Trader's Dispatch - January 2020

Page 1


Vol. XX No. 12 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: E-MAIL:

Youth stress workshop

By NDSU Extension Service Stressors specific to the agriculture industry and helping farm and ranch youth will be the focus of a workshop that North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension, Eyes on the Horizon and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture are teaming up to hold from 1 to 4 p.m. Central time January 16, 2020. This workshop is for teachers, counselors, social workers, health-care providers, faith community members, parents and anyone else who is concerned about the youth of rural North Dakota’s farm and ranch communities. The workshop will be held via the Interactive Video Network (IVN) at sites across North Dakota. Monica Kramer McConkey, a licensed professional counselor with Eyes on CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


January 25, Bobcat Angus, Great Falls MT........................................................A3 February 1, Prickly Pear Simmental Ranch, Helena MT....................................A5 February 3, Gateway Simmental & Lucky Cross, Lewistown MT.....................A7 February 5, Begger’s Diamond V Simmental & Angus, Wibaux MT.................A9 February 7, Baumgarten Cattle Co Hereford and Angus, Belfield ND.............A4 February 15, Sparks Herefords, Plevna MT......................................................A15 February 17, Bulls of the Big Sky Simmental, Angus, SimAngus, Billings MT... .............................................................................................................................A11 February 25, Connelly Angus, Valier MT...........................................................A13 March 3, Hill’s Ranch Simmentals, Stanford MT..............................................A17 March 3, Apex Angus, Valier MT........................................................................A19 March 6, Sutherlin Farms Red Angus, Stevensville MT..................................A21 March 7, Redland Red Angus & Gelbvieh, Hysham MT..................................A23 March 7, Bulls of the Bitterroot Black Angus, Stevensville MT......................A25 March 9, Holden Herefords, Valier MT...............................................................A15 March 9, Veseth Cattle Co., Glasgow MT..........................................................A27 March 10, Cooper Hereford Ranch, Willow Creek MT......................................A15 March 12, Fritz Red Angus, Brady MT..............................................................A37 March 13, Flesch Angus, Shelby MT.................................................................A39 March 30, Harrer’s Lost Lake Ranch, Great Falls MT......................................A41

Research proposals sought by Alfalfa Seed Committee

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Alfalfa Seed Committee is seeking proposals for demonstration projects, applied research, and market development projects designed to address needs and opportunities for Montana’s alfalfa seed industry. Proposals are due January 31, 2020. The committee will review proposals at the first regular meeting of the year. It will review all applications and make recommendations to the department for funding. Generally, to qualify for consideration, proposals must have practical, near-term application involving practices or organizational arrangements that will stimulate and expand the alfalfa seed industry. For a complete list of guidelines and eligibility requirements, visit GrantsandLoans/AlfalfaSeedPgm/AlfalfaRFP2020.pdf. Questions should be directed to the Montana Alfalfa Seed Committee, PO Box 200201, Helena, MT 59620-0201 or by contacting Dani Jones at (406) 444-2402 or via email at


January 19.....RLP Auctions, Western Auction, Hamilton..................................A8


January 25, Circle Ag Show, Circle MT...............................................................A2 January 31-February 1, Montana’s Next Generation Conference, Shelby MT...A3 February 4-5, Soil & Water Conservation District, Soil Health Symposium, Billings MT......................................................................................................................A6 February 19, Grower’s Meeting, Joplin Montana ............................................A20

This was the Grand Champion market steer at the 2019 Mineral County Fair. The market beef was the first beef project for Margaret Parkin. Margaret purchased the steer locally at the Loge Ranch in St. Regis from a red Angus/black Angus cross cow and a Thomas Herford bull at a weaning weight of 800 pounds and sold to Shyrock Development in Superior for $8.00 per pound. Selling weight was 1455 pounds, equating to a lifetime rate of gain of 2.85 pounds per day. According to the auctioneer, this price of $11,600 is the highest on record for the Mineral County fair.

Master Farmer classes to be held in Conrad By Adriane Good, MSU Extension Pondera County MSU Extension in Pondera county is Specialist will cover Long Term Operational hosting a Master Farmer program to give Success. He will go over how to make your beginning producers a strong foundation of operation successful today, plan for the fuagronomy and farm business knowledge as ture, and make sure your farm survives the they start their farming career and to refresh transition to future generations. the knowledge of veteran producers. This The third class, on February 6, will feature 6-part course will start on January 23, 2020 Mat Peterson-Walter, MSU Extension Lewis and occur every Thursday until February 27 & Clark County Agriculture Agent, speaking at the Moose Lodge in Conrad. Classes will on new and specialty crops. Mat will discuss start at 6 p.m. with dinner and will go until how to determine if new crops are right for approximately 8 p.m. Classes will include you and how to incorporate them into your some hands-on activities as well as some current rotations. classroom style learning. Two of the classes On February 13, Tyler Lane, MSU Extenin this program will have pesticide points sion Chouteau County Agriculture Agent, available for those with current private apwill discuss noxious weeds. Tyler will cover plicator licenses. some important weeds in the area and the In the first class on January 23, John best ways to fight them. Diekhans, Northwest Farm Credit Services Dr. Clain Jones, MSU Extension Soil Spewill go over the basics of acquiring land to cialist, will discuss soil health on February farm. He will cover buying vs. leasing as 20. Dr. Jones will answer all the questions well as some of the finer legal points of the you have about your soil and give you the matter. knowledge you need to keep it productive On January 30, Joel Schumacher, MSU for future crops. Extension Agriculture Economics Associate In the last week, Scott Johnson, manager of Columbia Grain in Conrad will talk about elevator marketing. He will help you gain PRIVATE TREATY the knowledge to make sure you are selling Anchor Polled Herefords, Vaughn MT.........................A15 your grain at the best price possible. Beery’s Land & Livestock Co., Vida MT......................A15 Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY...................................A8 Registration costs $75 and is open through Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT.................A7 Thursday, January 16, 2020. Registration is Duncan Ranch Co, Joplin MT......................................A15 available online at pondera.msuextension. Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT...............................A15 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT...................................A15 org or by contacting the Pondera County K.L. Slagsvold Herefords, Lindsay MT........................A14 Extension Office at 406-271-4054 or ponMcMurry Cattle, Billings MT........................................A15 Checks should be made Sleeping Willow Ranch, Stevensville MT......................A2 to the Pondera County Extension Office and Thomas Herefords, Gold Creek MT.............................A15 Wichman Herefords, Moore MT...................................A14 sent to 20 4th Ave SW, Conrad, MT 59425.


The deadline for February issue is Wed., JANUARY 29 Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A36 Email:

Trader’s Dispatch January 2020 — Page A2

For Sale!

Registered Irish Black and Irish Red Bulls, Cows and Heifers

Sleeping Willow Ranch ~ Stevensville, Montana Tim Hamilton at 406-360-4710 or email

Ranch Profitability workshop series in Cut Bank, MT

From Kari Lewis, MSU Extension – Glacier County As margins continue to tighten in the cattle businesses, its critical to analyze each component of the ranch enterprise to identify each enterprise’s profitability. Overall ranch profitability is the sum of various ranch activities and knowing the contribution of each ranch enterprise, whether cow/calf, hay production, heifer development, land, etc. is essential to determining overall profitability. Ranchers will have the opportunity to work through a series of exercises to discover production costs of their ranch enterprise through the Ranch Profitability workshop series January 7, January 21, and February 11. Ranch Profitability workshops will be held at the Glacier County Extension Office, 1210 E. Main, Cut Bank, Montana, from 1 – 4 p.m. There is a $15 registration fee that includes all three classes and refreshments. Checks should be made to Glacier County Extension and mailed to 1210 E. Main, Cut Bank, MT 59427 by January 3, 2020. Through the series, instructors will work with individual participants to isolate and understand how costs and depreciation impact the ranch’s cash flow and balance sheet. Participants should plan to attend all three sessions as each session builds on the previous lessons. Tris Munsick, of the Plank Stewardship Imitative, will be sharing a combination of academic and real-world knowledge from his experiences on both small and large ranches in the West. Tris has earned a master’s degree in Applied and Agricultural Economics from the University of Wyoming and a Range Science degree from Montana State University (MSU) and works extensively with ranchers across Montana and Wyoming. For more information or to register, please contact the Glacier County Extension Office at (406) 873-2239 or kari.

Youth stress workshop CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE


the Horizon and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, will present “Supporting Farm Youth Through Understanding and Intervention.” Workshop topics also will include adverse childhood experiences (ACES), developmental milestones in adolescence (ages 12 to 18), and the impact of stress on emotional and physical development, relationship building techniques, resources and QPR (question, persuade, refer), an emergency response to someone in a suicide crisis. Three social work clock hours are approved for professionals attending this workshop. Contact your local Extension office for details on an IVN site near you. For more information, contact Kim Bushaw, NDSU Extension family science specialist, at 701-231-7450 or kim.


January 2020 — Vol. XX No. 12 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for February issue WEDNESDAY, January 29. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales

Office Phone 406-271-5533

FAX 406-271-5727

e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build you ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.

Nebraska Grower and Brewer Conference & Trade Show

##### Women go on a diet on three occasions: When they break up with a guy; When they meet a new guy; On Mondays.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A3

BARLEY HAY FOR SALE Approximately 209 ton. Put up right............................$100/ton

For more information call Barney Bouma (406) 590-8884 From University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) has announced the dates for the fourth annual Nebraska Grower and Brewer Conference and Trade Show. The two-day conference will be held Monday and Tuesday, January 27-28, 2020, at the Younes Conference Center in Kearney, Nebraska. The conference features brewer and grower tracks throughout the event, featuring nationally known speakers covering topics on technical brewing, business management and growth, business financial planning, hop research updates from UNL, post-harvest processing, pest and disease management, event planning, sensory analysis, barley production, and more. Sessions will include individual presenters, panels and round table discussions to encourage a range of growth opportunities for conference participants. Opportunities to network will be encouraged throughout the event, including an evening networking reception featuring Nebraska beer. Two keynote speakers will headline the event. The speaker duo Sam Stecher and Mark Johnson, creators of Mission Monday, will kick off day one with “Taking the Random out of Random Acts of Kindness,” focusing on purposely building a community in any setting. Julia Herz, craft beer program director for the Brewers Association, will provide the “State of the Brewing Industry” presentation to begin day two of the conference. Additional speaker highlights include Josh Mayich, owner of Darlings Island Farm in New Brunswick and a returning favorite will present on flavor analysis in hops with an aim of giving some competitive advantages to small and medium sized growers; Christian Peterson of Buck 15th Annual Production Sale Creek Hops in Iowa will present on hop processing, marketing and packaging, and mildew spray programs; SALE AT: 12:30 PM • LUNCH AT 11:30 Katie Alsip, former brand exWESTERN LIVESTOCK AUCTION – GREAT FALLS, MT perience manager for Rhinegeist Brewery, and currently LL the client vision director at FIRST SONS SE Bobcat Blue Sky AGAR will discuss looking beyond quality liquids to BOBCAT BLUE SKY G120 how we can turn our consumCalved: 03/19/19 • Reg: 19526409 ers into brand ambassadors; Musgrave Big Sky and Audra Gaiziunas, CEO Bobcat Blue Sky $M +79 of Bhramari Brewing ComBobcat Lass 411 # $F +104 $G +60 pany and owner of Brewed +164 Reg:18880272 $B Connealy Black Granite # For Her Ledger in Ashville, Musgrave Big Sky x EXAR Denver 2002B Bobcat Queenall 363 CED BW WW YW MK CW MB RE FAT North Carolina engage conBobcat Quenall 894 +7 +3.4 +87 +146 +24 +64 +.82 +.67 +.035 ference participants in craft Introducing our newest Herd Sire Purchased by ST Genetics in our 2017 sale. brewery accounting. CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE FAT $M $F $G $B The Nebraska Grower Circle L Gus +6 +3.1 +94 +154 +34 +68 +.72 +.47 +.025 +73 +107 +54 +157 and Brewer Conference & Trade show’s purpose is to BOBCAT BLUE SKY G51 provide pertinent educational Calved: 03/15/19 • Reg: 19526478 Sons information to regional hop Musgrave Big Sky sell! growers and craft brewers, Bobcat Blue Sky $M +90 $F +125 Bobcat Lass 411 # to provide a platform for $G +24 Reg:17993084 $B +150 participants to build industry Bobcat Consent S Chisum 6175 x HARB Pendleton 765 JH connections and relationBobcat Miss Angus 510 CED BW WW YW MK CW MB RE FAT ships, and to provide the Bobcat Miss Angus 2051 +14 -1.8 +62 +102 +22 +63 +.14 +.70 +.069 resources, skills and tools Vermilion Re-Ride for participants to contribute CED BW WW YW MILK CW MARB RE FAT $M $F $G $B to the Nebraska hop growing +11 +.5 +74 +127 +24 +56 +.28 +.75 +.002 +56 +108 +53 +161 and craft beer industries. SELLING 180 BULLS • 90 YEARLING BULLS Sons Vendor and sponsorship 40 FALL YEARLING BULLS • 50 2 YEAR OLD BULLS sell! 30 - 8 YEAR OLD REGISTERED COWS opportunities are available $M +65 150 BRED 2 COMING 3 YEAR OLD COWS $F +108 for the Nebraska Grower $G +37 500 COMMERCIAL BRED HEIFERS Reg:18508640 $B +145 and Brewer Conference 35 - 10-YEAR OLD COWS Connealy Spur x CCA Hay Buster 846T and Trade Show at https:// Pasture bred to sons of Big Sky. Due to calve: March 20 – May 1 CED BW WW YW MK CW MB RE FAT Carrying bull and heifer calves. +2.4 +81 +138 +18 +54 +.35 +.45 +.009 24gwUHXp6. Bryan Ratzburg: Ernie Ratzburg: For more information and (406) 937-5858 Cell: (406) 788-3272 Cell: (406) 788-3244 to register for the event, visit 265 Bobcat Angus Loop, Galata, MT 59444 • Email: www.GrowBrewNebraska. com.

Look to the Future with



JANUARY 25, 2020

Sires represented:

Lot 4

Lot 5

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A4

Advertising Deadline for the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 80,000 bushel storage at Choteau, MT

Marion L. Jones 406-544-4766, cell

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Brock • Complete millwright and concrete service • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington

Call us at: (406) 652-1125 or 800-775-1540

BILLINGS FARM & RANCH SUPPLY Is Your Montana Abilene Machine Warehouse! Since we are unable to be at the M.A.G.I.E we are offering a 10% discount for purchases made on January 16, 17 and 18. Mention this ad for your discount.

NDSU Feedlot School set for January 22-23

By NDSU Extension Service Cattle producers, feeders, backgrounders, feed industry personnel, animal health-care suppliers and others will have an opportunity to learn more about feedlot production, nutrition, manure management and marketing during the annual North Dakota State University (NDSU) Feedlot School set for January 22-23, 2020, at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. “Feeding cattle is a decades-old business with lots of new techniques,” says Karl Hoppe, Extension livestock systems specialist at the center. “Making cattle feeding profitable is usually a result of doing many things right, not just one thing better. The Feedlot School helps identify the areas for improvement, ranging from feed bunk management to health to business planning to marketing.” Feedlot school topics will include: • Why feed cattle in North Dakota • Animal nutritional requirements and feeding • Implant technologies • Feed additives • Ration formulation • Bunk reading and feed delivery • Livestock stewardship/beef quality assurance • Facility development and management • Disease diagnosis, treatments and health programs • Differences in feeding profitability • Manure and nutrient management • Carcass quality and marketing on the grid • Using market information for strategic planning • Budgeting The school also will include a tour of a commercial feedlot and the Research Extension Center’s livestock facilities. Faculty from NDSU’s Animal Sciences Department, and the Carrington, Hettinger and Central Grasslands Research Extension Centers, as well as others who have extensive experience working with northern Plains feedlots, are instructors for the school. “The regional cattle experts who teach at the school provide a good overview of management for North Dakota feeders, and the outreach or interaction with the participants continues for years after the school,” says Mary Keena, Extension livestock environmental management specialist at the center. The registration fee is $145 per person or $195 for two people from the same operation. All meals, a flashdrive with supporting documents and a copy of the Cow Bytes feed ration balancing computer program are included with the registration. The deadline to register is January 15. The fee does not include lodging. Register online at CRECstore. Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Lodging is available at the Chieftain Conference Center, 701- 652-3131; Carrington Inn and Suites, 701-652-3982; or Cobblestone Inn, 701-652-3000. For more information about the course or to register, contact Hoppe at 701- 652-2951 or or Mary Keena at 701-652-2951 or The Carrington Research Extension Center is 3.5 miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.

International Hot and Spicy Food Day

Date celebrated: January 16th For one red-hot day a year, the world’s chili heads, heatseekers and extreme eaters can take their passion to extremes. International Hot and Spicy Foods Day sparks a wildfire of events, from habanero-eating challenges to fancy-dress contests and cook-offs of popular recipes. Among serious aficionados, it also re-kindles the great debate: which chili pepper tops the official Scoville heat scale? There’s no denying the daredevil nature of some of the celebrations. However, people who like a meal to tingle their taste buds, not make their eyes water, shouldn’t feel left out. Enjoying a touch of heat in our cooking is a worldwide human trait, so what better day to invite your family and friends to discover a different cuisine? Thai, Indian, Creole and Caribbean dishes are all famous for their blends of aromatic ingredients, but many cultures boast their own favorites. After all, variety is truly the spice of life…

2020 Field to Fork webinar schedule set

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension again will host the Field to Fork “Wednesday Webinar” series starting in February 2020. Experts from across the region will provide information about growing, processing and serving specialty-crop fruits and vegetables safely. The “Field to Fork Wednesday Weekly Webinars” will begin February 5. The webinars will be held online from 2 to 3 p.m. Central time through April 8. The webinars also will be archived for later viewing; however, participating in the live webinar allows participants to interact with the presenter. The webinars are free of charge but preregistration is required. The webinars will be held on Zoom. The Field to Fork website ( has a link to register for the webinars. Participants will be sent sign-in reminders with the link for viewing. Topics that will be covered are: • February 5: Starting Vegetables From Seed at Home Randy Nelson, Extension home horticulture and agriculture production systems educator, University of Minnesota • February 12: Growing Flowers for Fun or Profit - Don Kinzler, NDSU Extension agent - horticulture, Cass County • February 19: Growing Tomatoes in North Dakota - Tom Kalb, NDSU Extension horticulturist • February 26: Building a Terrarium - Esther McGinnis, associate professor and NDSU Extension horticulturist • March 4: Pressure Cooking and Canning: New (and Old) Ways to Cook and Preserve Vegetables - Julie GardenRobinson, NDSU Extension food and nutrition specialist • March 11: Staying Safe in the Sun: Insight From a Skin

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A5

The deadline for advertising in the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Trucks For Sale

2007 Kenworth T800, Cummins diesel, 8LL transmission, 16,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. double locking rearends, double frame............................................................................. $29,950

2006 International 8600, Cummins diesel, 10 speed, good tires, clean truck............................................................ $14,950

2005 Peterbilt, Cummins diesel, 10 speed, long double frame, good tires, nice clean truck............................................ $19,950

Please call 406-855-4465

2003 International 4400 DT530, 325 hp, 10 speed, long frame, spring tandem suspension, good running truck.............$17,950


ASA# (3645648) CE BW WW











117 .26













































ASA# (3645579) YW ADG MCE

120 .26















125 .28
























ASA# (3645661) CE BW WW



107 .22

ASA# (3645468) YW ADG MCE
















EPDs as of 12.16.19

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A6

##### Compared to horses, donkeys are capable of independent thinking and decision making ensuring their safety.


700 bales - Hay Barley...................................................................$80/ton 1500 lb. round bales • Tests Available

(406) 466-5515 or (406) 590-4955 • Choteau, MT












Plus 15 producers and panelists with practical, Montana applicable experience Pre registration required by January 24


4th and 5th generation Montanans representing buyers and sellers of Montana’s finest farms and ranches. Call us today for a confidential analysis of the marketability of your property!

‘Farm Financial Skills for Women in Ag’ workshop series

By K-State Research and Extension News On farms large and small across the United States, the number of women making the decisions is growing. Against that backdrop and especially in view of the current struggling farm economy, Kansas State University will host a four-part series of workshops focused on helping women sharpen their farm financial management skills. More than 25,500 women are decision makers on Kansas farms. They farm more than 14 million acres, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Census of Agriculture. Overall, in 2017, 36% of all agricultural producers across the country were women, up from 31.5% in 2012. Fifty-six percent of farms had at least one female decision maker. “Women in agriculture will be specifically targeted for these workshops,” said Robin Reid, a farm economist with K-State Research and Extension. “They tend to be an underserved demographic, but many times are doing the books or recordkeeping for the operation. By teaching them skills necessary to turn farm records into financial statements, and then using those statements to make assessments and management decisions, farm women can increase the profitability and sustainability of their operations.” The K-State Research and Extension program will run as a series, so each evening session builds on material from the previous sessions. Participants register at a cost of $40 for the entire four-session series. The fee covers all meals and program materials. The sessions, all on Wednesdays, are January 15, January 22, January 29 and February 5, 5:30 to 8:30 pm and offered in 31 locations around the state through a combination of broadcasted keynote and local speakers. Local K-State Research and Extension agents will serve as hosts for the program and also facilitate the hands-on activities and discussions. Dinner will be served at each location to start each of the four sessions. For more information, including a list and contact information for all participating sites, visit under the Events page. Registration is available online at http://www. or by contacting the local host site location. For questions, contact Robin Reid at 785-532-0964 or LaVell Winsor at 785-220-5451. “The downturn in the farm economy in recent years has highlighted a need for more education in farm financial management, specifically focusing on debt/asset relationships, cash flow management, financial analysis and benchmarking,” said Winsor, a farm analyst for K-State Research and Extension and farm wife. There are many Women in Agriculture programs across the state, she said, but none that combine a state-level program with the convenience of 31 locations where networking and small group learning can occur. As many as 500 are expected to participate. The workshop series was inspired by a similar program at Washington State University’s Women in Agriculture Conference where Reid and Winsor delivered the keynote address in 2018 to nearly 500 women across five states. “The model of having webinar components mixed with local activities to reach a wider range of farm women was a wonderful idea for farm financial risk management education here in Kansas,” Reid said. The program is supported by the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture through North-Central Extension Risk Management Education.

2020 Field to Fork webinar schedule set CONTINUED FROM PAGE A5

Logan Todd 406.930.3673

Mary Ann Duffey


301 W. 1st Avenue | Big Timber, Montana 59011 | (406) 932-1031

Cancer Survivor - Brian Halvorson, teacher, Grand Forks Public Schools • March 18: Growing a Butterfly Garden - Janet Knodel, professor and Extension entomologist, NDSU Extension Entomology • March 25: Growing Grapes in North Dakota: Common Diseases and Varieties That Perform - Jesse Ostrander, plant diagnostician/director, NDSU Plant Diagnostic Laboratory • April 1: Supporting Pollinators in Your Landscape - Yolanda Schmidt, NDSU Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Pierce County • April 8: Pesticide Safety for Home Gardeners - Andrew Thostenson, NDSU Pesticide Program specialist This project is made possible with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. For more information, visit NDSU Extension’s comprehensive Field to Fork website or contact Garden-Robinson at 701-231-7187 or julie.

Rocky Mountain Front: Harvest numbers down

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A7


FWP News Release BULLS - Coming yearling and two-year-olds. Will winter. the 90 B licenses specific to that hunting Final numbers from the 2019 general deer HEIFERS - 15 of the replacement kind. Quiet and well pigmented. district. and elk season on a portion of the Rocky Don Dallas (406) 368-2244 ranch (406) 410-0406 cell All five of the HD 425 either-sex elk Mountain Front put mule deer, white-tailed 8210 Little Prickly Pear Road - Canyon Creek, MT licenses were successful. deer and elk taken by hunters lower than By the December 1 end of the season, it long-term averages, said a Fish, Wildlife was estimated there was roughly 700 to 800 and Parks wildlife biologist. elk on the Sun River WMA. “The mule deer harvest was 31 percent In HD 422, elk harvest was 40 percent below the 10-year average and 15 percent below the 10-year average harvest with a below last year,” said Brent Lonner, FWP total of 52 elk checked (22 bulls, 26 cows, wildlife biologist. “Elk harvest was 32 •  1/3 Weight of Aluminum four calves). percent below the 10-year average and 4 •  UV Inhibitor The Rocky Mountain Front is also popupercent below last year.” •  1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” & 3/4” thick lar with bighorn sheep hunters, and all the The numbers were collected at the Au•  8-ft., 10-ft., 12-ft. & 16-ft. wide x 11 either sex sheep hunters in sheep hunting gusta check station – FWP Region 4’s sole Widths Any length districts 421, 422, 423 and 424 took rams. biological check station – and apply only to •  Dump trucks & belly dumps Average age (horn growth rings) of the 11 a handful of hunting districts on the Rocky •  Wood floor trailers rams taken was 8.9 years old, the same as Mountain Front. •  Manure spreaders last year. Whitetails taken by hunters were consis•  Fertilizer hoppers “This year’s data collection went smoothtently above average all season but dropped •  Chutes ly at the Augusta check station,” Lonner the last week of the season. Overall harvest dirt, landscaping materials, said, “because of check station technicians: • QuickSilver Liners Haul was 8 percent below the 10-year average clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. Houston Thompson, Dan Lowe, Laurie and 12 percent below last year’s total harALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available • Durapro Liners Stone and Kerry Bouchard as well as area vest, Lonner said. • Eco UHMW Liners game warden Brady Murphy. Hunter numbers were down, too: 2,850 “The Augusta check station’s value hunters stopped at FWP’s Augusta check always proves its importance each fall,” station this year. That’s a drop of 25 percent Lonner said, “and is in no small part due to from the 10-year average, and the lowest 1-406-257-5993 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097 our workers’ efforts, attention to detail and number since 2002. communication skills.” For elk hunters, Lonner said, weather was probably a factor: “Elk harvest success this year was best during the first half of the season, which was associated with somewhat better hunting conditions and a stronger hunting effort.” TH For both mule deer and whitetails, over half the total Monday, February 3, 2020 at Noon, MST Whichever direction you are going, they cross. harvest occurred the last two Off ering 250 Bulls at the Ranch near Lewistown, Montana weeks of the season, about SALE BULL AVERAGE EPDs: the same time as the peak API TI CE BW WW YW MCE MILK STAY DOC MARB ALL BULLS SELL WITH GENOMIC ENHANCED EPDS of the deer breeding season. 152 80 15 -0.7 69 108 8 23 18 15 0.5 FREE FEEDING UNTIL APRIL • FREE DELIVERY Most of the mule deer 5% 10% 20% 25% 35% 30% 20% 40% 20% 10% 15% harvest came from Hunting Districts 422, 425 and 442. 900G 989G 491G Nearly half the whitetails came from HD 444. Elk hunters this year brought in 213 animals (78 bulls, 122 cows and 13 calves) compared to the 10year average of 332 elk. ASA 3549377 ASA 3549288 ASA 3549121 Mule deer numbered 166 GW BREAKTHRU 045C x GW MISS MARL MAN 898E GW SPARKY 369E x GW MISS DUE NORTH 837E GW PREDOMINATE 848A x GW MISS DUE NORTH 751C bucks, 16 does and one fawn HETERO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 5/16 AN 1/16 AR HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 3/8 AN HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 3/8 AN for a total of 183. The 10CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW 16 -1.4 64 103 10 31 63 19 -3.9 64 101 10 23 55 16 -0.5 76 118 8 28 66 year average is 266. DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI 11 22 -0.12 0.56 0.39 163 80 15 24 -0.26 0.55 0.81 165 83 18 33 -0.19 0.51 0.64 155 85 With whitetails, the count in Augusta was 283 (140 919G 387G 937G bucks, 104 does and 39 fawns); while the 10-year average is 307. Looking at individual hunting districts, HD 442, which had a quota of 100 brow-tined or antlerless elk, ASA 3549340 ASA 3548872 ASA 3549373 finished at 86 elk harvested GW MOVIN ON 183C x GW MISS DIRCT DRIVE 932E GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B x GW MISS PD 770Y 445A TFS DUE NORTH 2659Z x GW MISS SPARTAN 703E (44 bulls, 39 cows, three RED HOMO POLLED 1/2 SM 3/8 AR 1/8 AN HOMO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 3/8 AN HETERO BLACK HOMO POLLED 5/8 SM 3/8 AN calves), compared to 93 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW 16 -1.2 80 125 8 14 54 16 0.4 79 122 10 20 59 14 -1.1 67 101 8 16 49 last year and 142 the year DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI DOC CW YG MARB REA API TI 13 40 -0.28 0.4 0.86 151 85 16 17 -0.19 0.6 0.4 169 87 17 28 -0.15 0.63 0.62 150 81 before. Hunting district 424 had a Gateway Simmental and Lucky Cross bulls quota of 10 elk and finished are bred to deliver better females and better beef! Consider our at eight (seven bulls and one growthy, moderate framed, big bodied bulls with great EPDs for comcow). bined calving ease, maternal calving ease and stayability. Gateway Total elk harvest from bulls are bred to keep you in the business delivering long term value HDs 424, 425 & 442, which into the future. Buy Gateway bulls this spring to delivery heterosis, are known as the Sun River durability and generations of proven maternal adaptability! elk herd, amounted to 160 animals (57 bulls, 95 cows, Jim and Tom Butcher and eight calves). Jim 406-350-0467 • Tom 406-350-0979 In HD 425, which • 2109 Joyland Road, Lewistown, MT 59457 Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 cludes the Sun River Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487 life Management Area, 60 Chris Miller, Larry Hagenbuch, Logan Butcher, Brock Butcher antlerless elk were taken by hunters who held one of

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A8

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Montana Grain Growers held their annual convention and trade show in early December at Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana. Many exhibitors participated in the trade show giving them all a chance to visit about their products and services.

Longtime MSU wheat breeder named AAAS Fellow

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) professor, plant geneticist and spring wheat breeding specialist Luther Talbert has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society, in recognition of his decades of research in MSU’s College of Agriculture. The AAAS publishes the prestigious journal Science as well as a family of related journals. Talbert is one of 443 AAAS members to be named fellows this year for their distinguished efforts to advance science. He is one of 19 fellows in the Agriculture, Food and Renewable Resources section, noted for his “innovative translational research resulting in great benefits to the U.S. economy and understanding of genetic phenomena of importance to global food security,” according to the AAAS. Talbert has researched spring wheat breeding and genetics in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology for nearly 32 years. He has worked to develop dozens of spring wheat varieties and has been instrumental in making MSU-developed varieties some of the top contributors to the $700 million Montana wheat industry. With consistent funding from competitive federal granting agencies he has also published in more than 130 papers in a variety of scientific journals. In 2018, Montana producers planted nearly 3 million acres of spring wheat, of which about 25% was the MSUdeveloped variety Vida. Vida has been the most widely grown spring wheat in Montana since 2010. The honor caps an illustrious career for Talbert, whose contributions to the fields of agriculture and plant genetics are being recognized just a month before his retirement this December. “This job was what I envisioned doing: plant breeding to develop varieties and also having the opportunity to be a part of a university,” said Talbert. “Looking back, I feel like I was part of a team. There have been a lot of great collaborators and support from the wheat growers of Montana. I’ve been very fortunate to have such a great group of people to work with.” Talbert also continues to teach undergraduate courses. “Teaching has been a fun part of my job,” he said. “I get to see the students come through, and it always makes me realize that the future is in good hands.” Talbert becomes one of three active AAAS fellows from MSU. The others are Regents Professor John Priscu in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences who was elected in 2006 and Robert Walker in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who was elected in 2011. This year’s fellows were formally announced in the AAAS News & Notes section of the journal Science on November 29. New fellows will be recognized during the AAAS annual meeting on February 15 in Seattle.

New N.D. 4-H Ambassadors selected

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A9


By NDSU Extension Service • Alfalfa • Alfalfa Grass Mix engagement specialist in Four youth have been se• Hay Barley/Oats/Peas Forage Mix NDSU Extension’s Center lected to join the North Dakota Hay Tests Available. Large Rounds. for 4-H Youth Develop4-H Ambassador program. Bulk Discounts Available. ment. “They must attend The new team members are: Located at Broadview, MT in person and participate • Jake Doll, Steele County, Call Travis, (406) 855-1065 in various events that inFinley Sharon High School clude a formal interview, • Christopher Becker, Eddy impromptu interview, and County, New Rockford-Sheya team-building and a probenne School lem-solving event. Each • Rachel Larson, Adams portion is judged with a County, Larson Homeschool rubric by outside adults and • Linnea Axtman, Cass current Ambassadors.” County, Davies High School Come see us at the The selections event was Four youth have become North Dakota Aspen Lenning, an outMAGIE January 16-18! held during a 4-H Ambassadors 4-H Ambassadors. They are (from left) going Ambassador from Christopher Becker, Linnea Axtman, Mountrail County, enjoyed retreat at the North Dakota 4-H Booth B26 Rachel Larson and Jake Doll. (NDSU her last retreat. Camp near Washburn. We have free tickets. photo) “The selection of new “I felt extremely welcomed Stop in and get yours! Ambassadors is always so exciting,” she by all the Ambassadors from the moment I says. “We get to watch amazing kids come stepped foot into the main building of the Call 406-397-3168 or email in and show us their leadership skills. While 4-H camp,” Larson says. not everyone gets in, we get to see growth “Despite the stress of running, it was very when they come back.” fun,” Doll says. “I’m so glad that I get to be Nordby is a former Ambassador and a part of the Ambie family.” Belle Pulses USA LLC now the NDSU Extension agent in Adams The event co-chairs, 4-H Ambassadors 606 4th Street, PO Box 85 • Hingham, Montana 59528 County. Victoria Christensen and Dietrich SchlichPhone: 406-397-3168 “I got in at selections, so coming back as tmann, planned everything from the meals, A great place to take a PEA or LENTILS! an adviser at selections was very fitting and securing judges and communicating with exciting for me,” she says. candidates to all events for the day. “Everything was very organized and ran smoothly,” 60 Fall born 18 month old, 30 purebred Simmental, 120 SimAngus™ Christensen says. “We had a great group of candidates and 20 Angus Bulls, all are black and polled, most are homozygous 60 Fall born 18 month old, 30 purebred Simmental, 120 SimAngus™ and excellent judges.” and 20 Angus Bulls, all are black and polled, most are homozygous The North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors are young leaders from across the state who are actively involved in 4-H. Hannah Nordby, North Dakota 4-H Ambassador co-adviser, assists these youth as they help plan and coordinate many activities that teach youth topics such as leadership, teamwork and citizenship. “The 4-H Ambassadors Wednesday, February 5, 2020 • 12:30 PM – At the Ranch – Wibaux, MT specialize in planning and Wednesday, February 5, 2020 • 12:30 PM –Selling At the 170 RanchBlack – Wibaux, MT facilitating 4-H events, such Simmental, as Extension Youth ConferSimAngus™ and Angus Selling 170 Black Simmental, ence, workshops, training sessions, and regional and SimAngus™ and Angus state events,” Nordby says. “North Dakota 4-H Ambassadors also support local 4-H events by assisting local NDSU Extension agents.” The selection process begins with 4-H’ers submitting an application and references. “Once the application is COW POWER AT ITS FINEST: received in the state 4-H The basis of any good program is the mother cow. Our motto is: “THE RANCHER COMES FIRST”. Every breeding decision we make is to improve COW POWER AT breeding ITS FINEST: office, then candidates must our customer’s bottom line. BEGGER’S DIAMOND V RANCH provides the perfect blend of COW SENSE, COMMON SENSE and SCIENCE. We know the value of The basis of any good breeding program is the mother cow. Our motto is: “THE RANCHER COMES FIRST”. Every breeding decision we make is to improve commit to the selection ina good mother cow, she must be fertile, efficient and problem-free. She must have the staying power to produce a valuable calf year-after-year on her own, with our customer’s bottom line. BEGGER’S DIAMOND V RANCH provides the perfect blend of COW SENSE, COMMON SENSE and SCIENCE. We know the value of no extra assistance the be environment mother nature provides.She Shemust musthave possess a low-maintenance, easy-fleshing body that requires or nowith extra input. terview process,” says Sue calf type year-after-year onlittle her own, a good mother cow, sheinmust fertile, efficient and problem-free. the staying power to produce a valuable She has to have a problem-free udder and have a good gentle attitude with a set of feet and legs that will serve her until she exits your program at a ripe old age. no extra assistance in the environment mother nature provides. She must possess a low-maintenance, easy-fleshing body type that requires little or no extra input. Quamme, North Dakota 4-H She has to have a problem-free udder and have a good gentle attitude with a set of feet and legs that will serve her until she exits your program at a ripe old age. Ambassador co-adviser and v We are your source for homozygous black and polled Simmental, SimAngus™, Angus genetics, the top 170 bulls out of 275 sell. a youth leadership and civic v We your½source for homozygous black and polledyou Simmental, SimAngus™, genetics, thepredictable top 170 bulls of 275 sell. v are Many & ¾ brothers sell in volume enabling to assemble like bredAngus genetics that are andout consistent.


##### A wife hangs up after about a half-hour on the phone. The husband is surprised, “Wow, that was quick - usually you women are at it for two hours at least!” “Yeah, well, it was a wrong number.” ##### If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then lefties are the only ones in their right mind.


v Many ½ &a¾program brothersthat selldoes in volume enabling you to assemble bredand genetics areour predictable and consistent. v From the day-to-day work. We calve,like feed, work that around cattle every day, so we know our cows if they become problematic. won’t that see next and their only way is through a packing plant.our cattle every day, so we know our cows if they become problematic. v FromThey a program does year the day-to-day work. Weout calve, feed, and work around v We are see straight we don’t hem out andishaw or beat aroundplant. the bush. We honestly try to answer and meet our customer’s questions, needs and concerns. They won’t next shooters, year and their only way through a packing Ourstraight bulls come with awe complete 100% thereWe is ahonestly problemtry wetowill makeand it right. v We are shooters, don’t hem and satisfaction haw or beatwarranty. around theIfbush. answer meet our customer’s questions, needs and concerns. Our come with complete 100% satisfaction warranty. If there issoundness a problem exam we will right. in most cases nationwide on purchases over $5,000. v bulls We provide freeabull keep until April, along with a free breeding andmake freeitdelivery, v We freewalks bull keep untilthe April, a freeyou breeding exam and free delivery, in most cases nationwide on purchases over v provide Every bull through salealong ring with enabling to see soundness what you are buying. Some pictures and videos just don’t represent cattle as $5,000. they should. v Every walks through the sale ringonenabling you to purchases. see what you are buying. Some pictures and videos just don’t represent cattle as they should. v A bull 100% satisfaction guarantee sight unseen v A 100% satisfaction guarantee on sight unseen purchases.

The chase is on by Breed Associations, A.I. Companies, Universities, and some breeders to go to an EPD-only selection format. They furnish only an EPD profile A.I.selections Companies, and breeders to an They furnish only anwhen EPD profile Theand chase is onindexes by Breed dollar to Associations, make breeding (we Universities, firmly believe in some and use EPDs, to butgofeel thatEPD-only they areselection only oneformat. of many tools to consider making breeding anddecisions). dollar indexes makethat breeding selections firmly believe in and use that it they are on onlyyou. oneWe of many toolsmost to consider when breeding feel that cattlemen are making smart enough to underTheytoclaim by furnishing less(we info, it’s less confusing, andEPDs, they but are feel making easier smart enough decisions). They claimgood that use by furnishing less it’s less confusing, and theyRaw aredata making easier on birth you. We stand and make of any and allinfo, information we can provide. suchit as actual wt., feel 205that wt.,most 365cattlemen wt., ADGare and rations tells to youunderhow a calf stand make good use of and all information we you can his provide. Rawtodata as that actual birth wt., 205 wt., 365 wt., ADG and rations tellsway you too howmany a calfcattle out hasand performed among hisany contemporaries. It shows potential sire such calves may increase or decrease performance. There are has there performed among his contemporaries. It shows you hisnot potential calves but thatamay increaseknife. or decrease are way tooand many cattle in outthe world, that are worthytoofsire anything castrating You canperformance. breed for all There the highest EPDs indexes with excellent EPDs and dollar indexes indexesTRAITS, that areMENTAL, not worthy of PHYSICAL anything but a castrating You can breed for to allproduce the highest andand indexes in the world, there excellent EPDs and dollar butwith if you sacrifice ABILITY, CARCASS and TRAITS, along knife. with an animal’s ability payEPDs weight eye appeal, all you will but gain if youissacrifice ABILITY, CARCASS a cull cow with good EPDs.TRAITS, MENTAL, and PHYSICAL TRAITS, along with an animal’s ability to produce pay weight and eye appeal, all you will gain is a cull cow with good EPDs.

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A10

HAY FOR SALE 2018/2019 Dryland alfalfa/grass hay in black net wrapped, big round bales. Stored in rows. Billings area Phone (406) 663-2148 with offers.


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Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana

By H.Y. Heo, N. Blake, R.N. Stougaard, K.D. Kephart, V. Smith, J. Eberly, E. Magnuson, P. Carr, J. Miller, P.F. Lamb, C. Chen, D. Nash, and L.E. Talbert INTRODUCTION scab rating is intermediate which would The agronomic characteristics of spring make it a good choice for use under irrigawheat varieties evaluated by the Montana tion. Brennan has acceptable overall breadAgricultural Experiment Station are commaking quality. This variety is protected pared in this publication with other varieties under the Plant Variety Protection Act and commonly grown in the state. The objective can only be sold or advertised by variety of this summary is to help farmers select the name as a class of certified seed. varieties which will perform best in their CHOTEAU – Developed and released area. Data from 2015-2018 is provided for by the Montana Agricultural Experiment each of the testing sites. Data for varieties Station in grown in previous years can be found on 2003. Choteau was derived from the this website: http://plantsciences.montana. cross of MT 9401/MT 9328. Choteau is a edu/crops/index.html. semidwarf hard red spring wheat with solid The map on the cover shows the districts stems conferring tolerance to the wheat in the state for purposes of reference for stem sawfly. The spike is lax and tapered specific areas of adaptation. A brief descripwith white awns and glumes. Kernels are tion is given which may include a variety’s red, ovate with a medium crease and brush. particular advantages or disadvantages. Choteau is resistant to the prevalent race The information was extracted from data of stem rust in Montana. Choteau has good collected and analyzed from the Advanced grain protein and acceptable milling and Spring Wheat nursery. These reports are baking quality. This variety is protected prepared by research personnel of the Monunder the Plant Variety Protection Act and tana Agricultural Experiment Station. can only be sold or advertised by variety VARIETY TESTING PROCEDURES name as a class of certified seed. Locations CONAN – Developed and released Typically, the Advanced Spring Wheat byWestBred, LLC. in 1999. Conan was nursery is planted at 8 Montana sites; inselected from the cross WestBred Rambo/ cluding Bozeman (dryland), Kalispell (high WestBred 906R. Conan is a sawfly tolerant, rainfall), Havre (dryland), Sidney (dryland white chaffed, semidwarf, hard red spring and irrigated), Huntley (dryland), Moccasin wheat. The spike is mid-dense, strap shaped (dryland) and Conrad (dryland). and awned. The seeds are elliptical with Experimental Design and Data Colrounded cheeks. The brush is long and collection lared. Conan is similar toWestBred Varieties currently recommended, widely Rambo in yield, but is 2 to 4 days earlier, grown, or recently released are evaluated for .5 to .9 percentage points higher in protein, agronomic performance in the Advanced and has good milling and baking qualities. Spring Wheat nursery. Also evaluated in Conan is resistant to the prevalent races of these nurseries are experimental breeding stripe rust and leaf rust, and has shown good lines tested against the check varieties tolerance to Septoria and Tan spot. This Agronomic data collected throughout the variety is protected under the Plant Variety growing season includes heading date, plant Protection Act. height, lodging, disease and insect reactions. CORBIN – Developed and released byExperimental plots are trimmed, measured WestBred, LLC in 2006. Corbin is a hard and harvested with small plot combines. The red spring wheat derived from the cross grain is weighed for yield and test weight. Border/Conan. This line is best adapted to One trait important to wheat growers is the wheat stem sawfly areas of Montana. resistance to the wheat stem sawfly. The Corbin is a one gene semi-dwarf with modmajor mode of resistance is a solid versus erately strong straw. Disease/sawfly ratings hollow stemmed variety. To evaluate this for Corbin show it to be moderately resistant trait we cut several stems of each variety to stripe rust and similar to Conan for sawfly and score them on a scale of 1=hollow, tolerance. Milling and baking quality is ac2=2/5 solid, 3=3/5 solid, 4=4/5 solid and ceptable for the market class being grown 5=solid. The cuts are made in the center in Montana, as determined by the MSU of each internode, so there are 5 scores per Quality Lab. This variety is protected under stem. The five scores are added up to get a the Plant Variety Protection Act. total number ranging from 5=very hollow DUCLAIR – Developed and released up to 25=very solid. Entries are submitted by the Montana Agricultural Experiment to the Cereal Quality Lab at MSU, BozeStation in 2011. Duclair was derived from man for protein, milling, baking and Asian a cross of Choteau//ND695/MT9433. noodle quality evaluation as needed. Data Duclair is an awned semidwarf hard red is analyzed and summarized for each locaspring wheat heading one day earlier than tion and overall comparisons are made to and growing ~ one inch taller than Choteau. determine which varieties and/or experiDuclair generally has more solid stems mental lines look promising for Montana than Fortuna but slightly less than Choteau. producers. When sufficient data is collected Duclair is resistant to the prevalent races and analyzed, promising experimental lines of stem rust and has moderately good reare submitted to the MAES wheat variety sistance to stripe rust in Montana. Duclair release committee. exhibits acceptable milling and baking ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTIVE INtraits. This variety is protected under the FORMATION ON SPRING WHEAT Plant Variety Protection Act and can only VARIETIES be sold or advertised by variety name as a Hard Red Spring Wheats class of certified seed. BRENNAN – Brennan was developed EGAN – Developed in response to by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. and released to identification of the orange wheat blossom AgriPro Associates in 2009. Brennan was midge (OWBM) as a serious yield and derived from the cross Reeder//China Scab quality-reducing pest of spring wheat in #140/N90-0690. It is a hollow stemmed, the Flathead Valley. The source of resissemidwarf, hard red spring variety that has tance is a single gene, referred to as Sm1, shown good adaptation across the northern which causes mortality of the young larvae plains including several areas in Montana. feeding on developing seed. Egan has the It is resistant to stem and leaf rust and has pedigree (McNeal*5/Glupro)*2//CAP19/ good tolerance to leaf spotting diseases. Its CONTINUED ON PAGE A11

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A10

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A11

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der the Plant Variety Protection Act and can Choteau. Glupro was developed by North only be sold or advertised by variety name Dakota State University, and contains a as a class of certified seed. chromosome segment from the wheat relative Triticum dicoccoides. CAP19 (Reeder/ LANNING – Lanning hard red spring wheat BW-277) was developed by North Dakota was released by the Montana Agricultural University and contains the Sm1 gene for Experiment Station due to its yield potential OWBM resistance. To avoid development in dryland areas of Montana and its superior SWATHER of resistance in the OWBM to the effect of end-use quality. Lanning was derived from the FOR the Sm1 gene, Egan should be grown in a cross ‘Glenn’/MT0747 by single seed descent 90:10 blend with an OWBM-susceptible beginning in the F2 generation. Lanning has SALE spring wheat variety. This variety is prograin yield similar to ‘Vida’ with higher grain tected under the Plant Variety Protection protein and stronger gluten characteristics than Act and can only be sold or advertised by Vida. Lanning is hollow-stemmed, suggesting variety name as a class of certified seed. that it will be susceptible to damage caused by FORTUNA – Developed from the cross the wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus Nort.). Rescue/Chinook/3/(Frontana//Kenya58/ This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Newthatch made at North Dakota AgriculProtection Act and can only be sold or advertural Experiment Station with the Crops tised by variety name as a class of certified seed. Research Division of USDA cooperating. McNEAL – Developed from the cross A joint North Dakota-Montana release was RS6880/Glenman made by the Montana made in 1966. Fortuna is beardless with Agricultural Experiment Station. It was white chaff and straw. It is a solid-stemmed released in March 1995. McNeal is a 2008 John Deere 4995 swather. Comes with JD 994 headvariety, resistant to the wheat stem sawfly. semidwarf, hard red spring wheat with red er and plumbed for Honey Bee header also., Impelle conFortuna is susceptible to Septoria and black chaff and tan straw. The spike is awned and ditioner, 14.5-ft. cut, 2 owner, very clean, GreenStar and chaff fungus. It has acceptable baking mid-dense. The glumes are reddish brown AutoTrac ready, 1700 hours................................... $56,500 properties. with some white on the outer edges of the Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT JEDD – Jedd was developed by WestCONTINUED ON PAGE A12 Bred, LLC from the cross4*Hank//SWP965001/Teal11A and released in 2008. Jedd contains two patented genes (L1B S653N and L1D S653N) that confer tolerance to the BASF th grass herbicide “Beyond” (imazimox). Jedd is semidwarf with good lodging resistance and is medium in heading and maturity. Jedd yields well and has good test weight. Jedd is Simmental Angus Simangus™ moderately susceptible to races of stripe rust in western Montana and has good For over a decade... tolerance to Hessian fly Meeting the industry’s demands and our biotypes inWashington, but the reaction is unknown customers’ needs... With one of the largest for Montana biotypes. Jedd selections of Black and Red Simmental and has average grain protein SimAngus™ bulls in the United States. and acceptable milling and baking quality. This variety is protected under the Plant Unmatched customer service and the Variety Protection Act and no-nonsense, commercially focused bulls can only be sold or adveryou’ve come to expect. tised by variety name as a class of certified seed. KELBY – Kelby was developed by AgriPro and released to AgriPro Associates in 2006. Kelby was derived from the cross N97-00117/3/ February 17, 2020 n92-0098//Sumai 3/Dalen. 1:00 Pm It is a hollow stemmed, semidwarf, hard red spring Billings livestock commission wheat. Kelby is an early billings, montana heading spring wheat and maintains a good test weight across locations. Kelby has 175 YEARLING BULLS SELL the Asian background (Sumai 3) for fusarium head blight resistance giving it an intermediate scab tolerREQUEST A CATALOG AT: ance. It is resistant to stem and leaf rust and shows good or contact Maureen Mai 208-267-2668 tolerance to leaf spotting diseases. It shows moderate susceptibility to stripe rust. Kelby is susceptible to damage by the wheat stem sawFollow Bulls of the Big Sky on Facebook Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 fly. Grain protein of Kelby Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487 is good and the milling and Rocky Forseth 406-590-7984 baking quality is acceptable. Broadcasting Real-Time Auctions This variety is protected un-

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for the 11 annual

Bulls of the big sky

Bull Sale

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A12

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##### One way we save money on our electric bill is by providing our house with natural shade. Planting trees and shrubs so that they shade the sunny side of your home will help cut down on the amount of air conditioning needed. ##### At low tide, there can be up to 786 islands in the Puget Sound, WA.

