June 2012

Page 1

JUNE 2012

Vol. XIII No. 5 P.O. Box 306 Valier, MT 59486-0306

Phone 406-279-3291 Fax 406-279-3249 website: tradersdispatch.com E-MAIL: trader@3rivers.net

Wyoming Forage Field Day

Forage researchers from the University of Wyoming will demonstrate and discuss leading forage methods and topics at the Wyoming Forage Field Day Thursday, June 28, at Mile High Ranch in Riverton. “This event offers an excellent opportunity for agriculture producers, business personnel and specialists to see firsthand leading forage practices,” said Anowar Islam, UW Extension forage agroecologist. “The day will be packed with highly relevant training programs and a wealth of forage information. I hope to see as many participants as possible.” Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and sessions conclude at 4:55 p.m. Registration is free and includes a barbecue lunch. Information about the field day is at http://bit.ly/K6SLwK. Topics and activities include field tours, test plots and equipment demonstrations; hay marketing opportunities; forage establishment and management practices; forage variety selection; in-depth soil analysis, interpretation and recommendations; soil fertility management; and irrigation practices. Also presenting will be Kelli Belden, Laramie Research and Extension Center Greenhouse Complex director, and Axel Garcia, assistant professor and irrigation specialist at the UW Powell Research and Extension Center. To RSVP or for more information, contact UW Extension educator Ron Cunningham at 307-332-2363 or at ronc@uwyo. edu; Islam at 307-766-4151 or at mislasm@uwyo.edu; or Donn Randall with the Wyoming Business Council at (307) 777-6578 or at donn.randall@wyo.gov.


June 13, Big Iron, Online......................................................................................A3 June 15, Rick Young & Sons Auctioneers, Trees Ranch, Reed Point................A5 June 15, Arneson Auction Service, McGriff Equipment, Quinn SD.................A3 June 15, Kinsey Auctioneers, Olsen Ranch Equipment, Online.......................A2 June 16, Toavs Premier Auctions, Toavs Estate/Jackson Moving, Wolf Point..... . ......................................................................................................................A11 June 16, Buckley Auction, Toole County Surplus, Shelby...............................A13 June 16, Montana Auction Company, Inc, Vine Estate, Circle.........................A15 June 16, B & B Auction Sales & Service, Inman Collection Art, Chinook.......A2 June 16, Kinsey Auctioneers, Gatzke Farm Auction, Plevna............................A6 June 16, RK Statewide Auctions, Farm Auction, Glendive.............................A12 June 20, Big Iron, Online......................................................................................A3 June 22, RK Statewide Auctions, Rath Estate Day 1, Terry.............................A20 June 23, RK Statewide Auctions, Rath Estate Day 2, Terry.............................A21 June 23.. Montana Auction Company, Inc, Hirsch Farm & Ranch, Rock Springs . ......................................................................................................................A17 June 23, Isbell Auction, Morgan Estate Sale, Bozeman..................................A14 June 23, Fritz Auction, Consignment Sale, Chester........................................A19 June 27, Big Iron, Online......................................................................................A3 June 27, Shobe Auction & Realty, Town of Pray, Pray.....................................A40 June 28, Gardner’s Auction Service, Equipment Liquidation, Kalispell........A27 June 28, Ophus Auction Service, Jarvenpaa Living Estate, Cut Bank..........A29 June 28, Shobe Auction & Realty, Restaurant Equip, Online.........................A40 June 29, Click4Iron.com, Online........................................................................A38 June 30, RK Statewide Auctions, Rauch Estate Farm & Ranch, Wolf Point...A22 June 30, Montana Auction Company, Inc. Barone Estate, Savage.................A37 July 7, Kinsey Auctioneers, Thee Garage Show Room, Baker........................A18 July 7, Smith Sales Co., Wilhelm Automotive Repair, Miles City....................A44 July 12, Shobe Auction & Realty, Norwegian Creek Estates in Harrison, Three Forks..............................................................................................................A40 July 14, RK Statewide Auctions, Melby Large Farm Auction, Williston ND...A43 July 19, LA Auction Co., Thurber Farm, Great Falls.........................................A16

2012 Prairie Area Crop and Conservation Tour

The 2012 Prairie Area Crop and Conservation Tour will be held on Tuesday, June 26, starting at 7 a.m. The tour will begin with a breakfast at Nezperce, Idaho in the Legion Hall and conclude at about 12:30 p.m. All farmers, ranchers, agri-support personnel, and other interested individuals are encouraged to attend. Pesticide certification and CCA credits will be available. More information is available by contacting Ken Hart at khart@uidaho.edu.

Newly elected Marias River Livestock Association officers left to right: BJ Brown, Janet Hawks, Jeff Habets, Maggie Nutter, Marvin Kimmet, Bob Thompson, Butch Gillespie. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard.

Crops and Weeds Field Day Montana State University’s Post Research Farm west of Bozeman will host a crops and weeds field day July 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Pest control advisors, farm managers, chemical company cooperators, and students can learn about ongoing crop and weed research programs at MSU. Attendees can receive Certified Crop Adviser credits, and commercial and private applicator pesticide recertification credits. Staff will share information about research plots and demonstrate weed management techniques, pesticide application strategies, nutrient dynamics, cropping systems, insect management, and crop traits. Weed, nutrient, entomology, and cropping systems specialists will discuss field trial results. Several field experts will share updates on their research projects. Included in the event: Weed management presentations by Fabian Menalled, Ed Davis, Jane Mangold,

Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch A59

Judith Barroso, and Patrick Lawrence Spring wheat breeding expert Luther Talbert Soil nutrient management Rick Engel Integrated insect pests management with Kevin Wanner MSU Diagnostic Services: Toby Day, Hillary Parkinson and Linnea Skoglundon Registration is $10 and covers refreshments, lunch and a handbook. Please pre-register by July 14. Contact Hilary Parkinson at (406) 994-6297 or continued on page a2


Gunderson Herefords, Rudyard....................................A5 Peterson Sheep Co, Lemmon SD..................................A2 Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY...................................A8 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan.....................................A23 Ehlke Herefords, Townsend.........................................A23


June 23, Teton County Fair & 4-H Livestock Sale,   Choteau...................................................................... A6

Deadline for July June 29

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A2


50 head yearling Genelink (SAMM) rams. Micron results available. Put some meat into your replacement ewe lambs without losing wool grade. Will hold for fall delivery. B-Ovis free flock. Peterson Sheep Co. 701-376-3115 Lemmon, SD petersonsheepco.com


1977 Kenworth dump truck, BC400, 13 speed, engine brake, SSHD 44,000 lb. Rockwells, power steering, ready to work............................................ $11,900 obo 1988 Fruehauf gravel pup, 3 axle aluminum end dump, needs liner......... $8900 obo

Call 406-253-9675 or e-mail: yellowiron4hire@yahoo.com for pictures

Art Auction JR & Nancy Inman Collection

Saturday, June 16, 2012 Eagles Club on Main Street, Chinook, Montana Sale Preview 2 pm ~ Sale Time 5 pm

For info phone 406-357-2227 or e-mail john.miller@hubinternational.com View photos at http://www.jrinman.shutterfly.com

B & B Auction Sales & Service PO Box 2226, Havre, MT 59501 Phone 406-262-2346



North Dakota barley harvest tour

If malt is the essence of beer, what are the critical issues involved in the breeding, growing, and processing of the high quality malting barley brewers need? To help answer that question the Institute of Barley and Malt Sciences, the North Dakota Barley Council and the North Dakota Grain Growers Association have organized a barley harvest tour to examine the business of barley production through real time visits to farming and malting operations. During the two-day tour, July 16-18, participants will learn what critical issues are involved in the breeding, growing, and processing of barley, the risks faced by barley growers, and gain an understanding of the climate, culture, infrastructure and research programs in North Dakota barley production regions. The tour will include visits to a large malting facility, a barley grain elevator facility, the North Dakota State University barley research facilities, a local brewery/restaurant, and several barley grower’s fields and farm operations. Registration for this tour is now open. For more information go to http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ibms/Events/NDSUInstituteofBarleyandMaltSciences.htm , or to go directly to the registration page https://epayment.ndus.nodak.edu/ C22800_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=4 068&SINGLESTORE=true . The registration deadline is June 25, 2012.

Bonner County Farm Tour

The 46th Annual Bonner County Farm Tour is planned Thursday, June 21. The tour will visit four sites in the Dover, Laclede and Priest River areas and will include traditional agriculture, forestry and small specialty farm sites. As Bonner County agriculture has changed over the past century, one thing has remained the same: agriculture in Bonner County has been an integral part of its economy and social fabric. As has been the tradition, lunch will be hosted and served by the Cattlewomen’s Association. To get on the mailing list for the Farm Tour, contact the University of Idaho Extension office at the Bonner County Fairgrounds (208) 263-8511.

Crops and Weeds Field Day continued from front page

by e-mail at hilary.parkinson@montana.edu. You can also register at the Post Farm July 18. The Post Farm is located eight miles west of Bozeman on Highway 191. For more information, please visit the MSU Cropland Weed Management Web site at http://www.ipm.montana. edu/CropWeeds. ##### Our grandparents are the piece of the family story that seems more like heritage than the stories of our own parents.

Roy Olsen Ranch Equipment Online Only

AUCTION Timed Online Only Auction ENDS June 15th, 2012 7:00 p.m MST Items located at 971-101 Road Baker, MT Inspection of items by appointment. Call 406-772-5812

To bid on items view our website at:


2008 Dodge 3500 Heavy Duty with Hydrabed HB 355 bale bed, crew cab, dual rear wheels, automatic, 4x4, CD, squeeze radio, gooseneck hitch, Fron- Powder River tier grill guard, 82,211 miles, chute, left side controls, front exit, like new condition good condition

Auctioneers note: These items will be in ready to use condition. The squeeze chute is like new.

Duetz Allis 7145 tractor with Duetz Allis 475 loader, bucket and grapple, 20.8x38 rear tires, 16.9x28 fronts, cab, Model D-1028 A.S., SN# 76433043, 3 point, 1000/500 PTO hydraulics, 5756 hours


June 2012 — Vol. XIII No. 5 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., 402 Montana Ave., Valier, MT 59486-0306. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Valier, MT and at additional mailing offices. Deadline Friday before first Monday of each month. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 306, Valier, MT 59486-0306 Curt Aaberg, sales rep. Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste, and Becky Kujava, graphic artists Office Phone 406-279-3291 FAX 406-279-3249 e-mail: trader@3rivers.net www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.

MSU to host field day talk

Mixed species cover crops, or “cover crop cocktails,” are the focus of a new study by researchers at Montana State University and will be the topic of a field day on June 14 from 10 a.m. to noon, near Amsterdam. The three-year study, funded by USDA Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), is a collaborative project with Montana producers to look at cover crop mixtures as a partial replacement of fallow in rain-fed cropping systems. The project will determine how combinations of plants, rather than single-species cover crops, influence cover-crop yield, soil quality, water availability and subsequent wheat yield and quality. “We planted the cover-crop mixtures this spring, and with cooperative weather, should have healthy stands by midJune,” said Clain Jones, Extension soil fertility specialist in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University. Seed mixes being tested contain two, six, or eight species from various functional groups and will be compared against fallow and a single-species legume cover crop. The functional groups were selected to address soil quality issues specific to farming in the northern Great Plains. They include species that fix nitrogen to reduce nitrogen fertilizer inputs, provide ground cover to reduce weed establishment and evaporation, have deep tap roots to minimize compaction and move nutrients upwards, or have fibrous and extensive root systems to add soil carbon and promote aggregation. Jones said the study is designed to help provide information on plant functional groups to help farmers when selecting cover crop seed mixtures. The field day will be on Carl Vandermolen’s farm, one of several farms assisting with this study. It is sponsored by the Montana State University Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences and the Gallatin Conservation District. Researchers Clain Jones, Susan Tallman and Perry Miller, all from MSU, will present the benefits and challenges of cover crops and describe their study. Carl Vandermolen will discuss his cover crop philosophy and experiences. They will all be available for questions during and after their presentations, so bring your curiosity and questions. Refreshments will be provided by the Gallatin Conservation District. The field day is free and open to the public, however, please RSVP by Monday, June 11, 2012, to Marcie at (406) 522-4011.

NDSU Crop Management Field School

The North Dakota State University Extension Service’s annual crop management field school will be offered Thursday, June 21, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Carrington Research Extension Center. The school will provide updates on crop and pest management using hands-on training in field research and demonstration plots. The school is targeted for crop advisers, but the program also will be beneficial for farmers. Specific field sessions include: Weed identification - identify more than 60 living weed exhibits and review biology and control Herbicide mode of action - identify herbicide classes by examining crop and weed injury symptoms Corn and wheat – learn about growth stages and lateseason management strategies Insect management - review current insect concerns Row crop plant nutrition – learn about the current situation and strategies to maintain yield through harvest Instructors for the field school are Patrick Beauzay, NDSU entomology research specialist; Greg Endres, NDSU Extension area agronomist; Dave Franzen, NDSU Extension soils specialist; Richard Zollinger, NDSU Extension weeds specialist; Rod Lym, NDSU weed scientist; Jan Knodel, NDSU Extension entomologist; and Joel Ransom, NDSU Extension agronomist. A total of 50 participants will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants will receive reference materials, refreshments and a noon meal. Certified crop advisers participating in the event can receive 6 continuing education units. For further details and preregistration information, go to http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/CarringtonREC/events or contact the Carrington center at (701) 652-2951. A completed preregistration form and $75 fee is required by June 18 ($100 after June 18).

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A3


For farm-harvest work in north central Montana area. Starting mid to late July and ending mid to late October. Late model Case IH equipment, Peterbilt trucks. Awesome, laid back fun crew to work with. Excellent wage. Interested parties please contact Adam for more information (serious inquiries only). Phone (406) 390-3048 cell or (406) 292-3251 home. Please leave a message.

SKIDSTEER FOR SALE 1976 or 77 John Deere 170 skidsteer, 4 cyl gas, comes with bucket, backhoe and pallet forks................... $6000 obo

Call Todd at 406-460-1942 Chester, Montana

EQUIPMENT AUCTION Friday, June 15, 2012 - 9 am MT Location: Quinn, SD

John & Shelly McGriff, owners of M & S Contracting, Inc. All equipment fairly new with low hours.

(2) Case CX31B mini excavators ~ Ditch Witch RT40 trencher ~ Bobcat CT450 tractor ~ SKYTRAK 5028 hi-torq forklift ~ John Deere 210LE landscape tractor ~ Komatsu D21A mini dozer ~ Kubota LA723 loader ~ (8) pickups ~ (9) trailers ~ generators ~ (2) car haulers ~ (2) boats ~ Cub Cadet Zero turn mower ~ Viking grain truck ~ Several trailers full of tools ~ Bobcat cement mixer and dozer blade ~ Lowe post tamper~ Koyker post puller tamper ~ Landscaping tools ~ Job boxes ~ GX160 tiller. Many, many more items! Please go to www.ARNESONAUCTION.com for complete list and details

Arneson Auction Service RE# 11296  •  Lonnie: 605-798-2525  •  ARNESONAUCTION.com

www.bigiron.com First Lots Scheduled to Close at 10:00 AM Central Time


The following equipment is owned by various owners, visit www.bigiron.com for owner names, item locations and phone numbers.


2002 New Holland TV 140 Bi-Directional tractor with loader 1991 John Deere 4955 MFWD tractor Hesston 1180 MFWD tractor with loader 1975 John Deere 4630 tractor Massey Ferguson 2705 tractor 1970 John Deere 4020 tractor 3-John Deere A tractors John Deere 7340 MaxEmerge 2 planter 2006 New Holland BR780A round baler Case 8580 baler John Deere 530 baler 2000 MacDon 9250 swather John Deere 956 moco swather John Deere 2420 swather Allen LMC 8794 18 wheel rake 2008 Wilson PSG 32-ft stock trailer 1996 Donahue 812-28 adjustable width gooseneck trailer


John Deere 490D excavator Fiat-Allis 605-B wheel loader 1991 Komatsu WA 200-1 loader Terex 72-31B wheel loader Gradall 534C 4x4 telehandler Dresser TD-20C dozer Miskin soil mover Action Sheeps foot roller Garwood Buckeye 305 piping & utility ditcher 2000 International 4900 dump truck 1989 International F9300 dump truck 1990 Freightliner FLD120 truck 2001 Sterling crane truck 1974 Ford 750 boom truck 1978 Autocar Construcktor semi truck 2-1992 International 2000 trucks 1970 International van truck 1979 Hobbs flatbed trailer 2005 Econoline HD flatbed trailer 2004 Carrier commercial gas heat/electric cool unit


1973 Steiger Cougar 4x4 tractor International 490 29-ft disk, 6” spacing New Holland 660 round baler International 6200 & 620 14-ft grain drills 2006 Ford F150 pickup

Many more items selling in June, visit BIGIRON.com for more information Do you have equipment to sell, call 1-800-937-3558 for your local rep BigIron.com is a division of Stock Auction Company, Call 1-800-937-3558

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A4

J&M Trailer Sales




(NAPA Auto Parts)


11 4th Avenue • Laurel, MT 59044

1-800-745-8871 or 406-628-6316 New 2012 Delta Gooseneck Flatbed Trailers Special Orders 14 Days Out

25-ft. 14,000# GVW, Tandem Spring Axle, IN STOCK...................$6350 26-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8350 28-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8550 30-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8750 32-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8950 36-ft. “Oilfield Special” heavy duty tandem dually. Loaded including 2 speed jacks, IN STOCK.........................................................$10,700

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana By Jim Berg, Research Associate, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department, MSU; Phil Bruckner, Professor, Winter Wheat Breeding, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department, MSU; Gregg Carlson, Superintendent and Associate Professor of Agronomy, Northern Agricultural Research Center, Havre; Alan Dyer, Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department, MSU; Joyce Eckhoff, Associate Professor of Agronomy, Eastern Agricultural Research Center, Sidney; Ken Kephart, Superintendent and Associate Professor and Associate Professor of Agronomy, Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley; Peggy Lamb, Research Associate, Northern Agricultural Research Center, Havre; John Miller, Research Associate, Western Triangle Research Center, Conrad; Gigi Opeña, Research Associate, Southern Agricultural Research Center, Huntley; Neal Riveland, Agronomist, Williston Research and Extension Center, North Dakota State University Center, Williston, ND; Robert Stougaard, Superintendent and Professor of Weed Science, Northwestern Agricultural Research Center, Kalispell; Dave Wichman, Superintendent and Professor of Agronomy, Central Agricultural Research Center, Moccasin; William Grey, Adjunct Professor and Montana Foundation Seed Stocks Manager, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department, MSU; Deanna Nash, Cereal Quality Laboratory Manager, Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology Department, MSU; and Ron Larson, Manager, Montana Seed Growers Association, MSU.

New 2012 Delta 16-ft. bumper pull stock trailer with center gate, rear slider, 6-hole wheels and 235x16 10-ply radial tires....................$4650 With torsion axles.................. $4850 New 2012 Load-Trail Gooseneck & Pull Type Dump Trailers

Features: * 2-7,000# Cambered EZ-lube axles w/electric brakes * Ramps for loading Bobcats * 16” 8 hole white spoke wheels * 235/85R16 tires * Battery operated hydraulic pump - power up/power down * 5” Bore cylinder scissor lift w/2” shaft - (14,000# lift capacity)

8’x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, GN.......................$7650 *6’9”x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, GN................ $7650* *6’9”x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, pull type........ $6650* 8’x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, pull type...............$6650 * Trailers equipped with roll tarp.

New 2012 Delta Stock Trailers

• Heavy Duty Package • 10-Ply Radial Tires • Spare Tire & Wheel * Bull Package * Running Boards

2 Compartment Trailer - Sliding Outer Gate 6’x8”x20....................$9250 3 Compartments - Sliding Gates 6’x8”x24.....................................$9950

New Pickup Beds Many Sizes Available

Starting at...........$1550 In Stock - 102”x86” and 8.5’x86” Installation Available

New Interstate Cargo Trailers 6x10 single wheel, 3500# GVW................................................... $2850 6x12 single wheel, 3500# GVW................................................... $3050 7x14 double axle 7000# GVW...................................................... $4900 7x16 double axle 7000# GVW...................................................... $5100 New Load Trail 20-ft. skid steer trailer with stand-up ramps, 16” 10-ply radial tires and 10,000# drop leg jack, 14,000 GVW....$4150

New 2012 Load-Trail Skid Steer Trailer

Introduction The agronomic characteristics of winter wheat varieties recently developed or evaluated by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station are compared in this publication with other varieties grown in the state. Varieties recommended for production in the respective districts of Montana are designated by an R. A brief description of each variety is given which may include a variety’s particular advantages or disadvantages. The information was extracted from the Intrastate Winter Wheat Nursery and the Soft White Winter Wheat Nursery Reports. These reports are prepared by research personnel of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Where available, up to four years of yield data are shown for the varieties. In some years data are not available because of hail, frost, or other unavoidable causes. Variety Testing Procedures

New Load Trail 20-ft. skid steer trailer with storable ramps, 16” 10-ply radial tires and 10,000# drop leg jack, 14,000 GVW....$3950

New 2012 Load Trail Car Haulers

7,000# GVW with 18-ft. flatbed, brakes, and both axles, brakeaway kit 16’ ................................................................................................$2690 18’ ................................................................................................$2790

$45 Extra for Beavertail 6 Ply Radial Tires Included

New 2012 14,000# Tandem Axle Tilt Deck Trailer

20’ tilt deck hydraulic 14,000# GVW............................................ $5250

New 2012 Load-Trail Flatbeds 83”x14 single 3500# axle RR & side load.....$1790 83”x12 single 3500# axle (storable ramps)...$1580 83”x12 single 3500# axle RR & side loading ramp........................$1690


Fig. 1. Test Locations for Montana winter wheat performance tests in 2010.

Locations Hard winter wheats were planted at 7 Montana and 1 North Dakota location (Fig. 1) including Conrad and Havre in the North Central district, Moccasin in the Central district, Huntley in the Southern district, Sidney and Williston, ND representing the Northeast district, Kalispell in the Northwest and Bozeman in the Southwest districts of the state. A separate test comparing soft white winter wheat varieties was planted at Bozeman.

Entries Names of commercially available entries evaluated in 2009 are listed with their origins, experimental designation, release year, and pedigrees in Table 2 for the hard winter wheats and in Table 15 for the soft white wheats. Forty-nine hard wheats are included in this summary comprising 32 varieties (17 public and 15 private) and 17 experimental lines (15 public and 2 private). Numbered entries preceded by a state designation [e.g. MT06103 (Montana), MTS0808 (Montana)] are experimental lines provided by the breeder of the originating state. Private experimental lines [e.g. BZ9W05-2039 (WestBred)] are submitted for testing on a fee basis. The soft white evaluation contains 14 varieties [11 public, 2 private, and one hard wheat check (Neeley).]

Experimental Design and Seeding Methods The Intrastate Winter Wheat Test consisted of a 49 entry test with 3 replicates. It was planted in the form of 7x7 lattice at all. Plot size varied by location, from 35 ft2 at Conrad to 60 ft2 at Havre. Row number varies: Bozeman and Havre are 3- row,Conrad, Huntley, and Sidney are 4-row, Moccasin (5-row), Kalispell (7-row), and Williston (8-row) Row spacing at all locations was on 1 ft. centers, except at Williston and Kalispell (6” centers). All plots were seeded at 0.6 grams seeds/ft2, which is roughly equivalent to 1 bushel per acre, except at Williston where the seeding rate was about 77 pounds per acre. Information on previous crop, planting date, fertilizer use and harvest date is available in Table 1. A soft white winter wheat nursery was planted similar to the hard wheat test, except the test was planted in a randomized complete block design. All seed for each nursery was treated with Dividend-XL seed treatment at recommended rates before planting.

continued on page a6

Thinning and pruning field day

Local forest owners can learn how to implement these practices more effectively in Thinning and Pruning Field Days scheduled June 16 in St. Maries and July 20 in Cottonwood. Trees killed by bark beetle attacks always make forest owners ask: “what can we do about it?” Whether you have problems with insects or disease, concerns about fire, or just want to help forest growth, the response from foresters is nearly universal: thin your forest. This is especially true in northern Idaho, where forests frequently become overstocked. Thinning and pruning can favor better adapted tree species, improve tree quality, reduce fire risk, improve access, and enhance many other values. The programs will feature: Presentations on fundamental concepts of thinning and pruning, as well as financial and technical assistance to help forest owners improve their stands. A field trip featuring: a thinned stand; a pruned stand; and demonstrations of manual and mechanical thinning and pruning tools, chainsaw safety, and forest genetics. The St. Maries program will be held on Saturday, June 16th, at the Federal Building Meeting room on the first floor at the corner of 7th Street & College Avenue. The program will start at 8 a.m. and conclude by 5 p.m. Participants should pre-register by Friday, June 8. A $10 registration fee covers handouts and refreshments. For registration questions, contact the University of Idaho Extension Office in Benewah County at (208) 245-2422. Registration forms can also be downloaded at http://www. uidaho.edu/extension/forestry. For program questions, contact Chris Schnepf at (208) 446-1680. The Thinning & Pruning Field Day is an Idaho Forest Stewardship program, co-sponsored by University of Idaho Extension, the Idaho Department of Lands, and many other agencies and organizations. The program will also be held in Cottonwood, Idaho on Friday, July 20. For more information on that session, contact Randy Brooks at (208) 885-6356.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A5


2000 John Deere 9650 STS combine, chopper, big top, 30.5 tires 70%, 1 season on concaves, rub bats, rotor cages, many more new parts, come with 2005 MacDon 963 36-ft. header............................................................................................................. $105,000 obo 2008 Case IH 2016 pickup header, SwathMaster pickup, excellent condition...... $21,000 obo Call Jeremiah with any questions - (406) 292-3652 or 949-4290. Will deliver in MT.

Gunderson Herefords Yearling horned and polled hereford bulls for sale private treaty at the ranch Dale & Lanea Gunderson – Rudyard, Montana Phone 406-355-4212

Your Only FULL SERVICE Spring Shop.........Since 1912 Great Falls, MT 3257 Vaughn Road

3257 Vaughn Road – Great Falls, MT

✓ AUTO ✓ TRUCKS  ✓ MOTOR HOMES ✓ 4x4’s ✓ FARM EQUIPMENT ✓ ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS ✓ Leaf Springs - Custom Made & Repaired ✓ U-Bolts - Made to Order ✓ Axle straightening


Spray Truck

1973 Ford F250 4x4, sprayer, 300 gallon tank, PTO pump, 60-ft. booms

See us on the web - www.swainsspring.com

Friday, June 15, 2012

Haying Machinery

10:00 a.m.

Livestock Equipment


16-ft. bumper pull flatbed trailer, tandem axle 1982 W.W. bumper pull 4 horse trailer, steel floor 1996 Titan 20-ft. stock trailer, bull package, composite floor, like new Homemade 24-ft. gooseneck flatbed trailer, triple axle

2-cattle guards, 12-ft. 2-calf pullers Pearson head catch Portable panels Powder River squeeze chute Round bale feeders Several gates Trees built cattle chute with Morand head catch, great for pulling calves, suckling


1969 Ford 8000 diesel, 22-ft. Omaha Standard box and hoist, roll tarp 1969 Ford F600 4x4, Stackwell stack retriever 1972 Ford F600 16-ft. Knapheide all steel box, hoist


1980 New Holland 1069 self propelled bale wagon, cab, A/C, heat, 2258 hours 1997 New Holland 2550 self propelled swather, 18-ft. auger header, diesel, only 674 hours 2-New Holland 286 square balers, PTO

Remember....We handle Black Rat Recovery winch and ExtremeAire compressor

Location: 251 Trees Road, Reed Point, Montana From Reed Point, go North on Reed Point Road (across railroad tracks) 1.5 miles to Trees Road, then continue North 2.5 miles to auction site. Note: The Trees Ranch equipment is all in exceptional condition, most has been shedded and has had very good maintenance. Please plan on attending early, as there are very few small items.

Tillage Equipment

3-John Deere 9450 10-ft. grain drills, hitch and transport, Accu-point hoes, 10” spacing Anderson rock picker Gysler 30-ft. tool bar lift wing with Farm King harrows Graham Hoeme 37-ft. chisel plow, lift wing Heavy duty 12-ft. land roller, Goddard made John Deere 1010 30-ft. Vibrashank lift wing with harrows Melroe 501 42-ft. tool bar lift wing with harrows Oliver 24-ft. tandem disc, hydraulic wings

(406) 452-1246 — 1-800-378-1246

Case 1470 recent engine overhaul, Coontz 6 way hydaulic angle blade Case LA 371 Detroit engine Oliver 88 diesel, front mount Shaver post pounder, Danuser 3 point post hole digger Oliver Row Crop 88 gas, excellent condition Versatile 850 Series II cab, heat, A/C

Machinery & Equipment

1000 gallon plastic water tank, Marlow pump, gas engine Bazooka 8”x60-ft. auger on wheels, Wisconsin engine Case Helix 4 ton fertilizer tender box trailer, PTO auger Farm King 10”x70-ft. auger on wheels, all hydraulic, like new Farmhand Feedmaster grinder, mixer Feterl PTO grain cleaner Hutchinson 8”x60-ft. auger on wheels, PTO Speed King 6”x40-ft. auger on wheels, Wisconsin engine Westfield 6” hydraulic tailgate grain drill fill


1976 Massey Ferguson 750 Perkins diesel, 24-ft. header, cab 1980 Massey Ferguson 760 Perkins diesel, 24-ft. header, cab 24-ft. header trailer

Sale Managed by: Rick Young & Sons Auctioneers Phone: 406-328-4296 or Cell: 406-321-1534 or www.rickyoungauctioneers.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A6

The deadline for advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29.

WW variety performance summary in MT continued from page A4

Description of Data Collected Yield All rows of each plot were trimmed and measured and harvested using an experimental plot combine. Grain yields are reported in bushels per acre based on a 60 pound standard bushel weight. In addition to yields obtained in 2010, data is provided for two (2009-2010), three (2008-2010) and four (2007- 2010) year averages for both hard and soft wheat entries tested during previous cropping seasons. Test Weight Test weight (pounds per bushel) were obtained for each plot by using Dickey-John Grain Analysis Computer (GAC) at some locations. Other locations use a Seedburo test weight apparatus. In this case, a sample is dropped through a funnel at a given height into a quart brass bucket, excess grain is removed by a flat stick then weighed on a gram scale, and grams per quart are converted into pounds per bushels. Heading Date Heading date is taken when 50% of the heads in a plot were extended above the flag leaf collar. Heading dates are recorded both in ordinal date (number of days from January 1) and the actual calendar date. Plant Height Plant height was measured in inches from the soil surface to the top of the head, excluding the awns. Grain Protein Grain protein is sampled from a composite of all 3 replicated plots at each location. It is determined as a % by NIR (near infrared reflectance) on the Infratec whole grain analyzer. Samples are adjusted to a 12% moisture basis. Winter Survival Percent winter survival is estimated for each plot after initial spring green-up at locations where significant winter injury occurred. In 2010, Williston had extreme winter kill and the test was abandoned. Table 11 contains information on % winter survival and associated yield in winter-kill environments from 2003 to 2010. The data summarizes 14 tests in which significant winter-kill occurred (test average for winter survival was less than 90%). Twelve testing sites with winter-kill were in District 6 (Sidney and Williston) which is the most severe location for winter wheat survival of our testing locations. Wheat Stem Sawfly Wheat stem sawfly (WSS) is a persistent and economic problem for wheat growers in Montana. Currently, Montana wheat acreage infested by WSS is primarily in the north central (District 5), central (District 4) and south central (District 3) cropping districts. Host plant resistance in the form of stem solidness has been effective in reducing sawfly losses in both spring and winter wheat. Solid-stemmed winter wheats, ‘Vanguard’ (dropped from testing in 2009) and ‘Rampart’ were released in 1995 and 1996, respectively. These 2 varieties were planted on 8% of the winter wheat acreage in the 2010 crop year (Rampart was the leading variety planted in the 2003 to 2006 crop years). continued on page A8

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A7

We Rent Equipment!

Land Rollers, Heavy Harrows, Vertical Tillage, Fertilizer Spreaders and Self Propelled Sprayers

Swing Away Augers • 10x60 • 5000 bushel/hour

• 10x70 • 5000 bushel/hour

• 13x70 • 9600 bushel/hour

• 13x90 • 9600 bushel/hour

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own





Swing Away Augers • 10x72 • 5000-6000 bu/hr

• 10x82 • 5000-6000 bu/hr

• 13x72 • 7000-10,000 bu/hr

• 13x92 • 7000-10,000 bu/hr

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own





Vogel’s Wick Weeders

• Contact herbicide applicator. • Units available to fit any tractor loader or ATV. • No overspray or wind drift. • Proven successful in controlling weeds that are higher than the crop.

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1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway – Great Falls, MT

Danel Frieling

Keith Lippert, cell 799-1494

“Like” us on

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A8

TERRIFIC TRASH AND TREASURES Steel wheels, collectibles, pot belly stoves.

See us at Ulm Garage Sale Day

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A6

June 16

For directions phone (406) 231-1833

Vermilion X Factor U827

BW 2.8

W 55

Milk 20

YW 101

If you’re looking for long, deep bodied cattle we are now offering at Private Treaty

60 Two-Year-Old Bulls 120 Yearling Bulls

72 Calving Ease Heifer Bulls For photos and more information www.claycreek.net

Clay Creek Angus Greybull, WY Phone 307-762-3541

June Equipment Sale from RDO Equipment Co.

2003 John Deer

e 330CLC

X372953 9500 hours




2008 John Deer e 310SJ X358973 NOW cab/heat, 4x4, RC, Aux hyd, 18” 2 stk, 3316 hours



1999 Cat 446B

X379490 cab/AC, 4x4 2735 hours




2007 Cat 140H X364725 lift group, NOW snow wing, 3700 hours



2010 John Deer e 326D X237609 326D EH, NOW quick-tach, rev fan, 258 hours



2007 Cat 140H X369445 lift group, NOW snow wing, 5500 hours



www.rdoequipment.com 257 Laura Louise Lane Bozeman, Montana 406-388-8353 5221 Midland Road 4900 Tri Hill Road Billings, Montana Great Falls, Montana 406-259-5536 406-452-8521

Solid-stemmed winter wheats, ‘Vanguard’ (dropped from testing in 2009) and ‘Rampart’ were released in 1995 and 1996, respectively. These 2 varieties were planted on 8% of the winter wheat acreage in the 2010 crop year (Rampart was the leading variety planted in the 2003 to 2006 crop years). Both these varieties have marginal winter hardiness. ‘Genou’, released in 2004, has been the leading variety the past four years. In 2010, Genou was planted on 30% of the winter wheat acreage. Genou has better winter hardiness and yield than Rampart or Vanguard. Table 12 contains information on yield and % sawfly cutting at 13 testing locations where sawfly pressure was present during the years 2003-2010. The data is from Havre, North Havre (a site 25 miles north of Havre), and Loma (15 miles northeast of Ft. Benton). Solidness scores (rated on a 5-25 scale are shown for solid and semisolid varieties in Table 14. Coleoptile Length Coleoptile length evaluation was performed in Bozeman under controlled (growth chamber) conditions. Twenty-five seeds per variety were planted in wetted vermiculite. After 15 days the coleoptile (sheath covering the emerging shoot that helps penetration to the soil surface) was measured. This test was replicated 3 times for each variety. Results from previous years are reported in Table 14. Long coleoptiles are generally longer than 4 inches, medium from 2.7-4 in, and short are under 2.7 in. Care should be taken not to plant short coleoptile varieties too deep. Other Agronomic Characters Table 14 contains information on grain maturity, chaff color, relative winter survival and straw strength for the hard wheat varieties listed in this publication. Table 18 has information on maturity, winter survival and lodging for soft white winter wheats. Cereal Quality Milling and baking characteristics for varieties are presented in Table 14. They are rated for each variety on a 1-5 scale (5 = superior). A quantitative polyphenol oxidase (PPO) has been determined for varieties since the 2006 mill and bake evaluation. These varieties are reported in Table 14 as low to high. A lower value is associated with better Asian noodle quality. Disease Reactions Disease reactions for hard red wheat varieties are listed in Table 14. There is information on dwarf smut, stripe rust, stem rust and general leaf spot complex. Table 18, for soft white winter wheat, contains information on dwarf smut, snow mold, stem rust and stripe rust. Statistical Analyses and Interpretation The data collected at each winter wheat location was analyzed as a three-replication lattice or randomized complete block design. Least significant difference at the

0.05 probability level (LSD, p = 0.05) and coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated from analysis of variance at each location. The LSD is used to compare the performance of two specific varieties at a time. If the difference between two varieties exceeds the LSD this is interpreted as a true difference, because a difference between two varieties this large will only occur 5% of the time due to chance. Tables 3 through 10 show 2010 data for hard winter wheat collected at all harvested experiment station sites. Table 17 contains 2009 data for the soft white wheats (2010 test, at Bozeman, not harvested due to hail). Where a variety has been in the test for two, three or four years, combined analyses of the yield data over years are presented. Variety selection should be based on yield stability at a particular location over a period of years. Selection should also consider test weight, winterhardiness, heading date, plant height, protein and disease resistance. 2010 Test Conditions Statewide winter wheat yields were record breaking and projected by the Montana Agricultural Statistics Service at 48 bu/a for 2010 compared to 37 bu/a for the 2009 harvest year. The harvested acreage in 2010 was 1.95 million acres (total production = 93.6 million bu) compared to 2.42 million acres in 2009 (89.5 million bu). Rainfall for the 2009-2010 winter crop year was above average at all locations tested (Table 13). Test weight averaged 60.7 lb/bu across all locations Sidney (59.4) and Conrad (59.7) were below 60 lb/bu. Winterkill at Sidney (50% survival across varieties, range 23-78%) reduced yields of susceptible varieties. As previously mentioned, severe winterkill destroyed the nursery at Williston. The test at Bozeman was not harvested due to golf ball size hail on June 30. Stripe rust at Kalispell was a factor in yield reduction for highly susceptible varieties (Decade, Norris, Pryor, and Rocky), even though the yield average at this location was 142 bu/a. There was sawfly cutting at the Havre Experiment Station averaging 12% of stems cut across varieties (range = 0 – 36%). Protein content averaged 11.9% across all locations (location range = 10.7 – 12.9%) tested. Havre, Sidney, and Moccasin were below 12%. The range of genotype means across all locations was 11.0 (Accipiter) – 13.1 (Bynum) %. Leading winter wheat varieties planted for 2010 were Genou (29.9%), Yellowstone (18.0%), Rampart (7.0%), CDC Falcon (6.8%), Jagalene (4.9%), and Ledger (4.2%). Dwarf Smut (TCK) Dwarf smut (TCK) can be controlled with ‘Dividend’ seed treatment (see page 5). Dwarf smut or dwarf bunt (Tilletia controcontinued on page a28

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A9


John Deere 7400 MFWD. Been in our shop, repaired and serviced. #C000436....................$47,500 (4)

John Deere 4650 MFWD, JD 280 loader, grapple. #C011043..........................................$39,000 (3)

John Deere 5300 MFWD tractor with loader. #C011650..........................................$20,000 (2) John Deere 4030 tractor, 260 loader. #C010041...... . .........................................................$21,500 (2) John Deere 3255 tractor with 265 loader/grapple. #C011822..........................................$17,000 (2) John Deere 3055 2WD tractor, no cab, no loader, 5000 hours. #C010380......................$18,500 (2) John Deere 2955 tractor. Nice. #C010989................ . .........................................................$17,500 (2) John Deere 2950 MFWD tractor, 740 loader. #C010406..........................................$19,500 (2) John Deere 4440. #C010139..................$22,000 (4) John Deere 2030 tractor, loader. Nice #C010988..... . .........................................................$15,000 (2) John Deere B tractor. #C008716...............$2500 (3) International 1466. #C009402................$10,900 (4) International 560D tractor. #C010535.......$3950 (4) International Super C tractor. #C007343..$1800 (2) International B-414 D tractor, engine problems. #C002780.............................................$1100 (3) Massey Ferguson 202, loader. #C009567.$5750 (3) Alllis-Chalmers D17 tractor. #C009602.....$4900 (2)

New Holland 1048 bale wagon, 2 wide, 9 high. #C011559..........................................$12,500 (3) John Deere 3970 forage harvester, hay pickup/row crop head. #C008310............................$9500 (2)


John Deere 702 10 wheel rake. #C008115.............. . ............................................................$3500 (3)


John Deere 7520 tractor, John Deere 741 loader, grapple. #C010755............................$89,500 (4)

John Deere 820, 9’9” cut. #C006720......$10,500 (4) John Deere 820, 9’9” cut. #C006719.........$9900 (4) John Deere 820, 9’9” cut. #C006721.........$9900 (3) John Deere 4230, Quad-Range, 100 hp. #C000579. . .........................................................$17,900 (2)

2005 John Deere 7220, John Deere 741SL loader. Nice 95 hp tractor. #C008927............$77,500 (4)

John Deere 820, 9’9” cut. #C005970.........$8950 (3) John Deere 1600, 14-ft., rubber conditioner, double drive. #51891353.....................................$7000 (2) New Holland 1431, 13-ft. cut. #C006824.................. .............................................................$14,500 (2) New Holland 499, 12’3” cut. #51564206....$6900 (3) New Holland 460, 9-ft. cut. #50005373........$900 (3) John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, 16 speed, 3 function joy stick, air seat, 50% rubber, 96” axles, 673 loader, no grapple. #C011522.......... . .......................................................$81,000 (4)


John Deere 7130 Premium MFWD, 24/24 speed, 2 function joy stick, 3 SCV’s, air seat, new tires, 96” axles, 741 loader. C011516.......$81,000 (3)

John Deere 702 10 wheel rake. #C007367.............. . ............................................................$3250 (3) John Deere 705 hydraulic drive V-rake. #C009883... . ............................................................$9500 (4) John Deere FR1008 8 wheel, pull V-rake. #C002595.............................................$4250 (2) Allen 851 right hand and left hand side rake with hitch #C008294....................................$6500 (2) Allen 781 side rake. #C006357..................$2750 (3)

Vermeer R23 hydraulic drive V-rake. #C002392....... . ............................................................$5900 (3) Daros belt, 3-pt. rake. #C009142................$2500 (3) Sitrex, 10 wheel pull rake. #C007164........$1900 (4)

SELF-PROPELLED SWATHERS John Deere 7320, new John Deere 741SL loader. #C005165..........................................$79,500 (2)

John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, 16 speed, 3 function joy stick, air seat, 80% rubber, 96” axles, 673 loader, grapple. #C011520............... . .......................................................$82,500 (2)


John Deere 7600 well equipped. #C004779............. . .........................................................$52,000 (3)

John Deere 946, 13-ft. cut, impeller. #51167191...... .............................................................$18,900 (3) John Deere 945, 13-ft. cut, impeller, needs TLC. #C006337................................................$8900 (4) John Deere 936, 11’6” cut. #C007337....$17,000 (3) John Deere 935, 11’6” cut, impeller. #C007715....... ................................................................$8500 (4) John Deere 930, 11’6” cut, impeller. #C004475....... ................................................................$8500 (3) John Deere 935, 11’6” cut. #C005275.......$6500 (2) John Deere 926, 9’9” cut. #C002671.........$6000 (4) John Deere 735, 11’6” cut. #C007453....$18,500 (4) John Deere 1470, 11’6” cut. #C002892.....$5500 (3) New Holland 616 3-pt. disk mower. #C002597......... ................................................................$4950 (2) Vermeer 830 10’6”. #C010883...................$7500 (4) Vermeer 3-pt. disk mower. #C007277........$4000 (2)

MacDon 9000/920 14-ft. header. Has been serviced and $3762 of header rebuilt. #C002894................. .............................................................$29,500 (3)


John Deere 567, has wrap. #C008029 ..$24,500 (2) John Deere 567, has wrap. #C007242 ..$22,500 (3) John Deere 567, has wrap. #C008859 . $18,900 (4) John Deere 535, round baler. #C011634...$5500 (2) John Deere 535, 5-ft. wide. #C009820......$4500 (2) John Deere 530, round baler. #C010932...$5000 (4) John Deere 530, round baler. #C011439...$3950 (4) John Deere 510, 5-ft. wide. #C003088......$3900 (3) John Deere 510, 5-ft. wide. #50490175.....$2500 (3) John Deere 3010 tractor. #C003091..........$8500 (4)

International 1066 tractor (lots of repair). #C009802..........................................$15,000 (3)

Premier (MacDon) 2900, 15-ft. multi crop header, no conditioner. #C002895.....................$26,500 (3) MacDon, 15-ft. multi crop header only. #C002896.... ................................................................$6500 (3)


John Deere 467, 16x18. #C004035...........$4950 (4) John Deere 348, 14x16. Complete rebuild. #C003165..........................................$17,900 (2) John Deere 348, 14x16. #C006821........$15,500 (4) John Deere 347, 14x16. #C007280...........$9500 (4) John Deere 328, 14x16. #C010822........$15,000 (4) New Holland 426, 16x18. #C002893.........$3900 (3) Hesston 4500 for parts. #50020345............$350 (3)

Come see us at Triple W Equipment for unbeatable prices and selection John Deere 4960 MFWD, PowerShift, 42” duals, 20 front weights, 1500 lb rear weights. #C011400.. . .......................................................$72,500 (4)

Ford 7700 tractor, loader. #C010407.......$19,000 (4)

(2) Missoula, MT

(3) Kalispell, MT

John Deere 468, 4-ft. wide, wrap. #C009524............ .............................................................$24,900 (3)

Triple W Equipment

1-800-223-5744 ­— 406-549-4171

1-800-521-4783 — 406-752-2828

(4) Ronan, MT

406-676-3578 — Cell 406-250-6120

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A10


Old wood boat Chriscraft, Century, Garwood, etc. Call Mark 406-880-5473

Japanese 4x4 Mini Trucks In Stock Now!!

40- to 50-miles per gallon! Clean, low mile trucks in stock.

Call 406-434-2005 Delivery available! Visit us at: www.tomsminitrucks.com

EPA’s SPCC program deadlines explained Montana State University Extension has been fielding numerous questions about confusion over deadlines required by the Environmental Protection Agency’s program for Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC). Seeking to prevent oil spills in the waters of the United States and adjoining shorelines, the program calls for farms and other facilities to have an oil-spill prevention plan, or SPCC plan, with a deadline for filing that plan set to expire next year. The EPA definition of a farm is “a facility on a tract of land devoted to the production of crops or raising of animals, including fish, which produced and sold, or normally would have produced and sold, $1,000 or more of agricultural products during a year.” Many questions concerning SPCC regulations regarding farms has been related to public notices about a compliance deadline extension for farmers. Farms that started operations after August 16, 2002 are entitled to an extended deadline

of May 10, 2013, for filing their SPCC plan. Farms in operation before August 16, 2002, should maintain or amend their existing plan by May 10, 2013. Farms in operation before August 16, 2002, that do not already have a plan should not wait until May 10, 2013, but should prepare and implement one as soon as possible. The SPCC regulations under the EPA have been on the Federal Register since 1972. “There is widespread misunderstanding that these are new regulations; when in fact, SPCC rules were authorized under the Clean Water Act of 1972 and made effective in 1974,” said Adam Sigler, Water Quality Associate Specialist in the MSU Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences. Under the regulations, a farm falls under SPCC only if it meets certain criteria. Those covered by SPCC are farms that store, transfer, use or consume oil or oil products -- diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil or animal fat -- and store more than 1,320 U.S. gallons of those products in above-ground containers or more than 42,000 U.S. gallons in completely buried containers, with a reasonable risk that they might spill into waterways of the U.S. or adjoining shorelines of interstate waters, intrastate lakes, rivers and streams. The law specifically applies to “navigable waters,” which has been and continues to be a matter of legal dispute. Although there has been anticipation about possible changes to the SPCC legislation, MSU Extension cautions farmers that they are responsible for determining if their farm falls under the criteria in the SPCC rules. Guidance for inventorying and documenting oil storage capacity and determining reasonable risks for spills into applicable waters are available on web pages maintained by MSU and North Dakota State University -http://waterquality.montana. edu/docs/SPCC.shtml and http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/waterquality/spcc-1, respectively. MSU Extension recommends that famers keep a record of their findings, although it is not necessary to file findings with the EPA. While the EPA does not actively seek violators, it does have the authority to inspect farms, and failure to comply with SPCC may result in a fine. Both university websites provide links to templates and EPA websites to help insure an inspection will meet EPA requirements. Those without Internet access, or with further questions, can contact county Extension agents for assistance, or call MSU Extension Agent Mark Rude in Sheridan County, at (406) 765-3406.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A11

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A12

SEAMLESS POLY LINER 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft.


•  Dump trucks & belly dumps •  Wood floor trailers •  Manure spreaders •  Fertilizer hoppers •  Chutes

• QuickSilver Liners • Durapro Liners • HMW Liners

•  1/3 Weight of Aluminum •  UV Inhibitor & Food Grade • Chemical Resistant •  1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8”, & 1/2” thick •  8-ft. or 10-ft. wide x Any length

Tired of Shoveling?

Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available


1-406-293-3097 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097

Include anthrax vaccination

“Anthrax is a disease of cattle and other ruminants that results in sudden death in affected animals. It is also a potential human pathogen,” said Daly, who also serves as the State Public Health Veterinarian. Anthrax is caused by bacteria that can develop an environmentally resistant spore form in the soil. When the right conditions exist, these spores can become available for cows to graze. Once eaten by cattle, the spores become activated and produce toxins within the body that cause rapid death. Anthrax can be prevented by vaccinating cattle with the anthrax vaccine for cattle which is widely available, inexpensive, and very effective. While the anthrax risk has been welldocumented in many parts of South Dakota, and anthrax vaccination of cattle is routine in those areas, it is not always possible to

John Deere 4630 MFWD powershift, 3-pt.   PTO, 3 hydraulics. John Deere 158 front end loader with bucket   and grapple. 2007 Chevrolet 2500 HD extended cab, 4WD   pickup, Silverado, automatic, 64,300 miles.

predict where cases may occur. For this reason, Daly encourages South Dakota producers to use anthrax vaccine in their herds going to summer pastures. Daly says that flooding is an environmental factor which may aid in making the anthrax spores available to cattle. Cattle going onto pastures that have previously experienced flooding or into areas where anthrax has been documented in the past, should especially be candidates for vaccine. “Flooding disrupts the soil, washing up anthrax spores from lower soil levels. These spores then may be deposited on grass or other forage for the cows to eat after the pasture dries up, and warm temperatures occur,” he said. He says 2011 floods may increase the risk of cattle coming in contact with anthrax this season. “The flooding experienced by many South Dakota Rivers in 2011, creates the possibility that anthrax spores that have been hidden for many years may now be made more available to cattle now able to graze those previously flooded areas,” Daly said. If Anthrax is Suspected Contact Your Local Veterinarian or the Animal Industry Board During the summer, producers should take time to check all cattle frequently, says Oedekoven. “Cattle producers need to promptly investigate any unexpected deaths on pasture, whether in cows, bulls or calves,” Oedekoven said. “With anthrax and many other diseases, treatments and preventive measures are available, and prompt action can help prevent excessive losses.” If a producer suspects anthrax, Oedekoven says the case should be reported immediately to local veterinarians or to the State Veterinarian at 605-773-3321. Suspect carcasses should not be moved or disturbed until a diagnosis has been made. “Local veterinarians are excellent sources of information for cattle producers regarding anthrax,” Oedekoven said. For more information on anthrax, contact the South Dakota Animal Industry Board, SDSU Veterinary Extension, and state livestock extension field specialists. View the Links section of iGrow Beef athttp://igrow. org/livestock/beef/ to access the SDSU Veterinary Extension website and the South Dakota Animal Industry Board Anthrax pamphlet. ##### The Vespa mandarinia japonica, or Japanese giant hornet, is the size of your thumb, has a painful sting, and can spray flesh-melting poison into your eyes. Its poison also contains a pheromone that can summon every hornet in the hive to attack.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A13

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A14

TRUCK FOR SALE 2003 Ford LN 9515 400 hp Cat, Jake brake, 9 speed,

27,000 miles. Like new......................................Will deal Phone (406) 799-6923

MW Mobile Welding & Repair welding with a passion



Based in Great Falls but will travel all Montana

NO job too small!

Pet owners should vaccinate for rabies

With spring sprung and summer fast approaching, the Montana Department of Livestock is stressing the importance of rabies vaccination to pet owners. Warmer weather means an increased presence of wildlife, said Dr. Tahnee Szymanski, MDOL staff veterinarian, which increases the potential for wildlife-pet interactions. “It’s the time of year when we typically see the number of positive cases increase, so people need to make sure their pets are current on rabies vaccinations,” Szymanski said. “If you aren’t sure, contact your local veterinarian.” If a pet is not vaccinated for rabies and

is exposed to an infected or potentially infected animal, tough decisions must be made. At that point, the owner must decide between euthanizing the pet – which is recommended by the Compendium on Rabies Prevention & Control – or placing the pet in a long-term quarantine (six months). Pets that are exposed but current on vaccinations need only a booster vaccination and home observation for 45 days. Recommendations for exposed pets not current on vaccinations are made on a case-by-case basis. Montana has had one case this year where an unvaccinated bitch and four of her puppies were euthanized after being exposed, which also resulted in multiple human exposures. “Because of the seriousness of the disease and the strict guidelines for exposed animals, vaccination is critical,” Szymanski said. “It’s an inexpensive way to safeguard your pet from rabies.” In Montana, most rabies is found in skunks and bats, although any mammal can get infected, carry the disease and infect other animals. The disease is spread by bites or when infected saliva comes into contact with open wounds or mucous membranes. Rabies is always fatal once the onset of symptoms appears. Szymanski said any animal showing strange or unusual behavior – such as nocturnal animals like skunks and bat being out during the daytime – should be avoided and immediately reported to local animal control authorities or their veterinarian. For additional information, such as what to do if you suspect a rabid animal or are bitten or scratched by an animal of unknown vaccination status, please see the following: Montana Department of Livestock rabies information - http://liv.mt.gov/ah/ diseases/rabies/default.mcpx Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services rabies information - http://www.dphhs.mt.gov/ publichealth/cdepi/ Centers for Disease Control rabies information http://www.cdc.gov/rabies/ 2011 Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control - http://www.nasphv. org/Documents/RabiesCompendium.pdf ##### Felons who are considered physically unattractive receive 50 percent longer jail sentences on average than those deemed attractive. ##### Regularly snorting cocaine can lead to nasal problems, such as nosebleeds, loss of sense of smell, hoarseness, problems with swallowing, and septum irritation which leads to a chronically inflamed, runny nose.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A15

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A16

JOHN DEERE CHISEL PLOWS WANTED JD 1600 or 1610 or older chisel plows, any condition - any size

Phone 208-543-6319

Take comfort in sciencebased action, not myth

When you hear there’s a tornado watch, do you console yourself or your family with the idea that it can’t happen here? That we’re in a bowl that’s sheltered from tornadoes?
 Those myths may make us feel better, but actually learning how to tune in to official warnings and learning what to do and what not to do in severe weather are better ways to protect ourselves and our families, says Ken Dewey, climatologist and severe weather expert at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s School of Natural Resources.

 In a nutshell, Dewey recommends that you pay attention to forecasts, that you own and use a weather radio and that you know where you will take shelter when a tornado watch turns to a tornado warning. He added know what a warning siren means in your community and take it seriously. 

 Southeast Nebraska had six tornadoes on April 14 and there were 130-plus tornadoes that day in the area where they had been forecast, mostly in Kansas. Dewey noted that an afternoon downpour that caused flash-flooding in southeast Nebraska stabilized the atmosphere with cooler air and prevented more tornadoes from forming. 

 Dewey urged people not to become complacent because it didn’t get as bad as it could have on April 14, and to prepare for the rest of the storm season, which normally peaks in June. 

 He recommends people have a battery- or crank-powered weather radio that receives broadcasts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service. 

“Own and use a weather radio,” Dewey said. “Don’t Thurber depend on friends, TV or radio. You need a NOAA weather Farm radio.” 

But do stay tuned to TV and radio when possible, and do pay attention when someone tells you to take shelter. Check the weather more frequently when severe storms or tornadoes are forecast. 

 Know where you will and won’t go if the weather looks bad, if there is a tornado watch, or when a tornado has been sighted and a warning has been issued. 

“If the weather is threatening and you’re under a tornado 6 miles west of Great Falls, Montana watch, have a plan,” Dewey said. “Are you in an area with a tornado siren? Do you have an escape route? Don’t head Highlights include 7 fully restored tractors, Cat 12 road grader, John Deere into a congested area. Many deaths occur when people are 450 crawler/loader, John Deere 2240 with 148 loader, 18-ft. bumper pull trailbacked up in traffic jams.” 

 er, Case IH 1480 combine, Soil Mover pull type scraper, 1960 Ford service Consider what kind of buildings you enter if there is a truck, 1994 Load King B train, 1983 Doepker 32-ft. with 17-ft. pup, 1999 Volvo tornado watch. semi tractor, Freightliner semi tractor, Chevrolet S10 4x4, 4-horse trailer, dump 

“Big box stores with big roofs are at risk of collapse,” truck, Melroe 115 Spra-Coupe, New Dewey said. “Think about all that stuff piled up on shelves, Professional Auctioneers & Appraisers Holland manure spreader, Roto Grind flying through at speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. Auction Co. tub grinder, 3-point backhoe, mowers, Some grocery stores are OK because they put people in a “THE BIG SKY’S BEST” roto tillers, 48-ft. livestock trailer, tack reinforced room like a cooler.” 

 86 South Division Fairfield, MT 59436 Make contingency plans at home. “If you’re on an upper and saddles, artwork, antiques, shop 1-800-499-BUY1 (2891) floor of an apartment, go down and meet the people on the items, and more. Watch next month’s Mark Lacher Lyle Allen (406) 467-3333 (406) 538-4440 first floor,” Dewey said. “If you’re in a mobile home, go Trader’s Dispatch for a full listing or Visit our website at www.laauctionco.com someplace else that’s safe.” call for a flyer. 

Dewey recommends having your valuables in a box that you can take with you if you need to take shelter, or can carry out of the house if it’s on fire, and he doesn’t mean Hydraulic Motors GREAT FALLS jewelry. “You’re going to East of Fleet Wholesale TRW/Ross need to reestablish your life,” Tyrone he said. “What do you need? Char-Lynn ID, your insurance card, 800-823-4937 • 406-761-8079 • www.northernhydraulics.net passports, birth certificates, All Sizes 2600 17th St. N E • Black Eagle, MT (Great Falls) medications.” 

 Serving Hydraulic Needs Since 1963 in Stock And finally, Dewey said, wear shoes, or make sure Hydrostatic Exchange INDUSTRIAL • MINING • COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL there’s a pair where you’ll be Hydrostatic Rebuilds Cylinders • Pumps • Motors • Valves • Repairs & testing 2 year warranty taking shelter, so that you’re on all Hydraulics Hydraulic Clutch not climbing barefoot out of Hydraulic Flow Sundstrand Eaton Pump Hydraulic Divider rubble. Filters Dynapower

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Northern Hydraulics

All sizes & styles in stock


Complete line of Williams Hydraulic Pumps & Parts New H-98 & F-98 • 30 Series • 54 Series • 50 Series • 57 Series


Hydraulic PTO Pump Your source for

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High Pressure 1,2,4 & 6 wire hose assemblies available Hose Ends & fittings ALL SIZES

We are your Distibutor/Manufacturer for

New Complete Testing Facilities for Hydrostatic, Gear and Vane Pumps

Denison All parts available



Hydraulic – Power Steering – Air Conditioning

Tractors – Trucks – Combines – Cars


##### I couldn’t find my luggage at the airport baggage area, so I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because she was a trained professional and I was in good hands. “Now, she asked me, “Has your plane arrived yet?”…

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A17

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A18

Tour examines Missouri River flood

This summer’s University of Nebraska water and natural resources tour will spend three days visiting parts of Nebraska and Iowa that were most affected by last summer’s record flooding on the Missouri River.
 The tour is July 17-19, leaving from and returning to Hardin Hall on the University of Nebraska-Lincoln East Campus at North 33rd and Holdrege streets. 

 “We’ll not only look at residual damage, but just as significantly, restorative efforts since flood waters receded and what we have learned from the actual flood,” said Steve Ress, tour co-organizer and communicator at UNL’s Nebraska Water Center, part of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Any water needs, call 406-470-2376 or 406-289-0210 Food Institute. 

 “The flood disrupted the lives of thousands and extended for more than three months, breaking through levees and flowing beyond vulnerable lowlands to destroy homes, busiANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE nesses and highways,” said tour host and co-organizer Mike Thee Garage Show Room • Main Street Baker, MT Jess, a retired UNL lecturer. 

From Decatur to Hamburg, Iowa, tour participants will Saturday, July 7, 2012 12:30 P.M. MST inspect a variety of locations where the flood’s destructive Auctioneer’s Message: A nice selection of antiques and collectibles from an avid collector and the Lily Klos estate. impact will be fully evident. 

 TOYS COLLECTIBLES FURNITURE - Antique & Newer “Near Tekamah, they will see where over-bank flows atCast iron banks Marbles Depression glass, 50+ pieces Old cupboards-Hoosier tops tempted to occupy a former river channel last used by the Old school maps Battery operated and wind-up 2-round oak tables Oak chairs Picture frames Ohio Art Toe Joe acrobat Wooden crates Cash register river more than a hundred years ago. We’ll also see large Possum belly kitchen cabinet Dolls Buttons Marx shooting gallery Trunk Dishwasher Cast iron dinner bell tracts of cropland that remain unproductive from accumuStructo rider dump truck Watt pottery commemoratives Complete set of kitchen cabinets lations of fine-textured sediment left by the floodwaters,” TOOLS Red Wing commemoratives Figurines Jenn-air stove top and oven Ladders Head vases Hand tools Assorted metal cabinets Hide-a-bed Collectible oil cans Jess said. 

 Sand blaster Chain hoist Red Wing 8 gallon crock Assorted primitive furniture Some of the cropland bordering the river is covered by Cookie jars TV lamps Jari mower Sunshine Biscuit display rack several feet of fine, blowing sand, resembling pictures from STATIONARY ENGINES Dickota pottery Clawfoot bathtub Cedar chest Rosemeade Delco 32 volt light plant including batSalt and pepper shakers 2-wash stands with mirrors the 1930s Dust Bowl, Ress said. 

 tery jars (not running) OTHER ITEMS Ice cream chairs Rocking chairs Salvaging native forests, restoring river habitat and reLight fixtures McCormick Deering stationary enOld wooden foot locker 1940s couch Books 1 / 2 hp (not running) gine, 1 pairing levees and other infrastructure since the flood also Poker machine Old doors Small desk with folding table Fairbanks Morris 3 hp (restored) Large round rug Old dresser with large mirror will be featured. 

 WESTERN AND GUNS Oak chest & dresser with mirror Elsewhere, participants will see Omaha’s Eppley Airport, Pistol, gun belt & holster Small kitchen table TV stand & TV Saddle Wooden plant stand Lamps Savage Model 99 (300 Savage) where an ambitious water-well dewatering network allowed Springfield Model 1898 (30-40 Krag) COINS commercial air traffic to continue unabated throughout the Indian head pennies Silver dollars 2-swords duration of flooding, despite the fact that the airport borders Proof sets One ounce silver rounds Western books: Before Barbed Wire, Frontier Years, O’Fallon Flashbacks State quarter sets and more... the river. 

 The tour also will stop at Omaha Public Power District’s Owners: Rod & Val Johnson & Guests coal-fired power plant near Nebraska City. There, special Baker, MT 406-941-2966 pumps, a series of temporary dikes and elevation of a railroad coal supply line permitted uninterrupted production of electricity throughout the flood, Jess said. 

 Last year’s Missouri River 406-453-0010 basin flooding was caused Montana Toll Free by a combination of snowmelt in the northern Rocky 1-800-452-0010 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana Mountains and record-setting rainfall runoff in Montana and North Dakota. 

 New liquid fertilizer Crop Protection The tour is co-sponsored transport, System by Omaha Public Power 1010 gallons, 15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity District, U.S. Geological drainable, The Handler is designed primarily heavy duty tank on Survey Nebraska Water Scifor direct induction of chemical tandem axle trailer ence Center, Nebraska Public into sprayers. Power District, Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce, Cen20-years experience...We service what we sell tral Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District and the N IN STOW Nebraska Water Center. 

 OCK Registration is $645 single NEW Raven lodging occupancy or $545 per person double occupancy Guidance and includes all meals, transNew Low Price Of $1695 portation expenses, activities and lodging in both Omaha Call for All and Nebraska City. To regisShapes Special Pricing and Sizes ter, contact Jennie Nollette at Liquid Storage ✔ Touchscreen Display the Kearney Area Chamber of ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) Tanks Commerce at (308) 237-3168 ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports Excellent Selection or email jnollette@kearney✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology On Hand coc.org. ✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries


Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Black & Clear

10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand

We carry all Parts & Filters for self-propelled sprayers and floater trucks

We carry all “Aim Command” Parts On Hand

or create in-depth field maps.

✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package

Replace Problem Solenoid Valves with Electric Ball Valves

Bring in any competition AD and we’ll match their price!!

##### You can tell the difference between male and female blue crab by looking at the design located on the their aprons (bellies). The male blue crab design is in the shape of the Washington Monument, while the female blue crab’s apron resembles the U.S. Capital.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A19


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Register 9:00 am • Sale 9:30 am

Chester Stockyards - Northwest end of Chester, Montana


Flexi-Coil 800 60-ft. plow, floating hitch, Leonardson hydraulic rods, wing-up 2-John Deere 9450 drills, 10-ft., 12” spacing, steel packers, agriplant points, carbide tips International 7100 drills, 2- 14-ft., 1- 12-ft., 10” spacing, rubber packers, agriplant points Kongskilde grain vac, 1000 PTO, new tubes Brandt 1060 auger, 10”x60-ft., mechanical drive

WATCH FOR SIGNS Auctioneers Note: Fritz Auction welcomes you to their consignment sale. This is a partial listing as new items are added daily. See our website: fritzbull.com for updates. All items will sell without reserve to the highest bidder. Get ready to bid with the best on June 23rd – Jim and crew.

Lunch will be available



2012 Apollo motorcycle, 250 cc, electric start, new battery 1985 Nomad Century 5th Wheel camper, 30-ft., fridge/freezer, stove, double bed, sleeps 4, shower, toilet, A/C, heat, 2 tables, 2 doors 1984 pontoon boat, 50 hp, Johnson electric start, new propeller Thermos gas barbecue Tents Camping gear

1986 International 1680 30-ft. header, bat reel, 3068 hours 30-ft. pick-up reel John Deere 912 12-ft. pickup header International 1680 feeder house bars, knives, guards, fan belts, cab AC motor John Deere 105 parts


Calkins sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, drift cones, mixing cone, foam marker, hydraulic pump Sprayer, 55 gallom tank, 8-ft. boom, wand, 2 hp Briggs & Stratton


Massey Ferguson 35 swather, pull-type, 25-ft., new canvas John Deere 510 round baler, belts, twine, 1000 PTO New Holland 1002 Stackwagon 540 PTO Badger 300 manure spreader, 540 PTO, chain, single wheel Hesston BP25 processor, 1000 PTO, extension for big square bales Cattle chute, right-hand controls Cattle panels, 2- 16-ft., 8- 12-ft., 7- 10-ft. Farmaster cattle gates, 2- 18-ft., 2- 9-ft.


1979 Versatile 875 Series II 4 hydraulic remotes, 20.0-38 tires, 6407 hours International 4166 tractor, turbo, 4 hydraulic remotes, 18.4-30 tires, 5283 hrs



Coats tire changer Generac generator, 40 KW surge, 20 KW continuous, PTO driven Artic Cat 3000 generator, 3000 watt Winco generator, 110/220/3 phase Kawasaki generator, 2900 watt Campbell Hausfeld air compressor Wrenches Portable air compressor tank on wheels Sockets Victor portable cutting torch Hammers Century welder, AC, leads Battery charger Pressure washer Craftsman tool chest Napa tool box Hand saws Miscellaneous hydraulic stops 9” anvil Black & Decker sander, dual action Creeper Sledge hammer Large spud bar Crow bars 3 piece flare nut wrench set Steel tape, 100-ft. Snap ring pliers set Air hammer Screw drivers Craftsman sander, 4”X36” belt, 6” disc, 1/3 hp Craftsman sander, 1”x30” belt, 5” disc, 1/3 hp Craftsman scroll saw, 16” Craftsman router table Craftsman drill press, 8”, 1/3 hp, 5 speed, 1/2” chuck, tilt table Craftsman table saw, 10”, direct drive, 2.5 hp Snap-On socket set, 3/8-1/2”, deepwall and regular Snap-on wrenches Aluminum step ladder, 6-ft. Fiberglass extension ladder Valve grinding set Grease pumps Makita chop saw Hi-lift jack stand Hydraulic jacks Come-a-longs Electrical supplies Extension cords Free standing spot light Homelite chainsaw MORE!

2009 Pride scooter, electric 2010 Pride scooter, electric Craftsman riding mower, 6 speed, 42” Bin sweep, self-contained, hydraulic Ro-Cut 3pt mower, 6-ft. Ford 3pt mower, 5-ft. 3pt mower, 5-ft. Grass/leaf carrier, rear tow RYOBI yard tool Snow blower, 7-ft., 3pt, PTO 1000 gallon fuel tank, stand 750 gallon fuel tank, stand 200 gallon diesel tank with electric pump, flat Gas tank nozzles Rough-cut lumber, 16-ft. 2x6s and 2x8s Windbreak boards, 8-ft. 1x8s 14-ft.x12-ft. screen house, new 3- 1400R-24 grader tires 3- 1400R-24 bias grader tires 6- 10.00-20 tires 143- 4” Bait T stations Roll of rubber belting, 4” Steel snow shovels 1951 gas transfer pump, hose, glass 1950s cash register Garden tools X-tend mirrors, 1980+ Chevy-GMC


1973 Ford F750 5 speed, 391 motor, 10.00-20 tires, 2200 gallon water tank 1969 Ford fuel wagon, 1 ton, 400 gallon, PTO drive, duals 1954 Ford 800 16.4 Knaphide box, 2 ram hoist, 10.00-20 tires, bad motor 1954 International truck, 6 cylinder, 8.25-20 tires 1953 Ford F500 truck, Flathead V8, 12-ft. box, hoist, 7.50-20 tires Ford service body, 525 gallon tank, meters 1969 American cattlepot, 40-ft., steel sides, aluminum floor, 10.00-20 tires Donahue 28-ft. machine trailer


GE Love 50-ft. rodweeder, 5 sections, wing-up Noble 5000 45-ft. V-blade, new 5-ft. blades, hydraulic trips, Colters, wing-up 9-Noble blades, 5-ft., new Rome 30-ft. disk Melroe 28-ft. plow, wing-lift Drag harrows, 28-ft., hitch John Deere 21-ft. tandem disk 15-ft. disk 18-ft. land roller, 42” drum Long backhoe, 3 pt, digs 10-ft., 540 PTO Rock-a-matic rock picker, reel type, hydraulic dump

Fritz auction

Bonded and Insured Chester, Montana

Jim, Dena, Jake & Jack Fritz 406-432-2845

Not responsible for accidents or lost or stolen merchandise.Auction Company or advertising counsel will not be held responsible for advertising inaccuracies.

Conditions of sale: The herein described personal property will be offered for sale at public auction by the owner(s). Although information has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, the auctioneer makes no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information here contained. It is for this reason that buyers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make inspection prior to the auction. All items offered for sale shall be sold “as is, where is” with all faults. Statements day of sale take precedence.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A20

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A21

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A22


Fire damaged or non-running tractors


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail: bomar@utma.com

Lingering herbicides can contaminate gardens, ornamental plants

Herbicides can linger in grass clippings, compost and manure, so Montanans should be sure to read product labels to keep from contaminating gardens and ornamental plants, says Montana State University (MSU) Pesticide Education Specialist Cecil Tharp. Many pesticides that target broadleaf weeds can damage other broadleaf plants, such as peas or tomatoes, Tharp said. MSU’s Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory reported 103 plant samples that exhibited symptoms of pesticide toxicity between 2009 and 2011, Tharp said. The plants came from Montana gardens and had symptoms that made it appear they had been exposed to a

class of herbicides known as “plant growth regulators. “ Almost 80 percent of the contaminated samples were thought to be linked to compost, manure and grass clippings that had been introduced into the soil. Plant growth regulator herbicides include the common active ingredients 2,4-D, dicamba, picloram, aminopyralid, clopyralid and the new active ingredient aminocyclopyrachlor. Of greatest concern are picloram, clopyralid, aminopyralid and aminocyclopyrachlor because they can remain active in hay, grass clippings, manure piles and compost for an unusually long time, Tharp said. To avoid contamination, producers using those active ingredients should pay special attention to the pesticide product label requirements, Tharp said. Instructions vary slightly between products, but they often contain re-cropping, haying, composting and manure restrictions One restriction that may be found on an aminopyralid product indicates that producers shouldn’t use manure in compost or mulch if the manure comes from animals that have grazed forage or eaten hay harvested from treated areas within the previous three days. It takes about three days for the forage or hay to run through the animal’s system, Tharp said. Applicators should also be aware of new requirements regarding the products Milestone, ForeFront and Chaparral, Tharp said. Hay from grass treated in the preceding 18 months cannot be distributed or sold off the farm or ranch where harvested unless allowed by supplemental labeling. Montana, however, doesn’t have supplemental labeling to allow off-farm distribution. As a result, applicators must wait 18 months to cut and distribute hay off treated sites, thus allowing adequate time for the grass to metabolize the pesticide product. Hay also cannot be used for silage, haylage, baylage and green chop if treated within the previous 18 months. Producers cannot use manure from animals feeding on treated hay in compost. Applicators may follow the less restrictive pesticide product label language of earlier purchased stocks of Milestone, Forefront and Chaparral products until stocks are exhausted. For more information, contact your county Extension agent or go to www.pesticides. montana.edu and select the “Non-Target Plant Toxicity around the Home and Garden” link. For other questions, contact Tharp at (406) 994-5067 or ctharp@montana.edu ##### All misfortune is but a stepping stone to fortune.
-Henry David Thoreau

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A23


John Deere 6710 4WD, with 3348 hours on the machine and 2292 cylinder hours, in good running condition. There is a 1997 model 630 silage header attached. Chopper is set up with 5th wheel plate.......... ...................................................................... $52,500 Please call for information (406) 257-5057 or 250-2094

Montana Hereford Directory www.montanahereford.org

Anderson Ranch

406-848-2588, Emigrant, MT

Banjo Ranch

406-425-1233, Molt, MT www.banjoranch.com

Bayers Hereford Ranch

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

BB Polled Herefords

Churchill Cattle Co

406-284-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com

Cooper Hereford Ranch

406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com

Courtney Herefords

406-828-4480, Alzada, MT

Curlew Cattle Co

406-293-5285, Libby, MT

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Bear Paw Herefords

Dallas Polled Herefords

406-357-3216, Chinook, MT

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co

Darrell Taylor Farms

406-773-5710, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com

406-739-4405, Fort Benton, MT

Bergum Family Farm

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

406-787-5396, Culbertson, MT www.bergumfamilyfarm.com

Blue Heron Ranch

406-432-2142, Galata, MT

Brillhart Ranch Co

406-947-2511, Musselshell, MT

Broken Pick Ranch

406-862-6418, Whitefish, MT www.brokenpickranch.com

Cherry Springs Ranch 406-662-3375, Bridger, MT

Duncan Ranch Co

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Ehlke Herefords

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Ewing Herefords

406-452-6535, Power, MT

Feddes Herefords

Tim 406-570-4771, Manhattan, MT Dan 406-570-1602

Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.

Feddes Herefords www.feddes.com 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 tfeddes@msn.com Marvin Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Make feeder calf marketing simple: Consign your calves to the annual Montana Hereford Association Feeder Calf Sale

November 14, 2012 - Three Forks, Montana For more information contact the sale committee at (406) 425-1411

Contact Secretary (406) 538-8997

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT

Garrison Ranches Inc

McIntosh Ranch

406-492-7091, Avon, MT

McKechnie Hereford Ranch

Sidwell Ranch

406-322-4425, Columbus, MT

Snowshoe Cattle Company

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

406-875-2138, Pompeys Pillar, MT

McMurry Cattle

Soulsby Hereford Ranch

406-578-2301, Wilsall, MT

M/D Herefords

406-778-2393, Baker, MT

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Higgins Bros

Merrimac Cattle Company

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT

Holden Herefords

MJB Ranch

406-835-2501, Glen, MT

Genex Hawkeye West

406-656-9034, Billings, MT www.crinet.com

Guth Ranch Family

406-547-2213, Ringling, MT

406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com

406-735-4493, Geyser, MT

406-279-3301, Valier, MT

406-639-2569, Lodge Grass, MT

Dale Holfeldt

Ned & Jan Ward Polled Herefords

406-357-3785, Lloyd, MT

Hultin Polled Herefords 406-459-5937, Helena, MT

J Bar E Ranch

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

K & C Hereford

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords

307-672-3248, Sheridan, WY

Northern Agricultural Research Center 406-265-6115, Havre, MT

Rafter Ranch

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

Reich Bros

406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

406-580-6676, Willow Creek, MT

Loyning Farms

Sand-Bayers Herefords

406-328-4095, Absarokee, MT

406-590-8059, Fairfield, MT

406-566-2313, Stanford, MT

Sparks Herefords

Storey Hereford Ranch Thomas Herefords

406-288-3459, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com

Tomlinson Herefords

406-846-1370, Deer Lodge, MT

Wang Polled Hereford Ranch 406-895-2410, Plentywood, MT


406-252-5196, Billings, MT www.westfeeds.net

Wichman Herefords

406-538-8997, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com

X Lazy P Ranch

406-277-3628, Belt, MT www.xlazypranch.com

Montana Hereford Association Tour September 14th and 15th 2012

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A24

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1992 Loral spreader truck New Noble 9000 Series 44-ft. air seeder

Call 406-485-2540 or 974-2568

Attention Farmers & Ranchers Don’t have time for your fence work?

We have equipment and manpower to get the job done.

Give us a call for all your fencing needs.


Mike Durnell (406) 279-3299 or (406) 899-2635, Valier, MT

Biomass expansion would revolutionize world politics, economies

Replacing foreign oil with domestically grown biomass would revolutionize world politics and economies, with states such as Nebraska emerging as potentially huge winners, says a former Clay County farm boy who’s now one of the world’s leading biotechnology scientists.
 Jay Keasling, a professor of biochemical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, spoke on “The Bold Future of Alternative Energy,” as the final guest in the 2011-12 Heuermann Lectures at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

 Using 2009 statistics, Keasling said that of the 94.5 quadrillion BTUs of energy used in the United States, 83 percent came from fossil fuels. The U.S. now imports about half that oil, and those oil imports account for roughly half of the nation’s trade imbalance. And, of course, fossil fuels emit high levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. 

Future oil shortages are predicted as China and India increase use at a time when oil production is leveling off and dropping. Prices could reach $200 a barrel, doubling the price of gasoline. 

 Ethanol from corn already is making

inroads into that dependence on foreign oil, but that’s only part of the answer, Keasling said. Indeed, corn is far from the ideal biofuels crop, since it requires lots of water and fertilizer and also is important as a food and feed crop. 

 So, other forms of biomass are in development, including switchgrass, which can produce four times the amount of energy it takes to grow it, Keasling noted. 

Keasling’s research team at a firm he founded, the Joint BioEnergy Institute, is heavily involved in those efforts. Scientists there engineered a strain of Escherichia coli bacteria to produce biodiesel fuel from biomass such as switchgrass, without the need of enzyme additives. His team now is working to increase the efficiency and speed by which its engineered E. coli strain can be cost-effective and economically competitive in quantities needed to meet the world need. 

 “We need to rely on dedicated energy crops” such as switchgrass, said Keasling, who received his bachelor’s degree from UNL. 

 “This would be a huge change in our balance of trade, a huge change in world politics,” he added, noting that the money now going overseas to purchase oil could be going into economies of farm states such as Nebraska.

 Miscanthus giganteus is a particularly promising biomass crop. It’s a perennial that grows 12 feet tall; it also fixes nitrogen in the soil. “It looks to be a great crop for the future,” Keasling said. 

 Scientists like Keasling are focusing on making more efficient the process for getting energy out of biomass crops. Sugars – which comprise about 70 percent of plants’ content – are the key, but extracting them and processing them is tricky. Goals are to develop plants that contain more of the so-called “good sugars,” less of the bad, and fewer lignins, which are organic polymers in plant cell walls that make them rigid and woody. 

 Research efforts are focused on improving pretreatment processes to remove lignins and engineering plants to have less lignin. “This is a very exciting area of research,” he added. 

 While bioenergy has successfully produced gasoline substitutes, future research also must produce diesel and jet fuel substitutes. 

 Keasling said he also expects biomass production to result in chemicals from those plant sugars to replace other substances that now come from petroleum. 

 Responding to a question from the audience, Keasling said government’s role in this process will be a “steady hand ... steady policies over many decades” and not playing favorites among the different crops and technologies. “Government shouldn’t be picking winners and losers. Let the marketplace do that.”

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A25


Great Products - Great Prices


It’s time for crop and fallow spraying. Fungicides can be a good return on investment, call

and check out our competitive prices on all your herbicide, fungicide, insecticide and fallow needs.

We carry the products you will need at prices you can afford!

We have name brand products & generic replacements!

We have 3 locations in Montana for convenient pickup

1-855-271-0321 (toll free) CALL US!!! Let’s compare the products you will be purchasing for all your spring spraying needs.

•Wheat •Barley •Pulse crop •Fallow Compare $$ Call Kevin now! $$ and Save Kevin Johnson, CCA Conrad, MT 59425 cell- 406-781-4385 Aberdeen, SD office- 605-226-3161

Great Products - Great Prices

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A26

equipment for sale

2000 Case IH RS561 round baler, 4000 bales, like new..... ..................................... $12,000 or will trade for grain truck Freeman 200 self-propelled baler, cab, air............... $4500 New Holland 1048 balewagon, cab, air.................... $5000 Hesston 6610 swather, cab, air................................ $5000 New Holland 664 round baler................................... $3500 Phone (406) 212-4958, Columbia Falls, Montana


White 9700 combine, Kwik cut sickle, 30-ft. air reel, 30-ft. batt reel, pickup header......................................... $8000 Newly rebuilt 30-ft. header. Will sell separately. Spray-Air 72-ft. sprayer............................................ $2500 Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor, F11 Farmhand loader, back blade, newer tires.................................................. $4500 Massey 24-ft. batt reel................................................ $300 Cheney 20-ft. pickup reel.......................................... $1000 2-Massey 13-ft. pickup headers with Sund attachments.... ........................................................................$300 each Universal 24-ft. pickup reel....................................... $1500 Lockwood rock/potato picker................................... $1000 10-International suitcase style tractor weights.....$50 each

Call Herb Bingham 406-469-2250 Pendroy, MT

Growth implications of petroleum sector in Dickinson region

Dickinson city leaders gained insight into the future during a meeting with North Dakota State University (NDSU) researchers. Significant growth in the petroleum sector likely will continue for the next five to 10 years, according to the study by Nancy Hodur and Dean Bangsund from the NDSU Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics. Near-term employment will remain strong and it is possible there will be higher levels of employment in the region than there are today. The researchers’ model illustrates that there will be substantial demand for housing in the near future, but that demand will level off in the next 10 to 25 years, depending on future oil field development. “However, workforce characteristics are an important consideration,” Hodur says. “For now, employment will be driven more by short-term or temporary jobs, such as those associated with construction, drilling and fracking. Long-term employment will be more closely associated with maintenance and oil field services. However, both

will require housing and access to services.” Hodur and Bangsund examined characteristics and potential growth scenarios to understand how the industry will influence the population and demand for housing in Dickinson and the region. The model illustrates the potential ramifications of building to meet the demand for both permanent and temporary workers. Overbuilding is a real possibility if permanent housing is developed for people who work in North Dakota only but prefer to live elsewhere. The challenge is that these workers still need a place to stay while working in the state, which illustrates the need for temporary and permanent housing. This reinforces the need for comprehensive planning and continual updates to those plans. “Workforce characteristics have substantial implications for housing demands,” Hodur says. “Some jobs have a high turnover rate. Other jobs can move around a lot, such as jobs in pipeline construction, drilling or fracking operations. These people are likely not to become North Dakota residents. Building permanent housing for a temporary workforce has negative consequences. However, in the short term, they will have needs. We looked at future employment in the region and found the housing issue is more than just supplying more units. The city needs to avoid chasing peak demand and must have a plan to provide for temporary workers.” The researchers also pointed out that there are implications for not responding to the demand for housing. “The workforce is very mobile and will go where housing is available,” says Bangsund. “They will live at one place and work at another. Workers who live elsewhere have different demands for goods and services, which translate into less demand for secondary goods and services and secondary employment. A lack of housing also may affect growth in other sectors of the economy. Other local businesses or industries may relocate or at least not expand if they cannot find workers because of a lack of housing.” Hodur and Bangsund were hired by the city of Dickinson. However, NDSU’s ongoing research is part of a comprehensive plan being developed by Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson Engineering for Dickinson as the city responds to unprecedented growth in the petroleum industry.

Equipment Liquidation

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A27

AUCTION Thursday, June 28th, 2012 • 10:00 a.m. Sale Site: Gardner Auction Service Hwy 93 S. Kalispell, Montana

Ingersoll Rand ECM 570 hydraulic rock drill Cat D8K dozer Case 1450B dozer Case 850D dozer Case 850K dozer Champion 730 grader Link Belt 330LX excavator Link Belt 210LX excavator Link Belt 80 Spin Ace Aztec FNG3621 portable screening plant 2-Link Belt L130 loaders Case 580L backhoe Case 580SK backhoe Kenworth T800 dump truck Link Belt D25 articulating 6W dump truck Dump trailers Trailers Belly dumps 48-ft. trailers 1991 Great Dane 53-ft. trailer set up for a mobile kitchen Unitec 35-ft.x10-ft. ground scale with building, controls and digital read out SO MUCH MORE!! PARTIAL LIST, MORE COMING! Call us now if you have quality equipment, vehicles or tools to consign to this outstanding auction. See our website for lists, pictures, terms and more info


Gardner’s Auction Service P.O.Box 958 Kalispell, MT 59903 1-406-752-7682 www.gardnerauction.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A28


Custom Swathing & Baling for the 2012 season Several Options Available Net or twine round bales. Midsize 3x4x8 square bales. We are willing to travel to your location. Looking for hay on shares, in windrows or on the stump

Grindheim Ranch, Lewistown, Montana - Lyle (406) 538-3548 or 350-3548

- Shane (406) 350-0714

WCC Construction is now offering:


Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A8

versa Kuhn) is a fungal disease that occurs in areas where winter wheat is subjected to prolonged snow cover or unfrozen ground. The planting of dwarf smut resistant varieties (Promontory and Lewjain are currently recommended) as one practical means of control. The amount of wheat lost each year because of dwarf smut is small in relation to the state’s total crop, but individual operators may experience severe losses in heavily infested, localized areas.

Any size building from a storage shed to a riding arena, shop, airplane hanger...

The building YOU want, the way YOU want it!

Fig. 2. Known areas of dwarf smut (TCK) infestations.


Strength and Versatility Identify a HEWITT Dock or Lift

Features “bridge-type” construction and extra bracing at all stress points for trouble-free service year after year.

The all-aluminum Cantilever, Vertical, and Hydraulic lift styles range in sizes from 700 to 12,000 lbs. Available with canopies. (406) 452-1246 1-800-378-1246 www.hewitt-roll-a-dock.com

3257 Vaughn Road Great Falls, MT 59403

If you farm in the vicinity of one of the shaded areas in the map (Figure 2.), you would be well advised to observe closely your winter wheat crop and consider planting a resistant variety (Tables 14 and 18) or use ‘Dividend’ seed treatment, only. What Recommendation by MAES Means Classification of winter wheat varieties is determined on a yearly basis by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station (MAES) Wheat Variety Release Committee. This 16 member committee is composed of one wheat breeder, one cereal or forage quality scientist, one plant pathologist, one entomologist, one weed scientist, one cropping systems specialist, six Research Center agronomists, one manager from both the Montana Foundation Seed program and the Montana Seed Growers Association, one Montana Wheat and Barley Committee member and one representative of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station Advisory Board. A variety is eligible for recommendation when a minimum of 16 location-years of performance data is obtained from the Montana State University statewide winter wheat performance trials. Test results indicate that the variety is equal to or superior in overall merit to specified check cultivars and has end-use quality equal to or exceeding currently recommended varieties. For varieties originating from private companies, recommendation is considered only at the request of the company when adequate data is available. Recommendations of varieties are considered on a case by case basis. Yield performance of a variety is an important criteria, but also considered are test weight, grain protein content, winter survival, pest resistance and end-use quality data. In general, yield needs to be at least equal to currently recommended varieties in a particular district, unless the variety is being recommended for a specific purpose, e.g. winter hardiness, sawfly resistance. For example, Rampart, which is not competitive in the absence of wheat stem sawfly, is recommended in Districts 3, 4 and 5 for sawfly areas only. Only six varieties are recommended for the Northeast district due to severe winter conditions and a higher probability of stem rust in this region. Thus varieties recommended for District 6 must have higher winter survival and stem rust resistance. If a serious defect in the variety is identified during performance testing, the variety will not be recommended. Examples of defects resulting in non-recommendation include: high probability of winter-kill, low

grain protein, low baking quality, etc. Lack of variety recommendation by MAES may occur due to a decision by the originating company not to test the variety in statewide performance trials. In this case the lack of recommendation is due to inadequate or no data rather than a specific varietal defect. Montana produces primarily hard red winter and hard red spring wheats. Continuous improvement of the milling and/or baking quality of Montana grown winter wheat is one of many objectives of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station breeding and cultivar development program. All varieties recommended by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station have been evaluated and found to be acceptable for milling and baking performance by the Cereal Quality Laboratory at Montana State University. The quality of Montana recommended varieties, if grown and marketed within their respective classes, is acceptable by domestic users. Montana’s future as a hard red and hard white winter wheat producing state for both the domestic and export markets rests on the quality of the product. Producing Winter Wheat Plant CERTIFIED CLASS SEED of varieties RECOMMENDED by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Seed Treatment Treat all winter wheat seed with a recommended fungicide to reduce losses caused by cereal smut or other seed-borne diseases. Several nonmercurial compounds are registered for grain seed treatment. Dwarf smut (bunt) can be controlled with difenoconazole. Dividend® contains this compound and is available in Montana. If you farm in a dwarf smut area contact your seed dealer or chemical representative for more information about this seed treatment. See page 4 for known areas of dwarf smut infestations. Diseases are best controlled when all seeds are coated with a seed treatment. Do not over-treat--Follow recommendation of manufacturer of product as to rate. Truck-mounted seed treaters, which apply the fungicide as the seed is augered into the drill box, do a good job of treating if operated according to manufacturer’s specifications. Drill box treatments are not effective for general use. When using any pesticide materials, read the information on the label as to rate of application, specific uses, methods of handling, precautions, etc.

Fig. 3 Seeding rate and date for winter wheat

Seeding Rate and Date The following rates and dates for seeding are general (Figure 3). The heavier seeding rate, where indicated, is applicable to plump seed of high test weight (above 60 lbs/bu) or for seed having a kernel size larger than normal for most other varieties. The lighter rates are for the smaller seeded varieties or when test weight is below normal for larger seeded varieties. Seeding rates may be lower if adequate nitrogen and phosphorus amounts are applied at planting. continued on page a30

Breeding and growing organic wheat for bread

A June 11 University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension field to table tour will give educators, nutritionists, health professionals, farmers and the public more information about breeding and growing organic wheat for bread quality and health.
 The field to table tour at UNL’s Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead will start at 10 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.

 Participants will start with a visit to UNL organic research fields to learn how wheat is bred, how wheat works in an organic farm rotation, cover crops used with wheat and promising experimental lines for organic production. 

Lunch will feature local artisan breads followed by a panel of local bakers who will discuss available wheat products and characteristics needed in flour for artisan bread. 

Shelly Asplin, registered dietitian, and Mary Schluckebier, executive director of the Celiac Sprue Association, will discuss who requires a gluten-free diet, sources of gluten and challenges for those living gluten-free and for grain growers trying to grow for this market. 

UNL research results also will be shared on an antioxidant study and wheat quality. 

 For directions to UNL’s ARDC, just 40 minutes from Lincoln or Omaha. For lunch reservations, call Pat at 402584-3837. For information about the conference, call Liz Sarno at 402-309-0944 or esarno2@unl.edu. 

