Vol. XXI No. 12 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997
Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com
MontGuide Mondays discussions beginning Jan.
E-MAIL: advertising@tradersdispatch.com
MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) Extension will host a series of discussions in 2021 on its MontGuide fact sheets about estates and legacy planning. MontGuide Mondays will run 10 to 11 a.m. each Monday in January and February via Webex. Sessions will be hosted by Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, and also feature several Extension agents from across the state. According to Goetting, the sessions will run like a book club, where participants will read a MontGuide and take part in a virtual discussion. Participants can ask Goetting and agents questions about the reading or just listen and learn. MontGuides to be covered include: • “Dying Without a Will in Montana: Who Receives Your Property” • “Whose Name is on Your Property?” CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
Jan 15, Diamond Bar S Simmental & SimAngus, Great Falls MT.....................A4 Jan 30, Bobcat Angus, Great Falls MT................................................................A3 Feb 1, Gateway Simmental & Lucky Cross, Lewistown MT..............................A7 Feb 3, Begger’s Diamond V Simmental & Angus, Wibaux MT..........................A9 Feb 5, Baumgarten Cattle Co Hereford and Angus & Nord Angus, Belfield ND. .............................................................................................................................A10 Feb 6, Prickly Pear Simmental Ranch, Helena MT...........................................A11 Feb 15, Bulls of the Big Sky Simmental, Angus, SimAngus, Billings MT......A13 Feb 20, Sparks Herefords, Plevna MT...............................................................A24 Feb 20, Gnerer Angus, Olive MT.......................................................................A12 Feb 23, Connelly Angus, Valier MT......................................................................B3 Mar 1, Clear Creek Angus & Weaver Herefords, Chinook MT.........................A15 Mar 2, Hill’s Ranch Simmentals, Stanford MT..................................................A17 Mar 2, Apex Angus, Valier MT............................................................................A19 Mar 5, L Bar W Cattle Company Hereford, Absarokee MT.................................A5 Mar 6, Bulls of the Bitterroot Black Angus, Stevensville MT..........................A21 Mar 8, Veseth Cattle Co., Glasgow MT..............................................................A23 Mar 11, Fritz Red Angus, Brady MT...................................................................A25 Mar 12, Flesch Angus, Shelby MT.....................................................................A28 Mar 15, Sun River Red Angus, Great Falls MT.................................................A20 Mar 15,Whistling Winds Angus, Inc, Hingham MT...........................................A22 Mar 24, Westphal Registered Red Angus, Grass Range MT...........................A33 Mar 29, Harrer’s Lost Lake Ranch, Great Falls MT............................................B9
Jan 1 - 26, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Equipment, Online..............A2 Jan 30 - 31, RLP Auctions, Western Auction, Hamilton MT...............................A8
Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council meeting
Montana Department of Agriculture The Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council will meet virtually from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. A draft agenda for the meeting is available on the Montana Department of Agriculture’s (MDA) Public Notices webpage at agr.mt.gov. To receive information to join the virtual meeting, please contact Carol Bearden, Noxious Weed Program Specialist, by phone at (406) 444-7880 or by email at cbearden@mt.gov. Members of the council provide guidance to the Noxious Weed Trust Fund grant program which assists counties, local CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
Jan 13, Safflower Technologies Intl, Growers Meeting, Fariview MT...............A6 Jan 19, Safflower Technologies Intl, Growers Meeting, Billings MT.................A6
Dawson County’s participants in the 2020 State Make It With Wool Contest were (front row, left to right) Benjamin Dones, Mollie Spradlin, Maya Soria, Wesley Thompson, Millie Pepplitsch, Jaden Hunke, Ezra Solis, (middle row, left to right) Joel Soria, Leah Sauer, Sydni Ringenberg, Karla Herrarte, Abbie Owens, Saidi Ringenberg, (back row, left to right) Delilah Solis, Nevaeh Sauer, Ariel Rhea, Abby Allen, and Amaya Stewart. The contest was November 21 at the Lexington Middle School conducted by Andrea Nisley, State MIWW Director. (Photo courtesy of Andrea Nisley)
Extension Crop Production Clinics to go virtual
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Beginning January 5, the 2021 Nebraska will also be available. Crop Production Clinics will feature live Clinic dates are as follows: presentations via Zoom and present research Western Nebraska Focused Clinics updates and information tailored to regional • January 5, 2021 (Tuesday) crop issues and grower interests. Sponsored • January 12, 2021 (Tuesday) by Nebraska Extension, the programs will • January 19, 2021 (Tuesday) be held on nine days throughout January. Central Nebraska Focused Clinics Session topics will include crop produc• January 6, 2021 (Wednesday) tion, soil management, water management, • January 13, 2021 (Wednesday) agribusiness management, pesticide and • January 20, 2021 (Wednesday) environmental safety, pest management, Eastern Nebraska Focused Clinics pesticide application technology, cover • January 7, 2021 (Thursday) crops, forages and agricultural technology. • January 14, 2021 (Thursday) Pesticide applicator recertification training • January 21, 2021 (Thursday) Individual clinics will be customized to address topics specific to that area of the state, allowing growers to get researchAnchor Polled Herefords, Vaughn MT...........................A5 based information on the issues they face Bar LM Ranch, Stevensville MT.....................................A8 Beery’s Land & Livestock Co., Vida MT......................A24 locally. Due to the uncertainty related to Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY.................................A32 COVID-19 around the state, the clinics will Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT...............A18 be offered virtually. Duncan Ranch Co, Joplin MT........................................A5 There will be limited opportunity for inEhlke Herefords, Townsend MT.....................................A5 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT.................................A5 person viewing of clinic presentations at J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT...................................A24 various county locations. More information K.L. Slagsvold Herefords, Lindsay MT..........................A5 about these locations will be made available Little Bitterroot Ranch, Hot Springs MT.......................A2 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT..........................................A5 on the CPC website at http://agronomy.unl.
Thomas Herefords, Gold Creek MT...............................A5
The deadline for February issue is WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27 Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A30 Email: advertising@tradersdispatch.com Website: www.tradersdispatch.com
Trader’s Dispatch January 2021 — Page A2
If you have items you want advertised in the February 2021 issue
LITTLE BITTERROOT RANCH Private Treaty Bull Sale Breeding Simmental Sim Angus since 1972
20 Black Yearlings 3 Red Yearlings 4 Black 2-year-olds
LBR Proclaim H764 Registration #3766319 Sire: WS Proclamation E202 14 EPD’s in the top 25% or better
Reference Sires:
WS All ABoard B80, KBHR High Road E283 TJ Franchise 451D WS Proclamation E202 TJ Diplomat 294D Hook’s Beacon 85L For information, pictures and videos: littlebitterrootranch.com
LBR High Future H806 Registration #3766327 Sire: KBHR High Road E283 12 EPD’s in the top 25% or better
Herd Sires:
LBR Top Cut E305 LBR Armor E610
748 Little Bitterroot Rd. Hot Springs, MT 59845
Phone 406-741-2523 lbrsimmental@gmail.com
ENDS: TUE, JAN 26 • 6PM KINSEY, MT 16 Miles E of Miles City on Hwy 489 Towards Kinsey
6 TRACTORS: JD 8650 w/dozer, JD 2955, JD 2510 w/loader, NH TS110 w/ loader, Ford 3910 w/loader, Fiat 980DT w/loader. TRUCKS: 2014 Dodge 2500HD, 2009 Ford F350, 1990 Ford F150, 1998 Peterbilt, 1974 IH CO4070 w/box, 1968 Chev 50 w/box. FEEDERS: 1987 IH S1900 Rotomixer 524-15B, Rotomixer 490-14 Trailer, Rotomixer 414-14B Trailer. INDUSTRIAL: Case 580K Backhoe, Cat 61A Wheel Loader. TRAILERS: 1993 Raven 48’ Alum Flatbed, 2003 Parker Flatbed 29’, Shopbuilt Flatbed 18’, 2009 TW Stock 24’, 2003 Titan Stock 20’. HARVEST EQT: NH 660 Rd Baler, JD 300 Twin Knife MowerConditioner, Mayrath 10x60 Swing-Away Auger, Bush Hog Rotary Mower. TILLAGE & MISC: CIH 6814 Disk Ripper 14’, Danuser MD6 Post Driver TWO SW RANCHES INC • Scott Wittman (406) 780-0592 • For Inspections & Info
Extension Crop Production Clinics CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
edu/cpc. Availability of in-person viewing will depend on local COVID-19 directed health measures in place at the time and follow University of Nebraska–Lincoln guidelines for masks and social distancing. Visit the Crop Production Clinics 2021 website (https:// agronomy.unl.edu/cpc) for the most up-to-date information. Complete agendas and online registration for each site are at http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc. Pre-registration is required and costs $80. Certified Crop Advisor credits will be available in these areas: crop production, nutrient management, integrated pest management, water management and professional development. Pesticide Applicator Recertification The clinics will offer commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators a venue to renew their licenses in two categories: Ag Plant and Demonstration/Research. The crop production clinics also will serve as a venue for private pesticide applicators to renew their licenses. Registration questions can be directed to Connie Hansen, chansen1@unl.edu, 402-472-8747
• “Non-Probate Transfers and Transfer on Death Deeds” • “Probate in Montana and Duties of a Personal Representative” • “Revocable Living Trusts” • “Wills Plus Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate” Over the past seven years, Goetting has presented more than 500 educational sessions that have delivered financial and estate planning information to at least 15,000 Montanans. Goetting has received state, regional and national awards for her programs. She has authored 46 MontGuide fact sheets on estate planning. Registration is required for MontGuide Mondays and can be done at montana.edu/familyeconomics/montguidemondays. For more information, email Goetting at marsha. goetting@montana.edu.
communities, tribes, researchers and educators in efforts to combat noxious weed problems in Montana. Council members are appointed by the MDA Director and those interested in serving on the council can access applications here: agr. mt.gov/NWTF-Council. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit agr.mt.gov.
January 2021 — Vol. XXI No. 12 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.
Deadline for February issue WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales
Office Phone 406-271-5533
FAX 406-271-5727
e-mail: advertising@tradersdispatch.com www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build your ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A3
Bobcat Ernie Ratzburg: Cell: (406) 788-3244
Bryan Ratzburg: (406) 937-5858 Cell: (406) 788-3272
184 Bulls Sell 83 - Yearlings 45 - Fall Yearlings 56 - 2 Year Olds
920 Bred Females Sell
700 - Bred Heifers (No Brands)
275 AI Bred to 110 Vermilion Spur B024 Bred 315 - Pasture Heifers AI Bred to Circle L Gus
Lot 1
CED +5 | BW +2.3 | WW +89 | YW +144 | MK +26 CW +666 | MB +.86 | RE +.79 | Fat +.019 $M +62 | $W +91 | $F +97 | $G +64 | $B +160 | $C +270
Heifers are all ultrasound pregnancy checked for sex and birth date in 10 and 20 day calving groups.
150 30 - Registered 8 Year Old Cows
2 Coming 3 Year Old Cows
Lot 3
AI bred to Bobcat Blue Sky
Year Old 40 - 10Commercial Cows
CED +2 | BW +2.0 | WW +84 | YW +135 | MK +35 CW +62 | MB +.51 | RE +1.04 | Fat +.004 $M +89 | $W +99 | $F +95 | $G +52 | $B +147 | $C +280
They start calving March 20th
Sire lineup includes:
Lot 9
CED +5 | BW +1.0 | WW +70 | YW +119 | MK +17 CW +65 | MB +.47 | RE +.36 | Fat +.074 | $M +88 | $W +69 | $F +115 | $G +35 | $B +151 | $C +284
Bobcat Blue Sky (18880272) Circle L Gus (17993084) Apex Klondike (19337906) PGC Forge (19230832) Connealy Emerald (19257149) Jindra Megahit (+17731559) SydGen Enhance (18170041) VAR Legend 5019 (18066037) Woodhill Blueprint (18876777)
Lot 22
CED +8 | BW +.9 | WW +80 | YW +139 | MK +26 CW +56 | MB +.63 | RE 1.05 | Fat -.024 $M +64 | $W +84 | $F +93 | $G +60 | $B +153 | $C +262
Production Sale
12:30 | SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 2021 Western Livestock Auction | Great Falls, MT www.bobcatangus.com
Free stockwater quality webinar
Trader’s Dispatch January 2021 — Page A4
Dennis & Nila Schenk & Sons
Fairfield MT 406-467-3303/590-3377
diamond@3rivers.net diamondbars.net
Friday January 15, 2021 1:00 pm Western Livestock Great Falls MT
Laurie Lohrer, Central Montana Resource Council Join us 6-8 pm on Thursday January 28, 2021 for a free webinar via zoom on how stockwater impacts livestock health. Hear from an outstanding line up of speakers: • Dr. Megan VanEmon, MSU Extension Beef Specialist from Fort Keogh/Miles City, will discuss livestock water quality issues, including sulfates, TDS, and nitrates, the importance of water sampling and how water quality changes throughout the year. • MSU Extension Bozeman Livestock Environmental Specialist Thomas Bass will cover conservation practices to protect water quality in and around livestock facilities and operations, with strategies on providing clean water to maximize animal health and performance. • Montana Salinity Control Associates senior water specialist Scott Brown will address salinity, how it impacts your stockwater and how to mitigate. Register now through January 28 at www.northernplains. org/stockwater and you’ll get ZOOM link via email for the webinar. Call Caitlin at 406-248-1154 with questions. Speakers welcome your questions - don’t miss it! This free webinar is presented by Central Montana Resource Council, Montana Farmers Union, MSU Extension and Northern Plains Resource Council.
Market development proposals
Call us for ball bearings and roller bearings.
CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: www.cascademachineco.com 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405
Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Pulse Crop Committee is seeking proposals to fund market development projects and educational projects designed to promote and enhance Montana’s pulse industry. All funding awards will be determined by the Montana Pulse Crop Committee and proposals are due March 1, 2021 by 5:00 pm MST. Proposals must be submitted through the Webgrants system. A complete list of guidelines, eligibility requirements and application procedures are available on the Montana Department of Agriculture’s website (https://agr.mt.gov/ PulseProgram). Questions about the proposal request or applications should be directed to Montana Pulse Crop Research & Marketing, P.O. Box 200201, Helena, MT 596200201, or by contacting Weston Merrill by phone at (406) 444-3407 or via email at weston.merrill@mt.gov. The Montana Pulse Crop Committee’s mission is to invest in and deliver support for marketing, research, education, and policy development programming that improves return on investment for the pulse producers of Montana.
Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT
Sam Anderson
248-914-7491, Emigrant, MT
Bar Star Cattle
406-947-5322, Musselshell, MT www.barstarcattle.com
Bayers Ranches, Inc.
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT www.bayersherefordranch.com
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com
Marty & Leslie Bennett 406-221-6350, Butte, MT
Brownell Polled Herefords 406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT
Churchill Cattle Co
406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com
Cooper Hereford Ranch
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com
Curlew Cattle Co
Duncan Ranch Co
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
Dutton Hereford Ranch
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT
Ehlke Herefords
406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com
Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
Feddes Herefords
Hereford America
605-866-4495, Reva, SD www.herefordamerica.com
Holden Herefords
406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com
Hop Creek Ranch
406-799-2264, Lavina, MT www.hopcreekranchcompany.com
Houck Ranch, LLC
Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT www.feddes.com
406-795-8118, Wibaux, MT
Frank Herefords
Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch
G & R Farming, LLC
J Bar E Ranch
307-631-6012, Roscoe, MT 406-580-1303, Willow Creek, MT
Garrison Ranches Inc
406-214-5120, Missoula, MT
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
JZ Livestock
406-835-2501, Glen, MT
406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT
Griffin Polled Herefords
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
406-821-0247, Darby, MT
H Hanging J
406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT
Dallas Polled Herefords
Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT
Harper Herefords
406-323-1686, Roundup, MT
406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT
K & C Herefords
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords 406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
L Bar W Cattle Company
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT www.lbarw.com
The Livestock Link
Rafter Ranch Inc
605-210-1956, Reva, SD www.thelivestocklink.com
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
Lucky U Cattle Company
406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT
406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT www.LuckyUCattle.com
M/D Herefords
406-788-2393, Baker, MT
McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc. 406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
McMurry Cattle
406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com
MK Black Herefords Opportunity, MT
Rockin’ Double R Ranch
Rocky Mountain Mini Herefords 406-239-9907, Evaro, MT
Sidwell Ranch
406-322-4425, Columbus, MT www.sidwell-land.com
Sparks Herefords
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT www.sparksherefords.com
Storey Hereford Ranch
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT
Thomas Herefords
Mohican West
406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com
Northern Ag Research
406-323-1297, Roundup, MT
On Point Cattle Co
406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com
406-670-8529, Laurel, MT www.mohicanpolledherefords.com 406-265-6115, Havre, MT
570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT
Otis Ranch
406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT
Emily Pederson
406-322-8541, Columbus, MT
Vandeberg Ranch
Wichman Herefords XA Cattle
308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE
Yorlum Cattle Co
406-882-4086, Trego, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A5
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
HAY FOR SALE Approximately 100 ton 2nd cutting alfalfa, net wrapped, round bales. Near Conrad, MT Phone (406) 450-3647
Montana Hereford Directory A
r Polled Hereford n c ho
Duncan Ranch Co. Private Treaty Silent Auction Powerful Polled and Horned Herefords
Female Production Sale in September
Quality Bulls - reasonable prices
Select your bulls now and we will feed and deliver them at your convenience this spring
Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty
Townsend, MT 59644 (406) 266-4121 (406) 439-4311 ehlke@mt.net www.ehlkeherefords.com
Bruce Duncan • 406-292-3503 • Joplin, MT btduncan@itstriangle.com • catalog available
Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.
Feddes Herefords www.feddes.com 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 tfeddes@msn.com Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602
Board of Directors
Hyer McKechnie, Pres. - (406) 432-2296 Dave Hanson - (406) 570-5519 Chad Murnin - (406) 947-5322 Jon Bouma - (406) 799-2973 Austin Frank - (307) 631-6012 Carl Loyning - (406) 425-2484 Jane’a Ehlke - (406) 202-2799 Johanna Bouma, Sec. - (406) 240-2587
Contact MHA to get your information into our ad in the Trader’s Dispatch and featured on MHA’s Facebook page. Connect with us at www.montanahereford.org
Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales
Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102
Come view our offering at any time, doing it the old fashioned way, where everyday is sale day!
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords Since 1922
Performance tested bulls and heifers
For sale private treaty at the ranch
Kenny Lars (406) 584-7571 cell (406) 939-0252 671 Fas 470 Lindsay, MT 59339
HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040 mcmurrycattle@gmail.com www.mcmurrycattle.com
RST 167Y TRUST 8132 • Reg. P43957310 Owned with Rausch Herefords
RST 167Y TRUST 8132 • Reg. P43957310 Owned with Rausch Herefords Come view our offering at any time, doing it the old fashioned way, where everyday is saleand day!2-year-old) (yearling
√ Yearling and 2-year-old bulls √ Breeding soundness examined √ First year breeding season guarantee √ Volume discount √ Free delivery within Montana
Selling 80+ Bulls and 60+ Females by Private Treaty Come viewYearling our offering at anyLearn time, doing it the more at www.thomasherefords.com and 2-year-old bulls old fashioned way, where everyday is sale day!
RICHARD AND SHIRLEY Breeding soundness examined I BRUCE AND TAMMY • 406-544-1536 I KURT AND JESSICA • 406-239-5113 bruce@thomasherefords.com I P.O. BOX 330012 I GOLD CREEK, MT 59733 First year breeding season guarantee
Yearling and 2-year-old bulls Volume discount
Breeding soundness examined
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A6
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones 406-544-4766, cell
• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Brock
140,000 bushels of storage at Cut Bank, MT
David Yoder Phone: 406-288-6473 Toll Free: 877-755-6473
• Complete millwright and concrete service • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington
2870 Gold Creek Road Gold Creek, MT 59733 authenticwood1@gmail.com
Ordinary People Delivering the Extra Ordinary
T&G Wood Flooring & Paneling • T&G Log Siding • Custom Railing & Doors
Natural Wood Flooring, Log Siding and Knotty Pine paneling is our specialty... We have our own dry kilns for quality control on the wood. We offer pine and cedar log siding and paneling, along with Douglas Fir, Knotty Pine and Blue Pine flooring and wall paneling. We also offer various styles of solid wood doors and log railings along with many other quality log home products. Our products are superior quality due to our carefulness in custom detail. Our innovative Tongue-and-Groove design, and End-Matching, makes for zero to very minimal waste.
www.logsidingmt.com • www.sustainablelumberco.com
Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm - Saturday by appointment only - Closed Sunday
Tackling food allergies at the source
Eric Hamilton, American Society of Agronomy Food allergies are a big problem. About 7% of children and 2% of adults in the U.S. suffer from some kind of food allergy. These allergies cost a whopping $25 billion in health care each year. Then there’s the time lost at school or work. And there’s the risk of serious complications, even death. It’s critical to find ways to reduce the suffering caused by food allergies. Food processing already spends a lot of effort to label products so people can avoid items they’re allergic to. But what if we could do better? What if we could enjoy the foods we like without worrying they might trigger a health crisis? That’s the focus of Eliot Herman’s work. Herman has spent his career studying why plants trigger allergic reactions and how to reduce the chance of them being triggered. Herman is a member of the Crop Science Society of America and recently presented his work at the virtual 2020 ASA-CSSASSSA Annual Meeting. “Food allergies are an important societal issue. By altering food and by treating sensitive individuals, this can be mitigated, improving their lives and impacting the total medical expenditure in the U.S.,” says Herman. Herman focuses particularly on soybeans. Soybean allergies especially affect children and infants. And because soybean products like oil and protein are used in countless food products, it’s hard to avoid. Earlier in his career, Herman found the protein made by soybeans that is responsible for most soybean allergies. Now, he has dedicated his work to understanding why this protein is so aggravating and how we can reduce it in the crop. To do so, he’s turning to animal models. Pigs sometimes have a soybean allergy very similar to that of humans. Herman worked with a research team that bred pigs that are extra sensitive to soybeans. Testing new crops on allergic children wouldn’t be possible. But these pigs can be used to see how well plant breeders have done at removing allergenic proteins from soybean seeds. That’s a feat that Herman has done not once, but twice. Previously, Herman partnered with the company DuPont to produce a line of soybeans that couldn’t make the most allergenic protein. They made this soybean line using genetic engineering. This new soybean was a genetically modified organism (GMO), and there was also demand for a non-GMO soybean without the allergenic protein. So Herman went back to the drawing board. He worked with his colleagues to find a line from the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) national soybean collection that naturally didn’t make the allergenic protein. That means no genetic engineering would be necessary. They then crossed that line of soybeans with more commonly grown soybeans to create a new, productive soybean with reduced allergic sensitivity. “This new soybean is intended to be a low-allergen prototype to be tested as a conventional, non-GMO line to mitigate the allergic response for consumers,” says Herman. The hypersensitive pigs can now be used to test if these low-allergen soybeans are safe enough for allergic individuals. That wouldn’t only be good for allergic people who want to safely eat more items from the grocery store. It would also be good news for animals. Since pigs are often fed soybeans, a low-allergen soybean could reduce their own allergic response. Dogs also have a high prevalence of allergic reactions to soybean, which is used in some dog foods. So reducing the crop’s allergenicity would be good for man’s best friend, too. “Food has been recognized as medicine since ancient times. By reducing soybean’s allergens, we hope to produce positive a medical outcome for humans and animals,” says Herman.
What’s a tree worth? How about a forest?
By Joe Zeleznik, Forester, NDSU Extension Let’s do a little mental exercise today. How do we put a price tag on a tree that’s growing in our yard? A boulevard tree in the community? What about a windbreak? How do we determine the value of anything? I’m sure that my economist friends could give me technical answers about the complicated techniques involved in valuing a product or a service, or even how intrinsic value might be determined. But let’s keep it simple. What is a tree worth? In traditional forestry, trees often are viewed in terms of the amount of lumber that can be harvested from the stems. How many 2-by-4s can we saw from a ponderosa pine that’s 80 feet tall and 28 inches in diameter? The techniques for these types of calculations are well-developed and surprisingly straightforward. But not a whole lot of timber is being harvested on the prairie. So, what do we do now? Let’s look at services. What does a tree provide us? On a bigger scale, what services do forests provide? We can make a list: shade, wind protection, pollution abatement, water control. Surprisingly, putting a value on those services is pretty easy. Putting a value on other services such as oxygen production, wildlife habitat or improvement of mental health is harder. An individual tree, in the right location, can lower summer air conditioning costs by up to 30% (U.S. Forest Service). That’s the equivalent of 10 room-size air conditioners running 20 hours a day! Windbreaks can lower winter heating costs on the farmstead by as much as 40% (U.S. Department of Energy). And those savings accumulate year after year, and even increase as the trees get bigger. One study by the U.S. Forest Service showed that Bismarck’s municipal trees – those managed by the city – provide nearly a halfmillion dollars each year in stormwater reduction. And that’s just the public trees; it doesn’t include the services provided by trees on private property. For every dollar that Bismarck spends on its urban forestry program, the city reaps more than $3 in benefits. Windbreaks, in the right locations, can serve as living snow fences. These plantings protect interstates and state highways in many areas of North Dakota. Living snow fences reduce drifting on roadways, increasing safety and reducing the need to plow out those areas following big snowstorms. How much is that worth? I’ve heard that the Department of Transportation can push snow for dollars per ton, or they can store it for pennies per ton by using living snow fences. The list goes on: livestock protection in winter, taking up carbon dioxide via photosynthesis, lowering dust in the air, oxygen production. We’re working on a study at NDSU to determine the early season effects of shelterbelts on honeybees. I’m looking forward to finding the results. What’s a tree worth? A lot, depending on where it’s located and what products or services it provides us. What’s a forest worth? More than just the trees.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A7
SIDE-BY-SIDE FOR SALE 2011 Polaris 800XP EPS side-by-side with 3785 miles. Completely rebuilt engine at 2246 miles. Very good condition. Always stored in shop............ $9500
Phone (406) 450-3647, Conrad, MT
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A8
CAT EXCAVATOR WANTED 320 up to 330, must have thumb Phone (406) 680-7277
COMBINE & PICKUP FOR SALE John Deere 7700 combine, good motor, parts only. 1994 Ford F250 supercab, good drive train for parts only. For more information call (406) 469-2201, Pendroy, MT
Black Angus Herd Dispersal Sale
105 head commercial Black Angus and Angus cross bred cows, ages 2-9 years old. Black Angus cows, bred to registered Black Angus bulls. Expected to calve early March through April. These cows have all been raised on the ranch, a very calm easy-going herd, bred for efficiency, weight gain and calving ease. Preg tested, Lepto5, 8-Way and poured October 31. All cows are Bangs vaccinated and ready to ship. Annual weaning weight averages for end of October have consistently been 680# for steers and 640# for heifers. 26 — 1st calf heifers 14 — 4-year-olds 4 — 7-year-olds
20 — 2-year-olds 12 — 5-year-olds 9 — 8-year-olds
9 — 3-year-olds 7 — 6-year-olds 4 — 9-year-olds
Call or text Skip at (406) 529-8166, Bar LM Ranch, Stevensville, MT
Allis Chalmers tractors 4W305, 4W220, D21, 220, 8010-8070 mfwd Any condition considered Phone Nathan at 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846, email: swensonrv@srt.com
WESTERN AUCTION Saturday, January 30 and Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 10 am at RLP Sale Barn, Hamilton, MT
Preview: Friday, January 29 - 12:00 - 5:00 pm Offered online through icollector.com
Cowboy Collectibles, Native American, Americana, Guns, Gold & Tack
RLP Auctions (406) 369-2640
Experiment station releases new crop varieties
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News is a conventional (not resistant to glyphosate The North Dakota Agricultural Experiherbicide) soybean variety with 0.7 maturity ment Station has released new chickpea, that is intended to replace ND Stutsman. field pea, soybean, wheat, oat and black This new variety has high yield potential bean varieties. and resistance to Race 3 of phytophthora The new crop varieties were ND Crown root rot. chickpeas, ND Dawn yellow field peas, ND ND Dickey has good iron-deficiency Dickey soybeans, ND Frohberg hard red chlorosis (IDC) and lodging tolerance. It spring wheat, ND Heart oats, ND Noreen has purple flowers, gray pubescence tan winter wheat and ND Twilight black beans. pods, yellow hila and dull seed coat luster. The North Dakota County Seed Increase ND Dickey is sensitive to the herbicide Program distributed ND Dawn, ND Dickey metribuzin. and ND Heart for the first time in the spring Development of this variety was made of 2020 and ND Noreen in the fall of 2020. possible through funds provided by the To ensure genetic purity, all varieties North Dakota Soybean Council. are protected under Plant Variety ProtecGeneral Characteristics: tion Title V and must be sold as a class of • 7 maturity certified seed. All varieties, except for ND • High yield potential Twilight, are licensed to the North Dakota • Good IDC tolerance Crop Improvement and Seed Association • Phytophthora root rot resistance (race 3) (NDCISA) for their management and disND Twilight Black Beans tribution. ND Twilight was developed by the dry Here is a look at the new varieties: bean breeding program at NDSU under ND Crown Chickpeas the direction of breeder Juan Osorno. ND ND Crown was developed by the pulse Twilight has shown competitive agronomic breeding program at North Dakota State performance compared with other varieties University (NDSU) under the direction of commonly grown in North Dakota. It has an breeder Nonoy Bandillo. ND Crown is a upright indeterminate (short vine) growth Kabuli type chickpea and has high yield habit and purple flowers and matures in potential in North Dakota environments. approximately 99 days. The average height of ND Crown is 26.4 ND Twilight had higher seed yield cominches and the average maturity date is 115 pared with other black bean cultivars comdays from planting. monly grown in the region. It is resistant to The 1,000-seed weight of ND Crown rust (race 20-3) and intermediately resistant is 396 grams. ND Crown has a similar reto common bacterial blight (CBB). ND sponse to Ascochyta blight under moderate Twilight also is resistant to bean common to high disease pressure when compared mosaic virus and moderately resistant to with commercial cultivars. soybean cyst nematode. Canning quality ND Crown is ideal for whole seed and and seed shape/size are within acceptable processed markets, such as hummus, commercial ranges. because of its larger seed size compared General Characteristics: with commonly grown cultivars. This new • Resistance to rust variety flowers and matures one day earlier • Competitive seed yield than CDC Frontier with similar seed yield. • Intermediate resistance to CBB General Characteristics: • Excellent upright architecture • High yield potential Development of this variety was made • Large seed size possible through checkoff funds provided • Similar reaction to Ascochyta blight as by the Northarvest Bean Growers Assocommercial cultivars ciation and North Dakota Dry Edible Bean ND Dawn Yellow Field Peas Seed Growers Association. ND Dawn was developed by the pulse ND Frohberg Hard Red Spring Wheat breeding program at NDSU under BanND Frohberg was developed by the dillo’s direction. ND Dawn large yellow spring wheat breeding program at NDSU field peas have high yield potential in under the direction of breeder Andrew North Dakota environments and excellent Green. ND Frohberg has good yield potenagronomic performance. ND Dawn has tial, strong end-use quality and very good a uniform, round seed comparable to DS disease resistance. It is medium tall, similar Admiral, which makes it stand out from to Barlow, with good straw strength most other varieties. similar to Glenn. Total protein content has been tested at ND Frohberg has good yield potential, 24%, which is similar to commercial cultisimilar to SY Ingmar in western locations vars. ND Dawn matures in approximately and Barlow in eastern locations. It has 95 days, which is early and favorable for above-average levels of resistance to bacteNorth Dakota growing conditions. ND rial leaf streak and is moderately resistant Dawn is tolerant to lodging and has a good to leaf rust. Resistance to Fusarium head plant stand. It is about 3 centimeters (cm) blight is similar to Barlow and Elgin-ND. shorter than Agassiz and 10 cm taller than ND Frohberg also has strong milling and CDC Striker. baking quality. ND Dawn has seed size similar to NaGeneral Characteristics: varro and a bit larger than Agassiz and LG • Good yield potential Sunrise. ND Dawn has a similar response • Very good disease resistance to Fusarium root rot as Agassiz. ND Dawn’s • Strong end-use quality Ascochyta blight infection was more severe ND Heart Oats than in Agassiz; however, yield was not ND Heart was developed by the oat significantly different. breeding program at NDSU under the direcGeneral Characteristics: tion of breeder Mike McMullen. ND Heart • High yield potential is a conventional oat line with exceptionally • Early maturity high groat beta glucan and protein concen• Uniform, round seed tration. These qualities should allow the • Good protein content production of specialty oat products with ND Dickey Soybeans unique beneficial nutritional characteristics. ND Dickey was developed by the soyND Heart produces about 25% greater bean breeding program at NDSU under the direction of breeder Ted Helms. ND Dickey CONTINUED ON PAGE A9
Experiment station releases new crop varieties
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A9
The deadline for advertising in the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
beta glucan concentration and 20% greater groat protein concentration than commonly grown oat cultivars. The grain yield, test weight and milling yield of ND Heart are similar to other popular oat cultivars. ND Heart’s disease resistance is similar to Hi-Fi with susceptibility to crown rust. General Characteristics: • High groat beta glucan • High protein ND Noreen Hard Red Winter Wheat ND Noreen was developed by the winter wheat breeding program at NDSU under the direction of breeder Francois Marais. ND Noreen hard red winter wheat is intended to replace Jerry. ND Noreen has higher yield potential than Jerry, with similar winter-hardiness, height, maturity and quality. It has shown excellent bacterial leaf streak resistance and intermediate resistance to stripe rust. ND Noreen has better stem rust resistance than Jerry and comparable leaf rust resistance. ND Noreen performed well in eastern North Dakota and western Minnesota and has good lodging resistance. ND Noreen has average protein, high test weight, satisfactory milling extraction, and average mixing tolerance and loaf volume. 1.21 Begger Diamond V fp 4c.qxp_Layout 1 General Characteristics: • Strong yield potential • Winter hardy • Excellent bacterial leaf streak resistance • Improved stem rust resistance For further information about foundation or registered seed availability of these or other varieties, contact an NDSU Extension agent, an NDSU Research Extension Center, the North Dakota Crop Improvement and Seed Association or North Dakota Foundation Seedstocks.
Missing Horse
A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, handily flipped his gun into the air, caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling. “Which one of you sidewinders stole my horse?!” he yelled with surprising forcefulness. No one answered. “Alright, I’m gonna have another beer, and if my horse ain’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m gonna do what I dun in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas!” Some of the locals shifted restlessly. The man, true to his word, had another beer, walked outside, and his horse has been returned to the post. He saddled up and started to ride out of town. The bartender wandered out of the bar and asked, “Say partner, before you go... what happened in Texas?” The cowboy turned back and said, “I had to walk home.”
7 W Farms
Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 • Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 P.O. Box 807 • (406) 292-3240 or 292-3233 (Shop) Inverness, Montana 59530 gwoods@itstriangle.com
7W Farms is now a Distributor for Parker hydraulic hose and fittings.
We can make any length of hose to meet your specific needs.
We are currently carrying 4000 psi hose only but can order whatever meets your needs.
Rock-O-Matic rock picker, new cylinders, in good condition............................................................. $6000 obo 2002 Ford F250 King Ranch pickup nice shape (selling for a relative)....................................................... Call
Certified Lanning Spring Wheat Seed - $11.50 per bushel Registered Vida Spring Wheat Seed - $13.50 per bushel Registered Buzz Barley Seed - $10 per bushel Greg Woods: (406) 399-0488 - 7W Farms - Matthew Woods: (406) 399-3640
12/16/20 2:44 PM Page 1
60 Fall born 18 month old, 30 purebred Simmental, 120 SimAngus™ and 20 Angus Bulls, all are black and polled, most are homozygous Offering the pick of all our 2020 spring and fall open heifers, over 200 head to pick from.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021 • 12:30 PM – At the Ranch – Wibaux, MT Selling 160 Black Simmental, SimAngus™ and Angus
COW POWER AT ITS FINEST: The basis of any good breeding program is the mother cow. Our motto is: “THE RANCHER COMES FIRST”. Every breeding decision we make is to improve our customer’s bottom line. BEGGER’S DIAMOND V RANCH provides the perfect blend of COW SENSE, COMMON SENSE and SCIENCE. We know the value of a good mother cow, she must be fertile, efficient and problem-free. She must have the staying power to produce a valuable calf year-after-year on her own, with no extra assistance in the environment mother nature provides. She must possess a low-maintenance, easy-fleshing body type that requires little or no extra input. She has to have a problem-free udder and have a good gentle attitude with a set of feet and legs that will serve her until she exits your program at a ripe old age. v We are your source for homozygous black and polled Simmental, SimAngus™, Angus genetics, the top 160 bulls out of 275 sell. v Many ½ & ¾ brothers sell in volume enabling you to assemble like bred genetics that are predictable and consistent. v From a program that does the day-to-day work. We calve, feed, and work around our cattle every day, so we know our cows if they become problematic. They won’t see next year and their only way out is through a packing plant. v We are straight shooters, we don’t hem and haw or beat around the bush. We honestly try to answer and meet our customer’s questions, needs and concerns. Our bulls come with a complete 100% satisfaction warranty. If there is a problem we will make it right. v We provide free bull keep until April, along with a free breeding soundness exam and free delivery, in most cases nationwide on purchases over $5,000. v Every bull walks through the sale ring enabling you to see what you are buying. Some pictures and videos just don’t represent cattle as they should. v We do not creep feed our bulls, they are what their mothers and grass can produce, raised in big contemporary groups. There is a lot of hype out there about EPDs, Genomic Testing, and Carcass Traits. We strongly believe in the use of all of these genetic enhancement tools. We also know that you can ruin a good cowherd in a blink of an eye if you chase paper traits with no directive or focus put on the mother cow and what it takes to keep her in production with as few inputs as possible. There are breeding programs that only provide EPDs with no actual data. Be careful, many times these programs have cattle that do not have the ability to produce pay weight, and fleshing ability. They don’t like to show actual data because it isn’t all that good. Raw data such as actual birth weights, 205 wts, 365 wts and performance data and indexes allows you to observe how an animal has performed within his contemporary group. It shows you his potential to sire calves that may increase or decrease performance. There are way too many cattle out there with excellent EPD’s and dollar indexes that are not worthy of anything but a castrating knife. You can breed for all the highest EPDs and indexes in the world, but if you sacrifice FLESHING ABILITY, MENTAL, MATERNAL, and PHYSICAL TRAITS, along with an animal’s ability to produce PAY WEIGHT and EYE APPEAL, all you will gain is a cull cow with good EPDs.
Look for us on Facebook
Bill Begger: 406-796-2326 / John Begger: 406-795-9914 darbegger@gmail.com / 482 Custer Trail Road / Wibaux, MT 59353
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A10
BAUMGARTEN CATTLE CO. Friday, February 5, 2021 • 1:00 p.m. MST at the ranch south of Belfield, ND (call or check our catalog or website for directions) GUEST CONSIGNER: Nord Angus
80 Powerful Hereford & Angus Bulls • 20 Commercial Hereford Heifers • 10 Baldie Heifers • 15 Angus Heifers CED +1.5 BW +3.8 WW +64 YW +102 SC +1.3 MM +37 M&G +68 REA +0.42 MARB +0.03 CHB$ +107
DOB: 2/7/2020 BW: 85 205 Wt: 716
DOB: 2/23/2020 BW: 93 205 Wt: 760 CED +8.4 BW +1.4 WW +53 YW +92 SC +0.9 MM +30 M&G +57 REA +0.44 MARB +0.19 CHB$ +120
CED -1.3 BW +4.0 WW +56 YW +93 SC +0.5 MM +29 M&G +57 REA +0.51 MARB -0.05 CHB$ +109
DOB: 2/26/2020 BW: 82 205 Wt: 735
CED -3.6 BW +4.8 WW +59 YW +91 SC +1.0 MM +23 M&G +52 REA +0.51 MARB +0.09 CHB$ +116
DOB: 3/6/2019 BW: 93 205 Wt: 662
Why a Baumgarten Bull?
Moderate BW. Performance orientated. Bulls are backed by a real world highly maternal cow herd. Ask us about the Z diamond guarantee.
For catalogs and info, contact: Rollie Baumgarten 701.290.3469 • Jake Baumgarten 701.290.3450 • Robert Nord 701.361.6493 BELFIELD, ND 58622 • E-MAIL: TRBAUMGARTEN@YAHOO.COM
Bull Calves fed free until April 1, 2020
View photos and videos of bulls on our website at www.baumgartencattle.com
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Choteau rancher wins MFB YF&R Discussion Meet
Karli Johnson, a young rancher from Choteau, bested three other competitors to win the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet. She received the keys to a Ranger® 570 EFI and will be eligible to compete in the national competition which will be held during the virtual American Farm Bureau Convention in January. The three other contestants were Mark Boyd from Alder, John Walker from Nashua and Morgan Rose from Terry. The Final Four of the Discussion Meet was held during the Montana Farm Bureau board meeting in Bozeman November 12, The Discussion Meet, which is open to Farm Bureau members age 18-35, is meant to simulate a committee meeting with ideas discussed and solutions developed. The question for the final round: International trade is important to agriculture. We must continue working to build strong relations with existing customers while seeking out new trade partners to strengthen market stability. How can we enhance existing, and establish new and diverse foreign trading partners? Johnson said she enjoyed all aspects of the competition because of the interaction with the other contestants. “The Eleanor Roosevelt quote that ‘Great minds talk about ideas,’ is one that the older I get, the more I realize I enjoy talking about ideas. It’s such a joy to be able to do that with issues we’re passionate about,” said Johnson. “In the Discussion Meet, my fellow competitors were inspiring in discussing the challenges and solutions regarding agricultural trade and how Montana’s farmers and ranchers can benefit.” The young rancher was exceptionally pleased with winning the Ranger. “We’re at a point that because our family is outgrowing their transportation around the ranch, it’s time to find something new. It’s really wonderful because having the Ranger will allow us to include our kids in agriculture. Winning this means we will be able to bring our three-yearold son as well as our soon-to-be daughter with us whether we’re putting out mineral or checking fence. As beginning ranchers, we wouldn’t have been able to include a Ranger in our budget, so we really thank Polaris for their generous donation.” Although Johnson is a sixth-generation rancher, she and her husband weren’t able to return to the generational ranch, but have forged ahead on their own by leasing ground from Karli’s parents, uncle and a family friend. They are currently developing both a registered and commercial Angus herd. Johnson said that being a part of Farm Bureau and competing in the YF&R Discussion Meet has allowed her to network with other people involved in agriculture. She strongly urges young farmers and ranchers to participate in the competition in the future.
How many sheep?
An elderly farmer was brought into the hospital because he appeared confused and was thought to have had a stroke. Attempting to assess his mental state, the doctor asked, “If you have a hundred sheep in a pasture and seven escape, how many will be left?” “Zero,” replied the farmer. “No, the answer is ninety-three,” said the doctor. “Fella,” the farmer replied acerbically, “you don’t know nothin’ about sheep. When one of them dumb critters decides to go, they all go.”
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A11
His Sons Sell!
EPDs as of 12.21.20
19 -4.2 80 Milk
126 DOC
His Sons Sell!
Basin Rainmaker 4404 Hook’s Eagle 6E
CE BW WW YW ADG MCE 18 -1.8 77 135 .36 13 Milk MWW DOC CW YG 21 59 15.3 59.1 .24 MB BF REA $API $T1 .53 .05 .29 122.2 78.0
CE BW WW YW ADG MCE 15 -1.7 104 167 .40 10 Milk MWW DOC CW YG 20 72 19.6 50.3 -.39 MB BF REA $API $T1 .58 -.07 1.2 173.5 106.1
Werner Flat Top 4136 TJ Roosevelt 366E
CE BW WW YW ADG MCE 20 -4.4 70 135 .41 12 Milk MWW DOC CW YG 24 59 12.2 39.6 .13 MB BF REA $API $T1 .69 .04 .29 147.0 82.9
Prickly Pear Simmental Ranch Made in Montana Annual Bull Sale
February 6, 2021
CE BW WW YW ADG MCE 9 2.4 93 133 .25 6 Milk MWW DOC CW YG 34 80 16.7 40.6 -.32 MB BF REA $API $T1 .33 .06 .96 150.6 90.9
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A12
##### In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY
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Annual Bull Sale on
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Live & Online Auction
Managing thin cows in winter
K-State Research and Extension News In the midst of the holiday season and the increased access to sweets, many people may be observing a less than ideal change in their personal body conditions. While people may strive for a skinnier physique, holding a thin body condition over the winter may create deficits for cattle heading into calving season, said the experts at Kansas State University’s Beef Cattle Institute on a recent Cattle Chat podcast. “Thin cows have a higher maintenance requirement in the winter than cows in adequate condition because they have to work harder to stay warm,” said Bob Weaber, beef cattle specialist and podcast contributor. To assess the herd, veterinarian Bob Larson suggests ranchers periodically check them and even take pictures of the herd to help monitor changes over time. “In any group, I expect some variation in the condition, but ideally I want almost all the cows to be in a moderate body condition,” Larson said. “And if they are, then I know that I am managing the group pretty well.” Larson said if cattle ranchers notice that there are thin cows in the herd, they may need to evaluate the situation further to see if there is a pattern tied to their age or access to feed. “The number of cows in the herd will creep up if, for example, they are getting pushed out of the feed bunk and not getting the protein supplementation they need,” Larson said. The experts agree that two feet of bunk space per head is a minimum amount of space needed. “If you only allocate a foot and a half on a single-sided feed bunk, the big cows will push out the thinner, smaller cows that really need the feed,” Weaber said. He prefers to place the feed bunk in the middle of the pasture so cattle can access the feed from both sides. Larson added that the amount of bunk space needed will depend on the type of feed provided and how quickly the cattle consume it. “Big cubes fed on the ground will allow the cattle to have easy access because you can spread it out, but there is more feed waste and sanitation issues that come with that strategy,” veterinarian Brad White said. Once producers determine why some of the cows are thin, they may need to make culling decisions or form a plan to add condition back on the cows, according to Weaber. “Identify the commonalities of the problem animals and that will determine the best management strategies to fix it, as well as knowledge for the future,” Weaber said. White suggested producers look at ways to segregate the thin cows. “Grouping the thin cows together can be a powerful tool in giving them the extra feed they need ahead of calving season,” White said. The challenge, he added, may lie in where they are located and the ease of separating them for feeding. Larson said it is important to consider where the cow is in the pregnancy when coming up with the supplementation plan. “Right now, spring calving cows are midway through their pregnancies and the calves are not pulling that much nutrient demand from them, but as they get closer to calving that demand goes up significantly,” Larson said. He added: “The cow’s maintenance cost is the lowest it is going to be right now and that makes it a good time to put some weight on her rather than waiting to do it later.” Weaber advised producers to calculate the days to calving when figuring out the gain needed. White gave an example: “If I have 100 days, I could target the cows to gain two pounds per day. That will give them about 200 pounds of gain.” The bottom line, White said, is to “do the math for your herd and then figure out if it is just a couple individuals that need to gain weight or the entire group, because that answer will drastically change the decision you make and what options are available.” To hear more of the discussion about managing thin cows, listen in to the Cattle Chat (https://ksubci.org/2020/12/04/ pregnancy-checking-feeding-equipment-thin-cow-management-listener-question/) podcast online.
Jump start The dairyman’s ten year-old nephews from the city followed him into the milk barn. They watched him approach the first cow and deftly attach a pair of suction devices. As he did so one of the youngsters said excitedly, “Wow! He’s going to jump-start her the way Daddy does Mr. Fermicelli’s car!”
Researchers introduce treatment to prevent parasites in sheep
Autumn Canaday, Agricultural Research Service The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Research Service (ARS) announced a groundbreaking treatment that prevents anemia, weight loss, poor wool and meat production, and even death in sheep. ARS researchers partnered with Virginia Tech and the University of Massachusetts’ Medical School to solve H. contortus parasite infection, which also happens to be the number one health problem in the U.S. sheep industry. The parasite infects the stomach of ruminant mammals, feeding and interfering with digestion, before ultimately affecting the animal’s overall health and stability. “The H. contortus parasite has developed resistance to virtually all known classes of anti-parasitic drugs,” said ARS Researcher Dr. Joseph Urban, who lead the research team in testing and implementation of a para-probiotic treatment to kill the parasite that causes H.contortus. The worm parasite mates within the animal and its fertilized eggs pass through the animal’s waste into the soil. The larvae then develop to re-infect other unsuspecting animals, spreading the infection throughout a pasture and creating a cycle of infection that hinders animal growth, development and production. “This is a major problem and the newly-developed treatment is derived from bacteria normally found in the soil that can produce a protein that binds to receptors in the intestine of the parasite,” said Dr. Urban. “The treatment will then kill the parasites and reduce debilitating infection in adult sheep.” “When the treatment was given to infected sheep at Virginia Tech there was a rapid and dramatic reduction of parasite reproduction and survival, without any negative effect observed in the sheep.” said Dr. Anne Zajac, professor of parasitology at Virginia Tech’s Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine. Para-probiotics are “inactive probiotics,” or good bacteria that can still provide health benefits. Despite the growing interest in paraprobiotic use, these types of treatments are not commercially available. The treatments are currently under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and will likely be commercially produced in large amounts once approved. This will help to protect an even larger population of animals across the country. “Para-probiotics represent a new evolution and hope in dealing with a malignant and pervasive parasite,” said Dr. Raffi Aroian, a professor in the Molecular Medicine program at the University of Massachusetts’ Medical School. “The development of new therapeutics for this issue has been extremely difficult to come by and I look forward to watching this new advancement unfold in the global and domestic industry.” This project was supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; and the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grant from the USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A13
John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper head, excellent shape................................... $15,000 Case IH 30-ft. pull type swather, excellent shape.............................................. $5000 Brandt 7x50 grain auger with bin sweep, 18 hp Honda motor........................... $3250 Brandt 7x50 grain auger, 16 hp Briggs & Stratton motor................................... $1250
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397 total acres, 371 irrigated acres by Greenfield Irrigation District 3,584 sq. ft. home • Rental Property Spring @ 1000 gallon per minute • Flood wheel line pivot Grain Storage/ Barn / Shop/ corrals/ outhouse/ feedlot
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A14
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Vermeer R24A rake in good condition...................................$11,000 Automatic 9100 roller mixer, 540 PTO, 100 bushel tank, self-contained hydraulics, scale, extended discharge auger, good tires, etc..........................................................................................$7500 1973 GMC 6500 tandem/tag, good tires, 20-ft. box with dual ram hoist, combination gate, 366 cu.in. engine, 4 speed with 2 speed rear end..................................................................................$5000
406-260-3330 • Polson MT
Draper Header for Sale
John Deere 635D hydrafloat header with contained transport, double sickle drive, pickup reel, good shape .........................Asking $22,500
Phone: (406) 355-4404 • Rudyard, MT
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Nebraska Extension gears up for 2021 pesticide safety training
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Noncommercial applicators apply RUPs In the spring of 2020, the pesticide safety on land or property owned by their employtraining season, like most everything else, er. Examples of noncommercial applicators was upended by COVID-19. Numerous ininclude a Department of Transportation emperson training sessions were canceled, and ployee who sprays rights-of-way, or a golf alternative training methods were devised. course employee who sprays the greens. If The Nebraska Department of Agriculture controlling mosquitos on behalf of a goveven offered a license extension to applicaernment entity (e.g., a health department tors who were unable to recertify their liemployee), a license is also required to apcenses by the April 15 deadline (applicators ply GUPs as a noncommercial applicator. who received this extension must complete ‘How do I become a licensed pesticide their training in 2021). applicator?’ Now, with much uncertainty still surIf you need a private applicator license, rounding the novel coronavirus, the 2021 you have three options to certify for a litraining season has arrived. cense: One certainty is that some degree of • Attend a private training session; flexibility will be needed from all involved. • Complete the online private training The Pesticide Safety Education Program’s program; or (PSEP) primary goal is always to deliver • Pass a private applicator exam adminquality training to Nebraska’s current and istered by NDA. prospective applicators. Most agree that Once you have become certified, NDA the best way to accomplish that is through will contact you about licensing; you will conventional, in-person training sessions. need to pay a $25 licensing fee to NDA. For that reason, Nebraska Extension intends To recertify a private license, which lasts to host in-person training for both private three years, you can repeat one of the above and commercial/noncommercial applicators options, or attend a Nebraska Extension in 2021 while adhering to local and state Crop Production Clinic or the Nebraska health guidelines. This includes training for Crop Management Conference. You must recertifying applicators and for people getpay a $25 fee to renew the license. ting licensed as their initial, or first training. If you need a commercial or noncommerMost, if not all, training sites are expected cial applicator license, you will need to pass to operate at reduced capacity during the at least two NDA-administered exams: one training season. This will allow meetings focused on the General Standards, or core to continue under state and local health competencies, and at least one focused on guidelines but will also mean space for para specific applicator category. Exams are ticipants will be limited. Some counties may administered at initial training sessions and schedule more meetings to accommodate through the Pearson VUE computerized for reduced capacities. Online training for testing service. private applicators is also available. You can prepare for your exams in two Preregistration is required to attend any ways: of the training sessions: • Purchase study manuals and attend an • Private applicators (both initial and reinitial training session; or certifying) can preregister by calling their • Purchase comprehensive, digital study county extension office. materials (i.e., FlipBooks) • Initial commercial/noncommercial If you choose to use FlipBooks, you applicators can preregister online (https:// don’t need to attend a training session, too. pested.unl.edu/initial-classes-registration) However, you can register to take your • Recertifying commercial/noncomexams during one of these sessions (no mercial applicators can preregister online training included) for a nominal fee of $5. (https://pested.unl.edu/pesticide-safetyThis registration page will be available by recertification) January 1, 2021. While optimistic about the ability to After successfully passing the applicator hold in-person training, those involved in exams, NDA will contact commercial applithe pesticide program recognize that 2021 cators regarding payment of a $90 licensing will not be a normal year. That has led to fee to NDA. There is no licensing fee for a statewide effort to prepare alternative noncommercial applicators. training methods in the event that in-person To recertify a commercial/noncommermeetings must be canceled. cial license, you must attend a recertification ‘Do I need a pesticide applicator litraining session or an approved conference. cense?’ Commercial applicators must pay a $90 fee By law, certain pesticides are classified to renew a license; noncommercial applicaas “restricted-use pesticides” (RUP) due to tors do not pay a license renewal fee. the risk involved in handling them, while Attending a Nebraska Extension Crop others are “general-use” (GUP) for the Production Clinic or the Nebraska Crop general public. To purchase and use RUPs, Management Conference, all of which will one must obtain an applicator license from be held online in 2021, allows recertification their state. Pesticide applicator licenses are in the Agricultural Plant (01) category. The classified as either private, commercial, or Nebraska Turf Conference offers recertinoncommercial. fication in the Ornamental and Turf (04) Private applicators apply RUPs for the category. The Nebraska Aviation Trades purpose of producing agricultural comAssociation Convention offers recertificamodities on their own property, or on tion in the Agricultural Plant (01) and Aerial property they rent. Private applicators are Pest Control (12) categories. generally farmers and ranchers who do their ‘What other pesticide-related training own spraying. might I need?’ Commercial applicators apply RUPs on ‘Chemigation’ is the practice of applya contractual or “for hire” basis. If working agrichemicals (including pesticides) ing in structural pest control, lawn care, to cropland using an irrigation system to or community-wide vector control (e.g., distribute both the water and chemical. This mosquito control), a license is also required practice requires training and certification. to apply GUPs as a commercial applicator. Initial and recertifying chemigators can Commercial and noncommercial licenses train and test online. encompass a wide variety of pest control categories. CONTINUED ON PAGE A15
Nebraska Extension gears up for safety training CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14
This fall, the EPA (re)registered three dicamba products as RUPs through 2025. XtendiMax®, Engenia®, and Tavium® are registered for use only on dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. In addition to requiring a pesticide applicator license, you must also take yearly dicamba-specific training before purchasing or applying any of these three herbicides. Dicamba-specific training will be provided by the products’ registrants for the 2021 growing season. The highly toxic active ingredient paraquat dichloride (‘paraquat’) has caused a number of fatalities over the years due to negligence. All products containing paraquat are classified as RUPs. In addition, all paraquat products require paraquat-specific training before purchase and/or use. Paraquat training is good for three years. The national paraquat training is available online and can be completed at any time (https://campus.extension.org/login/index.php). If you do agricultural work, including in greenhouses and nurseries, you should be aware of the Worker Protection Standard (WPS), a set of regulations intended to protect agricultural workers and pesticide handlers from pesticide exposure. Among other things, WPS requires workers and handlers to take yearly training. Because they have already taken more in-depth pesticide safety training, licensed pesticide applicators are exempt from taking WPS training. However, if you are the owner of an agricultural establishment, you have numerous responsibilities to your employees under WPS. For more information on those responsibilities, see the EPA manual, How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard for Agricultural Pesticides (http://www.pesticideresources.org/wps/htc/htcmanual.pdf).
