too. After all, they produce honey that we enjoy, and they are vital to the pollination of a wide array of our fruits and vegetables. Now, that’s certainly something to appreciate! Origin of National Honey Bee Day: National Honey Bee Day was created in 2009. This sweet day was declared by Thomas J. Vilsek, the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, on August 11, 2009. It is sponsored by Pennsylvania Agriculture, Inc. It was originally intended for beekeepers, as a day of education and promotion of honey bees and honey. The third Saturday in August was selected, so beekeepers would have a new supply of honey to promote. This holiday is a true “National” day, as it was declared by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C13

Drive Over Grain Deck

• Quick unloading time • Low profile • 20” belt

List: $17,500

Used 10x60 auger

Opp o is kn rtunity ocki ng!

• Great condition • Swing away • Down spout

List: $10,000

Sale Price $13,970 Sale Price: $6500

13x90 Swing Away Auger

Tillage Unit

1547 Conveyor

• Many sizes available • 24.5-ft. – 54-ft. • 0° – 15° adjustable • Hydraulic controlled gauges

1590A Conveyor

10x70 Swing Away Auger

Demo Unit

• 13,000 bushel per hour • Hopper mover • Hopper lift • Wireless hopper mover with remote

• EZ mover installed • Kohler 26.5 EFI gas • Low profile hopper

List: $35,900

Buy or Lease to own $4929/yr - oac

Sale Price $27,740

• Swing away auger • Swing away mover • Power winch



• Low profile hopper • Chain flex coupler • High capacity and reliability

Buy or Lease to own $2362/yr - oac


Heavy Harrow

Rent As Low As $2.25/acre

Diamond Disk

Rent As Low As $10.00/acre

435 bushel Rent As Low As $300/day

Tillage Unit

Land Roller

Rent As Low As $10.00/acre

Best Link Between Your Baler and Your Truck!

Bale Cart Buy or Lease to own


per yr - oac

• Handles bales from 48” - 72” diameter • No damage to wrapping • Maintenance free


• Red • Scale • Hydraulic spout

Buy or Lease to own $7402/yr - oac

Manure Spreader

80% Of your RENT goes toward your PURCHASE PRICE

50-ft. Narrow Transport Rent As Low As $3.00/acre

Farmer to Farmer

• Red

Buy or Lease to own $7825/yr - oac

Rent As Low As $9.00/acre

30-ft. Disk

Rent As Low As $10.00/acre

Grain Bins

Again, the people at Frieling’s came through in shining style. They set up our auger, timely delivery, and gave a short presentation while checking that it was operating properly. Great job, thank you! Charles Gravely Owner of a new Brandt 8x37 auger

• Zero hype • 100% performance • Delivered & Installed on your farm

All Sizes Available! 1020 Grain Cart

875 Grain Cart

Vertical Tillage

• Green * Reinforced thick auger • Balanced tongue flighting weight

Buy or Lease to own $8115/yr - oac

3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT


1151 Grain Cart • Green

* Large capacity • Excellent condition

Buy or Lease to own $9017/yr - oac

Check us out on the web

Know what your plants need before fertilizing

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C14





By Kym Pokorny, Oregon State University Extension In a perfect world, garden plants would feed themselves. As it is, we’ve got to help them along sometimes. Plants take up nutrients from the soil but when those nutrients are missing, it’s time for fertilizer. “Plants pull out nutrients as they grow,” said Weston Miller, a horticulturist with Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service. “Unless they’re put back in, the plant suffers.” But knowing which fertilizer to choose, how much to apply and which plants to feed is not always obvious. Knowing the plants’ needs makes all the difference. “You need to know what plants you have and what their requirements are,” Miller said. “Doing research up front really pays off.” Most landscape trees and shrubs and many perennials don’t need fertilizer at all unless they’re showing signs of stress like yellowing foliage. “Prepare the soil by adding compost or other organic material well ahead of planting, you can have a fabulous landscape that needs very little fertilizer,” he said. Annuals are heavy feeders and should be hit weekly with a fertilizer that dissolves in water, especially if growing in containers. Vegetables also need plenty of nutrients. At planting time, incorporate fertilizer as indicated on the label. Early in the season also use a water-soluble version to get plants off to a good start. For corn and garlic, feed two to three times with a fertilizer high in nitrogen (the N in the N-P-K on the label). Blood meal is a good choice for organic gardeners, Miller said. The rest of the time, watch for yellowing foliage. If the plant starts to look stressed, add some fertilizer. Fruit trees and berries, especially blueberries, are heavy feeders and will be more productive if fertilizer is added at the right time. Each type of plant has specific guidelines. You can search the Extension catalog for publications about specific plants like Growing Strawberries in Your Home Garden ( and Growing Blueberries in Your Home Garden (https:// How you fertilize lawn depends on a couple of things. If you irrigate and want a green lawn in summer, feed at least twice a year. Use the “holiday” schedule of Memorial Day and Thanksgiving. Always use a spreader to get good coverage and avoid over fertilizing. If you mulch mow and allow the clippings, which are high in nitrogen, to stay on the lawn that is equivalent to one application. If you choose to let your lawn go dormant, one feeding a year can keep the lawn more competitive against weeds. Some plants like roses and hydrangeas can benefit from more feeding than many other shrubs in the garden. You can find fertilizers labeled specifically for them, as you can for plants that like an acid (low pH) soil. These include blueberries, gardenias, rhododendrons and citrus. Plants don’t care if they get nutrients from organic or synthetic fertilizers, Miller noted. It’s all the same to them. Organic fertilizer ingredients are made from plant, animal or mineral sources. Examples are alfalfa meal, kelp, blood and bone meal, soft rock phosphate and green sand. Inorganic are derived from a chemical manufacturing process. All fertilizers have a ratio, which is the percentage by weight of N-P-K (nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium). Generally, nitrogen is used by plants to produce green growth, phosphorous for roots and potassium for flower and fruit development. A balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 is a good choice for vegetables and other high-nutrient plants. If you’re looking for an organic fertilizer check to see if they have OMRI on the label. For vegans and vegetarians, avoid fish, blood and bone meal products. For inorganic products, choose a slow-release fertilizer. If all the nutrients aren’t needed by the plant, the fertilizer can percolate down into the ground water or run off into waterways causing pollution. Lime is a soil amendment to raise the pH, an important consideration for vegetables. For those gardeners living west of the Cascades, applying lime is recommended by a soil test or based on the label of lime products. Always water in fertilizer after applying and don’t forget to read the instructions. Using too much can burn plants. For additional information on fertilizing, refer to OSU Extension’s Fertilizing Your Garden (https://catalog.extension. and Growing Your Own (https:// pdf/em9027.pdf).

Late planting of sorghum for hay or grazing

By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Director of Agronomy and Kim McCuistion, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Animal Nutrition Director Drought conditions over the last several months have left many regions short on hay or forage for grazing. However, growers still have time to plant forage sorghums to partially fill this need since only 60 days of growing season are required to produce a hay crop. Several types of forage sorghums are available and versatile enough to fit many different cropping and livestock systems. These forage sorghums are considered drought tolerant yet respond well to favorable rainfall conditions. When managed properly, they can provide excellent hay or grazing and can be used in emergencies to replace failed crops due to drought, hail or other weather calamities at minimal costs. Forage sorghum also serves as an excellent cover crop, suppressing weeds and protecting the soil from wind and water erosion. Although sorghum of any type can be used for hay or grazing, a sorghum-sudangrass cross or a sudangrass is usually a best choice. These varieties have smaller diameter stalks, which improve dry down for hay and palatability for cattle versus forage sorghums normally used for silage. They are sold as conventional, brown midrib (BMR), photoperiod sensitive (PS), and sterile varieties that do not produce grain. The BMR varieties have less lignin, making them generally more digestible and higher quality than conventional varieties. As a trade-off for higher quality, these varieties can possess a greater tendency to lodge. If the sorghum is used for grazing, then lodging will not be an issue. In grazing trials, BMR varieties have shown to improve daily gain by as much as 0.75 pounds per day. The PS varieties have an advantage in total yield when planted early. However, this advantage decreases when planted later because day length becomes shorter. Seeding rate varies depending on end use, planting method, row spacing and potential rainfall or irrigation. Typically, when planted with a drill, seeding rates range from 15 to 25 pounds of seed per acre. Nitrogen needs also vary, but normally 60 to 90 pounds applied prior to planting is sufficient. Growers should apply less nitrogen as the planting date is delayed and yield potential is decreased. Growers can visit with a seed company agronomist or extension forage specialist for seeding rates and other considerations for their region. Sugarcane aphids also can become a greater problem in late-planted sorghum, making an insecticide seed treatment a good recommendation for 30 to 40 days of control. Cattle should be allowed to graze sorghum once it has reached a height of 18 to 24 inches to prevent issues with nitrates or prussic acid. Research using BMR and PS sorghum-sudangrasses has produced average daily gains between 2 and 3 pounds per head per day over an 80-day grazing period. To take full advantage of a later planting date, higher stocking rates can be used over a shorter timeframe. Typical stocking rates range between 1.5 and 2.5 stockers per acre. Gains per head and gains per acre vary greatly based on forage growth conditions, grazing management, cattle condition/weight and stocking rate. For hay production, sorghum can be cut any time after it has reached a height of 30 inches. Quality of the forage, particularly crude protein, will decrease as the sorghum matures. A good rule of thumb for producing both quality and tonnage of forage is to harvest sorghum at the boot stage, which is just prior to heading. Though usually not an issue, growers should be aware of potential nitrate toxicity and prussic acid poisoning under drought conditions or when an early frost occurs late in the season. These issues are a greater concern when sorghum is grazed than when it is hayed. Prussic acid largely dissipates when hay is properly cured. Additional resources: • K-State Summer Annual Forages: Selection and Production Characteristics ( documents/extension/mf2871.pdf) • K-State Summer Annual Forages: Utilization (https:// • TAMU Warm-Season Annual Forage Grasses for Texas ( • NM State Sorghum forage Production in New Mexico ( • Forage Sorghum in Florida (

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C15


2003 Freightliner M2106 300 hp, automatic, air ride, trailer puller............................. $20,000 2004 Peterbilt 378 Cat C15, 13 speed........................................................................ $25,000 2003 Mack CH600 460 hours, 13 speed..................................................................... $20,000 1994 Kenworth W900 Cat, 18 speed, day cab........................................................... $22,000 1989 Freightliner Cummins, 13 speed, lift axle, long frame....................................... $16,000

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C16

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2013 Kenworth W900L Cummins ISX 600 hp, 18 speed, lockers, navigation, 235,915 miles!.................................................................. $82,500

2006 Peterbilt 386 C-15 Cat, 550 hp, 18 speed, 20/46 heavy spec’s, 4-way lockers, 36” removeable flat top bunk, long wheelbase.......... $79,500