DELTA IRRIGATION LTD. USED PIVOTS 2009 1988 1983 1989 2003 1990 1997

Zimmatic pivot with corner machine, hours undetermined at this time, drops with hoses and poly drop, SRNV100 end gun and booster pump, 7 towers, main machine 1232’ and corner 294’. 11.2x38 tires on main machine and corner has 11.2x38” tires. Corner has been taken off, machine still standing. The main pivot has end of system GPS, corner is wire follow. REINKE E65 Galvanized 4 tower system, approximately 742’, 4 x 175’, 1 72’ over- hang, 17,444 hours REINKE E60 SAC, 6” Galvanized pipe, recap tires, 24,028 hours, DR100 800P end gum and booster pump, plastic drops REINKE E65, 7 tower 6 5/8” galvanized pipe, 1289’, SRNV100 End gun, recap tires, 11,845 hours, booster pump, sprinkler drops Zimmatic 7 Tower, Galvanized Sustem 6 5/8” pipe, with Corner, Booster pump, SRNV100 end gun, drops, 14.9x24 tires, 1048’ (hours unknown) REINKE 11 Tower Galvanized 8” and 6 5/8” pipe, 9 towers 8” and 2 towers 6 5/8”, with SSAC corner (318’), SR100 800P end Gun with booster, hose drops and rotators, recap tires on main machine and 18.4x26 on SSAC, 1900 gpm, 23,046 hours. REINKE 7 tower E665 Corten 6 5/8” pivot, drops with rotator, End Gun and booster pump, recap tires, 1289’, 9056 hours

PICTURES ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. Can arrange trucking. For more infomation phone 403-458-1713 or email request to

Spring wheat variety performance summary CONTINUED FROM PAGE A11

lemma and palea. Kernels are red, ovate, medium length with a short brush. The cheeks are slightly rounded with a medium crease. Under Montana growing conditions McNeal is moderately resistant to lodging. It is moderately resistant to prevalent races of stem rust and wheat streak mosaic virus. McNeal is moderately susceptible to leaf rust and stripe rust. It is susceptible to Russian wheat aphid and the wheat stem sawfly. Under some climatic conditions one white chaffed plant per 2,000 plants may appear in the field. McNeal’s milling and baking qualities are acceptable by industry. MOTT – Developed by North Dakota State University and released by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station in 2009. Mott was released primarily for its resistance to the wheat stem sawfly and adaptation to the western region of North Dakota. It is a medium-tall, awned wheat that matures approximately 2 days later than Reeder and Choteau. Mott is susceptible to moderately susceptible to prevalent races of leaf rust. It is resistant to moderately resistant to prevalent races of stem rust. It is susceptible to tan spot and resistant to Stagonospora leaf blotch. Mott has good milling and baking characteristics and better than average grain protein content. NS PRESSER CLP – NS Presser CLP hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released in 2016 to the commercial partner Northern Seed LLC. NS Presser CLP is a two-gene Clearfield wheat intended for use with the selective imidazolinone herbicide imazamox (Beyond, BASF Corp.). NS Presser CLP was developed by a single backcross of alleles for resistance to the imidazolinone herbicide class into the recurrent parent Vida. Yield trials at sites in Montana showed that NS Presser CLP has yield potential under dryland production similar to Vida. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. ONEAL – ONeal is a hard red spring wheat developed by WestBred, LLC from the cross McNeal/WestBred 906R and was released in 2008. ONeal is a hollow stemmed, semidwarf wheat with red chaff. ONeal heads about the same as McNeal and one day later than Choteau. ONeal is susceptible to stripe rust. Test weight of ONeal is average with grain protein, milling and baking traits similar to McNeal. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. REEDER – Developed by the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station from the cross IAS#4/H567.71//Stoa/3/ ND674. Reeder was released in 1999. Reeder is an awned, semidwarf hard red spring wheat. Reeder yields well especially in northeastern Montana and western North Dakota. Reeder has resistance to the upper Midwest races of stem and leaf rust. Milling and baking qualities are acceptable. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. SY TYRA – SY Tyra is a hard red spring wheat initially developed at Montana State University for release by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. It originated from a marker assisted backcross project with the final cross as Choteau/4*Norpro. It has a semi-solid stem which confers some tolerance to the wheat stem sawfly. Yield performance has been very good statewide. Test weight has been very high averaging one pound heavier than Choteau. It has medium maturity similar to Reeder. It is a short semidwarf with very good straw strength. Overall milling and baking characteristics are acceptable. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. SY SOREN – SY Soren is a hollow stemmed, hard red spring wheat developed by Syngenta Seeds, Inc. and released to AgriPro Associates in 2011. PVP, Title V certificate was issued in 2012. SY Soren was derived from the cross Norpro/ Kelby. It has medium maturity and very good test weight. It is a short semi-dwarf, similar to Brennan. Straw strength is very good, between Kelby and Kuntz. It is resistant to stem rust and moderately resistant to leaf rust. It has very good tolerance to Fusarium head blight. Overall quality of SY Soren is acceptable. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. VIDA – Vida was derived from the cross of Scholar/ Reeder made in 1998 by the Montana Agricultural ExperiCONTINUED ON PAGE A16

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 – Page A13

CONNELLY ANGUS RANCH Breeding durable, common sense, moderate-framed, low maintenance, functional Angus cattle with proven bred-in longevity.

Genetics for the Long Run Production Sale • February 25, 2020, at the Ranch, Valier, MT - Sale 1 p.m.

Breedingdurable, durable,commonsense, commonsense,moderate-framed, moderate-framed, lowmaintenance, maintenance, functionalAngus Anguscattle cattlewith withproven provenbred-in bred-inlongevity. longevity. Breeding low functional 15170660 18297718 rior cows) for supemoderate-framed, h arc se (a rt po Re Breeding durable, commonsense, low maintenance, functional Angus cattle with proven bred-in Breeding durable, commonsense, moderate-framed, low maintenance, functional Angus cattle with proven bred-in longevity. er® thfindthe Pafor gus for Genetics the Long Run Production Sale$G February 27,2018, 2018, the Ranch, Valier, MT- -Sale Sale p.m. $G $B Genetics Long Run Production Sale • •February 27, atat the Ranch, Valier, MT 11longevity. p.m. e 2019 AnYW ThWW CED BW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F program! r ou m fro ws co er® nd Breeding durable, commonsense, moderate-framed, low maintenance, functional Angus cattle with proven bred-in longevity. thfi Pa 32 ts Lis The 2017 Angus Pathfinder® Report search superior cows)+47.57 The 2017 Angus Report (a(a search forfor superior cows) Genetics for Long Run Production Sale ••February 27, 2018, the Ranch, Valier, MT 1Heifers Genetics forthe the Long Run Production Sale February 27, 2018, at the Ranch, Valier, MT-+69.49 -Sale SaleHeifers 1p.m. p.m. +12 +.5 +74••at +114 +1.76 +14 +.20 +.36Yearling +.005 +63.02 +18.01 +108.69 +9 -1.1 +51 +94Pathfinder® +1.54 +22 +.62 +.23 +.021 +61.82 +33.15 +115.52150 Selling: 150 Bulls 20 Registered Yearling Selling: Bulls 20 Registered lists Pathfinder® cows from our program! lists 4545Pathfinder® cows from our program! Genetics for the Long Run Production Sale • February 27, 2018, at the Ranch, Valier, MT Sale 1 p.m. The 2017 Angus Pathfinder® Report (a(a search for The 2017 Angus Pathfinder® Report search forsuperior superiorcows) cows) Selling: Selling:150 150Bulls Bulls••20 20Registered RegisteredYearling YearlingHeifers Heifers 4545Pathfinder® our lists Pathfinder®cows cowsfrom from ourprogram! program! The 2017lists Angus Pathfinder® Report (a search for superior cows) Selling: 150 Bulls • 20 Registered Yearling Heifers lists 45 Pathfinder® cows from our program!

Selling: 140 Bulls • 20 Registered Yearling Heifers

CAR Remarkable 640

15810174 15810174 15170660 18297718 15170660 18297718 18687704 CED SCMILK MILK Marb CED BWBWBW WWWWYW FatFatRE$W$WFat $F $F$W $G$G CED15170660 WWYW YWSC SC MILK Marb $G $B MILK Marb RE FatFat $F $G BWBWWW Marb RE REREFatFat Fat$W$W$W $F $F$F $G$G BWBW YWYWYW SC SCMILK CED15170660 WW YW SCMILK MILK Marb $B$B CEDCED BWWWWW WW SC Marb MILKREMarb RE $W$W Fat $F$W $F$G $G$B $B$B CED WWYWSCYW SCMarb MILKRE REMarb $F $B $G$B $B 15810174 15810174 18297718 18297718 +1.66+27+1.86 +27 +.35 +.35 +.37 +.024 +46.38 +30.97 +28.94 +67.96 +.6+.6 +44+44+56 +75+75 +1.66 +.37 +.024 +46.38 +30.97 +28.94 +67.96 +12+.5+.1 +.5+74+74 +114 +1.76 +14 +.20 +.20 +.36 +.005 +69.49 +63.02 +18.01 +108.69 +114 +1.76 +14 +.005 +63.02 +108.69 +1.54+22+22 +.62 +.23 +.021 +61.82 +47.57 +33.15 +115.52 +12+11 +115 +1.83 +.19 +.35 +67.47 +68.21 +18.68 +115.40 +9 +9-1.1 -1.1-1.1+51 +51+51+94 +1.54 +.23 +.021 +61.82 +47.57 +33.15 +115.52 +.022 +61.95 +50.41 +9 +95+94 +1.53 +22+.62 +.64+.22 +.22 +.025 +61 +88+35.97 +46 +121.60 +135 +0.8 +72 +113 +1.73 +12+.36 +.21 +.35+69.49 +.008 +60+18.01 +71 +29 +100 +14+14 +9 +1.9 +108 +24 +.45 +.50 +.039 +51 +68 +40 +107 CED CED BWBWWW WWYWYW SCSC MILK MILKMarb Marb RERE FatFat $W$W $F$F $G$G $B$B 15810174 CED CED CED BWBWWW WWYWYW SCSC MILK MILKMarb Marb RERE FatFat $W$W $F$F $G$G $B$B CED BWBWWW WWYWYW SCSC MILK MILKMarb Marb RERE FatFat $W$W $F$F $G$G $B$B 15170660 18297718 +14 +30.97 +14 +.6+.6+44 +44+75 +75+1.66 +1.66+27 +27 +.35 +.35+.37 +.37+.024 +.024+46.38 +46.38 +30.97+28.94 +28.94+67.96 +67.96 +1.76 +63.02 +108.69 +9+9 -1.1 +47.57 +115.52 +12 +.5+.5+74 +74+114 +114 +1.76+14 +14 +.20 +.20+.36 +.36+.005 +.005+69.49 +69.49 +63.02+18.01 +18.01 +108.69 -1.1+51 +51 +94 +94+1.54 +1.54+22 +22 +.62 +.62+.23 +.23+.021 +.021+61.82 +61.82 +47.57+33.15 +33.15 +115.52 +12 CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +9 -1.1 +51 +94 +1.54 +22 +.62 +.23 +.021 +61.82 +47.57 +33.15 +115.52 +12 +.5 +74 +114 +1.76 +14 +.20 +.36 +.005 +69.49 +63.02 +18.01 +108.69

CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +14 +.6 +44 +75 +1.66 +27 +.35 +.37 +.024 +46.38 +30.97 +28.94 +67.96



CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B -1 +3.0 +79 +147 +2.73 +19 +.09 +.57 -.034 +64.16 +127.45 +12.99 +163.48

CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +10 +1.3 +61 +101 +1.11 +14 +.07 +.51 +.035 +56.35 +55.78 +10.19 +98.12

17669110 18330751 17960369 17669110 18330751 17960369 CAR Game Game Day Day 406 406 CAR CED17669110 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED18330751 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED17960369 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED17669110 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK CED18330751 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK CED17960369 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK 18673885 CAR Game Day 406 CAR Game Day 406 +147 +2.73+19+19 +.09+.09+.57+.57-.034 -.034+64.16 +64.16+127.45 +127.45+12.99 +12.99+163.48 +163.48 +10+10+1.3+1.3+61+61+101 +101 +1.11+14+14 +.07+.07+.51+.51+.035 +.035+56.35 +56.35+55.78 +55.78+10.19 +10.19+98.12 +98.12 +6 +6 +1.1+1.1+49+49+87+87+.73+.73+33+33 +.03+.03+.44+.44+.025 +.025+58.72 +58.72+42.17 +42.17+8.20 +8.20+96.27 +96.27 -1 -1 +3.0+3.0+79+79+147 +2.73 +1.11 CED BWBWWW WW Marb RERE RE FatFat Fat$W$W$W $F$F$F $G $B$B CED MILK Marb RERE RE FatFat Fat $W$W $W$F$F$F $G$G $B CED Marb REGame FatFat $W $F$F $F $G$G $B$B CEDBW WWYWYW SCSCSCMILK MILK Marb CED BWBWWW WWYW YW SCSCSC MILK Marb WW MILKMILK MarbMarb RE RE CED MILK Marb $G$G $B CED WW YW MILK Marb $B$B CED BWBWWW WWYWYWYWSCSC MILK SC Fat$W Day $W $G406 17669110 18330751 17960369 CAR

Bartels Consensus 3809 649

+3.0 +79+79+102 +147 +2.73 +.57 -.034 +64.16 +127.45 +12.99 +163.48 +10+10+.5 +1.3 +61+61+101 +1.11 +14+14+16 +.07 +.51 +.035 +56.35 +55.78 -1 +3.0+61 +147 +2.73 +.09 +.57+.86 -.034-.036 +64.16 +127.45 +12.99 +163.48 +11 +1.3+64 +101 +1.11 +.07+.13 +.51+.49 +.035+.047 +56.35+61 +55.78 +10.19 +98.12 +104 +1.05 +76+10.19 +23 +98.12 +99 +6-1CED +0.9 +1.02+19+19+12+.09 +.06 +53 +59 +33 +93 BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B -1

+3.0 +79 +147 +2.73 +19

+.09 +.57 -.034 +64.16 +127.45 +12.99 +163.48

+10 +1.3 +61 +101 +1.11 +14

+.07 +.51 +.035 +56.35 +55.78 +10.19 +98.12

+6+5 +.73 +33+33+33 +.03 +.44 +58.72 +42.17 +6 +1.1 +1.1+49+49 +.73+.83 +.03+.03 +.44+.025 +.025+.039 +58.72+64 +42.17 +8.20 +96.27 +1.8 +53+87+87 +93 +.42 +80+8.20 +18+96.27 +98 CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +6 +1.1 +49 +87 +.73 +33 +.03 +.44 +.025 +58.72 +42.17 +8.20 +96.27

17016597 17016597 17526276 17367599 17526276 17367599 CED17016597 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED17016597 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK CED17526276 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED17367599 MILKMarb MarbRE RE FatFat $W$W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED17526276 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK CED17367599 BWBWWWWWYWYWSC SCMILK +133 +1.27+20+20 +.13+.13+1.01 +1.01+.007 +.007+54.34 +54.34+84.99 +84.99+19.79 +19.79+123.64 +123.64 +8 +8 +2.1+2.1+67+67+124 -1 -1 +4.1+4.1+70+70+133 +1.27 +124 +.058+64.53 +64.53+87.13 +87.13+30.72 +30.72+119.15 +119.15 +12+12 +.7+.7+66+66+131 +131 -.043+52.90 +52.90+101.10 +101.10+20.82 +20.82+155.94 +155.94 +.73+.73+22+22 +.68+.68+.31+.31+.058 +.80+.80+17+17 +.17+.17+.68+.68-.043 CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILK CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B CED BW WW YW SC MILKMarb Marb RERE FatFat $W$W $F$F $G$G $B$B 17016597 17526276 17367599 17203247 18323124 18534952


LAR Juneanu 796Y

-1 -1 +4.1 +1.27 +4.1+70+70+133 +133 +1.27+20+20 +.13 +.13+1.01 +1.01+.007 +.007 +54.34 +54.34 +84.99 +84.99+19.79 +19.79+123.64 +123.64 WW YW YW SCSC MILK $B CEDCEDBW BWWW MILKMarb MarbRE RE Fat Fat $W $W $F$F $G $B +133 +1.27 +54.34+71+84.99 +123.64 +0 -1+3.0+4.1+82+70 +143 +1.89 +20+22 +.13 +.17+1.01+.54+.007-.028 +97 +19.79 +33 +130

17526276 PAHR Yeti B5

Connealy Legendary 644L

+8+8 +2.1 +2.1+67+67+124 +124+.73 +.73 +22+22 +.68 +.68 +.31 +.31+.058 +.058 +64.53 +64.53 +87.13 +87.13+30.72 +30.72+119.15 +119.15 +12+12 +.7+.7 +66+66+131 +131+.80 +.80 +17+17 +.17 +.17 +.68 +.68 -.043 -.043 +52.90 +52.90+101.10 +101.10+20.82 +20.82+155.94 +155.94 CED BW BW WW YW CED BW WW Fat Fat $W $W$F $F $G$G $B$B CED YW SC SCMILK MILKMarbMarbRE RE Fat Fat$W $W $F $F $G$G $B $B CED WW YW YW SC SCMILK MILKMarbMarbRE RE +2.1 +78 +67 +124 +.31+.50 +.058 +64.53+83 +87.13 +30.72 +12 +.7of +66 +131 +.80 +.17 +.68 -.043 -.019 +52.90 +101.10 CAR Durabull Line 575 • CARTour Tour-0.9 Duty 511 •CAR Bismarck 371 CAR Durabull Line 575 CAR of Duty 511 Bismarck 371 +11+8 +0.9 +137 +.73-.15+22+24+.68 +.63 +.061 +106 +46•+119.15 +152 +14 +70 +119 +.74•+17 +16CAR +1.21 +1.02 +67 +89+20.82 +89 +155.94 +178

CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B onnelly Angusspecializes specializes breeding moderate-framed, breeding moderate-framed, -1 +4.1 +70onnelly +133Angus +1.27 +20 +.13inin+1.01 +.007 +54.34 +84.99 +19.79 +123.64

CED BW WW YW SC MILK Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B +8 +2.1 +67 +124 +.73 +22 +.68 +.31 +.058 +64.53 +87.13 +30.72 +119.15

CCCC Connelly Angus specializes in breeding moderate-framed,

CARUnmistakable Unmistakable 556Line •CAR CAR Motive 423 GDAR Butkus 5217 •LAR LARJuneau Juneau 796Y CAR 556 •Line Motive 423 • •GDAR Butkus 5217 •Bismarck CAR 575 ••CAR Tour ofof Duty 511 CAR 371 CARDurabull Durabull 575 CAR Tour Duty 511•• CARBismarck 371796Y easy-fleshing, high-volume, functional Anguscattle cattlethat that easy-fleshing, high-volume, onnelly specializes moderate-framed, onnellyAngus Angus specializesinfunctional inbreeding breedingAngus moderate-framed, willmaximize maximize returns to the ranchers. These cattle are bred will returns to the ranchers. These cattle are bred CAR 556 ••CAR Motive ••of GDAR 5217 ••LAR CARUnmistakable Unmistakable 556Line CAR Motive 423 GDAR Butkus 5217 LARJuneau Juneau 796Y CAR Durabull 575 • CAR423 Tour DutyButkus 511 •its CAR Bismarck 371 796Y easy-fleshing, high-volume, Angus easy-fleshing, high-volume, functionalmoderate-framed, Anguscattle cattlethat that Time-tested maternal cow power best! Time-tested maternal cow power atatits best! onnelly Angus infunctional breeding survive and excel inatoacommercial commercial cowman’s environment. toto survive and excel inspecializes cowman’s environment. will maximize returns These cattle are will maximize returns tothe theranchers. ranchers. These cattle arebred bred CAR Unmistakable 556 • CAR Motive 423 • GDAR Butkus 5217 • LAR Juneau 796Y easy-fleshing, high-volume, functional Angus cattle that Time-tested Time-testedmaternal maternalcow cowpower poweratatits itsbest! best! We have bred high maternal cowherd herd thatexcels excels We have bred a ahigh maternal cow that inin toto survive and excel in cowman’s environment. survive and excel inatoacommercial commercial cowman’s environment. will maximize returns the ranchers. These cattle are bred CAR Durabull Line 575 • CAR Juneau 7179 longevity, the No. 1most most important trait. Longevity toin longevity, the No. 1high important Longevity toin usus Time-tested maternal cow power at its best! We have bred a ahigh maternal cow herd that excels We have bred maternal cowtrait. herd that excels to survive and excel in a commercial cowman’s environment. means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free CAR Motive 773 • CAR Resource 610 longevity, the 11most important Longevity toin longevity, theNo. No. most important trait.that Longevity tousus Weand have bred a high maternal cow trait. herd excels udder and teat qualities, beingstructurally structurally correct with udder teat qualities, being correct with means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free CAR Regulator 769 CAR Unmistakable 556 longevity, the No. fertility 1 fertility most important trait. Longevity to us 1950Dean Dean • Valier, 59486 1950 Rd.Rd.• • Valier, MTMT 59486 sound feet, excellent and weaning consistently sound feet, excellent and weaning offoff a aconsistently udder and teat being structurally correct with udder and teatqualities, qualities, being structurally correct with means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free 1-888-423-BULL 1-888-423-BULL Bartels Impression C116 • MT BMTBar Homestretch heavy calf year afteryear. year. Wehave have beenstacking stacking these heavy calf year after We been these 1950 • •Valier, 59486 1950Dean DeanRd. Rd. Valier, 59486 sound feet, excellent fertility and weaning off a aconsistently sound feet, excellent fertility and weaning off consistently udder and teat qualities, being structurally correct with toto Don WendyConnelly Connelly(406) (406)279-3569 279-3569 Don & &Wendy cow families with this kind of long-term production record cow families with this kind of long-term production record 1-888-423-BULL 1-888-423-BULL GDAR Butkus 5217 • Harrison True heavy calf after have been these heavy calfyear year afteryear. year.We Weand have beenstacking stacking these 1950 Dean Rd. • Valier, MT 59486 Grit 4253 soundan feet, excellent fertility weaning off a Today! consistently email: email: produce anelite elite cow herd. Request yourSale Sale Book Today! produce cow herd. Request your Book Don & Wendy Don & WendyConnelly Connelly(406) (406)279-3569 279-3569 cow families with this kind of long-term production record to cow families with this kind of long-term production record to 1-888-423-BULL heavy calf year after year. We have been stacking these Time-tested maternal cow(406) power at its best! email: email: produce an elite cow herd. Request your Sale Book Today! produce an elite cow herd. Request your Sale Book Today! Don & Wendy Connelly 279-3569 cow families with this kind of long-term production record to email: produce an elite cow herd. Request your Sale Book Today! UseConnelly ConnellyAngus AngusGenetics Geneticstotoimprove improvethetheefficiency efficiencyand andlongevity longevityininyour yourprogram! program! Use Use improve the efficiency UseConnelly ConnellyAngus AngusGenetics Geneticstoto improve the efficiencyand andlongevity longevityininyour yourprogram! program! EPDs 12/13/17 EPDs asas of of 12/13/17 Use Connelly Angus Genetics to improve the efficiency and longevity in your program!


easy-fleshing, high-volume, functional Angus cattle that will maximize returns to the ranchers. These cattle are bred to survive and excel in a commercial cowman’s environment. We have bred a high maternal cow herd that excels in longevity, the No. 1 most important trait. Longevity to us means an efficient, maintenance-free female with fault-free udder and teat qualities, being structurally correct with EPDsasasofof12/13/17 12/13/17 sound feet, excellentEPDs fertility and weaning off a consistently EPDs as of 12/13/17 heavy calf year after year. We have been stacking these cow families with this kind of long-term production record to produce an elite cow herd. Request your Sale Book Today! Use Connelly Angus Genetics to improve the efficiency and longevity in your program!


CAR Durabull Line 575 • CA ConnellyAngus Angus Ranch Connelly Ranch CAR Unmistakable 556 • CAR Motive

Connelly ConnellyAngus AngusRanch Ranch Connelly Angus Ranch mate Time-tested

Use Connelly Angus Genetics to improve the efficiency and longevity in your program! EPDs as of 1/2/2020

EPDs as of 12/13/17

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A14

Helena’s Truck Drive Train Parts Store and Gear Shop

Transmission & Differential Rebuilding 2920 Billings Avenue, Unit #C Helena, MT 59604


• Rebuilt or New Spicer/ Eaton/Meritor Differentials • Genuine OEM Parts • Rebuilt Fuller Transmissions • Ratio Changes and Custom Building

Rebuild components for: Transmissions and Differentials, Bearings, Axle Shafts, Wheel Seals, PTO Components, Yokes, U-Joints, Clutch Packs, Pickup Truck Transmission & Differential Parts

• Rebuilding Service for Pickup Truck Axles, Transfer Cases, Standard Transmissions • 18 month Warranty on our Rebuilds

Irrigation ditch burning guide

From University of Wyoming Extension A new publication providing guidance to landowners for burning irrigation ditches is now available from the University of Wyoming Extension. Burning Irrigation Ditches, B-1351, provides landowners an overview of using fire as a management tool, equipment needs and operations, safety and weather considerations, timing of burning and relevant state and federal polices and regulations. Vegetation that accumulates in irrigation ditches slows the flow rate of the water and can reduce the total capacity of the ditch. “Burning irrigation ditches is an important tool for effective water delivery in the West,” said Derek Scasta, UW Extension range management specialist. “Planning for safe and effective ditch burns will ensure this practice continues to be a tool in the toolbox.” It is available as a pdf, HTML or ePub at UWBurningIrrigation.

Montana Hereford Directory A & L Livestock Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Sam Anderson

406-848-2588, Emigrant, MT

Bar Star Cattle

406-947-5322, Musselshell, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT

Brownell Polled Herefords Pendroy, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

406-284-6421, Manhattan, MT

Cooper Hereford Ranch

Duncan Ranch Co

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Feddes Herefords

Harper Herefords

406-323-1686, Roundup, MT

Holden Herefords

406-450-1029, Valier, MT

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT

Hanly Loyning

406-425-2344, Roberts, MT

Lucky U Cattle Company

406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT

M/D Herefords

406-891-0973, Baker, MT

McKechnie Hereford Ranch 406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

Indreland Ranch

406-549-4442, Missoula, MT

J Bar E Ranch

McMurry Cattle

406-254-1247, Billings, MT

Mohican West

JZ Livestock

Frank Herefords

G & R Farming, LLC

Curlew Cattle Co

Garrison Ranches Inc

Dallas Polled Herefords

Griffin Polled Herefords

406-835-2501, Glen, MT

406-821-0247, Darby, MT

Laurel, MT

Hamilton, MT

307-631-6012, Absarokee, MT

406-580-1303, Willow Creek, MT

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Dave Hanson

406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT

406-539-6885, Willow Creek, MT 406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

H Hanging J

406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT

K & C Herefords

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords 406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

NJW Polled Herefords On Point Cattle Co

570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT

L Bar W Cattle Company

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount


Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 AGA 18Y Standard 46Z AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B AGA 15H Brit Candidate ET 97C AGA 60H Mo Le Domino 80E AGA 43K Stanmore Ernie 70E LBH 237B Billy Lad 124F

Moore, MT

Otis Ranch

Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123

Sidwell Ranch

406-322-4425, Columbus, MT

Sparks Herefords

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Storey Hereford Ranch

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT Storey-Hereford-Ranch

Thomas Herefords

307-672-3248, Sheridan, WY

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Rafter Ranch Inc

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT

Yorlum Cattle Co

406-882-4086, Trego, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords Since 1922

Performance tested bulls and heifers

For sale private treaty at the ranch

Kenny Lars (406) 584-7571 cell (406) 939-0252 671 Fas 470 Lindsay, MT 59339

Montana Hereford Association Board of Directors

Hyer McKechnie, Pres. (406) 432-2296 Dave Hanson (406) 570-5519 Chad Murnin (406) 947-5322

Jon Bouma Austin Frank Carl Loyning

(406) 799-2973 (307) 631-6012 (406) 425-2484

Jane’a Ehkle (406) 202-2766 Johanna Bouma, Sec. (406) 240-2587

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A15

Montana Hereford Directory A

r Polled Hereford n c ho


Matt 406-979-5720 • 406-773-5721


Selling Private Treaty 150 BULLS

Quality Bulls - reasonable prices

B 130 Yearling and Two-Year-Old Horned

Select your bulls now and we will feed and deliver them at your convenience this spring

& Polled Hereford Bulls

B 20 Yearling Red Angus Bulls B Select now – Free wintering – Delivery in spring

Duncan Ranch Co. Private Treaty Silent Auction Powerful Polled and Horned Herefords

Bruce Duncan • 406-292-3503 • Joplin, MT • catalog available

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.

Feddes Herefords 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Selling coming two-year old Horned Hereford bulls at the ranch Plevna, Montana February 15, 2020 Sparks Herefords Contact: Tom (406-778-2320) or Will (406-853-6758) for more information


Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102

HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040

“The Best in Line One Breeding”

54TH ANNUAL Holden Herefords PRODUCTION SALE 3139 Valier Dupuyer Rd Valier, MT 59486 email:

Jack cell: 406-450-1029 Jay D. Evans cell: 406-450-0129

Bulls are at the ranch - Can be viewed along with the cows and herd bulls.

Also on Facebook or

March 9, 2020 at the ranch


150 Powerful Performance Tested Bulls 40 Elite Line One Females

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149

THOMAS HEREFORDS - Performance Tested - Carcass Ultrasound Scanned - Breeding Soundness Examined - BVD-PI3 Screened - Complete Balanced EPD’s - Ranking in the top of the breed for all traits - First Year Breeding Guarantee - Free Delivery within Montana

Richard & Shirley Bruce & Tammy (406) 544-1536 WWW.THOMASHEREFORDS.COM

Gold Creek, MT

KT Built Tuff 1010

Many sons of this polled Calving Ease trait leader selling at private treaty

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A16

##### Horsey terms: Horseplay (boisterouse play). Horsing around (boisterous play).

FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY

ALFALFA AND GRASS HAY FOR SALE Large round bales, net wrapped, no rain. Easy to load location.

Phone 406-590-8916 or 562-3645

3202 Big Horn Ave. Cody, WY


FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals



1991 BMY M929A2, Cummins motor, Allison 5 speed automatic, dump box, good tires!... $23,500

1985 International F2574 water truck, 350 hp Cummins motor, automatic transmission, 4000 gallon tank. Tires and brakes in good condition.............. $23,900


2014 ABU 3 axle, 30-ft. gooseneck, 21,000 GVW. As new!.......$7000

2005 Trailmax TD42-T, tilt deck, steel wheels, 50% tires and brakes remaining...........$18,900

2004 Kidron 42-ft. reefer trailer, 2 curbside doors, 3 temp zones, approximately 50% tires and brakes............................$10,900

1986 Williamson pup trailer, 13-ft. box, 19-ft. tongue. Box in good shape!..............................$3900



2015 CAT D6K2 XL, new Cat undercarriage, new cutting edges, 3 shank ripper, sweeps.............. ................................... $119,900

2010 Caterpillar 304C CR, cab, heat, knock down blade, auxiliary hydraulics, manual quick-coupler, 65% undercarriage remaining.... ......................................$33,900

1997 Caterpillar D6R XL, cab, heat, multi-shank ripper, 75% undercarriage. Ready for work!. ..................................... $74,900


2003 Deere 35C ZTS, auxiliary hydraulics, 75% tracks, good glass and interior....................$24,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price


Thank 1984 Caterpillar 815B compactor, 75% feet remaining, all cleaner you bars, 4-way blade tilt. Nice machine!.............................$49,900 to all of our loyal TRACTORS customers for a great 2019! 1967 John Deere 4020, OROPS, We are 540/1000 PTO, powershift transmission. One owner tractor......... looking .........................................$8900 forward OCEAN CONTAINERS to working Steve Swan Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937 with you across from Fremont Ford in 2020! on Big Horn Ave.

Spring wheat variety performance summary CONTINUED FROM PAGE A12

ment Station. Vida was released in 2005. Vida is a high yielding hard red spring with moderate resistance to leaf and stripe rust but is moderately susceptible to stem rust. Vida is a semidwarf wheat with white glumes and awns. Kernels are red, ovate with rounded cheeks and a mid-deep crease. Vida has good milling and baking characteristics. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. VOLT – Volt is a hard red spring wheat developed by Dr. Peter Franck with the plant breeding company, PZO Pflanzenzucht Oberlimpurg, in Germany and has been thoroughly tested by WestBred, LLC and released in 2008. Volt is a high yielding semidwarf wheat under irrigated conditions with good tolerance to stripe rust and fusarium head blight. Volt heads four days later than Hank. Volt is a hollow stemmed wheat susceptible to wheat stem sawfly damage. Volt has fair milling and baking quality. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed.

WB GUNNISON – A hard red spring wheat developed by WestBred from the cross Conan/Agawam and released in 2011. WB-Gunnison is being released as a high quality hard red spring wheat that is intended to replace Conan and Corbin acres. Milling and baking quality data indicate that WB-Gunnison has acceptable quality. Disease/sawfly ratings forWB Gunnison show it to be MR to stripe rust.WB Gunnison is a hollow stemmed variety, but has high yields under wheat stem sawfly pressure due to relative non-preference in small plot nursery trials. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. WB9879CLP – WB9879CLP was derived from the cross of Choteau*3//Choteau/IMI8134 made in 2004 to be used as a Clearfield wheat. WB9879CLP is an awned semidwarf hard red spring wheat heading one and a half days later than Choteau while plant height is 30 inches the same as Choteau. WB9879CLP has solid stems similar to Choteau averaging 20-23 over two years. WB9879CLP exhibits acceptable milling and baking quality traits similar to Choteau. WB9879CLP is currently licensed exclusively to WestBred-Monsanto with PVP title V protection. HRS 3504 is a hard red spring wheat developed for CROPLAN by WinField United from a cross of Brogan / Howard. US Patent certificate was issued in 2015. HRS 3504 is being released as having medium short height and maturity, and average protein and test weight. Its straw strength is excellent and it’s resistant to stripe and leaf rust. It is CROPLAN’s best for bacterial leaf streak and pre-sprouting tolerance. HRS 3504 has average grain protein and acceptable milling and baking quality. HRS 3504 is currently licensed exclusively to CROPLAN by WinField United and protected under the US patent law. Seed can only be used as quality assured grown by variety name HRS 3616 is a hard red spring wheat developed for CROPLAN by WinField United from a cross of Kuntz / Norpro. PVP certificate was issued in 2016. HRS 3616 is being released as having high protein, medium height and medium early maturity, and very good test weight. Its straw strength is very good and it is resistant to stem and leaf rust. HRS 3616 has above average grain protein and acceptable milling and baking quality. It has shown to have very good yields in western geographies. HRS 3616 is currently licensed exclusively to CROPLAN by WinField United and protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act. Seed can only be used as quality assured grown by variety name. WB9590 – WB9590 hard red spring wheat was released by WestBred, a division of Bayer Crop Science, in 2016. WB9590 is a broadly adapted variety with outstanding performance on both dryland and irrigated acres. It has improved grain yield potential when compared to WB Gunnison with similar grain protein. A short plant height contributes to its superb standability. Very good Yellow (Stripe) Rust resistance and Fusarium Head Blight tolerance contributes to a good disease package. WB9590 is hollow-stemmed and susceptible to damage caused by the wheat stem sawfly. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as Certified Seed Only WB9719 – WB9719 hard red spring wheat was released by WestBred, a division of Bayer Crop Science, in 2016. WB9719 is a dryland adapted, medium-late maturing variety. It has improved grain yield potential when compared to WB Gunnison with similar grain protein. It has a plant height similar to WB9879CLP with superb standability. Excellent Yellow (Stripe) Rust and Bacterial Leaf Streak resistance contributes to a good disease package. WB9719 is hollow-stemmed and susceptible to damage caused by CONTINUED ON PAGE A17

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A17


the wheat stem sawfly. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as Certified Seed Only.

PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION (PVP) The developer of a new distinct variety may obtain protection (essentially a patent) for that variety if he/she chooses to do so, provided the variety meets the requirements of the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970. This Act permits the owner or developer of a variety to prohibit others from selling, sexually multiplying, using for propagation for seed, or using to produce a hybrid, seed of his/her variety. Two options, for plant variety protection, are available to the developer of the variety. Under the first option, the developer of the variety or his/her agent may sell either certified or uncertified seed of the variety. If the developer of the variety has reason to believe that anyone is infringing on his/ her rights, he/she may resort to civil action. The other option (“certification option”) for protecting a variety utilizes the provision of Title V of the Federal Seed Act. A variety protected in this manner may be sold by variety name only as a class of certified seed. It is the responsibility of the seller to inform the buyer if the variety is protected. Each container of seed sold should be labeled with a tag indicating the type of protection which

Two brothers

There were two evil brothers. They were rich and used their money to keep their ways from the public eye. They even attended the same church and looked to be perfect Christians. Then, their pastor retired, and a new one was hired. Not only could he see right through the brothers’ deception, but he also spoke well and true, and the church started to swell in numbers. A fund-raising campaign was started to build a new assembly. All of a sudden, one of the brothers died. The remaining brother sought out the new pastor the day before the funeral and handed him a check for the amount needed to finish paying for the new building. “I have only one condition,” he said. “At his funeral, you must say my brother was a saint.” The pastor gave his word and deposited the check. The next day, at the funeral, the pastor did not hold back. “He was an evil man,” he said. “He cheated on his wife and abused his family.” After going on in this vein for a small time, he concluded with. “But, compared to his brother, he was a saint.”

the owner has. Under the first option, the label will state: “Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited - U.S. Protected Variety.” If the owner of the variety has chosen the other option for variety protection, the label will state, “Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited - To be Sold by Variety Name Only as a Class of Certified Seed - U.S. Protected Variety.” PLEASE NOTE: Varieties protected under the PVP act, as amended in 1994, can no longer can be sold without permission of the variety owner (the farmer exemption has been excluded)’ A complete listing of all protected varieties is available in the “Official Journal of the Plant Variety Protection Office” which may be obtained upon request from: Plant Variety Protection Office Warehouse Division, AMS U.S. Dept. of Agriculture National Agricultural Library Beltsville, MD 20705 Phone: (301) 504-5518 Internet: science/pvpo/pvpindex.htm CONTINUED ON PAGE A18


1000+ tons solid, 1450# net wrapped bales, 2018/2019 crop available, no rain. Located 15 miles north of Choteau. $ Phone or text depending on quality Ross Kesler (406) 590-8232

75/ton +


Zetor 7421 2WD tractor, all syncro, 20-speed, 16.9x34 tires, 425 hours. Like new............................... $15,000 Phone (406) 581-5297

2020 Demand Performance Bull Sale * Tuesday, March 3rd Black and Red Simmental and SimAngus TM Bulls

Hill’s Ranch is excited to offer some excellent SimAngusTM bulls out of some of the top Angus AI sires like PAHR Yeti B5 and FF Black Gold JF C19. We are very excited to introduce sons of new sires S A Really Windy 3517 and our standout purebred sire, DBS Hodo 822C. Hodo has proven to be an excellent herdsire for increasing weaning weights and his calves are in the top 15% for marbling EPDs. Sale is at the ranch near Stanford, MT

www.hi l Tom & Kathy Hill and Family 1045 Simmental Ln Stanford, MT 59479 (406) 566-2479

Hill’s Ran in carcass ch is leading the b and perfo testing to enhance reed rmance in E feedlot ca PDs ttle!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A18


Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A17

Shop-Style Rolair Compressors


Pressure Washers • Hose Reels

Saylor-Beall Air Compressors American Made and Industrial Quality

MANY PURCHASES QUALIFY FOR FREE SHIPPING IN STATE! MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal with metal flex spout fuel cans.

We Also Have Available:

4 Several affordable options in DEF pump systems 4 Flexzilla hose IN STOCK, 3/8-1” sizes 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT

406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816


Funny Newspaper Headlines

• Forecasters call for weather on Monday • Cows lose their jobs as milk prices drop • Miracle cure kills fifth patient • Man Accused of Killing Lawyer Receives a New Attorney • State population to double by 2040, babies to blame

• Missippi’s literacy program shows improvement • Breathing oxygen linked to staying alive • Most Earthquake Damage is Caused by Shaking • Federal Agents Raid Gun Shop, Find Weapons

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A19


PE A X Angus

47th Annual


MARCH 3, 2020 At the ranch • Valier, MT

Selling: • Performance Proven Yearling Sons • Solid Foundation Yearling Heifers

Reg: 18030384

APEX CHAIRMAN 014 Sire: Connealy Final Product

MGS: Apex Focus 108

• Bangs Vaccinated • Ready to Breed

• Select Cow/Calf Pairs By Additional Featured Sires: • WMR Resource 6112

• Apex Element 027 • S Whitlock 179 • Byergo Boomer 6351 • MR Vertical

Reg: 18526415


MGS: Connealy Thunder

GENETICS THAT PERFORM The Apex Angus cowherd does quite a quick turn around. At 15 months of age heifers and yearling bulls are in the breeding pastures. The steers are already on the kill floor producing a high percentage of CAB carcasses.


8056 Valier Hwy • Valier, MT 59486 Kurt Kirby Connor Daryle & Pam

406-279-3341 406-472-3245 406-279-3777 406-279-3548 •

Reg: 17919726

BSF HOT LOTTO 14 01 Sire: Barstow Cash

MGS: Silveiras El Capitan 6510

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A20

Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading Call to schedule spring fertilizer application (406) 945-2905 Chester, MT

##### Don’t like the garlic smell on your fingers? There’s a simple trick to get rid of it. Place your fingers underneath cold running water, grab a stainless steel object and rub your fingers with it. Voila! The smell will be gone.

114 East Washington Avenue Chester, Montana 59522

(406) 759-6489


at the Golden Triangle Community Center Joplin, MT (Joplin Gym) Wednesday, February 19, 2020 9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Now offering 2020 Harvest Contracts on: Chickpeas, Lentils, Peas, Flax, and Mustard


We have 2 facilities in Chester, MT to meet your delivery needs!

21-ft. Equipment Trailer Manufactured in Stevensville, MT


ONLY 10, 400 lb. GVW trailer with 14,000 lb. GVW Tires!

10 ply, 16” steel High Speed Radials • FREE Spare, FREE Tool Box Pad 8,000 lb. Jack, Dropleg set back so tailgate will open, 6-Hole adjustable 2 5/16 “ coupler ONLY AT M&M - Steel grate on dovetail, grip strut galvanized ramps that stow under tool box pad, and the only trailer with 10 digit LEDS, front & back fenders for safety and backing

m&m Auto, Trailer & Welding

(406) 728-1000 • 3745 US Highway 93 N. Stevensville, MT 59870 •

MDA requesting Specialty Crop Block Grant applications

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is now accepting applications for an estimated $1.5 million in federal funding available through the Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) program. The purpose of the SCBG program is to enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in Montana. Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, peas, and lentils, dried fruits, as well as horticulture and nursery crops, including floriculture. State and/or local organizations, government entities, producer associations, academia, community-based organizations, nonprofit organizations, and other specialty crop stakeholders are eligible to apply either as single entities or in combined efforts. “Specialty crops expand Montana’s ag industry and make it easier for consumers to enjoy locally grown foods,” said MDA Director Ben Thomas. “These grants present an opportunity to grow and diversify operations and markets. I’m looking forward to seeing the next round of applications.” Eligible projects include research, education, developing new and improved varieties, improving the capacity of the distribution chain, enhancing food safety, pest and disease control, improving efficiency and sustainability. For a complete list of guidelines and eligibility requirements, visit SCBG/2020%20SCBG%20Grant%20Proposal%20Manual. pdf?ver=2019-12-17-150106-377. Grant proposals are due to the Montana Department of Agriculture by 2:00 p.m. February 19, 2020. Technical assistance calls will be held on January 30 and February 18, 2020. For more information, visit or contact Jim Auer, Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Manager, at (406) 444-5424 or email The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit

Private pesticide applicator initial training

From MSU Cascade County Extension The MSU Cascade County Extension office will be offering a private pesticide applicator initial training in Great Falls on Wednesday, March 11, 2020. The training will be at the Montana ExpoPark’s Paddock Club and begin at 8:30 a.m. with registration. The training will end with the Montana Private Applicator Certification exam around 5:30 p.m. Individuals must be licensed as a private applicator prior to purchasing and using restricted use pesticides on land that they or their employers own, rent or lease. For applicators to acquire their initial applicator license, they must either attend a private pesticide applicator initial training or pass a 50 question open book graded Montana Private Applicator Certification Exam at their local Extension office. Speakers Cecil Tharp, MSU Pesticide Education Specialist; Jesse Fulbright; MSU Liberty County Extension; Rose Malisani, MSU Cascade County Extension; Adriane Good, MSU Pondera County Extension; Kim Woodring, MSU Toole County Extension; and Tyler Lane, MSU Chouteau County Extension. The private pesticide applicator initial training is open to the public. Individuals who have a current private applicator license will receive 6 private applicator recertification credits. Individuals not holding a private applicator license will be licensed as private applicators at the program. Cost for the training is $35 per person that includes training materials and a roast beef lunch. The fee is $60 for the private applicator license after the training for those producers living in district 3. Licensing fees are based upon a five-year recertification period. To find out more about the private pesticide applicator program, go to Individuals interested in the training need to register by Wednesday, March 4, 2020 to the MSU Cascade County Extension office. For more information or to register, contact Rose Malisani with the MSU Cascade County Extension office at (406) 454-6980. ##### In Britain, more than 100,000 cell phones are dropped in the toilet every year!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A21

Progress on work with industrial hemp

K-State Research and Extension News have to keep pollen away from those female After one year of growing industrial flower buds.” hemp in test plots, Kansas State University That caused problems for the hemp varietresearchers say they’ve moved closer to providing guidance to producers interested ies that K-State grew outside, Griffin said, in growing the alternative crop in Kansas. noting that pollen can travel as far as three In April 2018, Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer miles. “I think it would be very difficult to signed a bill enacting the Alternative Crop have a large-scale, outdoor CBD producResearch Act, leading to the legal production tion system successfully without somehow of industrial hemp in the state. Kansas is one protecting those plants from pollen.” of 42 states approved to grow the crop; the Because they were protected from insects Kansas Department of Agriculture reported and other pollinators, “the plants inside the that there were 207 Kansas growers in 2019. high tunnel were just superior,” Griffin said. None of those growers, however, had “In that protected environment, they were information available to show best practices larger and had more flower buds. Because for growing industrial hemp in Kansas soils. they had more buds, they had a higher CBD “It’s a brand new crop that nobody in content.” Kansas should have legal experience growK-State’s work also looked at various production systems, including growing ing,” said Jason Griffin, director of the John the plants with organic and conventional C. Pair Horticultural Center, one of three fertilizer. Researchers also looked at the sites where K-State’s research trials have potential of growing industrial hemp for taken place this year (research was also fiber and grain. conducted at K-State facilities in Colby The university’s work will continue in and Olathe). “Since it was new, we needed 2020, Griffin said. “This was our first year,” baseline information on how to grow the he said. “We probably made some mistakes crop successfully.” and we’ll probably improve as any grower Griffin noted that “99% of the people might as they get more experience with a growing industrial hemp in Kansas this crop.” year were growing for cannabidiol,” better known as CBD. Cannabinoids have high interest among consumers because of their purported medical and therapeutic benefits in humans and companion animals. CBD and other varieties are legal to grow if they produce less than .3% tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. If the plant’s THC level is greater than .3%, it is considered marijuana and not legal to grow or possess in Kansas. “We knew that Kansas farmers wanted to get into this industry,” Griffin said, “and our job is to conduct research to help farmers be successful with the crop.” Griffin and the research team at the John C. Pair center planted seven CBD varieties, including five in high tunnels, which are plasticcovered structures that provide some protection from the environment compared to open field conditions. “It’s well-known that high tunnels in the specialty crops arena have certain advantages over crops grown outside,” Griffin said. “For our purposes, it reduced solar radiance, reduced wind and reduced pest presence. But, specifically for hemp, we had our high tunnel completely enclosed in insect screens, which is a really fine netting. We wanted to see if the insect screen would reduce the amount of pollination inside the tunnel. And it appeared it did.” Griffin said that in the hemp industry, pollination “is a big deal. CBD is produced in the female flower buds, and if those female flower buds get pollinated, your concentration of CBD just tanks into the basement. You get almost none. So, you

ALL I WANT FOR THE HOLIDAYS IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available

Call Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809


$52,000 obo 1995 Peterbilt 379 Cat 3406E, 435 hp, complete in frame overhaul with less than 20,000 miles. Runs very strong! Ext. hood, 262” wheelbase, 370 ration, 15 speed overdrive transmission, air ride, 24.5 tall virgin rubber. New, installed in 2011, deep style day cab kit,, fresh paint, 20-ft. Load Line box and hoist with wireless tailgate and hoist control, controls on both sides of rear of box, manual roll tarp, pintle hitch. Very clean truck! With lots of history. Over $60,000 invested. Selling to switch to a semi.

Call or text for more details 406-390-3048

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A22

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


175 Ton

Round Bales

406-279-3504, Valier, MT

It’s a NEW YEAR and WE can help start it off RIGHT! $62,500


$32,500 2016 Volvo VHD84F300

500 hp, engine brake, T-shift autoshift, a/r cab, air lift 1st, 2nd, & 3rd axles, 3 self-steering, 20k front & 40k rears, double lockers, 300” wheelbase, aluminum outers, Rogers 15-ft. 6” box.

2004 Sterling LT7500

Cat 3126, 10 speed, Manitex model 30101C with jib and basket, super clean.


2013 Freightliner Cascadia 125

Deere 410D Loader Backhoe

Cat 3126, 7.2l, 275 hp, Eaton Fuller 8ll, Hendrikson RTE suspension, 18,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 186” wheelbase, 15-ft. box, 108,870 miles.



4 wheel drive backhoe, machine has 24” 4-in-1 bucket, 85 hp,1,828 hours.

2003 Freightliner Business Class M2 106

Detroit DD15, 455 hp, Eaton Fuller 10 speed, A/R suspension, 12,350 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears. This was professionally maintained as part of a fleet. 381,793 miles.

2012 JCB 409B Wheel Loader

Bucket and forks, hydraulic quick attach, air conditioning, EROPS, new paint and decals, 1.25 cubic yard bucket, 75 hp, lift capacity 9,193 lb.

See more on our website at:

803 E. Iona Rd. Idaho Falls, ID After hours call: Doug Hampton 208-317-7676

Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Weekends by Appointment

DBL Sales and Service, LLC US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

Now Available 2018 K-Hart 56-ft., 10” spacing, 4612 openers, 6000 acres. Considerable Savings over Brand New 2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. Coming in on trade. $85,000

Why K-Hart Disc Drills?

2010 Crustbuster No till, double disk, 30-ft. box drill, good cover crop drill, 8000 acres $28,500 Summers sprayer 500 gallon with 60-ft, boom, Ezee Guide and Auto Boom $2900

• Seed into wetter soils than most other drills • Seed faster • Seed with less horsepower & fuel • Simplest design on the market Call for more • Perfect combination with stripper header information. • 34-ft. to 76-ft. Gen II Drill widths K-Hart drills are ready to seed direct from the manufacturer. Don’t have to spend $300 - $500 per row to seed in our conditions. NOW AVAILABLE: Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632

Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633

Hemp seminar slated for February in Great Falls

Contact: Rose Malisani, MSU Cascade County Extension,, (406) 454-6980 Montana State University (MSU) Extension will host a free seminar on February 11 in Great Falls. Speakers will discuss hemp research, use of pesticides with hemp, and update on hemp grown in Montana. Jan Slaski, PhD, PaG is a principle researcher with InnoTech Alberta has been leading research aimed at introduction and breeding of hemp varieties that suit the needs of the fiber and food industries for over the last 17 years. Dr. Slaski will discuss hemp breeding, agronomy, fiber processing, and product development. Dr. Slaski has been serving hemp industry as a director of the Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance since 2012. The second speaker is Andy Gray with the Montana Department of Agriculture where he serves as the hemp program coordinator. Andy will discuss the 2019 hemp growing season and give an update on number of growers, acres planted, and more. He will also give an outlook of the license process for 2020 and an overview of the regulatory environment related to hemp production. Cecil Tharp, PhD serves as the pesticide education specialist for Montana State University. Cecil will present the conventional pesticide registration process, and how hemp compares. He will also present an overview of the options available for pest management on hemp and discuss the pros and cons of the limited options available. He will also discuss the future of hemp pesticide registrations in Montana. The seminar will wrap up with a hemp panel with representation from hemp processing and hemp producers. The seminar is free to attend and those interested in producing hemp are encouraged to attend. Private and commercial pesticide applicator credits will be available. The seminar will be held at the Great Falls College MSU’s Heritage Hall located at 2100 16th Avenue South in Great Falls, MT at 9:30 a.m. Seminar funded by MSU Cascade, Choteau, Judith Basin, Liberty, and Pondera County Extension offices. Contact MSU Cascade County Extension at (406) 454-6980. Seminar funded by MSU Cascade, Choteau, Judith Basin, Liberty, and Pondera County Extension offices. MSU Extension is an ADA/EO/AA/veteran’s preference employer and provider of educational outreach. If participants require accommodation for a disability to participate, they are asked to notify the local Extension office prior to the event.

All-time record high red meat and pork production in October

From USDA October 2018 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. October 2019 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 5.06 billion pounds in October, up 3 percent from the 4.90 billion pounds produced in October 2018. Beef production, at 2.44 billion pounds, was slightly above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.98 million head, up 1 percent from October 2018. The average live weight was down 3 pounds from the previous year, at 1,360 pounds. Veal production totaled 7.0 million pounds, 2 percent below October a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 55,300 head, up 3 percent from October 2018. The average live weight was down 9 pounds from last year, at 222 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.61 billion pounds, up 6 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 12.3 million head, up 6 percent from October 2018. The average live weight was up 2 pounds from the previous year, at 285 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 12.7 million pounds, was down 3 percent from October 2018. Sheep slaughter totaled 205,400 head, 3 percent above last year. The average live weight was 124 pounds, down 7 pounds from October a year ago. January to October 2019 commercial red meat production was 45.5 billion pounds, up 3 percent from 2018. Accumulated beef production was up 1 percent from last year, veal was down 1 percent, pork was up 5 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 2 percent.

Tis the season of winter

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A23

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer


• 2 3/8 “ & 2 7/8 “ x 31-ft. average....................................... $27.50/Joint • 3 1/2 “ x 31-ft. average.................................................... $45.00/Joint • 4 1/2 “ casing - 44-ft. average......................................... $85.00/Joint y!


it al

Q at



Used Sucker Rod

• 3/4 “................................................... $5.25/Stick • 7/8 “................................................... $7.25/Stick • 1 “.................................................... $8.50/Stick Prices FOB Glendive, MT Call to inquire about other sizes in stock Delivery available across Upper Midwest

PHONE: 406-480-2979

Lunch at noon

Selling: 85 Yearling Red Angus & Gelbvieh/Balancer Bulls Carried by:

Quadruplets in horses!

