Trader's Dispatch - March 2020

Page 1

MARCH 2020

Vol. XXI No. 2 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: E-MAIL:

Producer meeting

Northern Pulse Growers Association Do you have a large amount of crop residue left in your fields? Did all the rain we had last fall make it to wet to put down your fall chemical? If you answered yes to one or both of these questions, come join us at the Cobblestone Inn in Bottineau, North Dakota to learn how to address these issues. Chris Augustin, NDSU Soil Health Specialist will be talking on dealing with spring residue and soil water management and Brian Jenks, NDSU Weed Scientist will be addressing spring weed control. Join us for this short informative meeting, Monday, March 16th from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 lunch will be provided following the meeting. This meeting is free and open to the public, pre-registration is requested, please email to register or call 701-222-0128. NPGA would like to thank State Bank of Bottineau and Dakota Agronomy Partners for their support and sponsorship. For more information about Speakers/Agenda go to


March 16, Sun River Red Angus, Great Falls MT...............................................A3 March 17, Open Gate Ranch, Simms MT............................................................A5 March 19, Kicking Horse Ranch, Great Falls MT................................................A9 March 19, Malek Angus Ranch, Highwood MT.................................................A11 March 21, Central Montana Gelbvieh & Angus Genetics, Lewistown MT........A6 March 22, Hi-Line Show Pigs, Havre MT...........................................................A11 March 23, Cole Creek Angus Ranch, Columbus MT........................................A15 March 25, Westphal Registered Red Angus, Grass Range MT.......................A17 March 30, Harrer’s Lost Lake Ranch, Great Falls MT......................................A21 April 1 , Nissen Angus & Schmitt Angus, Chinook MT...................................A23 April 2 , Bowles J5 Reds, Glasgow MT.............................................................A25 April 2, Arntzen Angus Ranch, Hilger MT.........................................................A27 April 6, Gollaher Ranch, Cascade MT...............................................................A18 April 6, Northern Plains Simmentals, Rugby, ND.............................................A31 April 8, Pass Creek Angus, Wyola MT...............................................................A47 April 9, Montana’s “Northern Premier” Angus, Chinook MT...........................A53 April 10, Thiessen’s Regency Acres, Sidney MT................................................B7 April 14, Hager Cattle Co., Karlsruhe, ND...........................................................B5 April 15, Milk River Angus, Chinook MT...........................................................A48

Soil, flowers, pack goats subjects at workshop

By Katie Shockley, UW Extension Get out of the winter blues and start planning for warmer weather at the spring workshop, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, March 21, in the Washakie County Extension Office meeting room in the Worland Community Center, Worland, Wyoming. This workshop will offer two tracks, one for livestock and one for gardening, said Caitlin Youngquist, University of Wyoming northwest area extension educator. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2


Spring 2020, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Box L Farms, Online......A4 March 19, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Kaufman Family Trust, Online .........................................................................................................................A7 March 21, Rick Young Auctioneers, Robert Schwab Estate, Shepherd MT...A13 March 28 , Shobe Auction & Realty, Cabin Fever, Lewistown MT..................A16 March 28, RK Statewide Auctions, Bogar Moving Farm, Circle MT...............A19 April 4 , Kamerman Auction Co LLC, DeBoer Retirement Farm, Manhattan MT .......................................................................................................................A29 May 3, Smith Sales Co. Auctioneers, Spring Fever, Miles City MT................A38


April 4-5..... Creston Auction & County Fair, Creston MT................................A28

MAGIE 20 was held in mid-January in Great Falls, Montana. This was their 40th year of providing a venue for agricultural/industrial business to showcase their products.

Pesticide applicator training across northeast Wyoming

University of Wyoming Extension Several trainings to obtain or renew private 1 p.m., Powder River Fire District’s Hall, 538 pesticide applicator licenses are being offered Sussex Ln. (Hwy 192). across northeast Wyoming in March by the There is no fee to attend the programs. University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. Call your local county extension office if you The four-hour training includes integrated have questions: Campbell, 307-682-7281; pest management, how to properly read Crook, 307-283-1192; Johnson, 307-684and understand the label, types and use of 7522; Weston, 307-746-3531; Sheridan, personal protective equipment and federal 307-674-2980. reporting requirements, said Jeff Edwards, For more information, contact Edwards at extension pesticide training coordinator. 307-837-2956. The training will also count for four hours of continuing education credits (CEUs) for PRIVATE TREATY commercial pesticide applicator license Dallas Polled Herefords, Canyon Creek MT...............A13 holders. R & R Cattle, Roy MT....................................................A12 Applications will be submitted to the Adams Ranch Simmental, Sheridan WY.......................A7 Wyoming Department of Agriculture for apO’Hara Land & Cattle, Fort Benton MT.........................A8 R & A Vanek Shorthorns, Stockett MT........................A19 proval and issuance of licenses upon course Maloney Angus & Simmental, Turner MT......................A4 completion. Clay Creek Angus, Greybull, WY.................................A24 Obtaining a private pesticide applicators Binstock Simmental, Dickinson, ND...........................A10 license allows individuals to purchase and Peterson Angus, Drummond MT.................................A16 Anchor Polled Herefords, Vaughn MT...........................B3 apply restricted-use pesticides for private use. Duncan Ranch Co, Joplin MT........................................B3 County, dates, times and locations are: Beery’s Land & Livestock Co., Vida MT........................B3 • Crook – Tuesday, March 17, Hulett, 1 Ehlke Herefords, Townsend MT.....................................B3 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan MT.................................B3 p.m., Greater Hulett Community Center, 401 Frank Herefords, Absarokee MT....................................B3 Sager Ave # 127. J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT.....................................B3 • Campbell – Wednesday, March 18, GilMcKechnie Herefords, Shelby MT.................................B3 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT..........................................B3 lette, 8 a.m., George Amos Memorial BuildRafter Ranch Inc., Wise River MT..................................B2 ing cottonwood room 412 S. Gillette Ave. Sidwell Ranch, Columbus MT........................................B2 • Sheridan – Wednesday, March 18, SheriK.L. Slagsvold Herefords, Lindsay MT..........................B2 dan, 5 p.m., Ag Watt Building Room 131 at Thomas Herefords, Gold Creek MT...............................B2 Wichman Herefords, Moore MT.....................................B2 Sheridan College. Turner Angus, Shelby MT.............................................B15 • Johnson – Thursday, March 19, Kaycee,


The deadline for April issue is WED., April 1 (no foolin) Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A54 Email:

Trader’s Dispatch March 2020 — Page A2


Grove RT58 14 ton capacity crane, 60-ft. boom with a 20-ft. jib Call 307-332-2465 evenings or text 307-349-9249

Concrete Stock Water Tanks 600- to 1000-gallon capacity


Super Fenceline Concrete Feed Bunks

38” wide x 19” deep x 8-ft. long


Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix Phone 406-285-3281

Three Forks, MT

4th and 5th generation Montanans representing buyers and sellers of Montana’s finest farms and ranches. Call us today for a confidential analysis of the marketability of your property!

Soil, flowers, pack goats subjects at workshop CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

The workshop begins with a session all about soil and then breaks into two track options to allow participants a choice between a session on indoor gardening and seed starting or pasture management. Following lunch there are two session options: growing cut flowers, or livestock and pet first-aid. The day concludes with a session on pack goats. “Many of the sessions will be hands-on, and hopefully this spring workshop will get everyone excited about gardening and summer adventures,” said Youngquist. A homemade lunch will be provided. Space is limited to 25 people, and the cost of the workshop is $12. For more information and to register, call the Washakie County Extension Office at 307-347-3431

U.S. Targhee Sheep Association Starter flock

From U.S. Targhee Sheep Association The U.S. Targhee Sheep Association (USTSA) will again, for the 12th straight year, be offering a free registered Targhee Starter flock to a deserving youth at the 2020 USTSA National Show and Sale, held July 16-18, 2020, in Redfield, South Dakota. In previous years, the generous members of the USTSA have awarded 18 starter flocks, totaling 60 head of sheep, and have also donated almost $13,000 towards buyers credits for the award winners to purchase additional sheep at USTSA national sales. The winner must be present to receive the flock and will be awarded one (1) ewe lamb, one (1) yearling ewe, and one (1) brood ewe donated by members of the USTSA. Each animal will be a USTSA registered animal, and at least QR in Scrapie Codon 171 genotype. The winner will also receive a $150 credit for use toward purchase of additional animals at the 2019 national sale. Applications, due April 1st, are now available to download at or by contacting Mardy Rutledge at the USTSA office ( or 702-292-5715). Any young person, ages 9-17, as of January 1, 2020, whose family does not raise Targhee sheep may apply. Applicants should possess a keen interest in the U.S. sheep industry, commitment to raising Targhee sheep over time, and a firm belief in the abilities of the breed. Applicants must demonstrate proof of care, facilities, and transportation. Aside from receiving the flock of sheep, the winning youth, will be paired with a Targhee breeder living near them who will act as a mentor. The association is committed to helping the winner succeed.

We’re on the web THE TRADER’S DISPATCH (USPS 019-793)

March 2020 — Vol. XXI No. 2 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Logan Todd 406.930.3673

Mary Ann Duffey


Deadline for April issue WEDNESDAY, April 1. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales

Office Phone 406-271-5533

301 W. 1st Avenue | Big Timber, Montana 59011 | (406) 932-1031

FAX 406-271-5727

e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build you ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.

Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council

Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is currently recruiting for open positions on its Noxious Weed Management Advisory Council (NWMAC). The following council terms expire June 30, 2020: • _Recreationist/Wildlife Representative • _Consumer Group Representative • _Montana Weed Control Association Representative • _Eastern County Weed District Representative • _At-Large Representative. The advisory council is appointed by the Director and provides guidance to MDA concerning noxious weed programs and to the Noxious Weed Trust Fund Grant Program, which assists counties, local and tribal communities, researchers and educators in efforts to combat noxious weeds. Responsibilities include reviewing Noxious Weed Trust Fund grant applications and attending hearings, typically over the course of five days in March, which requires a considerable amount of time. The NWMAC recommends and presents funding counsel to the Director for approval. Additional one-day council meetings are held in January and July each year. Those interested in serving on the NWMAC can submit a letter of interest and apply to MDA by May 1, 2020. More information and applications are available on the NWMAC website ( Nominations can be submitted to Montana Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 2002014, Helena, MT 59620-0201. The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit ##### Q: If a plane crashed on the Canada/USA border, where would the survivors be buried? A: You don’t bury survivors. ##### Would a fly without wings be called a walk?

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A3


2017 Grasshopper mower, 72 inch deck. Like new, only used 24 hours.........$11,500 obo Contact Andee Peterson 406-945-2717 or home 406-394-2236

2014 Top Air TA 2400 sprayer, 2400 gallon tank, 132-ft. booms, 22 inch nozzle spacing, Raven ISOBUS rate controller and Raven AutoBoom height control, quad turret nozzle bodies, FLO-BAK ball valves, 3 inch fill, rinse tank, 10 sections, capable of section control and wireless boom controls for nozzle check...........................$39,500 obo Contact Ben Peterson 406-945-2960 or Kim Peterson 406-945-0544 or home 406-394-2236


18” - 12-ft. diameter, lengths up to 64-ft. Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new.

Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge.................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (1) 12’x13’ Timber Bridge..................................... $3000 (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking...................... . ....................................$5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also)

Treated Timber: $1 per board foot under 20 feet long. $1.50 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.

Call Carol 406-274-3064 Stevensville, MT

Freeman 1390 In-Line Square Baler 16x22 bales, 3 knotter, Duetz 4 cylinder 67 hp, very low use....$10,000



40 BULLS • Gain tested on roughage ration. • Breeding soundness examined semen counted & scrotal measured. • Carcass traits measured by Ultrasound. • Weighed at birth & weaning - on feed & off feed. • Good temperament towards people.

40 HEIFERS • Ready for your breeding program • Carcass traits measured by Ultrasound. • Not overly fat. • Cycling now. • Bangs vaccinated - trick shots. FREE LUNCH AT NOON • DELIVERY AVAILABLE FOR BULLS

Remember; Monday March 16 for your chance at these MATERNAL & CARCASS SPECIALISTS!! Watch the sale: To pre-register & bid on-line Call Barbara Jo at Western Livestock 406 727 5400 for details

Any questions? Call Bill Norris (Cell) 406-799-5323 321 Ramble Inn Rd, Fort Shaw, MT 59443 •

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A4

##### Q: Is Google male or female? A: Female, because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion. ##### Why are they called apartments, when they’re all stuck together?

Maloney Angus & Simmental Turner, Montana

Registered Angus bulls for sale Private Treaty /2 and 3/4 brothers available High Growth Easy Calving Maternal Function Phone (406) 654-7115 1

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email:


John Deere 4055 MFWD, PowerShift... ............................................ $32,000

New Holland 8360 MFWD....... $34,000 John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3-pt., PowerShift, 6500 hours. Excellent condition...................................... $50,000 John Deere 6140M MFWD, AutoQuad, left-hand reverser, 4000 hours. Clean.................................. $52,000

John Deere 8200 MFWD......... $48,500

Loaders Available

Check our web site:




Partial Listing Of Equipment Includes GRAIN HANDLING EQT

2014 CIH 8230 Combine 2013 CIH 8230 Combine 2015 MacDon Flex Draper 45’ 2014 MacDon Flex Draper 45’ 2014 Parker 839 Grain Cart 2016 Bench Ind Seed Cleaner 2016 Loftness Unloader GBV10 2016 Loftness Loadger GBL10 Batco 1545 Belt Auger Batco 1590 Belt Auger WF MKX130-74 Auger WF MK130--61 Auger WF MK100-61 Auger WF J208-31Auger Horvack Belt Auger Sakundiak HD7 Auger


2013 JD 9510R 1993 JD 7700 1986 Deutz 7110



2004 Peterbilt 379 Semi 1993 Perterbilt 377 Semi 1993 KW T600 20’ box 1974 IH L800 20’ box 1970’s IH 1800 16’ box 1961 Ford F500 12’ box

2013 Deere 320D Skidsteer 1978 Case 580C Backhoe Erskin Skidsteer Snowblower HLA Skidsteer Forks


2014 JD Air Seeder 1910T/1890C Phillips 4305A Rotary Harrow


2010 PJ Flatbed 16’ 2010 Maurer Grain Trailer 36’ 2004 Jet Grain Trailer 40’ 2004 Jet Grain Pup 20’ 2002 Neville Dropdeck 45’ 1993 Wabash Flatbed 45’ 1995 Titan Flatbed 25’ 2003 Dollie t/a



Grain Max 1000 bu (3)Grain Max 3200 bu (2)Amber Wave 3200 bu (3)Friesen 3200 bu


2015 JD R4038 Sprayer Poly Tanks: 2600, 2200, 2500, 1600 Poly Tanks: 7000, (3)10,000

Rob Davis 406.581.0241

At press time the bidding timeline had not been set - check website for updates.

For Info On This Auction, Visit Our Website


NRCS conservation program funding application cutoff

USDA News Release The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Montana has set a March 13, 2020, application cutoff for agricultural operators to be considered for the next conservation program funding cycle through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. “NRCS provides funding and technical assistance to help farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners implement conservation practices that provide environmental benefits to help sustain their operations,” said Tom Watson, NRCS State Conservationist for Montana. “Conservation work focused on local outcomes with the support of local partners and land managers achieves meaningful conservation across a landscape.” Conservation funding is available for the following initiatives: Capital 360 Forestry Project: This partnership project will improve forest health by integrating resource management across all administrative boundaries through reduction treatment projects strategically placed across Broadwater, Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and Powell counties. High Tunnel Systems: These systems extend the growing seasons for high value crops in an environmentally safe manner. High tunnel benefits include better plant and soil quality and fewer nutrients and pesticides in the environment. Honey Bee Pollinators: Combats future honey bee declines by implementing conservation practices that provide forage for honey bees while enhancing habitat for other pollinators and wildlife. National On-Farm Energy Initiative: Agricultural producers work with an NRCS-approved technical service provider to develop agricultural energy management plans or farm energy audits that assess energy consumption on an operation. NRCS may also provide assistance to implement recommended measures identified in the energy audit through the use of conservation practice standards. National Organic Initiative: Producers currently certified as organic, transitioning to organic, or National Organic Program exempt will have access to a broad set of conservation practices to assist in treating their resource concerns while fulfilling many of the requirements in an Organic System Plan. National Water Quality Initiative: Producers implement conservation systems to reduce nitrogen, phosphorous, sediment and pathogen contributions from agricultural land in the Lower Gallatin Watershed (Camp and Godfrey Creeks). Sage Grouse Initiative: Landowners can work with NRCS on three different components to improve sage-grouse habitat. One is a general category to implement prescribed grazing management practices. The others are to seed cropland back to perennial species to improve the connectivity for sagegrouse that depend on large, intact landscapes and the removal of conifers to increase nest success rates. Wildfire Adapted Missoula: A partnership project that addresses shared wildfire risk by mitigating current wildfire hazards surrounding the Missoula community via prescribed fire and thinning maintenance. Targeted Implementation Plans: Montana NRCS targets its investments in very specific areas to achieve clearly defined natural resource goals as identified by local partners. This approach harnesses the power of multiple landowners in one area undertaking similar conservation projects to achieve a regional or landscape-scale result. Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP): The RCPP promotes coordination of NRCS conservation activities with partners that offer value-added contributions to expand our collective ability to address on-farm, watershed, and regional natural resource concerns. See existing RCPP Projects in Montana at nrcs/mt/programs/farmbill/rcpp/. EQIP offers financial and technical assistance to eligible participants to install or implement structural and management practices on eligible agricultural land. In Montana, socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and beginning farmers and ranchers will receive a higher payment rate for eligible conservation practices applied. NRCS accepts conservation program applications yearround; however, applications for the next funding consideration must be submitted by March 13, 2020. Applications made after the cutoff will be considered in the next funding cycle. Additional information is available on the Montana NRCS website at under the Programs tab or by contacting your local USDA service center.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A5

Open Gate Ranch 40th Annual Bull Sale

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

1:00 PM (MT) • Simms, MT • At Broken O Land and Livestock

$API +142.3 $TI +79.6 WW +72.7

$API +125.8 $TI +80.6 WW +86.3


$API +128.9 $TI +73.4 WW +74.5

$API +132.2 $TI +80 WW +82.8



$API +151 $TI +79.2 WW +63.3


$API +139.8 $TI +79.2 WW +82.1

$API +154.5 $TI +75.7 WW +57.8



$API +142.7 $TI +79.7 WW +74.2


$API +150.5 $TI +80.9 WW +74.3




Committed to Maternal Excellence, for Cattlemen with the Long Range View.


90 Yearling and Fall Born BEEF Bulls Sell


The Mike and Kim Richert Family Rocky Mountain Front, Montana 406-467-2082

Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 Rocky Forseth 406-590-7984

Mindfulness needed when salting sidewalks, roads

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A6

If you have items you want advertised in the April 2020 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is April 1st.

HELP WANTED - Farm Foreman

Soil Science Society of America We all want to be safe during winter storms. That includes on roadways and on sidewalks. But, the knee-jerk reaction to throw out a lot of salt on our driveways, sidewalks and roadways has long-term environmental impacts. This Soil Science Society of America Soils Matter blog post explains how too much salt reduces soils’ ability to retain plant nutrients and water, and damages soil structure. Salts that blow off the pavement of roads, driveways and sidewalks, or flow away with melted ice and snow can wreak havoc on soil systems. “Soils that contain too much sodium are unable to effectively retain important plant nutrients,” says blog author Mary Tiedeman. “Sodium in soils can also reduce plant-available water and is even toxic to many plant species.” The troubles don’t end there, however. “Sodium contamination leads to the breakdown of soil aggregates (or clumps),” Tiedeman says. “Water and air cannot move as easily through the soil. This process makes for a harsh environment for plants. It also has water quality ramifications, as surface soils erode far more readily when water cannot easily penetrate the soil surface.” Common sidewalk salts found at hardware and home stores contain sodium salts. There are alternatives that use magnesium instead of sodium; these are better for the environment because magnesium isn’t as toxic to plants as sodium. You might recognize these ions from recommendations of your own diet – lower sodium, and balance magnesium, calcium and other electrolytes. The advice is the same for soils. If you are concerned about the health of your soil and nearby water resources, you can implement these changes: • Be proactive with shoveling • Use the smallest amount of salt necessary • Wet deicers before application • Use kitty litter or sand for traction In addition, if you live in an apartment or share a driveway, or work in an office building, you can encourage your landscape/snow removal companies to attain certification in soil- and environmentally-friendly techniques. Tiedeman encourages everyone to think about the impacts of today’s de-icing decision to tomorrow’s soil health. “The weather outside may be frightful. So too is the impact of salts on soil and water quality. But rest assured; you have the power to reduce your environmental impact this winter. Make a change today!” To read the entire blog post, visit https://soilsmatter.

Sheffels Farms is a family owned dryland farm raising primarily wheat and barley located 11 miles northeast of Great Falls, Montana. In our second century of operation, we take pride in our employees, land, and equipment. We are seeking a farm foreman responsible for all on-farm aspects of the operation including supervising two full-time and up to 10 seasonal employees. Must have 2-years management experience, significant mechanical experience (mechanic/welder), and a positive attitude. Farm experience strongly preferred. Wages depend on experience. Health insurance, paid vacation, 401(k) with employer matching, and production shares available after meeting vesting requirements. On-farm subsidized housing may be possible. Send background and motivation to Steve at

Central Montana Gelbvieh




March 21, 2020 Saturday,

1:00 p.m. • Lewistown Livestock Auction • Lewistown, MT

40 Yearling Bulls Angus – Gelbvieh – Balancer®

Lot 8

DANELL DIAMOND SIX Don Danell (406) 538-5622

Lot 27


Mike Vanek - (406) 366-4668 Doug Linhart - (406) 423-5445

Performance Tested G Semen Tested Ready to Go to Work! d catalog . Videos an nline at... available o om

elton.c www.billp

Join us for a Sale Preview March 20th!








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4-H’ers place at Western National Roundup

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A7


By NDSU Extension Service Westfield 8x36 grain auger, gas 18-hp, twin cylinder, elecall, 100th; swine, 101st; sheep, 106th; Several North Dakota 4-H’ers brought tric start, Briggs & Stratton, Vanguard. Good condition... .............................................................................. $4000 reasons, 107th home honors from the Western National Ford 6-ft., 3 pt., rotary mower..................................... $400 Horse Judging Roundup in Denver, Colorado. Melroe 5503 45-ft. chisel plow, 5 sections, 11/4” shanks, The Ransom County team of Kasen AnThe Western National Roundup is a place hydraulic rod weeder attachment.......................... $4700 derson, Emma Gillespie, Ayriel Lyons and for youth to compete nationally in several 1990 Chevy 1/2-ton, 4x4, automatic with 61/2-ft.x8-ft. steel Lydia Lyons placed 10th overall. contests, learn to work as teams, and develflatbed with headache rack................................... $2000 Shaver HD8 post pounder.......................................... $500 Team and individual placings were: op self-confidence and leadership skills, inRound bale feeder....................................................... $250 • Team - reasons, seventh; performance, cluding critical thinking and independence. 13th Youth also participate in educational tours Call (406) 450-5359, Conrad, MT • Lydia Lyons - reasons, ninth; perforthat provide community-based and service mance 13th; individual overall, 20th learning opportunities. Meat Judging The North Dakota 4-H teams and indiRhea Laib, who represented Sheridan viduals who placed were: County but competed on the Kidder County Hippology state team, placed 15th overall. In individual The Burleigh County team of Hailey Leevents, she placed third high overall, third ingang, Jamie Schmidt, Tiffany Sonnenberg in retail ID and third in reasons. and Hannah Swenson took fifth place. Sires include: Horse Quiz Bowl Team and individual placings were: •  All Aboard  •  LRS Elevate •  Major The Sargent County team of Allie Bopp, • Team - judging, first; stations, fourth; •  Cash Flow  •  CDI Perspective Jacy Bopp, Kari Fuhrman and Kassidy exam slides, sixth; team problem, eighth Larson placed fourth overall. • Leingang - judging, first Individual placings were: • Sonnenberg - judging, second; high Quality Bulls at a Reasonable Price. • Fuhrman - individual overall, fourth point overall, sixth • Jacy Bopp - individual overall, ninth • Schmidt - judging, eighth Will be semen tested and fed for free until April 1. Horse Presentations • Swenson - stations, 11th Located in Sheridan, Wyoming • Abby Erickson and Anna Hoistad, SarConsumer Decision Making Contact Trenton Adams, Adams Ranch Simmental gent County - third Consumer decision making is an event (307) 751-1515 Horse Public Speaking that involves ranking four items in six • Morgan Dutton, Kidder County - sixth classes. The classes in this year’s competition were active wear, backpacks, healthy snacks, Kaufman Family Trust smoothies, toys and wearLaurel, MT able technology. Participants also offer oral reasons for their class rankings and compete in a group think activity. The Oliver County team of Jacob Klaudt, Morgyn Miller, Reanna Schmidt and Breanna Vosberg placed second overall. Team and individual placings were: • Team - reasons, first; group think process, second • Klaudt - reasons, first Livestock Judging The Ransom County team of Jacob Bear, Kendra Meyers and Caleb Schwab placed 21st overall. Team and individual placings were: • Team - beef, 16th; reaLOCATION: 22 White Horse Road • Laurel, MT sons, 22nd; goats, 24th; TRUCK sheep, 26th • Baer - beef, seventh; swine, eighth; reasons, 27th; TRACTORS individual overall, 38th; goats, 86th; sheep, 92nd TILLAGE & SEEDING HARVEST EQT • Meyers - beef, 12th; RELATED AG EQT swine, 38th; individual overall, 39th; reasons, 45th; sheep, 66th; goats, 80th • Schwab - goats, 34th; beef, 98th; individual over-

For sale Registered

Simmental Bulls


##### Honeybees are more likely to swarm during the spring. They swarm as a way to start new colonies from successful ones. Surprisingly, swarming honeybees are very docile and the most friendly they will ever be all year. ##### You know that little indestructable black box that is used on planes. Why don’t they make the whole plane out of the same substance?



For Eqt Info & Inspections, Contact Kim 406.861.9906 SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS: FRI, MAR 13 & WED, MAR 18 • 11AM-1PM AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Extremely clean line of equipment most of which was purchased new by the Kaufman Bros and shedded. Low time on all the rolling stock.

For more info, hundreds of photos & bidding registration, visit our website ……

Billings, MT (406) 652-2266

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A8

Succession planning in rural Kansas


1999 Dodge 2500 4x4 QuadCab, 5 speed, Cummins diesel, new transmission and front end, new tires, 165,000 miles with new Travel Lite overhead, self-contained camper ..... $25,000 Case David Brown 995 diesel tractor, 60 hp, 3-point, PTO, rear hydraulics, power steering, 3500 hours.................................................................................................................... $6000 International H tractor, single front, belt pulley, hydraulics, with John Deere mower..... $1500 Hamley handmade stock saddle, 151/2”, U.S. Special tree, good condition.................... $1500

Will sell above items or trade for yearling breeding heifers. Phone 406-232-7659, Custer, Montana

MT Certified Seed Plant (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT

Custom Cleaning & Treating SPRING 2020 SEED


✯ Fortuna ✯ Explorer* (HWW) ✯ Vida* ✯ Lanning* ✯ McNeal


✯ Hockett* ✯ Lavina (hay) ✯ Haxby (feed)

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Austrian Winter Peas * Denotes PVP


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✯ Check with us for mixes & CRP blends

Stock Salt • Feed Corn • Wood Pellets

FEED BARLEY and SAFFLOWER CONTRACTS Call for Details Feed Dealer

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K-State Research and Extension News Planning for the future is vital and families must take steps to ensure assets for the next generation. To support Kansas families through the process, K-State Research and Extension is partnering with the Small Business Development Center at Fort Hays State University to host the program, “Thriving Across Generations: Succession Planning in Rural Kansas” on Wednesday, March 11 from 5:30 to 9 p.m. The event will be at the Fort Hays State University Memorial Union, 700 College Drive in Hays. The featured speaker for this event is Rick Feltenberger, regional director at the FHSU Kansas Small Business Development Center. Participants will also choose one of three breakout sessions. Farm succession planning will be led by Roger McEowen, professor of agricultural law and taxation at Washburn University’s School of Law. Tom Byler with Emporia State University and Washburn SBDCs will discuss Small Business Succession. FHSU’s Tony Gabel will speak about estate plans for farm families. The early registration of $20 per person includes a meal and an estate planning notebook. Register online (https://; early registration is due by March 9. Registration of $30 will be accepted at the door and includes a meal and materials. For questions, call the K-State Research and Extension Cottonwood District office at 785-628-9430.

Loans for producers impacted by natural disaster

From Montana FSA Montana agricultural producers who lost property due to recent natural disasters may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) physical loss loans. The Farm Service Agency (FSA) offers these low-interest loans to agricultural producers in Cascade County who incurred losses due to excessive snow that occurred September 28, 2019, through December 5, 2019. Approval is limited to applicants who suffered severe physical losses only, including the loss of buildings and livestock. Producers currently having farm loans with FSA and who suffered severe losses as a result of the disaster may be eligible for the set-aside of one installment. Applications are due September 10, 2020.

Online Sale Sale Thursday, Thursday, March 18th Online 25 Yearling Yearling Bulls Bulls 25 10 Yearling Heifers 10

Sell online online through through SC SC Online Online Sales. Sales. Sell Check the the listing listing at: at: Check the listing at: Check

15 Yearling Yearling Bulls Bulls will will be be available available 15 available th private treaty treaty beginning beginning March March 20 20thth private March 20 ... Wewill willbe beoffering offeringaagood good selection selection of of Maine-Anjou, Maine-Anjou, Maine Maine Angus Angus We Maine Angus We will andMaineTainer MaineTainerbulls bulls and and heifers heifers for for your your evaluation. evaluation. Please Please stop stop by by and Please stop by and MaineTainer theranch ranchanytime anytime to to look look through through this this exciting exciting group group of of cattle. cattle. the cattle. the ranch Welook look forward forward to to hearing hearing from from you. you. We

MikeO’Hara O’Hara Mike Mike (406)899-6903 (406)899-6903 (406)899-6903

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Your “MAINE” Your “MAINE” “MAINE” Your bull source! bull source! bull source! O’Hara Land and Cattle

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First milk important to successful calving experience

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A9

K-State Research and Extension News udder may be covered in mud and that will Once the calves are born into a beef cattle give the calf a high pathogen challenge when herd, there is no better sight than watching it tries to nurse,” White said. them get up and begin to nurse their mamas. If supplementation is ultimately necessary, However, experts in Kansas State UniWhite and Weaber agreed that getting the milk versity’s Beef Cattle Institute (BCI) say that delivered to the calf at the correct temperature difficult deliveries, inexperienced dams and is critical. calves born without vigor sometimes keep The goal is feeding it at a temperature of that connection from happening. It is at 100 degrees, Weaber said. White adds: “It is those times when a beef producer may have best to warm up the milk in a hot water bath. to intervene. If you microwave it, you will destroy a lot of Trying to determine when to offer assisthose proteins.” tance to the cow/calf pair was a discussion White and Weaber offer these five tips: topic among BCI experts during a recent • Maintain cows in good body condition podcast, available online. The chief concern to maximize the quality and quantity of the is getting the colostrum into the calf within colostrum they produce the first few hours after it is born. • Develop herd immunity by following a “Colostrum is the first milk that the calf vaccination schedule gets from its mother that contains a lot of • Ensure cows have a dry location in which immunity to set it up for the first four to five to calve months of life,” said Brad White, veterinarian • Have an intervention plan in place for and BCI director. “As soon as the calf starts colostrum supplementation drinking, it has 12-24 hours to absorb the • Keep intervention equipment such as a colostrum before his gut closes.” bottle or esophageal tube feeder on hand As to when to intervene, the experts had a difference of opinion. “If I don’t observe a first calf heifer allowing her calf to nurse in the first two to four hours, I will get involved by Jeanette Rankin Kathy & Jim Bjorkman 1289 Nine Mile Rd. 406.937.4815 helping,” said Bob Weaber, Oilmont, MT 59466 beef cattle extension special406.937.3728 ist and BCI expert. He added: “My goal is to get at least one quart of ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE colostrum into the calf. After milking out the cow, I offer March 19, 2020, 1:00 pm it to the calf through a bottle Western Livestock Auction • Great Falls, Montana and if that doesn’t work, I use 40 Red & Black Bulls 20 Red & Black Heifers an esophageal tube feeder to ® deliver it.” Purebred & Balancer Purebred & Balancer® White prefers to follow a less aggressive approach by DEDICATED TO THE GELBVIEH BREED FOR 45+ YEARS. observing calf behavior over the course of 24-48 hours. “I am not going to intervene until the calf tells me it is not thriving, by walking with its head down or trying to nurse off of other cows,” he said. He added that if he does intervene, his goal is to gather the milk from the calf’s dam rather than using colostrum supplementation. White said the immunity in the colostrum comes from the proteins in the dam’s milk and that milk from beef cows is more nutrient dense than that of dairy cows (which is what most colostrum supplements These individuals represent a cross section of the bull offering: consist of). So, with supplementation of dairy colostrum, Bull ID SIRE BW 205 CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM HP PG30 ST YG CW REA MB FPI Corn Husker KHR 06G 86 101 15 -0.6 65 91 18 50 8 8.38 0.46 16 -0.21 23 0.50 0.18 73.28 White said the supplementaTaylor Made KHR 10G 86 108 15 -0.4 66 93 21 54 10 9.45 -0.34 15 -0.28 20 0.60 0.16 73.68 tion goal is to provide two Taylor Made KHR 34G 82 116 15 -0.6 71 98 22 58 10 11.28 -0.17 16 -0.29 25 0.68 0.21 78.23 quarts. Impact Z204 KHR 15G 92 106 14 -0.2 65 95 27 60 8 11.42 1059 15 -0.29 23 0.68 0.24 75.76 Both experts agree that the KHR 14B KHR 44G 94 109 15 -1.0 66 95 24 56 9 3.84 0.09 16 -0.33 18 0.57 0.09 73.24 KHR 96D KHR 49G 80 105 19 -2.4 57 82 23 52 11 10.33 -0.04 15 -0.35 12 0.58 0.16 72.64 quantity and quality of the coKHR 01E KHR 63G 84 108 16 -0.4 68 99 21 55 9 7.97 -1.31 15 -0.30 31 0.77 0.23 77.61 lostrum produced by the cow KHR 52C KHR 47G 94 111 9 0.8 66 101 23 56 7 10.34 0.30 16 -0.36 28 0.88 0.11 70.48 has a direct correlation to the KHR 41E KHR 77G 86 104 12 0.8 66 95 20 53 8 11.70 0.44 16 -0.35 15 0.62 0.10 70.08 dam’s body condition score. “A cow in good body con45+ years of perfecting the Gelbvieh breed to meet profitability in the dition will have the nutrition she needs to make the procattle industry while maintaining the breed’s inherit Fertility, Stayability, teins to pass on the immunity Docility and Maternal Characteristics. to her calf,” White said. He also stressed the imPerformance cattle for the REAL WORLD. portance of calving in a dry, clean environment. Fertility tested and Scrotal measured. “The immunity is only as effective as the challenges we Follow us on Facebook put it under, so if the calf is born in a mud lot, the cow’s

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A10

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

TRUCK FOR SALE Ford line truck, everything works, 36-ft. crane, 12” auger. Drive anywhere.....................$7500 Call 406-253-1001


2010 New Holland P2060 60-ft. seed tool with P1060 430 bushel cart, set up for double shoot. Cart is tow between, three compartment, variable rate with Pro600 control, external switch box and is ISO compatible to run through tractor display. Dual tires, dual fans and LED lights on back. Extra meter rollers included. Seed tool has 550 lb trips with Dutch side band openers and 4.5” steel packer wheels. All packer bearings have been replaced. Primary blockage monitors. Excellent tires on seed tool. Drill and cart are in good shape and rockshafts are not all bent up. 2nd owner.........................................................$56,000 obo Phone 406-390-6477, Dagmar, Montana

Binstock Simmental Annual Private Treaty Sale

•  Great Bulls at affordable prices •  Over 50 years in the Simmental Business •  Exceptional length with Natural Thickness •  Bulls are guaranteed and will be fertility tested before delivery Free delivery first 250 miles.

Gerald and Rita Binstock

701-579-4118 (H)

Dickinson, ND 58601

701-290-6504 (C)


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Merlin Frydenlund’s workshop at Montana’s Next Generation Conference regarding DOT regulations and farm and ranch trucking was a hit for many producers with the great question and answer period. Photo by Kari Lewis.

2020 USDA Tribal Outreach Forum

USDA News Release The USDA Montana Food & Agriculture Council announced that registration for the 2020 USDA Tribal Outreach Forum in Billings, Montana, on April 14-15 is now open. “USDA is hosting this two-day forum to bring people together and highlight key resources available to tribal communities,” said Mike Foster, state executive director for USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) and 2020 chair of USDA’s interagency council in Montana. The 2018 Farm Bill enacted on December 20, 2018, continues its strong support for America’s farmers, ranchers, rural communities and forest stewards through a variety of safety net, farm loan, conservation, disaster assistance, housing and community development programs. Updates will be provided by leadership from USDA’s Office of Tribal Relations, FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Rural Development (RD), National Agricultural Statistics Service, Risk Management Agency (RMA), Forest Service, Montana State University, Animal Plant Health Inspection Service’s Plant Protection and Quarantine, Wildlife Services and Veterinary Services. Panel discussions will be held on the implementation of the renewed USDA and Bureau of Indian Affairs Memorandum of Understanding, hemp production on tribal lands and agricultural lending opportunities. USDA leaders and representatives from Intertribal Agriculture Council, Indian Nations Conservation Alliance and Native American Agriculture Fund will also provide updates. Indian Land Tenure Foundation President Cris Stainbrook, who leads the national community-based organization based in Little Canada, Minnesota, will present on the “History and Future of Tribal Lands in the United States.” A collaborative breakout session with RD and Tribal Housing Authority officials will be held on April 14 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. An optional “Beginning Farmer/ Rancher Networking Session” with new and interested ag producers, ag lenders, outreach and resource contacts will be held on April 14 from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Registration is free and open to the first 150 to register. Registration forms are available at any USDA Service Center and at on the state events page (https:// To register, completed registration forms can be emailed to or mailed to: Jennifer Cole, USDAFSA 1120 US Hwy 191 S, Suite 1, Malta, MT 59538 The forum will be held at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center. Lodging reservations can be made at the Billings Hotel and Convention Center by calling 406-248-7151. The room block is available until March 23, 2020, by requesting the USDA Tribal Outreach group rate of $96 plus fees and taxes. Persons with disabilities who require accommodations to participate in this meeting should contact Jennifer Cole at 406-654-1333, ext. 117 or or Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 by April 6, 2020. For questions or more information, contact Jennifer Cole at 406-654-1333, ext. 117 or

Improved sorghum hybrids for 2020

##### The term “spring fever” refers to a both psychological and physiological symptoms associated with the arrival of spring, including restlessness, daydreaming, and increased sexual appetite. While the exact cause is unclear, scientists believe that increased light, more exercise, and more bare skin influence hormone levels.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A11


By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Director of Agronomy New sorghum hybrids are developed and released by seed companies at a pace that tends to be slower than some other crops. However, in the last two years, the industry has seen many new sorghum hybrids released, providing growers with 12” spacing, 300 bushel tow behind cart, hydraulic fan, single new and exciting options to consider. These new hybrids are shoot. Many extra parts available to possibly not limited to certain geographic regions, so growers across include with the right deal................................ $12,000 obo the U.S. should have access to a new hybrid or two to try on Call 406-240-1991 their farms. Generally, in the first year of release, seed supply is limited, but growers should take the opportunity early on to plant a few acres of new sorghum hybrids in their fields to compare the new hybrids to older hybrids. Before a seed company releases a new hybrid, it is rigorously tested under multiple environments. A seed company Teri & Mark Horinek of Hingham, Montana — Home: (406) 397-3332; Cell: (406) 390-4028 will bring a hybrid to the market only if it has some significant advantage over other hybrids it currently sells. Higher March 22, 2020 ~ Havre Bigger Better Barn across from Holiday Village Mall yield is always the goal, and the goal is accomplished when the hybrid has a higher yield potential under optimum con11:00 am - Preview 12:00 pm - FREE Lunch 1:00 pm - Sale ditions or has better defensive traits that equip the hybrid to better withstand abiotic and biotic stress for higher yield. Selling Abiotic or nonliving stress typically is caused by drought 40 to 50 and high temperatures. Since growers tend to plant sorghum Show Pigs in dry environments, breeders spend a large portion of their Look us up on FaceBook! efforts developing sorghum hybrids that can withstand periods of drought and still maintain yield potential. In addi• Yorkshire • Duroc All attending 4-Hers will be entered tion, combating heat stress from high temperatures should • Berkshire • Exotic • Hampshire to win one of three prizes. be important to growers. Much of the U.S. has experienced elevated temperatures over the last few years, and the condition is not expected to change anytime soon. Moving forward, breeders THE SEVENTH ANNUAL BULL SALE will place more emphasis on developing sorghum hybrids that can withstand heat stress. Biotic or living stress Thursday, March 19, 2020 usually is caused by insects At the ranch near Highwood, MT or diseases. In recent years, breeders have put considerFeaturing 72 elite herd sire prospects. able effort into identifying M A R DENVER 9005 parental lines that possess CED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B sugarcane aphid tolerance +10 +2.3 +77 +128 +0.99 +0.89 +86 +160 and developing aphid-re19650785 EXAR Denver 2002B x MAR Innovation 251 sistant hybrids. Many of the new hybrids set for release in 2020 have superior sugarcane aphid tolerance while maintaining or even increasing yield potential. M A R BL ACKSMITH 9048 For regions where diseases CED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B are an issue, some of the +12 +0.8 +71 +129 +0.52 +0.86 +85 +172 new hybrids have improved 19654861 Marda Blacksmith 683 x SydGen Fate 2800 anthracnose resistance. M A R LEGEND B90 Although new hybrids CED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B with herbicide tolerance will +7 +2.5 +78 +139 +0.86 +0.77 +69 +194 not hit the market in 2020, 19352353 V A R Legend 5019 x S Chisum 6175 hybrids are in the pipeline with tolerance to ACCase (acetyl-CoA carboxylase), sulfonylurea and imidazolinone herbicides. Breeders developed each of these M A R PAYWEIGHT 7638 technologies using convenCED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B tional breeding techniques +4 +1.9 +82 +140 +0.65 +0.50 +90 +167 to produce non-GMO sor19066863 Basin Payweight 1682 x GAR-EGL Protege ghum hybrids. M A R RIGHTEOUS B25 In the near future, growCED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B ers can expect the introduc+8 +2.1 +79 +143 +0.86 +1.08 +81 +188 ADVANCED BEEF SOLUTIONS AUCTIONEER tion of sorghum hybrids at a 19352475 FF Rito Righteous 6R41 x A A R Ten X 7008 S A Jason Judge 559-288-8142 Kyle Shobe faster pace as breeders adopt Joel Judge 805-234-7191 new breeding techniques. The use of double haploid OFFERING 7 TWO YEAR OLD BULLS, 15 LONG 16-18 MONTH OLD technology should reduce BULLS AND 50 12-14 MONTH OLD BULLS. the time it takes to develop Sale will not be online so show up to bid! new hybrids by at least four years. In addition, gains in knowledge about the genetic mapping of genes on chromosomes, coupled M A R JET BL ACK 9032 with powerful computer programs, will make breedCED BW WW YW MARB RE $W $B +5 +2.3 +81 +149 +0.64 +0.88 +86 +173 ers much more efficient at Ty and Tami Malek 406-899-4360 19654868 Bar R Jet Black 5063 x RB Riley 890-2181 selecting superior parental 22700 Highwood Road - Highwood, MT 59450 lines for cross-breeding to develop higher-performing sorghum hybrids. MALEK ANGUS RANCH




Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A12

Tate Miller Welding •  Cattle Guards - any size

•  Panels - 24-ft.