##### “When you’re young and fall off a horse you may break something. When you’re old, you splatter. - Roy Rogers ##### The most common breed of dairy cow is the Holstein. ##### A 1,000 pound steer can produce 432 pounds of meat.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A15
• 2008 Case IH 8010, late serial number, same machine as an 8120, long auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut chopper, new single 900/60-R32 fronts, 540/65-R30 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter with anything it’s needed, several pages of work orders, too much to list. Stored inside. Excellent machine, have owned it since 450 separator hours. Due to lack of help we are selling it. 3060 separator hours, 4560 engine hours..... $70,000 • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell package for............................................................................. $105,000
Call or text Adam for more info • 406-390-3048 • Delivery available
Small Feed Bins - Large Capacity and everything in between Heaters and air systems for new bins and add to existing bins
##### How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the morning? ##### No permit required: Beavers in Connecticut have the legal rights to build dams.
Clear Creek Angus
Bred and Fed for the 13th Annual Production Sale Bulls Commercial Cattleman March 1, 2021 - Bear Paw Livestock, Chinook, MT Sale: 1:00 pm • Lunch: Noon
• 65 Angus yearling bulls • 15 Hereford yearling bulls • 3 Registered Angus replacement heifers • First calf heifer pairs • 50 F1 Baldy replacement heifers
Mohnen Homemade 3398 Reg. #19205212 CED: +11, BW: -0.3, WW: +67, YW: +124, Milk: +27, $M:+78 $C +256
His first sons sell
Don & Dolly Weaver 28108 Warrick Rd. Big Sandy, MT 59520 406-386-2244 dwhrfrd@gmail.com www.weaverherefords.com
Vermilion Huntley
Reg. #18345105 BW: +4.0, WW: +75, YW: +138, Milk: +22, $M:+72, $B: +170, $C +292
His sons sell
MC Fearless Leader 131F
Reg. #43980711 CED: +5.2, BW: +2.6, WW: +66, YW: +107, SC: +1.1, M: +25, M&G: +58, CEM +5.1, REA: +0.72, MARB: +0.14
Sitz Stellar 726D
12 Sons of 131F sell F Anodyne 846 Reg. #43879523 CED: +14.4, BW: -0.2, WW: +54,
Reg. #18397542 BW: -0.3, WW: +76, YW: +131, Milk: +20, $M:+79, $B: +119, $C +233
3 Sons of this calving ease Sire will sell
His sons sell
YW: +89, SC: +1.4, M: +27, M&G: +54, CEM +10.2, REA: +0.65, MARB: +0.25
Teddy & Sara Crowley 34075 Clear Creek Rd Chinook, MT 59523 406-395-4962 ccangus@mtintouch.net www.clearcreekangus.com
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A16
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
The value of tribal agricultural traditions: A youth perspective
By Sally Gifford, USDA Office of Communications in Conservation Farming USDA-sponsored research at 1994 landFood sovereignty – the ability to create a grant Institutions,” noted Lawrence Shorty, self-sufficient food system – is at the heart USDA 1994 Program Director. of the opportunities and challenges facing Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson The students highlighted the Tolani Lake the Navajo Nation. This spring, Diné Color what have you got? Water Project, which succeeded by using lege students Tyler Begay, Korrie Johnnie, NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. traditional Navajo principles. In 2001, and Orean Roy were recognized for their International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces the Navajo Nation Tolani Lake Chapter exploration of this topic during the Amerior parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s partnered with USDA National Resources can Indian Higher Education Consortium Conservation Service (NRCS) and other Student Conference in Billings, Montana. Phone Circle G Salvage government and community entities to adTheir paper “Reestablishing the Navajo Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282 dress rancher challenges. “Water is a very Agricultural Economy and the Importance Tractor and Combine Buyers big issue on the reservation, due to the of Traditional Values” took first place as lack of permanent water sources like wells, part of a USDA-hosted contest to encourPhone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 springs, or windmills,” said Tyler Begay. age discussion on tribal issues that can leave message He noted how the community developed a be addressed through USDA programs. Please send pictures to: rotational grazing system using water tanks, “These student reports provide an authentic E-mail: bomar@utma.com a system that allowed livestock producers perspective of active farmers and producto practice land and water conservation ers on tribal lands, which are informed by simultaneously. What was once a pilot project with one group of ranchers, 7,000 acres, and 3 water tanks, has since expanded to 29 tanks that serve seven groups and 60,000 acres across the Navajo Nation. The students emphasized the value of tribal traditions and customs in agriculture. Central to the success of the Tolani Lake Water Project is Montana based Oilseed Processor the Navajo Kinship model of K’é. “[K’é] is a system Now offering Premium 2021 Contracts for: in which each Diné [Navajo] individual observes the interconnected relationship Great Falls, MT: Conrad, MT: they have with all living • NON-GMC CANOLA • YELLOW MUSTARD systems, and the responsibility an individual has to The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a • ORGANIC ORGANIC YELLOW MUSTARD very short period ofCANOLA time. 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Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and building the water system (406) 377-7793 Glendive, MT 59330 durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system (406) 488-1953 Sidney, MT 59270 further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in the themselves,” added Orean Find us on Facebook! industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. Roy. EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. All three students are Brandt 75010 XP Grainvac, 362 hours, used...........$18,000.....$14,500 JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT interns at the Diné College Brandt Grainvac, used....................................................................... 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Call sities that are designated NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Sakundiak SLM010-2200 swing away auger, really nice, used.$7500 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 as land-grant institutions rlmccray@3rivers.net T&S Trip Hopper cake feeders, 750 lb.,1000 lb. 1250 lb.,1500 lb., and 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150 through the Equity in Edu2000 lb., NEW.................................................................................... 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White Sulphur Springs, MT www.williesfarmrepair.com • williessales@nemont.net Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 improve the lives and career coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher, net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK opportunities for Native stuNEW & USED EQUIPMENT PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 6650 Rancher, baler.................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain dents and the communities 2021 Vermeer R2800 Hay Rakes............................ Coming in NEW Vermeer R2800, hydraulic rakes...........................IN STOCK Cut to Length at large. 2005 Vermeer R23A Hay Rake.......................................$7,000 NEW Vermeer R2300, rake.............................................IN STOCK Vermeer bale processors help use of your the least 2006 New Holland BR780A Round Baler - 10,000 bales........ We Sellbales & Repairwith Baler Belts ................make ......................the ...............best ...IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N.........you The USDA 1994 Tribal Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 All Makes & Models amount of labor, and give you versatility rebuilt pickup....you ...............need ......$7,500 to process round bales or large Vermeer Rebelthe 5500, twine, . . .....................................................................................$8,500 Land-Grant Colleges and Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 square bales with an optional kit.Heavy Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL NEW Wheatheart 2008 New Holland BR7090 Round Baler 16,000 bales........ Universities Program en406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Techno 980, 8 bale mover..................................................$32,500 (cell) Gregfeeding 406-978-3777 ................................................................................ Coming in Changing the feeding Red location open-range environment sures that these institutions, Rhino, 8 roundpromotes hay bale trailer.........a .......healthier .......................$7,500 2018 Vermeer 605N Round Baler - 8,500 bales.........$40,000 their students, and the Naand reduces manure-handling issues. tive American communities Each processor quickly unrolls bales into windrows that give all the cattle equal 2020 Vermeer 605N Round Baler (still has warranty) - 3,500 bales.................................................................................. Call they serve have equitable feeding room. As the bales are processed, dust and mold are blown away and the 2021 Vermeer 605N Round baler- NEW........................... Call access to USDA programs hay is aerated, becoming more palatable for your herd. Reclaim and protect seeding 2014 Vermeer BPX9000 Bale Processor.....................$14,500 and services. Additionally, areas by mulching straw and spreading it up to 40' (12.19 m) away. 2013 Haybuster 2800 Bale Processor.........................$17,500 the program works to at2014 Highline CFR650...................................................$16,000 tract students to USDA and agriculture-related careers.
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Agricultural Taxes: The Basics
##### Garden Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.
By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC Owning and operating a farm is hard work, but the government provides special tax benefits to those who go into the business of farming. As an agricultural producer, it’s critical that you stay organized throughout the year, so that you’re not scrambling come tax time. If you are a farmer, you are no doubt familiar with the complicated tax landscape for farmers in this country. It is sometimes wise to use a tax accountant to help you get as many tax breaks as you are eligible for. Tax rules are complicated and different accountants may suggest various strategies to minimize your tax liability. Thus, it is important that you have a basic understanding of tax principles. Investing in agriculture is a relatively low-risk way to diversify a portfolio; it provides tangible community benefits, but it can also offer investors unique tax advantages. As an investor, there are several different programs you may be eligible for depending on the type of crop and how the deal is structured. One example would be depreciation. Land does not wear out or get used up. It does not have a definite life. However, specialty crops depreciate because of the limitations in their production cycle. When a fruit tree first begins producing or when livestock first start breeding would be when depreciation begins. You could also allow a local rancher to harvest hay on acres you are not utilizing. It isn’t required that you do the work yourself to qualify for an exemption. In addition, there can be outbuildings or equipment that qualify for depreciation and deducted from gross income. Secondly, many successful moguls own homes in the country, with significant acreage around them. If you are one of these people and you are tired of paying big taxes on that extra land, you may want to consider using it for a small farm. Property tax and income tax relief can be obtained if you can prove that you farm as a business and not just for recreation. Agricultural tax breaks are not just for full-time farmers. In some cases, all you need is a piece of land that is not currently being used. It is becoming more common for farmers to put a portion of their land in conservation Black and Red Simmental trusts through conservation easements. Conservaand SimAngus TM Bulls tion trusts seek to preserve natural areas that are delicate such as farm, ranch land, riparian areas or notable landmarks. Conservation easements offer a variety of different tax advantages. If a conservation easement is donated to a land trust and protects important or limited resources, it can qualify as a charitable tax deduction on the donor’s federal income tax return. Lastly, each state has different property tax exemptions based on the size of the property or the amount of production on the land. Every state offers advantageous property tax rates to encourage farmers to keep their land when faced with urban expansion. Sale is at the ranch near Stanford, Agricultural tax exemptions are quite significant to farmers especially when they reduce thousands of dollars from your property tax bill. It Tom & Kathy Hill and Family is recommended to visit with your accountant for the rules 1045 Simmental Ln and eligibility requirements Stanford, MT 59479 to help navigate through the (406) 566-2479 complicated world of taxes. Keeping detailed records hillssimmentalmt@yahoo.com help keep things in order throughout the year and helps out the accountant.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A17
$5000 obo
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Bale Beds with 26” Extendable Arms IN STOCK
2021 Demand Performance Bull Sale * Tuesday, March 2nd
Hill’s Ranch excited to offer another excellent set of Simmental and cross-bred bulls for 2021! Come check out our outstanding purebred bulls sired by DBS Hodo 882C and Mr Ishee Full Steam 741. It is also our last group featuring sons from Hills Sure Thing A14. Our excellent crossbred sons are from FF Black Gold JF C19, LRS Iconic 303C, and S A Really Windy 3517! MT
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Hill’s Ran in carcass ch is leading the b and perfo testing to enhance reed rmance in E feedlot ca PDs ttle!
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A18
POLLED HEREFORD BULLS Thick, easy calving, heavily pigmented, quiet dispositions. Sires: Churchill Oasis, RemW Casino Cash, TH411 719T Victor 109Z Delivery available Dallas Polled Herefords - Don Dallas
Box 532, 8210 Little Prickly Pear Rd - Canyon Creek, MT (406) 410-0406 cell (406) 368-2244 ranch
1000+ tons solid, 1450# net wrapped bales, 2019/2020 crop available, no rain. Located 15 miles north of Choteau. $ Phone or text depending on quality Ross Kesler (406) 590-8232
85/ton +
Chet Hill, Mineral County 4-H shows his pig while smiling all the while, at the Mineral County Show and Sale held in late July in Superior, MT. He received a red ribbon for his efforts. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT
2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 14-ft. moldboards, 10,000 hours................... $92,000
2011 Bobcat E50 compact excavator............................... Call 1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2013 Cat 308E 2 buckets, hydraulic thumb................ $52,000 2007 Cat 303.5CN OROPS, bucket, thumb............... $28,900 Deere 35D hydraulic thumb, canopy............................... POR 2012 Hitachi ZX60 USB, bucket, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 4029 hours............................................................ $45,000 JCB JS220LC bucket, thumb........................................... Call 2010 Komasu PC45MR-3................................................ Call 2012 Volvo ECR 145DL, hyd QC, hyd thumb, 2 dig buckets (24” and 36”), like new pin wheel compactor, rear view camera, low hours (2400). Very good excavator................. $79,000
Gehl 883..................................................................... $20,000 2005 Cat CS423E roller.................................................... Call 1999 Rosco RB48 sweeper, enclosed cab, air conditioning, low hours. Runs great.............................................. $9500
Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount, comes with trailer and lights...................................................................... $10,000 Deere 690E log loader............................................ For parts Several slide booms for parts available
2010 Case 321E 2900 hours...................................... $52,000 2015 Deere 344K 3rd valve, QC, 5300 hours............ $68,000 1999 Deere 544H loader, 3-yard bucket, straight loader, good matched tires, 12,500 hours................................. $49,000 Cat 966C with 4 yard bucket...................................... $25,000 1997 Komatsu WA250-3L, QC, forks, bucket, 3rd valve......... .............................................................................. $25,000
Hydraulic Breaker
Do you need chains? Call us for a quote. CRAWLERS
John Deere 4010 tractor, hydraulic front blade with hydraulic angle snow wing, PTO, 2 hydraulic remotes, lights, plug in block and oil heaters, new rear tires and studded chains, good front tires with studded chains..................... $11,000 Cat Challenger 3-point, 3 SCV....................................... POR Cat Challenger................................................................ Call
2011 Hitachi ZX135US-3, 2 buckets, 48” smooth lip Accurate, 24” dig Accurate bucket, hyd thumb, hyd QC, blade, 8000 hours. Runs excellent............................................ $72,000
2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours...$60,000 Dresser TD7H 6-way hyd. blade, very good undercarriage. Includes brush rake.............................................. $26,000
Deere 326D skidsteer, new tires, 2818 hours............ $29,900 Deere 317 skidsteer, bucket, open station................. $17,000 Bobcat 863 nice older skidsteer, new reman engine.$18,500 2011 Bobcat T190 skidsteer................................. Coming In 2006 Bobcat S300 skidsteer................................. Coming In
2010 Case 580SM............................................................ Call
Gradall 534D-9 articulating forks, good tires, very good lift, work ready, 7000 hours......................................... $20,000 2003 JCB 540 agriculture telehandler, 7500 hours, powershift transmission, reversing fan, shortened boom, cold weather package, bucket only, no forks. Cab with a/c and heat, Q-Fit quick coupler, larger agriculture tires 19.5L-24, 4WD lock/ unlock.................................................................... $20,000
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Final drives, undercarriage, engine kits, engines, hydraulic pumps?
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1973 Ford F700, 12 yard dump.................................... $5000
View our entire inventory with pictures at www.reddigequipment.com
Unseasonably warm, dry conditions in North Dakota
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Prolonged dry and unseasonably warm conditions worsened the ongoing drought into the extreme category in North Dakota. The U.S. Drought Monitor places nearly 7% of the state under the extreme drought category, or D3, based on the scale from DO (abnormally dry) to D4 (exceptional drought). “This is the first time North Dakota experienced D3 since October 10, 2017,” says Adnan Akyuz, state climatologist and professor of climatological practices at North Dakota State University (NDSU). “It also is the first December D3 since 2006. “Compared historically, the state’s drought conditions being elevated to extreme drought conditions in December is very rare but not unprecedented,” he adds. Extreme drought conditions crept into the southwestern parts of the state on December 10, 2002. “The current drought of 2020 and soon to become the drought of 2020-2021 being compared to 2002, 2006 and 2017 is very concerning,” Akyuz warns. The 2002 drought was the longest drought since the inception of the U.S. Drought Monitor in 2000. It lasted 162 consecutive weeks, from June 2002 to July 5, 2005. The 2006 drought was the most extreme for North Dakota, with the highest drought severity and coverage index. The 2017 drought was the second time the state experienced exceptional drought conditions, or D4 (the worst rating). This drought impacted the Dakotas, Montana and Manitoba, causing $2.6 billion in economic impacts. Warm conditions increase the air’s evaporative demand, depleting what little water is left in the soil and plants. Combined with the ongoing drought in Eddy, Foster, Wells, Stutsman, Kidder, Burleigh, Logan and Emmons counties, conditions worsened into the extreme drought category. North Dakota’s average winter temperatures increased by 4.5 degrees during the last century. It is the highest rate in the U.S. The average winter precipitation, on the other hand, did not increase along with the temperature trend. “I am afraid it means we will observe more of a similar situation more frequently,” Akyuz says. If winter and spring do not bring additional precipitation, the state’s agricultural conditions will be worse than they were in 2017, he notes. However, other industries, including ice fishing, snowmobiling and cross-county skiing, will be directly and imminently impacted by a winter drought. NDSU Extension is coordinating biweekly meetings to discuss current conditions and potential mitigation measures if the conditions do not change. Meeting participants include representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency, state departments of Agriculture and Emergency Services, commodity groups and congressional offices. “These biweekly meetings enable agencies and organizations across the state to coordinate response efforts and respond more effectively to the needs of farmers and ranchers impacted by drought,” says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension disaster coordinator and livestock environmental stewardship specialist. “It is highly encouraging,” Akyuz says.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A19
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A20
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Sun River Red Angus is Rated as a Top Dollar Angus Herd.
MARCH 15, 2021 Western Livestock Auction • Great Falls, Montana
Spring Production Sale
SUN RIVER RED ANGUS Where Maternal & Carcass Specialists Are “Born Again” Every Year!
For breeding questions and advice call:
Bill at 406-799-5323 and Silas at 406-621-3541 email: srreds@3rivers.net 321 Ramble Inn Rd • Fort Shaw, Montana 59443
P.O. Box 3072 • 4075 Wynne Avenue • Butte, Montana 59702 • (406) 494-3394 • Mobile (406) 565-7235
Inventory Available
2006 Sterling SA tractor, green. 2006 International 4300, 24-ft. all steel flatbed, hydraulic gate, 93,000 actual miles, white. 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white.
1992 Chevrolet Kodiak SA chassis, diesel, white. 1982 International SA dump, yellow. 1973 International 1600 welder truck, consigned.
Williamson 10-ft. gravel box & hoist, no rust, real clean, complete. (3) Underbody hoist assemblies. Ali Arc elk catcher. Near new! (9) Aluminum underbody tool boxes. (60) Transport chains and binders. (5) Aluminum cab guards.
80 gallon fuel and tool slip combo. (2) 1999 Fruehauf SA converter dollies. (2) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists. (6) Late model semi trailer suspensions.
Special Equipment
(2) 53-ft. van trailers, accident damage, good storage.
Currently wrecking 155 trucks. All shapes & sizes! National 300B truck mounted, crane. Sturdy-Weld 16-ft. aluminum dump box and hoist. Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly. (2) 16-ft. & 24-ft. van bodies. Knapheide 15-ft. all steel grain box and hoist. (2) Omaha 16-ft. flat beds & hoists.
Keyhole Steel Brace System
Leadership program will pick up in-person activities in 2021
K-State Research and Extension News Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership (KARL), a program that helps to develop leaders for agriculture, business and rural communities, has announced that it has rescheduled seminars and travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic. KARL chair Steve Baccus said the board unanimously agreed to delay in-person contact, travel, and its international study tour to the United Arab Emirates, scheduled for 2021. The pause begins as KARL Class XV enters its second year. Recruitment for the next class will also be delayed. “KARL alumni and class associates have always stepped up to the needs in our communities and many are helping to meet those challenges during this uncertain time amidst COVID-19,” Baccus said. “The health and welfare of the class, their families and communities is always the utmost priority, especially during this pandemic time in our lives.” KARL President Jill Zimmerman said the risk of compromising the experience through completely remote programming would be too high to justify the current class moving forward right now. “The situation does not allow effective delivery using an alternative manner that meets the program’s standard of excellence, achieved through both experiential learning and transformational travel study,” Zimmerman said. “I believe the board has made a sound decision to delay programming due to circumstances related to the pandemic. This is a short-term pause, yet puts the best interest longterm for the class members and the program. Kansas has a premier program built over the past 30 years. We’ve made much progress this past year and our goal is to become even stronger when this pandemic is behind us.” While the schedule is adjusted, Zimmerman said efforts are ongoing to protect and build upon the sustainability and perpetuity of KARL. “Our staff and leadership are committed to their work for overall excellence and finding ways to best meet the needs of our state,” Zimmerman said. “Our focus areas include reviewing all facets of the program and its curriculum, resource development, board training and teamwork to strengthen leadership development for agriculture and rural Kansas.” Twenty-eight associates of the current class have completed the first of the two-year program, experiencing five seminars across Kansas, and a national study tour to Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg. Applications for class 16 will begin in late 2021. Nominations are ongoing and can be made online (http://karlprogram.com/wp/). KARL is a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to developing leaders for agriculture, business and rural communities, and is a member of the International Association of Programs for Agricultural Leadership (IAPAL), represented in 40 states and multiple countries.
A year in review
With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.
By Ben Beckman, University of Nebraska We as humans often like to try and compare things to average or normal. At the end of the year, we look back and see if the precipitation we received was within the expected normal range. Were temperatures for particular season outside of normal, or even if our pasture or hay production was in the range we consider normal. Taking this time to look back and try to compare 2020 to years past is beneficial, but resist the temptation to compare things to normal. Very rarely, do things in the ever changing world of agriculture really meet average or normal. This year much of the state was too dry, but we don’t have to go back far and too much water was the issue. This variability can be found geographically as well as across time. For most of 2020 north central parts of the state had an abundance of water, while the panhandle and west were already drying up. Another challenge this year were early temperatures. This spring, temperatures were cool and impacted early pasture and hay growth, in years past, an overly warm spring has presented a different set of problems to deal with. Producers work in a dynamic system that seldom repeats itself. In doing so, we learn to be adaptive, to build resilience into our production and planning, and try to spread our eggs out amongst several different baskets. When you take time to look back this year on the challenges and successes, try to see where adapting to a problem worked or how a bit more flexibility next year could keep an issue from arising. Leave the normal and average comparisons out of it.
Choosing the best egg laying chickens
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A21
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Freedom Ranger Hatchery, Inc. and have better feed conversion but generWe’ve talked about this on our blog in ally lay well for a shorter period. As well, the past but starting your own chicken or Novogens are lighter birds. egg production business can be daunting. Prolific egg-laying chickens Whether you’re looking to do something Here are just a few of our favorite chicken small out of your backyard or you’re thinkbreeds and why you may want to use them ing about expanding to a large facility, there as egg-layers: are a lot of factors to consider. • Novogen Brown: This easy to manage Like the age-old question of “which came bird is one of our favorite egg-layers. On first, the chicken or the egg?” you may be average, they produce 320 large to extraasking yourself a similar question. We’re large brown eggs per 52 weeks of lay. here to tell you that it’s the chickens that ar• Easter Egger: As one of the smaller rive first, but you’ll have to start by choosing egg-layers in our stock, the Easter eggers the best egg-laying chickens for your flock. are friendly little birds. They’re great for Not all chickens produce the same amount smaller production, and they’ll give you of eggs or meat, which is why you need to about 280 large to extra-large colorful eggs research which egg-layers will be right for per year. your backyard flock. • Blue Plymouth Rock: Technically a Tips for selecting egg laying chickens Specializing in hopper, flatbed and stepdeck, dual-purpose chicken breed, this bird is So, you’re selecting the types of chickfreight including hay and machinery. heartier and tolerates colder climates well. ens you want to raise—that’s great! We They’re a docile bird and will give you aphave a few tips for beginners, but these are Local and out of state, fully licensed and insured. proximately 300 brown large to extra-large just some general guidelines anyone in the Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman eggs per year. chicken business should follow. 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 • Rustic Rambler: Our Rustic Ramblers Understand your goals (leave message) 406.567.2313 are a quiet bird on the lower-end of egg 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424 Before you make any decisions, be sure production numbers, laying about 260-280 you understand your business goals. Do – – FOR SALE – – eggs per year. A unique feature about the you plan to keep your business confined to HAY in large round bales. Rustic Rambler is that their large to extrayour backyard? Do you just want a few egglarge eggs are dark brown in color! laying chickens for you and your family? Or maybe you’re ready for your business to grow into something more sustainable? No matter what you choose, it’s essential to understand how many eggs you want to produce. The number of eggs you want th your birds to lay over the 10 Annual Angus Bull Sale span of a week can determine how many and what type of birds you may want or need. Sutherlin FarmS Feedlot • StevenSville , mt Consider your available Sale begins at 1PM Mountain Time Lunch served at Noon space Depending on the size of your outdoor space or chicken coop, a smaller breed of chicken may be 50 Yearling Angus Bulls more practical for your busi60+ Fancy ness. Most chickens prefer to be free-range, but if the No Brand outdoor space isn’t large Commercial enough, your birds may be Angus Heifers uncomfortable and develop some potential health issues (https://www.freedomrangerhatchery.com/blog/howto-prevent-and-treat-the5-most-common-chickendiseases/). Bar R Jet Black Temperament Bubs Southern Charm Surprisingly enough, difByergo Titus ferent breeds of chickens tend towards specific temKM Broken Bow perament characteristics. If Musgrave Feature you plan on choosing the MW DNAmite best egg-laying chickens for Sitz Stellar your backyard flock, having birds that are calm and Stevenson Declaration friendly in nature can make Tehama Patriarch a big difference. Vermilion Spur E870 While heritage breeds tend to lay less initially, they will lay better over a longer period of time. They are also heavier and heartier birds Genetic Connection 3C Cattle because of their added fat 406 Cattle Co. reserves. Hybrids, such as the Novogen, will lay more
Bulls of the Bitterroot March 6 2021
Selling Sons of
##### Instant classic: Robert Louis Steveson wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in six days.
406/ 360-1875
Chad, Lacey & Cayden Sutherlin Chad 406-360-1875 • Lacey 406-544-0043
406/ 207-9176
Cody, Mindy & Tripp Sutherlin
406/ 360-1246
Loren & Dorothy Brubaker Loren 406-360-1246 • Dorothy 406-777-3503
B u l l s O f T h e B i T T e r r O O T .cOm
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A22
Whistling Winds Angus has finally moved home!
Selling . . .
WW Chaps 0146
sire Ellingson Chaps 4095 birth date 02/13/20 Act BW 93 205 Wt 861 WR 114
Carter McLees shows his pig at the Mineral County Show and Sale held in late July in Superior, MT. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender. $C
+2 +2.2 +75 +129 +15 +.09 +.50 53 65 94 175
WW Stellar 0817
sire Sitz Stellar 726D birth date 02/05/20 Act BW 83 205 Wt 801 WR 106
+6 +0.9 +68 +118 +24 +.31 +.57 79 72 108 219
WW Rainfall 0830
sire S A V Rainfall 6846 birth date 02/11/20 Act BW 93 205 Wt 853 WR 113 BW
+3 +2.8 +78 +134 +30 +.55 +.75 80 87 145 268
WW Rainfall 0841
sire S A V Rainfall 6846 birth date 02/06/20 Act BW 80 205 Wt 795 WR 105 BW
+11 -1.8 +61 +114 +27 +.50 +.20 74 70 93 195
WW Creed 0882
sire A A R Creed 7808 birth date 02/18/20 Act BW 75 205 Wt 846 WR 112 BW
+14 -1.6 +69 +119 +21 +.32 +.46 76 74 98 203
WW Resource 0961
sire Shipwheel Resource 6503 birth date 03/21/20 Act BW 89 205 Wt 799 WR 106
+2 +3.3 +70 +123 +27 +.22 +.73 48 66 112 193
Offering Sons of
S A V Rainfall 6503 • Ellingson Chaps 4095 Sitz Stellar 726D • GDAR Justified 7181
Shipwheel Resource 6503 • AAR Creed 7808
Monday Annual Production Sale
March 15 at the Ranch
14504 Road 6 North Hingham, Montana
David Sattoriva 406-390-1471 cell 406-397-3386 home
Ag remains a driver of economic wellbeing for most rural Nebraskans
By Craig Chandler, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Livestock Friendly County designation Most rural Nebraskans believe that agriadministered by the Nebraska Department culture is a driver of economic well-being of Agriculture and adopted by 50 counties. in their households, communities or both, The voluntary program helps counties and according to the 2020 Nebraska Rural Poll. agricultural producers promote the liveMost rural Nebraskans also have deep stock industry and further development roots in the state’s agricultural industry, the and expansion. Only four in 10 respondents poll found. Half of those surveyed are one reported knowing whether their county was generation or less removed from the farm or designated as livestock friendly. Thirty-two ranch, while just 28% of households have no percent reported being familiar with the farming or ranching history in the previous designation. Even among people employed four generations. These findings are similar in agriculture, only a slight majority (52%) to the 2010 survey. reported they were familiar with the desigFour in 10 rural Nebraskans surveyed nation and knew the significance. said their economic well-being is dependent Overall, though, rural Nebraskans are on the success of production agriculture, supportive of new livestock development. said Rebecca Vogt, survey manager of the Seventy-two percent of respondents agree Nebraska Rural Poll, an annual survey of that encouraging new livestock developrural Nebraska households conducted each ment is beneficial for their county. A similar spring. Another 23% of respondents said proportion, 70%, agree that it is important some of their economic well-being is tied to have a logical, predictable approval to production agriculture. When looking at process for new livestock development in animal agriculture in particular, a third of their county. respondents said their economic well-being Given that many are unfamiliar with the is dependent on it, and another 23% said it Livestock Friendly County designation, it is impacts some of their economic well-being. not surprising that opinions were mixed on Furthermore, most rural Nebraskans surits impacts. Nineteen percent of respondents veyed say the economic well-being of their agreed with a statement suggesting that the community or county is dependent on the designation would limit local/county consuccess of both production and animal agtrol and local input in the process. However, riculture. Three-quarters said the economic 17% disagreed and 65% neither agreed nor well-being of their community or county is disagreed. affected by the success of production agriThe Livestock Friendly County designaculture in general. In addition, 71% said the tion provides counties a way to signal their economic well-being of their community or interest and openness to potential livestock county is dependent on animal agriculture development and provides producers a in particular. sign that regulations and decisions on new The importance of agriculture as a driver livestock developments in the county are of personal and community well-being is straightforward and predictable, Lubben consistent with the findings of a recent resaid. port on the economic impact of the ag sector “The survey results are consistent with in Nebraska, said Brad Lubben, extension those goals for the Livestock Friendly associate professor and policy specialist at County policy,” he said. “However, the the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. policy doesn’t eliminate local control of the “With nearly one in four people across decision, nor does it eliminate some of the the entire state — metropolitan areas inongoing challenges for large-scale animal cluded — employed in ag production or agriculture.” an ag-related profession, it’s obvious that The 2020 poll was mailed to 7,000 rural overall well-being and agriculture are tied households across the state in April. It is closely together in Nebraska,” Lubben said. the largest annual poll of rural Nebraskans’ “As the survey results show, even those not perceptions on quality of life and policy directly involved in agriculture connect the issues. This year’s response rate was 33%. success of agriculture to the success of their The margin of error is plus-or-minus 2%. communities.” Complete results are available here. The While rural Nebraskans may recognize university’s Department of Agricultural their connection to agriculture, they may Economics conducts the poll with funding not be as familiar with some ag policies in from Nebraska Extension and Rural Prosthe state. Many rural Nebraskans surveyed perity Nebraska. reported they were not familiar with the
2020 N.D. 4-H Air Rifle Championships winners
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A23
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s
Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118 NDSU Extension Service of 535 Ramsey County teams took first place Fourth - Shomento, with a score of 523 in all three divisions of the 2020 4-H State Fifth - Schuler, also with a score of 523 Air Rifle Championships, which were held Jacob Vaagen from Ramsey County was in Devils Lake, North Dakota. TRENCHER the lone masters division participant and The championships were modified to FOR SALE scored 536. allow shooters to participate at their home Shooting sports is sponsored by Scheels, range under instructor supervision and send Case 460 trencher/backa supporter of the North Dakota 4-H Fountheir scores to the host site because of the hoe with front blade. Runs dation. COVID-19 pandemic. and operates good........... ............................ $11,000 Youth ages 8 to 18 competed in three Phone (406) 450-3647 ##### age divisions. Youth ages 8 to 10 were Conrad, MT Experience is something you don’t get beginners, ages 11 to 13 were in the junior until just after you need it. division and youth 14 to 18 years old were in the senior division. The competition was limited to sporter class air rifles. The match had 56 participants. Beginners participated in a 60-shot bench rest competition for a possible score th of 600 in the event. The 14 Annual Sale junior and senior teams competed in a three-position (prone, kneeling and standing) event, performing 20 Lunch at 11:30 • Sale starts at 1:00 pm — Selling — shots at 10 meters in each Glasgow Stockyards in Glasgow, MT 50 Red Angus Yearling Bulls position for a potential score of 600. Senior-age division 50 Red Bred Heifers participants competed to 75 Red Heifer Calves qualify for the 2021 4-H National Invitational Match 30 Short Term Red Cows in Grand Island, Neb. 20 May/June Bred Red Cows The Ramsey County team of Hannah Vaagen, Casia Steinhaus and Cassandra Christenson placed first in the senior division. Individual scorers were: First - Vaagen, with a score of 519 Second - Steinhaus, with a score of 510 Third - Christenson, with a score of 500 Fourth - Mercedes Fran1 Genetics. Veseth Cattle Co. has an exhaustive Artificial Insemination (AI) cis, Cass County, with a program to improve their cattle. We have AI’ed 7000+ females in the last 23 years. score of 483 Fifth - Lillian Roth, Cass 2 Selection. Veseth Cattle Co tests and verifies all production inputs and that County, with a score of 464 is why only 10% of the AI sires sampled in our program are used 4 or more years. The junior division air rifle team champions were Laura Stiven, Issac Vaagen, 3 Cost. Veseth Cattle Co. is affordable. Our bulls average $2900 at auction. This is a Kaylee Christenson and 50% savings over the industry average black Angus bull. Only 1 in 3 bulls saved at the Brady Schuler of Ramsey ranch makes the cut for our bull sale. County. Individual scorers were: First - Stiven, with a score 4 Performance. 92 Steers were sent to Hy-Plains Feedyard in 2020. Their of 459 average daily gain was 4.40 lbs/day and they converted @6.02 lbs dry matter conversion. Second - Vaagen, with a These steers graded 87% Choice and Prime. score of 439 Third - Olivia Ellenson, 5 Focused on the Female. This is where we can make our customers Cass County, with a score the most money. Our high bred females will produce over 30% more in lifetime of 429 production compared to her industry average straight bred counterparts. Fourth - Layne Korgel, Ward County, with a score of 413 Fifth - Carter Teigen, Pierce County, with a score of 403 The Ramsey County team of Rachel Vaagen, Eagan Laite, Jyles Shomento and Halle Schuler claimed the top honors in the beginner d ale & J anet V eseth division. Individual scorers were: (406) 658-2504 • djvsth@itstriangle.com First - Vaagen, with a 22787 Midale Rd • Malta, MT 59538 score of 565 Second - Laite, with a www. eseth attle .CoM score of 543 Third - Olivia Jansen, Ward County, with a score
Monday, MARCH 8, 2021
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A24
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls
J Bar E Ranch
Plentywood, Montana Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jarett Eggen - 406-478-1017
##### In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar accepted January 1st as the date for New Year. In 1752, England and its American colonies officially adopted January 1st as New Year. Some cultures, like the Romans, initially celebrated New Year every March 1st, while some went for the winter solstice or summer equinox. ##### New Year gifts also date back to ancient times when the Persians used to gift eggs symbolizing productivity.
Selling coming two-year old Horned Hereford bulls at the ranch Plevna, Montana February 20, 2021 Sparks Herefords Contact: Tom (406-778-2320) or Will (406-853-6758) for more information
PRODUCING EFFICIENT, PRACTICAL & PROFITABLE CATTLE!! Matt Beery: 406-979-5720 Madri Blom Herdsman: 406-979-5711 bllcattle@gmail.com www.beeryherefords.com 24 miles N of Circle, MT on Hwy 13 - 5 miles E on Rd 254
Bulls are at the ranch Can be viewed along with the cows and herd bulls.
Also on Facebook or www.sparksherefords.com
Selling Private Treaty 150 BULLS
B 100 Hereford Bulls - Horned & Polled
Sons of FT. KNOX, HOMELAND, LONG RANGE, RIB EYE 124E B 50 Yearling Red Angus Bulls - Sons of DOMAIN, ATOMIC, EVOLUTION, FOREFRONT, NEW DIRECTION 11E Select now – Free wintering – Delivery in B spring
“Like” us on Facebook Beery’s Land & Livestock Co. - BEERY Herefords
Common mullein and cheatgrass control in rangeland
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Two recent articles on rangeland weed control were published on CropWatch which may be of interest to Nebraska ranchers. Common mullein control: Herbicide choice and application timing The first article is on how herbicide choice and application timing influence control of common mullein. Common mullein (Verbascum thaspsus L.) has been a problematic invasive weed in Nebraska for a number of years. Often stakeholders have been disappointed in the level of control a particular herbicide product provides, and they want to know what might work better. Effective weed control in range, pasture, and CRP depends on selectivity and timing. Selectivity simply means the herbicide you choose to use will control the weed you wish to target. Timing refers to when an herbicide will be applied. Key points: • Multiple active-ingredient products may offer greater flexibility over single active-ingredient herbicides for rangeland and CRP application. • When an herbicide is applied is often more critical than what herbicide is applied when controlling common mullein. • Spring applications offer the best shot at controlling both first and second year common mullein. Rejuvra™: A new herbicide for battling cheatgrass The second article discusses a new cheatgrass herbicide, Rejuvra™, which is now available for use in grazed pasture and rangeland. Rejuvra™ has limited activity on emerged plants and only controls seedlings as they germinate. Rejuvra™ can provide control for more than a year after application. The active ingredient, indaziflam, stays in the soil for months and next season cheatgrass is controlled as it germinates. Rejuvra™ will provide superior and longer lasting control of cheatgrass compared to other herbicide options, reliably controlling cheatgrass for 18 months after application when applied in the spring. However, Rejuvra™ will cost more per acre to apply. Key points: • Rejuvra™ and Esplanade™ provide improved cheatgrass control compared to older range and pasture herbicide products. • Rejuvra™ and Esplanade™ also cost more than older herbicide options. • More research is needed into the economics of weed control in pasture to provide better management guidelines for producers. Please follow the links to the CropWatch articles to learn more about common mullein and cheatgrass control and reach out to either Nevin Lawrence or Mitch Stephenson if you have questions about these articles or rangeland weed control in general. The entire common mullein article is at https://cropwatch. unl.edu/2020/common-mullein-control-herbicide-choiceand-application-timing This entire cheatgrass article is at https://cropwatch.unl. edu/2020/rejuvra-new-herbicide-battling-cheatgrass
MSU Soil Fertility Webinar Series - Winter 2021 By Clain Jones, MSU Soil Fertility Extenson specialist
USDA extends flexibilities amid pandemic
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A25
USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) is extending crop insurance flexibilities for producers amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, relief provided for electronic notifications and signatures is extended through July 15, 2021; organic certification, replant self-certification and assignment of indemnity are extended through June 30, 2021. “We recognize that American agriculture continues to face challenges due to the pandemic,” RMA Administrator Martin Barbre said. “RMA remains committed to providing flexibility that supports the health and safety of all parties while also ensuring that the federal crop insurance program continues to serve as a vital risk management tool.” RMA is also allowing Approved Insurance Providers (AIPs) further flexibilities for production reporting, submitting written agreement requests and obtaining producer signatures for written agreement offers. Producer signatures for written agreement offers, issued by RMA on or before June 30, 2021, with an expiration date on or before July 30, 2021, will allow producer signatures to be accepted after the expiration date with proper self-certification or documentation. However, all documentation and signatures for these offers must be completed no later than August 2, 2021. AIPs also have 30 business days to submit written agreement requests and applicable documentation for requests with submission deadlines prior to July 1, 2021. For more information about these and other flexibilities, please refer to Manager’s Bulletin MGR 20-030, RMA’s Frequently Asked Questions, or contact your crop insurance agent.
Got milk?
A wife asks her husband, a software engineer... “Could you please go shopping for me and buy one carton of milk, and if they have eggs, get 6!” A short time later the husband comes back with 6 cartons of milk. The wife asks him, “Why the hell did you buy 6 cartons of milk?” He replied, “They had eggs.”
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33rd Annual Production Sale
Thursday, March 11th, 2021
Selling: 60 Yearling Bulls including 5 Simm-Cross
Fritz Red Angus - 32 miles east of Brady, MT - Lunch served at noon - Sale starts at 1:00 p.m. Progeny By:
Fritz Anvil 747C Fritz Fusion 21D Fritz Monarch 464F Fritz Merlin 421F Fritz Yellowstone 420F Fritz Forged 434F BHR Impeccable 675 Erks Makin Cash 8922 Fritz Warden 299E Fritz Golden Oscar 8006 RReds Seneca 731C PIE Quarterback 789 Bieber Deep End B597 PIE Cinch 4126 Collier Finished Product Bieber High Roller C553 Fritz Full Moon 298E
A sample of the bulls selling - raised with no creep feed and no irrigated pastures Tag 0117 0118 005 0130 0135 0139 0148 0172 0174 0212 0222 0223 0237 032 039
Sire BW 205 wt MERLIN 421F 81 752 CINCH 70 821 IMPECCABLE 73 782 FORGED 63 725 FORGED 84 800 MERLIN 421F 85 796 DEEP END 89 794 SENECA 91 848 MONARCH 91 759 IMPECCABLE 93 782 FORGED 83 829 QUARTERBACK 83 734 YELLOWSTONE 78 792 YELLOWSTONE 94 807 WARDEN 299E 97 838
R 114 113 107 110 114 112 105 113 106 113 114 104 112 110 115
Breed Average EPD’s
ProS 130 111 155 153 152 132 163 100 129 160 160 134 133 124 127 115
HB GM CE BW WW YW Milk ME HPG CEM S Mrb YG CW RE 97 33 10 1.3 84 129 31 5 11 6 18 0.36 0.02 26 0.26 76 35 13 -2.0 85 134 33 2 10 6 15 0.26 0.10 33 0.16 119 36 17 -4.2 67 103 31 2 15 9 20 0.43 0.09 24 0.15 105 48 13 -1.3 81 130 28 5 11 8 19 0.44 0.07 37 0.27 101 51 11 1.7 86 138 28 6 8 8 18 0.52 0.08 36 0.28 101 32 12 -1.2 85 131 24 5 11 6 19 0.32 0.01 28 0.30 94 70 13 -1.2 73 125 27 5 15 9 15 0.48 0.08 42 0.36 85 15 10 -0.3 76 118 27 4 10 6 17 0.16 0.08 25 0.30 93 36 12 -1.7 68 107 32 0 11 7 17 0.38 -0.02 20 0.27 119 41 13 0.1 81 127 30 3 13 7 20 0.52 0.13 29 0.08 103 58 13 0.0 88 144 29 6 10 8 18 0.49 0.08 40 0.35 98 36 16 -2.5 71 115 30 6 12 11 16 0.29 0.02 26 0.17 79 54 13 -2.0 78 129 31 8 11 8 14 0.40 0.01 37 0.36 78 46 10 0.0 73 122 28 9 9 6 17 0.33 0.06 32 0.16 98 29 7 2.9 76 117 28 6 11 5 19 0.44 0.09 24 0.08
BF 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02
Joe & Heidi, Justin & Candace, Garrett Fritz 1542 Fritz Ranch Ln. Brady, MT 59416 (406) 627-2374 fritzra@3rivers.net
12 -1.8
15 0.40
Contact us for more information & your catalog today! Look us up on
NDSU Feedlot School set
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A26
Time For Spring Seed!!!
The New Malt Barley
R Cert. Metcalfe R Cert. Hockett R Cert. Lavina Hay Barley
Different seed varieties available
We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal
R Cert. Vida R Cert. SY Longmire Solid Stem
R Cert. Lanning R Cert. Ingmar
R Cert. Hampton R Cert. 4152’s R Orion Chickpeas R Flax R Millet
ALL NATURAL Cow Cake “Pre-Order” discounts available
• Horse Feeds
• 4H Rations
We are a Hubbard Dealer
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Cattle producers, feeders, backgrounders, feed industry personnel, animal health-care suppliers and others will have an opportunity to learn more about during the annual North Dakota State University (NDSU) Feedlot School set for January 20-21, 2021, at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. “Feeding cattle is a decades-old business with lots of new techniques,” says Karl Hoppe, Extension livestock systems specialist at the center. “Making cattle feeding profitable is usually a result of doing many things right, not just one thing better. The Feedlot School helps identify the areas for improvement, ranging from feed bunk management to health to business planning to marketing.” Feedlot school topics will include: • Why feed cattle in North Dakota • Animal nutritional requirements and feeding • Implant technologies • Feed additives • Ration formulation • Bunk reading and feed delivery • Livestock stewardship/beef quality assurance • Facility development and management • Disease diagnosis, treatments and health programs • Differences in feeding profitability • Manure and nutrient management • Carcass quality and marketing on the grid • Using market information for strategic planning • Budgeting The school also will include a tour of a commercial feedlot and the Research Extension Center’s livestock facilities. Faculty from NDSU’s Animal Sciences Department, and the Carrington, Hettinger and Central Grasslands Research Extension Centers, as well as others who have extensive experience working with northern Plains feedlots, are instructors for the school. “The regional cattle experts who teach at the school provide a good overview of management for North Dakota feeders, and the outreach or interaction with the participants continues for years after the school,” says Mary Keena, Extension livestock environmental management specialist at the center. The registration fee is $175 per person and $90 for each additional attendee from the same operation. All meals, a flashdrive with supporting documents and a copy of the Cow Bytes feed ration balancing computer program are included with the registration. The deadline to register is Jan. 15. The fee does not include lodging. Register online at http://www.tinyurl.com/ CRECstore. Participants must make their own lodging arrangements. Lodging is available at the Chieftain Conference Center, 701- 652-3131; Carrington Inn and Suites, 701-652-3982; or Cobblestone Inn, 701-652-3000. For the 2021 school, class size will be reduced by half to allow for social distancing due to COVID-19. For more information about the course or to register, contact Hoppe at 701-652-2951 or karl.hoppe@ndsu.edu or Keena at 701-652-2951 or mary.keena@ndsu.edu. The Carrington Research Extension Center is 3.5 miles north of Carrington on U.S. Highway 281.
Phone: 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220 Dealer for:
Dealer for: Celebrating their first year as Dawson County, Nebraska 4-H’ers at the annual 4-H Achievement BBQ on October 25 in Lexington, Nebraska, were (left to right) Kori Wolfe, Cozad; and Maggie Duryea, Lexington. Extension photo.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A27
See these units & more info at www.precisiontruckandtrailersales.com
Specializing In Pre-ELog And Pre-EGR Trucks! Dealer For New FRONTIER Grain Trailers
2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 5950 (406) 265-4563 • Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842
2000 Peterbilt 379 EXHD
Cat 3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, push axle, Pre ELOG, headache rack, inframe approximately 400,000 miles ago.
1997 Peterbilt 379 EXHD
Call for price
1994 Kenworth T600 Box Truck
Series 60 Detroit, 430 hp, 9 speed, push axle, 22-ft. box.
2016 Kenworth T680
ISX 15, 500 hp, 18 speed, disc brakes, double bunk, refrigerator, TV, navigation-FULLY LOADED.
Cat 3406E, 470 hp, 13 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, Webasto heater, Right Weigh on board scale, headache rack.
$28,000 2000 Kenworth T800
12.7L Detriot, 475 hp, 10 speed, push axle
1993 Kenworth W900
N14, 500 hp, 13 speed, headache rack, all aluminum, 241” wheelbase
Was: $32,000
NOW: $29,900
2005 Kenworth T800 C15 Acert, 475 hp, 10 speed
1992 Freightliner FLD120
Series 60 Detriot, 333 hp, 13 speed, COZAD ramps, freshly painted
$75,000 $22,500 1999 International 9200
N14 Cummins, 430 hp, 13 speed, Pre ELOG & EGR.
$6500 1976 Chevrolet Box Truck Fresh big block 427, 5+2 speed
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It’s the 21st Century - Time To Go Electric! ROLTEC® Electric Hopper Conversion Kits
ROLTEC® Electric Tarp Conversion Kits
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Case Steiger 9390 Tractor N14, out of frame engine rebuilt.
• Worm gear motor & chain drive gear box provide optimal torque needed to open and close the hopper • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock, no brakes to freeze up or fail • Stable, three point, high clearance design • Reliable chain drive system with stainless steel housing & sprocket with nickel plated chain are durable & resistant to corrosion • Split sprocket technology eliminates the need to cut the drive shaft in most cases • Manual override with pinless, quick link detachment if needed
Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free
• Converts 2” roll tubes to an electric tarping system on trailers up to 53-ft. • Motor controls the tension of the tarp, when heaped loads settle, touch the switch to tighten the tarp • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock with no backing off for a tighter fitting, longer lasting tarp • Rotating & telescoping motor mount allows roll tube to rise & flex over heaped loads, reducing stress on the drive components & pivot arm • 4 springs create positive return tension when closing the tarp system, no elbows or joints to break. Universal mounting bracket is sturdy, lightweight, with universal fit • Manual override, simply remove one pin to operate manually, the motor stays secured to roll tube
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Pup Trailer 13-ft. box, spring, hydraulic lift
1981 Fruehauf 48-ft. enclosed trailer
1998 Tropi-Cal Motorhome
Ford V10, one slide-out, 64,500 miles
Quality Used Trucks & Trailers 888-453-4563
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A28
Deadline for ads in the February 2021 issue is Wednesday, January 27th.
Trucks For Sale
2009 Sterling 9500 60 series Detroit, 10 speed, single axle, nice clean truck.............................................................. $9900
Kenworth T450 Cat diesel, 13 speed, spring walking beam suspension, long wheelbase, ready for a grain box or flatbed... ...................................................................................... $13,750
2004 Freightliner M2 275 hp Cat, Allison automatic 3000 RDS with PTO gear, locker rear end. Make a great feed truck........... ...................................................................................... $14,750
Please call 406-855-4465
2006 Freightliner M2-106 Cat diesel, 8LL transmission, double locker rearends, 22-ft. silage/grain box, roll tarp........... $32,950
2006 International 7400 DT 466, 6 speed, air conditioning, air ride.................................................................................... $8900
MFB elects officers during virtual delegate session
The Montana Farm Bureau elected officers during its hybrid in-person/virtual voting delegate session November 10. Hans McPherson, a diversified farmer from Stevensville, was re-elected as president of the Montana Farm Bureau Federation with Cyndi Johnson, a Conrad small grains farmer, re-elected as vice president. Newly elected to the board were: Casey Mott, District 4, a cattle rancher from Custer; Don Steinbeisser, Jr., District 6, a diversified farmer from Sidney and Jim Willis, District 10, a cattle producer from Wilsall. Re-elected to the board were Rhonda Boyd, District 2, a cattle rancher from Alder and Ed Bandel, District 8, a wheat farmer from Floweree. Carla Lawrence from Boyd was re-elected as the organization’s Women’s Leadership Committee Chair and JM Peck from Melrose was elected as Young Farmer and Rancher Committee Chair. Following are the district chairs for the Women’s Leadership Committee and the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee: District Women’s Leadership Committee: District 1: Beth Blevins - Ronan / Lorena Erickson - Corvallis District 3: Mary Hill - Raynesford/ Debbie Bricker - Moore District 5: Lillian Ostendorf - Powderville / Cathy McDowell - Powderville District 7: Joy DePuydt - Saco /Julie Reddig - Frazer District 9: Bonnie Jones – East Helena / Pam Converse - Conrad District Young Farmer/Rancher Committee: District 1: Jo-Hanna Lien - Ronan / Neela Andres – Missoula District 2: (Vacant Seat) Michael Walsh – Twin Bridges District 3: Vic Lewis – Ryegate / Kevin Arntzen – Hilger District 5: John Olson – Broadus/Fiona Mott – Miles City District 7: Gwynn Simeniuk – Opheim / John Walker Nashua District 9: Rocky Forseth – Helena / Klayton Lohr – Devon District 10: (Vacant Seat): Kat Taylor - Bozeman
Winners named in Wyoming Make It With Wool contest
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A29
Degelman 14-ft., 4-way blade, 46/47, used very little, A-1 shape. Mounts for John Deere 8000 Series powershift........................................ $15,700 Phone Larry at (406)-855-8076, Billings, MT
University of Wyoming Extension State winners were named during the 2020 Wyoming Make it With Wool competition, Sunday, December 6, in Laramie. Due to COVID-19, there was no in-person modeling of garments. Contestants submitted 39 entries from 12 districts across the state. The top two junior and senior entries are selected for the state contest, said Carol Macy, state contest director. Judging was at the University of Wyoming’s Cliff and Martha Hansen Teaching Arena near Laramie. First place in the senior division went to Alicia Downaire of Buffalo, followed by Jamie Wilkinson of Torrington and Stacy Berger of Saratoga. Cassie Downaire of Buffalo received first in the junior division, followed by Emma Hill of Riverton, and Karlie McDonald of Laramie. Freda Dixon of Laramie won the adult construction division; Alicia Downaire won the senior construction, and Emma Hill the junior construction. Normally, contestants model their garments and then answer questions asked by judges. “This year that process was done by a video supplied by each contestant,” said Macy. “It is a little challenging because the judges are not able to ask any questions.” Forty percent of entry scores are on the overall construction of the garment, 10 percent marketability and presentation and 50 percent on overall appearance, she said. Garments must be 100 percent wool or wool blends containing a minimum of 60 percent wool or specialty wool fiber for each fashion fabric, fiber or yarn. Specialty fibers include alpaca, angora, camel, cashmere, llama and mohair. Adult, senior and junior winners advance to the national contest, said Macy, normally in person in conjunction with the American Sheep Industry National Contest. “This year, winners will mail their garments with an information packet and a 90-second video of them modeling their creation,” said Macy.