Advancements in reproduction techniques enable the flushing of a fertilized egg (or eggs) from a mare so that it can be packaged, transported, and transferred into the uterus of a recipient (surrogate) mare. These embryo transfers allow for successful show horses and racing horses to continue uninterrupted with their careers, yet have multiple babies born. Normally, a mare can only have one foal per year, so imagine the number of foals that will be possible with embryo transfers.

ve iti et ! mp es co pric

Can we all agree that winter is here? We probably could have reached that consensus of opinion after the snowstorms of late September and early October, but at times since the weather has seesawed like polling data before an election. Now, however, as Christmas closes in, we realize winter is here. The calendar tells us so, as does the dwindling amount of daylight. So do relatives that keep telling me how nice the weather is now in Arizona. I don’t hear so much from them in the summer. Animals of Montana have long prepared for winter. Those still here, that is those that did not migrate, are either asleep or hunkering down for the long winter ahead. Asleep means hibernation, both real – think marmots and bats – and those that simply enter a deep sleep but technically do not hibernate, bears for example. True hibernators lower their body temperature and respiration rates. Bears, while not truly hibernating, are curled up, insulated by fur, fat and snow depth from the ravages of winter. They can and occasionally do wake up briefly, but they will generally sleep for months. Deer, elk and antelope stay awake and survive winter through four main adaptations: an insulated coat, reducing their metabolism (up to one-third of what they need to meet basic life functions), remaining bedded for long periods during bad weather and relying on stored body fat. Up to 30 percent of a deer’s winter energy requirements can be met through body fat. By the way, don’t believe the old hunter’s tale of predicting a winter’s severity by the amount of body fat on a deer, or elk. The amount of fat says more about the animal’s ability to find adequate food in the late summer and fall than the upcoming winter. Birds that survive a Montana winter require special equipment. Waterfowl, like geese and ducks, will stand or sit for hours on an ice shelf next to a river’s open water to better see and escape predators. They survive by wearing a nice, plump down coat. Their exposed feet have adapted, too. First, their legs and feet have very little muscular, or soft, tissue that needs blood to keep warm. The few muscles that operate the foot are mostly higher up in the feather covered leg and connected to the bones of the feet with long tendons. Second, warm blood flowing through the birds’ arteries passes close to cold venous blood returning from the feet. As arterial blood warms up the venous blood the few tissues in the feet receive just enough warmth to avoid frostbite. All birds have feathers that create air pockets between the feathers and the skin that help contain heat. Many will add techniques from their bag of survival tricks. Some cluster together. Others will roost in tree cavities, dense foliage or brush piles to cut both the wind and heat loss. Grouse will bury themselves in snow. Depending on the species, some birds can even shiver specific muscles to increase metabolism and generate extra heat. Animals that spend their winters here awake have evolved some amazing strategies to survive. We should be so lucky.

Bob & Cathy (406) 342-5859 Chad & Jenny (406) 740-2854

Sons of these Sires Sell! Pelton Wideload 78B Brown JYJ Redemption Loosli Right On 423 GMRA Stetson 2240

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A24


1000+ tons of hay, no nitrate, no rain, 4x4x8 square bales........... ......................................................................................$85/ton Phone 406-266-3097, Townsend, MT

##### Horsey terms: Horselaugh (loud laugh). Horseless carriage (car). Iron horse (train). Nightmare (bad dream).

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • K-Line Speedtiller 30-ft. Multiflex.....$74,000 20-ft. tiller or 40-ft. tiller available • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Grain baggers and extractors - have bags for these • Hay rake • Bale pickers • Grain Vacs • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows & Land Rollers - 50-ft. & 20-ft. • Meyers 440 Manure Spreader with Vertical Beaters

1987 Peterbilt 359 Cat 3406B, 425 hp, 13 speed transmission, 242” wheelbase, 12,000 lb. front axle, 40,000 lb. rears, low boy ramps, wet kit, aluminum 24.5 rims... .................................................... $24,500

8360 Hwy 10 West• Missoula, MT 406.549.1047 or 207.1945

2012 Peterbilt 389 extended hood, 485 hp, ISX 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 620,000 miles, clean one owner truck, all maintenance records.... $69,500 2014 Kenworth T800 550hp Cummins ISX with records, 400,000 miles, Eaton RTLo18918B new 60,000 miles ago, 13,200 lb. front, 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 40,000 lb. rears on air ride, 245” wheel base, very clean.......................... $62,500

2010 Chevrolet 1500 Silverado LTZ 4x4, 5.3L, 142,000 miles, all leather, all power, wood grain interior, helper bags with on board air comp, Diablo tuner, AFE intake and throttle body spacer, Leer topper, Tow mirrors, Cooper Discoverer AT3 50% tread, front end has new upper and lower control arms on both sides and L/S wheel hub, Non Smoker, well maintained and adult owned................................. $14,000 1979 Cozad 65 ton combo lowboy, 3 axle, 21 ft. deck, air ride, Cozad 2 axle jeep with self-contained power tower, Cozad air operated steerable booster axle, almost all new tires and spares................... $36,500

1992 Peterbilt 378 425 hp Cat B model, 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 23,000 lb. rear, on Pete air trac, new paint................ $16,500

1989 Mack RD688S E6-350 Mack, Fuller 13 speed, 16,000 lb. front, 44,000 lb, rears on camelback, 14-ft. dump box plumbed for pup, 13-ft. snow plow with Swenson sander box, air ride cab, county maintained..... .................................................... $21,500

2001 International 4700 cab & chassis truck, DT 466E, 195 hp, 5 speed with 2 speed rear, 12,000 lb. front, 20,000 lb. rear, air brakes, good tires, clean trucks! 4 AVAILABLE!............................... $5,500

2000 Freightliner FLD 120 CAT C12, 10 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 80% rubber.................................. $10,500

2003 Freightliner FL80 flatbed, 306,000 miles, 3126 Cat 230HP, Eaton 9 speed, 14,000 lb front, 40,000 lb rears, spring suspension, 24-ft. flatbed set up for piggyback forklift, like new tires........ $20,500

1998 Kenworth W900 Cat 3406E, 475 hp, retarder, 15 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, air ride suspension, dual exhaust........................................ $36,500

Meat judging team finishes as national runner-up

K-State Research and Extension News The Kansas State University meat judging team completed the 2019 season with a runner-up finish at the International Intercollegiate Meat Judging contest in Dakota City, Nebraska recently. Three team members also earned All American honors based on their individual finishes throughout the year and academic achievements. “The students on the team this year are a great representation of what this program is about: hard work, teamwork, and success,” said the team’s coach, Travis O’Quinn, an associate professor of animal science. “You could not put together a group of students who better personified all of the values that this program stands for. I am honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to work with them this year and cannot wait to see all of their future successes in their lives and careers.” Texas Tech earned the overall team title, while K-State was the reserve national champion, followed by Texas A&M, Oklahoma State and Colorado State. K-State’s All Americans included first-teamers Michaela Musselman of Clay Center, Kansas (fourth overall at the national contest) and Lane Egger of Columbus, Nebraska (fifth overall); and second-teamer Hannah Williams of Kearney, Nebraska. Meat judging requires students to judge 10 classes of beef, lamb and pork carcasses and cuts and rank them on value. Then, they must defend their rankings to judges with written reasons. “Additionally, the students have to apply USDA yield and quality grades to 15 beef carcasses and evaluate a set of 10 sub-primal cuts for cutting defects,” O’Quinn said. “The learning experiences these students receive on these teams is second to none,” he added. “The level of critical thinking, communication, time management and life skills gained as a part of the team goes well beyond what is possible in a traditional classroom. These programs make a monumental difference in these students’ lives and expose them to countless career opportunities that they otherwise would have never been exposed to. There is no doubt that being a part of a judging team positively impacts these students for the rest of their lives.” Other members of this year’s team include Greyson Collins of St. John, Kansas; Kimmi Doran of Whiteford, Maryland; Katie Lybarger of Garnett, Kansas; Jake McCall of Greenville, Virginia; Luke Prill of Wichita, Kansas; Hannah Seymore of Visalia, California; Adelyn Smith of Corinth, Texas; and Cheyenne Swoope of Kilgore, Texas. “This finish is a testament to the extreme level of hard work and dedication that this group of students have put in throughout this year,” O’Quinn said. “The team finished in the top two teams overall at 7 out of the 9 contests in which they competed. This makes them one of the most successful teams in the history of K-State. I am extremely proud of this group for their accomplishments and high level of excellence that they embodied.”

Market development proposals sought

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Pulse Crop Committee is seeking proposals to fund market development projects and educational projects designed to promote and enhance Montana’s pulse industry. All funding awards will be determined by the Montana Pulse Crop Committee and proposals are due March 1, 2020 by 5:00 pm MST. Proposals must be submitted through the Webgrants system ( A complete list of guidelines, eligibility requirements and application procedures are available on the Montana Department of Agriculture’s website ( Questions about the proposal request or applications should be directed to Montana Pulse Crop Research & Marketing, P.O. Box 200201, Helena, MT 59620-0201, or by contacting Weston Merrill by phone at (406) 4443407 or via email at The Montana Pulse Crop Committee’s mission is to invest in and deliver support for marketing, research, education, and policy development programming that improves return on investment for the pulse producers of Montana.

MSU’s Schutter Diagnostic Lab releases first in educational video series

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A25

HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE 500 ton Alfalfa/grass hay, 1350# bales. 100 ton Grass/alfalfa, would make nice horse hay. 50 ton barley straw. All in net wrap rounds – Can arrange trucking

From MSU News Service tioned that as people are using their phones Montana State University (MSU) Extenmore, they were wanting access to easier sion’s Schutter Diagnostic Lab, the core content,” said Sarah Eilers, manager of of MSU’s Integrated Pest Management Call (406) 467-2061 or 590-9085 Located west of Fairfield, MT the Integrated Pest Management program. Program, released the first three in a series “Everyone kept saying they wanted videos, of educational videos earlier this month and these were the answer to that.” outlining the services the lab provides. Burrows said the Schutter Lab is often The lab, which works closely with MSU’s helps to identify trends in plant pests and College of Agriculture, helps growers idenCOMBINES FOR SALE diseases in the region. For instance, if a type tify and manage pest problems using mul• 2009 Case IH 8120, long auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, of fungal plant disease develops resistance tiple methods rather than relying solely on lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut chopper, single 900/60-R32 fronts, new to fungicides, it can spread to susceptible pesticides. This integrated pest management 28L-26 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter plants nearby and cause millions of dollars approach seeks to incorporate knowledge of with anything it’s needed, several pages of work orders, too much in damage, said Burrows. An analysis from pest life cycles and regional environments to list. Stored inside. Excellent machine, have owned it since 670 separator hours. Due to lack of help we are selling it. 2536 separator the Schutter Lab — and watchful producto prevent diseases and combat harmful inhours, 3688 engine hours......................................................$90,000 ers who send in samples — can help to sects. Management can include techniques • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell avoid crop losses through identification and such as preventive traps for insect pests and package for .........................................................................$125,000 education. The lab’s scientists also work biocontrols like insect-eating wasps as well • 2008 Case IH 8010, late serial number, same machine as an 8120, long closely with plant breeders in the College as simple installations like door sweeps on auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut of Agriculture to develop varieties of barley, greenhouses. Specialists in the Schutter Lab chopper, new single 900/60-R32 fronts, 540/65-R30 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter with anything it’s needed, winter and spring wheat and other crops that analyze an average of 3,000 samples per several pages of work orders, too much to list. Stored inside. Excellent are adapted to various threats in the state. year to identify plants, insect pests, crop machine, have owned it since 450 separator hours. Due to lack of help The first three videos can be viewed on diseases and environmental stressors and we are selling it. 3060 separator hours, 4560 engine hours..... $70,000 the MSU Extension YouTube channel at recommend management strategies. The lab • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell all of Montana, including its seven package for............................................................................. $105,000 sionChannel/vidoes. Additional videos will reservations, as well as several surrounding Call or text Adam for more info • 406-390-3048 • Delivery available be released throughout 2020. states. “With each identification, we consider that an opportunity to educate the client,” said Schutter Lab scientist Mary Burrows, professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology and MSU Extension specialist in plant pathology. th “The first step in integrated pest management is identifying the pest, but we do pesticide safety education, community outreach and urban agriculture too. We Sutherlin FarmS Feedlot • StevenSville, mt partner with all kinds of Sale begins at 1PM Mountain Time • Lunch served at Noon people and just try to help wherever we can.” The videos, produced by MontanaPBS, came in response to requests from 4 Mytty Angus Coming Two Year Old Bulls Montana growers for more easily accessible educa60+ Commercial Angus Replacement Heifers tional content. Burrows calls the first three videos, released earlier this month, “success stories” of the Integrated Pest Management 3F Epic program. The first highlights the adoption of the program Basin Payweight 1682 at a Bozeman’s Streamline BC Authority Farm to aid in growing tomatoes year-round and BUBS Southern Charm the second explains how Ellingson Chaps the Museum of the Rockies uses integrated pest manEXAR Upshot agement to protect sensiJindra Acclaim tive displays and artifacts. The third video, featuring KM Broken Bow MSU’s Champ the Bobcat LD Capitalist 316 and emeritus professor Don Mytty Natural Mathre, explains how to properly submit a sample to SAV Raindance the lab for diagnosis. “Our stakeholders men-

Bulls of the Bitterroot

9 Annual Angus Bull Sale

March 7, 2020

g n i l l e S 40+ Yearling Angus Bulls

Selling Sons of

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Genetic Connection

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B u l l s O f T h e B i T T e r r O O T .cOm

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A26

FAIRFIELD HAY FOR SALE Grass/Alfalfa hay in round bales.

Call for delivered prices – (406) 870-9003, Power, MT


225 barrel tanker trailer, all aluminum, 2 compartment, triple axle, 1 air lift axle............................................. $25,000 or will trade for farm equipment, trucks, cattle, etc. Phone (360) 815-7061, Weiser, Idaho

##### Freezing rain and sleet can both have scary effects on driving conditions, but their formations differ in some key ways. Both types of precipitation occur when rain formed in warm air in the sky passes through a layer of cold air near the ground. Thicker layers of cold air create sleet, a slushy form of water that’s semi-frozen by the time it reaches the Earth. Thinner layers don’t give rain enough time to freeze until it hits the surface of the ground—it then forms a thin coat of ice wherever it lands..

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P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235

Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange

2006 International 4300, 24-ft. steel stake bed, hydraulic lift gate, DT466, 6 speed transmission, good rubber, 93,000 actual miles, one owner. Clean truck!

(3) 1991 GMC Top Kick Pepsi trucks, V8 gas, 5+2 transmission, good rubber, (12) bay bodies. Excellent storage, will separate!

Inventory Available

Ali Arc elk catcher, fits Kenworth and Peterbilt trucks. Near new! Better Built 80 gallon slip diesel tank, also has tool box, all steel 1995 Ford L9000 tandem dump truck, 3306 Cat engine, 10 speed transmission, Hendrickson suspension, 75% rubber on Budds, 252,000 miles. Not much rust!

Currently wrecking 155 trucks. All shapes & sizes!


Ali Arc aluminum elk catcher, near new (60) transport chains and binders 80 gallon fuel and tool slip combo (2) 1999 Fruehauf SA converter dollies (24) Excel 10.00x20 tires on wheels (6) late model semi trailer suspensions Sturdy-Weld 16-ft. aluminum dump box and hoist Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double hoist (2) Omaha 16-ft. flat beds and hoists

(3) 16-ft. through 24-ft. van bodies Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly (3) wet kit assemblies 22-ft. all steel flat bed, like new National 300B truck mounted, crane (3) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists Pacific 16-ft. all steel grain box and hoist, excellent shape (5) aluminum cab guards, various styles (9) aluminum under body tool boxes (3) underbody hoist assemblies

2007 International 4400 20-ft. refrigerated van body, will seperate, white 2006 Sterling SA tractor, green 2001 International 4900 chassis, white 2000 International 4900 chassis, white 2006 International 4300 24-ft. all steel, flat, hydraulic gate, 93,000 actual miles, white 2000 Great Dane 53-ft. reefer trailer 1995 Chevrolet 1 ton diesel pickup, consigned 1995 Ford L9000 tandem, diesel, dump, orange 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white 1992 Chevrolet Kodiak SA chassis, white 1991 GMC Top Kick Pepsi trucks, (3) to choose from 1984 Peterbilt 362 mobile home toter, yellow 1982 International SA dump, yellow 1982 Ford L8000 cement mixer, white 1979 Fruefauf 45-ft. reefer trailer, consigned 1973 International 1600 welder truck, consigned

Question report linking dog food to heart condition

By Russell Nemetz, Montana Ag Network Like other farmers, trade wars and tariffs are hurting pulse crop farmers financially. And now pulse growers and some pet food companies are also losing business because of a new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) report linking pulse crops in dog food as a possible cause of enlarged heart disease in some dogs. The FDA has been looking for more than a year into dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM which is effectively an enlarged heart disease. However, pulse growers like Chester’s Jillien Streit say FDA overstepped its bounds in drawing a direct link to specific pet food ingredients in a sample size of 560 cases out of a dog population of roughly 77 million. “The issue that we take with this as pulse growers in Montana is as we continue to look into this, because, of course, you know, everyone’s concerned” said Streit. “You don’t want anyone’s dog to have any issues and we don’t want our products to be hurting anything. So, we start looking into this and we see that there’s some really questionable issues with this particular report.” She says the FDA’s report is hurting the market for pulses like peas and lentils which has already been damaged by ongoing trade wars. “Absolutely” said Streit. “I mean, right now, the pet food industry is one of the only things keeping the pulse industry afloat, especially as of late with the tariifs that we’ve been struggling with, China and India. Ten years ago, before we had the pet food industry, there was only one marketplace and it was to ship all of our products export. Now we have this domestic food industry that is growing, but not at a rate that is going to keep up with like, let’s say, with a pet food.” And she is encouraging other pulse growers to voice their concerns to members of Congress. “Well, I would say the call to action is to get a hold of our congressional delegates and have them start asking for some answers from the FDA” said Streit. “Number one, why was this article allowed to go out before it was peer reviewed? Number two, is the science valid? You know, ask them to stop putting out these reports until they can validate this science. And then I guess the other thing is to, you know, make sure that the FDA puts out a statement that says that there is no causation between DCM and the use of peas and lentils.” The FDA says it’s continuing to investigate and work with veterinarians and the pet food industry. According to the USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council, pulse crops have been in pet food formulations going back more than 30 years.

Lardy named NDSU VP Agricultural Affairs

By NDSU Extension Service Greg Lardy will be the next vice president for Agricultural Affairs at North Dakota State University (NDSU), NDSU President Dean L. Bresciani said in an announcement recently. “Dr. Lardy has an impressive record of leadership and advancement in his career and has earned the respect of the many key stakeholder groups,” Bresciani said. “We are fortunate to have had a very strong pool of highly-qualified candidates and even more fortunate to have Dr. Lardy accept the role.” The comprehensive role encompasses the positions of vice president for Agricultural Affairs; dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station; and director of NDSU Extension. Lardy has been serving as acting director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station at NDSU since August 2018 and also has been interim director of NDSU Extension since July 2018. Since 2015, he has had a 30% appointment as associate vice president of Agricultural Affairs. He was NDSU Animal Sciences Department head from 2009 to 2018. Lardy earned his animal sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in 1997; master’s degree in animal sciences at the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1993; and bachelor’s degree in animal and range sciences at NDSU in 1991. The search committee was co-chaired by Jane Schuh, NDSU vice president for research and creative activity, and Keith Peltier, past State Board of Agricultural Research and Education chair and Proseed Inc. president and general manager.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A27

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage 20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges Suzy Benzing and Geri Aaberg listen to comments from people at the Montana Grain Growers Convention in late December in Great Falls, Montana.

Hunting season proposals out for comment

FWP News Release Fish, Wildlife & Parks has set January meeting dates in Region 4, north central Montana, to discuss the tentative hunting regulations for the 2020 and 2021 hunting seasons. The tentative rules and regulations, available for review and comment online now at (http:// html#publicComment), were approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and include statewide and local regulations for antelope, black bear, deer, elk, moose, and mountain goat. The Fish and Wildlife Commission will consider public comments before making final decisions at its February meeting in Helena. Comments may be submitted at these public meetings, online at or by mail to: FWP Wildlife Division, “Attn: hunting season proposals,” PO Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620. Comments are due by 5 p.m. on January 22, 2020. All public meetings in FWP Region 4 will start at 7 p.m. • Cut Bank - January 13 Glacier Electric Bldg., 410 E Main St. • Wolf Creek - January 14 - Wolf Creek School, 150 Walsh St. • Lewistown - January 14 - BLM Lewistown Field Office, 920 NE Main St. • Fort Benton - January 15 - Ambulance Barn, 810 15th St. • Great Falls - January 16 - Paris Gibson Education Center, 2400 Central Ave. ##### China produces about 160 billion eggs per year, making it the largest egg producer in the world.

Phone (406) 899-4104


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A28

ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 5x6 Rounds 2nd cutting – 180 ton – 24.5 protein – 157 RFV Roy Baumann, Conrad, MT 406-788-9934

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A18

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD

See us on the web:

2017 Cat 926M HL wheel loader, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 7150 +/- hours, air ride heated cloth seat, ride control, differential lock, Bluetooth AM/FM radio, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, new radial tires, 3 CY bucket, maintained very well by Cat. Super clean loader, Located in Spearfish, SD...... ...................................................................................................... $98,900 2007 Cat 930G wheel loader, 8500 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, hydraulic coupler, 3 CY bucket, 48” quick attach forks, dual auxiliary hydraulics, ride control, bucket leveling, 50% plus radial tires, fresh service, job site ready. Located in Victor, MT..................................................................... $69,000 2014 Volvo MC135 skid steer, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 60 +/- hours, AM/FM radio, ride control, 2 speed travel, Quick attach, pilot controls, 12x16.5 tires, 92 hp, 8500 lbs. 6000 lb. max lift load, 3000 lb. operating load. Like new. Located in Spearfish, SD........ ..........................................$46,900 2013 Volvo MC95C skid steer, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 215 +/- hours, AM/FM radio, ride control, 2 speed travel, Quick attach, pilot controls, 10x16.5 tires, 46 hp, 3800 lb. tip load, 1900 lb. operating load. Like new. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................................ $31,900 2013 Volvo SD75 roller, 1175 hours, 66” smooth drum, knock down blade, 99 hp Volvo engine, dual amplitude, 30,500 lb. maximum high amplitude, 16,550 lb. operating weight. Located in Victor, MT......................................$52,900 2014 Case 580SN 3085 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, ride control, front hydraulic coupler, rear hydraulic coupler, front auxiliary hydraulics, rear auxiliary hydraulics, pilot controls with control pattern changer, power shuttle transmission, 18” backhoe bucket with new teeth, new front tires, new rear tires, has been through the shop, just serviced, super nice clean and tight backhoe. Located in Spearfish, SD........................................................ $55,900 2013 Deere 310SJ 2900 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, air ride cloth seat, ride control, power shift transmission, 2 lever backhoe controls, 24” backhoe bucket, new front tires, rear tires approximately 40%, recent service, very clean. Located in Spearfish, SD..................................................... $59,500 2016 Cat 259D 1770 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, air ride heated cloth seat, 2 speed travel, advanced display with rear view camera, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics and electrics, just serviced, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................... $45,900


##### A policeman pulls a man over for speeding and asks him to get out of the car. After looking the man over the policeman says, “Sir, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are bloodshot. Have you been drinking?” The man gets really indignant and says, “Officer, I couldn’t help but notice your eyes are glazed. Have you been eating doughnuts?

##### A mom texts, “Hi! Son, what does IDK, LY, & TTYL mean?” He texts back, “I Don’t Know, Love You, & Talk To You Later.” The mom texts him, “It’s ok, don’t worry about it. I’ll ask your sister, love you too.” ##### Why is the alphabet in that order?

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A29


We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:

Mobility • Capacity • Durability • Economics • Simplicity ! AVAILABLE SOON ! SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS 2014 VECTOR with 1600 gallon 120-ft. boom, 1700 hours, 350 hp, 8.9 Cummins, Allison 3000 Auto, Capstan Nozzle Control, Raven Viper, Smart Trax, Auto Boom height

“Call For Details”

SIMONSEN 2584 8 TON PULL-TYPE CART Very, very nice cart, spreads 50’-70’, tandem float tires, hydraulic chain and fan, roll tarp, always shedded, no rust. Immaculate!...................................... $20,000

REMEMBER: Ag Trucks is Your Montana Dealer for SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS

• High Strength Aluminum Alloys • Light and Durable Construction • Engineered Welds • Outer Boom Sections Hyd Breakaway • 100, 120, 132-ft. widths • SS Plumbing

2015 John Deere 4038

1997 MARFLEX FL 106

2200 hours, 1000 gallon SS tank, 120-ft. boom, 5 way nozzle bodies, JD 2630 Controller, section control, boom height, two sets of tires. Very nice condition.........................................................$185,000

with 1250 tank, 100-ft booms, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750 GPS.............................................................. $70,000

2014 Apache 1220 Plus II

1200 hours, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100-ft. boom, Raven Viper 4, section control, boom height, 380 rubber, dual rears, Very nice.............. ......................................................................................$162,000


1-, 3-, 5-, & 7-section rollers available. 20- to 85-ft. widths •  /4” wall thickness •  Very tough and well built Plan for Spring and Call Now!! 3

Simonsen 6 ton spreader very nice 2 year old Simonsen 6 ton, PTO fan drive, ground drive feed chain, tandem axle, always shedded...................................................... $11,500 2007 Flexi-Coil 95XL 1500 gallon tank, 132-ft. Caster wheel boom, boom shields, Flex controller, very nice shape........................... $9000

! SIMONSEN FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT! Ag Trucks sells Simonsen Equipment •  Pull Type Carts •  Truck Mount Boxes: 85-ft. spread •  Tender Bodies •  AG-TRK 430: 10 ton Spreader Boxes •  Plan for Spring and Call Now!

Great Falls, Montana Steve Raska • 406-788-5361

Garfield, Washington

Justin Honcoop • 509-338-7346

See us on Facebook and Instagram

• Individual Nozzle Control • Control Pressure Independent of Rate or Speed • Row-to-Row Liquid Fertilizer Uniformity While Automatically Changing Orifice Sizes Based on Rate or Speed • No Need to Change Orifices for Anhydrous Ammonia Apps

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A30


2019 CHEVROLET SILVERADO TRAIL BOSS CUSTOM Z71 Cloth bench seats, 2” factory lift, dual exhaust, trailering package. #19T76................................................. Call for price

2020 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LTZ 6.2L engine, Head-Up Display, surround vision, heated steering wheel, trailering mirrors. #20T08............ Call for price 2019 CHEVROLET TAHOE Trailering package, brake controller, heated seats and heated steering wheel, rear DVD player, sunroof and more. #19T02........................................................ Call for price

2019 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500HD LT Z71 6.6L diesel, 6.5-ft. box, heated cloth seats, tow package. #19T77........................................................ Call for price

2019 BUICK ENVISION ESSENCE FWD, heated dark gray leather, heated 2nd row seats, heated steering wheel. #19B04............................... Call for price

2018 CHEVROLET EQUINOX LT Heated cloth seats, back up camera, Apple CarPlay, Bluetooth, 39,145 miles. #19T63B............................... $22,999 2018 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 1500 LT Black leather, heated seats, sunroof, rear DVD player, 2nd row heated seats, 21,310 miles. #19U07.............. $46,999

2017 FORD F150 LARIAT Heated leather seats, navigation, double sunroof, trailering package, 38,650 miles. #19T70B.......................... $36,999

2018 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT Black cloth interior, heated seats, 8” touch screen, remote start, 24,949 miles. #18U25.................................. $18,999 2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 LTZ 6.0L engine, long box, crew cab, running boards wheel to wheel, tonneau cover, 52,579 miles. #19T69A..... $35,995

2014 NISSAN VERSA Cloth seats, 30-40 mpg, 58,715 miles. #19T07A........... $7495

2015 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 6.4L engine, heated seats, heated steering wheel, Bluetooth, B&W turnover ball, 97,078 miles. #19T50B.......... $31,999

2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT Z71 Crew cab, heated leather seats, tow package, brake controller, grille guard, 90,528 miles. #19T68B............... $21,995 2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 LT Z71 6.6L engine, black leather heated seats, B&W turn over ball, tow package, 151,749 miles. #19T40A................. $26,500

1-800-823-2355 (BELL) 406-873-5515 CUT BANK

2009 CHEVROLET IMPALA LTZ Heated leather seats, sunroof, 127,141 miles. #19U21A.$6495

Montana Campus Compact honors student-athlete volunteers

From UM News Service Montana Campus Compact (MTCC) honored 14 studentathletes from across the state of Montana for their outstanding community service work at the November 23 Brawl of the Wild Football Game in Bozeman. The MTCC board and Commissioner of Higher Education Clay Christian presented 14 exemplary college studentathletes the Montana Athletes in Service Award. “College students in Montana do amazing community work, and their investment of time, talent and energy help improve our communities across the state,” said Josh Vanek, associate director of MTCC. “These awards honor the incredible contributions of our student-athlete-volunteers, and we are proud of them.” For 26 years, the University of Montana-based compact and its 18 affiliate campuses have supported students, faculty and communities across Montana with programs that encourage and recognize community service. MTCC and the state honored the following athletes whose efforts greatly benefited their communities: • Nadia Augustiro, Miles Community College sophomore, rodeo • Teigen Avery, University of Montana senior, golf • Cal Christian, Fort Peck Community College sophomore, basketball, cross-country, weight-lifting • April Davis, Dawson Community College sophomore, softball • Tanner Haverfield, University of Montana Western sophomore, basketball • Preston Jeschke, Flathead Valley Community College junior, logger sports • Gillian Maness, Montana State University senior, cross-country, track and field • Emerson McLaughlin, University of Providence senior, soccer • Kyle McLaughlin, Montana State University-Billings senior, track and field • Max Melfi, Rocky Mountain College junior, football • Shania Neubauer, Montana State University Northern junior, volleyball • Jenna Starke, Carroll College senior, volleyball • Zach Torgerson, Montana Tech sophomore, football • Charnea Two Bulls, Little Big Horn College, basketball

Answers to backgrounding questions

By NDSU Extension Service A rough, wet, snowy, cold fall had many cow-calf producers delaying weaning until the end of this year. Typically, calf weaning is completed in October or November for April- or May-born calves. “Depressed market prices haven’t offered enough incentive to sell calves earlier,” says Karl Hoppe, Extension livestock systems specialist at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Carrington Research Extension Center. “Now producers are considering the options for this year’s calf crop. Questions are: Should we wean and sell off the cow? Or should we background the calves?” NDSU Extension has a series of video presentations on backgrounding calves that may help producers answer those questions. The videos are available at edu/livestockextension/backgrounding. The video topics and presenters are: • Current cattle price situation and outlook for backgrounding calves - Tim Petry, NDSU livestock economist • Calf health update and how to prevent cattle from getting sick - Gerald Stokka, NDSU Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist • Feed costs and rations, including information on multiple feeds that, when combined, can make low-cost rations with good cattle weight gain – Hoppe • Backgrounding cattle budget analysis, including several budgeting scenarios with steers and heifers at low or moderate average daily gains - Bryon Parman, NDSU Extension agricultural finance specialist. “With relatively low-priced feeds, feeding calves via a backgrounding program may provide positive returns when future market prices remain somewhat constant,” Hoppe says. For more information about backgrounding calves, contact Hoppe at 701-652-2951 or

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A31

“Quality Equipment - Honest Service -” 2007 Peterbilt 379

2007 Peterbilt Daycab • C-15

1 Owner

• Wet kit • 475 horsepower • 18-speed • Lift axle • Only 665,000 miles

Buy or Lease to own

2007 Peterbilt 379

• ISX • 10-speed • 475 horsepower • Short hood • Extremely clean • Flat top sleeper

$13,703/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own

2014 Peterbilt Daycab

$13,703/yr - oac

2007 Peterbilt 379

1 Owner

! D L SO


• 10 speed • 63” sleeper • New virgin tires

North Dakota

2006 Peterbilt 379

• 455 horsepower • Short hood • Wet kit • 22.5 wheels • 85% virgin tires

! D L O S

• C-15

Buy or Lease to own

2016 Kenworth W900L

$11,875/yr - oac 2005 Peterbilt 379

• 13-speed • 70” sleeper • Very nice


2014 Peterbilt 389 1 Owner

1 Owner

• Cat 475 horsepower • 13 speed • 11R22.5 tires • Clean interior Buy or Lease to own $12,508/yr - oac


• ISX 485 • 18 speed • Only 443,000 miles • Flat top sleeper Buy or Lease to own $19,987/yr - oac


! D L O • Triple axle • 50-ft. Shopper Utah

• Ag hoppers • Power gates • Power tarp

• Cat C-15 475 hp • 10 speed • 70” sleeper • Very nice

Buy or Lease to own $15,417/yr - oac


• ISX • 500 horsepower • Only 750,000 miles • 18 speed • Navigation Buy or Lease to own $15,988/yr - oac


• 50-ft. hopper • Ag hoppers • Spread axle • Red roll tarp

• Drop deck • Spread axle • Triple ramps • Outside aluminum

• 40-ft. hopper • Tandem axle • Ag hoppers • Sight windows

Buy or Lease to own $8623yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $8676/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $7533/yr - oac

1-888-453-2924 406-453-2924

3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Connect With Us On Facebook

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A32

HAY & STRAW FOR SALE Grass/alfalfa mix hay Straight alfalfa hay Willow Creek forage hay Sainfoin hay Barley straw

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A28

All in 3x4 square bales. Located in Stanford & Moore, MT area Phone Mike Kochivar @ 406-370-4744 or Jim Kulish @ 406-868-2739


(4) 5-ft. wheel lines, band lock GM 4-71 diesel irrigation pump on trailer 2005 Case IH 2388 combine, 2006 updates, 1892 separator hours, 36-ft. Case IH 2042 draper header Steel wheel mounted canola roller Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow, draw bar, 5 bar, 5-ft. harrows, 4 down pressure springs per harrow Steel I-beam overhead shop hoist frame, (4) 20-ft. 7” Ibeam rails, 18-ft. long, 10” I-beam for top cross rail holding (2) 5-ft. carriage rails on 15” steel wheels

Phone (406) 278-3068, Conrad, Montana


Heated/cooled leather seats, heated steering wheel, power mirrors, power in/out and up/down steering wheel, navigation, backup camera, panoramic roof, power 3rd seat, completely loaded, 112,000 miles. Very good condition.$15,250 Phone 406-450-3647, Conrad, Montana

Beefcake by DewEze

• Tackle daily livestock feeding chores • Designed to fit any feeding style • Featuring electric or hydraulic models

See me at M.A.G.I.E. January 16-18, 2020 Great Falls, MT • Booth #C-8 & C9 2020 Chevrolet 3500HD SRW, 6.6L gas, regular cab, 4x4. 2016 Ford F350 supercab, single rear wheel, gas, automatic.


##### If you ever get cold, just stand in the corner of a room for a while. They’re normally around 90 degrees. ##### More than 4 billion people own mobile phones. But only 3.5 billion use a toothbrush.

##### New Year celebrations are not new. The concept actually dates back to 2000 BC. The Mesopotamians used to celebrate New Year! ##### Prunes are dried-up plums. So prune juice doesn’t really exist.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 – Page A33

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


Call Jim at 406-690-0737


Case 2590 Farm Tractor Cab with air conditioning, dual rear tires, very good operating & field ready, just a darn nice 175-180 hp tractor!.....$17,700

2006 Komatsu PC78LC-6 Excavator Only 2900 hours, hydraulic thumb, QC bucket, cab with air conditioning. Good machine!........................................$48,000

2012 Skyjack SJ111 3219 Electric Scissorlift 19-ft., 36” extension platforms, non-marking tires, power to the platform, low hours........................$5800 per machine

2013 Cat 246C Skidsteer 1700 hours, cab with air conditioning, 2 speed, nice machine!... . ...............................................................................$35,000

2015 Genie GTH 5519 Telescopic Forklift Only 820 hours, 5500 lbs. to 19-ft, cushion, No flat tires!............ . ...............................................................................$47,500

1978 Deere 762 Elevating Scraper

good running machine, good tires, work ready!...........$23,500

Cat D3B Dozer 6 way blade, full sweeps, winch, SN: 27Y0773. Good Dozer!...... . ...............................................................................$19,000

2014 Komatsu PC55MR Mini Excavator

2005 Genie S-45 Manlift

Hydraulic thumb, cab w/ air conditioning, nice machine with only 2000 hours..............................................................$49,000

45-ft. 4450 hours, DIESEL POWERED, 4x4, Good unit!............. . ...............................................................................$18,750

2008 Case 580 Super M-3 Backhoe Loader ONLY 1600 hours! Excellent condition, 4x4, Extend-a-hoe, NICE!!.....................................................................$45,000

2000 Load King HFT 70 Trailer

Hydraulic beavertail, GVWR 85,640 lbs. with winch....$21,350


2005 Olympic Triple Axle Tilt Deck

A nice trailer, pintle hitch, air brakes............................$23,000

Thanks to Everyone for a GREAT 15 Years!

Check out more info & photos online at 1986 International S1900 Snow Plow Truck Diesel, Monroe sander box, multi-directional snow plow!............ . .................................................................................. $9000

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A34

New State Grain Lab bureau chief


SHOP SPECIALTIES 1-888-676-5448 •Valier •Grass Range •Whitehall •

From Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture is pleased to announce that Blake Brawley has accepted the bureau chief position for the Montana State Grain Lab. “We’re thrilled to welcome Blake to the Department,” said Director Ben Thomas. “His agricultural education and experience in the grain industry stood out to us. The Grain Lab is vitally important to Montana’s ag industry and I’m confident Blake will serve Montana and our producers well.” Brawley, a native of Great Falls and graduate of Montana State University Northern, has always been interested in agriculture. He most recently served as a Field Agronomist for MillerCoors, specializing in dryland and irrigated barley production in northern Montana and southern Alberta. “Montana grows some of the world’s best quality grain,” said Brawley. “I’ve gained a deep appreciation for the industry already and am looking forward to developing the lab to best serve our customers.” The Montana State Grain Lab locations in Great Falls and Plentywood are federally licensed crop quality testing facilities operating within guidelines set forth by the U.S. Grain Standards and Montana Grain Standards Acts. Buyers and sellers of grain are entitled to an official grade, protein analysis and other quality tests. The Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) establishes testing criteria which lab personnel use to determine grain quality and issue official grades. Accuracy is the mark of excellence of the Montana State Grain Lab and is assured by its methodology and official accreditation. To learn more about the State Grain Lab, visit The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit ##### The tradition has continued in Times Square, except for in 1942 and 1943. The ball was not lowered because of wartime restrictions.

View our FULL inventory at

100+ new units added this month! Contact your local salesman to be the first to hear about new inventory!


Get your daily chores done more efficiently with a new tractor.


2018 John Deere 6195R, 25 mph IVT with TLS, 4 SCV’s, PTO, 520/85R42 rear singles, 480/70R30 fronts, (3) 450 lb rear weights, loader, grapple, 252 hours. Stock #68921..... ................................................. $202,500 (1) 2018 John Deere 6175R, 25 mph IVT with TLS, PTO, 4 SCV’s, 520/85R42 rear singles, 420/90R30 fronts, rear weights, loader, grapple, 277 hours. Stock #66378................. ................................................. $190,000 (1) 2018 John Deere 6145M, 24/24 AutoQuad+, 3 SCV’s, PTO, 480/80R42 rear singles, 420/85R28 fronts, cold start package, loader, grapple, 742 hours. Stock #68016............ ............................................... $145,000 (15)


2013 John Deere 6170R, IVT 50K with TLS+, 4SCV’s, PTO, 710/70R42 rear singles, 480/70R34 fronts, deluxe cab, rear weight package, loader, grapple, 3675 hours. Stock #66739..................................... $125,000 (2) 2017 John Deere 6120M, 24/24 PowrQuad+, 3 SCV’s, PTO, 460/85R38 rear tires, 420/70R28 fronts, standard cab, cold start package, loader, grapple, 1212 hours. Stock #69444..................................... $88,500 (16) 2017 John Deere 6150E, 24/12 PowrRev, 3 SCV’s, 4600/85R38 rears, 380/85R24 fronts, air seat, standard cab, loader, grapple, 225 hours. Stock #69446................. $74,000 (11)

1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

1991 John Deere 4455, 15/4 PowerShift, 3-pt., PTO, 2 SCV’s, 20.8R38 singles, loader, bucket, overhaul 1000 hours ago. Stock #68107..................................... $47,500 (11) 1998 John Deere 6310, 16/16 PowrQuad, 2WD, 540 PTO, 2 SCV’s loader, bucket, 460/85R34 rear ballasted tires, 99 hp, 7241 hours. Stock #69572................. $29,500 (15) 2015 Case IH Magnum 250, powershift, 1100/45R46 rear tires, 1000/40R32 fronts, PTO, 4 SCV’s, front and rear weights, receiver and NAV II, 2002 hours. Stock #61632..... ................................................. $129,000 (3) 2012 Case IH Puma 185, powershift transmission, PTO, 3 SCV’s, electric joystick, 3-pt., AFS 700 display, loader, grapple, front weights, 2500 hours. Stock #69480.............. ............................................... $105,000 (14) 2002 Case IH MX110, partial powershift, PTO, MFWD, 3 SCV’s, loader, bucket, grapple, 9400 hours. Stock #69479........ $25,000 (11) 2006 Vultra T140, 36F/36R transmission, 4 SCV’s, 3-pt., PTO, 480/65R28 fronts, 600/65R38 rears, Quicke loader, grapple. Stock #67432........................... $59,900 (14)

Check out our website at to see photos and info on all of our inventory!

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932



Wheeled or track skid steers, we’ve got the equipment to help make any job easier.


2016 John Deere 333G, NEW tracks, cab, heat, air conditioning, standard hydraulics, counterweights, ISO switchable controls, 84” bucket, 950 hours. Stock #64618.................. ................................................. $60,000 (15) 2014 John Deere 326E, 12x16.5 Beefy Baby tires, cab, heat, air conditioning, high flow hydraulics, 3-way switchable controls, 78” bucket, 133 hours. Stock #61487.................. ................................................... $46,500 (2) 2016 John Deere 320E, 12x16.5 Beefy Baby tires, cab, heat, air conditioning, high flow hydraulics, switchable EH controls, construction bucket, 300 hours. Stock #66060.... ................................................... $44,500 (1) 2014 John Deere 320E, 12x16.5 Beefy Baby tires, no cab, 3-way switchable controls, 72” bucket, standard hydraulics, 51 hours. Stock #61484....................................... $37,500 (3) 2007 New Holland C185 CTL, NEW wide tracks, cab without air, high flow hydraulics, manual bucket attachment, 84” bucket, 1085 hours. Stock #69432................. $28,000 (11)

Railroad Ties $8.00/tie

Sold in 16 tie bundles We will load. Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A35

View our FULL inventory at

100+ new units added this month! Contact your local salesman to be the first to hear about new inventory!


Options available include PTO, high flow hydraulics, and complete GPS guidance systems!




Frustrated with equipment breakdowns & longer hours in the field? Now is the time to upgrade your combine! Lots of in stock units to pick from!


2018 John Deere 9620R, 18/6 PowerShift, high flow hydraulic pump, dual IF800/70R38 tires, 5 SCV’s, no 3-pt., no PTO, Active Command steering, 16 front weights, rear big weight package, 241 hours. Stock #63373.... ............................................... $417,500 (12) 2018 John Deere 9470RX, 18/6 PowerShift, quad 30” tracks, standard hydraulics, 4 SCV’s, PTO, deluxe light package, full GPS system, 428 hours. Stock #68474................. ............................................... $452,500 (14) 2016 John Deere 9470RX, 18/6 PowerShift, quad 30” tracks, standard hydraulics, 4 SCV’s, PTO, premium cab, deluxe radio package, complete GPS system, 1467 hours. Stock #66414............... $362,500 (14) 2013 John Deere 9460RT, 18/6 PowerShift, 30” tracks, standard hydraulics, 4 SCV’s, case drain, PTO, 26 front weights, complete GPS system, 1700 hours. Stock #66865....... ................................................. $232,500 (3) 2014 John Deere 9460R, 18/6 PowerShift, 710/70R42 duals, high flow hydraulics, 5 SCV’s, no PTO, deluxe lighting package, motor seal drain kit, 2960 hours. Stock #68964................................... $205,000 (11) 2006 John Deere 9620, PowerShift, big hydraulic pump, 4 SCV’s, differential lock, 7750 lb weight package, complete GPS system. Stock #69561........................... $140,500 (1) 1997 John Deere 9200, 24 speed PowrSync, differential lock, 710/70R38 duals, 3 SCV’s, no PTO, no 3-pt., rear wheel weights, 10,500 hours. Stock #67642................. $45,000 (12)


1982 John Deere 8640, 16/6 partial PowerShfit, 3 SCV’s, PTO, no 3-pt., 18.4-34 duals, 12-ft. manual angle blade, 17,000 hours. Stock#69424.............................. $15,000 (1) 2016 Case IH 620, powershift, quad 36” tracks, big hydrualic pump, 5 SCV’s, PTO, complete GPS system, 1565 hours. Stock #68981....... ............................................... $315,000 (12) 1997 Case IH 9370, 12 speed powershift, big hydraulic pump, 3 SCV’s, case drain, 20.8R42 duals, differential lock, no PTO, no 3-pt., 6750 hours. Stock #67281.$57,500 (2) 2015 Buhler 550DT, 16/4 powershift, quad 30” tracks, high flow hydraulics, 6 SCV’s, front and rear diff locks, no PTO, no 3-pt., tow cable, 949 hours. Stock #62132.$272,000 (11)

COMPACT UTILITY TRACTORS Small yard projects?! We have the compact tractor for any job! Please inquire about the variety of attachments available too!


2017 John Deere 825i Gator, 449 hours/3600 miles, power steering, glass windshield, no doors, power lift cargo box, bench seat. Extended warranty until 9/2020. Stock #68909. ................................................. $16,000 (14) 2016 John Deere 825i Gator, 1285 hours/9361 miles, power steering, poly cab, no heater, 4 seats, glass windshield, power lift cargo box, horn, mirrors.Stock #68910...... $13,000 (11) 2012 John Deere RSX850i Gator, 91 hours/959 miles, bucket seats, winch, no cab or windshield, manual dump box, rear brushguard. Stock #68258......... $10,500 (1) 2018 John Deere 590E, 475 hours, no windshield or doors, steel wheels, manual lift cargo box. Stock #68816.................... $9900 (2)

2015 John Deere 5055E, 12F/12R, left hand power reverser, open station, 1 rear remote, 540 PTO, 3-pt., loader, bucket, 206 hours. Stock #68778........................... $29,500 (14) 2014 John Deere 4044R, open station, hydrostatic transmission, 44 hp, new seat, H180 loader, bucket, includes rear blade and bale spear, 300 hours. Stock #69584.$29,500 (1) 2018 John Deere 2032R, open station, hydrostatic transmission, 32 hp, 2 rear SCV’s, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 60 lb rear weights, 220R loader, bucket, 50 hours. Stock #65662........ ................................................... $24,000 (4) 2015 John Deere 1025R, open station, hydrostatic transmission, 540 rear PTO, 3-pt., loader, 91 hours. Stock #66350.$15,000 (11) 2006 John Deere 3320, open station, hydrostatic transmission, 32 hp, 540 PTO, 15-19.5 rear tires, loader, 3389 hours. Stock #65495. ................................................. $14,500 (14)

1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

Great side-by-side options with glass or poly cabs, power dump box, power steering, and many more options.

2018 John Deere S780, 369 engine/275 separator hours, combine advisor, Active Yield, LSW 1100/45R46 singles, advanced Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, Powerfold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger. Stock #66210..................................... $420,000 (1) 2018 John Deere S780, 659 engine/462 separator hours, Active Yield, LSW 1100/45R46 tires, full GPS system, advanced Powercast tailboard, Powerfold grain tank covers, 28.5ft. unload auger. Stock #64576.$400,000 (3) 2017 John Deere S670, 487 engine/361 separator hours, Contour-Master with variable speed feederhouse, Powercast tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, 28.5-ft unload auger, single IF 800/70R38 tires, full GPS system. Stock #64854............ $337,500 (14) 2016 John Deere S670, 1243 engine/811 separator hours, 520/85R42 duals, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual fold grain tank, 28-ft. unload auger, full GPS system. Stock #62231......................... $285,000 (11) 2014 John Deere S680, 1317 engine/968 separator hours, 520/85R42 duals, fine cut chopper with manual vane tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual fold grain tank extensions, 26-ft. unload auger, full GPS system. Stock #68123........................... $260,000 (1) 2009 John Deere 9870, 2502 engine/1847 separator hours, dual 20.8R42 tires, 3 speed transmission, CommandTouch variable speed feederhouse, Powercast tailboard, 22.5-ft. unload auger. Stock #62981............... .................................................$117,500 (11) 2008 John Deere 9770, 2887 engine/2189 separator hours, Level Land feederhouse, chopper, yield monitor, 22.5-ft unload auger, 800/65R32 tires. Stock #67394.$95,000 (12) 2003 Gleaner R75, 1165 engine/844 separator hours, 30.5L-32 tires, 16.9x26 rear tires, fixed speed feederhouse, chopper, yield monitor. Stock #61344.............. $77,500 (14) 1995 Case IH 2188, 2865 engine/2262 separator hours, AFX rotor, rock trap, chopper. Comes with Honey Bee 36-ft. draper and Case IH 1015 pickup head. Stock #68966.... ................................................... $42,000 (1)


14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932


The options are endless! Several different widths and spacings in stock with a variety of cart sizes and configurations!

2018 John Deere 1895, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, double shoot, C850 cart with SectionCommand, spoked gauge wheels, all run blockage, 12” conveyor with wireless remote. Stock #67436........................... $525,000 (1) 2017 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 550 bushel tow behind cart, hydraulic drive, SectionCommand, 12” conveyor with KSI extension. Stock #62880....... ............................................... $300,000 (14) 2014 John Deere 1890, 60-ft. 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 550 bushel tow behind cart, hydraulic drive, SectionCommand, 10” auger, spoked gauge wheels, NEW disks, dual tires on cart. Stock #51458...... $259,000 (1) 2015 John Deere 1890, 50-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 350 bushel tow between cart, SectionCommand, hydraulic auger lift, 10” auger. Stock #64099.............. $170,000 (15) 2013 John Deere 1890, 50-ft., 10” spacing, AgTron all run blockage, spoked gauge wheels, 350 bushel tow between cart with 10” auger. Stock #64862......................... $147,500 (12) 2011 John Deere 1835, 60-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, 4” capped steel press wheels, all run seed blockage, primary blockage on fertilizer, 430 bushel tow behind cart, ground drive, 10” fill auger.Stock #68666.................. ............................................... $132,500 (11) 2009 John Deere 1830, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, capped 3” steel press wheels, 270 bushel tow between cart, 8 run, 12” conveyor, mechanical drive. Stock #68765........................... $75,000 (12) 2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, primary blockage, 445 tow between cart, 10” auger. Stock #55622............. ................................................. $80,000 (14) Flexi-Coil 5000, 50-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot, steel press wheels, 2340 tow behind cart. Stock #67531..................... $32,000 (1)


Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS!


2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, 20” spacing, ExactApply, 420/95R50 tires, turnkey GPS, 382 hours. Stock #64416................................... $425,000 (14) 2019 John Deere R4044, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, high flow pump with dual flow meter, IF420/80R46 tires, auto boom level, 493 hours. Stock #69472.......... $339,000 (1) 2014 John Deere 4940, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, section control, 480/80R50 tires, standard flow solution pump, BoomTrac Pro 5 sensors, fence row nozzles, 1338 hours. Stock #69582......................... $200,000 (12) 2011 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle spacing, 380/105R50 tires, high flow solution pump, BoomTrac Pro 5 sensors, complete GPS system, 3122 hours. Stock #69458................................... $135,000 (12) 2013 Case IH 4430, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon, AIM Command, full GPS, 2397 hours. Stock #64860...... $152,500 (14) 2001 Case IH SPX4260, 90-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon tank, stainless tank/ plumbing, skinny tires, John Deere Rate Controller. Stock #67051.......... $43,000 (14) 2013 Agco Terra-Gator 8400, 70-ft. air boom, Airmax box, 1050/50R32 rear tires, electric tarp. Stock #64419................... $182,500 (1) 2008 Marflex truck sprayer, 115-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1450 gallon stainless tank, 3-way nozzle body, full Trimble guidance system, 24,570 miles. Stock #64853..... $97,500 (14)

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A36

POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???


Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana

##### Donkeys have a special and very efficient digestive system that is capable of breaking down even the most inedible vegetation known. They don’t just breakdown the vegetation, they can even extract moisture very efficiently out of those plants and use the same to keep themselves hydrated.

Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service

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2020 Fox Mountain 23-ft. 5th wheel with slide We have a nice selection of used travel & cargo trailers!!!