Conference fee is $15 to cover lunch.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A29

Les J. Marsh, CAP®, Agent 300 Central Av. Suite 610, Great Falls, MT 59401 406-761-4957 lmarsh@ft.newyorklife.com

Don Jarvenpaa Living Estate

AUCTION Thursday, June 28, 2012

Location: At the farm 2.3 miles on the Pendergrass Rd west of Cut Bank, MT Register for bidder numbers at 9 am Auction begins at 10 am

1932 Plymouth suicide 4 door car, no Trans

1942 Army Jeep

New backpack sprayer Allis-Chalmers D-21 Series II tractor, Rubber Maid utility cart cab, turbo charged diesel engine, 8 325 gallon poly pickup water tank speed trans, 3 remotes, after mar- 2- fuel tank stands ket 3 pt, 18.4-38 duals, 18.4-16.1 Health Mate redwood infra red dry front tires, sells with an Ezee-On 125 heat sauna measures 3 ft X 5 ft loader with a 8 ft bucket Collector Items 27 ft John Deere 200 chisel plow No. 1 sausage stuffer 21 ft Morris B-1 rod weeder 2- Overland wood spoke wheels 20 ft of drag harrows Wood Coke box marked Kalispell, Mt Shafer 510 3 pt hyd post hole auger & 4- Cream cans 12 inch bit Buggy wheels Ford 3 pt sickle mower Old wood trunk 3 pt fork for round bales Large selection of Model A car parts 3- 14 ft steel gates Nash radiator grill 30- Farm Master 10 ft 6 bar mud leg Stohfer Chicago USA upright grand portable livestock panels piano Bundle of 3 inch wood full treat drive Shop Items posts Vulcan brand large anvil Powder River horse hay feeder Craftsman 10 inch table saw Pacific round bale feeder Werner 10 ft fiberglass ladder Toro Wheel horse lawn tractor Sioux electric impact wrench 5 hp Ariens front tine roto-tiller To restore or for parts & scrap 6 hp Toro mower John Deere 95 combine 4.5 hp Toro snow thrower Versatile 400 swather Mac 3516 chain saw 1946 Chevy truck Spee Co 20 ton 5hp log splitter 1954 IH R-160 truck 20,000 BTU kerosene space heater 1959 Ford Thunderbird 2 door hardtop 2005 Polaris Ranger 500, 4X4, green, car with 430 Lincoln engine, no rear dump box, 750 Hrs window 2007 Honda Recon 2X4 Red ATV, electric 1946 Jeep pickup truck, bad engine start, electric shift, shaft drive, like new 1956 Chevy 7200 truck, bad 327 en44 inch pull type mower, 8.5 hp engine gine, wrap around rear window Scorpion 12 volt pull type sprayer 4 ft 2- Old Lincoln pipeline welders boom For auction and land pictures visit our website: www.OphusAuctions.com

Member of the Nautilus Group a service of New York Life

Lorrie C. Hardy, CLU®, CASL®, Agent 2717 Ivy Drive, Great Falls, MT 59404 406-453-7900 lchardy@ft.newyorklife.com

Ophus Auction Service invites you to a land auction. The Don Jarvenpaa living estate land auction will be held in the Glacier Electric Hospitality room, Cut Bank, MT

Thursday June 28th, 2012 at 2 pm

Offered in the auction will be approximately 827 +-acres of which 489 + - acres are in CRP. It will be offered in three parcels and as an entirety. The property is located just west & north of the town of Cut Bank on both sides of the creek. Parcel No. 1 This parcel is west of Cut Bank Creek. It has access off of the Pendergrass county road. There is 276 acres of CRP with 5 years left on the contract paying $25.52 per acre. There are 54 acres of pasture land. Included are 2 steel grain bins, 1 old wood grain building/storage shed and one steel former oil building. Earnest money required for parcel No.1 is $20,000.00 Parcel No. 2 This is referred to as the home site parcel. It has access off of the Pendergrass County road. It consists of a 1,500 square Ft 3 bedroom 1 bath house with attached 2 car garage. There is a 30x50 Ft 2x6 stick built shop with large over head door, cement floor and a small office space. There are several other small out buildings located in the yard. This parcel contains 75 acres of CRP with 5 years remaining on the contract paying $ 25.52 per acre. 121 acres are native pasture with approximately 1+ miles of creek frontage. Earnest money required for parcel No. 2 will be $20,000.00 Parcel No.3 This parcel is located East of Cut Bank creek and is accessed off of the Olsen County Rd. There is 91 acres of CRP paying $ 25.71 per acre and 48 acres of CRP paying $ 23.45 per acre. Both CRP contracts have 5 years remaining. There are 162 acres of native pasture with over one mile of creek frontage. The earnest money for Parcel No.3 will be $20,000.00 Terms: Sells subject to owner’s approval. Owner is retaining all mineral rights. Title will be transferred by a warranty deed and title insurance will be provided by the seller. Closing costs will be split equally by the buyer and the seller. Taxes and the CRP will be pro-rated from the day of closing. The successful bidder or bidders will be required secure the earnest money to Fort Benton Realty Trust account upon the completion of the land auction. The balance of the purchase price will be due at closing on or before July 25, 2012 at the 1st American Title Co. 5 West Main Cut Bank, MT. Call Shane Ophus auctioneer real-estate agent 406-788-6662 www.OphusAuctions.com Call Mark Pyrak Broker 406-788-9280 www.fbrealty.com

Ophus Auction Service

Estate Consignment 1999 John Deere 550G LT crawler tractor, cab with heat, 80 hp diesel, 4 speed powershift, 104 inch six-way hydraulic blade, 18 inch wide tracks, very good, power in and out, 4000 standard speed winch. Asking $29,900. Call Shane 406788-6662. This crawler is located at our auction yard in Big Sandy, MT. For pictures go to www. Ophus Auctions.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A30


1985 New Holland 1100 diesel swather, cab, air conditioning, 2334 hours, 14-ft. auger header...................................... $9500 1983 John Deere 2280 diesel swather, cab, air conditioning, 1672 hours with 18-ft. draper header.............................. $9500 Call 406-736-5430, Konesky @ Stockett, MT


Farmall A blade and sickle mower included..... $3500 Farmall H.......................................................... $3000 Farmall Super M.............................................. $4000 All have new paint and tires, excellent running condition

Call 406-454-3582

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A28

Winter wheat seed lots may vary in the number of seeds per pound depending on the ratio of large-to-small seeds in a seed lot. The average is approximately 15,000 seeds per pound. A precise count of the number of seeds per pound should be made on your seed lot to help calibrate your drill. You can also calculate how many pounds of seed you will need to plant an acre. As to seeding date -- DO NOT SEED TOO EARLY in areas where root rot diseases are prevalent. In areas where Cephalosporium stripe, wheat streak mosaic virus or other root rot diseases have caused losses, delay seeding until the soil temperature in the seed zone will stay below 55°F except for brief periods during the day. In the southern half of Montana, this is usually September 10 to 20. In Districts 5 and 6, seed between September 1 and 15. Cooler soil temperatures slow root development and reduce the probability of winter root injury and invasion by soil-borne organisms. To reduce the incidence of root and foot rots, plant winter wheat on land previously seeded to other crops such as barley, oats or spring wheat. Extreme seeding delay, however, reduces seedling vigor and increases chances of winter-kill.

Seeding Depth Set the drill to place the seed 1 to 2 inches below the soil surface. Deeper seeding reduces tillering and lowers crop yields. With the furrow drills, wind driven soil particles settle in the furrows covering the seed deeper than desired. Yield in Winter Wheat as Influenced by Percent Stand During periods of winter injury farmers are frequently faced with a decision as to whether or not a field should be torn up and re-seeded. A 40 to 50 percent winter wheat stand, if general over field, may produce as much as re-seeded spring wheat. Thinner stands will likely demand more attention for weed control. The guidelines for evaluating winter wheat stands are to determine the average number of healthy plants per square yard. We suggest making a square frame out of 3/8 inch rod. Walk the field in a zigzag pattern counting at ten random locations. Fields that have 80 or more plants per square yard will probably produce more than if replanted to spring wheat (information taken from 1995 Master’s Thesis, “Critical Overwintering Plant Population for Successful Winter Wheat Production in Montana” by Doug Holen).

Grain Bin Equipment Look at the Gerber Bin Unloading System

Automatic bin unloading systems. Gerber systems can be used in either concrete floors or drying floors. Gerber sumps have enclosed slides and nylon roller so the slides won’t bind up from the weight of the grain. Available in 6”, 8” or 10” diameter for any diameter bin.


Bin Unloader

• Electric or Hydraulic • 27° Incline • Pneumatic Tires • For 6”, 8” & 10” Underbin Systems

Come In And See This American Unloader Made Exclusively In Our Shop TOLL FREE: 800-227-2203

427 Second Street South Great Falls, MT 406-727-2203

Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday continued on page a32

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A31

COMBINES - 3.75% for 84 months - oac 2009 Case IH 7120 combine with 535 hours. #500583...................... $256,500 2010 Case IH 8120 combine with 521 hours. #707680...................... $269,900

2011 Case IH 8120 combine with 396 hours. #703724...................... $286,500

D L O SIH 8120 combine with 229 2011 Case hours. #707672...................... $279,900

2009 Case IH 7120 combine with 589 hours. #500584...................... $249,000

2005 Case IH 8010 combine with 1393 hours. #703445...................... $186,389

2011 Case IH 8120 combine with 226 hours. #707673...................... $279,900

2009 Case IH 8120 combine with 1043 hours. #703732...................... $243,500

Case IH 8010 combine with 2045 hours. #707646...................... $178,833

2003 Case IH 2388 combine with 2013 hours. #700557...................... $144,900 2004 Case IH 8010 combine with 2512 hours. #703561...................... $144,900

D L O 2001 JohnS Deere 9750 combine with 3024 hours. #703585............. $102,809

2010 Case IH 9120 combine with 461 hours. #703702...................... $279,900

2004 John Deere 9760STS combine with 987 hours. #707518........ $156,999

LD O S 2000 John Deere 9650 combine with

2005 Case IH 8010 combine. #707648. 2963 hours. #703548............... 105,897 .............................................. $201,900

D L O SIH 2388 combine with 2172 1998 Case hours. #703698........................ $93,900

1999 Case IH 2388 combine with 2629 hours. #707683........................ $98,700

1993 Case IH 1688 combine with 2690 hours. #700432........................ $37,900

1995 Case IH 2188 combine with 3956 hours. #703506........................ $40,444

2004 Case IH 2388 combine with 1626 hours. #703713...................... $149,500

2000 Case IH 2388 combine. #706646. ................................................ $93,500

Case IH 2188 combine with 4215 hours. #703685........................ $43,900

1993 Case IH 1688 combine with 3261 hours. #703655........................ $36,850


D L O SIH 1680 combine with 3711 1989 Case hours. #703621........................ $26,690

1987 Case IH 1680 combine with 3667 hours. #703691........................ $27,689

1991 Case IH 1680 combine with 3460 hours. #703521........................ $29,700

2011 Case IH 8120 376 hrs. #703723..286,500 2005 Case IH 2388 1844 hrs. #703722.$138,750 2005 Case IH 2388 1969 hrs. #700593.$134,900 1996 Case IH 2188 3941 hrs. #700612.$51,500 1992 Case IH 1680 2561 hrs. #700610.$36,900 1991 Case IH 1680 2521 hrs. #700611.$36,900 1990 Case IH 1680 combine. #700429.$26,900 1986 Case IH 1680 2683 hrs. #700598.$28,900

Ethridge, Montana


Great Falls, Montana


Lewistown/Denton, Montana


Havre, Montana


Billings, Montana


Inventory Photos, Parts Catalogs, Job Opportunities

@ WWW.TORGERSON.BIZ www.casecorp.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A32

SEMI PUP TRAILER FOR SALE Peerless 22-ft. semi pup trailer, 11:00 x 22.5 tires, 18 round bale rack included. Phone (406) 735-4348, Geyser, Montana

WW variety performance summary in MT continued from page A30

BALER FOR SALE 2002 John Deere 348 baler, excellent condition....$12,500

Call 406-240-4852

• Steel Modular Bridges For Sale • • Steel Bridge Beams • Delivery Available.

Contact Mark at Bauer & Buck Construction (406) 880-5473

2005 PSI M413XT Maintainer 133 hp, 4x4, rippers, 3/4 yard loader bucket, 10-ft. blade, side shift, 70% tires, auxiliary hydraulics, 1200 hours....$42,500

2006 Cat 216B skidsteer Series 2, 51 hp diesel, 1500 lb. lift capacity, 60” bucket, Mighty Mite 8-ft. full hydraulic road grader attachment, 385 hours, like new...................... $29,500 1997 4x4 backhoe with 6-way blade, Deutz diesel, 80% tires, Quick detach backhoe, will dig down 8-ft., 18” bucket, joystick controls, 6-ft. wide hydraulic blade, 1380 hours. Machine is nice and tight................................ $9500 1987 Freightliner dump 10 yard dump, 350 Cummins, 9 speed, engine brake, 14-ft. bed, pintle hitch, plumbed for pup, 70% tires, 60% brakes, steel frame, power steering, nice tight truck............... $9500 1988 Eager Beaver 10.5-ton gooseneck, 23-ft. x 8-ft. deck, beavertail with ramps, electric brakes, tandem axle with single 17.5 radials, pulls nice, hi-tensil frame......... $6500 M35A2 6x6 21/2 ton, multifuel turbo diesel, 5 speed manual, 2 speed transfercase, hard top, heater, power brakes, 26,000 miles, ready for winter.............. $4500 Dodge water truck 1200 gallon tank, 318 V8, 4 speed & 2 speed, good tires and brakes, 200-ft.+ hose reel, nice steel baffled tank, 2” 150 gpm pump, rear spray bar, nice shape............................. $4250

406-381-3159 or 777-7057 continued on page A45

Mid-plains BEEF practicum

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension’s Mid-Plains BEEF Educational Series begins in June at the UNL Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead. The series will draw on the expertise of extension educators and specialists from across Nebraska to share their beef cattle expertise with participants.

 The program is designed for producers, veterinarians, college students or others involved in the beef industry. Participants will learn more about the systems approach to beef cattle production through these multi-session, handson learning experiences in beef production, economics and forage management. 

 The multi-session program begins June 13 and continues November 29 and January 31, 2013. Participants may choose to attend one or all three sessions. 

The theme for the 2012-2013 year is cattle herd health. Participants will learn about the management of diseases, insect control, pesticide toxicity, low stress weaning, preconditioning and vaccination protocols, pregnancy checking, ultrasound, body condition scoring and how it relates to production and economics, preparation for calving and dealing with calving difficulty and more. 

 Additionally, Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) principles will be taught and demonstrated at each session. Producers can become BQA certified if they attend all three sessions. All of these components are part of a systems approach with a connection between production, economics and forage management, and its important relationship to the production system. 

 Registration for the June 13 program is requested by June 6, registration for the November 29 program is requested by November 21 and registration for the Januaryt 31, 2013 program is requested January 24. 

 Registration is $60 per session or $160 for all three sessions, which covers educational materials, noon meals and breaks. Producers interested in BQA certification will incur a $20 certification fee. 

 The Mid-Plains BEEF Educational Series is an effort by a team of southeastern Nebraska Extension educators. 

To register or obtain more information, contact: Lindsay Chichester, Richardson County, 402-245-4324; Sara Ellicott, Saunders County, 402-624-8030; Jessica Jones, Johnson County, 402-335-3669; Darci McGee, Nuckolls/ Thayer Counties, 402-768-7212 or 402-225-2381; Monte Stauffer, Douglas/Sarpy counties, 402-444-7804; or Steve Tonn, Washington County, 402-426-9455.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A33


1997 Ford F350 4x4, 460 engine, 5 speed manual transmission, HydraBed bale feeder, 110,000 miles, new clutch and rear brakes in the last month, in good condition...$8000 obo

Call 406-357-2242


Wagner WA-14 This bad boy will cover 300 acres per day and have you home by dinner. Newer NTC-335, 885 CID Cummins and Road Ranger transmission, triples all around with eight nearly new tires, new batteries and in good running order, come get it in Choteau.................................................. $18,900 obo

Call 406-466-2644

Where do you take your hydraulic problems?


4 General machinery and spray welding

• Gauges

• Filter products

• Tube fittings and adapters

4 We install wet kits

4 PTO’s installed

See us for all our hydraulic pumps, motor & valves • Hydraulic hose and fittings on hand • Hydraulic quick disconnect • Hydraulic pumps, motors and valves

* Balebed and snowplow maintanence available * Big Sky Hydraulics & Machining Inc. Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


2315 10th St. NE #B Great Falls, MT 59404 After hours emergency service available 406-736-5462 or 406-454-1692

Locally owned by Mike Yuhas & Mark Allen

T & T Farm Supply, LLC

Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576

Same great products and same convenient location on Hwy 2 in Chester, Montana “Formerly Flying Farmer Inc.”

Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers and REM Grain Vacs

Christensen selected National FFA Officer candidate

The Montana FFA Association has selected Cali Christensen from Big Timber to represent Montana as a candidate to become one of six National FFA officers elected for the 2012-13 officer team. She will head to Indianapolis in October for her interviews and the new officers will be announced at the final session of the 85th National FFA convention held October 24-27. Cali just completed her term as the Montana FFA Association secretary and is the daughter of Calvin and Jodi Christensen.

2-2006 Honey Bee 40-ft. headers, one Serial # apart, only 10,000 acres per header. Set up for Case IH, but easy to change. Call for more information...................... $45,000 each

For Sale - Brand New 2700 REM grain vac. Call for information

We stock a large variety of Honey Bee parts including rod weeder supplies. We also have parts for REM Grain Vacs.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A34


Cornell pump, model 5RB, 50 hp, 4 years old, excellent shape.............$4995 406-761-8195, Great Falls, MT

ON FARM CUSTOM GRAIN CLEANING Can clean cereal grains and pulse crops Kremlin, MT – Call 406-945-0705

To all our valued customers for your continued patronage during this successful spring season. Hope you have a bountiful harvest.

Complete line of grasses & alfalfas

Call for details on 2012 pea & lentil contracts

Authorized Dealer

Authorized Montana Seed Cleaning Plant

Hodgskiss Seeds Phone: Seed Plant toll-free 1-877-838-7333 or local 406-466-5553 Junction Highway #220 and #221 — Choteau, Montana

2012 N.D. 4-H Foundation scholarship recipients

The North Dakota 4-H Foundation has awarded scholarships to 10 4-H members. The scholarships and recipients are: • Eleanor R. Schultz Memorial Scholarship ($300) - Desiree Enzminger, Kidder County • Jerome Striegel Memorial Scholarship ($150) - Megan Ruch, Sargent County • Rosevold Memorial Scholarship ($400) - John Klein, Ward/Oliver counties • Farm & Ranch Guide ($500) - Roberta Kronberg, Dickey County • North Dakota 4-H Foundation Scholarship (in honor of Erwin and Nora Klusmann and John Norgaard, $350) - Kyle Allan Aasand, Foster County • John DeKrey Jr. and Hannah DeKrey Scholarship ($500) - Paul Subart, Kidder County • John D. Paulson Memorial Award ($1,000 each) - Patricia Zikmund and Justin Zahradka, Walsh County • Kelci Jo Willson Memorial Award ($300) - Kelli Vosberg, Richland County • Steve E. and Mary M. Tuhy Scholarship ($500) - Elise Eberhardt, Cass County As part of the selection process, applicants submit answers to questions about what skills and types of knowledge they gained from 4-H project and leadership experiences, how they used 4‐H experiences to impact their communities and how 4‐H has helped shape them as a person and influenced their futures. “We feel it is important to consider many aspects when choosing award recipients,” says foundation development director Mylie Lavold. “True education is about much more than a high grade point average. We are looking for youth who exhibit outstanding leadership and citizenship qualities. For us, character counts.” 4-H is a community of young people across North Dakota learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. The North Dakota 4-H Foundation is 4-H’s private sector, nonprofit partner on the North Dakota State University campus. The Center for 4-H Youth Development and NDSU Extension Service implement youth programs through the 53 Extension Service offices across the state. For more information about scholarships and other North Dakota 4-H activities, go to http://www.ndsu.edu/4h.

MSU research leads to new lines of winter wheat

Scientists at Montana State University’s College of Agriculture have developed two new lines of Clearfield herbicide-tolerant winter wheat, which are available for licensing. The lines, known as MTCL1067 and MTCL1077, were derived from the Yellowstone variety and retain the Clearfield two-gene resistance to the imidazolinone family of herbicides. Tested at locations across Montana, both of the new lines are similar to Yellowstone and to each other in performance, end-use quality, and disease reaction. The first of the new varieties, MTCL1076, grows to maturity earlier and is taller than the Yellowstone variety. Both lines appear to have improved stem rust resistance compared with their backcross parent and are superior in yield performance compared with the two-gene Clearfield winter wheat cultivar predominantly used in Montana, AP503 CL2. To be eligible for licensing, prospective licensees must have a current Clearfield commercialization agreement with BASF. Companies may only license one of the two varieties. The licensing is contingent on BASF’s approval of the new varieties following its review of MSU’s data on the new lines’ herbicide tolerance. Companies with a current BASF Clearfield agreement interested in licensing the MTCL1067 or MTCL1077 wheat lines must submit a license proposal by June 15, 2012. The new varieties of winter wheat are the latest technologies available for licensing at MSU. For more details and to inquire about licensing, interested companies should contact Nick Zelver with the MSU Technology Transfer Office at (406) 994-7868,http://tto.montana.edu/technologies or by e-mail atnzelver@montana.edu Currently, MSU has 214 licenses from technologies developed by faculty and researchers. Of those, 95 licenses are with Montana companies.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A35

Cut Bank is

Only 17,000 miles on this GORGEOUS 2011 Ford F150 King Ranch EcoBoost, 4x4!!!

2008 Chrysler Town & Country Touring All the options: Navigation, Sirius TV, 2 TVs, leather...


HARD TO FIND!!!!!! 6 speed manual transmission, Power Stroke, 4x4.

2005 Ford F150 XLT regular cab, 4x4.

2006 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer!!!!!!!

Ready for work. New 2012 Ford cargo van.

2001 Chevrolet extended cab, 4x4.

2008 Ford F350 crewcab, Power Stroke, automatic, only 42,000 miles.

2009 Ford F150 Lariat crew cab, all options!!!!! 2006 Bombardier 4 wheeler and moose snow plow! Only 1105 miles!! 2004 GMC Yukon, leather. NICE!! 2002 Dodge Caravan

Gorgeous 2009 Lincoln Navigator LOADED!!! IMMACULATE CARE!!! Cool Tool!! 2010 Ford F150 Harley Davidson Edition 4x4. ALL THE TOYS!

2002 Ford Excursion Limited, V10. Very well cared for! 2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer

Great care!!!!! 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4, 23,000 miles. 2008 Ford F350 crewcab, Power Stroke, automatic.

Perfect Work Truck 2005 Ford F550 diesel, automatic. One owner, non-smoker!!!! 2006 Ford F250 Lariat crew cab, Power Stroke, automatic. Immaculate care!!!!!!!

Mellow yellow, 1 owner, non-smoker. Immaculate care!!!! 2005 Chevrolet 2500 Duramax, 4x4!!!!

2011 Ford Focus

2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer

Oldie!!! 1993 Ford F150 4x4 2004 Ford F250 crew cab, Power Stroke, automatic!!!!

2007 Ford F350 crew cab, Power Stroke, automatic, 1 owner, great care!

Immaculate local care!!!!! 2007 Lincoln Navigator!!!!!! 2011 Ford F350 Lariat crewcab, Power Stroke, automatic, 17,000 miles.

2005 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 leather, TV, only $7995. Low oil pressure!!! (Similar to picture)

FUN 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1 clone!!!!!

2004 Jayco Designer 31RLS 5th wheel!!

SAVE BIG!!!!! And 0% APR/60 month oac on new F150.

2004 Ford F150 supercrew, 4x4.

2008 Ford F350 King Ranch crew cab, Power Stroke!

2004 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer!!! Owned by the nicest people in the universe!!!

2005 Mercury Mountaineer!!!

2007 Acura MDX

2009 Chevrolet 2500 4x4.

1999 Ford crewcab, Power Stroke, 305,000 miles. That’s three hundred and five thousand miles!!!!! *Trade must be road worthy

WHY PAY MORE? John Waller

David Kennedy

Josh Waller

Sabrina Pendleton

Clint Augare

Northern Ford Call 1-800-823-1234 or 1-406-873-5541 Cut Bank, MT See our used inventory at www.northernford.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A36

Hydraulic Breaker Post Drivers For Sale

•  Skid loader mount •  Low profile •  Quick and easy on and off •  Full control of post while driving • Very low maintanence • 8” diameter domed cup •  3 sizes available ~ 500-, 750-, 1000-ft. lb.

Montana Post Driver

(406) 239-4824, Gold Creek, MT

Steel Prices Are Going Up...Don’t Wait!

How Do You Deal with the SPCC* Rule for Farm/Ranch fuel storage?? Call Wilray about double wall vertical & horizontal fuel tanks THIS WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR SPCC REQUIREMENTS! *Meets EPA Requirements For Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC)

Secondary Containment UL142-23 horizontal and vertical double wall fuel tanks 500 to 10,000 gallon VERTICAL FLAT BOTTOM FUEL TANKS 3,000- to 12,000 Gallon

Fuel tank containment available for your single wall tanks to meet your SPCC requirements

5th wheel or pintle hitch


Custom Built trailer for self-propelled sprayer and/ or combine

From $17,000 to $21,000

Pulls easier than a dually!! 8’6”x20-ft. flatbed gooseneck with 4-ft. popup Beavertail



★ 20,000# GVW ★ Electric brakes ★ Ramps ★ Lights ★ Single 23575R/17.5 tires (each tire carries 6000#’s) ★ 2 YEAR WARRANTY 2-Year Warranty

$4895* 8-ft.6”x20-ft. tandem axle gooseneck flatbed, 14,000 GVW, electric brakes, lights, treated deck, 16” 10-ply radial tires.

Heavy Duty Car Hauler

6’6” W x 18’ long

7000# GVW.......................... $2825*

8-ft.6”x20-ft. Tandem Axle gooseneck with 4-ft. pop up beavertail, electric brakes, lights, wood deck, stake pockets, 2:35/85Rx16 10-ply tires, ramps, 10,000# jack. 14,000# GVW. Beavertail pops up to make 24-ft. flatbed............... $5795* Above trailer as 16,000# GVW................... $6395* 8-ft.6”x20-ft. Tandem Dual gooseneck flatbed with 4-ft. popup Beavertail. 20,000 #GVW.... $8395*

2-Year Warranty

✔ 5000# tongue jack ✔ Electric brakes 10,400# GVW....................... $3325* ✔ Treated wood deck ✔ 15” radial tires 14,000# GVW, 20-ft.............. $3725* ✔ Stake pockets ✔ 2” ball hitch ✔ 8-ft. ramps *LED lights and Rhino Line deck are standard equipment on all trailers.

Check us out at: wilraymfginc.com

406-622-3861 Wilray Manufacturing Fort Benton, Montana — Evenings call 406-622-3747 NEW HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm

Feed conversions of creep feeds

By Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Feed conversions of calves fed creep feeds have been quite variable to say the least. Conversions of 5:1 or 5 pounds of grain consumed to 1 extra pound of calf weight are very rare and the optimum that can be expected when producers are using a “typical” high energy creep feed. Conversions may get as poor as 15:1 in some situations. Therefore it is obvious that several factors come in to play to determine the amount of creep feed that is consumed for each additional pound of gain. Cows that give large amounts of milk to their calves will provide enough protein and energy to meet the growth potential of their calves. In that scenario, it is reasonable to assume that the feed conversion from creep feeding could be quite poor (10:1 or worse). If however the milk production of the cows is limited for any reason, then the added energy and protein from the creep feed provides needed nutrients to allow calves to reach closer to their genetic maximum capability for growth. Calves from poor milking cows may convert the creep feed at a rate of about 7 pounds of feed for each pound of additional calf weight. Poor milking can be a result of genetically low milk production or restricted nutritional status. Nutritional restriction due to drought situations often adversely affects milk production and therefore calf weaning weights. Shortened hay supplies and reduced standing forage due to drought or severe winter weather often set the stage for the best results from creep feeding. These feed conversion ratios become important when making the decision to buy and put out creep feed for spring born calves. One review of data on creep feeding concluded that an average estimate of feed to gain ratio would be 9 pounds of feed to each 1 pound of added gain. As you are calculating the cost of creep feeds, remember to include the depreciation cost of the feeders and the delivery of the feed. Then of course, it is important to compare that cost of creep feeding to the realistic “value of added gain”. Estimates for the value of each pound of added gain next fall will be near $1.00. Therefore the cost of the creep feed consumed must be less than the $1.00 estimated value of each pound gained. Different ranching operations will come to different conclusions about the value of creep feeding. In fact, different conclusions may apply to different groups of cows within the same herd. Creep feeding may be more beneficial to calves from thin, young cows and less efficient to calves reared by mature cows that are in better body condition and producing more milk.

NDSU BBQ Boot Camp

NDSU’s BBQ Boot Camp will be held in four locations this year. The camp: Introduces participants to basic grilling styles, including gas, charcoal and smokers Offers information about different rubs, marinades and seasonings to use on meat Explains why cooking temperatures are important and how the temperature affects the quality of the meat Teaches food safety tips and nutritional facts on meat Informs participants about current topics in the meat and food industry and the importance of understanding the world food supply Gives participants a chance to sample different types of barbecued meat and provides ideas for their next neighborhood barbecue The NDSU Animal Sciences Department hosts the camp in conjunction with NDSU Extension Service faculty. Four camps are scheduled throughout the state this summer. The camp dates, locations and people to contact for more information or to register are: June 20 - Fargo, Megan Kortie, (701) 231-7641 June 28 - Williston, Mary Froelich, (701) 577-4595 July 16 - Bismarck, Cathy Palczewski, (701) 221-6865 July 18 - Minot, Paige Brummond, (701) 857-6444 Registration also is available online at http://www.ndsu. edu/bbqbootcamp. This is the fourth year of the BBQ Boot Camp program. “BBQ Boot Camp is a unique opportunity to combine great food, great people and our program message on the critical role agriculture plays in all our lives,” says David Newman, NDSU Extension swine specialist. “We plan to hold the camp in even more communities across the state next year.”

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A37

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A38

Old Cars Wanted

Looking to buy old cars, trucks and parts up to 1974. Call Wayne 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home)


Beltavator 16 hp Kohlor, 15-ft. lift, excellent condition.......................................................$3800 2000 gallon above ground fuel tank, used for AV gas, excellent shape...............................$1500

Call Harvey Reynolds 406-660-5066

Rental agreements important in pasture rent

Purdue University Renting pasture for grazing livestock is a fairly common practice in Indiana but one a Purdue Extension forage specialist says landowners and producers need to carefully discuss. When it comes to making rental agreements, there are several considerations for both parties beyond cost. “Just like with any rental agreement, individuals are encouraged to understand that there are responsibilities that the landowner has and that the renter has. And some of these are

negotiable,” Keith Johnson said. “It’s important to have a conversation about what those negotiable points are and then move toward a more firm price.” In typical rental agreements, landowners are responsible for insurance and paying for fence repairs, real estate taxes and interest on investments, such as the mortgage. Livestock owners are responsible for performing livestock production activities; maintaining livestock; providing salt, minerals and fly control; checking water supplies; and veterinary expenses. Negotiable items would include determining landrelated activities, providing labor for fence repairs, maintaining pastures, controlling weeds and brush, liming and fertilizing, reseeding, renovating and determining stocking rate. “We want to make sure we have an appropriate stock density so we’re not overgrazing the pasture,” Johnson said. “If we do, we find that we’re going to degrade the quality of the forage and, thus the expectation of rent would decline, as well, which is not in the interest of either party. “Low-yielding and poorquality forage means fewer livestock can graze, and the expectation of gain is going to be less. And, of course, the landowner is left with a property that is not as valuable if it’s not taken care of.” When it comes time to negotiate rent, there are four basic formulas, based on animal units, acres, projected yields or livestock gain. Formulas for each are available in Purdue Extension’s Forage Field Guide, available for $7 in the Education Store at https://mdc.itap.purdue. edu/item.asp?itemID=19670. Purdue Extension also offers a series of pasture lease publications. All four are available for free download and can be located by visiting the Education Store home page at https://mdc. itap.purdue.edu/default.asp and searching for “Pasture Lease.” The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service provides a survey of all counties in the country with 20,000 or more acres of cropland plus pasture. The survey includes cash rents by county. To access that data, visit http:// www.nass.usda.gov/Surveys/ Guide_to_NASS_Surveys/ Cash_Rents_by_County/index.asp.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A39



(208) 681-6009 – (208) 524-2310 – (661) 310-8822 www.worldequipmentllc.com

MAJORITY OF EQUIPMENT WAS MUNICIPALITY OWNED Gehl 1083 forklift 6500 hours*, 40-ft. height, 10,000 load capacity, outriggers, tilt swing forks, 4 wheel steering.


2006 Takeuchi TB135 2312 hours*, Yanmar diesel motor, 2 buckets, new rubber tracks.


1999 Grove SXT

New Holland 5640

5300 hours*, 68-ft., multi fuel, 4x4, big basket.

2836 hours*, 4x4, PTO, A/C


$22,500 2006 GMC C4500 Duramax 156,000 miles*, 4x4, dual, automatic transmission, A/C, air seats, power mirrors.


Cat RC60 gas motor, 6000 lb. load capacity.


2006 New Holland LV80 3100 hours*, Cummins turbo diesel.

1991 GMC Topkick


52,000 miles*, Cat 3116 diesel, Allison automatic transmission, 2000 gallon tank, Valew 6 way system, A/C, air brakes.

Komatsu FG50


538 hours*, Nissan 6 cyl gas motor, new duals, 10,000 lb. load capacity.

$11,900 1998 GMC C7500

86,000 miles*, Cat 3126 diesel, 6 yard dump, 6 speed transmission, tow package, air brakes, trailer brake.

2001 Toyota FGU30 3100 hours*, side shift, 6000 lb. load capacity, 187” height.



1991 John Deere 624E

2001 Komatsu 25

low hours, 4/1 bucket, 4 speed power shift, A/C, heat.

3200 hours*, side shift, 5000 lb. load capacity, 187” height.


$8500 Bobcat 863 1479 hours*, 73 hp Deutz diesel, auxillary hydraulics, Hi flow, 72” general purpose bucket, spear attachment, quick coupler.


2000 John Deere 5410 4x4, PTO, 3 point, remotes, runs good.


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Contact Mike to customize a finance plan to fit your equipment needs. Mike can also help you with your shipping needs, he can ship anything, anywhere! Flexible Finance options available with seasonal payments, deferred payment plans, and no money down payment options with approved credit. * 50 month credit terms available on all units regardless of asset age.

*Hours and miles are advertised as shown on the hours/speedometer. Having no way of verifying true accuracy. All vehicles will be sold through Ram Tire Co. Inc., a licensed California motor dealer.


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A40

screen plant for sale

Barber Green self-contained screen plant, single deck, shaker..................................................................... $22,500 Call 406-735-4348

Annual Cowboy Youth Classic Beef, goat, hog and lamb fitting and showing clinics begin the Cowboy Youth Classic in Laramie Friday and Saturday, June 22-23. The annual show/clinic is at the University of Wyoming’s Cliff and Martha Hansen Livestock Teaching Arena approximately three miles west of Laramie on Hwy. 230. Current 4-H and FFA members take part. “Youth who participate enhance their fitting and showing skills by doing handson workshops that better prepare them to compete at shows later on this summer,” said Lance Miller, UW Livestock Judging Team coach and who directs the classic. “Participants will get immediate feedback on their fitting and showing techniques. They can then make improvements to better prepare them for other shows. It’s nice to see participants who attend our Cowboy Youth Classic at their county fairs later in the summer, or as repeat attendees of the classic, and witness their improvement.” Started in 1997 by the Department of Animal Science in the College of Agriculture

and Natural Resources, the event expanded to include market lambs and hogs in 2003, and market goats were added in 2009. The event draws about 60 to 80 youth. Contestants are required to attend their choices of mandatory showmanship workshops Friday. A QuizBowl is at 7 p.m. New this year, Stock Show University is serving as the mandatory workshop provider for beef exhibitors. “We hope these workshops add to the participants’ knowledge and understanding about their projects and the associated areas in animal agriculture they are a part of,” said Miller. Livestock shows start 9 a.m. Saturday. They are, in order, market goat, market lamb, market swine and beef. Preregistration is required by June 11. An online form and a mail-in form are available at www.uwyo.edu/Anisci, clicking the Hosted Events link, then Cowboy Youth Classic. For more information, contact Miller at 307-766-2159 or via email at lrmiller@uwyo.edu.

Targhee Sheep Association show and sale

The U.S. Targhee Sheep Association 2012 National Show and Sale will be held in Columbus, Montana July 12 th- 14 th at the Columbus Fairgrounds. After record high prices and a tremendous turnout last year, we are looking forward to another great show and sale under the Big Sky. There will be whitewater rafting on Thursday, shows starting at 9 am on Friday and sale on Saturday at noon at the Fairgrounds. Concessions are being provided by the Stillwater County 4-H Club. Please visit our website for more details and entry forms, www.ustargheesheep. org, or contact Mardy Rutledge at (702) 292-5715, ustargheesheep@gmail.com or Elisha Lewis at (406) 8610082.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A41

We Rent Equipment! If You Only Purchase One Thing This Season... 2400 132’

• Raven 450 auto rate • Auto height • Duals

1600 120’

• Raven auto rate • 2” bottom fill • Auto boom height control

Heavy Harrows, Fertilizer Spreaders, Vertical Tillage, Land Rollers and Self Propelled Sprayers!

Sprayers 1600 90’

2400 132’

• Flo Bak ball valves • Singles • Clean water rinse tank

• Auto height • Raven 450 auto rate

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own





Grain Carts

• Model 739 • 750 bushel • 30.5x32 tires

• Model 839 • 850 bushel • 30.5x32 tires

• Model 1039 • 1000 bushel • 35.5x32 tires

• Model 1348 • 1300 bushel • 22” auger • 520/85x42 duals

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own

Buy or Lease To Own





Swing Away Augers

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• 10x72 • 10x82 • 13x72 • 13x82 • 13x92 • Iron Edge flighting • Powder Coat Plus paint • Heavy duty construction • Low profile hopper design

• 10x60 • 10x70 • 13x70 • 13x90 • Low profile self-leveling hopper • Scissor lift • Extended life flighting • Easy access cleanout doors

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A42


2-Case IH 2188 combines, 2146 rotor hours, 2396 rotor hours..........................................................$49,000 each Case IH 1010 30-ft. header....................................... $7000 Honeybee 30-ft. header......................................... $19,000 2-Case IH 1015 pick up heads, 1 with rakeup, 1 with Case IH pickup.......................................................$9000 each Case IH 8825 swather and 30-ft. Case IH head.... $37,000

Phone 406-734-5222, Fort Benton area, MT

Guests at the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana should be prepared to see ghosts, a piano that plays itself, an oil portrait that becomes animated, and other unexplained phenomena. The bed and breakfast is among America’s most haunted houses.

On-The-Farm or On-The-Road

When you need tires call us! We carry a HUGE inventory!!!

We offer a complete line of Goodyear & Firestone tires for swathers, balers, combines, tractors, automotive, light and heavy duty trucks.


Cars, Light Trucks, Heavy Duty Farm & Over-the-road Trucks

Cut Bank Tire

Phone 406-873-5025, Cell. 406-949-7717 — Cut Bank

New compassionate allowances conditions

By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver In April, Social Security announced 52 new Compassionate Allowances conditions to the growing list of severe medical conditions that qualify for expedited medical decisions. The new conditions include many neurological disorders, cancers, and rare diseases. The Compassionate Allowances initiative is a way of quickly identifying diseases and other medical conditions that invariably qualify as “disabled” based on minimal medical information. Compassionate Allowances allow Social Security to quickly identify the most obviously disabled individuals for allowances based on objective medical information that we can obtain quickly. The announcement of 52 new conditions, effective in August, will increase the total number of Compassionate Allowances conditions to 165. That list continues to grow as Social Security, the National Institutes of Health, and a number of patient organizations help identify new conditions that clearly warrant quick approvals. “Social Security will continue to work with the medical community and patient organizations to add more conditions,” Commissioner Astrue said. “With our Compassionate Allowances program, we quickly approved disability benefits for nearly 61,000 people with severe disabilities in the past fiscal year, and nearly 173,000 applications since the program began.” Social Security develops the list of Compassionate Allowances conditions from information received at public outreach hearings, comments received from the disability community, counsel of medical and scientific experts, and research with the National Institutes of Health. Also, we consider which conditions are most likely to meet our definition of disability. For more information on the Compassionate Allowances initiative, please visit www.socialsecurity.gov/ compassionateallowances.

SPRAYFLEX builds “World’s Largest Truck Sprayer” • Floating Boom Design • Lightweight Aluminum Box Boom • Stainless Steel Tanks or Plastic • Many years of testing • Boom widths up to 150-ft. • Tank sizes - 1250, 1450, 2000, 3000 gallon

Will sell sprayers for your truck or complete units



“Sprayer Boom Height Control”

RiteHeight – $3995 Early Order Discount Big Seller in Canada Easy to install – Two ultrasonic sensors and simple electrical connections. No hydraulic plumbing required.

Versatile – Maintains consistent boom height above ground or crop canopy (selectable).


Coming in - New Sprayflex Sprayer - 120-ft. & 100-ft. 2004 International 4300, Allison transmission, new Sprayflex 1300 gallon 120-ft. sprayer, high clearance, new tires and wheels..........................$112,900



2008 Marflex sprayer - 1990 Kenworth T-600 -126-ft. boom, 2200 gallon tank, TANDEM axle, air ride, 3406 CAT 425 hp, 9 speed transmission. Put it in 1 gear for spraying and don’t have to shift again to turn around at the ends of the fields or go thru coulees!!! Trimble GPS 500+EZ-boom, 5 section boom. Works great if you have gopher holes or badger holes...........................................................................


Finance your new sprayer for

3.45%, 3 years!!

Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm

Lease to own a new 2013 Sprayflex Truck @ 2.65% Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT

BUILDING - (2) 2007 International 4300, Allison transmission, AC, CC, new 2012 Sprayflex 120-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, new tires/wheels. Both have new IHC truck warranty!.....................................................$129,000 Each 2008 Marflex 2005 Freightliner truck, 105-ft. booms, LD spray SOAllison 1300 tank, Cat engine, transmission.......... $89,500 1999 Freightliner FL60 Marflex 1300 gallon tank, Cat engine, manual trans., Honda engine, 90-ft. booms, tall tires.

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616

email: grain@ttc-cmc.net

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A43

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A44



•3x3 big square baler •Never used, zero bales • Full 1 year warranty •105 hp required • Monitor & tandem axle •$83,000 obo

Call 406-697-2650

Economic advantages to implanting nursing calves

By Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Many new technologies have been made available to the beef industry over the last 75 years. Few have the potential return on investment as do growth promoting implants for nursing calves. The term implant is used to refer to a group of products used in the cattle industry that increase rate of growth. Each type or brand of implant has its own specific applicator, which is used to properly administer the implant. Implants contain natural or synthetic anabolic compounds that produce physiological responses similar to hormones that are already produced in varying quantities in the body. Calves intended for “natural” or “organic” markets cannot and should not be implanted. Implants cleared for use in nursing calves contain a lower dose of the active ingredient compared to products cleared for use with older cattle. These “calf” implants are typically administered when calves are between 2 and 4 months of age. Research summaries have shown than implants given during the suckling phase will increase average daily gain of steer calves by 0.1 pound per day. The response in heifer calves is slightly higher at 0.12 to 0.14 pound per day. Over 150 days of the remaining nursing period, this additional gain can amount to 15 pounds in improved weaning weights in steers and about 18 to 21 pounds in weaned heifer calves. The value of this additional weight gain is difficult to accurately predict. Heavier calves often are priced slightly less per pound than lighter calves. In today’s 2012 market, an estimate of 1 dollar per pound of added gain should be conservative to evaluate the efficacy of implanting. Assuming a cost of $1.00 per implant, a $15 to $21 return on each implant dollar invested can be expected. Producers often raise the question, “Is it safe to implant replacement heifers?” Research has shown that heifer calves implanted one time at about 2 months of age had very little, if any impact on subsequent conception rates. An overall average reduction of only 3 to 4% in first breeding season pregnancy rates were found when heifers were implanted once with estrogen and progesterone-containing implants. However, heifers that were implanted at or within a day of birth, after weaning, or multiple times had much lower reproductive rates than non-implanted heifers. Heifers that are known at birth, or at calf-working time, to be replacement females, should not be implanted. There is nothing to gain. Bull calves that may remain as bulls to become herd sires should not be implanted. Once again, the key is to follow label directions precisely.

WW variety performance summary in MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A45


2006 Chevrolet Duramax, 3 /4-ton, 6 speed manual transmission, 4x4, extended cab. Nice. One owner truck.

continued from page A32

Phone 406-799-6923


Morris Maxim 49-ft. air drill, double shoot, edge on shanks, steel packers, 7300 tow behind tank with 3rd tank option............................................ $44,000 Located by Hobson, Montana

Call 406-788-8460 or e-mail lvranch2@gmail.com


30-ft. 8” auger on wheels, PTO................................... $800 10-ft. chisel plow, 3-point. Used only on arena and racetrack........................................................................ $900 Arts-Way grinder mixer, excellent condition, always shedded........................................................................ $1000 Hyline 6600 round bale feeder, 1000 PTO............... $5500 3-point post hole digger, excellent condition............... $500 10 pack, single cylinder............................................. $2500 Suzuki 125 4x2, rope pull, excellent condition.......... $1000 John Deere duals and hubs, 18.4x38, fits 4230 or bigger.. .............................................................................. $1500 Phone (406) 360-5459, Stevensville, MT

Call Now and Book your Seed Today!!! ✽ Hay Barley ✽ Certified Hays

✽ Oats ✽

Otana • Monida Monico • Morgan • Ajay

✽ Peas ✽

Arvika Forage • Austrian Winter Forage Aragorn Green • CDC Leroy Yellow

✽ Sorghum Sudangrass ✽ ✽ Millets ✽ ✽ Turnips ✽ ✽ Radishes ✽ ✽ Forage Mixes ✽ ✽ Pioneer Alfalfa & Corn Seed ✽ ✽ Custom Pasture & Hay Mixes ✽ ✽ WL Alfalfa ✽ ✽ CRP Mixes ✽ DELIVERY AVAILABLE

Post Office Box 130 Three Forks, MT 59752

406-285-3269 continued on page A48

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A46


2009 Case IH Steiger 435 4WD tractor, Auto Steer, 55 gpm hydraulic pump, powershift, 5 remotes, 710/70x42 tires..................................... Let’s Deal


1998 Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, yield/moisture monitor.................................... Just Traded 1998 Honey Bee SP36 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel, transport................................. Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel.Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, pickup reel................. ....................................................... Just Traded 1995 Case IH 1010 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... Just Traded 2003 Buhler Versatile 2145 2WD tractor, loader, 3-pt., dual PTO............................... Just Traded


Up to 18-month free financing on all used combines – OAC


WE’RE DEALIN’ Bring us your offer

Flexi-Coil System 67XL wheel boom sprayer with 110-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, Flexi-Control, excellent....................................................... $23,500

2002 Flexi-Coil System 67XL wheel boom sprayer, 114-ft. booms, windscreens, 1500 gallon tank, Auto Rate................................................... $17,900 Flexi-Coil System 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, EZ boom, windscreens, 1500 gallon tank, Trimble Auto-Rate............................. Just Traded Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, 90-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Auto Rate........................................... $8995 1996 Melroe 218 Spra-Coupe, gas engine, manual transmission, foam marker. Only 516 total hours. Excellent condition..................................... $12,900


Case IH 9250 4WD tractor, 300 hp, powershift, PTO, 20.8x38 duals, 5598 hours. Good condition.......... ................................................................. $59,900 Case IH 1680 combine, rock trap, grain scan, hydraulic fore/aft, Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel.. ...................................................................Just In

Case IH DX35 MFD tractor, 35 hp diesel engine, hydrostatic transmission, industrial tires, front end loader. Only 110 hours. Like new............. $21,900

1995 New Holland TR97 combine, 30-ft. header, pickup reel, 13-ft. pickup header, Victory Super 8 attachment, low hours................................Just In (2) Gleaner R60 combines with 30-ft. headers......... .......................................................... Just Traded

2001 MacDon 9350 windrower, 14-ft. hay head, steel conditioner, 1470 hours. Very clean......... $52,500 Case IH 8820 windrower, Cummins engine, cab, air conditioning, 21-ft. draper header. Only 1126 hours........................................................ $24,900 John Deere 580 pull-type windrower, 25-ft. draper.. .................................................................... $4995


McCormick XTX145 MFD tractor, 145 hp, cab, air conditioning, semi powershift, front and rear 3-pt., dual PTO, L175 loader, grapple, approximatley 700 hours. Excellent condition.................... Let’s Deal International 464 utility tractor, gas engine, 3-pt., PTO, International 1850 front end loader, 2650 hours. Good condition................................. $7495 Massey Ferguson 165 2WD, 3-pt., 540 PTO, loader, bucket.......................................................... $6995

New Case IH Farmall Tractors

0.0% financing for up to 72 months oac


Valmar 3255 granular applicator. Previously mounted on Flexi-Coil System 85 heavy harrow. Very good condition...................................................... $2995 International 1300 7-ft. balanced head sickle mower, 3-pt. mount. Good condition........................ $1295 Servis 5-ft. 3-pt. rotary mower, chain guards. Good condition........................................................ $375 Mayrath 8x60 grain auger, swing hopper, PTO drive............................................................ $3995 Meyer ditcher, near new blades. Good condition...... ...................................................................... $895 Ditch filler. Good condition................................. $495


1980 IHC 412B 11-yard elevating scraper with good rubber. Excellent maintenance and ready to work. ................................................................. $24,900

2004 Honey Bee SP36 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel, transport........................................... $35,000 (2) Case IH 1010 30-ft. headers, (1) with pickup reel, (1) with batt reel..............................................Call Case IH 1010 25-ft. header, Love steel tine pickup reel. Has been through our header shop. Good condition...................................................... $8995 Case IH RB564 round baler, net/twine, wide pickup. Extremely low bale count, like new.......... $38,250 Case IH 1015 pickup header with attachment. Good condition............................................ Just Traded International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rake-up raking pickup. Very little use............................. $8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment.................................................. $2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment............................................................ $1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment..... ...................................................................... $995


MacDon pickup reels for MacDon and Case IH draper headers (1) 36-ft.......................................... Call for pricing



on custom-made round baler belts and swather canvas. We also repair round baler belts.

Case IH RBX563 round baler, net/twine, wide pickup, large tires................................................. $22,900 1996 New Holland 664 round baler, twine, Autowrap. Good shape................................................. $9500 Vermeer 605L round baler, 6x5 bales, twine, floatation tires. Very good condition......................... $12,900 Vermeer 605F round baler, twine.................... $1995 Lely 7 wheel rake. Good condition.................. $1995


1976 International 1600 cab/chassis with service body, PTO hydraulics, hydraulic crane, air compressor with large capacity tank, extra fuel tank, gin pole crane with winch. An excellent field service unit. Asking $17,900..............Reduced to $15,250


Phone 406-278-3277 Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Toll-free 1-888-4-CASE-IH FAX 1-406-278-7882 website: www.4caseih.com Conrad, Montana

After Hours call: Gary Brown Res. 278-3373 Mobile phone 788-9033 Kurt Christiaens Res. 279-3486 Mobile phone 450-3277

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A47

201 ARE 2’s HER


r orde y l r a E ram Prog


Big Sky Equipment

Big Sky Equipment

Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277

Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277


Demco 750 bushel Grain Cart

PTO, 30.5x32 Diamond Tread Tires


Big Sky EquiPMENT

Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277

Straw Chopper Program

Control your excessive straw problem with a straw chopper for your Axial-Flow combine.

New Shipment Just arrived

In stock now!!!

1-Farmall 45A MFD with loader, 45 hp 0% Financing on all

Managing your straw has become a critical part of a successful no-till operation. A straw chopper can help to eliminate your problems... in many cases you may be able to limit or eliminate the need for a heavy harrow operation. Call for details on our installation program!

NEW McCormick & Case IH tractors (under 100 hp • financing oac)


Choppers for all IH and Case IH rotary and most John Deere combines

Big Sky Equipment

Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 406-278-3277

We are your Vermeer Dealer

O Bale Processors O Hay Rakes O Round Balers

NEW 605 Super M Round Balers IN STOCK

Vermeer 605 Super M net/twine wrap, wide pickup, hydraulic push arm, big flotation tires.

1-800-332-7541 or 406-278-3277 Conrad, Montana www.4caseih.com

Don’t wait to do your repairs... Call and schedule your’s today!

Complete combine & swather head repair


Dent Removal, Flight Pitching, Sections or Center Replaced, Straightening & Truing, Flighting Wear Rings or New Flighting


Rebuilt rock guards using 3/16” TI or 1/4” AR Plate. These rock guards are built with much better material than the original at a much lower price!

Call for repair estimates and scheduling


We will replace all or part of the header tin under the auger with heavier than original material that is bent to original specs.

Combine & Swather Headers Case IH, John Deere, Massey, New Holland, Gleaner, White Hart & Carter

Pickup Reels Available – All Sizes

BIG SKY EQUIPMENT Big Sky Equipment 1-800-332-7541 or 406-278-3277 Conrad, Montana

Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A48


Looking for someone to move two 3280 bushel hopper bottom bins. Phone 406-254-0499 or dsolberg@sevenblackfoot.com

WW variety performance summary in MT continued from page A45

WANTED TO BUY: Any type farm tractor 1970 or newer. Good shape, wrecked, rolled, burned, or with mechanical problems. Will pay top dollar.

Can e-mail photo to ronheath@hotmail.com Phone Ron Heath, (208) 681-4429, Blackfoot, Idaho


2006 Peterbilt C15 Cat engine, 10 speed transmission, new 20-ft. box and hoist, tag axle, new tarp, silage and grain gates. 612,000 miles........ $75,000

Call Joe (ext 206) or Ike (ext 200) at 406-279-3629 Valier, MT


Get an early start on your seed cleaning. We come directly to the farm.

We clean out after every job. We also size barley. Call now for an appointment 1-800-626-7932 William D. Wipf (406) 781-3036

Ray Morken Jr. (701) 444-2201 or (701) 770-2201

Round Baler Belts WE CUSTOM MAKE BELTS FOR ANY MAKE OF ROUND BALER • Belt Repairs • Lacing & Lacing Tools • Bulk Belting

Stocking Distributor for

Flexco (Alligator) Rivet Lacing & rivet tools for round baler belts

DIAMOND Roller Chain • Highest Quality • The Very Best • Auger & Auger Flighting All sizes, right & left hand • NEW • • Super Edge Flighting • NEW CALL FOR DETAILS

• GATES V-Belts & Sheaves • Sprockets & Gears


• Bearings Pillow Blocks & Flanges, Unmounted Bearings

• Electric Motors & Controls Single & 3-Phase, Hi-Efficiency

• Conveyor Belting & Access. Farm and Industrial


Same day shipping by UPS, Bus or Parcel Post TOLL FREE: 800-227-2203

427 Second Street South Great Falls, MT 406-727-2203

Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday

continued on page a52











John Deere 7130’s & 7230’s Mounted with loaders


4x4 side-by-side, 3 cylinder Kubota diesel, dump box, windshield, brush guard, power steering.. .................................................... $14,500 (M)


2008 John Deere 5525 utility tractor, 75 PTO hp, MFWD, canopy, 3-point, 540 PTO, 12x12 with reverser, 3 rear remotes, 2008 JD 542 loader with bucket, 256 hours.....................................$42,000 2005 New Holland TC35DA compact hydrostatic tractor, 35 hp, MFD, loader, grapple, hydraulic box scraper, canopy, 1 remote, 135 hours........................................................................... $19,500 (M) International 856 diesel tractor, no cab....................................$6500 2007 New Holland HW305 self propelled windrower, 2007 NH HS12 auger header, 1233 hours..................................................$52,000 2005 New Holland HW305 self propelled windrower, 12-ft. HS header, hyraulic header flotation, rotary screen, 1550 hours.........$45,000 2002 Case RBX561 round baler...............................................$8500 New Holland 580 square baler.................................................$7800 New Holland 1048 bale wagon, 5 speed, air, new hydraulic pump, weight scale system..........................................................$24,900 New Holland Super 1068 bale wagon with gas engine........$11,500 Morris 1400 Hay Hiker, 14 bale..............................................$17,900 Highline 5-bale mover, 6800 feeder..........................................$9500 International 6200 grain drill....................................................$6500 Brillion WM3001 24-ft. culti-packer...........................................$8500 Aerway 15-ft. aerator with transport hitch..............................$11,500


2011 New Holland 499 12-ft. haybine....................................$24,900 1999 New Holland 499 12-ft. haybine. Excellent......................$9000 2009 New Holland 488 9’3” mower conditioner.....................$16,900 2006 Vermeer MC1030 13’3” wide, 2-point swivel hitch, steel conditioner........................................................................... $14,000 (M) MacDon 4000 9-ft. mower conditioner......................................$4900


3-New Holland 216 unitized hydraulic rakes. . ......Starting at $9900 Vermeer R23 twin rake.............................................................$8500 Sitrex MK10-12 wheel rake.......................................................$7500 John Deere 605 left hand rake.................................................$3500 John Deere 567 wheel rake......................................................$1195

ATV’s - Utility - Motorcycles NEW John Deere XUV Gator 825i, loaded......... ............................................................... $14,900

Frontline Ag Dillon (

Formerly Dillon Implement

7719 Thornton Drive, Missoula, MT After hours - Sales Jon - 1-406-369-1319 Karrie - 1-406-925-1876 (M) Located in Missoula





1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281

1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 www.dillonimplement.com After hours - Sales Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523







1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996



Huge Selection of Kawasaki Mule Utility Vehicles





John Deere 4995, with 16-ft. disc header. 1400 hours..........$75,900 John Deere 4995, with 14-ft. disc header..............................$69,900 4-2010 New Holland 8040, 12-ft. HS headers, rotary screens, buddy seat, 800-1000 hours. Each..............................................$61,900 2008 New Holland H8040, 14-ft. HS header, suspension, buddy seat, 1200 hours........................................................................$63,900 2008 New Holland 8040, 12-ft. HS header............................$58,900 New Holland HW320 14-ft. HS header, 1350 hours. Excellent........... . ........................................................................................$57,000 New Holland HW305S with 14-ft. auger header....................... CALL New Holland 1495, gas, 12-ft. header. Great condition............$7900 2005 MacDon 9352i Turbo, 14-ft. auger header, button tires, 1220 hours.................................................................................$57,000 Hesston 6600 12-ft. header, gas, cab.......................................$6500 Hesston 6400, gas, 12-ft. header, no cab.................................$3500




NEW New Holland Rustler 120


8-bale HayHiker In Stock – CALL


Hesston 4910 big square balers, 32,000 bales.Starting At $42,900


New MORRIS 900


2007 New Holland 580 square baler. 2 seasons use, like new........... ..........................................................................................$19,900 1994 New Holland 580 square baler, 16”x18” bales.................$8900 New Holland 320 square baler, 14”x18” bales, PTO drive........$4500 New Holland 320 square baler, 14”x18” bales, PTO drive........$3500



Truax 15-ft. no-till drill, 8” spacing, 3 boxes, end wheel drive.$14,900 International 6200 14-ft. disc drill, combo with grass seeder attachment......................................................................................$7900 Brillion 15-ft. culti-packer.......................................................$12,900 Brillion 14-ft. culti-packer.......................................................$12,900 John Deere 900 7 shank V-ripper.............................................$5490 2002 Kelly B70B 3-point backhoe. Excellent shape.................$7500 Haybuster H1000 tub grinder, single axle, good conveyor, low hours..................................................................................$11,000 Highline 6800 round bale processor.........................................$9000 Haybuster D&W 3-bale round bale processor..........................$8900 2010 Anderson 12-bale hay hiker. Excellent condition..........$26,900 Dwyer 5-bale mover / feeder.....................................................$7800 1973 Ford F500 buck rake, 390 V8, Farmhand F11C loader, forks, bucket, 4 new tires................................................................$4500 Brandt 8”x50-ft. grain auger......................................................$5000


Vermeer 605XL, flotation tires, 12,214 bales............................$8900 Case 8465.................................................................................$6700


2008 John Deere 8330, 225 hp, MFWD, PowerShift, duals, front weights, 3340 hours........................................................................ $139,900 2010 John Deere 7230 Premium MFWD, 110 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, IVT, 3 rear remotes, 18.4x42 radials, 741SL loader, bucket, grapple, 1900 hours.......................................................................... $95,900 (3) John Deere 7130, MFWD, 95 PTO hp, 3 point, PTO, 2 hydraulics, 9F/9R transmission with reverser, JD 673 loader. Each...... $87,900 John Deere 6115D, MFWD, 3 point, PTO, 2 hydraulics, 95 PTO hp, 9F/9R transmission with reverser, Mounted with JD 673 Loader. . .. ............................................................................................ $75,900 John Deere 6400 MFWD, John Deere 640 loader, 11,036 hours.......... ............................................................................................ $34,900 2007 John Deere 5325 MFWD, 55 PTO hp, open station, ROPS/canopy, new front tires...................................................................... $24,900 2010 John Deere 5105M MFWD, 90 PTO hp, 540 PTO, cab, 16 speed, reverser, 563 loader, bucket, low hours............................... $64,700 2011 John Deere 5075M, 61 PTO hp, MFWD, 2 remotes, cab, 16 speed with reverser........................................................................ $43,500 1975 John Deere 4430, 2WD with cab, QuadRange, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, 2 hydraulics, weights. 9000 hours............................... $19,900 John Deere 3020, gas, Farmhand F-11 loader, new radiator, rebuilt carb and steering.................................................................$7500 2009 New Holland TD80 MFWD, 62 PTO hp, open station, ROPS.... . ........................................................................................$24,900 2009 New Holland T2410 compact tractor, MFD, 55 hp, 3-pt., PTO, ESS transmission, turf tires, loader, bucket, 60 hours..$29,000 (M) 1993 Kubota M7580 4WD, 75 hp, cab, 3-pt., 2 remotes, M1275 loader, 1571 hours................................................................. $27,500 (M) Ford 5000 2WD tractor.............................................................$2900 1976 International 1066 2WD with cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3-pt., rebuilt engine, 85% rubber, 126 PTO hp............................... $12,000 (M) International 826 2WD, hydro, 2 remotes, 3-pt., DuAl loader, 9500 hours....................................................................................$7500 International 806 2WD, cab, standard transmission, Farmhand loader................................................................................$13,000 Allis-Chalmers 185 Crop Hustler 2WD with 3-pt., PTO, 3 remotes, Farmhand loader, bucket, forks, 74.9 PTO hp............... $7200 (M) Allis-Chalmers 180 2WD, open station, 3-pt., PTO..................$5900 Allis-Chalmers WD45 2WD, 45 hp, gas, loader, rear blade, PTO, new battery, one new rear remote........................................ $2200 (M) Massey Ferguson 135 2WD, 3-pt, PTO, loader.......................$5500 Sweepster broom, 10-ft., fits 5000 series John Deere.............$9000


2008 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, extra wide sweep, floatation tires. Very nice....................................................................$32,000 2004 New Holland BR780 twine, extra sweep pickup, hydraulic pickup lift.......................................................................................$15,500 New Holland 688 twine, gathering wheels................................$8450 1998 New Holland 664 net/twine, hydraulic pickup loft, nice.... $10,000 1999 New Holland 664 with twine wrap...................................... $9000 New Holland 660 twine, newer pickup......................................... $4000




2010 John Deere 568 net/twine, mega-wide pickup, hydraulic pickup, flotation tires, 10,500 bales................................................$33,900 2009 John Deere 568 round baler, mega wide plus pickup, net wrap, flotation tires, kicker, hydraulic pickup lift...........................$33,000 4-John Deere 567 round balers, surface wrap, mega wide pickup. ... .......................................................................Starting at $17,900 4-John Deere 566 round balers. ...........................Starting at $9900





Call for Price





Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A49



Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A50

USED TRACTORS 1993 John Deere 8970 4WD tractor, 24 speed, differential lock front and rear, 20.8x42 duals @ 30%, 400 hp Cummins 855, 4 remotes, 10,301 hours. Tag #8614................................................ $55,000 1995 John Deere 8970 4WD, 24x6 transmission, 710/70R38 radial duals @ 50%, 4 remotes, 1000 PTO, 400 hp Cummins 855, recent work, 10,079 hours. Tag #8615..................................... $60,000 1995 John Deere 8870 4WD tractor, 24/6 manual transmission, 1000 PTO, 3 remotes. Tag #8608... ................................................................. $70,000

1995 John Deere 7400 MFWD, JD 740 loader, new front tires. Tag #9305............................... $45,000 1994 John Deere 7400 MFWD, 3-point, dual PTO, loader, bucket, grapple. Tag #9163.......... $46,500 2011 John Deere 6100D MFWD, cab, loader, low hours. Tag #9004..................................... $59,500

1992 John Deere 2955 MFWD, 3-point, PTO, new engine, cab, air, 740 loader, grapple, dual hydraulics,4325 hours. Tag #9549...................... $38,000

1983 John Deere 8650 Tag #9434..........Coming in 1989 John Deere 8560 4WD tractor, 235 hp, 18.4x38 duals @ 30%, 24 speed, 4 remotes, 14,476 hours. Tag #8938................................................. $30,000 1991 John Deere 8560 4WD tractor, 24 speed, 4 remotes, 18.4x38 duals, 16,101 hours with 750 hours on engine overhaul. Tag #8760....... $30,000 1989 John Deere 4955 2WD tractor, 1000 PTO, 20.8x38 duals, 200 PTO hp, 10,125 hours. Tag #857......................................................... $29,500 2009 John Deere 4520 compact utility tractor. Tag #8895....................................................... $19,500 1980 John Deere 4240 2WD tractor with 3-point, 540 PTO, cab. Tag #1628............................... $22,000 2010 Case IH Farmall 55 MFD, 55 hp, L360 loader, 12-speed shuttle, 3-point, PTO, cab, air, heater, 18.4x24 rear industrial tread tires at 95%, midmount valve, 797 hours. Tag #845........... $34,000 1978 John Deere 8430 4WD with 1000 PTO, 18.4x34 USED GRAIN VACS & AUGERS tires. Tag #9909........................................ $17,000 2007 Brandt 5000 grain vac. Tag #9963...... $15,500 1999 New Holland TV140 4WD tractor. Tag #9600.. Walinga 714 Deluxe grain vac.................Coming in ....................................................................Just In 2003 Brandt 13” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #1614....................................................... $14,500 Brandt 10” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger with Hopper Walker mover.............................................Just in Mayrath 10” x 60-ft. auger. Tag #1595............ $6500 1995 Brandt 7” x 35-ft. auger, engine drive. Tag #1409.......................................................... $4000 Wheatheart transfer auger. Tag #9366........... $2200

2009 Case Magnum 245 MFWD, cab, powershift transmission, quick hitch, 3-point, dual PTO, 4 remotes, weight package. Tag #9432.... $145,000 2006 Case IH JX80 MFD, no cab, no loader, 3-point, 2 remotes. Tag #9280.............................. $23,500 Ford TW25 MFWD tractor with cab, 140 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point, 3 remotes, 16F/4R dual power partial powershift tranmission, Leon loader with grapple. Tag #9115........................... $19,500 1987 Ford TW5 tractor. Tag #9961.............. $19,000 Hesston 130-90 MFWD tractor with cab, 107 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point, 3 remotes, no loader, 16F/R partial power shift transmission. Tag #9114....................................................... $16,000 1980 Massey-Ferguson 220-4 MFWD, loader, diesel, 26 PTO hp, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #9469... $7000 1975 Massey-Ferguson 285 2WD open station tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, 2 remotes, Ezee-On loader. Tag #1625................................................... $6000

Several New & Used Post Pounders Available USED BALERS 0% Financing for 3 years - oac 2006 John Deere 338 square baler, PTO drive, side drop chute, gauge wheels. Tag #1565..... $13,800 2007 John Deere 568 round baler. Tag #9831......... ................................................................. $29,000



2001 John Deere 9750 combines, 936D headers.... .............................................................Coming in 2005 John Deere 9760 combine with 936D header. ............................................................... $188,500 1998 John Deere 9610 combine. Tag #9246............ ................................................................. $70,000 1998 John Deere 9610 20-ft. unload auger, chopper, hydraulic fore/aft, with 930R header, 3636 separator hours. Tag #1611...................... $63,500

New Brandt 7500 & 5200 EX grain vacs in stock


2008 John Deere 4930 self-propelled sprayer. Tag #9009...................................................Coming in 2007 RoGator SS1074 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, Raven Viper Pro controls, foam marker. Tag #9745........................ $155,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL wheel boom sprayer, 1000 gallon tank, Raven controls. Tag #9466... $12,000 Overseer Jet Stream 72-ft. pull-type, walking tandems, foam marker, new boom and various parts. Tag #1429................................................... $9900 Bourgault 950 120-ft. sprayer, 1000 gallon tank, dual nozzles, Auto Rate, wind screens, foam marker, air bag suspension. Tag #9311........................ $7500 Flexi-Coil 62 80-ft. wheel boom sprayer. Tag #9644. .................................................................... $2000


2-2011 Case IH WD1203 16-ft. auger header, 350 hours...........................................................Just in

We’re Committed to Excellence in Service!!

2002 John Deere 567 round baler, surface wrap, MegaWide, big tire kit, newer belts. Tag #9740.... ................................................................. $23,000 New Holland BR780 round baler. Tag #1642...$18,500 New Holland 1425 self-propelled small square baler, Ford engine, cab with air, new tires. Tag #1623.... ..................................................................$11,000 1999 Case IH 8465 round baler. Tag #9781......$10,500 1997 New Holland 664 round baler. Tag #9787....... .................................................................... $7000 1992 New Holland 660 round baler. Tag #9786....... .................................................................... $6000

Choteau 1-866-466-5741; 406-466-5741 Conrad 1-877-278-5531; 406-278-5531 Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530; 406-873-5505 http://www.frontlineag.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A51


New Equipment In Stock

John Deere 7230 tractor Powr Quad transmission, 740 loader/grapple.


CT-TWEgen remote control propane generator........ .................................................................... $4500 CT-Vermeer BP8000 round bale processor with big tires.................................................................Call CB-New Holland 358 grinder mixer, 1000 RPM PTO, good shape. Tag #4568............................... $9000 CT-Degelman 9-ft. front blade for 2WD tractor...$2500 CT-Farmhand 258 loader with grapple and JD mounts......................................................... $6500 CT-1996 New Holland 8670 MFWD, 145 PTO hp, loader, grapple, powershift transmission, 4 remotes, dual PTO. Tag #9064................................ $37,000 CB-1979 John Deere 310A tractor/loader/backhoe, cab, 24” bucket, 7750 hours. Tag #4569... $13,500 CT-John Deere 4640 2WD tractor, powershift, duals, Farmhand loader...................................... $29,000 CN-John Deere 3010 2WD tractor, 1 remote, Farmhand loader and grapple, 55 PTO hp. Tag #8967.. ..................................................................... $6500 CT-Case 1490 2W 80-hp tractor with Leon 690 loader and grapple...........................................Coming in CT-Ford 3000 tractor with Select-O-Speed transmission, 1459 hours..................................Make Offer CN-International 150 30-ft. 10” spacing box drills. Tag #9456.................................................... $1700 CB-1975 Ag Chem Big A 2500 self propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 60-ft. boom with windscreens, Raven 440 rate controller, 3-way nozzle bodies, 3208 Cat (rebuilt 200 hours ago), Allison automatic transmission. Tag #4709.......... $15,000 CT-John Deere 4890 swather, 16-ft. auger header.. ................................................................. $44,000 CN-1100 GPM Cummins pumping unit with 25 KBA generator, 150-ft. of head................................Call CN-50 hp electric pump.......................................Call CN-6”, 8” mainline...............................................Call Large assortment of handline............................Call CT-A&M 1/4-mile wheeline with new motor...... $4600 CN-Wade Rain center drive wheel lines......... $4250 CN-Used Thunderbird wheel lines....................Call CN-(2) 1400 lb. cast wheel weights for John Deere 30 series............................................................. $1400 CB-Valmar 240 skid mount granular applicator...$2500 CN-2006 Case IH 2388 combine with 36-ft. draper, pickup reel.............................................. $173,250 CN-2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft. draper head with pickup reel, transport. Tag #1413.............. $59,890 CN-2011 Frontier 54” snowblower, 3-point, 540 PTO, hydraulic chute. Tag #9152......................... $2750 CN-John Deere LX172 lawn tractor. Tag #9910.....$500

Ask us about Farm


no interest/no payment (oac) for 180 days on Green Star Guidance Systems USED WINDROWERS & HEADERS

John Deere 7130 tractor MFWD, 3-point, PTO, 3 remotes, PowrQuad. John Deere 7330 tractor with Auto Quad transmission, 3-point, PTO, 3 remotes, loader/grapple. John Deere 568 round baler, net wrap. John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, tow between or tow behind 430-bushel carts. H&S wheel rakes. Wheatheart post pounders. Rem 2700 grain vac. Brandt 5200E 7500 hp grain vacs. Brandt drive-over grain belts. Degelman 6000 rock picker. Fast pull-type sprayers.

2011 John Deere 1890/1910 60-ft. air drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, 350 bushel tow between cart, conveyor, variable rate, low acres.. ............................................................... $198,900 2010 John Deere 1890 disc air drill with 1910 cart. Tag #8969.............................................. $145,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill with 4350 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, variable rate, primary blockage. Tag #9601.............................................. $100,000 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, no cart. Tag #9821........................................ $35,000


2011 New Holland 27-ft. hydraulic basket rake, manual controls. Tag #9927..................... $20,000 2011 John Deere 995 7 bottom plow. Tag #9951..... ..................................................................$11,500 Hesston BP25 bale processor, 1000 PTO. Tag #8867.......................................................... $4700 DewEze trailer mount super slicer hydraulic drive. Tag #9301.......................................................... $3500 Straw spreader for JD 9660 STS combine...... $2000 MC 675 continuous grain dryer. Tag #9071..... $6000 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill parts including full set of packers for 57-ft. drill, hubs, axles, bushings, wiring harness. Tag #1339. 2005 John Deere LT160 riding mower with 42” deck, hydrostatic drive, 16-hp. Tag #1109............ $1750 2004 John Deere LX280 riding mower with 42” deck, bagger. Tag #163........................................ $3800 2004 John Deere SST15 mower. Tag #1539.. $1000 1990 Terry 29-ft. bumper pull travel trailer, oak interior............................................................... $7500 Donahue 45-ft. trailer. Tag #1411.................... $3000 New Kory 8278 12-ton farm wagon, 12.5x16L 14 ply tires. Tag #5201........................................... $3975 3-Ghenn 1/4-mile wheel lines. Each................. $4600 Two used wheel lines for sale. (1-Thunderbird) 2-Used wheel lines, 1/4-mile each. Each.......... $4500 6” and 8” mainline with risers..............................Call Kirshner pivot track closer. Tag #9368........... $3200 Parker #88C-082 220-volt hydraulic hose machine with Weatherhead T400 crimper. Includes complete die set. Like New $5950. Only..................... $2850 Degelman 14-1 14-ft. blade............................ $9400 2009 Arctic Cat Prowler XT650 with rebuilt engine. Tag #9522................................................... $7000

Railroad Ties For Sale

2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, with 3450 tow between cart. Tag #1469.......... $75,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill with 3450 cart, 10” spacing, variable rate, 550 trips. Tag #9494.... $75,000 Concord 5612 56-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, Concord 3000 tow behind cart. Tag #8902............. $27,000 Concord ATD 4812 48-ft. air drill with 12” spacing, 3000 air cart. Tag #1498.......................... $45,500

Morris Maxim 50-ft. double shoot air drill, steel press wheels, 7300 tow behind cart. Tag #1635.....$35,000 John Deere 9450 drills, 40-ft. 12” spacing, rubber press, AcraPlant, JD transport. Tag #1605...........$17,000 John Deere 9450 box grain drills, 4-10-ft. sections, 12” spacing, transport. Tag #9643............... $9400 John Deere 9400 50-ft. 12” spacing box grain drills. Tag #9454................................................ $20,000 1993 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing drills........ .............................................................Coming In 1989 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing drills, fertilizers, steel packers, 2” openers, JD transport, excellent. Tag #8950................................ $16,000 1989 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing hoe drills, fertilizers, steel packers, 2” openers, transport. Tag #8951....................................................... $16,000


$10 each for #2’s $14 each for #1’s

Jack Hadcock 271-7839 or 899-5657 Burke McCormick 873-2813, 450-3606 Dan Lannen 590-4488 Jake Han 450-3605 Joe Flesch 239-2660 Jim Orr 289-0744 Pat Wheeler 450-1704 Barry MacGillivray 590-4703 Jamie Sayton 570-3929 Ron Lipke 899-4993 Neil McCormick 470-2927

Gun Safes In Stock!

Stop by and see our selection. Many sizes and colors to choose from. Great Savings on almost everything store-wide.

2008 John Deere 4995 self-propelled windrower, 16-ft. 995 hay header, bar tires, lighting kit. Tag #8722........................................................ $86,000 2007 John Deere 4995 windrower with 16-ft. header. Tag #9931................................................. $82,800 John Deere 956 MoCo, 14-ft. center pivot. Tag #1474........................................................ $20,000 2003 John Deere 956 141/2-ft. MoCo, Impeller conditioner, 1000 PTO. Tag #1584................. $19,500

Choteau 1-866-466-5741; 406-466-5741 Conrad 1-877-278-5531; 406-278-5531 Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530; 406-873-5505 http://www.frontlineag.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A52


Case RBX round baler, wide pickup, net, twine, less than 2000 bales 2005 Case 12 wheel rake

WW variety performance summary in MT continued from page A48

Call 406-428-2439 or 366-2835


New Holland 85 bale handler................................... $1000 Phone (406) 538- 3607, Lewistown, Montana

Commercial Series Two-Way Radios and Accessories

CP150™ CP200™ CM200™ CM300™


to the required 12.5 narrow band radios before 2013

Seven Essential Elements of Solid Two-Way Communication The Commercial Radio Series Combines Them All. With the new Radius® Commercial Series mobile and portable radios, you get solid two-way performance at a very competitive price. Clear, crisp audio and dustomizable features let you communicate exactly how you want. With their ergonomic design and wide assortment of Motorola Original® Accessories, these radios are ready wherever your work takes you.

Call Us Today! Highline Communications

North 202 Central, Cut Bank, Montana Phone 406-873-2984 Fax 406-873-4895 highcomm@theglobal.net

Jacob McKelvey, Highline Communications, 406-873-2984

Air Conditioner Problems? I service R134A air conditioners.

Bill’s Service & Repair 30+ years diesel experience

Call Bill Poser at 289-0150, Conrad

If no answer call 406-278-5408

* * STANADYNE * * Our diesel fuel additive assures fuel infector performance

continued on page a53

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A52

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A53

TRUCK FOR SALE 1995 Ford F900, 8.3 Cummins, 13 speed, 15-ft. box, hoist, PS, AC, AB, NEW 1000R 22.5 tires, 67,000 actual miles Phone 406-799-6923


Ford T880 tandem, 477 gas engine, 20-ft. box and hoist... .............................................................................. $9500 2-Hesston 8100 swathers, Cummins diesel, 30-ft. headers with pick-up reels, low hours......................$28,000 each Hesston 6450 swather, 21-ft. header....................... $8000 John Deere 914 pick up header with Rake Up attachment,adapted to fit 60 series John Deere combine....................................................................... $8500 1985 John Deere 8820 Titan II 930 header with pick up reel..................................................................... $25,000 John Deere 914 pick up header with Rake Up attachment. .............................................................................. $8500 New Holland TR75 combine with 22-ft. header.........CALL 2-New Holland 12-ft. pick up headers with Rake Up attachment................................................................CALL New Holland TR70 combine for parts, 20-ft. header.CALL UFT 450 bushel grain cart, PTO drive.......................$2500

Call (406) 781-1231 Brady, Montana

TRACTORS FOR SALE continued on page a54

2006 John Deere 7820 5400 hours, 155 PTO hp, automatic PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, Green Star ready, duals. Available....... $87,000

2000 John Deere 7610 6517 hrs,115 PTO hp, 3 SCV’s, PowrQuad transmission, front weights, R/P axles, very clean original tractor................. $45,000

2004 John Deere 7520 with 6100 hours, automatic PowrQuad transmission, 3 SCV’s with John Deere 741 loader with bucket, 125 PTO hp, clean tractor....................................... $68,000

2008 John Deere 7330 4100 hours, automatic PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 3 SCV’s, new rear rubber. Very nice............................ $64,500

2009 John Deere 7230 4000 hrs, auto PowrQuad trans, 110 PTO hp, 3 SCV’s, new tires, excellent condition.... $63,500

Over 45 members of the Front Range Wool Pool delivered wool to the collection site in Choteau recently. Dr. Rodney Kott, MSU Sheep Specialist and Dr. Lisa Surber, Wool Lab Director are pictured in the foreground near the grading station of the bale coring machine. Growers from 7 counties delivered over 55,000 pounds of wool this year that was graded and will be included in the Eastern Montana Consolidated Pool and offered for bid. Pool directors noted that growers continue to improve the quality of wool delivered each year. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County Extension.

2009 John Deere 7130 3600 hrs, 100 PTO hp, auto PowrQuad trans, 2 SCV’s, R/P long axles, excellent condition........ ................................................. $57,000

1999 New Holland TS110 90 PTO hp, 16 speed powershift transmission, 2 SCV’s, New Holland 7511 loader, bale spear......................................... $30,000

Financing Available

2010 John Deere 6430 2100 hours, 95 PTO hp, automatic PowrQuad transmission, 2 SCV’s, like new condition. 2 available. Each.......................... $52,500 2005 John Deere 7320 2470 hours, MFWD, cab...........................Coming In

Loaders Available

Steinhatchee Equipment Co. Inc. 406-777-1701 or 239-0942 e-mail: nelsen889@aol.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A54


1990 Case 580K backhoe/loader, thumb, cab 4-in-1 bucket ..................................................................... $18,000 obo Phone (406) 735-4348, Geyser, Montana

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A53


2010 John Deere 9770 with 936D header, 698 hours, has cut only wheat. 2011 Merritt grain trailer with 6000 miles. Chevrolet 1-ton service truck with utility bed, new engine. A-1 condition.

Paul Burney 406-734-5310 or 899-9861 Carter, MT

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT www.montanaholster.com


No job too big or small!

For all your manure spreading needs just give us a call. 2 Trucks and Loader Available

Call for a quote and to schedule your barn and corral cleaning.

