June 2018

Page 1

JUNE 2018

Vol. XIX No. 5 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com E-MAIL: advertising@tradersdispatch.com

Field days near Loma, Turner and Chester

By Tyler Lane, Chouteau County Extension MSU Northern Agricultural Research Center (NARC) and MSU Extension will be hosting two field days near Loma and Turner on Wednesday, June 27 and another field day on Thursday, June 28 near Chester. The Loma field day will begin at 9:00 a.m. north of Loma near the Lyle McKeever farm at 1494 McKeever Road. The Turner field day will begin at 5:00 p.m. near the Max Cederberg farm north of Turner. A barbecue hosted by CHS Big Sky will follow the Turner field day. The Chester field day will begin at 10:00 a.m. near the Kurt Kammerzell farm west of Chester on 3800 Road. Dr. Luther Talbert (MSU Agronomist/Spring Wheat Breeder) will update producers about spring wheat varieties at all three sites. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


June1-21, Pate Auction Inc., Howard “Trip” Hammer Estate, Online................A2 June 16, Mills Auction Service, Amish School, Ashland MT............................A4 June 16.. , RK Statewide Auction, Whitney Construction Liquidation, Circle MT ...............................................................................................................................A3 June16, B&B Auction Sales & Service, Rod Courtnage Farm, Big Sandy, MT... . ...............................................................................................................................A8 June 22, Toavs Premier Auctions, Dry Creek Ranch, Glasgow MT........... A6, A7 June 23, Teton County Fair, Livestock Sale, Choteau MT...............................A10 June 23, Toavs Premier Auctions, Dale & Elaine Chabot, Scobey MT...........A11 June 23, RK Statewide Auction, Gun & Shop, Miles City, MT.........................A12 June 23, Ophus Auction Service, Brian Wilson, Inc, Box Elder MT................A15 June 23, Kevin Hill Auction Service Inc, Netherton Equipment & Liquidation, Troy MT................................................................................................................A14 June 24, Mills Auction Service, Davis Living Estate, Miles City MT...............A19 June 28, RK Statewide Auction, Dawson County Land, Richey MT...............A20 June 30, Hi Line Auction, Harold Schmoeckel Estate, Malta MT....................A18 June 30, .Ophus Auction Service, Eric & Annabelle Anderson Retirement, Fort Benton MT...........................................................................................................A23 June 30, RK Statewide Auction, Dolph Harris Estate, Sidney MT..................A21 June 30, Shobe Auction & Realty, Harold “John” Sears Estate, Martinsdale MT........................................................................................................................A38 June 30, .Toavs Premier Auctions, Jim MacDonald Auction, Wolf Point MT...A36 June 30, Mills Auction Service, Emery Estate, Ekalaka MT............................A35

Honey bee volunteer day

MSU News Service Montana State University is hosting the Honey Bee Research Site and Pollinator Garden volunteer day from 8 to 11 a.m. Friday, June 15. The volunteer events will be held at the MSU Horticulture Farm located at 2730 West Garfield Street in Bozeman, near the Bozeman Agricultural Research and Teaching Farm, or BART Volunteers from the campus and Gallatin Valley communiCONTINUED ON PAGE A4

Cover crop field day

Come join the Cascade Conservation District June 22, 2018 for a cover crop field day. The Conservation District has supported a six year cover crop trial all over Cascade County and it is time to share what we have learned. Climate and soil types vary widely in Cascade County, offering different challenges to raising cover crops. We will be discussing many of these challenges and benefits to adding cover crops to your crop rotation. You are invited to participate in a result session of a 6-year cover crop/fallow rotation study for Cascade County from CONTINUED ON PAGE A2

In years past the Marias River float trip/noxious weed tour has made an educatonal stop at Pugsley Bridge on the Marias. Come join in the tour on July 12, 2018

Marias River Float Trip and Weed Tour By Jesse Fulbright, Liberty County Extension Agent

Registration forms are now available to sign up for a float trip on the Marias River to learn more about noxious weed management and watershed conservation problems. The Marias River Basin Weed Control Association and Marias River Watershed Group are hosting the trip on Thursday, July 12th. This year’s float will take us from the Moffat Bridge below Tiber Dam, downstream 11 miles to the Circle Bridge ADVERTISING DEADLINE FOR JULY ISSUE

The deadline for the July 2018 issue is

Wednesday, June 27th

south of Chester. Participants will meet at the Tiber Marina on Lake Elwell, above Tiber Dam at 9:00 a.m. Pre-registration is required and forms can be picked up at the MSU Extension Office in Liberty County or can be e-mailed upon request. There is a $20.00 registration fee, which includes rafts, life jackets, and a barbeque supper. Educational materials and bus transportation to the launch site and back to Tiber Marina at the end of the float for the barbeque will also be provided. There is a CONTINUED ON PAGE A4


July 12-14, US Targhee Sheep Assoc, Sale, Miles City MT..................................................... A19

Highwood Bench Field Day

By Tyler Lane, Chouteau County Extension Office plot project where she is testing new barMSU Central Agricultural Research ley lines. The barley breeding program has Center (CARC) and MSU Extension will gathered lines from the germplasm bank be hosting a field day on the Highwood that were reported to be acid and aluminum Bench on Wednesday, June 20, from 10:00 tolerant. Dr. Sherman has screened these a.m. to noon. The field day will take place lines in acidic soils in the greenhouse and is approximately one mile east of the Long now screening these lines on the Highwood farm on 1221 Shonkin Road. bench. The field day will begin with a tour of Dr. Pat Carr CARC Superintendent and the CARC cereal, pea and canola plots, which have been seeded in low pH soil to CONTINUED ON PAGE A4 determine tolerance to soil acidity. Dr. Jamie Sherman (MSU Barley BreedPRIVATE TREATY er) will cover barley varieties at the test Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT...............A16 plot. In addition, she will discuss a hill

Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch Page A46

Elk Park Angus, Columbia Falls MT............................A11 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT.................................A9 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT.....................................A9 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT..........................................A9 Turner Angus, Shelby MT...............................................A8 Storey Herefords, Bozeman MT...................................A32

Trader’s Dispatch June 2018 — Page A2

Field days near Loma, Turner and Chester CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

Ed Davis (MSU Agricultural Specialist in Cropland Weed Research) will show producers a test plot of CoAxium winter wheat at the Loma site. CoAxium is tolerant to a non-selective group 1 graminicide, Agressor. Agressor can be sprayed on CoAxium winter wheat without harm. At the same time, grass weeds like feral rye, jointed goat grass and downy brome can be controlled in the crop. In addition, Ed will be available to answer weed resistance and weed management questions at Turner and Chester. Tyler Lane (MSU Chouteau County Extension), will share research data and evaluate winter wheat varieties seeded at the MSU NARC test plot at Loma. Peggy Lamb (MSU NARC Agronomist) will share research data and evaluate winter wheat varieties seeded at the MSU NARC test plot at Turner. In addition, Peggy will discuss durum varieties at the Turner and Chester sites. For additional information, please contact Tyler Lane, MSU Chouteau County Extension Agent at (406) 622-3751, Jesse Fulbright, MSU Liberty County Extension at (406) 759-5625 or the Blaine County Extension Office at (406) 357-3200.

Cover crop field day CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

9:00 am to 12:00 noon at Castner Falls Community Hall. A lunch is included. We will also tour the Cummings Farms. A map follows to help you find it. Please contact Tenlee no later than June 18 to let us know you will be attending. Her phone number is (406) 770-4308 or email her at tenlee@cascadecd.com.

Timed Online Only

AUCTION Howard “Trip” Hammer Estate 24 Eagle Rock Circle • Cascade, MT.

Bidding Ends Thursday, June 21st

2014 YAMAHA Viking 700 side by side with snow plow GENIE GS-1930 battery operated scissor lift 2017 MIRAGE 18’ Side by Side enclosed trailer 2 - Single axle utility trailers • 12’ and 14’ rafts, oars and frame CREEK Co. ODC 1220 inflatable cataraft with storage bag HITACHI C12LSH digital & laser sliding compound miter & stand DeWALT DW735 thickness planer • RIDGID 10” table saw on stand DeWALT DW871 chop saw • RIDGID spindle/belt sander PORTER CABLE drill press • CRAFTSMAN 12” bandsaw/sander RYOBI oscillating spindle sander • DELTA 4” belt/6” disc sander SHOPSMITH & attachments • New and used shop vacs • pressure washer KIRKLAND 16 drawer tool chest • CRAFTSMAN 16 drawer tool chest multiple metal 18”x48”x74” shelving on wheels • Work benches DeWalt, RYOBI, MILWAUKEE, RIDGID & BOSCH power tools Sockets, ratchets, end wrenches and combination wrenches SNAP-ON padded adjustable height stool • Pull type weed sprayer Camping tents, air mattresses, camp stoves, portable grills & coolers Electrical supplies • Light fixtures • Plumbing supplies & fittings Bolts, nuts and assorted hardware • Household items & Furniture This is a 400+ lot auction with something for everyone!! For details and complete listing with photos go to www.pateauction.com Download our app to receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!

Pate Auction Inc.

www.pateauction.com 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 443-7748 • Toll Free 800-356-0307


June 2018 — Vol. XIX No. 5 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for July issue WEDNESDAY, June 27. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste and Suzy Benzing, ad layout. Office Phone 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 e-mail: advertising@tradersdispatch.com


Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A3

NEW ITEMS CONSIGNED 1962 Cat 922 payloader w/bucket 1964 Cat D7 w/dozer 1975 Ford F250 2x4 pickup 15.5x25 tire (new) Lots of FM radios Marquette welder (22) 8-ft. galvanized gates John Deere 185 riding lawn mower

Allen 406-485-2484

Trader’s Dispatch June 2018 — Page A4

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!


2009 Sprayflex Sprayer

Sold 1 of 2

2000 gallon SS tank, 2008 International truck with 19,500 miles, 110-ft. boom, Raven Controller, EXCELLENT!

eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!


Website - trucksprayers.com Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

John Deere 4930

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm

MARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT


2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ..................Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms, .................................. $169,900 2009 John Deere 4930 sprayer, 6500 hours, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, John Deere 2600 monitor, Auto Steer, swath control. Many new John Deere parts. ........ $69,900 2011 Sprayflex 1300 gallon, 120-ft. boom, 2004 IHC 4300, floater tires, EZ Steer+ Trimble 750....................... $59,900 SOLD 2012 Sprayflex truck sprayer 2004 International 4300 truck, Allison Auto Trans, 120-ft. SprayFlex sprayer, 1250 tank, EZSteer and Trimble 750, Excellent Condition! ......... LD O S ...............................................................................$59,900

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616

email: grain@ttc-cmc.net


AUCTION If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be sure to make Tribune pdf

SATURDAY, JUNE 16th, 2018 AT 10 AM Lunch Served by the Amish Ladies!

Auction will be held 9 miles North of Ashland, Montana on the Tongue River Road. Signs will be posted from Ashland, Montana. QUILTS, HANDWORK BY THE AMISH LADIES This will be a sample of quilts, hangers, aprons, shag & rag rugs. Midnight Star; Maple Leaf Blue & Yellow; Rainbow Spinner; Rainbow Glimmering Star; Crown Royal Comforter Purple & Lavender; Double Wedding Ring; Freckled Frenzy; Log Cabin 9 Patch; Irish Medley; Crystalline Star; Lonestar Log Cabin; Spider Web; Broken Star; Star 9 Patch; Entwined Bargelio; Lone Star Combination; Reflector Star in Lavender; Spinning Star; Triple Irish Chain; Rainbows End; Love Ring Plain Top; Wolf Wall Hanger; Broken Star PLUS MORE TACK & HARNESS Bridles & Bits; Snaffle Bits; Headstalls; New Chinks & Chaps; Some youth size; Work Horse Harness; Used Saddles; Various New Tack; whatever is available. HORSES, HORSES & HORSES A lot of young horses ready to go to work for you, these young horses have several rides on them & have been exposed to many recent gathers & brandings. The older horses are solid & some are papered. Doc O Lena bred 10 year gelding broke to all ranch work; Ruby, 8 year old Sorrel Gelding ranch broke to all events, Ruby is papered; Rooster a Red Roan Gelding, 3 years old & gentle; (2) Paint Ponies ready to go; Blue Roan 5 year old Mare ranch broke, started roping; Fox, Bay 5 year old gelding roped & drug calves; Squirt, Sorrel 3 year old with 60 rides; Bucky, buckskin filly gentle to go with 60 rides; Lady, 7 year old Dapple Gray Mare very top of the line horse; Nelly, Palamino 3 year old Mare gentle with 60 to 90 rides; Baldy, Sorrell Pony 48 inches gentle, 3 year old; Chief, Paint Pony 48 inches gentle 3 year old. We have a need for a young draft team or smaller quality team! FURNITURE Oak Dining Room Set with Chairs; Oak Rocking Chairs; Hickory Bentwood Rocking Chairs; Oak Entry Bench; Oak 6 Drawer Bureau; Childs 3 in 2 Chairs; Cedar Chests; Oak Dressers with Mirrors; Oak Glass Gun Display with display on bottom; Ash 6 drawer Bureau; Ash Night Stand; Oak Glider Bench Rocker; Puzzle Hat Rack; Lazy Susan in Oak or Rope; Rope Urn; Rope Bowels; Pine Lawn Chair Set; Childs Table with 2 Chairs; Pine Swing Love Seat; Pine Rocking Chairs EQUIPMENT & MISCELLANEOUS & GREENHOUSE New Holland 283 PTO Baler on Steel or Rubber; Fore Cart 2 Horse New; Pony Cart, New; Mini Barn 12x8 Mini barn Dog House; Feed Bunks; Saddle Stands; Bird Houses; Boot Jacks; Jewelry Boxes & MORE**There will be a large amount of greenhouse flowers & plants. THIS IS SOME OF WHAT SHOWS UP, THERE WILL BE SURPRIZES ALONG THE WAY! OWNERS: AMISH COMMUNITY & GUESTS AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Plan to be with us on June 16th for a fun & interesting auction, something for everyone and lots of good food & donuts!! Quilts on our web site, furniture being built!! TERMS: CASH OR BANKABLE CHECK **NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS! --- Sale Conducted by --


BOX 128 BOYES, MT 59316

406-427-5317, Cell 605-645-9611 www.mills-auction.com

Honey bee volunteer day CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

ties are invited to help weed, plant and complete additional maintenance activities for the university garden, which serves as a field laboratory and community outreach and integration center for pollinator health. This site features bee-friendly forage and habitat, a pavilion, an equipment shed that houses educational and beekeeping materials, and honey bee colonies. Participants should bring water, sun hats, gardening tools and watering cans. Parking is available near the Bob Miller Livestock Pavilion, on the grounds of BART. For more information, contact Michelle Flenniken, assistant professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, 406-994-7229 or flenniken@gmail.com.

Marias River Float Trip and Weed Tour CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

registration deadline of July 2nd, and space is limited, so hurry and get your place reserved today. There will be several educational speakers covering biological, mechanical and chemical weed control options as well as bank stabilization and maintaining healthy river systems. A highlight of the tour will be a chemical application demonstration using a drone. The lower Marias Russian olive removal project will be shown, along with demonstration plots of Russian knapweed and cheatgrass. The day will wrap up with a barbeque dinner and door prizes when we return to the Tiber Marina. Be sure to bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, bug spray and water friendly clothing. We will be floating rain or shine, so be prepared for whatever Mother Nature has in mind. Private and commercial pesticide applicator credits will be available. If you have questions feel free to contact the Liberty County Extension Office at (406) 759-5625, or the Liberty County Weed District at (406)759-5673. Space is limited, so sign up soon for an adventure on the Hi-line!


Associate Professor of Cropping Systems will talk about canola and pea seeded in the test plot. Dr. Jed Eberly CARC Assistant Professor Agronomy & Soil Microbiology will give a brief update on some of acid tolerant soil microbes. Dr. Rick Engel (MSU Associate Professor) will outline his research of long-term no-till fields including sugar beet lime application trials. Dr. Clain Jones, Extension Soil Fertility Specialist/Assoc. Professor of Nutrient Management will discuss statewide extent of problem (now at 17 counties), outreach efforts, and possible prevention and mitigation. Northern seeds out of Fort Benton will also be present to talk about low pH tolerant cereal grain varieties. For further information, please contact the Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751.


Just go to www.tradersdispatch.com and see an online version of each month’s publication. You can search through the online pages using the magnifying glass and entering a key word. You can also find a subscription form, information about advertisng, and more! Our new site is mobile friendly, so you can view it on any device anytime.

Check it out TODAY!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A5

Honesty, Integrity, Great Service & The Best Prices.


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2015 Ford F150 Lariat, 4x4, crew cab, LOADED

2010 Mazda3 Sport


2014 Ford Explorer XLT. SAVE $$$$$

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Less than 1/2 price - Save thousands!! 2014 Hyundai Genesis Loaded with every option, 1 owner, non-smoker!!!!!!

2014 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4, supercrew 2011 Ford F150, crew cab. SUPER nice pickup

2012 Ram 1500 SLT, crew cab, 4x4!!!

2006 Dodge Ram 1500 quad cab

We’re talking the unbeatable Hemi in this 2014 Ram 2500 4x4 GORGEOUS PICKUP

2013 Ford F250 4x4 PERFECT for the tough winter weather 2016 Ram 1500 REBEL PACKAGE!! MUST SEE!!

Don’t Miss Summer Fun with This 2009 Dodge Challenger!!! ONLY 41,000 miles!!!!!

2013 Ford F150 LIMITED Loaded up and super clean!

2010 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4, supercrew

2007 Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab, CUMMINS

Enjoy a convertible in the summer and a 4x4 in the winter 2011 Jeep Wrangler, 28,000 miles

Remember last winter? 2012 Toyota FJ, 57,000 miles

2016 Jeep Renegade Trailhawk 4x4!!! 2006 Dodge Ram 2500 mega cab, 4x4, CUMMINS. SAVE $$$$$ 2008 Ford F250 4x4, crew cab, Power Stroke

FUN - FUN - FUN 2010 Ford Raptor 4x4, supercab

2005 Chevrolet Avalanche 1500, 4x4

2014 Ford Explorer Limited LOADED UP! Very nice condition GORGEOUS 2014 Dodge Charger STX Only 55,000 miles!!!!!

2014 Ford Expedition EL! MORE ROOM for the whole family!

2011 Ford F150 SUPERCREW, 4x4

Well cared for 2015 Ford F350 Lariat, crew cab, Power Stroke, one owner, non-smoker

Inexpensive and Nice!!!!! 2006 Dodge Magnum

2014 Ford Fusion VERY NICE locally owned car

BEAUTIFUL 2015 Ram 1500 EcoDiesel, 4x4 PRICED RIGHT!!!!!!!

2014 Ford F150 PLATINUM, crew cab, 4x4. You deserve ULTIMATE luxury!

SUPER NICE 2014 Chevrolet 1500 LT, crew cab. With the Z71 package!

2016 RAM 1500 LONGHORN crew cab. In PRISTINE condition

2001 Komfort camper, slide!!!!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A6


All types of hay to bale on shares. Call for custom baling. Phone (406) 799-8323

##### Scrambled eggs are an easy breakfast to make while camping, and you can make it even easier by enlisting the help of your biggest mason jar. Just crack your eggs into the jar and keep them in your cooler until you’re ready to use them. (You won’t have to worry about the eggs breaking, which is a great added bonus!) For easy scrambled eggs in the morning, just shake vigorously and pour into your pan! No muss, no fuss.

Montana ranchers don’t show off at drought resilience workshop

By Andie Creel, Prairie Populist My dad has told me the reason businessmen and women buy expensive suits is to prove to those around them how successful they are. When you don’t have any work to show, you show off some fancy clothes. You don’t find much of this around here. Everyone owns only one nice suit, and business attire is a button down, jeans, and a belt buckle. Even when someone has a great year, you’ll still see them driving their old Ford around town, picking up salt blocks. In Montana, when you’re doing better than your neighbor, the last thing you want to do is push it in their face. This past January, Montana State University Extension Service, Musselshell Watershed Coalition and One Montana (http://onemontana. org) hosted three Drought Resilient Ranching Workshops around the state. Recently they released a full report of the workshops (http://mtbeef.org/one-montana-releases-drought-resilient-ranching-workshopsreport/). What was reassuring, but not surprising, was the compassion those in the workshops expressed for the communities that had it worse than they did. “It was kind of embarrassing going around to rodeos and everyone’s talking about how they’ve got no grass, and we’ve got grass galore…at least until it really started to get dry,” one rancher in Clyde Park noted. “We kind of wanted to hide our heads because everywhere else was bad, but our little pocket up there was good.” Folks in the Clyde Park area generally felt they were lucky compared to those further east, and they themselves had an abnormally dry year. And people in the Two Dot area expressed gratitude that they had it better than folks along the Musselshell. The folks at the workshop didn’t just leave it at that. They also gave all their own advice on how to best manage drought. It feels good to live in a state where people share their secrets, rather than showing off their success. Got something to say to Prairie Populist? Send news tips, story ideas and comments to editor@prairiepopulist.com. If you have something to submit, or an idea for a story you’d like to write for us, check out our Submission Guidelines at http://prairiepopulist.org/ submission-guidelines/. ##### For those who have trouble sleeping researchers say that 1 week of camping, without electronics, resets our biological body clock and synchronizes our melatonin hormones with sunrise and sunset.

2018 beef cow herd outlook: expansion slows, prices hold

By Bridger Feuz, University of Wyoming Extension livestock marketing specialist Three major factors affect the market calves averaged $155 per cwt. at the begindynamics of the beef industry: the supply of ning of the year but trended upward. By beef, the demand for beef and the status of October, prices averaged $165. By the end beef trade. Looking at each of these factors of the year prices were at $170. provides a better understanding of long-term What Will 2018 Look Like? market trends. We still are faced with an increasing Beef Supply supply of cattle. The Livestock Marketing January 1 beef cow inventory in 2016 and Information Center is projecting prices for 2017 saw back-to-back growth of 3 percent 500- to 600-pound steer calves to be between or more. The January 1, 2018, beef cow $157 and $163 per cwt. in the third quarter inventory number showed more moderate of the year and $149 to $156 in the fourth growth at only 1.6 percent. quarter. Starting in 2006, the January 1 cow inventory declined year over year through 2013. The turnaround year was 2014, and 2015 saw moderate growth, with 2016 and 2017 experiencing significant growth. The January 1, 2018, beef cow inventory totals 31.7 million head of beef cows after the 1.6 percent increase. The number of heifers held as beef cow replacements gives us an indication of the trend for January 1, 2019. The 6.1 million heifers retained for replacements as of January 1, 2018, is still a historically high number, but it is actually a 3.7 percent decline from 2017. This is the first year since 2011 that fewer heifers were retained than the year prior. Beef Demand Beef demand is a combination of the amount of beef consumed in the U.S. and dollars spent on beef. These two factors are combined to form the demand index. The beef demand index, an index that adjusts for inflation and uses 1990 as the base year and 100 as the value, bottomed out in 1997 and again in 2010 at 75, a 33 percent decline from 1980 levels. Demand since 2010 has been stronger for beef and continued to grow through 2015, topping out at 92. The demand index for 2016 was 89. Consumers’ willingness to stick with beef, even with relatively high retail prices over the last few years, has been a big driver for the demand index. Beef Trade The U.S. dollar began to strengthen in 2013, and the trend continued through much of 2016. As a result, export markets were down slightly in 2014 and more significantly through 2016. The annual net value of exports – sales of exports minus cost of imports – was negative in 2015 but bounced back to $880 million in 2016. When 2017 numbers are tallied, they will likely be similar to those of 2016. Calf prices saw a slight rebound in 2017 from 2016 and trended up throughout the year. Prices in 2017 for 500- to 600-pound steer

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A7


New Holland 499 12-ft. haybine, very low acre use. Very good condition. Call (406) 450-3647, leave message

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A8

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

FOR SALE BULLS, BULL CALVES, BRED COWS These are medium frame, drought proof, brown grass cattle.

Turner Angus Common Sense Cattle Designed to work for a living

Box 145, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone (406) 434-2823 or 337-3800

“In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King”

Tom Waits

##### Florida Owners of commercial establishments where alcohol is sold may be fined up to $1,000 if they participate in or permit any contest of dwarf-tossing. In 1989, Florida outlawed this Australian bar fad of tossing little people when it caught on in southern parts of the state. ##### Michigan A statute on the books since 1931 makes adultery a felony — punishable by a maximum of four years in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Rod Courtnage

farm AUction

Saturday, June 16, 2018 ~ Big Sandy, MT

Sale Conducted by B & B Auction Sales

Sign for Numbers: 10:00 a.m.

-Tractors -

Case IH 7120 Ser# JA0018021 8.3 Cummins, 150 HP, Power Shift, Front Wheel Assist w/710 Loader & Grapple, PTO & 3 Point New Holland G1 170 160 HP, Power Shift, Front Wheel Assist w/7514 Ford Loader, 8-ft. Bucket & Grapple New Holland TC 35 A – Front Wheel Assist w/ Loader, 3 Pt & PTO Allis-Chalmers MM Model U HD3 Crawler, Diesel, PTO, w/6-Way Angle Dozer & Ripper

Lunch Available

Sale Time: 11:00 a.m.

Auctioneers Note: The Auction will be conducted at the Courtnage Place, just off Hwy 87 on Hwy 236 E. There is a nice selection of Tractors, Trucks, Vehicles, Farming & Haying Equipment as well as some Household. - Vehicles -

2001 International Truck, 8.3 Cummins, 10 Speed w/5th Wheel Plate 1961 Chevrolet 60 Truck, 16-ft. Box & Sides w/ Double Action Hoist 1998 GMC ½ T Pickup 1990 Ford F250 with Tommy Lift Gate 1988 Chevrolet Suburban 350 Engine, New Tires 1972 Chevrolet Pickup w/ Snow Blade

- Other -

New Holland 1100 Swather, Diesel, Cab & Air, w/16-ft. Header New Holland 1100 Swather, Gas, w/14-ft. Header Hesston Model 3892 16-ft. 12-Wheel Roto Rake John Deere 240 Haybind, 14-ft. Case 562 Round Baler 10-ft. Box Scraper Farm King 8-ft. Mower

Knapheid 14-ft. Flat Bed w/ Hoist 14-ft. Steel Bed w/24” Steel Sides 21-ft. Flat Bed Schaefer 21-ft. Double Disc, Heavy Duty 10-ft. Cultivator, 3 Pt Poly Water Tank, 1700 gal Many Misc Items

- Household -

Doll Collection, Dressers, Beds, Dehydrators, Porcelain Molds, many misc items.

Study angles for new tactics for fishing, water management

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Management decisions for Nebraska lakes and reservoirs are often made at a local level with the assumption that anglers will simply move to the next-nearest lake to fish. However, a new five-year study by University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) researchers shows that decisions made by anglers are more complicated and that local water-management decisions can add unintended stresses on regional waterways. “If you can’t launch your boat at one lake, you may go to another,” said Mark Kaemingk, lead author of the study and research assistant professor with the Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in the School of Natural Resources. “But you also may not fish at all, or you may drive further to find a comparable experience.” The final decision of each angler will affect local, regional and statewide resources. More anglers on a smaller body of water will increase fishing pressure; more boats on a lake would also increase gasoline pollutants in water. “We need to be aware and manage for those effects,” Kaemingk said. “It’s a delicate balance to manage for human needs and the demand on the resource.” A more realistic approach is to manage by water type and by angler type at a regional scale to reduce resource stressors, he said. “In water management, we’ve tended to think locally and have not scaled up. But it turns out we can’t apply a blanket approach to angler and fish management,” Kaemingk said. The research project, published in the Journal of Applied Ecology (https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/ abs/10.1111/1365-2664.13164), has provided the researchers with necessary statistical evidence on the habits of anglers. Details, for example, examine why some anglers are fishing from the bank of Pawnee Lake, while others are trolling from a boat on Lake McConaughy. Those at Pawnee are likely to catch more fish, but fewer species, to fish alone, and to fish for shorter periods of time. Those on Lake McConaughy will catch fewer fish but a wider diversity of species, fish in groups of two or more, and stay for up to eight hours. In gathering the statistical evidence, Kaemingk said the project has also unearthed a slew of questions the team will pursue in future research. Those include what role lake size plays in whether anglers interact with the resource, but also what happens if the largest body of water in a state is nearest to the largest population center. They also are collecting data on whether management decisions have impacts on lakes in states that border Nebraska. “We are excited to learn more about angler behavior at multiple spatial and temporal scales,” Kaemingk said. “Anglers are a critical component of a fishery, and we still have a lot to learn about them.” ##### According to Genesis 1:20-22 the chicken came before the egg.





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UW student’s entry wins outstanding thesis award

By University of Wyoming Extension A former master’s student in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wyoming (UW) has received the prestigious Outstanding Master’s Thesis award from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). Sachintha (Sah-CHIN-thah) Mendis (Men-dis) completed her master’s degree in agricultural and applied economics at UW in 2017 and is pursuing her doctorate in agricultural and resource economics at Colorado State University, said Ben Rashford, head of the department in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. The AAEA is the largest and most prestigious professional association for agricultural and applied economics, said Rashford. “The AAEA each year selects a maximum of three theses from nominations representing the best graduate student research in the country,” he said. Mendis’ thesis was “Estimating Demand for Food Quantity and Quality in China.” “Her investigation of the structure of food demand in China contributes to our understanding of the demand for food quality and has implications for marketing U.S. food products in China’s ever expanding consumer market,” Rashford said. Mendis is the second UW student selected for the award in the last four years. Anna Scofield received the honor in 2015. Mendis is originally from Sri Lanka, where she completed a bachelor’s degree in agribusiness and a Master of Philosophy in agricultural economics. Her UW thesis committee members were chair assistant professor Vardges (VARD-ges) Hovhannisyan (Hov-HAHnis-yahn) and associate professors Chris Bastian and Alexandre Skiba. ##### North Dakota produces about 1.2 million turkeys annually.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A9


Wallenstein GX720 3-pt. backhoe with 92” dig depth. .....................................................................$7900 NEW Tytan 6” hydraulic wood chipper, 3-pt., PTO..$3199 DCT 30-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$9000 Sure-Trac 7x14 dump trailer, 14,000 lb.............$6950 4000 lb. Skid Steer forks.....................................$675 New 6-ft. gear driven rototiller............................$2795


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LS MT125 25 hp, 4x4, loader.$13,600 with backhoe...................... $16,250 LS XP 8101 CPS MFWD tractor, 101 hp., cab, power shuttle, SL loader... ........... $8987 annual paymet OAC LS XU6168CPS MFWD tractor, 68 hp, cab, shuttle, SL loader............ ...... $5141 annual payment OAC LS XG3140H hydro, loader.............. ...... $268 monthly payment OAC

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Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Sam Anderson

406-848-2588, Emigrant, MT

Bar Star Cattle

406-399-7811, Loma, MT www.barstarcattle.com

Barker Herefords

406-450-9716, Shelby, MT

Bayers Hereford Ranch

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT www.bayersherefordranch.com

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com

Marty Bennett

406-221-6350, Feely, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com

Cooper Hereford Ranch

406-539-6885, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com

First West Insurance

Curlew Cattle Co

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Duncan Ranch Co

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.

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Feddes Herefords

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K & C Herefords

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-425-2252, Absarokee, MT

Sparks Herefords

Griffin Polled Herefords

406-891-0973, Baker, MT www.facebook.com/MD-Herefords

Holden Herefords

McKechnie Hereford Ranch

Indreland Ranch

406-549-4442, Missoula, MT

406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com

J Bar E Ranch

Merrimac Cattle Co

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT www.sparksherefords.com

Loyning Farms

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT

Storey Hereford Ranch

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT www.facebook.com/ Storey-Hereford-Ranch

M/D Herefords

Thomas Herefords

406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

Vandeberg Ranch

McMurry Cattle

406-735-4493, Geyser, MT

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

L Bar W Cattle Co

Frank Herefords

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

Rafter Ranch Inc

406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

307-631-6012, Columbus, MT

406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords 406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

406-821-0247, Darby, MT

Otis Ranch

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A10

PIANO FOR SALE Wurlitzer Plan to console piano located in Choteau, Montana.  4-H Grandaughter done with piano lessons. NiceSale sound and e…is Livestock attend th action........................................................................... $800

Water development worth the investment

By NDSU Extension Service Last year’s drought dried up many ponds are ponds and dugouts have a greater risk and dugouts or compromised the quality of of contracting illnesses such as giardia, Phone (406) 292-3513 the water in them, forcing North Dakota leptospirosis and cyanobacterial poisoning, Saturday, June 23 livestock producers to haul water or install compared with livestock drinking from a an alternative water source. trough.” 7 p.m. Producers in many counties reported goWater quality in dams and dugouts can be t the Plan to a compromised because drought conditions ing into the winter of 2017-18 short to very e… Teton County Fair attend th often result in increases in blue-green algae short on available surface water, according and elevated levels of sulfates, which have to surveys North Dakota State University Exhibits, Classes & Animal Shows open to the public June 20-23 Saturday, June 23 the potential to be toxic. (NDSU) Extension agents conducted. Choteau Weatherbeater Installing a water development project “Providing adequate water to livestock is 7 p.m. can help ensure that livestock have access to critical for animal health and production,” Buyer Registration at the Weatherbeater at 6:30 p.m. at the good-quality water throughout the grazing says Miranda Meehan, NDSU Extension Teton County Fair season, Meehan says. livestock environmental stewardship speSelling: Exhibits, Classes & Animal Shows open to the public June 20-23 In addition to benefiting animal health and cialist. “Good-quality water can have a Market Beef, major impact on your cattle’s intake and performance, installing water development Swine, Lamb Choteau Weatherbeater weight gain.” projects can: and Goat. • Increase flexibility in producers’ manCanadian studies have shown the quality Buyer Registration at the Weatherbeater at 6:30 p.m. of water accessible to livestock is directly agement systems tied to the amount of forage they consume. • Increase grazeable acreage and extend 4-HSelling: Members Meat and Greet Social Studies report improved gains by as much the grazing season Market invite you toBeef, the ... for Buyers as 0.24 pound per day in yearlings and 0.33 • Allow producers to utilize crop residues Swine, Lamb 6 - 7 p.m. on June 23 pound per day in calves receiving goodand cover crops for forage Meat and Greet Social forand Buyers Goat. at the Weatherbeater quality water. • Improve grazing distribution 6 - 7 p.m. on June 23 at the Weatherbeater “Providing good-quality water also “Through time, these improvements, If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a purchase, can improve herd health,” Meehan says. combined with appropriate management, Members please call MSU Extension Teton County 4-H at 406-466-2491. invite you to the ... “Livestock whose primary water sources have the potential to increase the carrying capacity of your operation, Meat and Greet Social for Buyers allowing for an increase in 6 - 7 p.m. on June 23 at the Weatherbeater herd size and/or increased drought resistance with If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a purchase, please call MSU Extension Teton County at 406-466-2491. stockpiled forages,” Meehan says. Common water developments include troughs, pumps, wells and pipelines. The grain bin management system from OPI-Integris includes Many cost-share opportunitemperature and moisture sensing cables to help you determine when ties are available through the and how long to run fans to cool and dry your grain. Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Conservation District or conservation groups for producers installing water developments. To learn more about water Choose your display for temperature and/or moisture development cost-share opreadings portunities, contact your Durable and local Natural Resources accurate cables Conservation Service office, contain sensors for Soil Conservation District Wireless temperature only or or conservation groups. temperature and Also, in response to the moisture 2017 drought, the North Dakota State Water Commission opened the Drought Disaster Livestock Water Detect grain temperature Supply Program, which increases before spoilage will cover up $3,500 of the occurs eligible costs for water development projects. “To date, the program has approved funding for Avoid spoilage 512 projects,” program adlosses ministrator Michael Noone Bin-Site says. “There is $425,000 Increase profits by available to producers in Monitor moisture before limiting over-drying qualifying counties.” hungry guests move in These funds will remain Bypass shipping available until the State Wahassles with clean, ter Commission determines insect-free grain drought conditions have eased. For more information Receive alerts from on the program, visit https:// OPI Blue when tinyurl.com/SWCwaterdeproblems start to velopment. occur For more information on livestock water quality issues, check out these NDSU Extension publications: • “Livestock Water Requirements” – http://tinyurl. Don’t lose precious profits by not A G - S E R V I C E S com/LivestockWaterRemonitoring your grain bins. Give PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street quirements Fort Benton, MT 59442 us a call to get to find out more! • “Livestock Water Qualtriangleag.com 406-622-3887 ity” – http://tinyurl.com/ LivestockWater

4-H Livestock Sale

Do you know the condition of your stored grain? Get ready for harvest: Save 5% on orders in June


Red River Valley farm income declines in 2017

By NDSU Extension Service were up slightly for wheat, soybeans and Average net farm income fell 28 percent corn as savings in fertilizer costs were in 2017 to $102,043 for 235 Red River Valoffset by increased expenditures on chemiley farms in Minnesota and North Dakota Farm Business Management Education cals, fuel and repairs. Programs. A liquidity measure, working capital to “However, the midpoint, or median net gross income, dropped from an average of income, of these farms was significantly 36 percent in 2016 to 30 percent in 2017. less at $53,694, or one-half that of 2016,” A repayment capacity measure, term debt says Andrew Swenson, North Dakota coverage ratio, dropped from 1.67 in 2016 State University (NDSU) Extension farm to 1.24 in 2017. Debt increased as the averresource management specialist. age farm borrowed $510,347 during 2017 The farms averaged slightly more than and made principal payments of $454,285 1,900 acres of cropland. The average age during the same time period. of farm operators was 48. To highlight the substantial differences in farm size and income, Swenson categorized the farms by level of gross cash income: small being less than $500,000, medium being $500,000 to $1 million and large being greater than $1 million. Each level contained about one-third of the farms. Small farms averaged $34,263 net income on 613 acres, medium-size farms averaged $48,066 net income on 1,407 acres and large farms averaged $208,818 net income on 3,420 acres. Soybeans, corn, sugar beets and wheat accounted for 94 percent of total crop sales, led by soybeans and corn at 38 percent and 26 percent, respectively. The decline in net farm income was driven by generally lower yields and a lower corn price. In 2017, average soybean yield of the Red River Valley farms was 39 bushels per acre, down from 47 in 2016. Corn yield declined from 190 to 178 bushels per acre. The average soybean sales price increased to $9.06 per bushel from $8.86 in 2016, but the price received for corn dropped 31 cents to $3.02 per bushel. Wheat was a bright spot in 2017, with stronger yields averaging 74 bushels per acres and a 15 percent increase in the sales price. Net income per acre of spring wheat on cashrented land improved from minus $15 per acre in 2016 to $70 in 2017. Soybean net income per acre on cash-rented land declined from $89 in 2016 to minus $3 in 2017. However, the more specialized soybean production for seed and food grade, provided positive returns of $83 and $63 per acre on cash-rented ground, respectively. Corn net income per acre on cash-rented land dropped from $28 in 2016 to minus $27 in 2017. Per-acre production costs

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A11

Our Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th. Phone us at (406) 271-5533.

Elk Park Angus Selling:

14 full blood Black Angus heifers Bangs vaccinated, ready to breed

15 full blood Black Angus bulls Low birth weight, good temperment

Columbia Falls, MT • (406) 212-4958

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A12

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• Winchester Lever Action 38-55 Carbine Saddle Ring • Winchester 1885 44-40 Hi-wall, MVA Sights • Winchester 32-20 Close Couple Trigger, Octagon Barrel, Lever action, serial #219109 • Winchester 32-40 Lever action, model 94, serial# 571194 • Winchester 25-20 Lever action, half octagon Barrel, model 92, serial #455372 • Winchester 44-40 Saddle Ring Carbine Lever, serial# 00152 • Winchester 45-70 Octagon Barrel, Lever action, model 1886, serial # 56795 • Winchester 45-70 Button Magazine, Lever Action, model 1886, serial # 85819 • Winchester 45 Colt, 94 Legacy Lever action, serial# 6356790 • Cimmaron Uberti 38-40 Octagon Barrel • Cimmaron Uberti 44-40 Lever action, Octagon barrel • Uberti M-1 Carbine 22 Semi Auto • Remington Rolling Block 43 Spanish w/Beignet • Remington 45-70 Rolling Block, Gain Twist Barrel, Long Range Sights • Remington 280 Custom Built w/3x9 Scope (consigned) • Marlin 32-40 Lever action, model 93 • Marlin 45 Colt, Lever action, model 94 • Stevens 32-20, Lever action, model 44, serial# 8264 • Stevens 25-20, Bee Chest Front Long Range Sights, Lever action, model 44, serial# 61608 • Savage 30-30 Take Down Lever action, serial# 166473 • Springfield 45-70 Trap Door, US model 1878, serial # 10631 • Springfield 45-70 Trap Door, US model 1873, serial # 174481 • Rossi 44-40 Lever Action, model 92, serial# W011075 • Rossi 45 Colt Saddle Ring Lever action, Stainless Steel, model 92, serial# SS006147 • Browning 1885 30-06 Falling Block, Octagon Barrel w/Leopold Scope • Browning 1885 22-250 Falling Block, Octagon Barrel w/Bushnell Scope


• Winchester 1897 12-gauge Pump • Rossi Double Barrel 12-gauge, Double Hammer Coach Gun


• (2) Uberti 38-40 1873 Replica (matching pair) • Colt 32-30 Army Special • S&W 22 CTG


• (10) Boxes 223 Remington • (3) Boxes of 284 Winchester • (7) Boxes of 357 Mag • (2) Boxes of 308 Winchester •25-06 •30-06 • 300 Winchester Mag • 270 Winchester •38 Special •7mm Mauser • Case of 7.62 MM • 22 Long Rifle • Buck Shot • 12 gauge & 20 gauge Shotgun Shells • Lots More Ammo


• Sears 44” Garden Tractor, 6-speed, 20 hp • Sears 30” pull-behind Tiller, 10 hp • TroyBilt Rear Tine Tiller • Pull-behind 44” Mower, 8.5 hp, B&S Motor • Sears push Fertilizer Spreader • Sears 34” Radial Drill Press, 5-speed • Sears Table Saw • Sears Craftsman 12” Band Saw • Sears 20” Scroll Saw • Sears 12” Wood Lathe • Century 230 AC/ 140DC Welder • Frontline Tiller • Pull-behind Sprayer • Floor Jack • Aluminum Ladder • Weed Eater • Upright Freezer • Display Cases • China Hutch • Misc. Oak Cabinets • Hobart Meat Tenderizer • Commercial Meat Grinder • 4’ Cooking Grill • Hesston Belt Collection •Trinkets • Native Arctic Carved Ivory (seals, kyak, goose, puffins)


• Farm Pro 2420 2-wheel drive diesel Tractor, 3 pt., PTO • 3 pt. King Kutter 4’ Tiller, gear driven • Sea Nymph 16’ Flat Bottom Boat & Johnson 35 hp • Output Jet Motor & Trailer • Mercury 15 hp Boat Motor (new) • Zodiak Rubber Raft

Prevent spread of equine herpes virus

By NDSU Extension Service Cases of the equine herpes virus (EHV) have been confirmed in horses in North Dakota and surrounding states this spring. EHV-1, also called rhinopneuomonitis or rhino, is a highly contagious viral equine disease that can cause respiratory or neurologic infection, abortion in mares and even death. It can be spread by airborne droplets, as well as contaminated tack, feed and other items. The virus generally survives up to seven days in the environment, but it can remain alive for up to a month in perfect environmental conditions. The recent cases are a reminder for horse owners to practice good biosecurity if their animals will come in contact with other horses, such as at horse shows, rodeos and county fairs, North Dakota State University (NDSU) animal experts say. Biosecurity is a set of preventive measures designed to reduce the risks of introducing and transmitting an infectious disease agent. Horses, people, equipment, other domestic animals, vehicles, insects, feed, waste and water all can carry and spread infectious disease pathogens. “Horse owners and event managers are responsible for implementing an equine biosecurity plan to protect the equine industry,” says Leigh Ann Skurupey, animal science specialist in NDSU Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development. “If you go to events, have your horses current on all vaccinations, have current health papers, and take all your own tack and equipment,” NDSU Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist Gerald Stokka advises. “Do not share equipment with others or ask to use theirs.” Owners should consult with their regular veterinarian to determine the proper vaccinations for their animals. Carrie Hammer, NDSU associate professor of equine science, recommends that anyone with a horse that was at an event where EHV-1 has been confirmed should keep that horse away from other horses for at least 21 days. The EHV-1 virus has an incubation period from one to 20 days. Horses can shed the virus during the incubation period without showing any clinical signs. Hammer encourages horse owners to visit the AAEP’s website on EHV-1 (https://aaep.org/horsehealth/faq-equineherpesvirus-ehv) to learn how to protect their horses. “Humans cannot contract the virus, but they can spread the virus on their clothing, boots and hands,” she says. Once a horse becomes infected with EHV-1, it is infected for life. An estimated 70 percent of the U.S. horse population has been exposed to the virus. After the initial clinical signs, the virus lies dormant and resurfaces during times of stress, such as weaning, trailering, training or competition. Clinical signs for the EHV-1 respiratory disease are a nasal and eye discharge, fever and depression. The respiratory form of the disease is by far the most common. Symptoms for the neurologic disease include staggering, stumbling, head tilting or behavior changes. Contacting a veterinarian quickly is important for getting the right diagnosis and treatment, according to Stokka. “A high rectal temperature (102 F or greater) is often the very first sign, so taking daily temperatures of at-risk horses can be beneficial in detecting the disease early,” he says. A variety of vaccines are available for protection against EHV-1. However, while the vaccines reduce the risk of infection and the severity of clinical signs for respiratory infection, they do very little to prevent the neurologic form. The protection from the vaccine is very short-lived; therefore, horses at high risk (those traveling and exposed to multiple horses frequently) should be vaccinated every six months. Pregnant mares should be vaccinated with an approved (killed virus) vaccine at the fifth, seventh and ninth month of gestation. Stokka notes that vaccines for EHV-1 are designed to prevent respiratory disease and abortion from EHV-1; no vaccine is available to protection against neurologic disease. “The bottom line is that EHV-1 is very common and horse owners should do their part to minimize the risk of infection,” Hammer says. For more information on EHV-1, including biosecurity recommendations, visit the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s website at https://www.nd.gov/ndda/disease/ equine-herpesvirus-1. ##### Add bundles of sage to a campfire to keep mosquitoes away.

USDA reopens application period for disaster assistance programs

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will begin accepting disaster assistance program applications on June 4 from agricultural producers who suffered livestock, honeybees, farm-raised fish and other losses due to natural disasters. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) is reopening the application period for two disaster assistance programs in response to statutory changes made by Congress earlier this year. “When disasters hit, help is as close as your USDA service center,” said Bill Northey, Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation. “After any catastrophic event, an eligible producer can walk into any one of our local offices and apply for help.” Beginning June 4, FSA will accept new applications for losses for calendar year 2017 or 2018 filed under the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) or Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP). Producers who already submitted applications and received decisions on their applications for these years do not need to file again, but they can reapply if they have additional losses or their application was disapproved because it was filed late. In February, Congress passed the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, which made several

changes to these two disaster programs, including: • Removing ELAP’s $20 million fiscal year funding cap, enabling FSA to pay producers’ 2017 applications in full and their 2018 applications as soon as they are approved. • Removing the per-person and legal entity annual program payment limitation of $125,000 for LIP for 2017 and future years. (The income limitation applies as it did before, meaning producers with an adjusted gross income of more than $900,000 are not eligible.) • Changing LIP to allow producers to receive a payment for injured livestock that are sold for a reduced price due to an eligible event. Previously, the program only covered financial loss for livestock death above normal mortality. Producers interested in LIP or ELAP should contact their local USDA service center. To apply, producers will need to provide verifiable and reliable production records and other information about their operation. Drought, wildfires and other disasters continue to impact farmers and ranchers, and LIP and ELAP are two of many programs available through USDA to help producers recover. Learn more at https:// www.usda.gov/disaster.

##### “Cooking and eating food outdoors makes it taste infinitely better than the same meal prepared and consumed indoors.” Fennel Hudson

##### If you find yourself in emergency wilderness survival mode, the elastic band of your underwear makes a perfect slingshot for shooting small game.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A13

Registered Hereford Herd For Sale due to health of the owner.

150 cattle from one day old to ten years old, all for sale. Bulk of the herd is 2-4 year old cows. Make selections or buy the whole herd. Central South Dakota. Rick Rausch Phone (605) 447-5888, rrs@venturecomm.net

Equipment For Sale John Deere 66A 5-bottom moldboard plow..................................... $1500 2-bottom, 3 point moldboard plow...................................................... $300 Westfield 51-ft. power takeoff, 8” grain auger.................................. $1200 Mayrath 6-ft. transfer grain auger, 10 hp BS engine.......................... $200 John Deere 12-ft. corn seeder, 4-40” rows, rubber tires.................... $400

Call (406)265-5626 • Havre, MT

Air Conditioning Parts

Complete line of parts for many makes and models. Our conversion kits allow you to upgrade your old system to a modern, more efficient system.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A14

SWATHER FOR SALE • New Holland 2450 swather •

Call 406-736-5396 • Great Falls, MT

##### Popsicles, a popular summer treat, was accidentally invented by an 11-year-old boy in San Francisco in 1905. He left a glass of soda sitting outside and by the next morning the soda had frozen. He began selling them at an amusement park in New Jersey. In the U.S., cherry is the number 1 flavor. ##### “Camping is nature’s way of promoting the motel business.” Dave Barry

FSA county committee nominations launch June 15

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) encourages America’s farmers and ranchers to nominate candidates to lead, serve and represent their community on their local county committee. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) COMBINES FOR SALE will accept nominations for county committee members beginning Friday, June 15, 2018. International 1460 combine, 24-ft. header, chaff spreader, good condition, 3250 hours, new 28Lx26 tires, air conditioning, shedded. Producers across the country are already serving on comInternational 1480 combine, Air Foil, updated fan, chopper, good belts, mittees where they play a critical role in the day-to-day new AC compressor, 3328 hours, shedded. operations of FSA, making important decisions on programs dealing with disaster and conservation, emergencies, comCall 406-423-5209 • Moccasin, MT modity price loan support, county office employment and other agricultural issues. “Our county committees make decisions about how federal farm programs are administered locally to best serve the needs of agriculture in their community,” said Acting FSA Administrator Steve Peterson. “We strongly encourage all eligible producers to visit their local FSA office today to Saturday, MT Live & find out how to get involved Internet preview & registration ~ 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Friday in their county’s election. Bidding on Select Items There’s an increasing need Camp Creek Road/Hwy 56 ~ TROY, MT for representation from underserved producers, which SHOP RARE SPECIALTIES One Way Wood Lathe Model Stihl Chainsaws - MS170, Redbird Flight Simulator, Single includes beginning, women MS260, MS440 2436 - Variable Speed Seat Compact, Full Motion, and other minority farmers Bridgeport II Milling Machine Delta DJ-20 8” Joiner Yaw, Pitch & Roll Drive Conand ranchers.” w/Digital Read Out, 480v, Perfect Aire Model 3PAD50 trol Unit, Computer, 120v, w/ Portable Dehumidifiers 3ph, #J258870 Nationwide, more than Cockpit Panels: SR22 CirKurt 6” Milling Machine Vise Hypotherm Power Max Plasma rus, DT20, Russian Fighter 7,700 dedicated farmers Cutter 1100 w/Cart Milwaukee Mag Drill Press 3/4” Laser Wire Marker w/Computer, and ranchers serve on FSA DeWalt Compound Miter Saw Earthquake 22” Weed Mower Tri Star 120v, 1ph, Model county committees, which DW708 w/DeWalt Stand Misc Lumber - Many Sizes & Types 100/LFGTT, (Used To Mark DeWalt Scroll Saw DW788 Misc Hardwood-Oak, Cherry, Aircraft & Control Wiring), consist of three to 11 memJet Drill Press 14” Walnut, Alder, Etc w/Custom Steel Stand bers and meet once a month, Heat Stream Heater (2) HS- Intercomp Wireless Car WeighDelta 10” Unisaw Tilting Arbor or as needed. Members 1757-KFA, 175k BTU Delta Industrial Belt & Disc Sander, ing System w/Digital, DisPVC Bender Hot Box, 2” & 4” 120v, Model 52-625 play, Model SW650, New In serve three-year terms. Miller Bobcat 250 Welder, 10k Delta Belts & Discs - New, Many Box (Race Car or Aircraft) Producers can nominate Generator Steel City Spindle Sander, OsEQUIPMENT Barudan Bedt Series Comthemselves or others. Check cillating, Model 55200 DeWalt D28715 14” Chop Saw Kubota SVL 90-2 Skidsteer, Fabrique-Innovative mercial Embroidery MaDump your local USDA service Full Cab, w/Quick Attach chine -15 Needle, Elite Pro Bed Trailer, 14k lb, Solar Neiko Impact Sockets - Up To 2 1/2” Kohler Command Pro14 High Pressure Fire Pump, Gas DeWalt, Makita, Milwaukee Feature, High Flow Aux. C-01, Model BEDT-ZQ-501, Charger, 14’x7’ center to see if your local Water Cannon Industrial Duty Cordless Tools - Many Hyd. Output, 200 Hrs, Heat/ 2007 Trailmax Flatbed Trailer SN 4102184L03, w/Custom administrative area is up for Hot Washer, 4000psi, HonAC, Model SVL90-2HFC SS Stand w/Steel Deck & Ramps, 16k Rockwell 14” Radial Arm Saw election this year. Organizada 20hp, Gas/Diesel 208v, 3ph Bo Dozer 6’ Brush Grapple Reliable Boiler/Steam Ironlb, 20’x7’ QA Pallet Fork Commercial, w/3 Gallon 1999 JMWG Tiltbed Trailer, Foley Bell Saw Chainsaw Cassadei F115 HD Spindle tions, including those repreShaper w/Power Feed, Grinder w/Spinner & BreakSkid Pro Snow Blower, Elect Boiler, Model 130 4000lb, Single Axle, w/Ramps senting beginning, women 220v, 3ph er, Model 308 Spout Control 5000lb Digital Pallet Scale, Wood-Mizer LT50 Portable and minority producers, QA Brush Hog Mower - 72” Model TS-700MS Sawmill, 199 Hrs, 50HP CAT, Miller 120v Portable Welder, 500v Megger Insulation Tester, Biddle Co. (2) Model Max Star 150STL QA McMillen Auger Power Vintage Champion Spark Plug may also nominate candiDiesel, 32’ +/-, 36” +/Head, X1975W Servicer Wood-Mizer Bandsaw Setter, Homak 20 Drawer Rolling Tool Hipotronics 15k Volt DC Hidates to better serve their pot Cable Insulation tester, Cabinet John Deere 700J SLT Crawler/ Shop Series communities. To be eligible Model 1T800PL Series Dozer, 895 Hrs, 3 Tooth, Wood-Mizer Bandsaw Blade Wright Socket Sets - Impact Craftsman End Wrenches Hougen HMD904 Mag Drill (2) to serve on an FSA county Ripper, Full Cab, Heat/AC, Grinder, Shop Series Air Tools, Air Sander LB-10 Laser Level Alignment SN T0700JX1381.72 1999 Dodge Laramie SLT committee, producers must Mac Air Impact Tool Beacon, Auto Level, w/TriJohn Deere 544J Loader, 1996 Dodge RAM 3500 participate or cooperate in Porter Cable Sander pod, Stick & Case Full Cab, Heat/AC, Rubber 1998 Dodge an FSA program and reside 10’x4’ Steel Table w/1” Top, 4’x5 Like New, 4198 Hrs, SN Fruehauf 20T Tiltbed Equip- Rigid Blower Vac - Several CSPS Rolling 10 Drawer Tool DW44JZ598140, Very Well 1/2’ Steel Table-3/4” Top in the area where the elecment Trailer Cabinet Maintained! Towmotor Gas Fork Lift LT44, tion is being held. OUTDOORS JDS Model 200-CK Dust ColKomatsu PC75R Excavator w/ 4000lb To be considered, a prolector w/Fittings, Ducting, 2013 Can Am Outlander Max Hyd Thumb & Blade, 3412 Hrs XL 4x4 ATV, 650V-Twin, 195 Gate Valves 1990 Peterbilt Dump Truck, ducer must sign an FSAMiles, Like New! 14’ Alum Bed w/ Rubber, 669A nomination form. The OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 2014 Can Am Outlander Max Impact Liner, Steering Tag form and other information XL 4x4 ATV, 500V-Twin, 166 Cannon iPF6450 ImageProAxle, CAT 3406 Eaton 18 Miles, Like New! graf Plotter-Nice! w/Lots of about FSA county commitSpd, HD Alum. Box Paccar 2007 Kawasaki STX-15F 4 Jet Paper Frame, 133,500 Miles tee elections are available Ski, 4 Stroke w/Trailer Dell Precision T7600 Comput2007 Interstate Trailer 40TDL at www.fsa.usda.gov/elecer w/Nvidia Quadro K5000 Oregon 28T Log Splitter, Vertiw/Tilt Bed, 24’x8’ cal/Horizontal Video Card tions. All nomination forms Mining Marathon Generator w/ Dell Rack Mounted Network Arlens 927LE Snow Blower Detroit 12V71 Engine, 3ph, for the 2018 election must Server, 3-300gb/15k Drives, Wind Surfing Sailboards 480v, 460kw, 575kva, Regube postmarked or received Specialized XC Comp MounRaid Array lator Basler KR7F, Needs tain Bike in the local FSA office by Head Reinstalled-Head & Household, Cannondale Mountain Bike Parts Included August 1, 2018. Visit farmOffice Supplies & Pelican Odyssey 100x Kayak 1972 Mack Water Truck ers.gov for more informaEquino 6.6 Kayaki Equipment, RS600L, 4500+/- Gal Tank, tion. 4 Baffles, & Baffle Balls, Outdoors, More Shop, Election ballots will be Gas Pump 23 +/- Fill Time, Etc.... 345k Miles mailed to eligible voters beCat 950 Loader ginning November 5, 2018. Ford 4000 Tractor, Diesel, 3 LARGE INVENTORY Read more to learn about Cyl, 3pt PTO MANY ITEMS NOT 2015 PJ Equipment Trailer, Tandem important election dates. Axle, 21’x7’ 16k lb, Tilt Bed LISTED!


##### Prevent bird poop on your car this summer by leaving a toy snake on the roof when you park. Birds are scraed of snakes and will stay far away.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A15

Ophus Auction Service

Brian Wilson Inc. Auction Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

The Farm is located at 14343 Road 265 S Box Elder, MT 8.5 Miles West of Box Elder, MT Turn north on Road 265S go 1.5 miles North Register For Bidders Numbers At 9 a.m. Auction Starts At 10 a.m.



1991 Versatile 976 4X4 tractor, 855 Cummins 360 Hp, 12 speed, 4 Hyd, new Firestone 20.8R-42 duals, 3,403 Hr. • 1970 John Deere 4520 tractor, cab, 8 speed Trans, 123 HP, 3 Pt., 1,000 PTO, sells with a Farmhand F-258 loader with 7 Ft bucket, 6,355 Hr. has dual wheels. • 1955 John Deere model 70 tractor, electric start, wide front, PTO run well.

1976 John Deere 4430 tractor, cab air heat, 8 speed power shift Trans, 125 Hp, 3 Pt, PTO, 3 Hyd, 18.4-38 tires, sells with a Allied 795 loader with quick tach 6 Ft bucket & pallet forks, 8,041Hr.

1999 New Holland Versatile 9882 4X4 tractor, cab air heat radio, N-14 Cummins 425 Hp, 12 speed Trans, Case IH FM 750 Guidance, Auto Steer, slippage monitor, 4 Hyd, 750/65-38 Trelleborg Duals 80 %, 39 • 1956 John Deere 4020 tractor, front weights, 54 rear suitcase cab, 8 speed power shift Trans, 95 weights, 4,020 Hr. Hp, 3 Pt., PTO, sells with a JD 148 EVERYTHING loader with 6 Ft. bucket, hood is ELSE dented. • Many boxes of R 62 Gleaner combine parts. SEEDING & TILLAGE • 9 -12 inch aeration fans. • 36 Ft. Gysler chisel plow. • 3 inch by 60 Ft. Large tow rope • 32 Ft. IH 490 tandem disk, Hyd 125,000 # rating, 2 inch tow rope 2/3 roll of ½ inch cable. fold wings, 19 inch disks, new • 20 - Sacks of sand blast sand tires. • 3 - Wagon type header trailers • 52 Ft. Geyser 5 section chisel • Several pallets of shovels & plow, dead rods. spikes. • 30 Ft. Older John Deere disk, • 20 - Gopher bait stations hand fold wings, 16 Ft. center • 10 Ton porta-power 2002 Brandt 70 Ft heavy section, 21 inch disks. • Porta Power press. Harrow model 7000 9/16 teeth • 14 Ft one way. • 10 ton truck floor jack. with carbide tips, nice shape. • 52 Ft. Flexi-Coil 75 coil packer, • Over the fender truck creeper big coils, long hitch, Hyd. fold, Homemade cherry picker. tow hitch included. • Dual model 300 loader with 5 Ft. bucket.


2004 John Deere 61 Ft air drill, 1900 Tow between cart, 120-150 bushels, 28L-26 tires, JD 1820 seeder with 12 inch spacing capped steel packers, double shoot, all run monitor, paired row . • 2 - Gysler 52 Ft. chisel plows; 42 Ft. Gysler chisel plow with Anhydrous can pull 2 tanks it has newer Summers 2 arm mounted 3 bar harrows with heavy teeth; 41 Ft. Shank Gysler chisel plow. • 14 Ft chisel plow.

2011 Case IH FH 400 flex hoe 58 FT air drill, 4430 tow between cart variable rate 3 tanks 430 bushels, double shoot, 12 inch spacing 4 inch steel packers with paired row, 2 blockage runs per tower, 34,900 acres • 2004 Schulte RSH4-H Rock picker Hyd. Drive 4 batt chain type reel, high lift. • Older fork type rock picker.

2011 Case IH Patriot 4440 selfpropelled sprayer, cab air heat radio, 8.7L 335 Hp, Hydro, 1,200 stainless steel tank, 120 FT dual nozzle with AIM, auto fold & auto height, Watchdog weather station, auto steer, Case IH Viper PRO monitor, 650/65R38 tires, 1,820 Hr. (Very Nice). • 60 Ft. Marflex mid mount boom 300 gal tank, single nozzles, 8 Hp Honda engine, foam marker.

Auctioneers Note:

2006 GMC C4500 truck, 4 X 4, 454 V-8 gas engine, Auto Trans, 24.5/70R 19.5 tires, 11 Ft service body, 250 Gal fuel tank with 20 GPM 12 volt pump, Napa industrial air compressor with a Honda 11 Hp electric start engine, air hose reel, Miller Bobcat welder with 4.4 Hr. 39,010 miles This is a great service truck!