• 2018 Winnebago MicroLite 20-ft. bumper pull • 2010 Durango 33-ft. bumper pull with 2 large slides • 2008 Terry 289 bumper pull with large slide • 2000 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel, slide • 2001 Nash 23-ft. 5th wheel • 1999 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel with slide • 1995 Northland 8-ft. pickup camper

• 2016 Neo 29-ft. cargo trailer



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Does the thought of borrowing money “chill” you? Warm up with an operating loan from one of our “red hot” ag officers.

Get the drift? Local ownership – personal service

Recipe Patch by Geri Instant Pot Steak

1-2 lb steak 1 onion sliced 1 c beef broth 1 pkg onion soup mix (or gravy mix) 2 tbsp steak sauce 1 tsp minced garlic 2 small/medium potatoes russet, cut in half salt and pepper to taste 2 tbsp cornstarch + 3 tbsp cold water 2 tbsp olive oil or butter Put pot on saute and add olive oil with steaks. Sear on outsides. Remove and deglaze the pot using 1/4 c of broth. Slice onion and put on bottom of pot. Season steak with your choice of seasonings and place on top of onions. Try to overlap the least possible. In a bowl whisk together rest of your broth, onion soup mix, steak sauce and minced garlic. Pour this over your steak. Cut potatoes into quarters and place inside pot on sides of steak. Sprinkle salt and pepper on potatoes. Close lid and steam valve and set to high pressure for 5 minutes. Allow to naturally release steam when done, this will take about 15 minutes. Remove steak, potatoes, and onions. (Set pot to saute if you want to thicken sauce - In a bowl whisk together cornstarch and water until smooth. Once liquid is boiling add cornstarch mixture and stir for 1-2 minutes until it thickens. Turn pot off and pour this sauce over potatoes and steak.)

Instant Pot Beef Tips

2 lbs steak, cut into small cubes 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1 tsp garlic salt 1 onion sliced 1 pkg mushrooms, sliced in half 2/3 c beef broth 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 pkg gravy mix dry mix, 1.6 oz. 2 tbsp olive oil Add olive oil to pot and set to sauté. Put beef into pot and sear outsides, then remove and put into a bowl and deglaze your pot with your 1/3 c broth (with non stick pots this isn’t necessary). Put beef back into pot top with onions, followed by halved mushrooms and Worcestershire sauce. Close lid and steam valve and set to high pressure for 15 minutes. Allow to naturally release steam for 5 minutes when done, then release rest of steam. Lift lid and set to saute again. In a bowl whisk together remaining 1/3 c broth and packet of dry gravy mix until smooth. When contents are bubbling add this mixture into your pot and allow to bubble for 1-2 minutes stirring intermittently so it thickens. Turn pot off. Serve over mashed potatoes or butter noodles.

Instant Pot Cube Steak

1.5-2 lbs cube steak 2 tbsp olive oil 1/4 c flour 1 tbsp garlic salt pepper optional 1 pkg. onion soup mix 1 oz. package 1 can cream of mushroom soup 10.5 oz. 2 c beef broth or a bit more if you want it thinner 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce 1 onion diced Cut steak in half. Fill a gallon size storage bag with flour, garlic salt and pepper. Shake to combine. Set Instant Pot to sauté medium and add olive oil. Put steak pieces inside baggie, zip closed and shake to coat pieces. When Instant Pot is hot place pieces of floured meat, shaking off excess flour, it into the pot. Cook all pieces until lightly browned on both sides, then turn pot OFF/Cancel button. Remove meat from pan and pour some beef broth in to deglaze the pot. In a bowl whisk together cream of mushroom, onion soup mix packet. Worcestershire sauce, and remaining beef broth. Add diced onions to bottom of the pot. Then put browned meat on top followed by soup mixture into your pot. Put lid on and close steam valve. Set to pressure high for 5 minutes followed by a natural release for 5 minutes. Then let out rest of steam. Lift lid and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes so sauce thickens more.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A37

Behold the werewolf!

The deadline for advertising in the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29.

The first werewolf legends date back to ancient Greece. Plato wrote about a ceremony called the Lycaea that required human sacrifice in exchange for the powers of lycanthropy. “Werewolf” comes from the Old English werewolf. Wer was Old English for the Latin vir, or “man.” So literally it means “manwolf.” Want to become a werewolf? You might try drinking water that a wolf stepped in, eating wolf and human flesh mixed together, sleeping under a full moon on a Friday, or selling your soul to the devil for a magic wolf-skin belt. The French Inquisition recorded 30,000 cases of lycanthropy between 1520 and 1630. How can you tell if someone’s a werewolf? Folklore says that if a person has a unibrow, a ring finger that’s longer than the index finger, or hairy palms, he or she might be a werewolf. According to legend, Ireland’s St. Patrick punished a wicked Welsh king named Vereticus by turning him into a wolf. Traditionally, there are two types of werewolves: Voluntary werewolves transform at will. Involuntary werewolves are cursed into taking wolf form, often because they’ve sinned (like Vereticus). In 1589 Peter Stubbe confessed to murdering 13 children and three adults in Bedburg, Germany. His excuse: He owned a magic wolf skin that transformed him into a werewolf. Stubbe was tortured for his crimes and beheaded, and then his body was burned. Lycanthropy refers to transformation into a wolf; boanthropy, a cow or ox; ailuranthropy, a cat; and zoanthropy, animals in general. The first use of silver bullets to kill werewolves dates to 1640. Legend has it that the German town of Greifswald was overrun by a pack of werewolves. When ordinary musket balls didn’t kill them, a group of students melted the town’s silver to make new ones. The silver musket balls did the trick, and silver’s been the weapon of choice for killing werewolves ever since.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

MT Certified Seed Plant (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT

Custom Cleaning & Treating Thank you for your business in 2019! We look forward to serving you in the coming New Year! Call for current bids on Open Market Safflower

Buying Feed Barley - Call for Price & Details Water Softener & Stock Salt Feed Corn • Wood Pellets & wood logs

FULL LINE OF FARM CHEMICALS Nutrena Feeds by Cargill - Crystalyx Tubs

32nd Annual Production Sale

Thursday, March 12th, 2020


55 Yearling Bulls ( 5 Simmental Cross ), 15 Yearling Heifers Fritz Red Angus - 32 miles east of Brady, MT - Lunch served at noon - Sale starts at 1:00 p.m. Progeny By:

Fritz Anvil 747C Fritz Warden 753C Fritz Fusion 21D Fritz Golden Boy 115D 5L Vanguard 99-585B BHR Impeccable 675 Fritz Golden Oscar 8006 RReds Seneca 731C PIE One of A Kind 352 WFL Merlin 018A C-Bar One Way 37E Bieber Deep End B597 Silveiras Mission Nexus 1378 Fritz Rod 9D Fritz Full Moon 298E 1/2

A sample of the bulls selling - raised with no creep feed and no irrigated pastures Tag 605G 610G 618G 622G 645G 648G 657G 660G 678G 687G 703G 725G 746G 752G 766G


BW 71 82 75 84 85 85 73 94 93 62 68 93 72 83 98

205 wt 701 806 797 739 738 711 697 758 728 716 735 705 753 733 817

Breed Average EPD’s

R 107 119 118 108 112 104 103 116 111 106 103 110 112 119

HB 184 220 225 175 201 182 190 185 206 186 185 180 194 192 186

GM CED 49 12 52 13 52 13 49 12 51 11 48 11 51 12 51 11 52 11 49 17 51 13 52 11 48 14 51 11 51 8

BW -2.2 -0.3 -0.9 -1.6 0.1 -1.1 -1.1 0.8 0.8 -3.5 -2.2 0.9 -2.8 0.1 2.3

WW 72 73 79 70 66 68 71 77 72 68 69 74 66 74 76

YW 114 117 127 107 103 102 121 120 120 103 110 122 106 122 119

Milk 25 27 24 23 29 23 24 17 23 27 26 21 27 26 21









Joe & Heidi, Justin & Candace, Garrett Fritz 1542 Fritz Ranch Ln. Brady, MT 59416 (406) 627-2374

ME HPG CEM S 4 9 6 18 6 9 9 20 5 8 8 21 5 10 6 17 1 10 7 19 4 10 6 18 2 13 8 17 1 13 8 16 0 10 7 19 -1 13 10 15 0 11 8 16 2 11 8 16 6 9 9 18 2 9 8 18 7 10 5 18

MRB 0.33 0.66 0.67 0.34 0.26 0.48 0.43 0.44 0.53 0.62 0.50 0.60 0.38 0.59 0.46

YG 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.08 -0.21 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.07 0.18 0.14 0.10 0.14

CW 33 34 36 25 25 26 33 37 38 30 31 39 29 37 38

RE 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.08 0.60 0.04 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.21 0.14 0.02 0.26 0.22

BF 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.01 -0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04










/8 Simm Cross


Contact us for more information & your catalog today!

Light exposure key for growing successful houseplants

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A38

SPRING SEED VARIETIES Spring Wheat CLEARFIELD™ Spring Wheat SY Rockford* Vida* Lanning * SY Ingmar* AC Metcalfe

NS Presser * WB9879CLP *




* Denotes Plant Variety Protection Variety

See us at MAGIE Great Falls, Montana January 16, 17, 18 • Booth F7 CERTIFIED CHICKPEA & LENTIL SEED also available

(406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022

Denton, Montana 31/2 miles SW - Near Airport

By Kym Pokorny, Oregon State University Gardeners hear it often enough: right plant, right place. It’s a fundamental rule of gardening, said Heather Stoven, a horticulturist with Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service, and one that applies to houseplants just as much as outdoor ones. “Make sure you buy for location,” she said. “That will help solve many problems that can come down the road.” Plants can go downhill in a hurry when placed in unsuitable sites. Environmental stress sets a plant up for aggravation from pests and diseases. Distress will show up in burned or yellowed foliage and dropped leaves, and often death. Keep plants healthy with appropriate light exposure, watering schedule and temperature, and insects and pathogens are less likely to attack. Figuring out what is what when it comes to lighting can give a person fits. Usually, you can rely on directional clues. A window facing south receives the most intense sun, west and east exposures rank in the middle and a north-facing window is considered low light. Be cautious not to put plants too close to or touching a window, where temperature variations and cold drafts can damage leaves. Heating vents and fireplaces should be avoided, too. In winter, Stoven recommends plants be watered lightly only when the potting mix is dry. Check by sticking your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. Or pick the pot up; if it’s light, the plant needs water. Be sure to use containers with drain holes in the bottom, otherwise water will settle at the bottom and cause root rot. Over-watering kills more plants than under-watering, she noted. “There’s very little to do once a plant gets root rot,” Stoven said. “Unless it’s a well-beloved plant, it could be better to put up the white flag.” Plants can do without fertilizer from November through March when the plant isn’t actively growing, she said. In other times of the year, feed in moderation with a slowrelease fertilizer in granules, tablets or stakes, which will last two or three months, or a liquid version every other week or according to directions. If you notice burning on the tips of leaves or a white crust on top of the potting soil, you’re most likely fertilizing too much. Indoor plants can get pests and diseases just like any other plant, Stoven said. The dreaded three are aphids, mealy bugs and mites. Aphids are most familiar with their tiny, light green bodies. They usually congregate on the undersides of leaves. Mealy bugs are distinguished by the white wax covering their body and egg sacs that give them a cottony appearance. Mites, of course, will be quite small and are often hard to see with the naked eye, but speckles left from their feeding can give the plant a bronzed or yellow look. In the worst-case scenario, you’ll see webbing on leaves. If pests invade, snipping off infested stems and leaves can help control the spread of insects. Then wash plants off with a spray of water. Be sure to spray undersides of leaves as well. Stoven doesn’t recommend using most chemicals for indoor plants, but said horticultural oils or soaps are a good option if you follow the directions. You can also target pests directly with a wipe of alcohol on a cotton swab and then rinse with water. But prevention is always the soundest policy. “The best thing to do to manage any pest,” she said, “is not to bring them into your home in the first place. Check plants carefully when you buy them. And, if you take them outside during the growing season, when you bring them back in, check again.” Stoven suggests these houseplants for use in different lighting situations: • Low light: pothos*, snake plant, lucky bamboo • Low to medium light: peace lily*, dracaena* • Medium light: weeping fig or ficus, African violet, Boston fern, dumb cane* • Bright, indirect light: anthyrium*, spider plant, palm, peperomia • Bright light: schefflera, rubber tree, succulents, cacti *If you have kids or pets, pass on these poisonous plants or keep out of reach. ##### In Hinduism, garlic is considered to warm up one’s body and also stimulate it. It is because of this, many devout Hindus avoid using garlic and even onion (related to garlic) in preparation of food.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 – Page A39

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A40

STRAW FOR SALE 1000 lb big round bales, baled behind combine Contact George Yeager, 406-278-5640 or 289-0647, Conrad, MT

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A32


Allis Chalmers tractors 4W305, 4W220, D21, 220, 8010-8070 mfwd Any condition considered Phone Nathan at 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846, email:

Join us at M.A.G.I.E.Booth C10


MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs



Grain in the overhead chamber is dried by a large fan and heater then dumped to a holding area below. An aeration fan below captures heat from this previously dried grain, and pushes it upward to help dry the next load. This recycling of heat increases efficiency which greatly reduces drying costs.


GSI’s material handling line includes bucket elevators, chain conveyors, belt conveyors, bin unloads, and chain loops. Also available are towers, catwalks, and support structures.


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GSI and GSI Dealers alike share the same passion and commitment to our customers. GSI Dealers understand down time is not an option, construction schedules must be met. From site planning to installation and service. GSI Dealers are the proven partners for your operation. When you buy GSI, you get the quality product of a worldwide leader and the dependable service of your local Dealership.

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##### Teachers will receive the most Valentine’s Day cards, followed by children, mothers, wives, and then, sweethearts...... I sure hope my sweetheart only gets one.

##### The first photograph of a U.S. President was taken on February 14, 1849 by Matthew Brady in New York City. Which President? .... President James Polk.

##### “To be really medieval one should have no body. To be really modern one should have no soul. To be really Greek one should have no clothes.” – Oscar Wilde

Water management grows farm profits

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A41


By Rachel Leege, American Society of Agronomy Barley straw in round bales and 3x4 midsize squares A healthy lifestyle consists of a mixture • Most farmers may be able to reduce Delivered in semi loads of habits. Diet, exercise, sleep and other irrigation rates by 10% without affecting Call Craig 406-799-5977 or Tytus 406-590-5977 factors all must be in balance. Similarly, crop yields. a sustainable farm operates on a balanced • Biochar applications are showing plan of soil, crop, and water management few short-term crop yield or water saving techniques. benefits. The western United States is a region “We are beginning to answer questions EQUIPMENT with scarce water resources. In this case, about new irrigation techniques and sched& EL CAMINO uling approaches,” says Yost. “But many water management techniques make up a still exist for discovery.” larger piece of a sustainability plan. There FOR SALE Next, Yost and his team hope to secure is mounting concern around the globe funding for long-term irrigation research about water scarcity. This is due to urban sites. Water is a limited and vital resource. sprawl, depleting water supplies in some 1996 New Holland 9030 Strategies to optimize water use will be areas, and predicted water shortages in the bidirectional, PTO front and crucial to the sustainability of irrigated future with less snowpack. rear, hydraulic front and rear, 3-point cab end, loader agriculture. Water management techniques that lead “In irrigated agriculture, agronomy to the optimal use of limited resources 1978 El Camino SS 350, with grapple, new seat, new and irrigation go hand-in-hand,” explains are not well-identified. Yet. Matt Yost, automatic, AM/8-track, air radio, new AC, new shocks conditioning, new tire, have on window and doors, 80% Yost. “Nearly everything about one influa researcher at Utah State University, is headliner, recent tune-up, tires, 10,500 hours. Great ences the other. Most irrigation programs working to find the best combination of black, 58,000 miles.............. Shape............. $26,500 obo focus more on engineering than on irrigapractices to maximize yield, profit, and .......................... $5500 obo tion science. With my original training in water efficiency. agronomy, I’ve noticed knowledge gaps “Most cropland in Utah and the western Call 406-278-3970, and have identified opportunities to unite United States is irrigated,” explains Yost. leave message irrigation science and agronomy.” Yost’s “There are areas where groundwater from unique perspective offers a holistic apaquifers is being used faster than it can be New Holland 144 hay inproach to integrated water, soil, and crop replaced. Some of these areas are under verter................. $2500 obo management. intense pressure to conserve water.” Water for irrigation comes from aquifers far below the farm’s surface. Aquifers are naturally refilled by water from the surface by precipitation. Increased water use can lower the water table. Eventually wells can go dry. These factors make water optimization crucial for food security. Yost researches many water management techMARDA SWAGGER 463 - 17864907 - DOB 12/18/13 niques. These include using Connealy Confidence 0100 X • Connealy Right Answer 746 irrigation scheduling and Co-owned with Marda Angus Farm, Lodi, WI advanced pivot irrigation Semen thru Universal Semen Sales • 406.453.0374 technology. In addition, Semen $25 – Cert $35 his team researches crop and soil management pracCED BW WW YW RADG DMI SC tices. They look at rotating in drought-tolerant crops, +6 +0.6 +86 +149 +0.28 +1.96 +0.19 cover crops, and reduced tillage. DOC CLAW ANGLE CEM MILK $EN CW Yost’s team works to+22 +0.47 +0.43 +13 +27 -35 +68 gether with many farmers across Utah to do farmMARB RE $M $W $F $G $B scale trials. “Irrigation research is +0.37 +0.78 +61 +92 +107 +42 +149 tough and costly on farmer’s fields,” says Yost. “It’s • Top-selling bull in the Lost Lake Ranch Production Sale for each of the past three years was a Swagger son! • Second high-selling bull at the 2018 Midland Bull Test was a Swagger son (sold to Krebs Ranch in Gordon, NE for $39,000) especially true when it • The three top-selling bulls at the Beef Country Breeders Bull Sale in Columbus, MT on 12/4/19 were all Swagger sons (the top seller comes to irrigation schedsold to GENEX Beef in Shawano, WI). uling. Though difficult, this And S And Sons: ons: on-farm research and colLOST LAKE ARROGANCE D67 WINDY RIDGE SWAGGER 714 laboration is crucial for the REG. 18563876 REG. 18960623 understanding and adoption of new water optimization techniques.” So, what is the best combination of management techniques to maximize Western Livestock Auction, Great Falls, MT yield, profit, and water efficiency? The answer Featuring 20 Swagger sons or grandsons! isn’t clear, yet. Results and Call, Write, or Email for a Catalog or other Information analyses are still pending, but Yost offers some initial recommendations: HARRER’S LOST WINDY RIDGE • Advanced pivot irrigaMain barn number: 406.737.4336 LAKE RANCH RANCH tion technologies, such as Grant & Deanna Harrer Karen & Chuck Davis mobile drip and low-energy Jeff Schile, Manager: 137 Eden Road, Great Falls, MT 59405 PO Box 336, 406.737.4315 precision application or 406.899.9061 (Cell) Geraldine, MT 59446 spray application, are benWm. T. (Bill) & Dolores Harrer 406.452.2010 (Home) 406.737.4320 406.771.8229 or 406.737.4393 eficial. They can usually maintain crop yields with about 20% less applied water.

SWAGGER A Bold, Built, Beef Bull



MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2020

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A42

M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work

Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius

1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at:

##### It is not uncommon for gray, spotted, or patterned colored horses, such as the Appoloosa or Pony of the Americas, to have alternating dark and white striped hooves. ##### Black Beauty, the 1877 classic novel, was the only book written by author Anna Sewell. Her motivation for the book was to promote the humane treatment of horses. ##### Milk cows eat about 100 pounds of food every day and drink 50 gallons of water.

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We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal

Who’s your broker

By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC. Owning a piece of Montana dirt is a pretty exclusive thing. Thus, when you come to the decision to sell your land, farm or ranch, be sure to do your research on real estate brokage companies before making a selection. Save yourself from the misery of a bad experience that puts your land or ranch in the hands of the wrong person. In all likelihood, your ranch or farm represents the majority of your net worth. Choosing the right broker then is a significant decision. Selling property is exciting! Who will be interested? What kind of deals will you get? The experience is enhanced by a good real estate agent that pays attention to the market. Everywhere you look, there are different signs and ads for brokerages and agents, so finding one that best suits your needs can be a bit of a challenge. You ultimately want to work with an agent that is experienced and trustworthy ensuring that your property can be sold at top dollar. Hopefully, this article can help you navigate the world of real estate agents and help you find the most qualified representation of your land. First, selling land, farms or ranches, is a specialized business. Some land professionals may call themselves a “land realtor, ranch realtor, land broker, ranch broker, land agent,” and so on indicating that they specialize in selling Montana land, farms and ranches. A good broker should be willing to provide you a free market analysis of your property before listing it for sale. The market for selling a home is different than the market for selling land. A qualified broker knows this and markets your farm, ranch, or land to the right buyers. This brings us to the next criterion you will want to look for: marketing. Does the company offer an extensive marketing program that is targeted with land investors? Such marketing tools can be expensive for a brokerage company, but from a seller’s standpoint, this is very desirable. You want to select a company that is going to expose your property to the largest suitable audience. You can guarantee that the best companies provide a multi-pronged marketing program that include digital and print advertising, and event sponsorship. Do they have a comprehensive website that draws traffic? How does their website rank with popular search keywords? Utilizing cutting edge technology in today’s farm and ranch real estate market is a huge advantage over other companies. Unfortunately, running an ad in the paper and putting word out to neighboring landowners just is not enough to cut it anymore. It isn’t likely to hold an open house on a piece of property to allow the clientele to have a look like you would with a residential home. Therefore, does your potential company use aerial footage and photos or interactive aerial maps? If not, you may want to consider others. Would you feel comfortable buying or selling a home with a realtor that has never actually owned a home? Why, then, would you choose a realtor who has never owned a ranch or perhaps ever even been on one? Selling ranches is a complex process and working with someone who understands how a working farm or ranch operates is a must. It is also important to consider if the broker will do a good job showing your land and its most attractive attributes. Does the broker take time to get out of the vehicle and allow you to actually experience the farm or ranch? Some just sit in the truck and drive through the property and that is all. Choosing the right farm or ranch broker will not only help you obtain a top price for your property but will facilitate a smooth transaction and keep you informed. Reflect on these points to help you choose the right broker and expect to have a quality experience when selling your land, farm or ranch.

World War III in 3-2-1…

Phone: 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220

At 1:00 a.m. on September 26, 1983, Soviet defense computers received a message that American-launched intercontinental ballistic missiles that had been detected in the sky…and were on their way to Moscow. Colonel Stanislav Petrov was the officer in charge at the Serpukhov-15 bunker outside of Moscow; it was his job to monitor the early warning satellite network. In case of attack, he would notify his superiors, who would launch a nuclear counterattack. But the computers registered only one, missile launched from the United States. Petrov reasoned that the, message was a false alarm–if the Americans were attacking, they’d launch several missiles, not just one. He was right. The “missile plumes” observed by radar turned out to be glare from the Sun. Despite acting correctly, Petrov was demoted.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A43

Check Out Our Website At: For More Photos And Info! $49,500






$23,500 2015 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX15, 525 hp, 18 speed transmission, 63” flat top sleeper


2017 International Prostar 122 Cummins X15, 10 speed Ultrashift, steerable lift axle, 163,000 miles


2000 Freightliner Century 20-ft. aluminum ITB grain box, Cat 430 hp, Autoshift, steerable lift axle, pintle hitch


2016 Utility drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, sliding winches, 10-ft. spread axle. 2007 Volvo day cab, 465 hp, 13 speed Ultrashift, factory lift axle, new tires, lockers only 623,000 miles!!!


$22,500 2012 Transcraft drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, sliding winches, 10-ft. spread axle.

2012 Freightliner Cascadia daycab, Detriot DD13, Eaton Autoshift, 235,000 miles

2010 Freightliner Cascadia Detriot DD13, 10 speed, air ride, 3.70 ratio, clean southern lease return


1985 Great Dane drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, 10-ft. upper and 38-ft. lower deck, good tires and brakes. • 1995 Lynwood flatbed pup, hoist, 3 axle, spring ride..........................$7500 • 1999 NTE flatbed pup, hoist, 3 axle, spring ride...................................$7500


2015 Kenworth W900L ISX15, 485 hp, 18 speed, heqdache rack, work lights and much more! 2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles


2-2007 Kenworth T800’s available! 98,000 to 104,000 miles!!! Cummins ISX, 475 hp, flat top sleepers, 11R24.5, easy to daycab


2010 Mack CXU613 10 speed Ultrashift, 52” midroof sleeper, easy to drive, nice truck


2007 Peterbilt 378 479,000 miles ECM verified, Cummins ISX 530 hp, 18 speed, full locking rear ends, 48” stand up bunks, wet kit, platinum interior


2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension


2005 International 9200i Cummins ISX, 10 speed, engine brake, air ride, 656,000 miles


4-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455-490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles

2006 Sterling AT9500 MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s

2019 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hoppers, electric tarp, hydraulic traps, 11R24.5 rear lift axle, 2 rows of 9 clear bullet LED, sight glasses, hurricane straps, flaps in front of landing gear, Metallic Silver



2014 Peterbilt 579 MX-13, 455 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, day cab, ONLY 148,225 miles!

2008 XL Specialized XL100HFG folding neck lowboy, air ride, 50 ton, rear lift axle, pinned for 4th axle, self-contained, no hydraulics needed, outriggers and D-rings

$14,000 2009 Great Dane 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/sliding axles, ready for your hay hauling needs.


2005 Great Dane 53-ft. dry van with Tommy lift gate

2013 Jet hopper, 40-ft. x 96” x 68”, air ride, side chutes, sight windows, ag hoppers



2002 Doepker 20-ft. grain pup, ag hopper, turntable, spring ride, 11R24.5 • 1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft. x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door.... ....................................................$6500


2002 Wilson hopper, VERY NICE, 50ft., electric tarp and traps, ag hoppers, steerable lift axle. 2008 Peterbilt 367 ISX 485 hp, 18 speed manual, Platinum interior, AliArc bumper


2016 Peterbilt 579 ISX, 475 hp, Ultrashift transmission, 36” flat top, removeable air deflector


2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x66”, ag hoppers, 2 pair sight windows, vented slopes, spring ride



1988 Fruehauf stainless steel tanker, double conicle, center discharge, single compartment, $14,000 6700 gallons




2-2016 Kenworth T660 ISX15, 500 hp, 10 speed manual, 2 AVAILABLE!





2008 Wilson cattle pot, 53-ft. x 102”, tri axle, air ride, full winter kit, ready for the fall run.

2010 Peterbilt 386 ISX, 485 hp, 10 speed manual, air leaf suspension 2006 Peterbilt 379 dump truck, 475 hp Cat w/13 speed, w/2002 Superior transfer trailer

January 2020 Conrad, MT 59425



2019 Jet 3 axle, air ride, electric tarp

2004 Freightliner FL70 3126 Cat, Allison automatic, single axle, air ride, 195,000 miles!!

Call Zomer Truck Co. for your parts and truck service needs! We’re here for you!

$29,500 2005 R-Way belly dump, 3 axle, air ride, pintle hitch • 1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. END DUMP, spring ride, very clean.............$19,000 • 1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 12ft. tub, spring ride........................$7500

$72,000 for the set

$39,500 2008 SDI side dump, 3 axle, air ride, 11R24.5 tires • 2000 Circle R tandem axle, 40-ft., spring ride................................$22,500


3-2014 Western Star 500 hp Detroit, 13 speed manaual, 34” flat top sleeper, FULL LOCKERS 2012 Manac dropdeck 48-ft. x 102” 1996 Fontaine flat bed 1995 Utility flat bed


Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218

Visit our website at: • E-mail:

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A44

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, January 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.


eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!

Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!


$49,900 AND UP!!!!

Website - Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

John Deere 4930

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm



2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900

Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616


If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be sure to make High Quality pdf

SALE! Up to 16% off in January! Havre, MT • Hoppers come with rack & pinion traps and manway, and inspection hole • Full “house” style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete! • Custom hopper bottoms for existing grain bins • Westeel smooth wall hopper bottom bins • Built with heavier material than our competition

We now sell and build Sentinel Buildings

Bruce Boyum 406-945-0876 Matt Boyum 406-945-1968 • NEW Westeel hopper bottom & flat bottom bins available • Overhead feed bins available • Custom Smoothwall bins from 50 bushel up to 500 bushel • Check us out at or on Facebook

Starting at $6,100 Call Us! Join us at M.A.G.I.E. in Great Falls Jan. 16-18 • Booth D1 & D2, and Montana Winter Fair in Lewistown Jan. 24-25th

Crops team sweeps top individual awards

By K-State Research and Extension News The Kansas State University crops team recently captured the title of national champions by winning the Kansas City American Royal Collegiate Crops Contest on November 19 and the Chicago Collegiate Crops Contest on November 23. K-State teams have now won the collegiate crops contest championship in 17 of the past 21 years. The University of Wisconsin-Platteville was second at both events. Iowa State University was third in Kansas City and Purdue University took third in Chicago. Official members of the K-State team were junior Blake Kirchhoff, Hardy, Nebraska, and seniors Noah Winans, Tekonsha, Michigan, and Nate Dick, Inman, Kansas. Alternate contestants were junior Madison Tunnell, Olathe, Kansas and sophomores Alex Kaufmann, Concordia, Kansas; Evan Bott, Palmer, Kansas; and Trevor Mullen, Salina, Kansas. All are agronomy majors at K-State. In both contests, the K-State team took first place in all three phases of the contest: plant and seed identification, seed analysis and grain grading. In addition, team members swept the one-two-three individual overall placings at both events. Such a sweep of all three contest components and the top three individual placings at both contests is very rare and has only been accomplished three times before in the 86-year history of the events, all by K-State. At Chicago, Blake Kirchhoff was first place individual overall, and he won all three contest components. Nate Dick was second overall, placing second in identification and grain grading, and third in seed analysis. Noah Winans came in third, placing second in seed analysis and fifth in identification and grain grading. At Kansas City, Blake Kirchhoff was also the top individual, placing first in grain grading with a perfect score, second in identification, and fifth in seed analysis. Noah Winans was second high individual. He also made a perfect score in grain grading to tie for first, and he placed third in both seed analysis and identification. Nate Dick was third overall, placing first in identification, second in grain grading, and sixth in seed analysis. The team was coached by Kevin Donnelly, K-State professor of agronomy. Luke Ryan, junior in agronomy from Solomon, Kansas, was the assistant coach. In the contests, participants are required to identify 200 different plant or seed samples of crops and weeds; grade eight different samples of grain according to Federal Grain Inspection Service standards; and analyze 10 seed samples to determine what contaminants they contain. The American Royal coordinated the Kansas City contest. Corteva Agriscience was the primary awards sponsor. Additional sponsors were GFG Ag Services, American Society of Agronomy, Association of Official Seed Analysts, and South Dakota Crop Improvement Association. The primary sponsor of the Chicago contest was the CME Group. Additional donors in Chicago included the Crop Science Society of America, Growmark Cooperative, and the Society of Commercial Seed Technologists. Locally, sponsors for the K-State Crops Team include the Kansas Crop Improvement Association, K-State Department of Agronomy, K-State College of Agriculture, and the KState Student Government Association. For its performance, K-State received a team scholarship award from contest sponsors at Kansas City, and CME Group provided individual scholarships to the top five students at Chicago.

Pyramid schemes

Some New Agers believe that the Egyptian pyramids were originally time machines, UFO bases, or gates to other dimensions. Thankfully, the Mayans of Mexico were somewhat more forthcoming–they left detailed documents that explain the astronomy behind the construction of their pyramids. It turns out that the Mayans had a highly developed calendar system; they used astronomical events to set special dates for sacrifices and other rituals. Their pyramids were built on alignments that pointed toward the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars on these dates. It can’t be proven that the Egyptian pyramids or the ziggurats of ancient Mesopotamia were built on the same kind of idea, but the astronomical alignments are similar, and so far no one has come up with a better explanation. So, the next time you see an ancient pyramid, think “really big calendar.”

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 – Page A45





1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -

Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs! TRACTORS & ATTACHMENTS


NEW Twin Star Hydraulic Rakes


John Deere 705 basket rake....................................................$7750 2011 New Holland 216 rake.................................................$12,500 2008 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$12,000 1998 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$8500 2002 Vermeer R-23A hydraulic v-rake.....................................$8500 H&S MK12 12 wheel rake........................................................$8000


2019 Haybuster 2660’s in stock...Call for pricing MISCELLANEOUS

NEW Stinger 6500 square and round bale stacker............$295,000 2012 Case IH 3520 boom spreader, 3566 hours..................$93,000 2018 Cat 289D track skid steer, cab w/air conditioning & radio, 2 speed pilot controls, weights, ride control, rear view camera, Quick Attach bucket level, 183 hours....................................................$75,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$28,000 Haybuster 980 tub mixer......................................................$49,500 2012 ProAg Hay Hiker 900 excellent shape........................$18,800 Sitrex MK-10-12 ground driven wheel rakes, hydraulic fold.....$8000 2014 John Deere S680 combine, 1000 engine hours, 795 separator hours, 3000 Globe AutoTrac, ProDrive, small wire concaves, Premium cab and lighting, PowerCast tailboard............$245,000 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit.......................$52,500 2016 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grain boxes, no grass box.........................................................................$44,000 2019 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes..................................................... Call for Pricing McFarlane 32-ft. spiked tooth carted harrow, new spikes........$8000 2012 John Deere RSX 850i, camo, soft cab, 2056 miles.....$10,500 2012 John Deere RSX 850 gator, 15,000 miles......................$8750 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575










2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290, 4x4, 0 bale count.. Call for Pricing 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler.........................$21,500






2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding..................$92,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 16.5-ft. intensive cultivator, rolling basket on rear, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding...................$70,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 13-ft. intensive cultivator, solid packer wheel on rear, semi-mounted (3-pt.), hydraulic folding....$70,000 2018 Brillion WLS-3003 25-ft. pulvi-mulcher, S-tines, notched wheels, hydraulic folding. Brand new............................................$49,900 2015 Brillion WLS-360 30-ft. pulvi-mulcher, S-tines, notched wheels, hydraulic folding. Brand new............................................$57,750 2008 McFarlane Quadra-Till, 7 shank.................................$22,000 John Deere 726 23-ft. field cultivator, harrow basket............$15,750 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500 1983 John Deere 210 tandem disc, 14-ft. Rigid, 9” spacing....$4000


1984 New Holland 359 grinder/mixer, scales, hydraulic folding auger, 1000 PTO. 1980 New Holland 359 for parts................ $8500 pair 2017 John Deere 659 header, front roller, hydraulic gauge wheels. NEW.................................................................................$39,000 (2) John Deere 659 headers, hydraulic gauge wheels. Each.$25,000 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 2004 John Deere 730 mo-co, equal angle hitch, flail conditioner...... ..........................................................................................$12,000 1999 John Deere 945 mo-co, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner......$8500 New Holland 499 pull type mo-co, 540 PTO, 12-ft. header with rubber conditioner..........................................................................$5000 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, net wrap & twine, 19,431 bales.. .............................................................................................$6900 2017 John Deere 770 10 row corn head, RowSense, height sense, low acres..........................................................................$90,000 2015 John Deere 778 8 row corn head, low acres...............$59,500 2016 John Deere 8800 forage harvester, 1525 engine hours, Premium cab and lighting package, leather, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab.................................................$325,000 2015 John Deere 8600 forage harvester, 1354 engine hours, 767 header hours, Premium cab and lighting package, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab....................$259,000


Come check out the Blue Wave!

2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2013 John Deere 569 Premium, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, MegaWide pickup, bale push bar, 19,000 bales..............$33,500 2009 John Deere 568, 36,000 bales....................................$23,000 2007 John Deere 568, 34,900 bales....................................$19,500 1998 John Deere 566, twine only, 13,000 bales. Good condition...... ............................................................................................$9000

Call us for all your Gator Needs


Great Selection of NEW Lemken Tillage Equipment







Call us for all your feeding needs

2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each....................................................................$134,900 2015 John Deere W-235 13-ft., 994 header w/steel conditioner, 1272 hours..............................................................................$110,000


2018 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard........................$135,900 2018 John Deere 6195R, IVT transmission, 6000 receiver with AutoTrac activation, Triple-Link Suspension, 5 SCV’s, duals, loader ready, 650 hours............................................................$179,900 2018 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours...... .......................................................................................$129,900 2018 John Deere 2032R with 220R loader, hydrostatic transmission, 540 PTO, 50 hours, block heater.....................................$26,250 2016 John Deere 1023, hydrostatic transmission, H120 loader, 160 hours................................................................................$13,500 2006 John Deere 6715 cab tractor, PowerQuad transmission, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 740 loader/grapple, approximately 9500 hours...................................................................................... Call 2011 New Holland 5050, MFWD, cab, New Holland 830TL loader, grapple, 3280 hours.........................................................$32,900

Winter is just here to stay



2018 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lbs. weight on each side on rear, Premium Light Package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty till 6-2023, 256 hours........... .......................................................................................$302,500 2016 John Deere 8345R MFWD w/suspension, IVT transmission, premium cab & light package, 4 SCV’s, JD Active Command center, 4600 processor, 2384 hours..............................$220,000 2012 John Deere 8235R MFWD, IVT transmission, GS3 Green Star ready, 4 SCV’s, duals, weights, 3444 hours...................$139,000

Contact our service department about winter service inspections for your equipment






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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A46

Call us today to get a quote!

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A40

We do all types of insulation!

• Polyurethane Spray Foam • Blow-in Fiberglass • Cellulose • Fiberglass Batting • Roof Foaming & Coatings

Conrad, MT • 406-450-4232 1991 International 9400 Dump Truck N14 Cummins, 9 speed, Jake, PS, 50% 22.5 tires, 234” WB, spring suspension, steel frame, 17-ft. bed. Runs and drives great............................$14,500 1994 GMC TopKick Dump 210 hp CAT diesel, 6 speed Eaton, A/C, PS, PB, 50% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel flatbed dump, removable 40” grain sides, steel deck, scissor hoist, 24K GVW.......................$9000 1993 Freightliner FL80 crane truck 12 ton capacity, 42-ft. boom, front winch, 250 hp 8.3L Cummins, 6 speed Allison, PS, AB, 90% 22.5 tires, 90,000 miles. Runs and works excellent........ ....................................$16,500

1997 Freightliner FL60 hauler 250 hp 3126 Cat, 7 speed, locker, Jake, AC, tilt, air ride suspension and cab, 75% 19.5 tires, 12-ft. flatbed, gooseneck, 182,000 miles. Needs TLC....... .......................................$8500

1981 International Dresser 510 low hours, 3.9 turbo Cummins, 50% 16.9x24 tires, 96” 1.75 yard bucket, cab with heat, lights, weighs 14,000 lbs. Runs and works excellent, starts excellent in the cold.........$20,000 1990 Toyota 4Runner 1994 Mustang 302 V8, rebuilt 4 speed automatic AOD, Dana 44 front and rear, 70% 33x12.50R15’s. Runs and drives nice......................$5000 2001 International 4700 175 hp T444E diesel, AT, AC, PS, PB, cruise, 25,000 GVW under CDL, 15-ft. service bed, 3-ft. workbench bumper, 60% 22.5 tires, 96,000 miles. Runs and drives nice............$10,500 1965 John Deere 4020 Diesel 3-pt., 8 speed synchro, decent 18.4x34 tires, good rims. Was shut off for excessive blow-by, will crank over but does not run, loading available.....$3000 1994 Ford F600 18-ft. Flatbed 160 hp 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26,000 gvw, 129,000 miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame..................$8500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp, Cat diesel, 6 spd Allison, 137K miles. AB, PS, 11R22.5’s 90%, trailer hookups, 33K GVW................$9000 1994 Ford F700 18-ft. flatbed, 175 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26K GVW, 109K miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame.....$8500

J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT

406-381-3159 –


The police car

The first occasion in which a car was used in police work occurred in 1899 when Sergeant McLeod of the Northamptonshire (England) County Police borrowed a Benz vehicle to pursue a man who was selling forged tickets for the

Barnum and Bailey Circus. Top speed: 12 mph. The first car regularly employed in police work was a Stanley Steamer acquired by the Boston Police Department in 1903. It replaced four horses.

N.D. 4-H Foundation recognizes families, individuals

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A47

Custom cut to your specs •  Full dimension rough cut lumber

•  Custom sawing •  Custom drying • Beams •  Wood siding •  Driveway arches •  Bridge planks •  Fireplace mantels •  And much more.....

See us at MAGIE By NDSU Extension Service Booth I29 Hankel grew up on a farm in Dickey The North Dakota 4-H Foundation recCounty, North Dakota, and was involved ognized two 4-H Hall of Fame inductees in 4-H as a youth, with his parents as leadand three century families during its recent ers. He also was involved in 4-H in college Awards and Donor Recognition Luncheon. while at the North Dakota Agricultural The late Erwin Klusmann, New Salem, 780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT College (now NDSU). He married his wife, North Dakota, and Wayne Hankel, Fargo, Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 Elaine, through his connections with colwere the Hall of Fame inductees. Three 4-H legiate 4-H. e-mail: century families for 2019 were: His career included serving as an Ex• Jerome and Kristi Freeberg of Ransom tension agent in North Dakota’s Barnes, County, with 129 years of 4-H participation Sheridan, LaMoure, Dickey, Ransom and • Wayne and Elaine Hankel of Ransom Sargent counties. He was the 4-H agent and Ward counties, with 142 years of 4-H HEADER FOR SALE in the last four counties and worked in the participation state 4-H office. • Lester and Cheryll Ellingson of Benson, Hankel authored more than a dozen 4-H Morton and Ramsey counties, with 150 publications and provided leadership in years of 4-H participation creating the North Dakota 4-H Cloverbud, Any family whose years as 4-H members, Learn About and Pathways curriculums. He leaders and/or volunteers add up to 100 or also was a 4-H leader and has supported his more is eligible to be named a North Dakota children and grandchildren as 4-H’ers. 4-H century family. Following retirement in 1993, Hankel Klusmann grew up in the New Salem assisted with multiple 4-H activities, inarea on a registered Holstein dairy farm. 2009 John Deere 896 header with steel conditioner, extra cluding teaching classes for 4-H and others As a member of the New Salem Boys and sickles, fits JD A400 or 4895, low acres, in woodcarving, and serving as a judge in Girls 4-H Club, he was active in many fairs $ very good condition....................................... 17,500 speech and demonstration contests, and at and shows. He also was a member of the Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT county fairs and nearly every North Dakota 1926 Morton County dairy judging team, State Fair. which won the state dairy judging contest and advanced to the national contest in Detroit, Michigan. He was the high individual judge in this contest. Klusmann and his cousin, Thank you for letting us serve Clarence Klusmann, were you in 2019. We look forward to selected in 1928 to ride the assisting you in 2020. Dairy and Poultry Train through eastern and northern North Dakota, giving demonstrations on the qualities of a good dairy cow. This excursion lasted for three weeks. They presented the demonstration at the Grand Forks State Fair and placed Free Form’s Generation II liquid tank is the perfect solution for eliminating first in state competition. algae formation in water tanks. The UV light blocking black interior coupled with the light reflecting white exterior give the Generation II tank many advantages Erwin Klusmann was a over conventional tanks. By reflecting the UV rays the exterior of the tank and 4-H member for 11 years it’s contents remain cool, this also prevents loss of strength that often caused and received a number of black tanks to buckle when fastened to trucks. recognitions as a 4-H youth, including outstanding member in the state. He also Time to think about served as a 4-H leader for 50 years and coached the Top Dressing Winter Wheat! Morton County dairy judgGive us a Call! ing teams for 30-plus years. The team placed in state competition numerous times and brought home several Check us out for all your sprayer by Agrigro top awards, including first in parts & supplies! Including hose, 1983, 1985 and 1986. Available at Ag Wise in Kremlin, MT During the time Klusvalves, fittings & more! mann was a 4-H leader, one club member advanced to a national 4-H event in Washington, D.C., one club member attended the National Club Congress and three LIQUID - DRY - ANHYDROUS club members were on the Morton County dairy judging teams who competed in Waterloo, Iowa. Two members won first place overall in the breeds category at the State Dairy Show. Klusmann also judged at numerous 4-H achievement day shows in North and South Dakota.

Happy New Year!



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Kremlin, Montana

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page A48

The deadline for advertising for the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29th.

• SEED FOR SALE • Lavina Hay Barley Seed • Arvika Pea Seed Call 406-945-0748, Big Sandy, MT

Law firms were some of the many businesses that participated in the Montana Grain Growers Convention and Trade Show in late December at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana.

##### A donkey is capable of hearing another donkey from a distance of 60 miles in proper desert conditions. This is possible because of their large ears. Their large ears also help to keep their body cool in hot and arid desert conditions.

IT’S A NEW YEAR at Jamieson Motors Inc. ram

e nic er p top

gmc on own e er

2016 RAM 1500

on own e er

2013 RAM 3500

2014 GMC SIERRA 1500

loaded big horn,

loaded longhorn, dually,

loaded sle, 98,000 miles

Now $31,500

$39,800 Now $38,500

crew cab 4x4, 3.0 eco diesel

55,000 miles

ver clea y n

2014 RAM 2500

mega cab 4x4, cummins,

loaded laramie, leather,

55,000 miles

$45,900 Now $44,900

single rear wheels

2014 RAM 3500

mega cab 4x4, cummins,

loaded laramie, leather,

92,000 miles

$40,900 Now $39,828

crew cab 4x4, cummins

106,000 miles

crew cab 4x4, 5.3 V8,

$24,900 Now $22,650

68,000 miles

$22,300 Now $20,393

2016 GMC SIERRA 2500 crew cab 4x4, 6.0 V8, loaded slt, leather,

68,000 miles

$42,900 Now $40,730 on own e er


2015 RAM 1500

loaded limited, ram box,

2016 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LTZ dvd, 45k miles

2015 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4, 3.0 eco diesel, loaded slt, 87,ooo miles

$26,900 Now $25,640

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2014 RAM 1500

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Now $26,700

Your Trusted Dealership For Over 75 Years!

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2016 FORD F250

supercrew 4x4, 6.7 powerstroke diesel, loaded lariat, leather, short box, 81,000 miles

$46,500 Now $44,841

2016 FORD F150

48,000 miles

loaded, 5.3, heated leather,

on own e er

supercab 4x4, 5.4 V8,

power seat, 103,000 miles

rp sha ck tru

crew cab 4x4, 3.0 eco diesel,

$35,900 Now $32,900

2009 FORD F150 XLT

very nice

2014 RAM 1500 loaded tradesman,

pric to se ed ll

$11,500 Now $10,039

nic truce k

crew cab 2wd, hemi,


supercrew 4x4, 3.5 ecoboost, loaded FX4 off road,

66,000 miles

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View more at: • No Dealer Markup • No Fees • No BS • Just Good Honest Deals

Jamieson Motors, Inc. 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

##### Did you know that of all bird species that fly in our skies and live on this planet, the crow has the largest brain-to-body ratio? This explains why they are very intelligent and often outsmart humans.

Community development honor for retired UW professor

From University of Wyoming Extension Providing significant economic analyses of environmental issues, communities, tourism and recreation and endangered species earned recognition for a now-retired agricultural economist at the University of Wyoming (UW). David “Tex” Taylor received the Friend of Community Development Award from the Wyoming Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (WACDEP) at the annual University of Wyoming Extension training conference in November. “He has been one of the finest extension specialists the college has offered; his work has impacted every community in Wyoming,” said nominator Mary Martin, a UW Extension educator based in Teton County. Taylor, a professor emeritus, worked 43 years in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, first as an extension educator and later joining the faculty of the agricultural and applied economics department where he was a community development specialist. He was also a long-time member of the state’s Consensus Revenue Estimating Group. CREG provides revenue estimates used by the executive branch and Legislature in the state’s budgeting process. WACDEP annually recognizes someone who has demonstrated expertise and provided significant contributions to the quality of life in their community. “His research was not research for research sake. It was research for the sake of community efforts in evaluating, visioning and decision making,” said Martin. Martin commended Taylor for his work in the Big Horn Basin and then his time in Teton County as an extension agent from helping with the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce to managing projects within the 4-H program. “He was instrumental in the development of the protocols for the Teton County 4-H Council’s Foundation and investment strategies,” said Martin. After some time in the field, Taylor moved to the UW campus and completed his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Colorado State University. Taylor’s work as an economist has been instrumental toward development of Wyoming, said Martin. In 2017, Taylor was the recipient of the Vanvig Lifetime Achievement Award from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and has had many other achievements and accomplishments that make him a recognized figure within Wyoming, the Western region and nationally, said Martin. Taylor retired this year.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad MT ......................... C7 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT ...................... C28 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive MT .............................................A23 Action Toys, Billings MT ............................. C11 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ............................................A33 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .....A29 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT .....B1 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ..................................A47 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT ...................A37 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT ...........B6 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank MT ......................A30 Belles Pulses USA, Hingham MT .................A9 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ...................B16 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .................B11 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT ....A2 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls ........................... C13 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT .................................................................A47 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT ...A4 Bouma Post Yards, Choteau MT .................A12 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls MT .. ..........................................................INSERT BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ............................B16 Buckley Auction MT ................................... C37 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MTC14 Central Steel Building & Construction, GSI Bins, MT & ND.................................................... C5 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ................. C10 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT... .................................................................A10 Clearview Seed, Denton MT.......................A38 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ......... C8 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT .......................... C9 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ............................................... C38 Crystalyx.................................................... C40 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ...................... C36 Darling Ingredients, Inc.............................. C44 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ...................................A22, C32 Delta Irrigation LTD, Medicine Hat AB .......A12 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby MT................... C16 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT C32 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT...................................................A24 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT ..... ........................................................C34, C35


Erickson’s 9:25 Insurance, Hobson MT ......A12 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT....A46 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT ...... C11 First State Bank, Shelby MT .......................A36 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ....A24, C27 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT .................. C30 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT ..................................A31, C11, C23, C29 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .....A45 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ........ A34, A35 G&M Bins, LLC, Mark McInerney, Fairfield MT . ................................................................ C38 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ........................................................... C40 Glass Trucking, Denton MT.......................... C5 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT .......A42 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ............. C6 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MTC47 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY .......................B13 GSI Bins, Central Steel, MT & ND ............... C5 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT .... .................................................................A40 Hampton Truck Sales, Idaho Falls ID ..........A22 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ..................B15 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT .................................................................. C4 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT.......................................A44 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ..... C7 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ............. ......................................................B3, B4, B5 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT ...B7 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT ...... C6 I-State Truck Center, Missoula ................... C36 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT........B10 ITB (Intercontinental Truck Body), Butte MT...C41 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ............................................................A46 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT .................................A48 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ..A48, C34 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT.........A26 JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester MT ........ C17

K.R. Rauch Company, Billings MT ................B2 Krogmann Mfg. ...........................................B10 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT .............. C24 Liphatech, Rozel ........................................ C44 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT ............................................................A20 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT ...............A42 MAGIE, Great Falls MT.......................... B8, B9 Mandako Agri, Torgersons MT ................... C39 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT .A18 Mineral Tub Lifter, Malta MT....................... C26 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb MT ........................................ C9 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT ..A40 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT .... ................................................................ C30 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT ...... C46 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY..................A16 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .... C46 Mountain West Ag Services, Garneill MT .. C13 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ................................................................ C25 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT.... ........................................................C18, C19 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc.......... C44 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ...... C23 NM Machinery, Missoula MT ........................B6 NorMont Equipment Co., Black Eagle MT....C42 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT ................................................................ C17 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ..................... C45 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MTC12 Northwest Plastics, Libby MT .......................A7 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ............... C5 Poteet Construction, Missoula MT ............. C40 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ........... C13 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT............................................... C32 Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT ...... C23 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT .. ................................................................ C39 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ..... C6 Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading, Matt Meyers, Chester MT .................................A20 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT....C14 Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT ................... C37 Reinke Manufacturing Co. Inc., Deshler NE...C31

RENN Mill Center, Inc. .............................. C20 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ....................... C1 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.................A11 Rozel, Liphatech ........................................ C44 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond MT ..............................................................A4 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT .....A40, C20 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ...............A34, C17 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT...................A38, C16 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ............C10, C22 Sonny Todd Real Estate, Big Timber MT ......A6 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..... C36 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .........A44 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT.......................... C33 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...................... C28 Stricks Ag, Chester MT...............................A20 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MTC38 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT .................................A23, C15 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls MT ......A26 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT ........ C26 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ....................B16 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT .................................................................A27 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .................A44 The Gear House, Helena MT .....................A14 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks MT ........................................................... C42 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.................... C41 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT . C21 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ....................A32 Torgerson’s LLC, Ethridge, Great Falls, Havre, Billings, Lewistown, Belgrade MT ............ C39 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ..............B12 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT................ C1 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT......... C10 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ........................ C43 TT&E Inc, Victor MT ...................................A28 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT .......... C48 WEEDit, Frontline Ag, Hoven Equipment ...C15 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ................A36 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT . ................................................................ C25 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ........... C6 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT ........................ C8 XB Trailer Sales, Great Falls MT ................ C27 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT ......................C2, C3 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ............................A43

Distributing Company 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 • Great Falls, Montana

406-453-0010 •

Montana Toll Free

See us at MAGIE January 16th, 17th & 18th Booth A1 & A2 RBR Vector 380

ALL Supplies for Liquid Fertilizing!