(406)289-1866 etsoffice (406)cell 271-2746 or (406) 450-3332

b Kory Ha

“This is our profession, not a sideline”


2008 Yamaha Big Bear 250 2WD, 4-stroke, electric start, shaft drive........................................ $2295 2009 Polaris Ranger 700 6838 miles............................................................. $8900 2008 Polaris Ranger 700 side by side, cab, camo.............................................................. $8500


2008 Honda CRF450R competition bike, 4-stroke, liquid cooled........................................... $3995 WE TAKE TRADES - FINANCING AVAILABLE

Yamaha — Honda — Polaris

Pure Bliss Cycle Sales

Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Phone (406) 278-7583 — 609 So. Main, Conrad, MT

continued on page a60

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A55

UP TO 3 YEARS INTEREST FREE On Used Equipment - oac

air seeders - RENTAL AVAILABLE

2011 John Deere 1890 60-ft. “No-Till” air disc drill, single shoot, 7.5” spacing, primary blockage with 1910, 350 bushel tow behind cart, 8-run single shoot, regular meter roller, powered calibration, cane & rice tires, dual wheel caster beam, 10” auger, variable rate. #16005164. (3).................CALL 2011 John Deere 1835 41-ft. 550#, 3-rank 5.5”x21”semi pneumatic press wheels, electronic depth control, transport lowering stop, rock guards, tow behind, primary blockage, knife body & hardware, 4” tip with roll pin knife, 2011 JD 1910 430 bu, 3 tank, 4-run double shoot, 10” spacing, reg meter roller/front, high meter roller/ rear, 2-710/70R-38 high flotation tires, dual wheel caster beam, field hitch air sdng tool, 10” auger with steel flighting, variable speed. “Only 3100 acres.” #16005181. (4)................... $180,000

2008 John Deere 1895 43-ft. no-till air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, reg meter roller, dual wheel caster beam, fill lights, variable speed with 1910 tow behind 430 bushel triple tank air seeder. #16005195. (4).$210,000

2007 Bourgault 5710 53-ft. air hoe drill with 9.8” spacing, stealth 1” openers, single shoot, mid row banders, NH3 system, rock guards, solid steel press, leading 6350 air tank, 8” loading auger, auxiliary lights, 2-tank cart, 30.5x32 cleats. #16005138. (2)..............CALL

2004 Bourgault 5710 54-ft. air hoe drill with mid row banders, 9.8” spacing, 3-1/2” steel packers, 450# trips, 3/4” carbide tips, 5350 tow behind air seeder. #16005194.............. $82,000

2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air hoe drill, 12” spacing, single shoot, 11L-15SL tires, 3.5” steel packer wheels, 4” openers, 2340 tow between 340 bushel twin tank air seeder, 30.5Lx32 12-ply tires. #16005197 (4)...................... $43,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 5.5” spacing semipneumatic packer wheels, double shoot air package with stealth 4” paired row openers, basic pin sensor blockage with 2000 Flexi-Coil 3450 tow between variable rate air cart, single fan, 10” auger, 30.5x32-R3 diamonds with 2000 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow behind variable rate air cart with 50 bushel 3rd tank option, 8” auger, dual fan, 28Lx26 R-1 tires. #16005158. (1)...... $93,000


2011 John Deere 9630T 530 hp track tractor, AutoTrac ready, deluxe cab, 36” Durabilt 550 tracks, field vision premier lighting, dual beam radar sensor, leather interior, 26 front weights, 12 idler weights, 10 side weights, 1000 PTO, 6 hydraulics. #16003543..........$371,000 2009 John Deere 9630 deluxe comfort package, AutoTrac Ready, power differential lock, 800/70R38 duals, dual beam radar sensor, premier lighting package, field vision HID, leather trim, AM/FM, instructional seat, F/business band antenna, rotary beacon light. #16003554. ..........................$270,000 2007 John Deere 9630 deluxe comfort package, AutoTrac Ready, power differential lock, 800/70R38 duals, Premier lighting package, outside mirrors, leather trim, AM/FM, instructional seat, F/business band antenna, rotary beacon light. #16003553. (1)..$240,000 2006 John Deere 9520 scraper tractor, 4 remotes, 18 speed, 710/70R38 duals, standard comfort package, AM/FM/WB/ CD, instructional seat, right/left electric Rem adjust mirrors, 78 gpm hydraulic system. #16003551. (2).........$168,000 2003 John Deere 9220 deluxe cab, Greenstar Ready, no comfort package, power differential lock, 24/6 manual shift transmission, 100MM standard axle, 20.8Rx42, AM/FM/WB/CD, 2 inside wheel weights (1500#). #16003611. (4)..........................................$110,000

1992 John Deere 8560 235 hp, 24 speed PowrSync transmission, 3 hydraulics, cab, air, heater, radio with Degelman 12-ft. dozer with hydraulic 6-way functions, New Titan 18.4x38 dual tires. #16003599..............................$67,500

1998 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 71/2” spacing, stealth boots, carb tips, 3x21 solid wheels with 3450 cart, 1 tank, 3 compartments, variable rate, single shoot, 30.5x32 diamond tires. #16005186. (4)..................... $39,000 1998 Flexi-Coil 2320 tow behind cart, 7” auger mechanic rate, single fan, 230 bushel. #16005190. (1)............ $9500

1989 John Deere 8960 370 hp, 20.8x42 duals, 24 speed synchro, Cummins 855, 1800 hours on overhaul. #16003521... ................................................$79,000 1976 John Deere 8430 QuadRange transmission, 18.4x34 duals, 3 hydraulics, PTO, cab with Degelman 12-ft. dozer. #16003609. (4)........................$22,000


2009 Great Plains 2600 hydraulic folding 26-ft. disk drills, 7-1/2” spacing, liquid fertilizer attachment. #16005192. (1)... ................................................$47,500

2010 John Deere 7630 16 speed, Command View cab, AutoTrac Ready, standard comfort package, 3 Rem cylinder control, 540/1000 PTO, right hand Joystick 3 functions, 480/80R46, extremity lights, foot speed control throttle, cold weather package, AM/ FM/WB/radio, instructional seat, 1 pair inside wheel weights, 746 loader with grapple. #16003601. (1)......$151,500


CONVENTIONAL DRILLS 2011 Fimco LSS280 fire fighter sprayer, 5.5 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, 75-ft. hose with reel and handgun. #13012244............................... $3500 2-2008 520/85R-46 R2 tires, deep tread with 50 hours. #16009096........ $2800 2-2008 480/75R-34 R2 tires, deep tread, 50 hours. #16009095............... $2450 John Deere 18.4x46 dual tire and rim set. #16009106. (1)......................... $1350

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:

John Deere

2011 John Deere 6140D 115 hp, cab, MFWD, 2 remotes, rear 18.4x38” R1 tires, 14.9x24” wheels, cab seat air suspension, telescopic draft links, dual standard remotes with ISO BRK, eight rear wheel weights, Beacon light, tool box, 673 self leveling loader with 7-ft. bucket, 5-tine grapple, hood guard grill. #16003486............................$85,000 2010 John Deere 7830 165 hp, deluxe Command View cab, AutoTrac ready/plug-n-play, IVT transmission, 4 remotes, dual PTO, 3-pt., 96” axle, 208x42 singles, heavy duty MFWD with TLS, 480/70R30 fronts, foot speed, HID lights, cold weather packge, AM/FM/WB, buddy seat, 2-1400# weights, beacon light with 746 loader. #16003615. (1).$167,500

2010 John Deere 7230 MFWD, 18.4R38 rears, 13.6R28 front, PowrQuad Plus, deluxe exhaust, air comfort seat, tool box, cup holder, draft control, 2 remotes, power beyond, 4-450 lbs weights with H360 loader. #16003563. (1)........................................$120,000

2007 John Deere 7830 MFWD, AutoQuad, deluxe cab, Auto Trac ready, dual PTO, 4 remotes, recent engine overhaul, 746 loader, 5-tine grapple, 8-ft. bucket. #16003518. (3)..$156,950 2007 John Deere 6430 Premium plus cab, MFWD, 18.4R38 rear tires, 13.6R28 fronts, AutoPowr, 540/1000 PTO, deluxe exhaust, air comfort seat, cold start package, field office, power beyond, 673 SL loader, 7-ft. bucket. #16003571. (4)......................$83,000 2004 John Deere 7820 4700 hours, 3-pt., 3 remotes, 4-450# weights, 420/8Rx28 fronts, 20.8x38 rears with 746 loader. #16003470. (1)...... CALL 1979 John Deere 4240 3-pt., powershift transmission, 148 loader, grapple, 2 remotes. #16003577. (1).......$28,500 1977 John Deere 4630 cab, 1000 PTO, no 3-pt., 3 remotes. #16003549. ....... . ............................................$18,800

1969 John Deere 4520 2WD, syncro shift, super single rears, no 3-pt., 1000 PTO with 260 loader. #16003378. (1)......... . ............................................$17,500

2004 John Deere 1895 42-ft. no-till air hoe drill, 10” spacing, dry fertilizer, single placement fertilizer, steel gauge wheel tow-behind 1910-430 air seeder, 12” conveyor, flotation tires, variable seed and fertilizer rate control, “New disc”. #16005167......................... $149,000

2000 John Deere 1820/1900 air hoe drill, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, 4x21” semi-pneumatic packers, rock guards, 1” stealth openers, 1900 air trank, 350 bushel tow behind, 8” load auger, 30.5/32 diamonds, 21.5L/16.1SL cleats, single shoot, primary blockage. #16005139. (3)......................................... $55,000 1993 John Deere 610/787 40-ft. hoe drill, 9” spacing, 4-run single shoot, V-groove press wheels, tow between tank. #16005180. (2)............ $14,000

Tractors - Row crop - COMPACT

2011 John Deere 8360R FWA, 360 engine hp, 290 PTO hp with Intelligent power mgmt. IVT transmission, 85cc hydraulic pump with 4 remotes, ILS front axle, premium CommandView II cab with 7” color monitor, 1-3/4” 1000 PTO, Cat IV drawbar, 710/70R42 dual rear tires, full coverage fenders, 480/70R34 dual front tires with fenders, HID light package, leather trim, electric mirrors, dual beam radar, cold weather package, 2-1400# rear weights, 16 quick attach front weights, foot throttle, JD link 5-year promotion. #16003565..........................$279,500 2011 John Deere 8360R FWA, 360 engine hp, 290 PTO hp, Intelligent power mgmt. IVT transmission, 85cc hydraulic pump with 4 remotes, ILS front axle, premium CommandView II cab, 7” color monitor, 1-3/4” 1000 PTO, Cat. VI drawbar, 710/40R42 dual rears with full coverage fenders, 480/70R34 dual front tires with fenders, HID light package, leather trim, electric mirrors, dual beam radar, cold weather package, 2-1400# rear weights, 16 guick attach front weights, foot throttle, JD link 5-year promotion. #16003566. (1)........................................$277,500

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Flint Hance, 406-974-3555 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722

2011 New Leader L3030G4 high capacity, 300 cu. ft., holds up to 10 tons, spread material from 50 lbs. to 1100 lbs. per acre, Accurate spread pattern up to 105-ft. #14200722. (1).......................... .RENTAL RETURN SAVETHOUSANDS

2007 AgcoD ST52A FWA tractor with 134 hours. #16003614.................$20,500

1972 International 1066 2WD, DT414 turbo diesel engine, 125 PTO hp, torque amplifier, cab, heater, air, 18.4x38 tires, 540/1000 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, 3 hydraulics, Leon 747 loader, 96” bucket, 3-tine grapple. #16003528. (1)..........................................$16,000

NEW XL78 rockpicker

IN STOCK Fast, clean, tough and efficient. We’ve made the XL-78 to pick rocks faster, and with less dirt in the bucket. They’re tough farm hands that stand up to the rough and tumble world of rock picking and you can depend on them to get your rock picking jobs done quickly and easily. • The XL-78 has a picking width of seven feet. • Large bucket capacity. • The XL-78 dumps rocks 7 feet - plenty of height if you’re using a truck or trailer to haul rocks off the field. • Hydraulic reel drive • Heavy duty, high efficiency parallel drive gearbox.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A56

Ask Us About Our Used Combine Rent To Own Plan 2011 John Deere “4WD” 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 dual drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & small roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D-35-ft. draper header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001312................................CALL 2011 John Deere “4WD” 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 dual drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyno-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & round bar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, wide spread straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001313................................CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 dual drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, wide spread straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header. 0% Financing Available - oac #16001307................................CALL

2011 John Deere “4WD” 9770STS 360 hp, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, Mauer grain tank extension, 935 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001308.....CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, Mauer grain tank extension, 411 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001305................................CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 800/70R38 drive tires, 28l26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, Mauer grain tank extension. 0% Finance Available oac. #16001311........................CALL


2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, 655 hours. 0% Finance Available oac. #16001306. (4)..................CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed hydro, Firestone 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, Mauer grain tank extension, 613 hours. 0% Finance Available oac. #16001310........................CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus, Premier cab, Hi-torque fixed speed, general purpose chaffer, HD final drive, 900/60R32, 110-volt coolant heater, sidehill performance package, no header, 350 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001298.....CALL 2011 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3 speed hydro transmission, Firestone 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feeder house with reverser, bullet rotor, 2 stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, 230 hours. 0% Finance Available oac. #16001303. (1)..................CALL 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, level land feederhouse, extended wear system, wide spread/fine cut chopper with power cast trailboard, HD final drives, 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, feed accelerator slow down kit, 2-sets of concaves, 18” axle spacers, 740 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001314..............CALL 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, field vision HID lights, Contour Master feeder house with reverser & high torque variable speed drive, 3.15” lift cylinder, extended wear threshing elements, separator tines and rotor top cover, extended wear “stainless steel” clean grain elevator, tank charge housing and grain tank loading auger housing, heavy duty grain cross augers, Mauer grain tank extension, 2 speed chopper, 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, hydro transmission, JD 635D 35-ft. draper header, finger reel, transportation kit. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001229.............CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus custom package, Premier cab, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” lift cylinders, premium header package, custom cutter extended wear small grain & round bar concaves, separator and grain handling package, high capacity 26-ft. unloading auger, 2 speed straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires with 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, Greenstar 2 display and Starfire receiver, 35-ft. 635D draper header with transportation kit. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001264. ...CALL

UP TO 3 YEARS INTEREST FREE On Used Equipment - oac

2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus package, Premier cab, ContourMaster feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” lift cylinders, premium header package, custom cutter extended wear small grain & round bar concaves, separator & grain handling package, high capacity 22.5-ft. unloading auger, 2 speed straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires with 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, concave cover plates, additional grain tank sensor, Greenstar 2 display, Starfire ITC receiver. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001263.....CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus custom package, premium cab, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” lift cylinders, Premium header, custom cutter extended wear small grain & round bar concaves, separator and grain handling package, high capacity 22.5-ft. unloading auger, straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive with 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, concave plates, additonal grain tank sensor, Greenstar 2 display, Starfire ITC receiver, 35-ft. 635D platform. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001262. . . ................................................CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, Contour Master, deluxe header control with HHS, chopper with powercast tailboard, 20.8x38 duals, 600/65R28 rears, AM/FM/WB/CD, pickup reel, transport package. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001248. (1).......CALL 2008 John Deere 9770STS corn/small grain HD Performance package, Premier cab, Contour Master feeder house with reverser & high torque variable speed drive, Harvest monitor, Greenstar II display & receiver, extended wear separator & grain handling system with high rate unloading system, straw chopper,HD hydro, 800/65R32 drive, 600/65R32 rear, 2008 John Deere 936D 36-ft. head, transportation kit. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001278. (3).......CALL 2008 John Deere 9770STS level land, hi torque, variable speed feeder house, deluxe header control, chopper, 800/65R32 drive tires, 18.4x26 steering tires, 936D-36-ft. draper header, 950 threshing hours. 0% Interest Available - oac. #16001317.....CALL 2007 John Deere 9760STS Premier cab, Countour Master variable speed feeder house, premium header control, original Greenstar Harvest monitor with yield & moisture, Touchset adjustments, small wire concaves, general purpose chaffer & bottom sieve, 22’5” high capacity unloading auger, wide spread 2 speed chopper, heavy duty final drives & hydrostat, 800/65R32 drive tires, 600/65R28 rear tires on adjustable axle, block heater, concave cover plates. 0% Finance Available oac. #16001269........................CALL 2007 John Deere 9760STS Premier cab, Contour Master, variable speed feederhouse, Premium header controls, GS2 display, ITC receiver, Touchset controls, small wire caves, GP chaffer, wide spread chopper, 800/65R32, 600/65R28, buddy seat, AM/FM/CD/WB. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001256. (1).......CALL

2002 John Deere 9650STS 20-ft. unloading auger, chaff spreader, 16.9-26 10 PR cleat, field office training seat, 110 volt coolant heater, AM/FM/Weatherband/CD, 18” axle spacer with 2003 JD 930F header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001246. (1)................CALL

2004 John Deere 9760STS Harvest monitor, Touchset concave adjust, small wire concave, general purpose chaffer, heavy duty final drive, field office training seat, 110 volt coolant heater, Delco AM/FM/Weatherband/ CD, high density lighting, 936D draper header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001261. (4)..........................CALL 2004 John Deere 9660STS level land feeder house, 3 position height control, Harvest Doc, Touchset adjustment, small wire concave, standard unload auger, spreader, heavy duty final drive & hydrostatic system, 30.5x32 bar lug tires, 18.4-26 bar lug rear tires, training seat, stereo, service lights, Mauer grain tank extension, 16” axle extension, 635F 35-ft. flex header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001297. (2)..............................................CALL 2002 John Deere 9750STS hydro, 300 bu. grain tank, 325 hp, Contour Master, 936D draper header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001287. (1).CALL


1998 John Deere 930R Dial-A-Speed reel control, lights. #16002200. (1)....$8500 John Deere 930R 30-ft. auger header, bat reel. #16002176. (2)...................$8000 John Deere 930R header. #16002215...... ...................................................$4500


2012 Unverferth AWS42 42-ft. , wheel steer transport, field runner/green, 235/80x16 tires, no brakes. #14200794....... $9500 2012 Unverferth AWS36 36-ft., wheel steer transport, field runner/green, 225/75x15 tires, no brakes. #14200796....... $9000 2012 Unverferth HT42 42-ft. header transport, 16-ft. tongue, tie downs, 11Lx15 FRange/green, stack asy. #14200822.... ................................................... $8500 2011 Unverferth HT42 42-ft. 4-wheel header trailer, 16-ft. tongue, tie down straps, 4-11L-15” tires. #16010016. (1)............................................... $6950

2010 Unverferth HM4201G “Highway Legal”, 42-ft. Road Runner header trailer, brake lights. #14200541..........$12,950

Unverferth 35-ft. Road Runner header trailer. #16009192. (3)................. $9800 Trailtech heavy duty double 36-ft. draper header trailer, triple axle. #16009114... ................................................$15,000 2009 V-Tech VSA 36-ft. header trailer. #16010013. (1)........................... $1500

2001 John Deere 9750STS level land variable speed feeder house, 20-ft. unloading auger, 30.5x32 drive tires with 16” axle spacer, straw chopper, yield monitor, JD 936D 36-ft. draper header, “reconditioned” new concaves, threshing elements, feeder chain, cross augers, etc. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001220.............CALL 2001 John Deere 9650STS grain combine, variable speed feeder house, high capacity feeder house cylinder, small grain deluxe package, 20-ft. unloading auger, twin disk spreader, 30.5x32, 16.9x26, buddy seat, AM/ FM/CD/WB, draper speed control, service lights, axle extensions with JD 936D draper platform, pickup reel, road transport system. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001275. (3).CALL 2000 John Deere 9650W general purpose chaffer, 20-ft. unload auger, field office training seat, AM/FM/Cassette/Weatherband, straw chopper, beater grate curtain with 1997 JD 930R header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001290. (1).............................................CALL 1998 John Deere 9610 20-ft. unloading auger, Dial-A-Speed header, right hand lever control, hydraulic fore/ aft reel, AM/FM radio, beater grate curtain with JD 930R rigid header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001272. (1)..............................................CALL 1996 John Deere 9600 hydro, 240 bushel grain tank, front duals 520/85 R38, 14.9x24 rear steers, dial-a-matic header height, dial-a-speed reel, 20-ft. unloading auger with 1998 MacDon 962 36-ft. draper header with transport. 0% Interest Available - oac. #16001316. (1)..........................CALL 1994 John Deere 9500 chopper, spreader, 20-ft. unloading auger, Dial-ASpeed header, right hand lever control, hydraulic fore/aft reel, radio/ AM/FM/SPK/Band/Antenna, axle spacer with 2004 MacDon 974, 30-ft. header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001279................................CALL 1992 John Deere 9600 grain combine, 12” axle extension, 30.5x32 diamond tread tires, 14.9x24 rear tires, straw chopper with JD 930 platform, pickup reel. 0% Interest Available - oac. #16001295. (3)..............................................CALL 1991 John Deere 9600 combine with chopper, 18.4x38 dual tires, 14.9/24 steering, DAS, Harvest Trak, AM/FM, John Deere 930R platform, pickup reel. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001277. (4)..........................CALL 1985 John Deere 8820 combine, 20-ft. unloading auger, chaff spreader, cylinder drive dual range, 14.9x24 steer, 30.5x32 drive, feeder chain with 930F header. #16001320. (2)......... $16,000 2002 Agco Gleaner R62 combine with dual tailings, 4 speed hydro transmission, 2 speed cylinder, 30.5x32 drive tires, 280 hp, Cummins 8.3L, plastic finger reel with MacDon 962 36-ft. header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001273. (1)..........................CALL

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:

John Deere

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Flint Hance, 406-974-3555 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page A57


2012 Brent 882 800 bushel, 20” corner auger, 120” rigid axle, 27x32WH/30.5x32 R1 14 ply tires, Weather Guard roll tarp, 3.75” hitch, scale. #14200789. (2)........ ................................................$50,000

2011 Unverferth 1194 Avalanche, 1100 bushel, double auger, 22” pivoting unloading auger, 520/85R42 walking beam, tandem duals. #16010022. (4).. ................................................$71,500


2011 Unverferth 1082 1000 bushel, 20” corner auger, green, 27x32WH/900/60x32 R1, 134” axle, scale package, Weather Guard roll tarp. #14200764.....$55,000

2001 Kinze 840 30.5x32 diamond tread tires. #16009182. (1)................$19,500


2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., pickup reel, composite auger fingers, 35-ft. AWS air reel. #16002208......................$54,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. Never been used. #16002233.....................$46,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002225.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002226.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002227.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002228.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002229.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002230.. ................................................$44,500 2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002231.. ................................................$44,500 2010 John Deere 635F 35-ft. platform with Crary air bar. #16002196. (4)..$50,000 2003 John Deere 930F 30-ft. header, pickup reel with Crary air reel. #16002222..............................$19,750 2001 Agco Gleaner 800 30-ft. flex header. #16002182. (1)........................$15,000

2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft., double sickle, hydrafloat automatic suspension & position control system, gauge wheels, 16” feed drum, 1-piece poly tine pickup reel with 10” center tube, hydraulic fore/aft, dial-a-speed control, 40” wide draper belts, single point hookup, spare sickle & road transport with lights. #16002224.............$50,000 2009 MacDon D50 35-ft.. pickup reel, slow speed transport, HFA, spare knife, poly skid shoes, CS20 adaptor for 60/70 series. #16002197. (2).............$45,000 2003 MacDon 963 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit, 60 Series JD adapter. #16002193..............................$30,000 2002 MacDon 972 36-ft., 50 Series adapter, finger reel. #16002217. (2)..... ................................................$16,500

2011 Case IH Scout XL diesel utility vehicle, Kubota 20 hp 719cc engine, power steering. #16007405. (2)......... . ............................................ $12,800 2005 John Deere HPX 4x4 gator, gas, HPaggressive tread tires. #16007401..... . ............................................... $7000

2007 John Deere 7H17 walk behind commercial mower, electric start. #16007411............................... $2500 2003 John Deere LA110 lawn tractor, 19.5 hp, 42” deck. #16007385. (4).... $1200 2-John Deere BG20021 rear bagger kits, fit 48” side discharge mower decks on L120 & L130 mowers. Each....... $399

2011 Sitrex MK16 16 wheel V-rake, 30-ft. working width, 14 mph work speed, minimum 40 hp., 8’3” transport hitch. #13012256............................ $19,500

2011 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, bale push bar, automatic oiler kit, variable core kit, bale moisture kit, rock guards. #16006395............................ $41,000 2010 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, dual gauge wheels, push bar, chain oiler system, variable core kit, surface wrap, light kit, moisture tester, rock guards. #16006394............... $40,750 2008 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5-16.1 10 ply tires, hydraulic pickup lift, Megawide plus pickup, push bar. #16006396..................... $35,500 2008 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 flotation tires, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, push bar. #16007347. (1)............... $32,500 2008 John Deere 568 twine wrap, Megatooth hydraulic lift pickup, 21.50x16.1 flotation tires, bale kicker. #16007340............................ $27,500 2005 John Deere 567 surface wrap, Megawide hydraulic pickup, 5-ft. rock curtains. #16007350. (1)....... $23,725 2005 John Deere 567 surface wrap, Megawide hydraulic pickup, push bar, moisture tester. #16006381. (4)......... . ............................................ $23,500 2004 John Deere 567 540 PTO, push bar, hydraulic Mega Wide pickup, Harvest Tech hay preservative surface wrap. #16006402. (4) .................... $26,000 2001 John Deere 567 bale push bar, Mega Wide pickup, surface wrap. #16006388. (1)...................... $22,500 2001 John Deere 567 with 1000 PTO, wide pickup, push bars, hydraulic pickup lift. #16006361. (4)..... $22,000 2000 John Deere 566 regular pickup, gathering wheels, twine tie, 1000 PTO. #16006342. (4)...................... $12,000 1999 John Deere 566 wrap, hydraulic lift, push bar, 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 tires, Megatooth. #16006374. (3)... $12,500 1998 John Deere 566 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 tires, Mega tooth pickup, hydraulic lift, push bar. #16006273. (2)...... $10,750

1998 John Deere 566TW 540 PTO, big tires, push bar, dual gauge wheels, hydraulic pickup. #16006291. (4).$9995 1996 John Deere 566 540 PTO, hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels, push bar, twine tie. #16006248................ $9750 2006 Case IH RBX563 1000 PTO, big tires, bale kicker, surface wrap. #16006313 (3)...................... $22,500 2003 New Holland BR780 surface wrap, wide pickup. #16006358. (3)..$11,500 2001 New Holland 688 net wrap, crop saver wheels, hydraulic pickup lift. #16006356. (1)...................... $10,750 2000 New Holland 688 1000 PTO, endless belts, bale kicker, crop saver wheels, hydraulic pickup lift, gauge wheel. #16007343................. $13,000 2001 Hesston 856A 540 PTO, twine only. #16006365. (1)......................... $7500 1999 Vermeer 605L accu bale, twine & net, bale kicker. #16006382. (2)..$7500

4000-5000 bushels/hour with 50 feet of hose at full bin load-out! 5500 bushels/hour from a bin sump with 35’ pipe on full bin load-out! Farm Equipment Sales

Plentywood - 406-765-1531

Glasgow - 406-228-2496 Culbertson - 406-787-6201

IN STOCK Circle - 406-485-2145

2009 Frontier WR1218C 18 wheel, high capacity with center wheel. #13009047............................ $21,500


Fordson tractor, parts machine.


2011 John Deere A400 self propelled, A400 bar tires, radio with CD kit, auxiliary lighting with 896 18-ft. header. #16006406. (1).................... $118,000

2010 John Deere A400 self propelled, A400 bar tires, power mirrors, radio with CD kit, auxiliary lighting option with 896 18-ft. header. #16006401. (3)....................................... $106,000 1982 John Deere 2420 swather with 240 14-ft. auger head, 21-ft. 130 draper header, 16.5-16 front tires. #16006343. (4)............................................ $9750

1995 John Deere 1600A 16-ft. mower conditioner, 1000 PTO. #16006359. (4).......................................... $10,000 1991 John Deere 1600 mower conditioner, 31-13.5x15 tires. #16006369. (4)............................................. $4500 2001 Hesston 1275 16-ft. mower conditoner. #16006345. (4)............ $12,000

1989 Agco-Hesston 1170 16-ft. mower conditioner, 110” rubber conditioner rolls, double sickle, double auger, 1000 rpm. #16006305. (3)................. $8000

3-pt Hitch Equipment & ATTACHMENTS

2012 John Deere BU1060 bale unroller, hydraulic actuation. #13009131..$1950 2012 Frontier GM1084 84” grooming mower. #13009132. (1)............. $4475

Up to 10,000 bushels/hour during full bin load-out! 2010 New Holland H8040 swather, 215 hours, 2011 18-ft. auger header, double sickle............ JUST ARRIVED 1983 New Holland 1100 swather, diesel, Perkins motor, 16-ft. double sickle head. #16006409. (4)............... $9500 2002 John Deere 1600A mower conditioner. #16006357. (4)........... $13,800 1995 John Deere 1600A 16-ft. mower conditioner, new guards 2 years ago, new sickle, rubber conditioner rollers. #16006318. (4)...................... $10,500

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

2012 Frontier GM1084 84” rear grooming mower, rear chin shield, pneumatic tires. #14401655...................... $4350 2012 Frontier GM1072 72” grooming mower. #13009133. (1)............. $3850 Woods HD-315 10-ft. batwing mower. #16006405............................... $2000

Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:


John Deere 914P. #16002158 (3)..$7250 John Deere 212P. #16002145........$2500 John Deere 100 12-ft. with Melroe attachment. #16002209. (3)...................$700 Gleaner 400 Series Super 8 12-ft. pickup header. #16002192. (1)..............$4500


2011 Advanced Wind-Reel Systems 35ft. air reel, throttle control, HM electric, right hand option drive kit, manifold kit, electric nozzle control. #14200743. (1)............................................$10,000 John Deere 36-ft. bat reel, fits 930 series header. #16002013.................. $1500 John Deere straw spreader, came off 9750 combine. #16001054.......$1500 John Deere straw spreader, off 9760STS. #16001055...............................$1500 John Deere straw spreader fits 9600 combine. #16001056.................. $500

Consumer Products 2010 Unverferth 1194 Avalanch, 1100 bushel grain cart, double auger, 22-ft. pivoting unloading auger, 520/85R38 tires, walking tandem axles, scale, tarp, 13/4” 1000 PTO. #16010026....$68,500

On Used Equipment - oac

round balers

draper headerS

2011 Unverferth 1194 Avalanche 1100 bushel, double auger, 22” pivoting unloading auger, 520/85R42 walking tandem axles. #16010024.......$71,500


John Deere

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Flint Hance, 406-974-3555 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722

2012 Frontier 2310 10-ft. blade. #13009050. (1)......................... $4500 Frontier BB2060 5-ft. standard duty box blade. #14400545 (3)............... $1375 Loftness 9-ft. snowblower. #16007398. (2)............................................. $5500 Danuser F8 3-pt. post hole digger with 12” auger. #16010018.................... $1475

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A58


1950 Caterpillar D4 wide track, hydraulic dozer, good crawler.

Call Dick Koch 406-535-5583 Lewistown, MT



Buying Oil & Gas Minerals Call Bill L Seerup at 406-652-4101 • 406-671-0559 or send full legal description to 4212 Rimrock Rd • Billings, MT 59106 TILLAGE

2011 Bourgault 7200 72-ft. heavy harrow, 5/8” tines, 21.5L-16.1 tires. #12800105. (1)............................................$49,500

UW equine science students to teach horsemanship in Europe

Cowgirls from the University of Wyoming will teach horsemanship to riders in Europe this summer. The newly formed equine program in the Department of Animal Science received an American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) International Horsemanship Grant to teach horsemanship and equine science classes to AQHA members in Europe. UW’s application was selected from among some of the nation’s top equine science programs. “This is quite a feat,” said Amy McLean, extension equine specialist. “We are honored to represent the largest single equine breed association in the world, not to mention they have entrusted us to represent them abroad.” McLean will travel to Europe with Lindsey Hankins of Fort Collins, Colo.; Katelynn Ewing of Sidney, Neb.; Corinna Slingerland of Lander; and Lacey Teigen of Laramie. The women will conduct clinics in Karlstad, Sweden; Horse Creek Farm in the United Kingdom; Drumcoura Equestrian Centre in Ireland; and Tuse Creek Ranch in Regstrup, Denmark. The students have been involved with the equine industry all their lives and are active in UW’s Equine Science Program that began two years ago, McLean said. “These four young ladies will all have

2009 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, W0 AX disc transmission, standard ZB boom with standard linkage, conventional steering, cloth air suspension seat, 3 function valve with 2 lever control, ride control, standard rear hydraulic front axles, axle manual differential lock, 20.5x25 16 PR L3 bias tires, full front & rear fenders for muddy applications, HD LED rear lights, standard rear hitch, cab with air, 3 yard 105.9” bucket, ether start aid, engine block heater, precleaner, reversible. #16003496. ........ $159,500


We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to trader@3rivers.net along with captions and we will print what we have room for.

~ Check Out Our WEBSITE: www.fesmt.com ~


John Deere 1650 60-ft. toolbar, 12” spacing, harrows, Beline applicator. #16004058 (2).........................$11,000

On Used Equipment - oac -


2010 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, 167 hp, powershift, transmission, 3-yard quick attach bucket, 2 lever 2-function loader control, standard ZB boom, air ride seat, standard rear hydraulic front axle, manual differential, 20.5x25 L3 tires, full front & back fenders, front & rear lights, environmental drain, reversible fan drive, axle cooler, 10 amp converter, cab, air, radio. #16003605... ............................................. $167,000

the opportunity to share their experiences training, riding, showing and judging with AQHA international affiliates,” McLean said. “The idea behind the horsemanship camps is for the students to help strengthen horsemanship skills (the ability to ride, prepare, train and show) and to promote the appreciation of the American quarter horse among international members.” Ewing and Teigen transferred to UW from Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne, where they completed the two-year equine science program. Teigen interned for Steve Heckman, a renowned western pleasure trainer in Aubrey, Texas. Ewing is continuing her horse-training skills working for Mears Morgans in Laramie. Now serving an internship in Tioga, Texas, Hankins works in the reproduction barn at the McQuay Stables. As members of last year’s reserve world champion horse judging team, Slingerland and Teigen traveled to Kenya in December to learn about equine, specifically working equids (donkeys), in developing countries.

2009 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, 167 hp, powershift transmission, 3-yard, 105.9” quick attach bucket, 3 lever 3 function hydraulic control, standard ZB boom with standard linkage, air ride seat, standard rear hydraulic front axle, manual differential lock, 20.5x26 16-ply L3 bias tires, full front & rear fenders, HD R led rear lights, standard rear hitch, cold start package, precleaner, environmental drain, reversible fan drive, axle cooler, AM/FM/WB radio, 10 amp converter, beacon. #16003552. (1)....... ...................................................CALL 2005 Bobcat S250 skid steer with 2-speed, cab, air, heat, defrost, power tach, advanced hand controls, 12-16.5” 12 ply tires, 74” bucket with tooth bar, 1530 hours. #16008031. (3).............$32,500


Degelman 3100 right hand discharge Bale King, 1000 PTO, 31x13.50-15 tires. #14200536................................CALL 2009 Roto-King MD2820 round bale feeder, fits JD 600 or 700 series loaders, hydraulic drive. #13012157 (1).... . ................................................CALL 1984 Ford 8000 feed truck, 3206 Cat engine, manual transmission with Oswalt 460, 4-auger 16-ft. mixer box with scale. #16010019.......... $23,500


No Reasonable Offer Refused!!

Flexi-Coil S65XLT pull type, 114-ft., twin boom system, 1000 gallon and 500 gallon tanks, chemical load system, windscreens, rinse tank. #16014048. (3).............................................CALL 2010 John Deere 4930 self-propelled, 120-ft. booms, wheel sleep control, deluxe cab, Greenstar AutoTrac Ready, Xenon HID lighting, fence row nozzle, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders, wheel motor shields. #16014078. (1). . ................................................CALL 2010 JD 4930 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, high flow solution pump, SS eductor delivery system, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, BoomTrac auto level system, 50 gallon foam marker, wheel slip control, deluxe cab, AutoTrac Ready, HID field light, fence row nozzles, radar, row crop fenders, start aid, block heater. #16014086. (1)....... . ................................................CALL

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

2010 John Deere 4930 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, 120-ft. boom, BoomTrac auto level system, wheel slip control, deluxe cab, Greenstar AutoTrac, wheel motor shields. #16014083. (1). . ................................................CALL 2002 Hardi CT1200 Commander twin force suspended boom, 90-ft., triple nozzle, adjustable boom angle and windspeed from in cab, 1200 gallons, 110 gallon rinse tank, chemical inductor, 1000 PTO driven pump, 320/90 R46 tires. #16014090. (2)..... $16,000 2009 Summers Ultimate 90-ft., 1500 gallon, rinse tank, clean load, electric end nozzles. #16014093....... $41,000

Check out our website: www.fesmt.com

After Hours Sales:

John Deere

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Flint Hance, 406-974-3555 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722

1996 Summers DT 100-ft. wheel boom sprayer, 2000 gallon tank, windscreens, double boom. #16014091. (1)......................................... $10,900 2008 Brandt SB4000 90-ft., 1500 gallon, “Suspended Boom”, 4 section plumbing, Raven autorate controller, windscreens. #16014069. (1)..$27,000

ag management solutions global guidance

2012 John Deere 0709PC G92 1800 display. #16012227. (4)..............$1900 2012 John Deere 0709PC 1800 display. #16012229.................................$1500 2009 John Deere 0700PC original Greenstar display. #16012037. (1).......$1000 John Deere 0700PC original Greenstar display. #16012234.......................$500 John Deere 0700PC original Greenstar display. #16012233.......................$500 2008 John Deere 0705PC Greenstar 2 display, 2600 display. #16012228. $3000 John Deere PF80860 Starfire ITC receiver. #16012223. ...............................$1500 John Deere 0330PC GS2 rate controller, 31 pin. #16012087. (1).................$600 John Deere PF90415 display controller bracket. #16012009 (1)................$145

Recipe Patch by Geri Bean Salad with Grilled Corn and Avocado

1 cup halved heirloom grape or cherry tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt, divided 3 ears shucked corn 1 medium white onion, cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices 1 jalapeño pepper 1 tablespoon olive oil Cooking spray 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/3 cup fresh lime juice 1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added pinto beans, rinsed and drained 1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added black beans, rinsed and drained 1 (15-ounce) can no-salt-added kidney beans, rinsed and drained 2 diced peeled avocados Preheat the grill to medium-high heat. Place the tomatoes in a large bowl, and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt. Let stand 10 minutes. Brush corn, onion, and jalapeño evenly with oil. Place vegetables on grill rack coated with cooking spray. Grill corn for 12 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 6 minutes. Grill onion slices and jalapeño 8 minutes or until lightly charred, turning after 4 minutes. Let vegetables stand 5 minutes. Cut kernels from cobs. Coarsely chop onion. Finely chop jalapeño; discard stem. Add corn, onion, and jalapeño to tomato mixture; toss well. Add remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt, cilantro, and next 4 ingredients (through kidney beans) to corn mixture; toss well. Top with avocado.

Chile-Crusted Scallops with Cucumber Salad

2 medium cucumbers 1/2 cup(s) salted roasted cashews, coarsely chopped (2 ounces) 2 scallions (white and light green parts), thinly sliced 2 teaspoon(s) lemon juice 1/4 cup(s) extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 cup(s) coarsely chopped flat-leaf parsley 1/8 teaspoon(s) salt 1 teaspoon(s) cumin seeds 2 tablespoon(s) minced seeded serrano chile 1 teaspoon(s) freshly cracked black pepper 1/2 teaspoon(s) kosher salt 1 1/8 pound(s) “dry” sea scallops, tough muscle removed To prepare salad: Peel and seed cucumbers; quarter lengthwise and slice 1/4 inch thick. Combine the cucumbers, cashews, scallions, lemon juice, oil, parsley and salt in a large bowl. To prepare scallops: Toast cumin seeds in a small skillet over medium heat until fragrant, about 1 minute. Transfer to a cutting board and let cool, then coarsely chop. Combine the cumin seeds, chile, pepper and salt in a small bowl. Rinse scallops, pat dry and rub with the spice mixture. Thread the scallops onto four 12-inch skewers. Preheat grill to medium-high. Oil the grill rack. Grill the scallops until cooked through, about 4 minutes per side. Carefully remove the scallops from the skewers. Serve warm with the cucumber salad.

Summer Strawberry Soup

2 cups vanilla yogurt 1/2 cup orange juice 2 pounds fresh strawberries, halved (8 cups) 1/2 cup sugar Additional vanilla yogurt and fresh mint leaves, optional In a blender, combine the yogurt, orange juice, strawberries and sugar in batches; cover and process until blended. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Garnish with additional yogurt and mint leaves if desired. Yield: 6 servings. ##### Harriet was proud of her antiques and hoped to pass her appreciation for old things on to her granddaughter Jenny. During a visit to Harriet’s house, Jenny eyed all the antiques in every room, sighed and said, “I don’t have any antiques but you.” Then the youngster’s face lit up with a bright idea. “Can I take you to school for show-and-tell?”

##### While looking at a house, my brother asked the estate agent which direction was north because, he explained, he didn’t want the sun waking him up in the morning. She asked, “Does the sun rise in the north? When my brother explained that the sun rises in the east, and has for sometime, she shook her head and said, ”Oh, I don’t keep up with that stuff”.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A59


Case IH 8575 3x3 baler, Serial #CF40163372, in barn last 2 years, used for my own grass seed straw/200 acres per year, baled 7000 bales.. ......................... $37,500

WANTED TO HIRE: Portable sawmill to cut 30,000 board feet near Hardin, Montana area

Call 406-629-0324

Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service

411 North Main - Conrad, MT (406) 278-5915

Enjoy these lazy, crazy, hazy days of

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Call us for your BEST deal Authorized Dealer for



Good selection of good used fiberglass toppers.

A full line of RV parts and supplies


TOPPERS 2010 Nash with big slide BELOW DEALER COST

Used Trailers 2009 Wilderness 25-ft. bumper pull with slide. IN STOCK SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF PICKUP ACCESSORIES

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Now, here’s the “pitch”... We won’t throw any “curveballs”, and we’ll make sure there’re no “fouls”. Hit a “homer” with your Hometown Bank and the players you know! Local ownership – ­ Local Decisions

Celebrating 100-years of “Hometown” Service

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A60

New Holland Super 1049 bale wagon for sale Phone (406) 567-4210

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A54


International UDT-817 power unit, 300 hp, 1200 hours..... ............................................................................... $2500 Detroit 453T diesel, 150 hp. 11-ft. snowplow for tractor or 2-ton truck. 1986 Ford F700 flatbed truck. Phone Dave at (406) 748-3612, Colstrip, Montana


1994 John Deere 4960, MFWD, 280 self-leveling loader with joystick control, 200 hp, 15 speed powershift transmission, 3 hydraulic remotes, 20.8x38 duals..........$47,500 Phone 406-466-2615, Choteau, Montana


* 12 gpm engine driven hydraulics or electric models * Ask our customers about Krogmann dependability, durability and our 3 year warranty. * Options available: Across the bed toolboxes, side toolboxes, carry-alls, 3rd spool valve, cake feeders and posthole diggers. Visit our website at www.krogmannmfg.com


Toll Free 1-877-745-3783

Call For The Dealer Nearest You

continued on page A62


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A61

Field day for online bowhunter education students

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Great Falls has one more field day for anyone 18 years and older who takes FWP’s online bowhunter education course. For online students in FWP’s Region 4 the remaining field day is July 14. State law says all first time bowhunters must take a bowhunter education course. The online course is a chance for an adult to take the course at his, or her, convenience. All students, whether taking the course in a classroom setting or online, must take a field course to receive their certification card. Registration is only available on the Internet to those who successfully complete the online course, and space is limited. To register go to the FWP website at http://fwp.mt.gov. Click on Education, then Hunter Education followed by Bowhunter Education Program and finally Field Day Registration.

Garden talk and tours

The Furnas Arboretum in Brownville, Nebraska is hosting garden tours and a presentation by Bob Henrickson of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum on Saturday, June 9, at 11 a.m. “Wildflower Plantings as Works in Progress!” will focus on a 6-year-old wildflower planting that offers a demonstration of some of the problems and issues in wildflower plantings. The “wild” nature of wildflower plantings, said curator John Lauber, “makes them more of a challenge to monitor and manage. This demonstration planting provides a place to learn about some of those issues, whether in a public or home garden.” 

The Furnas Arboretum is at Fifth and Main streets in Historic Brownville, Nebraska. The arboretum is a project of the Brownville Fine Arts Association and this event is part of an annual series of garden tours. It was designated an affiliate site of the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum in 1996, an accreditation acknowledging the Furnas Arboretum’s carefully planned and curated collection of more than 100 species of trees and shrubs, plus a good variety of perennials, assembled for the goal of education. 

 For more information about the arboretum or the June 9 events, contact arboretum curator John Lauber at 402825-6637.

Advanced swine reproduction seminar

An Advanced Swine Reproduction Seminar will help pork producers perform at a higher level of management when it comes to preparing the sow and farrowing space, knowing when/how to assist farrowing sows, managing sows to maximize feed intake and more.
 The seminar, sponsored by University of NebraskaLincoln Extension, the Iowa Pork Industry Center, Iowa State Extension and the Iowa Pork Producers Association, will be offered June 12 at the Lifelong Learning Center in Norfolk and June 13 at the Extension Office in LeMars, Iowa. 

 Registration begins at 9:15 a.m. and the seminar will conclude by 3:30 p.m. 

 During the morning discussion, pork producers should come ready to share their farrowing tips, said Duane Reese, UNL Extension swine specialist. 

 “We hope newer employees can gain a lot of information from more experienced farrowing managers sharing their insights,” he said. The morning session will be led by Reese, Tim Safranski, swine specialist, University of Missouri and Dave Stender, ISU swine field specialist. 

 In the afternoon, Safranski will lead a session involving consistent and reliable management practices that lead to superior reproductive performance. He’ll also talk on industry trends. 

 Stender will give updates on current welfare issues for crate-to-pen transition and on managing gilt development programs. Reese will close the seminar with updates on swine nutrition. 

 Registration is $30 per person which includes a pork loin lunch. To register or for more information, call Stender at 712-225-6196 or email dstender@iastate.edu.

To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229

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Denton, Montana 31/2 miles SW - Near Airport

Make plans on

Thursday, July 19, 2012 to attend our

32 Annual nd


Featuring Spring Wheat, Winter Wheat & Specialty Crops Lunch will be served.


The moisture conditions are great!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A62


Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A60

1999 Timpte hopper bottom trailer, 49-ft., triple axle, air lift on rear, 10-ft. 2” spread, electric tarp and gates. Asking...............................................................$25,500 Call 406-231-8861

Doane Western 252 Cirque Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718 www.doanewestern.com

Specializing in: Long Term Farm and Ranch Loans FSA Guaranteed Loans Statewide Service

Farm and Ranch Loans Call for Current Rates Bozeman (406) 587-1201 Toll Free 800-446-1112w Website: www.doanewestern.com

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EASTSLOPE KENNEL & GAMEBIRDS ORDERS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR: • Pheasant hens - year old - spring delivery • Pheasant & Chukar chicks - straight run - delivery starting May 1st • Pheasants - 10 weeks old - 50/50 mix - delivery August through September 15th • Pheasants & Chukars - 16 week old flight birds delivery starting September 1st

Call now for pricing and available delivery dates. Brochures mailed upon request.

TONY FOWLER PO BOX 640 238 SPUR RD CONRAD, MT 59425-0640 (406) 278-5814 Pheasant - Chukar - Quail - Hun Bird Dog Training & Sales Brittany - Lab - English Setter Consulting

NPIP: #81-67 FWP: #9027


MACHINE & SUPPLY Auger Flighting In Stock

4”, 6”, 7” & 8” The World’s Leading Roller Chain Manufacturer

Roller Chain

Made In The USA

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Industrial Supplies: QD Sheaves & Sprockets V-Belts Conveyor Belt Hydraulics: Hydraulic Hose & Fittings

Machine Shop Services: CNC Custom Machining General Machining Specialty Welding Service Farm & Ranch Repair Round Baler Belt Repairs

Bob Larance Cell: 406-750-8938

Jeff Herzog Cell: 406-750-4632


401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405 406-453-8100 or 1-877-453-0166 FAX: 406-453-1127 www.cascademachineco.com

continued on page A64

Don’t forget Dad on Father’s Day Sunday, June 17

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012— Page A63

This is an especially important time of year to be thinking about minerals! Highly Palatable

•  Uniform intake across the herd

Intake Tightly Controlled

•  Block surface-area and rate of   softening provides unmatched   intake control

Concentrated Nutrients •  Chelated/Organic Trace   Minerals •  8% Phos ~ highest level of   any low-moisture block

Unmatched Weatherability •  Wind-proof •  Water-proof •  Snow-proof

No feeding equipment Economical cost/head/day


ROLYX supplements also provide the advantages of every other CRYSTALYX Brand Supplement, including: Self-feeding blocks mean aroundthe-clock protection, yet daily consumption is highly controlled Saves time & labor in feeding large or small herds Compatible with all feeding programs in confined lots or pasture conditions Highly palatable molasses helps ensure uniform consumption Consistent consumption = fly control

For Around-theClock Fly Control PLUS Supplemental Nutrition

Available for cattle & horses


Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier

BTI Feeds

Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812

We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores Fans & air conditioner 15% off

Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator”

Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby

Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East

Johnson Artificial Spring – Franklin Ritchie – Cancrete

Livestock Waterers Energy efficient, easy to install fountains.

Call Taylor’s Farm Store for information on Johnson, Franklin & Ritchie; BTI Feeds for Franklin & Cancrete information

Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems See us for all your baler twine and net wrap needs


“Fathers Day” special assorted power tool sale


- Steel Poly -- Fiberglass

For your crop inputs Call Gregg Schnee at 434-5253


Round bale feeders Bunk feeders Gates — Panels Handling systems

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2 pkg - $100

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page A64


John Deere 468 small square baler......................... $5800 John Deere 7700 combine for parts, good engine, hydro, drive tires, stored inside.........................................Offers John Deere 14-ft. chisel plow................................... $1200 Eversman 4512 land leveler..................................... $1500 2-300 gallon fuel tanks..............................................Offers Phone Rod (406) 949-0333, Toston, Montana

Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A62


Accurate, full-dimension lumber. Fir or Pine. Custom orders of any size. Corrals • Windbreak • Barns • Fences Beams • Siding • Decks • Bridges Gregg and Robin Maxwell, Maxwell Lumber Inc. 406-538-7877 Lewistown, Montana


single & tandem rollers available

42”x 5/8” pipe

Bolt on Hitch ➔

H 12-ft. H 16-ft. H 14-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft.

Other sizes also available


48” diameter x 11/2” thick and 42” diameter x 1” thick Available in limited lengths

Fisher Metal Products 622-5233

Fort Benton



The Liberty County Board of Health, in order to protect the health and safety of the people of Liberty County and of the general public, shall promulgate and amend, from time to time, regulations establishing minimum standards governing the design, construction, installations and operations of disposal systems from private and public buildings. Such regulations shall establish such minimum standards on the advice or judgment of the Health Officer or Environmental Health Department and not contrary to state regulations, rules or policies. It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter, repair or extend any wastewater treatment system in Liberty County unless he/she holds a valid license issued by the Liberty County Board of Health. (Ref. 16-17.105 ARM) (As amended) Any property owner wishing to construct, alter, repair, extend or connect a standard wastewater treatment system for his/ her residence upon his/her own property may only do so upon passing the Liberty County Owner/Installer examination. A passing score on this examination allows a property owner to install one standard absorption trench, gravity distribution system upon their own property only. A property owner may only install other types of wastewater treatment systems upon passing the appropriate Liberty County Installer Examination. Certification requirements remain per the specific system type. All structures requiring facilities for the supply of water or the disposition of sewage or solid waste or the construction of water supply or sewage or solid waste disposal facilities shall use a legally permitted wastewater treatment system. Prior to construction of a wastewater treatment system contact your local health department to schedule the 10’ test pit, completion of the application and issuing of a permit. The health department may be reached at 424-8340 Mon-Thurs 8-5 pm. Fees for new systems are $150.00 replacement of non-functioning drain fields are $75.00. continued on page C32

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B1

2012 Ford Explorer LTD AWD, V6, automatic, heated/cooled leather, navigation and MORE. ..................................... $41,495 after rebates

2010 Ford F250 XLT supercab, 4x4, 6.4L Powerstroke, trailer tow, 18,000 miles, warranty... .......................................................... $32,995

2007 Lincoln Towncar Signature LTD V8, automatic, heated leather, moon roof, 58,000 miles, very clean................................ $15,995

2012 Ford Expedition EL XLT 4x4, 5.4L V8, automatic, heated/cooled leather, trailer tow, remote start.......$47,695 after factory rebates We have a GREAT selection on F-Series trucks with up to $4500 cash back or low APR. CALL US FOR TRUCKS!!!

2011 Ford Fiesta SES 4 cyl, automatic, moon roof, only 11,000 miles, warranty....... $15,995


2011 Ford Edge LTD AWD, V6, automatic, heated leather, 17,000 miles, warranty..$30,495

2011 Ford Escape XLT 4x4,4 cyl, automatic, heated leather, moon roof and more! 19,000 miles, warranty.................................. $22,995

2011 Ford Fusion SE 4 cyl, automatic, power windows, locks and seat, 23,000 miles, warranty................................................... $17,995

2011 Ford Fusion SEL 4 cyl, automatic, heated leather, moon roof, 26,000 miles, warranty................................................... $19,995

2006 Ford F150 XLT supercab, 4x4, 5.4L V8, automatic, 49,000 one owner miles, excellent condition............................................ $17,995


Leader in Price, Selection & Service

Titan 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer, bull package, rubber floor, sliding center gate, spare tire...................................................... $11,950

Cargomate 5-ft.x10-ft. motorcycle trailer, ramp door, 3500 lb. axle, spare tire................ $2995

We advertise our best Cash-No Trade Prices  - Trades figured from Retail - * Includes Factory Incentives


514 South Main, Conrad, MT – 406-278-5533 or toll free 1-800-833-1813 – www.courtesy-ford.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B2

New Hesston WR9770 Hay producers don’t need another windrower. They need a breakthrough.

• 16-ft. disc header • 220-hp • 21 MPH road speed • Auto-steer • GliderRider cab, seat & rear axle suspensions

New MORRIS 900 &1400 Hay Hikers Haying operations must be efficient in the face of rising costs. Morris Industries has become an industry leader in round bale systems. The proven ProAg Hay Hiker turns round bale loading and unloading into a fast, easy, oneperson operation, saving you time, money and labor. Up to eighteen bales can be picked on the go, in a single pass, and unloaded without ever having to leave your tractor cab. The ProAg 900 Hay Hiker and the larger capacity 1400 Hay Hiker deliver superior performance and value.


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT

“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898


New Augers – IN STOCK 8x36 8x41 10x70 13x70


To help farmers get more done, and keep getting it done, we introduced the first large square baler 30 years ago. Since then, we’ve only continued to innovate. In fact our new 2150 Massey Ferguson® Hesston Series 3x3 large square baler even includes key features from our 3x4 and 4x4 balers. Like our exclusive Hesston Series chain drive. Nothing’s more efficient or easier to maintain - thanks to just two shear bolts on the entire drive system. Our 2100 Series offer greater capacity, better bale-building and more reliability and serviceability. Count on them. Time and time again. See your dealer or visit wwwmasseyferguson.com.



MacDon D60 35-ft. draper header to fit MacDon swather...........................................$39,900 MacDon 36-ft. draper header for MacDon/ Premier 2952i swather....................$23,900 MacDon 25-ft. draper header, fits 7000 & 9000 Series............................................ JUST IN 1996 MacDon 920 14-ft. hay header..$14,000 1993 MacDon 920 14-ft. hay header..$13,000 MacDon 871 adapter.............................$1000 Gleaner 327 27-ft. header with batt reel..$7900 3-Gleaner 15-ft. N-series pickup headers with 2-Westward (MacDon) M100 self-propelled, no headers. Each.................................. $69,000 Victory 7 or 8 belt attachment. Each.$5900 Gleaner 324 24-ft. header with batt reel..$1500 MacDon 9000 14-ft. header.................. $32,900 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.................$799 MacDon 9000 with 14-ft. header.......... $29,000 Hesston 6555 with 14-ft. header.......... $14,000 Hesston 1360 13-ft. rotary disc, hydro-swing.... USED PROCESSORS . .......................................................... $9900 Highline 6600 round bale processor.....$8900 Hesston 1170 pull-type hydro swing....... $8900 Case IH 8370 hydro-swing...................... $7900 Case IH 8230 30-ft. pull-type swather...... $5800 John Deere 945 14-ft. rotary disc MoCo.$13,900 John Deere 930 11’6” pull type disc mower.$7900 John Deere 1380 14-ft. MoCo................. $2900 New Holland 1441 rotary disc mower.. $18,900 406-727-7153 New Holland 1116 14-ft. header with push frame 4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT for bidirectional.................................... $4500

Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898

New Gleaner S77 - IN STOCK Built with farmers in mind

Gleaner R60 combine with pickup header & 36-ft. MacDon 960 header............... $35,000 White 9720 combine........................... $11,000 2-John Deere 7700 combines. Each... $10,000 2-White headers, 15-ft., & 13-ft...............CALL MacDon 920 12-ft., no conditioner..........CALL 2-Universal II 25-ft. pickup reels. Each... $2500 MacDon 9350 swather with MacDon 962 30-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport......................................................CALL Hesston 8450 25-ft. shiftable draper head, 14-ft. auger head, header trailer............... $55,000 Hesston 6400 swather with 20-ft. draper header and 14-ft. auger header...................... $8000 Versatile 400 swather with 21-ft. header..$6000 2003 Hytrux with 90-ft. F&S sprayer... $37,000 Bean sprayer, 300 gallon, 100-ft. hose reel.$1250 Cat 65B Challenger.............................. $33,500 John Deere 8640 tractor..................... $26,000 John Deere 8630 tractor with 14-ft. Degelman dozer................................................ $30,000 Ford 800 tractor with loader.................... $3995 Knight 510 manure spreader, 425 bushel.$5900


Farm King 10x80 swing hopper............ $10,900 Farm King 13x70 auger........................ $10,500 Farm King 10x36 PTO............................. $4500 Westfield 13x70 swing hopper................. $7100

New Danuser & Wheatheart Post Hole Diggers Most all sizes on hand

NEW Post Pounders IN STOCK

Lawn Mowers - IN STOCK

Hoven Equipment

Gehl 410 manure spreader, tandem axle, 410 bushel, like new............................... $15,500 John Deere 270 skid steer.................. $19,900 John Deere 1900 disk drills................ $79,000 Concord 1100 24-ft. air drill with Concord tow between cart................................... $18,900 New Holland 580 16x18 square baler..$12,900 International 440 14x18 square baler.... $1750 New Holland 1030 pull-type balewagon..$6000 Case IH RBX562 round baler, mesh... $17,900 Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine... $14,900 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only........... .......................................................... 14,900 John Deere 510 round baler.................$1000 Hesston 5200 round bale mower..........$1000 Sitrex MK10 10-wheel rake...................$4500 Sitrex 3-point rake...................................$450 Neuer 8120 grain vac............................. $5000 Farm King 10x60 auger......................... $2900 Westgo 8x31 PTO drive auger............... $2250 GT 8x40 grain auger, PTO drive............... $990 40-ft. tandem axle gooseneck lowboy..$18,900 1996 Eagle tandem dually pintle hitch flatbed, 6-ft. beavertail..................................... $9000 DuAl loader............................................. $1500 Melroe 516 19-ft., 3-pt. duckfoot............. $1500 Phoenix 20-ft., 3-pt. rotary harrow.......... $1000 Schulte 3020 batwing mower.............. $15,000 New Holland 451 sickle mower.............. $2500 Case 10 sickle mower............................... $800 Woods BB84X 7-ft. rotary mower, 3-pt... $2500 Ford 5-ft., 3-pt. rotary mower.................... $500 General post hole auger, 6” bit................. $750


Kuhn 500 Alterna rotary disc mower....$14,900 Vermeer BP8000 processor, right hand discharge............................................$14,500 General Implement 3-pt. post hole digger.$750

UNIVERSAL Pickup Reels

Order your pickup reels now

406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT


4 Fast and Efficient:

Reach both hoppers without repositioning the truck.

4 287% More Area Covered: The machine offers all the nimbleness of our prior R Series with a significant increase in capacity and capability. For those farmers who want all of the preformance without all the bulk, we present to you our latest innovation: the Gleaner Super Series.

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT

Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898

Swing Away Augers

Patented double joint design to reach and retract further.

4 Single Unit Transport:

Move your auger to the next site in one trip.

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT

Flex Augers Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B3

Massey Ferguson® 7600 Series Tractors

140 - 180 hp

2012 Pasture Harrows • 5/8” diameter high carbon steel • 50 lbs./ft. • 6-ft. deep mat • 45° & 15° angle teeth • Width (bar included)

5’- $517, 7’- $724, 9’- $931, 11’- $1137, 13’- $1344, 15’- $1551, 17’- $1758, 19’- $1965, 22’- $2275, 24’- $2482, 26’- $2974, 26’ with caddy - $9453 406-727-7153

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT

More Power. More Choices. More performance. Welcome to the next generation of mid-frame row crop tractors with a completely redesigned cab, generation 2 SCR technology, the industry leader in emissions control, and all new family styling. The 7600 Series features the choice of the exclusive Dyna-VT™ CVT (continuously variable transmission) which provides infinitely variable speed control from supercreep to transport speed without shifting, jerking or a delay in traction or power, or the industry unique 24F/24R Partial Powershift with exclusive features like pre-set cruise speeds and standard Autodrive. Together, with the upgraded cab, emissions system, and choice of transmissions, the 7600 Series combines into the perfect tractor for any job around the farm or the field.

• Customized comfort. Tough enough for any job. • Transmissions with the most efficient power transfer in the industry. More productivity at the touch of a button. • Less time spent refueling, more time spent working. USED TRACTORS

Kubota M125XDTC 4WD, 103 PTO hp.$69,000 Challenger MT555B MFD, 130 PTO hp with loader............................................... $79,900 Challenger MT465B 95 PTO hp, MFD with loader............................................... $44,900 Challenger MT665B 240 hp...................CALL

“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898


New Massey Ferguson 9560 Our mission: capacity without complexity Increased power combined with e3™ efficiency means the new MF9560 can handle more bushels with less fuel, while maintaining reserve power to pull through tough conditions. COMING IN SOON USED COMBINES

Case IH MXU110 MFD, loader, bucket, grapple.................................................... $49,900 Case 1570 2WD tractor....................... $10,800

Gleaner Super 77 with chopper & chaff spreader, auto-steer...................... $249,000 Massey-Ferguson 8570, 30-ft. header, pickup reel & 15-ft. head, pickup attachment..$38,000



Ford 946 4WD articulated tractor with duals.... ........................................................ $44,000 John Deere 4010 with cab, Ezee-On loader, grapple............................................. $12,900 Massey-Ferguson 3070 cab, loader... $18,000 Case 1070 2WD, cab, 3-pt., PTO with loader & grapple............................................. $15,900

Apache AS715 self-propelled sprayer, 750 gallon, 90-ft. booms. Morris 39-ft. air drill, 10” spacing with 7180 tow between cart. Case IH 2388 combine, 25-ft. 1010 header, 1015 pickup header. Brandt grain deck. Alloway 10x61 auger. Farm King 13x70 auger. Walinga 7614 grain vac.

Gleaner R72 combine......................... $49,000 Gleaner N6 combine.............................. $9900 Case IH 1660 combine with 24-ft. header, 13-ft. pickup header with attachment........ $19,000

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT

“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT

Vermeer 605 Super M Baler

“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898




1200 Grain Cart Dramatically Increase Your Harvesting Productivity

• The 1200 grain cart can shuttle 1200 bushels of grain. • The eight wheel undercarriage has the load carrying capability to travel at 10 mph fully loaded. • The undercarriage system smoothens the ride and reduces stress on the tractor hitch and unit. • The turret style unloading auger allows grain to be placed accurately when cart to truck alignment is less than perfect. • The 1200 features a system which allows complete clean out for both the auger and tank. • Mesh windows located on the front and back panels allow the operator to see how much product is in the 1200. • The truss on the 1200 generates more strength than a beam. • Good lighting is a must for evening operation and transport. • A unique belt drive system is used to engage the drag auger.

1200 bushel

The model 1200 grain cart can increase your harvesting capacity and efficiency better than an additional combine, at a fraction of the cost!

Bourgault 3320 Paralink Drill


Agco 7650 90-ft. Spra-Coupe........... $124,000 Melroe 220 Spra-Coupe...............COMING IN


USED BALERS Massey-Ferguson 2856A round baler with new mesh wrap, suspension on axles...$39,900 New Holland BR780A round baler... JUST IN 2-Hesston 956A round balers. Ea......$19,900 2-Hesston 856A round balers. Ea.....$14,900 Hesston 565A round, mesh wrap......$12,900 2-Hesston 565A round balers. Each.....$8900 Vermeer 555XL round baler, 5x5 baler, twine only.................................................$14,900 John Deere 510 round baler.................$1200


Limited number still available for fall delivery

H&S 12-wheel hay rake........................... $8900 H&S HN7A hay machine......................... $4900

Produce round bales in less time with less hassle when you use the 605 Super M baler. Built for high-volume hay production, it offers the best in modern technology, including the exclusive Vermeer direct crop feed design, optional powered windguard, electronic bale monitoring, optional powered bale ramp and much more.

4-Morris MH300 10-ft. grain drills with 12” spacing, transport.....................................$6000 1-4-drill hitch for JD 9350, 10-ft. drills.


4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT

Challenger LB34B 3x4 square baler with accumulator........................................$85,900 Hesston 7434 3x4 square baler with roller chute...............................................$74,900

Now Accepting WASTE OIL 406-727-7153

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT www.hovenequipment.com

Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B4


1998 Case IH 8230 pull-type swather, 30-ft. with MacDon pickup reel, 540 or 1000 PTO, low acres, excellent shape. Stored inside...................................... $5900 obo

Call 406-783-7038 or 406-783-7774


International 4x4 lift truck, diesel, Allison, platform, winch, 53-ft. reach Phone 406-799-6923

(406) 453-1425 FAX: (406) 452-7516



2624 16th Street N.E. / Black Eagle, MT 59414 P.O. Box 100 Black Eagle, MT 59414



Caterpillar D6C 10K m o d e l , complete with angle blade, 80% undercarriage and winch.

Call 888-272-8733 or 208-755-0685


1992 Case IH 1680 combine, Cummins engine, 1010 30-ft. auger header with year old pickup reel, 1015 13-ft. pickup header with Rake-Up attachment, long sieve, rebuilt rotor and drive, grain scan monitor, 90% tires, 30.5L-32, shedded and clean with spare parts, 3291 hours........... ........................................................................... $45,000 2004 MacDon 9352I turbo swather, windrow side delivery system, 960 30-ft. draper header, pickup reel, triple delivery, transport, 922 14-ft. auger hay header with conditioner, 2000 hours.............................................. $65,000 Flexi-Coil 67 pull-type sprayer, 90-ft. 1000 gallon, 3-way nozzle bodies, 3 zones, 655 monitor, 18.4-26 tires......... ........................................................................... $12,000 Phone Terry (406) 622-5687 or 799-2752 Matt (406) 799-5256, Fort Benton, MT


Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846

Alternatives to antibiotics in animal health By Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff

In the early 1940s, the first antibiotic— penicillin—was used successfully to treat bacterial infections and to save thousands of lives, including those of wounded World War II soldiers. Today, antibiotics, which target microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and parasites, are essential for human and animal health. They continue to save lives as well as increase animal production and efficiency. However, exploration of alternative strategies to mitigate the use of antibiotics is needed in view of growing concerns about antibiotic resistance to certain strains of bacteria and increasing restrictions on their prudent use in animals. Some of the latest scientific breakthroughs and technologies, which provide new options and alternative strategies for enhancing production and improving animal health and well-being, will be presented at an international symposium, “Alternatives to Antibiotics: Challenges and Solutions in Animal Production,” September 25-28, 2012, at the headquarters of the World Organization for Animal Health (known as “OIE”) in Paris, France. “A number of the new technologies have direct applications as medical interventions for human health, but the focus of the symposium is animal production, animal health, and food safety,” says Cyril Gay, national program leader for animal health with the Agricultural Research Service in Beltsville, Maryland. “The result of this symposium will be an assessment of new technologies for treating and preventing diseases of animals and recommendations that will advance strategies for growth promotion and health in livestock, poultry, and aquaculture.” Over the years, ARS scientists have developed and patented new technologies that could aid in reducing antibiotic use. Some of those tools have been shown to be effective in treating mastitis in cattle, controlling foodborne enteric bacterial pathogens, creating antimicrobials that kill disease-causing bacteria, and protecting poultry against parasites. Proven Alternatives To Fight Poultry Diseases Avian immunologist Hyun Lillehoj, at the ARS Henry A. Wallace Beltsville [Maryland] Agricultural Research Center (BARC), has devoted her career to developing alternative-to-antibiotics strategies to control infectious diseases in poultry. Through partnerships with industry, international scientists, and colleagues in the BARC Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory, Lillehoj has demonstrated the effectiveness of using food supplements and probiotics, molecules produced by cells of the immune system, and phytonutrients to fight poultry diseases like coccidiosis—a parasitic disease that causes annual losses of more than $600 million in the United States and $3.2 billion worldwide. Lillehoj is now applying similar technology to develop alternatives to treat enteric (intestinal) bacterial infections caused by Clostridium, a pathogen associated with necrotic enteritis in poultry. “My work over the last 27 years at ARS has involved trying to figure out how to grow poultry without using drugs and enhance their innate immunity,” Lillehoj says. “One of those strategies is genetic improvement. We’ve been working to identify genetic markers associated with enhanced innate immunity to enteric pathogens.” Lillehoj and her colleagues have identified several chicken genetic markers that influence parasitic diseases, and she hopes to eventually identify genetic markers for

use in selecting and breeding birds for enhanced disease resistance. The team is also studying innate immune molecules that have antimicrobial activity. During an infection, chickens respond to pathogens by producing immune molecules, some of which are antimicrobial peptides or proteins, Lillehoj explains. These tiny proteins can kill pathogens, improve host immune responses, and promote growth of beneficial gut bacterial populations. “If we can identify all the molecules that enhance immunity, translate critical cross talks between these antimicrobial molecules and the host’s immune system, and most importantly, figure out how to activate them at the proper time when birds are immature, I think we’ll really have a way to use the bird’s own immune system to do the job.” Lillehoj and her colleagues have identified and applied for a patent for one of the immune molecules, called “NK lysin.” “NK lysin is produced by host lymphocytes that are activated by parasites during coccidiosis infection in the gut.” Lillehoj says. “We cloned the chicken NK lysin gene, made biologically active recombinant NK lysin protein, and demonstrated for the first time that this chicken recombinant antimicrobial protein (host defense molecule) not only kills chicken coccidia, but also kills Neospora and Cryptosporidia, which infect large animals and humans, respectively.”

Salmonella is estimated to cause more than 1.3 million cases of human foodborne disease each year.

A private company is investigating to see whether chicken NK lysin can be developed into a product that targets and kills chicken intestinal parasites, she says. Lillehoj also studies the effects of phytochemicals derived from plants such as safflower, plums, peppers, cinnamon, and green tea in enhancing the chicken’s immune system. In addition, Lillehoj is partnering with commercial company leaders to examine the beneficial effects of probiotics—live, nonpathogenic bacteria that promote health and balance of the intestinal tract. Vitamin D: A Promising Treatment for Mastitis Antibiotics are currently used to treat mastitis, the most costly and common disease of dairy cattle. But an alternative treatment may soon be available. Scientists at the ARS National Animal Disease Center (NADC) in Ames, Iowa, have found that a natural remedy—vitamin D—can delay and reduce the severity of mastitis infection in dairy cattle. A disease of the mammary gland, or udder, mastitis costs the U.S. economy $2 billion each year. It reduces milk production, quality, and income and can result in culling of infected cows from a herd. continued on page b6

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B5

HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail khbear59427@yahoo.com, Cut Bank, Montana

Website: www.huggybearsconsignments.com


“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.

1955 Cockshutt tractor with snowblade. Tag #AHanson0512....................$6500 Kwick-Kleen been used very little. Tag #MikeR0512..................................$7000 1974 Steiger Tiger 2 4WD tractor. Tag #DickU0512................................$25,000 1979 Allis Chalmers 8550 4WD tractor, PTO. Tag #DickU0512..............$15,000 1950 Oliver tractor, Detroit diesel. Tag #DickU0512....................................$7500 1976 John Deere 9350 40-ft. drills, rubber packers, acra points. Tag #DickU0512..........................................................................................$5000 1979 John Deere 9350 40-ft. drills, packer wheels, acra points. Tag #DickU0512..........................................................................................$5000 1967 Anderson 30-ft. plows. Tag #DickU0512............................................$3000 1969 Glenco 38-ft. plow. Tag #DickU0512...................................................$4000 1974 Anderson 32-ft. plow. Tag #DickU0512..............................................$3500 1980 Melroe 505 42-ft. plow, 11/4 shanks. Tag #DickU0512.........................$6500 1969 Terex T-3 scraper. Tag #DickU0512..................................................$15,000 1985 Kenworth cabover, new motor, 9 speed Fuller transmission. Tag #DickU0512.......................................................................................$13,500 1969 Timpte 40-ft. grain trailer. Tag #DickU0512.........................................$8000 1976 Donahue 42-ft. drill trailer. Tag #DickU0512.......................................$4000 1985 Viking 400 bushel pup trailer. Tag #DickU0512..................................$8000 2500 gallon water trailer, 4 compartments. Tag #DickU0512.......................$2500 Western 4” wheel line, 1/4 mile. Tag #HClark0512.......................................$4500 International Vibra Shank 24-ft. plow. Tag #HClark0512 New pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0512......................................... $170 per section New Farm King rototillers available. Tag #Hug0512 New Batco 155 belt conveyor, 15” belt, 55-ft. long. Tag #GMiller0512 Massey Ferguson 35 tractor, Davis loader. Tag #Aber0512.......................$5500 Melroe 210 Spra-Coupe flotation tires, 130 gallon tank, TeeJet nozzles. Tag #AHan0512...........................................................................................$5500 John Deere 7020 4WD tractor, 1000 PTO, duals with 4 of them new. Tag #MGoss0512.........................................................................................$6900 1998 New Holland 664 round baler, net wrap. Tag #KerryS0512............$10,500 1985 GMC 2 ton truck, 350 engine, only 32,000 miles, real clean truck, custom built 2 compartment tender box. Tag #GaryY0512.............................$12,000 Rugby 8-ft.x12-ft. dump box off Kodiak truck, excellent shape. Tag #JasonB0512..............................................................................................$4500 100 gallon enclosed pickup fuel tank with tool box and electric fuel pump. Tag #JasonB0512........................................................................................$2500 1982 Drott 40B wheel excavator. Tag #DaveA0512 Glenco 12-ft. cultivator. Tag #ScottO0512...................................................$1800 12-ft. disc. Tag #ScottO0512 Chevrolet cabover grain truck with grain box. Tag #ScottO0512 Ford winch truck. Tag #ScottO0512 John Deere 930 30-ft. straight cut header off 9760 combine. Tag #RobC0512.... . .........................................................................................................$16,000 MacDon 821 adaptor for MacDon header to fit 9030 bi-directional. Tag #TimV0512 Engine end 3 point hitch & PTO for 9030 bi-directional. Tag #RogW0512..$3800 2001 Case IH STX440 tractor, triples, powershift, 2950 hours. Tag #RogW0512. . .......................................................................................................$139,000 3-used 6-ft. spike tooth harrows. Tag #Hug0512.....................................$75 each 15-ft. bat wing mower, good for CRP mowing. Tag #RalphJ0512.............$10,500 Hesston 2410 60-ft. disc, 24” discs, good for CRP breaking. Tag #CliffB0512 Vermeer 23A hay rake. Tag #Chuck0512 2008 John Deere 946 15-ft. disc mower conditioner, hydraulic header tilt. Tag #BarbH0512.......................................................................................$20,000 Brandt 90-ft. field sprayer. Tag #0512..........................................................$8500 John Deere 8400 track tractor, 3 point, 1000 PTO, Green Star ready. Tag #BarryH0512 Kinsey grain cart, 1000 PTO, tandem axle. Tag #BarryH0512 1992 John Deere 9600 combine, yield monitor, 2400 hours. Tag #PatW0512..... . .........................................................................................................$55,000 Versatile 935 4WD tractor, pump set at 365 hp, 903 engine, new tires. Tag #PatW0512........................................................................................$29,000 Dodge pickup box, single wheel, white and silver. Tag #JP0512 Chevrolet pickup box, single wheel, red. Tag #JP0512 1986 Ford pickup box, dually, red. Tag #JP0512.........................................$1100 Chevrolet pickup box, dually, teal. Tag #JP0512.........................................$1200 Dodge pickup box, dually, white. Tag #JP0512............................................$1800 Flexi-coil System 82 50-ft. harrow with mounted Valmar 240 Fargo applicator. Tag #RodgW0512 New Holland 354 grinder mixer. Tag #RogW0512 Powder River squeeze chute on wheels. Tag #RodW0512 Flexi-coil 3 point hitch post pounder. Tag #Deanl0512...............................$1200 1960 Ford T850 truck, gas engine, 5th wheel plate, PTO water pump, 105,000 miles. Tag #M&M0512...........................................................................$2500 Ford F750 truck, PTO water pump, 2000 gallon water tank. Tag #M&M0512....... . ............................................................................................................$2500 Fruehauf 4000 gallon water tank trailer. Tag #M&M0512............................$2500 1957 International truck, heavy duty box, 14-ft. with high sides. Tag #PaulT0512 1952 Chevrolet 2 ton truck, 14-ft. grain box. Tag #PaulT0512 Yearling bulls for sale. Tag #PaulT0512 2011 Ford F350 King Ranch pickup, crew cab, off-road package, loaded, 119,000 miles, white. Tag #JoeK0512................................................$36,000 2-International 7100 drill, 12-ft., 10” spacing, fertilizer and grain box, steel packers. Tag #TomP0512 Versatile 400 swather, 20-ft. header. Tag #TomP0512 John Deere 4020 tractor, 58 loader, no PTO. Tag #ANF0512.....................$7500 Campbell Hansfeldt 6 hp, 60 gallon air compressor. Tag #KerryC0512.......$800 Versatile 2400 24-ft. draper header to fit bi-directional tractor. Tag #KerryC0512. . ..............................................................................................................$500 Shaver HD post pounder with front mount bracket. Tag #KerryC0512..........$400 New Holland 273 PTO baler, good shape. Tag #KerryC0512.....................$2000 8”x45-ft. grain auger, 10 hp electric motor. Tag #KerryC0512........................$700 Westfield tailgate auger, hydraulic hose. Tag #KerryC0512..........................$350 GT tailgate auger, hydraulic valve. Tag #KerryC0512....................................$400 1988 John Deere 7720 combine, bin extensions, 224 24-ft. header. Tag #KerryC0512.............................................................................................$20,000 Sund 9-ft. pickup attachment. Tag #KerryC0512...........................................$500 Pickup sprayer, 200 gallon tank, 5 hp engine, pump is froze up. Tag #KerryC0512..................................................................................................$250 McKee round baler. Tag #Johnh0512..........................................................$2500 Drill fill. Tag #JohnH0512...............................................................................$300 Farmhand 8 bale clamp. Tag #JohnH0512.................................................$1500 Allis Chalmers N7 combine, 30-ft. header, 13-ft. pickup header. Tag #JohnH0512..........................................................................................$8500 MK Distributors drill fill. Tag #JohnH0512....................................................$350 New 6-8 corral posts, flat end. Tag #JohnH0512....................................$10 each Right hand calf table. Tag #JohnH0512.........................................................$500 CMC cement mixer truck, 9 yard capacity barrel. Tag #RonD0512


2010 New Holland 5080 small square baler, like new. Tag #Riley0312...$24,000 2006 John Deere 568 round baler, Mega Wide pickup, net wrap. Tag #Larryk0112..............................................................................................$33,000 New Holland 1425 self propelled square baler. Tag #Larryk0112..............$7500 Case RBX562 round baler, net wrap, low bale count. Tag #NorthF1011 New Holland 570 square baler, PTO, good shape. Tag #Hug1011.............$4500 Massey baler. Tag #JPrin1211......................................................................$600 1989 John Deere 535 round baler, dual twine arms, excellent shape. Tag #BuckD0611.........................................................................................$6500 1979 Vermeer 605F round baler with twine wrap. Tag #PUnderdahl1008. New Holland 273 square baler. Tag #NFug0610. Massey-Ferguson baler. Tag #JPrin1209.....................................................$600 New Holland 660 round baler, twine tie, bale command. Tag #JessK0811 New Holland 664 round baler, twine wrap, bale command. Tag #JessK0811 International 440 PTO small square baler. Tag #RonD1211......................$3800


2009 Case IH 105U Farmall tractor, 105 hp, front wheel assist, 3 point, PTO, only 900 hours. Tag #Hug0412...........................................................$48,000 John Deere 4960 FWD tractor, 1000 PTO, 3 point hitch. Tag #ANF0412.$59,000 Massey-Ferguson 1150 2WD tractor, 540 PTO, no 3 point or loader. Tag #ANF0412.............................................................................................$5500 Case 310 tractor, new paint, 3 point, 540 PTO, power steering, excellent shape. Tag #DMclean0412...............................................................................$6500 John Deere 4020 tractor, Du-Al loader, cab, 540 PTO. Tag #RichT0112.$12,500 White 2-130 FWA tractor, Westendorf loader and grapple, 3 point, PTO. Tag #Wes0412..........................................................................................$34,000 Massey-Ferguson 1155 2WD tractor, 540 PTO, cab, 24.5x32 tires, Westendorf loader, grapple fork, 5000 hours. Tag #ArtH0212..................................$8900 2007 Jinma 28hp tractor, MFD, loader, low hours. Tag #Ivan0112..............$8000 Oliver 1265 2WD tractor, 3 point, diesel, 540 PTO. Tag #Larryk0112.........$4500 1999 Kubota 2400 tractor, 4WD, 24 hp, loader, 3 point, 540 PTO. Tag #Hug1211.............................................................................................$9500 Oliver Super 550 tractor, 3 point, 540 PTO. Tag #Vernk1211 Belarus 825 MFD tractor with Ezee-On loader, cab, 3 point, 540 PTO. Tag #RWard1111.........................................................................................$9800 1979 Allis-Chalmers 8550 4WD tractor with PTO. Tag#DickU0510........$15,000 Massey-Ferguson 35 tractor with Davis loader. Tag #Aber0511................$5500 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 3-point 540 PTO. Tag #RWinko0910...............$4000 White Field Boss 31 4WD, 3 point hitch, 540 PTO, 1045 QA loader, 1271 hours. Tag #RodC1111 Allis-Chalmers D17 tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #RickK0911.....$6500


1993 John Deere 9600 combine, JD 930 straight cut header. Tag #PatL0412 John Deere 7720 combine with 24-ft. header. Tag #DaleH0312 John Deere 9600 combine. Tag #PatW0312 1996 Case 2188 combine and headers. Tag #LarryK0112......................$85,000 Case IH 1680 combine, 30-ft. Honeybee header, new motor 150 hours ago, new elephant ears, other recent repairs. Tag #RWinko0112 John Deere 55 combine, factory cab. Tag #BScalese0112 1992 John Deere 9600 combine, 930 header. Tag #PWicks0112...........$60,000 1987 Case IH 2188 combine with 1042 36-ft. draper header and 13-ft. 1010 pickup header. Tag #LarryK0711........................................................$86,000 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header and 13-ft. pickup header. This is the last 105 model made. Tag #RWinko0911..............................................$3500 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header. Tag #MikeMc0911.................$3500 2004 Case IH 2388 combine with 36-ft. 1042 header. Tag #BillMc0911....$245,000 Allis-Chalmers N6 combine. Tag #CDy0911..............................................$8500 Allis-Chalmers R60 combine. Tag #CDy0911 Massey-Ferguson 760 combine with 24-ft. header, 2800 separator hours. Tag #PTurner0911.......................................................................................$3500 Allis-Chalmers M combine with 20-ft. header. Tag #BuckD0911 John Deere 7700 gas combine with 224 header. Tag #AHan0911.............$3500 John Deere 7700 diesel combine with 24-ft. header. TAg RKra0911 2002 New Holland TR99 combine, 1450 separator hours, MacDon 972 draper header with pickup reel and pea auger. Tag #DLinker1211


Allis-Chalmers 313 pickup headers with belt pickup attachments. Tag #Spiech0709 New Holland 2200 16-ft. header with 9030 adapter. Tag #LarryK0112.......$9500 New Holland 2326 16-ft. hay head, fits bi-directional. Tag #Hug0212......$10,000 New Holland 2300 14-ft. header. Tag #GlennP0811...................................$6500 Versatile 18-ft. bat reel for Versatile swather. Tag #HowardC0312................$400 New Holland 970 13-ft. header with Sund pickup attachment. Tag #MRober1011...................................................................................................$4500 2-Versatile 4025 header, 1 for parts, 1 in good shape. Tag #JimN0212 John Deere 2270 14-ft. auger hay header. Tag #JBurris0112.....................$6500 Versatile 400 DSA 20-ft. header. Tag #JimB0112 Versatile 4030 draper header, DSA, push frame for 9030 tractor. Tag #LarryK0112................................................................................................$4500 Case IH 25-ft. flex header. Tag #Tgraff1211


1992 Hesston 8100 swather, 30-ft. DSA header with pickup reel. Tag #HerbK1011.......................................................................................$31,000 New Holland 411 disc mower, PTO drive. Tag #Scotty0611.......................$8500 New Holland 1100 swather, 12-ft. header. Tag #Scotty0611.......................$7500 International 5000 swather, 16-ft. hay header, new rebuilt engine. Tag #SteveFair0811................................................................................................$7000 New Holland 1475 swather, 16-ft. 2326 header, excellent shape. Tag #KenL0811.........................................................................................$15,500 John Deere 1600A 14-ft. haybine, excellent shape. Tag #AceD0711 John Deere 1600 14-ft. haybine. Tag #GeneM0711 New Holland 1475 mower conditioner, pivot tongue, 18-ft. auger header, nice unit. Tag #RumRanch0611 Versatile 400 swather with 20-ft. DSA header. Tag #RWinko0911..............$4000 Versatile 4400 swather, 22-ft. header, DSA, pickup reel. Tag #GeneM0711 International 4000 swather, 25-ft. single swather header, gas engine, cab AC, excellent shape. Tag #TLud0910..............................................................$7500 Versatile 4400 swather with 22-ft. DSA header, cab, air. Tag #DickU0810..$6500 Versatile 4018 18-ft. draper header, fits Versatile bidirectional tractors. Tag #SmtCrk1009................................................................................................$3500


2006 Case hay rake. Tag #Larryk0112.....................................................$10,500 John Deere 360 3 point flail mower. Tag #GeneM0711 Stackhand 60A. Tag #Rum0411.................................................................$2000 2-Sitrex 3-wheel, 3 point rakes. Tag #DKnaup0710. Hay conditioner for Versatile 400 swather. Tag #DeanK1209.........................$750 New knotter for International baler. Tag #WSpiecher1008. New H&S rakes available. Give us a call. New Holland HT 154 12 wheel rake. Tag #RWell0811...............................$6800 John Deere 700 hydraulic rake. Tag #JessK0811.......................................$6500 Vermeer R23A hydraulic drive rake. Tag #ChuckS1011..............................$9900


New Holland 1047 3 wide bale wagon, 6 cyl gas engine. Tag #KevM0412 New Holland 1048 balewagon. Tag #JessK0811........................................$8500 New Holland 1002 pull type bale wagon. Tag #BrandtH0609. New Holland 1047 self-propelled bale wagon. Tag #LarryK091.................$6500 New Holland Super 1049 bale wagon. Tag #KevinM1011.......................$18,500


New Holland 1068 bale wagon, 460 gasd engine. Tag #Chand0612.$26,000 New Holland 1002 pull type bale wagon. Tag #BrandtH0612 1989 John Deere 535 round baler, dual twine arms, in excellent shape. Tag #BuckD0612................................................................................... $6500 Melroe 210 spray coupe. Tag #AHans0612........................................... $5500 Flex-King KM 35-ft. V blade plow. Tag #AHans0612 1955 Cockshutt tractor, cab, 23.1x34 rear tires, 540 PTO, 4197 hours. Tag #ArtHans0612 Powder River squeeze chute and calf table. Tag #NFug0612.............. $1200 16-ft. land roller. Tag #AHans0612......................................................... $7500 1980 Chevrolet dump truck with 10 yard gravel box and hoist. Tag #DBos0612 2008 Flexi-Coil 68XL sprayer, 134-ft. booms, Flexi-Coil 655 variable rate control, windscreens, used only 2 seasons. Tag #ChadMC0612...$36,000 New Holland 411 disc mower, PTO drive. Tag #Scotty0612................. $8500 New Holland 1100 swather, 12-ft. header. Tag #Scotty0612................. $7500 Ford 205 7-ft. disc, 3 point. Tag #LPoe0612.......................................... $1200 Massey Ferguson manure spreader. Tag #LPoe0612.......................... $3500 Case 1150 crawler. Tag #HugB0612.................................................. $12,000 2-Versatile 4025 headers with push frames for bi-directional tractors, 1 ready to go, other for parts. Tag #JimN0612........................... $5000 for the pair Skid steer work or rent. Tag #ChadPete0612 Grain conveyor, 16”x51-ft. Tag #GeraldM0612 New Holland 1475 pivot tongue, 18-ft. auger header, nice unit. Tag #RumRanch0612 John Deere 946 15-ft. disc header. Tag #BGrob0612 1 roll 25-ft.x300-ft. fabric. Tag #P0612................................................... $5000 MacDon 36-ft. batt reel with new batts, never been used. Tag #StanMC0612. . ...................................................................................................... $2500 27-Aeration tubes and rings, 12”x48”. Tag #DeanL0612 Massey 1150 tractor, PTO. Tag #ANF0612 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, loader, no PTO, runs great, good loader tractor. Tag #ANF0612........................................................................... $8500 New Holland 175 round baler feeder. Tag #JoeM0612......................... $4500 1969 Circle J 16-ft. horse trailer. Tag #JL0612...................................... $1400 6-ft. tandem disc, chain pull. Tag #JL0612............................................... $500 Horse drawn moldboard plow. Tag #JL0612............................................ $500 2-Hopper bottom feed bins, 50 bushel. Tag #JL0612...................... $500 each John Deere 4320 tractor, 158 loader, dual PTO, 7300 hours. Tag #ToddTr0612 International 444 tractor, power steering, 540 PTO, 3 point. John Deere 4020 tractor, 148 loader. Tag #ToddSm0612 John Deere 10MK-02 12-ft. disc, 20” pans. Tag #ToddSm0612 Ford 3000 tractor, 3 point, 540 PTO, automatic transmission, diesel loader available. Tag #DonS0612............................................................... $4500 Ford loader to fit Ford 3000. Tag #DonS0612....................................... $1500 Tebben 5-ft. rotary mower, 3 point, used. Tag #DonS0612................... $1500 Danuser 3 point post pounder, used. Tag #DonS0612............................ $500 Ford 3 point post hole digger, 4” and 7” auger. Tag #DonS0612 Wagner WA-14 4WD tractor. Tag #GregC0612.................................. $18,000 Massey Ferguson 1800 4WD tractor. Tag #Gregc0612....................... $7500 Gysler 42-ft. plow. Tag #GregC0612...................................................... $4500 Case 1737 skid steer loader. Tag #KBer0612........................................ $6500 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, gas, Farmhand F11 loader, 3 point, 540 PTO, 6-ft. Worksaver rear blade. Hesston 6550 windrower, 14-ft. auger header, 21-ft. DSA header. Tag #RockP0612 Exiss gooseneck, aluminum horse trailer, 3 horse slant load, new tires and lights. Tag #SBird0612.................................................................. $10,500 White service box with lift. Tag #ANF0612 John Deere 46A loader, fits John Deere 2010 or other smaller John Deere tractors. Tag #ToddTR0612 2008 Load-Runner enclosed trailer. Tag #DonS0612 2-Oliver 2655 4WD tractors, 1 is for parts. Tag #ReeceOP0612........... $7500 John Deere 8875 skid steer loader, pallet forks, Bradco post hole digger. Tag #Hug0612.................................................................................... $21,000 Looking for a 45-ft. tandem disc. Fisher Metal 2000 gallon water tank. Tag #PatM0612............................ $950


1997 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, 3 way nozzle bodies. Tag #Joe0412 Flexi-coil System 65 90-ft. field sprayer. Tag #LarryK0112........................$7500 3-ComputerSpray sprayers. 1 is good and 2 for parts. Tag #BMun0811 1990 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, single 16.5x16.1 tires, windscreens, mixer tank. Tag #PhilA0911 Model A 27000 Big A sprayer, ready to go to work. Tag #JR0511..........$22,000 Melroe 210 Spra-Coupe, flotation tires, 130 gallon tank, Tee Jet nozzles. Tag #AHan0511..............................................................................................$5500 1996 ComputerSpray sprayer with updates, sprays on 12” centers, 60-ft. booms. Tag #KDanger0411......................................................................$3500 1993 Ford F350 pickup with Field Commander sprayer, 500 gallon tank, new hydraulic pump, new water pump kit. Tag #MSuta0211.....................$12,000

New Wheatheart augers Several sizes of used grain augers MISCELLANEOUS

2-50-ft.x3-ft. steel I beams. Tag #RonJ0412 2007 Ezee-On post pounder, Honda engine, excellent shape. Tag #DeanL0412 Yamaha 400 Endura motorcycle. Tag #DeanL0412......................................$900 Mini trucks for sale. Tag #CBass0212 45x90 building located in Cut Bank, will rent or sell. Call me. Tag #RTrent0212 8-ft.x12-ft. flatbed off pickup. Tag #HiddenL0212.........................................$1900 New Ezee-On post pounder, hydraulic PTO drive. Tag #Hug0312..............$7800 New Farm King rototillers available. Tag #Hug0511 1991 Suzuki VX 800 motorcycle, 15,343 miles, excellent shape. #JeffK0910 New Batco 155 55-ft. belt coveyor, 15” belt. Tag #GMiller0511................$11,500 Batco 2500 full length drive-over conveyor, like new. Tag #DDebuff0510...$11,500 2500 gallon water trailer with 4 compartments. Tag #DickU0510................$2500 360 joints of 13-ft.x18” concrete culvert tested @ 525-lbs. Tag #Ghabets0508..... . ........................................................................................................ $8.50/ft. Leon loader. Tag #RichT0112......................................................................$2800 Ford front loader. Tag #RichT0112..............................................................$1200 Ford front loader. Tag #RichT0112................................................................$650 New Shaver & Ezee-On pounders. UFT 650T 650 bushel grain cart. Tag #LarryK0711 Frontier 6-ft. 3 point cultivator. Tag #HerbK0312...........................................$650 15-double disc levelers for Concord air seeder. Tag #Granto0412 15-single disc levelers for Concord air seeder. Tag #Granto0412 48-Case IH Stealth opener boots for Edge-on shanks. Tag #Granto0412 25- 12” aeration tubes and rings. Tag #DeanL0412 Moto-Ski TS 400 snowmobile. Tag #DeanL0412


2010 Caterpillar 287B skid steer on tracks. Tag #JoeK0312 Skid steer work or rental. Tag #Chad0611 Case 1150B crawler/loader with 4-in-1 bucket, good undercarriage, pins and rollers turned, pads are good. Tag #Ahan..........................................$16,000 Case 450 dozer. Tag #TimS0811 New Holland L775 skid steer loader, diesel engine. Tag #RichT0112........$8800 Allis Chalmers HD 5 crawler tractor, 2 cylinder Detroit diesel, bucket, blade. Tag #MGoss0212.........................................................................................$4000 Melroe 811 backhoe attachment, excellent shape. Tag #NorthFork0212....$9500 International TD 14A crawler, 10-ft. blade, manual angle. Tag #HarveyK0212 Case 1150C crawler, 6 way blade, good condition. Tag #LKraft012.........$18,000

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B6

GUARDIAN LIVESTOCK DOGS FOR SALE Great PyreneesXAkbash, successful with sheep and cattle....$250 Weiner pigs also for sale

Call 406-374-2440


Start housekeeping with complete kitchen housewares: 2 stuffed chairs, wall ornaments, small appliances, floor lamps and much, much more.................. $375 for the lot NO single items sold

Alternatives to antibiotics in animal health continued from page b4

“Research shows that specific levels of vitamin D need to be in the bloodstream to prevent conditions like rickets, or softening of the bones,” says molecular biologist John Lippolis, in the NADC Ruminant Diseases and Immunology Research Unit. “A higher level needs to be in the blood for proper immune function. But generally, milk has very little vitamin D,” which is one reason it is fortified during processing.

406-759-5535 Chester, Montana


We buy most anything, from 1 item to entire estates

Call David at 406-579-3500 TRACTORS Case IH 8940 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 3 remotes, 18.4x42, duals, quik hitch..................................................... $49,500 Case IH 215 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 4 remotes, end of row, quik hitch, Radar................................................ $98,500 Case IH 255 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 4 remotes, front & rear weights, end of row. 2600 hours........................ $94,000 Case IH Magnum 275 3 point, PTO, 4 remotes, quik hitch, end of row, differential lock.1631 hours.............$119,500 Case IH MXM 190 MFD, 3 point, PTO, powershift, auto shift, end of row, KM loader, bucket, quik detach. 3100 hours.................................................................. $75,900 Case IH Magnum 210 MFD, 3 point, PTO, CVT transmission, differential lock, front & rear weights, 4 remotes, quik hitch, 540/1000 PTO. 565 hours................$117,000 Case IH Magnum 215 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 5 remotes, powershift with creeper, differential lock, Radar, end of row, quik hitch. 2260 hours.......................................$113,500 Case IH MX 305 3 point, PTO, powershift with creeper gear, differential lock, 5 remotes, end of row, front & rear weights. 3900 hours..........................................$117,000 Case IH Magnum 305 3 point, PTO, Radar, differential lock, end of row, 5 remotes, Auto Guide Ready.............. ......................................................................... $133,000 Case IH STX 485 4x4, auto shift, end of row, differential lock, front & rear weights, 5 remotes, 710x42 all 90%. 1250 hours....................................................... $204,500 Case IH 485 quad track, 30” tracks, powershift, 4 remotes, Radar, performance monitors. 2780 hours....... $196,500 Case IH 535 quad, Auto Guide Ready, differential locks, Radar, powershift, 5 remotes, glass caps on idlers, end of row functions, 30” tracks............................Coming In Case IH MX 285 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 520x46 duals, differential lock, end of row, front & rear weights, front duals. 5510 hours......................................................... $87,500 John Deere 8970 4x4, 24 speed, 4 remotes, 710x38 duals. 3100 hours......................................................... $90,000 John Deere 9430 4x4, 3 point, 4 remotes, powershift, 620x42 duals, always shedded. 1 owner. Remaining warranty. 1400 hours........................................ $237,500 John Deere 8235 MFD, 3 point, PTO, IVT transmission, 480x50 duals, 420x34 fronts, quik hitch, front & rear weights............................................................. $174,000


Case IH 8120 Pro 600 Touch Screen, rock trap, differential lock, chopper, lateral tilt, AFX rotor, 35-ft draper header.147 hours........................................................ $312,000 Case IH AFX 7010 yield & moisture monitor, Pro 600 color touch monitor, rock trap, lateral tilt, chopper, specialty rotor. 936 hours...................................................... $183,000 Case IH 2388 chopper, yield & moisture monitor, 30-ft header. 1803 hours.......................................... $131,500 Case IH 2388 axle extensions, chopper, rock trap, monitors, 25-ft header. 1461 hours.......................... $105,000 John Deere 9650 STS new Reman engine, duals, 25-ft header. 1901 hours............................................ $98,500

EAGLE EQUIPMENT Bill Smith, Broker

St. Anthony, ID Belgrade, MT 208-558-7015 406-388-8171 Mobile ph. 208-351-7177 FAX 406-388-8119 e-mail: eagleequip@fairpoint.net

E. coli causes significant economic losses to livestock industries.

Lippolis and his colleagues at NADC examined the role of vitamin D in altering the response of the cow’s immune system to Streptococcus uberis, a mastitis pathogen. They used a natural form of vitamin D, prehormone 25-hydroxyvitamin D, that’s found in blood, but not in milk. One group of cows received vitamin D by infusion directly into the infected quarter of the mammary gland, and another group received no treatment. Data was collected on feed intake, bacteria counts in milk, milk production, serum levels, and body temperature for all animals. Animals treated with vitamin D had a significant reduction in bacterial counts and fewer clinical signs of severe infection than untreated cows. In the early phase of the infection, as vitamin D reduced the bacterial counts, milk production was greater in the treated animals than in the untreated ones. In addition, scientists looked at bovine serum albumin (BSA) in milk and performed somatic cell counts. “BSA is a protein in blood that becomes a marker in milk to indicate when an infection gets really bad,” Lippolis says. “The barrier between the milk and the blood can become a little bit degraded, indicating the severity of the disease.” Somatic cells are immune cells that enter the mammary gland to fight infection and are an important means of determining the quality of the milk. Lippolis says findings demonstrate that vitamin D affects the immune system and suggest that it also may help reduce the use of antibiotics in treating mastitis. Vitamin D also has the potential to decrease other bacterial and viral diseases, such as respiratory tract infections, he adds. “We hope this natural form of vitamin D will be a means to reduce antibiotic use either by using this in tandem with antibiotics and shortening the duration of antibiotic use, or as a means against some bacteria that are resistant to antibiotic treatments.” Effective Compounds Reduce Bacteria In other research, compounds proven to be effective in killing foodborne bacteria may hold potential for treating piglets and calves. Microbiologist Robin Anderson and his colleagues at ARS’s Food and Feed Safety Research Unit in College Station, Texas, received a patent for their invention, which provides a method for controlling foodborne intestinal bacterial pathogens in animals. Chlorate and a certain class of chemicals called “nitro compounds” were shown to substantially reduce or eliminate the important foodborne pathogens Salmonella and

Escherichia coli O157:H7. Salmonella is estimated to cause more than 1.3 million cases of human foodborne disease each year, costing economic losses of $2.4 billion. Salmonella, as well as certain E. coli strains, can also cause substantial losses to the swine industry due to enteric or systemic diseases of pigs. In previous research, Anderson mixed a chlorate-based compound into water or feed and gave it to cattle 2 days before the animals were harvested. The compound, which has since been licensed by a private company, was highly effective in reducing E. coli. Bacterial levels fell from 100,000 E. coli cells per gram of fecal material to 100 cells per gram. Scientists were equally successful in using chlorate to reduce Salmonella in poultry. Turkeys and broiler chickens received the compound 48 hours before they were processed. In turkeys, the incidence of Salmonella dropped from 35 percent to 0, and from 37 percent to 2 percent in broiler chickens. In a more recent study, Anderson and his team looked at using certain nitro compounds—organic compounds that contain one or more “nitro groups”—as a means of controlling foodborne bacteria. A nitro group consists of three atoms—one of nitrogen and two of oxygen—that act as one. The compound can be liquid or solid. “We collected fresh pig feces, which harbor a mixed population of gut bacteria, and used the bacteria as a gut-simulation model to find out how the nitro compounds would work,” Anderson says. Salmonella or E. coli were treated with or without chlorate and with or without an appropriate amount of nitro compound. At various intervals, data was collected on the number of bacteria to determine the treatment’s effect on pathogen survivability. “We found that chlorate by itself had significant bacteria-killing activity against E. coli and Salmonella, and that activity was enhanced 10- to 100-fold with addition of the nitro compound,” Anderson says. “We also found that the nitro compounds by themselves had significant bacteria-killing activity, and that activity was more persistent than the chlorate activity by itself.” The nitro and chlorate compounds together were the best treatment. “The two compounds were synergistic,” Anderson says. “They worked well together by enhancing the efficacy of the other.” Scientists hypothesize that this method could have applications for young animals that have been recently weaned and are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections. “This could be used instead of certain antibiotics that are commonly used to treat diarrheal infections in young pigs and cattle,” Anderson says. Designing Antimicrobials To Destroy Bacteria Creating targeted antimicrobials is the focus of David Donovan, a molecular biologist in BARC’s Animal Biosciences and Biotechnology Laboratory. Research conducted by Donovan, in collaboration with university, industry, and federal scientists, has demonstrated that phages—viruses that infect bacteria—produce enzymes that can be used to kill pathogens like methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus. “These enzymes—known as ‘endolysins’—have molecular domains that can be isolated and will act independently of their protein surroundings,” Donovan says. “They can be shuffled like cars in a train, resulting in an antimicrobial that targets just the pathogens of interest, significantly continued on page b7

Alternatives to antibiotics in animal health

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B7


New 2012 Maurer 40-ft. grain trailer, new virgin tires............................................................. $26,000 with pintle hitch and side chutes................. $28,500 2010 Maurer 36-ft. grain trailer with pintle hitch and side chutes................................................. $20,000 30-ft. flatbed trailer, would make good hay pup....$2500

continued from page b6

reducing the odds that nontargeted bacteria will develop resistance.” Endolysins destroy bacteria by breaking down their cell walls, he explains. Antimicrobials are created by joining key domains from multiple cell-wall-degrading endolysins. The novel enzymes have been successful in killing streptococci and S. aureus. Addressing Animal Health As the demand for animal food products increases to meet the nutritional needs of a growing world population, finding alternative strategies to prevent and control animal diseases has become a global issue and a critical component of efforts to alleviate poverty and world hunger, Gay says. This year’s symposium will provide an opportunity for an international community of scientists, veterinarians, and public policymakers to learn more about the pros and cons of using alternative biotherapeutics to reduce bacterial pathogens associated with food animals, he says. “The major issue to be addressed is novel biocontrol approaches for reducing bacterial pathogens in food animal production that employ strategies specifically geared to reduce or eliminate drug-resistance development,” Gay says. More information about the September symposium is available at www.alternativestoantibiotics.org

Call 406-485-2340 or 853-2012

8155 Hwy. 10 West Missoula, Montana 406-544-2940 or 406-829-3540 E-mail: neilm@lm-machinery.com

Log loaders available

1996 John Deere 410D 4x4 backhoe, ‘E’ stick..$27,500

15 Ton Trailers air brakes and ramps. Each ........ $10,500

Resources you can use for community gardens

When it comes to establishing an edible community garden, many resources are available to help aspiring gardeners, says Dr. Henry English, director of the Small Farm Program at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. He recently shared information with participants at the Cultivating Edible Gardens Conference. Sponsored by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, UAPB and others, the event focused on the opportunities that community gardens bring, including encouraging healthy food habits. Grants To get started, English says groups or organizations should check out local, state, federal and other resources for grants that can help cover potential costs. “Google community garden grants or resources for community garden funds,” he says. For example, the Home Depot Foundation’s Community Impact Grant Program is accepting grant proposals through August 13, 2012. Grants, up to $5,000, are available to registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit organizations, public schools, or tax-exempt public service agencies in the United States that are using volunteers to improve the physical health of their community. Not sure if a potential site would be a good spot for a garden? English suggests using the Web Soil Survey. That’s what he did when someone donated a spot for a garden in his community. “I was asked to serve as garden supervisor,” he says. “However, after checking on the site, I found that the area was not suitable. The land was in a flooded area.” Operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, the Web Soil Survey provides soil data and information. For details, visit http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ HomePage.htm. Finding help Once a group or organization finds a suitable location, members may face a few gardening challenges so it’s good to know where to go for help. “A producer at the farmers market told me that his peppers were dying and asked if I would take a look at the peppers,” English says. “I did and I took a plant sample and sent it to the Plant Disease Diagnostic Clinic (in Fayetteville).” The clinic, which provides routine plant disease diagnosis for the state of Arkansas, determined that the peppers had blight. The clinic is operated by the U of A Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. English also recommends that people attend garden shows to learn more about gardening. “The annual Home and Garden Show (held in February) in Pine Bluff is an excellent one,” he says. “Many garden vendors are at the show along with products and tools for vegetable gardens. Also, specialists in vegetable, ornamental and fruits present seminars at the garden show.” Finally, English suggests that gardeners attend horticulture field days like one held in Hope, Ark. or agriculture field days like the ones held at UAPB’s farms in Pine Bluff and near Lonoke. “This is a place where gardeners can get a lot of production information and see new vegetable production practices and varieties,” he says. “This is a good place to get new information.”