New Years Special Pipe Sale!
7’’ x 26 & 29# Casing - $140/joint 5 ½’’ x 17# Casing - $90/joint 4 ½’’ x 11.6# Casing - $75/joint 42-45’ Lengths Selling good quality used pipe, rods and other salvage steel with a large variety of sizes in stock. Competitive prices call to inquire. Delivery available
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Stainless Steel Flexible Hose
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8”x 96” SS Flex Assy
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A30
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch. Montana State University, Western Triangle Research Center has immediate openings for the following positions: Farm Operations Manager - https://jobs.montana.edu/postings/21873 and Research Associate - https://jobs.montana.edu/postings/21830
All applications must be completed online. MSU is an AA/ADA/EEO/Veteran preferred employer.
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Recipe Patch by Geri Instant Pot Beef Chili
1/4 c. brown rice 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil 6 oz. ground beef, 90% lean 2 tsp. chili seasoning 1 tsp. beef base (bouillon powder) 1/2 c. onions, diced 2 cloves garlic 1 (15.5-oz.) can kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 (14.5-oz.) can diced tomatoes Lime wedges, for serving 1/4 c. freshly chopped cilantro, for serving Cook the brown rice according to package instructions. Meanwhile, turn on the Instant Pot, then choose the Sauté program and the Normal setting. Once it has come up to temperature, add oil. Add the beef and cook until golden. Add chili seasoning, beef base, onions, and garlic, and cook for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the beans and the tomatoes and stir well. Close the lid and the vent. Select the Meat and Stew program and the Normal setting. Adjust the timer to 20 minutes. Quick release the pressure according to manufacturer’s directions. Serve with brown rice and garnish with lime wedge and cilantro.
Shortcut Instant Pot Lasagna
1 1/2 cups whole-milk ricotta 1 cup shredded mozzarella 1/4 cup grated Parmesan, plus extra for topping 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1 large egg Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper One 24-ounce jar marinara sauce One 9-ounce package no-boil lasagna noodles Add 2 cups water to a 6-quart Instant Pot® and set the rack inside with the handles folded under. Mix together the ricotta, mozzarella, Parmesan, parsley, egg, 1 teaspoon salt and a few grinds of pepper in a medium bowl to combine. Spread 1/2 cup marinara in the bottom of an 8-inch round cake pan. Break 4 lasagna noodles into large pieces and arrange in an even layer over the marinara. Spread another 1/2 cup marinara evenly over the noodles followed by a third of the ricotta mixture spread in an even layer. Top with another layer of 4 broken lasagna noodles. Repeat the process 2 more times, for 2 more layers of marinara, noodles, marinara, ricotta, noodles. Top with the remaining marinara and cover tightly with foil, making sure to wrap any excess underneath the pan so that it will fit in the pot. Fold an 18-inch piece of foil in half lengthwise, then fold it in half again lengthwise and finally once more in half lengthwise making a 4 1/2-inch-wide foil sling for the pan. Place the lasagna pan in the center of the sling and, lifting the two ends of the sling, lower the pan into the pot. Follow the manufacturer’s guide for locking the lid and preparing to cook. Set to pressure cook on high pressure for 25 minutes (see Cook’s Note). After the pressure cook cycle is complete, follow the manufacturer’s guide for natural release. After 15 minutes, being careful of any remaining steam, unlock and remove the lid. Remove the lasagna from the pot and let rest 10 minutes. Carefully remove the foil (steam will be locked inside) and serve.
Instant Pot Swiss Steak
1-1/2 pounds beef round steak, cut into 6 pieces 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 medium onion, cut into 1/4-inch slices 1 celery rib, cut into 1/2-inch slices 2 cans (8 ounces each) tomato sauce Sprinkle steak with salt and pepper. Place onion in a 6-qt. electric pressure cooker. Top with celery, tomato sauce and steak. Lock lid; close pressure-release valve. Adjust to pressure-cook on high for 20 minutes. Let pressure release naturally for 5 minutes; quick-release any remaining pressure. A thermometer inserted in steak should read at least 145°.
Tax planning 2020
By Austin Duerfeldt, Extension Educator, Southeast Research & Extension Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln With harvest wrapping up or complete, it is time to finish the last bits of 2020 operation tasks. Many of these tasks are part of tax planning. Here is a brief summary of some of the topics to discuss with your tax preparer before year-end. 1099s As with every year, 1099s are a requirement by law. Farmers and ranchers are required to issue 1099s for any cumulative payments of $600 or more made in the course of business to a specific entity. Corporations do not receive 1099s though. This includes LLCs that are taxed as a corporation. Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, and LLC Partnerships all need 1099s when they hit the monetary threshold. Taking time to gather the necessary identification numbers, EIN or SSN, and calculating amounts should move towards the top of the to-do list. Three of the most missed are for cash rent paid, attorneys, and non-employee compensation. If you wish to read, more on 1099s there is a CropWatch article at https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2017/who-needs-1099. You can also read more on the IRS website at https://www.irs.gov/ forms-pubs/about-form-1099-misc. Prepaid Expenses With projected farm income being high for the year 2020 due to a late surge in crop prices and direct government payments, many will be looking at prepaid expenses to help with their tax planning. IRS publication 225 goes into detail on prepaid expenses. The expenditure must be for an actual purchase. It cannot be a deposit to buy items in the future. To be a true prepaid expense it should outline a quantity and amount purchased, and should not be refundable or available for substitution. To read more on prepaid expenses and the other rules to follow, visit the CropWatch article at https:// cropwatch.unl.edu/2018/prepaid-expenses. Constructive Receipts For cash-basis taxpayers, one common tool in tax planning is the rule of constructive receipts. This is a timing recognition tool. A full outline of constructive receipts can be found in §1.451-2. To sum it up constructive receipts look
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A31
##### Tommy Bolt is the only professional golfer to have been fined for passing gas. (1959).
Net wrapped and in large round bales. Located in Conrad, Montana
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2016 FORD F250 4X4 EXTENDED CAB 81k miles, sb regular: $27,995
SALE: $26,911
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2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK 9800 miles regular: $30,995 90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $455/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2017 CHEVROLET TAHOE
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $499/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2020 MAZDA CX30 AWD
SALE: $29,911
4x4, 61k miles regular: $36,995
SALE: $35,911 9k miles,
2015 FORD F350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4X4 dually, 6.2l regular: $26,995 90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $398/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2018 SUBARU OUTBACK AWD
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SALE: $20,911
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $319/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2017 CADILLAC XT5 PLATINUM AWD 32k miles
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2017 DODGE CHARGER SXT AWD 67k miles,
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90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $529/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2019 FORD ECOSPORT TITANIUM AWD 14k miles regular: $21,995 90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $310/mo. 72mo/3.49%
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2014 FORD F150 CREW CAB XLT 4X4 regular: $24,995
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SALE: $25,911
Over 2 Vehicl 20 es!
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $329/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2017 FORD F250 XLT 4X4
regular: $34,995
SALE: $33,911
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $490/mo.72mo/3.49% 2015 CHEVROLET TAHOE LS 4X4
SALE: $23,900
2019 CHEVROLET 2500 CREW CAB 4X4 LONG BOX duramax, 32k miles regular: $48,995 90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • Payment to Suit
2015 CHEVROLET 2500HD LTZ CREW CAB 87k miles, loaded regular: $37,995 90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • Payment to Suit
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $335/mo. 72mo/3.49%
extended cab, 55k miles
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • Payment to Suit
regular: $24,995
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $329/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2019 HYUNDAI ACCENT
duramax, flatbed
SALE: $38,911
SALE: $23,911
8k actual miles
regular: $16,995
SALE: $14,911
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $227/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2018 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE CREW CAB 4x4, 56k miles regular: $39,995
SALE: $36,911
regular: $22,995
SALE: $21,911
SALE: $46,911
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $239/mo. 72mo/3.49% 2017 BUICK ENCLAVE
90 DAYS to 1st pymt oac • $410/mo. 72mo/3.49%
SALE: $15,911
FULLY LOADED, 51K MILES regular: $28,995
SALE: $27,911
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A32
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2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900
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Tax planning 2020 CONTINUED FROM PAGE A31
at when you had access to a payment. For example, if you receive a check in the mail on January 3, 2021 for $2,000 for harvest work and the check is dated December 29, 2020, is it 2020 income or 2021 income? With constructive receipts, we would claim the income in 2021 as that is when we had the ability to cash and use the check. For a more in-depth article on constructive receipts, visit the CropWatch article https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2018/accounting-agricultureusing-constructive-receipts. Government Payments I saved the most complicated for last. With multiple direct payments, loans, and grants issued during 2020 there is going to need to be some time dedicated to sorting this out. To give a brief example you have Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 1, Coronavirus Food Assistance Program 2, Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, Employee Retention Credit, and Livestock Producer Stabilization Grants for an abbreviated list of potential talking points. Some of these are state, and some are federal. Some of these are grants or have forgiven portions, some are loans that must be paid back, and some are direct payments. The IRS has made some comments on most of these, but a few of them are still being debated as to if they are treated as taxable income. This is all in addition to the more recognizable payments of ARC/PLC and crop insurance. The best advice I can give is to create a summary sheet of all the different types of payments received in 2020 with supporting documents in an easily accessible folder. Once you have your list made and have estimated production income and expenses for 2020, schedule a meeting with your tax preparer. Giving time to digest all of the gears and cogs that are turning this year will give you a better understanding of what tax planning tools need to be utilized. Other Common Topics In addition to all of the above points of conversation, there are still parts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 that are commonly forgotten about. Like-Kind Exchange tends to be the one that catches people the most. Many farms do not trade equipment yearly, so it may be the first time equipment has changed hands since the TCJA passed. I have received many phone calls in panic when producers discover that Like-Kind Exchange no longer applies for trades on equipment. To read more on the subject go to https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2018/trading-equipment-withoutkind-exchange. The TCJA changed Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation to help with planning with Like-Kind Exchange no longer available for those assets. Summary I can honestly say that when the TCJA came out I thought it was going to be one of the most complicated tax planning seasons in memory (I missed out on the implementation of the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act). The year 2020 though is bucking for a top spot. If you wish to get the most bang-for-your-buck out of taxes, try to get your information together early and schedule a meeting with your tax preparer.
National Cheese Lover Day
Date When celebrated: Always January 20 Do you love cheese, all kinds of cheeses? Spectacular, as today is National Cheese Lover Day. Use today to savor and enjoy any of the hundreds of varieties of cheese. There certainly is no shortage of varieties. Depending upon what article you read, there is between 900 - 1,400 varieties of cheese, all classified by texture. It’s easy to celebrate this special day. Set out a tray of several varieties of your favorite cheese and dig in. Having a cheese tasting party with your friends, will make this day a truly memorable one. And, don’t forget the wine. Cheese goes great with cheese. Some Cheesy Trivia: • Cheese is more flavorful at room temperature. • Americans consume over 31 pounds of cheese per year. But, that’s nothing compared to the French, who eat over 50 pounds of cheese per year. • Historical records vary, as to when cheese was first made. It was somewhere between 7,500 and 8,000 B.C. Records suggest it may have first been discovered, by accident, in Poland or Arabia. • The world’s largest cheese was put on display on this day in 1964 at the New York World’s Fair. It weighed over 34,000 pounds. Eating cheese makes you feel gouda. So, don’t be bleu. Eat some cheese on National Cheese Lover Day.
Tips for feeding steers at home
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A33
K-State Research and Extension News Alfalfa grass hay, 3x4x8 square and round bales. serious consequences,” he said. Locally sourced food has grown in Baled with no rain The timing of the feed delivery is also popularity in recent years, leading some Barley straw, 3x4x8 square and round bales important cow-calf producers to raise steer calves Can deliver (406) 590-4040 or 808-1022, Fairfield, MT “Feeding them at the same time each day through the finishing phase rather than helps the rumen PH balance,” said Weaber, selling them at weaning. Experts at the Kansas State University who recommends feeding twice a day, 12 Beef Cattle Institute said it is important that hours apart. If a morning feeding is missed, first-time cattle feeders deliver the approhe said it is better to skip that feeding rather than feeding twice in a shorter time period. priate ration and understand the increased Along with the points mentioned above, expenses they may incur. the experts offered this checklist of recom“To hand-raise a steer from 700 pounds to 1,400 pounds, factoring in the purchase mendations when feeding a steer through price of the animal, feed costs and processthe finishing phase at home: Create complete rations including mining expenses, the beef that you bring home is going to cost about $5 per pound,” said eral supplementation. Bob Weaber, beef extension specialist, on Work with a veterinarian to develop a a recent Cattle Chat podcast. “It will never good health plan. Home of the Strongest Scale in America be as reasonably priced as what you can Have adequate housing to raise the ani• Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales buy at the grocery store.” mal through the winter. • Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard • Custom sizes and special projects welcome However, for those who want the experiConsider the economics when finishing • Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other the calves at home. ence of hand-raising a steer as compared options to choose from Formulate rations based on the available to selling it to a cattle feeder, the experts feedstuffs. offer the following advice. 100% made in USA Determine bulk feeding storage options “You may want to find a bulk storage that may be available. solution for feed because that will decrease Monitor changes in growth and adjust your feed costs from buying it a bag at the amount of feed appropriate for that time,” said Brad White, veterinarian and rockwellscales.com animal. BCI director. One option, he said, is a gravity wagon that allows producers to buy feed by the ton and carry it by the bucket to the steers that are being fed. Another way to reduce The key to our bull power... feed expenses is to purchase feedstuffs that are available in the local area, said BCI nutritionist Phillip Lancaster. “A finishing feed will OF COW FAMILIES need to have quite a bit of grain in it. For many that lo100 Performance Bulls cal source will be corn but it Performance tested bulls you can rely will also need a high energy on. Fertility tested, guaranteed, protein source like soybean gentle dispositions. Sired by our meal, cottonseed meal or select, trait-leading herd sire line-up. distiller’s grains,” he said. “Work with your local coop or extension agent who 100 Yearling Females can help you formulate the Guaranteed to breed. right ration for a growing Powerhouse registered and commercial females. steer.” Representing historic, generational The main goal for steers cows familes deep in VGW bloodines. hand fed between 700 Many have ten plus generations of pounds through the finishVGW prefixes. Proven, dependable, ing phase is three pounds fertile, profitable genetics. per day, Weaber said. “To make that goal, the calf needs to be fed six pounds of feed for one pound of gain so about 2.1 tons of feed during that phase,” Weaber said. 2021 Sires Represented: Along with the feed, he • VGW Intensity 714 (3764727) • LASO Foundation D168F (3932305) said the cattle need to eat hay to keep their rumen • VGW Editor 702 (3764711) • Leland Dictate 8540 (3974728) 3SCC Detail E87 (3766147) Sons are features of the offering. healthy. “The hay keeps the • 3SCC Detail E87 (3766147) • LJC Blue Print 513E (3755369) calves from going into an For catalogs contact: • KCC Eager 525-715 (3774571) acidotic state with the high Vic & Shari Westphal concentrate finishing feed,” PO Box 72 Weaber said. Grass Range, MT 59032 Veterinarian Bob Larson 406-428-2179 explained how a severe case 406-366-4069 of acidosis can be toxic to cattle and offered suggeswww.westphalredangus.com V V tions on ways to keep that westphal@midrivers.com Raising Registered Red Angus Since 1978 from happening. “You need to acclimate Marketing and Sale Management: ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE the cattle to a changing diet DEICHMANN LIVESTOCK BROKERAGE Dan & Marilyn Deichmann over several weeks where At the Ranch • Grass Range, Montana • 12:30 PM P.O. Box 310 • Hobson, MT 59452 you are increasing the high 406-423-5500 • 406-799-5200 deichmannlivestock@gmail.com grain concentrate and decreasing the hay. Otherwise some cattle will overeat the grain and that can have very
Rockwell Scales
proven on ofofacres they have worked andand the the tremendous resale values they maintain. proven onthe themillions millions acres they have worked tremendous resale values they maintain. Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A34
DURABILITY DURABILITYREDEFINED. REDEFINED. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.
need to cover lots of acres in a to achieve faster dry down and at’s more, these machines are they maintain.
Vermeermodels N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship Introducing Vermeer N-series balersIntroducing – the newest in the flagship line from the line from the
that started itprovide all. Heavy-duty components provideand superior strength and company that started itN-series all. Heavy-duty superior strength Introducing Vermeer N-series balers -company the–components newest models on the line from the company that Introducing Vermeer balers theSmart newest inflagship theautomatic flagship line from durability. featuresmodels like the available pickup clutch and the auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability. Smart further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in like the company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and features industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. like Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network inlube the Plus, the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. they’re durability. Smart features the available automatic pickup clutch and auto system Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are 604N/605N trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S.to and/or other countries. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N network balersVermeer, are here to stay. backed the bestmachine distribution inthethe industry. Vermeer balers are here 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. furtherbyextend life. Plus,©they’re backed by the best distribution network in thestay.
EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and 604N/605N Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer balers are here to stay. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do MoreVermeer are trademarks Company in the U.S. We and/or other countries. 605N.....of .....Vermeer .................Manufacturing ...........................DEMO SPECIAL have expanded our product lines. Call for all JD 6125M loader,ea.800 hours .....farm .......attachment ................../..equipment ....DO ........$83,000 MORE. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned .................,$14,500 your needs. & AllUSED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer NEW Corporation. Rights Reserved. Vermeer R2300, rake.........................Many ................Tractors ...2017’s In Stock Available.........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, rampHighline . .Starting at, chopper $17,500 ................................RENTAL RETURN CFR 650 , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 , 16’ header, 1475 hours.......JD ........6125M .............$60,000 Vermeer 605NNEW ............& ......USED ................EQUIPMENT .........Hesston ...........9435 DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our.product lines. Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Many Reduced Tractors to $70,000 Available ............or .....350-2676 ...........Call ......cell ...for ....Hilger, ..all ..........MT ...CALL 406-538-5686 ..........Starting .1275 ......,$14,500 ea. (2) (3) Vermeer VermeerR2300 605M,,rakes, twine,reconditioned net, floats, ramp $17,500 Hesston swing at tongue ..............................your ...............farm $13,500attachment/equipment needs. Walter 406-350-0380 , 3x4 square baler............................We ...........have .$27,500expanded our Vermeer In Stock ........................................Hesston ...........4790 .2017’s ....DEMO SPECIAL VermeerR2300 605N,..rake product lines. Call for all
The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Are for ystem the customers Highline CFR 650 , chopper .............................RENTAL RETURN (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes,....reconditioned .....NEW .......$14,500 ea. your farm attachment equipment needs. 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand/Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT Wichman Ag Supply, LLC EQUIPPED TO , 16’ header, 1475 hours .......Vermeer .......................605N .........2017’s ...net ....,$60,000 Hesston 9435 r countries. Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stock twine,Infloats ................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels who need $875 ea. to DO MORE. Hesston 16’ header ..........................................2017 ......Reduced to $70,000 R2300 , rakes ..............................................In Stock Highline9635 CFR,650 , chopper ....Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN HDPE pipe, fittings, and welderMT 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, rebuilt.......................Wichman ............$14,600 cover lots of rs.....................Hesston ......................1275 .$83,000 .......................605XL ................,...completely , swing tongue.....................Vermeer AgWaterers Supply, Geotherm & Parts In StockLLC .....$13,500 ............$60,000 ......................................................$9,250 .........................Hesston .......................9435 .....CALL, 16’ header, 1475 hoursVermeer WalterR&L 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler ..............................(2) .........2016 .....Reduced ....555 .....,..rebuilt .....R2300, $27,500 Hesston 9635 , 16’ header . . . . . . . to $70,000 Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer and Machine, LLCa very acres in our product lines. Call for all 406-538-5686 orSeed 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 ment/equipment needs. Hesston 1275 , swing ............NEW ......MDS .......Bucket .........&...Grapple, ...$13,500 – Geyser, ’ x....24’ Alone Panels $375 ea. MTperiod NEW & tongue USED.....EQUIPMENT 15” 2 auger $3,480Stand 406-735-4374 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct51⁄ short Walter rlmccray@3rivers.net 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler............3PT ..................,..post ........$27,500 ..................$2,150 VermeerLLC 605N net, twine, floats.....................Worksaver ...........USEDpounder, DEMOall hydraulic 24’......Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875ofea.time. Ag Supply, Vermeer 605M,Alone reconditioned .....................$375 ...................ea. ..$22,000 Vermeer R2300& , rakes ............EQUIPMENT .........................NEW .........& In USED Stock EQUIPMENT51⁄ 2’ x pipe, 24’Vermeer Stand Panels NEW USED 350-26762017 cell Hilger, MT HDPE fittings, and BP8000 , used bale welder processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 406-350-0380 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats...........NEW ......Vermeer ...........TM850 ....USED Wind BreakInEquipment Panels , trailedDEMO mower..............24’ ..Geotherm ..........Stand ..IN STOCK Alone Waterers &Ranch Parts Stock $875 ea. Cox Vermeer 555, rebuilt.............................................................$9,250
unit.........................IN STOCK 2017 R2300 , rakes .............these ...Vermeer .......Vermeer ....and .TM1200 ......R2300 ....,.15.5’ .....help .......cut, In demo Stock Alone Panels $375 ea. R-series Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MTpreserve Built forVermeer performance and durability, to dry down and make tightly rolledwelder bales that The Vermeer twin basket are need to cover lots of acres in aand ........for .......achieve .customers .....................faster .....who .....IN STOCK HDPE pipe, fittings, (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demosrakes .........(R2300 ..NEW ........machines ..........R2800) ....IN .STOCK nd Break Panels $875 ea.water Nateer Cox Winston, MT VR1224 centermachine splitter ............are ..help .....INproven STOCK Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt ......NEW .....What’s ..Vermeer ...and ......durability, ..more, .........., .with $14,600 very short period of time. Built for performance these machines to achieve fast dry 406-594-2205, down and quality, shed and transport easily. these on the millions of acres they have worked and MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740NEW loader .......RR140 ........$4,500 Vermeer , rotary rake................................Geotherm .IN STOCK Waterers &areParts In Stock Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, ittings, andNEW welder make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 the tremendous resale values they maintain. reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , Mount Hole Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” and augerthe ....$3,480 rers & PartsQuick In Stock proven on the millions of acres they have worked they maintain. White Sulphur Springs, MT Wheel.tremendous RakeSTOCK .................resale ................values .............$3,000 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ......Vermeer ................WR24 ..............6650 .IN rlmccray@3rivers.net coxranchequip@gmail.com 3PT Worksaver ...............Rancher $2,150 , net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK nd Machine, LLC , post pounder, all hydraulicNEW....Vermeer
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 PULLEY..&...WELD-ON SPROCKETS ONMT HAND & USED EQUIPMENT 374 – Geyser, MT Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15”NEW 406-735-4374 Vermeer 605M , reconditioned ............– ......Geyser, ...................$22,000 Quick .$3,480 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 6650 auger Rancher.,. .baler .................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain y@3rivers.net Mount , used bale processorCut ......to ....Length ..................$13,500 rlmccray@3rivers.net .....................BP8000 ......IN Pre-Season STOCK 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, ...........COMING .R2800 ........, .hydraulic ....$2,150 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut...all ....hydraulic ........NEW .......Vermeer IN rakesVermeer
NEW Vermeer R2300, rake.............................................IN STOCK ned..........................................$22,000 ...........605 ......N........IN We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .......STOCK ......................................................IN STOCK e processor.....NEW ..............Vermeer .........$13,500TM850, trailed mower.......Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ............&...Models .........................$22,000 ............605M ........,..net, IN twine, STOCK Vermeer TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unit...Vermeer floats, ramps.....Vermeer .....................$18,900 All..Makes twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer R2300 .......,..21’ .......cut ....................................................................IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM1410 . . COMING IN 94-2204, Winston, MT JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 center splitter .............................IN NEW Heavy Post Driver,......................CALL trailed mower ...NEW ..........Wheatheart .....STOCK INHitter STOCK NEWVermeer Vermeer TM850,,with 94-2205, Winston, MT VR1224 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . .................980 ..........,...8.....bale ......IN ...............................................$32,500 day 406-547-4749, Vermeer TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unitTechno ..mover ...STOCK IN...STOCK Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) hay baleea. trailer.......................................$7,500 .....Rhino .......,..8..round ...$8,000 (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes, reconditioned....Red
Net Wrap Vermeer 605N net only.......................ON NEWnew, & USED EQUIPMENT SALE! Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, ch Equipment Winston, MT 2020 Vermeer 2800 rake, new...................ON SALE! Trendline Winston, Vermeer Sales Available Nate Cox 406-594-2205, MT 2020 Vermeer R2300 rake.........................ON SALE! Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer R2300 rakes, one season use. One left........... Cliff CoxSulphur 406-594-2204, Winston, MT phur Springs, MTVermeer R2300....................................................$17,750 White Springs, MT NEW .IN STOCK ..................................................................... Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 Now carrying Rupp Hay Feeder quip@gmail.com Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEWVermeer Vermeer VR1224 with, net, center splitter ...............IN .....STOCK IN Shop STOCK coxranchequip@gmail.com Vermeer R23A rake. .,........ Coming In....Through twine, moisture NEW 6650 Rancher rake.......................... ..............................$21,600 ..IN STOCK NEWONVermeer RR140 N SPROCKETS HAND Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, 2-bale unroller trailers Vermeer 2800 gone, rotary through. 60 Heavy (2) chain, 50 chain .............new .........belts. $8,000 ea.PULLEY & WELD-ON Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW &net/twine, USED EQUIPMENT White Sulphur Springs, MT 605SM 6800 .bales, ....... to LengthVermeer Vermeer6650 WR24Rancher Wheel, Rake .............................................................................................NEW .$3,00080 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer baler . . . ................................................................... $27,900 coxranchequip@gmail.com epair BalerNEW BeltsVermeer net, .twine, . . . .STOCK IN STOCK NEW VermeerR2800 6650, Rancher hydraulic ,rakes ...........moisture ................IN Cut to Length 3Introducing pointVermeer baleVermeer unroller w/hoses............................... $1235 es & Models N-series the flagship line from the NEW R2300 , rake ...balers ...........–....the ......newest .............models ........IN in STOCK 406-735-4374 - Belts Geyser, company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ONMT HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeerdurability. Sales605 We Sell & Repair Baler Vermeer N.................................................................IN STOCK Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain rlmccray@3rivers.net 7 (shop) – Baker, MT VermeerGeotherm 605Mmachine , net, twine, floats, rampsbacked ......Parts .......by .....the ...Available ....best .$18,900 New Waterers further extend life. Plus, they’re & distribution network in theAll Makes & Models
Cox Ranch Equipment
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
rakes ............to ........stay. .IN STOCK NEW R2800 , hydraulic (cell) Vermeer -978-3777industry. rebuilt ...............................$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine, Vermeer 604N/605N balers pickup are here NEW R2300 .IN STOCK JD 566Vermeer , twine only ..........,...rake ........................................................$5,000
Cut to Length
Trendline Vermeer EQUIPPED TO Sales
We Sell DO &(shop) Repair BalerMT Belts IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N MORE. 406-778-3777 – Baker, mover ........floats, ...........ramps .................................$32,500 Techno 980 , 8 bale Vermeer 605M , net, twine, .....$18,900 All Makes & Models JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours ............406-978-3777 ................................$83,000 & USED EQUIPMENT (cell) Greg 2020 Tubeline TLR5000 AX2 bale 8 round hay trailer ........pickup ..........wrapper. ...........................CALL .$7,500 Red Rhino ,NEW twine, rebuilt ......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 ,bale ......................Hwy ................12 ............W .....CALL - Baker, MT (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats,trailed ramp. .Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available..8201 New Vermeer TM1410 mower.................CALL JD 566 , twine only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Vermeer 605N......................................................DEMO SPECIAL Connor 406-778-3777 • hwy12equip@gmail.com Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. ...Rights ........Reserved. .Hitter ...........Post ........Driver ...........,........................CALL Wheatheart Heavy ©NEW 2016 Vermeer Corporation...All
Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair Trendline Vermeer Sales
We have expanded our product lines. Call for all New ZR5-12 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitterbaler. Post ,.....HERE ..ea. .........NOW! ......CALL (2) Vermeer R2300self-propelled , rakes, reconditioned ...........Driver ............. ......$14,500 your farm attachment /equipment needs. 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT www.hwy12equipment.com rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s In Stock Vermeer R2300 , Techno 980, 8 bale moverbaler. .............................................CALL ......................................$32,500 New Vermeer 605N Highline CFR 650 , chopper................................RENTAL RETURN (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 Full line feed and LLC mineral products in stock round hay bale trailer..................................$60,000 ............$49,000 .............$7,500 Red Rhino , 8Massey-Ferguson New Wichman AgofSupply, Hesston2020 9435, 16’ header, 1475 hours............BR4180V. 2007 Deere 9250 tobales. .....$10,500 header..567, ..............twine, ...........Reduced $70,000 HesstonJohn 9635, 16’ 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT and Chisolm Trail Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, HesstonVermeer 1275, swing tongue .................bale ...........processor. .................$13,500 New BPX9010 .............CALL Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler........................................$27,500 2015 Vermeer BPX9000 bale processor.......$14,000 • In-Shop Repairs & Service Truck Repairs • 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. bale beds, dumping beds.. & USED EQUIPMENT Highline NEW bale processors.......................................CALL Chisholm Trail/Cannonball Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 2014 Highline CFR651 bale processor, chopper........... . . .........................................................................CALL 2017 Vermeer R2300, rakes..............................................In Stock HDPEWW pipe,HD fittings, and welder ..................................................................... EZ 4-wheeler lifts for balebeds.............. $1000 Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt...................................$14,600 $17,000 Geotherm Waterers & Parts Stock Kramer Great Hay Liner 42-ft., 8 In Vermeer 555Ranch , rebuilt.......Hand ..................BP660 ....................bale .............processor. ...$9,250 bale dumping trailers............. $6200 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos.................................IN STOCK R&L Seed andVermeer Machine, shape............................................................$14,000 (2) 2002 R23ALLC rake, no welds........... $7500
NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150
406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT
Vermeer R2300 hydraulic rake, 23-ft. raking width.......
Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 .....................................................................$16,000 NEW Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 John Deere 7800 tractor, PowerShift, no loader, 3 Vermeer NEW VermeerBPX9010 TM850, trailedbale mowerprocessor.................... ............................IN STOCK $NEW SCV’s............................................................$40,000 Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Hustler TX205 chainless trailed bale feeder....... $NEW Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer R2300.....................................................IN STOCK John Deere 4520 tractor,MT cab, Leon loader.... $12,500 Hustler LX105 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, NEW Vermeer VR1224chainless , with centermounted splitter..........baler .........IN unroller. STOCK $NEW NEW Vermeer RR140,BPX9000 rotary rake........bale ...........processor.......$15,000 ..............IN STOCK 2014 Vermeer Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes, reconditioned.......................$8,000 ea. Haybuster 2650 right hand discharge............$10,000 White Sulphur Springs, MT Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 Vermeer bale deflector.... coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW VermeerBP7000 6650 Rancher , net,processor, twine, moisturehydraulic . . . . .IN STOCK
Cox Ranch Equipment
Chevron oil distributor, Fleetguard filter, Bad Boy mowers, Hustler ........................................................................ $9000 PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT
Bale King 2000 $6500 Vermeer 6650 Vortex Rancher, baler ...........bale ............processor............ ..........................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain NEW VermeerTM1410 R2800, hydraulic ...........21-ft. .............cut, ...IN STOCK Vermeer trail rakes mower, 9-ft. transport.. Cut to Length NEW Vermeer R2300, rake.............................................IN STOCK $NEW ........................................................................ We Sell & Repair Baler Belts Vermeer 605 N.................................................................IN STOCK (3) Vermeer 605M, net/twine, tires................. All406-234-4595 Miles City, MT Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps.........flotation .................$18,900 Makes & Models ....................................................$12,000 Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7,500- $16,000 www.gordonrepair.com sales@gordonrepair.com
Gordon Repair, LLC
Trendline Vermeer Sales
JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Techno 980, 8 bale mover..................................................$32,500 GregVermeer 406-978-3777 (cell) Netwrap on sale round hay & bale USED trailer...........EQUIPMENT ............................$7,500 Red Rhino, 8NEW Vermeer BPX9010, round/square bales, scales available...........NEW January / MAGIE Special Vermeer 605N, net, ramp, moisture sensor, 400 bales.............DEMO $240 discount for Cash purchases Vermeer R2300 hyd fold/transport/windrow adjustment............NEW $160 discount + No Interest until Vermeer R2300 rake, new teeth.......................................... $14,500 Vermeer R2800 demo unit, full warranty...............................$CALL$ June 1, 2021 on W.A.S. account Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder............................................... $6000 Attention Haybuster 2650 bale processor.......................................... $10,000 Malta, Saco and Glasgow producers. Highline 7000 bale processor, many new flails........................ $7000 Bale King 3100, grain tank................................................. $13,500 Call for preseason netwrap pricing and delivery options. Massey Ferguson 4610, loader, grapple, 2800 hours......... $35,000 Hustler TX205, NO LEAVES LOST BALE PROCESSOR..............DEMO
PREVENT scours and other calving issues SweetPro cattle tubs with BIO-MOS Cattle and Sheep tubs and mineral in stock
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Walter 406-350-0380
Master Gardener classes available online in 2021
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Are you yearning for spring and the growing season? Beat the winter doldrums by attending Nebraska Extension Master Gardener classes starting Tuesday, January 19, 2021. This year’s lineup of classes will be taught completely online due to COVID-19 protocols. Gardening enthusiasts can participate by attending individual classes without extra commitment to the program for a nominal fee for the entire series. Participants can attend the classes of their choice to increase their personal horticultural knowledge. Class topics include container gardening; plant structures; garden soils; integrated pest management; plant diseases; wildlife management in landscapes; landscape design and management; tree selection and care; attracting pollinating insects; and success with popular houseplants. Class dates include January 19 and 26; February 2, 9, 16, and 23; March 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30; April 6, 13, 20, and 27; and October 5, 12, 19, and 26. Classes will start at 7 p.m. Central Time (6 p.m. Mountain time), and recordings will be sent to all participants to view after each class is taught. Individuals who would like to participate in the entire workshop series and become a Nebraska Extension Master Gardener may register for the entire series. This registration fee includes the Master Gardener manuals, state dues, an official Master Gardener shirt and name badge. Along with training, new Master Gardener trainees participate in group volunteer projects established by the local Master Gardener program in your county of residence. To receive initial Master Gardener certification, 40 hours of education and 40 hours of volunteer service are required within the first two years of training. This requirement is easily reached by participating in the group’s activities as allowed with COVID-19 protocols, as well as approved individual activities that a Master Gardener may want to carry out on their own. Returning and lapsed Master Gardeners who have completed the initial first-year training may attend all the 2021 programs for a nominal Veteran Master Gardener fee. Twenty hours of volunteer service and attendance at completion of 10 hours of classes is required to retain Master Gardener certification. If you have any questions about the Nebraska Extension Master Gardener program or the topics for 2021, contact Extension Educator David Lott by e-mail message at david. lott@unl.edu, by calling the Lincoln-Logan-McPherson Extension Office at (308) 532-2683, or by contacting your local Nebraska Extension Office.
Fall woody plant control
By Megan Taylor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln As we transition into fall are you seeing more brush and woody weeds in your pastures? It can be tempting to spray herbicides in fall to manage woody plants and brush. I have been receiving several calls over the past two weeks about spraying woody plants in conjunction with thistles. However, counter to what is recommended for thistles, fall spraying may not pay for woody weeds. Spraying can still be completed on deciduous woody plants if the leaves are still green and actively growing, for many in Nebraska this has already passed and we don’t want to make applications on dormant plants. Mowing for brush or smaller woody plants can be completed in fall, but will need to be chemically controlled in the following summer to reduce populations. So, fall may serve as a time for collecting information, making a plan for late spring to early summer, and questioning why woody plants have encroached. Right now make a plan for June! Know your weeds you are controlling and pick products Make a plan for grazing restrictions after treatment Adjust management practices to increase competition in favor of desirable grasses Typically, early June is the best time to control woody plants and spraying early rather than later is recommended. So, if we have a warm spring and break dormancy early, spray accordingly. Also, overgrazing and fertility play a big role in encroaching woody plants, so looking at past records and soil sampling may be a better use of time this fall, than actively spraying. Bottom line: spraying now won’t pay for woody weeds, wait until early summer and use this time to plan ahead/ adjust grazing schedule.
Faculty member new UW Extension beef specialist
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A35
Helena’s Truck Drive Train Parts Store and Gear Shop
Transmission & Differential Rebuilding
University of Wyoming Extension A faculty member whose research focus includes increasing beef cow productivity and fertility is the new University of Wyoming (UW) Extension beef specialist. Shelby Rosasco began October 30 in the Department of Animal Science in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Rosasco is completing her Ph.D. from New Mexico State University (NMSU) focusing on the effects of management strategies during pre-breeding development on growth, reproduction and ovarian function in beef heifers. She received her bachelor’s degree in agricultural education with an emphasis in animal science from California State University, Fresno, and obtained her master’s degree in animal science at NMSU focused on investigating the effect of pre- and post-breeding nutrition on performance and reproductive efficiency of heifers grazing native range. While at UW, she plans to focus her research program on management strategies that can be utilized in beef females to increase productivity and fertility and increase economic efficiency for beef producers.
Case IH Farmall 120A
2920 Billings Avenue, Unit #C Helena, MT 59604
• Rebuilt or New Spicer/ Eaton/Meritor Differentials • Genuine OEM Parts • Rebuilt Fuller Transmissions • Ratio Changes and Custom Building
Case IH Puma 185 CVT
Rebuild components for: Transmissions and Differentials, Bearings, Axle Shafts, Wheel Seals, PTO Components, Yokes, U-Joints, Clutch Packs, Pickup Truck Transmission & Differential Parts
• Rebuilding Service for Pickup Truck Axles, Transfer Cases, Standard Transmissions • 18 month Warranty on our Rebuilds
Case IH RB564
New Holland 9682
New Tractors
2011 Magnum 235 ..........Just Traded New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer guidance.... .....................................$69,000
• Case IH Puma 185 CVT
New Haying Equipment Case IH 1504 Windrower
Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers
Used Combine Headers
2013 Case IH 3152 40-ft., uppercross auger kit, transport.............$40,000
Used Haying Equipment
2003 Case IH RB562 twine & mesh....... .....................................$22,000 Case IH RB564 round baler, net & twine, only 5900 bales...................$22,500
Miscellaneous Used Equipment
Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. boom...................$19,900 Case IH 415 25-ft. mulcher....... $7900 John Deere 2100 inline ripper... $3500
Case IH 330 Turbo till, 34-ft., consigned.... ......................................... $30,000 2013 Haybuster 2650 bale processor........ ......................................... $15,000 2014 John Deere 520 20-ft. shredder good condition.............................. $14,000 Phoenix rotary harrow, 60-ft., very nice condition, consigned................ $20,000 Rem VRX grain vac, 300 hours...... $17,500
See photos and more information at: www.tri-cnty.com
New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake
New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock Grasshopper 725D 61” or 72” deck Grasshopper 524V 42” deck
Used Lawn Mowers
2016 Grasshopper 729 liquid cooled, 72” deck, mulching kit.......... ........................................................................... $9500 335 Big Block 61” deck, 64 hours................................... $8900
New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers REM VRX grain vac Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper Danuser Hammer post pounder Schulte FX1800 rotary mower Parma 30-ft. land plane
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A36
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Caterpillar 65D tractor, 330 horsepower. Gleaner R62 combine with MacDon 962 draper header and pickup header. Flexi-Coil 45-ft. air drill. 8-bottom plow 35-ft. duck foot plow. For more information call (406) 231-8319
##### Never test the depth of the water with both feet. ##### If you think nobody cares whether you’re alive or dead, try missing a couple of payments.
John Deere 7510 loader tractor, comes with 740 loader and grapple, 26,000 hours, very solid running tractor, one owner, serviced regularly.
Bobcat S300 skid steer, 3200 hours, high flow, quick attach, enclosed cab, hand & foot controls, solid and reliable machine.
Excellent Quality 3x4x8 square Alfalfa hay bales Put up right - NO RAIN! Covered • 1st cutting: 130 ton - RFV: 135 CP: 17 • 2nd cutting: 450 ton - RFV: 150-180 CP: 19-20 1st and 2nd cutting Alfalfa round bales for sale - green, put up right - 400 ton Call: Chase 406.899.6055 or Rhett 590.6054
2001 GMC Sierra crew cab pickup, big block gas motor, good running pickup, short box, comes with toolbox and extra fuel tank, 160,000+ miles, needs some brake work done................$3500 John Deere 7520 9788 hours, selling as-is.............................$5500 1985 Haybuster for round bales...... ..........................................$4000 International 1460 combine, 3791 hours.................................$2500 Morris 30-ft. tool bar plow.....$2000
30+ years of welding and fabrication experience. Welding and fab work done at Flying Shit House Ranch main shop.
Experience includes: • Building Flatbeds and Stock Trailers • General farm/ranch repairs • Hand railing and stairs • Building and fitting bumpers and grill guards • Decorative steel furniture
Contact Gary Predmore at (406) 868-1751
Unemployment rate easing March-September
University of Wyoming Extension Highlighting the early effects of COVID-19 on Wyoming employment is the first of a new series of publications and is now available for download as a PDF, HTML or ePub at https://bit.ly/covid-wy-2020-employment. Mining and natural resources and leisure and hospitality both experienced unemployment rates above 45 percent, with mining and natural resources hitting a high of 47 percent in July and leisure and hospitality hitting 46 percent in May, according to the report. Author Anders Van Sandt in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wyoming said his goal is to assist communities and their leaders in recognizing vulnerabilities of the labor force, and this analysis shows some industries are affected more than others. “That leaves us with the idea that too much of any good can be bad,” said Van Sandt, an assistant professor of regional economics in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and UW Extension specialist. “Too much of a community share of labor in a particular industry may lead to bigger booms but also deeper busts.” The report shows the overall unemployment rate to be decreasing from March through September. He said there is still some unpredictability regarding the unemployment rate within all sectors due to November showing a surge in COVID cases in Wyoming. “It really comes down to how business that adapted to operating under this new normal are going to cope with this surge in coronavirus cases,” said Van Sandt. This publication shares data from different industries within Wyoming and the comparative unemployment rate from March to September and discusses COVID-19’s impact on those industries. Follow-up reports will highlight consumer demand and the impacts within the agricultural industry. The initial unemployment due to public closures is seen, but the persistent unemployment across all sectors is due to people changing behaviors from the pandemic, he shared. “The way we are going to get out of this is business owners own ingenuity and problem-solving skills,” said Van Sandt. “Their own creativity has been what’s driving these industries to adapt and survive.” This ability to adopt and survive can be seen within Teton County’s leisure and hospitality industry, which makes up the majority of their workforce. “In that first wave in April, they saw their unemployment rate skyrocket in that particular industry,” said Van Sandt. “Since that’s a large portion of their total labor force, their overall unemployment rate looked pretty bad but as leisure and hospitality was able to adapt to this new normal, they were able to get a lot of that employment back.” Differences among counties in relation to the industry they primarily specialize in can be seen within this report. Natrona County has had the highest consistent unemployment rate in the state, according to the report. “The energy and natural resources sector essentially got hit twice, by two different waves,” said Van Sandt. The first wave was all the industries being hit by COVID-19 and Wyoming’s public closures, and the second wave was due to the reduced need for energy and other raw inputs due to other industries dialing back because of supply chain issues and lower demand, he explained. He expects the energy and natural resources sector to pick back up. “Industries are starting to ramp up again and are starting to adapt and figure out how to survive and maybe once again grow in this pandemic,” said Van Sandt. “As other industries ramp up to their previous levels of production, they will require more energy, and the energy sector will follow that.” Education and health services are lumped together because they are essential to how we conduct everyday life, and that’s why they were not as affected, he said. Initially, this industry saw decline due to school closures early on and hospitals eliminating elective procedures. “Once August rolled around, we realized it was possible to open schools safely,” said Van Sandt. “Wyoming has been pretty successful in opening schools.” Wyoming has as a priority getting the education and health service sector up and running safely in a similar way to other states across the nation, he shared. “Particularly, with education,” said Van Sandt. “If your kids are at home, you can’t go to work.”
Prep water systems for winter
K-State Research and Extension News There is nothing like a refreshing drink of water to hydrate one’s body, but what happens when the only available water is frozen? As beef producers manage the herd in dropping temperatures this winter, Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute experts stress that now is the time to make sure the watering systems are set up for full time access to clean, drinkable water. “Cattle will typically drink about 1 gallon of water per day for every 100 pounds of weight they maintain,” said veterinarian and BCI director Brad White on a recent Cattle Chat podcast (https://ksubci.org/2020/11/06/ pumpkin-facts-mental-health-animal-handling-facilitieswinter-water-management/). Veterinarian Bob Larson added that lactating cows will consume more water than dry cows. “Water is the most important nutrient for overall cattle health and production,” Larson said. He added that it is important for cattle to have access to clean water at all times. The experts said now is the time to consider the size of the tank needed to keep the water flowing ice free this winter. For some, that may mean investing in frost-free watering systems. “Investing in a freeze proof waterer can be expensive but the savings in time and labor of breaking ice may be well worth it,” White said. “The cattle’s consumption of water will also increase if the water is free flowing at all times.” Even with frost free systems, the veterinarians agreed that cattle producers need to clean them periodically. “Cattle waterers can get hay debris and other saliva and dirt in them throughout the winter, so be sure to clean them often,” White said. And if cattle are drinking water from a well, White advised having the water tested periodically to make sure it is safe.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A37
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, January 27. Phone (406) 271-5533.
As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.
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To learn more about how Nature Safe is developing innovative products to meet the needs of farmers, manufactures, and consumers, contact Chad Tesch at (605) 759-5622 or CTesch@NatureSafe.com.
naturesafe.com Your Choice for Soil and Plant Nutrition
Call us for all your equipment needs!
2021 Bobcat S64 Power bob-tach, 7 pin attachment control, high flow, 2 speed, hydraulic bucket position, ride control, heat/air, radio ready, 2300 lb. lift capacity................................................Call
2021 Bobcat S66 Power bob-tach, 7 pin attachment control, high flow, 2 speed, hydraulic bucket positioning, ride control, air/heat, radio ready. 2400 lb. rated lift............................................ Call
For All Your Processor Needs!
USED EQUIPMENT **************** 1971 Big Bud HN320 Big Cam 400 Cummins, 13 speed transmission, brand new tires, new turbo, new front mount hydraulic pump, insulated cab, updated instrument panel, R134A air conditioning, three hydraulic pumps............$34,000
2020 Bobcat T76 New.......................................Call
2005 Bobcat S220 Open cab, originally was enclosed but all windows/heater components have been removed, brand new bucket, machine has been serviced, valves were adjusted, has offset wheels, tires in great shape.................... $18,000
2021 Vermeer BPX9010 new, square/round bale kit, high float tires, 0% for 48 mo. Call
AFTER HARVEST WINTER INSPECTIONS Let Tilleman Equipment inspect your machinery during the off season. After inspection you will be contacted with any recommended repairs.
Combines $500
Headers $200
Tractors $300 1997 Bobcat 763 Open cab, inspection and oil change has been completed, comes with bucket pictured........................................................... $7500
1996 Bobcat 753 Comes with bucket that is pictured, has cab no heat, machine was repainted recently. Oil has been changed and inspection available upon request............................... $7900
2012 Honey Bee SP40 used, auto header height, has cross auger not pictured $23,909
Swathers $300
Rakes $50
Thank you!
300 miles
Balers $300
Skidsteers $150
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A38
Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT
Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD
See us on the web: www.tte-inc.com
2009 Hyundai HL740XTD-7A, High Lift wheel loader, 8730 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM CD player, cloth air ride seat, FnR switch on joystick, JRB hydraulic coupler, 2.75 cubic yard bucket, auxiliary hydraulics, almost new radial tires, 4 speed autoshift transmission, Cummins engine, limited slip differentials. Extremely clean, well maintained loader, has been through the shop, recently serviced, needs nothing. We are a GrabTec grapple dealer and can install a grapple for an additional cost. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................................... $74,900 2015 Cat 272D XPS High Flow skidsteer, 1970+/- hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, heated cloth air ride seat, quick coupler, ride control, HIGH FLOW auxiliary hydraulics, extra counter weights. Just serviced, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................................ $49,900 2013 Deere 410K backhoe loader, 4235+/- hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, cloth air ride seat, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, ride control, differential lock, front hydraulic coupler, rear manual coupler, rear auxiliary hydraulics, switchable pilot controls, power shift transmission, 24” backhoe bucket. Very tight and clean backhoe, has been through the shop, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD............ $62,900 2014 Deere 60G, 860 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 speed travel, angle blade, hydraulic thumb, quick coupler, 24”, 16” and 36” buckets, 6’1” stick, 53 hp Yanmar diesel, 12’4” dig depth, 13,690 lb. operating weight. Nice machine, fresh service and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT................................................................................................. $57,900 2008 Bobcat V723 Versahandler, 2445 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 3-way steering, all-wheel drive, new tires, hydraulic quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 4-ft. fork carriage with 4-ft. pallet forks, bucket, 7700 lb. lift capacity, 23-ft. reach, 100 hp, Perkins diesel engine, 2-speed hydrostatic transmission, 17,200 lb. operating weight, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD...... $54,900 2011 Cat 420E 3025 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, cloth air ride seat, 4x4, 24” bucket, power shuttle transmission, auxiliary rear hydrualics, switchable pilot controls, ride control, differential locks, front tires are almost new, rear tires approximately 60%. Extremely nice condition, has been through the shop, just serviced. Located in Victor, MT...................................................... $49,900 2007 SkyTrak 6036, 4325+/hours, auxiliary hydraulics, 72” carriage, 48” forks, very nice foam filled tires, 6000 lb capacity, 36-ft. reach. Has been through the shop, all repairs are done, recent service. Located in Victor, MT............ $39,900 2005 Cat D5G XL, 3400+- hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD, cloth suspension seat, 3 shank ripper, 6-way PAT blade, 20” track shoes, undercarriage is approximately 75%, had just been through the shop, serviced by Cat, very clean, tight dozer. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................... $79,900
Danner Haskins, Mineral County 4-H, shows his animal during the beef portion of the Mineral County Show and Sale held in late July in Superior, MT. He received a blue ribbon for his efforts. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
UM named COVID-19 vaccine provider
UM News Service of this national response,” Chatriand said. Capitalizing on its robust bioscience The UM Pharmacy is owned and operinfrastructure, research facilities and stateated by the University’s Skaggs School of wide network of student and alumni pharPharmacy and is located in UM’s Curry macists, the University of Montana (UM) Health Center. Chatriand will work with will provide and distribute the COVID-19 students staffed at the pharmacy and with vaccine to Montanans. The State of MonUM’s College of Health programs, includtana announced the flagship as an approved ing nursing students at Missoula College, vaccine holding and distributor center this to organize vaccine distribution. week, allowing UM to serve as one of MonWith existing subzero freezers required tana’s most significant vaccine distributors. to store the Pfizer vaccine, UM earned apKenneth Chatriand, manager of the UM proval to house and distribute the lifesaving Pharmacy and coordinator of community doses from the U.S. Centers for Disease advanced student pharmacy practice, said Control and the Montana State Department the approval to hold and later distribute the of Public Health and Human Services. vaccine through UM is a testament to the UM currently has three of the freezers University’s public health response, thanks available, and a fourth one will be delivered to its health and medicine programs and next month. The University also can make resources for the state. additional subzero freezers available, as This year, UM was named one of the they are currently be used for other Unination’s top 10 universities in solving the versity research, said Scott Whittenburg, pandemic – on the same list as Oxford and UM vice president of research and creative Harvard, largely due to its vaccine research scholarship. and ability to respond to the public health The Pfizer vaccine must be stored at temcrisis. peratures of minus 90 F or below and the “Not only do we have the physical reModerna vaccine must be stored below 48 F. sources needed to house the vaccine, but we Whittenburg said the low temperatures have top-rated health science programs, inrequired for vaccine storage have forced cluding pharmacy, and a statewide presence those wishing to become storage and disof student interns and pharmacists trained as tribution sites to scramble to obtain these immunizers and prepared for direct patient freezers, which are now in short supply. care,” Chatriand said. “Fortunately, they are relatively common Chatriand said UM health programs, at research universities working in bioscifaculty, staff and students will work colence and biochemistry, like UM,” he said. laboratively and proactively in administer“We have a number of these freezers we ing the vaccine to students and community could use, if that becomes necessary. UM members and then eventually statewide as researchers understand this a community dictated by the U.S. Centers for Disease effort, and access to the required facilities Control vaccine rollout phases. is something UM can provide.” “We are working on organizing a driveWhittenburg said UM’s capacity to rethrough vaccine program, where our spond to the pandemic, as well as host and pharmacy students will be able to actually distribute the vaccine, reflects its mission administer the vaccine to other UM students as public research university. and eventually community members,” he ““We see this moment as an opportunity said. “Later, as more vaccines become to support the State Department of Public available, we’ll be organizing a statewide Health and Human Services and provide delivery program to our rural communities, greater collaboration with county health hospitals and pharmacies.” officials,” he said. Working with a network of statewide This year, UM broke a record for the pharmacies in the Montana Family Pharlargest amount of research expenditures in macy Group, UM plans to mobilize its school history, exceeding $100 million for many UM pharmacy alumni and current the first time in University history. A bulk pharmacy students for vaccine rollout and of the grant awards were in UM’s health immunizations. and bioscience fields and UM’s Center for “One positive note about the pandemic Translational Medicine. In February, that is that it’s allowing us to flex our muscle center was awarded $2.5 million from the more in terms of what pharmacists can do National Institutes of Health to produce a for the larger public health of the state, and COVID-19 vaccine candidate. provide our students real-time experience and training in addressing and being a part
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A39
(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040
(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631
(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636
(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971
(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449
(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908
(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325
0% FOR 36 MONTHS ON ALL USED JOHN DEERE BALERS* *30% Down Payment Required, Based On Approved Credit, Offer Ends 1-31-2021, See Dealer For Exact Details*
2018 John Deere 560M (BL), Stk #67607, 6,500 Bales, Kicker, Net & Twine, Acid Tank Does Not Come With Baler........................... $37,500
2014 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #65248, 26,305 Bales, 21.5-16.1 Tires, All New Belts & Chains, Cam Bearings Replaced, Drive Rollers Replaced............................. $22,000
2017 John Deere 569 Premium (WI), Stk #64838, 13,360 Bales, Went Thru Shop Prior To Last Years Haying Season, Chains & Sprockets Are Good................................... $25,900
2017 John Deere 569 (PI), Stk #64085, 20,000 Bales, Bought New From Us, Pushbar, Hydraulic Pickup, 1,000 PTO, Mostly Straw Bales. ............................................ $24,000
2014 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #64319, 15,000 Bales, No Dents Or Dings, Big Tires, Bale Kicker, 1,000 PTO..................................... $20,900
2014 John Deere 569 Premium (WI), Stk #66554, 13,425 Bales, Shedded In Winter, Has Kicker, Hyd Pickup, Mostly Used On Alfalfa & Grass Hay...................................... $22,000
----------------------- TRACTORS ------------------------
2020 John Deere 6155R (PI), Stk 2020 John Deere 6155R (PI), Stk #62030, 65 Hrs, IVT Transmission, #62029, 157 Hrs, County Rental 3 Rear SCV’s, 480/80R42 Rears & Return, IVT Transmission W/Pre380/85R30 Fronts, Loader Ready mium Command Pro & Triple Link W/3 Function Joystick Installed........ Suspension, 4600 Processor & 10” .......................................... $154,000 Command Display, Loader Ready... .......................................... $152,000
2019 John Deere 6215R (WI), Stk #65594, 621 Hrs, MFWD W/Suspension, IVT Trans, 4 SCV’s, Premium Cab, Tires Like New...........$184,000
2014 John Deere 6150R (WI), Stk #67031, 5,000 Hrs, Has H360 Loader W/Miller Bucket & Grapple & Deere Bucket & Gapple, 1,400# Inside Weights & 450 On Outside, Lots Of Idle Hours On it...... $89,500
2013 John Deere 8260R (HA), Stk #67372, 9,490 Hrs, PowerShift 1993 John Deere 7600 (WI), Stk #67556, 9,528 Hrs, 20 Speed PowTrans Rebuilt 2,000 Hrs Ago, Tripl erQuad Trans, 3 Rear SCV’s, 740 SL SCV’s, 46” Rear Tires & Duals....... Loader W/5 Tine Grapple.... $41,500 .......................................... $76,000
2016 John Deere 569 Premium (WI), Stk #64354, 15,701 Bales, Belts In Good Condition, Shedded When Not Used, Kicker, Netwrap & Twine.. ............................................ $23,900
2013 John Deere 569 (HA), Stk 2009 John Deere 568 (SU), Stk #66569, #63879, Just Under 20,000 Bales, 19,791 Bales, But In Excellent WorkPickup Has Been Rebuilt & Most ing Condition, Very Well Cared For, Bearings Replaced, 1,000 PTO....... Flotation Tires & Bale Push Bar.......... ............................................ $19,900 ............................................... $14,500
2012 John Deere 568 (BF), Stk #64871, 12,758 Bales, MegaWide, 2019 John Deere 8320R (PH), Stk Pushbar, Hydraulic Pickup, Belts #63625, 695 Hrs, Duals Front & Have 2 Steps Left, Used Only On Rear!, Premium Cab W/Active Seat, Grass!!................................. $18,900 PowerShift Trans, 10” Color Display. .......................................... $272,000
2013 John Deere 6210R (HA), Stk #65385, 9,421 Hrs, New Front & Inside Rear Tires, AutoQuad Plus Eco 20/20 40K, Deluxe Cab, Cold Weather Package................$73,500
2015 John Deere 569 (WI), Stk #66467, 9,600 Bales, Never Done Any Corn Stocks, Push Bar, Always Shedded When Not Used... $28,900
2012 John Deere 568 (WA), Stk #66604, Just Under 15,000 Bales, Well Taken Care Of & Owned By A Local Mechanic, Very Nice Unit!...... ............................................ $21,500
2011 John Deere 568 (WI), Stk #66632, Overall In Good Shape, 2007 John Deere 568 (HA), Stk #65816, 17,650 Bales, MegaWide, Both Twine Mechanically Sound, 540 PTO, Bale & Surface Wrap, 1,000 PTO, 21.5lKicker, Big Tires & Hyd Pickup......... 16.1 10 Ply Tires....................$15,000 ............................................ $20,000
2016 Kuhn/Knight RC270 (WI), Stk #67560, Helix, HD Drive, 4 Auger Discharge Chute, Scale W/Remote.................................. $50,000
2014 Kuhn Knight RC270 (WI), Stk #66656, 425/65R22.5 Tires- 90% Tread Life, 3 Auger Discharge, Poly Liners & Augers Are Good, Small 1,000 PTO, DigiStar Monitor.. $43,000
2013 Kuhn/Knight RC260 (BL), Stk #66841, One Owner Feed Wagon.... ............................................. $33,500
View all of our inventory online at:
WWW.GROSSENBURG.COM Call for more info on any of these listed units, or to find out what else we have available!