•  Calf Hutches

UM student puts songbird research methods to the test By Kasey Rahn, UM News Service

•  Wind Break Panels - 24-ft. x any height Delivery available Phone 701-220-1350, Golva, ND

We welcome you to check out our 2020 offering of 28 yearling Charolais Bulls Please contact Ryan or Riley Knerr for more information Riley Knerr (406) 464-5211 M (406) 366-6788 Ryan Knerr (406) 464-2004 M (406) 301-4333

Call Now & Book Your Seed Today! It’s not too early to start talking about


Syngenta Wheats


WestBred Wheats


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4 Forage Barleys, Oats, Peas and Triticale

Stop in or give us a call! ✽ Custom Pasture & Hay Mixes ✽ ✽ FSG Alfalfa ✽ ✽ 1st Select Alfalfa ✽ ✽ Complete Grass Seed Selection ✽ See us for your CRP needs

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Give us a call!

Other Items Available Upon Request

Post Office Box 130 Three Forks, MT 59752


WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC

The University of Montana’s (UM) Avian Science Center collects, synthesizes and communicates knowledge about birds and their ecosystems for the conservation of natural resources. This mission often translates to analyzing the approaches used to collect information about birds, improving the scientific data that are the backbone of conservation management decisions. In a new study, Avian Science Center doctoral student Kaitlyn Reintsma tested a relatively unknown nest density estimator for songbirds using Brewer’s sparrow nesting data, and she determined it is just as accurate as traditional methods. Her coauthors include Victoria Dreitz, the UM Avian Science Center director, and former Avian Science Center researcher Alan Harrington, currently a graduate student at Oregon State University. “This study provides evidence that the nest density estimator developed by Guillaume Péron and his collaborators in a 2014 study is a potentially useful tool for a wider range of taxa than solely the species it was created for,” Reintsma said. “Use of this model could improve insight into vital measurements important for wildlife conservation.” Reintsma is a doctoral student studying fish and wildlife biology in the W.A. Franke College of Forestry and Conservation at UM. She originally began the study as part of her undergraduate research required by the Davidson Honors College, as well as the honors option of UM’s Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Biology. This blossomed into publication-worthy research under the guidance of Dreitz, her undergraduate research adviser and now-Ph.D. adviser. Birds are sensitive to environmental changes, so they’re frequently used to understand human impacts on the environment and establish ecosystem-level conservation policies, Reintsma and her co-authors say. As humans increasingly put pressure on the natural world, it becomes important to understand what demographic factors drive changes in wildlife population sizes. For birds, that often comes down to breeding productivity – how many baby birds are successfully launched into the world. Breeding productivity is most often inferred exclusively from nest success rates, or the proportion of nests with at least one offspring fledging successfully. But clutch

size and nest density – how many nests there are in a given area – also play important roles. The easiest way for scientists to calculate nest density would be to find all of the nests in a given area and divide by the size of the area but finding all of the nests is easier said than done. It’s often not feasible to locate every nest in a given area because the nests are not always easily detected on the day the area is surveyed, and even if they are, they are likely to be missed by scientists during nest searching. For example, nests could already have failed or fledged before the day scientists collect data, or researchers might not detect an active nest concealed by tall grass. Distance sampling is the most widely accepted sampling method used to account for imperfect detection in nest density estimation. Distance sampling models usually require observers to record nests from a predetermined transect line and then estimate detection probability based on the distance from the observer to the nest. They cannot include data from nests found in any other way than a structured survey or account for nests unavailable for detection at the time of the survey. Péron and his co-authors developed an alternative method in 2014, published in Ecology ( Unlike standard distance sampling methods, the time-to-event nest density estimator mathematically accounts for nest availability and is more flexible in the data that can be included. The validation of this new method was limited to its original study species, the blue-winged teal. Reintsma and her co-authors evaluated the general applicability of the time-toevent estimator in the Passeriformes order, which includes songbirds and more than half of all bird species. They compared estimates of nest detection rates and nest density from the time-to-event estimator to distance sampling methods for 42 Brewer’s sparrow nests monitored in 2015. They found the time-to-event estimator produced similar but more precise density estimates than distance sampling methods. “Wildlife biologists are always striving to identify and validate efficient new tools to understand and protect wildlife populations,” Reintsma said. “This study is just one example of that sentiment.”

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A13

POLLED HEREFORD BULLS Yearling and two year olds. Excellent pigmentation, easy calving and quiet dispositions. Dallas Polled Herefords

Box 532, 8210 Little Prickly Pear Rd - Canyon Creek, MT (406) 368-2244 ranch (406) 410-0406 cell


International 766 tractor with Farmhand F358 loader, grapple and bucket, 18.4x34 rear tires 80%, 6789 hours............$7500 Phone (406) 539-2306

M.A.G.I.E was a good opportunity for some small businesses to show off their products to a wide variety of people. It was held in mid-January in Great Falls, Montana.

Robert Schwab Estate

Sat., March 21, 2020

10:00 a.m.

Location: 6725 12 Mile Road, Shepherd, Montana

From Billings Heights go East on old Highway 312 5.4 miles, then North 1.3 miles at 12 Mile Road.



John Deere 4440 cab, air, heat, diesel, 3 pt., PTO, 3 remotes, 8 speed Powershift, 8807 hours.

John Deere 4020 cab, diesel, 3 pt., PTO, 2 remotes, duals, 8 speed Powershift, 10,441 hours. Ford 5000 diesel, 3 pt., PTO with Farmhand F-11 loader, 4838 hours.

Massey-Ferguson 150 gas, 3 pt., PTO, like new rear tires, 8599 hours.


3 point, PTO wood chipper - new. Tarter 3 point, PTO, 5-ft. roto-tiller. AerWay 3 point, 12-ft. pasture aerator. 3 point 12-ft. S-tine cultivator. 3 point backhoe. 3 point, PTO broadcast seeder. 3 point 6-ft. toolbar. 3 point, PTO rotary mower. Meyers 3 point ditcher. 3 point, 8-ft. terrace blade. 3 point, 5-ft. terrace blade.

Owner: Robert Schwab Estate

2002 Dodge Ram 2500 Laramie SLT, Cummins diesel, 6 speed, manual transmission, extended cab, 5th wheel hitch, 185,000 miles. 1998 Dodge Ram 2500 Laramie SLT, Cummins diesel, automatic transmission, extended cab, 4WD with HydraBed bale handler, 236,000 miles. 1992 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pickup, 5 speed manual transmission, gas engine, Hydra-Bed bale handler, 4WD, 167,000 miles. 1978 Chevrolet 3/4 ton Cheyenne pickup, gas, automatic transmission, 4WD, 115,000 miles. 1957 Chevrolet farm truck.


Lincoln Pro-Cut 60 plasma cutter. MIG welder. Twentieth Century stick welder. Oxy-acetylene torch set on cart. Craftsman bench grinder. Numerous hand and power tools. Tool box with tools. 1/2” drive deep well impact socket sets. 6000 watt generator. Assorted air tools. Ratchet straps. 5000# floor jack. Air hose reel. Propane space heater. Campbell Hausfeld air compressor. 4” vise on stand. Battery charger. Dura-Craft drill press. Post pounders. Hydro Star power sewer snake. Beet fork.


Eversman 4512 land leveler. 14-ft. tandem disc. Skid steer hydraulic post hole digger. Eversman pull type dirt scraper, approximately 3 yard. 3 pt bale spinner. John Deere grain drill grass seeder-fertilizer, double disc.


2016 PJ 24-ft. flatbed tandem axle, bumper pull trailers, 4-ft. stationary, 18-ft. tilt bed. 2013 PJ 20-ft. flatbed tandem axle, bumper pull trailer, 7000# axles. 2002 Road King flatbed tandem, bumper pull trailer, 7000# axles. 1987 Homemade triple axle gooseneck flatbed trailer. 1973 Tana 18-ft. gooseneck stock trailer. Hay wagon, real good running gear.


HMI Hydra Mac 1850 skid steer, Cummins diesel, 2120 hours.


John Deere 568 round baler, Mega Wide Plus, net wrap, 12,240 total bales, always shedded.


Craftsman 24” s.p. snowblower, new. 10-Rolls round baler net wrap. Honda water pump, gas engine. Nut and bolt bins. 1000 gallon water tank. 275 gallon diesel tank, electric pump. 150 gallon fuel tank, electric pump. 2-S-S 16-ft. calf sheds. Husky utility dump cart. Powder River calf branding table. 2 wheel utility trailer. Swisher zero turn riding mower. Large galvanized stock tank. Fimco 200 gallon weed sprayer, slide in, gas engine, hose reel. Propane weed burner, 200 gallon tank. 6-ft. snowplow. Electric fence supplies. 425 gallon plastic water tank. Rubber Maid water tank. 25 gallon, 4 wheeler weed sprayer. Fimco 40 gallon, 4 wheeler weed sprayer. Storage shelves. Stihl 009 chain saw. Stihl 028 chain saw. Gibson room air conditioner, new in box. Pressure washer.  Huskee space heater.


Honda Rancher 10,310 miles.


142 bales grass hay, net wrap, average quality, (more information at sale time)

Case IH 8840 self propelled swather, diesel, 14-ft. double sickle, 2610 hours.

Hesston 4590 in-line square baler, always shedded. Hesston 5585 round baler. Numerous round baler belts. Agco 3 point 9-ft. rotary pull type mower, hydraulic lift. 2- Ferguson 3 point hay rakes. 3 point, 4 wheel windrow gatherer. Sitrex 3 point, 6 wheel hay rake. 3 point bale spear. 3 point windrow turner. 3 point PTO hay rake. Agtec square bale accumulator. Farmhand 8 pack bale handler. A.C. 3 point, sickle mower. 3 point, 3 wheel windrow turner.

Terms: Cash, check, or credit card - No buyers premium

Sale Managed by: Rick Young Auctioneers

Phone: 406-321-1534 or information on web:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A14


(2) 2019 John Deere S790 STS combines with 45-ft. flex draper headers. Only 163 hours per machine. Used one season and these are absolutely loaded with options. Still under full warranty. $520,000 each or will negotiate a discount for both machines Call Dean (406) 579-6557 or

FREE HEAT FROM YOUR WASTE OIL Hot water for in-floor heat, domestic hot water, car or truck wash, forced air heat exchangers

Montana Shed Center has a small replica of one of the many buildings they produce at the MAGIE in Great Falls, Montana. Model CB-500-CTB

Model CB-350-CTB Model CB-200-CTB

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Real Estate & Restaurant Equipment 203 East Main Street • Laurel, MT Bidding Ends: March 4th • 11:00 AM

Ag Equipment, Trucks & Trailers Jim Bridger Road • Bridger, MT Bidding Ends: Spring 2020

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Plan now to assure successful calving season

K-State Research and Extension News Cattle producers who have not yet started the spring calving season still have time to plan ahead, and a Kansas State University veterinarian notes that could make a big difference in having a successful year. “This is the time for a pre-emptive strike,” said A.J. Tarpoff, a beef veterinarian with K-State Research and Extension. “If you haven’t started calving yet on your operation, now is the time to start thinking about what you can do to be ready.” Tarpoff noted that producers need to make sure they have the necessary supplies on hand, which may require buying or repairing items and facilities. Then, he adds, set in motion a plan to manage the birth of the new calves. “Calving books are a phenomenal tool,” Tarpoff said. “It could be just a little pocketbook where you write down who calved, when they calved, if there was difficulty, and whether it was a male or female coming out. There is a lot of information that we can capture about the birthing process so that we’re able to make better decisions within our herd in the future.” One of the newer management techniques that can lead to successful calving is to feed cows at dusk. “There have been several research studies that show reliable results that a higher percentage of animals are born during daylight hours when we feed the cow in the late evening hours,” Tarpoff said. Feeding late in the evening, he said, will help decrease midnight or early morning births, which are hard on workers and can make the birth more complicated if there are difficulties. Tarpoff hosted a series of calving schools across Kansas over the last several weeks to help the state’s producers be adequately prepared to bring in as many healthy animals as possible. The final session for this season was video-streamed on Facebook Live. A recording of that session can be seen on the K-State Research and Extension Facebook page ( videos/746744109146536/?t=0). One of his recommendations is that producers use a cooler to store tools and equipment: “On cold days and nights, the cooler will help equipment to stay nice and warm. We can close it up and know that our equipment is not going to freeze,” he said. Tarpoff said producers should check calving chains or obstetric straps for rust, sharp spots or fraying. He also suggests having multiple sets on hand in case there are multiple births at once. The straps should be cleaned, disinfected and hung to dry after each use. “Once those straps are dried, put them in a closed container so that you don’t re-contaminate them by accident,” he said. “Then, throw them back into your cooler kit.” Producers should have a meeting with their local veterinarian to discuss situations that may occur, and what medicine or other supplies may be needed to handle those. “They can prescribe the products you’ll need and set you up to be a little more prepared,” Tarpoff said. Producers can also contact their local extension agent or visit for more information on getting prepared for spring calving.

Are sinking soils in the Everglades related to climate change?

By Rachel Leege, American Society of Agronomy Characterized by alligators, airboats, and sidence can release significant amounts of catfish, the Everglades is a region of swampy greenhouse gasses. This can have connecwetlands in southern Florida. In addition to tions with climate change. the area’s role in Florida’s tourism industry, “To improve soil conservation, I recthe Everglades play a significant part in ommend farmers avoid using short flood protecting our environment – through carbon cycles,” says Rodriguez. “I also suggest they sequestration. use a crop rotation with rice during the sumOver a quarter of the Everglades are enmer.” These practices decrease the amount of oxygen reaching the soil, which minimizes compassed in the Everglades Agricultural decomposition. Area. The Everglades Agricultural Area inHe also encourages increasing soil carbon cludes 700,000 acres of farmland where by adding plant material back into the soil. sugar cane, winter vegetables and other crops Farmers can do this by incorporating residue are grown. from sugarcane harvest into the soil. “I am The farmland was created by draining aware that the practices I recommend presthe Everglades, starting over 100 years ago. There are four main canals that drain the ent challenges from the agronomic point of area. Farmers also have systems of ditches view, but I am confident they can be sorted,” to manage the water levels in their fields and says Rodriguez. to provide irrigation to crops. Rodriguez presented his research at the Since the 1950s, scientists have been November International Annual Meeting of studying an environmental change in the the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Everglades called soil subsidence. Soil subScience Society of America, and Soil Scisidence is the sinking or settling of the earth’s ence Society of America in San Antonio. surface. Researchers estimate a subsidence This research was funded by the Soil and rate of about 1 inch per year. Water Sciences Department and the EverSoil subsidence is a growing problem. In glades Research and Education Center at the recent years, soils around the Everglades are University of Florida. so shallow that farmers are struggling to manage water and grow crops. Previously, it was not clear if carbon quality played a role in soil subsidence. So, Andres Rodriguez, a researcher at University of Florida, was ready to find out. Ultimately, Rodriguez and his team want to improve soil conservation and explore different water management strategies. This research is important to protect the Everglades Agricultural Area, which plays a large role in Florida’s agriculture economy. Carbon sequestration is a process where carbon from the atmosphere is stored in the soil, which helps lessen global warming. Plants, ocean, and the soil all capture and store carbon. The soil of the Everglades, called peat, is largely made up of waterlogged, decomposing plant and animal materials. The peat soil stores a large amount of carbon compared to other soils across the globe. When the Everglades Agricultural Area was drained, the soil was exposed to higher levels of oxygen. Decomposition of the plant and animal materials happens much faster with more oxygen. When the carbon in the soil decomposes, it becomes carbon dioxide gas. The mass of the soil decreases, and gas goes into the atmosphere. It’s a big chemistry equation. “It’s not easy to picture a soil that disappears,” says Rodriguez. “The most challenging process I have to explain – and the most striking – is how carbon in the soil goes from the soil to the atmosphere.” The process of soil sub-

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A15

1 Black Dexter Calf For Sale 10 month old heifer Call (406) 323-4162, Roundup, MT

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A16

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st. Phone (406) 271-5533.

ALFALFA AND GRASS HAY FOR SALE Large round bales, net wrapped, no rain. Easy to load location.

Phone 406-590-8916 or 562-3645





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MSU professor receives lifetime achievement award

By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service A longtime Montana State University (MSU) professor was recognized in January for his pioneering work in the field of remote sensing and geographic information systems over his 21-year career. Rick Lawrence, a professor in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences in MSU’s College of Agriculture and director of the Spatial Sciences Center, received the lifetime achievement award from AmericaView, a national nonprofit that seeks to advance applications for remote sensing technologies on a state and local level across the U.S. The recognition came at an apt time; Lawrence retired at the end of January after more than two decades at MSU. From 1979 to 1993, Lawrence worked as a corporate lawyer in the Los Angeles area. After nearly 15 years working with large international law firms, he sought a career change, wanting to pursue something that could make positive differences to the natural world. Ultimately, he returned to college, receiving a master’s and doctorate in forestry, the latter with an emphasis on geographic information systems and remote sensing. AmericaView’s lifetime achievement award recognizes Lawrence’s work in creating MontanaView, which at its inception was the 18th state-level organization in the collection. Now, there are 40 state bodies. It also notes his years spent on AmericaView’s national board of directors, including three years as chairman, the longest term as a chairperson in the organization’s history. For the roughly 20 years AmericaView has existed, Lawrence has helped lead it for 15 of those. The national nonprofit oversees state-level organizations that are led by researchers at universities in their respective states. After arriving in Bozeman in 1998, Lawrence helped AmericaView create MontanaView. He was instrumental in creating the consortium — made up of MSU, the University of Montana, Montana Tech and Salish Kootenai College, along with agricultural and governmental bodies — to apply remote sensing technology to their fullest potential in Montana. “Over the years, we’ve used remote sensing for looking at habitat for endangered species, including Canada lynx, grizzly bears and wolverines, used it heavily for agriculture to look at herbicide applications and agricultural inputs and even down in Yellowstone looking at geothermal features and changes in those features over time,” said Lawrence. “The goals of these state consortia were to look at the needs that could be fulfilled to advance remote sensing and make a difference in people’s lives.” But arguably most notable are Lawrence’s contributions to the field of remote sensing itself, introducing novel uses for state-of-the-art algorithms and applying them to natural resources in ways they never had been before. “With something like Google Earth, you can see things, but sometimes you want more than a picture. You want to know how much biomass is out there, or what the composition of a forest is in terms of species, or what the geothermal energy is if you’re looking at Yellowstone,” said Lawrence. “How can we use these techniques from the computer science, machine learning and statistical worlds to make better maps? I was able to bring some of those over into the remote sensing world to help more accurately extract useful map data from the imagery.” And while academia was his second career, Lawrence has made an indelible impact on those around him. “This lifetime achievement award, coinciding with his retirement, is an ideal way to recognize Dr. Lawrence’s accomplishments,” said Scott Powell, an assistant professor in the land resources and environmental sciences department and faculty member in the Spatial Sciences Center. “I have worked closely with Rick for 20 years, first as a graduate student and then as a faculty peer, and I have seen few people who have approached their work with as much integrity, pride and joy as he has.” For Lawrence, that impact goes both ways. The people of MSU, and particularly the students, that he has worked with over two decades are the thing upon which he looks back most fondly, he said, calling his time in Bozeman a dream. “I remember when I first interviewed here, I told the committee that if I ever had to choose between research and teaching, I would choose teaching,” he said. “That’s the focus for me. I see in our students a strong desire to learn, and even when they struggle, it’s with the desire of moving forward. It’s been such a pleasure, and it’s been worth every minute of it.”

USDA reminds producers of advance payment option

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A17

SPRAYER FOR SALE Summers NT Ultimate sprayer 90-ft. hooded booms, Raven wetware, 450 controller, Accuboom, 3 section 20-50-20, 1600 gallon, chemical inductor, excellent condition, always shedded.

United States Department of Agriculture News Release USDA’s Natural Resources Conservatice. The funds must be spent within 90 days tion Service (NRCS) reminds historically of receipt and practices must be completed underserved producers, who are participatas agreed to in an EQIP plan of operations. ing in the Environmental Quality Incentives Producers also may opt to have NRCS pay Program (EQIP), of the advance payment the contractors or vendors directly. Contact Mitch option. This option allows them to get conEQIP practices include vegetative prac(406) 590-2649 servation practice payments in advance of tices, structural practices, management Fairfield, MT practice implementation. practices, and other improvements that “The advance payment option makes further program goals such as conservation NRCS conservation assistance more accesactivity plans. sible to underserved producers,” said NRCS More Information Chief Matthew Lohr. “It enables them to For more information, visit the adAGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE participate without having to worry about vance payments website (https:// (4) 5-ft. wheel lines, band lock covering up-front costs themselves or GM 4-71 diesel irrigation pump on trailer ing for a loan to cover the costs. Some farmdetail/national/programs/financial/ 2005 Case IH 2388 combine, 2006 updates, 1892 separaers don’t have the financial ability to wait tor hours, 36-ft. Case IH 2042 draper header eqip/?cid=nrcseprd1502414) where you Steel wheel mounted canola roller for the NRCS reimbursement to arrive.” can download the EQIP Advance Payment Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow, draw bar, 5 bar, 5-ft. EQIP provides financial and techniFact Sheet and read the blog #FridaysOnharrows, 4 down pressure springs per harrow cal assistance to address natural resource TheFarm: Advance Payment Helps Extend Steel I-beam overhead shop hoist frame, (4) 20-ft. 7” Iconcerns and to deliver environmental the Season blog ( beam rails, 18-ft. long, 10” I-beam for top cross rail holdbenefits, such as improved water and air gov/connect/blog/conservation/advanceing quality, conserved ground and surface wapayment-helps-extend-season). For more (2) 5-ft. carriage rails on 15” steel wheels Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, with windter, reduced soil erosion and sedimentation, information on NRCS Farm Bill programs, screens and improved or created wildlife habitat. visit or contact your Phone (406) 278-3068, Conrad, Montana In fiscal 2019, NRCS invested $1.3 billion local NRCS field office. through EQIP to implement conservation practices on more than 13 million acres. “In Montana, we are comThe key to our bull power... mitted to helping beginning, socially disadvantaged, veteran, and limited resources farmers and ranchers make their operations more enviOF COW FAMILIES ronmentally and economiAnnual Production Sale: cally sustainable,” said Tom Watson, USDA NRCS State AT THE RANCH • 12:30 PM Conservationist for MonGRASS RANGE, MONTANA tana. A historically under100 Performance Bulls served producer is described Performance tested bulls you can rely as one of the below: on. Fertility tested, guaranteed, gentle dispositions. Sired by our • Beginning Farmer or select, trait-leading herd sire line-up. Rancher – is new to farming or ranching, or, has operated a farm or ranch for less 80 Yearling Females than 10-consecutive years. Guaranteed to breed. • Socially DisadvanPowerhouse registered and taged Farmer or Rancher commercial females. – is a member of a group Representing historic, generational cows familes deep in VGW bloodines. whose members have been Many have ten plus generations of subjected to racial or ethnic VGW prefixes. Proven, dependable, prejudice because of their fertile, profitable genetics. identity as members of that group without regard to their 2020 Sires Represented: individual qualities. • VGW Bumper Crop 510 (3475897) • Veteran Farmer or • VGW Editor 702 (3764711) Rancher – has served in • 3SCC Navigator A448 (1648436) the armed forces and has • RReds Pioneer 6904 (3585350) not operated a farm or ranch, • VGW Intensity 714 (3764727) VGW Heisman 911 - RAAA # 4142790 has operated a farm or ranch • 3SCC Domain A163 (1619642) Sire: Jacobsen Mountaineer 5076 for less than 10-consecu• LJC Iceman 411D (3543821) tive years, or first obtained • 5L The Real Deal 1687-143B (1701634) veteran status during the last 10 years. For catalogs contact: • Limited Resource VGW Exceed 957 - RAAA # 4142514 Vic & Shari Westphal Farmer or Rancher – has Sire: VGW Intensity 714 PO Box 72 a household income at or Grass Range, MT 59032 below the national pov406-428-2179 erty level. Eligibility can VGW Automatic 971 - RAAA # 4142742 406-366-4069 Sire: VGW Automatic 724 be determined by using this online tool (https://lrftool. Under the advance payment option, such producers Marketing and Sale Management: may request payments when DEICHMANN LIVESTOCK BROKERAGE Dan & Marilyn Deichmann they have final designs and V V P.O. Box 310 • Hobson, MT 59452 job sheets and are ready to 406-423-5500 • 406-799-5200 Raising Registered Red Angus Since 1978 begin their EQIP practices. Advance payments provide at least 50 percent of the payment rate for each prac-


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A18



Cattle - right rib • Horses - left shoulder

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Certified Duclair and Certified Lanning spring wheat and Certified Lavina barley seed. Certified Hy-Line yellow peas. MBP Seeds Phone (406) 399-2157, 379-2399 or 390-0421, Turner, MT

##### During WWII, garlic was given a nickname. Can you guess it? Okay, here is the name: “Russian Penicillin”. Where did the name “Russian Penicillin” come from? During WWII, Russian soldiers ran out of penicillin and they literally started using crushed garlic in place of the medicine. That practice earned garlic its moniker. ##### Do fish get cramps after eating?

41 Years

Providing Solid Yearling Angus Performance Tested Bulls

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Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame honors inductees

The Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame & Western Heritage Center (MCHF) honored its newest and 12th class of inductees during the 14th Annual Western Heritage Gathering in Great Falls, February 7-8 at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls. Nearly 600 people attended the weekend’s events. On Saturday, February 8, the Hall of Fame welcomed 24 new inductees during the morning recognition ceremony and brunch. MCHF Director KellyAnne Terry of Lewistown served as emcee along with MCHF Past President Jeff Bolstad of Lewistown. The Great Falls Police Department Honor Guard presented the flags, Jennika Heikkila sang the national anthem, and Lloyd Irvine performed the Nakoda Honor Song. “Family and friends gathered in Great Falls from across the great state of Montana, Canada to Texas, South Carolina to Washington,” said Christy Stensland, MCHF & WHC executive director. “Attendees enjoyed the history lesson contained in the inductee stories. Many were grateful for the family reunion opportunity.” Full bios and photographs of the inductees are available on the MCHF’s website and a recording of the Induction Ceremony is available on the MCHF’s Facebook page. MCHF board, district trustees, and members met for the organization’s annual business meeting and trustee gathering. The celebration continued into the evening with dinner, dancing, and a lively auction at the Cowboy Ball. The local Merle Travis Band provided the music and emceeing the event was auctioneer Robert Toavs of Toavs Premiere Auction in Wolf Point. During the weekend’s events, the MCHF formally announced its opportunity to partner with the Charles M. Russell Museum and establish its inaugural exhibit within the internationally known museum in historic Great Falls. Efforts are already underway to curate the specific content for the initial exhibit. The organizations’ goal is to enable the public to learn about the lives of those who have impacted Montana’s heritage—those whose stories may otherwise go unnoticed. The MCHF is currently working to raise $35,000, which the C.M. Russell Museum will match, to make the inaugural Montana Cowboy Hall of Fame exhibit within the museum possible. Donations can be made online through the MCHF’s website, http://montanacowboyfame. org/donate.html. The MCHF & WHC will announce its 2020 Inductee Nomination Policy and process soon.

Record high red meat and pork production in December

2019 Roxor Classic with Hardcab & Plow

2019 Roxor Classic with Hardcab

2019 Roxor Classic

2019 Roxor A/T Automatic

2019 Roxor Classic

2019 Roxor Classic

From USDA December 2018 contained 21 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 5 Saturdays. December 2019 contained 22 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.73 billion pounds in December, up 8 percent from the 4.37 billion pounds produced in December 2018. Beef production, at 2.26 billion pounds, was 7 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.75 million head, up 7 percent from December 2018. The average live weight was up 5 pounds from the previous year, at 1,373 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.5 million pounds, 1 percent above December a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 49,800 head, down 7 percent from December 2018. The average live weight was up 18 pounds from last year, at 228 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.44 billion pounds, up 9 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.4 million head, up 9 percent from December 2018. The average live weight was up 2 pounds from the previous year, at 288 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 12.1 million pounds, was down 8 percent from December 2018. Sheep slaughter totaled 196,500 head, 3 percent below last year. The average live weight was 123 pounds, down 8 pounds from December a year ago. January to December 2019 commercial red meat production was 55.0 billion pounds, up 3 percent from 2018. Accumulated beef production was up 1 percent from last year, veal was down 2 percent, pork was up 5 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 3 percent.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A19

The deadline for advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader’s Dispatch will be April 1st.

• SEED FOR SALE • Lavina Hay Barley Seed • Arvika Pea Seed Call 406-945-0748, Big Sandy, MT

YEARLING SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE Reds, Whites & Roans Wild Horse Seeds of Havre, Montana was one of the many seed dealers on hand at the MAGIE in Great Falls, to talk to farmers about the many varieties of seed available to them.

Nebraska Extension succession workshop online

University of NebraskaLincoln IANR News The Department of Agricultural Economics and Nebraska Extension at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have published video resources on farm succession for agricultural landowners, ranchers and farmers thinking about retiring, exiting or transferring the farm or ranch. “Preparing for the Future: Farm/Ranch Transition and Succession” is a full workshop developed by Allan Vyhnalek, an extension educator who specializes in farm succession. His recent presentation in Cass County was recorded and is available as 12 short segments, organized by topic. “We broke down the workshop into shorter segments so that you can watch as much as you want at any one time, then come back and watch the rest later,” Vyhnalek said. “This organization will allow you to think about what you have heard before going on.” The segments cover topics like the importance of planning, proper family communication and negotiating, as well as estate planning and financial strategies. “Retiring or passing the farm to the next generation is difficult to think about and is an admission of your own impending demise,” Vyhnalek said. “However, it is a necessary step and, with good planning, can be made as painless as possible. I encourage you to get a plan together to prepare for unexpected circumstances that we don’t always anticipate.” The video segments and other resources on farm and ranch succession may be found at

R&A Vanek Shorthorns - Stockett, MT (406) 736-5409, or (406) 899-5409

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A20

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

TRACTOR FOR SALE 1998 Case IH 9390, 425 HP, 3435 HRS, Cummins N14, 24 Speed, 4 Remotes, full weights, Firestone Radial 30.5 X 32, stored inside, Beautiful tractor in excellent condition. $73,000. 406-253-1959



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Balancing calving ease priorities in heifer matings

K-State Research and Extension News One of the most exciting times of the year on cow/calf operations is when the calves are born and producers can see the results of their breeding decisions. Experts from the Beef Cattle Institute at Kansas State University say it can also be stressful and costly if those mating decisions lead to calving difficulties, which is why much care needs to be taken when planning those matings. As bull buying season approaches, selecting the right bull to match with the heifers was a discussion topic during a recent podcast with the team at the Beef Cattle Institute. Beef extension specialist Bob Weaber advised producers begin by evaluating the type of breeding system they need to be successful. “Think about what types of bulls you are going to turn out on what groups of females to define what the calving ease need really is.” One evaluation tool that producers can use in making that decision are Expected Progeny Differences, or EPDs, which are the estimates of the genetic value of the parents to project the calf’s performance. EPDs are estimated on a variety of traits among the beef breeds. The direct (CE or CED) and maternal calving ease (CEM or MCE) EPDs are often a consideration in heifer matings. The greater the number, the lower the risk for calving difficulty, Weaber said. Calving ease EPDs are expressed in percentage units of unassisted births. For example, a bull with a calving ease EPD of 12 is expected to have 7% more unassisted births from first calf heifers than a bull with a CE EPD of 5. “Calving ease is one of the first things to think about when selecting the types of bulls to breed heifers,” said veterinarian Bob Larson. However, he cautioned that producers shouldn’t just isolate their decision to that one criterion. “Selecting for very high levels of calving ease will lead to lighter calf birthweights over time and could lead to calf survival issues if taken to the extreme,” Weaber said. He cited an example: “A bull with a calving ease EPD of 20 will typically sire calves with a shorter gestation and lighter birthweight than a bull with a calving ease EPD of 7. But there are potentially other problems to think about such as a light birthweight calf born in a snowstorm. The hypothermia issue is a much greater concern than the two assists a producer might have with a less extreme EPD.” Speaking about Angus sires, Weaber said that bulls in the 7-9 range for calving ease EPD (breed average) matched with heifers will have an expected dystocia rate in the single digits. In other words, the risk for calving difficulty is low. The experts agreed it is important for producers to find a balance in the traits. “A small breeder who is going to use the same bull on the heifers and mature cows shouldn’t base the breeding decision solely on calving ease or they’ll be disappointed in the performance of the offspring from those matings,” Weaber said, noting that when speaking about performance, he is referring to the growth traits in the calves. If females born to first-calf heifers bred to calving ease sires will be retained in the herd, Larson and Weaber advised that cow/calf producers include the maternal calving ease EPD in their decision. Another factor to consider is the time of year the calves will be born. “Calves born in the summer or fall tend to be lighter calves than calves born in the winter due to the seasonality affect,” Larson said. Weaber encouraged producers to use all their mating evaluation tools when planning for the optimum herd performance. He said: “There has been enough advancement with genomics and selection that we can have really acceptable levels of calving ease with outstanding levels of performance. Don’t immediately discount when buying a calving ease bull the performance of the calves coming from that mating. We can have both pieces today.” More information on this topic is available on a weekly podcast produced by the Beef Cattle Institute (https://ksubci. org/2020/01/10/year-end-reviews-purchasing-heifer-bullstop-criteria-for-selecting-heifer-bulls-listener-questionupcoming-events/). ##### Donkeys and horses are often crossbred. The baby of a female horse and a male donkey is known as Mule. The baby of a male horse and a female donkey is known as Hinny. Hinnies and Mules are sterile by birth. Mules are more desirable than Hinnies because Mules are stronger.

Grant 406/899-9061 • Jeff 737-4315 • Karen 737-4320 • 137 Eden Road • Great Falls, MT 59405


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A21

Monday March 30, 2020 Western Livestock Auction 1:00 p.m. • Great Falls, MT

A Bold, Built Beef Bull R E G G SWA 17864907


• Co-owned with Marda Angus Farm, Lodi, WI. • Semen Avaialbe through Universal Semen Sales. Swagger Achievements Swagger Achievements

DOB: 12/18/13 Sire: Connealy Confidence MGS: Connealy Right Answer 746

CED +6

BW +0.7

WW +87

YW DOC +151 +22

• Top-selling bull in the Lost Lake Production Sale for each of the past three years was Swagger son. • Second high-selling bull at the 2018 Midland Bull Test was a Swagger son (sold to Krebs Ranch in Gordon, NE for $39,000) •The three top-selling bulls at the Beef Country Breeders Bull Sale in Columbus, MT on 12/4/19 were all Swagger sons (the top seller of the three went to GENEX Beef in Shawano, WI)

CEM +13

MK +26

CW +70

Marb +0.36

RE +0.80

$W +91

$B +154

Featuring 22 swagger sons anD granDsons in this 2020 sale! Quality Cattle = Fertility + Calving ease + Milking ability + growth + DoCility

Features of the Lost Lake Extra Value Program

•  All registered bulls are sire-parentage verified by DNA testing •  All registered bulls have genetically-enhanced EPSs •  All cattle BVD-free •  Vaccination program, comprehensive •  Balanced EPDs •  Cattle get Nutrition, yet retain Condition •  Performance tested •  Extra docility •  Fertility testing = physical exam + scrotal size + semen test •  Many “heifer bulls” with retained growth •  Volume discounts on bull purchases •  Livestock Insurance (Motality) Shared Premium •  Delivery is Free within Montana and discounted to adjacent states •  On-line sale and bidding •  Free board on bulls until April 15, 2020 •  Harrer’s Satisfaction Guarantee including 84 years of experience

Leading Sires for 2020 Cattle

CHERRY CRK DISCOVERY C22 - 18220620 G A R PROPHET - 16295688 LOST LAKE ARROGANCE D67 - 18563876 LOST LAKE 10 - 4 - 19068221 MARDA DOUBLE VISION 665 - 18476998 MARDA SWAGGER 463 - 17864907 OCC ULTIMATE ANSWER 520 - 18228919 SS BLACK GRANITE D4 - 18538491 STEVNSON STATEMENT 70750 - 18836111 VNAR TEN X 3304 - 17516318 WINDY RIDGE GENESIS 618 - 18569106 WINDY RIDGE SWAGGER 714 - 18960623 MCCALL CONSENSUS 4092 - 17876966 ... and others


Grant 406/899-9061 • Jeff 737-4315 • Karen 737-4320 • 137 Eden Road • Great Falls, MT 59405


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A22


1939 John Deere horse drawn manure spreader. All new paint, Call 406-883-1602 fir wood. Nice..................$1500

##### Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he’ll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it.


325 spraying hours, 120-ft. carbon fiber booms, large tank, Exact Apply technology, extra nozzles and all other options.....................................................................$386,000 Call Dean (406) 579-6557 or

2020 Freightliner PT126SLP XT

2020 Freightliner PT126SLP

New 505 DD15 engine, DT12 automated manual transmission, 72” mid-roof sleeper, engine brake, 52,350 GVWR, 223” wheelbase, Detroit Assurance 5.0, Alcoa Dura-Black wheels...........Call For Price

New 505 DD15 engine, 10-speed transmisson, 72” raised roof sleeper, engine brake, 52,000 GVWR, air ride suspension, 229” wheelbase, dual bunk, 5-year/600,000 EW4 Extended Service Coverage... .........................................................Call For Price

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Missoula, MT

(406) 728-7600 or (800) 735-6336

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Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 406-467-3999 Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003

Give Brett a call for all of your spring start up needs!

Pondera County 4-H took a team to the KMON livestock judging contest Saturday, January 18 during the MAGIE. Their own Lydia Vermulm brought home the 2nd place individual trophy.