2007 Toyota 5000 lb. propane forklift.................................. $21,500

Cat 140G with rippers........ $70,000

2005 Cat 938G.................. $82,900

Cat 12E SN 99E05546, scarifier...... ..................................... $13,900

1998 Barko 130 self loader............. ..................................... $13,500

Peerless 45-ft. 3-axle chip trailer....... ...........................................$8500

Cat 966C A/C, very good loader....... ........................................$39,500

2007 Kobelco 135SRLC hydraulic thumb .............................$74,900

Ingersoll SD70D..................$19,500 1997 Cat D6M crawler, cab, air, heat, ripper, nearly new tracks... ......................................$67,500

1997 Moxie MT30 new engine........ .................................... RENTAL

1998 Peterbilt flatbed dump truck, Cat engine, 9 speed......$16,900

1996 Cat D4C Series III new undercarriage and ripper...$29,000

Complete fire command station and generator.........................$59,000

Case 850D six way dozer, rippers... ..................................... $19,500

2010 Takeuchi TB153 excavator, blade, rubber tracks, 250 hours.. ......................................$59,000

Cat 320B excavator........... $45,000

1998 ATL 425 boom delimber......... .............................. $39,900 obo

LM Rents

* Flexible terms: pick up and delivery * Compactors padfoot and smooth drum: 54” to 84” * Excavators: from 10 ton to 30 ton * Dozers six way blades and rippers: D4 to D8 size * Wheel loaders: 2 yard to 7 yard * Articulated trucks: 25 and 30 ton

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B8

NEED GRAZING for 16 cow/calf pairs Phone (406) 374-2440


1971 Ford LN800 24-ft. with 2-ft. hydraulic beavertail roll back, 5x3 transmission, 391 motor - good, tires good......... ........................................................................... $5500 obo Phone (406) 208-9386, Glen Donahoe, Billings, MT


CUSTOM HAULING Cattle, hay and flatbed freight

Phone Trent Goettlich, Hilger, MT 406-350-0229 or 406-462-5554


Brillion SS12 12-ft. alfalfa/grass seeder, electronic acre meter, 120 total acres planted, like new. Phone 605-642-3474, Belle Fourche, South Dakota

Triple T Farm Services, LLC offering custom manure spreading service

Contact Todd

Tatman at 406-350-1888 to schedule FARM ITEMS FOR SALE

Allis Chalmers 30 with John Deere mower, excellent runner. Asking...... ..............................$2500

1963 Ford F950 extra heavy duty, V8, 5 speed, new tires, air brakes. Asking...................$3000

1985 Ford 3/4 ton, 4x4, 4 speed, 130K miles, near new tires, runs strong, Fisher flatbed and stock rack. Asking...........$2500

Fuel tanks and stands, 1200 gallon, 2- 300 gallon. Asking............ $150 each

2-New 16.9x26 tractor tires on wheels. Asking.$250 each obo

Call 406-782-3648

Introducing valuable plants and animals

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara Weaver-Missick and Robert Sowers, ARS rial from the ARS Line 1 Hereford cattle. Another of Newton’s seven goals was Research in beef cattle genetics at the U.S. “Introducing valuable plants and animals.” Meat Animal Research Center quantified Over the last 150 years, numerous scithe value of numerous breeds and crosses entific discoveries and research milestones for the beef industry. This research was exhave contributed to U.S. animal and plant tremely valuable and was used to develop production, ensuring that our foods are most industry crossbreeding programs. Beef abundant, safe, and sustainable. In that industry research in efficiency, reproductradition, ARS’s ability to respond to our tion, meat quality, and genetics is ongoing nation’s needs—either in adapting to food at ARS. security threats or in offering solutions to USDA scientists have changed the food consumer needs—is also evident in groundindustry—developing vaccines, processes, breaking research that saved and helped and technologies to protect our food, from revolutionize several industries. the farm to our tables. When Marek’s disIn 1833, hog cholera (also known as ease posed a threat to the poultry industry, “classical swine fever”) was first reported ARS poultry scientists in East Lansing, in the United States. Highly contagious to Michigan, were first to develop a way to pigs and wild boar, the disease continued to vaccinate chicken embryos against the spread, devastating the swine industry and disease. This disease attacks birds’ nervous ultimately jeopardizing pork production. systems and kills more birds than any other Demonstrating its ability to respond in a disease. In 1987, ARS entered into its very crisis, ARS established the Hog Cholera first cooperative research and development Research Station in Ames, Iowa. The Ames agreement (CRADA) with Embrex Inc., of station conducted research and diagnostic Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. services on hog cholera until the National This was the first CRADA between any Animal Disease Laboratory opened in 1961 private company and government lab under and later became the flagship for USDA’s the Federal Technology Transfer Act of animal disease work. This lab continues to 1986. The act allowed more flexibility in study major poultry and livestock diseases federal-industry research and development. to help protect our nation’s meat and poultry ARS licensed its egg-infection technology supply. to Embrex, which enabled the company to Germplasm collections preserve valuable innoculate 20,000 to 50,000 eggs per hour. genetic material for future generations. One Other research has led to vaccines for of the many benefits of saving precious H1N1 influenza virus, foot and mouth germplasm is protection against devastatdisease, mastitis, porcine reproductive and ing diseases and pests and identification respiratory syndrome, avian leukosis virus, of important traits. The National Animal and brucellosis. Germplasm Program houses animal germAquaculture is an industry that provides plasm from animals past and present. The half of the world’s seafood. ARS’s aquacollection contains semen from Hereford culture program has proven invaluable to and Holstein bulls from the 1950s to today. U.S. fish farmers, from improving producIn addition, the repository has acquired tion practices to breeding and improving semen samples from Limousin, Simmenfish varieties, like catfish, salmon, trout, tal, and Salers bulls that were originally and tilapia, to developing new vaccines to imported from Europe in the late 1960s. ensure healthy fish. Notably, ARS scientists Most recently, the repository has acquired in Auburn developed several vaccines that a broad array of genetically diverse samples protect fish against major diseases, like of Jersey cattle from Jersey Island, where those caused by Streptococcus iniae and the breed originated and from where it was Flavobacter columnaris, emerging bactefirst imported into the United States in the rial pathogens in cultivated catfish, tilapia, 1800s. The repository also houses germhybrid striped bass, rainbow trout, and plasm from numerous sheep and swine others. These vaccines offer alternatives to breeds, including some from as far back as antibiotics or chemical treatments. 1965. These collections serve as germplasm Groundbreaking animal research in“insurance policies” for the animal produccludes inventing highly sophisticated breedtion industries, protecting against loss of ing techniques and tools. ARS researchers valuable germplasm diversity. developed, patented, and licensed the BeltsIn 1935, USDA initiated its National ville Sperm Sexing Technology—a method Poultry Improvement Plan to improve prothat separates female-producing sperm from duction and marketing qualities of chickens male-producing sperm based on DNA conand turkeys through performance testing. tent. The technique helps speed the rate at Years later, a major milestone was reached, which farmers can achieve genetic improvechanging the meat quality of turkey: ARS ment while reducing production costs. More released the Beltsville Small White, a small, recent achievements include working with meaty, full-breasted turkey, in 1941. This industry and university partners to develop bird met consumer needs and demands for a BeadChip, a genomic method used to anaa smaller turkey. Before the Beltsville Small lyze cattle DNA—and now sheep, pig, and White, the average weight of an adult tom plant DNA—to identify bulls that produce turkey was a whopping 33 pounds. Some offspring with optimum milk production breeds were too big to fit in apartment-sized and other traits. ovens and refrigerators. Thanks to USDA, USDA scientists have conducted decades today’s turkeys and chickens—enjoyed year of crop production research to ensure a susround—are extremely efficient and yield an tainable bounty of fresh fruits, vegetables, abundance of lean meat. and other staples, like peanuts, wheat, rice, In 1917, USDA started a long-term dairy and soybeans—all while protecting our herd improvement program that has led to environment. Many new varieties of fruits a tremendous increase in milk production. and vegetables—including grapes, oranges, The program continues to this day under blueberries, cranberries, peaches, apricots, ARS and is setting the standard domestitomatoes, watermelon, potatoes, carrots, cally and internationally for genetic and lettuce, cucumbers, peppers, apples, and genomic technology development and more—were developed at USDA-ARS labs. implementation. Red seedless table grapes were all but The ARS Hereford cattle improvement unknown to the U.S. consumer before USbreeding program began in 1934 in Miles DA-ARS released the seedless grape Flame City, Montana. Today the average Hereford contains more than 40 percent genetic matecontinued on page b9

Introducing valuable plants and animals CONTINUED FROM PAGE B8

##### John Wesley Powell reported to Congress in 1878 that it took 2,560 acres for a single homesteading family to make ends meet in eastern Montana. Today 2,714 acres is the average Montana farm.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B9


John Deere 9760 tractor Woods 10-ft. batwing mower, NEW Fuel tanks with pumps Grain bins, to be moved

in 1973. In 1989, ARS released Crimson, which further increased table grape popularity. These two varieties alone, 406-399-6588 Chinook, MT grown extensively by both domestic and foreign producers, make up a majority of today’s consumer market, although several newer USDA-ARS varieties have also taken hold of the U.S. table grape industry: Autumn Seedless, Thompson, ~ ~ As Low As 3.55% Financing oac ~ ~ Sweet Scarlet, Scarlet Royal, and Autumn King. More than 70 percent of the citrus grown in the United States is from ARS-developed varieties or rootstock. ARS researchers in Florida have developed citrus that is high yielding, disease resistant, more colorful, and has a longer John Deere 7330 Premium MFWD, shelf life. Current research efforts are focused on protecting 3-pt., PowrQuad, LH reverser, JD the U.S. citrus crop from citrus greening disease, one of the John Deere 8420 MFWD, PowerShift, 741SL loader, 1900 hours.....$99,500 most severe citrus diseases. 3-pt., weights and duals, 5200 John Deere 7710 MFWD, 3-pt., Power- 2008 John Deere 7230 Premium hours.................................$105,000 MFWD, PowrQuad, 741 loader, Nearly every head of iceberg lettuce you’ll find in a Shift, 8660 hours................$43,000 John Deere 8220 MFWD, 3-pt., Power- John Deere 7600 MFWD, PowrQuad. bucket, grapple...................$93,500 supermarket owes its parentage to the work of ARS plant Shift....................................$85,000 Nice....................................$38,500 1997 John Deere 7210 MFWD, Powrbreeders. The ARS gene bank contains more than 2,000 types John Deere 7710 MFWD, PowerShift, John Deere 7600 MFWD, PowerShift. Quad. Runs good................$33,500 3-pt. Nice.............................$47,500 of lettuce. Researchers in California recently released three Very nice.............................$37,500 John Deere 4755 MFWD, 3-pt., PTO, PowerShift, recent transmission and new leaf lettuce breeding lines with resistance to corky root, engine work, excellent........$37,000 Allied Loaders Available a serious disease of lettuce. JUST IN John Deere 4455 MFWD, PowerShift, John Deere 4055 MFWD, Blueberries, a nutritional power fruit, were not always 3-pt., 3 hydraulics. Very clean, original 5100 hours....................$41,000 PowerShift Check our web site: the stars they are today. In the Gulf Coast region, growing John Deere 3155 MFWD, 3-pt., EzeeCase IH MX180 MFD, blueberry crops is possible, thanks to ARS early-ripening On loader, bucket, grapple, 6900 mttractors.com powershift varieties. Today, more than 10,000 acres are planted to hours. Runs good................$21,500 Dixie—an ARS-developed variety—with more than 4,000 Call (406) 777-3000 or 370-6362 or 240-1575, Stevensville, MT acres thriving in Texas, Louisiana, and Alabama. ARS reEmail: penderfarms@aol.com searchers are now studying the compounds in blueberries and other berries and the effects of those compounds on nutrition and health. Potatoes are popular whole, sliced, diced, mashed, or chipped. ARS’s potato breedCome see us today for great deals on our garden sheds, garages & gazebos. ing program continues to deliver new varieties that are Call us today for prices on Pole Barns resistant to various diseases and pests and are high in nutrition. Recent research also targets zebra chip disease, a problem for potato growers since it was detected in 2000. Since then, it has caused millions of dollars in production and processing losses. These are but a few of many examples of the successful fruit and vegetable Garage research at USDA-ARS. One 24x28 2-Car $11,899 12x20 Single Car Garage..NO Y cannot visit a supermarket or L N O . . d lle a st W ONLY$44 doors in farmers market without en99 Windows and countering a fruit or vegetable Summer that got its start at ARS.

MT Tractors

Rocky Mountain Outdoor Structures LLC

##### Jerry Kramer, Montanaborn professional football player wrote a number of books about sports, including Instant Replay in 1968 and Distant Replay in 1985. ##### Phil Jackson, born in Deer Lodge, Montana, coached the Chicago Bulls beginning in 1989, leading them to six NBA world championships and getting himself voted NBA Coach of the Year in 1996. ##### Jan Stenerud, a Norwegian athlete came to Montana State University on a skiing scholarship, became a kicker for the Bobcats, and ended up in the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1991. ##### More than 25 different pro rodeos are held throughout the state of Montana each year.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B10


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Kraig Glazier and Mike Hogan, USDA - Wildlife Services. Photo by Dan Picard.

It’s just grass to you but it’s a cash crop to me

By Dan Picard, MSU Extension, Pondera County Ag and 4-H agent Last fall a radio announcer was reporting Marias River Livestock Association. There on a wildfire and he stated so many acres is so much negative press out there we need had burned but it was “just grass,” no structo tell our stories to counter act some of the ture were affected. A few weeks later there misinformation. was a gentleman who came to discuss some Our next goal is educating the livestock oil lease issues. In the discussion of surface producer in the facts surrounding the issues damages the agent stated, “You don’t have effecting agriculture right now. How do any crops in that area. It is just grass.” you comment at a “Bison Scoping MeetIt is in moments like that when ranching,” without having some facts to back ers realize how little the general public up your statements? The other problem is understands the livestock industry. Grass is finding where meetings are and when the money. Grass is what makes cows fat and period to comment is open. Marias River sheep plump. Grass is truly the livelihood Livestock Association hopes to help ranchof a rancher. Without grass you must lease ers gather the facts and inform them of dates land, buy hay or sell animals. None of those and places to comment. We encourage options are cheap. everyone to go to meeting and comment Marias River Livestock Association’s in person. formation was brought about by such misThe Association is also working on comunderstanding. When we hear about free municating with the Association Members roaming, wild bison, our first thoughts are, and writing up resolutions and statements “We already feed, deer, elk and antelope, that represent the Memberships beliefs can we really be expected to allow bison to as a whole on issues such as bison, wolfs, graze our land too.” Our grass is a cash crop. and private property rights. These can be If you have never seen where elk go presented at public comment meetings by through a fence and take out 5 to 20 posts Government Agencies such as FWP and and break wire, you can’t understand the used in supporting or opposing legislation fear ranchers have of 50 to 1000 bison doing that will affect agriculture as a business or the same. The work and expense of fixing lifestyle. Agriculture is Montana’s biggest fence is high now days with post $3.00 to business but often its smallest voice. We $5.00 each and wire $65 to $75 a roll. That need to speak up and be heard. doesn’t even begin to touch on the irritaMarias River Livestock Association weltion of your cows being out due to wildlife comes anyone who is interested or involved or the subject of disease issues that come in livestock production to contact one of the into play when elk or bison are mixed with newly elected Officers and Board Members. your cattle. Go ahead and “like” us on facebook at MaMay 10, 2012 Marias River Livestock rias River Livestock Association. Our next Association held its second Membership meeting will be Thursday, June 21, 2012 Meeting with approximately 50 people in at 6:30pm Marias Fair Exhibit Building, attendance. Shelby Fair Grounds. Bruce Lee, District Director for the Newly elected Officers and Directors. Montana Cattlemen Association, came and President, Maggie Nutter, Sweet Grass spoke about how being affiliated with their 937-2751 association could benefit out membership Vice President, Butch Gillespie, Kevin and he answered questions about the manda337-2943 tory Beef Check Off that ranchers pay into Director Glacier County- Marvin Kimeach time a bull, cow or calf is sold. met, Cut Bank 339-2135 Then Kraig Glazier and Mike Hoggan Director Liberty County- Bob Thompfrom USDA- Wildlife Services spoke about son, Whitlash 432-5615 their roll in predator control and how their Director Pondera County – Jeff Habets, department is funded both by the Federal Conrad 450-1976 Government and by voluntary contributions Director Toole County- BJ Brown, Whitfrom the Livestock Producers. lash 432-5110 Education of the public and telling the Director at Large- Janet Hawks, Galata story of agriculture is one of the big goals of 432-5355

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B11


2-Case IH 8120 150 rotor hours, deluxe cab, loaded. Each........ . ................................................................................ $324,000 Case IH 8010, yield/moisture monitor, self-leveling sieves, chopper, rock trap........................................................... $205,000 Case IH 7120 Pro 600, yield/moisture monitor, long unload auger, 652 engine hours, 2162 flex header........................ $340,000 Case IH 7120 approximately 265 rotor hours, deluxe cab, loaded...................................................................... $315,000 Case IH 7120 Pro 600, yield/moisture monitor, luxury cab, long unload auger............................................................ $256,000 Case IH 7010, yield/moisture monitor, long auger, hopper topper, chopper, 660 rotor hours......................................... $225,000 Case IH 2588 yield/moisture monitor, long unload auger, 40-ft. 2152 draper header, 627 hours............................... $274,000

Case IH 2588, yield/moisture monitor, 800/65-R32 R1, rock trap, chopper, long unload auger..................................... $210,000 Case IH 2388 deluxe cab, long auger, chopper, hopper extension, yield/moisture monitor................................................ $93,000 Case IH 2388 long auger, chopper, hopper extension, yield/ moisture monitor........................................................ $93,000 1999 Case IH 2388, long auger, chopper, 2469 hours... $93,000 1999 Case IH 2388, yield/moisture monitor, hopper extensions, long auger, 2858 hours............................................. $93,000 1998 Case IH 2388, 4WD, rock trap, beater, hopper extensions, MacDon 36-ft. header.............................................. $115,000



Case IH 2188, 2300 rotor, rock trap, chopper................ $78,900 Case IH 1680, chopper, rock trap, long unload auger.... $34,900 1998 John Deere 9610 930 header, chopper, rock trap, long auger, field ready....................................................... $90,000 John Deere 8820 230 auger header, straw & chaff spreader, field ready.......................................................................... $25,000


SPX Patriot 3320 2040 hours, 90-ft. booms, loaded.... $195,000

Flexi-Coil 5000, 57-ft., double shoot, Dutch carbon knives, 3” steel packers, (2) carts, 2320 tow between, 2320 tow behind........ .................................................................................. $57,000 Case IH Puma 180 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1741 Flexi-Coil 5000, 57-ft., 12” spacing, heavy shank, stealth openers, hours........................................................................ $118,000 5” packers, 2340 tow between cart............................ $65,000 Case IH Puma 180 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1963 Concord 6012, 60-ft. 12” spacing, 3 rank, Knock-ons, disk levelhours........................................................................ $118,000 ers, 3400 cart, double shoot capable........................ $60,000 Case IH Puma 165 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1739 Concord 3212, 3 rank, “C” shanks with farmland boots, single hours........................................................................ $107,500 shoot, 2000 tow behind cart...................................... $35,000 Case IH Puma 125, 540/1000 PTO, Case IH L760 loader, grapple, Concord 40x12, 3 rank, single shoot, disc levelers with 2000 2700 hours................................................................ $88,500 cart............................................................................ $26,000 Case 2390 with DuAl 3150 loader, bucket and grapple.. $15,500 Prasco 125-bushel air seeder & fertilizer.......................... $1900 Case 2290 2WD, dual PTO, rear duals, front weights, nice......... . International 150 hoe drills, 38-ft., 10” spacing, 3 drill hitch. .................................................................................. $15,500 Each............................................................................... $300

BALE CLEARANCE Marflex 1225 80-ft. boom, Kenworth single axle, 42x25-20 flotation front, 48x31-20 flotation rear............................... $55,000 New Holland SF115 suspended boom, 90-ft. booms with screens, 1500 gallon tank........................................................ $44,900

John Deere 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, shedded.................................................................................$16,500 Case IH RBX562 round baler, wide pickup, twine.......... $12,500

Case IH RBX561 round baler, twine................................. $9500 1996 New Holland 664 round baler, twine. Cash, no trade...$5000

No Reasonable Offer Refused

Flexi-Coil S67XL, 124-ft., 1500 gallon, 100 gallon rinse tank, Flex monitor, foam, hydraulic fold.............................. $19,200 Flexi-Coil S67XL,114-ft., twin tanks, control monitor.... $18,900 Melroe Spra-Coupe 115, 50-ft. booms, 165 gallon.......... $2800


Case IH 535 Quad Trac 690 hours, leather, loaded, AFS auto steer........................................................................ $345,000 Big Bud 350 hp, Cummins 855 engine, 13 speed Road Ranger transmission, Clark 36,000 axles.............................. $24,500

3 Locations One Inventory


ProAG 12SR bale scoop, big square bale mover, 11x24.5 dual truck tires................................................................... $20,000 Alloway 10”x70-ft. swing auger, hanger bearings, 540 PTO....... ..................................................................................... $6500 Grain truck pup, 550 to 600 bushel.................................... $6500

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PO Box 991 Hwy 2 E Glasgow, MT 59230 1 800-345-6042 1 406-228-9341




Glasgow Implement - Glasgow, Montana

Brandt 1020 grain cart Brandt 8”x40 grain auger

AFTER HOURS SALES: Pete Pederson 406-228-2912

SERVICE: Mitch McClary 406-263-8325

PARTS: Larry Legare 406-367-5569

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B12

Now nits p to U u o Demailable scount v i A 00 D $10

North of Great Falls, MT

(406) 727-9994 countryclipper.com

50-Ton Crane

– Fork Lifts – – Winch Trucks – – Cherry Pickers – 24-Hour Service

DICK IRVIN TRUCKING 434-5583 – Shelby


Ford 624 tractor, 3 point, 6-ft. mower........................ $3500 Complete radiator repair tank with 2 lifts................... $1500 International truck motor, 537 cubic inch, complete.. $300 Chevrolet 283 motor, complete, 12,000 miles............ $450 6-Briggs & Stratton 16 hp motors, older...........$150 each 1996 Dodge 1 ton 4x4 chassis, no cab..................... $1500 International 241 round baler..................................... $995 500 gallon fuel tank..................................................... $150 50 gallon auxillary fuel tank for truck........................... $100 2006 Dodge 4x4, 4 door, 4.7 motor, wrecked, 62,000 miles...................................................................... $2500 Lift gate for 2 ton truck................................................. $400 2-Tractor tires on rims, 18.4x26...........................$150 each 2000 Buick Park Avenue loaded, heads up............. $4900 1988 Ford F150 4x4, extended cab, 84,000 miles............. ....................................................................... $2500 obo Barber 200 grain cleaner, on a trailer....................... $3000 Melroe 600-6 fork type rock picker........................... $1500 2003 Suzuki Quad Sport Z400 ATV........................ $2100 3000 watt portable generator, 61/2 hp.......................... $250 Case 1070 cab............................................................ $300 500 gallon water tank.................................................. $250 200 gallon water tank.................................................. $100 Case IH 810 24-ft. header with trailer....................... $1500 1996 hydraulic wrecker body..................................... $1400 Call Dennis 406-379-2676 or (406) 379-2680

FOR SALE Two beautiful buggys

These are in excellent condition. Both ready to hook up and drive away. Like new.

Rear entry wagonette type. Seating for 6 passengers plus driver and groom. Brakes. Comes with pole for a team. $3500

Surrey with folding auto top. Seating for 3 pasengers plus driver and passenger. Hydraulic brakes and lights. Comes with shafts and pole for a team $4000

We also have a like new team buggy harness for sale...$1250

M Spear Ranch - Buffalo, Wyoming 307-217-0916 mmark@collinscom.net

Photo courtesy of Leann Brimmer.

Sheep Shearing and Wool Handling Contest The bleachers were packed in the AgriSports Complex during the 6th annual Bucking Horse Sale Sheep Shearing Contest. Top notch shearing talent from across the United States as well as shearers and wool handlers from New Zealand attracted the standing room only crowd. In the sheep shearing contest shearers are evaluated on how well the wool is sheared from the sheep, the appearance of the sheep and the amount of time it takes to finish the job. Penalty points are earned for mistakes that decrease the value of the wool as well as for wool that is left on the sheep and points are earned at a rate of one point for every 30 seconds that it takes to complete the pen of sheep for the contest. Similar to golf, the object is to achieve the lowest score possible. The shearers competed in three divisions: Novice for those just learning the business. Intermediate shearers have learned the pattern but are shearing at a rate of less than 15 an hour. Professional shearers are able to shear 100+ sheep day in and day out. There were several contestants in each division with the Novice Division boasting four competitors. Chris Schuldt of Chinook, MT won with an overall score of 44.57 and he also had the Best Pen sponsored by Gietzen Shearing and Fastest Time in the Novice Division. Tyler Wilde of Idaho competed for his second time in the contest and placed second. Westin Hyllested of Idaho was third and the youngest competitor, Ben Roeder of Ft Shaw Montana was fourth. In the Intermediate Division the competition was fierce with two heats of seven shearers in the preliminary rounds. During the finals the Intermediate shearers had four sheep to shear. In the end, time and quality allowed Ryan Keyes from Livingston, MT to take first. In addition to prize money Keyes also was sheared his way to the Best Pen award and received a Heiniger Icon hand piece donated by Heiniger USA courtesy of Rita Long. Terrance Pelle from South Dakota was second and Josh Jones of Idaho was third. Jake Yerger of Harlowton, MT rounded out the finals and placed fourth. Levi McTaggert had the Fastest Time in the Intermediate Division. Professional shearers from all over the US look forward to the Bucking Horse Sale Contest since it features a 10 head final. They also like coming to Miles City for the hospitality during the Bucking Horse Sale

and seeing friends at the end of the spring shearing run. This year there were 18 contestants in the Professional Division coming from as far away as Missouri and Iowa in the US, four shearers from New Zealand and two from Canada. When it was all said and done Mark Hoogendorn of Iowa sheared 10 sheep in 16 minutes and 32 seconds. That means he averaged a little over a minute-and-a-half per yearling ewe to make the minimum necessary 48 strokes with the clipper to remove the wool fleece! This was Hoogendorn’s second championship this year on the US shearing circuit. Alex Moser of Iowa was second and Chase Cantrell of Buhl, ID placed third edging out Hilary Gietzen from Minot, North Dakota who was fourth. Don Metheral of Ontario Canada won the Best Pen in the Professional Division sponsored by Chuck and Kelly Waterland, Waterland Shearing, Alzada, MT. The fastest time in the Professional Division went to Kiwi shearer Mitch Hawea who has been shearing in Idaho this spring. This year’s Wool Handling Contest which had ten contestants from the US and New Zealand was a huge success. This is the only wool handling contest held in the United States. The top placing contestant was Amanda Cantrell of Buhl, ID. Amanda has spent the past two years handling wool for Kopren Shearing and worked most of this wool harvesting season in Wyoming. Second place was taken by Chris Kubala of New Zealand, third place was last year’s champion Sally Hawea, also of New Zealand and Leann Brimmer from Biddle, MT took fourth. Plans are already underway for the 2013 contest to be held in conjunction with the Bucking Horse Sale next year on Saturday, May 18. Three, two, one shear! ##### Lampreys and hagfishes are jawless, eel-like creatures that secrete toxic skin slime and blood that has a bitter taste, and can irritate the eyes and cause death from internal bleeding if consumed. ##### A malaria-like disease called babesiosis, which is carried by ticks and native to tropical climates, is spreading to cooler climates and has recently appeared in places like Italy and Long Island, New York. Babesiosis is rare in humans but that could change with increased global warming.

Growing dairy industry mindful of water use

The dairy industry in a five-state region – Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas – has seen a tremendous growth in the past decade, a growth that provides both concerns and opportunities, according to Texas AgriLife Extension Service specialists. Joining other experts at the High Plains Dairy Conference held recently in Amarillo, Dr. Ellen Jordan, a Texas AgriLife Extension Service dairy specialist, said the five-state area is home to about 450,000 cows, which provide approximately $4.3 billion in annual economic impact. Water use questioned However, water use by these dairies and in the industry has been questioned, especially after the drought of last year. “We are the newcomers on the block, so we are receiving some of the blame for water levels going down,” Jordan said. “We are seeing a higher demand for feed grains, driven primarily by the dairy industry. But a lot of that product is being imported into the region.” Jordan said the industry uses about 28,000 acre-feet of water per year directly for drinking water and facility cleaning, or about the equivalent of 22,000 acres of cropland. A dairy cow and the heifer grown to replace her will eat about 9.7 pounds of alfalfa, 92 pounds of silage, 18.84 pounds of concentrate, 4.9 pounds of cottonseed, 4.6 pounds of protein and 1.2 pounds of mineral each day. “That’s 10.8 million tons of feed a year that the dairies in the Southern Ogallala feed,” she said. “It would take 1.5 million acre feet of water if we were producing 100 percent of that in this area.” But a high percentage of the corn, distiller’s grains, soybean meal and other products are not grown regionally, so the water use is not that high, Jordan said. Benefits of more dairies Jordan joined forces with AgriLife Extension economists Dr. Bridget Guerrero, Lubbock, and Dr. Steve Amosson, Amarillo, to evaluate the economic impacts to the region. The team used a software program called IMPLAN to estimate the dairy industry generates about $1.7 billion from milk sales and $1.39 billion from processing for an overall impact of $3.09 billion. “That’s a new industry to this region in the past 15 years, and as a result, we’ve seen new Wal-Marts, Holiday Inn Expresses and other businesses in some of these communities,” Jordan said. “And that doesn’t count the indirect impact from employment, trucking and such. The economic impact is $4.3 billion from it all, with more than half of that economic income in Texas.” So the economic benefits are there, Jordan said. However, that doesn’t mean the industry shouldn’t be looking for ways to meet the water challenges and be good water stewards, she said. Some criticisms or suggestions have been to stop or reduce the amount of alfalfa fed, eliminate the practice of doublecropping, switch to more sorghum, use drought-resistant crops, improve irrigation efficiencies and import more feed, she said. However, Jordan said, the elimination of alfalfa would only reduce the amount of water a cow and her calf use through feed per year from 17.8 acre inches to 16.8 acre inches. And, she said, double-cropping corn for silage at a dairy may actually use less water than growing the corn for grain for three reasons: No pre-watering is needed, less mature crops require less water, and up to 10 percent of the water comes from lagoons at the dairy. What dairy producers can do Dr. Dana Porter, AgriLife Extension engineer from Lubbock, and Dr. Brent Bean, AgriLife Extension agronomist in Amarillo, each discussed ways dairy producers could make a difference in the water they use. Porter said efficient advanced irrigation technologies, such as low-pressure center-pivot systems, are widely used in the High Plains, especially in areas where well capacities have long been a limiting factor. Knowing what works best for a particular operation is key to efficient water use. Improvements such as land-leveling can help those still using surface irrigation, she said. Producers using center pivot systems need to know the capacity of their wells, monitor pressure and distribution uniformity to ensure the outside span is getting the proper water, and re-nozzle when necessary. Drip irrigation is another option for good managers, Porter said. Although it is more expensive than other methods, it is friendly to automation. Pressure gauges and flow meters continued on page b14

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B13

3.9% Financing for up to 60 months On all New Large Square and Round Balers – OAC

NEW - IN STOCK Massey-Ferguson Hesston 2170

NEW - IN STOCK Hesston 2856A round balers

5x6 bale, net or twine

3x4 square baler, tandem axle


NEW IN STOCK Massey-Ferguson Hesston WR9740

NEW Massey-Ferguson 9146 16-ft. auger header with double conditioner

16-ft. 9126 auger header

Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Inc. Phone: (406) 357-2211 - Email: rainbowsales@mtintouch.net Website: www.visitrainbow.com - Address: Box 700 Chinook, Montana


Haying Equipment


Hesston 6600 swather with 14-ft. hay header, conditioner....$6900 1994 International single axle tractor with Navistar diesel engine and 9-speed......................$6900 1967 Dodge 2-ton with box & hoist, runs good.........................$2900

John Deere 2840 80 hp.......... $9900 John Deere 3020 2WD, 3 point, 540 PTO, 2 remotes, 3289 hours.$8000 John Deere 4010 with Farmhand loader................................. $9000


New Holland 2000 big square baler..............................$13,900 New Holland 660 round baler, moisture tester, extra parts.......$6650

Valmar 240 40-ft. engine drive pull type granular spreader.....$5550 Availa ble sale or for rent

8 ton fertilizer spreader, engine drive.................................$7900 Shaver bucket mount post pounder....................................... $599

Davis 185 3-pt. backhoe attachment................................. $3100 Melroe 23-ft. cultivator with harrows, hydraulic wing lift..............$3999

Case 1370 2WD, cab, 1000 PTO, 2 remotes, 6955 hours........$8150 Deutz-Allis DT 7.10 2WD with cab and dual PTO................$13,900

Misc. Irrigation

T&L 6 tower pivot, 3 years old, never used.................................. CALL Natural gas engines, pumps....CALL 1500-ft. wheel line, 5” x 5-ft.... CALL Additional used mainline, call us Replacement Engines & Power Equipment

Hydra-Dec Round Bale Bed

New Holland 660 round baler..$5900 Case RS561 round baler....$10,500 Hesston 565T round baler....$4495 1989 Hesston 560 round baler, 1000 PTO, new belts........$3000 1994 Case IH 8465 round baler, fully automatic...........$5900.....$6900 Case IH 8465 5x6 round baler, dual twine arm, hydraulic pickup lift... .........................................$5800 New Holland 1045 2 wide self propelled balewagon, 6 cyl gas engine..............................$4599 * Synchronized Telescoping Arms * Extendable Arms * Joy Stick Control

Growing dairy industry mindful of water use

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B14


New John Deere 9400 40-ft. field hitch............ $4000 Versatile 700 Series II, good tires..................... CALL Versatile 850 plumbed for air drill .................... CALL Great Plains 45-ft. air drill & cart ..................... CALL 3-Friggstad 43-ft. plows........................$4500-$7000 Krause 24-ft. plow with Flexi-Coil harrow......... $2600 Flexi-Coil 45-ft. rotary packer........................ $11,000 2003 Jet Stream 60-ft. computer sprayer......... $8000 5-John Deere LZ1010 drills with hitch............OFFER Melroe drill parts............................................... CALL

continued from page b13

Call (406) 781-1231 Brady, Montana

Come see us at Bell Motor Co. for all your new and used car needs. 2007 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, crew cab, long wheelbase, 6.6L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T92A....$25,495

2004 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, extended cab, long wheelbase, 8.1L, automatic, heated leather seats, Rhino Liner, new tires. Great truck. Tag #12T96A........$18,995

2003 GMC 2500 4x4, extended cab, long wheelbase, 6.0L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows, tow package. Tag #12T95A..........$13,495

2010 Chevrolet Express 3500 van, 6.0L, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows, remote start, 15 passenger. Only 13,000 miles. Tag #12U06.......... ......................................$26,995

2005 Chevrolet Suburban Z71 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, quad seats, DVD, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T70A.................$18,495

2005 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4, 4.0L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows. Tag #11U43B.......$10,495

2010 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, 4.8L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, work truck package. Tag #12T26A........................$22,995

2010 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, extended cab, short wheelbase, 5.3L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, XM radio, OnStar, Bluetooth. Tag #12T79A........................$22,995

2008 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, extended cab, long wheelbase, 6.0L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power windows, power locks, XM 2007 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, crew cab, short wheelbase, 5.3L, radio, OnStar. Tag #11T149A..... automatic, air conditioning, tilt, ......................................$19,995 cruise, power locks, power windows, AM/FM/CD. Tag #12T82A. ......................................$19,995

2006 Chevrolet Avalanche 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, XM radio, OnStar, dual headrest DVD players. Tag #11T92A.................$20,495 2007 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, heated leather, sunroof, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T57A.................$16,995

2006 Jeep Liberty Limited 3.7L, automatic, heated leather seats, sunroof, Nerf bars. Tag #11C12A.......................$13,995

2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, heated leather seats, keyless entry, 3rd seat, OnStar. Tag #12T71A.................$10,995

2011 Cadillac DTS 4.6L, automatic, heated/cooled seats, sunroof, navigation. Tag #11U62.$38,495

2003 Dodge Grand Caravan AWD, 3.8L, automatic, heated leather, quad seats, sunroof, DVD. Tag #12T87A...........................$7995

1999 Buick Century 3.1L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, sunroof. Tag #11U07D......$5995


After hours phone numbers:

Dave Bell 873-5478; Dick Ebert: 873-5738; Doug Embody 873-5301; Steve Larson 873-2466

BELL BELL MOTOR MOTOR CO. CO. 1-800-823-2355 (BELL) — 406-873-5515 CUT BANK www.bellmotorco.com

must be monitored to detect problems before they show up as dead plants in the field. Management and maintenance are key to efficient irrigation regardless of the method used, she said. Bean said dairy producers can find forage sorghums that are equal to corn in supporting milk production, but variety selection is very important, so “pay attention.” “When determining whether to grow corn or sorghum silage, it really depends on the available water,” he said. “There’s about a 30 percent difference between the water use of fully irrigated corn and sorghum.” While lodging can be an issue on forage sorghums, Bean said it can be reduced by reducing seeding rates and not over-fertilizing with nitrogen. “And harvest on time,” he said. “When it is at the right moisture, harvest, or it might end up on the ground.”

Make technology easier for senior adults to enjoy

Many seniors can adopt technology to improve or enhance their quality of life. Seniors (and others) can use an iPad to keep their minds sharp by playing Sudoko while waiting at the doctor’s office. Or iPads can be set up to remind them of scheduled activities or when to take medications. Home computers can be used to chat with grandchildren via Skype or to reconnect with old military buddies through Facebook or email. A key barrier for many senior citizens wanting to use technology is the inability to see the monitor or smartphone display. There are several different ways to make the display larger on your monitor screen. First, adjust your screen resolution. If you are using the Windows XP operating system, right-click on the desktop and in the pop-up menu, left-click Properties. Left-click the Settings tab. Find the Screen Resolution box and left-click on the arrow that rests between Less and More. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the arrow toward the “less” side. The two most common screen resolutions for increased visibility are 1024x768 (large) or 800x600 (largest). Once you find the desired screen resolution, left-click Apply and OK. Turning on the high-contrast option changes the background to black and the text to white to make it easier to read. To turn on high contrast, simply press the following keys at the same time: Alt+left shift+Print Screen. A window will appear and ask if you want to turn on high contrast; left-click OK. Press the same three buttons again to turn high contrast off. Another simple tool for those who like to surf the web is to remember that pressing the control key and the plussign key simultaneously will increase the size of the text on the website. Pressing the control key and the minus sign will minimize the size of the text. For other handy tips and tricks for making your computer more accessible, visit: http://www.microsoft.com/enable/aging/. The mouse also can be frustrating for seniors because it sometimes seems to have a mind of its own. First, make sure the mouse is on a clean, even surface. If using a mouse pad, make sure your mouse pad is oversized so you have enough room to move the mouse comfortably. If left-click and right-click are confusing, consider placing a green sticky flag on the left mouse button and a red sticky flag on the right mouse button. This is an easy way to remember that if you left-click on something you are “going” somewhere, whereas if you right-click you are stopping for more menu options. If finding the mouse pointer on the screen is a problem, consider using the control key to find it. Left-click on the start menu, then left-click Control Panel in the pop-up window. Locate the Mouse Properties icon and double left-click on it. Check the box next to “show location of pointer when I press the control key.” Left-click Apply and OK. If your cursor disappears on your screen, simply press the control key and it will make a bull’s-eye around your cursor so that you can locate it. When using technology, remember that it is a tool like any other. A cross-stitch pattern does not come to life overnight, nor does a saw make a cabinet by itself. It takes time and a few false starts; the key is not to give up or get frustrated. Make technology work for you.

Trees planted too deep?

By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: We live in southeastern North Dakota. Our soil is rich, but has a lot of clay in it. In 2009, we planted some apple trees grafted onto antonovka rootstock. They were planted exactly as the nursery instructed. We lost two trees and the rest seem stunted. Could it be that we planted them too deeply? What is the correct planting depth? Also, does it make a difference if they are tap-rooted or fibrous-rooted trees? Thank you. A: Very likely the apple trees were planted too deeply. The graft should never be buried. Doing so stifles the vigor of the root stock and often causes the development of weak, adventitious roots between the flare and graft. Whenever possible, opt for bare-root plantings of trees and shrubs. That way, the plant is going into the new site without any foreign soil from the nursery. There also is 100 percent of the root system available and the roots are not cramped into a container, which might result in girdling root development through the years. If you are going to be using bare-root stock, the plants must be in a dormant state. Usually this is done in the early spring, but it can be done in the fall if you can get the stock. While spring is the most popular time for tree and shrub planting, great success can be realized with fall plantings. The root systems will remain active in soil temperatures at 40 degrees or higher, even though the aerial part of the plant is going dormant.

##### Your right lung takes in more air than your left one does. ##### Women’s hearts best faster than men’s.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B15


2007 Honda Rancher 420 2WD, electric shift, red, less than 3000 miles.......... $3000

Call 406-557-6218


•35-ft. draper header •Pickup reel •Insured •References Available

Call Shelbi at 406-781-9713 or Tyler at 406-781-9712

Vaughn Truck Salvage 2100 Hwy 2 East, Havre, MT

2001 Volvo daycab, Series 60 Detroit, 9 speed, 2 aluminum wheels, needs engine.

2001 Kenworth T300 Cat 3126, 9 speed, steerable lift axle, 24-ft. van box with liftgate, needs front end repair. 2001 Freightliner Columbia ISM Cummins, 380 hp, Super 10 speed, 8 aluminum wheels.

6-Tri-Pac APU, each...........$2500

Chuck or Jim Vaughn

1995 International 9400 Cummins M11 (tired engine), Super 10 speed, good cab and hood.

1986 International 9370 Big Cam 3, 400 hp, RTO14613 transmission, 11-24.5 tires.

1-406-265-6387 Local or 1-800-214-4654

2004 Freightliner Columbia 14L Detroit, 435 hp, 10 speed, 10 months on overhaul.

See our website at:

www.vaughntrucksale.com Differentials

Over 150 differentials 34,000 to 46,000 lb.

2000 Kenworth W900L Cat C15, 18 speed, Aero cab flattop, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires, needs engine repair, broken crank.

Trailer Suspensions

96” wide axle with 10 hole unimount....... ........................................................... $550 96” wide axle with Dayton hubs....... $250 New 96” wide axle with hub pilot hubs.... ......................................................... $1180 102” Single Axle with 24.5 Dayton hubs.. ........................................................... $250

Allow one day notice to disassemble, inspect and reassemble with new parts as needed. 90 day warranty.



All used engines are sold with new rod & main bearings

Cummins N14 Celect + 500-hp Cummins ISX 435-hp EGR Cummins Big Cam 3, 400-hp, recent O/H Cummins ISM 380-hp 2-Cat 3406E 435-hp 2-Cat 3406E 475-hp Cat C15 435-hp

2-Cat C15 Acert (09 EPA) 475-hp Cat C15 Acert 475-hp, 376,000 miles Cat C12 410-hp Cat C10 Detroit DDEC 3 430/470-hp Detroit DDEC 4 14L, 435-hp

Great selection of Rockwell, Fuller, & Spicer used take out transmissions. Call with your model for a quote.

ENGINE PARTS Rebuilt Engine Parts

Cylinder Heads For: 3406B, 3406E and C15 Cat, 855 and N14 Cummins, Series 60 Detroit

102” Tandem Axle air ride trailer under slung suspension..................................... .................$2500 without wheels & tires (3) 102” Tandem Axle, air ride suspension................................................... $2500 102” Tandem Axle spring suspension....... ......................................................... $1250 (2) 102” Tandem Axle spring suspension, 22.5 Dayton hubs.......................$500 each

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B16

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

Full Service Ag Repair Starter – Generator – Alternator Service Air Conditioning Welding

Quality Work – Reasonable Rates

Dave’s Repair LLC

West Post Creek Road, Charlo, Montana Business cell phone 370-6229 - Home (406) 644-2241

New Sioux cattle squeeze chute Includes palpation cage

##### A recent report from the National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine estimates that preventable medical errors made by hospitals kill as many as 98,000 people each year; more than cancer, AIDS and auto accidents. ##### Ancient Romans used human urine as an ingredient in their toothpaste.

Other new Sioux cattle handling equipment available

Equipment for rent or sale • Rent Our New “Vertical Beater” manure spreader • Round bale pickers • Grain vac • Heavy disk • Rock rake • Post pounder • Rock picker • 50-ft. Riteway Land roller • Other items available. Wishek 742NT 34-ft spring gang disk-Great Condition


hopper seed bins 1967 bu. to 10,000 bu.

Grain Bins For Sale

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

2000 John Deere 9750 combine with 2300 separator hours, headers available..................................$72,500 John Deere 6200 MFWD tractor, loader available........ 2004 John Deere 635 flex header................... $22,000 .................................................................... $35,000 With header trailer....................................... $27,500 2009 John Deere 1890 air drill, 435 bushel tow behind 2004 John Deere 635F flex header................. $18,000 cart, 8500 acres........................................ $135,000 2006 John Deere 9520 4WD tractor, 3700 hours......... Bourgault 5710 54-ft. air drill, 9 inch spacing, MRB, .................................................................. $155,000 NH3. ............................................................ $40,000 Flexi-Coil 3450 tow between cart.................... $35,000 Sakundiak 8”x39-ft. load out auger with Wheatheart mover, sweep.....................................................Call

New Maurer 40-ft. aluminum hopper trailer, aluminum wheels, electric tarp.................................... $35,500

Email: 2biglake@nemont.net

2013 Maurer grain trailers, air ride................... $30,000 2013 Maurer grain trailers, spring ride..................$27,000 Add $2000 for electric roll tarp.

N.F., Inc. ~ froid, mONtANA (406) 766-2300, Call Dale, 963-7512 cell, or Dean, 480-0347

Federal government prepared for wildfire season

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar outlined the federal government’s readiness for the wildland fire season to ensure protection for communities and restoration of forests and public lands across the country. The Secretaries were joined by FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell and National Predictive Services Program Manager of the National Interagency Fire Center Ed Delgado. The Secretaries described federal capability to respond to wildfires that are becoming more complex, particularly in areas where urban populations are situated near forested and rangeland areas. Firefighting capabilities are available to handle the fire season, they declared, with more than 15,000 firefighters available in 2012, including permanent and seasonal federal and state employees, crews from tribal and local governments, contract crews, and temporary hires. “We are ready to meet the challenge,” said Secretary Vilsack. “The National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy provides a strong, new blueprint to ensure community safety and the restoration of ecosystems to benefit all Americans, especially those who live in the urban-wildland interface areas. Our concern does not stop at the border of federal lands, but rather a strategy that is an all-lands approach for safety and wildfire management.” On average the USDA Forest Service and the Department of the Interior bureaus respond to more than 20,000 wildfires per year, suppressing all but a small percentage of them on initial attack. “Regions across the country face serious risks of extreme wildfires this year because of the mild winter and low precipitation levels in many areas,” said Secretary Salazar. “Knowing the risks and preparing for the wildfire season is a key part of a successful fire response, and Interior will continue to coordinate closely with federal, state, local and tribal partners to ensure we are ready for any fire scenario. Our thousands of firefighting men and women stand ready to suppress wildfires as early as possible to minimize human safety risks and prevent damage to the environment and our economy.” Much of the 500 million acres of public land managed by the Department of the Interior is in the low-elevation rangelands in the West, where grasses and shrubs provide an abundant wildfire fuel source – especially after mild winters. Together, USDA and DOI’s wildfire prevention and suppression efforts employ 15,000 firefighters. DOI’s fire funding availability for fiscal year 2012 is $736 million and USDA’s 2012 fire budget totals $2.155 billion. “We urge citizens in at-risk areas to take necessary precautions,” said FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. “That means stay informed and make a family plan. FEMA’s Ready Campaign provides more information at www.Ready.gov,” he added. “FEMA stands ready to support the Departments of Agriculture and Interior and our state, tribal and local partners should disaster strike,” he said. “Federal firefighters, aircraft, and ground equipment are strategically assigned to parts of the country as the fire season shifts across the nation. Firefighting experts will continuously monitor conditions and move these assets as necessary to be best positioned and increase initial attack capabilities,” said U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell. “In addition, we are in the midst of conducting accelerated restoration activities nationwide that will result in healthier forests and will lessen fire risks in years to come.” Restoration efforts on public lands are critically needed to address a number of threats to the health of ecosystems, watersheds, wildlife habitats and forest dependent communities. Threats not only include wildland fire, but also climate change, invasive weeds and invasive insect epidemics. Forecasters at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise say that an exceptional drought continues across much of the Southwest from western Texas to California and into the Great Basin and will increase the possibility of an above normal significant fire season in those areas this year. Also of concern are the western slopes of the Rockies in Colorado, parts of the Southeast to include southern Georgia and northern Florida, northern Wisconsin and Minnesota and parts of Hawaii. Particularly throughout the West, a century of fire exclusion has left public lands overstocked. Work to restore ecosystems will include accelerated restoration efforts that include thinning and prescribed burning operations by federal land managers and their partners across jurisdictions. Wildfire does not stop at property boundaries. In the past ten years, wildfires have destroyed 28,000 homes, busicontinued on page b17

Federal government prepared for wildfire season

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B17

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the June issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 1. Phone (406) 279-3291.

continued from page b16

nesses, and outbuildings. Wildfires can threaten power grids, interrupt commerce, and put people out of work. Tens of millions of Americans depend on national forest watersheds for drinking water. Repairing damage to watersheds caused by extreme wildfires can cost millions and take a lifetime for vegetation to grow back. Federal land managers are also helping communities prepare for wildfire. Federal partnerships with tribal, state, and local agencies strengthen preparedness programs, such as Firewise http://www.firewise.org/ and Ready Set Go! http:// www.iafc.org/readySetGo that help families and communities prepare for and survive wildfire.

Brooklyn fig tree

By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I hope to get a little advice from you about lighting and spots on my fig tree. I just bought the tree and it looks great. However, I am worried about the amount of light in my apartment. Right now, the tree gets about seven hours of indirect sun from the west. There is a building behind my apartment, so the lighting is limited. I can move the fig tree to a brighter spot, but there are heaters under all the windows. Do full-spectrum bulbs work as grow lights? Are the brown spots on the tree a sign of poor lighting? (Brooklyn, New York) A: The spots mostly are a reaction to a winter environment of humidity down to 10 percent or less at times. Fig trees and other tropical plants are at home in a high-humidity environment. When the tropical plants are confronted with dry air and low light, problems start showing up. You never will cure what damage already has taken place. The plant does its own thing at compartmentalizing problems such as this. Get a grow light and set the timer for 14 hours of continuous light. I also would advise misting the tree with distilled water on a daily basis while your heating system is active.


Bell B-25 articulated 5000 gallon water truck, 4” pump, cab controlled sprays, Mercedes diesel, Allison transmission, dump box included..........................$52,000

1997 Gaton HSI 4041R closed circuit plant, new main shaft and dearings, vibrating feeder, 2 deck screen 5x14 screen, return conveyor, 2 side conveyors, discharge conveyor, transfer conveyor, cross conveyor with tramp iron magnet, 200 hp electric........ 1995 International tandem axle dump truck, 16-ft. box, air ride .....................................$155,000 suspension, 8V92 435 hp, 10 speed.............................$13,500

1981 Terex TS18 scraper, 8V71 front engine, 6V71 rear engine, OROPS, good tires, runs great... .......................................$22,500 1981 Dunhan 45-ft. flatbed trailer, 3 axle, (adjustable air lift 3rd axle). ..........................................$4500 1995 John Deere 892 ELC excavator with NPK E216 hydraulic hammer, guard package............. .......................................$50,000 1997 Bell B40 40-ton articulated haul truck........................$50,000

1991 International tandem axle dump truck, 300 Cummins, 6 speed.............................$12,000 1995 Peterbilt 4-axle tractor, M11 Cummins, with dump box, new paint...............................$21,000 Hitachi 200LC with thumb...$17,500 2002 Chevrolet 3/4-ton 4x4 Duramax, automatic, loaded, 165,000 miles...............................$12,000 1994 Dodge Cummins, 5 speed, service body......................$6500

2000 Bowie 3000 gallon hydroseeder, JD diesel, mounted on a 1986 Freightliner with 400 Cummins, 13 speed, air ride, 980 hours..............................$35,000

1987 Ford F7000 3208 Cat, automatic, air brakes, electric crane, fair tires.............................$4000 Office trailers.......... Call for details 1993 Peterbilt tandem axle dump truck................... Call for details 1994 Komatsu D65 EX 12 dozer.... .......................................$25,000 1996 Moxy 30-ton articulated haul truck...............................$35,000 Gardner Denver air track drill......... ..........................................$5000 Worthington 900CFM air compressor..............................$3000 2-Rock rakes....................$1500 ea. 1994 Komatsu PC 300 HD5 LC excavator, Esco bucket, thumb, long stick........................$35,000

Phone or e-mail about equipment to (406) 750-3053 or jmcdanielsierra@aol.com

Competitive pricing & Delivery Available

4 Roundup Ready Alfalfa Seed 4 Ag Herbicides and Insecticides 4 Top Dressing, liquid or dry (variable rate capable) 4 Drill Blends 4 Authorized Dealer For Amber Waves 4 Seed Treat Hopper Bottom Bins 4 Gopher Poison for 4 Enduraplas Poly Tanks Grain & Fertilizer Storage

NEW LOCATION: 5 miles east of Valier on Highway 44..... Full Service Fertilizer Facility


Office 406-279-3342

Luke Redd 279-3469 or 450-1917 Jace Redd 431-7769 104 Wingina Road Valier, Montana

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B18

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


2007 Kioti CK25 4WD, hydrostatic drive, KL130 loader......................$12,500 Oliver Super 55 with complete engine rebuild....................................$3850 Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.....FOR PARTS John Deere 70, gas, Farmhand F10 loader, grapple.......................$4500


Bush Hog 3 point, 12-ft. chisel plow..... . .............................................$1650


NEW TARTER 3-pt. equipment 6-ft. HD landscape rake.................$700 7-ft. HD landscape rake.................$735 8-ft. HD landscape rake.................$780 7-ft. grader blade............................$385 7-ft. HD grader blade.....................$870 8-ft. HD grader blade.....................$915 6-ft. MD disc...................................$915 4-ft. rotary cutter............................$935 5-ft. rotary cutter..........................$1015 6-ft. rotary cutter..........................$1200 QA super spear.............................$435 Middle Buster potato plow............$165

Oliver 60 2WD tractor. Completely restored..$4500

2005 Kawasaki Prairie 360 4x4...$2000 Gorman 4” irrigation pump, 540 PTO drive.........................................$400 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor............................ MAKE OFFER 2 horse bumper pull trailer.............$750 1 set of 13.6x38 tire chains, excellent condition..................................$250



We now have


Haybuster 256 Plus II bale processor.. . .............................................$4500 Hesston 856A round baler, twine only.. . ..........................................$13,000 Allen hay rake.............................$2000 John Deere 7720 with 224 header....... . ............................................. CALL Case IH 725 25-ft. pull-type draper swather, PTO drive................$2500 Ditcher pull-type with manual adjusting 5-ft. wings.................................$295 Disc 9-ft. pull-type, needs work... CALL Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................ CALL

United 784 HD 7-ft. box scraper....$942 United 672 HD 6-ft. box scraper....$825 United 566 HD 51/2-ft. box scraper..$875 United 560 HD 5-ft. box scraper....$850

Hesston 30A Stakmover/feeder. Great for big square bales..MAKE OFFER Hesston 30A stacker.... MAKE OFFER Bucket mount bale spear...............$400

##### The Australian blue-ringed octopus has potent venomous saliva that can cause numbness, paralysis and death in humans. ##### According to Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimates, 1.5 million patients suffer each year because of mistakes made with medicine they are given in hospitals.


wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.

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Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Phone (406) 227-6821 East Helena, MT

BeefTalk: Try hard for less than 3 percent calf death

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension The death of a calf never is uneventful. Calves are tough, so most survive in good or bad weather. However, some don’t survive. When it’s cold, the weather is blamed for the death of a calf. In reality, each year producers arrive at the calving pen and are discouraged after finding an occasional dead calf. The North Dakota Beef Cattle Improvement Association (NDBCIA) benchmark for calf death loss is 3.14 percent based on the number of cows calving. Simply put, 3.14 percent of the cows do not get the opportunity to nurse the calves they bore. The frustration is real, but sometimes there is very little a producer can do. Years spent calving and lambing would suggest that those babies intent on living will survive birth. Vigor is critical, but there are real differences in baby calves. Some calves have not even hit the ground and they already are shaking off the placenta and all other prepackaged birth membranes and fluids. Newborn calves with their heads up and eyes open are a joy to see because these calves don’t wait for mama to give them a nudge; they just go. In some cases, mom hardly has enough time to clean the little tyke before the calf is up and nursing. And then there are those who don’t seem to ever get with the program. Some expire, having never cleared their nose or broken free of the birth membrane. Mom delayed a bit and the calf simply never breathes. Some lay around long enough for the coyotes, while others simply slip away under the passage of the herd. The individual vigor and the desire to live were not there. Those first hours are critical, but occasionally calves die for a variety of reasons, such as clostridia, ulcers, starvation or accidents. The list goes on and on. Even in good weather, a mix of several problems during the first couple of weeks of life often implies stress, overcrowding, problems in cowcalf pair management or lot conditions. These problems with calves can carry over into health issues later on during the summer and fall or even in the feedlot. Excuses abound and blame is cast for not being there. Perhaps, as beef producers, we really do not need to carry all the blame. The calf died. Economically, this is not a good thing because every calf carries a significant price tag and tremendous opportunity to make some money. However, there is reality. Not unlike counting one’s chicks before the eggs hatch, not all will survive. The point is the question: At what level of death loss does an individual producer become concerned? Is there a fundamental problem that can be corrected? We understand that spring is a season of new life but death is never far away. Perhaps that is why so many children who grew up in a barnyard developed a little more understanding of life and death. In the bigger picture, as we try to get a handle on what is normal, some reflection is needed. To start with, we can try to find a deer in the hayfield, an antelope across the pasture or a wildebeest on the Africa plains that is having birthing difficulty. These are very difficult to find, as is the wild newborn that lies listlessly after birth. The natural birthing process is meant to be unassisted and unattended. Given that, maybe we should ask how far we have come from redoing something Mother Nature has done already. What is normal or what does Mother Nature suggest? Well, our cows and calves are not on the African plains and we do not like to stand by idly if one of our cows or calves is having trouble, so one should ask just what would be expected and review whatever data is available. Looking back at NDBCIA producers, average calf death losses from 1991 to 1995, they were 3.58 percent. From 1996 to 2000, the losses were 4.37 percent. From 2001 to 2005, the losses were 3.21 percent, and from 2006 to 2010 were 3.14 percent. This gives us a 20-year average calf death loss of 3.57 percent based on cows having calves. Interestingly, the year with the greatest calf death loss was 5.64 percent in 1997. The spring blizzard of 1997 resulted in a very difficult calving season. The year with the least calf loss was 2.68 percent in 1991. The next best year was a 2.9 percent loss in 1998. So, develop a list of your dead calves. You should be under 3 percent death loss. Your calving notebook should have the dead calves checked off and a brief notation about what happened. Until all the calves are listed, the shock of lost opportunities has not had its full impact. Again, try hard for less than 3 percent calf death loss. If your operation has more than a 3 percent loss, start looking for problems so you can fix them. May you find all your ear tags.

Plum questions

By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have several questions about gardening. I have a plum tree with many blooms but very few plums. Why would this happen? Those that grow mostly are small and turn red and blue. There is a brown film or coating around the pit in midsummer. Why would this happen? I live in zone 3, so I am wondering if it is advisable to try to grow apricots. I was told that they seldom bear fruit. I plan to plant some Carmine jewel dwarf cherry trees. Should they be planted close together or can they be 200 feet apart? They are approved for zone 2. I had some Fort Laramie strawberries for three years. They didn’t bear a lot of fruit but spread lots of runners. Then the plants quit bearing fruit entirely. I put some Gurney’s Strawberry Food (fertilizer) on them. They are in the shade by 3 p.m. Thank you for your help. (Sheyenne, North Dakota) A: Your plum questions relate to several possible problems. It could be an incomplete fertilization by pollinating insects. If the bees are scant in number or if the weather is not conducive to pollination, such as windy, rainy or cold, that would limit the number and size of the fruit. All plum trees will do a better job of fruit production if there is another plum species nearby. It is not advisable to attempt growing apricots in North Dakota, unless you have the patience of Job. You can go three, four or five years without any fruit but then have a couple of years in a row with decent fruit production. However, the tree may die the year after or remain vegetative for a couple of years. Depending on winter extremes, the tree may die from exposure to extreme cold. Your Carmine cherries can be whatever you desire. Planting them close together gets you a handsome hedge but also a greater chance for disease problems as they age. The fact that your strawberries produced lots of runners is a possible indication that they were getting too much nitrogen or had a virus that impacted fruit quantity and quality. As a sweeping generalization, it is recommended that a planting of a particular species of strawberries in one location be looked upon as a temporary planting that will bear well but then begin declining because of a virus. Once this is noted, I suggest tearing out the plants. If possible, locate the new patch in a different location and use fresh stock. The former planting site can be turned into an annual vegetable or flower crop. I hope this information answers your questions.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B19

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-279-3291 FAX 406-279-3249 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 306, Valier, MT 59486

Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins

Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business www.shortlineag.com

Call one of these “stocking” dealers today

Frazer’s Oil, Inc. 406-432-2321 Galata, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B20


Concord 4812 48-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 3000 tow behind cart, diesel air motor, Eagle beak openers......... $20,000 John Deere 9350 30-ft. drill, 3-drill hitch, Donahue trailer for transport........................................................... $3000 John Deere 158 loader with 7-ft. bucket................... $2500 Call Mike Hammond (406) 855-4596

Agriculture Law Water Law

Oil & Gas Law Energy Law

Natural Resource Law Farm & Ranches Corporations


Neal Law, P.C. 417 S. Main St. Conrad, MT 59425

Paul L. Neal

Ph. 406-271-2804 Fax 406-271-2934

1979 Ford F600 4x4 flatbed with crane.

Limited Liability Co.

Small Business

Estate & Probate

Wills & Trusts

Real Estate Transaction

Property Law Contracts Litigation

Personal Injury

Family Law

Criminal Law

Blockbuster stars ride into retirement sunset

By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver him not only fit for leading but also ripe for Summertime is here, and that means retiring. The Hulk and Thor both came onto blockbuster movies are in season. This sumthe scene in 1962; Iron Man and Nick Fury mer — and throughout the end of the year joined them in 1963. They, along with 1962’s — moviegoers can catch some of the usual Spiderman (also enjoying a movie reboot heroes on the silver screen. this year) don’t qualify for retirement benTake Batman. He’ll be back on the big efits yet, but they might want to plan ahead screen in another surefire blockbuster. The by taking a look at the online Retirement Essuperhero first gained fans in the comics timator at www.socialsecurity.gov/estimator, back in 1939. He could be taking advantage where they can get an instant, personalized of delayed retirement credits — the power estimate of future retirement benefits. to receive bigger payments for delaying From Batman to Spiderman, Captain retirement benefits beyond one’s full retireAmerica to The Hulk, making a decision to ment age. The credit could be worth as much retire does not mean hanging up your cosas eight percent a year until age 70. Learn tume. Today’s retirees are more active than more about this super power available to ever, even as they collect benefits. anyone at www.socialsecurity.gov/retire2/ If you’d like to learn more about your delayret.htm. own future retirement benefits, take a break Dark Shadows will be making a big screen from the big screen and take a look at your debut, based on the popular television series. computer screen. Visit www.socialsecurity. The main character, Barnabas, is more than gov/estimator to receive a picture of your two centuries old. Surely, he would qualify own future retirement. for benefits if he would just go online and Ready to start the sequel now? Let the apply. opening credits on your retirement begin; Then there are the marvelous superheapply for benefits right over the computer. roes of the “silver age” of comics, several Just visit www.socialsecurity.gov and click of whom are appearing in The Avengers. the “retirement” tab. Captain America was born in 1941, making

1995 Freightliner website: www.cmoorefabequipment.com e-mail: cmooreinc@midrivers.com 855 Kinsey Road, Miles City, MT 59301

1984 Merritt 42-ft. grain trailer, air ride.

1987 Freightliner with tag axle.

Fabrication & Welding Services: We provide commercial welding and iron repair services. Our staff works with all vehicles and machinery, including trucks and trailers. We can build anything you need out of iron.

Fiat Allis 100C roadgrader.

YOUR DEALER FOR Truck Defender Grill Guards

2005 Featherlite 24-ft. steel stock trailer, center and rear gates have sliders. Clean trailer!

Flatbed trailer, 48-ft. x 96” with slider axles.

We can order guards for semis or pickups!

John Deere fork lift.

Equipment Sales: Our company sells a wide selection of new and used trucking, construction and farm equipment, as well as recreation. Whether you are looking for a backhoe, a loader, or a tractor, we can deliver. Other equipment we have to offer includes: trucks, trailers, haying equipment, trenchers, pay loaders, land levelers, grain handling equipment, boats and snowmobiles. A bit of everything.

1992 CPS belly dump gravel trailer. We have more gravel trailers in our inventory!

2005 Wilson 24-ft. hopper bottom pup or lead trailer.

1998 New Holland 7740SL tractor with front wheel assist, 4892 hours.

Jensen Bale Handlers John Deere 8640 tractor.


We have numerous hay trains to fit your hay hauling needs.

Electric over hydraulic Summers sprayer.

3-1990 Trailmobile flatbed closed tandem trailers.

Hough International loader, GoH. Merritt 53-ft. x 102” straight stock trailers with 3 compartments.

F903 haygrinder.

2008 Perkins 1104C skid mount diesel engine, turbo, brand new.

1997 Ford F450 service truck with crane.

Trucking Services: Our drivers haul grain, hay, livestock and equipment across the county. We also use hoppers to carry bulk commodities.

U.S. wheat crop mostly ahead of schedule

By Julia Debes, USW Communications Specialist An early planting and growing season typically improves a wheat crop’s potential. And by all accounts, the 2012 U.S. wheat crop across the country is progressing far ahead of schedule in most areas. Overall, winter wheat is ahead of schedule and in better condition than last year. In USDA’s Crop Progress report for the week ending April 8, 61 percent of the winter wheat crop across the country is in good to excellent condition, compared to 36 percent at this time last year. Even better, only 10 percent of the winter wheat crop is rated poor to very poor, compared to 36 percent last year. State by state, winter wheat is ahead of schedule by varying degrees. In areas of Texas, typically the first HRW growing area to harvest, inadequate soil moisture continues to stress the wheat crop. The crop is still progressing faster than normal, with 35 percent of the wheat headed out compared to the five-year average of 15 percent. In Oklahoma, USDA reported that 41 percent of the HRW wheat crop is already headed out, compared to just 6 percent last year at this time. Mike Schulte, executive director of the Oklahoma Wheat Commission, reported that wheat is two to three weeks ahead of normal, projecting harvest to be toward the second or third week of May in the southwest corner of the state, although some producers are predicting even sooner. “In southwest Oklahoma, I had a producer tell me that he felt they would be cutting wheat in as early as mid-to-late May,” Schulte said. “Overall, crop conditions as of right now look favorable just as long as we can dodge future possible hail and tornado damage.” In Kansas, 79 percent of the wheat is jointed, compared to the five-year average of 32 percent and 30 percent at this time last year. Additionally, 65 percent of the wheat is rated good to excellent. According to Nebraska Wheat, Nebraska’s winter wheat crop is also about two weeks ahead of schedule with 10 percent of the wheat jointed. In the Pacific Northwest, mixed weather across Idaho has resulted in a good-looking crop overall. According to USDA, 86 percent of Idaho’s winter wheat is rated good to excellent with 11 percent rated fair. Despite good conditions, however, Tereasa Waterman, information and education manager with the Idaho Wheat Commission, reported that winter wheat acres may be plowed under to plant other crops like potatoes or sugar beets. Further west in Wyoming, Keith Kennedy, executive director of the Wyoming Wheat Marketing Commission, said wheat farmers could easily start harvest as early as July 1, two to three weeks ahead of normal. He added that while there is sufficient moisture at the moment, the crop will need some significant moisture soon. Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee President Tom Neira, who farms in central Colorado near Bennett, would also welcome additional moisture in coming weeks. He reported, “Wheat in our area still looks good, as it had a good start last fall, but it will need a drink soon.” Dan Anderson, who farms in far northeastern Colorado near Haxtun, reported his wheat is two weeks ahead of schedule and looking good, but agreed that it could use some moisture soon. That is on par with USDA’s report that 18 percent of the wheat in Colorado is jointed compared to 10 percent for the five-year average at this time. The SRW crop is also progressing faster than normal. In Ohio, winter wheat was 13 percent jointed, ahead of both last year and the five-year average. In Maryland, Jason Scott, who farms in the Delmarva peninsula near Stevensville, said his wheat is about a week ahead of schedule, but cooler weather this week slowed crop progress a little. Spring wheat planting is also ahead of schedule in most areas, with producers taking advantage of mild weather conditions to get their wheat in the ground. According to USDA’s April 8 Crop Progress report, 21 percent of the crop has been planted, compared to 3 percent last year and the five-year average of 5 percent. In North Dakota, 8 percent of durum and 17 percent of spring wheat has been planted. Erica Olson, marketing specialist with the North Dakota Wheat Commission, said producers are planting spring wheat and durum at least a month earlier than last year, when wet conditions delayed and prevented planting. Farmers are also ahead of the five-year averages in both South Dakota, where 52 percent of spring wheat is seeded, continued on page B22

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B21

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B22

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.


www.fertilizerequipment.net 4x4’s

2007 Freightliner Cat C14, auto shift, 16-ton Wilmar with extensions and electric tarp . ................................................ $66,000

2008 Case 4020 330 hp, automatic, 70-ft. booms, 2000 hours, AutoSteer.............. . .............................................. $175,000 $190,000 2006 Loral 7300 570 automatic with AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hours.......... . ........................................$127,000

2001 Case 3300 70-ft. air system. Ready to go.............................................. $64,000

2002 Loral 400 Cummins, automatic, full rubber, AirMax 1000 bed, 3600 hours.... . ................................................ $95,000

1999 AgChem with 70-ft. Air flow.... $67,000

1997 AgChem with 70-ft. Air Flow spreader, 8.3 automatic............................ $37,000

1990 International with 2800 gallon LP tank, in test........................................ $26,000

9 - LP Trucks

with 2800 to 3000 gallon tanks in test. From $26,000 to $36,000

some have 265 psi test

and Minnesota, where 25 percent is seeded. In a normal year, farmers in both states would just be starting planting. In contrast to most areas, farmers in northern Idaho and eastern Washington have seen greater precipitation that has slowed spring wheat planting. Scott Yates, director of communications for the Washington Grain Commission, reported that farmers were initially worried about a drought this year, but now are so water logged they may be late getting into their fields. USDA reports that farmers have planted 15 percent of their spring wheat in Idaho and 26 percent in Washington, behind the five-year averages of 23 and 37 percent, respectively. While the crop is mostly ahead of schedule, farmers across the country acknowledge that weather in coming weeks could have a large effect on the harvested crop. A late frost, too little moisture or damaging storms could still hurt the wheat crop. But, for now, they are relatively optimistic.

Spider plant seed pod

2000 Wilmar 24-ton tender, self-contained, SS, 3 axle.................................. $39,500

1997 Rayman 24-ton side-shooter box, no trailer......................................... $26,000

U.S. wheat crop mostly ahead of schedule

1986 Kenworth Cummins, 7 speed, 16-ton Tyler tender............................... $29,500

Greyn Fertilizer Supply Phone 406-466-5356 or 406-476-3402

Choteau & Dutton, Montana

By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a seedpod on my spider plant. How long does it take to ripen? A: No idea. I would suggest that you wait until the pod starts to discolor a bit and then put a small paper bag around it to collect the seeds as the pod opens. Keep me posted on this because this is something my spider plants never have done.

Gold Eagle Club

American Equity Investment Life Insurance Company (American Equity) is proud to announce John H. Hagman as a member of the prestigious Gold Eagle Club. The Gold Eagle Club began in 2007 and membership is awarded to agents based on their outstanding production and good standing with American Equity. This recognition marks the first year in which John H. Hagman has achieved Gold Eagle status.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B23


1996 Hesston 4900 4x4 square baler, has had some updates....................................... 2008 Case RB564 round baler, clean baler.......................................................... 1996 Hesston 565A round baler, nice workable condition........................................... 2003 New Holland BR780 round baler, clean................................................................... 2006 John Deere 567 round baler, low bales, clean.................................................. 1998 New Holland 664 round baler, good older baler................................................. 2005 New Holland BR780 round baler, clean................................................................... 1992 Case IH 8460 round baler, nice workable condition........................................... Hesston 58 Rounder round baler, needs some work....................................................... 2007 Hesston 5556 round baler, low bales, clean.................................................. 1992 Case IH 8460 round baler, nice workable condition........................................... 1992 Case IH 8460 round baler, nice workable condition........................................... 2002 Hesston 856A round baler, well kept.............................................................


$24,900 $12,900 $7900 $21,900 $24,000 $12,500 $23,500 $5900 $995 $29,900 $6700 $5900 $18,900

2009 Case WD1203 swather,less than 200 hours with 2004 HDX 16 16-ft. hay head............ 1996 Case IH 8820 swather, with 16-ft. header................................................ 1989 Hesston 8200 swather, with 16-ft. header, immaculate........................... 2009 MacDon M200 swather, under 600 hours with 2009 R80 16-ft. rotary header............ 2008 MacDon M200 swather, under 1700 hours............................................... Versatile 4400 swather, with 25-ft. draper header......................................... 2001 MacDon 2940 swather, under 1400 hours with 922 16-ft. hay header............... 1991 John Deere 1600 pull type swather.....................................................

$89,900 $18,900 $23,900 $99,900 $75,000 $3995 $49,900 $5000


1996 Honey Bee SP36 draper header, configured for Massey Ferguson 8500 Series combine.......................................... 1996 Honey Bee SP36 draper header, configured for Massey Ferguson 8500 Series combine.......................................... 1999 Honey Bee SP36 draper header, configured for Massey Ferguson 8500 Series combine.......................................... 1993 Honey Bee SP30 draper header.....................................................

$23,900 $23,900

$24,900 $21,900

Motor Company TILLEMAN 1-888-420-3399 406-265-7865 Havre, MT

Need Parts for: MacDon, Case IH, New Holland, Premier or Westward headers? Call Us! USED WINDROWERS & HEADERS

2009 Case IH WD1203 with 2005 Case IH HDX162 hay header, 190 hours. 2009 MacDon M200 self propelled with 2009 MacDon R80 rotary head, 500 hours. 2008 MacDon M200 with 1700 hours. Your choice of draper or disc header. 2001 MacDon 9350 with 16-ft. MacDon 922 auger header, 1380 hours, good condition.


Gleaner R62.

Gleaner R70 combine.


2009 Valtra A92 FWA, loader, grapple, 80 hours. 1993 Ford 8670 with loader and grapple. Give us a call...Several trades coming in

TILLEMAN Motor Company


Havre, MT


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8600 Series Tractors Now with even cleaner emissions

The 8600 Series is now at the forefront of machine technology and is constantly evolving to meet your needs.

270 - 370 hp

Massey Ferguson’s biggest, most powerful tractor range ever features second generation SCR technology, providing you with superb fuel economy and even cleaner emissions. A machine with exceptional capabilities, the seriously modern 8600 series combines a six-cylinder Agco Sisu Power engine and Dyna-VT transmission with dynamic looks and an immense structure, to guarantee the highest productivity and optimum performance. Massey Ferguson is anticipating the future demands of today’s farming community. In order to meet those needs, the MF 8600 has been meticulously developed so you can look to the future with confidence.

9500 Series Combines

Vermeer 605 Super M

Meet the next generation.

Produce round bales in less time with less hassle when you use the 605 Super M baler. Built for high-volume hay production, it offers the best in modern technology, including the exclusive Vermeer direct crop feed design, optional powered windguard, electronic bale monitoring, optional powered bale ramp and much more. Features and Benefits • Get faster starts because the dual-stage bale chamber reduces the chamber by 50%. • Produce consistent bales because the optional monitoring system displays the weight and estimated moisture of each bale and a third (middle) belt sensor projects bale shape for more even results. • Work confidently with the rugged pickup, which withstands tough crops and terrain with heavy-gauge pickup teeth built onto split tine bars with center support and heavy semi-pneumatic gauge wheels that help protect the pickup from damage. • Stay efficient with DCF Direct Crop Feed pickup design, which takes crop directly from the pickup to the bale chamber without a secondary rotor or stuffer. • Built for increased durability, with rugged pickup teeth, a 1-3/4”/4 cm cross drive, and 2-7/16”/6 cm triple lip idler bearings that withstand tough conditions and help control contamination.

Motor Company TILLEMAN 1-888-420-3399 406-265-7865 Havre, MT

313 - 460 hp

Ever since Massey Ferguson® introduced the first self-propelled combine in 1938, our commitment to your next harvest has been unwavering. The Massey Ferguson 9500 Series integrate simplicity, innovative design features, excellent capacity, and unparalleled reliability into a combine designed as a leader in the market, not just a competitor. Every aspect of our new 9500 Series has been rethought. And many of the features completely reengineered. All in an effort to help you put more clean grain in the tank at the end of the day. With less downtime, less maintenance, and less fatigue. In terms of our MF9540 and MF9560 models, we didn’t just add new components, we designed entirely new systems.

TILLEMAN 1-888-420-3399

Motor Company Havre, MT 406-265-7865

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B24

low boy service

40-ton RGN for hire to transport machinery, tractors, etc. up to 60,000 lbs. 48-ft. stepdecks also available. Montana & surrounding states, insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475

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Call 406-899-6736 Reasonable Rates

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INDUSTRIAL TANKS available for multiple applications including: •Industrial Chemicals •Biodiesel & Ethanol •Water and Waste Water Treatment •Petroleum and Allied Products •Oilfield Ag tanks available in: Horizontal, Vertical, Cone bottom, Leg, Applicator and Nurse tank configurations

Don’t take bull fertility for granted By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service

Late May and early June are prime bull turnout times in the beef business, so the final check needs to be done now to make sure every bull is ready to go. The beef business depends on buying fertile, productive bulls that pass on the desired genetics to their offspring and meet the consumers’ demand for beef. This spring, many producers have purchased a bull that is in the $3,000 to $5,000 range. It’s a good investment, but good investments need to be cared for and maintained properly. One of the keys to a successful breeding season is a bull that breeds cows. That seems like such a logical thought, but it is not. There are three major considerations when evaluating bulls as the breeding season approaches. The first and the simplest is the breeding soundness exam. The exam tends to get the most publicity, and constant reminders are given to have the bulls fertility tested. These tests need to be done six to eight weeks prior to bull turnout because the bulls are expected to be producing viable sperm in advance of the breeding season. If for some reason a bull fails the breeding soundness exam, the bull should be re-evaluated now. If he fails again, the bull needs to be culled. Keep in mind that many yearling bulls are fertility tested prior to selling and are screened adequately at sale time. However, if the opportunity presents itself, reevaluating the new bulls when the older bulls are evaluated certainly does not compromise management. Now the second point of consideration: Although often part of the breeding soundness exam, general bull thriftiness and structure need to be evaluated. A bull often may cover up a weakness when being worked with other bulls, so unsoundness may be overlooked. The back legs and hips are the working machines that allow a bull to breed. Any defect needs to be evaluated very critically. Once out on the pasture, the opportunity to evaluate adequately, along with the added difficulty of gathering the bulls, makes second decisions very difficult. Bulls that have lost condition prior to bull turnout certainly are candidates for poor fertility. As with the cows, a condition score of 5 or 6 means the bull is in good breeding shape. However, losing condition prior to breeding is not advisable. Much like breeding soundness exams, bull nutrition needs to be correct two

months before bull turnout because making changes prior to breeding is ill-advised. The third important criterion is bull behavior, or aggressiveness and breeding desire. Some bulls may be too aggressive and even place the producer and ranch hands in the pecking order as they work to dominate all living things. Although certainly ready to be turned out, these bulls should be noted and politely excused when an opportunity comes to sell them. It may be difficult, but it is true that calves from aggressive, hyperactive bulls are not desirable. Just as important, producers need to make sure the bull or bulls have a desire to mate. Not all bulls breed cows. Assuming such can bring long and disappointing looks as the cows are pregnancy-checked in the fall. Although there is no quick check, keeping an eye on all the bulls prior to and after turnout is critical. Make sure every bull is breeding cows. That is not an easy task, but it needs to be done. The consequence is open cows, so check and recheck your cows and bulls. Ask yourself: “In the last seven days, how many times did I check the cows and how many times did I check the bulls?” Once calving is complete, cows should be cycling. In fact, a quick check of the cows can be made by remembering that the average estrous cycle of a cow is 21 days. If all the cows are cycling, about 5 percent should be expressing “heat” each day (one day divided by 21 days). Assuming a herd of 100 cows, an average of five cows should be in heat or estrus on any given day. I realize that not all the cows calve the first 21 days of the calving season. In fact, only 63 percent of the cows calve the first 21 days of the calving season. However, it is not unreasonable to expect at least one cow should be in heat every day early in the breeding season, even if a producer only exposes a mature bull to 30 cows. If calf gain is 2.5 pounds per day while nursing, every time a bull misses a cow in heat, it costs the producer more than 50 pounds of calf. Most producers do not argue the value of the bull, but the magnitude of that value often is underestimated. Evaluate the bulls now to make sure the starting lineup is ready. It also never hurts to look at the bull bench to make sure you have some depth on the team. May you find all your ear tags.

Blight and frozen garden seeds

We have a “full line” of Bradford Beds on hand!

New Travalong dump trailers bumper pull & gooseneck

2008 Dodge 1500 4x4, quad cab, 4.7L Hemi, 6 speed. Lady’s truck with 36,800 pampered miles...................... ........................................................... Value priced

Walton flatbed trailers & skid steer trailers in stock

Barrett Jeff’s Cell: (406) 949-6070 Jess Eichorn: (406) 491-3640

Livestock—Horse Flatbed Trailers

Jeff Welborn, cell 406-949-6070

By Ron Smith, NDSU horticuturist Q: We are in the process of cleaning out some shelter belts. One row is honeysuckle bushes that look terrible. One of our neighbors said the honeysuckles in this area have blight. Are our bushes doomed or can they be saved? Also, my garden seeds always have been stored in a heated garage. Now my seeds are in a nonheated potting shed. Will the seeds remain viable? (Bismarck, North Dakota) A: Hard freezing vegetable seeds is not recommended. It is OK for woody plants and hardy seeds. Brief exposure to freezing temperatures will not be a problem. However, as soon as we expect our mild winter to continue into spring, we will get broadsided by very cold temperatures. It is best to keep the seeds at a temperature somewhere in the mid50s to low 70s. The common honeysuckle is plagued by the honeysuckle aphid to the point where they are not worth growing. If your plantings don’t show any signs of this problem, then you might have one of the resistant varieties. Go to http://www.extension.umn.edu/yardandgarden/ygbriefs/ e451aphid-honesuckle-w-b.html to see what honeysuckle aphid symptoms look like. If your honeysuckle plants don’t have the symptoms shown, then your plants probably are resistant to this pest.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B25



2007 John Deere 7930 (180-hp), IVT transmission, MFWD, 3-pt. hitch, 3 hydraulics, 480/80R46 duals, John Deere 746SL loader, 9-ft. bucket, grapple, Joystick. . .....$134,500

Grain Vacs and Swing Away Augers In Stock Sunrise Equipment 1-800-967-3597 Sidney, MT USED 2WD, MFWD TRACTORS

3.9% Fixed Rate On All Used Combines - oac USED COMBINES & HEADERS

1994 John Deere 7800 (145-PTO hp), 19 speed powershift, MFWD, dual PTO, 3-pt., 3 hydraulics, 380/90R50 singles with JD 740SL loader, 8-ft. bucket, grapple, Joystick.$59,500

2008 John Deere 9770STS Contour Master, 520/85R38 duals, chopper, low hours.......... ................................................. $$ SAVE $$

2011 John Deere 8285R (285-hp), powershift, MFWD, 3-pt. with quick hitch, 4 hydraulics, PTO, 380/90R45 duals, 380/80R38 front singles, low hours, factory warranty.$202,750 2003 John Deere 6320 (85 hp), 16 speed PowdQuad with left hand reverser, MFWD, 3 pt., 3 hydraulics, 18.4x30 singles, New JD 563 loader, 7-ft. bucket, grapple.......$57,500

2010 John Deere 9670STS Contour Master, 520/80R38 duals, chopper........ $$ SAVE $$ 2008 John Deere 9670STS with 520/80R38 duals, chopper.......................... $$ SAVE $$

1992 John Deere 9600 30.5x32 singles, chopper, chaff spreader.................... $$ SAVE $$ John Deere 8820 30.5x32, 224 platform. ........ ................................................. $$ SAVE $$ 1983 John Deere 7720 24.5x32, straw & chaff spreader, 224 platfform............. $$ SAVE $$


1994 John Deere 8570 (250-hp), 12 speed transmission, 4 hydraulics, 20.8x38 duals.... ........................................................$55,000

2004 John Deere 7920 (170-hp), IVT transmission, MFWD, 3-pt. hitch with quick hitch, 3 hydraulics, PTO, 480/80R46 duals. .$99,500 2004 John Deere 7920 (170-hp), IVT transmission, MFWD, 4-pt. hitch with quick hitch, 4 hydraulics, 380/90R50 duals. .........$97,500 1976 John Deere 4630 (150-hp), Quad-Range transmission, PTO, 20.8x38 singles, John Deere 10-ft. dozer. ..........................$16,500 1973 John Deere 4430 (125 PTO hp), QuadRange transmission, dual PTO, 2 hydraulics, 20.8x34 duals..................................$12,500 International 766 (85-hp), cab, 2 hydraulics, 18.4x34 duals, 5-ft. side-mount mower. $7450


2001 Case IH STX325 (325-hp), powershift, 4 hydraulics, PTO, 20.8R42 duals. ....$99,500


Agco 30-ft. roller harrow, S-tines..........$16,500 Case IH 415 30-ft. roller harrow, S-tines.$16,500 Ace 5 bottom two-way plow, in furrow, 16”. $2950 Harrel 2804 16-ft. switch plow, 4-bottom..$1950 International 145 5-bottom, in-furrow, two-way plow....................................................$4950 Westgo 20-ft. field cultivator, harrows......$2250

2009 Arctic Cat XTX Prowler with front blade. ...........................................................$8750 2008 Yamaha Rhino 700EL....................$9500 Eversman H7ER 3-point ditcher.............$2750 Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder..............$12,500 John Deere 740 loader, 7000 Series mounts, 8-ft. bucket, grapple, Joystick ............$8500 Woods 3240 batwing mower. .................$9950


Artsway 9420 beet harvester, 6 row, 24” row finder, rear steer...............................$19,500 Artsway 9420 beet harvester, 6 row, 24”, row USED LAWN & GARDEN finder, steerable. .............................$17,500 2007 John Deere X540 lawn and garden tractor, Artsway 698 beet harvester, 6 row, 24” row 54” mower, powerflow bagger, new engine... finder, steerable...............................$19,500 ...........................................................$6750 Red River 622 beet harvester, 6 row, 22” spac1996 John Deere F932 front mower, 72” deck. ing, rear steer, rowfinder..................$13,500 ...........................................................$6500 Red River 624 beet harvester, 6 row, 24” row 2009 John Deere X520 lawn and garden tractor finder, rear steer...............................$13,500 with new motor....................................$5500 Red River 624N beet harvester, 6 row, row John Deere X520 lawn tractor, 54” deck....$4350 finder, rear steer. ............................$13,500 2001 John Deere LTR166, dump hopper. $2250 Artsway 786A defoliator, 6 row, knife scalpers.. John Deere F525 front mower, 48” deck. $1350 ...........................................................$8500 John Deere LA140 lawn tractor, 48” deck. $1350 Artsway 786A defoliator, 6 row, rear steer. $4500 Husqvarna 4217 front mower, 42” deck. $2250 Red River defoliator. ..............................$2500

2006 John Deere 9660STS, 20.8R38 duals, chopper.................................... $$ SAVE $$

2002 John Deere 9650STS, 800/65R32 singles, chopper, grain tank extensions..$$ SAVE $$


Hesston 8100 windrower, 16-ft. auger platform, 21-ft. draper platform.......................$19,500 John Deere 956 14.5-ft. rotary mower..$16,500 Sitrex 12-wheel carted rake....................$2750 John Deere 3960 forage harvester with 3-row 30” row crop. . .................................$11,500 John Deere 3960 forage harvester.........$2500 John Deere 3-row row crop, heavy duty, yellow. ....................................................$5500 John Deere 2-row 30” row crop. . ...........$2250


Flexi-Coil 5000/2320 57-ft. air hoe drill, 7.2” spacing. ..........................................$42,500 (3) John Deere 9350 hoe drills, 8-ft. units, 10” spacing with JD transport. .................$6500


1-800-967-3597 — 406-488-3112 2900 West Holly — Sidney, Montana

2004 Case IH 2388, AFX rotor, 30.5x32 singles, yield/moisture monitor............... $$ SAVE $$ 2004 John Deere 893 cornhead... $$ SAVE $$ John Deere 635F Hydra-flex......... $$ SAVE $$ 2009 Case IH 2010 rigid platform, bat reel, less than 100 hours.......................... $$ SAVE $$ Bison double header trailer.....................$3950

0% Financing On Huge Selection of Used Round Balers - oac USED ROUND BALERS

2011 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap.................................................... CALL 2009 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap. . .............................................$33,500 2008 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap. . .............................................$32,500 2008 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap. . .............................................$31,500 2005 John Deere 567 wide pickup, net wrap. .. ........................................................$22,500 2000 John Deere 566 round baler. .....$14,900 1989 John Deere 535 round baler..........$8500 2002 Case IH RBX 561 round baler. ...$16,900 1998 Vermeer 605L round baler. . .......$11,500 1993 Vermeer 605K round baler.............$7500

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B26

4-H PARENTS & LEADERS: We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to trader@3rivers.net along with captions and we will print what we have room for.

Mediterranean diet is a healthy eating pattern

The diet of people living in the Mediterranean is high in whole grains, legumes, beans, nuts, and seeds. Fruit and vegetable intake is high as well (average nine servings a day). Olive oil is the primary source of dietary fat. The diet is low in saturated fat, hydrogenated oils, and cholesterol. It contains fresh rather than processed foods and a variety of herbs and spices. There is low to moderate intake of dairy products, fish, poultry, eggs, and red wine, and little red meat. Fresh fruit is the preferred dessert. The end result is that the Mediterranean diet is a healthy eating pattern according to Christeena Haynes, nutrition and health education specialist, University of Missouri Extension. RESULTS There are many health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet. “Research has shown that it decreases the risk of heart disease and mortality. The diet is associated with lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides. It may also lower blood pressure,” said Haynes. “The Mediterranean diet is also related to a significant decrease in the risk for type 2 diabetes.” The diet is rich in antioxidants, anticarcinogenic properties, and fiber which have all been associated to reduced risk of some cancers. The diet is also linked to reduced risk for developing mild cognitive impairment, as well as Alzheimer’s disease, due to the fact that it has been shown to improve poor cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, and blood vessel health, all of which are associated with mild cognitive impairment. LIFE APPLICATION So how can you apply the Mediterranean diet to your life? Haynes says to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and make plant-based foods (whole grains, nuts, and legumes) your main source of nutrition. Use olive oil instead of butter or other animal fats when cooking. Use whole grains in place of refined grains whenever possible. Consume low to moderate amounts of dairy, poultry, and eggs, and little red meat. Eat seafood at least twice a week. Snack on small portions of nuts. “A big part of it is to avoid processed and convenience foods and use herbs and spices to season food instead of salt,” said Haynes. “It is also important to choose fresh fruit for dessert to avoid refined sugars, flours, and saturated fat.”


Conrad 1-877-278-5531 or 406-278-5531 ~ Choteau 1-866-466-5741 or 406-466-5741 ~ Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530 or 406-873-5505

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B27

big EQUIPMENT CO. 1287 Hwy 87 West, HAVRE, MT FAX: 406-265-9367 www.bigequipment.com RON HARMON - MANAGER/OWNER CELL: 406-265-0096 HOME: 406-265-9808 EMAIL: rrharmon@aol.com

SeedMaster Field Day Join us for our SeedMaster Field Day

June 26th, 2012.