Nebraska Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908 Wyoming Sundance (307) 283-2971
South Dakota Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche(605) 892-2621
2006 Knight 3136 (WI), Stk #56032, 3’ 3 Auger Discharge & Good Shape, New Knives & Springs On Reel, Floor Is Good, Chains Well Oiled & Tight, 1,000 PTO $21,500............................. $14,900
2001 Kuhn Knight 3142 (HA), Stk #63477, 540 PTO, 36” Discharge, Scale, Nice For Small Operation Feed Wagon Or A Backup Wagon... $12,750............................... $10,500 Buffalo 240 (BL), Stk. #67642 2 Auger Discharge, 640 Scale Head.. $7,000
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A40
Wave goodbye to the old and embrace the new with hope, dreams, and ambition. Wishing you a Happy New Year full of happiness!
From the entire crew of the Trader’s Dispatch
Virtual landlordtenant cash rent, ag budgeting workshops
Nebraska Extension’ Farm and Ranch Management team will hold a series of virtual landlord-tenant cash rent workshops in lieu of in-person meetings that were scheduled across the state through February. They will be geared toward current and future landlords and tenants and will cover current trends in cash rental rates and land values, lease provisions, crop and grazing land considerations and current university crop budget information. The workshops, titled Ag Land Leasing, Budgeting and Management for 2021, will be led by extension land specialists Allan Vyhnalek, Austin Duerfeldt, Glennis McClure and Jim Jansen, who conduct research and outreach in land management, crop budgets, farm and ranch succession, communication and negotiations. They will address common agricultural landlord and tenant topics, including equitable rental rates, managing and adjusting farmland leases, landlord-tenant communication, pasture leasing and other land management considerations. Three of the workshops will be intended for audiences in specific regions of the state. A virtual meeting that was previously slated to be held for landlords and tenants in Lancaster County will continue as scheduled. Following the landlord-tenant workshop on each date, an agricultural budgeting workshop will be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Information will be presented on using University of Nebraska-Lincoln crop budgets to calculate cost of production. The new online Agricultural Budget Calculator program will also be demonstrated. These workshops will be conducted on the same meeting link as the morning session. Paper copies of the program curriculum will be mailed to participants who provide their address during registration, which should be completed at least one week prior to the workshop to ensure receipt by the time of the workshop. Workshop schedule: Central Region — February 4: landlord-tenant cash rent workshop, 9-11:30 a.m. CST; crop budgeting workshop, 1:30-3 p.m. CST. February 4 Registration https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_6EkaYQU2UFltM3P Eastern Region — February 25: landlord-tenant cash rent workshop, 9-11:30 a.m. CST; crop budgeting workshop, 1:30-3 p.m. CST February 25 Registration https://ssp.qualtrics.com/jfe/ form/SV_ema2pd0ObodK1MN
Global Belly Laugh Day
Date When Celebrated: Always January 24 at precisely 1:24 p.m. local time Now here’s a day that is certain to make you laugh. It’s Global Belly Laugh Day! This is a “feel good” day. It’s so easy and enjoyable to participate in this day. The originator has this celebration established down to the minute. On exactly 1:24p.m. on your local time, put a big smile on your face, throw your hands into the air, and give a hearty laugh as loud as you can. Let it resonate all the way from your belly. The result is certain to make you and those around you feel better, Yes, your belly laugh should not be performed alone. Rather, do a belly laugh or two in front of others. Better still, get a group of friends together in a public place, and have a pleasurable belly laugh as a group. Everyone will be glad you did! There are four goals for Global Belly Day: • To celebrate and remember past laughter. • To connect with others via laughing. Hence, doing it in public with others is the best way to celebrate. • To remember the importance of laughs and smiles. • To gain the health benefits of smiling and laughing. Laughter is the best medicine. We strongly recommend you get someone to do a video of your participation, and post it on social media. The problem with this, is finding someone who doesn’t want to participate in the laughing, as this event is too much fun to sit back on the sidelines.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A41
AG-TRK 430
We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:
Mobility • Capacity • Durability • Economics • Simplicity SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS
2011 SPRAYFLEX 2000-120-FT.
REMEMBER: Ag Trucks is Your Montana Dealer for SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS
Very nice truck sprayer, 335 hp, Allison automatic, 2 speed drop box, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 120” aluminum box boom, rear float tires, Outback E-Turn GPS............................ $125,000
USED SIMONSEN 2584 8 TON PULL-TYPE CART Nice cart, spreads 50’-70’, tandem float tires, hydraulic chain and fan, Raven 660, roll tarp, always shedded........... $12,000
2018 Apache XP AS 1230
1300 hours, 1200-100-ft. boom (straight), 10 sections, big motor, deluxe cab, Trimble GPS, Raven boom height, 2 sets of tires....... ....................................$155,000 Call (406) 788-5361
• High Strength Aluminum Alloys • Light and Durable Construction • Engineered Welds • Outer Boom Sections Hyd Breakaway • 100, 120, 132-ft. widths • SS Plumbing
2000-120-ft., 1400 hours, 350 hp Cummins, Allison automatic, Meritor axles, 710 Alliance tires, 2000 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. Sprayflex booms, Trimble TMX, Trimble hydraulic steer, Capstan Pin Point, IMMACULATE!
1997 MARFLEX FL 106
with 1250 tank, 100-ft booms, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750 GPS.......................................................... $55,000
Call Steve: (406) 788-5361
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A42
Thank you for reading the Trader’s Dispatch! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
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2015 Ford F250 XLT 4X4
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Lincoln-Afton county staff member receives top honor
University of Wyoming Extension The ability to manage multiple projects and willingness to help others prompted the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension’s Lincoln-Afton county office associate to receive the organization’s top staff honor for 2020. Jill Hubbard is extension’s Administrative Professional of the Year Award recipient. Hubbard has served as a UW Extension office associate for over 20 years, hosted the Extension Secretary Conference – A Professional Event (ESCAPE) training for office associates twice and attended 18 ESCAPE trainings. “Jill has been a tremendous resource for many of my questions and concerns regarding paperwork, technical issues, available resources and much more,” said Shelley Balls, LincolnAfton county nutrition and food safety and Cent$ible Nutrition Program educator. “She plays a huge role in our extension office, and we are both lucky and grateful to have her with us.” Suzy Holmes, Uinta County extension office administrative assistant, commended Hubbard for her willingness to help others and her ability to manage multiple, large tasks like planning ESACPE conferences and maintaining her office in a one-secretary office. “Jill has a happy personality that makes everyone she encounters feel as if they are the most important thing right then and no matter the request. It is never an inconvenience,” said Holmes. Shar Perry, Lincoln-Afton county 4-H Extension educator, shared that Hubbard has been an important asset to their office. “She truly wants UW Extension and others to be successful,” said Perry. See more about Hubbard at https://youtu.be/ Bn-X91Um6hg. ##### Using a baby to signify the New Year began in ancient Greece around 600 B.C. ##### Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, “I think I’ll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?”
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A43
Coordinator hired to start ranch management, leadership program
The deadline for advertising for the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27th.
University of Wyoming Extension A program coordinator has been hired to per Jo Six. “So, for me, it is like coming home. launch the Ranch Management and Agriculture Dean Rasco is a great leader and with this gift Leadership program in the College of Agriculfrom Farm Credit Services of America, we can ture and Natural Resources at the University create a much-needed program for Wyoming of Wyoming (UW). and beyond.” Pepper Jo Six is being contracted by the The programs will offer three levels: procollege to work with stakeholders across the fessional development and certification for region and faculty members to get the procurrent career ranch managers and agricultural grams off the ground. The appointment was anleaders, and bachelor’s degree and post-baccanounced during the Wyoming Stock Growers laureate education in ranch management and Association annual meeting in Casper recently. agricultural leadership. The Ranch Management and Agriculture Each level incorporates workforce developLeadership program was created through a ment, practical experiences, research-based $1.5 million gift from Farm Credit Services of technical knowledge and real-world problem America and matched by the state of Wyoming solving through interactions with industry to train the next generation of ranch managleaders throughout the West. ers, wildland and recreation professionals and Six will collaborate with faculty members to those seeking to broaden their expertise in determine which program should be launched agricultural leadership. first among the certificate, bachelor’s and post“We are thrilled to have received this gift baccalaureate options. from Farm Credit Services of America to A center director will be hired later who launch this program which will meet important will be a tenured faculty member at the full/ state needs and have broad reaching impact associate professor rank and provide academic across the region,” said Barbara Rasco, dean leadership and advocacy for the program of the College of Agriculture and Natural long-term, teach in the program and manage Resources. relationships with donors and stakeholders, Six has previously served as the College said Six. of Agriculture and Natural Resources student For more information about the program, recruitment coordinator, in the university adcontact Rasco at brasco@uwyo.edu or Six at missions office and as a UW Foundation major 307-760-9238. Six said anyone wanting to gifts officer. be involved in a listening session to discuss “I have always championed the College of professional objectives for the programs and Agriculture and Natural Resources,” said Pepcontent can contact her.
TRAILER FOR SALE 1976 Raven aluminum 30-ft. trailer, good tires, automatic endgate and plastic bed liner. Put new hoist on just 4 years ago.
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A44
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4-H’ers donate meat from annual deer hunt
Young 4-H’ers in the organization’s annual deer hunt helped provide food for Wyoming youths who may be facing food insecurity. Five deer from the October 31-November 1 hunt on the Solitude Ranch in northeast Wyoming were donated to the Wyoming Hunger Initiative’s Food from the Field program. The meat is provided to food pantries, which then offer the game meat to their patrons. First Lady Jennie Gordon started WHI to prevent food insecurity for Wyoming children. “This contribution from Wyoming 4-H was significant and meaningful,” said Trista Ostrom, chief of staff for Gordon. “The meat donated from these five deer will provide protein for over 100 people packaged in 2-pound packages for the food bank system here in Wyoming.” Ostrom said that, while the total amount of game meat donated to date is unknown, the total so far this season exceeds over 2,500 pounds. The Wyoming 4-H Program partners with the Solitude Ranch to provide youths a place to harvest their first deer. Wyoming 4-H is the youth arm of the University of Wyoming Extension, and its state offices are housed in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Ostrom is a member of the board of directors of the Wyoming 4-H Foundation, which sponsors the hunt. The foundation raises money for youth 4-H activities through fundraisers and donations. Another program in the college of agriculture is also assisting WHI. The Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP) is partnering with the WHI to provide game meat recipe booklets. The booklet, Cooking Game Meat, includes 15 recipes. CNP educators around the state are planning tastings, as COVID-19 safety procedures allow. The recipe booklet is available at food pantries. Food from the Field is a collaborative effort between WHI, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming Department of Agriculture, Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies and participating meat processors, as well as Wyoming hunters who donate game meat. Donated meat is processed by partner meat processors in the state. Those processors are Star Valley Meat Block & Cold Storage LLC in Thayne, and Dan’s Meat Processing in Evansville. Hunters are invited to make a financial contribution to cover the cost of processing if able; WHI covers the remaining cost. The meat is then shared with the Wyoming Food Bank of the Rockies, which distributes it to local food pantries. All donated game meat from this program undergoes Chronic Wasting Disease testing to ensure it is safe before donated for public consumption.
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 – Page A45
Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana
2000 Komatsu WA380-3 Wheel Loader
2008 Cat 246C Skidsteer
Hydraulic QC, 4 yard bucket, very good tires, very well maintained machine......................................................$38,000
Only 1633 hours, 2 speed, heat/air conditioning, hydraulic QC. Really nice!!...........................................................$35,000
2013 Ditchwitch RT115 Quad Like New! Only 470 hours, will trench 6-ft. plus deep, excellent machine and ready to go to work!...................... $122,222
2015 Cat 279D CTL New tracks 2020, cab with heat & air conditioning, 2 speed, 3000/6000 lb. operating load.................................$45,500
1999 Deere 250 Skidsteer 64 hp, 1800 lb lift capacity, 1000 hours, 45% tires, high flow hydraulic with bucket and forks..............................$19,000
2015 Komatsu WA380 Wheel Loader Only 3600 hours, cab with air conditioning, camera, ride control, radial tires, 4.5 yard bucket with quick couple.... $147,000
2017 Deere 35G Mini Excavator
2012 John Deere 825i Gator XUV Nice clean machine, full cab with heat, only 1300 hours, Work or Play Ready!...............................................................$8500
Only 1320 hours, QC buckets, 4 buckets, plumbed for thumb, good tracks............................................................$29,900
Gehl DL842 Telescopic Handler 8000 lb/42-ft. capacity, good tires, good condition, work ready!.. ..............................................................................$27,700
Bobcat E42 Excavator
2013 Bobcat E35 Mini Excavator
Cab, heat, air conditioning, thumb, 1018 hours. Great condition. ..............................................................................$42,000
Only 990 hours, hydraulic thumb and quick couple, angle blade. Nice strong manchine!..........................................$35,000
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A46
2012 Massey-Ferguson 35 hp tractor, full bucket on front, rear blade on back, full cab/heat/air/radio............ $30,000 2015 Polaris Crew full cab, windshield wipers/washers, turn signals, heater, full brush guard on front, rear cargo rack, snow tracks, windshield opens full out........ $28,000 2000 Lund 17-ft. boat and trailer. All in excellent condition, 80 hp Yamaha motor, 8 hp Yamaha motor and front mount electric motor........................................................ $16,000 Phone (406) 236-5415, Monarch, MT - Ask for Dave
Dairy industry is growing despite fewer farms
K-State Research and Extension News Kansas is well known for beef producand their management practices for the tion, but the state’s dairy industry has increases. grown significantly over the past 20 years He works with some producers who and Kansas State University’s Mike Brouk have started using robots or are considering expects that trend to continue. switching to robotic milking but noted that Brouk, an animal science professor and startup costs are an obstacle to the adoption K-State Research and Extension dairy speof the technology. The equipment investcialist, said there are twice as many dairy ment for robotic milking is about $2,500 cows in Kansas now as there were in 1998, per cow compared with $250 per cow using and that the state has been adding 3,000 to conventional equipment. STORAGE CONTAINERS 4,000 per year. Currently, five farms in Kansas are milking robotically. The trend started years ago when some & BRIDGES Kansas’ overall milk production is about large dairies relocated from other states three times what it was in 1998 because of because of Kansas’ readily-available feed, the increase in cow numbers and more milk land and generally favorable climate, according to a USDA report. production per cow. That puts the state at “We’re milking more cows, but we’re No. 16 nationally in total milk production also getting more milk per cow,” said and No. 14 in production per cow. Brouk, who provided an update for Kansas One of the downsides in the industry is Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers agriculture extension agents last month. consolidation. Brouk said there has been a 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage Milk production per cow is up about 2.57 fold decrease in the number of dairy 20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges 50% from where it was in 1998, reaching farms in the state but added that many of an average of 23,429 pounds per cow per the remaining farms are growing. Some Phone (406) 899-4104 year in 2019 from 16,037 pounds in 1998. have locations in other states. TCB TRANSPORT, LLC www.boxesandbridges.com Brouk largely credits Kansas producers “We produce more milk in Kansas than what we can consume as a population,” he added. Americans typically consume about 600 pounds of milk or milk products each year. Since Kansas currently produces about twice Triangle Ag-Services that much or 1.13 million www.triangleag.com 406-622-3887 pounds, about half goes to PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street other states – often southFort Benton, MT 59442 east states where producAutoPilot EZ-Pilot Pro EZ-Pilot tion per capita is less or is exported to other countries. Brouk said dairy consumption has increased TMX 2050 GFX-750 over the past 20 years, but “how we consume dairy BIG Discounts on New Trimble products has changed drastically during that time. Precision Ag Hardware We’ve had a decrease in fluid milk sales of about 42% but an increase in cheese sales of about 170%. It’s not all about fluid milk anymore.” NEVER MISS A SEED As in other agriculture FARM SMART sectors, dairy exports to FREE iPad other countries have bewith MAGIE orders come increasingly important and have continued MAGIE Specials valid on Orders placed from January 24, 2021 to Feb. 10,2021 to increase even this year Discounts on during the coronavirus OPI Integris pandemic. Mexico is the Cables largest buyer of U.S. dairy products, but southeast Asia and Canada are also key markets. Brouk said total dairy product consumption is up about 20% from where it was in 1975. “We have a very healthy Tech support is Yes, we take trades! market, healthy demand just a phone call for our products and that’s Upgrade today! away... a good thing for our indusThe Ul�mate MAGIE Show try,” he said. He noted, however, that Triangle Ag-Services even with robust milk proSupport Plan duction and demand, dairy farmers’ margins are tight because of feed costs. A measure called the milkfeed price ratio indicates that dairy producers’ profit margins are growing tighter. “That means any uptick Ask about in feed prices without a corInterest responding move up in milk prices will make margins even tighter,” Brouk said.
MAGIE Specials
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A47
Our Advertising Deadline for the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27th.
Phone us at (406) 271-5533
MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs
1-800-332-3405 Mineral County 4-Her Darby Haskins, shows her animal at the Mineral County Show and Sale held in late July in Superior, MT. She received a blue ribbon. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Shingles Kevin inherited a 200 acre farm from his father. He worked very hard for several years, but just could not earn enough to provide for his family. So, he started working in town driving a delivery truck part-time to provide additional off-farm income. Those of us who have spent much time in a doctor’s office can appreciate what happened to Kevin one day. It seems that more and more that physicians are running their practices like an assembly line. Kevin walked into a doctor’s office and the receptionist asked him what he had. Kevin said: “Shingles.” So she wrote down his name, address, medical insurance number and told him to have a seat. Fifteen minutes later a nurse’s aide came out and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, “Shingles.” So she wrote down his height, weight, a complete medical history and told Kevin to wait in the examining room. A half hour later a nurse came in and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, “Shingles.” So the nurse gave Kevin a blood test, a blood pressure test, an electrocardiogram, and told Kevin to take off all his clothes and wait for the doctor. An hour later the doctor came in and found Kevin sitting patiently in the nude and asked Kevin what he had. Kevin said, “Shingles.” The doctor asked, “Where?” Kevin said, “Outside on the truck. Where do you want me to unload ’em?“
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Custom Grass, Forage & Cover Crop Mixes Available For sales information call Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page A48
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
WHEEL LINES & HAY FOR SALE (2) Wheel lines – $3500 each
with Honda engines, openers and hoses included. New gaskets and mover chains also included.
1st and 2nd cutting hay in big round bales. (406) 366-1320 or donj@lewistown.net
##### Chinese New Year is celebrated the second full moon after the winter solstice. ##### Jewish New Year is called Rosh Hashanah. Apples and honey are traditionally eaten. ##### The traditional New Year’s song, “Auld Lang Syne,” means, “times gone by.”
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2014 Caterpillar 950K 4.5 yard bucket, 80% fronts, 50% rears, 8900 hours, nice machine!........ ..................................... $99,500
1993 Volvo L150 tight pins, reman motor, maintenance history........ ..................................... $35,000 1963 John Deere 3010D rare diesel tractor, 2 remotes, 3 pt hitch, 50-60% tires.....................$7950
2006 Genie GTH842 cab, heat, foam filled tires, Deere motor, new hydraulic pump. Ready for work!................................................................ $37,900
2011 Caterpillar 336D 60-70% 2011 Caterpillar 320DL, 6900 undercarriage remaining, Cat hours, thumb and quick-coupler, quick-coupler, heat, air condition60% U/C remaining, forestry ing, radio, 6300 hours. Comes package, starts and runs well!.... with digging bucket......$119,900 ......................................$89,900 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size......................Call for Price
2008 John Deere 872D 10,800 hours, 14-ft. moldboard, pushblock and ripper, all new tires. Very clean unit!..............$81,900
2007 Caterpillar 613C water wagon, 5000 gallon Mega Corp tank, rear sprayers and cannon, 50% tires remaining. Only 3200 hours!...... ..................... Call for more info
2010 Timpte spread axle, hopper bottom, air ride, excellent tires and brakes.........................................................................................$35,000
Matt Swan
Matt’s cell - 406-579-1948
Steve Swan
Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937
Superior transfer box set, 15-ft. boxes, 2 axle pup trailer included. Spring ride, air driven, 20-30% tires and brakes. Clean boxes ready for work!...............$12,900
Lead scientist in MSU’s COVID-19 lab to give lecture
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service Montana State University’s (MSU) annual Provost’s Distinguished Lecturer Series will continue virtually on January 12 with a tour of the university’s COVID-19 testing lab by one of its leading scientists. Seth Walk, an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in the College of Agriculture, has a background in studying microbial ecology, with an emphasis on microbes that have direct impact to human health. While much of his research focuses on the microbes that inhabit the human gut, he and many members of his team pivoted their focus in July to a partnership with the State of Montana to increase the state’s capacity for processing COVID-19 tests. “Very early on in the pandemic, we tried to identify machines and instruments that could be borrowed from labs around campus, as well as purchasing a few more, to be able to conduct COVID-related research,” said Walk, who joined MSU’s faculty in 2013. “The state then reached out in July, and I was asked to lead the effort to get some testing capacity at MSU up and running.” MSU’s testing lab, funded by the federal CARES Act, was initially contracted to process 30,000 COVID-19 tests between July and December. Walk says that by the lab will have far exceeded 100,000 processed tests by the end of 2020. Walk’s lecture will include a virtual walking tour of the COVID-19 lab, filmed in partnership with Montana PBS, in which he explains the sample testing process. The virtual event will also feature a one-on-one interview between Walk and MSU Provost Bob Mokwa and an overview of the research that takes place in the Walk Lab when it’s not engaged in COVID-19 testing. Before moving into processing COVID-19 tests, Walk’s team worked alongside associate professor Blake Wiedenheft and other scientists to help test wastewater in communities around Gallatin County for the presence of COVID-19, which helped identify where the virus was spreading in those communities. Walk’s Distinguished Provost Lecture will stream live and for free at 7 p.m. on January 12 on MSU’s website at https:// www.montana.edu/pdl/. A recording of the lecture will be available to watch after the initial stream.
Fall heavy grazing for spring pasture renovation
By Brad Schick, University of Nebraska-Lincoln There aren’t often many advantages to heavy grazing, particularly in years of drought, but on pastures such as bromegrass that need some help to increase animal performance, heavy fall grazing before interseeding legumes might be the first management step. Cool-season pastures such as smooth bromegrass often lose yield due to becoming sod-bound. Interseeding legumes in the early spring or through winter frost seeding can help this and provide some additional benefits. Adding legumes into cool-season pastures or hay meadows can increase forage quality and animal performance. Nutrient cycling occurs faster on pastures with legume forage, with cow pies breaking down faster and nutrients are more available to pasture plants. The legumes have more protein, so animal digestion is faster and intake increased. Finally, legumes may decrease the need for supplemental nitrogen fertilizer. Grazing heavy in the fall will slow growth next year, reducing competition for legume seedlings. As a bonus, this is a great way to get a little extra forage off during the fall. Some grazing in the spring after seeding, and prior to significant legume growth, can also be done to further reduce grass competition. Heavy grazing should be only a one-time practice in the fall before spring planting a legume. There is no advantage to grazing heavy every fall. Legume interseeded pastures do take a little more management. Preserving legume stands can limit weed control options and make it a little harder to control if the other broadleaf weeds get out of hand. ##### A child asked his father, “How were people born?” So his father said, “Adam and Eve made babies, then their babies became adults and made babies, and so on.” The child then went to his mother, asked her the same question and she told him, “We were monkeys then we evolved to become like we are now.” The child ran back to his father and said, “You lied to me!” His father replied, “No, your mom was talking about her side of the family.”
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B1
3V Distributing, Conrad MT ....................... C43 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT ...................... C20 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .............. C47 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive MT .............................................A29 Action Toys, Billings MT ............................. C12 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ............................................A45 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .....A41 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT .. C15 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ................................... C8 Badland Truck Sales, Glendive MT ...............B4 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .........B10 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT .................. C45 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ...........C10, C11 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .................. C3 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT....C34 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls MT..................... C17 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT ................................................................ C23 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT C47 Bouma Post Yards, Choteau MT ................ C15 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls MT .. ..........................................................INSERT Brock Bins, Rydelle Ent., Drummond MT .....A6 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ........................... C45 Buckley Auction MT ................................... C26 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT.....A4 Central Steel Building & Construction, GSI Bins, MT & ND.....................................................A7 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ..................A16 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT... .................................................................A14 Clearview Seed, Denton MT.......................A44 Cleiv Coulee Angus, SuperTie, Tyrite, Fairfield MT ........................................................... C29 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ....... C37 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT ........................ C35 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ............................................... C42 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ...................... C18 Darling Ingredients, Inc......................A37, C12 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ...................................C30, C34 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT.....C14 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT.................................................. C39 Ear Mountain Machine, Choteau MT ..........A17 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT ..... ........................................................C30, C31 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT .. C8 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT ...... C21 Faber Productions, Rozel WY .....................A12 First State Bank, Shelby MT .......................A30
Index Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton MT..... C42 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ....A15, C16 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT ............ C6 Fox Ford, Wolf Point MT ............................ C27 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT .................. C40 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT ...................................... A29, B6, B7, C41 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .....B12 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ........ B10, B11 G & M Bins, LLC, Mark McInerney, Fairfield MT ........................................................... C42 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ............................................................A20 Gazeeka, Ryan DeBruycker, Fairfield MT...A24 Glasgow Rental, Glasgow MT ..................... C9 Glass Trucking, Denton MT........................ C17 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT .......A26 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ............A34 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT .... ................................................................ C33 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY .......................A39 Grove Construction, GSI Bins, Moccasin MTC2 GSI Bins, Central Steel, MT & ND ................A7 GSI Bins, Grove Construction, Moccasin MT...C2 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT .... ................................................................ C24 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ................... C7 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT ................................................................ C28 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT.......................................A32 Hi-Line Rental, Havre MT ............................ C9 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ......B5 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ............. ..................................................... C4, C5, C6 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT ...B5 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT .....A34 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT........A21 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ..............................................................B8 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT ................................ C44 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ....B2, C38 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT.........A20 Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc., Bismarck & Fargo ND ........................................................... C16
Johnson Distributing, Great Falls MT ........ C46 JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester MT ........ C32 Krogmann Mfg. ...........................................A43 Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD ........................................................... C17 Lattin & Sons, Power MT ...................A15, C16 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT ................ C9 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT ........................................................... C39 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .............. C29 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT....C35 Missouri River Realty, Glasgow, Malta, Sidney MT ............................................................A13 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb, Great Falls MT ................... C21 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT.....A47 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MTC2 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT ...... C27 Montana Specialty Mills, LLC, Great Falls MT .. .................................................................A16 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY..................A48 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .......B1 Mountain West Ag Services, Garneill MT ...A42 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ................................................................ C38 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc....A37, C12 Nessan & Associates Realty, Billings MT .. C32 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ...... C44 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT ................................................................ C23 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ..................... C25 Norwood Sales, Inc., ND & NE .................. C21 Paramount Service & Supply, Glendive & Sidney MT ............................................................A16 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ..............A31 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT....C43 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ............A27 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT............................................... C34 Pretty Good Twine, Synthetic Resoures, Peabody KS............................................................ C24 Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT ...... C19 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT..C2 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ....A34 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT..A18 Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT ....................A42 Reinke, RPH Irrigation Services, Choteau MT . ................................................................ C46 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ......................A33 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.................. C6
RPH Irrigation Services, Reinke, Choteau MT . ................................................................ C46 Rydelle Enterprises, Drummond MT ............A6 Safflower Technologies International, Fairview MT ..............................................................A6 Severinsen Irrigation, Zimmatic & GSI, Fairfield MT ...................................................C22, C24 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ........................A25 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT...................C12, C26 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ............A23, C36 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..... C19 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .........A32 Staheli West, Ryan DeBruycker, Fairfield MT ... .................................................................A24 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT............................ C1 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...................... C47 Sukup, Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD ................................................ C17 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT...A12 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT ................................. A26, A31 SuperTie, Cleiv Coulee Angus, Fairfield MTC29 Synthetic Resources, Pretty Good Twine, Peabody KS ................................................... C24 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT .... B2, B5 Tate Miller Welding, Golva ND ......................B9 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ................... C45 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT .................................................................A46 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .................A44 The Gear House, Helena MT .....................A35 The Woodworkers Shoppe, Gold Creek MT....A6 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks MT ........................................................... C18 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.................... C19 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT....A37 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ................... C44 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ..............A43 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT...............A35 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT..........A46 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ................A40, C48 TT&E Inc, Victor MT ...................................A38 Tyrite, Cleiv Coulee Angus, Fairfield MT .... C29 Up In Smoke Diesel Tuning, Brian Keller, Great Falls MT ....................................................A36 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT .......... C13 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ................A30 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT . ................................................................ C37 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ..........A34 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT .......................A47 Willie’s Farm Repair, Scobey, MT ...............A16 Zimmatic, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT...C22 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ........................... C47
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B2
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the February issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27. Phone us at (406) 271-5533
Global collaboration is unlocking wheat’s genetic potential
K-State News massive wheat pan-genome and usher in a In a paper published November 25 in new era for wheat discovery and breeding.” Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/ “Our team was uniquely suited to reps41586-020-2961-x), Kansas State Univerresent U.S. wheat in this effort here in sity researchers, in collaboration with the America’s breadbasket and as a land-grant international 10+ Genome Project led by the institution with a strong history in wheat University of Saskatchewan, announced the research,” said Jesse Poland, associate complete genome sequencing of 15 wheat professor at Kansas State University and varieties representing breeding programs director of the Feed the Future Innovation around the world — an invaluable resource Lab for Applied Wheat Genomics and the to improve global wheat production. 202 North Central Avenue, Cut Bank, MT 59427 Wheat Genetics Resource Center. “We are This effort gained momentum in 2018 (406) 873-2984 l hilinecomm@gmail.com fortunate to have world leaders in breeding when the Kansas State University team, in and genetics under one roof, and generous collaboration with the International Wheat support from the National Science FoundaGenome Sequencing Consortium, published tion, Kansas Wheat and many others.” the genome assembly of Chinese Spring, The Kansas team was responsible for the first complete reference genome of sequencing and analyzing the hard red winbread wheat. With rapid advances in DNA ter wheat variety Jagger, released in 1994 sequencing technology, and with experience by the Kansas State University breeding from assembling the first wheat genome, program, now led by Allan Fritz. Jagger the 10+ Genome Project brought together was a landmark wheat variety in the Great the expertise and resources of more than 95 Plains and covered millions of acres for scientists from universities and institutes in many years. It was selected for this project Canada, Switzerland, Germany, Japan, the because of its relevance as a breeding parU.K., Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Israel, Austraent as it is found in the pedigrees of current lia and the U.S. varieties across the U.S. This study represents the start of a larger “Because of our collaboration in this effort to generate thousands of genome project, we’ve had access to this phesequences of wheat, including genetic matenomenal genomics resource as it’s been rial brought in from wheat’s wild relatives. built, which has already led to tremendous “It’s like finding the missing pieces for discovery,” Poland said. “K-State plant geyour favorite puzzle that you have been netics graduate student Emily Delorean is working on for decades,” said project leader using data from the 10+ Genomes Project Curtis Pozniak, wheat breeder and director to develop a comprehensive analysis of of the University of Saskatchewan Crop important quality genes and develop better Development Centre. “By having many molecular breeding tools, which will have complete gene assemblies available, we can a huge impact on bread making.” now help solve the huge puzzle that is the In a companion publication published in Theoretical and Applied Genetics, Kansas State University scientists Liangliang Gao, Dal-Hoe Koo and team Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 completed detailed char717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) acterization of the 2N introgression, a chromosome segment that was transferred from wild wheat relative Aegilops ventricosa, which is found in Jagger, but was not present in the original Chinese Spring reference genome. The 2N segment possesses resistance genes to multiple wheat diseases, including stem and leaf rust, We stock a nematodes and the emerging large variety of wheat blast disease. The Honey Bee parts team found that this chromosome segment is present in about 80% of Kansas wheat lines and also a large including rod weeder supplies. proportion of wheat around the world, marking its importance toward addressing global wheat improvement. “Progress of this magnitude is only possible because of the strength of the international wheat breeding network and strong international collaborations in wheat research,” said Justin Call today for New VR12 Gilpin of Kansas Wheat. “It Grain Vac pricing and is exciting for the Kansas availability wheat growers to be part of We Sell this excellent work.” We also have parts for
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Project tackles virus threats to potato industry
By Alexander Karasev, Department of Entomology, Plant Pathology and Nematology, University of Idaho ers to limit the spread of the viruses and A University of Idaho-led team will prevent losses in the field and storage. tackle a pair of viruses that cause major Researchers will study the economic losses to the potato industry. impacts of the viruses and develop ways U of I researcher and potato virus expert to communicate with and educate growAlex Karasev will lead the project funded ers about the best strategies to reduce the by a $5.8 million grant from the U.S. Deviruses’ impacts. partment of Agriculture National Institute Karasev won a mid-career award from for Food and Agriculture. U of I in 2013 partly for his work on PVY, The team of two dozen scientists will which became an issue for Idaho growers target potato virus Y (PVY) and potato mop in the early 2000s. He recently turned his top virus (PMTV) in seed potatoes, the first attention to PMTV as its threat to the potato level of commercial potato production, and industry increased. in potatoes grown for market. This project, titled “Development of The project involves seed improvement Sustainable System-based Management organizations nationally that certify seed Strategies for Two Vector-borne, Tuber potatoes are disease free. Necrotic Viruses in Potato,” is funded under Long known as a serious problem for the U.S. Department of Agriculture National growers, PVY damages plants and reduces Institute of Food and Agriculture grant No. yields and the size of the potatoes, mak2020-51181-32136. The total project funding the crop less valuable. An earlier U of ing is $5,756,299 of which 100% is the I study estimated losses from PVY cost federal share. Idaho’s potato industry $34 million a year and reduced potential yields by 10 to 50%. PMVT presents the potato industry with a new problem. Six states have found the virus in their seed potato crops. An estimated 5% of Maine’s seed potatoes carry PMTV. The virus is transmitted by protists, microbes that have qualities of fungi and algae. The project includes university researchers in 10 potato-growing states, including Idaho, Colorado, New York and Oregon, and USDA Agricultural Research Service scientists based in Prosser, Washington, and Aberdeen, Idaho. U of I researchers in Idaho Falls, Kimberly and Moscow will work on the project. The new four-year project continues work Karasev participated in that was originally led by a New York-based researcher who retired earlier this year. “Because of its position as the nation’s top potatoproducing state, it is fitting that Idaho is leading the project,” Karasev said. The most immediate goal is to give potato growers tools to control the viruses with better ways to test plants and fields. A key medium-range goal focuses on strategies to control pests that spread the viruses and to educate growers. A longrange priority is identifying genes that can provide resistance to the viruses and their vectors. Those genes can help potato breeding programs to develop new varieties. Developing better testing can help seed potato produc##### “A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.” - John Steinbeck
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B3
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1975 Graham double drop lowboy (yellow), overall 44 feet long, 20-ft. bottom deck, 13-ft. top deck, ramps, tires 255/70R22.5, 10 hole, semi trailer axles............................................... $6000 1982 Alloy pup 285.75R24.5, 22-ft. deck, 3 axles, overall length 28.6-ft.............................................................................. $4000 Super B Train 295/75R22.5, 35-ft. 8” deck, 40-ft. 6” overall length, 3 axle. B Train pup, 2 axle, 24-ft. 4” overall length, 18-ft. 4” deck............................................................................. $12,000 1978 Utility rusty pup, 3 axle, 20-ft. deck, 26-ft. total length, turn table, tires are junk......................................................... $3000 1980 Fruehauf 25-ft. deck, 2 axle, 31-ft. 6” total length, tilt bed, 10.00R15 Daytons.......................................................... $3000 1992 Homemade (wrecked) aluminum, 3 axle, 18-ft. deck, 25-ft. overall length, no tires.............................................Make Offer 20-ft. deck, Dayton wheels, 23-ft. overall length, ramps, 3 single axles, mobile home......................................................... $1800 1990 Comet 40-ft. aluminum deck, grain sides, pintle hitch, good tires 295/75R22.5........................................................... $8000 16-ft. box & hoist, 2”x4-ft. metal sides, no tail gate................. $500 1972 Chevy crane truck (9000 lbs), 14-ft. bed, V8, 4 speed with 2 speed axle....................................................................... $5000
Call S&C Auto, Inc. - (406) 799-1977 or 453-6950
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B4
Check out our website www.tradersdispatch.com
FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MacDon 920 14-ft. hay header with steel conditioners..................$4500 Case 2152 45-ft. draper header, Case Flagship adapter............$14,000 (4) International 7100 drills, 10” 14-ft. .......................................$500/ea Case 1020 flex header, 30-ft., pickup reel......................................$3500 Case 1680 combine, 3600 hrs, DT466 engine...............................$4500 Honeybee SP36 draper header, pickup reel, LH wobble box needs work............................................................................................$3000 Case 810 header, 30-ft., batt reel, works.......................................$1000 Vortex air reel, 30-ft........................................................................$1500 Summers Ultimate NT pull-type sprayer, 1500 gallon, 200 gallon rinse tank, triple nozzle bodies, windscreens, Norac boom height control.... ....................................................................................................$9500 Massey Ferguson 1990S pickup head, no attachment...................$750 Morris Maxim air drill, 34-ft., 7” spacing, 6180 Cart, new primary hoses in 2018.....................................................................................$12,000 Marflex pickup sprayer, 80-ft., Honda engine, manual fold............$5000 Miller Nitro 200 SP sprayer, 90-ft. booms, 1200 gallon SS tank, rebuilt hydro in 2018, Cummins..........................................................$27,000 Specialty Steel gooseneck OR pintle hitch 330 bushel hopper bottom grain trailer, newer tarp...............................................................$9500 FlexiCoil 5000 air drill 3450 TBT cart, 57-ft., 12” spacing, stealth 1” openers....................................................................................$23,000 Valmar 40’-ft. pull type spreader....................................................$2500 Case 580CK backhoe, cab, rebuilt fuel pump, new injectors......$12,000 Honda TRX200 2WD 4 wheeler.....................................................$1500 International 4 cylinder H2O pump on running gear, 500 gallon propane tank....................................................................................$3500 ISO all terrain diesel forklift
Call Glen Benjamin at 406 -388 -1542 Located East of Shelby, MT
Serving the Montana, Dakota and Wyoming regions, and beyond, with an extensive selection of reliable used trucks and equipment since 1998!
1995 Cat 140G motor grader, 12-ft. moldboard, scarifier, 3306 diesel, powershift, full cab, ac/heat, extra tight clean, very nice machine, one owner..... ........................................................Call
1993 Case 621B quick attach, full cab, GP Bucket, 5300 hours. tight, one owner...............................................Call
2006 John Deere 244J Mini Loader, full cab, air/ heat, quick attach, auxiliary 3rd valve hydraulics, 2 speed transmission, GP bucket, clean........................ Just In
2007 Case 221E Mini wheel loader, full cab, heat, 4&1 bucket, auxillary 3rd valve, diesel, hydraulic quick attach, 60 hpr., 12,000 lb. machine weight, 11-ft.1” lift height, only 1089 original hours, one owner, like new condition...........$49,500
1999 Cat 928G loader, auxillary 3rd valve, 4&1 bucket, full cab, AC/Heat, 7134 hrs. tight, extra clean...............Call
2003 Falls dual direction snow plow, Balderson quick attach, motor grader or loader quick attach..........................Call
1986 Allis Chalmers 45KW generator, diesel, 120/240/480 volt, trailer mounted, 1-3 phase, only 70 hours, like new condition...................................... $8500
2006 Carelift 20032 telehandler, 20,000 lb. capacity, 32-ft. reach, full cab, air/ heat, hydraulic quick attach, 4 wheel steer, 5300 hours, one owner.....Just In 1996 Kiefer IRH-200 Carousel/ spool pipe trailer, self loading w/ hydraulic pump, pintle hitch, ready to work $4600
2003 International Workstar 7400 dump truck with snow plow, 11-ft.dual direction front plow, 11-ft. dump box, DT530 diesel, 3560 Allison automatic, plumbed for hydraulic sander, rear pintle hitch & air, complete, no rust, very clean..........................................$34,000
What’s that Buzz?
A Kansas State University researcher’s effort to develop an artificial intelligence tool for identifying bees has created quite a buzz already. Brian Spiesman, an assistant professor in K-State’s Department of Entomology, launched the website, BeeMachine.ai, earlier this year to relieve a backlog of information needed to help track trends in bee populations across the world. “Bees can be very difficult to identify without specialized training,” Spiesman said. “Even the experts have trouble with some bee groups. For bee research, the identification is, thus, costly and very time consuming, which creates a huge bottleneck that slows the pace of research.” Spiesman’s site uses computer vision, a form of artificial intelligence, to identify bee species in images. So far, he has collected more than 90,000 images, many from existing science databases and some from people who have submitted to the online library. “The artificial intelligence models are ‘data hungry,’” Spiesman said, “which means they require a lot of training images to learn the best set of features used to make the identification. The bees in the images are photographed at all angles, different body positions, lighting, background context and more. So the set of
images has to account for a good part of variation to be able to make accurate predictions.” Spiesman’s work so far has focused on bumblebees, of which there are 45 species in North America and nine or more that are rare or “not represented by enough images to include in the AI models,” he said. There are 250 bumblebee species in the world. “Bees, including bumblebees are typically not aggressive unless they are harassed,” Spiesman said. “Wild bees are very important for pollinating crops and plants in natural ecosystems. In fact, wild bees can be more effective pollinators than non-native honey bees. Bumblebees are particularly good pollinators of crops like blueberries and tomatoes that require buzz pollination.” Eventually, Spiesman notes, BeeMachine can move beyond bumblebees to help identify the approximately 4,000 bee species in North America and 20,000 species worldwide. “Native bees are critical to our natural environment and much of the food we eat,” Spiesman said. “We know relatively little about population trends in most of the 20,000 bee species in the world, but evidence suggests that many species are in decline.” He said bees are subject to de-population due to loss of habitat, pesticides and pathogens. “Given the large number of species and the wide areas over which they forage, we need new technology – such as artificial intelligence – to automate the process of identifying and tracking at-risk populations, determine the cause for declines and provide science-based conservation measures.” Spiesman said, so far, computer vision has proven effective in identifying bee species. 2001 Freightliner FL112 6x6 cab & chassis, M11 cummins, diesel, 4560 “Over the longer term,” he Allison auto, heavy specs, locking rear said, “my team will be workends, step frame, low miles.............Call ing on greatly expanding the number of bee species that the model can identify, and placing the model with cameras that can be deployed in a field 2007 Ford F450 4x4 cab & chassis, to automate data collection diesel, automatic, 63,900 miles, 60” CA, of large spatial and temporal very nice, clean truck.......................Call scales. “This will allow us to monitor bee populations on large scales so that we can track population trends, study plant1991 GMC K3500 regular cab, cab pollinator interactions, and & chassis, 454 gas, 4 speed manual gain a better understanding transmission, 60” cab to axle, air/heat, of pollinator ecology and re140,000 miles............................ Just In sponse to such things as habitat loss and climate change.” BeeMachine.ai currently offers a web app that can be accessed from any home 1997 Ford F450 4x4 flatbed, 460 V8 computer, but Spiesman said gas, 4 speed automatic, air conditiona mobile app will be availing, 60” cab to axle, 5.13 ratio, will separate chassis, perfect bale bed chassis, able soon. Then, he notes, he 81,567 miles. One owner...........$11,500 encourages people to get out and look for bees in their yard or anywhere they go. “People will not need to know much about bees to use the app,” Spiesman said. “The app will provide information about the species and let users 1995 International 4900 single axle dump truck with dual direction front snow know if what they are observplow, DT466 mechanical diesel, 11-ft. ing is really a bee or one of the dump body, rear pintle hitch, absolutely many convincing mimics like no rust or element, extra clean (matching a hover fly. Further, users will trucks in automatic or manual transmissions).............................................Just In know that their observations are contributing important data to the science and conservation of these important organisms.”
Glendive, MT • www.badlandtrucksales.com
2001 International 2574 tandem dump truck with snow plow, rock box with high lift endgate, N14 cummins diesel, 13 speed transmission, dual direction front plow, pintle hitch.......... Just In
1994 Ford F700 dump truck, under CDL, hydraulic brakes, 10-ft. dump, 5.9 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic, low pro chassis, 23,900 GVWR, double frame, 19.5 wheels, hot shift PTO, 153,687 miles............................$15,500
1994 Fiat Allis FG105A motor grader, 6x6, articulated, 14-ft. moldboard, 8.3 Cummins diesel, powershift transmission, one owner, only 4385 original hours........................................... Just In
2001 Freightliner FLD tandem snowplow truck, dual direction plow, 15-ft. dump, live bottom sander, chem tanks and sprays, M11 Cummins, Allison automatic, low miles, no rust, very nice...... ........................................................Call
1998 Freightliner FL112 tandem dump, C10 Cat diesel, Allison automatic, 15-ft. rock box, high lift gate, only 26,900 original miles, like new!.................... $51,000 2000 Titan TRA/REM 40-ft. flatbed, Newey RL250 weight scale gauges, 11Rx22.5 hub pilot bud wheels, (multiple units available).................... $9700
Latest research on herbicide resistance
By Jeremiah Vardiman, Agriculture and Horticulture Extension Educator, University of Wyoming Extension non-ALS-inhibiting herbicide one year, then My last article discussed how crop selecALS-inhibiting herbicides the next year. tion, canopy, and management contributes Herbicides were chosen for the highest to a field’s overall weed management plan. labeled rate within the crop and would not Competitive crop selection and effective cause a carryover problem for subsequent herbicides combined showed the best longcrops. term weed management plan. An annual spring tillage reduced kochia So, how does tillage, crop rotation, and density better when compared to miniherbicides affect long-term, herbicide resismum tillage. Weed seeds were buried deep tant kochia management? enough to block germination stimuli needed The latest research from the University of to trigger germination. This forces the seed Wyoming’s (UW) plant sciences department to deplete energy reserves waiting for gerexplored the impacts of tillage, crop rotamination conditions and can kill the seed if tion, and herbicide applications on kochia that period is prolonged. This management density (surviving and living plants), seed is ideal for weed species with a short-lived production (seeds per plant), and seedbank seed life, such as kochia, whose seed life is density (seeds in soil). approximately two years. Research explored tillage versus miniKochia plant densities were also the mum tillage, four different crop rotations, lowest in the most diverse crop rotation: and three in-crop herbicide regimes within corn-dry bean-small grain-sugar beet. The each tillage and crop rotation. Intensive tilltwo-crop rotation, corn-sugar beet, showed age in the spring with a rototiller to invert the greatest kochia density followed by the soil (comparable to plowing and diskcontinuous corn. ing operations) mixed the top 4 inches of These results prove the importance of the soil. Soil in minimum tillage plots was diverse crops within a crop rotation, and only disturbed when necessary because of equally important is selecting a crop proven harvest activities, such as with sugar beets. competitive against the desired weed speThe four crop rotations were continucies and the weed’s lifecycle. Small grains ous corn, corn-sugar beet, corn-dry bean(wheat or barley) were the most competicorn-sugar beet, and corn-dry bean-small tive crop, whereas sugar beets are a poor grain-sugar beet. The crops are common in competitor against weed species like kochia. Wyoming and also have diversity in canopy, As for the herbicide regimes overlaid planting, and harvest dates. on the tillage and crop rotation treatments, Three in-crop herbicide regimes were apALS-inhibiting herbicide tank mixtures plied within each tillage and crop rotation consistently managed the lowest kochia treatment. The first was entirely ALS-inhibdensities. Herbicide mixtures are more iting herbicides each year. The second was effective at controlling resistant weed a tank mixture of ALS-inhibiting herbicides populations compared to yearly herbicide and a second mode of action to control ALSresistant. The last was an annual rotation of CONTINUED ON PAGE B10
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B5
Deadline for advertising in the February 2021 issue is WEDNESDAY, January 27th.
1997 Flexicoil 5000 33-ft. air drill, 7.2” spacing, 1720 tow behind grain cart. Sold combine: Header For Sale: Case IH 2042 36ft. draper header. Steel I-beam overhead shop hoist frame: (4) 20-ft. 7” I-beam rails, 18-ft. long, 10” I-beam cross rail riding on (2) 5-ft. long carriage rails.
Phone (406) 278-3068, Conrad, Montana
2 3
T & T Farm Supply, LLC Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Avenue West • Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)
HUGGYPhone BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail khbear59427@yahoo.com, Cut Bank, Montana NEW ITEMS
John Deere 2010 tractor, 2WD, 3-point, 540 PTO, front weights. Tag #ANF0121. ................................................................................................................$5500 6-ft. canola roller. Tag #DonD0121...............................................................$1000
1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0120..................................................................................... $5500 1988 Kenworth T600 with 18-ft. box and hoist, pusher axle, plumbed for tailgate auger, 3406 engine, 9 speed transmission. Tag #TimK0820..............$31,000 1994 Ford LT900W dump truck. Tag #Brent0720.....................................$36,000 1978 GMC 6500 truck with 18-ft. Knapheide box and hoist, 366 engine, 5 speed. Only 29,000 miles. Tag #HarveyK0520.................................................$9500 1948 Dodge grain truck with Knapheide box. Tag #Ruth0420.....................$1900 1999 Sterling semi truck. Tag #Marsh0620..............................................$25,000
John Deere HH80 hammer. Tag #Brent0720..............................................$9500 Bobcat 863 skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0520..........................................$15,000 Cat D8 dozer with 3 shank ripper and cable dozer. Tag #TomH0920.......$28,000 Cat #70 Cat can. Tag #TomH0920............................................................$14,000 New Holland L220 skid steer loader. Tag #Pack0920. Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1018.........................................................$3500
New Holland 1116 swather with 16-ft. header. Tag #MartyD0820...........$25,000 New Holland HW300 windrower with 12-ft. header, 3900 hours with Circle C conditioner. Tag #Mike0620...................................................................$32,000
1995 John Deere 9600 combine, 30-ft. straight cut header. Tag #TimK0820... $32,000 1990 John Deere 9600 combine. Tag #TimK0820. Case 2388 combine with 40-ft. draper header and 1015 pickup header, 3527 engine hours, 2856 separator hours. Tag #Vince0720..........................$55,000
2005 Case RBX562 round baler with net wrap. Excellent shape. Tag #Doug0819........................................................................................$13,500 Hesston 4900 big square baler, 23,000 bales. Tag #Pete0720................$16,500 Case IH 3450 soft core round baler, makes 900# bales. Tag #JohnP1019...$4500 2005 Challenger RB 56 round baler, twine wrap, 1000 PTO, only 4400 bales. Tag #Harvey1019.............................................................................. $13,000 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0520......................$12,000
New Fair bale processors. Tag #Larry0419. New Harsh mixer wagons. Tag #Larry0419. New Luck Now Tmr mixers. Tag #Larry0419. International 1150 grinder mixer, 20” mill, 2 screens, new drive belt, shedded. Tag #ANF0220......................................................................................$5500 Farmhand 82C grinder/mixer. Tag #BobS1219...........................................$4500 Used Bale King bale processor. Tag #Larry0320......................................... $8500 International feed grinder, complete with PTO. Tag #Neal0420...................$400 New Fair bale processor. Tag #Larry 0420. New Harsh mixer wagon. Tag #Larry0420. See Me about your bale processor needs. Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1019...................................$14,900 New Fair bale processors & snowblowers. See Huggy Bear.
“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.