1996 IH 9600 tandem axle truck, day cab, 12.7 L Detroit engine 470 Hp, 10 speed Trans, custom mounted 3,850 gallon water tank, 2 inch Honda water pump, new 11R22.5 tires, 604,325 miles. • 1996 IH 9600 tandem axle truck, day cab, 12.7 L Detroit Series 60 engine 470 HP 10 speed, 19 Ft. box & hoist, roll tarp, air lift steerable tag axle, walking beam suspension, 11R 22.5 nice tires, 648,460 miles. • 1963 IH Loadstar 1600 truck V-8, 4&2 speed, 15 Ft box & hoist rock truck floor & sides, 115,730 miles.

1986 C-70 GMC truck, 366 engine, 5&2 speed, 18 Ft box & hoist, roll tarp, only 29,700 miles nice truck blue paint is pealing. • 1977 Ford F-250 4X4 pickup, 351W engine, 4 speed Trans, 150 gallon fuel tank with 20 GPM 12 volt pump, 5.5 Hp Honda air compressor, 110,450 miles. • 1977 Ford F-250 4X4 pickup, 400 engine, 4 speed, headliner is gone. • 1963 Ford F-100 pickup, V-8 engine, 4 speed Trans, nice body 98,051 miles. • 1959 Ford F-100 4X2 pickup, V-8, 4 speed, 75,295 miles nice body. • 1991 Chevy 4X2 1500 pickup, 350, Auto Trans, poor paint, box dented, 108,910 miles.

2006 Freightliner Columbia day cab with air tandem axle truck, 14.0 L series 60 Detroit set at 500 Hp, 3 pedal auto shift, air ride, power windows, 2 steerable lift tag axles, all aluminum wheels, 24 FT box & hoist roll tarp, pintle hitch, only 175,500 miles, Very NICE.

2006 Freightliner Columbia day cab with air, 14.0 L Series 60 Detroit, 2 pedal 10 speed 1980 C-60 Chevy truck, 366 auto shift, 275/80R 22.5 tires engine, 5&2 speed, 16 Ft box 90 %, all aluminum wheels, & hoist, roll tarp, only 35,968 two bag air ride, 524,602 miles. miles, (nice shape). • 1950’s Chevy pickup for parts or to restore, 3 on the tree.

GRAIN HANDLING • 2008 Brandt 5000 EX grain vac. only 161 Hr. • Westfield 6X36 auger electric motor. • 2007 Brandt 10X70 mechanical swing out auger. • Brandt 10X60 mechanical swing out auger. • 8X50 Westfield PTO auger.

1996 45 Ft Fruehauf highboy sprayer tender trailer, 1,500 gal water tank, 3-12 volt pumps, Honda 2 inch water pump, Handler mixing cone, 10 Ft of side boards, rear steps, sells as a unit.

• 8X35 Brandt auger, 10 Hp electric motor. • Westfield 7X31 Ft auger 5Hp electric motor. • Brandt 7X35 Ft. auger, 10 Hp electric, wet kit. • Light Foot trailer mounted grain cleaner screen type.

• 1952 Dodge H truck, 318 V-8, 4&2 speed, 15 Ft. box & hoist.

MOWERS • 2000 Schulte model 5026 26 Ft. • 3 section Hyd wing fold mower, 1,000 RPM PTO. • 7 Ft Woods 3 Pt. mower.

Don’t Worry! - If you can’t make it

Brian has seeded his last crop. This is a great lineup. How many chisel plows and augers are there? Online bidding Only 24 major items will be offered on line ~ Online bidding starts at 1 P.M. MST for the big items starts at 1PM Register early if you chose this method of bidding. Thanks, Shane For complete listings, updates

to the auction you can bid live on line and pictures go to



Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane, Blaine & Taylor, Auctioneers Printed by The Mountaineer Mason Ophus , Clerk Big Sandy, Montana FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL SHANE @ (406) 788-6662

Phone: (406) 378-2176 e-mail: bsmnews@mtintouch.net

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A16


USDA resumes continuous CRP enrollment

USDA to review available acres and avoid exceeding the 24 million-acre CRP cap set by the 2014 Farm Bill. New limited practice availability and short sign up period helps ensure that landowners with the most sensitive acreage will enroll in the program and avoid unintended competition with new POLLED HEREFORD BULLS and beginning farmers seeking leases. CRP enrollment currently is about 22.7 million YEARLINGS AND TWO YEAR OLDS acres. Easy calving, disposition and built in gain ability. 2018 Signup for CRP Put some chrome on those black calves and dollars in your pocket. For this year’s signup, limited priority practices are available for continuous Dallas Polled Herefords 8210 Little Prickly Pear Road Canyon Creek, Montana enrollment. They include grassed water(406) 368-2244 (406) 443-5110 cell ways, filter strips, riparian buffers, wetland restoration and others. View a full list of practices. FSA will use updated soil rental rates to make annual rental payments, reflecting TRACTOR FOR SALE current values. It will not offer incentive payments as part of the new signup. USDA will not open a general signup this year, however, a one-year extension will be offered to existing CRP participants with expiring CRP contracts of 14 years or less. Producers eligible for an extension will receive a letter with more information. Versatile 145, true 504 Cummins V8, hydraulic rubber CRP Grasslands mounted tilt cab. Asking........................................ $7200 Additionally, FSA established new rankCall Bill 406-390-6670, Havre, Montana ing criteria for CRP Grasslands. To guarantee all CRP grasslands offers are treated equally, applicants who previously applied will be asked to reapply using the new ranking criteria. Producers with pending applications will receive a letter providing the options. “See all current inventory, photos and About CRP prices at www.mtrpwr.com.” In return for enrolling land in CRP, USDA, through FSA on behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), provides partici8 t u pants with annual rental Blow O To Chopayments ose and cost-share Price $38,000 From! assistance. Landowners enter into contracts that last between 10 and 15 years. CRP pays producers who remove sensitive lands from production and plant certain grasses, shrubs and trees that improve water quality, prevent soil erosion and in(8) 06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand sleeper, signature crease up wildlife habitat. Signed into85% law by Presi-St tanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! tires!! dent Reagan in 1985, CRP is one of the largest privatelands conservation programs in the United States. Call us, we’ll e-mail Thanks to voluntary particiyou 30 pictures pation by farmers, ranchers and private landowners, CRP has improved water quality, reduced soil erosion and increased habitat for endangered and threatened species. SAVE SAVE SALE PRICE Sale Price The new changes to CRP $9 0 ,000 $25,00 $16,000 $37,000 do the ConservaE PRICimpact SALEnot 0 $43,00Reserve tion Enhancement Program, a related program offered by CCC and state partners. Producers wanting to apply for the CRP continuous signup or CRP grasslands should contact their USDA service center. To locate ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP your local office, visit ta Kenworth Cummins ISXdual 500tanks, hp, 62” 3.70 Prem rear int alum 3.70 ratio,FSA 250” WB, 63” Unibilt WB, 4.11 ratio, 51”flat hi top rise sleeper, pro sleeper, 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am ‘05 Class int, dualT800, https://www.farmers.gov. tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum w wheels, & PDL, air slideblock 5th wheel tanks, & air 30-ft. cleaners, alum 80% Tires!! ends, 235” wheelbase, dualPW aluminum tanks, heater, fridge, chrome ‘06 Montone end dump, 22-ft. longexhaust x 96” wide, frame, newwheels liner. Stk# 1 Brakes! Stk#on TPN639T-1 $34,000 STK#Stk# TP3954T-9 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN640T-1 G095902C............... Call for Details! More50% information CRP G567875C............................................................................... Call$53,000 for Price! bumper, power locks, /4 fenders. US! WE’LL E-MAIL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTUREScan CALL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES be found at www.fsa. S E Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures av IC e SALE PR usda.gov/crp. 5 To $11,000 $48,000 300 pieces of Aines 3” hook and latch hand-lines with center risers, only 3 years old................................ $75 each Phone 406-544-5155, Frenchtown, MT

As part of a 33-year effort to protect sensitive lands and improve water quality and wildlife habitat on private lands, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will resume accepting applications for the voluntary Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Eligible farmers, ranchers, and private landowners can sign up at their local Farm Service Agency (FSA) office between June 4 and August 17, 2018. “The Conservation Reserve Program is an important component of the suite of voluntary conservation programs USDA makes available to agricultural producers, benefiting both the land and wildlife. On the road, I often hear firsthand how popular CRP is for our recreational sector; hunters, fishermen, conservationists and bird watchers,” U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue said. “CRP also is a powerful tool to encourage agricultural producers to set aside unproductive, marginal lands that should not be farmed to reduce soil erosion, improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife and boost soil health.” FSA stopped accepting applications last fall for the CRP continuous signup (excluding applications for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and CRP grasslands). This pause allowed



Great Falls, Montana Billings, Montana

www.mtrpwr.com ‘13 Kenworth


W900L, Cummins ISX15 600 hp, 18 speed, 72” ACF sleeper, 3.55 rear ends, 287” wheelbase, tandem axles. Stk# 336742... .... Call for Specs!



Choose From

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A17

MGGA and MGF award 2018 scholarships

The Montana Grain Growers Association (MGGA) and the Montana Grains Foundation (MGF) are pleased to announce the recipients of their college scholarships for school year 2018-19. The MGGA $1,000 scholarship winners are: Julia Grubb, a Denton High School senior, plans to major in Agriculture Education: Relations at MSU-Bozeman this fall as she believes that “agriculture is a vital industry that needs to be better understood by our nation.” Julia’s essay further states that she desires to be “employed in a career that serves others and encourages further agricultural improvement and public knowledge.” Thomas Brown is a Lustre Christian High School senior who plans to attend MSU-Bozeman majoring in Crop Science. He expects to return to his community “armed with expertise on plants, soils and crop science in general” to not only better his family farm but “potentially advise other farmers as well.” The MGF offered four $2,500 scholarships, two for undergraduate students selected by the MSU College of Agriculture, and two for graduate students selected by MGF, including one funded by CoBank. The graduate student winners are: Eleanor Brant is a Plant Genetics PhD candidate working in the MSU-Bozeman Cereal Genomics Lab who “aspires to become proficient within the field of molecular plant genetics, with a particular focus on crop species.” Her essay further states: “I am enthusiastic about the prospect of continuing to develop the CRISPR technology and explore its possible uses in both genetic and epigenetic contexts.” Uta Stuhr received the MGF scholarship funded by CoBank. She is a PhD candidate in Plant Pathology studying wheat streak mosaic disease by conducting research trials across the state. One of her project objectives is to develop a risk assessment tool, AWaRe (Assessment of Wheat streak mosaic Risk). Born and educated in Germany, Uta has discovered a “sense of home and belonging” in Montana and feels “called to dedicate my efforts to Montana’s agriculture and supporting its agricultural community.”

Jeff Welborn

stockdrivemt.com or check us out on Facebook

2011 Wilson 7x20, 8000# axles, 17.5 rubber, good trailer. $11,500

PJ deck over, bumper pull, ramps, 5200# axles. $4700 1 left at this price.

New Merritt 24x8 or 20x7 in stock, huge savings. Call

New CM 20-ft. save $1000’s. $14,900 one only at this price.

2018 Travalong dump trailers, both are owners demos, 16-ft. gooseneck or 14-ft. bumper pull. $10,950 or $9300 respectively.

Email: jeff@stockdrivemt.com

We are your truck bed leader. Hillsboro, Bradford & CM in stock

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Protect your crops from hail and sawfly!

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A18

The deadline for advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th.

Harold Schmoeckel Estate

June 30, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. Malta City Hall, 39 S. 2nd St. E, Malta, MT Signs will be posted - Lunch Available

House and large shop in Malta next to courthouse to be auctioned off at 2:00 p.m. Some auction items include:

1965 Chevrolet pickup, 1998 Dodge van with wheelchair lift, antique and miniature collectibles, china cabinets, grandfather clock, gun cabinets, safes, household furniture, appliances, riding lawn mower, rototiller, shop tools,

Many more items too numerous to mention.

CLIFF RUSTAD, Auctioneer Malta, MT

406-654-1772 Home 406-654-4053 Cell BONDED & INSURED

MSU’s inaugural class of 11 students in the Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine graduated with doctor of veterinary medicine degrees from Washington State University on Saturday May 5.

MSU’s inaugural vet-med students graduate

By Jenny Lavey, MSU News Service MSU’s inaugural class of 11 students in Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine the Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah graduated with doctor of veterinary medicine degrees from Washington State University on Saturday, May 5. Eleven Montana State University students hailing from all corners of Montana are newly minted veterinarians. Comprising MSU’s inaugural class of the Washington, Idaho, Montana and Farming is a competitive business. You’ve got to have tough, high-performance Utah Regional Program equipment like Brandt’s DXR GrainCarts if you want to run at the front of the pack. in Veterinary Medicine, Built for the rigorous demands of a fast-paced harvest, these high-capacity units dubbed WIMU, the students feature a 22" discharge auger that unloads at 800 bushels per minute – ensuring began their first year of the that your combines never sit idle again. And, with an Autolog2-equipped GT460 regional program in BozeGrainCart Scale, our DXR models make capturing load data easier than ever. man, housed in the College of Agriculture. They then The result? You get the highest quality cart in the industry and completed the final two enjoy years of worry-free productivity from Brandt. years of their doctor of vetThat’s Powerful Value. Delivered. erinary medicine degrees at Washington State University in Pullman. They received their diplomas on May 5. Mark Quinn, MSU’s WIMU program director and professor in MSU’s Department of Microbiology and Immunology, said each of the students performed exceedingly well and that several plan to return to Montana right away to practice veterinary medicine. Several additional students eventually plan to return to the state to practice after completing additional training. “Each student in this class had strong ties to Montana, and for many, their goal is to return to the state to practice,” Quinn said. “It’s not unusual for (doctor of veterinary medicine) students to immediately seek additional training and education after graduation for advanced experience. It’s often recommended for those pursing ON SELECT MODELS REBATE expertise in (medicine for) Limited time offer. Some restrictions apply. large animals.” The Montana Legislature brandt.ca 1-866-427-2638 and Gov. Steve Bullock approved MSU’s participation

Sale day takes precedent over advertising error. Not responsible for accidents. TERMS; Cash, Check, Certified Check with proper identification or letter of credit. No items will be removed until they are paid for.


$10,000 UP TO


MSU’s inaugural vet-med students graduate CONTINUED FROM PAGE A18

in the WIMU program during the 2013 state legislature to bolster the state’s veterinarian workforce, especially in the area of large-animal vets in underserved rural areas. The program was also a means to provide affordable access to Montana students wishing to pursue veterinary medical education. In their first year at MSU, WIMU students learn basic animal anatomy, immunology, neurology, nutrition, physiology, surgery fundamentals and animal handling to master the structures and systems of a normal, healthy animal, Quinn said. They then transfer to WSU for two more years of additional training and completion of regional clinical rotations. The small class size during the students’ first year of training at MSU, usually 10 or 11 students, has advantages when it comes to hands-on coursework and training, Quinn said. “The smaller class size has a lot of advantages, particularly when it comes to animal handling, hands-on training and faculty-student interaction,” he said. “You can do a lot more with a class of 10 than you can with 90.” Quinn said WIMU students also travel around Gallatin County, and in summer months, students can seek work or internships in Montana veterinary practices. They can also return to Montana practices for clinical rotations, required in their final year at WSU. WIMU students also have access to horses and cattle owned by MSU Quinn said the small first-year class size also creates a tight-knit community among students. “That was probably the most consistent feedback we received – that Montana students stuck close together for the duration of the program and that everyone felt their first year in WIMU at MSU set them up for success, both academically and in terms of a support network,” he said. The 2014 class of MSU’s WIMU graduates are: Cassidy Briggs from Grass Range. Garrett Bronec from Denton. Jared Hardaway from Belgrade. Anne Hutton from Wisdom. Katie Olson from Three Forks. Brenee Peterson from Havre. Jess Scherr from Great Falls. Lane Schmitt from Chinook. Kelsey Stoner from Clancy. Katlyn Tomschin from Wilsall. Thomas Wurtz from Dupuyer. Briggs has accepted a one-year internship at Bend Equine Medical Center in Bend, Oregon. Following her internship, Briggs said she plans to return to Missoula for private practice. Bronec is planning to work at a mixed-animal clinic at Indian Hammer Veterinary in Vaughn and said he appreciated WIMU’s small class size and mentorship by faculty. Hardaway has accepted a one-year equine surgery internship at San Luis Rey Equine Hospital at Oceanside, California. Hardaway said after his internship, he plans to return to Montana to work alongside his father at Hardaway Veterinary Hospital. Hardaway said his first year spent at MSU prepared him well for coursework at WSU. “The WIMU experience has been wonderful, and I’m very excited to further my knowledge in equine sports medicine and surgery and to bring that knowledge back to the Gallatin Valley,” Hardaway said. Hutton said she plans to apply for an equine surgical residency after an internship at Pioneer Equine in Oakdale, California next year. Hutton said that spending her first year at MSU helped her transition to WSU. Olson has accepted a position with Pruyn Veterinary in Missoula. Peterson plans to explore several employment opportunities. She said her first year spent at MSU provided with her hands-on skills required during her clinical rotations. Scherr plans to train in a mixed-animal practice in South Fork Animal Clinic in Rigby, Idaho. Schmitt has accepted a position with Chinook Veterinary Clinic in Chinook. Stoner will complete a one-year equine internship at Equine Sport’s Medicine and Surgery in Weatherford, Texas after graduation. Stoner said WIMU’s hands-on laboratories advanced her knowledge and skills for veterinary practice in several fields. Tomschin has accepted a position with The Stock Doc in Riverton, Wyoming. Wutz has accepted a position as an associate veterinarian at the Best Friends Animal Hospital in Great Falls. He said his favorite aspect of WIMU was the access onto farms and into veterinary clinics to develop technical skills.

##### To prevent accumulating dirt under your fingernails while you work in the garden, draw your fingernails across a bar of soap and you’ll effectively seal the undersides of your nails so dirt can’t collect beneath them. Then, after you’ve finished in the garden, use a nailbrush to remove the soap and your nails will be sparkling clean. ##### To keep dogs from lying down in flower beds, simply drive some short stakes into the ground throughout the bed.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A19

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

LIVING ESTATE AUCTION SUNDAY, JUNE 24, 2018 10:00 AM • Lunch Available

AUCTION WILL BE HELD AT THE FAIRGROUNDS IN MILES CITY, MONTANA AT THE HOMESHOW BUILDING—SIGNS WILL BE POSTED EQUIPMENT 1992 Ford model F150 4X4, extended cab Pickup, great shape—2015 JD Riding Lawn Mower—Power Mate 1200W Generator—2000 Artic Cat Snowmobile—1994 Skidoo Snowmobile—2008 Yach Trailer—Toro Self Propelled Lawn Mower—White Outdoors Lawn Mower—Self Propelled Lawn Sweeper w/Chipper--22 ton Woodmaster Wood Splitter--Troy Built Roto Tiller—8000# Winch w/Wireless Remote & Snatch Block—AC Delco 2 ton Engine Hoist—Magna Force 30 gallon Air Compressor 7CFM-120V—(2) Engine Stands—New Steel Stanley 19 Drawer Tool Chest—Shop Fox Floor Model Drill Press-- PLUS MORE SHOP EQUIPMENT & POWER TOOLS (2) Dewalt 18V Cordless Grinder—Dewalt 18V Impact Tool—Dewalt 18V Drill—Ryobi Drill & Battery Charger—TWECO 3 in/Welder Mig-Stik & Tig Capable—Hobart 625 Air Force Plasma Cutter—Oxy Acetylene Welding Torch & Cart—DeWalt Heavy Duty 8 inch Bench Grinder—15 ton Hydraulic Pipe Bender—Floor Jacks & Hydraulic Jacks—Chore Master Pressure Washer w/Honda Engine—Trupey Wheel Barrow—Black & Decker Tools—Skil Saw—Stihl Chain Saws, 044;038;& 028—Homelite Chain Saw--Drills—Shop Vac—Welding Cart—Bench Vice— Extension Cords—Numerous Chains & Boomers—Ratchet Straps—Shop Creepers— Stools—Ladders—Portable Air Tank Plus lots of Hand Tools including Socket Sets, wrenches & ECT brands such as Snap-on; Proto; Craftsman; Mac & More—Steel Shop Bench on Rollers PLUS MORE GUNS—BOWS--& RELOADING AR 15 Anderson Mfg. 223—Ruger 10 22 Long Rifle—Savage Mark II 22 Log Rifle—Howa 1500 223 Varmit—Howa 1500 22-250 Varmit SS Barrel—Winchester model 70 6.5 MM-06 Custom—Remington 700 30-06—Winchester 1300 12 gauge 2 ¾ & 3 inch—Diamond Bow 19-29 Draw Complete Set— PSE Bow Madness adjustable length Complete Set—Reloading: Reloading Dies for 30-06; 22-250; 6.5 MM 06—45-70 Government; 243; 9MM Luger; Shell Holders—Brass for 45-70; 45 LC; 223; 22-250; 243; 30-06; 45 ACP; 9MM Luger; 25-06; 6.5 06; CO2 Cartridges—Variety of Powder including IMR 4350 & 4198; Ramshot TAC; Ramshot Big Game—Ramshot Hunter, Accurate 2015-Hodgedon CFe223 Hodgdon the group; Hodgedon H 414—Hodgedon Varget; Hodgedon Super Performance PLUS MORE—Primers for Large & Small Rifles & Pistol—Bullets for 204, 224, 257, 264, 308—Lead Bullets for 45LC, 200 RN Flat—4500CT also in 300 grn flat pt—45-70 458 Diam, 405gs Round Nose 1250CT RELOADING EQUIPMENT RC BS Press—Lee Press—Frank Ford Arsenal Dual Caliper—Several Shell Holders—Powder Funnel Set—RC BS Hand Priming Tool—Foster Case Trimer—RC BS Uniflow Powder Measure—RC BS Powder Scale—Frankford Arsenal Case Tumbler—Reloading Books including Speer Seirra; Hornady; Hodgedon; Lymon HUNTING EQUIPMENT & MORE Game Cameras—Hunting Packs—Shooting Sand Bag—Knife Assortment—Nikon Range Finder--Camo Clothing of all sorts—Tree Stands—Flash Lights—Cabellas Travel Luggage— Cabellas Meat Grinder—Fishing Poles & Tackle—Canning Jars—Water Bath -- Pressure Cooker—Kitchen Appliances—Craft Supplies—Eliptical Gold Gym—30-40 inch TVs— Camping Tents—Chairs—Coolers—Air Soft Guns—DVDs-Washer, Dryer, Dining Room Table & Chairs, Dish Sets, Pots & Pans, Refrigerator, Upright Deep Freeze, Old Lantern, School Desks, Silverware, Singer Treadle Sewing Machine & More. OWNERS: DAN & MARCY DAVIS & TONY & SYDNEY DAVIS LIVING ESTATES Auctioneers Note: Tony & Sydney are moving to the Billings area and are liquidating their estate. Many very nice tools, hunting equipment, guns & tools that are all well cared for!*** Plan to be with us on the 24th! TERMS: CASH OR BANKABLE CHECK **NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS --- Sale Conducted by --


BOX 128 BOYES, MT 59316

406-427-5317, Cell 605-645-9611 www.mills-auction.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A20


1990 John Deere 535 round baler, twine & net wrap, gathering wheels, decent shape................................$5000 obo Phone 406-467-2442, Fairfield, MT

Ford 8N with four way hydraulic blade and 5-ft. mower deck.........$2950

Check out our website www.nm-machinery.com for pictures and prices or email Neil at neil.marjerrison@gmail.com • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT

OSU 4-H robotics team takes first place in world competition

By Kym Pokorny, Oregon State University Extension Service but essential tool for adjusting their robot Three Oregon teenagers overcame meduring the playoffs. That could have been chanical difficulties to win the FIRST World the end of competition, but another team robotics championships in front of 35,000 stepped up with a replacement. people at Houston’s Minute Maid Park. “They compete like crazy, but also work Josiah Van Hattem, Kohlton Kuczler and with other teams, said Colette Van Hattem, Isaac Salchenberg, members of the Oregon leader of the kids’ Mechanical Maniacs roState University (OSU) Extension Service botics club. “I’m proud and thankful for the 4-H program in Douglas County, guided way they’ve grown. Watching them learn their robot, Ghost, through his paces to has been gratifying.” go undefeated in the qualifying round and The kids don’t just learn competition, she then took two of three rounds in the finals said. They also learn to work out conflicts, against competitors from around the world develop critical thinking and demonstrate to win the title. motivation to learn. The team didn’t anticipate losing a small “It promotes responsibility and gracious professionalism,” she said. When the three 4-H members competed for the first time last year, they expected to do poorly but ended up in the middle of the pack, according to Van Hattem. “It had been a dream, but we didn’t know if it was possible,” she said. “Just qualifying was a big deal but we didn’t think we’d do well. It opened our eyes that we can actually do this. At this year’s competition we knew what to expect.” At the world championships, teams are randomly paired with two others to compete. Montana and Washington joined the Maniacs to send their hand-constructed and programmed robots to perform activities like knocking balls off a table, picking up blocks and putting them into specialized boxes and keeping other teams from doing the same. Though they won’t be competing again, Van Hattem said the members of team feel strongly about doing outreach and mentoring other kids to be champions. They also want people to know that 4-H is about science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) as much as it is about the more traditional animal clubs. “The Mechanical Maniacs 4-H club has always been an active, cutting-edge robotics club,” said Teresa Middleton, OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development Educator in Douglas County. “The club loves to share their passion with others. I’m just so proud of them.” ##### Turn a long-handled tool into a measuring stick! Lay a long-handled garden tool on the ground, and next to it place a tape measure. Using a permanent marker, write inch and foot marks on the handle. When you need to space plants a certain distance apart (from just an inch to several feet) you’ll already have a measuring device in your hand.

By Ula Chrobak, American Society of Agronomy worldwide, especially in China. Farmers in How do you boost soil water content and China can earn money from carbon credits soil health without irrigating? Best cover it when they improve soil’s ability to store carwith a layer of straw, a new study concludes. Farmers in China’s Loess Plateau have for bon. This makes straw the winner, according decades used both plastic and straw as a soil to the researchers. Although straw mulch incover, or mulch, between crops. Much of the creased microbial activity that used nitrogen, region’s agriculture, of which corn is a large growers can adjust nitrogen fertilizer use part, is dryland; the crops depend solely on to help balance out the processes. This will seasonal rainfall. Dry spells can hurt crop increase soil carbon and create high yields. growth and yield. So, the two mulches—both Next, Sainju is going to test the mulches inexpensive and readily available—are used on a farmer’s field. He adds that he also to stop water loss from evaporation and keep plans to help write a policy guideline for soil warm. the Chinese government on the benefits of Although the mulches had been in use mulching. since the 1970s, “there were no studies beThe study was published (https:// dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/sssaj/ ing done about the effect of mulching on soil abstracts/82/2/371) in the Soil Science quality, soil health, and carbon sequestraSociety of America Journal. The National tion,” said Upendra M. Sainju. Sainju is a soil Natural Science Foundation of China and scientist at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains International Scientific and TechnologiAgricultural Research Lab in Montana. To investigate this, as well as the mulches’ cal Cooperation and Exchange Project of effects on corn yields, the scientists designed Shaanxi Province, China funded the project. a five-year experiment in which they compared straw mulch, plastic mulch, and no mulch. At their test plots at the Changwu Agro-Ecological Station, they covered the soil in May and removed the mulches when the corn was harvested in October. They took soil samples at the end of each season to analyze carbon. The scientists also compared corn yields between the different plots. On average, corn yield was highest in the plastic mulch, by 21 to 25 percent. Straw mulch also increased yield compared to bare soil, but only by five percent. What could be responsible for this difference? Since straw is high in carbon, decomposer microbes feed on free nitrogen in soil to balance their diet. This takes nitrogen—a key plant nutrient—away from the corn, affecting its yield. However, soil organic carbon was highest in the straw mulch plots. This is desirable because carbon-rich soils are better at removing greenhouse gases from the air, said Sainju. Highercarbon soils also hold more nutrients and have a cookie crumb-like structure. Both of these qualities benefit crops. In the plastic mulch plots, the extra water boosted microbial activity. The hungry microbes consumed soil organic matter, converting it to carbon dioxide in the process. Using up the soil carbon this quickly reduces the ability of soil to act as a sink for carbon. “We thought that the plastic mulch would be better because it increases soil moisture,” said Sainju. “The result was surprising in the sense that if you have too much water it increases the microbial activity, which can break down organic carbon.” Building soil carbon is an important long-term goal

The deadline for advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th.


Corn with straw mulch builds yield, soil carbon

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A21

8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft.


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Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available


1-406-293-3097 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097

Dolph Harris Estate Auction

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A22


• 1975 John Deere 7520 tractor with 8000 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 3520 hours. • 1962 Ford F700 truck, V8 engine, box and hoist. • 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6 engine, box and hoist. Call Jerry at (406) 724-3387 Richland, MT

FOR SALE: 2006 Freightliner Columbia

Detroit Series 60, 515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, Condo sleeper

$22,500 or BEST OFFER

Phone: (406) 799-6923

2018 Units arriving soon! Call for more info! Get carryover and demo units before they are gone!

Now is a great time to think about mowers! • Joystick steering, stand-up deck

North of Great Falls, MT


(406) 727-9994



Factory Direct Pricing on most popular mower and round baler CV pto shafts Call us with your needs.

We sell Baler Belts.

CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405 406-453-8100 FAX: 406-453-1127 www.cascademachineco.com

Pasturing - Get it right

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Ocean and from the northern-most east-west Pastures and cattle seem synonymous, highway in Canada south to pastures that do co-dependent. not have frozen soil during the winter. This Pasturing is a product of domestication, uniformity of a large land mass speaks of the need to keep cattle in a desired area and the centuries of natural selection engrained properly engage cattle with plants. To the in plants to withstand grazing. bystander, pasturing may seem like a cumMore important is to manage grazing bersome human activity, building fences, systems according to the localized grass developing water stations and imaginative species; however, the fundamental pringates. ciples will not change. The bottom line is For those in livestock and forage manageeffective grazing strategies utilize cattle ment, however, the process of spring and because cattle do a good job of keeping the summer grass management is the question grasslands healthy. of the day. Astute managers resist the strong The golden rule among producer graztemptation to start opening gates and letting ing plans is perhaps simthe cows graze beyond the ply to have a plan. The calving pasture. plan should reflect known They know better than biological principles that to let the cows rush to eat enhance perennial grass the early grass growth production and be manonly to stunt later grass ageable by the producer. development. They know At the Dickinson Regrass species have differsearch Extension Center, ent growing habits. the grazing season starts in late April to Simply put, they know better than to early May. The cows and calves will be make mistakes. Cattle grazing is not simply turned out on crested wheat (cool-season) opening a gate and herding a group of cows pastures in early May to calve and remain into the pasture. Each pasture has a grazing there until the end of May to early June. history calculated on known properties for The center sets dates within its plan and that land. adjusts for limited yearly managerial efThe pasture stocking rate allows for the fects. The four weeks of grazing cool-season utilization of the pasture plants and, at the grass provide a good start for the summer same time, provides stimulation for the grazing season. growth of the very same plants the cattle are As the summer grazing season is planned, eating. That is the basis for one of the prineffective rotation systems can help harvest ciples when grazing: Take half, leave half. a very heavy calf and keep the grasslands Now, you will find you have several ways in peak condition for centuries to come. to establish a grazing system, all based on Dates and proper stocking rates are key to the relationship of cattle and grass. This the location. symbiotic relationship means growth for For years, the center has started cowplants and animals. Pastures that are not calf pairs grazing on native range at the stimulated by grazing actually will decline start of June. Pairs are sent to their second in desirable range plants and see an increase rotational pasture by mid-June and to their in less desirable range plants. third pasture at the end of June. This is The cattle business is a grass business, called rotational grazing: three pastures with and despite the variable weather and assoa complete quick rotation by mid-July. This ciated environments, grass plants seem to stimulation of the grass plants increases adjust quite well. Because of this symbiosis, pasture productivity. cattle managers are grass managers, and Following the first round of short rotaproducing beef from grass depends on the tions through the three pastures, the three development of grazing plans that allow pastures are grazed again for approximately grass plants to fully utilize their evolution30 days each to complete the grazing season ary genomics. in mid-October. The principle is simple: That is a good thing. The basis of a good Stimulate the grass growth and follow that grazing system is understanding grass by utilization later in the grazing season. plants, thus understanding grazing systems Consult with a local range scientist and that allow grass management that is compatdevelop a good, solid plan. Long-term grazible with the evolved grass plant. ing systems work, improving the grass for And grasses differ. Cool-season grasses generations to come. Don’t wait; start the and summer warm-season grasses are discussion and build a fence or two and a distinctly different, and both are required few gates. to have an effective grazing program. The May you find all your ear tags. same would be true as a producer travels For more information, contact your lonorth and south; northern grazing systems cal NDSU Extension agent (https://www. are going to be different than southern grazag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or Ringing systems. wall at the Dickinson Research Extension However, Lee Manske, Dickinson ReCenter, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND search Extension Center (DREC) range 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ scientist, notes the exact same start and ndsu.edu. stop dates and the same rotation dates for pastures from Lake Michigan to the Pacific

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 - Page A23

Ophus Auction Service

Eric & Annabelle Anderson

Retirement Auction Saturday, June 30th, 2018

On MT Hwy 80 between Mile marker 20 & 21 Geraldine to Fort Benton, MT turn east on Atchison Rd 4 miles then left for ½ mile Register For Bidders Numbers At 9 a.m. Auction Starts At 10 a.m.


2007 Freightliner Columbia day cab tandem truck, air conditioning, 14.0L Series 60 Detroit 485 Hp, 10 speed two pedal ultra-shift Trans, 19 Ft ITB aluminum box & hoist, power roll tarp & tailgate, steel wheels, two bag air ride, 610,540 miles(front bumper has a ding).

• 1991 Chevy ½ ton 4X2 pickup, V-6 auto Trans does not work in reverse, for parts.


2007 Freightliner Columbia 1975 Chevy C-60 single day cab tandem truck, air axle grain truck, 366 conditioning, 14.0L Series engine, 4&2 speed, 16 Ft 60 Detroit 485 Hp, 10 speed box & hoist, shows 52,364 two pedal ultra-shift Trans, miles. 19 Ft ITB aluminum box & hoist, power roll tarp & tailgate, steel wheels, two • Cherry picker. bag air ride, 685,100 Miles. • Oxygen Acetylene torch set


• 1965 Chevy truck, 6 Cyl, 4&2 speed 14 Ft homemade box. • 1977 Chevy C-20 4X4 pickup, 350 engine, weak auto Trans.


with bottles & cart. • Thermal Dynamics Cut Master 39 plasma cutter. • Seelye 200 amp wire welder. • Upright shop air compressor. • 60 Ton press. • 12 ton press.


2014 Case IH Steiger AFS 420 Rowtrac quad tractor, cab air heat radio, Case IH Pro 700 monitor, 12.9L 420 Hp, 16 speed power shift, 3 Pt with quick tach, PTO, 5 Hyd, front tow cable option, 16 inch wide tracks, only 581 Hr. (very nice)

2012 Case IH Maxxum 125 MFWD tractor, cab air heat radio, 125 Hp, 16 speed power shift with left hand reverser, 3 Hyd, 3 Pt, PTO, rear wheel weights, 380/85R 30 front tires, 480/80R 42 rear tires, only 701 Hr.(creampuff)

• John Deere model M 2 Cyl gas tractor, wide front, PTO.

EVERYTHING ELSE • Wooden wagon wheels & frame. • Selection of new steel. • A large selection of scrap iron.

• There will be more miscellaneous items we are cleaning out 2 old shops.

2014 Case IH 3430 tow between cart 430 bushels 3 compartment, Case IH flex Hoe 700 air seeder, 70 Ft single Degelman R570H PTO rock shoot, variable rate, steel packers, has seeded 1,200 acres picker with 4 batt reel, high lift

• 21 Ft. IH 480 tandem disk, hand fold wings. • 45 Ft. Barber spreader with center fill. • 4 - JD 9350 drills for parts • 21 Ft. Graham chisel plow • 60 Ft. field hitch for John Deere. 9400 series hoe drills.


2013 Case IH 8230 combine, cab air heat radio, 12.9L 450 HP, Hydro, AFS Pro 700 • 6 Ft. Farm King 3 Pt finish mower. monitor, 1,318 engine Hr. • IH 7 Ft. 3 Pt. rear blade. 1,071 Sep Hr. Unloading • 6 Ft. Farm King 3 Pt. disk. auger for 40 Ft header, • 3 Pt. broad cast spreader PTO cross auger control, feeder house tilt, Hyd drive. grain tank extensions, in cab spread control, extended wear cone, engine air compressor, 900/60R 32 drive tires, 600/65R 28 steering tires,



2012 Case IH Patriot 3330 high clearance selfpropelled sprayer, Luxury cab air heat radio air filtration system, turboed 6.7 L 250 Hp, Hydro Trans, 1,000 Gal stainless tank, 120 Ft auto height, auto fold booms, Aim command, active Hyd suspension, AFS receiver, full guidance Pro 700 monitor, Hyd tread adjustment, fenders, 520/85-38 tires, only 955 Hr.

Auctioneers Note:

Eric & Annabelle have sold their farm and hired us to sell this excellent line of late model low hour equipment. Only the big ticket items will simultaneously sell online. I recommend that you register early if you chose this method of bidding. Call Eric at 406 -737-4314 for more information on equipment. Bring your sun hat.

Thanks, Shane

2012 Case SV250 skid steer, cab air heat radio, 2 speed, 2013 40 Ft MacDon D65-D Hi Flow Hyd, 6 Ft volume Transport Kit, Hyd fore & Aft bucket, 720 Hr.(like new) pickup reel

1997 Case IH 2188 combine, cab air heat radio, 260 Hp, Hydro, 30.5L-32 tires, extended unloading auger, sells with a 30 Ft Case IH 1010 header with fore & aft pickup reel, 3,337 engine Hr. 2,936 Separator Hr

2017 MKX 100-73 10X70 mechanical swing out auger, remote control hopper drive (like new)

• 6 Ft. Skid steer Hyd drive roto• 7X36 Westfield auger 5 Hp electric. tiller. • 5 Ft. Brush bucket with grapple. • 10X60 Ft. Westfield Hyd drive swing out auger • 10X60 Ft. Westfield Mechanical drive swing out auger • 48 inch pallet forks.

Don’t Worry! - If you can’t make it

to the auction you can bid live on line

Only 24 major items will be offered on line ~ Online bidding starts at 1 P.M. MST

For complete listings, updates and pictures go to www.OphusAuctions.com


Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane, Blaine & Taylor, Auctioneers Printed by The Mountaineer Mason Ophus , Clerk Big Sandy, Montana FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL SHANE @ (406) 788-6662

Phone: (406) 378-2176 e-mail: bsmnews@mtintouch.net

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A24

##### An annual plant named Coleus canina was developed with a very pungent smell that drives away cats. Plant it under birdfeeders or wherever you want to discourage your cat from going.

FOR SALE: John Deere 2010 loader backhoe

Nice condition, diesel. Runs great

$6500 or BEST OFFER

Phone: (406) 799-6923

##### Some of your favorite fruits are actually in the rose family.Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, raspberries, strawberries, and more are rosaceae, making them cousins to the long-stemmed Valentine’s Day variety.

##### According to the CDC, children are more likely to gain weight over the summer because kids are less active, are more likely to have an inconsistent sleep schedule, and tend to eat more junk food.

NEW H&S HIGH CAPACITY V-Rakes Volume Purchase strikes again OUR LOWEST PRICES EVER BF4112..........$12,234 BF4114..........$14,574 BF1460..........$16,332 AR1261 CARTED RAKE..........$7070 418 Main, Roundup, MT

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554


418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Contact us at www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley or www.musselshellvalley.com


2017 CASE IH WD1504


This unit has all the best equipment including MESH WRAP, ENDLESS BELTS and BIG FLOTATION TIRES. It’s in great shape and ready to go................................................................. ... Books for $36,890.....MVE Price $29,900


Just 2012 bales on this excellent used 5x6 round baler. Premium version that includes mesh and twine wrap, heavy duty pickup. With the variable pressure bale density system, you can make bales to match your conditions and needs......................... Books for $44,293........MVE Price $38,990

Windrower with 16-ft. header, 150 hp unit with extra spacious cab, 2 speed hydro transmission, hydraulic header reverser, drive and floatation system. Really clean lease return unit that’s ready to go and only has 297 engine hours. Cab AND rear axle suspension for a great ride........ MVE Price $103,840

Just Traded/Coming Soon: • 2014 Case IH WD2303 windrower with 16-ft. rotary header


2015 CASE IH PUMA 165

Tractor w/L765 loader. Extra nice LEASE return unit. MFWD, 18x6 P/S transmission, 172 PTO hp, power reverser, 3 mid mount valves for loader with joystick, block and transmission 2016 CASE IH MAGNUM 180 heaters, front fenders amd Rimguard in rear tires. Loader Just traded. Loaded Magnum with only 257 hours and FULL equipped with HD 95” bucket with grapple. Only 748 hours on FACTORY WARRANTY. Lots of equipment including duals........ this nice clean unit. Book says $132,678...................................... Book says $149,860...MVE Price $142,336 ....................................... MVE price only $118,990

With Case IH L755 loader/grapple. Only 512 hours on this extra nice lease return tractor that has 110 PTO hp, EFI very efficient engine, 540/1000 PTO, PFC hydraulics, Class IV front axle, heavy duty 3-point hitch, 3 remotes and 3 function mid-mount valve for loader control. Factory warranty.................................... ................................... Priced to move at $94,860

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.


Nice looking unit that’s in great shape. Picks up bales in either direction and hauls 14 5x6 bales. Just traded and priced to sell.. ..................................................... MVE Price $18,986


2011 VERMEER BP8000

Round bale processor FINAL CUT version. Nice unit that has a selective fine cut unit.................. Good Price $10,988

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A25



Twice The Coverage...Twice the Performance

McFarlane Harrows 24-ft. & 32-ft. In Stock. Other sizes available. For special pricing call 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 We bought these last year before steel prices went up. 24-ft. MSRP $20,780 - MVE Price $17,957, 32-ft. MSRP $22,785 - MVE Price $19,784 The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.


John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 418 Main, Roundup, MT Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A26

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Sustainable Ag: Connecting the dots

By K-State Research and Extension News Since a move to western Kansas from Idaho 14 years, ago, Tom Willis has worked to figure out the best crops, planting and tillage practices and the most efficient ways to use water in his farming operations. He’s owned T&O Farms near Garden City, Kansas, since 2013. With diminishing water in the Ogallala Aquifer in western Kansas and portions of the state often in dry and sometimes drought conditions, farmers such as Willis are continually searching for ways to grow their crops, conserve water, be profitable and leave resources for future generations. He and other farmers have teamed with K-State and the Kansas Water Office to establish a network of Water Technology Farms (http://kwo.ks.gov/projects/water-technologyfarms), where irrigation technology is demonstrated, research is conducted and water conservation is supported. New technologies, management techniques and cropping patterns can be tested on a larger scale on the privately-owned farms than can typically be done on university property. “I wish all the wells out here were 1,000 gallon-per-acre wells, but they’re not,” Willis said. “I’m excited that I’m not just sitting back and just allowing whatever happens, happens. We’re being proactive. And so whatever happens, I can look myself in the mirror and say I did everything I knew how to do.” Willis and other farm owners work with K-State Research and Extension agricultural engineer Jonathan Aguilar and his research colleagues to conduct irrigation and water management research on some of the farms. “(Jonathan) helps me pull the data together, interpreting what it means. I can’t say enough about the State of Kansas and the extension agency and the things they’ve been as a resource. They’ve been great,” Willis said. The farms have hosted educational events for the public to show how different technologies work. “The hope is that by demonstrating what we’re demonstrating, that we can get more farmers to say, ‘hey, the risk isn’t as high as you think it is,’” Willis said.

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Traits of a high functioning family farm

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A27

By K-State Research and Extension News In his work as a county extension agent, Glenn Newdigger works with a lot of farm families and has come to recognize that successful farm operations tend to have common attributes. Among them is the willingness to accept differences in family members’ and employees’ background and experiences, and to communicate openly and with respect for one another, said Newdigger, who is based in Stafford County, Kansas Remember to turn the POWER OFF after heating season! with K-State Research and Extension. Many are willing to be flexible and take some amount of risk. Call and schedule a summer service..... He, along with co-presenters Katelyn Barthol, extension agent in the Marais Des Cygnes District and Mark Ploger, Clean Burn is offering great June promos on new heaters!! retired extension agent from Pratt County, spoke on the subject at the recent “Women Managing the Farm” conference in Manhattan. Other common threads of successful family •Valier •Grass Range •Whitehall farms are a willingness to share leadership; a focus on being in the business for the good of the whole operation; and the understanding that successes should be celebrated as a team. www.shopspecialties.com cleanburn@shopspecialties.com Newdigger spoke about the stages farms go through and noted that even high-functioning farms can find themselves in places they don’t want to be, such as when a key family member or employee dies or leaves. Those stages and traits often linked to them include: • Gathering – This is where it’s decided why the business ANYCROP, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME or group is together, an agenda is set, a leader or leaders are confirmed, and expectations and directions are agreed upon. This may sound formal for a family farm, but it sets the stage SERVING MONTANA, for establishing a business-like way to proceed. And rememIDAHO, WYOMING, ber, things change. At any given time in a farming operation, NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA it might be a good idea to go back to this stage. • Chaos – In this stage, participants are determining the farm’s purpose. It can be marked by family members or employees jockeying for position or feeling left out. This is the time to determine a shared vision and to learn who can contribute what. Many events can throw even a smooth-running operation into chaos – the death of a participant, the inclusion of an adult son or daughter or new employee. • Unity – In this stage, the business is progressing toward its shared vision and working out differences. To keep it moving that way, this is a time to acknowledge accomplishments. Maybe that’s singling out the daughter who negotiated a better price on fertilizer. Maybe it’s the employee whose extra work resulted in more yields per acre or the spouse who updated the farm’s recordkeeping capabilities. “Everyone wants to hear they’ve done a good job. That frequently gets forgotten on “Swathing is our business, not a side line” the farm,” one conference participant noted. • Performing – This is a time to celebrate the farm’s sucAg Leader GPS Mapping and AutoSteer cesses, whether it’s providing cash bonuses or throwing a party 16-ft. hay headers with crimpers for employees, suppliers, customers or others. This is also a time to evaluate the farm’s work and processes and to learn 35-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels from each other, and to start determining what’s next. That STATEWIDE COVERAGE might include exploring new options -- trying a new crop, sellWe have full transport trailers to come to you. 1 mile or 1000 miles, we’ll be there! ing a parcel of land, or starting a side business in agri-tourism. 20 YEARS IN THE CUSTOM BUSINESS, EXPERIENCE TO GET IT DONE RIGHT Throughout the session, Newdigger encouraged audience Prompt - competitive rates - reliable members to provide their own insights into the categories. Continuous and clear communication; periodically revisiting Kim Harris 406-450-5961 Conrad, MT Colt Harris 406-450-5452 goals; being opening to including a mediator or other type of outside help; and food were topics that came up over and over again. Food is a unifier, ontana gricultural xperiment tation participants said; whether it’s coffee, donuts and fruit outhern gricultural esearch enter at an early morning meeting or a hot meal if the meeting is later in the day, it can be considered the very first step toward common ground among the farm business’s key players. Kansas farmers have numerous resources available, Tour irrigated and dryland fields trials. Newdigger said, with answers for the occasional Registration begins at 2:30 p.m. Tours at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. question, educational opDinner at 5:00 p.m. portunities or support on an ongoing basis. A good place to start is the local K-State Located 3.5 miles east of Huntley, MT on Highway 312 Research and Extension ofCall (406) 348-3400 to RSVP for dinner or more information. fice. Other resources include the Kansas Farm Analyst Email: warclass@imt.net www.sarc.montana.edu program, Kansas Farm ManMSU Southern Ag Research Center will provide accomodations for any known disability that may interfere with a person’s participation in any service program agement Association, and the or activity. If you require accomodations to participate in this event, we request 48 hours notice of the requested accomodations directly to Ken Kephart (406) Kansas Agricultural Media348-3400 or kephart@montana.edu tion Service.









Invites you to their ---------- FIELD DAY ---------TUESDAY, JUNE 19

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A28


June 2018

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2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, ITB box with wireless remote for hoist and grain gate........................................... Call

Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218

2007 Volvo day cab, 465 hp, 13 speed Ultrashift, factory lift axle, new tires, only 623,000 miles!!!................ Coming In


3-2013 Peterbilt 386 10 speed Ultrashift Plus, Paccar, 36” flat top sleeper, 400’s on miles


9-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles................................................ $45,000 2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles............. Just In

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit Series 60, 435/515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, recent overhaul, engine brake......... $36,000

2009 International Prostar Cummins ISX, 435 hp, 13 speed, engine brake, air ride.................................. $29,000

2011 Freightliner Cascadia Detroit DD15, Ultrashift, engine brake, 296,000 miles, very clean........................................ $39,500

2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, air ride............................................. $34,500

2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab, Detroit 14.0L Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride,...................... $35,000

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2-2013 Kenworth T800 daycabs, Cummins ISX15, 450 hp, 10 speed, 3.55 ratio, LOW MILES, in the 200’s.................. Just In

3-2006 Sterling AT9500, MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s........... Starting at $22,500

2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, low miles................... $25,000 2006 Peterbilt 378 C-15 Cat, 550 hp, 18 speed, 20/46 heavy spec’s, 4-way lockers, 36” removeable flat top bunk, long wheelbase................................. Just In

2015 Kenworth T-800 550 ISX, 13 speed, 14,600/46,000, lift axle, miles are 285,000 and 291,000, Warranty including aftertreatment, good through June 2019


1998 International 4900 22-ft. flatbed, DT466E, 10 speed, single axle....... $19,500

2007 Peterbilt 378 Cat C-15, 18 speed, 63” stand-up sleeper, engine brake, air ride............................................................................ $48,900

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A29

2018 Jet sidedump, 47-ft.x102”, air ride, various axle configurations, electric tarp, tandem or tri-axle................. Call

2011 Trail King 55 ton lowboy, 26-ft. well, 4th pin-on axle, air ride, rear lift, hydraulic detach, aluminum wheels, 2 Kingpin settings, excellent condition....................................................................... $79,500

2008 Circle R side dump, 46-ft. x 102”, 34-ft. tub, spring ride, rear lift axle...................................... $41,500

2018 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hoppers, electric tarp and hydraulic traps, rear lift axle, silver..................................... Call 2018 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hoppers, electric tarp, hydraulic traps, rear lift axle, white..................................... Call

2017 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, tri-axle, rear lift axle, air ride, LED lights........................................ $46,500

1992 Fontaine flatbed, 48-ft.x96”, tandem spead axle, air ride..................$9500 2011 CPS belly dump, 44-ft.x96”, spring ride, tri-axle, manual tarp...... $23,500 1994 Case 590 turbo backhoe, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, full cab with heat, 2 stick control, good hours.............. $29,500

2008 Wilson cattle pot, 53-ft. quad axle, good floors, nice trailer........... $62,000

1995 Lynwood tilt deck trailer, 37-ft.x102”, 20-ft. deck, hydraulic tilt, tri-axle, spring ride.............................................$7500 1999 NTE tilt trailer, 37-ft.x96”, tri-axle, spring ride................................$7500

2008 XL Specilaized XL100HFG folding neck lowboy, air ride, 50 ton, rear lift axle, pinned for 4th axle, self-contained, no hydraulics needed, outriggers and D-rings...................................... $43,500

2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x68”, sight windows, vented slopes, LED lights, spring ride............................. $28,500

2001 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, tandem axle, spring ride .............................. $20,500 1998 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, spring ride........................................ $19,500 1988 Fruehauf stainless steel tanker, double conicle, center discharge, single compartment, 6700 gallons............. $19,500

1998 R-Way belly dump, 43-ft.x96”, spring ride, manual tarp................... $22,500

2006 Wilson 51-ft. x 102” cattle pot, air ride spread, 90% virgin tires, good floors....................................... $36,500

2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension.............. .......................................................... Just In

1988 SPCNS 22-ft. x 96” flatbed pup, turn table, 6-ft. hitch............................. $7500

1999 Ranco belly dump, 3 axle, spring ride....................................... $17,500

1988 Fruehauf dry van 28-ft.x102”, roll up door, single axle, spring ride, very clean , ............................................................$6750

1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 29-ft.6”, 16-ft. tongue, 12-ft. tub, spring ride.............................................$7500

Converter Dolly 15-ft.x96”, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels..............$6500 1993 Load King & 1991 Load King pup spring ride, nice older set of trailers................... $29,000 as

set 1992 Fruehauf belly dump pup, 16-ft. hitch, turntable, spring ride..... $14,500

1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door..................$6500

June 2018

Conrad, MT 59425

1995 Monon dry van, 48-ft.x102”, spring ride, wood floor, swing doors.....$5000

1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. end dump trailer, spring ride, very clean..................... $19,000


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A30


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Jennifer Thorson (pictured left) and Ligia Prezetto, both faculty at the MSU Northern Agricultural Research Center in Havre, research cattle genetics in NARC’s Nutritional and Reproductive Physiology Lab. Thorson and Prezetto were awarded a $400,000 grant fro the United States Department of Agriculture national Institute of Food and Agriculture to study the effects of cattle diet on bovine fertility.

Grant awarded to study the effects of diet on cattle fertility

By Jenny Lavey, MSU News Service ability to regulate reproductive function How much a cow eats while she’s pregmay be limited,” she said. nant can impact the development of her How much a pregnant cow eats and the calf’s brain, as well as the calf’s future abiltiming of what she eats during the period ity to reproduce, according to two Montana when the fetal brain and blood-brain barState University animal physiologists. rier develop, can influence the health and Jennifer Thorson, MSU research sciperformance of the calf, Thorson said. entist, and Ligia Prezotto, MSU assistant “The nutritional environment of the calf professor, both in the Nutritional and Reduring pregnancy affects how the calf’s productive Physiology Laboratory at the blood-brain barrier develops, thus proNorthern Agricultural Research Center in graming the blood-brain barrier’s ability to Havre, were awarded a $400,000 grant from transfer signals between the brain and the the United States Department of Agriculture rest of the body,” she said. National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Essentially, if the calf’s brain cannot acThe NARC is part of the Montana Agricept signals from the body, activation of the cultural Experiment Station and the MSU reproductive system is inhibited, Thorson College of Agriculture. said. Thorson, who has a doctorate in physiMontana’s beef cattle inventory is the ology of reproduction, said the grant will seventh-largest in the U.S., totaling $1.6 bilprovide funding for the researchers to delion in livestock receipts in 2017, according velop a greater understanding of how the to the 2017 USDA Montana Agricultural nutrition of a cow during gestation impacts Statistics. Feed is the most costly aspect how her calf responds to the environment of beef cattle management, accounting for after birth, which ultimately influences the about 50 percent of operational overhead, calf’s life-long fertility. Thorson said. She added that a cow’s dietary Thorson added the “research also has intake during gestation directly affects her tremendous potential to serve as a biomedioverall health and ability to maintain the cal model to better understand reproductive current pregnancy, as well as her capacity development and challenges that occur in to return to normal reproductive cycles folhumans.” lowing calving. Thorson and Prezotto, who has a docAnnual financial losses as a result of cow torate in animal sciences, comprise the infertility have been estimated at $4.7 bilresearch team that will feed cattle owned lion in the U.S., according to Cliff Lamb, by MAES different diets in order to study professor at Texas A&M University’s Colthe influence of diet on development and lege of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Thorplasticity of the calf’s brain and bloodson added that even greater losses are likely brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is a as reduced fertility should be expected in semi-permeable structure that surrounds offspring out of cows malnourished during the central nervous system and regulates gestation. what molecules enter the brain. It allows To understand the effect of prolonged nutrients to enter the brain, but also blocks changes in a pregnant cow’s feed intake, the passage of certain harmful substances Thorson and Prezotto will assign cows to and pathogens from entering the brain. one of three diets for the duration of gesMoreover, Thorson said, the blood-brain tation. They will then compare the effect barrier acts as a barrier between the calf’s of the cow’s diet during pregnancy to the brain and its endocrine system, the system permeability of her calf’s blood-brain barthat manages development of the reproducrier and development of the reproductive tive tract, onset of puberty, and reproductive system. function in all mammals. Prezotto said this area of blood-brain “Depending on the permeability of the barrier and nutritional perception research calf’s blood-brain barrier, molecules and is novel, having only been conducted in hormones can pass through directly to the rodents so far. calf’s brain, signaling to the calf that it’s “It’s important for scientists and producready to reproduce,” Thorson said. “Howers to have a better understanding of how ever, if the calf was exposed to malnutrition the physiological mechanisms of livestock in utero, the development of its blood-brain barrier may be compromised, and thus its CONTINUED ON PAGE A32

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A31

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A32

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Sustainable Ag: Covercrop investigations

By K-State Research and Extension News Wheat growers in the semi-arid central Great Plains commonly leave their fields fallow for months at a time between crops, so moisture can build up in the soil to help grow subsequent crops. The lack of a crop for those months, however, has its drawbacks. Leaving fields fallow can lead to soil erosion, organic carbon depletion, degraded soil properties and increased operating costs. Growing another kind of crop in place of fallow between wheat crops addresses some of those drawbacks, but also takes precious moisture out of the soil. K-State Research and Extension crop specialists John Holman and Augustine Obour and colleagues are working to determine if growing another crop, or cover crops, can provide enough benefits to the soil to offset the reduced soil water and inevitable lower wheat crop yields. The K-State research examining different types of cover crops grown in a rotation with winter wheat started in Garden City in 2006. Studies have been expanded to K-State’s HB Ranch near Cedar Bluff reservoir in 2015 and several privately owned farms in western Kansas. The research so far shows that net returns were cut by 50 percent to 100 percent by growing cover crops rather than leaving a field fallow between wheat crops, but it depended on what type of cover crops were grown. Net returns were increased 26 percent to 240 percent when a forage crop – one that can be grazed by livestock or harvested as hay or silage – was grown, so integrating annual forages into the fallow period in semiarid regions has the greatest potential for adoption, said Holman, who is based at the Southwest Research-Extension Center, Garden City. “The work we are doing is identifying how to sustainably and economically consider growing cover crops in a moisture-limited environment,” Holman said. “The research is critical as it is the only real way to learn the long-term effects on cropping systems and soil. The studies also take into account weather variability such as wet versus dry and cool versus hot conditions, which impacts crop growth and effects of growing a cover crop. Long-term research like ours is needed to measure crop responses under a variable climate.” Obour, who is based at the Agricultural Research Center–Hays, said, “Based on results from our studies, we think grazing or haying cover crops (using cover crops for forage) can provide economic benefits to offset the revenue loss associated with decreased crop yields when cover crops are grown ahead of a cash crop. “Therefore, ongoing research at K-State’s HB Ranch is looking at forage production potential of cover crops (grazing or haying of cover crops) and quantifying the impacts of removing the cover crop for forage on weed suppression, crop yields and soil health,” Obour said. That research is also looking at both spring and summer planting windows of cover crops in dryland systems.

Grant awarded to study the effects of diet on cattle fertility CONTINUED FROM PAGE A30

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work in order to make more informed decisions when selecting nutritional management approaches that best fit specific herds and production systems,” Prezotto said. The two received specialized training in the blood-brain barrier field during a sabbatical within the Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain laboratory in Lille, France. The research lab specializes in using rodents to study the blood-brain barrier at the molecular level. Darrin Boss, NARC superintendent and head of MSU’s Department of Research Centers, said Thorson and Prezetto’s research allows insight into the diverse impacts that affect the bottom line of Montana’s ranchers and the overall reproductive efficiency of the state’s 2.5 million beef cows. “This research is looking at the very basic molecular level of the interaction of nutrition and reproductive performance of beef cattle and their potential impacts on feed intake, fertility and long-term productivity,” Boss said. “Despite the research being largely in its infancy, it points to long-term implications on cattle reproduction that may be profound.” The five-year grant is titled, “In Utero Programming of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Nutrient-Sensing Circuity that Regulate Reproductive Function of Beef Cattle” and is supported by Animal Health and Production and Animal Products: Animal Reproduction 2018-67016-27579/1015088 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A33

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1994 SUMMERS MFG 500


New Colors! Largest Cab in Industry, 360º of Visiblity, Front Entry, 6.7 Liter Cummins, 5 Speed Allison Power Shift, 120-ft. Booms, SS 1200 G Tank, 120 - 152” Hydraulic Adjustable Axles, SS Product Pump, Deluxe HID, SmartTrax Auto Steer, Autoboom XT, Viper 4 System, HD Delco Radio CD, MPS, Sirius, Chemical Eductor, Rotating Beacon, R & L Hand Fence Row Nozzles, Travel Speed 35mph, No DEF! Call for Pricing & Your Trade Value



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2014 JOHN DEERE 6150R

5350 Hours, AutoQuad Plus 20F & 20R w/Hydraulic Shuttle & Left Hand Reverser, Self Locking Front Differential, 540/1000 PTO, 3 Point with Quick Attach, 420/18/42 Rear 90% and 34’s Front 90%, Just Last Year Added John Deere 360H High Lift Loader To This Premium Farm Tractor, Self Leveling 108.5

2009 CASE IH PUMA 195

3328 Hrs, 19 Speed PShift With Creeper Gear, Deluxe Cab w/Leather & Heated Seats, 3 Pt, 540/1000 PTO, L770 Loader & Grapple, Joystick Hydraulics, 1500# Wheel Weights, 520 Rear Tires, New Front Rubber, Excellent Condition (Not one tooth bent on the grapple)!

4WD TRACTORS 1988 BIG BUD 600/50

New Rebuilt Cummins 1150, 600 HP, Capable of 650 HP, 110g Hydraulic System 6 Bank Valve With Flow Control, Electric Over Hydraulic Couplers, 900 Trelleborg Rubber – Like New, All New Interior Wiring, New Paint, New Sound System, New Lighting, All Major Components Completely Rebuilt, Cab Rebuilt W...Price: $249,000


NEW, Cummin QSX15, CAT 16 X 4 Power Shift Transmission, High Flow Hydraulics with 6 EH Remotes, 2 Sets 3/4 Return Couplers, Reversible Fan Drive, Deluxe Cab, Cab LED Lighting, Auto Steer Ready, Heavy Duty Outboard Planetary Axles, Tow Cable, Please Call Us for Pricing & Your Trade In Value

2014 VERSATILE 400

Set at 450HP, 2000 Hrs, Power Shift, PTO, 710/70R42 90-95%, Heavy Duty Axles, Front & MidMount Weights, 6 Electric/Hydraulic Remotes, Front Diff Lock, HD Drawbar, 3/4” Couplers, HID Roof Lights, Deluxe Cab, Very Nice!

JUST AVAILABLE ! 8800 Hrs, CAT 3406, Fuji Techo Power Shift, 24.5/32 Duals, Optional Degelman 14-ft. Blade...$35,000

1985 VERSATILE 856

8428 Hrs, Power Shift, 1000 PTO, 4 Remotes, 18.4/38 70%, Runs & Shifts Good, Great Find! Fuel Type: Diesel, Weight: 21,000, Tires or Tracks: Tires Price: $39,500

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A34

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th. Phone (406) 271-5533.