Salford/Valmar 245 & 246 Pull Type Granular Applicator


* montana’s new salford/valmar dealer*

Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Call about New & Used Equipment In Stock!

with vortex sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, 120-ft. aluminum booms, Raven Hawkeye upgrade, Raven Viper4, and Raven RS1 auto steer. In Stock. Call for additional details and price.

Replace Problem Solenoid Valves with Electric Ball Valves

self-propelled sprayers and floater trucks

We sell all AIM Command, SharpShooter, AIM Flex & Hawkeye Parts Complete systems On Hand for John Deere and all other brands

Viper® 4+ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Call for Special Pricing

Touchscreen Display On-Screen Guidance (Optional) Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries or create in-depth field maps.

Liquid Storage Tanks

Excellent Selection Available 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand

We carry all Parts & Filters for

Available with flange fittings for easy service


Black & Clear

All Shapes and Sizes

The Handler is designed primarily for direct induction of chemical into sprayers.

Field Batch Trailers

Crop Protection System

15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity

20+ Years Experience... We service what we sell! ATV & BACKPACK SPRAYERS

Stop in and see what we have! We also Custom Build ATV & Pickup Sprayers.

3 - 3000 Gallon Tanks Liquid Fertilizer • Fire Fighting

1010- Gallon Total Drain Tank & Trailer

Bring in any competitor’s AD and we’ll match their price!!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B2



Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A46


January 16-18, 2020

Montana Expo Park • Great Falls, MT


WILSON SUPERIOR QUALITY Innovative, Pioneering, Genuine • The RollerTrap® – The industry’s easiest to use and longest lasting trap. • Open King Pin design eliminates cross bracing which would otherwise collect debris, add weight and lead to corrosion. • Full length inside wall skin eliminates area for material to build up and add weight to the king pin and tandem areas. • Stronger hoppers with 2 stiffeners per side plus corner bracing means less bulge and sag causing rivets to loosen or pop. • All Wilson Commodity trailers are engineered to maximize even weight distributions from steer axle to rear axle – You’ll feel confident in achieving your best payload.

See This Authorized Wilson Dealer CONTINUED ON PAGE B6

51 Years of Wilson Quality Experience! 1705-1709 Old Hardin Road • Billings, Montana 59101 406-259-2053 • Fax 406-259-4587 Email:

See us at MAGIE January 16-18, Booth #I1 & I2

##### Greek Soldiers and even Olympic athletes were given good amounts of garlic before a battle or a match respectively so that their performances improved. ##### A donkey will never get involved in an activity if it considers it to be unsafe.

##### Cell phone users spend the majority of their time on games (49%) and social networking (30%). ##### If you had to decide between a diet and a piece of chocolate, would you prefer dark, white or milk chocolate?

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B3

The smarter, more powerful way to better hay.

See Us At The


Booth T, 0, N January 16 – 18, 2020 The WR9900 Series Self-Propelled Windrower

Introducing the next leap forward from the company that developed the category: the WR9900 Series. No other windrower helps you produce quality hay faster, more efficiently or more comfortably. New models feature the added power to handle all crop conditions, a brand-new cab for more comfort and greater hydraulic capacity for increased productivity.

406-727-7153 (G) 406-538-3919 (L)

We Are Now Selling

BOBCAT Compact Tractors IN STOCK

USED SWATHERS Massey Ferguson WR 9870 swather.$135,000 New Holland HW340 16-ft. rotary disc............ .......................................................$28,000 Case WD1504 swather.................. Coming In

Hesston 8400 swather.......................$17,000 MacDon M205 with R85 header, return.......... .................................................. Coming In MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. head...........$14,500

Rely on T6 for unrivaled performance. 406-727-7153

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


Vermeer BPX9000 round & square.............$19,900 Vermeer BPX9000 round............................$18,900 Vermeer BPX8000 with final cut.................$15,500 Vermeer BPX8000 processor......................$11,900

2012 Highline CFR650 final cut processor.............. ......................................................... $18,500 (L) Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover... ..................................................................$9900 Haybuster 256 Plus processor......................$8000

406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

SAVE $75,000 On 2017 New Holland SP295F Sprayer IN-STOCK Unit Only

Call For More Details USED SPRAYERS Ag Shield 7700, 1500 gallon tank...... $16,000 Melroe 7650 spra-coupe................Coming In Miller 3275 HT sprayer....................... $67,000 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer............... $2001 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer...................... $14,000 Demco skid mount sprayer. #23959...... $2700


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


“Partners in Production”

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

406-727-7153 (G) 406-538-3919 (L) Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B4

Don’t let the smaller size fool you. The newly improved Massey Ferguson® compact and utility tractors are bigger than ever on performance and comfort. Best of all, every tractor comes with world-renowned Massey Ferguson DNA in its bloodlines, assuring you get legendary quality, versatility and durability. These are the perfect all-around machines for tackling hay, hauling, plowing or whatever else you need to get done. Today. And tomorrow. Visit you Massey Ferguson dealer to learn more.


406-727-7153 (G) 406-538-3919 (L)

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


Valtra C120 with loader......................$44,900 Agco RT135 with loader, FWD, grapple.......... Versatile 835 tractor...........................$14,900 .......................................................$64,900 Massey Ferguson 8650 tractor........$114,900 Ford 8630 tractor, no loader...............$14,500 Massey Ferguson 7475 with loader, grapple.. Ford 5000 tractor with loader.................$6500 .......................................................$79,900 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.



4181 North Park Trail, Great Falls, MT

406-727-7153 (G) 406-538-3919 (L)


77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

It’s hard to believe you can take the best loader in the industry and make it better. But that’s exactly what Bobcat has done. Our loaders offer more cab space, improved visbility, increased fuel capacity and more. It’s increased comfort and performance all across the board.


Field Loaders



Interest – OAC

2016 Bobcat T595 compact track loader, S/N B3NK11957, cab. #21161

Payment as low as $975/month



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT OPTIONAL HEAVY-DUTY MOVER KIT

• Single lift cylinder with supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability • Hydraulic joystick controlled 4-wheel steering for effortless maneuverability • Spring loaded walking axles to keep tires on the ground • 6.5” wide all-terrain ties for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over rough terrain


Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger.........................................................................................$1500


77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT


Bobcat T740 track..............................$55,000 Cat 277 skid steer...............................$22,000 Bobcat S650......................................$47,000 Bobcat LR65 land rake.........................$6000 Bobcat S650......................................$44,000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle.$900 Bobcat MT52 mini track.....................$15,900 Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B5

Vermeer BPX9010 Round and Square Bale Processor 406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT

Great Falls, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

l a i c e p S r e t n i W

Plant more acres per day with the new 15 inch shank spacing and ShieldCore paired row opener. Rapid uniform crop emergence is the hallmark of well-designed seeding equipment.



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


S c h e d u l i n g Wi n t e r S e r v i c e I n s p e c t i o n s N o w

50% OFF ith An Don’t Be Caught W DOWN! TRUCKIN Unexpected BREAK G Combines, Air Drills, Articulated Tractors, Sprayers, Big Square Balers


Two Wheel Drive and Front Wheel Assist Tractors



Round Balers Small Square Balers & Swathers

Skid Steers


Offering 0% for 120 days or Cash Discounts: 406-727-7153

4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT

10% OFF any service labor for post inspection work 5% OFF any parts used during post inspection work

Call Hoven Equipment and schedule an Equipment Inspection TODAY!

IN STOCK Turbo Drums for the draper headers

406-538-3919 77335 US HWY 87 Lewistown, MT

Reduces Bunching

$500 OFF In January

Hoven Equipment

$2000 less than OEM replacements 406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT


Degelman 4100 round & square processor.... ....................................................... $15,000 Schuler SRM 262 mixer........................ $6825 Morris CP743 chisel plow................... $14,900 Melroe 501 with Valmar......................... $6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow.................. $6500 International 75 39-ft............................ $3500 Case IH MX150 tractor/loader............ $52,000 John Deere 8870 tractor.................... $39,750 Versatile 800 tractor........................... $12,000 Ford 5000 tractor with mower................ $5000 Case IH 1680 30-ft. head, pickup head........... ....................................................... $19,000 Massey Ferguson 9540 combine.... $190,000 Agco 400 header.......................................Call Gleaner R72 combine........................ $41,900 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel.................................. $4500 New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment.......................... $42,500 International 1660 combine. #13168..$12,000 John Deere 8820 combine................. $18,000 White 9700 combine............................. $5294 New Holland 971 header...................... $6000 MacDon 962 36-ft. header.................. $16,900 Case DHX302 draper header............. $15,000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket..$14,900 Farm King 10x60 auger........................ $6000 Buhler FK 7x41 electric auger.............. $2000 Feterl 7x41 electric auger...................... $2000 Brandt drive over transfer auger......... $17,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck........ $5675 New Holland 200 rotary swather with 416 disc head & 430HB 30-ft. draper head with pickup reel............................................... $138,755


“Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

MacDon M205 swather with R85 head........... ..................................................... $100,000 MacDon M200 swather with D60D 35-ft header............................................ $65,000 New Holland 1112 swather................ $18,000 New Holland BR7090 net/twine baler..$26,000 Case IH RB564 round baler...............$25,750 Case 8465 round baler.......................... $5000 New Holland 664 (as is) parts baler..... $1000 New Holland 269 square baler............... $900 Case WRX301 rake........................$10,900 (L) Morris 1400 Hayhiker......................... $16,750 New Holland 1000 bale stacker............. $2500 New Holland C1002 balewagon........... $2300 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms......... $29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer................... $127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank......................................... $8000 1977 GMC/Summers sprayer................ $8500 1987 International 9670 truck with 3000 gallon stainless steel tanks....................... $19,000 Morris Contour I 41-ft. air drill with 7240 cart. .................................................$99,000 (L) Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart...........................................$23,450 (L) John Deere 9400 40-ft.x12” drills....... $12,000 150 grass seeder..................................... $800 Chevrolet C60 truck.............................. $9500 Grizzley 660 ATV, 60” broom, front blade.$8470 2500 gallon poly tank............................... $900 1500 gallon poly tank............................... $500


New Holland BR780 net & twine....... $14,000 New Holland 688 twine only.................$8900 New Holland 688 net & twine................$7200 Case RB564 baler..............................$23,000 USED COMBINES Case RB564 baler..............................$22,169 New Holland 9060 combine, no header........... Vermeer 605 Super M baler...............$21,900 ......................................................$138,993 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475........$9000 New Holland TR98 combine...............$19,900 Vermeer 605L mesh & twine baler........$7900 New Holland TR97 combine...............$19,900 Vermeer Super 605J twine only............$2500 Gleaner S88 combine.......................$199,500 John Deere 569 net & twine..............$39,500 Gleaner R75 combine.........................$60,000 John Deere 569 net & twine..............$28,000 John Deere 9610 combine..................$44,275 John Deere 568 net & twine..............$18,000 Case IH FD70 40-ft., pea auger..... Coming In MacDon FD75 40-ft., Gleaner adapter..$56,000 MacDon D60D 40-ft. with cross auger, JD adapter DS.....................................$33,000 MacDon D60D 40-ft., JD adapter DS..$30,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header....$29,900 MacDon 973 30-ft. header..................$20,000 MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header.......$14,000 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel....................................................$9900 MacDon 960 25-ft. – 30-ft. headers................. ............................................$5000 – $6000 MacDon A40D 18-ft. header...............$19,900 Massey Ferguson 5200 36-ft. draper header.. .......................................................$12,500 Gleaner 400 header..............................$6500



Case 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, 43 VRT Preci- John Deere 9450 40-ft. with 12” spacing. Sold individually......................................... $2000 sion SS drill, 3430 cart tow between, single chute.............................................. $69,000 John Deere 50-ft. drill hitch................... $1400 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; 4350 cart....................................... $45,000 Andy – 590-0372; Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing and Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028 2320 air cart.............................$19,900 (L) “Partners in Production” Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing....... .................................................$19,900 (L)


Massey Ferguson 2190 baler............$42,000 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter........$47,900 Hesston 4910 large square baler.......$42,000 New Holland BB960 big square baler, 3/4..... .......................................................$28,000 John Deere 466 small square baler..Coming In


New Holland LM 445A telehandler.... $45,000 Kelly 47 3-point backhoe....................... $3100 Ford F350 pickup with bale bed............ $8000 International 2-ton truck....................... $1900 Gysler 39-ft. chisel plow........................ $3500 Spear with 4-ft, & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach................................................... $500


Allen 8803 26-ft. hydraulic rake..........$18,000

406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B6

The deadline for advertising for the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29th.


Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE B2

Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519


International 766 tractor with Farmhand F358 loader, grapple and bucket, 18.4x34 rear tires 80%, 6789 hours. Phone (406) 539-2306

1980 CAT 12G rippers, pushblock, 14-ft. mold board, good rubber................................................................................ $42,800

Check out our website for pictures and prices or email Neil at • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT

22-ft. & 26-ft. HILLSBORO In Stock

Flatbeds Available

in Steel & Aluminum CONTINUED ON PAGE B10

##### Isn’t is it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do “practice”? ##### ‘Chicagaoua’ is a Native American word for a variant of wild garlic. It is this word from where the name Chicago has been derived!

##### When two airplanes almost collide why do they call it a near miss?? It sounds like a near hit to me!! ##### China has the highest number of donkeys in the entire world. In Britain, donkeys need to have passport!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B7


Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana Website: “If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.


M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, portable dryer, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum0919....................................................................................$7500


Donahue 28-ft. trailer. Tag #Carl0919..........................................................$3000 2019 PJ 18x43 trailer Tag #EquipC0419.....................................................$2450 Eddie Bauer gooseneck trailer with new brakes, new LED lights. Tag #DBK1118.............................................................................................$4800 1987 Holiday Rambler 35-ft. RV, sleeps 6, has new awning, 70,000 miles. Tag #JackW0419............................................................................................ Call New PJ trailers for sale. Tag #Wyatt0719. 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617.. ..............................................................................................................$7500 Fire trailer with 3 fire hoses, 500 gallon tank, Honda, great for upcoming harvest. Dave T0819...........................................................................................$6500


See Me about your bale processor needs. Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1019...................................$14,900 2013 Haybuster T1130 tub grinder. Tag #CodyY0219............................ $28,000 New Fair bale processors. Tag #Larry0419. New Harsh mixer wagons. Tag #Larry0419. International 1150 grinder mixer, 20” mill, 2 screens, new drive belt, shedded. Tag #ANF0219..................................................................................... $5500 New Luck Now Tmr mixers. Tag #Larry0419. Vermeer BPX 9000 bale processor, round and square bales. Tag #KlintS1019... ................................................................................................Price Pending International feed grinder, complete with PTO. Tag #Neal0419...................$400


Melroe 33-ft. plow, no wing lift cylinders, Flexi-Coil mounted harrows. Tag #GeraldB0120.............................................................................................. $4500 1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0120..................................................................................... $5500 Mayrath 60-ft. PTO grain auger. Tag #BrokenP0120.................................... $750 1989 GMC 7000 gravel truck, 5-speed transmission, 2 speed, 47,116 miles. Tag #BrokenP0120..................................................................................... $4500 Gysler 36-ft. plow with Degelman mounted harrows and rod weeder. Tag #GaryS0120......................................................................................... $5000 Melroe 30-ft. plow. Tag #GaryS0120.......................................................... $4000 Gysler 13-ft. plow. Tag #CarlT0120...............................................................$2500 Lowe 30C trencher. Tag #CartT0120............................................................$6500 2012 New Holland P1060 70-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, steel packers, stealth opening, complete with 430 bushel V-R tow between cart. Tag #Rog0120. 2012 Case IH 8230 combine complete with 2015 pickup header, extended warranty, MegaCut chopper, 1600 separator hours. Tag #Roger0120. 2008 Case IH 535 4WD tractor, 20.8x46 triples, PTO, PowerShift transmission, 3800 hours. Tag #Roger0120. 2014 Case IH 550 quad track tractor, 1200 hours. Tag #Roger0120........$280,000 Utility bucket for skid steer loader, new cutting edge. Tag #Hug0120............$1500 Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air seeder, 1720 tow behind tank, 7.5” spacing. Tag #Paul0120. H&S 2212 manure spreader, 125 bushel, 540 PTO. Tag #FredV0120.......$10,500 Allis-Chalmers 650 3-point backhoe attachment. Tag #Lyle0120.................$1500 New Holland 1032 bale wagon. Tag #Lyle0120. Wilmar 1600 nurse wagon mounted on 1998 IH 9200 truck. Tag #Roger0120....... .............................................................................................................$35,000 2-John Deere Model A tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere Model B tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere Model AR tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. New Danuser hammer skid steer mounted post pounder. Tag #Hug0119....$4995 2011 JCB 330 skid steer loader, 1300 hours, 3300# lifting capacity, 84” bucket. Tag #Austin0120.................................................................................$38,000 1985 Versatile 956 set up for air seeder, 8078 hours. Tag #JackW0120..$35,000 1993 Versatile 876 tractor with only 2500 hours. Tag #JackW0120.........$45,000 1976 Ford F250 pickup, manual transmission, gas. Tag #JackW0120........$6500 1996 GMC 3500 pickup with service box. Tag #JackW0120.......................$7500 2002 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup, automatic transmission, crew cab, gas engine. Tag #RichT0120.................................................................................$10,500

Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE


Kubota out-front mower, 6-ft. deck. Also has rotary broom, hydrostat 4x4, 3 cylinder diesel, 2201 hours. Tag #Leon0419..........................................$12,500


Ford 145 roll over plow. Tag #HiddenL0819................................................$2500 Friggstad B3-31 34-ft. plow, 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JohnA0619.......................$9500 Gysler 36-ft. plow with 12-ft. center section, AM rod weeder, Degelman mounted harrows. Tag #GaryS0819.................................................................... $5600 John Deere 66AH 5-bottom pull-type plow with 16” shears. Tag #DanG0919 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, no wing lift, new tires, 1” shanks. Tag #JohnA0619..$4500 Graham-Hoeme 15-ft. plow, good shanks with shovels, needs depth cylinder. Tag #GuyM0617....................................................................................$1500


1999 Ford E350 van, 15-passenger, 459,893 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619....$6000 2012 Ford F150 pickup, 4x4, 68,500 miles, automatic. Tag #Doug0819..$17,000 1993 5-seat bus, 138,000 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619...................................$6000 1984 Ford F250 pickup, 4-speed manual, 2 wheel drive. Tag #Jack0419...... Call 1973 Ford F250 pickup, set up as a fire truck. Tag #Hugh0219................. $6000


Case IH 1015 pickup header, Sund pickup. Tag #RonD0818......................$6500 Case IH 1015 pickup header with a Sund pickup. Like new. Tag #Harry0819.$6500 Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0719..$4500 New Holland 21-ft. DSA header, fits New Holland 1100 or 1116 swathers. Tag #KemA0719..............................................................................................$4500 New Holland 971 pickup header, Sund pickup attachment.Tag #Jerry1019.$3500 John Deere 912 pickup header with 9-ft. RakeUp pickup attachment. Tag #GlacierCol1019........................................................................................$10,000 New Holland 2300 14-ft. header. Tag #GlennP0819.................................. $2500 Case 810 pickup header with Sund pickup attachment. Tag #Hugh0219... $5000


3-point round bale retriever. Tag #BigSkyC0617..........................................$1500 1985 New Holland 1032 2-wide bale wagon, 69 bale capacity. Tag #HerbK0519. New Holland Super 1049 3-wide bale wagon. Tag #BobB0619..............$14,000 New Holland 1049 bale wagon. Tag #MarionT1019.


Westgo 1310 10”x60-ft. side delivery auger. #Hugh0219.......................... $2500 Versatile 54-ft. PTO grain auger. Tag #Hugh0219........................................ $500 Farm King 10x60 swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0619...........................$9500

Financing Available


2005 Case 2388 combine with 36-ft. 2042 draper header, 2610 engine hours, and 1899 separator hours. Tag #Paul0219........................................ $65,000 2001 Case IH 2388 combine with bin extensions, yield monitor, Auto Steer, 30-ft. MacDon draper header, 2130 separator hours. Tag #Hugh0219...... $70,000 Case 2388 combine with 40-ft. draper header and 1015 pickup header, 3527 engine hours, 2856 separator hours. Tag #Vince0719..........................$55,000 1978 Case 1480 combine. Tag #BlakeS1118..............................................$8500 1986 New Holland TR 86 combine with 30-ft. header and 13-ft. pickup header with RakeUp pickup attachment, 3650 hours. Tag #Lyle0919. 2001 Case IH 2388 combine with 2856 separator hours, 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup. Tag #Vince0919.........$55,000 Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32 tires, good feeder chain. Tag #JackW0419..Call John Deere 9650 STS with MacDon 962 36-ft. header, 2400 separator hours. Tag #Gordon0819..............................................................................$70,000


1994 Ford L9000 Aeromax Tag #Marshal0619.......................................$25,000 1999 Sterling semi truck. Tag #Marshal0619...........................................$25,000 1993 Ford L9000 truck for pulling trailers. Tag #Marshal0619.................$35,000 1975 International 4300 conventional truck, 19-ft. Rtena box, 13 speed transmission, tandem axle, good rubber. Tag #JohnA0619........................$25,000 1981 Kenworth flatbed truck, Cummins diesel engine. Tag #Marhsal0619...$4500 1979 International cab-over grain truck, 20-ft. ITB box, Cummins engine, 452,000 miles, tandem axle, 13 speed transmission. Tag #JohnA0619.............$25,000 1994 Interstate trailer, pintle hitch. Tag #CarlT1019. 1978 Ford grain truck, 18-ft. bed. Tag #CarlT1019..................................... $1750 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0419................................................................ Call 1989 Ford F600 truck (less box or tank). Tag #Paul0819............................$2500 Ford F900 lineman’s truck. Tag #DaveT0819.


International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1019.........................................................................................$7500 John Deere 6140 MFD tractor with loader and grapple, only 212 hours on tractor. Tag #Doug0519............................................................................$68,000 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader., 5232 hours, has 18.4x30 rear tires. Tag #ArtH0619.....................................................$19,500 1996 New Holland 9030 bi-directional, 6000 hours, with Case 18-ft. auger header, loader and grapple fork. Tag #Tanner0619............................................$59,000 International 706 2WD tractor with loader. Tag #Leon0419. Case IH Puma 180 FWD tractor with loader/grapple, Tag #Wayne1118...$80,000 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0419........................ Call Case 1486 2WD tractor. Tag #Gary0919.....................................................$9500 Case MX120 MFD tractor with L300 FEL loader, 96” bucket, square bale fork. Tag #Rog0919....................................................................................$45,000 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #Neal0519...$7500 Versatile 610 4WD tractor, only 250 hours, has 8:00x38 dual tires, power shift, 60 GPM hydraulics, weight package. Tag #RogW1019....................$385,000 Case 4490 4WD tractor, 18.4x38 tires with 1000 PTO. Tag #BillB0219....$12,000 John Deere 6330 MFD tractor, 6500 hours. Tag #Reid0619....................$35,000 John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0819......................................................................................$6500 John Deere 4020 tractor with loader, engine overhaul.Tag #TedH0519.....$15,000 Ford 8000 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, cab, loader. Tag #Glenn0619. Versatile 800 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, (2 new tires), manual transmission, 5953 hours. Tag #JackW0419.................................................................. Call Oliver 80 Hart Par tractor. Tag #Leon0419.


Bale spears to fit skid steer loaders. Tag #Hug1019. Degelman 5178 hylift rock picker. Tag #Doug0518.....................................$9500 Degelman R570S rockpicker. Tag #Fey0619..............................................$4500 1982 Cadillac Eldorado diesel engine. Tag #Marshal0619.....................$10,000 New H&S 1460 wheel rake. Tag #Hug0619..............................................$19,500 Wilray 4000 gallon double wall tank. Tag #Doug0819.................................$4000 Bobcat skid steer loader V-blade. Tag #DaveT0819. Vermeer 2300 rake with very little use. Tag #DougP0819........................$19,000 New Keho 71/2 hp aeration fan, 3 phase, 480 volt. Tag #Rod0819..............$2995 12-ft. blade off of Cat 85 track tractor. Tag #Russ0519................................$6500 Peterson 50-ft. rock roller. Tag #Dan0519................................................$10,000 Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0419...............$1500 17 rollers for Cat dozers. Tag #Marshal0619.................................Price Pending New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0419...Preseason Price 2000 BoMag 138AD roller. Tag #Debbie0519..........................................$27,000 Sullair compressor. Tag #Hug1019..........................................................$25,000 Bale elevator with electric motor. Tag#CarlT1019..........................................$500 Miskin bale elevator, never been used. Tag #CarlT1019. 1979 Wilderness travel trailer, 20-ft. bumper pull, 2” ball, good tires, 2 30# bottles ..............................................................................................................$5000 Lowe trencher for skid steer loader. Tag #CarlT0919...............................$44,500 Shaver HD8 3-point post pounder. Tag #Vern0919.......................................$800 New Holland 456 sickle mower with 9-ft. sickle. Tag #Vern0919.................$3500 Wheatheart Heavy Hitter post pounder. For Sale or Rent. Tag #0616.Call Huggy!!! 40-ft. electric motor. Tag #Lorenze0619.......................................................$1200 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer with 90-ft. booms. Tag #Ron0819................$3500 Flex-Coil trailer type post pounder. Tag #BobS1118...........................Just listed Box of Hesston 6400 parts. Tag #Neal0519...................................................$200 40 hp electric motor. Tag #Neal0416 EZ Trail 3400 weigh wagon with scales and side delivery auger. Tag #Chuck0519..........................................................................................$7500 John Deere HH80 hammer. Tag #Brent0719..............................................$9500 Engine end 3-pt. hitch & PTO for 9030 bidirectional. Tag #RogW0519........$3800 82-ft. snow fence. Tag #Andy1118.................................................$1.50 per foot. 125-ft. of 14 gauge link fence with 4 gates. Tag #Paul0919...........................$500 2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0719...............................................$4000 2013 Loftness bagger & extractor. Tag #KevinB0219................................ $71,000 2000-ft. of 4” ball and socket center riser handline. Tag #Riley0219.... $85 per ft. (2) 18” round solid aeration tubes. Tag #DickS0916 (110) complete SB-5 Farmland boot assemblies. Tag #Eney0408 DuAl loader off IH 806. Tag #ANF0719......................................................$1950 Snow blower for John Deere 304. Tag #Brent0719......................................$7000 Richardton 1200 silage wagon. Tag #DaveH0519......................................$6000 NYB sprayer with 400 gallon tank and 60-ft. booms. Tag #MikeS0619........$6500 Noble M 24-ft. of V-blades, 3 – 8-ft. Tag #JackW0419.................................... Call 1999 Royalite 30-ft. RV camper, gooseneck, slide out, sleeps 4, all self contained. Need to see to appreciate. Tag #DaveH0617.........................$17,000


2011 Dodge new long box, fender flares, rear bumper and tailgate. Black in color. Tag #DanG1219....................................................................................$5500 John Deere 5-bottom pull type moldboard plow. Tag #DanG1219..............$2500 John Deere 5-bottom pull type plow with 16” shears. Tag #DanG1219......$2500 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader. Tag #Art1219...$18,000 Shaver HD10 3-point mounted post pounder, Tag #TedH1219...................$3500 Farmhand 82C grinder/mixer. Tag #BobS1219...........................................$4500 1928 Ford Model A car. Tag #MontyL1219..............................................$16,000 2018 Case IH 580Q quad track tractor, twin hydraulic pumps, PTO, Luxury cab, full auto steer, 1330 drive line hours. Next to new. Tag #Kem1219...$275,000 John Deere 7520 tractor, 1000 PTO. Tag #ANF1219. Challenger SP 185 windrower with 14-ft. auger head. Tag #Karen1219. Valmar 245 pull type granular spreader. Tag #Karen1219. Vermeer R23A rake. Tag #Karen1219. John Deere 970 cultipack. Tag #Karen1219. 60-ft. conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. 2-20-ft. conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. Potato custer. Tag #Karen1219. Simonsen granular trailer type spreader. Tag #Karen1219. 4-Aeration fans. Tag #Karen1219. Green single bag bagger. Tag #Karen1219. Potato conveyor. Tag #karen1219. John Deere Yielder 1520 no till drill. Tag #Karen1219. Lockwood potato conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. Potato bucket. Tag #Karen1219. White 9700 combine with 25-ft. header, pickup reel. Tag #Karen1219. White 9700 combine for parts. Tag #Karen1219. Potato truck. Tag #Karen1219. Tandem axle utility trailer. Tag #Karen1219. White conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. Brillion 15-ft. cultipacker. Tag #Karen1219. John Deere 8630 tractor, 20.8x34 tires, 8696 hours. Tag #Karen1219. PTO conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. Yellow 20 heavy disc. Tag #Karen1219. John Deere 8630 tractor, 23.1x34 tires, 3-point, PTO, 9681 hours. Tag #Karen1219. White semi truck with flatbed hay trailer. Tag #Karen1219. Anhydrous tank. Tag #Karen1219. Weighmatic potato bagger. Tag #Karen1219. Green potato conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. 500 gallon fuel tank. Tag #Karen1219. Aeration tubes. Tag #Karen1219. 22-6” irrigation pipe. Tag #Karen1219. 22-4” irrigtion pipe. Tag #Karen1219.


Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer with wind screens. Tag #Paul0219......................................................................................... $15,000 Valmar 320 Fargo spreader mounted on 54 harrow cart, good shape. Tag #JackW0419............................................................................................ Call Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms with John Deere rate controller. Tag #BigSky0719...........................................................................................$5500 Summers 60-ft. sprayer mounted on pickup. Sprayer has triple nozzles, 8 hp Honda motor. Tag #JackW0419................................................................ Call 2007 New Holland SF216 sprayer, 80-ft. booms, windscreens, 1600 gallon tank. Tag #Dale0319.................................................................................. $15,000


2001 John Deere 4890 windrower with 16-ft double sickle header, 1700 cutting hours. Tag #Harvey0219...................................................................... $42,000 2012 Case 1203 swather, less header. Tag #Lorenze0619......................$40,000 Hesston 8450 windrower with 14-ft. auger header. Tag #Neal0719.........$25,000 John Deere 1600 haybine. Tag#Cody0619.................................................$5500 1981 Hesston 6650 swather with 14-ft. auger header with 3044 hours, cab and air. Tag #ArtH0519..............................................................................$11,000


Badger Hopto trailer mounted backhoe. Tag #Hug1019............................$1500 New Wacker Neuson skid steer loader and other construction equipment . Kohering C66 bantam excavator, 4005 hours, hydraulic thumb. Tag #ArtH0519. .......................................................................................................... $15,000 Bale spear for skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0619............................................$650 Bale spear for skid steer loader. Tag #Fey0619.............................................$750 1998 Harris skid steer loader. Tag #Marshal0619.......................................$4500 Ford 655C tractor/loader/backhoe, rebuilt engine. Tag #Lorenze0619.....$18,000 New Holland L220 skid steer loader. Tag #Pack1019. Bobcat 863 skid steer loader. Tag #Debbie0519........................... Price Coming Cat 6-way blade to fit skid steer loader. Tag #Pack1118..............................$4800 John Deere 30 3-point backhoe. Tag #Tanner0619....................................$2000 Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1018.........................................................$3500


Great Plains 40-ft. air drill with 7.5” spacing, 1400 bushel tank. Tag #RogWill0919.............................................................................................$62,000 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 air seeder with 1720 tow behind cart, 7.2” spacing. Tag #Paul0219......................................................................................... $25,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder with Flexi-Coil 3450 tow behind tank, 12” spacing, variable rate, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0519................................$49,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. 9.5” spacing air drill with 1720 tow behind cart, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0519.........................................................................$45,000 2013 Sunflower 60-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3 Rank Edge on shank with 360 bushel air cart. Tag #KevinB1118............................$145,000 Concord 6012 3 rank air seeder with Fargo 3350 stainless steel air cart. Tag #DBK1118..........................................................................................$25,000


2013 John Deere 569 Premium round baler. Tag #Abe0919..................$16,500 John Deere 567 twine tie round baler, 10,500 bales, new chains and belt drive. Tag#Harvey0918................................................................................$18,000 Case IH 3450 soft core round baler, makes 900# bales. Tag #JohnP1019...$4500 2003 John Deere 567 round baler, twine wrap, 1000 PTO, 13,000 bales, fairly new belts. Tag #Harvey1019........................................................................$12,000 2005 Challenger RB 56 round baler, twine wrap, 1000 PTO, only 4400 bales. Tag #Harvey1019.............................................................................. $13,000 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0519......................$12,000 2008 John Deere 568 round baler, net wrap, Gandy Hat preservative kit.$25,000 New Holland 275 small square baler. Makes 14x16 bales. Tag #Ben0619......$2500


1998 Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow with straight tines, down pressure springs. Tag #Paul0219........................................................................ $8000 3-sections of drag harrows. Tag #CarlT1019...........................................$100 ea. Bourgault 7200 heavy harrow. Tag#RogW1019......................................$42,500 4- 6-ft. mounted harrow. Tag #JackW0419...................................................... Call 3-Spike tooth harrows. Tag #JackW0419.................................................$125 ea.


John Deere 60 tractor, 540 PTO, runs great. Tag #RonA0316 John Deere B tractor, tricycle front. Tag #ANF0216 John Deere 520 tractor, 540 PTO, 3-pt., new paint, runs great. Tag #RonA0316. ..............................................................................................................$6500 John Deere 3010 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point. Tag #ANF0619...........$8500 John Deere 3020 tractor. Tag #ANF0619.

560 KMON AM, along with The Trader’s Dispatch

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B8

the official MAGIE 2020 advertising publication




January 16-18, 2020 MT EXPO PARK • GREAT FALLS, MT

• 170+ Vendors • Displays • Demonstrations • Sales • Free Stuff • SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!


Largest Farm and Ranch Show!





January 17

3:30 Start

Cascade High School

Ag Sales

January 17


Cascade High School


January 18


MT ExpoPark’s Family Living Ctr, Fine Arts and Atrium


January 18


MT ExpoPark Fine Arts


January 18


MT ExpoPark’s Family Living Ctr & LivestockPavilion

Awards Ceremony January 18



4:30 MT ExpoPark’s or as soon as Livestock Pavilion scores are (weather permitting) tabulated




Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B9

Map & Vendor List

Company Booth# 3 Rivers Communications G1 406 Agronomy J17,18 Ace Hardware L4,5 Ag Fertilizer L3 Ag Plus X4 Ag Pro System C32,33 Ag Trucks & Equipment B11,12,13,14, B28,29,30,31 Ag West Distributing A1,2 Agri Cover I12,13 Agri Tool & Supply F8 Agro Liquid K8,9 Aldrich Lumber J11 All Seasons Spas and Stoves A10,11 Applegate Livestock Equip. G2,3,4 Aquasource Drilling J16 Atom Jet D15 ATP Nutrition E20 B&L Scales F16,17 Batteries Plus Bulbs I34 Battery Warehouse/ American Western E21 Bekaert Corporation C14 Belle Pulses USA LLC B26 Ben Taylor Inc C16 Bench Industries E15,16,17, E32,33,34 Best Designs LLC K1 Big Sky Equipment H7,8,9 H23,24,25 Big Sky Harley Davidson K2,3 Big Sky Sawmill I29 Big Sky Synthetics/AMS Oil J6 Bison Ford F9 Bouma Post Yards C17,C34 Bourgault Industries B20,21 Bourgault Tillage Tools C4 Bozeman Greenbuild B32 Brandt Agricultural Products Ltd. E27,28, 2 outside Bridon USA B15 Cargill A6,7 Cascade Farmers Mutual K5 CHS Big Sky I8,9 SATURDAY Day Sponsor Cibus J10 City Motors E5,6, E22,23 Clearview Seed F7 Clearwater Montana Prop. H4 Cleary Building Corp. I25 Committed Ag Supply X5 Conrad Implement U Corder & Associates D33 Costco D17 Crazy Mountain Fabrications B4 Dakota Sales K6,7 Darryl’s Tire Service I21,22,23 Crop Packaging Specialists C7 Double Arrow Vet Clinic F3,4 Duck Foot Parts B9 Duratech / Haybuster A13,14 Dutch Industries F5,6 Edwards Jones I3 Empire Equipment H10,11, H26,27,1 outside Farmers Business Network X2 Flamen Sales J12 Fleet Supply B3 Frieling Ag Equipment E29,30, 31, E10,11,12,13,14, F10,11, 1 outside, 1 sidewalk Frontline Ag M Gardners RV 1 outside General Distributing V

Company Booth# Gerbers E18 Goldridge Industries I26,27 Greyn Fertilizer L6 Greyn Scale Company J13 Heartland Seed A3 Hefty Seed D31, D14 Henke Enterprise Inc. C11 Hinrich Trading Company J9 Horsepower Drainage F16, G15 Hotsy Wymont C24,25 Hoven Equipment T,O,N FRIDAY Day Sponsor I.M.S. Construction B1,2 Intelligent Ag Solutions X9,10 Jason’s Agrimotive J3 JGL Grain G6,7 Johnson Distributing D5,6,7,8,9 D22,23,24,25,26 Joyce Fuel & Feed A18,19 1 outside Kessell Construction I6 Klinefelters Insulation D20 KR Rauch Company I1,2 Leavitt Great West Ins. A9 Lee Unlimited Power Bench E1,2 Lewistown Rental I5,1 outside Max Ag of Montana C27 Midland Implement B5,6,7,8, B22,23,24,25 Mineral Tub Lifter L7 Minnesota Pneaumatic H12,13, H14,15,16,28,29,30,31,32 Missouri River Realty G10 Montana Farm Bureau E3 Montana Farmers Union B10,B27 Montana Grain Growers A8 MT Livestock Ag Credit C10 Montana Shed Center L10, 2 outside Montana Valley Irrigation A16,17 Morand Ind. E7,8,9, E24,25,26 Morris Industries Ltd. D3,4 Mountain View Canvas C15 Mountain View Metal Works J1,2, 1 Outside MQS D34 MT Invasive Species Co. X11 Muddy Creek Truss I30 Nachurs I24 NAPA L8,9 No Bull Enterprises I28 Nor-Ag Limited A15 Normont Equipment X7 North 40 Outfitters Q North Country Armory J7,8 Northern Hydraulics F14 Nutrien Ag Solutions I18 Northwest Farm Credit C28 Norwood Sales I10,11, 1 outside Open Gate Ranch J19 Ophus Auction E19 Pattison Agriculture K4 Pima Medical Institute E4 Prairie Mountain Ins. B18,19 Precision Truck I14,15,16,17 Prickly Pear Simmental Ranch D16 Protech Steel G11 Pulse USA Inc G9 Quality 1st Insulation G8 RDO Equipment C5,6, C22,23 Red E LLC B16 Reinke Manufacturing C12,13 THURSDAY Day Sponsor Renewal by Anderson X1 Rockwell Scales H 5,6, H21,22 RPH Irrigation C30 THURSDAY Day Sponsor












20 19





7 6

L12 L11

18 17


17 16

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B&L Scales


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6 5




K9 K8 I 7

NP 1 2

Savage Motorsports A4,5 Severinsen Irrigation J 4,5 Shop Specialties D21 Specialty Ironworks I4 Staheli West P Stampede Sales I19 20 State Farm Insurance X3 Stephens Supply J20 Summit Structures F15, 2 outside Sun River Electric C31 Superior Water Solutions B17 Taylors Auto Max 1 outside That Guy’s Fab Shop D1,2 Tillman Equipment D18 Tireama L11,12 Titan International D12,13 Titan Machinery I31,32,33 Tom’s Shop C8,9 Tool Box F1 Torgersons D10,11,12,13, D27,28,29,30,& 2 outside Total Scale Service Inc. D32 Tractor and Equipment C1,2,3, C18,19,20,21 Traders Dispatch H3 Treasure State Seed D19 Triangle Ag Service B33,34 Union Forage F4 U.S. Durum Growers J14 Vermeer Corp S Vitality Ag C14 VW Manufacturing J15 Walinga Agri-Vacs F12,13




G 1 F


MAGIE Headquarters

19 18



X 1





X 7





K&J Booth











NP 3 3

Watson Irrigation C29 THURSDAY Day Sponsor Weaver Fencing X8 Weed It/Agritech America G14 Western Equipment Finance I7 Western Ranch Supply R

Western Water Wells A12 Westfeed Hubbard G5 Wildhorse Seeds C26 Windsor Plywood L1,2 XB Trailer Sales H1,2, H17,18




January 16-18 2020


Weekend Schedule

Four Seasons Arena Hours: Thursday, January 16 • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday, January 17 • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday, January 18 • 9:00 am - 4:00 pm If you know of a business that would like to be a MAGIE vendor at a future event, please have them fill out a request form at If your business would like to be included in next year’s MAGIE Program, please send an email request to

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B10

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the February issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29. Phone us at (406) 271-5533

Spring wheat variety performance summary in Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE B6

– – WANTED – – Wobble drive and cutter bar for New Holland 469 haybine. Phone 406-549-3100, Missoula, MT


500 ton in 3x4 bales - Trucking is Available (406) 590-4040, Fairfield, MT

Specializing in hopper, flatbed and stepdeck, freight including hay and machinery. Local and out of state, fully licensed and insured. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

– – FOR SALE – –

HAY in large round bales. 2009 48-ft. stepdeck, great condition.

I believe the Krogmann BaleBed is the most outstanding bed on the market. I like the features this bed has over the competition.” - Roger Miller, Booker, TX

Custom built Across the bed toolbox shorter or longer beds. 70”Lx1O”H x 20’W - complete Standard Equip: with stainless steel hinges, arm extensions, gn tray and gas shock. & receiver hitches, side rails, lights, trailer plug & pioneer Lift, Haul and dump with quick connects.

Side toolboxes 30” Lx17” H x 12” D standard size of 12 ga. steel with stainless steel hinges and latch.

the Krogmann Carry-All

1-877-745-3783 •

##### The “world’s most famous sheep” was Dolly, a Finnish Dorset sheep who was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell. She was born in 1996 and died shortly before her seventh birthday from a lung disease. ##### Q: As people age, do they sleep more soundly? A: Yes, but usually in the afternoon.

##### Potatoes were first cultivated nearly 5,000-7,000 years ago in Peru. ....contributed by Inez. ##### Texas, Wyoming and California are the U.S. states with the highest number of sheep. More than two thirds of U.S. sheep are in the Southern Plains, Mountain and Pacific regions.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B11

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:


2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture............................... Just Traded

2013 New Holland CR7090, low hours, ASP stone protection, yield & moisture........... .................................................. $228,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995

NEW & USED HEADERS 2014 MacDon D65 40-ft. draper header......

.................................................... $51,900 2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport............................. $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Case IH 1010-30 combine header, pickup reel.......................................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel........... ............................................. Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal

2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 2007 Case IH 2588 combine, rock trap, yield and moisture............................... $89,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal

2018 John Deere S780, 2018 John Deere 640FD flex draper head....... Just Traded 2018 John Deere S780, 2018 John Deere 640FD flex draper head....... Just Traded

Stop by and say hello at the M.A.G.I.E. in Great Falls on January 16-18 Booth H 7-9 and H 23-24 USED TRACTORS


2014 Apache 1220 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel boom, Auto-Boom UltraGlide chemical eductor, Envizio Pro monitor, Ravan Smartrax............................. Just Traded 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.... $89,900 Flexi-Coil S67XL, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 diamond tires (U21171). Reduced...................................... $5995


2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate.......................... $74,500

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell

2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor.................................... $62,500 Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition........................................ $12,900


2013 John Deere 9510R 4WD tractor, 4 remotes, GreenStar, PTO....... $219,500

2009 McCormick XTX145 tractor, powershift, self-leveling loader, rear wheel weights, low hours.................... $64,900 2005 Massey Ferguson 481, MFD, synchro shuttle, cab, 540 PTO, loader (Westendorf - NEW)........................ Just Traded 1990 Case IH 9180, 4WD, Atom Jet hydraulic system, powershift transmission, 4 remotes.............................. Just Traded


2012 Case IH Puma 170 with loader, auto-guide ready, NEW Alo Quicke loader. .................................................. $89,900


Bale King 880 bale processor........... $6900 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor.... $7500

Big Sky Equipment would like to thank our customers for their patronage in 2019.

2003 New Holland HW320 self-propelled windrower, 18-ft. sickle header. Very well maintained.................................. $44,900 New Holland 1116 self-propelled windrower, 16-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, gas engine..................................... $7900

MacDon A30 16-ft. swing tongue mower conditioner, rubber-on-rubber roller. Very good condition............................ $21,900 2009 Vermeer R2800 hay rake....... $19,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call

Now Scheduling Off-Season Inspections! We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.

Combines, sprayers, loader tractors, round balers

Call 800-332-7541

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B12

“Montana’s Best Farm and Ranch Publication”

Agricultural Publication for Farmers, Ranchers, Truckers, and Heavy Equipment Owner/Operators Published and printed in Montana for over 30 years! For Advertisers: The Trader’s Dispatch boasts a 22,500 requested and verified subscriber base covering seven Western states and beyond, including Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska. You know your ad will be seen by a directed readership of people in the industry you serve.With our new mobile-friendly website where our Online Edition is published each month, and is also searchable, we offer another way for your ads to be seen. Call 406-271-5533 to get more information about advertising in the Trader’s Dispatch! For Consumers: The Trader’s Dispatch provides a monthly plethora of information about the Ag Industry submitted by extension offices, research departments of some of the top agriculture colleges in the nation, livestock specialists, commodity organizations, etc. The Trader’s Dispatch does not contain “fake news”, politcal blogs or op/ed pieces, just honest information to help you as you seek to better your own operation. In addition over 70% of our publication is advertising, therefore what you need can more than likely be found. Do you, or someone you know, want to receive the Trader’s Dispatch? We offer a FREE 3 year subscription for anyone in agriculture, heavy equipment, or trucking. Call us to be added to our ever growing subscription list or subscribe through our website.

Sent free upon request to farmers/ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the western U.S.

National Rubber Duckie Day

When: Always January 13 Children and adults just love rubber duckies. It’s a bath time favorite, that puts a smile on everyone’s faces. Toddlers and young children play with rubber duckies in the bathtub, and in toddler swimming pools. Parents, and grandparents joyfully play along. For adults, it brings back fond memories of childhood bath and pool time. Did You Know? Chances are you know that the muppet Ernie on Sesame Street, first sang the Rubber Duckie song, and it became an infamous childhood song. The year was 1970. That year the song reached #16 on the Top 100 Chart. It remains one of the favorite childhood songs of all time. It’s so easy to celebrate National Rubber Duckie Day. Simply hop in the tub and bring your rubber duckie along. Don’t forget to sing the Rubber Duckie song as you play. Another wildly popular thing to do, is hold a rubber duckie race. Are you an adult who owns a rubber duckie? If so, you’re in good company. It is rumored that Queen Elizabeth II has a rubber duckie in her bathroom, complete with an inflatable crown! History of Rubber Duckies Rubber Duckies have a very long history. Rubber animal toys, including ducks, first appeared around 1880. Those first toys were made of solid rubber and did not float. Even then, rubber duckies were among the most popular. As World War I and II came, rubber was too expensive, and they were made of plastic or vinyl. Over time, design changes made them hollow so they would float. Then, a small weight was added to the bottom, so it always floated upright. Origin of National Rubber Duckie Day While the beloved rubber duckie has been around for over a hundred years and its history is well documented, there is no information readily available about National Rubber Duckie Day. January 13th has been noted as the birthday of the rubber duckie, with Ernie of Sesame Street associated with the birthday on the first show it appeared. Oddly, that date was February 25, 1970.

2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: Web Site: COME SEE US AT THE MAGIE! January 16-18, 2019 Booth #D19 BARLEY:

Moravian 165, Bill Coors 100 (Miller-Coors contract varieties available here) Hockett, AC Metcalfe, Haxby, Haymaker, Stockford and others

Quality SPRING WHEAT: SY-605CL2*, WB9879CLP*, WB9668, Lanning (high yield Vida replacement) Seed Duclair and others *(PVP) Varieties CLP - Clearfield Plus PULSE CROPS: and DURUM: SS1 Forage Peas, Lentils, 4152 & 4193 Yellow Peas, Alzada Banner and Aragorn for contract production Seed FORAGE BLEND Custom blended or stock blend of 1/3 hay barley, Conditioning 1/3 forage peas, and 1/3 oats Roundup Ready Alfalfa



Alforex varieties: Rugged and AFX 457; Magnum 7, Magnum 7 wet WL-356 RR & WL-319, HayPro, Ladak, Ladak ‘65, and others WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.

Pasture Mixes • Turf Mixes • Custom Mixes • NRCS & CRP Mixes • Cover Crop Mixes

We will blend to your specifications. Please contact us to discuss your seed needs.

Call Scott at the Seed Plant to schedule your custom cleaning and treating! Seed treats available are:

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B13

(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040

(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631

(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636

(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971

(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449

(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908

(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325


2019 John Deere 6155R (PI), Stk #58609, 240 Hrs, County Rental Return, Loader Ready, Premium Light Package.................$152,000

----------------- FEED WAGONS-----------------

2019 John Deere 6155M (WI), Stk #58547, 286 Hrs, AutoQuad Trans, 2018 NDE U850D (WI), Stk #62841, Mech Joystick, Loader Prepped…. 1 Owner Machine Used For Back ........................................$122,500 Grounding, Just Needed A Smaller Unit....................................$46,500

2017 Kuhn/Knight RC270 (HA), Stk #62001, Big 700 Cu Ft Mixer W/ Helix Reel, Large 1,000 Constant Velocity Drive Shaft...........$52,000

2010 Kuhn/Knight 3136 (HA), Stk #61967, 36” Auger Discharge, Airplane Tires, 540 PTO, Liner Welded On Discharge...............$17,500

WINNER SPECIAL OF THE MONTH! 2019 John Deere 6155R (WI), Stk #58607, 235 Hrs, IVT 40K Trans, 640R Loader, Cold Start.$169,000

2018 John Deere 6215R (PI), Stk #60218, 489 Hrs, 7” Color Touch Display, IVT Trans, Premium Cab... ........................................$164,000

$3,000 2017 John Deere 8320R (WA), Stk #61510, only 657 hours, PS trans, Gen4 4600 command center display with auto trac and premium activations, super clean...$252,000

2014 John Deere 6210R (HA), Stk #60048, 7,501 Hrs, H380 Loader, 4 Electronic SCV’s, 3 Function Joystick, Duals................$105,500

MDS Snow Pusher (WI), Stk #60745, snow pusher + blade with back drag option and rubber cutting edges, only a couple months old. Unit is 7-ft. wide and has skidsteer hookup. Blade was only used 3 times on a driveway, pretty much like new.

