JULY 2021
Vol. XXII No. 6 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997
Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com E-MAIL: advertising@tradersdispatch.com
Workshop for fruit growers
The Yellowstone Valley Fruit Grower Workshop, hosted by Montana State University Extension Yellowstone County, will be held on July 24 from 9 AM – 1 PM. The workshop will begin with presentations from local experts at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Worden, Montana and will conclude with a tour, lunch, and panel discussion at Township Road Farm. Presentations will cover the following topics: the basics of fruit production, organic production considerations, marketing your product, and funding opportunities for producers. During the farm tour, there will also be a soil testing demonstration and fertilization discussion. Anyone interested in learning about growing fruit is welcome. The cost of the workshop is $10 which includes lunch. Register by July 21 at yellowstone.msuextension. org/agriculture/. If you have any questions, contact Callie Cooley, MSU Extension Yellowstone County Agricultural Agent, at 406-256-2828 or callie.cooley@montana.edu.
July 10 - 18, Smith Sales Co., Ellis Ranch, Online................................... A4, A5 July 10 - Aug 11, Big Iron Auctions, Brooksfield Farms, Online................... A2 July 15, Ophus Auction Co., Morse Farm, Big Sandy MT............................... A3 July 24, Stan Buckholz, Emineth Septic Tank Business, Billings MT........... A6 July 24, Matt’s Auction Service, Retirement, Great Falls MT........................ A6 July 31.. Toavs Premier Auctions, Jens Nielsen Retirement Farm, Reserve MT ..................................................................................................................... A7 Aug 7, Bass Auction Co., Machine Shop Liquidation, Lewistown MT........... A8 Sept 25, Weaver Auctions, Robinson Ranch & Fall Consignment, Racetrack MT................................................................................................................ A8
Extension hosting manure composting workshops
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension, in conjunction with the University of Minnesota (UMN) Extension, is hosting two in-person manure composting workshops. The workshops will be on July 21 at the NDSU Carrington Research Extension Center in Carrington, North Dakota, and on August 11 at the UMN West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris, Minnesota. Workshops will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude at 4:30 p.m. Central time. The workshops, sponsored by the North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program, will focus on the basics of turning raw manure into compost. Compost producers who make up the producer panel will be available to answer questions throughout the day at each workshop. Topics for the workshops include: • Site selection • Temperature management • Moisture management • Turning the compost • Spreader calibration demonstration • Sampling demonstration CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
Sept 17, Montana Organic Association, Bitterroot MT................................ A25 Oct 26, Montana Organic Association, Havre MT........................................ A25 Dec 2 - 4, Montana Organic Association, Bozeman MT.............................. A25
Sustainable Agronomy Conference expands virtual format The American Society of Agronomy will host the 4th Annual Sustainable Agronomy Conference in a new, extended virtual format. The event series is free to all attendees. The conference will be hosted over a period of six weeks starting on July 20th, with one two-hour session released each week. Attendees can watch live or later. Topics will include: • July 20: Navigating Carbon Markets • July 27: Measuring and Improving Soil Health • August 3: Utilizing 4R Nutrient Management Best Practices • August 10: Managing Scarce Water Resources • August 17: Protecting Pollinators and Managing Their Habitats • August 24: Growing a Regenerative Crop Production System In addition, the American Society of Agronomy is partnering with the Conservation Technology Information Center to offer a four-part virtual Conservation in Action Tour in conjunction with the confer-
ence. Each tour will include a video with interviews from the field, followed by a live panel discussion. “Certified Crop Advisers, agronomists, farmers, and other attendees will gain a deep understanding of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to implement sustainable agronomy in the field,” says Sally Flis, Chair of the Certified Crop Adviser Board. Unlike other sustainability or agronomy conferences that describe broad research findings, this conference will be actionoriented, practical, interactive, and applied with a focus on decision support and execution. For more information about the Sustainable Agronomy Conference and to register, visit: https://www.agronomy.org/meetings/ sustainable-agronomy Media representatives are invited to attend the virtual 2021 Sustainable Agronomy Conference. Please register through the standard portal on the website. For media inquiries, please contact Rachel Schutte (rschutte@sciencesocieties.org).
4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day set for July 15 University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is excited to offer the first annual 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day on July 15, 2021, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center, Ithaca. The 4Rs is a nutrient management and water stewardship approach which emphasizes fertilizer use with the right source, right rate, right time and right placement of fertilizers. This science-based approach focuses on the best nutrient management practices and sustainable crop production with increasing crop yield and farmer’s profit while protecting the environment. Key advantages of following 4Rs Nutrient Management Stewardship include: • An efficient and effective soil fertility program for optimizing the crop nutrient requirements. • Reducing the cost of fertilizer input while ensuring crop nutrient needs. • Increasing synchrony of soil nutrients availability and crop growth and develop-
ment. • Reducing the potential for nutrient loss to surface water, groundwater and air. • Enabling efficient use of water with the combined interaction of nutrients availability, crop growth and water use. • Improving soil organic matter and soil health benefits with more crop biomass production. • Increasing nutrient use efficiency by minimizing nutrient losses. Speakers from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Nebraska’s Natural Resource Districts and National Resources Conservation Service will be presenting topics related to 4Rs strategies to improve crop yield and profits while protecting the environment. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT............................ A43 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT..................................... A43 Wichman Herefords, Moore MT................................ A36
ADVERTISING DEADLINE The deadline for August issue is WEDNESDAY, July 28. Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A32 Email: advertising@tradersdispatch.com
Website: www.tradersdispatch.com
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A2
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE
Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118
MONTANA BRAND FOR SALE A true one iron, blotch free brand Horses - right shoulder, Cattle - left hip
$5500 obo
Phone (406) 853-2070
Points to Ponder:
It’s really snowflake times when people get offended even at compliments. What has the society gotten to? Only yesterday I complimented somebody on a lovely mustache and she was beside herself! ##### Is it true that cannibals don’t eat clowns because they taste funny?
Skinner Harvesting LLC Dan & Stephanie Skinner seeking Montana acres for 2021 crop year
Long term commitment Winter, Spring Wheat, if possible. Barley, Peas, Canola or Daily production print outs. other crops References available from 3 John Deere 770 combines MacDon flex drapers with pea augers Pickup headers available 5 semi trucks and full support equipment
Call Dan (620) 340-2843 or Stephanie (620) 340-2785
5 state area.
If you are not satisfied with the service you now receive, or have expanded your operation please give us a call
It is never too early to talk about harvest skinnerharvesting.com dsskinner@osprey.net
4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
The event counts as 4.5 CEUs on Nutrient Management. The field day is free, but registration is required for participation. More information is at https://agronomy.unl. edu/4rs-nutrient-stewardship-field-day Coordinating the event is Javed Iqbal, Extension specialist and assistant professor of agronomy, and can be reached at jiqbal2@unl.edu or 402-472-1432.
Extension hosting manure composting workshop CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
• Understanding analysis reports • Economics • Regulations • Q and A with expert compost producer panel This workshop will provide a chance for people who have questions to learn the process of composting. They also will have a hands-on opportunity to practice various management techniques they may need to use when making their own compost in a low-stress environment. Registration is free but required. Go to https://z.umn.edu/ Compost2021 to register. The registration deadline for the North Dakota workshop is July 14. The registration deadline for the Minnesota workshop is August 4. For more information, email mary.keena@ndsu.edu or cmodderm@umn.edu.
Capture the Sunset Week
Date When Celebrated: Third full week of July Sunsets are one of nature’s prettiest pictures. Not every night produces a brilliant tapestry of color at sunset. The conditions have to be just right. When a brilliant sunset does occur, it can take your breath away. So, it’s only fair and proper, that we take a moment to show recognition and appreciation for glorious sunsets, and to snap a few pictures to capture the moment. The sun sets every night. But, many nights it is hidden by clouds. Some nights, the sun just sets into the horizon, with just the reddening of the sun. Other nights, clouds keep the sunset from view. As a result, we need a full week of watching sunsets, in hopes of catching one or two brilliant, magnificent sunsets. When this happens, grab your camera and capture the moment. Then, share it with others on social media. Or, frame it for your living room! Sunset watching tip for the guys: Watching a beautiful sunset with the young lady of your dreams can create a magical moment. Make sure to tell her that while the sunset is indeed beautiful, it is not nearly as beautiful as her.
July 2021 — Vol. XXII No. 6 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.
Deadline for August issue WEDNESDAY, July 28 Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales
Office Phone 406-271-5533
FAX 406-271-5727
e-mail: advertising@tradersdispatch.com www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build your ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.
Watch for Sparks! Grease the bearings and check exhaust system. Keep equipment clean from excess fuel and oil. Have water and fire extinguisher on hand.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A3
Grain, Liquid, Hay & Livestock Hauling • In business since 1960 • Visit us at www.glasstrucking.com
Denton, MT 406-567-2232 800-325-8859
Ophus Auction Company invites you to the
Lee Morse Farm thAuction Thursday July 15 , 2021
To be held at the Ophus Auction Yard ,Highway 87, Big Sandy, Montana
This will be a live and virtual online auction. You can bid on items right now. Then at 10 AM Thursday July 15th we will sell out live and on your computer ** You can preview equipment at any time at ** Ophus Auction Yard, Highway 87, Big Sandy, Montana
2012 Top Air TA1600 suspended boom pull type sprayer, 120 Ft, 1,600 Gal poly tank, 100 Gal fresh water rinse tank, triple nozzles, Auto fold, Auto height control, Auto boom mapping, boom gage wheels, 380/90 R-46 dual wheels, sells with a Trimble 500 & Trimble EZ boom controller, wireless sprayer control for checking nozzles, includes a new boom section for a repaired one
2002 Volvo tandem axle truck, air ride cab with AC Radio, 400Hp ISX Cummins replaced at 613,010 miles, 10 speed auto shift, air ride passenger seat, air ride 40,000 # rear axles, 12,000 # front axle, all aluminum wheels, 285/75 R 24.5 tires, 19 Ft ITB aluminum box with 60 inch sides, roll tarp, remote hoist & remote tailgate controls, 757,257 miles front bumper has cracked fiberglass ends, (this truck runs as good as it looks)
1990 Case IH 9170 tractor, 335 Hp 855 Cummins, 12 speed power shift, 24.5-32 duals, Trimble auto steer, 6,526 Hr. Serial Num. JCB0006094
Eversman Model 600 Hyd pull type dirt scraper, 6 yard, 4 wheels in the rear, serial Num. 3405
2013 John Deere 318D skid steer, cab with air/heat, suspension seat, hand controls H pattern, 2 speed, high flow hydraulics, hydraulic detach 66” bucket with bolt on cutting edge, block heater, 1268 hours. SN 1T0318DBTCG237194
1996 Peterbilt 379 XH, 400 HP Cat 3406 E, new injectors in 2020, 15 speed, air ride cab & suspension, 60 inch flat top sleeper, outside aluminum wheels, new 11R-24.5 drive tires, 12,000 # front axle, 38,000 # rear axles, 276 inch wheel base 1,403,383 miles ( nice older pre emissions truck)
2007 New Holland CX8080 combine, cab, air, heat, radio, 360 hp 9 litre 6 cylinder charged Iveco diesel engine, hydro, 900/60R-32 bar tires, 600/65 R-28 steering tires, contour tilting feeder house, self-leveling cleaning shoe, grain bin extension, holds approximately 330 bushels, 2977 engine hours, 2156 separator hours, SN 311564045 (This is a Class 7 high capacity walker machine).
2007 New Holland 76C 16-ft. full width belt-type pickup header. SN PPP003196 with SwathMaster pickup.
Register to bid at www.OphusAuctions.com
2012 John Deere 635F HydraFlex 35 Ft header, full finger auger, pickup reel, air reel, single point Hyd hook up, sells with a homemade tandem axle bumper pull header trailer
2004 John Deere 9650 STS combine, cab air heat radio, single point Hyd header hookup, 30.5LR32 drive tires, 18.4-26 steering tires, new clean grain auger, 1 season on feeder house bottom, elevator chain & chopper knives, 2 seasons on new concaves, grain tank input auger is poly, has been updated to run 600 series headers, 2,668 engine Hr. 2,067 separator Hr. Serial Num. HO9650STS701413 (the paint on this is great)
Le Turneau Model LP 12 yard cable control pull type scraper, it needs 4- 18.00-24 tires, this unit is located at 7739 Fresno Rd N north of Havre Mt. serial Num. S-23219-LP ( buyers responsibility for loading)
New Holland 94C 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel with hydraulic fore and aft, SN 360600283. Adaptor fits New Holland or Case IH. 100 gallon fuel tank with 12 volt pump & meter
Auctioneers Note: Lee has leased out his farm due to health reasons. His equipment is very clean and well maintained. We have some guest consigner’s machinery added and included also. You will have to watch our web site for the complete listing. Thanks Shane
2010 Timpte 40 Ft aluminum grain trailer, 2- Ag hoppers, spring suspension, excellent 11R-24.5 tires, new roll tarp, pintle hitch 1977 John Deere 8630 4WD tractor, cab, air, 225 hp, 12 speed SyncoRange transmission, 20.8-38 dual tires with cast centers, 1000 RPM PTO, 3 hydraulics, front lights are LED, SN 8630H 005037R (Nice cab and seat) John Deere Model 165 3 point backhoe, 24 inch bucket, serial Num. 00697GT Brandt 7x35 Ft auger, 10 Hp electric motor, poly flighting, sells with wet kit & Wheat Heart drag auger, remote on/off control, has had 2 repairs on the tube
Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane, Blaine & Taylor, Auctioneers • Mason Ophus, Clerk
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A4
Auctioneers Note: there will be many other items posted online. This list is prepared about 30 days out. The Ellis family sold the ranch last year. As a buyer you need to read the terms for payment and removal. Items at the ranch sale site must be cleared out the Sunday following the sale date. Ranch is located about an hour from our auction center. Plan accordingly, you can’t just run to Ace if you forget a chain or a strap. Load out details posted online. Thanks & Happy Bidding! - Matt Smith
Lots Start Closing Sunday July 18, 2021 @ 6 pm Bid Online at www.SmithSalesCo.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A5
Ellis Ranch Online Auction
ems, & more! ems, & more!
uction uction 2021 @ 6pm
Sunday July 18, 2021 6 pm - Miles City & Ismay, Montana
, Posted 2021 online @ 6pm
s Posted online
Preview in Person July 16 & 17th 9 - 4:30 pm in Ismay, MT 6 - Farm Trucks 1985 Chevrolet C70 tandem axle; GM diesel; 13 speed; 20 ft. 2012 Aulick bed 1995 IH 2674 tandem axle Cummins M11; Allison Automatic; Aulick 22 ft. bed 1982 Ford tandem axle, diesel; Allison Automatic; Aulick 20 ft. bed GMC Farm truck; tandem axle; 427 gas; Allison Automatic; 20 ft. bed Chevrolet S/A 16 ft. flatbed w/ bale rack Chevrolet S/A Grain truck 16 ft. bed w/ drill hst 4 - Mixer Feed Trucks Volvo Cab Over Mixer truck w/ TMR 1130 bed 2000 IH 2654 Mixer Truck w/ Harsh 900 bed, IH diesel; Allison Automatic 1998 IH Mixer Truck with flotation tires, Harsh 810H bed, IH Diesel; Allison automatic. 1990 Ford F900 AWD Mixer truck w/ 4090 Botec bed, Ford Diesel; Allison Automatic
One of Two Service Body’s One of Two Service Body’s
ners && salvage; nners salvage; Industrial Industrial salvage, salvage, upp 6 inch pump; Rupp 6 inch pump; 44 Pallets Pallets Steel Steel Station; Station; Reed Reed Prentice Prentice metal metal lathe; lathe; Fuel hopFuel tank; tank; Fork Fork Lift Lift Dumping Dumping hopdd Fall Arrest System’s; JD Tractor Fall Arrest System’s; JD Tractor tiple ltiple Culverts; Culverts; Boxes Boxes of of Fire Fire ExtinExtinhhWire Wire Cable; Cable; Kubota Kubota 44 cyl; cyl; Engine Engine n HYD on HYD Press; Press; Volvo Volvo Fuel Fuel & & Lube Lube avy 2 avy haul haul truck; truck; Fuel Fuel Island Island with with 2 ; roll e; roll of of 5/8 5/8 cable; cable; Kubota Kubota Loader; Loader;
Fuel Tanks 2 - 19 ft. x 6 ft. round fuel tanks on stands 2 - 12 ft . X 64 inches round tanks on feet 1 - Large Upright Fuel tank 12 ft. tall 2 - 500 gallon tanks on stands; others PVC Pipe & Water Storage Unused 4.7 +/- Miles of 3 inch PVC water line; sold 3 bunks at a time; 20 ft. lengths. Unused Quantity of 1 1/2 PVC 20 ft. lengths Unused Quantity of 2 inch PVC pipe 20 ft. lengths 3 – Endura 3000 gallon upright tanks; 1- Endura 1900 gallon horizontal tank; 14 ft. slip tank for truck; 450 gallon slip tank for pickup; others
Farm / Tillage Farm King 8700 Disk 36 ft. wide; 27 1/4 inch disks; near new, less than 1000 acres of use Parma Roller Harrow Model 30F4, 30 ft. under 500 acres of use, hyd wings, very clean! Bale King Bale Processor; looks near new Tree Truck IH Loadstar, gas engine, 5/4 trans, Vermeer TS- Unverferth Roller Harrow Model 220 37 ft. wide John Deere 960 S-Tine cultivator; 34 ft. wide 66T tree spade; 24 ft. JD 1010 Drills Super clean boxes 2– John Deere 900 rippers Pickups 14 ft. Miller offset disk. Nice shape 4 - Square Body Chevy pickups 3/4 & 1 ton Melroe 8 Bottom plow; IH 20 ft. 5 bottom plow; 4x4’s Eversman Land Scraper 2 - 1960’s F250 4x4’s John Deere 7300 Max Emerge 18R Planter w/ 2– 1990’s Ford 4x4 pickups hyd markers; Smaller 3 Point Ripper 6 - Salvage Vehicles 28 ft. Heavy harrow 5/8ths thick drag spikes Harvester & Headers Heavy Equipment John Deere 7800 four wheel drive harvester, CAT D8K 13.5 ft. semi u blade; ripper, runs runs great; fresh battery, 600 hp. Cummins w/ good operates good; 2,786 engine hours; 1,990 separator hours CAT D6C; Starts easy runs good; operates Krone Easy Collect 6000FP head, 8 row 20 ft. 2014 Capello 520 header 17 ft. multi crop rotary good, updated undercarriage, add on ripper John Deere 644H Wheel loader, 9 ft. 10 inch cutter head bucket, Grabtech grapple; runs / works good, JD 630 9 ft. head 22,000 hours; 4 matching newer tires, Tractors John Deere 9520T 36 inch belts; 450 hp, glass Trencher’s is good; Cold AC, Shows 6100 hours, fresh en- Ditch Witch Model R100 trencher, diesel engine, gine from John Deere in Miles City, MT 3 point, 8 ft. stinger, dozer blade Ditch Witch Model R100 for parts, 1000 pto, very easy to operate, Wired for GPS John Deere 8430 18.4 duals; 12 ft. Dozer; Oil field Pipe, Big Pipe & Ranch Related Shows 4133 hours; Quad range; Starts / runs 80 Sticks of 2 7/8 tubing; 6 - 60 ft. sections of 12 good; 3pt., 1000 pto; 3 aux hyds; clean tractor. inch ID gas line pipe; 2 - 60 ft. curved 12 inch gas line pipe; 4– 38-40 ft. 30 inch round pipe; Bottomless Bunks & Tire Feeders Multiple lots of misc. steel; Quantity of 10 ft. 2 31 + bottomless bunks, Werkmeister & home made. 7 - used round bale feeders; Large Quan- 3/8 post; Small Quantity of Guardrail; Quantity of rail road ties; Quantity of Unused t post’s; Paltity of Turn tire feeders lets of Unused Barbwire; 2– Older Cattle chutes; Powder River head gate; Multiple Generators; Semi One large pile of Scrap Iron 1995 Kenworth T600; Series 60 Detroit, 13 speed, 3.70 ratio’s, 52,000 GVW, Ali Arc Front Ranch Location: 1155 Road 421 Ismay. MT From bumper, Merrit Headache rack; decent rubber, MC take HWY 12 to Mizpah Road, take Mizpah road runs / drives good, sleeper, clean inside & out to the Power River Bridge, Cross Bridge, Continue Auctioneers Note: This Auction has items at our on County Road 428 till it intersects with RD 421 then Auction Center and items at the former Ellis Ranch. take RD 421 to the sale site. Signs will be posted. No Preview for items at ranch is only available the days early preview, gate locked / inaccessible. listed. Call with questions. Thanks, Matt Smith
Auctioneers The Auctioneers Note: Note: The mine mine is is cleaning cleaning house like never never before. before. There will be many many additional additional items as the the warehouses warehouses get cleaned cleaned out. out. Read terms online. online. Thank Thank you - MS
ss ss cc
Online Bidding at www.SmithSalesCo.com Phone: 406-234-7355 hSalesco.com hSalesco.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A6
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
2011 Case IH 8120 combine, 1001 separator hours. Sells with 2152x40-ft. draper header and 3016x15-ft. like new belt pickup header................................................................. $175,000 2005 Freightliner Century tandem truck, 450 hp Mercedes, SmartShift, air tag, pintle, 20-ft. ITB aluminum grain box........................................................................................... $60,000 2012 Brandt 1370XL grain auger with manual swing hopper..................................... $15,000 2002 Westfield MK 100, 10”x61-ft. grain auger with manual swing hopper................... $4000 1981 Versatile 875 tractor, radial duals at 90%, 5500 hours....................................... $14,000 Flexi-Coil 300B 36-ft. cultivator with mounted harrows.................................................. $8000 1975 Chevrolet single axle train truck, 16-ft. box and hoist........................................... $5000 Hesston 8100 swather with 25-ft. draper and 16-ft. auger hay head. Well used........... $5000 MDB heavy duty rock bucket, Ezee-On loader mounts.................................................. $2000 Call (406) 590-1595 for more information or to schedule appointment
Saturday, July 24th, 2021 – 9:00 a.m. • 5 Miles N of Billings, MT Septic Tank Business Selling - Owner: Ted Emineth • Septic tank frames • 2 semi delivery trucks • Very clean forklift • 30-ft. motorhome with air ride • Several excellent boats • 26-ft. Starcraft aluminum boat • JCB Site Master backhoe - 4 CM, less than 80 hours on new motor
• Pallets of granite slab countertops • Very clean items • Permalube standard oil barrels with oil return pumps • John Deere (A) with added 3 pt. & other ranch items • Good antiques throughout the auction. It willl be a very interesting auction!
PLAN TO ATTEND! BRING YOUR TRAILERS! Auctioneer: Stan Buckholz, 406-855-5555
Saturday, July 24, 2021 10:00 am
Location: 183 Sun Meadows Rd. Great Falls, MT 59404
2018 Dodge Ram 2500 Laramie Mega cab 4X4 Diesel (automatic, leather seats, short bed, 165K, turn-over goose neck ball hitch, custom wheels, 60% rubber, Frontier heavy-duty bumper grill guard)((VERY CLEAN & SHARP!!))
2000-16’ Keifer Built bumper pull Steel Stock Trailer w/ cut gate,1993-18’ Tandem Axle Flatbed bumper pull Trailer, 16’ Glastrom fiberglass hull Boat on Trailer w/115 HP Johnson outboard motor, 2003 Polaris Sportsman 500 ATV 4X4 2-speed, Mult. Sets of Scaffolding, Foam Insulating Unit in 16’ Titan goose neck Steel Trailer 14000 GVWIncludes Graco E-30 Reactor Foam Pump, Quincy 5 HP 80 gal. 17.7 CFM@ 100psi air compressor (unit comes fully equipped & ready to work) Loose Fill Blow Insulation Unit in 8x16 LOOK enclosed Trailer includes Capital Insulation machine w/self-contained gas power unit (approx. 40 bags Owens Corning Fiberglass insulation(This unit is also fully equipped & ready to work)
3 yr. Old Welsh/Halflinger Pony(green broke), misc. Tack, Gun Scabbards, Bridles, Packing Gear, Farrier Tools, 8x12 Wall Tent w/4’ side wallsno frame, 2-wdn horse Hay Feeders, Elect. Step-in Fence Posts, ¾ Semi-load firewood logs
16” Jet Planer(220 V. 3-HP motor), 10” Sears Craftsmen Table saw on stand, Rigid Sander post & belt attach., 8” Dewalt Chop Saw, Porter Cable Table Router, Sears Craftsmen Drill Press, Bostitch 6 gal. port. Air Compressor, Hotsy Infrared Kerosene Heater(118,000 BTU), Dewalt angle grinder, 1/2” Dewalt elect. Drill, 1/2” Pneumatic impact, Nail guns, Misc. hand tools & wrenches, 3/4” socket set w/ ratchet, Lg. open end Wrenches, Yard fert. Spreader, Yard & Garden tools, J.D. Garden Wagon, J.D. X360 Lawn Tractor w/48”deck(hydro static—375 hrs), S.E.P. Rototiller,
Auctioneer’s Note: John & Susan are retiring and downsizing. Items are very clean and in good condition, John owned & operated “Quality First Insulation” These trailers and equipment will be in operation up to Sale date. This is a Prime Opportunity for someone to start an insulation business!
3-cushioned sway sofa, desk w/drawers & storage cabinet, bookcase, 4-pc. hardwood office desk w/shelves, Queen size Log bed, Antique Dresser w/mirror, 3-pc. Library bookshelf set, small dry sink, Oak toy box, 6’ solid wood church pew, Rd. Oak Table, Maple Veneer Table w/9 leaves, 4 -old wooden kitchen chairs, 4-pc. Oak Queen bedroom suite(2 night stands, bed & chest of drawers), Apt. size bar with 2-stools, patio table w/ 6-chairs, 17 1/2 cu. ft. chest freezer, 2-seat patio glider, Kid’s playset w/ watchtower, swings, sandbox & slide, Large Trampoline, solid Oak extendable bench, Kid’s bench w/seat storage, Maytag Elect. Range w/Oven, 2-Metal storage cabinets
From Vaughn Exit 290, take Frontage Road South to Ulm-Vaughn Road, approx. 3 miles, then turn Right/West on Sun Meadows Rd., then approx. 2 miles to auction. Watch for Auction Signs!!
CONDITIONS OF SALE: All items sell “as is”, no returns. The condition and serviceability of any piece of equipment is expressed only by the owners and absolutely no warranty or guarantee is given or implied. This flyer is only a guide and is subject to additions or deletions. Although information has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, the Auctioneer makes no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information herein contained. All purchases become the responsibility of the buyer upon the Auctioneer’s acceptance of the final bid on said items. Neither the Auction Company nor the Seller assumes responsibility for accidents. PAYMENT: Cash, Check, or Credit Cards (3% Charge) are accepted. Everything is sold “as is” with no warranty. No refund or exchanges, all sales final. You must have a state ID to obtain a buyers number. No purchases are to be removed until settled for.
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MSU women’s rodeo team wins national title at CNFR
By Meaghan MacDonald-Pool, MSU News Service After a strong regular season performance, the Montana State University rodeo team turned its attention to the College National Finals Rodeo in mid-June with the hopes of making a statement. And in front of the country’s finest in Casper, Wyoming, the women’s rodeo team did just that. The team captured its third national championship — its first since 2011 — as well as an individual title in barrel racing and a share of the all-around title. MSU finished with 590 team points to defeat Southwestern Oklahoma State, with 432.5, and Cochise College of Arizona, with 403.3. The MSU men finished 11th with 415 points. Junior tie-down roper Caleb Berquist finished runner-up in his event, the best individual finish of the Bobcats. “As a coach I always have confidence in our team. They put the work in the offseason and regular season, and I thought we had a good chance when we got to Casper,” said Andy Bolich, head coach for the rodeo team. “Sometimes at the finals it doesn’t go the way you want it to, but I was confident in this group of girls, and they did really well.” Coming into the CNFR, Tayla Moeykens, a freshman marketing major in the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship, had won the Big Sky Region barrel racing title and was ranked third in the nation in that event. She had won two of the three rounds in the CNFR but found herself sitting in fourth place entering the championship round on Saturday, June 19. Being down in the standings didn’t faze Moeykens, as she and her horse, Blue, clocked a time of 13.99 seconds, the fastest of the week, to capture the title. It is MSU’s first individual title in any event since 2011 and the first barrel racing title in MSU women’s rodeo history. Moeykens earned her team 360 points in the event and was also named Women’s Rookie of the Year. Bobcat sophomore Shai McDonald placed fourth in barrel racing with a time of 14.21. “It’s a dream come true, I honestly can’t put into words the emotion I felt to be able to win the nation,” said Moeykens, who is from Three Forks. “I entered the short-go (round) in fourth and Blue went out there and did what she did to win it. It’s such an honor. And to find out after the award ceremony that I was the first to win the barrel racing title for MSU made it extra special.” Sophomore Paige Rasmussen, who competes in the goattying event, shared the women’s all-around title with Jill Donnelly of Cochise College. Rasmussen is the first women’s all-around winner since Jan Walter in 1971. Going into the final night of competition, Rasmussen was in first place and clocked a time of 6.3 seconds, appearing to win the national title. However, her goat did not stay tied, which dropped her to 12th place. Rasmussen said she was heartbroken by the outcome, but says it felt amazing to pull off the shared all-around title. “Everything works out for a reason, and I was excited when I found out I split the all-around,” said Rasmussen, who is originally from Choteau but graduated from high school in Belgrade. “I was so blessed and happy. It’s still sinking in, but feels really good.” Rasmussen, who majors in psychology and minors in Spanish, said the team recognized their opportunity going into the CNFR and knew they could rise to the occasion. By the fourth day of competition the women’s team captured the lead, thanks to points contributions by several athletes. Rasmussen credited her teammates’ well-rounded talents for MSU’s victory and said despite competing against each other in some events, they know the final outcome is to accumulate points for the team overall. Moeykens added that the depth of their roster and the consistency each athlete brings to their competitions are some of the team’s biggest strengths. “At every single rodeo we went out and did the best we could,” she said. “We were very consistent and solid in how we performed, and that’s the biggest key factor. We didn’t let the pressure get to us, made our runs and remained constant.” CONTINUED ON PAGE A7
MSU women’s rodeo team wins national title at CNFR CONTINUED FROM PAGE A6
The wins were not just personal for Rasmussen and Moeykens but stood for something bigger for Montana rodeo and the university. Rasmussen has been competing in rodeo since the sixth grade. Her mother competed on the MSU rodeo team, and her grandparents are also MSU alumni. Moeykens has been walking the barrel pattern since she was 3 years old and had a role model in her mother, who was also a successful barrel racer in the state. For Rasmussen, the CNFR win puts MSU on the map as a smaller school that can compete with larger programs, while also showcasing the hard work the team puts in both in competition and the classroom. “This win says a lot about us, not just about us competing but us as a four-year university,” she said. “Not only are we taking a lot of time to train and practice, but MSU is not an easy school and all of us have to split our time and work hard. Not only are these girls great athletes but great students as well.” “It was really exciting because I’m born and raised in Montana and it was really cool to bring the title back home,” Moeykens added. “I was born in Bozeman, so to be able to compete for my home school was really cool and bringing home the title was extra special.” With the season over and several MSU athletes competing on the rodeo circuit all summer, Bolich said he anticipates the women’s team will continue to be a force on the national scene. Though this year is his last as MSU’s rodeo coach, he said he has faith in the continued success of the program. “They’re going to be really tough. We got some good recruits coming in alongside our returners and those girls are going to win a lot more in their college careers,” he said. “There’s nothing bigger to win than a national championship and it won’t be their last one.”
Growing upward
A common thought is that, at birth, foals are at least 60 percent of their final height. Most horse breeds are said to reach somewhere between 80 to 95 percent of their height by 24 months of age, and yet continue marginal growth into their fifth and sixth years. Some breeds have been known to gain height in their seventh year. It is important to many horsemen to have a tall adult horse. A common belief, which would be difficult to prove, is that a horse castrated at an early age (as soon as the testicles descent) may ultimately end up taller than if the horse was gelded later (aged two or older).
##### Lord, what a relief to focus on what you think of me instead of what other people think. May I always keep my eyes on you. ##### Lord, thank you for keeping me sane this morning when I dropped my blouse into the trash compactor and scraped my leftover cereal into the clothes hamper. ##### Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to pick up the book I just bought to help me with memory loss.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A7
Case IH 1660 combine, 1010 header, Cummins, 2348 hours, new tin, parts, good tires, shedded, clean. Phone (406) 627-2155, Brady, Montana
Central Machine & Ag Repair, LLC
Specializing in
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29 McNamara Ave. Big Sandy, MT 406-265-2154
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A8
New, steerable..................................................
Phone (406) 350-1391
Ag leaders learn about importance of the Snake River System in Idaho Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire
EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2002 Ford F450 4x4, automatic, duals, flatbed..... $16,000 2007 Volvo truck tractor, very good shape............. $19,000 2700 gallon stainless steel truck mount tank............. $7500
Call Rick Ostberg, 406-788-1300, Power, MT
AG1650 Air-Gravity grain cleaner...$18,500 AG440 Air-Gravity grain cleaner......$9500 Phone (406) 403-4600 Visit us at www.bigfatseed.com
Upcoming Auction: Complete Machine Shop Liquidation August 7, 2021
Clayton’s Independent Repair - Dean Barkhoff Estate 131 Roundhouse Rd, Lewistown, MT Kim Barkhoff - 406-366-3731 • Motor Parts • Shop Equipment • Vehicles • Tack • Miscellaneous Go to www.BassAuctionCo.com to view flyer and pictures
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Robinson Ranch & Fall Consignment Auction Sept. 25, 2021 @ 10:00 am Racetrack, MT ( 7 miles east of Deer Lodge)
Farm/Ranch/Livestock Equipment Several vehicles (dump truck, numerous pickups, trailers, ATV, UTV, snowmobile, boat, etc.) Restaurant equipment Nice/large variety of household items. Great selection of tack. Also featuring quality bred AQHA mares with foals and 2-3 year olds.
Casey & Amanda Weaver (406) 544-8696
Leaders from regional and national agricultural organizations, as well as agribusiness leaders, had the opportunity to learn about the importance of dams to interstate commerce in the lower Snake River during a meeting and tour June 15-16 in Lewiston, Idaho. Montana Farm Bureau Vice President Cyndi Johnson and Montana Grain Growers Association President Mitch Konen, American Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall, National Wheat Growers CEO Chandler Goule and Columbia Grain International CEO and President Jeff Van Pevenage along with other commodity association leaders, spent two days discussing the lower Snake River Dam System and the detrimental effect breaching the dams would have on the economy of the Pacific Northwest. The event was hosted by the Idaho Farm Bureau and the Idaho Grain Producers Association. “I didn’t realize how important these dams are to Montana agriculture,” said Johnson. “The commodities from Montana that are shipped via barge on this river include flax and some hard red spring wheat that are in huge demand in the Pacific Rim. Eliminating these dams would have a real impact on Montana’s economy and would really devastate Idaho’s economy.” Congressman Michael Simpson, R- ID, who serves on the House Appropriation Committee, has developed the idea that by adding $33.5 billion to the Appropriations, a large percentage of that money could be spent on dam elimination. Simpson claims the fish are going extinct, but Johnson, after seeing the dam in operation, said that doesn’t seem to be happening, and admired the work being done to improve populations of the salmon. “Millions of dollars have been spent on high-tech strategies to accommodate fish heading up and down the river over the last 50 years. The fish are doing better than
they have ever with a 98 percent survival rate,” noted Johnson. “That $33.5 billion in appropriations certainly won’t be enough to stop the economic devastation if the dams are removed.” She explains that after seeing the dams and learning about the success rate of the fish, removal of the dams is a poor idea not only for trade, but for the environment. “We learned that one four-barge tow to take grain down this river uses a quarter of the fuel and causes no pollution compared to the 538 trucks that would be needed to haul that same amount of grain,” Johnson said. In addition, the dams provide clean energy to 1.87 million homes. “Utilizing the waterways provides for safe, affordable and low-emissions form of transportation for moving commodities to market and consumers benefit with access to high quality grains.” MGGA President Mitch Konen said, “MGGA will continue to work with and support industry leaders in the region to ensure waterways are accessible to move commodities to global markets.” The participants strongly recommend that the House Appropriations Committee visit the dam to see firsthand that the fish are thriving and how dam removals would greatly harm the economies of the states who rely on the dams. Although only one percent of Montana grain moves via the Snake River System, should its dams be eliminated, Idaho, Washington and Oregon grain production would suddenly switch to rail transportation, creating bottleneck situations for Montana grain flow. In addition, it would set a dangerous precedent for other dam removals. In addition to touring the Lower Granite Dam Complex, the group had the opportunity to visit the Port of Lewiston and the Lewis-Clark Terminal.
Smart feeder to kickstart precision livestock management
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Researchers at the University of Nebras- animal science department. “That’s precika-Lincoln’s (UNL) Extension Centers and sion livestock nutritional management.” Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory have “We are looking at how we can utilize kickstarted a project that takes a new ap- these technologies from a production standproach at real-time precision livestock man- point and how they work for producers. agement in extensive rangeland ecosystems. We’re asking what’s the benefit and what’s Utilizing a solar powered Smart Feeder the best for the producer in terms of profit(https://www.c-lockinc.com/researchers/ ability and sustainability.” products/super-smartfeed), researchers The portable Smart Feeder system is used have the ability to precisely monitor and to continuously measure, control and adjust control individual livestock feed diets and daily feed intake and feed time for individuintake online. al animals. Inside the SmartFeeder are four “We create custom diets on an individual individual bins, allowing a broader choice in animal basis based on the animal’s needs, supplements that the herd may require nuand we can adjust the diet on each cow,” said tritionally, in the form of cake, powders and Travis Mulliniks, assistant professor in the CONTINUED ON PAGE A9
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A9
Smart feeder to kickstart precision livestock management
ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519
pellets. Data is captured on when each animal eats, what they eat, and how much they consume. Producers can access this data and adjust feeding times and access if necessary. Animals access the smart feeder using an electronic identification – or EID – tag. Each tag is unique to an individual animal, and the Smart Feeder dispenses the prescribed amount of feed for that animal. “I’ve got a lot more control over their nutritional diet than I had before,” Mulliniks said. “I can be very cost effective with what I feed to get a certain targeted end product. It also allows us the abilities to gather other performance or animal behavior data.” Optimizing resources on a large scale, especially in an extensive environment like the Nebraska Sandhills, can be challeng-
Case IH RB565
ing. Individual animal management plays a role in optimizing resources, according to Mulliniks. The Smart Feeder will allow Mulliniks and his team to curb variation intakes due to behaviors of aggressive and less aggressive eaters. This will allow for a uniform diet and daily gain for livestock, real-time feed data decision making as well as reduced feed and labor costs. “Part of the issue we have is, whether it is feedlot or pasture, it’s hard to get our hands on animals daily,” said Mulliniks. “It’s hard for us to answer a lot of key questions because of the extensive environment, the extensive unknowns such as their diet. Embracing this technology will help answer some of those questions that have been unknown forever.”
Case IH WD2104
Puma 185CVT
Case IH Farmall 40C
Used Tractors
New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer guidance.... .....................................$69,000
Used Haying Equipment
• Case IH Farmall 40C • Case IH Puma 185 CVT
New Haying Equipment
2003 Case IH RB562 twine & mesh....... .....................................$22,000 2013 Case IH WD1203, 18-ft. header, 1153 hours, consigned..........$80,000
Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. boom...................$19,900 John Deere 2100 inline ripper... $3500
Used Combine Headers
• Case IH 2104 Windrower • Case IH RB565 Round baler
2013 Case IH 3152 40-ft., uppercross auger kit, transport.............. $40,000
• Case SV 280B • Case TR 310B
Riteway rotary harrow, 60-ft., very nice condition, consigned............$20,000
New Skid Steers
New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake
New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock Grasshopper 725D 61” or 72” deck Grasshopper 524V 42” deck
Used Lawn Mowers
Used Sprayers & Tillage
Grasshopper 930D, 72” deck, 1897 hours........................ $7900 Grasshopper 321D, 72” deck, 756 hours..........................$4500
Miscellaneous Used Equipment
New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock
Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers REM VRX grain vac Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper Danuser Hammer post pounder Schulte FX1800 rotary mower Parma 30-ft. land plane
See photos and more information at: www.tri-cnty.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A10
If you have items you want advertised in the August 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is July 28th.
MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295
Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! 1-BrandtAnything 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... To Do With Grain, Handle It!$32,995 Thunder Creek EV 500 gallon fuel trailer, 25 GPM 12-volt pump, fuel filter, We 10 ply tres, NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & CLOSEOUT SPECIALS 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... $39,995
solar battery charger and battery, grey................................................................................ RETAIL 11,000 NTP $10,000 NEW OVERSTOCK BARGAINS & SPECIALS Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt NEW BARGAINS &40CLOSEOUT CLOSEOUT SPECIALS $33,995 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 Thunder Creek FST Belt 990OVERSTOCK gallon fuel trailer, Signature package, GPM pump, 1Brandt 20”x1 1 0’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle .......................................................................... $42,995 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away $32,995 Belt Conveyor with swing away........................................................................... ......................................................................... $39,995 15”x100’ solar battery maintainer, 100 gallon DEF tank with pump and hose reel, aluminum wheels 1-Brandt Hydraulic 15”x90’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ........................................................................... $32,995 Drive Over w/extended (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995 1-Brandt Belt Conveyor withCUSTOM swingtube away ......................................................................... $39,995 15”x100’ Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt and Field Max tires, electric hydraulic jack. RED. . ............................................ RETAIL $26,755 NTP $24,255 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Belt Conveyor with swing away ......................................................................... $39,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995
axle $33,995 1-Brandt 20”x95’ 1- Brandt 20”x1Belt 10’belt beltConveyor Conveyor w/steering axle............................................................................ .......................................................................... $42,995 1-Brandt 15”x90’ Conveyor with w/steering swing away............................................................................................... $32,995 Conveyor w/steering axle ............................................................................ $33,995 1-Brandt 20”x95’ belt
1- Brandt Hydraulic 20”x110’ belt Conveyor w/steering axle(fits .......................................................................... Drive Over w/extended tube with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $42,995 $15,995 1-Brandt 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995 1-Brandt belt Conveyor w/steering axle.............................................................................................. $47,995 Drive 2021 swing away Transferwith Conveyor withEFI 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic 1545LP20”x110’ Harvest International by Meridian conveyor mover, (fits 26.5hp engine, 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive 2021 swing away Transfer Conveyor (fits with 20x95 or 20x110)........ $13,995 electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $ 2 5,000 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110...................................................... $16,995 1- Brandt 20”x11Belt 0’ belt Conveyor axle .......................................................................... $42,995 1-Brandt 15”x100’ Conveyor with w/steering swing away............................................................................................. $39,995 1-Brandt Hydraulic Drive Over w/extended tube (fits with 20x95 or 20x110) ................................ $15,995
1-Brandt 820XR, green, 820 4-wheeler bushelbygrain cart, PTO tarp, load cellmover, scale, 26.5hp EFI engine, The Calf Catcher w/ATV brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 1545LP Harvest International Meridian conveyor with GT 465 monitor, 2 camera system............................................................................RETAIL $57,350 NTP Sale $40,000 electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $25,000 1545LP International by Meridian conveyor withoptions mover, Retail 26.5hp EFI engine, New 40’ Harvest Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller & scraper $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000
1545LP Harvest International by Meridian conveyor with mover, 26.5hp EFI engine, 1545LP Harvest Meridian conveyor mover, EFIw/wand engine,Retail $4,225.....NTP electric clutch............................................................................................................ 25,000 One -Calf HD 200 galInternational 3 pt. Homestead by FS sprayerwith w/30’ boom,26.5 hosehpreel NTPSale Sale$ The Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 electric clutch............................................................................................................ NTP Sale $$3,500 2$25,000 5,000 electric clutch. .....................................................................................................................................$NTP Sale 1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, The Calf Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets .................................................................................. $2,150 New 40’ Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller.................................................................................. & scraper options Retail $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000 The Calf Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets $2,150 self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. Use for grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $90,000 The Calf Catcher w/ATV 4-wheeler brackets. .......................................................................................................... $2150 New Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller & scraper options Retail $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000 One - 40’ HD 200 gal 3 pt. Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand Retail $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 NEW One Only Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. New 40’ Degelman Pro-Till disc Otico roller & scraper options Retail $174,000 .... NTP Sale $120,000 One - HD 200 gallon 3-pt. Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand. RETAIL $4225......... NTP $3500 1260RT Meridian triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, ft. or approx. 1,000 bu.$12,500 capacity, One - HD 200 galSeed 3 pt.Tender, Homestead by FS sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel w/wand1,260 Retailcu. $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale One - HD 200 gal 3 pt. Homestead byaxle FScontrols. sprayer w/30’ boom, hose reel6w/wand Retail $4,225..... NTP Sale $3,500 self-contained hydraulic system w/remote Use for grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $90,000 1260RT Meridian seed tender, triple trailer w/air ride suspension, compartments, 1260 cu. ft. or approx. 1260RT Meridian3Seed triple axle trailer ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu.$1,575 ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. $1,200 capacity, NTP Sale Two -Tebben pt. Tender, mowers rotary 60” w/air .....................................................Reg 1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft. or approx. 1,000 bu. capacity, 1000 bu.- capacity, self-contained hydraulic system wfor remote controls. Use for grain, Retail NEW One Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 $134,000 hp. Honda. self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. UsePost grain, seed or fertilizer................ NTP Sale $90,000 One - Heavy Duty 84”system Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 self-contained w/remote controls. Use for grain, seed or fertilizer................ Retail $134,000 NTP Sale $12,500 $90,000 Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale seed or -fertilizer. .hydraulic .....................................................................................................RETAIL NTP Sale $90,000 NEW One Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13$134,000 hp. Honda. NTP Sale $6,999 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NEW - One Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP Sale $1,200 Retail $15,255........................................................................................................... NTP Sale $12,500 NEWRetail - One$15,255........................................................................................................... Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp. Honda. NTP Sale $12,500 Danuser SkidDuty SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 $6,500 One -Tebben - $15,255...................................................................................................................................NTP Heavy Tebben Mower $4,300 NTP Sale Sale Two 3Mount pt.84” mowers rotary 60” rotary...........................................Reg. .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP $1,200 RETAIL Sale$3,000 $12,500 Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers rotary 60” .....................................................Reg $1,575 NTP Sale $1,200 FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 NTP Sale $1,800 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NTP Sale $6,999 One Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 $3,000 Springland UL U-trough Auger w/35Mower horsepower Kohler gas engine, electric clutch, One - Heavy Duty Tebben rotary...........................................Reg. $4,300 NTP Sale $3,000 Springland UTL U-84” trough Auger, w/35hitch..............................................Reg. horsepower, Kohler Engine, electric clutch, Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, grapple & Gas weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTP Sale 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport $7,999 $6,999 hydraulic mover and lift, light kit and spout. . ..............................................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade$6,500 $21,000 hydraulic mover & lift, light kit & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade 26’ Maybridge Harrow with transport hitch..............................................Reg. $7,999 NTP Sale$21,000 $6,999 The U-trough allows the augers to be used all& products lentils, grains, andSale canola, to FreeForm 8.25’innovation Model SM40, 1000, 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps &for gauge wheel kitfrom $2,170 NTP $1,800 Danuser Skid Mount post pounder, w/tilt, grapple weight ...Reg. $6,995 $6,500 The U-trough innovation allows the augers to grapple be used&for all products from lentils, and Danuser Skid Mount SM40, post pounder, w/tilt, weight kit ...Reg. $6,995 NTPgrains, Sale $6,500 fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combines. Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, FreeForm ModelThe 1000, 3-pt cultivators, w/sweeps wheel kit ...Reg. NTP Sale $1,800 canola, to8.25’ fertilizer. design has the benefits of&agauge traditional auger and$2,170 a conveyor combined. FreeForm 8.25’ Model 1000, cultivators, w/sweeps & gauge wheel kit ...Reg. $2,170 No NTP Sale$21,000 $1,800 hydraulic mover & with lift, light3-pt kit &EFI Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 Trade 8”x39’ Meridian augers HP26.5 Kohler cold weather muffler, Meridian mover, electric Springland UTL U-AUGERS trough26.5 Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, 8” x39’ MERIDIAN with HP EFIengine, Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric Springland UTL Utrough Auger, w/35 horsepower, Kohler Gas Engine, electric clutch, The U-trough innovation allows the augers to used fortensioner all products from$23,142 lentils, grains, and clutch, reversing gear light shovel kit,be spring belt ....RETAIL SALE $15,500 hydraulic mover & lift,box, light kit package, & Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner. ..................RETAIL $23,842 Call for pricing hydraulic mover & lift, kit &has Spout...........................................RETAIL $28,750 No Trade $21,000 canola, to fertilizer. Thelight design the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. 8” x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric The U-trough innovation allows augers to cold be used formuffler, all products from lentils, grains, and 10”x39’ Meridian augers with 38with HP 26.5 EFIthe Kohler engine, weather Meridian mover, electric The innovation allows the augers tospring be for all products from lentils, grains, and 8” x39’U-trough MERIDIAN AUGERS HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gear box,design light package, shovel kit, tensioner .....RETAIL SALE $16,000 canola, to fertilizer. The has the benefits of used a belt traditional auger and a$23,882 conveyor combined. clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner. . .................RETAIL $25,742 Call for pricing canola, to fertilizer. The design has the benefits of a traditional auger and a conveyor combined. clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE $15,500 BIN SWEEP PLUMBINGAUGERS KIT c/w Motor, Flow control hose, swivel bracket, weld in spidermuffler, & mounting peg installed .......electric add $900 8” x39’ MERIDIAN with 26.5 HPvalve, EFI Kohler engine, cold weather Meridian Mover, 8” clutch, x39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 8”x46’ Meridian augers with 26.5 HP EFIHPKohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian mover, electric x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL $23,142 SALE $15,500 10” x shovel 39’ shovel &shovel 10” xkit, 46’ NOW IN STOCK clutch, reversing gear box, light package, spring belt tensioner ....RETAIL$23,882 $23,142 SALE $15,500 clutch, reversing gear box, light package, kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL SALE $16,000 clutch, reversing gear box, light package, kit, spring belt tensioner. . .................RETAIL $24,582 Call for pricing 8” x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric 8” clutch, x46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric Added bin sweep plumbing kit to above auger, c/w motor, flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT clutch, reversing gear box, light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner .....RETAIL $23,882 SALE $16,000 and mounting peg installed. . ............................................................................................................................... add $900 10” control x 39’valve, & 10” x swivel 46’ NOW BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow hose, bracket,IN weldSTOCK in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900
BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KITConvey-All c/w Motor, FlowConveyor control valve,hydraulic hose, swiveldrive bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed ....... add $900 1435 Stainless Steel w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000
10” x 39’ & 10” x 46’ NOW IN STOCK
GOOD USED x 39’ & 10” x 46’EQUIPMENT NOW IN STOCK 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away10” Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 GOOD USED EQUIPMENT Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 1435 stainless steel Convey-All conveyor, hydraulic drive EQUIPMENT w/Isuzu diesel motor...................................... NTP $15,000 GOOD USED 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 10x60 Brandt Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTPNTP $15,000 10x60 Brandt XL XL swing away auger.............................................................................................................. $7000 1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ...............NTP $15,000 F9552 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2”5.5 w/ HP 5.5Honda HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 Used Pacer transfer pump 2” with motor................................................................................. NTP $450 10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger.....................................................................................NTP $7,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 Used Pacer Transfer 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ...........................................................NTP $450 70” Brandt harrow Model Pump 7000, 70’, SN114737-15..................................................................................... NTP $39,000 Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” Ends), w/ 5.5 HP Farm HondaKing motor $450 LR7651-51 Degelman Land Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 F9552 PTOHarrow Shaft CV (2-6 SPL fits 70’...........................................................NTP auger................................................NTP $500 70’ Brandt Model 7000 SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP $39,000 P9552 PTO shaft CV (2-6 SPL ends),SN114737-15.....................................................................NTP fits Farm King 70’ auger....................................................................... NTP $500 70’ Brandt Harrow Model 7000 $39,000 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 LR8064-36 Land Roller 64’,fits #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 F9552 PTO Degelman Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), Farm King 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 LR8064-36 Degelman land roller 64’, #LR6106......................................................................................... NTP$4,500 $50,000 F95527 PTO Shaft (2-6 SPL Ends), fits Farmaxle, Kingwith/ramp 70’ auger................................................NTP $500 2008 x 12 MirageCV Enclosed Trailer, tandem and walk-in door .................NTP LR7651-51 LR8064-36 Degelman Degelman Land Land Roller Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $33,000 $50,000 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller 64’, #LR6106 ................................................................NTP $50,000 2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO LR7651-51 Degelman land roller 51’. . ........................................................................................................ NTP $33,000 1075 Hotsy Degelman Hot WaterLand Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP$33,000 $6,000 LR7651-51 Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP LR7651-51 Degelman Land washer, Roller 51’.................................................................................NTP $33,000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 1075 Hotsy hot water pressure portable, diesel. . ............................................................................ NTP $6000 2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 1075 M2 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel ...................................................NTP $6,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 2007 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 2008 7x12 enclosed trailer,Trailer, tandemtandem axle, withaxle, rampwith/ramp and walk-inand door. ............................................. NTP $4500 2008 7 x Mirage 12 Mirage Enclosed walk-in door .................NTP $4,500 2008 7 x8,000 12 Mirage Enclosed tandem axle, and walk-in door .................NTP$34,500 $4,500 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, GrainTrailer, Bag Extractor, Likewith/ramp New...................................................NTP Champ lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 2007 Freightliner Mercedes engine, auto trans. flatbed. - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 2007 M2M2 Freightliner withwith Mercedes engine, auto transmission, .......................................... NTP $25,000OBO OBO 2007 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. bag - flatbed.............................NTP $25,000 OBO 7 TubeM2 Electric KwickGrain Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 Renn 1014 Farmboy Bag Unloader, with optional roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 Champ 8000 lb. forklift . . ................................................................................................................................ NTP $5000 Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift.........................................................................................................NTP $5,000 Tridekon Grain Boss 13”, Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 Renn1014 1014 Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 Renn Farmboy grain bag unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit............................................. NTP $29,000 Renn Farmboy Grain Bag Unloader, with optional bag roller rewind kit ....................NTP $29,000 7 Tube1014 Electric Kwick13”, Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 Tridekon Grain Boss Grain Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 Tridekon Grain Boss 13” 13”, grainGrain box extractor, like new.............................................................................. NTP $34,500 Tridekon Grain Boss Bag Extractor, Like New...................................................NTP $34,500 7 Tube Electric Kwick Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 RENTAL DISCS FOR SALE 7 Tube Electric Kwick Kleen Consigned..................................................................................NTP $8,000 7 tube electric Kwick Kleen, consigned........................................................................................................... NTP $7500 Degelman RDSofter, 320 rock digger, consigned..................................................................................................... $9500 36’ Farmet high speed disc with double roller basket ............................................NTPNTP $65,000
41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 RENTAL FOR SALE 26’ Pro-Till withdisc Otico roller &DISCS scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 36’ Degelman Farmet Softer, highdisc speed with double roller basket $65,000 RENTAL DISCS FOR ............................................NTP SALE 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $105,000 $120,000 36’ Farmet Softer, speed with double roller basket ............................................NTP $65,000 36’ Farmet Softer, highhigh speed disc disc with double roller basket..................................................................... NTP $65,000 36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket $65,000 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options............................................NTP ...........................................NTP $70,000 41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 41’ Powerflex speedtiller with spring roller. . .............................................................................................. NTP $120,000 41’ Degelman Powerflex Speedtiller roller ...........................................................................NTP $120,000 33’ Pro-Till discw/spring with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 500 – 990 Gallon Meridian fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock. 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 and 500 –disc 990 Gallon Thunder fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock 26’ Degelman Pro-Till with OticoOtico roller &roller scraper options................................................................... NTP $70,000 26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with &Creek scraper options ...........................................NTP $70,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 C ALL FOR PRICING . 33’ Degelman Pro-Till & scraper options .........................................NTP $105,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till discdisc with with OticoOtico roller &roller scraper options................................................................. NTP $105,000
500 – 990 Gallon Meridian fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock. and 500 – 990 Gallon Thunder fuel trailer&with DEF tanks in stock LowCreek Interest Leasing Financing 500 – 990 Gallon Meridian with. DEF tanks Available in stock.on most CALL fuel FORtrailer PRICING 500 – 990 Gallon Meridian fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock. and Used Equipment. forindetails. and 500 – 990 Gallon Thunder New Creek fuel trailer with DEFCall tanks stock and 500 – 990 Gallon Thunder Creek fuel trailer with DEF tanks in stock CALL FOR PRICING. 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Low FOR Interest Leasing. & Financing Available on most CALL PRICING Email: sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com New and Used Equipment. Call for Montana details. 59263 1177 • Scobey, Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It Low Interest Leasing Box & Financing Available on most Low Interest Leasing & Financing Available on most 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 New and Used Equipment. Call for details. Email: sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com New and Used Equipment. Call for details. • 1-888-255-4790 Box 406-487-2216 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263 Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It 406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Email: sales@shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com • Website: www.shortlineag.com Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263 Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It Email: sales@shortlineag.com Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263 Anything To Do With Grain...We Handle It
Leaders from agricultural commodity organizations examine the massive array of fish ladders at the Lower Granite Dam Complex. The leaders were in Lewiston, Idaho to discuss dams on the lower Snake River.