We will be visiting farms and a SeedMaster rep will be on hand for training and questions. Please RSVP if you plan on attending. Bring a friend. Please call for more information on our new and used SeedMaster drills. (406) 265-9554


2011 Case IH 8120, 91 hours, fully loaded, includes duals and Terrain Tracer, auto steer, mapping................................................$299,500 Case IH 1480, fair condition. Very good trashing machine.........$15,000 2002 New Holland TR99 1400 separator hours, Contour Master, chopper, chaff spreader, hopper topper...............................................$99,000 1987 New Holland TR96 3000 separator hours........................$39,000 John Deere 9770 750 separator hours, custom cutter package duals, 2WD, nice machine..............................................................$195,000 2004 John Deere 9760............................................................$165,000 2003 John Deere 9750............................................................$110,000 John Deere 9660 STS, 1200 engine hours, chopper, 30-ft. auger, 18.4x42 singles, bin extensions........................................................$182,000 2005 John Deere 9660............................................................$159,000

406-265-9554 OR 888-265-9554

Email: bigequip@bigequipment.com WAYLAND WALLS Parts Manager 888-265-9554 406-265-9554

ROGER WILDE CELL: 406-470-0321 OFFICE: 403-345-4847


Big Bud 950/50 950 hp, 2610 Twin Disk transmission and torque with hydraulic upgrades, Clark 85,000 lb. axles, new upgraded closed center hydraulics with flow control.......................................$349,500 Big Bud 600/50 KT 1150 motor, major component work, twin disk transmission, 75,000# Clark axles, new paint, new 30.5x32 tires...... ............................................................................................$150,000 Big Bud 600/50 recent new close centered hydraulic for air drill, 30.5x32 duals @ 60%, new interior, new paint..................................$125,000 Big Bud 600/50 600 hp, rebuilt Twin Disk transmission and torque, 9 speed...................................................................................$125,000

Big Bud 600/50 (650/50) 650 hp, Series IV cab, quad 20.8x42 tires @ 75%, low hours. Very clean....................................................... CALL Big Bud 550/50 550 hp, 2610 Series transmission, 70,000 lb. Clark axles, new paint and interior..........................................................$125,000 Big Bud 525/50 rebuilt transmission........................................$110,000 Big Bud KT450 1150 Cummins 450 hp, 13 speed Fuller transmission, 70,000# Clark axles, needs paint..........................................$29,500 2002 Case IH STX450 4WD, 5 remotes, 710x38 duals at 50%, 5500 hours....................................................................................$115,000 (2) Case IH 9180, powershift, 20.8x42 tires at 80%, 6000 hours or 8000 hours. Each...........................................................................$69,000 2005 Case IH MX230 190 hp.....................................................$99,500 Case 1030 with Case 70 loader, 100 hp, cab, PTO. Very clean..$11,500 Case 1030 with loader, no bucket, PTO........................................$7500 2008 Cat Challenger 965B Cat C18 engine 510 hp, 16 speed Powershift, 4300 hours..........................................................................$179,500 Cat 85C injector and pump just done, 6500 hours, 30” tracks at 60%..... . ............................................................................................$65,000

John Deere 9530 4WD, 475 hp, PowerShift, Auto Trac, 700x38, 1750 hours....................................................................................$219,500 John Deere 7930 MFWD, 380x54 duals, 2100 hours..............$139,500

John Deere 7630, 746 front end loader, 5500 hours...............$105,000 John Deere 4020 no 3-pt., Great Bend loader, 3788 hours.......$12,500 John Deere 4020, 8 speed, 3-pt., PTO, no cab, gas. Good condition..... .................................................................................................$9500 Steiger ST470 525 hp, powershift, 30.5x32 duals @ 60+%, rebuilt motor, clean unit...............................................................................$75,000 Steiger ST470 4WD, 1150 Cummins, 5 hydraulics, 30.5x32 duals at 70%, 6000 hours...................................................................$69,500 Steiger ST450 525 hp, powershift, tires @ 50%, good condition............ ..............................................................................................$59,500 Versatile 895 4WD, 310 hp, 24.5x32 duals, air drill return line. Good condition................................................................................$37,500 Massey Ferguson 4840 4WD, 265 hp, Cummins engine, quad range power shift, less than 4000 hours..........................................$29,500 Allis Chalmers HD-5 dozer, draw bar, ROPS, canopy.................$7500


2007 Case IH Flexi-Coil ATX700 70-ft. plow with ADX 4350 3 section tan, 430 bushel, single or double shoot, 12” spacing, very clean..... . ......................................................................................... $145,000

(2) 2001 John Deere 9650 Walker, 2200-2400 hours...............$89,500 2004 Cat Challenger 670 600 separator hours, with pickup....$155,000 2003 Cat Challenger 660, 1700 separator hours, 30-ft. Agco straight cut header, bat reel, new unloading tube for auger, chopper, chaff spreader, new vertical auger, 30.5x32 tires, feeder chain replaced 1 year ago...................................................................................... Call Gleaner R60, 2882 hours...........................................................$22,500 Gleaner N6, 2250 hours, 24-ft. header and pickup reel.............$10,000 1983 Gleaner N7........................................................................$10,000


2002 MacDon 972 draper table, hydraulic fore and aft. pickup reel, P auger, transport.....................................................................$30,000 (2) MacDon 962 36-ft. header, John Deere adapter, pickup reel, transport. Each......................................................................................$25,000 (2) MacDon 962 header with John Deere 871 adapter, pickup reel, no transport. Each......................................................................$19,500 (2) 1995 Honey Bee SP936 straight cut draper table, John Deere adapter, swath option, bat reel, transport. Each..................................$19,500 Honey Bee 36-ft. header, transport, bat reel..............................$19,500 (2) Allis-Chalmers 313 pickup header, Melroe attachment. Each.......... .................................................................................................$3000 Renn 992 12-ft. pickup attachment...............................................$1500


Flexi-Coil 800 52-ft. plow, Honey Bee rod.................................$12,500 Friggstad 40-ft. chisel plow, fair condition.....................................$5500


Lor-Al floater fertilizer spreader, 60-ft. booms, International Industrial diesel engine, Allison automatic transmission, dry box, liquid tank.... ..............................................................................................$28,500 Summers sprayer, 100-120 ft. wide, 1000 gallon tank, monitor, 2 boom switch.......................................................................................$6950 Steiger 12-ft. expandable to 16-ft. dozer blade, 6-way hydraulic for Case IH Steiger or any 4-wheel drive.............................................$17,500 Bron plow with winch, chutes, parts...........................................$65,000 LaTourneau trencher/pipe layer.................................................$12,000 MacDon 14-ft. hay head, conditioner............................................$8500 1983 GMC 6 ton fertilizer spreader truck, 8.2 Detroit engine, Allison transmission, Raven controller, GPS, light bar......................$20,000 (2) Ford B700 restored school buses, 24 passenger, diesel motor, 6 cylinder. Each............................................................... Make Offer New 420x38 tires, wheels, hubs for Case IH MX Series tractors..$4500 Single axle 2 horse trailer................................................................$800

Wagner 17, factory installed 318 Detroit diesel engine, 23.1x30 tires, factory duals, dual hydraulics. Rare, all original, good condition........ ..............................................................................................$29,500


Grain carts available

2003 Bourgault 5710 with 5350, 57-ft. 3 section tow behind tank......... . ........................................................................................... $98,000 2006 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. drill, 9” spacing, tow between 3450 tank, 430 bushel................................................................................ $115,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill, 12” spacing, single shoot (can be double shoot), 3450 tank................................................................. $65,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 7500 air drill, fold back type, 60-ft. x 12” spacing, 2340 variable rate cart tow behind, single or double shoot........... $45,000 Concord 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 3000 tank. Good condition.$35,000 Concord 50-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 3400 tow behind tank. Very clean.. ..............................................................................................$39,500 2000 New Noble 42-ft. tow behind air cart with 7” spacing........$39,500 New Noble Victory 38-ft. air drill, Prasco tank with Flexi-Coil monitor and parts...............................................................................$15,000


Prairie Star 4390 swather with 30-ft. draper header, turbo, Dual Range transmission, 1800 hours......................................................$65,000 1979 International 5000 swather, diesel motor, 14-ft. hay head, without conditioner, runs good..............................................................$4500

750 • 875 • 1000 • 1050 • 1150 • 1325 Bushel carts available with PTO or hydraulic drive

We are a dealer for

Air Drills &

Tanks & Products

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B28

Harvesting, drying, and storing malting barley

Prepared and Distributed by: American Malting Barley Association, Inc., Institute for Barley and Malt Sciences, & North Dakota State University To Get Market Premiums Maltsters will pay premiums for malting barley that has been harvested in good condition and stored properly. Bright barley with good germina‑ tion, sound kernels and intact husks are required for malting and brewing.

Skinned and Broken Kernels Skinned kernels are kernels with the husk loos‑ ened or removed over the germ or with one‑third or more of the husk skinned off. Broken kernels are kernels which are cracked or broken. Malting barley which is threshed properly and contains a low percent of skinned and broken kernels gener‑ ally has short pieces of awns still attached to the kernels. Buyers of malting barley do not object to these short pieces of awns even though they may result in lower test weight. The percentage of plump kernels remaining on barley sieves gives a much more accurate measure of kernel plumpness than does test weight. Skinned Kernels Cause Problems in the Malting Process In making malt, barley is steeped in water until it reaches high moisture content. The barley is then germinated under controlled conditions. This sprouting results in activation of enzymes which break down starch granules in the grain so that they may be converted to dextrins and sugars that are important in processes that use malt. A high percentage of skinned kernels results in inferior quality malt. The undamaged husk on sound kernels provides a protective covering for the developing sprout or acrospire which grows under the husk towards the awn end of the kernel. Skinned kernels take up water faster than sound kernels, and therefore grow faster. Germination must be uniform and complete so all the kernels are completely

malted. Skinned kernels or kernels with damaged husks germinate with exposed sprouts which are easily broken off when the barley is stirred during malting. If the unprotected sprout is broken off, germination is interrupted and the kernel is not completely malted. Skinned kernels are also more susceptible to mold growth than kernels which are protected by the husk. Broken kernels are largely removed by cleaning before barley is malted. Broken kernels which can‑ not be removed before malting reduce the quality of the malt. Straight Combining vs. Windrowing/Swathing and Combining The first harvesting decision that affects final grain quality is whether to cut and windrow or straight combine the barley crop. Weather condi‑ tions, crop variety, and timing of harvest are fac‑ tors to consider when deciding whether or not to windrow/swath the barley. Barley producers need to consider varietal characteristics such as height, straw strength and susceptibility to shattering and sprouting when determining which basic harvesting method to use. Barley is considered to be physiologically ma‑ ture at approximately 35% moisture in the seeds and can be cut when the moisture content is 20-30% and allowed to dry in windrows or swaths. Barley harvested at 18% or higher moisture content can be easily damaged during threshing in the combine. However, there is a high potential for shattering when mature barley is allowed to stand for an ex‑ tended period of time before harvesting. Producers who choose to straight combine may need to choose between harvesting wet barley or losing some grain to shattering while it is standing. Barley combined at moisture levels above 13.5% requires artificial drying for proper storage. To avoid any grain stor‑ age problems, it is critical that the farm operator understands the different aspects of using naturalair vs. a grain drying system that uses heat (see “Drying Barley”). Pre-harvest desiccants should never be used on malting barley as the malting and brewing industry will not knowingly buy malting barley treated with desiccants. Harvesting Issues All makes and models of combines can be adjusted and operated to thresh barley with a low percentage of skinned and broken kernels. Thresh‑ ing without mechanical damage requires more attention and greater care during adverse harvest conditions. When threshing malting barley, regular checks should be made for skinned and broken kernels. If more than a few kernels in a handful are skinned or broken, adjustments should be made to reduce this damage. Minor adjustments may be necessary during the day to compensate for changes in temperature or in moisture content of the straw and grain. The type of harvesting equipment and harvest‑ ing practices directly affect malting barley quality. Combine equipment and combine systems adjust‑ ments must be considered during the harvesting operation. Platform, feeder, feeder house, cleaning

and grain handling adjustments are similar on ro‑ tor and walker type combines. The rotor, cylinder, concave and fan adjustments must be set differently on each type of combine. Kernel damage, quality of straw, presence of weeds, and the amount of material other than grain in crop sample are the most important quality factors affected by combine settings. Combine Adjustments The combine platform and feeder adjustments are similar for most types of platforms and feeding systems. All types of headers must be properly lev‑ eled to ensure the crop feeds evenly into the feed house and onto the combine cylinder. There should be 3 mm (1/8”) clearance between the feeder con‑ veyor chain and the feeder-housing floor. The belt speed of pickups used with windrowed grain should be slightly faster than the combine’s ground speed. Threshing and separating the grain from the straw and chaff is accomplished differently in rotor and walker-type combines. In rotor-type combines if the rotor speed is set too fast kernels can be skinned and broken and more material other than grain will enter the cleaning system which reduces combine efficiency. Set rotor speeds between 600

and 900 rpm. Rotors operate in conjunction with the concaves. Select concave clearance according to recommendations for barley threshing. Reduc‑ ing the clearance between the rotor and concave adds additional threshing aggression but can cause cracked kernels. Set the concave clearance between 10-25 mm (3/8-1”). In both types of combines the cylinder and concaves operate together to thresh the crop. The recommended cylinder and concave clearance in walker-type combines is also between and 10-25 mm (3/8-1”) the cylinder speed is 600900 rpm. On specific combines the clearance and speed designations may be indicated in different graduations which would require the operator to consult the operator’s manual to determine the specific distances and speed settings. Combine cleaning systems include a fan and set of sieves that operate in relation to each other. Fan speed settings vary for different combines but excessive fan speed results in wasted grain blown out the rear of the combine while fan speeds that are too slow cause sieves to overload or plug. The upper sieve, sometimes called a chaffer, should be CONTINUED ON PAGE B30

Control parasites in sheep

Parasitism is one of the most damaging diseases in sheep. Round worms and coccidia are two of the worst parasites, according to Reid Redden, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service sheep specialist. Almost all sheep have some level of parasitic infection. Various factors, including animal health, diet and level of infection, affect animals’ ability to resist the detrimental effects of parasites. A good control program starts with understanding the parasites’ lifecycle, Redden says. The round worm is the most damaging. The adult round worm attaches itself to the lining of the abomasum, or fourth and final stomach compartment in ruminants such as sheep. The worm feeds on the sheep’s blood and lays thousands of eggs. The eggs develop into larvae in the sheep’s feces, and rain transfers the larvae from the feces to plants such as grass. Sheep eat the larvae, which turn into adults in the animals. Anemia (low red blood cells) is the most damaging result of roundworm parasitism. It can cause paleness of the gums and lining of the eye, bottle jaw, weight loss, weak wool and even death. Round worms also can cause diarrhea in sheep, but sheep can be severely anemic without having diarrhea. Larvae density on plants is greatest near the ground; consequently, overgrazing pastures increases infection rates. Larvae development can vary from five days to many months, depending on the weather. For example, infection rates spike in sheep during the spring and summer rainy season because the larvae thrive in warm, wet conditions. Round worms have three mechanisms to survive in a sheep flock: • Larva can arrest development (hibernate) in the sheep until the animal is more susceptible to infection. • Larvae can survive on pasture for many months during very adverse weather conditions. • Parasites develop drug resistance to wormers very quickly. Examining feces for eggs is the best way to determine the types of parasites infecting the sheep and the severity of the infestation, Redden says. The FAMACHA anemia test also will help producers assess parasite problems. Postmortem exams will show whether parasites are in the digestive tract. “Sheep have the ability to prevent larvae development, expel adult worms and inhibit egg production,” Redden says. “However, the ability to resist parasitic infection can vary greatly among sheep. Resistance depends on prior exposure to parasites and genetic background. Genetic selection for parasite resistance can be very effective to reduce parasitic problems.” He recommends each sheep operation develop its own parasite control program because no single program works for all farms. He says most management plans should include an application of a dewormer two weeks prior to or just after lambing. Redden also suggests using dry lots to hold sheep 24 to 48 hours after deworming so the animals can drop all the parasite eggs they may be carrying before being moved to new pasture. Returning sheep to the same pasture immediately after drenching them only provides two weeks of relief from parasitic infection. Also, moving sheep to new pastures immediately after drenching them provides some extended relief from parasites, but it eventually infects the new pasture with parasitic eggs. Reducing parasite infections on pastures is critical to a successful management program. Here are some other ways to accomplish that: • Maintain low stocking rates to prevent sheep from having to graze in areas with high fecal defecation and keep the animals from grazing grass down close to the ground. • Divide pastures into smaller segments and rotate pastures. • Hay pastures before or after grazing with sheep. • Graze pastures with horses or cattle before or after sheep. Anthelmintics (wormers) can be a very powerful tool to help fight parasitism, but they must not be the only prevention or treatment method because parasites will develop resistance to them, Redden warns. Producers should follow the directions on the product label and work with their veterinarian for any off-label use. Coccidiosis is the second most damaging parasite to sheep. Coccidia are very common in sheep’s intestinal tract. The single-cell protozoa damages the lining of the small intestine and causes severe diarrhea that may contain blood and/or mucous. Infections typically affect young sheep that were stressed by shipping, handling and adverse weather conditions. Feed and water fecal contamination from sheep and most avian species increases the infection rate. continued on page B32

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B29

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.

Price Truck & Equipment 8005 Hwy. 10 West - Missoula, MT

(406) 543-0382

2003 Ford F550 service truck, V10, automatic, 3200 lb. IMT crane.........................$15,000

2001 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed diesel, 6 speed manual transmission, boxes...........$15,000 Cat 930 wheel loader with cab $25,000

(800) 779-3660

2001 International 4900 with DT466, automatic and 50-ft. Versa-Lift...................$17,500

1994 Ford LN8000 60-ft. bucket truck, 8.3 Cummins, automatic, Reachall bucket.....$15,000

1999 Ford F450 4x4, V10, 40-ft. bucket truck, automatic, front winch........................ $15,000

1994 Ford F450 service truck, diesel, 5 speed, 11-ft. Auto Crane box, 6000# IMT crane.. ..................................$11,000

2001 Ford F550 4WD, diesel, 6 speed manual, 11-ft. box van. ..................................$15,000

1997 Trailmax 20-ton pintle hitch trailer, 24-ft. bed..........$11,500

1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 9-speed, 5000# IMT crane, hydraulic outriggers, Miller Air Pak welder.$15,000

Yale 4000 lb. propane forklift..................................................... $4000 Pettibone telescopic 8000 lb. forklifts..................................... $15,000 Rough terrain 7000-8000 lb. forklifts.........................$7000 to $9000 1990 Liftall 30-ft. 8000# rough terrain forklift, side shift, Cummins engine................................................................................. $9000 1990 Liftall 6000 lb. rough terrain forklift with side shift and Cummins diesel................................................................................... $9000 Champ 7000 lb. 21-ft. forklift, diesel, side shift, 8-ft. forks......... $7000 Alitec PH60 asphalt grinder for skid steer................................ $7500 Case Maxi Sneaker C trencher/cable plow with Kubota diesel, boring attachment, shows 512 hours............................................. $7500 Ditch Witch 400SX cable plow with trencher............................ $5000 1999 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow with boring attachment... $7500 Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow.................................................. $5000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers..................................... $12,500 1990 Ford L8000 diesel, 6 speed, 16-ft. flatbed dump............. $8000 1988 Ford L8000 diesel, automatic, 14-ft. flatbed dump........... $8000 1990 Ford F700 diesel, 5/2 speed, 16-ft. flatbed dump............ $6500 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles....................... $12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1997 Ford F800 crew cab truck, diesel, 9 speed, 5000 lb. crane, welder, grease reel and pump.......................................... $15,000 1987 Ford F800 40-ft. bucket truck, diesel engine, automatic... $6500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1992 Ford F800 line truck with diesel engine, automatic, Tele Electric 45-ft. crame, 18” auger..................................................... $10,000 1987 Ford F700 service truck, 7500# crane............................. $7500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers.................................................... $15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb. Auto Crane, compressor.......................................................... $11,000

1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate.............. $9000 1996 Chevrolet Kodiak Cat diesel, 6 speed automatic, utility bed, outriggers............................................................................ $8500 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic....... $2500 1988 Internatonal 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed...................... $9000 1987 International cab and chassis, diesel, automatic, 160 CFM driveline compressor........................................................... $6000 1986 International 4x4, cab & chassis, DT466, 5/2 speed transfer case, front winch, PTO, hydraulic pump. Ex-utility truck... $12,500 1978 International 1600 4WD, cab and chassis, gas engine, 4 speed, 2 speed transfer case, low miles. Ex-government... $5000 (2) 1984 International S1900 18-ft. and 20-ft. flatbed dump trucks, DT466 engine. Each........................................................... $8000 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb. knuckle boom.$12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed................ $12,500 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump......$12,500 1989 International S1754 DT360, 5/2 speed, Altec 300 bucket.$7500 1986 International S1900 tractor, DT466, 5-speed.................. $4500 Waterous fire pumper, 175 gpm, 125 psi, 300 gallon tank, 11-ft. Reading utility box............................................................... $5000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 125-275 CFM air compressors.....................................$4000 - $7500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $11,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder................................$1500 - $2500 Brush Bandit chipper............................................................ $11,000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call Cat IT28 quick-tach forks.......................................................... $2750 Auger bits, 18”............................................................................. $750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B30

Harvesting, drying, and storing malting barley CONTINUED FROM PAGE B28

set with a 14-18 mm (0.5-0.7”) opening, and the lower sieve should be set to have a 4- 8 mm (0.20.3”) opening. Modern combines allow the operator to make most threshing and separation adjustments from the operator’s cab based on information supplied by electronic monitors and sensor systems. The grain handling system includes the clean grain and return grain elevators, the grain tank and unloading auger. To reduce the potential for kernel damage, maintain the proper elevator chain tension, so the grain doesn’t get caught between the chain and gear. Grain Elevators Improper adjustment, operation, or use of onfarm hauling and elevation equipment at the storage site can be a source of kernel damage. Auger elevators should be in good operating condition and used at recommended speed and capacity. Bent augers, dented auger housings or ragged edges cause skinning and breaking. Pneumatic (air) elevators can be used to elevate barley with minimum damage. Do not operate this type of equipment above the recommended speed. Air elevators will skin and crack barley when run at excess speeds. Improper feeding can also cause damage. Sharp angles, long distances, and high velocity air may all damage grain. Drying Barley If malting barley is harvested at moisture levels above 13.5% it must be dried using various methods to assure the barley maintains quality in storage. Natural air/low temperature drying generally costs less and yields higher quality malting barley compared to high temperature drying. High temperature drying, if not properly monitored, can reduce test weights and germination, and can result in cracks in the kernels which are then more prone to breakage. Natural air or low temperature drying is energy efficient, economical and reduces drying bottlenecks. Drying time is normally three to four weeks using airflow rates of 0.75 to 1.0 cubic feet per minute per bushel (cfm/bu). An airflow rate of 0.75 cfm/bu permits drying barley at moisture contents up to 17% and 1.0 cfm/bu up to 18% when average outdoor temperatures are 70°F or lower (day temperature + night temperature/2). The maximum moisture content for natural air drying is 16% with an airflow rate of at least 0.75 cfm/bu if air temperatures average between 75° and 80°F. Drying occurs in a zone that moves from the bottom of the bin to the top, if the air is pushed up through the barley. Grain at the top will stay near the initial moisture content until the drying zone reaches the top of the grain, so adequate airflow to dry the barley within its allowable storage time is critical. The allowable storage time (or drying time) is related to the grain temperature and moisture content. The allowable storage time is about 25 days for 18% moisture barley at 70°F, 35 days at 17%, and 50 days at 16%. The allowable storage time is about 13 days for 18% at 78°F, 17 days at 17% and 35 days at 16%. The allowable storage time is approximately doubled for each two percentage point reduction in moisture content and for each 10°F reduction in temperature. Generally, a centrifugal fan of adequate size is needed to provide the airflow. A grain kernel will either lose or gain moisture, depending on its moisture content and the tempera-

ture and relative humidity of the surrounding air. Water moves from an area of high vapor pressure to areas of low vapor pressure. Eventually, the vapor pressure inside the kernel will equate to the vapor pressure of the air. When this occurs, the grain has reached the equilibrium moisture content. Higher temperatures and lower relative humidity result in lower equilibrium moisture contents. The equilibrium moisture content for barley is about 12% at 70°F and 60% relative humidity. This moisture content is recommended for long term storage to prevent mold growth. Adding supplemental heat to a natural-air drying system will reduce the equilibrium moisture content of the grain and only reduces the drying time slightly. Normally, air should be warmed no more than about 5°F. Warming the air by 5°F will reduce the relative humidity by about 10% and the barley moisture content by about 1.5%. As a rule of thumb, one kilowatt of electric heat per fan motor horsepower will warm the air about 5°F for wheat and barley. Adding more heat will result in over drying unless the grain is stirred. The air will normally be warmed 3°-5° F by the fan operating at a static pressure of about 6” when drying barley. Consider the effect of the fan heat on air relative humidity before adding supplemental heat. Normally, additional heat is not required. Adding heat frequently causes grain to be dried to a moisture content lower than desired. Drying temperatures need to be limited when using a high temperature dryer to prevent damaging the quality of malting barley. Since germination is important in the malting process, 100°F is the maximum recommended drying air temperature. A moisture variation develops in the kernel when barley is dried in a high temperatures, with the outside being drier than the inside. This moisture variation causes electronic meters to give an erroneously low value, since they are influenced primarily by the outer surface of the kernel. If the outer surface is wetter than the inside of the kernel, the meter reading will be erroneously high. To determine if the meter reading is erroneous, place a sample in a plastic bag and allow the moisture to equalize in the kernel for about 12 hours and then recheck the moisture content. Managing Stored Barley Grain stores best if it is cool, dry and clean. The recommended maximum moisture content for storage of clean, sound barley during warm summer temperatures is 12%. Barley can be stored at slightly higher moisture contents if it is kept cool. Examine an allowable storage time chart to determine acceptable temperatures and grain moisture contents. Grain that contains considerable foreign material or broken kernels will be more susceptible to mold and insects than sound clean grain. The grain should be cleaned to reduce this hazard or be dried to a moisture content of at least one percentage point lower than that of clean grain. Cooling stored barley with aeration is critical to maintain grain quality. Insect reproduction is slowed at grain temperatures below 70°F, they become dormant at temperatures below about 50°F, and insects can be killed if grain temperatures are maintained at or below 30°F for about two months. The allowable storage time, based on quality loss, is approximately doubled for each 10°F that the barley is cooled. Moisture migration will cause a moisture accumulation and crusting in the top central part of a bin if about a 20°F or more temperature difference exists in the stored grain. This temperature variation occurs if the stored barley is not cooled using aeration as outdoor temperatures cool. Begin aeration to reduce the grain temperature when the average outdoor temperature is about 10° to 15°F cooler than the grain temperature and the grain can be cooled below 70°F. Two, or more, aeration cycles will be required to cool the grain during the fall, eventually cooling to about 20° to 25°F for winter storage. The required aeration cycle time can be estimated by dividing 15 by the airflow rate. It takes about 150 hours to cool grain with an aeration airflow rate of

0.1 cfm/bu. Make sure the fan runs long enough to cool all the grain. Little if any drying will occur during aeration. Also, very little rewetting will occur if the fan is run during humid weather as long as the fan is operated only long enough to cool the grain. The aeration fan or duct should be covered whenever the fan is not running to prevent insects and snow from blowing into the bin and to prevent warm moist air from warming and wetting the grain in the spring. Grain may be warmed in the spring if it has been cooled to below 20°F, but should only be warmed to about 35° to 40°F for summer storage. Research has not shown that it is better to warm the grain than to leave it at about 20° to 30°F. Moisture accumulation during the summer due to moisture migration typically occurs in the center of the bin at depths of two to four feet below the grain surface. The moisture increase will normally be less than 1%. Grain should not be aerated during the summer except to cool warm grain typically near the top of the bin. Aeration to cool the grain at the top of the bin should push the air up through the grain, only when outside temperatures are below 60°F, and the fan should only be operated long enough to cool the top surface. Warming barley to 70° F, for example, will add moisture to the grain and put the grain at a temperature conducive to mold growth and insect activity. Check stored grain at least every two weeks during the fall until the barley has been cooled and a history of the grain has been developed. Check the stored barley at least monthly during the winter after the grain has been cooled to 20° to 25°F, and again every two weeks during the spring and summer. Search for small changes that are indicators of potential problems. Check and record the temperature and moisture content at several locations. Examine samples from several locations for insects. General Recommendations for Harvesting Quality Malting Barley 1. Pre-harvest desiccants should never be used on malting barley. 2. Harvest barley when the grain moisture content is lower than 18%. Only with adequate drying capabilities should barley be harvested above 13.5% moisture to the maximum of 18%. 3. When threshing malting barley, regular checks should be made for skinned and broken kernels. 4. Excessively high cylinder speeds are mainly responsible for skinned and broken barley kernels. With slower cylinder speeds, concaves can be adjusted close enough to thresh the grain without excessive skinned and broken kernels. 5. The fan speed should be high enough to “float out” most chaff but low enough to permit the grain to fall through. Many machines use more wind for barley than other small grains. 6. Sieves and air should be adjusted for minimum material other than grain in the return. 7. Review the operator’s manual, and consult the company representative for proper combine adjustments for harvesting malting barley. 8. Cooling stored barley with aeration is critical to maintain grain quality. 9. Check the stored barley at least monthly during the winter. This article covers some of the more important aspects of harvesting and storing malting barley. For specific adjustments for your combine or elevating equipment be sure to follow the directions in your operator’s manual. Further storage tips should be obtained by local extension or purchasing agents. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are very thankful for all the input provided by the NDSU Agricultural Engineering Department, members of AMBA, IMBS, and equipment manufactures. We regret that the individuals providing input are too numerous to detail here.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B31

Over 300+ auction items to bid on! Like..... Location Stock # 21 13 11 21

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1995 John Deere 7800 tractor with JD 740 loader, PS, MFWD $30,000 12,232 hours 1999 John Deere 9400 tractor PS, no 3-point, no PTO, $85,000 4 SCV, 4581 hours 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft 12” spacing, 230 bushel tanks $35,000 2004 John Deere 1890, 42-ft air drill, 7.5” spacing, 270 bushel $81,000

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2 years interest free financing on used combines o.a.c. 1998 Case 2388 with 30-ft. Stock #129935..$99,500 (11) 1992 John Deere 9600 3922 hours. Stock #124738........ ..................................................................... $38,900 (13) 1990 John Deere 9600 2972 hours. Stock #129935........ ..................................................................... $36,800 (22) 2009 John Deere 9770STS 574 hours. Stock #124380... ....................................................................$237,225 (11) 2010 John Deere 9770STS 830 hours. Stock #131847... ....................................................................$239,999 (11) 2010 John Deere 9770STS 847 hours. Stock #131848... ....................................................................$235,000 (11) 2011 John Deere 9670STS 237 hours. Stock #143900...................$227,000 (11) 2004 John Deere 9760STS 888 hours. Stock #129406......$144,000 (11)

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B32

150 years of making history

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara Weaver-Missick and Robert Sowers, ARS USDA’s 150th anniversary is in 2012. Abraham United States, the screwworm—larvae of which Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 to create the Depart- eat living tissue of people and other animals—had ment. Since then, USDA scientists have been busy plagued the Southwest, all of Florida, and parts of solving problems and creating technologies and Georgia. products for people here and around the world. In 1937, the late Edward F. Knipling, then at a The only thing that stands between the United USDA laboratory in Menard, Texas, got the idea States and an invasion of cattle-killing screwworms of flooding areas with sexually sterilized male is a daily flight of airplanes flooding a 100-mile- screwworm flies. He believed that by releasing wide section of the Isthmus of Panama with male large numbers of sterile male flies, they would mate screwworm flies raised in a laboratory and steril- with nonsterile female screwworm flies and that the ized with radiation in Panama. The screwworm resulting “unsuccessful” mating would decrease the infestations of the past would probably come back population over time, driving the flies to extinction. if the releases stopped for a couple of months or so, When Knipling came up with the idea, there says Dan Strickman, Agricultural Research Service was no known way of sterilizing the male flies. national program leader for veterinary and medical Then one day he read an article by the Nobel entomology. Prize-winning geneticist Hermann Joseph Muller “This is a great example of agricultural research in Scientific American showing that x-rays sterilchanging the history of this country, and it’s a ized male fruit flies without interfering with their cutting-edge example of integrated pest manage- normal functions. ment,” Strickman adds. Knipling wrote to Muller to see whether x-rays This year marks the U.S. Department of Agricul- could be used to sterilize screwworm flies. Muller ture’s 150th anniversary, making it a particularly wrote back immediately, indicating his interest in appropriate time to look at this and other examples the idea. of history in the making. That exchange—and subsequent experiments demonstrating that the idea worked, including re- Mediterranean fruit fly, a worldwide agricultural pest, is consearch by colleague Raymond Bushland showing trolled by the same techniques used to eliminate screwworms. that sterile male screwworms could be raised in a laboratory and function normally after release, search Laboratory in honor of the two pioneering including mating with nonsterile females—led to scientists. The facility, located in Kerrville, Texas, works on cattle fever ticks, horn flies, stable flies, the historic screwworm eradication program. and other livestock pests. Live screwworms are not The sterile insect technique has been used to allowed in the United States, however, so the lab eradicate screwworms elsewhere, including north can only work with DNA from the screwworm. The Africa—where they were accidentally intro- live-screwworm work is performed at the Screwduced—in the 1990s and most recently from Aruba. worm Research Unit in Pacora, Panama, the site The technique has proved useful in controlling of a huge factory that produces sterile males for other pests as well, such as the Mediterranean fruit release. The Kerrville lab continues to research fly and the tsetse fly. effective, less expensive methods to control insect Flesh-eating screwworms once plagued some southern U.S. USDA screwworm research began under the pests of livestock. states but have been eliminated from and kept out of the country because of continuing efforts of USDA scientists. auspices of the department’s Bureau of Entomol##### The screwworm was wiped out of the United ogy and Plant Quarantine, which was transferred imbroglio (im-BRO-lee-oh), noun - Colloquially States by 1966 and Mexico by 1991. The purging to the Agricultural Research Administration referred to as a “sticky situation” - a predicament continued south to include Central America until (which became the Agricultural Research Service that is difficult to get out of. the “barrier” reached across the entire narrow Isth- by the end of 1953). The laboratory at Menard ##### mus of Panama, and the screwworm was declared was incorporated into the U.S. Livestock Insect palaver (pa-LAH-ver) noun. A rambling, meeradicated from Central and North America. Laboratory in 1946, which, in 1988, was renamed andering stream-of-consciousness conversation Before USDA eradicated the species from the the Knipling-Bushland U.S. Livestock Insects Re- spoken to prove or make a point.

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Spruce trees more green than blue

By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a small nursery about 15 miles southeast of Denver. The spruce trees we purchased as seedlings are growing well. However, why have some of the trees gone more green than blue? It also appears the trees that were really blue earlier in the year now look lighter. I have been told that acid in the soil might be the cause. However, no one seems to have a solution to get the trees back to the more blue color. Any ideas on how to correct the problem? A: You are witnessing the phenotypic seedling variation that is giving you the range of color possibilities this species possess. If you were hoping for a true blue that would retain color throughout its life, then you would need the grafted or clonal stock. They have names such as Picea pungens ‘Glauca,’ Picea pungens ‘Koster’ or Picea pungens ‘Hoopsii.’ When you purchased these trees, if they did not have these name tags, then all you got were seedlings that come with their color variability. I don’t know of any adjustment in fertilizer practices that can get you the color consistency you are looking for. Sorry!

Control parasites in sheep continued from page B32

Several products (Decoquinate, Lasalocid, Rumensin and Sulfaquinoxaline) can be added to the animals’ feed or water during times of stress. These products are very effective in preventing coccidiosis, Redden says. “Any treatment should be based on environmental conditions that promote parasitism,” he adds. “So work with your local veterinarian and Extension agent to develop the best parasite management protocol for your farm.”

Combat makes for gun-shy investors, study says

Veterans who have faced combat are more risk-averse when it comes to investing than noncombatants, according to a new Cornell study. As a result, they may struggle to build wealth through long-term investments, the authors say. Veterans with combat experience were 14 percent to 18 percent less likely than other veterans to invest in such risky assets as mutual funds and stocks, according to the research. There were no differences between the groups, however, in holding safe assets, such as Treasury bonds, certificates of deposit or checking accounts. The work suggests that traumatic experiences unrelated to the financial sector affect one’s investment behavior. Combat veterans appear to be overly cautious and all the worse for it financially, since portfolio choices of stock historically have been critical to economic advancement and building wealth. “A person’s investment decisions often are influenced by many factors that have nothing at all to do with income, wealth, education or the economy. We found that experiencing a trauma or psychological shock can affect your investment behavior -- even when the trauma is not finance or health related,” said lead author Vicki L. Bogan, assistant professor of applied economics and management at Cornell’s Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. She added that the results suggest “that veterans’ combat experiences are important to consider with regard to determining and managing veterans benefits.” The paper, co-authored with Dyson School colleagues David R. Just, associate professor, and Brian Wansink, professor, will appear in a forthcoming issue of Contemporary Economic Policy. In comparing the investing habits of veterans who said they had faced combat experience with those of veterans who didn’t, the researchers controlled for physical health issues and other individual characteristics that have previously been shown to influence investment behavior. The researchers used a 2000 University of Illinois survey that was conducted for a different purpose. Most of the veterans in the sample served in World War II or the Korean or Vietnam wars. Once veterans come home, education becomes key, Just added. “With education, the effects of trauma go away -- they will put their money in reasonable risks and obtain normal returns. Without that education they will be at a financial disadvantage the rest of their lives. Strong educational support is one key to recovering from combat.”

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B33

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291. 101 Sunfield Drive

Belgrade, MT

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2006 Ingersoll-Rand SD45 54” smooth drum roller, Cummins engine, 800 hours. Nice condition..........$31,500

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2002 Kobelco 200SR LC hydraulic excavator with good undercarriage, hydraulic thumb, clean and tight. 5007 hours..........................$56,000

2007 Yanmar VIO45 mini excavator, hydraulic thumb, open ROPS, excellent rubber tracks, 1995 hours...$26,000


2000 International 8100 tandem axle, Cat engine, 9 speed, spring suspension, 4000 gallon water tank with side/rear spray....................$40,000 1981 International Cargo Star flatbed with DT466 engine, automatic transmission and gooseneck hitch........... . .............................................$5500


1996 Volvo L90C wheel loader, 31/2 yard bucket, QA with forks..........$49,500

1980 Case W18 wheel loader with cab, heat, good 17.5x25 tires and 2.5 GP bucket.................................$17,900

1997 Komatsu D39E dozer with cab, heat, ripper, 60% undercarriage, 6 way blade............................$23,500 1986 Dresser TD7E crawler dozer, ripper, 6 way blade, left hand slope board, 80% undercarriage..$14,900

2001 Cat CP-563D 84” sheeps foot roller, 3600 hours, excellent.....$51,500 Bomag 48” double drum asphalt roller , Deutz diesel........................$10,000 1979 Cat 140G motorgrader, cab, heat, snow wing, 17.5x25 tires....$52,500 1977 John Deere motorgrader with cab, heat and excellent tires.......$17,900

Cat 12F motorgrader, cab, heat, electric start. Tight and clean, runs great..... . ..........................................$16,500

TRACTORS 2­—500-gallon water wagons with pump, hose reel and spray bar. On tandem axle trailer. Each....................$5500


2007 GMC 1/2-ton 4x4 crew cab with 5.3L V-8, automatic, SLE package, 100,000 miles.....................$19,500


2002 John Deere 5320 MFWD, 5700 hours, plumbed for loader.... $22,500

2000 Trail King 12-ton tilt bed equipment trailer with gooseneck hitch...$8900 1993 Pioneer Max 50 4 axle end dump pup trailer, liftable front axle, good box......................................$13,900


Financing Available oac

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B34

New Holland Equipment

New Holland Windrowers

New Holland BR7090 Round Balers

New Holland Tractors New Holland Combines New Holland Guardian Sprayer

New Holland Air Drills

New Holland P2050

New Holland P2060 60 & 70-ft. folding drill

New Holland T9000 Series Tractors

New Holland P2070 Precision Air Drill

New Holland Suspended Sprayers

Zerbe Bros.

406-228-4311 Glasgow, Montana


2002 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT 100-ft. twin tank, 1500 gallown, Richway marker, windscreens, dual hydraulic pump. #USF159.......................$14,500 2000 Flexi-Coil System 67XL 100-ft., 1500 gallon, wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, windscreens, double nozzles, rinse tank. #USF153................................................$17,500 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139................................................$17,500 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67 110-ft., 1000 gallon, windscreens, wheel boom, Flexi-Control monitor. #USF151................................................$14,500 1994 Flexi-Coil System 65 1000 gallon, 16.5x6.1 tires, SP655 Auto Rate, no windscreens. #USF104...................................................$9500 Flexi-Coil System 65 80-ft., 18.4x26 tires, 3 switch controller. #USF171...................................$5000


2007 New Holland SF115 100-ft., 1500 gallon tank, walking beam axles, 16.5x16.1 tires, HMIC pump, auto rate. #USNH14................................$39,500

2006 New Holland BR-780 with Bale command, twine and mesh wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO, hay acid applicator. #UHN120...............................$18,000 1992 New Holland 660 with Bale Command, standard pickup, 1000 PTO. #UHN108.....................$7500


2009 New Holland S1070 pull type sprayer, 134-ft., no windscreens, auto rate, combo jet dual nozzles. #USNH24.............................................. JUST IN

1992 Hesston 8200 swather, diesel, cab, air, 14-ft. auger header, 3525 hours. #UWHS63........CALL

International 4000 gas windrower, cab, hydro, 14-ft. auger head. #UWIH14............................... $7500 New Holland 21-ft. draper header. #UWNH27......... . ................................................................$1500


2004 Summers 110-ft. suspended boom, windscreens, 3 way nozzle bodies, 1500 gallon tank, Raven 450 auto rate. #USSM06.............$32,500


Vermeer 6800 bale processor, 1000 PTO drive........ . .................................................................$7500

2004 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, Flex-Control auto rate, windscreens, rinse tank............................. CALL 1996 Brandt QF2500 100-ft. wheel boom, twin tank, twin boom, Auto Rate, 18.4x26 tires, foam marker, Ace hydraulic & PTO pump. #USBT12...$10,900


2006 New Holland L-190 skid steer, 360 hours, cab with heat & air, 12x16.5 tires, quick attach hydraulics, 2800 lb. lift. #USNH23...........$36,000

1992 New Holland 660 auto wrap, 1000 PTO, twine tie. #UHN115...............................................$7000 1993 New Holland 660 auto wrap, 1000 PTO drive. #UHN118................................................... $6500 1994 New Holland 660 auto wrap, 1000 PTO. #UHNH86................................................ $11,900

Concord 5012 50-ft., 3-rank, 12” spacing, standard cushion shanks, disc levelers, 3000 air system, hydraulic fan, 18.4x26 tires. #UDCN04................ . ........................................Special Price - CALL Concord 4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, 3-rank, single shoot, C-shanks with 2300 tow behind tanks, 2” Bourgault openers.................................. JUST IN 1991 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 31/2” steel wheels, 9” spacing with 1615 tow between tank, mechanical drive. #UDF209...................................... $34,000 2004 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow between cart, dual fan, mechanical drive, 8” auger. #UDF208.....$31,000

2005 Case IH RBX562 wide pickup, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, 7500 bales. #UHCA18..$17,500 1996 Case IH 8465, 540 PTO, twine tie, hydraulic pickup lift. #UHCA16.................................. $7000 Hesston 560 with auto tie, 540 PTO. #UHHS51...... . ................................................................$5500 2002 Hesston 856A automatic, twine tie, 4500 bales, wide pickup. #UHHS54.............................. $9500 1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500

1998 Vermeer 605L twine & mesh wrap, hydraulic bale kicker. #UHVM31............................. $12,000 1994 Vermeer 605K 1000 PTO. #UHVM33..... $7500

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Tim Guttenberg

62 1950 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B35



Wil-Rich 47-ft. tool bar, 5 section, 7 Flexi-Coil harrows, McKay knock-on sweeps........................$17,500 Wil-Rich 45-ft. tool bar.....................................$5500 2010 New Holland BR7090 round baler, wide pickup, twine and net tie, 1000 PTO, 4000 bales...$31,000 2008 New Holland BR780A round baler, 1000 PTO, approximately 4000 bales.......................$21,000

1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 47-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 4” rubber packers, 2320 tow between cart.. $40,000

www.ETsprayers.com PERFORMANCE In redesigning the APACHE line, we pushed the

envelope of sprayer potential. Each of our models have powerful engines ranging from 160-hp. to 215-hp., and either a 4-speed or 6-speed, torque-converted Powershift transmission. We updated and refined all of the inner workings everything from the hydraulic, fuel and cooling systems down to the upgraded chemical inductor and exhaust system.

CONVENIENCE The command control center is a perfect balance of functionality and style, and makes the whole machine as easy to use as it is easy on the eyes. Designed by growers for growers, the new APACHE models offer drivers a better cab design for easier access to simple maintenance tasks. With increased visibility to your rows, the new APACHE models have truly reinvented the ride. COMFORT The all-new and altogether smartly appointed custom cab is a crowning achievement in

APACHE innovation. Quiet, comfortable and equipped with well-thought-out details, this is a space that is truly designed with the operator in mind. Fatique-reducing ergonomic controls and productivity-increasing features inside and out all add up to an exceptional work environment. And the patented hydraulic suspension boosts operator comfort to deliver one of the best rides in the industry.

PRODUCTIVITY APACHE sprayers take you where others won’t: maneuvering up hills, through wet fields, over ruts, bumps and ridges. The APACHE utilizes a torque converted transmission combined with all-gear, mechanical drive, allowing you to take off in any gear range and multiply engine torque up to two times when needed for hilly terrain. APACHE sprayers are unencumbered by the complex lines, pumps and problems of hydrostatic drives. As a result, you benefit from virtually trouble-free operation. You have fewer repairs, lower maintenance costs and less downtime.

1995 Ford New Holland 9680 4WD tractor, 20.8R42 tires (90%), powershift transmission, 1000 PTO, 5 rear hydraulics, 350 hp with weights.......$72,000 1993 John Deere 8960 4WD tractor, 20.3R42 tires (90%), Cummins disesel, 4 hydraulics, nice!....... . ..............................................................$53,000 1995 Massey-Ferguson 3140 MFD tractor, power shift, 3-point, 540/1000 PTO, cab, MF loader, 3788 hours.......................................................$43,000 International 1086 2WD tractor, 18.4x38 tires, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hydraulics, 4216 hours..$13,000 1997 Brandt QF2000 114-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, auto rate controller.....................................$6500 1993 Flexi-Coil S65 100-ft. boom sprayer, no windscreens, 1500 gallon, Micro-Trak auto rate, air induction tips..............................................$6500 2003 Gates 72-ft. heavy harrow, carbide tips, 70008000 acres, 1/2”x24” tines. very nice........$18,000



2009 Apache AF1010 1000 gallon, 100-ft. booms, 630 hours.

Zerbe Bros.


Glasgow, Montana


1994 New Holland TR97 combine, 2100 hours with MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, 30.5x32 tires, straw chopper & chaff spreader. #UCNH37......... . ..............................................................$60,000

2005 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, MacDon 973 36-ft. header, chaff spreader, 30.5x32 tires, 1651 separator hours. #UCAG16...................$141,000

2003 Gleaner R75 with Cummins engine, 330 hp, 330 bushel tank, dual spreader and moisture monitor, 1100 separator hours. #UCAG17........... JUST IN 2000 New Holland TR99, Honeybee 994 36-ft. header, 2100 separator hours. #UCNH41..CALL 1998 New Holland TR98 2300 separator hours, SP 36-ft. Honey Bee. #UCNH57.................. JUST IN


2011 New Holland T6050 FWD, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point, 18.4x38 rears, New Holland loader and grapple, 24 speed transmission. #UTNH88......... . ..............................................................$83,000 2004 New Holland TJ500 500 hp, 2600 hours, 900 metric tires, hi-capacity pump, rear weights......... . ............................................................. JUST IN 1976 John Deere 8630 225 PTO hp, Quad shift, 18.4x34 tires. #UTJD96..........................$16,900 1979 John Deere 8440 4WD, 1000 PTO, PowrQuad transmission. #UTJ105.......................... JUST IN

1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28................................................ $36,500 1981 New Holland TR85 2200 separator hours, 24-ft. header. #UCNH58.................................. JUST IN

2009 New Holland / Honey Bee 4255 Grain Belt PLUS 42-ft. flex draper header, UII plastic finger reel, hydraulic fore and aft, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, transport trailer, fits John Deere 70 series combine. #UHHB02................................... CALL 2005 New Holland 74C 30-ft. flex auger header, poly cutter bar with pickup reels. #UCNH53...$25,000 New Holland 973 30-ft. flex header, fits TR series. #UCNH59............................................... JUST IN 2-New Holland 971 13-ft. pickup header with RakeUp pickup attachment. #UCNH38..............$5500 New Holland 994 36-ft. draper head with pickup reel (fits CRs). #UCNH42...............................$24,000 2005 MacDon 963 draper header, 36-ft. with finger reel and cross augers, Gleaner adapter.........$31,000 1999 MacDon 962 36-ft. draper header with transport package, batt reel, JD 50 Series adaptor. #UHMD39...............................................$17,500 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header with Case IH pickup attachment. #UCCA09...............................$5500 Massey-Ferguson pickup header, 13-ft., fits 510, 750 and 760. #UHMF61...................................... $500

2005 Vermeer 605M round baler, twine & net wrap, 10,500 bales, wide pickup, flotation tires..$22,000 Vermeer 605L round baler, twine & net wrap, gathering wheels..................................................$5500 1993 Vermeer 604K round baler, makes 4-ft. bale, 540 PTO drive with gathering wheels........$4900 Gehl 1875 round baler, 5x6 chamber, hydraulic pickup lift...............................................................$5900 2010 H&S 12-wheel rake. Like new..............$11,000 2008 Sitrex 12-wheel rake, rakes 27-ft., wing up version, very nice............................................$4300 2-Rola wheel rakes, 4- & 6-wheel.........$1700-$2000

New Holland 1431 disc bine, 13-ft. cut 1000 PTO drive, 3-pt. swivel hitch............................$13,000 International 140 48” roll over plow, 16” bottoms, 3-pt. mount.........................................................$3500 1992 Gleaner R72 combine, 2530 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 390 hours on new engine.$49,500 1992 Gleaner R72 combine, 2277 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 30-ft. header and trailer.....$45,000 1995 New Holland TR97 combine, 1540 hours, Kirby spreader, no hours since re-con in 2008..$45,000 1990 New Holland TR86 combine, 24.5x32 tires, 1635 separator hours, 30-ft. 971 header, very nice. .... $20,000 1979 Allis-Chalmers N5 combine, 24.5x32 tires with 27-ft. header, batt reel................................$7500 1978 John Deere 7700 combine, diesel engine, 3631 hours with 224 head, non hydro.................$8500 Gleaner 13-ft. pickup header with Melroe attachment...........................................................$1500

2006 Ford 1-ton dually extended cab, 6.0 diesel, 77,000 miles, clean, new engine............$18,000 Bearcat 1260 grinder mixer, bale feeder, 1000 PTO, nice............................................................$4500

Vermeer Helps Speed The Haying Process R2800 & R2300 TwinRake Get great-looking bales quickly and easily. It all starts with the Vermeer R2800 & R2300 TwinRakes, which produce box-shaped windrows. Built to last, the R2800 & &R2300 allows you to adjust the width of the windrows to match your baler. Control the width, basket lift and folding/unfolding systems right from the cab of your tractor. • Keep hay clean because the hydraullicallydriven baskets have rubber-mounted rake teeth that engage the crop, not the ground.

• Built for durability with a proven design that prevents the tines from engaging the ground.

Zerbe Bros.


www.zerbebrothers.com – Email zerbesales@nemont.net

Glasgow, Montana

Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

• Glide over uneven terrain with large, caster type wheels to cushion your ride. • Built to last with rugged construction.

SALES Mike Guttenberg Tim Guttenberg

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B36

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.

0% Financing

PLUS no payments For 1 year on new bins & equipment - oac Positively ends June 30, 2012


On Farm Fuel Containment Systems Custom designed to fit your needs to conform to the SPCC requirement

Children’s gardening

By Marilyn Rasmussen, SDSU Extension Children, being outdoors, and digging in the dirt, is there a better combination? The hands-on learning that can occur in the garden is without limits. However, keeping children interested in gardening requires planning, and sometimes letting go of adult ideas about gardening. Straight rows and perfect vegetables may not be the end result. To keep children engaged and happy in the garden, adults need to plan ahead for fun and for safety. Design a child-friendly garden. First consider the developmental level or stage of the child or children who will be the gardeners. Children at different stages of development will experience the environment differently. All children respond to color and aesthetics. Incorporate garden features that are attractive to children, such as ornaments, ceramic or metal figurines, or wind catchers. Plant a few flowers that bloom throughout the growing season for extra color. Four and five year olds need defined paths through the garden if adults expect plants not to get stepped on. Start with plenty of raking and digging before ever planting a single seed. Look for sturdy plastic tools with a small grip, rather than metal tools. Practice and repeat simple tasks such as watering with child-sized watering cans. Provide a seating area where adults can view and supervise children. Six to eight year olds also enjoy digging, and finding bugs and worms so let the children “till” part of the garden plot before planting. Coordination improves increasing their ability to use tools, and they can walk through the garden now without stepping on plants. They can read and write so let them make markers for the rows of plants and other signs for the garden. Keeping a journal with both words and drawings sustains their interest as the plants change and grow. Nine to eleven year olds can assist in planning and designing the garden because of advanced math skills and logical thinking. Expanded coordination skills make them capable of helping to put together or build things, such as a fence or rock-lined path. While younger children are engaged in “doing,” this age group is shifting from just doing to “doing well.” They might want to display their picture-perfect vegetables at the county fair. They can also assist younger children in the garden if you have a mixed age group.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012— Page B37





Stanley STANLEY Equipment EQUIPMENT 701-628-2950 701-628-2950 Frontier FRONTIER Equipment EQUIPMENT 701-774-0957 701-774-0957 Glasgow Implement GLASGOW E QUIPMENT 406-228-9341 406-228-9341



NEW EQUIPMENT Hay Heads & Pivot Tongues

(B) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #W83151 (D) Case IH SC101 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W83092 (D) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #W83061 (D) Case IH SC101 16-ft. pivot tongue. #W83141 (D) Case IH SC101 16-ft. pivot tongue. #W83142 (D) Case IH DC162 discbine. #W83159 (W) Case IH DC162 discbine. #W83160 (W) Case IH SC101 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W83152

Swathers & Headers







www.stanleyequipment.com 1-800-568-4197

Frontier Equipment Stanley Equipment Glasgow Implement Tractors

(W) Case IH SC101 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W83153 (W) Case IH SC101 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W83154 (W) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #W83155 (W) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #W83156 (W) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #W83157 (F) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #WNH675 (F) Case IH HDX182 auger head. #WNH676

Combines, Headers, Reels

(D) Case IH 8230 combine. #W82196 (B) Case IH WD1903 swather. (D) Case IH 2152 35-ft. draper #W83144 head. #W82160 (W) Case IH WD2303 swather. (B) Case IH 2152 40-ft. draper #W83164 head. #W82147 (W) Case IH RD182 disc header. (D) Case IH 2152 40-ft. draper #W83114 head. #W82191 (D) Case IH 2152 40-ft. draper Mowers head. #W82192 (B) Case IH RR90 finish mower. (D) Case IH 2152 40-ft. draper Tillage, #W83137 head. #W82194 (D) Case IH MD92 disc mower. Harrows, Drills (D) Case IH 2152 45-ft. draper #W83123 (F) Case IH Ecolo-Tiger 2500B head. #W82095 #W84014 (D) Case IH 2152 45-ft. draper Balers (B) 5-Case IH disc levelers. head. #W82193 (H) Case IH RB564 round baler. #593519 (W) Case IH 2152 45-ft. draper #W83147 (B) 60-Case IH stealth openers, head. #W82143 (H) Case IH RB564 round baler. boot, tips, hard. #W84076 (B) Case IH 2152 45-ft. draper #W83148 (D) Case IH ATX800 70-ft. air drill. head. #W82144 (W) Case IH RB564 round baler. #W84052 (B) Case IH 2152 45-ft. draper #W83145 (D) Case IH ADX3430 air tank. head. #W82145 (W) Case IH RB564 round baler. #W84046 (F) Case IH 2162 40-ft. draper #W83146 (B) Case IH PH800 70-ft. air drill, head. #WNC545 (F) Case IH RB564 round baler. Case IH ADX3430 air tank. (B) Case IH 21-ft. finger reel. #WNH680 #W84077 #593383 Sprayers (B) Case IH 25-ft. batt reel. Equipment Stanley Equipment (D) Case IH 4430 Frontier #W81016 #593380 Glasgow Implement (W) Case IH 4430 #W81026

USED EQUIPMENT Skid Steers & Attachments

(D) 1991 Case IH 5140, Alo Q55 loader. #15177W.. (F) 2011 Case IH Magnum 260 #WUT586$180,000 (W) 2000 Melroe 763 Bobcat, without bucket. . ..............................................................$36,000 (D) 1954 Ford Major #16120W.......................$3500 #20246W................................................$16,000 (F) 2004 Case IH MXM120 FWA. #WUT587............. (D) 1988 Ford TW25 FWA, dozer blade. #16100W... (D) Melroe 773 Bobcat, bucket. #CONS.....$17,000 . ..............................................................$26,000 (D) Melroe 773 Bobcat, bucket, grapple. #20249W. . ..............................................................$45,000 (D) 1990 Case IH 7110, DuAl 710 loader. #15286W. (W) 1978 Ford 9700, Schwartz loader. #16096W..... . ..............................................................$18,250 . ..............................................................$12,500 (D) 2001 Melroe 873 Bobcat, bucket. #20250W...... . ..............................................................$33,000 (D) 1990 Case IH 7110 #15302W................$39,000 (H) 2006 New Holland TV145 bidirectional. . ..............................................................$19,000 #16117W................................................$88,000 (D) 2008 Melroe S130 Bobcat, 68” bucket. (W) 1989 Case IH 7140, Case IH 890 loader. #15166W................................................$35,370 (F) 2008 New Holland T7030 FWA, 860TL loader. #20240W................................................$21,500 w/CIH 1010 30’ Hd, WUH320 ............................. $8,000 Headers Skid Steers #WUT573...............................................$85,000 (H) 2009 Case Combines IH Puma 180&#15240W.....$114,000 (D)632 2007 Melroe S130 Bobcat #20244W....$19,400 w/CIH 1042 36’ Cpr Hd, WUH323 ................... $22,000 (W) Bobcat, 20018W ........................................ $7,250 (B) 670 Cat w/SP36 HB Dpr Hd, 25002W ............ $190,000 (H) CIH 20096088, New Holland T8050 FWA. #16086W......... (H) Case IH L770 loader. #56061W.............$11,500 (F) 2004 Melroew/Bkt, S160 Bobcat, bucket. #20213W. WUH312 ....................................... $215,000 (H)(D) 642B Bobcat 20124W ........................... $7,500 ... (W) NH TR95 w/971 NH 25’ Hd, 24114&2114A ..... $7,000 . ............................................................$195,000 (D)(D) 2008 IH Puma 195 #15192W.....$108,000 (F) CIH 7010 w/36’ Grain Belt Hdr, WUH297 ..... $310,000 (H) 743 . ..............................................................$18,000 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20101W ............................ $8,500 (2)Case NH TR98 w/994 36’ Dpr, 971 PU Hd, WUH172 ........................................ $196,000 (W)CIH New8010, Holland 870TL loader, mounts, grapple. (B)(H) (D)24025W Case orIH24026W L760 ....................................................... loader. #56063W................$7500 S130 Bobcat w/oS185 Bkt, 20112W ....................... 2006 Melroe Bobcat, bucket. $18,995 #20206W.... $101,100 (F) Frontier Equipment Stanley Equipment Implement (F) CIH 8010, WUH232 Glasgow ....................................... $280,000 (D) 753. ..............................................................$23,595 Bobcat, 20083W ....................................... $19,000 #56032W................................................$13,580 (F)(D) 2009 IHw/36’ Puma 195,Frontier Case IH L770Stanley loader. NHCase TR66 960 MacDon DprEquipment Hd, Equipment (D) CIH 8010, 23075W ........................................ $265,000 (H) 753 Bobcat, 20085W ....................................... $12,000 Glasgow Implement 2009W &28019W .............................................. $64,000 #WUT590.............................................$110,000 (B) 2003 Melroe S185 Bobcat, bucket. #20253W.... Swathers ........................................ $265,000 (D) S150 Bobcat, 20120W .................................... $23,000 NHCase TX68, ........................................... $65,000 (D) CIH 8010, 23076W (F)(D) 2007 IH 24016W Magnum 215 #WUT485............... . ..............................................................$21,300 23087W ....................................... $270,000 Bobcat w/BKT, BkT Bite, 20133W ....... $22,500 (W) CIH 19798010, International 4000, 16-ft. auger, 25-ft. (D) S150 w/36’ MacDon 962 Dpr Hd, 24017W ................ $28,000 (W) . ............................................................$116,000 2009 Melroe S205 Bobcat, without bucket. 8010, WUH342 ....................................... $185,000 (D)(D) S205 Bobcat, no Bkt, 20120W ....................... $23,000 draper heads. #30049W............................$5000 (W) NH CR960, 24019W .................................... $160,000 (F) CIH (F)(F) 2007 IH Magnum 245 #WUT588$120,000 (F) CIH 8120, WUH298 ....................................... $330,000 (B) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20146W ........................ $26,500 #20226W................................................$30,000 NHCase CR960, WUH370 ....................................U$137,000 (D) International 4000, 19.5-ft. head. s e d E q u i p(S) m e CIH n t1986 New Equipment 2388, ........................................................... $89,900 (D)(D) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20142W ......................... (F)(D) 2011 Case IH Magnum 245 #WUT593$158,000 2008 Melroe S205 Bobcat, bucket. $25,000 #20252W.... NH CR970, 24021W Combines ..................................... $188,000 #30052W...................................................$3500 & Headers Skid Steers Bobcat, WUT322 ...................................... $19,000 (H)(D) 2011 IH Magnum 245 #15292W.$180,500 NHCase CR 970, 24022W .................................... $180,000 (S) CIH 7010, ......................................................... $240,000 (F) 863. ..............................................................$25,000 (B) 1998 Case IH 8825HP, 16-ft. auger, 21-ft. draper (S) 08 CIH 7010 , .................................................. $249,000 (W) 863 Bobcat, 20105W ..................................... $23,000 Dpr Hd, 24023W ....................... (D) 2005 w/94C CaseNH IH42’ Magnum MX255 #15259W.$47,000 ......... 2006 Melroe S220 Bobcat, without bucket. heads. ....................................$42,000 CIH#30030W. 8010, .................................................. $249,000 (W)(D)863 Bobcat, 20136W .................................... $18,000 (F) NH CR 970, WUH324 ................................... $152,000 (S) 07 . ............................................................$115,000 #20227W................................................$27,000 $220,000 CIHCase 8010, .................................................. Bobcat w/80” Bkt, 20094W ................... $43,000 (D) 062009 IH WD1203, 16-ft. auger head. (D) S330 (W) NH CR9070, 24027W ................................. $270,000 (S) (D)(D) 2006 Case IH Magnum MX255 #15300W.......... 2005 NH Melroe Bobcat #20255W....$23,900 860, UC550 ..................................................... $9,500 (W)(B) LS160 SkidS300 20109W ............................. $19,000 NH CR 9070, 24024W ................................. $260,000 (S) MF #30047W................................................$82,000 . ............................................................$127,000 2 Honeybee SP36 Hds, .............................. $59,500 (D)(D) 1825 Case SkidT190 w/Bkt, Bobcat, 20128W .................... $10,000 .... 2007 Melroe bucket. #20217W. (S) NH CR9070, 24035W .................................... $249,000 (S) (F) 2011 Case IH WD1203, HDX162 auger head. Case Skid w/Bkt 20129W ................. $14,000 w/NH 94C 42’ Dpr Hd, 24036W ....................... $42,000 (S) CIH 8230 PT Swthr, UC558 ......................... $8,500 (D) 1825B . ..............................................................$29,000 #WUY327...............................................$85,000 1845 Case2100 Skid Club w/Bkt, 20127W ................... $14,000 4x4 Tractors (W) JD 9600, 22004W ............................................. $52,000 (S) CIH 8120, UC564 ........................................... $299,000 (D)(D) Car. #20238W.............$9000 (W)CIH 2008 Case IH ............................................. WD1203, 18-ft. auger head. (F) 420Melroe 2188, UC565 $69,500 SSL Case Skid, WUT324 ..................... $23,000 JDCase 9600,IH22011W $49,000 (S) (W)(W) 1990 9130............................................. #15234W...............$45,000 (S) MacDon 973 Hd, UC566 .............................. $29,500 #30048W................................................$78,000 (F) 435 SSL Case Skid, WUT341 ..................... $35,000 JD 9650 Hdr, 22007W,22009W .. $123,500 (F)(W) 1997 Casew/930R IH JD9370, Leon 16-ft. dozer. Round Balers UC572 ............................................. $85,000 (B) CIH 19992188, NewPost Holland HW320, 18-ft. auger head. (D) 440 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20125W ...................... $34,000 Diggers (F) JD STS 9660, WUH346 .................................. $31,000 (S) #WUT561...............................................$70,000 New Holland 688 #38122W. .........$10,000 94C Hd, ..................................................... $45,000 (D)(D) 4402001 C3 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20130W .............. $36,000 w/936D JD Dpr, WUH261 ................................. $29,000 (S) NH #32123W................................................$33,500 Misc (F) 2001 Case IH STX375H #WUT598........$95,000 2006 NewSkid Holland BR780................. #38067W. ...$18,110 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $65,000 (D)(W) 60XT Case w/Bkt, 20131W $22,000 Grain Augers & Vacs w/635F JD, WUH262 ........................................ $35,000 (D) 1991 Hesston 8100, 16-ft. auger, 21-ft. draper Lawn & Garden Skat Trak 1500D Skid, 20088W#38097W....$20,500 .............. $17,000 (F)(D) 2010 Case 485Dpr #WUT604. ...............$250,000 2004 New Holland BR780 9760 JDIH w/36D Hd w/Fgr Rl, 22015W .... $231,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $71,000 (D)(D) heads. #34073W.....................................$23,000 4800 Magnatrac Skid w/Bkt, Dzr, 20111W $6,000 (H)(W) 20081680 Case IH 535 HD......................................... #15269W..........$245,000 New Holland BR780 #38098W.............$18,750 CIH, 23022W $30,000 (S) MacDon 963 Hd, ......................... Call for Pricing (D)(H) (F) 1993 Hesston 8100, 16-ft. auger, 25-ft. draper (S) MacDon D60 Hd , .......................................... $61,000 Post Diggers 1680 CIH, ........................................... $29,000 (D)(B) 2010 Case IH 23057W 535 Quad #15274W......$331,000 (B) 2005 New Holland BR780 #38102W....$18,000 40GB .Hd , ..................................... 59,000 heads. #WUY336. ..................................$32,000 1680 CIH, 23058W .......................................... $38,000 (S) Hondybee 3pt2005 F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52027W ............... $850 (D)(H) 2010 Case IH 535 Quad #15276W......$331,000 (S) Honeybee 3655, ............................ Call for Pricing (H)(H) New Holland BR780 #38108W....$24,900 (W) 1688 CIH, 23050W ......................................... $45,000 (D) 1990 Hesston 8200, 14-ft. auger, 21-ft. draper (W) 3pt F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52030W .............. $800 (F)(W) 20091688 Case IH 535 Quad #WUT605.....$292,000 (D) New Holland BR780A #38029W. ..........$18,000 (S) 3 CIH 1010 Hds , .......................... Call for Pricing CIH, 23082W ......................................... $50,000 heads. #34076W.....................................$18,000 (B) McMillin Hyd Post Dgr, 52022W .............. $1,295 (F) 2011 Case Quad #WUT607.....$400,000 (H) 2006 New Holland BR780A #38103W.. $28,000 w/1015 IH CIH600 PU Hd, 23084W ............................... $7,000 (S) NH CR960, .................................................... $180,000 Misc Grain AugersHeads & Vacs (D)(B) 1985 Versatile 836 #16119W. ................$25,000 (W) 2006 New Holland BR780A #38110W.............. Swather CIH 2188, 23046W ........................................... $47,500 (H) C1000SR Swath Roller, 520354W ................. $750 w/16HP Briggs, $2,100 CIH 2188 485 w/30’#16118W. CIH 1010 Hdr, 23099W & 23100W ........ (W) (H)(D) 2009 Buhler .................$185,000 . ..............................................................$23,000 (H) 7x36 2006 Westfield New Holland HS1651034W auger....... head with Lawn & Garden 7x51 Westfield w/220v Elec Mtr, 51053W ....... $2,500 ........................................................................... $12,000 (D) adapter (D) 1980 John Deere 8640 #14079W..........$22,000 (B) 2008 New Holland BR7090 #38094W..$27,000 frame. #32141W........................$12,500 CIH 2188, 23109W .......................................... $40,000 (D) 8x41 Westfield, 51016W .................................. $4,500 (D) 425 JD Lawn Tractor w/54” Mwr, 51” Brm, (D)(H) 1998 John Deere 9400 #14076W........$110,000 (D) (W) 2008 New Holland BR7090 #38101W. . $27,000 (B) New Holland HS18 auger head, BF2330 adapt19015W ................................................................. $6,950 8x46 Westfield, 51055W .................................. $3,500 (W) CIH 2188, 23111W ......................................... $85,000 (F)(B) 1999 John Deere 9400 #WUT600.......$118,000 (D) 2009 New Holland BR7090 #38120W..$22,000 er. #32118W. . ..........................................$12,900 (F) 718K Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, CIH 2388, 23018W ........................................... $90,000 (B) 8x52 SC Brandt, 51058W ............................... $2,100 .............................................................. $5,000 (F)(B) 1997 John Deere 9400 #WUT578.......$112,000 1999 Case IH 8465 #38109W................$10,000 (B) MK 2003 Holland HS1851057W auger head. (H) WUM534 8x51New Westfield Swg Agr, ... $2,500 CIH 2388, 23047W ......................................... $100,000 (D) 7212005 Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, MK100x51 Westfield Swg Agr, 51054W $5,000 (D)(W) (B)(F) 1996 John #14075W. .......$120,000 Case IH RBX562 #38060W..........$15,060 CIH 2388Deere w/10159400 Hdr, WUH211 .................... $142,000 (D) #32128W................................................$12,000 ............................................................... $11,500 Speedking PTO Belt $7,100 2388 w/30’9520 1010 Hdr, 23066W &23067W ............... (D) (F)(W) 2005CIH John Deere #WUT472.......$123,000 2004 Case IH RBX562 #38078W..........$14,220 (B) 30’ 2001 New Holland 944Cvyr, 25-ft.51036W draper head. (W)19016W ZTR Grizzly Dixon Lawn Mower, 1535LP Brandt Cnvyr, 51010W ............. $12,500 (B)(D) ........................................................................... $97,400 (W)#32125W................................................$12,500 (F) 1997 Cat Challenger 65D #WUT603.....$54,000 2008 Case IH RB564 #38118W.............$24,000 19013W ................................................................. $6,500

Used Equipment

(B) 670 Cat w/SP36 HB Dpr Hd, 25002W ............ $190,000 (W) NH TR95 w/971 NH 25’ Hd, 24114&2114A ..... $7,000 (D) (2) NH TR98 w/994 36’ Dpr, 971 PU Hd, 24025W or 24026W ....................................................... $101,100 (D) NH TR66 w/36’ 960 MacDon Dpr Hd, 2009W &28019W .............................................. $64,000 (D) NH TX68, 24016W ........................................... $65,000 w/36’ MacDon 962 Dpr Hd, 24017W ................ $28,000 (W) NH CR960, 24019W .................................... $160,000 (F) NH CR960, WUH370 .................................... $137,000 (D) NH CR970, 24021W ..................................... $188,000 (D) NH CR 970, 24022W .................................... $180,000 w/94C NH 42’ Dpr Hd, 24023W ....................... $47,000 (F) NH CR 970, WUH324 ................................... $152,000 (W) NH CR9070, 24027W ................................. $270,000 (D) NH CR 9070, 24024W ................................. $260,000 (S) NH CR9070, 24035W .................................... $249,000 w/NH 94C 42’ Dpr Hd, 24036W ....................... $42,000 (W) JD 9600, 22004W ............................................. $52,000 (W) JD 9600, 22011W ............................................. $49,000 (W) JD 9650 w/930R JD Hdr, 22007W,22009W .. $123,500 (F) JD STS 9660, WUH346 .................................. $31,000 w/936D JD Dpr, WUH261 ................................. $29,000 w/635F JD, WUH262 ........................................ $35,000 (D) 9760 JD w/36D Dpr Hd w/Fgr Rl, 22015W .... $231,000 (W) 1680 CIH, 23022W ......................................... $30,000 (B) 1680 CIH, 23057W ........................................... $29,000 (H) 1680 CIH, 23058W .......................................... $38,000 (W) 1688 CIH, 23050W ......................................... $45,000 (W) 1688 CIH, 23082W ......................................... $50,000 w/1015 CIH PU Hd, 23084W ............................... $7,000 (B) CIH 2188, 23046W ........................................... $47,500 (D) CIH 2188 w/30’ CIH 1010 Hdr, 23099W & 23100W ........ ........................................................................... $12,000 (H) CIH 2188, 23109W .......................................... $40,000 (W) CIH 2188, 23111W ......................................... $85,000 (B) CIH 2388, 23018W ........................................... $90,000 (B) CIH 2388, 23047W ......................................... $100,000 (F) CIH 2388 w/1015 Hdr, WUH211 .................... $142,000 (W) CIH 2388 w/30’ 1010 Hdr, 23066W &23067W ............... ........................................................................... $97,400 (F) CIH 2588, WIH319 ......................................... $195,000

w/CIH 1010 30’ Hd, WUH320 ............................. $8,000 w/CIH 1042 36’ Cpr Hd, WUH323 ................... $22,000 (F) CIH 6088, WUH312 ....................................... $215,000 (F) CIH 7010 w/36’ Grain Belt Hdr, WUH297 ..... $310,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH172 ........................................ $196,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH232 ....................................... $280,000 (D) CIH 8010, 23075W ........................................ $265,000 (D) CIH 8010, 23076W ........................................ $265,000 (W) CIH 8010, 23087W ....................................... $270,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH342 ....................................... $185,000 (F) CIH 8120, WUH298 ....................................... $330,000 (S) CIH 2388, ........................................................... $89,900 (S) CIH 7010, ......................................................... $240,000 (S) 08 CIH 7010, .................................................. $249,000 (S) 07 CIH 8010, .................................................. $249,000 (S) 06 CIH 8010, .................................................. $220,000 (S) MF 860, UC550 ..................................................... $9,500 (S) 2 Honeybee SP36 Hds, .............................. $59,500 (S) CIH 8230 PT Swthr, UC558 ......................... $8,500 (S) CIH 8120, UC564 ........................................... $299,000 (S) CIH 2188, UC565 ............................................. $69,500 (S) MacDon 973 Hd, UC566 .............................. $29,500 (S) CIH 2188, UC572 ............................................. $85,000 (S) NH 94C Hd, ..................................................... $45,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $65,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $71,000 (S) MacDon 963 Hd, ......................... Call for Pricing (S) MacDon D60 Hd, .......................................... $61,000 (S) Hondybee 40GB Hd, ..................................... 59,000 (S) Honeybee 3655, ............................ Call for Pricing (S) 3 CIH 1010 Hds, .......................... Call for Pricing (S) NH CR960, .................................................... $180,000

(W) 7x36 Westfield w/16HP Briggs, 51034W ....... $2,100 (D) 7x51 Westfield w/220v Elec Mtr, 51053W ....... $2,500 (D) 8x41 Westfield, 51016W .................................. $4,500 (D) 8x46 Westfield, 51055W .................................. $3,500 (B) 8x52 SC Brandt, 51058W ............................... $2,100 (D) MK 8x51 Westfield Swg Agr, 51057W ... $2,500 (D) MK100x51 Westfield Swg Agr, 51054W $5,000 (D) 30’ Speedking PTO Belt Cvyr, 51036W $7,100 (W) 1535LP Brandt Cnvyr, 51010W ............. $12,500 (W) 1026 REM Grain Vac, 52096A ................. $6,500


(D) Case IH Farmall 30B #W80434 (D) Case IH L340 loader. #W80442 (H) Case IH Farmall 35B #W80448 (W) Case IH Farmall 35B #W80485 (D) Case IH Farmall 40B #W80500 (H) Case IH Farmall 50B #W80497 (H) Case IH L350 loader #W80483 (W) Case IH 105U FWA. #W80473 (H) Case IH Maxxum 140 FWA. #W80525 (D) Case IH Puma 185 FWA. #W80513 (D) Case IH Puma 215 FWA. #W80403 (D) Case IH L780 loader. #W80370 (F) Case IH 550 Quad #WNT839 (F) Case SV250 skidsteer #WNM362 (F) Case SV250 skidsteer #WNM363 (F) Case SV250 skidsteer #WNM364

(W) 632 Bobcat, 20018W ........................................ $7,250 (H) 642B Bobcat w/Bkt, 20124W ........................... $7,500 (H) 743 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20101W ............................ $8,500 (B) S130 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20112W ....................... $18,995 (D) 753 Bobcat, 20083W ....................................... $19,000 (H) 753 Bobcat, 20085W ....................................... $12,000 (D) S150 Bobcat, 20120W .................................... $23,000 (D) S150 Bobcat w/BKT, BkT Bite, 20133W ....... $22,500 (D) S205 Bobcat, no Bkt, 20120W ....................... $23,000 (B) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20146W ........................ $26,500 (D) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20142W ......................... $25,000 (F) 863 Bobcat, WUT322 ...................................... $19,000 (W) 863 Bobcat, 20105W ..................................... $23,000 (W) 863 Bobcat, 20136W .................................... $18,000 (D) S330 Bobcat w/80” Bkt, 20094W ................... $43,000 (W) LS160 NH Skid 20109W ............................. $19,000 (D) 1825 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20128W .................... $10,000 (D) 1825B Case Skid w/Bkt 20129W ................. $14,000 (D) 1845 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20127W ................... $14,000 (F) 420 SSL Case Skid, WUT324 ..................... $23,000 (F) 435 SSL Case Skid, WUT341 ..................... $35,000 (D) 440 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20125W ...................... $34,000 (D) 440 C3 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20130W .............. $36,000 (D) 60XT Case Skid w/Bkt, 20131W ................. $22,000 (D) Skat Trak 1500D Skid, 20088W .............. $17,000 (D) 4800 Magnatrac Skid w/Bkt, Dzr, 20111W $6,000

(H) 3pt F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52027W ............... $850 (W) 3pt F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52030W .............. $800 (B) McMillin Hyd Post Dgr, 52022W .............. $1,295 (H) C1000SR Swath Roller,

520354W .................

(D) 425 JD Lawn Tractor w/54” Mwr, 51” Brm,


19015W .................................................................


WUM534 ..............................................................


(F) 718K Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, (D) 721 Grasshopper Lawn Tractor,

(D) CIH Farmall 40, W80137 .................................. NEW (W) CIH Farmall 60, W80170 ................................. NEW (D) CIH Farmall 95, W80193 .................................. NEW (B) CIH Farmall 95, W80189 .................................. NEW (D) CIH 95U FWA, W80138 ..................................... NEW (D) CIH 105U FWA, W80160 .................................. NEW (B) CIH Puma 125 FWA, W80053 ........................ NEW w/L750 Ldr, W85038 ...................................... NEW (W) CIH Puma 165 FWA, W80112 ...................... NEW w/LX770 Ldr, W85140 .................................. NEW (D) CIH Puma 210, W80037 .................................... NEW w/L770 Ldr, W85031 ...................................... NEW (F) CIH Scout Ut Vehicle, WNM126 .................... NEW (D) CIH 72” Finish Mwr, W85133 ....................... NEW (F) CIH SCX100 16’ Pvt Tng, WNH526 ............ NEW (F) CIH HDX 182 Agr Hd, WNH553 ................. NEW (W) CIH WD1203 Swthr, W83050 ....................... NEW (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, AW,TW, W83013 ........ NEW (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, Ele Twn Nt, W83014 .. NEW (W) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, W85098 ............... NEW (F) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, WNH585 ................ NEW (W) CIH SRX160 134’ Wld Boom Spryr, W85043 ................................................................................. NEW (F) CIH 8120 Combine, WNC432 ......................... NEW (D) CIH 8120 Combine, W82055 .......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82076 ......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82078 ......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82080 ......................... NEW (B) CIH 2142 35’ Drpr Hd, W82057 ................... NEW (B) CIH 2152 35’ Dpr Hd, W82024 ..................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82062 ................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82065 ................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82050 ................... NEW (W) CIH 2152 45’ Drpr Hd, W82074 ................. NEW

19016W ............................................................... $11,500

(B) ZTR Grizzly Dixon Lawn Mower,

19013W .................................................................


(F) CIH 2588, WIH319 ......................................... $195,000 (W) 1026 REM Grain Vac, 52096A



(D) 2002 Case IH 1825B skidsteer, bucket. #20129W................................................$10,320 (F) 2011 Case SV300 skidsteer, bucket. #WUT575.. . ..............................................................$45,000 (F) 2010 Case 465 skidsteer, bucket. #WUT576....... . ..............................................................$44,000 (B) 2006 Melroe 709 backhoe, 24” bucket. #20254W...................................................$7900

New Equipment

(D) CIH Farmall 40, W80137 .................................. NEW (W) CIH Farmall 60, W80170 ................................. NEW Pivot Tongues (D) 95, W80193 NEW (D)CIH 2008Farmall New Holland 1475.................................. 14-ft. #32131W$23,500 (B) CIH Farmall 95, W80189 .................................. NEW (B)CIH 2000 Holland 1475, 16-ft. auger head. (D) 95UNew FWA, W80138 ..................................... NEW #32129W................................................$13,600 (D) CIH 105U FWA, W80160 .................................. NEW (W) 1997 New 1475,........................ 16-ft. auger head. (B) CIH Puma 125Holland FWA, W80053 NEW w/L750 Ldr, W85038 ...................................... NEW #32136W................................................$11,500 (W) FWA, W80112 NEW (H)CIH 2006Puma New165 Holland 1475, ...................... HS16 auger head. w/LX770 Ldr, W85140 .................................. NEW #32140W................................................$21,900 (D) CIH Puma 210, W80037 .................................... NEW (W) w/L770 2003 New 1475, 18-ft. auger head. Ldr,Holland W85031 ...................................... NEW #32119W................................................$17,500 (F) CIH Scout Ut Vehicle, WNM126 .................... NEW (D) 72” Finish Mwr, W8513318-ft. ....................... (D)CIHNew Holland 1475, augerNEW head. (F) CIH SCX100 16’ Pvt Tng, WNH526 ............ NEW #32017W.. ...............................................$11,690 (F) HDX 182Holland Agr Hd,1475, WNH553 ................. NEW (W)CIH 2000 New 18-ft. auger head. (W) CIH WD1203 Swthr, W83050 ....................... NEW #32135W................................................$13,600 (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, AW,TW, W83013 ........ NEW (H)CIH 2000RB564 New Rnd Holland 1475, 18-ft. auger head. (W) Blr, Ele Twn Nt, W83014 .. NEW #32139W................................................$14,500 (W) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, W85098 ............... NEW WNH585 ................ NEW (F) SPX3330 SP Spryr, (B)CIH 2005 New Holland 1475, HS18 auger head. (W) CIH SRX160 134’ Wld Boom Spryr, W85043 #32110W................................................$19,500 ................................................................................. NEW (W) 2006 New Holland 1475, HS18 auger head. (F) CIH 8120 Combine, WNC432 ......................... NEW #32112W................................................$22,300 (D) CIH 8120 Combine, W82055 .......................... NEW (W)CIH 2008 New HollandW82076 1475,......................... HS18 auger head. (W) 8120 Combine, NEW #32113W................................................$26,000 (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82078 ......................... NEW (W) Combine, NEW (H)CIH 20068120 New HollandW82080 1475,......................... HS18 auger head. (B) CIH 2142 35’ Drpr Hd, W82057 ................... NEW #32133W................................................$22,500 (B) CIH 2152 35’ Dpr Hd, W82024 ..................... NEW (H) 2008 New Holland 1475, HS18 auger head. (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82062 ................... NEW #32137W................................................$25,500 (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82065 ................... NEW (D)CIH 2010 New H7150, auger head. (D) 2152 40’Holland Drpr Hd, W82050HS16 ................... NEW (W) CIH 2152 45’ Drpr Hd, W82074 ................. NEW #32115W................................................$31,500

(F) 2010 New Holland H7150, HS18 auger head. #WUY302...............................................$33,000 (F) 2010 New Holland H7150, HS18 auger head. #WUY303...............................................$33,000 (B) 2010 New Holland H7150, HS18 auger head. #32120W................................................$33,000 (B) 2011 New Holland H7150, HS18 auger head. #32134W................................................$33,000

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B38

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118

##### Goats’ eyes have rectangular pupils. Pigs, walruses, and lightcolored horses can be sunburned.


Tips to grow mint

By Joan Casanova, Green Earth Media Group, Fairfield, Conneticut Mints are fast-growing spreading plants, so you need to New Holland 281 square baler, in good con1980 Case David Brown 995 4WD tractor, give them room to grow without getting in the way, or you dition. 60 hp, 4500 lb. capacity front end loader, in can contain them and plant in a pot. Mint varieties send very good running condition. out runners that spread above and just under the ground, quickly forming large, lush green patches. In the right place, mint makes a sensational, seasonal ground cover. You can also contain mint in tight places such as between pavers of a walkway. . Mints also add lovely fragrance to your yard and garden. TIPS Pot It -The most popular way to grow mint is in a pot where you can keep it contained and handy near the kitchen for a constant supply of sprigs. It’s a good idea to choose a potting mix that retains water to be sure soil stays moist. Plant It -In the ground, select a damp area in your garden in either full sun or partial shade. Mint prefers fertile soil with a pH from 6.0 to 7.0 , and is plenty vigorous on its International TD15B dozer, angle blade and winch, comes with extra cat for parts. own but will appreciate a little fertilizer every few weeks, especially if you harvest a lot. You can also mulch around 1995 Falcon flatbed trailer, 3 axles, 20-ft. deck, bumper pull. the plants to keep roots moist. Plants will die back in dry Danuser Model 6 post pounder, 3 point, Inner and outer boom with front grapples and soil. Keep plants in check by harvesting the tips regularly chain drive. saw valve. Comes off a DT3000 log proVersatile 400 swather, cab, 20-ft. header, 6 and pulling up wayward runners when planted in the garden. cessor. cylinder Ford gas engine. Mint’s small flowers bloom from June to September; trim 1999 GMC Suburban 4x4, runs and handles Transmission and torque converter for Caterthese before buds open to keep the plant compact. pillar 518 skidder. like a dream, great condition inside. Tea Time Remedy- Mint is commonly used in the form of Phone (406) 793-2210 tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain. Because of its strong, sharp flavor and scent, mint is sometimes used NEW & USED EQUIPMENT as a mild decongestant for Vermeer BP8000 RH discharge, big tires, like new.... $18,950 NEW Vermeer 605 Super M round baler................ IN STOCK illnesses such as the comNEW Vermeer 665 Rancher round baler................ IN STOCK Vermeer 605XL round baler, consigned...................... $14,500 First thing you notice is a remarkable difference in functionality, speed and reliability with... mon cold. During the Middle Vermeer 504 Super I 5x4 baler, manual/electric tie. In country Ages, powdered mint leaves .................................................................. Price Negotiable • a new DUAL-STAGE BELT NEW Vermeer VR1428 wheel rake.......................New Design were also used to whiten NEW Vermeer VR1224 medium capacity carted wheel rake. TIGHTENING system that NEW Vermeer WRX14 hi-capacity 14 wheel rake. teeth! reduces the size of the bale John Deere 567 round baler, twine/net, going through shop... When cooking with mint, chamber for faster, more con................................................................................. $18,500 sistent starts New Red Rhino 40-ft. round bale trailer........................... 1 LEFT it’s best to use the leaves. McFarland 36-ft. pasture harrow..........................New Pricing • a DIRECT CROP FEED Mint stems are tougher than Used Branson 3510 hydro 4WD tractor, PTO, 3-pt., loader, system that’s simple, 35-hp........................................................................ $19,500 leaves and not as flavorful. compact, direct and speCall for your net wrap and twine needs! cifically designed and Mint varieties offer tried Pulleys & Weld-On SprocketsOn Hand built for the serious hay and true and new and difTrendline Vermeer Sales producer. ferent flavors. Spearmint is 406-778-3777 (shop) - Baker, MT • an exclusive integrated Greg - 406-978-3777 (cell) - Bill Bagley (sales) - 406-891-1060 and reinforced 5-BAR PICKalways popular and often UP with solid center spider used in beverages and jellyNEW, DEMO & USED EQUIPMENT support and heavy-duty Vermeer 605 Super M net, flotation tires, moisture................. This season why not try RUBBER-MOUNTED TINES ................................................................DEMO DISCOUNT something new, like Bonnie to improve pickup and lower Vermeer 605 Super M net wrap, flotation tires, moisture.$36,500 3-Vermeer 605 Super M net wrap, ramp, flotation tires........... replacement costs. Plants Chocolate Mint, it has ...................................................................$23,500-$27,500 Vermeer 605K round baler............................................. $5500 a delightful minty chocolate Vermeer 605L round baler with net.........................Coming In flavor, much like the classic New Holland BR780 net/twine, wide pickup............... $15,500 New Holland BR780 net/twine, wide pickup............... $11,500 Girl Scout cookie….you can John Deere 566 round baler, net wrap........................ $11,000 use it in beverages, and des(2) Vermeer 23A rake.......................................$8750 & $9250 Vermeer 23 rake............................................................ $5200 CUT your BALING TIME IN HALF by raking 2 windrows together serts (if you love the flavor Vermeer 2300 rake......................Early Bird Demo Discount H&S 12 wheel rake......................................................... $7500 combination of chocolate Vermeer BP7000 bale processor................................... $8750 and mint, you’ll want chocoNET WRAP - TWINE Hydraulic rakes Hydraulically ASK ABOUT • Pallet/Cash discount late mint in your garden!); OUR DO NOT contact Adjustable Bonnie Plants Apple Mint is the ground to drive From Tractor Seat Wichman Ag Supply, LLC so you won’t ideal for garnish, beverages, 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell - Hilger, MT have dirt and rocks jellies, sauces, and desserts; in your hay. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT and Bonnie Plants Orange New Vermeer 605 Super M flotation tires, moisture tester, ramps 2-Vermeer 605 Super M’s approximately 2000 bales.$34,500 Mint, can be used for garnish, New Vermeer R2300 rake. ...................................... SAVINGS Used Vermeer R2300 rake ........................................ $15,900 Whether you’re baling 100 acres beverages, jellies, sauces and 20-ft. pasture harrow with hitch....................................... $1475 or 1,000 acres, Vermeer Twindesserts. Shaver HD10 front mount post pounder......................... $1500 Rakes are built to last and deDanuser F8 digger with 12” auger................................... $735 signed to handle most kinds of For more info and tips on 8-ft., 3-pt. rear blade.......................................................... $750 heavy crops, rugged conditions 6-ft., 3-pt. rear blade......................................................... $585 and tight schedules. Plus, they mint and other herbs visit Land Pride 8-ft. landscape rake....................................... $650 www.bonnieplants.com 3-pt. 5-ft. rotary mower...................................................... $650 have the best resale value in

Vermeer 605 SuperM

Vermeer R2300 Rakes

Hydraulic tampers, diggers, steel post pounders NET WRAP - TWINE ASK ABOUT OUR

• Pallet/Cash discount

R & L Seed and Machine, LLC. 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT - rlmccray@3rivers.net

the industry!


High capacity. Smooth, quiet, gentle handling. Speed. Reliabilty

3’ - 6’ Windrow Widths (variable) 18’ - 23’ Raking Widths (variable)

##### You’re more likely to get stung by a bee on a windy day than in any other weather.

Genetics and Bermudagrass

By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Golfers and golf course superintendents expect a lot from their putting greens. They want fine, lush, carpetlike surfaces that a ball will roll smoothly across. They also want a grass that tolerates frequent low mowing, has uniform color and texture, tolerates pests and cold temperatures, and offers a dense canopy that shades out weeds to minimize the need for herbicides. Southern putting greens are made up of single cultivars of bermudagrass, but golf course superintendents have complained for years about the appearance of nonuniform plants, or “off-types,” that can throw off the green’s appearance and “playability.” The bermudagrass cultivar Tifgreen, released in 1956, launched the era of high-quality, vegetatively propagated turfgrasses, but has also led to problems with the appearance of off-types on putting greens. Offtypes can be caused by bermudagrass weeds or mutation of the cultivar. Mowing as well as birds and other natural phenomena increase the risk of weeds appearing on putting greens. Herbicides, ultraviolet light in sunlight, and errors during normal DNA replication can also induce mutations in the grass itself. The resulting inconsistencies have cost golf courses and sod farms millions of dollars over the years, forcing them to kill and reestablish entire greens. Fortunately, help is available from experts like Karen Harris-Shultz, a geneticist in the Agricultural Research Service’s Crop Genetics and Breeding Research Unit in Tifton, Georgia. Harris-Shultz uses the plant’s DNA to tell one type of bermudagrass from another and identify unwanted types of grass. She has developed a new tool to help distinguish among the different cultivars and improve on those diagnoses. Golf course superintendents and sod farm managers often send off-type samples to Harris-Shultz for analysis. They need to know the identity of off-type on their greens before deciding how to proceed. Sometimes, after killing off a putting green to renovate it, they fear that the old grass wasn’t killed entirely before the new grass was planted. They often want to know whether their off-type patches are caused by a previously planted cultivar, a bermudagrass weed, or a mutation of their planted cultivar. “Turf grasses are a major business, and if you’re selling turf or sod, you want it to be stable, not constantly mutating and changing,” says Harris-Shultz. But even with the best molecular tools, the grass varieties are so alike that it is sometimes hard to tell them apart. The lines used on putting greens throughout the southeastern United States are all offshoots of varieties developed more than 40 years ago by the late Glenn Burton, a former ARS grass breeder in Tifton. Many bermudagrass cultivars are vegetatively propagated monocultures, and the close genetic similarity within the Tifgreen family makes it hard to tell cultivars apart. Harris-Shultz collected 15 Tifgreen-derived cultivars from golf courses and research partners, extracted DNA from them, and with the help of an existing DNA database, she developed a tool to help distinguish bermudagrass cultivars and identify contaminants. She used a library of expressed sequence tags, which are unique gene segments, for bermudagrasses and 23 previously discovered simple sequence repeat markers, which are short repeating segments of DNA. The results, published in the Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Sciences, identify “repeatable polymorphic fragments” of DNA that are unique for each cultivar and can be used not only to distinguish among the different grasses, but also to trace relationships between them.