2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, ITB box with wireless remote for hoist and grain gate........................................... Call

2-2013 Peterbilt 386 10 speed Ultrashift Plus, Paccar, 36” flat top sleeper, 400’s on miles.................................. $39,500

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit Series 60, 435/515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, recent overhaul, engine brake......... $36,000

2007 Peterbilt 378 Cat C-15, 18 speed, 63” stand-up sleeper, engine brake, air ride............................................. $48,900

8-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles................................................ $45,000

2007 Volvo day cab, 465 hp, 13 speed Ultrashift, factory lift axle, new tires, only 623,000 miles!!!....................... $39,500 2011 Freightliner Cascadia Detroit DD15, Ultrashift, engine brake, 296,000 miles, very clean........................................ $39,500

2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, air ride............................................. $34,500

2-2013 Kenworth T800 daycabs, Cummins ISX15, 450 hp, 10 speed, 3.55 ratio, LOW MILES, in the 200’s.................. Just In

2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab, Detroit 14.0L Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride,...................... $35,000

2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles............. Just In

3-2006 Sterling AT9500, MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s........... Starting at $22,500


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2004 Freightliner FL80 3126 Cat, Allison automatic, single axle day cab, air ride 211,000 miles!!................................ $19,500 2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, low miles................... $25,000

2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension............. Just In

1998 International 4900 22-ft. flatbed, DT466E, 10 speed, single axle....... $19,500

See more info and photos online at

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C17

1994 Case 590 turbo backhoe, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab with heat, 2 stick control, good hours.............. $29,500

2011 Trail King 55 ton lowboy, 26-ft. well, 4th pin-on axle, air ride, rear lift, hydraulic detach, aluminum wheels, 2 Kingpin settings, excellent condition........................... $79,500

2-2018 Wilson 41-ft. grain trailers, ag hoppers, air ride, 11R24.5 tires, S/S rear................................................................ $37,500 2008 XL Specilaized XL100HFG folding neck lowboy, air ride, 50 ton, rear lift axle, pinned for 4th axle, self-contained, no hydraulics needed, outriggers and D-rings...................................... $43,500 2007 Merritt cattle pot, 53-ft. x 102”, 70% floors, nose decking, air ride, spread axle.................. Coming


2008 Wilson cattle pot, 53-ft. quad axle, good floors, nice trailer........... $62,000

1995 Lynwood tilt deck trailer, 37-ft.x102”, 20-ft. deck, hydraulic tilt, tri-axle, spring ride.............................................$7500 1999 NTE tilt trailer, 37-ft.x96”, tri-axle, spring ride................................$7500

1980 Utility flatbeds, will separate, 29-ft.x96”, spring ride, winches and boxes, clean older trailers............................. Just In

2018 Jet sidedump, 47-ft.x102”, air ride, various axle configurations, electric tarp, tandem or tri-axle................. Call

2008 Circle R side dump, 46-ft. x 102”, 34-ft. tub, spring ride, rear lift axle...................................... $41,500

2011 CPS belly dump, 44-ft.x96”, spring ride, tri-axle, manual tarp...... $23,500

2006 Wilson 51-ft. x 102” cattle pot, air ride spread, 90% virgin tires, good floors....................................... $36,500

2018 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hoppers, electric tarp, hydraulic traps, rear lift axle, white..................................... Call

2017 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, tri-axle, rear lift axle, air ride, LED lights........................................ $46,500

2010 Neville 48-ft.x64”x102” tri-axle spring ride, ag hoppers, 2 speed openers, sight windows.................................. $23,000

1988 SPCNS 22-ft. x 96” flatbed pup, turn table, 6-ft. hitch............................. $7500

1988 Fruehauf dry van 28-ft.x102”, roll up door, single axle, spring ride, very clean , ............................................................$6750

2001 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, tandem axle, spring ride .............................. $20,500 1998 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, spring ride........................................ $19,500 Converter Dolly 15-ft.x96”, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels..............$6500

1999 Ranco belly dump, 3 axle, spring ride....................................... $17,500

1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door..................$6500

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ea. 5 or more....................................... $300 ea.

August 2018

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1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 29-ft.6”, 16-ft. tongue, 12-ft. tub, spring ride.............................................$7500

1995 Monon dry van, 48-ft.x102”, spring ride, wood floor, swing doors.....$5000 1993 Load King & 1991 Load King pup spring ride, nice older set of trailers................... $29,000 as

Single............................................ $325

2012 Wilson 50-ft.x68”x96” air ride, 12 tire, equal axle spacing............... $35,000

1988 Fruehauf stainless steel tanker, double conicle, center discharge, single compartment, 6700 gallons............. $19,500

1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. end dump trailer, spring ride, very clean..................... $19,000


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1992 Fruehauf belly dump pup, 16-ft. hitch, turntable, spring ride..... $14,500

1979 Stand 17-ton tilt trailer, 29-ft. overall, 22-ft. x 96” tilt deck, air brakes.............$6900

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C18

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MSU animal science professor uses genetics to find answers in dairy cattle disease

By Evelyn Boswell for the MSU News Service An international team of scientists that Jennifer Thomson, associincludes a Montana State University animal ate professor of livestock geneticist may have discovered why some genomics in the Department of Animal and Range dairy cows get sick from a particular diet Sciences in the College of while others don’t. Agriculture, is part of an The unique genetic makeup of a cow can international research team influence the microbial populations that that recently published a live inside its stomach to help digest food. significant study in animal Therefore, each cow varies in how it utigenetics and cattle production. MSU photo by Adrian lizes feed, said Jennifer Thomson, associate Sanchez-Gonzalez. professor of animal genetics and genomics in the Department of Animal and Range of sugar added to their feed for energy for Sciences in MSU’s College of Agriculture milk production, for example, might include and co-author of a paper explaining those such things as cakes, cookies and chocolate findings. The paper was published earlier candy bars that are considered unfit for this year in the journal Frontiers in Genetics. humans, beer-soaked grain, grape skin and Calling the genetic-microbial connection seeds, orange juice pulp and potato waste a significant discovery, Thomson said the from making french fries and hash browns. paper is the first “that’s really quantifying “We (the general public) are big propohow an animal’s genetic make-up affects the nents of cost-effective feed sources that use microbial population of the rumen.” something that was a byproduct of human “The implications of this paper are that food products,” Thomson said. “By-product we may ultimately be able to select cows feeding, using products that aren’t fit for with a rumen microbial population more human consumption, allows us to make adept and efficient at using high energy nutritious animal food for healthy livestock diets,” said Patrick Hatfield, head of MSU’s production.” Department of Animal and Range Sciences. The dairy project was a fairly small The rumen is the largest of four compartpilot study involving 40 Holsteins, but it ments in a cow’s stomach and the place provided the rationale for a larger field where microorganisms are involved in study, Thomson said. The same researchdigestion. Another focus of the study was ers that conducted the initial project are acidosis, the buildup of acid in blood and now carrying out the expanded study with tissues that can lead to a decline in milk 300 Holsteins, the most common breed of production. dairy cows. “The genetic makeup and diversity of ru“I’m thrilled. I think this is a really excitmen microbes in a cow’s stomach is critical ing area of research,” Thomson said. to optimum nutrient digestion,” Hatfield She added that the results of both studies said. “Unlike humans in which acid and should apply to other breeds, including the enzymatic digestion is the first process to beef cattle that are much more common in take place in the human digestion track, miMontana than dairy cattle. crobial digestion of the feeds and forages a “I think this will definitely have applicacow consumes is the first line of digestion.” tions for feedlot cattle,” Thomson said. Thomson was asked to join the project by Dairy cows are the focus of these studies, Ian Lean, an Australian researcher who is a in part, because they are fairly genetically leading authority in the medicine, nutrition uniform. “They have been selected heavily and management of dairy cattle and winner for milk production,” Thomson said. Also, of the Gilruth Prize, the most prestigious significant data had already been collected award given by the Australian Veterinary from these cows. Association. He is founder and managing As they did in the first study, the Austradirector of Scibus, an Australian company lians are collecting DNA from Australian that conducts research and provides conheifers and microbial information from their sultation services to dairy and beef producrumens. They will send samples to MSU for ers. Thomson was the only geneticist and DNA extraction and then the DNA samples American on the team. will go to Neogen, an agricultural genomLean said he had been working on ruics laboratory in Lincoln, Nebraska, for minal acidosis for about 15 years and had, analysis. Thomson will then interpret all the along with his students, developed a more data, a time-consuming process since she precise diagnostic test for acidosis. Howusually receives -- for each animal -- about ever, they recognized a need to explain 150,000 genotypes and 100 different data a marked variation in the way individual points about the microbial community that animals responded to dietary challenges. lives in its rumen. He said the groups’ vision was to link “From the time all the samples arrive, it the host animal genome to the composition will probably take me six months,” Thomof microbes in the animal’s gut and then son said. to the digestive functions of the animal’s She will run her analyses while continugastrointestinal track. ing to teach and work on other research proj“These differences in response are imects, Thomson said. Her primary research portant to understanding health risks and involves beef cattle. She is also part of an productivity of ruminant livestock,” Lean MSU team that studies Rocky Mountain said. bighorn sheep in Montana and Wyoming Researchers in the dairy cow study fed and just published a paper about evaluating diets high in grain and sugar to heifers (15 sample sizes in wild populations. to 21 months old, all but four pregnant) in The first author of the paper titled, “Gean effort to induce acidosis. Although many netic Markers are Associated with the Rumilarge dairies have nutritionists, and dairies nal Microbiome and Metabolome in Grain do a lot to prevent acidosis, it can still deand Sugar Challenged Dairy Heifers,” was velop, Thomson said Helen Golder, a doctoral student at Scibus “We feed a fairly concentrated diet to and the University of Sydney. Co-authors, in meet their requirements for milk producaddition to Thomson and Lean, were Stuart tion,” she said. “That might predispose them Denman and Chris McSweeney from the to acidosis.” “Agriculture and Food” research area of Thomson noted that there’s a “huge vathe Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial riety in diets fed to dairy cows.” Sources Research Organization (CSIRO).

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C19

Deadline for advertising in the September issue is WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29.

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

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First year swine members, Ethan Brown and Elyse Bengtson, were very excited for their first swine show at the Marias Fair. Ethan and Elyse are both members of the Longview 4-H club and have been eagerly waiting until they were old enough to join their siblings in 4-H. Photo by Kari Lewis.

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

Date When Celebrated: Always August 29th More Herbs, Less Salt Day promotes use of healthy herbs over salts. Late August is a very appropriate time to celebrate this special day. The harvest of garden herbs is at a peak. There’s nothing better than fresh garden herbs in your favorite recipes. And, we all should have less salt in our diets. Happy More Herbs, Less Salt Day!