Mixing up the lawn
By Carrie Knutson, NDSU Extension Agent, Grand Forks County If you are thinking about doing something different with your lawn space, you are not alone. Lawn trends are moving toward environmentally conscious practices that balance green space with plant diversity for wildlife and pollinators. Renovating areas of your lawn might be an option for you if your yard has areas that receive very little foot traffic or areas where getting grass to grow is difficult because of poor soil or too much shade, or if you want to add more plant diversity. You have several different choices for mixing up your lawn, depending on your needs. Groundcover plants are low-growing plants that, once established in the landscape, can reduce landscape maintenance, and prevent soil erosion and weeds. Groundcovers can be woody plants such as creeping juniper or herbaceous perennials that spread via creeping roots. If you struggle to grow grass or other plants underneath the heavy shade of trees, use mulch. The mulch will prevent weed growth, conserve water and prevent your lawn mower and trimmer from getting too close to the trees. Use garden beds or borders to increase plant diversity. Native gardens, pollinator gardens or edible landscapes can be created to benefit you and the environment. Start small and use mulch to help control weeds and conserve moisture. Time spent maintaining gardens will be similar to the time spent maintaining your lawn. For large areas of land, a meadow can be created in areas that receive at least six hours of sunlight a day. Meadows are mostly native grasses with some flowering native perennial plants. However, meadows can be expensive and time consuming to establish. Incorporating grasses that require less mowing and care into the existing turf is an option. For sunny areas that are not watered or fertilized and mowed not more than once a week, consider using a mix of half common type Kentucky bluegrass and half fine fescue. In partially shady areas, the mix would be 80% to 100% fescue, with the remainder being Kentucky bluegrass. Fine fescues can be mowed less often, and they tolerate poor soil and dry conditions, but they do not tolerate foot traffic as well as Kentucky bluegrass. I am slowly starting to incorporate some of these options into my own lawn. I use mulch under my trees, and I am establishing pollinator gardens. I have saved myself some time and I still have plenty of space for my kids to play and my dog to dig. Happy gardening! ##### PEZ flavor flops: yogurt, eucalyptus, and chlorophyll.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A11
GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848 • 1-800-334-5964
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗
Round Tubing
For Non Potable Water Storage
11/4”, 11/2” & 13/4” O.D.
Great for corrals
Great for grain storage
20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America
5 /2’ & 6’ T1.33# 1
Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts
00 each
5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
12” x /4” wall 1
Used Culvert Grade Pipe Random Lengths 37-ft. to 40-ft.
NEW Rebar
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths
Round steel post caps 3 1 /2 ” & 2 7/ 8”
New Red Brand and RDER ONIOBarb CF&I Class Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
Used Electric Motors & Boxes
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges
• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe • Angle • Sq. Tubing • Round Bar NEW 20-ft. Containers
4”x4”x /4” & 2”x2”x1/4” Surplus SQ Tube
In Stock
7” Used Pipe good for corners and hanging gates
Random Lengths
22” Used Culvert Grade Pipe Random lengths
42”, 48” & 60” Heavy Wall
& beams IN STOCK 12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails
13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available 20” Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”
Used Drill Pipe Leather Gloves
We Buy
Temporarily OUT
Various sizes available – CALL
(7) Hobart Meat Saws
NEW STEEL plate Call Adam, Joe, or Ty
Sand & Slag Abrasives
Call for Current Sizes!
#1 Railroad ties - $16 each
Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 45-ft.
Old Farm Tractors & Combines
#2 Railroad ties - $1100 each
USED SUCKER ROD: 7/8” and 1” 25-ft. lengths
Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964
23/8”, 27/8”, 31/2”, 4” & 41/2”
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert WE SELL NEW & USED
Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
HYSTER Electric Forklifts Lifting Capacities 3000 - 4500 lbs.
New Batteries 3 Available
2” Lux spiral dough mixers
(406) 761-4848
After Hours (406) 791-6712
Fax (406) 791-6708
6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths....
Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
Call for pricing
(3) Hobart mixer/ grinders
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A12
##### Q: What did one eye say to the other eye? A: Between you and me, there’s something that smells.
Bourgault 40-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, single shoot with Trimble 750 GPS unit..........$18,000 Call for more info. 406-866-3250 or 406-899-5094
2020 RAM 1500
crew cab, 4x4, hemi, loaded laramie,
crew cab, 4x4,
6.4 hemi,
loaded laramie,
heated/cooled leather,
heated/cooled leather,
remote start,
14k miles
/4 ton crew cab, 4x4, 6.0 V8, loaded lt, cloth, power seat, short box, one owner, 67k miles
2017 RAM 2500
short box,
55k miles
2019 RAM 3500
crew cab, 4x4, cummins, loaded tradesman,
long box, srw,
16k miles
6.4 hemi, laramie, heated leather, short box, 53k miles
v6, loaded, heated leather, navigation, dvd,
76k miles
2020 JEEP CHEROKEE TRAILHAWK 4 cylinder turbo, heated leather, sun roof, navigation, tow package, 14k miles
A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau
4 door, V6, leather, 29k miles
navigation, only
2020 RAM 1500
crew cab, 4x4, hemi, loaded big horn,
heated cloth, powerseat,
23k miles
V6, loaded sr5, cloth
interior, alloy wheels,
power seat, tow package,
40k miles
2014 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN R/T V6, leather, power 92k miles
2013 FORD F150
super cab, 4x4, eco boost, loaded xlt, power seat,
143k miles
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Jamieson Motors, Inc. 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523
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Autumn Canaday, Agricultural Research Service Researchers at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and US Biologic, Inc., have developed an oral solution to an antibiotic alternative that fights against poultry coccidiosis, which costs the poultry industry $3.5 billion in annual losses worldwide. Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that develops in an animal’s intestinal tract and can spread between animals via the ingestion of infected feces or tissue. The study — published in the June issue of Frontiers in Veterinary Science — showed that infected chickens that were fed the oral solution did not experience the same weight loss as non-treated birds. The treated chickens also experienced improved gut health, less infectious bacteria in their feces, and a great reduction in the spread of disease. These changes were not seen in birds fed with probiotics only, showing changes only occurred in the presence of cNK-2. “This oral method will help greatly reduce the clinical impact of coccidiosis, lessen spread of the disease, and improve gut health in poultry,” said USDA-ARS Research Molecular Biologist Hyun Lillehoj. “This means that birds fed with cNK-2 will have an overall healthier gut and less disease.” The newly developed oral product is delivered in a probiotic powder that can be mixed into current feed processes and then fed to the birds across their lifetime, without requiring additional steps or new ingredients. “Poultry solutions must be practical and economical,” said US Biologic CSO, Dr. Jolieke G. van Oosterwijk. “Oral delivery of the cNK-2 accomplishes both goals and can lead to increased global protein sustainability and food equity.” The USDA-ARS and US Biologic have patented the technology, and US Biologic has signed an exclusive global commercialization agreement with the goal of developing and licensing the technology for industry use. This project was funded in part by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture under the Small Business Innovation Research Program, and in part by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.
Skunk tests positive for rabies in Big Horn County
2015 CHRYSLER 200S
2016 RAM 2500
crew cab, 4x4,
New oral solution to combat major poultry disease
Montana Department of Livestock On Tuesday, June 15th, the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) received confirmation of the third case of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in the state this year. The rabies-infected skunk was in Big Horn County and was submitted for testing after it was found acting aggressively toward an individual near their home. In response, MDOL has issued a 60-day county-wide quarantine in Big Horn County for dogs, cats and ferrets that are not currently vaccinated for rabies (MCA Title 81, Chapters 2 and 20). The quarantine is in effect from Tuesday, June 15th until Saturday, August 14th. Animals past-due for a rabies vaccine booster, animals that are not 28-days past the date of first vaccine administration, and animals that have never been vaccinated are all subject to the quarantine. Rabies is a fatal viral disease that can spread through the saliva of an infected animal. The virus can infect any mammal, including people. However, it is virtually 100% preventable in domestic animals through the administration of rabies vaccine. Non-vaccinated animals that are exposed to rabid or potentially rabid wild animals may be subject to an extended isolation and quarantine. The most common animals infected with rabies in Montana are bats but cases involving terrestrial species do occur. The last documented cases of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in Big Horn County was in February 2020. Residents should report any contact between a pet and a wild animal, including skunks and bats, to their veterinarian or the MDOL to ensure potential rabies exposure are assessed for risk and managed accordingly. “This is yet another reminder that rabies is present in Montana wildlife populations,” says Dr. Anna Forseth with the Department of Livestock. “This may be the beginning of an active rabies season and we are asking pet owners to make sure their animals are properly vaccinated.” The mission of the Montana Department of Livestock is to control and eradicate animal diseases, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to protect the livestock industry from theft and predatory animals. For more information on the MDOL, visit www.liv.mt.gov.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A13
2012 John Deere S670 • 1758 hours • Duals • Power cast • Extended auger Was: $130,000
Now Only: $104,970 2015 John Deere S670 JUST IN
• Only 900 hours • Always small grains • Extremely Nice!
Call For Pricing 2014 John Deere 640D
• Pea auger • Poly shields • Very clean Buy or Lease to own
$7344/yr - oac
2019 John Deere 615P pickup
• Like new Buy or Lease to own
$4645/yr - oac
2016 John Deere S670 JUST IN
• Only 700 hours • (1) Owner • Field Ready!
Call For Pricing 2012 John Deere 640D
• Factory transport • Very nice! • List: $40,000
Now Only $32,470!
2013 John Deere 640D header
• Poly skids
• Pick up rail
Buy or Lease to own
$6103/yr - oac
2013 John Deere S670 • 1730 hours • Always small grains • 900 singles • Full GPS Was: $136,000
Now Only: $124,970
2019 John Deere 740D Auger
• Pea auger • Factory transport • Like New! Buy or Lease to own
$12,110/yr - oac
2013 John Deere 640D
2018 John Deere S770
• Only 880 hours • Power top • 750 steer tires
Only $279,000
(2) 2014 John Deere 640D
! D L SO
• 40-ft.
• Pea auger • Poly skids • No transport Buy or Lease to own
$7876/yr - oac
• No transport • Very nice
Carter, MT
8x41 auger
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$4645/yr - oac
• Downspout • Honda electric start
Sale Price $8500
Swing away Augers
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Last (1) – MKX 10x73. List Price $15,000 .... ........................................ Price $13,790
1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
Check us out on the web frielingagequipment.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A14
POST DRIVER FOR SALE Energy class 750-ft./lb., 2 year warranty.............$5300
Call 406-323-8006 • Roundup, MT
SAWMILL FOR SALE Heavy duty stationary sawmill, 45” circular saw blade. Complete. Will trade for a tractor with loader. Phone (406) 363-4907, Forsyth, MT
Gopher Traps by Lee’s TrapWorks • Easy to set • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap • Kills quickly • Very visible if painted bright color • Traps are sold unpainted, paint them your favorite color • Traps are currently $20 each Canadian and approximately $16 US at today’s exchange rate • Postage for package of 10 traps is around $46 Canadian • Check us out at www.leestrapworks.com Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order
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Fertilizer recommendations for Idaho cereals production and enhanced soil health By Walsh OS, Spackman JA, Adjesiwor AT, Lamichhane R, and E Owusu Ansah
University of Idaho (UI), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences faculty are celebrating an announcement of their success in securing a $10 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture. In partnership with the U of I College of Engineering, the newly funded project (2021-2025) focuses on nutrient management and aims to enhance sustainability of Idaho agriculture. Led by Dr. Mark McGuire, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Director, the team of 21 UI researchers from 4 academic departments will lead research, teaching, and extension activities, including mentoring 23 graduate and 37 undergraduate students, 4 postdoctoral fellows, and 10 research assistants. The grant will support the adoption of methodologies and technologies that transform nutrients from dairy manure into commercial fertilizers. Updating fertilizer guidelines for Idaho crops (including wheat and barley) and evaluating the longterm effects of nitrogen fertilizers and new manure-based bioproducts on soil fertility and soil health are among the top priorities. Fertilizer recommendations for Idaho cereals need to be updated to better address modern cultivars with varied genetics and greater yield potential, changes in production practices, and to enhance nutrient use efficiency. Regardless of the class, cereal grain must meet specific end-use quality characteristics that strongly affected by growing environment including nutrient and water availability. The task of updating the fertilizer guidelines for Idaho wheat and
barley has begun with nitrogen response trials. Once optimal nitrogen rates are determined, research can continue to focus on other nutrients such as phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, and micronutrients. Other aspects of cereal crop production will also be evaluated. Field experiments were initiated in spring 2021 by planting spring barley (malt, feed, and food) and spring wheat (hard white, soft white, and hard red) at three locations in Southern Idaho. Five nitrogen rates were applied at planting based on the preplant soil test results, and current University of Idaho recommendations for yield goals typically achieved in Southern Idaho for evaluated varieties. Additional experiments will be initiated in fall 2021 for winter wheat and winter barley classes. This collaboration is between Dr. Olga Walsh’s cropping systems agronomy team at Parma, Dr. Jared Spackman’s barley agronomy team at Aberdeen, and Dr. Albert Adjesiwor’s weed management team at Kimberly. Two MS students, Emma Owusu Ansah and Ritika Lamichhane (University of Idaho – Plant Sciences) are assisting with data collection under the supervision of agricultural technician Jordan McClintick-Chess (Parma). In Aberdeen and Kimberly, data collection is being performed by one MS student, Prranoyaw Eeturu (University of Idaho – Environmental Sciences), two interns, Matthew Cramer (Brigham Young University – Idaho) and Rahul Bhusal (University of Idaho), and two part-time employees, Elizabeth Serna and Tayden Jacob. In addition, Dr. Jared CONTINUED ON PAGE A16
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A15
* Prices subject to stock on hand
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A16
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Small Grains Improvement Team releases two new winter wheat varieties
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The collaborative USDA-University of ger disease resistance package,” said Hector Nebraska Small Grains Improvement Team Santiago, assistant dean of the University of has developed two promising new winter Nebraska-Lincoln’s (UNL) Agricultural Rewheat varieties: a hard white winter wheat search Division. “These varieties represent a major achievement of the University of (NW13493) and a hard red winter wheat (Epoch). Both new varieties could be availNebraska Small Grains Breeding Program that without doubt will positively impact able for planting in growers’ fields as early wheat production in Nebraska, as they were as fall 2021. NW13493 was released primarily for its developed to suit stakeholders growing high-value white grain and broad adaptation areas and conditions in Nebraska and the to rainfed conventional and organic wheat Midwest.” production systems throughout Nebraska. Stephen Baenziger, a UNL wheat breeder NW13493 is sprouting- resistant and has a who retired last month after 35 years with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, was good disease resistance package and excelinstrumental in the development of these lent milling and baking quality. NW13493 has been licensed to Bay State Milling Comvarieties. During Baenziger’s tenure, he has pany and will be produced under contract released, co-released or is in the process with their agents. This critical partnership of releasing 44 winter wheat, seven winter barley and 13 winter triticale cultivars. will maintain the necessary marketplace segregation for hard white winter wheat and Katherine Frels was recently hired to be the new small grains breeder and continue the protects growers. tradition of producing new varieties. Epoch, a hard red winter wheat tested as NE15420, is ideally suited for irrigated Both the NW13493 and Epoch varieties were developed with support from the Neproduction and intensive management in western Nebraska, where it has excelled for braska Wheat Board. The Husker Genetics grain yield and test weight in the Nebraska Foundation Seed Program will maintain State Variety Trial. Epoch is a short statbreeder and foundation seed of NW13493 and Epoch, and the Nebraska Wheat Board ure, semi-dwarf line with excellent straw strength to reduce lodging under irrigation. has requested a license to assist with the It has a good disease resistance package marketing of this variety. See your local with acceptable milling and baking quality. Certified Seed Dealer for variety charac“These new-to-the-market wheat varietteristics and more information on these ies have exceptional higher yield and stronvarieties.
Fertilizer recommendations for Idaho cereals production and enhanced soil health CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14
Fort Benton Realty, LLC
1426 Front Street
Fort Benton, MT 59442
Farm/Ranch, Home & Gardens: 19 Acres with 14 acres cropland located 20 miles East of Conrad, MT. Includes nice 4-bedroom home and good set of farm buildings with shop, storage/barn buildings, and grain/ feed storage. Large garden areas and tall mature trees around buildings. Water storage for agricultural, livestock and garden use. Water District provides 120,000 gallons of water annually, and more water could be available. Near Glacier National Park. Good hunting and fishing nearby in Bob Marshall Wilderness, the Marias River, and Tiber Reservoir......... ..................................................................................................$499,500 Call Broker Mark Pyrak at 406-788-9280
Sun River Farm/Ranch: 233 Acres located in central Montana, West of Great Falls and along the Sun River for nearly 1 mile. Includes 67 acres of irrigated hayland, 139 acres of dry cropland, 27 of grassland & trees along the river, and more water rights to irrigate another 60 acres. There’s room to build a nice home, a large barn and equestrian facilities. Farmland is leased for annual rental income. Deer & Pheasant hunting on this property. Near the Rocky Mountain Front where there’s more great hunting and fishing.......................Property is priced at $864,905 Call Mark Pyrak, Broker 406-788-9280, or go to www.fbrealty.com
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Spackman is leading several field studies in collaboration with Dr. Adjesiwor and Dr. Olga Walsh to 1) assess if split-applications of nitrogen fertilizer would result in superior yield and grain quality for various barley and wheat classes, and to 2) develop crop sensor-based algorithms for wheat and barley grown in Idaho. Extensive data collection will provide detailed information about wheat and barley growth, development, grain yield, and quality. In-season measurements of plant height, plant chlorophyll content (greenness), and biomass production are complemented by precision sensing methodologies, both ground-based and aerial. On the ground, Normalized Vegetative Difference Index (NDVI) will be measured using the handheld GreenSeeker crop sensor as a precise indicator of plant health, nitrogen uptake, and biomass. The Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), comprised of a drone equipped with a multispectral camera, is utilized to obtain aerial imagery. Previous research conducted in 2015–2020 at the University of Idaho Parma R&E Center has shown that in-season ground-based and UAS-based spectral indices can be successfully used to predict crop yield and quality for wheat and sugar beets. Preliminary data analysis of 2021 data collected at Parma has revealed that wheat and barley biomass production was closely related to the chlorophyll content of wheat and barley plants. Strong relationships between the ground based NDVI and plant chlorophyll content and biomass production were observed for both wheat and barley. This illustrates that crop sensors perform well and can identify minor differences in plant health and vigor associated with soil nutrient level and other plant stressors. The research results were presented by Dr. Olga Walsh at the Western Society of Crop Sci-
ence (WSCS) conference that took place virtually June 22-23. The WSCS is a Crop Society of America branch that comprises the states and provinces of Alaska, Alberta, Arizona, American Samoa, Baja California, Baja California Sur, British Columbia, California, Chihuahua, Colima, Colorado, Durango, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Jalisco, Montana, Nayarit, Nevada, New Mexico, Northwest Territories, Oregon, Saskatchewan, Sinaloa, Sonora, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and Yukon Territory. The annual meeting represents an excellent opportunity to network with colleagues and students from around the West and exchange scientific information. The teams at the University of Idaho at Parma, Aberdeen, and Kimberly would like to thank the Idaho Wheat and Barley Commissions for their continuous and generous support of research and extension activities. The updates related to this, and other research projects conducted at the University of Idaho cropping systems agronomy team are available at IDCrops web-page maintained by Dr. Olga Walsh (owalsh@ uidaho.edu).
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A17
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A18
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RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones 406-544-4766, cell
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Increase the value of your rural property
By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC Rural properties, ranches, hunting land, and rural acreage continues to be highly sought after in today’s real estate market. Over six billion dollars of property is currently listed for sale in Montana. Buyers have their choice of over one million acres of Montana for sale to choose from. Farm crops in Montana are wheat, hay, and barley with a large portion of those supporting the extensive cattle-farming economy. Before selling or listing property, consider ways to increase the land value and ensure that your hard work of farming can continue. As we brace ourselves for the stifling temperatures of July, our state has another threat to the land and crops that grow on it. In addition to the punishing drought that sparks wildfires, a plague of intruding grasshoppers is the next worry. Cattle ranchers and farmers fear that the outbreak will strip their lands bare. Federal agriculture officials are launching what could be their largest grasshopper-killing campaign since the 1980s. Farmers and ranchers in central Montana specifically reveal that the grasshoppers are cleaning everything out and threaten their treasured way of life. Doesn’t the hot weather and lack of water pose a challenge for the bug-eyed creatures? Grasshoppers actually thrive in the warm, dry weather, and populations were up last year meaning this year will be worse. To control the outbreak, it is important to spray to kill the grasshopper nymphs before they develop and grow into adults. Ag officials predicted such an outbreak and found dense populations across 55,000 square miles in the western part of the United States. Approximately 3,000 square miles are expected to be sprayed in Montana. That’s the size of two Rhode Islands! Allowing this outbreak to continue without intervening could possibly mean severe agricultural damage resulting in rising beef and crop prices. Delaying interference allows the grasshoppers to grow larger and more resilient. Cattle ranchers are witnessing the competition between grasshopper and cattle for food. The grasshopper moves on to fully grown plants such as wheat and eats the seed heads killing the plant. Farmers and ranchers aren’t the only ones suffering a loss. Public lands see their vegetation wiped out as well. A study done at the University of Wyoming found that a typical infestation can damage and remove 20% of forage and have an impact of $900 million. Ranchers are selling off cattle in fear that they will not have enough food to keep them fed. At the point the grasshoppers start to die when there isn’t any food left, they most likely have already laid eggs for the next year. To increase the value of your farm, ranch, or recreational land, enhancing the productivity and the appearance of the land goes a long way. By taking care of pests and destructive insects, you will ensure that you are getting the most yield from your land. The value of your land goes up as a direct proportion.
Water demand on pasture
Brad Schick, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum As the year begins to heat up and cattle are on pasture, it’s important to make sure there is adequate water for livestock. How much do cattle need and where should it come from? The water requirements for cattle depends on their size, class, and environmental conditions. High humidity and greater temperatures also increase water demand. A University of Georgia study lists water requirements for days when the daily high temperature is 90°F. With these conditions, growing or lactating animals need two gallons of water per 100 pounds of body weight. This means a 1400-pound, lactating cow will need close to 28 gallons of water daily with 90°F daily highs. If the calves are 250 pounds, they will need about 5 gallons. Again, some of the water will come from grazed forage. Having fresh, clean water should always be a priority. The ability to have water close by should also be a goal, although sometimes it’s simply not possible. More water locations can help meet the water demand but could also help grazing distribution too. Cattle will receive some of their daily water requirements when they are consuming high moisture feedstuffs such as fresh forages when grazing pastures, silages, or green chopped feeds. Feeds that are high-energy increase the water requirement. Regarding the calf, some water will come from the milk. Keep an eye on water this summer and make sure livestock have enough.
Piglets pay the price of mom’s heat stress
Trader’s two Dispatch, 2021 — Page storage A19 insulated shop, 24’x32’ outbuilding, 120-tonJuly fertilizer/grain hopper bins. $3,500,000. Call Tim Nessan. Broker has partial interest. Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch Kurth Grazing Tract: North of Billings, MT, on Highway 87. 4,608 acres in one block. Wells & Razor Creek on the property. No improvements, can build your own setup. Lots of wildlife—deer, antelope, and some elk. 30 Big Horn County Farm: 4416 +/- total acres - 2633 farmed of which minutes to Billings. $1,950,000. Call Jake. 491 acres leased. Improvements include 2 homes, shop, machine and Kurth Ranch: 450 acres of beautiful pine hills with sandstone bluffs. Solar grainproducing storage. Potential split buildings from production Very home pro- site. well 30 gpm.to25 minutes to Billings on Hwy land. 87. Great ductive soils in Jake. high rainfall areas. Priced at $3,500,000 $450,000. Call Dick Grosskopf—406-860-1512 Dick Scott Grosskopf — 406-860-1512 R. Grosskopf—406-861-4558 Jake Korell—406-698-4600 Member - Landmark of Billings, Inc. Tim Nessan—406-860-0791 Members—Landmark of Billings, Inc. 406-248-3101 ~ MontanaRanches.com
Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service • These same piglets also had greater Piglets born to heat-stressed sows may cytokine (markers of inflammation) levels carry the burden of their mom’s discomfort in response to the lipopolysaccharide challater in life in the form of health complicalenge, which provided evidence of a hypertions and diminished performance. Now, sensitive immune response. The researchers this so-called “in utero heat stress” may also worry this could translate to greater risk of hypersensitize the piglet’s immune system, MontanaRanches.com pain, infection, organ failure and other compotentially doing more harm than good to plications in such piglets under real-world the young animals, a team of Agricultural production systems. Research Service (ARS) and university Johnson said their research dovetails scientists has learned. with increasing concern over the potential Pigs are more susceptible to heat stress impacts of global climate change on swine due to an inability to sweat. This places welfare and management—especially in them at greater risk of health and producregions of the world prone to frequent or tion problems that can add up to millions of 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore prolonged drought and heat waves. dollars annually in revenue losses to swine ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair With support from USDA’s National producers. ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair Institute of Food and Agriculture, the team Research has shown that pigs experi✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding is also taking a genomic approach to preencing heat stress during pregnancy can ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work empting the effects of in utero heat stress predispose their offspring to complications ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work on piglets. Of particular interest is using later in life that can lead to diminished genomic markers to flag traits for improved performance, including efficient feed use, Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring heat tolerance in sows used for breeding. growth rate and ultimately, pork production. & Line Boring within 500 mile radius “To achieve this goal, we are partnering However, less is known about how this heat with two major swine breeding companies,” stress affects their offspring’s innate immuJohnson said. “Our hope is that completion nity, or first-line defense against disease1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 of this project will provide swine producers causing bacteria and other pathogens, noted Mark Oelke – Owner with a cost-effective strategy to reduce the Jay S. Johnson, an animal scientist at the 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 negative impact of in utero heat stress on ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit in Visit us on the web at: www.mwmachine.net swine in the United States and globally.” West Lafayette, Indiana. To learn more, Johnson teamed with his ARS laboratory colleagues and scientists from the Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana; the Oak Ridge Institute for The Handler is CALL FOR CA designed primarily LL Science and Education in PRICING!!! F for direct induction PR OR ICI of chemical into Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and NG !!! sprayers. the University of Missouri Crop PREin Columbia, Missouri. RBR Vector 390 ORDER CASE PATRIOT SPRAYERS Protection NOW for Following established 4440 - 1200 gallon & 1600 gallon tank options 430 hp with vortex sprayer, 2000 gallon tank, System Spring 132-ft. aluminum booms, 36,000 lb. animal care and welfare 120, 132, 135-ft. boom options 15, 42 and 70 Delivery!!! gallon capacity Meritor axles, Luxury cab, Raven Hawkeye 2250, 3240, 3340 Patriot options guidelines, the team evaluupgrade, Raven Viper4, Raven XRT Auto ated two groups of piglets. height, and Raven RS1 auto steer. We sell all AIM Command, SharpShooter, AIM Flex & Hawkeye Parts PRE-ORDER NOW Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Complete systems On Hand for John Deere and all other brands The first group consisted of for Spring Delivery! 16 piglets born to mothers ® exposed to stressful temWe carry all Parts &Filters for Call for perature cycles ranging from Black & Clear Special 79 to 97 degrees Fahrenheit self-propelled sprayers Pricing and floater trucks during the first half of pregATV & BACKPACK SPRAYERS ✔ Touchscreen Display nancy. The second group ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) of 16 were born to moms ✔ Detailed Datalogging CALL TODAY ✔ Reports All Shapes exposed to a “comfortable” and Sizes ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology FOR MORE 64 degrees Fahrenheit. ✔ Profile INFORMATION! Liquid Storage Tanks The researchers then sim✔ Scout - Map field boundaries or create in-depth field maps. Excellent Selection Available Stop in and see what we have! ulated a pathogen attack 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand We also Custom Build 20+ Years Experience...We service what we sell! on the piglets using lipoATV & Pickup Sprayers. polysaccharide, a molecule found in the cell walls of Replace Problem Quadro Features some bacteria. Blood samSolenoid Valves with Electric Ball ples were drawn to moniSave Up to 90% on Chemicals Valves tor certain markers of the Blue Light Available with piglets’ innate immune reImproved detection on small plant - increased power efficiency flange fittings sponse, including glucose, for easy service 50% Less Weight insulin, non-esterified fatty 1.5 lbs. per sensor places less stress on your sprayer acids, cortisol (a stress horDe-Icing Parts & Supplies mone) and cytokines (mark40” Sensor Spacing Each sensor controls 4x independent solenoids spaced at 10” ers of inflammation). These, M Tanks M Pumps along with white blood cell Full PWM Application Control M Valves counts, were compared to Controlled dosage per weed - speed and turn compensating M Nozzles a lipopolysaccharide-free M Fittings In-Crop PWM group of piglets used as M Hoses Control Rate & Droplet size for all applications controls. Fits most manufacturers makes and models. Among their findings, Bring in any competitor’s AD reported in the December Call today for more information 406-453-0010 and we’ll match their price!! 2020 issue of the Journal of Animal Science, the reGreat Bend, KS • 800.652.9290 Great Falls, MT • (800) 452-0010 searchers observed: 5710 Anchor Way 17 Liberty Lane • The core body temperaGreat Bend, KS 67530 Great Falls, MT 59404 tures of the in utero heatMitchell, SD • 800.995.1943 Burley, ID • (800) 282-2432 stressed and non-stressed 3160 W. Havens Ave 199 W. 2nd N • Burley, ID 83318 piglets given the lipopolyMitchell, SD 57301 Moses Lake, WA• (800) 996-2863 saccharide were about the 950 E. Broadway Ave. Garrison, ND • 888.483.7669 same. 1681 NW Highway 83 Moses Lake, WA 98837 • However, in utero heatGrand Island, NE • 800.445.9110 Garrison, ND 58540 3836 W. Highway 30 Manvel, ND • 800.582.4269 stressed piglets had higher Grand Island, NE 68803 601 Manvel Ave. Manvel, ND 58256 levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Viper 4+
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A20
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
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Sacrifice area may save grazing resources
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News During dry conditions, establishing a sacrifice area may help prevent livestock from overgrazing and damaging a small farm’s grazing resources, a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agent and specialist say. “Overgrazing can lead to weed overgrowth and ultimately will be time consuming and costly to re-establish grass in the future,” warns Penny Nester, NDSU Extension agriculture and natural resources agent in Kidder County. A sacrifice area is an area where animals stay at times when pasture grazing is detrimental to land and plants. This area can be in a dry lot pen or a fenced-off area of the pasture. This can be used during times that animals do not need to graze or dormant seasons, drought times or periods of excess moisture. “The goal of these areas is to sacrifice a small part of your resources to ensure the majority of your land has the rest it needs to stay healthy and productive,” says Mary Keena, Extension livestock environmental management specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. To establish a sacrifice area, keep the following factors in mind: • Location - Where will you store manure in relation to surface and groundwater? • Soil characteristics and structure - Will the soil type be able to withstand continuous hoof action? Does the site drain water well? Where does water flow after a large rain event? • Ease of use - Where is the sacrifice area relative to the water source, food storage and manure storage areas? • Manure collection - Collecting manure and moving it out of the dry lot area will help reduce fly infestations. Where is the manure storage area relative to the sacrifice area? If you think long term, how will you manage the manure storage area? Will you compost the manure or will you spread it raw? If you plan to spread the manure as raw material on a pasture, experts recommend you spread a thin layer and refrain from grazing that area so hot weather can disrupt the parasite life cycle. If you plan to spread the manure, will you do it or will you hire a custom applicator? When hiring a custom applicator, do you have the land to spread the manure on and is your manure storage area large enough for the applicator’s equipment? • Fly control - How will you manage for external parasites such as flies? Flies lay their eggs in the top few inches of manure and the eggs can hatch every seven days. By keeping your sacrifice area clean and turning manure piles in the storage area weekly, you can compost manure and stay ahead of the fly cycle. • Space - Does your sacrifice area provide an adequate exercise area?
Managing alfalfa weevil post-harvest
Todd Whitney, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Generally, alfalfa weevils are cool-weather insects. During this time of year adult insects would be exiting alfalfa fields seeking cooler spots for over-summering in nearby shady areas or under leaf litter. Although our extended cool and wet spring may have favored cool-season plant growth, it has also dramatically increased alfalfa weevil feeding. A second flush of these 3/16” green caterpillar larvae with a white back stripe may be feeding under windrows remaining in wet fields. So, what management strategies are recommended for late spring alfalfa weevil infestation? In some cases, producers are chopping their alfalfa for silage to reduce field cover for the insects. Usually, weevil development is controlled by hotter temperatures, but cooler temperatures are keeping these insects in the field. Therefore, insecticide treatments with pyrethroids (active ingredient ending in “thrins”) will likely be needed following harvest to aid alfalfa regrowth. Remember pyrethroid insecticides can also have detrimental effects on any beneficial insects present, so field scouting is still encouraged before making final treatment decisions. Remember that these cool-weather insects seek shelter during the heat of the day, so scouting can be a challenge when they move into the alfalfa crowns seeking shade. You can find economic threshold recommendations in our Nebraska Extension Guide for Weeds, Insecticide and Fungicide Management (EC130).
Helping cattle cope with summer heat
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A21
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Ready or not, summer heat has arrived. Cattle have had little opportunity to become acclimated to summer conditions this year, so helping cattle cope is critical. The combination of hot temperatures, high humidity, and lack of air movement can cause severe cases of heat stress for cattle. This can result in reduced intakes and gains, and in extreme cases, death. Cattle do not handle heat stress as well as humans. The range of temperature in which cattle do not use additional energy to maintain core body temperature is referred to as the thermoneutral zone. This zone generally ranges from 32°F to 75°F for cattle but can vary depending on metabolic size. When temperatures exceed the upper critical temperature, cattle expend energy in attempt to dissipate heat. Panting and elevated respiration and heart rate are signs that this is occurring. When temperatures remain above 70°F during the night, cattle are unable to recover before the next episode of heat exposure. Some heat stress mitigation strategies to consider include: 4 30-ft. & 40-ft. triple delivery headers available. • First and foremost, providing plenty of water and space around water tanks for each animal. When the temperature is 4 Canola roller available. above 80°F, cattle require nearly twice as much water (up to 30 gallons per head per day). • Sprinklers with a large droplet size can be effective in cooling cattle and pen surfaces in dry conditions; however, limit use when humidity and moisture are high. • Removal of excess manure is critical. When manure builds up, it holds moisture and increases humidity. • Bedding pens is also an option to help lower the temperature of the pen surface. • Providing shade can help • Controlled Vertical Discharge Flow reduce the heat load on cattle • Larger Heavy Duty PEER Bearings Max Hammer Height: 13’2” up to 20 degrees. Again, proSelf-Propelled • Heavier Duty Undercarriage Field Loaders viding adequate space per Total Weight: 3541LBS. • Larger Capacity Transition animal is important when 864LB Hammer • Wider Conveyor Belts using shade structures. Over(50% higher capacity than crowding will have very little 8S WR similair sized tubes) %3+ production benefit. • Avoid working or transporting cattle during extreme temperatures. If necessary, Belt handle cattle early in the Drive-Over Pitstops Conveyors mornings and not any time after 10 a.m. Watch a Bunning Manure • Consider reducing the Spreader shred a Volvo! amount of feed delivered in the morning to help lower the Heat Treated Boron Auger Flights heat load on cattle, starting the morning before a heat event 3 Year Warranty occurs. Fully • Improve air flow by incorWelded porating tall mounds and placConstruction ing cattle in pens with fewer windbreaks in the summer. 8S WR Monitor weather frequently %3+ 7 ton to 50 ton Capacity for potential heat events. Keep an eye out for predicted HIGH OVER THE ROAD CAPACITY STAINLESS TENDER temperatures in the high 80s and 90s, especially following a rain and in situations where Integrated High Greaseless the wind speed is going to Cylinder Flotation Hydraulic Pivot Bushings Stops Split Tanks Tires be less than 5 mph for sevHitch available Jack eral days. The Temperature Humidity Index chart, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center Cattle Heat Stress Forecast, 8S WR and Nebraska Mesonet Cattle 73+ Comfort Index can be helpful in determining when cattle are Dirt Deflector at risk for heat stress. Sizes from Being proactive rather Rubber Torsion 600 ft3 to 1166 ft3 Suspension than reactive is important for 25” Cage, 6WDLQOHVV Spring, Drum, avoiding any train wrecks Maintenance 20” Smooth & Rubber Packers 6WHHO Free Hubs when it comes to heat stress. Notched Discs For more information, see ALL SEASON HIGH SPEED TILLAGE TOOL - Sizes From 8’ to 45’ the Heat Stress Mitigation in Feedlot Cattle webinar (https://beef.unl.edu/webiUp to 30’ long nar/heat-stress-mitigationDischarge Conveyor for extra reach feedlot-cattle) or the Feedlot Heat Stress Information and Management Guide (https:// CALL TO LOCATE extensionpublications.unl. YOUR LOCAL DEALER edu/assets/pdf/g2266.pdf).
Booking acres for 2021
John Deere W150 with Gps
Insured • Competitive • Reliable Fairfield, Montana (406) 799-8323
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A22
2012 John Deere 1895 43.3-ft. disc air drill with 430 bushel tow between cart, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, Intelligent Ag flow meters, three tanks (150/80/200), duals, hydraulic oil cooler, double shoot, ground drive meters, variable rate, cameras in tanks. Excellent condition................... $120,000 1996 Ford New Holland 9680 4WD tractor, 350 hp, 7600 hours, less than 200 hours on all (8) new tires....... $49,000 Phone (406) 658-2106, Malta, Montana
Strategic culling vital during drought NDSU Extension and Ag Research News
1980 Step Deck Trailer 10-ft. neck, 40-ft. lower deck, 50% 10.00R15’s, 80% brakes, 8-ft. wide, spring suspension. Clean trailer...................$9,500 1998 Trail King TK40LP 20 Ton Equipment Trailer 49,000 gvw, 19-ft. flat + 5-ft. beavertail, fold over ramps, 102” wide, 70% 17.5 tires, air brakes. Clean trailer....$12,500 1990 Hanix Nissan N260-2 Mini Excavator 4100 hours, 6000 lb class, 90% tracks, 60” blade, thumb, new 42” smooth lip bucket. Runs and works great.$15,500 1979 International S1900 DT466 210 hp diesel, 13 speed, air brakes, PS, 50% 11R22.5’s, 6000 lb reel handler, 20 ton hydraulic winch, hitch with air and electric...........................$7,500 1998 Mack RD688S 350 hp E7 Mack (no computer), 13 speed, Jake, AC, lift axle, 18,000 lb front axle, 44,000 lb rears, double frame, air ride cab, 90% tires, 259” wheelbase, Galbreath 60,000 lb rolloff. Runs and drives great........ ....................................$30,000 1998 International 4700 Flatbed Scissor Dump DT466E 210 hp, 5+2 speed, hydraulic brakes, 30,000 GVW, double frame, 18-ft. flatbed dumps or scissor 16-ft. high, removable sides, 40% 11R22.5’s. Runs and drives great............................$12,500 1986 Cat 416 Backhoe 70% tires, 24” bucket, 6100 hours, good brakes, pins tight, auxiliary hydraulics. Runs and works great..................$18,500 1984 AM General M915A1 Tractor 400 BC3 Cummins, Allison AT, 3 stage Jake, 90% 11R22.5’s, 8900 miles, AC, heater, PS, Hendrickson suspension, standard 5th wheel. Runs and drives great..................$15,500 1996 Ford CF8000 49,000 miles, 230 hp 8.3L Cummins, 5 speed Allison AT, PS, AC, air brakes, 36,000 gvw, dual PTO’s with hydraulics, 60% 11R22.5’s, Rosco RA300 pothole patcher, 16’-5” cab to end of frame, 12’-9” cab to axle.......................... $11,500 1980 Ford L9000 Water Truck 3000 gallon tank, 350 hp 6v92T, Jake, Allison AT, PS, AB, 70% 22.5 tires. Darley 1000 gpm pump needs rebuilt.. ....................................$13,500 1974 Kenworth W900A Tractor 350 Cummins, 13 speed, Jake, PS, air ride, 60% 11R24.5’s, 4.33 ratio. Runs and drives great............................$12,500
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Feet issues such as vertical cracks can be a concern at calving time. (NDSU photo)
Weather forecasts predict worsening drought conditions in the northern Great Plains for the 2021 growing season, which is bad news for cattle producers. Many cattle operations will find themselves without enough forage and feedstuffs to maintain their current herd size. “Unfortunately, often decisions are made more with emotion than logic during stressful times,” says Lisa Pederson, Extension livestock specialist at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Central Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter. Producers have several strategies to manage herds with limited feed resources, including developing a culling plan. “Operations that are more resilient to drought generally have a strong, welldeveloped culling strategy in place,” Pederson notes. Culling parameters should remove cattle that do not help the farm or ranch meet its goals. A good question to ask before developing a culling plan is: “What are my goals, and what culling criteria will help my operation and cattle achieve them?” Every operation has different goals. “You cannot manage what you do not measure,” Pederson says. “Keeping records of traits your operation identifies are important is key to developing a strategic culling plan.” Here are some traits to consider when deciding which cattle to cull: • Ornery cattle: Cattle with poor dispositions can be dangerous to humans, other cattle and other livestock. They can damage equipment and facilities, and they are less productive and profitable in the feed yard and on the rail. • Open and/or dry cows: Cows that are open and/or dry (without a calf at their side) are animals that are on a free ride. They are eating limited resources without having a calf to produce income. Unless the operation has really great reasons to keep an open or dry cow, these should be near the top of the cull list. • Old cows: Old cows that are less productive, thin or lame and have poor teeth are those that will have a tough time rebreeding and maintaining condition through the breeding season. Their calves also may be poorer performers at weaning time. • Thin cows: The fact that cows with a body condition score of at least 5 at calving are more likely to breed back in an established breeding season is well documented. “Cows that are thin will take greater nutritional resources to cycle and breed back,” says Janna Block, Extension livestock systems specialist at NDSU’s Hettinger
Research Extension Center. “During times of forage shortages, these cows may not regain condition adequate enough to rebreed.” • Cows that calve later in the calving season: Later-calving cows typically have lighter calves at weaning and are more likely to be open when exposed during an established breeding season because they have to return to estrous and be bred quite quickly after calving. • Cattle with udders that don’t meet the operation’s standards: Cows with poorer udder quality often cause more labor at calving time to get a calf to suck. They may have calves that have not received enough colostrum, which can affect calf health and survival. In addition, low-hanging udders can more easily transfer scours-causing pathogens to suckling calves. Calving time provides a nice opportunity to score cows’ udders and note those scores in the calving records. • Cattle with structure and feet that don’t meet the operation’s standards: Cattle with poorer structure typically have more lameness issues. They are less productive and may not be able to travel longer distances for feed and water. Additionally, some feet issues are genetic in nature, including vertical cracks and corkscrew claw. Note feet and leg concerns at calving in the calving records. • Poor performers and producers: Cows that continually have been poor producers when compared with their herd mates are typically less profitable. Producers should evaluate the last three years of records if possible. • Fence crawlers: In times of increased management, the additional time spent on cattle that are often out is time that might be needed for other tasks, such as hauling water or feeding harvested forages. • Additional negative traits: This group includes cows that don’t like to claim their calves at calving or maul their calves, and other animals that don’t meet the operation’s goals and criteria. “Once culling criteria has been established, go through your records and make a list of your easier culls,” Pederson advises. “These cattle should be among the first to exit the herd. As culling needs arise, continue down the list. Your herd can improve in terms of traits that meet your goals with a strategic culling plan in place.” NDSU Extension livestock marketing economist Tim Petry offers this advice for when the time comes to market cattle: “It is very important to contact your auction market as early as possible when the decision CONTINUED ON PAGE A23
Protecting your vegetable garden from pesky rabbits
By Esther McGinnis, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension As a child, I used to feel great sympathy for fluffy little Peter Rabbit in his battle to obtain Mr. McGregor’s prized lettuce. As an adult growing a vegetable garden as well as costly ornamental plants, my sympathies have changed. Nothing is more devastating than discovering that a row of young pea shoots has been clipped to the ground overnight. What are your options? When it comes to your vegetable garden, consider elevating the height. Raised garden beds can place those succulent vegetables beyond the reach of rabbits. Surprisingly, rabbits have a limited vertical jump height. A raised garden bed of 24 inches or higher is sufficient to deter cottontail rabbits. If jackrabbits (or the mythical jackalope) are the problem, the raised bed should be at least 36 inches high. Your back will thank you for the raised bed! If you have an in-ground garden, fine-mesh fencing is the best bet. Those cute baby rabbits have no problems squeezing through a chain link fence. One-inch mesh such as chicken wire is small enough to deter the smallest rabbit. Make sure that the bottom of the fence is snug to the ground or better yet, buried a few inches to deter the most determined rabbit. If you have a chain link fence, you can line the bottom with chicken wire to make it rabbit-proof. Rabbits love tender leaves such as lettuce and spinach. If you can fence only a portion of your garden, grow vegetables that are less palatable in the unfenced area. Less preferred vegetables include onions, garlic, corn, asparagus, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb, cucumbers and squash. Keep in mind that no plant is completely safe because individual rabbits have their own taste preferences and may be desperate for food, depending upon the time of year. I once planted a row of stinky marigolds around my garden to test whether the plants could serve as a deterrent. The rabbits in my area thought the marigold flowers were a gourmet treat! The vast majority of rabbit repellents cannot be applied directly to vegetables or other edible crops. These repellents coat the foliage and stems with hot pepper, putrefied eggs, predator urine or other chemicals that make the plants taste or smell foul. They are suitable for landscape plants and not for plants that will be consumed by humans. If using a repellent that is not labeled for edible plants, consider spraying the odor repellent on the soil around the perimeter of the plants rather than on the vegetables that you will consume. When in doubt, thoroughly read the label. Finally, make your yard an inhospitable place for rabbits. Fill in existing burrows. American rabbits do not dig burrows but rather utilize abandoned dens from other mammals. Eliminate debris and brush piles. If you have rabbits nesting under your deck, consider enclosing the area. Don’t feel bad if you feel more in common with Mr. McGregor than with Peter Rabbit. We adults just want to be able to harvest the fruits of our labor.
Strategic culling vital...
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A23
The deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th. Phone (406) 271-5533.
Sioux Grain Bins are still available for this season!
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Staheli West Dewpoint 6210 hay steamer, Used 2017 with 1100 hours.................. $165,000 Expand your baling operating window to save time and $$$ Call for a demo! See full equipment line at www.staheliwest.com 2021 Circle C Golden Eagle Model E186V 18-wheel rakes, Quantity 2 new. List $36,500 .....................................................................................................Selling for $32,000 each Light on the hay, easy to operate all sealed bearings (no grease maintenance!!) Can be towed behind a pickup at highway speeds to get to those hay fields more efficiently!! Call for a demo! See full equipment line at www.circlecequipment.com Gazeeka baler mounted moisture meter..................... Ordered specific for baler models. Model 870 for large square balers...ISObus units on balers 2014 and newer............... $7490 Model 870 for large square balers...Non ISObus units . ................................................ $8490 Model 180SS for small square balers............................................................................. $5490 See full equipment line at www.vomax.com.au
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to market cattle has been made. The market can give tips on appropriate sorting and what information they need to adequately merchandise the cattle. Some hold special sales and like to know what cattle will be available so they can advertise them.” Gerald Stokka, NDSU Extension veterinarian recommends producers not forget bulls when making culling decisions. “If bulls do not pass a breeding soundness exam or do not meet your operation’s criteria, add them to the cull list,” he says. “But if cattle cannot stand and walk on all four feet and legs, are in a body condition score less than 3 and/or do not meet animal health product withdrawal times, do not market them until they meet those parameters.”
246 Briar Place #6 • Belgrade, MT Phone 406.388-2609
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A24
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----- TRAILERS -----
2010 Timpte spread axle hopper bottom, air ride, excellent tires and brakes........................................................................................$35,000
1997 Workman pup trailer, 3-axle, spring ride, aluminum wheels, tarp, 85% tires and brakes. Nice trailer!............................$14,900
2014 Caterpillar 950K, 4.5 yard bucket, 80% fronts, 50% rears, 8900 hours. Nice machine!....... ..................................... $97,500
1999 Volvo L150C, tight pins and bushings, 50% tires remaining. All service records and history. Ready for work!............ $44,900
Sold last month on AuctionTime.com!
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2013 Komatsu PC-160LC, quickcoupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 36” digging bucket, heat, air conditioning, radio. Tight machine, ready for work!..............$61,900
CRAWLERS/DOZERS 1996 Hitachi EX100-3, thumb and manual quick-coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 50% undercarriage remaining. Ready for work! Comes with two buckets.$28,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size........ Call for Price
1963 John Deere 3010D rare diesel tractor, 2 remotes, 3-pt. hitch, 50-60% tires...........$7950
Caterpillar D6C, LGP, winch, lots of recent work! Call for more info............................... $20,900
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Mountain forests now burning more than any point in past
UM News Service Following 2020’s extreme fire season, high-elevation forests in the central Rocky Mountains now are burning more than at any point in the past 2,000 years, according to a new University of Montana (UM) study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers from UM and the University of Wyoming (UW) analyzed a unique network of fire-history records to understand how 21st-century fire activity compares to wildfires in the past. The findings highlight that burning in recent decades in high-elevation forests of northern Colorado and southern Wyoming is unprecedented over the past several millennia. As fire paleoecologists – scientists who study historical ecosystems – the team uses charcoal found in lake sediments to piece together the fire history of forests across the Rocky Mountains. The idea, said lead author and UM professor Philip Higuera, is that understanding the past is key to understanding changes we see today and how forests may change in the future. When 2020’s massive fire season hit, its ferocity startled Higuera and his co-authors – UM doctoral candidate Kyra Wolf and UW Professor Bryan Shuman. Last year, wildfires in Colorado burned through October, unusually late in the year. By November, the 2020 wildfires alone were responsible for 72% of the total area burned in high-elevation forests since 1984 in their study region, and Colorado had seen three of its largest fires on record. “As the 2020 fire season unfolded, we realized we already had a well-defined understanding of the fire history of many of the places burning, based on over 20 lake-sediment records our teams had collected over the past 15 years,” said Higuera, professor of fire ecology in the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation. “When the smoke settled, we thought ‘Wow, we may have witnessed something truly unprecedented here.’ So, we combined the existing records for the first time and compared them to recent fire activity. To our surprise, 2020 indeed pushed fire activity outside the range of variability these forests have experienced over at least the past two millennia.” The authors found that since 2000, wildfires are burning nearly twice as much area on average compared to the last 2,000 years. Whereas a high-elevation forest historically burned once every 230 years on average, in the 21st-century that has now shrunk to around 120 years. That’s more fire activity than occurred during the “Medieval Climate Anomaly,” a period around 1,200 years ago when temperatures spiked higher than they were during the 20th century. While human activity and past fire suppression are important contributing factors to wildfires across the West, the work highlights increasingly warm, dry conditions as an overarching cause of increased burning in these highelevation forests. “It isn’t unexpected to have more fire as temperatures rise,” said co-author Wolf, who is studying fire history in the northern Rocky Mountains in UM’s Systems Ecology program. “Our records show that fire tracked past variations in climate just as it does today. What’s striking is that temperatures, and correspondingly fire, are now exceeding the range that these forests have coped with for thousands of years – largely as a result of human-caused climate change.” For decades, scientists have predicted that climate warming would increase wildfire activity in high-elevation forests beyond the range historically experienced, Higuera said. “It’s sobering to see that it’s clearly happening, and early in the 21st century – not in 2050, not in 2075, but by 2020,” he said. Overall, the study is another indication that extreme fire seasons like 2020 – or like 2017 in Montana – will become increasingly common as summers continue to become warmer and drier than in past centuries. Higuera and colleagues have previously highlighted ways communities and managers can respond to increasing fire activity, but he hopes this paper helps illustrate the significant impacts of human-caused climate change on wildfire, forests and the human communities that live among them. “It may sound dire,” Higuera said, “but it’s critical to remember that we have ample opportunities to limit or reverse climate warming while still working to adapt to the increasing fire activity expected in upcoming decades.” The study, “Rocky Mountain subalpine forests now burning more than any time in recent millennia,” is online at https://www.pnas.org/content/118/25/e2103135118.