FWP to begin stocking trout in Willow Creek Reservoir

Fish, Wildlife and Parks soon will begin stocking catchable rainbow trout in Willow Creek Reservoir west of Augusta, Montana, on the Rocky Mountain Front. The reservoir was drained last summer by Greenfield Irrigation District to work on the water body’s outlet structure. That eliminated the reservoir’s popular trout fishery. To help anglers and the local economy, FWP in mid-March will stock 130 rainbow trout, measuring at least 18 inches in length. Tens of thousands of smaller trout will be stocked through the summer. “We want to start stocking in mid-March as soon as there is open water,” said Katie Vivian, FWP fisheries biologist in Choteau. “All the state’s hatcheries have been incredibly helpful and dedicated to getting this fishery back online,” Vivian said. The first trout plant in March comes from FWP’s Jocko River Hatchery in Arlee. Other hatcheries helping this year are: Giant Springs in Great Falls with 40,000 4- to 7-inch fish; Big Springs in Lewistown with 20,000 4-inch fish; and Bluewater Springs in Bridger with 20,000 4-inch fish and 500 15-inch trout. “The reservoir should be fishable and the boat ramp useable this summer,” Vivian said, “and the reservoir should have a strong population by 2021. Before the drawdown, rainbow trout in Willow Creek were growing 8 inches in their first year, and two-year-old fish were reaching 18 to 21 inches and 3 to 4 pounds.” Currently Willow Creek’s is 42 percent full and projections call for 80 percent full by June, Vivian said. ###### Can atheists get insurance for acts of God?

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A23


Annual Production Sale

Wednesday - April 1, 2020 Blaine County Fairgrounds - Chinook, MT

75 - YEARLING BULLS with special guest SCHMITT ANGUS

NA Final Option 922

Carcass Ultrasounded • NO CREEP Fertility Tested • HD50K Tested

Reg 19608197

sires include

S Foundation 514 • NA Registry 521 Ellingson Homestead 6030 Hilltop Final Option 5297 and more!

NA Final Option 9124

1/24/2019 •


89 lbs •


881 lbs •

ADJ 205

762 lbs

Hilltop Final Option 5297 x KG Rainmaker 9208 CED


















+.99 +.41







NA Foundation 938

1/29/2019 •



877 lbs •

ADJ 205

766 lbs

S Foundation 514 x TC Aberdeen 759











3/8/2019 •





























92 lbs •


930 lbs •

ADJ 205

924 lbs

3/28/2019 •

SAV Renown 3439 x Boyd Signature 1014











948 lbs •

ADJ 205

858 lbs








+101 +1.94 +.16









Reg 19608213








+125 +.36 +.74









NA Registry 9204

Reg 19659578


2/1/2019 • BW 79 lbs • WW 753 lbs • ADJ 205 700 lbs Hilltop Prairie Pride 4677 x Sandpoint Butkus X797



94 lbs •

Hilltop Final Option 5297 x KG Wisdom 9366

+101 +.84 +.48

Schmitt S Renown 969


NA Prairie Pride 956

Reg 19610026

93 lbs •

2/15/2019 •

Reg 19608187


Reg 19608199

88 lbs •


808 lbs •

ADJ 205

830 lbs

NA Registry 521 x GDAR CJD Alliance 0714












+155 +1.32 +.11


















+130 +1.19 +.89








+178 for catalog, videos and performance updates visit:

Jeff & Christie Nissen • (406) 357-2643 Home • (406) 949-1101 Cell •

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A24

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch



• • • • •


• • • •



• • • • • •




• • • •

CANOLA CS2100 CS2300 CS2500 CL CS2600 CR-T


80 Two-Year-Old Bulls • 160 Yearling Bulls 60 Calving-Ease Heifer Bulls • 80 Replacement Heifers

Coleman Charlo

Coleman Doc 2261

BW -.1 WW +51 YW +91 Milk +26

S A V Angus Valley 1867

S A V Renown 3439

H Emulation Rito 6FX5

Coleman Doc 2261

Details of risk management programs for hemp producers

USDA News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the availability of two programs that protect hemp producers’ crops from natural disasters. A pilot hemp insurance program through Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) provides coverage against loss of yield because of insurable causes of loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain or Cannabidiol (CBD) oil and the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) coverage protects against losses associated with lower yields, destroyed crops or prevented planting where no permanent federal crop insurance program is available. Producers may apply now, and the deadline to sign up for both programs is March 16, 2020. “We are pleased to offer these coverages to hemp producers. Hemp offers new economic opportunities for our farmers, and they are anxious for a way to protect their product in the event of a natural disaster,” said Farm Production and Conservation Undersecretary Bill Northey. Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Pilot Insurance Program The MPCI pilot insurance is a new crop insurance option for hemp producers in select counties of 21 states for the 2020 crop year. The program is available for eligible producers in certain counties in Alabama, California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin. Information on eligible counties is accessible through the USDA Risk Management Agency’s Actuarial Information Browser. Among other requirements, to be eligible for the pilot program, a hemp producer must have at least one year of history producing the crop and have a contract for the sale of the insured hemp. In addition, the minimum acreage requirement is 5 acres for CBD and 20 acres for grain and fiber. Hemp will not qualify for replant payments or prevented plant payments under MPCI. This pilot insurance coverage is available to hemp growers in addition to revenue protection for hemp offered under the Whole-Farm Revenue Protection plan of insurance. Also, beginning with the 2021 crop year, hemp will be insurable under the Nursery crop insurance program and the Nursery Value Select pilot crop insurance program. Under both nursery programs, hemp will be insurable if grown in containers and in accordance with federal regulations, any applicable state or tribal laws and terms of the crop insurance policy. Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program NAP provides coverage against loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain, seed or CBD for the 2020 crop year where no permanent federal crop insurance program is available. NAP basic 50/55 coverage is available at 55 percent of the average market price for crop losses that exceed 50 percent of expected production. Buy-up coverage is available in some cases. The 2018 Farm Bill allows for buy-up levels of NAP coverage from 50 to 65 percent of expected production in 5 percent increments, at 100 percent of the average market price. Premiums apply for buy-up coverage. For all coverage levels, the NAP service fee is $325 per crop or $825 per producer per county, not to exceed $1,950 for a producer with farming interests in multiple counties. Eligibility Requirements Under a regulation authorized by the 2018 Farm Bill and issued in October 2019, all growers must have a license to grow hemp and must comply with applicable state, tribal or federal regulations or operate under a state or university research pilot, as authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill. Producers must report hemp acreage to FSA after planting to comply with federal and state law enforcement. The Farm Bill defines hemp as containing 0.3 percent or less tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on a dry-weight basis. Hemp having THC above the federal statutory compliance level of 0.3 percent is an uninsurable or ineligible cause of loss and will result in the hemp production being ineligible for production history purposes. For more information on USDA risk management programs for hemp producers, visit to read our frequently asked questions ( manage/hemp/FAQs). For more information on the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program, visit USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Services’ website to read their frequently asked questions ( hemp/questions-and-answers). ##### One shot glass of rice plus three shot glasses of water makes the perfect amount of rice for one person.

Helping roadside soils bounce back after construction

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A25

Check out our website


MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release By Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy Other varieties available vide food and habitat for important pollinaEveryone hates road construction, even the Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 tors like butterflies, which are in decline soils and bodies of water around the roads. or cell: 262-3081 worldwide. They are also mowed less, cutting Paved roads can’t absorb water, so that responsibility falls to the soil next to the road. down on compaction from mower wheels. Unfortunately, those soils are often damaged The researchers think the added benefit might during construction. be coming from the roots of the wildflower Water that runs off roads can contain harmplants but haven’t tested this thoroughly. ful contaminants. If that water doesn’t infilMcLaughlin adds that as the human popu•  1/3 Weight of Aluminum trate into nearby soil, those contaminants can lation grows and more roads are constructed, •  UV Inhibitor •  1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2” & 3/4” thick make their way into bodies of water and be it’s becoming important to manage this run•  8-ft., 10-ft., 12-ft. & 16-ft. wide x off. Helping runoff trickle down into soils harmful. Rich McLaughlin and his research Widths Any length where possible is one of the easiest ways team at North Carolina State University have to tackle the problem. The next step in the been working on how to help soil be healthy •  Dump trucks & belly dumps research is trying different wildflower types and happy after road construction. •  Wood floor trailers and mixes to test their effects. Over the years, McLaughlin’s team no•  Manure spreaders ticed contractors were trying to grow grass “Improving soil physical conditions •  Fertilizer hoppers •  Chutes on soils near roads after construction. They through tillage and amendments is what a dirt, landscaping materials, noticed this didn’t seem to be working well. typical gardener might do,” he says. “The • QuickSilver Liners Haul clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. So, they began to test the soils. Results key factor, however, is that vigorous plant ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available • Durapro Liners showed the soils were very compacted and growth immediately after tillage is needed to little water was getting down into the soil. maintain that condition, and no further tillage • Eco UHMW Liners “Not only did this compaction prevent or amendments are needed. I’m always looking for ways to improve water quality in our grass from growing, much of the unpaved lakes, streams, and estuaries because I enjoy area beside the road was shedding water as all kinds of water-oriented activities, none quickly as paved roads and roofs,” McLaugh1-406-257-5993 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097 lin explains. “Over the past decade, we have of which are enjoyable in polluted waters.” worked to help grass become better established after construction. This also means that water can better infiltrate into these soils.” Most recently, the team has been studying the benefits of tilling and adding things, called amendments, to the soil. They want to see if this can help reduce the amount of runoff. This runoff can contain heavy metals, petroleum products, sediment, and excess nutrients. These would normally run into the stormwater system. In a recent study, they established plots next to roads where they could try different treatments and collect runoff from the soil. Researchers inserted barriers into the soil around each plot to send the runoff into a pipe, connected to a collection tub. They found that tilling the soil and sometimes adding compost could greatly improve the infiltration for years after it was applied. On soils that had vegetation for many years, the improvements were less dramatic (but still considerable). “Previous studies indicated that a good stand of Featuring SonS & DaughterS oF vegetation helps maintain the • Bieber Spartacus D601 (3537153) • Suth Rockstar 97D (3541774) high infiltration rates gener• Bieber Federalist D431 (3539990) • 5l Guardian 2206-209B (1701559) ated by tillage, and that’s the • Bowles J5 legend 7248 (3750593) • 5l Energize 3891-313E (3854669) main benefit,” McLaughlin says. “Water and contami• Beckton Epic E676 C7 (3777457) • J5 Cadillac C43 (3549239) nant uptake by the plants is • J5 0226 Thriller C147 (3549243) helpful, but the effects on soil’s physical properties is For a catalog or more information call us at 406-357-3125 Brady 406-353-7085 the most important.” 12995 Paradise Valley Rd, Chinook, MT 59523 • e-mail: Part of their recent work tested two different kinds of Check us out at and Like us on Facebook Bowles J5 Reds vegetation: grasses and wildflowers. Grasses are cheaper and quicker to establish but need to be mowed three or four times per year. The wildflowers seemed to help improve infiltration a bit more than grasses. Wildflowers can also pro-

SEAMLESS POLY LINER 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft. & 16-ft.

Tired of Shoveling?


We would like to invite everyone to our

AnnuAl Production SAle April 2, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

at Glasgow Stockyards, Glasgow Montana

• 50 Yearling Red Angus Bulls on test • 25 Yearling Red Angus Heifers

Cattle with substanCe

and quality, baCked by people with integrity

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A26

OAT HAY FOR SALE 70 Ton Round Bales 406-279-3504, Valier, MT

##### The horse is considered to have the largest eyes of any land animal, except the ostrich.


• 2 3/8 “ & 2 7/8 “ x 31-ft. average....................................... $27.50/Joint • 3 1/2 “ x 31-ft. average.................................................... $45.00/Joint • 4 1/2 “ casing - 44-ft. average......................................... $85.00/Joint u



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• 3/4 “................................................... $5.25/Stick • 7/8 “................................................... $7.25/Stick • 1 “.................................................... $8.50/Stick Prices FOB Glendive, MT Call to inquire about other sizes in stock Delivery available across Upper Midwest

PHONE: 406-480-2979


ve iti et ! mp es co pric


it al

Robyn Kimmet of Shelby and Tucker Mills of Augusta appreciated the conference presenters and broad workshop topics of Montana’s Next Generation Conference. Photo by Kari Lewis.

2020 Nebraska dairy ambassadors selected

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The Nebraska Dairy Ambassador program has appointed six new student ambassadors for 2020. This year’s group of ambassadors include: • Abigail Langdon, an agriculture business and financing major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from Clarkson, Nebraska. • Lindsey Marotz, an elementary education major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from Hoskins, Nebraska. • Morgan Marotz, an elementary education major with minors in coaching and special education at Wayne State College from Wahoo, Nebraska. • Jaycie Meggison, an agriculture business and financing major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from Blair, Nebraska. • Erin Muntz, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln animal science major from Louisville, Nebraska. This is Erin’s second year serving as a dairy ambassador. • Daniel Serdar, an animal science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from Woodstock, Illinois. Each year, up to six ambassadors with an interest in dairy production are selected to improve their leadership and communication skills while advocating for the dairy industry. Ambassadors engage in conversations with consumers, school-age children and their peers. Many of the conversations involve learning more about the dairy industry and practices used within the industry. While serving as an ambassador, students have the opportunity to network with dairy industry partners, visit dairy farms, and tour agribusinesses in Nebraska. “We have a great group of ambassadors again this year,” said Kim Clark, Extension Dairy Educator and ambassador coordinator. “Each ambassador brings a different skill set and knowledge level to the program. It is always a pleasure to watch each ambassador grow and gain skills they will be able to use indefinitely.” Sponsored by Midwest Dairy, the dairy ambassador program was piloted in 2016 in Nebraska with four ambassadors. Since its inception, 21 Nebraska college students have completed the yearlong program, which is open to any college student in Nebraska. Since then, Midwest Dairy adopted the program for other states and currently has ambassador programs for college students in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois. For more information on the Nebraska Dairy Ambassador program, visit Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook (Nebraska Dairy Extension) or follow us on Twitter (@MidwestDairy) (@NEDairyExt) to stay up to date on upcoming events and deadlines.

ARS ecologists address a burning question

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A27

LOOKING FOR Rubber tired backhoe, 1980’s-1990’s, Phone preferably tight, reasonably priced (406) 581-5635

By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service ing for a wildfire to break out and burn When it comes to restoring rangeland unchecked,” he says. habitats, there is no replacement for “preEffects on soil, forage quality and scribed fire,” according to Agricultural LIQUIDATION SALE plant growth Research Service (ARS) ecologists. 1975 Graham double drop lowboy (yellow), overall 44 feet long, To compare mowing with fire, Vermeire Using fire with a stated objective—a 20-ft. bottom deck, 13-ft. top deck, ramps, tires 255/70R22.5, mowed the grasses in experimental plots strategy known as prescribed fire—is 10 hole, semi trailer axles............................................... $6000 1982 Alloy pup, 285/75R24.5, 22-ft. deck, 3 axles, overall length during the May growing season, set prewidely recognized as an effective way 28.6-ft.............................................................................. $4000 to remove standing, dead vegetation on scribed fires in others and left others as Super B Train 295/75R22.5, 35-ft. 8” deck, 40-ft. 6” overall length, rangelands. But fear of fire has left some control plots. About two months later, he 3 axle. B Train pup, 2 axle, 24-ft. 4” overall length, 18-ft. 4” to wonder if mowing or close grazing measured the amount of plant material or deck............................................................................. $12,000 confers the same benefits. “biomass” in the plots, analyzed the soils 1978 Utility rusty pup, 3 axle, 20-ft. deck, 26-ft. total length, turnLance Vermeire, an ecologist at the for nutrients and assessed the forage qualtable, tires are junk.......................................................... $3000 ARS Fort Keogh Livestock and Range ity of the dominant grasses. A year later, 1980 Fruehauf 25-ft. deck, 2 axle, 31-ft. 6” total length, tilt bed, Research Laboratory in Miles City, Monhe repeated the same measurements and 10.00R15 Daytons.......................................................... $3000 assessments. tana, compared the benefits of mowing 1992 Homemade (wrecked) aluminum, 3 axle, 18-ft. deck, 25-ft. He found that while mowing offered rangelands with setting them on fire to rid overall length, no tires.............................................Make Offer some benefits, fire proved to be a better them of unwanted debris and reset their 20-ft. deck, Dayton wheels, 23-ft. overall length, ramps, 3 single tool for releasing nutrients into the soil, ecological balance. He found in a recent axles, mobile home......................................................... $1800 1990 Comet 40-ft. aluminum deck, grain sides, pintle hitch, good increasing the total amounts of grass and study that fire is better than mowing betires 295/75R22.5............................................................ $8000 producing grass with more of the nutrients cause it restores soil health and promotes 16-ft. box & hoist, 2”x4-ft. metal sides, no tail gate................. $500 essential for healthy cattle, such as nitrogen growth of grass that is more nutritious for 1972 Chevy crane truck (9000 lbs), 14-ft. bed, V8, 4 speed with 2 and phosphorus. The study was partially grazing cattle. speed axle....................................................................... $5000 funded by the U.S. Forest Service. The “The results show that mowing is not 1974 International roll back, hydraulic towbar, 20” box hydraulic paper, published in Rangeland Ecology the same as fire and cannot replace it. Fire tail gate........................................................................... $5000 and Management, can be found at https:// is unique,” he says. Several wrecked semi trailers. An essential resource Call George @ S&C Auto, Inc. – (406) 799-1977 or 453-6950 pii/S1550742419300636?via%3Dihub Wildfires are a part of the natural cycle of growth and regeneration in many Western habitats and although all fire effects are not always positive, rangeland managers have used fire to control invasive weeds, enhance forage quality, increase plant diversity and main1:00 p.m. • at the ranch tain wildlife habitats. The nation’s rangelands are A A R Kendall 9032 A A R Justified 9112 owned and managed by a patchwork of government Selling agencies and private interests and some managers are reluctant to use fire, All bulls have genomicaly enhanced EPDs. opting instead to mow or graze areas to get rid of A A R Justified 9707 Reg. 19551444 Reg. 19555928 unwanted plants, open BW WW Milk YW BW WW Milk YW habitats to sunlight and -1.6 +66 +28 +110 +0 +76 +24 +140 restore native grasses. “If a rangeland needs to A A R Stunner 9524 A A R Justified 9832 be revitalized, the question often being asked is, ‘what tools will best accomplish Reg. 19628383 that?’” Vermeire says. BW WW Milk YW The question is impor+1.0 +72 +29 +116 tant because rangelands cover millions of acres A A R Load Up 9709 Reg. 19538246 Reg. 19536023 across the Great Plains and BW WW Milk YW BW WW Milk YW they’re essential for graz+2.8 +72 +38 +120 +1.2 +59 +26 +105 ing livestock and as wildlife habitat. Rangelands A A R Outside 9052 A A R Consistent 9131 are also a major source of water supplies. Climate change conReg. 19535967 cerns BW WW Milk YW Droughts and drier con+1.0 +68 +28 +126 ditions brought on by climate change make it essenReg. 19555929 Reg. 19555023 tial to carefully control any BW WW Milk YW BW WW Milk YW View bulls prescribed fire, Vermeire and bid online +0.7 +71 +28 +125 +1.7 +76 +23 +131 says. But the drier conditions also mean that there is SIRES INCLUDE more combustible material in many areas just waiting GDAR Load Up 7104 • KG Justified 3023 for a spark, which could be A A R Kendall 7015 • Ellingson Consistent 6235 a good reason to consider A A R Foreman 7733 • LD Capitalist 316 prescribed fire to reduce A A R Creed 5802 • Musgrave 316 Stunner unwanted debris, he says. HA Prime Cut 6207 • TEF Outside 514 “Fires are going to happen, Keith Arntzen (406) 462-5557 Crouthamel Protocol 3022 • A A R Frontman 3132 so isn’t it better to control Doug Arntzen (406) 462-5553 the conditions, and decide 577 Arntzen Lane • Hilger, MT 59451 what you want burned, and 64 Years of producing cattle for the commercial cowman when and where you want that excel in calving ease, maternal and structure. to burn it, rather than wait-

44th Annual April 2, 2020 •

215 Bulls

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A28

Needing an irrigation or stock water project design? Pivots, wheel lines, subsurface micro irrigation and any length of stock water design. Irrigation designs are based on crop consumptive use, soil types and available water rights.

Montana grassroots policy passes at American Farm Bureau delegates session Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire

All projects will meet USDA-NRCS specifications.

• Licensed Professional Engineer • Registered Technical Service Provider for USDA-NRCS • Certified by the Irrigation Association • 36 years design and field experience. If you are looking for an independent, non-biased design based on your business needs CONTACT: Randy Pierce PE, Oxbow Engineering, LLC (406) 600-8528 or email



Montana Farm Bureau President Hans McPherson and Vice President Cyndi Johnson on the Delegate Floor during the 101st American Farm Bureau Annual Convention in Austin, Texas.

Resolutions originating from Montana Farm Bureau’s (MFBF) grassroots policy process were voted on during the American Farm Bureau Convention in Austin. Threehundred and forty-six voting delegates from across the country spent January 21 discussing and voting on what will become 2003 John Deere 8420 front wheel assist, 1000 PTO, American Farm Bureau policy for 2020. 3-point hitch, good tires, Greenstar ready, reman transmisMontana Farm Bureau Vice President sion at 8000 hours, JD reman motor with warranty - has 30 03 JD 8420 1000 PTO, 3 point tires, greenstar Cyndi Johnson sat on the voting delegate hoursFront on it.wheel Total assist. hours 8272. Good clean hitch, tractor.good .. $84,500

Call or textat (406) Carter, Montana dy, reman transmission 8000750-2210, hrs, JD reman motor with warranty has 30 hrs it. Total tractor hours 8272. Good clean tractor. -------------------------- $84,500

Call or text (406)750-2210 Carter, MT


General Merchandise Auction

Saturday, April 4th • 9am RV, Marine, Auto & Equipment Sale

Sunday, April 5th Starts at 11am

Bring your items to sell to the Creston School grounds on Friday, April 3, 7am to 7 pm and we will take care of the rest. A great chance to make some money and support Creston Fire!

floor along with MFBF President Hans McPherson and several other members who rotated as alternates in the two seats delegated to Montana. The number of delegates each state is allowed is based on membership numbers: Montana Farm Bureau has close to 21,000 members. Resolutions varied from animal care to CONTINUED ON PAGE A30

Projected commodity prices for 2020

By NDSU Extension Service dry beans, dry peas, lentils, alfalfa hay and Planning for the future can be a frustratmixed hay. ing process especially in times of market Price projections for livestock and livevolatility. Planning typically pays high stock products include beef steers and heifdividends. For most farm and ranch managers at various weights, cull cows, slaughter ers, developing realistic commodity price steers, slaughter hogs, slaughter ewes, expectations is one of the most difficult slaughter lambs, feeder lambs and milk. The and complex tasks of the planning process. publication also provides historical prices To make the planning process easier, as a reference. North Dakota State University (NDSU) “The estimated short-term planning Extension has released its 2020 shortprices should be used as a guide in setting and long-term agricultural planning price price expectations for 2020 production,” projections for North Dakota, says Ron Haugen says. “These planning prices can Haugen, NDSU Extension farm economist. be used for preparing annual enterprise The publication shows 2020 price probudgets and annual whole-farm cash flow jections for crops and livestock produced projections. Cash flow projections are very in the state and price estimates for future critical with today’s tight margins.” years. Price projections are given for the Haugen cautions, “Short-term prices major crop commodities, including wheat, should not be used for planning capital purdurum, oats, feed barley, malting barley, chases or expansion alternatives that would oil sunflowers, non-oil sunflowers, corn, extend beyond the next production year.” soybeans, canola, flaxseed, winter wheat, The “Plotting a Course 2020” publication (EC1090) is available online at PlottingACourse2020 or by contacting your NDSU Extension county office.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 – Page A29

Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi Tesster * Tack/Dwell Meter Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive - Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat & * Barring Splitter * Drills * Sanders * Small Tap n Die Set 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, Gauge Multi *Impact Tesster *Hammer Tack/Dwell Meter 30’of Rod Weeder, *Vac Angle Drill* *Micronia Shop Creeper * Hand - Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, hp,Front cab, heat & -Calkins 5 sections Flex Harrow3-10’ -Center Drive 540/1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Super145 Steer, & Rear Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi Tesster * Tack/Dwell Meter * Barring Splitter * Drills * Sanders * Small Tap n Die Set Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows - Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145duals, hp,rear cab, heat & Tools of all kinds * Drill Bit Sharpener * Shop Manuals * air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 remotes, - 2) John Deere Model 150- Hoe Grain Drills, Weights, 14.9 R30 & 420/80R46 Rear Wheel Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi Te Barring Splitter * Drills * Sanders * Small Tap n Die Set Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive * Angle Drill * Shop Creeper *Impact Hammer * Hand 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows 5 sections of Flex Harrow - Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat & air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, + a whole lot more! Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi Tesster * Tack/Dwell Meter 540/1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Super Steer, Front & Rear 12’ Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive - 3) John Deere 16’ Flex*Disk * Barring Splitter * Drills * * 4420 Serial145 #D408246 VERY - Ford Spacers NH Model 8670hrs, Tractor, hp, cab,-heat & NICEair, MFWD Plows Angle * Shop Creeper *Impact Hammer * Hand * Sand Tools ofDrill all*kinds Bit Sharpener * Shop 5 sections of Flex Harrow Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, - Cosmo 2) John Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, 540 pto * Barring 540/1000 pto, Cat 36175 3pt, Super Steer, Front &Wheel Rear Splitter Drills**Drill Sanders * Small Tap nDrill Die*Manuals Set Creeper Weights, 14.9 R30 &Shift 420/80R46 duals, -16X9 Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows * Angle Shop - 5 sections of Flex Harrow Agco White Model Tractor, 175 hp,Rear cab, heat540/1000 & - 3) pto, air,- MFWD 16X9 Power Trans,4 rear remotes, Tools of all kinds * Drill Bit Sharpener * Shop Manuals * *Im Cat 3 3pt, Super Steer, Front & Rear + a whole lot more! 2) John Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes - Model Weights, 420/80R46 duals, Rear Wheel * Angle Drill *Grain ShopDrills, Creeper *Impact Hammer Spacers * 14.9 4420 hrs, #D408246 -&VERY NICE - 12’ LandPride PS1572 Grass Seeder, Packer Tools of*allHand kinds * Drill Bit Sha - 5 14.9 sections of420/80R46 FlexModel Harrow -Double 2) John Deere 150 Hoe air MFWD, 183R30 Speed Power ShiftFront Trans, 3Rear rear remotes, 540/1000 pto, Cat 3pt,&Serial Super Steer, Weights, R30 & duals, Rear Wheel + aallwhole lot more! 12’Deere Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540 pto 10” *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard 12.5* hp w/ thelot following Spacers * 4420 Serial #D408246 -hp, VERY NICE + a Vac whole Tools of * Drill Bit Sharpener Shop Manuals * - Agco White Model 6175 cab, heat && - 2) 12’3-10’ Sections, spacing, w/kinds fertilizer boxes -- F-S Skid Mount Field InDrills, Cab Controls, John Model 150 Hoe Grain Gauge * Mi Spacers * 4420 hrs, Serial #D408246 -Sprayer, VERY NICE - more! 1000 pto, Cat 3&hrs, 3pt, FrontTractor, & duals, Rear175 Weights, 16.9 R28 Weights, 14.9 R30 420/80R46 Rear Wheel Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, Drive -Sections, Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540Model ptoCenter LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer attachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle Mower, Bush Hob, Snow NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat & Cosmo 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540 pto Agco White Model 6175 Tractor, 175 hp, cab, heat & + a whole lot more! air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, 12’ 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine - Agco White Model 6175 Tractor, 175 hp, cab, heat & Spacers * 4420 hrs, Serial - VERY NICE 18.4R42 duals, 3842 #D408246 hrs, Serial #660024 - LIKE NEW *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard 12.5 hp w/ the following Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi * Tack/Dwell Meter LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer Calkins 30’Double RodTesster Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive *w/Barring Splitter 30’ Weeder, 3-10’ Center - F-S Skid Field Sprayer, In Drive Cab Controls, Blower * Seeder, Kunz-Acrease Pull Behind Finishing Mower, -Disk LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Packer -Rod 3) John Deere 16’ Flex air MFWD, 18Shift Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145 hp,2WD, cab, heat & air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, 1000 pto, Cat 36175 3pt, Front & 175 Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 &Model -Calkins Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540 pto& Plows -heat Ford NH 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat -Mount L-C-R Control MFWD --16X9 Power Trans,4 rear remotes, Agco White Model Tractor, hp, cab, &remotes, *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard hp the following - John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, Gas Engine, *BCS-Model 605 attachments: Roto Sickle Mower, Bush Hob, Snow 12. Barring Splitter *hp, Drills *Tiller, Sanders *12.5 Small Tap n Die SetVanguard - F-S Skid Mount*-Field Sprayer, In27 Cab Controls, -- John F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, -pto, 3) John 16’ Flex Disk Plows 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine 57” cut, BS commercial engine * LandPride 1000 Cat 3 Deere 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & 1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows 18.4R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 LIKE NEW LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/ 40’remotes, BoomsBoom, **following Angle Drill * Sh Vac *gal Micronia Multi Tesster Tack/Dwell Mete attachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, attachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle Mower, Bush Loader & 6’ Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 tires, -of 5hrs, sections of400 Flex Harrow air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive Blower *tank, Kunz-Acrease Pull Finishing Mower, hyd *Gauge tipAngle lifts,Model 400 B&S Engine Drill *PS1572 Shop Creeper *Impact Hammer *Gauge Hand 60’ Boom, hyd gal tank, B&S 60’ Engine3-10’ -- 5 sections Flex Harrow *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard 12.5 hpBehind w/ the L-C-R Control 18.4R42 duals, 3842 Serial #660024 -InLIKE NEW Grass Seeder, double Packer *Hob, Portable or, 145-pto, hp, heat & Vac *Snow Micro 1000 Cat 3 3pt, Super Steer, Front & Rear 18.4R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 - LIKE NEW Calkins 30’ Rod Weeder, Center 540/1000 pto, 38670 3pt, Super Steer, Front &Gas Rear Vac Gauge *Die Micro F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, Cab Controls, -cab, John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Engine, - Speed King 8” xtip 50’lifts, pto30’ Grain Auger Blower *LandPride Kunz-Acrease Pull Beh Calkins Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive 1000 pto, Cat 3Cat 3pt, Front &Tractor, Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & 5 sections of Flex Harrow Blower * Kunz-Acrease Pull Behind Finishing Mower, Ford NH Model 145 hp, cab, heat & Serial #1359941 L-C-R Control 57” cut, 27 hp, BS commercial engine * Tools of all kinds * Drill Bit Sharpener * Shop Manuals * * Barring Splitter * Drills * Sanders * Small Tap n Ford NH Model 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat & John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, L-C-R Control - 2) John Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, ofRLX all kinds attachments: RotoMR25 Tiller, Irrigation Sickle Mower, Bush Hob, Snow 540/1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Steer, Front &engine Rear -duals, 3)14.9X28 John Deere 16’ Flex Disk John Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms Micro Rain System Red Lion 12V -Plows 2) John Deere Model Hoe Grain Drills, John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, Weights, 14.9 R30 & 420/80R46 Rear Wheel 57” cut, 27 hp, BS commercial 60’ hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine Loader &420/80R46 6’ Bucket, 4300 hrs, tires, --Boom, Speed King 6” xSuper 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas150 ift Trans,4 rear remotes, ***Tools Barring Splitter *Se D - John DeerePlows Skid Mount Sprayer w/ Booms -3) 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows 18.4R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 -Heat LIKE ghts, 14.9 & duals, Rear Wheel 57” cut, 2740’ hp, BS commercial engine *Mower, LandPride --R30 New Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, &NEW Air, Loader Barring Splitter *do Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, double Packer * Portable & 6’ Sections, Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 tires, + a whole lot more! John Deere 16’ Flex Disk John Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms 12’ 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes 2) John Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, Blower * Kunz-Acrease Pull Behind Finishing Speed King 8” x 50’ pto Grain Auger Cement Mixer * Earthquake Auger Gas Engine w/ 6” & Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, * fertilizer Angle *Rain Shop Creeper *Impact Hammer *12V Hand Loader &hydro 6’hrs, Bucket, 4300 hrs, tires, air,- John MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, Spacers * 4420 SerialTractor, #D408246 - 1818 VERY NICE L-C-R Control Serial #1359941 Weights, 14.9 & duals, Rear -2WD, 514.9X28 sections of Flex Harrow - 3)R30 500 12’ gal420/80R46 stationary fuel tank - Wheel Speedw/ King 8” x 50’ Drill pto Grain Auger + a whole lot mo Deere Model 2020 Gas Engine, Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, double Packer * Portable Serial #1359941 4 speed Trans, Twin Rotor, E & 1460 Sections, 10” spacing, boxes Micro MR25 Irrigation System * Red Lion RLX per Steer, Front & Rear * Angle Drill * Shop -5Grass/Fertilizer 5xtanks sections Flex Harrow - hp,Sections, 8” 50’ pto Grain Auger -- Cosmo Model 500 Spreader, 540 pto King 6” x57” BS commercial engine LandPride Micro Rainfertilizer MR25 Irrigation Sys ** Angle Drill * Sho Speed King 6” 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine 9” 27 augers * 5’ Lawn Aerator * 4’ *John Deere Dethatcher ers *540/1000 4420 hrs, Serial #D408246 -John VERY NICE -Mount sections ofof Flex Harrow -540/1000 Agco White Model 6175 175Cab, hp, cab, heat & - New - Speed 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine John Sprayer 40’ 12’ 10”Sharpener spacing, w/ pto, Cat 3Tractor, 3pt, Steer, Front Rear - New Holland CR940 Combine, Heat &Spacers Air, -- Deere 2) 500Skid gal fuel w/ transport CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat &w/ Air, Tools ofcut, all kinds *MR25 Drill Bit Shop Manuals Loader &pto, 6’#1359941 Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 tires, Cat 3 3pt, Super Steer, Front &&Model Rear Rain Irrigation System Red Lion RLX 12V SSerial Hours, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank exten*Holland hrs, Serial #D408246 - Booms VERY NICE -Super 2)Cab, Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, Vac Gauge **of Micronia Multi Tes Cement Mixer *Seeder, Earthquake Auger Gas 6” &boxe Calkins 30’ gal Rod Weeder, 3-10’ Center Drive Cement Mixer *w/ Earthquake Au -- 4420 LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer Speed King 6” xpto 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine Model PS1572 Grass double Packer **Engine Portable - 3) 500 gal stationary fuel tank *Micro Heavy Duty Commerical Wheel Barrow Gold Master -1460 Ford NH 8670 Tractor, 145 hp, cab, heat & 0R46 duals, Rear Wheel Tools all kinds *D - 3)150 500 stationary fuel tank Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540 pto air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, New Holland CR940 Combine, Heat & Air, 2) John Deere Model Hoe Grain Drills, Speed King 8” x 50’ Grain Auger 4 speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & 4 speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & 1460 Tools of all kinds Serialsions, #1359941 White Model 6175 Tractor, 175 hp, cab, heat &Wheel - 2)Tractor, John Deere Model 150 Hoe Grain Drills, * John Barring Splitter *w/ Drills *BCS-Model 605 12.5 w/ the following -transport Cosmo Model 500hp*Auger Grass/Fertilizer Spreader Weights, 14.9 R30 & 420/80R46 duals, Rear Cement Mixer **Earthquake Engine 6”Aerator &* Sander Moisture &&Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, -cab, 3) John Deere 16’ Flex Disk Plows 9”Gas augers * 5’Dethatcher Lawn ** 4 9” augers * Vanguard 5’ Lawn Aerator 4’ Deere + a whole lot more! F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, 3) stationary fuel tank Micro Rain MR25 Irrigation System * Red Lion RLX 12V air, MFWD 16X9 Power Shift Trans,4 rear remotes, Weights, 14.9 R30 420/80R46 duals, Rear Wheel 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ Agco White Model 6175 175 hp, heat & 12’ Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport Metal Detector Ext Ladder * ATV Gun Case * 2 Fishing 1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & 4 speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & 1460 S Hours, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank extenSpeed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine SHolland Hours, 300 Graintires, TankSerial w/ tank extenD408246 - VERY NICE + aDeere whole lot more! Angle Drill *Gold Shop Creeper *Im -Spacers New CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat & Air, 12’ Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes * Barrow Heavy Duty Commerical Whe -spacing, 5 sectionsGrass ofw/ Flex Harrow attachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle Mower, Bush Hob, Snow LandPride Model PS1572 Seeder, Double Packer 9” augers *Earthquake 5’ Lawn Aerator *Gas 4’*Poles John Dethatcher 800/65R32 & Bushel 480/70R30 #HAJ101749 * Heavy Duty Commerical Wheel * Master + a whole lot more 540/1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Super Steer, Front & Rear 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine 12’ Sections, 10” fertilizer boxes 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport Cement Mixer * Auger Engine w/ 6” & LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Do * 4420 hrs, Serial #D408246 VERY NICE MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, Tackle Boxes loaded *Fishing * Old Wooden Sled sions, & Yield Monitor, Selftank levelingTrans, sieves, 18.4R42 duals, 3842 Serial #660024 -leveling LIKE Ssions, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ exten-Moisture 3) 18 500 gal stationary fuel *Hours, 4420 hrs, Serial #D408246 -NEW VERY NICE Moisture &hrs, Monitor, Self sieves, air MFWD, Speed Power Shift 3- rear remotes, - 1818 Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer 540 - 2008 Honda 4Spreader, Trax Rancher TRXpto 420 FM, Street legal, Tools of Detector all kinds *2Ext Drill Bit Sharp Metal Ladder *A 2) John Deere Model 150 Metal Drills, 4 hp, speed hydro Twin Rotor, Etank & 1460 Blower *Heavy Kunz-Acrease Pull Mower, *Hoe Duty Commerical Wheel Barrow * Gold Master ONE OF ATrans, KIND -Yield Field Ready *BCS-Model 605 actor,Spacers 175 cab, heat & Weights, 14.9 R30 420/80R46 Rear Wheel *Forks Ext Ladder * Finishing ATV Gun Case *Feeders Fishing L-C-R Control -duals, Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer 540 pto 9” augers *Grain 5’Detector Lawn Aerator *Behind John Dethatcher 800/65R32 && 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 *Spreader, Shovels, Pitch &4’ Rakes *Deere Chicken F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, - John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, sions, Moisture & Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport +*Old aTackle whole lotIn more! F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, Cab Contro Agco White Model 6175 Tractor, 175 hp, cab, heat & Cosmo Model 500 Grass/Fertilizer Spreader, 540 pto Boxes loaded *Fishing 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ stor12’ Sections, 10” spacing, w/ fertilizer boxes S Hours, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank exten0r pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & 2008 Honda 4 Trax Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, 57” cut, 27 hp, BS commercial engine LandPride Spacers * 4420 hrs, Serial #D408246 VERY NICE Metal Detector * Ext Ladder * ATV Gun Case * 2 Fishing New Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ 1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front &Sprayer Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & *Grass/Fertilizer - LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double - Agco White Model 6175 Tractor, 175 hp, cab, heat - loaded *Fishing Poles *Gold OldPitch Wooden Sled ONE OF A KIND - Field Ready - John Deere Skid Mount w/ 40’ Packer Booms Heavy Duty Commerical Wheel Barrow *attachments: Master -& 2008 Honda 4Warn Trax Rancher TRX 420- Cosmo FM, Street legal, *Tackle 2) oldBoxes Empire Fire Extinguishers Shift Trans, 3Moisture remotes, Rot* Loader &rear 6’ 4300 hrs,Ready 14.9X28 tires, * Shovels, Forks & Rakes 800/65R32 &Yield 480/70R30 tires, #HAJ101749 -175 LandPride PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer Model 500 Spreader, 540 pto ONE OFBucket, A KIND - Monitor, Field age box , 50” Snow Blade, & 24X9-11 Champion 3000 lbSeeder, ATV wrench, ATV Seat storsions, & SelfSerial leveling sieves, - Agco White Model 6175 Tractor, hp,Grain cab, heat &Model Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, double Packer Portable 60’ Boom, hyd tip24X8-12 lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard 12.5 hp w/ the following 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rearHolland remotes, Boxes -Rear loaded *Fishing ***Old Wooden Sled En transport (selling w/ combine) -3000 LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Double Packer - New Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ *Tackle Shovels, Pitch Forks &w/ Rakes *Poles Old Chicken Feeders -duals, Speed King 8” xhrs, 50’ pto Auger Metal Detector * Ext Ladder * ATV Gun Case 2 Fishing 2008 Honda 4 Trax Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, 18.4R42 3842 Serial #660024 LIKE NEW F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 LIKE NEW Champion lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ stor* 2) old Empire Fire Extinguishe air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer Serial #1359941 *BCS-Model 605 V ONE OF A KIND Field Ready age box , 50” Warn Snow Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 -- Case New 16.9 Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ tires well maintained & stored inside & Rear Weights, R28 & air MFWD, 18 Speed Power Shift Trans, 3 rear remotes, 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 Micro Rain MR25 Irrigation System * Red Lion RLX 12V transport (selling w/ combine) F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, *BCS-Model 605 Blower * Kunz-A * Shovels, Pitch Forks & Rakes * Old Chicken Feeders IH Cat Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat 16.9 2)stored old Fire Extinguishers 605Sled Vanguard 12.5V -- Speed King 6” x50” 34’ Grain Auger w/ gasFM, engine Tackle Boxes -Empire loaded *Fishing PolesMower, **BCS-Model Old Wooden Champion 3000 lbSkid ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ storattachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle Bush Hob, Sno L-C-R Control 1000 pto, 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, R28 & F-S Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, -Street F-S Skid Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, age box , Warn Snow Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 L-C-R Control New Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat & Air, tires well maintained & inside 2008 Honda 4 Trax Rancher TRX 420 legal, New Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ 1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & transport (selling w/ combine) John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, 4WD, 1000 pto, Cat 3 3pt, Front & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 & Case IH Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat ONE&OF A3259 KIND - Field Ready attachments: T Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, Cement Mixer *Engine Earthquake Auger Gas Engine w/ 6” & Tiller,Roto * 2) old Empire Fire Extinguishers air, hrs w/ Case IH Model 81024’ header attachments: Roto Sickle M erial #660024 - hydro LIKE NEW -3259 3) 500 gal fuel81024’ tank * 400 Shovels, Pitch Forks & Rakes *Behind Old Chicken Feeders 60’ Boom, hyd tipSeat lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S 60’ hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine age box 50” Warn Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 attachments: Roto tires -stationary well maintained &header stored inside - Boom, Honda Foreman manual transmission, 4WD, 57” cut, 27 hp, B 4 speed Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E& 1460 Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear w/ stor18.4R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 -Snow LIKE NEW transport (selling w/ combine) Blower *old Kunz-Acrease Pull Finishing Mower, air, hrs w/ Case IH Model -Empire John Deere Skid Sprayer w/ 40’Pull Boom 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 -&LIKE NEW - Case IHduals, Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, heat winch &,4300 50” plow, 2030 miles. 60’ Boom, hyd tip lifts, 400 gal tank, B&S Engine -18.4R42 New Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/cab, 9” augers * 5’ Lawn Aerator * 4’Mount John Deere Dethatcher Blower * Kunz-Acrease Behi John Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms Loader & 6’ Bucket, hrs, 14.9X28 tires, L-C-R Control 18.4R42 duals, 3842 hrs, Serial #660024 LIKE NEW L-C-R Control 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport Blower * Kunz-Acre * 2) Fire Extinguishers winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. tires well maintained & stored inside er & 6’ Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 tires, Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, 4WD, ctor, 2WD, Engine, - John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, GasBlade, Engine, Stransport Hours, Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank exten-header age --box , 50” Warn Snow 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 - Gas Case IH Model Axel Combine, cab, heat L-C-R Control & air,300 3259 hrs w/ Case IHFlow Model 81024’ Blower *PS1572 Kunz-Acr Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, 57” Grain cut, 27 hp, BS commercial G e (selling w/ 1460 combine) * Heavy Duty *Model Gold Master cut, 27 hp, BS commercial engine *cut, LandPride -Scooter Speed King 8”Wheel x 50’Barrow pto Auger - John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas -pto John Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/Commerical 40’ Booms L-C-R Control - Yamaha 2006 Morphus Model CP250V, 400 manual 4WD,57” Loader &Engine, 6’ Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 Serial #1359941 -Self John Deere Skid Mount w/ 40’ Booms winch &Foreman 50” plow, 2030 miles. -maintained Speed King 8” xtransmission, 50’ Mount Grain Auger sions, &hrs Yield Monitor, leveling tires-Sprayer -Honda well &tires, stored inside - John Deere Model 2020 Tractor, 2WD, Gas Engine, 57” 27 hp, BS c & air, 32591460 w/ Case IH Combine, Model 81024’ header Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, dou 8612 miles rs, 14.9X28 tires, - Case IHMoisture Model Axel Flow cab,sieves, heat l #1359941 Metal Detector * Ext Ladder * ATV Gun Case * 2 Fishing John Deere Skid Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms Speed King 8” x 50’ pto Grain Auger 8612 miles 57” cut, 27 hp, BS Serial #1359941 winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, double Packer * Portable Speed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas eng Loader & 6’ Bucket, 4300 hrs, 14.9X28 tires, Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 Micro Rain MR2 John Deere Skid Mount Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, 4WD, Micro Rain MR25 Irrigation Syste 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, New Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat & Air, Speed King 8” x 50’ pto Grain Auger 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 & air,& 3259 hrs w/ Case4300 IH Model 81024’ header- New -Grain Speed King 6” x 34’ Graingas Auger w/ gas engine Tackle Boxes -Rubicon loaded *Fishing Poles * Old Wooden Sled Model PS1572 Gras - 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman TRX500 Loader 6’ Bucket, hrs, 14.9X28 tires, - miles Speed King 6” x8” 34’ Auger w/ engine Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat &miles Air, - 2008 Honda 4plow, Trax Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, -Speed Speed King x50’ 50’ pto Grain Auger Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat & Air, 8612 15’ Fisher Box- & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles ONE OF A KIND Field Ready Model Gra 15’ Fisher Box && Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K Cement Mixer *PS1572 Earthquake Auge winch 50” 2030 miles. Micro Rain MR25 Irrigation *Cement Red Lion RLX 12V - 3) 500 gal fuel tank Serial #1359941 -- 4) 25x10.00-12 Side xengine Side Tires (off 5storBolt) -pto 4) 25x10.00-12 xtank Side Tires (off Kubota 5 Bolt)*System -Kubota 3)1460 500 gal stationary fuel *Side Shovels, Pitch Forks &stationary Rakes Old Chicken Feeders King 8” x Grain Auger Mixer * 4 speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & 1460 4 speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & Speed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ Micro Rain MR25 Serial #1359941 8612 miles 1967 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gas engine, 9” augers * 5’ Lawn Aerator * 4’IrJ 3) 500 gal stationary fuel tank 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 1967 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gas engine, ine, Cab, Heat & Air, New Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, Speed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport Micro Rain MR25 eed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E & 1460 * 2) old Empire Fire Extinguishers S Hours, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank extenCement Mixer * Earthquake Auger Gas Engine w/ 6” & 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport - New Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat & Air, 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, Vac Gauge * Micronia Multi Tesster * Tack/Dwell Me 15’ Fisher Box & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles age box , 50” Warn Snow Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 14’Weeder, Fisher Box & Hoist, 4x2 68K -trans, Speed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine Calkins 30’ Rod 3-10’ Center Drive * Heavy Commerical 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon Sstationary Hours, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/Tires tank exten3) 500 gal fuel tank 4) 25x10.00-12 xmiles Side (off Kubota 5 Bolt) transport (selling w/ combine) 14’ Box Hoist, 4x2 -trans, 68K miles 9”Duty augers * 5’ La 8612 miles Cement Mixer *Whee Ear New Holland CR940 Combine, Cab, Heat &2004 Air, tor,- 145 hp, heat && Rotor, 1818 Ecab, &Fisher 1460 sions, Moisture &-Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, -maintained 2)Fourtrax 500 gal tanks w/TRX500 transport - Cab 3)Side 500 gal stationary fuel tank 15’ Fisher Box &C/50 Hoist, 4X2 trans, miles Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Pick-Up, 1967 Chevrolet 2T Truck, 32761K gas engine, tires -4) well & stored inside Metal Detector *Tap Ext Ladder ATS 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, Cement Mixer ** Ea 9” augers *Splitter 5’ Lawn Aerator * 4’ John Deere Dethatche -transport 25x10.00-12 Side x fuel Side Tires (off Kubota 5 the Bolt) urs, 300 Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank extenspeed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 E-tanks &16’ 1460 --4Case IH Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat * Barring * Drills * Sanders * Small n Die -- 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, -Flex 2001 Honda Foreman Rubicon TRX500 3) John Deere Disk Plows 3) 500 gal stationary fuel tank 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 1 Moisture (From estate of Chip Kamerman) sions, & Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, 2) 500 gal fuel w/ 9” augers *Duty 5’*Fishing Lawn * Heavy Co 2’ Flatbed, 4X4Foreman Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K tanks hift Trans,4 rear remotes, 4w/speed hydro Trans, Twin Rotor, 1818 EONE & 6OF 1460 -Fisher 1967 Chevrolet 2T Truck, 327 gas engine, Tackle Boxes - loaded P Tank tank 14’ Fisher Box &C/50 Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles -- Honda 400 manual transmission, 4WD, 1exten15’ Box & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles (From the estate of Chip Kamerman) 2) 500 gal fuel w/ transport 2008 Honda 4 Trax Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, & air, 3259 hrs w/ Case IH Model 81024’ header 2 ’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 6 4) 25x10.00-12 Side x Side Tires (off Kubota 5 Bolt) 9” augers * &5’ Lawn *DeWalt * Bench mounted Router, 9” Delta A Harrow KIND - Fieldw/ Ready Duty Commerical Wheel Barrow Gold Mast S1967 Hours, 300Box Bushel Grain Tank w/ tank exten*Heavy Angle Drill * *Rockwell Shop Creeper *Impact Hammer *Rakes Hand , Moisture & Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, -Flex 4’X10’ ATV Trailer sides, tilt bed &miles. wench 5 sections of * Shovels, Pitch* Forks *O 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/ transport 14’ Fisher & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 winch & 50” plow, 2030 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gas engine, *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta The Equipment & Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ stor* Heavy Duty Comm Super Steer, Front & Rear Hours, 300 Bushel Grain tank extenDetector Table Saw * Rockwell Delta Planer * Delta 10” Chop nitor, SSelf leveling sieves, - 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/ sides, Tank tilt bed w/ & wench - New Holland Model 94Cthe 25’ estate Draperof Header w/ *Personal 2) old Empire Fire (From Chip Kamerman) Equipment &Rancher Property will be * *Metal Heavy Duty Com Metal Detector ** Engine Ext Ladder *Sharpener ATV Gun *Extinguishers 2 Fishin - 2008 Honda 4Bit TRX 420 FM, sions, & Yield Monitor, SelfDeere leveling sieves, -Fisher 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Pick-Up, offered on an “as-is, where-is” bS Tools ofDrill all kinds *The Drill *Case Shop Manual -A Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model ageSaw box 50” Warn Snow Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 ’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 61 2Moisture Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles Table Saw *Grain Rockwell Delta PlanerCP250V, * Delta 10”* ,Bench Chop -Cab 2)#HAJ101749 John Model 150 Hoe Drills, mounted Press Stand * Trax 65R32 &14’#HAJ101749 480/70R30 tires, Serial transport (selling w/ combine) ONE OF KIND -theField Ready Metal Detector *-orEx 80R46 duals, sions, Moisture & Yield Monitor, Self leveling sieves, 1 Rear Wheel (From estate of Chip Kamerman) res, Serial *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis without representation or warranty either expressed im Tackle Boxes lo tires well maintained & stored inside 2’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 6Dodge 8612 miles -800/65R32 2004 Ram 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, - 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/ sides, tilt bed & wench Saw * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand * Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor * Case IH Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat Metal Detector * Ex Tackle Boxes loaded *Fishing Poles *Bidders Old Wooden Sl Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV &C/50 480/70R30 tires, Serial #HAJ101749 -w/ 2008 Honda 4Planer Trax Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, + a400whole lot- more! The4WD, Equipment & Personal Property will be 12’ spacing, fertilizer boxes -#HAJ101749 New Holland Model 94C 25’ Draper w/ -tilt 2008 Honda 4-10” Trax Rancher TRX FM, Street legal, *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta personal inspection the event -KIND 1969 Chevrolet 2Tw/ Truck, 350 gas engine, OF A - Field Ready the estate Chip Kamerman) Table Saw *ofRockwell Delta *Trax Delta 10” Chop warranty either expressed mustin rely on Tackle Boxes -Rear load - Honda Foreman manual transmission, #D408246 VERY NICE 4’X10’ ATV Trailer sides, bed &Sections, wench Several Parts *or Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers * or implied. 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 800/65R32 & 480/70R30 tires, Serial 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 61 2-’ -Flatbed, ady Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow & air, 3259-(From hrs w/Lincoln Case IH Model 81024’ header AC/225 Arc Welder *smHeader Air Compressor * Cabinets -420 2008 Honda 4 Rancher TRX 420 FM, Street legal, * Shovels, Pitch F The Equipment &Snow Personal Property will be offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis without representation add. Tackle Boxes load * Shovels, Pitch Forks & Rakes * Old Chicken Feeders age box , 50” Warn Blade, 24X8-12 & ONE OF A KIND Field Ready Table Saw * Rockwell Delta Planer * Delta 10” Chop 15’ Fisher Box & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta Saw * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand * Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ storpersonal inspection in the event items to not conform to this Dwell Meter * Bench Vise * Timing Lights * Come-A- &Plow Cosmo 500 Grass/Fertilizer 540 pto - John Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ transport (selling w/ combine) 3000 lbDeere wrench, ATV Rear Seat stor-ATV 4) 25x10.00-12 Side xSpreader, Side (off Kubota Bolt)Pullers *TRX 420 -Cabinets 2008 Honda 4w/Trax Rancher FM, Street legal, - 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/ sides, bedChampion wench Model Several Parts *Tires Brake Bleeder * 5Gear * Shovels, Pitch For -OF Minneapolis-Moline 16’tilt Chisel Model 94C 25’ Draper Header w/ ractor, 175 hp, cab, heat & offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis without representation 5’Holland Draper Header w/ ONE A KIND Field Ready The Equipment & Personal Property will be Day of Sale will take precedenc or warranty either expressed or implied. Bidders must rely on Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ storYamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, Saw **Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine *** 2)Grinder - 1967 Holland Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gasDraper engine, Header Long * Bench *add. Bottle Jacks * Floor Jacks * Wood Table Saw Rockwell Delta Planer *on Delta 10” Chop Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor - Case w/ Model F21 Finishing Disc, notched blades Statements 2) old Empire old Empire Fire Extinguishers tires -&well maintained &***stored inside - New Model 94C 25’ Shovels, FoF Dwell Meter *24X8-12 Bench Vise Lights *Stand Come-A- Draper LandPride Model PS1572 Grass Seeder, Double Packer - John3Deere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’-, 50” age box ,box 50” Warn Snow 24X8-12 24X9-11 Case IH Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat age box Warn Snow Blade, &*,*Timing 24X9-11 Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV Rear Seat w/ storor either expressed orwithout implied. mustPitch rely on on an “as-is, where-is” basis representation personal inspection in*precedence. the event items toBidders not to this 2) oldconform Empire Fire miles er Trans, rear Vises *Blade, Buffer/Waxer *24X8-12 lgDay &warranty sm grinders Engine front, manual wing liftParts 14’Holland Fisher Box &remotes, Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor ** Wood port (selling w/ combine) e) Shift Saw *Long Bench mounted Drill Engine Stand *Jacks - New Model 94C 25’ Header w/ Several Cabinets **Press Brake Bleeder *8612 Gear Pullers * offered ofelectric Sale will take Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow age 50” Warn Snow Blade, & 24X9-11 *BCS-Model 605 Vanguard 12.5 hp w/ the following * Bench Grinder Bottle Jacks * Floor 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, Case Model F21 Finishing Disc, notched blades on - Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, (selling w/Quad combine) * to2)must old Empire personal inspection inorthe event items not conform -header Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 or warranty either expressed implied. Bidders rely on to thisFire Statements add. -Pick-Up, F-S Mount Field Sprayer, In Cab Controls, - Edwards 30’ Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold &maintained air, 3259 w/ Case IH Model 81024’ -transport 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Cab tires well & stored inside Several Parts *lg Brake Bleeder *2001 Gear Pullers * inside Lincoln AC/225 Arc *sm Compressor age box 50” Warn Snow Blade, 24X8-12 & 24X9-11 tires -Welder well maintained & stored Dwell *Cabinets Bench Timing Lights **Come-AMinneapolis-Moline Plow-Skid & Rear Weights, 16.9 R28 &16’Combine, - John Deere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ 15’ Fisher Box &hrs Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles ow Combine, cab, heat Vises *Meter Buffer/Waxer *Vise &,*Air sm electric * Engine transport (selling w/ combine) IH Model Axel Flow cab, heat front, manual wing lift tires well maintained & stored - grinders 4) 25x10.00-12 Side xinside Side Tires (off Kubota 5 Bolt) 1 1460 (From the estate of Chip Kamerman) Statements add. personal inspection in the event items to not conform to this attachments: Roto Tiller, Sickle Mower, Bush Hob, Sn Day of Sale will take precedence. winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. - Case IH Model 1460 Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat 2 ’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 6 Dwell Meter * Bench Vise * Timing Lights * Come-ASeveral Parts Cabinets * Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers * Long * Bench Grinder * Bottle Jacks * Floor Jacks * Wood John Deere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ - Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Disc, Plow 60’ Boom, hyd tip*DeWalt lifts, gal tank, B&S Engine Case -Model F21 Finishing notched blades onChevrolet - 1967 C/50400 2T -Truck, 327 gasForeman engine, - Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, 4WD, tires -* *well maintained & stored inside - Edwards 30’1460 Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold Serial #660024 LIKE NEW 400 manual transmission, 4WD, Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta Day of Sale will take precedence. Model 81024’ header StatementsMower, add. - Case IH Model Axel Flow Combine, cab, heat Honda Foreman 400 manual transmission, 4WD, -& 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/ sides, tilt IH bed &notched wench , 3259 hrs w/ Case IH Model 81024’ header Long * Bench Grinder Bottle Jacks ** Floor Jacks * Wood Dwell Meter *Honda Bench Vise Timing Lights Come-ABlower * Kunz-Acrease Pull Behind Finishing 14’ Fisher Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles Vises Buffer/Waxer lg & sm electric grinders * Engine - Case Model F21 Finishing Disc, blades on John Deere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ front, manual wing lift Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP2 air, 3259 hrs w/ Case Model 81024’ header Thetake Equipment & Personal Property will be L-C-R&Control winch 50” plow, 2030 miles. Saw *Quad Delta Planer **electric Delta 10” Chop Day of Sale will precedence. - Honda Foreman 400 transmission, 4WD, actor,&2WD, Gasmanual Engine, - 2004 DodgeTable Ram Vises Cab Pick-Up, Long *2500 Bench Grinder *& Bottle Jacks Floor Jacks *manual Wood * Rockwell Buffer/Waxer *50” lg & sm grinders * Engine winch plow, 2030 miles. - Case Model F21 Finishing notched blades on front, wing liftDisc, air, hrs Case IHhydraulic Model 81024’ header -3259 Edwards 30’w/ Rod Weeder, fold winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. offered on an “as-is, where-is” basis without representation 57” cut, 27 hp, BS commercial engine * LandPride 8612 miles (From the estate of Chip Kamerman) Saw mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand - Johnfold Deere Mount Sprayer w/ 40’ Booms ’ Flatbed, 4X4 *Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 61 2Skid Vises *Bench Buffer/Waxer * lg &CP250V, sm electric grinders * *Engine - Yamaha Morphus Scooter Model front, manual wing liftWeeder, hydraulic - Edwards Rod winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. hrs, 14.9X28 tires, 30’ or warranty either expressed or implied. Bidders Packer must rely on *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9”Seeder, Delta -2006 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350 gas engine, Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, Yamaha 2006 Morphus Model CP250V, Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor *Scooter Model PS1572 Grass double * Portabl 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/ sides, tilt bed & wench 2001 Honda Fourtrax Rubicon TR - Edwards 30’ Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold The &P - Speed King 8” x 50’ pto Parts Grain Auger 8612 miles personal inspection theChop event items to Foreman not conform toEquipment this Table Saw*Scooter * Rockwell Delta Planer * Deltain10” Yamaha 2006 Morphus Model CP250V, Several Cabinets * Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers - Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow 15’ Fisher Box & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles 8612 miles offered on an “as-is, where-is” bas 8612 miles Micro Rain MR25 Irrigation System * Red Lion RLX 12 ck, 350 gas engine, 4) 25x10.00-12 Side x Side Tires (off Kubota Saw * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand * Statements add. Speed King 6” x 34’ Grain Auger w/ gas engine Dwell Meter * Bench Vise * Timing Lights * Come-A2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 - John Deere 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’engine, - 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 350-gas engine, bine, Cab, Heat &Model Air,Truck, 8612 miles or warranty either expressed or imp Chevrolet C/50 2T 350 gas 1967 Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gas engine, Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor * 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 Day of Sale will take precedence. Cement Mixer * Earthquake Auger Gas Engine w/ 6” & -Chisel 2001 Honda Fourtrax Foreman Rubicon TRX500 trans, 61K miles * Bench Grinder *Kubota Bottle Jacks Floor Jacks * Wood - Case Model Box F21 Finishing notched blades onengine, - 3) 500 gal stationary tank personal inspection in the event ite - 1969 Chevrolet C/50 2TDisc, Truck, 350 gas - 4) 25x10.00-12 SideLong x fuel Side Tires (off 5 *Bolt) SeveralForeman Parts CabinetsRubicon * Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers * 15’ Fisher & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles - Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Plow nisher Rotor, 1818 E & 1460 2001 Honda Fourtrax TRX500 14’ Fisher Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles 4) 25x10.00-12 Side x Side Tires (off Kubota 5 Bolt) Box & Hoist, 4X2 trans, 61K miles Vises * Buffer/Waxer * lg & sm electric grinders * Engine front,engine, manual wing lift 9” augers * 5’ Lights Lawn Aerator * 4’add. John Deere Dethatch 327 gas Dwell MeterTires * Bench Vise *Kubota Timing Come-A-Chisel 4) 25x10.00-12 Side x Side (off 55* Bolt) - John Deere Model Plow, 25’ - 2) 500 gal fuel tanks w/1610 transport 15’ Fisher Box &Weeder, Hoist, 4X2Truck, trans, 61K miles - w/ 1967 Chevrolet C/50 hydraulic 2T 327 engine, nck, Tank tank extenDay of Sale will take precedence 4) 25x10.00-12 Side SideGrinder Kubota Bolt) - Edwards 30’ Rod fold engine, -gas 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad CabonPick-Up, Long x * Bench * (off Bottle Jacks *Commerical Floor Jacks * Wood - Case Model F21 Finishing Disc, -notched blades Chevrolet C/50 2T Truck, 327 gas *Tires Heavy Duty Wheel Barrow * Gold Mas

trans, 68K miles - 1967 C/50 2T Truck, 327 68K gas61engine, Vises * Buffer/Waxer * lg & sm electricthe grinders * Engine (From estate of Chip Kamerman) 14’Chevrolet Fisher Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, miles front, manual wing lift onitor, Self leveling sieves, 2’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236KMetal Detector * Ext Ladder * ATV Gun Case * 2 Fishi isher Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles ad Cab Pick-Up, - Edwards 30’ Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold Fisher Box & Hoist, 4x2 trans, 68K miles *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, - 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, tires,14’ Serial #HAJ101749 -estate 4’X10’ ATV Trailer w/TRX sides, tiltFM, bedestate & wench (From theHonda ofTrax ChipRancher Kamerman) Tackle Boxes - loaded *Fishing Poles * Old*Rockwell Wooden S Diesel, Automatic, 236K Dodge 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, 1Ram (From the of Chip Kamerman) 2008 4 420 Street legal, 2004 Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab Pick-Up, Table Saw * Rockwell Delta Planer * Delta 10 Diesel, Bench Automatic, 236KRouter, *Rockwell 9” Delta eady 6 2’ Flatbed, 4X4 Cummins *DeWalt mounted * Shovels, Pitch Forks & Rakes * Old Chicken Feeders (From the estate of Chip Kamerman) tilt Draper bed wench (From of Chip *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9” Delta Champion 3000 lb ATV wrench, ATV the Rearestate Seat w/ stor- Kamerman) latbed, Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K ’&4X4 Flatbed, Cummins Diesel, Automatic, 236K 6-1 24’X10’ The Equipment & Personal Property will Saw * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Sta ATV4X4 Trailer w/ sides, tilt bed & wench 25’ Header w/ Table Saw *, Rockwell *24X8-12 Delta 10” The Eq *Planer 2) *Rockwell old Fire Extinguishers *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, 9” Delta *DeWalt Bench mounted Router, *Rockwell 9”where-is” Delta Table Saw Rockwell Delta *Empire Delta 10” Chop box 50” Warn Delta SnowPlaner Blade, &* Chop 24X9-11 0’ ATV Trailer sides,w/tiltsides, bedSaw &age wench - 4’X10’ ATVw/ Trailer tilt bed & wench offered on an “as-is, without representati Lincoln AC/225 Arc basis Welder *sm Air Compre ine) * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand * E The offered on an The “as-is, Table * Rockwell Delta Planer Delta 10” Chop Table Saw *Bench Rockwell Delta Planer * *Engine Delta 10” Chop Saw *Saw mounted Drill Stand * Cabinets tires - well maintained & stored inside orPress warranty either expressed or implied. Bidders must rely Several Parts * Brake Bleeder *“as-is Gear Flow Combine, cab, heat - Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor * offered on an or warranty either ex offered on an “as Saw * Bench mounted Drill Press * Engine Stand ** Bench AC/225 Welder *sm* Air Compressor - Honda -Foreman 400Model manual transmission, 4WD, Saw *Lincoln Bench mounted Drill Press Engine Stand personal inspection in *the event items not conform to t Dwell Meter Visepersonal *toTiming Lights *eC Hsel Model 81024’ header John Deere 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’Arc Several Parts Cabinets * Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers * or either Plow inspection orwarranty warranty either Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor * Several Parts Cabinets * Brake Bleeder * Gear Pullers * winch & 50” plow, 2030 miles. - Minneapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow Lincoln AC/225 Arc Welder *sm Air Compressor * Stateme add. Long * Bench Grinder * Bottle Jacks * Floor Ja - Case Model F21* Finishing Disc,* notched blades on Dwell Meter * Bench Vise Timing Lights Come-Asel -Plow, 25’Deere Model 16’ add. personal inspection personal inspecti Dwell Meter * Bench Vise *Day Timing Lights **take Come-ASeveral Parts Cabinets * Brake Bleeder Gear Pullers - Yamaha 2006 Morphus Scooter Model CP250V, - John 1610 Chisel Plow,front, 25’ manual Minneapolis-Moline Chisel Plow of Sale will precedence. Vises Buffer/Waxer smofelectric grinde Several Parts Cabinets * Brake Bleeder * *Gear Pullers ** * lg & wing lift eapolis-Moline 16’ Chisel Plow Long * Bench Grinder * Bottle Jacks * Floor Jacks * Wood isc, notched blades on Day Sale will tak add. Long * Bench Grinder * Bottle Jacks * Floor Jacks * Wood 8612 miles Dwell Meter * Bench Vise * Timing Lights * Come-Aadd. Case Model F21 Finishing Disc, notched blades on John Deere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ Edwards 30’ Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold Dwell Meter * Bench Vise * Timing Lights * Come-ADeere Model 1610 Chisel Plow, 25’ Vises * Buffer/Waxer * lg & sm electric grinders * Engine uck, 350 gas manual engine, wing lift Day of Sale will tak Vises* *Bench Buffer/Waxer & smJacks electric grinders - 2001 Honda Fourtrax Rubicon TRX500 Long Grinder**lgBottle * Floor Jacks* Engine * Wood front, - Case Model F21 Finishing Disc, notched blades on Foreman Day of Sale will Long * Bench Grinder * Bottle Jacks * Floor Jacks * Wood Model F21 Finishing Disc, notched blades on ydraulic fold 2 trans, 61K miles 4) 25x10.00-12 Side x Side Tires (off Kubota 5 Bolt) Vises * Buffer/Waxer * lg & sm electric grinders * Engine Edwards 30’ Rod Weeder, hydraulic fold front, manual wing lift Vises * Buffer/Waxer * lg & sm electric grinders * Engine uck, 327 gas engine, manual wing - Edwards 30’liftRod Weeder, hydraulic fold 2rds trans, 30’68K Rodmiles Weeder, hydraulic fold uad Cab Pick-Up,

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A30

BRAND & CLIPPER FOR SALE Heart Lazy S Brand for cattle and horses. Also electric clipper and blades.........$3000 Phone (406) 452-5033 leave message.

Montana grassroots policy passes at American Farm Bureau delegates session Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire CONTINUED FROM PAGE A28

Fort Benton Realty, LLC

1426 Front Street

Fort Benton, Montana 59442

E Hanging T Ranch located 18 miles south of Chinook: in foothills of Bears Paw Mountains with 7,000 +/- deeded acres plus 1,170 acres State lease. Multiple reservoirs & wells & spring & water rights, older ranch home plus outbuildings including large calving barn and horse barn......... ..............................................................................Sale price $5.5 million Blaine County Ranch 400 acres with approximately 260 acres irrigated hay land, nice building site with homes, barn & good corrals, and working feedlot, all located along the Milk River and east of Chinook. Good whitetail deer and pheasant hunting..............................Total price is $675,000 Also, 85-90 acres of more land (35-60 acres more irrigated land) could be included in sale............................................For a Total Price of $800,000 Montana Farm 9,200 acres: located in central MT, north of Lewistown. Includes 7,200 acres of dry cropland, two homes & two sets of farm buildings with feedlot set-up. Local cropping practices include Winter & Spring Wheat, Barley and Pulse crops. Irrigation rights and development are possible. There’s elk, deer, antelope & bird hunting & fishing in this area........ .....................................Farm is priced at $16.8 million, terms possible

For any questions or a showing (or to BUY!!) Please Call Broker Shane Ophus @ 406-788-6662 or Broker Mark Pyrak @ 406-788-9280

“We look forward to assisting you with all of your Real Estate needs”


commodity markets, predator control to cattle I.D. “The delegate body voted for the elimination of the Army Corps of Engineers’ requiring a mitigation fee for stream bed stabilization,” said Johnson. “In other words, the Corps needs to quit charging us money to do the right thing.” A resolution passed that would prevent the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture releasing reports from studies that had untruths in them. “For instance, there was a study regarding the nutritional value of peas and lentils and damage those products can do to a dog. We oppose those two agencies from releasing reports without peer review or adequate science reviews.” Other Montana-originated policies that passed supported euthanizing any apex predator that had been trapped by any agency because the animal had been deemed a problem animal. Another MFBF policy passed that supported the USDA implementing a comprehensive educational system for producers as they transition from a national uniform ear-tagging system to a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. Johnson pointed out two policies that passed regarding animal care that weren’t from Montana, but held interest to farmers and ranchers: One opposed any effort to ban the use of horses in rodeos, agriculture,

Certified Seed Plant

transportation, entertainment or exhibition; the other supported making it a criminal offence to willfully harass livestock with a drone. One policy that passed opposed any efforts to “re-wild” the West, while several others centered around farmers and ranchers having the right to repair their own equipment, including rebooting a tractor’s operating system. “Of course, immigration and farm labor were prevalent issues for the delegates,” Johnson said. “It was good to see a resolution pass that opposed the agricultural industry paying more than any other industry pays for labor; we shouldn’t be required to pay a higher minimum wage because it’s agriculture.” Johnson noted, “We were really excited to see Montana’s policies make the final cut. There are a couple that didn’t, but they will get more attention in advisory committee meetings in Washington, D.C. in February. The delegates who come from all over the country to the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting understand the process, they get it right and pass good policy. It’s always an honor to sit on the delegate floor and realize you’re a part of this amazing grassroots organization.” Visit and for more convention coverage and check out @MontanaFarmBureau on Facebook and Instagram.

For sales information call Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp

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A small-grain value chain comes full circle

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A31

Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Call to schedule Aaron Schwartz. Perry plans to use the flour A longtime relationship between a Unispring fertilizer in each of the breads served at the Lemon versity of Kentucky (UK) College of AgriTree this semester and show the students culture, Food and Environment researcher application that whole grains can be flavorful. He will and a Kentucky wheat producing family has also let the Lemon Tree’s customers know led to UK students having a unique learning (406) 945-2905 Chester, MT the bread they are eating is local. experience with small grains on campus. “This is a true value chain,” Perry said. The Halcomb family, of Schochoh in “Dr. Van Sanford breeds the wheat. The HalLogan County, have worked with David Van combs grow the wheat. We mill the wheat, Sanford, UK wheat breeder, on numerous SWATHER FOR SALE and the customer gets to enjoy it.” research projects over the course of three William Burgess is a UK student who is decades, including hosting UK’s wheat excited about the project. variety trials on their Walnut Grove Farms. “For me, actually, it’s a local thing,” he Both are interested in establishing resaid. “If I can support a local product or gional, small-grain value chains to cona product made by Kentucky families or nect Kentucky wheat producers with local people who have studied at UK, then it is millers, restaurateurs and bakers who are well worth it to eat that kind of grain.” interested in incorporating local grains into Van Sanford continues to screen variettheir products and their menus. As a result, ies for aroma and taste with the hopes of the Halcombs have been growing a small Kentucky producers growing other nonamount of the Edison wheat variety, a hard, traditional varieties in the state to meet the white, spring wheat known for its flavor. needs of the growing local food industry. “If consumers know where their food is 2006 John Deere 4895 with 896 power reverser 16-ft. “We are interested in working with any coming from and that it is produced ethihead, 1653 hours. Swather is also plumbed for a draper farmer who is interested in having the abilcally and sustainability, they are going to head. Great shape, ready to cut hay...................... $46,500 ity to trace flour on store shelves directly to be proud to eat that food,” Sarah Halcomb Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT their farms,” he said. said. “That’s the experience we want to be able to provide for them.” Edison wheat is used to produce scones, biscuits, cakes, muffins, artisan breads and pizza dough. It is not a variety typically grown in Kentucky, but with some production modifications, the Halcombs were able to achieve decent yields. “We want people to be aware that we do have the capability to produce it,” said Van Sanford, a profesSelling 40 Simmental and SimAngus™ Bulls sor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. “The bakers, who have used it, like Bluegrass Baking in Lexington and Sixteen Bricks up in Cincinnati, just love it, because it is so flavorful and has good dough functionality.” While the Halcombs look for commercial outlets for their product, they are also providing some of the grain to UK for teaching and research purposes. This is a hands-on teaching opportunity Bob Perry, chef in the UK Department of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, was excited to pursue. He recently purchased a flour mill with funds from the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station for a teaching tool at the Lemon Tree, the college’s studentrun restaurant. Perry will instruct students how to mill the grain and prepare its resulting products in the LRS Dually 102D sons sell. RFS Bulletproof B42 sons sell. Lemon Tree class that he co-teaches with UK lecturer MONDAY

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A32

##### The Lone Ranger may have been inspired by a reallife black U.S. Marshal. His name was Bass Reeves, and he was born a slave in 1838. After the inhumane practice of keeping other humans as property was abolished, he worked as a U.S. Marshal, arresting over 3,000 felons, The rakes (R2300 andand R2800) are for who need to cover lots of acres a son! TheVermeer VermeerR-series R-seriestwin twinbasket basket rakes (R2300 R2800) arecustomers for customers whoincluding need to cover lots ofinacres in a his own very forfor performance andand durability, thesethese machines help to achieve faster fast dry er down veryshort shortperiod periodofoftime. time.Built Built performance durability, machines help to achieve dryand down and make preserve quality, shed water and and transport easily. What’s more,more, these these machines are are maketightly tightlyrolled rolledbales balesthat that preserve quality, shed water transport easily. What’s machines proven they have worked andand the the tremendous resale values they maintain. provenon onthe themillions millionsofofacres acres they have worked tremendous resale values they maintain.

DURABILITY DURABILITYREDEFINED. REDEFINED. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.


o need to cover lots of acres in a p to achieve faster dry down and hat’s more, these machines are s they maintain.


Introducing Vermeer N-series balers Introducing – the newest in the– the flagship line from Vermeermodels N-series balers newest models in the the flagship line from the

that started itprovide all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and company that started itN-series all. Heavy-duty superior strength and Introducing Vermeer N-series balers -company the–components newest models line from the company that Introducing Vermeer balers theSmart newest models inflagship theautomatic flagship line from the durability. features likeon thethe available pickup clutch and auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system started it all.that Heavy-duty provide superior strength and durability. Smart further extend machine life.provide Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in like the company started itcomponents all. Heavy-duty components superior strength and features industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. like Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network the Plus, the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. they’re durability. Smart features the available automatic pickup clutch and autoinlube system Vermeerto logo stay. and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N network balersVermeer, are here backed the bestmachine distribution inthethe industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. furtherbyextend life. Plus, ©they’re backed by the best distribution network in the



EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and 604N/605N Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or countries. JD other 6125M , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer balers are here to stay. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


DO MORE. (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL

EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More Vermeer are trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.our product 605N.....of .....Vermeer ................Manufacturing ............................Company DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded lines. Call for all JD 6125M loader,ea.800 hours ........attachment ................./ .....DO .......$83,000 MORE. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned .................,$14,500 & AllUSED EQUIPMENT your needs. © 2016 Vermeer NEW Corporation. Rights Reserved.