2013 John Deere 6210R (PI), Stk #63117, 5,201 Hrs, TLS, 480/80R16 Duals, 4 SCV’s, Auto- 2005 John Deere 7920 (BF), Stk #63330, 9,400 Hrs, 746 Loader & Trac Ready, IVT, 1 Owner Unit!...... Grapple, IVT, 4 SCV’s.......$69,000 ........................................$105,000

2004 Case IH MXM175 (PI), Stk #62844, 5,983 Hrs, Includes LX172 Loader & 4 Tine Grapple, PS Trans 18F/6R...............$45,000

1991 Case IH 7140 (SU), Stk #63353, 4,900 Hrs, PowerShift Trans, 1,000 PTO..............$42,500

2010 NDE 804 (WA), Stk #62919, 1 Owner Locally Owned, Single Auger, Right Hand Discharge, 640XL Scale.................................$18,000

2010 Meyerink 340 (WI), Stk 2009 Supreme 900T (BF), Stk #63202, Been Shedded & Cleaned #63357, 841 Cu Ft W/Extensions, When Not Used, RH Discharge..... 1,000 PTO, New Liner In Tub......... ..........................................$21,000 ..........................................$22,000

2006 Knight 3136 (WI), Stk #56032, Just Had $5K In Repairs Done, New Knives & Springs On Reel, 1000 PTO, Good Unit........$18,000

2005 Kuhn/Knight 3150 (PH), Stk #56764, All New Bearings & Floor In Great Shape, 2 Scales, Slide Tray W/Magnet................. $18,900

2002 Knight 4063 (WI), Stk #60472, 3 Auger Discharge, 1,000 PTO, Weigh-Tronix Scales, Pretty Decent Unit........................... $16,600

South Dakota

Kuhn Knight 4072 Botec (PI), Stk #61024, 720 Cu Ft, Hydraulic Controlled Discharge, 2 Scale Head... ......................................... $24,900

Kuhn/Knight 3136 (PI), Stk #60973, EZ200 DigiStar Scale, Flighting & Tires Are Good, Nice Entry Or Backup Feed Wagon.........$14,900



2008 John Deere 620I Gator (WA), Stk #62376, One owner camo gator with roll bar, roof, bucket seats, fender flares and guards. This is well equipped for any hunter/huntress/outdoorsman...............$6,250

2002 John Deere 8320 (WA), Stk #62154, Starts and runs very good. MFWD, ac & rear hitch - all work very well. No leaks...$68,500

1976 John Deere 4430 (BF), Stk #62276, Open Station, SyncroRange Trans, Degelman 10HD Dozer................................$17,000 For more info on these units give us a call... Nebraska - Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908

1970 John Deere 2520 (WA), Stk #61046, dual loader, no leaks around motor or on rear end, front end seems tight around the ball joints and tie rods............$126,000

Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche (605) 892-2621 Sundance (307) 283-2971

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B14

Feeding low-quality forage to cattle By NDSU Extension Service

North Dakota livestock producers are faced with low-quality forage and lack of available forage this year because of poor growing and harvesting conditions. While some producers have plentiful hay, rain during and after cutting resulted in reduced forage quality due to mold, leaf loss, shatter and nutrient leaching. Characteristics of low-quality forages include high fiber content, low crude protein (CP) and energy (total digestible nutrients or TDN) content, and reduced fiber digestibility. Low-quality forages also may have tough, coarse stems and reduced leafto-stem ratios, which can reduce palatability to livestock. In general, drymatter intake typically is reduced with low-quality forages and the potential for nutrient deficiencies is increased. “Although beef cows are able to utilize low-quality forages to some degree, supplementation will likely be necessary to meet nutrient requirements this winter for spring-calving cows,” says Janna Block, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock specialist based at the Hettinger Research Extension Center. “The last trimester of gestation is extremely critical in terms of nutritional management of the cow herd,” she adds. “Protein and energy requirements of the cow will increase by 15% to 20% from midgestation to support rapid fetal and placental growth and prepare for lactation.” Consequences of feeding low-quality forages to pregnant cattle without appropriate supplementation include weight and body condition losses, lowered immune function, calving difficulty, calf health issues, reduced milk production and decreased conception rates. The best way to utilize any forage is through proper sampling and laboratory analysis so that the correct supplement can be used. “Recognizing that forage quality can be affected by a variety of environmental factors during harvest and storage, it is extremely important to determine chemical composition of all available forage through laboratory analysis to develop an effective feeding strategy,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. For more information on feed sampling and analysis, Meehan recommends the NDSU Extension publication “Sampling Feed for Analysis,” which is available at Supplementing Lowquality Forages Nutrient intake must be adequate to support microbial fermentation in the rumen to meet production goals. Adequate dietary protein and energy are critical for microbial growth and production of volatile fatty acids that constitute the majority of energy used by the cow. “Research results have established that microbial fermentation is reduced when the crude protein content of forages is less than 7%,” says Yuri Montanholi, NDSU Extension beef specialist. “This results in lowered digestibility, passage rates and, ultimately, intake.” Supplemental protein will be necessary with this type of forage to improve forage intake and nutrient utilization. To be considered a true protein supplement, feeds should contain at least 25% to 30% CP. “Commonly used supplements include high-quality grass or legume hay, oilseed meals (canola, sunflowers and soybeans), or byproduct feeds such as corn gluten feed and distillers grains,” says Karl Hoppe, NDSU Extension livestock systems specialist based at the Carrington Research Extension Center. “Self-fed supplements such as protein tubs and blocks may be used, but producers need to ensure that these products will contribute adequate additional protein to the diet.” Nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) sources such as urea are an inexpensive and widely available source of protein used in many commercial supplements. Although rumen microbes can utilize NPN, research indicates that natural protein is used more efficiently than NPN with low-quality forages. Other concerns with NPN include the potential for urea toxicity when included at high levels in supplements, particularly if energy is deficient in the diet. Total urea intake should not exceed 0.05 pound for dry cows or 0.10 pound for lactating cows. Feed tags on supplements should state the percentage of protein equivalents from NPN. Urea contains 281% of CP equivalents, so if a feed tag states that the protein equivalent from NPN is 10%, the supple-

ment contains 3.6% urea (10% divided by 2.81). If the target intake for the supplement is 2 pounds per head per day, the total amount of urea provided per cow would be 0.07 pound. This would exceed recommendations for dry cows but would be within the acceptable range for lactating cows. “Protein is often a focus, but forages also may be deficient in energy.” Hoppe says. “If TDN content is less than 50%, it would be inadequate in energy for most classes of livestock.” Energy supplement options include cereal grains high in starch and sugars (corn, barley, etc.), byproduct feeds high in digestible fiber (soybean hulls, wheat midds beet pulp) or high-quality forage such as alfalfa. Forage intake and digestion are reduced when feeding high levels of starch-containing grain (greater than 0.4% of body weight) due to changes in rumen dynamics that interfere with fiber-digesting microbes. “However, this ‘substitution effect’ can be beneficial if the forage supply is limited by allowing producers to feed higher amounts of grain and reducing the amount of forage in the diet,” Hoppe notes. Vitamin/mineral Deficiencies In addition to potential protein and energy deficiencies, weather-damaged forages may be deficient in minerals and vitamins. These components of feeds are very small and often overlooked; however, they are critical for growth, immune function and reproduction. “Analysis for mineral content of forages is an additional cost, but it can be extremely valuable in helping producers choose an appropriate mineral supplement,” Block says. Vitamins are classified as water soluble (B complex, vitamin C) or fat soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K). Increased supplementation of vitamins A and E should be considered with low-quality forages, particularly during the last trimester of gestation and the first few months of lactation. Vitamin A deficiency can reduce feed intake, cause digestive disorders and result in negative impacts on reproduction, including low conception rates, abortion and stillborn or weak calves. Vitamin E is closely tied to immune function. Beef cattle requirements for vitamin A are 1,273 international units (IU) per pound of dry feed for pregnant cows and heifers and 1,773 IU per pound of dry feed for lactating cows and breeding bulls. Vitamin E requirements are less established but are estimated at 16 IU per pound of dry feed for pregnant or lactating cows. A vitamin A-D-E premix package often is added to mineral mixtures or commercial supplements. Producers should note that vitamin activity can be reduced through time in vitamin or vitamin-mineral premixes, even when a stabilized form is used. Research has shown activity losses of up to 25% after three months of storage and up to 50% after more than a year. Check the manufacturing date for these supplements to make sure they are being used in a timely manner. Another option is to provide a two- to three-month supply of vitamins through injections. Some producers have reported injection site tissue damage, so be sure to read the label and follow beef quality assurance injection guidelines ( documents/injections). Additional Resources Some additional resources for feed options, feeding guidelines and calculating feed costs are available through NDSU Extension: • “Alternative Feeds for Ruminants,” available at edu/publications/livestock/alternative-feeds-for-ruminants • A current listing of prices and availability of byproduct feeds in North Dakota at • Feed Costs Calculator: If you have questions or need more information, contact the NDSU Extension office in your county.

Tables Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 available Call for delivered prices!

Montana Post Driver

4-in bore 8-in stroke - $85 Trader’s Dispatch,

10,000 watt 4 cylinder diesel generator with 2 - 500,000 BTU diesel fired heaters & 200-gal fuel tank

Bolt together fence brace kits

•Brace rail with hardware $29 •Complete brace with 8-ft posts $60 •Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18


Driver Classic $1,600

Heavy Duty Hay Feeders

Calf Shelters Maternity Pens 8-ft x 23-ft $2,400


750R: 1000E: 1500E: $5,900 $7,900 $9,900

Portable Heater & Generator

Portable Windbreaks

Guardrail Portable Windbreaks

Shipping Containers 20-ft - Used $3,400 New $4,300 40-ft - Used $4,600 New $7,250 *Rental return containers availabile 40-ft $6,000

Free Standing Portable Panel Portable Tub & Alleyway

24-ft long $430

Mineral Feeders

Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades

Pocket Gopher & Mouse Poison + Bait Boxes

• • • •



All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing

• 10-ft bow gates $280 • 12-ft bow gates $300 Corral gates - 6-bar 8-ft $160 10-ft $170 12-ft $190 14-ft $210 16-ft $230

Portable Panels

All panels are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft heavy portable panels • 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel™ panels)

Pallet forks skidsteer mount:$930 Global mount: $950

Rotary mower skidsteer mount: $5,250

Large selection of Grade 5 & 8 BOLTS

2,500-lb capacity $85

Grinding and Cutting Wheels 7’ & 8’ Road Grader

Cattle Guards

Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680

Used Guardrail 2-rail & 3-rail

Constructed with all new material 10-ft $1,550 12-ft $1,750 16-ft $2,100 Cattle guard kits with used pipe available. 10-ft $880 12-ft $990 16-ft $1,325

Rubber Tire Water Tanks



Portable Buildings Poly DEF & Fuel Tanks 12x24-ft All steel portable buildings - use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc. - Starting at $4,300

Guardrail I-Beam Posts Galvanized


9-ft $25

Knipex tools! Portable adjustable floor loading chute $6,680

Pipe & Tubing

Call us for all your steel needs

• Plate - 5’x10’ .188” • 5-in galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft lengths) • Used 2-7/8 pipe • 1.25” 14 ga round tubing Bale spears • 1.66” 14ga round tubing skidsteer • 3-1/2” used pipe 31-ft Harrow mount: • Pipe Caps: various sizes! 6’x6’x5/8”: $630 $695 A lot more steel…too Drawbar:$180

much to list - Call us!

406.390.1110 SuperSteel/ Steel Decking

- 36”x24’ 22ga Prime galvanized SuperSteel - Use for windbreaks, corrals, etc.

Tow Ropes

Various Sizes up to 200.000-lb breaking strength

$2.77/lb for Grade 5 $4.40/lb for Grade 8

Portable Loading Chute

Folding Pipe Jack

6K torsion axel - $2,200

Continuous Fence

2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 • 6-rail 1-1/4” 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 14 ga. 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 20-ft long 5-in galvanized octagon • 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga. 9’9” posts $26 20-ft long *Pipe posts can be cut to length Call for current prices

Portable Panel Trailer

January 2020 — Page B15

Secondary Square Tubing

• Various sizes available


Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb

1-in Sucker Rod Miscellaneous

• Feedbunk (constructed with 10ga and heavy tube legs) 20-ft x 38-in x 12-in $790 (other sizes including bottomless)

• Skidsteer Light Material Bucket (constructed with 3/16-in plate) 8-ft: $1,150 and 10-ft: $1,350

• Skidsteer Plates: $110 • 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 • Extinguisher Mount: $40 • Bale Spears: $85 • Head Catch: $790 • 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 • 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $36.50 • 3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $50 • Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 • Ratchet Chain Binder 5/16-3/8”: $30

Brett 406.390.1110 | Jenni 406.366.9939 |Office 406.428.1110 PO Box 180 | Grass Range, MT 59032 January 2020

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page B16


iono-LYX B300®



CRYSTALYX® IONO-LYX® B300 gives you all the advantages of a CRYSTALYX® supplement program plus the added benefits of Bovatec® - the leading ionophore feed additive for pasture cattle. BOVATEC® is proven to increase weight gain in pasture cattle. In fact, 84 pasture studies conducted between 1980 and 2000 showed that BOVATEC® improved average daily gain (ADG) by 9.82% or 0.14 per-head, per-day.

• A 28% protein supplement using plant protein and NPN. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals.

BTI Feeds

Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812

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Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier

Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby

Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator”


Stur-D Round Bale Feeders

Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East

Stur-D Loading Chutes

Roller chain Sprockets Hubs

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GRADE 5 & 8 BOLTS-NUTS-WASHERS 1/4” - 3/4”

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39% more steel per panel than conventional fence. Larger, stronger, heavier pipe More attractive

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IN STOCK! Bunk feeders - Gates Call Us for Prices Panels - Handling systems

Full Line of Calving Supplies Order special order ear tags now

Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems




When you buy pellets by the ton

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PROPANE Installations • Delivery • Inspections

all gallons Call 1-800-824-8366 paint

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C1

2019 Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial

Check out our website

By Montana State University - College of Agriculture & Montana Agricultural Experiment Station mercial entities at research locations across Introduction

Though unchanged from 2018 to 2019, canola acreage in Montana has increased nearly 2000% since 2009. The growing interest in canola among Montana farmers creates a need for hybrid performance assessments in areas of the state previously dominated by wheat-based systems. Performance of 18 canola hybrids was evaluated at six locations in Montana (Conrad, Corvallis, Havre, Kalispell, Moccasin, and Sidney) in both dryland and irrigated systems. Objective The objective of the Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial was to evaluate the agronomic performance of available canola hybrids and breeding lines submitted by com-

the state. The information obtained from these trials is intended to provide canola growers in Montana with reliable, unbiased information regarding which canola hybrids are best suited to their specific production environment. Methods In spring 2019, 18 canola varieties (Brassica napus) with five herbicide resistance systems (including two cultivars with no herbicide resistance) were submitted by seven sponsors. (Table 1) The seed was distributed to seven Montana State University agricultural research centers: (Figure 1a) Central Ag near Moccasin (CARC), Eastern Ag near Sidney (EARC), Northern Ag near Havre (NARC), CONTINUED ON PAGE C5

Join us at M.A.G.I.E. Booth H5 & H6

Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America

•  Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales •  Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard •  Custom sizes and special projects welcome •  Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from

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THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded

CASE IH MAGNUM 310 CVT CASE IH MAXXUM 125 New Miscellaneous

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute Schulte FX 1200 batwing mower Rem VRX grain vacs

Used Miscellaneous: New Equipment In$9,500 Stock Farmhand 25’ mulcher ...

• Case SV280 skid steer

New Haying Equipment In Stock

Lease Returns Available

12, 14 & 16-Wheel H&S High Capacity Wheel Rakes (2) ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers • Puma 165 Case IH WD 1504 Windrower With 16' HDx162 Header Maxxum • Magnum 3103x4 CVTBales Case• IH LB434125 Big Square Baler, Case IH RB 565 Round Baler

Used Haying Equipment In Stock

Used Tractors In Stock

2002 Case IH LBX331 Square Baler ................................$29,000

2008 Case Case IH IH 9370 RB564 round 8700 bales, mesh wrap, wide 1997 7600 hrs,baler, 12 speed...................... $49,000 pickup, endless9682 belts,4600 hydraulic pickup lift, duals, centralweight lube ......$26,500 New Holland hrs, Trelleborg kit, EZ-steer 2003 CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 guidance. .......................................................... $69,000 1999 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 1995 Case IH 8465 .........................................................$8,995 1994 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 1990 Hesston 560 Round Baler ........................................$5,500

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers New Tractors In Stock

Case IHCase Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer IH Farmall 356B w/loader CaseIH Magnum 315, front & rear duals, lease return Lease Returns Available This Fall

Case IH Farmall 75C, cab & loader CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125 CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 CaseIH Puma 185• CaseIH Magnum 260 Brillion WLS360 30-ft. mulcher, very good condition.........

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

2013 Used Tractors In Stock . .................................................................... $32,000 IH 3400 Farmall Concord 4710 Case air drill, tow 356B behind w/loader cart.............. $28,000 2008 Case IH Steiger 480, 1480 Hrs, Cummins engine, Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. booms... $19,900 710 radials, like new .................................... $179,000 John Deere 21003inline ripper................................... $3500 1979 JD 4840, pt, PTO .............................. $22,500 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded

New Skidsteer Attachments In Stock Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers NEW Grabtec skid steer bucket and grapple Snowblowers, Snow Buckets

New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock

• REM VRX GrainVac • Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper New Grasshopper In Stock • Danuser HammerMowers post pounder All Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck • Patriot 3 bar pivot track filler 623, 727K Fuel Injected, 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled • Schulte FX1800 rotary mower 725D Diesel Baggers Are Available For All Models

Used Mowers In Stock

Used Combines

2013 Case IH Skid 3152 40-ft. with slow speed transport and cross New Steer Attachments In Stock Case 60” Rotary Cutter auger.................................................................. $40,000 Case 72” Broom Case 72” Hopper Broom Case 72” Snowblower Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000# Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

2016 Case TV380 compact track loader, 1500 hours, cab, air, heat, hi-flow and standard flow....................................... $41,500 New Skidsteer Loaders 2014 Case SV250 skid steer, cab, air, heat, 1800 hours.. $29,000 Case SV280 Cab, air, heat 2013 Brandt 5200EX grain vac, 360 hours.................. $11,500 Case SV300 Cab, air, heat 2003 Case IH RB562 twine and mesh........................ $22,000 2013 Haybuster 2650 bale processor........................ $17,000 New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Degelman 5700 dozer, 14-ft. MX series Magnum mounts....... Call Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets Case IH 530C Diskripper, 5 shank Parma 24’ Landplane

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers:

Concord 4710 Drill, 3000 tow behind cart, hydraulic drive ... $30,000 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter

New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake Case IH 1504 windrowers

Farmall 40C

Case IH 1504

Trader’s Dispatch January 2020 — Page C2

New Holland Equipment

New Holland T9 SmartTrax Tractor

New Holland P2060 Drill with New Holland P4950 Tank

New Holland Swathers New Holland Round Balers

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

Zerbe Bros.

New Holland Combines


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2017 Apache AS1220 Plus II 868 hours, 275 hp Cummins, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, 380/90R46 duals, deluxe cab, premium seat, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, AutoSteer, Viper 4 monitor with varitarget nozzles, duals................................ Just In 2008 Apache AS1010 1949 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30.......$110,000

2015 New Holland “Guardian” SP275R 1230 hours, 120-ft. boom, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 275 hp Cummins diesel, 520/85R38 tires, auto steer/auto boom, loaded. #USNH73......................... Just In

2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 985 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/Accu Boom. #USNH62...................................$219,000


1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139....................................................$3500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$20,000



2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2005 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5 1/2”rubber packers, single shoot, dual wing castors, with 2340 tow between air cart, mechanical drive. UDF259...................................$45,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$65,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244............................................... $50,000

2002 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. drill, 9” spacing, 3.5” steel wheels, 550 lb. trips, single shoot with 2340 tow between air cart, mechanical drive. #UDF260..... .................................................................Just In

2012 Seed Hawk 8412 air drill w/800 TBH cart, section control, conveyor, single side band openers, ViperPro.................................................. Just In!


2009 Case IH 535 Steiger 4WD, hi-cap hydraulics, 3300 hours, luxury cab, 5 hydraulics, HID lights, Pro 600 monitor, AutoSteer, 520/85R46 triples... ..............................................................$159,000


2015 New Holland L218 skidsteer, 60 HP diesel, cab with heater, hydraulic quick coupler, block heater, 237 hours. #USNH72..........$29,500

2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2016 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, transport, cross auger, double knife, AWS air bar & finger reel with JD adapter. #UHMD51............................$69,000 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft., trailer package, cross augers, double knives, gauge wheels, flex drapers, Case New Holland adapters...................$61,000 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., flex draper, double knife, finger reel, cross auger, transport...........$54,000 2005 MacDon 973 39-ft. draper transport package, upper cross auger, finger reel, gauge wheels, JD adaptor. #UCM044..................................$19,000

New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500


2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20.............................................. $88,000 1992 Gleaner R72 8.3 Cummins conversion, 260 hp, 600 hours on new engine, 2667 separator hours. ............................................................... $19,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28.............................................. $15,000


See More Online at

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Travis Volk


70 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch January 2020 — Page C3


2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............$12,000 Flexi-Coli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer..$1500 2008 Case IH ATX700 70-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb trips, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, Stealth body with 4” Dutch spread tip, all run blockage, ADX3430 tow behind air cart, 430 bushel, duals, variable rate drive...................................$66,000

2012 Haybuster 2650 Bale Buster, round bale processor, 14Lx16.1 floats, hydraulic chute..........$9500

2015 New Holland 313 discbine, 13-ft. cut, 3 pt. swivel hitch........................................................$33,000

2010 Seed Hawk 80-ft. drill, 12” spacing, twin wing openers, double shoot, SBR hitch, Ag-Tron monitor, 30.5x35 tires, dual fans...................$140,000

2007 Brent 7 shank ripper w/rear disc.........$15,000

2013 New Holland T9.670 Smartrax tractor, 1625 hours, Hi Flow hydraulics, PTO, new 36” tracks... ................................................................$28,900 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air drill with 1720 tow between and 1720 tow behind air carts, 9” spacing, stealth boots, goose shooters, 31/2” steel packers....................................................$29,000

1981 New Holland 1037 balewagon, 540 PTO drive, 104 bale capacity, 3 wide 7 high, 11Lx15 tires...... $8000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.........................................................$2500

1996 Wishek 842T disc, 23”, 24-ft., w/3 bar gates harrows...................................................$35,000

2006 Versatile 2145 MFD, 5800 hours, 145 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 42” rear tires, 3895 loader w/bucket & grapple..................................$65,000 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points.............................................$6000

2011 New Holland P2050 58-ft. hoe drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, Stealth openers w/ Goose shooters, w/P1060 430 bushel TBT air cart, dual fan, variable rate, 10” auger, duals................$90,000

2010 John Deere 4720 MFD compact, 642 hours, 56 PTO hp, hydro transmission, 540 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, cab heat and air with #400 CX loader.....$33,000 1967 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, 9991 hours, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO’s, no 3-pt., 2 remotes ith JD 148 loader & bucket......................$11,000 1961 John Deere 3010 tractor, 60 hp gas, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, w/John Deere 46 loader, 5-ft. bucket. ...................................................................$5500 2008 New Holland T7050 MFD, 2600 hours, 165 PTO hp, 18.4R42 rear duals, 19x6 Powershift, 3-pt. hitch, 540/1000 PTO’s.....................$72,500

2010 Kinze 3600 planter, 16 row, 30” spacing, rubber closer wheels, coulters & row cleaners w/liquid fertilizer 2-160 gallon tanks.....................$61,000

Farmhand CM41 roller harrow........................$7000 2005 New Holland BR780 twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO drive, x-tra sweep pickup, Bale Command monitor....................................................$10,800 2016 New Holland 366 belly mower, 66”, mid PTO drive, came off 37 Boomer tractor..............$2800 2017 Premier H015 post digger, 2” hex drive, w/12” heavy duty auger, skid steer mount...........$2500

2013 Seed Hawk 8412 drill, double shoot, side band openers, w/800 TBT cart, conveyor, section control, Viper control...................................$239,000


1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43........................................ $8500

2012 Apache AS1220 sprayer, 1430 hours, 250 hp Cummins, 6 speed PowerShift, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, Viper Pro, 10 section, rear duals, AutoSteer, AccuBoom, AutoBoom........$135,000

2006 Agco Gleaner R65 3150 engine hours, 2340 separator hours, Sisu water cooled engine, GTA Field Star monitor, 30.5R32 tires, auger extension.........................................................$79,000

MISC. HAY EQUIPMENT 2013 New Holland S1070 suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft., 1600 gallon, 380/90R46 tires, screens, rinse with wand wash............ $25,500 2012 New Holland S1070 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon, windscreens, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash............................ $35,000 2009 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash, with auto boom................... $13,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate..$20,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, 14.9R46 tires, SP655 control, rinse tank w/wash, windscrews..$6000



2012 New Holland BR7090 twine & net wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO drive, new belts, rebuilt pickup, float tires, approx. 12,000 bales.............. $28,000 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500

2013 Bale King 5100 round bale processor, hydraulic chute. #UHBK03.....................................$11,000 2006 Haybuster 2650 Bale Buster, 12.5Lx15 tires, mechanical chute. #UHHY52.....................$7500 Vermeer R23 twin rake, hydraulic drive baskets, nice shape.........................................................$5500

Bale Processors

IN STOCK Vaderstad Precision Hoe Drill DEMO UNIT

60-ft., 12” spacing, with 800 bushel Tow Behind Tank

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

Homemade used service bed, 8-ft. long, 7-ft. wide with tool drawers........................................... Call

Zerbe Bros. 406-228-4311 Glasgow, Montana

Check Out Our Web Site at

Your Vermeer Equipment Dealer

Zerbe Bros.

2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 936D header....................................................$65,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000

Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C4

USDA opens up CRP signup


KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. ....................... CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................... CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty........ ............................................... CALL Kioti DK4710SEH with KL5020 loader 47 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires.......... $9999 On Sale!

NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Double Bale Spear, 44”............$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”..............$750

New Red Devil

6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250


USED TRACTORS Mahindra 1526 with 1526L loader, 4WD, 3-pt., PTO, hydrostatic transmission..................$13,750 Oliver 1655 2WD, gas, 3-pt., PTO with loader........................$8500 Ford 400 gas tractor, loader.. $6500 Ford Major 2WD, 3-pt., PTO..$1000

NEW Eagle attachments

New Eagle 560HD..................$625 New Eagle 566HD..................$699 New Eagle 672HD..................$729 New Eagle 784 HD.................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$725

Allied/Farm KingYC74 snow blower w/hydraulic chute control.. $3500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header......... COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel............$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather........... .......................... NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon........ ......................................... CALL

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower...................$1595 5-ft. rotary mower...................$1395 4-ft. rotary mower...................$1295 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow....................$695 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point............$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$575 7-ft. back blade.........................$475 6-ft. back blade.........................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear..................................$499

We now have



wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.



New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork.................................... $1000 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork...................................... $856

American Hay Master 500 series Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models.................$2500 stack wagon.....................$7500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and John Deere 327 square baler......... NAA. Complete with front pump & .........................................$3250 mounts....................................$1500 Hesston 1014 swather..........$1500 Running gear................................$1000 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver....... NEW DIRTY HANDS ................................................$1295

POST HOLE AUGERS IN STOCK Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers


Massey Fergusen 165 complete tractor...................................For Parts Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts

Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply


Phone (406) 227-6821

East Helena, Montana

Serving HELENA and surrounding areas for 72 YEARS!


Come visit us at

From Montana FSA Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture opened signup for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) on December 9, 2019. The deadline for agricultural producers to sign up for general CRP is February 28, 2020, while signup for continuous CRP is ongoing. Farmers and ranchers who enroll in CRP receive a yearly rental payment for voluntarily establishing long-term, resource-conserving plant species, such as approved grasses or trees (known as “covers”) to control soil erosion, improve water quality and develop wildlife habitat on marginally productive agricultural lands. “The Conservation Reserve Program is one of our nation’s largest conservation endeavors and a critical tool to help producers better manage their operations while conserving natural resources,” Secretary Perdue said. “The program marks its 35-year anniversary in 2020, and we’re hoping to see one of our largest signups in many years.” CRP has 22 million acres enrolled, but the 2018 Farm Bill lifted the cap to 27 million acres. This means farmers and ranchers have a chance to enroll in CRP for the first time or continue their participation for another term. Signed into law in 1985, CRP is one of the largest privatelands conservation programs in the U.S. The program was originally primarily intended to control soil erosion and potentially stabilize commodity prices by taking marginal lands out of production. This Farm Bill program has evolved over the years, providing a variety of conservation and economic benefits from coast to coast. CRP has: • Prevented more than 9 billion tons of soil from eroding, enough soil to fill 600 million dump trucks; • Reduced nitrogen and phosphorous runoff relative to annually tilled cropland by 95 and 85 percent respectively; • Sequestered an annual average of 49 million tons of greenhouse gases, equal to taking 9 million cars off the road; • Created more than 3 million acres of restored wetlands while protecting more than 175,000 stream miles with riparian forest and grass buffers, enough to go around the world 7 times; and • Benefited bees and other pollinators and increased populations of ducks, pheasants, turkey, bobwhite quail, prairie chickens, grasshopper sparrows and many other birds By enrolling in CRP, producers are improving water quality, reducing soil erosion, and restoring habitat for wildlife. This in turn spurs hunting, fishing, recreation, tourism, and other economic development across rural America. CRP Enrollment Options General Signup CRP general signup will be held annually. The competitive general signup will now include increased opportunities for enrollment of wildlife habitat through the State Acres For Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) initiative. Continuous Signup While some practices under SAFE will remain available through continuous signup, CRP continuous signup will focus primarily on water quality within the Clean Lakes, Estuaries, and Rivers (CLEAR) Initiative. The 2018 Farm Bill prioritizes water quality practices such as contour grass strips, filter strips, riparian buffers, wetlands and a new prairie strip. USDA will also be working with Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) partners to relaunch CREP continuous options in each state under new statutory provisions. CREP will continue to target high-priority local, state or regional conservation concerns. Grasslands Signups CRP Grasslands signup helps landowners and operators protect grassland, including rangeland, and pastureland and certain other lands while maintaining the areas as grazing lands. A separate CRP Grasslands signup will be offered each year following general signup. The sign-up period for CRP Grasslands in 2020 runs from March 16, 2020 to May 15, 2020. Pilot Programs Later in 2020, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will roll out pilot programs within CRP: CLEAR 30, which allows contracts expiring with CLEAR practices to be reenrolled in 30-year contracts and in the Soil Health and Income Protection Program (SHIPP) in the prairie pothole region. More information on these programs will be announced in the new year. CONTINUED ON PAGE C6

2019 Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1

Northwestern Ag near Kalispell (NWARC), Southern Ag near Huntley (SARC), Western Ag near Corvallis (WARC), and Western Triangle Ag near Conrad (WTARC). Different combinations of hybrids were tested at each location. However, eleven cultivars were established at all locations. Plots were seeded at 14 PLS/ft , with a goal of 12 established plants/ft . Seed was treated prior to seeding with Lumiderm or Helix XTra for control of flea beetle. Select varieties were also treated with Prosper Evergol . Varieties were grown in small plots ranging from 70 to 100 ft and were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design, with the exception of the trial located at SARC. This location employed an alpha-lattice design. Hybrids were compared for establishment, height, days to flowering, lodging, shattering, grain yield, test weight, and percent oil. Grain yield and oil content were adjusted to 8.5% moisture. Seeding and harvest dates, fertilizer and pesticide applications, row spacing, tillage systems, and field crop histories were recorded for each location. (Table 2) Meteorological and soils data were also recorded. (Table 3) Interpreting results Results are presented in tabular form (Tables 4-10). Note that varieties are sorted by herbicide tolerance system, despite weeds having been managed uniformly across herbicide tolerance types. In other words, imidazolinone herbicides were not used for in-crop weed control in plots containing Clearfield hybrids; or glufosinates for in-crop weed control on Liberty Link hybrids; or sulfonylurea herbicides on sulfonylurea-tolerant hybrids; 2









or glyphosate on Roundup Ready hybrids. Rather, glyphosate was applied for weed control either pre-plant or pre-emergence, depending on the location (Table 2) and weeds were controlled during the growing season by means of hand-weeding and/or alternative chemicals, not by means of herbicides paired to tolerance systems represented in the trial. Performance data are presented by location in (Tables 5-10). The Least Significant Difference (LSD) values are presented for making pairwise comparisons between treatment means (varieties). If the difference between two treatment values within a column exceeds the LSD value, the entries are considered statistically different from one another for that particular response variable. If the difference does not exceed the LSD value, the entries are considered statistically equivalent. The LSD value is replaced with ‘NS’ for ‘nonsignificant’ when the coefficient of variation (CV) value exceeds 15% and/or the probability value (P-Value) exceeds 0.05. A P-Value of 0.05 indicates that 19 times out of 20, a difference would be detected among treatment means if the study was repeated. A P-Value of 0.001 probability indicates that 999 times out of 1000, a difference would be detected among treatment means if the study was repeated. Results & discussion The following results are for informational purposes only. The presentation of data for the hybrids evaluated does not imply approval or endorsement by Montana State University. Just 11 of the 18 cultivars included in the trials were tested at all six locations. (Table 1)

2018 GMC 2500 SAVANNA VAN 9,000 actual miles! why buy new!? $332/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $27,995



10K miles, spotless! $290/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $20,995


2012 CHEVROLET 1500

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79K miles $297/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $15,995

2007 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 1500 LT, 4x4, BARGAIN! $119/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $10,995


63K miles $138/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $21,995

2017 JEEP CHEROKEE SPORT 4x4, 82K miles, NICE RIDE! $243/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $16,995


long box,

4x4, duramax, high miles - priced right! $518/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $35,995


w/utility box

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2018 FORD F150 XLT SUPERCREW 5.0, 4x4x, 12K miles, why buy new!? $507/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $35995


2017 FORD F150 SUPER CAB 4x4, 25K miles, BARGAIN! $414/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $28,995

4x4, 6.4 litre, RARE TRUCK! $342/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $25,995


6.7 litre, 4x4, 58K miles, powerstroke $667/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $46,995 $38,811

2018 DODGE RAM 2500 SLT

crew cab, long box,

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2015 FORD F250 XLT

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2008 FORD F450 CREW











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3456 10th Ave S




54K miles, wheel chair ramp $97/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $8,995


Thank You to Our Valued Customers in 2019. Looking Forward to 2020!

AUTO SALES $25,800

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C5

2013 CHEVROLET 3500 CREW long box,

4x4, 83K miles, 6.0 litre $379/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $25,995

See all of our inventory online at:


2013 NISSAN TITAN KING CAB 4x4, 5.6 litre, 80K miles $259/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac $18995

3314 10th Ave S


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C6

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the February issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29. Phone (406) 271-5533


We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to along with captions and we will print what we have room for.

Come see what’s new at MAGIE January 16-17-18 in Great Falls, MT

The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.


The first of its kind – the ZR5-1200 zero-turn baler makes quick work of a field while offering an unprecedented level of operator comfort and maneuverability. Automating parts of the baling process, the ZR5-1200 aims to reduce the number of stleps an operator must complete to make a bale. Vermeer balers – the newest models in the flagship from the This machine is builtIntroducing tough andN-series specifically designed for line one company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability.and Smart features the available automatic job – baling hay, forage evenlikecornstalks – pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in the unlike tractor-baler combinations. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks Vermeer Manufacturing U.S. and/or other countries. Get ready to let the©ZR5-1200 change the ofway you Company putin theup hay. DO MORE. 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL Vermeer 605N......................................................DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our product lines. Call for all (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned.................$14,500 ea. your farm attachment/equipment needs. NEW VERMEER PROCESSOR AVAILABLE! Vermeer R2300, rake............................................2017’s In Stock 2019 Vermeer R2300 rake........................HERE NOW! Highline CFR 650, chopper................................RENTAL RETURN Hesstonuse. 9435,One 16’ header, 1475 hours............................$60,000 Vermeer R2300 rakes, one season left.$17,750 9635, 16’ header...........................Reduced to $70,000 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Vermeer 2800 gone through..Hesston ............................$21,600 Hesston 1275, swing tongue.............................................$13,500 Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt....................$14,600 Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler........................................$27,500


Vermeer net wrap available!

New Geotherm Wichman AgWaterers Supply, LLC & Parts Available

Vermeer 555XL, gone through theNEW shop.......$9550 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT Skid Steer hydraulic impact post pounder.........$4500 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 3 point bale unroller w/hoses..........................$1235 2017 Vermeer R2300, rakes..............................................In Stock HDPE pipe,-fittings, and welder Geyser, MT 4200 lb. skid steer pallet forks. .......................... $910 ..................................406-735-4374 .$14,600 Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock .............................................................$9,250 Vermeer 555, rebuilt 5000 lb. John Deere pallet fork. Euro hookup..$1050

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC

(2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos.................................IN STOCK NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150


R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair

2013 Vermeer R2300 very few acres................................. $14,500 Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 2009 Vermeer R2300 great condition...................................................$12,500 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT , used bale processor............................$13,500 2018 Ag Shield landroller, leveling blade,NEW lights,Vermeer water fillTM1410 option, demo..$25,500 , 21’ cut.......................Connor ..........COMING IN Vermeer BP8000• 406-778-3777 ............................IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed 2006 H&S AR1261 rake, used on 2000 acres, field ready. ......mower $6000 Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK New Vermeer TM1410 trailed mower. New Vermeer R2800 rake. Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT ...................baler. ..................................IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300Rancher New Vermeer R2300 rake. New Vermeer Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224, with center splitter...................IN STOCK New Vermeer BPX9010 bale processor. New Vermeer 605N. line of feed and mineral in stock .....................Full ............IN STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake Shane Seredayproducts 406-547-4749, 2015 Vermeer BPX9000 processor.(2)Great condition........... $15,000.......................$8,000 ea. Vermeer R23 Rakes, reconditioned White Sulphur Springs, MT New HD 4-wheeler EZ Lifts.......................................................$1000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK 6650 Rancher New Cannonball/Chisholm Trail NEW bale Vermeer beds, dumping beds,, arms. Hay Liner trailers.................................................................... PULLEY &&WELD-ON ON HAND NEW & USED$6200 EQUIPMENT • In-Shop Repairs ServiceSPROCKETS Truck Repairs • 2007 John Deere 567 twine baler,Vermeer 9250 bales................... 6650 Rancher, baler$10,500 .................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain

8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT Cox Ranch Equipment

Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, and Chisolm Trail

NEW Vermeer R2800, hydraulic rakes...........................IN STOCK

Cut to Length

...............IN STOCK - Winter Feeding Specials - NEW Vermeer R2300, rake..............................NEW VERMEER BPX9010 PROCESSORS AVAILABLE!

Vermeer 605 N.................................................................IN STOCK Hustler CHX5000 bale processor........................................ $NEW$ Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 Haybuster 2650 RH discharge...........................................$10,000 Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7,500 Haybuster 2650 RH discharge, hyd. JD deflector....................$14,000 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 Haybuster 2650 RH discharge.............................................. NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter$9500 Post Driver,......................CALL ........................................$32,500 Techno 980, 8 bale mover..........$6000 2000 Vortex Bale King.......................................................

We Sell & Repair Baler Belts All Makes & Models

Chevron oil distributor, Fleetguard filter, Trendline Vermeer Sales Bad Boy mowers, (shop) Hustler 406-778-3777 – Baker, MT

- New & Used Equipment - Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500

Vermeer TM1410 21-ft. cut, 9-ft. transport............................ $NEW$ Vermeer 605N baler, net, ramp, pickup clutch..................... $NEW$ Vermeer R2800 hyd. rake, 28-ft. rake width........................ $NEW$ John Deere 4010 w/158 loader and grapple........................ $9500 John Deere 7600 w/Allied loade and grappler, PowerShift..$50,000 New Holland TV140 w/loader & 2300 header, 18-ft..Call for price


Vermeer VR1224.............................................................. NEW Vermeer 605N, low bales............................................ $32,500 Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp......................... $17,500 2 - Vermeer 605SM................................ $24,000 to $28,000 Vermeer R2300 rake....................................................$13,500 2 - Vermeer R23A rake. Each..........................................$7500 Harsh mixer wagon..............................................................CALL Massey Ferguson WR9870 windrower....................... $85,000 Haybuster 2650 bale processor....................................$12,500 Bale King 3110 bale processor with grain tank...............$13,000 McCormick X7.650 w/loader, rental return.........................CALL 24-ft. stand alone panel.....$400 24-ft. wind break...........$775

Greg 406-978-3777 (cell)

Gordon Repair, LLC

406-234-4595 Miles City, MT

Dealer for Cloverdale Bale Retriever and TMR wagon Call about McCormick Tractors

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Walter 406-350-0380


Land Transition The CRP Transition Incentives Program (TIP) is an option for producers interested in transitioning land to a beginning farmer or rancher or a member of a socially disadvantaged group to return land to production for sustainable grazing or crop production. CRP contract holders no longer need to be a retired or retiring owner or operator to transition their land. TIP participants may have a lease less than five years with an option to purchase, and they have two years before the end of the CRP contract to make conservation and land improvements. Previously Expired Land Land enrolled in CRP under a 15-year contract that expired in September 2017, 2018 or 2019, may be eligible for enrollment if there was no opportunity for re-enrollment and the practice under the expired contract has been maintained. CRP Rates and Payments FSA recently posted updated soil rental rates for CRP. County average rates are posted on the CRP Statistics webpage ( Soil rental rates are statutorily prorated at 90 percent for continuous signup and 85 percent for general signup. The rental rates will be reviewed annually. Under continuous signup, producers also receive incentives, including a signup incentive payment and a practice incentive payment. More Information CRP marks its 35-year anniversary in 2020, and FSA will continue to highlight the impacts of the program that was created in 1985 and the many stewardship-minded farmers, ranchers and landowners who have participated over the years. Learn more at conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-program/index. To enroll in CRP, contact your local FSA county office or visit To locate your local FSA office, visit

Backward Day

Date celebrated: January 31st Backward Day. The day where the world gets turned upside down and inside becomes out and madness becomes sanity and day becomes night, at least in concept. There’s just too much seriousness in the air, and sometimes you really just have to bend all the rules and let it all hang out. History of Backward Day Backward Day has a really long history, far older than the name of the holiday itself. In almost every culture there came a time of year when all the societal rules got turned on their head. Rome had Saturnalia, a day when all social norms were turned on their head. Gambling was no longer forbidden, and the masters took the day serving their slaves at the high table. During no other time was free speech actually permitted, especially amongst the slaves, but during Saturnalia, all manner of insult was allowed. There are other cultures throughout the world that celebrate this changing of the guard, this overcoming of mores and exemplifying of wildness. In the end, it all comes down to questioning the way the world is established and the rules that we have in place to govern our behavior. Backward Day isn’t just a day of silliness, but of mental revolution. How to Celebrate Backward Day It all starts when you get up in the morning. Wear your clothes inside out and your underwear as your outerwear, or be a bit more reasonable and slip into your pajamas. Have a nice hot pizza for breakfast, and answer the phone with “Goodbye! Thank you for calling!” When you get to work tell your boss you’re glad he made it in today, and hand him a dollar as a bonus for all his hard work. When lunchtime comes around, have yourself a nice big helping of dessert. Greet everyone throughout the day with a goodbye, and as you walk out the door, say hello to everyone and tell them to have a great day. These are just some of the wonderful doses of insanity you can add to everyone’s day on Backward Day. That night, when it’s time to go bed, turn off that alarm, get into your work clothes, and crawl into bed. (Ok… Turn the alarm back on. You’ll need that tomorrow) This is the great way to celebrate Backward Day, and add a little madness to the mundanity of life, and free your mind from the tyranny of ‘normal’.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C7

2019 Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


202 North Central Avenue, Cut Bank, MT 59427 (406) 873-2984 l

Only these 11 cultivars are used in the following descriptions of multi-location comparisons: Average yield of the irrigated site at Corvallis (2,318.7 lb/ac) far surpassed that of the other irrigated site, Sidney (1,071.2 lb/ac). This difference can be explained, in part, by severe flea beetle damage early in the growing season at the latter site. Of the four dryland sites, Havre (3,948.1 lb/ac) achieved the highest average yield, followed by Kalispell (1,897.8 lb/ac), Conrad (1,309.9 lb/ac), and Moccasin (1,095.3 lb/ac). The average yield across dryland and irrigated sites was 1,940.2 lb/ac, average test weight was 49.6 lb/bu, and average height was 37 inches. Averaged across six locations, 1) CP930RR (2,131.2 lb/ac) was the highest yielder and 16MH6004 (1,811.1 lb/ac) was the lowest; 2) 16MH6001 (50.2 lb/ bu) had the highest test weight and 16CH4181 (48.9 lb/bu) along with NCC101S (48.9 lb/bu) had the lowest; and 3) CP955RR (39.5 in) was the tallest hybrid while NCC101S (34.8 in) was the shortest, though statistical differences were not assessed in these comparisons. Oil analyses are pending for two of the 6 locations. No shattering or lodging was observed

in any of the 2019 trials, with the exception of minimal trial-wide shatter losses at Kalispell. Yield data are summarized for all locations in Table 4. Cultivar performance at each location is summarized in Tables 5-10. Pests, residual herbicide damage, and severe weather were factors in this year’s trials, leading to unfavorably high yield CV% values and, in one case, total trial abandonment. Midseason hail damage forced abandonment of the trial established at Huntley, while deer, bird, and flea beetle damage likely contributed to highly variable yields observed at Kalispell, Corvallis, and Sidney, respectively. Certain cultivars at Havre exhibited damage from Sharpen applications made in fall 2018, though performance impacts were minimal. Future plans With continued support from the canola industry and research center personnel, multilocation canola evaluations will continue in 2020. This information can also be accessed at:, in the variety testing list. CONTINUED ON PAGE C9

3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

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DewEze Pivot Squeeze & Parallel Squeeze beds In Stock!

E-mail Address

In Stock

Rol-Oyl cattle oilers with big blue brush!

Also several flatbeds available with or without tool boxes

We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available

Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

New Way Lift Axle 2 Axles IN STOCK

Preplumed, ready to mount, tight package space

COMING SOON! Butler Flatbeds

DuraClass 16-ft. dump box, hoist, rear hinge, and Cab Guard. Ready to Go!! IN STOCK!

Crysteel 11-ft. tipper dump body. Ready to roll, electric D/A hoist, painted black! Fold down sides!!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C8

If you have items you want advertised in the February 2020 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is January 29th


Researcher to expand network that aids irrigation water use

K-State Research and Extension News A project led by a Kansas State University agronomist that uses technology to study microclimate data is among seven ideas to be funded by the Irrigation Innovation Consortium, Thinking of selling your farm or ranch? the group has announced. Trust Corder and Associates to get the job done! Eduardo Santos, an associate professor in the DepartIntroducing cutting-edge technology with a 360º virtual land ment of Agronomy, is the lead researcher in a project titled tour allowing clients to fully experience the land, barns, corDeployment and Maintenance of Flux Towers in Kansas to rals, shope, quonsets, home and more! With the click of your be Integrated to the Parallel 21 Flux Networks to Support mouse, you can explore land, see where the precise borders Multi-State Real-Time Evapotranspiration Estimates. are, and journey through doorways of any building. As we incorporate this exclusive and exciting new technology with Flux towers track carbon dioxide exchanged between forIt’s Here! our connection to LandLeader, the largest land marketing ests and the atmosphere. Santos and his team will construct company in North America with national and international exand maintain towers in Kansas to provide real-time and posure, we offer the most comprehensive marketing platform quality-controlled crop and turfgrass evapotranspiration (ET) to sell your property. measurements that will be integrated in an existing network Come see our booth at the MAGIE Tradeshow of flux towers located across the Great Plains region. at the Expo Park in Great Falls, MT on January 16-18 According to Santos, the project will expand the regional and see the new heights our company is taking you! flux tower network and provide data across Colorado, Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska to improve rural and urban irrigation water use. “I am very excited to receive this award from the IIC because this project will allow the collection of important datasets for understanding relevant hydrological processes, for modeling regional and global climates and helping farmers optimize their water use,” Santos said. Corder and Associates is your trusted source for buying and The research will aid in the development of techniques to selling farms, ranches, and recreational properties in Montana. map daily ET, information which will be made readily available to farmers, turfgrass managers and other regional stakeholders. Launched in 2018 with a $5 million contribution from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR), the IIC promotes and enhances water and enCall Us For Your Price ergy efficiency in irrigation. Its ultimate goal is creating Before You Buy greater resiliency in food and agriculture. Through the consortium, industry and the public tor co-develop, test, prototype and improve equipment, technology, and decision and information systems. Their AC Metcalfe (PVP) Haxby work is equipping farms of Alzada Durum (PVP) the future with cutting-edge Hockett (PVP) WB Gunnison (PVP) technologies for irrigation efficiency. Corbin (PVP) K-State is a founding member of the Irrigation InWB 9377 (PVP) novation Consortium, which Montech 4193 yellow (PVP) has headquarters at Colorado Lanning (PVP) Montech 4152 yellow (PVP) State University. In addition to funding Avondale Lentil (PVP) Richlea Lentil Duclair (PVP) Santos’ project, the consorVida (PVP) tium also funded projects at the University of Nebraska, SY Longmire (PVP) New Colorado State University Lavina Barley Haymaker Barley (PVP) and the University of CaliSY Valda (PVP) fornia-Fresno. Two additionWestford Barley Otana Oats al projects will be conducted SY Ingmar (PVP) Austrian Peas within the irrigation industry. “The proposal review proChet (PVP) cess has resulted in a robust portfolio of funded proposals Stop by our booth C26 to discuss your that fit our mission goals of advancing knowledge, tools, and available technologies Spring Seed and practices that can transNeeds! form and improve irrigation efficiency,” said LaKisha For sales information call Odom, chair of the consorJanuary 16 - 18, 2020 Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp tium’s Research Steering Great Falls, MT 406-265-5443 Committee and a scientific program director for FFAR. 1 mile north of Havre on Highway 232 Have your Seed Custom For more information Box 1028, NOW ACCEPTING Cleaned and Treated with... about the consortium, visit Havre, MT 59501 https://irrigationinnovation. Custom blend org/.

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Field Peas & Lentils

Forage Crops

Custom Grass, Forage & Cover Crop Mixes Available

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C9

2019 Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial

Check out our website

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig


44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT


World War II Items

1999 Ford F550 XLT, 4x4, loaded service truck, 7.3 Power Stroke diesel, automatic performance transmission, welder, generator and air compressor, 6500# hydraulic mechanic crane with winch remote, 13-ft. main boom & 10-ft. jib, custom bumper, low miles, runs good, clean.$19,500

1942 Cletrack M2 high speed tractor, runs and steers good, front and rear hydraulics, front blade for snow or dirt, rubber tracks. Decent tractor with parts................................$5500 1940s GMC Dukw 6x6. Hull only, no running gear.............................$850 TD18 beach tractor, front winch only, with grill guard..........................$500 Fiat Allis 945B wheel loader, 7 yard bucket. Runs good, needs transmission work, with spare parts and tires, works as forklift...............$6500 obo 5-yard pup trailer, air brakes, 18,000# axle, 8.25x15 rubber, pintle hitch, like new...................................$4900


##### Painting your home? Wrap the doorknobs in aluminum foil to keep them free from splatter or your accidentally painting them. ##### For fluffier, whiter rice, add a teaspoon of lemon juice to the boiling water before you put the rice in the pot.

##### To clean countertops, add 4 tablespoons baking soda to 1 quart warm water. Scrub countertops with this solution and rinse with warm water. ##### A chef’s hat is said to have a pleat for each of the many ways you can cook eggs.

1979 Oshkosh 6x6, water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins and jake brake, 8LL transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow.............................$12,500


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2017 Ford F250 Crew

6.2L V8, white exterior, gray interior, reverse camera system, HD shocks, tow package, 38,584 miles

Turbo diesel, black exterior, black/brunello leather interior, manual hubs, 43,079 miles


Silver exterior, 47,502 miles, fully loaded, remote start, Navigation


2016 Ford F350 Crew

Turbo diesel, white exterior, black leather interior, remote start, tow package, moonroof, 104,612 miles



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2017 Ford F350

National 10-ton crane, rebuilt, lift cylinder, 47-ft. boom with pump, useable, you mount......................$2900

2015 Ford F350 Crew

With new Deweze bale bed, white exterior, gray interior, tow package, heavy duty shocks, 77,215 miles


2016 Ford F150 SuperCrew

White exterior, leather interior, remote start, navigation, rear view camera, 75,135 miles


2017 Ford F350 XLT Crew

With new Deweze bale bed, white exterior, gray interior, rear view camera, 28,996 miles


2011 Ford F250 Crew

Turbo diesel, flatbed, Adobe exterior, Adobe leather interior, remote start, keyless entry, 106,524 miles


2008 Subaru Impreza Hatchback

5 speed manual, red exterior, power locks and windows, 187,647 miles


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2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon Dark privacy glass, bull bar with flood lights & built in winch, 25,739 miles


2017 Ford Fiesta

Black exterior, black interior, engine block heater, remote keyless entry, 30,898 miles


2005 Buick Rendezvous

Gold exterior, automatic doors and windows, newer tires, 167,001 miles


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C10

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers

Added value in seeds that restore damaged habitats

By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service restoring habitats damaged by wildfires, A national collection of plant seeds, now Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s droughts, and other natural causes. The used to restore degraded habitats, could Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118 BLM has worked with dozens of partners also be tapped for other purposes, includover the years to build it up and it’s been ing breeding better food crops, forages, recognized by the United Nations for its ornamentals, industrial crops, and livestock role in restoring biodiversity to landscapes. feed, according to an assessment by AgriIt includes seeds from more than 4,760 specultural Research Service (ARS) scientists cies, representing almost 30 percent of the in Colorado. Fire damaged or non-running tractors native plant diversity in the United States. Stephanie L. Greene’s assessment of a Seeds have been collected from 44 states, highly regarded Bureau of Land Manageand about one fifth of them are wild relatives ment (BLM) collection of seeds shows Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson of major and minor crops. that the seeds also could potentially help or what have you got? Once the seeds are collected and cleaned, in developing new ornamentals and plants NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. they are sent to ARS, catalogued in the with medicinal value. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces ARS Germplasm Resources Information The BLM’s Seeds of Success (SOS) color parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s Network (GRIN)-Global and as such, made lection, started in 2001, has been previously available, free of charge, to any scientists, evaluated for its capacity to restore degradPhone Circle G Salvage researchers, or plant breeders who request ed habitats. But the analysis by Greene and Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282 them. her colleagues at the USDA-ARS National Tractor and Combine Buyers In their study, the researchers characterLaboratory for Genetic Resource Preserized the potential uses of 23,577 accessions, vation in Fort Collins is the first study to Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 or samples of the plant populations that can examine its potential value to agriculture. leave message be produced by the seeds and are recorded The SOS collection is the result of a Please send pictures to: in the BLM database. They also reviewed collaborative effort designed to increase E-mail: the types of requests for those accessions the supply of native plants available for from 2006 to 2018 to determine how researchers, scientists, and breeders have been using them. Anyone requesting seed is asked for a justification on intended use. Greene and her colleagues found that almost a third of the samples from the Wireless Blockage SOS collection were from and Flow Monitor plants with some potential agricultural use, either as Great for ornamentals, or for food Cover Crops or food related purposes, Air Seeder Section Control medicinal purposes, forage Use for Pasture and feed, or industrial or John Deere 1910 Rehab material uses, such as rubber production. Seeds categorized as being potentially Nozzle by Nozzle Spot Spraying useful as ornamentals, for for the maximum in savings instance, include roses, penCome see our stemon, and cone flowers that grow in harsh environMAGIE ments, which could be used in breeding programs. Seeds Specials! having food or food-related Booths B33 and B34 uses included blueberries, blackberries, and raspberOn Combine : g in ries. c Protein and Moisture Introdu 0 . 2 r Researchers and plant in Wheat and Barley eeke WeedS breeders are already incorOil and Moisture in Canola porating seeds from the collection into genetic and botanical studies and in the development of new Triangle Ag-Services plant varieties, according to 406-622-3887 Greene and her colleagues. PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street The researchers found that Fort Benton, MT 59442 the top three reasons for requesting seeds were plant genetic studies; botanical, and taxonomic investigations; and development of new plant varieties. Advancing GFX-350 More information can be Grain Storage Management found at https://www.ars.usda. gov/research/publications/ publication/?seqNo115=364633




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More precise seeding depth with automated hydraulic down force on your air seeder

##### A donkey herd leader always acts like a leader in face of a threat (like that of a predator attacking the herd). The leader will stay and face the threat allowing enough time for the rest of the herd to escape to safety.