##### There are people who are a living proof that total brain failure does not always lead to physical death.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A25
John Deere 930 (reconditioned) header with Honey Bee crop lifters and trailer................................................. $4000 Phone (406) 799-4614, Galata, Montana
M O N TA N A O R G A N I C A S S O C I AT I O N A N N O U N C E S 2021 E V E N T S
September 17, Bitterroot Farm Tour
(From left to right) Preston Beattie, Sumner; Grant Walahoski, Overton; and Bristol McConville, Lexington; are some of the Dawson County 4-H’ers who judged animals at the recent 2021 Livestock Judging Contest.
A difficult case Two psychiatrists were at a convention. As they conversed over a drink, one asked, “What was your most difficult case?” The other replied, “I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world. He believed that an uncle in South America was going to die and leave him a fortune. All day long he waited for a letter to arrive from an attorney. He never went out, he never did anything, he merely sat around and waited for this fantasy letter from this fantasy uncle. I worked with this man eight years.” “What was the result?” “It was an eight-year struggle. Every day for eight years, but I finally cured him. And then that stupid letter arrived!”
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A26
1993 Deere 770BH motor grader................................................$32,500 Cat D6C angle dozer, twin tilts, single shank, Ateco ripper.........$27,500 2016 Takeuchi TB280FR blade, thumb......................................$75,500 Leon 10-yard pull scraper with Versatile 555 tractor...................$32,500
Request picture by mail. e-mail neil.marjerrison@gmail.com Phone (406) 544-2940, Missoula, Montana
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Additional Gram-positive bacterial diseases in Nebraska crop production
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News alfalfa in the United States, showing the Over the last few months, I have been immediate need for identifying new methrelating the stories of a group of plant pathoods of control for this emerging disease. genic bacteria known as “Gram positive,” The U.S. Department of Agriculture and which refers to the reaction of bacterial several state agricultural experiment stacell walls to microscopic dyes that divides tions began evaluating methodologies, but bacteria into two primary groups, negative genetic resistance was concluded to be the and positive. This was originally developed only practical method available to solve the by Danish bacteriologist Hans C. Gram. problem rapidly. Curiously, Nebraska appears to be the None of the domesticated cultivars being original home for a number of these pathoused at that time possessed disease resisgens that have historically been extremely tance; thus Peltier, partnering with USDA’s important to certain major crops grown H.S. Tysdal and University of Nebraska’s here. This is a strange phenomenon because Department of Agronomy, developed the the majority of plant pathogenic bacteria are first winter-hardy, wilt-resistant variety, Gram-negative. Ranger, and it was released for commercial The pathogens causing bacterial wilt in production after 1940. It was the first alfalfa dry beans, Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens cultivar utilizing a specific gene for disease pv. flaccumaciens (Cff), and Goss’ wilt and resistance and winter hardiness and served leaf blight in corn, Clavibacter michiganenas an industry standard for decades. sis subsp. nebraskensis (Cmn), are two BACTERIAL MOSAIC OF WHEAT examples as members of this group of bacBacterial mosaic, caused by Clavibacter terial pathogens and are probably more famichiganensis subsp. tessellarius, (Cmt) miliar due to recent epidemics in Nebraska. was first identified as a new disease of wheat However, did you know that two additional in the spring of 1976 and was simultaneousdiseases caused by Gram-positive bacterial ly shown to be distributed widely throughpathogens have been observed in Nebraska out Nebraska. By 1979 the disease was that are likely lesser known – bacterial wilt identified from wheat fields representing 17 of alfalfa and bacterial mosaic of wheat. counties erratically spread over a 500-mile This article will focus on these two pathorange extending from far western Nebraska gens and relate them to the other two dry eastward to western Iowa. Surprisingly, by bean and corn pathogens. 1980, the disease had completely disapBACTERIAL WILT OF ALFALFA peared from wheat production. Alfalfa wilt, caused by Clavibacter Symptoms and conditions favoring michiganensis subsp. insidiosus (Cmi), was disease first noted in the mid-1920s from the river The disease was characterized by small, valleys of Nebraska and Kansas and from yellow lesions with undefined margins fields in southern Wisconsin and northern densely and uniformly scattered over entire Illinois. But it is now thought to have been leaf surfaces, and symptom development present in the United States unnoticed for was specific to wheat only. The optimal many years prior to that. By 1926, it had temperature for natural infection and sympbeen reported from every major alfalfatom development was never established, producing state. but development of symptoms from artifiSymptoms and conditions favoring wilt cially inoculated plants only occurred when Wilt is favored by cool, wet conditions incubated at cooler temperatures of 66-68 with an optimal pathogen growth temperadegrees Fahrenheit. ture of 73 degrees Fahrenheit. It can agBacterial mosaic has historically been gressively kill plants so rapidly that alfalfa very rare in wheat production. Other than crops become unprofitable two to three the widespread distribution throughout Neyears following infection, but disease rarely braska between 1976 and 1979, the pathoappears in stands under three years of age. gen was only reported from one county in Irrigation also enhances infection, while western Iowa and from breeding material in fields cultivated under dryland conditions Alaska. The disease never became a serious are seldom affected. The bacterium readily problem to Nebraska wheat production. survives in infested plant material within MORE QUESTIONS? soil, hay, or seed for several years, and is The well-known Gram-positive pathomost common in low, poorly drained areas gens Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of the field. The pathogen spreads throughof dry beans both re-emerged in Nebraska out fields after injury to the crop, such as at approximately the same time in the winter damage (freezing and thawing), mid-2000s, after similarly vanishing just insect feeding, or mowing and bailing hay. as suddenly 20 years previously. We have Research Begins identified some likely factors that explain Through the 1920s, alfalfa acreage in their resurgence in Nebraska; however, we Nebraska decreased dramatically. Experiare baffled as to why the three pathogenic ment Station plant pathologist George L. Clavibacter subspecies (Goss’ Wilt, alfalfa Peltier, one of the first to study the disease, wilt, and bacterial mosaic of wheat) and the concluded that wilt was the primary factor distantly related bacterial wilt of dry beans, responsible for this sudden decline. In fact, have behaved so differently from each other. there was enough concern that the Nebraska The alfalfa wilt pathogen is still a perLegislature created a special appropriation sistent and common resident in Nebraska of $25,000 for conducting research (equalsoils. However, the breeding process has ing more than $350,000 today). essentially eliminated this pathogen as a In 1930, Peltier published the first comproduction problem since the development prehensive report for wilt in Nebraska in the of disease-resistant cultivars in the 1940s. Experiment Station’s Bulletin 240. Peltier Likewise, corn breeders rapidly created also concluded that previous losses from productive, disease-resistant field corn culwilt were very likely attributed falsely to tivars. Goss’ wilt then disappeared in the winter injury and asserted that the disease early 1980s but has mystifyingly returned occurred in virtually every irrigated field in in a similar manner as that of bacterial wilt Nebraska over two years of age. of dry beans, which also disappeared, but Breeding and the development of without the widespread use of resistant disease-resistant cultivars cultivars. By 1930 bacterial wilt was recognized as the most significant disease problem for CONTINUED ON PAGE A27
National Daiquiri Day
Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always observed on July 19 It’s the middle of the Dog Days of Summer. The weather is hot and sultry. It’s time for a cold and refreshing drink. Enjoying a daiquiri on National Daiquiri Day is the perfect solution, to ease the effects of the heat and humidity. The original Daiquiri consists of rum, lime juice and sugar, with plenty of ice added to the glass. The Daiquiri was first created in 1898 by Jennings Stockton Cox, an American mining engineer. The Daiquiri was named after the local mining village of Daiquiri, Cuba, at the Venus bar. Needless to say, the local miners loved the sweet summer cooler, and it’s popularity quickly spread. As its popularity grew, so did the number of varieties. The original lime based recipe remains the most popular, along with strawberry. The number of different Daiquiri flavors is only limited by the number of berries and other fruit. In the 1940’s Ernest Hemming way conceived the frozen Daiquiri at El Floridita in Havana, Cuba, when he had bartender Constantino Ribalaigua run the drink filled with ice through a blender.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A27
SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425
Additional Gram-positive bacterial diseases in Nebraska crop production CONTINUED FROM PAGE A26
Conversely, bacterial mosaic of wheat seemingly vanished without a trace but has not come back. New resistant cultivars were rapidly developed in response to this new disease, but they were never deployed due to its short tenure in Nebraska wheat fields. The reasons for its sudden arrival and abrupt disappearance after only three to four years, and its failure to resurface in the same manner as Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of dry beans, have never been explained. Thus, we are still left with a number of unanswered questions on the origin, survival, and spread of this group of bacterial pathogens.
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A28
Local Montana retiree looking for a clean old vintage 4x4 truck or Jeep/Scout/Bronco/Blazer to putt around in. 1950’s60’s-70s, any brand or make. Serious buyer with funds. The more original the better, not looking for a huge project. If you’ve got one sitting up on the ranch or in the garage, and are thinking about selling, but don’t want a parade of tire kickers, give me a call or text on 4O6-465-71O2. Thanks.
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The early life of a sorghum plant
By Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Brent Bean, Ph.D. inches tall (Figure 1). The roots should be Similar to people, the sorghum plant is rapidly expanding and the growing point greatly influenced during its early developis still below the ground surface but not ment on what it is going to be later in life. for much longer. If a grower plans to apply How it is treated and what it experiences 2,4-D or dicamba, the best application time in its first 30 days will impact its health is between the third- and fifth-leaf stages. and potential yield afterward. To establish After the fifth-leaf stage, labels of other a solid foundation for high yield the first herbicides should be carefully examined objective is to obtain a healthy, uniform prior to application to determine if and how stand at the correct plant population for a the herbicide can be applied safely. A good given environment. Good moisture contime to apply nitrogen fertilizer as a sideditions and adequate nutrition close the dress treatment is between 20 and 35 days germinating seed is critical. Since roots after emergence. have not yet expanded a starter fertilizer At 30 to 40 days after emergence, the crop will often help in establishment. Once the reaches the critical growing point differencrop is established, a grower should know tiation (GPD) stage, where the plant shifts the importance of recognizing the differfrom producing only leaves to beginning the ent vegetative stages and understand how formation of the grain sorghum head. The management during each specific stage can GDP stage occurs at the seven- or eight-leaf impact yield. Although infrequent, cutworm stage, when the plant is 12 to 15 inches tall. damage can occur during the first few days If one or two of the lowest leaves fall off after emergence. An insecticide application of the plant, a grower may find it difficult should be considered if the majority of the to determine the actual leaf stage. To detercutworms are less than 1/2 inch long. mine if the plant has reached the GDP stage, Early growth stages are determined by the grower can slice the stalk open and look counting fully expanded leaves with the for the growing point, as shown in Figure presence of a leaf collar. The first leaf is 2. If the growing point is visible above the the coleoptile leaf, which is shorter than ground, the plant is in the GPD stage. Prior the later-emerging leaves and has a rounded to the GPD stage, the plant can withstand leaf tip. Usually within 10 to 14 days after considerable stress, including hail damage, emergence, the sorghum plant has three with minimal effect on yield. Herbicide apfully expanded leaves and is only 3 to 4 plication becomes much more risky at the inches tall. If a preemergence herbicide, GDP stage and any stress on the plant can such as Dual or Outlook, was not applied reduce head size and potential seed number prior to emergence, the herbicide should per head. The GDP stage means the crop is be applied during this stage. Atrazine also entering into a phase of rapid growth with can be applied without any risk of sorghum accelerating uptake of water and nutrients. injury. Even if these herbicides were applied preemergence, growers should access if these herbicides were fully activated and reapply at this time if necessary. Both drought and too much rainfall can sometimes cause preemergence herbicides to fail. In the first 20 days any productive tillers will appear at the base of the plant. The number of these tillers is determined by hybrid, row spacing and seeding rate, as well as the early environmental conditions. Because the plant is very small, competition from weeds over the first 30 days of the life of the sorghum plant can greatly impact yield. If weeds have emerged, growers should control them with a postemergence herbicide.
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A sorghum plant typically reaches the five-leaf stage 20 to 25 days after emergence, when the plant is approximately 8
These ‘teenage years’ culminate in the boot stage which occurs just before head emergence and flowering. In the boot stage, collars of all leaves are visible and the sorghum head or panicle is located just below the flag leaf collar, enclosed in the flag leaf sheath. Just below the flag leaf, the stalk appears swollen. The sorghum head will emerge within as few as three days. Moisture and heat stress over the next 20 days can greatly influence final yield. Water and nutrient use are at their peak. Growers should closely monitor sugarcane aphid infestation levels prior to and throughout the boot stage. If sugarcane aphid populations increase above the established regional threshold, an insecticide should be applied immediately.
##### It’s believed that roughly 97% of history has tory only started roughly 6,000 years ago. And been lost over time. History’s documentation is modern humans first appeared around 200,000 so subjective, not to mention all the lost historiyears ago. This 194,000-year gap is, in itself, cal accounts of the world. So it’s no surprise that huge. However, considering all the historical what we know of our history is just a snapshot writings lost over the years when written history of the whole thing. Written accounts of hisdid exist, it makes the mind wonder…
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 – Page A29
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A30
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A31
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
Massey Ferguson 1375 pull type rotary swather.............................................$19,500 MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 New Holland HW325 swather.................... Call New Holland HW320 swather......... Coming In New Holland 1118 overhauled engine..$19,900 New Holland 1475 hydroswing............$15,000 Hesston 8400 swather.........................$14,000
New Holland BR7090 baler.................$17,900 New Holland BR780 net/twine baler.$9000 (L) New Holland 688 twine...........................$6500 New Holland 660 mesh & twine baler.....$3300 Case IH RB564 mesh & twine baler.....$25,000 Vermeer 605 Super M mesh & twine...$14,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$7500
Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler.......$34,900
H&S 12-wheel rake............................. $13,000 H&S BF 12HC 12-wheel rake...........$8900 (L) New Holland 216 rake....................Coming In Ford F350 flatbed................................... $8900 Cat LR18B rock rake.............................. $3375 Grasshopper 725KT riding mower with 52” deck & snowblower.........................................Call Work Saver FLBS-340 spear with Westendorf brackets................................................ $500 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach................................................... $500 ERS 68 angle broom..................................Call John Deere 569 round baler................$39,000 John Deere 569 net & twine................$31,500
Hoven Equipment 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT 406-727-7153 77335 US HWY 87 Lewistown, MT 406-538-3919
Bobcat T770 skid steer........................$49,900 Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot........................ $47,500 (L)
Westfield MKX13x74 with hopper mover......... Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill with 3450 tank..$44,900 .................................................... Coming In Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing....... ..................................................$15,000 (L) Westfield MKX10x73 with hopper mover......... .................................................... Coming In Westfield MK10x70 auger with LP hopper....... .................................................... Coming In Farm King 13x85 auger.................. Coming In Farm King 13x70 auger..........................$7500
Call us for all your equipment needs!
John Deere 560 round baler................$48,000 John Deere 535 round baler........... Coming In Hesston 956A round baler...................$12,000
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Hesston 4900 4x4 baler.......................$15,000 Hesston 4800 baler.................................$2500 Hesston 856A baler................................$7000 Hesston 560 round baler........................... Call International 440 small square baler......$3500 Gehl 1870 round baler.............................$3500 New Holland 590 parts baler..................... Call New Holland 1033 stacker......................$6000 Versatile SX275 sprayer....................$127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank...........................................$8000 Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart............................................ $23,450 (L) John Deere 9450 40-ft. x 12” drills with end transport............................................. $5500 New Holland 213 manure spreader....... $2900 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 EXmark riding mower..............................$7100 Fast Finish pull type mower....................... Call 60” ATV mower........................................... Call 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900
Miller 3275 HT 120-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 4WD, Raven Smart Trax...... $54,000
New Holland TR98 combine...................$9900 Case 1680 combine with 30-ft. 962 header....... .........................................................$15,000 Massey Ferguson 8570 with 30-ft. header....... .........................................................$15,000 John Deere 9600 combine..................$19,500
Agco 7650 Spra Coupe with full run Raven monitor, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle..... ........................................................ $63,900 Melroe 3430 Spra Coupe.................... $13,000
MacDon B5927 45-ft. pea auger header.... Call MacDon RB85 header.........................$18,000 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$5000 MacDon 960 25-ft. header......................$6000 New Holland 994 30-ft. draper header...$9900
Check us out on our Website at www.hovenequipment.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A32
Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT www.montanaholster.com
Strawberries are a very popular fruit. Over 90% of people eat them. Can you imagine a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without strawberry jam!? ##### Strawberries were once associated with love and flirtation. Even today, strawberries are popular On Valentine’s Day, most often covered in chocolate.
our re y a u s s e Mak ement i r reti g Bang” B “ i
us to “Br day for ig a tom hter” orro w
Local ownership – Local Decisions
Recipe Patch by Geri Flaming Burritos
1 pound ground beef 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 large red bell pepper, chopped 4 (10 inch) flour tortillas 4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add ground beef; cook and stir until browned, 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in black beans and red bell pepper; cook until heated through, about 5 minutes. Cut four 13x13-inch pieces of aluminum foil. Place 1 tortilla on each piece of aluminum foil. Spoon beef mixture in a line down the center of each tortilla. Divide cheese evenly among tortillas. Fold opposing edges of each tortilla to overlap the filling. Roll up in the shape of a burrito, sealing ends. Rinse and dry 4 half-gallon waxlined milk cartons. Cut several 1-inch diamond-shaped vents into 2 corners of each milk carton, near the bottom. Place a wrapped burrito inside each carton. Place milk cartons in a safe cooking area outdoors. Light each on fire at one of the vents; cook until cartons burn down, about 2 minutes. Gently unwrap burritos with heatproof gloves.
Campfire Banana Splits
6 large bananas, unpeeled, stems removed 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1 (10.5 ounce) package miniature marshmallows Preheat the grill for high heat. Spray 4 sheets of aluminum foil, large enough to wrap bananas, with cooking spray. Slice the peel of the banana from stem to bottom, while slicing the banana inside lengthwise. Carefully open the banana just wide enough to place the chocolate chips and marshmallows inside the peel with the banana. Stuff with as much of the chocolate chips and marshmallows as desired. Wrap the bananas with the aluminum foil and place on the grill or directly in the coals of a fire. Leave in long enough to melt the chips and the marshmallows, about 5 minutes. Unwrap bananas, open the peels wide, and eat with a spoon.
Bacon Apples
2 apples, cored ¼ cup brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon, or more to taste 4 slices cooked bacon, crumbled Build a campfire and allow the fire to burn until it has accumulated a bed of coals. Rake the coals into a flat bed on one side of the fire. Alternatively, preheat an outdoor grill. Place apples in a loaf pan. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon in a bowl; spoon into each apple. Place the loaf pan into the campfire or on the grill; cook for about 3 minutes. Carefully remove the pan from the fire and sprinkle bacon over apples. Place in the fire or on the grill for about 5 minutes more.
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Outdoor Grill Beef Kebabs
1 zucchini, cut into chunks 1 red bell pepper, cut into 1 inch pieces 1 (15 ounce) can pineapple chunks, drained 2 tablespoons olive oil ½ cup ketchup 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons steak sauce (such as A1®) 2 tablespoons white sugar 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce ¼ cup water 1 ½ pounds beef sirloin, cut into 1 inch cubes 12 bamboo skewers Place the zucchini, bell pepper, and pineapple in a mixing bowl. Drizzle with olive oil, and toss to coat. Divide the mixture into freezer bags. Whisk the ketchup, salt, steak sauce, sugar, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and water together in the same bowl until smooth. Add the beef cubes, and toss until evenly coated. Divide the beef into freezer bags. To cook: Soak the skewers in warm water at least 30 minutes. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat, and lightly oil the grate. Make the skewers by alternating beef, vegetables, and pineapple on the skewers. Discard any remaining marinade. Cook the skewers on the preheated grill, turning occasionally until cooked to your desired degree of doneness, about 10 minutes total for medium-rare.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A33
2015 Case IH Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2922 hours $148,000
2005 John Deere 724J payloader, diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, 118” bucket, Michelin750/65R25 tires, 6442 hours.............................. $82,000
2016 TerraGator 8400B AirMax Precision 2, Raven Viper 4, 3678 hours........................................................... $158,000 2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin spinners, 2860 hrs...$86,000
2016 TerraGator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 2132 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready..................... $151,000
2015 TerraGator TG8400B Airmax Precision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3640 hours.............................. $132,500
2009 Terra Gator 8203 floater, Air Max Precision, 70-ft. stain2014 TerraGator TG8400 Airmax less steel boom, electric roll tarp, Precision 2, 70-ft. boom, granular Ravin Viper Pro controller, Smart bins, Viper Pro, autosteer, 3500 Trax auto steer, 3948 hours......... . hours.............................. $123,500 ....................................... $79,000
2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, New Leader bed..............$89,000
2013 Merritt With Rapat conveyor system, electric roll tarp, 4 hoppers, air ride suspension......... $44,500
Hyster 6-ton forklift, gas engine. Was propane, changed to carburetor, could use some carb work. . .......................................... $6000
1986 John Deere 644D payloader, turbo charged 6 cylinder 155 hp diesel engine, shuttle shift transmission, cab, lights, heat, Am/Fm radio, 3 yard 103” bucket, quick attach. 5313 hours.$39,500
2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours.............................. $86,000
2000 Freightliner FL70 fuel truck, Cummins diesel engine, 6 speed transmission, single axle, 5 compartment fuel delivery body, dual metered hose reels, air brakes, cruise control, 22.5 tires, 202,001 miles........ $27,000
1994 Kenworth T800 tender, Cummins, 10 speed, air lift cheater & pusher axles, Rayman 24 ton hydraulic stainless steel dry fertilizer tender box, roll tarp, top swing auger, 151,982 miles........ $39,000
2004 Peterbilt floater sprayer truck, 76-ft. boom, 20” nozzle spacing, Raven Envizio Pro control valves, 4368 hours... $79,000
2014 Case Titan 4530 Dry Floater, Flex-Air 810 - VRT dry flow system, 70-ft. boom, Raven Viper Pro, 2 product, 5017 hours.......... ....................................... $98,500
2010 Case IH 4020 dry floater, diesel engine, automatic, Viper 2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, Pro Monitor, New Leader L4000 3000 hours..................... $98,000 G4 twin bin dry box, 750/45R26.5 front tires, 1000/50R25 rears, 3690 hours...................... $94,500 2015 Case IH Titan 4030, New Leader L4000 G4, multi-bin, Ag Leader monitor, 3451 hours......... . ...................................... $153,500
2011 Case IH 4520, 810 box, 2912 hours, variable rate, Autosteer, Viper Pro.......$99,500..........$115,500 2014 Case IH 4430 sprayer, diesel, hydrostatic drive, 1200 gallon stainless steel liquid system, AIM Command, 120-ft. boom, stainless steel chemical inductor, Raven Viper IV controller, 650/65R38 flotation tires, 2234 hours.....$157,000
2014 RBR Vector 300, New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 2014 Case IH Patriot 4430 sprayhours............................ $124,500 er, 1200 gallon, 100-ft boom, Wilger nozzles with AIM Command solenoids, 20” nozzle spacing, Autosteer, Raven auto boom height, rear camera, GPS, AIM Command Pro, Raven Viper 4 monitor, 4348 hours....... $121,500
Free Freight
Up To 1200 Miles 2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000
2005 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained. $34,500
2016 Case IH Titan 3540 3 wheel floater, 810 air delivery box, deluxe cab, red leather seat, 6 speed Allison automatic transmission, 8.7L Case IH FLP engine, 1512 hours, 1050/50 R32 front and rear tires, Raven Viper 4, Agri-Cover roll tarp.......................... $161,000
1985 Ford fertilizer tender, truck runs good, bed needs hydraulic control valves repaired... $12,500
1998 Ford Louisville petroleum truck, Cummins, manual transmission, single axle, tag axle, 1997 Progress 5 compartment fuel body, 3000 gallon, dual meters, dual hose reels, 11R22.5 tires, 459,846 miles........ $34,000
12,000 gallon Nh3 tank, loaded.... ....................................... $22,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi.........$15,000 for the pair
Greyn’s Crop Specialists
1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........................ $39,500
1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi............ $31,000
1997 Hart 2 hopper semi tender.. ....................................... $19,500
2012 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 2176 hours..................... $27,500
Check out our website: www.fertilizerequipment.net
We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356 Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A34
##### My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). Lord, what a comfort you are. ##### Jesus, be with me, please, especially when I stumble over a word or trip on a step. Pick me up, dust me off, and encourage me so I’m ready to go again.
We have Mix 30 supplement that is a high fat molasses product that can be fed free choice to your cattle.
Call our Glendive or Sidney location today and let us help get you set up to fight the dry conditions without sacrificing calf weaning weight. www.paramountagservices.com
Ty Zimdars - Manager/Owner 38 Highway 200 S • Glendive, MT 59330 406-377-7793 10th Ave SE • Sidney, MT 59270 406-488-1953
Needle size and care recommendations
K-State Research and Extension News Anyone who’s ever received a vaccination will verify that needle size matters. And that is true with cattle as well. Kansas State University veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White took up this topic on a recent Beef Cattle Institute Cattle Chat podcast. “Many animal health products given to cattle to prevent or treat diseases are injected with a syringe and needle,” Larson said. “Selecting the correct size of needle to deliver injections under the skin or into the muscle is important to ensure that the products perform as intended and meet Beef Quality Assurance guidelines.” When it comes to needle selection for cows, he recommends using a 16- or 18-gauge needle. The gauge refers to the diameter of the needle. “An 18-gauge needle is actually smaller than a 16 and in calves we may go even smaller and use a 20-gauge needle,” Larson said. White added that the chosen needle size relates to the thickness of the animal’s skin. He said, “Needle size also depends on the viscosity of the product that I’m giving.” Another factor is the needle length. Larson said the recommended length of the needle is guided by the type of injection given, which is either under the skin or into the muscle. “With an under the skin injection the needle length should be 5/8- or 3/4-inch needle, and with an intramuscular injection the length is closer to 1 1/2-inch needle,” Larson said. He added that with calves the recommended length would be closer to an inch. Lastly the veterinarians discussed the recommended frequency for changing needles. “One needle per cow is ideal but depending on the situation you could give up to 10 injections with one needle,” Larson said. He added that it is important to make sure the needle is sharp and clean to keep from causing trauma or contamination. For more information on this topic Larson and White advised producers to review the information on the beef quality assurance website at bqa.org. To hear the full discussion, tune it to the Cattle Chat podcast online (https://ksubci.org/2021/04/23/brazil-production-system-mineral-selection-plans-calving-timingneedle-size/).
Managing seeding year alfalfa
Ben Beckman, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Alfalfa seeded this spring is ready, or soon will be ready, to cut. Hot dry weather means proper care and management now could have big impacts on cuttings later this year. Use the following harvest guidelines to get the most from your first-year alfalfa. Seeding year alfalfa is different from established stands. Stems are spindly, roots are small and shorter, and growth is a little slower. You can harvest seeding year alfalfa as early as 40 days after seedlings emerge. Again, this is 40 days after emergence, not planting. Alfalfa takes about 40 days to develop the ability to regrow from the crown after cutting. Plants cut before this point need at least one set of leaves remaining to regrow. So, if you need to cut early for something like weed or insect control, cut high. Although alfalfa seedlings can be harvested 40 days after emerging, I think it’s better to wait until around 60 days after emergence, at late bud to early bloom stage, before the first cutting. Yield will be a little higher and plants will withstand weather stress easier with a little extra growth. This extra time also allows increases root development, helping avoid problems from soil compaction or surface soil dryness. After the first cutting, regrowth of seedling alfalfa will become more similar to established alfalfa, giving you the opportunity for two or three cuts the first year. One last point – while it may seem like a long way off, never cut seeding year alfalfa during the four-week period before a killing freeze. Winter injury can be severe due to reduced winterhardiness of new plants. Look ahead at the calendar now to plan when future cuts might be taken to avoid cutting during this sensitive time. First year alfalfa can be productive, just manage it right.
Planning tool for nonmonthly expenses
MSU News Service While some people find monthly bills easier to plan for and expect, non-monthly bills can be harder to keep track of. If not planned for properly, a bill that’s due every six months, such as auto insurance, may end up on a credit card or other form of payment. To ease the burden for individuals who struggle with non-monthly bills, Montana State University Extension has a free financial planning MontGuide available to help with calculations. “‘The Schedule of Non-monthly Family Living Expenses’ MontGuide will give you a clear picture of how your nonmonthly payments are distributed throughout a 12-month period,” said Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. “At a glance, you can see what bills are due in what months and plan ahead for them.” The form will help individuals calculate how much to set aside each month so they can avoid the stress that arises when several major bills come due during the same month, Goetting said. The MontGuide contains a sample form and directions for filling it out. A blank form is also provided. “The Schedule of Non-monthly Expenses” MontGuide can be found at https://store.msuextension.org/publications/ FamilyFinancialManagement/MT198910HR.pdf. Users can go to the same site and click on the worksheet to calculate their monthly and yearly averages. Paper copies are also available at local Extension and reservation offices.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A35
Farm Equipment Reduction Sale 1983 Versatile 875 4WD tractor, excellent running condition, 9567 hours, in frame overhaul at 4500 hours.......... .................................................................................................................................................................... $9000 Calkins grain cleaner, mounted on trailer....................................................................................................... $1000 Small metal grain cleaner extra screens........................................................................................................... $400 Valmar 2055 air applicator, ground drive, hydraulic orbit motor for fan, spreaders (20) for 50-ft.................... $1000 Fertilizer spreader homemade, 50-ft., designed for a Flexi-Coil six tower air cart.......................................... $1000 White 2-180 tractor 2 wheel drive, duals, 1000 RPM large PTO, three speed shift on the go. 3208 Cat engine. Starts and runs excellent. .............................................................................................................. $8000..$7500 A & L grain cart, 650 bushel, tarp, single tires.................................................................................... $3500..$3000 International 485 diesel tractor, 3 cylinder 50 HP, 2 wheel drive, 540 PTO. Loader with bale forks..$8000..$7500 2001 Dodge Dakota pickup V8, 5 speed manual, 4 doors, clean & runs good, 158,000 plus miles.. $5000..$4500 1988 International 2300 semi, single axle, nearly new rear tires....................................................... $6500..$6000 1977 Kenworth cab-over, Cummins, 20 ft box and hoist. .................................................................. $5000..$4500 Freightliner FL-70 truck sprayer, hooded Summers sprayer, 80 ft booms, Raven monitor, 750 gallon plastic tank. Sprayer truck set up by Ag Trucks & Equipment...................................................................................... $17,500 1973 Ford pickup sprayer, 400 gal tank, Honda engine, 50 ft Blumhardt booms........................................... $1200 10K propane generator mounted on pickup box trailer, 2 cylinder Honda engine.......................................... $3500 20K PTO generator, trailer mounted ............................................................................................................... $1800 New Holland 275 baler, small square baler, PTO drive ................................................................................. $2500 Morris rod weeder, 36 ft...................................................................................................................... $1200..$1000 Dynafab swather transport trailer, used for hauling 30 ft Hesston swather sideways..................................... $4000 Header transport trailer, 30 ft., tandem axles, could be extended................................................................... $1000 2 Melroe pickup attachments, 11 ft............................................................................................................ $1000 ea John Deere 9350 drills, 50 ft , 7” spacing, factory rear transports.................................................................. $5000 Minneapolis Moline drills, 24 ft, 7” spacing................................................................................................... $1000 Rock roller, 12-ft. cement filled........................................................................................................................ $1800 (4) 12-ft. church pews, stored inside................................................................................................................. $250
Final price reduction. You had your chance! Please call and/or leave a message, Home 406-463-2410, Cell 406-799-5097, Cell 515-851-2805, Dutton, MT
We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-546-1743 Simms, MT
www.northstarequipment.biz John Myers 406-546-1743
1978 Grove RT765 50 ton crane, 112-ft. boom, jib, 2 winches, PAT.. ........................................$32,500
2009 Peterbilt 367 ISX, 18 speed, tri-drive, 70” bunk, full lockers.............................$49,500
2001 Cat IT38 loader, hydraulic coupler, 3rd valve, 20k hours........ ........................................$42,500
2011 John Deere 310SJ backhoe, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, ride control, front coupler, cab with heat and air conditioning.........$52,500
Cat 627G scrapers, push/pull cushion hitch..................$195,000
2012 Fontaine 55MX 3 axle, 55 ton extendable lowboy, 7-ft. deck insert and 2 flip necks available as well..............................$75,000
2004 Trail King 3 axle belly dump................................$24,500
John Deere 772D AWD grader, 14-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. ext. front scarifier, rear hydraulics, excounty machine, 19,000 hours, motor and transmission have been rebuilt......................$50,000
1989 Peterbilt 379 grain truck, Cat 3406B, 13 speed, 20-ft. steel box...................................$27,500 2007 Freightliner Classic XL C15 Acert, 18 speed, full lockers, 60” flattop sleeper............$42,500
1997 Volvo daycab, Detroit 11L, 330 hp. 10 speed................$8000
Cat 627F scraper, push/pull cushion hitch, 10,000 hours.......... ......................................$135,000 2013 Cat TL1055C telehandler, cab with heat, air conditioning, outriggers, 4500 hours. Rent it or buy it............................... $62,500 2013 Genie 5519 telehandler, 1900 hours...................... $36,500
2009 Kenworth W900L ISX, 13 speed, lift axle, 70,000 on new motor, no emissions!....... $60,000
2003 Peterbilt 378 C15 (6NZ), 18 speed heavy spec, 16,000 fronts, 69,000 rears, full lockers, double frame, 36” flat top sleeper............. ....................................... $50,000
Generator trailer, 42-ft. van trailer with Cat EGC550V, 300kw Cat generator in it with control panel, switch gear and 2000 gallon diesel tank inside................. $20,000
1982 Link-Belt 8040 RT crane, 40 ton..............................$25,000
2003 Kenworth T800 dump truck, Cat C12 430 hp, 18 speed, steerable lift axle, 16-ft. steel box with high lift tailgate........ $60,000
1988 Great Dane 48-ft.x102” flatbed trailer, closed tandem..$8000
1996 Peterbilt 379 Cat 3406E, 18 speed, 20,000 lift axle, wet kit.................................... $32,500
Mack manure truck for Rent! Call for prices
2015 Komatsu PC390 LC10 5700 hours, hydraulic thumb, coupler. Buy or Rent!.....$125,000
John Deere 770BH enclosed cab, 14-ft. moldboard, snow wing. ........................................$30,000
2005 Reinke 48-ft. combo step deck................................ $17,500
2000 Kenworth T800 dump truck, Cat C12, 430 hp, 18 speed, 16-ft. box, high lift tailgate, 625k miles................................$42,500
2005 Wilson 53-ft. flatbed with Conestoga tarp system on it, sliding axles, air ride............ $17,500
Bomag 84” smooth drum roller, enclosed cab, 500 hours, like new..................................$85,000
2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $30,000
2008 SiDump’R side dump, 3 axle with lift axle............. $37,500
(2) 2007 Neville 53-ft. steel drop decks with beavertail and ramps. Each............................... $20,500
CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFO www.northstarequipment.biz
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A36
SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425
Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount
AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B AGA 15H Brit Candidate ET 97C AGA 60H Mo Le Domino 80E AGA 43K Stanmore Ernie 70E LBH 237B Billy Lad 124F WH 46Z Silver Standard 626D
Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123 Moore, Montana www.wichmanherefords.com
Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT
2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 14-ft. moldboards, 10,000 hours.................. $92,000
Compaction • Hydraulic Breaker • Buckets John Deere 4000 Series H, winch, includes all controls for each, mounting plate, drive shaft.......................... $14,000
Deere 410G, 4x4, cab/air/heat, PowerShift, turbo, 50-80% tires, block heater, 11,341 hours, extend-a-hoe, street pad stabilizers, 4x1 bucket, 36” smooth, 24” dig bucket, wedge coupler, QC, ride control, solid brakes, good transmission, good engine.......................................................... $36,000
Deere 450G...................................................................... Call 2006 Deere 450J............................................................... Call International TD15BP, right side final is bad, very good undercarriage, very good engine, good winch, less than 2000 hours. Very good throughout, very good parts......... $5000 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours...$60,000
1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2013 Cat 308E, 2 buckets, hydraulic thumb............... $52,000 2012 Cat 312EL............................................................... Call 2006 Cat 320CL, cab, air, heat, wedge coupler, hyd thumb, 48” smooth bucket, 36” dig bucket, pattern changer. Very good undercarriage........................................................ $62,500 Deere 50G, cab/air/heat, QC, 24” bucket, front blade, undercarriage at 60-70%, auxiliary hyd, 2800 hours. Hyd thumb on order..................................................................... $52,500 Deere 85G excavator, extra bucket, 1000 hours........ $89,000 2002 Deere 200C, 48” bucket, 79,800 hours............. $49,000 Deere 230LC, bucket, hyd thumb.................................... Call Hitachi ZX120-3, good undercarriage, 2700 hours. Thumb available..................... Going through shop at this time 2007 Hitachi ZX135, 2 buckets, hyd thumb, blade.......... Call 2002 Hitachi ZX200LC, cab, air, heat, forestry cab guard, thumb, 42” dig bucket, Hendrix pin-grabber coupler, auxiliary hyd. Very good undercarriage............................ Call John Deere 892D-LC, good undercarriage, hyd thumb. Starts and operates as it should..................................... $32,500
Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call Cat 966C loader, open station, average tires. Starts and operates as it should...........................................Call for Price Clark Ranger 668, runs well, hole in radiator, 6V53 Detroit engine...................................................................... $7500 Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount, comes with trailer and lights..................................................................... $10,000 Deere 690E log loader............................................ For parts Hitachi EX270 log loader, elevated cab, can come off, good undercarriage and miscellaneous. Runs good..... $29,900 John Deere 740 skidder, good tires, swing boom grappler. Good older skidder, will go to work..............Call for Price Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call 2003 Valumet 890 forwarder, good working condition..... Call Several slide booms for parts available
2006 Deere 772D, cab, air/heat, powershift transmission, LED lights, 17.5x25 tires at 55-85%, 6WD capable, 14-ft. moldboard, wing addition with blade, 5 shank rear ripper, 13,290 hours. Runs good, operates good............ $79,000
2010 Case 321E, cab, air/heat, QC, forks, bucket, 2900 hours..................................................................... $53,000 Cat 966C, 4 yard bucket............................................. $25,000 Deere 210LE.................................................................... Call 2015 Deere 344K, 3rd valve, QC, 5300 hours........... $68,000 1999 Deere 544H loader, 3 yard bucket, straight loader, good matched tires, 12,500 hours................................. $49,000 Deere 624H loader........................................................... Call
Tennant 830-II sweeper, ex-county owned, 5600 miles.......... .............................................................................. $29,000
2013 Deere 328D, cab/air/heat, new tires, new bucket, hyd QC, standard hyd with electrical connectors, hand control iso/H, 2 speed, creep mode, float mode, block heater, 4973 hours..................................................................... $28,500
Ingersoll-Rand VR90B telescopic forklift, open cab, joystick controls, all 3 steering options, 3 speed forward/reverse, 5-ft. x 4” wide tires, front tires 35%, rear tires 85%, . Runs and operates good................................................ $29,000 JCB 506C telehandler, full cab, window guard, 6000 lb lift capacity, 42-ft. reach, 3 steer types, FNR switch with manual transmission, side tilt function, front auxiliary hyd, Perkins engine, 3208 hours. Good operating, good running telehandler............................................................ $35,000
John Deere 2355 tractor.................................................. Call John Deere 4010 tractor, hyd front blade, hyd angle snow wing, PTO, 2 hyd remotes, lights, plug in block and oil heaters, new rear tires, studded chains, good front tires, studded chains................................................................... $11,000
1973 Ford F700, 12 yard dump.................................... $5000
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View our entire inventory with pictures at www.reddigequipment.com
Weeds in my pasture
By Catherine Wissner, UW Extension Laramie County There are several major weed issues facing landowners in Laramie County, the big ones are Dalmatian Toadflax, Cheat grass and Thistle. This is the time of year when they become much more noticeable, however it may not be the right time to control them. By this time of the year most weeds have become herbicide resistant and spraying will not work. Mowing weeds can make the problem much worse. Mowing weeds will just disperse the seeds. With perennial weeds like Thistle and Dalmatian Toadflax mowing will encourage the patch to spread out larger via underground rhizomes. Cheat grass is an introduced species from Eurasia, it thrives in cool moist conditions, it is considered a winter annual that germinates in the fall when temperature are in the 40’s. It will continue to grow until temperatures drop below 28 degrees. It has a very flexible lifecycle and will continue to germinate in the spring under cool wet conditions. Cheatgrass becomes a highly competitive one grass monoculture, suppressing native vegetation, with negative impacts. Such as; loss of grazing and wildlife and pollinator habitat. Livestock will not eat Cheatgrass once it becomes mature and importantly it creates a serious fire hazard. Cheatgrass is shallow rooted and creates a mat of roots and litter that steals available resources of water and soil nutrients enabling it to out compete native grasses and flowers. It changes from green to purple to straw brown as it matures. The purple stage is an indicator of hazardous fire conditions within two to three weeks. While Cheatgrass provides forage when used by livestock in the early spring it can have negative effects when consumed with seed heads present, as these seeds contain long stiff awns that often puncture the mouth and throat tissue of livestock. This seed head with its awns can burrow into the fur of dogs, cats, along with grazing animal where it may cause skin related problems. Please remember to check your dogs, cats, horses and other livestock if they’ve been out in grass that’s gone to seed. Once established, Cheatgrass can be very persistent, the integration of cultural methods of good prairie management along with herbicide controls and reseeding can be successful management tools. Disturbing the soil by disking, tilling, excess grazing, mowing, off road vehicles, heavy grazing all favor Cheatgrass establishment. Herbicides are the current recommendation for control, they should be used with care and caution to surrounding plants and waterways. Always read the label for exact instructions on use and plants to protect. Another weed causing problems here is Dalmatian Toadflax, this was introduced into the western U.S. as an ornamental in 1874 and escaped cultivation. Toadflax readily spreads into adjacent non-disturbed areas. Much of this spread is by vegetative means, reflecting a vigorously-growing root system. Dalmatian toadflax roots may grow 20 inches deep or more nine weeks after seedlings have emerged and have vegetative buds that give rise to new shoots. Patch expansion can be dramatic. Dalmatian toadflax, typically a bright yellow snapdragon like flower begins in late May or June in and may continue until fall. It spreads by horizontal or creeping rootstocks as well as by seed. A mature plant can produce up to 250,000 seeds. Dalmatian toadflax may be controlled with herbicides labeled for toadflax, always read the label to be sure. Researchers in Wyoming sprayed Dalmatian toadflax in early September, then seeded the following year in April with Crested Wheatgrass, Pubescent Wheatgrass, Thickspike Wheatgrass, Russian Wildrye, and ‘Sodar’ Wheatgrass. The combination of spraying and seeding competitive grasses controlled Dalmatian toadflax better than spraying alone. The best times to spray is just before and during blooming. Another more effective time to spray, mid-September to the first of October after the first frost. Again, the more you mow your prairie the more problems you will create. ##### One day Danny was suprised to see a police car pull up to the house. The officer got out and came around to help Danny’s elderly father out of the backseat. The officer guided him by the arm over to Danny. “Dad, what is it?” Danny asked anxiously. “What in the world is wrong?” He looked to the officer, who was the first to speak. “Your father was lost in the park. He had his ID on him, so I thought I’d better bring him home.” After the officer left, the father let Danny in on a little secret: “I wasn’t exactly lost. I was just too tired to walk home.”
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A37
SS advance designation form
MSU News Service When planning for your financial future, Montana State University (MSU) Extension reminds individuals to consider the unexpected, such as preparing for a time when you are not able to manage your finances. While Montana has a statutory financial power of attorney whereby residents can appoint an agent to make financial decisions for them when they are not able, the Social Security Administration (SSA) does not accept the document for managing another person’s Social Security payments. But under the Strengthening Protections for Social Security Beneficiaries Act of 2018, the Social Security Administration provides an advance designation for adults and emancipated minors who are applying for or receiving Social Security benefits, supplemental security income or special veterans benefits, according to Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. “If you need help with the management of your benefits at some point in the future, the Social Security advance designation lets you to choose up to three people to serve as your ‘representative payee,’” Goetting said. “A representative payee is someone who the SSA appoints to manage your Social Security benefits if you are unable to do so. You can change your designees at any time.” When someone chooses advance designees, the SSA will send a notice each year for individuals to review the people they chose. Goetting recommends choosing a designee who has genuine concern for your well-being. An organization cannot be assigned as advance designees. “An advance designation is not an appointment of a representative payee, nor is it a power of attorney,” Goetting said. “The document simply provides you a way to nominate someone you want to handle your finances. The form is optional, and you can update or withdraw your advance designation at any time. “If you become unable to manage or direct others to manage your Social Security benefits in the future, you will have peace of mind knowing that someone you trust may be appointed to manage your benefits for you.” To sign up for an advance designation visit ssa.gov/payee/ advance_designation.htm.
The deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A38
SEND YOUR AD IN BY EMAIL!!! Please use advertising@tradersdispatch.com
Everything changed over to 12 volt, Call 406-490-2889
Balewagons & Retrievers New Holland 1089 balewagon, 1655 hours, nice condition..........$95,000
New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $24,000 to $30,000 New Holland 1033 REBUILT, like new...............................$17,500 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $12,000-$16,000 New Holland 1032 pull type, REBUILT...............................$15,000 New Holland 1052 retriever mounted on 2006 Peterbilt....$45,000
New Holland HW325 swather, 16HS header, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours....42,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition.......... ............................... $36,500 New Holland 14RS header to go with either New Holland HW320 or HW325 swather.................................................................. Call
Haying Equipment
2007 New Holland BR7080 round baler.............................$10,500 Bush Hog BSR 10-wheel rake, very nice..............................$6500
2014 New Holland T4.95 tractor, MFD, FEL under 500 hours. Sharp..............................................................................$61,000
Industrial Equipment0
Bronco Pack Horse shop service crane with Harley Davidson motor, works well..........................................$4500
John Deere 650 grain cart........ ......................................$8500 Kinze 1040 grain cart, 1,000 bu capacity..................... $18,000
Kinze 800 grain cart.....$16,500
2007 Supreme 1200TM mixer. New engine, nice condition..... .................................$115,000 1956 Ford bucket truck, good condition........................$3500
New Holland 1425 baler
Sod Buster Sales Inc.
Farm Equipment Finding Service
33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
406-249-8565 or 1-877-735-2108
Management of disease includes vaccination
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News very economical price. Managing infectious diseases in cattle • Enteric conditions such as calf enteroherds involves all aspects of the beef cowtoxemia and gut stasis - These conditions calf system. result in dehydration and an electrolyte The systems approach includes matchimbalance and can cause the appearance ing genetic selection to resources, meeting of bloat in young calves. One way to deal nutrition requirements, reducing environwith this condition is to encourage cows and mental stress and the use of specific vaccine calves to pair up even during feeding time, protocols. which encourages regular nursing. Products That vaccine protocol is part management that provide “insurance” are clostridium and part product/protocol selection, accordperfringens (enterotoxemia) vaccines given ing to North Dakota State University Extento cows, which then pass immunity to the sion veterinarian and livestock stewardship calf through colostrum. Alternatively, enspecialist Gerald Stokka. terotoxemia vaccines can be given to the Here is advice for good management: calf at birth so the calf can develop an active • Move cows to new calving grounds or immune response to reduce its susceptibility move cows that have not calved to provide to this specific toxin-producing pathogen. more space to decrease some of the risk • Respiratory (summer pneumonia) conassociated with the buildup and spread of ditions - These conditions typically occur environmental pathogens to susceptible in calves that are at least 4 weeks old. They animals. may be related to viral and bacterial infec• Assess body condition scores (BCS) tions such as IBR (infectious bovine rhiand change cow management to improve notracheitis), BVD (bovine viral diarrhea), the opportunity for thin cows to re-breed BRSV (bovine respiratory syncytial virus), in a timely fashion. Cows that are too thin Mannheimia, Histophilus, Pasteurella and (BCS of 4 or less) will need extra portions Mycoplasma. However, deficiencies in of high-quality feed to regain lost condition. passive immunity and environmental conExcellent spring grass growth can meet ditions such as cold, wet or extremely dry, these needs, but dry conditions may require dusty conditions and abrupt temperature cows to be fed stored feed longer than norchanges increase the risk. Additionally, mal this spring and early summer. Heifer commingling and sorting procedures that calves that have been limit fed and were occur at breeding times, artificial inseminaon restricted growth during the winter will tion and estrous synchronization programs, need a higher-quality diet to begin cycling and even pasture movements can increase and conceive early in the breeding season. the risk of disease. Purchasing “insurance” • Have a veterinarian give bulls a comvaccines and reducing the risk for respiraplete breeding soundness and physical exam tory conditions must be combined with atbefore the breeding season to assess their tention to other risk factors. Consult your feet, legs and BCS. Mature bulls should be veterinarian about specific products and able to maintain weight during the winter viral and bacterial vaccines. on a hay diet and gain weight rapidly on • Pinkeye - This condition is one of the good grass. most frustrating to manage. It involves an “Bulls should not be overly thin prior to infection of the cornea of the eye and is breeding because young bulls may lose conpainful. Without intervention, it may result siderable weight during the breeding seain a temporary or permanent loss of sight. son,” says Janna Block, Extension livestock Vaccines are available, but their efficacy systems specialist at NDSU’s Hettinger and the reduction of risk are very difficult Research Extension Center. “In addition, to evaluate. bulls should not be overly fat because of • Footrot - This bacterial condition does the potential for scrotal fat to reduce the not seem to cause outbreaks in young testicles’ cooling capabilities in hot weather calves, but it occurs more often in bulls, and subsequently reduce semen quality. All yearling cattle and young cows. Without bulls also should have a semen evaluation proper intervention and treatment, permabefore the breeding season.” nent lameness may result. Product and vaccine protocol selection “Remember, not all cattle that are lame involves an assessment of the risk for cerhave footrot,” says Lisa Pederson, Extentain diseases, and the efficacy and safety of sion livestock specialist at NDSU’s Central specific products such as vaccines. Grasslands Research Extension Center. “This aspect of cattle ‘insurance’ must be “Other conditions that may cause lameness done in consultation with your veterinarare cracked hooves, and knee and joint ian,” Stokka says. injuries. “Newborn calves receive immune protecThe effectiveness of footrot vaccines is tion through the nursing and absorption of difficult to evaluate in these cases. The use the dam’s colostrum,” he notes. “Calves that of footrot vaccines may be targeted toward are shortchanged in this process will be at high-risk animals such as young bulls and a greater risk of sickness, death and loss of heifers. productivity, and vaccines cannot overcome “An important aspect of the protocol this deficiency. However, vaccines can deportion of herd management is to do your crease the risk to the individual and to the very best to reduce the likelihood of disease group of specific diseases most common to pathogens having the opportunity to prothe nursing calf.” liferate in herds,” Stokka says. “Protocol Here are conditions related to bacterial steps to reduce disease proliferation include and viral infections that present some level segregating newly purchased animals from of risk to young calves: the rest of the herd for a period of time, • Clostridial diseases, commonly called conducting routine evaluations of the herd, “blackleg” - The risk of this infection is having protocols in place for treatment of difficult to assess. However, this organism animals, rapidly identifying and treating lives in the soil and can cause severe illness sick animals, and ensuring that all animaland death in susceptible animals. The imhandling events are conducted in a calm, mune response vaccines for these diseases low-stress manner to the extent possible.” seem to provide excellent protection at a ##### In the U.S., California is the largest producer of strawberries, about 75% of the market. Florida is second.
##### Did you know? Pirates wore earrings because they believed it improved their eyesight.
Corn Fritters Day Date celebrated: July 16th Corn Fritters Day is a celebration of comfort food and simple cooking. With some corn, egg, flour, milk, and melted butter, anyone can throw together a batch of these side dish favorites. With some creativity, you can add your own favorite ingredients to spice them up or create your very own fritter monstrosity. Sardines and chocolate chips, anyone? History of Corn Fritters Day This snack is savory and sweet, and it has its origins in Native American cuisine. Native Americans have been using maize, which is ground corn, as food for thousands of years – long before explorers from Europe came to the New world. In PreColumbian Americas, corn-based products were considered staple foods. This includes the likes of cornbread, arepa, and corn flatbread. Deep drying techniques were not used by Native Americans at this time, though, as ample supplies of cooking oil were needed, as well as equipment that was able to handle oil being cooked at extremely high temperatures. When European settlers came to America, they started to learn about different processes and recipes for corn dishes. They then started to make their own variations of cornmealbased dishes, including European breads. The corn fritter was invented in the South of the United states. This is a cuisine that is known for having a lot of deep fried foods! In South America, traditional corn fritters will use melted butter, milk, flour, egg, and corn kernels. They can be baked, shallow fried, and deep fried. They can also be served with cream, honey, fruit, or jam. Some people also make them with creamed corn, after which they are baked and served with maple syrup. How to celebrate Corn Fritters Day The best way to celebrate Corn Fritters Day is to enjoy this delicious treat. If you have never made corn fritters before, don’t worry. All you need to do is a quick search online and you will see that there are many different recipes to help you get started.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A39
P.O. Box 3072 • 4075 Wynne Avenue • Butte, Montana 59702 • (406) 494-3394 • Mobile (406) 565-7235
Inventory Available
2006 Sterling SA tractor, green. 2006 International 4300, 24-ft. all steel flatbed, hydraulic gate, 93,000 actual miles, white. 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white. 1982 International SA dump, yellow. 1973 International 1600 welder truck, consigned.
Transportation Available
Special Equipment (3) Underbody hoist assemblies. (9) Aluminum underbody tool boxes. (60) Transport chains and binders. (5) Aluminum cab guards. 80 gallon fuel and tool slip combo. (2) 1999 Fruehauf SA converter dollies. (2) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists. (6) Late model semi trailer suspensions. National 300B truck mounted, crane.