The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)

Vermeer R2300, rake.........................Many ...............Tractors ....2017’s In Available Stock .........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, rampHighline . .Starting at, chopper $17,500 CFR 650 ................................RENTAL RETURN JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours..........Ag .........Supply, .....................LLC ....$83,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Wichman Hesston 9435 , 16’ header, 1475 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Vermeer 605N......................................................DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our.product , 16’ header...........................Many Reduced Tractors to $70,000 Available the ......or .....lines. ...........Call .needs. .....cell ..for .....Hilger, ..all ..........MT ...CALL 406-538-5686 350-2676 .Hesston .Hesston ........Starting .9635 .1275 .....$14,500 ea. (2) (3)Vermeer VermeerR2300 605M,,rakes, twine,reconditioned net, floats, ramp at $17,500 your farm attachment / , swing tongue.............................................$13,500 Are for Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s In Stock Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEMO SPECIAL Vermeer 605N system We have expanded our product lines. Call for all Highline CFR 650 , chopper .............................RENTAL RETURN n the (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes,....reconditioned ......NEW ......$14,500 ea. your farm attachment needs. 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand/equipment Alone Panelscustomers $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT header, ..........2017’s ....$60,000 Hesston 9435 , 16’, rake Vermeer R2300 .......1475 .........hours .................Vermeer .......................605N Stock , twine,Infloats ................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. who need to EQUIPPED TO er countries. Hesston 9635 16’ header ...........................................2017 to $70,000 ..............................................In Stock R2300 , rakes Highline CFR,650 , chopper .....Reduced ....Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN HDPE pipe, fittings, and welderMT DO MORE. 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, rebuilt...................................$14,600 Vermeer 605XL ,.completely swing tongue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Hesston 1275 , Hesston..9435 , 16’ header, 1475 hoursVermeer ...........555 .....,.rebuilt ..................$60,000 cover Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stocklots of ......................................................$9,250 urs...................Hesston .....................4790 ..$83,000 WalterR&L 406-350-0380 , 3x4 .....Vermeer ...........R2300, $27,500 , 16’square headerbaler .....................................(2) ........2016 ......Reduced to $70,000 ........................Hesston .......................9635 ........CALL Demos.................................IN STOCK Seed and Machine, LLCa very 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT acres in for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 .......MDS ......Bucket .........&...Grapple, ...$13,500 our productHesston lines. Call1275 for all , swing tongue.................NEW 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT 51⁄ 2 ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger . . . . $3,480 Quick Mount Hole Auger , hment/equipment needs. Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler............3PT .....Worksaver ............., .....pounder, ...$27,500 short ...................$2,150 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMOall hydraulic 24’.....Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. period Ag Supply, LLCNEW Vermeer 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........time. ...ea. ..$22,000 2017 Vermeer R2300& , rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Stock of NEW & USED EQUIPMENT51⁄ 2’ x pipe, 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 USED EQUIPMENT HDPE fittings, and welder Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 r 350-2676Vermeer cell Hilger, MT, completely rebuilt...........NEW 605XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats.................Vermeer ............TM850 ...USED Wind BreakInEquipment Panels , trailedDEMO mower.............24’ ..Geotherm ...........Stand ..IN STOCK Alone Waterers &Ranch Parts Stock $875 ea. Cox 406-350-0380 Vermeer 555, rebuilt...................................NEW ...........TM1200 ...........,..15.5’ ..$9,250 demo unit.........................IN STOCK 2017 Vermeer R2300, rakes.................Vermeer ......Vermeer ............R2300 .................cut, In Stock Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW (2) Vermeer R2300, Demos ........these ............machines ...and .......R2800) ...IN STOCK The2016 Vermeer R-series twin rakes are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in arolled d Alone Panels $375 ea. Built for performance andbasket durability, to achieve faster dry down and make tightly bales that Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MTpreserve center splitter...................IN STOCK rebuilt .....(R2300 ..NEW ......Vermeer ...and .......durability, .VR1224 .,.with $14,600 Vermeer 605XL , completely very short period of time. Built for performance these machines help to achieve fast er dry down and NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 nd Breakquality, Panels $875 ea.water and transport easily. shed these millions of acres they have worked and Waterers & Parts In Stock NEWWhat’s Vermeer more, RR140, rotary rake..machine ........................are ......Geotherm .INproven STOCK on the Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 555 , rebuilt ....that ..,..NH9030 ....preserve ........(2) ....Vermeer ..15” ...shed ....auger ..R23 ..water ....Rakes ......and .,..reconditioned .$9,250 – Geyser, MTMT make tightly rolled bales transport more, these machines are Springs, ......easily. ........406-735-4374 ........What’s .$8,000 ea. fittings, and welder Quick Mount Hole Auger ....$3,480 White Sulphur the tremendous resale values they quality, maintain. Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 (2) Vermeer .......worked .........................and ....the ...........$2,150 .IN STOCK resale values they maintain. proven on the millions of acresDemos they have tremendous erers & Parts In2016 Stock 3PT Worksaver , postR2300, pounder, all hydraulic .........6650 NEW Vermeer Rancher, net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK Bucket & Grapple,- for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 and Machine, - NEW NewMDS &LLC Used Equipment PULLEY ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT 406-735-4374 MT NEW VERMEER BPX9010 AVAILABLE! Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ..&....WELD-ON .........PROCESSORS ..– ......Geyser, .SPROCKETS ..................$22,000 Quick Mount Holebale Auger , NH9030 bi-direct .baler .$3,480 & USED EQUIPMENT Hustler CHX5000 processor. ....................................... 374 – Geyser, MT NEW Vermeer 15” 6650 auger Rancher. .,$NEW$ .................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Cut toFleetguard Length 3PT Worksaver , post ......COMING ..............$5500 $2,150 Great Plains 13-ft. drill, pounder, double NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cutdiscs, ...all .....hydraulic .7” .....grass ..........&...fertilizer....... IN oil distributor, filter, NEW Vermeer R2300, rake...........................................Chevron ..IN STOCK .......Vermeer ............605 ......N......IN NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed mower 2650 RH discharge.. .........................................$10,000 We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .......STOCK .......................................................IN STOCK ned..............Haybuster ............................$22,000 Boy mowers, 605M, Bad reconditioned ...........&..Hustler ..Models ........................$22,000 demo unit ....Vermeer ............605M .......,, IN twine, STOCK , 15.5’ NEW & cut, USED EQUIPMENT floats, ramps....Vermeer ......................$18,900 ale processorHaybuster ...Vermeer ......................TM1200 ...$13,500 All...Makes 2650 RH discharge. ............................................. $9500 406-594-2204, Winston, twine, rebuilt pickup.Vermeer ...Cliff ...............Cox ......BP8000 $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 ,STOCK , used bale processor . . . . ..........MT ..............$13,500 NEW Vermeer R2300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN ch Equipment 2000 Vortex Bale King....................................................... $6000 NEW Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut...........JD....566 ....,..twine ......only .........COMING Trendline Winston, Vermeer MT Sales .........................IN ................Nate .................Cox .....$5,000 406-594-2205, with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 , 594-2204,Vermeer Winston, MT TM850 Hitter Post Driver,......................CALL TM1410 21-ft. cut, 9-ft. mower transport. ........................... NEW Vermeer , trailed ...NEW .....Wheatheart ...............Heavy ....IN$NEW$ STOCK 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Techno 980, 8 bale mover...........................................Shane .......$32,500 Sereday 406-547-4749, 594-2205,Vermeer Winston,605N MT baler, net, ramp, pickupunit clutch..................... $NEW$ Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo ............, .8..round .......hay ...INbale STOCK (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 trailer..............................Cliff .........$7,500 ......Rhino .............$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes, reconditioned....Red CoxSulphur 406-594-2204, Winston, eday 406-547-4749, White Springs, MT Vermeer R2800 R2300 hyd. rake, NEW Vermeer ......28-ft. .........rake ........width........................ ..............................IN$NEW$ STOCK 406-234-4595 Miles City,MTMT Vermeer phur Springs, MT WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK John Deere 4010 w/158 loader and grapple........................ $9500 NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher, net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK NEWDeere Vermeer , rotary rake ....grapple, .............PowerShift..$50,000 ................IN STOCK John 7600RR140 w/Allied loader and Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, ON SPROCKETS ON HAND .....loader......... ...............$8,000 ea.PULLEY & (2) Vermeer R23Powershift, Rakes , reconditioned John Deere 7800 11,500 hours, $40,000 WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT White Sulphur Springs, MT , 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain to Length NEWVermeer VermeerR2800 6650, Rancher net, .twine, . . . .STOCK IN STOCK NEW hydraulic ,rakes ...........moisture ................IN Cut to Length Repair Baler Belts NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in theNEW flagship line from the kes & Models Vermeer VR1224.............................................................. PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW company 605 that started superior strength and We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .it.& ..all. .....USED ..Heavy-duty ....sensor, ..........EQUIPMENT .....components ...........$...24,000 ........provide ....INtoSTOCK N.........moisture McCormick Tractors 100-165 2Vermeer - Vermeer 605SM Vermeer Sales605M Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler .ramps ....netwrap. ..............automatic ..................................pickup .......$18,900 ....$28,000 ...clutch .....NEW durability. Smart features like the..available and auto lube system 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 hp chain Vermeer , net, twine, floats, . All Makes & Models 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp. . ....................... $17,500 7 (shop) –Vermeer Baker, MT furtherVermeer extend machine life. Plus, they’re network in the HOUR LOW LEASE RETURNS NEW R2800 , hydraulic rakes .backed ........the .....$7,500 .INdistribution STOCK twine, rebuilt pickup . . Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Cut to Length Vermeer R2300 rake, new teeth and bearings...............$13,500 industry. Vermeer 604N/605N (cell) Vermeer 6-978-3777 NEW R2300 ............are ................$5,000 .IN STOCK 566, twine only ....rake. .......,..rake .Each..........................................$7500 ......balers ......stay. IN STOCK! 2JD - Vermeer R23A EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logoNand Equipped to Do More are trademarks of.,..Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. We Sell & Repair BalerMT Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOCK Vermeer 605 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IN .CALL Bale King Corporation. 3110 bale processor 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer All Rights Reserved. with grain tank...............$13,000 8 bale mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 Techno 980 , Vermeer 605M , net, twine, floats, ramps .. ......$18,900 All Makes & Models Harsh mixer wagon..............................................................CALL (cell) Greg 6125M, loader, 800 hours ...........406-978-3777 .................................$83,000 8 round trailer ........pickup ................................$7,500 Red RhinoRebel ,NEW & hay USED EQUIPMENT twine, rebuilt ..JD ....$7,500 Vermeer 5500 ,bale

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC


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Cloverdale TMR Mixers Available Trendline Vermeer Sales

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

Massey Ferguson WR9870 16-ft. RazorBar header..... $85,000 350-2676 cell .................................................or ........CALL Tractors Available406-538-5686 (3) 605M , twine, JD Vermeer 566, twine only ....w/16-ft, ......floats, ....sickle, .....ramp ......1900 .....Starting .......hours. ....$17,500 ........COMING .......Many ....$5,000 Challenger SP115B ....... IN Vermeer 605N ......................................................DEMO SPECIAL Hilger, MT lines. Call Walter have expanded our product for all 406-350-0380 NEW Wheatheart Hitter Postreturn.........................CALL Driver,....................We ..CALL McCormick X7.650Heavy w/loader, rental 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned.................$14,500 ea. your farm attachment /equipment needs. 24-ft. stand alone panel.....$375 Techno 980 , ,8rake bale ..wind ........In .break. ...Stock .................$775 ......$32,500 Vermeer R2300 .....mover .............................................24-ft. ................2017’s Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) Highline CFR,650 , chopper ..........trailer .....................RENTAL 8 round hay....bale ............RETURN ....................$7,500 Red Rhino Hesston 9435, 16’ header, 1475 hours............................$60,000 Hesston 9635 , 16’ header ....................EQUIPMENT ....Reduced to $70,000 NEW &...USED Vermeer wrap 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 net cell Hilger, MT available! Hesston 1275, swing tongue.............................................$13,500 NEW VERMEER PROCESSOR AVAILABLE! Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler........................................$27,500

Trendline Vermeer Sales

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

2019 Vermeer R2300 rake............................. HERE NOW! 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW &rakes, USEDone EQUIPMENT Vermeer R2300 season use. One left.$17,750 Vermeer 605N net, gone twine, floats ............................................$21,600 .....................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. Vermeer 2800 through. 2017 Vermeer R2300, completely rakes...............rebuilt.........................$14,600 ...............................In Stock Vermeer 605XL, HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Vermeer 605XL , completely ...........the$9550 ................$14,600 Vermeer 555XL, gonerebuilt through Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock 555, unroller rebuilt.......w/hoses........................................ ......................................................$9,250 3Vermeer point bale $1235 Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, 4200 lb. skid steer pallet forks......................................... $910 NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 John Deere 5000 lb. pallet fork. Euro hookup............. $1050 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 Worksaver 3 pt. post pounder, will drive drill stem. . .....$2750 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150 Beltec 3 pt. digger, several bits.....................................$4250 Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT

New Geotherm Waterers & Parts Available

R&L Seed Machine, R&LandSeed andLLCMachine, LLC 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT

NEW Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 NEW USED NEW Vermeer TM850, & trailed mower......EQUIPMENT ......................IN STOCK New ZR5-12 self-propelled baler.unit ...................................HERE NOW! Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo .........................IN STOCK Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT .............bale ..........processor. ..................................................... ...........IN STOCK NEW Vermeer New VermeerR2300 BPX9010 CALL Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224 , withshape. center............................................ splitter...................IN STOCK $10,000 Vermeer BP7000 great Connor 406-778-3777 • NEW Vermeer , rotary rake.................................IN STOCK Highline bale RR140 processors............................................................ CALLShane Sereday 406-547-4749, reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , Chisholm Trail/Cannonball bale beds, dumping beds............... CALL White Sulphur Springs, MT Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 WW HD EZ 4-wheeler lifts for balebeds....................................$1000 NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher, net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK Full line of feed and mineral products in stock Vermeer R2300 rakes (4).................................... $12,500-$14,500 New Vermeer R2300 28-ft. rake............................................ CALL PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT New Vermeer TM1410 trailed CALL 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler ..........mower...................................... .......................................NEW 80 chain, NEW Vermeer , hydraulic rakes...........................IN STOCK New VermeerR2800 605N baler....................................................... CALL Cut to Length • In-Shop Repairs & Service Truck Repairs • NEW Vermeer , rake..twine ...........baler. ..............................................SPECIAL .....................IN STOCK New VermeerR2300 6650RA Sell &John Repair Baler .........dumping ..................trailers. ............................................... ..............IN STOCK Vermeer N......8....bale Deere 567 Belts twine baler, 9250 bales................... $10,500 Hay Liner605 42-ft., $6200 We 2007 Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats, ramps..........................$18,900 All Makes & Models Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7,500

Cox Ranch Equipment Hwy 12 Equipment

& Repair

8201 Hwy 12 W - Baker, MT

Dealer for Vermeer, Hayliner, and Chisolm Trail

Block and Bridle Club to recognize beef industry giant

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Jerry D. Adams, a native of Broken Bow, Nebraska, will be recognized as the newest University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) Block and Bridle honoree. Each year the Block and Bridle Club selects an honoree that has contributed to Nebraska agriculture through leadership, service, youth projects, community activities and involvement with the university. The Block and Bridle Club’s core objectives include the following: 1) to promote a higher scholastic standard and a more complete understanding of Animal Science among student members; 2) to promote animal agriculture through development of a program of activities that will supplement students’ study of the animal sciences; 3) to enhance professionalism of students who will one day be leaders in the animal agriculture industry; and 4) to bring about a closer relationship among all students pursuing some phase of animal agriculture as a profession. Consistent with these objectives, the leadership, innovation, and commitment to the next generation are attributes exhibited by Jerry which make him an ideal selection for this year’s honor. Jerry Adams graduated from UNL (1971) with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Agricultural Economics, Animal Science and Mathematics. During his time at UNL, Adams was active on campus and a member of the FarmHouse fraternity. Jerry, along with his brother Bill, co-own Adams Land & Cattle (ALCC) which is one of the premier beef feedlot operations in the world. Currently, Jerry serves on the boards for ALCC, Bellevue University, Custer Economic Development Corp., Custer Campus, Cattle-Fax, Blueprint Nebraska, and is a founding leader of both the Beef Alliance and the Nebraska Beef Producers Committee. Throughout his career, Jerry has had extensive involvement with UNL and IANR strategic planning and he has been a strong supporter of youth, community, and social organizations. For example, Jerry has supported 4H (e.g., partnering with County Extension to host youth animal quality assurance training), FFA, Custer County Foundation and has served on numerous councils, boards, and committees that have impacted the community and industry in countless ways. Over the course of his career, Jerry has received multiple awards and recognitions. In 2019, he was honored with the Nebraska Banker’s Association Agri-Business Recognition Award and the Broken Bow High School Distinguished Alumni Award, and in 2018, he received the Ag Builders of Nebraska Award. In addition, Jerry has twice received the Custer Economic Development Corporation’s Wheel Horse Award. In the words of those that contributed to Jerry Adams’ nomination, several quotes capture the essence of Jerry’s contributions: • “I can think of no one who’s given more to his family, his community, county and State and his industry than Jerry Adams.” • “His legacy includes tremendous gifts of service and leaving his communities much stronger than he found them.” • “His vision has provided the roadmap for animal traceability in the feedlot industry that will be key to meeting consumer demand and enable the beef industry to maintain and grow market share domestically and internationally.” • “Jerry has worked with the University across all leadership levels to position UNL, the Institute and the Animal Science Department to benefit from his experience, leadership, and most importantly, his vision for the future of the beef industry.” Jerry and his family (wife, Linda, daughters, Amy Staples and Melissa Lynd, son, Scott Adams, and families) will be honored at the Block and Bridle Club Honors Banquet on April 17 at 6:00 p.m. at the International Quilt Museum, 1523 N 33rd St, Holdrege St, Lincoln, NE 68503. Tickets to the banquet, which will feature a prime rib dinner, are $35. Tickets can be purchased by contacting a Block and Bridle Officer or Andi Hallberg at andi.hallberg@unl. edu. A reception for Jerry and his family, friends and past honorees will precede the banquet at 5:00 p.m. The Block and Bridle Club is part of the Animal Science Department within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Nebraska. ##### Approximately 35 million Americans share DNA with at least one person who was on the Mayflower. That’s over 10% of the population, or almost the entire population of California!

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A33

International Sports Car Racing Day

M.A.G.I.E. was a great opportunity for the Trader’s Dispatch ladies to show off their latest edition and visit with their many subscribers.

Date Celebrated: Always the third Saturday in March As its name implies, International Sports Car Racing Day is a day to enjoy and appreciate this hugely popular sport on a global level. This day is designated on the perfect day. This day coincides with the 12 Hours of Sebring sports car endurance race held in Sebring, Florida at the Sebring International Raceway. It is America's oldest sports car endurance race. The race was started in 1952 on the grounds of what is now the Sebring Regional Airport. Teams, fans and sports car owners from all over the world come to be a part of the annual event, held on the 17-turn, 3.7 mile road course. This race is the opening round of the American Le Mans Series. If you can't get to the raceway, watch it on television. Make it a party! Put on your favorite sports car t-shirt or sweatshirt. Invite your friends over to watch it with you. And, make snacks to enjoy during the game.

THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded

CASE IH MAGNUM 310 CVT CASE IH MAXXUM 125 New Miscellaneous

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute Schulte FX 1200 batwing mower Rem VRX grain vacs

Used Miscellaneous: Lease Returns Available Farmhand 25’ mulcher ... $9,500

• Puma 165 • Maxxum 125 • Magnum 310 New Haying Equipment InCVT Stock

12, 14 & 16-Wheel H&S High Capacity Wheel Rakes (2) ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers Case IH WD 1504 Windrower With 16' HDx162 Header Case LB434 Baler, 3x4 Bales$49,000 1997 Case IHIH 9370 7600 Big hrs, Square 12 speed...................... Case IH RB 565 Round Baler New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer

Used Tractors In Stock

Used Haying Equipment In Stock$69,000 guidance. .......................................................... 2002 Case IH LBX331 Square Baler ................................$29,000 2008 Case IH RB564 round baler, 8700 bales, mesh wrap, wide pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube ......$26,500 2003 CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 1999 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 1995 Case IH 8465 .........................................................$8,995 1994 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 Case IH Precision Air........................................$5,500 100 Pull-Type Sprayer 1990 Hesston 560 Round Baler

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers New Tractors In Stock

Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader CaseIH Magnum 315, front & rear duals, lease return

Lease Returns Available Fall Used Seeding, Tillage,This Sprayers

IH Farmall 75C, cab loader 2013 BrillionCase WLS360 30-ft. mulcher, very&good condition......... CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125 . .................................................................... $32,000 CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 Concord CaseIH 4710 air Puma drill, 3400 towCaseIH behind Magnum cart.............. 185• 260 $28,000 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. booms... $19,900 Used Tractors In Stock John Deere 2100 inline ripper................................... $3500 Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader

2008 Case IH Steiger 480, 1480 Hrs, Cummins engine, 710 radials, like new .................................... $179,000 1979 JD 4840, 3 pt, PTO .............................. $22,500 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded

New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake Case IH 1504 windrowers Case IH WD 2104 windrower

New Skidsteer Attachments In Stock Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers NEW Grabtec skid steer bucket and grapple Snowblowers, Snow Buckets

New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock

• REM VRX GrainVac • Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper New Grasshopper In Stock • Danuser HammerMowers post pounder All Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck • Patriot 3 bar pivot track filler 623, 727K Fuel Injected, 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled • Schulte FX1800 rotary mower 725D Diesel Baggers Are Available For All Models

Used Mowers In Stock

Used Combines

2013 Case IH Skid 3152 40-ft. with slow speed transport and cross New Steer Attachments In Stock Case 60” Rotary Cutter auger.................................................................. $40,000 Case 72” Broom Case 72” Hopper Broom Case 72” Snowblower Danuser Palet Forks - 48”, 4000# Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

2016 Case TV380 compact track loader, 1500 hours, cab, air, heat, hi-flow and standard flow....................................... $41,500 Newgrain Skidsteer Loaders 2013 Brandt 5200EX vac, 360 hours.................. $11,500 Case SV280 Cab, air, heat 2003 Case IH RB562 twine and mesh........................ $22,000 Case SV300 Cab, air, heat 2013 Haybuster 2650 bale processor........................ $17,000 Degelman 5700 dozer, 14-ft. MX series Magnum mounts.... $8900

New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers

Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets Case IH 530C Diskripper, 5 shank Parma 24’ Landplane

Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers:

Concord 4710 Drill, 3000 tow behind cart, hydraulic drive ... $30,000 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter

Farmall 40C

Case IH 1504

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A34

Cover crop grazing workshop set

Winter Pricing Specials

SPRING SEED VARIETIES Spring Wheat CLEARFIELD™ Spring Wheat SY Rockford* SY Ingmar*



AC Metcalfe Hay Barleys Westford & Lavina ALFALFA, GRASS & FORAGE CROPS also available


Pulse Crops CDC Orion Chickpeas* Avondale* Lentil Seed Arvika Peas

* Denotes Plant Variety Protection Variety

(406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022

Denton, Montana 3 /2 miles SW - Near Airport 1

By NDSU Extension Service Crop and livestock producers and educators will have an opportunity to learn more about grazing cover crops during a workshop that North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension will host Monday, March 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mountain time at the Astoria Hotel and Event Center in Dickinson, North Dakota. Topics covered will include the latest cover crop research data, herbicide residual considerations, the NDSU grazing calculator, a cover crop identification activity, cover crop seed regulations and manure management. This workshop will include lectures, hands-on learning and small discussion groups. “This is a great opportunity for producers, whether they are crop or livestock, to ask questions and gather information about new technologies and applications for using cover crops on their operations,” says Mary Keena, Extension livestock environmental management specialist at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. The workshop is free to attend and lunch will be provided, but registration is required because only 60 seats are available. You can register using this link: https://ndstate.co1. A block of rooms is available until March 20 at the event center. Call 701-456-5000 and ask for the “CC Workshop NDSU Extension” room rate. The North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Professional Development Program is funding the workshop. For more information, contact Keena at mary.

Skunk tests positive for rabies in Big Horn County

Montana Department of Livestock On Tuesday February 12th, the Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) reported the first case of terrestrial (nonbat) rabies in the state in 2020. The rabies-infected skunk was captured in Big Horn County. There are no known cat, dog, or human exposures at this time. The Department of Livestock has issued a 60 day countywide quarantine for dogs, cats and ferrets (MCA Title 81, Chapters 2 and 20). The quarantine is in effect from Tuesday, February 12th to Sunday, April 12th. The terms of the quarantine include: 1. All non-vaccinated or not currently vaccinated dogs, cats, and ferrets in Big Horn County are to remain in the county for a period of not less than sixty (60) days from the date of the last known terrestrial rabies. 2. Any dog, cat or ferret in Big Horn County having been properly immunized against rabies for the first time, may be released from the quarantine area after a period of twentyeight (28) days from the date of vaccination. 3. Any dog, cat or ferret in Big Horn County that is pastdue on the rabies vaccine, may be immediately released from the quarantine area following administration of a booster vaccine. 4. Written notification from MDOL will be provided when this quarantine is released. Rabies is a fatal disease of mammals that is virtually 100% preventable in domestic animals through the administration of rabies vaccine. The last documented cases of terrestrial (non-bat) rabies in Big Horn County occurred in 2014. “These cases are a reminder of the presence of rabies in skunk and bat populations in Montana and the importance of keeping dogs and cats currently vaccinated for rabies,” says Dr. Anna Forseth with the Department of Livestock. “Nonvaccinated animals that are exposed to rabid or potentially rabid wild animals may be subject to an extended isolation and quarantine.” Residents are encouraged to report any contact between a pet and a wild animal, including skunks and bats, to Animal Control or the Department of Livestock to ensure potential rabies exposure are assessed for risk and managed accordingly. For further information contact: Anna Forseth, Program Veterinarian: ph. 406-444-2939. The mission of the Montana Department of Livestock is to control and eradicate animal diseases, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to protect the livestock industry from theft and predatory animals. For more information on the Montana Department of Livestock, visit

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A35

DRIVERS WANTED 2007 Peterbilt 379 -Flat Top-

2007 Peterbilt 379

2007 Peterbilt - Day cab -

• 565 hp

• 18 speed

! D L SO

• C-15 single turbo • Platium interior • New tires

Fort Benton, MT


• ISX • New tires • Platium interior • $30K of work orders done

Buy or Lease To Own $16,668/yr - oac

2015 Peterbilt 579

• Very nice • 455 hp

• Loaded • Navigation • Smart wheel

Buy or Lease To Own $10,957/yr - oac

2012 Kenworth T800 2016 Kenworth - Flat Top W900L - Flat Top -

2012 Frontier Trailer

• 47-ft. steel • Ag Hoppers • Triple axle • Rear lift

Buy or Lease to own $6846/yr - oac

Idaho Falls, ID

• 500 hp • ISX • 13 speed • 70” sleeper • Very nice truck

• 13 speed automatic

Buy or Lease to own $19,246/yr - oac

• 550 hp • CAT • 18 speed • Double frame • New Head • New tires

2012 Peterbilt 389

• New tires

• 485 hp • VIT interior • 18 speed • Loaded • Navigation • 1 owner

! D L O S

Buy or Lease To Own $13,699/yr - oac

2010 Peterbilt 388

2014 Peterbilt 388 - Day Cab -

• 565 hp • ISX • 18 speed • Room for lift axle • 1 owner

• 475 hp • ISX • 10 speed • 1 owner • Clean truck • Ready To Go!

• 455 hp • Pac Car • 1 Owner • Loaded • Factory day cab • Nice truck

Buy or Lease to own $14,681/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $11,414/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $11,757/yr - oac

2018 Wilson Trailer

New Trailer

• 40-ft. steel • Ag Hoppers • LED lights

Buy or Lease to own $7531/yr - oac

2007 Peterbilt 379 -Flat Top-

• 40-ft. Aluminum • Power tarps • Power gates

Buy or Lease to own $8392/yr - oac

• 50-ft. Aluminum • Ag Hoppers • Stainless rear

Buy or Lease to own $9587/yr - oac

• 550 hp


• Pre-Emission


• New tires

• Extremely clean!

• 70” sleeper

• Ready to work

Buy or Lease To Own $14,788/yr - oac


2005 Peterbilt 379

1 Owner • 475 hp


• Very nice truck

Buy or Lease To Own $15,640/yr - oac

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A36

Check out our website


WANTED: Pull type suspended boom sprayer. Preferably late model Case or New Holland, 1600 gallon, 100- to 120-ft. boom. FOR SALE: 2008 Chevrolet Silverado LTZ, extended cab, 6.5-ft. box, 104,000 miles. Phone or Text (406) 945-3447

Travel safely on winter roads.

Install New Tires Now

Feeding cows? Hauling grain? Visiting relatives? Avoid cold weather tire trouble...see us today!


Cars, Light Trucks, Heavy Duty Farm & Over-the-road Trucks

Cut Bank Tire

Phone 406-873-5025, cell 406-949-7717, Cut Bank, MT

Time For Spring Seed!!! SPRING BARLEY SPRING WHEAT R Cert. Metcalfe R Cert. Hockett R Cert. Lavina Hay Barley


R Cert. Hampton R Cert. 4152’s R Flax R Millet

R Cert. Vida R Cert. Valda R Cert. Lanning R Cert. Ingmar R SY Longmire -solid stem-


We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed, and Cruiser Max Cereal

Phone: 406-378-2112 After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220 Dealer for:

Dealer for:

Daugherty Institute vital to growing water, ag research

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Statewide impacts of the University of Nebraska’s Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute may receive a boost from state lawmakers. The Nebraska Legislature’s appropriations committee is considering LB 1026, a bill that (as proposed) would provide $2.5 million annually through 2022 to support water and agriculture-based research led by the Daugherty Institute. Sponsored by Sen. Kate Bolz (District 29), the bill was discussed during a February 12 hearing led by Sen. John Stinner (District 28), chair of the appropriations committee. Chancellor Ronnie Green and Peter McCornick, executive director of the Daugherty Center, were among those who testified in support of the legislation. “This critical state investment in research strengthens our state’s focus on innovative water resource management that protects water quantity and quality. It also ensures a sustainable future for Nebraska,” Green said. “The Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute is vital to building, supporting and growing the water and agricultural research partnerships we need to continue this life-changing work.” Launched in 2010 through a 15-year gift from the Daugherty Foundation, the institute today includes more than 120 associated faculty fellows researching more than 500 water and food security projects in 58 nations. The faculty fellows include 114 researchers from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Research and outreach by Daugherty Institute fellows is helping increase efficiency of water use in crops and livestock systems; improve groundwater quality; and strengthen ag operations by integrating modern technologies and related services. In his testimony, Green outlined how the university has (between 2003 and 2011) made $11.8 million in investments — primarily faculty hires, equipment purchases and other resource needs — in the Daugherty Center. The investments include $4.5 million supporting the Nebraska Water Sciences Laboratory, which provides analysis services to the state, federal and private entities through the Nebraska Water Center. “These timely and strategic investments grew our strength and breadth not only in water research, but in collaborative work focused on the intersection of water and food issues,” Green said. McCornick outlined the Daugherty Institute’s reach across the Cornhusker State — from using real-time meteorological data to increase efficient use of irrigation and leading groundwater and soil contamination studies to working directly with municipalities to improve groundwater quality and collaborating with ag operators to better integrate new technologies and services. “The institute is tackling these challenges head-on through collaborative research, education policy advice and communication,” McCornick said. Funding from the university has enhanced the institute’s progress, leading to grant-funded studies on major cereal crops in 55 countries and studies on stressed watersheds. One of the watershed studies includes a focus on the Platte River Basin, which flows from Wyoming and Colorado and across Nebraska to the Missouri River. “The (Platte Basin Timelapse) project includes supporting the research of more than 50 doctoral students from different disciplines,” Green said. “They are future leaders who will develop innovations in managing and conserving our food and water.” Those graduate students are among dozens from the University of Nebraska system who have gained team-based, experiential learning experiences on their way to earning a degree. “We are building a community of students and young professionals who are pursuing water- and agriculture-focused careers,” McCornick said. “From working with growers in Nebraska, to advising federal and multilateral agencies, to international experiences studying water globally, our alums continue to be placed in roles that strengthen Nebraska.” Green and McCornick stressed that a funding commitment from the state would allow for further expansion of projects and partnerships aimed at protecting Nebraska’s water resources — which include a nation-leading 80,000 miles of rivers and streams, and some 3.25 billion acre feet of water in the Ogallala Aquifer. “Funding through LB 1026 will enable the institute to intensify and expand research in ways to increase crop and livestock production while conserving inputs and natural resources,” McCornick said. “This is a critical juncture where a small investment will make a tremendously positive impact in Nebraska’s future.”

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A37

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at New website g or

VW12FC 2 1/4” - full carbide

VW10FC - 41/4” - full carbide

m m VW11FC - 31/4” - full carbide

VW13FC 1.5” Slim Spread

NE Montana Producers! VW Mfg. will once again be delivering to your area this spring. Call now to place your order and get on our delivery list.

PLAN AHEAD FOR SPRING PRODUCT! Look your drill over and make plans for the spring season. Call now and get your needs secured on remaining stock. DON’T MISS OUT!


Shown on Flexi-Coil Stealth

VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR CALL FOR INFO ON OTHER PRODUCTS WE CARRY • Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere, Seed Master,Bourgault,Morris and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications


Put an end to field rodent damage: Put an end to field rodent damage:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A38

For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact: For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact:

Michael Brownell

Northern Plains District Sales Manager Michael Brownell For an applicator or dealer near you, please contact: E-mail: Northern Plains District Sales Manager Mobile: 414-559-4436 E-mail: Michael Brownell Mobile: 414-559-4436 Northern Plains District Sales Manager E-mail: Mobile: 414-559-4436

Montana State University Research Centers presented information at the MGGA Convention and Trade Show about their ongoing research.

Spring Fever Auction We are accepting quality consignments now. For best results consign early

Print Promotional Deadline: Mar. 31, 2020 Sale Date: Sunday May 03, 2020 Everything Sells online, no live auction. We are planning our 20th Annual Spring Fever Equipment Auction. This annual auction held in Miles City, MT attracts buyers from all over the Tri State area & beyond. We sell Farm Equipment, Yellow Iron Trucks, Cars Atv’s & Recreational items. Each year we have a unique offering, check website for details. Accepting Consignments now. Call before dropping things off. We can sell one item or an entire Estate full. Bidding at: Physical Location 1108 US HWY 12, Miles City

s s c

406-234-7355 Miles City, MT 59301


Producers should start Farm Bill enrollment

By NDSU Extension Service There are several reasons producers should visit their Farm Service Agency (FSA) office now to enroll in the Agriculture Risk Loss (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program, says Andrew Swenson, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension farm management specialist. “March 16, 2020 is the enrollment deadline for the 2019 crop year, but FSA offices have multiple programs competing for the available time and attention of their staff,” Swenson says. “The longer a producer waits to schedule an appointment, the fewer options they will have to schedule a time and date that works best for them,” Swenson says. “Because of the importance and complexities of the ARC and PLC programs, producers should start the enrollment process now to ensure their elections are made and contracts signed ahead of the deadlines.” If a producer fails to enroll by March 16, they will be ineligible to receive 2019 ARC and PLC payments. There is no downside to enrolling now, as producers have the option of revising their ARC and PLC program election up to the March 16 deadline. ARC provides income support payments on historical base acres when actual crop revenue declines below a specified guaranteed level. PLC provides income support payments on historical base acres when the national marketing year average (MYA) price for a covered commodity falls below its effective reference price. Producers have the option of either selecting PLC or ARCCounty on a crop-by-crop basis within each FSA farm unit, whereas the ARC-Individual program option includes total crop base acres of the enrolled farms. The sign-up decision is for both the 2019 and 2020 crop years. Swenson says that given current price projections, wheat base should provide payments under both PLC and ARCCo, but PLC should be the best choice unless the farm’s payment yields are very low. PLC payments are more likely and should be higher for the 2019 crop year. “It is likely that soybean base will not provide payments under either PLC or ARC-CO,” Swenson adds. “However, ARC-CO is the better choice for soybean base, because of the possible lower county average yields reported for 2019.” “I cannot see a clear favorite for corn base; currently neither option looks favorable for 2019 crop year payments,” Swenson says. “The national MYA price would have to drop $.15 per bushel from the current projection of $3.85 before reaching the reference price of $3.70, below which PLC payments would be made. Given the current price projection, 2019 county average corn yields would need to be greater than 17 percent below the county’s benchmark yield to trigger an ARC-CO payment. Currently, PLC is the clear choice for canola base acres and it also looks like the best option for barley and sunflower base.” For more information on ARC and PLC, producers can download the FSA program fact sheet, the 2014-2018 farm bills comparison fact sheet or use the online decision tool, available at Online ARC and PLC election decision tools also are available at farm-bill.

PERC adds new equipment category to incentive program

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A39

##### Math Teacher: “If I have 5 bottles in one hand and 6 in the other hand, what do I have?” Student: “A drinking problem.”

Propane Education & Research Council The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) announces the addition of an agronomic heat treatment systems equipment category for its 2020 Propane Farm Incentive Program, which offers up to $5,000 off of qualifying propane-powered equipment. This year’s list of equipment includes irrigation engines, generators, water heating systems, building heating systems, flame weed control systems, and agronomic heat treatment systems. Sponsored by PERC, the Propane Farm Incentive Program is a nationwide research and demonstration initiative that offers farmers financial incentives toward the purchase of new propane-powered farm equipment, in exchange for sharing feedback and real-world performance data. The program helps offset the cost of new agricultural equipment so that farmers can experience the many benefits of propane technology with upfront savings. “This year’s program is similar to those of the past, but we’re excited to introduce a new category of qualifying equipment with agronomic heat treatment systems—which use heat to reduce pesticide use, improving crop quality and offering a new organic, sustainable solution for farmers,” said Mike Newland, Director of Ag Business Development at PERC. “We hope these incentives will help more producers take advantage of the many benefits of new propane-powered equipment, and we appreciate the valuable feedback they provide to help us continue to make improvements. We have a limited amount of funds available for this program, so we encourage producers to apply as soon as possible to take advantage of these savings.” For more information about the incentive program, a list of qualifying equipment, and the online application, visit For more information about the Propane Education & Research Council and engines available for agricultural and industrial use, visit

ALFALFA/GRASS HAY FOR SALE 1st & 2nd cutting, located in Valier, MT Call 406-279-3494, 406-279-3657 or 460-3657

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Quality Seed and Seed Conditioning up Round

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SS1 Forage Peas, Lentils, 4152 & 4193 Yellow Peas, Banner and Aragorn for contract production


Custom blended or stock blend of 1/3 hay barley, 1/3 forage peas, and 1/3 oats


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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A40

IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 2-1/4 mile Wade Rain wheel lines, 5” pipe, 5-ft. wheels, self-leveling heads

Call: Home 406-279-3406•Cell 406-590-7904 Valier, MT


2009 John Deere 896 header with steel conditioner, 16-ft. cut, extra sickles, fits JD A400 or 4895, low acres, very good condition.............. $17,500 obo Phone (406) 799-8323, Fairfield, MT

Maggie Nutter (left) and Doreen Gillespie (right) were sure to get front row seats for the livestock presentations at Montana’s Next Generation conference. Every hour there were six workshop options in various classrooms throughout the Shelby High School on livestock, crops, financial, accounting, and succession planning topics. Photo by Kari Lewis.


Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 Phone 434-5600 FAX 406-434-5014 E-mail:

Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass

du p n u o e R alf a v a eH Al f le Legumes W e ad y a i l a b R d av Alfalfa Sainfoin Se e Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil

Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome Meadow Brome Sheep Fescue Hard Fescue Paiute Orchardgrass Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass Pubescent Wheatgrass A/C Saltlander Crested Wheatgrass Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass Siberian Wheatgrass

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TAPS program earns $850K grant to develop ag competitions

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The Testing Ag Performance Solutions (TAPS) program has been awarded an $850,000 Conservation Innovation Grant award from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource Conservation Service. TAPS was one of 19 Conservation Innovation Grant projects awarded this year. TAPS is an innovative program developed by University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) research and extension specialists in 2017. The program facilitates a number of interactive, real-life farm-management competitions that bring together Husker scientists, extension professionals, producers, industry leaders, agriculture students, government regulators, agency personnel and others. Participants are able to test agricultural strategies and technologies during the competition; afterward, they are able to access data from the competitions. “TAPS is a highly interactive farm-management competition that directly engages stakeholders in finding efficient and profitable ways to manage crop production,” said Daran Rudnick, TAPS team member. Since the initial launch of TAPS at the West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte, the program has expanded to include subsurface drip-irrigated corn and sprinkler-irrigated sorghum competitions, in addition to the sprinkler-irrigated corn competition. In 2019, a new TAPS program in cooperation with Oklahoma State University hosted its first sprinkler-irrigated corn competition at OSU’s McCaull Research and Demonstration Farm near Eva, Oklahoma. The TAPS team will use the grant funding over the next three years to support ongoing development of TAPS competitions in Nebraska and Oklahoma, while expanding knowledge-sharing and engagement by producers, extension educators, technology companies and service providers in other states, including Colorado and Kansas. “The genius of the TAPS program is the fact that most of the time, it’s not extension or companies evaluating products and telling farmers about them; it’s farmers engaged in evaluation,” said Jason Warren, director of the OSU TAPS program. “If something doesn’t work right, they see it. Then we can work with service providers to make it better.” The Conservation Innovation Grants program is funding the future of agriculture and conservation through grants to organizations and universities that are developing the next generation of tools and technologies to boost conservation on agricultural lands. “We are funding innovation,” said Matthew Lohr, Natural Resource Conservation Service chief. “These projects are tackling some of our most critical challenges head-on and will result in new science-based tools for our toolbox and cutting-edge systems we can use to help farmers and ranchers improve the health of their operations and protect our natural resources for the future.” Learn more about the TAPS program at https://taps.unl. edu

Calf losses before birth a concern

By NDSU Extension Service Abortions can be a major concern for cattle producers. An “abortion” is the discharge of the fetus prior to the end of the normal gestation period, according to Gerald Stokka, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist. Many abortions occur within the first 45 days of conception (called early embryonic death), and the embryos or fetuses are so small that they may not be seen. Other abortions may occur near normal calving time and determining whether the cow has aborted or a premature birth has occurred is difficult. A stillbirth is when a full-term calf is born dead, with no obvious evidence of the cause of death. Abortions have many causes, including physiological causes such as extreme environmental or handling stress and hormonal imbalances, metabolic problems, toxicoses and/or infectious diseases caused by protozoa, fungi, bacteria or viruses, says Brett Webb, director of the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Abortions and stillbirths can be the result of a direct effect, such as viral, bacteria or protozoal organisms gaining entrance to the fetus. The fetus also may have abnormal development (congenital defects) that results in abnormalities noted at delivery, such as a lack of the anus opening or inside-out calf or inherited genetic defects such as “curly calf” or “fawn calf” syndrome. Indirectly, abortions and stillbirths can be a result of an interruption of the connection between the fetus and the dam or illness of the dam. The fetus is nourished and oxygenated via the organ called the placenta. This is a very intimate connection between the two, and any disruption can impact the fetus negatively or result in its death. Inflammation of this organ is called a “placentitis.” Bacterial, fungal and protozoal infections can cause placentitis. Mycotic abortions are one of the more common results of fungal infections. Moldy feeds are implicated as the source of most fungal infections. Stillbirths can be frustrating because producers often see no indication of the cause or evidence of excessive labor. These simply can result from an umbilical cord rupture, premature separation of the placenta or the placenta blocking the nostrils after the delivery of an otherwise healthy calf. Regardless of the cause, abortions may be sporadic or they may occur as “storms.” The normal abortion or stillbirth rate would be 1% to 2% of cows in a herd. Losses greater than this are abnormal, and producers should seek veterinary assistance to identify the cause, says Janna Block, Extension livestock systems specialist at NDSU’s Hettinger Research Extension Center. Block also advises producers to keep good records of calf and cow losses because indemnity payments may be available to offset some of the losses. “The best chance of identifying what caused an abortion is prompt submission of fetal and placental tissues and maternal blood or serum to a diagnostic laboratory,” Stokka says. “Contact your veterinarian for assistance with diagnostic efforts, sample submission and identifying management strategies to reduce the risk of future abortions.”