Ford 145 roll over plow. Tag #HiddenL0820................................................$2500 John Deere 335 3-bottom roll over plow. Tag #Hug0219........................... $3500 Friggstad B3-31 34-ft. plow, 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JohnA0620.......................$9500 Flexi-Coil 600 36-ft. plow with air rank. Tag #BillO0520...........................$12,000 Massey 8-bottom plow. Tag #Hug0420........................................................$3500
2-John Deere Model A tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere Model B tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere B tractor, tricycle front. Tag #ANF0216 John Deere 520 tractor, 540 PTO, 3-pt., new paint, runs great. Tag #RonA0316. ..............................................................................................................$6500 John Deere 60 tractor, 540 PTO, runs great. Tag #RonA0316 International Farmall Cub tractor, new paint, 540 PTO. Tag #RonA0316..$4500 John Deere AW tractor. Tag #ANF0216......................................... Call for Details Allis Chalmers WD restored tractor. Tag #Jim0819....................................$5000 John Deere 80 tractor with power steering, 540 PTO. Tag #ANF0619.......$8500 John Deere 830 tractor. Tag #ANF0619......................................................$9500 John Deere B tractor, 540 PTO, new tires all around, runs great. Tag #RonA0316 John Deere R tractor, 540 PTO, cab. Tag #WSpiecher1008.......................$5000 John Deere M rebuilt antique tractor, 2-pt., 540 PTO. Parade ready tractor. Tag #GaryH0916......................................................................................$11,000 International 300 tractor, 3-pt., power steering, loader. Tag #Cliff0416......$3600 International Farmall M tractor. Tag #Larry0913........................................$2500 Farmall Super M 2WD tractor. Tag #ANF0415...........................................$3500 Farmall M tractor, F10 loader. Tag #BobK0214 John Deere Model AR tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere H tractor, restored. Tag #ANF0520..........................................$4000
Westgo 1310 10”x60-ft. side delivery auger. #Hugh0220...........................$2500
1982 Valmar 240 granular applicator, hydraulic drive, mounted on homemade cart. Tag #HerbK0916 Flexi-Coil 50 boom sprayer with 50-ft. booms, double nozzles, windscreens and 650 gallon tank. Tag #Chuck0520...........................................................$300
M&W 450 grain dryer. Tag #DaveB0920. 1977 M&W 450A grain dryer. Tag #WahlF0920...........................................$7500 Keho grain drying equipment........................................................Call for prices
1976 Versatile 900 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, 6038 hours. Tag #TomH0920......... .................................................................................................................$7000 John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0820......................................................................................$6500 Minneapolis Moline G900 2WD tractor. Tag #ANF0420. Minneapolis Moline G706 tractor, 2WD. Tag #ANF0420. Case IH Puma 180 FWD tractor with loader/grapple, Tag #Wayne1118...$85,000 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #Neal0720...$7500 Case IH 535 4WD tractor, has engine and transmission warranty. Tag #KA0720. John Deere 4020 tractor with loader, engine overhaul.Tag #TedH0520.....$18,000 Ford 5635 MFD tractor, 75 hp, 3-pt. loader, dual PTO, 2359 hours. Tag #Reid1120............................................................................................$25,000
1984 CD 7 80-ft. plow with harrows and 12” spacing. Tag #Rog1220.......$39,500 2016 Bourgault 3320 86-ft. air seeder with mid-row banders and 950 bushel tow behind tank. Tag #Rog1220................................................................$425,000 2006 Volvo 2-yard wheel loader. Tag #Reid1220......................................$39,500 1988 John Deere 9200 tractor with 8500 hours, 20.8x42 duals. Tag #Roger1220..................................................................................................$70,000 1986 GMC 1/2-ton pickup, automatic, 304 gas engine. Tag #DBerk1220. Flex-Coil 67XL sprayer with 110-ft. boom, double nozzles, wind screens. Tag #DBerk1220. Brandt 4500 grain vac. Tag #DBerk1220. 1979 GMC 1/2-ton pickup, 305 gas engine. Tag #DBerk1220. 1977 Chevrolet 3/4-ton automatic with flatbed. Tag #DBerk1220. 1979 GMC dump truck, air brakes, 5&2 transmission. Has knock in engine. Tag #DBerk1220. Case 2294 MFD tractor for parts. Has a 305 Farmhand loader/grapple. Tag #DBerk. New Holland 660 net wrap baler. Tag #DBerk1220. Case 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup attachment. Tag #DBerk1220. 1979 GMC Brigadier grain truck with 12 speed transmission, 20-ft. box and hoist, pintle hitch, 141,100 miles. Tag #DBerk1220. 1989 Peterbilt grain truck, 20-ft. box and hoist, 365 Cummins, 500,400 miles. Tag #DBerk1220. Farm King 10”x60-ft. swing hopper. Tag #DBerk1220 Farm King 8”x40-ft. auger. Tag #DBerk1220. 6”x24-ft. auger with Briggs & Stratton engine. Tag #DBerk1220. Fruehauf 22-ft. van trailer with 1500 gallon chemical tank. Tag#DBerk1220. 1983 Chevrolet truck with 8-ft. tender box. Tag #DBerk1220. 1980 GMC 2-ton service truck, 500 gallon fuel tank. Tag #DBerk1220. Tandem axle combine trailer. Tag #DBerk1220. Concord 48-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing and a Model 2000 tow behind auxiliary tank. Tag #DBerk1220. 2004 Case IH 2388 combine with 36-ft. MacDon draper header. Tag #DBerk1220.
Donahue 28-ft. trailer. Tag #Carl0919..........................................................$3000 Hay train with 32-ft. front trailer and 30-ft. rear trailer. Tag #Jeff0220...........$8500 1987 Holiday Rambler 35-ft. RV, sleeps 6, has new awning, 70,000 miles. Tag #JackW0420............................................................................................ Call 1991 Aljo 21-ft. gooseneck travel trailer, sleeps 6, has refrigerator and sink, air conditioning, sound system. Tag #Mary0919........................................$8500 Tulsa 12-ft. flatbed with tail roll and winch. Tag #Jack0420............................ Call Doepper Super 8 hay trains, hauls 40 round bales. TAg #JeffH04201.....$10,500
2012 New Holland P1060 70-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, steel packers, stealth opening, complete with 430 bushel V-R tow between cart. Tag #Rog0120. Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air seeder, 1720 tow behind tank, 7.5” spacing. Tag #Paul0120. International 150 28-ft. double disc drill. Tag #Brent0919..........................$4000 50-ft. set of John Deere 9400 drills, 10” spacing, fertilizer boxes, transport hitch, packer wheels are capped. Tag #Wayne0520....................................$25,000 Case IH 5500 30-ft. drill, 7.5” spacing, grass and regular grain drill boxes. Tag #Reid1120............................................................................................$25,000
2008 Dodge 3500 pickup, grill guard, flatbed with tool boxes, 299,000 miles, Cummins, 10,000 miles on new transmission. Tag #TagLorenze0620....$15,000 1973 Ford F250 pickup, set up as a fire truck. Tag #Hugh0220................. $6000 2013 Chevrolet Suburban 4-door, 60,000 miles on new GMC engine, sun roof, 198,406 miles. Tag #Lorenze0620........................................................$14,000
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B6
2017 John Deere S680
2012 John Deere S670
2013 John Deere S670
• Only 803 hours • Power Top • 2630 monitor • Extremely Nice! Buy or Lease to own
$40,798/yr - oac
• 1750 hours • Premium cab • New tires • Duals • Montana combine • Nice Unit! List: $145,000
SALE PRICE: $108,970!
2015 John Deere 615P pickup header
2013 John Deere 640D header
2014 John Deere W235 swather
• Great condition • Nice belts Buy or Lease to own
• Transport • Cross auger • Well Kept Buy or Lease to own
• 35-ft. header • Only 280 hours • (1) Owner Buy or Lease to own
$3549/yr - oac
2011 John Deere D450 swather
• 35-ft. draper header • GPS • Clean Unit Buy or Lease to own
$13,299/yr - oac
2019 John Deere R4045
$6487/yr - oac
$20,343/yr - oac
2016 John Deere 9520R
2019 John Deere 615P pickup header
Buy or Lease to own
$20,777/yr - oac
2013 John Deere S670
• 1630 hours • Duals • Fully serviced Buy or Lease to own
$21,908/yr - oac
2018 John Deere 6195R
• Only 1350 hours • 4600 display • (1) Owner • Premium cab • 800’s Buy or Lease to own
• 1730 hours • 900 singles • Extremely Clean!
$31,207/yr - oac New Stud King 48-ft. header trailer
• 220 hours • Loader • Grapple option • Like New! Buy or Lease to own
$21,042/yr - oac
• 225 hours • 120-ft. booms • 1200 gallon tank • (1) Owner Buy or Lease to own
$59,787/yr - oac
2013 John Deere 1830
• Like new • Only (1) Available Buy or Lease to own
$4680/yr - oac
2011 John Deere 1835
Buy or Lease to own
$3234/yr - oac
2017 John Deere 550 cart
Farmer to Farmer “Staff was friendly and helpful. They answered all of our questions respectfully.” Fred, New owners of a John Deere 4830 sprayer
2014 John Deere 1830
! D L SO
• 550 tank • Conveyor
• 60-ft.
Whitewater, MT
• 430 tow between tank • Mid row banders • 60-ft. • Steel packers Buy or Lease to own
$22,733/yr - oac
• Sectional control • Like New! • Very low acres • Cart Only! List: $140,000
SALE PRICE: $114,970
! D L O S
• 430 tow between tank • 10” spacing • Nice Unit!
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B7
2009 Peterbilt 388
• 13 speed • ISX • Low miles Buy or Lease to own
$13,502/yr - oac
2012 Kenworth T800
2015 Peterbilt 579
2015 Peterbilt 389
2014 Peterbilt 388
! D L SO
• Autoshift • Paccar motor • Only 690,000 miles • Very nice! Buy or Lease to own
• Flat top • ISX 485 hp • 10 speed • Very Nice! Buy or Lease to own
• Autoshift • Paccar motor • Low miles
$12,827/yr - oac
$11,026/yr - oac
2006 Peterbilt 379
2017 Peterbilt 389 • Platium Interior • ISX Cummins Buy or Lease to own
• Wet kit • Lift axle • Only 400,000 miles • ISX 525 hp • 18 speed Buy or Lease to own
$14,403/yr - oac
per year - oac
2012 Peterbilt 389
2015 Peterbilt 389
2015 Peterbilt 579
• Autoshift • Paccar • Lift axle Buy or Lease to own
$11,251/yr - oac
• 50-ft.
• Gun Metal Gray • Power tarp Buy or Lease to own
$13,052/yr - oac
snowmobile trailer
Buy or Lease to own
$4278/yr - oac
$13,502/yr - oac
2010 Peterbilt 388
• Extended hood • 13 speed • Cummins ISX • 500 hp Buy or Lease to own
$14,628/yr - oac
• 50-ft. • Power tarp • Low miles • White Buy or Lease to own
$11,926/yr - oac
! D L O S • Paccar • 13 speed • Very Nice!
• Short hood • 10 speed • ISX Cummins • 890,000 miles Buy or Lease to own
$12,377/yr - oac
! D L O S
• 50-ft.
• Power tarp
• White
Fort Benton, MT Step Deck
• Low miles • Silver • Power gates & tarp Buy or Lease to own
$13,000/yr - oac
USED • 42-ft. • Ag hoppers • Power tarp Buy or Lease to own
$8391/yr - oac
• 28-ft. tandem axle • Venture • Pewter/white • Loaded!
• Short hood • 10 speed • C-15 Cat motor • Only 670,000 miles Buy or Lease to own
• 53-ft. • Spread axle • Air ride • Triple ramp Buy or Lease to own
$8436/yr - oac
Check Us Out on the web
• Great Condition • Low Hours Buy or Lease to own
$5972/yr - oac
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B8
The deadline for advertising for the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27th. 1999 Takeuchi TB025 Mini Excavator Yanmar diesel, 18” bucket, auxiliary hydraulics, 60” blade, 2 speed travel, 4800 hours. Excellent tracks and undercarriage, tight, great running machine............................$19,500 2000 Thomas T245 2200 lb carry capacity, 4200 hours, 87 hp 4 cylinder Kubota diesel, 16 gpm auxiliary hydraulics, new tires, 73” Q/C Bobcat bucket. Strong machine, runs great..........$17,500
1996 John Deere 410D 4x4 Turbo enclosed cab, 4.5L turbo, 75% tires, standard backhoe, 18” bucket, new front cutting edge. Runs and works great.$25,500 1985 International S1900 Utility Truck 48K miles, DT466, 5 speed & 2 speed, PS, AB, 125 CFM, Davey compressor, 6K reel lift, winder, outriggers, slip tank, 90% 24.5 tires............. $11,500 1986 Ford LTS9000 Dump Truck Cat 3406, 15 speed, 2 speed rears, Jake, double frame, 18K front, 40K rears, nice 15-ft. steel bed, air gate, 50% 22.5 tires, plumbed for plow, sander and trailer....................$18,500 1994 Ford LN8000 Boom Truck 8.3 Cummins 275 hp, Allison AT, AC, PS, AB, 12.5 ton Telelect crane, 45-ft. tip height, nice tool boxes, 20,000 lb front winch, 70% 11R22.5’s, 135,000 miles..............$15,500
2013 JLG 3246ES Scissor Lift 32-ft. lift height, 1000 lb capacity, 44”x96” platform + 48” slideout, non-marking tires, 541 hours. Like new.... $11,500
1988 International 9300 Cat 3406B, Jake, 13 speed, AC, PS, 70% 285R24.5’s on aluminum, air ride, 4.11 ratio, steel frame, 453,000 miles. Runs and drives great.$14,500 1997 Lull 8K-42 Telehandler 8000 lb capacity, 42-ft. lift height, 4BT Cummins, 5300 hours, 90% tires, outriggers, bucket included. Runs and works great..................$26,500 1980 Ford L9000 Water Truck 3000 gallon tank, 350 hp 6v92T, Jake, Allison AT, PS, AB, 70% 22.5 tires. Darley 1000 gpm pump needs rebuilt.. ....................................$13,500 1974 Kenworth W900A Tractor 350 Cummins, 13 speed, Jake, PS, air ride, 60% 11r24.5’s, 4.33 ratio. Runs and drives great............................$12,500
J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT
406-381-3159 – www.jandtequipmentsales.com
2020 State Make It With Wool Contest winners included (left to right) Jaden Hunke of Lexington, Preteen Division; Karla Herrarte of Lexington, Junior Division; and Aretta Brennemann of Curtis, Senior Division and Delores Brennemann of Hyannis, Adult Division. The state contest was held Saturday, November 21, at the Lexington Middle School. (Photo courtesy of Andrea Nisley)
Nebraska state wool contest division winners By Andrea Nisley, UNL Extension Educator
Karla Herrarte of Lexington, in the Junior Division, and Aretta Brennemann of Curtis, in the Senior Division and Delores Brennemann of Hyannis in the Adult Division will be Nebraska’s delegates to the National Finals of the Make It With Wool Contest. They were chosen November 21 by judges at the state contest conducted by Make It With Wool State Director Andrea Nisley of Lexington. Contestants participated in the state contest at the Lexington Middle School. The National Make It With Wool Contest scheduled for January 2021 will be a “Mailin Contest” due to the American Sheep Industry Convention being a condensed virtual convention. Second place in the Junior Division was Abby Allen of Lexington, who received a Bernina sewing machine. Other contestants earning honors were third place winner Amaya Stewart, Lexington; fourth place winner Sydni Ringenberg, Lexington; fifth place winner Deanna Horst, Potter; sixth place winner Ariel Rhea, Lexington; seventh place winner Saidi Ringenberg, Lexington; and eighth place winner Abbie Owens, Lexington. Other junior partici-
pants were Mindy Bartels, Lincoln; Grace Brennemann, Curtis; Madelyn Kreifels, Lincoln; Katie Olson, Sargent; AnnaLiese Reha, Aurora; Eliot Reha, Aurora; Allie Thallman, Blue Hill; and Justin Wilkinson, Morrill. Second place in the Senior Division was Felicity Beyer of Sidney who received an Elna sewing machine. In the Preteen Division, the first place winner was Jaden Hunke of Lexington who received a sewing basket with sewing notions. Second place winner was Maya Soria, Kearney; third place, Wesley Thompson, Lexington; fourth place, Leah Sauer, Lexington; fifth place, Nevaeh Sauer, Lexington; sixth place, Ezra Solis, Lexington; seventh place, Joel Soria, Kearney; eighth place, Benjamin Dones, Lexington; ninth place, Emma Olson, Sargent; and tenth place, Delilah Solis, Lexington. Other preteen contestants were Ella Brennemann, Curtis; Savannah Griess, Arcadia; Kourtney Keller, Sidney; Julia Nicholson, Chadron; Millie Pepplitsch, Lexington; Vanessa Peterson, Lincoln; Izaiah Reha, Aurora; Mollie Spradlin, Cozad; and Jake Wilkinson, Morrill.
Chocolate Cake Day
Date When celebrated: Always January 27th Chocolate Cake Day is a a chocolate lovers delight, and a day to eat cake. Why this a day to “bake your chocolate cake....and eat it, too!” On this day, a white or yellow cake will not do. Nor, will part chocolate, part white suffice. It must be chocolate, all chocolate. You can make milk chocolate, dark chocolate, fudge, or any other type of
chocolate cake. There are three objectives of Chocolate Cake Day: To bake a chocolate cake. To decorate a chocolate cake. And, to eat a chocolate cake. Of course, if you are to busy to bake or decorate a cake, then just eating a chocolate cake will certainly do! Quote of the Day: “Let them eat cake”. This quote was first attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette.
K-State plans 2021 calving schools
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B9
##### Q: What happens when you cross a shark with a cow? A: I don’t know but I wouldn’t milk it. ##### If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything. ##### There are two excellent theories for arguing with women. Neither one works. ##### Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your lips are moving. ##### Q: What kind of shoes do ninjas wear? A: Sneakers. ##### Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
Tate Miller Welding
• Cattle Guards - any size • Panels - 24-ft. • Calf Hutches • Wind Break Panels - 24-ft. x any height Delivery available Phone 701-220-1350, Golva, ND
K-State Research and Extension News In anticipation of calving season, beef cattle experts from the Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry and K-State Research and Extension are planning a series of calving schools beginning in early January. HEADER FOR SALE A.J. Tarpoff, an extension beef veterinarian, said calving schools aim to increase producers’ knowledge, practical skills and the number of live calves born. Each day-long program outlines overall calving management, including stages of the normal calving process and tips to handle difficult calving situations. “Our goal is for producers to leave better prepared for calving season,” Tarpoff said. “We will discuss timelines on when to examine cows for calving problems, and when to call your vet for help if things are not going well. It’s an excellent program regardless of experience level.” Speakers will share tips on when and how to intervene to assist the cow and how those times may be different when 2013 Honey Bee 36-ft header, fits a John Deere A400, dealing with young heifers. Presenters also will demonstrate W235, and R450, factory transport. Wiring and mounting proper use of calving equipment on a life-size cow and calf brackets available................................................... $18,500 model. Call (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT Tarpoff said the meetings will cover such topics as body condition scoring, colostrum management and animal health product storage and handling. Meetings scheduled include: Wednesday, January 6, Emporia. For more information, email Brian Rees, Lyon County extension, at brees@ksu.edu. Monday, January 11, Winfield. For more information, email Kelsey Nordyke, Cowley County extension, at klnordyke@ksu.edu. Wednesday, January 13, Grandpa of W.the J. “Wib” Harrer in 2021 Features Lost Lakebegan Extrafarming/ranching Value Program Blue Rapids. For more inBelgrade, in the Greatverified Depression era. • All registered bulls areMT, sire-parentage by DNA testing formation, email Anastasia • •All haveregistered genetically-enhanced EPDs Heregistered purchasedbulls his first Angus cattle in 1936. Johnson Meyer, Marshall • All cattle BVD-free • Vaccination program, comprehensive Angus cattle allowed him toCattle makeget a down payment on Green • •Balanced EPDs • Nutrition, yet retain Condition County extension, anastaMeadow Ranch in Helena, MT, in 1947. • Performance tested • Extra docility sia@ksu.edu. Angus cattle that exam ranch +toscrotal flourish. • •Fertility testingallowed = physical size + semen test Thursday, January 21, • Many “heifer bulls” with retained growth • Angus cattle allowed his son, Wm. T. "Bill" Harrer, to make a down Dodge City. For more in• Volume discounts on bull purchases payment on the Lost Lake Ranch in Ft. Benton, MT in 1968. formation, email Andrea • Livestock Insurance (Loss of Use and Mortality) Shared Premium • Over time, that ranch morphed from a Hereford ranch to a Burns, Ford County exten• Delivery is Free within Montana and discounted to adjacent states commercial Angus ranch to the current predominantly registered le sion, at aburns@ksu.edu. Catt h • On-line sale and biddingby Grant and Deanna Harrer. c n a R e Angus ranch, operated k La t s Lo More information about • Free board on bulls until April 15, 2021 Karen (Harrer) DavisGuarantee owns and operates registered Windy the calving schools is avail• •Harrer’s Satisfaction including her 84 years of experience. ean Business! M Ridge Angus Ranch in conjunction with Lost Lake Ranch. able online (https://www. asi.k-state.edu/researchand-extension/beef/) as it Lost Lake Ranch “In The Real World (Production) Sale” becomes available.
Our 84th year of raising Angus Cattle!
How Big?
A Texas Farmer is visiting a Vermont farm The Texan asks the Vermont farmer, “How big is your farm?” The Vermont farmer points to a big bush and says, “well that there is one end, and it goes over to that barn, then back up to that road you can see there, and were sitting right on the fourth corner.” The Texan ponders this for a moment before the Vermont farmer asks, “Well how big is your farm?” The texan explains, “Well say I get in my car at about 6 am, and leave one end of my farm. If I drive all day, I should reach the other end by about dinner time. The Vermont farmer looks up and replies, “Yeah. I had a car like that once.”
Monday • March
29, 2021 • 1 pm MST
Western Livestock Auction • Great Falls, MT Top AI siresBulls of 2020 calves EPDs as of 6/1/20 Selling 100 Yearling and •12 Fancy Yearling Heifers Name Reg. No CED BW WW YW SC DOC CEM Milk Marb RE $W $B Call, Write, or Email for a Catalog or other information. EXAR Monumental 6056B 18379347 +11 -.7 +66 +122 +1.09 +9 +13 +26 +1.33 +.69 +67 +184 EPD’s18882375 of Leading Sires Calves 2021 LLR of 12/31/20) Hilltop Edge 3747 +11 +.5 of+81 +141in+.81 +13 Sale +13 (as+24 +.78 +.65 +84 +156 Sire Reg. No CED BW WW YW SC DOC Milk Marb RE $W KCF Bennet The Rock A473 17849954+11 +9 +1.8-.6 +77 +143 +10 +20 EXAR Monumental 6056B 18379347 +66 +1.92 +121 +26+1.09 +6 +1.18 +26 +.61 +1.39 +67+.70 +185 +68 Blacksmith 18460820 +8 +11 +1.4 +74 +130 +11 +32 Krein PTMarda Socket 534 683 18313282 +2.2 +62 +1.41 +114 +32+1.95 +8 +.36 +31 +.92+.66 +84+.54 +143 +67 Lost Lake 10-4 +69 +.18 +136 +24+1.49 +8 +.36 +18 +.75+.70 +91+.48 +146 +58 Marda Swagger 463 19068221 17864907+13 +6 +.6+.5 +87 +151 +13 +26 Lost Lake Arrogance +87 +.94 +150 +17+1.33 +7 +1.19 +28 +.52+.46 +56+.47 +155 +84 MGR Treasure D67 18563876 18156972 -3 +12 -1.3+4 +69 +133 +18 +12 Marda Blacksmith 683 18460820 +11 +1.1 +70 +125 +1.44 +33 +33 +.67-.03 +79+.74 +175 +79 Musgrave 316 Exclusive 18130471 +6 +1.2 +77 +135 +.99 +22 +11 +23 +.78 McCall Consensus 4092 17876966 +8 +.8 +69 +123 +1.48 +24 +21 +.46 +.33 +67 Stevenson Big League 70749 18836113+12 +4 +2.9 +100 +170 +12 +20 +23 +.57 MGR Treasure 18156972 -1.3 +67 +.29 +132 +22 +.99 +12 +.41 +1.22 +92+.41 +185 +53 Stevenson Declaration 18836115 +8 +8 +0+1.6 +83 +154 +11 +20 +37 +.54 OCC Ultimate Answer 520 70748 18228919 +70 +.46 +118 +7 +.90 +29 +.51+.16 +95+.81 +171 +80 S S Black Granite D4 7132 18538491 +69 +.85 +119 +6 +1.57 +32 +1.21 +.58 +73+.55 +168 +78 SydGen Resolve 18769311+11 +13 +0+1.8 +58 +115 +10 +30 +37 +1.05 Windy Ridge Swagger 714 18960623
Current Sire Averages
6 1.2+1.1 55
+140 +1.27 +22 +27 +.34 +.62 97 0.77 16 8 25 0.50 0.51 55 126
$B +180 +118 +154 +149 +108 +122 +154 +148 +138 +93 +132
We thinkour ourpriorities prioritiesare areclear clearwhen whenyou youcompare compareour ourAIsires averages! We think sireswith withcurrent currentbreed breed averages! Grant & Deanna Harrer C: 406-899-9061 • H: 406-452-2010 drharrer@gmail.com
Main Barn • 406-737-4336 Jeff Schile, Manager • 406-737-4315 Wm.T (Bill) & Dolores Harrer
Windy Ridge Ranch Karen & Chuck Davis
406-737-4320 Windyridge@itstriangle.com
406-771-8229 • 406-737-4393 • wtharrer@q.com
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B10
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Trailer orders backed up until Spring Put your order in now!!
Travalong 31-ft. gooseneck flatbed with duals Hillsboro flatbeds In Stock
We Are Open!
Latest research on herbicide resistance CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5
rotations. Weed management programs should diversify herbicide controls every season instead of every other year. Intensive tillage did not directly impact kochia seed production similarly to minimally tilled plots. Tillage was early in the spring and would not have affected any surviving kochia plant’s seed production during the growing season. The continuous corn and the four-crop rotation caused the least amount of kochia seed per plant. This indicates diversity to the crop rotation is not necessarily beneficial to weed management, and that proper selection of crops within a given rotation is just as important as diversifying a crop rotation. This is seen when the crop rotation was diversified with adding sugar beets to the rotation (corn-sugar beet), resulting in the greatest amount of seed production per kochia plant, compared to the continuous corn (no crop rotation diversity) treatment that had lower seed production. Similar to the kochia density, the ALSinhibiting herbicide tank mixtures consistently managed the lowest kochia densities, while the ALS-inhibitor herbicides-only treatments were the highest seed production. Lastly, the results of the kochia seedbank density tests indicated that minimally tilled
plots were three to five times greater than intensively tilled plots. The four-crop rotation had the least amount of kochia seed per unit area throughout the duration of the study, whereas there was no difference between the other three crop rotation treatments. Again, the ALS-inhibitor herbicide tank mixture resulted in the least kochia seeds within the soil seedbank. Interestingly, the annual rotation of ALS-inhibitor with nonALS-inhibitor herbicide rotation not only was less effective at reducing the weed seedbank, but there was no significant difference in the weed seedbank when compared to the ALS-inhibitor herbicide-only treatment for the four years of the study. So, what does this mean? Integrating a diverse weed management program for herbicide resistance kochia is advantageous. This study also demonstrates that implementing diverse cultural and mechanical weed management programs effectively outweigh the benefits of only relying on a diverse chemical weed management program. An effective long-term proactive weed management program, especially for herbicide resistant weeds, must not only control weeds above the soil surface but also reduce weed seed production and the soil weed seedbank.
##### After a certain age, if you don’t wake up aching in every joint, you are probably dead. ##### I received another letter from some lawyer yesterday. It had “Final Notice” written on the envelope. Good. They won’t be bothering me anymore.
##### Do you realize that in about 40 years, we’ll have thousands of old ladies running around with tattoos? ##### If parents say, “Never take candy from strangers” then why do we celebrate Halloween?
View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com
Let’s start the new year with some upgraded farm equipment. Don’t let the breakdowns and downtime from last year’s farming season slow you down this year. Stop by or call!
Any chore is easier when you have a little muscle and horsepower. Look at these great work horse units we have in inventory!
2018 John Deere 6215R, IVT 40k, 4 SCV’s, PTO, 480/80R50 rear tires, 480/70R35 front tires, 680R loader, grapple, 505 hours. Stock #70729........ ......................................$212,500 (16)
2019 John Deere 6175R, IVT 50k, PTO, 4 SCV’s, 650/85R38 rear tires, 480/70R34 front tires, receiver, 660R loader, bucket, grapple, 440 hours. Stock #71092....................$212,500 (1)
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2012 John Deere 6125R, AutoPowr IVT, premium cab, TLS+ brakes, 3 SCV’s, 460/85R24 rear tires, 380/85R24 front tires, no loader or loader mounts, 2990 hours. Stock #74149...........$76,000 (1) 2017 John Deere 5075E, 12/12 PowrRev, 2 SCV’s, 3-pt., 540 PTO, cab, heat/AC, 16.9-28 tires, 540M loader, bucket, 440 hours. Stock #74174...........$46,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 5425, 12/12 PowrRev, left hand reverser, open station, 540 PTO, 3-pt., 2 rear & 2 mid-mount SCV’s, 563 loader, bucket, 2670 hours. Stock #74144....................$28,900 (14) 2016 Case IH Maxxum 150 T4B, partial powershift, PTO, 3 SCV’s, suspended cab, L755 loader, grapple, 6 rear weights. Stock #74184.....$84,000 (12)
2018 John Deere 6155M, 20/20 AutoQuad PLUS, 3 SCV’s, 480/80R42 rear wheels, 420/85R28 front tires, cold start package, PTO, 640R loader, grapple, 342 hours. Stock #69893............... #73384 .........................................$151,000 (3) 2019 John Deere 6155M, 20/20 PowrQuad+, 3 SCV’s, PTO, 420/80R38 rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires, 640R loader, grapple, 847 hours. Extended warranty through 10/2025. Stock #71444.. .......................................$149,500 (14) 2018 New Holland PowerStar 110, 2017 John Deere 6155M, 20/20 Powr12/12 transmission, PTO, 2 SCV’s, Quad+, 3 SCV’s, PTO, 520/85R38 rear 3-pt., 665TL loader, grapple, rear wheel tires, 420/85R28 front tires, 640R loadweights, 270 hours. Stock #73384....... er, grapple, cold start package, 1250 .........................................$61,000 (16) hours. Stock #73936....... $117,000 (12) 2008 New Holland T7040, Auto Com2019 John Deere 6145M, 24/24 mand transmission, PTO, 3 function PowrQuad+, 3 SCV’s, 3-pt., PTO, mid-mount hydraulics, rear duals, 480/80R42 rear tires, 420/85R28 front 860TL loader, bucket, grapple, 5600 tires, 640R loader, grapple, 600 hours. hours. Stock #73736...........$59,000 (3) Extended warranty through 6/2024. 2002 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, Stock #70748..................$142,000 (16) hydrostatic transmission, PTO on both ends, 3-pt. on cab end, 2 SCV’s on engine end, 3 SCV’s on cab end, 7914 loader, bucket, grapple, 6000 hours. Stock #73382......................$44,000 (1)
Happy New Year
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page B11
View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com
Let’s start the new year with some upgraded farm equipment. Don’t let the breakdowns and downtime from last year’s farming season slow you down this year. Stop by or call!
Be prepared for spring seeding with an upgraded John Deere air drill. Several configurations to choose from!
2020 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 10” spacing, John Deere all run blockage, ProSeries Opener, crumbler closing wheel, narrow spoked gauge wheels, float frame tires, 430 bushel tow between cart, 12” conveyor, KSI hopper, section control meters, dual 520 tires on cart. Stock #72870... $325,000 (14) 2020 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 10” spacing, Intelligent Ag all run blockage, ProSeries Opener, wide spoked gauge wheels, crumbler closing wheel, float tires on tool, 430 bushel tow between cart, 10” auger, KSI hopper, 800 tires on cart. Stock #72860...... .............................................. $312,500 (14) 2013 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, John Deere all run blockage, solid gauge wheel, 550 bushel tow behind cart, 10” auger, duals on cart, hydraulic drive. Stock #70823................ $194,800 (3) 2011 John Deere 1835, 60-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, 1” points, 4” capped steel press wheels, all run blockage, 430 bushel tow behind cart, 10” auger, ground drive. Stock #68666.........................$115,000 (11) 2009 John Deere 1830, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, capped 3” steel press wheels, 270 bushel tow between cart, 8 run, 12” conveyor. Stock #68765.................................... $75,000 (12) 2013 Bourgault 6650, 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, primary blockage, 550 bushel tow between cart, duals on cart. Stock #66530.................................. $129,000 (12) 2006 New Holland SD440A, 45-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot, spread stealth tip, 3.5” packers with rib, 230 bushel tow between cart, variable rate. Stock #71813................. ................................................ $49,000 (12) 2009 Case IH 700 Flex, 70-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot, no blockage, 1” point, steel press wheels, 430 bushel tow behind cart, dual fan, 3 tank, hydraulic drive, 10” fill auger. Stock #70854..................... $38,000 (1)
Did your harvest not go as planned with unexpected break downs and expensive service bills?? We still have several affordable units to choose from!
2019 John Deere S780, 378 engine/257 separator, Combine Advisor, dual VF520/85R42 drive tires, rear 750/65R26 tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, power fold grain tank, complete GPS system. Stock #70403................ $435,000 (14)
2018 John Deere S780, 398 engine/285 separator, Contour-Master, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, IF 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rears, complete GPS system. Stock #64833........................ $420,000 (12) 2018 John Deere S780, 946 engine/721 separator, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, advanced Powercast tailboard, power folding grain tank, 28.5-ft. unload auger, IF520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69865.......... .............................................. $365,000 (11) 2017 John Deere S690, 827 engine/593 separator, Contour-Master with feederhouse tilt, power folding grain tank, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, Active Terrain Adjustment, LSW1100/45R46 front, LSW710/60R30 rear, complete GPS system. Stock #73174................ $329,500 (14) 2016 John Deere S690, 1000 engine/735 separator, Interactive Combine Adjustment, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, advanced Powercast tailboard, LSW1100/45R46 drive tires, LSW710/60R30 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69908.................................. $319,000 (14) 2016 John Deere S680, 1004 engine/717 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, lateral tilt, fixed speed feederhouse, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, interactive combine adjust, complete GPS system. Extended warranty through 7/2022. Stock #72016....$310,000 (14)
Are you ready to make the spring field work easier? Take a look at the many options of 4WD and row crop tractors that we have available! Anything to match your operation and budget!
2018 John Deere 9620RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 3500 tracks, 6 SCV’s, PTO, ActiveCommand steering, high-flow hydraulics, complete GPS system, 342 hours. Extended warranty through 11/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73320............... $492,500 (1) 2019 John Deere 9620RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 3500 tracks, 5 SCV’s, premium light package, radar, complete GPS system, 550 hours. Extended warranty through 10/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73199......... .............................................. $495,000 (14) 2019 John Deere 9570RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 6500 tracks, 5 SCV’s premium cab & light, poly mid rollers, radar, complete GPS system, 500 hours. Extended warranty through 10/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #72831.................................. $480,000 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 duals, 4 SCV’s, PTO, premium light package, complete GPS system, 581 hours. Extended warranty through 2/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #69857.$367,500 (14) 2010 John Deere 8345R, IVT transmission, 480/80R50 rear duals, 420/85R34 front duals, 5 SCV’s, PTO, 60 gpm hydraulic pump, ILS front axle, cold weather package, 3800 hours. Stock #73472............. $145,000 (16)
Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom makes and widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS!
2016 John Deere S680, 1093 engine/776 separator, IF800/70R38 tires, lateral tilt, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, interactive combine adjust, complete GPS system. Stock #69034............. $270,000 (1) 2015 John Deere S680, 936 engine/618 separator, 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rear, TriStream rotor, 26-ft. unload auger, Powercast tailboard. Extended warranty through 6/2022. Stock #70512........... $267,500 (14)
2014 John Deere S670, 1060 engine/677 separator, IF900/60R32 drive tires, 620/75R26 rear tires, TriStream rotor, advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger. Stock #72028.................................. $218,000 (12) 2014 John Deere S670, 1860 engine/1304 separator, ProDrive transmission, Contour-Master, 800/70R38 drive tires, manual vane tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, complete GPS system. Stock #72619.................................. $159,000 (11) 2013 John Deere S670, 2198 engine/1682 separator, fixed speed feederhouse, Contour-Master, chopper, manual vane tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, 900/60R32 drive tires, 600/65R28 rear tires. Stock #68950.... .............................................. $149,500 (14) 2016 Case IH 8240, 1188 engine/817 separator, dual drive tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, HID lighting, hydraulic fold grain tank and cover. Stock #71959................ $235,000 (3) 2013 Case IH 8230, 2312 engine/1715 separator, dual drive tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, MagnaCut chopper, GPS. Stock #69613.................................. $127,500 (14)
2019 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber, 20” spacing, ExactApply, VF420/95R50 tires, boom air purge, complete GPS system, 221 hours. Extended warranty through 3/2022 or 2000 hours. Stock #69531........... ................................................ $451,510 (1) 2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber, 20” spacing, ExactApply, 420/95R50 tires, boom air purge, auto Solution Control System, complete GPS system, 503 hours. Extended warranty through 3/2023 or 2000 hours. Stock #69560............... $447,500 (1) 2020 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank with high-flow pump, 5 sensor BoomTrac, VF380/105R50 tires, boom air purge, complete GPS system, 308 hours. Extended warranty through 3/2023 or 1500 hours. Stock #72833........................ $402,500 (14) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 5 body nozzles, eductor, manual solution control, VF420/95R50 tires, complete GPS system, 1812 hours. Stock #72956.................................. $249,500 (14) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” nozzle spacing, manual solution control, IF 380/105R50 tires, front fill, complete GPS system, 2185 hours. Stock #69659...... ................................................ $235,000 (1) 2016 Case IH 4440, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 620/70R38 tires, AutoBoom height control, complete GPS system, Aim CommandPro, active hydraulic suspension, 1450 hours. Stock #73404.... $247,500 (14) 2015 Case IH 4440, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 620/70R38 tires, AccuBoom section control, AutoBoom height control, complete GPS system, Aim CommandPro, luxury cab, active hydraulic system, 2050 hours. Stock #73405........................ $205,000 (14) 2011 Case IH 4420, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon tank, 650/65R38 tires, Aim CommandPro, complete GPS system, 3216 hours. Stock #71958...... $104,000 (2)
Check out our website:
www.frontlineagsolutions.com 2018 John Deere 9570R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 tires, 5 SCV’s, ActiveCommand steering, high-flow hydraulics, complete GPS system, 16 front weights, rear wheel weights, 1470 hours. Stock #70580............. ................................................ $332,500 (3) 2015 John Deere 9570R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/70R38 tires, 5 SCV’s, ActiveCommand steering, high-flow hydraulic system, dual hydraulic pump, complete GPS system, 5600 lb weight package, 2752 hours. Stock #72827.................................... $280,000 (1) 2010 John Deere 9630, 18/6 PowerShift, differential lock, 4 SCV’s, 48 gpm hydraulic system, radar, complete GPS system, rear wheels weights, 22 front weights with support, 4152 hours. Stock #70503................... .............................................. $156,900 (12) 2020 John Deere 9520R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 tires, 4 SCV’s, PTO, complete GPS system, 8500 lb weight package, 515 hours. Extended warranty through 2/2023 or 1500 hours. Stock #73200.$440,000 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 30” Duradrive 3500 tracks, 4 SCV’s, PTO, deluxe light package, premium cab, complete GPS system, 459 hours. Stock #69880.................................. $457,500 (14)
2020 John Deere 8345RT, AutoPowr IVT, 16” Camso Ag 6500 tracks, 5 SCV’s, radar, poly mid rollers, complete GPS system, 22 front weights, 10 rear weights, 400 hours. Extended warranty through 12/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73198............. $372,500 (14)
2019 John Deere 8320R, IVT transmission, ILS suspension, 420/85R34 front duals, 480/80R50 rear duals, 6 SCV’s, PTO, 85 gpm dual hydraulic pump, complete GPS system, 1088 hours. Extended warranty through 4/2024 or 5000 hours. Stock #69801.................................. $321,000 (15)
1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 – Page B12
1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -
Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523 Josh Taylor 406-925-9449
Big or Small, We have it all!
John Deere Sprayer
Available TILLAGE
John Deere 560 round baler, 10,723 bales............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560R round baler, 6199 bales.............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560M round baler, 9945 bales............. Call for Pricing (4) 2019 John Deere 560M round balers................. Call for Pricing 2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2009 John Deere 568 36,000 bales.....................................$23,000 2008 John Deere 568 net wrap and twine, MegaWide pickup, flotation tires, 29,573 bales...........................................................$19,500 John Deere 566 round baler, 49,000 bales..............................$7500
2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding..................$92,000 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call 2013 John Deere 2720 12-ft. 6”.. disk ripper, 5-shank, roller baskets .........................................................................................$32,000 Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500
Great Selection of NEW Lemken Tillage Equipment
John Deere 8345 IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, 6 SCV’s, 48 front & rear duals, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty.. ......................................................................................$351,000 2018 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lb weight on each side on rear, Premium light package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty until 6/2023, 256 hours............$302,500 2019 John Deere 6195R IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, duals, 650 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty......... ......................................................................................$205,000 2019 John Deere 6155M approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty........$139,900 2016 John Deere 6155M cab, air, heat, 1787 hours, no loader......... .........................................................................................$91,500 2013 John Deere 6150R MFWD, 2130 hours, HD360 loader........... .......................................................................................$115,000 2019 John Deere 6145M MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty.........................$133,900 John Deere 4555.................................................................$35,500 2009 Kubota MX135 loader/grapple, cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCVs, 3100 hours......................................................................$49,900
John Deere Track Tractor
Come check out the Blue Wave!
NEW Twin Star Hydraulic Rakes
2020 Haybuster 2660’s in stock...Call for pricing
Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs! JOHN DEERE
2008 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$12,000 2006 New Holland 216 basket rake.........................................$7800 Sitrex MK12 wheel rake...........................................................$7750
2007 Alfa See Ya! 40-ft. motorhome, complete slide-out, diesel, 33,000 miles. Stored in heated shop. Excellent condition $69,900
2019 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header.........................$139,900 2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each....................................................................$134,900 2014 MacDon M155 13-ft. rotary header, 655 hours............$87,000 2014 MacDon M155 13-ft. header, 1550 hours.....................$68,500 2007 New Holland HW305 HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards....$39,900 2003 Hesston 8250 12-ft. sickle header, 2200 hours...........$24,000
John Deere 4066R tractor, 302 hours..................................$48,900 2005 Haybuster 2650 bale processor..................................$13,000 Haybuster 256+2 tub grinder/bale processor..........................$3000 2017 John Deere 659 header, front roller, hydraulic gauge wheels. NEW.................................................................................$39,000 (2) John Deere 659 headers, hydraulic gauge wheels. Each.... $25,000 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 2015 John Deere 778 8 row corn head, low acres...............$59,500 2015 John Deere 8600 forage harvester, 1354 engine hours, 767 header hours, Premium cab and lighting package, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab....................$259,000
We can help you with next year’s feeding needs!
Call us for all your Gator Needs
Case 3x4 baler, 7574 bales...................................... Call for Pricing 2020 John Deere 3x4 baler, 4508 bales.................. Call for Pricing New Holland 3x4 baler, 15,228 bales...................... Call for Pricing Case 3x3 baler, 15,721 bales................................... Call for Pricing 2020 New Holland 3x3 baler, 4034 bales................ Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x2 baler, 18,750 bales.... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 8673 bales....... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 11,441 bales.... Call for Pricing 2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4, 0 bale count..............$147,500
Call for details!
Haybuster 2650 processor...................................... Call for Pricing NEW Higginbotham bale squeeze, for John Deere 544 loader........ .........................................................................................$12,000 2012 Case IH 3520 boom spreader, 3566 hours..................$93,000 2019 Highline CRF960 round and square bale processor...$30,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$28,000 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575
Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Equipment Needs!
1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C1
Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964
(406) 761-4848
After Hours (406) 791-6712
Fax (406) 791-6708
5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
Sand & Slag Abrasives
For Non Potable Water Storage
12” x 1/4” wall
Used Culvert Grade Pipe Random Lengths 37-ft. to 40-ft.
Round Tubing Great for corrals
11/4”, 11/2” & 13/4” O.D.
20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America
5 /2’ & 6’ T1.33#
Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”
] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll
13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available 20” Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”
4”x4”x1/4” & 2”x2”x1/4” Surplus SQ Tube Random Lengths
HOPPER BOTTOM CARS Great for grain storage
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges
NEW 20-ft. Containers
New Batteries 3 Available
7” Used Pipe good for corners and hanging gates
Old Farm Tractors & Combines
42” & 60” Heavy Wall
Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
We Buy
For Bridges
Lifting Capacities 3000 - 4500 lbs.
New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire
12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails
HYSTER Electric Forklifts
00 each
Random lengths
Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗
Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts
22” Used Culvert Grade Pipe
New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert
6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths....
Call for pricing
Call Adam, Joe, or Ty
& beams IN STOCK
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths
NEW! SURPLUS ROUND TUBING Call for Current Sizes!
#1 Railroad ties - $16 each
Leather Gloves
In Stock
Used Drill Pipe 23/8”, 27/8”, 31/2” & 41/2” • Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe • Angle • Sq. Tubing • Round Bar WE SELL NEW & USED
Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
1 left - Lux spiral dough mixers
NEW Rebar
Used Electric Motors & Boxes
#2 Railroad ties - $1100 each
Various sizes available – CALL
USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths
(1) Hobart mixer/ grinder
GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 • (406) 761-4848
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C2
Round Bales - Net Wrap 100 tons nice, grass/alfalfa hay. Good for weaning calves or horses. 500 tons nice, alfalfa/grass cow hay. Put up with no rain. 100 tons barley straw from a conventional combine. Phone (406) 467-2061 or 590-9085, Fairfield, MT
Lucas Kovalsky, Mineral County 4-Her looks pretty “at ease” with the microphone at the Mineral County Fair Show and Sale. He received a purple ribbon. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
GROVE CONSTRUCTION Your Montana Authorized GSI Dealer since 1993
Extended Discount Pricing • Crews Available • Grain Bins, Full Floor Aeration and Unload Systems Farm and Stiffened Bins Available up to 50,000 Bushel • Call TODAY for your Grain Storage & Handling Needs!
Jeremy (406) 350-2055
Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy
(406) 543-0382
www.pricetruckandequipment.com 1988 Trail King 20 ton equipment trailer, 19-ft. x 8-ft. ramp.. ...................................$10,000 2008 Sterling L7500 service truck, 6.7L Cummins, 9 speed, 7500 lb IMT crane....... ...................................$22,500 1998 International bucket truck, 7.3L, automatic, High Ranger 54-ft...............$15,000
2010 Big Tow trailer, 27-ft. 9” deck, 8-ft. 6” wide, 61,570 gvw. ....................................$14,500
1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed............................ $15,000
2004 Felling 30 ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. x 8-ft. 6” ramp....... ...................................$17,500
Check us out on the web!
1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor.............................................................. $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane, 14-ft. dump bed.. $10,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder..... $19,000 1999 Ford F800 service truck, 59 Cummins, 6 speed, 98,000 miles, 6000# crane, air compressor, 11-ft. box.............................. $18,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 crane, hydraulic air compressor.................................................................... $10,000 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed, 12.5-ft. cab-toaxle...................................................................................... $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach................................................................................... $20,000
1998 GMC bucket truck, 65ft. Hi-Ranger bucket, Cat 6 speed.........................$25,000
1999 GMC 8500 service truck, 7000 lb crane, 185 cfm compressor, Cat 3126, automatic, hydraulic outrigger, 14-ft. box, ex-gov, 97,000 miles...$25,000
2000 International 4x4 digger derick, DT466, 6 speed........... ...................................$15,000
1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1997 Skytrack 8042 teleforklift, 8000 lb, 42-ft........................ $22,500 2004 Felling 30 ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck, 6.4-ft. ramp, 8.6-ft. wide..................................................................................... $17,500 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................. $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 2006 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow...................................... $12,500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800
Food team, UW ACRES student farm grow partnership
University of Wyoming Extension A unique partnership was formed between University of Wyoming (UW) Extension’s nutrition and food safety team and ACRES Student Farms on the UW campus during a time of lockdowns. ACRES manager David Burton wasn’t able to host inperson workshops due to COVID-19. When he stumbled across the nutrition and food safety (NFS) team’s Facebook Live videos, he thought a webinar series would fill the education outreach void. Burton asked NFS educator Denise Smith of Niobrara County if a food preservation video series could be done for the ACRES student group. “I did five food preservation videos and throughout the summer he made those available to the student group to watch so they would know how to preserve some of the foods they were growing in the gardens,” said Smith. Burton asked again this fall if the NFS team could create a video series on basic food preparation skills for college students. Smith created seven videos and Vicki Hayman, Weston County NFS educator, created two videos. The videos focused on topics like how to use a microwave, cooking in a skillet, making ramen healthier, basic knife skills and others. They were shared on ACRES Student Farms and Associated Students of the University of Wyoming and the NFS Facebook pages. “The students seem to like the videos,” said Burton. Smith said they will create more videos this January to be released throughout the spring semester based on how to make winter comfort foods, like chili, easy homemade bread, Instapot recipes, quick bread and more. “I appreciate nutrition and food safety’s partnership with ACRES, and I look forward to doing another webinar series in the spring with them,” said Burton. The partnership wasn’t one-sided. Burton also created two bulletins for NFS about seasonal produce and how to use some of the fruits and vegetables grown in the garden. “ACRES typically runs a community supported agricultural program (CSA), and one of the issues that occurs with CSAs is people may not know how to cook with the produce they receive,” said Burton. “So, creating flyers on how to cook with or preserve the food becomes important in the effectiveness of the CSA because we don’t want people to throw away the food we’ve spent so much time and effort on to grow.” Smith shared they reached a new audience they never would have thought to reach before, and Burton has helped them add valuable information on their website. “It has been a win-win partnership,” said Smith.
Secured Password
During a recent password audit, our I.T. discovered a blonde was using the following password: MickeyMinniePlutoHueyLouieDeweyDonaldGoofySacramento When they asked why such a long password, she said she was told that it had to be at least 8 characters long and include at least one capital.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C3
Big Sky Equipment Co. Service Corey Combs, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell
Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com
Great pricing available on hold-over Speedrower 160 sickle machine
2016 MacDon FD75 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $59,900 2012 MacDon FD70 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $45,000
2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture.................................. $198,900 2006 New Holland CR960, ASP stone protection, yield and moisture, straw chopper, extended unload auger........... ...........................................Just Traded New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995
2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine......... .................................................... $49,900
2010 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport.................. $49,900 Case IH 1010 30-ft. headers in stock with mixed reel options.............................Call Good selection of new and used Case IH and MacDon pickup headers on hand............ .................... Call for details and pricing
Now scheduling off-season inspections on combines, sprayers, round balers and loader tractors. Call today as limited spaces are filling up fast! 800-332-7541 We are also equipped to handle rotor balancing, draper and auger header repairs, etc.
2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Honey Bee GB40 40-ft. header, New Holland adapter................................ Just Traded Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel.....Call Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oil-bath wobble drive........................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal
2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, loader. Very low hours............Call 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours... ......................................................Just In
Parts After Hours/Weekends 450-6463
New Holland P2080 60-ft. disc drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, wireless blockage, P3550 cart............................... Call today for a great deal!!
2014 New Holland SP.240F front boom self-propelled, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100ft. booms, IntelliView IV monitor, fence row nozzles, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab, low hours.......................... $182,500 New Holland SP.295F front boom self-propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon poly tank, 120-ft. booms, Intelliview IV monitor, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab........... ................................................. $214,900 2016 Apache AS1230 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, Raven Hawkeye PWM nozzle control, AutoBoom UltraGlide, Smartrax Autosteer Raven Viper 4 monitor........ Just Traded
2015 Apache AS1020 100-ft. steel boom, 1000 gallon poly tank, Smarttrax Autosteer, AcccuBoom, Autoboom UltraGlide, Envizio Pro monitor.................. $145,900 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2015 Apache AS720 self-propelled sprayer, 60/90-ft. booms, 750 gallon poly tank, Top-Con X30 monitor......... Just Traded 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.. $89,900
USED HAYING USED AIR DRILLS EQUIPMENT New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call
New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..Call
2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate.......................... $74,500
2012 John Deere 568 round baler, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, surface wrap, bale push bar, pickup gauge wheels. Very clean unit............................ $22,900
Now Stocked with Highline CFR650 Bale Processors
2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor..........$62,500.............. $54,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 drill with 3850 cart, 12” spacing, 4.5” steel packers, single shoot Stealth openers, dual fan.......................... $45,900
MISCELLANEOUS USED EQUIPMENT Unverferth 8250 grain cart, 850 bushel, tarp, PTO or hydraulic drive................... ...........................................Just Traded
We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C4
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
$0 Down 0.0% Interest OAC
Massey Ferguson WR 9870 16-ft. rotary disc, auto steer, suspension...................$114,900
Massey Ferguson 1375 pull type rotary swather.............................................$19,500 Case IH WD2303 swather........................... Call Case IH WD2303 swather........................... Call MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 New Holland 1118 swather..................$14,500 Hesston 8100 swather with 16-ft. and 25-ft. headers............................................$22,000 Hesston 6450 15-ft. draper header.........$6000 New Holland 1475 hydroswing....... Coming In John Deere 1600A hydroswing...............$3500
Call us for all your equipment needs!
The smarter, more powerful way to better hay.
Hoven Equipment USED SKID STEERS
Bobcat S595 skidsteer.........................$45,900 Bobcat T770 skid steer.........................$49,900
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Check us out on our Website at www.hovenequipment.com over Carry es Pric
Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot...............................$47,500 Bobcat S185 skidsteer.........................$23,000 Bobcat LR65 land rake...........................$6000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle..$900
406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler.......$36,700 New Holland 269 small square baler......$4500
Hesston 7434 baler, less accumulator and liquid applicator..........................................$49,900
The WR9900 Series Self-Propelled Windrower
Hoven Equipment CONSIGNMENTS
Degelman 4100 round & square processor...... .........................................................$15,000 Vermeer BP8000 bale processor...... $9500 (L) Schuler SRM 262 mixer.................... $6825 (L) Morris CP743 chisel plow........................$6900 Melroe 501 plow with Valmar...................$6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow....................$6500 International 75 39-ft. plow.....................$3500 John Deere 8650 tractor......................$30,000 Versatile 800 tractor.............................$12,000 Ford 946 tractor.............................. $46,000 (L) Minneapolis G1355 tractor..................$12,000 Massey Ferguson 9540 combine......$190,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel....................................$4500 New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment........................................$42,500 International 1660 combine. #13168... $12,000 John Deere 9610 combine...................$37,000 John Deere 8820 combine...................$18,000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket....$14,900 Farm King 10x60 auger..........................$6000 Brandt drive over transfer auger...........$12,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck..........$5675 2006 Hesston 9240 16-ft............... $44,000 (L) New Holland 1112 swather..................$18,000 Hesston 6550 21-ft. triple swather...........$8500
Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Hesston 4900 4x4 baler.......................$15,000 Hesston 856A baler................................$7000 Hesston 565A twine baler.......................$5900 New Holland 590 parts baler..................... Call New Holland 1033 stacker......................$6000 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms...........$29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer.....................$127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank................................................$8000 Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart............................................ $23,450 (L) John Deere 9450 40-ft. x 12” drills with end transport............................................. $5500 John Deere 9400 40-ft.x12” drills........ $12,000 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900 1500 gallon poly tank.................................$500 (4) 4.5’ mounted Morris harrows. Each......$490 (1) 6’ mounted Morris harrow.....................$600 (3) 6’ mounted Farmking harrows. Each....$690
SPEEDROWER® 160 - 220 - 260
Farm King 13x95 auger.......................$11,000 Farm King 13x85 auger............................. Call Farm King 13x70 auger............................. Call
Hoven Equipment Select
TFX2 Series
Bridon & Balekeeper twine
The TFX2, 8” and 10” models come in a variety of lengths and are the most maneuverable truck augers in the industry! Available in EMD, PTO or gas engine drive options to suit your needs.