1982 Ford 800 429 V-8 motor, 14,426 miles, 1800 gallon tank................................................... $9800 Call 406-366-5157

SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity

Mobile Mud Hog Concrete Mixer/Dispenser

Stretch On The Go June Sale on In-Stock GPD30 Gas Powered Drivers Mention this ad!


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• Hoppers come with rack & pinion traps, and manway.

• Built with heavier material than our competition.

• Full “house” style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete!

• NEW Westeel bins available.

• Custom hopper bottoms for existing grain bins.

• Check us out at ThatGuysFabShop.com or on Facebook.

• 12-ft. to 27-ft. available. • 21-ft. and larger built in 2 pieces for ease of hauling. Bolt together at farm.

• Overhead feed bins available.

• Built locally at 3910 US Hwy 2 West, Havre, MT

A range of solutions to better manage our rangelands

By Amanda Garant, Prairie Populist Over 70 percent of Montana is rangeland (http://montanarangelandspartnership.org) — 68 million acres of forests and grassland are suitable for grazing. Rangeland is a complicated landscape. There are a lot of stakeholders (and steak-holders, as it goes) that take interest in the health, well-being, and management of the land. Most of Montana’s rangeland is privately owned, but what isn’t is public and leased out to ranchers. It makes for some good eatin’ for livestock and wildlife. Some folks want to recreate and hunt on it, some want it preserved for wildlife, and some folks use it to feed us all. With so many different users, it takes a lot of work to keep the land healthy. This doesn’t happen on its own. Just imagine what it would be like if folks weren’t putting in the time and effort to protect and manage our rangelands. These lands collect and filter water and air. They support our $2.2 billion livestock industry and hundreds of thousands of wild game. The native grasses and plants prevent soil erosion and put nutrients into the ground. They provide us spaces to hunt and fish, and they create the big wild views that make our state so special. Recently in Billings, a group of ranchers, producers, land managers, and range specialists attended the 2018 Montana Range Forum to talk about this natural resource that provides so much for us. “We’re here not just to preach to the choir, but to learn from each other,” said John Hollenback, a rancher out of Gold Creek who chairs the state’s Rangelands Resource Committee. The two-day event by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation explored topics like fire, drought, sage grouse, elk, and the latest research out of Fort Keogh and from Fish, Wildlife & Parks. “We’re all here because we love rangelands and we’re passionate about it,” said Stacey Barta, the DNRC Rangelands Resources program coordinator who helped put on this event. That passion was as clear as our big skies. What was also clear, is that there are a lot of different issue facing our range. People from all different perspectives — from government agencies as well as private lands — are concerned about weeds and wildlife, and about changing weather and lack of water. Folks are worried about how they’re going to keep the rangeland intact when family farms are sold, or subdivisions divide the landscape. Folks at the forum didn’t always agree with one another, but they’ve developed trust and relationships over years of compromise, tough conversations, and collaboration. They spoke candidly about how hard it is for the next generation of farmers to find land, and about how tough the economy has been on rural communities. Ranchers and producers recognized that the everyday person walking down the street or the average politician in Helena or D.C. may not know what rangeland is and why it matters. Ranchers and producers have had their plates full as they try to keep our bellies full, and they haven’t had time to reach out and teach people about what it is that they do. For many folks in that room, they are providing a public service for people: They house our wildlife population, they get rid of weeds, they help keep our water and air clean. But they’re often not recognized for these efforts. After folks shared their concerns and issues, people hit the ground running with solutions and shared ideas for how to solve these problems. “All the work and great comments that have been done won’t end on this piece of paper,” said Barta. And that’s great news. Because if these concerns over the health and well-being of our rangeland aren’t addressed, then the Montana we all love — with our clean air, pristine water, open spaces, and strong rural communities — won’t be the same Montana that our kids and grandkids inherit. Got something to say to Prairie Populist? Send news tips, story ideas and comments to editor@prairiepopulist.com. If you have something to submit, or an idea for a story you’d like to write for us, check out our Submission Guidelines at http://prairiepopulist.org/submission-guidelines/. ##### According to Forbes, the top 9 most hazardous summer injuries are caused by 1) playground equipment; 2) skateboards; 3) trampolines; 4) lawn mowers; 5) amusement attractions; 6) non-powder guns, BBs pellets; 7) beach, picnic, camping equipment; 8) barbeque grills, stoves, equipment; and 9) trimmers, small garden tools.

Food waste resonates beyond the trash bin

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Here’s a thought to chew on before you toss out that unfinished meal or oddly shaped fruit or vegetable: U.S. consumers waste nearly a pound of food per person per day. So says a study published recently (http://journals.plos.org/ plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0195405) by a team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university scientists in the journal PLOS ONE. That food waste, in turn, is equivalent to about one-third the daily calories that each American consumes—about 327 million individuals. Interestingly, fruits and vegetables—key components of a high-quality diet (as defined by the 20152020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (https://health.gov/ dietaryguidelines/2015/))—were the most wasted food items, the team determined from their computer-aided analysis of eight years of available food survey data. Zach Conrad, a postdoctoral nutritionist with the ARS Grand Forks (North Dakota) Human Nutrition Research Center, together with fellow nutritionist Lisa Jahns and colleagues from the University of Vermont and University of New Hampshire, conducted the food-waste study to fill gaps left by prior research that sought to establish links between diet quality and environmental impacts. In this study, the team notes that food waste should be factored into such efforts because of the substantial resources used to produce food, including cropland and amendments like pesticide and fertilizer, as well as irrigation water. For example, using a powerful computing tool known as the U.S. Foodprint Model, the team determined that from 2007 to 2014, U.S. consumers discarded 150,000 tons of food daily—waste that corresponded to the yearly use of an estimated 30 million acres of land (7 percent of total U.S. harvested cropland), 780 million pounds of pesticide, 1.8 billion pounds of nitrogen fertilizer and 4.2 trillion gallons of irrigated water. Each represents potential costs to the environment and the farmers who dedicate their time, land and other resources to growing or raising food that’s meant to be eaten. The study also found that— • U.S. consumers wasted almost a pound (422 grams) of food per person daily, which is equal to 30 percent of daily calories consumed and 25 percent of daily food eaten by weight. • Of 22 food groups studied, fruits, vegetables, and mixed fruit and vegetable dishes (39 percent of total) were wasted the most—followed by dairy (17 percent) and meat and mixed-meat dishes (14 percent). • Growing fruits and vegetables—signatures of diet quality required less land than other crops but more water and pesticide. The researchers note that while their study used the bestavailable food survey data, there are limitations to it and that additional research is needed. The findings nonetheless underscore the importance of improving diet quality hand in hand with using measures that reduce food waste and avoid overburdening the environment. Efforts like the U.S. Food Loss and Waste Challenge to create greater awareness of food waste issues, educating consumers on properly preparing and storing fruits and vegetables, and discerning natural ripening from spoilage can also help. “Food waste is an issue that plays out at many different levels,” says Conrad. “Looking at them holistically will become increasingly important to finding sustainable ways of meeting the needs of a growing world population.”

Check for flea beetles

From Northern Canola Growers Association Canola Striped Flea Beetle has now been detected at the North Central Research Extension Center sticky traps. This is an indicator that scouting should begin as crops continue to emerge. This should be done regularly until canola reaches the 4th to 6th leaf stage. Most damage is likely to occur during the first two weeks following crop emergence. For foliar insecticide applications, the action threshold arrives when 20-25% defoliation has occurred to plants younger than the 4th leaf stage. For more information on the Canola Flea Beetle, please refer to the NDSU Extension “Integrated Pest Management of Flea Beetles in Canola” publication (E1234). ##### Based on completely made-up statistics, those who eat a hot breakfast are 90% more likely to survive a bear attack.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A35


AUCTION June 30, 2018

9:30 a.m.


REAL ESTATE OFFERED FOR SALE AT 9:30! Carter County Ranch Style 1288 sq. ft. Home with Attached 2 Car Garage. Additional 1 Car Garage & Shop and also a one car & Storage Shed. City Water and also well on property. Property Located on one acre near Ekalaka City Limits. Terms on Real Estate 5% Earnest Deposit on Final Bid Closing in 30 Days. Buyer reserves right to accept or reject final bid! EQUIPMENT 2002 Dodge Dakota 4WD SLT with Rear Tool Box (76,000 miles)--2008 Honda Ranch 4X4 Vin #1HF7E354X84110818—1939 JDH with Tricycle front Excellent, Serial #H10006—1942 JDH with Tricycle front serial #37494—1950 JDM with wide front, serial #41239—1944 IH Farmall B Narrow front, Serial #98610—1947 IH Farmall B wide front serial #BAD202796—1949 JDB wide front, serial #B245327-1942 Farmall H with wide Swartz front end and mounted with a Loader & Bucket, serial #62498—JD Type to 583 Riding Lawn Mower, #033149 (don’t work)--(2) 1940’s Ford 8N Tractors & lots of parts to restore—Ferguson 2 Bottom 3 Point Plow—Horse Drawn Single Bottom Road Plow--(2) Craftsman Weed Eaters--(2) 400X15 New Tractor front Tires ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES 50 Plus Kerosene Lamps: Alladins; Finger Lamps; Décor Lamps; Angle Lamps; Bracket Lamps; Minature Lamps; Brass Lamps; Floor Alladin; Green Alladin; Many More—Oak Lamp Table—30+ Clocks from Large Mantle; Regulator; Small Mantle; Several Wall Clocks; Essex Car Clocks; Banjo Clock; (5) Hub Cap Clocks—Large & very beautiful Grandfather Clock—many more Clocks & Parts—Several Kerosene Lanterns, some Red Globe; some Railroad; & Barn Lanterns—Francis Hays Oil Painting—Insulator Collection large to small including Monkey Tail—Oak Small Record Cabinet—Victor Record Player in Oak Case—Edison Record Player in Oak Case—Several 78 Records—Hundreds of Long Play 33 Albums—Hundreds of VHF Cassettes—Kitchen Collectables: Tin Containers; Enamelware; (2) Maytag Wringer Washers, 1 with Gas Motor; Crocks— Jugs—Green Jars—Brass Spittoon—Collector Glass including: Cobalt; Depression; Tea Sets; Cups & Saucers; Camphor Glass & More—Small Parlor Stove--(2) Gas Irons—Copper Boiler— Singer Treadle Sewing Machine—Oak Curio Cabinet with Serpentine Drawers on Bottom--(4) Wicker Seat Chairs—Brass Bed with Mattress—Oak Dresser with Mirror & Serpentine Front— Lane Ceder Chest—Large Oak Hall Tree with Mirror PLUS MORE GUNS**BOWS**HUNTING Winchester model 94 Rifle with Octagon Barrel 32 WCF—Winchester model 37 Single Shot 410 Gauge—Winchester 62A 22 Pump—Winchester model 64AE 30-30 with Scope—Winchester model 800Y Pellet—Colt Junior 22 Auto in Original Box—Colt Single Action Buntline 22—Marlin model 1889 Lever 45-70—Marlin model 1889 OCT Barrel 45-70—Marlin model 783 22 Caliber with Scope—Marlin model 81-DL 22 Caliber with Scope—Remington Drop Block Oct Barrel 32 Caliber—Remington model 11 16 gauge Auto—Remington model 660 with Scope 222 Caliber— Black Powder 44 Caliber Oct Barrel Pistol—Hi Standard 22 Auto Pistol in Box—Ithica M49 Lever Action 22—Ruger model 10-22 with Scope—Savage model 05 Single Shot 22—Crossman Pellet Gun—Stevens 32 Caliber Favorite—Stevens 22 Caliber Crackshot—Sharps 45-70 Oct Barrel & Peep Sights by American Arms—Compound Bow with Several arrows & Components—Several Fishing Poles, Lures & Accessories—Gold Digger Treasure Hunter—50+ Rounds of Ammo— Sharpening Stones—Binoculars-Hunting Knives—Several Gun Cases & MORE SHOP EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Coleman 1500 Watt Generator—Coleman Portable Air Compressor—Shop Smith with Lots of attachments—Craftsman 150 Floor Press Drill—Power King Table Saw—Craftsman Scroll Saw— Craftsman Contractors Series Table Saw—Miller 225 V PTO Welder-Generator with Cart—Delta Band Saw—Ryobi Press Drill—Black & Decker Bench Grinder—Acetylene Torch Set—Stack on Roller Tool Chest—Hitachi MITRE Saw—Box of Rollex Siding--(3) Rolls Tar Paper—Plywood--(3) Rolls Insulation—Hardwood—Set of Wood Lathe Tools—Poulan Chain Saw--(2) pair Pole Climbers with Belts—Several Power Tools Inc—Saws—Palm Sanders—Drills—Routers—Power Cords—Propane Heater—Fence Stretchers—Wire Pliers—Workmate Bench—Grease Guns— 110 OHM Meter—Mauls & Picks—General Fuse Box—Several Log Chains—Boomers—Volt Meter—Saws & Blades—Wood Planes—Tap & Die Sets—Hammers—Levels—Side Grinders—Shop Vice—Valve Tools—Socket Sets—Shop Lights—Aluminum & Fiberglass Extension Ladders—10 gallon Shop Vac—Wood Clamps—C Clamps MISCELLANEOUS (2) Fuiji Aluminum Bicycles, his & hers—De-Humidifier—Lawn & Garden Chairs—Vizio Small TV—Several Household Items—Pro Form 395 Tread Mill—Palo Italian Accordian —Bissel Little Green Cleaner—Antique Tools—Shoe Lasts—Crosscut Saw—Hoes—Rakes—Garden Tools— Hammers—Wenches—Model T Jack—Screw Jacks—Buck Saws--(2) Blow Torches—Wood Brace & Bits—Push Lawn Mower and MORE OWNER: VERNON EMERY ESTATE & LOLA EMERY P.R. MELANIE LUND 406-588-3631 AUCTIONEERS NOTE: VERNON WAS A MAN WITH A CURIOUS MIND, YOU CAN SEE BY HIS COLLECTION HE NEVER HAD MUCH IDLE TIME AFTER HIS RETIREMENT FROM HIS MANY YEARS OF SERVICE AT SOUTHEAST ELECTRIC. A VERY INTERESTING AUCTION OF A MANS DREAMS. PLAN TO BE WITH US ON THE 30TH. TERMS: CASH OR BANKABLE CHECK **NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS --- Sale Conducted by --


BOX 128 BOYES, MT 59316

406-427-5317, Cell 605-645-9611 www.mills-auction.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A36

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

RETIRED! NICE FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1985 Ford 6710 tractor, 4070 hours....................................$12,500 John Deere 6620 combine, 1854 hours.............................$16,900 S&H Fluffler hay turner..........................................................$3900 John Deere 1010 vibro-shank, 3 pt, 22-ft. wide, folds-up w/mounted harrow...........................................................................$2495 Pair of 18438 clamp-on duals, good tires.................................$495 John Deere sprayer, 40-ft. boom, can be put on a pickup or on a trailer....................................................................................$995

All offers considered!

Call (406) 961-3943 • Corvallis, MT

Farmers Market season kicks off across Montana

With Spring weather throughout Montana kicking into high gear, farmers and ranchers are offering fresh, local produce, meats, and value-added foods at Farmers Markets throughout the state. Over 70 Farmers Markets are registered with the Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) for the 2018 season and a directory is available online at farmersmarkets.mt.gov. Montana Farmers Markets are community events that are well attended by locals and tourists alike, as many markets host food trucks, activities for kids and families, and craft vendors in addition to local agriculture stands. “Not only are farmers markets a great place to get fresh, local, high-quality pro-

duce, they also offer a great opportunity to visit with producers and learn more about Montana agriculture,” said Ben Thomas, MDA Director. “Montana’s Farmers Markets showcase the diversity of our ag industry and I encourage all Montanans to visit the numerous Farmers Markets throughout the state.” Shopping at a Farmers Market means that you will get some of the freshest produce available, and you are supporting local farmers and ranchers by purchasing directly. In addition, many markets accept SNAP benefits, and a handful participate in the Double SNAP Dollars program that helps make those benefits go farther. Visit www. doubledollars.com for more information on this program. Remember that most markets only accept cash or checks. Check with your local market to see if they accept Debit/Credit cards, or visit an ATM before you go. Here are five tips from MDA to make the most of the experience and to make Farmers Market shopping easy: Get to know your farmer. One of the greatest benefits of shopping at a Farmers Market is that you have the opportunity to get to know and build a relationship with the hard working producers that maintain Montana’s agricultural heritage. Bring your family/friends and take your time. Farmers Markets are a great chance to spend time with family and friends in the Montana sunshine, taking in the carnival-like atmosphere as people circulate around the booths and local musicians play. Go early… or go late. The best selection and most popular items are often available at the beginning of the day, while the best deals may occur later in the day when vendors discount items so they don’t have to haul them home. Experiment and get advice. Don’t be afraid to try something new. If you find a vegetable that’s new to you, ask the farmer how to prepare it. For the best tips, specifically ask how they like to eat it. Look online for new recipe ideas. You may discover a new favorite food! Bring your own bags and coolers. Although some Farmers Market vendors have bags and boxes, it’s easiest if you bring your own reusable bags with handles – and it also reduces waste. Coolers with ice packs in your vehicle keep your refrigerated products fresh and at their peak. For a list of Montana Farmers Markets in your area, a Farmers Market map and other information such as seasonal availability of produce, visit farmersmarkets.mt.gov.




2016 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard. This came off a large local operation and is in excellent condition...................$134,900 2013 John Deere 6150R 5500 hours, PTO, 3 speed, 540/540E/1000, tire width: mid, H380 loader, AutoQuad PLUS, ECO, deluxe cab, deluxe radio, 3 deluxe SCV’s............................................$93,000 2016 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours....... ........................................................................................$129,900 2002 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, PTO on both ends, 2 SCV’s, loader, 5736 hours. New engine and tires in last 250 hours.......... ..........................................................................................$53,700 1997 Case IH 8920, MFWD, cab, powershift, 3 SCV’s, 3-point, 540/1000 PTO, front weights, 6150 hours........................$49,000 1993 Case IH Maxxum 5250, 2WD, cab, loader....................$24,900

NEW 141/2-ft. header available for John Deere W235 windrowers

2014 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker, notched rollers, new S-tines...$53,000 2005 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker, notched rollers, S-tines..........$18,900 John Deere 995 7 bottom plow with Sterling packer.............$13,900


2014 Vermeer R2300 hydraulic v-rake, 23-ft. max raking width. Excellent condition....................................................................$19,000 Darf 917 17 wheel ground drive rake.....................................$15,000 New Holland 216 hydraulic V-rake.........................................$12,250



Pivot Track Fillers


1994 John Deere 7800, MFWD, 145 hp, cab, 3 selective control valves, loader, grapple, 7550 hours...............................................$51,500 2008 Brillion 25-ft. cultipacker...............................................$25,900 2006 Degelman 20-ft. landroller, 36” drum, transport kit........$12,500 1999 John Deere 945 mower conditioner, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner.....................................................................................$8500 Case IH LB434 3x4 square baler, low bale count..................$88,900 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only, 19,431 bales....$8900 John Deere 7700 combine, 224 header, 3500 hours, hydraulic driven, bat reel, hydrostatic drive, air conditioner, rear spreader......$5000




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2017 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 485 hours...............................................................................$139,900 2017 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header, Tri-Lobe conditioner....... ........................................................................................$137,500 2017 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 610 hours...............................................................................$134,500 2-2016 John Deere W-235 900 hours, 13-ft. 994 header with steel conditioner................................................................$132,000 ea. 2014 John Deere W-235 716 hours, 13-ft. V10 steel conditioner........ ........................................................................................$129,900 2007 MacDon M200 16-ft. rotary header, button tires, steel conditioner, 1997 hours........................................................................$63,750 2015 New Holland 160 speedrower with 12-ft. header, rubber conditioner, 347 hours...............................................................$82,000 2014 New Holland 130 speedrower, 12-ft. header, urethane conditioner, 800 hours...............................................................$75,000 2009 New Holland 8040, 14-ft. header, rubber conditioner, 758 hours.................................................................................$55,700 2007 New Holland HW305, 12-ft. HS header with rubber conditioner, rolls replaced 2 years ago, 2397 hours.............................$39,900 2007 Massey-Ferguson 9635 with 15-ft. razor back header, 2150 hours.................................................................................$58,900






2015 New Holland 9.35 telehandler, 1000 hours..................$89,000 2016 Newhouse C-5000 square bale feeder, tandem axle, only used one season........................................................................$47,500 Jiffy 950 round and square bale processor, cradle feeder. Good shape.................................................................................$15,750 2008 Haybuster 2650 round bale processor, right hand discharge, manual deflector, chute......................................................$12,900 Bale Boss 2 bale square bale processor..................................$7500 2009 John Deere 946 13-ft. mower conditioner, Impeller conditioner, clevis hitch, hydraulic swing, hydraulic lift..........................$21,750 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit........................$52,500 2013 New Holland HS14 header with mount and hydraulic pump for TV Series tractor, very clean..............................................$18,500 2016 Stinger 6500 bale mover, 1400 hours.........................$209,000 New Higgobotham hay squeeze for John Deere 544 Series front end loaders...............................................................................$12,000 New Holland 195 manure spreader, 350 bushel, flotation tires, top beater, hydraulic end gate.................................................$11,000 2012 John Deere RSX 850 gator, 15,000 miles.......................$8750 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade..........................................................$575 12-ft. pasture harrow....................................................................$900


2008 John Deere 8330, MFWD, cab, PowerShift, 4 SCV’s, 3-point, 540/1000 PTO, rear duals, 44 gpm hydraulic pump, 22 front weights, 2800# of weight in rear.......................................$99,000 2011 John Deere 8285R, MFWD, CommandView II cab, active seat, IVT transmission, 4 SCV’s, SFI, AutoTrac Activation GS3 2630 display, HID lights, front fenders, 16 front weights, 2800 lb weight in rear.............................................................................$179,900 2009 John Deere 7930 cab tractor, MFWD, rear duals, IVT transmission, 4 SCV’s, right hand reverser, front & rear weights, 2500 hours...............................................................................$120,000 2012 John Deere 7215R cab tractor, MFWD, rear duals, IVT transmission, 4 SCV’s, right hand reverser, front & rear weights, 1850 hours...............................................................................$140,000


NEW John Deere XUV 835M




Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 – Page A37








Self-Propelled Windrowers

2014 Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 23,752 bales.......$106,000 2013 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler...............................$99,500 2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales. ...........................................................................................$79,900 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler..........................$21,500




2017 John Deere 569, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup, 5394 bales..............$44,900 2017 John Deere 569, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup, 7248 bales..............$43,900 2017 John Deere 569, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup, 7142 bales..............$43,900 2017 John Deere 569, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup, 8231 bales..............$42,900 2-2016 John Deere 569 net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, MegaWide, approximately 6000 bales............... ....................................................................................$37,900 ea. 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.....................................................................$35,500 2011 John Deere 568 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 10,000 bales.................................................................................$28,900












KSU to study effects of transportation on pigs

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A38

Harold “John” Sears

EstatE auction Saturday, June 30th, 2018

11 a.m. • 411 Merino Ave, Martinsdale, MT (3 blocks East of Post Office) Real Estate • Tractors & Crawler • ATV’s • Shop Equipment General Description: 2 bed double-wide mobile home on 2 lots, and a 2 car garage/shop. Great recreation area, and only 1 mile from Martinsdale Reservoir. This is a very well-kept property on the very east edge of town. Lot description: 2 lots, 14,000 total sq. ft.

Real Estate will sell at 1:00 p.m.

Property sells without reserve or minimum!

– Sale Highlights –

• 2006 Honda Rancher TRX350 ATV, 4x4 • Ford 8N tractor w/ Paulson loader, 3 pt, pto, tire chains • 1953 AC HD5 crawler, diesel, 8’ cable-lift dozer, straight angle • JD H tractor, elec. start • JD #5 trail mower, 7’ bar • Ford 3 pt. blade, 7’

• Western Saddle Co., Denver, CO. saddle, 15”, dble rigged • Toro 15-38 riding mower, 38” cut, 15 hp., hydrostatic • C/C rototiller, 8 hp, 5 spd, rear tine • Honda EX1000 generator, like new • Win. 61 .22, 4 X scope, s#213042 • Stevens 16 ga. shotgun, single shot

Plus....a large assortment of shop & power tools

Ford 8N w/ Paulson loader

1953 AC HD5

House: 1972 Champion double-wide mobile home, 24’ x 40’, 2 bed/1 bath, gas forced-air heat and wood stove. No basement. Metal roof and siding. 500 gal. propane tank (70% full). City water. Septic system. House has not been de-winterized. Large yard with a few evergreen trees, garden spot. Beautiful views of the Crazy Mountains. Garage/shop: Built 1990, 24’ x 32’. 2 car, un-attached, concrete floor, 1 door has elec. opener, wired 110/220 volt, Masonite siding, asphalt roof Open Houses/Preview: Sat., June 23, 1-4 pm & Fri., June 29, 10-4 pm or by appt with Auctioneer, Jayson Shobe 406-366-5125

2006 Honda Rancher Western Saddle TRX350, 4x4 Co., 15”

Jayson Shobe 406-366-5125 • Kyle Shobe 406-366-0472

406-538-5125 • Lewistown, MT • www.ShobeAuction.com





By K-State Research and Extension News Kansas State University researchers are planning a road trip later this year – actually about 40 of them – to learn more about what effect that transporting pigs has on muscle fatigue in those animals. They plan to follow trucks around the Midwest – specifically Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and Oklahoma – to measure the vibration in the trailers and the resulting stress that it may cause the animals. “Our concern is welfare of the animals, but you also have the concern about the loss to the industry,” said John Gonzalez, an associate professor of animal science. “You’re trying to help both sides; the animal number one, and the industry number two.” An estimated 120 million pigs are transported in the United States each year, or about 750,000 loads of pigs moving along roads and highways. Previous research has identified fatigue – thought to be caused by the constant shaking that the animals endure during transportation – as the cause of an estimated loss of .3 percent, or 360,000 pigs per year, according to Gonzalez. That’s equivalent to about 109 million pork meals lost per year, and just over $17 lost, per pig, by farmers – a total of $61 million lost by the pork industry. So, Gonzalez and a team of K-State specialists aim to do something about it. They have received $125,000 from the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, which is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, to gather data on how to make pigs more comfortable during transportation. The project was awarded as part of AFRI’s interest in animal health and well-being. “We are looking at different locations within the truck,” Gonzalez said. “Let’s say that we find out that the bottom level of the nose near the axle of the truck vibrates a lot more than the other compartments. So you can actually tell producers, ‘OK, these pigs that are at the far end of the hog house and will have to walk a long way and be more fatigued than the guys that are close to the door, maybe you don’t put them in the nose of the trailer.’” The intent is to develop strategies for loading the pigs so those that might be more fatigued are not put where the vibration is strongest. “An analogy I usually give to people is that the effects of transporting pigs is much like when a homeowner uses a weed eater or a chainsaw or whatever you use that vibrates heavily, and then at the end, you have no strength in your hands,” Gonzalez said. Sarah Schuetze, who is pursuing the doctoral degree in animal science, will collect data on 40 loads of pigs that will be transported between now and the end of the year. Schuetze, who has already earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in biological and agricultural engineering, has designed a system that utilizes accelerometers that will be placed in the trucks to measure movement from side-to-side, forward-to-backward, and up-and-down. The measurements will help researchers understand differences, such as a bumpy ride along a county road compared to a ride along an interstate highway. “This is so we can take those variables and see how it’s affecting our pigs,” Schuetze said. “Once we determine our vibration profile, we can use that information to address other transportation factors and create a better trip overall for the pigs.” Schuetze said the amount of data she will collect is vast: “We are taking 100 data points a second, over anywhere from a 3- to 4-hour load.” Once all of that information is gathered, Schuetze will then design and build a live simulator that researchers can use to test the effects of transportation and vibration in a controlled university setting. Eventually, the work can also include other animal species. In addition to Gonzalez and Schuetze, the project includes Kansas State University animal scientists Tim Rozell and Jason Woodworth; biological and agricultural engineers Dan Flippo and Ed Brokesh; and kinesiology professor Tom Barstow. Gonzalez said the group is still looking for trailer manufacturers or other cooperators willing to let the university test their trucks during this study. Those interested may contact Gonzalez at 785-532-3448, or johngonz@ ksu.edu.

Prevent accidental poisoning in your home

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service “What was her first word?” my older daughter asked as she held our neighbor’s toddler granddaughter. “Da-da,” the mother of the toddler replied as she glanced at her husband, who grinned. “Guess what my first word was,” my daughter said. I was silently chuckling at this exchange because they probably thought she was going to say, “Mama.” “My first word was ‘hot’!” she exclaimed. I can take credit for her first word. She spent a lot of time with us in the kitchen and often reached for things that could have been hazardous. She grasped the concept of “hot” and she pulled her hand away from anything that we said was hot. I guess I learned that parenting trick from my mother. I’m not sure that it’s the best tip because I still touch things slowly to determine if they actually are hot. On the positive side, I can count on a couple of fingers the times I have burned myself in the kitchen. Kids can move around a home quickly, and they can get into items that are hazardous to their health unless you take precautions. I remember our early days of parenting. We had locks on the cupboard doors, and we moved many things to upper cupboards, far from exploring hands. Most parents are well-versed in child-proofing their homes, and we used to be pretty adept at anticipating potential hazards. If I become a grandmother someday, I will have to relearn the process of child-proofing my home because we have many new cleaning products available. Toddlers and preschoolers love to explore, and they often put things in their mouth. If they come upon a bottle of medication, laundry detergent packets or bottles containing cleaners, they might taste the contents. About 90 percent of poisonings happen in homes, according to the American Cleaning Institute. More than half the calls received by most poison centers across the country involve children younger than age 6, according to the North Dakota Poison Control Center. Fortunately, most of the poisonings have mild symptoms; however, children could face severe injuries or death. Even child-resistant caps on medications and other products are not child-proof. Children can be quite adept at figuring out how to open things. Sometimes colorful medications, vitamins, shampoos and cleaners can look like foods or beverages to a child. Never refer to medication as “candy.” Keep all these items out of children’s reach, and have children ask before they taste to help prevent accidental poisoning. If children see you taking a prescribed medication or even a multivitamin, they may want to imitate you. Keep medications far from their reach. Even child vitamins can be poisonous. According to a 2015 survey conducted by the American Cleaning Institute with 1,000 parents and caregivers, more than 80 percent of parents think their child can’t reach laundry packets and 69 percent do not lock the packets in a cupboard. In fact, 3 million households with kids younger than age 4 store laundry packets on top of washing machines. Pets also can be poisoned by household items, so be sure to keep potentially hazardous items away from them, too. Here are some important reminders from the American Cleaning Institute for all of us, regardless of whether we have children in our households: • Read and follow label directions on any chemical, such as laundry detergents, pesticides and household cleaners, in your home, garage or other storage area. • Store chemicals away from food and in an area not accessible to children and pets. • Keep the products in their original containers with the labels intact. The chemicals list emergency procedures in case you get the chemical on your skin or in your eyes, or if the chemical is ingested. • Watch out for buckets of cleaning solutions. Children and pets may be curious to taste the contents. • Close all chemical containers, especially those with child-resistant caps. • Do not mix cleaning products. Some produce dangerous fumes. • Do not reuse empty cleaning containers because the label instructions and precautions for the original product may be inaccurate or dangerous. For example, avoid reusing these containers for craft materials because it can send the wrong message to kids. CONTINUED ON PAGE A40

##### From actual Church Bulletins…….. • A new loudspeaker system has been installed in the church. It was given by one of our members in honor of his wife. • I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, even though he diets, yet shall be live. • At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?” Come early and listen to our choir practice.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A39

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1994 Kenworth W900L Grain Truck

Caterpillar 3406E engine, 18 speed, 90% rubber, ITB grain box 20-ft.x102”x66”, electric tarp, remote hoist and gate. Brand new clutch, drive axle brakes and batteries. Fresh service and grease. This truck is turn key ready to go! With as much optimism and potential in the grain markets this year, don’t overlook this rare truck!.....................................$58,400 obo Details at www.truckpaper.com, Search code: AT46HO Call Reed Tobol 406-249-1767 Call or text anytime!

Keyhole Steel Brace System

With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A40

##### Hawaii Billboards have no place in paradise. They’re outlawed in the state with just 18 exceptions.


New Holland 130 manure spreader, PTO drive, lower & upper flail, poly floor, near new condition.................. $6250 Phone 406-250-0687, Circle, MT

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Prevent accidental poisoning in your home CONTINUED FROM PAGE A39

For more information, contact your local poison control center. North Dakota has a state poison control center, accessible at http://www.ndpoison.org/index.htm. It includes a variety of educational materials. Add the phone number of your poison control center to your cellphone contacts. Here’s a tasty fruit dip that kids can help prepare. Keep in mind that any fruit served to kids should be appropriately sized for their age and ability to chew. We want children to enjoy fruits, but some can be choking hazards. See https:// www.ag.ndsu.edu/food/food-safety/pregnancy-infantschildren for more information about children and food safety. Refreshing Fruit Dip 1 (16-ounce) package frozen peaches, thawed 1 (10-ounce) package frozen strawberries, thawed 1/2 c. honey nonfat Greek yogurt 1 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 tsp. almond extract Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth. Serve with fresh fruit, such as apple slices or strawberries. Makes 20 servings. Each (1/4 cup) serving of fruit dip has 20 calories, 0 grams (g) fat, 0 g protein, 4 g carbohydrate, 0 g fiber and 0 milligrams sodium.


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Ice Cream Soda Day

Date When Celebrated: Always June 20th Ice Cream Soda Day is a great summer cooler. It’s hot. It’s muggy. And, an Ice Cream Soda is a flavorful way to cool off. The flavor of Ice Cream Soda is your choice. Any will do. Chocolate and vanilla are the most popular. But, don’t shy away from being creative with the flavor of ice cream or soda.

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2005 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

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2011 Wilson PaceSetter 50-ft. ag hopper, 10-ft. spread axle

2000 Peterbilt 378

3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, winch, headache rack, COZAD ramps

2006 Peterbilt 378

C15 Acert, 475 hp, 18 speed, 247” wheelbase, all aluminum, headache rack

Trailers For Sale:

2013 Jet 38-ft. ag hopper ...................................................................$26,500 2011 Frontier 48-ft. ag hopper ...........................................................$38,900 1991 Trailmobile 45-ft. flatbed ..............................................................$9500 1972 Load King 30-ft. flatbed with ramps ..........................................$11,500

2003 Peterbilt 379 EXHD 6NZ single turbo, 550 hp, 18 speed, 252” wheelbase, newer transmission, grille guard, headache rack, freshly painted frame

REDUCED TO $35,900! 1993 Kenworth T800

N14, 430 hp, new 18 speed, new paint, all new rubber, all aluminum, new Detroit locker, front float tires


$19,900 1996 Kenworth T600B

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2007 Ford F550 Dually

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Applications open for annual ranch management practicum

By University of Wyoming Extension Applications are being accepted for a family working relationships; and nutrition, ranch management school that filled to reproduction and body condition scoring. maximum last year and has had hundreds The school is hands-on and focused on of cattle producers attend. generating discussions and not lectures, said The eight-day, multi-season High Plains Hauptman. Ranch Practicum is June 13-14, August “There are opportunities to visit ranches 23-24, September 26-27 and November and hear from engaging guest speakers who 1-2, said Blake Hauptman, University of share the tools and principles they’ve used Wyoming Extension educator. to make their ranch businesses more profitLaramie County Community College able while improving their land, lifestyles in Cheyenne is this year’s host site. The and relationships,” he said. practicum is supported and developed by Course fee is $600 for individuals and the University of Wyoming Extension and $900 for two from the same ranch and covthe University of Nebraska-Lincoln. ers materials, instructor costs and meals. The practicum is the longest-running More about the practicum is at http:// ranch management school in the region, hpranchpracticum.com. Hauptman said, with ranchers attending last For more information or an application, year from Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, contact Aaron Berger with UN-L at 308Nebraska and South Dakota. 235-3122 or aberger2@unl.edu; UW ExSpecific topics are: unit cost of protension educator Dallas Mount at 307-322duction; grazing and forages; economic 3667 or dmount@uwyo.edu; or Hauptman analysis tools; personnel management and at 307-283-1192 or bhauptma@uwyo.edu.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A41


1999 Ford F550 XLT 4x4, loaded hauler, only 173,000 miles, 7.3 Power Stroke diesel, automatic, A/C, PW/PL & etc., new performance transmission with edge programmer, 3 speed auxiliary transmission, custom exhaust, bumper and grill guard, 95% tires & brakes, cloth interior, hauler bed, gooseneck hitch, clean truck..$25,000

Skytrak 9038 Telehandler 4x4x4, 9000 lb lift, 38-ft. lift height, QC, turbo diesel, QC bucket. Runs good, some leaks, 1st gear strong.............$15,000

Phone 406-777-1435, leave message or 406-369-8508

National Catfish Day

Date When Celebrated: Always June 25 It’s National Catfish Day. It’s a day to enjoy some tasty, fried catfish. Or, enjoy catfish cooked to your favorite recipe...... yummy. Guess who said: “More and more Americans are discovering a uniquely American food delicacy -- farm-raised catfish.” For the author, read on below to the “Origin of National Catfish Day”. You should have no doubt what to do today. Enjoy a plateful of catfish, cooked

anyway you want. Chances are, you will eat farm raised catfish, which supplies the vast majority of catfish to the U.S. market. But, wouldn’t it be much more fun to fish in the morning, and catch the catfish you will eat? The Origin of National Catfish Day: Yes, today is truely a National day! On June 25, 1987, President Ronald Reagan began a presidential proclamation with the words “More and more Americans are discovering a uniquely American food delicacy — farm-raised catfish.”

Iron Horse Express trucking dedicated to meeting your commercial/industrial and farm/ranch needs, local and out of state, fully licensed and insured, multiple trailer configurations to meet your needs. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

G N I C N A on all New and Used Equipment N I F L A I C SPE Used Hay Equipment Used Tractors

2011 New Holland 2013 New Holland TD5050 95 hp, cab, TS6.140 140 hp, cab, MFWD, loader, 1401 MFWD, 664 hours.......... hours.................$32,000 .........................$49,800 2015 New Holland Pow- Kubota L3010 32 hp, erstar T4.75 75 hp, cab, loader, GST shift, 667 MFWD, MSL loader, 3rd hours, very clean........... function, 12x12 Power .........................$17,300 Shuttle, 409 hours.......... .........................$38,500 2014 New Holland Powerstar T4.75 75 hp, cab, MFWD, loader, 12x12 Power Shuttle, 244 hours.................$34,000 2006 New Holland TL80A 80 hp, cab. loader, 2006 New Holland TL80A MFWD, 3000 hours........ tractor, loader, 80 hp........ .........................$32,700 ........................... $36,000

Miscellenaous Equipment

Case IH LB334 3x3 baler, 8000 bales... .............................................$79,500

Farmhand 1140 loader w/grapple, mounts for Case 2290........$3500

H&S 2110 carted wheel rake. New Sale Price.......................$5750

Case IH LB334 3x3 baler, 8000 bales, excellent..$79,500 New Holland 282 baler, twine.................................$2900 2016 New Holland BB340S baler, 2200 bales....$95,000 New Holland BB340S 3x4 baler, tandem axle, 12,500 bales.................................................................$57,000 New Holland 1034 bale wagon, pull type, very nice......... .........................................................................$12,500 New Holland 1049 balewagon, no cab...................$9500 New Holland 1048 bale wagon, ready soon...........$8000 John Deere 955 swing tongue, mower flail conditioner, 14-ft. 9” cut...........................................................$7000 John Deere 936 11-ft. 6” cut disc, flail conditioner............ .........................................................................$11,500 John Deere 820 mower conditioner........................$9800 Kubota DM1022 3 point disc mower, 7-ft. 2” cut, like new.. ............................................................................$7800 New Holland 488 mower conditioner......................$8500 New Holland 144 inverter.......................................$2900

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A42



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Fairfield Area Ranch: 1,493 acres (+/-) located 10 miles NE of Fairfield or about 9 miles W of Power, MT. Includes home, shop, barn & corrals. Land has about 120 acres dry cropland, 39 acres wheel-line irrigated, and balance is pasture. Muddy Creek runs through it offering livestock water & fishing. Good Pheasant hunting area. Ranch is currently leased with ROI. Total price $1,050,000. Call for details at Fort Benton Realty, Broker Mark Pyrak 406-788-9280 LAND FOR SALE - two parcels. 400 acres cropland located 1 mile south of Highway 221 between Dutton & Choteau priced at $1,300/acre, and 320 acres of expired CRP cropland located 4 miles NW of Power priced at $1,100/acre and could be converted to organic cropland. Immediate possession. Call for cropping details at Fort Benton Realty, Broker Mark Pyrak 406-788-9280

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FFA Annual State Convention

By Jim Rose, State FFA Advisor Team: Over 1,600 members and guests attended Choteau FFA Montana FFA’s 88th Annual State ConvenMissoula FFA tion April 4th-7th in Billings, Montana. The Kalispell FFA Montana FFA State Convention hosted 12 Clark’s Fork FFA career development events, general sessions Belgrade FFA and workshops during the four-day event. Agricultural Technology and MechaniThe winning teams earn the opportunity cal Systems CDE (mechanics): to compete at the National FFA ConvenIndividual: UTI Technical School oftion which will take place this fall in Infered a $3,000 to the third place individual, dianapolis, IN. New State FFA Officers $5,000 to the second place individual, and were selected and are as follows: Morgan $10,000 to the first place individual. The Weidow – President from Corvallis, Nathan first place individual also received a $1,000 Wildeboer - 1st VP from Missoula, Andrea scholarship from General Distributing. Rutledge - 2nd VP from Big Sandy, Mamie Tyler Haag – Ruby Valley Hertel - Secretary from Moore, Jacob MarZac Zimmerman - Missoula tin - Treasurer from Culbertson, Courtnee Ethan Turner – Missoula Clairmont -Reporter from Mission Valley, Stephen Hamilton – Ruby Valley Karli Blanchard - Sentinel from Colestrip, Noah Salo – Joliet and Lainee Hill - Parliamentarian from Cordell Ellis – Miles City Broadwater. Max Andres - Missoula The Beaverhead chapter from Dillon took Kade McParland – Ruby Valley home the title of Star Chapter. Joe Lackman Joel Raisler – Miles City of Forsyth was named Star Greenhand with Kalten Hendrickson - Missoula Kolby Dietz, announced as the Star in AgriTeam: business. Montana’s Star in Agriculture Ruby Valley FFA Placement went to Cayden Rose of GarMissoula FFA diner, Nicole Stevenson of Joliet earned the Miles City FFA title of Star Farmer and Elizabeth Brennan Joliet FFA of Missoula earned the Star in Agriscience Huntley Project award. Agriscience Fair: Over 250 Day of Service participants Overall winners in each area: teamed up with three locations in the Animal Systems: Claire Stevenson Billings area to lend a helping hand. The Hobson combined work effort of these student volPower and Technology Systems: Hayley unteers totaled over 500 hours to improve Nelson, Chris Ammes – Electric City the city of Billings, as well as community Plant Systems: Emma Clark - Conrad businesses and organizations. Environmental Sciences and Natural ReMontana Business and Industry represources: Dustin Steele - Stevensville sentatives sponsored the event as well as Social Systems: Morgan Zuidema, Mepromoted their businesses during the twogan Toplovich – Electric City day FFA Tradeshow. The Montana FFA Food Products and Processing Systems: makes a positive difference in the lives of Ben Kaul, Stephanie Rollins – Electric City students by developing their potential for Creed Speaking CDE: premier leadership, personal growth and Danika Soper - Hinsdale career success through agricultural educaMiles Gravelley – Deer Lodge tion. For more information please contact Colton Young – Stillwater Valley the Montana FFA Association for upcoming Jenna Paul – Plevna events and ways to get involved. Jr. Creed Speaking CDE: For contact information visit the Montana Miya Ross – Gardiner FFA website at montanaffa.org Brighton Lane – Huntley Project Career Development Event Results are Leah Veress – Gardiner as follows: Claire Stanley – Missoula Agricultural Sales CDE: Extemporaneous Speaking CDE: Individual: First place received a $1,000 Mary Brown – Electric City scholarship sponsored by Billings FarmMichael McKay – Corvallis hand. Kala Bertolino – Joliet Joe Lackman – Forsyth Tyler Noyes - Broadwater Dalton Lemburg – Shepherd Farm Business Management CDE: Caroline Roeder – Choteau Individual: The first place individual Devon Solberg – Baker received a $1,000 scholarship sponsored Ethan Turner – Missoula by the Montana Farm Bureau Foundation. Lucas Oelkers – Culbertson Anthony Tatarka – Belgrade Jacob Rasmussen – Missoula Joe Tatarka – Belgrade Mamie Hertel – Moore Reann Shular – Electric City Abbie Motley – Stevensville Dakota Terry – Big Sandy Zac Zimmerman - Missoula Zac Zimmerman - Missoula Team: Jacob Rasmussen - Missoula Missoula FFA Caroline Roeder - Choteau Park City FFA Max Andres – Missoula Cascade Mamie Hertel – Moore Shepherd Reilly Allik – Judith Gap Beaverhead Team: Agronomy CDE: Missoula FFA Individual: First place received a scholarBelgrade FFA ship sponsored by Montana Seed Growers. Ruby Valley FFA Caroline Roeder – Choteau Joliet FFA Amber Johnson - Choteau Big Sandy FFA Kala Bertolino- Joliet Livestock Judging CDE: Serenity Enders – Choteau Individual: The first place individual Jacob Rasmussen – Missoula received a $1,000 scholarship sponsored Maria Bay – Kalispell by Westfeeds. Russell Zentner – Clark’s Fork Trenton Braaten - Broadwater Kayla Hagan – Plentywood Mckenna Quirk – Missoula Katie Aisenbrey – Clark’s Fork Hunter Hastig - Baker CONTINUED ON PAGE A43

FFA Annual State Convention

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A43

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


Parliamentary Procedure CDE: Kalispell FFA Broadwater FFA Shepherd FFA Missoula FFA Prepared Public Speaking CDE: Caroline Roeder – Choteau Gracie Smith – Victor McKenna Quirk – Missoula Emily Ekhardt – Fergus of Lewistown Conduct of Meetings CDE: Shepherd Missoula Plevna Roundup

Abby Leachman – Broadwater Abigail Stevenson – Hobson Dylan Laverell – Big Timber Courtnee Clairmont – Mission Valley Walker Anttila – Joliet Maddie Sutton – Kalispell Bailey Lake – Kalispell Lindsey Brence – Miles City Team: Broadwater FFA Kalispell FFA Miles City FFA Hobson FFA Missoula FFA #####

Louisiana Jambalaya prepared in “the traditional manner” is not subject to typical sanitation regulations. ##### Maryland A person who sells non-latex condoms by means of a vending machine is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine up to $1,000.

##### Kansas Liquor may not be sold by the glass in 26 counties. In Kansas — a state that outlawed alcohol sales until 1948, a full 15 years after Congress repealed Prohibition — individual counties may, by resolution or petition, prohibit the sale of booze in public places where 30% or less of their gross comes from the sale of food.


New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.

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We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available Used 19-ft. ITB box and hoist (2) Used 21-ft. Reiten aluminum boxes NOW AVAILABLE ROL-OYL CATTLE OILERS WITH BRUSH!! Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

Keep the cows off your barbed wire. In Stock, stop by and check ‘em out. The cows love them!

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A44

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Proposed changes to the National List for organic livestock and handling

From USDA substances are allowed for crop and livestock On April 27, 2018, USDA’s Agricultural production unless specifically prohibited. Marketing Service published a proposed rule This proposed rule would make two in the Federal Register to amend the National changes to the National List: List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances • Allow elemental sulfur in organic live(National List) based on public input and the National Organic Standards Board’s stock production for use as a topical pesticide (NOSB) November 2017 recommendations treatment to repel mites, fleas and ticks from for livestock and handling. livestock and their living spaces. The 60-day public comment period closes • Reclassify potassium acid tartrate from on June 29, 2018. Access the proposed a nonagricultural substance to an agriculrule for more information on how to submit tural substance. Potassium acid tartrate is comments. currently listed as a nonorganic ingredient More information on how and why suballowed in organic products. Reclassifying potassium acid tartrate as an agricultural stances are added or removed from the Nasubstance would require handlers to use tional List is available on The National List the organic form when it is commercially page of the AMS website. available. If it is not commercially availIn general, synthetic substances are prohibited for crop and livestock production able, handlers would be allowed to use the unless specifically allowed and non-synthetic nonorganic form. ##### It is against the law to spit on a bus in Washington.

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25 total units - including auger and rotary platforms available in a variety of cutting widths. Come in today before the use season for best selection of units!



2016 John Deere W155, 159 hours, 16-ft. hay head, 600-65R28 wheels. Stock #61388...... ..................................................$153,200 (3)


2010 John Deere R450, 16-ft. 995 header, rubber/urethane conditioner, 480/80R38 bar tires. Stock #54147....................$89,500 (14) 2010 John Deere A400, 16-ft. head, V10 steel conditioner, button tires. Stock #61543......... ..................................................$74,500 (11) MacDon M205, 18-ft. hay header AND 35-ft. triple delivery draper header, 1027 hours. Stock #59238..........................$124,000 (12) New Holland Speedrower 240, 16-ft. rotary header, rubber/urethane conditioner. Stock #58771....................................$102,500 (15)


Rakes, mower conditioners, bale processors, bale wagons, and more. If you need it, we have it!

2012 John Deere 946, impeller conditioner, 13ft. cutting width, 1000 PTO. Stock #57700..... ..................................................$25,500 (12)


#57700 2006 New Holland 216, 24-ft. basket rake, hydraulic. Stock #58614................$11,900 (15)


8 units available - Get a great deal on a large square baler today! 3x3, 3x4 and 4x4 options available


2015 John Deere L340, large squares, Harvest Tec moisture sensor, roller chute, tandem axle, fast fill auto grease, LED lights. Stock #59834.........................$114,900 (15) 2013 Krone BP1290, 3x4 baler, high density, hydraulic roller chute, air on knotter, scale, multi-lube system. Stock #59728.................. .................................................$94,500 (12)


2016 Massey Ferguson 2270, large 3x4 bale size, ISO compatible, bale eject, bale chute rollers. Stock #59671..............$104,500 (15) 2011 Massey Ferguson 2150, large 3x3 squares, single axle, knotter fans, roller chute. Stock #57000.................$63,000 (14)




30+ total units - Experience the benefits of a John Deere baler! Most units with net & twine. Get the best selection of used balers before the use season!

#61389 2017 John Deere 569, net/twine, push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, 100 PTO, flotation tires. Stock #61389.............................$47,250 (3) 2014 John Deere 569 Premium, twine/net wrap, 1000 PTO, moisture tester, push bar, ISO harness. Stock #60302.......$39,900 (1) 2013 John Deere 569, floatation tires, hydraulic pickup, twine/net wrap, push bar, 1000 PTO. Stock #59618....................$30,500 (1) 2010 John Deere 568, MegaWide pickup, twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO, variable core valve. Stock #59240.................$24,900 (15)


1997 John Deere 566, twine only, 540 PTO, 31x13.5 tires, hydraulic pickup, bale ramps. Stock #60767..............................$8500 (14)


2012 John Deere 830, impeller conditioner, 540 PTO, Clevis hitch. Stock #60079............ ..................................................$19,900 (15) 2012 John Deere 835, 11.5-ft. cutting width, urethane rolls, 1000 PTO, 2 pt. hitch. Stock #60915......................................$19,900 (16)


2009 John Deere 630, impeller conditioner, 9.75-ft. cutting width, side-pull, 540 PTO. Stock #59720............................$12,900 (16)

1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

2014 Massey Fergusen 2956A, 540 PTO, net & twine, bale kicker, 21.5L-16.1 tires w/suspended axle, monitor. Stock #59460............ .................................................$34,900 (12) 11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

GO TO OUR WEBSITE TODAY! www.frontlineagsolutions.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A45

View our FULL inventory at www.FrontlineAgSolutions.com

100+ new units added this month! Contact your local salesman to be the first to hear about new inventory!


Large selection of wheeled, 2 track, and 4 track 4WD tractors. In stock options include: PTO, high flow hydraulics, and complete GPS guidance systems!


2016 John Deere 9570RX, LOADED! 1000 PTO, high-flow hydraulic pump, 36” tracks, ActiveCommand steering, premium leather cab, FULL GPS system. 1 year Powertrain warranty. Stock #59679..........$418,500 (12) 2016 John Deere 9470R, 1000 PTO, premium lighting, 800/55R46 duals, big weight package, turn key GPS. Powertrain warranty through February 2019, 635 hours! Stock #60796...................................$299,000 (14)

<100 HP TRACTORS 10+ Great utility tractors with wide array of attachments and options

2012 John Deere 5085M, 16 speed, power reverser, H260 loader, includes set of pallet forks. Only 300 hours! Stock #61808........... .................................................$41,500 (12) 2016 New Holland Boomer 54D, CVT transmission with reverser, loader, MFWD, open station, 2 SCV’s, only 155 hours. Stock #59531.....................................$32,500 (11) 2005 New Holland TC35DA, Synchro transmission, open station, 16LA loader, 540 PTO. Stock #62366....................$14,750 (1)

2017 John Deere 9470R, new 710/70R38 dual tires, turn key GPS, PTO, heavy weight package. Powertrain warranty through March 2020, 360 hours! Stock #60263........ ...............................................$327,500 (14) 2013 John Deere 9560RT, high-flow hydraulic pump, 5 SCV’s, 30” DuraBuilt tracks, deluxe cab, premium lighting, turn key GPS, 1180 hours. Stock #60308...............$285,500 (14) 2013 Case IH Steiger 550, 1000 PTO, highflow hydraulic pump, IF 800/55R46 duals. Available late spring. Stock #60326.............. .................................................$234,900 (1) 2000 Caterpillar CH75E, 10 speed powershift, 4 SCV’s, 3-pt., 25” tracks, EZ-Steer system included, 340 hp. Stock #61356................... .................................................$53,900 (15)


2016 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. booms, IF 420/80R46 tires, deluxe lighting, manual solution control, 1130 hours. Stock #59836. ...............................................$247,000 (15)

45+ total units - including 20 late model John Deere loader tractors and row crop tractors with as few as 250 hours. Many units with warranty. 8 units AutoTrac ready


2014 John Deere 7250R, H480 loader w/ grapple & bucket, triple link suspension, 5 SCV’s, rear duals, extended warranty until 2019. Stock #57443...............$195,500 (16)

2014 John Deere 6140M, 24 speed PowrQuad, H360 loader, grapple, GreenStar ready, 480/80R42 tires. Stock #61591.......... ...............................................$108,000 (14) 2010 John Deere 7330 Premium, TLS, 20/20 AutoQuad Plus, cold start package, PTO, 3-pt. Stock #61533.....................$92,750 (3) 1979 John Deere 4840, 8F/4R Powershift transmission, 3 SCV’s, 1000 PTO, 200 engine hp, no loader. Stock #60174................. .................................................$17,400 (14) 2006 Case IH MXM175, Powershift, 161 engine hp 145 PTO hp, 4 SCV’s, 3 point, loader & grapple. Stock #59776........$63,500 (2) 2006 Case IH MXU115, 16/16 partial Powershift, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, PTO, loader/grapple. Stock #61646...........................$39,900 (12)

2014 John Deere 4940, 120-ft. booms, hydraulic tread adjust, deluxe CV cab, extended warranty through June 2019. Stock #60347. .................................................$227,500 (1) 2009 John Deere 4930, 132-ft. booms, Boom Trac 5 leveleing, deluxe cab, HID lights. Stock #61725.........................$115,000 (14) 2008 Apache AS1010, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, Trimble guidance. Stock #61812.....................................$85,000 (14) 2009 Marflex Field Star 1500, 120-ft. booms, 1500 gallon tank, 2009 International, automatic transmission, 380/90R46 tires (75%), Raven guidance. Stock #61016.................... .................................................$109,000 (1)

PULL TYPE AND PICKUP SPRAYERS Many economical wheel boom and suspended boom pull type sprayers available


60+ total units - including over 30 John Deere S-series combines with service records and fully inspected and repaired. Ask about great lease options

2017 John Deere S690, 349 engine/249 separator hours, complete GPS system, advanced powercast TB, powerfold grain tank, 1100/45R46 LSW singles. Stock #59076..... .................................................$412,500 (1)



Units are going fast! Wheeled or track skid steers in stock now!



2015 John Deere 6155R, IVT transmission, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, cold start package, 450 lb. rear weights, 640R loader w/grapple, extended warranty until 2021. Stock #60921... ...............................................$147,500 (15)


Used lawn mowers don’t last long! Call and get in on one of these deals today!

2013 John Deere 1435, commercial mower, 72” deck, diesel, deluxe suspension seat, front hydraulics. Stock #62219.$13,500 (12) 2017 John Deere D140, 48” deck, 53 hours, 22 hp engine, Hydro transmission. Stock #62310........................................$1450 (11)


Great side-by-side options with cabs, power dump box, power steering, and many more options

2016 John Deere 825i Gator, full cab with glass roll down windows, heater, front and rear fenders, only 95 hours! Stock #60410.. ...................................................$21,900 (1)


2017 John Deere S680, 154 engine/99 separator hours, advanced powercast tailboard, variable stream rotor, power fold grain tank covers, premium cab, turn key GPS. Stock #59060.....................................$410,000 (1) 2015 John Deere S680, 922 engine/633 separator hours, Advanced PowerCast tailboard, extended wear package, power fold grain tank covers, FULL GPS system. Stock #58978.....................................$287,900 (1) 2017 John Deere S670, 156 engine/113 separator hours, FULL GPS system, PowerCast tailboard, variable speed feederhouse. Stock #60258.........................$350,000 (14) 2017 Case IH 8240, 250 engine/166 separator hours, duals, lateral tilt, luxury cab, Power Plus CVT drive, 24 blade standard chopper w/windrow chute. Stock #59867................... .................................................$336,000 (1) 2013 Case IH 8230, lateral tilt, magnacut deluxe, 620/70R42 duals, distance lights, luxury cab, powerfold grain tank covers. Stock #60435.....................................$208,900 (2)


Railroad Ties

$8.00/tie. Sold in 16 tie bundles - We will load Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations


1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

2016 John Deere R4038, turn key GPS guidance, auto solution control, air purge, 120-ft. booms, boom leveling system, premium cab and radio, 380/90R46 tires, 850 hours. Warranty until October 2019. Stock #61300....... .................................................$287,500 (1)



2010 John Deere 326D skid steer, cab, heat, air conditioning, 2 speed transmission, highflow hydraulic pump, 74 hp engine. Stock #61285.....................................$25,500 (11) 2015 John Deere 326E skid steer, cab, air conditioning, foot controls, air ride seat, beefy baby tires, 78” bucket. Stock #61487.. ...................................................$49,500 (3) 2015 Case SV300 skid steer, 90 hp, wheeled, cab, air conditioning, 84” bucket, air ride seat, hand controls. Stock #61369............... .................................................$46,500 (12) 2009 New Holland L185 skid steer, 78 hp, cab, hand controls, beefy baby tires, 72” bucket, (3) set rear counterweights. Stock #61353... ...................................................$24,500 (2)


Self-propelled sprayers that have been reconditioned and most include complete GPS systems

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

2015 John Deere 825i Gator, deluxe glass cab w/poly doors, roll down window, heater, bench seat. Stock #61868........$16,500 (14) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator, full glass cab, power dump box, roof lights, turn signals & horn kit. Stock #61358..............$12,500 (14) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator, no power steering, Curtis poly cab w/doors and heater, alloy wheels. Stock #61742...........$11,250 (1) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator, windshield, front and rear fenders, manual dump box. Stock #60741........................................$8400 (12)


HUGE selection of headers including flex headers, pickup headers, draper headers. Sizes from 30-ft. to 45-ft. We are ready to deal!

Check out our website at www.frontlineagsolutions.com to see photos and info on all of our inventory!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A46

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118

#### Summer time, specifically between Memorial Day and Labor Day, is the deadliest season for drivers aged 15–20.

Recipe Patch by Geri Bacon-Wrapped Chicken

2 medium sweet potatoes 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Coarse salt Freshly ground pepper 1 tbsp. packed light-brown sugar 2 boneless, skinless chicken-breast halves 4 slice bacon 1/2 medium red onion Preheat broiler with rack 6 inches from heating element. Place sweet potatoes on a rimmed baking sheet and toss with 2 tablespoons oil; season with salt and pepper. Spread in a single layer and sprinkle with brown sugar. Wrap each cutlet with a bacon slice; tuck onion between bacon and chicken. Arrange alongside potatoes on sheet, onion side up; season with salt and pepper. Broil until chicken is cooked through and potatoes are tender, 8 to 10 minutes.

Nacho Casserole

2 lb Ground Beef 1 Onion, chopped 2 cans Chili Beans, 16 ounces each 16 oz pkg Frozen Corn Kernels, thawed 15 oz can Tomato Sauce 1¼ oz pkg Taco Seasoning Mix 3 cups Finely Shredded Cheddar Jack Cheese, divided 3 cups Nacho Cheese Tortilla Chips, crushed and divided Chopped Tomatoes & Green Onions, for garnish, optional Brown beef and onion in a large kettle over medium-high heat. Stir until beef crumbles and is no longer pink; drain. Add beans, corn, tomato sauce and seasoning mix; stir until blended. Simmer over medium heat 10 minutes. Pour half of beef mixture into a lightly greased 13 x 9” baking dish. Top with 1 1/2 cup each of cheese and crushed chips; top with remaining beef mixture and remaining 1 1/2 cup each of cheese and chips. Bake at 350 for 25 to 30 minutes or until bubbly and Golden. Sprinkle with chopped tomatoes and green onions, if desired.