• Wishek 742 34-ft. disk .....$27,000 • K-Line Speedtiller 30-ft. Multiflex.....$89,000 • Sovema 12 wheel hay rake.....$4500 • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Grain baggers and extractors - have bags for these • Hay rake • Bale pickers • Grain Vacs • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows & Land Rollers - 50-ft. & 20-ft. • Meyers 440 Manure Spreader with Vertical Beaters

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C20


Strong, great stock. (50) heifers, bred to low birth weight bull, one brand, same ranch since birth, early March calvers..............................$2200 each Phone (406) 544-5155 or (406) 544-2880, Frenchtown, Montana


1997 Wilson DWH-400 50-ft. x 102 wide, triple axle air ride hopper, 3 hoppers, 3rd axle lifts, good tarp, trailer in good condition. 1992 Western OFH-100 45-ft. tandem air ride flatbed-hopper combo, new sideboards, new roll over tarp, aluminum swing doors on back. Batco 1535 belt conveyor, 8-ft. unloading hopper, electric motor, excellent condition, used very little.

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Avoid overgrazing your pastures

By PennState Extension Most grazers rely on cool season pastures to sustain their animals. Growth of cool season grasses nearly come to a standstill when temperatures hit 80°F, which often causes a problem for grazers. This condition of slowed growth is referred to as the ‘summer slump’ in pasture production. Farmers should watch for overgrazing in these pastures because it can lead to many problems. 1. Overgrazing reduces the ‘solar panel’ for regrowth. Meaning that once temperatures decrease again, your regrowth will be slower. The solar panel of a plant refers to the leafy areas and the plants ability to capture energy from the sun to produce the needed carbohydrates for regrowth. 2. Overgrazing damages the root system. Because the small leaf area cannot capture the photosynthetic energy to sustain a healthy root mass, pastures are more susceptible to drought – further increasing your exposure to the summer slump. 3. The weak, overgrazed pasture will be highly susceptible to interrill, rill and gully erosion, which can lead to: loss of valuable topsoil; reduction in soil organic matter; and reduction in nitrogen pool to feed your forage. 4. Overgrazing increases soil compaction. With limited grazing sources, animals tend to congregate leading to higher risk of soil compaction due to hoof pressure. This, coupled with the already damaged root systems, will almost certainly lead to compaction issues. By having animal numbers that reflect plant production during this summer slump, you can avoid most of the negative effects resulting from over grazing. You can also supplement with hay or haylage but remember that the cost of harvested feed is at least twice that of grazed forage (even if you make it yourself), increasing your yearly feed bill dramatically. Intensifying your grazing management is another way to increase productivity of your pasture. By concentrating the animals in small paddocks and letting the paddocks rest, will reduce issues related to compaction and allow your forage to regrow to a desired height before re-grazing. Part of good grazing management is also to leave an appropriate amount of vegetation for regrowth - guidelines vary but in general you should leave 5 inches or more. Diversification of forage species is another strategy for beating the summer slump. This involves either using warm season annuals or perennials adapted to temperatures up to and exceeding 90°F, which are species like switchgrass or mixes of big bluestem and Indian grass. Warm season perennial species take some effort to establish when compared to cool season species and should be allowed to grow for around a year before grazing. However, once established, warm season species offer the added benefits of low-maintenance and drought tolerant, and stand longevity – under proper management, warm season perennials can be productively grazed for 20 years or more. Warm season annuals that can help alleviate the summer slump are sorghum-sudan, sudan grass, pearl millet, or Japanese millet, which is adapted to poorly drained soil. Warm season annuals can be planted now or even after small grain harvest. By using Management Intensive Grazing that includes warm season annuals and perennials, your farm can become more productive and profitable.

National Aviation Day

Date When Celebrated: Always August 19th National Aviation Day is in honor of the birthday of aviator Orville Wright. The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were pioneer aviators in the United States. Orville was the first person to successfully fly an airplane. His first flight was December 17, 1903 at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. This inaugural flight was soon to change the skies forever. It’s heavier than air, and it flies! National Aviation Day honors the accomplishments of Orville and Wilbur Wright. It is sometimes called Wright Brother’s Day. To a lesser degree, National Aviation Day sometimes honors other early aviation and space pioneers. This day was selected, as it is Orville Wrights’s birthday. (August 19, 1871) Origin of National Aviation Day: This special day was created by a presidential proclamation by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C21

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C22

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River Creek Farms, Mertz family – Part 2

By K-State Research and Extension News The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and two U.S. senators enter the room. That sounds like a description of a Washington, D.C. hearing room, but in this case, it refers to what happened recently in the stone barn of a leading farm family in rural Kansas. Recently we learned about longtime agricultural leaders Jeanne and Harold Mertz of River Creek Farms near Manhattan. Today, River Creek Farms is owned by two of their sons, Joe and Bob, and their wives Kim and Mary, respectively. The Mertz farm recently hosted the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for a meeting with Kansas farm leaders. As the name River Creek Farm suggests, their farm ground is situated near a river. That means it is good fertile bottomland with water nearby, but it also can be risky during flooding. During the 1951 flood, floodwaters devastated downtown Manhattan and struck the Mertz farm and others. Jeanne and her one-month-old baby son Joe were evacuated from the farm by boat. After the floodwaters receded, the Mertzes returned to the farm. They built a diversified crop and livestock operation, situated between the rural communities of Zeandale and Wabaunsee, population 517 people. Now, that’s rural. Harold and Jeanne raised five children: Joe, Tom, Bob, Jon, and sister Jane. Tom is CEO and owner of a company in Gardner. Jon works at the Flint Hills Discovery Center in Manhattan, and Jane Mertz Garcia is a faculty member at K-State. Joe came back to the farm after graduating from K-State in agriculture and serving on the livestock judging team. His judging experience and studies in the animal sciences department at K-State led him to suggest to his father that they try something new: He suggested that he would artificially inseminate their Polled Hereford cows with semen from Simmental bulls. His parents agreed and the resulting hybrid vigor was excellent. Meanwhile, Joe met and married Kim Newell. His parents moved to a neighboring house, so Joe and Kim began their married life in the same house that Joe’s father and grandfather had begun their married lives. Joe and Kim went on to raise four kids on the farm: Asher, Lincoln, Malia and Abram. In 1985, the Mertzs began offering purebred Simmental bulls for sale by private treaty. They later branched into Simmental-Angus cross bulls and offer a bull sale annually. Joe’s younger brother Bob also went to K-State and competed on the livestock judging team. After graduation, Bob went to work for the National Livestock and Meat Board in Chicago for six years. Here he met a young lady named Mary. They married and also returned to the farm. Bob and Mary had two children, Lisa and David. Harold and Jeanne were proud that all six of their grandchildren got undergrad and/or post-graduate degrees from K-State. Today, Joe manages the livestock while Bob has responsibility for the crops. River Creek Farms includes 3,600 acres of crop production which Bob has advanced technologically and sustainably. The Mertzs also have what has been described as one of the premier Simmental and SimAngus herds in the country. As the farm website says: “Our guiding principles throughout have remained the same: calving ease and disposition, a sincere focus on end-product value and harnessing the benefits of hybrid vigor. These cornerstones remain in place to this day and characterize every bull we sell, even if much has changed over the past 125 years.” In 2018, Senator Pat Roberts, the chairman of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee, was looking for a farm to host the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for a meeting with Kansas farm leaders. The location they chose was River Creek Farms, owned by the Mertz family. It’s time to leave this meeting of the USDA Secretary and the senators, held on a family farm in a rural valley near Manhattan, Kansas. We commend Joe and Kim and Bob and Mary Mertz and their families for making a difference in Kansas agriculture. And there’s more. Another generation of the Mertz family is making its mark in the livestock industry in another innovative way. We’ll learn about that next time. Audio and text files of Kansas Profiles are available at For more information about the Huck Boyd Institute, interested persons can visit http:// ##### Scientists argue that summer babies are significantly more likely to suffer from mood swings than babies born in other seasons.

When hail strikes, Nebraska Extension has answers

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News When hail strikes and growers have questions, Nebraska Extension has new resources to answer them through a program called “Hail Know.” Annually, hail causes over $1 billion in economic losses. In Nebraska, hail-producing storms are common during the planting and growing seasons. Half of all hailstorms occur during the early stages of corn growth. This often causes frustration and anxiety for growers concerned about the fate of their crops and whether additional management or replanting is warranted. “Hail Know was created to build upon and expand Extension’s hail-related programs,” said Ashley Mueller, Nebraska Extension’s disaster education coordinator and leader of the Hail Know project. “In the aftermath of a hailstorm we want growers to know that they can turn to Nebraska Extension for the answers and certainty they need to make sound, research-based decisions to manage their crop.” Hail Know features videos, graphics and articles by a team of extension experts in climate science, agronomy, engineering, agricultural technology, economics and disaster education. Hail forms when warm updrafts in thunderstorms carry raindrops upward into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere. Hail can occur anywhere in the world; however, the topography and geography of the United States favor the development of tornadoes and strong hail-producing thunderstorms. In Nebraska, 70 percent of hail events occur from May to July, peak growing season for Nebraska producers. In recent weeks, severe storms with hail left behind a wake of destruction in corn and soybean fields in parts of central and eastern Nebraska. Through Hail Know, growers can learn how to conduct a crop damage assessment. The assessment offers factors to consider when assessing damage early-season, in-season and late-season. When deciding whether to replant corn or soybeans, Hail Know recommends considering the yield potential of the replanted crop, previously applied herbicides and relative maturity of the crop, among other factors, when assessing the damage. “The best advice following a hailstorm is to have patience. Emotions run high when hail decimates fields, but it’s best to wait seven to 10 days following the storm to allow for plant recovery before assessing damage,” said Mueller. In addition to damage assessment, Hail Know also offers information on hail formation and storms, crop insurance and risk management, replanting consideration, managing a recovering crop and cover crops. To learn more about Hail Know, visit cropwatch. or follow Hail Know on Twitter at @ HailKnowUNL. The development of Hail Know was funded by a USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Smith-Lever special needs grant with matching funds from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

National Trail Mix Day

Date When Celebrated: Always August 31st National Trail Mix Day features a high energy, tasty treat for the trail or snacks. You can buy packages of trail mix at a store. Or, you can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best. When you head out to a campout, a hike or to go biking, take the Trail Mix along with you. It provides the extra energy boost to keep you from getting tired and running out of energy along the trail. Don’t limit trail mix to the trail. It is also good at campouts. How to make Trail Mix: Ask each hiker or camper to bring a box or bag of their favorite cereal, nuts, pretzels, raisins, dried fruit, M&Ms, etc. For younger hikers or new members of the group, it’s best to provide them with a list of the types of food that can go into trail mix. That way, the inexperienced hiker won’t bring something that can not be easily carried. At the campout or before the hike, bring the group together and mix all the food in a big, big bowl. Put the mix into sealable baggies and pass them out to each hiker. Tips: When making your own trail mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky. Also avoid too many salty items. For example, unsalted nuts is better than salted ones.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C23