Sturdy-Weld 16-ft. aluminum dump box and hoist. Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly. (2) 16-ft. & 24-ft. van bodies. Knapheide 15-ft. all steel grain box and hoist. (2) Omaha 16-ft. flat beds & hoists.
Currently wrecking 155 trucks. All shapes & sizes!
www.MissouriRiverRealty.com email: missouririverrealty@yahoo.com
Malta 406-654-2273 • Glasgow 406-228-2273 Sidney 406-433-3010
1690+/- Acres Malta MT
East Side Fairfield Bench Vaughn, MT
2 parcels (3 miles apart), reservoirs, well, electricity, CRP income until 2023
397+/- acres, irrigated acres, pivot, barns, shop, 2 - homesteads, corrals, feedlot, spring, domestic well
Call us to schedule repairs and maintenance on your Versatile Tractor • We have service trucks for on-site tractor repairs and maintenance when you can’t come to us
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page A40
Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage 20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges
Phone (406) 899-4104
##### Fresh strawberries were once used as toothpaste. ##### An elderly man went into see his doctor to report that he had given up wine, women, and song. “How many years,” he asked, “will this stark deprivation add to my life?” “None really,” replied his doctor. “Every year will just seem longer.” ##### Did you know? The word “y’all” dates back to at least 1631.
“Swathing is our business, not a side line” Ag Leader GPS Mapping and AutoSteer 16-ft. hay headers with crimpers 35-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels STATEWIDE COVERAGE
We have full transport trailers to come to you. 1 mile or 1000 miles, we’ll be there!
Prompt - competitive rates - reliable
Mark Your Calendars!
Find us on Facebook: Montana Horse Progress Days
Kim Harris 406-450-5961 Conrad, MT Colt Harris 406-450-5452
How does BVD impact the herd?
K-State Research and Extension News Calves with respiratory problems, cows that naturally abort their calves, deformed calves and scours in the herd are just a few of the signs that a cow-calf producer may have Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) circulating among the cattle, according to Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute veterinarians Bob Larson and Brad White. Talking on a recent BCI Cattle Chat podcast, Larson said though diarrhea is part of the name, BVD presents itself in many ways. “BVD is a unique virus because it impacts animals of all ages through multiple body systems,” Larson said. The biggest source of the virus, Larson said, comes from the persistently infected animals in the herd. So, if a calf is born with this virus, it will shed the virus throughout its entire life. “These calves were actually infected in gestation as a fetus,” Larson said. If those cattle survive to birth, they will continually shed the virus as they move about the herd to expose other animals, according to Larson. He explained this can occur when a pregnant cow is exposed to a persistently infected calf. While she may recover from the virus, the fetus in the womb becomes persistently infected. If the calf survives, it perpetuates the infection when it enters the herd. White said if a producer suspects they have the BVD virus in the herd, it is important to consult with a veterinarian and explore a testing strategy prior to breeding. This strategy involves testing all the calves in the herd. “If the calf is persistently infected, it will need to be removed from the herd and likely euthanized, so it doesn’t expose other animals. Producers need to be prepared for that possibility when they opt for testing,” White said. Larson added the test is highly accurate. Both veterinarians agreed that the likelihood of having BVD in the herd without signs is low. “Our best estimate is that BVD is circulating in about 7% of the herds in the country,” Larson said. To help producers evaluate their risk, Larson and his team have built a BVD Consult app ( openlabyrinth/mnode.asp?id=qf4jesn1rx7jzqajxhq) that they can use. To hear more of the discussion, go to the BCI Cattle Chat podcast online (https://ksubci.org/2021/04/16/news-updatebvd-summer-pasture-utilization-listener-question/). ##### Did you know? Nutella was invented just after WWII ended because chocolate was so expensive.
montana H P D a
orse rogress ays uction
Sat., Aug. 28, 2021 • 10 a.m. Reuben Miller Farm • 826 Kirkeminde Rd • Moore, MT
Thurs., Sept. 30th • Raynesford, MT Bob Ryffel John Deere Tractor Collection Live Auction with Internet Bidding FeaTuRing G A rare JD Waterloo Boy G A “spoked” 1925 JD D G 40 addt’l vintage JD tractors G 2 Cletrac crawlers G many collectibles
Sat., Oct. 30th • Lewistown, MT Fall Gatherin’ Western Art & Collectibles
Trade Center - Lewistown Fairgrounds
2016 QH Gelding
2018 Spotted Draft X Gelding
2007 AQHA Gelding
Live Auction with Internet Bidding
Driving & Riding Horses G Mules G Teams Wagons, Buggies & Carriages G Harness G Tack
2004/2005 Belgian Geldings
2012/2011 Percheron X Gelding/Mare 2010/2015 Suffolk Geldings
408 W Main • Lewistown • 406-538-5125 For more information on these auctions go to www.ShobeAuction.com Live Auction with Internet Bidding on Horses, Carts & Wagons
July, 2021 is Independent Retailer Month
##### During the medical examination of a female patient, the British doctor says, “your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine. Now let me see the part that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble.” The lady starts taking off her panties, but is interrupted by the doctor. “No! No!... Just stick out your tongue!”
Big Box stores like Walmart and Target are certainly convenient, offering so much of the things we need in one place, and the prices they offer can’t be beat. However, there is a section of our local commerce that brings us a local flavor, a taste of home, and makes sure that your purchases really support your local community. Independent Retailers are our neighbors, friends, and family, whether they’re running the corner store providing gas to keep us on the move, or local craftsman who bring us the best in cheeses and handcrafted furniture, Independent Retailer Month reminds you to help support them to support your community. History of Independent Retailer Month Independent Retailer Month was established by Clare Rayner, known throughout the world as “The Retail Champion” to help get local communities working with their local retailers to help keep local money local. There’s been a lot of loss of culture and community throughout the years as big box companies move in and start driving the smaller companies out of business. Without being able to deal in the sheer variety of products and services, and to purchase in the sheer quantities they do and thus getting better prices, the independent retailers are in a significant amount of trouble. The only way for them to survive is with the support of their community, and the loyalty of these people to their local businesses. Since the creation of Independent Retailer Month, millions of dollar in revenue have been returned to local businesses as people start shopping locally and discovering the hometown feel you get from shopping with your friends and neighbors. How to Celebrate Independent Retailer Month There are a few ways to celebrate independent retailer month, but the most prominent is getting out there and shopping at local stores and farmers markets. Don’t buy honey from some distant apiary when you can pick it up from your local beekeeper and know that it’s all been born and bred locally. And, you know that when you buy from a local store, all of that money stays in the community helping to keep the local flavor alive.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A41
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
BALER FOR SALE 2012 New Holland BR7090 round baler, 11,550 bales.
(406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT
Montana made...
Rod Weeder
Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. • Fits all cultivators • Easy to pull, saves fuel • No drive required. • We build special applications for air drive • U-joint adapter for rocky conditions • Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame. Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket. When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.
Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS
Ben Taylor Farm Store ....................................... Valier, 279-3365 Big Equipment.....................................................Havre, 265-9432 Churchill Equipment.................................. Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag Solutions.......................... Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag Solutions.........................Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag Solutions....................... Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..............................Great Falls, 727-2203 Hoven Equipment Co...................................Great Falls, 727-7153 Joyce Fuel & Feeds........................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Musselshell Valley Equipment ......... Roundup, 1-888-423-2605
Taylor’s True Value Farm Store.............. Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester ......................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC................................ Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Torgerson, LLC.......................................Hysham, (406) 342-5571 Zerbe Bros........................................... Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393
Ag Engineering........................... Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900
A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT
Come meet our New Parts Manager - Hannah Nieman Hannah was raised in Kalispell, but moved over to the east side 9 years ago and has been here ever since.
With the warm weather comes dry ground and air filter maintenance is a must
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Thru 7/21
Frieling’s Ag Parts has everything you need for your grain vac! R Custom Built Hoses
R Parts for Brandt, Rem & Walinga
3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
Check us out on the web frielingagequipment.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A42
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Why Advertise in the Trader’s Dispatch? Reason #5: The Trader’s Dispatch is sent to 22,000 mailboxes in seven main Central/ Western States - Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington. They go to subscribers who must request it, not just to “farms on record” or general box holders. Our readers LOVE the Trader’s Dispatch, and we LOVE our readers!!
NEW UNITS ARRIVING WEEKLY! UP TO 7 YEAR WARRANTY! Check us out at www.bigskymahindra.com Payments as low as $147 per month for 84 months at 3.49% with no down payment. (OAC)
With a 7-Year Warranty, 4WD and Skid-Steer front end loader.
26 hp 4WD tractor with a shuttle transmission and skid steer front loader
25.9 hp 4WD hydrostatic diesel with loader
Payment of $243.53 per month for 84 months @ 3.49% with no down payment. (OAC)
Mahindra is the #1 selling tractor in the world and has an industry leading warranty period!
Payment as low as $309.12 per month for 84 months @ 3.49% with no down payment (OAC)
2021 MAHINDRA 2600 SERIES 2638 HST
37 hp 4WD tractor with hydro transmission and skid steer front loader
pull-behind mowers & other attachments available now! buy 3 qualifying implements or attachments and get $1000 off! See dealer for details.
4258 10th Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405
THE ULTIMATE SMART IRRIGATION PACKAGE Combine the structural integrity of the Reinke Swing Arm Corner with the precision accuracy of the ESAC™ for an extremely efficient and uniform water application. Electronic sprinkler sequencing provides you with a smart solution for virtually eliminating over and under watering throughout your fields’ corners.
RPH Irrigation Services Limited
Location 1 Name (000) 000-0000
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K-State Research and Extension News With spring and summer comes awareness of severe weather – plus the need to plan ahead – and this year is no exception, said Jan Steen, community vitality specialist with K-State Research and Extension. “We have insurance on our crops, vehicles and homes should disaster strike, but how are we protecting our important data? Digital photos and videos, documents, and spreadsheets can be gone in a blink of an eye in a tornado or flood – and fire or theft at any time of year,” said Steen, a co-coordinator of the Kansas PRIDE Program and social media specialist. Steen provided tips to prepare for a disaster, whether it’s a flooded basement in your own home or a community ravaged by fire: • Take photos or videos of your property and valuables. This visual inventory can help with the insurance claim process and will make identifying items to replace easier. Be sure to back those photos or videos up and to update them when you purchase new items. • Have an emergency plan. Know where to go in case of severe weather or fire. • Have an emergency kit you can grab on your way to a storm shelter or as you exit for a safer place in case of fire or flood. • Print paper copies of your most important documents. Business and household spreadsheets, insurance policies, bank account details, passports and drivers’ licenses. Put copies in your emergency kit or store off-site in a safe deposit box or with a family member. Add phone numbers of family and work contacts that aren’t memorized. • Consider using a cloud storage service (Google Drive, OneDrive, Drop Box, etc.) and back up your files regularly. In the event your computer is damaged or stolen you’ll have access to the files you need from another computer, tablet, or phone. • Perform regular backups to physical removable storage (thumb drives, secure digital or SD cards). These can be easily placed in your emergency kit or safe deposit box along with your paper copies. • Have an extra phone charging cable and plug for your emergency kit. The power may be out where you are, but if you need to shelter elsewhere, you have a way to charge your phone for important calls or for filing insurance claims. • For charging, also consider a portable power pack. These are about the size of a smartphone and allow you to charge a device anywhere from once to multiple times, depending on the model and brand. Be sure to keep the battery pack itself charged for when you need it most. Some portable NOAA weather radios have hand cranks to generate power and a USB port to charge your phone, which may be useful for long-term power outages. More emergency preparedness information can be found on the K-State Research and Extension Prepare Kansas blog (https://blogs.k-state.edu/preparekansas/), produced by extension agents and specialists committed to education aimed at reducing the impact of disasters for Kansans. They are affiliated with the national Extension Disaster Education Network (https://extensiondisaster.net), comprised of extension personnel across the country focused on disaster education.
July, 2021 will be Cell Phone Courtesy Month
LEARN MORE AT <Dealer Name Goes Here> PO Box 1201, 4056 HWY 89
Steps now can make recovering from emergencies easier
Dealer Logo
We all know the situation: being subjected to someone else’s conversation while in a public space. Speaking on a cell phone makes some of us forget our manners! Celebrate Cell Phone Courtesy Month by following these tips for cell phone etiquette. • When you are in a meeting, don’t check your phone constantly for texts and emails. Concentrate on the people you are with. • Set your cell phone to silent or vibrate when in a courtroom, theatre, or place of worship. • Don’t embarrass yourself; if you need to make a call which you know is going to get intense and emotional, save it for when you are somewhere private. The rest of the world doesn’t need to know about your relationship issues! • Finally, check your personal volume control. It’s all too easy to start yelling into your cellphone. Everyone in your vicinity will appreciate your good manners in avoiding “cell yell”!
Young farmers and ranchers applaud Montana Polaris, discuss YALC
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A43
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire Not only will the winner of the MonThe Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmtana YF&R Discussion Meet receive a ers & Ranchers (YF&R) Committee anPolaris Ranger, but they will also receive nounced that for the seventh consecutive an expense-paid trip to participate in the year, Montana Polaris is the sponsor of the American Farm Bureau Discussion Meet Young Discussion Meet, awarding a Ranger January 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia. ® Side by Side UTV to the winner of the During the YF&R Committee meeting, competition. The announcement came durthe group talked about MFBF’s transition ing the YF&R Committee meeting at the to take the lead on the Young Ag LeaderMFBF Summer Conference in Great Falls ship Conference (YALC) which will be held June 7-9 in Great Falls, MT. October 15-17 in Bozeman. In addition, The Discussion Meet contest is designed they heard a legislative update and took a to simulate a committee meeting where tour of Ag Processing Solutions in Vaughn. discussion and active participation are exPrincipal Engineer Andrew Bishop dispected from each participant. This compecussed his company’s mission to add value tition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas to agricultural products, such as hemp. and information on a pre-determined topic They are currently working with the plant and is an excellent way for young people to to develop processing that will make fiscal learn more about agricultural issues. sense and have a market for hemp. “We are excited and honored to have “The hemp processing plant is in its Polaris and our Montana Polaris dealers infancy, and Ag Processing Solutions sponsoring our young farmers and ranchis building facilities to process it,” said ers again this year and donating the grand Bishop. “We’re not going to save the world prize Ranger for our 2021 Discussion with hemp, but farmers need to be incentivMeet winner,” said MFBF YF&R Chair ized to grow it. There are uses for it such J.M. Peck. “In addition, we appreciate that as “bricks”, hempcrete, bedding for horse their generous donation attracts interested competitors.” CONTINUED ON PAGE A44
I believe the Krogmann BaleBed is the most outstanding bed on the market. I like the features this bed has over the competition.” - Roger Miller, Booker, TX
Custom built Across the bed toolbox shorter or longer beds. 70”Lx1O”H x 20’W - complete Standard Equip: with stainless steel hinges, arm extensions, gn tray and gas shock. & receiver hitches, side rails, lights, trailer plug & pioneer Lift, Haul and dump with quick connects.
Side toolboxes 30” Lx17” H x 12” D standard size of 12 ga. steel with stainless steel hinges and latch.
the Krogmann Carry-All
1-877-745-3783 • www.krogmannmfg.com
Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT
Sam Anderson
248-914-7491, Emigrant, MT
Bar Star Cattle
Duncan Ranch Co
Harper Herefords
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
406-323-1686, Roundup, MT
Dutton Hereford Ranch
Hereford America
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT 406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com
Bayers Ranches, Inc.
Elings Polled Herefords
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT www.bayersherefordranch.com
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com
Marty & Leslie Bennett 406-221-6350, Butte, MT
Brownell Polled Herefords 406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT
Churchill Cattle Co
406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com
Cooper Hereford Ranch
Feddes Herefords
Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT www.feddes.com
Frank Herefords
G & R Farming, LLC
Garrison Ranches Inc
M/D Herefords
Hop Creek Ranch
McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc.
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT www.sparksherefords.com
406-799-2264, Lavina, MT www.hopcreekranchcompany.com
Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch
MK Black Herefords
406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com
J Bar E Ranch
Mohican West
JZ Livestock
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
Dallas Polled Herefords
Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper 406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT
Hyer McKechnie, Pres. (406) 432-2296 Dave Hanson (406) 570-5519 Chad Murnin (406) 947-5322 Jon Bouma (406) 799-2973 Austin Frank (307) 631-6012 Carl Loyning (406) 425-2484 Jane’a Ehkle (406) 202-2799 Johanna Bouma, Sec. (406) 240-2587
406-489-2414, Molt, MT
Northern Ag Research 406-265-6115, Havre, MT
On Point Cattle Co Otis Ranch
Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.
Feddes Herefords www.feddes.com 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 tfeddes@msn.com Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602
Rafter Ranch Inc
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
Modest birth, massive meat
Wichman Herefords
406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com
406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT
L Bar W Cattle Company
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT www.lbarw.com
Vandeberg Ranch
406-323-1297, Roundup, MT
570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT
406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
406-445-2315, Roberts, MT
Tri-State Livestock News
406-670-8529, Laurel, MT www.mohicanpolledherefords.com
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
Thomas Herefords
Opportunity, MT
K & C Herefords
Curlew Cattle Co
Storey Hereford Ranch
McMurry Cattle
406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com
H Hanging J
Montana Hereford Association Directors
406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
Houck Ranch, LLC
406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT
406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT
Sparks Herefords
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT
Griffin Polled Herefords 406-821-0247, Darby, MT
Sidwell Ranch
406-788-2393, Baker, MT
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
406-835-2501, Glen, MT
406-239-9907, Evaro, MT
406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com
406-214-5120, Missoula, MT
406-580-1303, Willow Creek, MT
Rocky Mountain Mini Herefords 406-322-4425, Columbus, MT www.sidwell-land.com
406-795-8118, Wibaux, MT
307-631-6012, Roscoe, MT
Rockin’ Double R Ranch
406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT
406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT www.LuckyUCattle.com
Holden Herefords
406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT
Lucky U Cattle Company
605-866-4495, Reva, SD www.herefordamerica.com
Ehlke Herefords
406-947-5322, Musselshell, MT www.barstarcattle.com
The Livestock Link
605-210-1956, Reva, SD www.thelivestocklink.com
Wilson Hereford Ranch
406-370-4074, Trout Creek, MT
XA Cattle
308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE
Yorlum Cattle Co
406-882-4086, Trego, MT
Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales
Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102
HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040 mcmurrycattle@gmail.com www.mcmurrycattle.com
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page A44
The deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th. Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
2100 Highway 2 East Havre, Montana 59501 1-800-214-4654 406-265-6387 jim@vaughntrucksales.com
www.vaughntrucksales.com 1975 Beall Tank Pup 4700 gallon, single compartment, single axle with a turntable, 30’ overall length with tongue, lo-pro 24.5 tires.
Check out our website for more inventory and photos Give us a call TODAY!
Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always held on July 27 Who’s thinking about houseplants right now? If you are like alot of folks, you’re giving all of your attention to your outdoor vegetable garden, and to your flower beds. If you stop and think about it, you might not have given those beautiful indoor plants any time or attention in quite a while. Chances are, those indoor plants are feeling a little neglected. Like other houseplant owners you likely want to provide your houseplants with the very best plant care. Here’s an opportunity for you to bond with your houseplants. Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day is a great day for you and your house plants to get some exercise. It will be good for them. It will allow you to bond with your plants, helping them to reach their maximum potential. Along the way, you can get your houseplant accustomed to your neighborhood!? Did You Know? Bonding with your plants helps them to be the very best plants that they can be. In addition to taking them for a walk, to can bond with your houseplants by talking to them, or playing encouraging music.
Young farmers and ranchers CONTINUED FROM PAGE A43
WE ARE BUILDING LONG-TERM PARTNER GROWERS Our growers success is our success. Honesty and integrity are the backbone of our futures — let’s build that with your farm today. We are currently looking to contract acres or purchase new and old crop: • Safflower • Brown or Yellow Flax • Yellow, Brown or Oriental Mustard
CONTACT US FOR AN OFFER AND TO DISCUSS OPTIONS! Jason Godfrey 1-208-226-2041 dial ext 203 jgodfrey@msoilseeds.com
Various Delivery Options and Supplemental Payments Available. Mountain States Oilseeds LLC began on the dry farm acres of Idaho in 1974. Now with multi-state growers - MSO is still a farmfamily owned and operated business.
stalls and insulation, as well as producing alternatives to petroleum products.” For more information on the MFBF YF&R Committee, the YF&R Discussion Meet and more, visit www. mfdf.org or contact Sue Ann Streufert, sueanns@mfbf. org, 406-587-3153. Thanks to these participating Polaris dealers for supporting our Young Farmers and Ranchers: Beaverhead Motorsports – Dillon; Bliss Cycle – Conrad; Gallatin Recreation – Bozeman; Helena Cycle Center – Helena; Jesco Marine and Power Sports – Kalispell; Kurt’s Polaris – Seeley Lake; Lewistown Honda & Polaris, Lewistown; Montana Power Products – Ronan; Redline Sports, Inc – Butte; Riverside Marine & Cycle – Miles City; Russell Motorsport – Missoula; Sports City Cyclery – Great Falls; Yellowstone Polaris - Billings. Be sure to stop by their dealerships to say thank you for supporting the Montana Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers and check out their inventory. ##### The band the Village People are out touring again, after so many years. They have a new hit single: “It’s Fun to Play for the A-A-RP!” ##### Old night owls never die, they just don’t give a hoot if they get out anymore.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B1
2W Spreading, Choteau MT...............................A20 3V Distributing, Conrad MT ..................................C9 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT...............................C10 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .......................A27 Action Toys, Billings MT .......................................C3 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ...........................................................C13 Ag Efficiency, Ryan DeBruycker, Dutton MT ......A23 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT ............C39 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT .........................................C19 Aggressor, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Ft. Collins CO .........................................................................C28 American Manufacturing, Hogeland MT.............A41 ATP Nutrition, LTD, CANADA.............................A37 Badland Truck Sales, Glendive MT ....................C30 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT ..................A8 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ..........................C31 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ..................C14, C15 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .........................C35 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT..........A42 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls MT .............................A16 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT....A24 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT ........A27 Brock Bins, Rydelle Ent., Drummond MT...........A18 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT....................................C31 Buckley Auction MT............................................C25 Carbon County 4-H/FFA, Red Lodge MT ...........A20 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT .....C19 Central Machine & Ag Repair, Big Sandy MT ......A7 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND .........................A28 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT ....A14 CoAXium, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Ft. Collins CO . .........................................................................C25 Commercial Lynks, Inc. Ledger MT ...................B10 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT................C40 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT ................................C43 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ...................................................................C43 Croplan by Winfield United, Mick Miller, Fairfield MT .........................................................................C33 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ..............................C20 Dakota Truck & Farm, Minot ND ........................A39 Darling Ingredients, Inc ...............................C6, C12 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ................................................C29, C42 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT ........A12 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ...................................................................C36 Dry Fork Ag, Ledger MT .....................................C23 Ear Mountain Machine, Choteau MT .................C12 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT .......A29 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT ........C27 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT...............C34 First State Bank, Shelby MT ..............................A32
Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton MT .............C42 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ........... A23, C32 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT ..................A16 Fox Ford, Wolf Point MT ....................................C38 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT ..........................C16 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT .... ..................................................A13, A41, B11, C1 Frontier Fence, Billings MT ................................C33 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .............C11 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT .............................C6, C7 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ...................................................................C20 Glass Trucking, Denton MT..................................A3 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT ..............A18 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ...................C28 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT .....................C24 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT .....A33 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY....................................................B3 Harris Custom Swathing, Conrad MT ................A40 HCL Truck Equipment, Billings & Belgrage M......A23 Heartland Ag Systems, ID, KS, MT, ND, NE, SD, WA ...................................................................A19 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT .........................B13 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT....C18 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT .....................................................C30 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT .............B5 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ......A30, A31 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT.............C28 Ironhide, Williston ND ........................................B14 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ...................................................................A22 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT..............................................C8 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT............ A12, C8 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT................A39 Joe Judisch Custom Swathing & Baling, Conrad MT ...................................................................A20 Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc., Bismarck & Fargo ND .. ...........................................................................B6 Johnson Distributing, Great Falls MT ...................B2 Krogmann Mfg. ..................................................A43 Landmark, Billings MT........................................A19 Lane Judisch Swathing, Conrad MT ..................A34 Larry’s Tractor & More, LLC, Missoula, Columbia Falls, Hamilton MT...........................................B12 Lattin & Sons, Power MT .......................... A23, C32
Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Currant Canada ....A14 Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Zach Gaines, Ft. Collins CO ...................................................................C25 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MTB4 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT ......................A19 Mahindra, Big Sky Harley, Great Falls MT .........A42 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT ........C36 Missouri River Realty, Glasgow, Malta, Sidney MT.. .........................................................................A39 Montana Ag Safety Program ..............................C22 Montana Farm Bureau, Bozeman MT ................C22 Montana Farmers Union ....................................C27 Montana Farrier Supply, Livingston MT .............B12 Montana Fiberglass Inc, Lewistown MT ...............C4 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb, Great Falls MT .................................................A32 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT ..........C17 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT .....A34 Montana Quality Structures, Stevensville MT ....B15 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT ..............A27 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY .........................A24 Mountain States Oilseeds, LLC, American Falls ID . .........................................................................A44 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT ............C29 Mountain West Ag Services, Garneill MT...........C23 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT.....C12 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT.....B8, B9 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc ...........C6, C12 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT...............B16 NM Machinery, Missoula MT ..............................A26 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT......A35 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ................................C5 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MT .......C26 Norwood Sales, Inc., ND & NE ..........................A21 Oxbow Engineering LLC, Randy Pierce PE Three Forks MT..........................................................A26 Paramount Service & Supply, Glendive & Sidney MT ...................................................................A34 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT .....................C21 Poteet Construction, Missoula MT .....................C40 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT ........C21 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree MT ..............A16 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT...................C37 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT ...................................................................C29 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ...C32 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ...........C28 RDO Equipment, Kalispell, MT ............................B4 RDO Equipment, Missoula MT.............................B4 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT .........A36 Reinke, RPH Irrigation Services, Choteau MT ...A42
Phone 406-759-5188
Chester, Montana
Honda 4-stroke weed trimmer
Got Weeds?
New Spotlyte 15-gallon sprayers attach easily to your ATV or garden tractor.
Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.
See our display of welding accessories & rod. We’re sure to have what you need.
Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ..............................B12 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT ........................C40 RPH Irrigation Services, Reinke, Choteau MT ...A42 Rydelle Enterprises, Drummond MT ..................A18 Safflower Technologies International, Fairview MT..B6 Severinsen Irrigation, Zimmatic & GSI, Fairfield MT ...........................................................................C4 Shobe Auction & United Country Realty, Lewistown MT ...................................................................A40 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ...............................C41 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT...................A10, C22, C32 Skinner Harvesting, Emporia KS .........................A2 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ......................A2, A38 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ...............C9 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT ................C30 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT .................................. A11 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ..............................C34 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT .......A37 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT ................................................... B2, C33 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT ......... B7, C17 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ...........................C31 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT A40 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT ........................C41 The Fagenstrom Co. Great Falls MT ...................A9 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks MT .........................................................................C26 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT .............................B1 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT..........C44 Tilleman Motor Company Dodge, Havre MT......C44 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ...........................A26 Torgerson’s LLC, Ethridge, Glasgow, Great Falls, Havre, Billings, Lewistown, Belgrade, Hysham, Kalispell, Denton MT..........................................C3 Transport Equipment, Missoula MT ...................C34 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT .....................A25 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT........................A9 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT ...................B5 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ................................A15 TT&E Inc, Victor MT .............................................C2 Up In Smoke Diesel Tuning, Brian Keller, Great Falls MT ...................................................................C38 Valley Trailer Sales, Belgrade MT ......................B10 Vaughn Truck, Havre MT ...................................A44 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT...................A17 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT .......................A32 West River Equipment, Mandan ND ..................B15 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT ...C24 Westfield, Power Motors, Fort Benton MT .........C21 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ..................C28 Winfield United, CropLan, Mick Miller, Fairfield MT . .........................................................................C33 Zimmatic, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT.......C4 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT .....................................C3
KunzArc Ease rough cutmower
H 23-hp H 57” cut H 2” to 8” cutting height H Four tire design for added support on rough ground
New Honda Replacement Engines IN STOCK
5.5 hp - 27 hp We also have pumps: 4 and 5.5 hp 1”-3” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm
Flexilla 1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.
See us for DOT truck inspections
Wheatheart Grain Augers
In Stock
8x36 with move kit We have a great selection of valves & spray fittings.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B2
N.D. conifers struggling
To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229
CALL US: (800) 332-7302
High Quality 3-Point Rotary Cutters Different sizes available! Call TODAY! RCR12 Series ROTARY CUTTERS 20-50 HP 48”, 60”, 72” Widths • Floating 3-point allows deck to hug the terrain • Dishpan with dual blades • 1” cutting capacity • 12 gauge deck • Front & rear rubber guards
We are an Accrediated Enduraplas@ Dealer
Office 406-453-6541 Office 406-453-6541 Fax 406-727-5937 Fax 406-727-5937 10211021 Third Third St NW St NW Great Falls, Great Falls, MT MT 59404 59403
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Recently, pines and spruce trees throughout much of North Dakota have shown symptoms of decline. “The causes are varied, and treatment recommendations are equally diverse,” North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension forester Joe Zeleznik says. In 2020, many ponderosa pine trees across the state died in shelterbelts or yards. “We believe that the extremely wet fall of 2019 is to blame,” Zeleznik says. “Soils were saturated in many areas, especially following the big snowstorm on Oct. 10-13, 2019. Even areas that were not necessarily low spots accumulated a large amount of moisture. The saturated soil either killed the pines’ root systems directly or else kept the trees from developing full hardiness before the winter.” Symptoms on pines were dramatic. Entire trees died, showing symptoms throughout the whole tree, seemingly all at once. In most cases, the trees showed no progression of symptoms from bottom to top or interior to exterior. Instead, trees began to grow in the spring of 2020, then simply stopped, with the needles turning brown. Additional deaths of ponderosa pine trees are expected in 2021. More recently, spruce trees have been showing a variety of symptoms that have been diagnosed with the broad term of “winter injury.” Winter injury generally shows up as early as February but is more commonly seen in March or April. Needles often turn a purplish-brown as they die. This dieback often has no pattern. The needles that die may be on one side of the tree or on the bottoms of branches, but they also may be scattered throughout the tree crowns. Sometimes, only needle tips are dead, while in other cases, entire needles die outright. Affected trees can be right next to trees that are showing no symptoms. On occasion, entire trees may turn brown and die. “Wildly fluctuating temperatures in February and March are often to blame for winter injury,” Zeleznik says. “This year, the drought of 2020 is likely a major factor in the damage. Additionally, pests such as spider mites or pine needle scale may play a part, especially in those trees where the damage doesn’t follow a pattern.” Treating trees is difficult because most of the damage is due to environmental problems. “Where trees lost most of their needles, they likely will not recover no matter what we do,” Zeleznik notes. “For those trees that retain most of their needles, we need to make sure that we keep the trees otherwise healthy. “Specifically, water those trees that are suffering from drought,” he adds. “A long, slow soaking is better than multiple, brief additions of water. Move the hose around because the tree’s roots extend in all directions from the stem.” The roots go out far beyond the drip line of the tree crown, extending to as far as four or five times the height of the tree. The ground should be moist, not saturated, after watering. Zeleznik also recommends scouting for pests such as insects and diseases and being prepared to treat them appropriately. Scouting is important because treatment timing is critical to be effective. Spraying for a pest at the wrong time of year is ineffective and a waste of time and money. Contact your county Extension agent for more information about taking care of evergreens and other trees. Visit https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory/counties to find the Extension office for your county.
Notable bulbs of history
If you were a bald man in ancient Egypt, or if you had tuberculosis, backaches, gas, or low sex drive, garlic would have been the medication of choice. Garlic has also been used to treat arthritis and rheumatism, dysentery, chicken pox, measles, malaria, typhoid, dandruff, constipation, and the common cold. Eighteenth-century doctors thought it could cure the plague. (It can’t.) In the early 20th century, garlic was considered low-class in the United States. Immigrant, working-class people from the south of Italy received most of the scorn: Garlic was called “Italian perfume” and “Bronx vanilla” (because of the large Italian community in the Bronx in New York City). That may seem unthinkable today, when Americans of every income level, religion, background, and ethnicity eat nearly three pounds of garlic per person annually. When did garlic start repelling vampires? In Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. This superstition most likely came from the fact that garlic in the blood was a common way to fend off another bloodsucker: the mosquito.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B3
(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040
(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631
(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636
(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971
(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449
(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908
(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325
0% for 5 years on “S” Series Combines *30% Down Payment Required, Based On Approved Credit, See Dealer For Exact Details. Offer valid through 7-31-21
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMBINES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2020 John Deere S780 (WA), Stk #66665, 336/231 Hours, Pro-Drive Transmission, Combine Advisor Packge, Big 650 Metric Duals, Deep Tooth Shoe, Sidehill Kit............. $419,000
2019 John Deere S770 (PH), Stk #68942, 781/515 Hours, Field Ready, Very Nice Unit, Cab Is Clean...................................... $329,000
2017 John Deere S660 (WI), Stk #68172, 2,161/1,348 Hours, Premium Cab, 2630 Display, 22.5’ Auger, Small & Round Bar Concaves................................................. $192,500
2016 John Deere S690 (WA), Stk #63946, 1,699/1,073 Hours, Michelin 650 Drive Tires & Michelin 750 Rears, 4WD, Powercast Tailboard ............................................................ $215,000
- - - - - - - HEADERS - - - - - - -
2014 John Deere S660 (WA), Stk #64321, 2,058/1,429 Hours, 520/42 Duals, High Wear Package, Tank Extension, 3 Speed Transmission, 22.5’ Unload Auger..................... $142,500
2012 John Deere S660 (WA), Stk #67817, 1,711/1,100 Hrs, Nice Pre-Def Combine, Always Shedded, All Unloading Augers Replaced. .............................................................$127,000
2014 John Deere S680 (HA), Stk #69730, 2,516/1,599 Hours, Big 125 50R32 Drive Tires & 281-26 Rears, 4WD, 5 Speed Feederhouse, Pro Drive..............................................$170,000
2013 John Deere S680 (PI), Stk #68860, 3,412/2,351 Hrs, Loaded W/Power Fold, Duals, PowerCast Tailboard, 2630 Display.......$85,000
2020 John Deere 735FD (WI), Stk #66808, Flip Over Reel, Poly Tine Pickup Reel, Header Height Sense In Rigid Mode, About 3,500 Acres..................................................... $81,900
2019 John Deere 735FD (WI), Stk #63334, About 1,300 Acres On Unit, Long-Short Course Knife. .............................................................. $74,500
2018 John Deere 645FD (WA), Stk #63531, 6,666 Acres, Long/Long Knife, Belts Look Good......... .............................................................. $79,000
2013 John Deere 635F (WA), Stk #67581, Knives & Guards Are Sharp, Knife Drive Just Rebuilt... .............................................................. $18,500
- - - - - GRAIN CARTS - - - - 2021 John Deere R4045 (PH), Stk #70107, 310 Hours, 120-ft. 20 “Spacing, Excellent Unit, Will Have Extended Monitor, Premium Gen 4 Activations, Float Tires & ExactApply........... $435,000 2021 John Deere R4060 (PH), Stk #70105, 410 Hours, 120-ft. 20” Spacing, Will Have New 380 Tires On it, ExactApply, Extended Monitor, Field Ready................................................. $437,500
2020 John Deere R4038 (WA), Stk #70138, 400 Hours, 120’-ft. 20” Spacing, Boom Air Purge, Front Fill, Halogen Lights, 380/90-46 Tires........ ............................................................ $341,500
2018 John Deere R4045 (PH), Stk #70102, 3,500 Hours, 120-ft. 15” Spacing, Been Thru Our Service Inspection Last 2 Years, Boom Pins & Bushings Gone Thru........................... $205,000
2014 J&M 750-18 (HA), Stk #65550, 18” Unload Auger, Big 1000 PTO, Tarp, Scale, Lower Auger Will Be Replaced.................................. $26,000
2013 Brent 1596 (PI), Stk #69093, Quality Cart A Lot Less Than New, Well Kept, Electric Tarp, 520 Scale.............................................. $73,000
2012 Brent 1394 (HA), Stk #67639, 1,300 Bushel Cart, Tarp, Scale, Large 1,000 PTO, 1250 Single Tires, Lower Auger Great Shape.....$50,000
2010 Brent 782 (BL), Stk #66004, Corner Auger, Button Tires, Scale, Tarp, Large 1000 PTO, Nice Clean Cart.................................... $22,900
2018 John Deere R4045 (PI), Stk #70081, 2,700 Hours, 120-ft. 15” Spacing, Well Cared For Unit, Good Booms & Tires Good, AutoTrac & Display..................................................... $215,000
2015 John Deere 4630 (WI), Stk #70261, Only 420 Hours!! 80-ft. 15” Spacing, One Of The Cleanest Units You Will Find!!! Available Sept 2021.................................................... $146,000
View all of our inventory, see more photos and details online at: WWW.GROSSENBURG.COM
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B4
Protect and nourish your skin
1983 John Deere 2950 6545 hours...............................$18,500
2019 John Deere L341 1800 bale count....................... $149,230
2018 John Deere 6110M 194 hours, loader/grapple, warranty thru 8/27/21........ .................................................... $119,630
2018 John Deere 6155M 361 hours, loader ready................................ $124,700
Kalispell • Kyle Depner 406.291.4961 kdepner@rdoequipment.com Missoula • Mike Schmidt 406.381.1790 mschmidt@rdoequipment.com
2007 Hesston 5556A baler 10,274 bales, both wrap and twine............... $9410
21-ft. Equipment Trailer Manufactured in Stevensville, MT
tariff on some parts may be applied
ONLY 10, 400 lb. GVW trailer with 14,000 lb. GVW Tires! 10 ply, 16” steel High Speed Radials • FREE Spare, FREE Tool Box Pad 8,000 lb. Jack, Dropleg set back so tailgate will open, 6-Hole adjustable 2 5/16 “ coupler ONLY AT M&M - Steel grate on dovetail, grip strut galvanized ramps that stow under tool box pad, and the only trailer with 10 digit LEDS, front & back fenders for safety and backing
m&m Auto, Trailer & Welding
(406) 728-1000 • 3745 US Highway 93 N. Stevensville, MT 59870 • www.mmmissoula.com
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension The gentle breeze wafted the delicious aroma of grilled steak and chicken toward me, making me rethink our dinner plans. My neighbors were outside enjoying the warmer weather, sitting in lawn chairs while their food cooked. I noted another neighbor working in her garden. Other people were walking their dogs, and some were wearing shorts during the unseasonably warm weather. I also noted people loading golf clubs in their trunks. What do all of these activities have in common? Yes, they are fun activities. All of these activities also take place outdoors, usually in the sun. I do not want to ruin anyone’s fun. However, I do have some “fun in the sun” reminders. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Too much sun can cause skin damage, including dark patches, wrinkles and premature aging. Too much sun exposure also is responsible for most skin cancers. In 2020, 100,300 people were estimated to be diagnosed with melanoma and 6,850 people were estimated to die from melanoma, according to the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program. More than 5 million people are diagnosed each year with nonmelanoma cancer such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These forms of cancer rarely spread to other parts of the body but require prompt medical treatment. Our skin is our largest organ, and we need to protect our skin in all seasons, not just during the summer. Have you had skin cancer or know someone who has? If you have a fair complexion and are male, you are more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma. If you are a frequent user of tanning beds, you also are more likely to get skin cancer. Many men and women like to wear “ball caps” with a “bill” on the front. These types of caps offer no protection for your ears or back of your neck. Be a trend setter and protect your face, ears and neck with a hat with a wide brim. How about sunless tanning? Remember that tanning beds are considered a carcinogen, especially linked to melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and cancer of the eyes (ocular melanoma). However, sunless tanning lotions are considered safe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and North Dakota Cancer Coalition recommend that we all take steps to protect our skin: • Seek shade. Limit sun exposure during midday hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Wear clothing that protects your arms and legs. • Wear a hat with a broad brim. • Wear sunglasses with UVA (ultraviolet A) and UVB (ultraviolet B) ray protection. • Wear sunscreen. The North Dakota Cancer Coalition recommends sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 30 or higher. • Avoid indoor tanning. Be sure to check your skin regularly for spots or lesions. Look for the “ABCDEs” of melanoma: • Asymmetry (the two halves of the spot are not the same) • Border is irregular (the spot may have ragged or notched edges) • Color variation (brown, black, pink, white or blue) • A diameter larger than a pencil eraser • Note if the spot or mole is “evolving” (changing size, shape or color) Recently, as part of my involvement with the North Dakota Cancer Coalition, I participated in a webinar with health professionals and a survivor of skin cancer. This acronym is based on the first letters of “melanoma” and comes from Cheryl Smith, a social worker at Sanford Health. She gave me permission to share these insightful words for coping with, or helping others cope with, cancer. • M: Keep “me” in mind. Keep doing activities and hobbies you enjoy. • E: Everyone is affected and you are responsible for your emotions. • L: Learn strategies to cope with stress. • A: Ask others to help and allow them to help. • N: Nourish your soul. Do things you love to do. • O: Observe how you feel and observe things around you. • M: Meet with others who understand. • A: Just like sailing, we will encounter calm times and rough patches. CONTINUED ON PAGE B6
Land values, irrigation needs increase when ethanol plant opens
K-State Research and Extension News ethanol market expansion is being supported Kansas State University agricultural econoby government policy and subsidies spent on mists have found that the growth of ethanol fuel mix mandates and things like that, then plants in the state over the past 20 years has to the degree to which land values go up due had an impact on irrigation and land values. to ethanol market expansion, those land valGabe Sampson, an agricultural economist ues staying high might depend on continued with K-State Research and Extension, said government support for those policies going that during the past 20 years, Kansas has seen forward. If those policies go away, one might an increase from three ethanol plants to 12, be concerned there would be a corresponding boosting the state’s capacity from 40 million drop in land values.” gallons produced per year to more than 500 Sampson said the research findings will be million gallons per year. used to inform agricultural policy on groundIn a study of that growth, Sampson and his water in arid and semi-arid states, such as colleagues found that when an ethanol plant Kansas. opens, irrigated land values within a 30 mile “If we continue to see ethanol market radius go up by 9-10%, and non-irrigated land expansion in these arid and semi-arid states, values improve by 5-6%. there might be concerns about added stress But growth in the ethanol market has also placed on socially valuable groundwater put greater demand on water resources since stocks,” he said. “It’s something we need to corn is the staple fuel stock for production in take into considerations when we’re evaluatKansas. Corn also is the most water intensive ing these bio-energy policies.” crop grown in the state. Sampson said the research will be published “The two questions we were most inlater this summer. Updated information on a terested in is whether the ethanol market variety of agricultural economics topics is also growth in Kansas has affected irrigated water available online from K-State Research and use through incentivizing corn acreage, and Extension at https://agmanager.info. what has been the effect on irrigated and non-irrigated land values,” Sampson said. The researchers studied 23,000 irrigated fields in Kansas over a 15-year period Let Triangle Ag-Services help you (2003 to 2017). “We looked at irrigated fields in the neighborhood of an ethanol plant (within 30 miles) and we compare irrigation water use before and after the plant opened relative to water use for fields outside the neighborhood,” Sampson said. “We find pretty clear evidence that irrigation water use does increase for a field when The GFX-750 with NAV-900 will work with an ethanol plant opens up,” five different steering systems, but APMD he added. “We find that for a 10% increase in ethanol refincombines the best features with easy ing capacity in that neighborinstallation and affordable pricing. hood, total irrigation water use increases by about five Trimble RTX Corrections for your NAV-900 acre inches per field per year, include five constellations from five so that’s about a half of an different countries, including the New GPS acre foot per field per year.” L2C, L2D, and L5 GPS satellites That’s a significant amount of irrigated water dedicated to ethanol production: “If we tally the cumulative effects Integrate with more tractors and implements over the past 15-20 years of with ISO compatibility ethanol market expansion, we predict that the cumulative effect on water use is about 4% Add AutoSync and Farmer Core to easily keep per year currently,” Sampson your data safe and available said. The tradeoff of increased irrigated corn acres, he added, may be the decreased irrigated acres of two other waterintensive crops: soybeans and alfalfa. Regarding the research team’s findings on land values, Sampson said “there’s www.triangleag.com 406-622-3887 nothing inherently wrong PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street about land values going up.” Fort Benton, MT 59442 “But there’s two points I would make: The value of land is often times the largest component of a producer’s wealth, so any factor that is affecting land values is important from a policy perAnd Lunch! spective because it’s affecting producer wealth. “The second point is if
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B5
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B6
Mac & Cheese Day
Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc. Serving the Trucking Industry Since 1959
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2021 Manac step deck, triple axle, beavertail, 2 available 2016 Mauer folding conveyor trailer, 3 compartment, front hopper split, electric tarp and traps 2004 Timpte 40-ft. x 96”x72”, spring ride, electric tarp and traps, ag hoppers 2016 Wilson 50-ft.x102”x78” tri-axle air ride, STD hoppers, aluminum subframe and king pin, super singles 2014 Wilson 41-ft.x96’x78” air ride, ag hoppers, aluminum subframe 2017 Wilson black 41-ft.x96”x78” air ride, ag hoppers, Shurco electric tarp and traps 2019 Wilson black 41-ft.x96”x72” air ride, ag hoppers, Shurco electric tarp 2013 Wilson black 50-ft.x102”x78” tri-axle with rear axle lift, 3rd hopper over suspension chute out the back, aluminum subframe and king pin 1992 Wilson 48-ft.x102” livestock, tandem axle, spring ride, 29-ft. belly, 10-ft. nose, nice clean trailer, floors over 50%
2016 Timpte 48-ft. x 102”x78” tri-axle, air ride, 2 hopper with ag hoppers 2014 Wilson 41-ft.x96”x78” air ride, ag hoppers 2019 Wilson black 41-ft.x96”x72” air ride, ag hoppers 2011 Wilson 48-ft.x102”x84” tri-axle air ride, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper, 3 available 2016 Wilson 41-ft.x96”x78” tandem axle, ag hoppers, aluminum subframe and king pin 2001 Wilson 48-ft.x102”x84” tri-axle, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper 2010 Wilson 48-ft.x102”x84” tri-axle, ag hoppers, electric tarp and traps.
Date celebrated: July 14th There are few things in life that bring us back to childhood like the taste of macaroni and cheese, its rich flavorful combination of pasta and rich cheeses never fails to satisfy our palette. Some fascinating facts about Mac & Cheese • Mac & cheese is not only a delicious dish, but it is an official crayon color as well. In 1993, Crayola named one of its crayon colors ‘Macaroni and Cheese.’ • Mac & Cheese is considered a national dish in Canada. Plus, a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese is actually the most-purchased grocery product in the country. • Did you know that American president Thomas Jefferson was a huge fan of mac & cheese? He imported Parmesan cheese and macaroni for use in his Virginia estate after trying the dish in both northern Italy and Paris. • While mac & cheese is considered a response to the great depression, there have actually been similar recipes that have been around for centuries. In fact, in medieval England, there was a cookbook called Forme of Cury, and there was a pasta and cheese casserole dish, which was known as makerouns. The recipe is very similar to mac & cheese. History of Mac & Cheese Day The History of Mac & Cheese Day is the history of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, known throughout the world by various names, including simply Kraft Dinner in the Canada. While it seems a simple thing, a dish of macaroni with cheese, it was in fact quite an innovation for its time and started an important tradition in ready to prepare foods. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese was created as a response to the trying times of the great depression, there was a salesman who had an innovative idea. That idea being the sale of both cheese and macaroni together, so he began attaching packages of grated cheese to boxes of pasta. In part due to the conditions of its release, it became an absolute success. World War II saw the rationing of milk and dairy products, and due to shortages, many families were relying on dishes that had little meat in it. Macaroni and Cheese seemed the obvious solution and so its popularity spread like wildfire. James Lewis Kraft patented an important method of processing cheese that gave Kraft Macaroni & Cheese its unique orange color and has served as a signature trait of the product ever since. How To celebrate Mac & Cheese Day Celebrating Mac & Cheese Day is best done by buying one of those beautiful blue boxes and indulging in its flavor. But don’t stop there, mac & cheese is an incredibly versatile dish, and you can make an entirely new one by adding a container of tuna fish to the mix. Prefer something a little more traditional? There’s always hot dogs and peas, an old American favorite. Or you can add a can of processed chicken, a dollop of ranch dressing, and a sprinkling of bacon bits to make an incredible dish that will fill the hungriest belly.
Protect and nourish your skin 2021 Manac 53-ft. x 102” in all steel with beavertail and 2 flip-over ramps............................................................ CALL
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2016 Wilson black, 48-ft. x 102” x 78” tri-axle, air ride, ag hoppers, 3rd hopper over suspension. Located at Bismarck ..................................................................................... CALL
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Take care of your skin. As outdoor cooking season heats up, enjoy a wide variety of foods, including fish, chicken, steak and/or burgers on the grill. Try grilling fruits and vegetables, too. Healthful foods and beverages provide nutrition and hydration to nourish our skin and the rest of our body. Check out the NDSU Extension publication “Grill Something Different” (available at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ publications/food-nutrition/quick-facts-grill-somethingdifferent). This is one of the tasty recipes included in the publication. Grilled Salmon 1 Tbsp. smoked paprika 1 tsp. black pepper (or to taste) 1 tsp. salt 1 pound salmon steaks About 4 tsp. honey Mix the spices together in a small bowl. Rub the mixture evenly over the salmon. Grill for five minutes per side, drizzling lightly with a squeeze from the honey container (about 1 tsp. per steak) just before they’re done. Makes four servings. Each serving has 190 calories, 23 grams (g) protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 7 g fat, less than 1 g fiber and 630 milligrams sodium.
Water Law 101: Part 4, groundwater terms and definitions
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News groundwater context, the doctrine of corPart 4 of a six-part series about basic relative rights generally limits the approwater law in the United States, predomipriation of groundwater to the landowner’s nately in the western part of the country, proportionate share of the water available and how it affects this finite resource. Water – “share and share alike.” law can be traced back to Roman times However, some NRDs have implemented and also has roots in English common law. groundwater pumping restrictions that limit Across the United States, it varies from the amount of water that each irrigator can state to state, and from East to West. When pump per year (or period of several years), conflicts arise, courts usually determine the for a certain number of acres. Sometimes outcome, unless there are state or federal these NRDs allow water that has not been laws or previous case studies to resolve the utilized to be “moved” or “banked” and issue. Exceptions to the law can arise from pumped from another well that the grower differences in each state’s water laws. manages to meet the water needs of certain Part 1: Basic concepts and legal terms, crops. including riparian doctrine and prior apReasonable use doctrine (the American propriation. rule) states that a water user can use as Part 2: Other types of water rights and much groundwater as desired as long as legal doctrines and concepts. the user is not wasting it (waste is per se or Part 3: Terms and definitions used in automatically unreasonable); and the water administering surface-water rights. must be used on the land where the well is Part 4: Groundwater terms and defini(the use of groundwater on non-overlying tions land is per se unreasonable). Otherwise, Groundwater refers to subsurface water, there are no restrictions on pumping and a as distinct from surface water, specifically pumper cannot be stopped from drying up water in the saturated zone of an aquifer – a neighbor’s well, unless the neighbor can the water stored underground in rock crevprove that person is wasteful or that his use ices and in the pores of geologic materials is non-overlying. that make up the earth’s crust. Groundwater Subflow doctrine refers to when groundlies in the ground’s zone of saturation, and water that is hydrologically connected to is also referred to as phreatic water. a stream is legally considered part of the An aquifer is an underground layer of stream, and therefore subject to surface porous rock, sand, or gravel containing large water law (prior appropriation). The courts amounts of water. The term is usually rein Nebraska have not followed this rule. stricted to water-bearing structures capable Templeton doctrine is one basis for surof yielding enough water to constitute a usface water-groundwater interface policy. In able supply. This is a geologic formation, this case, the surface irrigator drilled a well group of formations, or part of a formation because the streamflows were declining (a that contains sufficient saturated permeable common response to a common situation; material to yield significant quantities of other hydrologically connected wells were water to wells and springs. probably causing the streamflow to decline). Nebraska is rich in ground water due The new well induced recharge from the mainly to the Ogallala / High Plains aquifer. stream (pumped water from the stream into There are different types of aquifers: the well). A New Mexico court treated this An Artesian aquifer, generally synas a change in the appropriator’s point of onymous with confined aquifer, is bounded diversion from the stream to the new well. above and below by formations of imperThis allowed the appropriator to transfer meable or relatively impermeable matehis senior priority date from the stream to rial. Also described as an aquifer in which the new well, a significant legal advantage. ground water is under pressure significantly So, the otherwise junior well becomes a greater than atmospheric and its upper senior well. limit is the bottom of a bed of distinctly Induced recharge is the designed (as lower hydraulic conductivity than that of opposed to the natural or incidental) rethe aquifer itself. plenishment of groundwater storage from A perched aquifer is a groundwater surface-water supplies. unit separated from the main groundwater Artificial recharge is the addition of supply by a relatively impermeable stratum surface water to a groundwater reservoir and by the zone of aeration above the main by human activity, such as putting surface water body. water into a spreading basin. It can also be Hydrologically connected groundwater the designed (as opposed to the natural or is the flow that a perennially flowing stream incidental) replenishment of ground water reduces to during the dry season. It is supstorage from surface water supplies such ported by groundwater seepage into the as irrigation or induced infiltration from channel or the discharge entering streams streams or wells. There are five common channels as effluent from the groundwater techniques to effect artificial recharge of reservoir. a groundwater basin: water spreading, In Nebraska, groundwater is managed by recharge pits, recharge wells, induced rethe 23 natural resources districts (NRDs). charge, and wastewater disposal. Correlative (water) rights (or the CaliTo repeat the question that concluded fornia rule) refers to rights of landowners previous parts of this series: What is water over a common groundwater basin that worth? are coequal, or correlative, so that any one NEXT: Groundwater, part 2. owner cannot take more than his share even if the rights of others are impaired. In the ##### One fast-food burger can have meat ##### from 100 different cows. It sounds like a Crackers have holes in them for a reason. crazy amount, but the ground beef used to During the baking process, if the crackers make burgers, both in fast food places and have holes in them, it prevents air bubbles grocery stores, is made of a collection of from ruining the product. muscle tissues. ##### ##### Research indicates that siblings may Do English people eat English muffins, have more say in who we become than our or are they just called muffins? parents.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B7
Shark Awareness Day
Date When Celebrated: Always observed on July 14 The real goal of this day, is to provide education and awareness of the importance of sharks to the ecosystems of our world’s oceans. Sharks date back 420 million years ago, much farther back than dinosaurs, which roamed the earth a mere 230 million years ago. Along the way, sharks have gotten a bad reputation from movies, and from the media (what would the media be without media sensationalism!?), which constantly provides graphic reports of shark attacks. While we are made to be deathly afraid of sharks, the truth of the matter is that sharks are generally more afraid of us. And rightly so, as humans kill 100 million sharks (of all sizes) a year. World-wide, sharks only cause an average of 7 deaths and 70 reported attacks a year. Many sharks are endangered species. For example, the sharks are sought for shark fin soup and shark tooth jewelry. We don’t mean to underplay the importance to be alert to the dangers of sharks. Rather, we want to make you aware of their importance of sharks to the health of our oceans. Did You Know? The odds of being attacked by a shark is 1 in 11.5 million. The odds of being struck by lightning is 1 in 600,000. Museums around the world celebrate Shark Awareness Day by holding educational awareness programs, teaching us the importance of sharks in maintaining a healthy balance in the ocean ecosystem. At the top of the ocean food chain, sharks help to eliminate weak and sick members of ocean fish species, and keep the whole system in balance.