2019 MT Spring Canola Trial CONTINUED FROM PAGE C9

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C11

WANTED TO BUY 1941-1952 Snogo truck. Also 1948-1952 Ford trucks. Call Mark (406) 880-5473

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K-State horse judging team captures two world titles

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C12

Alexis (4 yrs old) and her Mom, Margaret Vaughn, along with “Pink Minnie” and “Red Minnie” enjoyed the Montana Grain Growers Convention and Trade show at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana. Alexis especially enjoyed the many “free items” she received touring the Trade Show.

2020 Jeep Gladiator Sport

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2019 Dodge Durango GT Plus.................................................... $35,250 2019 Ram 1500 Big Horn/Lone Star...............................Call for Price 2018 Jeep Wrangler JK Unlimited Sport S............................ $32,250 2018 Dodge Grand Caravan GT.......................................Call for Price 2017 Ram 1500 Sport.................................................................. $32,000 2017 Ram 1500 Longhorn.................................................Call for Price 2017 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT...............................................Call for Price 2016 Ram 1500 Laramie.............................................................. $28,350 2016 Ram 1500 Outdoorsman.........................................Call for Price 2016 Ram 3500 Tradesman..............................................Call for Price

K-State Research and Extension News The Kansas State University horse judging team captured a bit of history this fall when the squad won two of the most prestigious contests offered for collegiate competitors. K-State won the American Paint Horse Association title in September and followed that up with a victory at the American Quarter Horse Association contest in mid-November. It’s the first time that any four-year school has pulled off the judging double, according to head coach James Lattimer. “It’s always great to see young people succeed,” said Lattimer, an assistant professor of animal science. “I attended KState and judged here just as they did and had some success on the judging floor, but it pales in comparison to the pride you have as the coach and seeing a young person succeed.” Like other livestock judging contests, horse judging requires team members to evaluate any of a dozen classes of horses, place them according to pre-determined criteria, and provide oral reasons for those placements to judges. “At a collegiate level, it’s very difficult,” said team member Emily Prugh, a senior from Elkhart, Indiana. “You really have to step up your game and you have to be creative in the reasons room. But we practice intensely so that we are ready for the contest and we really know our stuff when we walk into that contest. You’re no longer scared of what might happen, but excited to show your abilities.” In addition to Prugh, team members included Taylor Bachtel of Leavenworth, Kansas; Lauren Greiner of Papillion, Nebraska; Krissy Isle of Coffeyville, Kansas; Erin LeKamp of New Berlin, Illinois; Ally Leslie of Inman, Kansas; and Emily Meier of Goddard, Kansas. K-State graduate students Clarissa Conrad and Rachel Sorensen were assistant coaches. “I think what makes these two wins even more special is just knowing that we were a group of young people coming from different states and different backgrounds and we all came together and grew a tight-knit bond,” Meier said. “It really was ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things.” Added Leslie: “We all got into this last spring and we were hoping to come back with wins. But I don’t think any of us truly thought we could pull it off. Being able to do that…I’m really proud of that.” The AQHA contest has been held for 40 years. K-State has won that contest four times in the past 11 years, most recently in 2017. The APHA contest is just in its fourth year. K-State’s prep for the national contests is a lot like what sports teams go through. The team was practicing 10-12 hours a week outside of class time, sometimes between classes or early in the morning. “We all had to work together outside of the contest, during practice, sharing reasons terms and talking about classes (of horses),” Prugh said. “By working together, we were able to give ourselves a competitive edge and I think that makes our win even more special.” “You have great years and world championship years and then you have years that are quite opposite of that,” Lattimer said. “And the difference between those is work ethic, dedication and a competitor’s spirit.” More information about K-State’s horse judging team is available online at

The Ogopogo monster

Ogopogo is sometimes referred to as “Canada’s Lock Ness Monster,” and sightings go back to the 1800s. Lurking in the cold waters of British Columbia’s Okanagan Lake, he was called Naitaka or “Lake Demon” by First Nations peoples. They say he was once a man who got possessed by a demon and then murdered another man, so the gods condemned him to live forever as a serpent. (He got the name “Ogopogo” from a 1924 English music hall song called “the Ogo-pogo: The Funny Fox-Trot.”) There have been numerous eyewitness accounts over the years; one of the most famous took place in 1947 when several boaters say the monster at the same time. According to a man named Mr. Kay, Ogopogo had… …a long sinuous body, 30 feet in length, consisting of about five undulations, apparently separated from each other by about a two-foot space, in which that part of the undulations would have been underwater. There appeared to be a forked tail, of which only one-half came above the water. From time to time the whole thing submerged and came up again.

Tell the history of a location from a soil pit

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C13

NEW SURPLUS HDPE PIPE FOR SALE Soil Science Society of America News Release Excellent for stock water or conduit use There are many reasons why soil scienof soil was once at the top and was then tists dig soil pits. They all revolve around buried.” 11/4”, 2” & 4” (128-200 psi) collecting information to address a question To learn more about soil scientists digon 8-ft. x 4-ft. metal reels. or a management problem. And sometimes ging pits to learn about locations, read $.32/ft and up they hold more questions than answers. The the entire post here: https://soilsmatter. Soil Science Society of America’s (SSSA) Ed – Big Sky Pipe – Great Falls, MT December 1st Soils Matter blog looks at scientists-tell-the-history-of-a-location406-453-7299 or toll free 844-453-7299 from-a-soil-pit/. one soil scientist’s experience that left more questions than answers in Colorado. “In the summer of 2017, I was working as a range technician for the U.S. Forest Service, Bighorn National Forest in northern Wyoming,” says blogger Ryan Schroeder. He and another scientist needed collect a trail cam that was monitoring animal populations in “The Bowl” near Bald Ridge. While there, they dug a soil pit to “practice our soil description skills. The soils in Bighorn impact the quality of the natural forage grasses that support grazing animals and the water quality of this National Forest. The Bowl is at about 10,000 feet in elevation.” “We found a few gullies and erosional features around the foot slope of the ridge as it came down into The Bowl,” says Schroeder. And what they found was surprising: pieces of wood LEADERS IN LIVESTOCK NUTRITION charcoal in the lower layer of the soil pit. STEVE 406.794.6627 • Lewistown, MT JASON 406.374.2486 Feed Mill JERRY 406.868.6604 • Choteau, MT “Such a change in texTATE 406.480.3090 • Circle, MT JODEEN 406.366.3546 • Lewistown, MT SAM 406.370.6495 • Arlee, MT ture and soil color normally MOUNTAIN WEST AG • GARNEILL, MT 59453 means that this bottom layer Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842

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1999 Kenworth W900L

3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, GOLD Cat rebuild, New head & cam, wet kit, 4 new tires on back, Pre ELOG


2005 Freightliner Columbia MBN 4000, 475 hp, 10 speed, Emissions deleted, 226” wheelbase, 732,000 miles.



2009 Kenworth T370

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1979 Peterbilt 359

855 Cummins, 400 hp, 13 speed, 30,000 on engine overhaul, new paint, new virgin rubber, new lighting, new glass


1995 Kenworth T600 Box Truck

Detriot S60, 430 hp, 9 speed, lift axle, pintle hitch, 4-stage head lift hoist, 21-ft. grain box




1992 Peterbilt 379

Series 60 Detroit, 450 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, headache rack, New virgin rubber, 270” wheelbase.

1997 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

Cat 3406E, 470 hp, 13 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, Webasto heater, Right Weigh on board scale, headache rack.

2000 Peterbilt 379


1999 Peterbilt 379

Cat 3406E 5EK (Inframe w/paperwork), 550 hp, 18 speed, 256” wheelbase, pre E-LOG

Cat 3406C manual, 425 hp, 10 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, 208” wheelbase, new radiator & starter.


1999 Kenworth T800

Pup trailer 13-ft. box, spring, hydraulic lift $5000 2013 Frontier 47-ft. Ag Hopper 3 axle with steerable lift axle......$32,900 1997 Alloy 48-ft. flatbed.....$8500


1986 International S2500

N14, 460 hp, 10 speed

1992 Freightliner FLD120

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DT466, 250 hp, 10 speed, fresh overhaul, 19-ft. box.


2000 Volvo VNL64

Trailers For Sale: $CALL


1978 International F1850 Box Truck

Series 60 Detroit, 333 hp, 13 speed, COZAD ramps, freshly painted.


1992 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

Detroit, 460 hp, 18 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, push axle.

2004 Sterling

Cat 3126, 300 hp, 8LL, Tuff Trac spring ride, new box, new paint, new push axle, new tarp with remote control gate & lift

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2009 Freightliner M2 20K front, 46K rears. $25,000 • 1984 Ford 800 Box Truck, 429 gas, 10 speed - $CALL

see these units and more info at

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C14

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405


Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 168” moldboard extension length, 14-ft. moldboards. .............................................................................. $92,000


Cat 416, 24” dig bucket, 88” loader bucket, 8339 hours.......... .............................................................................. $13,250 2013 Deere 310K EP, 4x4, 600 hours from new extend-a-hoe, 11/8 yard loader bucket, 24” dig bucket, cab, AC. Nice as they come............................................................. $60,000


Deere 450C, 6-way hyd blade, good undercarriage, winch with fair lead, block heater, starts very good. Operates very nice. Serviced and ready to go...................................... $17,000 (3) Deere 550G LGP, 6-way hyd blade, winch. Very nice........ ................................................................................... POR 1996 Deere 650G LGP, low ground pressure machine, torque converter, 26” shoes, John Deere 4000 series winch, 6-way hyd blade that’s very tight, has had very light work load. This is a very nice crawler......................................... POR John Deere 850B, enc cab, ripper, angle dozer with tilts. Runs excellent, needs to go through shop. Before shop.$22,000 Komatsu D37E, 6-way hyd blade, good undercarriage.. POR 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours..... POR


1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2012 Cat 305.5E, bucket, thumb, blade.......................... POR 2005 Cat 314 CLCR, blade, long arm, 36” dig bucket, blade, 10,500 hours......................................................... $45,000 2008 Deere 35D, AC, heater, JD hyd thumb, QC, auxiliary hyd, 16” dig bucket, short arm, Yanmar engine, 69” dozer blade, 4600 hours............................................................ $29,900 Deere 50G, QC, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 42” smooth lip bucket, 16” dig bucket, 49” blade.......................... $41,000 2004 Deere 135C, blade, 36” bucket, hyd dual link thumb. Nice, operates very well and job ready.......................... $47,500 Kobelco K905LC II, 36” dig bucket, link hyd thumb, good undercarriage, new batterys, starts very good..... $19,500 Komatsu PC138 USLC-8, hyd dual link thumb, hyd QC, 36” dig bucket, blade, rear camera, 8644 hours. Very nice work ready machine...................................................... $69,000 Hitachi EX60-1, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 4000 hours... Call 2012 Hitachi ZX60.......................................................... POR Hitachi EX225US............................................................. Call 1988 Hitachi EX 200LC, 42” bucket, hyd thumb, no rust, runs excellent. Very good older machine. We have bucket cylinder to reseal.................................................. $32,500


Gehl 883 extended reach forklift, Deere 4 cylinder turbo engine, 4 wheel steer all 3 ways, enc cab, header, 13.00x24 tires. .............................................................................. $15,000 1993 JLG 60HA lift, 4WD, 60-ft. reach....................... $10,900 1992 JLG 120HX lift, 4WD, Deutz diesel engine, telescopic boom, 120-ft. ........................................................ $12,500

Many 5 - 10,000# forklifts available

Deere 770-D, ripper, good tires, push block, 7757 hours. Real nice grader............................................................ $72,000

We have heavy duty chains for tractors, loaders, skidders, trucks, etc. Can be delivered to your door. FORESTRY

Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call 1990 Cat 518 skidder, Esco swing grapple, 23.1x26 tires, chains, winch. Will be serviced with a new hyd pump. A good swinger........................................................ $33,000 Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount. Good operating condition........................................................................ $11,500 Deere 648GII skidder, 28L rubber, winch, cab, some glass missing. Before running through the shop............ $18,000 Deere 693D Denis delimber. Nice older machine............ Call Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timbco T425D feller/buncher........................................... Call Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Several slide booms for parts available


2006 Bomag BW211D compactor, 84” drum, 3200 hours. Operates excellent, very good condition............... $38,500


Clark Ranger 45C, 4BT engine, 17.5x25 tires in good condition. Good older loader......................................... $14,500 2009 Komatsu WA 320-6, ACS hyd QC, 3.75/4.0 yard bucket, new rubber, 20.5x25, 9900 hours. A very nice loader with light duty usage for its life. This is a good loader and will perform very well for a long time............................ $53,900


Bobcat S185, auxiliary hyd, traction lock override, very nice tires. Runs and operates very well, work ready.... $16,900 2015 Cat 259D................................................................. Call 2014 Cat 279D, enc cab, heat, AC, 80” bucket, reversible edge, extra counter weights, 2 speed.................................. POR 2013 Kubota SVL75W, OROPS, new tracks, 74” bucket, aux hyd, open station, forks, 3200 hours..................... $29,000


1971 Ford F9000, roll back bed, winch. Ready to haul your equipment............................................................. $11,000 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components................... For parts only 1980 Kenworth, 14-ft. box, 12R22.5 radial tires, Cummins engine, Jake brake, walking beam suspension, pintle hitch on back. Good older dump truck........................... $10,500 Deere 2950 4WD tractor, new tires, loader, enc cab.. $17,500

View our entire inventory with pictures at

Low-interest loans for producers impacted by natural disasters

From Montana FSA Montana agricultural producers who lost property due to recent natural disasters may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) physical loss loans. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers these low-interest loans to agricultural producers who incurred losses due to two separate weather events. Approval is limited to applicants who suffered severe physical losses only, including the loss of buildings and livestock. Applications are due August 10, 2020. Producers currently having farm loans with FSA and who suffered severe losses as a result of the disaster may be eligible for the set-aside of one installment. Applications are due August 10, 2020. “Montana’s hardworking ag producers feed our neighbors, the nation and the world,” said State Executive Director Mike Foster. “When they suffer losses because of extreme weather, helping them get back on their feet is important. We encourage those affected to reach out to their local USDA Service Center to apply for these emergency loans.” Blizzard, Excessive Snow, Extreme Cold, Freeze, High Winds Producers in Glacier and Teton counties who suffered losses due to a blizzard, excessive snow, extreme cold, freeze, and high winds that occurred September 29, 2019, through October 3, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana counties of Cascade, Chouteau, Flathead, Lewis and Clark, Pondera, and Toole, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. Wildfire Producers in Toole County who suffered losses due to a wildfire that occurred August 21 and 22, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana counties of Glacier, Liberty, and Pondera, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. Physical loss loans can help producers repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agricultural operation, including livestock losses. Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees, and harvested or stored crops and hay. For more information on FSA disaster assistance programs or to find your local USDA Service Center visit farmers. gov/recover.

Record high red meat and pork production in November

From United States Department of Agriculture November 2018 contained 22 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. November 2019 contained 21 weekdays (including 2 holidays) and 5 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.74 billion pounds in November, up 1 percent from the 4.68 billion pounds produced in November 2018. Beef production, at 2.30 billion pounds, was 1 percent below the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.77 million head, down 1 percent from November 2018. The average live weight was up 5 pounds from the previous year, at 1,375 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.1 million pounds, 9 percent below November a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 46,500 head, down 16 percent from November 2018. The average live weight was up 17 pounds from last year, at 227 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.43 billion pounds, up 3 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.3 million head, up 3 percent from November 2018. The average live weight was up 3 pounds from the previous year, at 288 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 11.2 million pounds, was down 13 percent from November 2018. Sheep slaughter totaled 179,700 head, 8 percent below last year. The average live weight was 125 pounds, down 7 pounds from November a year ago. January to November 2019 commercial red meat production was 50.3 billion pounds, up 3 percent from 2018. Accumulated beef production was up 1 percent from last year, veal was down 2 percent, pork was up 5 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 3 percent.

Women in agriculture: Healthy farms

From MSU Extension Gallatin County Office When: January 25th, 2019 beginning at 9 am Where: MSU Extension Gallatin County Office (903 N. Black Avenue/Bozeman, MT) This unique workshop in Bozeman, Montana is made possible through Washington State University (WSU) Extension’s Women in Ag program and Montana State University (MSU) Extension. The 2020 theme is Healthy Farms so as to kick off the new year with mental and physical wellness in mind. WSU Extension will live stream the 3 keynote speakers to the 30+ host locations across the Pacific North West, and each host location will facilitate a local women in farming and ranching discussion panel, as well as engage participants in local interactive activities and discussions. MSU Extension Gallatin County is excited to host JaTanna Williams of Ranch Wives Beef Company from Three Forks, Montana and Caroline Reese of Little Creek Lamb in Townsend, Montana. They will discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with finding work-life balance and finding time for personal wellness and health while working in agriculture and building a healthy agricultural business. Keynote speakers for the day include Brenda Mack of Bemidji State University, Shauna Retmeier of the Northwest Mental Health Center and Sue Schneider of Colorado State University Extension. MSU Extension will be providing lunch and snacks throughout the day from a local restaurant. Early bird registration ends soon, and there are discounts available to women in agriculture and youth/students interested in agriculture. Although the focus of the day is on women, men are most certainly welcome and encouraged to join us as well! Please either register and RSVP online at or contact Dominique Woodham at the MSU Extension Gallatin County office, 406-531-2229,

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C15

The deadline for advertising in the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C16

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


‘19 MT Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial CONTINUED FROM PAGE C11

2500 ton Alfalfa grass and grass hay, round bales, volume discounts available. Located at Judith Gap, MT Call 406-263-7304, evenings

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NDSU Extension specialist receives national award

By NDSU Extension Service Julie Garden-Robinson, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension food and nutrition specialist, has been awarded the 2019 Outstanding Engagement Award for her work. Garden-Robinson, also a professor in NDSU’s Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Sciences Department, received the award from the Board on Human Sciences of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) during the APLU’s recent meeting in San Diego, California. The national award honors an individual who is a campus-based or a state-level faculty member for exceptional creativity and scholarship in the development, application and evaluation of outreach, Extension and public service programs. “I was very surprised and delighted to receive notification of this award,” Garden-Robinson says. “I have always considered it a privilege to work for NDSU and to be part of the nationwide network of the Extension system. I have had a lot of support along my career path from my family, teachers, friends and colleagues throughout North Dakota and the U.S. They all share this recognition with me.” Garden-Robinson has initiated several programs and areas of applied research. Her programming includes several On the Move to Better Health curricula for elementary-age children and families, Eat Smart. Play Hard, Field to Fork, Teens Serving Food Safely, Healthwise for Guys, Healthwise for Women, Global Food Safety, Nourish and Exercise Your Body, and The Family Table. She also has written a weekly column, Prairie Fare, for the past 22 years. ##### During Tutankhamun’s reign, 15 pounds of garlic could be used for purchasing a healthy slave! And yes, did you know that Hippocrates of Greece used to treat cervical cancer with garlic vapors?

##### In case they sense something wrong while traveling, they will simply not move ahead and will start digging in their heels. This is a behavior out of their intelligence. This behavior has made people think that donkeys are stubborn. ##### As mentioned earlier, donkeys are herd animals. This is true even if they are domesticated. The strongest one in the herd is usually selected as the herd leader.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C17

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Lloyd Walker

(406) 868-5977 2002 GMC 2500 Duramax, extended cab, long bed, 4x4, 108,000 miles................. $11,000

2007 Hitachi ZX240 excavator, 9,000 hours..................... $37,500

2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $39,500

2011 John Deere 329D skid steer, enclosed cab, bucket, 3050 hours, very nice...............$32,500

2003 Kenworth T800 C15 6NZ, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears, steerable lift axle..................... $35,000

2011 Peterbilt 367 48” stand up sleeper, Tri-drive, 0 miles on out of frame pre-emission C15, 18 speed, 16,000 lb front axle, 69,000 lb rears, 500,000 original miles............................... $79,500

1997 Jet 40-ft. grain trailer, T/A..... ....................................... $16,500

2015 Ford F250 XLT 6.7 diesel, 4x4 long bed, 54,000 miles........... ....................................... $30,000

2014 Bobcat S750 wheel machine, enclosed cab, bucket, joysticks............................... $22,500

2003 Kenworth T800 C15 6NZ with rebuild history, 10 speed, Thermaflow wet kit.......... $29,500 2015 John Deere 329E track skid steer, enclosed cab......... $32,500

2002 John Deere 444H wheel loader, 18,000 hours, 3rd valve, hydraulic coupler............ $29,500

2005 John Deere 772D AWD grader, 14-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. ext. front scarifier, rear hydraulic. Ex-county machine, 19,000 hours, motor and transission have been rebuilt..................... $50,000

2006 SiDump’R 3 axle side dump with lift axle, tarp... $32,500

1974 Kenworth W900A dump truck, Cummins, 13 speed, walking beam suspension, 14-ft. bed, new radiator.................... $12,500

2004 Liddell 55 ton hydraulic lowboy, 26-ft. well, self-contained. ....................................... $47,500

2006 Arnes T/A belly dump, air ride................................. $22,500

2011 Ford F150 crew cab, 3.5 Ecoboost, 4x4, 199,000 miles..... ....................................... $11,000

2001 Genie Z60 manlift..$25,000

2019 Aspen 75 ton lowboy, 3-32.....................................$290,000

1989 Timbco 2515 fellerbuncher, newer engine, bar saw.... $17,500

1990 Grove TM250 truck crane, 25-ton, rebuilt Cummins motor, lots of work been done, current certification..................... $17,500

2003 Peterbilt 379 6NZ C15, 18 speed, 63” flattop sleeper, 3/4 lockers............................. $45,000

2006 Peterbilt 379 EXHD C15, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rear lockers, lift axle being installed, 292” wheelbase, 48” flat top sleeper, 475,000 miles................. $70,000 WARRANTY AVAILABLE ON SELECT UNITS CALL FOR DETAILS

2007 Peterbilt 379 cab and chassis, Cummins ISX, 10 speed, lift axle, spring ride. Perfect for grain box!................................. $37,500

2004 Doonan triple axle, 53-ft. drop deck........................ $17,500

2012 Gehl Z35 mini excavator, hydraulic/thumb, 1500 hours........ ....................................... $29,500

1999 Daewoo Mega 200 hydraulic coupler, 3900 hours ... $35,000

Mack manure truck for Rent! ....... ............................ Call for prices

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C18

The fisherman

A farmer in the country noticed that a gentleman would fish at the lake (close to the farmer’s house) and would always leave with a stringer full of fish. The fellow had a boat but a fishing pole was not to be seen. The farmer mentioned the situation to the game warden. The warden then started watching this man and all that the farmer said was true! The man would arrive at the lake in the morning and by early afternoon, he had a stringer full of fish. The warden dressed like a fisherman one day and approached the man. They exchanged pleasantries and the stranger asked the warden in disguise to come fish with him. They boated for 45 minutes and arrived at a secluded spot. The stranger then pulled out a stick of dynamite. The warden said, “I’m going to have to place you under arrest–I am a game warden and you are fishing illegally!” The stranger calmly lit the stick of dynamite and handed it to the warden. The stranger then said, “Are you gonna talk or fish?”

Nature Safe presented their sustainable fertilizer ideas at the Montana Grain Growers Convention and Trade Show at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana.

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Contact us at or

2019 Case IH Maxxum 125 w/Case IH L105 loader/grapple Lease with

for $10,668 per payment

•  42 month Lease OAC •  Residual Due end of month 42 •  1050 Total Hours PRICE INCLUDES:

•  MAXXUM 125 TRACTOR with MFWD, 16 speed transmission, power reverser, 3-point, 3 remotes, Class IV front axle, 29 GPM hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO, 1800# wts., plus rimgard, 3 function joystick, Michelin tires, *48 mo. warranty, and much more. •  L105 CASE IH LOADER, self level loader, 95” bucket, heavy duty grapple. *48 month factory warranty/24 month powertrain plus

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Contact us at or


With L360 Case IH loader. This like new unit has ONLY 46 hours. Previous owner bought a bigger place and a bigger tractor. Cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 remotes, 3-point hitch, 16x16 transmission, and Factory Warranty plus extended Warranty. Retails for $43,680 .........MVE Price Just $35,290




Good clean older unit with a 21-ft. draper header, like new pickup reel, and new drapers in 2019, cab with air conditioning, hydrostatic drive, Chrysler Slant 6 gas engine. $17,018 Looks good and runs good too....Save 10%.....$18,900

5x6 twine mesh unit with Megawide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5x-16.1 tires, and bale push bar. Very well maintained unit with 19,899 bales and ready to go to work. Book says $29,854...................... MVE Price $25,892

With L745 loader grapple. Very clean LEASE return with MFWD, 16x16 PowerShift transmission, cab suspension, cold weather package, 29 GPM hydraulic system, Class IV front axle, 3 remotes, front fenders, 3 function MM valve with joystick, and rear wheel weights. Loader is self level with a 4 tine 2 cylinder grapple fork. Just 632 hours and PPP until 5/31/2020................. ................................................ Great Buy at $75,723

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C19


Demo unit with 18-ft. dual sickle header, 150 HP, 2 speed hydrostat, suspended cab and rear axle, large deluxe cab with unmatched visibility and comfort, power reverser, hydraulic header float and guard angle. MSRP $172,861

MVE BLOWOUT $111,463


Demo unit with RD 163 16-ft. rotary header, 250 hp, large deluxe cab with great visibility, comfort, and a buddy seat, fully integrated auto guidance for effortless operation, Pro 700 color touchscreen, hydraulic header float and angle, power reverser, and much more. Our new “3 Series” rotary headers are designed to cut a wide variety of crops from dryland grass to alfalfa to 12ft. sorghum with ease and run them through the 108” steel conditioner rolls. MSRP $231,668

MVE WINTER CLEARANCE SALE $169,450 Finance with CNH Capital at 0% or ask about Leasing at 0%


This 7 Bar Generation 3 rake is the ultimate for putting up clean quality hay in a hurry. It picks up more hay with better leaf retention than the competition and makes fluffier windrows without roping. It features complete cab control, heavy duty high torque motors, and quality durable construction. This unit has F&R gauge wheels and basket angle stop. MSRP $41,798................................................... SAVE $7820 ......................... MVE DEMO SPECIAL PRICE $33,978


Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

This unit is the standard of the industry. Rugged and simple to operate. The 4SR loads, hauls, and stacks 6 3x4 bales with ease. Auto align system allows you to pick bales up from any direction. MSRP is $55,142....MVE Closeout Price $44,278

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.



Contact us at or

S KER . I H HAY rrived


g 1400 2019 Y HAYH ear En IKERS d Clos eout. M MVE SR SPECI AL $3 P $44,329 3,899 SAVE $10,40 3


900 t just a g a roA 16 s th

L nit 31,9 ECIA $ P MSR ER SP ,530 INT SAVE $6 W E

0u 202

MV 5,384 $2

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.


Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554 418 Main, Roundup, MT


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C20

The deadline for advertising in the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

RENN Jiffy

Jiffy Bale Processor • Unique rocking cradle design handles all types and shapes of bales. • Aggressive Tread Floatation Tires standard on all models. • No belts. No chains. • Outer and inner hay is shredded together delivering even quality.

• Process 1 large square bale or 2 round bales at once (model 978). • Hydraulic Bale Clamp Arms (978). • Available in Left or Right hand discharge models (927, 928). • Optional 44 bushel Grain Tank (927, 928).

RENN Mill Center Inc. has a corporate policy of continuous improvement and development; therefore models and specifications are subject to change without any advance notice.

Sold and Serviced by Premiere Shortline USA 177481 54th Street SE, Horace, North Dakota

PHONE: 701-361-9627 OR 701-238-3038 RENN Mill Center Inc. |

Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 406-467-3999 Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003

Abuse of power of attorney

By Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming Financial exploitation is a fast-growing form of abuse of seniors and adults with disabilities. One common way to get help with managing our finances is to grant someone power of attorney (often an adult child living nearby) to manage property and make sure that bills are paid. Unfortunately, this power is often abused. In fact, financial exploitation is the most prevalent type of elder exploitation (of seven recognized types). Recent research has found that elder financial exploitation is both widespread and expensive: • The rate of financial exploitation is extremely high, with 1 in 20 older adults indicating some form of perceived financial mistreatment occurring in the recent past. • Elder abuse is vastly under-reported: only one in 44 cases of financial abuse is ever reported. • 90% of abusers are family members or trusted others. • Almost one in ten financial abuse victims will turn to Medicaid as a direct result of their own monies being stolen from them. Preventing Financial Abuse A power of attorney in the wrong hands can result in a financial predator stealing money, transferring assets or taking other adverse actions against the elder. There are three tips. First, perpetrators of elder abuse often share common characteristics. Frequently they are family members. They may have a history of substance abuse, mental health issues, or financial problems. They may have a fear of being deprived of an inheritance should the victim spend all their savings on care, or they may have a sense of entitlement and often live off the victim. So be careful when trusting someone who has a problematic history. Also, do select someone who can manage money well (even though they may not live close by). Second, do not use a “fill in the blank” power of attorney form. Create one for your specific situation. Remember that the powers can be limited to specific activities, such as: • Conducting any business with any banking or financial institution • Accessing safety deposit box • Settling accounts, claims and disputes • Collecting any Social Security or any other government benefits • Investing money • Preparing and filing taxes • Obtaining documents, e.g. death certificates Third, review the obligations of those you give the power of attorney to. Chief among those duties are loyalty, prudence, maintaining records, reporting, and avoidance of conflicts of interest. The publication Help for Agents under a Power of Attorney from the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection is a good reference. If Abuse is Suspected If you suspect that elder financial abuse has occurred, contact your local Adult Protective Services agency. You can also contact local law enforcement such as police and the county attorney. Be prepared to provide names and addresses of the people involved. Also, discuss the case with a lawyer. You may be able to revoke the power of attorney so that no further damage is done. You can also demand the return of stolen assets or money and file a lawsuit against the abuser. In conclusion, selecting a power of attorney is an extremely important decision. Carefully select the person. Then be sure to carefully draft the power of attorney document. Still, people can either intentionally or carelessly ignore their duty, so monitor the activities of those with powers of attorney.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C21


New & Used Vermeer Bale Processors

2019 VERMEER BPX9000 - CALL Simple, durable, versatile – the all-new BPX9000 from Vermeer combines the things you want and need in a bale processor.


2019 VERMEER BPX9010 - CALL Meet the new BPX9010 bale processor. This workhorse combines simplicity, durability and versatility — an all-around processor ready to perform a variety of applications.

Great loader tractor! 70 engine hp and 57 PTO. Has 3 hydraulic remotes, heat, and air. Loader has skidsteer attachment on it for availability to use various attachments. 3rd function kit is available but not installed. 2-2019 Massey Ferguson WR9980 deluxe cab, air suspension, deluxe radio, leather seat, header quick disconnect, AG3000 auto guide, 390 turf tires, C2100 monitor, standard lights, auger/draper connect, reel fore/aft, counterbalance weight kit.................Call


2019 VERMEER CPX9000 - CALL The new Catapult™ CPX9000 bale processor is a machine that offers power, versatility and easy operation. The Catapult CPX9000 bale processor allows material to be thrown 60-100’ (20-30m), whether that be up and over feed bunks in a cattle operation or for land reclamation and erosion control purposes.

2019 VERMEER FPX9000 - CALL The Final CutTM FPX9000 bale processor from Vermeer allows you to process the amount of forage material you need, on your own time. 2014 VERMEER BPX9000 $15,000 Used processor in good shape

New loader, grapple


2017 Massey Ferguson 6716S new loader, grapple

2019 Bobcat S770 New, heat/ac, 2 speed, hiflow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket............Call

Tilleman Equipment Co. is a Challenger Dealer!

2019 Bobcat E35 New, 25 hp, 7500 lb. machine, cab, heat/ac, cloth heat seat, deluxe panel, keyless start, long arm, thumb, hydraulic exchange, radio..............................................Call

2019 Bobcat S850 New, heat/ac, 2 speed, hiflow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket............. Call stock photo

Challenger MT865C....................................... CALL

2018 Challenger MT975E 600hp, 85 GPM hydraulic pump, full factory warranty upon purchase, Auto Guide 3000, deluxe cab, tow cable and XM radio.........................................................CALL 2014 Challenger MT565 loader/grapple, 2400 hours.......................................................$99,000

2019 Bobcat V519 New, 5,000 lb. lift capacity, 19’ reach, enclosed cab, heat/ac...................... Call

CHECK OUT OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY OF CHALLENGER PRODUCTS ONLINE AT 2014 Challenger MT855C GPS, C15 motor, 30” tracks, 780 hrs..................................... $247,000


2019 Gleaner S98 New, deluxe cab, led lights, hydraulic chaff 2019 Gleaner S97 new.............Call spreader, duals....................Call


2015 Bobcat T650......................................... Call

2020 Gleaner Combines IN STOCK NOW! Call us today to get yours!


2004 Highline Bale Pro 7000 Plus Great used processor, had new knives installed 2 years ago and are in great shape. Grain tank attachment is harder to find these days..... ..................................... $8,500


2018 MacDon M1240 New, 16-ft. rotary, bar tires, deluxe cab.....Call 2018 MacDon M1240 Deluxe cab, draper ready, reverser. New..Call


Hesston 540 4x5 round baler, twine 2000 John Deere 566 10,000 bales 2006 New Holland BR780 17,000 bales 2019 Vermeer 605N NEW, net/ twine, pickup clutch 2016 Vermeer 605N 4400 bales 2008 Vermeer 605M net/twine, 5500 bales


2019 ProAg Hay Hiker 900 new, 29ft., 13.9-ft. wide, can haul 12-48’’ bales or 8-60’’ bales........ $26,000 2020 ProAg Hay Hiker 1400 ......Call


4 - XH1000 used mowers 10-ft. w/tandems......................... $10,000 each 2019 Schulte FX1200 New, 10-ft., single safety...................................Call Schulte FLX10 Flex arm for XH1000..... .............................................. $9500 2018 Schulte FX1800 15-ft. bat wing mower, single chain, fork lift tires..... ..................................................Call 2019 Schulte FLX1510 flex arm, to fit 10-ft-15-ft. mower......................Call 2019 Schulte FX318 18-ft. mower......... ..................................................Call 2018 Schulte XH1000-S4 10-ft., heavy duty, walking axle, severe duty tires, heavy duty drive shaft & gear boxes, 5’’ blades, flex arm mount..........Call Schulte XH1000-S2 10-ft., heavy duty mower....................................... Call


1994 Ford 9280 250 hp, 4WD, duals, 9780 hours ..........$29,900 Ford 8670 170 hp, FWA, 16,900 hours...........................$22,000 1981 Versatile 875 8435 hours. For parts.


2018 Parker 839 grain cart, red, scale, PTO, tarp 2017 Schulte 8000 rock picker 2008 Schulte H1000 mower 2005 J&M 875 grain cart, green..... ....................................$19,900 Johnson blades................$19,995


2018 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 28.5-ft., rolling baskets 2018 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 38.5-ft., rolling baskets 2017 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 21-ft., rolling baskets, used. .................$62,000 2016 Summers Diamond Disk 47-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts Constantill 10-ft. deep tillage tool 2000 Ag-Chem Terragator 8104 Used terragator in excellent shape! Save some $$ and spread your own fertilizer!....... ...................................$35,000

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C22

Balewagons & Retrievers 3-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition. $85,000 - $105,000

New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland 1068 with Chev 454 engine with automatic transmission.................................................................................$38,500 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak 1030S bale clamp, get your 3x4 bales off the field fast $28,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type, hauls 160 bales....................$16,500 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons..........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 New Holland 1046 self-propelled, hauls 80 bales.................$7500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 pull type...............................................$10,500 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Swathers New Holland HW325 swather, 1 6 H S h e a d e r, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours $47,500

2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$38,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16-ft. 2300 header....$27,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours..................$39,500


New Holland 56 rake............................................................... $600

Haying Equipment

New Holland 1425 square baler, diesel..............................$10,500


John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 1973 International 4300 truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, Detroit diesel, 13 speed...................................................................$7500

Tractors & Accessories

1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals $29,500

John Deere 8630 275 hp, 2156 hours, tires 80%...............$21,500 Case 4690 tractor...................................................................$9500 Great Bend 870 FEL, grapple, new condition.......................$7500

Industrial Equipment

2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

2019 Montana Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial CONTINUED FROM PAGE C16

The curse of Macbeth

In 1606 William Shakespeare wrote “The Tragedy of Macbeth”. In the Bard’s quest for authenticity he researched actual spells and curses used by English witches. True believers claim that witches were so angry that their secrets were being shared that they cursed the play. And the unfortunate actors and crewmembers have been paying the price ever since. Shortly before the first performance, the male actor scheduled to play Lady Macbeth came down with a fever. Some accounts say he died. In the early 1900s, the Moscow Arts Company was doing a dress rehearsal when actor Constantin Stanislavski forgot his lines in the middle of the murder scene. He whispered for a prompt, but the prompter was silent. Then he yelled for a prompt, but the prompter remained silent. He found the prompter slumped over the script, dead. The show never opened. During a 1937 production at the famed Old Vic Theatre in England, the theater’s founder, Lilian Baylis, suddenly dies of a heart attack just before the play opened. Laurence Olivier, who was starring in the lead role, missed death by mere inches when a sandbag fell from the rafters. In 1948, during a production in Stratford, Connecticut, Diana Wynyard as Lady Macbeth announced that the curse was “ridiculous.” She also decided it was silly to play her sleepwalking scene with her eyes open, so she closed them… and walked off the edge of the stage, falling 15 feet to the floor below. A 1942 run of Macbeth directed by John Gielgud was plagued by death. First, Beatrice Fielden-Kaye, playing one of the witches, died of a heart attack. Next, Marcus Barron, playing Duncan, died of angina. Another witch, Annie Esmond, died onstage while vigorously dancing around the cauldron. Finally, set designer John Minton committed suicide in his studio, surrounded by his designs for the Macbeth sets and costumes. A Russian film version of the play was canceled when nine members of the crew died of food poisoning. President Abraham Lincoln was quoting passages from Macbeth to his friends the evening before he was assassinated.


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C23

##### The first New Year was celebrated 4,000 years by the ancient Babylonians. ##### A man went to his lawyer and told him, “My neighbor owes me $500 and he won’t pay up. What should I do?” “Do you have any proof he owes you the money?” asked the lawyer. “Nope,” replied the man. “OK, then write him a letter asking him for the $5,000 he owed you,” said the lawyer. “But it’s only $500,” replied the man. “Precisely. That’s what he will reply and then you’ll have your proof!”

NEW SHOW MODELS Modular & Manufactured Homes


• 9’ Ceilings • Ultimate Kitchen 3 • 3 Bedrooms & 2 Full Baths CN961 Modular 1856 sq. ft. • 50-yr. Smart Siding • 7/12 Roof Pitch • Suite Retreat Master Bath • LED Lighting T/O

7239 S. Frontage Rd. 406-248-1100


Visit our Website:


18” - 12-ft. diameter, lengths up to 64-ft. Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new.

Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge.................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (1) 12’x13’ Timber Bridge..................................... $3000 (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking...................... . ....................................$5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also)

Treated Timber: $1 per board foot under 20 feet long. $1.50 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.

Call Carol 406-274-3064 Stevensville, MT

Tillage 9036

• 300 hp • Automatic • Autosteer

Call for Winter Sale Prices

Call for Pricing

2013 Case IH 210 CVT Tractor

Buy or Lease to own $21,487/yr - oac

USED Vermeer Bale Processor

Call for Pricing Heavy Harrow

USED Sprayer • 90-ft. • Suspended boom Buy or Lease to own

$9195/yr - oac

USED 10x70 Farm King Auger

DEMO UNIT • Swing Away

• 1920 hours

• 210 hp

Call for Pricing

Freeman 1390 In-Line Square Baler 16x22 bales, 3 knotter, Duetz 4 cylinder 67 hp, very low use....$10,000

Truck Mount Rental

• Hydraulic gang adjust • 36-ft. wide

USED Bale Processor


I-90 Off Zoo Drive

• 62-ft.

• Hydraulic adjust

Buy or Lease to own

$7419/yr - oac

Check us out on the web

• PTO drive

Sale Price $3400

Used 5-ton Willmar Fertilizer Spreader • S500

Sale Price $11,970 Used 6-ton Simonsen Fertilizer Spreader • 50-ft. spread • Good condition • 1 Owner Buy or Lease to own

$2736/yr - oac

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C24

GRAIN DRILL FOR SALE John Deere 1560 no-till grain drill with new Digi-Star scale. Has tank and booms for liquid fertilizer, field ready. Call for pictures.

208-731-6458 • Buhl, ID

HAY FOR SALE Central Montana Area

Dryland alfalfa/grass and sainfoin in big square bales. Tested and covered. Phone 406-473-2293

##### A boy asks his father, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?” “That’s disgusting. Don’t talk about things like that over dinner,” the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, “Now, son, what did you want to ask me?” “Oh, nothing,” the boy says. “There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.” ##### Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT 2017 Nitro 375RS MANURE SPREADER 375 bushel or 466 cubic ft (heaped) 12 ton capacity, 1000 pto Price $25,000 2015 ProAg HAY HIKER 900 8 bale capacity for 60-72 inch bales requires 120 hp tractor Price $15,000 2006 New Holland Flexicoil ST 540 35 ft CHISEL PLOW - new harrows. Ready to work, low cost solution for herbicide resistant weeds. Price $8,000 2008 Wishek 842NT 22 ft OFFSET DISC requires 250 hp tractor, no harrows Great heavy disc for breaking or hay fields. Price $30,000 2014 Case SRX160 90 ft wheeled BOOM SPRAYER. Great for rougher ground. Price $12,000 2012 John Deere 9360R


1797 hours, 360 hp, 5 hydraulic remotes, no pto Low hour, low cost four wheel drive tractor Price $145,000

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 2005 Caterpillar TH460B 9000 lb TELEHANDLER 4,735 hours, 99 horsepower, 44 ft max reach Well maintained, high quality machine Price $37,000 2005 Caterpillar TH360B 6000 lb TELEHANDLER 3,919 hours, 99 horsepower, 44 ft max reach. Well maintained and ready to work. Price $34,000 2018 Red Devil 3K609 9 ft 3 point

Adventive aphid and natural enemy found

By Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their colleagues have discovered, for the first time, an adventive— meaning it just arrived in a new locality—aphid species as well as an associated parasitoid wasp on strawberry plants in Stoneville, Mississippi. While sampling for plant pests and natural enemies, Eric W. Riddick, a research entomologist with the ARS Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, found the aphid, Aphis ruborum, on cultivated strawberries in his research high tunnels—unheated greenhouses. It’s not supposed to be here, he said. The species has spread in Europe, north Africa, India, Pakistan, Chile, Argentina, western United States (Washington state) and Canada. The aphid was found predominately on newly emerged, not fully developed leaflets of daughter strawberry plants in 2016, Riddick said. By 2017, aphids were observed on fully developed leaflets on mother plants. The occurrence of A. ruborum in Mississippi represents a new state record and the eastern-most established record in the United States, he added. The study, recently published in the Journal of Insect Science, cites another discovery. In 2017, Riddick found mummified aphids, which signaled that a parasitoid wasp, Aphelinus varipes, had attacked the aphid. The tiny wasp, which is a beneficial insect, is not known to attack this species of aphid. This is first time an attack by the A. varipes wasp on the A. ruborum aphid has been documented anywhere in the world, Riddick said. The wasp lays eggs that develop inside the aphid, killing it. ARS scientists in Beltsville, Maryland, identified the aphid, and non-ARS colleagues at the University of Georgia and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada identified the parasitoid wasp, using molecular techniques. The aphid seldom uses cultivated strawberry as a host plant, Riddick said. However, it frequently attacks blackberries, damaging foliage. As it feeds, the aphid also injects a virus, which can cause plants to wilt and die. The next step is to figure out where the aphid came from. It is possible that previously undetected populations of the aphid have survived on uncultivated plants (such as wild strawberry, dewberry or blackberry) in the landscape surrounding Stoneville. Riddick plans to conduct a small-scale sampling for the aphid on wild plants in areas around Stoneville and study the rate at which the aphid is being attacked by the parasitoid.

Kids on history

These are actual answers to questions on students’ tests submitted to education websites by frazzled teachers. Q: What was Sir Walter Raleigh famous for? A: He invented cigarettes and started a craze for bicycles. Q: What is a fossil? A: A fossil is an extinct animal. The older it is, the more extinct it is. Q: Name the wife of Orpheus, whom he attempted to save from the underworld. A: Mrs. Orpheus. Q: What ended in 1986? A: 1895.

SNOWBLOWER Price $ 7,000

2018 Red Devil 25306 6 ft skidsteer SNOWBLOWER (2) Price $ 4,000

WORK. EASIER. FASTER. BETTER. Full inventory and pricing online at For more information, call Clyde or Jake at


or email us at

Q: Name one popular queen. A: Freddy Mercury. Q: Name one of the Romans’ greatest achievements. A: Learning to speak Latin. Q: Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? A: At the bottom.

Roman riding

Roman riding is a term used for when one rider rides two horses at the same time, standing with one foot on each horse’s back. The rider looks like an ancient Roman charioteer, hence the name. Roman riding is a popular entertainment in rodeos and exhibitions.

Development of bio-jet fuel processing technology

From University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR NEWS A newly awarded grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) aims to expand the use of oilseeds and other vegetable oil crops in renewable jet fuel manufacturing. The grant supports collaborative research by Washington State University chemical engineer Hongfei Lin and University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) plant scientist Ed Cahoon. Bio-based jet fuel is one of the fastest growing markets for liquid fuels in the renewable energy sector. Lin and Cahoon are teaming to develop new bio-based jet fuel manufacturing technology and crop feedstocks with vegetable oil compositions tailored for this technology. “Cross-disciplinary projects such as this are critical for expanding markets for Nebraska farmers,” Cahoon notes. “Additionally, crop processing facilities can be deployed in rural communities to improve Nebraska’s bioeconomy.” Commercial aviation currently accounts for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Airlines have increasingly turned to vegetable oils and animal fat as feedstocks for lower carbon footprint fuels to supplement petroleumderived jet fuels. This is part of a commitment among global airlines for a 50% reduction in their greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The technology being developed by Lin and Cahoon will reduce the costs associated with converting fatty acids from oils and fats into kerosene-based jet fuels. Current technology for producing jet biofuel requires high energy inputs and expensive infrastructure. Cahoon’s team will use camelina as an oilseed platform to develop vegetable oil formulations with shorter carbon chains that are better suited for the processing technology. These genetic strategies will be transferred to other vegetable oil feedstocks, such as soybean and oil-rich sorghum, which are currently being developed by university faculty for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI). Research at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln builds on prior funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C25

TREE SPADE FOR SALE Vermeer TSD50 50-ft. tree spade with slide and swing frame mounted on 1996 Ford F700 with Cummins diesel, Allison transmission, Splicer axle, very clean, great condition, 75% tires................................................................ Phone (406) 581-5297, Bozeman, MT


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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C26


2012 John Deere 635F flex header, pickup and air reel, good shape....... ...................................................................................................$24,500 1995 John Deere 9600 combine, Ag Leader yield monitor, Trimble 500 with EZ Steer, tires new on the front this past season, rear 3 seasons ago. Service and maintenance records available, has been rebuilt and great shape, 5595 engine hours, 3774 separator hours. Comes with John Deere 930R and John Deere 930F flex header with Crary air reel and 2 header trailers and 214 pickup header.............................$49,500 John Deere TRX26 snowblower. Like new.........................................$500 2004 Ford F150 extended cab pickup, good tires, silver. Runs good......... .............................................................................................. $8500 obo 2010 Ford F150 crew cab pickup, good tires, white. Runs good................ .............................................................................................. $8500 obo Call Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 or Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 7W Farms, Inverness, MT

Agricultural economics professor receives Vanvig distinguished faculty award

From University of Wyoming Extension nators. An agricultural and applied econom“He has not only made a significant imics faculty member at the University of pact on our discipline through scholarship Wyoming (UW) whose career exemplifies contributions, but he is continually recogresearch, outreach, teaching and service is nized as an outstanding educator by students this year’s recipient of the Andrew Vanvig and peers and has gone above and beyond Lifetime Distinguished Faculty Award in to serve our department, college, university the College of Agriculture and Natural and regional associations,” stated departResources. ment head and associate professor Ben Chris Bastian has performed outreach, Rashford, assistant professor Chian Jones research, teaching, mentoring, service and Ritten and research associate Amy Nagler. student advising at a high level, said Dale Bastian has mentored 270 undergraduates Menkhaus, professor emeritus in the departand supervised 53 graduate degrees. He has ment and a previous Vanvig award recipient. written or co-written 79 refereed journal “To be able to carry out these responsiarticles, 88 reviewed extension publications, bilities in a conscientious and exceptional Work Smart...Not Hard 130 presentations and received over $3.5 manner, as Chris has done, is rare and charWe make it easier million in grants. acterizes a distinguished faculty member,” for you to handle your Bastian embodies the land-grant mission said Menkhaus. Mineral Tubs - plastic, of teaching, research and extension, said Bastian began as a lecturer at the Univermetal & biodegradable! Chris McIntosh, professor and department sity of Wyoming in 1990, and advanced to Can be used with all head of agricultural and economics and the research associate then assistant, associate bale beds. University of Idaho. and senior UW Extension educator. He Purchase a He cited Bastian’s service to the unireturned to UW as an assistant professor in Mineral Tub Lifter versity and profession and serving on the 2005 after receiving his Ph.D. in agricultural TODAY!!! executive board (Bastian is now president) and resource economics from Colorado Call or email to order!! of the Western Agricultural Economics AsState University and attained full professor sociation. in 2017. Mineral Tub Lifters make GREAT GIFTS “His reputation as an excellent teacher Vanvig served as head of the Department for the hard-to-shop-for! is well known throughout the agricultural of Agricultural Economics for 25 years SEE US AT MAGIE IN GREAT FALLS, MT JANUARY 16-18 BOOTH #L7 economics profession,” said McIntosh. “It and was a faculty member for 35. He creSEE US AT MATE IN BILLINGS, MT FEBRUARY 20-22 BOOTH #397 is also obvious when you see him present ated the award in 2010 to honor a senior his work at professional conferences.” faculty member in the college for lifetime Jason 406- 390-0826 • Shyla 406-390-1339 Another previous Vanvig award recipient accomplishments in teaching, scholarship/ email: offered high praise for Bastian. creative activity and service. Professors in Malta, Montana “Chris has been a pillar in our department the college with a minimum of 15 years of See photos and videos on our Facebook Page:Mineral Tub Lifter for as long as I can remember due to his service are eligible. and check out our website at: leadership and expertise in a wide variety Bastian is the epitome of what a senior •DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME• of subject matter area,” said Tex Taylor, faculty member should be, stated his nomia professor emeritus and member of the agricultural and applied economics deCALL US FOR partment and a 43-year UW employee. STOCK ORDER Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 “He has been a model of PRICING TODAY! 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) consistency, excelling in all aspect of the profession,” he said. “He has also been a valuable mentor to many of us in the department whose counsel is widely respected.” Rashford said Bastian sets the example of the true all-around faculty member. “He has excelled in the classroom, as an adviser We stock a and in mentoring graduate large variety students,” said Rashford. of Honey Bee “His research is nationparts ally recognized; he has been including consistently published in rod weeder top journals and has genersupplies. ated millions in competitive funding. And he readily uses his expertise and research to help solve timely issues Call today for for stakeholders around the New VR12 state and region.” Grain Vac pricing Bastian has sustained his efforts at the highest levels and availability for decades. Now selling Bourgault Tillage We also have “He is a model for others parts for and Seeding Tools to emulate,” said Rashford.