##### Because of it’s high food intake, a housefly deposits feces constantly; about every 5 minutes; which makes it a carrier of more than 100 disease-causing agents. ##### Flamingo tongue was a common delicacy at Roman feasts.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B39

CRANE FOR SALE 1981 P & H T-400 hydraulic truck crane


Phone 406-682-7714 Ennis, MT

GMC ACADIA FOR SALE 2009 GMC Acadia SLE, 7 passenger seating, trailering package, block heater, XM radio, 6 speed, 33,000 miles, excellent condition............................. $24,900 Phone (406) 278-5606, Conrad, MT

TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT 1-800-356-3547 MISSOULA, MT Brad (Cell: 406-239-8188) Mike (Cell: 406-396-3460)

6 available


2006 Freightliner Columbia Cat C15, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, 42” flattop sleeper, aluminum moose bumper, 11R24.5 tires on all aluminum wheels..................Call For Details

4 available

4-2004 Utilimaster Aeromaster delivery vans. E350 chassis, 5.4 liter gas motors, automatic transmission, 2 with 11-ft. bodies and single drive tires. 2 with 12-ft. bodies and dual drive tires. All low miles. Single drive units starting at..............$18,500 Dual drive units starting at.................$22,500

Fresh Dyno

2005 Peterbilt 379 EXHD C15 Cat 475 hp, 13 speed transmission, 3.55 rears, 70” double bunk, all aluminum wheels on Lo-Pro 22.5, recent engine work....................Call For Info



2003 Mack RD688S E7 350 hp, Eaton 8LL transmission, 20,000 front axle, 46,000 rears, Camelback suspension, 14-ft. Benson aluminum dump box. Only 260,000 miles.

Frozen spider plants

By Ron Smith, horticulturist Q: I have eight spider plants. When I brought them inside for the winter, I didn’t realize they were hanging by a heat vent. My grandmother thought they were dead, so she put them outside two weeks ago. Since then, the soil has frozen. I brought them back inside and watered them. I also gave them some plant food. Will the plants come back? If there are seeds in the soil, will they grow into plants? A: Frozen spider plants are dead no matter what you do. These are tropical plants that are sensitive to temperatures as low as 40 degrees. Sorry! To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald. smith@ndsu.edu.

2008 Volvo VNL64T730’s hard to find mid roof with Cummins power ISX, 13 speed transmissions, 3.42 rear ratio, lo-pro 22.5 tires on all aluminum wheels. Low to mid 400,000 miles, workstations, fridges, O/O spec....................... ............................. Call For Complete Details

$29,500 2009 Peterbilt 387 Cummins ISX 600 hp, 18 speed transmission, Eaton D40-170P rears, 3.73 ratio, dual lockers, In-Dash navigation, leather seats, polished aluminum Herd bumper, 387,000 miles. Excellent truck.

View More Trucks and Equipment at www.transportequip.com

2005 International 9400i Cummins ISX, 10 speed transmission, Lo-Pro 22.5 tires on all aluminum wheels, APU, 673,000 miles.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B40

Our Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone us at (406) 279-3291

Farming. It’s more than a business,


Protect your property with Farm Ranch insurance from State Farm*. For comprehensive coverage on your home, outbuildings, autos, equipment and livestock, contact me today. Fosse Insurance Agcy Inc Gary T Fosse, Agent 222 15th Street South Great Falls, MT 59405-2459 gary@fosseinsurance.com

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406-428-2272 - Tom’s ShoP Grass Range, Montana

Liven up your grill menu

Want to add some adventure and nutrition to your grilled meals? Grill vegetables and fruits. According to the recently released Colorado Health Report Card, less than one-quarter of Colorado adults eat the recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Here are some great facts and tips to motivate you to try grilled veggies and fruits: • Fruits and veggies are nutrient dense, low in calories and high in fiber, antioxidants and phytochemicals and also may reduce our risk of a heart attack or stroke. An added bonus is that potentially dangerous carcinogens don’t form when grilling fruits and veggies, which can happen can when grilling meat. • The average bite of food travels 1300 miles, according to the Food Awareness Project. Fruits and vegetables do lose some nutritional value when they are transported and stored before reaching the grocery store. The bonus of an early spring is that farmers’ markets, which offer an option to buy local and support the economy, may open early. Check http://search.am.usda.gov/farmersmarkets to find farmers’ markets in your area and information about what they are currently offering. • Is organic produce a healthier, more nutritious choice than conventionally grown produce? Research is inconclusive. Choose what you’re comfortable with and what you can afford -- just eat more veggies and fruits more often. • Grilling vegetables isn’t an exact science: veggies don’t all cook for the same length of time. Watch them closely so they don’t overcook or burn. Experiment with settings on your grill, but veggies and fruits generally cook at a lower temp than you would use to grill meat. Size matters; smaller pieces will cook more quickly than larger ones. • When grilling vegetables avoid cross contamination with raw meat. Use separate tongs and plates and temper the grill surface to medium to medium-high heat before adding raw produce. • Drizzle low-water content veggies like baby or whole carrots, mushrooms, asparagus and summer squash with oil so they won’t stick before laying them directly on the grill. If you’re cooking smaller chunks, use

a grilling tray or thread a colorful combo on skewers. • Try veggies you normally don’t like. If eggplant, pepper or zucchini aren’t favorites, for example, grilling them may change their taste enough that you enjoy them. Drizzle these fresh grilled veggies with balsamic vinegar. It tastes great with the smoky flavor from the grill. • Marinades can offer a nice flavor change to veggies, but remember that marinades with added sugar will cause the veggies to blacken. • Combine corn on the cob cut into 2-inch chunks, sweet potato slices and onion wedges brushed with oil on a perforated grilling pan and grill until the veggies are tender. Or use the grill to steam white or sweet potatoes in thick slices sprinkled with olive oil, your favorite herbs and a dash of salt in foil packets. Flip the packets half way through cooking. The grill temperature and thickness of the potatoes will determine how long to cook them, but a good rule of thumb is to check them after 30 minutes. • Lightly score the cap of portabella mushrooms in the shape of an “x” to permit some of the moisture to escape. Drizzle the underside with a little olive oil and herbs and then grill them cap side down on foil for about 10 minutes. Sprinkle them with cheese to add protein and flavor and eat as a sandwich or part of a meal. • Use leftover grilled veggies, which keep well for up to 3 days when wrapped and refrigerated, in sandwiches, over cooked rice or couscous, or mixed into a salad or pasta salad. • Desserts are easy on the grill. The grill caramelizes sugar in fruit and releases juices. Firm fruits like apples, pineapple and pears require less monitoring than softer fruits such as nectarines, peaches and bananas, which cook quickly. Cut stone and seeded fruits in half and then remove the pit or core and brush them with oil so they won’t stick to the grill. Grill them until they are heated through and a golden color. After grilling fruits, sprinkle them with cinnamon or add a touch of whipped cream or low fat ice cream or yogurt. You can also use grilled fruit to make fruit salsas or serve fruit as a side dish to meats.

Spider plant – Save momma or babies

NEW Sakundiak swing hopper and loadout augers IN STOCK

MILK RIVER CO-OP Call 406-654-2022

Big Sandy, MT - 406-378-2306 Rudyard, MT - 406-355-4154 Havre, MT - 406-265-2275 Turner, MT - 406-379-2275 Chinook, MT - 406-357-2280 Malta, MT - 406-654-2022 Harlem, MT - 406-353-2490

By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: My large, thriving spider plan turned brown in a week, so I repotted it. It was all roots, so I think it clearly needed to be repotted. I put it in a good-sized pot, although it doesn’t have drainage. I figured it was OK because there is no way the roots will sit in water. I give it just a bit of water when needed. However, the plant is dying, so I put it outside. However, it does have a bunch of babies. Should I take the babies and root them or should I save the momma? Should I bring it inside? Does the plant need fertilizer, drier soil or more sun? A: Save the babies first. Get them removed from the mother plant and work on getting them rooted. Next, take the mother plant out of the pot and split the crown in half to see if there is any living tissue. If not, then dump it and work on perpetuating the offspring. This plant needs to be in a container that has free drainage. They can take moisture and tolerate dryness. Spider plants also can live with air pollution, but they cannot tolerate a poorly or nondraining container. I think something was dumped on the crown of the plant because it is dying so quickly. Generally, disease and insect problems don’t work that fast to destroy a plant. Usually, disease and insect problems kill one part of a plant at a time until the entire plant is wiped out. Stop and think back to just before the plant went downhill. Did anything strange happen to or around the plant? Did you throw a party where alcohol was served? These are pretty tough plants and are used by NASA to clean the air in space station settings, so what you describe is quite unusual. Sorry. ##### Demodex mites, or follicle mites, live in human skin. By some estimates, you have a colony of 1000 to 2000 living in your skin right now.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B41

AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website: www.agtrucksandequipment.com

Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT

Just delivered: The nicest one yet!


We are also a Trimble sub-dealer for Triangle Ag-Services of Fort Benton, Montana

Like new, 1 year old, Ag Trucks SS 1280 spray system, SS 1280 tank, 90-ft. aluminum boom, 7 boom sections, rinse tank, cone, load sense hydrualics. Call soon

2013 International 7400, 330 hp, automatic, auxiliary transmission, field cruise, SS 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. steel booms, 4-pt. linkage boom mount, full load sensing hydraulic system with front mount pump, high rise front axle, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750, Field IQ, EZ Pilot, Raven boom height

Give us a call about your application needs.

TOO BIG FOR THE FARM 2011 Top Air TA2400 132-ft. booms, duals, Raven 4440 controller, Raven Ultra-Glide + boom height, induction cone, foamer, this sprayer is virtually new with less than 100 hours. BIG SAVINGS!

Truck Sprayers/Pull Types/Spreader Boxes and Carts/Small Sprayers along with Trimble and Raven Products.


6 In Stock

F&S 50 gallon Ranger

sprayer, low tapered tank, Honda engine, choice of boom. A perfect little sprayer.

Near New!!

2011 Fast 1800 gallon, 120-ft. boom, duals, rinse tank, only one season, less than 200 hours, Raven boom height available. Big Savings! OTHER WYLIE SYSTEMS IN STOCK

•  50-200 gallon skid sprayers, engine or electric.   •  100 gallon 3-pt., hose reel / hose, choice of booms. •  Boom assemblies available as well as controllers.

“Ag Trucks is pleased to announce that we are a NEW sales source for the MILLER ATLAS FLOATER CHASSIS. The Atlas Chassis has enjoyed a long history as a Tough and Durable solution to any Heavy Applicator needs”. This Chassis is a perfect platform for Dry Liquid Application. Available with float tires or row cros. Give us a call. • 365 hp Cummins QSL 8.9L • Allison Automatic Transmission • 2-speed planetary rear axle • 18,000# front axle with full hydraulic steering. • Deluxe 90 Series cab, pressurized, charcoal filtered, air, great visibility. • Dry box: 13-ft. or 14-ft. dry box • Liquid system: Up to 2000 gallon/120-ft. boom


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B42

Simonsen Spreaders in Stock

•  Simonsen Spreaders offer the highest return on investment of any equipment you can own. •  Organize your own time, spread your own, on your own schedule •  Simonsen — Accurate / Economical / Simple

“Get yours now for spring application”

New 2013 International 7500 Floater Chassis Arriving Soon - Just give us a call! FULL LINE OF TRUCK MOUNT SPREADERS WITH ANY OPTION NEEDED

Simonsen Equipment In Stock:

New 8-ton SS hydraulic drive, variable rate pull type carts with Raven controllers. New 8-ton SS ground drive spreader carts with spinner tach. New 8-ton SS Q Model truck mount spreader box.

“Top and Side Tenders Available in Any Configuration”


We are now a sales source for NELSON AG Floater Chassis. Nelson Ag built the vast majority of the LORAL Chassis’ known throughout the industry as being extremely tough and dependable.

2012 International 7500 350 hp, Allison, 2 speed auxiliary transmission, planetary rear axle ilable

a Two Av

Nelson Ag Floater chassis shown with Simonsen 13-ft. R Model box

AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website: www.agtrucksandequipment.com

Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B43

o to: g , n o i t a m r For info s.com r e y a r p s x sprayfle videos d n a s o t o ails, ph t e d e r o m For

GO BIG OR GO HOME Sprayflex 3000 gallon stainless steel tank, 150-ft. boom ‘NUFF SAID

Sprayflex Sprayers

•  1000-2000 gallon poly or SS tanks •  80-ft.-130-ft. boom widths •  New poly tank configuration •  Extremely resilient boom design •  Load sensing hydraulic system In Stock - New Sprayflex 1500 gallon, 120-ft. boom


Ag Trucks

can help you with any aspect of your truck sprayer project.

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2000 gallon SS tank


1450 gallon SS tank

Near New!! 2011 Fast 1800 gallon , 120-ft. boom, duals, rinse tank, only one season, less than 200 hours, Raven boom height available. Big Savings!

TOO BIG FOR THE FARM 2011 Top Air TA2400, 132-ft. boom, duals, Raven 4400 controller, Raven Ultra-Glide + boom height, induction cone, foamer, this sprayer is virtually NEW with less than 100 hours. Big Savings!

1250 gallon poly tank

1997 Freightliner FL 70 Cummins, Allison automatic, new...yes new, planetary rear axle. Very nice condition and runs great.

New Sprayflex Sprayers on Order, Call and Reserve Yours Today

AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website: www.agtrucksandequipment.com

Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page B44


Phone Conrad 1-406-278-5880 anytime or 406-450-2244, leave a message.


---------------------------------------------------------------Toole County Surplus, City of Shelby & Sunburst

Saturday, June 16, 2012 - Shelby, Montana

Will be a good inventory of Western Star dump trucks, International garbage compactor truck, Chevrolet hot oil truck, hot oil chip spreader, 2WD and 4WD pickups. See page A13 of this June issue for complete listing We have other auctions booked but not yet dated. If you’re planning an auction give us a call.

##### Forty percent of the world’s people have no toilet, and must use the bathroom in any public place they can find: bushes, roadsides, alleys, etc. ##### By law, a pregnant woman can urinate anywhere she wants in Britain---even, if she so chooses, in a police officer’s helmet. ##### One in five office coffee mugs contains fecal bacteria and E. coli, which can cause diarrhea, food poisoning and infections.

TRACTOR & SPRAYER FOR SALE Cat 65 Challenger tractor with 6000 gallon Balzer honey wagon with injector,. Flexi-coil 67XL pull behind sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 6 section control, wired for Ez-boom.........................................................................................$8500

Call 406-580-1849


Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 Phone 434-5600 FAX 406-434-5014 E-mail: bigskyseeds@3rivers.net Web site: www.bigskyseeds.com

Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass

ble , a l i Av a e ad y e v a R Legumes We H n du p S e e d Alfalfa Ro u f alf a Sainfoin Al Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil Black Medic

Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome

Meadow Brome Put our Sheep Fescue Fescue “over three Hard Paiute Orchardgrass decades of Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye experience in Altai Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass the grass Pubescent Wheatgrass seed & Newhy R/S Wheatgrass Crested Wheatgrass legume Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass business” Wetland Native Items Nuttal Alkaligrass to work on Alkali Bulrush Tufted Hairgrass your farm Tame Wetland Items or ranch Reed Canarygrass Garrison Creeping Foxtail Timothy

Visit our website


Snowshoe hares reproduce quickly and serve as food for slower reproducing predators, like lynx. Photo by FWP/Kristi DuBois

Animal survival

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer Last week I found two birds on the sidewalk. They were less than a day old; featherless, tiny and dead. It’s that time of year when many are born and many die. Nature might look cruel to us at times, but it’s efficient and it works. Animals that have short lives reproduce like, well, rabbits for a reason. Female mice, for example, can become pregnant at 25 days old, give birth after 20 days and become fertile again within 24 hours. Talk about a need for family planning Predators, especially large ones, can take years to mature, then many months to reproduce and raise young. Too many predators and not enough prey end up with predators dying of starvation. But too many prey and they starve to death because they’ve eaten all available vegetation. It happens. Biologists would use words like homeostasis, which means a system in balance or equilibrium. For the rest of us examples work better, like the snowshoe hare and lynx of the northern forests. Hares reproduce quickly and can build a population fast. Lynx, a wild cat, eat hares, reproduce more slowly and have fewer offspring. When there are few lynx, the hare population increases. That leads to lynx having larger litters that survive to adulthood and need more food. One day there are too many lynx that eat too many hares. Then, both populations decrease, hit bottom and start to build again. Neither population gets too big as the predator and the prey keep each population in balance. Homeostasis! Our problems accepting what seems to be an animal’s untimely death begin when we place human values on animals. It’s hard but important to focus on the survival of a species more than the survival of an individual animal. That doesn’t mean not to care. It means to try to see the big picture. Ducks lay a lot of eggs. Some hatch, some are eaten by skunks and snakes. Some never hatch because of wet weather. Or a fox eats the hen. Those that hatch have to make it too water quickly. Some make it, some are eaten by ravens and raccoons. Some get run over by cars. Those that make it to water have to eat and grow to migrate in the fall. Some make it some are eaten by mink and gulls. Some die of disease. The point here is that a young bird’s life is fraught with danger. Many eggs are laid but few survive to become birds and fly away. If a robin lays four eggs, two will survive the approximately 28 days from egg to hatching to nestling to flying. However, a world where every robin’s egg hatches and lives to adulthood would quickly be unbearable. That’s why many small bird species don’t live more than two years. Those two dead birds on the sidewalk? They ended up feeding nature’s scavengers. Sad, but in a way part of the big circle. Equilibrium. Homeostasis. ##### Sister Mary was a devout nun who had served God faithfully for more than 50 years. Lately, however, the years had begun to show in her memory. Recently, on a train to go visit a nun who was in the hospital, Sister Mary began to look rather frantic as she searched for her ticket. The conductor came over and, realizing she had lost her ticket, assured her he believed she had bought one. “Oh, thank you,” she said. “That’s fine, but that doesn’t help me know where I’m going, now does it?”

MSU seeks nominations for outstanding leaders

Montana State University’s College of Agriculture is seeking nominations for outstanding agricultural leaders to honor during its 2012 Celebrate Agriculture!! event October 26-27. The college has recognized outstanding agricultural leaders each fall during Agriculture Appreciation Weekend. The name was changed this year to better encapsulate the events planned, said Jeff Jacobsen, dean of the College of Agriculture and director of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. “The weekend is all about sharing ideas and generating relationships,” Jacobsen said. The College of Agriculture annually presents its Outstanding Agricultural Leaders awards to those who have exhibited outstanding leadership in Montana public service, as an agricultural producer, industry advocate, agri-business leader, or as a friend of agriculture. The deadline for nominations is September 15. Nominees not selected will be reconsidered the following year. Applications should be updated with current information. Successful award applicants will be: well respected in their agricultural community, actively involved in the agriculture industry with accomplishments that impact many, an industry leader, or an upcoming, active and innovative producer, or have a lifetime of achievement in agriculture. Current employees of MSU, the state or federal government will not be considered except under the friend of agriculture category. Past MSU, state or federal employees need to have been retired for a minimum of two years and shown service above and beyond their job requirements to be considered. Download nomination forms at: http://ag.montana.edu/development/nomination.pdf. For more information contact Lisa Duffey at lduffey@montana. edu or call (406) 994-3683. Forms should be received at 202 Linfield Hall, MSU, Bozeman, 59717 by September 15.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C1

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235

1990 Ford L8000 tandem chassis, 7.8 diesel engine, RT6610 transmission with 2 PTOs and pumps, Rockwell 38,000 rears on Hendrickson suspension, 12,000 lb. front, 138” C-T, 22.5 rubber on Budds, excellent farm truck!

1980 International S-1900 single axle diesel dump, Cat 3208 engine, 5 & 2, all new rubber on Budds, 10-ft. gravel box, center post hoist, nice truck!

Inventory Available 2012 Knapheide 20-ft. steel grain box and hoist 2003 International 8100 single axle tractor, white 2-2000 International 4700 chassis, white 1999 Freightliner FL120 tandem tractor, red 1999 International 4900 24-ft. reefer van, white 1999 Chevrolet C6000 single axle, diesel dump truck, 3126 Cat engine, automatic transmission, new rubber. 1999 Chevrolet C6500 chassis, white, 9-ft. dump box installed. 1999 GMC 3500 HD diesel chassis, white 1996 International 4700 20-ft. van, white 1995 Kenworth T600 tandem tractor, white 1995 Ford L8000 single axle tractor, 8.3 Cummins, white 1994 International 9200 single axle tractor, orange 1994 GMC Top Kick diesel truck, white 1993 Chevrolet 1-ton service truck, white

Semi Trailers 1994 Utility 48-ft. storage van 1991 Kentucky 48-ft. tri-axle van 1974 Dorsey 40-ft. storage van 1951 Spartan 5000 gallon water tank

1992 Chevrolet Kodiak single axle diesel chassis, white 1990 International 8300 tandem tractor, green 1988 GMC 7000 single axle diesel chassis, white 1988 GMC 6000 Lo-Pro chassis, white 1988 GMC diesel shop van truck, white 1986 Freightliner conventional tandem tractor, white 1986 Freightliner cabover, 24-ft. flatbed, 24-ft. pull trailer 1986 Ford 800 diesel chassis, orange 1984 Ford 600 diesel, water tank truck, white 1983 Ford LN900 tandem chassis, like new, blue 1982 Ford F600 service truck, white 1980 GMC 7000 service truck, blue 1979 International tandem tractor, consigned 1977 International tandem diesel dump, green 1975 International 1700 18-ft. Omaha flatbed with double hoist, white 1965 International 1890 single axle 10-ft. Heil dump, orange

Currently wrecking 300 trucks! All shapes & sizes! Transportation Available

1993 Kenworth T600 tractor, 60 Series Detroit, 13 speed, Eaton rearends, 24.5 tires on aluminum wheels, aluminum closet cab guard, chains and binders! 1988 Trail King 3 axle, 40 ton machinery trailer, 20,000 lb. hydraulic winch, hydraulic ramps, beavertail, 17.5 tires on 6 Budds, excellent shape!

1984 Kenworth W900 tandem dump, 15-ft. Williamson dump, Cat 3406 engine, rebuilt 13 speed transmission, Eaton rearends on Hendrickson suspension, power steering, 22.5 tires on Budds.

Special Equipment 2-Omaha Standard 16-ft. grain boxes and hoists Omaha 16-ft. steel flat and hoist, consigned Midwest 7-ft.x8-ft. flatbed for 3/4 ton or 1 ton 7-Van bodies, 12-ft through 22-ft. length, good condition 2- 20-ft. flatbeds and hoists 3- 14-ft. steel beds with hoists (will sell separately) 1100 gallon water tank

Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker interchange




CONRAD, MT JIM: 627-2422 ROSS: 627-2423 LANE: 781-2152


C: 788-5260 C:788-2974 GPS GUIDANCE

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C2

Our Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone us at (406) 279-3291

ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler

Certified Shaw


WANTED: John Deere 7700 combine Call Ernest Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809

Northern flickers can present a problem to homeowners when they try to build a nest in the side of a house.

Bird nests

Visit Us On The Web trkshop.com 1988 Kenworth T800 high hood, 444 Cummins, 13 speed, 46,000 lb. rears on Hendrickson extended leaf, 5-ft. spread, 4.56 ratio, 18,000 lb. front axle, new Hardox 15-ft. 6” box with hi-lift tailgate...........................$39,500 1980 Peterbilt 359 dump truck, 3406B Cat, 13 speed,16-ft. tub box with high lift gate, pintle hitch...............................$17,500

2008 Load King belly dump trailer, center point spring suspension..........................$35,000

1994 Fruehauf 48-ft. x 102” with 5-ft. beavertail add on with ramp, 17.5” wheels..................$14,500

2-2005 International ISX Cummins, new cap drives. Each......... ......................................$31,500

1999 Peterbilt 385 new 17-ft. box and lift axle, new paint, engine history, 430 hp Cat 10 speed, 3.70 rears, air ride.........$44,900 1984 GMC dump truck, 16-ft. box, steerble lift axle, good tires and brakes, BCIII 400 Cummins, 13 speed, Hendrickson suspension ......................................$13,500

1998 Western Star 475 Cat, 18 speed, 46,000# double lockers, 12,000# front with floats, nonsteer lift axle, 18-ft gravel box with tarp, 58” sides. (This truck would work for beets)....$36,500 1985 Peterbilt 359 17-ft. tub box with high ligt tailgate, steerable lift axle, 400 Cummins, 15-speed.... ......................................$17,500

2010 ACE Rocky Mountain double bottom dump trailers, super singles, 8 axle set..........

Call For Price

1997 Cornhusker 45x102 hopper trailer, ag hoppers, 8-ft. sides, 11R/24.5 tires on aluminum wheels, new brakes.......$22,500 1982 Cornhusker 42-ft. aluminum hopper trailer, good Lo-Pro 24.5 tires........................$11,500 1974 Clark 40-ft. flatbed, near new brakes, winch tie downs...... .........................................$3950

2000 Kenworth T800 water truck, C15 Cat, 475 hp, 18 speed, 4500/4800 gallon stainless steel tank, near new cap drive tires, 46,000 lb. rears, 3.90 double lockers on Chalmers, double frame, 20,000 lb. front axle.......$39,500

2000 Peterbilt 379 475 hp, N-14 13-speed, 3.70 ratio.......$30,500

1998 Freightliner Classic water truck, 430/500 hp Detroit with only 250,098 on engine, 13 speed, 4200 gallon tank, 46,000 lb. rears, 4.10 double lockers, near new cap drive tires............. ......................................$37,500

2000 Peterbilt 379 475 hp Cat 3406E, 13 speed, 3.70 ratio, virgin rubber...................$27,500

1999 Peterbilt 379 N-14, 525 hp, 370K on overhaul, 3.70 double lockers, Ali-Arc bumper, 18 speed, American Classic interior............................ Just In ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS WITH EXCHANGE


Cummins N14’s, BCII 400, BCIII 350 & 400, BCIV 400, M11’s 2-Cummins ISX 475 hp CPL#2629 Cat C15’s, 3406E’s, 3406B’s Cat 3054 Serial #5Ys.............$3200 Detroit 6V53T........................$5500 Detroit 60’s Volvo VED7C 275 hp..............$4000 We have a large selection of used parts


1986 International dump truck, 16-ft. box, Cummins NTC-350, 13 speed, lift axle and pintle hitch.... ......................................$18,500

1968 Beall belly dump, double bottom, good tires and brakes, center point spring suspension... .........................................$9000

1995 Fontaine mechanical detach 29-ft. well. Call for more information.....................$23,500

1996 Fontaine 48-ft. x 102” with 5-ft. beavertail add on with ramps, new deck, 22.5 wheels..$14,900

2005 Freightliner Columbia single axle, Detroit 435 hp, 10 speed.............................$23,500 2003 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C15 (6NZ), 13 speed, 4.11 double locker rears only, 84,107 actual miles....................$49,000

1990 Ford L9000 dump truck with 3406B Cat, 14,000# front axle, double locker rears and 16-ft. box........................$18,500

1974 Fruehauf 42-ft. lowboy, like new tires and brakes......$12,500

2005 Freightliner Columbia day cab 14.0L Detroit 455 hp, 581,000 miles, 10 speed, 3.70 ratio good matching tires and near new brakes............$32,500

2003 International N-14, 500 hp, 13 speed........................$28,000

1986 Kenworth W900 day cab, Cat 3406B, 13 speed, wet kit...... ......................................$12,500 1992 Peterbilt 379 425 hp 3406B, 15 speed, flat top, 223,000 miles on Cat engine overhaul.........................$16,500

1992 Volvo day cab, Detroit 11.1 L 320/350 hp.................$12,500

1991 International daycab, 3176 Cat, 10 speed, 3.21 rears, low pro 24.5 good tires..................$8500

Reman Crankshafts

Cat 3406E......................... $1250 Cat 3406B........................ $1050 Cummins N14.................. $1500 Cummins 855 BC/SC........ $900 Cat C12............................ $1200 Also available ISX, L10, M11, 3306, DT466, C15, Det 60 series

Steerable lift axles Hendrickson Paralift with axle


Freightliner FL70 service truck, welder, air compressor, crane on 11-ft. service bed...........$32,500

Transmissions and Differentials

RTLO16913....$2750 ($1500 core) RTO14613........................... $1500 Most 9, 10, 13 and 15 speeds.CALL Rockwell, Eaton, Spicer, IH differentials - most ratios available


Call 406-254-2400

3145 N. Frontage Road – Billings, MT


1998 Kenworth T800 day cab, N14 435 hp, 10 speed, 3.70 Eaton rears, new paint, new cap drive tires.

2 CAT C15 Engines

BXS01601 475-hp. 242,000 miles..... ............................................$12,500 MXS59658 550-hp..................$7500

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer How in the world does an animal build itself a house, in this case a nest, using just its mouth? Though not a riddle, the answer might be either one piece at a time or very carefully. The point was driven home in the last couple of days after seeing birds flying about with twigs in their beaks. That and discussions with people who are upset about flickers – a member of the woodpecker family – drilling holes in stucco siding. May is the month when many bird species that nest here return from their winter homes. The peak for arriving migratory songbirds, like orioles and yellow warblers, is in mid- to late May. At that point the race is on to build a nest, find a mate, lay eggs, raise young and head south for the winter all over again. All of which, depending on the species, takes place in three months or so. Most bird nests are camouflaged or at least inconspicuous, like the flicker. Ah, the northern flicker: A bug eating specialist we love, until it bangs a hole in the side of our house. Our love-hate relationship with flickers and their woodpecker cousins begins in the spring. That’s when songbirds sing and woodpeckers peck. Whether seeking a mate, marking their territory or just communicating with others, woodpeckers will drum on a hard surface, making as loud a noise as possible. Sometimes that hard surface is on a house, like the metal flashing around a chimney. Because of the construction of the bird’s skull it doesn’t get a headache from the pounding. But the homeowner does. The real pain, however, starts when woodpeckers need a nest and decided to create one by knocking a hole in a building with stucco siding. Because flickers and woodpeckers are protected by law there are few options available to a homeowner: curse at them (doesn’t really work), fix the hole in the side of the house after the nesting season (leave a hole all summer? don’t think so), or build a house for them hoping to lure them away (interesting). There is a good book on the subject, “Woodworking for Wildlife,” by Carroll Henderson, published by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. It’s on the Internet as are the dimensions to the flicker house. For birds that build nests one twig at a time, some creations are tidy and would make a finish carpenter jealous, like those put together by orioles and cliff swallows. Others, such as mourning doves, look like a teenager’s bedroom after a slumber party. Tidy or messy, a nest usually takes less than a week to build, many times just a few days. And most anything at hand is fair game: bits of clothing, feathers from other birds, discarded fishing line, even, according to one story, a five-dollar bill. Whatever it takes, the nest needs to be secure and protected from the weather and predators. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes not, but either way, birds and their nests are works of art.

Has the economy impacted restaurant consumers?

By Lynn Gordon, South Dakota State University The National Beef Checkoff recently released the findings of an online study conducted in January 2012 designed to measure consumers’ purchasing habits at foodservice establishments based on current economic pressures facing Americans. Consumers had to pay 10% more for beef in 2011 reported USDA and predictions are that 2012 may follow with an increase of 5%. The concern of what impact these rising costs may have on consumers’ purchasing habits as well as impact this may have at the foodservice level in regard to pricing and beef options offered to customers, sparked the Beef Checkoff to conduct this follow-up study. Previous studies conducted in 2008 and 2011 indicated economic pressures were leading consumers to “trade down” (buying less expensive cuts of beef and/or increasing ground beef purchases) and “trade out” (shifting from beef to less expensive protein, especially chicken). The 2012 study consisted of responses from 1,013 adult beef eaters. Findings from the study include: Respondents indicated when eating out over the past year, 85% had eaten at a quick-service restaurant (e.g. Burger King, McDonald’s, etc), 84% had eaten at a traditional dining restaurant (e.g. Chili’s, Applebees, etc), 45% ate at a Steakhouse and only 31% had eaten at a fine-dining restaurant. 89% of the consumers had eaten beef and 81% ate chicken at a full-service restaurant in the past 12-months. Men (91%) are more likely than women (87%) to have eaten a beef meal. As a reward after a long week of work, 63% of the consumers choose beef over chicken for their reward meal but one in four women consider a chicken meal a better reward. The impact of the economy was relevant as 39% of the consumers said they have decreased their visits to fullservice restaurants in the past six months. Only 9% have actually increased their visits but 16% of the Millennial age group indicated they are dining out more. Price is a determinant for some consumer’s decision to order a steak, primarily within the age group of 18-34. Nearly half this age group indicated price is a barrier to their purchase decision. Those with annual incomes below $50,000 were more likely to feel price is a barrier in their decision to order a steak and those in the Millennial age group (46%) were more likely than the total respondents to say they rarely order a steak due to price than the total respondent group. Due to the economic pressures, restaurant diners are seeking ways to still order beef while saving money during their visits to full-service restaurants. 34% of the respondents will order a less expensive steak instead of a higher priced steak, 35% will order a chicken meal over a steak meal; 23% will order a less expensive steak instead of higher priced chicken meal; 16% will order ground beef meal instead of a steak and 14% will order a ground beef meal over chicken meal. The study concluded that even with the concern about price, about 34% or one third of the diners are still ordering steak because they associate it as “worthy of the price” and a good value for the money. For those diners who were trying to save money when they dined out, almost three-quarters of them (73%) opted to trade down to a less expensive beef meal rather than shifting to chicken.

CARC field day

The 2012 Central Agricultural Research Center field day will be June 19th with participants gathering at 9:00 a.m. at the Central Ag Research Center near Moccasin, Montana, with the first field research stop at 9:30 a.m. Featured speakers will include MSU president Waded Cruzado and Montana Experiment Station Director Jeff Jacobsen. The field tour stops will feature pea and lentil cultivar development and evaluations, an open soil pit discussion of the Judith Basin ground water nitrate project goals and implications, oilseed crops species performance, perennial grass species forage production, cereal forage cultivar performance and spring date of seeding, the performance of slow release nitrogen formulations on winter wheat, wire worm populations under continuous crop and crop fallow environments and management of downy brome in winter wheat. Jeff Rumney will wrap the day up with a presentation on Montana Grain Lab serving the Montana producers. Research presenters will include Chengci Chen, Adam Sigler, Bing Von Bergen, Ed Davis, Anuar Morales-Rodrigez, Jeff Rumney, and Dave Wichman

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C3

Full Line “One-Stop” Parts Shop • Oil • Filters • U-joints • Ball Joints • Shocks • Brakes • Fuel & Water Pumps • Belts • Radiator Hose • Starters • Alternators • Spark Plugs • Tuneup Accessories • Engine Kits

Much More Automotive Machine


We specialize in: W Ford & GM diesels W Imports

REBUILT ENGINES • Domestic • Import • Performance

Rebuilt By Montana’s Largest Production Engine Rebuilder INSTALLATION AVAILABLE!!

Full Engine Machining Service

We have the ability to flash software

4 Grinding 4 Boring 4 Milling 4 Head Work

Diesel In Frame or Out of Frame Overhaul Kits for all your Industrial & Agriculture Needs WISCONSIN ROBIN

M-F 8-5:30 MADE IN MT


813 25th St. North Great Falls, MT


EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Choose 3.7% APR oac on any USED tractor, combine or sprayer

4x4 Tractors

8-2011 John Deere 9630Ts, 199-870 hours.. ....................................$330,000-$340,000 2011 John Deere 9530T 400 hours...$320,000 2010 John Deere 9630 800x38, AT Ready, weights, 530 hp, 550 hours.........$293,000 2010 John Deere 9630 powershift, 800x38 Michelins, 78 gpm hydraulics, ATR, active seat, 530 hp, 1200 hours, #021..$272,000 2010 John Deere 9630T 950 hours..$318,000 2011 John Deere 9770 STS Pro Drive, contour 2010 John Deere 9530 powershift, 800x38 Michelins, 78 gpm hydraulics, ATR, active master, 530/480 hours, #555......$258,000 seat, 475 hp, 2200 hours, #024..$235,000 2011 John Deere 9870 STS Pro Drive, contour 2010 John Deere 9530T 610 hours..$307,000 master, 310/240 hours, #820......$329,000 2009 John Deere 9630T 2000 hours.$272,000 2011 John Deere 9870 STS Pro Drive, contour 2006 John Deere 9620 powershift, 800x38, master, 360/230 hours, #622......$329,000 1000 PTO, Active Seat, weights, 500 hp, 2009 John Deere 9770 STS 800x32, 28Lx26, 2000 hours..................................$197,000 chopper, PC tailboard, 1155/820 hours...... ....................................................$230,000 2002 John Deere 9520 450 hp, powershift, 800x38, AT ready, 3925 hours.....$159,000 2009 John Deere 9770 STS 20.8x420, chop1995 New Holland 9680 350 hp, 12 speed, per, AT ready, contour master, 825/603 20.8x42 at 80%, 400 hours on overhaul, hours, #761.................................$238,000 pump and injectors, 7200 hours....$58,000 2004 John Deere 9760 STS 20.8x42 duals, Lots of 9630 & 9530 Trac Tractor yield and moisture, chopper, 2430/1530 Inventory - CALL hours, #383.................................$158,000 1998 John Deere 9610 hydro, 30.5x32, chopper, chaff spreader, 3448/2450 hours, 2009 MacDon FD70 40-ft., transport..$65,000 #459..............................................$72,000 2009 John Deere 635D pickup reel, #694..... 1995 John Deere 9600 hydro, 30.5x32, ......................................................$55,000 chopper, chaff spreader, 3100/2250 hours, 2009 to 2011 John Deere 635F flex heads... #308..............................................$47,000 ....................................$34,000 to $39,000 More inventory too numerous to mention!





2011 John Deere 7230 MFWD, IVT, 480x42, 420x28, 741 loader/grapple, 135/110 hp, 1200 hours, #554........................ $116,000 2008 John Deere 7430 MFWD, IVT, 480x42, 380x30, 741 loader, grapple, 166/140 hp, 4000 hours, #184........................ $113,000 2008 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 20F/20R, 18.4x42, 16.9x28, 741 loader/grapple, 166/140 hp, 2000 hours, #645.... $119,500 2008 John Deere 7330 MFWD, 20F/20R, 18.4x42, 470x28, 741 loader/grapple, 155/125 hp, 2050 hours, #646.... $118,000

Grain Carts

2009 Brent 1594 1500 bushel, 35.5x32 steerable, tarp, #696.....................$82,000 2007 Brent 1394 1300 bushel, 520x42 duals, scale, tarp, #223............................$58,000 2006 Brent 1084 1000 bushel, 520x38 duals, scale tarp, #019.............................$39,900


2008 Renn 1214 bag unloader, 10 or 12-ft. bags..............................................$32,000

Call with “For Sale” items anytime!

GL Appraisal & BROKERAGE

Glenn A. Larson

k (406)

850-0922 k

Learning algebra too early may harm some students

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C4

WANTED Repairable round baler Case RBX 562, 563 or 564 or late model New Holland BR780 or early BR780A.

Also parts tractor

Case 2090 or 2290 Phone (406) 250-6853 or 250-5965, Kalispell, MT


A great alternative for low-volume bridges! Contact Steve Smith directly at 406-791-8549

BUYING LEAD ACID BATTERIES Switch Ties in 11’, 12’, 13’, 14’, and 15’ See Pacific for











I Information Destruction I Buying Car Bodies I Scrap Iron I Buying Aluminum Cans I Non Ferrous Metals (aluminum, copper, brass)

HARRIS CUSTOM SWATHING 3—30-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels

Full transport trailer to accommodate your needs - STATEWIDE COVERAGE

Prompt - competitive rates - reliable Kim Harris 406-949-3482 Conrad, MT Colt Harris 406-949-0465

“Swathing is our business, not a side line”

Learning about all those x’s, y’s and quadratic equations too early in life may do more harm than good for some students, a new University of California (UC), Davis, study says. In the study, UC Davis School of Education professors Michal Kurlaendar and Heather Rose, together with education programs consultant Don Taylor, found that the lowest-performing eighth-grade math students — who are least likely to be prepared for algebra — may be academically harmed by a policy that requires all eighth graders to take the course. Such a universal policy, first proposed by the California Board of Education, does not take into account the skills and needs of individual students, the researchers argue. Much of current education policy — including proposed policy by the California state Board of Education — bears out that, overall, students who complete algebra earlier are more likely to take advanced math courses in high school, graduate from college and earn more money in their lifetimes. The study is the first of its kind to focus solely on the impact of placing the lowest-performing students in eighthgrade algebra. “The ‘algebra for all’ argument is that taking algebra in the eighth grade will benefit minorities and low-income groups,” said Rose. “But our study found that the lowestperforming students, composed significantly of low-income students of color, did not benefit on standardized tests and had significantly lower GPAs than their peers, which may be a result of unfavorable comparisons to higher-performing students in the same courses.” Low-performing students more often fail algebra in the eighth grade because they have not received the additional support they need to succeed, requiring them to take the course again in ninth grade, the study reported. “Although placement in algebra courses as soon as possible should remain a goal to ensure students are not tracked out of college placement, we believe that a universal eighthgrade algebra policy has not been proven to benefit all and requires more research to better understand potential issues,” said Rose. “We have an obligation as educators to ensure that the lowest-performing students do not see school as a punishment in the form of lower grades, social embarrassment and parental ire.”

The war effort and beyond

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS ARS researchers started shaping history immediately, and their efforts supported the United States and allies in World War II. In 1940, ARS chemists in Peoria, Illinois—at the request of Great Britain—found a way to produce penicillin, discovered in 1928, as a powder suitable for medicine. Then they found a way to produce the drug in quantity, using their expertise in growing molds in large fermentation vats. By the end of 1942, 17 U.S. firms were making penicillin pills. Peoria researchers found a superior, more productive Penicillium strain on a moldy cantaloupe from a local market. They gave that mold to the drug companies, and the companies produced enough penicillin to treat allied soldiers wounded on D-Day. The Peoria lab’s expertise and techniques have been used in developing many other products—including the food thickener xanthan gum, biobased fuels, and other biobased products—and in modern genetic research. As part of the U.S. Emergency Rubber Project during World War II—aimed at finding domestic rubber sources— research at Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania, and other USDA labs helped improve the production of synthetic rubber. Their research was essential to the Allied victory, and remains useful to this day for producing domestic rubber. ARS researchers developed DEET to repel mosquitoes and other pests during wartime while looking for alternatives to citronella—which was in short supply at the time. ARS also came up with techniques for making military clothing resistant to biting insects, mildew, rot, and oil-based liquid chemical weapons. Other wartime discoveries included better bandages, dextran (a blood plasma substitute made from sugar beet pulp and sugarcane), and MRE (Meals Ready to Eat) food items for the military. Many of ARS’s discoveries and techniques developed during wartime have led to peacetime uses that have extended to today.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C5

3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

Visit us on the web http://www.3vdistributing.com

E-mail Address 3vdist@3rivers.net

Watson Chalin Lift Axles IN STOCK & ready to mount

Hydraulic oil coolers available for several applications! Used 2006 Chevrolet short box, pewter color, complete with tailgate and bumper, nice shape...$850

Used Knapheide service body, came off Ford F250 long box, single wheel...$1800



We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available Put o ur 30 + yea of ex rs p erien insta ce body lling the I TB to wo r you! k for

ies d o b n i a r G ! al r W e O v e N S K C O T IN S

LED Lighting

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C6

Montana made...


Rod Weeder

Maximum weed kill at a minimum cost!

Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. •  Fits all cultivators •  Easy to pull, saves fuel •  No drive required. •  We build special applications for air drive •  U-joint adapter for rocky conditions •  Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame.    Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket.    When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.

Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS

Ben Taylor Farm Store . ..........................................Valier, 279-3365 Churchill Equipment....................................... Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag.............................................. Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag................................................ Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag............................................Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..................................Great Falls, 727-2203 Glasgow Implement........................................... Glasgow, 228-9341 Harlem Supply.......................................................Harlem, 353-2262 Hoven Equipment Co.....................................Great Falls, 727-7153

Jorgenson Land Co........................................ Broadview, 667-2140 Joyce Fuel & Feeds............................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Moodie Implement............................... Great Falls, 1-888-760-2005 Sunrise Equipment..................................... Sidney, 1-800-967-3597 Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson......................................................Havre, 1-800-800-3113 Torgerson............................................. Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393


Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900

A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT

2002 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, 6NZ Cat C15, 475 hp, Jake, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, aluminum wheels.................................$37,500

2001 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, 6NZ Cat C15, 475 hp, Jake, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, aluminum wheels.................................$34,500

1984 Peterbilt 359, 3406B Cat, 400 hp, Jake, 13 speed, 36” flattop sleeper, 10 aluminum, 11R24.5 tires. Classic!.........................$8500 1992 Peterbilt 377 set back front axle daycab, Series 60 Detroit, 430 hp, engine brake, 13 speed air ride suspension.........................$10,500 1978 Peterbilt cabover, 350 Cummins, Jake brake....................$3500

1990 Ford F250, 4x4, standard cab, XL, flatbed, 302 EFI.......$3950 2002 GMC 1500 HD 4x4 shortbox crewcab with 6.0L gas...........$4750

1973 Peerless 40-ft.x96” stepdeck, 11-ft. upper deck, 29-ft. lower deck, 6” drop, tandem axle, spring suspension, 11R24.5 tires, Budd wheels....................................$4500

1997 Freightliner FL70 Cummins, 5.9L B Series, 6 speed, 18-ft. x 96” insulated reefer body with swinging side door and rollup rear door with ThermoKing SD II SR reefer unit..... ..............................................$9500 2005 Kenworth T600, ISX Cummins, Jake, Eaton autoshift, new 20-ft. steel grain box, hoist, air up/ down steerable tag axle, all new rubber, clean trucks and ready to go to work! Price with electric roll tarp.....................................$63,500 1987 Freightliner FLC120 SBFA 1992 Kenworth T800 daycab, with 3406B Cat, 400-hp., 8LL 3406C mechanical Cat reman entransmission, Jake, 20,000 lb front, gine, Jake and retarder, 13 speed, 46,000 lb rears, rear locker, 1/2” full double frame, steerable air up/ steel frame, Chalmers suspension, down tag axle, dual line wet kit, Eaairride cab...........................$14,900 ton 2 speed rears................$25,500

This Father’s Day give Dad some extra help

By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver You can probably think of a number of times when you asked your dad for a little extra help. Now, with Father’s Day right around the corner, is the perfect time to offer a little extra help for Dad. People across the nation are helping their dads save nearly $4,000 a year on the cost of Medicare prescription drugs. You can help your dad too — and it won’t cost you a dime. The high cost of prescription medication can be a burden on fathers (or anyone) who have limited income and resources. But there is Extra Help — available through Social Security — that could pay part of his monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments. That Extra Help is estimated to be worth about $4,000 a year. To figure out whether your father is eligible, Social Security needs to know his income and the value of his savings, investments, and real estate (other than the home he lives in). To qualify for the Extra Help, he must be enrolled in Medicare and have: Income limited to $16,755 for an individual or $22,695 for a married couple living together. Even if his annual income is higher, he still may be able to get some help with monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription co-payments. Some examples where income may by higher include if he or his spouse: —Support other family members who live with them; —Have earnings from work; or —Live in Alaska or Hawaii. Resources limited to $13,070 for an individual or $26,120 for a married couple living together. Resources include such things as bank accounts, stocks, and bonds. We do not count his house and a car (if he has one) as resources. Social Security has an easy-to-use online application that you can help complete for your dad. You can find it at www. socialsecurity.gov/prescriptionhelp. To apply by phone or have an application mailed to you, call Social Security at 1-800772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) and ask for the Application for Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs (SSA1020). Or go to the nearest Social Security office. To learn more about the Medicare prescription drug plans and special enrollment periods, visit www.medicare.gov or call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227; TTY 1-877-486-2048). Think of all the times you’ve asked Dad for some extra help. This Father’s Day, give your dad a little extra help he can use year-round — a savings of up to $4,000 a year on his Medicare prescription drugs through Extra Help available from Social Security.

Weather Camp 2012

1995 Freightliner cabover, Cummins N14, 460 hp, engine brake, 13 speed, air ride, 26-ft. flatbed with winches & pintle hitch, all aluminum wheels, 597,298 miles........$31,500

2005 Dodge 2500 SLT crew cab, 5.9L Cummins diesel, automatic, 4x4, short wheel base, leather interior, recent reman engine and transmission with paperwork......$19,500

2006 Dodge 2WD, short box, V6, 6 speed, air conditioning. Fuel pincher!..........................................$4750

1964 Kenworth cabover, 855 Cummins 270 hp, jake brake, 4x4, recent overhaul, Knapheide 20’x96”x52” steel floor box, twin cylinder scissor hoist, good tires. Runs great! They don’t make these anymore!...$9500

1996 Dodge 2500 SLT extended cab, 12 valve Cummins, automatic, 4x4, long wheelbase, B&W turnover ball, 3.54 ratio, nice shape!.... $8500

1994 Ingersoll-Rand 375 CFM air compressor, 5.9L Cummins diesel.. ..............................................$9500

5808 2nd Avenue N., Great Falls, MT Phone 406-727-2000 or cell 576-7777

Weather Camp 2012, June 11-15 in Lincoln, Nebraska will keep middle school-aged students busy with a combination of classroom, lab and field trip learning experiences that will introduce them to careers in meteorology, climatology and related sciences.
 The camp, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. each day, is sponsored by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, by its School of Natural Resources, and by the National Weather Service’s CAREERS Weather Camps. It costs $150 for the week and is for students 11-14 years old. The camp fee covers the cost of morning and afternoon snacks, daily lunches, a Friday evening picnic with families and daily transportation for field trips. 

 Activities throughout the week will include using instruments to make weather observations, meeting National Weather Service forecasters, seeing TV meteorologists in action in the studio, learning about Nebraska’s weather, from tornadoes to blizzards, touring the severe weather emergency operations command post, learning about storm preparedness, learning about weather and climate-related careers, meeting a researcher who flies remote-control aircraft into storms, meeting weather and climate scientists, visiting the State Museum to learn about climate through the ages, seeing the full-dome movie presentation “Nature’s Fury” at the planetarium, and playing the Weather Jeopardy game with a warning coordination meteorologist. 

 Weather Camp 2012 will be based in Hardin Hall, on the northeast corner of 33rd and Holdrege streets. #####   Pastor Bob and Pastor Dave liked to play golf together because there was always a pastor nearby to forgive them for swearing.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C7

2001 Caterpillar Lexion 470 Combines

2001 Cat 470 combine 2001 Cat 470 combine • 14-ft. pickup header • 16-ft. pickup header • 1793 separator hours • 1695 separator hours • 2136 engine hours • 2052 engine hours • 24.2-ft. unloading auger • 24.2-ft. unloading auger • IMO information monitor • IMO information monitor • High performance straw chopper • High performance straw chopper • Electrical sieve adjustment • Electrical sieve adjustment • 800/65 172 A8 radial • 800/65 172 A8 radial • 500/60 • 500/60 • 26.5 12 PR • 26.5 12 PR

Buy or Lease To Own $17,516 per unit/year-oac Check us out on the web at www.frielingsonline.com

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway – Great Falls, MT

Danel Frieling

Keith Lippert, cell 799-1494

“Like” us on

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C8

##### The “Idaho Enterprise” published its first issue on June 6, 1879 and is one of the oldest weekly publications in Idaho.


Hay or grain. Phone (406) 480-0640, Richey, Montana

406-278-7940 or 406-278-5469 FAX 406-278-7435 www.sullivanbrosconstruction.com

303 N. Virginia - Conrad, MT Licensed - Bonded - Insured

Statewide Service “When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... Feel free to give us a call during the day or at night!”

Now g ulin sched work! spring

Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc. Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep


✓ Directional Boring

✓ Excavation Needs


✔ Excavator - ✔ Backhoes - ✔ Trucks ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader

Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote

Conducting chemical analyses of soils, grains, etc.

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS Newton’s goal of “Conducting chemical analyses of soils, grains, fruits, plants, vegetables, and manures” is now done with technology beyond Newton’s imagination. ARS scientists at Beltsville developed the Beltsville Universal Computerized Spectrophotometer, which led to near-infrared instruments to analyze and grade bulk grains like wheat and corn—as well as perform forage quality tests, manure analysis, and switchgrass grading for ethanol potential. Researchers continue to expand these techniques to develop cost-effective ways to rapidly improve bioenergy crops. ARS researchers are also using innovative remote sensing techniques to develop close-up, hands-off inspection of meat and poultry, fruits, vegetables, and whole-kernel grains. Recent developments include an automated hyperspectral image analysis system—which uses digital imaging and visible/near-infrared spectroscopy—that can scan 140 poultry carcasses per minute during food safety inspection. Similar systems are used for quality inspection and detecting contaminants in fruits, vegetables, and grain to reduce their potential for causing foodborne illnesses. ARS continues its research in these and other areas with an emphasis on lessening our global footprint. USDA researchers are learning more about how weather, climate, and water resources affect agricultural production and the environment. Today, USDA researchers and industry and university partners work collaboratively to explore environmental practices that will benefit farmers, consumers, and the world. At USDA’s sesquicentennial, ARS and all the other agencies that make up the department today are continuing to follow Newton’s “Seven Commandments”—but with ever-changing technologies and challenges, most of them unimagined in 1862. ##### Heyburn, Idaho, originally named Riverton, is the fourth oldest community in the Mini-Cassia area and the second frontier town to be settled in what is now the county of Minidoka.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C9

Serving The NW For Over 40 Years

• Livestock • Grain Hoppers • Flatbeds • Muv-All Lowbeds

1705 Old Hardin Rd. • Billings, Montana

equipment trailers


406-259-2053 • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE E-mail: krrauch@krrauch.com/kevinrauch@krrauch.com Ken cell 698-1540

Kevin cell 670-5210


2007 Featherlite 20-ft. aluminum gooseneck, aluminum flat floor, center gate, full swing rear with slider..................................................P.O.R.

2013 Wilson PSGN 7’x24’, 4-wheeler side door, roller gate with perm gate interior, full rear with slider, slam hitch, running boards.............P.O.R.

GRAIN TRAILERS 2013 Wilson PSGN 7’x24’, (2) center gates, rear full swing with slider, rear slam latch, running boards, sealed door D.S. nose...................................................................................................P.O.R.


2005 Timpte 21’x96”, 66” side height, RRP traps, full air ride, aluminum wheels, 13’ tongue, 30” off ground.......................................................P.O.R.

2005 Timpte 33’x96”, 66” side height, HGC traps, full air ride, aluminum wheels...................P.O.R.

2010 Titan 16-ft. steel bumper pull, 3 horse slant, tack rooms, dividers..................................P.O.R.

2009 Wilson PSDCL 53’x102”, cattle spec, full air ride quad axle with rear lift/steer, aluminum wheels.......................................................P.O.R.

2010 Trailtech 28’ 6” combine/sprayer trailer, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, pintle hook..........................................................P.O.R.

2013 Wilson PDWH 21’x96”, 66” side roll tarps, high ground clearance, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, 9’ drawbar.......................P.O.R.

2013 WIlson DWH 40’x96”, 66” side height, roll tarp, high ground clearance, full air ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, pintle hitch, 30” off ground.......................................................P.O.R.

FLATBED TRAILERS 2000 WIlson 49’x96”, 66” sides, roll tarp, spring ride 1st and 2nd with rear air lift, aluminum wheels, 24.5 radial tires............................P.O.R. 2009 Wilson 43’x96”, full air ride, side chutes, aluminum wheels 22.5 radials, stainless steel front & rear................................................P.O.R. 2013 Wilson CFD-900 48’x102”, aluminum floor, winches, boxes, air ride, 61” spread tandem, steel wheels, 22.5 radial tires............................................................................................................. P.O.R.

1997 Merritt 48’x96” grain hopper, 68” sides, roll tarp, spring ride, aluminum/steel wheels, radials 24.5’s, pintle hook rear..............................P.O.R.

1997 Wilson PDWH 21’x96”, 66’ sides, roll tarp new, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, new drums, brakes, S-cams......................P.O.R. 2002 Western 48’x96” flatbed/hoppers, air ride spread, aluminum super singles..................... P.O.R.

1997 Alloy 42’x96” flatbed, wood floor, spring ride, aluminum wheels, radial 24.5 tires........... P.O.R.

2001 Timpte 48’x102” grain, 78” sides, roll tarp, full air ride, aluminum wheels, 24.5 radials, stainless steel rear............................................P.O.R.

1998 Timpte 49’x96” grain, 72” sides, full air ride with air lift rear, aluminum wheels, stainless steel rear, Shur-Co electric tarp........................P.O.R.

1996 Homemade 16’x96” grain pup, 66” sides, roll tarp, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 tires, telescopic tongue......................................P.O.R.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C10

We Rent Equipment. Call Today Get On Our List! 1 ONLY!

Pickup Mount Sprayer

•  60-ft. boom

• 500 gallon tank

• Windscreens

• 2” Bottom fill kit

Buy or Lease To Own

$3998/yr - oac

NEW Ultimate Sprayer

• 100-ft. boom • 1650 gallon • Windscreens • 2” bottom fill kit • Raven 450 Auto Rate Buy or Lease To Own

$10,776/yr - oac

Used Heavy Harrow

• 70-ft. Contour Commander • Tine angle adjust • Adjusts to field contour • Powder coated paint

Buy or Lease To Own

$7387/yr - oac

Vogel’s Wick Weeders

• 10-ft. ATV mount • 15-ft. ATV mount • 30-ft. trail model • 40-ft. trail model • Contact herbicide applicator. • No overspray or wind drift. • Proven successful in controlling weeds that are higher than the crop. USED Wick Wiper

Call for more information

June Parts Pics

This Investment Is A No-Brainer

Drive Over Grain Decks

Zero Turn Lawn Mowers

Will Feed 10” or 13” auger & keep it full.


Buy or Lease To Own

• 20,000 bushel/hour

$3247/yr - oac SB4000

• Grass handling system • Comfort seat • Power dump • 48” grass catching heavy duty deck Buy or Lease To Own

$2968/yr - oac



Previously Owned • 90-ft. boom • 1600 gallon • Novac auto level • Windcones Buy or Lease To Own “Like” us on

$6872/yr - oac for Updates

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway – Great Falls, MT

Danel Frieling

Keith Lippert, cell 799-1494

• 1500 gallon • 110-ft. boom • Raven 450 auto rate • Windscreens Buy or Lease To Own Only

$6829/year - oac

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page C11

2003 Cat TH360B telescopic forklift, 7000 lbs. to 42-ft., cab & heat, outriggers, hydraulic QC attachment, 2500 hours, very very nice!................................................................$45,500

2007 Gehl 4640E skidsteer loader, 1800 lb capacity, hand controls. Like new machine, only 250 hours!!!...............$20,500

2008 Bobcat S250 skidsteer, cab, air conditioning, auxiliary hydraulics. Only 611 hours!!! Really, really nice machine........... . ................................................................................$31,450

2006 JLG G6-42A telescopic forklift, 6000 lbs. to 42-ft., all-wheel drive and steer, 1700 hours. Nice machine............$35,500

2008 Bomag BW124DH-3 roller, smooth drum, new tires. Only 1000 hours!.............................................................$29,900

2005 Bobcat S185 skidsteer, cab, heat, new tires. Excellent condition!!......................................................................$19,850

1994 Ingersoll-Rand VR70B telehandler, 4x4x4, good tires. Nice clean machine.........................................................$19,900

2005 Bomag BW145 smooth drum roller, 66” drum, 1000 hours. 2006 Bobcat S150 skidsteer loader, ROPS, 650 hours!!! Very good condition, perfect size machine!.....................$17,750 Excellent condition..................................................$33,000 2001 Ingersoll-Rand DD14 double drum roller, water system, ex-city machine. Very nice machine, only 650 hours!!!............ . ................................................................................$10,850

2006 Gradall 534D9-45 forklift, 9000 lb capacity, great tires. Very clean machine, low hours........................................$38,850

We are Montana’s used Telescopic Forklift experts! More Coming In! Give Us a Call!

Call us about Attachments! 2008 Cat D6T dozer, semi-u blade, cab, air conditioning, ripper, only 1700 hours. Like new!!!!................................ $285,000

1996 John Deere 310D backhoe loader, 4WD, cab, heat, extenda-hoe. Good clean machine!................................. $28, 875

Cat integrated tool carrier telescopic jib. Call for details............................................................ $2900 Skidsteer 3 prong hay fork............................... $535 Skidsteer HD brush grapple.......................... $2500 (2) Telehandler framing jibs, 12-ft. and 10-ft. Per unit.. .................................................................. $2750

2008 Genie 1930 scissorlift, only 94 hours, like new. Very nice machine!!!!.................................................................. $5500

• BUY • SELL • RENT Sweepster 10-ft. broom for Cat backhoes and wheel loaders...................................................... $9500 Skidsteer 3 cubic yard dump hopper............. $3500

Cat D4E dozer, 4-way dozer, backhoe attachment included. Good condition, work ready....................................$25,450


Jim Niebur Billings, Montana


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C12

Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Friday BEFORE first Monday of each month.

Scrap Metal Market Is Up! Convert your scrap to cash. Take advantage of the higher metals market. Call for pricing.

Filipowicz Brothers

Scrap Metal Salvage and Recycling 3120 Rainbow Dam Road (Wire Mill Road) – Black Eagle, Montana

Call 406-727-0535

FAX 406-453-5089  E-mail: flipbros@hotmail.com

Air Conditioning


You can also see us for your Roller Chain & Round Baler Belting

CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: www.cascademachineco.com 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405

406-453-8100 or 1-877-453-0166

Reducing odors in cotton fabric

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Socks, T-shirts and other garments could become less hospitable to odor-causing bacteria, thanks to new antimicrobial treatments being investigated by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists in New Orleans, Louisiana. In studies at the Southern Regional Research Center operated there by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), a team of scientists is seeking to inhibit microbial growth in cotton using silver particles ranging from 2 to 6 nanometers in size. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency. Silver nanoparticles have been used previously as antimicrobial agents in products, including clothes, plastic food containers and medical textiles. However, the synthetic methods of producing them have relied on the use of toxic agents and organic solvents, according to ARS team leader Brian Condon. As an environmentally friendly alternative, his team showed that polyethylene glycol and water worked just as well in generating the silver particles. Moreover, the particles were of the desired size, reported Condon, ARS engineer Sunghyun Nam, and former ARS researcher Dharnidhar Parikh, in a recent issue of the Journal of Nanoparticle Research. The researchers also devised a method of prompting silver nanoparticles to form directly on cotton fibers, eliminating the handling and storage of the antimicrobial agents prior to application. This should give cotton an advantage over synthetic fabrics, which have not been amendable to silver nanoparticle treatment, notes Condon, who leads the ARS center’s Cotton Chemistry and Utilization Research Unit. In another approach, ARS chemist Vince Edwards, together with Condon, developed a treatment for impregnating nonwoven cotton fabrics with lysozyme, an enzyme that slices open the cell walls of microorganisms, killing them—including those that cause odor or infection. Similar enzymes also have potential use in biodefense applications, such as deactivating nerve agents, adds Condon. The researchers are seeking commercial partners to help usher the advances into the marketplace, all with an eye towards assuring the viability of American cotton at a time of increasing production costs, dwindling resources and global competition.

Abundant, safe food

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS ARS research has always had an international aspect. Perhaps the best example is the work leading up to the Green Revolution—a period of increased worldwide agricultural production. In 1946, an ARS agronomist collected seeds of short-statured wheats in Japan. These seeds were later distributed to various U.S. wheat breeders, including a team led by ARS breeder Orville Vogel, in Pullman, Washington. The group developed high-yielding, semi-dwarf wheat varieties that were further improved by the late Norman Borlaug, of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, to avert famines worldwide. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, an exposé of meat-processing practices of the past, resulted in the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 and the beginnings of a formal food safety agency at USDA. Although USDA-ARS research has always had a food safety aspect, a formal national research program was created in 1997 with the Food Safety Initiative under President Bill Clinton. Today, ARS’s food safety research includes robotic inspections of poultry and goes beyond meat to include all foods. A good example is an effort over the past decade by ARS researchers at Clay Center, Nebraska, and their colleagues. These scientists have been sequencing genes to find those that can be used as markers for serotypes of Escherichia coli that produce Shiga toxin. Through this work, they have worked with industry partners to develop assays for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, including E. coli O157:H7, which causes foodborne illness. This food safety program traces back to earlier research: A USDA chemist in 1882 was one of the first to analyze the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. USDA scientists over the years also showed the value of pasteurizing milk and determined the cooking temperature needed to kill the pathogen that causes trichinosis.


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C13


SALES & Rentals

Daily, weekly, monthly rentals

Over 20,000 Farmers Rented Occasional Use Equipment Last Year For your equipment rental needs, call Your local authorized


Power, Lattin & Sons...................................................... 406-467-2901 Conrad, Lattin & Sons.................................................... 406-278-3432 Helena, Grizzly Diesel.................................................... 406-449-1269

Rock pickers & rock rakes Manure spreaders 15’ & 26’ mowers Land rollers • Harrows 10’, 14’ & 20’ breaking disks Trailers • Post drivers 3-point roto-tillers Grain vacs And more • Give us a call

Flaman Rental Equipment Dispersal

Wishek Discs

2009 Wishek 642NT 8-ft. disc with 25” blades, 11” spacing, SN1100908, zzz1035................................................ $18,900

Grain Carts

2011 J&M 1326-22, PTO drive, scale kit, walking axles, green... .................................................................................. $62,900 2010 J&M 1326-22, scale/460 Mon, camera kit, slider, tarp, red. .................................................................................. $60,000 2008 J&M 1150-22, standard auger, 900 tires, scale, tarp, red.. .................................................................................. $41,900 2011 J&M 750-18 slider, tarp, hydraulic drive, red, #4657...$31,500 2011 J&M 750 PTO drive, tarp, green, 18” slide auger, SN4713. .................................................................................. $30,000 2011 J&M 750 red, hydraulic drive, scale kit, tarp, 18” slide auger. SN4680..................................................................... $35,900 2006 Unverferth 6500 650 bushel, scale kit, 16” unload auger, PTO........................................................................... $22,500

Schulte Mowers

Schulte 5026, 26-ft. mower, 1000 PTO, aircraft tires, SNc50201251901..................................................... $27,900 2003 Schulte flex arm, good condition.............................. $4250 2003 Schulte flex arm, rough shape, SN A1010011306... $2500

Land Scrapers

2008 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN20010009, zzz9083...$26,900 2006 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8570710, zzz000710...$24,500 2006 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8250605, zzz06103...$24,500 2007 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8640802, zzz08102...$25,500

Bale Carriers

2006 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN021-026.................... $18,900 2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN052-018.................... $21,500 2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN054-018.................... $23,500 2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN034-017.................... $22,500

Miscellaneous New and Used Clearance

Westeel 2000 bushel grain bin on wood floor................... $2750 Power Fist power wash unit, 55 gallon tank, 5 hp Honda... $295

Land Rollers

2008 Riteway 45-ft. landroller......................................... $26,500

Hay Rakes

All used rakes missing teeth will come with spares 2008 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, single axle, SN108799, zzz08446................................................................... $10,500 2008 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN108905, zzz08440................................................................... $11,500 2008 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN108895, zzz08444................................................................... $11,500 2009 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN114884...$11,750 2009 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN118642...$11,750

Augers, Conveyors, Grain Equipment & Miscellaneous

Wheatheart 8” x 46-ft. grain auger, 25 hp Robin motor, no mover kit.................................................................................. $5900 Wheatheart 10” transfer auger, hydraulic drive, SN302037, like new............................................................................... $1895 Mayrath 7” auger, includes motor and sweep..................... $695 Batco drive-over conveyor, 1800 series, 18” belt, 14” tube, 7000 bph............................................................................ $13,900 Kwik Klean 572 grain cleaner, 6 hours use, like new, #8 round screens......................................................................... $7900 Sukup 18” heater, propane or natural gas fired................ $2195 Case IH 8120 21-ft. pull type swather, pickup reel, excellent...... ..................................................................................... $8900

3 Point Hitch Equipment

Sovema RP-2 150 60” rototiller, great shape Schulte BX74 74” snowblower, hydraulic chute/deflector...$3950 2010 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-10.. Toro lawn vacuum includes suction hose and trash bag..... $650 .................................................................................. $31,900 Husqvarna lawn sweep, good working order...................... $325 2010 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-101086.......................................................................... $31,900 2009 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-10- Bandit 95XL, 50 hp Kubota, 9” material hydraulic feed control... .................................................................................. $21,900 1065.......................................................................... $31,900 2009 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-10- Bandit 65XL, 24 hp Honda V-twin, 4” material, hydraulic feed, yellow........................................................................... $8500 1062.......................................................................... $28,900 Tridedon 9108, good condition, all updates complete, SN TRI- Bandit 65XL, 24 hp Honda V-twin, 4” material, hydraulic feed, green......................................................................... $10,500 08-1003..................................................................... $17,900 Akron Unloader, 12” passenger side unload auger....... $22,500 Bear Cat 8” chipper, PTO drive, manual feed, 35 hp Ideal...$5900

Grain Bag Extractors

Tree Chippers & Planters

Flaman Pro Grain Baggers

2011 Pro 1110 23-ft. conveyor with mover, no hopper, #11027.. .................................................................................. $32,000 2011 Pro 1110 23-ft. conveyor with mover, no hopper, #11036.. .................................................................................. $29,900 2011 Pro 1112 23-ft. conveyor with mover, no hopper... $31,000 Pro 1010 SN2010079, 1010 hopper SNH10-033, 1010 mover SN10-001, no mover 2011 Pro 1110 SNAA2011010, no hopper, conveyor C1123027M with mover 2011 Pro 1110 SNAA2011043, no hopper, conveyor C1123006M with mover Pro 1110 bagger, SN2011047. Pro 1110 bagger, SN2011044 with 910 conveyor.

Manure Spreaders

2007 Leon 585 walking beam axle, flotation tires, hydraulic push system, 585 bushel, horizontal beaters, 1000 PTO, SN7125. .................................................................................. $27,900 3-2009 Leon 425 vertical beaters, walking beam axle, 1000 PTO, hydraulic push system.......................................$25,500 each 2-2006 Leon hydraulic push, walking axle.............$14,900 each

Grain Vacs

2010 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, 284 hours. SN 1516.......... $17,900 2009 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, SN0129, equ0129............. $17,500 2009 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, 423 hours, SN1379, equ1379...$17,500 2008 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose..................... $10,900 2007 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose, SN9585, zzz08303.. .................................................................................. $14,900 2007 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose, SN9305, zzz07301.. .................................................................................. $15,500 Rem 1026, good shape, SN#RM95-1026-2295................ $7500

Hay & Grass Equipment

2-Agripac bale baggers, 9 hp Honda, one man operation, field ready....................................................................$6500 each 2007 Brillion 8-ft. 3-point hitch grass seeder, Brome box with agitator. Excellent shape.............................................. $8500

Deep Tillage

Kello Built 3 shank sub soiler........................................... $5500 Tye Agco paratill, 6-shank sub soiler, 3-point or tow behind....... .................................................................................. $14,500 Farm King single ripper, 3-point, brand new old stock...... $1000

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C14

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.

LOST VALLEY FENCING • Barbed Wire • Corrals • Rail Fence • Windbreaks • Repairs Tom – 406-403-8749 4 Experienced 4 Competitive prices 4 References 4 Free estimates 4 Willing to travel Fairfield, MT

Licensed and Insured


All new Duralite stock trailers have a wider escape door in front. Wide enough for 4-wheelers. 25-ft. Stock Trailer Available with standard nose or taper nose

• (2) 7000 lb spring or torsion axles • Choice of standard or taper nose • Standard width of 6’8” and height of 80” • Rollup or rear slider • (2) standard center gates • Other options available $ • Standard LED lighting • 7 year structual warranty


It’s Time To Ride!! 2010 Can Am Spider RS-S limited Edition

* Price does not include trailer

Pearl white, semi-auto transmission, only 560 miles, numerous options added are: 6-spoke wheels, Vetra Touring windshield with side deflection system, handle bar risers, comfort seat along with original special edition seat, tank bag, sport rack and adjustable back seat and bike cover. This unit still has warranty, always garaged.......................................... $18,700*


$6995 NEW Red River 8 bale hay trailers New Mirage Dump Trailers – IN STOCK –

Deutz-Allis GP 2.80 round baler, 5x6 bale.......................................$3500




Producers can up wheat grain protein

Agricultural scientists with Montana State University Extension are encouraging farmers to consider techniques that can increase wheat grain protein, which can be a financial boost to producers. In a recently published bulletin entitled “Practices to Increase Wheat Grain Protein,” MSU Extension presents crop and fertilizer management practices that can increase grain protein without sacrificing yield. The bulletin came out of the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences and was co-authored by Clain Jones, an Extension soil fertility specialist and Kathrin Olson-Rutz, a research associate. Growing wheat with high grain protein begins with selecting the appropriate variety and providing enough nutrient resources to meet the wheat’s requirements for growth and grain yield, according to the Extension bulletin. If resources are sufficient to meet yield goals, then providing adequate available nitrogen may be the most important management factor to produce high grain protein. “Using cultural practices or adding other nutrients to increase yield without adding additional nitrogen can reduce rather than increase protein through a dilution effect,” Jones said. The bulletin also asserts that applying all the nitrogen required for high yield and grain protein before or at seeding is a risky practice. “The nitrogen may end up in the air or well water rather than in the wheat,” Jones said. In low rainfall years with relatively low yields, excess nitrogen applied early will not get used. Residual soil nitrate can then become fertilizer dollars lost to leaching if followed by a wet winter and spring. In irrigated production, applying all the necessary nitrogen early in the season can produce excess vegetation rather than grain yield or protein. The Extension bulletin suggests producers consider inseason nitrogen fertilization to adjust nitrogen rates in a high-yielding year. Growers can determine whether an in-season application has a good chance of increasing protein by measuring flagleaf nitrogen concentration, chlorophyll, or evaluating crop health through aerial photographs. Protein may get the highest boost with nitrogen applied at flowering. However, Jones stressed that the ability to incorporate fertilizer applied anytime between boot and shortly after flowering, with potential rainfall, is more important than timing the application exactly at flowering. “In dryland production, nitrogen applied late-season is nitrogen and money potentially lost if there is insufficient rainfall after application to move the fertilizer into the soil and allow plant uptake of added nitrogen,” Jones said. Producers are encouraged to always use application methods that maximize nitrogen use efficiency, especially by minimizing ammonia loss to the atmosphere. The decision to apply mid- to late-season nitrogen to increase protein should be based on a number of factors: The ability to apply nitrogen without severely damaging the crop, the potential protein response to late-season nitrogen, and whether protein discounts are sufficiently high to justify the cost. Jones acknowledged that producers have little or no control over the latter two items. These and other considerations are discussed in the publication, which will be available online and in printed copies will be available from MSU Extension Publications -- www. msuextension.org/store #####   The late Reverend Billy Graham told of a time early in his ministry when he arrived in a small town to preach a sermon. Wanting to mail a letter, he asked a young boy where the post office was. When the boy told him, Dr. Graham thanked him and said, “Why don’t you come to the Baptist church on Third Street this evening? I’ll be preaching on how to get to heaven.”   The boy replied, “Thank you anyway, sir, but I don’t think I’ll be there. You don’t even know your way to the post office.” #####   A pastor known for his extremely lengthy sermons noticed a man get up and leave during the middle of his message. The man returned just before the conclusion of the service. Afterward, the pastor asked the man where he had gone.   “I went to get a haircut,” was the reply.   “Why didn’t you do that before the service?” the pastor demanded.   “I didn’t need one then,” the gentleman answered.

‘Eat Smart. Play Hard.’ contest winners named

North Dakota youth displayed their creativity and health and nutrition knowledge this spring in the sixth annual North Dakota “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” poster contest. The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service, North Dakota Dietetic Association and NDSU Center for 4-H Youth Development co-sponsored the poster contest, which was open to youth age 8 to 19. Entrants competed in two categories: preteen and teen. Besides promoting healthful eating and regular physical activity, this year’s contest entrants were encouraged to include messages about sun safety and outdoor play. The winners in the preteen category were: • First place – Lyndsey Scheurer, Bismarck • Second place – Megan Tichy, Tower City • Third place – Scout Wheeler, Bismarck The winners of the teen category were: • First place – Laci Hiatt, Langdon • Second place – Kaitlyn Grossman, Bismarck • Third place – Alyssa Langaas, Fargo “The ‘Eat Smart. Play Hard.’ program is a great way to get kids thinking about nutrition and physical activity,” says Brooke Fredrickson, president of the North Dakota Dietetic Association. “The poster contest challenges them to learn more about healthy eating and exercise, and hopefully it also encourages them to make positive changes in their own lives.” Winners received a $50 gift card for first place, a $35 gift card for second place and a $15 gift card for third place. In addition, all contestants received a certificate of recognition and an “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” item. “We always enjoy seeing their creative promotion of healthful foods and fitness,” says NDSU Extension food and nutrition specialist Julie Garden-Robinson, who helped organize the contest. “We hope that their messages and pictures inspire other children to eat smart and play hard.” “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service. It aims to make America’s children healthier by providing practical suggestions to motivate kids and their caregivers to eat a healthful diet and be physically active. The NDSU Extension Service and Bison Athletics launched a statewide campaign of the same name in 2005.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C15


We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to trader@3rivers.net along with captions and we will print what we have room for.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C16

Tips for eating healthy when you’re away from home

You probably already know that Americans need to eat more whole grains, low-fat milk, and fruits and vegetables. What you might not realize is that Americans tend to make poorer choices when eating away from home. For example, eating breakfast away from home usually means eating fewer whole-grains and dairy foods and more calories from saturated fat and added sugar. When people eat their dinner away from home they tend to eat fewer vegetables, especially the nutritious vegetables in the dark green and orange category. “The tendency to make poorer choices when eating out is increasingly important because the average American now spends two of every five food dollars on food that is eaten away from home,” says Susan Nitzke, Cooperative Extension nutrition specialist and Professor Emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She adds that unless you make careful choices, eating just one meal away from home each week can add enough extra calories to your diet to produce a gain of two pounds per year. “Eating out doesn’t have to mean eating poorly,” says Nitzke. She suggests keeping the following tips in mind when eating at a restaurant or fast food place: • To reduce the calories and fat in your meal, cut back on fried foods; order meat, chicken, and other items that are roasted, grilled, baked or broiled. • Drink fat-free or low-fat milk, water or coffee instead of sugary drinks like soda. • Look for places that offer whole-wheat bread or buns as an option for sandwiches or subs. • Make sure there’s at least one vegetable (other than potatoes) in your entrée or side dish. For example, order pasta with plenty of tomato sauce and added vegetables like green peppers or broccoli. • Keep the fat and calories lower by ordering dishes that are steamed, grilled or broiled instead of fried and looking for sauces based on tomatoes or broth instead of creamy sauces and gravies. • Be on the lookout for menu items that have high-fat in609 So. Main St., Conrad, Montana gredients like mayonnaise, full-fat salad dressing, and bacon. • If the regular portion sizes are large, order an appetizer Phone 406-278-7583 — Fax 406-278-7584 for your main dish or share the regular main dish with a friend. • Eat slowly and get in the habit of stopping when you’re just starting to feel full. If there’s still food on your plate, ask for a doggie bag and chill the extra food for a later meal. • Check the establishment’s nutrition handouts or website postings for key nutrition information like calories, sugar, and sodium in the dishes you tend to order most often. For more information on making healthy choices when Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks eating away from home, check with your local county FUEL STORAGE ~ FUEL CONTAINMENT ~ FUEL SYSTEMS Extension office. Contact All products meet EPA/SPCC agriculture standards information is available at http://www.uwex.edu/ces/inCALL FISHER METAL PRODUCTS for information and pricing on: dex.cfm. Or see the following Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 3000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 4000 to 10,000 gallons resources from eXtension, ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules and the US Department of Agriculture: • http://www.extension. Fort Benton org/pages/24390/interactivefast-food-menu-with-fitness 
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##### It was 12:20 for 115 years in Fort Benton, Montana, after money ran out in 1884 as the courthouse was being built, so a fake clock made of plywood was installed. In 1999 schoolchildren raised the $750 for a real clock to be installed. ##### Fort Harrison, built in 1892, was the final fort established in Montana. Now it is a veteran’s hospital and National Guard training ground located outside Helena.

Research centers and regional research centers

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS Dozens of improved products and new varieties of fruits, nuts, and vegetables emerge from the laboratories and greenhouses of the Agricultural Research Service. USDA-ARS human nutrition research also changed the history of the nation and continues to do so. This research has long affected the daily lives of Americans, although the average person may not realize it. Let’s start with breakfast: The calorie content, fat percentage, and nutrient content on the label of the cereal box are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), using ARS data that traces back to the work of Wilbur Olin Atwater, the father of American nutrition, in 1894. He began the food analysis that today is listed on food containers. He also pioneered the surveys of people’s eating habits that continue to the present. Today, nutrition research is carried out by six ARS human nutrition centers in Arkansas, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Dakota, and Texas. For example, definitive human feeding studies at the Beltsville, Maryland, center showed the health benefits of limiting trans fat consumption. This led to FDA requiring food labels to include trans fat content and to food companies reformulating products to lower their trans fat content. Ironically, nutrition research in the early days was directed at making sure Americans got enough to eat; today, research has to deal with obesity problems as well. Many new products in the home—both food and nonfood—were a result of USDA-ARS research beyond the human nutrition labs. Many of these were from research efforts at four regional research centers established in 1938 to find new uses for agricultural commodities. Today, all four of these centers are designated American Chemical Society historical landmarks for specific scientific achievements. Those centers, strategically located across the country—in California, Illinois, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania—were created to help end chronic farm depression by finding new, value-added uses for surplus crops. By the end of 1940 and early 1941, research began at the centers, and many new value-added products—still in use today—were created as a result. Sunflower seed butter is one of many products developed as a result of ARS research. It offers children allergic to peanuts another alternative. Adding lactose-free milk to cereal? ARS technology is used to make that milk. That glass of orange juice made from frozen concentrate tracks to ARS’s development in the 1950s of a way to freeze the concentrate. Popping a frozen waffle in the toaster? ARS developed techniques for freezing that waffle and other foods. ARS scientists began a project in 1948 that eventually led to nine principles for freezing vegetables that remain the industry standard. Jelly on toast? ARS had a hand in developing jelly from fruits. More recently, ARS worked with industry partners to develop a process for making sunflower seed butter as an alternative to peanut butter for children allergic to peanuts. “Frozen orange juice, sunflower seed butter, and lactose-free milk are probably among the top food and drink products developed with ARS technology in terms of dollar value in sales,” says David Klurfeld, ARS national program leader for human nutrition. USDA-ARS successes from research conducted at the centers also include instant mashed potatoes, explosionpuffed dehydration technology used to dry foods, and the SuperSlurper starch-based product used in making superabsorbent diapers, baby powder, wound dressings, automotive products, and agricultural and horticultural products, to name a few. The list goes on: a coating to keep fresh-cut fruit, like apple slices, from browning, now available at fast-food restaurants and grocery stores; Oatrim fat substitute made from oat bran, used in ice cream and other foods to lower fat and calorie content; Sucromalt low-glycemic sweetener used in some food products to help consumers stabilize and lower blood sugar levels; soy-based fuels, inks, and hydraulic fluids; and compostable bowls, cups, plates, and trays. People who wake up between cotton sheets and put on cotton clothing—whether permanent press, wash-and-wear, or flame-retardant—may not realize that they are benefiting from ARS research on improving cotton quality, processing, and use. ##### A housewife, no matter how large the family, can always get some time alone by doing the dishes.


We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to trader@3rivers.net along with captions and we will print what we have room for.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C17

The deadline for advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C18

When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, “It’s no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights.”


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Bill Luckey of Columbus, Nebraska will be honored as the 78th member of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Block and Bridle Hall of Fame.
 The Block and Bridle Hall of Fame honors individuals who have made commendable contributions to Nebraska agriculture through leadership, service, youth projects and community activities. Luckey was raised on a family farm northeast of Columbus. From a very early age Luckey demonstrated an interest in agriculture, particularly animal agriculture. As a youth, he was a member of the Silver Stars 4-H Club. Among many club activities, showing cattle and participating in the club’s livestock judging team were among his favorites. While attending Columbus High School, Luckey was a member of the school’s FFA chapter. Luckey graduated high school in 1973 and began his college career at Central Community College-Platte Campus. Luckey ultimately transferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in animal science in 1977. In 1978, he married Nancy, and in the same year he took over the family farm. The Luckey family epitomizes the spirit and determination of the family farmers who are the backbone of the agriculture industry in Nebraska. Luckey considers his greatest accomplishment to be raising a family with his wife, Nancy. All of the members of the Luckey family (Bill, Nancy, Ryan, Lucas, Michael and Kyle) are involved in agriculture. Luckey continues to manage the family farm’s grain and


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livestock operations. The farm includes about 400 acres of farmland with two 2,000head hog finishing barns. In addition, the farm maintains approximately 100 cow/calf pairs. The livestock units provide the outlet through which much of the farm’s grain is marketed. In addition to his fulltime job managing the family farm, Luckey is a proven leader at the local, state and national levels and has demonstrated a true passion for promoting the agriculture industry. Luckey has excelled in leadership roles with the Nebraska Pork Producers Association, the National Pork Board and the U.S. Pork Center of Excellence. Through a long track record of participation in the Nebraska LEAD and the National Pork Board Operation Main Street Programs, Luckey has made countless presentations conveying the positive message of the livestock industry to the public. Luckey’s dedication to the industry is also evident in his service to youth including involvement in the Platte County 4-H program and the “Life on the Farm” extension programs for urban school children. The Department of Animal Science in UNL’s College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is part of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. ##### Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever. ##### A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.

Buchanan named NDSU associate dean

David Buchanan, a North Dakota State University (NDSU) professor in the Animal Sciences Department, has agreed to become the associate dean for academic programs in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. “Dr. Buchanan brings a wealth of experience in academics to his new position, as well as a profound and deep commitment to student advising and faculty mentoring,” says Ken Grafton, vice president for agricultural affairs, dean of the NDSU College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources and director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. “His knowledge of North Dakota and the region also will be exceptionally useful in student recruitment.” Buchanan has been with NDSU in the Animal Sciences Department since 2007. His research interests include animal breeding and genetics. Prior to coming to NDSU, he was a faculty member at Oklahoma State University for almost 28 years “It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve as associate dean for the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources,” Buchanan says. “There is excitement in the industries served by our college, and I look forward to the challenge of recruiting students, helping to enhance our academic offerings and working with the alumni of our college. When many work together, dreams can be realized.” Buchanan, a Fargo native, earned a Bachelor of Science degree in animal science from NDSU. He earned both a master’s degree in animal science and a Ph.D. in animal breeding and genetics from the University of Nebraska. He has held numerous positions with professional animal science organizations, won awards, published research and given numerous speeches on animal science during his 32year career. Buchanan was given the 2006 Excellence in University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences Award by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. David Buchanan, associate dean for academic programs in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources

##### Fork Peck Dam, man-made construction was featured on the cover of the very first issue of “Life” magazine in November 1936.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C19


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Initial wheat crop estimates

By Matthew Diersen, South Dakota State University The May World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report had mixed indicators for the wheat market. Higher exports reduced expected 2011 ending stocks. The May Crop Production report gave the initial look at winter wheat production. The weather has been favorable enough nationally that the yield and harvested acres are expected to be relatively high. The production will be offset by feed use and exports, which are expected to continue at relatively high levels for the 2012 marketing year. The May WASDE shows the initial U.S. cash price for 2012 is projected from $5.50 to $6.70 per bushel. In South Dakota the expected harvest acres figure for winter wheat is 1.3 million acres or a relatively large percent of the 1.35 million acres seeded. The NASS yield is 44.0 bushels per acre, or slightly below the trend yield. Combined with the projected spring wheat figures, the all-wheat acres for South Dakota will be 2.3 million acres at a yield of 42.7 bushels per acre. This gives a production estimate of 98.2 million bushels, up from the preliminary 93.0 million bushels. Basis is currently at or slightly wider than the 5-year average depending on the specific region in South Dakota being considered. Prices have declined in recent weeks, but the 2011 marketing year average price for all-wheat in South Dakota remains at $7.55 per bushel. Historically, the South Dakota cash price is 102% of the U.S. price, giving an initial 2012 estimate of $6.22 per bushel. Using a harvest basis of $-0.70 against September Kansas City futures, the expected cash price in South Dakota for winter wheat is currently $5.60 per bushel. Using a harvest basis of $-0.50 against September Minneapolis futures, the expected cash price in South Dakota for spring wheat is currently $6.80 per bushel.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C20

The deadline for advertising in the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.

A dust storm approaching Stratford, Texas, in 1935.

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Keeping soil where it belongs

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS Another example of USDA research changing history occurred in 1938, when the USDA Soil Conservation Service [now the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)] and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station created a laboratory in Bushland, Texas, in the wake of a dramatic wind erosion event. Poor agricultural practices for years, coupled with severe drought, left the soil of extensive U.S. farmland exposed. The result was a multiyear period of severe dust storms in the 1930s. Known as the “Dust Bowl,” it was characterized by thick, black clouds of dirt and dust stretching across several states and millions of acres. The Bushland lab’s charge was to prevent the intolerable conditions of another potential Dust Bowl and to minimize wind erosion, working with other state experiment stations— such as those in Kansas and Ohio—and other USDA labs. They developed stubble mulch tillage, leaving the residue of harvested crops on the land over winter to keep soil from blowing away and to save precious soil moisture. This was the forerunner of the highly successful practice of notill and other forms of conservation tillage that drastically reduced erosion, whether by wind, rain, or snowmelt. ARS research was spurred further by the drought of the 1950s. At the time, there were limitations to stubble mulch, mainly lower yields, so ARS set out to overcome those limitations and, in time, succeeded in making conservation tillage an NRCS-recommended “best practice.” ARS Bushland scientists continue conservation tillage research to this day, improving techniques and adjusting to modern challenges. They have learned to harness wind energy to produce electricity for use in homes and on farms. They continue research on water conservation, taking advantage of the latest technology. Today, that means getting information on soil moisture from satellites. It is unlikely that the Great Plains will suffer another Dust Bowl as severe as the one in the 1930s. Isolated yet significant storms are inevitable, but the conservation tillage and crop residue management techniques developed from ARS research will certainly reduce the severity of dust storms in agricultural regions.


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Wind erosion in the Dust Bowl lasted for years in the 1930s, moving dramatic amounts of valuable soil - enough to practically bury this farm machine.


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 - Page C21

Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT

4-1995 Mack CH613 matching dump trucks, VMAC E7-400, RTLO14613B transmission, double lockers, steerable lift axle, pull tarp, excellent condition. Each.....................$25,500

2-1996 Kenworth T800 matching dump trucks, Cummins N14, 435 hp, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears, 14,600 lb. front, double diff lock, steerable lift axle, plumbed, mounted with 16ft. Truck Weld boxes with electric roll tarps, 278,000 miles and 299,000 miles. Each...........................$37,500

1995 Peterbilt 357 dump truck, Series 60 Detroit, 500 hp, 13 speed, 20,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears, steerable lift axle, 17-ft. box, plumbed................................$24,500

406-549-1047 or 544-0655

1994 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 3406B Cat, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, 17-ft. box with high lift gate, plumbed for pup....................$26,500

1993 Kenworth T800 7 axle transfer set, Cummins N14, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, 16-ft. Knight boxes, 3 axle Knight hydraulic transfer trailer........$29,500

2000 Ledwell folding beavertail 35 ton equipment trailer, 48-ft. trailer, 38-ft. deck, air ride suspension, hydraulic ramps, hydraulic winch, excellent condition................$26,500 1996 John Deere 310D 4x4 backhoe, cab, extend-a-hoe, 4-in-1 bucket, new tires, 4400 hours, extra clean.....................................$24,500

1995 Ford L9000 Super 16 dump truck, N14 Cummins, 866 transmission, 20,000 lb. front axle, 2 steerable lift axle, strong arm............ .............................................$25,900

1996 Kenworth T800 Cat 3406E, 455 hp, Fuller 18 speed transmission, 404 Eaton differentials, AG100 suspension...........................$26,500 1990 Peerless 3 axle pup, 16ft. lined rock box, barn door gate, super singles on aluminum wheels, good condition, set to haul rip rap, extendable tongue...................$7500


2-1994 International Super 16 dump truck, N14 Cummins, 8LL transmission, 20,000 lb. front axle, 2 1989 Peterbilt 378 daycab, big cam steerable lift axles, strong arm........... three 400 Cummins, Fuller 13 speed .................................... $24,500 each transmission, 4 spring suspension, 240” wheelbase, new tires, in-frame and reman differentials recently, very clean truck........................... $16,500

1997 Peterbilt 379 Caterpillar 3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed transmission, air ride suspension, 12,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears with locker, 224” wheelbase, lowboy ramps, wet kit, excellent conditon.................$29,500

1991 Stoughton 53-ft.x102” storage van...........................................$4000

1998 Peterbilt 379 day cab tractor, N14 Cummins, 525 hp, FR016210 transmission, 40,000 lb. rears, 135,000 miles on factory recon. 2000 Peterbilt 379 N14 Cummins, 500 hp, FR016210C transmission, 40,000 lb. rears. 2000 Columbia triple axle gravel pup, 16-ft. box, extendable tongue, 60” axle spacing, super singles on aluminum wheels, clean trailer.......... .............................................$17,500

1996 Kenworth T800 N14 Cummins, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears, wet kit..... .............................................$26,500

3400 gallon slip-in water tank for dump truck, air operated, rear spray.. ................................................$2500

1998 Kenworth T800 N14 Cummins, 460 hp, 18 speed, Chalmers suspension, locking rears, steerable lift axle, new paint.................$32,500

Many other construction trucks & trailers available.