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Trucks For Sale

1998 Freightliner FL70 8.3 Cummins, 6 speed, single axle, long wheel base, air conditioning, nice truck.................... $6750

1997 International 8100 DT 530, 10 speed, twin screw, long wheel base, low miles.......................................... $16,500

1981 International Cummins, Allison automatic with PTO, twin screw Hendrickson walking beam suspension. Make a feed truck or a bale hauler........................................................ $4750

2007 International 4300 DT466, Allison automatic, twin screw, new 8.5-ft.x20-ft. x69” unibody grain box with grain and silage/beet gate. Nice truck.......$57,500

2011 International 4400, MaxForce DT, Allison automatic, twin screw, spring suspension, long wheel base.... $17,500

Please call 406-855-4465

6 YEAR Standard Warranty LS MT 573 72 hp, 4x4, cab & loader .. LS XU6168CPS MFWD tractor, 68 ......... $6442 annual payment OAC hp, cab, shuttle, SL loader............ ...... $5141 annual payment OAC LS XP 8101 CPS MFWD tractor, 101 hp., cab, power shuttle, SL loader... LS XG3140H hydro, loader.............. ......... $8987 annual payment OAC ...... $268 monthly payment OAC

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TYM 40 hp, 4WD w/loader.............................$16,995 Wide round bale carrier mounts, on 21-ft. flatbed........... Wallenstein GX720 3-pt. backhoe with 92” dig depth. ........................................................................ $1500 .....................................................................$7900 Mounts for Ezee-On loader, fits John Deere 4020......... NEW Tytan 6” hydraulic wood chipper, 3-pt., PTO..$3199 ......................................................................... $750 DCT 30-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$9000 Sure-Trac 7x14 dump trailer, 14,000 lb.............$6950 4000 lb. Skid Steer forks.....................................$675 New 6-ft. gear driven rototiller............................$2795

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C24


1947 Chevy grain truck. 1959 MGA car. 1977 Mercedes 450 SLC car. Model T parts. Call 605-251-0445, Aberdeen, SD

Stack hay high and dry to weather major blizzards and floods

By Scott Cotton, UW Extension area educator serving Converse, Natrona and Niobrara counties. His specialties include range management, livestock production, rural acreage management and agriculture and disaster resilience streams separate feed stacks from herds. In In the West, our greatest livestock losses, TRACTORS FOR SALE both cases, agriculture producers may find other than from disease, are caused by bliz1944 McCormick W4 new tires, ready to go to work!............$2000 they are putting livestock, equipment and zards and floods – not the average winter 1947 Farmall Cub new tires and wheel weights front & rear sickle their lives at risk if they attempt to feed storm or spring flooding but the exceptional mower and spring tooth harrow.........................................$2000 normally. events, like the old folks talk about “the Also, feed is often kept near calving barns Blizzard of ’49.” Call (406) 847-2758 or the homestead to minimize fuel consumpSince 1995, more than a quarter million tion and labor costs. Many of these sites are cattle have perished in blizzards and floods low and out of the wind, but feed yards on in the western United States. Most losses ocrises or hilltops usually blow off. cur in early fall or late spring when extreme For those times when conditions go weather is more unexpected. 1988 International S1954 service truck, 243,000 miles, includes past normal, consider locating some feed Severe blizzards and heavy floods typia 6000 lb. Liberator crane, 80 gallon compressor, Miller Bobreserves high and dry. Here are my recomcally dissipate within seven to 10 days, but cat 250 welder/generator, air and grease reels, 100 gallon fuel mendations developed after working with that period until near-normal conditions tank.............................................................................. $20,000 producers through numerous blizzards and return is crucial. Being able to move live2000 Dodge 2500 5.9 Cummins, 213,000 miles, 5 speed, new floods: stock to shelter and provide feed are critical Bradford flatbed, many new parts and new tires.......... $14,500 1974 Wilson cattle pot, 40% floors...................................... $6000 • Stack two weeks of feed on a rise or for livestock herd survivability, and two 1982 John Deere 4440 7800 hours, 3 remotes, 3 point... $18,500 ridgetop according to how many head you principles of feed storage have proven to John Deere 750 no-till grain drill, 71/2” spacing................ $18,000 have in each pasture or paddock. Be espemake a difference. 30.5x32 combine tires, 50% tread....................................... $1000 cially aware of placing feed where livestock I call this combination of practices high Rim & tires for the duals on a John Deere 9600 combine..$2000 will be in early fall and late spring. and dry feed. Final drive for John Deere 9600 combine........................... $1200 • Place stacks in line with dominant winds During blizzards, feed that lies in lower so the snow blows by them and does not areas where snow collects is often inaccesCall or text (406) 853-8554 for any questions accumulate behind the hay. sible. During floods, it can be difficult to Pictures available upon request • During blizzards and floods, livestock bring feed and animals together if rivers and can be hand-fed from the lee (windless) side of a stack, which also provides alternative shelter for animals until 406-453-0010 the crisis passes. Montana Toll Free • If rivers or streams separate parts of your property 1-800-452-0010 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana or herd, place two weeks of feed on each side of those watersheds. Remember, as 20+ years experience... little as three inches of flood water can take a traditional We service what we sell ranch pickup downstream and roll it. Flooding rivers and streams can be decepGo to to check out our tively dangerous and cause used sprayers and floaters we have on sale! many deaths each year. • If possible, place stacks near a good road or access All to a nearby maintained road Shapes and Sizes (which also usually blows Liquid Storage off) so you can reach the hay Tanks ® and haul it to other areas or Call for Special Pricing neighbors if needed. Excellent Selection ✔ Touchscreen Display • Talk with your neigh✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) On Hand bors about your disaster ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology weather plan and why your ✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries hay is stacked as it is. Plan to or create in-depth field maps. help one another. If you cannot access the stacks during a blizzard or flood, perhaps We carry all Parts & Filters they can. for self-propelled • If you are especially prone to blizzards or floodsprayers and floater trucks ing, consider purchasing special equipment, such as We sell all AIM Command snow machines or a boat, to help you manage these & SharpShooter parts events. Maintain them well Complete Systems On Hand forJohn Deere and all other brands and be sure you are trained to operate them under difATV & BACKPACK ficult conditions. • Finally, remember that SPRAYERS UW Extension is available The Handler is designed primarily for near you, on campus and direct induction of chemical into sprayers. online to help you reach Crop your goals.


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##### The Eiffel Tower is 6 inches taller in the summer than in the winter. In the summer heat, the iron in France’s Eiffel Tower expands, making the tower grow more than 6 inches.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C25


FD75, FD135, FD140


Diamond Disk NEW ONES ON THE LOT!!

2018 NEW MacDon M1240 R85 header 2017 MacDon M1170 R113 header, 200 hours, demo 2016 MacDon M205 draper and rotary ready 2016 NEW MacDon M205 windrower, draper ready, no DEF, 86/160 hrs (2) 2017 NEW MacDon A40D windrower, 16-ft. cycle header 2015 MacDon M155 windrower, 860/1150 hours, Trimble GPS *2013 John Deere W150 windrower, 390 hours, GPS 2004 John Deere 4895 swather, 18-ft. auger header 1994 MacDon 9000 14-ft. 920 header 1989 Hesston 8100 swather, 30-ft. draper header Hesston 1014 14-ft. swing tongue w/conditioner MacDon 5020 16-ft, swing tongue w/conditioner New Holland 2218 18-ft. double knife, push bar for 9030 bi-directional

TILLEMAN Equipment Company 406-395-6777



Havre, MT


2012 John Deere A40D 16-ft., double knife, 600 acres, auger head 2013 John Deere D65D 35-ft., double knife, 600 hours, draper head 2013 MacDon 160A 16-ft., double knife, auger head 2014 MacDon A40D 40-ft., double knife

USED TRACTORS Ford 8670 170 hp, FWA, 16,900 hours, economy priced sprayer tractor John Deere 7520 articulating PTO, duals 2015 Massey Ferguson 7716 150 hp, Dyna 6 transmission, loader, grapple 2012 Massey Ferguson 7624 CVT transmission, 220 hp, loader, grapple, FWA

*2018 MacDon FD140 35-40-ft. flex drapers, cross auger, transport 2018 MacDon FD75 35-40-ft. flex draper, cross auger, transport 2015 MacDon FD75 flex single knife, 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft. transport, single knife, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes, PU reel 2012 MacDon D60S 40-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, single knife, CA20 combine adaptor 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft. double knife, PU reel, cross auger 2009 Case 2152 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes 2-2009 John Deere 635D headers, double knife, 1 w/boggie wheels, 1 w/transport 2006 Case 2042 36-ft. single knife, PU reel, transport 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft. PU reel, transport 2005 New Holland 74C flex auger header, double knife, poly cutterbar 2005 MacDon 963 36-ft. single knife 2003 MacDon 972 36-ft. cross auger, transport, single knife, John Deere adaptor 2000 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, Case adaptor, transport 1998 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, New Holland adaptor, transport


*2013 Challenger MT865C 2500 hours, 36” tracks, GPS Ford 9280 250 hp, 4WD, duals, 9780 hours

Go to to see ALL of our inventory, more photos, and special deals.