Jamieson Motors, Inc. jamiesonmotors.net 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

2016 RAM 3500 CREW CAB 4X4 cummins, automatic, dually, aluminum flatbed, low miles NOW $48,500

2015 RAM 2500 LARAMIE crew cab, 4x4, 6.4 hemi, leather,

2011 RAM 3500 TRADESMAN crew cab, 4x4, cummins, automatic, hydrabed NOW $31,900

rear camera


2004 RAM 1500 LARAMIE quad cab, 2wd, hemi, leather, 47K miles $10,900

2016 RAM 3500 LARAMIE crew cab 4x4, cummins, automatic, heated leather, srw $51,000

2014 RAM 1500 EXPRESS crew cab, 2wd, hemi, loaded, alloy wheels $22,700

low miles


ram box

NOW $39,500

2016 RAM 1500 SPORT crew cab, 4x4, hemi, loaded, heated seats, navigation,

2017 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 4X4 mega cab, cummins, automatic, loaded,

2016 RAM 3500 SLT mega cab, 4x4, 6.4 hemi, loaded, heated seats, new tires, srw $39,500

2014 RAM LARAMIE 4X4 mega cab, cummins, automatic, loaded,

2014 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED awd, v6, loaded, heated leather, rear camera,

2013 RAM 2500 LARAMIE crew cab, 4x4, 5.7 hemi, loaded, heated leather,



remote start



short box

Jamieson Motors, Inc. Your Trusted Dealership For Over 75 Years! No Dealer Markup • No Fees • No BS • Just Good Honest Deals •

Seafood Lasagna

1 green onion, finely chopped 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 tablespoons plus 1/2 cup butter, divided 1/2 cup chicken broth 1 bottle (8 ounces) clam juice 1 pound bay scallops 1 pound uncooked small shrimp, peeled and deveined 1 package (8 ounces) imitation crabmeat, chopped 1/4 teaspoon white pepper, divided 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1-1/2 cups 2% milk 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese, divided 9 lasagna noodles, cooked and drained In a large skillet, saute onion in oil and 2 tablespoons butter until tender. Stir in broth and clam juice; bring to a boil. Add the scallops, shrimp, crab and 1/8 teaspoon pepper; return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, uncovered, for 4-5 minutes or until shrimp turn pink and scallops are firm and opaque, stirring gently. Drain, reserving cooking liquid; set seafood mixture aside. In a large saucepan, melt the remaining butter; stir in flour until smooth. Combine milk and reserved cooking liquid; gradually add to the saucepan. Add salt and remaining pepper. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Remove from the heat; stir in cream and 1/4 cup cheese. Stir 3/4 cup white sauce into the seafood mixture. Spread 1/2 cup white sauce in a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking dish. Top with three noodles; spread with half of the seafood mixture and 1-1/4 cups sauce. Repeat layers. Top with remaining noodles, sauce and cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 3540 minutes or until golden brown. Let stand for 15 minutes before cutting. Yield: 12 servings. ##### The “dog days of summer” refer to the weeks between July 3 and August 11 and are named after the Dog Star (Sirius) in the Canis Major constellation. The ancient Greeks blamed Sirius for the hot temperatures, drought, discomfort, and sickness that occurred during the summer.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A47

Grain Carts


• Red • Scale • Hydraulic spout


Buy or Lease to own $7402/yr - oac



• Green • 900 tires • Roll tarp

Buy or Lease to own $7825/yr - oac


1151 • Green • 900 tires • Hydraulic spout • Scale

Buy or Lease to own $7825/yr - oac

• Green

• Red

Buy or Lease to own $7825/yr - oac

A-Train - Or 40-ft. Lead -

Buy or Lease to own $8115/yr - oac

2013 Kenworth

• Green

• Large capacity

Buy or Lease to own $9017/yr - oac

2007 Peterbilt 379 – Autoshift –

• 40-ft. lead, 20-ft. pup • Aluminum wheels • Ag hoppers

• W900L • ISX Cummins • 18 speed • 48” sleeper

Buy or Lease to own

Buy or Lease to own $18,787/yr - oac

2008 Peterbilt 389

$13,162/yr - oac

2007 Kenworth

2006 Peterbilt 379

• Excellent condition • 550 Cat • 70” sleeper • Brand new tires

Buy or Lease to own $11,975/yr - oac

2004 Peterbilt 379

• Burgandy • 18 speed

• C15 • 18 speed • 63” sleeper

Buy or Lease to own $15,843/yr - oac

• 70” sleeper • Cat motor

Buy or Lease to own $15,672/yr - oac


40-ft. header trailer

• 4 wheel steer

Buy or Lease to own $1641/yr - oac


• W900L

• C15

• 13 speed

Buy or Lease to own $14,086/yr - oac

Fertilizer Trucks

• Blue • 63” sleeper • 18 speed • Cat motor

Buy or Lease to own $13,828/yr - oac

Rock Picker

• Roll tarp • Sight window • Hydraulic drive

Buy or Lease to own $3955/yr - oac


• New 12 ton Chandler • 300 hp • 2050 display • AutoSteer

Buy or Lease to own $33,076/yr - oac

3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

• Steep dump angle • Flotation tires • Picks up 2”-20” rocks

Call for sale price

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page A48

WANTED Used John Deere 3000 hydraulic rod weeder boot

Student uses fake caterpillars to learn more about helping farmers

By K-State Research and Extension News rolled it up so it looked like a caterpillar and Could a small chunk of modeling clay we set it out in the field. Then, we came back help farmers feed the world? a day later to see what bite marks were on It might, particularly if it’s formed into it, which tells us a little bit about what type the shape of a caterpillar that scientists can COMBINE FOR SALE of insects are in that field.” use to learn more about which insects are 1997 John Deere 9600 930 header, new tires all around. Though the experiment was small in nafrolicking around a farm field. Work orders for all work done in last 1000 hours. ExcelIn fact, Kansas State University graduture, it did give an idea of some factors that lent condition. Call for more info and pics. help to encourage beneficial insects around ate student Ryan Schmid recently traveled Call (406) 390-3333 • Havre, MT farmer’s fields. to Beijing, China where he saw first-hand “For us, we wanted to see how the surhow the simple use of plasticine – a brand of modeling clay similar to Play-Doh that rounding habitat – like flowers – might supmany have grown up playing with – can port some of the beneficial biological control help farmers improve crop yields and make insects, and whether the habitat helps supFOR SALE: more money. port beneficial insects that will then move Trail King Trailer “The project I was part of involved lookinto that field,” Schmid said. “It was a quick experiment, really just ing at biological controls that they’re using playing around. But we did see bite marks in Asia,” said Schmid, who will graduate this on those caterpillars after just one day. May with the doctoral degree in entomology. Something was moving around those fields In his case, Schmid said ‘biological conand the ones that were bitten were closer to trol’ refers to ways that beneficial insects are the flowers.” used to eliminate or reduce the presence of 80,000 lb., Like New - only 30,000 miles Schmid said scientists have studied the pests in a farmer’s field. An example of a habitat around farm fields for some time, beneficial insect is the lady beetle, which is $16,000 or BEST OFFER so the concept is not new. But they are conknown to feed on aphids, a known pest that causes damage in farm crops. tinually learning more about what types of Phone: (406) 799-6923 In one experiment, “we took plasticine, habitat will encourage more of the insects that will benefit crop health and growth. He noted that Iowa State University recently published recommendations for attracting beneficial insects, which can be impacted by crop rotations, tillage practices, cover crops, and more factors. “We don’t tell farmers what to do, but we do give them options, and what we’ve found is that when you start combining some Kuhn LSB1290D of these, it enhances their Opticut Demonstrator Baler (1650 benefits,” Schmid said. “So, bale count) - Dense 3x4 bales, 23 we are showing how those knife cassette system, cut down management decisions are your TMR mixing time! Last bale impacting those beneficial ejector. List Price $177,760. insects, and how improving Kuhn 22’5” - 24’5” working width. Twin rotor, center delivery. Priced to move at $123,000 the insect and plant comGA7501 INDUSTRY LEADING HAY QUALITY AND DRY TIME. munity will help them with Kuhn LSB1290D $1000 off until 6/29/18 profits on their farm.” Rake 3x4 Big square baler - Opti-feed Asian farmers, for exam(non-cutter), brand new baler. Rock ple, have planted soybeans Kuhn GA3200 Single rotor, simple and economical. hard bales with simple technology! in the middle of an apple Rotary Rake $300 off until 6/29/18 Call us for details grove in order to attract beneficial insects: “It’s all about creating a good eco-system out there while also getting Kuhn a high yield on your crops,” Carted Wheel Rakes Schmid said. Schmid, whose graduate 12-wheel (18’9” - 23’4”)........ $7800 work at K-State includ10-wheel (16’11” - 21’2”)....... $6800 ed developing strategies for monitoring Hessian fly populations in wheat fields, already has a job lined up with the Ecdysis Foundation in South Dakota once he graduates in May. “What I will be working McCormick X4.30M 68 horsepower with is called ‘regenerative tractor with loader - skid steer couJohn Deere 4895 swather, 2083 agriculture,’ but it’s the same pler, 2 remotes, 2 speed PTO, 12x12 hours, local unit. Clean machine....... basic principle of promoting transmission.........................$32,500 .............................................$45,000 a healthy eco-system so that you get high crop yields,” he said. “We will be working 8565 Lincoln Road West to give farmers a little more confidence that this will Canyon Creek, MT 59633 work for them.” (halfway between More information about Helena and Lincoln) habitat management and its (406) 368-2217 effects on the ecosystem is available from the Xerces www.empireequipmentco.com Society, xerces.org. (406) 737-4486 • Geraldine, MT




Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad MT ........................A43 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .................A2 Action Toys, Billings MT ..............................A42 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ........................................... C11 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .... C33 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT .. C38 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ................................. C20 American Manufacturing, Hogeland ............ C7 AWS Air Reels, Temp Farm Equipment Mitchell ON Canada ...............................................A32 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .........A30 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank MT ..................... C16 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT .................... C5 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ....................A33 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .................B13 Big Sky RV, Bozeman MT ...........................A46 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT ..................................................................B14 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT ....... .........................................................A13, C34 Brandt Agricultural Products LTD................A18 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ............................. C5 Buckley Auction MT ......................................B8 C&B Operations, LLC, Circle, Culbertson, Glasgow, Plentywood MT ........................ C34 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT .... ........................................................... A22, B8 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula MT ............... C4 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ................. C10 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT... ................................................................. C36 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT ...........................B1 Cox Ranch Equipment, Winston MT.......... C14 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ................................................. C2 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ...................... C21 Dallas Land Co, Helena ..............................B12 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell MT....C10 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ........................................... C12 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby MT....................B21 Dietz Auto & Truck Salvage, Billings MT .....B12 Direct Ag Network, LLC Dan Thome, Billings MT............................................................ C40 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT...C12 Dust Master, Gruber Excavating, Inc, Clancy MT.............................................................A26


East Slope Kennel & Game Bird Farm, Conrad MT............................................................ C22 Empire Equipment, LLC, Canyon Creek.....A48 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT ..... .........................................................C47, C48 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT .......A39 First State Bank, Shelby MT .......................B15 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton MT..... C32 Fisher Truck & Equipment, Scobey MT...... C30 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ......C8, C42 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT ...........A42 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT .....................B9 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT............................ A31, A47, C1, C15, C39 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .....A37 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ......... A44, A45 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad MT ....B8 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT.............................................................A39 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT ...... C45 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ............. C41 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT..C23 Gruber Excavating, Inc, Dust Master, Clancy MT.............................................................A26 Harris Custom Swathing, Conrad ...............A27 Havre Ford, Havre MT ..................................B7 Hedman, Inc, Brett Hedman, Grass Range MT ................................................................. C19 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT ..................................................................B24 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT .........................................A4 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ......B4 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ............. ................................................ C27, C28, C29 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT ...B5 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT .... C14 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT........A41 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT..................................B20 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT .. A46, B15 Jason’s Agri-Motive, Lefleche, SK Canada...C25 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT.........B16 Joe Judisch Custom Swathing & Baling, Conrad.............................................................A32

2017 Ford F150 Super

2016 Ford F350

Burgundy exterior, black leather seats, heated seats, keyless entry, 14872.8 miles

White platinum exterior, keyless entry, trailer tow package, 56,380 miles



2016 Ford Super Duty

2014 Ford F150 Raptor

Red exterior, black leather seats, heated seats, backup camera, 41,443 miles

Tan exterior, black leather seats, backup camera, 85,358 miles



2013 Ford F150

2015 Nissan Altima

Ingot Silver exterior, heated/cooled leather seats, remote start, dual zone climate control, 58,630 miles

White exterior, black cloth seats, push button start,13,464 miles



Krogmann Mfg. .......................................... C10 Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Currant Canada..B17 Lemken, T&T Farm Supply, Chester MT.....B18 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown MT ..............A44 Liphatech, Rozel ...........................................B4 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .............. C36 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT...C43 Mohrlang Fabrications, Brush CO ..............B16 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb MT .........................................B8 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT....A42 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT...A6 Montana Post Driver, Gold Creek MT ...........B2 Montana Quality Structures, Stevensville MT ... ................................................................. C18 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT .........B7 Motor Power, Great Falls MT ......................A16 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade MT ............B21 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .... C26 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ..................................................................B11 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT.... ..........................................A24, A25, C7, C17 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade MT ...... C9 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT .......B14 NM Machinery, Missoula MT ......................A20 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT ................................................................. C41 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank MT ..................A5 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ........................A5 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls MT ..........A13 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point MT...... ................................................................. C21 Northwest Plastics, Libby MT .....................A21 Outback Enterprises, Bruce Anderson, Deer Lodge MT....................................................B2 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT ...B6 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree MT .......A22 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ............A40 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT..C8 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ... C14 RDO Equipment, Kalispell, Missoula, Ronan MT............................................................ C32 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT. C30 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ..................... C20 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT................ C34 Rozel, Liphatech ...........................................B4

2016 Ford F150

Blue jeans exterior, remote start, Sirius XM/Sync, 44,031 miles


2013 Ford F150

Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond MT............................................................ C26 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ............. C18 Shobe Auction & United Country Realty, Lewistown MT ................................................... C15 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ........................A27 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT.... B3, B10, B14, B20 Skierka Livestock Trucking, Pompeys Pillar MT ..................................................................A42 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ............A46, C26 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ......A34 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT.......................... C35 Steinhatchee Inc, Lance Nelson, Stevensville .. ................................................................. C26 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon MT ............A17 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...................... C43 Stricks Ag, Chester MT.............................. C25 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT...A26 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT ..................................C13, C14 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls MT ..... C45 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT....B18, B19 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ..................... C5 Temp Farm Equipment, AWS Air Reels, Mitchell ON Canada ...............................................A32 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .................A34 The Truck Shop of Billings MT ................... C17 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.................... C40 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT....C37 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange MT ........................B2 Torgerson’s, Ethridge, Great Falls, Lewistown, Havre, Denton, Billings MT ...................... C42 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT .......C4, C13 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT...............B17 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT..........A10 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ..................A38, C3 TT&E Inc, Victor MT ...................................B20 Van Motors, Conrad MT..............................B11 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT .......... C31 Warne Chemical & Equipment Co, Rapid City SD ................................................B6, B10, C6 We Dust Control, Whitehall MT ....................A8 Weedbusters Biocontrol, Missoula .............A12 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ................A40 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT...A41 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ......... C14 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade MT ..........A9 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT .................. B22, B23 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ................... A28, A29

2016 Ford F150

Ruby red exterior, push button start, heated/ cooled driver/passenger seats, 22,526 miles


2016 Ford Super Duty

Black exterior, black leather seats, heated seats, backup camera, 43,860 miles

Magnetic exterior, gray leather seats, backup camera, 62,234 miles.



2010 Chevrolet Impala LTZ

Mahogany exterior, gold floor boards, tan leather captains chairs, King Ranch package, 181,517 miles

Dual climate control, Bose sound system, heated cream leather seats, 92,000 miles


2008 Ford F150


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B2

The deadline for advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th.


1973 Chevrolet C60 2 ton farm grain truck, 350 engine, 18-ft. steel bed box and hoist, drill fill, tarp. Everything works..............................................................$3500 obo Call 406-939-2429 or 406-939-1623, located in Glendive, MT

MONTANA POST DRIVER •  Universal skid loader or excavator mount. •  Quick and easy on/off •  Low profile •  Full control of post while driving •  Plumb bob and depth gauge chain

Call for your local dealer!

See the video of these at work on our website com montanapostdriver.

Gold Creek, MT


Parallel squeeze

Pivot squeeze

Free pick up or Delivery within 300 miles.

Beefcake by DewEze

Tackle daily livestock feeding chores Designed to fit any feeding style Featuring electric or hydraulic models

2015 GMC 3500 SRW, 4x4, double cab, gas, new 675 DewEze 2013 GMC 3500 heavy duty SRW, regular cab, 6.01, 4x4, 30,000 miles with a 675P DewEze, very clean. 2010 Dodge 3500 dually crew cab diesel with used HydraBed.


1984 Peterbilt, 15 speed, 400 Cummins, A/R, aluminum wheels.. $11,000 1982 Peterbilt, 13 speed, 400 Cummins, ext leaf with walking beam, Hend suspension................................................................................. $11,000 1985 International Eagle, 13 speed, 400 Cummins, A/R.............. $11,000 1990 International Eagle, 18 speed, Cat 3406B, A/R, drop axle, wet kit, aluminum wheels....................................................................... $13,000 1975 Kenworth, 13 speed + 4 speed, Cat 1693, A/R........................ $6500 1975 Mack DM685, 9 speed, Mack motor, gas/diesel tanks, oil recovery system........................................................................................... $2500 1979 GMC van truck, lift gate, 10 speed, Cummins........................... $3500


2000 R-Way side dump, 24 yard, tri-axle spread............................ $25,000 1975 Cook Bros belly dump, tandem axle, 2 gate............................ $6000 1972 Cook Bros belly dump, tandem axle, 2 gate............................ $6000 1968 Cook Bros belly dump, tandem axle, 2 gate............................ $4000 1983 Load King belly dump, tri-axle, single gate........................... $16,000 1979 Cook Bros 2 axle belly dump pup............................................ $4500 1993 Ranco 4 axle belly dump pup................................................... $7500 1967 Peerless 50 ton lowboy/NGB neck........................................ $12,000 Peerless booster, single axle for Peerless lowboy............................ $5000 T/A carrier for jaw or cone with under conveyor................................. $3000 20x36 jaw with apron feeder with under conveyor.......................... $22,000


1973 Cat 950 wheel loader, 3.5 yard bucket, smooth lip................ $18,000 1969 Cat 966A wheel loader, 3.5 yard bucket with teeth................ $15,000 1979 John Deere 410 backhoe......................................................... $6500 1971 Raygo 400 roller, 88” drum with rubber tires............................. $7000 Cat D8H dozer, u-blade, winch, canopy, starting motor. Serial #17000....... ................................................................................................... $12,000

From the pasture to your plate

By Amanda Garant, Prairie Populist awards the Growth Through Agriculture Decades ago, Dexter and Karla Buck grants. “These grants and loans add value asked themselves the same questions that to Montana’s agriculture industry, while farmers and ranchers across Montana are also supporting our rural communities and asking themselves today: How do we take encouraging young people to come back to the products grown and raised here and add the operation.” value to them right here at home? In 2013, Bear Paw Meats received $10,000 Now, their family company, Bear Paw for sausage-making equipment so they could Meats (https://www.bearpawmeats.com), is get Montana-grown meat into local schools. doing just that. They buy cattle at auction Then in 2017, they received a $50,000 grant from ranches across northern and central to buy a smoker, so they could make specialty Montana and bring them to Chinook. There products that they could sell in schools, resthe cattle feed freely on a balanced diet of Montana-grown grains and roughage, most taurants, and stores around the state. of which is grown on the family’s own farm. Growin’ Strong Slowly, over the course of six months, the Bear Paw Meats isn’t the only one celcattle pack on the pounds before they’re ebrating. Other local producers and rural hand-selected for harvest. communities across the Hi-Line have benThe meat is harvested, cured, processed, efited as Bear Paw Meats continues to grow. and packaged at Bear Paw Meats’ facility “We want to give the Hi-Line what Monin Chinook, which they bought in 2006. It tana beef tastes like,” said Callahan. “The harvests 12 to 15 animals each week and also goal has always been to showcase what processes local custom orders for folks in the Montana beef is.” area. From there, the meat is distributed to Their efforts have made high-quality, restaurants and schools across the region or Montana-raised beef more available throughsold at their retail store in Havre, which they out Montana. opened in 2007. Karla Buck works closely with local “My parents’ goal was always to finish schools in Hinsdale, Havre, Malta, and Montana beef,” said the Bucks’ daughter, Turner, where Bear Paw Meats are now Ashley Callahan, who helps with the retail served to kids. store and now runs the processing plant. “My mom wants kids to be able to eat The family has their hands on the cattle the best quality products available to them throughout every step of the process, from while they’re growing and learning,” said the time the cattle leave the pasture to the Callahan. “They’re developing minds.” They time it hits your plate, which means they need good meat and good nutrition. can control the quality of what they produce. Local restaurants like Andy’s Supper Club They know what to feed the cattle in in Havre and Chef Michael’s Beef N Bone in order to get the best marbling possible, and Ulm also use Bear Paw Meats on their menu. they’ve developed a dry-age curing process In fact, the Beef N Bone was recognized as that best brings out the meat’s flavor. And having the best steak in the Great Falls area, with the recipes they share with their Wine steak that came from Bear Paw Meats. Club (https://www.bearpawmeats.com/blog/ Callahan seeks out and features other categories/_wine), on their Facebook page products from across the state in their retail (https://www.facebook.com/bearpawmeats/), store. Havre’s store sells Max Hofeltdt’s or with their Instagram (https://www.instalamb from Chinook, Marty Barger’s Garlic from Havre, Timeless Seeds’ chickpeas and gram.com/bearpawmeats/) followers, they’re lentils, Western Trails’ purple barley, Cream practically right there with you in your kitchof the West from Harlowton, Honey from en as you cook up a brisket or grill a steak. Fort Shaw and from Zurich. And that’s just How to Beef Up a Business the start. Unfortunately, there isn’t some scientific, About once a month, when Callahan replicable formula behind the success and makes a trip down to Great Falls, she picks growth of Bear Paw Meats. It’s some comup Kalispell Kreamery milk and offers it at bination of work ethic, business know-how, the store, where it flies off the shelf. One of community support, and a quality product. her personal goals is to get Montana milk Once they began processing their own on the Hi-Line. It’s not a money-maker, she meat, the Bucks realized how tough it was says, but it’s good for folks and it should be to get their high-quality, but lower-quantity available to them. products into some of the bigger grocery For Montana dairy products to be available stores. But that wasn’t about to stop them. more regularly, Callahan has to convince “We weren’t having luck getting into retail the larger food distributing companies that stores, so we made our own,” Callahan said. Havre’s worth the trip. She’s got to prove to They bought their own storefront in Havre, them what folks in Havre have been saying and Bear Paw Meats, named after the nearby all along — that Havre has it. mountain range, is now a staple of the comThanks to the success of Bear Paw Meats munity. and the opening of new restaurants like the Expanding a small business is always a Streatery Food Truck, some smaller distriburisk, but the state of Montana and the U.S. Department of Agriculture offer grants to tors have been receptive to the idea of hitting help farmers, ranchers, and small businesses the Hi-Line. In a state as large as Montana, expand. Havre is fortunate to have one of food distribution is one of the bigger chalMontana’s four Food and Ag Development lenges for local producers. Centers, housed at Bear Paw Development The more that producers and distributors Corp. It supports farmers and ranchers and can work together, the more likely it is that helps them write those time-consuming grant delicious, Montana-grown products will be applications. available to rural communities across our With their help, Bear Paw Meats was state. And the more that folks can support awarded two Growth Through Agriculture these local farmers and ranchers, the more (http://news.mt.gov/governor-bullockwe’ll be able to keep our money where our agriculture-development-council-announcebeef’s raised. over-700000-to-strengthen-and-diversifyGot something to say to Prairie Populist? montanas-ag-industry) grants over the past Send news tips, story ideas and comments five years. to editor@prairiepopulist.com. If you have “Montana agriculture must continue to something to submit, or an idea for a story innovate, and we can’t be satisfied with just you’d like to write for us, check out our Subbeing a ‘raw commodity’ state,” said Lars mission Guidelines at http://prairiepopulist. Hanson, who sits on the committee that org/submission-guidelines/.

USDA scientist named finalist for medal

By Agricultural Research Service Soheila Maleki, a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist, recently was named a finalist for a Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal in recognition of her 20-plus years of pioneering research that has improved the quality of life for millions of Americans who suffer from food allergies. The awards, also known as the “Sammies,” are given each year to federal employees who have distinguished themselves by making our country safer, healthier and stronger. Maleki, a chemist with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in New Orleans, is being recognized for research - particularly in the areas of peanuts and tree nuts - which has significantly impacted scientific knowledge, commercial processing and regulation in the United States and worldwide. “Dr. Maleki’s work exemplifies her dedication, creativity, energy and scientific expertise in developing innovative research strategies to help people afflicted with food allergies,” said ARS Administrator Chavonda Jacobs-Young. “Her unique holistic approach—incorporating allergenicity as a consideration in peanut breeding and food processing—has had a tremendous impact on advances in detection, diagnosis and treatment of food allergies.” Four out of every 100 children in the United States have a food allergy—the most common being peanuts. For those most sensitive, ingesting only a trace amount can cause a fatal reaction. Maleki’s groundbreaking research changed how people are tested for peanut allergies today and resolved a controversial issue by demonstrating that food processing changes the allergenic potential of foods. For example, extracts used to diagnose allergies come from raw peanuts while most people eat cooked peanuts—roasted or boiled. Maleki and her colleagues showed that raw peanut proteins undergo specific molecular changes during roasting, altering allergens and thus increasing their allergenicity. In addition, she showed that cooking peanuts at high heat and pressure could reduce allergenicity from the usual roasting or boiling methods by making the allergens insoluble and thus no longer detectable. Other research co-authored by Maleki showed that early introduction of peanut can prevent development of peanut allergy in 80 percent of at-risk infants. Because of this body of work, the American Medical Association made changes in the management and diagnosis of food allergies. In addition, U.S. pediatricians’ practice parameters and guidelines changed to recommended early introduction of peanut to infants. Maleki was appointed to a committee to amend the U.S. Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management of Food Allergy. Maleki has worked with a company that is developing a drug for peanut allergies and other nut allergies and has contributed to the development of detection kits for food companies to assess cross contamination of allergens on product lines. She has published more than 100 research papers and collaborated with numerous scientists worldwide. Her numerous awards and recognition from industry, research organizations and ARS include the American Peanut Research and Education Award, the European Association of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Best Presentation Award and ARS’s Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year for 2017.

Father’s Day

Date When Celebrated : Third Sunday in June A day to honor Dad. NO. Rather, it is a day to enjoy time with Dad and appreciate all he does for you. What Dad really wants is healthy, happy and successful kids. And, he wants you to spend a few moments with him on Father’s Day. Today’s life style is busy for both dads and kids. So, a little time with dad on Father’s Day is just what he wants. A Father is more than the biological paternal source of our being. It is the person who cares and provides for us. It is the man who helps to set the standards, the family values and the example. So, add to this group step-fathers and other men who willingly and eagerly accept and cherish the role. Whether biological, adopted or informally, if they are the father figure to you, give him some recognition today and don’t hesitate to call him “Dad”. Did you know? The first Father’s Day celebration was in Spokane, Wa. on May 18, 1910.

##### Campfires can be tricky to get started, especially if the fire ring or wood is damp. You can make the whole fire-starting process much easier by bringing a few homemade fire starters along with you! Just clean out the lint trap in your dryer, and stuff the lint into a cardboard toilet paper tube. Stack your logs, place the fire starter somewhere near the base of the stack, and light it up. ##### Use foam floor tiles for a softer, more comfortable tent floor when camping.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B3

Our email address has changed!!! Please use advertising@tradersdispatch.com


2011 MacDon A30-D mower conditioner, used four seasons, 16-ft. sickle............$15,000 Heavy duty custom bumper/grill guard, fits 2008-2010 Ford F-250 or F-350..............$950 Phone 406-899-2776, Cascade, MT


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B4

SWATHERS FOR SALE New Holland HW320 and New Holland 1112, both with 16-ft. sickle headers, cab and air John Deere 105, 22-ft. header, cab, cooler All swathers have low hours, possibly take livestock on trade Call evenings (406) 277-3282 or (406) 277-3268


8-ft. to 53-ft. Starting under $3000 delivered. www.boxesandbridges.com

Phone (406) 899-4104


(2) 1/4 mile wheel lines, 5”, 5-ft. wheels, levelers. One needs a little repair. Each...................................... $3500 1/4 mile 6” main line, hydrant every 60-ft.................. $2500 (25 +/-) 4” center riser hand line.............................. $1.50/ft Berkley 40 hp pump and panel on trailer.................. $1000 500 gallon fuel tank, steel stand.................................. $200 300 gallon fuel tank, wood stand................................. $100 Mayrath PTO grain auger, 8”x56-ft........................... $1000 Will listen to offers. Call (406) 949-1650 Located in field north of Conrad, MT

P: (406) 873-2984 E: hilinecomm@gmail.com

Expect to hang two-thirds of the cow’s weight on the rail

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service To stay in a normalized range - 600 to I enjoy pondering over numbers collected 900 pounds carcass weight - cows weighing from the Dickinson Research Extension 900 to 1,350 pounds fit commercial producCenter (DREC) beef herds. tion. As cow size creeps over 1,400, heavier One number I ponder over, for example, carcass weights result, which could trigger is cow size and how it relates to carcass discounts, depending on the current demand size. Just like the industry, the discussion and market specifications. of cow size is complex, and pondering inI pondered the meaning of this. Let’s say cludes searching for ways or numbers that a cow calf-producer help me understand has land ecotypes and and ultimately explain grass that will stock the impact of cow size 50,000 pounds of cow within the industry. weight plus a calf. The Ultimately, the proactual acreage required ducer decides what is location-dependent. gate to open and what The number of cows bull to buy and enthe acreage can suptwines all the pieces port was calculated usinto a cow-calf operaing a metabolic weight tion. with the assistance of We do know that Chip Poland at Dickcarcass size is very inson State Univerrelevant because it is sity. The number of a driver of income. 900-pound cows on the acreage would be Recently, the center dispersed two cow 54; 1,000-pound cows, 50; 1,100-pound herds due to the lack of feed. The long-term cows, 47; 1,200-pound cows, 44; essence of these two herds was a targeted 1,300-pound cows, 41; 1,400-pound cows, 300-pound difference in the average body 39; 1,500-pound cows, 37; 1,600-pound size of the cows. cows, 35; or 1,700-pound cows, 34. Through time, the “range” herd had Now this is where the pondering rean average mature cow weight of 1,295 ally gets interesting. Center data show that pounds. The “beef” herd had an average 50,000 pounds of cow has the potential mature cow weight of 1,522 pounds. to put 33,500 pounds of beef on the rail The most recent live-finish weight and (assuming steers and 67 percent of cow carcass data from the steer calves from weight). So, regardless of cow weight, the these two herds were interesting. The same amount of beef ends up on the rail “range” steers had an average weight of when the steers are managed to a similar 1,456 pounds at harvest, yielding an average U.S. Department of Agriculture yield grade. carcass weight of 872 pounds. The “beef” Remember, if a producer maintains and steers averaged 1,751 pounds, with an averstocks cows averaging more than 1,400 age carcass weight of 1,050 pounds. These pounds, the potential for historical carcass are some good numbers to ponder. discounts exist, most certainly at cow What percentage of the cow’s weight weights exceeding 1,500 pounds. ended on the rail? The “range” cow had 112 Center cattle have shown that as cows percent of the average cow weight marketed got heavier, the heavier carcass weights as live weight and 67 percent as carcass more likely will have larger rib eyes, less weight. The “beef” cow had 115 percent of 12th-rib fat and lower marbling scores. As the average cow weight marketed as live cows got lighter, the carcasses more likely weight and 69 percent as carcass weight. will have higher marbling scores and larger Essentially, steer calves finished from 112 rib-eye area per 100 pounds of body weight. to 115 percent of their mother’s weight, with Interesting! the potential to put two-thirds of their mothNow, convert this thought to a “per head” er’s body weight on the rail. That’s worth ponder and compare approximate center pondering and expanding our thoughts on cow weights that have a targeted difference carcass weight. of 300 pounds of body weight on averSearching historical carcass weights, a age. When stocking with 47 1,100-pound range between 600 and 900 pounds most “range” cows, an anticipated 25,145 pounds often comes up. Using those numbers, of calf would be produced (47 calves at 535 for carcass weight between 600 and 900 pounds at 7 months). While stocking with pounds, the anticipated cow weight, using 39 1,400-pound cows, production would the center’s “range” herd, would be between be 24,921 pounds of calf (39 calves at 639 900 and 1,350 pounds. Historically, I did not pounds at 7 months). Interesting! find any major discounts related to carcass As far as the world goes, both groups, weight between 600 and 900 pounds, a managed correctly, fit the industry. Producdistribution the “range” herd fit. ers should ponder appropriate cow size for For heavier carcass weights, an average their operation. of 1,000 pounds, the cows would be anMay you find all your ear tags. ticipated to weigh just under 1,500 pounds, For more information, contact your local using the center’s “beef” cows. Pondering NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// these numbers is a good thing and certainly www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or interesting. Ringwall at the Dickinson Research ExtenAssuming carcass quality is the same, sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND then acceptable carcass quantity, that being 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ carcass weight, is achievable across a large ndsu.edu. range in cow weights. ##### To prevent the line on your string trimmer from jamming or breaking, treat with a spray vegetable oil before installing it in the trimmer. ##### Reuse plastic forks to keep cats from using your garden as a litter box.

##### A little baking soda can help you grow sweeter tomatoes. A regular sprinkling of this kitchen staple into your plant’s soil can help reduce acidity, which sweetens up your crop. ##### Milk works great as a fertilizer and antifungal agent.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B5

HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail khbear59427@yahoo.com, Cut Bank, Montana

Website: www.huggybearsconsignments.com


“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.

New Holland 411 disc mower, PTO drive. Tag #Scotty0618.......................$6500 (2) MacDon 36-ft. batt reels, new batts. Tag #StanMC0618..................$2500 ea. Set of 4 John Deere 1010 8-ft. drills, 10” spacing. Tag #Harry0618...........$2500 1000 gallon storage tank. Tag #Harry0618..................................................$1000 100 gallon stock tank, in good shape. Tag #Harry0618.................................$650 625 gallon plastic tank. Tag #Harry0618........................................................$700 New Shaver and Ezee-On pounders available. NEW H&S 1460 16-ft. wheel rake. Tag #Hug0618....................................$19,500 Farmhand 8-bale clamp. Tag #TomS0618...................................................$1600 Farmhand 8-bale clamp. Tag #TomS0618...................................................$1500 Paul calf scale. Tag # TomS0618...................................................................$600 Versatile 4022 22-ft. DSA draper header with 276 Versatile adapter. Tag #FredV0618..........................................................................................$6000 Wahl 8-ft. homemade trailer with expanded metal sides. Good for hauling debris or lawn leaves and dirt. Tag #WahlF0618..............................................$2900 1977 M&W 450A grain dryer. Tag #WahlF0618...........................................$7500 Farm King 10”x70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #HiddenLake0618.............$3500 Detroit 353 diesel engine. Tag #RogerF0618. 1981 Case IH 1680 combine, has new batteries, needs sieve work. Tag #LonP0618.................................................................................... Best Offer Massey Ferguson 550 combine for parts. Tag #LonP0618................ Best Offer 9-ft. side delivery rake. Tag #BobC0618.........................................................$950 8-ft. 3-pt. snowblower, PTO, Tag #BobC0618...............................................$3500 International 810 pickup header. Tag #BobC0618.....................................$2500 1976 Chevrolet C20 4WD pickup, 350 engine, automatic transmission, 94,000 miles. Tag #Bob0618.............................................................................$2500 1948 Chevrolet truck with 14-ft. grain box. Tag #BobC0618.......................$1500 New Idea 111 fertilizer spinner spreader, PTO drive. Tag #BobC0618........$2500 Victory 12-ft. pickup. Tag #BobC0618...........................................................$600 Box off 1988 Chevrolet 1-ton pickup. Tag #BobC0618...................................$500 Case 451 engine, fits Case 1030, has clutch and alternator. Tag #BobC0618. Completely rebuilt.................................................................................$2500 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, 245 loader., 5232 hours, has 18.4x30 rear tires. Tag #Art1618........................................................$19,500 John Deere 503 rotary mower with 2 extra blades. Tag #Rusty0618............$800 2004 7-ft. x 22-ft. steel stock trailer. Tag# BO0618. Sunflower 8830 grain cart. Tag #RalphJ0618..........................................$30,000 John Deere 4960 MFD 200+ hp tractor, only 500 hours on new Reman engine, 1000 large PTO, new cab light installed. duals. Tag #ANF0618.........$53,000 Suzuki Bergman motor scooter, 757 miles, excellent unit. Tag #Russ0617.......... ..............................................................................................................$5500 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper header. Tag #RickW0618........................$35,000 2004 7-ft. x 24-ft. steel stock trailer. Tag #Beau0618....................................$7500 1981 Ford F250 2WD pickup with service box. Tag #Ruth0618..................$1500 Case 1030 tractor with hole in bucket. Tag #Ruth0618..................................$750 Versatile 400 swather with 20-ft. DSA header and MacDon pickup reel, no cab. Tag #Ruth0618......................................................................................$2500 John Deere 335 pickup sprayer with 35-ft. booms, QuickJet nozzles. Tag #Ruth0618............................................................................................$1250 1979 Peterbilt cabover truck. Tag #Kyle0618..............................................$4500 54-ft. utility van trailer. Tag #Kyle0618..........................................................$7500 1969 GMC 2-ton truck, grain sides. Tag #Kyle0618.....................................$3500 Wilson Pacesetter 57-ft. 3-axle grain trailer, remote ShurLoc tarp. Tag #Kyle0618..........................................................................................$30,000 2009 Case IH 45-ft. draper header for Case 8010. Tag #Kyle0618..........$40,000 Star 48-ft. grain trailer. Tag #Kyle0616......................................................$20,000 1985 Peterbilt truck. Tag #Kyle0616........................................................$25,000 International semi truck. Tag #Kyle0616..................................................$15,000 Westfield 10x50 auger with 32 hp engine. Tag #Kyle0618..........................$4500 Case MX120 tractor with loader/grapple, 3-point, duals, triple remotes. Tag #Kyle0618..........................................................................................$55,000 Star 36-ft. tandem axle grain trailer. Tag #Kyle0618.................................$12,000 2005 Case IH AFX8010 combine, 3016 pickup header, 900/60 drive tires. Tag #Kyle0618. ......................................................................................$150,000 John Deere 8560 4WD tractor with Cummins 855 engine, 600 hours. Tag #Kyle0618..........................................................................................$30,000 Big Bud KT450 4WD tractor, Cummins 1150 engine. Tag #Kyle0618.....$47,500 1979 GMC 7000 grain truck with hydraulics endgate. Tag #Kyle0618......$12,500 1984 Chevrolet C70 truck, hydraulic endgate. Tag #Kyle0618.................$12,000 Case IH Concord 5010 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, 3400 2-compartment tank, single shoot. Tag #Kyle0618...............................................................$35,000 Big Bud HN250 tractor, Fuller transmission, 24.5x32 duals, 3280 hours. Tag #Kyle0618. New Holland TR70 combine with 22-ft. 960 header. Tag #LarryMc0618....$6500 New Holland 1037 bale wagon. Tag #LyleB0618........................................$3000 Allis Chalmers 650 3-pt. backhoe attachment. Tag #Lyle0618...................$1500 New Holland 499 12-ft. mower conditioner. Tag #JohnDr0618...................$5500 Bale spear for skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0618............................................$650 Bale spear for Furo-Style attachment. Tag #Hug0618...................................$665 7-ft. 3-point box scraper. Tag #Hug0618........................................................$900 NEW!! Danuser hydraulic post hole digger, 9” and 12” auger. Tag #Hug0418...... ............................................................................................Preseason Price Case 105U 97 hp FWD tractor with 3-point, dual PTO, 2050 hours. Tag #Sam0618..........................................................................................$35,000 Vermeer 2300 hydraulic rake. Tag #Sam0618.............................................$9500 Yamaha 760 Jet Ski with trailer. Tag #JasonB0618.....................................$1300 Preg testing chute, partial hydraulic. Tag #BrokenP0618.........................$20,000 Krause 960 34-ft. disc, 20” discs. Tag #JohnA0618....................................$8500 Friggstad B3-31 34-ft. plower, 11/4” shanks. Tag #JohnA0618....................$9500 40-ft. of John Deere drills, 4 10-ft with 10” spacing, steel packers, John Deere transport, markers. Tag #JohnA0618.................................................$12,500 2-John Deere LZB drills, 10” spacing. Tag #JohnA0618.........................$600 ea. Gysler 24-ft. plow with Degelman harrows. Tag #JohnA0618.....................$3500 40-ft. spring tine harrow cart. Tag #JohnA0618...........................................$1500 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, no wing lift, new tires, 1” shanks. Tag #JohnA0618..$4500 Melroe 36-ft. plow, no wing lift, Honey Bee rod. Tag #JohnA0618...............$4500 Gysler 35-ft. plow with wing lifts. Tag #JohnA0618......................................$4500 1979 International cab-over grain truck with 20-ft. ITB box, Cummins engine, 452,000 miles, tandem axle, 13 speed transmission. Tag #JohnA0618........... ...........................................................................................................$25,000 1975 International 4300 conventional truck, 19-ft. Rtena box, 13 speed transmission, tandem axle, good rubber. Tag #JohnA0618........................$25,000 1997 New Holland 9682 tractor with Cummins N14 360 hp engine, 4688 hours, wired for AutoSteer, full set of rear weights, plumbed for an air seeder. Tag #JohnA0618.......................................................................................$65,000 1986 Case 1660 combine with 25-ft. batt reel header, 2458 hours. Tag #John0618.........................................................................................$25,000 Case 2470 4WD tractor, 18.4x34 duals. Tag #JohnA0618..........................$7500 FarmKing 10x60 swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0618............................$9500 Brandt 1070 10” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0618..................$9500 MK tailgate auger. Tag #JohnA0618............................................................$1500 New Holland 1100 swather with 12-ft. header. Tag #Scotty0618................$7500 New Holland 1411 12-ft. discbine. Tag #Scotty0618...................................$7500 John Deere G tractor, tricycle front end, 540 PTO. Tag #ANF0618. John Deere 80 tractor with power steering, 540 PTO. Tag #ANF0618.......$8500 John Deere 3010 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point. Tag #ANF0618...........$8500 John Deere 3020 tractor. Tag #ANF0618. John Deere 830 tractor. Tag #ANF0618......................................................$9500 John Deere 4520 tractor with PTO. Tag #ANF0618....................................$9500



Woods 6-ft. 3-point rotary mower. Tag #BrokenP90117................................$650 New Tebben 10-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418...................Preseason Price John Deere 896A side delivery rake. Tag #D&B0418.................................$1000


MacDon D60 45-ft. header to fit S690 combine. Tag #Grant0318. Case 1015 14-ft. pickup header with 14-ft. Victory pickup attachment. Tag #KyleS0717. 2004 MacDon 972 36-ft. header to fit NH TV140 tractor. Tag #DaveT0916 Case IH 1010 straight cut header. Tag #JackW0417...................................$6000


New Holland 644 round baler. Tag #Fred0717............................................$5000 1991 Hesston 550 twine wrap round baler, new tires, new belts, field ready. Tag #BobD0717...........................................................................................$4500 New Holland 664 round baler, twine wrap, Bale Command. Good shape. Tag #JasonA0916................................................................................................ $5500 New Holland 1425 gas, self-propelled baler. Tag #Guy0418......................$6500 1993 New Holland 499 12-ft. pull type haybine. SN 539811. Tag #JohnDR0418. ..............................................................................................................$6000 Case RB562 round baler, net wrap, 6500 bales. Tag #Jaym0318...............$8500


Mirage 32-ft. triple axle gooseneck, 21,000# GVW, extra storage above gooseneck. Tag #Kerry1017............................................................................$6500 Lufkin 48-ft. double drop trailer. Tag #RianC1017....................................$17,000 1984 Load Master belly dump gravel trailer, 60,000 GVW. Tag #RianC1017....... ...........................................................................................................$12,000 2006 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7000 lb. axles. Tag #Pack0617.................$7500 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 35-ton lowboy trailer. Tag #Pack0617........................................................$12,500 PJ tilt trailer. Tag#Brent0717........................................................................$6000 1992 Twanco trailer. Tag#Brent0717........................................................$17,500 1993 gooseneck 30x8 flatbed trailer, tandem axle, duals, 16,000 lb. capacity. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$6500 Homemade 17-ft. gooseneck trailer. Tag #Paul0817....................................$3500 Swather trailer. Tag #RogF0416..................................................................... $3500 16-ft x 6 wide horse trailer. Tag #VicC0218...................................................... $650 20-ft. 4-horse bumper pull trailer. Tag #D&B0418........................................$6000 12x60-ft. trailer frame. Tag #D&B0418. Pony tandem axle trailer. Tag #VicC0218...................................................... $1500 2012 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$36,000 2013 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$38,000


1994 Ford LT9000 dump truck. Tag#Brent0717.......................................$36,000 1999 Kenworth W900 truck. Tag#Brent0717...........................................$26,000 American LaFrance fire truck, Detroit diesel, 21,696 miles. Tag #ArtH0516........ ...........................................................................................................$10,000 1972 Ford F900 dump truck with 10-yard. Tag #JackW0418......................... Call International 4900 truck with Mohrlang 480 mixer. Tag #BrokenP1217....$15,000 GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 5-speed manual, 114,363 miles. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................$7000 1989 GMC 7000 gravel truck, 5 speed/2speed, 47,116 miles. Tag #BrokenP0117..............................................................................................$8500 1994 Ford LT900W truck. Tag#Brent0717................................................$22,000 1994 Ford 700 24-ft. van truck. Tag #Brent0717.........................................$6000 1989 Ford F600 truck (less box or tank). Tag #Paul0817............................$2500 1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$5500 1981 International cement truck. Tag#Brent0717.......................................$3000 Mayflower truck, 30-ft. van body. Tag #LarryK1117 International truck with grain tender. Tag #JoeF0117. 1955 Chevrolet 6500 truck with box and hoist. Tag #RobertW0613 GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 114,363 miles, 5 speed manual transmission. Tag #Jack0418....................................................... Call 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0418................................................................ Call

PJ Trailers & Mini Trucks For Sale Call HUGGY Bear. AIR SEEDERS & DRILLS

Concord 6012 3 rank air seeder with Fargo 3350 stainless steel air cart. Tag #DBK1117.........................................................................................$25,000. 1 set of (3) John Deere 1010 drills, 10” spacing, grain and fertilizer boxes, clean. Tag #Guy0416......................................................................................... $2500 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips, good condition. Tag #RonH0318.................................................$29,000 Victory 35-ft. air seeder, 14” spacing with 5” spreader (actually will spread 7” spacing), 2320 tow behind tank with auxiliary 3rd tank, rubber packers. Can be either single or double shoot. Tag #Rick0416....................................... $18,500 Hay Buster 40-ft. no-till drill, 12” spacing. Tag #Russ0514.......................$15,000 John Deere 1590 14-ft. grass drill, 7” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes. Tag #Sam1017. Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft. 9” spacing air drill with 2320 tow behind air cart, updated loading auger. Tag #JackW0418.

Aeration Equipment Available PICKUPS & CARS

1999 Ford F350 pickup with flatbed and 5th wheel ball, 4x4. Tag #BrokenP0318.............................................................................................$6500 1996 Dodge 2500 fuel pickup. Tag#Brent0717............................................$5000 1984 1-ton service pickup, 200 gallon fuel tank, 2WD, 4-speed manual transmission, 103,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417..................................................$4000 Mitsubishi 350 mini pickup truck. Tag #BrokenP0117................................$4000 2015 Dodge 2500 pickup. Tag #VicC0218................................................. $28,000 Chevrolet Yukon 4x4. Tag #VicC0218........................................................... $1000 1991 GMC pickup. Tag #VicC0218................................................................ $1500 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix Model J, 2-door, 74,000 miles, white and black. Tag #JerSmt1116.........................................................................................$8700

Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE


Haybuster 1130 tub grinder. Tag #BrockT0318........................................$70,000 Vermeer BPX 9000 bale processor, round and square bales. Tag #KlintS1017... ................................................................................................Price Pending


Tebben 6-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418.............................Preseason Price New!! Tebben 5-ft. 3-point mowers. Tag #Hug0418...................Preseason Price NEW pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0518...................................... $179 per section NEW Farm King rototillers available. Tag #Hug0518. Engine end 3-pt. hitch & PTO for 9030 bidirectional. Tag #RogW0518........$3800 Yearling bulls for sale. Tag #PaulT0518. NEW H&S 16-wheel rake. Tag #Hug0518. NEW!! Danuser 48” pallet fork for skidsteer loader. Tag #Hug0518..............$890 30 or more rubber packers for John Deere 9450 drills. Tag #ANF0518. Haybuster 32-ft. drills, for parts. Tag #Russ0518........................................$5000 1969 Ford F600 grain truck with 15-ft. box. Tag #Russ0518.......................$3500 Gysler 32-ft. plow. Tag #Russ0518..............................................................$2500 Gysler 40-ft. plow. Tag #Russ0518..............................................................$4500 Morris 36-ft. rod weeder. Tag #Russ0518...................................................$1500 New Holland 660 twine wrap baler, new belts. Tag #NorthStar0518..........$6000 Calf scales. Tag #TomS0518. New Holland 2300 header for NH 2450 swather. Tag #MikeMc0518..........$5000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder with Flexi-Coil 3450 tow behind tank, 12” spacing, variable rate, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0518.......................................$49,000 International 190 fire truck. Tag #JohnR0518.............................................$6000 John Deere 9500 combine with newer header. Tag #Ralph0518. John Deere 6420 MFD tractor. Tag #JohnP0518. Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms, double nozzles. Tag #HerbK0518. 1985 New Holland 1032 2-wide bale wagon, 69 bale capacity. Tag #HerbK0518. 12-ft. blade off of Cat 85 track tractor. Tag #Russ0518................................$6500 John Deere 8820 combine with 30-ft. 230 header. Tag #ArtH0518.........$18,000 Kohering C66 bantam excavator, 4005 hrs, hyd. thumb. Tag #ArtH0518...$15,000 Big Bud HN360 tractor, 855 Cummins engine, 400 hp. Tag #ArtH0518..$45,000 Lode King 50-ton. lowboy, 42-ft., lower deck is 181/2-ft. Tag #ArtH0518..$26,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 91/2” spacing, double shoot, 1720 tow behind tank. Tag #ArtH0518...................................................................................$45,000 Friggstad 48-ft. plow, yellow. Tag #ArtH0518..............................................$3500 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0518......................$12,000 1980 Hesston 6650 swather with 14-ft. auger header and 21-ft. DSA header with pickup reel, cab and air, 6353 hours. Tag #ArtH0518.........................$13,500 1981 Hesston 6650 swather with 14-ft. auger header with 3044 hours, cab with air. Tag #ArtH0518..............................................................................$11,000 2-42-gallon chemical handlers. Tag #Grant0518...................................$1200 ea. Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #Neal0518...$7500 Farmhand bale clamp. Tag #Neal0518.......................................................$1700 Box of Hesston 6400 parts. Tag #Neal0518...................................................$200 2006 Case IH 2388 combine, 1200 rotary hours, 25-ft. 1010 bat reel. Tag #Ron0518..........................................................................................$78,000 Walinga 6614 grain vac. Tag #Ron0518...................................................$11,500 Case IH 8840 windrower with 14-ft. header. Tag #Jordan0518.................$19,500 Hesston 8450 windrower with 14-ft. auger header. Tag #Neal0518.........$27,000 Riteway 8100 heavy harrow. Tag #Doug0518..........................................$39,500 Degelman 5178 hylift rock picker. Tag #Doug0518.....................................$9500 1966 Chevrolet green/white truck. Tag #Jeff0518.......................................$6000 1999 GMC truck with flatbed, white. Tag #Jeff0518.....................................$4000 1975 Chevrolet 4x4, 8-ft. box, manual transmission. Tag #Jeff0518...........$5500 Richardton 1200 silage wagon. Tag #DaveH0518......................................$6000 John Deere 3970 forage harvester. Tag #DaveH0518................................$7500 50-ft. set of John Deere 9400 drills, 10” spacing, fertilizer boxes, transport hitch, packer wheels are capped. Tag #Wayne0518....................................$25,000 2004 New Holland HW 320 windrower, 18-ft. auger head.Tag #Sam0518..$26,000 Wishek 14-ft. disc with new pans. Tag #Sam0518...................................$28,000 Donahue swather trailer. Tag #Sam0518....................................................$8500 Hay train, 48-ft. trailer and 24-ft. pup. Tag #Sam0518...............................$12,000 John Deere 1590 14-ft. drill, 350 acres. Tag #Sam0518..........................$43,000 Steffes 25-ton cake bin. Tag #Bill0518. Concord 3542 air drill, 12” spacing, 2000 Concord air cart with engine drive. Tag #Spencer0518....................................................................................$25,000


1979 Massey-Ferguson 2745 2WD tractor with 11.00x16 front tires, 18.4x38 rear tires. Tag #DBK1117......................................................................$9500 1999 White 6710, 101 PTO horsepower with loader, 3-point, FWD, 540 PTO, FWD grapple, 6000 hours, box scraper. Tag #Kerry1017...................$35,000 Allis Chalmers 7020 2wd tractor with Farmhand F236 loader, 3-pt. Tag #VicC0218.............................................................................................. $6500 John Deere 7330 FWD tractor, loader, grapple, 3-pt, dual PTO, low houred. Tag #Riley0218........................................................................................... $85,000 John Deere 4520 tractor with loader. Tag #GaryS0917. John Deere 2240 tractor with 3-point. Tag #GaryS0917. 2008 Case Puma 180 trailer with L770 loader, bucket and grapple, 3-point, 540 PTO, 2289 hours. Tag #Wayne1017...................................................$88,000 International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1017.........................................................................................$7500 John Deere 6125R tractor with 340 loader, 3-point, FWD, 2300 hours. Tag #Sam1017........................................................................................$135,000 Case 1200A 2WD tractor, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 1/2 cab, power steering, power drawbar, new 18.4x30 rear tires, 92 hours. Tag #RodB1217...............................$7500 International 656 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point, 741 loader, 5302 hours, needs seat. Tag #D&B0418. International W9 tractor, 540 PTO, gas, Koyker loader, great auger tractor. Tag #JackW0418............................................................................................ Call 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0418........................ Call


Hesston 8100 windrower with 30-ft. DSA header. Tag #BlakeS1117.......$18,000 Hesston 360 discbine. Tag #BlakeS1117.................................................$10,500 International 5000 swather with 21-ft. header. Tag #BlakeS1117...............$7500 International 5000 swather with 14-ft. auger header, diesel. Tag #BlakeS1117.... ..............................................................................................................$6500 New Holland 116 16-ft. pivot tongue swather, conditioner, 540 PTO. Tag #DanB0717...........................................................................................$4500 2001 John Deere 4890 windrower with 16-ft double sickle header, 1700 cutting hours. Tag #Harvey0218...................................................................... $42,000 New Holland 910 swather with 14-ft. header, gear drive. Tag #D&B0418...... Call


2001 Case IH 2388 combine, 2856 hours, 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup. Tag #Vince0817.............................$65,000 John Deere S690 combine with only 800 hours. Has all the bells and whistles. Tag #Grant0617...............................................................................$285,000 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3300 separator hours, new walkers, 930 rigid header, batt reel. Tag #Abe0916........................................................$48,000 2000 John Deere 9650 combine, conventional machine. Tag #RickW0318. 2013 John Deere S690 combine, 1000 engine hours, 995 separator hours, Premier chopper. Tag #Grant0318. Massey 850 combine with 24-ft. header and air reel. Tag #KenT1117........$6500 2012 John Deere 9770STS combine with JD 940D draper header, 1000 engine hours and 771 separator hours. Tag #Ralph1217............................$255,000 1978 Case 1480 combine. Tag #BlakeS......................................................$8500


3-point round bale retriever. Tag #BigSkyC0617..........................................$1500

2016 Wacker Neuson ST35 track skid loader and 2016 Wacker Neuson WL34 wheel loader FOR SALE OR RENT Call Huggy at 1-406-229-0662 or Larry at 1-406-690-3761

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B6

CUSTOM HAYING WANTED Looking to put up hay on shares or to buy on the stump. Also looking for straw to bale. Call 406-350-3548

The “DOUBLE-WHAMMY” auger promotion Power Motors’ 2018 Westfield auger promotion is here

Call George 799-7459 1. PRICE PROTECTION “against two price hikes” 2. FREE ELECTRIC POWERSWING “MK series remote control”

Limited supply. Powerswings have approximately $2500 retail value Price protection applies to stock on hand... approximately 11 percent savings



63x10 Westfield MKX series. Low profile swing hopper. 73x10 Westfield MKX series. Low profile swing hopper. 73x10 Westfield MKX series. Low profile swing hopper. 74x13 Westfield MKX. Low profile swing hopper. 74x13 Westfield MKX. Low profile swing hopper. 84x13 Westfield MKX. Metal backbone. Lo-pro hopper. 84x13 Westfield MKX. Metal backbone. Lo-profile. Adjustable axles. 94x13 Westfield MKX. Metal backbone. Adjustable axles. Lo-profile. 94x13 Westfield MKX. Metal backbone. Adjustable axles. Lo-profile.


Price Protection and Big $$$ Discounts

36x6 Westfield EMD auger. 41x8 Westfield TFX-2 with self propel option. 41x10 Westfield TFX-2 with self propel. 1545 Conveyor. Westfield WCX. Full mule. 1545 Conveyor. Westfield WCX. 9000 rating. Full mule.


61x10 Westfield MK. Standard swing hopper. #54913..................$4400 61x10 Westfield MK. Standard swing hopper. #50531.............$3850 91x13 Wheatheart SA. Gear drive swing. Hyd. hopper lift, etc... $16,000


CALL GEORGE ... 799-7459

NDSU Extension, Research Extension Centers honor support staff

By NDSU Extension Service • Deb Evenson, Richland County North Dakota State University (NDSU) • Kris Holt, Assistant Director’s Office, Extension and Research Extension Center Family and Community Wellness support staff were honored for their years of • Paulann Haakenson, Agribusiness and service at last week’s Support Staff ConferApplied Economics ence hosted by Extension in Fargo. 25 Years Those recognized were: • Dave Dynes, Agriculture CommunicaNDSU Extension tion 5 Years • Linda Hammen, Grand Forks County • Cora Crane, Plant Sciences • Sandy LeTexier, Pembina County • Amanda Hayen, Logan County • Terri Nelson, Agriculture Communica• Nancy Hillen, Agriculture Communition cation • Kari Presler, Morton County • Lyndsie Kennedy, Towner County 30 Years • Amanda Lorenz, Bottineau County • Nancy Smith, East District Office • Niki Lynnes, School of Natural Re40 Years source Sciences • Patty Flaagan, Cass County • Janelle Quam, Vice President for Agri• Deb Tanner, Agriculture Communicacultural Affairs Office tion • Dianna Rosinski, Towner County • Donna VandenBurg, Grant County • Christa Scott, Renville County 45 Years • Mindy Sigvaldsen, Williams County • Kathleen Thueson, Eddy County • Millie Steckler, Richland County • Shirlene Wagner, Dickey County • Dawn Ueckert, Golden Valley County Research Extension Centers • Shannon Ueker, Plant Sciences 5 Years 10 Years • Kelly Stehr, Williston Research Exten• Dawn Alderin, Oliver County sion Center • Frank Duray, Agriculture Communica• Sara Schuchard-McGregor, Langdon tion Research Extension Center • Tammy Jacobson, Barnes County 10 Years • Bill Kozojed, Agriculture Communica• Cynthia Cross, North Central Research tion Extension Center • Diane Ness, Agriculture Communica• Cassie Dick, Hettinger Research Extention sion Center • Michelle Pulvermacher, Divide County 20 Years 15 Years • Sheryl Schneider, Dickinson Research • Cindy Dunn, Sioux County Extension Center • Candy Hansen, Sargent County 25 Years • Lisa Johnson, Plant Sciences • Sandi Dewald, Central Grasslands Re• Danelle Walker, School of Natural Research Extension Center source Sciences 30 Years • Sheila Wiesz, Wells County • Terri Lindquist, Hettinger Research 20 Years Extension Center • Cindy Entze, Mercer County

NDSU students, faculty visit Ag Research and Extension in Ecuador

By NDSU Extension Service The diversity of fruits was amazing, acSome students and faculty from North cording to plant sciences student Melissa Dakota State University’s (NDSU) College Geiszler. of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural “There were many fruits that we had Resources have a better appreciation for never heard of or read about that we were agriculture, soils and the Extension Service able to taste and that were being conserved after a recent trip to Ecuador. in the germplasm collection at the research The eight students and four faculty center in the Amazon that we visited,” she members spent their spring break visiting says. agricultural research and Extension activiIn addition, the group visited farmers and ties in Ecuador as part of a special topics learned about local farming practices and course that Tom DeSutter, an associate production constraints. professor in NDSU’s Soil Science Depart“Farms are very small, compared to those ment, organized. in North Dakota, and although farmers in “The purpose of this course was to give Ecuador use little mechanization, they face students a more global perspective of agrimany of the same agronomic challenges that culture and soils than we can offer in and farmers face in the U.S., only on a smaller around Fargo,” DeSutter says. “Ecuador scale,” says Samantha Croat, a graduate was ideal for this course due the immense student studying soil science. variability in soils and environments within “And like farmers here in North Dakota, a relatively small geographic area.” they are passionate about their vocation and During the week, participants visited a were keen to learn ways that they might research station at an elevation of more than improve their farm’s profitability,” she adds. 10,000 feet near Quito and another in the As part of the course, the students proAmazon basin at an elevation of less than vided a half-day training to about 45 farmers 1,000 feet. from the village they visited. “Similarly, we saw deep, rich volcanic “This training was the highlight of the soils with nearly 10 percent organic mattrip,” says J Stanley, a Ph.D. student in plant ter and highly weathered ‘red’ soils with sciences. “Not only did we learn more by less than half a percent of organic matter,” preparing these presentations, we were able DeSutter says. “In addition to potatoes, to better connect with the farmers and better corn and beans, the dominate crops in the understand their information needs than by highlands, participants also were exposed CONTINUED ON PAGE B7 to new crops and fruits.”

NDSU students, faculty visit in Ecuador CONTINUED FROM PAGE B6

just visiting their farms and asking them questions.” The participants were highly engaged in the training and were appreciative of what they learned, notes NDSU Extension agronomist Hans Kandel, who was part of the group. “This visit really impressed upon me the value of a functional Extension Service,” he says. “Reliable, research-based information is critical to improving agricultural production, and it was obvious that information on new varieties and production techniques was not getting to the farmers in the areas we visited.” Other faculty who accompanied the students were soil scientist Caley Gasch and Extension agronomist Joel Ransom. The faculty also provided input in their areas of expertise.

Dumbest Laws in Every State

Wyoming: No mutilating sheep ears In Wyoming, you can’t “cut, sever, detach, or mutilate” more than one-half of a sheep’s ear. Violations are felony offenses, punishable by up to five years in prison. Washington: Open out Doors to nearly all public buildings must open outwardly. Anyone who violates this will face a misdemeanor charge. The statute does explain why though: to avoid congestion during emergencies, like fires. Pennsylvania: Bingo is only for non-felons Fool me once, shame on you: No person convicted of a felony may operate a Bingo game in Bensalem, Pennsylvania. New Mexico: Selective voting As stated in the New Mexico Constitution, “idiots” can’t vote in state elections. Traditionally, the word “idiot” has referred to someone (rather politically incorrectly) mentally disabled or with an IQ below 30.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B7

##### Sighting a bald eagle is thrilling to campers of all generations. Sighting a bald man, however, does nothing for eagles. ##### Use dental floss to tie a vine to a trellis.