##### In the 70’s and before, all phone booths would take incoming calls. People could wait for a call, or call back. Sometime in the 80’s the phone company stopped this service, claiming it helped drug dealers.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A41


John Deere 4890 swather, 14.5-ft. rotary head with roller conditioner and new cutterbar, 1000 hours on 180 hp 6 cylinder engine, 250 hours on new wheel motors and finals with 26+ MPH road speed, 18+ MPH autosteer capable, air ride cab and cold A/C. Phone (406) 949-0089, Townsend, MT

GROVE CONSTRUCTION Your Montana Authorized GSI Dealer since 1993

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2012 Ford F250 XCab XL 4X4 6.2L V8, 85,000 miles Rehbein Price: $21,995

2020 Ford F350 XCab XL 4X4 6.2L V8 Engine Rehbein Price: $44,330


2016 Ford F250 XCab XL 4X4 6.2L V8, 140,000 miles Rehbein Price: $21,995

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A42

ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 5x6 Rounds 2nd cutting – 70 ton – 24.5 protein – 157 RFV Roy Baumann, Conrad, MT 406-788-9934

##### Q: If you have 13 apples in one hand and 10 oranges in the other, what do you have? A: Big hands.


Spring Wheat

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Trucks For Sale

2007 Kenworth T800, Cummins diesel, 8LL transmission, 16,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. double locking rearends, double frame............................................................................. $29,950

D L SO 2005 Kenworth T300 300 hp Cat, 9 speed, long wheel base tandem, tires at 75% all the way around.......................$18,750

2004 International 7600, Cat C12 at 430 hp, 10 speed, 18,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears, double lockers, long double frame, Hendrix walking beam suspension................................ $24,750 2003 International 4400 DT530, 325 hp, 10 speed, long frame, spring tandem suspension, good running truck.............$17,950

Please call 406-855-4465 1993 International 8100 Cummins diesel, 10 speed, long wheel base tandem, ready for a 20-ft. to 22-ft. bed.......$12,950

Student’s video wins national honors, featured by NIH director

University of Wyoming Extension A University of Wyoming doctorate student’s video showing the spinning motion of microtubules in an artificial cell has won national honors and is featured on the National Institutes of Health director’s blog. Abdullah Bashar Sami, from Bangladesh, working in the laboratory of Jay Gatlin, an associate professor in the Department of Molecular Biology, made the video to characterize forces generated by microtubules, filaments of protein that make up a part of a typical cell’s cytoskeleton, the structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal organization. The colorful video resembles the rotating clouds in an overhead view of a hurricane – except the microtubules are spinning clockwise. This star-like microtubule array works to move the nucleus (and DNA) to the cell’s center to make sure the cell’s chromosomes are properly positioned for division, said Gatlin. These same microtubule filaments reorganize during cell division to form the mitotic spindle, resembling a football, which separates the copied chromosomes into each of the two daughter cells that result. The position of the spindle tells the cell where to divide. Sami added fluorescent proteins to show the microtubules and their growing tips. “We’ve taken these beautiful time-lapse movies of this phenomenon that we didn’t expect to see,” said Gatlin. “The asters start spinning and rotating. It’s really striking.” Gatlin said he was unsure how long the director’s blog with the video would be posted. It is at https://directorsblog. Title of the particular blog is “The Perfect Cytoskeletal Storm.” The video won first place in the 2019 Green Fluorescent Protein Image and Video Contest sponsored by the American Society for Cell Biology. The contest honors the 25th anniversary of the discovery of green fluorescent protein, transforming cell biology. The video also won honorable mention in the Nikon Small World in Motion contest. Sami used an extract of cells from the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) to set the stage for the video. The scientists created and filled with extract a cup-like enclosure of about 60 micrometers in diameter (a micrometer is one millionth of a meter). The microtubules grow (resembling the curving clouds in an overhead view of a hurricane) with the help of a protein (shown in green in the video) at their tips. The timelapse video is 200 times normal speed. The microtubules begin bending and buckling as the process continues. “What we think is happening is that as these microtubules grow into the wall, they actually push against it and because the wall can’t move, they push back against the structure,” Gatlin said. This observation runs counter to published evidence that suggests asters rely on pulling forces, against either the cytoplasm or the sides of the “container.” To test the pushing model, the UW scientists then made a container shape they predicted would spin the microtubules in a specific direction – and did. “It was a surprise just because no one had even seen it in a cell,” said Gatlin. “We saw it and thought, wow, this is really interesting, and it suggests that pushing can work.” Those involved in the research in addition to Gatlin are UW Professor John Oakey in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Associate Professor April Kloxin at the University of Delaware. UW Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences students involved in the technology development in addition to Sami are Zach Geisterfer, Fort Collins, Colorado; Taylor Sulerud, Duluth, Minnesota; and Guihe Li, China. Undergraduates are Daniel Zhu, Laramie; Julianne Carlson, Cheyenne; and Regan Meyring, Jackson. See for more about ongoing research in the Gatlin laboratory.

Grandmother’s house

Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother’s house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When little Johnny received his plate he started eating right away. “Johnny wait until we say our prayer.” “I don’t have to,” the boy replied. “Of course, you do,” his mother insisted. “We say a prayer before eating at our house.” “That’s our house,” Johnny explained. “But this is Grandma’s house, and she knows how to cook!

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A43

2015 Terra-Gator 8400B 2 product with chemical granular bin, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, Accuboom, electric roll tarp, Raven SmarTrax, Viper Pro monitor, 2855 hours........... ..................................$139,000 2010 Case IH Titan 4020 Cummins, automatic, 1800 gallon, 85-ft. boom, defco pump, Envizio Pro, 3753 hours...............$88,000

2014 Case Titan 4530 1856 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom, leather, Viper controller, SmartTrax...........................................................$148,000

2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours....................$109,000 2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 3000 hours.... $111,000 2010 Terra-Gator 8204 Dry floater, C9, Terr-Shift, AirMax 1000 Precision, 70-ft. stainless steel boom, electric roll tarp, SmarTrax, Viper Pro, 4310 hours..................$73,500 2012 RBR Vector 300 Case IH 810 Flex-Air applicator box, 70ft. boom, Viper Pro, Auto Steer, tarp, Cummins, Allison automatic, tires: 650/65R38, air ride, 4 wheel drive...............................$106,000

Free Freight

2016 Terra Gator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 1662 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready..............................$149,500

2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, twin 2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, spinners, 2860 hours.......$78,000 New Leader bed.......... $112,000 2006 Ingersol-Rand WL-440 wheel loader, shuttle shift transmission, 75” bucket, 4-ft. forks, 1737 hours................... $33,500

Up To 1200 Miles

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000 2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours......................$98,000

2014 RBR Vector 300 New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours...... ......................................$124,500 2005 Peterbilt 379 Cummins, 13 speed, 665,946 miles......$43,500

1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge.........................$39,500

1989 Kenworth T800 dry, Cummins, tandem with tag axle, Ray Man 20 ton, 5 compartment, top auger...............................$33,500 Caterpillar 904H articulating loader, diesel engine, 2 speed, ROPS, 12-16.5 tires, approximately 72” bucket, 2624 hours..... ........................................$29,500

1993 International 20-ton Rayman top auger, Cummins L10 diesel, cheater axle, shows 689,222 miles................................$29,500

1988 Kenworth T800 Cat, tandem axle, full screw, Willmar 16 ton stainless steel dry tender box, rear discharge auger.......$24,500

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader 2002 Loral 400 Cummins Air- controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 max 1000, 4100 hours... $45,000 hours.............................. $82,000

1996 Willmar self contained tender, V8 gas engine. On well maintained older trailer............$34,500

2006 Peterbilt 387 conventional, Cat C-13 diesel engine, 430 hp, 659,741 miles................... $29,500 2000 Caterpillar 924G high lift wheel loader, 20.5-25L tires, 13,095 hours...................$42,500

Case IH MX110, 6286 hours, Power Quad transmission with left hand reverser, 16 speed front wheel assist, triple hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 rpm PTO........... ........................................$29,500

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained.... ........................................$32,500

2003 Ray Man 24 ton, 7 compartment dry tender trailer, top swivel discharge auger...............$36,500

2011 Merritt Belt Tender, with rapat conveyor system, self contained, 4 compartment, with side view window, electric roll tarp....... ........................................$41,500

Check our website

2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours......................$29,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4550...... ........................................$24,000 1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi.....................$31,000

2-12,000 gallon Nh3 tanks, loaded....................................$44,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi...................$15,000 for the pair Case 921E wheel loader, QSM 11, Cummins diesel engine, shuttle shift trans., AM/FM, heat, air, 5430 hours. Incredible Loader Big bucket. Like new tires......$99,000

New Holland W80B front quick tach, 1000 hours........................... ........................$43,500...$51,000

2012 John Deere 4940 liquid system, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. boom, 20” spacing..........................$23,000

2000 Sterling C12 with fresh overhaul, 4000 gallon Nh3 transport..................................$29,000

Greyn’s Crop Specialists


We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356 Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A44

Properties For Sale • Ronan, MT - 170 acres irrigated hay operation. Includes shared well and pipe corral system. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 120 +/- irrigated acre livestock operation planted in hay & pasture. Nice home and older outbuildings. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 210 acres (138 acres irrigated). Corrals, calving shed & water system. Currently in hay, pasture & native breaks. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Ronan, MT - 40 wheel-line irrigated pasture acres, power, well & septic installed. Beautiful Mission Mountain views. Call Sheila (406) 274-3739. • Choteau, MT - Grazing & CRP income with potential appreciation from Rocky Mtn. Front location SW of Choteau. 7,700 deeded acres plus leased acres.

MSU Pesticide Education program to offer regional pesticide trainings across Montana

mont hosted by the MSU Pesticide Education Program. Registration fees vary at each location and will cover training materials, speaker costs and a catered lunch. Attendees are strongly encouraged to register ahead of time as space is limited. Each program will cover areas of interest, including integrated pest management, pesticide movement in the environment, pesticide safety and toxicity, pesticide law, calibrating ground sprayer equipment, understanding the private applicator license and reading and understanding the pesticide product label. Trainers speaking at these events vary by location and include MSU County and Tribal Extension agents Cecil Tharp, Amy Bowser, Kevin Wanner and multiple Montana Department of Agriculture district officers. Attendees will qualify for a private applicator pesticide license. Once qualified, individuals may send in a new applicator permit with license payment to the Montana Department of Agriculture to attain their (406) 393-2380 360-D Ad Traders Dispatch 2-18-2019.pdf 1 2/18/2019 12:02:20 PM Montana private applicator license. Current private applicators may attend the entire program for six private pesticide recertification credits. The MSU Extension Pesticide Education Program is an educational program promoting the proper use of pesticides to protect public health and the environment. Plant On Dryland Plant If Your Pivot Only Pumps 400gal/ The program supports all applicators, businesses and homeowners by combining On the Market rt o p e R educational resources and a r e v Ne for 31 years l il K r te knowledge from scientists, in of W (and still unbeatable) governmental agencies and Greenway the public. For more information, d n a including registration, prol y ing Dr We are a non-GMO Plant ays use n e gram agendas and license h W Alfalfa a alw seed house! Never Alfalf ed seed! details, visit the Initial Pricoat a positive hit for ve it!) us pro This Alfalfa has been called a tetraploid anomaly by alfalfa t vate Applicator training e L ( GMO breeders. On the market for 30 years, and being improved twice, page at http://www.pesIt remains the highest yeilding, low water alfalfa on the market! initial.html. The Montana State University Extension Pesticide Education Program will be coordinating six regional pesticide training events across Montana in March and April. These seven-hour trainings are designed for individuals who want to learn more about pesticides and/or qualify for a Montana private applicator license. A private applicator license enables pesticide applicators to purchase and use restricted-use pesticide products to manage pests on land they own, rent or lease. Training opportunities are available at: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on March 11 in Great Falls hosted by MSU Cascade County Extension. 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 17 in Scobey hosted by MSU Daniels County Extension 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on March 26 in Missoula hosted by MSU Missoula County Extension. 8:10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on April 8 in Ennis hosted by the MSU Pesticide Education Program. 8:10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on April 9 in Fair-

SHORT ON WATER ? Two Alfalfas in One 360-D

HERE’S WHAT GROWERS ARE SAYING: "This is the fourth year we are planting 360-D. It works well both on Irrigated and dry land. Very good variety." Al Renner - Beach, ND / Laurel, MT "We love that alfalfa! We get 2 cuts on dryland, and we are ordering for the fourth time." . Skip Ahlgren, Rocking TS Cattle - Winnett, MT "The 360-D stayed green in a very dry summer. For range dryland seeding the coating on Vavilov Siberian and 360-D dryland alfalfa made all the difference in getting a good stand!" Michael Kubacher - Moorcroft, WY "360-D is an excellent dryland variety! It is very tolerant to rough growing conditions. We will order again!" Neil Turnbull - Culbertson, MT "We got 3 good cuts on 360-D. It did well, and we will order again!" Al Miller - Allendale, ND

Alan Greenway Seedsman

* Over 40 Years Experiance

Greenway Seeds Caldwell, ID Alan Greenway 208-250-0159 (cell) 208-454-8342 (message)

√ √ √ √ √ √ √

Will produce AT LEAST 80% of crop with 50% of water Will produce a subsequent cutting after water is gone Plant on dryland/ guaranteed to out yield Ranger or Ladak Plant under pivots that only pump 400 gal/ Plant on fields that have only early season creek water Plant under end guns on pivots Plant in the late fall with your dormant seeded grasses

Plant in your pivot corners. *Two ton bonus per acre per year. w w w. g r e e n w a y s e e d . c o m

We have sold out by April 1st each of the last 3 years. Order early!

##### Donkeys naturally hate canines including domesticated dogs. However, their natural enemies are wolves and coyotes. Because of their natural hatred for canines, they defend themselves and their companions very aggressively against the canines. This particular characteristic of donkeys make them wonderful guard animals for flocks of sheep and goats. ##### Donkeys and horses have same gait but donkeys are rarely seen running. Deserts being their native climate, donkeys probably saw running as unnecessary in high temperature. This instinct of not running has stayed with them since their evolution. ##### A male donkey is often referred to as Jack while a female goes by the name Jenny or Jennet.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A45

Difficult harvest creates grain storage hazards

low boy service

By NDSU Extension Service stored grain understands the hazards and proper safety procedures,” Hellevang says. “Too many people ignore safety practices and suffer severe injury or death while working around grain,” he adds. “They get trapped in grain or tangled in auger flighting Grain Bin Dangers Never enter a bin while unloading grain or to break up a grain bridge or chunks that may plug grain flow. Flowing grain will pull you into the grain mass, burying you within seconds. Unloading at 5,000 bushels per hour is moving almost 2 cubic feet of grain per second. A 2–foot-diameter by 6-foot cylinder has a volume of about 9 cubic feet, so a person can be completely engulfed in less than five seconds and would not be able to lift individual’s feet in less than two seconds. Grain Bin Dangers A. Never enter a storage bin Stop the grain-conveying equipment while unloading grain because flowing grain can and use the “lock-out/tag-out” procedures pull you in and bury you within seconds; B. Grain to secure it before entering the bin. Use kernels may stick together, forming a crust or bridge a key-type padlock to lock the conveyor that isn’t strong enough to support a person’s weight after the grain below it is removed; C. Don’t try to switch in the “off” position to assure that break a grain bridge or blockage loose from inside the equipment does not start automatically the bin; D. Try to break up a vertical wall of grain or someone does not start it accidentally. from the top of the bin, not the bottom, because the Bridging occurs when grain is high in grain can collapse and bury you. (Graphics courtesy moisture content, moldy or in poor condiof MidWest Plan Service, Iowa State University)

Because of difficult harvest conditions last fall, grain may have been stored with higher than normal moisture content, which could pose a danger to anyone working around the grain. “High-moisture grain storage leads to bin unloading problems,” warns Ken Hellevang, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agricultural engineer. “Grain may be in clumps due to high-moisture grain and foreign material being frozen together, or due to crusted grain flowing in chunks that block grain flow into the grain sump of the unloading system.” Warming the grain to just above freezing sometimes will enable the frozen grain to flow, he says. People also have used a variety of other methods to break up the clumps, such as a plumbing snake through the unloading tube, high-volume air pressure to the sump through a tube in the unloading tube, or a grain-vac and plumbing snake combination. “Do not go into the bin without following safety procedures,” he cautions. Grain also can form columns along the bin wall or in other locations. These normally are broken loose with rods or bin unloading whip units from the bin roof. Poking at the grain while inside the bin may cause an avalanche that buries the person poking at the grain. The grain can flow with such force that it even will come through an open bin door and cover the person poking at the grain from outside the bin. “Make sure everyone, including family and employees, working around

40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)


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Difficult harvest creates grain storage hazards

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A46



tion. The kernels stick together and form a crust. A cavity will form under the crust when grain is removed from the bin. The crust isn’t strong enough to support a person’s weight, so anyone who walks on it will fall into the cavity and be buried under several feet of grain. Determine if the grain has a crust before any grain has been removed. If work needs to be done with a crust, it must be done before any grain is removed. “To determine if the grain is bridged after unloading has started, look for a funnel shape on the surface of the grain mass,” Hellevang advises. “If the grain surface appears undisturbed, the grain has bridged and a cavity has formed under the surface. Stay outside the bin and use a pole or other object to break the bridge loose.” If the grain flow stops when you’re removing it from the bin but the grain surface has a funnel shape and shows some evidence that grain has been flowing into the auger, a chunk of spoiled grain probably is blocking the flow. Entering the bin to break up the blockage will expose you to being buried in grain and tangled in the auger.

If grain has formed a vertical wall, try to break it up from the top of the bin with a long pole on a rope or through a door with a long pole. A wall of grain can collapse, or avalanche, without warning, knocking you Located at Judith Gap, MT over and burying you. Never enter a grain bin alone. Have at Call 406-263-7304, evenings least two people at the bin to assist in case of problems. Use a safety harness and rope that prevents you from descending rapidly when entering a bin. “If you get partially submerged in flowing grain, the force pulling you in is several hundred pounds, far exceeding the ability for a person holding a rope to prevent engulfment,” 406-390-5076 • Chester, MT Hellevang says. “Again, never enter a bin with the unloading system running.” Providing all your cattle needs! Rescuing a Trapped Person If someone gets trapped: • Cake • Tubs • Liquid Feed • Shut off all grain-moving equipment. • KayDee Mineral • Salt • Contact your local emergency rescue service or fire department. Supplementing Cattle With • Ventilate the bin using the fan if temperaThe Customer In Mind! tures are moderate. At cold temperatures, the trapped person faces the risk of hypothermia. COMPETITIVE PRICING! • Cut holes in the bin sides to remove grain if the person is submerged. Use a scoop on a tractor, cutting torch, metal-cutting power saw or air chisel to cut V- or U-shaped holes equally spaced around the bin. Grain flowing from just one hole may injure the trapped person and cause the bin to collapse. OPEN OR LEAKING • Form a retaining wall CART LID around the person using a and rescue tube or other material LEAKING OR BLOCKED PRODUCT BRIDGING to keep grain from flowing PRIMARY IN BIN toward the person, then remove grain from around the METER ROLL individual. Walking on the BUILDUP grain pushes more grain onto LEAKING OR BLOCKED the trapped person. MANIFOLD • Don’t try to pull a person out of grain. The grain BLOCKED OPENERS exerts tremendous forces, so trying to pull someone out could damage the person’s spinal column or cause other damage. Other Dangers Hear the Problem. Getting tangled in the unloading sweep auger is another major hazard. EntangleAcoustic Sensors function like a stethoscope, resulting ment typically results in lost in a more durable solution for real seeding conditions. feet, hands, arms, legs and Because the system doesn’t rely on optical or electrofrequently death due to the mechanical technology, you’re better protected from the severe damage. dust, debris and residues that are an accuracy-killing Although you shouldn’t enter a bin with an energized fact of life on the farm. sweep auger, it may be necessary in some instances, Hellevang says. All sweep augers should have guards that protect against contact with movSee the problem. ing parts at the top and back. The only unguarded portion of the sweep auger should be Using the easy, free iPad app, get a clear, the front point of operation. complete view of your implement’s performance, If someone must go into whether it’s flow levels or flow variance from the bin, make sure to have a rescue-trained and equipped manifold to manifold. If there’s a blockage or FREE iPad observer positioned outside even a decrease in flow, you’ll know. Order the storage bin. Use a safety in March 2020 switch that will allow the auger to operate only while the worker is in contact with the switch. Never use your hands or legs to manipulate the sweep Triangle Ag-Services auger while it’s in operation. NEVER MISS A SEED The auger should have a bin 406-622-3887 stop device that prevents the PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street FARM SMART Fort Benton, MT 59442 sweep auger from making uncontrolled rotations.

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MDA seeking applicants for MT Oilseed Advisory Committee

Montana Department of Agriculture The Montana Department of Agriculture (MDA) is seeking applications from growers interested in serving on an Oilseed Advisory Committee. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, March 31, 2020. “Growers from across the state have expressed significant interest in forming an oilseed advisory committee,” said MDA Director Ben Thomas. “Montana ranks second in the nation for canola, safflower, and flaxseed production, so I’m looking forward to forming a committee to advise us on how we can continue to advance oilseed production. Investing in research, marketing and education is a great place to start.” MDA received a verified petition from 25 Montana growers to create a Montana Oilseed Advisory Committee in 2019. After receiving the petition, MDA held two listening sessions, the first in Great Falls on December 3rd, and the second in Glendive on February 14th. Growers present at those meetings unanimously expressed their support for proceeding with the formation of a committee. Those interested in serving on the committee can find an application at’s%20Application%20Oilseed. pdf?ver=2020-02-20-142657-163. Applications can be submitted to MDA: • Via email at: • Via mail at: Montana Department of Agriculture Oilseed Advisory Committee 302 N. Roberts Helena, MT 59601 Following the application deadline, Director Thomas will evaluate the applications and make appointments, officially forming the committee. In addition to advising MDA on research, marketing and education efforts, the committee will be responsible for proposing an assessment and collection method for a Montana oilseed checkoff. The proposed assessment and method of collection will then be submitted to all known Montana oilseed growers for a formal vote.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A47

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st. Phone (406) 271-5533.


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Darrell & Ginny Rathkamp (406) 343-2551

Kurt Rathkamp (406) 620-7165

Annual Wyoming Bee College March 20-22 in Cheyenne

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A48

For Sale

Used W-Beam Guardrail 3460 Grant Creek Road Missoula, Montana

Call Steve - (406) 241-7077 FOR SALE: Used W-Beam Guardrail located in Missoula, Montana. Short Used GR Panel: 13’6” @ 93 lbs - (12’ 6” lineal) Long Used GR Panel: 26’ @ 182 lbs - (25’ lineal) $2 per lineal foot Private trucking can be arranged at additional cost.


2020 RAM 3500 CREW

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2020 RAM 2500 CREW

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University of Wyoming Extension These three days are all about bees. The Wyoming Bee College will be March 20-22 at Laramie County Community College in Cheyenne. Registration for the Friday sessions in the LCCC Pathfinder Building begins at 7:30 a.m. and classes begin at 8 a.m. There is a choice of five workshops; honeycomb production, apitherapy or three different approaches to advancing your beekeeping skills, said Catherine Wissner, University of Wyoming Extension horticulturist in Laramie County. Saturday and Sunday sessions are in the Recreation and Athletic Center. Saturday registration begins at 7 a.m. followed by welcome remarks from the American Honey Queen and Annette Meredith with Bee Informed Partnership. Phil Craft from Bee Culture magazine will provide a keynote on the “Wonderful world of beekeeping, a thousand questions.” The conference splits into six tracks: • Become a Beekeeper • Learning Curves • Who Are They • Queens and More • Build a Better World for Bees • Bee Fun Saturday afternoon ends at 4:30 with a cash bar, snacks and vendor reception. “Sunday picks up where Saturday leaves off and fills in the beekeeping gaps,” said Wissner. Keynote speaker Jamie Ellis will discuss, “Being a successful and responsible beekeeper or what is killing your bees and what you can do about it,” before breaking into workshops. The six tracks from Saturday carry over into Sunday’s sessions. The day’s workshops conclude at noon with a panel discussion on beekeeping techniques solving common issues. Panelist include Albert Chubak, Natasha DuCharme, Paul Anderson and Michael Jordan. Registration includes lunches, snacks and beverages for all three days. Registration for the pre-conference Friday is $125/person, for the Saturday and Sunday sessions is $85/ person, or the three-day package deal is $195/person. Bee Buddies, kids between 7-15 years old who are working with an adult beekeeper or 4-H leader, receive free admission with a paying adult. Sign them up when filling out the registration. For more information regarding the conference, registration and to print the daily conference agendas, visit www. For additional information, contact Wissner at cwissner@

Scotts Bluff County designated as a primary disaster area

United State Department of Agriculture Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue designated Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska, as a primary natural disaster area. Producers who suffered losses due to snowstorms and freeze that occurred October 9-10, 2019, and October 26-27, 2019, may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans. This natural disaster designation allows FSA to extend much-needed emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation or the refinance of certain debts. Producers in the contiguous Nebraska counties of Banner, Box Butte, Morrill, and Sioux, along with Goshen County Wyoming, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. The deadline to apply for these emergency loans is October 7, 2020. FSA will review the loans based on the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. Farmers may contact their local USDA service center for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at ##### Funny you rarely get a muscle ache in your tongue, no matter how much you speak.

A history lesson in animal care and welfare

By Melissa Elischer, Michigan State University Extension (Updated from an original article written by Tina Conklin) Concern about animal care and welfare is not a new topic for those who raise animals, but it continues to be of greater concern for the general public. More and more people want to know and understand how animals, especially those raised to enter the food chain, are cared for, where and how these aanimals live, and what a modern farm is like. The answers to these questions do not have one single, correct answer. In reality, there are innumerable correct ways to raise animals depending on the animals’ breed and “job” (e.g., cattle raised for dairy production verses cattle raised for beef production) size, location, climate, facilities, staff, goals of a farm and several other factors. What remains the same across all farms is that farmers care about the animals they raise and want animals thriving. One way to ensure animals are in a positive state of welfare is to use the Five Freedoms as benchmark for meeting animals’ needs. To understand the importance of the Five Freedoms and why there were developed, let’s turn back to 1964 when Ruth Harrison, a British woman, wrote “Animal Machines.” The book described intensive livestock and poultry farming practices of the time. The outcry of the British public regarding the information in the book prompted the British government to appoint a committee to look into the welfare of farm animals. In 1965, the committee, chaired by professor Roger Brambell presented the 85-page “Report of the Technical Committee to Inquire into the Welfare of Animals Kept under Intensive Livestock Husbandry Systems,” which became known as “The Brambell Report.” In summary, the report stated that animals should have the freedom “to stand up, lie down, turn around, groom themselves and stretch their limbs.” These freedoms became known as “Brambell’s Five Freedoms” and were expanded on to create a more detail list of the needs. The Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Committee was created in response to Brambell and colleagues’ report to monitor the livestock production sector. In 1979, the name was changed to the Farm Animal Welfare Council (now Committee) and by the end of that same year, the initial Five Freedoms had been codified into the format below. The welfare of an animal, which includes its physical and mental states, how it is coping with its environment, and involves human experiences and ethics to evaluate animal welfare through observation and interpretation of an animal’s behavior and health status. The codified Five Freedoms are as follows: 1. Freedom from Hunger and Thirst: by ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor. 2. Freedom from Discomfort: by providing an appropriate environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area. 3. Freedom from Pain, Injury or Disease: by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment 4. Freedom to Express Normal Behavior: by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind. 5. Freedom from Fear and Distress: by ensuring conditions and treatment which avoid mental suffering. The Five Freedoms are used as the basis in writing animal care protocols and expectations for many professional groups, including veterinarians as noted on the American Veterinary Medical Association website. They have been adopted by representative groups internationally including the World Organization for Animal Health and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Most of the animal welfare audits developed for implementation on farms and in processing facilities are based on the Five Freedoms. The impact and use of the Five Freedoms is widespread across the world. An upcoming article from Michigan State University Extension will focus on recognizing how animal caregivers, especially youth in 4-H animal science projects, use the Five Freedoms every day in caring for animals. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. For more information, visit https://extension.

##### Cultivation of garlic started some 4,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest and first herbs to be cultivated by humans. ##### As a food flavoring agent, the use of garlic dates as far back as 7,000 BCE. Archaeological findings reveal that it was pretty much in use during the Neolithic times.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A49

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4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT 406-538-3919

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)

SALES: Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028 Turbo Drum


Counting sheep

References to counting sheep as a way to fall asleep can be found as early as the 1600s, in Miguel de Cervantes “Don Quixote.” While it is thought to be a largely ineffective way of falling asleep, “counting sheep” has been referenced so often in popular culture that sheep have become associated with sleep and insomnia.

Agco 7650 Spra Coupe, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle... .....................................................................$69,900 Agco 7660 Spra Coupe...............................Coming In Ag Shield 7700, 1500 gallon tank.......................$9900

Miller 3275 HT 90-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 2WD, Raven Smart Trax...............................$64,000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer....................................$14,000 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer.............................$2001 Demco skid mount sprayer. #23959....................$2700

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A50



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


Rely on T6 for unrivaled performance


Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)



Case IH FD70 40-ft. header with pea auger...... .................................................... Coming In

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT

406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT (L)

Hoven Equipment

New Holland CR9060 combine, Intell Plus II, exterior wear, chopper....................$134,000 New Holland TR98 combine................$14,900 New Holland TR97 combine................$14,900


Gleaner S88 combine........................$199,500

Valtra C120 tractor with loader, grapple, 3 pt., PTO................................................. $40,000

Massey Ferguson 8650 with variable transmission, suspension, 3 pt., PTO.......... $114,900


Case IH LBX432 3x4 baler with cutter, tandem..................................................$39,000 Massey Ferguson 2190 baler..............$39,000 Hesston 4790 3x4 baler, Knotts blower, accumulator, preservative applicator...$35,000 Hesston 4910 large square baler.........$25,000 New Holland BB960 big square baler, 3/4 turn...................................................$28,000 John Deere 466 small square baler..Coming In


Case IH MX150 tractor/loader..............$52,000

Agco RT135 with loader, grapple........ $58,900 Versatile 835 tractor............................ $11,900 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.


New Holland BR780 net & twine.........$13,600 New Holland 688 net & twine..................$7200 Case IH RB564 baler............................$23,000 Case IH RB564 baler............................$19,900 Vermeer 605 Super M baler.................$21,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$9000 Vermeer 605L mesh & twine baler..........$7900 Vermeer Super 605J twine only..............$2500 John Deere 569 net & twine................$39,500 John Deere 569 net & twine................$28,000 John Deere 568 net & twine................$18,000

Check us out on our Website at

MacDon FD75 40-ft. header, transport, pickup reel, Gleaner adapter, double sickle..$56,000 MacDon D60D 40-ft. with cross auger, JD adapter DS.......................................$33,000 MacDon D60D 40-ft., JD adapter, double sickle.................................................$30,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header......$25,900 MacDon 973 30-ft. header....................$20,000 MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header.........$14,000 MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$9900 MacDon 960 25-ft. – 30-ft. headers................... ..............................................$5000 – $6000 MacDon A40D 18-ft. header.................$19,900 Massey Ferguson 5200 36-ft. draper header... .........................................................$12,500 Gleaner 400 header................................$6500

Gleaner R75 combine. 836 separator hours, duals, spreader & chopper...............$60,000

$0 Down 0.0% Interest OAC

Allen 8803 26-ft. hydraulic rake........... $18,000

Hoven Equipment 406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT

406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT (L)


May-Bridge Pasture Harrows • 5/8” diameter high carbon steel • 50 lbs./ft. • 6-ft. deep mat • 45° & 15° angle teeth • Width (bar included)

Hoven Equipment

406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT 406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT

Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot...............................$55,000


Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger............ $1500

Bobcat S650 skid steer with cab, air conditioning, heat, Power Bob........................$44,000 Bobcat MT52 mini track.......................$12,500 Bobcat LR65 land rake...........................$6000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle..$900

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A51



4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT


Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028

77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)



The smarter, more powerful way to better hay.

Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 4350 tow behind cart............... $45,000

The WR9900 Series Self-Propelled Windrower

Hoven Equipment

Case IH 800 Precision SS air drill, 50-ft., 10” spacing............................................$14,900

406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT (L)


Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, steel packers with 2320 cart...............$19,000 (L) Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing........ ..................................................$17,000 (L)


Massey Ferguson WR 9870 16-ft. rotary disc, auto steer, suspension...................$135,000 New Holland HW340 16-ft. rotary disc..$28,000

Case IH 3430 340 bushel cart, V rate, tow between.......................................... $44,900

John Deere 9450 40-ft. with 12” spacing. Sold individually...........................................$1500 John Deere 50-ft. drill hitch.....................$1400





Case IH WD1504 swather, 16-ft. sickle head, steel conditioner, rear air bags.........$92,000 MacDon M205 with R85 header.........$104,000 MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 Hesston 8400 swather.........................$17,000 Hesston 6450 15-ft. draper header.........$9500


Gradell MT80 fork lift............................$16,250 Degelman 4100 round & square processor...... .........................................................$15,000 Schuler SRM 262 mixer..........................$6825 Morris CP743 chisel plow.....................$14,900 Melroe 501 with Valmar...........................$6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow....................$6500 International 75 39-ft..............................$3500 John Deere 8870 tractor......................$39,750 John Deere 5020 tractor with DuAl loader........ ............................................................$8500 John Deere 3020 tractor, no loader with Shaver post pounder........................................$8500 Versatile 800 tractor.............................$12,000 Ford 5000 tractor with mower..................$5000 Case IH 1680 30-ft. head, pickup head.$19,000 Massey Ferguson 9540 combine......$190,000 Agco 400 header........................................ Call Gleaner R72 combine..........................$41,900 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel....................................$4500 New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment........................................$42,500 International 1660 combine. #13168... $12,000 John Deere 9610 combine...................$44,275 John Deere 8820 combine...................$18,000 White 9700 combine...............................$5294 New Holland 971 header........................$6000 MacDon 962 36-ft. header....................$16,900 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket....$14,900 Farm King 10x60 auger..........................$6000 Feterl 7x41 electric auger........................$2000 Brandt drive over transfer auger...........$12,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck..........$5675 New Holland 200 rotary swather with 416 disc head & 430HB 30-ft. draper head with pickup reel.................................................$138,755 New Holland 1112 swather..................$18,000 New Holland BR7090 net/twine baler.$26,000 Case IH RB564 round baler.................$25,750 Case 8465 round baler............................$5000 New Holland 269 square baler.................$900 Case WRX301 rake........................ $10,900 (L) Morris 1400 Hayhiker..........................$16,750 New Holland 1000 bale stacker..............$2500 New Holland C1002 balewagon.............$2300 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms...........$29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer.....................$127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank................................................$8000

1977 GMC/Summers sprayer..................$8500 1987 International 9670 truck with 3000 gallon stainless steel tanks.........................$19,000 Morris Contour I 41-ft. air drill with 7240 cart.. .................................................. $99,000 (L) Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 cart............................................ $23,450 (L) John Deere 9400 40-ft.x12” drills.........$12,000 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 Chevrolet C60 truck................................$9500 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900 1500 gallon poly tank.................................$500


New Holland LM 445A telehandler..... $45,000

406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT

Lewistown, MT (L)

Up to $3500

Cash Back on selected models

Hoven Equipment


Gates 48-ft. heavy harrow, 1/4 carbide............. ........................................................ $21,000 Balzer 700 manure spreader............... $14,500 Kelly 47 3-point backhoe........................ $3100 Ford spreader truck. Coming in.............. $6500 International 2-ton truck........................ $1900 Gysler 39-ft. chisel plow......................... $3500 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach.................................................... $500

Vermeer BPX9000 round & square, flotation tires..................................................$19,900 Vermeer BPX9000 round bales...........$18,900 Vermeer BPX8000 with final cut..........$15,500 Vermeer BPX8000 processor...............$11,900

Highline CFR650 round only, final cut processor,............................................ $18,500 (L) Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover..................................................$7900 Haybuster 256 Plus processor...............$5900 Bale King 3010 processor.......................$9000

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A52

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


Case IH 9170 4WD tractor..................................... $35,000 Versatile 950 Series II tractor................................... $8000 Flexi-Coil 45-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, double shoot....... ........................................................................... $25,000 Friggstad 42-ft. duckfoot....................................... $10,000 Gysler 36-ft. duckfoot............................................... $4000 Morris 36-ft. rodweeder............................................ $2500 Flexi-Coil 5000 65XL sprayer, 100-ft. booms........... $3500 Phone 406-355-4426, Rudyard, MT

##### Many people say you’re more likely to see snow at Easter than at Christmas. This is borne out by statistics to some extent - snow or sleet falls on average 3.9 days in December, compared to 4.2 days in March. But because Easter is a ‘moveable feast’, it can also take place in April - which has only 2.3 days of snow or sleet fall. So it depends on exactly when Easter falls in any given year.

Your Source for In Demand, Spring Wheat, Pulses, Oil and Grass Seeds

Spring Wheats • SY Longmire    NEW Solid Stem • SY McCloud   NEW High Yield • SY 611 CL2    NEW high yield •  SY Ingmar

•  SY Rockford Other Crops •  SY 605 CL II •  Alfalfa and Many More •  Cover Crops • Barley • Flax Pulses • Chickpeas • Mustard • Green Peas • Canola • Grass Seed • Lentils

Give us a call to make a plan for your farms specific needs

Fast and Reliable Custom Cleaning Montana Certified Cleaning Plant 406-466-5553 Choteau, MT

Freeze-dried strawberries and ice cream

By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service ARS researchers have shown some freeze-dried berry powders—especially freeze-dried strawberry powder—can act as outstanding stabilizers in ice cream and other frozen dairy desserts. Freeze-dried strawberry powder is so effective a stabilizer that frozen dairy desserts with it included will maintain their shape even after reaching room temperature, according to Agricultural Research Service (ARS) research food technologist Cristina Bilbao-Sainz with the Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit in Albany, California. To be technically classified as ice cream, it must contain between 10 percent and 16 percent milkfat; everything else is called a frozen dairy dessert. Without a stabilizer, ice cream—home-made or commercial—can become unpleasantly crunchy with the growth of large ice crystals. It can happen in either or both the ice cream maker or the freezer, when temperatures change. Stabilizers also slow down melting, prevent wheying off (the leaking of a clear watery serum), help avoid shrinking during storage and increase your mouth’s perception of creaminess. Standard stabilizers such as sodium alginate, guar gum, iota carrageenan, xanthan gum and carboxymethyl cellulose are commonplace. But people tend to react negatively to these unfamiliar, chemical sounding names when they appear on an ice cream label, assuming these must be artificial ingredients. Actually, many do come from natural sources. For example, sodium alginate is extracted from brown seaweed. Bilbao-Sainz became intrigued with the idea of freezedried fruit powders as ice cream stabilizers when an allnatural dessert maker came looking for scientific facts about them. The possibilities of freeze-dried fruit powder have been previously known but not technically quantified. “We discovered that some of the freeze-dried fruit powders—especially strawberries—completely prevent the meltdown of dairy frozen desserts similar to ice cream made with whole milk, whole whipping cream, sugar and skim milk powder,” Bilbao-Sainz said. “Freeze-dried berry powder will absorb moisture from the premix base, improving its stability and texture to the point where the frozen dessert will keep its shape even after “melting” to room temperature.” This is probably due to the fiber in the berry powder becoming completely hydrated, which contributes to an increase in viscosity and resistance to melt-down, she explained. In Bilbao-Sainz’s testing, adding 3.5 percent of either strawberry, raspberry or blackberry freeze-dried powder reduced the water available for ice crystal formation during stirring and freezing, preventing crystal growth and slowing melting. That translates to adding about 0.7 ounces for a 1-quart home ice cream maker. Strawberry powder was the best stabilizer, completely preventing melt-down, followed closely by raspberry. While blackberry powder prevented the frozen dessert from wheying off the foam structure still collapsed so it lost its original shape. Blueberry powder, on the other hand, did not prevent melt-down or ice crystal formation during refreezing, and the frozen dessert showed a little wheying off. Of course, using freeze-dried strawberry powder as a stabilizer in frozen dairy desserts such as ice creams also means accounting for the added strawberry flavoring—a plus if you are making strawberry balsamic vinegar ice cream, more difficult in a brown butter bourbon ice cream recipe.