1994 Peterbilt 357 Caterpillar 3406, 425 hp, 18,000 lb. front, air trac suspension, 234” wheelbase, aluminum outer wheels, low boy ramps, very nice truck..........$27,500

1988 Kenworth T800 4000 gallon water truck, 3406B Cat, 6+4 transmission, 44,000 lb. rears, 14,600 lb. front, hydraulic drive pump, front/rear/side spray..............$27,500

2006 Peterbilt 378 tractor, ISX 530 Cummins, FRO18210 transmission, 46,000 lb. rears.....................$44,500

1999 International 9200 flatbed dump, 470 Detroit, 10 speed, 20-ft. steel flatbed, plumbed for trailer........ .............................................$21,500

1997 Kenworth T800 475 Cat, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears, rear lockers, steerable lift axle, fresh in-frame major, new paint...................$32,500

2000 Kenworth W900 C15 Cat, 500 hp, 8LL transmission, 46,000 lb. rears.....................................$31,500

Eager Beaver 20 ton beavertail equipment trailer, 24-ft. long, air brakes......................................$9500

1996 Kenworth T800 3406 Cat, 455 hp, 18 speed, 240” wheelbase.......... ............................................ $26,500

1998 Freightliner FL120 severe duty, 3406E Cat, 475 hp, 8LL transmission, 42” integral sleeper, 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears, 2 line wet kit.............................$23,500

1994 GMC 7500 service truck, 9 speed transmission, 12,000 lb. front axle, 20,000 lb. rear axle, air brake, 4200 lb. IMT crane, hydraulic down riggers.....................................$9500

2005 Peterbilt 378 ISX Cummins, 475 hp, 10 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 215” wheelbase....... .............................................$36,500

1998 Peterbilt 379 daycab, Cummins N14, 500 hp, RTO16210C transmission, air leaf suspension, 232” wheelbase, new paint, 130,000 on rebuilt engine, excellent condition. .............................................$27,500

Check out our website: www.chicharbineequipment.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C22

WANTED: Harvest work in northern Montana

Have 3 John Deere S670 combines with draper and pickup headers, grain cart, John Deere tractor, semi’s with trailers. Will provide mapping and invoice for job. References available. Website: sandlfarms.net E-mail: payne@gpcom.net Phone Scott Payne at (308) 882-4490 or cell (308) 882-8165

New TDK Bumper New Besler Bale Beds with


with grill guard for 2012 Ford Super Duty


2004 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 extended cab with 8.1L V-8, Allison automatic, 93,000 miles. Mounted with New Besler bale bed with extendable arms. Slideout tool boxes available.

Used DewEze 475 bale bed, remote control.......................................Coming In

Silver Vane Finish

1988 Ford F250 4x4, gas, manual transmission (transmission needs work). Mounted with balebed with manual hydraulic controls...$3500

91/2-ft. dually flatbed........................$1500



Phone 406-466-2955 or call cell 590-5447

Clues to beef herd rebuilding

By Derrell S. Peel, Oklahoma State University Extension Livestock Marketing Specialist In the aftermath of last year’s drought, it is taking some time to determine where the industry is with respect to stopping herd liquidation and beginning the process of herd rebuilding. The first consideration is that the drought continues in force in the Southwest; in parts of the intermountain Rockies; and in the Southeast. Some additional drought forced liquidation is occurring in these regions, though the magnitude of the impacts on the broader market is much smaller than last year. The aggregate numbers suggest that an 18 to 20 percent year over year decrease in beef cow slaughter, combined the slight increase in beef replacement heifers reported on January 1, will be needed to stop beef cow liquidation in 2012. Even sharper decreases in beef cow slaughter will be required before any beef cow herd expansion is possible. Beef cow slaughter is currently down 6 percent from last year, not enough to stop additional liquidation. However, the drop in beef cow slaughter has been much more pronounced lately. In the last 4 weeks or reported slaughter data, beef cow slaughter has averaged nearly 18 percent less than the same period last year. In the most recent data, weekly beef cow slaughter was 26 percent less than one year ago. If the current reductions in beef cow slaughter persist for many weeks of the year, stabilization of the beef cow herd inventory, or even fractional growth in beef cow numbers, is possible in 2012. Of course, the slaughter cow market is very strong and will continue to bid for cows. In Oklahoma, slaughter cows price is currently around $90/cwt. for average dressing breaking and boning cows, with high dressing cows bringing nearly $100/cwt. The year to date decrease in beef cow slaughter is being moderated by a 1.7 percent increase in dairy cow slaughter, resulting in an overall decrease in total cow slaughter of 2.3 percent so far this year. A continued sharp decrease in beef cow slaughter will pull the total cow slaughter lower and continue to support strong cull cow prices. It is more difficult to say anything about heifer retention. The cattle on feed data appear to be a mixed set of indications. The April 1 on-feed total was up 2 percent but included 4 percent more heifers while steers on feed were up less than one percent. In total, heifers make up a slightly higher percent of cattle on feed compared to last year. The picture is widely varied across states. In Texas and Kansas, where total cattle on feed is unchanged to lower than last year, the on-feed inventory consists of increased heifers on feed and less steers. This may be related to the drought effects on regional cattle shipments during liquidation and the timing of steer versus heifer sales during liquidation. In some other states, such as Idaho and South Dakota, on-feed inventories consist of fewer heifers and more steers, which could be an indication of heifer retention. In Nebraska the large increase in feedlot inventories consists of both more steers and heifers. In the end, I don’t think much can be said about heifer retention from the current cattle on feed numbers. Placements of steers versus heifers in the next few months may provide stronger clues until replacement heifer numbers are reported later. The midyear Cattle inventory report in July may be anticipated more this year than sometimes for clues to heifer retention in 2012. Weekly cow slaughter will monitored as closely this year for the magnitude of year over year decreases as it was last year for the magnitude of increases related to drought impacts. ##### Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C23

Anything To Do With Grain... We Handle It!



Take a load off. The biggest grain-handling lineup in the world just got a whole lot bigger. Keep your combines moving at harvest with the Brandt Grain Cart 1020XR. It features a high volume 1,000+ bushel capacity, easy clean-out, 24 extra inches of clearance between the side of the trailer and the auger, an ultra-fast 500 bushel per minute unloading speed – and all with 100% visibility from the tractor. Factor in Brandt’s renowned durability, and what you have left is one lean, mean grain hauling machine. That’s powerful value, delivered.

$1000 Rebate

on GrainCart 1020XR

Some restrictions apply. Offer valid April 1 - June 30, 2012.

Thanksa Billion!

Visit thanksabillion.ca for rebate details and other offers. For product details and a dealer near you, call 1-866-4BRANDT or visit www.brandt.ca

Think fast.

Simply the fastest, most durable, and easy to use augers you can buy.

In an independent, side-by-side comparison, Brandt Swing Away augers moved up to 60%* more material than our competitors, in the same amount of time. But speed isn’t our only advantage. Premium features like our low profile, self-leveling hopper and heavy-duty scissor lift provide maximum reach and safety while easy access cleanout doors and our patented chain couplers deliver industry-leading convenience and product longevity too. Think durability, ease of use, and premium quality. Think fast. Think Brandt. That’s powerful value, delivered.

The Harvest Grainbelt is faster, more reliable, and easier on your grain. The Brandt Harvest Grainbelt delivers superior reliability and reduced maintenance with exclusive features like our new precision drive rollers that extend roller bearing life, and our new synchronous belt drive system that delivers enhanced wear advantages over a conventional chain drive – which of course means less downtime and more productivity for you come harvest time. That’s powerful value, delivered.



Rebate on Harvest Grainbelt On Models 1575, 1585, 2095, 20110. Some restrictions apply. Offer valid until July 31, 2012.

Thanks a Billion!

* Based on an independent side-by-side comparison by Meyers Norris Penny LLP.



Rebate on Swing Away Augers On Models 1060XL, 1070XL, 1080XL, 1370XL, 1380XL, 1390XL, 1370HP, 1380HP, 1390HP, 13110HP. Some restrictions apply. Offer valid May 1, 2012 - July 31, 2012

Thanks a Billion!

Visit thanksabillion.ca for rebate details and other offers. For product details and a dealer near you, call 1-866-4BRANDT or visit www.brandt.ca

Visit thanksabillion.ca for rebate details and other offers. For product details and a dealer near you, call 1-866-4BRANDT or visit www.brandt.ca


Generation II water tanks, 3900-gallon in stock.

New Farm King 7-ft. finishing mowers in stock Fab Tech Spouts

New Tebben rotary cutters IN STOCK 60”, 72”, 84”, 120”

Slim Fits


10” and 12” swing away augers WE HAVE’M IN STOCK


Specifically designed to upgrade “government” or other bins for easy unloading and entry!

Features • A huge opening for your auger (20” x 29”) • A rubber seal and pad-lockable latch closes door securely.

Poly Cupped Flighting Efficiently and gently handles your pulse crop seed

Long Lasting Durability For almost any existing auger plus it’s excellent for replacing flighting in your air drill auger!

Remote Control Bin Lids

grain baggers

We Are The New Authorized Dealer For Agri-Cover Roll Tarps SRT-2 Spool Roll Tarp

EZ-LOC Roll-Up Tarp

Used Augers, Conveyors, & Miscellaneous Wheatheart drive-over pit, 8”, hydraulic. Excellent condition................$6500 2009 Farm King 13x70 auger, Agremote hopper mover and spout....$16,500 Farm King 13x70 MDSA auger..........................................................$10,000 Farm King 10x60 auger, side delivery, hydraulic swing...........................$900 Brandt 10x60 hydraulic swing auger.....................................................$3500 Sakundiak 8x1600 auger with PTO kit..................................................$5000 Sakundiak 10x65 MDSA auger.............................................................$7500 Sakundiak 8x46 auger, motor, self propelled kit, electric clutch, remote spout.............................................................................................$13,500 Sakundiak 8x46 auger, motor, self propelled kit, Wheatheart Super Sweep... . ....................................................................................................$11,500 Sakundiak 8x52 auger, motor, self propelled kit.................................$13,600 Wheatheart 8x46 auger, 27 hp Kohler, mover, clutch, spout, bin sweep setup..................................................................................................$13,500 Many more engines on hand...Many have recent work completed All Sale Prices Listed Are No Trade Price


www.shortlineag.com Large supply of bags on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C24

Advertising Deadline for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29.

Protecting against external risk

By Lynn Gordon, SDSU Extension Risk and volatility are two very common terms being discussed and analyzed in the agricultural circles today. The reason for this is the unprecedented marketplace the agricultural industry and more specifically the beef industry finds itself currently in. Nevil Speer, animal scientist at Western Kentucky University, discussed the issue of volatility with more than 500 beef producers at Cattlemen’s College held in conjunction with the 2012 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, in early February. “As we deal with volatile markets and tough times, what’s good for any business is not good for every business,” Speer noted. The corn market has seen the most dramatic shifts many of us have seen in our lifetime, Speer explained. “We used to be in this nice tranquil world, but that’s not the case anymore.” “We are facing times with a much steeper regression and much more volatility — times that are requiring higher capital requirements to remain in the business.” This added volatility creates a more complex trading puzzle with markets more intertwined than ever before. “Producers in times such as these need to by hyper-vigilant in terms of their decision making, marketing and/or risk management.” The higher prices being experienced in today’s agriculture sector, has altered the underlying capital requirements it takes to maintain normal business operations. In order to protect against external risks, Speer outlined six points producers should focus on: Lock in margins. Refinance long-term debt. Manage your debt load and take the time to work with your financial manager/banker to understand your debt load. Pay down debt. Increase working capital reserve. If you don’t have the capital set aside for unexpected scenarios you may be forced to sell an asset, which you don’t really want to or which can have a greater impact on your operation, than if you were prepared and had working capital set aside. Carefully, and conservatively evaluate expansion opportunities. Manage Costs. Know your costs and realize they make the difference in profitability. For more information please visit iGrow (www.igrow.org)




17 wheel rake – 30’3” raking width


HAYHIKER 900 Take advantage of our early order and volume discounts and SAVE $5882. – F.O.B. MVE. MSRP $25,751

Only $19,869

New units ordered now will be $952 higher.

HAYHIKER 1400 Special purchase on a late 2011 unit. Save a whopping $7236. – One only F.O.B. MVE MSRP $36,391

Only $29,083

New order will be $1330 more.

• High capacity with a proven design handles most crops with ease. • High speed gentle handling of your valuable crop. • No hang up points when handling the heaviest crops. • Early order and quantity discounts allow us to offer the best pricing. • 12 wheel and 14 wheel units in stock for immediate sale.

BF12HHC - 12-wheel, MSRP $14,106. Save AN INCREDIBLE 21% with our volume discount price of

JUST $11,359

BF14HHC - 14-wheel, MSRP $15,780. Early order and volume discounts saves you a whopping 21%. Buy now for

ONLY $12,982

• Offset design eliminates need for center kicker wheels • HEAVY-DUTY construction with rubber mounted tines • ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC independent controls • Walking beam axles with offset wheels • Delivers up to a 72” windrow Look here before you go anywhere else! Retails for $25,975 (compare @ $34,950)




1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

418 Main, Roundup, MT

John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203 or Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C25


Full Factor Warra y nty

2011 Case IH 455A

2008 Case IH JX80

MFWD with CIH L730 loader, ONLY 326 HOURS on this one of a kind lease return. Cab with air, AM/FM, 12x12 transmission with F-N-R mechanical shuttle. Book says $34,518.................. ..............................MVE Only $32,899

Real Sweely t

2009 Case IH Maxxum 125

John Deere 7400

With JD 740 loader, MFWD, 100 PTO hp., cab/air, AM/FM, 16 speed powershift transmission, great rubber and just 5620 hours. Priced to move at only......................................... $51,900

MFWD with CIH L750 loader/grapple, 105 PTO hp, cab/air, AM/FM, 16x16 semi-powershift transmission, VERY clean and ONLY 1400 hours. Book says $71,910............MVE price JUST $69,877 on this extra clean lease return

Demo unit for FFA, makes a good solid 4x5 round bale. Simple design that’s easy to operate and only requires 40 PTO hp and one hydraulic. Perfect for many small operators. Special pricing. This one needs a new home. New retail is $21,727. SAVE $5772................. MVE no trade sale price just $15,955

2009 Case IH SC100


with 3-pt., independent PTO, gauges, F-N-R mechanical synchronized shuttle, mounted with LX232 loader with joystick, only 832 hours. Fully serviced and ready to go. Local one owner. Was $23,966 - SAVE 10%......Now $21,570

2007 Case IH WDX 1202

(3) 2010 Case IH RB564

5x6 round balers. MESH WRAP, WIDE PICKUP, BIG TIRES AND HYDRAULIC PICKUP LIFT. Very well maintained units. Just traded. Book says $37,650........................................MVE CLEARANCE PRICE ONLY $36,899 ALL 3 SOLD WITH TWO YEARS OF WARRANTY

With 14-ft. dual sickle header, extra clean unit with only 819 hours, 125 hp, two speed hydro, rear axle suspension, AM/FM Cassette, A/C, and trainer seat plus much more. Buy this super clean unit for just ....................... ..............$64,956. ($5000 below book)

Just d Trade

1979 International 1086

Tractor with DuAl 3605 loader, cab with air, 128 PTO hp, dual PTO, 3 point, and 3 remotes. Good solid older unit with lots of life and great rubber. Was $17,955 - SAVE 10%................... .......................................Now $16,173

2011 Case IH DC132

13’ center pivot DISC mower conditioner. This unit is BRAND new with full factory warranty, 3-pt. swivel hitch. Customer wanted the drawbar swivel hitch, so we got this unit back in trade for the right one. Our mistake makes a great deal for you. New price is over $41,000. Help us out and buy this one for just . .................................. $31,055

2011 Case IH RB564

Round baler, mesh wrap, wide pickup, like new, full warranty, just 1633 bales. Book says 39,987................................. ................ MVE PRICE JUST $37,850

2002 Vermeer 605XL

baler, Accu-Tie twine and mesh, only 10,717 bales. Very clean one owner baler. Book says $18,291. Was $16,788 - 15% Savings..Now $14,269


Combine, 3 headers, 971 pickup head, 30-ft. direct cut head, 22-ft. direct cut head, only 2500 hours and shedded. Was $26,860 - SAVE OVER 10%. Get the whole package for...JUST $23,977

1995 Case IH 8555

2008 Case IH SCX100

Square baler, 16x18 bales, in-line design, hydraulic bale tension, 1/4 turn chute. In the shop now for service, but ready soon............................................ ........ PRICED RIGHT AT JUST $9673

2005 H&S

12 wheel Hi-Capacity rake. Only used 2 years. Was $9660 - SAVE 10%......... ..........................................Now $8694

With 16-ft. header, save big on this very nice center pivot mower conditioner. One owner and always shedded. Retails for over $26,000. Was $21,990 - SAVE 10%......Now $19,791

2006 Case IH RBX563

5x6 round baler. Nice local trade. Reconditioned and ready to bale. Book says $20,500. Was $12,999 - SAVE 20%..........MVE PRICE NOW $10,399

mower conditioner with 16-ft. sickle header. Only 1 season on this LIKE NEW unit. REALLY CLEAN. Book says $32,790. Was $26,498 - SAVE 15%.......................Now Only $25,330

2010 H&S rake

16 wheel rake. High capacity, hydraulic fold. Nice unit and ready to go. Was $10,874 - 20% Savings....Now $8699

Wallenstein MX 80G

1998 Case IH 8435

Silage baler, 4x5 bales up to 2400#. Really nice older unit that’s ready to go. Book says $9950........................... ......................MVE price JUST $4987

Manure spreader. LIKE NEW 80 bu. Perfect for the small operator. Retails for $5284............... NOW JUST $2988

Morris 881 Hayhiker

8 bale mover that set the standard for the industry. Buy for a fraction of new at $12,760...........NOW JUST $11,999

The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.



New Holland 1033

Balewagon, load, haul and stack up to 104 small square bales. This one’s straight and ready to go. Was $6755 10% Savings........ NOW JUST $6080


1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

HLA 3700# pallet fork, Euro style quick attach. Like new................JUST $697 Worksaver round bale spear, skid steer quick attach................................$488 John Deere dual wheels, tires and hubs. Fair rubber..................................$595

418 Main, Roundup, MT

John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

CELEBRATING 65 YEARS OF DOING BUSINESS WITH YOU. Contact us at www.caseih.com/dealers/musselshellvalley or www.musselshellvalley.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C26

We Rent Equipment! 12-ton Fertilizer Spreader

• 12 ton

Land Rollers, Vertical Tillage, Heavy Harrows, Fertilizer Spreaders, Self Propelled Sprayers

8-ton Fertilizer Spreader

• 80-ft. spread pattern

• 8 ton

Buy or Lease To Own AS LOW AS

• 50-ft. spread pattern

$3619/year - oac

Land Rollers

• 42” drum diameter Buy or Lease To Own

• 2007 Peterbilt 335 • Roll tarp • New BBI truck mount • Stainless steel • Flotation tires

Buy or Lease To Own AS LOW AS

$9979/year - oac

• 46-ft. 3 section roller

Truck Mount Fertilizer Spreader

Buy or Lease To Own

Heavy Harrows

• 50-ft. • 62-ft. • 73-ft. • 9/16x26 tines • Hydraulic tine adjust • Narrow transport

• Forward folding • Narrow transport

$9661/year - oac

New and rental return units available 2700 Grain Vac

Vertical Tillage

$14,823/year - oac


NEW 2012

Farmer To Farmer I was happy with your selection of products and your fast and honest way of doing business for the farm community. Terry Triemstra, Bozeman, MT Used Summers pickup mount sprayer owner



Buy or Lease To Own

$15,759/yr - oac

• 10” auger • Hose package

3 pass unit in one operation

• Disk openers

• Harrows

• Baskets

• Hydraulic fold • 5000 bushel/hour

Buy or Lease To Own

$4456/yr - oac

Check us out on the web at www.frielingsonline.com

$1.75/acre Call to get on the list!!

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway – Great Falls, MT

Danel Frieling

Keith Lippert, cell 799-1494

“Like” us on

Deadline approaching for Syngenta Sugarbeet Scholarship applications

The deadline for the 2012 Syngenta Sugarbeet Scholarship is looming. Eligible students are encouraged to apply by June 15, 2012. Four students will be awarded $1,500 scholarships. “Syngenta continues to invest in what matters to our customers, starting with the future leaders of the sugarbeet industry,” said Tyler Ring, Syngenta crop portfolio head for sugarbeets. “With the help of our scholarship program, the next generation of sugarbeet leaders is being equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the advancement of the sugarbeet industry.” Eligibility criteria include: 1) Current high school seniors OR college freshmen, sophomores or juniors; 2) Students majoring (or intending to major) in an agriculture-related field; 3) Students who will attend college during the 20122013 school year; 4) Students who attend school or reside in one of the following sugarbeet growing regions: Region 1: Idaho, Washington, Oregon; Region 2: North Dakota, Minnesota; Region 3: Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska, Montana; Region 4: Michigan; 5) Students who are involved in 4-H, FFA and/or the sugarbeet industry. For more information about the scholarships, visit www. SyngentaSugarbeetScholarship.com

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C27


O Tues., June 26th, ART & MARY ALLISON MOVING AUCTION, 3 miles S of Lewistown, MT on Casino Creek. Wood working equip., Farmall Cub Low Boy, Yard/Garden equip., Household.

O Wed., June 27th ~ PRAY, MT - REAL ESTATE AUCTION, Selling the entire town of Pray, MT. O Thurs., June 28th ~ LOLA'S RESTAURANT Equip., Lewistown, MT. ONLINE ONLY AUCTION, ends Thurs., June 28th

O Sat., July 7th ~ IVAN HUSEBY ESTATE, Lewistown, MT, Antiques and tools. O Tues, July 10th 5:30 p.m. ~ OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT AUCTION, 524 1st Ave. S.,   Lewistown, MT

O Thurs, July 12th ~ NORWEIGAN CREEK ESTATES Unreserved Land Auction, Harrison, MT O Sat., Sept. 8th ~ MONTANA & THE WEST AUCTION, T. Minckler Collection of Western Art, Billings, MT O Wed., Oct. 3rd ~ DWIGHT BARBER & PAT WARD FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT, Denton, MT O Sat., Oct. 6th ~ GRANT VIERTEL ESTATE ANTIQUE CARS, Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT

For more information call or view our website 406-538-5125 www.shobeauction.com

Lewistown, Montana

Kyle 366-0472

Jayson 366-5125

1-800-214-4654 or


1991 & 1996 Western hopper doubles, 40-ft. lead, 24-ft. pup, spring suspension on lead, air ride on pup, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires on aluminum wheels, tandem dolly on turntable.................... ............................................... For set $34,000

(2) NEW 2012 Maurer hopper, 40-ft., steel wheels, spring suspension, cat walk front and rear........................................................$27,500 With pintle hitch....................................$28,750 2013 Maurer 53-ft. step deck with beavertail, spread axle, air ride, sliding winches................. ..........................................Available for rental 1972 Fruehauf 24-ft. pup trailer, 3 axle, turn table, 4’6” tongue, 24.5 tires, aluminum wheels, spring suspension.................................$11,500 1972 Fruehauf 21-ft. pup, 10-ft. tongue with turn table, 24.5 tires on steel wheels...............$9500 New homemade 20-ft. hopper pup, steel wheels, 11-24.5 tires, ag hopper, 20-ft. tongue.. $19,500 7-2012 Wilson 41-ft.x66” ag hoppers, 90% tires and brakes, 2 rows of lights, S/S rear, 4-spring suspension, 3-air ride............ $31,500-$34,000 1997 Wilson hopper pup, 30-ft., spring suspension, aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires, tandem dolly on turntable.................... $21,500 1981 Wilson hopper, waffle side, 42-ft., 21” hopper clearance, 11-24.5 tires, steel wheels.. ............................................................ $12,000

2004 Kenworth T800 C15 Cat, 475 hp, 13 speed, 46,000 lb. rears, 3.90 ratio with front locker, 10 aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires, 232” wheelbase, air ride, 0 miles on engine overhaul................................................$45,000

5-2003 Kenworth T800 N14 Cummins, 460 hp, 10 speed, 232” wheelbase, dual exhaust, 60” Aerodyne removable sleeper, new recaps......... .............................................................$27,000 ........................................... $28,500 as daycab

2002 Fontaine 53-ft.x102” step deck, aluminum combo, steel wheels, aluminum floor, rear axle slide, closed tandem or spread axle.....$19,500

New Watson Chalin steerable lift axle with fabricated axle. Includes air kit........ .....................................................$4600 New Watson Chalin steerable lift axle suspension. Includes air kit..........$2600

1997 International 4900 DT466, 7 speed, spring suspension, 11-22.5 tires, 6 steel wheels, rollback wrecker body, 13-ft. upper, 28-ft. lower, 3 winches, aluminum deck, rear underreach..... .............................................................$21,000

2007 Peterbilt 386 C15 Cat, 475 hp, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, dual exhaust, 10 aluminum wheels, 244” wheelbase....................................$46,500 2000 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, 3406E Cat, 550 hp, 18 speed, low leaf suspension, 265” wheelbase, new rods and mains, new clutch.

2-2005 Peterbilt 378 set back front axle, Cat C15, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, 10 aluminum wheels..................................................$37,000

2003 Peterbilt 379 C15 Cat, 475 hp, Super 10 speed, low leaf suspension, 6 aluminum wheels..................................................$31,000 With 13 speed.......................................$35,000

Storage Trailers for rent by day, week or month

28-ft. to 53-ft. van trailers for storage 28-ft. and 53-ft. reefer trailers

2-96” wide converter dolly, single axle, air ride, 22.5 tires, on Daytons.........$2200

Hydraulic Wet Kit to run end dump trailer with new air shift PTO and pump, new tank and console in cab..........................................$1550 Similar savings on other applications

1976 Chevrolet C65 366 gas, 5+2 transmission, single axle and tag, 20-ft. Knapheide box, 9.00x20 tires on Dayton wheels...........$13,000

Vaughn Truck Sales

2100 Highway 2 East • Havre, Montana Check Our Web Site:


2000 Freightliner FLD 120 Series 60 Detroit, 360 hp, 10 speed, single axle, all steel wheels, 468,000 miles, headache rack, air operated oversize load sign.................................$15,000 2006 Freightliner Columbia 14L Detroit, Ultrashift 10 speed, 10 aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 22.5 tires. 2007 Freightliner Columbia C13 Cat, 13 speed, 3 way locking rears, 246” wheelbase, super singles. 2000 Freightliner Century 14L Detroit, Ultrashift 10 speed, 6 aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 22.5 tires, 226” wheelbase.

Evenings & Weekends Call Chuck @ 265-6387 or Jim @ 265-6367

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C28


1995 Dodge /4 ton, 4x4, extended cab, V10 engine, automatic transmission, needs work................................................................................................................ $2000 1997 Chevrolet 3/4 ton, 4x4, extended cab, 6.5 diesel, automatic transmission, needs work................................................................................................................ $2000 3

Call 406-454-1209 days or 406-736-5454 evenings/weekends


New Holland 1915 forage harvester, 4WD, 270 hp, a 3300 Cat engine with 1646 hours, and a 10-ft. 350 model silage header. Plus, there is also a 2001 New Holland 360 4-roll corn header. Chopper is set up with a 5th wheel plate................................ $30,000 Please call for information (406) 257-5057 or 250-2094

TRUCK, FLATBED, SWATHER FOR SALE 1979 Chevrolet C70 with man basket and air brakes...................................................$2500

1978 Buck 27-ft. triple axle pintle hitch flatbed with good tires, heavy decking, 21,000# GVW. Good condition...........................$3500 John Deere 2320 swather with 14-ft. auger header and conditioner..................$2500 obo

Phone (406) 378-2112, Big Sandy, MT


The 50/50 auger deal at Power Motors Imp.   New Westfield auger June spectacular. Westfield Augers - Long lasting and efficient. Dependable. Pay 1/2 this June (2012) ZERO INTEREST Pay 1/2 next June (2013)

Y  New Westfield grain augers Y  Buy in June, 2012 - Pay 1/2 now and pay 1/2 in June, 2013 Y  No interest charges. Zero interest until June, 2013 Y  Supply is limited. See list of stock augers Y  Accessories included i.e. powerswings for hoppers Y  The 50/50 deal is a special arranged by Power Motors

Power Motors Westfield Inventory

36-ft. x 8” and 41-ft. x 8” load out augers. 2–61-ft. x 10” mechanical drive, low profile. 3–71-ft. x 10” mechanical drive, low profile.

4–71-ft. x 13” MK Plus series, mechanical drive, low profile. 2–81-ft. x 13” MK Plus series, mechanical drive, low profile. 4–91-ft. x 13” MK Plus series, mechanical drive, low profile.

Used Grain Augers

Westgo Fieldmaster 51-ft. x 7” BD PTO, nice................................................................. $1250 Mayrath 56-ft. x 8” PTO drive. For parts or project. Westgo 1310 60-ft. x 10” with hanger bearings, swing hopper. Farm King 71-ft. x 10” mechanical drive hopper. Choice of two....................................... $4950 New Westfield all sizes, great pricing

Power Motors Implement - Fort Benton George Fultz (406) 799-7459 H gfultz49@gmail.com

Flooding poses soil management problems

Widespread flooding, which made the 2011 growing season challenging for many North Dakota producers, continues to pose problems this spring. One issue is managing these flooded soils now that the water has receded. Soil compaction and nutrient management are two major concerns, according to Chris Augustin, area Extension soil health specialist at North Dakota State University’s North Central Research Extension Center near Minot. Wet soils are more prone to compaction. Compacted soils lack pore space and restrict root growth and air and water in the soil. Augustin recommends allowing the soil to dry before starting field work to prevent compaction. As floodwaters recede, they can deposit sediment, which can affect soil nutrient levels. Soil testing after soils have dried will inform a producer of a field’s nutrient status. However, many of these areas were flooded for more than a month or two. This causes a lack of oxygen and drowns plants and beneficial soil microbes. Arbuscular mycorrhizae are fungi that attach to plant roots and help plants attain nutrients such as phosphorus from the soil. They require live plant roots to grow. Therefore, fields lacking growing plants tend to have low amounts of arbuscular mycorrhizae. Crops grown in these areas tend to have phosphorus deficiencies, even in areas where soil phosphorus tests are adequate. Research indicates that banding 60 pounds of phosphorus oxide (P2O5) per acre can improve corn yields in flooded fields. Soybeans and sorghum are fairly tolerant to this as well. Augustin also recommends planting mixtures of cover crops if producers need forage. The mixture of different plant roots can help colonize the soil with a variety of different microbes. Generally, the shorter and coarser the roots, the more dependent the plant is on mycorrhizae. Applying manure or compost at agronomic rates also can help bring flooded soils back into productivity. Manure and compost have beneficial microbes, fertility and organic matter. Adding these can speed up the process of restoring the soil biology. “The most important thing to do is get something growing,” Augustin says. “It will prevent erosion and help bring the soil biology back into the soil.”

Master brand book now available online

The Montana Department of Livestock’s master brand book is now up to date and available on the web. “We’ve had a lot of calls from people about the new brand book, and now they can see it online,” said John Grainger, administrator for the department’s Brands Enforcement Division. The brand book, commonly referred to as the “brands bible,” is updated every 10 years after rerecord, and features all of the brands available in the state. It’s posted on the department’s web site as a 6-part PDF file, which users can view online or download to their computers for off-line review. The book has never before been available online; those who wanted to see it had to make a trip to the department’s Helena headquarters. “This will make it a lot easier for brand applicants,” Grainger said. “Montana is a pretty big state, and it was tough for some people to make the trip to Helena.” The book includes brands vacated during the recent rerecord, but Grainger cautioned that not all vacated brands will be available for purchase, and that not all of the brands listed in the book will be available. “All of the brands we issue must be checked for conflicts with other brands, and must be in a format we still issue,” Grainger explained. Checking for conflicts means that the brand the applicant is applying for must be compared to other brands in the applicant’s area. If it’s too similar – i.e., if it’s something that can be easily altered to look like another brand – it can’t be issued. “In other words, just because it’s in the brand book doesn’t necessarily mean that brand will be available to you.” Grainger said. County brand books, which list issued brands and owners by county, are also up to date and available to order.

New tool for tracking a voracious pest

By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service Since it first appeared in Texas in 1986, the Russian wheat aphid has cost U.S. wheat growers an estimated $200 million each year. But U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have developed a new tool to keep track of this nasty worldwide threat to wheat and barley and to provide guidance to researchers and plant breeders on control strategies. Gary Puterka, who is with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Wheat, Peanut and Other Field Crops Research Unit in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and his colleagues have developed a system that uses DNA “barcodes” to identify emerging biotypes of Russian wheat aphids that threaten wheat and other cereal crops. In DNA barcoding, scientists sequence a designated part of an organism’s genome and produce a barcode from it for a systematic comparison with the sequenced DNA of other closely related species. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA goal of promoting agricultural sustainability. Russian wheat aphids have been controlled by resistant wheat varieties, but the appearance of a new biotype that overcame resistance in 2003 has forced growers to rely on insecticides while breeders develop new, resistant varieties. Monitoring of Russian wheat aphid populations for the emergence of new biotypes is important because researchers and breeders need to know resistant crops being developed will be effective against emerging biotypes. Aphid species typically produce eggs in the fall and place them in wheat and wild grass leaves. The eggs of various aphid species are often placed together and that makes locating new biotypes difficult. Puterka and Kevin Shufran, a former ARS scientist who recently retired from the Stillwater unit, have developed a way to tell them apart. The researchers extracted DNA from the eggs of 10 previously identified species of aphids, including several of the Russian wheat aphid’s closest relatives, and sequenced a variable part of the CO1 mitochondrial gene. In a blind experiment, Shufran compared DNA from eggs of species provided by Puterka, who masked their identities. Through genetic analyses, Shufran was able to DNA barcode the different aphid species. This will greatly improve their effort in locating new biotypes. Results were published in Annals of the Entomological Society of America.

Establishing an agricultural library

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS Newton’s original goals also included “establishing an agricultural library.” This goal was an outgrowth of the 1862 act that established USDA and ordered the commissioner “to acquire and preserve . . . all information concerning agriculture.” Newton wasted no time. By 1863, around 1,000 volumes from the Agricultural Division of the Patent Office were moved to USDA to form the nucleus of this new library. After 100 years of service, it was designated the “National Agricultural Library” (NAL) and moved to Beltsville, Maryland. Today, while that building still houses seemingly endless stacks of papers, books, and other items, the library’s real growth comes digitally, with new, often specialized content finding its way to the Web for NAL’s global customers. The NAL Digital Collections currently delivers nearly 25,000 USDA full-text publications, 45,000 scholarly articles, and the 7,584 technically accurate watercolor paintings, prints, and drawings of fruits and nuts that comprise the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection. This ever-growing collection knocks down the barriers to finding governmentproduced agricultural research and informative historical works. Under development is NAL’s Life Cycle Assessment Digital Commons. It collects data that reflects how products derived from agriculture are grown, made, and used. Currently, such life cycle data is dispersed and often difficult to find, but the Digital Commons will bring that data from across the agricultural sector into one easy-to-use location. ARS scientists tackle a variety of problems. Agronomist Edgar E. Hartwig devoted half a century to soybean research, developing productive plants with resistance to insects, nematodes, and diseases. (K5272-2)

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C29

American PIPE & SUPPLY CO. Phone 406-873-4148 — Cut Bank, MT

FARMER’S SPECIAL 1980 Patrick AR7 14,000 lb. forklift, 4x4, runs good $7800 obo


PIPE & SUPPLY CO. Havre, MT Parts — 406-265-5251 Pipe — 406-265-5251

Cut Bank, MT Parts — ­ 406-873-4148 Pipe — 406-873-2258 Yard — 406-873-5087

Driscopipe Polyethylene All sizes in stock Call for price

Used Structural mechanical tubing 11/2” and 13/4” in 20- and 24-ft. lengths, .12 to .140 wall thickness 3

1 /4” – $1.05 ft.

New full-walled structural square and rectangular steel priced as low as used structural pipe.

Most sizes in stock for fencing, buildings and other projects

Grazing cattle role in rangeland conservation

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C30

WANTED TO BUY Hogs and hog equipment.

Phone Ron Dalin, (307) 272-6557, Greybull, WY Father’s day is june 17

TRUCK FOR SALE 2005 Kenworth T800 C15 Cat twin turbo, 500 hp, 18 speed, Neway air ride suspension, 46,000 lb. rears, 20,000 front, dual power steering,new steerable 20,000 lb. lift axle, 240” wheelbase, 3/8” steel frame, 5th wheel and wet kit, 36” sleeper.

Call 888-272-8733 or 208-755-0685

Dividend Extreme

Phone 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220

We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal


For making the spring planting season a huge success! We’re looking forward to assisting you with your winter wheat needs!


Arvika Peas Highest yielding forage pea Oats Otana & Morgan Haybet Registered, Certified and Common


Grass - Alfalfa - Legumes

Livestock Rations • Breeding pellets • Bull rations • Weaning & replacement heifer rations. • Calf creep feed • 4-H rations • Ground custom rations Use your grain, or ours, we’ll work with you.

On any given day during grazing season, Black Angus cattle amble across areas of the Oglala National Grassland in northwestern Nebraska. Yet they play a bigger role than just grazing for their daily meal. They help support the local economy, are the lifeline of a family business and have a role in a healthy rangeland ecosystem. A herd of cattle gather around a stock pond on the vast Oglala National Grasslands. The cattle belong to the 32 members of the Sugarloaf Grazing Association who have grazed livestock on the grassland since 1960. The ranchers also are actively involved with the Forest Service and other stakeholders in a number of conservation issues and projects associated with the Oglala. “We take an active interest in conditions like drought, off -highway and all-terrain vehicles, the allotment management plan process, and wildlife concerns,” said Jim Fox, association president. “They all have an impact on the goals and objectives related to the vegetation needed for forage and the production of beef.” The association played a crucial role in implementing the Forest Service’s recent decision on how to manage the black-tailed prairie dog. Association members became active partners to support the project, including hosting a number of successful meetings on the topic. Many issues besides livestock grazing influence the vegetation objectives and the Forest Service’s management for multiple-use of the grassland. The Forest Service often invites grazing permit holders and other stakeholders to get involved in rangeland issues to promote collaboration among users. “While grazing may be the Sugarloaf Association’s primary business in order to raise beef and bring them to market, their members are also working as a partner with the Forest Service” said Mark Lane, Range Program manager for the Nebraska National Forests and Grasslands. “They have a sincere interest in managing these lands for a variety of uses and supporting their long-term sustainability.” For their lifetime commitment to improving the grassland for multiple uses, the Association received the National Forest System External Partner Award in 2011, in addition to receiving the same award in 1989.

Use of the EAZI-BREED Sheep CIDR

By Dr. Jeff Held, South Dakota State University Efforts to manage the reproductive cycle of the ewe have been a focus of producers and researchers for decades. By nature sheep are seasonal breeders with active ewe estrus cycles expected from late-August until January in the Upper Midwest and in a state of anestrous (non-cyclic) for the other months. Recently a commercial progesterone intravaginal device, the EAZI-BREED sheep CIDR (controlled internal drug release) was approved in the US to synchronize estrus in mature ewes during the anestrous period. With this technology producers are more enabled than ever before to develop fall lambing systems and to synchronize lambing periods resulting in labor, facility and management efficiencies. The EAZI-BREED sheep CIDR was developed in New Zealand during the late 1980’s. It is simple to use and cost effective for application in commercial sheep production and seed stock flocks. In 2010 a trial was conducted at the SDSU Sheep Unit to demonstrate the use of the EAZI-BREED sheep CIDR with one-hundred sixty-two Polypay sired ewes. Ewes were assigned to CIDR treatment groups of 6 d or 12 d, all ewes were fitted with a CIDR on April 28, 2010. Treatment groups were exposed to fertile yearling and mature rams at the time of CIDR removal for 4 days then re-exposed 15 days later for 6 more days, thus ewes were exposed to rams for 2 possible estrus cycles. No teaser or intact rams were exposed to ewes until CIDR removal, during ram exposure the ewe to ram ratio was 8:1. In summary the study showed no difference between 6 d and 12 d CIDR insertion on recorded estrus activity and ewe fertility, 71% of the ewes lambed in October 2010. For a detailed report on this SDSU research trial demonstrating the use of the EAZI-BREED sheep CIDR or other flock reproductive management options afforded by this technology contact Dr. Jeff Held, SDSU State Sheep Extension Specialist.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C31

Platte River Basin Time-lapse Project

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the July issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be June 29. Phone (406) 279-3291.

From waterfowl and wildlife to its floods and droughts, the “flat water” that played a significant role in the westward expansion of the United States has a story to tell.
 The Platte River Basin Time-lapse project seeks to shed some light on what really happens on this system that provides water for people and for crops that feed the world.

 A team led by photographer Michael Forsberg and NET Television’s Michael Farrell will finish installing the remainder of 45 customized digital SLR remote cameras at fixed locations along the basin this spring. Jeff Dale of TRLcam.com has provided technical assistance in setting up the cameras.

 Protected by the elements in specialized cases, the remotecontrol cameras capture a single photo an hour in every daylight hour of every day. The team’s goal is to capture the ebb and flow of the river, showcasing how natural and manmade events change it over time. 

 “We want to be able to show people how the complex story of the Platte River unfolds over days, months and even years,” Forsberg said. 

It was when Forsberg and Farrell were shooting a documentary for NET/PBS based on Forsberg’s book, “Great Plains: America’s Lingering Wild”, that they started talking about creating the time-lapse of the entire ecosystem – from its Rocky Mountain starting points to its run across Nebraska and into the Missouri River. 

 The team already has thousands of images collected and would like the project to continue for at least a wet to dry cycle but hopes maybe it could last for a couple of decades, depending on if it continues to receive funding. 

 Both Farrell and Forsberg have personal connections to the Platte, both having photographed it for years. 

“We think this project can be extremely educational for people who don’t know much about where water comes from,” Farrell said. “Whether ag, recreation, municipalities or wildlife, the processes that go into where our water comes from are not very well understood, so we think this has great value for education and the general public.” 

 Forsberg and Farrell are also assistant professors of practice at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

“Welcome to another busy season!” To better serve you, Torgerson’s will be open extended hours for the month of July.

Ethridge -

Mon-Fri 7:30 - 5:30, Sat 8:00 - 12:00

Parts After Hours - 460-4444 Service After Hours - 460-8888

Great Falls -

Lewistown -

Parts After Hours - 350-0256 Service After Hours - 350-0141

Havre -

Mon-Fri 7:00 - 6:00, Sat 8:00 - 5:00

Parts After Hours - 899-6689 Service After Hours - 899-3630

Billings -

Mon-Fri 7:30 - 5:30, Sat 8:00 - 12:00

Mon-Fri 7:00 - 5:30, Sat 8:00 - 5:00

Parts After Hours - 945-1761 Service After Hours - 564-6958

Mon-Fri 7:00 - 6:00, Sat 8:00 - 2:00

Parts After Hours - 855-5890 Service After Hours - 855-6140

Just a reminder, please take the extra time to be safe during this busy season. Your family and friends count on you.

Ethridge, Montana


Great Falls, Montana


Lewistown/Denton, Montana


Havre, Montana


Billings, Montana


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C32

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity

T-Post/Pipe Drivers

New... DP Augers Drills solid rock,

Steel/Pipe/Wood Drivers

limestone, lava, sandstone,

and concrete.

New and Used Skid-Steers - Call For A Free Demo Automatic Wire Gas Powered Dispenser/Stretcher Rock Drill/Breaker

Cast/Fab Auger

Gas Powered T-Post Driver Coming Soon!

Bradco & McMillen Attachments

Power Pack


Fence Hog

Concrete Mixer/Dispenser

New and Used Equipment - Trades Are Welcome

(888) 754-7909

King Hitter

Pilot Augers


(307) 754-7909



Year nty warra

New TYM 723 74 hp, MFWD, 24 speed LH Power Shuttle with loader......$40,500

We have new 23-100 HP tractors Call us!

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Yellowstone Tractor Co.



50HP 4WD cab, air, heat, hydro loader


prices subject to change

Call us on our new Tytan 3 pt equipment

Another satisfied customer T. Graham of Phillipsburg, Montana

Need a new loader? Call us, we have the best prices!

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Consigned Equipment

John Deere 9650 STS combine, 2700 seperator hours.$117,900 John Deere 1380 swing tongue swather.................$1995 International 430 small square baler.......................$1500 Sitrex 3-pt., 3 wheel rake...........................................$850 International TD-15 crawler, hydraulic blade, winch......$15995 International 1086 cab, air, heat, 3 point, dual PTO, loader.Call International 574 gas, loader........................... Coming In International 3388 2+2, low hours.............................. Call TYM 603 4WD, cab, air, heat, loader and 351 hours. 60 hp. Cat diesel.............................................................$27,995 New Holland TD80 4WD, 820 TL loader, under 300 hours. 70-hp. Like New. . .................................................30,999 Ford 800 with loader, new tires and paint.................$3950 Kubota 2910 4WD loader, front mounted snow blower....$18,500 Titan 4WD, 32 hp, loader, 155 hours........................$8995 Massey-Ferguson T035 with loader........................$3750 2008 Ditch Witch R300 4WD, shark chain, 245 hours....... . ...........................................................................$19,000 1976 Case 580 backhoe................................... Coming In 1994 GMC Top Kick, Cat diesel, flatbed with hoist..$17,500 1984 International 1700 S-series truck, dump body.$3500 1977 International 1600 truck with 14-ft. dump body, high sides.......................................................................$3500 1990 Ford 6 yard dump truck............................ Coming In Trail King 22-ft. 3 axle tag trailer...................... Coming In John Deere Model H manure spreader........... Coming In Erskine 6-ft. snow blower, 3 point, PTO...................$1250 14-ft. heavy duty tandem disc with 22” blades..........$2500 Eagle 6-ft. tandem disc, 3 point, notched blades......$1100 1995 Chevrolet K2500 extended cab, 6.5L diesel, 5 speed, clean pickup................................................$4495 Case 3-pt., 4 bottom plow.........................................$1500 Dearborn 2 bottom plow, 3 point................................$350 Land Pride 5-ft. finish mower................... Call For Pricing



Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page A64

Additional Descriptive Information for Winter Wheat Varieties Hard Winter Wheat New for the 2011 Bulletin: Art – hard red winter wheat developed by Syngenta (AgriPro) Seeds in 2007. Art is an early maturing, short statured wheat, with white chaff. Art has average yield, above average test weight and protein, and below average winter hardiness. Art is moderately resistant to stripe rust. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200700349). Bearpaw (MTS0721) – hard red winter wheat developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 2011. Bearpaw is a white-glumed, solidstem, semi-dwarf (Rht1) wheat with medium maturity. Bearpaw has average yield, test weight, and protein, and below average winter hardiness. Bearpaw is resistant to prevalent races of stem rust but susceptible to stripe and leaf rust. Stemsolidness of Bearpaw is most similar to Rampart. Bearpaw is a high PPO variety with above average milling and average baking properties. PVP, Title V will be applied for. Boomer– hard red winter wheat developed by WestBred (Monsanto) in 2009. Boomer is a medium maturing, medium statured wheat, with white chaff. Boomer has average yield and protein, below average test weight, and above average winter hardiness. Boomer is susceptible to stripe rust. PVP, Title V will is pending (Certificate #201100050). Broadview– hard red winter wheat developed by the Lethbridge, Alberta winter wheat breeding program in 2009. Broadview is a medium maturing, medium statured wheat, with white chaff. Broadview has above average yield, average test weight and protein, and excellent winter hardiness. Broadview is susceptible to stripe rust. Judee (MTS0713) – hard red winter wheat developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 2011. Judee is a white-glumed, solidstem, semi-dwarf (Rht1) wheat with medium maturity. Judee has average yield, test weight, and protein, and below average winter hardiness. Judee is susceptible to prevalent races of stem and leaf rust but resistant to stripe rust. Stem-solidness of Judee is most similar to Genou. Judee is a high PPO variety with average mill and above average bake properties. PVP, Title V will be applied for. Robidoux – hard red winter wheat developed by Nebraska in 2010. Robidoux is an early maturing, medium statured wheat, with white chaff. Robidoux has above average yield, average test weight, and below average protein, and winter hardiness. Robidoux is resistant to stripe rust. Robidoux is a high PPO variety with average mill and bake qualities. PVP, Title V will be applied for. Striker – hard red winter wheat developed by WestBred (Monsanto) in 2009. Striker is a medium maturing, short statured wheat, with white chaff. Striker has below average yield, average test weight and protein, and above average winter hardiness. Striker is susceptible to stripe rust. PVP, Title V will is pending (Certificate #201100049). WB-Matlock – hard red winter wheat developed by WestBred (Monsanto) in 2010. WB-Matlock is a medium to late maturing, medium tall statured wheat, with white chaff. WB-Matlock has average yield, above average test weight and protein, and average winter hardiness. WB-Matlock is susceptible to stripe rust. PVP, Title V will be applied for. Varieties previously in bulletin: Accipiter – hard red winter wheat developed by the Crop Development Center, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and registered in 2008. Accipiter is a medium to late maturing average height wheat with white chaff. Accipiter has above average yield, below average test weight and protein, and excellent winter hardiness. Accipiter is susceptible to stripe rust and moderately resistant to stem rust. Accipiter has below average milling and average baking quality. AP503 CL2 – a 2-gene CLEARFIELD hard red winter wheat released by AgriPro in 2007. AP503 CL2 is a medium maturing short wheat with white chaff. AP503 CL2 has below average yield, above average test weight, average protein, and below average winter hardiness. AP503 CL2 appears resistant to stripe rust and moderately resistant to stem rust. AP503 CL2 has average milling and above average baking quality. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200800322). Additionally, the CLEARFIELD gene is patented. continued on page C36

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C33

Cattle and beef sectors take recent events in stride

Drought effects continue to diminish in the United States except for some areas in the Southeast and Southwest. However, most of the northern half of Mexico remains under drought conditions, resulting in a 22-percent year-over-year increase in year-to-date (weekly AMS data through May 5) imports of Mexican feeder cattle into the United States. Corn planting and emergence in the United States is well ahead of last year and the 5-year averages. Similarly, 88 percent of winter wheat is in fair-to-excellent condition leading to a decline in wheat prices. With wheat prices below corn prices, feeding with wheat could alleviate some of the pressure of high corn prices on cattle-feeding profit margins. Federally inspected (FI) slaughter of beef cows has declined steadily since last fall when beef cows represented as much as 60 percent of total (weekly) FI cow slaughter. The cow-calf sector is enjoying high prices for both cull cows and feeder cattle and, despite record-high input costs, is one of two sectors of the cattle/beef industry experiencing positive profit margins—the other being beef packers, since early this month. Feeder cattle prices have dipped from their 2012 record levels of February and March due to declines in stocker calf spring/summer grazing demand and increasing cattle-feeding losses, but they are expected to increase later this year and in 2013. Cattle feeders continue to experience negative feeding margins due to higher costs of feeder cattle and feed. Feedgrain prices are expected to moderate slightly through the spring and summer of 2012, but feeder cattle and soybean meal prices are expected to increase during the same period. Without a significant improvement in fed cattle prices and lower feed and/or feeder cattle prices, feeding margins will not improve. The situation does not appear likely to improve until later in 2012 or early 2013 when new-crop corn prices decline. Weaker corn prices are likely to be accompanied by relatively high protein-meal prices because of an apparent shift from soybean acreage to corn acreage, leading to the expectation of higher supplies of new-crop corn and associated price declines. Another factor offsetting lower new-crop corn prices is anticipated increases in feeder cattle prices over the remainder of 2012 and throughout 2013 in response to the tightest feeder cattle supplies in decades. In hindsight, cattle and beef prices appear to have reached a seasonal spring high early this year, consistent with recent and anticipated weather patterns and their effects on weight gains by cattle in feedlots through the past mild winter. While seasonal price patterns would typically be lower during the summer, the highest prices for 2012 are anticipated to occur during the second half of the year. Based on normal seasonal price patterns, wholesale beef markets appear to have weathered the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and lean finely textured beef (LFTB) storms of March and April 2012 without serious price damage. An exception is the market for 50-percent lean trim. Although short-term impacts are negative, the future outcome for LFTB and 50-percent lean beef trim demand and prices is uncertain and will depend on how consumers respond to LFTB. Prices for 90-percent lean beef have increased steadily since reaching a low in September 2011. Otherwise, price impacts as a result of the April 23 BSE event have been limited primarily to most live and feeder cattle futures price contracts declining by their daily allowable limit on April 24, 2012, followed by a quick recovery. In the meantime, packer margins have improved to show positive returns for the first time since last September. Retail beef prices continue near their highest levels, averaging $5.05 per pound for Choice beef and a record $4.70 per pound for allfresh beef in April.

US cattle on feed

Cattle and calves on feed for slaughter market in the United States for feedlots with capacity of 1,000 or more head totaled 11.1 million head on May 1, 2012. The inventory was 1 percent below May 1, 2011. Placements in feedlots during April totaled 1.52 million, 15 percent below 2011. Net placements were 1.44 million head. During April, placements of cattle and calves weighing less than 600 pounds were 355,000, 600-699 pounds were 250,000, 700-799 pounds were 380,000, and 800 pounds and greater were 536,000. Marketings of fed cattle during April totaled 1.82 million, slightly above 2011. Other disappearance totaled 78,000 during April, 30 percent above 2011.


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New Featherlite 8117 20-ft. stock trailer......$11,995

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C34


1997 Ford 9000 diesel, twin screw, 20-ft. Loadline box and hoist, very good condition. 2006 John Deere 630R header, pickup reel and trailer. Phone Dan Emerson (406) 242-0044 Ronan, Montana



Massey Ferguson 204

John Deere 644-B

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Fight Leafy Spurge and Knapweed with Insects Cost-efficient Environmentally Friendly Permanent Save $10 per release

Vaccination of horses

By Rebecca Bott, South Dakota State University As horse owners it is our responsibility to provide optimal standards of care for them. An effective health management plan will involve proper nutrition, parasite management, and routine hoof and dental care. Vaccinations are also a valuable tool for protecting our horses from diseases. Vaccinating a horse prepares its immune system to recognize and diminish the effects of a specific disease. Vaccines are not 100% effective in disease prevention or management, yet vaccinations can be beneficial in guarding a horse against illness if the horse is in good general health. The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) provides guidelines for the vaccination of horses. Vaccinations are grouped into core or risk based vaccinations (Table 1). Core vaccinations are recommended for all horses, while certain risk based vaccinations are strongly recommended for horses that travel, mingle with other horses, or live in regions were the risk of a certain disease is high. The first time a horse is vaccinated for a specific disease they will need a series of booster vaccinations to help their immune system develop a full competency in recognizing and protecting a horse against the disease. After the initial series, most vaccinations will be given annually or semi-annually to help maintain this level of protection in the horse. It is important to think about timing of vaccinations. Vaccinations for West Nile Virus or Eastern/Western Encephalomyelitis should be given in early spring before the mosquito populations (mosquitoes can transmit these diseases to horses) are established. Other risk based vaccinations for diseases such as influenza may need to be given more often, depending on competition schedules or other events that lead to co-mingling with other horses.

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Adapted from the AAEP Guidelines for Vaccination of Horses, 2008.
* Information specific to vaccination for West Nile Virus can be found in SDSU Extension Publicaion, “What You Need to Know Before Vaccinating Your Horses for West Nile Virus.”

Contact your local equine veterinarian to talk about the vaccination plan that works best for your horses. Many factors such as location, age of horses, and use will be taken into account when planning the best strategy for protecting your horses against common equine diseases. For more information of vaccinating horses, please refer to:
AAEP. 2008. Vaccination Guidelines.

Collect, test, and distribute new seeds and plants

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS The law that President Lincoln signed to create USDA authorized Newton and future department leaders to collect, test, and distribute new seeds and plants. In 1947, USDA organized the National Foundation Seed Project to help states rapidly build up seed supplies. Today, ARS maintains a national system of seed storage banks, the National Plant Germplasm System. The system’s 20 genebanks and support units hold germplasm for scientists, breeders, farmers, and others to use. “Germplasm” refers to the parts of plants and animals that are needed for reproduction, like seeds or semen. More than half a million germplasm samples from around the world are stored in containers housed in secure vaults at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation (NCGRP), formerly known as the National Seed Storage Laboratory—the central bank of the system.The seeds are stored at low temperatures—either 0°F or over liquid nitrogen at –292°F. Each of the 19 other genebanks contains certain species of plants, whereas NCGRP contains backup versions of them all and is the only one that also stores animal germplasm.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page C35

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2009 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, 1000 PTO, 4800 bales..............................................$31,100 2008 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 1000 PTO, 3500 bales............................$31,800 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... . .....................................................$24,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ . .....................................................$21,500 2004 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command.................$19,300 2004 New Holland BR780, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup...$17,500 2002 New Holland 688, twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup.............................$14,800 2001 New Holland 688, net/twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup...................$18,200 2000 New Holland 688, twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup.............................$14,100 1997 New Holland 664, net/twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup..................$12,100 1995 New Holland 660, net/twine, Bale Command..............................................$12,100 1994 New Holland 660, twine, Bale Command.................................................$9500 1992 New Holland 660, net/twine, Bale Command, 1000 PTO...............................$7500 New Holland 853, twine. Excellent, must see!.. . ........................................................$4800 1997 John Deere 566, twine wrap. Excellent.... . .....................................................$15,700 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 Hesston 565T, twine............................$11,200


5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500


2009 New Holland T7050, 165 PTO hp, 860TL loader, grapple, 370 hours. Like new condition...............................................$122,100 2009 New Holland TD5030, FWA, cab, air, 2 rear remotes, 820TL loader. Like new.......... . .....................................................$37,700 2005 New Holland TG215 MFD, 175 PTO hp, 3-pt., 4 rear remotes, PTO, weights, duals, 3500 hours.....................................$83,500

NEW New Holland H8060 Discbine Self-Propelled Windrower 8040’s Holland H NEW New In Stock Also r headers with auge

New Holland 311, 14x18. “Must See” Excellent....................................................$8500 John Deere 467 16x18...........................$2700

2002 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, loader, grapple. 50 hours on new engine warranty, nice................................................$74,500 2002 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, auxiliary pump, engine end hydraulics, draw bar, loader, grapple, tines, 3400 hours..$63,800 1998 New Holland 8560 MFD, 130 PTO hp, cab, air, loader, grapple, 7940 hours......$49,100 1997 New Holland 8360 MFD, 115 PTO hp, cab, air, loader, 4500 hours...................$51,500 2008 New Holland T2320 FWA, hydro, 250TL loader, canopy, 250 hours..............$24,800 2000 New Holland TC40 4WD, hydro, 16LA loader, 1990 hours.........................$13,200 Ford 8000, cab, air, 3-pt., PTO, loader, bucket... . ........................................................$8300 Ford 7710 FWA, 3-pt., PTO, cab, air, 6700 hours. Very nice........................................$16,100 Ford 8N, like new tires. Excellent runner and nice restoration.................................$3100 Ford 8N, 6-ft. rear blade. Good running tractor.. . ........................................................$2900


1999 New Holland HW300, 14-ft. 2300 Series auger header, 2200 hours..............$32,800 New Holland 1495, gas, hydrostatic, 12-ft. header...............................................$8500 New Holland 1116, cab, 14-ft. sickle header.... . .....................................................$15,100 2003 John Deere 4995, 14-ft. disc header, steel conditioner, 1400 hours..................$64,200 1997 Case IH 8850, disc header, cab..$32,500 Hesston 6650, cab, air, 14-ft. header...$15,500 Hesston 6600, open station, 14-ft. sickle header...............................................$4400 MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700


New Holland 1431 pivot tongue, 13-ft. cut disc mower............................................$12,200 2006 New Holland 499 12-ft. pivot tongue. Excellent condition.........................$17,700 New Holland 499 pivot tongue, 12-ft. sickle mower...............................................$6500 New Holland 495, 12-ft. cut, transport....$3800 Hesston 1014 14-ft. pivot tongue, 14-ft. sickle head..................................................$6400


New Holland H8000 Series Speedrower® windrowers deliver capacity that can’t be matched by other machines. They handle all crops - alfalfa, grass, small grains, canola, barley, lentils or peas - with ease and speed, with models that range from 126 horsepower to an industry-leading 226 horsepower. The control achieved with the H8000 windrowers takes productivity to the highest level.

Check Out The NEW New Holland BR7090 Baler


New Holland FP230 pull-type chopper, 27PU hay head........................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull-type stack wagon. Excellent....................................................$6800 New Holland 1012 pull-type stack wagon......... . ........................................................$3700 Holsher Model 180 bale pack, handles 18 14x18 bales.......................................$4500 Farmhand, 8 pack...................................$1500 New Holland 258 9’6” rake, left side hydraulic drive, rubber tines. Like new..............$6200 Sitrex 3-point belt rake............................$1840


New Holland L220 skidsteer, cab, heat, 2 speed, 155 hours. Lease return, like new... . .....................................................$33,400 2008 New Holland L185 skidsteer, cab, air, heat, 2 speed, bucket, weights, 2946 hours..............................................$32,400 2008 New Holland L175 skidsteer, 2 speed, mechanical controls, weights, 900 hours. Very nice........................................$23,500 New Holland-Bradco 625 trencher. Like new condition............................................$3995 Post Vibe vibratory post pounder, rock spike, pipe driver, 3 way hydraulic, high flow......... . .....................................................$11,300 Mustang MBH9H 9-ft. backhoe for skidsteer, 24” bucket..........................................$7600 2011 Buhler SB5200 skidsteer snowblower. Excellent...........................................$4800 Horsh 7-ft. snow blade, hydraulic angle, skidsteer loader quick attach. Like new...$3100



Walker MTGHS mower, 42” deck, grass collection, 135 hours..................................$8500 New Holland G4020 zero turn mower, 50”deck, bagger system..................................$3200 John Deere LA175 mower, 54” deck, 26 hp Briggs, hydro, 34 hours.....................$2300 Scag commercial walk behind, bagger, sulky, 17 hp Kawasaki.................................$3000 Dixon Ram 50 mower, 50” deck, 23 hp Kawasaki. Very nice...................................$2500 Dixon Ram ZTR mower, 50” deck, 25 hp Briggs & Stratton. Excellent..........................$2500 Dixon commercial walk behind, 36” deck...$1700 Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.

John Deere 2940 FWA, cab, 3-pt., PTO, loader, grapple...........................................$22,100 International 1066 2WD, cab, 2 rear remotes. Runs and looks great........................$7500 International 656 2WD, open station, loader..... . ........................................................$7800

The New Holland BR 7090 Round Baler’s redesigned bale chamber and forming rolls, in combination with the belts and the sealed adjustable hydraulic bale density system, start a core in any crop and build tight perfectly shaped bales. The integral formed ribs of the new rolls provide aggressive crop movement while eliminating surface imperfections on the ribs, which can be detrimental during the wrapping cycle. The new bale chamber design enables the operator to start cores and make bales in crops and conditions that previously would have been too difficult to bale.

Ezee-On 2105 front loader, bucket, grapple. Off Ford 7700..........................................$4800 Koyker 150 loader and mounts, bucket..$3500 1981 International truck, Detroit 653, FS1 525 horizontal TMR...............................$33,300 Kirschmann 12-ft. hoe drill.....................$2500 Erskine 960FM 96” front mount snowblower, drive lines..........................................$5800 Polaris PVT 6x6, dump bed. Excellent condition....................................................$5600 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$1500 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 Danuser 3-pt. post hole auger with 12” auger... . ........................................................$1250 Land Pride PD15 PTO post hole auger with 12” bit......................................................$1240 Befco 3-pt. post hole digger with bit..........$225 Shaver post pounders. In Stock........ Save $$$

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C36


Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana

Call 406-566-2516

continued from page C32

Bilco steel basement door, 55”Wx191/2”Hx72”L, 24” extension available, never installed.... $200


2002 Dodge Ram 2500 quad cab, 5.9L turbo diesel, automatic, 4x4, heated leather seats, all options, only 20,500 miles. John Deere 830 swather. John Deere 7700 combine Ford 460 engine, runs good. 1987 Ford extended cab, 460, automatic, 4x4, TeleDec feed bed, excellent condition. Phone (406) 390-6927, Chinook, Montana

Bynum – a CLEARFIELD (CL) wheat with imidazolinone tolerance, developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 2005 and licensed to WestBred LLC. Bynum is a solid stem “Rampart-type” CLEARFIELD hard red winter cultivar similar in most characteristics to Rampart. It is lower yielding than Norris and similar in yield to MT1159CL. Bynum has a solid stem, high grain protein, and excellent bread baking quality. Bynum is resistant to stripe rust and has some resistance to stem rust. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200600285). Additionally, the CLEARFIELD gene is patented. Carter – a semi-solid stem hard red winter wheat released by WestBred LLC in 2007. Carter is a medium maturity semidwarf wheat. It has average yield, test weight, and winterhardines and good protein. Carter is moderately susceptible to stem rust and moderately resistant to stripe rust. Carter has above average milling and baking quality. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200800383). CDC Falcon – hard red winter wheat developed by the Crop Development Center, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and registered in 1998. Licensed to WestBred LLC. Superior stem and leaf rust resistance over all current winter wheat varieties in western Canada. High yield, good winterhardiness, semidwarf, short strong straw, especially good for direct seeding and straight cut harvest. CDC Falcon is moderately resistant to stem rust and susceptible to stripe rust. It is rated as having acceptable milling and baking quality. CDC Falcon is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act, but not the Title V option (Certificate #200800322). Curlew – hard red winter wheat released by Utah in 2009. Curlew is an early to medium maturing tall wheat with brown chaff. In the initial year of testing in Montana, Curlew had above average yield and test weight and average protein. Curlew appears resistant to stripe rust but very susceptible to stem rust. Curlew is resistant to dwarf bunt. Curlew has above average milling and average baking properties. It is a low PPO variety. Decade – hard red winter wheat developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released jointly with North Dakota (pending at publication) in 2010. Decade is an early to medium maturing reduced height wheat with white chaff. Decade is a high yielding wheat with good winter hardiness and medium to high test weight and protein. Decade is resistant to prevalent races of stem and stripe rust. Decade has excellent milling and baking quality. Seed available fall 2010. PVP, Title V will is pending (Certificate #201100096). Genou – a solid-stem hard red winter wheat with improved yield potential and cold tolerance relative to Rampart. Stem solidness is relatively good, although not as good as Rampart. Test weight, maturity, plant height, grain protein, and end-use qualities are similar to those of Rampart and Vanguard. Genou is susceptible to both stem and stripe rust. Foundation seed was made available in fall of 2004. Genou (French for knee) is named after a school house in The Knees area of Chouteau County. PVP with Title V option has been issued (Certificate #200500334). Hyalite – a CLEARFIELD (CL) wheat with imidazolinone tolerance, developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 2005 and licensed to WestBred LLC. Hyalite is a good yielding hard white

winter CLEARFIELD cultivar. Hyalite is significantly higher in yield than other CLEARFIELD checks, similar in yield to Neeley, and better yielding than NuSky and NuWest. Hyalite has average test weight, good crop tolerance to herbicide, and is relatively early in heading compared to Montana varieties. Hyalite is resistant to stem rust and very susceptible to stripe rust. Grain protein of Hyalite is above average and milling and baking characteristics are acceptable. It has low PPO and could be used as a dual-purpose (bread and noodles) variety. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200600291). Additionally, the CLEARFIELD gene is patented. Jagalene – Developed from the cross “Abilene/Jagger” and released by AgriPro in 2003. Jagalene is a hollow-stemmed hard red winter variety. It has been tested in Montana Intrastate Trials and Off-Station trials during the 2003 through 2005 seasons. It has exhibited consistently high yields in Crop Reporting Districts 1 through 5. Jagalene has excellent test weight ranking higher than all checks. It is a semi-dwarf with height shorter than all checks except CDC Falcon. Lodging resistance is very good. It has early heading, nearly 6 days earlier than Neeley and earlier than all checks. Winterhardiness levels would be considered average to below average. It has excellent general disease resistance, including the entire soil virus complex, stem rust, stripe rust, tan spot and septoria. Protein is average compared to the checks. Jagalene has excellent milling and very good baking characteristics. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety (Certificate #200200160) Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed. Jerry – hard red winter wheat released by North Dakota State University in 2001. It is white-chaffed and awned and similar in maturity to Roughrider. Jerry has good winter hardiness and is a top yielder in areas where winterkill can occur. Jerry has average test weight and protein under Montana conditions. It has good resistance to prevalent races of stem and leaf rust and is moderately resistant to stripe rust. Mixing properties and baking performance are equal to Roughrider. Ledger – hard red winter wheat developed by WestBred LLC and released in 2004. Ledger is an early maturing wheat, semidwarf wheat with average winter hardiness. The Montana Intrastate Winter Wheat Program testing shows this variety to be of average yield and protein with above average test weight. Ledger is moderately resistant to stripe rust and susceptible to stem rust. Milling and baking characteristics are acceptable. Ledger is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act, but not the Title V option (Certificate #200600063). Neeley – Developed and released in 1980 by USDA-ARS and the Idaho Agricultural Research Station. It is a hard red wheat. It is a semidwarf variety with intermediate maturity. Neeley is susceptible to stem rust and very susceptible to stripe rust. Neeley has average protein and winter-hardiness. Norris - a CLEARFIELD (CL) wheat with imidazolinone tolerance, developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 2005 and licensed to WestBred LLC. Norris is a high yielding hard red winter CLEARFIELD cultivar that could replace MT1159CL once seed becomes available. Norris is significantly higher in yield than other CLEARFIELD checks CONTINUED ON PAGE C60

Seven simple tips to prevent tomato disease

By Jim Stordahl, Clearwater/Polk County Extension, Minnesota Plants need three factors for disease to develop. The host plant must be susceptible, the pathogen must be present (usually in the soil), and the environmental conditions must be right. This typically involves wet leaves over some period of time. There are several simple cultural techniques that you can implement before considering chemical treatments. Fungicides (that innocent looking white dust) are dangerous and are often over applied, so avoid using them until you have exhausted the following cultural options. Why add pesticides to your food when it can be avoided? Step 1. Begin with a proper crop rotation. This simple practice alone will significantly reduce disease. Do not plant tomatoes where you had potatoes, peppers -- and of course tomato -- last year. Rotation is important and is your first defense in disease prevention. Step 2. Plant a variety of tomato that is resistant or tolerant to leaf blight, especially if blight has rained on your parade in the past. Sometimes, disease can be prevented simply by variety selection. If you start your own transplants, this information is supplied on the package. If you purchase transplants, your local garden center horticulturalist will have this information. Step 3. Do not crowd the tomatoes, lack of air circulation favors disease development. Leaf diseases need longish periods of uninterrupted wetness for disease development, and overcrowding prevents leaf drying. Use a trellis or cage on plants spaced a minimum of 24 inches apart to keep leaves and fruit off the ground. This aids in the plant drying and keeps the disease inoculum further away from the leaves; remember, the disease inoculum is in the soil. Also, it keeps the fruit cleaner and reduces the incidence of spoiled fruit. Step 4. This may be the single most important step of all. If you need to irrigate, water the ground, not the leaves. Sprinkler irrigation keeps the leaves wet and splashes the disease inoculum from the soil onto the leaves. Soaker hoses, drip irrigation or careful hand watering are better alternatives. Step 5. Consider using plastic mulch. Plastic mulch laid on the soil surface prior to transplanting is a common practice in commercial production and works well in gardens too. Commercially available plastic is available in 3’ and 4’ wide rolls in a rainbow of colors. Clear and black are the most readily available to the gardener, but red and green are often available at garden centers. Clear and red mulch will allow weed growth beneath the plastic, unlike the black and green colors. If you need to water the plants, water through the transplant hole. Often, however, the plastic reduces water evaporation so watering is not necessary. Drip irrigation is another option when mulch is used, but increases the complexity of “simple tips”. Plastic mulch’s other benefit is warming the soil, which significantly increases the yield of warm season crops like tomatoes, peppers and melons. Research in northern Minnesota shows a two-fold increased fruit yield using plastic mulch as compared to bare soil. The increased yield is due to warmer soil temperatures, reduced disease pressure, reduced water evaporation, and greater consistency in water uptake by the plant. Step 6. Pinch off the “suckers” growing at the leaf axis. Suckers produce unnecessary foliage and decreases air circulation around the plant. Commercial growers will often leave one leaf beneath the first flower and remove all other leaf from that point and down. This does not make for a pretty tomato plant, but it’s effective. Step 7. Don’t apply too much fertilizer, especially nitrogen. Excess fertilization promotes succulent leaf growth which is often more prone to disease. My fertility choice is compost, from either manure or other vegetative materials. Compost is advantageous as it provides all the essential elements necessary for plant growth in a slow release form in sync with plant growth. If you follow these recommendations, you will hopefully enjoy juicy red tomatoes with an added benefit – fruit without pesticide residue. If all else fails and you’re tempted to use a fungicide, remember that fungicides only prevent new infections, they will not cure existing leaf disease. Fungicides should be applied according to the product label. For more information, contact me at 800-450-2465 or stordahl@umn.edu. For more information, call our Farm Information Hotline toll free at 800-232-9077 or email fil@umn.edu.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C37

F/S MFG. New F/S truck mount sprayer IN STOCK

with 80-ft. booms, 1000-gallon tank,

self-leveling cushion booms, hydraulic boom fold, 3-band manifold ball valve, 8-hp Honda electric start motor, Tee-Jet rate controller with GPS speed sensor.

4 Trailer Sprayers 4 Truck Mount Sprayers 4 Self Propelled Sprayers 4 ATV Sprayers ATV Skid Sprayers

Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank.

We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer.

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Wiese Sweeps

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Liquid Fertilizer 28-0-0 in stock Delivery available

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On-the-farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.

We make hydraulic hoses.

Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C38


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www.reddigequipment.com CRAWLERS

Fiat-Allis 14C crawler, very good undercarriage, twin tilt blade, power shift, 2600 hours, excellent........................ $29,500


1995 John Deere 544G JRB hydraulic quick change, forks, 21/4 yard 4-in-1 bucket, third valve, 20.5x25 matched set of tires at 75%, 6602 hours.................................. $57,500

Clark Michigan 45 CGM with 453 Detroit - fresh engine, third valve hydraulic system, log forks, enclosed cab, heater, excellent tires. Runs very, very well...................... $19,900 Cat 966B loader, third valve, Medford log forks included, 3.5 yard general purpose bucket with reversible edge, tight, the BEST older machine....................................... $19,000 Cat 936F loader Clark 75B excellent rubber, very good older loader... $21,900


Champion 720A motorgrader, good working condition.......... . ............................................................................ $21,000

2005 Hitachi 450 LC Zaxis 3 buckets............................ POR Hitachi EX200-5 recent complete undercarriage replacement, runs very strong, 6500 hours...................................... POR Hitachi EX120-2 bucket, hydraulic thumb, runs good...$24,000 Hitachi EX60-2 rubber tracks, 24” bucket. Good quality machine...................................................................... $17,500 Hitachi UH172 excavator, runs good, 7783 hours..... $17,500 HItachi 120-2 Cat 325L excavator, hydraulic dual link thumb, 44” bucket, recent engine work, new rails, sprockets, bottom rollers...$43,900 Komatsu PC128UU-1E excavator............................. $35,000 Komatsu PC150-5, 24” pads..................................... $26,000 John Deere 120C hydraulic quick change, bucket, thumb, 6500 hours..................................................................... $43,000 John Deere 120LC hydraulic dual link thumb, 36” bucket has new cutting edge and teeth, new undercarriage including sprockets, rollers and rails, work ready................. $39,900 1991 Yutani MC140BLC 36” bucket, good undercarriage, starts and operates okay................................................ $14,900


1992 Case 580SK 4WD, enclosed cab, tight pins and bushings, 4 level controls, reversible cutting edge................ $19,900 John Deere 410 backhoe, 4300 hours, enclosed cab, 2 wheel drive, excellent pins, bushings are good, very good older hoe with block heater............................................ $11,000 2003 John Deere 200C LC dual link hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick change, A/C, cat walks, 42” dig bucket, good undercarriage, 10,090 hours.......................................... $69,500

2004 Case 570 MXT skip loader, Gannon box blade, ripper bar, 4x4, excellent tires, 2800 hours..................... $22,500


1998 Cat TH83 telescopic forklift, enclosed cab, heater, certified platform, cherry picker, basket, tilt mast.............. POR JCB 505-19 forklift, enclosed cab, runs excellent, good machine, 8000 hours................................................. $19,900 Hyster H200HS forklift, max load at center 20,900 lb....$12,500 Ingersoll-Rand RT70G 6000 lb. forklift, John Deere diesel power, shuttle shift transmission, 21-ft. mast........ $12,900 2005 Genie 3268RT, rough terrain scissor lift, 4WD, dual fuel, 32-ft. max height, Kubota engine, generator, 1000 lb. lift capacity, 4-ft. slide-out, propane or gas................ $13,500 Lull 644 forklift Manitowac T604TC 4WD all-terrain forklift................... $7500


Cat 12G grader, 14-ft. moldboard, good tires............. $38,000 Galion A556 grader, snow wing, all wheel drive, front blade, good machine for the money................................ $30,000


1973 Cat 518 operates well, winch line, chokers, 70% rubber, chains. Real tight machine. Low hours on these repairs: engine, winch, transmission, center pins, bushings...$17,900 1985 Cat 518 swinging grapple, chains...................... $26,000 1979 John Deere 640 line machine, nice.................. $14,500 John Deere 540B skidder winch, runs good, chains....$13,900 Several fellerbunchers, Danzco delimber, sawheads.


2006 Cat 304 CCR 2 buckets, A/C, heat, enclosed cab, hydraulic thumb, angle blade, 1800 hours................ $39,900

1988 Peterbilt Cummins 400 hp engine, leaf springs over walking springs, pintle hitch, good clean truck........... POR

Call Us Today For Your Undercarriage Needs! We HAVE Many attachments

for excavators including rollers, buckets, cabs, forks, blade, brush rake, thumbs & bucket teeth in stock.


for graders, loaders and backhoes!

Reddig Equipment and Repair

888-592-5880 (Office)  –  2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

Equine Ulcers

By Dr. Steve Tornberg, South Dakota State University Stomach or gastric ulcers can cause your horse to have a poor appetite, have a poor hair coat, be listless, exhibit signs of colic, and have poor performance and/or weightloss. Ulcers can be very common under certain conditions, especially when horses are confined and fed high grain rations and limited hay. Ulcers also cause behavioral and performance issues. So what is the deal with equine stomach ulcers? A horse’s stomach lining has 2 different areas. The upper half is lined with squamous epithelium. It continues from the esophagus and is multilayer like skin. The lower half is lined by glandular mucosa. It produces digestive enzymes like hydrochloric acid and pepsin. In the horse these enzymes are continually released. Naturally a horse eats 18 hours a day on average, so there is no need to store the digestive enzymes. When these surface linings are eroded away to the underlying muscular layer it is called an ulcer. The very acidic stomach contents then burn the exposed inner layer, causing the pain symptoms the horse exhibits. There is a variety of protective mechanisms which keep the acid off the lining. The mucosal layer coats the underlying region. The bicarbonate in the saliva neutralizes the acid. The constant influx of food dilutes out the acid and sends it into the lower intestines. Ulcers may happen in the upper squamous portion of the stomach, when a horse quits eating. This allows the acid to splash on the lining causing erosions and the protective buffering saliva no longer comes in to neutralize the acid. Ulcers happen to the lower or glandular portion when we use non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and other prostaglandin limiting drugs leading to decrease of blood flow to this area. To tell if your horse has an ulcer we can examine the stomach with a long endoscope, or make the diagnosis with the history and response to therapy. Treatment involves lowering hydrochloric acid released in the stomach and keeping the stomach full. A variety of medication will lower the acid content. Most of the drugs available for people with ulcers work in horses; they just take different amounts and frequencies. The medication labeled for the treatment or prevention of gastric ulcers in horses is omeprazole. The trade names for omeprazole are Gastrogard and Ulcergard. Alfalfa hay is the best choice for horses with a stomach ulcer; due to the high calcium level it contains, similar to Tums (antacid). We look for a quick response to treatment with acid reducers and diet change. If we use effective therapy, the clinical signs improve in a short period of time, usually a matter of days. Remember that behavior associated with ulcers, like refusing to perform, etc, is multi-factorial. Simply treating the ulcers may not fix the training issue. Remember that most ulcers are asymptomatic, and cause the horse no problems. At times we have to use trial treatment periods to tell if the ulcer is significant to performance. New surroundings, pressure of competition, new water, or feed can all add to not eating well which leads to increased risk of stomach ulcers. When do stomach ulcers occur most frequently? At competitions- it can be a vicious circle.

NDSU riders place in National Competition

The two members of North Dakota State University’s equestrian team who advanced to the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association’s national competition in Raleigh, North Carolina, May 3-6 brought home honors. Shannon Voges, a senior from Courtland, Minnesota, competed in the American Quarter Horse Association High Point Western Rider event, which showcases the top rider from each region throughout the U.S. Twenty-four riders participated in this event. They were required to compete in two phases: horsemanship and reining. Scores from the two phases were combined for a final placing. Voges ranked fourth in the horsemanship phase and 13th in the reining phase. She finished the competition overall in eighth place. Hannah Beyer, a junior from Rapid City, South Dakota, competed in advanced horsemanship and finished in ninth place. She was one of 12 riders in this event. “Everyone’s goal at the beginning of the year is to qualify for the national show,” says Tara Swanson, the team’s coach. “Shannon and Hannah worked hard to get to that point and then had stellar performances once they made it to North Carolina. As a coach, I couldn’t be more proud of the team this year.”

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C39

We Rent Equipment. Call To Get On Our List! Universal Transport Post Drivers

• Model UTDG3-10 • 83/4” max diameter post • 71,500 lbs. impact

• Model UTDG3-12 • 107/8” max diameter post • 100,000 lbs. impact

4 Speed - Drives a 4-5” post in 10-15 seconds. 4 Flexibility - Hitch to your pickup or SUV. No PTO’s or tractor hydraulics necessary. 4 Accuracy - Driver tilts forward to back and side to side for accurate post placement. 4 Power - Self contained, 13 hp Honda electric start engine. Drive even railroad ties into the ground with ease.

Aluminum Grain Trailers

• 22.5K tandem axles with ABS brakes • Front & rear aluminum ladders • Full center dividers • Shur-Lok roll tarp 20”x30” hopper opening

Buy or Lease To Own

$8698/yr - oac

Steel Grain Trailers

• 3 leaf heavy duty spring suspension • Undercoated with synthetic rubber coating • Highest Ag Hopper clearance on the market • IN STOCK NOW!

Buy or Lease To Own

$5326/yr - oac

Lawn Mowers

USED 27 hp Super Bee

• 60” side discharge deck • Dual fuel tanks • Suspension seat • Less than 100 hours

Buy or Lease To Own

$1879/yr - oac

NEW 29 hp EFI Super Bee

• Suspension seat • 52” rear discharge deck • Dual fuel tanks

Buy or Lease To Own

$2328/yr - oac

Steel Drop Deck Trailers

• 48-ft.x5-ft. • Air ride suspension • Third ramp • Sliding winches • 102” width • IN STOCK NOW!

Buy or Lease To Own

$6512/yr - oac

0% for 48 months - oac Available

NEW 26 hp EFI Grass Catching Mowers • Power dump kit • Comfort seat • 48” heavy duty grass catching deck

Buy or Lease To Own

$2777/yr - oac

Check us out on the web at www.frielingsonline.com

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway – Great Falls, MT

Danel Frieling

Keith Lippert, cell 799-1494

“Like” us on

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C40

1997 John Deere 7210 MFWD, loader, 7641 hours.......... $55,000 (LV)

1998 John Deere 7700 with MFWD, PowerShift, loader...... $49,000 (L) 2004 John Deere 7320 MFWD, PowerShift, loader, 2880 hours............ ........................................................................................$77,000 (B)

2009 John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, PowerShift, loader................ ....................................................................................... $74,500 (G)

1998 John Deere 7810 MFWD, PowerShift, loader........... $63,500 (LV) 1999 John Deere 7710 MFWD, PowerShift, loader.............$77,500 (B)

2008 John Deere 7130 MFWD, radials, 3165 hours............ $64,500 (L)

1974 John Deere 4430 2WD, partial PowerShift, loader.....$14,500 (H) 1977 John Deere 4230 2WD............................................. $14,900 (LV)

2006 Case IH MX275 MFD, loader, 1316 hours.................$156,000 (H)

1976 International 1466 2WD with 3936 hours......................$9500 (H)

1998 Massey Ferguson 8120 MFD, powershift, loader.... $52,500 (LV)

2011 John Deere 7330 MFWD, IVT transmission, 274 hours................ .................................................................................... $113,900 (LV)

2008 John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, PowerShift, loader................ ....................................................................................... $77,500 (G)

2006 Case IH MXU130 MFD, powershift, loader................. $65,000 (G)

Highway 87 West - Lewistown, MT

1-800-823-3373 or 406-538-5433 Highway 2 East - Havre, MT

1-800-621-5701 or 406-265-5518 Est • 1932 After hours sales Great Falls: Ken 727-2176, John 467-3992, Scott 750-4798 After hours parts: 406-781-3600 Service: Dave Stokes 781-0873

LEWISTOWN (L) • HAVRE (H) • CHESTER (C) • GREAT FALLS (G) • BELGRADE (B) • LIVINGSTON (LV) After hours sales Lewistown: Jim 406-538-7028, Chuck 406-538-5339, Jeff 406-567-2522 After hours parts: 406-366-5097

After hours sales Havre: Ed 265-1619, Dean 292-3644, Phill 366-9783, Gene 390-2583 After hours parts: 406-399-4170 Service: Jr 399-3759

12 Northpoint Drive - Great Falls, MT

1-888-760-2005 or 406-761-2005 205 Floss Flats - Belgrade, MT

1-866-282-3337 or 406-388-2100 1122 East Park - Livingston, MT

1-800-824-3932 or 406-222-3150

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C41

Highway 87 West - Lewistown, MT

1-800-823-3373 or 406-538-5433 Highway 2 East - Havre, MT

1-800-621-5701 or 406-265-5518 Est • 1932 After hours sales Great Falls: Ken 727-2176, John 467-3992, Scott 750-4798 After hours parts: 406-781-3600 Service: Dave Stokes 781-0873

2011 John Deere R450 14.5-ft. rotary with 238 hours...............................................$107,500 (LV)

LEWISTOWN (L) • HAVRE (H) • CHESTER (C) • GREAT FALLS (G) • BELGRADE (B) • LIVINGSTON (LV) After hours sales Lewistown: Jim 406-538-7028, Chuck 406-538-5339, Jeff 406-567-2522 After hours parts: 406-366-5097

After hours sales Havre: Ed 265-1619, Dean 292-3644, Phill 366-9783, Gene 390-2583 After hours parts: 406-399-4170 Service: Jr 399-3759

12 Northpoint Drive - Great Falls, MT

1-888-760-2005 or 406-761-2005 205 Floss Flats - Belgrade, MT

1-866-282-3337 or 406-388-2100 1122 East Park - Livingston, MT

1-800-824-3932 or 406-222-3150

2006 John Deere 4995 16-ft. rotary with impeller conditioner..........................................$75,000 (L) 2010 John Deere 568 with MegaWide pickup, mesh wrap....................................................$37,500 (L)

Case IH RB564 round baler....................$26,000 (L)

2009 Agco 9635 15.5-ft. rotary with 450 hours......... .........................................................$92,500 (LV)

2006 Hesston 9260 15-ft. rotary...........$67,500 (LV) 2002 John Deere 567 with MegaWide pickup.......... ...........................................................$21,000 (L)

2002 John Deere 567 with MegaWide and mesh wrap....................................................$18,500 (L) 2002 Hesston 8550S 15-ft. rotary...........$52,000 (L)

1995 Case IH 8850 15-ft. rotary............$29,500 (LV)

2005 John Deere 567 with MegaWide pickup.......... ...........................................................$18,000 (L)

2010 John Deere 956 14.5-ft. rotary.......$32,500 (L) 1981 Hesston 6550 with 12-ft. double sickle............ ............................................................$9950 (LV)

2001 Vermeer 605XL round baler...........$14,500 (L)

2005 New Holland BR780 with wide pickup, net wrap. Excellent............................................ $14,900 (B) 1999 John Deere 945 13-ft. rotary with impeller conditioner........................................$13,950 (LV)

2002 John Deere 936 11.5-ft. rotary with impeller conditioner......................................... $15,500 (B) 2003 New Holland BR780 round baler.....$7500 (H)

John Deere 566 with mega tooth pickup. No wrap... ..........................................................$11,000 (G)

Hesston 5580 round baler. Nice..............$2500 (LV)

Case IH 8465 round baler..........................$2900 (L)

Case IH 3650 round baler.........................$1250 (H)

1992 John Deere 535 with push bar......... $5000 (B)

2003 Case IH RBX562, no wrap...............$7900 (H)

6 locations to better serve your equipment needs

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C42

Used Equipment Financing 3.6% fixed rate for 5 years CALL THE LOCATION NEAREST YOU TODAY!!