~ ~ WANTED ~ ~

John Deere 80, 820, 830 salvage tractor OR 34” cast wheel centers with rims to fit same. Also ROPS and canopy for John Deere 3020. Phone (307) 689-1333, Story, Wyoming

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B8


1966 John Deere combine, square back, 12-ft. straight head, new rasp bars. Above average condition, 2nd owner, always shedded International Binder, 10-ft. cut, PTO drive, good canvas. Have extra twine, complete, always shedded Phone 406-549-4960, Missoula, Montana

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT www.montanaholster.com


We have auctions booked for summer and fall 2018 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 56 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.

MSU faculty named a prestigious national economics research fellow

By Jenny Lavey, MSU News A Montana State University economics faculty member has been appointed as a fellow with the country’s premier nonprofit economic research organization. Mark Anderson, associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics, housed in the MSU College of Agriculture and College of Letters and Science, has been named a faculty research fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research. The NBER, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the country’s leading nonprofit economic research organization. The organization counts 27 Nobel Prize winners in Mark Anderson, associate professor of economics, economics and 13 past chairs of the Presihas been appointed as a research fellow with the dent’s Council of Economic Advisors that National Bureau of Economic Research. have held NBER affiliations. A Lewistown native and MSU alumni, Anderson said he has followed the organizashared ass NBER working papers and he has tion since he was a graduate student at the had two papers accepted for presentation at University of Washington NBER’s annual conferences. “I’m excited and pleased to have been “I’d say the working paper series is what named an NBER fellow,” Anderson said. the NBER is best known for,” Anderson “It’s an incredible opportunity to be insaid. “It’s just a great way to get current volved in the principal organization when research out there and widely read before it comes to economic research. being published.” At MSU, Anderson researches aspects of Skimming the NBER’s daily email newspublic health such as risky behavior, juveletter each day, Anderson said he searches nile crime and health economics. He serves for trending economic research from NBER as a research affiliate with the IZA Institute working papers to present to students at the of Labor Economics and is a co-editor of the beginning of class. journal Economic Inquiry. “The NBER greatly influences what I talk The three-year NBER fellowship will beto my students about,” he said. “I’ve found gin this fall. At the end of his appointment, presenting abstracts from NBER working Anderson will be eligible for promotion to papers gets them interested and excited a research associate with the organization. about current research in economics and Anderson has been appointed to the organiit provides access to great discussions and zation’s Health Economics Research Group, ideas.” one of only three professors in the country Greg Gilpin, head of MSU’s Department selected to the group in 2018. As a health of Agricultural Economics and Economics, economics fellow, Anderson will participate said Anderson’s NBER appointment brings in meetings and conferences that emphanational attention to MSU’s faculty expersize studies on the economics of substance tise in economics. abuse, obesity, health determinants and fac“Dr. Anderson’s research related to health tors influenced by the cost of medical care. and risky behaviors is timely and highly Anderson said he plans to continue to relevant to understand how public policies explore the role of public health intervenand initiatives improve individuals’ weltions from a historical perspective. He’s fare,” he said. “His NBER fellow recognizes currently researching the effectiveness of the significance of his research within our the anti-tuberculosis movement at the turn profession and its associated impact on of the 20th century to better understand policymakers.” infectious disease mortality. Founded in 1920, the NBER is as a priMost notably, Anderson said, NBER’s vate, non-profit, non-partisan organization Working Paper Series is an asset in terms dedicated to conducting economic research of sharing the breadth and depth of current and to disseminating research findings research in economics. The working papers among academics, public policy makers series include academic papers -- before and business professionals, according to its they are published in peer-reviewed jourwebsite. More than 1,400 professors of econals -- that the NBER distributes broadly nomics and business are NBER researchers to universities, policymakers and members and members. Many are considered leading of the press. Anderson has had four papers scholars in their field.

4-H and FFA youth test their skills


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By K-State Research and Extension News A team of youth from Madison, Kansas resource program dedicated to teaching took top honors in the 2018 Wildlife Habitat wildlife and fisheries habitat management Education Program (WHEP) state contest to junior- and senior-level youth (ages 8-19) held recently. in the United States. WHEP won the 1996 They beat a field of 13 teams and 51 Wildlife Society’s Conservation Education participants to win the annual competition, Award. which is sponsored by K-State Research and The state contest requires youth to judge Extension to encourage youth to be wise the suitability of habitat for wildlife spestewards of wildlife and fisheries resources. cies through on-site evaluation, as well as “The kids are given real-world situations sections on general wildlife knowledge and and work together to provide solutions to wildlife identification. natural resource problems that managers Teams were required to write a rural face,” said Charlie Lee, extension wildlife wildlife management plan for four different specialist at Kansas State University and wildlife species and each team member was chair of this year’s event. then quizzed orally about the logic of that WHEP is a 4-H and FFA youth natural CONTINUED ON PAGE B9

4-H and FFA youth test their skills CONTINUED FROM PAGE B8

plan. Participants judged wildlife habitat using habitat evaluation skills they learned through their local WHEP training. Madison’s team members were Colton Ballard, Marlea Harlan, Casey Helm and Josie Reed. The second and third place teams in this year’s senior competition were Olathe North A, and Riverton FFA Seniors. Hunter Mericle of Cowley County took first place in the senior individual competition. Amanda Bannon, also from Cowley County, took second and Halle Jones from Olathe North B took third. Cowley County teams swept the junior division in this year’s contest. Hunting, Fishing and Living took first place, followed by Country Boys took second and Earth Wind and Fire. Members of the winning junior division team were Luke Brown, Ty Henderson, Wyatt Martin and Titus Mill. Mill also took the high individual honors in the junior division with Austin Henderson from Cowley County taking second place and Luke Brown in third. This year’s participants also took a tour of the Mined Lands Wildlife Management Area, where they discussed the unique challenges faced when transforming land destroyed by strip mining into productive wildlife and fisheries habitat. Members of the student chapter of The Wildlife Society at Kansas State University helped develop questions and served as judges for the contest. The Wildlife Society is the professional organization that certifies wildlife biologists worldwide.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B9

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Paul Bunyan Day

Date When Celebrated: Always June 28 Paul Bunyan Day is a giant of a day. Paul Bunyan was a gigantic lumberjack of American Folklore. According out folklore, Paul Bunyan and his blue ox “Babe” lived and travelled around country. He is best known for his logging feats. Paul Bunyan is “credited” with many deeds. Among his more legendary feats: • He created logging in the U.S. • He scooped out the great lakes to water Babe, his ox. • He cleared the entire states of North and South Dakota for farming. • He trained ants to do logging work. They were, of course, Carpenter Ants. • Babe’s large footprints created Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes. Celebrate Paul Bunyan Day in a giant way. Learn more about Paul and his tales. Spread the tales around. They are best told by word of mouth around a campfire. Note: The correct spelling of his name is “Paul Bunyan”. Some references have him spelled as Paul Bunyon”. The Origin of Paul Bunyan Day: French Canadians were believed to have originated Paul Bunyan during the Papineau rebellion of 1837. While he may have been created in Canada, Paul Bunyan quickly became a huge American legend. Many of the tales of Paul Bunyan originated in lumberjack industry and logging communities. Like all good folklore, it was passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. Over campfires, his legend grew, and tales were created. Written tales emerged in the early 1900’s. We are not certain why Paul Bunyan Day is celebrated on June 28.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B10


1500 gallon poly tank. All for $2300 2500 gallon poly containment tank. Inject-o-meter injection pump. Phone (406) 755-3977

FOR SALE: 1997 Ford LN 8000

9 speed, low miles (168,000), new Harsh hoist and PTO, 20-ft. ITB aluminum box with new roll tarp and 3-piece tailgate, 11R22.5 radials 75% on Budd wheels $42,900

or BEST OFFER Phone: (406) 799-6923

EDUCTOR CHEMICAL PROCESSOR, 45-ft., 3 plex.....................................................WAS $1,995 NOW $1,600

Degelman land roller, 45-ft., 3 plex.............................................................................................$30,000 Degelman land roller, 51-ft., 3 plex.............................................................................................$34,000 Degelman land roller, 64-ft., 5 plex.............................................................................................$57,000 1995 NEW HOLLAND 9280 4WD tractor........................................................................................ CALL VERSATILE 835 4WD tractor, 2500 hours....................................................................................... CALL

Keeping more heifers turned out well

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service freemartin was put with the steer calves. How do you cut cow numbers in half So essentially, if a heifer was weaned, she and maintain the same number of cows was sent to the NDSU Heifer Development calving? Center at NDSU in Fargo. That seems like a strange question, but The DREC has sent 303 heifers to the the question surfaced as the Dickinson ReNDSU Heifer Development Center in the search Extension Center (DREC) prepped past three years. Heifers not adjusting to for the current drought on this year’s feed a confined feeding system were sold as supply. The answer is to develop all the yearlings because the lack of adjustment heifers as future brood cows. capacity was assumed to be an indication The answer may seem as strange as of adaptation issues. The remaining heifers the question, but keep in mind one of the were developed and bred with the expectafocuses of the center is to maintain calves longer in their life tion they would return cycle, utilizing lower to the DREC. inputs and more forTo date, 229 develage. The bottom line: oped females, or just more pounds of beef. less than 76 percent, The center sumare pregnant. Of the initial set of 100 heifmered 262 mixedage cows in 2017. ers born in 2014, 77 Because of the feed coming 4-year-old situation, the center cows, or 77 percent, cut the cow herd to remain. Of the second 143 coming 3- and set of 93 heifers born 4-year-old cows this in 2015, 66 coming past fall, plus 18 em3-year-old cows, or 71 percent, remain. bryo-transfer cows Of this year’s 110 that are treated as a heifers born in 2016, separate herd. 86 coming 2-year-old As a background heifers, or 78 percent, remain. note, starting in 2014, the center began a The essence of the project is to follow study to evaluate frame score and longevthe cows throughout their lifetime and ity in cattle. The center kept all the heifers, evaluate the effect of frame size on the bred them and placed them in the cow herd. lifetime production of the cow and birth The unexpected result allowed for a more weight of her calf. That will be another rapid changeover in the cow herd as 117 story at a later date. older cows were sold to spare winter feed. The point today is simple: If a producer Fortunately, the center has 86 pregnant keeps all the heifers and exposes them to heifers from last year’s calf crop, so the the bull, approximately 20 percent, or one current bred female inventory is 229. This heifer out of five, may not become estabis not a traditional approach, but one factor stood out very clearly: The younger cows lished as a mature cow in the breeding herd. are lighter and require less feed, and bred In this particular study, a cow needs to be heifers have more flexibility to seek outside open two consecutive years to be culled. locations to feed. Time will tell. Producers may have a The bred heifers were transferred from hidden opportunity to consider keeping the North Dakota State University Beef more heifers and exposing them to the Cattle Research Complex in Fargo, where bull. During droughts, preserving a herd’s they were developed and bred, to the Cengenetics can be accomplished by keeping more heifers, which also increases flextral Grasslands Research Extension Center near Streeter for winter feeding. The DREC ibility within managerial options. took advantage of the feed resources in Essentially, finding a location to park eastern North Dakota and saved hay shipbred heifers for the winter months is easier than trying to purchase and transport hay. ping costs. Like most, we learn as we go, and in Interestingly, cow numbers can vary trepreparation for future droughts, producers mendously within a given time period for a should start thinking of how to aggresgiven cattle operation. And, depending on what the makeup of the inventory is, the sively maintain more heifers and let Mother reduction in cow numbers will have varyNature select out the less adapted heifers. The bottom line, as stated earlier, is to ing impacts on the cow age distribution. explore more options on keeping a higher One point that stood out in the center’s percentage of the annual calf crop as yearfavor was the large inventory of younger, lighter cows. That was a good thing this lings and taking advantage of the yearlings’ year. Heifer retention at the center means ability to grow. Heifers may be a good keeping all the heifers. The requirements: option and keeping a younger cow herd The heifer had to be alive with no obvious allows a producer to manage the mature health issues, no heifers born twin to a bull weight of the cow herd. (freemartins), no obvious structural issues May you find all your ear tags. and at least 500 pounds at a year of age. For more information, contact your local Heifers that met these requirements were NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// retained for development. www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) Interestingly, during the past three years, or Ringwall at the Dickinson Research following a low-input winter backgroundExtension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dicking period, no heifers had health, structural inson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. or weight issues, and only an occasional ringwall@ndsu.edu. ##### Waterproof clothing isn’t, non-stick pans aren’t, one size fits all doesn’t, anything bug-proof isn’t and waterproof matches aren’t. ##### An effective way of really compressing your sleeping bag into its stuff sack is running over it a couple times with your car.

##### Camping lanterns are great for keeping your camp site well lit, but many of them are really bright (as in TOO bright) once you get them into your tent! You can make a softer, more diffused light source using a headlamp and a gallon of water. Just strap the light around the container, with the light pointed towards the water. Much better!

Log Cabin Day

When: June 25 Log Cabin Day brings you back to a quieter, simpler, more rugged era. A couple hundred years ago, life was far more rugged. Americans moving West (west at the time may have been Ohio, or Tennessee) found an untouched wilderness, filled with pristine forests. They built their homes out of logs. These log cabins were solid, long lasting, and served them well. Life was rustic and simple. Heat was provided by an open fireplace, where they also cooked their meals. Need air conditioning in the summer? Just open the window (there wasn’t any glass or screening). There was no electricity (no television, stereos or boom boxes blasting, or computers). And, plumbing? Just look back towards the woods to the outhouse. The path to it is well worn. Log Cabin Day celebrates what was then the “Modern” home in America, and all of the lifestyle that accompanied it. Today is a day to appreciate the history and significance of log cabins. Visit them at historical museums today, or sometime this summer. The Origin of Log Cabin Day: The Log Cabin Society, founded by Virginia Handy, and the Bad Axe Historical Society, in Michigan created the annual Log Cabin Day on June 25, 1986. Their objectives included promoting the preservation of Log Cabins, and awareness and education of life during the era in America when log cabins were common.

Reduce your APR

Ask and you shall receive! It sounds too simple to be true, but one of the first things you should do when attempting to reduce your debt is call up your credit card company and ask them to reduce your interest rate or annual percentage rate (APR). If you have had the card for a while and have routinely made payments on time, the company is usually happy to take this piece-of-cake step to keep your business.

2008 Toyota Tacoma, 2.7L, manual, topper, 92,000 miles...$14,495

2010 Ford F150 XL Lariat, 5.4L V8, 130,000 miles.............$18,495

2015 Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD LT, Duramax 6.6L V8..$41,900 2013 Ford Edge Limited, 3.5L 6 cylinder, 87,000 miles......$16,582

##### There are more microorganisms in one teaspoon of soil than there are people on earth. It’s aliiiiive! OK, in all seriousness, that fact might make you itchy, but microbes are important for keeping your soil full of nutrients.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B11

FOR SALE: 2001 Midland Trailer and Pup All DOT certified for 2018

Package price: $32,500 or BEST OFFER FOB Great Falls

Phone: (406) 799-6923

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email: penderfarms@aol.com

2015 John Deere 6140M A/Q, 3 pt, MFWD, 1800 hours, excellent........... .............................................$68,500

2002 John Deere 7810 P/S, 3 pt, MFWD, 6900 hours, nice..................$44,500

John Deere 7700 MFWD, P/S, 3 point... .............................................$35,000 John Deere 7720 MFWD, A/Q, LHR. Very clean........................... $61,500 John Deere 4755 MFWD, P/S, 3 point, 6800 hours.......................... $38,500


John Deere 7920 John Deere 4055 John Deere 4255 John Deere 7810 2WD New Holland TL90

1989 John Deere 4255 P/S, MFWD, 3 pt..........................................$31,000 John Deere 7610 MFWD, P/S, PT, 6500 hours, clean.........................$43,500

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2012 Chevrolet Colorado, 3.7L 5 cylinder, 92,000 miles.$15,929

2008 Cadillac DTS sedan, 4.6L 8 cylinder, 113,000 miles..$7995

2014 Buick LaCrosse, 3.6L V8 Flex Fuel, 32,000 miles......$20,242

2013 Chevrolet Traverse LT, 3.6L V6, 97,000 miles.......... Just In

2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X, 3.8L V6, 130,000 miles............ ....................................$14,468

2017 Chevrolet Cruze LS, 1.4L 4 cylinder, turbo, 1000 miles....... ....................................$16,915

2016 GMC Sierra SLT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 16,000 miles........$41,978

2015 Chevrolet Suburban LT, 5.3L V8, 64,000 miles.......... $38,995

2005 Suzuki XL7 EX, 2.7L V6, 175,000 miles................$4995

2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L V8, 59,000 miles.$29,988


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2012 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT, 6.2L 8 cylinder, 69,000 miles.$26,929

2013 GMC Yukon Denali, 6.2L 8 cylinder, 85,000 miles......$29,837

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2010 Buick Lucerne, 3.9L 6 cylinder, 103,000 miles.........$8637

2005 Chevrolet Silverado 2500, 6.6L 8 cylinder, 169,000 miles. ....................................$21,500

2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 77,000 miles...........................$22,929

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B12

UPPER HOLTER LAKE 2 acre cabin site overlooking Upper Holter Lake. Power, easy road access, a high producing well and community dock.... $91,500 4 bedroom, 2 bath cabin on deeded one acre lot. Private dock, garage, deck, walk-out basement and loft. Motivated seller!.... . ................................................................................... $300,000




Affinity for alcohol could lead to a control mechanism for ambrosia beetles

By Sharon Durham, Agricultural Research Service Researchers have long thought that Agricultural Research Service (ARS) ethanol attracts ambrosia beetles because scientists and their collaborators have unit indicates a weakened tree. But results covered a potential weakness in the armor from this study demonstrate that ambrosia of fungus-farming ambrosia beetles that beetles have a strong affinity for ethanol could lead to new possibilities for control, because it actually benefits their fungus according to findings just published in the farming. Ethanol’s antimicrobial properties Proceedings of the National Academy of benefit the growth of the beetles’ fungal garSciences (http://www.pnas.org/content/ dens and suppress the growth of “weedy” early/2018/03/29/1716852115). fungal competitors. Exotic ambrosia beetles, which entered “Normally, ethanol acts as a potent antithe United States in 1974, are multimillionfungal agent, but that isn’t the case with dollar pests of fruit and ornamental trees the fungus that ambrosia beetles carry with including pecan, peach, plum, cherry, perthem” says Ranger. simmon, oak, elm and magnolia. By understanding what factors promote Entomologist Christopher Ranger, with and inhibit the growth of the fungal garthe ARS Applications Technology Redens, researchers might now be able to desearch Unit in Wooster, Ohio, led a team velop novel control strategies for ambrosia of researchers who demonstrated for the beetles. Notably, female ambrosia beetles first time that ambrosia beetles specifically only lay eggs after their fungal gardens are attack trees emitting ethanol but not for the growing. “This relationship represents a reason most people suppose. weakness in their life cycle—female beetles Ambrosia beetles carry a fungus with will lay eggs only after the fungal garden them in a symbiotic relationship. Female is established. If the fungal garden doesn’t beetles tunnel into trees, deposit the fungus start growing, the female beetle dies or and then grow fungal gardens on which the leaves to search for another suitable host,” larvae and adult beetles must feed for noursays Ranger. ishment. Opportunistic ambrosia beetles Collaborators are from the Julius Maxican attack many different species of trees, milian University-Wurzburg (Wurzburg, but they prefer to attack trees emitting Germany), Bowling Green State University ethanol from the bark tissues. (Bowling Green, Ohio), the Technical Uni“Trees produce and emit ethanol when versity of Munich (Freising, Germany), Virthey are stressed from any number of conginia Polytechnic Institute and State Uniditions, like drought or flood stress, or frost versity (Virginia Beach, Virginia), Western injury,” says Ranger. “Even though the Sydney University (Penrith, Australia), The trees may look healthy, ambrosia beetles Ohio State University (Wooster, Ohio), and quickly find and attack trees emitting the USDA-Agricultural Research Service. ethanol.”

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John Deere 8820 combine, for parts

New Isuzu 2.2 stationary engine complete with mounting, wiring, and computer. 40.2 hp at 1800 RPM constant. 48.3 hp at 2400 RPM variable and weight approximately 480 lbs...... $4500

2009 John Deere 568 baler for parts

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Ford 4000 for parts; bad transmission


Old Motorcycles & Racing Parts & Memorabilia. Old flat track race posters.

5 sets of semi trailer axles IN STOCK!!

Massey-Ferguson 4840 Just in for parts. Dorman Dealer Large selection of car and truck lights, mirrors, and door handles.

9-ft. flatbed with tool boxes.

University joins national ag research initiative

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln The University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) has joined 15 other public and private universities in FedByScience, an effort to boost federal investment in agricultural research. The initiative, timed with the release of the 2018 House Farm Bill, focuses on demonstrating to the public and policymakers the many ways that USDA-funded universities and researchers are creating a safer, healthier and more productive food system. FedByScience launched April 18 with two briefings for Senate and House of Representatives staff. The effort tells stories in which scientific discoveries and innovations have improved the way food is produced and distributed. Nebraska Chancellor Ronnie Green, a FedByScience cochair, is in Washington, D.C., for the launch. “U.S. farmers are confronted by turbulent commodity markets, extreme weather and an uneven economy,” Green said. “A stronger investment in agricultural research can provide the science and innovation that farmers need to navigate these obstacles. Universities are now joining together to ensure that our stories about the value of food and ag research are heard.” The agriculture and food production industries are facing considerable challenges. Such challenges can only be addressed through additional research, yet the U.S. agricultural research budget has declined in real dollars since 2003. The U.S. has been second to China in total public agricultural research funding since 2008. In 2013, China’s spending on public agricultural research and development became nearly double that of the United States. In addition to Nebraska, other participating universities are Colorado State University, Cornell University, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, New Mexico State University, North Carolina State University, Purdue University, Texas A&M University, the University of California at Davis, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Washington University in St. Louis. View the FedByScience online collection of success stories at http://fedbyscience.org.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B13

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com


w on all ne available in stock s g in v a s Fantastic Apache sprayers and used

Versatile 900 tractor.............. Just Traded

1993 Case IH 5250, MFD, powershift, 3 remotes, 540/1000 PTO, loader with bucket, grapple, under 5000 hours........ ...........................................Just Traded


Flexi-Coil 5500 fold back drill, 70-ft., 12” spacing, 4.5” steel press wheels, 4350 tow between tank. Very nice condition. Let’s Deal!................................... Was $109,900 HUGE SAVINGS!.......................... $89,900 Huge Discounts available on Hold-Over

New Holland P2060 air drill with P1060 cart, 70-ft., 12” spacing.............Call for Pricing

2015 Morris 9450 air cart, tow between, mechanical drive, dual fan. Like new......... .................................................. Let’s Deal Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition........................................ $18,900

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

New Holland BigBaler 340S

with bale chamber extension. Very few bales, new condition.

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell


2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control............................................. $159,900 PRICE REDUCED.................... $139,500 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 1000 gallon, 100-ft. boom, 3-way Tee Jet, Envisio Pro Raven monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax..................... $134,900

2011 Apache 1020 self-propelled, 1000 gallon tank, 100-ft. booms, Power Glide boom control, Envisio Raven Monitor, AccuBoom, Smart Trax auto steer, nice condition.......................................... $134,900 2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 42” crop clearance, 100-ft. boom, 5 ball valves, Raven Envizio monitor, Autosteer, Auto Boom,AccuBoom, inductor.$156,500 PRICE REDUCED...................... $139,500


2009 Miller Condor A75 self-propelled, stainless steel tank, Raven Viper Pro monitor, SmartTrax, UltraGlide auto boom.$89,900


Hesston 8100 self-propelled windrower, 14ft. hay head, 25-ft. draper header............ .................................................... $19,900 John Deere 946 mower conditioner, 13.5-ft. cut, flail conditioner..................... $23,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... .................................................... $11,900

2009 Case IH RB564 round baler, net/twine. Good condition........................... $21,900 Vermeer R23 hydraulic driven rake. Good condition........................................ $7995

Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 diamond tires (U21171) Reduced............................................ $5995

Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, lug tire, Flextrol Auto Rate, foam marker, rinse tank................... Now only $19,900

NEW & USED HEADERS USED COMBINES MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995

2011 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, AFX rotor, internal chopper............... $139,900 2004 Case IH 2388 combine, yield and moisture, rock trap, hopper topper, long unload auger................................... Just Traded Case IH 1680 combine, rock trap.... $17,900 Case IH 1480 combine with 810 24-ft. header................................................ $12,500

reel, transport. Let’s Deal!...................... Was............................................ $67,900 Drastically Reduced................. $52,900 Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................ Just Traded 2014 John Deere 640D draper header. Rental. Reduced..............................Call Case IH 1015 pickup header....... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 pickup header....... Let’s Deal 1995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment......................... $8995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rakeup raking pickup. Very little use..... $8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment........................... $2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment..................................... $1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment................................................. $995 MacDon R85 16-ft. rotary header, steel conditioner, reconditioned............ Let’s Deal



Now stocked with the industry leading Highline CRF650 bale processors.

2009 John Deere 9870STS, well equipped, 2014 640D draper header. Very good condition. Rental. Reduced........ Call Us

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2005 Trail-Eze 80HT drop deck equipment trailer with 2-stage hydraulic tail, 80,000 lb GVW, triple axle, hydraulic winch, slide outs widen to 13-ft., good rubber............. Was $52,500......................Now $49,900

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B14

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NDSU Extension works to improve soil health

By NDSU Extension Service using to show producers effective ways to For more than 40 years, Walsh County improve their soil’s health. producer Mark Hylden struggled with a 16“They give us an opportunity to show to 18-acre hourglass-shaped piece of land people what is happening in the ground in in the middle of a 70-acre field that never their backyard,” Kalwar says. would produce a crop. Kalwar focuses his efforts on workThen in the fall of 2014, Brad Brummond, the agriculture and natural resources agent in ing with producers to identify and assess the North Dakota Extension Service’s Walsh their soil health issue and find a solution. County office, introduced Hylden to Naeem For sodic soils, that means applying a soil Kalwar, soil health specialist at NDSU’s amendment, as in Hylden’s case. For saline Langdon Research Extension Center. soils, he recommends producers try growing Kalwar and Hylden took soil samples salt-tolerant perennial grasses. at Hylden’s farm. Soil tests at NDSU con“The goal is to get something established there, some kind of vegetative cover,” he firmed that sodicity was the problem. Sodic says. “These grasses will grow where nothsoils are difficult to manage, and result in poor soil structure, drainage, seed germinaing else will grow.” Kalwar also works with Extension agents tion and plant root growth. on sampling soil for producers to give them The following year, Hylden applied beet an accurate picture of what’s happening in lime to the problem area at Kalwar’s suggestheir fields. tion. Beet lime is a byproduct of extracting Chris Augustin, Extension soil health spesugar from sugar beets. “I couldn’t believe my eyes,” Hylden recialist at NDSU’s North Central Research Extension Center near Minot, is another calls. “It was tilling up like beautiful black member of NDSU Extension’s soil health dirt in a garden.” team. He and Kalwar participate in stateFollowing Kalwar’s recommendation, level soil health programs and collaborate Hylden planted barley, and for the first time, with soil conservation districts, the Natural a crop grew and thrived on the problem Resources Conservation Service and proarea. The field yielded 83 bushels per acre. Since then, Hylden has tried other crops, and ducers who host demonstration sites. they’ve grown, too. “Salinity can be reduced,” Augustin says. Hylden’s sodicity problem is just one “It comes down to water management. It’s example of the soil health issues NDSU up to the producer to determine if they want Extension soil health specialists and agents to manage the water with cropping systems are helping producers combat throughout or drainage, but both methods are effective. the state. “The thing about managing salinity is Salinity is another huge soil health probit’s a lot like planting a tree,” he adds. “The best day to do it was yesterday. If you don’t lem in North Dakota. Salts prevent crops manage your salinity today, it’ll be worse from taking up water and nutrients, which tomorrow.” leads to yield losses. He calls the impact of the 2017 drought As part of Extension’s efforts, soil health on the state’s salinity problem a doublespecialist Abbey Wick launched Soil Health edged sword. Café Talks in 2014. Extension specialists, “To remove salts, you need to dry the researchers and agents meet with producers soil,” he says. “However, you need precipiin informal locations such as the local café or grain elevator to share information and tation to leach salts.” learn from each other. Other ways Extension specialists and “Farmers want to see what others are agents provide information on improving doing and what we’ve learned,” Wick says. soil health include the soil health website “We cover a range of issues farmers are (https://www.ndsu.edu/soilhealth), numermanaging on-farm. It’s been an excellent ous workshops, publications and short vidplatform for an exchange of information.” eos. Wick already has posted 50 two-minute Based on what the producers want to videos and plans to post another 20. learn about, Wick brings a variety of NDSU Agweek’s Soil Health Minute segment, experts to the Café Talks. They’ve included magazine columns and social media have Extension rangeland management specialist been very successful for Extension in reachKevin Sedivec and livestock environmental ing producers as well. stewardship specialist Miranda Meehan, “Twitter has been a major tool for getting who talk about grazing and livestock stockinformation to farmers,” Wick says. For Wick, the next steps include coning rates; Extension soil science specialist Dave Franzen, who discusses soil fertility; tinuing to provide information through and Plant Sciences Department professor Café Talks and events such as the Midwest Marisol Berti, who talks about cover crops. Cover Crops Council’s annual meeting and “It’s also a nice way for us to showcase Conservation Tillage Conference, both of the depth of knowledge we have at NDSU which will be held in Fargo this year, and a and the work we’ve been doing,” Wick says. two-day bus tour in July. “Plus, the ideas we get from the discussions Kalwar plans to concentrate on educating help us keep our finger on the pulse of what producers about the importance of sampling farmers need to know more about.” the soil in problem areas to assess and manShe organized 18 Café Talks in 2017. age salinity and sodicity, and getting someAnother 10 are scheduled so far this year. thing to grow there, whether it’s perennial Demonstration plots are another way grass mixes or cover crops, to reduce erosion Extension specialists and agents have been and the loss of top soil. ##### You don’t always need a fancy gadget to tell you how hot or cold it is. During the spring and summer months, you can calculate the temperature by listening to a chirping cricket. Simply count the number of chirps you hear in 14 seconds. Then, add 40 to that number to find out the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

##### “It always rains on tents. Rainstorms will travel thousands of miles, against prevailing winds for the opportunity to rain on a tent.” Dave Barry ##### Increase the life of your garden and longevity of your topsoil by mixing in crushed up egg shells, coffee grounds, and banana peels.

A focus on malting barley markets

By Scott E. Heisel, AMBA VP and Technical Director Barley remains an important feed grain, but recent years have seen a much higher portion of the crop going for malting. Coinciding with the rise of malting barley as the dominate use, has been an increase in the processes and products made from malt. A diverse number of malt products can be made from a single variety of barley through changes to the malting process, but many applications require the development of new varieties. The American Malting Barley Association (AMBA) provides funding for malting barley researchers across the country and communicates the needs of the different segments of the industry. Barley malt is ubiquitous in the food industry. You can find malt or malt extract on the ingredients list of many crackers, breads and cereals. It’s in our malted milk balls, malts, whiskeys, and of course our beer. Ale, stout, lager, honey, cherry, and even wheat beers contain malted barley. Malt for all of these products must meet color, flavor and other analytical specifications which are met through variety selection and malt processing. The lighter styles of beer and bourbon whiskeys use varieties that have more protein and enzymes that break down carbohydrates and proteins to nutrients for the yeast during the fermentation process. Lower levels of protein and enzymes are desired in “all malt” beer and whiskey. AMBA members routinely discuss the appropriate quality characteristics for these different malt markets and provide targets to barley breeders. “Our Malting Barley Breeding Guidelines not only present breeders with the ideal characteristics for each type of barley, but also with a level of interest in that particular market”, notes Scott Heisel, Vice President and Technical Director of AMBA. “Every effort is made to make these targets attainable given the growing conditions in different regions of the country and the capabilities of malt processors”. AMBA uses these guidelines, and comparisons to current popular varieties, to assess the malting quality of new lines that breeders have developed. Breeders also supply yield, disease resistance and other agronomic data that is taken into account in the evaluations. There is no point in releasing a new variety that does not work well for growers. Lines that show promise are advanced to commercial brewing and distilling evaluation. At its April 11, 2018 meeting, the AMBA Technical Committee identified seven barley lines that had sufficient malting quality to be advanced to commercial trials. The ultimate goal is addition to the recommended list of malting barley varieties.

Take Your Dog to Work Day

Date When Celebrated: Friday after Father’s Day Today is Take Your Dog to Work Day. And, we’ve just gotta ask “Why!?” They say every dog has it’s day. Well, that day has arrived. Today, your dog gets to join you at work today. Of course, this assumes that your (wonderful) boss will allow it. Once he arrives at work, your dog can tag along, following you on all of your work chores. He’ll be at your side all day long. He’ll frown at those dog eared papers n your desk. He’ll end the day happy, but dog-tired. Now, that’ we’ve had our chuckle, it’s time to recognize that this is a serious holiday for “Man’s Best Friend”. It is sponsored by Pet Sitters International. The objective is to recognize the importance of dogs in our lives as both companions and protectors. The organization also encourages you to help homeless dogs. One way to do so, is to adopt a dog today! Question for the day: Once your dog has arrived at your work...now what? What do you do with him? Will there be organized activities and a luncheon in his honor!? Sorry, but equal rights has yet to arrive in the pet world. We have not found a “Take Your Cat to Work Day”, or a “Take Your Parakeet to Work Day”, or ............. The Origin of Take Your Dog to Work Day: This very special day for you and your dog was created in 1999 by Pet Sitters International. It was created to recognize dogs as great companions, and to encourage adoptions of dogs.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B15

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B16


Morris 50-ft. harrow. 1996 Chevrolet Cheyenne regular cab pickup, 4x4, V6, automatic, air conditioning..................................$3500 John Deere S670 combine and 40-ft. header with pickup reel, GPS, mapping, Pro Drive, fine cut chopper and power tailboard, contour feederhouse, 1270 engine hours, 906 separator hours. Excellent shape. Call home 406-627-2202 or cell 406-289-0018, Ledger, MT


14-ft. 920 hay header with crimper and 25-ft. 960 draper header Call 406.289.0348 Conrad, MT

1st N.D. 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl

By NDSU Extension Service attitudes about animal science and related Teams from Stark/Billings, McLean, careers.” Golden Valley and Ransom counties took Youth were tested on all food animal livetop honors in the inaugural State 4-H Livestock species, including beef, dairy, swine, stock Quiz Bowl held May 5 at Dickinson goat (dairy and meat), sheep, poultry and State University. rabbit. The 4-H’ers also fielded questions The contest provides an opportunity for about Youth for the Quality and Care of youth enrolled in 4-H livestock projects Animals (YQCA) program. to demonstrate their knowledge of animal Forty-six youth representing six North science-related subject matter in a friendly, Dakota counties completed in the quiz bowl. yet competitive, setting. Senior Division “This new livestock quiz bowl conThe top teams were: test was developed for our North Dakota • First - Stark/Billings and McLean 4-H’ers to stimulate learning in animal counties, with team members Sam Poland, science and the agricultural industry,” says Taylor Downing, Kyle Kostelecky and Kia Leigh Ann Skurupey, the animal science Ward of Stark/Billings, and Abbie Berquist specialist in North Dakota State University of McLean County (NDSU) Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth • Second - Golden Valley County, with Development. “Additionally, this contest team members Jacob Steiner, Emma Flemhelps 4-H’ers develop positive interests and CONTINUED ON PAGE B17

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National Weed Your Garden Day

Date When Celebrated: June 13th Today is Weed Your Garden Day. ....as if we are not already spending copious amounts of time attacking the weeds in our gardens! Left unchecked, weeds will choke out many garden flowers and vegetables. At the very least, the competition they give for sunlight, water and nutrient, will cause your plants to be less productive. The purpose of this special day, is to spend an extra 5-10 minutes weeding your garden. When I found out about this goal, I just laughed! An extra five or ten minutes would barely put a dent in a garden my size. But, ‘ya never know, this might be just the incentive some garden procrastinators need, to get out and pull the weeds. Are you ready to participate in this special day!? Then, go out to your garden and start pulling those pesky weeds. By definition, a weed is any plant that is unwanted in your garden. This definition includes plants that are otherwise edible, serve medicinal purposes, and those that produce flowers. Some examples of edible weeds are Dandelions and Purslane. We all know that milkweed has medicinal benefits. But, we do not want them in the garden. And, then there are many colorful wildflowers that make their way into our vegetable gardens, where they are considered weeds. Why is it that weeds grow more prolific than our garden flowers and vegetables? Right now, our gardens have been planted for a long enough time, that weeds are growing thickly and rapidly. Weeding is a daily chore. After your complete your weeding, lay down a thick layer of mulch, to suppress the growth of new seeds. Weeding Tip: Soak the soil prior to weeding. It will be easier to pull the roots out.

Meteor Watch Day

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When: Always June 30 We sure hope that the weather in your area calls for clear skies tonight. Today is Meteor Watch Day, a time to look to the skies for meteor showers. Will you be lucky enough to see meteors streaking across the night sky? We sure hope so. Meteors are space dust and ice that enter the earth’s atmosphere. Meteors can be as small as specks of dust. As they enter the atmosphere at high speeds, they burn up, producing light as they streak across the night sky. Sometimes, you see them streak across the sky and disappear at the horizon. Other times, they end suddenly, burning out right before your eyes. With a little luck, you can see a meteor just about any night of the year. But, the best times to see meteors is during a meteor shower. There are a number of them each year. The best annual show is the Perseid Meteor shower each August. Enjoy Meteor Watch day as you scan the night skies in search of meteors. We sure hope you see some tonight!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B17

1st N.D. 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl CONTINUED FROM PAGE B16

ing, Abby Hecker and Kyle Sarsland • Third - Stutsman County, with team members Katie Osborne, Chayla Kuss, Zach Lahlum, Chayse Entzi and Layne Entzie Individual winners: • First – Hecker • Second – Downing • Third – Kuss • Fourth – Osborne • Fifth - Sarsland Intermediate Division The top teams were: • First - Golden Valley County, with team members Dillon Manhart, Kade Manhart,

Tenna Fleming and Ray Steiner • Second - Williams County, with team members Carson Brunelle, Keaton Brunelle, Leyton Brunelle and Wyatt Iverson • Third - Ransom County, with team members Gabe Lyones, Cameron Opp, Olivia Nitschke and Paige Zimprich Individual winners: • First – Fleming • Second – Iverson • Tie for third - Keaton Brunelle and Nitschke • Fourth - Kade Manhart

Gopher Traps by Lee’s TrapWorks • Easy to set • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap • Kills quickly • Very visible if painted bright color • Traps are sold unpainted, paint them your favorite color • Traps are currently $18 each Canadian and approximately $14 US at today’s exchange rate • Postage for package of 10 traps is around $42 Canadian • Check us out at www.leestrapworks.com Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order


THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded

New Miscellaneous

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute Schulte FX 1200 batwing mower CASE IH 8240 Combine Rem VRX grain vacs PUMA 185

Used Miscellaneous:

Farmhand 25’ mulcher ... $9,500

New Haying Equipment In Stock

New Equipment In Stock

12, 14 & 16-Wheel H&S High Capacity Wheel Rakes (2) ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers FarmallHeader 120A Farmall • Case 130AWindrower Case IHCase WD IH 1504 WithIH16' HDx162 Combine IH 8240 CaseBig Case IH LB434 Square Baler, 3x4 Bales Case IH RB 565 Round Baler

Available Returns Lease Used Haying Equipment In Stock & 120A • Puma 165 130A Farmall 150 •Square Maxxum 2002 Case IH LBX331 Baler ................................$29,000 2008 Case IH RB564 baler, bales, mesh wrap, wide 310 CVT • Magnum 1858700 • Puma 125 round Maxxum

pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube ......$26,500 2003 CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 1999 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 $99,000 .... 2009 Case IH Puma 155 MFD, loader..................... 1995 Case IH 8465 .........................................................$8,995 Case IH STX 375 4040 hrs, autosteer, one owner, consigned.. 2004 1994 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 .......... $79,000 ............................. 1990 Hesston 560 Round ............................. Baler ........................................$5,500

Used Tractors In Stock

2002 Case IH MX270 6800 hrs, 3 pt, MFD, Good Condition$43,500 . $59,000 hrs, 12 speed...................... 7600 1997 Case IH 9370 New Tractors In Stock . $22,000 point, PTO........................ 4840 1979 John Deere Case IH 3Farmall 356B w/loader CaseIH Magnum 315, & rear duals, lease EZ-steer kit,return weight duals, Trelleborg hrs,front 9682 4600 Holland New Lease Returns Available This Fall $75,000 .......... ............................. guidance.................. Case IH Farmall 75C, cab & loader CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125 CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 CaseIH Puma 185• CaseIH Magnum 260

Used Tractors In Stock

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader 2008 Case IH Steiger 480, 1480 Hrs, Cummins engine, 2003radials, Case IH like RB562 twine and mesh..........................$22,000 710 new .................................... $179,000 1979 JD 4840, 3 pt, PTObaler, .............................. $22,500 2013 Case IH RB564 round mesh and twine, wide pickup, 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded roller windguard, 9000 bales..................................$21,500

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 530C Disc Ripper

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

Concord 4710 air drill, 3400 tow behind cart............. $28,000 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. booms.. $19,900 New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock John Deere inline ripper..................................$3500 All2100 Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck

623, 727K Fuel Injected, 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled 725D Diesel Baggers Are Available For All Models

Used Mowers In Stock

New Haying Equipment In Stock

H&S 12Attachments wheel rake New Skid Steer In Stock Case 60” Rotary ProAg 900 round baleCutter carrier Case 72” Broom Case IH RB 565 round baler Case 72” Hopper Broom

Case 72” Snowblower Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000# Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers

New Loaders New Skidsteer Skidsteer Loaders CaseSV280 SV280 Cab, Case Cab, air, air,heat heat Case SV300 Cab, air, heat

Used Skidsteer Loaders

Case IH TR270 skidsteer, new tracks, 958 hours................. Call

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

New Skidsteer Attachments In Stock Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Case IH 530C Diskripper, 5 shank Danuser Hydraulic PostLandplane Hole Digger & Augers Parma 24’

T3 Hydraulic Post Sprayers: Drivers UsedDanuser Seeding, Tillage,

Concord 4710 Drill,Snowblowers, 3000 tow behind cart,Buckets hydraulic drive ... $30,000 Snow 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter

Farmall 130A

Used Combines

2000 Case 2388 combine with 30-ft. 1010 header, 3469 engine hours/2636 separator, hopper extensions, chopper. Consigned.. ...................................................................$55,000 2005 Case IH 2042 36-ft., finger reel, good condition....$26,000

Farmall 120A

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B18

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Do not be afraid to moderate cow size, but select good bulls

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Specialist Back to the story. Interestingly, the “How does a beef producer get a handle center’s “beef” herd could put an average on cow size?” is an often-asked question I 1,000-pound carcass on the rail. What about get during bull-buying workshops. the “range” cows? How much beef can the The question is complex because the “range” cows put on the rail? The question foundation of the “cow size” issue rests begs an answer. with the development and implementation The most recent carcass data from the of cattle breeding systems. center’s “range” and “beef” cow herds were Bulls produce at least two types of calves: eye-opening. The steers from the “range” one type for terminal production and one herd (no exemptions) had the following type destined to be replacements within average production: final live weight, 1,456 the breeding herd. The proper utilization pounds; hot carcass of a breeding system weight, 872 pounds; has the potential to dressing percent, 59.9; maximize the use and quality grade, averbenefits of both types age choice; 12th-rib of calves. fat depth, .43 inch; The beef industry rib-eye area, 13.74 has gotten along sesquare inches; rib-eye lecting good growth area per 100 pounds and efficient bulls and of body weight, .96 keeping females from square inch; U.S. Dethose bulls as replacepartment of Agriculments. I guess that ture (USDA) yield works, but the quesgrade, 2.9; and percent tion remains, “How choice, 94. does a beef producer The “no exemptions” means no steers get a handle on cow size without effective were held back and sold as calves. breeding systems?” The steers from the “beef” herd (no Here’s a story regarding cattle at the exemptions) had the following average Dickinson Research Extension Center production: final live weight, 1,751 pounds; (DREC). From 2008 to 2011, we established hot carcass weight, 1,050 pounds; dressing two cow herds to develop a set of smaller percent, 60; quality grade, low choice; 12thcows to use on range research projects. rib fat depth, .36 inch; rib-eye area, 15.67 The smaller cattle averaged 38 to 40 inches square inches; rib-eye area per 100 pounds (frame score 2.6) at the hip at fall weanof body weight, .90 square inch; USDA ing, and the larger cattle averaged 43 to 44 yield grade, 2.8; and percent choice, 94. inches (frame score 4.9). All living steers from the two herds were The smaller-framed cows were desigsent to the feed yard and harvested. The nated as “range” and the moderately framed herds produced what was expected. cows were designated as “beef.” InterestingWe know today’s beef producer can place ly, the average mature (6 to 8 years of age) more than 1,000 pounds of beef carcass on weight was 1,295 pounds for the “range” the rail. The steers from the “beef” herd did cows and 1,522 pounds for the “beef” cows. just that, averaging 1,050 pounds on the Throughout the lifetime of these cows, more rail. But the steers from the “range” herd than once a raised eyebrow was evident, also met exceptional industry specifications, even from me. producing 872 pounds on the rail. In the back of my mind were two nagging Steers from the “beef” herd had heavier question: “Where does this weight come carcass weights, larger rib eyes, less 12thfrom?” and “How do cows that averaged a rib fat and lower marbling scores. Steers frame score 2.6 as calves at weaning mature from the “range” herd had higher marbling out at 1,295 pounds?” scores and larger rib-eye area per 100 I had no question about the cows that pounds of body weight. averaged a frame score 4.9 as calves at Yes, this is a story of real data. The botweaning and weighed 1,522 pounds as tom line: Producers need to use the managemature cows. So how does one explain the ment and genetics that fit their operation and performance of these smaller cows and adapt accordingly. their subsequent calves to an industry very When selecting bulls, producers may focused on growth and efficiency? select bulls that moderate replacement feThat focus defines a strong tie between male size. Likewise, selection for terminal increasing growth and efficiency within the bulls that put large carcasses on the rail is beef business, keeping in mind that growth good. Remember, terminal means no female and efficiency definitions do vary. Regardreplacements kept. The bottom line: Do not less, the “range” cattle surprised me. be afraid to lower cow size but select good Unfortunately, the center sold the “range” bulls. and “beef” herds due to drought but have a May you find all your ear tags. chair as I review the last set of carcass data For more information, contact your local from these two herds. NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// We know the beef producer has the option www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or to place more than 1,000 pounds of carcass Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extenbeef on the rail. Then comes the question, sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND “How much cow mass does the commercial 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ cattle producer need to meet pounds of carndsu.edu. cass on the rail?” ##### Illinois Urban legend says it’s a crime to possess more than $600 worth of salamanders. (That’s 75-plus salamanders, according to fair market value.) In reality, it’s illegal to keep any variety of aquatic life in excess of $600 in Illinois if it was captured or killed in violation of the state’s law.

##### Maine An early version of the chance game of Bingo, called Beano, is legally regulated in this New England state. The legal rules dictate that a person conducting or assisting in the conduct of the game may assist players by playing their cards while they take a restroom break.

2018 4-H State air rifle, pistol match winners

By NDSU Extension Service Cass and Ramsey County teams took top honors in the recent 2018 4-H State Air Rifle and Air Pistol Match in Devils Lake. The Cass County team of Caeden Francis, Rebecca Van Vleet, Matthew Traux and Garrett Gehrke took first place in the senior air rifle division and qualified for the 2019 4-H National Invitational in Grand Island, Nebraska. Individual winners were: • First - Francis, with a score of 487 • Second - Van Vleet, with a score of 443 • Third - Hannah Vaagen, Ramsey County, with a score of 438 The junior division air rifle team champions were Landon Kurtz, Cassandra Christensen, Emily Deplazes and Casia Steinhaus from Ramsey County. Individual winners were: • First - Kurtz, with a score of 446 • Second - Mercedes Francis, Cass County, with a score of 445 • Third - Christensen, with a score of 441 The Ramsey County team of Lauren Stiven, Gannon Kurtz, Nate Steinhaus and Madison Hettwer claimed top honors in the beginner air rifle division. Individual winners were: • First - Stiven, with a score of 540 • Second - Kurtz, with a score of 534 • Third - Steinhaus, with a score of 531 Beginners are youth ages 8 to 10. Youth in the junior division are 11 to 13, and the senior division is for youth ages 14 to 18. The competition was limited to sporter class air rifles. Beginners participated in a 40-shot bench rest competition. The junior and senior teams competed in a three-position, (prone, kneeling and standing) event, performing 20 shots in each position for a potential score of 600. The masters division members are senior age participants who have participated in a past 4-H national championship event and no longer are eligible to compete in the state championship in the senior age division. The master’s division winners were: • First - Christopher Morstad, Ramsey County, with a score of 537 • Second - Brandon Alexander, Ramsey County, with a score of 528 • Third - Maria Rosa-Nieves, Ramsey County, with a score of 508 • Fourth - Jacob Vaagen, Ramsey County, with a score of 502 The 4-H State Pistol Match consisted of 40 shots in a standing position at 10 meters for a maximum of 400 points. The senior master division participants are youth who previously qualified for the 4-H National Invitational Match and no longer are eligible to compete for the state championship in the senior age division. Hannah Morstad was the first air pistol masters competitor from Ramsey County. She scored 305. In the junior division, Ramsey County’s Rebecca Morstad fired 305 to take top honors.

National Kissing Day

Date When Celebrated: June 19 Ahhh, it’s Kissing Day. The objective of this very special day, is to appreciate and enjoy a kiss. So, go ahead and swap some spit today. Pucker up and give out a big, juicy kiss to anyone and everyone. Kissing originated thousands, and perhaps millions of years ago. It is believed to have originated from mouth to mouth feeding of parents to a child. My, it certainly has evolved over the centuries. But, why is that? The answer is simply because it makes us feel good. There’s all sorts of kisses, for all sorts of reasons. There’s the peck on the cheek, the full on the mouth kiss, and the French Kiss, the favorite among lovers. People are not the only creatures to kiss. Apes, cats, dogs, and dolphins, are among the animals that share a kiss or two. Did You Know? Okay, you may not want to know this juicy tidbit. Kissing can transmit 80 million microbes of bacteria. The World Record Longest Kiss: Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarathold from Thailand hold this envious record at 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. How would you like to beat that!?

##### In 1946 an 800-foot hitching rack was constructed at Parsons Stadium for the rodeo. That’s a lot of horses! ##### When processing foods using the open kettle method, jars should still be sterilized.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B19


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B20

1st N.D. 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl



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See us on the web: www.tte-inc.com 2004 Cat 232B 3393+/hours, OROPS, pilot controls, new tires, 72” bucket with new cutting edge, has been through the shop, all repairs have been done, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD.........$22,900

2006 Gehl RS6-42 2645+/hours, foam filled tires, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 6000 lb. capacity, 42-ft. reach, very nice low hour telehandler, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................... $41,900 2007 Case 580SM 2600 hours, 50th Anniversarty model, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, cloth seat, AM/FM radio, ride control, power shuttle transmission, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, backhoe coupler, 24” backhoe bucket, front coupler with 1.25 CY bucket and 48” forks, backhoe is very tight, extremely clean, just serviced, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD............... $54,900 2014 Cat 308E2 CR 1326 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, heated seat, dozer blade, wedge style coupler, hydraulic thumb, 1 and 2 way auxiliary hydraulics, swing-away boom, 7-ft. 2” stick, steel tracks, 21,000 lb. operating weight, has been through the shop, serviced, neeeds nothing, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................. $88,500 3-2007 SkyTrak 6036 3657+/- hours, 3 steering modes, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, foam filled tires approximately 40%, rotating beacon, Cummins engine, recent service, in excellent condition, needs nothing, 6000 lb. lift, 36-ft. reach. Located in Spearfish, SD and in Victor, MT. Each................ $39,500 2013 Bobcat S570 268 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 2-speed travel, switchable H-pattern or hand/foot controls, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary electrics, 72” bucket, 1950 lb. operating load, 3900 lb. tip load, like new condition, recent service. Located in Spearfish, SD........................................ $36,500 2014 Cat 236D 1820 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, air ride and heated cloth seat, ride control, hydraulic coupler, 2-speed travel, new tires, 72” bucket with new bolt on cutting edge, recent service, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD................... ..........Asking Price $34,500

• Fifth - Leyton Brunelle Junior Division The top teams were: • First - Ransom County, with team members Rylee Erdmann, Mara Kempel, Zane Lyons and Jayce Zimprich • Second - Golden Valley County, with team members Lucas Brown, Harley Feiring, Kiefffer Ernst and Leah Davidson • Third - Stark/Billings County, with team members Hadley Talkington, Coy Melchior, Trevor Lefor, Shaylynn Berthold and Lance Kostelecky Individual winners: • First – Kempel • Tie for second - Erdmann and Lefor • Tie for third - Brown and Davidson • Fourth – Zimprich • Fifth - Ernst Teams competed in a single- or doubleelimination format by giving oral answerers to questions posed by a moderator, answering by pushing the buzzer first. Each match had a one-on-one phase, a team phase and a toss-up phase with bonuses attached to questions.

National Jerky Day

Date When Celebrated: Always June 12 Jerky has been popular for hundreds of years. Jerky originated in South and North America. Jerky goes back to hundreds, if not thousands of years before the White Man came to America. Jerky is dried, flavored meats. Essentially, the meat soaked in brine and a variety of flavorings, and then it is dried. It is popular for snacks and as a nutritious treat on long hikes, while biking, and out in the woods. It is lean, nutritious, and light weight, making it easy to carry in your back pack. Many of us think of jerky as “beef jerky”. But, it is make from almost any type of meat, including deer, chicken, poultry, pork, and turkey. A wide variety of flavorings, and often smoked, gives us a wide variety jerky to enjoy. And, enjoy it we do. Did You Know? Jerky is a Space food. It has been on diet of astronauts in space since 1996. To really celebrate National Jerky Day, make some homemade jerky. If you don’t have the time or expertise to make it at home, that’s perfectly okay. Go out and buy some, and enjoy it today. The Origin of National Jerky Day: This special day was created by Jack Links Beef Jerky in 2012. It appears to have been created to promote their products, and the holiday caught on with the general public.

“Competition in the quiz bowl encourages 4-H members to develop a more complete knowledge of animals and related subjects and is an excellent way to develop self-confidence and excellent teamwork skills,” Skurupey says. “This contest provides an educational program for all project members, including those who may not own a project animal. “It was impressive to watch these talented 4-H’ers answer some tough livestock questions,” she adds. “I could not be more proud of their hard work in preparation for this new contest. Having to know a large amount of information from health, nutrition, management, reproduction and information covered in the Youth for Quality Care of Animals program is a challenge and often intimidating, and yet these 4-H’ers were spitting out answers like they have been studying these materials for years. “Having to know about so many different species is exceptionally hard,” she noted. “I commend each 4-H’er who participated in this contest; the life skills and knowledge gained is priceless.”

Are vegetarian diets healthful?

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service “Do you want to have lunch with me?” I asked my son. “They’re serving pork burritos, chips and salsa, a salad and dessert.” “What are the other options?” my son asked. This was odd. When does a 22-year-old guy turn down a free lunch? I know he likes the foods on the menu. “Sorry, it’s a set menu with no other options,” I said. “Would you rather go to another place?” We went somewhere else and he had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. “I suppose I should tell you that I’m eating vegetarian several days a week,” he said. “Lots of people at work are on a vegetarian or vegan diet.” I tried not to act surprised. In full disclosure, he was raised on a diet that did not restrict any type of food, whether animal or vegetable. He wasn’t always my best vegetable eater, so this was a new twist. However, I figured he was old enough to make his own food decisions. He did not stick to his new eating plan very long. A couple of weeks later, we had lunch again, and he grinned at me and ordered a Philly cheesesteak sandwich. The popularity of vegetarian diets has increased, as have vegetarian options on restaurant menus and in supermarkets. Vegetarian diets usually are lower in fat and saturated fat. Some studies have shown lower blood cholesterol levels, lower risk of obesity and lower blood pressure among those following a vegetarian diet. However, a well-chosen diet containing meat and other animal products is a healthful diet, too. A vegetarian diet with poor food choices is not healthful in the long run. Regardless of our personal food choices, we all need a variety of foods in moderation to maintain our health. By definition, a vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat and, sometimes, other animal products. People choose to be vegetarian because of religious or cultural beliefs, specific health reasons or personal taste preferences, or for other reasons. Several different categories of vegetarianism exist. A person following a “lacto-vegetarian” diet consumes dairy products but does not eat meat or eggs. Someone following a “lacto-ovo-vegetarian” diet consumes dairy products and eggs but does not eat other kinds of animal products. A person on a “pescatarian” diet does not consume any animal product except for fish. Someone following a “vegan” diet does not eat any type of animal product. People following a vegan diet must plan carefully to avoid the risk of shortfalls in protein, vitamins and minerals. For example, men ages 31 to 50 need about 6-ounce equivalents of protein-rich foods per day to meet their protein needs. To meet the 6-ounce goal on a meat-containing diet, that could mean 3 ounces of meat, one egg, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1/4 cup of cooked beans throughout the day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate plan. On a vegan diet, protein can be a concern unless proteinrich foods such as cooked beans, lentils, peas, nuts and soy are consumed. The old rule was to combine complementary proteins (such as rice and beans) in the same meal to get all the essential amino acids. You no longer need to combine these foods in the same meal, according to current recommendations. Eating at least some animal products, such as eggs and milk, helps prevent nutrient deficiencies among those who follow a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet. For example, vitamin B-12 is found only in animal sources such as eggs and milk naturally, but it can be obtained through fortified cereal products. “Fortified” means that the vitamin or mineral is added to foods that didn’t originally contain that nutrient. Vitamin D is found in fatty fish, egg yolks and fortified dairy products. Dietary supplements might be needed, especially for those of us who get little exposure to sunlight during parts of the year. However, if milk is not consumed, then calcium-fortified beverages (such as soy milk) and cereals and dark green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach and kale, can serve as calcium sources. However, calcium from cow’s milk typically is better absorbed than that from fortified foods. Zinc also can be a concern when following a vegetarian or CONTINUED ON PAGE B24

##### From actual Church Bulletins…….. • Eight new choir robes are currently needed, due to the addition of several new members and to the deterioration of several others. • Glory of God to all and peas to his people on earth. • Next Friday we will be serving hot gods for lunch.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B21

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2014 Komatsu WA320-7, JRB quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics, 7900 hours. Ready for work!............................. $89,900

2007 Pettibone T-8044, 44-ft. reach, 8000 lb capacity, cab, heat, 5200 hours.............................$42,500 2003 Volvo EC210B, quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics, 60-70% undercarriage................$44,900 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price


1997 Deere 650G, 6 way blade, EROPS, ripper, 90% undercarriage, 5650 hours. Nice!.$36,500


2005 Terex TH844C, John Deere turbo engine, 8000 lb capacity, foam filled tires. Ready for work! ......................................$34,900


1997 SkyTrak 5028, 5000 lb capac- 2013 Case 590 Super N, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, hydraulic thumb. ity, foam filled tires, low hours!.... Only 160 hours!!........... $95,000 ......................................$24,500

MISC. EQUIPMENT Cat 955K track loader, good undercarriage, runs and shifts good.... .........................................$9500


2006 New Holland TL90A, MFWD, cab, self leveling loader, 4600 hours.............................$31,500

TRAILERS 2009 Ammann 55” smooth drum compactor, cab and heat, 950 hours.............................$36,000 2014 ABU 3 axle, 30-ft. gooseneck, 21,000 GVW. As new!.......$7000

2000 Fontaine TB50NG lowboy, 255/70R tires, good tread, selfcontained.......................$44,900

2000 Kohler 50RZG, transfer switch included, low hours!.......$12,900 1991 Raygo 420C vibratory smooth drum roller.....................$12,500

1966 John Deere 4020, starts and runs well, new seat, new rear tires. Clean tractor!....... $15,500

TRUCK 2012 Dragon 130 barrel water/vac trailer, tandem spring/ride $15,500


International H model tractor, new batteries. Very clean!....... $2750

1975 Ford winch truck, gas motor, air brakes, 59,000 miles.. $5500


Steve Swan

Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

across from Fremont Ford on Big Horn Ave.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B22

New Holland Equipment

New Holland Round Balers

New Holland Swathers

IN STOCK County “Lease Returns”

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

2015 New Holland T7.210 165 hp, 210 hours, 18 speed full powershift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s, 42” tires, loaded with loader and grapple.....................................................CALL!

New Holland Combines

New Holland T9.645 Quad Tractor

New Holland T-9 Series Tractors

New Holland Compact Tractors

Boomer #24 MFD, 24 hp. diesel, 540 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, hydro transmission with loader....CALL! Workmaster #33 MFD, 33 hp diesel, 540 PTO, 12x12 shuttle transmission with loader...CALL! Workmaster #40 MFD, 40 hp disel, 540 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, single rear hydraulic, 12x12 shuttle transmission with loader.................................................................................................CALL!

Zerbe Bros.