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919
NOW 20%
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
* 9600-170, *4750-400 & *20K130
Hoven Equipment
While supplies last. No Holds, You Haul. Payment due at point of purchase. 406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C5
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
DELTATRACK TRACTORS Case IH 3240 sprayer...................$184,900 (L)
Miller 3275 HT 90-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 2WD, Raven Smart Trax...... $54,000
Models: 4 520DT 4 570DT 4 610DT Call us for more details
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
New Holland 660 mesh & twine baler.....$5900 Case IH RB565 round baler........... $18,000 (L) Case IH RB565 baler............................$29,900 Case IH RB564 mesh & twine baler.....$17,900 Vermeer 605 Super M mesh & twine... $17,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$8900
Agco 7650 Spra Coupe with full run Raven monitor, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle...... ........................................................ $63,900
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
New Holland T7.235 tractor................. $92,000 Steiger ST470 tractor.......................... $39,900 Massey Ferguson 471 tractor............. $14,000 Versatile 835 tractor............................... $9900 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.
New Holland BR7090 baler.................$17,900 New Holland BR780 net & twine baler...$9000 New Holland 688 twine...........................$7200
Agco 7660 Spra Coupe..................$79,900 (L) Melroe 3430 Spra Coupe.................... $13,000 Weed-It system mounted on Chev pickup......... ........................................................ $41,000 Demco skid mount sprayer. Needs work. #23959................................................. $500 Case SRX160 pull type....................... $16,500
Check us out on our Website at www.hovenequipment.com
New Holland LM 445A telehandler.................. ........................................................ $39,900 Hitachi EX30 excavator...................... $20,900 Vermeer R2300 Twin Rake.................. $17,000 Allen 8803 26-ft. hydraulic rake......$14,900 (L) H&S BF 12HC 12-wheel rake............$8900 (L) USED PROCESSORS Sitrex MK-12 12-wheel rake................... $5900 Vermeer BPX9000 round and square processor with bale feeder...............................$20,000 International 2-ton truck........................ $1000 Vermeer BPX9000 round bale processor.......... Ford F350 flatbed................................... $8900 ........................................................$13,500 Gysler 39-ft. chisel plow......................... $3500 Vermeer BP8000 with final cut.............$12,000 Cat LR18B rock rake.............................. $3375 Vermeer BP8000 with cake feeder..........$9500 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick Vermeer BP8000 processor....................$8500 attach.................................................... $500 Haybuster 2650 processor......................$8000
John Deere 569 round baler................$39,000 John Deere 569 net & twine................$34,900 John Deere 560 round baler................$48,000 Hesston 956A round baler...................$12,000
Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, steel packers with 2320 cart...............$15,000 (L) Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing........ ..................................................$15,000 (L)
4700 Series AS LOW AS
+$100/month For Purchase of Loader
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
New Holland TR98 combine................$12,000 Case 1680 combine with 30-ft. 962 header....... .........................................................$15,000 Massey Ferguson 8570 with 30-ft. header....... .........................................................$15,000 John Deere 9600 combine...................$19,500
MacDon RB85 header..........................$18,000 MacDon 972 35-ft. with Case 7130 adapter...... ............................................................$9500 MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header.........$14,000 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$5000 MacDon 960 25-ft. header.......................$6000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, JD adapter.......... Call
Call us for all your equipment needs!
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C6
2020 records larger, improved northern durum wheat crop
R Winter Triticale
R Sweet Clover
Round Bales - Net wrap Call (406) 279-3504, Valier, MT
The 2020 northern durum crop is notably larger than last year due to a significant increase in planted area with trendline yields, and a dry, steady harvest. Along with increased production, buyers will be pleased with the improved quality of the 2020 crop, especially on factors routinely valued in contract specifications. The crop boasts high test weights, high vitreous kernel contents and falling numbers, improved semolina color and a much lower incidence of DON compared with recent years. U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) has posted the full 2020 Northern Durum Regional Report on its website. USW previously reported on the 2020 Desert Durum® crop on the website, and posted the full 2020 Desert Durum® Regional Report and a Sacramento Valley Durum Report on the website also. Planting began in early May with slow initial progress due to cool conditions, but dry soils allowed for steady, accelerating progress with planting nearly complete by early June. Drought conditions eased with timely rains mid-season, boosting yield potential. Dry, warm conditions late-season accelerated crop maturity and limited disease pressures. Harvest began in early August and progressed steadily on favorable weather until completed, ahead of average and well ahead of last year. Regional production is estimated at 1.7 million metric tons (MMT), up nearly 30% from 2019. Here are highlights of data from the 2020 northern durum wheat crop. Wheat and Grade Data: Grade – the overall average is U.S. No. 1 Hard Amber Durum (HAD); 87% of the crop grades U.S. No. 1 or 2 Hard Amber Durum (HAD), up markedly from 37% a year ago. Test Weight averages 62.2 lb/bu (80.9 kg/hl), well above last year and the 5-year
low boy service
40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)
Fort Benton Realty, LLC
1426 Front Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442
East Conrad Farm Headquarters: 19 Acres with 14 acres non-irrigated cropland located 20 miles east of Conrad, MT. Includes nice 4-bedroom home and good set of farm buildings with shop, storage buildings and grain storage. Large garden area and tall matures trees around buildings. Water District provides 700,000 gallons of water annually. Near Glacier National Park. Good hunting and fishing nearby in Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Marias River, and Tiber Reservoir...................$625,000
For any questions about these properties please call: Broker Mark Pyrak @ 406-788-9280
“We look forward to assisting you with all of your Real Estate needs”
406-622-3803 www.fbrealty.com
averages. Total defects average of 1.5% is lower than 2019, as disease pressures were relatively low and harvest weather was near ideal. Vitreous kernel (HVAC) content is 88%, up sharply from 64% in 2019, and also higher than the 5-year averages. Nearly two-thirds of the samples were above 90% HVAC. Wheat Protein averages 13.4% (12% mb), lower than both 2019 and the 5-year averages. 1000 Kernel Weight average of 46.7 g (14% mb) is exceptionally high, above last year and nearly 6 g higher than the 5-year average, due to excellent conditions during kernel development. Wheat Falling Number average of 419 sec, is well above 2019 and higher than the 5-year averages and indicative of sound wheat. DON average is 0.2 ppm, lower than both 2019 and the 5-year averages and disease pressures were minimal in 2020. Semolina and Processing Data: Semolina Extraction average is 58.5%, up from 2019. Commercial mills will likely see a greater increase in extraction due to high HVAC levels and excellent kernel qualities. Color values are higher than 2019 for both brightness and yellowness. Gluten index values are 74.4%, higher than both 2019 and the 5-year averages. Semolina color values are higher than a year ago, for both brightness and yellowness, and more similar to the 5-year average. Cooked spaghetti evaluations show lower values compared to last year and the 5-year averages with lower cooked weight and less cooked firmness. Mixing properties reveal a slightly weaker crop compared to a year ago, a 6 (scale 1-8), but stronger than the 5-year averages.
l a i c e ni ter Sp
S c h e d u l i n g Wi n t e r S e r v i c e I n s p e c t i o n s N o w
ith An Don’t Be Caught W DOWN! Unexpected BREAK
Combines, Air Drills, Articulated Tractors, Sprayers, Big Square Balers
Two Wheel Drive and Front Wheel Assist Tractors
Dawson County, Nebraska 4-H’ers earning Diamond Clover awards at the Achievement BBQ on October 25 in Lexington, Nebraska were (front row, left to right) Rieker Spradlin, Cozad; and Mollie Spradlin, Cozad; (back row, left to right) Sarah Treffer, Cozad; and Abbie Owens, Lexington. Shank Sall, Lexington; also received an award but was unable to attend. Extension photo.
Round Balers Small Square Balers & Swathers
Cash Discounts:
10% OFF any service labor for post inspection work 5% OFF any parts used during post inspection work
4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT
Skid Steers
Call Hoven Equipment and schedule an Equipment Inspection TODAY!
406-538-3919 77335 US HWY 87 Lewistown, MT
##### A Father is giving his son some life advice. Father: “If you want to be a good man, you must be honest and cautious in life.” Son: “And what does that mean?” Father: “You must fulfill everything you’ve promised.” Son: “And cautious?” Father: “Never make any promises.”
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C7
Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 available Call for delivered prices!
NOW in stock at
BATTERIES Stocking Heavy Equipment to 1/2-ton pickup batteries
T-Rex Post Driver
From Montana Post Driver $2,500
Suspension Fencing
750R: 1000E: 1500E: $6,200 $8,300 $10,500
• • • •
•Brace rail with hardware $29 •Complete brace with 8-ft posts $59 •Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18
10 FREE Brace Rails with Purchase REDI
Driver Classic
*Pipe posts can be cut to length
Shipping Containers
Continuous Fence
• 6-rail 1-1/4” 14 ga. $99 20-ft long • 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga. 20-ft long $126
All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft bow gates $280 • 12-ft bow gates $300 Corral gates - 6-bar 8-ft $160 10-ft $170 12-ft $190 14-ft $210 16-ft $230
Guardrail Portable Windbreaks
Portable Heater & Generator
Large selection of Grade 5 & 8 BOLTS
Gopher Poison & Mouse Poison + Bait Boxes
Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680
Used Guardrail 2-rail & 3-rail
All panels are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft heavy portable panels • 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel™ panels)
Pallet forks skidsteer mount:$930 Global mount: $950
Rotary mower skidsteer mount: $5,250
Secondary Square Tubing Various sizes available
Rubber Tire Water Tanks
Constructed with Cattle guard kits with all new material used pipe available. 10-ft $1,550 10-ft $940 12-ft $1,750 12-ft $1,050 16-ft $2,100 16-ft $1,395
12x24-ft All steel portable buildings - use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc. - Starting at $4,300
Portable Loading Chute
Maternity Pens
floor loading chute $6,680
Steel Workbenches (8-ft
Knipex tools!
Call us for all your steel needs
• 5-in galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft lengths) • Used 2-7/8 pipe • 1.25” 14 ga round tubing • 1.66” 14ga round tubing • 3-1/2” used pipe 31-ft Bale spears • Pipe Caps: various sizes! skidsteer Harrow mount: A lot more steel…too 6’x6’x5/8”: $630 $695 much to list - Call us! Drawbar:$180
• Feedbunk (constructed with 10ga and heavy tube legs) 20-ft x 38-in x 12-in $790 (other sizes including bottomless)
Guardrail I-Beam Posts Galvanized
20-ft lengths $0.46/lb
Pipe & Tubing
Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb
Buckhorn $3,950 9-ft Centerflow Portable Angle Iron Seed adjustable 2x2x.120 & 2x3x.250 Boxes
Portable Panels
Tow Ropes
Various Sizes up to 200.000-lb breaking strength
$2.77/lb for Grade 5 $4.40/lb for Grade 8
Portable Buildings Poly DEF & Fuel Tanks
Mineral Feeders
Portable Panel Trailer
- 36”x24’ 22ga Prime galvanized SuperSteel ndle e bu eet h - Use for windbreaks, t sh by corrals, etc. $99 by the
Cattle Guards
Heavy Duty Hay Feeders
24-ft adjustable 20 9 neck rail $
SuperSteel/ Steel Decking
Calf Shelters 8-ft x 23-ft $2,400
40-ft - New $8,300
Fenceline Feeder Panels
Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades
2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 5-in galvanized octagon 9’9” posts $26
Superconnector Posts
Portable Windbreaks
10,000 watt 4 cylinder diesel generator with 2 - 500,000 BTU diesel fired heaters & 200-gal fuel tank
Polyethylene Superstays
Polyethylene Superstays & Superconnector Posts
Bolt together fence brace kits
Montana Post Driver
A more durable and lower maintenance alternative!
• Skidsteer SNOW Bucket (constructed with 3/16-in plate) 8-ft: $1,150 and 10-ft: $1,350
• Skidsteer Plates: $110 • 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 • Extinguisher Mount: $40 • Bale Spears: $85 • Head Catch: $790 • 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 • 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $36.50 • 3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $50 • Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 • Ratchet Chain Binder 5/16-3/8”: $30
Brett 406.390.1110 | Jenni 406.366.9939 |Office 406.428.1110 PO Box 180 | Grass Range, MT 59032 www.HedmanInc.com January 2021
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C8
Check out our website www.tradersdispatch.com
ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519
Call us today to get a quote!
We do all types of insulation!
• Polyurethane Spray Foam • Blow-in Fiberglass • Cellulose • Fiberglass Batting • Roof Foaming & Coatings
Bailey Milender showed her swine at the fair in late July. She received a purple ribbon for her efforts. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Conrad, MT • 406-450-4232
Happy New Year!
Thank you for letting us serve you in 2020. We look forward to assisting you in 2021.
Free Form’s Generation II liquid tank is the perfect solution for eliminating algae formation in water tanks. The UV light blocking black interior coupled with the light reflecting white exterior give the Generation II tank many advantages over conventional tanks. By reflecting the UV rays the exterior of the tank and it’s contents remain cool, this also prevents loss of strength that often caused black tanks to buckle when fastened to trucks.
by Agrigro
Available at Ag Wise in Kremlin, MT
Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Including hose, valves, fittings & more!
“Your Crop Production Specialist”
Ag Wise, Inc. 406-372-3200
Kremlin, Montana
For a computer programming class, I sat directly across from someone, and our computers were facing away from each other. A few minutes into the class, she got up to leave the room. I reached between our computers and switched the inputs for the keyboards. She came back and started typing and immediately got a distressed look on her face. She called the teacher over and explained that no matter what she typed, nothing would happen. The teacher tried everything. By this time I was hiding behind my monitor and quaking red-faced. I started to type, “Leave me alone!” They both jumped back, silenced. “Whaa??” the teacher blubbered. Then I typed, “I said leave me alone!” The kid got really upset. “I didn’t do anything to it, I swear!” It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. The conversation between them and HAL 2000 went on for an amazing five minutes. Me: “Don’t touch me!” Her: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit your keys that hard.” Me: “Who do you think you are anyway?!” Etc. Finally, I couldn’t contain myself any longer and fell out of my chair laughing. After they had realised what I had done, they both turned beet red. Funny, I never got more than a C- in that class. ##### Why do farmers make such good DJs? Because they turnip the beets. - Don, Age 10
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C9
WORK. EASIER. FASTER. BETTER. Full inventory and pricing online
Winter Specials! Select Items, Limited to 44 Hours Usage in Four Weeks Examples:
Compact Track Loader $1,400 for Four Weeks
Wheel Loader (WA-270) $2,400 for Four Weeks Loader Tractor (6155M) $2,200 for Four Weeks
Available through March 1, 2021
Talk to us About Other Items!
***EQUIPMENT FOR SALE*** Call Jake at 406-538-9033 2017 Degelman RR1500
2006 CatTH360B
5352 hours $26,000
2007 Multiquip DCA-25SSIU2
20kw GENERATOR 10,175 hours $8,500
2012 Takeuchi TL230
3320 hours $24,000
2019 Wil-Rich 29 foot
Visit Us Online to View Our HUGE Assortment of Rental Inventory! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
www. Glasgow-Rental.com
www. LewistownRental.com
www. Hi-LineRental.com
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C10
COMBINE AND HEADER LEASE AS LOW AS $30,000 PER YEAR Call Marty for details
2015 Versatile SX280
2019 VERSATILE 570DT Front and rear diffential locks, track monitor system, 6 electrohydraulic remotes, 3/4” coupler return kit, variable pitch reversing, deluxe cab package, 10” display monitor, AM/FM/ CD/WB XM radio, tow cable, Isobus connector harness, led lighting chassis & cab, decelerator pedal $405,000
100-ft. booms, 3 sensors, full guidance Raven controls, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 200 gal fresh water tank, 5 boom control. Very clean - $259,000
2000 New Holland 9884 50 GPM hydraulics, 425 hp Super Clean Tractor $75,000
2011 Versatile 535 Nice clean tractor, very low hours, Powershift. Powershift. $180,000
2010 SEEDMASTER 5012 With Ezee-On 4400 Tow between Air Cart Cart $90,000
2011 SEEDMASTER 7012 Double shoot All Run Intelligent Ag. Most of the seed and fertilizer tips have been changed last spring $190,000
2020 Versatile Vertical Tillage 3 units to choose from $110,000 PROGRAM SPECIALS!
1977 Versatile 825 II Nice clean tractor with a 12-ft. Leon blade $28,000
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 • www.bigequipment.com •
1986 Big Bud 370 400 hp Cummins 855M 40 GPM hydraulic, 4 hydraulic remotes, Case drain, Fuji Teco 12 speed Powershift transmission, 70,000 lb. Clark axles, 24.5-32 tires duals 60% $129,500
1979 Big Bud 525/50 2 to choose from very clean tractors $180,000
Big Bud 400/30
2014 Claas Lexion 750 Dual Drive Tires, Deluxe cab, plus many more features! One owner stored inside, Super clean $180,000
2012 Challenger MT965C 5 remotes, Trimble auto steer PTO, Full weight package front and rear. $220,000
2005 SPRA-COUPE 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine $60,000
2016 FRONTIER 42-ft. fixed tandem, double hopper, steel wheels $25,000
Be sure to enter to win a $500 credit to Big Equipment during the Ultimate MAGIE at www.560kmon.com
1287 Highway 87 • Havre, MT 59501
Owner: Ron Harmon CELL: 406-265-0096
2010 Challenger MT765 6220 hours, 3 pt., 24” tracks, 4 rear remotes, 306 hp, Powershift transmission. $125,000
1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000
2008 LODE KING 42-ft. tandem, air ride, 11R24.5 tires $35,000
2005 PETERBILT 379 Cat, 475 hp, Fuller manual 10 speed transmission, air ride, aluminum wheels, raised roof sleeper $42,000
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Jim 406-265-9554
1990 Case IH 9170 Tractor runs great has high hours but don’t let that scare you. Cummins, 375 hp, 4WD, Powershift - $48,000
John Deere 6150 with loader, 2780 hours, very nice clean tractor $120,000
3 Case IH ATX700’s 1 - 60-ft. • 2 - 70-ft. with ADX3430 carts $98,000
Case 1150G LT 8990 hours, 118 horse power, Ripper $45,000
John Deere 8770 8300 hours, duals, tires at 50%, 4 remotes, 350 hp, 4WD, Synchro transmission - $55,000
1984 John Deere 8850 370 hp, Synchro transmission, 7452 hours, front and rear duals, 4 remotes, 4WD - $40,000
2004 John Deere 9760 STS Axle extensions, Nice clean combine. $65,000
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C11
Case IH ADX3430 430 bushel tow between with 70-ft., 12” spacing, Case 700 single shoot drill $7.00 per acre plus delivery and pickup
Flexi-Coil 2320 Tow between with 39-ft., 12” spacing 5000 air drill $7.00 per acre plus delivery and pickup
Combine and header lease as low as $30,000 per year. Call Marty for details!
Cat Challenger MT765C 300 hp PTO, Powershift, 3 point $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Case 1150G LT 8890 hours, 118 horse power, ripper $500 per day/$2500 per week plus hauling
Versatile 895 Manual, 310 hp, duals $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Cat Challenger MT965C 525 hp, duals, Powershift, PTO $150 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1986 Big Bud 370 400 hp Cummins 855M 40 GPM hydraulics $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Versatile Viking Vertical Tillage 38-ft. , rolling baskets $7.50 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Spra-Coupe 7650 Sprayer 660 gallon, 90-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate controller $900 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
Farm King 6650 Disc 32-ft., 24” blades, heavy duty disc $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Versatile SX275 Self-Propelled Sprayer 1200 gallon, 100-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate control $1200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
2016 Frontier 42-ft. fixed tandem, double hopper, steel wheels $1500 per month or $500 per week
2008 Lode King 42-ft. tandem, air ride, 11R24.5 tires $1500 per month or $500 per week
1984 John Deere 8850 4WD, 370 hp, Synchro transmission, 4 rear remotes, duals $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum. Call for weekly and monthly rates.
Big Bud 400/30 400 hp, Powershift, duals $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1990 Case 9170 Cummins, 375 hp, 4wd, powershift $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Give us a call to get more information about rates, schedule delivery, etc.
1992 Timpte 48-ft., triple axle, rear lift axle, tires 60% $1500 per month
• www.bigequipment.com •
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 Owner: Ron Harmon • CELL: 406-265-0096
1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Jim • 406-265-9554
Brittany Fulton appointed Extension Assistant for Women in Ag position
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C12
Grain Bag Extracting Experience! G Patented Bag Baler.
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We havve choicess for you!
406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Email: sales@shortlineag.com Website: www.shortlineag.com Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263
Scottsbluff native Brittany Fulton has been appointed as Extension Assistant for Nebraska Women in Agriculture. She will be responsible for teaching, training, managing educational activities and events, and other duties related to the Nebraska Women in Agriculture (WIA) program. Her appointment was announced by WIA program director Jessica Groskopf, an Extension Educator based at the Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff, where Fulton will also be based. Fulton comes to UNL after a seven-year stint at the Denver-based National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, where she served as Director of Stakeholder Communications (2018-20), Associate Director of Organizational Communications (2016-18), and Associate Director of Web Content (2013-15). She graduated from the University of Wyoming in 2012 with a bachelor of science degree in agriculture communications. At UW she was a public relations and marketing intern for Wyoming Stock Growers, the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the UW Dean’s Office. Nebraska Women in Agriculture is designed to assist women in their agricultural business, according to the program’s website at https://wia.unl.edu. “The (UNL) Department of Agricultural Economics recognizes the vital role that women play in the agricultural industry and is committed to bringing Nebraska ag women relevant management education,” the website says, focused on both business and family. Nebraska WIA programs include the annual farm and ranch management conference targeted toward women, attended by about 275 women each year. From that conference, founded in the 1980s, has come a variety of educational programs and workshops. In Nebraska WIA also offers Annie’s Project educational programs,
Manufactured from animal proteins like feather meal, meat meal and bone meal, Nature Safe offers dry pelleted and wettable powder solutions for your crops. Use Nature Safe as a starter fertilizer or a top-dress for any crop you are growing. Nature Safe offers high organic nitrogen and phosphorous formulations that can meet your agronomic or economic fertility challenges. Available in bulk, totes and bags. Plants in Kentucky, Nebraska and California now serving you.
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designed to strengthen women’s roles in modern farm enterprises. Groskopf noted that women are a significant and growing percentage of the population employed by, managing, and owning farms and ranches in Nebraska. Nebraska’s 24,730 female producers (counted by the 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture) represented 32 percent of all producers in the state. Their numbers have increased by 22 percent since the 2012 USDA Census. Seventy-two percent of female producers are involved in the day-to-day decision making of Nebraska’s farms and ranches. Fulton will teach educational programming, train Extension professionals in Annie’s Project facilitation techniques, identify emerging issues focusing on underserved audiences, manage educational activities and events, and pursue grants and other resources. Her husband, Jesse Fulton, was recently appointed the state coordinator for the Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program, and he also is based in Scottsbluff. She said, “I am excited to be back in my hometown and working with such a great program. Agriculture has always been a passion for me and I want to share that passion with other women throughout the state. Growing up on the farm and my experience at NCBA has given me the opportunity to expand my knowledge in livestock, crops, ag policy and telling the agriculture story. I hope to be able to share that knowledge and continue to learn in this new role.” Brittany and Jesse Fulton are both involved in the family farm east of Scottsbluff, where Brittany is the fourth generation on the land. In the past, the farming operation included sheep, cattle and row crops. Currently it is mostly comprised of sheep and working to expand. Growing up, she was heavily involved with 4-H and FFA and showed livestock at the fair.
Educator earns organization’s newer employee honor
University of Wyoming Extension Tycee Mohler joined University of Wyoming (UW) Extension in 2017 and supports a membership of 389 4-H’ers in 15 clubs. The award recognizes those with six years or less of service with extension. Mohler has been actively involved in the State Leadership Team and creating new and updating previous marketing materials. She also serves as the treasurer for the Wyoming Association of 4-H Youth Development Professionals and created a new logo for the association. Megan Brittingham, Goshen County 4-H educator, and Johnathan Despain, state 4-H program coordinator, commended Mohler for her creativity. “Tycee’s creativity is undeniable, and her willingness to share her designs with her colleagues is a huge help to those of us who lack her intrinsic creativity,” said Brittingham. Mohler has dedicated herself to helping her county be the best and truly wants her youth and volunteers to succeed, shares Despain. “It’s easy and usual for newer professionals to get overwhelmed with the job, but that is not the case for Tycee,” said Brittingham. “She seems to effortlessly juggle the meetings, to-do lists, initiatives and various projects with ease and effectiveness. She is so good I often forget she’s only been here a short while.” ##### I didn’t make it to the gym today. That makes five years in a row. ##### I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C13
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Latest research on herbicide resistance – part 2
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C14
$11 bu.
By Jeremiah Vardiman, Agriculture and Horticulture Extension Educator, University of Wyoming Extension Weed management plans need to impact weeds on all aspects of their growth and development for effective control, starting with emergence, to survival of the weed and all the way through seed production. Long-term reduction of the weed seed bank requires minimizing the seed produced per area by a combination of reducing weed establishment and viable seed produced per plant. As herbicide resistance becomes more prevalent in weeds, how should weed management plans be changed to keep good weed control? To answer this, the latest research from the University of Wyoming’s plant sciences department explored the impacts from varying crop canopies and ALS-inhibiting herbicide applications on kochia density and seed production. Overall results indicated combining effective crop canopies with effective herbicides provides the best long-term weed management. More specifically, results demonstrated seed production of kochia is influenced more by crop selection than by herbicides. Selecting crops with competitive crop canopies reduces weed pressure by out-competing the weeds for resources, specifically light, and can create unfavorable conditions for seed germination. This study was conducted under field conditions in four locations: Lingle and Powell; and Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and Huntley, Montana. The plots were planted to a 5 percent ALS-resistant kochia seed blend to establish a uniform kochia population in the plots and a known herbicide resistant population. This study assessed the effectiveness of four crop canopies - spring wheat, corn, dry beans, and sugar beets - and impacts of ALS herbicides versus non-ALS herbicides. Spring wheat treated with non-ALS herbicide was the best treatment, resulting in no kochia seed production. Spring wheat’s crop canopy and crop management contributes to reduced kochia density and low seed production per plant because of how early in the season the crop is planted, the density of the crop canopy, and the harvest of the crop occurring during kochia seed set and maturity. All reduced production of viable seed. Adding an effective herbicide treatment further reduced kochia densities within the crop, which completely eliminated seed production in spring wheat plots. Like spring wheat, corn is also a very competitive crop canopy against weeds. Again, combining the effective herbicide treatment with a competitive crop canopy is the best control option. The results from the corn crop also demonstrated the importance of proper herbicide selection, nonALS herbicide treatments resulted in 24 percent less kochia plants than using an ALS herbicide treatment. Of course, this can be attributed to the non-ALS herbicide’s ability to control both ALS susceptible and resistant kochia. Unlike spring wheat and corn, dry beans and sugar beets are not very competitive crop canopies because of their short stature. Dry bean and sugar beet plots had the greatest amount of kochia seed production. Sugar beet was the least competitive crop. It allowed the highest kochia densities and seed production of all the plots. The management of these crops do not offer great control options for kochia populations, especially because of sugar beet’s slow early-season canopy development and how little impact the harvest has on kochia seed production. The sugar beet plots demonstrated that improper herbicide selection can even aggravate weed control. ALS herbicide treatments resulted in seven times more kochia plants producing seed than non-ALS herbicide treatments. The results for only the herbicide treatments across all of the crops were as expected: non-ALS herbicide treatments resulted in less kochia plants than with ALS herbicides. In comparison to crop choice, the herbicides’ effect on kochia density was 47 times greater. This indicates herbicides have a greater impact on the control of actively growing kochia plants than crop selection; however, kochia seed production per plant was more influenced by crop choice than herbicide. This study demonstrates crop selection is a significant contributor to the overall weed management plan for a field. Selecting spring grain, such as wheat or barley, in the crop rotation provides the best competitive crop canopy and crop management for controlling annual weeds similar to kochia. This study also demonstrates that relying on effective CONTINUED ON PAGE C15
Ag tax resource available
Cole Ehmke, UW Extension & Agricultural and Applied Economics The Farmer’s Tax Guide (IRS Publication 225) is now available at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p225.pdf. The 2020 Farmer’s Tax Guide explains how federal tax laws apply to ranching and farming. This guide can be used as a guide to figure taxes and complete farm tax returns. The explanations and examples in this publication reflect the Internal Revenue Service’s interpretation of tax laws enacted by Congress, Treasury regulations, and court decisions, said Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming (UW) Extension Specialist. However, the information does not cover every situation and is not intended to replace the law or change its meaning. Some of the new topics for the 2020 tax year are: tax treatment of Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments, Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Loans and Forgiven Debt, increased section 179 expense deduction dollar limits, COVID-19 related employment tax credits and other tax relief, a redesigned form W-4 for 2020, a new form 1099-NEC, and much more. The Rural Tax Education Site has additional resources for agriculturally related income and self-employment tax information that is both current and easy to understand: https://ruraltax.org
##### The top three places to celebrate New Year’s Eve are Las Vegas, Disney World and of course, New York City. Internationally, one of the biggest celebrations is in Sydney, Australia. More than 80,000 fireworks are set off from Sydney Harbour Bridge.
STRAW & HAY FOR SALE 5’ x 51/2’ round bales, straw............................$30/bale Small square bales, straw...............................$4/bale 1st cutting Timothy hay, small square bales....$5/bale 2nd cutting grass/alfalfa hay, small square bales........ .....................................................................$7/bale Phone (406) 546-7952, Saint Ignatius, MT
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Latest research on herbicide resistance – part 2
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herbicides in poorly competitive crops, such as sugar beets, does not provide adequate control to reduce seed production. The overall results of this study demonstrate that the best long-term weed management plan combines competitive crop selection and effective herbicides.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C15
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C16
2012 John Deere A400 with 16-ft. 896 header, 1526/1256 hours, Greenstar/Autotrack ready........................... $66,250
Call (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT
Luca DiGiando, Mineral County 4-Her, stands with his sheep in front of the the Mineral County sign during the fair in Superior, MT. He received a blue ribbon. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana
2015 Meyers 440 Manure Spreader, used, vertical beater, tandem axle...................................................................$20,000 Matador Hay Inverter, used............................................. $4000 Wishek 842 Disk, 34-ft., used, cushioned gangs........$20,000 Brillion SS10 Grain Drill, 10-ft. wide, double boxes, used....... ........................................................................................... $4800
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2018 Wilson 48-ft. x 102” x 78” tri axle air ride, aluminum king pin section, aluminum subframe, disc brakes, ag hoppers, electric tarp, extra lights. Located at Bismarck.............CALL
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2021 Ranco 42-ft. x 102” side dump tri axle air ride with rear lift. Located at Bismarck................................................ CALL
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Plants give rise to biodegradable base oils
Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Estolides may not be a household name yet, but Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their industry partners are working on it. Made from organic fatty acids found in various plant (bio)derived oils, estolides as highly functional biosynthetic oils have numerous uses in lubricant, automotive, marine and personal care applications. Scientists at the ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria, Illinois, began researching the estolides in 1991—first, using fatty acids from a new oilseed crop called meadowfoam and, later, from canola, sunflower, safflower, lesquerella, castor and high oleic-acid soybeans. Tests showed estolides showed excellent oxidative stability, which is a measure of the service life of a lubricant. Other biobased lubricants that were evaluated for comparison required the use of costly additives to keep them from oxidizing and performing poorly, according to Steve Cermak, Terry Isbell, Thomas Abbott (retired) and others with the ARS center’s Bio-oils Research Unit in Peoria. The estolides also scored high marks on the opposite end of the spectrum, retaining desirable pour point properties when used in cold temperatures of -22 to -52 degrees Celsius. Furthermore, estolides performed as well as or better than standard petroleum-derived base oils. In addition to coming from a renewable resource—namely, castor or soybeans—estolides promise to leave behind a lighter “environmental footprint” than mineral-oil-based lubes. Testing also showed that the estolides components of a finished engine are biodegradable. Some inventions can languish on the lab bench for years before a company takes notice. Not so with estolides. In 2009, ARS licensed the technology to Biosynthetic Technologies, an Indianapolis-based company which has since commercially developed estolides into biosynthetic base-oil products for a variety of applications. The company created a synthetic motor oil using the estolides technology and put it to the ultimate road test: lubricating the engine of a Las Vegas taxicab during a 150,000mile, 18-month trial run involving stop-and-go traffic. In this test, the engine using estolides-based motor oils was cleaner and showed much less varnish than those engines using commercially available mineral-oil-based motor oil. The encouraging results led to Biosynthetic Technologies’ subsequent development of two different grades of passenger car motor oil, 5W-20 and 5W-30—each containing estolides in the formulation. These two grades also received American Petroleum Institute (API) SN - Resource Conserving certification, which validates the performance capabilities and the environmental promises. Under a renewed Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) signed with ARS in July, Biosynthetic Technologies will continue collaborating with the Peoria team to expand the functionality of estolides. CRADAs are one of several partnership mechanisms by which ARS innovations like the estolides technology are moved out of the lab and into the marketplace, where consumers, producers and other stakeholders can benefit. The team’s estolides research also supports the “ValueAdded Innovations” theme outlined in the USDA Science Blueprint and moves us closer to meeting the goals outlined in USDA’s Agriculture Innovation Agenda.
Building a better, biobased cat litter
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C17
Big Sky Pipe & Supply – Great Falls, MT By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service A new biobased kitty litter from Agrimeasured reductions in dust particles of NEW SURPLUS HDPE PIPE cultural Research Service (ARS) scientists 10 microns or smaller, which have shown ON 8-FT. METAL REELS could be coming to a box near you—your toxicity to mammalian cells in culture, ac2” - 160 psi - 2500-ft. reels cat’s, that is. cording to Vaughn. 3” - 160 psi - 900-ft. reels Instead of sodium bentonite clay, tradiHe added that there were virtually no Use for stock or irrigation water electrical conduit tionally used as a clumping agent for easy traces of MMB in the airspace immediately Also stocking 11/4” to 10” new & used HDPE pipe disposal of cat wastes, ARS scientist Steve above litter boxes containing the experiCall Ed: 844-453-7299 toll free or 406-453-7299 Vaughn and colleagues created a litter formental litter, thanks to the biochar’s capture ed.bigskypipe64@hotmail.com mulation made of eastern red cedar flakes, of the compound. The highest all-around guar gum, food-grade mineral oil and other marks, though, went to yet another biobased biodegradable ingredients. litter formulation that the team had devised Vaughn’s group at ARS’ National Cenin previous studies—but is withholding speter for Agricultural Utilization Research cific details on until a patent can be secured. (NCAUR) in Peoria, Illinois, are always on Meanwhile, the researchers have subthe lookout for new, value-added uses for mitted a paper to the journal of Industrial agricultural commodities, including forestry Crops and Products describing their use of products. biochar in litter made of eastern red cedar Vaughn said that when they learned of pet flakes. They also seek an industrial partner owner concerns over the potential for cats to further explore the commercial potential to ingest some of the bentonite clay used in of their biobased cat litter formulations, traditional litters, they looked for alternative potentially opening the door to greater use Grain, Liquid, Hay & Livestock Hauling materials to use, along with ways to reduce of agricultural commodities in a global pet• In business since 1960 • dust particles. care market valued at $269 billion in 2019. Visit us at www.glasstrucking.com In previous work, the researchers had Vaughn’s collaborators in the effort are experimented with litters made of dried Jill Moser, Mark Berhow, Jeffrey Byars, Denton, MT distiller’s grains, a byproduct of corn ethaSean Liu, Mike Jackson, Steve Peterson and 406-567-2232 800-325-8859 nol production. This time, however, they Fred Eller—all with NCAUR. decided to investigate the use of flakes from reclaimed eastern red cedar, whose DRYING. STORAGE. HANDLING. fibers are highly absorbent and currently used in some ™ commercial biobased cat litters. The wood also contains flea- and tick-repelling compounds called bioactive sesquiterpenes. However, Vaughn’s group saw room for improvement—namely, in getting the flakes to properly clump together and reduce the offensive odor of cat urine. To achieve the latter, the researchers used a procedure called pyrolysis to conWWW.M2LEASE.COM vert some of the flakes into biochar. It’s a carbon-rich, highly porous charcoal-like substance with an affinity for capturing volatile organic compounds, including 3-mercapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol (MMB), the chief odor compound in cat urine (but an important territorial marker for the felines). Mindful of the dust that can accompany biochar use, the researchers lightly coated the material with food-grade mineral oil and glycerol. Their market research also showed that cat owners prefer litter formulations in which 60 percent or more of the material clumps together for easier scooping and disposal. So, they mixed in guar gum, a common food-processing and binding agent. In trials using a variety of analytical procedures, the resulting litter formulation compared as well as or better than several commercial biobased products that the researchers used. This was especially true of tests that
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C18
2010 John Deere A400 with 2010 36-ft. draper header, factory transport, 1050/850 hours, GPS ready, very nice, clean machine........................................................ $54,500
Call (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT
Meikolani Rutherford, Mineral County 4-H, posed in front of the 4-H sign during the fair in Superior, MT. She received a blue ribbon for her efforts in the swine competition. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Wyoming hemp workshops
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University of Wyoming Extension Concurrent Wyoming hemp workshops will be in Cheyenne, Powell, Torrington, Wheatland and Worland January 13 and February 3 by the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. Those interested can attend the host locations or view the Zoom sessions from their own location, said John Connett, an integrated pest management specialist and hemp agronomist with UW Extension. “These 2021 Wyoming hemp workshops are a great way to stay current on this crop,” he said. “Growers can also find the UW Extension hemp webpage at http://bit.ly/wyo-hemp and to sign up for Wyoming hemp news on the email listserv.” The Zoom link for both sessions is https://uwyo.zoom. us/j/98053534954. Local hosts will start the workshops at 8 a.m. with an opening topic. Twenty-minute Zoom sessions are 9-11 a.m. followed by a 10-minute live question-and-answer session. The local host will resume the workshop and finish with a topic or guest speaker. Zoom speakers and topics are: 9 a.m. - Hemp grain weed management, Jeff Kostuik, director of operations in central Canada and the U.S. for Hemp Genetics International (HGI) 9:30 a.m. - Hemp seed oil introduction, Roger Gussiaas, president Healthy Oilseeds, LLC Carrington, North Dakota 10 a.m. – Montana hemp variety trial information, Perry Miller, cropping systems professor, Montana State University (MSU) 10:30 a.m. – Wyoming hemp permits/testing update, Wes Brown, hemp lead, Wyoming Department of Agriculture Extension educators serve as location hosts. Locations and hosts are: Cheyenne - Room 409, Pathfinder Building, 1400 E. College Dr., Laramie County Community College. Catherine Wissner, 307-633-4480. Powell - Park County Fairgrounds, 655 E 5th. Jeremiah Vardiman, 1-307-754-8836 or jvardima@uwyo.edu Torrington - Conference room at the Goshen County Resource Center, 4516 US Hwy. 26/85. Brian Sebade, bsebade@ uwyo.edu, with Carrie Eberle, Carrie.Eberle@uwyo.edu. Call 1-307-532-2436 for more information Wheatland - Platte Valley Bank, 200 16th St. Leroy Jons, 1-307-322-3667 or cjons2@uwyo.edu Worland - Washakie County Extension Office, 1200 Culbertson St. Caitlin Youngquist, 1-307-347-3140 or cyoungqu@ uwyo.edu For more information, contact Connett at 307-766-5022.
Three Forks, MT
A joke is a display of humor in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh and is not meant to be taken seriously. It takes the form of a story, usually with dialogue, and ends in a punch line. It is in the punch line that the audience becomes aware that the story contains a second, conflicting meaning. This can be done using a pun or other word play such as irony or sarcasm, a logical incompatibility, nonsense, or other means.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C19
Montana Pollinator Education Project
Montana Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation November 30, 2020 Montana Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation (MAITCF) and Gallatin County Conservation District are pleased to announce the updated version of the Montana Pollinator Education Project. This project focuses on vital information regarding pollinator species and their crucial role in Montana’s conservation and agriculture sectors. This project showcases species and families of pollinators that make Montana their home. Each species has its own unique biodiversity and role in pollination. Factors such as housing, plant relationships, and unique characteristics are highlighted for each species. Seed packets are included in each kit to assist in creating a habitat for pollinators. Lesson plans for K-8 teachers are ready for teachers to implement. Several graphic images of pollinators are also available on the website for a deeper understanding of pollinator markings and anatomy. Montana wildflower graphics are also available for teachers to use in the classroom to make connections between pollinators and conservation. Pollinator enthusiasts, along with gardeners, conservationists, and student groups will find this project very helpful when seeking information on the role pollinators play in our lives and the health of their pollinator habitat. Several publications are included for additional information on lending a hand for pollinator conservation. The Montana Pollinator Education Project is a combined effort by Montana Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation, Gallatin County Conservation District, Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Conservation Services, and Montana State University. Pollinator education kits are free, postage and handling rates may apply. Request a copy by email, montanaaitc@ gmail.com Showcase events are planned for 2021, pending travel restrictions.
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Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge.................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (1) 12’x13’ Timber Bridge..................................... $3000 (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking...................... . ....................................$5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also)
Treated Timber: $1 per board foot under 20 feet long. $1.50 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.
Excellent Hay: Alfalfa/Grass mix 50/50. Put up right and tarped. Small square bales, 60-65 lb. $220/ton or $7 bale Large round bales 1650 lbs. $175/ton or $145 bale
Call Carol 406-274-3064 Stevensville, MT
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Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C20
##### Illinois has about 103,000 dairy cows that produce more than two million pounds of milk a year. ##### “Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse.” ##### “Feeling down? Saddle up.”
MONTANA BRAND & STOVE FOR SALE Cattle - left rib Horses - left shoulder Sheep - left hip, green
Blaze King stove and (2) 4-ft. lengths of 8” chimney Phone (406) 491-4444
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2012 Chevrolet 2500HD
Crew cab, 4x4 cab and chassis, great balebed truck, 6.0 gas engine, 8-ft. long bed, 90,000 miles.................. $22,999
2015 Ford F350
Crew cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. flatbed, 6.2 litre gas with vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, new tires and a very nice Ali-Arc aluminum front bumper and grill guard.................................................................$25,999
2000 Chevrolet 2500HD LS
Crew cab, 4x4, 454 big block, automatic transmission, 4.10 gears, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, short box, bed liner....................................................................$12,999
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2017 Chevrolet 2500HD
4x4, regular cab with 8-ft. bed, 6.0 gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks, and mirrors. Hard to Find................................................................... $28,999
2016 Ford F250
Supercab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, 6.2 liter gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks, and mirrors.......... ..........................................................................$26,999
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Regular cab, 4x4 with 6.0 gas engine, 8-ft. long bed, vinyl floor, cloth seat, power windows, locks, and mirrors. Hurry In....................................................................... $25,999
Due to the Coronavirus we are unsure of business hours. So if you have questions, or want to schedule an appointment, please call or text Brian on his cell phone: 406-868-4309 between 9 am - 6 pm. Thanks!
Winter safety reminders
Cole Ehmke, UW Extension With the official arrival of winter (December 21), let me share a quick pointer from an old rancher: if you are prone to wear two or more pairs of socks on a cold day, you need to have a larger sized boot as well. Stuffing your overladen foot inside a now-too-tight boot does more harm than good. Just like a well-insulated home uses dead air space to deflect the cold, your feet need to have the same room. Without air space, the cold penetrates, and you also reduce the blood flow that warms your foot. Layering is great, as long as there is room for the layers. Safety with Layers Speaking of layers, all these extra layers present a challenge from a safety standpoint. Extra loose-fitting layers are more easily entangled in moving machinery, especially power takeoff (PTO) shafts. And when it’s cold and we may be in a rush to get done, we increase the risk of a catastrophe. My colleague Eric Hallman at the Cornell Ag Safety and Health program has a nice bulletin online on PTO safety which can be found in the National Ag Safety Database (NASD). He points out that a 540 PTO shaft turns 540 revolutions in a minute – meaning that it can devour an average-sized person in 8/10th of a second. And a 1,000 PTO is faster still. In other words, there is no “oops” factor. Protruding components like the locking pin, bolt, cotter pin, grease fitting, nails, universal joint, and tractor spline readily grab loose clothes or hair, or boot laces, cuffs, drawstrings, and scarves. Conditional Factors The environmental conditions may contribute to an accident – slips on mud, snow, or ice – near machinery. Or temperature extremes, noise, and vibration which reduce your physical capabilities or add mental strain. And the machinery itself may be an issue – used equipment purchased without the safety shields – or which may never have had them. I grew up with a tractor that was mounted from the drawbar, so it put the operator right on top of the PTO. Strict discipline was always needed. A Story A friend of mine recently shared that, “thinking safety and acting safely is a mindset and a practice.” It reminds me of a story I recently heard from a veterinarian. He was helping a client deliver a calf. In the recent past, the client had tried an unorthodox practice to deliver a calf, and it worked. Thinking that it would work again, he tried the maneuver. The results were terrible. The vet said, “That’s the trouble with doing something crazy and it works. You can’t separate ‘lucky’ from ‘dumb’.” So, don’t test your luck by doing something that you will look back on and identify as being “dumb.” Considering this, start by talking about safety. Be aware of it. Consider it a real operational threat to your business and your family. It poses the same level of risks and potential losses as factors like weather and market access issues.
Wildfire recovery assistance offered
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Crew cab, 8-ft. long box, 4x4 with new tires, 95,000 miles, 6.0 liter gas engine, power windows, locks, and mirrors, bed liner.................................................................... $32,995
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Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, bed liner, running boards, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 4.10 gears, 6.0L gas with 6 speed automatic transmission... .......................................................................... $24,999
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USDA New Release The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is offering technical and financial assistance to agricultural landowners impacted by 2020 wildfires across Montana. NRCS is accepting applications for its Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) to assist with practices related to grazing land recovery. NRCS accepts conservation program applications year-round; however, applications for 2020 wildfire recovery funding must be submitted by January 15, 2021. “NRCS in Montana is prepared to assist landowners in eight counties with practices that will help their lands recover from the impacts of wildfire,” said Tom Watson, NRCS state conservationist for Montana. “In addition, practices like prescribed grazing will make these agricultural operations more resilient to warm, dry weather in the future.” Landowners in Big Horn, Carter, Custer, Gallatin, Garfield, Musselshell, Powder River, and Rosebud counties may be eligible for the NRCS wildfire assistance. Farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners impacted by fire in these counties are encouraged to contact their local NRCS office to seek assistance. NRCS can provide technical and financial assistance to install measures that address resource concerns caused by the wildfires. Find contact information for the local NRCS office at www.mt.nrcs.usda.gov.
Reducing cadmium levels in cacao
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C21
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy that liming only the top layer also decreased Chocolate is almost universally adored. cadmium. However, they discovered that But few know the complicated process when only the top layer is limed, more of how cacao beans become chocolate. 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge cadmium is taken up from roots in the botDid you know cacao tree farming is done mostly by small-scale low-income farmers tom layer. This means that researchers and Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders in Latin America, particularly in countries farmers cannot ignore high cadmium levels Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined like Ecuador? deep in soils. • Premium American tanned leather In an additional layer of complexity, soils “Other nutrients, such as zinc, are chemiNorm Schertenleib in these areas are naturally higher in the elecally similar to cadmium,” Argüello says. 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT “We hypothesize that the reduction of the ment cadmium. It’s an element that can acwww.montanaholster.com availability of those nutrients in the top layer cumulate in the human body and cause harm. due to liming causes the roots in the bottom David Argüello and a team of researchers in layer to compensate. During that process, Ecuador and Belgium set out to find ways zinc uptake increases but some undesired to lower how much cadmium from the soil Selling farm or ranch property and cadmium is also taken up as a mistake.” gets into the cacao trees. tired of paying capital gains tax?? The researchers say their findings have “The cadmium issue threatens the livelihelped scientists understand how cacao hood of farmers because their products may HELP IS HERE!!! plants behave and can possibly chart a path not be suitable for trade and some buyers Save by deferring capital gains tax. to finding an effective reduction strategy. would prefer not to buy polluted cacao For example, a 1031 exchange to sell a farm Argüello hopes their work can help small beans,” Argüello explains. “In order to find valued at $2,000,000 can creat a tax savings cacao farmers sell their products. an effective mitigation strategy, we have to of approximatley $250,000,000; this tax “I am from Ecuador and cacao is the most understand how cacao plants takes up the savings can be used to purchase traditional export commodity for my counelement.” substantially more replacement property. Traditionally in science, researchers try,” he says. “Every time I travel and find Catherine Witmer, EXCHANGE SERVICES INC. would look at studies of other crops to see a bar of chocolate produced in Ecuador, I Qualified Intermediary for 200 Parkhill Drive what works to prevent cadmium uptake. feel happy and proud. I like to think that my 1031 tax-deferred exchanges Whitefish, Montana 59937 Something commonly added to the soil to work will help small cacao farmers sell their Esi1031@gmail.com 1-888-244-1031 help with this issue is lime, a compound products and help my country to continue to For more information go to www.exchangeservicesinc.com derived from limestone. This changes the be recognized worldwide.” cadmium chemically so that it’s not as likely to be absorbed by the crops. Truck ALL NEW VERSATILE BULK Mount However, most crops like COMMERCIAL TENDER corn or sunflowers are replanted each year. This al304 • Highest Over-the-Road capacity lows the lime to be mixed Stainless • Sizes from 600-ft. to 1166-ft Up to 350 TPH deep into the soil between Steel (Other sizes available) • Pokeholes standard crop seasons. Cacao plants, • Split tanks available on the other hand, are trees • Up to 30-ft. long discharge that live for many years. It’s conveyor for extra reach not possible to put lime into Side Discharge Rear Discharge much of the soil without disturbing the roots of cacao. Farmers can only apply lime to the surface. “I think people underOptional estimate the importance of Weigh Heavy Duty High Capacity Manure Spreaders searching for a strategy that Cells with Heat Treated Boron Auger Flights • 3 Year Warranty Automatic Rate Control effectively reduces cadUp to Fully Welded Construction • 7-ton to 50-ton Capacity 3500 mium uptake in cacao,” BPH Argüello says. “This crop is very different than other conventional plants. The information available for its management is scarce and ALL NEW HIGH SPEED TILLAGE TOOL Transfer Conveyors outdated. Many farmers get Sizes from 8-ft. to 45-ft. Belt Conveyors the advice that adding lime Drive-Over Pitstops will solve the issue. But we
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wanted to investigate this.” The research team used an experiment where they planted cacao seedlings in pots in a greenhouse. This allowed them to add lime to the topsoil and subsoil and then test the cacao leaves for cadmium levels. While they acknowledge the experiment would not be possible in the field, it’s valuable to understand how the plants and their roots respond. Their findings show that adding lime to both layers decreased cadmium in the cacao leaves, which was not surprising. They also found ##### What do Facebook and the fridge have in common? Even though you know that there’s nothing there, you still go and check every 10 minutes.
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C22
SKIDSTEER LOADER FOR SALE Case 1816 skidsteer loader, “Like New” Call Gene Harris (406) 563-6781, Anaconda, MT
FAIRFIELD HAY FOR SALE Grass/Alfalfa hay in round bales.