Combines & Attachments

2009 John Deere 9870 combine, 1377 engine hours, 800 separator hours, yield/ loss monitor...................... $235,000 (H) John Deere 9770STS 141 separator hours, pro-drive with choppers.... $278,750 (H) 2-John Deere 9770STS combine. Each.... . ........................................$262,000 (G) 2011 John Deere 9770 combine, 350 hours................................. $289,000 (B) John Deere 9770 combine, 457 hours...... . .........................................$270,000 (L) 2008 John Deere 9770 combine, 976 hours................................. $222,000 (H) John Deere 9760 combine... $168,500 (H) 2003 John Deere 9750STS combine, 936D head.................................. $158,500 (H) John Deere 9670 combine....$210,000 (L) 2001 John Deere 9650 combine, 2413 separator hours...................$95,000 (L) John Deere 9650 combine......$95,000 (L) John Deere 9610 combine, 2112 separator hours................................... $76,500 (H) John Deere 9610 2384 separator hours.... . ..........................................$79,500 (G) 2-John Deere 9600 combines with 930 heads..............................Coming In (H) John Deere 9600 combine with 930 head, pickup reel.......................... $46,500 (H) 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, spreader, chopper, tank extension, last year they were made. Very good.......$39,500 (LV) John Deere 9600 combine with 930 head. . ...........................................$32,500 (L) John Deere 8820 combine, chopper, spreader, 230 head............. $10,500 (H) 2-John Deere 7720 combines. Each......... . ............................................. $8500 (H) Case 1680 combine with 30-ft. 1010 head. . .......................................... $32,000 (H) Gleaner N6 combine with 24-ft. head........ . ............................................. $3500 (H) John Deere 640D header....... $67,500 (G) John Deere 635D header....... $59,000 (H) John Deere 635D header....... $57,500 (H) John Deere 635D header....... $50,000 (H) John Deere 936D header....... $39,500 (H) John Deere 630R header........$28,000 (L) John Deere 615 header.......... $25,900 (G) Walinga 6614 grain vac.......... $15,500 (H)

More Used Heads IN STOCK


2011 John Deere 4930 120-ft., loaded...... .......................................... $305,000 (H) John Deere 4930, low hours.Coming In (L) John Deere 4830, low hours.Coming In (L) Brandt SB4000 90-ft., 1600 gallon............ ....................................... Coming In (G) Flexi-Coil 67XL 100-ft., 1500 gallon.......... ............................................ $19,500 (H) 1996 Flexi-Coil 65 100-ft........... $7500 (H) Wil-Rich 500 gallon, 3-pt., 75-ft. boom sprayer, radar......................... $4500 (B)


John Deere 975 4-bottom switch plow with tail wheel, nice.......................$4950 (LV) Morris 743 49-ft. chisel plow with rod, harrows........................................ $3200 (H) Flexi-Coil 60SB 62-ft. spreader bar........... ................................................$6000 (L) John Deere 110 tandem disk, 14-ft., good condition................................$3750 (LV)


John Deere 9460R 4WD, very low hours.. ........................................Coming In (H) John Deere 9630 4WD, 530 hp................. .......................................... $275,000 (H) John Deere 8970 400 hp, 5500 hours....... .............................................$76,500 (L) John Deere 8760 4WD, 300 hp................. ............................................$48,000 (G) John Deere 8260R 260 hp, 250 hours...... .........................................$203,900 (LV) John Deere 7810 150 hp, loader, grapple. ...........................................$63,500 (LV) John Deere 7800 145 hp, loader, grapple. ............................................ $56,500 (H) John Deere 7700 126 hp, MFWD, cab, 740 loader...................................$49,000 (L) John Deere 7710 135 hp, loader............... ...........................................$77,500 (LV) John Deere 7330 Premium 125 hp, 274 hours................................$113,900 (LV) John Deere 7320 105 PTO hp, MFWD, with 741 loader........................... $77,000 (B) John Deere 7210 95 hp, MFWD, loader & grapple...............................$55,000 (LV) John Deere 7130 standard, 104 hp, cab, MFWD, PowrQuad with reverser............ .............................................$64,900 (L) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, loader, 1400 hours..................... Coming In (G) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader........................ $74,500 (G) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader........................ $74,500 (G) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader.........................$74,500 (L) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader........................ $74,500 (B) John Deere 6420 90 hp, MFWD, loader.... ...........................................$63,950 (LV) New John Deere 6140D 140 hp, MFWD, cab, loader, grapple............. $73,500 (H) New John Deere 6130D 130 hp, MFWD, cab, 3-point...........................$49,500 (L) John Deere 5420 MFWD, 65 hp, cab, loader.................................$43,500 (LV) New John Deere 5101E 82 hp, cab, loader.................................. $53,500 (B) John Deere 4520 125 hp, loader............... ................................................$8900 (L) John Deere 4430, cab, John Deere 725 loader..............................Coming In (H) John Deere 4430 125 PTO hp, cab with 158 loader.................................. $13,900 (H) John Deere 4230 100 hp, cab, air, 3-point, quad range.........................$14,900 (LV) John Deere 4020 90 hp, PowerShift......... ....................................... Coming In (G) John Deere 4010 85 hp, no 3-point, with DuAl loader..............................$6900 (L) John Deere 3720 MFWD, 44 hp, cab, 3-point, mid mower, rotary cutter, 10 hours................................... $35,445 (B) John Deere 2020 2WD, 54 hp, 3-point...... ............................................... $7900 (H) John Deere 1050 40 hp with loader.......... ............................................... $9900 (B) Cat MT845B 400 hp, track, 1800 hours..... .......................................... $189,000 (B)

Case IH MX275 with L780 loader.............. .......................................... $156,000 (H) Case IH MXU130 MFWD, loader............... ............................................$65,000 (G) Case IH MX120 MFWD, loader.................. ........................................Coming In (H) Case 1030 2WD, 100 hp, cab,... $3500 (H) International 1466 with cab....... $9500 (H) Massey-Ferguson 8120 130 hp, loader, 4600 hours.........................$52,500 (LV) New Holland 8160 90 hp, 2WD, no loader ............................................ $21,500 (H) New Holland TV145 bidirectional, loader, 1015 hours, 13-ft. rotary head................ ...........................................$89,500 (LV) Versatile 835 230 hp, low hours................ ....................................... Coming In (G) Versatile 276 bidirectional, loader............. ....................................... Coming In (G) Allis Chalmers 7050, duals, loader, blade. ............................................ $17,500 (H) Steiger PTA325...................... $27,500 (H) Deutz Allis 7120.................Coming In (B)

Construction Equipment

John Deere 1890 air drill ....... $97,000 (B) John Deere 1850 air drill.........$49,500 (L) 2011 John Deere 1835/1910, 45-ft. air drill, 10” spacing............... $235,500 (H) John Deere 9450 10-ft. drill, 12” spacing, rubber press wheels.............. $3900 (H) John Deere 9400 30-ft. drills with transport.....................................$17,500 (G) Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 9” spacing... . ...........................................$62,000 (L) 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 230 bushel, single shoot......... . .......................................... $51,500 (H)

John Deere 323D track skidsteer, 875 hours....................................$45,000 (L) Bobcat 742 38 hp, 1250 lb capacity........... . .............................................$8500 (G)

Moodie Implement Company is growing. There are several employment opportunities with us. We are looking for sales staff and technicians. Call Ed in Havre 406-265-5518 or Matt in Livingston 406-222-3150

Round Balers

John Deere 568, MegaWide, net wrap...... ............................................ $38,500 (H) John Deere 568 round baler, twine only.... ....................................... Coming In (G) John Deere 568 net wrap, MegaWide, push bar........................................$37,500 (L) John Deere 567, MegaWide, no net.......... .............................................$26,600 (L) John Deere 567 round baler, no net.......... .............................................$21,000 (L) John Deere 567 net wrap, MegaWide....... .............................................$18,500 (L) John Deere 567 twine only, MegaWide..... ............................................$16,000 (G) John Deere 566 round baler, 5x6 bales, no wrap..................................... $11,000 (G) John Deere 566, mega tooth, no net......... ............................................ $10,500 (B) John Deere 535 round baler, 5x6 bales.... ...............................................$5500 (G) John Deere 535, push bar, gathering wheels.................................... $5000 (B) John Deere 535 5-ft.x6-ft. bales, double twine arm, push bar...............$4950 (LV) John Deere 530 for parts........... $1100 (H) Case IH RB564 round baler, net wrap, wide pickup, only 2600 bales........$17,000 (L) Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine only... ............................................... $7900 (H) Case 8465 round baler................$2900 (L) Case 3650 round baler............... $1250 (H) New Holland BR780A, 17,000 bales........ .............................................$19,000 (L) New Holland BR780, wide pickup, net wrap..................................... $14,900 (B) New Holland BR780 round baler, wide pickup, net wrap..................... $7500 (H) Hesston 5580 round baler, 5x5 bales........ ................................................$2500 (L) Vermeer 605XL round baler.....$14,500 (L)


Windrowers & Mower Conditioners

2011 John Deere R450 windrower, V10, 994 14.5-ft. rotary head, 300 hours........ .........................................$107,500 (LV) John Deere 4995 windrower, 14.5-ft. rotary head, impeller.......................$75,000 (L) John Deere 2360, 1822 hours, 30-ft. draper.................................. $20,000 (G) John Deere 956 14.5-ft. rotary mower conditioner............................ Coming In (G) John Deere 956 mower conditioner, impeller conditioner.......................$32,500 (L) John Deere 945 13-ft. rotary mower conditioner..................................$13,950 (LV) John Deere 936 mower conditioner, impeller conditioner...................... $15,500 (B) Agco-Hesston 9635 windrower, 9190 16-ft. rotary head, 575 hours.......$92,500 (LV) Hesston 9260 windrower, 9180 15.5-ft. rotary head, 1195 hours......$67,500 (LV) 2002 Hesston 8550S windrower, 1691 hours....................................$53,000 (L) Hesston 6550 diesel, cab, air, 12-ft. sickle head......................................$9950 (LV) Case IH 8850 with 15-ft. rotary.................. ...........................................$29,500 (LV) New Holland 1118 windrower.................... ....................................... Coming In (G) New Holland 116 pull type swing tongue.. ................................................$4000 (L) Versatile 4025............................ $8800 (H)

Miscellaneous Haying

New Holland 1033 bale wagon, auto-tie... . ............................................$7500 (LV) Ford 501 7-ft. mower. Nice.......$1650 (LV) John Deere trailer type sickle bar mower, 7-ft. bar, 540 PTO.................$1250 (LV) 35-ft. small square bale elevator with electric motor, excellent condition....... $1450 (B)


Kelley 56 3-pt. backhoe, PTO pump. Good condition................................$4995 (LV) Degelman 45-ft. landroller...... $35,000 (H) Brandt 13x70 auger................... $7500 (H) Westfield 10x60 grain auger.......$5750 (L) Buhler FK Y1010H 10” transfer auger....... ............................................... $2700 (H) Worksaver HDP-20 post pounder, 3-point, hydraulic angle/tilt................... $4000 (H) John Deere 620i Gator 4x4, EFI, deluxe glass cab, heater...................$9950 (LV) Bobcat 2200 utility vehicle......... $5950 (H) Polaris Ranger 700 XP utility vehicle with cab.......................................$12,000 (G) Polaris Ranger 500 EFI 4WD utility vehicle.................................Coming In (H) 2003 Polaris Ranger 6x6 utility vehicle, professional series................. $4900 (B) 2-Suzuki 250 cc 2WD quad....... $2850 (H) American 5-ft. disk harrow, 3 pt. mount..... ................................................. $950 (B) Frontier LR2060 5-ft. landscape rake....... .................................................. $550 (B) Bale Squeeze for John Deere 740 loader.. ................................................. $350 (H) Brandt Bale Commander VSF Clean unit. ..............................................$7950 (LV) Farm Star skid steer post pounder............ ............................................... $2900 (B) Shaver 901 post hole digger, 3-pt. mount, PTO drive, 2 bits..................... $1475 (B) John Deere 709 7-ft. HD rotary cutter....... ................................................$4800 (L) Farm King 60” finish mower.........$750 (L) Bush Hog......................................$950 (L)

Highway 87 West - Lewistown, MT

1-800-823-3373 or 406-538-5433 Highway 2 East - Havre, MT

1-800-621-5701 or 406-265-5518 Est • 1932 After hours sales Great Falls: Ken 727-2176, John 467-3992, Scott 750-4798 After hours parts: 406-781-3600 Service: Dave Stokes 781-0873

LEWISTOWN (L) • HAVRE (H) • CHESTER (C) • GREAT FALLS (G) • BELGRADE (B) • LIVINGSTON (LV) After hours sales Lewistown: Jim 406-538-7028, Chuck 406-538-5339, Jeff 406-567-2522 After hours parts: 406-366-5097

After hours sales Havre: Ed 265-1619, Dean 292-3644, Phill 366-9783, Gene 390-2583 After hours parts: 406-399-4170 Service: Jr 399-3759

12 Northpoint Drive - Great Falls, MT

1-888-760-2005 or 406-761-2005 205 Floss Flats - Belgrade, MT

1-866-282-3337 or 406-388-2100 1122 East Park - Livingston, MT

1-800-824-3932 or 406-222-3150

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C43

New Selection of Tools!




1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848

5-ton gear puller................... $58.87


Oil pistol can, 6 oz...... ........................ $3.55 1-ton chain hoist.................. $89.90

1 /2” x 100-ft. Fire Hose $21.50 ea. 1

USED 2 7/8” drill pipe Used 55 Gallon Plastic Barrels ­–  $10.00 ea.

Now Buying

Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries


5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top

10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available

Now Carrying Abrasives (Sand & Slag)

Domestic A500 Grade B 6”x.250 well casing, 20-ft. lengths....Call for pricing

New Surplus Square Tube •Sizes vary•

New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert


CLOSEOUT!!! Bench Vises

& beams IN STOCK

4” – $20.00


Call Fred, Dick, or Randy

24” - 42”

NEW Rebar

3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths

42” Diameter Land Roller Pipe

WE SELL NEW & USED Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate

USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1”- 25-ft. lengths


We Buy


For Non Potable Water Storage

Overseas Containers For Sale 40-ft. & 20-ft.

#2 Railroad ties - $800 each #1 Railroad ties - $15 each 00

New Surplus

Non galvanized Guard rails

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges

and Combines

Old Farm Tractors

Great for grain storage

Various sizes available – CALL

Used Electric Motors & Boxes

✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗

2 rail - 12” x 13’6” and

20” x 13’6” triple rib

Call Jim Filipowicz @ 800-334-5964

5-ft. long - $4.00 ea.

(406) 761-4848

16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll

Fax (406) 791-6708

New Red Brand Class I Barb Wire

After Hours (406) 791-6712 Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Salvage Yard – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday


Useable Salvage At Great Falls Location




Used Guard Rail Posts HOPPER BOTTOM CARS

• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings

Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”, round steel post clips Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts with heavy spade plate

51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#

Used Round Tubing

Great for corrals 11/4” O.D. 11/2” O.D. 13/4” O.D. 2” O.D. All approximately 20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C44


4 place Aerial Commander Darter................$21,500

For info and/or pictures call 605-364-7471 or 605-255-4104

Serving The Ag Community Since 1969 Specializing in JD, International, Case IH & all other major brands of ag tractors

Dennis & Curt Lorang 2700 17th Street N.E. Black Eagle, MT Shop 406-727-2726 ✔ Engine rebuilds ✔ Transmission rebuilts ✔ fuel pumps ✔ injectors ✔ turbo chargers We can rebuild or exchange John Deere hydraulic pumps, hydraulic couplers & valves, brake valves, steering valves

---- 2- & 4-WD TRUCKS ----

2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4, 5.3L V8, extended cab, long box, 9500 miles.

2009 GMC Sierra 1500 4x4, crew cab, leather interior, loaded, topper.

---- USED CARS ----

2011 Buick Lucerne, heated leather interior, loaded.

2010 Chevrolet Impala LT 3.5L, automatic, cloth interior, 28,000 miles, white. 2009 Chevrolet Impala LT, 4-door, 3.5L V6, cloth seats with power, 39,000 miles. One owner. 2009 Chevrolet Impala, heated leather interior, sunroof, 67,000 miles, white. 2007 Ford 500 4-door sedan, leather interior, sunroof. 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix sedan, ebony cloth interior, 68,000 miles. Super clean.

---- USED SUV’S & VANS ---2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4, short box, Duramax diesel, Allison automatic transmission.

2007 GMC Sierra 2500 4x4, extended cab, long box. Excellent.

2006 Ford F350 4x4 dually, diesel, 6 speed manual, crew cab, 124,000 miles. 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4, crew cab, cloth seats. Super clean. 2004 Ford F250 4x4, 6.0L diesel, crew cab, short box, heated leather. Very clean.

---- LATE MODEL ------- LEASE RETURNS ----

2012 Chevrolet Impala LT, 4-door, cloth interior, well equipped, 15,000 miles. 2011 Chevrolet Malibu LT sedan, 4 cylinder, automatic, cloth interior, 19,000 miles, silver.

2011 Chevrolet Equinox AWD, cloth interior, 16,000 miles. 2011 Mitsubishi Endeavor AWD, cloth interior, 28,500 miles. 2009 Mercury Mariner AWD, cloth interior, 75,000 miles. 2007 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4, cloth interior, 70,000 miles. Excellent.

2007 Hummer H3 5 cylinder, 5 speed manual, 36,000 miles. 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4, heated leather seats, 73,000 miles. 2002 Jeep Liberty 4x4, V6, cloth interior. Very well kept.

Looking for a good, used car? Stop in and talk to Bob or Gene.


Phone Gene Lewis in Fairfield 467-2321 Fairfield toll-free 1-800-967-2445

Phone Bob Dirkes in Choteau 466-2061 Choteau toll-free 1-800-345-2061

Nature-based tourism often benefits local environment

When nature lovers book vacations in the great outdoors, they want their dollars to help preserve the places they visit, and a University of Florida (UF) study suggests that often happens. Research in Costa Rica, one of the world’s top destinations for nature-based tourism, showed that successful tour businesses usually invested in environmental protection and maintenance, and tour businesses of all sizes circulated money throughout local economies. The findings could help Florida’s fledgling nature-based tourism industry increase its appeal to potential customers, said author Taylor Stein, an associate professor with UF’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The study appears in the current issue of the journal Environmental Conservation. Communication is key “Letting customers know is the key,” said Stein, of UF’s School of Forest Resources and Conservation. “If you think part of your market will appreciate your efforts to preserve the environment, tell them what you’re doing.” Though Florida is best known for tourist destinations that aren’t off the beaten path — think theme parks, golf courses and beaches — Stein says the Sunshine State is becoming more conservation-oriented nonetheless. “It used to be that you didn’t see hotels bragging about the fact that they don’t wash the bath towels every day of your stay,” he said. “But now, it’s rare not to see these signs in most hotels. If that makes customers happier, the hotels will do it.” Helping customers feel “greener” about their vacations was a key goal for larger businesses involved in the UF study, which surveyed tour operators and travel agencies in six parts of Costa Rica. The larger, more commercially successful operators indicated that they provided environmental education to visitors, supported conservation initiatives, recycled waste and used environmentally friendly equipment. Regardless of size, most of the businesses reported employing local residents, purchasing supplies locally and using local lodging. In Florida, nature-based tourism was the fastest-growing sector of the state’s tourism industry in the 1990s, and may still be — Stein said there hasn’t been much definitive research on the subject lately. But most Florida counties hope to market their natural attractions, he said. And at least one is working to position itself as a top destination for nature-based tourism. That’s Brevard County, located on the Atlantic coast and home to the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Sebastian Inlet State Park and several other notable attractions. “That’s a pretty big deal for Florida,” Stein said. “We’re not used to saying ‘come to our forests, come to our springs.’”

Corn supply tight

By Matthew Diersen, South Dakota State University The May World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) reported higher U.S. ending stocks of corn for the 2011 marketing year. However, the narrow basis in South Dakota suggests stocks of corn are tight in the region. Growers in the region have not seen much for changes on any corn that was not marketed earlier in the year. While the basis has narrowed, the cash price continues to remain around $6.00 per bushel. The most recent update of the expected marketing year average corn price for South Dakota continues to be at $5.95 per bushel. Growers would likely have benefited from the basis improvement only if they had placed a storage hedge on the crop. The May WASDE provided the first insights into the 2012 marketing year. Growers across the U.S. intend to plant more corn. To absorb the increased supply, in the 2012 marketing year a large increase in feed use is expected. Much of the feed use is likely to come from expanded swine and poultry sectors. The higher usage is not expected to offset larger production. The ending stocks level for the 2012 marketing year is expected to increase to the highest ending stocks to use ratio since 2008. The U.S. cash price for 2012 is projected from $4.20 to $5.00 per bushel. Historically, the South Dakota cash price is 91% of the U.S. price, or $4.20 per bushel. With the harvest basis of $-0.60 against December futures, the expected cash price in South Dakota is currently $4.70 per bushel. Thus, fundamentally there is some downside pressure on price and pricing strategies are warranted.

Robinson as Extension Service potato agronomist

Andy Robinson has been hired as an Extension Service potato agronomist in the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Plant Sciences Department. Robinson’s areas of responsibility will include Extension Service work and research on potato production in North Dakota and Minnesota. He has a joint appointment with the University of Minnesota. “My research will focus on developing science-based solutions to address real-world problems in potato production,” Robinson says. “This will enable producers to increase economic and environmental sustainability through improved crop management.” Originally from Parma, Idaho, Robinson received a bachelor’s degree in agronomy from Brigham Young University. He earned both a master’s degree in agronomy and a Ph.D. in weed science from Purdue University. His Ph.D. research focused on evaluating 2,4-D-tolerant soybeans and the effects of drift onto sensitive soybeans. Robinson is a member of the Weed Science Society of America, North Central Weed Science Society, American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Society of America.

Researchers analyze metabolites in blood

By Marcia Wood, Agricultural Research Service Thousands of small molecules, known as metabolites, circulate throughout the human body in blood. Medical and nutrition researchers are eager to discover more about metabolites—amino acids, sugars, fats and more—because the presence and concentrations of some of these compounds can provide meaningful profiles, or “metabolite signatures,” for assessing health or disease risks, or perhaps even for creating personalized recommendations about what to eat for optimal health. To help expand this knowledge, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) chemist John W. Newman and support scientist Theresa L. Pedersen have participated in an international collaboration to document all of the metabolites in human blood. The scientists, both with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Western Human Nutrition Research Center in Davis, California, made their findings available through the project’s Serum Metabolome database at www.serummetabolome.ca and via a 2011 peer-reviewed article in the scientific journal PLoS ONE. Though most of the metabolites documented in the database are not new to science, the database is nonetheless a significant resource. According to Newman, it is the firstever public catalog of more than 4,000 metabolites in human serum, and represents the most comprehensive coverage of serum metabolites ever offered in one convenient, reliable source. 

Newman’s group, and scientists at five other centers in the United States and Canada, used various analytical techniques to examine blood samples from healthy adult volunteers and from adults with cardiovascular disease. His team’s analyses focused on lipid metabolites involved in regulating biological processes. These metabolites are formed by the body from fats and oils in foods such as nuts, dairy products, meats and fish. Newman and his group are interested in determining how the kinds and concentrations of lipids in the body are influenced by eating habits, physical activity patterns, and genetic and environmental factors, and the relation of these lipids to obesity and its adverse effects on health. For the blood metabolites investigation, Newman’s team worked with two technologies: gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, and ultra-performance liquid chromatographyelectrospray ionization-tandem mass spectroscopy. ##### A father in early Rome could legally sell any family member into slavery.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C45

John Deere 336-346 Balers Wanted Wire or twine. PTO or motor. Any condition. Will pick up. CALL 208-543-6319


1999 Gleaner R-62 combine, 2606 engine hours, 2075 separator hours, always shedded, very clean.................................................................................... $50,000 2003 Honey Bee 30-ft. draper header, U-2 pickup reel, Gleaner adapter, always shedded....................................................................................................... $25,000 Buy both for $70,000

Call 406-379-2388


New PJ 24-ft. gooseneck car hauler with #7000 axles, straight deck with 5-ft. slide-in ramps. Retail $5999....... ............................................................................ $5315 New PJ 26-ft. tandem dually with flip-over ramps, spare, tool box. Retail $11,224......................... $10,259

New PJ 28-ft. tandem axle gooseneck with 5-ft. popup dove and flip over ramps. Retail $8401................ $7643 New Circle D 6-ft. 8” x 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7000# axles, bull package, center slider, mats, spare tire. White. Retail $10,652.......................... $9281

New Featherlite 24-ft. aluminum gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliders. Retail $24,330.................. $18,800

New PJ 83” x 14-ft. gooseneck lo-pro dump trailer with tarp kit, 7000# axles, split spreader gate, spare tire. Retail $9586............................................................. $8539 New PJ 83” x 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailer with tarp kit, split spreader gate. Retail $8028................... $7145

Used 2008 Newmans sledbed, 16-ft. with spare...$3500

New PJ 30-ft. tandem axle dually gooseneck with flip over ramps, 5-ft. center popup dove, spare tires and tool box. Retail $12,789.................................... $12,039

Used 2010 PJ single axle 77” x 14-ft. flatbed with ramp gate, spare mount................................................ $1700

2245 Amsterdam Road Belgrade, Montana 406-388-7479

2001 Royal T 4 horse aluminum gooseneck, 7-ft. tall, 83” wide, all aluminum frame and skin, torsion axles, LED lights, auto-lock bar handles on double rear doors, sealed, insulated, carpeted walls in tack room, swingout saddle rack, blanket bar, LOADED with many other features. Pulled 3 ties. Retail $26,000...Was $22,000...Now $20,000

New Featherlite 8127 20-ft. aluminum gooseneck stock trailer with one center slider. Retail $22,374......... ......................................................................... $17,300

2003 John Deere TC54H wheel loader with 3 yard QA bucket, cab, air, heat, AM/FM, joystick, 2 set of forks, kept inside, like new tires. Asking..................... $68,900 May take older loader in trade.

Prairie Fare: Be sun savvy this summer

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C46


By Julie Garden-Robinson, food and nutrition specialist, NDSU Extension Service Recently we packed away our winter his/her lifetime. hats, boots and scarves to prepare for sumAll these statements are true. mer. I decided we needed to pull out some While everyone is at risk for skin cancer, floppy-brimmed hats, along with our garsome people are at a higher risk. If you use dening tools, mower, balls and bats. a tanning bed, you are at higher risk for HORSES FOR SALE On the nutrition and health side, exposure skin cancer. Tanning beds are on the list 4 AQHA brood mares 3 AQHA fillies to sunlight helps our body manufacture of “known carcinogens,” according to the Two Eyed Fox, 1 yearling, 1 two year some vitamin D. However, according to Food and Drug Administration. The Investor, Zippo Part old, 1 three year old, some studies, we need only about 15 minHaving a family history of skin cancer, Bar, Jackie Bee, Sonny utes of sun exposure without sunscreen lots of moles or freckles, fair skin, blue or very gentle. Dee Bar, Scotch Bar twice a week to make adequate vitamin D. green eyes and/or naturally blonde, red or Time bloodlines. Adequate vitamin D helps build and light brown hair also puts you at a higher 406-467-2311 maintain strong bones, plus it may help risk. If you do not use sunscreen with a sun protect us from heart disease, cancer and protection factor of at least 30, you are at a other diseases. Many people are deficient higher risk for skin cancer. in vitamin D, especially during our long Just one severe sunburn doubles your REAL ESTATE FOR SALE winter months when standing outdoors for risk of developing skin cancer. That is why 15 minutes is not very practical. covering up in the sun is so important. Hats 200 acres prime Few foods naturally contain vitamin D. with 3-inch brims all the way around, longdevelopment Some that do are salmon, tuna and eggs. sleeved shirts, sunglasses and sunscreen are land -Coeur Fortified foods, such as milk, some types a must. of orange juice, yogurt and cereal, also Be sure to apply a broad-spectrum sund’Alene, Idaho provide vitamin D. Read the food labels to screen 20 minutes before sun exposure and 120 acres BEAUlearn more. reapply every two hours. You also need to TIFUL, one of As we enjoy the warmth of the summer reapply your sunscreen after sweating, geta kind propsun and stock up on vitamin D, we also ting wet or towel drying. erty on Coeur need to take a few precautions. Try this Be sure to do regular self-skin exams and true/false quiz: remember “ABCD.” Look for “assymetrid’Alene Lake. True or false: You can get sunburned on cal” spots, “borders” that are irregular and This property is a cloudy day. a “color” that is uneven or that has changed. surrounded by True or false: Vehicle windows do not Look for moles or suspicious spots with a Forest Service block the rays of the sun. “diameter” larger than the size of a pencil True or false: The majority of people eraser. and is comdiagnosed with melanoma are white men Be sun savvy. Protect yourself from skin pletely private. more than the age of 50. cancer. Visit http://www.cancer.org for more Call 1-888-272-8733 True or false: One in five Americans will sun-safe tips. develop some form of skin cancer during This recipe provides some vitamin D from the tuna. Complete your menu with a glass of vitamin D-fortified milk and your favorite fruit. M-K Hoppers Tuna Salsa Wraps All Sizes 1 (7-oz.) can tuna, drained and flaked All Custom Built 1/4 c. light mayonnaise Kits Weld Together 1 tsp. yellow mustard 1/2 c. salsa Prefabs = 2 pieces 1/4 c. shredded carrots 6 large corn or flour torNew easy to build kits. ys a M s tillas a k nufa bac Your choice all weld together Sore Rock ctured in Dusty Valley 1 1/2 c. shredded lettuce , IA or all bolt together. 3/4 c. mild shredded chedg n li e hov ore s No m dar cheese Warm the tortillas accordNew ing to the instructions on the package. In a small bowl, Powder combine the first five ingredients in the order given. Mix Coated, Bolt well. Place tortilla on a cutTogether ting board or other surface. In the center of the tortilla, place Kits an equal portion of shredded with FREE DELIVERY lettuce and tuna mixture. Top with a pinch of cheese. Fold MK HOPPER in one end and tightly roll the BOTTOM CONES tortilla over the ingredients. Place in a baking pan and Just open the le warm in a 350-degree oven b a il Ava it form until the cheese is slightly chute and watch in k easy r g melted. fo pin the advantages p shi Makes six servings. Each work for you. serving has 362 calories, 41 ✔ 20 bushels to 60,000 bushels grams (g) of carbohydrate, ✔ Any size 4’ - 42’ diameter. ✔ Seed or feed storage bin. 14 g of fat, 2.5 g of fiber and ✔ Extra capacity. ✔ Drying bin for high moisture grain. Dusty Soreback says: 838 g of sodium. ✔ Quick/easy access to grain. ✔ No more breathing harmful dust. Case IH 1680 with 30-ft. header, 500 hours on engine overhaul. Well maintained machine............................... $30,000 Phone Joel Basta 406-939-0999, Glendive, Montana

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##### habeas corpus (HAY-beeus-CORE-puss), noun - A written order requiring a prisoner or person under arrest or confinement to be brought before a judge to assess whether the restraint of said person is lawful and proper.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C47



2010 Case IH Patriot 3330 self propelled sprayer with 818 hours. #707685......... $247,368

2010 John Deere 4830 self propelled sprayer with 525 hours. #703641......... $242,500

D L O S IH SPX3320 self 2008 Case propelled sprayer with 534 hours. #707657......... $212,123

Spra-Coupe 3430 self pro2009 Case IH SPX3330 self pelled sprayer. #706659........... 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL pull type propelled sprayer with 990 ................................... $24,900 sprayer. #707578.........$16,789 hours. #700497......... $226,586

D L O 2006S Flexi-Coil S67XL pull type sprayer. #707742.............. ...................................$15,100


2008 Case IH Patriot 3320 self propelled sprayer with 2206 hours. #707728.........$189,900 2008 Case IH SRX160 pull type. #700602......................$29,800

2010 Case IH Precision Hoe 800 air drill. #707686.$222,105

D L O S 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL pull type sprayer. #707742......... $15,789

2005 Case IH SDX40 air drill. #703584...................... $57,963

1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill. #700370...................... $37,572 1996 Conserv Pak 5112 air drill #700604............... $43,000


Case IH Concord 4812 air drill. #703635.............. $36,666

2010 Case IH Precision Hoe 800 air drill. #703745.......... ............................ $223,000 Case IH Concord 4812 air drill. #703560......... $38,400


2003 New Holland BR780 2009 Case IH RB564 round round baler. #707608..$18,888 baler. #707576............ $26,987

1996 New Holland 664 round baler. #706550............ $12,978

2003 New Holland BR780 2003 New Holland BR780 round baler. #700517.. $14,978 round baler. #500563.. $17,198

New Holland 664 round baler. #706574...................... $10,900

New Holland 664 round baler. 2003 New Holland BR780 #700533...................... $11,987 round baler. #706555.. $15,987


2009 Case IH BRX564 round baler. #500594............$34,000 Agco 5456A round baler. #700568......................$26,900 2003 New Holland BR780 round baler. #500536............$15,200 1995 New Holland 660 round baler. #500580............$11,500 New Idea 4665 round baler. #706611.........................$9900

2010 New Holland BR7090 round baler. #500561......... $29,892

2003 New Holland BR780 round baler. #700567.. $14,789

2003 New Holland BR780 round baler. #706591.. $15,420

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C48


2009 John Deere 35-ft. combine header, draper platform with transport package and pickup reel, less than 1200 acres of use............................$59,000

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NDSU’s new Extension director looks forward to helping address North Dakotans’ needs. Chris Boerboom is the new director of the North Dakota State University Extension Service. “As you know, this is a critical position, not only for Extension, but also for NDSU and the state,” says Ken Grafton, NDSU’s vice president for Agricultural Affairs, director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and dean of the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources. “Chris will be a great Extension director for North Dakota. I know that he will be well-received throughout the state because of his integrity, intellect and passion for NDSU Extension.” Boerboom replaces Duane Hauck, who retired at the end of 2011 after 35 1/2 years with the NDSU Extension Service. Boerboom served as interim Extension director for the last 4 1/2 months. “It’s a true honor to be selected to lead the NDSU Extension Service as director,” Boerboom says. “North Dakota is privileged to have an excellent Extension Service that is working to enrich the agriculture, youth, families and communities across the state. I look forward to working with our first-rate specialists and agents and their many partners in addressing the state’s needs of today and tomorrow.” Boerboom joined NDSU Extension in January 2010 as an assistant director for agriculture and natural resources and district director for five southeastern North Dakota counties. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agronomy and agricultural economics in 1984, a master’s degree in agronomy in 1987 and a doctorate in agronomy in 1989, all from the University of Minnesota. Before coming to NDSU, Boerboom was an Extension weed specialist in the Agronomy Department at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

Flow rate, and more

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By Ann Perry, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff At the Agricultural Research Service’s Northwest Irrigation and Soils Research Laboratory in Kimberly, Idaho, agricultural engineer Brad King and research leader Dave Bjorneberg compared how irrigation from four commercial center-pivot sprinklers affected potential runoff and erosion on four south-central Idaho soils. Though their results were inconsistent, they did observe that at the end of six irrigations, a 50-percent reduction in sprinkler flow rate reduced runoff and soil erosion 60-80 percent. They concluded that reducing sprinkler flow rate early in the growing season—before the development of a crop canopy—could help reduce irrigation runoff and soil erosion linked to center-pivot sprinkler irrigation. In addition, the scientists observed that sprinklers distributing water drops more evenly over the wetted area had the highest runoff and sediment yield. Conversely, the lowest runoff and sediment yields were associated with sprinklers that distributed well-defined rotating streams of water drops, regardless of how much kinetic energy was transferred to the soil by the droplets. The researchers followed up on this study with a laboratory investigation where they used a laser instrument to measure the size and velocity of individual water droplets distributed by five common center-pivot sprinklers. They found sprinklers distributing larger droplets did not always transfer more kinetic energy to the soil than sprinklers distributing smaller water droplets. Given the somewhat contradictory findings, King and Bjorneberg concluded that much more remains to be learned about how different irrigation sprinklers affect runoff and erosion.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 – Page C49


2012 Dodge Ram 1500 Longhorn Edition crew cab, 4x4. This is Dodge’s BEST EQUIPPED TRUCK and it’s LOADED! Regularly $48,660. $AVE NOW! $3686 Northern Chrysler Discount, $3500 Customer Cash OWN THIS TODAY for ONLY $41,474!!! WOW! Don’t miss out!

2012 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4, Cummins diesel, automatic transmission, MUCH MORE! Regularly $48,045. $AVE NOW! $3523 Northern Chrysler Discount, $3250 Customer Cash, $1000 Trade in Assistance, OWN THIS TODAY for ONLY $40,272!!! CALL TODAY

2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew ONLY 16,000 miles, Stow and Go seating, WORLD CLASS 3.6 liter V6, and safety. You deserve the best!

2004 Chrysler Crossfire! This baby is SPORTY and FAST!! Just in time for SUMMER FUN!!!

2008 Chrysler Town and Country LOADED with Swivel and Go seating, DUAL SCREEN rear entertainment center, and MUCH MORE!

2011 Lincoln MKS sedan, 6 speed automatic, heated and cooled leather, 17,678 miles. 2012 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4, Quad cab! Only 14,000 miles and FULL WARRANTY! SAVE $$$ OVER NEW!

2011 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4, Quad cab with FULL WARRANTY! $AVE NOW!

2008 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4, LEGENDARY Cummins engine, ready for the tough jobs. 2008 Chevrolet Trailblazer V6, 4x4, local owner, in GREAT condition!

2005 Chevrolet 2500 extended cab, 4x4, diesel, automatic, one local owner. SWEET TRUCK!!

2006 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 5.4L V8, 4 speed automatic.

2006 Nissan Altima SL 2.5L 4 cyl, automatic. Nice car!!

2010 Chevrolet 1500 crew cab, 4x4! Great buy on this SUPER NICE TRUCK!

2011 Ford Fusion SE, 3.0L V6, 6 speed automatic.

2010 Ford F250 King Ranch, crew cab, 4x4, 6.4L diesel.

2007 Ford F150 XLT 4x4, crew cab, 5.4L V8, automatic, 82,350 miles.

2000 Chrylser 300M, 3.5L V6, automatic. Priced to sell!

2005 Mazda B4000 4x4, extended cab, V6, automatic, NICE TRUCK! Price reduced! ONLY $10,900

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C50

The objectives of USDA’s first leader

Woody’s Lumber & Sawmill, LLC Established in 1999

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS By signing a bill on May 15, 1862, President Abraham Lincoln established USDA. From there, history moved swiftly as the Morrill Land Grant College Act (July 2, 1862) was signed, authorizing public land grants for colleges to teach agriculture and mechanic arts and leading to the establishment of major state-operated agricultural research centers. On July 1 of the same year, Isaac Newton was appointed the first commissioner of agriculture. The new commissioner listed seven original objectives in his first report as head of the new department. In 1889, USDA achieved cabinet status, and these seven objectives have continued to be pursued by the department’s agencies to the present day.

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Helena, Montana


5400 Birdseye Rd.


‘03 Suburban rear axle.... ...............................Call ‘01 8.1L engine...... $1250 ‘01 GMC 1500 5.3 V8 engine................... $450 ‘01 4x4 6 speed transmission....................... $850 ‘01 GMC 1500 automatic transmission.......... $500 ‘01 GMC 1500 transfer case...................... $500 ‘01 Blazer transfer case... ............................. $300 ‘01 GMC 1500 rearend.... ............................. $500 ‘01 GMC 1500 various body parts...............Call ‘00 5.3L V8 engine... $400 ‘00 Silverado 5.3 engine, 115K miles............ $750 ‘00 S10 4x4 auto...... $600 ‘00 S10 4x4 transfer case...................... $250 ‘00 Silverado 4x4 axle..... ...............................Call ‘99 3/4-ton rear axle.. $450 ‘99 350 V8 engine.... $950 ‘99 6.0 V8 engine..... $800 ‘98 4L60 automatic transmission................. $800 ‘98 1/2-ton auto transmission....................... $650 ‘98 1/2-ton axle assembly.. ............................. $600 ‘98 305 engine......... $600 ‘98 4x4 automatic transmission................. $600 ‘98 transfer case...... $500 ‘97 1/2-ton transfer case.... ............................. $600 ‘97 4x4 4L60E trans.$600 ‘96 S10 4x4 auto trans..... ............................. $500 ‘96 S10 trans case... $450 ‘96 4x4 transfer case.$400 ‘95 6.5 turbo diesel engine..................... $2300 ‘95 4x4, NV3500, 5 speed transmission......... $800 ‘95 6.5 turbo diesel, automatic transmission..$500

‘95 4x4 transfer case.$500 ‘95 1500 rear axle.... $475 ‘93 1/2-ton 4x2 auto transmission................. $550 ‘92 3/4-ton 4x4 transmission (#4L60E)....... $600 ‘92 S-10 4x4 auto transmission.................. $600 ‘92 transfer case...... $500 ‘92 3/4-ton 4x4 rear axle assembly................Call ‘92 transfer case...... $500 ‘91 3/4-ton 4x4 rear axle, 3.73 gears............. $600 ‘90 241 transfer case.$450 ‘89 1-ton single wheel rear axle....................... $650 ‘89 4x4 4-speed transmission....................... $450 ‘86 1/ 2-ton 4x4 transfer case...................... $450 ‘86 1/ 2-ton 4x2 4-speed transmission......... $275 ‘84 C60 5 speed transmission....................... $700 ‘84 3/4-ton 4x2 rear axle... ............................. $500 ‘84 30 2WD auto transmission....................... $400 ‘83 1/2-ton transfer case.... ...............................Call ‘83 1-ton 4x4 transmission....................... $375 ‘81 1-ton 4x4 rear axle..... ............................. $600 ‘81 1/2-ton 4x4 front axle... ............................. $350 ‘81 1/2-ton rear axle..... $350 ‘77 1-ton, 350 engine.$700 ‘77 205 transfer case.$400 ‘77 3/4-ton rear axle..... $300 ‘74 4x4 4-speed transmission....................... $300

We rebuild

transmissions, transfer cases and rear axles.

– Parts Locator Service –

Used pickup body parts

Overstock Sale On

Transfer Cases Mention this ad & receive $20 Discount


‘97 4-Runner 3.4 V6 engine.................... $800 ‘97 4-Runner 4x4 auto trans................... $600 ‘95 4-Runner, 5-speed transmission....... $500 ‘93 5 speed transmission for V-6................. $750 ‘87 rear axle............. $250 ‘87 front axle... .........$250

NISSAN ‘04 XTerra manual transmission................. $950 ‘95 4x2 automatic transmission................. $650 ‘93 Pathfinder automatic transmission......... $900 ‘92 4x4 pickup 5 speed transmission...........$500 ‘89 front & rear axles.$350

FORD ‘06 F250 automatic transmission................. $850 ‘03 F450 van dually rear axle....................... $800 ‘03 F450 van 4R100 auto trans...................... $600 ‘02 5.4 Triton V8 motor..... ........................... $1200 ‘02 5.4 engine........ $1000 ‘02 4WD automatic transmission.................. $750 ‘01 4x4 Super Duty V10 automatic transmission ‘99 5.4 4x4 transmission ‘99 F150 manual trans for 4x4........................ $950 ‘99 F150 4x4 transfer case...................... $650 ‘99 van auto trans for V10 motor.................... $550 ‘98 F150 Romeo 4.6L V8 motor......................Call ‘98 F150 automatic transmission...................Call ‘98 1/2-ton 4x4 auto transmission................. $750 ‘98 4x4 transfer case....... ............................. $500 ‘98 1/ 2-ton 4x4 transfer case...................... $400 ‘97 F250 transfer case..... ............................. $600

‘97 F250 front and rear axles.......................Call ‘95 4x4 automatic transmission for 5.4........Call ‘95 F250 4x4 rear axle..... ............................. $550 ‘95 1356 transfer case..... ............................. $450 ‘95 transfer case...... $450 ‘94 F350 rear axles, 4.10 gears..................... $600 ‘94 F150 transfer case..... ............................. $400 ‘93 F150 4.9L V8 motor ‘93 Explorer auto trans, 2WD...................... $600 ‘93 F250 transfer case..... ............................. $450 ‘93 4.0-V6 motor...... $400 ‘91 1/2-ton 4x4 3.5 axles... ............................. $450 ‘91 Explorer transfer case for 4.0 motor........... $250 ‘87 rear and front axles for 1 /2-ton.................... $400 ‘86 3/4-ton 4x4 4-speed trans...................... $300 ‘85 3 / 4 -ton dually rear axle....................... $750 ‘85 208 transfer case.$450 ‘76 4x4 4-speed transmission....................... $275

Call us to see if we have the used parts you need.

Toll-Free 1-800-722-5277

Local 466-2290

22 Third NE, Choteau, MT

Don’t CRUSH it! We’ll BUY it!

We buy late model used and wrecked pickups JUST IN PARTING OUT ‘02 Dodge Durango ‘99 Passport with 3.2L 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, very good body ‘98 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, 5 speed manual, V8 ‘97 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 5.2L, automatic transmission ‘96 Dodge 2500 2WD, 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed manual ‘95 Ford Ranger 4x4, 4.0L V6, 5 speed manual ‘95 Ford F250 diesel 4x4 ‘93 Ford F150 4x4

DODGE ‘01 transfer case for Cummins diesel..............Call ‘01 Dakota automatic transmission.......... $400 ‘00 318 V8 engine.... $700 ‘00 1/2-ton 4x2 rear axle... ............................. $600 ‘00 Dakota 4x4 automatic transmission......... $500 ‘99 Durango 5.9 automatic transmission......... $650 ‘99 Dakota transfer case.. ............................. $500 ‘98 Dakota, transfer case. .............................. $500 ‘98 1/2-ton parts..........Call ‘96 Dakota 4x4 automatic transmission..........$650 ‘96 Dakota front and rear axle assembly........ $475 ‘95 3/ 4-ton 4x2 5-speed transmission......... $800 ‘95 318-V8 for Dakota...... ............................. $700 ‘95 Dakota 4x4 transfer case...................... $600 ‘95 3/4-ton 4x2 rear axle... ............................. $500 ‘95 Dakota 4x2 5-speed transmission......... $500 ‘95 1500 4x4 transfer case...................... $500 ‘93 3/4-ton front and rear axles, 3.55 gears.......... .................... $650 each

‘91 3/4-ton 4x4 front axle... ............................. $600 ‘91 Caravan AWD auto transmission.......... $550 ‘90 205 transfer case for automatic.............. $650 ‘89 Dakota front and rear axle assembly........ $500 ‘89 4x4 1/2-ton auto transmission................. $425 ‘84 Ram 1/2-ton, 318 V8 motor..................... $500 ‘84 Ram 1/2-ton, 4-speed transmission......... $300 ‘80 W250 front and rear axles..................... $500 ‘74 transfer case...... $300

MISC. ‘98 Olds Bravada 4.3L V-6 engine................... $650 ‘98 Olds Bravada automatic transmission..$500 ‘98 Jeep 4.0 engine..$600 ‘98 Volkswagen Passat ‘97 Kia Sportage ‘97 Jeep Wagoneer transmission................. $650 ‘96 Jeep auto transmission...................... .$625 ‘95 Honda Passport auto transmission......... $625 ‘95 Rodeo automatic transmission......... $500

Testing agricultural implements

By Don Comis, formerly with ARS, Tara WeaverMissick and Robert Sowers, ARS “Testing agricultural implements” was one of Newton’s seven original objectives. The National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, originally founded as the Farm Tillage Machinery Laboratory in 1933, is located on the campus of Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. The lab was initially charged with researching tillage, associated traction practices, and machines used in cotton production, but its scope was soon extended to include all types of tillage, traction machinery, and practices. In 1957, the laboratory became the National Tillage Machinery Laboratory. In its first 50 years, the laboratory contributed to the understanding of soil compaction and its management. In 1990, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society of Agricultural Engineers designated the laboratory as a historic landmark.


Tax Credit of $150,000 on building this year

Clear Spans to 120 feet

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C51

* Prices subject to stock on hand

New Pasture Harrow

~ New Product Line ~ DAKOTA

New Haulmark Enclosed Trailers

4-ft. & 6-ft. sections & 12-ft. drawbar



Belly Dumps

Excellent Selection On Hand

(3) 43-ft. triple axle ~ In Stock

New Circle D pickup flatbeds

USED BELLY DUMPS 1996 Landoll 35-ft. triple axle belly dump............. . ..........................................................$19,900


New Dump Trailers

New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailers........................ $8995 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck dump trailers.................................. $9995 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailer.......................... $7995 New Diamond C 5x8 bumper pull dump trailer.......................... $4495

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7 x 7........................ ..........$1450 7 1/2 x 8 1/2. ....................... $1450 7 1/2 x 9............................. $1520 8 x 9.................................. $1850 8 x 11................................ $2150

1999 R-Way 42-ft. tandem axle belly dump with electric roll tarp. Excellent...................$23,500

1996 CPS 40-ft. tri-axle belly dump..........$27,500


G ll – steel flatbeds

Gooseneck & Bumper Pull

Tuffloader Tilt Trailers

New DCT 20-ft. x 8-ft. flatbed with slideout ramps and 5200# axles....................... $4495

New General 5-ft. & 6-ft. Rotary Cutters IN STOCK

Gooseneck model: Bumper Pull model: 6-ft. stationary deck with 16-ft. tilt deck 4-ft. stationary deck with 16-ft. tilt deck Both models have 18” treadplate approach


1-New Circle D 31-ft. triple axle gooseneck with 7000# axles, 12” I-beam frame, folding beavertail, 2 jacks, 21,000 GVW........................................................................$9195 2-New Circle D 25-ft. (including 3 piece beavertail) 2-7000# axles, 16,000 GVW. Each...................................................................................................................$6595 1-New Circle D 27-ft. (including beavertail) tandem dually gooseneck.................$9195 1-New Circle D 29-ft. (including beavertail) tandem dually gooseneck..................$9495


New DCT & Diamond C car haulers

3500, 5200 & 7000# axles

16-ft. & 18-ft. IN STOCK


2-New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer, full bull package. Ea..................... $9995 2-New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock, full bull package. Each........................... $8995

4x7’ Heavy duty Trailer Mats.....Each $65


2-Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck skid steer trailers, 80” wide, 7000# torsion axles, fold-over ramps, tread plate fenders, treated wood floor, radial tires. Each......................$5895 2-New Circle D 18-ft. bumper pull, with 16” tires, 7000# axles, ramps. Each........$4695


2008 Chevolet 1/2-ton 4x4, extended cab, V-8, 7-ft. flatbed, 102,000 miles............$16,995

Travalong 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer...................$4995 1990 International 4600 water truck, 2000 gallon tank, front/ rear/side spray, hose reel....... . ................................$14,500

1979 Merritt 48x96 cattle pot...... . ...................................$6500

2008 Delta 28-ft. tandem axle dually gooseneck flatbed with 10,000 lb. axles. Excellent...... . ...................................$7995

53-ft. van trailers.......................... . ................Starting at $5500 PJ 27-ft. (22’ plus 5’) pintle hitch flatbed, 20,000# GVW..$6500

2004 International 9400 with ISX Cummins, 10-speed, excellent rubber, approximately 950,000 miles............$21,000

Western 48x102 aluminum/combo flatbed, tool boxes and aluminum wheels......$12,000

Load Trail utility trailer with sides............................$1600

18’x81” heavy duty car hauler, wrap tongue, 6” channel frame, brakes on two axles, 7000 lb. axles.................................................................................................... $3995 18’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes on two axles, ramps, 5200 lb. axles............................................................................................................. $3695 18’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, brakes, 3500 lb. axle............................. $2895 16’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes, ramps, 3500 lb. axles... . ......................................................................................................................... $2695 12’x60” utility angle sides, 3500 lb. single axle, ramp gate................................... $1525 10’x60” utility angle sides, single axle, 3500 lb. axle, ramp gate........................... $1475 8’x60” utility angle sides, no tilt, 3500 lb. single axle............................................. $1340



Available options include: for North Central MT hydraulically powered & the Hi-Line area supplement feeder & hydraulically powered post hole. Get the most out of your pickup with a Hydra-Bed™, the only true flatbed with high-speed bale handling. From the comfort and safety of your pickup cab, anyone can pick up, haul and unroll two bales with ease. Also available: Hydra-Bed™ 2200 Series. Fits existing flatbeds.

4x6 Utility trailer with wooden storage box....................$550

Ditch Witch trailer...............$900

1996 General 40-ft. tandem axle belly dump......... . ..........................................................$17,500 1991 CPS 40-ft. tri-axle belly dump..........$19,900

Towmaster 25-ft. pintle hook trailer, electric brakes, 20,000 GVW............................$6500

TURNOVER BALL Big Tex 51-ft. tandem dually car hauler with electric winch and rails for hauling trailers. 20,000 GVW. Excellent, like new.......................... $10,000

Triple T Sales Contact Dave Taylor; 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

A hitch when you need it...A level bed when you don’t COMPANION™ 5th WHEEL RV HITCH

Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

Large Trailer Parts Inventory • Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs • Bearings & seals • Jacks • Etc.

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C52


New Holland Super 1049 bale wagon, Serial #2867, good shape................................................. $16,000

Call 406-734-5263 or e-mail: reichelt@3rivers.net for pictures


John Deere 7720 combine, turbo, 20-ft. header, located in

Sandpoint, Idaho................................................ $12,500 Massey Ferguson 12-ft. heavy duty disc, tandem axle..... .............................................................................. $3300 Hesston 3 ton sickle stack feeder............................. $2500 Hesston 3 ton grapple stack feeder.......................... $1500

Delivery Possible

Call 406-261-3340

Soybean prices to remain high

By Larry Wagner, South Dakota State University The May World Agricultural Supply The May WASDE provided the initial U.S. cash price projection for 2012, a range and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report from $12.00 to $14.00 per bushel. Historiwas supportive of soybean prices for both cally, the South Dakota cash price is 95% 2011 and 2012. Higher exports reduced of the U.S. price, or $12.35 per bushel. expected 2011 ending stocks. Exports are In contrast to wheat and corn, in South expected to continue at relatively high Dakota the expected 2012 soybean price levels for the 2012 marketing year, tightwould be higher than the 2011 marketing ening ending stocks even further. Soybean year average price of $12.30 per bushel. prices at the national and local levels have With the harvest basis of $-0.80 against increased in recent months. The basis on November futures, the expected cash soybeans in South Dakota is at or slightly price in South Dakota is currently $12.20 narrower than the 5-year average, deper bushel. Thus, fundamentally there is pending on the region. Thus, the regional downside pressure on price and protection availability of soybeans matches national strategies are warranted. availability.


$40,900 $8250 2001 Peterbilt 379 extended hood truck daycab, Caterpillar 550 engine, 18 speed transmission, pusher axle, 24.5 rubber on aluminum wheels, dual stacks and cleaners, American class interior, low air leaf suspension.

1998 International 4700 flatbed truck 466 engine, 6 speed transmission, 20-ft. flatbed with rear lift gate, 22.5 rubber, 155,000 miles.


1995 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 sprayer pickup V6 gas engine, automatic transmission, 89,000 miles, 100 gallon spray tank with 20-ft. booms, Honda engine, all in excellent shape!


$49,500 2001 Kenworth T800 truck Caterpillar C12 engine, 430 hp, 13 speed transmission, engine brake, 22.5 rubber on aluminum wheels, rear locker, Aerocab sleeper, clean truck!

$19,900 1997 International 9200 truck M11 Cummins engine, 10 speed transmission, Pro sleeper, new 24.5 rubber on all aluminum wheels.

1995 Freightliner SD120 truck Series 60 Detroit engine, 470 hp, 18 speed transmission, 46,000 lb. rears with lockers, 18,000 lb. fronts, 18-ft. flatbed with crane, includes 30-ft. 4 axle pup trailer.



1990 Freightliner FLD120 truck L10 Cummins engine, 9 speed transmission, engine brakes, 22.5 rubber on all aluminum wheels at 80%, air ride cab, aluminum frame, air slide 5th wheel.


1991 International single axle dump truck 466 diesel engine, 5 speed + 2 speed transmission, 10-ft. box, pintle hitch, 22.5 rubber, excellent one owner truck!

1996 Freightliner FLD 120 truck N14 Cummins engine, 10 speed transmission, good 22.5 rubber.


$21,900 2001 International 4700 reefer truck 466 diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, 18-ft. reefer box with side door, hydraulic lift, 156,000 miles.

$13,900 1980 GMC General dump truck 8V92 Detroit engine, 13 speed transmission, 15-ft. box, pusher axle.


1981 International S1900 dump truck 9L V8 diesel engine, automatic transmission, 22.5 rubber.

$3995 1988 Ford F450 service truck 460 gas engine, 5 speed transmission, 12-ft. service body, good shape!

$20,000 1985 Peterbilt 359 self loading log truck Hood loader, bunks, 2 axle pup trailer, 3406 Cat engine, 15 speed transmission, 24.5 rubber.


$37,500 each

1994 Chevrolet 3500 dump pickup 12-ft. dump box with hoist, 6.5L engine, automatic transmission, 16” rubber. 1995 Moxie MT30 haul trucks 2 available!


$28,500 $1550 Grove MZ90 manlift Wisconsin gas engine, 90-ft. reach, all new rubber, new paint.

1982 International S1900 dump truck single axle, 10-ft. dump box, gas engine, 5 speed + 2 speed transmission, 20” rubber.

1988 International bucket truck 466 engine, auto transmission, service body, 50-ft. High-Ranger lift, clean truck.



1991 Ford F450 service truck 7.3L diesel engine, new automatic transmission, 12-ft. bed, recently detailed!



$3995 1986 Mack van truck 6 cyl Mack engine, 5 speed transmission, 22.5 rubber, good interior, 28-ft. van box, electric lift gate.

1992 International 8100 single axle tractor LT 10 Cummins engine, 9 speed transmission, 148” wheelbase, 22.5 rubber.

1996 Peterbilt 378 dump truck N14 Cummins engine, 13 speed transmission, 16.5-ft. Ox dump body, 24.5 rubber.

$16,500 1994 International 4900 service truck 18-ft. service body, crane, DT 466 engine, 5 speed transmission, 22.5 rubber, good shape!

1984 Chevrolet conversion van 350 engine, auto transmission, low miles, great shape!

$6000 1989 Freeway 10 ton tiltbed trailer pintle hitch, surge brakes, 16” rubber.

$14,500 1987 Pachanga 22-ft. boat 350 Volvo Penta engine, new interior, engine rebuilt by Volvo dealer, excellent shape.


1983 Currier’s 5th wheel equipment trailer 3 axle, beavertail with ramps, 16-ft. deck with new boards, all new bearings and brakes, new spring slippers, new wiring.

$3995 Rammax vibratory walk behind trench roller gas engine, 33” drums.

$3995 2005 Rainbow 18-ft. equipment trailer 12,000 lb. GVW, ramps, 16” rubber, excellent condition.

Equipment Connection, LLC 4775 Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.net

Wacker vibratory walk behind trench roller Hatz diesel engine, remote control, 800 hours.

Small Town Company with Big Connections Accept: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express

1-800-681-2096 or 406-756-9196

Equipment Connection, LLC 4775 Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.net


Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 - Page C53

Small Town Company with Big Connections Accept: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express

1-800-681-2096 or 406-756-9196



$40,500 2001 Cat 420D backhoe/loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, pilot controls, 4300 hours.

2004 Cat 420D backhoe/loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, pilot controls, 4100 hours.


Caterpillar 140 G road grader cab, heat, 14-ft. moldboard, rear ripper, spare tire, 14.00x24.00 rubber, nice grader.

2006 John Deere 310 SG backhoe cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, 75% rubber, 4100 hours.

Make Offer



1986 Utility 42-ft. curtain van trailer 24.5 rubber.

John Deere 310E backhoe loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe. • 3 AVAILABLE! 1400-3000 hours •


1977 Fruehauf 40-ft. van trailer nice shape!



Caterpillar D4 dozer 7U series, pony motor, angle blade, diesel engine runs well, pony motor needs work.

Caterpillar D8H dozer U dozer, 2 barrel ripper, sweeps, very low hours on components, excellent older dozer!


5 yard loader bucket



1987 Komatsu WA 350-1 loader cab, heat, 3.5 yard bucket with teeth, 80% rubber, third valve, nice loader!

$3750 20-ft. container box insulated, wired.


$13,500 Case 580 Super L backhoe/loader 4x4, extend-a-hoe, cab, heat, 2 stick, 4100 hours.

1989 Ford 555B backhoe 2WD, extend-a-hoe, 2 stick controls, cab, heat.

John Deere 3320 tractor diesel engine, 4x4, 3 point, PTO, loader, 230 hours, excellent shape! Includes: 9-ft. backhoe attachment, 5-ft. mower, 5-ft. rock rake.



Huber grader tractor 8-ft. moldboard, front dozer blade, gas engine.

$5150 Case 480LL 2 wheel drive grade tractor OROPS canopy, loader, grade box.

$44,000 1999 Case 570 LXT grading tractor 4x4, 84” front bucket, Gannon box scraper, OROPS canopy.

Komatsu WA 450 wheel loader cab, heat, 4.5 yard bucket.

John Deere 750 C dozer 6 way dozer, winch, OROPS.



$39,500 Caterpillar 414E grading tractor 4x4, Gannon box, rippers, 4-in-1 front bucket, 90% rubber, OROPS, 990 hours.

$16,900 1998 John Deere 120 excavator cab, heat, hydraulic thumb, long stick, extra counter weight.

Caterpillar 12 road grader cab, heat, standard shift, 12-ft. moldboard, very low hours on engine overhaul by Caterpillar.

2000 Hitachi EX 120 excavator cab, heat, A/C, hydraulic thumb, new paint.

1997 Vermeer trencher 31x15.5 rubber at 80%, 6 way front blade, backhoe with 10” bucket, trencher has side shift, 5-ft. digging depth, 1300 hours.




$CALL$ John Deere 160 LC excavator cab, heat, hydraulic thumb, long stick, nice machine! Clark 15,000 lb. forklift cab, heat, Perkins engine.


$14,500 Scat Trak 2300D skidsteer loader 2000 hours, OROPS, auxillary hydraulics.


John Deere 240 skidsteer bucket with bolt on teeth, auxillary hydraulics, OROPS, 1200 hours, excellent condition!

2005 Tailgator piggyback forklift 6000 lb. lift, Kubota engine, excellent shape!

$16,500 $3995


Hyster 25 forklift propane power, hard rubber tires, side shift. Insley H-3500 B excavator 892 Detroit engine, D8 undercarriage, 2.75 yard bucket, weighs 120,000 lb.

John Deere 320 skidsteer loader auxilary hydraulics, OROPS, 50% rubber, 1500 hours.

B700C backhoe plate compactor good shape!


Bandit Beast 3680 chipper Cat 3412 engine, 680 hp, less than 200 hours on new feed table, drum and outfeed conveyor, 3 axle trailer, pintle hitch.




Hydraulic grapple fits Cat loaders.

$6500 each Ingersoll Rand tow behind air compressors 185 cfm diesel engines, 3 in stock

Hyster 6000 lb. forklift propane power.

1999 Implemax skidsteer grapple works good! Toyota F620 forklift 6000 lb. lift, 6 cyl propane engine, dual front tires.

$8950 Razer 20 KW genset diesel engine, self-contained and enclosed, very low hours.

$5500 Speedshore trench box 4-ft.x20-ft.x6-ft., excellent shape!

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C54


Rabies in South Dakota cattle

By Dr. Russ Daly, South Dakota State University enters the body of the susceptible animal, Rabies is a fatal viral disease that is enzoit divides and replicates at the site of entry, otic (i.e. established in animal populations) eventually invading nerve endings. Once in South Dakota. Over the past 10 years, this starts, the virus makes its way up to this disease has been reported in animals Call (406) 537-2333, Melville, Montana the spinal cord and brain. When the rabies from all but 7 of South Dakota’s 66 counties. virus enters the brain, that’s when clinical Rabies has the potential to affect any mamsigns ensue. mal—including humans. In our part of the This process—the virus moving from the country, the skunk is the reservoir for rabies, point of entry to the brain—takes a variable and is by far the most common wild animal amount of time. It depends greatly on how species diagnosed with rabies. much virus first entered the body, and where But what would you guess is the most it entered the body. An exposure through a common domestic animal species diagnosed bite on the nose will result in clinical signs with rabies over the past 10 years in South 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore appearing more quickly than a similar bite Dakota? It’s not dogs, and it’s not cats--that ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair on the leg, for example. In general, this takes honor would fall on the bovine. Sixty eight ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair two weeks, but incubation periods of several cattle were diagnosed with rabies from 2002✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding months have also been reported. 2011, compared with 38 dogs and 37 cats. ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work The signs of rabies in cattle are often So far in 2012, there already (as of 4/25/12) ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work vague and can be confused with signs caused been three South Dakota bovine cases diagby other conditions. In general, cattle show nosed through the SDSU Animal Disease Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring signs more consistent with the “paralytic” Research and Diagnostic Laboratory. & Line Boring within 500 mile radius or “dumb” form of rabies: acting weak and Cattle contract rabies in the same manner uncoordinated, eventually becoming unable that other domestic animals in South Dakota to rise and comatose before dying. Behavcontract it: through bites or scratches by ra1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 ioral changes such as abnormal persistent bid skunks. Cattle on pasture are particularly Mark Oelke – Owner bellowing, and persistent signs of estrus are exposed to skunks; however dairy animals 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 also commonly reported in cattle with rabies. also have been exposed when rabid skunks Visit us on the web at: www.mwmachine.net Rabies is a fatal disease. Affected animals enter their enclosures. After the virus first do not live more than 5-7 days past the time when the first clinical signs are noted. Animals can transmit rabies after the virus has entered the brain and descended Liquid - DrY - Anhydrous down to the salivary glands, where it is shed from the body in large amounts through the saliva. Therefore, when people work with cattle suspected to have rabies, particular care should be taken to avoid contact with the animal’s saliva. Since the virus is rapidly inactivated once it leaves the body, exposures to live animals are normally the only significant ways that the virus can be transmitted. Diagnosis of rabies can only be made by examining “Your Crop Production Specialist” Kremlin, Montana the tissues of the brain, so euthanasia of rabies suspects needs to be done in a manner that does not destroy brain tissue. Veterinarians can submit samples, or the whole head or carcass to the SDSU ADRDL (Animal Disease Research Diagnostic Laboratory) for rabies testing. When the subject of rabies vaccinations is brought up, people first think of dogs and cats. But there are rabies vaccines approved, available, and effective for cattle and horses as well. While it is not likely practical to vaccinate whole herds of dairy or beef cattle for rabies, vaccination Conventional sprayer nozzles produce both small and large dropshould be considered for lets. The small droplets drift and the large drops run off the leaves. animals that will have more The Air Bubble Jet consistently produces a uniform droplet that contact with the public such is 400 microns in size. Chemical contact with the leaf is improved as cattle going to shows, exand drift is reduced. hibits, or petting zoos. Your local veterinarian is an excellent source of answers regarding cattle rabies, its signs, diagnosis, and prevention. In addition, SDSU 27% multi-form Nitrogen plus 1% Sulfur, and a Extension publication, Rabies Chlorophyll building package. Stabilized for rein South Dakota: Animal and duced volatility and leaching loss potential, Organic Human Aspects, provides an Chelates enable nitrogen reserve for longer feeding. Fully Loaded 41% glyphosate overview of rabies in South Dakota.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C55

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C56


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Saline-affected cropland and reduced yields extend beyond the salt crust. The saline land can be reclaimed by rotating the cropland ‘recharge area’ to perennial forage for a period of years to lower the perched water table.

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Montana Salinity Control Association (MSCA) is a strong advocate to not wasting time and money by only planting grain, alfalfa or grass in the salty areas – it is rarely very successful. It is better to spend money on seed, fertilizer, herbicide, fuel, equipment and technical assistance to solve the saline problem. Saline soil can be brought back into production through a change in land use management on the recharge area creating the problem. The key is to address the land management and not focus on the symptom of the problem, or where the white salt crust occurs. MSCA has many success stories to support this approach. First, find the location of the ‘recharge area’ or where the soil moisture is leaching below the rooting zone and building up the artificial water table. Next, plant perennial forage crops (hay and/or grazing or CRP forage) in the identified recharge area. Finally, over a period of years, the water table will be lowered so the salts are leached below the root zone in the saline seep by precipitation. The MSCA monitoring wells allow producers to measure the water table level trend over time. The trend is concrete data to show progress or improvement in the saline area. The formerly saline area can be brought back into production with a grass mixture or return to cereal grain. There is no charge to have MSCA staff provide an Initial Review of the saline situation. At that point, MSCA will provide ideas for reclaiming individual saline areas and explain the technical assistance that is available. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides technical and financial assistance to implement saline reclamation plans. You can contact MSCA in Conrad, MT (406) 278-3071 anytime to find out more information, or work through the local conservation district and NRCS to organize the Initial Review. If you are interested in implementing a plan and want technical and financial assistance, options could include the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). You need to be thinking into the future for any natural resource conservation practices. Pass on this information to neighbors that may not be aware of the MSCA opportunities. ##### State corrections dollars (adjusted for inflation) have increased 127% in the past twenty years; the amount spent on higher education has increased just 21%. ##### Smoking is the number one preventable cause of premature death in America. Though a difficult habit to break, a recent study suggests smokers are more apt to quit if you bribe them. A test group who was given an incentive to stop smoking had a significantly higher rate of completion of a cessation program than the comparable “information only” group, and more of them quit smoking within six months of enrollment.

BeefTalk: Those cows can’t catch me now

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service The calving season was delayed, but all is good. A passing comment was heard: “Those cows can’t catch me now that I don’t have all those heavy coveralls on!” Again, all is good. It has been just more than a year since the Dickinson Research Extension Center initially decided to furlough the bulls for a month by changing bull turnout from early and mid-June to the second week of July. However, as the breeding plans were being finalized and additional discussions were held, the bull turnout dates were changed to midAugust. The change pulled the center’s calving date further from the grips of winter and closer to the warmth of summer. Having just lived through a very nice winter and living with the ribbing of recent discussions about spring calving, the center’s cows are finally calving. This is the year the center switched calving dates and furloughed the bulls for two months last summer, so it is nice to see calves finally. Interestingly, the calves are harder to find when only an occasional ear can be seen above the warm spring grass versus a dark spot on a snowbank. Watching events unfold and waiting and waiting for calving information would not seem to be a talking point, but it is. Changing the calving season that is so historically entrenched in management and ranch operations is equivalent to changing a job or many other life-changing events. Life changed and so did the work. These past winter months, there was time for the daily chores and even time to fix or repair stuff that has needed fixing for some time. The good winter brought the occasional comment: “Why are we not calving?” All and all, this was a big change, so the hesitation has not gone away. The lingering gut cramp still is there as we realize that, once the calving date is changed, the ability to go back is very difficult. The center cannot go back, and the “what ifs” still linger in the background. As the calving season started, the tractor and loader and various heavy pieces of equipment for snow removal and hauling hay are not obvious. A used all-terrain vehicle was purchased for checking the calves. Other changes will come and the need to tweak is obvious. The stocking rates for pregnant cows were debated. How a large, fully expanded cow equates to a milking cow with a 150-pound calf at its side was not in any table. The debate was settled as cows with no calves at their side were placed on cool-season grass around May 1. Yes, this discussion certainly had its origin in the past and no one is hiding from the fact that calving times are subject to the weather, as are all events in life. Yes, calving can have its bad days and the weather can be difficult. However, the partial consensus was that it was time to move to a grass-based operation. That consensus was arrived at with a little advice and lots of thought. A little bit of data also was sprinkled in. The data part is difficult because the ability to find good late-calving research is skimpy. There is a lot of good, solid research on many beef cattle topics. However, other management practices and a lot of personal opinion often confound the comparison of calving dates. This makes the data difficult to interpret. However, the center is busy collecting data in a new world. The all-terrain vehicle is getting used and the calving book is filling up. To date, 41 calves have been born to the beef group, which are cows that have heavier growth genetics. Twenty-five calves have been born to the range group, which is a slightly lighter group of cows. Calf birth weights have averaged 80 pounds for the beef group and 66 pounds for the range group. Each group has experienced some unfortunate calving experiences, with three of the beef cows sloughing calves. All the cows did well, but we at the center were reminded that changing the calving date does not eliminate all of the problems. In addition, once the calving season got going, one range cow required a caesarian delivery because of a breech birth. Again, a reminder that just because one decides to calve cows on pasture, the cattle still need to be checked. The center has not had a caesarian delivery in years. In fact, I cannot remember when there was such a delivery. The calf weighed in at 70 pounds. On some days, that is just the way it is. However, the cows are pushing out calves, so life is good. The change was good. May you find all your ear tags. ##### In Britain, placing a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down is considered treason.

##### Only 15 percent of sexually active adults have been tested for HIV, says the National Center for Health Statistics.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C57


75 hp electric irrigation motor and pump


MDOL recovers $48 million in strayed livestock

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C58


1967 Cessna 182L cont. engine 0-470-R, 235 hp, total time 2660 hours, 1245 hours SMOH, Robertson STOL dual KX155 nav. com., NARCO transponder, long range fuel tanks, STC4 auto fuel, hangered in Dillon, MT, fuseloge cover, fresh annual with purchase, new battery.......................................................................... $69,500

During the past 10 years, the Montana Department of Livestock has recovered 41,907 head of stray livestock worth more than $48 million for livestock producers around Call Harvey Reynolds 406-660-5066 the state. It’s a long-standing part of the department’s tradition, said John Grainger, MDOL’s Brands Enforcement Division administrator. CLASS A MOTORHOME FOR SALE “Recovery of strayed and stolen livestock has historically been a big part of our duties,” Grainger said. “We’ve been doing it for nearly 130 years, and have gotten pretty good at it. The big numbers are a testament to how well our brands system works.” Cattle are most often strayed when they wander off and get mixed with other herds. They’re generally identified “in the country” by ranchers or local inspectors, or when taken to market. That’s where brands come in. 2005 Dutch Star 4024 Class A 40-ft. diesel “A brand is like a return address for livestock,” Grainger pusher, Cummins ISL 370 hp, Allison 6 said. “If we find a stray with a brand, we’re almost certain speed automatic transmission, 8000 watt to find its owner.” Cat generator, Class V 10,000 lb. rear hitch, But that’s not always the case, especially with unbranded auto leveling, (4) power awnings with wind sensors, (4) power slide outs, Voyager color livestock. When ownership of livestock cannot be deterbackup camera with audio, power inverter, 30,276 well-maintained miles. Antelope exterimined – such animals are called estrays – the department or, Salsa interior, oak hardwood cabinetry, 12” marble-look and ceramic tile, Fan-tastic vent must provide public notice of the livestock found in the fans. Spacious living space, dual temperature zones, (3) burner cook-top, dishwasher, 30” convection oven, 10 cu. ft. refrigerator/freezer with ice maker and water dispenser, combo county where the livestock were found. The animal is then washer/dryer, hidden-leaf dinette with (4) chairs, Corian countertops. More pictures and held for 10-30 days before being sold at market; proceeds video tour available. Please call (406) 727-3055 from the sale are used to cover feed, boarding and other expenses. “It’s a hassle we’d rather avoid,” Grainger said. Livestock producers can take a few simple steps to prevent losing livestock: Brand your cattle clearly and correctly with an iron of Billings, Montana www.mtrpwr.com sufficient size (a minimum of Billings, Montana 4 inches is recommended); 8 t Ou ow Bl Rebrand any branded cat“Find our most up-to-date prices Prat To Choose ice $38,000 From! tle you purchase; www.mtrpwr.com.” Keep track of your livestock; Keep fences in good repair; Know your neighbors; (8) 06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand up sleeper, signature Interior, dual Know your district investanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! 85% tires!! Stk# TP $43,000 tigator and local inspectors Strayed livestock should be reported to a local inspector or district investigator , Grainger said, while producers who have missing ‘06 Freightliner FLD120SD daycab, Cat C15 475 hp, Fuller 10 speed autoshift, 3.42 ratio, 244” wheelbase, livestock can check the de‘94 Freightliner FL106 Detroit Series 50 315 hp, Eaton 10 speed, 152” wheelbase, single axle, dual tanks, tandem axles, steerable pusher axle, dual aluminum tanks, power windows, heated mirrors, cruise, block partment’s online Strayed & for price! heater. Stk# MT-4702T-1......................................................................................................................$48,500 ICE cruise. Stk# G453881................................................................................................................Call SAVE SAVE SALE PR Sale Price $9 00 ,00 5,0 0 $2 00 $1 Stolen Bulletin. $37,0 Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures 6,000 SAVE PRICE $10,000 Call us, we’llSA$4LEe-mail you 30 pictures 3,000 Branding livestock is also a good way to avoid any poce! i r tential problems with theft. eP 0 Sal 73,00 “Theft isn’t a big problem $ here like it is in some states, mostly because our brands ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 13 spd O.D., air ride, 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual WB, 4.11 ratio, dual tanks, 51” hi rise pro sleeper, Prem int alum 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual system works so well, but it’s tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! wheels, PW & PDL, air slide 5th wheel tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN639T-1 $53,000 STK# TP3954T-9 $34,000 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN640T-1 $53,000 a simple fact that unbranded CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES Save livestock are easier to steal 5 To $11,000 $48,000 Choose From than branded livestock,” Grainger said. The department’s district ‘09 Kenworth W900L Cummins ISX ST 475 hp, Fuller RTLO16913A, 72” Aerodyne Aerocab sleeper, 3.55 investigators investigated ratio, 260” wheelbase, tandem axles, dual aluminum tanks, power windows, power locks, heated mirrors, auto traction control, dual bunks. Stk# M4711T-9................................................................................$74,500 306 felonies the past 10 Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures years, mostly involving sto05 Kenworth T800 Cat C15 475 hp, Jake, 10 spd Autoshift, air ride, 00 Kenworth W900L, Cat C15 475 hp, jake, 13 spd OD, air ride, 04 Pete 379, Cat 475 HP, Jake, 18 spd OD, air ride, 3.36 ratio, 3.42 ratio, 240" WB, 62" Aerocab tall slpr, dual tanks, VIT interior, alum 3.55 ratio, 260" WB, 72" tall slpr, dual tanks, exhaust & air clean- 250" WB, 63" tall slpr, dual tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum len cattle and misbranding wheels, dual bunks, Pwr windows, tank heaters, wheels, tilt wheel, air slide 5th wheel, locking rear axles, ers, dual bunks, PW, T&C, 70% virgin tires!! ‘93 Kenworth T800 daycab, Detroit Series 60 425 hp, 10 speed, ratio, 256” $39,000 wheelbase, tandem axles, STK#4.33 N681T-1 95% tires!! 95% brakes!! Stk # TP4083T-1 $59,000 $21,000 Stk# 4173T-7 of cattle. gauge package, heated mirrors, cruise. Stk# G591861. . ...................................................Call for more info! CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES 5 toose 4 To HE People suspecting theft AV ICE Y o PR Choose SALE SPECS Ch rom! From $59,000 Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures F or other illegal activities involving livestock can call the department’s Crimestopper’s hotline at 1-800-503-6084. Callers can remain anony06 Frtlnr FLD120SD, Cat C15 475 hp, Jake, 10 spd Autoshift, air 07 Intl 9900ix, Cummins ISX 565 HP, Jake, 18 spd OD, Hend Air ‘05 Frtlnr Columbia, Cat C13 430 hp, jake, 10 spd OD, air ride, mous, and could be eligible ride, 3.42 ratio, 244" WB, steerable pusher axle, dual tanks, Ride, @ 46,000#, 3.58 ratio, 244" WB, alum whls, dual tanks 3.58 ratio, 176" WB, air slide 5th wheel, alum wheels, dual tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, PW & PDL, dual bunks, fridge, 46,000# RA PW, Pwr mirror r/s, tilt & cruise, exhaust & air cleaners, htd mirrors, tank heaters, for a cash reward. , 85% Tires!! 50% Brakes!! Stk# TPN670-1 $65,000 $55,000 90% Brakes!! 95% Tires!! Stk#4085T-1 Stk# TP4135T-9 $29,500


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‘07 International 9900i Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 72” Hi-Roof sleeper, 3.42 ratio, 250” wheelbase, tandem axles, Meritor axles, dual aluminum tanks, block heater, ThermoKing APU, power locks, power heated mirrors, power windows, wrap-around dash. Stk# MT-4786T-9.................................................................$42,000

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C59

Check Out The NEW New Holland BR7090 Baler

The New Holland BR 7090 Round Baler’s redesigned bale chamber and forming rolls, in combination with the belts and the sealed adjustable hydraulic bale density system, start a core in any crop and build tight perfectly shaped bales. The integral formed ribs of the new rolls provide aggressive crop movement while eliminating surface imperfections on the ribs, which can be detrimental during the wrapping cycle. The new bale chamber design enables the operator to start cores and make bales in crops and conditions that previously would have been too difficult to bale.

The Ready to Roll Sales Event is in full swing, and that means you can get 0% FINANCING or CASH BACK on select New Holland tractors, hay & forage equipment. NOW is the season to buy what is on your wish list. See your New Holland dealer for complete details. GET IN, GET READY, GET ROLLING! Offer ends June 30, 2012.

H8000 Series Speedrower® Self-Propelled Windrowers


New Holland H8000 Series Speedrower® windrowers deliver capacity that can’t be matched by other machines. They handle all crops - alfalfa, grass, small grains, canola, barley, lentils or peas - with ease and speed, with models that range from 126 horsepower to an industry-leading 226 horsepower. The control achieved with the H8000 windrowers takes productivity to the highest level.

* Financing available exclusively to qualified buyers New Holland of Belgrade

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C60


2009 Chevrolet 2500HD Duramax, 4x4, crew cab, short box, grill guard, new tires, 118,000 miles.... $32,500 obo 1995 GMC 1 ton flatbed, 5 speed, V8, new tires....... $6500 2010 Sharp enclosed trailer, 16” tandem tires, fold down door, like new........................................................ $7500 Shaver HD10 post pounder...................................... $1850 Powder River squeeze chute with palp cage........... $2150 2010 New Holland BC-5080 small square baler, 16x18, like new.............................................................. $24,500

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Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page C36

in yield than other CLEARFIELD checks and similar in yield to Neeley. Norris has high test weight, good crop tolerance to herbicide, and is relatively early in heading compared to Montana varieties. Grain protein of Norris is relatively low, but milling and baking characteristics are acceptable. Norris is susceptible to both stem and stripe rust. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200600286). Additionally, the CLEARFIELD gene is patented. Overland – hard red winter wheat developed in Nebraska and released jointly with South Dakota in 2007. Overland is an early maturing average height wheat with white chaff. In the initial year of testing in Montana, Overland had average yield, test weight, and protein. Overland appears resistant to both stripe and stem rust. Overland has average milling and below average baking quality. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200700333). Peregrine – hard red winter wheat developed by the Crop Development Center, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and registered in 2008. Peregrine is a medium to late maturing tall wheat with white chaff. Peregrine has average yield, above average test weight, below average protein, and good winter hardiness. Peregrine appears resistant to stripe rust and moderately resistant to stem rust. Peregrine has average milling and baking quality. Promontory – Released by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station in 1991. It is a hard red winter wheat of medium height with awns and bronze chaff. Promontory is a high yielding line with excellent test weight. It has poor winterhardiness. Promontory is resistant to dwarf bunt and stripe rust and susceptible to stem rust. Promontory has average milling and above average baking characteristics. It has low PPO and could be used as a dual-purpose (bread and noodles) variety. Pryor – hard red winter wheat released by Western Plant Breeders in 2002. Pryor is a white chaffed, awned variety with short stature and medium winter hardiness. Pryor is a high yielding variety with average test weight and below average protein. It is susceptible to stem rust and stripe rust and moderately resistant to leaf spot complex. Pryor has average milling and below average baking characteristics. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act without the Title V option (Certificate #200400072). Radiant – hard red winter wheat released by Alberta in 2002 and marketed by Meridian Seeds. Radiant is a medium to late maturing, medium tall wheat with white chaff. Radiant has good winter hardiness in North Dakota tests. In the initial year of testing in Montana, Radiant had average yield, average test weight, and below average protein. Radiant appears resistant to stripe rust and very susceptible to stem rust. Radiant has average milling and baking quality. Rampart – Released by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station in 1996. It is an awned, red chaffed, solid-stemmed hard red winter wheat variety. The kernel is long with a sloping back and a heavy brush. The cheeks are rounded to angular with an open crease. Rampart is resistant to the wheat stem sawfly. It is moderately resistant to prevalent races of stem rust. Rampart is resistant to stripe rust. It is susceptible to leaf rust, dwarf smut and the Russian wheat aphid. Rampart has excellent milling and baking properties and is a sister line to Vanguard. Rocky – A pure line selection from Cen-

turk developed and released by Nickerson American Plant Breeders (now Agripro Seed Company) in 1978. Rocky is a hard red winter wheat that has white glumes and awns. It is similar in most characteristics to Centurk but differs in glume shape and beak length and has better resistance to soil born mosaic. Rocky is resistant to stem rust, but susceptible to stripe rust. Rocky tends to be about three to four days later in heading than Centurk but dries down for harvest as early as Centurk. Rocky is adapted to the same areas as Centurk, but has superior yields under most conditions. Rocky has average milling and baking qualities when compared to Redwin. Settler CL – a single gene CLEARFIELD (CL) hard red winter wheat developed in Nebraska and released jointly with South Dakota and Wyoming in 2008. Settler CL is an early maturing reduced height wheat with white chaff. In the initial year of testing in Montana, Settler CL had average yield, test weight, and protein. Settler appears to be moderately resistant to stripe rust and resistant to stem rust. Settler CL has average milling and below average baking quality. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200900104). Additionally, the CLEARFIELD gene is patented. Wahoo – hard red winter wheat released jointly by Nebraska and Wyoming in 2000. Wahoo is a semidwarf, early maturing white chaffed variety. It has above average yield, below average test weight, and average protein under Montana conditions. Wahoo is resistant to stem rust and leaf rust, but susceptible to stripe rust, wheat streak, and barley yellow dwarf viruses. Milling and baking characteristics are below average. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed (Certificate #200100237). Yellowstone – hard red winter wheat developed by the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and released to seed growers in 2005. Yellowstone is a very high yielding winter hardy variety with medium test weight, maturity, height, and grain protein. Yellowstone has excellent baking and good Asian noodle quality. It is moderately resistant to TCK smut and resistant to stripe rust, but susceptible to stem rust. Yellowstone potentially could occupy acreage currently planted to Neeley, Tiber CDC Falcon, Paul, Promontory, and Morgan. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200600284). Soft White Winter Wheat Eltan – Developed cooperatively by USDA-ARS and the Washington Agricultural Experiment Station and released jointly by the Washington, Oregon and Idaho AES in 1990. Eltan is a semidwarf, soft white winter wheat. The spike is awned and white chaffed. It is resistant to dwarf bunt (TCK), snow mold and common bunt. Eltan is moderately susceptible to prevalent races of stripe rust, but susceptible to stem rust and leaf rust. Finch – Developed by the Washington AES and released in 2002. Finch is an awned, white chaffed medium-late maturing soft white winter wheat. It has resistance to strawbreaker foot rot, stripe rust and powdery mildew. Yield potential similar to Eltan, test weight better than Eltan in limited Montana testing. Hubbard – Tall semidwarf with good straw strength developed by the Idaho AES and released in 2000. Good resistance to stripe rust; susceptible to cephalosporium continued on page c62

Invasive kudzu bug battle

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C61

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Don’t let its common name fool you: The “kudzu bug” isn’t to be trusted. Sure, it will feed voraciously on the stems of kudzu, the “Vine That Ate the South.” But Megacopta cribraria also has a taste for legumes, including soybeans. And in Georgia, where this native of Asia was first discovered in October 2009, there’s worry the pest will infest peanuts, endangering the state’s $2-billion legume crop. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and their collaborators haven’t been idle, however. At the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Stoneville Research Quarantine Facility in Stoneville, Mississippi, entomologist Walker Jones is evaluating a top natural enemy of the bug, the parasitic wasp Paratelenomus saccharalis. ARS is USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency. The wasp is non-stinging and harmless to humans, pets and other animals. However, it lays its eggs in those of Megacopta’s. Upon hatching, the wasp’s maggot-like brood devour the pest’s own developing embryos, reducing the size of the next generation. Megacopta belongs to a unique insect family that doesn’t occur anywhere in the Americas. Thus, importing its coevolved natural enemies isn’t expected to endanger native U.S. bug species, explains Walker, who leads the ARS Biological Control of Pests Research Unit in Stoneville. First, however, the wasp must pass muster on a long list of requirements to confirm its host specificity and environmental safety, starting with the quarantine trials. Toward that end, Walker is screening eggs of native species of related bugs to learn whether the wasp will attack them, and so far it hasn’t. The evaluations require a steady supply of bugs representing four families and 15 species sent to Walker by collaborators across the country. Besides Georgia, Megacopta has also been reported in parts of Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. A university-led effort is tracking the pest’s spread and studying its basic biology, host crop range, economic impact, chemical control and vulnerability to native predators, parasites and pathogens.

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Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C62

PICKUP FOR SALE 1995 Ford F350 4x4, cab and chassis, 5 speed, weak motor. Phone (406) 799-6923

Balewagons & Retrievers

New Holland 1095, self-propelled....................................... CALL New Holland 1089 diesel, new tires, clean......................$89,000 New Holland 1069 gas, rebuilt, sharp, clean....................... CALL LATE MODEL New Holland 1068 diesel with new tires, ideal for Mil-Stak applications.....................................................$45,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type, 160 bale capacity.................. CALL 4-New Holland Super 1049 balewagons...... $12,000 to $28,000 2-New Holland 1037 balewagons................. $18,000 to $20,000 New Holland 1033 balewagons........................ $7500 to $10,500 2-New Holland 1032............................................................$8500 New Holland 1012 pull type................................................$4500 New Holland 1002 pull type................................................$3000 New Holland 1052 retriever bed..........................................$9500

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Haying Equipment

Hesston 4655 baler, sharp...............................................$16,500 John Deere 326 small square baler, PTO drive...................$3750 Matador hay inverter. Like new............................................$6500

Industrial Equipment

Hough H65 rubber tired front end loader..........................$18,500 JCB 508-40 telehandler, cab, air, heat, 40-ft. reach, 8000# lift...... . ....................................................................................$27,500 Kobelco mini-excavator with blade and thumb.................$18,500


New Holland 1426 self-propelled baler, diesel, air...........$14,000 New Holland 276 baler........................................................$1700 New Holland 1495 haybine.................................................$8500 New Holland 1051 retriever on 1974 GMC truck....... Make Offer New Holland Super 1048 balewagon................................. CALL Ford 5600 2WD diesel tractor, cab...................................... CALL Massey Ferguson 12-ft. disc with new blades, nice...........$3500 Massey Ferguson 238 7-ft. sickle mower...........................$1500 John Deere 750 15-ft. no-till drill......................................$15,000 International 10-ft. end wheel drill, GSA 6” , single disc.....$1500 International 4 bottom trail plow, trip beam...........................$800 John Deere 3 bottom trail plow..............................................$500 Graham Hoeme 10-ft. chisel plow.........................................$800 Massey Ferguson 10-ft., 3-pt. Danish tine cultivator............$750 2000 Western Star dump truck, Cat 425 engine, 10 speed transmission, 44,000 lb. locking rear ends, 15-ft. Workman box, 50,000 miles on new engine overhaul..........................$34,000 1973 Ford pickup with slide in sprayer, 40-ft. boom............$1500 30-ft. grain auger with motor..................................................$300

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Winter wheat variety performance summary in Montana continued from page C60

stripe, strawbreaker foot rot, Septoria tritci blotch, common bunt and dwarf bunt. Yield potential and test weight better than Eltan in limited Montana testing. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed (Certificate #200300007). Lambert – Developed by the Idaho AES and jointly released in 1995 by the Idaho, Oregon and Washington Agricultural Experiment Stations. Lambert is an awned, semidwarf, soft white winter wheat, The kernels are soft, white and ovate, with a mid-deep crease and a mid-sized germ. It is resistant to stripe rust, more tolerant than Stephens to both Cephalosporium stripe and snow mold. Lambert is susceptible to strawbreaker foot rot and dwarf bunt. Lambert’s quality characteristics have been accepted by industry. Lewjain – developed and jointly released by the Washington AES and the USDAARS in 1982. It is a semidwarf, soft white winter wheat. It is white chaffed, awned, with a common head type. Lewjain is resistant to some races of common smut and dwarf smut. In the adult stage it is resistant to stripe rust and moderately resistant to Cephalosporium gramineum. It is susceptible to leaf rust, stem rust, flag smut and foot rot. MAC-1 – soft white winter developed by Plant Breeders 1, Moscow, ID in 1992. Currently licensed to Lake Seeds in Ronan, MT. Above average yield and test weight in first year of testing at Bozeman and Kalispell. High protein for soft white winter wheat. This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed (Certificate #9100217). MacVicar – Jointly released in 1980 by the Washington AES and the USDA-ARS. The spike is awned, white chaffed, fusiform and lax. Kernels are white, mid-long, ovate to elliptical, the crease is narrow and shallow. The brush is mid-long and cheeks are rounded. The glumes are glabrous, midlong, mid-wide with narrow acuminate beaks and shoulders are wanting. Masami - developed by Washington State University and released, jointly with Idaho, in 2004. Masami is an awned, white-chaffed semidwarf soft white winter wheat. It is targeted to replace Eltan and Madsen in all precipitation zones of eastern Washington as it consistently produces higher grain yields, especially in those areas where foot rot is a problem for Eltan and cold hardiness is a problem for Madsen. When compared to Eltan, Madsen, and Rod, extensive data indicate that Masami is equal or superior in grain yield, cold-hardiness, end-use quality, and resistance to stripe rust and foot rot. PVP has been applied for without Title V option (Certificate #200600244). Mohler – soft white winter wheat developed by WestBred and released in 2002. Mohler is an early to medium maturing average height wheat with white chaff. In the initial year of testing in Montana, Mohler had below average yield, below average test weight, and average protein. Overland appears resistant to stripe rust. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200400304). Rod – Developed by Washington State University in cooperation with USDA-ARS. Released jointly by the Washington, Oregon and Idaho AES. Rod has some winter-hardiness (similar to Stephens), moderately weak straw and medium-late heading. Resistant to local races of stripe rust and common bunt,

but susceptible to dwarf bunt, stem rust, leaf rust and snow mold. Simon – Early maturing semidwarf developed by the Idaho AES and released in 2003. Yield potential similar to Eltan, test weight better than Eltan in limited Montana testing This variety is protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act and can only be sold or advertised by variety name as a class of certified seed (Certificate #200500001). Xerpha – soft white winter wheat released by Washington in 2007. Xerpha is a medium to late maturing, white chaffed semidwarf wheat. Xerpha had above average yield, above average test weight, and average protein. Xerpha appears resistant to stripe rust. PVP, Title V has been issued (Certificate #200900289). Plant Variety Protection The Plant Variety Act, signed into law in 1970, offers legal protection to developers of new varieties of plants which reproduce sexually – that is, through seeds. The law provides for a Plant Variety Protection Office in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The office receives and processes applications and when “novelty” is established, issues a certificate granting protection rights specified by the applicant. The owner (or developer) holding a “certificate of protection” has complete control over the variety for 20 years. The law provides two types of protection: 1. Without Seed Certification The owner of the protected variety may exclude others from reproducing the variety, selling it, offering it for sale, importing or exporting it, or use it in the commercial production of a hybrid or a different variety without permission. In this sense, the owner of a protected variety may bring civil damage action against anyone who infringes upon his rights. 2. Certified Seed Option The owner may specify that the seed of his variety “…be sold or advertised only as a class of Certified Seed”. Production and sale of such seed by variety name, when not certified, constitute a violation of the Federal Seed Act. This means of protection may be used extensively for publicly as well as privately developed varieties. Amendments to the Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA) have passed both houses of Congress and been signed into law by the President. These amendments went into effect in 1995. The farmers exemption has been changed for new varieties. Seed for varieties issued a certificate after April 4, 1995, may only be purchased from the owner or his agent. A farmer can only save seed of these varieties for use on his own farm and cannot sell seed of the protected variety to his neighbor. A variety protected under the certification option does not permit a farmer producing seed to sell or offer for sale or advertise by variety name unless it is certified. Sale of such seed by variety name as uncertified seed will constitute a violation of the Federal Seed Act. Interstate movement of seed is subject to inspection by Federal Seed Control officials. Seed within the state is subject to inspection by State Department of Agriculture inspectors. Owners of protected varieties will give public notice that their variety is protected by affixing to the label or container the words: “Unauthorized Propagation Prohibited” or the words, “Unauthorized Seed Multiplication Prohibited”. Producers must check the label (tag) or the container for the above wording.

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C63

Over 13 Case IH Dealerships Throughout Montana And Wyoming To Serve You

Visit www.CaseIH.com to find a dealership near you. Big Sky Equipment, Conrad 1-800-332-7541 Glasgow Implement, Glasgow 1-800-345-6042 Heart Mountain Farm Supply, Powell, WY 1-800-877-6758 Kamp Implement, Belgrade 406-388-4295 Manning International, Hysham 406-342-5571 Musselshell Valley Equip., Roundup 1-888-423-2605 Torgerson’s, Billings 406-252-8614 Torgerson’s, Denton 406-567-2221 Torgerson’s, Ethridge 406-339-2222 Torgerson’s, Great Falls 406-453-1453 Torgerson’s, Havre 406-265-5887 Torgerson’s, Lewistown 406-538-8795 Tri-County Implement, Sidney 1-800-624-6540

Trader’s Dispatch, June 2012 — Page C64


NEW CASE IH Farmall 75A


75 hp engine, MFD, loader, 3-point and PTO.

NEW Case IH Magnum 210 CVT


Case IH WDX901 self-propelled windrower with 18-ft. auger header....................................................... Just traded

2001 John Deere 4890 with 18-ft. auger header...$39,000


NEW CASE IH Farmall 95

2006 Case IH RBX563 round baler with wide pickup, mesh wrap, endless belts. Good condition, 8000 bales.$26,000 1999 Case IH RS561 round baler..........................$12,500 1995 Case IH 8465...................................................$8995 1994 Case IH 8480 soft core....................................$6995 1991 Hesston 560 round baler.................................$7500 John Deere 530 round baler, good condition...........$5500


2005 Case IH MX230 MFD, suspended front axle, 3-point, 320x54 duals, 3400 hours.................................$95,000

MFD, 3-point, PTO


NEW Case CT270 1994 Case IH 7240 MFD, 3-point, DuAl loader, 8827 hours..................................................................$49,000 International 3688 2WD, loader, grapple...............Just In 1995 John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3-point, 14.9x46 tires....... . .........................................................................$49,900 2000 John Deere 7810 MFWD, PowerShift, 3-point, 4 remotes, Quick-Hitch, 14.9x46 tires, 8878 hours.$54,000


track machine

Case 445 skid stee, cab, bucket and 1246 hours..$32,000 2005 Frontier 18 wheel high-capacity rake. Very good condition............................................................$16,000 Fox corn chopper......................................................$4995


USED combines & HEADERS


Various attachments available


NEW 2008 Case IH 7010, yield/moisture monitor, long unloading auger, 400 hours, like new condition...............$229,000 2009 Case IH 2152, 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport, used one season....................... Just Traded 2005 MacDon 963 35-ft. draper head with batt reel and gauge wheels. No transport...............................$31,000


NEW Case IH Magnum 290

IN K Case IH OC T S 235

Concord 4710 47-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, Stealth openers and 3000 tow behind cart............................$30,000 Case IH 415 25-ft. mulcher....................................$14,000 Brillion 24-ft. mulcher............................................$13,000 H&S 12 row, 24” cultivator, guide cones, tunnel shields, flip up discs................................................................$4995 Alloway 12 row 24” cultivator with flip up discs, tunnel shields..................................................................$3995


Dixie Chopper LT2700 riding mower with 60” deck..$4900

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