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2013 Case IH 160 100-ft. suspended booom, windscreens, 480/80R38 tires, Trimble 750 controller w/Field IQ, 1600 gallon................................................................................................................................$39,000 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139.. ............................................................................................................................................................$5500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00.......................................................................................................$20,000


New Holland SD550 60-ft. folding drill, 12” spacing, 5.90 x15 Concord packers, double shoot, variable rate with SC430 tow between tank, 430 bushel. #UDNH29................................................$69,000 2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$65,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244................................................$50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550# trips, stealth bodies, 2320 tow between cart. #UDF237.$35,000 2010 Seed Master 5012 5-sections, precision seeding, 50-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot carbide sideband openers, 400 bushel Ezee-On cart...... ................................................................. Just In Seed Master 5012 50-ft. 12” spacing w/Ezee-On 400 cart.......................................................... Just In


2008 Apache AS1010 1880 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30... ..............................................................$110,000

2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 985 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/Accu Boom. #USNH62...................................$219,000



2013 New Holland L230 360 hours, 3000 lb. lift capacity, 2 speed drive, mechanical controls, cab with heat and air conditioning, suspension seat, hydraulic coupler, 14x17.5 large tires...... $41,000

See more online at www.zerbebrothers.com

2004 Premier 2952i windrower, 1850 sickle hours, 2340 engine hours with 972 25-ft. header, double sickles, triple delivery..............................$45,000

New Holland 1431 disc mower, 13-ft., rubber conditioners, 2 point swivel hitch, 1000 PTO. #UWN109..................................................$9500


2009 Morris Pro-Ag 4D4SR bale scoop................... .............................................. $23,000.....$20,000

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Travis Volk

1999 Case IH 8312 12-ft. discbine, rubber/steel conditioner..................................................$7500 Case 425 21-ft. draper header (fits Hesston 8650)... ...................................................................$7500


68 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B23



2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac 1050 hours, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab. #UTCA90......................................$340,000 1991 Case IH 9270 4WD tractor, 6385 hours, 335 hp, Cummins, 42” tires (80%). #UTCA91......$51,000

1994 Hesston 4655 inline square baler, 16”x18” chamber.....................................................$9500 2015 Danuser pallet fork with top tine grabber, for skid steer....................................................$1900 2006 Freightliner 425 hp, Cat diesel, 13 speed transmission, Columbia series................$18,000

2002 Versatile/Buhler 2210 MFD tractor, 5135 hours, 210 PTO hp, 3 pt. hitch, 1000 PTO, duals, Allied 2895 loader with bucket & grapple..........$65,000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.........................................................$2500

2008 Case IH ATX700 70-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb trips, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, Stealth body with 4” Dutch spread tip, all run blockage, ADX3430 tow behind air cart, 430 bushel, duals, variable rate drive...................................$66,000

2004 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow between air cart, 230 bushel, variable drive, 48-ft. spreader boom, dual fan, 23.1x26 tires, 8” auger assembly.....$32,000


2013 New Holland T6.165 MFD, 405 hours, semi powershift, 540/1000 PTO’s 3-pt., 42” tires with NH 845TL with loader and grapple assembly. #UTN115............................................... JUST IN


2012 New Holland BR7090 extra wide pickup, floatation tires, 1000 PTO, #UHN139.............. $24,500 2009 New Holland BR7090 wide pickup, twine and net, float tires, #UHN136........................ $24,000 1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500 2000 Hesston 856A auto cycle, wide pickup..$5500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500


2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000

New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH88........................$19,000 2009 John Deere 635F 35-ft. flex header, CWS wind reel w/fingers. #UCJ047..........................$25,500 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header, finger reel, transport package, upper cross auger, Empire rollers, CNH adaptor. S/N-186785-09.....$50,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, CA20 MacDon adaptor fits New Holland/ Case. #UHMD45.....................................$49,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, CA20 MacDon adaptor fits New Holland/ Case. #UHMD45.....................................$49,000 2005 MacDon 973 39-ft. draper transport package, upper cross auger, finger reel, gauge wheels, JD adaptor. #UCM044..................................$19,000 Horst header trailer, wagon style, low profile tires. #UCHR00...................................................$2900

www.zerbebrothers.com Email zerbesales@nemont.net

2013 Case IH 8230 450 hp, 30” rotor, 350 bushel hopper, duals, long auger, chopper, Autosteer, 1243 engine/876 separator hours. #UCCA15...... ..............................................................$230,000 Case IH 2188 2200 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 260 hp. #UCCA18.................................... Just In 2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20...............................................$88,000 1994 Gleaner R62 30.5x32 tires, water cooled, 30-ft. 962 MacDon, 2200 separator hours.......$31,500 2008 New Holland CR9070 1610 separator hours, extended wear augers, chopper, yield/moisture, 420 hp. #UCNH92.................................$135,000

2008 Ford F350 service pickup, 4x4, 113,000 miles, diesel, tool racks, 120 gallon fuel tank, welder & generator................................................$18,500 1999 Contrail C20 20-ft. trailer, air brakes, pintle hitch, all new tires, heavy duty.............................$8500 Friggstad 600 plow, tool bar, 44-ft. 5-section, 1 1/4” shanks w/harrow........................................$7000 Harrell 3606 6 bottom switch plow, 3 pt. mount........ ...................................................................$5500 Melroe 1000 plow, 29-ft. 13-18” bottoms.........$6500 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points.............................................$6000 2011 New Holland S1070, 100-ft. suspension boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoBoom...................$40,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate....$20,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............$12,000 Flexicoli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer..$3000 2008 John Deere 1895 air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, 1910 tow behind cart, 430 bushel......................................$80,000

2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 9360 header....................................................$82,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000 2011 MacDon FD-70 flex draper, 40-ft., finger reel, double knife, upper cross auger, slow speed transport, CNH adaptor...........................$59,000

New Holland 116 16-ft. swing tongue, double sickle, 1000 PTO, pump........................................$4000

Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!

2008 New Holland CR9070 400 hp, 900/60R32 tires. #UCNH80.............................................$117,000 2005 New Holland CR960 Class 7, deluxe cab, 17” rotors, 900/60R32, front tires, 600/28 rears, #UCNH91...............................................$69,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28............................$36,500......$25,000

See More Online at www.zerbebrothers.com

Vermeer Helps Speed The Haying Process R2800 & R2300 TwinRake Get great-looking bales quickly and easily. It all starts with the Vermeer R2800 & R2300 TwinRakes, which produce box-shaped windrows. Built to last, the R2800 & &R2300 allows you to adjust the width of the windrows to match your baler. Control the width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor. • Keep hay clean because the hydraullically-driven baskets have rubbermounted rake teeth that engage the crop, not the ground.

• Built for durability with a proven design • Glide over uneven terrain with large, that prevents the tines from engaging caster type wheels to cushion your ride. the ground. • Built to last with rugged construction.

Zerbe Bros.


Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

Glasgow, Montana www.zerbebrothers.com Email zerbesales@nemont.net SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page B24

Are vegetarian diets healthful? CONTINUED FROM PAGE B21

KIOTI TRACTORS IN STOCK Kioti CK3510 with KL4010 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty..............................COMING IN Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................$20,000 Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, PTO, 3-pt., industrial tires, hydraulic shuttle.................................$24,500 Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, PTO, 3-pt., industrial tires, manual transmission........................$23,500 Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires.... ............................................$12,678 Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires............................. Call


BEN-SER SE63 63” snow blower with frame. Runs off rear PTO, fits 40-60 hp tractor...........$2500 Running gear.........................$1000 Sprayer, 200 gallon with booms and hand gun, 3-pt..................$1500 Massey Ferguson 302 loader/backhoe.......................................$5500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver.......................................$1295 Heavy duty post hole auger, 3-pt..... ...........................................$995 Major tractor..........................$1000

NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Single Bale Spear, 44”...................$554 Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750


heavy duty mowers IN STOCK

Great for Sage Brush 1072 6-ft. heavy duty


We now have

WALLENSTEIN wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available. PARTS UNITS

Massey Fergusen 165 complete tractor...................................For Parts Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.. FOR PARTS

NEW SPEECO POST HOLE AUGERS IN STOCK Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower...................$1435 5-ft. rotary mower...................$1350 4-ft. rotary mower...................$1165 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow....................$695 (3) 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$575 7-ft. back blade.........................$475 6-ft. back blade.........................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear..................................$499


New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.... ............................................ $675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. $725 New Front Mount QA bale spears for skid steer loader mount......CALL Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models......$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts............................... $1500 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor...................MAKE OFFER


John Deere 3020 diesel, Du-Al loader.. ...............................................$8500 Ford 4000 gas, loader, front blade, Select-O-Speed.....................$3500

American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon.....................$7500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header......... COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel............ CALL Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather........... .......................... NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.$3850 Woods 3-point snow blower, 66”..... .........................................$1000

NEW Eagle box scrapers New Eagle 560HD..................... $625 New Eagle 566HD..................... $699 New Eagle 672HD..................... $729 New Eagle 784 HD.................... $779

Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00

Serving Montana for 70 Years Proudly Family Owned & Operated

New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower




with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250

Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply


Phone (406) 227-6821

East Helena, Montana

Serving HELENA and surrounding areas for 70 YEARS!


Come visit us at www.helenafarmsupply.com

vegan diet. Chickpeas, beans, zinc-fortified breakfast cereals, wheat germ, nuts and pumpkin seeds are good sources. However, lacto-vegetarians get zinc from the dairy products they consume. See the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate vegetarian information at http://www.choosemyplate.gov/tipsvegetarians if you want to learn more. Here’s a fiber-rich recipe courtesy of the Canned Food Alliance at http://www.mealtime.org that can fit in a lactoovo-vegetarian diet if you remove the bacon and choose vegetarian-style beans. Breakfast Egg and Bean Burritos 1 (16-ounce) can smoky baked beans 6 large eggs Freshly ground pepper, to taste 1 Tbsp. butter or margarine 6 strips cooked bacon, crumbled (optional) 1/3 c. chopped green onions 6 (7- to 8-inch) flour tortillas, warmed 1/2 c. shredded cheddar cheese Salsa (optional) Heat the beans in a small saucepan until heated through; keep warm. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Melt the butter or margarine in a 10-inch, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the eggs and sprinkle with the bacon, if desired, and green onions. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the eggs are cooked. Divide the egg mixture into six parts and spoon one part into each tortilla. Top each with 1/4 cup beans and 1 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp. cheese. Fold in the ends and roll up the burritos. Top with fresh or canned salsa, if desired. Makes six servings. Each serving has 380 calories, 16 grams (g) fat, 19 g protein, 42 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber and 970 milligrams sodium.

Keep yourself hydrated

Why should we? Well, because, with water: We think more clearly Our muscles work better Our mood improves And our bodies stay healthier Water is great for your skin and the rest of your body. My husband thinks plain water is kind of boring, so we try infusing water with fruit and/or herbs. It feels creative to invent some new flavor sensations! Start with clean hands, containers, cutting boards and knives. Rinse fruit and herbs thoroughly. Try one of these flavor add-ins: Citrus water: 1/2 cup sliced oranges, lemons or grapefruit + 2 quarts water Strawberry kiwi water: 3 sliced strawberries + 1 peeled, sliced kiwi + 2 quarts water Watermelon rosemary water: 2 cups seedless watermelon (cut into chunks or balls) + 1 sprig rosemary + 2 quarts water Raspberry lime water: 20 crushed raspberries + 2 sliced limes (without rind) +2 quarts water Refrigerate overnight. Don’t mix batches. Use up the batch, clean the container and make a new batch. As the weather heats up, the kids will be heading outside and sweating up a storm! While sweat keeps the body cool, all that water loss can bum a body out. It is important for us to stay hydrated. Here are some more flavored water ideas especially for kids (of all ages) Cucumber Cooler: Lemon + cucumber slices. Strawberry Basil: Strawberry slices + chopped fresh basil. Berry Breeze: Blueberries + strawberry slices. Watermelon Lime: Watermelon cubes and lime slices. Water is one of the most basic of all needs - we cannot live for more than a few days without it. And yet, most people take water for granted. We waste water needlessly and don’t realize that clean water is a very limited resource. More than 1 billion people around the world have no access to safe, clean drinking water, and over 2.5 billion do not have adequate sanitation service. Over 2 million people die each year because of unsafe water - and most of them are children! ~ Robert Alan Aurthur For more information about this topic or something else, please contact me at the NDSU Extension office at 301 Broadway in Napoleon, or call 754-2504, or email: carmen. rath.wald@ndsu.edu. I would be glad to help!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C1

Drive Over Conveyor

Rent Me!

2015 John Deere R4038 Sprayer

• 100-ft. boom • 1000 gallon tank • Full technology

• Quick unloading time • Low profile • Ease of use Buy or Lease to own

$2316/yr - oac

Rent As Low As $3.00/acre

Call Us For A Demo!

Tillage Unit


62-ft. Roller

• 42” drum Buy or Lease to own

• 5 section

$9346/yr - oac

Farmer to Farmer “From our initial contact with Frieling’s everyone was a joy to work with. Our questions were answered promptly. We flew in from out of state and they even picked us up from our hotel and gave us a ride to the dealership.”

Delander Trucking New owners of a 2005 Peterbilt

2013 John Deere Flex Draper

Vertical Tillage RENTAL RETURN

• 640FD • Pickup reel • Lock-out


Miles City, MT 2007 Peterbilt

• Demo • Weight kit • Basket

2014 John Deere Flex Draper

• Excellent condition • Skid plates • Single point hook-up • Contour Master Buy or Lease to own $11,907/yr - oac


Call For RENTAL RETURN Pricing

Buy or Lease to own $10,580/yr - oac



3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Check us out on the web at

• Excellent condition • Automatic • 550 Cat • 70” sleeper • Brand new tires

Buy or Lease to own $11,975/yr - oac

• Many sizes available • 24.5-ft. – 54-ft. • 0° – 15° adjustable • Hydraulic controlled gauges

Buy or Lease to own $11,638/yr - oac


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C2



db Win Continuous Fence Corral Systems

Arena Fencing

Specializing in continuous fence 20-ft & 24-ft. lengths • 6 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel - $99 • 5 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel - $91 • Other Sizes Available •

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We are a diverse welding and fabrication shop specializing in farm & ranch

Highest Quality Craftsmanship in the Industry Travis Klein For more information visit our website Shop: 406-932-3559 • Cell: 406-930-1973 www.crazymountainfabrication.com 205 Howie Road - Big Timber, MT 59011 crazymountainfabrication@yahoo.com

Portable Tub

• Cattle Guards • Loading Chutes • Crowding Tubs

Maternity Pen

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Pivot Bridge

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M&M side delivery rake, 10-ft. wide. Good condition...................$500

John Deere side delivery rake, 11ft. wide................................$600

Farmhand 10 pack bale head......... .........................................$1400

Tractor half cab, measures 5-ft. x 5-ft. x 3-ft., excellent glass.......... 5-ft., 3-pt. cultivator................... Call ...........................................$250

18-ft. bale elevator, straight frame. Excellent condition.............$500 Powder River calf table..........$475

Kilchner hay fluffier, like new.$2600

Rock picker............................$5100

KingKutter deck mower........$1000

Head gate. Like new................$300

DewEze bale slicer................$4000

Bolt on heavy duty ripper.........$800

John Deere sickle mower........$550 Farmhand 8 pack....................$900 John Deere wheel fertilizer.....$750 3-wheel hay rake......................$600 New Holland 254 hay rake....$1200 Skid steer material handling bucket........................................$450 Shaver #8 post pounder........$1100

3-point auger............................$450 Allis-Chalmers 3-pt., 4 bottom plow....................................$450 Felco 9-ft. brush rake...............$500 John Deere 301 spin spreader....... .........................................$1200

Phone 406-793-2210

Baby goats reign over Lander yoga classes

By University of Wyoming Extension Let’s get the 800-pound gorilla out of the barn first – the 25-pound-or-so baby Boer goats ruled the yoga classes. The white-and-brown smile makers were snatched up before and after the two goat yoga classes west of Lander in April and hugged and caressed, with yoga goers closing their eyes during the snuggles and then the goats closing THEIR eyes and drifting to sleep – or at least into a pretty high level of being centered. Goat yoga was new to Lander – maybe to most of Wyoming – with University of Wyoming (UW) Extension educator Laura Balis proposing goat yoga as a fundraiser for the Fremont County 4-H Program. The sessions raised $686 ($250 from sponsors and $436 from participants). Baldwin Creek Boers provided its barn. Each baby goat was hoisted over a gate from the corral into the barn area converted into the yoga site, and participants brought their own mats to lie on the large blue tarp covering the dirt floor. Yoga practitioners followed session leader Jackie Lauer as inquisitive baby goats nibbled hair (smiles), walked between limbs (smiles), nuzzled against faces (smiles), and generally made themselves available to anyone (more smiles). Baldwin Creek Boers’ Terrill Weston said they volunteered the facilities to help 4-H’ers. “I’m a UW grad and want to help out the extension folks anyway we could,” he said. Becca Cross of Lander had just finished the first session and like many others stood holding a pretty-relaxed-looking baby goat. “I feel lighter and giddier,” she said. “This is the most I’ve laughed in a yoga class. This was perfect. Just really light, a good class but entertaining, too, just to watch the goats. The baby animals make you smile.” One woman with a friend was snuggling a baby goat (the baby goat, eyes closed, absorbing the hug) prior to the start of the first class. “I want one,” she soundlessly mouthed to her friend. Cory Daly of Riverton liked the addition of goats to yoga. “So much of yoga is about grounding and being connected with something deeper than yourself,” she said. “Nothing is more grounding than being out in nature and with animals, especially baby animals. They are so full of joy.” There were a couple mother-daughters who participated. Jennifer McClung of Lander posed by her young daughter, Kinsley, during the first class, a baby goat meandering its way through a pose by the mother (smiles) then between the arms of Kinsley (smiles). Jennifer has practiced yoga for about 12 years. This was her first with goats. Jennifer after class was different than Jennifer before class. “I’m a lot more light-hearted,” she said, holding another serene baby goat. “My body feels better, and it’s so much fun to be around these little creatures and see them play and be in their natural area. They relax and play, and they chew. It’s just fun. It makes me a lot happier. This one is so sweet.” The mother-daughter pair in the second class underwent a transformation. Hayden Pickerd, 10, of Lander had more than a little trepidation when she knew she was coming to the yoga class. “She was nervous about the goats,” said her mother, Stefanie. “She had said she didn’t know what she was going to do if they were going to eat her hair or step on her.” Her mother snapped a photo of Hayden with a frightened expression leaning away from a baby goat that had wandered over to her. But even wary Hayden wasn’t immune. “Then she started to get to know them while doing yoga, then petting them a little by little,” said her mother. “By the time we were done, she was holding them, and I found her by the hay with a goat and laying down.” Stefanie said she wanted her daughter to learn to enter new experiences open-minded. Hayden after felt different from Hayden before. “I think I’ll get used to it when I try new things,” she said after the classes. “It was really, really fun, and I felt energy going through me. I had so much fun I didn’t want to leave, so my mom tried to get me interested in ice cream so I would, but it didn’t work. She had to (drag) me into the van.” These were the first yoga classes with goats for certified instructor Lauer. She volunteered when she heard about the classes. “I think they are super cute and fun,” she said. “I think other people need to experience this. A lot of people don’t CONTINUED ON PAGE C4

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C3



New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.......................................................................................................$11,995 New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package...........................................................................................................$10,995

New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package ..........................................................................................................$13,295 New Hillsboro aluminum 6.8-ft. x 20-ft., 1 sliding center gate............................$15,995

New Circle D pickup flatbeds NEW HEAVY DUTY FLATBED TRAILERS

Diamond C 32-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame, torque tube.... . .......................................................................$11,895 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 3 piece folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks....................$9695 Diamond C 30-ft. (3) 7,000 lb. spring axle, 2 piece beavertail, bridged frame, tool box, dual jacks.........$9895 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket.......................................................$9995 Diamond C 28-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame..........................$10,595 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket.......................................................$9695 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 3 piece beavertail...................................$7595


(2) Diamond C 25-ft. partial tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box......................................................................$7595 Diamond C 24-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box.....................................................$8995 Hillsboro 23.5-ft. partial tilt.....................................$7595


Diamond C 24-ft. full power tilt deck-over, (2) 7,000 lb. axles...................................................................$7995 Diamond C 22-ft. partial tilt.....................................$6495

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1650 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1650 71/2x9..............................................................$1700 8x9..................................................................$2000 8x11................................................................$2350

G ll steel flatbeds TURNOVER BALL A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t


5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

New Diamond C car haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK

1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool boxes ....................$9595


Load King lead trailer, 42-ft., triple axle....................................$29,000 & pup.................................$17,500 As a pair............................$45,000 Fastline 5-ft.x12-ft. trailer........$1300

1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.... ............................................ $8500

2003 Ford V10 automatic, with NEW Hydrabed ........$21,995 1996 Featherlite aluminum 3-horse slant w/walk-in compartment, LIKE NEW, one owner, original tires, been shedded ....... $9750




1994 Diamond D 20-ft. stock trailer ...........................$4995

Prices on New Units good on In Stock Units ONLY! PRONGHORN UTILITY Stop in or call for more info. IN STOCK NOW!!!

Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs Jacks • Bearings & seals • Etc.

2015 Sundowner 3-horse slant with living quarters, never used. New: $28,995 ............. NOW: ............................ $19,995


New Diamond C 14-ft. gooseneck........................$9495 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull with tarp........$8495 New Diamond C 12-ft.x77” bumper pull with 5200 lb. axles..................................................................$5995 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck.......................$10,895 New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull.........................$9895

2010 Circle D 16-ft. gooseneckstock trailer, new tires .$3895

Top 3 5-ft.x14-ft. utility trailer...$1000

1991 Load King 20-ton equipment trailer, 19-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail.... ............................................ $6995

2013 Utility 6-ft.x8-ft. trailer.......$900

1994 Load King 43-ft. triple axle belly dump................... $19,000

1979 Ford LN9000 20-ft. aluminum grain box, and hoist, Detroit 9 speed......... $15,000 Donohue 16-ft. 7x16 goosneck stocktrailer ................. $3500

2 horse bumper pull ............. $1400

4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats $65 each

Fastline 5-ft. x 12-ft. utility trailer... ......................................$1300

Triple T Sales

2002 Trail King 24-ft. tilt trailer, 40,000 GVW..............$9500

1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20-ton equipment trailer.... ................................$8500

2014 Kaufman tandem dual, 18-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail, electric brakes, 10,000 lb. axle...$6500

2003 Ranco 40-ft. double gate, bottom dump trailer. ............................$17,500

2002 Container chassis, like new.............................$7500

2006 Wilson 8.5-ft. x 53-ft. drop deck trailers...................... $19,995

Give us a call about any of our trailers or let us find what you need!

Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

2012 Sportclub 14-ft. utility trailer. ......................................$1000

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C4

Baby goats reign over Lander yoga classes

ICE CREAM TRUCK FOR SALE Full equipped, previously inspected for use, nice unit. Phone (406) 490-2889, Whitehall, MT


no fairweather friend Developed in Montana for Montana and intermountain conditions. Ladak’65 remains the best variety for dryland and limited moisture sites. A proven performer. Guaranteed genetic purity. Preinoculated - Ready to seed.

Out-yields other Alfalfas

There are alfalfas and there are alfalfas. Some do well in one climate or region and just can’t make it in another. That’s why Ladak’65 is so right for the dryland, intermountain grower.

Holds its vigor

Ladak’65 proves a real winner, offers winterhardiness you probably can’t match with any other strain.

Resists Bacteria Wilt

Its performance is in the records.

In normal, dryland conditions Ladak’65 shows its colors fast. In ideal, irrigated conditions Ladak’65 may not prove your biggest yielder, but, when the going’s tough, moisture is limited, Ladak’65 will outperfom the rest. In dry years, when moisture is light, Ladak’65 retains its vigor. Recovers fast when moisture comes to give you good tonnage in adverse conditions.

Animals love it

Outstanding palatability is one of the secrets of Ladak’65. Fine-stemmed and leafy, animals prefer Ladak’65.

LADAK’65 Winterhardy, high-yielding,

wilt resistant and highly palatable. The intermountain grower can’t plant a better alfalfa!


know this is around.” Lauer said she would slow the pace in the second class but hold poses longer. She had guessed the classes would skew toward the younger participants, but there were several older participants. Balis had participated in a yoga class in Denver earlier this year (Denver International Airport had even offered a goat yoga area for stressed travelers for a time). She’s been asked if the sessions would be offered again. “Yes, there was a lot of interest in offering another session, so we’d like to do this again,” she said. “I also want to find out if people are learning about goats, if they are learning about or have an interest in 4-H, and if learning about yoga, especially in the form of physical activity.” The goat yoga sessions are probably seasonal. Weston said the does kid from January through March, providing light baby goats for any spring sessions. Any later and the baby goats would get too large, he said.

National Hollerin' Contest Day

Date When Celebrated: Third Saturday in June National Hollerin' Contest Day is the perfect opportunity to yell and scream at the top of your lungs. Spivey’s Corner, North Carolina has a population of about 50 people. But, on National Hollerin' Contest Day , an estimated 5,000-10,000 people come to enjoy the annual National Hollerin’ Contest. Can you imagine the honor of winning this contest!? Its definitely something to yell about. Now, rev up the decibels on your vocal chords, and spend today hollerin'. The Origin of Hollerin Contest Day: People have been hollerin' about this day every year since its beginning in 1969.

Ditch the drapes

Here’s the thing about drapes: They’re expensive and unnecessary. High quality shower curtains are much cheaper and can serve the same purpose. Nobody will be able to tell the difference!

2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 • Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: treasure@3rivers.net • Web Site: www.treasurestateseed.com

Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT

1977 Kenworth W900 8V 92 Detroit, 13 speed, 2 speed rears on Hendrickson spring suspension, 14-ft. box, plumbed for pup............$14,000

2008 Western Star 4900FA 13 speed, 475 hp C15, 12,000 lb. air ride front, 40,000 lb. rears, 220” wheelbase, 557,648 miles..............$37,500

Many other construction trucks & trailers available

1994 Mack RD688 E7.400 Mack engine, Fuller 13 speed, 18,000 lb. front axle, steerable air lift, 4th axle, 16-ft. box, Camelback suspension, plumbed for pup....................$22,500

1977 Kenworth W900 A with 38-ft. Fruehauf frame type end dump trailer, truck has a 1693 425 hp Cat with a recent overhaul, 13 speed, wet kit, pretty solid old outfit..............$16,500

406-549-1047 or 544-0655

1997 Kenworth T800 tri axle dump truck, 3406E Cat, 18 speed, 14,600 lb front, 46,000 lb rears with differential locks, Chalmers suspension, new steerable lift axle, new 16-ft. dump body plumbed for pup, new paint....... .............................................$58,500

1996 Mac CH613 tri axle dump, E7 400, 13 speed Fuller, camelback suspension, 16-ft. box, steerable lift axle, plumbed for pup, good condition........................................$28,500

1999 International 4700 utility truck, DT 466, 230 hp, 7 speed, 125 cfm hydraulic drive air compressor, 20,000 lb winch,11-ft. service body, 90,000 total miles..................$12,500

2005 Kenworth T800 LPG tank truck, ISX 485 Cummins, automatic, steerable lift axle, 154” axle spread, differential locks, plumbed for trailer, current test, hydraulic drive pump, excellent..............................$119,000


2014 New Holland L223 skid steer loader, 2000 hours, zoom boom, new tires, new cutting edge, excellent condition...............................$23,500

1998 Trail King TK70HT 482 48-ft. hydraulic folding beavertail, hydraulic ramp on front........................$25,000

1991 Pro Par MC331 quad axle, 17,000 gallon, propane trailer, air ride suspension, 11Rx22.5 tires, aluminum wheels, one compartment...... .............................................$87,500

1998 Trail King nice clean and straight traveling axle trailer, 53-ft., 102” wide deck, 20,000 lb winch, load deck & recessed ramp, wood floor.......................................$42,500

Check out our website:

1981 Cozad 65-ton lowboy trailer, 2+3+1, A/R suspension, detach neck, nonground bearing, 22-ft. x 9-ft. deck, 2 axle Jeep and single axle booster.$42,500


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C5

This is an especially important time of year to be thinking about minerals! Highly Palatable

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No feeding equipment Economical cost/head/day

Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier

BTI Feeds Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812


WeatherAll® is a protective coating applied to the BioBarrel® as a final step in the manufacturing process. It is composed of an edible, food-grade, wax coating that helps protect and slow down BioBarrel® degradation when encountering wet conditions. The protective coating also helps reduce the attraction that some cattle have to the BioBarrel® container once it is softened under extreme wet conditions, thus reducing the incidence of cattle consuming the container faster than the CRYSTALYX® product. WeatherAll® Protective Technology broadens the application and effectiveness of the BioBarrel® container to all geographies within North America.

Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby

Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East

Continuous fence that is: Bigger - Stronger - Less Expensive


39% more steel per panel than conventional fence. Larger, stronger, heavier pipe More attractive

Fiberglass, Steel, Poly Livestock Waterers on hand

CattleMaster Series 12 Hydraulic Chute

Johnson Artificial Spring – Franklin – Ritchie – Cancrete Call Taylor’s Farm Store for information on Johnson, Franklin & Ritchie; BTI Feeds for Franklin & Cancrete information

Barb Wire

6-rail—20-ft. x 48”

NO PTO NEEDED! Energy efficient, easy to install fountains.



Roller chain Sprockets Hubs   Bulk and case lot anti-freeze and RV anti-freeze

Stur-D Portable Tub and Alley See us for all your baler twine and net wrap needs

Gates & Panels

Universal transport post driver. Pulls behind any tow vehicles. Drive posts up to 12-ft. long and 10 inches in diameter. Adjustable tongue. Powerful, flexible, superior engineering.

Call for more information.

1/4” - 3/4”

Large inside dimensions: 65”x31”x94”

Powerful 2 hp, 110 volt fully enclosed motor. Easy to remove, drop down kick pan. Adjustable neck extenders. Side exit door. Ratcheting backup bar. Durable, corrosion-resistant powder coat finish.

“FATHER’S DAY” Special assorted power tool sale


3 lever hydraulic control: headgate, tailgate, and squeeze.


Round bale feeders • Bunk feeders Gates • Panels • Handling systems

Nichols Sweeps

Call BTI Feeds for your cattle feed needs.

Conventional, Ultrawing, Klip Wing and conventional sweeps, spikes and drill shoes at Taylor’s Farm Store, Shelby

Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems Available at Taylor Farm Store

We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores

Call Gregg Schnee 1-800-824-8366 or local 434-5253 for DeKalb Roundup Ready

Canola & Alfalfa Seed

PROPANE Installations • Delivery • Inspections

Call 1-800-824-8366

15% OFF

all gallons paint

Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator”


* Lawn & Garden Soils * Hoses * Sprinklers * All other lawn & garden needs

Garden Seeds Flowers & Vegetables

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C6

FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY


Ford 8630 tractor with hay grapple, 125 hp, less than 6000 hours. Runs good and in solid condition. Asking $35,500 obo Phone (406) 845-4131 or 450-3258

FOR SALE: International Truck

under CDL at 25,999 lbs, automatic transmission, cruise, power steering, air conditioning, “non-emission engine”, 1122.5 radials. 10,000 lb 10620 crane with remote control and hydraulic outriggers. 2018 Pal Pro 72 Palfinger service body with Wildcat Miller welder stick, tig, mig and 10kW

generator. LIKE NEW!

$89,900 or BEST OFFER

Phone: (406) 799-6923


Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 80, 830, 3020, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 6030, 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846

4-H’ers excel in N.D. 4-H horse contests

By NDSU Extension Service Junior Division, individual Several North Dakota 4-H teams and • First - Gabi Christianson, Sargent individuals brought home honors from state County: “Sudsy Saddle Makes Shine!” horse judging, hippology, demonstration, • Second - Anne Schauer, Ward County: public speaking and quiz bowl competitions “My Noseless Horse” in 2018. • Third - Allie Bopp, Sargent County: Results by competition were: “Got Rope. Will Tie” Horse Judging Senior Division (ages 14 to 18), indiJunior Division (ages 8 to 13), team vidual • First - Ward County • First - Marit Wang and Victoria Chris• Second - Mountrail County tenson, Benson County: “It’s OK to Judge” • Third - Ransom County • Second - Samantha Bergrud, Ransom • Fourth - Sargent County County: “Equine Massage Therapy” • Fifth - Pierce County • Third - Morgan Dutton, Kidder County: Junior Division, individual “How to Tie a Rope Halter” • First - Hailey Maddock, Benson County Public Speaking • Second - Emily Fannick, Ward County Junior Division (ages 8 to 13) •Third - Haley Buck, Ward County • First - Kari Fuhrman, Sargent County: • Fourth - Anne Schauer, Ward County “Settle Slew, Triple Crown Legend!” • Fifth - Molly Lund, Mountrail County • Second - Kris Fuhrman, Sargent Coun• Sixth - Norah Hermanson, Mountrail ty: “The Horses of Ulysses S. Grant” County • Third - Bailey Hawn and Rochelle • Seventh - Ayriel Lyons, Ransom County Jacobson, Ramsey County: “Farrier Tools” • Eighth - Macey Moore, Ward County Senior Division (ages 14 to 18) • Ninth - Jami Bopp, Sargent County • First - Teresa Wald, Kidder County: • 10th - Mika Guty, Pierce County “How to Buy First Horse” Senior Division (ages 14 to 18), team • Second - Mariah Braasch, Ward County: • First - Ward County “Quality Hay” • Second - Ransom County Quiz Bowl • Third - Sargent County Junior Division (ages 8 to 13), team • Fourth - Benson County • First - Mountrail County Senior Division, individual • Second - Ward County • First - Sidney Lovelace, Ward County • Third - Sargent County • Second - Kaitlyn Berg, Ward County Junior Division, individual • Third - Lydia Lyons, Ransom County • First - Norah Hermanson, Mountrial • Fourth - Mariah Braasch, Ward County County • Fifth - Jacob Arnold, Benson County • Second - Kris Furhman, Sargent County • Sixth - Kasen Anderson, Ransom • Third - Kaley Buck, Ward County County • Fourth - Anne Schauer, Ward County • Seventh - Jacy Bopp, Sargent County • Fifth - Kari Fuhrman, Sargent County • Eighth - Ella Reinke, Ransom County • Sixth - Ashton Boehm, Morton County • Ninth - Samantha Bergrud, Ransom • Seventh - Alli Bopp, Sargent County County • Eighth - Anna Hoistsad, Sargent County • 10th - Madilyn Berg, Ward County • Ninth - Emily Fannik, Ward County Hippology • 10th - Emma Brewer, Mountrail County Junior Division (ages 8 to 10), team Senior Division (ages 14 to 18), team • First - Kidder County • First - Stark/Billings counties • Second - Pierce County • Second - Kidder/Sargent counties • Third - Ward County • Third - Morton County • Fourth - Foster County Senior Division, individual • Fifth - Grand Forks County • First - Katelyn Eisenbeis, Morton Intermediate Division (ages 11 to 13), County team • Second - Morgan Dutton, Kidder/Sar• First - Ward County gent counties team • Second - Pierce County • Third - Ashely Goldade, Morton County • Third - Sargent County • Fourth - Madison Kadrmas, Stark• Fourth - Mountrail County Billings counties team • Fifth - Morton County • Fifth - Marit Wang, Benson/Ramsey Senior Division (ages 14 to 18), team counties team • First - Benson County • Sixth (tie) - Jacob Arnold, Benson/ • Second - Ward County Ramsey counties team • Third - Ransom County • Sixth (tie) - Madilyn Berg, Ward County • Fourth - Hettinger County • Eighth - Teresa Wald, Kidder/Sargent • Fifth - Foster County counties team Senior Division, individual • Ninth - Kaylee Obrigewitch, Stark• First - Victoria Christensen, Benson Billings counties team County • 10th - Mariah Braasch, Ward County • Second - Marit Wang, Benson County Visit www.JudgingCard.com for com• Third - Ashton Wold, Benson County plete results. • Fourth - Jacob Arnold, Benson County The North Dakota 4-H’ers who competed • Fifth - Sidney Lovelace, Ward County in these state 4-H equine contests in 2018 • Sixth - Kaitlyn Berg, Ward County demonstrated perseverance and flexibility • Seventh - Samantha Bergrud, Ransom after being faced with a challenging year, County according to Leigh Ann Skurupey, the North • Eighth - Kasen Anderson, Ransom Dakota State University Extension SerCounty vice’s 4-H animal and equine sciences 4-H • Ninth - Lydia Lyons, Ransom County youth development specialist. Unforeseen • 10th - Jacy Bopp, Hettinger County weather and biosecurity measures needed at Demonstration the NDSU Equine Center meant the events Junior Division (ages 8 to 13), team had to be held elsewhere. • First - Emily Fannick and Macey “A special thank you goes to Nicky Moore, Ward County: “Wrap it Up” Overgaard at the University of Minnesota • Second - Madison Anliker and Kali Crookston for hosting the state 4-H and Norton, Dickey County: “Keeping it Safe” FFA horse judging contest and the state • Third - Elle Cline and Kaia Heimbuch, Dickey County: “Stall Specialists” CONTINUED ON PAGE C10

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C7

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425

Montana made... Raccoons may look cute but can become a problem when they get into unsecured pet food or garbage.

Once upon a time

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer Once upon a time, in a state far, far away, there were few people and fewer animals. Let’s call this place and time Montana 1918. Fast forward 100 years. We are now past one million people, and approaching 200,000 elk, 1,000 wolves, 5,000 mountain lions, 15,000 black bears and 2,000 grizzly bears (including the Yellowstone population, which spreads over Montana, Idaho and Wyoming). Meanwhile, the state’s boundaries remain constant. How much can we take? How much do we want? To some people, the more of everything the merrier. If you see a problem with that, raise your hand. Thank you. As the population of everything increases, it’s hard to say where this is going. Some will be pleased, others not so much. There are those rural Montana folks who love where they live because there are so few other people. Conversely, there are some residents of the Flathead Valley or Gallatin County or Billings who don’t mind their crowded communities – crowded by Montana standards. However, when an animal population increases and intrudes into our lifestyle it can be a problem no matter where you live. East of the Rocky Mountain Front, grizzlies are seen on the prairie where they have not been for well over 100 years. Who belongs? In many towns, big and small, people have problems with deer, raccoons and coyotes. Who belongs? If the argument becomes who was here first, how far back do you want to go? The Homestead era? Lewis and Clark? The last ice age? Maybe the answer lies in a combination of wildlife management and human behavior change, at least a little bit. Part of the reason for hunting is to manage wildlife numbers. No one in their right mind suggests we allow mountain lions to roam our streets, predators to decimate a well-run livestock operation or elk and deer to eat away a farmer’s annual profits. We are also not returning to days of no-limits, commercial hunting when our ancestors just about wiped out whole wildlife populations. There must be a balance, which might mean occasionally changing our old, harmful habits. For example, if our mother tells us to clean up our room, and we don’t, is it the teacher’s fault if we cannot find that term paper? More to the point, if our home place, rural or urban, looks like a nuclear bomb went off: garbage strewn about, apples from last season left laying under the tree, or piles of grain near the bins out back, why does the hungry critter that wanders in get the blame? Even if we simply leave pet food or small pets out at night and Fido disappears, or the backyard is trashed, isn’t the culprit probably found in the morning mirror? We may want nature on our terms, soft and gentle, tame and visible, but that’s not always the case. Humans have changed the natural equation by introducing some species and removing others. Then when we don’t like the answer we want to blame someone else. Perhaps, as the Bard once said, the fault lies not in our stars… but in ourselves.

Many homeowners like to see beavers nearby until the aquatic mammal takes a liking to unfenced expensive ornamental trees planted in the yard.


Rod Weeder

Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. •  Fits all cultivators •  Easy to pull, saves fuel •  No drive required. •  We build special applications for air drive •  U-joint adapter for rocky conditions •  Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame.    Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket.    When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.

Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS

Ben Taylor Farm Store ............................................Valier, 279-3365 Churchill Equipment....................................... Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag Solutions.............................. Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag Solutions............................ Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag Solutions...........................Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..................................Great Falls, 727-2203 Hoven Equipment Co.....................................Great Falls, 727-7153 Joyce Fuel & Feeds............................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561

Musselshell Valley Equipment ..............Roundup, 1-888-423-2605 Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC..................................... Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393


Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900

A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT

Special buy on new 2017 Case IH RB565 Premium baler Demo unit with very few bales Retails for $64,952 MVE no trade price $50,777 And get 2.9% finance oac for 5 years

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C8

Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • 1982 Ford 1 ton with utility box, good condition, Good Mechanic Truck • Calf shelters still available, metal, moveable, 8-ftx16-ft. • Wishek 742 34-ft. disk .....$27,000 • K-Line Speedtiller 30-ft. Multiflex.....$89,000 • Sovema 12 wheel hay rake.....$4500 • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows & Land Rollers - 50-ft. & 20-ft. • Meyers 440 Manuare Spreader with Vertical Beaters

Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy



(406) 543-0382


1992 International 4900 service truck, 11-ft. utility box, 5000 lb. crane, 225 amp Miller welder, Ingersoll air compressor...............................$20,000

1998 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$17,500

Grove AP206 Carry deck crane, diesel, 12,000 lb...........$10,000

1995 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$15,000

Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow............................................$5000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic...................$10,000 2000 Ford F550 service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, 2800 lb crane.................................................................$12,500 2000 Ford F550 4WD, service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, IRT030 compressor, outriggers, PTO, set up for crane....... ......................................................................................$15,000 1999 Ford F550 4x4, crew cab, utility, V10 automatic......$12,500 1999 Ford F450 utility truck, 7.3, 6 speed, 4x4................$12,500 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed... ......................................................................................$15,000 1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket.................................................................$12,500 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................$12,500 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.. ......................................................................................$19,000 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers....................................$15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor........................................................$11,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic.............. ......................................................................................$10,000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles.................$12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist...............................................$3500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed.......... ......................................................................................$10,000 1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate........$9000 1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers..............................................................................$8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic.$2500

1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. bucket reach....... ...................................$20,000

1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket............... $12,500

1999 Interstate 3-axle equipment trailer, 60,100 lb. GVWR, 21-ft. deck, 5-ft. ramp..$18,000

1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers.....$10,000

1999 Ford F450 7.3 diesel, automatic, 4WD, 12-ft. flatbed..... .................................. $10,000

2005 Zimmerman 3 axle equipment trailer, 22-ft. deck, 6-ft. ramp, 102” wide, GVW 58,200.. .....................................$18,000

1979 GMC chip truck...........................................................$6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom......... ............................................................................................. $12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed..........$10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump......... ......................................................................................$12,500 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed...............$9000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor................$5000 125-185 CFM air compressors...............................$4000 - $6000 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ...........................$10,000 1996 Holden 20-ton tilt bed equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck...........$12,500

12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer....................................................$6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers...........................$7500 - $12,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at................................................$1000 2 ton dump boxes, each......................................................$1000 2013 Terex light plant..........................................................$5000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder..........................$1500 - $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders................................................. Call Forklift forks............................................................................ Call 16” to 36” augers.................................................... $750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment.......................................$3000 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires........................$800 (6) Goodyear 1200xR20 unused traction tires....................$1200 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires..........................$800

MSU equestrian club rider qualifies for nationals

By Jenny Lavey, MSU News Service A Montana State University freshman skilled in the art and grace of reining horses has landed a spot to compete at the national level in western horseback riding – the first time in the university’s history. Elizabeth Jones, from St. Paul, Minnesota, will represent the MSU Intercollegiate Horse Show Association Equestrian Team in May in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at the national IHSA competition, where universities from all over the country send western and English riders to compete. The IHSA is a national organization that allows collegiate riders of all skill levels to compete individually and as teams in equestrian competitions. According to the organization, the IHSA was founded on the principle that any college student should be able to participate in horse shows, regardless of financial status or riding ability. The IHSA hosts regional and national competitions throughout the year and provides horses to riders who don’t own their own horse. At MSU, the IHSA club team includes about 40 riders divided into two teams: a western team, which uses a traditional western saddle; and an English team, which uses an English saddle. Each team has a student captain. Jones will be competing at the IHSA national competition as a western rider in reining, a genre of riding originating from cutting and working cattle herds. Reining competitions show off the skills necessary for a working cow horse. The rider employs little or no contact with the horse and instead, uses her seat, reins, weight and leg muscles to give aids to the horse and guide it through a precise pattern of circles, spins and stops. “You want it to look like you’re in control and you want the horse to be responsive to everything you ask of it, which takes a lot of discipline, strength and practice,” said Jones, who grew up around a horse farm in Minnesota where her grandparents bred horses specifically for reining. “It tests your ability to guide a horse through a precise, clean pattern while moving at a fast pace.” Jones took first place at the IHSA semifinals competition in western reining in March hosted by Alfred University in New York. Before that, she also won first place at the regional competition in reining in Billings hosted by Rocky Mountain College. Using only one hand to guide the horse will add a new challenge at the national competition because riding with two hands is allowed in regional and semifinal competitions, Jones said. Wearing her lucky shirt that the self-described “incredibly superstitious” Jones says she wears for every horse show, she’ll rely on her focus and team’s support to get her through the national competition she described as a “huge honor as a freshman to be able to compete.” Jones, who had to sell her own horse before attending college, said the fact that MSU even had an IHSA team swayed her to become a Bobcat. “The availability to ride horses at MSU and the opportunity to still compete was huge for me,” Jones said. “It’s been a really great experience being a part of a team and community, and it’s something I hope I can continue to develop and grow in.” Amy Desjardins, MSU’s IHSA western team captain and senior from Prineville, Oregon, said part of the challenge of IHSA includes developing the horsemanship skills to be able to ride any horse. “Because most of us don’t own our own horses, we’re riding horses that we don’t know and aren’t familiar with at competitions, so it forces you to get outside of your comfort zone and rely on riding components that help you handle a lot of different horses.” Throughout the year, Desjardins said MSU’s ISHA teams operate on a shoestring budget, often pooling money for car rentals to travel to competitions. In February, the English team borrowed a bus from MSU’s baseball and lacrosse clubs -- only to have it break down outside of Miles City on their way back from a regional competition in Minnesota during a winter cold snap. Despite financial hardship, Desjardins said the last few years have been particularly great for MSU’s ISHA teams. “This last year was record-breaking for us,” Desjardins said. “We had three riders qualify for regionals and two qualify for semifinals, so we’re just really excited our riders get to represent MSU at the national level and (that we are) able to grow the IHSA chapter here.” Desjardins said the biggest challenges of the MSU IHSA teams are financial support and community support in findCONTINUED ON PAGE C10

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 – Page C9

Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220


2006 New Holland TC55, MFD, ROPS, 55 hp, 12x12 shuttle, loader, 759 backhoe, 290 hours. Very little use.......................$29,400 2014 New Holland Boomer 3050, MFD, cab, 50 hp, CVT transmission, loader, 300 hours. Like new.........................................$36,100 2005 New Holland TC40, MFD, ROPS, 40 hp, loader, 2800 hours. Great shape....$21,100


See us for all of your equipment needs NEW New Holland Compact Wheel Loaders

1996 Ford 9030 bidirectional, loaded cab end, engine end hydraulics, PTO, draw bar. Newer Loader!!!.............................$39,500 Ford 276, hydraulics, PTO, 3-pt. on both ends, loader, grapple, 5300 hours. Great shape.... .......................................................$31,000 1998 New Holland 5635, 2WD, cab, air conditioning, heat, loader, 5800 hours....$17,900 Ford 4000, 2WD, Select-O-Speed, 3-pt., PTO... ..........................................................$2500 2015 Kioti CK2510, cab, heat, mid PTO, 1 rear remote, 56” FM snow blower, 45 hours. Warranty until 10/2019...................$23,500 Farmall H 2WD, loader............................$3500 Oliver 77 2WD, gas, loader.....................$2200 NEW TRACTORS IN STOCK WITH EXCELLENT DISCOUNT AVAILABLE NOW!!!

5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500


2014 New Holland 560 Special Crop, 5400 bales. Excellent..............................$38,500

2010 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, Xtra Sweep..................$27,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, 1000 PTO, Bale Command, Crop Special........$24,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, Crop Special, 15,500 bales..................................$24,500 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... .......................................................$14,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ .......................................................$11,500 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 6500 bales..............................................$15,600 2012 Case IH RB564, net/twine, moisture kit, 10,000 bales....................................$31,900 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 John Deere 566, twine. Great condition.$7800



2015 New Holland C232 compact track loader, cab, air, heat, E-H controls, bucket, 600 hours..............................................$48,100


New Holland B Series compact wheel loaders pay their way on the jobsite with outstanding performance in a compact, maneuverable machine. the Universal Link design of the W50B TC and W80B TC offers a combination of increased versatility with increased operator comfort and control. The result? You get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Precised parallel forklift path eliminates the need for manual correction so operators can focus on load placement rather than load leveling.

2015 New Holland L230 skid steer loader, cab, air, heat, E-H controls, bucket, 800 hours... .......................................................$43,100 John Deere 450 dozer, 6-way mechanical blade........................................ Make Offer New Holland 716C 9-ft. snowblower with hydraulic chute/spout, 3-pt................$5000 BoDozer 10-ft. blade with hydraulic angle, loader mounted.................................$6500 Huge selection of SSL, CTL and mini excavators ready for work!!

2013 John Deere W110 swather, 140A sickle head, 600 hours. Very nice. Reduced to.... .......................................................$89,800 MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700 New windrowers, big balers and supporting hay tools - SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!


2004 Case IH DCX131 13-ft. disc mower conditioner...........................................$14,500 Hesston 1160 12-ft. pull-type sickle header. Very nice..........................................$7500



Supreme 1200T TMR mix wagon with tub extension ...............................................$63,500 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$2000 New Holland 7614 loader for TV tractor. Excellent!!...............................................$10,500 Koyker 150 loader, mounts, bucket.........$3500 Frontier RB1210 10-ft. 3-pt. rear blade, hydraulic angle and tilt, mechanical offset...$3950 BoDozer 9-ft. 3-pt. blade.........................$2800 Land Pride RBT1584 7-ft. 3-pt. rear blade.$650 Land Pride 1572 72” 3-pt. rear blade........$600 A&B Eagle 78” 3-pt. scarifier.....................$400 Tebben TC96-600 6-ft. 3-pt. rotary cutter.$1200 8-ft. pasture harrow, 1/2” teeth, draw bar...$350 30-ft. bumper pull hay trailer....................$2500 Loftness 8-ft. 3-pt. PTO driven snowblower. Very nice...................................................$5500 New Holland 6-ft. front mount snowblower. Like new...................................................$3800 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 Land Pride PD15 3-pt. post hole auger, 12” bit ............................................................$900

2005 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 16x18 kit, very low hours. Like new........$125,500 Buhler 2500 round bale stacker, dual arm. Excellent........................................$28,500 2003 New Holland BB940A, 3x3x8 big square baler, 3x3 tandem axles, 21,000 bales....... .......................................................$35,800 Hustler SL340 3-pt. chain bale feeder....$8650 Highline 6000 round bale feeder............$5500


Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.

*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland Dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through June 30, 2018. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2018 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

Come see all of our equipment at www.newhollandofbelgrade.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C10

Old Cars Wanted

Looking to buy old cars, pickups and parts up to 1974.

Call Wayne Lugalia 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home)


Fire damaged or non-running tractors


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail: bomar@utma.com

Extreme weather got you down? These places don’t flood and the haystacks don’t blow over! Area yields over 7 ton/acre, corn silage over 20 ton/acre. Fall and winter grazing. Make some brownie points and take your bookkeeper boating on Flathead Lake. • Valley View - 1,988 acres rangeland & 384 irrigated acres. $2,475,000 • Grieco Ranch - 1,796 acres, 12 pivots, runs 480 cows, selling surplus hay, 4 rental houses: $5,700,000 (offered as 4 separate units also)

(406) 890-2117


I believe the Krogmann BaleBed is the most outstanding bed on the market. I like the features this bed has over the competition.” - Roger Miller, Booker, TX

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Side toolboxes 30” Lx17” H x 12” D standard size of 12 ga. steel with stainless steel hinges and latch.

the Krogmann Carry-All

1-877-745-3783 • www.krogmannmfg.com

4-H’ers excel in N.D. 4-H horse contests CONTINUED FROM PAGE C6

4-H hippology contest this year,” Skurupey adds. “The hospitality they showed us was priceless.” Skurupey also praised the youth and coaches for their efforts. “The 4-H’ers’ hard work and dedication in preparing for these contests are immeasurable,” she notes. “The life and career skills gained from these contests far surpass

the incredible equine knowledge gained. “A special thank you also goes to the coaches for their understanding characters, recruitment in volunteers and positive attitudes that helped drive the success of each contest this year,” she says. “Your positivity truly shined through to your teams, which was exciting to see within each contest.”

MSU equestrian club rider qualifies for nationals CONTINUED FROM PAGE C8

ing area horses that are bred for equestrian horsemanship for IHSA team members to practice with. MSU IHSA western team members that qualified for regionals were McKenna Anders, a sophomore from Lake Oswego, Oregon, and Jones. Western team members that qualified for semifinals were: Kayla Ballweg, a sophomore from Verona, Wisconsin; Kelli Nicholson, a sophomore from Bend, Oregon, and Leah Wimmer, a freshman from

Saint Cloud, Minnesota. English team members that qualified for regionals were: Nicole Bodnar, a senior from Encinitas, California, who is English team captain and Emily Cesnar, a sophomore from Crystal Lake, Illinois. Cesnar won first place in English regionals held in Crookston, Minnesota, and also qualified for English zones (semifinals) held April 9 in Springfield, Missouri, where she placed fifth. The top two English zones riders move on to nationals.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 – Page C11

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


Call Jim at 406-690-0737

2008 Case CX80 Excavator 2800 hours, quick coupler with 2 buckets, dozer blade, hoe pack, cab with air conditioning and radio.........................$54,000

2009 Cat 420E Backhoe Loader 4WD, extend-a-hoe, cab with heat and air conditioning, new rear tires, auxiliary rear hydraulics, quick coupler on rear............. . ...............................................................................$54,000

Helping People for over 14 years! We Work Hard to be Your Best Source for Quality Equipment!

2012 Case CX17B Mini Excavator Only 1040 hours, two buckets, quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics and pattern changer!..............................................$19,000

2016 Cat 308E2 CR Excavator 130 hours, loaded up, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic coupler, long stick..................................................................... $102,000

2009 Komatsu WA250 Wheel Loader 2.75 yard bucket, quick coupler, forks, with only 4200 hours!...... . ...............................................................................$98,000

2007 Yanmar Vio 35-3 Mini Excavator Only 1488 hours, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick couple, 2 buckets, good tracks, full cab with heat..................$30,000

2013 Cat 246C Skidsteer 1700 hours, cab with air conditioning, hydraulic quick couple, 2 speed, nice machine!.............................................$38,000

1998 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck 3406E Cat engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, double frame, 20,000 front axle, 46,000 rears, 4.56 ratio, twin steer boxes, plumbed for a pup. Work ready!..................$39,000 With 1998 Clement 3 axle pup trailer. Package price..$42,000

2014 Cat 279D Track Loader Only 1400 hours, 75 hp, 3000/6000 operating capacity, cab with air conditioning, ride control...................................$48,800

2005 Ingersoll Rand SD25D Roller

2012 CAT XQ45 Generator

900 hours, smooth and padfoot shell, knock down blade. Good 48” roller package!................................................$26,000

Excellent condition, very low hours, single and three phase power, 240/120v, 208/120v, 480/277v....................$19,000

Only 1700 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine! The Handiest Machine for Building Everthing!.. . 2004 Cat 433E Roller ...............................................................................$17,000 66” smooth drum roller, only 1400 hours. Efficiently setup for gravel or asphalt compaction, water system. Excellent condiwww.affordableconstructionequipment.com tion!........................................................................$48,000

8 foot broom, cab with heat and air conditioning, water system, 1250 hours. Really nice broom...............................$29,800

2006 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift 2008 Broce RCT350 Sweeper Broom

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C12

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th

Phone (406) 271-5533.

1966 GMC TRUCK FOR SALE 351 V6, 4 speed transmission, 2 speed axle, Knapheide box with stock rack extension, removable no-shovel filled corners make emptying a breeze, 60,175 miles. Runs good, harvest ready.........................$5000 Phone 406-390-6671, Havre, Montana

Doane Western Company Providing Agricultural Mortgage Loans and Leasing Products 

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DBL Sales and Service, LLC Long Term Real Estate Loans Refinance at Lower Rates, Consolidate Debt, New Purchases

US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

Now Available 2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. Coming in on trade. $75,000 K-Hart 66-ft. single shoot drill, nice condition. Call for price. 2016 Shelbourne Reynolds Model XCV36 stripper header. $69,000

Why K-Hart Disc Drills?

Flexi-Coil 2320 tow behind cart, shedded, very good condition. $5000

• Seed into wetter soils than most other drills • Seed faster • Seed with less horsepower & fuel • Simplest design on the market Call for • Perfect combination with stripper header more information. • 34-ft. to 76-ft. Gen II Drill widths K-Hart drills are ready to seed direct from the manufacturer. Don’t have to spend $300 - $500 per row to seed in our conditions. NOW AVAILABLE: Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632

Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633

MSU vice president of ag announces retirement

By MSU News Service Montana State University’s Vice President of Agriculture Charles Boyer has announced he plans to retire in December of this year after serving in the role since 2014. The university will begin a national search for his replacement in the coming months. Boyer, the university’s first vice president of agriculture, joined MSU from California State University, Fresno, in 2014. During his time at MSU, Boyer oversaw the College of Agriculture’s five academic departments and seven statewide agricultural research centers as dean and served as the director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. MAES conducts research at seven research centers strategically located across the state to address the diverse climatological challenges of Montana’s agriculture industry. Boyer joined MSU after MSU President Waded Cruzado elevated the position of dean and director of the College of Agriculture to a vice president in recognition of the college’s and MAES’ importance to Montana’s agricultural economy and the university’s land-grant mission. Boyer, 68, plans to retire from higher education and spend time with family. “I’ve enjoyed my time at MSU tremendously,” he said. “The university, college and station are blessed with truly world-class faculty who are conducting cutting-edge science for the betterment of agricultural and natural resources locally and around the world.” Boyer said he particularly enjoyed connecting with students as dean and appreciated the “family-like” community within the college, research centers and statewide support for agriculture among commodity groups, alumni, agribusinesses and grower-representative groups. “What makes the College of Agriculture so successful, in part, is the meaningful relationship between our alumni and Montana’s agricultural community and our programs, research and students,” he said. “There’s an important, historical connection between this college and much of Montana. It’s reflected in every new class of students and in the statewide activity and support from producers.” Cruzado said Boyer’s influential leadership deepened the university’s relationship with agricultural stakeholders. “MSU’s College of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station have benefitted greatly from Dr. Boyer’s direction and vision during the last four years,” Cruzado said. “As a cornerstone college of our important land-grant mission, we’re grateful for Dr. Boyer championing the diverse ways agricultural and natural resource teaching, research and outreach affect our state and our students.” During his time at MSU, Boyer worked closely with agricultural representative groups and the MSU Alumni Foundation in securing two endowed chairs for the college that exceeded $8 million in private philanthropy. Boyer solidified the Winifred Asbjornson Plant Sciences Endowed Chair, held by Hikmet Budakin the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, and the Nancy Cameron Endowed Chair in Range Beef Cattle Production, held by Timothy DelCurto, in the Department of Animal and Range Sciences. Boyer also oversaw recruitment initiatives that resulted in an all-time enrollment high for the college this fall, marking a decade of enrollment growth across the college’s five academic departments. During his time as dean, the college increased its scholarship pool to $450,000 and distributed scholarships to a record number of agriculture students in 2017. Under Boyer’s leadership, the college created its first-year program of the Washington, Idaho, Montana and Utah Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary medicine students begin their first year of the regional program in the College of Agriculture and then complete the final two years of their doctor of veterinary medicine degrees at Washington State University in Pullman. The partnership is designed to bolster the state’s veterinarian workforce, especially largeanimal vets in underserved rural areas. MSU’s inaugural class of WIMU students received their doctorate of veterinary medicine diplomas from WSU last month. Recently, Boyer led an effort by MSU’s statewide network of research centers to organize as a formal academic department in the Department of Research Centers, and he secured CONTINUED ON PAGE C13

MSU vice president of ag announces retirement CONTINUED FROM PAGE C12

funds for the research centers to offer student internships and scholarships across Montana this summer. Cruzado said the university will conduct a national search to replace Boyer. “Dr. Boyer has served MSU in an outstanding capacity, and we wish him well in retirement,” she said. “We’re committed to a transparent and timely process with university staff, faculty and agricultural representation to choose another innovative leader for agriculture at MSU.” Before coming to MSU, Boyer spent eight years as dean of the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology at California State University, Fresno. Prior to serving as dean, he was associate dean and associate director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agricultural Sciences, at Oregon State University and a former professor and head of the Department of Horticulture at OSU. Boyer chaired the Intercollege Graduate Program in Genetics at The Pennsylvania State University, and served as a professor and associate professor of plant breeding and genetics there. He also was an assistant professor of horticulture at Rutgers University. Boyer earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Eastern Oregon State College and a master’s degree and doctorate in genetics, both from Penn State. MSU’s College of Agriculture has approximately 1,268 students with 11 bachelor degree programs, nine master degree programs and four doctoral degree programs from five departments and one division. Historically, it has been among the top three MSU colleges in terms of research activity. This story is available on the Web at: http://www.montana. edu/news/17758

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C13

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27th

Phone (406) 271-5533.

or email: advertising @tradersdispatch.com

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When staining a piece of furniture make sure to choose your varnish carefully. Oil-based stains are easier to apply, but harder to clean up if you make a mistake. Water-based stains are non-toxic and more forgiving but won’t give you as smooth of a finish.

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Call Scott at the Seed Plant to schedule your custom cleaning and treating! Seed treats available are:

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C14

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 27. Phone (406) 271-5533

et rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a or performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and eserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are hey have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.



•  Vermeer balers are built for making the best looking bale in the least amount of time. To accomplish this task, a key component is the wrapping technology. Meet the partner in strength and reliability, Vermeer Net, available for 4-ft. and 5-ft. balers of all kinds. And, with 8 size options to choose from, you can get the roll size that is just right for you. The green, white and black color scheme let’s folks know your’re baling with some real tough netwrap. lers – the newest models in the flagship line from the Vermeer Netwrap key features: y-duty components provide superior strength and •  Made with heavy-duty HDPE for superior net strength e available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system , they’re backed the best distribution network in the rakes (R2300 and R2800)• are The by Vermeer R-series twin basket for customers who need to cover acres in a Improved bale appearance with littlelots netofstretch alers are here to stay. very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines helptotocover achieve faster dry down bales and •  Optimum net spread square shouldered EQUIPPED TO re are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and from transport easily. more, these machines are one side to What’s the other. DO MORE. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale valueswith theyhandgrips maintain.on net packaging. •  Convenient handling JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 QUIPMENT

ramp. .Starting at $17,500 ..................DEMO SPECIAL oned.................$14,500 ea. ...................2017’s In Stock .................RENTAL RETURN rs............................$60,000 ..........Reduced to $70,000 ...............................$13,500 ...............................$27,500

Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL



........................USED DEMO ................................In Stock ...............................$14,600 ..................................$9,250 .............................IN STOCK 740 loader...............$4,500 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 draulic........................$2,150


We have expanded our product lines. Call for all your farm attachment/equipment needs.