1987 Cat 227 Feller/buncher, 24” Rotosaw head, ROPS, Cat 3208 engine, runs good, excelent undercarriage, good for land clearing............ .....................................$17,500 obo International 240 crawler/loader, factory logging package, 4-in-1 bucket with forks and angle dozer. Has hydraulic winch, excellent undercarriage, runs good, 4000# lift, 4 cylinder gas engine with standard transmission. Handy, easy to haul, runs great............................ $10,500 Case 580 Construction King, loader, 4 cylinder diesel, power steering, QC bucket, forks and straight blade, 3-pt. with mount for backhoe, no PTO, 4-speed transmission, torque converter and shuttle, runs good. Good small ranch machine.... $5200
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B8
418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634
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Includes a TRIPLE DELIVERY CROP MERGER that allows you to put up to 3 windrows together. Powerful FPT Engine w/220Maxx H.P. & Auto Shutdown, complete WASS Auto Guidance, Hydraulic Header Floatation, Raise & Tilt, Power Reverser, Cab and Rear Axle Suspension and the Proven Performance, Durability & Reliabilty. MSRP $240,394.
Your Price $166,454
SAVE $73,940 ONLY at MVE. Financing available @ 2.99% O.A.C.
Fully Loaded 5x6 Baler with Net & Twine, Endless Belts, In Cab Density System, Wide Pickup w/Roller Windguard, Rotary Stuffer, 21.5 X 16.1 Floatation Tires, and Wide H.D. Axle. Just 8,400 Bales and Ready to Work... MVE Price $37,566 with 0% 5 year Financing O.A.C.
2014 CASE IH RB565
Excellent One Owner 5x6 Baler that’s been Really Well Maintained & includes Wide 5 Bar Pickup, Mesh & Twine, 21.5 x 16.1 Tires, & New Belts. Book says $21,980...................................... .......................................... MVE Price just $18,966 with 0% Finance O.A.C.
One owner, loaded 5-ft. x 6-ft. unit with twine and net wrap, in cab density system, wide pick up, endless belts, rotary stuffer, 1000 RPM, 21.5L x 16 tires. Book says $24,960........................ ..................................................... MVE Price $21,564 also get 0% financing OAC
Nice, 60” wide pick-up, good diamond top belts, 1000 RPM drive, and bale kicker. Consigned for......................... $7,550
2004 CASE IH RBX562
2003 HESSTON 956
Nice older 5x6 Round Baler w/Wide Pickup, Twine Tie, 1000 REALLY Clean Wide Pickup Twine Tie 5X6 Round Baler. Just PTO, Auto-Cycle, & Bale Kicker. Only 8,650 Bales and Ready 10,005 Bales and has had Great Care. ...................................... to Go. .....................................................Buy for $8,286 ........................................... A Great Buy for $8,979 and get 0% Finance for 3 Years O.A.C. with 0% Finance for 3 yrs., O.A.C
One owner, 13-ft. cut, center pivot, high speed flail conditioner, 1000 RPM drive, great condition. Consignment unit................... ....................................... Priced to sell @ $19,915
Load, Haul, and Unload 8 5x6 Round Bales. New hoses and couplers, New Pads on Bale Pushbar, and New Bearing on Chain Idler. Ready to go............................................ $9,377
Really nice hydraulic drive twin basket rake, rakes up to 23-ft., hydraulic adjustment, hydraulically adjustable windrow width, rubber mounted pick up teeth.................................. $17,396
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B9
418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634
Contact us at or www.musselshellvalley.com or www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley
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These balers are loaded with features for productivity & durability • FIVE BAR PICKUP - with 160 curved rubber mounted teeth and 6.5-ft. wide. • HEAVY DUTY PICKUP REEL - stronger tines and full height dividers reduce damage. • FRONT LOADING WRAP SYSTEM - provides a short path for optimal wrapping quality. • OVERSHOT FEEDING SYSTEM - continuous feeding of hay to the chamber for a more consistent crop mat. • ENDLESS BELTS - They track better and maintain greater crosswise rigidity. So tough that they are backed by a 3-year/15,000 Bale Warranty. • MVE BALERS - Also have In-Cab Density System, 15”x6” caster pickup wheels, roller windguard, 21.5Lx16.1 10-ply tires, and moisture sensors.
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B10
We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to advertising@tradersdispatch.com along with captions and we will print what we have room for.
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the August issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28. Phone (406) 271-5533
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Key to sorghum’s heat resilience
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Although sorghum is known to be much more heat- and drought-tolerant than its close relative corn, the underlying reason for this difference is not well-established. Solving this mystery may be key to developing corn that is more resilient to high temperatures and the often dry summer conditions in Nebraska and other parts of the Midwest. A University of Nebraska–Lincoln team led by former postdoctoral fellow Lucas Busta, working in the lab of Ed Cahoon, director of the Center for Plant Science Innovation, has taken a big step toward identifying the biochemical and genetic basis for the large differences in the ability of corn and sorghum to tolerate environmental extremes. The research was recently published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These differences, which make sorghum a grain and forage crop of choice for semi-arid climates, have been attributed in part to the large amounts of wax that coat sorghum’s leaves and stems and serve as a barrier to water loss, especially at high temperatures. The research team discovered that sorghum not only has more wax on its surfaces than corn, but also a highly enriched, steroid-like wax on mature plants. The abundance of this particular kind of wax was missed in previous sorghum analyses. The team also found that corn wax is devoid of this wax component. The steroid wax has been shown to “seal” the wax of some desert plants to further reduce water loss. Comparing the genomes of sorghum and corn, the team concluded that the key gene for steroid wax production is mutated in corn, resulting in the loss of its ability to make the steroid wax. This was a big discovery, particularly for a young researcher, Cahoon said. “He had his own fellowship, and I left him alone to do his work,” he said. “It wasn’t until he showed me the manuscript that I thought, ‘Wow, this is really interesting.’” Busta, now an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth, is working with Husker scientist Tom Clemente to add the non-mutated sorghum gene to corn. The researchers hope the modified corn will gain the ability to make steroidal waxes for improved production in hightemperature, low-rainfall seasons and in regions of the world not currently suited for corn production. “We’ve found an extremely interesting correlation, and the next step is to test this,” Busta said. The Cahoon lab is also exploring the potential to divert a portion of sorghum’s high wax content to produce high-value oils as co-products in bioenergy sorghum. Those efforts are part of Cahoon’s work with the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and housed at the University of Illinois. The research team also included Husker alumna Elizabeth Schmitz, James Schnable from Nebraska’s Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, and Dylan Kosma from the University of Nevada. The study is available at https://www.pnas.org/content/118/12/e2022982118.long
National Chili Dog Day
Lentils, Chick Peas, Yellow Peas and Green Peas New Crop / Old Crop All Varieties 301 Main St. Ledger, Mt 59456 Office: 406-278-0151 Cell: 406-229-1381 Email: terryp@commerciallynks.com
Date When Celebrated: Last Thursday in July Yes, you can have your hot dog and your chili... and eat it, too..... together, as today is National Chili Dog Day. We don’t know who first came up with the idea to put hot dogs and chili together. But, we’re sure glad they did, as they make a great combination. Hot dogs are really a sausage of German origin. It has evolved over many decades. There are many types of hot dogs, including: ballpark, pop-open, skinless and “white” hots. White hots are very popular in the northeast, but little known in many other parts of the country. Chili is very popular in colder months of the year. The big exception is when it is used as a condiment ,or topper, on hot dogs in a bun. The resulting chili dog is popular in the summer months. If you’ve never tried the delicious summer sausage sandwich, National Chili Dog Day is the perfect day to give it a try. We believe you won’t be disappointed! Did You Know? Chili Con Carne first appeared on restaurant menus in the 1880’s.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B11
78-ft. Heavy Harrow
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B12
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
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Camp cultivates new crop of students interested in ranch management
University of Wyoming Extension said Pokorny. “I think all of these differA new generation of young ranchers ent backgrounds allowed us to have some gathered to learn about ranch management unique ideas and a different perspective on from University of Wyoming (UW) Extenthings.” sion educators at the Broadbent Ranch near The winning team members each reEvanston in late May. ceived a $500 award from the College of “Anything educational I think is imporAgriculture and Natural Resources to be tant, and we want to support that,” said used toward tuition and fees. Vance Broadbent, owner of the Broadbent While Kent didn’t grow up in agriculture, Ranch. “I thought it was a good cause and she was interested to apply what she has a good program. We wanted to help support learned in the classroom. it in any way that we could.” “With soil science the department does Eleven students from Wyoming, Coloa good job of integrating a lot of the range rado and Utah were taught on topics in meat and soil and all the different aspects, but it’s science, animal science, economics, ranch still not the same as actually going out and recreation and range management. Students getting the experience in those settings,” were placed on teams that presented a ranch said Kent. “I was curious to take what I was management business plan to a panel of learning these last two years and seeing how extension educators and Broadbent at the it actually works in the real world.” end of the week. Kent was also intrigued by the oppor“We had the perfect teams put together,” tunity to see another part of Wyoming she said Hudson Hill, UW extension educator. may not have otherwise had the opportunity “We brought in the perfect specialists to to explore. enhance the experience, and we really had it “There was no other way I could have in the perfect place. We had a lot of support gone to the Broadbent Ranch and seen that from the landowners.” operation,” said Kent. Four extension educators including Hill, The students said the best part of the Chance Marshall, Brian Sebade and Barton week was being able to interact with the Stam, put together the camp. Whit Stewart, Broadbent family, said Hill. extension sheep specialist; Shelby Rosasco, Similar to Kent, Lily Hughes, a junior at extension beef specialist; Dereck Scasta, Utah State University majoring in agriculextension range management specialist; and ture education, didn’t grow up in agriculBrian Lee, extension sustainable agriculture. She fell in love with agriculture after ture specialist, presented on their fields of taking an introduction to agriculture class expertise. Bridger Feuz, associate director in high school. for extension, also helped with teaching. “I was really interested in getting to know Students were able to get their hands dirty different aspects of how to manage a ranch,” working with livestock one day and taking said Hughes. “When you are in college, you soil samples another. don’t really get the hands-on experience, Flint Pokorny grew up on a cow/calf opand I wanted to know all sides of what it eration east of Lander and was interested to takes to run a ranch.” see how the fundamentals of ranch manageShe was worried about attending the ment work on a different operation. camp without having a background in ag “Our presenters knew a lot about what but was relieved to find students with difthey were talking about, and the level of ferent backgrounds who offered different depth we went into on all the different topperspectives. ics really exceeded my expectations,” said “I liked that there were a lot of differPokorny, a senior pursuing a double major ent backgrounds there, like just from the in agricultural business and rangeland ecolstudents and they all ask different quesogy at UW. tions,” said Hughes. “I don’t have an ag Pokorny will graduate in December and background and was worried it would be hopes to return to his family ranch after a people who know everything already, but few years to take it over. This camp was it’s not like that.” the opportunity he needed to explore new Pokorny, Kent and Hughes believe anyperspectives. one with any interest in the industry can “My parents always told me life is all benefit from attending the camp. about perspective and if you stay in your “Beginners are taught a lot of the fundasame little pond, that’s all you’ll get to exmentals. and more advanced students with perience,” he said. “But if you go out and higher knowledge in the topics can expand see what other people have done, it gives on that,” said Pokorny. “I think it’s really you the chance to open your eyes and kind unique because it can benefit people on both of makes your own opportunities endless.” sides of the spectrum.” The camp reminded Pokorny to never The camp was partially funded by a grant forget to use his resources when it comes from the John P. Ellbogen Foundation. to managing a ranch. “We had lots of individuals around the “Sometimes, ranchers tend to be a little state who were willing to sponsor a student stubborn and stuck in their ways and for a at ranch camp this year,” said Hill. “We had lot of things that’s great because they have about 80 percent of students sponsored this a lot of background knowledge that has year.” allowed them to be successful thus far,” said Pokorny. “But the only way to grow and continue to improve is to think outside ##### the box. In my opinion, this experience exChickpeas and garbanzo beans are the emplified that by showing just how many same things – along with sanagali, ceci resources there are out there.” beans, chana, and bengal gram. AdditionPokorny’s team included Brandon Zoally, they come in red, black, brown, and pale yellow. bell, Hailey Holden and Meghan Kent. Zo##### bell’s dad works for the forestry service and Wild salmon is naturally pink because of Holden grew up around sheep and cattle in all the shrimp they eat. Meanwhile, farmUtah. Kent didn’t grow up with agriculture raised salmon have a different diet and but received an undergraduate degree in end up being white. However, they are fed anthropology and is pursuing a master’s in specific plant pigments to get the same hue soil science at UW. as wild salmon. “Our team dynamic was really good,”
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B13
Montana Post Driver 750R: $6,200
1000E: $8,300
Suspension Fencing A more durable & lower maintenance alternative with Polyethylene Superstays and Superconnector Posts
Continuous Fence 6-rail 1-1/4” 14ga. 20-ft long 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga 20-ft long
Stocking Heavy Equipment to 1/2-Ton Pickup Batteries
1500E: $10,500 10 FREE Brace SuperSteel / Steel Rails with Decking 36”x24’ 22ga Purchase
Redi Driver Classic
T-Rex Post Driver
Prime galvanized Super Steel Use for windbreaks, corrals, etc.
Bolt together fence brace kits | Brace rail with hardware $31 Complete brace $64 | Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18
POSTS 2-7/8” x 6-ft $12 2-7/8” x 8-ft $17.50 2-7/8” x 10-ft $21 5-in galvanized octagon 9’9” posts $28 Pipe posts can be cut to length.
GATES All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga 1.66” OD tubing 10-ft bow gates $295 12-ft bow gates $330 Corral gates - 6-bar 8-ft $180 10-ft $190 12-ft $210 Pipe Caps in 14-ft 230 various sizes 16-ft $250
Used guardrail 2-rail & 3-rail Plus, guardrail galvanized I-Beam Posts 9-ft $25
1,600-gal tank, hydraulic driven pump, heavy duty frame, spray bars included Perfect for a dump truck!
Slide-In Water Tank
HeavyDuty Cable 1-3/8” New HDPE Pipe: 20” OD / 16” ID | 2” thick | 50-ft length
Shipping Containers 40-ft New
Skidsteer Light Material Buckets
(Constructed with 3/16-in plate)
Head Catch: $895
2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 Extinguisher Mount: $40
Buckhorn Centerflow Seed Boxes
Portable alleyway, tub, and headgate
Skidsteer Plates: $124 Bale Spears: $85
Portable Panel Trailer: $2,200
Pipe, Tubing (Round & Square) & Angle Iron
Portable Loading Chute Portable Buildings
5” Galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft lengths)
12x24-ft All steel portable buildings use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc.
Heavy Duty Hay Feeders
Rubber Tire Water Tanks: 12.5-ft & 1,725-gal
3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20’ @ $50 Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 Ratchet Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $30
1.25” 14ga round tubing 1.66” 14ga round tubing
Surplus Angle Iron 2x2x.120 & 2x3x.250 20-ft lengths
Secondary Square Tubing Various sizes available
A lot more steel...too much to list - Call us for details!
Feedbunks 20-ft x 38-in x 12-in (constructed with 10ga & heavy tube legs) other sizes & bottomless available
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ESAB Wire Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb
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July 2021 *Prices Subject to Change
Gopher Bait & Mouse Poison + Bait Boxes
BOLTS $2.77/lb Grade 5 & $4.40/lb Grade 8 | Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680
Cattle Guards Constructed with all new material. Cattle guard kits with used pipe available
Portable Panels All panels are constructed with 12 & 14ga 1.66” OD tubing 10-ft heavy portable panels, 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel panels)
2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20’ @ $36.50
Used 2-7/8 pipe Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 pipe available - Call for delivered prices!
Mineral Feeders
Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades
Pallet Forks
Bale spears
Harrow 6’x6’x5/8: $642 Drawbar: $198
Box Scraper
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B14
MSU team publishes coronavirus vaccine and antibody research
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service a bunch of us already had antibodies?” A team of scientists from Montana State As it turned out, asymptomatic infection University’s Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology published research earlier in the community was less prevalent than initially thought, especially when a person this month evaluating the effectiveness of hadn’t been in close contact with someone COVID-19 vaccines and seeking to learn diagnosed with COVID-19. But Hedges more about how long the resulting antibody and her team found that asymptomatic protection may last. infection still led to an antibody response, The study, “Titers, Prevalence and DuraHEADER FOR SALE so they sought to learn more about those tion of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in a Local antibodies. COVID-19 Outbreak and Following Vac“We were interested from a diagnostic cination” published in the journal Vaccines, standpoint, to see how long after infection was conducted using volunteer subjects and we could see if someone had had it, as well data collected in Gallatin County beginning as to see how long that protection lasted,” in March 2020, shortly after the first COsaid Hedges. VID-19 cases were reported in Montana. For most study participants, antibody Around 170 volunteers had their blood levels began to wane after five or six drawn — many on a monthly basis — to asmonths, the team found. For those with the sess whether there were antibodies present highest starting levels of antibodies, the and, if so, how the titer, or concentration of time before antibody levels dropped could antibodies in the blood, changed over time. be as long as a year. For associate research professor Jodi a t . c o the m study provided an opportuHedges noted that the human antibody 2014 John Deere 440D 40-ft. header, double knife drive,B o B cHedges, response triggered by a vaccine is much nity to conduct real-time research on a double canvas drive, transport, will fit W150, W155 or Macstronger. For maximum protection, she said, public health issue in her community. As Don swathers. 2 to choose from......................$25,000 obo even those who have already had and recovmore Montanans and Americans receive Call (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT B o vaccines, B c a t . c she o m said the study was a way to ered from the virus should be vaccinated. B o B c a“It’s t . cano important m engage the public in critical science. takeaway from this that “I loved the fact that the volunteers were there’s a lot of variability. Just because you up for coming back to give samples every had it, it doesn’t mean you have a strong month for a year,” she said. “The enthusiantibody response,” she said. SELLING MY MACHINE TOOLS & ACCESSORIES Part of the reason that immunity lasts lonasm for the project and encouragement of the participants was great. It was fun to be ger after vaccination is because of memory able to tell them their antibody status in a B cells, said Hedges. A type of blood cell, time of such uncertainty. This whole project memory B cells retain a genetic blueprint was really gratifying.” for the antibodies they create, meaning they The research team also included Deann can continue to create those same antibodSnyder, instructional lab manager for the ies in the future. Memory B cells can be Department of Microbiology and Cell maintained in the body for decades, well Cadillac gap bed engine lathe, 19/28x40 (Mori Biology, research associate Amanda Roafter antibody levels have waned. Seki copy) with GMW Hedges explained that these cells are bison, associate professor Matt Taylor and phase converter, 3 & 4 why many modern vaccines administered Regents professor Mark Jutila. jaw chucks, 5C collet to young children can provide protection Antibodies are an immune response trigcloser, series 200 KDK for their entire lifetime. Memory B cells gered by exposure to something foreign, tool post with 7 holders, are created after natural infection, but in a like a virus, said Hedges, who led the Sony DRO..........$10,000 Acer knee mill, very heavy Glendo Accu-finish carlower concentration than is triggered by a study. Humans produce antibodies both duty, R8 EVS spindle, bide tool sharpening vaccine, meaning the immune response is in response to natural infection and after 10”x50” table, lots of acmachine, diamond and stronger after vaccination. vaccination. The higher the concentration cessories............$10,000 ceramic wheels.......$800 “Groups have measured memory B cells of antibodies, the more an individual is Jet horizontal band saw, 7” All lightly used in people in their 90s and 100s who have protected from future infection. But a madiameter capacity....$400 406-253-6978 memory B cells from the 1918 flu panjor question was whether a symptom-less located in Bigfork, MT Lots of measuring tools case of COVID-19 triggered a measurable demic,” she said. “If you made antibodies antibody response. once, you have the memory B cells to make B o B c a t. c o m “We wanted to measure the extent of them again.” B o B c a t. c o m asymptomatic infection by measuring anThis story is available on the Web at: http://www.montana.edu/news/21259 tibodies in people,” Hedges said. “What if
Entrepreneurship Program announces 2021-22 scholarship recipients
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Winners: The Engler Agribusiness EntrepreneurAyr: Hunter Collins ship Program at the University of NeBassett: Jillian Buell, Jaya Nelson braska–Lincoln (UNL) has announced the Berthoud, Colorado: Kace Thoren recipients of scholarships for the 2021-22 Cordova: Abigail Eberspacher academic year. The awards include reEmerson: Dylan Russman newable and one-time scholarships to 78 Franklin: Kristen Herrick students totaling $204,500 for the coming Genoa: Samantha Weeder academic year. Kearney: Colton Holoubeck The Engler Agribusiness EntrepreneurMorse Bluff: Hannah Williams ship Program was established in 2010 by The right tools make you the one to call when there’s a challenging job athat needs Niwot, Colorado: Grace Bator gift from the Paul and Virginia Engler t tools make you the one to call when there’s a challenging job that you needs the one toThe call mission when there’s a challenging job that Ord: needsVictoria Ference to be done. That’s what ®Bobcat ® equipment is for. The right tools makeFoundation. of the program ® equipment is for. ne. That’s what Bobcat The equipment for. the courageous be done. That’s what right tools make you the one to call when there’sto a challenging job that needs Otoe: Dalton Leefers is toBobcat embolden peopleis on The toolsThat’s make what you the one to equipment call when there’s is for. a challenging job that needs to right be done. Bobcat to be done. That’s what Bobcat equipment is for. Palmyra: Daniel Frey pursuit of their purpose through the art and Authorized Bobcat Dealer Authorized Bobcat Dealer Authorized Bobcat DealerThe program Spencer: Kaci Mashino practice of entrepreneurship. Bobcat of Williston Syracuse: Madison Kreifels offers an academic minor while serving Bobcat of4419 Williston FRONT ST W Bobcat of Williston Bobcat ofWILLISTON Williston Wray, Colorado: Kolby Midcap as an intersection in which students 4419 STWW, ND 4419 FRONTfrom ST W 4419FRONT FRONT ST 701-572-5050 WILLISTON , ND Continuing Student Scholarship Wina diverse array of majors and business inWILLISTON, ND WILLISTON , ND 701-572-5050 of Williston 701-572-5050 ners: terests can come together in pursuit of the 701-572-5050 of Williston http://goironhide.com of Williston Bobcat , the Bobcat logo and the colors of the Bobcat machine are registered Ainsworth: Madison Adam, sophomore; American dream. trademarks of Bobcat Company in the United States and various other countries. http://goironhide.com ©2021 Bobcat Company. All rights reserved. 14154816 http://goironhide.com Sam Wilkins, junior CONTINUED ON PAGE B16 Incoming Freshman Scholarship ®
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Reasons to plant an herb garden
By Esther McGinnis, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Each year, I plant a container herb garden on my deck for convenient access to fresh herbs such as basil, oregano, parsley, cilantro and rosemary. Nothing says summer like homegrown basil and it is heavenly in caprese salad, which consists of alternating layers of vine-ripened tomatoes, basil leaves and fresh mozzarella. This quintessential Italian salad then is topped with a drizzle of good-quality olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Cooks also commonly plant basil to make fresh pesto. However, consider growing other herbs to process. My favorite alternative pesto is made from lemon thyme. When you bruise the lemon thyme leaves, they give off a wonderful lemony aroma. An herb garden is more than just a kitchen convenience. It is a ready-made sensory garden for children. When my daughter was a preschooler, the two of us planted an herb garden for her to safely explore the world of plants. She would smell the delicate fragrance of the lavender plant and feel the texture of the sage leaves. For fun, I planted different mints such as spearmint, pineapple mint and even mint that tasted like chocolate. Every day after preschool, she would hop out of the car and taste test the mints. For visual appeal, I planted pansies and nasturtiums to provide color. All the plants in this garden were edible and safe for a curious child. Plant an herb garden to help the environment. Many herbs will bolt or flower in response to longer day lengths in summer. While the taste qualities of herbs will decline after they flower, this is not the time to discard the plants. Pollinators including bees and painted lady butterflies are nourished by the flowers. Walking in the herb garden and seeing a cloud of painted lady butterflies take flight is fun. A short list of pollinatorapproved flowering herbs includes chives, mint, basil, lavender, lemon balm and thyme. CONTINUED ON PAGE B16
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B15
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, July 28. Phone (406) 271-5533.
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page B16
Reasons to plant an herb garden CONTINUED FROM PAGE B15
Herbs should be grown in full sun (at least six hours of light daily) and in well-drained soils. Fertilize sparingly to avoid diluting the oils that give herbs their flavor. Container plants may need to be watered more frequently during the heat of summer. Harvest sprigs in the morning when the plant is fully hydrated. The herbs are at their most flavorful just before the plants flower. If growing mint, planting in a container is better than growing it in the garden. Mint is a perennial in our climate and can spread very vigorously by rhizomes in the garden. Everyone wants to know if lavender is hardy enough to overwinter in the northern Great Plains. ‘Munstead’ and ‘Hidcote’ are two of the hardier cultivars. However, neither one will survive winter reliably in the north country. Both cultivars are listed as hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture Zone 5 (think Chicago). Plants may be able to survive a winter or two if grown in a protected microclimate with sandy soils and plenty of snow cover. Finally, think of your herb garden as a source to spice up your drinks. Lemon balm leaves are refreshing in iced tea after a long day of gardening. For information on growing and preparing herbs, visit https://tinyurl.com/wxyf2bv2. ##### During World War I, wine was reinforced with spinach juice and given to hemorrhaging French soldiers. The idea was to utilize the high volume of vitamin K in spinach to thicken their blood and improve their situation.
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2000 Case IH 9380, 425 hp, 4034 hours. With Outback AutoSteer...............$75,000
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1998 John Deere 9610 combine with 914 pickup head and 30-ft. platform with pickup reel, 4400 hours.............. $45,000 obo Conveyair 3000 grain vac .............$3500... $5500 obo
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Patriot WT sprayer, rebuilt motor, Outback GPS........... .....$20,000..... $32,000 obo
MSU Extension partner Carrie Schumacher recognized nationally
From MSU News Service and interpersonal skills, and knowledge A community partner of Montana State of relevant federal resources have enabled University (MSU) Extension has been MSU Extension and tribal college and recognized nationally for her outstanding university Extension faculty to be effecsupport of Extension efforts. tive in working with those communities to Carrie Schumacher, interim vice presimeet their Extension and outreach program dent for academic and vocational educaneeds.” tion at Fort Peck Community College and Over the years, Schumacher’s connecowner of BCS Consulting, was selected as tions have resulted in workshops and grants a 2021 National Epsilon Sigma Phi Friend that have enabled MSU faculty and local of Extension honoree. The award will be partners to deliver more than 200 outreach presented in October at the national conferprograms. Her efforts have also supported ence in Savannah, Georgia. the publication of more than 20 research paSchumacher has lived on or near the pers and more than 60 educational bulletins Fort Peck Indian Reservation her entire that have been used by tens of thousands life, dedicating time and expertise to local of American Indians and other farmers, communities. Over the 20 years she has ranchers and policymakers over the past worked at Fort Peck Community College, two decades. she has supported the efforts of more than a Schumacher has worked with MSU dozen MSU Extension and research faculty. faculty for approximately 18 years. She The resulting relationships, scholarship and has helped MSU Extension and research Extension programming are invaluable to faculty to deliver culturally relevant proMSU, residents of the Fort Peck Reservagrams in partnership with American Indian tion, and Montana’s six other reservations, agricultural producers, agribusinesses and and to tribal colleges and universities decision makers in Montana reservation throughout the region, according to letcommunities, said Cody Stone, MSU Extenters and documents nominating her for the sion executive director. award. “We have been especially appreciative “Carrie Schumacher has an amazingly of her expertise, commitment and direction detailed knowledge of the cultures and inover this past year,” Stone said. “COVID-19 formation needs of rural American Indian has affected American Indian communicommunities in Montana and other northern ties more severely than many other rural Great Plains states,” wrote Vince Smith, a areas. Her guidance and communication longtime collaborator of Schumacher’s, in skills have been even more important to the nominating materials. Smith is also dieffectively deliver Extension programming rector of the Agricultural Marketing Policy since the start of the pandemic. While we Center at MSU and an MSU professor of have changed our programming strategy agricultural economics and economics. over this past year, we have been able to “Her acute understanding of agricultural maintain connection and provide timely production, marketing, conservations and policy updates through Carrie’s efforts.” policy issues, considerable organizational
Entrepreneurship Program announces 2021-22 scholarship recipients CONTINUED FROM PAGE B14
Albion: Kelsey Thompson, sophomore Bridgman, Michigan: Emma Schmidt, sophomore Burwell: Emma Hoffschneider, junior Callaway: Lucy Kimball, senior Cedar City, Utah: Daniel Serdar, senior Cedar Rapids: Emily Groeteke, sophomore Clarinda, Iowa: Morgan Rope, sophomore Columbus: Carsten Loseke, sophomore Cordova: Luke Petersen, junior Davey: Miranda Hornung, senior Firth: Daniel Oldemeyer, sophomore Fullerton: James Wetovick, sophomore Garland: Sabryn Phillips, senior Gilbert, Arizona: Rachel Clarkson, sophomore Gothenburg: Heath Keiser, sophomore; Presley Wendelin, junior Grand Island: Benjamin Griess, senior Green Valley, Arizona: Elizabeth McGibbon, junior Gresham: Chaylee Tonniges, sophomore Hayes Center: Rebel Sjeklocha, senior Herman: Jadyn Fleischman, sophomore; Luke Mathiesen, sophomore Hickman: Carter Rohrer, sophomore Hooper: Taylor Ruwe, sophomore Kearney: Ralston Ripp, senior La Habra, California: Isabella Jacobsen, senior Long Pine: Jacy Hafer, junior Malta, Illinois: Sawyer Willrett, sophomore Mead: Abby Miller, sophomore
Minden: Brinn Space, sophomore; Jacob Wendell, sophomore Monroe: Courtney Nelson, senior Monticello, Wisconsin: Kate Krebs, senior North Platte: Celie Childears, sophomore Ogallala: Amanda Most, junior Omaha: Brytany Gama, senior Ord: Shelby Kittle, senior; Amber Staab, sophomore Osmond: Landon Stelling, sophomore Paris, Kentucky: Nelson Paul, senior Pierce: Dalton Freeman, sophomore Ravenna: John Vacek, junior Sammamish, Washington: Grave Weaver, junior Shenandoah, Iowa: Ty Lantz, sophomore Stockton, Kansas: Caleigh Iwanski, sophomore Sumner: Mekenzie Beattie, senior Sunbury, Ohio: Caleb Durheim, sophomore Syracuse: Anna Bohlken, senior Valentine: Dillion Muirhead, sophomore Virginia: Logan Anderson, junior Wallace: Hannah Nelson, senior Wauneta: Wesley Wach, senior Waverly: Brianna Gable, junior Wayne: Josie Thompson, junior Wymore: Ashtyn Humphreys, sophomore Yutan: Miranda Mueller, senior For more information, contact program director Tom Field at 402-472-5643 or tfield2@unl.edu.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C1
3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
2007 Peterbilt 379
• 475 hp • Pre-Emission • Flat top • 10 speed • (1) owner Buy or Lease to own
$15,755/yr - oac
2007 Peterbilt 379
• 425 hp • Automatic • New tires
Call For Price 2015 Peterbilt 567
• Only 382,000 miles • 500 hp • 18 speed • Very nice! Buy or Lease to own
$17,367/yr - oac
2014 Peterbilt 579
• 13 speed • 500 hp • Dual stacks Buy or Lease to own
$11,171/yr - oac
2014 Peterbilt 389
• 525 hp • Cummins • 63” Flat top • (1) owner Buy or Lease to own
$18,670/yr - oac
• 50-ft. • Air ride • Power tarp Buy or Lease to own
$12,960/yr - oac
• 500 hp • 18 speed • 63” Flat top • (1) owner Buy or Lease to own
$29,312/yr - oac
2008 Peterbilt 388 Daycab 2014 Peterbilt 388 Daycab
• 410 hp • 10 speed • Extremely clean! Buy or Lease to own
$8936/yr - oac
2017 Peterbilt 579
• 455 hp • 10 speed • Clean truck Buy or Lease to own
$12,685/yr - oac
• 455 hp • 13 speed • (1) Owner Buy or Lease to own
$13,132/yr - oac 2015 Peterbilt 579
• Automatic • Lift axle • 500 hp Buy or Lease to own
$13,407/yr - oac
2007 Kenworth T800
NEW Hay Trailers
• C-13 Cat motor • 10 speed • Very nice! Buy or Lease to own
• Triple ramp • Air ride Buy or Lease to own
$14,056/yr - oac 2020 WILSON
• New
2019 Peterbilt 389
• Ag hoppers • Air ride • 50-ft. Buy or Lease to own
$11,842/yr - oac
$8936/yr - oac
• Ag hopper • Air ride • Power tarp Buy or Lease to own
$11,842/yr - oac
2003 Peterbilt 379
! D L SO
• 6NZ
• 1 million miles • Very nice!
Lincolnton, GA 2007 Kenworth W900 Daycab
• 470 hp • 10 speed
• CAT motor • Pre-Emission
Call For Price
2014 Peterbilt 579
• 18 speed • 500 hp • Recent engine work Buy or Lease to own
$13,854/yr - oac 2016 Peterbilt 388
• 550 hp • ISX Cummins Buy or Lease to own
$22,832/yr - oac
2017 • 50-ft. • Rear lift
! D L SO
Aberdeen, ID
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C2
Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT
Drought may facilitate spread of noxious weeds
Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD
See us on the web: www.tte-inc.com
2017 Bobcat E85, 2175 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, cloth suspension seat, coupler, 18” and 36” buckets, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic thumb. Has been through the shop, just serviced, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................$78,900 2015 Cat 308E2 CR, 2540 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, cloth air ride seat, switchable controls, Cat hydraulic coupler, Cat hydraulic thumb, auxiliary hydraulics, 24” bucket, extra counter weight, steel tracks. Super nice, clean and tight excavator. Located in Spearfish, SD...........................................$84,900 2006 Case 650K, 1590 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, cloth air ride seat, 16” track pads, 100” PAT blade, 2BBL 3 shank ripper, weighs 18,500 lbs, 80 hp, undercarriage is in excellent condition. This dozer has been meticulously maintained, has been through the shop all repairs have been done, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD..............................................................................$74,900 2002 Deere 410G, 5860 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, power shift transmission, 24” dig bucket, 2-stick hoe controls, extra front counterweights, ride control, air ride cloth seat, recent tires. Fresh service and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT........................$49,900 2017 Case 621F, 7730 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 3 cubic yard bucket, differential lock, almost new radial tires. Has been through the shop, just serviced, loader is in Very good condition. Located in Spearfish, SD...... ....................................................................................................$84,900 2013 Deere 310SK, 4715 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD player, powershift transmission, differential locks, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, hydraulic thumb, 24” bucket, hydraulic loader coupler, cloth air ride seat, pilot controls, ride control, new front tires, rear tires approximately 90%. Has been throught the shop, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................$69,900 2017 Cat 926M High Lift. 6700 hours, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, cloth air ride seat, AM/ FM stereo, ride control, rear view camera, reversing fan, 3 cubic yard bucket, bucket leveling, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic coupler, HIGH LIFT, quick steer mode, Lincoln auto-lube system, new tires. Very nice loader, has been through the shop, all repairs done, recent service. We are a Grabtec grapple dealer and can install a grapple for additional cost. Located in Spearfish, SD.... ..................................................................................................$119,900 2005 Cat D5G XL, 3400+- hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD, cloth suspension seat, 3 shank ripper, 6-way PAT blade, 20” track shoes, undercarriage is approximately 75%, had just been through the shop, serviced by Cat, very clean, tight dozer. Located in Spearfish, SD..................................................$89,900
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Producers need to be vigilant about preplant such as Palmer amaranth, aggressive venting the spread of noxious weeds, North grain processing is needed, and hammer Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension milling usually is the best option. specialists and researchers say. • Compost manure to reduce seed viDue to extreme drought conditions across ability. much of North Dakota, ranchers are pur• If spreading fresh manure, keep records chasing hay and feed to supplement existing of where it is spread so the field can be feed resources and delay grazing. monitored for weed infestation throughout “Transported hay and feed are one of the the growing season. primary methods of dispersal and intro• Clean manure-spreading equipment beduction for noxious weeds,” says Miranda fore moving to a new field, especially if you Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock steware doing custom work for someone. Clean ardship specialist and Extension disaster the spreader with an air hose for dry manure education coordinator. or a pressure washer for wet manure. Make Here are some things to keep in mind sure to record where cleanout occurs so you when purchasing and feeding hay: can monitor that spot for weed growth dur• Purchase certified weed-free hay if ing the growing season. possible. • Spread weed seed-heavy manure on • Feed hay in an area where weeds can tame grass pastures or grass hayfields bebe managed easily, such as a dry lot or tame cause more options are available for herbigrassland. cide control on them. Never spread manure • Do not feed hay on rangeland where on native rangeland. Adding nutrients can weeds are more difficult to control and benefit invasive grass species such as Kenherbicide may impact desirable plant spetucky bluegrass and smooth brome. cies negatively. Composting Manure an Option Common noxious weeds transported in “Composting manure should destroy hay include thistles, leafy spurge, absinth weed seed viability; however, management wormwood, knapweeds and houndstongue. practices will determine success,” says Hay and other feed also can carry very agMary Keena, Extension livestock environgressive weeds such as Palmer amaranth. mental management specialist at the NDSU Grain Screenings a Weed Carrier Carrington Research Extension Center. “Grain screenings are usually a price“Making sure the moisture of the comcompetitive source of cattle feed, especially post pile is maintained at 50% and the pile during a drought when forage supplies may reaches temperatures of 140 to 160 degrees be short, but they might contain things that Fahrenheit throughout the composting proyou don’t want on your farm at any price, cess is critical,” she says. such as Palmer amaranth,” warns Karl A guide to the process and management Hoppe, Extension livestock systems speof animal manure compost is available at cialist at the NDSU Carrington Research https://tinyurl.com/AnimalManureComExtension Center. posting. Grain screenings consist of cracked or But if just one seed survives being eaten small pieces of grain plus foreign matter. by cattle and escapes the heat in compostThe foreign matter can be other kinds of ing, then is spread onto a crop field, that grain, sticks, leaves, insects, rodent feces, one Palmer amaranth plant can make up to fungal bodies such as ergot and sclerotia, a million seeds in a year. and weed seeds. “Even in direct competition with a crop, Grain screenings can carry viable weed some plants can still produce up to 100,000 seeds that geminate in unusual locations. seeds in a year,” cautions Joe Ikley, NDSU “Where the screenings are unloaded can Extension weed specialist. “Due to this exlead to the start of a weed infestation,” tensive seed production, the ability of the Hoppe says. “These areas proliferate in weeds to germinate throughout the growfeed yards that do not have fastidious weed ing season, and widespread resistance to control.” glyphosate and Group 2 herbicides, herbiBrian Jenks, weed scientist at the NDSU cide programs for control of severe infestaNorth Central Research Extension Center, tions of waterhemp and Palmer amaranth says: “While Palmer amaranth looks like a often will cost two to three times the amount pigweed, it is resistant to many of our comof money spent on a weed control program monly used herbicide modes of action, it is in fields without these two weeds.” extremely prolific in its seed production and He urges producers to be aware of the it can spread like wildfire. The best way to noxious weeds that may be present when control Palmer amaranth is not having it purchasing hay and feed, and if necessary, enter your farm.” to purchase hay and feed from another Palmer Amaranth Control location. Producers also should consider NDSU Extension specialists have several possible liability issues of not controlling tips on how to manage feed and manure that noxious weeds. may be contaminated with Palmer amaranth For more information on identifying and seed: controlling noxious weeds, contact your • Buy cleaned grain. However, purchased local Extension agent or visit NDSU Exfeed isn’t routinely tested for weed seeds. tension’s website at https://www.ag.ndsu. • Have screenings tested to determine the edu/weeds. For additional information on presence of Palmer amaranth prior to feedliability issues, go to https://www.nd.gov/ ing. Feeding whole seeds may perpetuate ndda/news/use-screenings-feed-requiresthe problem. Some seeds, especially tiny, monitoring or https://www.nd.gov/ndda/ hard-shelled seeds from Palmer amaranth, plant-industries/noxious-weeds. can escape digestion by cattle. The Palmer amaranth seed is black and shiny but can##### not be distinguished visually from other When you rob a bank, you can stop worpigweed seed. The National Agricultural rying about rent/food bills for several years – Genotyping Center in Fargo can conduct a regardless of whether you get caught or not. DNA test to determine if the pigweed seed ##### is Palmer amaranth. A cold seat in a public restroom is un• Grind the screenings so fine that the pleasant. But a warm seat in a public restseeds are destroyed. For a small-seeded room is worse.
National Day of the Cowboy
Date When Celebrated: Fourth Saturday of the month National Day of the Cowboy was created in 2005 to preserve the role and contributions cowboys and cowgirls made to the western heritage and history of our country. Every year on this day, the NDOC organization gives recognition awards to individuals, organizations and projects that contribute to the preservation of both pioneer history, and the promotion of cowboy culture. Shortly after the Civil War, cowboys and cowgirls began to appear in America’s heartland and the wild west. They were largely ranchers and ranch hands, raising cattle, horses and other animals. Cowboys herded them across the plains to feed the animals, and ultimately to slaughterhouses to feed a growing American population. It was a wild and often lawless time. In the absence of the rule of law, Cowboys developed their own code to live by, known as the “Cowboy Code of Conduct” or the “Cowboy Code of Ethics”. They were simple and logical rules of behavior. The rules could readily apply at any time, even today. Cowboy Code of Conduct • Live each day with honesty and courage. • Take pride in your work. Always do your best. • Stay curious. Study hard and learn all you can. • Do what has to be done and finish what you start. • Be tough, but fair. • When you make a promise, keep it. • Be clean in thought, word, deed, and dress. • Practice tolerance and understanding of others. • Be willing to stand up for what is right. • Be an excellent steward of the land and its animals Celebrate National Day of the Cowboy • Go to a rodeo, where cowboy skills are on display • Buy a cowboy hat • Dress up like a cowboy. • Read a book or article on cowboy and cowgirl history • Watch a Western movie that features cowboys. The History and Origin of National Day of the Cowboy: The non-profit organization National Day of the Cowboy (NDOC) created National Day of the Cowboy and made this an annual event. This is a true “National” holiday. U.S. Senate resolution 138 on July 23, 2005 proclaimed National Day of the Cowboy, and the impact cowboys have had in our country’s history.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C3
##### Pound cake got its name from its recipe. The early recipes of pound cake called for one pound of butter, one pound of eggs, and one pound of sugar. That’s a huge cake! ##### Ranch dressing is dyed. One ingredient in ranch is titanium dioxide which is used to make it look whiter. It’s the same ingredient that is used in sunscreen and paint for coloring.
actionfarmtoys.com 406-651-8199 2274 SE Shiloh Rd. Billings MT 59106 9am-5pm Mon.-Sat.
High detail series, die-cast and plastic with dual rubber tires, articulated. Made by SpecCast, 4"L x 2.25"H, for ages 14 & up.
Stock #GPR1334
2011 Timpte Hopper 40-ft.x66”x96”, Air Ride, w/Ag Hoppers, 4 Aluminum Wheels, Electric Tarps
2022 Wilson Hopper 50-ft. x 72” x 96”, air ride with rear lift axle, 10 tire, electric tarp, manual traps, SS rear panel, 2 rows of 9 LED lights
2010 Timpte Hopper 40-ft. x 66” x 96”, air ride with ag hoppers, 2 rows of 3 lights, 4 aluminum wheels, electric tarp
CALL 2011 Wilson Grain Hopper - Quad Axle 53-ft. x 84” x 102”, air ride, aluminum wheels, 3 axles lift, rear is steerable, manual tarp and traps, SS rear panel
1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 12-ft. tub, spring ride
June 2021 Conrad, MT 59425
Please call Hank 406-450-4265
2007 Peterbilt 378 479k miles ECM verified, Cummins ISX 530 hp, 18 speed, full locking rear ends, 48” stand up bunks, wet kit, Platinum interior
Precision seeding, powerful crops Seeding marks the dawn of a new crop year and it’s importance to a profitable bottom line cannot be understated. Seed Hawk seeders are known for their ability to maximize the potential of the plant with innovations in seed-to-fertilizer placement, accurate metering and superior functionality.
Precision openers
A perfect micro climate
Right rate, right time
Ease of use
Seed Hawk’s industry-leading opener assemblies operate independently for superior shallow seeding, depth accuracy, and optimal fertilizer placement. Each opener assembly follows the ground independently by pivoting at the frame, controlled by its own adjustable hydraulic cylinder. A range of seed and fertilizer knives are available to suit every seeding style.
The Seed Hawk seeder establishes the crop in shallow strips, while leaving the rest of the field untouched. Standing stubble rows beside the young plants offer protection from wind and soil erosion. The dual-knife system helps warm the soil while preserving moisture. This ensures quick and strong plant development with good vigor to withstand pests and disease.
The Fenix III metering system found on Seed Hawk iCon systems allows for precise delivery of seed and fertilizer. Heavy-duty electric motors, in conjunction with application-specific rollers, produce the desired amount of product for each section of the toolbar.
The iPad based iCon control system simplifies calibration and operation of the machine. Automated sectional control and wireless blockage systems have the driver in focus while never compromising on agronomy.
To find out more visit us online at www.torgerson.biz or www.vaderstad.com/ca-en
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C4
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the August issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28. Phone (406) 271-5533
Committed to bringing you the toughest fiberglass tank on the market!
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2063 Casino Creek Dr. Lewistown, MT 59457
Email: questions@montanafiberglass.com
USDA reminds producers to file crop acreage reports
USDA News Release Agricultural producers who have not yet completed their crop acreage reports after planting should make an appointment with their U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) office before the applicable deadline. “Many USDA programs require producers to file an accurate crop acreage report by the applicable deadline,” said Jodene Johnson, Acting State Executive Director in Wyoming. “Our FSA staff can assist producers in completing acreage reports, including providing maps.” An acreage report documents a crop grown on a farm or ranch and its intended uses. Filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planted acreage, can prevent the loss of benefits. How to File a Report Contact your local FSA office for a list of acreage reporting deadlines by crop. Service Center staff continue to work with agricultural producers via phone, email and other digital tools. Because of the pandemic, some USDA Service Centers are open to limited visitors. Contact your Service Center to set up an in-person or phone appointment. To file a crop acreage report, you will need to provide: • Crop and crop type or variety. • Intended use of the crop. • Number of acres of the crop. • Map with approximate boundaries for the crop. • Planting date(s). • Planting pattern, when applicable. • Producer shares. • Irrigation practice(s). • Acreage prevented from planting, when applicable. • Other information as required. Acreage Reporting Details The following exceptions apply to acreage reporting dates: • If the crop has not been planted by the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 15 calendar days after planting is completed. • If a producer acquires additional acreage after the acreage reporting date, then the acreage must be reported no later than 30 calendar days after purchase or acquiring the lease. Appropriate documentation must be provided to the county office. Producers should also report crop acreage they intended to plant, but due to natural disaster, were unable to plant. Prevented planting acreage must be reported on form CCC576, Notice of Loss, no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date as established by FSA and USDA’s Risk Management Agency. Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) policy holders should note that the acreage reporting date for NAP-covered crops is the earlier of the dates listed above or 15 calendar days before grazing or harvesting of the crop begins. More Information For questions, please contact your local FSA office. To locate your local FSA office visit farmers.gov/service-centerlocator.
Chariot racing
Contact Severinsen Irrigation to learn more about the FieldNET family of remote irrigation management tools FieldNET® Pivot Watch™, FieldNET Pivot Control™ and FieldNET Pivot Control Lite™
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 406-467-3999 Brett’s Cell
A chariot is an early type of carriage, usually formed from a floor with raised sides to protect the charioteer. Drawn by two or more horses, chariots were used in ancient times by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Indians, Breeks, Romans and others. Chariots were used in battle, but also for travel, processions, and games and races. The racing of chariots became a popular Roman and Greek sport. In 680 B.C., chariot racing was introduced to the Olympics. In Olympia, on a track called the Hippodrome, up to 60 chariots raced at one time. Some races were for two-horse chariots, and some were for four-horse chariots, drivers were selected similar to the way jockeys are chosen today based on their light weight. For the movie Ben Hur (1959), featuring a spectacular chariot race that took over three months to complete, the trainer was said to have trained the horses in Italy for 11 months prior to filming. He taught each horse individually, then in pairs, and then in threes and fours. There were nine chariot teams and 72 horses trained (36 actually made it).
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C5
Josh 391-0602
Klay 590-2313
Josh 391-7056
Matt 391-9241
We’ll buy your car whether you buy here or not!!
120 West Main Cut Bank, MT • 1-800-823-1234
2011 Ford Taurus Limited 2015 Chevrolet Camaro convertible Only 35,000 miles!!
2020 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 Gas motor, LEATHER
2017 Ford F150 Lariat, crew cab!!
JUST IN 2014 Ram 3500, 4x4, CUMMINS!!
2018 Ford F150 XLT, crew cab 2014 Ford Escape SE 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee SAVE $$$$$$ 2018 Ford F150 XLT, crew cab 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, 4x4
2012 Ford F250, crew cab, POWER STROKE!!!
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2014 Ford F150 PLATINUM Excellent condition
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2018 Honda Ridgeline
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2014 GMC Sierra 1500 4x4. In super condition!
2018 Ford F150, 4x4, crew cab
2016 Ford F150 CREW CAB!!!
1992 GMC Sonoma
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2008 Hyundai Tuscon
2011 Ford F350, supercab, 4x4
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C6
The deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
Manufactured from animal proteins like feather meal, meat meal and bone meal, Nature Safe offers dry pelleted and wettable powder solutions for your crops. Use Nature Safe as a starter fertilizer or a top-dress for any crop you are growing. Nature Safe offers high organic nitrogen and phosphorous formulations that can meet your agronomic or economic fertility challenges.
Livestock nutrient management important
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Whether small farms have cattle, horses, sheep or goats, having a plan for spring grazing and manure management is important, especially during dry years, according to a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agent and specialist. “Monitoring grazing readiness ensures that grazing starts at the proper time,” says Penny Nester, NDSU Extension agriculture and natural resources agent in Kidder County. “Many times, we are tempted to turn animals out at the first sign of green in the pasture. Grazing too early can limit forage production for the rest of the grazing season and hurt plant health for years to come.” She recommends that grazing readiness be based on the developmental stage of the most common or key grass species in the pasture. The recommended plant development stage to begin grazing for most tame grass pasture is at the three-leaf stage. This means that three full leaves have emerged from the main stem of the plant. Knowing the dominant grass species in the pastures is helpful to determine which pasture to graze first in the spring. Cool-season, tame grasses typically start growing first in North Dakota and can handle heavier animal grazing earlier in the season. Rotating animals to fresh paddocks not only allows for management of a farm’s grazing resources, but it also can help lessen nutrient overload from manure and reduce parasite pressure. CONTINUED ON PAGE C8
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The Curly Horse also known as the Bashkir is considered to be hypoallergenic, having a unique protein structure in the curly hair. Most people who are allergic to horses have a reduced or no allergic reaction to Curlies. Native Americans considered them sacred and called them buffalo ponies.
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Now is the best time to upgrade your equipment. Don’t wait until you’re in the thick of the busy season to realize that your equipment isn’t going to get the job done!
Experience the benefits of a John Deere baler! Most units with net and twine. Get the best selection of used balers today!
2013 John Deere 569 baler with 1000 PTO, #70327 net and twine, MegaWide Plus pickup, push bar, hydraulic pickup, 21.5L-16.1 tires, variable core valve, monitor, 15,273 bales. Stock #72600........................... $28,750 (11) 2015 John Deere 569 baler with twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, MegaWide Plus pickup, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, 24,460 bales. Stock #71799.......................................$27,000 (3) 2012 John Deere 568 baler with 1000 PTO, 2017 John Deere 340 large square baler, 3x4, pivoting gauge wheels, bale roller chute, 4net and twine, MegaWide Plus pickup, 2020 John Deere 560M baler with MegaWide, tandem axle, 550/45/22.5, 13/4” 1000 RPM push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires, hydraulic pickup, both twine and surface wrap, cover edge, PTO, tandem axle without brakes. Stock 12,000 bales. Stock #74442. . .....$20,000 (1) 1000 PTO, 5-ft. bale size, push bar, hydrau#70327...................................$103,000 (15) 2010 John Deere 568 baler with MegaWide lic pickup lift, 21.5-16.1 8-ply tires, 3916 2018 Massey-Ferguson 2290 large square Plus pickup, twine and surface wrap, 1000 bales. Stock #74410.................$47,500 (12) baler, 4x4 bale size, 33 strokes/minute, 89” RPM PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push 2019 John Deere 560M baler with MegaWide pickup, tandem wheels, roller chute. Very bar, hydraulic pickup lift, variable core valve, pickup, surface wrap only, 1000 PTO, 5-ft. low bale count. Stock #67506..$147,500 (4) 21,000 bales. Stock #74440..... $18,000 (12) bale, 21.5-16.1 8-ply tires, pushbar, hydrau2009 John Deere 568 baler with MegaWide lic pickup lift, 2882 bales. Stock #65635...... . Plus pickup, both twine and surface wrap, Go to our website today: ................................................. $45,000 (11) 1000 RPM PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, John Deere 560R round baler, cover edge wrap push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, variable core www.frontlineagsolutions.com only, 1000 RPM, hydraulic pickup lift, Mega valve. Stock #76777.................. $18,000 12) wide pickup, push bar, large tires, 3167 bales. Premium baler. Stock #73948.....$49,000 (15) 2015 John Deere 569 Premium baler, 14269 www.frontlineagsolutions.com bales, MegaWide pickup, ISO wiring (monitor NOT included), twine & net, 1000 PTO, 21.5L16.1 tires, hydraulic pickup lift, HarvestTec innoculant tank. Stock #65539....... $25,000 (11) 2017 John Deere 569 baler with 13/8” 1000 RPM hookup, 21.5-16.1 tires, MegaWide Plus pickup, pushbar, hydraulic pickup lift, 15,645 bales. Stock #74523.....$29,500 (16) 2016 Vermeer 605N baler with wide pickup, large tires, twine & wrap, 1000 PTO, push bar, moisture sensor, weight scale kit, 8500 bales. Stock #74004.................$30,000 (15) 2012 Massey-Ferguson 2856A baler with 1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 1000 PTO, net and twine, bale kicker, 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 21.5L-16.1 tires, stored indoors, 12,500 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 13=Chester: 406-759-5010 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932 bales. Stock #71870.................$21,500 (12) 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom makes and widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS!