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###### It’s tradition to ring in New Year’s with family and friends because the first people you see will either give you good luck or bad luck. So make sure to keep friends close and foes very far away.

Kelty Raciborski Named Miss Agriculture USA Queen

Kelty Raciborski of Glendive, Montana was recently named the 2020 Montana Miss Agriculture USA Queen. Miss Agriculture USA is a new non-profit agriculture promotion organization featuring Queens of all ages that promote, celebrate and educate about all the diverse aspects of agriculture. Kelty is the 17 year old daughter of Travis and Jessica Stroh. She is currently a Senior in high school and will be attending MSU Bozeman in the fall. Her agricultural interests include Market and Breeding beef, crop science, and range management. Kelty is a member of the GATE committee and a current 4-H member in Dawson County where she serves as the Dawson County Ambassador Team Captain. Kelty will be competing at the National Miss Agriculture USA Queen competition to be held in Ohio in June 2020. If you would like Kelty to make an appearance at your event, please contact We are AGvocates for Agriculture!

##### In 1853 a contractor named John Coffee built a new jail in the town of Dundalk, Ireland. During the project, Coffee went bankrupt. He became his jail’s very first inmate. ##### Older than you might think: The word “earthling” appeared in print as early as 1593.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C27


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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C28

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Double cab, 4x4 with 6.0 gas engine, new tires, aluminum wheels, bed liner, vinyl floor, cloth seats, 8-ft. long box .................................................. $22,999


##### Time Square New Year’s Eve Ball was first dropped in 1907 after there was a fireworks ban. Back then, a 700-pound ball embellished with 25-watt bulbs made of iron and wood was dropped. Now, however, it weighs 11,875 pounds, is 12 feet in diameter and is adorned with 2,668 Waterford crystals.

5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT

2015 GMC

Crewcab, 4x4 with an 8-ft. long bed, power seat, windows, locks and mirrors, 6.0 liter gas engine with automatic transmission, very clean truck.... $28,999

2006 GMC 2500 HD

Extended cab, 4x4 with 9-ft. flatbed on it, 6.0 gas engine, automatic transmission, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, 100,000 miles.................. $12,999

2015 Ram 3500

Crewcab, 4x4 dually diesel, 9-ft. flatbed, 6 new tires, 6.7L Cummins, automatic transmission. Set to pull whatever you have................................... $34,999

2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, bed liner, running boards, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 4.10 gears, 6.0L gas with 6 speed automatic transmission....................................$22,999

2010 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with only 40,000 miles on it. Also has brand new Ford crate motor with 3 year unlimited miles warranty on engine. Low, low miles................... ................................................................ $19,999

2016 Ford F250 XL

Supercab, long box, 4x4 with brand new flatbed, 2 locking tool boxes, 6.2 liter gas with automatic transmission, XL trim so vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, lock and mirrors......................$26,999

2015 Ford F350 XLT

1-ton, crewcab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, aluminum wheels, FX4 Off Road package, power cloth seat, vinyl floor, 84,000 miles.............................................$27,999

Survey reveals crucial data on Fusarium head blight

By Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service A national U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) survey, published recently in Plant Disease, provides the first large-scale, systematic insight into how wheat and barley growers manage Fusarium head blight (FHB), also known as scab, and where they get information on how to control this destructive disease. FHB can reduce a farmer’s yield and affect quality, lowering the price of the grain. Also, the Fusarium fungus produces a mycotoxin called deoxynivalenol or DON. Wheat with DON levels above 2 parts per million is unacceptable for human consumption. FHB can also wreak havoc with barley crops, as maltsters have a near-zero tolerance for Fusarium. The survey, funded by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-led U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative includes data from more than 5,100 wheat and barley growers in 17 states. It details how grain producers perceive FHB, where they get their information, which management tools they use and problems managing the disease. Fusarium has a very wide host range, said Christina Cowger, small grains pathologist with ARS Plant Science Research Unit in Raleigh, North Carolina. “Think of it as an omnivore in the sense that it doesn’t specialize just on one crop, but rather it is a pathogen of wheat, barley, oats, corn—any grain crop. It can infect a lot of plant species and consequently, build up a lot of fungus in the environment.” Weather is the main variable in determining an FHB epidemic. Once a crop is harvested, Fusarium rests in the field’s debris. When a new small-grain crop is planted, and if rain occurs two weeks before plants flower, the fungus releases its spores, which land on the new crop’s flowering heads and cause infection. Techniques for minimizing FHB in wheat and barley are well-established and available, Cowger said. They include moderately FHB-resistant cultivars, monitoring of weatherdriven risk, and timely use of the most effective fungicides, called demethylation inhibitors (DMIs) or triazoles. The survey showed that farmers in the Upper Midwest use FHB-resistant varieties to a much greater extent than growers in the eastern U.S., who have still not widely adopted them. FHB first emerged as a serious problem in the upper Midwest—North Dakota and Minnesota—where it caused major damage in the 90s. In the last 20 years, it has spread throughout the eastern wheat producing region, occurring in Georgia, New York, Kentucky and other soft wheat states. Surprisingly, most respondents said they had not had a problem with FHB either in terms of reduced yield or the toxin in the 5 years prior to this survey, Cowger said. Even though there is a significant and economically damaging epidemic somewhere in the United States every year, causing huge headaches for end-users of grain, it’s not happening everywhere every year. This makes FHB management a special challenge: routine planting of FHB-resistant varieties is the single best protective measure, yet the disease tends to slide off growers’ radar if it hasn’t struck recently. Another important finding was that farmers get disease and management information from two top sources—crop advisors/private consultants and Extension agents. Since the survey, steps have already been taken by the USDA-ARS led Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative to ensure crop advisors are receiving the latest and best research information on FHB management.

Storming the castle

2012 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with an 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, grill guard, 109,000 miles. Hard to find.....................................$14,999

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Supercab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, 6.2L gas engine, power seat, running boards, aluminum wheels, 103,000 miles...........................................$22,999

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Supercab, 4x4, cab and chassis, 98,000 miles on 6.2 gas motor, new tires, perfect to use your own 8-ft. utility box, or flatbed, or bale bed............ $15,995

2015 Chevrolet 1 Ton

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.0 gas engine, 4.10 gear ratio, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks & mirrors.................................... $25,999

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One of history’s greatest last stands took place in the 16th century when Turkish sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sought to expand his Ottoman Empire eastward into Europe. In 1552, after more than 30 years of war and advances, a Turkish force of approximately 80,000 soldiers attacked a castle fortress in the town of Eger, one of the Kingdom of Hungary’s last strongholds. Roughly 2,000 people, including 1,500 soldiers, vowed to defend their home against the 80,000 invaders. The Turks has more than 150 pieces of artillery, including 15 huge cannons. They fired at the castle from every direction for days, and then for weeks…but they couldn’t get inside. They made several attempts to storm the castle; they shot flaming arrows over the sides; they even dug under the walls and planted bombs…and they still couldn’t get inside. Finally, after 39 days of relentless attacks, during which roughly a third of the Hungarians inside were killed, the Turks finally gave up and left. The Hungarians, outnumbered almost 50 to 1, had won.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C29

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C30

##### Horsey terms: Horse sense (common sense). Horsepower (unit of power). Wild goose chase (Irish equestrian sport). Dark horse (long shot). Workhorse (hard worker). Horsefeathers (nonsense).


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Livestock judging team nabs national runner-up

K-State Research and Extension News The Kansas State University livestock judging team maintained its lofty status as one of the best in the United States recently, finishing as the national runner-up at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky. The contest, in its 114th year, is recognized as the top competition in the country for collegiate livestock judging teams. K-State has had a team since 1903, during which time the university has won 13 national titles, including a record-setting five in a row from 1994 to 1998. “This team will go down as one of the most consistent and successful squads in recent memory,” said Chris Mullinix, instructor of animal sciences and the team’s coach. “These students take incredible pride in representing K-State and have worked tirelessly to get to this level.” In addition to finishing second at the national contest, KState completed the 2019 season with wins at the American Royal in Kansas City, and the Houston Livestock Show; and a runner-up finish at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. “K-State was the nation’s only team to be honored in the top two spots at all four of the nation’s largest collegiate events,” Mullinix said. “As a coach, I’m so proud of their commitment to be the very best. Most importantly, these are young people that will take their K-State education and the skills developed through livestock judging and make a major impact in this industry. I couldn’t be more proud.” Collegiate livestock judging consists of 12 classes covering beef cattle, swine, sheep and goats. Students are asked to evaluate phenotype, pedigree and genetic information of breeding and market animals, then give oral reasons on their rankings. At the national contest, Oklahoma State University was the top team in the collegiate division, followed by K-State, which also placed second as a team in oral reasons and swine, and third as a team in the beef category. Among individuals, Samuel Lawrence (Avilla, Indiana) placed first nationally in the swine judging category; Adrian Austin (Mt. Vernon, Illinois) placed third in beef and fourth in oral reasons; Justin Nofzinger (Wauseon, Ohio) placed fourth in beef; Cade Hibdon (Princeton, Kansas) placed fifth in swine; and Cooper Carlisle (Ropesville, Texas) was seventh in sheep and 10th in oral reasons. Austin and fellow team members Kaylee Farmer (Nevada, Missouri), Kaci Foraker (Burrton, Kansas), Keayla Harr (Jeromesville, Ohio) and Cole Liggett (Dennison, Ohio) were named All Americans for 2019. “The All American team recognizes 12 students based on academic success, industry involvement, campus leadership, community service and success in the judging competition,” Mullinix said. “K-State’s five All Americans were more than any institution. In the past decade, K-State has now had 26 young people named All Americans, which is also more than any other member institution.” “In my opinion, there is no activity that better complements a student’s education than participating on a collegiate judging team,” Mullinix said. “Perhaps today more than ever, young people are not engaging in activities that develop decision making, critical thinking and communication skills. Livestock judging does all of that in a competitive environment while promoting time management and working in a team setting.” He adds: “When you pair those skills with a first-class animal science degree, it’s obvious why these students are so marketable and make advancements in their careers so quickly. Additionally, the livestock judging team is such a visible program with competitions held at the nation’s most historic stock shows. It creates an incredible following amongst alumni and potential students. Many of our students first heard of K-State because of the livestock judging team.” More information about K-State’s livestock judging team is available online at

Riding disciplines

Besides riding a particular style or seat (stock seat, hunt seat, dressage seat, or saddle seat), there are many riding specialties or disciplines, including: Competitive trail riding, cutting, driving, endurance trail riding, eventing, fox hunting, jumping, polo, racing, reining, rodeo, roping, show pleasure, show trail, vaulting.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C31

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C32

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SPRAYER FOR SALE Summers NT Ultimate sprayer 90-ft. hooded booms, Raven wetware, 450 controller, Accuboom, 3 section 20-50-20, 1600 gallon, chemical inductor, excellent condition, always shedded.

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##### What’s a pirates favorite letter? You think it’s R but it be the C. ##### Have you heard about corduroy pillows? They’re making headlines. ##### Why did the cowboy get a wiener dog? He wanted to get a long little doggie.

Helping plant nurseries reduce runoff

By Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy You may have heard how excess nutrients, such as phosphorus, can run off of crop fields. This can cause harm when the nutrients end up in rivers and lakes. However, there are other sources of excess nutrients you might not think of, such as the pots nursery plants come in. Before being shipped to farmers and garden centers, many tree crops and ornamental plants are grown in pots at nurseries. The growers apply fertilizer with nutrients, including phosphorus, to the plants in containers. Phosphorus runoff, including that from container-grown plants, can be harmful to water quality. Because of this, researchers are looking into ways nurseries can keep phosphorus where it belongs - in the pots. Jacob Shreckhise of the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service has been looking into this problem. “Specialty crops, including ornamental plants, small fruits, and fruit trees, may spend all or a part of their life in a pot or container,” explains Shreckhise. “Growing plants in containers saves space, helps with shipping and handling, and requires no arable land. These containers are usually filled with peat or bark instead of soil. Because peat and bark provide very little nutrients, plants are given fertilizer that release nutrients slowly over time.” However, little research has previously been done to determine what additions to the peat or bark might help keep the phosphorus in the containers. To help answer this question, he and other researchers performed a laboratory study on pine bark-based potting medium and two ingredients nurseries often add to it: dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer. “It’s important to remember that the growing media used to produce nursery crops in containers is totally different than the field soils other crops are grown in,” says Shreckhise. “Bark and peat-based growing media can’t stop the phosphorus from moving around as easily. So, it’s free to drain from the containers when they are watered. That’s what we are trying to prevent.” For their lab experiment, they filled columns with the potting material, a fertilizer and ingredients thought to help with keeping phosphorus around. Then, they watered the columns and collected the drainage water to analyze. They found that the two additives, dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer, reduce the concentrations of a particular form of phosphorus by an average of 70%. The additives work because of complex chemistry. Phosphate, a form of phosphorus that plants can use, has a negative charge. This means it likes to stick to things with a positive charge, such as dolomite and micronutrient fertilizer. In addition to improving plant growth, this research shows that these amendments help keep phosphorus in the pot. Shreckhise and his team also studied how long dolomite and micronutrient fertilizers help to retain phosphorus in containers. Their next step is seeing if that retained phosphorus is in a form that plants can use. Phosphorus runoff is becoming a bigger and bigger problem for the environment. Farms, including nurseries, must continue to combat it. “This research shows that we should continue exploring the use of amendments to help reduce the phosphorus that washes away from the containerized plants,” says Shreckhise. “This research was just the first step toward understanding the phosphorus chemistry occurring in these pots,” he says. “Since plants were not involved in this study, we cannot make specific recommendations to growers based solely on this research. The general public should know that nursery growers routinely add these amendments to the potting medium. This is a step in the right direction to keeping the green industry ‘green.’”

Dala Horse

A Dala, or Dalecarlian, horse is a wooden statue of a horse originating in the Swedish province of Dalarna. There are references to wooden horses for sale dating back to 1623. Originally made as children’s toys, Dala horses have become a national symbol of Sweden. Dala horses are traditionally painted bright red and decorated with tack painted in white, green, yellow, and blue. A special technique is used involving painting with two colors on the brush at the same time. One legend claims that the Dala horse is a model of Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse of Odin, the chief god of Norse mythology. However, the Dala horse does not have eight legs.

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C33



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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C34

Get your FREE 2020 MAGIE ticket at the Trader’s Dispatch. Office hours are 9:00am - 4:00pm Mon.-Thurs.



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From UM News Service The University of Montana (UM) Biochemistry Program has earned full seven-year accreditation from the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) for its bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry. UM boasts the only ASBMB-accredited biochemistry degrees in Montana. In their accreditation review of UM programs, ASBMB noted UM biochemistry faculty, citing their strengths both in teaching and research in addition to the program’s strong experiential learning component. Stephen Lodmell, UM’s Biochemistry Program director, said ASBMB’s full accreditation of the program is acknowledgement of the University’s exemplary undergraduate training in the sciences. “It is truly satisfying to earn accreditation from ASBMB,” he said. “It’s a notable recognition of the rigor, breadth and depth of our programs.” Lodmell said the accreditation process required the program to critically evaluate and fine-tune curricula to “emphasize theoretical and practical biochemistry skillsets” while at the same time helping students hone their critical thinking, problem-solving and communications skills that are the hallmarks of broadly educated UM undergraduates. The accreditation gives UM biochemistry majors the opportunity to take an exam administered by the ASBMB each spring to have their degrees certified or certified with distinction. The exam tests fundamental biochemical knowledge and emphasizes critical thinking skills. Since 2016, UM’s biochemistry bachelor degrees have had provisional accreditation by ASBMB, and the percentage of UM students taking the exam whose degrees were certified or certified with distinction significantly exceeded the national average. UM’s new bachelor’s degree in computational biochemistry, which combines modern concepts and methods in both computer science and biochemistry, also earned a three-year accreditation by ASBMB. UM’s Biochemistry Program, housed in the College of Humanities and Sciences, is an interdisciplinary academic program jointly staffed and administered by the Division of Biological Sciences, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Department of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the program provides a rich environment for UM’s biochemistry majors that propels them to success, preparing them for future careers in basic biomedical science, the pharmaceutical industry and bioinformatics. About 50% of UM biochemistry majors pursue further education in graduate or medical school. ##### I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, “Where’s the self-help section?” She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

See our inventory at $17,500

UM Biochemistry Program earns highest level of accreditation

Erskine pick-up broom with curb sweeper


$9100 2003 John Kerr 45-ft. gooseneck trailer (3) 10,000 lb axles, 45-ft. deck, 7-ft. deck on the neck, 8-ft. wide, electric over hydraulic brakes, (3) flip-over ramps, cold weather wiring.

Erskine power angle 7-ft. broom

view inventory on the web at:

Equipment Connection For all pieces, log on to our website:

Small Town Company with Big Connections

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 – Page C35

Equipment Connection

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available


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PJ Utility Trailers

Check out our Great Selection of Dump Trailers!

PJ Gooseneck Trailers

Southland Dumps $9950

$10,600 2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.



2020 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare.

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 7000# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft, single axle.......$3250

2020 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,200


2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2020 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare.



2020 Southland 270T 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare. 2020 PJ 14-ft. Gooseneck “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, 15,680 lb. GVWR Eliminate job dumpster fees! $9100

2020 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3650 20-ft......$3950



2020 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9750


2020 PJ 12-ft. x 72” tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, split gate, ramps Also available: 10-ft. .....$7650

$9250 2020 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $4100 each

2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2450 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3450 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3650


2020 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber 2020 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$2400 10-ft.x77”....$2300



2020 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.

PJ Deckover Trailers $8650

PJ Tilt Trailers

2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp



2020 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$13,300

2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$10,100

$9550 $7850




2020 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers

New Enclosed Trailers



2020 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8100

2020 Royal 6-ft. x 14-ft. Enclosed Trailer Single axle, V-nose, rear ramp door side door, radial tires.


$6800 2020 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$7000 Also available: 3-axle


2020 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.


2020 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber. TJ HR 22-ft. tilts......$9850

$6400 2020 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.

2020 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.

$11,600 2020 Royal 20-ft. 3-place sled trailer front drive-out door, side RV door, two-tone paint, aluminum wheels, rubber floor, spare tire

2020 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4300 and 20-ft.....$4500

2020 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.

2020 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft......$8750


2020 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 78” height.

view inventory on the web at:


2020 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.


2020 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6400 And 24-ft.....$6600

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C36

SPECIALTYTOOL TOOL & & ATTACHMENT ATTACHMENT SPECIALTY Providing Quality EquipmenttotoIncrease Increase Productivity Productivity Providing Quality Equipment

ontana Post Driver

MSU awards funding for MSU inventions

From MSU News Service Montana State University’s (MSU) Office of Research, R Economic Development and Graduate Education awarded O $167,500 in funding as part of a new program intended to C K support the commercialization of technologies developed Cordless or Pneu. / Fencing Cordless orStaplers Pneu. at the university. F Fencing Staplers R This fall was the first time MSU has distributed these Stretch O “CATalyst” gap fund awards, which are provided to invenS On The Go Stretch tions that show strong market potential. Five MSU invenT On The Go tions from the College of Agriculture, Norm Asbjornson A Automatic U College of Engineering and College of Letters and Science Woven Wire or G Gas Powered Drivers were funded. Barbwire E R Stretcher/ Funding for the CATalyst awards comes from the U.S. Gas Powered Drivers Dispenser S * Your Fence Equipment Supplier * Hyd. Tampers and Drivers Economic Development Administration’s Regional Innova(888) 754-7909* Your596 Gateway Drive, Powell, WY* (307) 754-7909 tion Strategies i6 Challenge program, which awarded MSU Fence Equipment Supplier $750,000 in July to promote high-tech economic develop596 Gateway Drive, Powell, WY ment by getting promising technologies out of the lab and into startup companies that will create jobs for the state, said Daniel Juliano, head of the university’s Technology Transfer Office. Proposals were evaluated by MSU’s Technology Transfer Office, Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship Dean Mark Ranalli and Next Frontier Capital, one of the local partners of the Innovation Strategies i6 Challenge program. Faculty CATalyst awardees are: • Stephanie McCalla, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering — Customized microfluidic device temperature controller and thermocycler for use within a microscope • Ed Dratz, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Travel safely on winter roads. — Chemically defined cell culture supplements for superior results • Mark Jutila, Department of Microbiology and ImmuFeeding cows? Hauling grain? Visiting relatives? nology — Use of immune modifiers to enhance bovine Avoid cold weather tire trouble...see us today! resistance to scours • Indika Kahanda, Gianforte School of Computing — ClearCareAI: An effective artificial intelligence-powered CPG-based treatment recommendation system for psychiatrists Cars, Light Trucks, Heavy Duty Farm & Over-the-road Trucks • Blake Wiedenheft, Department of Microbiology and Immunology — Novel system for delivery of designer RNA cargos for treating monogenic diseases The Technology Transfer Office, which secured the federal funding and administers MSU Gap Fund program, will open Phone 406-873-5025, cell 406-949-7717, Cut Bank, MT the proposal period for the next round of CATalyst awards during the spring semester. More information on gap fund opportunities can be found at html 2020 Freightliner PT126SLP XT 2020 Freightliner PT126SLP

HAPPY 2020 !



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From University of Wyoming Extension A southeast Wyoming food and safety nutrition educator for University of Wyoming Extension has received the organization’s newer employee recognition award. Julie Balzan, based in Platte County and also serving Albany, Carbon, Goshen and Laramie counties, was presented the award at the annual extension training conference last month in Laramie. Denise Smith, nutrition and food safety educator in Niobrara County, and Stacy Buchholz, 4-H and youth development educator in Platte County, both commended Balzan for her willingness to help and commitment to serve communities. “Using her extensive knowledge of teaching and working with kids, Julie and her office team of Mary Evans and Marilyn McKinley developed an educational food preparation, nutrition and food safety curriculum entitled R3 – Real Kids, Real Skills, Real Meals,” said Smith. This program was successful during its test in Platte County and received a John P. Ellbogen Foundation grant to help fund the program throughout Wyoming. “Julie will jump into a project with a positive attitude and a smile, ensuring her work is educational, fun and professional,” said Buchholz. Balzan works with many organizations within the communities to help strengthen the relationship with extension, Buchholz explained. She helps provide information to groups like county commission boards, senior centers and 4-H. “Building lasting relationships within a community is one of Julie’s strengths, and this quality is a huge asset to extension,” said Buchholz.

Montana’s Next Generation Conference to feature financial management and production workshops

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C37


From Kari Lewis, MSU Extension – Glacier County, 2017 John Deere 338 square baler, 250 bales..... $19,500 (425) 301-6020, Philipsburg, Montana area 406-873-2239, cator points will be available throughout the day. Online registration is available at www. or registration forms are available on the conference website, https://, or by calling 406-873AND APPRAISERS 2239. Updates will be available via the Montana’s Next Generation Conference We have auctions booked for spring 2020 Facebook page. but not yet dated. If you are Early bird registration is $25/day for planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. individuals or $40/day for couples if regisWe specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and trations are submitted by January 17. Late business type auctions. registrations will be accepted until January We do it ALL from start to finish. Including 24 at $30/day for individuals or $50/day for advertising, setup and display work, couples. Daycare will be available for both auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types days at $15/child, which includes snacks of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and and meals. Registration is now open for the 2020 inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. For more information see https://mtnextMontana’s Next Generation Conference. or contact Lacy Roberts at (406) The conference, which will take place Remember - auctioneers make excellent 873-5618 or Kari Lewis at (406) 873-2239. Friday and Saturday, January 31-February appraisers as we see everything saleable Persons with disabilities who require ac1, 2020, in Shelby, Montana, will focus on being sold at our auctions. commodations to attend or participate in this business planning for the farm or ranch and 59 years in the business. event should contact Lacy Roberts at (406) production workshops. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message 873-5618, ext. 2 or Federal Relay Service The conference begins Friday at 11 a.m. or call 278-5880. at 1 (800) 877-8339 by January 21, 2019. at the Coyote Club and Events Center (137 Main Street, Shelby, Montana). Dan Manternach, ag economist, will kick the event off with “The Big Picture in Ag” and follow that 7467 MT Highway 200W up in the afternoon session with “Financial ManagePlains, Montana 59859 ment Skills and Business Planning” and “Farming is a Blessing and not a ment.” Friday evening will conclude with a trade show and social including a roast beef dinner and time for networking with neighbors, sponsors, and industry professionals. Saturday’s events at the Shelby High School will feature industry speakers and professionals offering 36 workshop options covering crops and livestock From F150s to F750s production, financial management, record keeping, To Flatbeds & Dump Boxes... leasing, succession planning, and more. Saturday’s workshops will provide pertinent information for both the beginning and experienced producer. Livestock topics include beef cattle nutrition, fetal programming, livestock marketing, bull selection, animal health, USDA programs, plants to identify on your ranch, grazing man...Snow Plows & Grille Guards, agement and more. Crops producers will have opplus so much more! portunities to learn about equipment maintenance and valuing equipment, grain marketing, crop fertility, crop insurance, and more. There will also be numerous financial and accounting topics in addition to one workshop room devoted to succession planning topics. The February 1 workAt Rehbein Ford, we offer work solutions to get any job done. Whether you need it shops will fulfill Farm Service Agency’s production for personal use, business use, or commercial use, we have the solution for you! and financial management All products are installed by Rehbein Ford. training requirements for No need to go anywhere else when we can make it that easy. producers. Pesticide appli-


Trader’s Dispatch, February 2020 — Page C38

The deadline for advertising in the February 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Take advantage of WINTER DISCOUNTS! For all your grain storage needs!

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Soil Judging Team again sweeps regional competition

From University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News In a demonstration of their grit, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Soil Judging Team for the second time in three years swept the Region 5 competition October 3 in Grand Island, Nebraska, beating out six other teams to earn first place finishes across the board. The team — 17 students from the School of Natural Resources (SNR) and the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture — earned first place in the group judging contest, as well as the overall competition, where only four of 16 individual scores count toward a total group score. And Bryan Petersen, a junior applied climate science major, earned first place in the individual competition, competing against more than 60 others, including his own teammates and those from Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Minnesota, South Dakota State University and University of Missouri, and University of Nebraska-Omaha. Nicole Strand, a senior fisheries and wildlife major, also placed in the top 10 in the individual competition. Their placement puts the team in a top position for the 2020 National Soil Judging Contest set for spring in Ohio. “I believe our success is a testament to our coaches’ hard work,” Petersen said after their return from competition October 4. “Trying to organize and get 17 individuals to work as a team is very difficult, but our coaches managed to get the team to work efficiently and effectively.” Co-coach Judith Turk, pedologist with the Conservation and Survey Division at SNR, acknowledged the challenge, but said with planning and practice, a large team can actually be a big advantage. “You can make use of each individual’s aptitudes and then the team becomes stronger by working together,” she said. The tactic takes fine-tuning, though, so over the course of the three-day practice sessions near Grand Island, the team continued to move members into positions most suited to their strengths. By competition day, they were ready to identify, evaluate, classify and describe five soil profiles in previously unseen soil pits and also rate the area for land use. How their descriptions compared to professional-level descriptions determined their score. Nebraska’s ended nearly 80 points ahead of the next closest team, University of Missouri, and more than 100 points ahead of University of Minnesota, which took third place overall. “There really is not a better week in the semester than soil judging week,” Strand said. “Most people don’t understand why we love to spend a week getting rained on in 40 degree weather just to be covered in mud and bug bites, but the teamwork, friendship, and experience gained is irreplaceable.” “(Soil judging) is a fantastic experience,” Petersen said. “Through soil judging, I have learned how soils are formed and connected to the landscape, and the team also has given me some of my best friends and some lifelong memories.” Over the course of the week, Strand said each of the team members grew, with newer ones taking charge and speaking their minds after being guided by those returning to the competition pits. “That’s something we have to thank our coaches for, because they do an amazing job creating this team dynamic that has clearly paid off the last three years,” she said. This year’s team members include: • Ema Muslic, a junior environmental restoration major; • Kara Philips, senior agricultural education major; • Meryl Sahouet, senior agronomy major; • Rebekah Simmons, senior environmental restoration major; • Katie Boden, senior environmental restoration major; • Brian Bostock, senior environmental restoration major; • Damaris Cano, junior environmental studies major; • Katherine Gerdes, freshman intercampus UNO student; • Cadence Hernandez, senior environmental restoration major; • Maria Mika, senior environmental restoration major; • Petersen, senior applied climate major; • Taylor Riecken, a senior environmental restoration major; • Strand, senior fisheries and wildlife major and Grassland Ecology & Management major; • Clare Wilton, junior elementary education and special education major; • Katie Pace, senior environmental restoration major; • Luke Walkenhorst, senior environmental restoration CONTINUED ON PAGE C39

Soil Judging Team again sweeps regional competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE C38

major; and • Amy Yanagida, senior environmental restoration major. Co-coaches were Turk and Rebecca Young, assistant professor of practice in Agronomy, who also served as competition host with Nebraska State Soil Scientist Neil Dominy. Lindsey Anderson, and Alyssa Kuhn, both of Agronomy, and Samantha Teten, of Biological Systems Engineering, served as graduate assistant coaches. When others had to turn down hosting the Region V Soil Judging Contest this year, Nebraska stepped up despite hosting the regional contest just three years ago. “Normally the contest wouldn’t return to our state so quickly,” Turk said. “Becky and Neil stepped in and agreed to take our turn hosting early. They had to pick out field sites and organize all of the contest logistics on relatively short notice, and they did an amazing job at it.” Young said, “It was great to have the opportunity to show students and coaches from around the region the diversity of soils that do exist in central Nebraska, which most people just think of as flat and homogenous. Everyone worked hard throughout the week, through the heat, rain, wind, and cold, and left with a great appreciation for our soils and landscapes. That’s the best award as a contest host.”

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C39


1994 Chevrolet 1-ton motor home, over drive, very good condition... .......$7200 Call (406) 490-2738 or 490-2889, Whitehall, MT



Researchers create method to identify drought-resilient wheat

Originally published October 30, 2019, in “World Grain” by Susan Reidy Australian researchers have developed a new method to identify drought-resilient wheat quickly, cheaply and accurately. Work by the scientists from The Australian National University (ANU), ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, and CSIRO Agriculture and Food could help breeders develop more drought-resilient crops that can produce more food and more profit with less water. “Our work may be instrumental for farmers to maximize food production in the face of increasingly severe drought,” said Arun Yadav from the Research School of Biology and ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at ANU. Yadav and the other lead researcher Adam Carroll said selecting wheat that can grow better during short- to mediumterm drought is vital to help fight food insecurity around the world. “Hardy crop plants that can maintain high yields under drought will help farmers produce more food reliably and maintain domestic and export markets for Australia,” Yadav said. “Drought is a major agricultural challenge in Australia, affecting food production, farmers’ livelihoods and costing the government billions of dollars in relief efforts.” The simple test measured the relative abundance of four amino acids in wheat plants to predict their ability to maintain yield under drought much more accurately than current methods, Carroll said. “This test can be done precisely in greenhouses all year round, at a fraction of the cost of traditional field-based methods,” he said. “Plus, it gives more accurate predictions.” Professor Barry Pogson, a 2019 Eureka Prize winner and deputy director of the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology at ANU, was also a member of the research team. “If breeders are provided with 1,000 wheat varieties to choose from, they can select the drought resilient lines through a simple assessment of the four amino acids we’ve identified,” Pogson said. “The challenge is for us to show this technique does scale beyond the varieties we have tested to date.” Greg Rebetzke and Gonzalo Estavillo from CSIRO Agriculture and Food conducted grain-yield evaluations under extensive field trials across the Australian wheat belt, which enabled the team to build a statistical model of the droughttolerance predictor. The study was funded by the Grains Research and Development Corporation, the ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology and the ARC Centre of Excellence in Translational Photosynthesis. The study is published in the Journal of Experimental Botany (



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1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................. $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Miller 350 amp diesel welder.................................................... $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800

Ideal areas for biological control of invasive stink bug

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C40

For Sale

Used W-Beam Guardrail 3460 Grant Creek Road Missoula, Montana

Call Steve - (406) 241-7077 FOR SALE: Used W-Beam Guardrail located in Missoula, Montana. Short Used GR Panel: 13’6” @ 93 lbs - (12’ 6” lineal) Long Used GR Panel: 26’ @ 182 lbs - (25’ lineal) $2 per lineal foot Private trucking can be arranged at additional cost.

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Keyhole Steel Brace System

With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Biological control of the brown marmorated stink bug, an invasive pest that devastates gardens and crops, would be more effective in natural areas bordering crops or at times when certain insecticides aren’t being applied, according to a new Oregon State University (OSU) study. The study, published in the Journal of Economic Entomology, advances the understanding of using the samurai wasp for biological control of the brown marmorated stink bug, and has significant implications for Oregon’s growers of orchard fruits and nuts, said David Lowenstein, a postdoctoral research associate in Oregon State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and lead author on the study. Biological control is the use of beneficial insects to manage other insects, which means using less pesticides. The brown marmorated stink bug, which is native to east Asia, has a taste for more than 100 types of crops, including blueberries, wine grapes, cherries and hazelnuts. During the 1990s, it invaded the United States and is now found in 44 states, causing millions of dollars in crop damage. With funding from the United States Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Research Initiative, more than 50 researchers across the U.S. are studying the stink bug to find management solutions, including those at Oregon State. The stink bug was first detected in Oregon in 2004. Since then, OSU researchers have found the pest in 24 of Oregon’s 36 counties, and in all of the state’s major fruit-producing regions. The bug also causes nuisance issues when aggregating on the side of homes and sheds in the fall. The samurai wasp, which is smaller than a pinhead, is native to the same region in east Asia as the brown marmorated stink bug. It lays its eggs inside stink bug eggs, preventing the stink bugs from hatching. Although it is unknown how it arrived in the U.S., surveys conducted in 2014-15 detected the wasp in several locations. It was discovered in Oregon’s Willamette Valley in 2016. Oregon State study investigated the impacts of different insecticides, commonly used in orchard crops, on samurai wasp survival and reproduction. Some insecticides were highly lethal to the wasp and a few were compatible with using the wasp for biological control. Lowenstein said the research was necessary for growers, especially those in Oregon’s hazelnut industry, who use insecticides but who also want to use the samurai wasp to control stink bugs. They want to know which insecticides will be less harmful to the wasp and when to spray, Lowenstein said. “Since the discovery of the samurai wasp in Oregon, our research group at OSU has proposed biocontrol for managing the brown marmorated stink bug,” Lowenstein said. “We needed to validate the compatibility of this wasp in a commercial environment where insecticides are being used.” The researchers studied samurai wasp compatibility with nine conventional and organic insecticides commonly used in integrated pest management in perennial crops, both in the laboratory and in three hazelnut orchards in the Willamette Valley. They found that the active ingredients in two classes of insecticides – neonicotinoids and pyrethroids – killed more samurai wasps than the others, both in the field and in the lab. Both classes are “broad-spectrum” insecticides, which are designed to kill or manage a variety of insects. However, more than 50% of wasps survived contact with insecticides that are better targeted to control chewing insects, such as filbertworm larvae, in hazelnut. “For someone who wants biological control for samurai wasp, it’s best to time it when you aren’t applying chemicals unless you are using those more targeted compounds,” Lowenstein said. Orchards may also benefit from biological control if samurai wasps are released in unsprayed areas adjacent to agriculture and in urban areas, where the samurai wasp is thriving. In the last 2½ years OSU has released the wasp at about 60 sites in the state. At about 40% of those sites the wasp has survived into the following season. The wasp isn’t commercially available and OSU rears it primarily for research, but the insects can be distributed to an Oregon location upon request, Lowenstein said, adding that the samurai wasp isn’t harmful to people. “There’s no way you are going to confuse this with a yellowjacket. They aren’t interested in stinging people,” he said. “If you have a samurai wasp on your property you won’t even know it’s there unless you are seeing its effect, CONTINUED ON PAGE C41

Ideal areas for biological control of invasive stink bug CONTINUED FROM PAGE C40

which is less stink bugs.” Oregon State hosts a website (https://agsci.oregonstate. edu/bmsb/brown-marmorated-stink-bug) with the latest news about the brown marmorated stink bug, photos to help identify it, and instructions on how to report sightings. A fact sheet about the samurai wasp is available through the OSU Extension Service (https://catalog.extension.oregonstate. edu/em9164). Nik Wiman, OSU Extension orchard crops specialist at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) in Aurora and Lowenstein’s advisor, is a co-author on the study. Other co-authors are Heather Andrews, an OSU faculty research assistant; and OSU horticulture graduate student Anthony Mugica, both members of the OSU orchards research lab. The study was funded by the Oregon Hazelnut Commission, the Oregon Raspberry and Blackberry Commission and the United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

##### There are some people who are really afraid of garlic. This is basically a phobia and there is a technical term for it. It is called ‘Alliumphobia’. ##### Did you know that brides in ancient Greece didn’t carry flower bouquets? Well, you guess it almost right! Their bouquets consisted of garlic but not just garlic! The bouquets also had other herbs!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C41


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Arena etiquette

When multiple riders ride in an arena, what prevents them from crashing into each other? Well, there are road rules. What if horses are traveling in opposite directions, like cars on a highway? A widely accepted practice is for horses to pass left shoulder to left shoulder if they are traveling at the same gait (for example, both are trotting). If horses are traveling at different gaits (one is running and one is walking, for instance), it is common practice to have the faster horse pass on the inside of the arena and let the slower horse stay by the wall. This works because the faster horse can veer to the inside more readily. Another wise practice is not to stop or back up when riding on the rail (near the wall). This prevents one horse from getting rear-ended by another–and averts a five-horse pile-up.

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C42

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Mental health in rural America

By Samantha Barnett, Communications Intern, Just like any other profession, farming has its highs and lows. When prices are high and yields are good, being a farmer seems more worth the challenges. It is easy to appreciate this way of life and be positive when everything is going right, but that’s not always the case. Farming can be very trying for both the farmer and their family. Whether it’s wet planting conditions, dry growing conditions or market uncertainty, today’s risk in the industry can weigh heavy on American farmers. According to a recent study ( releases/2017/p1005-rural-suicide-rates.html) conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mental health conditions and suicides are sweeping across the Midwest and rural America at an alarming rate. In fact, male farmers in 17 states took their lives at a rate two times higher than the general population in 2012. This number could be even higher than this report indicates because several agricultural states were not surveyed, including Iowa. It is more important than ever to utilize the resources available for yourself and loved ones while being able to recognize the early signs of mental health issues and stress. A poll conducted by the American Farm Bureau provides a detailed list of signs to look for, like increased substance use, increasing life insurance policies and deterioration of physical appearance. These factors may be indicative of mental health issues. If you know a farmer, you may think they typically do not want to talk about their problems. Farmers are some of the most humble people and always assume someone is suffering more than they are. While this quality is admirable in some situations, it should not inhibit conversations about mental health. Recently, the Sorghum Checkoff hosted Tara Beaver, a California grain crop farmer, on the Sorghum Smart Talk podcast ( podcast to talk about her efforts to bring more awareness to this issue through a campaign, #MentalHealthMonday. Beaver tells her story about farming and mental health and discusses how she uses social media as a platform to engage in conversations, both on and off the farm. If you are interested in engaging in #MentalHealthMonday follow @beavervineyards on Instagram (https:// The agriculture industry needs to bring awareness to one message—you are not alone. Many farmers fear the stigma surrounding mental health, and as a result do not seek the help they need. By removing the stigma surrounding mental health in rural America and providing a support system to those who need it, the agriculture community can fight battles and overcome challenges together. Resources • National Suicide Prevention: 1 (800)-273-8255, https:// • Mental Health First Aid: • Agrability Resources: • Tell-Tale Signs of a Mental Health Crisis for Farmers and Ranchers: American Farm Bureau Federation, https:// In the News • Rural Resilience: American Farm Bureau, https://www. • Why are America’s Farmers Killing Themselves?: The Guardian, dec/06/why-are-americas-farmers-killing-themselves-inrecord-numbers • I’m Gonna Lose Everything: Washington Post, https:// • Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health in Farming: Ohio’s Country Journal, breaking-the-stigma-of-mental-health-in-farming/ • Farmer mental health comes to the forefront as pressing rural need: Ag Daily, aaea-panelists-discuss-farmer-mental-health/ #MentalHealthMonday Campaign • Tara Beaver’s Instagram: beavervineyards/?hl=en • Tara Beaver’s YouTube: channel/UCx8EMCmT9cXLFYVQ9OIIJGg • Beaver Vineyard’s Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/beavervineyards/ • Beaver Vineyard’s Website:

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BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW......................................$5795 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9195 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9595 GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.................................$10,495 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW.................................$14,500



New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires..................................................................$12,695 New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.....$11,995

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New Circle D pickup flatbeds

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1650 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1650 71/2x9..............................................................$1700 8x9..................................................................$2000 8x11................................................................$2350

LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

MISCELLANEOUS USED EQUIPMENT 1980 Alray 22-ft. stock trailer stocktrailer ................. $2500 2001 Travalong Bandit 3-horse 1997 Titan 3-horse slant, bumper slant, walk-in tack compartpull.............................. $4500 ment............................ $7500

1980 Kentucky van trailers, of- Ford F250 with flatbed & 8-ft. fices in front, 2 doors on 1 Western snow plow .... $6500 side, 1 door on other ............. .....................................$6500

14-ft. snow pusher .............. $4200 8-ft. skid steer snow pusher $. 2000

1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool boxes ....................$9595

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1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.... ............................................ $8500

2014 Kaufman 24-ft. gooseneck flatbes, no ramps .......... $5500

USED SEMI TRAILERS Load King lead trailer, 42-ft., triple axle.................................$25,000 & pup..............................$15,000 As a pair.........................$39,000

2001 Belly Dump Pup 20-ft., roll-up tarp, aluminum wheels ..$10,000

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New Diamond C Car Haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK

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Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE NEW! . ........................................$6500

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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C43


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C44

HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa 1st & 2nd cutting Alfalfa/grass 1st & 2nd cutting Straight grass Also Grain hay Round bales – Net Wrap – Delivered in semi loads Call Craig @ 406-799-5977 or Tytus @ 590-5977

MSU research center to explore small fruit opportunities through new grant

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service “Which varieties are more palatable to the Thanks to a recent grant from the Monconsumer? We’re trying to get some hard tana Department of Agriculture, one of Mondata on that with our new collaboration in tana State University’s (MSU) agricultural this grant.” research centers will deepen its explorations The project will focus on several varieties of small fruits and berries as options for of cold-tolerant berries including haskaps, Montana producers and consumers. which are native to parts of Russia and JaThe Western Agricultural Research Center in Corvallis is one of the Montana pan; domesticated saskatoons, also known Agricultural Experiment Station’s seven as serviceberries, which are native to North statewide research centers, part of the field America; aronia, which is known for its research arm of the MSU College of Agmedicinal qualities; and sour cherries, which are popular for their juice. Some of those riculture. The Corvallis center focuses on varieties are better to be bought and eaten horticultural and fruit-related research. fresh, while others are better for processing, Professor of horticulture Rachel Leisso into products such as medicines, wines and will lead the project, along with research dyes. superintendent Zach Miller, program coorThe new project will follow up on redinator Bridgid Jarrett, assistant professor Mac Burgess of the Department of Plant search begun by Miller and Burgess in 2015, Sciences and Plant Pathology and Wan-Yuan which identified those species as potentially Kuo, an assistant professor of food product successful in Montana’s climate. The plants development in the College of Education, from those trials are now mature, and the foHealth and Human Development. cus will shift toward filling knowledge gaps “Cold-hardy berries and small fruits reabout the space for such crops in consumer markets and for growers. main an exciting opportunity for Montana “On the research end, we want to pursue growers to reap high-value crops from better understanding of how to store haskaps small acreages by tapping into both fresh and saskatoons for fresh market purposes and value-added markets,” said Leisso. longer,” said Leisso. “There may be greater return for our growers when they’re bought fresh, and we try to keep the growers at the forefront of our work.” The team will also examine which varieties within each berry species are most popular using consumer acceptance tests and determine measurements of the fruits’ quality for various uses, such as sugar concentration, acidity and brightness of color for dyeing potential. The final part of the project will be a partnership with MSU Extension in Ravalli County and the brand-new Montana Berry Growers Association, created in conjunction with the research. That group, along with Extension and the faculty at the Western Agricultural Research Center, will work to develop marketing opportunities and identify topics of interest to berry growers in advance of a workshop to be held in April 2020, another iteration of a similar successful event held last spring. There are some uncertainties to exploring new crops for Montana’s producers, but Leisso said that’s what the research centers are for: navigating uncertainties so that growers don’t have to do it on their own. “Market development is a tough thing to quantify, but a lot of it involves outreach and exploring growers’ questions,” she said. “It’s really easy to get carried away in the excitement, but planning is essential, and our partners in Extension and other outreach organizations are critical tools in connecting growers to the resources that can help them the most.”


Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C45




2016 Dodge Durango - All wheel Drive

2011 Ram 3500 Mega Cab FLAT BED

Redesigned 2020 Ford Escapes are HERE and we are dealing!

2005 Ford F350 crew cab 4x4 Powerstroke Lifted, custom wheels and tires, MORE! Great project truck • $6500

Josh 391-0602

Klay 590-2313

2006 Ford Focus Only 136,000 miles


Josh 391-7056

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2012 Ford F350 Lariat 6.7 liter diesel automatic

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2011 Ford F150 Lariat crew cab • ONLY $12,995


See our full inventory at

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C46

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


Sutherlyn Stroh Named Miss Agriculture USA Queen

New Holland SD440 58-ft. air drill, double shoot, 4” packers, 3000 acres on new points, 2 years on new tires on drill with New Holland SC380 cart........ $35,000

Phone 406-480-2464, Bloomfield, MT

Sutherlyn Stroh of Glendive, Montana was recently named the 2020 Montana Little Miss Agriculture USA Queen. Miss Agriculture USA is a new non-profit agriculture promotion organization featuring Queens of all ages that promote, celebrate and educate about all the diverse aspects of agriculture. Sutherlyn is the 6 year old daughter of Travis and Jessica Stroh. She is currently in first grade and loves all things arts and crafts. Her agricultural interests include baby animals, her Berkshire gilt Ahna and gardening. Sutherlyn is a cloverbud member of Dawson County 4-H where she enjoys learning new things with her friends. Sutherlyn will be competing at the National Miss Agriculture USA Queen competition to be held in Ohio in June 2020. If you would like Sutherlyn to make an appearance at your event, please contact We are AGvocates for Agriculture!

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C47

2016 TerraGator 8400B 365 hp, AGCO 8.4 L diesel, CVT transmission, Beacon, AirMax Precision 2 dual product bin, 70-ft. boom, Raven display, Slingshot field hub 990 hours...............$177,000

2014 Case IH 4530 810 box, 3 bin variable rate, Auto steer, Auto greaser, DEF tank, buddy seat, back up camera, sling shot, ViperPro, 4353 hours........$104,000 ........................................$99,000 2014 Case Titan 4530 1856 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom, leather, Viper controller, SmartTrax...........................................................$148,000

2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours....................$109,000 2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 3000 hours.... $111,000 2018 Ag Chem 8400 TerraGator, 400 hours, Precision 2 bed........... ......................................$277,000

2010 Case IH Titan 4020 Cummins, automatic, 1800 gallon, 85-ft. boom, defco pump, Envizio Pro, 3753 hours...............$88,000

Free Freight

2012 Ag-Chem Terra-Gator 8400 floater, 2184 hours, 365 hp, Sisu Agco 8.4L diesel engine, CVT transmission, air ride cab, Airmax Precision 2 box 70ft. boom width, Agri-Cover SRT-2 spool roll tarp, Raven Viper Pro monitor, Phoenix 300 Receiver, Accuboom.....................$129,000

Up To 1200 Miles

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000

2012 RoGator RG 1300, 1300 gallon, SS liquid system, 120ft. boom, Raven ViperPro, 2200 hours.......................... $133,000 2016 Terra Gator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 1662 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready..............................$149,500

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader 2002 Loral 400 Cummins Air- controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 max 1000, 4100 hours... $45,000 hours.............................. $82,000

2014 RBR Vector 300 New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours...... ......................................$112,000

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours......................$98,000 1989 Kenworth T800 dry, Cummins, tandem with tag axle, Ray Man 20 ton, 5 compartment, top auger...............................$33,500

1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge.........................$39,500

1993 International 20-ton Rayman top auger, Cummins L10 diesel, cheater axle, shows 689,222 miles................................$29,500

Case IH MX110, 6286 hours, Power Quad transmission with left hand reverser, 16 speed front wheel assist, triple hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 rpm PTO........... ........................................$29,500

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained.... ........................................$32,500

1999 Felling trailer, spread axle with 24-ton Willmar side shooter, ShurLok tarp....................$32,000

2012 John Deere 4940 liquid system, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. boom, 20” spacing..........................$23,000

1988 GMC Cat, automatic, Willmar ground drive spinner.$16,000

1988 Kenworth T800 Cat, tandem axle, full screw, Willmar 16 ton stainless steel dry tender box, rear discharge auger.......$24,500

2006 Peterbilt 387 conventional, Cat C-13 diesel engine, 430 hp, 659,741 miles................... $29,500 2000 Caterpillar 924G high lift wheel loader, 20.5-25L tires, 13,095 hours...................$42,500

New Holland W80B front quick tach, 1000 hours........................... ........................$47,000...$51,000

2003 Ray Man 24 ton, 7 compartment dry tender trailer, top swivel discharge auger...............$36,500

2015 Terra-Gator 8400B 3 product box, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, Accuboom, electric roll tarp, Raven SmarTrax, Viper Pro monitor, 2855 hours..... ..................................$139,000

Check our website

2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours......................$29,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4550...... ........................................$24,000 1962 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi.....................$26,000

2-12,000 gallon Nh3 tanks............ ........................................$44,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi...................$15,000 for the pair Case 921E wheel loader, QSM 11, Cummins diesel engine, shuttle shift trans., AM/FM, heat, air, 5430 hours. Incredible Loader Big bucket. Like new tires......$99,000

2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin 2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, spinners, 2860 hours.......$78,000 New Leader bed.......... $112,000

2000 Sterling C12 with fresh overhaul, 4000 gallon Nh3 transport..................................$29,000

Greyn’s Crop Specialists


We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356 Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, January 2020 — Page C48

NEW Product! VW John Deere 1870 Seed Offset

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today!

Visit us at New website g or

with 4 carbides instead of 1

VW10FC - 41/4” - full carbide front and sides - single shoot up to 31/2” spread - shown on VW14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.


2 widths - 4” & 5” Fits VW14FB and Flexi Stealth for double shoot Has 4 carbides on each side


Northeast Montana Producers

VW will once again be planning a SPRING DELIVERY to your area. Call with your orders and get on our list. ORDER EARLY to secure product availability.

Visit our booth J15 at the MAGIE in Great Falls, MT January 16-18 Call ahead with your order and I can deliver to MAGIE

VWJD1870 & 1830


Has two front carbides. Shown on JD opener.

NEW Product! VW Degelman Pro-Till Carbide Scraper

carbide scrapers for the John Deere 1870 & 1830 drills. Set and forget!

Set & forget!

VW 21SB (left & right) side band Fits VW 14 FB and Stealth full carbide

VW10FC full carbide

VW12FC - 21/4” - full carbide Up to 1.5” spread. Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.


VW replacement for Morris double shoot

Opener shown with VWM1C - main front drill point with two carbides. VWM3C and M4C - side plates with carbide imbedded and full carbide M2C deflector.

Carbide mud scraper for Flexi-Coil. Many times life of original.

VW13FC 1.5” Slim Spread Fits VW14FB. Also fits other common openers - single shoot drill point.

VW19B18 & 20B20

Carbide scrapers for the 18” & 20” Bourgault Disc Drills. Long Lasting!

Call for your e sampl VW11FC - 3 /4” - full carbide 1

Fits VW14FB opener and other common openers. Very popular single shoot drill point - up to 21/2” spread.

Fits common openers.

Custom Carbide seed boots for JD 1890 disc drill with three carbides along wear edge to prevent wear. Will likely outlast your drill!!

VW7CC 3 carbides

VW7CC - 3 carbides

Shown on VW14FB. Also shown on VW14FB is VW21DSF

VW11FC - 31/4” drill point

Shown on W14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.

VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CALL FOR INFO ON OTHER PRODUCTS WE CARRY • Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications VW IS YOUR ‘GO TO’ SOURCE FOR FULL CARBIDE POINTS, CARBIDE PAIRED ROW ATTACHMENTS, ETC., FOR FLEXI-COIL, CNH AND NH AIR HOE DRILLS

VW Carbide spoon for common wedge systems VW5FC - 3 /4” + VW6FC - 2 /4” VW8FC - 31/4” + VW9FC - 21/4” Call for details. 1


Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.

NEW Product! VW Versatile Carbide Scraper Set & forget!

NEW Product! VW Bourgault Packer Wheel Carbide Scraper Comes in 3” & 4”

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