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Walter 406-350-0380 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT rlmccray@3rivers.net

Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000

.........................COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 ......................Introducing ......IN STOCK Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from the nit..................company .......IN STOCKthat started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT .............................IN STOCK features like the available automatic Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT pickup clutch and auto lube system splitter............durability. .......IN STOCK SmartNate ......................further ......IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in the ed.......................$8,000 ea. White Sulphur Springs, MT ......................industry. ...........$3,000Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. coxranchequip@gmail.com wine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. Reserved. SPROCKETS ON HAND PULLEYAll&Rights WELD-ON QUIPMENT ......................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 s...........................IN STOCK NEW & USED CutEQUIPMENT to Length ..............................IN STOCK Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats, ramp . . Starting at $17,500 Vermeer ...............................................In Stock We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ..................New ............IN STOCK 605N baler. 605N.net/twine, ..................1000 .All ......Makes ..PTO, .........500 ..& ....Models ..bales................ .........DEMO SPECIAL mps............Vermeer ....Vermeer ..........$18,900 605N $45,000 We have expanded our product lines. Call for all ickup............(2) ........Vermeer .....$7,500 R2300, rakes, reconditioned.................$14,500 ea. your farm attachment/equipment needs. John Deere 568 net/twine, floats, 15,000 bales................. $18,499 .....................Vermeer .............$5,000 R2300 , rake ............................................2017’s In Stock John Deere 4895 windrower, 2000 hours, 18-ft, hay head, 30-ft. HonDriver,.......Highline ...............CALL ...............(shop) ...........–...Baker, ...RENTAL CFR 650, chopper 406-778-3777 MTRETURN WS30.................................................................... $42,000 ......................eybee ..........$32,500 Hesston 9435, 16’ header, 1475 hours..............(cell) ..............$60,000 ..................2-New ................$7,500 Vermeer R2800 Greg rakes..406-978-3777 ......................................IN STOCK

Cox Ranch Equipment


Trendline Vermeer Sales

Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair 8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT Wichman Supply, LLC ConnorAg 406-778-3777

Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Reduced to $70,000 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT New Vermeer STOCK 406-538-5686 hwy12equip@gmail.com swing wheel tonguerake.....................................IN .............................................$13,500 Hesston 1275,1224 Net Wrap Bargain Lowest Price for the Industry’s best Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler........................................$27,500 Net Wrap 65” x 7000-ft...................................................... $209.99 Net Wrap 67” xNEW 7000-ft.. 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. &......................................................$219.99 USED EQUIPMENT Plastic Twine RB140.. . ............................................................. $32.75 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 2017 Vermeer R2300, rakes..............................................In Stock HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuiltEQUIPMENT ...................................$14,600 NEW & USED Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer 555, rebuilt .............21’ .......cut............. ......................CALL ...........FOR ........$9,250 NEW Vermeer TM1410, DEMO (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer R2300 & R2800 rakes................................ CALL Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 (2) NEW Vermeer VR series wheel rakes........... IN STOCK Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 NEW Vermeer 605N baler................................ IN STOCK rlmccray@3rivers.net 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150 Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 504I used baler......................................... $5500 White Sulphur , reconditioned ..........Springs, .......................MT .........$22,000 Vermeer 605XL used baler EQUIPMENT ...............................................CALL Vermeer 605M NEW & USED , used bale processor............................$13,500 coxranchequip@gmail.com Vermeer BP8000, used $12,000 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’bale cut.processor. ................................... .............COMING IN Vermeer BP8000 NEW Vermeer TM850, trailed mower............................IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unit.........................IN STOCK Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer R2300.....................................................IN STOCK Dealer Cloverdale Winston, Bale Retriever Nate Coxfor 406-594-2205, MT NEW & , USED NEW Vermeer VR1224 with centerEQUIPMENT splitter...................IN STOCK Vermeer 605N,.RR140 ............................................................IN STOCK NEW Vermeer , rotary rake.................................IN STOCK and TMR wagon Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 605SM, thru shop, low bales...............................$27,500 .......................$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned White Springs, (3)Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp.....Starting at $17,500 HugeSulphur Discounts on MT new Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake ..............................................$3,000 Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned...............................$14,500 coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer 6650 , net, twine, moisture2018’s . . . . .IN STOCK bale processors Vermeer R2300, rake.Rancher ......................................... In Stock

CoxSeed Ranch Equipment R&L and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT

Cox Ranch Equipment

Highline CFR 650, chopper.................................RENTAL RETURN NEW & USED Hesston 9435, 16-ft. header, 1475EQUIPMENT hours...........................$55,000 Hustler X5000, unroller......................................CALL Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler........................................FOR .........DEMO NEW (2) John Deere R2800 W235, swathers, NEW Vermeer hydraulic 500-600 rakes.......hours..............$115,000 ....................IN STOCK John Deere 568 baler, through shop.................................$18,500 NEW18-wheel Vermeerrake...................................................................CALL R2300, rake.............................................IN STOCK H&S .........new ........raking ...........wheels................$12,500 ........................IN STOCK Vermeer 605 14-wheel N.............rake, New Holland

Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7,500 JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 NEWHeavy & USED EQUIPMENT NEW Wheatheart Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats.................................USED DEMO Techno 980 , 8 bale mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............................$32,500 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos....................................$16,900 hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500IN Red Rhino , 8 round New Vermeer R2300’s ................................................................COMING

Used Vermeer R2300 ...................................................................................$8500 Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt...................................$14,600 Vermeer 555, rebuilt............................................................$9250 Morris 900 8 bale mover...................................................$19,500 Beltec digger, multi-auger......................................................$3300 Worksaver 3 pt post pounder............................................... $1850 Used parts for 605F - 505I - 605J - 605K - 605L

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Cut to Length

Hilger, MT

We Sell & Repair Baler Belts Walter 406-350-0380 All Makes & Models

Trendline Vermeer Sales

Taking orders for twine or net 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT (cell)welder Gregpipe, 406-978-3777 HDPE fittings, and

Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT rlmccray@3rivers.net

Plant breeders balance shared innovation, revenue

By Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, American Society of Agronomy Have you thanked a crop breeder today? Public-sector plant breeders (for example, at public universities) have developed crops for better productivity. As a result, more food is available to feed a growing population. This research and innovation requires funding. But funding—and revenue from the crops developed—is increasingly hard to obtain. In response, a group of plant breeders met in 2016 to discuss best practices. Julie Dawson, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is lead author of a recent paper summarizing their recommendations. Intellectual property rights can protect crop varieties. And licensing can provide revenue to support further developments. But certain types of intellectual property rights can restrict plant breeders from sharing plant materials. That can limit innovation across the board. Finding a balance between these needs is tricky. It’s also important: “Crop breeding is critical for the future of agriculture,” says Dawson. “Plant breeding programs benefit farmers everywhere. They also benefit anyone who eats.” The group has three recommendations. They suggest developing best practices for revenue sharing. They advocate for increased funding for public programs. They also suggest establishing professional standards for sharing plant breeding materials. Historically, many crop varieties were released to the public with almost no restrictions. “But budgets are getting tighter,” says Dawson. “Grant funding is also becoming more competitive. Public sector plant breeders need to seek other sources of revenue.” Royalties generated by licensing new crop varieties have been one revenue stream. These royalties are usually shared between universities and their plant breeding programs. But the group finds that the distribution isn’t always equitable. “Cultivar development can be considered a type of university-sponsored start-up,” Dawson says. “In order to continue the breeding programs a reasonable amount of revenue needs to be returned to those programs. Unfortunately, the workgroup found this is not always the case.” Overall funding for public plant breeding programs also needs to increase, according to the group. Public breeding programs train the next generation of researchers and plant breeders. They can also focus on low-return, high-value crops that are less attractive to the private sector. For example, cover crops may have relatively low monetary returns. That can reduce interest from the private sector. But they have high social or environmental value, such as improving soil quality or reducing erosion. “Public programs don’t have to be immediately profitable, unlike in the private sector,” says Dawson. “The public sector is able to respond to regional and long-term needs of U.S. agriculture,” says Dawson. “It can do so in ways that are more difficult for private companies that need to turn a profit every year.” The group also advocates for uniform standards for sharing breeding materials. They recommend using the Wheat Workers’ Code of Ethics as a template. Crop breeders could then work with their universities to better define intellectual property rights and sharable resources. “Tech transfer offices are usually more familiar with medical or engineering innovations,” says Dawson. “Plant breeders need existing plant material to continue innovating. Restrictive intellectual property rights can shut off this source of research materials. That essentially turns each breeding program into a silo and hinders innovation.” Read more about the group’s recommendations in Crop Science (https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/cs/abstracts/58/2/469). Funding for the conference was provided by a conference grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (USDA-NIFA-AFRI 2017-67013-25922) and SeedMatters.

Quick fix for a loose button

After rifling through your clothes for a half an hour, you’ve finally decided on the perfect outfit to wear–but a button is loose! If you’re about to lose a button and you’re already halfway out the door use a twisty tie instead. Just remove the paper covering, them twist it through the holes in the button and fasten on the other side of the cloth. Just make sure to replace with real thread later!

Assess cattle health management at turnout time

By NDSU Extension Service Spring turnout to the pasture is a good time for producers to review their cow-calf health management plans, according to North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock experts. They note that prolonged feeding due to slow grass growth, and extreme cold and wet conditions this spring have created a variety of challenges for young livestock, particularly for those in dry lots or areas with high concentrations of livestock. “The passive transfer of immunity from the dam is dependent on the availability of high-quality colostrum containing adequate levels of antibodies, as well as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals,” says Janna Kincheloe, Extension livestock systems specialist at NDSU’s Hettinger Research Extension Center. “Environmental stress from prolonged winter weather conditions, combined with low-quality feedstuffs, may have reduced the quality of colostrum available to newborn calves.” Wet and cold conditions early this spring created a prime environment for bacteria and other pathogens that can cause scours and other issues. “In addition to managing current health problems, producers need to start thinking forward to health insurance programs for nursing calves on pasture,” says Gerald Stokka, Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist. “For spring-calving herds, branding or turnout time is a good opportunity to protect the calf through the summer grazing period through appropriate management. One of the important components of the health insurance plan is vaccinations.” Viral agents that are common causes of respiratory or reproductive issues include infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), parainfluenza type 3 (PI3), bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV). Modified live virus and killed (inactivated) products are available for these diseases. Other risks may include clostridial diseases, pinkeye and footrot. CONTINUED ON PAGE C16

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C15

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, June 27. Phone (406) 271-5533.

2018 Summer Auction Calendar Saturday, June 30th

11 a.m. • 411 Merino Ave, Martinsdale, MT

Harold “John” Sears Estate Auction Real Estate • Tractors & Crawler ATV’s • Shop Equipment Real Estate: 2 bed double-wide mobile home on 2 lots, and a 2 car garage/shop. Great recreation area, and only 1 mile from Martinsdale Reservoir. This is a very well-kept property on the very east edge of town.

Ford 8N w/ Paulson loader

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C16


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2017 GMC TERRAIN SLT Black leather heated seats, back up camera, 43,745 miles. #18U09................................................................. $23,995

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2017 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LTZ Grey leather heated seats, tonneau cover, 1-owner, 15,035 miles. #18U05....................................................... $42,500

2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500LT 4x4 5.3L V8 engine, 6-speed automatic, crew cab, short box, Bluetooth, hands free smartphone, remote keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning. #17T51A.............. $28,995

2015 CHEVROLET TAHOE LTZ Black leather heated seats, heated steering wheel, sun roof, 95,790 miles. #18T63A......................................... $34,995

2014 RAM 1500 2WD TRADESMAN 3.6L V6, 8-speed automatic, 6,600 lbs GVWR, cruise air, AM/ FM radio, spray-in bed liner, 49,631 miles. #17T52A......... .............................................................................. $14,995

2014 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE LS Cloth seats, rear DVD, running boards, 28,133 miles. #18T59A............................................................... $21,500 2014 FORD EDGE LIMITED Leather heated seats, power lift gate, power 2nd row, 49,365 miles. #17T76B..................................................... $21,500

2013 CHEVROLET TAHOE LT Black leather heated seats, sun roof, rear DVD, 130,176 miles. #18T08A..................................................... $21,250

2011 FORD F150 LARIAT Brown, leather heated seats, remote start, lots of chrome, one owner, 92,875 miles, tonneau cover. #17T57A...... $22,995

2010 CHEVROLET CAMARO 2SS orange leather seats, 6.2L motor, 6 speed manual transmission, 16,213 miles, one owner. #17T96M............. $23,500 2008 CHEVROLET COLORADO Crew cab, 2x4, headache rack, tool box, black cloth interior. #18T40A............................................................... $11,995

2009 CHEVROLET 1500LTZ with 130,669 miles, 6.0L motor, sun roof, leather heated seats. #17U17A..................................................... $19,500 2006 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 Z71 Extended cab, leather heated seats, tow package, 90,457 miles. #18T46B..................................................... $13,995

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Assess cattle health management at turnout time CONTINUED FROM PAGE C15

The specialists encourage producers to work with their veterinarian to evaluate which vaccines to use based on three principles: • Are vaccines necessary? Is the risk of the disease significant? • Are vaccines effective? • Are vaccines safe to use? In suckling calves, maternal immunity (acquired through colostrum) may inhibit a complete immune response (antibody) to modified live virus vaccines. However, Stokka says research at NDSU’s Central Grasslands Research Extension Center showed that an intranasally administered vaccine for IBR, PI3 and BRSV has been effective in spring-born (2- to 3-month-old) calves. The greatest response was in calves that received a booster dose approximately 150 days after receiving an intranasally administered modified live vaccine. In herds that have biosecurity procedures in place and practice annual cow herd vaccination for BVDV, vaccination for calves at turnout may not be necessary. In this scenario, producers may consider using a modified live virus intranasal vaccine containing IBR, PI3 and BRSV at preweaning time. Booster doses are not administered commonly but can be used four to six weeks following the initial dose if necessary. In addition, the specialists recommend a seven- or eightway clostridial vaccine. Assessing the risk of clostridial disease is difficult, but using an inexpensive, effective insurance policy against this family of diseases may be a wise decision, they say. Pinkeye vaccines are available in the commercial market, and the opportunity to create a herd-specific autogenous vaccine is available. However, evidence of their efficacy is lacking. Fly control, rotational grazing, early treatment and separating infected animals from the rest of the herd help reduce the spread of pinkeye. The specialists note that many products on the market, such as immune stimulants or nutritional supplements (probiotics and prebiotics), claim to boost the immune system or promote gut health. However, few of these products have been evaluated in a research setting, and producers should consult with their veterinarian about using the products. Good stewardship also applies to calf-processing procedures and reducing stress on the animals, the specialists say. They recommend producers: • Make sure vaccine delivery instruments are in good repair, don’t leak and deliver the right amount • Provide ways to keep vaccines at the proper temperature, such as vaccine coolers • Make sure they have enough needles to allow for frequent changes, and if using intranasal vaccines, have a supply of intranasal cannulas • Walk through the handling facilities before working cattle, and repair breaks, brace weak spots and make changes if cattle flow is less than expected • Change handling procedures if hollering, screaming, hand waving and running to move cattle and people are part of their normal working procedures “With challenges experienced by newborn livestock this winter and spring, now is a good time to evaluate current vaccination and herd health management protocols and adjust if necessary,” Kincheloe says. “Developing strategies to improve calf health during the grazing season is key in ensuring desired performance and preparing the calf’s immune system for weaning.”

High blood pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, and particularly if you take cholesterol-lowering drugs, make sure your diet is high in Co-enzyme Q10 (CoQ10). It can help lower blood pressure and protect against heart disease, breast cancer, and gum disease. Good sources include organic meat and eggs, rice bran, wheat germ, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, mackerel and sardines.

Sore throat?

Aspirin does more than just relieve headaches! If you have a sore throat, dissolve two non-coated tablets in a glass of water and gargle. Just make sure to note that this only works with aspirin – don’t try it with other pain relievers like ibuprofen.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C17


Morris 7240 40-ft. air drill, tow between tank, carbide tips on shanks, low acres Case IH FRX160 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, variable rate, twin nozzles Phone (406) 460-0717, Conrad, Montana area

On the prairie, it’s mating season for boreal chorus frogs that are singing from just about every puddle of water.

Water, water, everywhere

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer You don’t have to be an ancient mariner to see we have plenty of water around us. People are filling sandbags, checking flood insurance policies or waiting for fields to dry up so they can plant. From a recreation point of view, too much water makes it difficult, impossible or downright dangerous to boat or float or fish. That leads to a lot of grumbling about something we have no control over. Life underwater is exciting, too, but sometimes in a good way and for different reasons. Here’s the recipe for a good aquatic time: Take one part high flows. Add equal helpings of rising water temperatures and increasing daylight length. Stir a bit and wait, though not too long. The combination flips a hormonal switch in spring spawning fish species like walleye, perch, northern pike and rainbow trout. The same holds true for amphibians on the prairie. We’ll get to those creatures, but first fish. Water temperature needs only to increase two or three degrees Fahrenheit for some fish species to start looking for places to spawn. Humans have a hard time distinguishing between, say, 40 and 43 degrees water tempera- With the right combination in the spring ture. Not so walleye or of water flow, water temperature and trout. daylight length, rainbow trout will Daylight length rules spawn. everything on land from plants to animals. At the very least, we enjoy more daylight hours on spring and summer days. Yet daylight is also noticed underwater; even in turbid, muddy water. Of the three fish spawning ingredients, high water flows might be the easiest for us to see, but it takes all three in the proper proportions for fish to begin their annual spawning ritual. However, do not think all is a big party underwater. Newly deposited fish eggs can suffer all types of calamities. Too much water or too much silt in the water can destroy trout nests, called redds, or smother eggs. Spring wind storms and crashing waves can damage developing eggs of perch, walleye and northern pike. Even young fish can be swept out of their protective cover by surging flood water. All of which explains why, depending on the species, female fish deposit thousands of eggs: Only a fraction survive to become adults. Excess water, more daylight and rising water temperature affect other species that depend on water, like amphibians. Right now, temporary pools of prairie water host frogs, toads and salamanders, having their own Brigadoon moment. Boreal frogs are heard everywhere in the spring and early summer. During their breeding season, their loud, short chirp resembles the slow running of a thumb over the teeth of a comb and seems to come from every prairie pond and water-filled roadside ditch. By midsummer, the inch-long frogs will disappear underground, beneath vegetation, into water tanks, or even on building foundations – anywhere they can keep their skin moist. Joining the boreal frog in those ephemeral pools may be several toad species and the tiger salamander, perhaps, the weirdest looking creature on the prairie. Its body features blotches of olive or pale-yellow on a black or dark green background – nature’s own psychedelic poster. Water. We may hate and fear it. And this time of year, curse it. But it gives life to so many species.

2001 FLD120 N14, 460 hp, 10 speed ... .................................................$19,900

2002 Peterbilt 379 short hood, ISX, 475 hp, 10 speed, 3.55 rears, steerable lift axle, 244” wheelbase...........$36,500

Freightliner 60 Series, 430/470 RTO, 16915 transmission, 11R22.5 tires, 3.90 rears, engine history..........$17,500

1988 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 350 Cummins, 13 speed, 16-ft. gravel box, pintle hitch.................................$21,000

2018 Witzco RN-35 equipment trailer with rigid neck and fold down ramps, 44-ft. x 102” x 40” deck height, 255/70R22.5 tires.....$27,900 plus FET

1976 Kenworth grain truck, 350 Cummins, 22” box, lift axle...............$17,900 1983 Omaha Standard 19-ft. hopper pup..............................................$7900

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C18

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By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service A surprisingly high percent of the white-footed mice collected last summer in Howard County, Maryland, in an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Areawide Integrated Tick Management Project turned out to be infected with the bacteria that cause Lyme disease. The area-wide project in Maryland is mainly a partnership with Howard County Department of Recreation & Parks (HCRP) and University of Maryland. Other collaborators on the project include Pennsylvania State University, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Army Public Health Center and University of Massachusetts. The high rate of white-footed mice infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that cause Lyme disease, in Howard County—just over 50 percent of captured mice—was a little surprising to ARS project leader Andrew Li. What was more surprising, according to Li, was that collaborators doing analogous sampling of mice in New Haven County, Connecticut, found an unusually low rate of infection of about 35 percent in 2017. More commonly, white-footed mice in Connecticut have infection rates as high as 80 percent Lyme disease was first recognized as an illness in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut, in New London County, two counties to the east. Today, about 95 percent of confirmed Lyme disease cases occur in 14 New England, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest states, according to the CDC. Now, the tick study team is putting out brick-sized black bait boxes in which white-footed mice will treat themselves to kill immature ticks. Mice are lured into the boxes with an attractive food bait. As they move through the box, the mice brush against a wick that applies a tiny amount of the pesticide fipronil, which kills the ticks but does not harm the mice. Use of the bait boxes is the next phase of a five-year project launched in January 2017 to evaluate several methods of tick control to develop an environmentally sensitive, effective and easily managed control package for suburban areas. “Our goal is to identify an effective way to reduce tick populations and the associated spread of Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses, especially in suburban areas,” said project leader Andrew Li. Li is an entomologist with the ARS Invasive Insect Biocontrol & Behavior Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland. “We want to identify vulnerable points in the lifecycle of the tick, so we can have the greatest impact for the least effort.” Other control methods being tested, individually and in combination, include the bait boxes, ARS-patented “4-poster” deer treatment feeders, and a bioinsecticide spray Met52. Mouse bait boxes are being placed near residential backyards adjacent to Blandair, Cedar Lane, Rockburn Branch and Wincopin Trail Parks, and the David Force Natural Resource and Middle Patuxent Environmental Areas in THE STRONGEST Howard County. Where Met DEALER NETWORK 52 is used, it will be sprayed 3 feet on each side of the Your Zimmatic® by Lindsay dealer is a border between a residential knowledgeable irrigation professional backyard and the open park that will help you customize the right area at selected study sites. equipment for your operation. This spring, the project Our dealer network offers: also is repeating a mouse • Factory-certified support for collaring effort that began new products, electrical systems, design and controls last fall so individual white• Installation and training footed mice can be tracked to • Full Circle maintenance programs see if the bait boxes change • Replacement parts for any how the mice behave. brand of pivot “Lyme disease and other • Technology updates tick-borne diseases significantly impact the quality of our lives here in Howard ASK YOUR LOCAL DEALER ABOUT County. Learning ways to MONEY-SAVING OFFERS: reduce the risk of infection by reducing the number of ticks in our parks and neighborhoods would be a tremendous benefit to the public,” said HCRP Deer 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 Project manager Phil Norman of the Department of Recreation and Parks. Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003

1997 Wilson DWH-400 50-ft. x 102 wide, triple axle air ride hopper, 3 hoppers, 3rd axle lifts, good tarp, trailer in good condition. 1992 Western OFH-100 45-ft. tandem air ride flatbed-hopper combo, new sideboards, new roll over tarp, aluminum swing doors on back. Batco 1535 belt conveyor, 8-ft. unloading hopper, electric motor, excellent condition, used very little.

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COMBINE FOR SALE 1979 John Deere 6600 combine, 22-ft. header with 24-ft. auger, plus header trailer. Header has always been shedded.

$5000 obo

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Tick control program reveals high level of infection in mice


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C19

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C20


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Novel ecosystems provide use for some native birds

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service critically about restoration priorities.” Ecosystems that have been altered by huFor the study, the researchers compared man activities can provide suitable habitat the populations and behaviors of birds in for native birds, according to scientists in Zumwalt Prairie in northeastern Oregon the United States and Australia. with birds in human-designed public garIn a study published in the journal Ecodens in Perth, Australia. sphere (https://esajournals.onlinelibrary. On the Zumwalt Prairie, native grassland wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ecs2.2172), the plants still dominate the ecosystem, but nonresearchers concluded that while some nanative plants are present and available for tive birds are sensitive to novel ecosystems, use as breeding sites. After the prairie was others don’t seem to mind. opened to homesteading by white settlers The study results shouldn’t be interpreted in the 1860s, livestock herds were confined that habitat restoration to historic conditions by fences and cultivation was practiced in is futile and that all novel ecosystems are localized areas. Early homesteaders often acceptable, said lead author Pat Kennedy, planted these rangelands with non‐native a wildlife biologist at Oregon State Univergrasses to enhance forage production. sity (OSU). But they do show that habitat Due to the dry and cold climate, homerestoration can be prioritized. steads were eventually abandoned, and “Prior to our study, the usefulness of cultivation ceased except on the extreme novel ecosystems for native wildlife was a southern areas of the prairie that are wetter concept. Now we have empirical support,” and less rocky. Unlike many prairies in the said Kennedy, a professor in OSU’s ColUnited States, very little of the Zumwalt lege of Agricultural Sciences. “Our data Prairie has been cultivated. suggest that controlling non-native plants Studying ground-nesting birds, Kennedy may not yield important benefits for some determined the majority of the species nestnesting birds, yet we are spending a lot of ing in the prairie were successful nesters time and money attempting to restore these in native and non-native vegetation. She ecosystems. We need to start thinking more categorized them as novel ecosystem utilizers. The savannah sparrow seemed to be affected by the presence of non-native plants and was considered a novel ecosystem avoider. “There are a lot of ecosystems, like the Zumwalt Prairie, that no matter what we do, they are not restorable to what they were 250 Dealer for years ago,” Kennedy said. Chembine “Although often described erroneously as ‘degraded,’ Chemical some of these non-restorable Handling sites can provide suitable Tanks habitat for novel ecosystem A cutting edge way of mixing utilizers. The non-native and blending your chemicals plants likely provide resources for these birds or do for your agricultural needs. not get in their way.” The Chembine™ incorpoIn Perth, researchers at rates all the features of a typiMurdoch University found cal chemical mixer plus adds only one group of species some user-friendly features. – nectarivores, which comCall TODAY for more information! prise birds like honeyeaters and wattlebirds – that were sensitive to the presence of Check us out for all your sprayer non-native plants in urban gardens. The majority of parts & supplies! Including hose, the native garden birds were novel ecosystem utilizers. valves, fittings & more! “While our gardens don’t work for every bird species that used to roam the Perth metro area before European settlement, our study has highlighted they can play an - ANHYDROUS important role in supporting urban biodiversity,” said Joe Fontaine, a wildlife scientist at Murdoch University. Kennedy is a faculty member in OSU’s Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and directs the Eastern Oregon Agriculture and Natural Resource Program.

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EBP could hold solutions for agriculture’s future

By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is partnering in the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), biology’s version of the moonshot, an effort that will yield millions of powerful new solutions to agriculture’s challenges. EBP is an international cooperative initiative to sequence during the next 10 years the DNA of more than 1.5 million species—those more complex than bacteria—representing the world’s biodiversity. The initiative was highlighted in a recent Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article (http://www.pnas.org/content/115/17/4325). EBP calls for scientists to sequence the genomes of 9,330 species, one from each plant, animal and protozoan taxonomic family as reference genomes in the first three years. Then, the plan calls for sequencing the genome of one species from each genus—the next taxonomic division finer than family—during years four to seven, although in less detail, for a total of about 150,000 genera. The remaining 1.5 million species would be sequenced in still less detail during the final four years of the project. “The benefits that will come from increasing our knowledge and understanding of the genomes of the Earth’s biodiversity will be monumental, especially for agriculture,” explained Kevin Hackett, senior national program leader for entomology with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Hackett is one of only three federal members on the 23-person EBP steering committee and he is representing agriculture. As an example of the importance to agriculture, Hackett pointed out that insects destroy one-fifth of the world’s crop production annually and would do worse without pesticides. Control of insect devastation is an ongoing struggle, and pesticide resistance is an ever-evolving problem, requiring researchers to look constantly for new ways to tackle the issue. “Understanding a pest’s DNA and biology is essential to precisely targeting new controls, to combatting an insect without harming other species or other pieces of the ecology,” Hackett said. “There are solutions to problems in pest control out there in the genetic biodiversity that we can barely conceive of right now.” For instance, who could have guessed that a jellyfish’s DNA would have provided a glowing green fluorescent protein that lets scientists trace when compounds too small to be seen by microscopes are being made in the cells of species as diverse as peas and pigs? Genomic information is already providing the basis for other powerful advances from speeding up breeding for enhanced plant and animal traits to helping increase safety from ticks and diseases associated with them. For example, ARS insect physiologist Felix Guerroro and his team recently sequenced the cattle fever tick genome and identified genes now being used to develop a vaccine against the ticks. This vaccine may protect cattle from several fatal tickborne diseases and eventually fight other ticks including those that spread Lyme disease to people. Another ongoing ARS-led project is Cornome, which is planning to completely sequence ten of the most important agricultural insects in corn, so that when RNA interference (RNAi) gene silencing is applied to create a new pest control, scientists can first check the DNA of non-target insects to make sure they would not be harmed by this new technology. EBP is not beginning its massive task from scratch. It is building on already-existing efforts to sequence the genomes of more specific taxonomic groups such as the Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA), which is targeting 7,000 non-insect/non-nematode species with an emphasis on marine taxa, and the i5K Initiative, which is sequencing the genomes of no less than 5,000 arthropod species important to agriculture and biological research. Hackett is an i5K co-founder and one of its co-chairs. So far, scientists from around the world, individually and in various networks, have sequenced the genomes of about 15,000 species, less than 0.1 percent of all life on Earth. The total cost for phase I of EBP is estimated at about $500 million. The total cost of the 10-year project is expected to be roughly $4.5 billion. EBP’s feasibility benefits from the sharp decline in sequencing costs, down from $10,000 per genome in 2001 to $1,000 today. EBP expects most of the funding to be donated by foundations. For more information about ARS genomics and i5K work, please see “Unraveling What Genomics Can Do” at https://agresearchmag.ars.usda.gov/2017/sep/genomics/.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C21

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C22

LOADER TRACTOR FOR SALE 2001 Vario Fendt 920 220 hp, 32 mph, CVT transission, front suspension, Quickie loader, bucket & grapple, 3 point and PTO, 4800 hours. Real nice tractor.................................. $55,000 obo

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2012 Wheatheart pull type post pounder.................. $9750 1997 John Deere 566 with net wrap, new belts.... $10,000 Hesston 6650 swather.............................................. $9500 H&S BF12HC V-rake................................................ $9000 2010 Ford F350 Lariat Super duty, Power Stroke, crew cab, 4x4, long box.............................................. $19,000 – Or Best Offer – Call 406-476-3241 - home, 564-7036 - cell, Dutton, MT



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1984 Williamson End Dump Trailer 24-ft, 2 axle, steel construction $6,500

1998 Cornhusker Aluminum Gravel Pup Trailer 23-ft. tongue, 14-ft. box, new floor, tri-axle $10,000 Call Scott 406-370-9924 Stevensville, MT

Financial tools help analyze risks for multiple enterprises

By James Sedman, consultant to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and John Hewlett, farm and ranch management specialist in the department participants learn the five main sources of risk Many Wyoming farms and ranches have in an agricultural business and how to qualify multiple enterprises in their individual opthose for their own situations. erations. Risk management is examined at the straDiversification in the form of multiple enterprises is one way to manage the inhertegic and enterprise levels, with a specific focus on the enterprise level. ent risk in production agriculture, whether a Management Considerations combination of crop and livestock enterprises A management process for addressing risk or a custom business to complement an existis discussed extensively and is depicted as ing enterprise. circular in nature; frequently monitoring and Having an in-depth understanding of how reviewing strategies, objectives, and results multiple enterprises fit together in your busiis important to effectively manage the risk ness as part of this overall risk management involved in each enterprise. strategy is important. For example, a cowThe process includes establishing the calf operation may include an alfalfa hay context for the risk management of each enenterprise to provide feed for their cattle, but that may not be as feasible as simply buying terprise: both the internal context (resource hay if the cost of production is too high or inventory, risk tolerance, and which enterrequires too much capital. prise) and the external context (legal/regulaEnterprise risk analysis, or the process of tory environment, stakeholder perceptions, evaluating and managing risk at the enterprise market conditions). level, is an important part of a comprehensive Risk assessment is another major focus of risk management plan. This analysis can help the approach, including risk identification, producers gather accurate information to help risk analysis, and evaluation. Within this determine profitability of business enterprises stage, emphasis is given to better understand by showing individual net revenue and their the sources of risk and corresponding levels net effects on the entire business. of control; identifying threats, consequences, Accurate enterprise analysis can help likelihood of occurrence, and existing stratemanagers learn how to correctly allocate gies; and evaluating risk warranting treatment resources, determine break-evens, cut costs, and selecting a strategy. and manage risks. Strategies to evaluate and manage the The academic professionals at RightRisk. threats of greatest concern can be properly org have assembled a comprehensive online done once risks are identified and evaluated. module entitled Enterprise Risk Analysis Treatment is implemented to address the risk available free to the public. This material at an appropriate level, with consideration is designed to provide the user a broad ungiven to the options available, as well as perceived effectiveness (both qualitative and derstanding of the planning and overall risk quantitative). management involved in enterprise analysis. Appropriate risk management should Module Components be proactive – to confront potential threats The module contains an interactive, before they become unmanageable. The self-study component, a recorded webinar approach is more likely to succeed where (including presentation slides and a questionmanagement follows appropriate strategies and-answer session), and an e-book for furto communicate and consult with both interther explanation of the topics addressed in the self-study course. In addition, the module nal and external stakeholders, in addition to offers two case-study examples: a farm and implementing methods for monitoring and a ranch situation. reviewing effectiveness over time. The course begins by defining an enterFor more information Access the Enterprise Risk Analysis prise in an agricultural context and demonmodule at RightRisk.org and select from the strates what should be included in a financial “Courses” tab on the menu bar. evaluation of those enterprises, including all RightRisk.org has numerous other online receipts and expenses. courses and user-friendly tools to assist with Defining what constitutes an enterprise risk management. Check the RightRisk Anais relatively simple for certain operations. For example, a farming operation that raises lytics toolbox that contains seven interactive three or four different crops has easily detools covering a wide range of risk managefined enterprises, but a combination crop ment topics such as enterprise budgeting, and livestock operation with a diverse mix machinery costs, and others. of activities (such as raising feed, grazing on The Enterprise Risk Analyzer Tool: Part aftermath, and backgrounds cattle) may not of The RightRisk Analytics Toolbox be as easy to define. The ERA tool is just one of the risk analyAnother challenge in enterprise analysis sis tools in the RightRisk Analytics toolbox. is outlining all non-cash items (such as feed Users can enter their income and expense transferred to another enterprise, depreciainformation for their business (including all enterprises), then use the tool to allocate tion, and other costs) and properly allocating income and expenses, and finally determine them over the enterprises. The ERA course profitability of each enterprise and compare helps participants understand how to properly against other enterprises. describe and evaluate their enterprise mix. Point your browser to RightRisk.org The ERA course features a thorough • select the Resources tab discussion of risk – defined as future events • select Risk Management Tools for which the outcome is uncertain. Course

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C23


2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours.........$115,000

2012 Case IH 4520 3 BIN, 3900 hours, Viper Pro Trimble 750...........................$111,000 2011 Case IH Titan 4520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 4468 hours..... .................................$111,000

Free Freight Up To 1200 Miles

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours.......$88,000

2008 Case IH 3520 3559 hours, Viper Pro, Trimble 750 auto steer................... $88,000

2010 Case IH 4520 70-ft. airflow, Raven Viper Pro, Smartrax, 1889 hours!!.... $138,000

2009 Terra Gator 8204, Cat, 2005 Case 4510 370 hp, auto, 2006 Case FLX 4510 floater, Airmax Precision, 5415 hours. 70-ft. flex air bed, 4500 hours. Allison automatic, Cummins, .................................. $69,000 ............... $78,000... $103,000 FlexAir 810 box, Viper controller, autosteer, shedded every night, 7466 hours, runs great. ..........$88,000...........$104,00

1995 Terragator 1844 3208T engine, Allison auto trans. New Leader 3020 GT, Raven 660 controller, 7000 hours...................... $37,500

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours....... $98,000

2010 TerraGator 8204, Cat, Terra Shift, Airmax Precision 2, twin bin, Falcon controller, 4000 hours...............$93,500

2004 Loral C13 Cat, automatic, Air Max 1000 ................$77,500..... $93,000

2010 Case IH Titan 4020 Cummins, automatic, 1800 gallon, 85-ft. boom, defco pump, Envizio Pro, 3753 hours......................... $84,500

2002 Case IH SPX4260 1200 gallon SS, 60/80-ft. boom, 15”/20” spacing, Aim Command system, 4890 hours...... .................................. $76,000


1973 Trinity NH3 portable 18,000 gallon, self contained holding tank............$38,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi..$15,000 for the pair

1989 Kenworth T800 dry, Cummins, tandem with tag axle, Ray Man 20 ton, 5 compartment, top auger... $33,500

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours......................$78,000

2012 Mahindra Mpower 85 tractor, 85 horsepower, 540/1000 PTO, loader w/forks and bucket, 2010 hours, FWD, really nice tractor!........$26,000

Waconia 10 ton blender with scale.......................... $24,500

Check these Great Buys

1999 Sterling with Willmar 16 ton side discharge, clean truck........................... $29,500

2009 Terra Gator 6203 Cat, Terra Shift, New Leader L4000 G4, Raven Viper Pro monitor, Smarttrax, 3711 hours........................$88,000

2002 International Silver Wheels Liquid auto, 1800 gallon, 65-ft. boom, Mark IV.4 G4 control, 4332 hours....$42,500

2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours................ $29,500

2002 Loral 400 Cummins, Air Max 1000, 4100 hours............ .................................. $63,000 1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........... $39,500

1984 International DT 466 8 speed, Tyler 16 ton rear discharge tender with roll tarp..... .................................. $18,500

2012 Merritt semi tender with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric roll tarp................. $38,500

2005 International, Cummins, auto transmission, stainless Willmar 16 ton, side auger, 588,000 miles..$52,000

2004 Willmar on 3 axle B&B trailer......................... $37,500 2009 Willmar on 3 axle, selfcontained................... $43,500

1988 Kenworth T800, Cat, Wilmar 16 ton............ $24,500

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained......................... $32,500

Your full service fertilizer dealer.

2012 RoGator RG 1300, 1300 gallon, SS liquid system, 120-ft. boom, Raven ViperPro, 2200 hours.............................$133,000


Services Offered:

2009 Merritt with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric tarp, 4 compartments......................... ...............$31,500...... $33,000

2008 Swinger 1630 hours, 2k loader/forklift Cummins motor, 2014 Rogator 1300, 3220 comes with bucket & fork....... hours, with new leader bed.... .................................. $28,500 ................................ $137,000

•  Soil Sampling •  Custom Blending •  Delivery of products •  Spreading

•  Spreader Rental

GREYN FERTILIZER SUPPLY INC. We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you:

Choteau - Larry Greyn 466-5356

Dutton - Vern Greyn 476-3402

Valier - Eric Greyn 279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C24

Deadline for advertising in the July 2018 issue is WEDNESDAY, June 27th. CAMPER FOR SALE 2003 Splash 5th wheel, 2 slides, sleeps up to 6, awning and air conditioning. Excellent condition

Phone (406) 490-2889 Whitehall, Montana

Trucks For Sale

1997 International 8100 DT 530, 10 speed, twin screw, long wheel base, low miles...................................$16,500

2011 International 4400, MaxForce DT, Allison automatic, twin screw, spring suspension, long wheel base............................................................................. $17,500

2001 International 4900, MD3060P Allison with PTO gear, double framed, cab and chassis........................$12,900 2007 International 4300 DT466, Allison automatic, twin screw, new 8.5-ft.x20-ft. x69” unibody grain box with grain and silage/beet gate. Nice truck.............$57,500

Please call 406-855-4465

National Nature Photography Day

Date When Celebrated: June 15 Summer arrives in a few days. Millions of Americans will spend countless leisure hours in the great outdoors, enjoying nature in all of its glorious splendor.Along the way, we will capture millions, if not billions, of pictures of nature scenes, that capture our hearts or makes us breathless. National Nature Photography Day was created to both promote conservation, and to celebrate the enjoyment of nature photography. Your environmental awareness just might be contagious, helping to preserve the natural wonders of the world for many generations to come. While this day is titled “National”, there is worldwide interest in celebrating this very special day. There are almost unlimited ways to celebrate National Nature Photography Day. Armed with a camera, you are ready to participate. Go out and explore the world of nature. Take in a park, creek bed, along the lake, or nature trail. Bring your camera along. Yes, cell phone cameras are perfect for this day. Hold photo competitions. Obviously, the subject matter is nature scenes. Participate in efforts to preserve nature. Along the way, make sure to soak in all the peace and serenity that nature provides. Happy National Nature Photography Day! The Origin of National Nature Photography Day: National Nature Photography Day was created in 2006 by the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA). NANPA was founded in 1994.

Jar displays

Have some beautiful clear jars, but don’t know what to do with them? Try putting photos inside! Add marbles, rocks, colored sand, or other decoration at the bottom, then bend the photo ever-so-slightly so it fit the curve of the jar.

Custom Swathing Winter wheat, spring wheat, and barley! Protect your crops from hail and sawfly!

• Insured • 15 Years of Experience • Locally Owned and Operated

Tyler: 406-781-9712

Shelbi: 406-781-9713

Sustainable Ag: A new kind of farm

By K-State Research and Extension News Where possible, those who are raising food to help feed the world should leave the land and water better than they found them in order to sustain life in the future. So says Vara Prasad, Kansas State University Distinguished Professor of agronomy. Prasad, director of the Feed the Future Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab, is gearing up to lead research projects at K-State’s new Harold and Olympia Lonsinger Sustainability Research Farm near Alton, Kansas. Made possible by Harold Lonsinger’s donation of 2,300 acres of Osborne County farmland to the university’s College of Agriculture in 2017, the farm will be home to studies in crop diversity with a focus on efficiently using the natural resources, and developing crop, soil, nutrient and water management practices that improve the health of the soil and the quality of the water. The research will help improve overall yields from the farm and protect our environment. Research projects will involve undergraduate and graduate students who one day will be the next generation of scholars and scientists as they learn the principles of sustainability and their importance for the entire food system, from the soil all the way to the consumer, said University Distinguished Professor Gary Pierzynski, who heads K-State’s agronomy department. K-State Research and Extension will use the work done there as a basis for educational programs for elementary school-aged children all the way to producers in the region.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C25

##### The first women’s bathing suit was created in the 1800’s. It came with a pair of bloomers.

PREMIUM ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE net wrapped, large round bales

Phone (406) 289-0230

Take Advantage of the Good Exchange Rate and Book Your Bin Today!!! Hopper Bins


We Also Carry 9-ft. - 24-ft. Hopper Cones and Flat Bottom Bin Packages. Check Out Our Website For More Info and Products

Accepting US Funds

Now Delivering to the U.S.A.! Can haul packages up to 10,700 bu. hoppers.

Sanitize a cut

You just got a nasty cut on your hand, but don’t have anything to clean it out with before you put the bandage on. Luckily, there’s something in your medicine cabinet that you may not have thought of–mouthwash. The alcohol-based formula for mouthwash was originally used as an antiseptic during surgeries, so it will definitely work for your cut, too.

No Build w Bins ing i Yard n

Please Call 1-306-472-3159 For Details 114 East Washington Avenue Chester, Montana 59522

(406) 759-6489

Stricks Ag is proud to be your local Alpine Dealer! Offering Products for:

Foliar Applications of Nitrogen & Phosperous Foliar feeding is one of the most efficient methods of supplying nutrients during critical growing stages. ALPINE foliar fertilizers provide available N-P-K and chelated micronutrients to make a good crop even better or it can supply a deficient, stressed crop the proper nutrients for a quick recovery. ALPINE programs offer the following foliar products: micronutrients, N-P-K fertilizers, and slow release nitrogen products. These products can also be customized and combined to ensure crop success.

Offering New Crop ORGANIC Contracts and HTA (hedge to arrive) Spring & Winter Wheat Futures Contracts


We have 2 facilities in Chester, MT to meet your delivery needs!

* Employment Opportunities available at Stricks Ag. Call our HR Department for details. (406) 759-6490

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C26

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones – 406-544-4766, cell

83,000 bushel storage at Lewiston, ID

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Schlagel • Complete millwright and concrete service • Bin roof repairs or replacement • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington

Steinhatchee Inc.

Stevensville, MT (406) 239-0942 • nelsen889@aol.com

1998 Volvo 4000 gallon water truck with like new tank pump, 6 sprays, 385 hp Volvo, 10 speed transmission, air conditioning, air ride, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears, ex brake, very clean truck.$37,500

New 84” large cap SS bucket with bolt-on edge..........................$900

1997 Cat TH63 telehandler, 3211 hours, cab, 6000 lb., 42-ft. reach, house leveler, hydraulic tilt fork carriage. $6000 in rebuilds this spring - work ready..........$27,500

2013 Stehl tow dolly 6000 lb. with straps, like new, used once.$1250

1989 Freightliner 3500 gallon water truck 269,000 miles, 3406B Cat 15 speed, air conditioning, 18,000 lb. fronts, 44,000 lb. rears on Hendricksen tag axle, 6 sprays. 2018 Forest Service contract available with all required Forest Service equipment. Very good condition, work ready.

2002 Towmaster T-50 tri-axle tag trailer, 61,600 GVWR, 28-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail w/ramps, 9-ft. wide. .........................................$16,500

Wheat for the future

By K-State Research and Extension News Romulo Lollato is not the average observer when he drives past a Kansas wheat field. Where most see waving heads of wheat, Lollato, an assistant professor of agronomy may see a crop that needs more moisture or has been over-fertilized. He is leading an effort to determine just how sustainable typical wheat production practices in Kansas are, with an eye toward identifying ways that could be modified to enhance sustainability. Part of the effort, which started in 2017, is testing the usefulness of a tool called the Field-to-Market FieldPrint Calculator. Lollato and his team used it to analyze previously collected data. In addition, 10 farmers are providing information about their current management practices on about 60 wheat fields. The researchers are quantifying sustainability on those practices. The FieldPrint Calculator tool is responsive to some of the tests, Lollato said, especially in exhibiting the impacts of nitrogen fertilizer rates and pesticide applications, but the team has identified room for improvement. “The first year of the project was very broad in nature, mostly to understand the tool we were working with and to quantify the sustainability of a few typical wheat fields in Kansas,” he said. Final results of the current project, which was funded by the American Bakers Association, will be available later this year. Lollato hopes to secure funding for a project in which the team would work with producers to modify particular practices and compare to their usual management in terms of sustainability.

Three cheers for Turmeric

Making turmeric–a Southeast Asian relative of the ginger root–part of your diet can pay off in many different ways. It reduces cholesterol, and lab tests have indicated that it may also inhibit tumors. It’s also a natural antibacterial agent and helps detoxify the liver. You can mix the powder into drinks or baked goods, or even sprinkle it on ice cream!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C27

New Vermeer 605N Balers

5x6 bales – Mesh and Twine Call for more information

New Vermeer R2300 & R2800 TwinRakes Get great-looking bales quickly and easily. It all starts with the Vermeer R2300 & R2800 twin rakes, which produces box-shaped windrows. Built to last, the twin rakes allow you to adjust the width of the windrows to match your baler. Control the width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor.

Batwing cutter, loaders, backhoes, rakes, packers, rear blades, tillers, seeders, disc harrows, logsplitters, grinders, chippers, post hole diggers, shredders, and more!

Used Woods BW106 10-ft. mower..........$8900

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity - 727-7153; Lance - 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028



New Holland BR780A twine only... $6500 Vermeer Super 605J twine only..... $4900 New Holland 664 twine only........... $7900 Super J twine only.......................... $4900 3-New Holland 560 balers. Each..$48,000 John Deere 535 baler.................... $6000 Vermeer 605M net wrap baler..... $17,900 John Deere 535............................. $5500 Vermeer 605XL twine only............. $8900 Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Vertical & Horizontal Beater assemblies are interchangeable and removable Model 4142 IN STOCK


2013 New Holland T7.185 with loader and grapple..........................................$109,900 New Holland TM150 with loader & grapple..... .......................................................$47,500 Versatile 450....................................$206,000 Valtra T140-4 with loader.............. $65,000 (L) Valtra C120 with loader......................$53,900 Case IH 130 loader tractor...... JUST TRADED

Versatile 835 tractor...........................$14,900 Massey Ferguson 4609.....................$49,900 John Deere 4955 tractor....................$49,000 David Brown 1212 3 pt., 540 PTO........$5900 David Brown 1200A tractor..................$6500 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.


Built with Quality The Hi-Capacity rake opens and closes hydraulically, rake wheels are lowered and raised hydraulically, and the rake wheels float independently.

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Pasture Harrows • 5/8” diameter high carbon steel • 50 lbs./ft. • 6-ft. deep mat • 45° & 15° angle teeth • Width (bar included)


406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


AerWay 26-ft. harrow with cart.......$8799

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


John Deere 705 rake..................... $8500 H&S rake........................................ $7900 New Holland HT 154 12-wheel rake........ Vermeer WR24 12-wheel low capacity .................................................... $8000 rake............................................. $3500

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C28

It’s hard to believe you can take the best loader in the industry and make it better. But that’s exactly what Bobcat has done. Our loaders offer more cab space, improved visbility, increased fuel capacity and more. It’s increased comfort and performance all across the board.

2015 New Holland L230 skid steer, 3060# lift ROC.......$39,900 (L) Bobcat LR65 land rake........$6000

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


USED Morris Hayhiker 1400..........$25,900

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028



Freightliner with F/S sprayer............. $25,900 Ag Shield 1500 sprayer...................... $24,900

Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer............... $3900

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

www.hovenequipment.com 4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


MacDon M200 with R85 header.........$74,900 MacDon M155 draper ready...............$74,000 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header.$27,900 2014 MacDon A30D pull type............$29,900


Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028


Vermeer BPX9000 processor..............$21,000 Vermeer BP8000 with final cut............$15,500 Vermeer BP8000 processor................$11,900 Vermeer 7000 processor........................$8900 2012 Highline CFR650 processor..$18,500 (L) Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover..............................................$14,900 Haybuster 256 Plus processor..............$8000 Hesston BP25 processor.......................$3900

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C29

Hoven Equipment welcomes... Matt Johnson

Salesman, 406-231-4028 Email: mattj@hovenequipment.com

Heavy Duty Mover 31-ft. – 51-ft. lengths Hoven Equipment



4181 North Park Trail Great Falls “Partners in Production” www.hovenequipment.com

Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Great Falls, MT

500 Bale Minimum


(Plus set up insurance and delivery) USED AIR DRILLS

Massey Ferguson 2190 baler..... $52,000 Case 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, 43 VRT Precision SS drill, 3430 cart tow between, Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4, cutter......... single chute..Lease for $15,628/yr-oac ................................................. $44,900 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter..$54,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing and 2320 air cart......................$26,000 New Holland BB960 baler.......... $29,900 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacUSED COMBINES ing............................................$24,900 New Holland TR98 combine....... $29,900 New Holland TR97 combine....... $19,900 USED DRILLS John Deere 9450 50-ft. with 12” spacing. USED HEADERS Will sell individually......................$9900 2014 MacDon D65D 40-ft. header.$57,900 Agco 5200 36-ft. draper header... $19,900 USED MISCELLANEOUS MacDon D60D 30-ft. header........ $36,000 Ford F350 4WD, automatic, flatbed........... MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header.......... ..................................................$19,900 ................................................. $29,900 Rem 2700 grain vac......................$13,800 MacDon 960 30-ft. with pickup reel.......... Matthews MC flail mower................$7900 ................................................. $14,900 John Deere 148 loader, grapple......$5500 MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, pickup Kelly 41 3-pt. backhoe.....................$3100 reel........................................... $14,900 KC 3-pt. disc....................................$1900 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.......... $799 Danuser F8 3-pt. post hole auger....$1100 Shaver HD-8 post pounder................$600 Dakota Wire Winder Flatbed trailer.....................................$850

This tool is perfect for pulling up electric fencing and barbed wire

Field Loaders

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail


MacDon 1300 bale stacker.......... $14,900

- COMING IN • John Deere 530 round baler




• Single lift cylinder with supported heavy-duty slider for added rigidity and stability • Hydraulic joystick controlled 4-wheel steering for effortless maneuverability • Spring loaded walking axles to keep tires on the ground • 6.5” wide all-terrain ties for added floatation to allow the unit to ride over rough terrain

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail


Rely on T6 for unrivaled performance. 406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls


Haybuster CNF 430 vertical mixer with scales........................................$28,900 Haybuster H-1100 1000 PTO mixer.......... ..................................................$26,000 Hesston BP20 processor................$3390 Ag Shield 12-52-3 roller...............$42,000 Deutz 9150 tractor........................$36,000 John Deere 4650 2WD tractor, loader & grapple......................................$33,250 Versatile 836 tractor.....................$24,000 Steiger ST310 tractor...................$18,000 Ford 841 loader tractor....................$5000 Kelly 60 backhoe.............................$5900 Case IH 2188 combine, 1015 pickup header.......................................$42,500 Massey-Ferguson 8570 combine, 24-ft. header, pickup header...............$39,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel.............................$4500 New Holland TR97 combine,36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment...............$42,500 John Deere 7700 combine..............$5500 White 9700 combine.......................$5294 Massey 8590 combine, parts only...$2500 New Holland 94C 42-ft. double sickle, pickup reel, double swath..........$24,900 New Holland 971 header with Rake-Up pickup attachment........................$6000 MacDon 2052 30-ft. header, Case 88 Series adapter...............................$26,000

MacDon 962 36-ft. header............$16,900 Case DHX302 draper header.......... CALL Batco 20-120 conveyor auger......$65,900 Westfield MKX13x84 auger.........$19,900 Westfield MK13x71 auger...........$15,000 Westfield TFX10x36 auger..............$9900 New Holland 1475 pull type hydro swing.. ..................................................$15,000 New Holland 499 pull type swather..$4900 New Holland 1442 15’3” rotary disc..$6700 International 4000 14-ft. swather....$8000 Ag Shield 300 recon hay conditioner........ ..................................................$24,000 Hesston 856A round baler..............$7000 Case 8465 round baler....................$5000 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms... $29,500 Summers 80-ft. pickup sprayer, 500 gallon.............................................$12,900 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank...................................$8000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms...............................$8000 Bourgault 3320 air drill with L6455 cart.... ................................................$220,000 Morris Contour I 41-ft. air drill with 7240 cart............................................$99,000 Case 800 70-ft. x 12” spacing air drill........ ..................................................$80,000 John Deere 777 40-ft. air seeder....$4000 Bourgault 7200 harrow, 5/8” tines..$42,000 Quicke 660 loader - grapple............$5000

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

www.hovenequipment.com Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Kaity – 727-7153; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C30

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


2003 Freightliner M2106 300 hp, automatic, air ride, trailer puller............................. $20,000 2004 Peterbilt 378 Cat C15, 13 speed........................................................................ $25,000 2003 Mack CH600 460 hours, 13 speed..................................................................... $20,000 1994 Kenworth W900 Cat, 18 speed, day cab........................................................... $22,000 1989 Freightliner Cummins, 13 speed, lift axle, long frame....................................... $16,000

FISHER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT (406) 939-0411 • Scobey, Montana

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

John Deere 135D, pin grabber, QC, blade, hyd thumb, quality thumb, 3900 hours................................................ $93,000


Case 580K, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, 24” dig bucket, enc cab, new front tires, 30% on rear, EROPS. Very tight for an older hoe........................................................................ $21,000 John Deere 410D, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, 24” dig bucket, reversible blot-on edge for front bucket, all 4 tires brand new. Starts and runs nice........................................................ $27,500


Deere 350, manual 6-way blade, winch...................... $10,000 1999 John Deere 450H LT, multi-shank ripper, 6-way hyd blade, 11,000 hours. Nice operating crawler......... $28,900


2006 Cat 308CCR, 92” blade, 24” bucket, Q/C, hyd dual link thumb, heat, AC, 6500 hours. Nice machine......... $39,900 1996 Cat 312, cab guard, long arm, hyd thumb, 36” dig bucket, good undercarriage, cat walks, 15,000 hours. Runs excellent. Going through shop....................................... $32,500 2006 Deere 35D, hyd thumb, 24” bucket, wedge coupler, 3780 hours............................................................... Please Call 2008 Deere 35D, heat, A/C, 24” bucket, 30” bucket, hyd thumb, newer tracks, 3300 hours...................................... $29,900 2005 Hitachi ZX35UNA-2 new 24” bucket and used 12” bucket, hyd thumb, good tracks, nice tight boom, blade, rebuilt bucket pin, wedge coupler, excellent machine...... $23,000 2000 Hitachi ZX120, progressive link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 9000 hours.................................................................. Call 2011 Hitachi ZX120-3, hyd dual link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 20” pads, AC/heat, 3100 hours. Quality machine.........$79,000 2002 Hitachi ZX200LC.....................................................Call John Deere 200 CLC, thumb, QC........................ Coming In 2015 Kubota KX080-4R3, blade, rubber tracks, 24” dig bucket, hyd thumb, heat, AC, 3148 hours. Very nice............... Call 2005 Volvo EC35, low hours...................................... $15,500 2008 Volvo EC160, 7500 hours. Going through shop...... Call


Cat 225, comes with Denis delimber, 3204 engine, recent undercarriage and turn table, well kept up............ $13,500 Cat 518 skidder................................................................ Call 2011 Deere 135D............................................................. Call 2004 Deere 200CLC........................................................ Call 2006 Deere 200CLC........................................................ Call Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timbco 2515 feller/buncher with bar saw, low hours on new engine, will go to work.......................................... $29,000 Timbco 4045.................................................................... Call Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Fire Tank & Trailer water tank trailer............................. $5500

Parting out many slide boom delimbers View our entire inventory with pictures at www.reddigequipment.com

Case 621F with Q/C, third valve, bucket, very good tires, 4400 hours, ride control. Can’t beat this loader.............. $82,000


1998 Carelift ZB6037-44, crab steering, enc cab with heat, Cummins engine......................................................... Call Ingersoll Rand VR90, very good forklift........................... Call


Cat 12G, front push blade, 12-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. extensions, good cab, recent head on engine. Operates as it should, came off a working job................................... Call 1998 Deere 770CH.......................................................... Call 1973 Wabco 777B, Detroit 671, 14-ft. moldboard, ripper. Working, very good ranch grader..................................... $9900


1985 Clark Ranger 55C, Detroit 453 120 hp, 17.5x25 matched rubber, good bucket, 23,000 lb weight. Nice tight machine, runs excellent. Excellent 3 yard loader.................. $16,900 John Deere 210LE 4WD skip loader, power shuttle, Gannon box blade with ripper bar, very good tires on back, front blade bucket is 85” wide with reversible cutting edge, 5385 hours...................................................................... $22,500 John Deere 644G............................................................ Call


Deere 250C, very clean truck, 8150 hours, good tires, new walking beam bushings, good brakes, good truck.$81,500


(3) John Deere 4039D engine and power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator........... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000


2006 Bobcat S-185, hand/foot, 5200 hours............... $14,500 2008 Cat 246C, EROPS, AC, heat, high flow, extra C weight, excellent tires, auxiliary hyd, 66” bucket with reversible edge, 2939 hours........................................................ Call 2013 Cat 289C Series II, enc cab, hyd Q/C, aux hyd, 7-ft. bucket, 2 speed, 3900 hours................................. $35,500 2013 Kubota SVL75W, OROPS, new tracks, 74” bucket, aux hyd, open station, forks, 3200 hours..................... $31,500


Ford F350, 4x4, diesel, automatic, excellent rubber, 45,000 miles, Byson trailer, 20,000 lbs. Sold as a pair..... $25,000 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components................... For parts only 1980 International water truck, leaky tank, water system as shown, 13-speed, 400 Cummins, runs.................... $8000 Kenworth T800 with a HL 12-68 crane................ Please Call 1998 Kenworth T800, SQ-100 rears, Prentice loader, 6-ft. extend-a-boom, modified large grapple, high volume dump box.............................................................................. Call



K-State part of $5 million grant to address water scarcity

By K-State Research and Extension News Kansas State University is part of a $5 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) to launch the Irrigation Innovation Consortium, a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of efficient irrigation technologies and practices through public-private partnerships. K-State, in partnership with four other universities and several industry partners, will match the FFAR grant money for a total initial investment of $10 million to support irrigation technology research and collaboration costs over five years. Membership in the consortium presents a unique opportunity for K-State, according to Dan Devlin, director of the Kansas Center for Agricultural Resources and the Environment (KCARE). “The exciting thing about being part of this group is the opportunity to partner with other universities as a team,” Devlin said. Devlin also noted that the grant will create possibilities for K-State researchers to work closely with industry members to help get their research innovations into the field even faster. Consortium funds will enable public sector researchers and industry partners to co-develop, test, and improve cutting-edge innovations, equipment, technology, and decision and information systems designed to equip and enhance “farms of the future,” according to a news release from FFAR. Initial research priorities include water and energy efficiency, remote sensing and big data applications for improving water management, irrigation technology acceleration, and technology transfer. An executive committee, with representation from FFAR and academic and industry consortium participants, will determine specific research priorities. Universities joining K-State in the consortium include California State University, Fresno; Colorado State University; Texas A&M Agrilife Research; and the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Industry members include Jain Irrigation, Lindsay Corporation and Rubicon Water. Other members are the Irrigation Association (IA), a national membership organization that represents companies and professionals from across the country, and the Northern Colorado Conservation District. “The new Irrigation Innovation Consortium unites top university research talent with industry to promote practical advancements in irrigation technology and water management practices,” said Sally Rockey, executive director of the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. “We are optimistic that outcomes from this collaborative effort will help producers grow more food with smart water management and strengthen the resilience of our food supply.” Initial participants are working to create an expanded platform for other universities, federal agencies, and the private sector to work together on the critical water challenges facing agriculture, municipalities, and industry. The goal is to create an internationally recognized, self-sustaining center of excellence that promotes and enhances water and energy efficiency in irrigation, ultimately creating greater resiliency in food and irrigated landscape systems. “The [Irrigation Association] thanks FFAR and the university partners for their leadership in the creation of the new Irrigation Innovation Consortium,” said IA’s CEO Deborah M. Hamlin. “We are confident that the research stemming from this collaborative effort will drive new advancements in efficient irrigation and keep the irrigation industry at the forefront of innovation.” Knowledge gained through the consortium will be made available through publications, workshops and seminars, and appropriate data-sharing mechanisms. Plans for the consortium began at a FFAR-hosted convening event held at the University of Nebraska’s Daugherty Water for Food Institute Conference in Lincoln. Approximately 25 representatives of private companies participated in the discussion, which helped shape the initial research focus of the Consortium. Organizations interested in joining the Irrigation Innovation Consortium are invited to contact Stephen Smith, executive director of the Irrigation Innovation Consortium and FFAR advisory council member: swsmith@buenavidafarm.com. The Irrigation Innovation Consortium was formally launched April 27 at the Water in the West Symposium hosted by Colorado State University.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C31

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at www.vwmfg.com





Shown on Flexi-Coil Stealth


VW now has the complete lineup of our most popular full carbide drill points for JOHN DEERE & DUTCH seed boots. Winter wheat seeding is just around the corner. Order yours today

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m Our VW7CC

Note the extra carbides • Full carbide spread points, also available: 41/4, 31/4, 21/4, 11/2, also paired row VW21DSF and Flexi-Coil Stealth • VW shares freight costs on full drill point orders • Deposit assures price and availability • VW full carbide drill points cost very little per year, per acre, per bushel • Our 3 carbides make for longer drill point life as compared to others • Order yours now for winter wheat seeding

• Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C32

CATTLE FOR SALE 140 young pairs and 220 running age May-June calvers Phone 406-386-2447, Big Sandy, Montana

##### Jars of frozen fruits should be thawed in the refrigerator. This will allow the fruit to absorb the sugar as it thaws.

FUEL STORAGE ~ SINGLE WALL DOUBLE WALL ~ FUEL SYSTEMS Turnkey System features: Tank Mounting Base • Pump Stand • Fuel Filter Level Gauge • Required Venting and Valves Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 2000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules

Variety of pumps/meters from 18 GPM to 100 GPM 1” to 1 1/2” discharge hose with spring rewind reels Service Body Tanks • Galvanized Water Cisterns

LAND ROLLERS Tandem Rollers

Single Rollers

42”x 7/8” pipe

Bolt on Hitch ➔

Fisher Metal can more than double the size of your single roller!

H 12-ft. H 14-ft. H 16-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft.