2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, ExactApply, full GPS with activations, auto solution control, eductor, boom air purge, LED lights, VF 420/95R50 tires, PowerGard warranty through March 2023 or 2000 hours. Stock #69560...$447,500 (1) 2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, ExactApply, front fill, auto solution control, 5 sensor boom leveling, 20” spacing, VF 420/95R50 tires, 630 hours, extended warranty 3/2022 or 2000 hours. Stock #74434........................ $425,000 (12)
2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber, 20” spacing, ExactApply, 420/95R50 tires, auto solution command system, GPS, extended warranty 3/2022 or 2000 hours, 630 hours. Stock #74435............... $435,000 (4) 2015 John Deere 4045, 120-ft. steel boom without ExactApply, 20” spacing, 5 body nozzles, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, Eductor, manual solution control, VF420/95R50 at 50%, boom air purge, end nozzles, 1814 hours. Stock #72956.............. .............................................. $249,500 (14) Case IH Patriot 4440, 120-ft. boom with Aim Command Pro, 620 float tires, 1200 gallon SS tank and plumbing, 372 receiver, Pro 700 display, navigation controller, Auto Boom height, front fill. Stock #73404............ .............................................. $247,500 (14) 2016 John Deere R4038, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, auto solution command system, VF380/90R46 tires, boomtrac pro, boom air purge, complete GPS system, 1882 hours. Stock #74923.......................... $227,500 (1) 2007 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, GPS system with activation, Hiflow pump, 50 gallon foam marker, 480 80R/50 tires. Stock #70851..... $99,000 (14)
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C7
View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com
Now is the best time to upgrade your equipment. Don’t wait until you’re in the thick of the busy season to realize that your equipment isn’t going to get the job done! Call or stop in today!
Did your harvest not go as planned with unexpected break downs and expensive service bills?? We still have several affordable units to choose from! 2020 John Deere S780, 403/305 hours with full GPS, standard light with extremity, premium cab and radio, 26-ft. auger, power folding tops, premium residue system, CM feederhouse with fore/aft, 520/85R42 duals and 750/65R26 rear. Stock #72783............. .............................................. $435,000 (14) 2020 John Deere S780, 198 engine/151 separator, full GPS and warranty, premium cab, Advanced tailboard, Active Yield and Combine Advisor, TriStream rotor, powerfold grain tank, 28.5-ft. unload auger, IF 520/85R42 duals and 750/65R26 tires. Stock #73376........................ $439,000 (14) 2020 John Deere S780, 450 engine/326 separator, Combine Advisor package, TriStream rotor extended wear, power fold grain tank, 28.5-ft. unload auger, Advanced PowerCast tailboard, 1100/45R46 drive tires, 750/60R30 rear tires, extended warranty 6/2023 or 1000 hours. Stock #73587........... ................................................ $417,500 (1) 2019 John Deere S780, 473 hp, 2WD, ProDrive transmission, PowerCast tailboard, TriStream rotor, powerfold grain tank extensions, fixed speed feederhouse, small wire concaves, 1100 R46 front tires, 750R 26 rear tires, full guidance system. Stock #72732.................................... $410,000 (1)
2017 John Deere S690, 1147 engine/816 separator, Active Terrain adjustment, 28.5ft. unload auger, powerfold grain tank, Advanced PowerCast tailboard, complete GPS system, 1100/45R46 drive tires, 710/60R30 rear tires, extended warranty 6/2023 or 1900 hours. Stock #72745........... ................................................ $299,000 (1) 2017 John Deere S680, 1016 engine/716 separator, IF900/60R32 drive tires, Advanced PowerCast tailboard, TriStream rotor, powerfold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, interactive combine adjustment, Active Yield, complete GPS system. Stock #72744.................................... $290,000 (1) 2016 Case IH 8240, 1188 engine/817 separator, dual drive tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, HID lighting, hydraulic fold grain tank and cover. Stock #71959................ $235,000 (3) 2011 Case IH 7120, 2265 engine/1714 separator, leather seat, dual 20.8R42 drive tires, 540/65R30 rear tires, lateral tilt feederhouse, internal chopper with spreader. Stock #75578........................ $102,500 (14)
2016 John Deere S680, 1007 engine/717 separator, IF800/70R38 drive tires, Advanced PowerCast tailboard, TriStream rotor, powerfold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, Interactive Combine Adjustor, complete GPS system. Extended warranty through 7/2022 or 1430 hours.. Stock #72016.................................. $275,000 (14) 2017 John Deere S680, Premium cab with leather, Contour Master, fore and aft adjust 2630 with AutoTrac activation, 3000 receiver, TriStream rotor, 26-ft. unloading auger, power folding tops, fine cut chopper, 792 engine hours, 583 separator hours. Stock #69030.................................... $330,000 (3) 2014 John Deere S670, 2014 engine/1396 separator hours, 800/70R38 drive tires, manual van tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, complete GPS system. Stock #72620.................................. $159,000 (11) 2014 John Deere S670, 4WD, single 800/70R38 tires, Contour Master, Command Touch variable speed feederhouse, ProDrive transmission, powerfold grain tank, leather cab, custom cutter extended wear package, manual vane tailboard, includes 2630, SF3000, AutoTrac activation... ................................................ $139,900 (1) 2016 John Deere S670, 3204 engine hours, 520/85R42 duals, lateral tilt, VS feederhouse with fore and aft, extended wear grain handling system, powerfold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, premium cab and radio. Stock #70500.............. $145,000 (12) 2011 John Deere 9870STS 3315 engine/2215 separator hours, 2WD, dual 520/85R42, ProDrive transmission, Contour Master (lateral tilt feederhouse), PowerCast tailboard, 26-ft. unloading auger, Premier cab. Very nice unit. Local machine. Stock #74294....... ................................................ $102,500 (2) 2007 John Deere 9860, 2739 engine/ 2032 separator hours, level land feederhouse with fixed speed drive, Premium header control package, fine cut chopper with chaff spreader, 22-ft. Hi-Cap unload auger, 30.5LR-32 tires. Stock #72605..$83,500 (3) 2003 John deere 9650STS, 2WD, 30.5L-32 singles, no lateral tilt, fixed speed, Dial-ASpeed header, Green Star yield monitoring, 20-ft. auger, chopper with spreader. Stock #72069.................................... $60,000 (15)
Match your combine with a platform for optimal performance. Many to choose from.
John Deere 634 FD 45-ft. flex draper, dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, header height sensing in rigid mode, pea auger. Stock #75370.......................... $89,500 (13)
2005 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper platform, transport, pickup reel. Stock #72260............ ................................................ $21,000 (12) 2014 MacDon D65040 40-ft. rigid draper with a pea auger, transport, John Deere feeder house adapter. Stock #74211.. $49,000 (14)
Are you ready to make the spring field work easier? Take a look at the many options of 4WD and row crop tractors that we have available! Anything to match your operation and budget! 2019 John Deere 9620RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 3500 tracks, 5 SCVs, premium light package, radar, complete GPS system, 550 hours. Extended warranty through 10/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #73199......... .............................................. $495,000 (14) 2018 John Deere 9620RX, 18/6 PowerShift, 36” Durabilt 3500 tracks, 6 SCVs, PTO, no 3-point, Active Command steering, complete GPS system, extended warranty 11/2022 or 1500 hours, 749 hours. Stock #73321.................................... $492,500 (4)
2020 John Deere 9520R, 18/6 PowerShift, IF800/55R46 tires, 4 SCVs, PTO, complete GPS system, 8500 lb weight package, 515 hours. Extended warranty through 2/2023 or 1500 hours. Stock #73200.$440,000 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470RX,18/6 PowerShift, 30” Duradrive 3500 tracks, 4 SCVs, PTO, deluxe light package, premium cab, complete GPS system, 459 hours. Stock #69880.................................. $457,500 (14) 2019 John Deere 9470R, 581 hours, fully loaded, includes full GPS, PTO, 18-speed PowerShift, LED lights, LSW800 tires, heavy weight package, 4 remotes with 58 GPM pump. Stock #69856...... $367,500 (2) 1997 John Deere 9400, 4WD, 425 hp, 4 hydraulics, deluxe cab, true ground speed, 24/6 manual transmission, 710/70R 38 dual tires 30%, less differential lock, 2-165# and 6 450# rear weights. Stock #75862.............. ................................................ $62,500 (12) 2020 John Deere 8345RT, AutoPwr IVT, 16” tracks, 5 SCVs, radar, poly mid rollers, complete GPS system, 22 front weights, 10 rear weights, 400 hours, extended warranty to 12/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock 73198....... .............................................. $372,500 (14)
Check out our website to see photos and info on all of our inventory!
2019 John Deere 8320R, IVT, 420/85R34 single fronts, 480/80R50 rear duals, 6 SCVs, 85 gpm dual hydraulic pump, PTO, front and rear weight packages, Premium LED light package, complete GPS system, 653 hours. Stock #74729............... $332,000 (4) 2007 John Deere 8430T PowerShift transmission, 25” tracks, wide spacing, 42 gpm hydraulic pump, 4 SCVs, deluxe comfort cab, front and reat HID lights, 3-point, PTO, dual beam radar, 22 front weights, 5653 hours. Stock #73428.......................... $93,000 (15)
John Deere 6155, 155 hp, 1199 hours, MFWD 20/20 Command Quad+, 3 SCVs, 520/85R38 rear, 4208/85R28 front, 660R loader/grapple, warranty to 5/22. Stock #71094.................................. $147,500 (11) 2009 John Deere 7830, MFWD, 205 hp, 165 PTO, IVT transmission with LH reverser, 4 SCVs, 540/1000 RPM PTO Cat, 3-3N 3-point with quik coupler, 45 GPM hydraulic pump, 480/80R46 rear tires with duals, 420/90R30 front tires, HID lighting front and rear, front and rear weights. Stock #75140.. .............................................. $115,000 (15) 2013 New Holland T9.615, 36” quad track, complete GPS system, cab suspension, HID lights, 2838 hours. Stock #74546.......... $199,000 (12) 1988 Case IH 9170, 335 hp, 4WD, PowerShift, 4 SCVs, no 3-point/PTO, single tires 24.5x32, 40 GPM hydraulic pump, 6437 hours. Stock #72007................. $37,500 (1) 2011 Cat Challenger MT765C, 25” track, 15/4 transmission, 5 SCVs, PTO, 3 point with quick coupler, deluxe cab, 20 front weights, Auto Guidance ready, 2755 hours. Stock #74425.................................. $124,000 (15)
John Deere 740D 40-ft. draper, with poly skid shoes, integrated transport. Stock #73402.. ................................................ $92,500 (14) 2020 John Deere 730D, dual knife, 30-ft. draper with pickup reel. No factory transport. Stock #72785.................. $69,500 (14)
1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C8
Livestock nutrient management important CONTINUED FROM PAGE C6
Parasites move in a continuous life cycle. Eggs are deposited in manure and through time, those eggs turn into infective larvae. The infected animals are moved to pasture, where they deposit infected manure, and the parasite is ingested and the cycle starts anew. Parasites need cool and moist conditions to thrive. Eggs can hatch in as little as six days and larvae can last as long as 120 days. Egg development does not occur when temperatures are at or below freezing and eggs and larvae are killed when temperatures are hot and dry. Most larvae will be found within the first 2 inches of plant growth from the base of the plant, so managing to ensure overgrazing does not occur will help decrease ingestion of parasites. “Unfortunately, parasites can go dormant inside the host animal during unfavorable
at Jamieson Motors in Chinook, Montana
2021 RAM 3500 LARAMIE crew cab 4x4, cummins, loaded, heated/cooled leather, long box, srw
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- COMING SOON THE ALL NEW 2022 JEEP WAGONEER every option available, call for details
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No Fees, No Pressure, Just Good Honest Deals! Your Trusted Dealer Since 1942
See our inventory at www.jamiesonmotors.net
conditions, so while you may not think parasites are an issue during a drought, any change to favorable conditions can result in a rapid flush and quick development from egg to infective larvae,” warns Mary Keena, livestock environmental management specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. If rotation of animals from pasture to pasture isn’t possible, removing manure daily or weekly from the grazing area is another management strategy. Another method for breaking the parasite life cycle is to use multispecies grazing. Parasites are host-species specific, so if an infestation occurs in sheep or goats, horses or cattle could rotate into that pasture and not be affected by those parasites. Different species also typically eat and select for different plants, which can help extend the forage supply.
Skunk tests positive for rabies in Powder River County
Montana Department of Livestock On Thursday, June 3rd, the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) received confirmation of a second terrestrial (non-bat) rabies case in the state in 2021. A rabies-infected skunk was captured in Powder River County. One dog was exposed to the rabid skunk and is being managed for exposure to rabies. In response to the rabies diagnosis, MDOL has issued a 60-day county quarantine for dogs, cats and ferrets in Powder River County that are not currently vaccinated for rabies (MCA Title 81, Chapters 2 and 20). The quarantine is in effect from Thursday, June 3rd, to Monday, August 2nd. Animals past-due for a rabies booster, animals that are not 28 days past their first rabies vaccine, and animals that have never been vaccinated are subject to the quarantine. The purpose of the quarantine is to reduce the risk of further disease spread in case the rabid skunk had contact with other animals in the county. Rabies is a fatal viral disease that is spread through the saliva of an infected animal. The virus can infect any mammal, including people. However, it is virtually 100% preventable in domestic animals through the administration of the rabies vaccine. “Rabies vaccines not only protect the health of an individual animal, they also protect the health of animal owners and other animals,” says Dr. Anna Forseth with the Department of Livestock. “Vaccination is a low-cost, safe, and effective tool that we encourage all pet owners to pursue.” Rabies vaccines are available for dogs, cats, and ferrets, and most livestock species. Livestock owners of animals of substantial financial value or animals that have frequent contact with the public should consider vaccinating their animals. Non-vaccinated animals that are exposed to rabid or suspected rabid animals may be subject to long-term quarantine, an expensive and labor-intensive process. The most common animals infected with rabies in Montana are bats, but cases involving terrestrial species do occur. The last documented cases of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in Powder River County was in 2013. Contact between a pet and a wild animal, including skunks and bats, should be reported to a local veterinarian or the MDOL to ensure potential rabies exposures are assessed for risk and managed accordingly. To protect yourself, your family, and pets against rabies: • Keep pets currently vaccinated for rabies. • Keep garbage in tight containers to avoid attracting animals. • Stay away from domestic animals that act aggressive and wild animals that seem unafraid. • Avoid night animals, like raccoons, that are active during the day. • Contact your local animal control agency if you see an animal behaving suspiciously. If you or someone you know is bitten by an animal, wash the wound immediately with soap and water, consult a doctor right away, and call your local public health department to report the bite.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C9
National French Fries Day
SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity
Date When Celebrated: Always held on July 13 It’s name might suggest a French origin, but French Fries are believed to have originated in Belgium in the 17th century. Fried potatoes were substituted in the Belgium diet in winter months, when fish were not available to fry. From Europe, their popularity spread literally around the world. French fries were introduced to the U.S. by President Thomas Jefferson. In the U.S., french fries are the most popular fast food item. High in fiber, you can enjoy eating french fries anywhere in the world. Did You Know? Americans consume 30 pounds of potatoes per person per year. 25% of those potatoes are made into french fries. You can call French Fries by many, many names. Just be certain to order or make French fries today in celebration of National French Fries Day.
Conrad Industrial Park
Cordless or Pneu. Fencing Staplers
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Conrad, MT 59425
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Quality Equipment that works as hard as you do
Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953
Visit us on the web: www.3vdistributing.com
E-mail Address: 3vdist@3rivers.net
20-ft. ITB Grain Bodies ~ ~ Coming In!!
17-ft. Crysteel box with high lift tailgate, Bailmount hoist, adds1-ft. to body
In Stock
Rol-Oyl cattle oilers with big blue brush! 2 NEW Watson chain SL13K On the Way! See 3V for: LED light bars • Shurco remote control tarps • Electric endgate remote control
Used service body with ladder rack - came off a 2008 Chevrolet dually pickup box
We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available 16-ft. and 17-ft. Duraclass body IN STOCK
Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!
Mineral Tub Lifter
Makes it easier for you to handle your Mineral Tubs - plastic, metal & biodegradable! Can be used with ALL bale beds.
Service body with flip top lids and Tommy Gate came off F450 60” cab/axle
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C10
##### A construction worker told his boss. “Hey, boss, the shovel is broke! What should I do now?” to which the boss replies, “We’re out of shovels, go lean on something else.” ##### If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
Deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue is WEDNESDAY, July 28th.
COMBINE FOR SALE 1990 John Deere 9500, 3743 engine hours, 2618 separator hours, chopper, chaff spreader, 30-ft. header........................................$22,000
Call Bob Van Oosten (406) 326-2112, Reedpoint, MT
Phone 216-3050
PROFESSIONAL Hand-Picked Quality & Selection
Done on All
2016 Ford F250
Crew cab, short bed, 4x4, Lariat trim package. Only 34,500 miles! Great gas puller, 6.2 liter engine, B&W hide-a-ball, 4.30 gears, air bag rear suspension, black leather, bed liner. Like new.................................................... $48,999
5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT
2015 Ford F250
Supercab, 4x4, 8-ft. Spacekap work topper (more than $8000 brand new), side doors, 8-ft. slide-out floor, 3000 watt inverter, LED lighting, 9900 lb GVW, rear air bag suspension................................................................... $32,999
2016 Ford F250
2015 Ford F350
Crew cab, 4x4, 8-ft. flatbed, 6.2 liter gas, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, new tires and a very nice Ali-Arc aluminum front bumper and grill guard..... .......................................................................... $28,999
Supercab, 4x4, 8-ft. long box, 6.2 liter gas engine, vinyl floor with cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors............ .......................................................................... $29,999
2016 GMC 3500
2012 Chevrolet 2500HD
Crew cab, 4x4, cab and chassis, great balebed truck, 6.0 liter gas engine, 8-ft. long bed, 90,000 miles........... $22,999
Crew cab, 4x4, 8-ft. flatbed, 73,500 miles, 6.0L gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power seat, windows, locks and mirrors. SLE trim package including factory aluminum wheels. .......................................................................... $42,999
Due to the Coronavirus we are unsure of business hours. So if you have questions, or want to schedule an appointment, please call or text Brian on his cell phone: 406-868-4309 between 9 am - 6 pm. Thanks!
2017 Chevrolet Colorado LT
2015 GMC Sierra 2500HD
Crew cab, 4x4, Bose sound system, aluminum wheels, heated leather, V6 engine, factory remote start, backup camera, trailer tow package, navigation, 48,000 miles....$32,999
Crew cab, 4x4, 8-ft. long bed, low miles, aluminum wheels, 6.0 gas engine, vinyl floor, cloth seats.............. $32,999
2015 GMC Sierra 3500
Regular cab, 4x4, 6.0 gas engine, 8-ft. bed with bed liner, 4.10 gears, vinyl floor, cloth seats. 2 available to choose from....................................................... $32,999 each
2015 GMC Sierra 2500HD
Crew cab, 4x4, dually, 9-ft. flatbed, Duramax diesel, Allison transmission, 87,000 miles. Great, great puller!!!................ .......................................................................... $44,999
Visit our website at:
2016 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Crew cab, 8-ft. long bed, bed liner, hide-a-ball, new tires, grille guard, 6.0 gas.......................................... $38,999
The buzz about pollinators in canola fields
Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy Farmers pay attention to many aspects of their crops. They carefully track how much water they are giving them and the amount of fertilizer they are using. But what about how many bees and butterflies are visiting? Mariana Paola Mazzei, a researcher specializing in crop pollination, and her collaborators think it’s time to start caring more about pollinators. They stress that it’s important to have what are called semi-natural areas around crop fields. This helps more pollinators visit the crops. Their recent research tested if canola plants in Argentina have a better yield if they are close to semi-natural areas. These areas have more pollinators. They looked at how pollinators affected different aspects of canola production. This included the total number of fruits, seeds per pod, and seed mass. “Pollinating insects visit flowers to feed on nectar, pollen, or both,” Mazzei explains. “This flower-pollinator interaction allows pollen flow between flowers, carried on insects.” Pollinators can help increase yield by putting a higher number of pollen grains on a flower. This means there will be more seeds produced per pod. Also, if more flowers per plant are fertilized, there will be more total seeds in a field. Their results showed that the closeness of the crop to semi-natural habits can indeed increase the yield of canola. The closer the canola was to the pollinators, the more yield increased. The team also looked at what pollinators were present in the canola fields. The types of pollinators, quantity of pollinators, and diversity of pollinators visiting crop fields are all important factors. Honey bees were the most common and important pollinator. Researchers also found native species, such as types of hoverflies, flies, butterflies, wasps, and carpenter bees. Some of the species were found pollinating canola for the first time. “The number of pollinating species is important because a higher diversity means more chance of fertilization and seed production in this crop,” Mazzei says. “Seeing new species of pollinating insects in this crop allows us to make better recommendations to help semi-natural habitats. It also helps design future ideas to help the pollinators.” The research team offers many strategies for increasing the number of pollinators. The most important is to diversify the landscape to make it more welcoming to pollinators. This can start with diversifying the crops themselves. “A diversity of crops that bloom at different times will attract more pollinators throughout the year,” Mazzei explains. “Having a lot of the landscape be the same crop reduces the stability of pollinating species and how many there are.” “These plots of diverse crops should be merged with semi-natural habitats,” she adds. Having semi-natural areas throughout the landscape helps pollinators move between them. “These sites provide shelter, nesting sites, and different food items for the pollinators along the season,” says Mazzei. “The main policy recommendation to help crop pollination is having a minimum level of semi-natural habitats around crop plots.” A last strategy is to create a crop management plan that is good for pollinators. This means, for example, reducing chemical use or using them at night or evening. This is when pollinators are less likely to be affected by them. “People usually think of insects as bad for crop plants,” Mazzei says. “They may not understand why pollinating insects are good. We showed that even in landscapes of central Argentina with a lot of agriculture and a low natural biodiversity, pollination is an important input for canola production.”
Date Advice A young man called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met the woman of his dreams. Now what should he do? His mother had an idea: “Why don’t you send her flowers, and on the card invite her to your apartment for a homecooked meal?” He thought this was a great strategy, and a week later, the woman came to dinner. His mother called the next day to see how things had gone. “I was totally humiliated,” he moaned. “She insisted on washing the dishes.” “What’s wrong with that?” asked his mother. “We hadn’t started eating yet.”
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 – Page C11
1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281 1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -
Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523 Josh Taylor 406-925-9449
Big or Small, We have it all! Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Equipment Needs!
2007 New Holland HW305 HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards...$39,900
Great Selection of NEW Lemken Tillage Equipment
We can help you with your feeding needs!
2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 Bale King 880 Vortex round bale feeder.................................$7000 DewEze round bale processor.................................................$5500 John Deere 566 round baler, 80,000 bales.............................$5000
John Deere Track Tractor
Come check out the Blue Wave!
2020 Haybuster 2660’s in stock. Call for pricing
Call for details!
Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs! JOHN DEERE
Kymco side-by-side..............................................................$11,000 2019 Highline CRF960 round and square bale processor...$30,000 2014 D&W round bale processor, 6 bale, excellent condition............ .........................................................................................$21,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$31,500 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575
Call us for all your Gator Needs
2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding.................$92,000 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call John Deere 995 7-bottom switch plow, excellent condition.....$9000
Contact our Parts Dept. for all your net wrap & twine needs!
NEW Twin Star Hydraulic Rakes
2007 Alfa See Ya! 40-ft. motorhome, complete slide-out, diesel, 33,000 miles. Stored in heated shop. Excellent condition. $69,900
(3) 2018 New Holland 216 rakes. Each................................$24,000 2008 New Holland 216 rake.................................................$13,500 Sitrex MK12 wheel rake...........................................................$7750 1999 John Deere 705 hydraulic rake.......................................$7250 Allen 8802 basket rake............................................................$6500 Allen 8827 basket rake............................................................$6500
John Deere Sprayer
Case 3x4 baler, 7574 bales...................................... Call for Pricing New Holland 3x4 baler, 15,228 bales...................... Call for Pricing Case 3x3 baler, 15,721 bales................................... Call for Pricing 2020 New Holland 3x3 baler, 4034 bales................ Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x2 baler, 18,750 bales.... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 8673 bales....... Call for Pricing Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 11,441 bales.... Call for Pricing 2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500
John Deere 560 round baler, 10,723 bales............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560R round baler, 6199 bales.............. Call for Pricing John Deere 560M round baler, 9945 bales............. Call for Pricing (4) 2019 John Deere 560M round balers................. Call for Pricing 2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2014 John Deere 569 MegaWide, 14,203 bales..................$29,750 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2009 John Deere 568 36,000 bales.....................................$23,000 2008 John Deere 568 net wrap and twine, MegaWide pickup, flotation tires, 29,573 bales...........................................................$19,500 2001 John Deere 567 net and twine, 540 PTO, 30,000 bales........... ............................................................................................$9900
2020 John Deere 8320R....................................................$331,000 2019 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lb weight on each side on rear, Premium light package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty until 6/2023, 256 hours....... .......................................................................................$325,000 John Deere 7520 MFWD, IVT transmision, left hand reverser, buddy seat, 3 remotes with loader/grapple, 7376 hours..Call For Pricing 2019 John Deere 6195R IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, duals, 650 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty........ ......................................................................................$205,000 2019 John Deere 6155M approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty...................... ............................................................................ Call for pricing 2019 John Deere 6145M MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty........................$142,000
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C12
If you have items you want advertised in the August 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is July 28th.
P 406.466.3557 F 406.466.3551 02 Otness Lane PO Box 503 Choteau, MT 59422
Now Selling Tough Country Grill Guards and Accessories!
Bale Beds with 26” Extendable Arms & Flatbeds on Order
MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email: penderfarms@aol.com
John Deere 2950, clean
2013 Freightliner Cascadia DD13 500 hp, 10 speed, 14,000 lb steerable lift axle, 427,000 miles. New HRG S&G 16-ft. box and tarp. Very sharp......... .............................................$66,500
2007 New Holland T7030 MFWD, 3 pt., dual PTO, 5200 hours..........$57,500
2004 Versatile 2210 MFWD, 3 pt., front and rear duals, 5500 hours.. $47,500
Case IH Puma 185 MFWD, 3-pt., powershift, 4400 hours. Very nice........... .............................................$58,500
Loaders Available
Check our web site: mttractors.com
As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.
• Build soil carbon • Build soil health • Reduce fertilizer applications
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To learn more about how Nature Safe is developing innovative products to meet the needs of farmers, manufactures, and consumers, contact Chad Tesch at (605) 759-5622 or CTesch@NatureSafe.com.
naturesafe.com Your Choice for Soil and Plant Nutrition
Montana water rights runs deep for UM law student
UM News Service There’s an old saying in the West: Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over. University of Montana (UM) third-year law student Brooke Reynolds is learning firsthand just how contentious water rights can be in Montana, serving this summer as an intern on the Montana Water Court. Reynolds has learned in her short time on the court that water claims can stretch back decades, even to Montana’s statehood, and the process for determining who truly owns rights to a body of a water can be extremely complicated. “There are a lot of nuances and paperwork involved. Some claims go back so far they are actually handwritten decrees,” Reynolds said. “We work to consolidate cases and quantify water claims. The state needs to determine where all the water is going.” The court was created by the Montana Legislature in 1979 to adjudicate more than 219,000 state law-based water rights, as well as Indian and Federal reserved water rights claims made before 1973. The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation handles cases after 1973. “Water law is a complex area and something you have to learn as you go,” said Professor Michelle Bryan, who teaches water law at UM’s Alexander Blewett III School of Law and calls Reynolds “impressive” in her enthusiasm for the subject, attention to detail and creativity. “The court has been excellent at mentoring students like Brooke, and we very much appreciate the ability they give them to learn about this important issue.” For Reynolds, the attraction to water goes back to her days growing up in New Jersey – not exactly the landscape that seeded water rights during the Homestead Act. “I get a lot of questions about that,” Reynolds said. “But my parents were public school teachers, and in the summer they worked as fly-fishing guides in Montana. It’s why they named me Brooke.” Those summers spent in resource-rich Montana instilled a passion for the state, and early in high school Reynolds developed an appreciation for the importance of water, particularly to the ranchers and farmers who depended on it for their livelihoods. Her interest in the subject grew laser-focused, alongside her goal of attending law school to learn and ultimately practice environmental law. It led to her decision to get an environmental science degree from Montana State University (MSU). She chose MSU because her parents had moved permanently to Montana by then and “Bozeman was the closest big town,” Reynolds said. When it came to applying to law school, there was one choice, she said. “I applied only to UM’s law school, and I told them that in my application,” Reynolds said. “At the time, I had never been to Missoula, but I love living here now. Love it.” Reynolds enrolled in UM’s unique joint degree program in law and public administration. The program allows students to complete both their J.D. and MPA in a shorter time period than if taken consecutively, and it prepares them for careers in government service that require specialized legal knowledge. Reynolds will do a clinic rotation next year at the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and hopes one day to work for a government agency where she can combine her legal and administrative interests. She has two main goals for wherever she lands. “I want to stay in Montana,” she said. “And, of course, I want to be a water lawyer.”
Einstein’s eyes Did you know that Albert Einstein’s eyes are sitting in a bank vault in New Jersey? About the same time that pathologist Thomas Stoltz Harvey absconded with the brain mere hours after the famed physicist’s death in New Jersey in 1955, Einstein’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Henry Abrams, removed the eyes. Abrams placed them in a jar and locked them away in a bank vault. Although rumors pop up from time to time that the eyes will be put on the auction block, Abrams maintains that he has no plans to sell them. “When you look into his eyes, you’re looking into the beauties and mysteries of the world,” he said. “They are clear as crystal they seem to have such depth.” Bonus Fact: Stars Wars creature designers based Yoda’s eyes on Albert Einstein’s eyes.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 – Page C13
Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana
2015 Cat 279D CTL
New tracks 2020, cab with heat & air conditioning, 2 speed, 3000/6000 lb. operating load.................................$49,500
Cat 950B Wheel Loader
Good tight machine, tooth bucket, good tires, work ready!......... ..............................................................................$42,000
2012 Deere 250GLC Excavator
hydraulic thumb, quick attach, good machine!........ $115,000
Cat 140G Grader
2016 Gehl Z35 Mini Excavator
Really nice machine, cab with heat, ripper, ready to roll!............ ..............................................................................$65,000
1200 hours, cab with air conditioning, quick coupler bucket, 24/12” buckets, Nice!............................................$43,000
2015 Komatsu WA380 Wheel Loader
Only 3600 hours, cab with air conditioning, camera, ride contro;, riadial tires, 4.5 yard bucket with quick couple... $157,000
JLG S600 Genie Boom Lift
60-ft. lift, 4x4, diesel engine, only 5200 hours, work ready!......... ..............................................................................$26,600
2000 Skytrak 6036 Telehandler
4x4x4, 3800 hours, good tires, work ready today!......$35,000
2014 Komatsu PC210LC-10
Excellent condition, Rototilt 360 degree rotation with full tilting in all directions, smooth & tooth buckets, only 5800 hours!... ........................................................................... $116,500
2016 Polaris Crew Side-by-Side
Front winch, auxiliary power to the roof, good tires, only 4300 miles! Excellent!....................................................$24,444
More Equipment Coming In Every Week! Give Greg or Jim a Call
Greg 406-690-2754 Jim 406-690-0737 For Help With All Your Equipment Needs! Give Us a Call about our
Additional photos & info at
The Place to Go for Attachments!
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C14
Combine and header lease as low as $30,000 per year. Call Marty for details!
Big Bud 320/10 Cummins NTA855 turbo, 320 hp, 4WD $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum. $3000 per week, plus trucking
Versatile Viking Vertical Tillage 38-ft. , rolling baskets $7.50 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Farm King 6650 Disc 32-ft., 24” blades, heavy duty disc $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
1981 Big Bud 525/50 Very clean updated Big Bud Ready to go to work, 600 hp, 3,692 hours, 4 remotes, High Flow hydraulics Call for rental rates and details
2012 Versatile RT490 629, engine, 394 separator hours Call for rental rates and details
Versatile SX275 Self-Propelled Sprayer 1200 gallon, 100-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate control $1200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
Versatile 895 Manual, 310 hp, duals $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
2012 Versatile RT490 911 engine hours, 557 separator hours, Cummins, 4wd, 320 bu tank Call for rental rates and details
Big Bud 400/30 400 hp, Powershift, duals $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
2012 Versatile RT490 521 engine, 887 separator hours Call for rental rates and details
1996 Case IH 2188 2WD, conventional, air conditioning and heat Call for rental rates and details
1998 John Deere 9610 6317 engine, 4480 separator hours Call for rental rates and details
2012 Versatile RT490 480 engine, 684, separator hours Call for rental rates and details
Massey Ferguson 9895 2326 engine hours, 1609 separator hours, Call for rental rates and details
Give us a call to get more informationabout rates, schedule delivery, and more! E-Z TRAIL 710 Single auger, 710 bushel, 1000 PTO, field ready Call for rental rates and details
• www.bigequipment.com •
406-265-9554 or 888-265-9554 Owner: Ron Harmon • CELL: 406-265-0096
1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Matt • 406-265-9554
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C15
406-265-9554 or 888-265-9554 1287 Highway 87 • Havre, MT 59501
• www.bigequipment.com •
2012 Versatile RT490 911 engine hours, 557 separator hours $140,000
2012 Versatile RT490 873 engine hours, 528 separator hours $140,000
2012 Versatile RT490 655 engine hours, 487 separator hours $140,000
2012 Versatile RT490 638 engine hours, 388 separator hours $140,000
2014 Honey Bee 4036 36-ft., pickup reel, telescoping drive, field ready $45,000
2011 MacDon FD70 35-ft. hydraulic Flex header, pickup reel, dual knife drive $35,000
2009 MacDon D50 36-ft., adapter can adapt to most combines, good header $35,000
Owner: Ron Harmon CELL: 406-265-0096
2012 Versatile RT490 629 engine hours, 370 separator hours $140,000
Massey Ferguson 9895 2326 engine hours, 1609 separator hours $90,000
2014 Honey Bee 4040 40-ft. draper header, dual knife drive, pickup reel $39,900
1998 John Deere 9610 6317 engine hours, 4480 separator hours $40,000
1996 Case IH 2188 2WD, conventional, air conditioning and heat $20,000
1982 Versatile 1150 Good tractor, have the triples just not on in the pictures, runs great $75,000
Versatile 895 Call for Prices and Info
CASE IH 2020 30-ft. Flex header, single knife $45,500 John Deere 8770 8300 hours, duals, tires at 50%, 4 remotes, 350 hp, 4WD, Synchro transmission $55,000
Big Bud 400/30
1998 John Deee 5310 3 pt., 2 remotes, 64 hp, Synchro, 540 PTO $22,000
2012 VERSATILE SX275 John Deere rate control and auto steer, 100-ft. booms. $159,500 FlexiCoil 820 54-ft., 12” spacing, extremely low acres, has set idle the last 5 years $55,000
2004 John Deere 9760 STS Axle extensions, Nice clean combine. $65,000
2014 Claas Lexion 750 Dual Drive Tires, Deluxe cab, plus many more features! One owner stored inside, Super clean $180,000
1977 Versatile 825 II Nice clean tractor with a 12-ft. Leon blade $28,000
1989 CASE IH 9180 Cummins, 375 hp, Powershift, 4WD, 4 remotes, duals, air, heat $59,500
2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft. transport, nice header $29,500
1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000
Parts: Matt 406-265-9554
COMBINE AND HEADER LEASE AS LOW AS $30,000 PER YEAR Call Marty for details
1976 Versatile 850 II Nice older tractor, well taken care of, runs great $28,000
2002 John Deere 635F 35-ft. Flex header, full fingered auger, pick up reel, good condition! $19,500
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
2015 Versatile SX280 100-ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless tank. Very clean
2020 Versatile Vertical Tillage 3 units to choose from
2005 Spra-Coupe 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C16
New Drought Center dashboard helps ranchers
F/S Mfg. FYR-FYTER Commercial Quality At An Affordable Price
• Truck Mount
• White or Yellow Tank • Brass Fire Nozzle • 8 hp Electric Start Motor with Ace GE860 Pump • 1” Electric Hose Pump • 150 Feet of 1” Hose
• Forklift Pockets for easy lifting • Bottom Fill
AirMax® Fans
Meridian AirMax® Aeration Fans are dynamically balanced to rigorous, high precision standards. Full line of in-line centrifugal, full-speed centrifugal, and low-speed centrifugal fans. Store your grain with confidence.
Meridian Grain Rings Our low cost per bushel Grain Rings are ideal for temporary or intermediate grain storage solutions.
Available at Fraser’s Oil Call for Pricing!
Liquid Fertilizer
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Wiese Sweeps 14” & 16”
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Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins
We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer
Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business
We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver
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We make hydraulic hoses On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.
Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News When faced with developing drought, ranchers often have questions. How severe is this drought? How long could it last? Is this as bad as the last drought we experienced, or is it the worst one? What are the chances it rains enough to produce normal forage over the coming weeks or months, and how much rain would be needed for a “normal” grazing year? These are questions frequently asked by ranchers who have taken part in drought management workshops with the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) and partner agencies, said NDMC rural sociologist Tonya Haigh. While many resources can help answer those questions, Haigh said they could be challenging to track down and sift through. Now, ranchers have a resource on the NDMC website that addresses a number of common drought condition questions on one map, in one place, including some map layers and management information specific to the Great Plains and Southwest U.S. The Ranch Drought Monitoring Dashboard aims to provide information that will help ranchers reduce risk ahead of time, Haigh said. The dashboard features the latest data on drought and precipitation conditions, outlooks, on-theground reports, vegetative stress, forage productivity and more, organized around the key questions. A user who clicks on the question about drought severity, and how it compares to past droughts, is led to an interactive display that presents current U.S. Drought Monitor conditions and allows for historical comparisons. Other common questions lead users to other vital resources that can be displayed on a U.S. map, and used together, the map’s layers provide a clear picture of current drought conditions and expectations. “There’s a lot of information out there, and sometimes it’s challenging to figure out what you are supposed to do with all of it,” Haigh said. “So that’s why we organized this the way we did, to see if we can make the process easier by trying to tailor information that addresses specific drought monitoring questions that ranchers often ask. We worked with extension offices, USDA Climate Hubs and other advisors in the field to select a set of key questions that specifically speak to range management issues that a rancher would use the U.S. Drought Monitor, Grass-Cast, VegDRI or another resource to answer.” Grass-Cast forecasts forage productivity in the upcoming growing season under below-normal, near-normal, and above-normal precipitation scenarios, based on nearly 40 years of data. The Vegetation Drought Response Index, or VegDRI, offers a weekly depiction of drought-related vegetation stress across the contiguous U.S. Along with those resources, the dashboard also incorporates monthly and seasonal precipitation outlooks, citizen science observations, and a collection of case studies for ranchers looking for drought management plan options. Haigh said that, while many ranchers now have developed drought plans for their land, one of the biggest challenges is determining when to put the plan in action. With these tools in one place, ranchers will have key information readily available for decision-making. The Ranch Drought Monitoring Dashboard was developed by the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) in collaboration with the USDA Northern Plains and Southwest Climate Hubs, with input by Extension and NRCS range experts in the regions, and funding support by the USDA Office of the Chief Economist. It was released to the public in April, at https://drought.unl.edu/ranchplan/ monitor.aspx.
Jousting knights
The medieval knight was an elite mounted warrior sworn to uphold the code of chivalry, which promoted the values of faith, loyalty, courage, courtesy, compassion and honor. Jousting tournaments became a popular entertainment, with two mounted knights competing to display their combat skills and win a fortune in prize money. The knights would charge, or tilt, at each other with a lance, trying to unhorse their opponent with it. King Henry II of France died at the age of 40 when a shard of his opponent’s broken lance penetrated his visor, pierced his eye, and came out through his ear. Modern-day jousting to tilting takes place under the auspices of the International Jousting Association, using breakable lance tips for safety.
Walahoski tops Dawson County 4-H Meats Contest
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C17
2009 John Deere 9870 combine, 1828 separator hours, 2857 engine hours, duals, Maurer hopper extension with 400 bushel capacity, Contour Master with auto height control, Sunnybrook all crop concaves with only one season, new feeder house and return chains, always shedded.. $95,000 2014 Shelbourne Reynolds XCV36 stripper header, fits John Deere 8 series combine.......................................... $52,000 2011 John Deere 635D header, HydraFloat 10, auto height control, low hours.................................................... $22,000 Roadrunner 636 header trailer, fits 36-ft. header, tricycle front end, tandem rear axles, brakes................................. $6200 John Deere 9500 combine, straw chopper, chaff spreader, always shedded, comes with John Deere 930 header and John Deere 930F flex header................................. $29,000 Without headers...................................................... $19,000 2014 Brandt grain deck drive over conveyor with E-Z Move kit............................................................................ $15,000 Phone (406) 658-2106, Malta, Montana
These Dawson County 4-H’ers earned ribbons for participating in the 2021 4-H Meats Contest at Plum Creek Market Place recently. Pictured are: (front row, left to right) Emma Mariel, Lexington; Lorelai Rickertsen, Lexington; Addison Luther, Overton; (back row, left to right), Jaelin Wolfinger; Lexington; Spencer Walahoski, Overton; Emma Peterson, Gothenburg; Jacie Wolfinger, Lexington; Helene Keiser, Gothenburg; Regan Schroeder, Cozad; and Greta Rickertsen, Lexington. Photo courtesy of Dawson County Extension
judging team and will be recognized on the Spencer Walahoski of Overton was the MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG Alan Menke Memorial Plaque. gold medal winner in the Dawson County CREDIT, INC. The 4-H’ers were given a written exam 4-H Meats Contest conducted June 1 at that tested their knowledge of general meats, Plum Creek Market Place in Lexington, For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs practical food safety and 25 retail cuts of according to Dawson County 4-H Meats meat to identify according to Rickertsen, Coach Curt Rickertsen of Lexington. who oversaw the contest. Kirk Marriott Other meats contest medal winners were and staff of Plum Creek Market Place meat Helene Keiser of Gothenburg, silver medal; www.ag-credit.com department provided the cuts for the contest. and Jacie Wolfinger of Lexington, bronze medal. Ribbon awards included: • Purple ribbons went to Walahoski, Wolfinger, Keiser and Emma Peterson Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 of Gothenburg. • Blue ribbons were 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) awarded to Greta Rickertsen of Lexington, Emma Mariel of Lexington, Addison Luther of Overton, Greg Treffer of Cozad, and Jaelin Wolfinger of Lexington. • Red ribbons went to Regan Schroeder of Overton, Greta Rickertsen of Lexington, Emma Mariel of Lexington, Bart Beattie of Sumner, and Preston Beattie We stock a of Sumner. large variety of The Sumner Livestock Honey Bee parts 4-H Club was the top meats
T & T Farm Supply, LLC
Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.
Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers
##### Lord, my new hairstyle is on account of you. I lost the photo of the style I wanted so I got this one instead. Thanks for leading the way. I like it. ##### How embarrassing, God. I called someone I know well and then forgot her name when she answered the phone. I’m glad you know the names of all my friends so you could bail me out by bringing it to my mind. ##### Grass has been used to make paper, fabric… even houses are sometimes constructed by bamboo and straw.
including rod weeder supplies.
REM VRX Grain Vacs
Now Available
1” and 2.5” air seeder hose 6”, 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts
We Sell Parts and Conveyors
Call today for New VR12 Grain Vac pricing and availability
We also have parts for REM Grain Vacs We are your MAV Chopper Dealer
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C18
ZETOR TRACTORS IN STOCK Zetor M40HTC ZL40 loader, cab, 4WD, 3 pt, 540 PTO............................. $34,500 Zetor M22HT ZL20 loader and 48” bucket, ZM54 midmount mower, 2 IN STOCK.... ................................................................................................................ $17,150 Zetor M25HT ZL25 loader, 4WD, 3 pt, 540 PTO....................................... $17,300 NEW SPEECO POST HOLE AUGERS
IN STOCK Standard Duty & Heavy Duty 9” & 12” Augers
International B diesel tractor.............$2500
NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Rear mounted tillers, 48”.............$2545 Rear mounted tillers, 42”.............$2444 Back blade, 72”..............................$621
NEW Eagle attachments
New Eagle 560HD.................$625 New Eagle 566HD.................$699 New Eagle 672HD.................$729 New Eagle 784 HD................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade. ..........................................$795
KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. IN STOCK with 60” mid-mount mower. ........................................ CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty.....CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty....................................... CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, manual transmission, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............................................. CALL Kioti DK5310SEH with cab, KL5521 loader, 53 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty................... CALL
MISCELLANEOUS Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Oliver/White loader fits 1650/1655.....$1250 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295 Danuser F7 heavy duty post hole digger, 12” auger.............................................$1000 Running gears. Each.............................$600 Wagon with box...................................$1000
Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00 USED HAYING American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon with hay basket..........$7500 New Holland 1032 bale wagon...$4500 New Holland 1032 bale wagon...$4500 John Deere 347 square baler.....$6000 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500
CONSIGNED John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header...................................$2000 Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. ................................ NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL
New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.
MISCELLANEOUS ATTACHMENTS New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork.......................................... $1100 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork.. ..................................................$895
Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed..For Parts
In Stock $6250
We now have WALLENSTEIN wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.
Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Phone (406) 227-6821
East Helena, Montana
Serving HELENA and surrounding areas over 70 YEARS!
Come visit us at www.helenafarmsupply.com
These three Dawson County 4-H’ers took home the medals at the 4-H Meats Contest recently. (From left to right) Spencer Walahoski, Overton; earned the gold, Helene Keiser, Gothenburg; received the silver, and Jacie Wolfinger, Lexington; took home the bronze. Photo courtesy of Dawson County Extension.
UM Family Medicine Residency program to graduate 10
UM News Service Underserved and rural areas in Montana and other states will gain 10 new family medicine physicians when the University of Montana’s (UW) Family Medicine Residency of Western Montana graduates its sixth class on June 27. “FMRWM is proud to announce the graduation of our sixth class of family medicine physicians,” said Dr. Robert Stenger, the program’s director. “Our program continues to meet its mission of providing well-trained family physicians for rural and underserved communities in Montana. This year’s graduates will enter practices in Butte, Columbia Falls, Miles City, Missoula and Ronan.” The class of 2021 and their future practice sites are: Emily Anderson, doctor of osteopathic medicine (Ronan); Carey Downey, medical doctor (Butte); Ariel Fillmore, MD (Salt Lake City); Geoff Holman, MD (Missoula); Sarah Horne, MD (Missoula); James Jennings, DO (Oneonta, New York); Kelsey Morgosh, MD (Flagstaff, Arizona); Margie Albers, MD (Miles City); Chelsie Russig, DO (Columbia Falls); and Eric Weber, MD (to be determined). Based in Missoula and Kalispell, FMRWM is sponsored by UM and affiliated with the University of Washington Family Medicine Residency Network. The program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Residents are involved in continuity clinic training at Partnership Health Center in Missoula and Greater Valley Health Center in Kalispell. The program works with an extensive rural training network at 16 sites: Barrett Hospital and HealthCare, Dillon; Blackfeet Community Hospital, Browning; Central Montana Medical Center, Lewistown; Clark Fork Valley Hospital, Plains; Community Hospital of Anaconda; Deer Lodge Medical Center; Eureka Healthcare, North Valley Hospital; Madison Valley Medical Center, Ennis; Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital, Hamilton; Northwest Community Health Center, Libby; Providence St. Joseph Medical Center, Polson; Ruby Valley Medical Center, Sheridan; St. Luke Community Hospital, Ronan; St. James Medical Group & Southwest Montana Community Health Center, Butte; Stoneybrook Medicine, Stevensville; Tribal Health of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, St. Ignatius. Reed Humphrey, UM College of Health dean and acting provost, serves as the designated institutional official for the FMRWM and leads UM Health & Medicine program. “The residency program is a critically important element of our interprofessional collaboration efforts at UM,” he said. “We are pleased to be able to sponsor and work closely with the residency program in our widening portfolio of contemporary health education programs.” For more information visit http://health.umt.edu/fmrwm/.
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C19
Greater Yellowstone area expected to become warmer, drier with changing climate
From MSU News Service more precipitation to fall as rain instead of According to a new scientific report, the snow,” said report co-author Bryan Shuman, temperature has increased, and snowfall has Wyoming Excellence Chair in geology and decreased in the Greater Yellowstone area COMBINE AND SWATHER geophysics at the University of Wyoming. since 1950 as a result of climate change, draper header belts and The report also found that earlier snowmelt trends that are likely to continue through the PICKUP header belts shifted the peak streamflow eight days earlier rest of the century. since 1925, reduced water supplies in summer Published recently, “The Greater Yellowavailable and contributed to wildfires. stone Climate Assessment,” was authored by “Based on nearly 50 interviews with comscientists at Montana State University, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the University munity leaders, city officials, agencies, busiof Wyoming (UW). nesses, citizens and ranchers, water and the The researchers studied past, present and need for more climate information are top future climate change in the Greater Yellowconcerns for folks in the GYA,” said co-author Charles Wolf Drimal from the nonprofit stone area, or GYA, including from 1950 to Greater Yellowstone Coalition. 2018, and evaluated how those changes could The new report is a collaboration between progress by the year 2100 based on different scientists, resource managers, nonprofit greenhouse gas emission scenarios. organizations and tribal communities from They found that the average temperature in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. For more the area increased by 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit information on research in the GYA, visit the since 1950 and could increase by 5-10 degrees websites of USGS Northern Rocky Mountain by the year 2100. Science Center (https://www.usgs.gov/cen“The GYA is valued for its forests, rivers, fish and wildlife,” said Steve Hostetler, ters/norock), MSU (https://www.montana. 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405 a USGS scientist and co-lead on the report. edu) and University of Wyoming (http://www. “The climate changes described in this study uwyo.edu). 406-453-8100 FAX: 406-453-1127 will likely affect ecosystems in the region and the communities that depend on them.” The new report also found that by the end of the century in the GYA: • Annual precipitation Glyphosate HERBICIDE could increase by 9-15%, but the combination of elevated temperatures and higher evaporation rates will likely THE ONLY ADJUVENT make future conditions drier in the summer. YOU WILL EVER NEED • Reduced soil moisture in summer will be an additional stress on plant communities Why Hook and could make drought and Outperforms the wildfires more common. CPDA Competition • With little to no mitigaA post emergent, systemic herbicide with no soil Certified • Eliminates off-target spray drift tion of future emissions, there residual activity. It is generally non-selective and • Maintains the droplet spectra gives broad spectrum control of many annual weeds, could be 40-60 more days per • Reduces evaporation and pesitiperennial weeds, woody brush and trees year exceeding 90 degrees in cide volatization Bozeman and Jackson, Pine• Optimizes leaf coverage by Call for more information! dale and Cody, Wyoming. spreading droplets Hook is Designed to • Hold the tank mix in solution “The assessment is inand reduces foaming be Used with Every tended to provide the best • Creates a positive charge that Spray Tank Mix available science on past, attracts the droplets to the plant Spreader - Sticker present and future conditions • Keeps the pesticide on the plant in the GYA so that people and and is “rain-fast” in 30 minutes Deposition Agent communities have needed Activator - Penetrator • Eliminates unwanted barriers on the leaf and allows for ininformation to plan ahead,” Drift Control creased penetration said Cathy Whitlock, Regents Professor Emerita of Earth Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! sciences at MSU and report Including hose, valves, fittings & more! co-lead. The report also documents the effects of climate change on the GYA over recent decades, including: • The average temperature LIQUID - DRY - ANHYDROUS was as high or higher than any period in the last 20,000 years — and likely the warmest in 800,000 years — according to geologic studies. • The growing season has lengthened by nearly two weeks since 1950. • Average annual snowfall decreased by 23 inches since 1950, and measurable snow has become rare in June and September. “The decrease in snow is due to the increase in temperature over time, which caused “Your Crop Production Specialist” Kremlin, Montana
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C20
Advertising Deadline for the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.
1989 International 9350, Cat 3406 425 hp, tandem, pusher axle, ITB box 20-ft.x102”x60”, hoist, 930,000 miles......................... $27,000 Call Bob Van Oosten (406) 326-2112, Reedpoint, MT
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With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.
These three Dawson County 4-H’ers took home the medals at the 4-H Meats Contest recently. (From left to right) Spencer Walahoski, Overton; earned the gold, Helene Keiser, Gothenburg; received the silver, and Jacie Wolfinger, Lexington; took home the bronze. Photo courtesy of Dawson County Extension.
African Swine Fever Virus vaccine candidate
Autumn Canaday, Agricultural Research Service The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) announced that an African Swine Fever Virus vaccine candidate has been adapted to grow in a cell line, which means that those involved in vaccine production will no longer have to rely on live pigs and their fresh cells for vaccine production. “This opens the door for large-scale vaccine production, which is a valuable tool for the possible eradication of the virus,” said senior ARS scientist Dr. Manuel Borca. African Swine Fever is known to cause virulent, deadly outbreaks in wild and domestic swine, causing widespread and lethal outbreaks in various countries in Eastern Europe and throughout Asia. African Swine Fever is not a threat to humans and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans. However, outbreaks have led to significant economic losses and pork shortages on local and global scales. No commercial vaccines are currently available to prevent the virus from spreading. There have not been any outbreaks in the United States, but it’s estimated that a national outbreak could cost at least $14 billion over two years, and $50 billion over 10 years. This discovery, highlighted in the Journal of Virology, overcomes one of the major challenges for manufacturing of an African Swine Fever Virus vaccine. The newly developed vaccine, grown in a continuous cell line — which means immortalized cells that divide continuously or otherwise indefinitely—has the same characteristics as the original vaccine produced with fresh swine cells. “Traditionally we used freshly isolated swine cells to produce vaccine candidates and this constitutes a significant limitation for large-scale production” said senior ARS scientist Dr. Douglas Gladue. “But now we can retain the vaccine characteristics while simultaneously replicating the vaccine in lab-grown cell cultures. We no longer have to rely on gathering fresh cells from live swine.” The continuous cell line vaccine candidate was tested in a commercial breed of pigs and determined to be safe, protecting pigs against the virus. No negative effects were observed. This research was supported in part by an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Some of the scientific personnel were part of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center Research Participation Program, administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. All animal studies were performed at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center, following a protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. ##### French fries originated in Belgium, not France! They are only called French fries because they are French cut.