1998 Flexi-Coil 65XL sprayer, 120-ft., FlexiCoil monitor 2017 Riteway 20-ft. roller (2) 2018 Riteway 52-ft., 3 section land roller, rental discounts 2018 Riteway 62-ft. 5 section land roller, rental discounts 1999 Kinze 840 grain cart, tarp, PTO drive *2017 Parker 1139 grain cart, PTO, scale New Holland 1032 pull-type bale wagon New Holland 1033 pull-type bale wagon


* indicates pictured items


2015 Vermeer 605N demo, 800 bales, net only, new warranty *2016 Vermeer 605N demo, 400 bales, net/ twine, new warranty 2016 Vermeer 605N 2000 bales, net only, 1 year warranty Hesston 540 4x5 round baler, twine only (2) Hesston 856A 5x6 round baler, twine only Hesston 956A 5x6 round baler, twine only Hesston 956A 5x6 round baler, twine & mesh Hesston 2170 3x4 square baler, single axle 2015 John Deere 569 4400 bales 2010 John Deere 568 17,000 bales 2001 John Deere 567 15,000 bales 2000 John Deere 56 10,000 bales 2017 Massey Ferguson 2956A 2014 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 square baler, moisture tester, rear steer, 6500 bales New Holland 1282 self-propelled small square baler, no cab New Holland 1283 self-propelled small square baler, cab, air conditioning


*2016 Summers Diamond Disk 47-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts 2011 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk rolling baskets 2015 Great Plains Turbo Max 40-ft. vertical tillage unit. Adjustable blade angle, rolling baskets Constantill 10-ft. deep tillage tool


*2014 Bourgault 3710 disc drill, 60-ft. 10” spacing, 6550 leading tank, mid-row banders and metering augers 2008 Bourgault 5710 10” spacing, RB, steel packers, 6550 tank 2003 Bourgault 5710 47-ft., 10” spacing, 5350 leading tank, just in from lease 2009 Case ATX700 70-ft., 12” spacing, rubber packers, 3430 leading cart 2004 Flexi-Coil 5000 12” spacing, double shoot, steel packers 2010 New Holland P1060 tank, 60-ft., 12” double shoot drill 2007 New Holland SD550 60-ft., 10” spacing, SC430 cart, double shoot, rubber packers

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C26

ALFALFA FOR SALE 200 ton, 3x4x8 bales, irrigated, fertilized, tested.. $115-$120/ton Call 406-590-0483. Located 1 mile east of Conrad


Combination Omaho Standard or Knapheid grain and stock racks. Will consider the right grain truck as well Call 307-389-6645 1994 Volvo Tractor 12.7L Series 60, Jake, 10 speed, AR, PS, AC, 50% 11R22.5’s, 36” sleeper, 750,000 miles. Runs good........ .......................................$8500 2006 Lincoln T67 Extend Trailer 90% 17.5 tires and brakes, 36ft. retracted, extends to 56-ft. x 102” wide, for trusses or poles. .......................................$8500 1993 International 7 yard dump 280 hp L10 Cummins, Jake, 10 speed, locker, double frame, 80% tires, 190,000 miles, 41K GVW, trailer hitch. Nice tight truck.............................$14,500 1994 GMC TopKick Dump 3116 Cat diesel, 6 speed Eaton, AC, PS, PB, 60% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel grain dump, scissor hoist, hitch, 24K GVW.. ....................................$10,500 1955 Chevrolet Step Side, 62K original miles, Big Back Window, 6 cyl, AT, frame off restoration, runs and drives excellent................................$19,500 1991 Kenworth T400 Flatbed 325 hp Cat, 9 speed, Jake, AC, AR, PS, 90% 11R24.5’s, 14.5ft. bed, pintle hitch, low miles, runs great....................$12,500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp Cat diesel, 6 speed Allison, 116,000 miles, AB, PS, Ingersoll Rand diesel 160 cfm compressor with 816 hours, 70% 295R22.5’s, trailer hookups, 33,000 gvw..........$15,500

1994 Ford F600 18-ft. Flatbed Sullair 125 cfm diesel compressor, 160 hp 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26,000 gvw, 129,000 miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame...............$12,500

1992 Kodiak Flatbed Dump 75K miles, 215 hp, Cat diesel, 5 speed & 2 speed, PS, AC, PB, 26K GVW, 75% 22.5 tires, 16.5-ft. bed, double frame........ ....................................$14,500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp, Cat diesel, 6 spd Allison, 137K miles. AB, PS, IR diesel 160 cfm compressor, 900 hours, 11R22.5’s 90%, trailer hookups, 33K GVW........ ....................................$15,500 1994 Ford F700 18-ft. flatbed, 175 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26K GVW, 109K miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame..$10,500 1997 GMC Topkick C7500 25K miles, 215 hp Cat 3116, 6 speed manual, PS, AC, AB, PTO, 12’6” of frame, 70% 22.5 tires, 33K GVW............$12,500

J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT 406-381-3159 or 777-7057

A durum wheat field in Chouteau County, Montana, shows poor crop growth (middle) due to increased soil acidity. Montana State University soil scientists are seeing acreage across Montana with low pH levels, which can harm crop growth and limit yields. Photo courtesy of Rick Engel.

MSU faculty see troubling soil acidity levels in Montana agricultural lands

Montana State University scientists are seeing increased soil acidity, meaning low pH, in parts of the state and are urging farmers to keep an eye on their plants and soils to avoid lower crop yields and even crop failure. Clain Jones, a soil fertility specialist with MSU Extension and a professor in the MSU College of Agriculture’s Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, said fields in 20 Montana counties have been found to have pH levels that could harm crop growth. “This is an emerging issue in the state, where low soil pH has traditionally not been a concern,” Jones said. Acidity is measured on the pH scale, which counts the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. It goes from zero to 14, with lower numbers being more acidic. Fields with soil acidity levels below pH 5 can experience significant yield loss from aluminum toxicity, depending on the crop species. Durum and barley are particularly sensitive to low pH and aluminum toxicity, but other crops can also be affected, according to Rick Engel, professor of soils in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences. In acidic soils, naturally occurring metals like aluminum become more available to plants, Engel said. Research by Engel, Jones and others indicates that ammonium fertilizers, including urea, are the major cause of soil acidification, especially when more fertilizer nitrogen is applied than crops can use. Acidity problems can then start in low-lying parts of fields, and the symptoms can spread outward. “The potential is there for problem areas to grow in size,” Jones said. Acidification can be hard to detect, since it can begin in a small area or be isolated to particular soil depths — meaning that

acidic soil can be hidden in standard soil test results. Jones said that soils tend to become more acidic fairly quickly, even with the recommended levels of fertilizer use. “This means it’s not a question of if, but when, this problem will affect a specific, annually cropped and fertilized field,” he said. Jones’ and Engel’s research stemmed from an investigation into a troubled field in Chouteau County three years ago and bloomed into a cooperative study involving MSU faculty members, Montana nonprofits, agency personnel and producers. The study, funded by the Montana Fertilizer Advisory Committee and a U.S. Department of Agriculture Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant, aims to develop prevention, mitigation and adaptation options for Montana croplands with soil acidity challenges. Jones said he expects the number of acres affected by soil acidity will continue to increase. “Though at least we will soon be able to recommend liming rates and acid-tolerant cultivars based on MSU research,” he said. The best advice for producers and their advisers is to test soil pH in the upper three inches in areas that have unexplained growth problems. “Only after learning whether a field has a low pH problem, and where that problem exists, can appropriate management decisions be made,” Jones said. Liming, cultivar and crop selection, and fertilizer management are all strategies that can be used to mitigate, adapt to or prevent this problem, Jones said. For additional information, visit http:// acidif/index.html or contact Jones at clainj@ or 406-994-6076.

##### According to surveys, the 5 worst expectations from elementary school kids include:Homework, Switching schools, Getting up early, Tests, Math! ##### When and where was the earliest western depiction of a wheelbarrow? On a stained glass window in Chartres Cathedral, France, dating to AD122.

##### To keep cats from digging in bare soil spots (edges to narrow to plant seeds, for example) plant a brick in the soil. When they run into it, they will look for a different place to dig. ##### Didaskaleinophobia is the acute fear of going to school, which affects about 2.4% of all children.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C27

406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554

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General Manager: Dan Spicher CELL: 406-399-4435

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1996 Case IH 7120 tractor – $81,500 Low Hours! 1940 Farmall H tractor – $5000 Runs good.

2005 John Deere 1895 air drill and cart – $95,000 Low acres, excellent condition! 1800 monitor, Intelligent Ag blockage.

2012 Brandt 13x70 auger Call for Pricing!

Fire Truck!! Call for Details!


2016 Farm King disc 32.5-ft., 9” spacing, 24” concaves

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C28

Deadline for advertising in the September 2018 issue is WEDNESDAY, August 29th. eak

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2018 N.D. 4-H archery match winners named

By NDSU Extension Service Archery teams from Grant, Wells, Ramsey, Steele/Traill and McIntosh counties placed first in their age and bow divisions at the North Dakota State 4-H Archery Championships held recently at the North Dakota 4-H Camp near Washburn. Senior archers competed in 3-D, World Federation field archery and a half round of National Field Archery Association field archery to complete the 2018 4-H Championship Match. The cumulative scores of the top four archers in the three events determined if they qualified for the 2019 National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships in Grand Island, Nebraska. The 4-H State Championship competition for all divisions was a 3-D match consisting of 30 targets with one arrow shot for a score on each target. In addition, youth in the senior freestyle division shot 40 arrows at 30, 40, 50 and 60 meters in the World Federation field archery and 40 arrows in National field archery competitions at various distances measured by yards. The top four senior freestyle archers were: • First - ShiAnne Boehm, Morton County, with a score of 715 • Second - Ethan Sprague, Stutsman County, with a score of 696 • Third - Ethan Myers, Ward County, with a score of 676 • Fourth - Ben Niemuth, Morton County, with a score of 660 They are eligible to advance as a team or individually to the 4-H National Championships in 2019. Senior Barebow The Grant County team of Isiah Cook, Sarah Cook, Madalynnh Sauter and Dixie Sauter took first place. The top individual scorers were: • First - Sabrina Dunlop, Rolette County, with a score of 237 • Second - Isiah Cook, with a score of 171 • Third - Halle Dunlop, Burleigh County, with a score of 150 Junior Freestyle The Steele/Traill County team of Emma Gullicks, Devin Fulton and Mason Knudson placed first. The top individual scorers were: • First - Wyatt Dunlop, Rolette County, with a score of 254 • Second - Teagan Erbele, Logan County, with a score of 244 • Third - Trenton Erbele, Logan County, with a score of 243 Junior Recurve Rebecca Morstad, Ramsey County, received first place with a score of 146. Junior Barebow The McIntosh County team of Kenady Gross, Kya Weist and Hailey Metzger placed first. The top individual scorers were: • First - Karissa Mann, Logan County, with a score of 207 • Second - Wyatt Dunlop, Rolette County, with a score of 173 Beginner Freestyle The Ramsey County team of Mathew Graue, Braxton Boline, Camilynne Walters and Brenner Wayman took first place. The top individual scorers were: • First - Zach Estenson, Cavalier County, with a score of 207 • Second - Graue, with a score of 183 • Third - Anja Schluchter, Pembina County, with a score of 174 Beginner Barebow The Wells County team of Rebecca Copenhaver, Brody Jones, Westin Opdahl and Hanna Widicker took first place. The top individual scorers were: • First - Camden Weist, McIntosh County, with a score of 143 • Second - Adam Orgaard, Oliver County, with a score of 142 • Third - James Dahl, Emmons County, with a score of 132 Masters Division The top individual scorers were: • First - Kail Larsen, Stark-Billings County, with a score of 821 • Second - Chris Morstad, Ramsey County, with a score of 820 • Third - Will Peckham, Stutsman County, with a score of 785

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C29

Your grass is drying out... Keep adding pounds this fall with BGF-30

WeatherAll® is a protective coating applied to the BioBarrel® as a final step in the manufacturing process. It is composed of an edible, food-grade, wax coating that helps protect and slow down BioBarrel® degradation when encountering wet conditions. The protective coating also helps reduce the attraction that some cattle have to the BioBarrel® container once it is softened under extreme wet conditions, thus reducing the incidence of cattle consuming the container faster than the CRYSTALYX® product. WeatherAll® Protective Technology broadens the application and effectiveness of the BioBarrel® container to all geographies within North America.

Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTALPHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C30

TRUCK FOR SALE 2006 Freightliner Columbia, rebuilt engine, newer radiator, turbo and rear end. Good tires on this meticulously maintained truck......$20,000 Call Russ, preferably evenings, at 406-861-7450

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2018 N.D. 4-H ambassadors elected By NDSU Extension Service

Four youth join the North Dakota 4-H Ambassador program. The new Ambassadors are (from left): Lucas Subart, Sophie Lind, Jacob Arnold and Mitch Stuber. (NDSU photo)

Four youth have been selected to join the North Dakota 4-H Ambassador program. “When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... The new team members, the county where they are enFeel free to give us a call during the day or at night!” rolled in 4-H and where they attend school are: • Mitch Stuber, Slope County, Bowman County High School • Lucas Subart, Kidder County, Kidder County Steele Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep High School • Sophie Lind, Morton County, Mandan High School • Jacob Arnold, Benson County, Maddock Public High School ✓ Directional Boring ✓ Excavation Needs ✓ Road Grading They were elected during the four-day Extension Youth Conference (EYC) held recently on the North Dakota State Fencing University campus. w o N . le Ambassadors are elected through a scoring system based b a Avail ✔ Excavator ✔ Backhoes ✔ Trucks r on several events the youth participate in during the confero Call f .. ence. Candidates must meet and/or exceed the score required ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader details to become a North Dakota 4-H Ambassador. The North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors are young adults who Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote are actively involved in 4-H. Ambassadors help plan and coordinate many activities that teach youth and adults topics such as leadership, Two Locations in Idaho team work and citizenship. The 4-H Ambassadors speTwin Falls Caldwell cialize in planning and fa3140 Kimberly Rd 220 Farmway Rd cilitating 4-H events, such Twin Falls, ID 83301 Caldwell, ID 83606 as the EYC. They also help 208-733-5543 208-466-7875 plan workshops, training sessions, and regional and state events. “Going to EYC for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect,” Stuber says. “That soon changed, NEW NEW NEW as I quickly got to know many of the 4-H’ers, who were outgoing, friendly and $36,500 made me feel at home in a STK# GP095E $CALL place where I had known no $CALL 2016 Great Plains MC5111 STK# GP475B one prior to the event. The STK# GP16Z Max Chisel, 15.5-ft. working width 2018 Great Plains 2000 grain drill, Ambassador team put on a 2018 Great Plains CPH-15 3 point hitch, 6” spacing, ground drive wonderful, entertaining concenter pivot hitch and 1500 grain drill combo, 6” spacing, 15-ft. working width ference that ran smoothly, Great Deal! and made me proud to be NEW involved with North Dakota 4-H.” $CALL The ambassadors try to STK# GP3412 create events that are fun, 2017 Great Plains 3S-3000 educational and skill-buildfolding grain drill, 6” spacing, small ing. They also take an active seed attachment, 30-ft. working width role in volunteering in 4-H $12,000 programs in every county. STK# GP1401 STK# UGP9NN “I’d highly recommend Great Plains 2325SC Great Plains 3000 Turbo Till - $6000 it to anybody to try out,” seedbed conditioner, 25-ft. working width Used but ready to work! Subart says. “I met some of the most Visit our website at amazing people with a drive WWW.BURKSTRACTOR.COM to succeed just like me,” for our complete line of New $7800 Lind says. “It was such a STK# UDM555 and Used Farm and good experience, and I know $11,000 Kelley MFG 26-ft. field cultivator, Construction Equipment. I made lifelong friends in 3 point hitch, gauge wheels, STK# UDM48A Like us on Facebook. that week.” new points, rear roller baskets Tufline 10-ft. offset disk, very low acres

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C31

2015 Peterbilt 389 2007 Peterbilt 379 2006 Peterbilt 379 2010 Kenworth W900

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Buy or Lease to own $22,001/yr - oac

2018 Grain Trailer

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• C15 Cat engine • Platinum interior

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Buy or Lease to own $11,546/yr - oac

2017 Grain Trailer


• Small grains • Loaded • 860 separator hours • 1370 engine hours

Buy or Lease to own $36,043/yr - oac

2012 John Deere 4940 Sprayer

Buy or Lease to own $14,227/yr - oac

2014 John Deere 640FD 2004 Peterbilt 379

• Very well kept • Good knives and guards • Tri-axle • Aluminum • Air ride

• Yellow • 62” flat top sleeper • 18 speed • Cummins

Buy or Lease to own $10,802/yr - oac


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2014 John Deere 9560R Tractor

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Call for Harvest Sale Pricing

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Buy or Lease to own $18,679/yr - oac

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Buy or Lease to own $13,903/yr - oac


Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C32

RACK & WEIGHTS FOR SALE Heavy Duty 16-ft. bale rack for flatbed truck. $ Carries 9 bales................................................. 1100 Front weights for John Deere 3010 or $ 3020 tractor......................................................... 200 Phone (406) 250-0687


Caterpillar 627B scraper....................................... $35,000 Hitachi 300 excavator with thumb......................... $35,000 2000 Western Star truck with Cat 10 speed.......... $14,500 Caterpiller 14E road grader................................... $18,500 Phone (406) 289-0210, Conrad, Montana

MSU faculty named to board of directors of international wheat consortium A Montana State University faculty member dedicated to researching cereal genetics and genomics for Montana farmers was recently appointed to an international board of directors dedicated to sequencing the genome for bread wheat. Hikmet Budak, MSU’s Winifred Asb-

LEAD THE FIELD. Farming is a competitive business. You’ve got to have dependable, efficient equipment like Brandt’s XR GrainCarts if you want to run at the front of the pack. These high-performance units will help you eliminate combine wait-times with features like a high-capacity 20" discharge auger that unloads at up to 620 bushels per minute. They come in four sizes and deliver the superior reach of a corner auger for 100% visibility from the tractor cab, which makes for quick, effortless unloading. The result? You get the most productive cart in the industry and enjoy years of worry-free productivity from Brandt. That’s Powerful Value. Delivered.


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jornson Plant Sciences Endowed Chair in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, has been named to the board of directors of the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, an international nonprofit dedicated to creating a high-quality wheat genome sequence of bread wheat for crop breeding and global food security With 2,100 members in 64 countries, the international, collaborative consortium was established in 2005 by a group of wheat growers, plant scientists, and public and private breeders. Its goal is to make a high-quality wheat genome sequence in order to lay a foundation for basic research that will enable crop breeders to develop improved varieties. “Sequencing and characterizing the wheat genome is a key tool to improving breeding programs across the world,” Budak said. “I’m honored to join the board not only as a scientist using genetics to help increase grain yield, but also as a researcher wanting to improve micronutrient contents for Montana grain growers.” Budak has been a member of the consortium’s coordinating committee since its start and has participated in several projects. He joins a board of eight directors in a three-year term appointment At MSU, Budak researches biotic and abiotic stress responses in cereals and the components of stress tolerance mechanisms in MSU’s College of Agriculture. This year, the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee , the Montana Grain Growers Association and the Montana Grains Foundation jointly funded a project on sequencing the genome of Yellowstone, one of Montana’s most popular winter wheat varieties. Lola Raska, MGGA executive vice president, said Budak’s board appointment is evidence of his internaCONTINUED ON PAGE C33

MSU faculty named to board of directors

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C33

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425


tional view of global grain production that he applies to Montana’s agricultural commodities and community. “Dr. Budak’s international collaborations on the science that provides high quality food for the world has direct implications for Montana’s cereal producers,” Raska said. “Our growers know that it takes an investment at the genomic level in order to develop Montana cultivars that address agronomic challenges and meet consumer demands.” Collin Watters, MWBC bureau chief, said grain research at MSU is working collaboratively with the state’s producers while engaging international expertise. “The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee is very excited about the future of grain research at MSU,” he said. “Dr. Budak’s engagement with the consortium will help leverage the knowledge and tools he and his team in Bozeman already have in order to better address farmers’ needs throughout the state.” In 2017, Budak and a global team of researchers successfully decoded the complete genome sequence of wild emmer wheat, the original form of nearly all the domesticated wheat in the world, including durum (pasta) and bread wheat.



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Bathing horses once or twice a month with shampoo is probably best. Too much shampoo can deplete the horse’s natural oils, making the coat dull and unprotected. As often as need, rinse a sweaty horse with water to remove the salty sweat that can make a horse itchy and sun-bleached. Horses must be trained to accept a hose and water. They are naturally fearful of spraying water. Manes and tails can be washed with shampoo and conditioner more often, and the tail can be tied up (often put in a tail bag) to keep it clean and unbroken. Just like haircare products for people, there are numerous hair products on the market for horses.

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C34

FOR SALE • Complete Antique Windmill • Call (406) 262-3392 - Big Sandy, MT

LAWN MOWERS FOR SALE 1965 John Deere 110, Cub Cadet 125, Cub Cadet 149

All 3 complete & run........................................................................... $900

Call (406) 847-2758


1000 gallon black clean water tank, mounted on anhydrous trailer with 8-ft. x 12-ft. bed.................................... $1350 Flexi-Coil 85 50-ft. harrow........................................ $7500 5th wheel triple axle trailer, 8-ft. by 26-ft., good deck, good lights...................................................................... $6000 1969 Ford F750 cabover grain truck, 290 motor...... $9250 (21) 2x4 rafters, 24-ft. with 4-ft. pitch.............$20 per rafter 3-pt. 6-ft. blade for smaller utility tractor...................... $175

Let’s Deal! Greenhouse to be torn down. Lots of flats to start your seeds!