Call for delivered prices – (406) 870-9003, Power, MT
Farm Land For Sale 2 Parcels of Farm Land for sale in Blaine County, MT Parcel 1: NE of Harlem, MT 1120 acres, 1040+/- farm land Parcel 2: E of Harlem, MT, 160 acres, 140 +/- farm land For more information call 406-353-2858
Severinsen Irrigation LLC
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Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003
Ford LN8000 6V53 Detroit diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, 16-ft. dump bed, removeable side, has tailgate & extra racks, air brakes, power steering, great ranch truck. Will haul dirt, excellent, runs good, 27,500 GVW..................$5500
1984 GMC 7000 Top Kick red, 2-ton, 210 hp, 3208 Cat diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, power steering, disk brakes, good tires, 10-ton National crane, rebuilt lift cylinder, 60-ft. hook height, 15-ft. steel dump flatbed, 28,000 GVW, low miles. Handy ranch truck, runs good.....................................$10,900
Phone 406-777-1435 leave message
1979 Oshkosh 6 wheel drive water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins, jake brake, 9 speed transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow....................$10,900
Case W7E loader, 4WD, rear steer, PS, cab & heater, 4 cylinder gas with Clark power shift trans. with high and low, recent tune up, has QC forks and 11/2-yard bucket, good tires, easy starting handy ranch machine.. .....................................$11,500 obo
24-ft. tiltbed equipment trailer, 16,000 GVW, 8000# axles, good brakes and tires, all steel bed with driveover fenders, power tilt, pintle hitch, winch. Handy multi purpose trailer..... ................................................$6500
NASA grants allow students to research processes on Earth
By Reagan Colyer and Rachel Hergett, MSU News Service “We can combine these approaches and Mention of NASA often turns heads tocompare the estimates we get to see if ward the sky, toward possibilities held in the they’re all telling us the same story,” Farina vastness of the universe beyond the bubble said. “This program provides a great opof our atmosphere. However, with help portunity to work more on all these aspects from the space agency, two Montana State and collaborate with a lot of different folks, University doctoral students have directed including teams at NASA who are working their sights down to Earth. on similar projects.” For the next three years, Mary Farina and Palomaki, a doctoral student in the DeRoss Palomaki will study different methods partment of Earth Sciences in the College to improve monitoring of ecological proof Letters and Science, previously studied cesses with the help of the Future Investigawind patterns in mountain ranges as part tors in NASA Earth and Space Science and of the mountain meteorology lab group at Technology grant and NASA satellite data. the University of Virginia. After his masThe NASA FINESST grant is a three-year ter’s degree, Palomaki wanted to continue award with a maximum funding amount of conducting research in the field but shift $45,000 per year. focus to operational resource management. Both students were awarded the grant He came to MSU to study snow and water through NASA’s Earth Sciences division, resources with Eric Sproles, an assistant which supports data-driven research with professor in Earth sciences. potential to increase understanding of the Palomaki said he had never heard of ice Earth. With the NASA FINESST grant, jams growing up in Utah, and much of the Farina would like to improve carbon exresearch done on them is from Canada. So, change estimates in Alaskan ecosystems to when river ice and the resultant flooding discern what drives fluxes in carbon dioxide came up in casual conversation, it grabbed and methane. Palomaki is seeking a way to Palomaki’s attention. quantify ice jams in continental rivers to “It’s a very understudied topic, but here incorporate into flood forecasting. in Montana especially, they can be a huge Farina, a doctoral student in the Departproblem,” Palomaki said. “Ice jams can ment of Land Resources and Environmental cause serious flooding and it can happen Sciences in the College of Agriculture, almost in the blink of an eye.” combines large-scale satellite data and Ice jams often occur as spring temperaimagery with smaller-scale remote senstures rise, causing river ice to break up. ing and drone data in her research to better When those chunks of ice cannot move estimate the amount of carbon dioxide and freely or get packed into curves or obstrucmethane exchange between the Earth and tions in the river, they may block the flow, its atmosphere. forcing water over the banks. Then, as jams “The big picture concern is that the Arctic break up, they often cause flash flooding is warming faster than the rest of the planet, when released water rushes downstream. and that rising temperatures are leading to According to GIS data on ice jams, Montana several changes in tundra and boreal ecosyshas the highest number of reported ice jams, tems,” Farina said of her project. “Because most occurring in February and March. those regions have so many interacting Palomaki cited an example near Glendive in environmental factors, it’s really difficult 2014 where the Yellowstone River rose nine to estimate the total carbon exchange. feet in 15 minutes and said such numbers Changes are happening at different rates in were not rare. different areas, and that contributes to that Yet National Weather Service models uncertainty.” to predict flooding rely on monitoring Farina, who received her bachelor’s and streamflow through existing gages on wamaster’s degrees from Boston University, terways. It is then up to meteorologists and is advised by assistant research professor hydrologists to locate ice jams and potential Jennifer Watts and associate professor Scott issues. Sitting in on emergency management Powell. Her work focuses on the state of meetings in eastern Montana this spring, Alaska and several smaller research sites Palomaki learned that reporting consists of there. One component of the project inmonitoring the location and movement of volves estimating of the amount of carbon the ice jam. There was no quantitative data dioxide and methane moving between the about jam volume or thickness. land and atmosphere, a process known Palomaki’s research uses the Yellowstone as bottom-up modeling. Working with River as a test case and combines satellite collaborators from NASA and Columbia imagery with drone photos and 3D models University, Farina will combine large- and to identify the river channel and distinguish small-scale data in an attempt to create a between ice jams and surrounding ice and more complete picture of the total amount snow. This data will be used to train a neural of carbon in flux in the ecosystem. network, a sophisticated computer program “We want to improve the larger underwith the ability to make associations and standing of the region, not just looking at learn from inputs. fluxes in carbon but also the carbon stock, “Our goal is to train it accurately enough which is the amount of organic carbon that when we feed in a new satellite image stored in vegetation and soils,” she said. the algorithm hasn’t seen before, it will “By estimating and mapping fluxes and their be able to identify all the river ice in that trends in the context of these carbon stocks, image,” Palomaki explained. “If we can we can get a feel for which ecosystems are automatically detect changes in ice locamost valuable in terms of carbon storage tion and volume from day to day, we think and also which might be particularly vulnerit will go a long way toward preparing for able to these ecological changes going on potential flooding.” throughout the Arctic.” From there, he will explore ways to Farina will also incorporate detailed data quantify the thickness and volume of ice captured by drones or high-resolution sateljams identified by the neural network and lites focused on individual test sites rather create an ice jam vulnerability index. This than all of Alaska. By combining those index will use climate and weather variables analytical approaches, she hopes to create a like temperature, wind and cloud cover to more cohesive and accurate estimate of just measure a river’s current and future suscephow much carbon is moving through natural tibility to ice jams. processes across the ecosystems of Alaska. CONTINUED ON PAGE C24
MontGuide released for Montanans concerned about memory loss
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C23
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
MSU News Service sion making and memory. Goetting said the Montana State University Extension has guide will describe the legal documents his released a new MontGuide that explores wife will need to initiate since she is the only memory loss and its impact on estate planone of the two with legal capacity to make ning and health care. financial decisions. The guide, “Financial, Estate and Health Lastly, the MontGuide covers the many Care Planning Documents for Montanans complications that arise when neither memConcerned About Memory Loss,” explores ber of a couple has legal capacity to make financial; estate or legacy; and health care financial decisions and sign documents. documents recommended by legal profes“Their children must step in to make decisionals and gives three examples of Monsions for them about living arrangements, tana couples who face memory loss. health care and finances,” said Ed Eck, ProThe MontGuide discusses the financial, fessor Emeritus at the Alexander Blewett III estate and legal documents necessary to School of Law at the University of Montana. deal with a diagonsis like early stage AlEck is a contributor to the MontGuide. zheimer’s, with a focus on documents inCopies of the MontGuide can be downdividuals need to sign while they still have loaded at https://store.msuextension.org/ the legal capacity to do so, said Marsha publications/FamilyFinancialManagement/ Goetting, MSU Extension family economMT202005HR.pdf. For those who do not ics specialist. have computer access, copies are available Another example in the MontGuide defrom county Extension or reservation ofscribes a married couple where the husband fices. suffers from vascular dementia and has difficulty with reasoning, planning, deci-
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1997 John Deere 770CH motor grader, 14-ft. moldboard, 11K hours, new tires...............$40,000
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2012 Fontaine 55MX 3 axle, 55 ton extendable lowboy, 7-ft. deck insert and 2 flip necks available as well..............................$75,000
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2003 Peterbilt 379 EXHD C15, 6NZ, 18 speed, lockers....$39,500
2007 Kenworth T800 C15, 18 speed, 16,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, 60,000 lb. Tulsa winch, lockers.............................$55,000
2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $30,000
2001Trail King belly dump pup.... ........................................$19,500
2014 Precision 3 axle side dump, tarp, air ride......................$40,000
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C24
Walker 44 sprayer, 1000 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, AWD, 5 section, with or without GPS Versatile 800, 855 engine, good tires Olson header trailer, NEW, carries 45-ft. header Dump box, 20 yard with removable strong arm, nice shape Newleader L4000G4 spreader box, dual compartment 1971 International cabover, 220 Cummins, grain box Phone 406-868-1293, Brady, Montana
2007 Volvo tractor, 12.1 liter engine, 465 hp, fully automatic, aluminum wheels, auxiliary power unit, double bunk, tires 90%, drivers front 40%, no caps, with $3500 aluminum grill guard, 995,242 miles, excellent condition................. $25,000 Stainless steel 2750 gallon tank, used for potable water only. Excellent condition..................................................... $10,000 Phone (406) 788-1300
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436
Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003
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MSU research team receives NSF grant to study nitrogen impact on water quality
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service leadership from Ewing and Payn. An interdisciplinary Montana State Uni“In that work, we’re able to do continuous versity research team received a $944,000 sensing in streams, interpreting those sigNational Science Foundation grant to study the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers and nals as a metric for what’s going on in those their impact on soil health and water quality, waterways,” said Ewing. “Our question here with a focus on central Montana. is, can we make similar observations in soil The goal of the project is to create a that give us that continuous view of what’s more complete picture of exactly how nihappening over time and allow us to think the same way about soil?” trogen moves through soil and groundwater In addition to only having a small amount systems using sensors embedded in the of water to work with, the soil itself is not ground at various research sites, according inclined to give that water up easily thanks to Stephanie Ewing, an associate professor to soil physics, said Payn. Surface tension in MSU’s Department of Land Resources within soil acts much like a sponge does and Environmental Sciences. An ingredient when placed in water, drawing water down in many agricultural fertilizers, nitrogen can from the surface and also up from groundbe effective at maximizing plant growth. However, when more fertilizer is applied water below. The finer the soil texture — than plants need, it can end up moving out like the shallowest depths of soil in the of the soil and into streams or groundwater. Judith River watershed — the tighter the The team also includes associate professoil holds onto what little water it can find. Payn and Warnat will carefully calibrate the sor Rob Payn and assistant research profesin-ground sensors to continuously extract sor Ann Marie Reinhold, also in the Departsmall amounts of water, in competition with ment of Land Resources and Environmental that surface tension, and immediately record Sciences in the College of Agriculture, and its composition and nitrate concentration. assistant professor Stephan Warnat of the The information from those water obDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering in the Norm Asbjornson Colservations, including statistics on nitrate content and soil water acidity, temperature lege of Engineering. They will collaborate and ion content, will then be transmitted with the Flathead Lake Biological Station from the lysimeter-pump apparatus in the and the Pacific Northwest National Laboraground to a computer. The data will be agtory’s Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory. gregated over time to identify trends and The Judith River watershed in Montana’s the computer will run models narrowing Fergus and Judith Basin counties has been down which factors are most at play when the site of a variety of MSU research in nitrogen is added to the soil. recent years, with a focus on water quality “We want to leverage our understandand cropping systems for wheat production. ing of nitrogen dynamics for maximum The area is home to extensive agricultural efficiency in farming systems. That’s the land use and has seen some of the most win-win at the heart of all this work,” said significant increases in groundwater nitrate Ewing. “We hope to explore what controls concentrations in the state. the amount of nitrogen that’s being lost. “It’s important to remember when we How much of the nitrogen that a farmer talk about this that nitrate and nitrogen are puts on a field doesn’t end up in the crop naturally occurring. Nitrogen makes up and what controls that?” most of the air we breathe and is a critical In addition to designing the soil sensing nutrient for plants,” said Reinhold. “It’s only technology and data collection elements of when it’s found in excess that it becomes a the project, the team will also work with pollutant.” schools around Montana to teach students The five-year project will begin with about the scientific processes occurring in the development of specialized pumps and soils found right in their backyards. They sensors embedded in soil water extraction will help create curriculum and educational kits designed to get young people involved devices known as lysimeters. This will enin science, technology, engineering and sure that the lysimeters are compatible with mathematics education, or STEM, allowing the gravelly and often dry soils of the Judith them to study soils in their local communiRiver watershed. Soils in the research area store limited water and readily move excess ties, to see what is going on beneath their water into shallow aquifers and streams, feet. leaving little behind in the soil itself. As Those communities and the people who a result, the water extraction and sensing live in them, said Reinhold, are critically equipment must be able to do its job with important. tiny amounts of water. “Because of the relationships cultivated Additional funding for the project also within these communities in previous work, comes from NSF EPSCoR “Consortium for we look forward to an effective exchange of Research in Environmental Water Systems” data and knowledge with stakeholders,” she (CREWS) project, a partnership between said. “In addition, we will carefully develop Montana research institutions to study and refine the scientific curriculum related to water systems and water quality issues. this work to help students better understand The CREWS work includes similar waterthe place they live and enable them to actuquality sensing research in streams with ally ‘do science’ in their own backyards.”
NASA grants allow students to research CONTINUED FROM PAGE C22
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“There will be a couple stand alone products coming out of this research, but we view them as smaller building blocks that work toward incorporating ice jams into flood forecast models,” Palomaki said. With their grants, Palomaki and Farina hope furthering their understanding of Earth’s processes will lead to practical applications that may impact climate and
public safety. Two other MSU students received FINESST grants in other divisions this year: George Schaible in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry from NASA’s planetary science division and Sulov Chalise in the Department of Physics from NASA’s astrophysics division.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C25
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C26
We have auctions booked but, due to coronavirus restrictions, will not be able to conduct until spring or summer of 2021. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call.
We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc.
Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 59 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.
Back to the future: forage reflections
By Daren Redfearn, University of Nebraska As the year comes to an end, it can help pastures have slow growth and are stressed to look back at forage management producso you have plenty of grazing for your tion and learn what to improve to make it cattle. Your regular pastures will bounce better next year. Stick around and I’ll give back quicker as well. you some ideas. Did you take an extra late cutting of alDid last spring come in so fast that before falfa in the fall because of good September you knew it, thistles were already bloomand October growth? That hay was high ing? This spring, make it a point to spray quality, so either sell it for a premium price just as corn planting begins and you should or use it only for special feeding situations. have good success. This coming spring, though, it may start When did your pastures run out? Midto grow a little slower. If so, let it start to summer? Late-summer? Fall? You have bloom before cutting. plenty of annual forage options to fill any We all can do better next year than we gaps – forages like sudangrass, pearl millet, did this year. One of the best ways to acoats, and turnips are few of the common complish this is to look back to learn what ones that can be very productive. Plant and we hope to do better in the future. Have a use these annual forages when your other Happy New Year!
Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... $39,995 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt 20”x100’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... $42,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 NEW OVERSTOCK & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS New 40’ Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico BARGAINS roller & scraper options Retail $174,000 ....................................................................................................... NTP Sale $120,000 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with away ........................................................................... 4-2020 New Holdover Brandt 1547 LPswing Conveyor w/mover, 26.5 hp. EFI engine and all the bells$32,995 and 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... whistles..................................................................................................after all rebates - NTP Sale$39,995 $25,600 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-2020 New Holdover Brandt 1547 LP Conveyor 38 hp. EFI Kohler engine and all the bells and whistles 1-Brandt 20”x100’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... .................................................................................................................after all rebates - NTP Sale$42,995 $27,200 One - HD Hydraulic 200 gal 3 Drive pt. Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ reel w/wand 1-Brandt Over w/extended tube (fits withboom, 20x95 hose or 20x110) ................................ $15,995 Retail $4,225 ............................................................................................................... NTP Sale $3,500 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 1260RT Seed Tender, trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. New 40’Meridian Degelman Pro-Till disctriple Oticoaxle roller & scraper options ft.Retail or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. Use for grain, $174,000 ....................................................................................................... NTP Sale $120,000 seed or fertilizer ............................................................................. Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $90,000 NEW - One Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. Retail $15,255 ........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP Sale $1,200 One Duty Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 One--Heavy HD 200 gal 84” 3 pt.Tebben Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand $4,225Harrow ............................................................................................................... NTPSale Sale$3,500 $6,999 26’ Retail Maybridge with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NTP Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, Salecu. $9,950 71260RT Tube Electric Kwik Kleen.....................................................................Reg. $11,650 NTP1,260 ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. Use for grain, NTP Sale $6,500 Danuser Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight Retail kit ...Reg. $6,995NTP seed orSkid fertilizer ............................................................................. $134,000 Sale $90,000 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-ptHeavy cultivators, & gauge wheelmounted, kit ...Reg.13$2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 NEW - One Only - Wheatheart Hitterw/sweeps Post Pounder, trailer hp. Honda. Retail $15,255 ........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, Trade hydraulic mover lift, light rotary kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL Two -Tebben 3 pt.&mowers 60” .....................................................Reg$28,750 $1,575 No NTP Sale $21,000 $1,200 The -U-trough innovation allows the rotary...........................................Reg. augers to be used for all products from lentils, and One Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower $4,300 NTP grains, Sale $3,000 canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NTP Sale $6,999 8” x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 7clutch, Tube Electric $11,650 NTPSALE Sale $16,000 $9,950 $23,882 reversingKwik gear Kleen.....................................................................Reg. box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale $6,500 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting pegcultivators, installed..................................................................................add $900 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-pt w/sweeps & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 Springland UTL U-xtrough w/35 horsepower,TO Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, 8” x 39’, 10” 39’ & Auger, 10” x 46’ EXPECTED BE RESTOCKED BY JANUARY 2021 hydraulic mover & lift, light kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 The U-trough innovation allows the augers to beEQUIPMENT used for all products from lentils, grains, and GOOD USED canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive ...............NTP 8” x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, coldw/Isuzu weather diesel muffler,Motor Meridian Mover, electric$15,000 clutch, reversing gear box, package, kit, spring tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 1585 Brandt with 1515 low light profile swingshovel conveyor elec.belt mover, manual winch .................NTP $19,995 BIN SWEEP KIT c/w Motor,hopper Flow control hose, swivel bracket, 10x80 Brandt PLUMBING Auger w/Brandt hydraulic mover,valve, manual winch...............................NTP $12,500 weld in spider & mounting peg installed..................................................................................add $900 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 8” x 39’, 10” x 39’ & 10” x 46’ EXPECTED TO BE RESTOCKED BY JANUARY 2021 13x92 Harvest International Auger w/electric mover and winch ..........................................NTP $16,000 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/GOOD 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 USED EQUIPMENT 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 F9552 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 1585 Brandt with 1515 low profile swing conveyor elec. mover, manual winch .................NTP $19,995 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 10x80 Brandt Auger w/Brandt hydraulic hopper mover, manual winch...............................NTP $12,500 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 13x92 Harvest International Auger w/electric mover and winch ..........................................NTP $16,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 F9552 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 1075 Hotsy Hot Water PressureRENTAL Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 DISCS FOR SALE 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 20’ Farmet Softer, highwith speed disc with double roller basket ............................................NTP $35,000 2007 M2 Freightliner Mercedes engine, auto trans. - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket ............................................NTP $65,000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller roller ...........................................................................NTP Renn 1014 Farmboy Grainw/spring Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $120,000 $29,000 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000
Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It!
Low Interest Leasing & Financing Available on most
fuel trailers with DEF tanks. 20’ Farmet500Softer,and high 990-gallon speed disc withMeridian double roller basket ............................................NTP $35,000 New and Used Equipment. Call for details. 36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket ............................................NTP $65,000 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 Email: sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com We aredisc also dealer Thunder fuel• trailers. Box 1177 Scobey, Montana 59263 Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle 26’ Degelman Pro-Till withItaOtico roller for & scraper options Creek ...........................................NTP $70,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000
Coming This Spring.
Low Interest Leasing & Financing Available on most New and Used Equipment. Call for details. 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Email: sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263
Pilot project turns corn husks, stalks, leaves into jet fuel
By Bin Yang, Associate Professor, WSU Department of Biological Systems Engineering Left behind after summer’s harvest, corn’s bulky stalks, rustling leaves, husks, and silks offer few uses beyond lowquality livestock feed, or being plowed back into the soil. Researchers at Washington State University are part of a national effort to find a higher-value use for such leftovers. The waste, also known as corn stover, is a plentiful source of lignin, a structural molecule used to make advanced jet fuels. Bin Yang, associate professor in WSU’s Department of Biological Systems Engineering, is helping to launch a new $3.7 million, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded project, led by researchers at the University of North Dakota. The team will design, build, and test a lignin-based pilot reactor, for the first time studying the commercial viability of the process. Based at the Bioproducts, Sciences, and Engineering Laboratory at WSU Tri-Cities, Yang and his colleagues previously developed a catalyst to produce lignin-based jet fuel that contains cyclic hydrocarbons—molecules with favorable emission performance that help meet sustainable fuel requirements. The national team’s pilot project takes their process from the laboratory workbench to the cusp of production. If successful, the next step is design and construction of a full-size demonstration plant. “This opens the door to aromatics-free jet fuels that combine very low emissions with high performance,” Yang said. Most corn stover is left in the field to help replenish the soil, but about 30 percent can be harvested for other uses, including lignin-based biofuels. “Lignin is the polymers that lend strength and rigidity to corn and other plants,” Yang said. “It can be broken down and reassembled into a high performance, completely sustainable jet fuel to help us meet our nation’s energy and sustainability goals.” In this project, corn stover bales will be preprocessed in collaboration with DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory. Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado will then use mechanical and chemical refining processes to produce lignin from stover. It will then be converted to fuel on a pilot scale at the University of North Dakota, using the catalyst and process developed at WSU. Yang’s research team will also be working with a commercial partner, Advanced Refining Technology (ART), to develop and test an improved catalyst, increasing yield and selectivity for cyclohexanes and other desired fuel molecules. Team members will develop both commercial catalysts, optimize how to use them in a continuous reactor, determine the technical and economic potential of the method, and estimate the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions through use of this renewable jet fuel. “Sustainable fuels are the future of aviation,” Yang said. “While challenges remain, investment in biofuels from lignin sources like stover could bring environmental and economic benefits, while providing new value to agriculture.” Project leaders include University of North Dakota scientists Wayne Seames, Alena Kubatova, and Bethany Klemetsrud; Xiaowen Chen with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Allison Ray with Idaho National Laboratory; Joshua Heyne, University of Dayton, and Darryl Klein with industrial partner Advanced Refining Technologies.
File homestead declaration to protect value of home
Montana State University Extension has a MontGuide regarding homestead declaration and the benefits it gives homeowners. “Make a New Year’s resolution to protect your home’s value,” said Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. “By signing and filing a legal document known as a homestead declaration, Montanans can protect their property up to $250,000 in value against a creditor’s claims. As an example, a wife discovered her husband had accumulated $15,000 in gambling debt. She was relieved when the attorney told her the homestead declaration would protect the $15,000 equity in the house.” A homestead includes a house a person lives in and the land on which it sits. A mobile home or manufactured home where the owners do not own the land is also considered a homestead. The property must be a person’s primary residence for it to be eligible for a homestead declaration, Goetting explained. Even though a spouse may not be listed on the deed or other documents of title or may not have directly contributed money to pay for the property, the spouse has a legal interest in the property because of the marriage, Goetting added. “Therefore, both spouses should sign the homestead declaration. The interest of a spouse who does not sign is not exempt,” she said. Montana has no standard homestead declaration form, although many county clerk and recorders have examples. “The Senior and Long-Term Care Division provides a homestead declaration form at our website,” said Katy Lovell, Montana Legal Developer with Aging Services. “After the homestead declaration form is completed, signed and notarized, it should be filed with the clerk and recorder in the county in which the home or mobile home is located.” More information can be found in the MontGuide “Using a Homestead Declaration to Protect Your Home from Creditors” at http://store.msuextension.org/publications/FamilyFinancialManagement/MT199815HR.pdf. Printed copies are also available from county or reservation Extension offices.
##### “Conway’s Law” In any organization there is one person who knows what is going on. That person must be fired.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C27
WANTED New Holland 260 ground drive hay rake in good condition Please call 406-239-0977
Sales Service Parts
Taking orders for 2021 Grain Trailers and for F250’s and F350’s for Spring delivery. Call today to place your order! CALL FOR YEAR END SPECIALS ON GRAIN TRAILERS!
2021 Neville 45-ft. Grain Trailer
TRIPLE AXLE! Air ride, power tarp and traps, mudflap package
Call Today!
2021 Neville 42-ft. Grain Trailer
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Montana students compete in stock market game
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C28
Meet the compact and powerful KIOTI® CS2410. With hydrostatic transmission and a tight turning radius, hard work has never been so easy, or fun.
New Red Devil
KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. ............................................. CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. INSTOCK......................................... CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, manual transmission, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............................................. CALL Kioti DK5310SEH with cab, KL5521 loader, 53 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty.................... CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires........................ $9999 On Sale!
NEW Eagle attachments
New Eagle 560HD..................$625 New Eagle 566HD..................$699 New Eagle 672HD..................$729 New Eagle 784 HD.................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$795
IN STOCK Standard Duty & Heavy Duty 9” & 12” Augers
In Stock $6250
Kioti CS2210hst w/SL2410 loader. and 60” mid-mount mower, 120 hours.... ............................................$12,000 John Deere 2020 tractor with loader, 3 pt., PTO, 54 hp.......................$7500
We have
Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750
American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500
6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.
wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.
New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork...........................................$1000 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork. ..................................................$895
John Deere 4000 w/cab..............$7500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header...................................$2000 Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL John Deere 920 MoCo disc mower, pull type........................................$6500
Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Oliver/White loader fits 1650/1655.....$1250 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295 3-pt. chisel plow....................................$1000 Running gears. Each.............................$600 Wagon with box...................................$1000
Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts
Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00
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The Montana Council on Economic Education, a partner program with Montana State University’s Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, recently recognized student teams from five Montana schools for their success in a semiannual stock market simulation. The Stock Market Game, which ran October 12 to December 11, encourages middle and high school students to learn about and experience the workings of the stock market. Students begin with a fictional $100,000, which they must invest as wisely as they can with the goal of having the largest equity at the end of nine weeks. “The Stock Market Game applies experiential learning using a simulated portfolio against the real stock exchange,” said MCEE executive director Dax Schieffer. “Students conduct research, apply strategy and even consider brand loyalty for their picks. But just like in the real world, the market moves up and down, so they can learn lessons while not risking real money.” During the competition, students must invest in at least five stocks or mutual funds, which promotes research and diversification. The state’s top five teams receive cash prizes through sponsor Glacier Bancorp’s family of Montana banks. The top team in the simulation came from Westby High School, who ended the nine weeks with a total of $132,077.60 in theoretical equity. “The most gratifying elements of working with schools through the Stock Market Game are the high level of engagement that we get and teachers sharing their students’ excitement with the competition,” said Schieffer. “The game is about investing wisely, and at MCEE our No. 1 investment is into our students. By ensuring Montana’s youth are exposed to economic and market fundamentals, we help make sure they are given the foundation to be successful in life, career and family.” The top five fall Stock Market Game teams were: First Place: Westby High School, advised by Amy Griffin Second Place: Polson High School, advised by Sean Elser Third Place: Great Falls Central High School, advised by Bill Isbell Fourth Place: Fairview High School, advised by Katie Haigh Fifth Place: Sunburst High School, advised by Jeffrey Nix The next Stock Market Game will take place in Spring 2021. More information can be found on the Montana Council on Economic Education’s website https://econedmontana.org/.
Alfalfa soil sampling
By Megan Taylor, University of Nebraska Did your alfalfa not yield what you were expecting this year? Well fall is the perfect time to pull soil samples and see what’s going on underground. Soil fertility is key to maintaining yield and alfalfa fields should ideally be sampled each year to check soil pH, potassium, and phosphorous levels across all soil textures. Note, if your field is sandy, eroded, or highly weathered, you may want to test for sulfur as well. It is important to remember that compared to row crop ground or grass hay, nitrate-nitrogen is not a concern since alfalfa can fix atmospheric nitrogen. However, digging a few plants up and checking nodulation will provide some insight to plant/soil health as well. To collect soil samples this fall, you will need to collect soil cores to 8 inches, or if the field was previously sampled to 6 inches stay with the historic depth for comparison. It is very important to be at an accurate depth, because values change the deeper or shallower we go in the profile. You can use a file or a sharpie marker to measure 8 inches on your soil probe to make it easier, when pulling cores. When sampling there are a few ways you can decide to pull the cores: by soil type, grid, or representative samples for every 40 acres. For alfalfa fields by soil type or representative samples for every 40 acres would be the most cost-effective choices. You will need to pull 10 to 15 random soil cores across your soil type or 40 acre area to be represented. Those soil cores need to be mixed together in a plastic bucket. From there, take about a pint of soil and place in a labelled bag to be analyzed. Repeat this process across the field for every 40 acres or by the soil types in your field and then package for submission. Once you have your results reach out to your extension educator, fertilizer dealer, or agronomist for more information to help build a profitable alfalfa program.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C29
Memory Fail
There was an elderly couple who in their old age noticed that they were getting a lot more forgetful, so they decided to go to the doctor. The doctor told them that they should start writing things down so they don’t forget. They went home and the old lady told her husband to get her a bowl of ice cream. “You might want to write it down,” she said. The husband said, “No, I can remember that you want a bowl of ice cream.” She then told her husband she wanted a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream. “Write it down,” she told him, and again he said, “No, no, I can
remember: you want a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream.” Then the old lady said she wants a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream and a cherry on top. “Write 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore it down,” she told her husband and again ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair he said, “No, I got it. You want a bowl ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding of ice cream with whipped cream and a ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work cherry on top.” So he goes to get the ice ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work cream and spends an unusually long time Available in Blue and Red. in the kitchen, over 30 minutes. He comes Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring Small Square Baler Twine out to his wife and hands her a plate of eggs & Line Boring within Our most popular seller is and the 9600/170 DB. mile radius and bacon. The old wife stares at the plate Available in Blue Red. 500 for a moment, then looks at her husbandWe also have the 170 knot strength in the 8500 Single Ball. Small Square Baler Twine and asks, “Where’s the toast?”
##### Whose cruel idea was it for the word “lisp” to have an “s” in it?
##### Aw, shoot: It’s illegal to use a open a can of food in Indiana.
Tyrite Baler Twine Tyrite Baler Twine
Super Tie Poly Twine er TieSuper Poly Twine Tie Poly Twine
1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179
is 12” highisx the 10” 9600/170 diameter. DB. OurSpool most size popular seller Mark Oelke – Owner Use the 6000/210 if you arestrength making 70lb and heavier. We also have the 170 knot in thebales 8500 Single Ball. 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 firearmUse to the 6000/240 if you are making heavy bales that are going to SpoolVisit size us is 12” 10” at: diameter. onhigh the xweb www.mwmachine.net a lot or using machines tobales pick them up. Usebe thehandled 6000/210 if you are making 70lb and heavier. Flavor-Seal is 6000/240 a high performance Use the if you are making heavy bales that are going to
Tyrite Baler Twine
siage film that be delivers handledhigh a lotfeed or using machines to pick them up.
value efficiently andperformance profitably. Flavor-Seal is a high Consistent quality andhigh perforsiage film that delivers feed 9000/138 Available Blue and Red.Red Available ininBlue and 9600/170 mance thru out each roll make’s value efficiently and profitably. SmallSmall Square Twine Square Baler Baler Twine it a first choice bale wrap for Consistent quality and perfor9000/138 Our most popular seller is the 9600/170 DB. 9600/170 many farmers. is a mance thru out Flavor-Seal each roll make’s We also have the 170 knot strength in the 8500 Single Ball. quality bale wrapbale made fromforthe it a first choice wrap Spool size is 12” high x 10” diameter. finestfarmers. ingredients available. Distributed by: Distributed by: many Flavor-Seal is a Use the 6000/210 if you are making 70lb bales and heavier. Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. Mt. quality bale wrap made from the Use the 6000/240 if you areatmaking heavy bales that are going to Call John 406-750-0234 Call John at 406-750-0234 finest ingredients available. be handled a lot or using machines to pick them up. 8500/170 6000/240 6000/210 Flavor-Seal is a high performance Distributed by:
Excellent Knot Hold ld Excellent 100% High Quality Knot Hold Virgin Raw Materials y Virgin Raw Materials HighHigh UV Protection 100% Quality Virgin Raw Materials n Guaranteed Length And Strength High UV Protection h AndStrength Guaranteed Length And Strength
Tyrite Baler Twine
Tyrite Baler Twine
Super Tie Poly Twine Super Tie Poly Twine
Distributed by: With balerscontinuously continuously aiming for higher bale density, WeWe have been looking for ly aiming forbalers higher bale density, We have been looking for With aiming for higher bale density. have been looking Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. Distributed by: athe twine that isand able toJohnwithstand the pressure and also hold the been knot. looking We havefor With continuously aiming higher bale density, We have Call at 406-750-0234 for abalers twine that is also able to withstand the have pressure and also withstand pressure hold thefor knot. We Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. hold the knot. We Call John at 406-750-0234 brought in the SuperTie baler twine a few years ago and have tested it numerbrought the baler twine aand fewalso years ago have tested it in a twine thatyears is in able toSuperTie withstand the pressure hold theand knot. Weinhave e baler have twine a few ago and have tested it in numernumerous balers and have had great success! It is being produced with 100% ous balers and have had great success! It is being produced with 100% virgin raw brought in the SuperTie baler twine a few years ago and have tested it in numerd great success! It is being produced with 100% virgin raw virgin raw and material andgood has fibrillation, very good fibrillation, (see picture below) meaning material has very picture below) meaning the twine ous balers have had great success! It (see is being produced with 100% virgin raw good fibrillation, (see picture below) meaning the twine the twine looks like a netting when unraveled. With this, and some other new looks like a netting when unraveled. With this, and some material andunraveled. has very good (see picture like a netting when Withfibrillation, this, and some other below) meaning the twineother improvements, thenew twine will hold its knot, even when under extreme pressure! improvements, the twine hold its knot, unlike a netting when unraveled. this, andeven somewhen other mprovements, the twine looks will hold its knot, even when un-will With derimprovements, extreme pressure!!! new the twine will hold its knot, even when unxtreme pressure!!! der extreme pressure!!! 4000/440 Distributed5000/450 by: Distributed by: 4000/440 5000/450 4000/440 Cleiv Coulee Angus in Distributed by:Fairfield Mt. v Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. 4000/440 Call John at 406-750-0234 Angus in Fairfield Mt. Call John at 406-750-0234Cleiv Coulee
Standard Sizes
siage film that delivers high feed Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. Available in Available6000/240 in Blue Blue and and Red. Red.6000/210 8500/170 Call John at 406-750-0234 value efficiently and profitably. Tyrite Big Distributed by: DB. Our most popular is the 9600/170 Tyriteseller Big Square Square Consistent quality and perforDistributed by: Distributed by: Cleiv Couleein Angus Fairfield Mt. We9000/138 also have the 170 knot strength thein8500 Single Ball. Baler Twine Baler Twine 9600/170 mance thru out each make’sAngus John atMt. 406-750-0234 Cleivroll Coulee Angus in inCall Fairfield Mt. Cleiv Coulee Fairfield
Call John at 406-750-0234 Super Size Spools
Size Spools 12” diameter x 14” height Standard Size Super SizeSuper Spools Standard Sizes 12” diameter x 14” height (26 lb. spools) 4000/440 SB 12” diameter x 12” height 12” diameter x 12” height 12” diameter x 14” height 5000/450 SB 4000/500 SB (26 lb. spools) 4000/4404700/500 SB SB (26 lb. spools) 3800/550 SB • 4000/440 SB 5000/450 SB 4000/5004500/550 SB SB 4700/500 SB 3800/5504200/600 SB • 4000/500 SB • SB 5000/450 SB • 4500/550 4700/500 SB SB 4200/600 SB • 3800/550 SB • 4500/550 SB • 4200/600 SB 12” diameter x 12” height
Hybrid Netwrap
Advantages of The Hybrid Netwrap *40% more feet per roll *More cost Netwrap effective tages of The Hybrid *Double end warning stripe *Easy lifter carry handles More Feet Per Rollcoverage system *Easy
Available Sizes
64” x 9,700’
overage System
Distributed 67” x 9,000’ by:
Available quality bale wrap made from the
in Blue and Red Tyrite Big Square finest ingredients available. Available Available in in Blue Blue and and Red. Red. Baler Twine Tyrite Tyrite Big Big Square Square Baler Baler Twine Twine 6000/240
4000/440 4000/440
*40% More Feet Per Roll
Call John at 406-750-0234
20000/110 20000/110 Double Double Ball Ball
Round Round Baler Baler Twine Twine
tall 10” tall and and 10” in in diameter. diameter. It It will will fit fit in in most most *Double End Warning Stripe 51” x 12,100’
balers. double balers. The The 20000’ 20000’ double ball ball is is two two 64” x 9,700’ *Easy Lifter Carry Handles
10000’ banded together. 10000’ spools spools 67” xbanded 9,000’ together. *Easy Coverage System 20000/110 20000/110 Single Ball Ball Single
Round Round Baler Baler Twine Twine
20000/110 20000/110 Double Ball Ball Double
The The 20000’ 20000’ single single ball ball is is approximately approximately 10” 10” tall tall and and 10” 10” in in diameter. diameter. ItIt will will fit fit in in most most balers. balers. The The 20000’ 20000’ double double ball ball is is two two 10000’ 10000’ spools spools banded banded together. together.
Longe r Lighte !! r!! S t r o It is a thinner and nalso gaestronger r!roll, ! netwrap. It has more feet per
The Hybrid netwrap has been used the last number of years, and has performed extremely well!!!
Phone John at 406-750-0234
Available Sizes The The 20000’ 20000’ single single ball ball is is approximately approximately 10” 10” *More Cost Effective 48” x 13,200’
Cleiv Coulee Angus, Fairfield, MT
Distributed by: 4000/350 4000/350 HybridCleiv Netwrap Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt.
20000/110 20000/110 Single Ball Advantages Single Ball of The Hybrid Netwrap
Available Sizes 48” x 13,200-ft. 51” x 12,100-ft. 64” x 9,700-ft. 67” x 9,000-ft.
The Hybrid netwrap has been used the last number of years, Cost Effective and has48” performed extremely well!!! x 13,200’ It is a thinner and also a stronger netwrap. It has more feet per roll, but the diameter is the same. e End Warning Stripe 51” x 12,100’ 40% longer running time, 19% greater strength, and a lower price per foot than the standard netwraps.
fter Carry Handles
Spool size is 12” high x 10” diameter.
Call John at 406-750-0234 406-750-0234 Call John 4000/350 a first choice baleare wrap for at 4000/440 Use the it6000/210 if you making 70 lb bales and heavier or making heavy 4000/350 4000/440 bales that are going to be handled a lot or using machines to pick them up. many farmers. Flavor-Seal is a
but the diameter is the same. 40% longer running time, 19% greater strength, and a lower price per foot than the standard netwraps.
Distributed by: Cleiv Coulee Angus in Fairfield Mt. early Call can beat 406-750-0234 delivered. John
Pallet orders purchased ------------
Order early for pre-season savings.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C30
Passing down personal items
$11 bu. DBL Sales and Service, LLC US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
K-Hart 8612 Gent Disc Opener
Now Available
2017 K-Hart 42-ft. drill with new 8612 openers, full run blockage monitor.
2020 K-Hart Demo 56-ft. drill with 10” spacing, 8612 openers.
New 2021 K-Hart 66-ft. drill
2014 K-Hart 56-ft. drill with 8612 openers, 10” spacing, full run blockage monitor.
Retro fit row units for John Deere 1890 and 1895 disc drill. Available for fall on a limited basis!
Now taking orders for spring! NOW AVAILABLE:
Volvo semi truck Cummins N14 460 hp, Fuller transmission, jakes, nice sleeper cab
view inventory on the web at: www.equipment4u.biz
2017 K-Hart 42-ft. drill with new 8612 openers.
the easiest pulling drill on the market today.
Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632 Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633
• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices
346 Sunrise Creek Loop Columbia Falls, MT
2006 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!
$31,950 2020 Felling 30-ft. tag trailer 50,000 GVWR, triple axle, heavy duty jacks, fold down ramps, front mounted toolbox
See us for all your trailer needs
2013 Bomag Smooth Drum Roller 84” smooth drum roller, vibratory, cab, heat, radio, fresh service, 2260 hours, excellent machine
Montana State University Extension has published “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?,” a MontGuide that discusses how to pass down treasured personal belongings. As the holiday season begins, Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, said now is a great time to consider gifting items that have great meaning to loved ones. Personal items, such as wedding pictures, a pie plate, a watch, quilts and coin collections are considered non-titled property because there are no legal documents to indicate who officially owns them. “If you have reached a life stage at which you are ready to part with some of your treasures and would like to share them with family members, do so now instead of waiting until you pass on,” Goetting said. “The holiday season is an excellent time to share those precious items with family members who appreciate them because they are special to you.” Goetting added that transferring personal property can be a time to celebrate your life, share memories and stories, and continue traditions in your family. Sharing stories about special objects can help family members understand a person or family’s past and appreciate the accomplishments of their ancestors. “Keep in mind the sentimental value assigned to belongings by someone who is 83 years old may be different from that of someone who is 57 or 20 years old,” Goetting said. “Grandpa’s journal may seem like just a dust collector to a grandchild who is 10. But the journal may be considered a treasure of family history to the daughter who is 47 years of age.” For those who may have treasured items they want to pass on after their death, the Montana Uniform Probate Code allows individuals to put a separate listing in their wills that distributes tangible personal property to friends and family. The list cannot be used to distribute cash, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate. Goetting said the list is not a part of the will but separate from it and must identify both the specific items and the persons to receive them with reasonable certainty. The list may be prepared either before or after the will is written and can be in the handwriting of the owner or signed by the owner. The separate listing should be kept with the will, so the personal representative is able to distribute items to intended recipients. “The separate listing can be changed as you add new possessions or give away others,” Goetting said. “This can be accomplished without the formalities required for a new will or codicil. The list should be dated and signed each time a change is made.” “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” can be found at http://store.msuextension.org/publications/FamilyFinancialManagement/MT199701HR.pdf. Printed copies are available from county or reservation Extension offices or by contacting Goetting at goetting@montana.edu.
Ingersoll Rand DD29 Double Drum Roller vibratory, OROPS, smooth drums, water system, Kubota diesel engine, 1700 hours, fresh service, great machine
2021 PJ Hydraulic Dovetail Gooseneck tandem dual, 12,000 lb. axles, 34-ft. long, 10-ft. hydraulic dovetail, winch plate, roller bar for winch cable, heavy duty jost jacks, solar charger
2020 Felling 53-ft. lowboy hydraulic detachable gooseneck, 102” wide with 12-ft. hydraulic detachable neck, 55 ton, 3 axle, Ridewell air ride with lift on 3rd axle, 25,000 lb Dexter oil bath axles
John Deere 770 BH grader cab, heat, 6800 hours, 13-ft. moldboard, auxiliary hydraulics, mounts for side blade. Fresh service, good machine
Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in MT
2021 Felling 14-ft. dump trailer 14-ft. long, 2-ft. side walls, tandem 7000 lb axles, pintle hitch, tarp kit, spare tire
Equipment Connection For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz
Small Town Company with Big Connections
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 – Page C31
Equipment Connection
Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available
346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West Columbia Falls, MT 59912 equipmentconnectionsales@gmail.com
Small Town Company with Big Connections Check out our Great Selection of Dump Trailers! $8250
PJ Utility Trailers
Southland Trailers
$15,050 $5050
2021 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare
2021 PJ DG 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000 lb. axles, 20” sides, spare tire
NEW 2021 PJ 16-ft. x 82” HD dump trailer (2) 10,000 lb axles, 3-ft. sides, upgraded cylinder, spare and ramps
$9750 2021 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp Also available: 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer, (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.....$9550
2021 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 7000# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft. single axle.......$4150
2021 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$10,100
2021 PJ 14-ft. x 96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber
2021 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp
2021 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$12,100
$4250 2021 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles Also available: 16-ft......$4150 20-ft......$4350
2021 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber
2021 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”..$2450 10-ft.x77”..$2450
2021 Royal XR 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem torsion axle, V-nose, aluminum wheels, rubber floors, 86” height
Tilt Trailers $8550
2020 PJ 16-ft. HD Tilt Trailer 8000# axles, 14 ply tires, 16-ft. tilt portion, spare tire, low miles.
2021 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft......$8750
2021 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$7000 Also available: 3-axle
2021 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW
2021 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200# axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt
$5850 $14,550 2021 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 86” height
PJ Deckover Trailers
view inventory on the web at:
2021 Royal 8.5-ft. x 26-ft. Car/Sled Trailer (2) 6000# axles, rear and front ramp door, side RV door, aluminum wheels, rubber floor, translucent roof
2021 PJ 12-ft. x 77” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 14-ft. x 83”.....$2850
Used Trailer
2021 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate
2021 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 20-ft.....$7950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8450
2021 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$10,550
2021 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4750 and 20-ft.....$4950
2021 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.
New Enclosed Trailers
2021 PJ 20-ft. gooseneck trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, straight deck, slide-in ramps
PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers
2021 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 3500# axles, tarp
2021 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$13,400
2021 Southland 714 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare
2021 Southland 6-ft. x 10-ft. dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp kit, spare tires, ramps
2021 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull
PJ Gooseneck Trailers
2021 Felling 20-ft. Tilt Trailer 8” I-beam frame, toolbox, 5 sets of HD D-rings, adjustable hitch, 8000 lb axles, spare tire
2021 PJ 20-ft. Deckover Trailer 20-ft. deck, 102” wide, (2) 5200# axles, slide in ramps, spare tire.
2021 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6400 And 24-ft.....$6600
Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C32
HIGH QUALITY ALFALFA FOR SALE 105-ton 1st cutting 175-ton 2nd cutting Discount for early pick up. Contact George Yeager - (406) 289-0647, Conrad, MT
JW FEEDS 406-390-5076 • Chester, MT
Providing all your cattle needs! • Cake • Tubs • Liquid Feed • KayDee Mineral • Salt
Supplementing Cattle With The Customer In Mind! COMPETITIVE PRICING!
Nessan & Associates Realty
Jordan Ranch: Well cared for farm/ranch property centrally located between Circle, Jordan, and Miles City, MT. Excellent cattle weaning weights. Carrying capacity 250300 A.U. Farm land averages 30-40 bushel with low input and high protein spring and winter wheat. Pulse crop being grown in the area. 12,527 +/- total acres. 6,011 ac. tillable (4,944 currently being farmed and 1,067 improved pasture). 5,560 ac. of native grass. 955 ac. state lease. Well watered with five wells and reservoirs. Wildlife consists of: deer, antelope, and upland birds. Improvements: ranchstyle home, livestock barn 30-ft. x 80-ft, equipment shed 30-ft. x 50-ft., shop 40-ft. x 50-ft, 80,000 bushel storage. Purchase price of $6,900,000.
Pryor Creek Ranch: Highly sought after Ranch Property 15 miles south of Billings, MT. 877 +/- total acres (134 +/- ac. tillable with potential to be irrigated). Improvements consist of 2 homes, barn with metal corrals, shop, and machine shed. Wildlife consists of deer, antelope, pheasant, and turkey. Purchase price of $1,500,000.
Chouteau County Farmstead: 23 +/- ac. located in Chouteau County near Carter, MT. Improvements consist of a 2,799 sq. ft. residential home, two car detached garage, quonset, shop and 10 grain bins of various sizes. Public water provided by the Carter Chouteau Co. Water District. Property is accessed by a well maintained gravel road. High speed internet available and newer septic system (2017). Just a short 32 miles away from Great Falls, MT and all of its amenities!
Nessan & Associates Realty
For any questions or additional information, contact Tim Nessan at (406) 860-0791 montanafarmranch.com tim@montanafarmranch.com
4-Her perfect with bow and rifle to claim state titles
Dave Ostdiek, Communications Associate, Panhandle Research and Extension Center sound fundamentals of shooting under the For Scottsbluff 4-H member Gavin Carguidance of caring, knowledgeable adult volrizales, 2020 is on target to be a memorable year. unteers. Participants can choose from archery; At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic air rifle, air pistol, and BB gun; smallbore rifle has forced everyone to make adjustments and pistol; hunting and outdoor skills; shotgun; in their lives, often with negative impacts, and muzzleloading. the 12-year-old sixth grader has also made Nebraska 4-H Shooting Sports focus on the positive memories with his remarkable actotal development of the 4-H member, utilizing the activities as a vehicle for human growth complishments in 4-H shooting sports. Carand development. The programs and activities rizales has won statewide contests in both also promote positive youth-adult interaction archery and small-bore firearms, and in the and peer leadership, according to the Nebraska process posted unprecedented perfect scores. 4-H website. In 4-H state archery competition, Gavin acFor Gavin the archery and smallbore compecomplished a trifecta, winning all three events over the course of two statewide meets in 2020: titions provide a wide variety of challenges. The outdoor competition in September near Grand outdoor archery meet consists of two events, Island and indoor competition last January in the 3-D and the 600 round. In 3-D, contestants Columbus. His indoor score was the first-ever make their way around a field and shoot at reperfect score for his age group in Nebraska. alistic, three-dimensional targets representing With his .22-caliber rifle, Carrizales achieved snakes, deer, elks and moose. Competitors must a perfect score in the Nebraska Youth Smallbore guess at the range to each target, which Gavin Silhouette Invitational in September near Brosaid is as challenging as making an accurate shot. The 600 Round consists of shooting 60 ken Bow. He hit all 40 silhouette targets to win arrows, 20 arrows each at ranges of 30, 20 and the championship, according to results reported 10 yards. He posted the two highest scores ever by Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. It for his age group, 597 in the 600 round and 310 was the first perfect score in the history of the in the 3-D event. All were personal bests. smallbore silhouette event. The indoor meet last January consisted of Gavin is the son of Aaron and Katie Carone event, firing 60 arrows at a small bullseye rizales of Scottsbluff. Aaron is the cross-country target from a range of 10 yards. Gavin’s perfect coach at Scottsbluff High School. During the indoor score of 300 was the first for his age pandemic, he has been home-schooling with group. Last year he scored 297. “I was hoping his grandparents, Tom and Libbey Lundgren I would do well,” he said. “I didn’t know if I’d of rural Morrill. do that well.” Gavin said his interest in shooting dates It was Gavin’s third year competing in state back to when he was 5, starting with BB guns 4-H archery. Last year he finished second in his and bows. His enthusiasm springs out of his age group, and in 2018 he finished third. enjoyment of bow and firearm hunting for a Gavin’s teammates Aleena Wagner and variety of game: deer, antelope, pheasants, duck, Jordan Wagner also participated in the state geese, and turkey. He has been involved in 4-H archery meet. In the 600 Round, Jordan finshooting sports since he was 8 and eligible to join 4-H. ished 10th in her age group and Aleena 4th Discussing Gavin’s success in 4-H shootin her age group. In 3-D, Jordan finished 9th and Aleena 3rd in their respective groups. ing sports, Grandfather Tom Lundgren points Gavin’s perfect score at the Nebraska Youth out that volunteer leaders are key to the 4-H Smallbore Silhouette Invitational was the first experience. Gavin is a member of the Western perfect score in the 40-year history of the meet, Nebraska Shooters 4-H club, which has enjoyed according to a report on the Nebraska Game a lot of success at competitions. and Parks Commission website. His score of “They have a great team and a great coach,” 40 earned him the overall state champion, while Lundgren said, Western Nebraska Shooting Western Nebraska Shooters 4-H Club won the Sports Club is currently led by Justin and Jenny overall high team score. Bohl, and Lundgren also gives credit to former The team members include Danika Bohl club leaders Troy and Jennifer Svoboda. And of Mitchell, who shot a 38 to take the High Alan Weinhold coaches the silhouette event Girl individual award, and Austin Rahmig of and provides a place for silhouette shooters to McGrew, who shot a 39 to win High Boy. It practice. was the second straight year that Western NeOne thing that drew Gavin to 4-H is that his mother and father grew up in 4-H, had a lot of braska Shooters won the team championship. fun and learned a lot. He attributes his shooting Laney Bohl of Mitchell is the fourth member success to “practice, probably.” of the team. “And you have to be able to concentrate,” he The 74 competitors in the Smallbore Invitaadds. He likes to shoot his bow every day after tional fired rounds of .22-caliber ammunition school if the weather is not too windy or cold. with rifles at steel animal silhouette targets at Hunting seasons offer plenty of opportunities ranges of 100, 77, 60, and 40 meters, respecto go out and shoot. tively. They shot from a standing, offhand posiGavin said he enjoys firearms and archery tion (no support for the rifle). equally. What he loves the most is “the chalGavin says his goal in shooting is to comlenge of making every shot as good as the last pete in the Junior Olympics. He won a 2020 one, if not better. You have to concentrate on qualifying meet to qualify for the 2020 State every shot.” Junior Olympics, but it was canceled because 4-H shooting sports offer opportunities for of the pandemic. youth to learn safe gun-handling skills and ##### It takes one hive of bees 55,000 miles ##### of flight to produce one pound of honey. Did you know: Cheese is actually good That’s an incredible amount of work to for your teeth? Dairy products contain cerproduce such a small amount of honey. tain enzymes that may help prevent against What’s even more shocking though, is that cavities. Cheese also increases saliva proit takes approximately two million flowers duction, which is good for dental care. If for bees to produce that one pound of honey. you can’t brush your teeth at night, enjoy Fortunately, bees can fly up to 15 miles per a couple of squeaky cheese curds as a delihour which allows them to go from flower to cious and nutritious way to show your teeth flower in a relatively short amount of time. some love.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C33
2015 Case IH Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2922 hours $148,000
2005 John Deere 724J payloader, diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, 118” bucket, Michelin750/65R25 tires, 6442 hours.............................. $77,500
2017 TerraGator 8400B AirMax Precision 2, Raven Viper 4, 2533 hours....................................................... $177,000
2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin spinners, 2860 hrs..$78,000 2016 TerraGator TG8400B Airmax Precision 2, 1178 hours, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper 4...... $184,000
2015 TerraGator TG8400B Airmax Precision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3640 hours..................... $132,500 2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours........................... ...$82,000
2014 TerraGator TG8400 Airmax Precision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3500 hours.............................. $123,500 2014 TerraGator TG8400 Airmax Precision , 70-ft. boom, granular bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3229 hours.............................. $118,000
2016 TerraGator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 1662 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready ..$151,000... $156,000
2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours................... $109,000 2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, 2014 Case Titan 4530 3000 Viper Pro, 3000 hours... $109,000 hours, 70-ft. boom, single product............................... $123,500 2014 Case Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2 product, 1469 hours.......................... $143,500 2014 Case Titan 4530 5007 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom........... 2010 Case IH 4020 dry floater, .....................................$98,500 diesel engine, automatic, Viper Pro Monitor, New Leader L4000 G4 twin bin dry box, 750/45R26.5 front tires, 1000/50R25 rears, 3690 hours..................... $88,000
2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours...........$98,000
2012 International 16 ton Willmar side shooter tender with roll tarp, 455K miles............. $69,000
2011 Case IH 4520, 810 box, 2912 hours, variable rate, Autosteer, Viper Pro.......$99,500........ $115,500
2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, New Leader bed............$112,000
2013 Merritt With Rapat conveyor system, electric roll tarp, 4 hoppers, air ride suspension......... $44,500
2005 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained. $34,500
Hyster 6-ton forklift, gas engine. Was propane, changed to carburetor, could use some carb work. . .......................................... $6000 Hyster 9-ton forklift, diesel engine.................................... $9000
1994 Kenworth T800 tender, Cummins, 10 speed, air lift cheater & pusher axles, Rayman 24 ton hydraulic stainless steel dry fertilizer tender box, roll tarp, top swing auger, 151,982 miles........ $39,000
1986 John Deere 644D payloader, turbo charged 6 cylinder 155 hp diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, cab, lights, heat, Am/Fm radio, 3 yard 103” bucket, quick attach. 5313 hours.$39,500
2004 Peterbilt floater sprayer truck, 76-ft. boom, 20” nozzle spacing, Raven Envizio Pro control valves, 4368 hours... $97,500
2014 RBR Vector 300 New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours.................$124,500
Free Freight
Up To 1200 Miles 2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000
2000 IHC 2674 fuel truck, N14, Allison automatic, 4000 gallon, LectroCount LCR 600 meter, LectroCount remote displays, electric hose reel with hose, high volume output, rear tires are like new................................. $37,000
1985 Ford fertilizer tender, truck runs good, bed needs hydraulic control valves repaired... $12,500
Case Patriot 3330 with Aim Command, 120-ft. boom, 20” spacing, CNH 6.7L diesel engine, hydrostatic transmission, Viper Pro Controller, Smartrax, boom height control, auto fold, 1000 gallon stainless steel tank, 3474 hours....................$97,000
2014 Case IH 4430 sprayer, diesel, hydrostatic drive, 1200 gallon stainless steel liquid system, AIM Command, 120-ft. boom, stainless steel chemical inductor, Raven Viper IV controller, 650/65R38 flotation tires, 2234 hours........................... $157,000 2014 Case IH Patriot 4430 sprayer, 1200 gallon, 100-ft boom, Wilger nozzles with AIM Command solenoids, 20” nozzle spacing, Autosteer, Raven auto boom height, rear camera, GPS, AIM Command Pro, Raven Viper 4 monitor, 4348 hours..$121,500
2-12,000 gallon Nh3 tanks, loaded................................... $44,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi.................. $15,000 for the pair
Greyn’s Crop Specialists
1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........................ $39,500
1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi............ $31,000
1997 Hart 2 hopper semi tender.. ....................................... $19,500
2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours..................... $29,500
We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255 Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C34
If you have items you want advertised in the February 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is January 27th.
HAY FOR SALE 350 ton 1st cutting sanfoin, alfalfa, grass mix in large rounds with net wrap... $105/ton 100 ton barley, pea, oat mix in large rounds with net wrap................................ $95/ton 100 ton 2nd cutting alfalfa, sanfoin, grass mix in large rounds with net wrap.. $125/ton
(406) 450-1029, Holden Herefords, Valier, Montana
2019 HISUN SECTOR 550 Stock #002555
Your Price: $9,499
2020 HISUN TACTIC 550 EPS 2-UP Stock #000046
Your Price: $6,799 $0 Down $96/mo./84 mo. OAC!!!* 2020 HISUN SECTOR 550 EPS Stock #000295
Call for Price!
2020 HISUN Tactic 750 EPS 2-Up Stock #000086
*See Dealer for details
Call for Price!