National Potato Chip Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 14 National Potato Chip Day celebrates the ever popular potato chip. Potato Chips are America’s #1 snack food. But, its not just a snack food. Its the potato of choice for many lunchtime and dinner meals. Regular (or plain) potato chips are by far the most popular. Other popular flavors are barbecue, sour cream & onion, oil & vinegar, and ranch. Did you Know? Potato chips were first made by Chef George Crum in Saratoga Springs, NY on August 24, 1853. Americans have been in love with them ever since. Make your own potato chips! Its easy to do. The kids will love it, and so will you. Find out how. Celebrating National Potato Chip Day is easy.... eat potato chips during meals and snacks.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A53


APRIL 9, 2020

150 Angus Bulls

14th Annual Sale

Bear Paw Livestock Chinook, MT


from Peterson Grain & Cattle

featuring progeny by • AAR Justified • J & J Weigh Up • KB Full Measure • SAV Rainfall

• KM Broken Bow • Mill Bar Hickok • SAV Raindance • Clear Creek Hickock 713

• Sitz Reload • Stevenson Turbo Power • HA Prime Cut • KG Justified 3023

LOT 151 WW Rainfall 9290

LOT 70 PGC Broken Bow 9048

SAV Rainfall 6846 x CAR Efficient 534

KM Broken Bow 002 x HA Image Maker 0415

# 19536570 B.Date 2/9/2019

CED +11 BW +.6 WW +66 YW +120 MILK +29 MB +.61 RE +.46 BW 86 205 824 NR 108 365 1363 YR 110 $W 77 $B 127 $M 89 $C 254

LOT 15

LOT 121

CED +12 BW -.9 WW +70 YW +129 MILK +19 MB +.53 RE +.33 BW 80 205 801 NR 108 365 n/a YR n/a $W 68 $B 147 $M 67 $C 258

CED +3 BW +2.2 WW +86 YW +147 MILK +23 MB +.45 RE +.37 BW 88 205 797 NR 109 365 1474 YR 112 $W 84 $B 171 $M 56 $C 278

# 19469643 B.Date 2/11/2019

J&J Weigh Up 294 x WMR Infinity 141

LOT 115

CED +4 BW +3.3 WW +88 YW +146 MILK +14 MB +.33 RE +.74 BW 92 205 748 NR 109 365 n/a YR n/a $W 73 $B 146 $M 53 $C 242

Top Notch Declaration 907 # 19469713 B.Date 1/25/2019 Stevenson Declaration 70748x Connealy Guinness CED +14 BW -.5 WW +76 YW +139 MILK +35 MB +.69 RE +.35 BW 74 205 743 NR 102 365 1380 YR 105 $W 91 $B 165 $M 72 $C 286

LOT 142 WW Chaps 9335

KelMcC Reload 448 9325

Ellingson Chaps 4095 x PA Power Tool 9108

SITZ Reload 411C x BT Impression 1672

# 19592700 B.Date 2/10/2019

Mill Bar Hickok 7242 x WMR Infinity 141

# 19537407 B.Date 2/13/2019

CED +10 BW +.4 WW +61 YW +108 MILK +30 MB +.33 RE +.71 BW 91 205 871 NR 114 365 1282 YR 104 $W 75 $B 124 $M 84 $C 245

• Stevenson Declaration • Ellingson Chaps • TEX Playbook • Hoover Bullseye M122

CED +5 BW +.2 WW +72 YW +123 MILK +27 MB +.82 RE +.68 BW 84 205 773 NR 116 365 n/a YR n/a $W 79 $B 141 $M 49 $C 232

Top Notch Weigh Up 949

LOT 53 PGC Hickok 9027

Heifers sired by TEX Playbook, KB Full Measure, Clear Creek Hickock

# 19592603 B.Date 2/12/2019

KelMcC Justified 7089 9308 # 19650056 B.Date 3/2/2019

AAR Justified 6708 x KG Justified 3023

7 Registered Heifers


# 19652432 B.Date 3/11/2019

CED +2 BW +3.0 WW +71 YW +135 MILK +28 MB +.19 RE +.58 BW 91 205 770 NR 109 365 n/a YR n/a $W 69 $B 123 $M 61 $C 221


KelMcC Angus, Kelly McCracken, 406-262-2347 Peterson Grain & Cattle, Kim Peterson, 406-394-2236, 406-945-0544, Andee Peterson, 406-945-2717 Top Notch Angus, Marv & Patty Cross, 406-357-3534, 406-262-3127, 406-262-4635 Whistling Winds Angus, David & Katie Sattoriva, 406-397-3386, 406-390-1471

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A54

Dealer For:

97 Central Ave. Hobson, MT 59452 • Erlonna Erickson • 406.366.3273

Tater Erickson • 406.366.1287

In the 1990’s, before cell phones became popular, there were and estimated 3,000,000 pay phone booths in the United States alone. ##### Oddly, Alexander Graham Bell refused to have a telephone in his study. He feared it would distract him from his scientific work.

Begorrah Lads & Lassies....

Start “Dublin” your money with a savings O’count here! That’s no blarney!

Local ownership – personal service

Ask one of our many happy customers about our sales & service

411 North Main - Conrad, MT (406) 278-5915

2020 models are in! Come Check ‘Em Out! We have a nice selection of used travel & cargo trailers!!! • 2016 Neo 29-ft. cargo trailer


• 2018 Winnebago MicroLite 20-ft. bumper pull • 2010 Durango 33-ft. bumper pull with 2 large slides • 2008 Terry 289 bumper pull with large slide • 2007 Springdale 26-ft. bumper pull • 2000 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel with slide • 2001 Nash 23-ft. 5th wheel • 1999 Terry 27-ft. 5th wheel with slide • 1995 Northland 8-ft. pickup camper


Authorized Dealer for


We carry a full line of RV parts and supplies

Recipe Patch By Geri Oyster Stew

5 Tbsp unsalted butter 1 pint (2 dozen) oysters with their liquor, jarred or freshly shucked 1/4 cup flour 2 celery stalks, minced 1 medium yellow or white onion, minced 1 3/4 cup milk 1/4 cup cream Splash of Tabasco or other hot sauce Salt Freshly ground black pepper Strain the oyster juice through a fine-meshed sieve into a bowl to remove any grit. Reserve the juices. Rinse the oysters well, under cold water. Put them in a bowl. Melt the butter in a pot over medium heat. Add the flour and stir to make a roux. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook the mixture for a few minutes, stirring often. When the roux turns the color of coffee-with-cream, stir in the celery and onions. Increase the heat to medium and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the oyster juice and any juices the oysters in the bowl have released. The flour in the roux will absorb the liquid and turn into a paste. Slowly add the milk and cream, stirring to incorporate as you pour them in. Add a splash or two of hot sauce, to taste. Heat the soup to steamy, but below a simmer, over low heat, cook for 15 minutes. (Do not let the soup boil!). Add the oysters and cook for another 2 minutes, or until the edges of the oysters just begin to curl. Add salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Slow Cooker Jambalaya

1 white onion, diced 3 stalks celery, diced 1 green bell pepper, diced 3 cloves garlic, diced 1 pound smoked sausage, sliced about 1/4 inch 1 pound boneless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes 1 tablespoon dried oregano 2 bay leaves 1 to 2 tablespoons Creole seasoning 1 pound large shrimp, shell on 1 cup long grain white rice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper Add the onion, celery, bell pepper, garlic, sausage, chicken, tomatoes, oregano, bay leaves, and Creole seasoning to a large slow cooker. Stir together well. Cook on high for 3 hours or on low for 4 to 5 hours. You are ready to move onto the next step when the veggies are very tender, and the chicken is cooked through and you can pull it easily apart. Leave the shells on the shrimp but use kitchen shears to cut up the backs; this will make them easier to peel later. Add the shrimp to the slow cooker. Stir it in, cover, and cook on high for another 30 to 45 minutes until the shrimp are cooked through. While the shrimp cooks, cook the rice according to the package directions. When done, set the rice aside, covered, until ready to serve. Remove bay leaves from the jambalaya and taste. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Either peel the shells off the shrimp now or serve with the shells on. Stir the cooked rice into the jambalaya or serve the jambalaya ladled over top the rice.

Liver and Onions

1 ¼ lb veal liver, thinly sliced ½ to 1 cup of flour, seasoned with Salt, pepper, paprika, dry mustard to taste 3 teaspoons bacon fat 2 yellow onions, sliced thin Dredge the liver in seasoned flour. Set aside. Heat a large cast iron skillet on medium high heat. Add a teaspoon of bacon fat. Sauté the onions until translucent, a couple of minutes. Remove onions from pan with a slotted spoon. Set aside onto a serving dish Add a couple more teaspoons of bacon fat to the skillet. Add the liver slices, working in batches. Fry until browned on both sides. Serve with sautéed onions (and ketchup!).

Custom operators invited to participate in survey

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A55

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Nebraska Extension’s 2020 custom rates survey is seeking participation from anyone in Nebraska who performs custom machine hire or contracts for specific farm services. Interested participants should submit their information at to receive the survey by email. Printed copy may be requested by calling 402-472-0661. The annual publication reflects current rates charged by custom operators for machine hire services and other work they provide for neighboring farms and ranches or as part of a business enterprise that covers a broader area. It includes spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying in part one. The second part surveys operators that provide custom machine hire typically done in the fall, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage, hauling livestock and other miscellaneous operations. Results from the 2020 survey will be published by mid2020. Custom rate information in Nebraska is grouped in the report by the eight Nebraska Agricultural Statistics Districts. The 2018 Nebraska Custom Rates report is available at

Poultry Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 19 Poultry Day celebrates chicken, turkey and other birds we commonly consume. Chicken and turkey are lower in fats, and cholesterol than other meats, making it better for your health. They also give you your breakfast eggs. Celebrate Poultry Day with eggs for breakfast, a chicken sandwich for lunch, and barbecue chicken for dinner. Don’t forget to cook up some chicken fingers for the kids. Most famous Chicken: Looney Tune’s Foghorn leghorn.

To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229

AgFertilizers Division, LLC

AutoCBD Seed Available Now Price Per Seed:

Division LLC


*Seed Quantity 50,000 minimum Advance Deposit: 25% of total price, due within 5 days of signing the Seed Purchase Order Form as a non-refundable advance deposit. Balance Remaining: Total price less advance deposit is due 10 days after receiving seed. Invoice to be sent to the billing contact.

Volume Special:

• Minimum of 2 M seed @ $0.34/seed • Orders must be placed on or before March 22nd • 25% cash deposit due by March 22nd • Balance due net 10 days from date of receiving seeds




75 day average


Feminized, day-neutral,high-CBD

Average Plant Height at Harvest

32” +/- 4”


Extraction and flower

Average Plant Height at Flowering

14” - 18”


Environmental Preferences

Cultivation Planting Density


Optimal Grow Temperatures

50º F - 90º F



Recommended minimum soil temperature

55º F

Row Spacing

18” or greater dependent on equipment spacing

Plant Spacing


Post-harvest flower CBD yield

12% +/- 2%

Direct Sow

1/4” depth in well-draining soil

Post-harvest biomass CBD yield

7% - 9%


Start in low-density (50-cell) trays Transplant within 5-7 days of emergence

Dry untrimmed flower biomass ~6 oz = per plant 3,300 lbs/acre


Give Us a Call to Place Your Order TODAY! 5 North Manchester Road Great Falls, MT 59404 Phone: (406) 452-1685 fax (406) 452-1143

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page A56

##### While some people prefer not to feed birds in spring and summer, during the spring migration, a feeder might be a useful source of food for traveling birds. ##### Tornadoes are most common in the spring and least common in winter.


Stacks 6, 3x4x8 bales, new tires............. $18,000 Call (406) 788-9934, Conrad, MT


National Pi Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 14 National Pi Day celebrates Pi, a mathematical concept and a number that never least no one and no computer has found the end yet. Often, we round it off to 3.14. If you are a mathematician, this is your day. For National Pi Day is a celebration of mathematics. And, more specifically.... it celebrates “Pi”. Today is the birthday physicist Albert Einstein. Einstein was born on March 14, 1879. The date is also represented as 3.14. We strongly suspect some combination of these two facts is why someone created the day on March 14th. However, “Pi” was around long before Albert Einstein was born. A Little Pi Day Trivia: On Pi Day in 2004, Daniel Tammet recited 22,514 to digits. Origin of “National Pi Day”: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a nonbinding resolution (HRES 224),[5] recognizing March 14, 2009 as National Pi Day. The day was created by Larry Shaw in 1989. The holiday was originally celebrated at the San Francisco Exploratorium, where Shaw worked as a physicist.

STEVE 406.794.6627 • Lewistown, MT JERRY 406.868.6604 • Choteau, MT TATE 406.480.3090 • Circle, MT JODEEN 406.366.3546 • Lewistown, MT SAM 406.370.6495 • Arlee, MT MOUNTAIN WEST AG • GARNEILL, MT 59453

DEALS at Pete’s Auto Sales

Come Get Yours TODAY!



2019 GMC ACADIA DENALI AWD WOW!! What an SUV! 27k Miles was: $38,995 $570/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2019 NISSAN FRONTIER CREW CAB SV, 4x4, 16k Miles, Like New! was: $26,995 $383/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2011 GMC SIERRA SLE EXT. CAB 4x4, 62,000 Actual Miles, Wheelchair Lift In Box & Driving Assistance, Mint! was: $21,995 $306/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2017 NISSAN ROGUE S AWD, 52k was: $19,995

$275/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac

3456 10th Ave S




2018 FORD F150 XLT 4X4 CREW Low Miles was: $32,995

2016 DODGE 2500 CREW CAB 4x4, 65k Miles was: $28,995



2017 CADILLAC XT5 PLATINUM AWD, 32k Miles was: $39,995

o se 3 to Ch o From !

$584/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac

$460/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2018 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT Crew Cab, 4x4, 63k Miles, Comapre to New was: $27,995 $383/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2011 CHEVROLET 2500 CREW 4x4, 50k Miles, Rare Low Mile Truck! was: $20,995 $303/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2011 DODGE DAKOTA CREW SLT 4x4, 51k Miles was: $18,995 $269/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



$414/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac




2018 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN 38k Miles, Compare to New! was: $22,995 $322/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac


2019 FORD ECOSPORT TITANIUM 4X4 Leather, 13k Miles, Compare to New! was: $22,995 $322/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac


$397/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



2019 CHEVROLET MALIBU LT 1500 Actual Miles, Brand New Shape! was: $22,995 $322/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



$275/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac



$192/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac

2017 NISSAN TITAN SV 4x4, 59k Miles was: $27,995

2014 CHEVROLET 1500 Double Cab, 4x4 was: $19,995

$285/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac


2017 NISSAN VERSA SV 4 door, 56k Miles was: $13,995



2017 FORD EDGE LIMITED AWD Leather, Loaded was: $19,995

$302/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac




2016 BUICK LACROSSE 49,000 Miles, MINT! was: $20,995




o se 2 to Ch o From !

2009 PONTIAC G6 Automatic, 30-33k Miles was: $12,995

$167/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac

See all of our inventory online at:


2007 FORD TAURUS SE 94k Miles, Very Clean was: $7995

$106/mo. x 72mo. @ 3.49% oac

3314 10th Ave S


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad MT ................................C39 406 Digital Imaging, Helena MT .........................B14 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT .................................B4 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive MT ...................................................................A26 Action Toys, Billings MT ......................................B16 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ...........................................................C29 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT .............B21 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT ...........C41 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ............................................C2 AgFertizilers, Inc. Great Falls MT .......................A55 AgraSyst Dealers........................................... A6, C3 BALPAQ ..............................................................B24 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT .............................A8 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .................C14 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank MT ..............................B10 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ...........................B12 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT ............................B19 Big Iron Auctions ................................................B14 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .........................C51 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT ..........A18 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls ....................................C15 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT....A49 Big Sky Synthetics, David Hayden, Deer Lodge MT ...........................................................................B5 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby MT....A40, C19, C43 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT .........C36 Billings Kubota, Billings MT ................................B20 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls MT .......... .................................................................. INSERT BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ....................................B12 Buckley Auction MT ............................................C14 Cahill Seeds, Scobey MT ...................................B17 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT ......C48 Central Steel Building & Construction, GSI Bins, MT & ND ................................................................C25 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ..........................B14 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT.....A12 Clearview Seed, Denton MT...............................A34 Clearwater Properties, Pete Schultz, Great Falls MT .........................................................................A38 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ................A10 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT ...................................C7 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ...................................................................C19 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ...............................A36 Darling Ingredients, Inc.............................. A20, C40 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell MT ..........A44 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ................................................ A39, C48 Diamond Seed, Garrett Herden, Vida MT.............B6 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT ........B15 Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT .....................................................................B6 Dutch Openers ...................................................C30 East Slope Kennel & Game Bird Farm, Conrad MT. . .........................................................................B22

Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842 $32,900

Index Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT...C52, C53 Erickson’s 9:25 Insurance, Hobson MT ..............A54 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT .........B18 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT .................B6 Fagenstrom Co. Great Falls MT ..........................B24 First State Bank, Shelby MT ...............................A54 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton MT..............C37 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ............ A34, C54 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT ...................A30 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT ...........................C20 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT ..... ................................................... A35, B9, C9, C47 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .............C49 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT .........................C55, C56 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ...................................................................C16 Glasgow Rental, Glasgow MT ............................B23 Glass Trucking, Denton MT...................................B8 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT ...............A36 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard MT ..................C28 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ....................A32 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ......................C16 Greenway Seeds, Caldwell ID ................... A44, C24 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT ......A43 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY ....................................................C5 Grove Construction, GSI Bins, Moccasin MT .....A41 GSI Bins, Central Steel, MT & ND ......................C25 GSI Bins, Grove Construction, Moccasin MT .....A41 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ........C6 H & H Spreading, Conrad MT.............................B24 Hampton Truck Sales, Idaho Falls ID ..................C43 Harlow’s Truck Center, Missoula MT ...................C11 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin MT ...........A42 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ..........................C27 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT..C22 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT .....................................................C54 Hi-Line Rental, Havre MT ...................................B23 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ............C11 Hodgskiss Seed, Choteau MT ............................A52 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT....A49, A50, A51 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT .........B11 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT .............A32 I-State Truck Center, Missoula ............................A22 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT................C52 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ...................................................................C26 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT..............................................B2 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT .......... A48, C44 Jason’s Agri-Motive, Lefleche, SK Canada .........C24

Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte MT.................C55 JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester MT .................A46 Krogmann Mfg. .....................................................B7 Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD ... .........................................................................A45 Lee’s Trapworks, LTD, Swift Currant Canada ........C3 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown MT ......................B18 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT .......................B23 Liphatech, Rozel .................................................A38 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT......C7 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .......................C26 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT .........C32 Meridian Seeds, Casselton ND ..........................A24 Montana Ag Safety Program ..............................C54 Montana Fiberglass Inc, Lewistown MT ...............C1 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb MT ...................................................................C52 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT ............C6 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT ........C8 Montana Post Driver, Shepherd’s Garage, Dillon, Jackson, Helena MT ........................................C21 Montana Seeds, Conrad MT ................................B8 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY..........................C10 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .............C45 Mountain West Ag Services, Garneill MT ...........A56 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ....A4 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT..B16, B17 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc.......... A20, C40 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ...............A15 NorMont Equipment Co., Black Eagle MT ..........C26 North Star Auto Sales, Lambert MT ...................A47 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT ...C1 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ..............................C23 Northwest Plastics, Libby MT .............................A25 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc, Conrad & Great Falls MT ...........................................................................C8 Ole Warren & Sons, Hingham MT ........................A9 Oxbow Engineering LLC, Randy Pierce PE Three Forks MT..........................................................A28 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ......................A56 Pivots Plus, Dillon MT .........................................C18 Poteet Construction, Missoula MT ......................A48 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton MT .........B22 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ......................B1 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT ...................................................................A39 Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT .................A3 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ....C36 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ............A32 Red House Ag Custom Fertilizer Spreading, Matt Meyers, Chester MT ........................................A31 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT..........C42 Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT ............................A41 RENN Mill Center, Inc. .........................................C4 Rock Creek Custom Sawmill, Moore MT ............C48

Precision Truck & Trailer

Dealer For New

2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 • (406) 265-4563


Grain Trailers

• FRONT DOOR DELIVERY AVAILABLE • Quality Used Trucks & Trailers • 888-453-4563 $44,500

$23,000 1992 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

Detroit, 460 hp, 18 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, push axle.

Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ..............................B18 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.........................A45 Rozel, Liphatech .................................................A38 RWI Enterprises, LLC, Moore MT.......................C18 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond MT. .........................................................................C42 Safflower Technologies International, Fairview MT ... .........................................................................B24 Salois Construction, Conrad MT.........................C40 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ............... A22, C6 Shepherd’s Garage, Inc., Dillon, Jackson, Helena, Victor MT .........................................................C21 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ................................A14 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT....................................C40 Skookumchuck Ag, Sunburst MT .......................B13 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ....................C38, C45 Sonny Todd Real Estate, Big Timber MT ..............A2 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ................C4 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .................C54 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT...................................C13 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon MT ....................C46 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT ...............................C28 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT .......C41 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT.................................................. A55, C55 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT .................C28 Tate Miller Welding, Golva ND ............................A12 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ............................B12 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT....B5 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .........................C12 The Gear House, Helena MT .............................C46 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks MT ...........................................................................A2 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT.............................C25 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT ..........C17 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ............................C18 Townsend Seeds, Inc, Townsend MT ..................C39 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ......................A39 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT.......................A33 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT..................A46 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT .................................C31 TT&E Inc, Victor MT ...........................................C50 Valley Steel LLC, Ryegate MT ............................C21 Vaughn Truck, Havre MT.....................................C45 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT ...................A37 WEEDit, Hoven Equipment ................................A49 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ........................A54 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT ...C37 Western Water Wells, Tyler Christians & Jack Clark, Helena MT .......................................................C44 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ..................A32 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT ...............................A30 XB Trailer Sales, Great Falls MT .........................A20 Z-E Fencing, Whitehall MT .................................A32 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT ..........................C34, C35 Zimmatic, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT .....A22 Zimmatic, Salois Construction, Conrad MT ........C40 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ....................................C33

2005 Freightliner Columbia MBN 4000, 475 hp, 10 speed, Emissions deleted, 226” wheelbase, 732,000 miles.


1995 Kenworth T600 Box Truck

Detriot S60, 430 hp, 9 speed, lift axle, pintle hitch, 4-stage head lift hoist, 21-ft. grain box



2009 Kenworth T370

1992 Peterbilt 379

Series 60 Detroit, 450 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, headache rack, New virgin rubber, 270” wheelbase.

Cummins ISC 8.3, 330 hp, Allison automatic, EGR DPF deleted, 190,000 miles.

1997 Peterbilt 379 EXHD

Cat 3406E, 470 hp, 13 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, Webasto heater, Right Weigh on board scale, headache rack.

check out more pictures & details online


2009 Freightliner M2

MBN 4000, 450 hp, Super 10 speed, double lockers, double frame, heavy haul truck


C12, 430 hp, fresh motor, 13 speed

Detriot Series 60, 10 speed, 16-ft. dump box

1999 Peterbilt 379

Cat 3406E 5EK (Inframe w/paperwork), 550 hp, 18 speed, 256” wheelbase, pre E-LOG

6NZ, 550 hp, 18 speed, wet kit.


$29,900 Pup trailer 13-ft. box, spring, hydraulic lift $5000 2013 Frontier 47-ft. Ag Hopper 3 axle with steerable lift axle......$32,900 1997 Alloy 48-ft. flatbed.....$8500

Series 60 Detroit, 333 hp, 13 speed, COZAD ramps, freshly painted.


1978 International F1850

DT466, 250 hp, 10 speed, fresh overhaul, 19-ft. box.

2000 Peterbilt 379

Cat 3406C manual, 425 hp, 10 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, 208” wheelbase, new radiator & starter.


1992 Freightliner FLD120

1979 Peterbilt 359

855 Cummins, 400 hp, 13 speed, 30,000 on engine overhaul, new paint, new virgin rubber, new lighting, new glass

1992 Ford L9000 Aeromax


2002 Kenworth W900

1999 Kenworth T800

Trailers For Sale:





1997 Freightliner FLD 70

Cummins 12V, 190 hp, 6 speed, spring suspension, 215” wheelbase.

We are your Dealer for Time To Go Electric

Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free


1997 Dodge Ram 3500

4x4, 5.9L Cummins, PTO, hydraulically driven fuel pump and air compressor.

see these units and more info at

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B2

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

FOR LEASE 340 irrigated acres in Barley stubble Fairfield Bench area Call 406-799-7994 • Fort Shaw, MT

POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???


Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana

Design student impresses at Cheyenne Bridal Expo

University of Wyoming Extension owners of Wyoming Weddings magazine, From managing chaos backstage to Wyoming Lifestyle magazine, LKH Bridal runway model, University of Wyoming and Formal store of Laramie and organizers (UW) student Georgia Wollert shined at of the Cheyenne Bridal Expo. Wyoming’s 28th Annual Cheyenne Bridal “She [Wollert] has always been a great Expo last month. student, always on top of her schoolwork,” Wollert worked diligently at the Cheysaid Irick. “I had no doubts she could do enne Bridal Expo, from organizing dressing great.” rooms for models, helping models get to Irick helped connect Wollert to Kati Hime hair and makeup and organizing 35 gowns to learn more about the internship. for the runway, all while walking the run“It wasn’t that I needed the internship way herself. credits, but it was something that sounded Wollert is no stranger to busy days, hard like fun,” said Wollert. “And doing somework and an active lifestyle. She grew up thing like this might help me figure out what helping her parents on a Lingle-area farm kind of career I want to do.” and ranch. Wollert explained she would feed Wollert met with Kati Hime soon after horses and do chores before school and was and said she really liked her fun, friendly, still actively involved in school activities easy-going personality. from sports to clubs. Hime explained she needed an intern who Throughout high school, Wollert loved was organized, responsible and capable of planning events and became very involved taking on the unexpected, and Wollert was with planning prom her junior year. One of just that. her teachers pulled her aside to tell her how “I took over and really felt in my elesuccessful the prom was and how Wollert ment, while she [Hime] took over the bigger seemed to be in her element during the enthings,” said Wollert. tire planning and decorating process. It was Wollert was in charge of finding models because of her teacher’s suggestion Wollert for the show and coordinating how the looked into a degree in design. models would go through the show to best “At first, I had no idea what I wanted to display the dresses. This included things like do when I grew up,” said Wollert. “But after deciding what jewelry went best with each she suggested that, I really thought it was dress and how to style hair to fit the dress. perfect. I didn’t really question it after that.” On the day of the show, Wollert was Wollert is a senior in the College of surprised by how quickly an hour would Agriculture of Agriculture and Natural Rego by. She had an hour between each show sources majoring in design, merchandising and during that time she had to pull together and textiles with a minor in interior design. many details to get everything ready. She will be graduating this May, a year “But it wasn’t stressful,” said Wollert. ahead of schedule. “You’re busy, but you’re having fun doing When Wollert heard about the internship, it.” she reached out to Erin Irick, associate Hime was especially impressed with professor, and Jennifer Harmon, assistant Wollert’s ability to roll with unexpected professor, both in the Department of Famchanges. ily and Consumer Sciences, for an internship opportunity with Levi and Kati Hime, CONTINUED ON PAGE B4

Montana Hereford Directory Mountain Raised Herefords Since 1930 Registered Bulls Heifers

Commercial Calves Yearlings

Sidwell Herefords

30 bulls & 30 heifers selling March 16 Private Treaty Richard and Becky Sidwell Richard: (406) 861-4426 Becky: (406) 670-4227 Box 834 Columbus, MT

by private treaty

Liz and Yvonne Jones 64542 Hwy 43 Wise River, MT 59762 Phone (406) 832-3219

LCC 002Bingo329 (DLF, HYF, IES) Sire: PHH PCC 812 TrueGrit002 Calving ease bull with vigorous calves

THOMAS HEREFORDS - Performance Tested - Carcass Ultrasound Scanned - Breeding Soundness Examined - BVD-PI3 Screened - Complete Balanced EPD’s - Ranking in the top of the breed for all traits - First Year Breeding Guarantee - Free Delivery within Montana

Richard & Shirley Bruce & Tammy (406) 544-1536 WWW.THOMASHEREFORDS.COM

Gold Creek, MT

KT Built Tuff 1010

Many sons of this polled Calving Ease trait leader selling at private treaty

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords Since 1922

Performance tested bulls and heifers

For sale private treaty at the ranch

Kenny Lars (406) 584-7571 cell (406) 939-0252 671 Fas 470 Lindsay, MT 59339 Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount

Sires: Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 • AGA 18Y Standard 46Z WH 137Y Standard 333A ET • XTC 5C Total Recall ET 66A AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A • AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B3

Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Bayers Ranches, Inc.

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT

Hop Creek Ranch

406-799-2264, Lavina, MT

J Bar E Ranch

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

K & C Herefords

Churchill Cattle Co

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Cooper Hereford Ranch

406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT

Curlew Cattle Co

406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

L Bar W Cattle Company

Lucky U Cattle Company

570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT

Otis Ranch

Frank Herefords

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

406-835-2501, Glen, MT

Griffin Polled Herefords 406-821-0247, Darby, MT

H Hanging J

406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT

Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper 406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT

Harper Herefords

406-323-1686, Roundup, MT

Holden Herefords

406-450-1029, Valier, MT

Selling Private Treaty 140 BULLS & Polled Hereford Bulls

“Like” us on Facebook Beery’s Land & Livestock Co. - BEERY Herefords

Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Rafter Ranch Inc.

Rockin’ Double R Ranch

406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT

Sparks Herefords

in spring

Modest birth, massive meat

Feddes Herefords Female Production Sale in September Townsend, MT 59644 (406) 266-4121 (406) 439-4311

2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Vandeberg Ranch

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT

J Bar E Ranch

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT

Plentywood, MT

XA Cattle

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149

308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE

Yorlum Cattle Co

406-882-4086, Trego, MT

For membership questions and/or updates Contact Secretary Johanna Bouma at (406) 240-2587

B 30 Yearling Red Angus Bulls B Select now – Free wintering – Delivery

Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.

Emily Pederson

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT

Garrison Ranches Inc


B 110 Yearling and Two-Year-Old Horned

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

406-322-8541, Columbus, MT

307-631-6012, Absarokee, MT


Matt 406-979-5720 • 406-773-5721

McMurry Cattle

On Point Cattle Co

Feddes Herefords

Bruce Duncan • 406-292-3503 • Joplin, MT • catalog available

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

Dutton Hereford Ranch

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT

Select your bulls now and we will feed and deliver them at your convenience this spring

McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc.

406-254-1247, Billings, MT

Ehlke Herefords

Quality Bulls - reasonable prices

406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

Private Treaty Silent Auction Powerful Polled and Horned Herefords

406-214-5120, Missoula, MT

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT

Duncan Ranch Co.

Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch

Brownell Polled Herefords 406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT

hor Polled Herefords c n A


Bulls, Registered Heifers, and F1 Baldy Heifers Available Now!

Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102

HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B4

##### The myth that it is possible to balance an egg on its end on the spring equinox is just that: a myth. Trying to balance an oval-shaped object on its end is no easier on the spring equinox than on any other day. ##### During the spring, birds are more vocal as they sing to attract mates and warn away rivals.

Our Advertising Deadline for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

Phone us at (406) 271-5533


2017 John Deere 338 square baler, 540 PTO, 250 bales... $19,500 (425) 301-6020, Philipsburg, Montana area

Phone 216-3050

PROFESSIONAL Hand-Picked Quality & Selection

Done on All

2010 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with only 40,000 miles on it. Also has brand new Ford crate motor with 3 year unlimited miles warranty on engine. Low, low miles................... ................................................................ $19,999


5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT

2016 Ford F350

Regular cab, 8-ft. aluminum flatbed, includes gooseneck ball, 4 locking tool boxes, bumper pull receiver on backend with all the wiring, aluminum wheels, running boards, power seat, windows, locks and mirrors. Flatbed alone is worth $8500 installed.....$26,999

Corder and Associates, had some trophies at their booth for the hunters in the area to check out. Trampus Corder took the time to visit with people about some real estate opportunities available with hunting options.

Design student impresses at Cheyenne Bridal Expo CONTINUED FROM PAGE B2

2006 GMC 2500 HD

Extended cab, 4x4 with 9-ft. flatbed on it, 6.0 gas engine, automatic transmission, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, 100,000 miles.................. $12,999

2016 Ford F250 XL

Supercab, long box, 4x4 with brand new flatbed, 2 locking tool boxes, 6.2 liter gas with automatic transmission, XL trim so vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, lock and mirrors......................$26,999

2015 Ford F350 XLT

1-ton, crewcab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, aluminum wheels, FX4 Off Road package, power cloth seat, vinyl floor, 84,000 miles.............................................$27,999

2015 Chevrolet 1 Ton

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.0 gas engine, 4.10 gear ratio, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks & mirrors.................................... $25,999

2015 Ram 3500

Crewcab, 4x4 dually diesel, 9-ft. flatbed, 6 new tires, 6.7L Cummins, automatic transmission. Set to pull whatever you have................................... $34,999

2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, bed liner, running boards, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 4.10 gears, 6.0L gas with 6 speed automatic transmission....................................$22,999

2015 Ford F250 XLT

Supercab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, 6.2L gas engine, power seat, running boards, aluminum wheels, 103,000 miles...........................................$22,999

2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD

Double cab, 4x4 with 6.0 gas engine, new tires, aluminum wheels, bed liner, vinyl floor, cloth seats, 8-ft. long box .................................................. $22,999

2012 Ford F250

Regular cab, 4x4 with an 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, grill guard, 109,000 miles. Hard to find.....................................$14,999

Visit our website at:

2013 Ford F250

Supercab, 4x4, cab and chassis, 98,000 miles on 6.2 gas motor, new tires, perfect to use your own 8-ft. utility box, or flatbed, or bale bed............ $15,995

Hime explained they had anticipated a few brides watching the show would want to try on a dress or two, but they ended up having many more than expected wanting to try on gowns. When brides came back to try on gowns, they took over the dressing room that was originally being used for the models, which really changed the whole flow of things, explained Hime. “Never did she complain. She was able to find a plan B, and that was really cool,” said Hime. “It kept the whole day on schedule even though there were unexpected things.” Hime said Wollert is a person who is flexible and can think on her feet. “She mentioned she was from an ag background, and I think part of that background is what helps her roll with some of those punches,” said Hime. “Because things happen when you are working with agriculture that you don’t always expect and you have to make plans happen, A through Z.” Wollert explained she was impressed to see how Hime marketed her dresses. “It wasn’t just ‘I have a dress and I need to sell it,’” said Wollert. “But it was selling why the dress would work, why the dress would be for this person and during the show, Kati explained the finer details of each dress.” Wollert helped brides try on dresses, helped models get out of their dresses and reorganized dresses by putting them back in garment bags when the show was over. “Stuffing those dresses in a garment bag is not as easy as it looks!” said Wollert. Wollert said she really enjoyed organizing and putting together the bridal shows, but she isn’t sure yet of her career path. “Being in the wedding industry is not a piece of cake, no pun intended,” said Wollert. Wollert will be working with the Himes the rest of this semester by helping with other bridal shows, like the recent Laramie Sweetheart Bridal Expo, and the design and layout of the business’ new bridal and formal shop in Laramie. ##### Patient: “I get a terrible pain in my eye when I drink a cup of coffee.” Doctor: “Try taking the spoon out.” ##### A few women disguised themselves as men to fight in the American Revolution. One such notable woman is Deborah Sampson, of Sharon, Massachusetts, who served 17 months in the army and at one point removed a musket ball from her own thigh so that she would not be discovered to be a woman.

Soil Judging Team again sweeps regional competition

From University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Co-coach Judith Turk, pedologist with In a demonstration of their grit, the Unithe Conservation and Survey Division at versity of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Soil SNR, acknowledged the challenge, but said Judging Team for the second time in three with planning and practice, a large team can years swept the Region 5 competition Octoactually be a big advantage. ber 3 in Grand Island, Nebraska, beating out “You can make use of each individual’s six other teams to earn first place finishes aptitudes and then the team becomes stronacross the board. ger by working together,” she said. The The team — 17 students from the School tactic takes fine-tuning, though, so over the of Natural Resources (SNR) and the Decourse of the three-day practice sessions partment of Agronomy and Horticulture near Grand Island, the team continued to — earned first place in the group judging move members into positions most suited contest, as well as the overall competition, to their strengths. where only four of 16 individual scores By competition day, they were ready to count toward a total group score. identify, evaluate, classify and describe five And Bryan Petersen, a junior applied soil profiles in previously unseen soil pits climate science major, earned first place and also rate the area for land use. How in the individual competition, competing their descriptions compared to professionalagainst more than 60 others, including his level descriptions determined their score. own teammates and those from Iowa State Nebraska’s ended nearly 80 points ahead University, Kansas State University, Uniof the next closest team, University of Misversity of Minnesota, South Dakota State souri, and more than 100 points ahead of University and University of Missouri, and University of Minnesota, which took third University of Nebraska-Omaha. Nicole place overall. Strand, a senior fisheries and wildlife major, “There really is not a better week in the also placed in the top 10 in the individual competition. CONTINUED ON PAGE B6 Their placement puts the team in a top position for the 2020 National Soil Judging Contest set for spring in Ohio. “I believe our success is a testament to our coaches’ hard work,” Petersen said after their return from competition October 4. “Trying to organize and get 17 individuals to work as a team is very difficult, but our coaches managed to get the team to work efficiently and effectively.”

14th Annual

Worship of Tools Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 11 There are few things that the male population worships more than his tools. To some, a tool is a natural extension of their arm. So, Worship of Tools Day is a logical day of celebration. And, it's definitely a guy thing. Please note however, there are more than a few ladies who love to work with their hands, and find today to be an important holiday. Need a birthday or Christmas gift idea for one of the "boys" in the family? You're never lacking for tool ideas when you visit the local hardware store. Celebrate today by working with tools, and buying a tool or two. Receiving a tool as a gift today, makes this truely a special day. Song of the Day: If I Had a Hammer

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B5

The deadline for advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

David L. Hayden - Independent Dealer Big Sky Synthetics LLC 1017 Montana Ave. • Deer Lodge, MT 59722

406-491-2030 •



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•New Date• •New Location• •100 Bulls Sell• •Plus 60 Commercial Heifers•

Limousin & Lim-Flex Bull Sale Tuesday, April 14, 2020 • 2:00 PM CST

At the Ranch • 4651 2nd Ave. NE • Karlsruhe, North Dakota Online Bidding at LiveAuctions.TV

AHCC Dakota Grown 7070G 54% LF • S: AHCC Dakota Grown 408D

AHCC Eagle 600G

52% LF • S: ELMW Eagle 69E

AHCC Dakota Thunder 215G

AHCC Ypsilanti 252G

68% LF • S: AHCC Dakota Thunder 363D

59% LF • S: EBFL Ypsilanti 420Y

AHCC Dakota Grown 736G

AHCC Angus Valley 363G ET

52% LF • S: AHCC Dakota Grown 408D

62% LF • S: AHCC Angus Valley 911B

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Leading Source in the North for Limousin & Lim-Flex Genetics Hager Cattle Company • Austin, Leah, Bailee, Pitch, Tripp & Remmi Hager

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B6

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Organic fertilizer & sulfur Organic seed wheat available OMRI listed Can deliver to you


al Arriv

2005 Kenworth T800B Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 18 speed Eaton-Fuller, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears, lift axle.... $44,500

1998 Peterbilt 378 Cat 475 hp, 13 speed, 12,000 front, 13,200 lb steerable lift axle, 40,000 rears on Pete air leaf, locker, 16-ft. box plumbed for pup.................... $47,500

Soil Judging Team again sweeps regional competition CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5

semester than soil judging week,” Strand said. “Most people don’t understand why we love to spend a week getting rained on in 40 degree weather just to be covered in mud and bug bites, but the teamwork, friendship, and experience gained is irreplaceable.” “(Soil judging) is a fantastic experience,” Petersen said. “Through soil judging, I have learned how soils are formed and connected to the landscape, and the team also has given me some of my best friends and some lifelong memories.” Over the course of the week, Strand said each of the team members grew, with newer ones taking charge and speaking their minds after being guided by those returning to the competition pits. “That’s something we have to thank our coaches for, because they do an amazing job creating this team dynamic that has clearly paid off the last three years,” she said. This year’s team members include: • Ema Muslic, a junior environmental restoration major; • Kara Philips, senior agricultural education major; • Meryl Sahouet, senior agronomy major; • Rebekah Simmons, senior environmental restoration major; • Katie Boden, senior environmental restoration major; • Brian Bostock, senior environmental restoration major; • Damaris Cano, junior environmental studies major; • Katherine Gerdes, freshman intercampus UNO student; • Cadence Hernandez, senior environmental restoration major; • Maria Mika, senior environmental restoration major;



R Price

8360 Hwy 10 West• Missoula, MT 406.549.1047 or 207.1945

2012 Peterbilt 389 extended hood, 485 hp, ISX 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 620,000 miles, clean one owner truck, all maintenance records.... $69,500

2014 Kenworth T800 550hp Cummins ISX with records, 400,000 miles, Eaton RTLo18918, air ride, 245” wheel base, very clean.................................... $58,500

2003 Freightliner FL80 flatbed, 306,000 miles, 3126 Cat 230HP, Eaton 9 speed, 24-ft. flatbed set up for piggyback forklift.. .................................................... $19,500

1998 Kenworth W900 Cat 3406E, 475 hp, retarder, 15 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, air ride suspension, dual exhaust........................................ $34,500

1989 Kenworth T800 cab and chassis, 12.7 Detroit S60, 450 hp, 201” wheelbase, 9 speed transmission, wet kit, clean older truck that drives great. 440,000 original miles............................................ $19,500 1991 IHC crew cab, 4 door, DT466, 10 speed, 12,000# front, 40,000# rears on Hendrickson walking beam suspension, spring over beam, 300 National Series crane, 105,000 original miles....... $13,500

1989 Mack RD688S E6-350 Mack, Fuller 13 speed, 14-ft. dump box plumbed for pup, 13-ft. snow plow with Swenson sander box, county maintained................ $17,500

1987 Peterbilt 359 Cat 3406B, 425 hp, 13 speed transmission, 242” wheelbase, 12,000 lb. front axle, 40,000 lb. rears, low boy ramps, wet kit........................ $23,500

2007 Fontaine Phantom aluminum flatbed, 48-ft. x 102”, aluminum wheels, good tires, toolboxes, one owner, side kit with bows and tarps............................ $19,500

1985 Freightliner FLD120 Big Cam 400 hp Cummins, 13 speed, Reyco spring suspension, new paint w/records...... $17,500

• Petersen, senior applied climate major; • Taylor Riecken, a senior environmental restoration major; • Strand, senior fisheries and wildlife major and Grassland Ecology & Management major; • Clare Wilton, junior elementary education and special education major; • Katie Pace, senior environmental restoration major; • Luke Walkenhorst, senior environmental restoration major; and • Amy Yanagida, senior environmental restoration major. Co-coaches were Turk and Rebecca Young, assistant professor of practice in Agronomy, who also served as competition host with Nebraska State Soil Scientist Neil Dominy. Lindsey Anderson, and Alyssa Kuhn, both of Agronomy, and Samantha Teten, of Biological Systems Engineering, served as graduate assistant coaches. When others had to turn down hosting the Region V Soil Judging Contest this year, Nebraska stepped up despite hosting the regional contest just three years ago. “Normally the contest wouldn’t return to our state so quickly,” Turk said. “Becky and Neil stepped in and agreed to take our turn hosting early. They had to pick out field sites and organize all of the contest logistics on relatively short notice, and they did an amazing job at it.” Young said, “It was great to have the opportunity to show students and coaches from around the region the diversity of soils that do exist in central Nebraska, which most people just think of as flat and homogenous. Everyone worked hard throughout the week, through the heat, rain, wind, and cold, and left with a great appreciation for our soils and landscapes. That’s the best award as a contest host.”