Call Byron at 406-450-1182, Conrad, MT

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Fort Benton Realty, LLP

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Hunters!!! Lower Birch Creek Deer Camp: 608 Acres (+/-) located east of Big Sandy, MT. Grass/pasture hills & coulees with some outcropping of brush providing great Trophy Mule Deer Habitat. Little Birch Creek runs seasonally through the bottom lands also offering good wildlife and good livestock grazing. Thousands of acres of BLM Land are adjacent to this property providing plenty of area and space for hunting and other recreational activities. $345,000. Call Mark Pyrak, Broker, at 406-788-9280 or Shane Ophus, Broker, at 406-788-6662 Land For Sale - 2 Parcels: 320 acres of expired CRP cropland located 4 miles NW of Power, priced at $900/acre. Immediate possession. 320 acres of grass/pasture land located 6.5 miles E of Power, priced at $575/acre. Leased for 2018, but available for 2019. Call for details, Fort Benton Realty, Agent Dennis Franz 406-788-1163

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Bad fire blight year for apples

By Amy Grandpre, Yellowstone County Extension Urban Horticulturist If you have an apple tree, then you resistant varieties can be blighted under most likely have fire blight this year. Our the right conditions, just not as severely extremely long, wet spring has been most as susceptible ones. Haralson, McIntosh, conducive to the spread of this most probHaralred are popular varieties with good resistance. Be sure to check newer varieties lematic and prevalent apple disease in for resistance before investing. Montana. Culture This disease is caused by the bacteria Young trees are the most susceptible and Erwinia amylovara, and its goal is to cause need the most aggressive protection. the decline and ultimate death of the trees Trees planted in poorly drained soil are it affects. This bacteria can affect not only most susceptible, so choose better drained apples, but pears, European Mountain Ash, locations if possible. cotoneaster and potentially 75 other plants Removing flowers on young trees to give in the Rose family. them time to grow a few years is a smart Life Cycle start. The bacteria overwinters in cankers that The longer the blooming period, espebecome active in spring when temperatures reach 65 degrees. It’s easily spread by cially with mixed varieties, the higher the rain splash, mist, pollinating insects and risk of infection. contaminated pruning tools. Insects are Later blooming varieties have the highattracted to the bacterial ooze, which can est risk, as there are usually more favorable form in as little as 3 days. Bees, ants, flies, conditions for fire spread later in spring. aphids and beetles, pick up bacteria on their Avoid heavy applications of manure, nibodies and then carry it to other parts of the trogen or phosphorous fertilizers, as these plant. Prolonged rainfall and high humidity lead to excessive new growth which is favor its spread. The bacteria enter through highly susceptible to fire blight. wounds from insects, hail damage and even Avoid heavy pruning which also stimuthe natural openings plants have such as stolates tender new growth. However be sure to remove water sprouts at base of the tree, mata, lenticels and flowers. Once a pollinatas these provide a direct avenue to the trunk ing insect, such as bees, carry this bacteria if infected. to the flowers, the bacteria multiply rapidly Irrigate in a manner that doesn’t hit in flower’s nectar and then enters the plant. foliage. Drip irrigation helps reduce high Once drier conditions arrive, the bacteria humidity and prevents foliage wetting. dries forming aerial strands spread by wind. Keep humidity low during blossom. Symptoms Avoid sprinkler irrigation and even drip irThe first symptoms will be the water soaked appearance of the flowers, which rigation during bloom and petal fall. shrivel and turn brown. The symptoms Fire blight in the neighborhood will inquickly spread to leaves and nearby twigs, sure a problem the next year. causing them to turn brownish black, shrivel Pruning and hang forming a gooseneck. The leaves Early in the season, prune infected twigs however remain firmly attached. Cankers as soon as possible, when no rain is preform on barked areas appearing as lighter dicted for 2 weeks (which didn’t happen brown sunken areas that turn darker as this spring). If early spring pruning doesn’t it progresses. These cankers can girdle happen, then prune when tree is dormant, branches, killing them. Young fruits become and leaves have dropped. The infected firm and leathery, shrivel, turn brown to leaves will still hang on to mark areas needblack and remain firmly attached. ing attention. The bacteria can produce clear, milky or Prune 8-12 inches below symptomatic amber colored droplets which contain miltwigs or cankers, then check pruned off seclions of bacteria ready to spread. tion for red discoloration on der the bark, Control and make lower cut if noticed. There is no Chemical cure. This bacterial After every cut sterilize cutting tool with can only be managed by: 10% bleach, rubbing alcohol or household Using resistant varieties spray disinfectants. Cultural practices Burn pruned and cankered limbs. Pruning Cankers in the main trunk can be excised Spraying by scraping away infected tissue, plus at Resistant Varieties least 1 inch of healthy material on sides and There are no known varieties that are 3 inches from each end of the canker. completely resistant to fire blight. Even CONTINUED ON PAGE C36

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C35

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C36


John Deere 7720 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel and batt reel, pickup header and trailer.......... $10,500 Call 406-472-3294, Dupuyer, MT

CONCRETE BUSINESS FOR SALE Completely portable Ready mix concrete business for sale in Greybull, Wyoming. 3 trucks, loader and batch plant, hot water system, water tanks, insulated conex boxes. Would possibly separate.................................. $169,500 Shop and real estate available for an additional price Call Doug (307) 431-0222

John Deere 450G LT full rock guards, sweeps, PAT dozer, heavy 3-shank ripper, new tracks and sprockets......$27,500

Truck crane and bed with custom tool boxes, flatbed and hydraulics. $15,500 TRUCK NOT INCLUDED

Check out our website for pictures and prices or email Neil at • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT

Jeremy Curry and Jordan Leach kept an eye on Jason Wanken and Jess Leach as they grilled up pork, lamb, and goat samples at the Marias Fair Pre-Sale social. Jeremy and Jordan kept busy slicing and serving meat to buyers and 4-H supporters. The Leach family donated the lamb and goat for the social as a way to spotlight those meats to buyers, and Habets Show Pigs donated half a hog for the event. Photo by Val Tuma.

Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Your YourSource Sourcefor forInInDemand Demand Your Source for In Demand Winter Wheat Winter Wheat Winter WinterWheat Wheat

Winter Wheat

Clearfield Convetional Clearfield Convetional Clearfield Clearfield Convetional Convetional

Sawfly Sawfly Sawfly Sawfly

•Conventional Keldin • Warhorse Clearfield Sawfly • Keldin Warhorse • Keldin • Clearfield Convetional Sawfly Warhorse • • SYKeldin Wolf •••Warhorse Judee Wolf Judee • • SYSYWolf • • Judee

• Brawl CLP Brawl CLP ••••Brawl CLP Brawl CLPCLP Clearstone Clearstone CLP ••••Clearstone CLP Clearstone CLP WB4059 • Brawl CLP CLP • WB4059 CLP WB4059 ••• CLP CLP • WB4059 CLP • Brawl WB4623 CLP SY 517 WB4623 CLP CLP •WB4623 WB4623 CLP ••••Clearstone CLP AP 503 CL • Clearstone CLP 503 CLCL 503 CLCLP •APAP AP 503 •• •WB4059

• AP 503CL

• WB4623 CLP • AP 503 CL

SY Wolf •••SY WB4614 Monument • WB4614 • ••••WB4614 Keldin WB4614 Yellowstone Keldin Yellowstone • Yellowstone ••••Yellowstone SY WolfTriticale Winter • Jet Winter Triticale • Triticale Winter Triticale ••••Winter WB4614 Willow Creek • Loma Willow Creek • Creek Willow Creek ••••Willow Yellowstone Others Available • Winter Others Available Triticale • Available Others Available •••Others Winter Triticale

• Other JudeeVarities ••Warhorse • Other Varities • ••Other Varities Warhorse Other Varities Available upon • Judee Available Available upon Availableupon upon • Request Judee • Other Varities Request Request • Request Other Varities Available upon Available upon Request Request

• Willow Creek • Willow Creek Fast and Reliable Custom Cleaning • Others Available Fast and Custom Cleaning Fast and Reliable Custom Cleaning •Reliable Others Available Fast and Reliable Custom Montana Certified Cleaning Cleaning Plant

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Choteau, MT /

Bad fire blight year for apples CONTINUED FROM PAGE C34

Disinfect wound with a paste of Bordeaux mixture. Sprays Spray antibiotics such as Streptomycin or terramycin prevent bloom infection only. It doesn’t stop preexisting fire blight. Spray when first bloom opens and repeat every 3 days until petal fall. Copper sulfate with lime or Bordeaux also helps prevent fire blight, but must be used during dormancy as these damage leaves and fruit. Must not apply these within 50 days of apple harvest or 30 days of pear harvest. Use streptomycin limitedly to avoid bacterial resistance. This has been one of the really bad years for fire blight, but by following the above recommendations, you will have the best chance of preserving your apple and pear trees and preventing further damage. The MSU Extension Service has a bulletin regarding fire blight available online called “Important Apple Diseases of Montana.” If you have any questions or need clarification for this article, please contact Amy Grandpre, Yellowstone County Urban Horticulture Assistant, 301 North 27th, 3rd Floor, P.O. Box 35021, Billings, Montana 59107 Phone: 406-256-2821 Fax: 406-256-2825 Email: agrandpre@co.yellowstone.

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C37


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2010 International 7400/Sprayflex Truck Sprayer

2013 Miller Condor GC-75

1300 hours, 1200 gallon SS tank, 100-ft. Mono-boom, hydraulic front wheel assist, Raven Envisio Pro, Smart Trac, Raven boom height, 2 sets of tires. Very Sharp and like New...... $205,000

335 hp Navistar, Allison automatic, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 124-ft. boom, 650 rear tires, Trimble 750 GPS

2017 John Deere 4045

100 hours, 120-ft. booms, 2 sets of tires: 710 Alliance and 380’s, 3” front fill. Absolutely Immaculate............................$385,000

2012 International Ag Trucks 1300-90 2012 International 7400 Ag Trucks Spray System 1300 SS gallon, 90-ft. boom, 335 hp, Allison automatic, auxiliary transmission, single rears, Trimble 750, 1998 Freightliner Marflex Truck Sprayer Field IQ, EZ Pilot, Raven boom height, Very nice....... 1250 gallon, 90-ft. , Cummins, Allison automatic, hydraulic .................................................................... $125,000 steering, Outback GPS. Many new updates........$70,000


2005 Ag Chem Rogator 1076, 2000 hours, 1100 gallon tank, 90-ft. boom, Raven controller, auto steer, 2 sets of new tires, no drips, no leaks, no welds. Absolutely Immaculate!...........$105,000 Used Simonsen 8 ton spreader cart, 8 ton urea capacity, tandem walking beam axle, flotation tires, hydraulic drive, Raven 660 controller......................... CALL 1998 International 4900 New 1500 gallon tank and plumbing, 100-ft. boom, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble FMX, Field IQ, EZ Pilot........$70,000

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Whether wheat weathers heat waves

