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Nominations sought for outstanding ag leaders
Celebrate Agriculture Weekend is an annual event to honor Montana’s agricultural legacy and current and future agricultural leaders, producers and students. For more information about Celebrate Agriculture and a full agenda, visit ag.montana.edu/celebrateag/.
Controlling bluegrass in irrigated alfalfa
By Todd Whitney, UNL
Bluegrass can be a common weed in irrigated alfalfa lowering forage quality and shortening stand longevity. Thankfully, these pesky plants can be controlled by maintaining thick alfalfa stands; properly managing irrigation; and/or using herbicides (as a last resort).
High-density alfalfa stands can effectively compete with bluegrass for sunlight, moisture, and nutrients. However, it is important to time irrigation so the upper several inches of fields are dry at harvest. Then, delay irrigation until significant alfalfa regrowth is initiated. Unlike alfalfa, that has a deep root system, bluegrass is shallow rooted and will not compete well with the alfalfa if the topsoil is dry. Conversely, early irrigation (following harvest) may allow bluegrass to out compete the alfalfa for available surface moisture; since bluegrass basal leaves help it grow more rapidly after the alfalfa is cut. Once alfalfa regains some regrowth, it will compete well with the bluegrass.
If stands are thick, and water management is adequate, then labelled herbicides like Select Max®/Arrow®; Poast®; Velpar®; or Roundup WeatherMax® might be cost effective to weaken or kill grassy weeds like bluegrass. Apply any one of these immediately after harvest. Glyphosate herbicides can be used on Round-up Ready® alfalfa fields. For bluegrass and annual grasses like foxtail and crabgrass control; Select Max® and Arrow® have the highest rated control and is safe for your alfalfa.
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AUGUST 2023 — Vol. XXIV No. 7
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