Pests causing problems for alfalfa
Melissa Bartels, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Insects are causing problems for alfalfa across Nebraska. Stay tuned as I describe what to look for in your fields and what to do if an issue does arise. From alfalfa weevil larvae and adults to potato leafhoppers, to army worms, cutworms, alfalfa caterpillars to all kinds of aphids, somebody, somewhere has had enough of each of these insects feeding on their alfalfa, damaging new seedlings or regrowth. If you have been lucky enough to avoid these pests thus far, don’t assume you are safe for the remainder of the year. Be sure to get out and scout your fields. I’d love to be able to generalize and tell you exactly how many insects per square foot or sweep of a net is needed to economically justify a control treatment for alfalfa. But each insect and disease are different. It can range from one spotted alfalfa aphid per seedling to 100 pea aphids on 20-inch alfalfa. Or from one or two armyworms per square foot in new stands to at least 10 alfalfa caterpillars per sweep in established stands. Not all diseases cause issues. What we use for control also varies. Simply cutting often works for many soft bodied insects. Control using natural organisms like the Bt in Dipel and Thuricide will work for some insects. And of course, insecticides. But what insecticide or fungicide to use will be different depending on the insect. So, my take home message today is scout and identify what is plaguing your field. Look for slow regrowth or weak seedlings and scout for insects or diseases that might be causing the issue. Be sure to dig in the soil and dead litter to find insects hiding during the day. Then identify exactly what you are dealing with. If you need help, stop in at your county extension office. Remember, many insects you find will be beneficial and some diseases don’t cause yield issues. And finally, use appropriate treatments to protect your alfalfa.
! n i a g your over 200 o our l
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C21
If you have items you want advertised in the August 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM IS JULY 28, 2021.
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C22
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Dawson County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest
Hallett Moomey, Dawson County 4-H Intern nville of Lexington placed third receiving On June 8th several youths competed in a bronze medal. Preston Beattie, Sumner; the 2021 Dawson County 4-H Livestock won a purple ribbon in the Intermediate Judging Contest at the Fairgrounds in LexDivision of the contest. Blue ribbons were ington. There were three divisions (Senior, awarded to Samual Winter, Gothenburg; and Intermediate, and Novice) that were broken Bristol McConville, Lexington. up by age. The contest consisted of hog, Grant Walahoski of Overton won the sheep, and cattle classes and oral reasons novice division and earned a purple ribbon. on those classes. Livestock for this event consisted of pigs Sarah Treffer of Cozad won the senior furnished by Beattie Farms in Sumner and division receiving a gold medal. Spencer Paul and Shannon Peterson of Gothenburg; Walahoski of Overton placed second receivsheep and steers from Jared and Kris Walaing a silver medal. Greg Treffer of Cozad hoski of Overton; and heifers from Todd placed third receiving a bronze medal. All Ibach of Sumner. The fairgrounds facilities the medals were provided by Monsanto. were provided by the Dawson County AgSenior Division ribbon awards included: ricultural Society. purple – Sarah Treffer, Cozad; and Spencer Dawson County Cattlemen Executive Walahoski, Overton. Those participants Director Shannon Peterson of Gothenburg earning blue ribbons were Greg Treffer, organized the contest. Serving as contest Cozad; and Bart Beattie, Sumner. officials were Paul and Shannon Peterson of Preston Beattie of Sumner won the inGothenburg, Tigh Renken, Dawson County termediate division receiving a gold medal. 4-H Alumni originally from Bertrand, and Samuel Winter of Gothenburg placed secCal Schultz, Darr Feedlot intern. ond receiving a silver medal. Bristol McCo-
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(From left to right) Samual Winter of Gothenburg; Sarah Treffer, Cozad; Bart Beattie, Sumner; and Spencer Walahoski, Overton; participated in the 2021 Dawson County 4-H Livestock Judging Contest.
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(From left to right) Greg Treffer, Cozad; Bart Beattie, Sumner; Grant Walahoski, Overton; Samual Winter, Gothenburg; and Spencer Walahoski, Overton; study the varied species of livestock brought to the Dawson County Fairgrounds for the recent judging contest.
Numerous health benefits found in watermelon
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C23
Autumn Canaday, Agricultural Research Service No summer barbecue is complete without fresh watermelon. As the nation moves towards the summer grilling season, you may want to consider how watermelon’s fruit chemistry can affect your overall health. Researchers in the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) recently identified over 120 pieces 8” x 30-ft. ring lock..................................................................................$3.50/foot 1,500 small molecules of diverse chemical characters in the 12 pieces 10” x 30-ft. ring lock..................................................................................$4.00/foot fruit, known as phytochemicals. They concluded that eating 7 pieces 12” x 30-ft. ring lock....................................................................................$4.50/foot watermelon is an excellent way to increase your intake of anPipe is in good condition, Maichel Ranch, Harrison, Montana tioxidants, non-protein amino acids and lycopene. This means Dave Maichel 406-539-2306 that every time you eat watermelon, you’ll be improving the health of your cells, organs and nervous system. The research specifically finds that the antioxidants in watermelon can help your body fight free radicals and slow down cell damage. The fruit’s non-protein amino acids will also help to repair your body tissue, break down food from Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 • Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 other meals, and even regulate your blood pressure. P.O. Box 807 • (406) 292-3240 or 292-3233 (Shop) “Watermelon could be part of the refreshing and healthy Inverness, Montana 59530 fruit options on your summer picnic table,” said USDA-ARS gwoods@itstriangle.com scientist Larry Parnell. “The fruit has gone through many Parker hydraulic hose and fittings. years of evolution, domestication, and selection for desirable qualities—mainly those associated with flesh color, texture We can make any length of hose to meet your specific needs. We are currently carrying 4000 psi hose only but can order whatever meets your needs. and nutrient and sugar content. But our research continues to find that the fruit contains a wide range of nutrients that Selling for my relatives: improve your overall health.” Gysler 28-ft. plow with Morris harrows, hydraulic wing lift...........................................................................$2800 Most Americans purchase the sweet dessert watermelon Gylser 31-ft. plow with anhydrous pump, cable lift......................................................................................$2800 species, Citrullus lanatus, at their local grocery store or Frigstad B-31 40-ft. plow..........................................................................................................................$12,500 farmer’s market. This species is among the most important Hutch Master 31-ft. disk..............................................................................................................................$5950 vegetable crops grown and consumed throughout the world, with over 100 million tons in annual global production. Greg Woods: (406) 399-0488 - 7W Farms - Matthew Woods: (406) 399-3640 The fruit also has more lycopene than a raw tomato, which is linked to healthy eyes, overall heart health and protection against certain cancers. Other nutrients, like carotenoids, flavonoids, carbohydrates and alkaloids, We are here to serve you 7 days a week. are also found in the flesh, We appreciate the opportunity seed, and rind. to earn your business “I worked with Dr. Parnell and the team to develop a pioneering concept of using big data and computational biology to identify and catalog all of the phytochemicals that exist in edible fruit,” said ARS researcher Amnon Levi. “The research to identify the metabolic pathways and genome sequence of genes involved in Sunburst - 406-937-3388 or Ledger 406-278-3388 or 406-278-0151 the production of beneficial phytochemicals could be highly useful for plant scientists and breeders aiming to improve nutrient content in fruits and vegetables.” The watermelon’s phytochemicals are human-cellIs your herd prepared? protecting compounds found Introducing: Range Pro Minerals with COOL Technology in fruit, vegetables, grains and beans. All of these nufrom Mountain West Ag trients can contribute to your Cattle lounging in the shade? Worried they aren’t eating enough to maintain body condition? Are they breeding overall health in numerous and maintaining pregnancies? How about flies and ticks? Are flies in your cattle’s face and covering their backs? ways. It’s more than a nuisance! A horn fly will take 20-30 “meals” from your herd each day causing decreased milk Watermelon was introproduction, reduced weight gains, changes in grazing patterns, and overall stress, not to mention the risk of duced to Europe via Moorish anaplasmosis that ticks spread. Spain in the 10th century. Since then, watermelon has RANGE PRO MINERAL with COOL can help: been cultivated successfully Formulated with Bio-Impact Stress Shield XL • Diminishes irritation & blood loss in warmer Mediterranean • Positively impacts feeding patterns • Increases circulation through vasodilation regions before being brought • Promotes water intake • Improves blood flow to reproductive system to the Americas by European • Increases dry matter intake • Heat Stress & Fly Control in 1 - The Ultimate colonists during the 16th century. Today, watermelon • Reduces fly & tick counts Solution! is grown in 44 U.S. states, Contact us for more information and while major production is centered in California, Florto place your order! ida, Georgia and Texas. Fruits and vegetables are LEADERS IN LIVESTOCK NUTRITION a part of a healthy, balanced STEVE 406.794.6627 • Lewistown, MT JERRY 406.868.6604 • Choteau, MT RICHARD 406.581.1834 • Billings, MT diet, with the recommendaTATE 406.480.3090 • Circle, MT JODEEN 406.366.3546 • Lewistown, MT SAM 406.370.6495 • Arlee, MT tion being 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit and 2 to 3 cups of vegMOUNTAIN WEST AG • GARNEILL, MT 59453 etables per day.
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Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C24
If you have items you want advertised in the August 2021 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM IS JULY 28, 2021.
Still on the lookout for Emerald ash borer By Joe Zeleznik, Forester, NDSU Extension
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Green ash trees make up 60% of North Dakota's native forests. (NDSU photo)
Every year, just before Memorial Day, I work with colleagues at the North Dakota Forest Service (NDFS) and North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA) to do an informational campaign during “Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week.” Emerald ash borer (EAB) is an insect from Asia that attacks and kills ash trees, such as our native green ash and black ash. We don’t exactly “celebrate” the week, but instead we use it as an opportunity to remind people about the importance of tree species diversity and the role of firewood in the spread of this harmful insect. As a scientist, though, I’d like to start with some data: • 35 – Number of states in which EAB has been found. Fortunately, North Dakota still isn’t one of them, but the insect has been found in the Sioux Falls area of South Dakota, Sauk Centre, Minnesota, and even in Winnipeg, Manitoba. • 5 mile per year – The average spread of EAB, just by flying • 55+ mph – The rate of spread of EAB when moving within infested firewood • 55 – Average number of eggs laid by a female EAB • 150 – Maximum number of eggs laid by a female EAB • 30% – Proportion of North Dakota conservation plantings consisting of green ash • 60% – Proportion of North Dakota native forests consisting of green ash • 65%+ – Amount of green ash in many communities in North Dakota • 250 – Estimated number of EAB traps to be distributed this summer by the NDDA • 0 – Number of EAB found in North Dakota so far Every year, my colleagues and I inspect dozens of ash trees around the state to see if they’re infested with EAB. So far, we’ve found no EAB, and we’re hoping the same holds true for 2021. But the insect gets closer every year, and that’s worrisome, given the large percent of ash trees in our forests. Fortunately, we have several things we can do to minimize the risk of EAB. First, when using firewood, “Buy it where you burn it.” When you go camping, get your firewood at your destination; don’t bring it with you. Moving infested firewood is one of the main methods of EAB spread. Most campgrounds have firewood for sale on-site or they list nearby vendors. Second, we can treat our forests like the long-term investment that they are. As my financial adviser likes to say: Diversify! Diversify! Diversify! Check out the North Dakota Tree Selector (https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/tree-selector) for a listing of a number of tree (and shrub) species that are broadly adapted across North Dakota. Finally, if you think your ash trees might be infested with EAB, please don’t hesitate to contact your county Extension agent, the NDFS or the NDDA to arrange for a site visit. If this destructive insect is in North Dakota, we want to find it sooner rather than later. I’m grateful that EAB hasn’t been found here yet. Every year that we delay gives us more time to plant new/different tree species. What will you plant this year? ##### Unlike most veggies, cooking spinach intensifies the health benefits. Half a cup of cooked spinach will grant you with threefold the nutrition as one cup of raw spinach.
Regional Conservation Partnership Program 2021 update
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C25
By Montana Salinity Control Association Are your calving barns cold and drafty??? Montana Salinity Control RCPP In 2019, Montana Salinity ConWE CAN HELP!! trol Association (MSCA) received Counties With and Without Projects Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. funding from the national Regional LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan Conservation Partnership Program (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 (RCPP) for the USDA-NRCS EnChoteau, Montana Choteau, Montana vironmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP). This specific funding was earmarked to be used for new salinity projects in Montana. As a result, producers did not have to compete for regular EQIP funding AND APPRAISERS to offset income foregone by rotatWe have auctions booked but, due to ing recharge acreage to perennial coronavirus restrictions, we were not able to forage. All counties in green color have ongoing projects or have requested conduct any until fall 2021. The program has been such a assistance. success that most of the allocated All counties in gray color are still eligible for Salinty RCPP Projects. If you are planning an auction or need an appraisal give us a call. funding will be obligated during 59 years in the business, plus millions of dollars experience. ment conservation practices using RCPP Remember, auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see this contracting period. However, funding funding. everything saleable being sold at our auctions. is still available to cover the cost of MSCA’s Producers with an interest in reclaimgroundwater investigation, and saline seep We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. ing their saline seep problem areas should We do it ALL from start to finish. reclamation plan development on new salincontact their local Conservation District and Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and ity projects. This is approximately $7,000 NRCS staff or contact Montana Salinity clerking. We also do all types of appraisals including farm and ranch worth of work done at no expense to the proequipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc! Control Association directly. ducer. With a completed reclamation plan, Email: msca@3rivers.net Phone/Fax: Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message a producer can then apply for EQIP funding 406-278-3071 Mail: PO Box 909 Conrad, or call 278-5880 for plan implementation. While funding MT 59425 www.mtsalinity.com may not be available without competition this fiscal year, MSCA will be working hard to renew the Salinity RCPP, thereby securing more set-aside funding for the implementation of future saline seep reclamation plans. Do you know someone with a saline seep? Share the info below! Currently, what can MSCA do at no cost to you? Short Answer: Drill some wells and make a plan! Detailed Answer: MSCA staff conducts an initial site review with the producer to determine whether saline seeps are caused by current farming practices or rule out those that form naturally with little to no influence from surface land use. If farming practices cause a saline seep, MSCA can conduct a groundwater investigation. MSCA installs a grid of shallow groundwater monitoring wells, recording lithology and well construction details to be reported MOST GROWERS DO THE RIGHT THING. to the MT Bureau of Mines and Geology Groundwater Information System dataWE’RE ASKING YOU TO REPORT THOSE WHO DON’T. base. MSCA conducts an ProtectCoAXium.com elevation survey of wells and relevant surface points and creates a map of the site. TH E COA XI U M G O O D STEWAR D P R O G RAM After the field investigation, MSCA assesses the Growers are a special breed. But there can be bad apples in the most information to determine revered groups. We don’t want this to be the case when stewarding the groundwater flow direction CoAXium® Wheat Production System. That’s why we ask that: to isolate recharge area(s) and creates a site-specific The Grower Stewardship Agreement is signed before saline seep reclamation plan. selling CoAXium seed The plan includes a map deGrowers only use the registered Aggressor ® herbicide lineating the recharge and discharge areas targeted for And no one ever saves CoAXium seed from one land-use change. A copy of season to the next the plan is provided to the producer and to the local NRCS office. The producer © 2021 Albaugh, LLC; CWRF and Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC. can then proceed with develCoAXium and Cleaner Fields. Higher Yields are trademarks of Albaugh, LLC; CWRF and Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC. Driven by Aggressor Herbicides and Aggressor are trademarks of Albaugh, LLC. Refer to the Aggressor product label for complete directions and instructions. Aggressor EPA Reg. No. 42750-313 AD030118 opment of an Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) contract to imple-
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• • •
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C26
Concrete Stock Water Tanks 600- to 1000-gallon capacity
Super Fenceline Concrete Feed Bunks
38” wide x 19” deep x 8-ft. long
Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix Phone 406-285-3281
Three Forks, MT
Water Sciences Lab debuts new course this fall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News What’s more fundamental for society than water? Now more than ever, so much depends upon this vital natural resource. Which is why the University of Nebraska’s Water Sciences Laboratory (WSL) is proud to debut its unique course on water this fall. NRES 439, or Environmental Laboratory Instrumentation and Methods, is a one credit hour, in-person and online class for students who want to learn in a real-world setting. Students will expand their knowledge of environmental laboratory operations, testing, methods, safety, and documentation. Furthermore, students will complete lab training and prepare samples using state-of-the-art analytical equipment. Prerequisites for this course are CHEM 106A and CHEM 106L or CHEM 110A and CHEM 110L. Graduate credit is available for independent study. With 40 years of combined laboratory experience, Drs. Daniel Snow and Saptashati (Tania) Biswas will teach and share their expertise of water sciences throughout. When asked about the importance and necessity of offering this class to UNL students, Snow emphasized that “Studying and protecting the quality of our environment requires professionals who understand how to produce high quality results in a testing laboratory. NRES 439 will give students a practical introduction to environmental testing and a handson guided experience in laboratory testing methods. I think anyone using data from a testing laboratory or who intends to produce their own test results should take this class.” In its 30-plus years on campus, the WSL has trained hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students and visiting scholars. Similarly, the lab has amassed over $3 million worth of groundbreaking instruments, including the recent addition of a Xevo TQS triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. However, the researchers and students who devise the experiments and methods of testing are the lab’s most valuable assets. Ultimately, students who complete this course will have a competitive advantage for a future paid internship at WSL. If you are looking to strengthen your water science knowledge and skills in a dynamic, working lab, sign up today as the course is capped at 12 students and will fill up fast! The WSL is part of the Nebraska Water Center and Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska. Learn more at https://watercenter.unl.edu/wsl
Irrigating alfalfa in-season
Todd Whitney, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum Alfalfa is a relatively drought-tolerant forage, but irrigation makes it possible to produce higher yields. This perennial crop does not have specific critical growth stages when it is less sensitive to water stress. If water is not available, the plant will slow or stop growing and go dormant. Then, when water becomes available, growth resumes. Alfalfa has a longer growing season, and it uses more water annually compared to other crops. However, you can over-water alfalfa resulting in plant injury and possibly weed invasion. Maintaining water use efficiency can be complicated due to multiple harvests preventing irrigation for about 7 to 10 days per growth cycle and frequent heavy equipment traffic compacting soils. To reduce compaction, stop irrigating 2-3 days before cutting the alfalfa and irrigating again when alfalfa regrowth begins. Heavy irrigation of alfalfa stubble may encourage weed growth. Irrigation scheduling efficiency can be improved with using ET gages and/or soil moisture monitoring technology. Accurate weather forecasts can also allow growers to take full advantage of rainfall events and reduce irrigation applications. Now that our summer temperatures and growth rates are increasing, daily water use is also increasing. Generally, the most yield impacting irrigation occurs just before the second cutting followed by the third and fourth growth periods typically requiring 6 to 7 inches of irrigation. Peak water usage is about 1/3 inch per day in July and August. However, hot, windy, and dry days can move the maximum water demand up to 1/2 inch per day; so, ET scheduling can provide economic benefits. For more details about alfalfa irrigation, visit our UNL website: https://water.unl.edu Our NebGuide, G1778, “Irrigation Management and Crop Characteristics of Alfalfa” is a free useful resource.
2021 4H Presentation Contest results Andrea Nisley
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C27
1988 Kenworth T600, Cat 3406 400 hp, box and hoist, pusher axle (2) John Deere 9600 combines with 30-ft. rigid headers, pickup reels Call (406) 355-4344 John Deere 331 30-ft. disk
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These Dawson County 4-H’ers participated in the 2021 4-H Presentation Contest in Lexington. Those who presented were: (left to right) Cassidy Reiman, Cozad; Carson Reiman, Cozad; Brooklyn Reiman, Cozad; Terrence Bliven, Lexington; and Griffin Owens, Lexington. Extension Photo
5 area 4H’ers have been working hard preparing their presentations for Dawson County’s 2021 4H Presentation Contest. The contest was held Tuesday, June 22. Judge for the event was Elaine Redfern of Holdrege. Andrea Nisley, UNL Extension Educator, conducted the event. The Dawson County Bankers presented all the 4H contestants with a $10 bill as a bonus for their efforts. Each year a plaque sponsored by Dawson County Farm Bureau is awarded to the top Home Economics and Agriculture 4H Clubs. Tail Twisters 4-H Club of Gothenburg won the Agriculture Plaque. The alternate was Horseshoe Bend 4-H Club of Lexington. Representing Dawson County at the State Fair competition will be Carson Reiman. The following purple ribbons were awarded: • Carson Reiman, Cozad – “How to Build a Diorama” • Griffin Owens, Lexington – “Fired Up, Not Tired Out” Blue ribbon winners were: • Brooklyn Reiman, Cozad – “Fantastic Fudge” • Cassidy Reiman, Cozad – “Tip-Top Table Setting” • Terrence Bliven, Lexington – “Double Delight” ##### Horace was, as usual up to his old complaints. “If you ask me, these young kids with all of their pierced ears and noses and tongues and other places have ruined going to the beach with a metal detector.” Tom Stoppard
Conrad, MT • 406-450-4232
Raising Yaks… The Montana Way By Lyndsay Bruno, Editor of Montana Grassroot
Christy Novak/Manager of Spring Brook Ranch. Photo Courtesy of Spring Brook Ranch
Where in Montana can you find a Tibetan Yak and a resident camel? Nestled near Kalispell is Spring Brook Yak Ranch, home to Tibetan yak, horses and Carlos the Camel. Jim and Carol Watson own the 1,000 acre ranch which is under a permanent conservation easement with the Montana Land Reliance. The Watsons received Carlos the camel in a trade for a yak heifer and bull from a ranch in Colorado. Christy Novak is the rancher manager and lives on the property. Spring Brook Ranch produces national champion show stock, fiber, pack stock and meat stock. The yak are raised as high-end breeding stock for other yak breeders. Jim grew up on a ranch in Mississippi. He moved to Bozeman in the 1980’s to work as a mechanical engineer. The ranch was originally started by Carol’s parents with mostly bison. When Carol’s parents passed away they took over the operation. Jim Watson said his background in agriculture has come in handy. “We have learned a lot by trial and error and much of it is standard cattle animal husbandry,” said Watson. “Nutrition of the animal is very important. With each animal we slaughter we take liver samples to give us a greater understanding of the nutrition program we should be following.” Montana makes for an ideal environment for yaks because the higher altitude accommodates the yak’s lung capacity. They survive at 14,000 feet in the mountains of Tibet and need a good cold winter to flourish. They can stand heat as long as the climate is dry. There are less than a handful of yak breeders in Montana. The highest concentration of yak breeders is in Colorado because of its close proximity to the nation’s largest stock show in Denver. Novak says what differentiates yaks from beef cattle is their personality. “They are so much smarter than cows. That gives them a rich personality. They are as tame as you want to make them. When the yak cows develop trust they pass that on to the calves.”
A Knack for Science and Genetics Not only does Spring Brook Ranch breed high-end stock, they also pride themselves on their studies of yak genetics. Their primary customers are in North America, with business expanding in Alaska. Their artificial insemination program is robust. “We have gotten quite good at it. For instance in Alaska they haven’t had new genetics in many decades. Shipping semen to Alaska has resulted in five bulls. Spring Brook Ranch strives for more of a bison conformation. Novak said they focus their genetics on breeding yaks with docility which comes down to strong bloodlines and good genetics. Secondly, is good conformation. “Our yaks tend to be 100 to 200 pounds larger than the typical yak. We like big stocky shoulders, a heavy bottom, a really strong back and good spring of rib. It’s also important their legs aren’t too straight as they are mountain cows. If their legs are too straight it can make breeding more challenging.” Nutrition is a very important aspect of raising yaks. Novak said it’s important to regularly sample soil and water. She has heard of yaks that despite having access to knee deep grass in California because of the clay type soil they were starving to death. The yaks eat native range and local hay in the winter which comes off an organic farm. “This fits in with the story of our local customers,” said Watson. “They don’t want anything artificial and our customers trust us to do the right thing.” The Business Model Evolves Watson said the industry has changed in recent years. Their business for high-end breeding has dried up. “One of their primary focuses is selling the meat which Watson said tastes much like bison. Yak meat is packed with protein and very lean. Like many others COVID hit the business pretty hard. “It killed our meat market for a time with restaurants shutting down and people not willing to pay a premium for our product. We continued to butcher and donate to the food banks and Blackfeet Tribe.” Watson said they are starting to see things take a turn for the better. They sell their meat to a few area restaurants and two small grocery stores in Kalispell. Watson recommends the short ribs. They also make nitrate and MSG free sausage. “It gives our restaurants an opportunity to upsell to something different,” said Watson. “We focus on quality versus quantity.” Advice for Aspiring Yak Breeders “I start out by questioning why they want yaks,” said Watson. “Someone who wants a fiber animal for hand spinning is going to want a very different phenotype than someone who wants strictly a meat animal. Some just want pasture pets. We have an opportunity to choose our customers wisely.” Novak said facility and land are important if a person is going to raise yaks. “They don’t do well in a penned in stall.” Said Novak. “They are range and grazing animals. They need room. They are so multi-purpose. You can plow with them and ride them. Every part of the meat is useable and of course there is the fiber component.” Social media has helped with the education of the yak breed. Novak started the Facebook page Yak 101. “I started it six years ago and have over 2,000 members. People from all over the world responding to different situations. Whether it be minerals, nutrition, calving, fencing or grazing. It covers everything from hoof to horn.” The next time you are in the Kalispell area contact Spring Brook Ranch for a once in a lifetime experience!
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proven on have worked andand the the tremendous resale values they maintain. proven onthe themillions millions ofacres acres they have worked tremendous resale values they maintain. Trader’s Dispatch, July of 2021 —they Page C28
DURABILITY DURABILITYREDEFINED. REDEFINED. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.
need to cover lots of acres in a to achieve faster dry down and at’s more, these machines are they maintain.
Vermeermodels N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship Introducing Vermeer N-series balersIntroducing – the newest in the flagship line from the line from the
that started itprovide all. Heavy-duty components provideand superior strength and company that started itN-series all. Heavy-duty superior strength Introducing Vermeer N-series balers -company the–components newest models on the line from the company that Introducing Vermeer balers theSmart newest inflagship theautomatic flagship line from durability. featuresmodels like the available pickup clutch and the auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability. Smart further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in like the company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength andfeatures industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. like Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network inlube the Plus, the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. they’re durability. Smart features the available automatic pickup clutch and auto system Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company the U.S. and/or other countries. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N network balersVermeer, are to stay. backed the best distribution inthehere the industry. balers are inhere to stay. 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. furtherbyextend machine life. Plus,©they’re backed byVermeer the best604N/605N distribution network in the
EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and 604N/605N Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer balers are here to stay. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do MoreVermeer are trademarks Company in the U.S. We and/or other countries. 605N.....of .....Vermeer .................Manufacturing ...........................DEMO SPECIAL have expanded our product lines. Call for all JD 6125M loader,ea.800 hours .....farm .......attachment ................../..equipment ....DO ........$83,000 MORE. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned .................,$14,500 your needs. & AllUSED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer NEW Corporation. Rights Reserved. Vermeer R2300, rake.........................Many ................Tractors ...2017’s In Stock Available.........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, rampHighline . .Starting at, chopper $17,500 ................................RENTAL RETURN CFR 650 , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 , 16’ header, 1475 hours.......JD ........6125M .............$60,000 Vermeer 605NNEW ............& ......USED ................EQUIPMENT .........Hesston ...........9435 DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our.product lines. Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Many Reduced Tractors to $70,000 Available ............or .....350-2676 ...........Call ......cell ...for ....Hilger, ..all ..........MT ...CALL 406-538-5686 ..........Starting .1275 ......,$14,500 ea. (2) (3) Vermeer VermeerR2300 605M,,rakes, twine,reconditioned net, floats, ramp $17,500 Hesston swing at tongue ..............................your ...............farm $13,500attachment/equipment needs. Walter 406-350-0380 , 3x4 square baler............................We ...........have .$27,500expanded our Vermeer In Stock ........................................Hesston ...........4790 .2017’s ....DEMO SPECIAL VermeerR2300 605N,..rake product lines. Call for all
The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Are for ystem the customers Highline CFR 650 , chopper .............................RENTAL RETURN (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes,....reconditioned .....NEW .......$14,500 ea. your farm attachment equipment needs. 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand/Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT Wichman Ag Supply, LLC header, .......................605N ...net ....,$60,000 Hesston 9435 EQUIPPED TO , 16’ Vermeer R2300 , rake .......1475 .........hours ................Vermeer ..........2017’s Stock r countries. twine,Infloats ................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels who need $875 ea. to DO MORE. Hesston 16’ header ..........................................2017 ......Reduced to $70,000 R2300 , rakes ..............................................In Stock Highline9635 CFR,650 , chopper ....Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN HDPE pipe, fittings, and welderMT 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, rebuilt.......................Wichman ............$14,600 cover lots of tongue..1475 ..........hours .........Vermeer .......................605XL ................,...completely rs.....................Hesston .Hesston .....................1275 .$83,000 AgWaterers Supply, Geotherm & Parts In StockLLC 9435, swing , 16’ header, .....$13,500 ............$60,000 Vermeer ......................................................$9,250 ........................Hesston ......................4790 .......CALL WalterR&L 406-350-0380 , 3x4 square baler ..............................(2) .........2016 .....Reduced ....555 .....,..rebuilt .....$27,500 Hesston 9635 , 16’ header . . . . . . . to $70,000 Demos.................................IN STOCK Vermeer R2300, and Machine, LLCa very acres in 406-538-5686 orSeed 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT our product lines. Call for all for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 Hesston 1275 , swing ............NEW ......MDS .......Bucket .........&...Grapple, ...$13,500 ment/equipment needs. – Geyser, ’ x....24’ Alone Panels $375 ea. MTperiod NEW & tongue USED.....EQUIPMENT 15” 2 auger $3,480Stand 406-735-4374 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct51⁄ short Walter rlmccray@3rivers.net 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler............3PT ..................,..post ........$27,500 ..................$2,150 VermeerLLC 605N net, twine, floats.....................Worksaver ...........USEDpounder, DEMOall hydraulic 24’......Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. Ag Supply, Vermeer 605M,Alone reconditioned .....................$375 ......of ..........time. ...ea. ..$22,000 Vermeer R2300& , rakes ............EQUIPMENT .........................NEW .........& In USED Stock EQUIPMENT51⁄ 2’ x pipe, 24’Vermeer Stand Panels NEW USED HDPE fittings, and 350-26762017 cell Hilger, MT BP8000 , used bale welder processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats...........NEW ......Vermeer ...........TM850 ....USED 406-350-0380 Wind BreakInEquipment Panels , trailedDEMO mower..............24’ ..Geotherm ..........Stand ..IN STOCK Alone Waterers &Ranch Parts Stock $875 ea. Cox Vermeer 555, rebuilt.............................................................$9,250
unit.........................IN STOCK 2017 R2300 , rakes ..............these ..Vermeer .......Vermeer ....and .TM1200 ......R2300 ....,.15.5’ .....help .......cut, In demo Stock Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MTpreserve Alone Panels ea. R-series Built forVermeer performance and durability, dry down and make tightly rolledwelder bales that ........for .to ......achieve .customers .....................faster .....who .....IN STOCK HDPE pipe, fittings, The$375 Vermeer twin basket are need to cover lots of acres in aand (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demosrakes .........(R2300 ..NEW ........machines ..........R2800) ....IN .STOCK NateerCox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT nd Break Panels $875 ea. NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter ..............help .....IN STOCK Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines to achieve fast dry down and quality,MDS shedBucket water&and transport What’s these machine are.INproven on the millionsSereday of&acres worked and Grapple, for JDeasily. 740NEW loader .......RR140 .more, .......$4,500 Vermeer rake................................Geotherm STOCK Waterers PartstheyInhave Stock ittings, andNEW weldertightly make rolled bales transport more, these Shane machines are 406-547-4749, Vermeer 555 , rebuilt ....that ..,..NH9030 ...preserve ......they ......bi-direct ...quality, ....(2) ....Vermeer ..15” ..shed .....auger ..R23 .water .....Rakes .....,and .rotary .,.reconditioned ..$9,250 the tremendous resale values maintain. ......easily. ...............What’s ..$8,000 ea. Mount Hole Auger ....$3,480 White Sulphur Springs, MT rers & PartsQuick In Stock proven on the millionsR2300, of acresDemos they have worked the .tremendous they maintain. Wheel RakeSTOCK .................resale ................values .............$3,000 (2) 2016 Vermeer ......Vermeer ................WR24 ....and ..........6650 .IN rlmccray@3rivers.net coxranchequip@gmail.com 3PT Worksaver ...............Rancher $2,150 , net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK nd Machine, LLC , post pounder, all hydraulicNEW....Vermeer
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 PULLEY..&...WELD-ON SPROCKETS ONMT HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT 406-735-4374 374 – Geyser, Vermeer 605M , reconditioned ..........rake, ..– ......Geyser, ...23-ft. ............raking ....$22,000 Quick MT Mount Hole & Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger .$3,480 NEW USED EQUIPMENT R2300 hydraulic Vermeer 6650 Rancher.,. .baler .....................Vermeer ............................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50width....... chain y@3rivers.net , used bale processorCut ......to ....Length ..................$13,500 rlmccray@3rivers.net .....................................................................................$16,000 .....BP8000 ......IN STOCK 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, ...........COMING .R2800 ........, .hydraulic ....$2,150 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut...all ....hydraulic ........NEW .......Vermeer IN rakesVermeer NEW Vermeer R2300, rake.............................................IN STOCK ned................Vermeer ...NEW ..............Vermeer .........$22,000 TM850,trail trailedmower, mower..21-ft. .....Vermeer ......cut, .....605 ....9-ft. ..N........IN TM1410 We Sell & Repair Baler3Belts ...transport.. ....STOCK ......................... ..........John ..................Deere .IN STOCK 7800 tractor, PowerShift, SCV’s, no loade processor............................$13,500 605M, reconditioned ............&...Models .........................$22,000 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . ............605M ........,..net, IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , Vermeer twine, floats, ramps.....Vermeer .....................$18,900 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT All..Makes . . ................................................................ IN STOCK er. . ................................................................$40,000 Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT ch Equipment twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............$13,500 NEW R2300 .....pickup ..,..21’ .......cut ....clutch, ...........................float ...................tires. .................IN STOCK IN NEWVermeer Vermeer TM1410 net, Vermeer JD.566 , twine only....... ...COMING .........$NEW ..............................John ...Nate ...............Deere ..Cox ....$5,000 94-2204,Vermeer Winston, MT605N 4520Trendline with Leon Winston, loader, cab.Sales ........ $12,500 406-594-2205, MT with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 , Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL trailed mower ...NEW ......Wheatheart .................... .Heavy .....IN$NEW STOCK NEW Vermeer TM850 ,R2300 94-2205,Vermeer Winston, MTR2800 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT &, rotary NEW Vermeer RR140 .hydraulic ......unit .....Techno ...............rakes. ..980 ..........,...8.....bale ......IN ............................................Shane ......$32,500 Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut,rake demo ..mover .In ..STOCK IN STOCK day 406-547-4749, Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) hay bale trailer..............................Cliff .........$7,500 Red Rhino ,..8...round Vermeer VR2040 wheel rake, 40” width. ...... Stock reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT phur Springs, MTVermeer R2300.....................................................IN STOCK White Sulphur Springs, MT NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake Vermeer VR1022, VR1224 & VR1428 wheel rakes... quip@gmail.com Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEWVermeer Vermeer6650 VR1224 , with, net, center splitter ...................IN .....STOCK IN STOCK coxranchequip@gmail.com twine, moisture NEW Rancher ........................................................................ $NEW NEW Vermeer Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, N SPROCKETS ON HAND RR140, rotary rake.................................IN STOCK Brandt 7500 hp, reconditioned grain vac....................$25,000 60 Heavy2011 chain, 50 chain .......................$8,000 ea.PULLEY & WELD-ON (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT White Sulphur Springs, MT to LengthREM 2500 grain vac.......................................... Vermeer WR24 Wheel .$3,00080 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer 6650 Rancher , Rake baler............................................................................................$7000 ..NEW coxranchequip@gmail.com (2) H&S 14-ft.R2800 & 16-ft. wheel,rakes rakes......... net, . . . .STOCK IN STOCK NEW Vermeer 6650 epair Baler Belts NEW Vermeer , Rancher hydraulic .twine, ...........moisture ......$9000-15,000 ..........IN Cut to Length es & Models Introducing Vermeer N-series in the flagship line from the Rowse double 9-ft. NEW Vermeer R2300 , mower, rake...balers ......hydraulic .....–....the ......newest .....drive....... ........models ........IN$11,000 STOCK 406-234-4595 Miles MT PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and We Sell & Repair Baler Belts City, ...........processor, ......................hydraulic ....................deflector.... IN STOCK Vermeer N............bale Vermeer Sales605 Vermeer BP7000 www.gordonrepair.com sales@gordonrepair.com durability. Smart features like the .available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system60 chain, 60 Heavy Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, chain, 50 chain Vermeer 7 (shop) – Baker, MT 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 ........................................................................ $9000 network in theAll Makes & Models further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed rakes ......................by ........the ............best .......$7,500 .INdistribution STOCK NEW R2800 , hydraulic twine, rebuilt pickup . . Vermeer Rebel 5500 , (cell) Vermeer -978-3777industry. Cut to Length Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. NEW R2300 .IN STOCK JD 566Vermeer , twine only ..........,...rake ........................................................$5,000 TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. We Sell EQUIPPED &(shop) Repair BalerMT Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..CALL DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 406-778-3777 – Baker, NEW & USED EQUIPMENT mover ........floats, ...........ramps .................................$32,500 Techno 980 , 8 bale Vermeer 605M , net, twine, .....$18,900 Come see us All Makes & Models at the Central Montana Fair in Vermeer 605N auto greaser, maintenance lights........................NEW JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours ............406-978-3777 ................................$83,000 (cell) Greg & USED EQUIPMENT 8 round hay trailer ........pickup ...............................$7,500 Red RhinoRebel ,NEW twine, rebuilt ..Many ....$7,500 Vermeer 5500 ,bale Vermeer R2800 hydraulic raise, 28-ft...Starting raking width. ...................NEW Tractors Available.........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats, ramp at $17,500 Lewistown July 27-31. We’ll have Vermeer, JD 566605N , twine only....................loader, ..........................................DEMO .........hours. .SPECIAL .................. .........$35,000 ...$5,000 Massey 2800 Vermeer Ferguson ............4610 ...............grapple, We have expanded our product lines. Call for all NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes, reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 ea. your farm attachment needs. 2015 Vermeer 605N, 15,000 bales, FIELD READY.............. $32,500 406-778-3777 (shop)Hustler, – Baker,and MTMDS /equipment McCormick, Highline, .....15,000-30,000 .mover ................................bales, ..........2017’s Vermeer R2300 Techno 980605SM ,,8rake bale ...FIELD ........In.READY. ...Stock ...............$CALL$ .....$32,500 (4) Vermeer (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 Highline CFR 650 , chopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTAL RETURN Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500 attachments on display. Plus we’ll have our
Cox Ranch Equipment
Cox Ranch Equipment Chevron oil distributor, Fleetguard filter, Bad Boy mowers, Hustler
Gordon Repair, LLC
Trendline Vermeer Sales
Trendline Vermeer Sales
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC SweetPro calf creep on display
Vermeer R2300 rakes, fold width.........NEW Hesston 9435 , 16’ header, 1475from hoursthe ......cab, .........23-ft. ...........rake ..$60,000 John Deere baler,..net/twine, bales................... ...................17,000 ......Reduced to $70,000 $12,000 Hesston 9635567 , 16’ header 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Hesston 1275 , swing tongue ..................newer .............flails.....................$CALL$ ...........$13,500 Highline 7000 baler, new...driveline, Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler........................................$27,500 Haybuster 2650 bale processor, ready to work................... $10,000 Bale King 3110 tank. Feed cake while processing.........$14,000 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEWgrain & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 2017 .........SweetPro .....................calf .........tubs .....In Stock StopVermeer in andR2300 check, rakes out..the with garlic or HDPE pipe,406-538-5686 fittings, and welder or 350-2676 Greg Vermeer 605XL , completely ..........calf .........creep .............panels. .$14,600 stress blendrebuilt and ..CMP MT Walter 406-350-0380 GeothermHilger, Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer 555, rebuilt.............................................................$9,250 those calves without the delivery charges. www.wichmanagsupply.com Demos.................................IN STOCK (2) Keep 2016 Vermeer R2300,growing NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 rlmccray@3rivers.net 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
NEW USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 NEW& & USED EQUIPMENT
New Geotherm Waterers & Parts Available
Vermeer new, SALE!BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer 605N TM1410, 21’ cut....net .........only...............ON ....................COMING IN Vermeer NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Cox Ranch Equipment 2020 Vermeer 2800 rake, new...........ON SALE! Vermeer TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unit.........................IN STOCK Cliff 2020 Vermeer SALE! Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT .....................rake. .............................ON .............IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300......R2300 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer R2300 rakes, one season use. ..$17,750 NEW Vermeer RR140, rotary rake.................................IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer R23A rake.................................. .......................$8,000 ea. $7025 White Sulphur Springs, MT (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes, reconditioned Vermeer WR24605SM Wheel Rakenet/twine, ...........................6800 ................bales, ...$3,000 new belts. Vermeer coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher, net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK ............................................................. $27,900 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt pickup,PULLEY belts, & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND Vermeer 6650 Rancher, baler.................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain chains, sprockets.................................... NEW Vermeer R2800, hydraulic rakes...........................IN STOCK$14,900 Cut to Length NEW Vermeer , rakepallet ................forks........................ .............................IN STOCK New EuroR2300 Style $980 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT We Sell & Repair Baler Belts Vermeer 605 N.................................................................IN STOCK Skid steer forks. .................................... $640 All Makes & Models Vermeer 605Mpallet , net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 rlmccray@3rivers.net .........................$7,500 Vermeer baler Rebel 5500 , twine, rebuilt Round unroller withpickup hoses.....................$1235
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL Techno 980, 8 bale mover..................................................$32,500 Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500
Trendline Vermeer Sales 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Greg 406-978-3777 (cell)
Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair
2020 Tubeline TLR5000 AX2 bale wrapper.. $35,000 8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT New Vermeer TM1410 trailed mower.................CALL Connor 406-778-3777 • hwy12equip@gmail.com New ZR5-12 self-propelled baler.............. HERE NOW! www.hwy12equipment.com New Vermeer 605N baler..................................CALL New 2020 Massey-Ferguson BR4180V......$49,000 Full line of feed and mineral products in stock New Vermeer BPX9010 bale processor..............CALL Highline bale processors.......................................CALL Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, and Chisolm Trail 2014 Highline CFR651 bale processor, chopper........... ..................................................................... $17,000 • In-Shop Repairs & Service Truck Repairs • Kramer Ranch Hand BP660 bale processor. Great shape............................................................$14,900 WW HD EZ 4-wheeler lifts for balebeds.............. $1000 Chisholm Trail/Cannonball bale beds, dumping beds.. Hay Liner 42-ft., 8 bale dumping trailers............. $6800 ...........................................................................CALL (2) 2002 Vermeer R23A rake, no welds........... $7500
Tail Twisters 4-H Club of Gothenburg was the winner of the Agriculture plaque sponsored by the Dawson County Farm Bureau. Tail Twisters 4-H Club members include (left to right) Cassidy Reiman, Carson Reiman, and Brooklyn Reiman, all of Cozad. Extension Photo
Revised MontGuide about MSAs
MSU News Service Montana State University Extension has updated its MontGuide “Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts (MSAs) for the 2021 Tax Year.” The revised guide is available at https:// store.msuextension.org, and paper copies are available from county or reservation Extension offices. A medical care savings account is an account used to reduce the cost of saving for medical expenses and long-term health care. According to Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, an MSA offers individuals several benefits, including a reduction on state income taxes. For example, if a person has taxable income over $18,400, they could save approximately $276 in state income taxes by opening an MSA and depositing up to $4,000. The MSA earns interest free from Montana income taxation and the balance at the end of the year rolls over for use in the future. Goetting added that an MSA can also be passed to others after death. By placing a payable-on-death (POD) designation on the account, individuals can provide a legacy for spouses, children or grandchildren to use on their medical expenses. There are also no inheritance taxes on MSAs, and as long as an individual’s estate is valued at less than $11.7 million, there is no federal tax either. “Without a POD beneficiary, the money passes to your heirs according to your written will,” said Goetting. “If you do not have a written will, the MSA passes by Montana law to your heirs with priority given to a spouse. Either way, a legacy is provided. If you do not have heirs, you could name your favorite nonprofit as the POD beneficiary.” Although the maximum amount used to reduce a Montanan’s taxable income annually is $4,000, Goetting said a person can also put less than $4,000 in an MSA. The amount used to reduce income for Montana residents is the total deposit in the MSA during the tax year, not the amount withdrawn for eligible medical care expenses during the year. Eligible expenses include medical insurance premiums; prescription drugs; medical, dental and nursing home care; eyeglasses; crutches; and transportation for medical care. “Montana considers eligible medical care expenses as any items the IRS accepts,” Goetting said. IRS publication 502 provides a detailed list of eligible expenses and can be found at http://www.irs.gov/publications/p502/index.html. All resident taxpayers are eligible to establish an MSA, even if they have another health care plan provided by their employer, a Section 125 Flexible Spending Account or a Federal Health Savings Account. A taxpayer does not have to be in a high deductible health insurance plan to be eligible for the MSA.
Stockpile extra summer growth for winter pasture
Jerry Volesky, Nebraska Extension Pasture & Forage Forum While the amount of spring rain has varied significantly across the state, those areas that have had abundant rain will likely have abundant grass. If this describes your situation, your pastures may produce more growth than needed for your current summer stocking rates. Options to use the extra growth are needed. Most often, we cut and bale extra growth as hay. This is a good plan if you need the hay, or you anticipate high hay prices this fall and an opportunity to sell that hay. Other times we simply let cattle graze what they want and leave the excess in the field, rebuilding surface litter. How about another option? Try stockpiling or saving some extra pasture growth for grazing during the winter. There are lots of advantages to winter grazing. For starters, less hay needs to be fed next winter. Thus, you won’t need to make as much hay this summer. And stockpiling in summer and fall followed by winter grazing is one of the best methods to improve the health of your grasslands, especially native range. A full growing season without grazing will benefit vigor and reproductive ability of the grasses. Poor condition and low producing pastures are often the best candidates for winter grazing. Cattle will do a pretty good job of picking high quality plant parts to eat while winter grazing. However, as winter grazing progresses, supplementation will likely be needed as the dormant grasses are relatively low in crude protein content. Extra growth is an opportunity to both reduce winter feed costs and improve pasture condition. Get it by stockpiling extra summer growth for winter grazing. ##### When I was a teenager and a pretty girl looked at me, I thought I was hot stuff. When I was middle-aged and a pretty girl looked at me, I thought, “Not bad for a guy my age.” Now when a pretty girl looks at me, I think I better make sure my fly is zipped.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C29
The deadline for advertising in the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com
Call now to order your new 2022 Spyder
Currently offering early buyer discounts until after August 15
DBL Sales and Service, LLC
US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C30
Advertising Deadline for the August 2021 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be July 28th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.
4-H meat judging contest winners named
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Teams from Grand Forks and Stark-Billings counties took HENKE ENTERPRISES INC. first place in their respective divisions of the state 4-H meat 40-ft., 45-ft. and 48-ft. header trailers judging contest. WE ARE NOW The Stark-Billings team of Quinn Polensky, Jess Schulz, Starting at $5400 SELLING BIGDOG Katie Schmidt, Taylor Downing, William Schmidt, Wyatt eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!! Dorner and Justin Kathrein placed first in the senior division. MOWERS!!! The Stark-Billings County team of Tony Dorner, Rawley Kessel, Joel Schulz and Mark Schmidt took first place in the intermediate division. The Grand Forks County team of Cody Draxton, Madison Todd, Bernt Draxton and Levi Todd received first place in the junior division. Individual placings by division were: Senior Division eDrive Sprayer is MANY USED SPRAYERS FOR SALE, MORE COMING!!!!! • First - William Schmidt, Stark-Billings County (also working GREAT! $49,900 AND UP!!!! received Head of the Herd Award) • Second - Taylor Downing, Stark-Billings County Website - trucksprayers.com • Third - Wyatt Dorner, Stark-Billings County Henke Enterprises Inc. offers- BUILDING ~ COMING IN • Fourth - Katie Schmidt, Stark-Billings County * Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work 2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel • Fifth - Justin Kathrein, Stark-Billings County gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling floater tires ........................................$59,900 * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated • Sixth - Jess Schulz, Stark-Billings County 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height ................................................................ Call * Electronic testing and repairs • Seventh - Quinn Polensky, Stark-Billings County * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new John Deere 4930 electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm Intermediate Division ........................................................$169,900 • First - Mark Schmidt, Stark-Billings County (also reMARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE ceived Head of the Herd Award) Contact your authorized dealer Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT • 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616 email: grain@ttc-cmc.net • Second - Joel Schulz, Stark-Billings County • Third - Joshua Todd, Grand Forks County • Fourth - Tony Dorner, Stark-Billings County • Fifth - Leah Mehling, Grand Forks County If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be • Sixth - Rawley Kessel, sure to make High Quality pdf Stark-Billings County 1995 Ford CF7000 water truck, 2000 gal1986 Federal 6x6 water/ fire truck, 2000 Junior Division lon tank, front and rear sprays, hose reals, gallon stainless steel tank, pony motor, front PTO, pump, 5.9 Cummins diesel, automatic, • First - Levi Todd, Grand spray bar, hose reel, Silver 92 340 HPR diedual steering wheels,117,000 miles....... Call Forks County (also received sel, 750 Allison automatic, 114,000 miles..... .............................................................. Call the Head of the Herd Award) • Second - Bernt Draxton, Grand Forks County • Third - Samantha KathServing the Montana, Dakota and Wyoming regions, rein, Stark-Billings County and beyond, with an extensive selection of reliable • Fourth - Joe Schmidt, 1994 Redi-Haul RH418RT reel trailer, used trucks and equipment since 1998! 2008 Ford F550 Supercab 4x4 utility truck, Stark-Billings County self-contained hydraulic lift system, 8000 lb 6.4 diesel, automatic, hydraulic tool circuit, GVWR, electric brakes.......................... Call • Fifth - Emmit Dorner, winch, high end utility body with lit cabinets, Stark-Billings County (new documented engine), clean.......... Call • Sixth - Cody Draxton, Grand Forks County • Seventh - Madison Todd, Grand Forks County “Events like these are in1995 Ford L9000 truck tractor, Cat 3406E credibly valuable to 4-H’ers 1991 Allegeny carousel/ pipe spool trailer, (5EK) diesel, 13 speed transmission, double John Deere 310 backhoe, full cab, diesel, galvanized, fairleads, hand brake, 3500 lb. because they serve as a plat2007 John Deere 450J LGP crawler/ doz- frame, 62,000 lb GVWR, walking beam suswobble stick controls, very clean, older two GVWR, 8 hole wheels........................... Call er, 6-way blade, right side front slope board, pension, only 25,000 actual miles, and 1900 form to build key life skills owner machine with 5300 hours............ Call full cab air/heat, only 2,058 hours, very nice hours, very nice..................................... Call such as decision-making, .............................................................. Call communication and confidence, but also provide an opportunity to gain practical skills they can utilize through life as they visit 1996 Ford F250 4x4, flatbed, V8 gas, au2009 John Deere 310SJ backhoe, extendathe grocery store or butcher tomatic, air conditioning/heat, 8-ft. flatbed, hoe, full cab, 4x4, auxilliary hydraulics, air 2003 Chicago Pneumatic/Comp Air 185 only 27,000 original miles...................... Call shop,” says Leigh Ann Skuconditioning/heat, rear quick attach, 4200 air compressor, John Deere 4045 diesel, hours, one owner, very nice................... Call hose reel, 185 CFM, 125 PSI, only 125 rupey, interim chair of North 1989 GMC single axle dump truck, 8.2 dieactual hours, absolutely like new! Pristine sel, 5 speed manual, telscopic hoist, rear Dakota State University condition!............................................... Call pintle hitch, 78,000 miles....................... Call Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development. Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616
Glendive, MT • www.badlandtrucksales.com
1994 Ford F700 dump truck, 5.9 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic (under CDL), 153,000 miles........................................ Call
2001 Sterling L7500 single axle water truck, 2500 gallon McClellan tank, diesel pony motor, front/rear and side sprays, hose reel, Cat diesel, Allison automatic, like new condition, one owner............................. Call
Toyota 2FGIS shop forklift, 3000 lb. capacity, 2 stage mast, gas motor, pneumatic tires, refurbished and ready to work.............. Call
2011 Ford F550 bucket truck, 6.7 diesel, automatic, Versalift SST37 articulated/telescopic boom, 42-ft. reach, utility body... Call
2006 Ingersoll Rand P185 air compressor, John Deere diesel, 185 CFM, 125 PSI, trailer mounted, 2900 hours................... Call
1993 Kenworth T800 tandem dump truck, L10 Cummins, Allison automatic, 15-ft. dump, rear pintle hitch, only 68,000 actual miles...................................................... Call
1995 Ford F800 service truck with flatbed & 5000 lb. mechanics crane, Lincoln Ranger 8 welder generator, (under cdl), 5.9 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic, 58,329 miles.. Call
2000 Ford F650 mechanics truck, 5000 lb. crane, 60 CFM air compressor, rear lift gate, full IMT Dominator service body, 5.9 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic, complete, clean...................................................... Call
##### It’s no secret Americans drink a lot of coffee, but it’s the number one source where they get their antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight aging and heart disease, but coffee doesn’t really have that many of them – we just drink so much of it! ##### Combine strawberries and honey to treat sunburns and reduce inflammation.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C31
Your grass is drying out... Keep adding pounds this fall with BGF-30 Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTAL-PHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!
Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier
BTI Feeds
Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812
Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby
Stur-D Round Bale Feeders See us for all your baler twine and net wrap needs Bulk and case lot antifreeze and RV antifreeze
WeatherAll® is a protective coating applied to the BioBarrel® as a final step in the manufacturing process. It is composed of an edible, food-grade, wax coating that helps protect and slow down BioBarrel® degradation when encountering wet conditions. The protective coating also helps reduce the attraction that some cattle have to the BioBarrel® container once it is softened under extreme wet conditions, thus reducing the incidence of cattle consuming the container faster than the CRYSTALYX® product. WeatherAll® Protective Technology broadens the application and effectiveness of the BioBarrel® container to all geographies within North America.
Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East
Continuous fence that is: Bigger - Stronger - Less Expensive 39% more steel per panel than conventional fence. Larger, stronger, heavier pipe More attractive
GRADE 5 & 8
6-rail—20-ft. x 48”
Bunk feeders - Gates - Panels Handling systems
1/4” - 3/4”
Roller chain • Sprockets • Hubs
Call BTI Feeds for your cattle, swine, lamb and goat feed needs.
Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems Available at Taylor Farm Store
IN STOCK! Call Us for Prices Livestock Waterers on hand Johnson Artificial Spring Franklin - Ritchie – Cancrete
Call Taylor’s Farm Store: 406-434-5547 for information on Franklin & Ritchie Waterers. Call BTI Feeds: 406-873-4433 for information on Cancrete & Ritchie Waterers and Franklin parts
Barb Wire
Nichols Sweeps
Conventional, Ultrawing, Klip Wing and conventional sweeps, spikes and drill shoes at Taylor’s Farm Store, Shelby
Energy efficient, easy to install fountains.
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Trader’s Dispatch July 2021 — Page C32
Flaman Rental & Sales 1-406-467-3454, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana
Researchers report shattercane resistance in grain sorghum K-State Research and Extension News
COME RENT - New Dutch Manure Spreader
• Round Bale Pickers • Hay Rakes • Rototillers K-Line Tillers • Water Pumps • Grain Bagger & Extractors
ALL BAGS 10% OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! 9.6 mil Ipesa - 250’
Shattercane (shown) and johnsongrass are the primary grass weed problems in Kansas grain sorghum fields.
12,000 bu capacity
••• 9.6 mil Ipesa - 330’
There is a reason Ipesa is # 1 Grain Bag in the World !
16,000 bu capacity
••• 9.6 mil Ipesa - 400’ 20,000 bu capacity
Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It
Good Supply Of Bags And Baggers In Stock
406-487-2216 email: sales@shortlineag.com website: www.shortlineag.com
Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263
Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy
(406) 543-0382
1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed............................ $15,000
Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow............................$10,000
1999 Ford F550 service truck, 7.3L diesel, 6 speed, 3200 lb crane, air compressor$15,000 1999 GMC 8500 service truck, 7000 lb crane, 185 cfm compressor, Cat 3126, automatic, hydraulic outrigger, 14-ft. box, ex-gov, 97,000 miles............... ...................................$25,000
1997 Dynaweld 20-ton tilt bed trailer, 25-ft. deck........$14,000
1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor.............................................................. $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane, 14-ft. dump bed.. $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach................................................................................... $20,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic...... $10,000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500
1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 lb crane, hydraulic air compressor..............................$10,000
1997 Ford L8513 service truck, Cummins, 9 speed, 12.5-ft. bed, 4000 lb auto crane, air compressor................$17,500
2008 Sterling L7500 service truck, 6.7L Cummins, 9 speed, 7500 lb IMT crane....... ...................................$22,500
2000 Trail King 20-ton ramp trailer, 23-ft. deck, 5-ft. ramps, 8.5-ft. wide..................$13,000
1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor..................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................ $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at....................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 Lincoln 650 Shield Arc welder and compressor...................... $5000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Buckets for skid steer loaders...................................................... Call Forklift forks.................................................................................. Call 16” to 36” augers..........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................ $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800
Check us out on the web! www.pricetruckandequipment.com
Kansas State University researchers are reporting that shattercane, a grass weed found in grain sorghum fields, is showing resistance to herbicides designed to stem its growth. Vipan Kumar, a weed scientist at the K-State Agricultural Research Center in Hays, said the findings are particularly important as producers decide on whether to plant three new grain sorghum hybrids this summer. “Three new herbicide-tolerant sorghum (varieties) – Igrowth, Inzen and Double Team – have recently been developed that will allow growers to apply registered over-the-top herbicides for grass weed control,” Kumar said. Shattercane and johnsongrass are the primary grass weed problems in Kansas grain sorghum fields. In the K-State study, the researchers applied herbicides recommended for the three new sorghum varieties to determine their effectiveness against shattercane and johnsongrass. “What we found was the first report of imazamox-resistant shattercane from Kansas,” Kumar said. Imazamox is the active ingredient found in IMIFLEX, which is the registered herbicide recommended for use with the new Igrowth sorghum variety. Kumar noted that shattercane populations from three northwest Kansas counties (Graham, Decatur and Phillips) showed as much as a five-fold resistance to IMIFLEX compared to a susceptible population in neighboring Rooks County. Some alternative herbicides – Zest, Aggressor, Select Max and Roundup PowerMax – were more effective in controlling the three shattercane populations, according to Kumar. Zest, which contains the active ingredient nicosulfuron, is the registered herbicide for the recently developed Inzen variety. Kumar said more shattercane and johnsongrass populations from western Kansas, western Oklahoma and north Texas are still being studied at the K-State Agricultural Research Center. He anticipates those studies will give further clues as to why shattercane, in particular, is building resistance to imazamox. Igrowth is readily available for the 2021 growing season. Inzen and Double Team are available only in limited supplies. “If producers are planning to plant Igrowth sorghum this summer, I suggest they closely watch the response of their shattercane and johnsongrass populations to IMIFLEX applications,” Kumar said. “I also recommend they adopt proper IMIFLEX use stewardship guidelines, including right rate, right application timing, right adjuvants, and more, and that they use alternative herbicides and cultural and mechanical practices to prevent the evolution of imazamox-resistance shattercane in their production fields.” Producers also are urged to check herbicide labels for specific grasses listed for control. ##### Did you know? 7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. That actually works out at 16.4 million American adults.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C33
Record high total red meat, beef, and pork in April
National Agricultural Statistics Service April 2020 contained 22 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. April 2021 contained 22 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.71 billion pounds in April, up 22 percent from the 3.86 billion pounds produced in April 2020. Beef production, at 2.35 billion pounds, was 29 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.85 million head, up 27 percent from April 2020. The average live weight was up 13 pounds from the previous year, at 1,366 pounds. Veal production totaled 4.3 million pounds, 12 percent below April a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 27,400 head, down 18 percent from April 2020. The average live weight was up 16 pounds from last year, at 268 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.34 billion pounds, up 15 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 10.8 million head, up 15 percent from April 2020. The average live weight was up 1 pound from the previous year, at 290 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 13.6 million pounds, was up 22 percent from April 2020. Sheep slaughter totaled 222,800 head, 23 percent above last year. The average live weight was 122 pounds, down 1 pound from April a year ago. January to April 2021 commercial red meat production was 18.9 billion pounds, up 4 percent from 2020. Accumulated beef production was up 6 percent from last year, veal was down 16 percent, pork was up 2 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was up 6 percent.
special buy 6’ 1.33 lb T-pOsT Nucor 6’ 1.33 lb T-pOsT 2 7/8” DRill sTeM (JOiNT) MONTaNa supeR bRace (siNGle) ReD bRaND baRbeD WiRe - 4 pT cOMMeRcial baRbeD WiRe - 2 pT 3” X 6 1/2’ TReaTeD DRiVeR 3” X 7’ TReaTeD DRiVeR
$4.19 $4.49 $52.00 $65.00 $78.00 $58.00 $3.95 $4.95
4-5” X 7’ TReaTeD DRiVeR $9.95 5” X 7’ TReaTeD DRiVeR $11.50 6-7” X 7’ TReaTeD DRiVeR $12.50 7-8” X 8’ TReaTeD DRiVeR $19.75 4-5” X 8’ bluNT $9.00 3-4” X 16’ Rail $13.50 10% Off iN-sTOck faRM GaTes
PRICES FOR STOCK ON HAND THROUGH 6.18.21 ##### On their way to water aerobics class, Hildy and Anne repeated their most inspirational motto: First, the buns of steel; then, the buns of cinnamon. ##### Pansy always said, “A great thing about being our age is that your secrets are safe with your friends. They can’t remember them long enough to repeat them.”
E PRICCH MAoTn allItems tock
In S
FRONTIER FENCE 7403 Entryway Drive, Billings, MT 406-259-6511 www.frontierfencemontana.com
Get ahold of your local CROPLAN Rep for more Info or to schedule a private field tour of one of the many fields throughout the region.
Optimum Seeding Date July 15—Aug 15
Picture Taken May 27th in Fort Benton MT Curt Droogsma
Mick Miller
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C34
STOKES FENCING Conrad, Montana
Lance Stokes (406) 450-2149 Fencing Done Right Selling farm or ranch property and tired of paying capital gains tax?? HELP IS HERE!!! Save by deferring capital gains tax. For example, a 1031 exchange to sell a farm valued at $2,000,000 can creat a tax savings of approximatley $250,000,000; this tax savings can be used to purchase substantially more replacement property. Catherine Witmer,
Qualified Intermediary for 1031 tax-deferred exchanges Esi1031@gmail.com
EXCHANGE SERVICES INC. 200 Parkhill Drive Whitefish, Montana 59937 1-888-244-1031
For more information go to www.exchangeservicesinc.com
www.transportequip.com 2000 Western Star 4800EX
1999 Cat 600HP, 200,000 on Head, mains, Rods & liners. Double Lockers. 18 Speed. 46,000 rears. Pusher axle. Stock# U960378.
Only $39,500!
2008 International 5900i 60,712 Verified Miles, 600 HP Cummins, 13 Speed, 46,000 rears, Hendrickson spring over walking beam suspension. Stock# 632945.
Only $69,900!
2010 Hino 338
260 HP, Automatic, Wood Floor, Vents, E Track, Maxon 3500 Lift, Roll up door. 216,892 Miles. Stock# US51825
Only $22,500!
SPOKANE, WA • 509-927-2525 James Cell: 509-714-8232
MISSOULA, MT • 406-541-9097 Brian Cell: 406-381-8154
LEWISTON, ID • 208-298-2230 Russ Cell: 509-993-4482
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Summer temperatures will warm grain, can increase from being barely noticeable which could lead to insect infestations and to major infestations in three to four weeks mold growth. when the grain is warm. “The goal for summer storage should “Grain temperature cables are a wonderbe to keep the grain as cool as possible ful tool, but do not rely on them to replace to extend the storage life and limit insect inspecting for insects or crusting and deactivity,” says Ken Hellevang, North Datecting odors or other indicators of storage kota State University (NDSU) Extension problems,” Hellevang says. agricultural engineer. Another option for monitoring grain that Insect reproduction is reduced at temis beginning to be used is to measure the carperatures below about 60 F. bon dioxide level. Mold growth and insect Hellevang recommends ventilating the activity produce carbon dioxide. top of the bin to remove the solar heat gain Work Safely that warms the grain. Provide air inlets near Make sure everyone, including family the bin roof eave and an outlet near the peak and employees, working around stored grain to exhaust the hot air at the top of the bin. understands the hazards and proper safety It’s much like venting an attic; the heated procedures. air rises and is exhausted at the peak. “Too many people ignore safety practices A ventilation fan to exhaust the hot air is and suffer severe injury or death while another option. Hot air under the bin roof working around grain,” Hellevang says. will heat several feet of grain at the top of Never enter a bin while unloading grain the bin to temperatures conducive to mold or to break up a grain bridge or chunks that growth and insect infestations. may plug grain flow. Flowing grain will Hellevang recommends periodically runpull you into the grain mass, burying you ning grain aeration fans to keep the grain within seconds. Before entering the bin, use temperature near or below 40 degrees as the “lock-out/tag-out” procedures to assure long as possible during early summer. Night equipment will not start. air temperatures are near or below 40 deBridging occurs when grain is high in grees in May. moisture content, moldy or in poor condiRunning the aeration fan for a few hours tion. The kernels stick together and form to push air up through the cool stored grain a crust. A cavity will form under the crust will cool grain near the top. Pick a cool early when grain is removed from the bin. The morning every two to three weeks during crust isn’t strong enough to support a perthe summer to run the aeration fan, and only son’s weight, so anyone who walks on it run the fan a few hours to minimize heating will fall into the cavity and be buried under grain at the bottom of the bin. several feet of grain. Cover the fan when it is not operating to Determine if the grain has a crust before prevent warm air from blowing into the bin any grain has been removed. If work needs and heating the stored grain. The wind and to be done with a crust, it must be done a natural chimney effect will push warm air before any grain is removed. through the grain. If the wind blows primarTo determine if the grain is bridged after ily during the daytime, the grain will be unloading has started, look for a funnel warmed to the daily maximum temperature. shape on the surface of the grain mass. If Hellevang encourages producers to monithe grain surface appears undisturbed, the tor the grain temperature. grain has bridged and a cavity has formed “Temperature sensors on cables are an under the surface. Stay outside the bin and excellent tool, but they only measure the use a pole or other object to break the bridge temperature of the grain next to the sensor,” loose. he says. “Because grain is an excellent inIf the grain flow stops when you’re resulator, the grain temperature may be much moving it from the bin, a chunk of spoiled different just a few feet from the sensor and grain probably is blocking the flow. Enternot affect the measured temperature.” ing the bin to break up the blockage will Common locations to place a temperature expose you to being buried in grain and cable are near the middle and a few feet tangled in the auger. from the south wall of a bin. If grain has formed a vertical wall, try to Grain Summer Storage Moisture break it up from the top of the bin with a Content long pole on a rope or through a door with Having grain at an appropriate warma long pole. A wall of grain can collapse, or season storage moisture content is very avalanche, without warning, knocking you important to store grain safely during the over and burying you. summer. The maximum moisture content Never enter a grain bin alone. Have at for warm-season storage is 13% to 14% least two people at the bin to assist in case of for corn, 11% to 12% for soybeans, 13.5% problems. Use a safety harness and rope that for wheat, 12% for barley and 8% for oil prevents you from descending rapidly more sunflowers. than a couple of feet when entering a bin. Mold growth will occur at summer tem“Take time to think of all options before peratures if the grain exceeds the recomentering a bin,” Hellevang advises. mended moisture content. The allowable storage time for 15% moisture corn, for example, is only about four months at 70 degrees and two months at 80 degrees. The bridle is the piece of equipment that Checking the grain moisture content is fits over the horse’s head, stabilizes the bit important because moisture measurements in the horse’s mouth, and is used to control at harvest may have been in error due to the horse. Horses that are highly trained to moisture gradients in the kernel, grain temwork off the rider’s seat, legs, and voice perature and other factors. In addition, the can sometimes be ridden without a bridle. moisture may have changed while the grain Jumping courses and reining patterns have was in storage due to moisture migration or been performed bridleless in special commoisture entering the bin. petitions. Check Stored Grain Stored grain should be monitored closely ##### to detect any storage problems early. Check Thomas Jefferson is responsible for stored grain at least every two weeks. While checking on the grain, measure and record bringing the first macaroni machine over to the grain temperature and moisture content. the U.S. after spending time in France. He Rising grain temperature may indicate was also the one who introduced mac and insect or mold problems. Insect infestations cheese to Americans!
Bridleless horses
2018 Western Star 4900SF
Tri-Axle. Detroit DD16 560 HP, 18 Speed Autoshift, Lockers, 69,000 LB Rear Suspension, 611,859 Miles. Stock# UJR7203.
Summer grain storage tips
Only $69,900!
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — C35
Big Sky Equipment Co. Service Corey Combs, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell
Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com
Great pricing available on hold-over Speedrower 160 sickle machine
2016 MacDon FD75 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $59,900 2012 MacDon FD70 35-ft. flex draper with Case IH adapter, slow speed transport... .................................................... $45,000
2010 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport.................. $49,900 Case IH 1010 30-ft. headers in stock with mixed reel options.............................Call Good selection of new and used Case IH and MacDon pickup headers on hand............ .................... Call for details and pricing
Parts After Hours/Weekends 450-6463
2014 New Holland SP.240F front boom self-propelled, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100ft. booms, IntelliView IV monitor, fence row nozzles, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab, low hours.......................... $182,500 New Holland SP.295F front boom self-propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon poly tank, 120-ft. booms, Intelliview IV monitor, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab........... ................................................. $214,900 2016 Apache AS1220 self-propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon tank, 100-ft. steel booms, Raven Hawkeye nozzle control, Autoboom Autoglide, Smartrax Autosteer, Rave Viper 4 monitor.......... Just Traded
2015 Apache AS1220 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, Raven Hawkeye PWM nozzle control, AutoBoom UltraGlide, Smartrax Autosteer Raven Viper 4 monitor........ Just Traded 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2015 Apache AS720 self-propelled sprayer, 60/90-ft. booms, 750 gallon poly tank, Top-Con X30 monitor......... Just Traded 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.. $89,900
USED HAYING MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine........ ........................................... Make an Offer New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine........ ........................................... Make an Offer New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine........ ........................................... Make an Offer 2009 John Deere 568 round baler, net/twine, MegaWide pickup with gauge wheels, bale push bar. Very clean................... $19,900
USED COMBINES USED HEADERS 2017 New Holland CR8.90, 900 separator 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, hours, Twin Pitch rotors, electric fold grain tank cover, duals, DFR rock trap, autoguidance, Intelliview IV monitor, yield and moisture, MAD aftermarket concaves........................... Just Traded
2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture.................................. $198,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995
pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Honey Bee GB40 40-ft. header, New Holland adapter....................................... $34,900 Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel.....Call Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oil-bath wobble drive........................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal
2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours... .................................................... $18,900
2004 Morris Maxim II, 55-ft., 10” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, single shoot, 7300 towbetween tank, mechanical drive cart.......... .................................................. Let’s Deal
2018 New Holland L220 skid steer, SIMS cab with heat, mechanical hand and foot controls, front electric, 72” bucket, very low hours. New list is over $50,000 on this unit.............................................. $39,900
Now Stocked with Highline CFR650 Bale Processors
Your Local 2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine.... REDUCED $10,000 to................ $39,900
We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C36
What does bacon have to do with seed nutrition?
COMBINE FOR SALE 1994 Case IH 1688 combine with low hours. It comes with 30-ft. pick-up header and a header trailer................ $25,000 Phone Mike Downey, Florence, MT (406) 381-4164
100% American Made Call us for more information MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. We Also Have Available:
4 Several affordable options in DEF pump systems 4 Flexzilla hose IN STOCK, 3/8-1” sizes 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps
820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT
406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816
406.549.1047 or 207.1945 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT doublediamondtrucksales.com 406doublediamond@gmail.com
2012 Kenworth T800 heavy haul truck, Cummins ISX 550 hp, 18 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 46,000 lb. rear, locker, 244” wheelbase, aluminum wheels and cab guard, deleted........................................... $65,500
2004 Kenworth T800 heavy spec, Cat C13 Acert, Eaton Fuller 8LL, 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb rear, lockers, Chalmers suspension, 196” wheelbase, dual exhaust.. ................................................... $48,500
1997 Clement triple axle, 15-ft. pup trailer, hi lift gate, spring suspension, 11R22.5 tires............................................... $7500
2012 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD DD 13, 13 speed transmission, 12,000 front axle, 23,000 rear axle with locker, 547,000 miles, good tires........... $44,500
1973 Kenworth 900A Cummins 350 hp, 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears on Hendrickson Walking beam pad over beam, great project truck.............. $7500
1993 Trail King 3 axle low boy, air ride, 102” wide, third axle flip, 29-ft. well, 12ft. rear deck, 10-ft. neck. manual detach. 80% rubber................................. $23,500
See more inventory and photos on our web site
1991 Ore-West 15-ft. box, spring suspension, super singles..................... $15,500
2007 Kenworth T800B, Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 550,000 miles, Eaton Fuller 8LL, 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rear, double differential locks, Hendrickson Haulmaax, 226” wheelbase, dual exhaust...... ................................................... $54,500
2003 Peterbilt 379 Cat C12, 430 hp, 13 speed transmission, 234” wheelbase, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, R/A Reyco suspension, aluminum rims, 70% virgin tires, no rust, ready to work............ ................................................... $52,900
The leading experts in the field of plant nutrition have long reported, for the major crops grown around the world, that seeds are nutrient imbalanced and can benefit from the fortification of essential nutrients as part of the seed coating. This international research shows that nutrient fortification increases germination, seedling vigor, rooting, and overall crop productivity. The History of the Seed Nutrient Dressing The value of enriching seed with nutrition was first documented in 1626 by Sir Francis Bacon. At the time, Sir Bacon soaked seeds in a “nutrient” solution that is a little crude by today’s standards. It included a blend of animal dung, human urine, chalk and wine which provided a stimulatory effect on the young seedling. Fast forward four centuries and technology has transformed that initial “blend” both in performance and user convenience. Today, people in China, India, Europe and Australia have taken Sir Bacon’s findings and enriched cereals and rice seed with essential nutrients such as Zinc (Zn) and/or Iron (Fe) with fantastic results. In North America, treating seed with nutrition is still a young market. Over the past 30+ years, there has been significant research focused on adding biological populations to the seed (eg. Bacillus, Penicillium) to provide a plant stimulating effect, but none of these organisms is a replacement for the essential nutrients required by seed. The good news is considerable research has been done to determine the essential nutrients required to balance the seed and ultimately maximize seedling vigor. Which Nutrients does the Seed Require? When we analyze Sir Bacon’s original work, we can replace his sources of nutrients with today’s synthetic versions and various biological activators/biostimulants. Working in conjunction with leading nutritionists, we have determined the key essential nutrients required to overcome the imbalances within the seed. These essential nutrients include: Zinc, Phosphorus, Manganese, Boron, and Calcium. Let’s not forget the biostimulants that improve the efficiency of these nutrients and provide a stimulatory effect - just like Sir Bacon did with wine. It is critical to understand that the amount of each nutrient and the ratio between nutrients will vary from crop to crop. ZINC When the seed starts to germinate, it takes in water and this initiates numerous enzymatic activities. Zinc is the key nutrient that drives these processes, including auxin production. During germination, all the nutrients required for initial root and shoot growth are stored within the seed. If the seed has low zinc levels, there will be a reduction in early season vigour and root development. PHOSPHORUS When we consider Zinc, we should always look at it in association with Phosphorus, as the nutrients have a synergistic effect on the plant. Phosphorus is critical for photosynthesis (ATP production) and drives early season rooting. Phosphorus needs to be placed on the seed or in very close proximity to the seed since it is not a mobile nutrient and not readily available, especially in cold soils. MANGANESE Manganese is critical for photosynthesis. During this process, its primary role is to split the water molecules. Manganese is also involved in lignin production within the plant. Low levels of Manganese will lead to poor photosynthetic activity, resulting in a smaller root system and a “limp” above-ground portion of the seedling. BORON Boron is mainly associated with pollen production but is also important during the plant’s early life. If a plant is Boron-deficient, the root system will have very poor cell wall integrity, releasing amino acids, sugars and Potassium (K) into the rhizosphere rather than being utilized by the roots. The end result is the soil pathogens benefit from the release of metabolites and the plant has poor root health. CALCIUM Calcium is important for cell wall integrity and overall strength of both the roots and the leaves. Calcium needs to be correlated to Boron levels to ensure the proper ratios are established to maximize seedling strength, plant health and ultimately overall vigour. Seed Nutrition for Winter Wheat A crop like winter wheat can benefit greatly from a seed nutrient dressing containing all the essential nutrients for germination, rooting and early season vigor. CONTINUED ON PAGE C38
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C37
See these units & more info at www.precisiontruckandtrailersales.com
Specializing In Pre-ELog And Pre-EGR Trucks! Dealer For New FRONTIER Grain Trailers
2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 (406) 265-4563 • Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842
2013 Kenworth T800
$34,500 2007 Kenworth T600
CAT C15 ACERT, 575 hp diesel spec tuned, 13 speed, headache rack, grille guard, all aluminum.
2006 Peterbilt 379
Paccar 13L, 500 HP, 10 speed, fully deleted.
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1987 International 2375 Cummins L10, 430 hp, 10 speed, pintle hitch, 473k miles
Detroit, 470 hp, 18 speed Autoshift, new rubber.
Cummins ISX, 450 HP, 13 speed, good rubber
1990 International 4700 Service Truck
DT466, 180 hp, 10 speed, 6006 Auto Crane-Hydraulic.
1999 International 9200
N14 Cummins, 430 hp, 13 speed, Pre ELOG & EGR.
$39,900 2006 Peterbilt 385
Cat C15, 435 HP, 10 speed, all aluminum, 227” wheelbase, 647K miles
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ROLTEC® Electric Tarp Conversion Kits
electric tarp systems.
2015 Stoughton 40-ft. Ag Hopper, air ride suspension, new tarp, LED lights.
2004 Kalyn step deck 53-ft.,
• Worm gear motor & chain drive gear box provide optimal torque needed to open and close the hopper • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock, no brakes to freeze up or fail • Stable, three point, high clearance design • Reliable chain drive system with stainless steel housing & sprocket with nickel plated chain are durable & resistant to corrosion • Split sprocket technology eliminates the need to cut the drive shaft in most cases • Manual override with pinless, quick link detachment if needed
all steel, air ride.
2011 Frontier 40-ft. Ag Hopper, electric tarp system.
1990 Trail King 53-ft. drop deck, bea-
ver tail with ramps, air ride, spread axle.
$15,900 2007 Trail King 48-ft. step deck,
1998 Wabash 48-ft. flatbed, fixed
closed tandem to 10-ft. spread axle.
spread axle, air ride.
Quality Used Trucks & Trailers 888-453-4563
Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free
• Converts 2” roll tubes to an electric tarping system on trailers up to 53-ft. • Motor controls the tension of the tarp, when heaped loads settle, touch the switch to tighten the tarp • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock with no backing off for a tighter fitting, longer lasting tarp • Rotating & telescoping motor mount allows roll tube to rise & flex over heaped loads, reducing stress on the drive components & pivot arm • 4 springs create positive return tension when closing the tarp system, no elbows or joints to break. Universal mounting bracket is sturdy, lightweight, with universal fit • Manual override, simply remove one pin to operate manually, the motor stays secured to roll tube
Call For More Info!
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C38
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
ALL I WANT IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available
Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081
##### Charlie’s doctor hold him he was only allowed one drink a day. He asked his friend the veterinarian if he agreed with that, and he did. So now Charlie has seven drinks a day, because it’s only one each in dog days.
What does bacon have to do with seed nutrition? CONTINUED FROM PAGE C36
Having the essential nutrients immediately available to the seed can kick start the crop, drive rooting and ensure it is established and healthy leading into winter.
Sales Service Parts
2013 Kenworth T800
ISX Cummns, 10 speed, 25,327 miles
2022 Neville
An application of a seed nutrient dressing to winter wheat has not only shown to benefit early season vigor and root growth, but has proved to benefit yield.
42-ft., spring ride, steel trailer
1965 Ford
Tandem axle grain truck
See all our inventory at
2014 Ford F450 SD XL
133,900 miles, with service body
406-653-1350 • Wolf Point, Montana
Before you plant your winter wheat, consider applying a seed nutrient dressing in combination with your seed treatment that contains all the essential nutrients to kick start the crop, drive rooting, and maximize your yield production.
Top Ten Silver Linings of COVID-19 Pandemic If you look hard enough, there’s a silver lining in just about everything. The deadly COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Here are the Top Ten Silver Linings resulting from the Coronavirus: • Everyone found out whether or not they are truly essential. • We all learned to enjoy exciting, action filled hobbies like gardening and bird watching. Wow, watch that pumpkin grow! • Everyone has learned how to measure and judge distances. You no longer need a yardstick to measure six feet. • There was no thirty minute wait to get a table at your favorite restaurant. • You had a valid excuse not to go to church. • With nothing to sell, there were far fewer robo-calls. • There was more time to lose weight, so you should fit into your spring wardrobe. • Everyone had time to get more sleep. Aren’t two hour naps a wonderful thing!? • You really didn’t want to see your mother-in-law for Easter anyways. And the top silver lining of COVID-19 - - People in polluted cities all over the world no longer have to wear masks to breathe fresh air. Pretty ironic, isn’t it!? Bonus Silver Linings: • With a garage full of hoarded toilet paper, you can relax and really “enjoy the go”. • Parks have never been more popular. They’re so crowded, that it’s hard to stay six feet away from people.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C39
AG-TRK 430 We’ve Been Busy!
We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:
Mobility • Capacity • Durability • Economics • Simplicity 2011 SPRAYFLEX 2000-120-FT.
Very nice truck sprayer, 335 hp, Allison automatic, 2 speed drop box, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 120” aluminum box boom, rear float tires, Outback E-Turn GPS............................ $125,000
REMEMBER: Ag Trucks is Your Montana Dealer for SPECIALTY ALUMINUM BOOMS
USED SIMONSEN 2584 8 TON PULL-TYPE CART Nice cart, spreads 50’-70’, tandem float tires, hydraulic chain and fan, Raven 660, roll tarp, always shedded........... $12,000
• High Strength Aluminum Alloys • Light and Durable Construction • Engineered Welds • Outer Boom Sections Hyd Breakaway • 100, 120, 132-ft. widths • SS Plumbing
1600-120-ft., 2200 hours, 350 hp Cummins, no DEF, Allison automatic, Meritor axles, 710 Alliance tires, 1600 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. Sprayflex booms, Raven Viper 4, Raven Steer, Raven Boom Height, CapstanSharp Shooter
Call Steve: (406) 788-5361
2019 Apache AS1240XP 730 hours, 1200-132-ft. aluminum boom, 10 sections, big motor, deluxe cab, Raven Viper 4, Hawkeye, Ultraglide, 2 sets of tires = ABSOLUTELY IMMACULATE!........................................................................................... $265,000 Call (406) 788-5361 WE ARE ALWAYS BUILDING! Drop by the shop and see what goes into building the “MOST PRODUCTIVE SPRAYERS” on the market today. Give Us a Call Today!
! SIMONSEN FERTILIZER EQUIPMENT! Ag Trucks sells Simonsen Equipment • Pull Type Carts • Truck Mount Boxes: 85-ft. spread • Tender Bodies • AG-TRK 430: 10 ton Spreader Boxes • Plan for Spring and Call Now!
Great Falls, Montana Steve Raska • 406-788-5361
Garfield, Washington
Justin Honcoop • 509-338-7346
See us on Facebook and Instagram
• Individual Nozzle Control • Control Pressure Independent of Rate or Speed • Row-to-Row Liquid Fertilizer Uniformity While Automatically Changing Orifice Sizes Based on Rate or Speed • No Need to Change Orifices for Anhydrous Ammonia Apps
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C40
License Plates
I buy license plates. Please send pictures to: rbtcbuysell@gmail.com or text to 406-600-7824 Mike Haugh, Bozeman, Montana
low boy service
40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 or 406-799-5162 (Roger’s Cell) (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)
##### The health benefits of spinach never seem to end! The magnesium in spinach can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes by about 14% if you eat just over a cup of spinach every day. ##### Eating pasta will make you happier! It’s true — the carbohydrates in pasta increase the body’s production of serotonin, the neurotransmitter that scientists believe trigger feelings of happiness and well-being.
For Sale Used Concrete Barrier 3460 Grant Creek Road Missoula, Montana
Call Mike - (406) 207-0875 FOR SALE: Used concrete barrier located in Kalispell, Montana. Not available for pick up until August 2021. 10’ long, 6” top, 24” base, 31” tall 4000 lbs each. Can haul 12-14 per load depending on # of axles. Private trucking can be arranged at additional cost. These would make great livestock feeders, bridge ends, material dividers, guard rail on steep roadways, road barricades, slope stabilizers, parking / building protectors, etc. $75 per piece.
AGENT SPOTLIGHT Cassie Pimperton Cassie grew up on a family farm in North Idaho where they raised cattle and owned and operated a butcher shop. Cassie is now married to a 5th generation rancher in Belt, Montana where she and her husband work to instill the principles of family values and work ethic into their two young boys. Cassie admires and understands the value of the simple life. The farming and ranching lifestyle is one that she hopes to share with others as a real estate agent with Corder and Associates. corderland.com For nearly a decade, Cassie taught and coached (208) 660-0378 basketball in Fort Benton. Her tireless hard work and Cassie@Corderland.com dedication led to numerous divisional tournament Contact me for more placements and culminated in leading the girls’ var- information on our properties. sity program to their first-ever state class C championship. The most important things in Cassie’s life, though, are her sons, so she decided to hang up the whistle in favor of spending more time with her family and raising her boys in the family ranching tradition. She took a teaching job closer to home in Belt and pursued a career in real estate. Cassie hopes to share the ranch-life tradition that she lives, an appreciation for the outdoors, and the stronger sense of community and family with her clients. As a coach, Cassie’s competitive spirit helped her athletes achieve their goals and become successful. She is committed to supporting your aspirations and dreams. Cassie understands the value of teamwork and is willing to engage and communicate with you to make your search for the perfect property a positive and successful experience!
View my listings at www.corderland.com and give me a call at (208) 660-0378
Dates for CRP general and grasslands signups
USDA News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set a July 23, 2021, deadline for agricultural producers and landowners to apply for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General signup 56. Additionally, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will accept applications for CRP Grasslands from July 12 to August 20. This year, USDA updated both signup options to provide greater incentives for producers and increase its conservation benefits, including reducing the impacts of climate change. Both signups are competitive and will provide for annual rental payments for land devoted to conservation purposes. “We are excited to roll out our new and improved CRP General and Grasslands signups,” said Acting FSA State Director Jodene Johnson. “Bottom line, CRP now makes more financial sense for producers while also providing a bigger return on investment in terms of natural resource benefits. The General and Grasslands signups are part of a broader suite of tools available through CRP to integrate key conservation practices on our nation’s working lands.” General Signup Through CRP, producers and landowners establish longterm, resource-conserving plant species, such as approved grasses or trees, to control soil erosion, improve water quality, and enhance wildlife habitat on cropland. Lands enrolled in CRP also play a key role in mitigating impacts from climate change, and FSA has added a new ClimateSmart Practice Incentive for practices that sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. FSA is also adding a one-time “inflationary” adjustment for payment rates, as well as having more flexibility on adjusting soil rental rates. FSA opened the General Signup in January 2021 and extended the original deadline to July 23, 2021, to enable producers to consider FSA’s new improvements to the program. Grasslands Signup CRP Grasslands helps landowners and operators protect grassland, including rangeland, and pastureland and certain other lands, while maintaining the areas as grazing lands. Protecting grasslands contributes positively to the economy of many regions, provides biodiversity of plant and animal populations, and improves environmental quality. FSA has updated the Grasslands Signup to establish a minimum rental rate of $15 per acre, as well as new National Grassland Priority Zones. How to Sign Up To enroll in the CRP General signup, producers and landowners should contact their local USDA Service Center by the July 23 deadline. To enroll in the CRP Grasslands signup, they should contact USDA by the August 20 deadline. While USDA offices may have limited visitors because of the pandemic, Service Center staff continue to work with agricultural producers via phone, email, and other digital tools. To work with FSA, producers and landowners should contact their local USDA Service Center. Contact information can be found at farmers.gov/service-locator. More Information on CRP Signed into law in 1985, CRP is one of the largest voluntary private-lands conservation programs in the United States. It was originally intended to primarily control soil erosion and potentially stabilize commodity prices by taking marginal lands out of production. The program has evolved over the years, providing many conservation and economic benefits. The program marked its 35-year anniversary this past December.
Horses in art
Horses have been depicted in art since prehistoric times. The images of horses found in the famous Lascaux Cave paintings in southwestern France date back 16,000 years. George Stubbs (1724-1806), one of the greatest equestrian painters, earned the label “Mr. Stubbs the horse painter” in his own lifetime. He brought a new dimension to animal art with his natural and anatomically accurate depictions–he dissected horse carcasses and had engravings made of his studies to help him. Despite his anatomical knowledge, even Stubbs was unable to depict a fast-moving horse realistically. Those artists who did try to depict a galloping horse tended to portray them with all four legs outstretched–an impossibility. It was not until the freeze-action photographic studies of animal motion by Eadweard Muybridge (1830-1904) that artists began to understand horse gaits and how to represent them.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C41
Prescribed burns have little effect on snake populations
K-State Research and Extension News A study on the impact of prescribed burns on the Konza Prairie showed that fire has minimal effect on the state’s snake populations, especially when there are adjacent unburned areas. Charlie Lee, a retired wildlife specialist with K-State Research and Extension, said the researchers trapped snakes before and after prescribed burns in the spring (May through June) and fall (August through October) to determine the effects of prairie fires on reptile numbers. “We know in woodland situations, the effects really depend upon the changes to the habitat,” Lee said. “In those wooded areas, when the fire is of high enough temperature and frequent enough to reduce canopy cover, it can (negatively) effect reptile and amphibian populations.” However, he added that most woodland fires are not at a high enough temperature to change habitat conditions too much, so the impact to reptiles is “virtually non-existent.” “What’s been done in prairie situations shows that fire effects do impact arthropod numbers, primarily grasshoppers,” Lee said. “We know that fire changes the abundance of small mammals – it often increases small mammal populations. It can have either a positive or a negative impact on birds.” In the Konza Prairie study, researchers trapped a total of 92 snakes of six different species during the two phases of the study (spring and fall). The species caught were the North American Racer, Great Plains Rat snake, King snake, Milk snake Gopher snake and the common garter snake. Lee said the researchers actually found all six species in burned areas, and just five of those same species in the unburned areas, though there were just 32 snakes on the burned prairie compared to 60 on the unburned prairie. The North American Racer and common garter snake composed about 79% of all the snakes that were captured. “The research suggests that snakes could have a short-term negative response to spring burning, but they could quickly re-appear on burned areas of the prairie when there are (adjacent) areas that are unburned,” Lee said. “This suggests that the unburned areas are an important element for prescribed burns if we’re concerned about snake populations.” ###### There’s a chemical in chili peppers called capsaicin that tricks your mouth into feeling like it’s being burned – that’s why spicy food hurts. The pain is all in your head! ##### Nutella is so popular, 25% of all hazelnuts end up in a jar! Since they’re in such high demand, some universities are trying to grow them in labs in order to negate global shortages.
$.00 SHOP SPECIALTIES •Valier •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448
Trucks For Sale
Automatic 2010 Freightliner DD15 515 hp, automatic transmission, pusher axle, spring ride tandem, double locking rears. Ready for tank or farm body........................................................... $29,500
2005 Freightliner Series 60/515 hp, 10 speed, nice clean day cab................................................................................. $19,900
2002 International 7400 DT530, 8LL transmission with PTO, 24-ft. steel flatbed, 6x4, nice clean truck....................... $24,900
2009 Sterling 9500 60 series Detroit, 10 speed, single axle, nice clean truck.............................................................. $9900
Please call 406-855-4465
READY FOR HARVEST 2021!! LIMITED STOCK, ORDER NOW! • Hoppers come with rack & pinion gates, manway, and inspection hole • Full 24” house-style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete!
10,300 bu. Hopper Bins!
• Custom hopper bottom for existing grain bins • Westeel smooth wall hopper bottom bins • Built with heavier material than our competition • Custom Plasma Table, cutting up to 6-ft. x 12-ft.
Havre, MT
Call for more information
Matt Boyum 406-945-1968
or on Facebook
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C42
ROUND BALER FOR SALE John Deere 535, includes monitor, works good, some new parts. Always shedded...................................$3500 obo
Phone (406) 788-1986, Conrad, Montana
##### The answer to the question if the glass is half full or half empty depends on whether the glass has just been filled up or emptied.
Single or Double Rollers
Extra Heavy Duty - 42”x 3/4” pipe
Optional Hydraulic Cutting Blade for gopher and badger mound leveling on single or tandem rollers
H 12-ft. H 14-ft. H 16-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft.
Tandem rollers
Fisher Metal can more than double the size of your single roller!
Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons
Vertical Fuel Tanks 2000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified Available in Split Compartment Turnkey System features: Tank Mounting Base • Pump Stand • Fuel FilterLevel Gauge • Required Venting and Valves
Service Body Tanks • Pickup Fuel Tanks • Stainless Steel Aviation Fuel Storage
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DBL Sales and Service, LLC
US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
K-Hart 8612 Now Gent Disc Available Opener 2020 K-Hart Demo 56-ft.
drill with 10” spacing, 8612 openers.
New 2021 K-Hart 66-ft. drill
K-Hart 76-ft. drill with 8612 openers, all run AgTron monitor, very low acres.
Retro fit row units for John Deere 1890 and 1895 disc drill.
Several new K-Hart 42-ft. drills
K-Hart the easiest pulling drill on the market today. NOW AVAILABLE:
Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632 Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633
Summer pneumonia in calves a concern
NDSU Extension and Ag Research News Dead or sick calves are a scenario that is reported every year in a number of beef herds in the northern Plains. “A list of all possible causes for this case can be very confusing to producers,” says Gerald Stokka, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist. “However, depressed, feverish calves with an increased respiratory rate most likely will fit the diagnosis of ‘summer pneumonia.’” The common question generated by this diagnosis is: Why would nursing beef calves in the pasture with little stress in their lives come down with respiratory disease or pneumonia? What is Summer Pneumonia? Summer pneumonia is a respiratory disease/pneumonia that occurs in beef calves nursing their dams. The age range of calves affected can be as early as 3 to 4 weeks and from 3 to 5 months of age. Calves are born with little to no immunity and are dependent on receiving a passive transfer of immunity from their dam through colostrum. This passively acquired immunity declines through time, and unless the calf develops active immunity through vaccination or exposure to infectious agents, they eventually will become susceptible to pathogens that can cause respiratory disease. “This is why some calves are susceptible at a very young age (3 to 4 weeks) and other calves become susceptible later,” Stokka says. Conditions Leading to Summer Pneumonia Stressful conditions that may precipitate an outbreak of summer pneumonia in nursing calves: • Certain weather events can increase the risk of developing summer pneumonia. For example, mid to late spring blizzards or rain can deprive the calf of normal nursing patterns and produce hypothermia/chilling in calves. Late spring or summer high temperatures can produce heat stress in cows and calves, resulting in greater susceptibility to infectious agents. Also, dry, dusty conditions can increase susceptibility because the calves’ normal innate, clearing defense mechanisms can be overwhelmed, which allows for pathogens to proliferate and gain access to the lungs of young calves. • Mixing groups together after calving, such as moving cow-calf pairs to pasture or mixing groups together for heat synchronization and artificial insemination procedures, can result in cattle re-establishing their social order and allowing the transmission of infectious agents. • When calves are sorted for moving or synchronization programs, they can have separation anxiety and nurse infrequently, which increases stress. These organisms are commonly found in summer pneumonia cases: • Bacterial organisms, which include Mannheimia hemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Histophilus somni • Viral agents including BRSV (bovine respiratory syncytial virus), BRCV (bovine respiratory coronavirus), IBR (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) and BVDV (bovine viral diarrhea virus) “Vaccination can be effective in reducing the risk of summer pneumonia when caused by agents for which a vaccine is available,” Stokka says. “However, vaccination in young calves does not equate with a 100% response rate. Nor does it reduce the stress associated with weather, dry, dusty conditions, sorting and mixing. In addition, while some pathogens may have commercially available vaccines, information to evaluate effectiveness is limited.”
New MontGuide on selecting an attorney for estate purposes
MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) Extension has released a new MontGuide providing information about selecting an attorney to develop and implement an estate plan or to provide legal help with the probate process. “When selecting an attorney to help develop an estate plan, it is helpful to have one who is well-informed about Montana will and trust laws and other legal tools,” said Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist. “You want the attorney to develop an estate plan tailored to your needs by considering your age, health, family, income, assets, goals and other circumstances.” “If the goal is to find an attorney to help settle an estate or CONTINUED ON PAGE C43
New MontGuide on selecting an attorney for estate purposes CONTINUED FROM PAGE C42
##### More people get hurt every year through using drink dispensers than through shark attacks.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C43
New Holland 277 small square baler with Wisconsin engine......... $500 Chain link dog kennel 6-ft. wide, 6-ft. high, 10-ft. long. Like new.... $150 Older 20 cubic foot GE upright freezer............................................ $100 Phone (406) 590-4584, Sun River, Montana
administer a probate, then look for one who is knowledgeable about the probate process and trust law in Montana, as attorneys have different areas of expertise,” added Ed Eck, professor emeritus at the Alexander Blewett III School of We are to announce our junior company CMFCMF Sales and Rental. We are at 205 Rd Weproud are proud to announce our junior company Sales and Rental. Westill are located still located at Howie 205 Howie We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Sales and Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd Law at the University of Montana. Eck is a co-author of the but will be providing salessales and rental at our location in Big nextnext to the but also will also be providing and rental at new our new location in Timber Big Timber toFort. the Fort. but will alsoand be providing sales and rental at our new location in Big Timber next to the Fort. Sales Rentals Include: MontGuide. Sales and Rentals Include: Sales and Rentals Include: Sales and Rentals Include: The MontGuide outlines four steps Montanans could Skid Attachments SkidSteer SteerSteer Attachments Accumulators Skid AttachmentsHayHay HayAccumulators Accumulators Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Land Rollers Augers &&Auger Bits Land Rollers & Auger Bits Bits use to find the right attorney. Goetting recommends asking Land RollersAugers Augers Auger Land Danuser Rollers Augers &and Auger Danuser Pounders Augers Danuser Pounders andBits Augers Pounders and Augers friends for referrals. After collecting referrals, make an apDanuser Pounders and Augers pointment and ask what information to bring to the meeting. ArenaArena Fencing Fencing Arena Fencing If you are searching for help with developing an estate plan, Specializing continuous fencefence &dealer installation Specializing inauthorized continuous & installation We areinan of the attorney may send a questionnaire for you to complete 1 continuous Specializing fence & installation • 3 Rail 1in / ”1120-ft. panel..................$78 • 31Rail / ” 20-ft. panel..................$78 • 3• Rail 1 Rail /11”/ 20-ft. Montana Post Drivers before the appointment. 4 Rail ”1120-ft. panel..................$82 •4 / ” panel..................$78 20-ft. panel..................$82 Portable Tub, Alley and Squeeze Chute • 4•Rail 1” 20-ft. 11Rail /1our panel..................$82 1 5 Rail / ” 20-ft. panel..................$93 • 5 1 / ” 20-ft. panel..................$93 Visit website for prices & details. Before meeting with the attorney, prepare a list of quesWe areare We • 5•Rail 11Rail /11”/ 20-ft. on SALE! 6 Rail ”1120-ft. panel.................$101 •6 / ” panel..................$93 20-ft. panel.................$101 We are 1 • 6Other Rail 1Sizes / ” 20-ft. panel.................$101 tions to ask. During the initial session ask what percent of Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and and details Montana’s Available • Call for prices detai Montana’s Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details Montana’s We are Montana’s the attorney’s practice consists of estate planning and estate Cattle Guards Cattle Guards Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual DealerCattle Guards Loading Chutes Loading Chutes Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer administration. Ask about the fee, if any, for the meeting. for all livestock equipment needs. Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer for your all your livestock equipment needs.Loading WindChutes Breaks Wind Breaks for all your livestock equipment needs. We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Sales and Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs Crowding Tubs Often attorneys do not charge for the first meeting, Goetting Weall are authorized Wean are an authorized for your livestock equipment needs. Crowding Tubs Adjustable Alleys Adjustable Alleys but will also the be providing sales and rental new Big Timber next to the Fort. are location andealer authorized ofin of dealer said. Just as you are assessing attorney, the attorney will at ourWe Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels Portable Panels dealer of Montana Montana Portable Panels Arena Fencing GatesGates Arena Fencing Sales andknowledge Rentals Include: want to determine whether their and skills are a Montana Arena Fencing Hay Feeders HayGates Feeders Post Drivers Post Drivers Hay Feeders Pivot Bridges Pivot Bridges Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Post Drivers fit for your needs. Visit Visit our website for for our website Pivot Bridges Cattle Guards Loading Chutes AND MORE AND MORE Visit our website for Land Rollers Augers & Auger Bits prices & details. prices & details. “Montanans who have been through the estate planning AND MORE Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs We also sell drill We also sell drill prices & details. Pounders and Augers stem NEWNEW LOCATION We also sellpipe. drill pipe. stem process emphasize theDanuser importance of having a good relaLOCATION Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels Call about NEWInLOCATION Big InTimber Big Timber stem pipe.Call about tionship with the attorney,” Goetting said. “The process of truckload prices!prices! Arena Fencing Gates Hay Feeders truckload Call about Innext Big next Timber to The Fort to The Fort Arena Fencing truckload prices! next to 406-930-2984 The Fort Pivot Bridges AND MORE TravisTravis Klein Klein selecting an attorney whose major focus is estate planning 406-930-2984 Shop: 406-932-3559 Shop: 406-932-3559 Travis Klein 406-930-2984 or estate administration takes time. However, when you find Cell: 406-930-1973 Specializing in continuous fence & installation Cell: 406-930-1973 Shop: 406-932-3559 Continuous Fence &visit Installation For more information visit our website 205 Howie Road, Road, 1 more For information our website 205 Howie Cell: 406-930-1973 • 3For Rail 1 / 4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 an attorney you feel comfortable with and trust, you will feel 1 5 Big Timber, MT MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com BigRoad, Timber, moreand visitin our 205 Howie www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.c 20’ 24’ panels 1website /4” or 1 /8” 1information • 4 Rail 1 / 4 ” 20-ft. panel..................$82 Big Timber, MT www.cmfsalesandrental.com www.crazymountainfabrication.com the time spent was worth it.” Panels come in 4, 5, 6 or 7 rail patterns 1 • 5 Rail 1 /4”Archways, 20-ft. panel..................$93 We have Gates and Posts We are “Selecting an Attorney in Montana to Develop an Estate • 6 RailSee 11/us 4” 20-ft. panel.................$101 for all you fencing needs We carry Iron Bull and Norstar Plan or Administer an Estate (Probate)” can be found at Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details Montana’s Call for prices and details. flatbeds and trailers. https://store.msuextension.org/publications/FamilyFinanCattle Guards Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer We also sell drill stem pipe. Loading Chutes cialManagement/MT202107HR.pdf. Copies are also availfor all your livestock equipment needs. Wind Breaks Call about truckload prices! able at Extension and reservation offices. 4 4 4
We are an authorized dealer of
Montana ##### Post Drivers Instant coffee or ground flax? That was close. If I hadn’t Visit our website for used the wrong jar. Thank paused to read the label, I’d have prices & details. you, God, for telling me to slow down before it was too late.
NEW LOCATION In Big Timber next to The Fort
For more information visit our website www.cmfsalesandrental.com
Crowding Tubs Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels Arena Fencing Gates Hay Feeders Pivot Bridges AND MORE
Travis Klein Shop: 406-932-3559 Cell: 406-930-1973 205 Howie Road, Big Timber, MT
We also sell drill stem pipe. Call about truckload prices! Travis Klein Shop: 406-932-3559 Cell: 406-930-1973 205 Howie Road, Big Timber, MT
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2017 Ford F150 Supercab
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2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited
2014 Dodge Durango Limited
3.6L V6, black exterior, leather interior, remote start, power liftgate, 116,938 miles.
3.6L V6, silver exterior, tan/black interior, remote start, 3rd row seat, 124,005 miles.
2019 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, white exterior, adobe leather interior, heated/cooled seats, 93,369 miles.
2015 Ford F350 Super Duty Lariat
2017 Ford F250 Super Duty Crew
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, black exterior, black leather interior, Platinum Ultimate package, 73,984 miles.
2019 Ford F350 Super Duty
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, silver spruce exterior, black leather interior, 117,733 miles.
2016 Ford F150 Crew
2.7L V6, white exterior, camel leather interior, rear view camera, push button start, grille guard, 56,933 miles.
2017 Ram 1500 Laramie Crew Cab
5.7L V8, black exterior, gray leather interior, fully loaded, 74,242 miles.
6.2L EFI V8, silver exterior, gray cloth interior, Ultimate trailer tow camera, 14,441 miles.
2017 Ford F350 Crew
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, silver exterior, black leather interior, manual locking hubs, 103,015 miles.
2016 Ford F350 Super Duty Lariat
6.7L Power Stroke V8 diesel, white exterior, black leather interior, heated/cooled seats, 107,711 miles.
Trader’s Dispatch, July 2021 — Page C44
It’s time for the GRAND OPENING of the New Dodge Building! JULY 28-31, 2021
4514 W US HIGHWAY 2, HAVRE, MT 59501
• Door Prizes for the first 150 people through the doors! • Sign up for give-a-ways including a Yeti Cooler and Oil Changes! • Bring the whole family for a BBQ on Saturday, July 31st!
With GREAT DEALS on New & Used Vehicles
When you take a test drive with us during the month of July, we will make a donation to:
LARGE INVENTORY OF MACDON EQUIPMENT! 2021 Massey Ferguson 7716S New, MFWD, 150 hp, Powershift...............................Call 2021 Schulte FLX1510 • Call 2019 MacDon FD145 Double knife, cross auger, transport, CNH................... $93,000
2016 MacDon FD75D double knife, 40-ft., flex, transport....................................... Call
2021 Massey Ferguson 2956A Brand new - 4 in stock, Soft core kit, Power Beyond adapter, 1000 PTO. Call us to see about financing options..................................Call
2019 MacDon FD145 45-ft......................Call
2021 Schulte XH1500-S4
2014 MacDon A30-D This swing tongue has not seen a ton of acres. In excellent shape ...................................................... $19,000 2021 Schulte XH1000-S4
2021 Massey Ferguson 9960 New, 16-ft. header, GPS........... HUGE DISCOUNTS!!!
2015 Massey Ferguson 2956/2956A Local trade, low rate financing available. Pickup has been rebuilt and many new parts installed.............................................$29,000 2010 MacDon D60D used draper head for M Series MacDon swather. Just put new drapers on and went through shop. Great shape.............................................$32,000
1999 MacDon 9300 3266 hours, steel conditioner, tires at 95%.........................$32,995 1994 MacDon 9000 Used swather Call for price and header options
2014 Massey Ferguson 7624 Great used tractor, has brand new transmission just installed (manufacturer defect) Loader is available just not pictured.............$119,000 2019 Schulte FLX1510 flex arm, will fit 10-ft. to 15-ft. mower. Call
2019 Schulte FX-1200 New, 10-ft., single safety. Call
2021 Gleaner S98 & S97 combines available now.
Call for details
2019 Gleaner S98
Fresh Trade, pictures will be posted as soon as they hit our lot. Three machines in total that are very similar houred. Low hours, still under warranty. Call
Call us for all your equipment needs!