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C38


By Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy wide production of 729 million tons in 2014. A heat wave sweeps through a city and It is a major source of human nutrition. people swelter, running indoors to find air 4 $6.00/pair Call 406-736-5340 Nuttall says that maintaining stable producconditioning. But crops out in a field aren’t tion into the future includes finding ways to so lucky. For them, there is no escape. reduce the effects of heat stress to plants. Scientists in Australia are working to Nuttall and his team performed three understand how heat waves impact wheat. experiments. They tried to get a complete They are mixing observational studies with picture of the different characteristics of techniques from computer science. This will • John Deere 40 Crawler heat stress, such as timing, intensity, and allow them to create models to understand • (2) John Deere B Tractors duration. They tested how plants responded how wheat will respond in certain condi• Truck hoist with sub frame for 12-ft. box to a multi-day heat wave and if it affected tions. Phone 406-735-4464, call evenings plants more during their flowering or grainHeat can affect plants and the soil, water, filling phase. They also studied how water air, and microbes around them in many difavailability during the heat wave affected ferent ways. Knowing how all of these facthe wheat. tors affect crops could help farmers protect Results showed that high temperatures their plants against heat waves’ effects. FOR SALE: five days before the wheat began to flower “Heat waves can greatly reduce wheat reduced the number of wheat grains on a in growing regions and modeling could aid 1993 Chevrolet plant. Also, a high-temperature event while in finding strategies to limit the impact of the grain of wheat was growing reduced extreme weather and climate change,” says with 22-ft. flatbed how big it got. James Nuttall. Nuttall works for Australia’s 5:2 speed, 427 engine They then put all the results together into Agriculture Victoria, Department of Eco28,500 lb. GVW a computer simulation model. This allowed nomic Development, Jobs, Transport and them to predict how wheat beyond just the Resources. “This can specifically come in plants in their experiment could be impacted handy during the sensitive periods of crop Phone: (406) 799-6923 by a heat wave. flowering and the grain filling phase.” Nuttall explains: “Crop modeling allows Wheat is an important crop with a worldyou to test responses for environment or treatment combinations, and also test how those interact with each other.” He says a good example is in climate change studies where scientists are interested in plants’ response to carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and rainfall. A crop model allows them to Ask about test combinations of these Choose from Trimble Steering Systems Interest factors on growth and yield. “These models allow us to make a prediction of crop growth and yield,” he says. “In finding ways to combat heat waves, modeling provides a tool to see the effects of climate and weather changes on wheat production. It helps us predict how wheat will react so we can try to stop any negative effects beforehand.” Nuttall says the next step in their research is to test their models using fields of wheat rather than a smaller sample of plants. They ultimately want to include their work in larger crop models to improve them. “As a scientist, there is satisfaction in finding relationships between crop growth and stresses like heat waves,” he says. “I also think the work is valuable because we can help crop models identify posGFX-750 CFX-750 TMX 2050 sible ways that allow us to keep producing the food our planet needs.” Read more about this work in Agronomy Journal (https://dl.sciencesocieties. org/publications/aj/abChoose from Trimble Displays stracts/110/4/1296). This research was funded by the Australian Grains Research and Development Purchase one qualifying display and one Corporation and Agriculture qualifying steering system for the farm and A G - S E R V I C E S Victoria, Department of get a gift card for yourself! Must order in PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street Economic Development, Fort Benton, MT 59442 Jobs, Transport and ReAugust 2018, call for details. 406-622-3887 sources.

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Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 — Page C39


2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours.........$115,000

2012 Case IH 4520 3 BIN, 3900 hours, Viper Pro Trimble 750...........................$111,000 2011 Case IH Titan 4520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 4468 hours..... .................................$111,000

Free Freight Up To 1200 Miles

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours.......$88,000

2012 Mahindra Mpower 85 tractor, 85 horsepower, 540/1000 PTO, loader w/forks and bucket, 2010 hours, FWD, really nice tractor!........$26,000

1995 Terragator 1844 3208T engine, Allison auto trans. New Leader 3020 GT, Raven 660 controller, 7000 hours...................... $37,500

2008 Case IH 3520 3559 hours, Viper Pro, Trimble 750 auto steer................... $88,000

2010 Case IH 4520 70-ft. airflow, Raven Viper Pro, Smartrax, 1889 hours!!.... $138,000

2005 Case 4510 370 hp, auto, 2006 Case FLX 4510 floater, 70-ft. flex air bed, 4500 hours. Allison automatic, Cummins, ............... $78,000... $103,000 FlexAir 810 box, Viper controller, autosteer, shedded every night, 7466 hours, runs great. ..........$88,000...........$104,00

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours....... $98,000

Check these Great Buys

2004 Loral C13 Cat, automatic, Air Max 1000 ................$77,500..... $93,000

1999 Sterling with Willmar 16 ton side discharge, clean truck........................... $29,500

2009 Terra Gator 6203 Cat, Terra Shift, New Leader L4000 G4, Raven Viper Pro monitor, Smarttrax, 3711 hours........................$88,000

2010 TerraGator 8204, Cat, Terra Shift, Airmax Precision 2, twin bin, Falcon controller, 4000 hours...............$93,500

Very Clean!

2010 Case IH Titan 4020 Cummins, automatic, 1800 gallon, 85-ft. boom, defco pump, Envizio Pro, 3753 hours......................... $84,500

2009 Terra Gator 8204, Cat, Airmax Precision, 5415 hours. Very clean...... $69,000 2007 Freightliner, Cat C-13, 630,000 miles, automatic transmission, aluminum wheels....................... $29,500

2006 Peterbilt 387, Cat C13, 10 speed. 600,000 miles........ .................................. $29,000 2005 Peterbilt 379, Cummins ISX, 13 speed. 665,946 miles.......................... $43,500


1973 Trinity NH3 portable 18,000 gallon, self contained holding tank............$38,000

1989 Kenworth T800 dry, Cummins, tandem with tag axle, Ray Man 20 ton, 5 compartment, top auger... $33,500

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours......................$78,000

(2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi..$15,000 for the pair

2013 Freightliner 125 truck, Detroit diesel engine, 10 speed transmission, wet kit, 546,000 miles...........$36,500

2002 Loral 400 Cummins, Air Max 1000, 4100 hours............ .................................. $63,000 1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........... $39,500

2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours................ $29,500

1984 International DT 466 8 speed, Tyler 16 ton rear discharge tender with roll tarp..... .................................. $18,500 2004 Willmar on 3 axle B&B trailer......................... $37,500 2012 Merritt semi tender with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric roll tarp................. $38,500

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained......................... $32,500

Your full service fertilizer dealer.

2012 RoGator RG 1300, 1300 gallon, SS liquid system, 120-ft. boom, Raven ViperPro, 2200 hours.............................$133,000

Services Offered:

2009 Merritt with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric tarp, 4 compartments......................... ...............$31,500...... $33,000

2008 Swinger 1630 hours, 2k loader/forklift Cummins motor, 2014 Rogator 1300, 3220 comes with bucket & fork....... hours, with new leader bed.... .................................. $28,500 ................................ $137,000

1988 Kenworth T800, Cat, Wilmar 16 ton............ $24,500

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GREYN FERTILIZER SUPPLY INC. We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you:

Choteau - Larry Greyn 466-5356

Dutton - Vern Greyn 476-3402

Valier - Eric Greyn 279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, August 2018 – Page C40







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2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disc ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold....... ................................................................................................. Call 2014 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker, notched rollers, new S-tines...$57,500 2005 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker, notched rollers, S-tines..........$18,900 John Deere 995 7 bottom plow with Sterling packer.............$13,900



1999 John Deere 945 mower conditioner, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner.....................................................................................$8500 Case IH LB434 3x4 square baler, low bale count..................$88,900 2015 John Deere 569 round baler, net wrap and twine, MegaWide, hydraulic pickup, flotation tires, bale push bar, 6000 bales.$39,500 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only, 19,431 bales....$8900 John Deere 7700 combine, 224 header, 3500 hours, hydraulic driven, bat reel, hydrostatic drive, air conditioner, rear spreader......$5000

2018 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes.......................................................................... Call 2015 New Holland 9.35 telehandler, 1000 hours..................$89,000 2016 Newhouse C-5000 square bale feeder, tandem axle, only used one season........................................................................$47,500 Jiffy 950 round and square bale processor, cradle feeder. Good shape.................................................................................$15,750 2008 Haybuster 2650 round bale processor, right hand discharge, manual deflector, chute......................................................$12,900 Bale Boss 2 bale square bale processor..................................$7500 2011 John Deere 835 mower conditioner, 11.5-ft. cut, Impeller conditioner, 2-pt. hitch..............................................................$18,250 2009 John Deere 946 13-ft. mower conditioner, Impeller conditioner, clevis hitch, hydraulic swing, hydraulic lift..........................$21,750 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit........................$52,500 New Higgobotham hay squeeze for John Deere 544 Series front end loaders...............................................................................$12,000 New Holland 195 manure spreader, 350 bushel, flotation tires, top beater, hydraulic end gate.................................................$11,000 2005 Farm King grain auger, 10”x60-ft.....................................$5000 2012 John Deere RSX 850 gator, 15,000 miles.......................$8750 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade..........................................................$575 12-ft. pasture harrow....................................................................$900







2015 John Deere 9470RT track tractor, 30” tracks, 18/6 PowerShift, PTO, 4 SCV’s, 58 gpm hydraulic pump, 1282 hours.......$283,500 2015 John Deere 8320R, IVT transmission, ILS with hydraulic diff lock duals, CommandView III cab, 85 gpm hydraulic pump, 6 remotes, 22 front weights, 4600 lb rear weight, approximatley 2000 hours. PowerGard warranty until January 2021 or 5000 hours........... ........................................................................................$235,000 2013 John Deere 8235R, 16 speed PowerShift, 7 inch display, 3 remotes, 1000 PTO, Cat 3 hitch, front and rear weights, 10,315 hours....................................................................................... Call 2017 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard.........................$135,900 2017 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours....... ........................................................................................$129,900


(2) 2014 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rakes.........................$15,500 2013 Twin Star G2 27-ft. 5 bar hydraulic v-rake.....................$20,500 2013 Frontier WR5417 heavy duty 17 wheel rake, max raking width 29-ft...................................................................................$19,900


Self-Propelled Windrowers


2016 John Deere L340 3x4 square baler, tandem axle, roller chute, 6992 bales.......................................................................$117,500 2013 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler...............................$92,500 2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales. ...........................................................................................$77,500 2013 Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4 baler, 24,000 bales.........$78,000 2011 Massey Ferguson 2150 3x3 baler, single axle, knotter fans, roller chute, 10,700 bales..................................................$63,000 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler..........................$21,500



2017 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 800 hours...............................................................................$129,900 2017 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, approximately 900 hours....................................................$129,900 2013 John Deere W-235, 16-ft. header, flail conditioner......$125,000 2014 New Holland 130 speedrower, 12-ft. header, urethane conditioner, 800 hours...............................................................$75,000 2005 Case IH WDX2302, 16-ft. header, 2024 hours..............$35,000






(2) 2018 John Deere 560M, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide, hydraulic pickup, bale push bar................... Call 2017 John Deere 569, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup, 9300 bales..............$40,900 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.....................................................................$35,500 2010 John Deere 568, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide, hydraulic pickup, bale push bar, 20,000 bales.$23,500 2002 John Deere 567, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, MegaWide, hydraulic pickup, bale push bar, 47,500 bales..................$11,900













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