Fisher Metal Products 622-5233

Fort Benton


June, 2018 will be... Camping Month

The sun’s up, the birds are singing, and the mosquitoes are finally hatching from their larval phase. Ok, it isn’t all rainbows and fresh fish, but June is Camping Month, and it’s a great opportunity to get outside with the family and enjoy the great outdoors. Research shows that people who spend time camping are happier, more relaxed, and tend to buy more bug repellant. What? We don’t like mosquitoes anymore than you do, but we do love camping! Who doesn’t love sitting under the stars roasting marshmallows and making S’mores, or waking up to the smell of wood smoke and bacon? History of Camping Month While there was a time when ‘camping’ was just called ‘being alive’, that all changed in the 1800’s when a man named Thomas Hiram Holding began to popularize the idea of recreational camping. Camping was a part of his life introduced to him by the rigors of the Oregon Trail, and once he had settled it turned into a passion he pursued and introduced to others. Once camping in general had become popularized, Thomas went on to introduce the idea of Cycle Camping to the American world. This is, quite simply, where you load up on a bike and ride until you find a spot to camp, get up the next day, and do it all over again. What is likely the first commercial campground opened in Douglas, Isle of Man in 1894 and was called Cunningham’s Camp. From this point in history all sorts of new types of camping came into existence, from mere weekend family getaways, to RV camping, and everything in between. Whether rafting down a river in a Canoe and setting up camp in the evening, or hiking into the woods far from civilization with a backpack full of your gear, Camping Month celebrates them all.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C33


The solid option for the hills... and everywhere else


We Specialize In Providing Quality Application Equipment Our Equipment Provides:

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WE ARE ALWAYS BUILDING! Drop by the shop and see what goes into building the “MOST PRODUCTIVE SPRAYERS” on the market today. Give Us a Call Today


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2010 International 7400/Sprayflex Truck Sprayer

2013 Miller Condor GC-75

1300 hours, 1200 gallon SS tank, 100-ft. Mono-boom, hydraulic front wheel assist, Raven Envisio Pro, Smart Trac, Raven boom height, 2 sets of tires. Very Sharp and like New...... $205,000

2016 Apache 1220 PLUS 2

800 hours, 1200 gallon tank, 132-ft. Pommier boom, 2 sets of tires, Trimble FMX, Raven boom height, leather, every option. Like new...................................................................$230,000

2012 International Ag Trucks 1300-90 2012 International 7400 Ag Trucks Spray System 1300 SS gallon, 90-ft. boom, 335 hp, Allison automatic, auxiliary transmission, single rears, Trimble 750, 1998 Freightliner Marflex Truck Sprayer Field IQ, EZ Pilot, Raven boom height, Very nice....... 1250 gallon, 90-ft. , Cummins, Allison automatic, hydraulic .................................................................... $125,000 steering, Outback GPS. Many new updates........$70,000

335 hp Navistar, Allison automatic, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 124-ft. boom, 650 rear tires, Trimble 750 GPS


2005 Ag Chem Rogator 1076, 2000 hours, 1100 gallon tank, 90-ft. boom, Raven controller, auto steer, 2 sets of new tires, no drips, no leaks, no welds. Absolutely Immaculate!...........$105,000 Used Simonsen 8 ton spreader cart, 8 ton urea capacity, tandem walking beam axle, flotation tires, hydraulic drive, Raven 660 controller......................... CALL 1998 International 4900 New 1500 gallon tank and plumbing, 100-ft. boom, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble FMX, Field IQ, EZ Pilot........$70,000

Great Falls, Montana Steve Raska • 406-788-5361 Dave Bell • 406-899-7530

Garfield, Washington

Justin Honcoop • 509-338-7346


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• Individual Nozzle Control • Control Pressure Independent of Rate or Speed • Row-to-Row Liquid Fertilizer Uniformity While Automatically Changing Orifice Sizes Based on Rate or Speed • No Need to Change Orifices for Anhydrous Ammonia Apps

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C34

ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler - Certified Shaw - Ladak

Call Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809

June to highlight Extension as part of MSU’s 125th anniversary

From MSU News Service County will offer three opportunities to As part of Montana State University’s attend “Legacy Planning: Caring for Your yearlong celebration of its 125th anniverFamily and Community,” presented by sary in 2018, June will highlight Extenfamily economics specialist Marsha Goetsion, the outreach arm of the land-grant low boy service ting. Attendees can choose from one of the university. 40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tracfollowing: With agents and specialists working on tors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. 9:30-11:30 a.m. – St. Mary’s Mission campus in Bozeman and in communities Within Montana & surrounding states. Museum, basement meeting room, Steacross the state, Extension regularly offers We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. vensville. programming in four broad areas: commuInsured & experienced. 2-4 p.m. – St. Mary’s Mission Museum, nity development; agriculture and natural Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT basement meeting room, Stevensville. resources; family and consumer sciences; 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029) 6:30-8:30 p.m. – Daly Leach Community and youth development. Room, 1010 W. Main St., Hamilton. Events this June are geographically and On June 18 and 19, MSU Extension Intetopically diverse, representing the local conRADIATORS grated Pest Management will offer the 2018 nection that differentiates Extension from IPM Workshop: Entomology. Sponsored other organizations and highlighting the Most makes & by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s broad resources available thanks to Extenmodels National Institute of Food and Agriculture, sion’s partnerships and MSU. Western IPM Center and Western SustainThe first featured class is a food presable Agriculture Research and Education ervation workshop June 9 at the Big Horn (SARE), the program includes special County Extension Office, 317 N. Custer in guests Jeff Bradshaw from the University Hardin. “Jam and Jelly Making” will be Meets or Tractor and combine of Nebraska and Frank Peais from Colorado offered from 9 a.m. to noon and is open to exceed OEM State University. The program is worth 15.5 adults and youth. Registration is required in continuing education credits. Participants advance by emailing holly.jay@montana. will receive a sweep net and meals are inedu. cluded. The cost of the workshop is $250 On June 13, MSU Extension in Ravalli and registration is required by June 15. Contact Eva LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE SPECIALS: Grimme at 406-994-5150 or eva.grimme@montana.edu for more information. LAWN & GARDEN SERVICE SPECIALS: WALK-BEHIND 300-400, X100-300, On June 23, MSU ExMOWERS Z-TRAK MOWERS tension in Fergus County WALK-BEHIND 300-400, X100-300, will join with numerous MOWERS Z-TRAK MOWERS community partners including the Lewistown Down$99.00 $215.00 town Association, Central 100-200, SST, STX, L, LARGE Z-TRAK, X400Montana Cattle Women, LA, LT, L, TR, LX & MORE 700 & FRONT MOWERS Central Montana Women in 100-200, SST, STX, L, LARGE Z-TRAK, X400Farm Economics and Fergus LA, LT, L, TR, LX & MORE 700 & FRONT MOWERS County Farm Bureau to host Montana’s Longest Table. $175.00 $225.00 The event will feature a SERVICE SPECIALS INCLUDE: Montana-style dinner creSERVICE ✓ CHANGESPECIALS FUEL FILTER INCLUDE: ✓ GREASE MACHINE ated from foods that can be grown in Montana, as well ✓✓ CHANGE FUELTORQUE FILTER ✓ ✓GREASE CHECK LUG CHECK MACHINE TIRE PRESSURE as educational opportunities ✓✓ CHECK LUGAIR TORQUE TIRE PRESSURE and entertainment. Seating CHANGE FILTER(S) ✓✓CHECK PERFORMANCE CHECK is limited and tickets can be ✓✓ CHANGE AIR FILTER(S) CHECK CHAINGE OIL & FILTER ✓✓PERFORMANCE WASH TRACTOR & MORE! purchased at Seiden Drug, ✓ CHAINGE OIL & FILTER ✓ WASH TRACTOR & MORE! Lewistown Art Center and ✓ CHANGE SPARK PLUG(S) ✓ Replacement Parts Extra the Fergus County Exten✓ CHANGE SPARK PLUG(S) ✓ Replacement Parts Extra sion Office, all in Lewistown. For more information call 406-535-3919. Other events included in the Extension MSU125 Learning Series include: June 19 – Presidential Blue and Gold Social, Fort Peck. E SERIES: X300 SERIES: X500 SERIES: X700 SERIES: Z-TRAK ZERO TURN: June 20 – Protecting Your E SERIES: X300 SERIES: X500 SERIES: X700 SERIES: Z-TRAK ZERO TURN: Property from Wildfires, E110 42” 42” $1,699 $1,699 X330 42” 42” $2,999 $2,999 X570 48” 48” $5,999 $5,999 X710 48” 48” $10,059 $10,059 Z335E 42” 42” $2,499 $2,499 E110 X330 X570 X710 Z335E Thompson Falls. E130 42” 42” $1,999 $1,999 X354 42” 42” $3,799 $3,799 X584 54” 54” $8,079 $8,079 X734 48” 48” $11,749 $11,749 Z355R 48” 48” $3,099 $3,099 E130 X354 X584 X734 Z355R June 20-23 – Teton CounE170 48” 48” $2,399 $2,399 X384 48” 48” $5,099 $5,099 X590 54” 54” $7,899 $7,899 X758 48” 48” $13,579 $13,579 Z540M62” 62” $5,499 $5,499 ty 4-H Fair, Choteau. E170 X384 X590 X758 Z540M June 26 – Rangeland and RESTRICTIONS EXPIRES 12/31/2018. E180 X390 RESTRICTIONSAPPLY. APPLY.SEE SEEDEALER DEALERFOR FORDETAILS. DETAILS.OFFER OFFER EXPIRES 12/31/2018. E180 54” 54” $2,799 $2,799 X390 54” 54” $5,699 $5,699 Pasture Invasive Grass Tour, Gallatin Valley. For details on these events or to register — and for more information about the anniversary itself — visit montana.edu/125. More information about Extension is available at msuextension. C & B - CIRCLE, MT C & B - CULBERTSON, MT C & B - GLASGOW, MT C & B - PLENTYWOOD, MT org. C & B - CIRCLE, MT C & B - CULBERTSON, MT C & B - GLASGOW, MT C & B - PLENTYWOOD, MT PH: (406) 485 - 2145

PH: (406) 485 - 2145

PH: (406) 787 - 6201

PH: (406) 787 - 6201





PH: (406) 228 - 2496

PH: (406) 228 - 2496

PH: (406) 765 - 1531

PH: (406) 765 - 1531



##### In the United States, over 650 million long-distance summer trips are made.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C35

and Combines

Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964

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After Hours (406) 791-6712


(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws

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Leather Gloves

Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday

In Stock



Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate

✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Round Tubing Great for corrals

12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails

(2) Hobart M802 dough mixers 80 qt. capacity

11/4” & 11/2” O.D.

20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths

Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America

5 /2’ & 6’ T1.33# 1

Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts

Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”

New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire


13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”


16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll 5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available



Various sizes available – CALL

1-1/2 x 1-1/2 used square tubing

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USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths

30-ft. lengths

& beams IN STOCK Call Joe or Adam

Sand & Slag Abrasives 7

HOPPER BOTTOM CARS Great for grain storage

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’

#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each

Cincinnati 6S12 Shear

#1 Railroad ties - $16 each

New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert


New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert

NEW Rebar

3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths

Used 2 /8”, 2 /8”, 31/2” & 41/2” drill pipe 3

For Non Potable Water Storage



Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries

For Bridges


Great for bridges

8”x4”x /16”sq., & 6”x2”x /4”sq. More Sizes Coming In. CALL! 5


Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.

] Sucker Rod Hangers ]



2 Galvanized Steel 86-ft. Light Poles

3/4” capacity

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Culvert Grade Pipe 22” & 24” - $15.00/ft.

NEW 20-ft. Containers

Used Electric Motors & Boxes




1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848


Domestic A500 OCK Grade B 6”x.250 T S F Ocasing, T well U O 20-ft. lengths.... Call for pricing

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C36


Tandem axle car trailer, large storage/tool box on front, good tires. Good for small sprayer, side-by-side, race car, etc................................................................... $2500 1986 Chevrolet Corvette hatch back, removable top, tuned port injection, 145,000 miles. Good shape for a 32 year old car........................................................... $4000 Will listen to offers. Call (406) 949-1650, Conrad, MT

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On day 21 following bull turnout, 60 percent of cows bred

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension in early lactation. Various studies reveal Are the cows ready to breed, and will 60 one body condition score is equal to 60 to percent conceive a calf within 21 days fol80 pounds, the typical early lactation and lowing bull turnout? calving weight loss we see at the center. In reality, cattle never should be out of Given the weather challenges from April, shape for breeding. Weather and feed supseeing cows that have dropped in condition plies always should be managed so animals if nursing a calf should be no surprise. are in good condition. The important point, Let’s take a managerial timeout from a however, is to know where the cattle operaproducer perspective. Cows this time of year tion is at, avoiding unforeseen disappointshould be in suitable condition. However, if ments next fall. cows are losing condition, the current nutriLet’s talk about cows. Typical 1,300-pound tional protocol is not cows consume 25 to meeting their needs. 30-plus pounds of dry The cows are milking matter a day, dependmore than predicted ing on the stage of or the environment is pregnancy and milk rougher than thought. production. Dry, pregSo, back to the orignant cows will be at inal question: “Are the the lower end of total cows ready to breed?” feed needs. Lactating Well, with cows headcows may very well ing out to grass at a exceed the upper end. proper stocking rate, Remember, as cows the cows will do what climb the body weight they need to do. And quite remarkably, ladder, to 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, they are cattle do well. going to need 25-plus percent more daily But still, if cows are thin at bull turnout, dry matter. Cows with access to enough maybe that would be a good time to rethink daily dry matter of good green grass genercalving time. This is an opportunity for a ally will maintain a good condition. Those big-picture look at the operation. Will the cows that do not should be moved to the cows keep a 365-day calving interval? Are market pen. cows recovering from calving, starting A basic management premise is that the lactation and cycling, all within 82 days? cattle in residence within the herd should The answers will be available in the fall meet the environmental challenges of the at pregnancy checking time, but the expeccow-calf enterprise setting. As a producer, tation is that 60 percent of the mature cows if one looks over and sees some “ribby” should be pregnant in the first 21 days of cows, or those that are obviously thin or the breeding season. And the managerial pretty hard to the touch, some sorting might goal through time would be to boost the not be a bad idea. first-cycle pregnancy rate to more than 63 You even may want to start an early percent. market beef pen. These cows could be early The bottom line is that cows need to be weaned midsummer, and the cows could ready to rebreed before calving, but in rebe sent to town while the calves are left on ality, this year’s breeding success already grass. has been determined. If the percentage of Given the perplexity of weather, the abilmature cows calving is lower than 60 perity to decrease the stocking rate to preserve cent during the first 21 days of the calving forage for the productive cows always needs season or lower than is historically normal to be an option. Condition scores lower than on the operation, make a big note to revisit a 5 require a second look; rebreeding flags this issue in the fall when cows are prone pop up if the scores are lower than a 4. to adding condition. Every herd has an occasional thin cow, Several managerial options exist that can but that should not be the norm. And if the refine the environment cows live in, but they norm, then some serious consideration of come with an expense. Through time, cows alternative cow types should be placed on need to fit their environment. The best indithe discussion table. cator is the percentage of cows maintaining Keep in mind, rebreeding cows is a funca 365-day calving interval, or simply count tion of the time from calving to bull turnout. the number of cows bred in 21 days. If 60 Assuming a gestation length of 283 days, percent of the cows are bred, management you have an 82-day window to prep the cow is working. to rebreed and conceive a calf for next year. A closing thought: Delaying bull turnout As body weight and condition decrease, would allow cows a one-time opportunity a cow will not resume reproductive activto make up lost condition and move calving ity until she can replenish her body’s needs later. That’s something to think about. while feeding her calf. Even within a wellMay you find all your ear tags. conditioned cow herd, 1,300-pound cows For more information, contact your lonormally will lose weight and body condical NDSU Extension agent (https://www. tion following calving and early lactation, ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or Ringso now is not the time to add nutritional wall at the Dickinson Research Extension stress. Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND Research at the Dickinson Research 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ Extension Center shows cows easily can ndsu.edu. lose almost 5 percent of their body weight

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C37


NEW MACDON M205 WINDROWER with 16-ft. R85 Rotary Header Several of these units available. Call or stop by TODAY!

RITE WAY ROLLERS - 20-ft., 52-ft. & 62-ft. units In Stock


(4) 2017 NEW Vermeer 605SM net wrap/twine, pickup clutch, float tires *2011 Vermeer 605SM round baler, twine/net, wide pickup, bale kicker 2006 Case RBX562 round baler, twine only 1997 Freeman 1592 3x4 square baler Hesston 540 4x5 round baler, twine only (2) Hesston 2856A 5x6 round baler, twine only Hesston 956A 5x6 round baler, twine only Hesston 956A 5x6 round baler, twine & mesh Hesston 856A 5x6 round baler, twine only 2014 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 square baler, moisture tester, rear steer, 6500 bales New Holland 1282 self-propelled small square baler, no cab New Holland 1283 self-propelled small square baler, cab, air conditioning



*2017 NEW MacDon M205 windrower, draper ready, no DEF (2) 2016 NEW MacDon M205 windrower, draper ready, no DEF, 86/160 hours (3) 2017 NEW MacDon R85 windrower, rotary header (2) 2017 NEW MacDon A40D windrower, 16-ft. cycle header 2014 MacDon M205 windrower, auger and rotary headers available 1994 MacDon 9000 14-ft. 920 header 1995 MacDon 9000 14-ft. 920 header Hesston 8200 windrower, 14-ft. auger head, single sickle Hesston 1014 14-ft. swing tongue w/conditioner 2006 Challenger SP115 36-ft. draper MacDon 5020 16-ft, swing tongue w/conditioner New Holland 2218 18-ft. double knife, push bar for 9030 bi-directional


1987 Case IH 9170 320 hp, 4WD 2014 Challenger MT865C 1800 hours, PTO, 36” tracks Ford 9280 250 hp, 4WD, duals, 9780 hours Ford 8670 170 hp, FWA, 16,900 hours, economy priced sprayer tractor John Deere 7520 articulating PTO, duals John Deere 4020 loader, cab, PTO, PowerShift transmission *2015 Massey Ferguson 7716 150 hp, Dyna 6 transmission, loader, grapple 2012 Massey Ferguson 7624 CVT transmission, 220 hp, loader, grapple, FWA


MISCELLANEOUS 2016 Bourgault 3320 QDA independent opener drill, 60-ft., 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 6550 trailing cart with 4 metering augers *2014 Bourgault 3320-76 QDA, MRB, 10” spacing, Vpackers, 3/4 tip, 7700 tank, scale, side saddle, dual hi-capacity fans, 24,000 acres 2004 Flexi-Coil 5000 12” spacing, double shoot, steel packers Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft., 10” spacing, steel packers, 2340 vari-rate tank 2014 Bourgault 3710 disc drill, 60-ft. 10” spacing, 6550 leading tank, mid-row banders and metering augers 2009 Case ATX700 70-ft., 12” spacing, rubber packers, 3430 leading cart 2007 New Holland SD550 60-ft., 10” spacing, SC430 cart, double shoot, rubber packers 2003 Bourgault 5710 47-ft., 10” spacing, 5350 leading tank, just in from lease


1998 Flexi-Coil 65XL sprayer, 120-ft., Flexi-Coil monitor 2017 Riteway 20-ft. roller (2) *2018 Riteway 52-ft., 3 section land roller, rental discounts 2018 Riteway 62-ft. 5 section land roller, rental discounts 1999 Kinze 840 grain cart, tarp, PTO drive 2017 Parker 1139 grain cart, PTO, scale New Holland 1032 pull-type bale wagon New Holland 1033 pull-type bale wagon

*2017 Summers Diamond Disk 28.5-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts 2016 Summers Diamond Disk 47-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts 2011 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk rolling baskets 2015 Great Plains Turbo Max 40-ft. vertical tillage unit. Adjustable blade angle, rolling baskets Constantill 10-ft. deep tillage tool

* indicates pictured items


*2018 MacDon FD140 35-40-ft. flex drapers, cross auger, transport 2018 MacDon FD75 35-40-ft. flex draper, cross auger, transport 2015 MacDon FD75 35-ft. cross auger, transport 2015 MacDon D65D 40-ft. transport, PU reel, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes, many combine adaptors available 2015 MacDon FD75 flex single knife, 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon FD75 35-ft. cross auger, transport 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft. transport, single knife, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes, PU reel 2012 MacDon D60S 40-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, single knife, CA20 combine adaptor 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft. double knife, PU reel, cross auger 2009 Case 2152 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes 2-2009 John Deere 635D headers, double knife, 1 w/ boggie wheels, 1 w/transport 2006 Case 2042 36-ft. single knife, PU reel, transport 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft. PU reel, transport 2005 New Holland 74C flex auger header, double knife, poly cutterbar 2005 MacDon 963 36-ft. single knife 2003 MacDon 972 36-ft. cross auger, transport, single knife, John Deere adaptor 2000 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, Case adaptor, transport 1998 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, New Holland adaptor, transport

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C38

LOOKING FOR FARM/RANCH WORKER Housing available. Perfect for some partially retired. Full-time in summer, part-time in winter

Drought may have compromised livestock water quality

By NDSU Extension Service cattle. High levels of sulfate can reduce copMany producers are continuing to feel the effects of the 2017 drought, which are lingerper availability in the diet. Elevated levels of sulfates may cause loose stool, whereas ing into the 2018 grazing season. very high levels of sulfate can induce central Numerous ponds and dugouts dried up as TRAILER FOR SALE nervous system problems and polioencephea result of the drought, and any water remain2008 Load Max dual axle ing in others may not be the best quality. lomalacia, a brain disorder in cattle. beavertail trailer, like new. “Runoff from snowmelt and spring rains Nitrate in itself is not toxic to animals, but Ready to go to work. Rated at may not be enough to replenish depleted at elevated levels, it causes nitrate poisoning. 22,000 lbs. Yours for....$7000 ponds and dugouts, and water quality in Water sources that receive runoff from fields Phone (406) 468-0000 Ask for Jay ponds and dugouts still may be compromised and confined feeding locations that contain by concentrated levels of salts, minerals and elevated levels of nitrogen are at risk of bacteria,” warns Miranda Meehan, North contamination. Dakota State University (NDSU) ExtenDuring the 2017 drought, NDSU Exsion livestock environmental stewardship tension helped producers collect 94 water EQUIPMENT FOR SALE specialist. samples for laboratory testing; 82 of these New Holland BR780 baler, Net 1000, Super Sweep .........$12,000 Michelle Mostrom, a toxicologist in samples contained potentially toxic levels International 1060 Black Stripe 3 point, 2SV, 2 point ......$10,000 NDSU’s Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, of TDS. International 810 30-ft. header .............................................$2000 recommends producers test their livestock’s “We recommend that livestock producers International 810 13-ft. header, Sund pickup .......................$1000 water sources for total dissolved solids test water quality prior to livestock turnout, Du-Al 100 loader, fits small utility tractor ...............................$1200 (TDS), sulfates and nitrates. TDS measure especially if their water sources had elevated 500 gallon fuel tank w/stand ....................................................$400 salts. These levels should be less than 5,000 TDS last year,” says Janna Kincheloe, ExtenFeteral 7x41-ft. auger with spider ............................................$250 parts per million (ppm) for most classes of sion livestock systems specialist at NDSU’s Wagner loader, fits 8N .......................................................... Offers grazing livestock. Elevated levels of TDS Hettinger Research Extension Center. 1990 Ranger long box, repair or parts ................................. Offers Aluminum topper for long box compact pickup ..................... Offers may be harmful to livestock health. “Monitoring water quality throughout Sulfate levels should be less than 500 ppm the grazing season is important because the Call 406-870-9003 for calves and less than 1,000 ppm for adult quality changes in response to climate and environmental conditions,” Kincheloe adds. “The importance will be magnified if the drought continues into the 406-453-0010 growing season, especially when using a shallow water Montana Toll Free source and sources with a 1-800-452-0010 history of water quality is4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana sues.” Many commercial laboraWHIL tories and the NDSU Veteri20+ years experience... SUPP E nary Diagnostic Laboratory L LASTIES provide testing for livestock NEW Raven We service what we sell water quality and specialized ™ Guidance testing. The cost of a basic water quality test is approxiGo to www.agwestdist.com to check out our New Low Price Of $1695 mately $25. used sprayers and floaters we have on sale! When collecting and subCall for Special Pricing ® mitting a sample for analysis, ✔ Touchscreen Display follow the livestock water All ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) Shapes testing guidelines at https:// ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports and Sizes tinyurl.com/WaterTestingLiquid Storage ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology Guidelines. If you need as✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries Tanks sistance, contact your local or create in-depth field maps. Excellent Selection Extension agent or water® On Hand shed coordinator. If concerned about live✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand stock disease caused by ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package contaminated drinking water, contact your local veterinarian, NDSU Extension We carry all Parts & Filters veterinarian Gerald Stokka for self-propelled at 701-231-5082 or gerald. stokka@ndsu.edu, or the sprayers and floater trucks NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at 701-2318307 or http://www.vdl. We sell all AIM Command ndsu.edu/. & SharpShooter parts More information on liveComplete Systems On Hand forJohn Deere and all other brands stock water quality is available in the following Extension publications: ATV & BACKPACK • Livestock Water ReSPRAYERS quirements – http://tinyurl. com/LivestockWaterReThe Handler is designed primarily for quirements direct induction of chemical into sprayers. • Livestock Water Quality Crop – http://tinyurl.com/LivestockWater Protection • Nitrate Poisoning of System Livestock – http://tinyurl. 15, 42 and 70 com/LivestockNitratePoigallon capacity soning • Cyanobacteria Poisoning Bring in any competitor’s AD (Blue-green Algae) – http:// and we’ll match their price!! tinyurl.com/NDSUBlue3 - 3000 gallon tanks Stop in and see what we have!! greenAlgae Phone (406) 468-3009, Ulm, Montana


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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C39

ATV Wick

3-point sprayer



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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C40

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2011 John Deere 7230 MFWD, 741 loader 2009 John Deere 7430 Prem MFWD, 741 2011 Case IH Maxxum 125 Pro MFWD, Loader 2005 John Deere 7320 MFWD, 741 Loader 2004 Case IH MXU 125 MFWD, Quicke Loader 2000 John Deere 7410 MFWD, LH Rev, 740 2013 John Deere 6150R MFWD, H360 2013 Case IH 235 Magnum, MFWD, Loader 2011 John Deere 7330 MFWD w/ 741 Loader

$68,000 $88,500 $57,500 $67,000 $44,000 $56,000 $99,000 $98,000 $73,500

Skid Loaders, Pay Loaders & Telehandlers 2012 Case TV380, cab, new tracks, 2184 hrs. 2012 Deere 320D cab, new tires, higher hours 2012 Deere 318D 1646 hours, cab, aux. hyd. 1980 John Deere 644B Loader w/ Grapple

Implements and Attachments

New Allied 3-point hydraulic angle blades 2012 Kuhn Knight VT156 Vertical Mixer New H&S SW3143 430 Bushel Spreader New Notch Bale Spears, Various configs. Danuser EP-15 Post Hole Augers, var. bits MDS John Deere Buckets & Grapples Loader Conversion Plates Notch Lift and Tilt Land Levelers

Hay Equipment

$35,900 $15,500 $23,900 $27,000

$ Call $33,500 $ Call $ Call $ Call $ Call $ 990 $ Call

2010 John Deere R450 Windrower, 16’ rotary 2016 John Deere 956 Rotary MoCo 2015 John Deere 569 Baler, Mega-Wide, Net 2015 Vermeer 605N Baler, 12,000 bales

$87,500 $ Call $ Call $ Call

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Kunz Arc Ease rough cut mower

Pest information from lentil growers

The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is seeking to gather information from lentil growers who have, are or will be suffering damage from vertebrate pests. As part of the MDA’s vertebrate pest program, Department staff gathers information and photos related to certain pests and the damages they cause to certain crops. This information helps the Department develop training materials, which in turn are used to educate producers to help them more easily identify and manage vertebrate pests. Specifically, MDA is looking for lentil growers to provide information related to the following: What vertebrate animals have damaged your crops? Would you be willing to allow Montana Department of Agriculture staff come to your farm document the damage? Vertebrate pests are any animal with a backbone/spine, such as birds, deer, rodents and carnivores. The Department’s Vertebrate Pest program helps producers and property owners manage damage by rodents and other animals that threaten production, structures and public health. Program staff performs research to find new ways to control vertebrate pests using various control methods such as pesticides, habitat modification, trapping and shooting. Growers willing to provide information should contact Stephen Vantassel, Vertebrate Pest Specialist with MDA at: (406) 538-3004 or svantassel@mt.gov. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the department, visit agr.mt.gov. ##### The record for the most people applying sunscreen was on January 8, 2012, in Australia with 1,006 participants applying sunscreen for 2 minutes. ##### Warmer weather causes certain diseases to peak during the summer, such as Valley Fever, West Nile Lyme Disease, and food poisoning.

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gear and bearing pullers in stock.

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Chester, Montana

New Honda Replacement Engines - IN STOCK 4 and 5.5 hp 2” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm

Sudden flush of plant growth has ticks flourishing

By K-State Research and Extension News Almost overnight, we went from the drab, brown tones of winter to lush, green vegetation across much of the Plains. And the plants aren’t the only living things that are thriving. “In my experience this is the earliest we’ve had tick issues,” said Kansas State University entomology professor, Raymond Cloyd, who said he fielded more calls and emails about ticks earlier than usual this spring. While it’s hard to know for sure if there are more ticks than normal, Cloyd, a veteran specialist with K-State Research and Extension, said the cool, rainy weather in parts of Kansas and other states, followed by a quick profusion of plant growth may have boosted the tick population. Ticks tend to flourish when vegetation flourishes, especially in weeds and unmanaged areas. To minimize the number of ticks on your property, he said it’s best to keep lawns mowed and generally reduce unmanaged areas where weeds can flourish. “I am not a proponent of blanket (insecticide) sprays in the yard,” Cloyd said. Other steps he recommends: • When outdoors, wear repellents based on DEET or permethrin. Permethrin-based products, however, must not be applied directly to the skin. • Tuck your pant legs into your socks. White socks are best because it’s easier to see ticks on them. • After coming in from potentially tick-infested areas, inspect your or your children’s skin and remove ticks immediately. Also, check pets that were outdoors. • Take a shower as soon as possible after coming indoors. • If you find a tick that’s already embedded, gently pull it out with tweezers, including the head. A tick head broken off and left in the skin can potentially lead to an infection. The most common ticks found in Kansas include the American dog tick, Lone star tick, the Brown dog tick and the black-legged tick. Because some ticks carry pathogens such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Lyme disease, it’s a good idea to have them identified if they were embedded in the skin. To learn more: https://www.bookstore.ksre.k-state.edu/pubs/mf2653.pdf ##### Throw a few silica packets (those square things inside shoe boxes) into your toolbox. You tools will neer rust again.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C41

CAMPERS FOR SALE 1988 Fleetwood Wilderness, very good shape....................................... $3500 obo 2006 Cougar, slide-out. Very good shape. Asking...........................................$15,000 Would consider older motorhome on trade

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Mack manure truck for Rent! . ....................... Call for prices

2000 Prevost bus, 60 Series Detroit, automatic, salvage title.............................$17,500

Phone (406) 289-0063 Valier, Montana

1981 John Deere 772A road grader, 14-ft. moldboard, snow wing, scarifer, front blade, 2500 hours.................$30,000

1995 Load King 50 ton hydraulic de-tach lowboy............. ..................................$29,500

2008 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4, 5.4L V8, 190,000 miles... .....................................$5500

2003 Kenworth T800 6NZ CAT, 18 speed, lockers............ ..................................$34,500

2006 Fontaine 48-ft. drop deck, spread axle combo........ ..................................$19,500 2003 John Deere 270C LC excavator, 9000 hours, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics......... ..................................$47,500

2006 Bobcat 331E excavator, cab with heat, air conditioning, Extend-A-Hoe, 2 buckets........ ..................................$24,500

2009 Cat 257B skid steer, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 2700 hours....$30,000

2014 Dakota 3 axle belly dump..........................$28,500

1999 Freightliner Classic day cab, CAT 3406E, 13 speed, wet kit, new 24.5 tires, motor history..............$29,500

1999 Kenworth T2000 N14, 10 speed, 11R24.5 tires.......... ..................................$17,500

2011 Kenworth T800 550 hp CAT, 18 speed, 20,000 fronts, 46,000 rears, double frame lockers........................... CALL

2005 JLG 544-10 telehandler.. ..................................$42,500

2004 Load King 70 ton lowboy, 3-3-2 set up, 9-ft. wide.... $140,000 2006 Arnes T/A belly dump, air ride.......................$22,500

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1997 Gerrys T/A Jeep, air ride, nice shape.........$15,000

1997 Kenworth T800 day cab, Cat 3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, full lockers, rebuilt title. ..................................$29,500

Lloyd Walker

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C42

Double cropping and lateplanted grain sorghum

From sorghumcheckoff.com Growers often use grain sorghum as a double crop – behind wheat or a failed spring crop – because sorghum has a relatively low input cost and can produce good yields with favorable late season weather conditions. However, grain sorghum yields are much less consistent or predictable with late planting dates. Researchers have conducted many planting date studies over the years where the results have been strongly influenced by local conditions during the time frame of the trial. Growers can learn a few general underlying principles from these studies. Year Planting Date Mid-May Mid-June 2016 4,969 3,581 2017 4,891 1,992 Source: Burns, USDA-ARS Stoneville, MS In a 2017 trial conducted by the USDA-ARS at Stoneville, Mississippi, researchers found that delaying planting from mid-May to mid-June resulted in a yield reduction of 59 percent compared to only 28 percent in 2016. In a six-year planting date study at Marianna, Arkansas, researchers found that sorghum planted after June 1 consistently yielded 80 percent less than sorghum planted on May 15 or earlier. Though every year is different, growers can expect lower yields once planting is delayed 30 to 45 days past the optimum planting date in most regions. Heat stress is likely one of the primary reasons for lower yields with late-planted sorghum. High temperatures that occur from 10 days before heading to 10 days after flowering will have a detrimental effect on yield. Yields from late planting are expected to be higher in years when adequate rainfall and cooler temperatures occur in July and August. Insects are more likely to be an issue with lateplanted sorghum. Midge has long been a pest in the mid-South, and early planting is one of the integrated pest management strategies for controlling midge. With late planting, growers should apply an insecticide for midge control during sorghum flowering, which typically lasts for seven days. Sugarcane aphids are likely to occur earlier in the growth cycle of the sorghum plant – at a time when they can cause severe reduction in yield. For aphids, growers should scout fields early and be prepared to apply an insecticide as soon as threshold levels are reached. State extension entomologists have excellent resources available for managing insects in sorghum. When planting sorghum after wheat harvest where heavy wheat stubble is present, growers should increase the sorghum seeding rate by 20 percent. In addition, when applying herbicides, growers should use plenty of water to provide better coverage on emerged weeds and aid in getting pre-emergence herbicides to the soil.

Tips to protect wheat midge parasitic wasps from insecticide spray

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C43

By Govinda Shrestha, Ramadevi L. Gadi and Gadi V.P. Reddy , Montana State University, Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center, Conrad, Montana

Wheat midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana), a non-native spring wheat pest that feeds on developing wheat kernels, is a serious economic concern to producers, particularly in the Golden Triangle and Northeastern Montana. Currently, Montana producers largely depend on the use of synthetic chemicals (e.g., Lorsban® and Warrior®) for effective wheat midge control. However, the time has come that producers may need to realize and pay attention to the “role of natural biological control parasitic wasps” on managing the wheat midge population on spring wheat fields. Based on wheat midge monitoring data (2015-2017), it is evident that two tiny black parasitic wasps Macroglenes penetrans and Platygaster tuberosula are known to be present in the Golden Triangle, Montana as stated in articles published by Thompson and Reddy (2016) in Crop Protection Journal and Shrestha and Reddy (2018) in Traders Dispatch Magazine of March issue. Macroglenes penetrans appears to be well established, while the P. tuberosula population level is building up at slower rate in the natural environment of Montana. These two wasp species were brought from Canadian sources of Alberta and Saskatchewan and released in Golden Triangle in 2014 and 2016. Efforts are underway to introduce an additional parasitic wasp species of Euxestonotus error from Saskatchewan to Golden Triangle area of Montana. How do these parasitic wasps act as midge natural predators and are they considered as friends of crop producer’s? Parasitic wasps are organisms that live on or in a host and consume it until it eventually dies. Female parasitic wasps lay eggs in the eggs or larvae of wheat midge; then the wasp larvae soon after emergence feed on developing midge larvae and ultimately

kills it. These wasps can help producers to keep midge population under control and prevent them from causing economic damage. For instance, one of these parasitic wasp species (M. penetrans) is providing nearly 40% of wheat midge control and help to reduce or save Canadian producers the expense of insecticide application for wheat midge control. In order to see tangible benefits of parasitic wasps, it is now imperative that they be carefully managed and considered as an important method to control wheat midge. There could be several techniques implemented to protect the wheat midge parasitic wasps. However, the focus here is only on what strategies spring wheat producers should consider while spraying chemicals for midge control to minimize the chemical’s negative impacts on existing parasitic wasp species population levels (Figure 1). Listed below are the tips that producers may consider to protect wheat midge parasitic wasp’s population: 1. Producers should target to control wheat midge adults. In the Golden Triangle, midge adults start emerging second to third week of June and the population usually peaks in late June to early July. Female midge adults deposit eggs on developing wheat heads. If adult populations are above an economic threshold (one or more adults are observed for every six wheat heads) between booting and the 75% flowering stage, producers may consider chemical application. Spraying chemicals at an earlier or later growth stage may not only reduce the chemical efficacy, but may also kill parasitic wasp adults because their emergence often occurs one to two weeks after midge adult emergence as mentioned in an article published by Shrestha and Reddy (2017) in Insect Science Journal.



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MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal w/metal flex spout fuel cans.

Figure 1. Wheat midge and its parasitic wasp management strategies. (Photo Credit: Wheat midge; Saskatoon Research Centre, Canada and Parasitic wasps; Saskatoon Research Centre, Canada and Peter Buhl, Denmark).

2. Producers should scout the midge adult population at the crop’s critical growth stage to make a chemical spray decision. It sounds strange that midge adult population should be scouted in the late evening and night, but this is the time when midge adults are active and can be seen flying around the wheat canopy. You often may not find adults during day time. In the Golden Triangle, midge scouting should be done from last week of June to first week of July during the susceptible crop growth stages from booting to 75% flowering. Effective scouting will help producers to determine whether spring wheat fields have a midge problem or not. Spraying insecticides with-

out scouting midge population may not only increase producer’s expenses but may kill the developing parasitic wasp populations. 3. Producers should remember that not every small flying insects in the crop will be a wheat midge. Because of small size, the midge adults may be mistaken with yellow lauxanid fly, which can also be commonly seen in wheat fields. In order to avoid this mis-identification, one has to know that the yellow fly is typically a little larger than the midge, active during day time or early evening and often resting on the wheat leaves or the awns. Don’t bother spraying for these yellow flies as they are harmless to the crop. CONTINUED ON PAGE C44

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406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C44

SPREADER FOR SALE Valmar pull-type spreader, like new, shedded Call (406) 788-1624 • Power, MT

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2017 Kubota M6-141 260 hours ................. $85,000 2017 Kubota 70-60 355 hours .................... $44,000 1999 Freightliner 2 ton truck and trailer, CAT diesel, 10 speed ..................................................... $6500 Hesston 1150 12-ft. pull-type swather ........... $4000 Call 406.833.0044 • Ronan, MT

1991 Kenworth T400 Flatbed 325 hp Cat, 9 speed, Jake, AC, AR, PS, 90% 11R24.5’s, 14.5ft. bed, pintle hitch, low miles, runs great....................$12,500

Tips to protect wheat midge parasitic wasps from insecticide spray CONTINUED FROM PAGE C43

4. Producers should be aware of the economic threshold level for spraying. Producers should only spray insecticides if they see one adult per six wheat heads during the susceptible stage of wheat (booting to flowering). Spraying insecticides below the recommended threshold level may not be economical to producers and it may also be harmful for the parasitic wasp populations. 5. Producers should spray insecticides in the evening to protect the crop and the parasitic wasp population. If producers decide to spray, please do it in the evening and not during the day time. Adult midges are active in the evening and night so

spraying at that time will increase insecticide efficacy. Evening spraying will also reduce the negative impact on parasitic wasp population as they are often more active in day time than in the evening. 6. Once wheat flowering is completed, no need to spray for midge. This is because by that time, the wheat plant is able to produce their own natural chemicals (ferulic acid) that defend midge attack. Therefore, insecticide spray at this time is not required and can do more harm than good by killing off the natural parasitic wasps that normally help to control the wheat midge population.

1993 GMC TopKick Flatbed 210 hp Cat, 6 speed, AC, PS, PB, 64,000 miles, 60% 19.5 tires, 12-ft. bed, gooseneck and receiver hitch, 24,000 gvw. ....................................$13,500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp Cat diesel, 6 speed Allison, 116,000 miles, AB, PS, Ingersoll Rand diesel 160 cfm compressor with 816 hours, 70% 295R22.5’s, trailer hookups, 33,000 gvw..........$15,500 1994 Ford F600 18-ft. Flatbed Sullair 125 cfm diesel compressor, 160 hp 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26,000 gvw, 129,000 miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame...............$12,500 1992 Kodiak Flatbed Dump 75K miles, 215 hp, Cat diesel, 5 speed & 2 speed, PS, AC, PB, 26K GVW, 75% 22.5 tires, 16.5-ft. bed, double frame........ ....................................$14,500 1997 GMC C7500 250 hp, Cat diesel, 6 spd Allison, 137K miles. AB, PS, IR diesel 160 cfm compressor, 900 hours, 11R22.5’s 90%, trailer hookups, 33K GVW........ ....................................$15,500 1994 Ford F700 18-ft. flatbed, 175 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 & 2 speed, 26K GVW, 109K miles, 75% 10R22.5’s, PB, PS, double frame..$10,500 1997 GMC Topkick C7500 25K miles, 215 hp Cat 3116, 6 speed manual, PS, AC, AB, PTO, 12’6” of frame, 70% 22.5 tires, 33K GVW............$12,500 2003 Volvo Tractor 370 hp, ISM Cummins, 10 speed, 70% 22.5 tires, AR cab and suspension, cruise, AC, 750K miles, nice clean tight truck.............................$10,500 1994 GMC Topkick Dump 3116 Cat diesel, 6 speed Eaton, AC, PS, PB, 60% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel grain dump, scissor hoist, hitch, 24K GVW.. ....................................$10,500 1955 Chevrolet Step Side, 62K original miles, Big Back Window, 6 cyl, AT, frame off restoration, runs and drives excellent................................$22,500

J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT 406-381-3159 or 777-7057

Figure 2. Sweep net sampling for parasitic wasp in spring wheat fields. The Sweep net should carry an arc of 180˚ for each of 120 sweeps. One step forward should be taken between sweeps. The net should remain below the top of the canopy for the entire sweep.

7. How do producers know their spring wheat fields have parasitic wasps? Producers may use sweep nets to determine whether their fields have wasp adult population. About 120 sweeps should be made in each field. The following procedure should be practiced while sweeping in fields: i) Grasp the sweep net in both hands. Starting on one side of your body drive the net with force across your body making a 180˚ arc, ii) Take one step forward and repeat from the opposite side of the body (see Fig-2), iii) Make 120 sweeps total in each field sampled. (120 sweeps =

120 paces), iv) Make sweeps from the edge to the center of the field, v) At the end of the 120 sweeps flip the net several times with some force to knock the insects to the bottom of the bag, vi) Grasp the bag ~6 inches above the bottom of the net, vii) Invert the bag into the Ziploc bag, viii) Place location data inside the bag and ix) Place the bag in the freezer as soon as possible. Please send samples to WTARC, 9546 Old Shelby Rd., P. O. Box 656, Conrad, MT 59425 or County Extension Agents in your area for the identification and number of parasitic wasps in the sample.

Proposed rule for National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard

From USDA The U.S. Department of Agriculture inmandated timeline for this rulemaking, the vited public comment on the proposed rule comment period will not be extended, so to establish the National Bioengineered it is important that anyone interested file Food Disclosure Standard mandated by comments in a timely manner. Congress in 2016. The standard will proComments may be submitted online vide a uniform way to offer meaningful through the Federal eRulemaking portal www.regulations.gov. Comments disclosure for consumers who want more may also be filed with the Docket Clerk, information about their food and avoid a 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Room patchwork system of state or private labels 4543-South, Washington, DC 20250; Fax: that could be confusing for consumers and (202) 690-0338. would likely drive up food costs. The deadline for comments is July “This rulemaking presents several possible ways to determine what foods will 3, 2018. be covered by the final rule and what the The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Law was enacted by Condisclosure will include and look like,” said gress on July 29, 2016. The proposed rule Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. “We previewed in the May 3, Federal Register are looking for public input on a number (https://www.federalregister.gov/docuof these key decisions before a final rule ments/2018/05/04/2018-09389/nationalis issued later this year.” bioengineered-food-disclosure-standard). The proposed rule is open for comment for 60 days. Due to the Congressionally

National 4-H Conference enlightening for N.D. delegates By NDSU Extension Service

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C45

Our new email address is advertising@tradersdispatch.com

TRUCK & TRAILER FOR SALE $18,500 1996 Freightliner 430 hp, 60 Series Detroit with 10 speed. 50-ft. spread axle trailer extended to 53-ft. Hay racks included.

Phone Duane @ (406) 788-2726

Four North Dakota 4-H’ers attend the National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C. Pictured are (from left): delegates Mara Bornemann of Morton County, Gretchen Brummond of Walsh County, Toby Zikmund of Walsh County and Teddy Mayer of Hettinger County, and chaperone Meagan Scott, a 4-H youth development specialist in NDSU Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development. (NDSU photo)

Attending the weeklong National 4-H Conference in Washington, D.C., was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Gretchen Brummond of Park River. She was one of four North Dakota 4-H’ers selected to participate in the recent conference. The others were Mara Bornemann of Center, Teddy Mayer of Mott and Toby Zikmund of Pisek. The conference is an event in which more than 260 youth explore current issues affecting youth and the role 4-H can play in addressing those issues. Delegates participated in roundtable groups who researched issues such as teen health, agriculture and juveniles. The groups developed presentations on their findings and then shared the findings with key decision makers at various federal agencies throughout the Washington, D.C., area. “I was able to meet and connect with 4-H’ers from all across the country, and even Canada and Puerto Rico,” Brummond says. “We were involved in roundtable discussions (texting and driving, for example) and were able to present them to different agencies (Department of Transportation, for example). “This trip made me step out of my comfort zone and present my roundtable topic to prestigious adults,” she adds. “It was very powerful to see that I could make an impact on a national level by presenting to the Senate Committee on Agriculture,” Zikmund says. “The conference reinforced the idea that it’s possible to be a leader no matter where you are.” For Bornemann, the conference was a reminder of how important youth are to communities. “Attending a national conference such as this was surely a great opportunity, but it was certainly no invitation to stop being an impactful, positive influence on a local or state level,” she says. “After having a short federal briefing at the U.S. Department of Justice with my roundtable group, I felt exhilarated and eager to do something within my own community, specifically with my local police department and school. “I only hope that the passion I brought home from this conference to apply ‘my hands to larger service’ can be relayed onto others so that they may look to the four H’s of 4-H and do something within their own communities,” she notes. The conference was an eye-opening experience for Mayer. “During the National 4-H Conference, I learned how 4-H works as a national organization, which expanded my mind on the true impact of 4-H,” he says. Meagan Scott, a 4-H youth development specialist in North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Center for 4-H Youth Development, chaperoned the North Dakota delegates. “Interacting with these exceptional 4-H youth was a privilege,” she says. “Watching the outstanding young leaders come together and in a matter of only two days, put together such inspiring, creative and thought-provoking presentations in their roundtable groups was definitely impressive. “These four youth are leaders both in their communities and across the state,” she adds. “I look forward to seeing the great things that they continue to do.” Brummond hopes other 4-H’ers take advantage of attending the National 4-H Conference. “I encourage all 4-H’ers to apply for this, for it has definitely impacted my leadership abilities for the better,” she says. Applications to serve as a 2019 delegate are due to the North Dakota State University Extension Center for 4-H Youth Development by August 1. For more information, contact Rachelle Vettern, an NDSU Extension leadership and volunteer development specialist, at 701-231-7541 or rachelle. vettern@ndsu.edu. 4-H is a program of NDSU Extension. The North Dakota 4-H Foundation sponsored this educational opportunity.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 — Page C46

Balewagons & Retrievers

2007 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 4500 hours..........$90,000 New Holland 1085 rebuilt balewagon...............................$57,500

New Holland 1079 rebuilt balewagon...............................$70,000 New Holland 1075 gas.....................................................$26,500 1988 New Holland 1068 rebuilt diesel..............................$47,500 New Holland 1068 rebuilt late model, nice.......................$47,500 2-New Holland 1068 diesel, late models............$35,000-$40,000 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak clamp for 3x4 bales.............................................................................$28,000 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon..............................$18,500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.....................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt...... $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1036 balewagon, slatted deck, new hydraulic pump................................................................................$9500 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............$10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 rebuilt.................................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull type.............................................$10,500

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons


New Holland HW340 discbine swather............................$49,500 New Holland HW300 swather, w/12HS header................$32,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours................$39,500


Allen 8827 hydraulic double rake.....................................$10,500 New Holland 55, 56, 258, 259 & 260 rakes. Several to choose from............................. .. From $600 to $4500 New Holland 259, 260 rakes with New Holland 252 hay rake dolly, hydraulic drive.... ..........................$7500

Haying Equipment

Freeman 370 baler Deutz engine, 13” x 22” bale chamber... $15,000 2-Freeman 330SP balers, 13” x 22” bale chamber...$10,000 each 4-Freeman 330 balers, 1 with Deutz, 3 hydraulic drive, 13” x 22” bale chamber..........................................................$6500 each Hesston 4590 square baler, good condition.....................$13,000 2008 New Holland BB9080 3x4 square baler. 26,000 bales..$67,500 New Holland BR780 round baler with net wrap, nice.......$16,500

Tractors & Accessories

1995 Agco Allis 9655, MFWD, FEL , gr apple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals.....$35,000 Great Bend 870, FEL , gr apple, new condition..... .................$7500

Industrial Equipment

2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach..........................................................$45,000 Also available a Steffens bale clamp to go on forklift...........$4500 New 10-ft. snow blade for skid steer loader.........................$2450 Army M-135 6x6 truck, tires like new...................................$1000


Hyster 200H forklift with SunnyD squeeze.......................$32,000 Massey Ferguson 820 24-ft. disk with hydraulic wings......$6500

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

The monetary role of commodities

By James Caton, Assistant Professor, NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department where the central bank reduced the base When I teach macroeconomics, I continumoney stock as the depression deepened, ally iterate to my students two facts: preventing the gold standard from generat• Most depressions are aggregate demand ing relief to money markets. Economic dedriven. In other words, economic depression pression, which is usually a period of falling usually occurs due to oscillations in the asset prices, would be a boon to producers quantity of money in circulation or oscillaof the commodity that served as money. tions in the demand for money. The path forward to • Markets regulate this could occur one the quantity of money of two ways: supplied in light of • The central bank demand for it. If concould adopt a bassumers are willing to ket of commodities pay a higher price for to back the money in money, firms will supcirculation. In 1943, ply the market with F.A. Hayek suggested more money. To use a system in which the a technical term, the central bank targets quantity of money is the price of a basket “endogenously,” or of commodities and internally, regulated. regularly buys or sells In a world where the basket of comthe central bank determodities, depending on whether the price mines the quantity of base money in circulaof the basket was, respectively, below or tion, losing sight of fact No. 2 is easy to do. above the target price. This would avoid a When gold or any other commodity serves monetary contraction like the one caused by as money, the quantity of the commodity central banks during the Great Depression. in circulation is not strictly controlled by • Banks could be allowed to issue claims a central bank. It is controlled by profitagainst commodities that are treated as monseeking producers of the commodity. Credit ey, much as checks written against dollars markets operate in a similar manner. deposited in a checking account are treated To say that the price of money has inas money. The second path is difficult due creased is to say that the prices of (nonto taxation that occurs at the point of sale of money) goods have fallen, on average. The commodities, as well as legal tender laws. same amount of money buys more stuff. What is worth noting is that commodities You can imagine that under a gold standard, futures markets presently operate in this for example, if an ounce of gold tends to fashion, although their response is limited, purchase 30 percent more of any good, on compared with an actual commodity stanaverage, gold producers will mine and mint dard, because commodities do not actually more gold. serve as base currency. We see the same tendency in other comBefore the downturn of the Dow, which modity markets. When the price of wheat started in October 2007, investors began to rose about a decade ago, global wheat flock to commodities to hedge against marproduction also increased. After the price ket risk. Even after the start of the recession, fell, production levels remained relatively which began in December 2007, commodielevated as improvements in technology, ties futures continued to attract investment triggered by the increase in price, lowered until March 2008. These markets recovered the marginal cost of production. much of their losses before the downtrend Because credit doubles as money, an excontinued in June 2008. The price of gold pansion of the credit stock is an expansion continued to rise throughout the recession, of the money stock. Money that you deposit as did the level of gold production. in your checking account, for example, is In monetary theory, we refer to easily lent by a bank to borrowers, but the money saleable instruments such as commodities on account is available for spending by the futures as “near moneys.” They serve as a use of a check or a debit card. store of value. This value can be retrieved We can compare the dynamics of proeasily in the form of dollars if owners of duction of base money to the dynamics of these assets require actual dollars. Taxes credit creation (lending). If investors expect on the sale of commodities impede this a relative increase in return on investment, process. Their reduction or removal would for example, they will be willing to borallow futures markets to perform this stabirow so long as their expected rate of return lizing function with greater efficiency. exceeds the interest rate. In closing, markets regulate the quantity Improvements in prospects for economic of money. While this does not prevent ecogrowth are associated with increases in the nomic downturns, it does limit their magquantity of credit and, therefore, increases nitude. During booms, lenders respond en in the quantity of money. During economic masse to increases in demand for borrowing booms, then, an increase in demand to infrom investors. Under a monetary standard vest money is associated with an increase in in which commodities serve as money, the credit stock. During a recession, banks producers of the commodities that serve as tend to lend less, thus shrinking the money money respond to an economic downturn stock. This tends to occur just as investors by increasing production. are demanding more money to repay debts Even without a true commodity standard, whose collateral has experienced a devaluwe have observed this same phenomenon in ation. commodities futures markets as investors If the central bank controls the base increased the value of holdings of commoney stock, investors must hope that the modities futures contracts just as the major central bank responds by increasing the stock indices began their decline. The total quantity of base money. Under a commodity value of investment in futures did not fall standard absent a central bank, investors can substantially for more than six months after be assured that the base money will begin the recession started, or nine months after to respond to this increase in demand for the Dow Jones Industrial Average began its money during the course of the following fall. These dynamics give reason to believe year, much as wheat production responded that commodity money can serve to stabilize to increases in price more than a decade ago. economic volatility. Compare this with the Great Depression,

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 – Page C47

Enclosed Trailers



2013 Case CX80 Mini Excavator cab, heat, air conditioning, thumb, quick coupler, front blade, 1900 hours.

Skytrak 8042 Telescoping Forklift 8000 lb. lift, 42-ft. reach, Cummins engine, good machine, 2900 hours


2018 Cargo Mate 8.5 x 20-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, 5200# axles, additional 1-ft. height, 80” rear door opening, spare tire, LED lights, radial tires, white. Also available: 8 x 22-ft.....$8300 8 x 24-ft......$8800


$850 New Pallet Forks 48” heavy duty, quick attach

New Erskine Heavy Duty Brush Mower

New Erskine Earth Auger







Case CX55B Mini Excavator cab, heat, air conditioning, thumb, dozer blade, 2 buckets, 240 one-owner hours, excellent shape!

2018 Cargo Mate 8 x 16-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer 1-ft. extended height, side RV door, D-rings in floor, radial tires. Also available: Barn door.....$6400

Erskine Angle Broom

Erskine Tree Shear cuts up to 12” trees, manual rotating head


2007 Genie S40 Telescoping Lift gas/propane, 4x4, low hours




Erskine 7-ft. Snow Light Material Blade hydraulic angle, bolt on cutting edge. Also available: 8-ft. $3450 2013 Komatsu WA320 Wheel Loader cab, heat, air conditioning, JRB Quick attach, includes bucket, forks, jib boom, 1735 hours, excellent shape!



JLG 1930 ES Scissor Lift electric, great shape!

Erskine Stump Bucket 2015 Bobcat S590 Skidsteer cab, heat, air conditioning, new tires, new bucket, forks, 1800 hours


$21,500 2018 Cargo Mate 7x14-ft. enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires, 3500 lb. axles, LED lights, 6” extra height, D-rings in floor. Also available: 7x16....$6450


2015 Case 321F Wheel Loader cab, heat, air conditioning, bucket, skidsteer quick attach, 150 one-owner hours, excellent shape!


1995 Ingersoll Rand PT 125 Roller John Deere engine, hydraulic transmission, 2300 hours, foam-filled tires, 19,000# weight.

1992 John Deere 644E Wheel Loader cab, heat, Grab-Tech hydraulic grapple, good rubber, great older machine!

1991 Vibratory Rex Roller smooth drum, 72” drum, John Deere diesel engine


2018 Cargo Mate 8-ft.x26-ft. Snowbird Trailer Tandem axle, 9800# GVWR, white in color!

2007 Allight MS.45K9 Light Tower diesel engine, 5 lights, hydraulic outriggers & tower, nice machine!

2005 Volvo L20B Loader cab, skidsteer quick attach, 5300 hours


1985 Blaw Knox PF120H Paver rubber tires, Detroit engine, hydraulic transmission

view inventory on the web at:


$3450 2018 Royal 6-ft.x12-ft. Single-Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires

2018 Southland Dump Trailers Available: 10-ft......$5450 and 14-ft......$8250


2018 Kaufman 35-ton Low Boy detachable, spring ride, 22.5 rubber, front flip ramps, covered rear deck, front toolbox, outriggers

$3995 Avalanche Snow Pusher 10-ft., like new condition!

346 Sunrise Creek Loop Columbia Falls, MT



$500 ea.


Used Trailers

Erskine 8-ft. Snow Pusher



2018 Cargo Mate 6-ft.x12-ft. Single Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, black/champagne color


2011 Allmand Bros. MH1000 Maxi Heater 1,000,000 BTU, indirect flame, CAT diesel engine, trailer mounted, good condition!



Erskine Tree Puller


1996 Kenworth T800 Water Truck 500 hp N14 Cummins engine, jakes, 10C transmission, new rubber, new paint, new United 4000 gallon tank system with 4 sprays, hydrant fill and drafting capability.

New Erskine Bale Spear

Erskine Skidsteer Hitch Makes moving trailers a cinch! Easy visibility!


• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

Now your Globe Lowboy Trailers Dealer of Montana!

1995 Ziemann 2710 Tag Trailer Air brakes, beavertail, ramps, 16.5 rubber


All trailers come with up to a 10 year structural warranty!

Used 2017 PJ 22-ft. Low Pro Flatdeck Gooseneck Trailer with Duals (2) 12,000# axles, 5-ft. dovetail with 2 flipover Monster ramps, cold weather wiring harness, tool box.


2016 Trail Max GTD20 Gooseneck Trailer (2) 10,000 lb. axles, 21-ft. tilt, 5-ft. stationary deck, 24,000 lb. GVWR

$82,500 $24,900

1994 Trailmobile Belly Dump Trailer 3-axle, rear air ride, new paint, new tires, new aluminum outers, pusher block

$36,500 2018 Globe 30-ton tag trailer 3 axle, air-lift front axle, hydraulic rear ramps, 17.5 radial rubber, LED lights.

2018 Globe 55-ton Lowboy Trailer 9-ft. wide, non-ground bearing, detachable neck, 24-ft. well, powder coated, LED lights, covered rear wheels, air ride with rear lift axle, 22.5 rubber with aluminum outside wheels, front tool box, Honda gas pony motor, wet line plumbing, 10 year structural warranty!

Equipment Connection, LLC For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz

Small Town Company with Big Connections

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2018 – Page C48

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana

Equipment Connection, LLC 406-892-3915

346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net

Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available

534 Business Hub Drive, Belgrade, MT 59714 email: ecbelgrade@gmail.com


Small Town Company with Big Connections

Check out our Great Selection of PJ Dump Trailers! $8250 $10,100

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.

PJ Utility Trailers


PJ Gooseneck Trailers

2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8800 16-ft.........$9700

$16,100 $4450

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 3500# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft, single axle.......$3350

2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck with hydraulic tail trailer 32-ft. deck, 10-ft. hydraulic beavertail, (2) 12,000# axles.


2018 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3450 20-ft......$3750

Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in Montana


2018 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$12,650 30-ft. lo-pro.....$13,400 34 ft.....$13,400 36-ft......$13,600




PJ Deckover Trailers

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers

PJ Roll-Offs


2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$2200 10-ft.x77”....$2100

$7250 2018 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.

$6300 2018 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber. TJ HR 22-ft. tilts......$9450

$6500 2018 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$6600 Also available: 3-axle



2018 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.


2018 PJ 22-ft. superwide trailer (2) 7000# axles, heavy duty drive-over fenders, 2-ft. tail, slide-in ramps, spare tire.


14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $3750 each

2018 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.

$6000 2018 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.

2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.

$4300 2018 PJ 13-ft. equipment tilt trailer single 7000 lb. axle, 83” wide, radial tires, LED lights. Also available: 16-ft......$4450

2018 PJ 20-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000# axles, straight deck slide-in rear ramps, spare tire.

PJ Tilt Trailers


2018 PJ 14-ft. “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, (2) 7K axles. Eliminate job dumpster fees! In Stock: 14-ft. Bumper pull.....$8250 14-ft. Gooseneck.....$9400

2018 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4000 and 20-ft.....$4200

2018 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.



2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” single axle utility dump trailer (1) 5200# axle, 15” rubber.

2018 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9350



2018 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.

2018 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft.


2018 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber. Also available: gooseneck.....$8850

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$9400


2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2250 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$4100 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3400

2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp. Also available: 14-ft. x 83” Lo-Pro dump trailer...$8700


2018 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare. Also available: 24-ft......$9450 2018 PJ 10-ft x 77” Utility Trailer 4-ft. fold-up gate, 22” metal sides, pipe top. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2775



2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer powertail, (2) 12,000 lb axles, 2 speed jacks, fir deck. Also available: 30-ft.....$14,600


2018 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2018 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,100

2018 PJ 16-ft.x10” I-Beam Deckover Dump Trailer fold-down sides, roll-over tarp, cold weather wiring, spare tire.




2018 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6000 And 24-ft.....$6200

PJ Flatbeds Starting at $2500

$5000 2018 PJ 20-ft. medium duty deckover flatbed trailer 10,000 lb GVW, rear ramps. Also available in 16-ft.

Large Selection of Steel & Aluminum Truck Beds

You can view our complete inventory on the web at: www.equipment4u.biz

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