Stock #000160 - Green Stock #000144 - Blue
Your Price: $7,799
Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame announces 2020 inductions
The Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF & WHC) announced the 13th class of inductions into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame. The inductees were chosen from a field of candidates nominated by the general public. Inductees are honored for their notable contributions to the history and culture of Montana. “The Hall of Fame exists to honor those who have made an impact in their part of the state and represent Montana’s authentic heritage for future generations,” said Bill Galt, MCHF & WHC President. “Our volunteer trustees around Montana vote on nominations that come from the district in which they reside. This process gives the local communities a strong voice in who will represent them in the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame.” The MCHF & WHC board of directors has designated 12 trustee districts across the state from which up to 20 trustees may be appointed. Nomination criteria established by the board for the Class of 2020 inductions allowed the election of one Living Inductee and one Legacy Inductee from each of the 12 districts. The 2020 inductees into the Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame are: · District 1 (Daniels, Phillips, Roosevelt, Sheridan, & Valley Counties): Living Award – Robert David Leininger, Westby. Legacy Award – Terry Linn Fast, Wolf Point. · District 2 (Dawson, Garfield, McCone, Prairie, Richland, & Wibaux Counties): Living Award – William ‘Bill’ Dutton, Jordan. Legacy Award – Deane William Copping, Glendive. · District 3 (Carter, Custer, Fallon, Powder River, Rosebud, & Treasure Counties): Living Award – Wallace ‘Wally’ McRae, Forsyth. Legacy Award – Tooke Bucking Horses, Ekalaka. · District 4 (Blaine, Chouteau, Hill, & Liberty Counties): Living Award – Lzetta Martha (Combes) Halingstad, Turner. Legacy Award – Duane Daniel Werk, Chinook. · District 5 (Cascade, Glacier, Pondera, Teton, & Toole Counties): Living Award – Lewis & Roselynn Carroll, Sun River. Legacy Award – Forrest ‘Scotty’ Zion, Great Falls. · District 6 (Fergus, Golden Valley, Judith Basin, Musselshell, Petroleum, & Wheatland Counties): Living Award – Leland ‘Red’ Cade, Lavina. Legacy Award – Jesse Calvin & Ruth (Lane) Garfield, Ryegate. · District 7 (Big Horn, Carbon, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, & Yellowstone Counties): Living Award – Peter E. ‘Pete’ Olsen, Molt. Legacy Award – Walter F. ‘Walt’ Linderman, Belfry. · District 8 (Broadwater, Jefferson, & Lewis and Clark Counties): Living Award – Kent Mosher, Augusta. Legacy Award – Gary Murphy, Wolf Creek. · District 9 (Gallatin, Meagher, & Park Counties): Living Award – Calvin Hochstrat, White Sulphur Springs. Legacy Award – Arthur W. ‘Spike’ Short, White Sulphur Springs. · District 10 (Flathead, Lake, Lincoln, & Sanders Counties): Living Award – Berniece Arlene ‘Lady Long Rider’ Ende, Trego. Legacy Award – Wilderness Worn – A Government Packers Legacy, Eureka. · District 11 (Mineral, Missoula, & Ravalli Counties): Living Award – Raymond Paul ‘Ray’ Rugg, Superior. Legacy Award – Leonard Moore, Condon. · District 12 (Deer Lodge, Beaverhead, Silver Bow, Granite, Madison, & Powell Counties): Gary Donald Clark, Ennis. Legacy Award – Lee Martinell Co., Dell. The MCHF & WHC tentatively plans to honor these inductees during the MCHF Annual Induction Ceremony & Western Heritage Gathering February 12 - 13, 2021, in Great Falls at the Heritage Inn. More information on this event will come later in the year.
Blueberry Pancake Day
Date celebrated: January 28th Who doesn’t love waking up to a fresh plate of blueberry pancakes, or even indulging in them for dessert? They truly are a good of the gods, and they are so universally loved that they even have their own day! That’s right, Blueberry Pancake Day is a thing. One day of every year you can celebrate the sacred blueberry pancake and give it the love and respect it deserves. Select diners and restaurants participate in the day, serving up extra special, and – of course – extra big, stacks of pancakes oozing with delicious blueberries all day long. This is one day where you can eat blueberry pancakes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert with no guilt or judgement.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C35
##### Money can’t buy happiness -- but somehow it’s more comfortable to cry in a Porsche than in a Hyundai.
ALL I WANT IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available
Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081
Pressure Washers Hose Reels
Dawson County Nebraska 4-H’ers received scholarships to educational camps or conferences during the 75th Annual Achievement BBQ in Lexington, Nebraska. (Left to right) Abbie Owens, Lexington; and Spencer Walahoski, Overton; picked up the awards. Not pictured but also earning honors were Bart Beattie, Sumner; Eli Boryca, Cozad; and Lexi Johnsom Gothenburg. Extension photo.
MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps.
National Popcorn Day
Date When Celebrated: January 19th The origins of this holiday are unknown. But, don’t let that pop (burst) your bubble, err pop your corn that is. It’s a day to celebrate healthy (until you load it with salt and butter), and addicting popcorn. Strangely, National Popcorn Day is in January, yet National Popcorn Month is October. According to tradition, it is celebrated on January 19th each year. There is some suggestion that Popcorn Day may, at one point, have been tied to the Superbowl. And, we found one reference to it being on January 30th. On National Popcorn Day, we suggest you pop up some fresh popcorn, kick back and enjoy!
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2019 Ford F150 SuperCrew
5.0L V8, white exterior, black leather interior, remote start, engine block heater, 7406 miles.
2017 Ford F150 SuperCrew
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, silver exterior, black leather trim interior, heated/cooled seats, 60,658 miles
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2019 Ford F150 SuperCrew
5.0L V8, white exterior, grey cloth interior, engine block heater, rear view camera, 29,701 miles.
2012 Ford F150 Crew Cab
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, race red exterior, black leather interior, remote start, 61,428 miles.
2015 Ford F150
2016 Ford F150
Crew cab, 2.7L V8, white exterior, camel leather interior, rear view camera, push button start, grille guard, 56,933 miles.
2018 Ford Explorer Platinum
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, magnetic exterior, black leather interior, dual headrest DVD system, 7182 miles
2016 Ford F150 SuperCrew
2016 Ram 1500 Sport
Crew cab, 5.7L V8, gray exterior, cloth interior, privacy glass, power locks & windows, 93,308 miles.
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, red exterior, black leather interior, remote start, rear view camera, 86,565 miles
Crew cab, 3.5L V6, white exterior, black leather interior, moonroof, remote start, keyless entry, 68,086 miles.
2013 Ford Explorer XLT
3.5L V6, black exterior, black cloth interior, heated seats, remote keyless entry, 79,795 miles
2016 Ford Explorer LTD
3.5L V6, magnetic exterior, black leather interior, remote start, navigation, 109,819 miles
2019 Ford F150 SuperCrew
3.5L V6 Ecoboost, white exterior, gray cloth interior, remote start, engine block heater, 19,309 miles
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C36
MONTANA TWO-IRON BRAND FOR SALE Cattle - right hip, horses - right thigh Registered in Teton County. Irons included. Currently is not on any cows or horses. Have all the papers for brand. Asking
Phone (406) 466-5698 or 590-4158
Balewagons & Retrievers 3-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition....................... ......$85,000 - $105,000 New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland S1049 balewagon, sharp..............................$24,000 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 New Holland 1048 balewagon...........................................$10,500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $24,000 to $30,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $12,000-$16,000 New Holland 1032 pull type...............................................$10,500 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000 New Holland 1052 retriever mounted on 2006 Peterbilt....$35,000
Swathers New Holland HW325 swather, 16HS header, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours....$44,950
2008 New Holland H8060 swather with 13-ft. discbine header, 1137 hours.................................................................................$69,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$36,500
Haying Equipment Morris 881 round bale mover, like new...............................$16,500 2007 New Holland BR7080 round baler.............................$10,500 Bush Hog BSR 10-wheel rake, very nice..............................$6500
Industrial Equipment
2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000
Miscellaneous 2007 Supreme 1200TM mixer. New engine, nice condition.......................$115,000
1956 Ford bucket truck, good condition.................................$3500 John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 1973 International 4300 truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, Detroit diesel, 13 speed...................................................................$7500 Kinze 1040 grain cart, 1,000 bu capacity........................... $16,500
Cataloguing the rice collection for crop management
By Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, Soil Science Society of America This made it easier to search the USDA rice Rice is one of the most important global collection and manage it more efficiently. cereal crops. More than half of the world’s Take for example, resistance to fungal population depend on rice as their primary diseases. Without genetic markers, breeders source of energy from food. would start by growing several different rice Rice is cultivated around the world. But varieties. Then they would have to expose rice farmers face many challenges. These the rice plants to the fungus. Finally, they range from adapting to the effects of climate would observe which varieties contracted change to dealing with pressure to increase the disease and which were resistant. crop productivity. This process could take months. A set of That’s where gene banks come in. They genetic markers works much faster. serve as repositories for crop genetic mateResearchers know which genes play a role rials. in fungal disease resistance in rice. They can “Gene banks preserve and characterize extract genetic material from different rice crop diversity for use in crop improvement, varieties. Then they use molecular biology both now and for generations to come,” says techniques to test which varieties have the Georgia Eizenga, a member of the American disease resistance genes. Society of Agronomy and Crop Science SoInstead of months, this process can be ciety of America. completed in days. That can save valuable Eizenga is the lead author of a new study time and expense. that aims to enhance the management and “Having molecular markers for traits that utility of the USDA’s repository of rice geare difficult to phenotype can reduce the netic resources. The research was published cost of characterizing rice varieties,” says in Crop Science, a publication of the Crop Eizenga. “Molecular markers can also make Science Society of America. the process more reliable.” The United States Department of AgriculGenetic markers also help researchers ture (USDA) National Small Grains Collecidentify different rice varieties more action contains material from close to 20,000 varieties of rice. This diverse collection is curately. especially important to the U.S. rice industry. “Knowing the correct species, subspecies “Rice was introduced into the United and subpopulation is vital for breeders and States from Asia and Africa,” says Eizenga. geneticists,” says Eizenga. That’s especially “Having a diverse global collection of rice the case when making crosses to incorporate cultivars provides a source of new traits desirable traits into new rice varieties. which can be used for crop improvement.” Crosses made between two closely related But cataloging this collection of genetic varieties of rice are likely to produce more material is no easy feat. Challenges include viable seeds than crosses between two dideveloping detailed descriptions, finding and verse varieties. So, the markers for species, correcting labelling errors, and removing subspecies and subpopulation help breeders redundant varieties. choose which rice varieties will work well Using physical characteristics to catalog together to develop improved hybrids. close to 20,000 varieties is very difficult. Without establishing these successful Some characteristics, such as cooking qualhybrid varieties, breeders cannot incorporate desired traits into new rice varieties. ity and disease resistance, can be especially Eizenga and colleagues are now testing a challenging to determine. That’s where genewer molecular marker technology. netic techniques can be useful. This technology involves looking for tiny “The USDA rice gene bank is a resource differences in the genetic material of difthat has been developed over decades,” says Eizenga. “Molecular techniques will ferent rice varieties. It uses what are called allow us to use this resource even more efsingle nucleotide polymorphisms – or SNPs. “Using this technique will allow rice varifectively.” Eizenga and colleagues developed a small eties to be cataloged even more quickly and panel of genetic markers. Genetic markers inexpensively,” says Eizenga. are short, identifiable DNA sequences found This research was funded by the United in specific places of a genome. States Department of Agriculture’s AgriculThese genetic markers serve as a guide to tural Research Service. Georgia Eizenga is help researchers determine quickly whether a a researcher at USDA’s National Rice Reparticular variety of rice has a specific trait. search Center in Stuttgart, Arkansas.
Tractors & Accessories
1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals.....................$29,500 1990 JD 8760 tractor 10,000 hrs.........................................$34,000
Sod Buster Sales Inc.
Farm Equipment Finding Service
33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
406-249-8565 or 1-877-735-2108 And many thanks for your patronage.
Lane DiGiando, Mineral County 4-H, shows her lamb at the Show and Sale in Superior, Montana. She received a Reserve Champion placement. Photo courtesy of Mineral County MSU Extension, Emily Park; and Kami Milender.
Fertilizing pasture and hay ground
By Ben Beckman, University of Nebraska Any farmer worth their salt knows the importance of fertilizing a crop for optimal production. Often, this common knowledge stops at row crops or high value hay like alfalfa. Could a look at your fertility improve pasture and grass hay production next year? Soil sampling now, before the ground freezes can help with planning this winter and give time to develop a fertility plan if our soil tests show fertilizer is needed. Hay ground should be the first location to consider testing, as plant material is constantly harvested and moved to another location, slowly depleting of the major nutrients needed for plant growth. Two other factors to consider are weed control and available moisture during the growing season. Pastures that are weedy may benefit more by addressing grazing practices and controlling weeds rather than fertility. In these situations, additional nutrients are used by the weeds and can make matters worse. When it comes to production, especially for native grass hay and pastures, moisture is the most limiting factor, not fertility. You can apply all the fertilizer in the world, but doing so in a drought won’t help plants grow. Fertilizer applications on dry land areas, especially for nitrogen, should be based on expected moisture. In Nebraska, the main fertility focus should look at the primarily at phosphorus and potassium. In areas of the state with sandy, low organic soils, sulfur should also be included. Finally, keep an eye on soil pH. Differences in soil pH play a big role in nutrient availability. In pastures, nitrogen is nearly always used in the year it is applied. However, other nutrients can remain for a few years between applications, so a 2 or 3 year testing rotation is often enough. ##### I changed my car horn to gunshot sounds. People move out of the way much faster now.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C37
Advertising Deadline for the February 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be January 27th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.
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NEW New Holland Equipment
New Holland Skidsteers Various wheeled and tracked models
2016 New Holland LM5.25 telehandler, 2 spd, auxiliary hyd, skid steer attach, 753 hrs. ST#562991........................................$59,500
2018 New Holland Workmaster 70 with loader, ROPS, MFWD, 8x8 synchro shuttle transmission. ST#CON19044.....................$34,500
2019 New Holland T7.230 HiViz cab (suspended), MFWD, Auto Command transmission, RADAR, auto guidance ready, 4 remotes............. Call for Price
2020 20-ft Towed bale feeder. ST#3894115......... ...............................................................$5850 2014 New Holland LM9.35 telehandler, 1242 hours, 7700 lbs capacity, reversing fan, smooth ride boom suspension............$79,000
We Sell Parts For Ford Tractors and other makes
2018 New Holland Powerstar 120 with loader, MFWD, 12x12 Power Shuttle transmission, two remotes...Call for price
2016 New Holland L220 skidsteer, open cab, 2 speed, mechanical controls, 1168 hours. ST#563783..................$28,000
Carted Pasture Harrows 2018 New Holland L234 skidsteer, hi-flow, 2 speed, E-H controls, enclosed cab, air seat, 99 hours. ST#CON19043.......... .....................................$57,000
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C38
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email: penderfarms@aol.com
John Deere 7700 MFWD John Deere 8100, MFWD, PowerShift, 6800 hours...........................$52,500
2007 New Holland T7030 MFWD, 3 pt., dual PTO, 5200 hours..........$57,500
2013 Freightliner Cascadia DD13 500 hp, 10 speed, 14,000 lb steerable lift axle, 427,000 miles. New HRG S&G 16-ft. box and tarp. Very sharp.......... .............................................$66,500
John Deere 6150M, MFWD, AutoQuad, 3400 hours, H 360SL loader...... Call
2004 Versatile 2210 MFWD, 3 pt., front and rear duals, 5500 hours.. $47,500
Case IH Puma 185 MFWD, 3-pt., powershift, 4400 hours. Very nice............ .............................................$58,500
Check our web site:
John Deere 4050 MFWD, PowerShift. Good tractor.........................$31,500
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Tepary beans – A versatile and sustainable native crop
By Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, American Society of Agronomy Agriculture accounts for more than a third of water use in the United States. In drier parts of the country, like the southwestern U.S., that fraction can be much higher. For example, more than 75% of New Mexico’s water use is for agriculture. Richard Pratt, a member of the Crop Science Society of America, studies native crops that can enhance food security while reducing water use. “Water sustainability and food security are tightly linked,” he explains. Pratt recently presented his research at the virtual 2020 ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting (https://www.acsmeetings.org), hosted by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. One of the top candidates for enhancing food security with less water is the tepary bean. It is a native crop that has been cultivated for thousands of years. “Tepary beans, or teparies, are basically an all-around champion of desert adaptation in an agricultural context,” says Pratt. Teparies are relatively drought and heat tolerant. That is especially true when compared with their common bean cousins like pintos and kidney beans. Since teparies need less water than many other bean crops, they can be one solution to dwindling water resources. “We are facing growing water demand coupled with decreasing water supply and quality,” Pratt says. “This gap continues to widen, and the status quo is unsustainable.” Native crops, like teparies, can shift the status quo in different ways. For example, one approach that could lead to using less water for farming is breeding more heat and drought tolerant crops. “That way we can get more ‘crop per drop’,” says Pratt. Heirloom crop varieties from the Southwest, like teparies and their wild relatives, can be used as breeding resources. “It takes time to do the breeding, but less thirsty crops grown more efficiently will help,” explains Pratt. A more radical approach would be changing what crops are grown in arid parts of the U.S., such as the Southwest. Farmers may consider shifting away from ‘thirsty’ crops, such as pecans, maize and common beans. In their place, farmers could grow crops like pistachios, sorghum and teparies. But heirloom varieties of native crops can have lower yields than modern varieties. Also, investments in new processing facilities may be needed, and developing markets for new crops can take time. “There is no free lunch,” says Pratt. “But on the brighter side, native crops may offer unique nutritional or quality traits that consumers are looking for.” For example, teparies have an excellent nutritional profile. They can be used for dry beans or as a forage crop. In fact, select varieties of teparies have nutritional profiles comparable to that of alfalfa, a popular forage crop. Teparies can also be an effective cover crop. These are crops planted for soil management purposes, such as reducing erosion or enhancing soil health and nutrients. Leguminous cover crops, such as clovers or hairy vetch, have root nodules housing microbes. These microbes can ‘fix’ or add atmospheric nitrogen to the soil, increasing productivity. Tepary beans also typically have root nodules but it was unclear if these nodules would be present when teparies are grown in the hot desert soils of the American Southwest. “It was great to dig up tepary roots and see nodules that bring in ‘free’ nitrogen into the cropping system,” says Pratt. This finding shows that teparies can be a particularly effective cover crop. “We now have confidence to go forward with teparies as a prospective forage and cover crop,” says Pratt. Future work will focus on finding ways to improve teparies as a crop. For example, tepary bean pods can release the seeds before harvest. “That poses a risk for seed production,” says Pratt. “Further research is needed to reduce that problem.” Ultimately, teparies can help improve food security and water management, expand the availability of high quality, locally produced food, and retain agriculture as a part of a vibrant economy. ##### Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?
Livestock producers have more risk management possibilities
K-State Research and Extension News The use of crop insurance by farmers is pretty common across the United States. Livestock insurance, not so much. A Kansas State University agricultural economist believes, however, that recent improvements in risk management products for livestock producers by the USDA’s Risk Management Agency may make them worth a second look. “We like to say the federal crop insurance program is the foundation for the federal farm safety net in the U.S., but there are a lot of products in the federal crop insurance program that can be used by livestock producers,” said Jenny Ifft, associate professor and agricultural policy specialist with K-State Research and Extension. Livestock insurance programs have not been embraced like crop insurance has for several reasons, said Ifft, noting that in many cases 90% of eligible crops are covered by crop insurance, but the use of livestock insurance is much less common. Livestock insurance products haven’t been as developed as long and historically, participation has been capped or limited by either the number of head or amount of dollars, and the cost sharing with the federal government has been lower, she said. “The way I like to look at insurance is that farmers are always making decisions about the future and you try to make the best decisions you can with the best information you have,” Ifft said. “Information on costs, prices, weather and what kind of production you expect – all of those things are uncertain and can be different in the future from what you expect today. The point of insurance is to get you closer to what you expect for cost, prices and production, so that you can make better decisions today.” She outlined three primary livestock insurance choices. • Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP) has been in existence since 2015. It’s not widely used in Kansas with only six farms covered in 2020 under such a policy. Public awareness and knowledge about this type of coverage is still limited. This type of coverage was mostly developed for the purpose of providing an insurance option for diversified farming operations. It covers everything that’s produced on the farm and can include up to $2 million of livestock revenue. For those who have three to six major crops and livestock, five years of tax records and basic production records, WRFP may be worth considering, Ifft said. The tax records are used to set the guarantee. • Livestock Risk Protection is based on livestock futures prices and protects against drops in futures market prices. This product can be used to cover feeder cattle and cattle on feed in feedyards. Recent changes in this type of insurance may make it more attractive to producers than it has in the past, in that cost sharing from the federal government is now higher. Previously cost sharing was 25%-35% of premium cost but that’s now been expanded to 35%-55% of premium cost. Additionally, the number of head possible to cover has been increased from 6,000 previously to 12,000 currently per year. Producers can enroll in this coverage any time during the year. • Forage Production Risk is a product that has been catching on in Kansas and other states, Ifft said, particularly the Pasture, Rangeland and Forage choice. Almost 2 million acres of pasture are enrolled in this type of coverage in the state this year. That sounds like a lot, she added, unless you consider that more than 5 million acres each in corn and wheat are enrolled in crop insurance programs. “It’s grown a lot but it’s still relatively new and relatively small,” Ifft said of this type of risk management. “This program effectively protects against drought risk. It’s based on rainfall in a producer’s area. In this case, there just needs to be less rainfall during a coverage period in a producer’s area than there has been historically.” In addition to the programs administered by the Risk Management Agency, Ifft said the USDA’s Farm Service Agency also has programs that can help producers, particularly with weather or disaster events. “In determining your options, it helps to know breakeven costs. We ag economists always recommend knowing your costs for a number of reasons and one of those reasons is so you can manage your price risk,” she said. ##### Why aren’t drapes double sided so it looks nice on the inside and outside of your home?
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C39
If you have items you want advertised in the February 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is January 27th.
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See more inventory and photos on our web site
1984 Load King 4 axle, folding neck, 60 ton, 9-ft. wide, like new virgin rubber, 21.5-ft well.................................. $23,500
Prevent parasites through grazing management
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C40
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PennState Extension Parasites continue to plague many sheep and goat producers throughout the grazing season. Internal parasites decrease growth rates and in high levels can even cause death. However, sheep and goat producers can follow several practices to minimize the impacts to their flock or herd. These practices center on grazing management, but can also include genetic selection principles. Livestock pass internal parasite eggs in their manure. These eggs then hatch and go through several larval stages until they reach an infective stage. This can take as little as six days to go from egg to infective stage. Therefore, producers can use grazing rotations to stay ahead of this cycle. A key is to subdivide fields so that the animals have enough to eat for four to six days. Fields can be subdivided using temporary fencing such as poly-wire or electric net fence. These smaller areas allow sheep or goats to graze the forages present in the field more evenly. Rotate animals into a new field within six days in order to stay ahead of the parasite life cycle. In other words, the parasite larva reach the infective stage after the sheep or goats have moved out of that field. Larva can survive for long periods, even as long as 120 days, when weather conditions are cool and moist. However, when the weather is hot and dry, those parasites can die very quickly. Therefore, the challenge comes when producers balance between these weather patterns to ensure that infective parasite larva are no longer present in the pastures. This can be much easier to write about than accomplish because the goal is to keep fields lush and growing, which creates a more ideal environment for the parasites. Harvesting fields for hay is one way to open up those areas to heat and sunlight in order to kill parasite larva. Another option is to have long rest periods so that the parasites die before the sheep return to that field to graze. Parasites can also go into a hypobiotic or dormant state inside sheep or goats. Parasites can remain in this state CONTINUED ON PAGE C42
2020 Nebraska dry edible bean variety trial results
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Results of the 2020 variety trials for dry edible beans and field peas conducted by the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center have been posted on the Nebraska Extension CropWatch website. The direct link for variety trial results for both crops (as well as other crops such as millet, sunflowers and oats) is http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest/othercrops. Or navigate to the Other Crops Variety Trials page from the main Cropwatch page (http://cropwatch.unl.edu) by clicking on these links: management > variety testing > other crops. Results for the most recent three years are listed on that page. Older variety trial results are archived on a separate page which is linked to the current variety-trial page. Nebraska’s dry edible bean variety trials have been operated for 39 years as a service to the dry bean industry to evaluate which dry bean varieties and experimental lines are best suited for western Nebraska. The 2020 trials were planted at two locations, the Scottsbluff Ag Lab at the Panhandle Research and Extension Center (on June 10), and the Mitchell Ag Lab, 5 miles to the north (planted on June 2). UNL staff under the direction of Dry Bean Breeding Specialist Carlos Urrea did the planting, field work, harvest and analysis of results. The dry bean report includes a description and summary of the trials, and tables that list yield, moisture, test weight, and other data for each variety within the market classes. The description includes detailed information, such as planting dates, seeding rates, herbicide treatments, row width, irrigation, harvest date and other details. A total of 12 trials were conducted at the two locations: two plots each of Great Northern (28 entries), pinto (50 entries), light red kidney (19 entries), dark red kidney (9), black beans (18), and navy (8). Results were compiled by Urrea and Eduardo Valentin Cruzado, research technologist for the dry bean breeding program. They also acknowledged Panhandle Center Farm Manager Gene Kizzire and his team and the summer crew for help with agronomic management, and Ann Koehler for editing the document. The financial support of the Dry Bean Commission is greatly appreciated.
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C41
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C42
Take advantage of WINTER DISCOUNTS! For all your grain storage needs!
Prevent parasites through grazing management CONTINUED FROM PAGE C40
until environmental conditions improve. Sheep and goat producers often see problems when this occurs during the summer. Animals graze pastures short during extended hot Fairfield, Montana and dry weather conditions. Then, when weather conditions Contact: Mark at 406-590-3240 improve following a rain, a sudden parasite “bloom” occurs. or Greg at 406-590-0404 e-mail: mcfarms@3rivers.net Parasites that remained inside animals as well as parasites that remained in the egg stage develop very quickly to an infective state. This leads to very large numbers of infective parasites. Therefore, adequate rest periods of 65 days or more between grazings can be critical during the summer! Single or Double Rollers Multi-species grazing also contributes to breaking the Extra Heavy Duty - 42”x 7/8” pipe Optional Hydraulic Cutting Blade parasite life cycle. While sheep and goats share many of the for gopher and badger mound leveling same parasites, cattle and horses do not. Cattle and horses grazed with sheep and goats help to break parasite life cycles on single or tandem rollers because the sheep and goat parasites cannot survive in those H 12-ft. H 14-ft. H 16-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft. other species. Sheep and goats can graze fields at the same time as cattle or horses, or they can graze in a leader-follower system. The leader-follower system allows one species to graze and then after an adequate rest period and forage regrowth, the other species grazes the field. Another option to prevent parasite infections is to leave at least three inches of forage in the fields when animals move to the next field. Some producers will rotate sheep or goats at Tandem rollers taller heights. Most parasite larva are found in the first two Fisher Metal can more than double the size of your single roller! inches of forage growth, so the goal is to move the sheep and goats out of a field before they graze down to levels where parasite larva will be consumed. FUEL STORAGE ~ SINGLE WALL & DOUBLE WALL ~ FUEL SYSTEMS A final option is to consider the genetics of the sheep and goats. Producers should keep records that identify when they treat animals for parasites. This information should include who was treated, date treated, and product used. Producers also trackWe withdrawal to ensure that no medicaWe are proud to announce our junior company CMF Salesshould and Rental. are stilldates located at 205 Howie Rd tion residues are present when sheep or goats go to market. but will also be providing sales and rental at our new location in Big Timber next to the Fort. Producers should cull animals that they consistently treat more often than most animals in the flock or herd. This alSales and Rentals Include: lows producers to develop genetics that are more resistant to Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 2000 to 10,000 gallons parasite infections. The parasites will still be present, but the Augers & are Auger ALL TANKS UL 142Bits Certified Available in Split CompartmentLand Rollers animal’s immune system can better withstand the infection. and Augers Turnkey System features: Tank Mounting Base • Danuser Pump Stand • Pounders Fuel FilterLevel Gauge • Required Venting and Valves The National Sheep Improvement Program can take this selection practice a step further by identifying parasite reService Body Tanks • Pickup Fuel Tanks • Stainless Steel Aviation Fuel Storage Arena sheep Fencing sistant and goats through Estimated Breeding Values. Producers develop these breeding values through fecal egg Specializing in lamb continuous & installation counts from each or kid infence the flock. Those individu1 • 3 Rail 1 / 4 ” 20-ft. panel..................$78 als with higher resistance produce lower fecal egg counts. 622-5233 Fort Benton 1-800-449-5233 • 4 Railenrolled 11/4” in 20-ft. panel..................$82 Producers the program enter fecal egg count data 1 • 5 with Railother 1 /4performance ” 20-ft. panel..................$93 along data and submit to LambPlan 1 6 Rail 1For /4more ” 20-ft. panel.................$101 in•Australia. information on NSIP, check out their Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details website or call their office at 515-708-8850. ounce our junior company CMF Sales and Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd GoodGuards pasture management as well as good selection Cattle e providing sales and rental at our new location Big Timber next the Fort. practices can both lead to fewer parasite problems in sheep We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Salesin and Rental. We are still to located at 205 Howie Rd We are are proud announce our junior company CMF Sales andSales Rental. We Rental. are still located 205 located Howie Rdat 205Loading We proudtoto announce our junior company CMF and We areatstill Howie RdChutes but will also be providing sales andyour rental atlivestock our new location in Big Timber next toneeds. the Fort. for all equipment and goats. Wind Breaks will be be providing salessales and rental our new Big Timber the Fort. d Rentals but Include: but willalso also providing andatrental at location our newinlocation innext BigtoTimber next to the Fort. Sales and Rentals Include: Crowding Tubs Sales and Rentals Include: We are an authorized ments SkidHay Accumulators Sales and Rentals Include: Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Adjustable Alleys Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators dealer of Augers & Auger Bits Augers & Auger Land Rollers Skid Steer Attachments HayBits Accumulators
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Other Sizes Available • our Call for prices and ontana’s Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and 406-932-3559 details Montana’s Visit website for prices &details details. for equipment needs. forall allyour yourlivestock livestock equipment needs. Wind Breaks Breaks Wind Shop: He went to Dr. Geezer’s clinic and this is what happened. Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Crowding Tubs Crowding Tubs Cattle Guards We are an authorized We are an authorized Cell: 406-930-1973 Land Rollers Augers & Auger Bits Cattle Guards andSioux Hi-Qual Dealer Dr. Young: “Dr. Geezer, I have lost all taste in my mouth. Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer Adjustable Alleys Adjustable Alleys dealer dealer ofof Danuser Pounders and Augers Loading Chutes Loading Chutes 4
For more information visit our website 205 Howie Road, Portable Panels Portable Panels MF Sales and We are still located at 205 Howie Rd Can you please helpwww.crazymountainfabrication.com me? Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring forMontana allRental. your livestock equipment needs. Montana stock equipment needs. Arena Gates Wind Breaks Arena Fencing FencingWind Gates Breaks Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com at our new location in Big Timber next to the Fort. Hay Feeders Hay Feeders Post Drivers Crowding Tubs Post Drivers Crowding Tubs medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in Dr. Young’s mouth.” We are an authorized Arena Bridges Fencing Pivot Pivot Bridges Visitour our website for Adjustable Alleys Visit website Adjustable Alleys dealer offor AND MORE Dr. Young: “Aaagh! This is Gasoline!” Dr. Geezer: “ConAND MORE Portable Panels fence & installation prices&&details. details. prices Specializing in continuous Portable Panels We drill Montana We also also sell sell drill 1 Fencing Gates Arena gratulations! You’ve got your taste back. That will be $500.” • 3 pipe. Rail 1 /4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 stem Arena Fencing Gates NEW LOCATION stem pipe. NEW LOCATION 1 Hay Feeders Post Drivers Call about • 4 Rail 1 / 4” 20-ft. panel..................$82 In Big Timber Call about Dr. Young gets annoyed and goes back after a couple of days Feeders In BigHay Timber 1 Bridges truckload prices! • 5 Rail 1Pivot /4” 20-ft. panel..................$93 truckload prices! next to toPivot The Fort Fort Visit our websiteWe for are next The Bridges 1 AND MORE figuring to recover his money. Dr Young: “I have lost my • 6 Rail 1 / 4 ” 20-ft. panel.................$101 Travis Klein 406-930-2984 Travis Klein prices & details. AND MORE Shop: 406-932-3559 Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details Montana’s 406-930-2984
memory, I cannot remember anything.” Dr. Geezer: “Nurse, please bring medicine from box 22 and put 3 drops in the Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs truckload prices! in continuous fence & installation forSpecializing all your livestock equipment needs. Wind Breaks patient’s mouth.” Doctor Young: “Oh no you don’t, that’s Call nextabout to The Fort In Big Timber Adjustable Alleys Tubs • 3anRail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 truckload prices! Crowding We are authorized Travis Klein Gasoline!” Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You’ve got your 406-930-2984 next to The Fort Alleys Portable Panels of 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$82 Adjustable • dealer 4 Rail 406-932-3559 PortableShop: Panels Travis Klein 1 memory back. That will be $500.” Dr. Young (after having 406-930-2984 Cell: 406-930-1973 Arena Fencing Gates Montana • 5 Rail 1 /4” 20-ft. panel..................$93 Arena Fencing Gates Shop: 406-932-3559 For more information visit our website 205 Howie Road, 1 Hay Feeders lost $1000) leaves angrily and comes back after several more Hay Feeders • 6 Drivers Rail 1 /4” 20-ft. panel.................$101 Post Cell: 406-930-1973 Pivot Bridges Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com Visit our website for Other Sizes • Call for prices and details Pivot Bridges AND MORE rmation visit our Available website 205 Howie Road, days. Dr. Young: “My eyesight has become weak I can hardly AND MORE prices & details. Big Timber, MT We also sellwww.crazymountainfabrication.com fsalesandrental.com Cattle Guards drill see!” Dr. Geezer: “Well, I don’t have any medicine for that r stem pipe. NEW LOCATION Loading Chutes so. Here’s your $1000 back.” Dr. Young: “But this is only Call about In Big Timber . Wind Breaks truckload prices! next to The Fort Crowding Tubs $500...” Dr. Geezer: “Congratulations! You got your vision 406-930-2984 Travis Klein Adjustable Alleys back! That will be $500.” Shop: 406-932-3559 Portable Panels Cell: 406-930-1973 Moral of story: Just because you’re “Young” doesn’t mean Arena Fencing For moreGates information visit our website 205 Howie Road, Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com Hay Feeders that you can outsmart an old “Geezer. “ Pivot Bridges Shop: 406-932-3559 We also sell drill Cell: 406-930-1973
Cell: 406-930-1973 stem pipe. LOCATION WeNEW also sell drill For moreinformation information visitour ourwebsite website 205 Cattle Howie Road, Guards Cattle Guards Loading Chutes SiouxFor Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer more visit 205 Howie Road, Call about BigLoading Timber, MT stem pipe. www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com NEW LOCATION In Big Timber Chutes
Arena Fencing
National Hugging Day
Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always held on January 21 What a great day! This is an opportunity to give and to receive. Give a hug, and you automatically receive one in return. Sure, someone might not hug back. But, how often does that happen!?! Hugs are loving. Hugs are therapeutic. Hugs are caring. Hugs are celebratory. Hugs make you feel good inside. A hug is a way to say everything is, or will be okay. Have you ever received a hug from someone who didn’t care? I didn’t think so. That’s proof positive that you’re loved and cared about. Celebrate today by giving hugs to family, friends and loved ones. You’ll love the warm feeling you get. Quote for the Day: “ There’s a long life ahead of you and it’s going to be beautiful, as long as you keep loving and hugging each other.” - - Yoko Ono History and Origin of National Hugging Day: National Hugging Day was created in 1986 by Rev. Kevin Zaborney from Caro, Michigan. Strangely, this day is copyrighted. One would think that hugs should be given freely and without recourse. Regardless, we are thankful to the Reverend Zaborney for creating this day and would love to thank him with a great, big hug.
Conrad Industrial Park
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C43
Make your Westfield Auger “Like New” CALL GEORGE 406-799-7459 Power Motors
If you have a “tired or well-used” Westfield auger.
X Save $$S and make it like new X Replace the yellow tube, driveline and flighting X Save the freight with my truckload shipping X A “like new” auger by calling George 406-799-7459
Order now for Westfield truckload shipping rates.
Westfield AGI Augers on hand
New Westfield 36-8 WRX. BD PTO New 36-8 Westfield STX-2 self-propel, 25hp Kohler New 46-10 Wheatheart, self-propel with 37hp Used, older 60-10 Westgo, hangars, hyd. swing Used older 61-10 Westfield MK, std. swing Used, nice 71-13 Wheatheart, lo-profile swing
New 73-10 Westfield MKX, lo-pro hopper New 74-13 Westfield MKX, lo-pro hopper New 94-13 Wheatheart AGI, lo-pro swing hopper Used, like new 82-10 International Harvester lo-pro swing New 83-10 Westfield MKX, lo-profile hopper
Hub assemblies, rock-flex shanks, rubbers, bearings, bearing holders, rubber encased bearings, spools, half spools, scrapers, etc.
----- Call George at Power Motors 406-799-7459 ----
Box 955
Conrad, MT 59425
Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402
Quality Equipment that works as hard as you do
Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953
Visit us on the web: www.3vdistributing.com
E-mail Address: 3vdist@3rivers.net
Thanks to our customers for your business this past year. We are looking forward to a fresh start in 2021, & serving you again. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Early order balebeds are IN STOCK! Call to reserve yours today!
DewEze Pivot Squeeze & Parallel Squeeze beds In Stock!
Mineral Tub Lifter
We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available
Makes it easier for you to handle your Mineral Tubs - plastic, metal & biodegradable! Can be used with ALL bale beds.
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New Way Lift Axle
2 lift axles IN STOCK See 3V for: • LED light bars • Shurco remote control tarps • Electric endgate remote control
COMING SOON! Butler Flatbeds
New Shipment Preplumbed, ready to mount, tight package space
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C44
NEW SHOW MODELS Modular & Manufactured Homes
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Beefcake by DewEze • Tackle daily livestock feeding chores • Designed to fit any feeding style
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Variety trial results for field pea available
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News direct value for farmers. Results of University of Nebraska-LinYields ranged from 242 pounds per acre coln’s (UNL) 2020 variety trials for field to 535 pounds (AAC Profit of Valesco Gepeas have been compiled and posted on the netics). Other common varieties in the highNebraska Extension CropWatch website. yielding group included Durwood, CDC Pea variety trials were conducted at three Inca, Salamanca, AAC Carver, and CDC sites in the Panhandle and southwest NeSaffron. In normal years, these varieties are braska: Box Butte County near Alliance (28 also in the high-yielding group. varieties), Cheyenne County near Sidney In Perkins County, severe moisture (28 varieties), and Perkins County near Vestress also produced yields similar to nango (33 varieties). Each site was dryland. Cheyenne County. The overall average was The annual report lists data for each 750 pounds per acre, compared to normal variety at all three sites: yield (in order of of 1,500 to 1,800 pounds. The range was rank); test weight; seed protein percentage; 400 pounds to 1,050 pounds (SW Midas of flowering; maturity; and height at harvest Pulse USA). Again, common varieties that (only Cheyenne County). Each site report have shown high-yielding potential in more also has notes about the growing season and normal conditions were in the high group in production practices at that location. this dry year, such as SW Midas, Durwood, The direct link for variety trial results CDC Inca, DS-Admiral, and Nette 2010. for peas is https://cropwatch.unl.edu/vaSeed protein levels: rietytest/othercrops. Or start at the main Although heat and moisture stress reCropWatch page (https://cropwatch.unl. duced yield, test weight, and seed size, these edu) and use the navigation bar, clicking on conditions resulted in higher seed protein these links: management > variety testing levels than recent years. High protein is nor> other crops. mally associated with low yields, and vice Also on that page are variety trial results versa, but the relationship is not understood for 2018 and 2019, along with variety trial well and more research is needed. results for several other crops – dry edible In Box Butte County the average was beans, oats, proso millet, and sunflower 27.16 percent (range of 24.88 to 29.37); (2020 results will be available soon). VaCheyenne, 26.95 percent (range of 25.66 to riety trial data for earlier years is archived 29.01); and Perkins County, 29.06 percent on a separate page, which is linked from the (range 27.13 to 32.80). Multi-year average page with the current variety data set. Dry of seed protein content in Nebraska ranged bean variety trial results are expected to be from 22 percent to 26 percent. posted soon. Seed protein is expected to gain imporField pea varieties were provided by tance as a value-added trait, especially with six commercial seed companies: Meridian the food industry focusing on fractionated Seeds (six varieties), Legume Logic (three), pea protein in their products. Unlike wheat, Pulse USA (nine), ProGene Plant Research high-protein peas does not fetch a higher (six), Valesco Genetics (seven) and ND price yet at elevators, but a few buyers are Crop Improvement (two). All but three, willing to negotiate higher prices for higher which were green, were yellow field peas. protein in individual cases. U.S. pea proSome conclusions: ducers should expect to see standard levels Yield, protein levels and other data: for protein in the future. The Canadian ag Planting was completed within the noragency currently has set 24 percent as the mal planting range in early spring. In all minimum acceptable protein level. One of three locations, the moisture stress caused the research needs for the U.S. field pea by extreme heat and dry weather during the industry is identifying and adopting progrowing season resulted in lower yields, duction practices favorable to high protein plant height, seed weight, and seed size. levels. It also caused both flowering and maturSeed sources: ing to occur five to seven days earlier than Seven varieties of certified field pea seed average. However, seed protein levels were will be available in Nebraska for 2021, higher (more discussion on that below). including DS Admiral and AAC Carver The best yields were recorded in Box Butte from Meridian Seeds, SW Midas and Nette County; yields were significantly lower in 2010 from Pulse USA, and AAC Chrome, Cheyenne and Perkins counties, primarily AAC Profit and Spider from Valesco Genetdue to moisture stress. ics. Most of those will be available in the In Box Butte County the average yield Panhandle. For details refer to page 22 of was 1,550 pounds per acre with highest the Nebraska Certified Seed Association yield 1871 pounds by CDC Inca (Merid(NCSA) Seed Guide 2020-21 (http://www. ian Seeds). The top-yielding group also necrop.org/SEED%20BOOKS/2020Small. included Jetset, CDC Saffron, CDC Sprecpdf). trum, AAC Carver, all from Meridian Seeds; Several varieties popular in 2020 will not and Majestic, Durwood and Nette 2010, all be available in Nebraska, including Salafrom Pulse USA. Experimental lines from manca from Valesco Genetics, AAC Early ProGene Plant Research and ND Crop ImStar from Meridian Seeds, and Durwood provement also were in the high-yielding from Pulse USA. However, comparable or group. Two commonly grown varieties of better-performing varieties will be available Nebraska, including Salamanca (Valesco in Nebraska, such as Chrome, AAC Carver, Genetics) and SW Midas (Pulse USA), had AAC Profit, DS-Admiral, SW Midas, and lower yields. Spider. The latter three have yields that In Cheyenne County, yields were are moderate but steady from year to year poor due to severe moisture stress. The and have been grown in Nebraska fields 386-pound-per-acre average of all lines for seven to eight years. The Nebraska was about 25 percent of the 1,000 to 1,500 Crop Improvement Seed Book (URL) has pounds per acre produced most years. The complete list and contact information for 2020 Cheyenne County trial was not an certified seed dealers. average predictive trial. Test weight was Pea and lentil checkoff: unacceptable at 30 pounds per bushel, avThe Nebraska Legislature approved a erage seed weight was low (60 is normal), bill in July creating a checkoff program for and average plant height was 12 inches, Nebraska dry pea and lentil growers. As recompared to 24 to 28 inches in normal years. ported by Unicameral Update, the Nebraska Because of the severe moisture stress and Legislature’s official news source, LB803, possibly other compounding factors, the 2020 data from Cheyenne County has no CONTINUED ON PAGE C46
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C45
iono-LYX B300®
CRYSTALYX® IONO-LYX® B300 gives you all the advantages of a CRYSTALYX® supplement program plus the added benefits of Bovatec® - the leading ionophore feed additive for pasture cattle. BOVATEC® is proven to increase weight gain in pasture cattle. In fact, 84 pasture studies conducted between 1980 and 2000 showed that BOVATEC® improved average daily gain (ADG) by 9.82% or 0.14 per-head, per-day.
• A 28% protein supplement using plant protein and NPN. Ideal for overcoming nutritional stress associated with calving and the breeding period. • Contains chelated/organic trace minerals.
BTI Feeds
Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812
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Bio-Mos® is derived from a specific strain of yeast and helps promote animal performance. Gastrointestinal (GI) health and integrity are essential for animal performance and Bio-Mos 'feeds the GI tract' and thus plays a critical role in animal nutrition and production.
Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier
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Round bale feeders Bunk feeders - Gates Panels - Handling systems
See BTI Feeds in Cut Bank for Ear Tags! SPECIAL ORDER YOUR TAGS EARLY!
Stur-D Round Bale Feeders
They are taking longer than normal to get in.
Stur-D Loading Chutes
1/4” - 3/4”
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Barb Wire
Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator” Continuous fence that is: Bigger - Stronger - Less Expensive 6-rail
20-ft. x 48” 39% more steel per panel than conventional fence. Larger, stronger, heavier pipe More attractive
IN STOCK! Bunk feeders - Gates Call Us for Prices Panels - Handling systems
Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems
When you buy pellets by the ton
We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores Milk House & Ceramic Heaters
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Happy New Year from all the Crew at BTI Feeds, Ben Taylor-Valier, and Taylor’s Farm Store! Thank you for your business in 2020. We look forward to serving you in 2021!
PROPANE Installations • Delivery • Inspections
all gallons Call 1-800-824-8366 paint
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C46
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2007 Miller Condor A-40 self propelled sprayer, 120-ft booms, GPS, EZ-Steer, 1000 gallon tank, tires 90%, Cummins engine, 275 hp, Allison automatic, 1500 hours, excellent shape..............................................$70,000 Summers Ultimate sprayer, 120-ft booms, 1000 gallon tank, monitor.........................................................$18,750 1981 Versatile 855 tractor, rebuilt engine, new clutch, new tires, 4 remotes, 340 hp, excellent shape.........$30,000 1981 Versatile 895 tractor, rebuilt engine, new clutch, 4 remotes, tires 30%, new starter, alternator, and batteries ..................................................................................................................................................................$25,000 Eversman 24-ft fold-up landplane.................................................................................................................$10,000 2015 Chevrolet pickup, V-8 automatic, new tires, nice pickup......................................................................$17,500
Call 406-899-0595 (cell) or 406-264-5056 • Sun River, MT
The 2020 Jack reed Memorial Judging trophy was presented at the annual 4-H Achievement BBQ at Lexington Middle School, Lexington, Nebraska. Mattison Beattie, Sumner; took home the Top Senior Livestock Judge trophy sponsored by Gail Reed of Cozad. Extension photo.
Variety trial results for field pea available CONTINUED FROM PAGE C44
RPH Irrigation Services Limited
Service & Parts for All Makes, PO Box 1201, 4056 HWY 89 Models & Choteau, MT 59422 • PH: 406-466-2242 • FAX: 406-466-5242 Brands Jordan Ratliff, Manager/Sales 406-799-4746
BELOW WHOLESALE PRICES!* on ALL Go Industries Rancher Grille Guards
Ultimate Armor Rancher Grille Guards IN STOCK
Black Powder Coat Rancher Grille Guards IN STOCK
(7) (3) (1) (1) (1)
2010-2019 Dodge Ram 2500/3500 (2) 2018-Up Ford F250/350 Super Duty 2018-2019 Ford F150 (1) 2010-2019 Dodge Ram 2014-2019 Toyota Tundra 2015-2019 Chevy 2500/3500 w/o sensors 2015-2019 Chevy 2500/3500 with sensors *Limited to stock on hand. Does not include installation.
Office 406-453-6541 Fax 406-727-5937 1021 Third St NW Great Falls, MT 59403
introduced by Venango Sen. Dan Hughes, creates the five-member Dry Pea and Lentil Commission, which may establish policies and programs related to the discovery, promotion and development of markets and industries for the utilization of dry peas, lentils, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, faba beans or lupins grown in Nebraska. It also may adopt an education and publicity program, make grants and enter into research contracts. The checkoff is expected to generate revenue that can be used to address Nebraska-specific production issues, such as ways to increase protein levels. Faculty and administration from UNL’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) have worked with the industry on passage of the checkoff and following state approval met with several pea industry leaders to discuss how the university and pea growers can work together to benefit the pea industry. The checkoff will provide some revenue, but not at the same level as the state’s other existing commodity checkoffs in corn, soybeans and dry edible beans. Several field pea growers who worked on passage of the pea and lentil checkoff were Rol Rushman of Dalton, farmer and pea certified seed producer; Steve Tucker of Venango, farmer and certified pea seed producer; and Brian Jelinek of Alliance, a farmer and chickpea processor. Commission members will be appointed by the governor. Beginning July 1, 2021, a 1 percent excise tax will be imposed on the net market value of dry peas and lentils sold through commercial channels in the state. In Nebraska 34,000 acres of field peas were harvested in 2020, according to a survey by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Total production was 680,000 hundredweight. Harvested acres in 2016-19 were 52,000, 56,000, 49,000 and 29,000, respectively. USDA estimated the value of peas produced in Nebraska at $7.8 million in 2017, $9.4 million in 2018, and $7.3 million in 2019.
Proper English
A farmer married a woman who was forever correcting his use of words. One evening he told her he had a friend named Bill he wanted her to meet. “Don’t call him Bill,” she prompted, “call him William.” When the friend arrived the farmer said, “I’d like to tell you a tale.” “Not tale,” she interrupted. “Say anecdote.” That night the farmer asked his wife to put out the light. “Not put out,” she corrected. “Say extinguish.” Later in the night she awakened her husband to investigate a noise she had heard. “What is it?” she asked when he returned. “It was only a William goat,” he replied carefully, “which I took by its anecdote and extinguished.”
Research magazine highlights UW efforts
Using fruit flies to understand the molecular basis of human disease and examining the early calf microbiome to improve feed efficiency in cattle are among stories highlighted in the research magazine Reflections from the University of Wyoming. The magazine is available online at bit.ly/uw-reflections2020 and highlights research in the seven departments of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The magazine is published by the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. Fruit flies and humans share similarities at the molecular level, said Todd Schoborg, who uses the biological similarity to learn how genes, cellular machines and cells work in fruit flies to understand how they work in humans. “A fly’s eye develops in much the same way our own eyes do, using the same set of genetic instructions, cellular machines, and cell types to make a highly complex organ,” said Schoborg, as assistant professor in the Department of Molecular biology. “In fact, the fly eye develops just fine using either its own eye gene or one from a mouse!” He added that the fruit fly also serves as an excellent model for understanding cancer. Schoborg’s article received the magazine’s first-place award for faculty. Hannah Cunningham-Hollinger’s research efforts target improving feed efficiency by programming the rumen microbiome in cattle. “We aim to better understand how the rumen microbiome changes as the offspring develops, how maternal factors influence the early colonization of the rumen and if any early interventions can affect host efficiency in maturity,” said Cunningham-Hollinger, an assistant professor in the Department of Animal Science. Other departments and research articles are: Agricultural and applied economics – Efforts to grow niche industries and boost Wyoming’s rural economies through first-grains Ecosystem science and management – Examining stakeholder-driven studies in the Thunder Basin of northeast Wyoming Family and consumer sciences – Teaching young adults healthy habits for happy relationships Plant sciences – Sunn hemp studies as a forage alternative to alfalfa Veterinary sciences – Efforts to develop improved brucellosis vaccines The magazine also features two student research projects. One examines the many facets of the prairie dog in the Thunder Basin and another looks at the possibility of growing specialty cut flowers for profit.
Starting at $135,000
Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C47
##### The top 10 new year resolutions are usually to lose weight, eat more healthily, exercise more, stop smoking, stick to a budget, save money, get more organized, be more patient, find a better job and to just be a better person over all. ##### Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?
STOKES FENCING Conrad, Montana
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$14,500 $49,500 2016 Massey Ferguson 8737 MFWD tractors, 340 hp, CVT trans., cabs, 1000 PTO, 3 point w/quick hitch, front weights, duals, 2300-3900 hours
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2012 Manac 48-ft. x 102”, 11-ft. upper and 37-ft. main deck.
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Trader’s Dispatch, January 2021 — Page C48
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
* Prices subject to stock on hand
New Circle D pickup flatbeds NEW HEAVY DUTY FLATBED TRAILERS
Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame 25-ft. w/7000 lb axles..........................................$8995 28-ft. ...............................................................$12,895 30-ft. ...............................................................$13,195 32-ft. ...............................................................$13,395 35-ft. w/ max ramps........................................ $15,395 35-ft. w/ hydraulic dovetail.............................. $19,195 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 2 piece with folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks..... $11,395 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket.................................. $11,995 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket.................................. $11,395 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 2 piece with folding beavertail................ $8595
3-point Bale Unroller
Includes cylinder and hoses.
Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166 Chinook, MT
Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook
BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW.......................................$5795 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.....................................$9195 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.....................................$9595 GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW..................................$10,495 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW..................................$14,500
Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1795 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1795 71/2x9..............................................................$1895 8x9..................................................................$2195 8x11................................................................$2495
New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand
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New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package............$11,695 axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires..................................................................$13,395 New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package.............. $13,995 New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.....$12,695
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Diamond C 26-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box..................................................$10,500
Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.
New Diamond C Car Haulers IN STOCK!
1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20ton equipment trailer....... $8500 1982 Landoll hydraulic tilt equipment trailer w/winch................$12,500 Kentucky 53-ft. van trailer, for storage ....................................... $7000 Kentucky 48-ft. van trailer .......................................................... $8000 1993 Kentucky 48-ft. van trailer .............................................. $12,500 1980 Kentucky 42-ft. van trailer, office in front, 2 doors on 1 side, 1 door on other ................................................................................ $6000 2001 Belly Dump Pup 20-ft., roll-up tarp, aluminum wheels ....$9500 53-ft. van trailer, air ride suspension .......................................... $7500
1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.. ..........................................$8500 Cat V100 forklift, gas, 10,000 lb. 18-ft. lift ...................................$8500 Champ forklift, gas, 6000 lb. 30-ft. lift .........................................$5500 Champ forklift, gas, 5000 lb. 21-ft. lift .........................................$8900
1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool boxes ....................$9595 2001 Travalong Bandit 3-horse slant, walk-in tack compartment.......................... $6900
1997 Trailmobile w/1997 Trailmobile pup................$14,500/pair
Diamond C 12-ft. x 83” ATV trailer, excellent shape............$2100
John Deere 210C skip loader w/ 14-ft. snow pusher ......................$3900 hydraulic Gannon box scraper...... 8-ft. skid steer snow pusher ........$1900 ...........................................$5995
Large Trailer Parts Inventory
Haulmark 6-ft. x 10-ft........$1900 (2) Iron Steer 24-ft. lumber roller trailers................$6995 & $8995
Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE NEW! . ....................................... $6500 Wilray 20-ft. with dovetail..$2500
4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats - $65 ea.
2016 Diamond C 12-ft. x 77”....$1800
Axles • Springs • Lights Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs Jacks • Bearings & Seals • Etc.
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