National Goof Off Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 22 Now here’s a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It’s a day to do anything and everything.....except what you’re supposed to do today. Assuming you won’t get in trouble at work or school, go ahead and play some golf, or play games all day. Spend extra time surfing the net. Go out and spend the day window shopping with your favorite friend. Or, just read sit down and read a book or watch Tv. This day is set aside for you to do anything you enjoy doing. A few years ago, a survey was performed to identify the most popular activity for goofing off. The top activity was playing video games. Who conducted the survey? surprise. It kinda makes you wonder just who might have had the brainstorm to create this day......hmmmm. Nowadays, the most popular Goof Off Day activity is likely playing games on the internet, or on our Smart Phones. Origin of National Goof Off Day: Monica “Moeller” Dufour of Davison Mi. and her grandfather created this special day. Here’s what she told us: “My Grandfather, William D. Chase, created Chases’ Calendar. When I was 10, (1976) I was listening to him speaking on a radio station encouraging people to call with ideas. I disguised my voice and called with Goof-Off Day (since I was goofing off by calling in). He said there wasn’t such a day, but he thought it was a great idea. The next day, I confessed to him I called in about Goof-Off Day. He smiled, and showed me a local newspaper that said there was a need for a Goof-Off Day. I guess the reporter got wind of the interview. Anyway, that is how the holiday began....” ##### Why do people who know the least know it the loudest? ##### If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?

Industry experts outline criteria for buying bulls

K-State Research and Extension News that the buyer needs to confirm with the For cattle producers, bull sale season seedstock operator that all of the actual data has arrived. Prospective buyers are flipping has been turned into their respective breed through the sale catalogs and studying the association so that the purchaser is assured pedigree information, performance data and of accurate data. bull pictures trying to determine where they “I advise commercial buyers to extend want to make their investment. that review of data to the dams of the bulls As genomic advancements have proin consideration,” Moser said. “If you are gressed, cattle producers have more inforgoing to base your selections on indexes and mation than ever before to help with their EPDs, which you should, then you also need selections. But for some, all that data can be to be working with seedstock producers who overwhelming and make it difficult to know are the complete recorders and submitters of what information they should prioritize. the data.” Experts at Kansas State University’s Bull-to-Cow Ratio Beef Cattle Institute addressed data-driven As producers plan for their upcoming bull bull selection during a recent podcast to purchases, it is advisable that they know what help ( breeding demands of that sire will be. Age trends-buying-a-bull-top-buying-a-bullof the bull, terrain, length of the breeding considerations-bullcow-ratio-new-technolseason are just some factors for consideration ogy/) cattle producers sort through the data. when trying to estimate that number accordDan Moser, president of Angus Genetics, Inc., joined the Kansas State team and offered ing to veterinarian Bob Larson. the following advice. “The national average is one mature bull Genetic Priorities on Data for every 30 cows,” Larson said. “Focus first on the economic indexes,” Weaber added that yearling bulls will not Moser said. He explained that an index is a be able to breed as many cows in season as number that combines trait EPDs (Expected mature bulls. “Figure out how many months Progeny Differences, which are an estimate CONTINUED ON PAGE B8 of the animal’s genetic merit for a given trait compared to other animals) weighted by their economic impact. K-State beef extension specialist Bob Weaber cautioned buyers to align with the right index for their operation. “One of the biggest mistakes producers make with indexes is that they select bulls on one index, but raise the calves under a different scenario,” Weaber said. Moser explained it further by citing the terminal index. “Think about it as a steer index because it combines growth and carcass traits but does not include maternal traits such as calving ease and cow longevity,” he said. In a scenario where those who are raising cattle don’t retain ownership through the cattle feeding phase or participate in a feeder cattle marketing program that documents carcass merit there may not be a benefit to selecting on the terminal index because the cow/calf producer isn’t getting paid a premium on the calves While studying the data is an important part of the buying process, Weaber recommends producers do a visual inspection of the cattle. “While we are improving EPDs and indexes, it is still important to look at the cattle for structural issues so you know that the bulls are sound and will be able to service cows for a long time,” he said. The experts also agreed that there is some data that producers can discard. “Don’t focus on the actual weights and measures because those have already been included in the EPDs,” Moser said. Weaber added

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B7

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B8

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Experts outline criteria for buying bulls CONTINUED FROM PAGE B7


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old the bull is at turnout and then follow the rule of one cow per bull for each month of his age,” he said. Larson also stressed the importance of watching the bulls closely during breeding season to look for signs of their inability to mate. If there are breeding challenges during the season, Weaber and Larson said that the relationship with seedstock producers in the area will be of importance. Other Bull Buying Considerations “Most commercial producers will buy cattle within a 100-mile radius of their ranch. I encourage them to get to know their seedstock vendors in their area,” Weaber said. “Get sale catalogs and go look at bulls at a variety of places and evaluate how those seedstock producers can service your needs.” • NON BLOAT • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT • NON BLOAT • APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT TURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT

Moser added that it is also a good idea for the prospective buyer to visit the ranch of the seedstock supplier outside of the sale day. “Seedstock producers have high value animals. As the buyer you want to make sure they raise cattle in a similar way to how you do,” he said. Larson added that commercial customers should consider the services provided by the seedstock operator when making that purchase. “A lot of breeders provide transportation services but some will provide even more like helping you market your feeder calves and providing connections with others in the cattle chain,” he said. Moser added: “Write a job description for your bull and then make sure is he qualified for the one you write.”

m montana montana montanaseeds@

Do soils need a lowsalt diet?

By Tracy Hmielowski, American Society of Agronomy Doctors often tell their patients to reduce their salt intake • • NON NON BLOAT BLOAT as part of a healthy lifestyle. When we start looking at food • • NATURALLY NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT TOLERANT •• APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT labels, we may find salt in surprising places – like baked APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT goods, drinks and canned foods. While you may try to keep an eye on your personal salt intake, you have probably never given much thought to how much salt there is in the soil under your feet. As many people • NON BLOAT are finding salt creeping into their diets, scientists are seeing • NATURALLY GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT increased levels of salt in water sources. • APHID & WEEVIL RESISTANT “There is a significant increase in salinity in freshwater systems, including water used for irrigation,” explains Meredith Steele. Steele is an Assistant Professor of Urban EcoGoBLOAT Green And Pink systems and Watershed Biogeochemistry at Virginia Tech. • NON Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. Alfalfa dealers dealers are are despartely despartely trying trying to to get get the the condensed condensed tannins tannins in in their their Pollution Less, Save Energy Alfalfa Pollution Less, Save Energy Steele thought if there is salt in irrigation water, there Y GLYPHOSATE TOLERANT Alfalfa and and use use high high pressure pressure sales sales to to convince convince you you to to grow grow Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Alfalfa “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder ” “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder ” might be a buildup of salt in soil. High levels of salt can & WEEVIL RESISTANT Sainfoin leaves leaves naturally naturally contain contain tannins, tannins, allowing allowing the the protein protein to to be be digestdigestSainfoin Rocky Mountain Remont $1.50/lb ed instead instead of of excreted. excreted. damage soil microbes and plants. Most research on soil Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed Delaney Delaney -- $2.00/lb $2.00/lb salinity has focused on these situations. Steele wondered if Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared Shoshone to Alfalfa. Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s Sanfoin’s ability ability to to be be grazed grazed or or hayed hayed gives gives producers producers options options Shoshone -- Price Price on on request request to small amounts of salt could change the chemistry or biolto best best utilize utilize it’s it’s benefits benefits in in your your operation. operation. to Reasons: Reasons: ogy of soils. GoSAINFOIN Green And Pink Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. ALFALFA SAINFOIN ALFALFA Growing best practices: Growing best practices: Alfalfa dealers are despartely trying to get the condensed tannins in their To determine if salt concentrations would change soil, • Legume • Legume Pollution Less, Save Energy • Legume • Legume Alfalfa and••use high pressure sales to convince you to grow •• Non •• Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without cover crop. Non Bloat Bloat Bloat Sainfoin establishes itself without a a cover crop. Alfalfa. Steele’s team started with that honey had no history of salt S Livestock, wildlife, andsoil even bees prefer “Healthy, Wholesome Fodder •• Weevil Resistant •• Weevil Problem •• Best Weevil & & Aphid Aphid Resistant Weevil Problem ” Best if if not not mixed mixed with with other other plants plants such such as as barley barley or or wheat. wheat. •• Minimal •• Losses naturally contain tannins, allowing the protein to be per digestMinimal Loss Loss Protein Protein Losses of of 1/4-1/3 1/4-1/3 of of Digestible Digestible Protein ProteinSainfoin leaves 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds acre exposure. The researchers compared trying soil watered without pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds per acre •• Little Expense •• Hefty Expense Rocky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb ed instead of30 excreted. Alfalfa dealers are despartely to get the c Little Fertilizer Fertilizer Expense Hefty Fertilizer Fertilizer Expense for for irrigated irrigated or or multi-cuts. multi-cuts. •• Cheap •• Expensive Control Cheap Weed Weed Control Control Expensive-Weed Weed Control salt to soils watered with slight concentrations of one salt. o Delaney $2.00/lb Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will be held to the seed. Little or or No No Gas Gas Methane Gas Gas (Bloat) (Bloat) • Seed inand falldigestibility or spring when moisture be held seed. •• Little •• Methane Sanfoin’s palability provides morewill return per to tonthe compared Alfalfa and use high pressure salessalt), to convince •• Seed of inch deep or less. •• Ease Production •• Complicated Production - Price on request Seed 3/4 3/4ability of an an to inch or or less. The are salts included sodium chloride (table potassium y Ease of of Shoshone Production Complicated Production to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s bedeep grazed hayed gives producers options •• Low •• High •• Hay/graze when near full Alfalfa dealers despartely trying to get the condensed Low Seed Seed Cost Cost High Seed Seed Cost Cost Hay/graze when nearoperation. full bloom. bloom. to best utilize it’s benefits in your (Webster’s Dictionary) •• Easy •• Expensive Reasons: chloride, and calcium chloride. All of these salts are natural Easy Stand Stand Enhancement Enhancement Expensive Stand Stand Replacement Replacement High Palatability Palatability Less Palatability Palatability •• High •• Less Alfalfa and use pressure sales contain to convince you to gro SAINFOIN ALFALFA •• Good Pollen Production • Less Pollen Production in ourhigh environment. Growing best practices: FFor Good Pollen Production • Less Pollen Production - $2.00/lb A Sainfoin leaves naturally tannins, allowi N or more more information, information, call call A • Legume • Legume Mountain Remont A T N N •• Rocky Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F A O T M N Nector Produced at 60° F • Bloat • Nectar Produced at 90° F O Livestock, wildlife, and evenSchlepp honey bees • Non• Bloat Rollie • Sainfoin establishes M itself without aDictionary) cover crop. (Webster’s The research used salt concentrations common in nature. Producer •• Less Honey Rollie Schlepp • #1 #1 &Honey Honey Producer Less Honey Production Production S D • Weevil Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem SE Delaney $2.00/lb EE • Best if not mixed with plantsother such 406-788-9556 as barley or wheat. ed instead of excreted. Eother •• Flexible Harvest Dates •• Short Harvest Window DS Sover 406-788-9556 prefer Sainfoin forages. Highly Flexible Harvest Dates Short Harvest Window • Minimal Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein The salt concentrations in the experiment were 700 the timespro •• Longevity of Established •• Short Term Productivity or 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 pounds Sainfoin per acre Longevity Established Stand Stand Short TermExpense Productivity leaves naturally contain tannins, allowing or • Little Fertilizer of Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Shoshone - $2.00/lb fordigestible and a higher sugar content gives irrigated or multi-cuts. Montana Seeds office less salty than seawater. In this way, the experiment demon• Cheap Weed Control • Expensive Weed Control Montana Seeds Inc. Inc. office • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will406-278-9951 be held to theed seed. instead of excreted. • Little or No Gas • Methane Gas (Bloat) Reasons: Sainfoin the edge over Alfalfa. 406-278-9951 strated what could happen soils are floodedprovides by a nearbymo • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. • Ease of Production • Complicated Production Sanfoin’s palability andif digestibility Legume • Low• Seed Cost • High Seed Cost Sainfoin leaves naturally contain con• Hay/graze when near full bloom. stream or if farmers irrigate fields using water nearby. The Livestock, wildlife, and even honey bees prefer Sainfoin over other forages. ability to be grazed • Easy• Stand • Expensive Stand Replacement NoEnhancement Bloat to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s or haye densed tannins, allowing the protein to be • High Palatability • Less Palatability experiment ran for 90 days. Alfalfa dealers are despartely tryingSanfoin’s tocallget the condensed tannins in their •  Pollen No Weevil palability and digestibility provides more return • Good Production • Less Pollen Production For more information, A N A digested instead ofpressure excreted. to best utilize it’s benefits in your operation. • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F ONT high Muse Alfalfa and sales to convince you to grow Alfalfa. One thing the researchers measured was soil respiration. •  No Loss Protein Rollie Schlepp • #1 Reasons: Honey Producer • Less Honey Production Sanfoin’s ability be grazed hayed gives pr EEDS$$$! Sainfoin FollowSthe is worthto 25Alfalfa. to 50 Wholesome Fodder ” (Webster’s Dictionary) 406-788-9556 • Flexible Harvest Fertilizer Dates •Expense Short Harvest Window •  Little Soil respiration is the to amount of carbon or dioxide gas released • Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity or percentleaves morenaturally per ton than Alfalfa as graze Sainfoin contain tannins, allowing the protein to beIndigest•  Cheap Weed Control to best utilize it’s your from thebenefits soil. thisin case, the operation. carbon dioxide was from the Montana Seeds Inc. office ons:SAINFOIN hay. Without condensed tannins, 1/4 to •  Little or No Gas ountain Remont - $1.50/lb ALFALFA edorinstead of excreted. 406-278-9951 Growing practices: microbes in thebest soil. Just like us, these microbes are living Ease of Production ••  Legume • Legume 1/3 of Alfalfa protein will pass through the organisms that are ‘exhaling’ the carbon dioxide gas. Delaney - $2.00/lb FOIN••  Non ALFALFA Low Seed Cost Sanfoin’s palability and digestibility provides more return per ton compared animal undigested. Bloat • Bloat • practices: Sainfoin establishes itself without a cov Steele and colleagues found soils irrigated with saltwater Growing best oshone Price on request •  Easy -Stand Enhancement to Alfalfa. Sanfoin’s ability to be grazed or hayed gives producers options Growing best practices: me ••  Weevil • Legume release•more dioxide. Butwith calcium chloride had less & Aphid Resistant • Weevil Problem Highest Palatabilty Bestcarbon if not mixed other plants such to best utilize it’s benefits in your operation. •  Sainfoin established itself without Bloat••  Minimal • Bloat • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover crop. effect on the carbon dioxide emissions than the sodium Good Pollen Production Loss Protein • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein 30potassium poundschloride. per acre for 1 cut •  Nectar Produced at 60º F • Weevil Problem    a cover crop. chloride Theplants smalldryland increase inor potasil & Aphid Resistant ALFALFA • Best if notandmixed with other such as barley ••  Little Fertilizer Expense • Hefty• Growing Fertilizer Expense Do not mix other plants such bestwith practices: # 1 Honey Producer sium and for sodium resulted inor a 20% increase compared to the • Legume irrigated multi-cuts. mal Loss Protein Digestible Protein   of barley or wheat. 30 pounds per Flexible Harvest ••  Cheap Weed Dates Control• Losses of 1/4-1/3 • Expensive Weed Control 30crop. pounds pertheacre for chloride dryland or 1 cutting, 40 p • Bloat control, while calcium resulted • Sainfoin establishes itself without a cover    acreGas for dryland or 1 cutting, 40 Fertilizer Expense • Hefty Fertilizer Expense •increase. Seed in fall or springtreatment when only moisture wi esistant • Weevil •Alfalfa Little or NoProblem Gas • Methane in a 9% • Best if (Bloat) not mixed with other plants suchfor as barley or wheat. irrigated or multi-cuts. •  Legume    pounds per acre for irrigated or • Losses of 1/4-1/3 of Digestible Protein Weed Control peinWeed Control shows may need to monitor •research Seed 3/4 of that an farmers inch deep or less. 30 pounds per acre for dryland or 1 cutting, 40This pounds per acre • Ease of Production • Expensive • Complicated Production    multi-cuts. pense •  Bloat• Hefty Fertilizer Expense • Seed in fall or springirrigation when water, moisture will be held or No Gas • Methane Gas (Bloat) for salt in floodwaters, and even fertilizers. for irrigated or multi-cuts. •  Weevil Problem Cost • High• Seed Cost trol • Low•Seed Expensive Weed Control • Hay/graze when near full bloom. Seed in fall or spring when moisture “This has really been on our radar, especially • Seed in fall or spring when moisture will beSteele held tosays, the Losses of 1/4-1/3 of(Bloat) Digestible Protein • Seed 3/4 of seed. an inch deepnotor less. of Production • Complicated Production •Stand Methane Gas    will be held to the seed. •• •  Easy Enhancement • Expensive Stand Replacement Hefty•Fertilizer Expense in the eastern United States.” In the eastern U.S., where there • Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less. n Complicated Production Seed•• Cost • High Seed• Cost •  Seed 3/4 of an inch deep or less • Hay/graze when near full bloom. High Palatability Less Palatability Expensive Weed Control • High Seed Cost is more rain, there has been less concern about salt building • Hay/graze when near full bloom. • Replacement Hay when near full bloom, graze anytime. Stand Enhancement • Expensive•Stand Methane Gas (Bloat) cement • Expensive Stand Replacement ••  Good Pollen Production Less Pollen Production up in the soil. For •  Complicated Production • Less Palatability NA • Less Palatability A Palatability T Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to N • Nector Produced at 60° F • Nectar Produced at 90° F O Mthis relationship between uction•  High •Seed Less Cost Pollen Production For moreglobal information, call Understanding A N Pollen Production • Less Pollen Production warming. Ro A T Expensive Stand Enhancement For more info at 60° •F•  #1 • Nectar Produced at 90° F Honey Producer • Less Honey ProductionMON A N A S E Rollie Schlepp T soils and saltwater is important for scientists studying cliE •  Low Palatabilty N er Produced • Less Honey DS or at Harvest 60° FProduction • Nectar Produced at 90° F Window 406 MO SEEDS • Flexible Dates • Short Harvest 406-788-9556 Production mate change. Dates •  No Pollen • Short Harvest Window Rollie Sch oney Producer • Less Honey Production Alfalfa loses 1/4 to 1/3 of its digestible

• APHID WEEVIL RESISTANT protein & through bloat, lack of condensed tannis

(Webster’s Dictionary) (Webster’s Dictionary)

Go Green And Pink Green AndLess, PinkSave Energy Pollution (Webster’s Dictionary)

llution Less,Wholesome Save Energy “Healthy, Fodder ”

ealthy, Wholesome Rocky Mountain Fodder Remont” - $1.50/lb

Delaney - $2.00/lb cky Mountain Remont - $1.50/lb en And PinkShoshone - Price on request Delaney - $2.00/lb n Less, Save Energy Shoshone - Price on request

Longevity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity blished•• Stand • Short Term Productivity Nectar Produced at 90º F ble Harvest Dates • Short Harvest Window •  Lesser Honey Producer •  Short Harvest Window evity of Established Stand • Short Term Productivity For more information, call

Rollie Schlepp 406-788-9556

or 406-788-95 Mo Fall colors or 406 Montana During the fall, in response to colder temperatures and less S light, leaves stop producing chlorophyll, the 406-278-99 green pigment that helps capture sunlight to power photosynthesis. As the

SEEDS or Montana Seeds Inc. office 406-278-9951

green fades, the leave’s other pigments shine through, such as orange and yellow carotenoids and vibrant red anthocyanin.

Erin Go Bragh Saint Patrick’s Day

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B9

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, April 1. Phone (406) 271-5533.

When: March 17th. Saint Patrick’s day is in honor of the Patron Saint of Ireland, who brought Christianity to the Emerald Isles, as Ireland is known. It is truly a day of celebrating Irish history, ancestry, traditions and customs. Saint Patricks’ Day has many symbols and traditons, from shamrocks and leprechauns, to green beer and Corned Beef and Cabbage. Saint Patrick’s Day parades are popular in many cities around the U.S. Interestingly, the first St. Patrick’s Day parade did not take place in Ireland. It took place in New York City, in 1762. Are you Irish, me lads and me lassies?! Well, the saying goes everyone is a little Irish on Saint Patricks’s Day. Roots of Tradition: Saint Patrick’s day is held in honor of Saint Patrick, the missionary who brought christianity to the Irish people in the 400’s AD. Erin Go Braugh is perhaps the most common Irish term you will hear. It means “Ireland Forever” Did You Know? Over 34 million Americans are of Irish descent. That’s almost nine times the populaton of Ireland! Favorite Sayings: • May the road rise up to meet you. • May the wind be always at your back. • May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. • May the rain fall softly upon your fields. And the sun shine warm upon your face. • Top of the mornin’ to you..(and the rest of the day to ‘me self!) • May there always be work for you to do. • May your purse always hold a coin or two. • May the sun always shine on your windowpane. • May the hand of a friend always be near you. • May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. • May the wind at your back not be from the cabbage and corned beef that you eat today! • Everyone’s at least a little bit Irish on St. Patrick’s Day. (how true, how true). • When Irish eyes are smiling... they are probably up to something.


Small Press Month began in 1996 when it was created by the New York City-based Small Press Center and the Publishers Marketing Association based in California. The goal was to highlight the smaller publishing companies and to encourage them in the fight against the traditional big publishing houses.

The Trader’s Dispatch is the only locally (Montana) owned Agriculture, Construction and Trucking publication produced in Montana. This same publication has been produced for over 50 years, first as the Prairie Star, and for the past 20 years as the Trader’s Dispatch. While the name has changed, the format, style, and content have not. The owners of the Trader’s Dispatch remain committed to providing a publication that is honest, informational, and provides advertisers excellent promotion of their products, and buyers a plethora of goods and services to purchase. While the Trader’s Dispatch doesn’t print their own publication, the sales, layout and design of the ads and the publication itself, as well as billing and subscription management are, and always have been, done in a small office in North Central Montana. 22,500 homes receive the Trader’s Dispatch in their mailboxes each month in seven main Central/Western states - Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, Idaho and Washington.

THE TRADER’S DISPATCH is celebrating 20 years! If you know someone who is in agriculture, construction or trucking who isn’t receiving the Trader’s Dispatch currently, we send FREE subscriptions to people in those industries. Have them give us a call or they can subscribe through our website at:

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B10



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2019 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE PREMIER Heated seats and steering wheel, wireless phone charger, surround vision, 2nd row heated bucket seats, 20,507 miles. #20U13....................................................... $37,999

2019 CHEVROLET EQUINOX PREMIER AWD, 2.0L engine, heated black leather seats, wireless phone charger, trailering package, 12,873 miles. #20U08. .............................................................................. $26,500

2015 RAM 2500 LARAMIE 6.4L engine, heated seats, heated steering wheel, Bluetooth, B&W turnover ball, 97,078 miles. #19T50B.......... $29,999 2015 GMC DENALI 2500HD Heated and cooled seats, Bose stereo, rear DVD player, sun roof, B&W turnover ball, 78,678 miles. #20U17.... $37,999

2013 Ford F350 XL 6.2L engine, crew cab, 8-ft. box, bench seats, 62,979 miles. One owner. #20T19A............................................ $20,500 2012 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500 LT Z71 6.6L engine, black leather heated seats, B&W turn over ball, tow package, 151,749 miles. #19T40A................. $25,750

1-800-823-2355 (BELL) 406-873-5515 CUT BANK

Kelty Raciborski, the 2020 Montana Miss Agriculture USA, and Sutherlyn Stroh, the 2020 Montana Little Miss Agriculture USA were on hand during the GATE February 14-15 in Gelndive, MT. They serve as “Agvocates” for the ag industry for one year and then will compete this June in Ohio for a National title. They promote agriculture in Montana by speaking at various events around the state including the GATE, fairs, etc.

Students studying water issues receive Vanvig Fellowships

From University of Wyoming Extension Graduate students studying water issues in southeastern and western Wyoming received Vanvig Graduate Fellowship awards from the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Wyoming. Alicia Grahmann of Hallettsville, Texas, and Ellen Yeatman of Little Rock, Arkansas, in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, received the fellowships this fall. Former department head Andy Vanvig and his wife, Connie, established the $4,000 fellowship to support a recipient’s graduate studies. A graduate committee with input from faculty members usually selects one Vanvig Fellow per year. “Every year it is a difficult decision because we have so many exceptional and hard-working graduate students,” said Ben Rashford, head of the department. “This year was as difficult as ever, and the committee decided to give two Vanvig Fellowships.” Rashford said aggressive endowment returns boosted additional available funds. Grahmann is working with associate professor Kristi Hansen on a water resource project in southeastern Wyoming comparing results of an annual economic model with a version that incorporates producer response to precipitation throughout the season, to see the difference on producer returns, yields, groundwater use and energy costs. She’ll analyze the effects of water use efficiency technologies – soil moisture sensors and real-time energy meters – on decreasing energy costs and groundwater use while maintaining or improving producer net returns. Yeatman’s thesis with Hansen, extension’s water resource economics specialist, presents a modeling framework to analyze the economic and ecological tradeoffs of paying agricultural producers to use less water given the uncertainty of water availability. She organized interviews with producers and professionals across her study sites in the Green River Basin and developed the first draft of a survey that is part of a parallel basin-wide project. The Green River Basin is part of the greater Colorado River Basin, and Rashford said Yeatman is now immersed through stakeholder meetings and conferences in water law, multi-state drought management and the evolving initiatives around water scarcity. ##### In 1842 an organization known as Adelsverein, which means “Nobility Society,” tried to make a “new Germany” in Texas by buying 4,428 acres of land and settling German citizens there. The plan failed after about 10 years due to debt.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B11


Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana Website: “If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.



See Me about your bale processor needs. Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1019...................................$14,900 2013 Haybuster T1130 tub grinder. Tag #CodyY0219............................ $28,000 New Fair bale processors. Tag #Larry0419. New Harsh mixer wagons. Tag #Larry0419. New Luck Now Tmr mixers. Tag #Larry0419.


1995 Concord 4012 air seeder, 40-ft. 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips. Good condition. Tag #RonH0320................................................$29,000 Melroe 36-ft. plow with 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JoeK0320.................................$4500 2007 New Holland SF216 sprayer, 80-ft. booms, windscreens, 1600 gallon tank. Tag #Dale0320...................................................................................$15,000 John Deere 360 36-ft. swinger disc. Tag #BC0320. 2-35-ft. pickup reels. Tag #BC0320. MacDon 24-ft. reel. Tag #BC0320. Murray 21-ft. mower. Tag #Zenith0320..........................................................$100 Shop lights. Tag #Zenith0320. John Deere 9400 40-ft. drills. Tag #Klint0320............................................... $9500 New Holland 1048 2-wide bale wagon. Tag #Klint0320. Massey Ferguson 1841 center line square baler. Tag #Klint0320. Tender box. Tag #Klint0320............................................................................ $3500 Used Bale King bale processor. Tag #Larry0320......................................... $8500 Versatile 276 bidirectional with loader, no grapple. Tag #RonC0320......... $25,000 New Holland 664 twine wrap baler. Nice shape. Tag #BobS0320.


Ford 145 roll over plow. Tag #HiddenL0819................................................$2500 Friggstad B3-31 34-ft. plow, 1 1/4” shanks. Tag #JohnA0619.......................$9500 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, no wing lift, new tires, 1” shanks. Tag #JohnA0619..$4500 1982 Friggstad 80-ft. plow with 3-bar Flexi-Coil harrow. Tag #Rog0619. Flexi-Coil 600 36-ft. plow with air rank. Tag #BillO0519...........................$12,000 John Deere 335 3-bottom roll over plow. Tag #Hug0219........................... $3500 John Deere 66AH 5-bottom pull-type plow with 16” shears. Tag #DanG0919 Melroe 30-ft. plow. Tag #GaryS0120.......................................................... $4000 Gysler 13-ft. plow. Tag #CarlT0120...............................................................$2500


1994 Ford L9000 Aeromax Tag #Marshal0619.......................................$25,000 1999 Sterling semi truck. Tag #Marshal0619...........................................$25,000 1993 Ford L9000 truck for pulling trailers. Tag #Marshal0619.................$35,000 1975 International 4300 conventional truck, 19-ft. Rtena box, 13 speed transmission, tandem axle, good rubber. Tag #JohnA0619........................$25,000 1981 Kenworth flatbed truck, Cummins diesel engine. Tag #Marhsal0619...$4500 1979 International cab-over grain truck, 20-ft. ITB box, Cummins engine, 452,000 miles, tandem axle, 13 speed transmission. Tag #JohnA0619.............$25,000 1994 Interstate trailer, pintle hitch. Tag #CarlT1019. 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0419................................................................ Call International 190 fire truck. Tag #JohnR0519.............................................$6000 1999 Kenworth W900 truck. Tag #Brent0719..........................................$26,000 White semi truck with flatbed hay trailer. Tag #Karen1219.


Kubota out-front mower, 6-ft. deck. Also has rotary broom, hydrostat 4x4, 3 cylinder diesel, 2201 hours. Tag #Leon0419..........................................$12,500


2013 John Deere 569 Premium round baler. Tag #Abe0919..................$16,500 Case IH 3450 soft core round baler, makes 900# bales. Tag #JohnP1019...$4500 2005 Challenger RB 56 round baler, twine wrap, 1000 PTO, only 4400 bales. Tag #Harvey1019.............................................................................. $13,000 1992 New Holland 2000 big square baler. Tag #ArtH0519......................$12,000 2008 John Deere 568 round baler, net wrap, Gandy Hat preservative kit.$25,000 New Holland 275 small square baler. Makes 14x16 bales. Tag #Ben0619......$2500


Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0719..$4500


Degelman 5178 hylift rock picker. Tag #Doug0518.....................................$9500 Degelman R570S rockpicker. Tag #Fey0619..............................................$4500 New H&S 1460 wheel rake. Tag #Hug0619..............................................$19,500 Bobcat skid steer loader V-blade. Tag #DaveT0819. Vermeer 2300 rake with very little use. Tag #DougP0819........................$19,000 New Keho 71/2 hp aeration fan, 3 phase, 480 volt. Tag #Rod0819..............$2995 Peterson 50-ft. rock roller. Tag #Dan0519................................................$10,000 17 rollers for Cat dozers. Tag #Marshal0619.................................Price Pending New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0419...Preseason Price Lowe trencher for skid steer loader. Tag #CarlT0919...............................$44,500 Shaver HD8 3-point post pounder. Tag #Vern0919.......................................$800 40 hp electric motor. Tag #Neal0416 24-ft. portable corral panels. Tag #BCreek0719.............................................$350 Vermeer 625 wood chipper. Tag #LarryK0919............................................$7500 Gravel for sale. Tag #GunsightGr0916 Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0419...............$1500 EZ Trail 3400 weigh wagon with scales and side delivery auger. Tag #Chuck0519..........................................................................................$7500 30-ft. portable corral gates. Tag #BirchCr0117.........................................$450 ea. NEW!! Danuser hydraulic post hole digger, 9” & 12” auger. Tag #Hug0619..$3000 Du-Al 365 loader and spear. Tag #GaryS0117............................................$2500 John Deere 45 loader. Tag #DaveM0117....................................................$1500 Liberty 41 gallon sewage pumps. Tag #KenW1118.............................$600 each John Deere 3970 forage harvester. Tag #DaveH0519................................$7500 Vermeer R23A rake. Tag #Karen1219. John Deere 970 cultipack. Tag #Karen1219. 60-ft. conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. 2-20-ft. conveyor. Tag #Karen1219. 4-Aeration fans. Tag #Karen1219. Weighmatic potato bagger. Tag #Karen1219.

Financing Available

International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1019.........................................................................................$7500 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader., 5232 hours, has 18.4x30 rear tires. Tag #ArtH0619.....................................................$19,500 1996 New Holland 9030 bi-directional, 6000 hours, with Case 18-ft. auger header, loader and grapple fork. Tag #Tanner0619............................................$59,000 Case 1486 2WD tractor. Tag #Gary0919.....................................................$9500 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #Neal0519...$7500 John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0819......................................................................................$6500 Big Bud HN360 tractor, 855 Cummins engine, 400 hp. Tag #ArtH0519..$45,000 John Deere 730 tractor with narrow front. Tag #ANF0719. International FC tractor, 540 PTO. Does not run. Tag #SteveF1019. 2018 Case IH 580Q quad track tractor, twin hydraulic pumps, PTO, Luxury cab, full auto steer, 1330 drive line hours. Next to new. Tag #Kem1219...$275,000 John Deere 7520 tractor, 1000 PTO. Tag #ANF1219. John Deere 8630 tractor, 23.1x34 tires, 3-point, PTO, 9681 hours. Tag #Karen1219. International 706 2WD tractor with loader. Tag #Leon0419. Case IH Puma 180 FWD tractor with loader/grapple, Tag #Wayne1118...$80,000 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0419........................ Call Case MX120 MFD tractor with L300 FEL loader, 96” bucket, square bale fork. Tag #Rog0919....................................................................................$45,000 Versatile 610 4WD tractor, only 250 hours, has 8:00x38 dual tires, power shift, 60 GPM hydraulics, weight package. Tag #RogW1019....................$385,000 John Deere 4020 tractor with loader, engine overhaul.Tag #TedH0519.....$15,000 Ford 8000 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, cab, loader. Tag #Glenn0619. Versatile 800 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, (2 new tires), manual transmission, 5953 hours. Tag #JackW0419.................................................................. Call Oliver 80 Hart Par tractor. Tag #Leon0419. Massey 30B 2WD tractor with loader, 3-point. Tag #Marshal0619..............$2500 Allis Chalmers WG in excellent shape. Tag #Jim0819...............................$5000 Rollamatic 8N tractor with new motor. Tag #Jim0819.................................$5000 Fordson Major diesel tractor. Tag #Jim0819..............................................$5000 1985 Versatile 956 set up for air seeder, 8078 hours. Tag #JackW0120..$35,000 1993 Versatile 876 tractor with only 2500 hours. Tag #JackW0120.........$45,000 John Deere 2750 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader. Tag #Art1219...$18,000 John Deere 8630 tractor, 20.8x34 tires, 8696 hours. Tag #Karen1219.


Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air seeder, 1720 tow behind tank, 7.5” spacing. Tag #Paul0120. Yielder 1520 no till drill. Tag #Karen1219.


1999 Ford E350 van, 15-passenger, 459,893 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619....$6000 2012 Ford F150 pickup, 4x4, 68,500 miles, automatic. Tag #Doug0819..$17,000 1993 5-seat bus, 138,000 miles. Tag #Lorenze0619...................................$6000 1984 Ford F250 pickup, 4-speed manual, 2 wheel drive. Tag #Jack0419...... Call 2008 Dodge 3500 pickup, grill guard, flatbed with tool boxes, 299,000 miles, Cummins, 10,000 miles on new transmission. Tag #TagLorenze0619....$15,000 1976 Ford F250 pickup, manual transmission, gas. Tag #JackW0120........$6500 1996 GMC 3500 pickup with service box. Tag #JackW0120.......................$7500 2002 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup, automatic transmission, crew cab, gas engine. Tag #RichT0120.................................................................................$10,500 2011 Dodge new long box, fender flares, rear bumper and tailgate. Black in color. Tag #DanG1219....................................................................................$5500


Badger Hopto trailer mounted backhoe. Tag #Hug1019............................$1500 New Wacker Neuson skid steer loader and other construction equipment . Bale spear for skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0619............................................$650 Bale spear for skid steer loader. Tag #Fey0619.............................................$750 1998 Harris skid steer loader. Tag #Marshal0619.......................................$4500 Ford 655C tractor/loader/backhoe, rebuilt engine. Tag #Lorenze0619.....$18,000 Bobcat 863 skid steer loader. Tag #Debbie0519.........................................$5000 Cat 6-way blade to fit skid steer loader. Tag #Pack1118..............................$4800 John Deere 30 3-point backhoe. Tag #Tanner0619....................................$2000 Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1018.........................................................$3500 Stihl forklift 8000 lb. capacity, 18,883 hours, propane, side shift. Tag #Leon0419. 2016 New Wacker Neuson WL34 wheel loader. Tag #LarryB0617. Hyster 1140 forklift, 2650 hours, side shift. Tag #Leon0419. Snow blower for John Deere 304. Tag #Brent0718......................................$7000 10 John Deere 624K wheel loader. Tag #Brent0718...............................$97,000 XL2410 skid steer mounted snowblower used very little. Tag #GaryC0318. New Danuser hammer skid steer mounted post pounder. Tag #Hug0119....$4995 2011 JCB 330 skid steer loader, 1300 hours, 3300# lifting capacity, 84” bucket. Tag #Austin0120.................................................................................$38,000 Lowe 30C trencher. Tag #CartT0120............................................................$6500

Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE


H&S 2212 manure spreader, 125 bushel, 540 PTO. Tag #FredV0120.......$10,500


John Deere 60 tractor, 540 PTO, runs great. Tag #RonA0316 John Deere B tractor, tricycle front. Tag #ANF0216 John Deere 520 tractor, 540 PTO, 3-pt., new paint, runs great. Tag #RonA0316. ..............................................................................................................$6500 John Deere 3010 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point. Tag #ANF0619...........$8500 John Deere 3020 tractor. Tag #ANF0619. John Deere 60 restored tractor. Tag #Jim0819...........................................$5000 John Deere 4520 tractor. Tag #ANF0619....................................................$9500 Allis Chalmers WD restored tractor. Tag #Jim0819....................................$5000 Minneapolis-Moline Z restored tractor. Tag #Jim0819...............................$5000 Minneapolis-Moline R restored tractor. Tag #Jim0819...............................$5999 International Farmall Cub tractor, new paint, 540 PTO. Tag #RonA0316..$4500 John Deere D tractor with hydraulic package. Tag #DGeer1008................$3800 John Deere G tractor, tricycle front end, 540 PTO. Tag #ANF0619. John Deere 80 tractor with power steering, 540 PTO. Tag #ANF0619.......$8500 John Deere 830 tractor. Tag #ANF0619......................................................$9500 Ford Jubilee 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, loader, Tag #Glenn0619......$2500 John Deere B tractor, 540 PTO, new tires all around, runs great. Tag #RonA0316 John Deere R tractor, 540 PTO, cab. Tag #WSpiecher1008.......................$5000 John Deere AW tractor. Tag #ANF0216......................................... Call for Details John Deere M rebuilt antique tractor, 2-pt., 540 PTO. Parade ready tractor. Tag #GaryH0916......................................................................................$11,000 International 300 tractor, 3-pt., power steering, loader. Tag #Cliff0416......$3600 International Farmall M tractor. Tag #Larry0913........................................$2500 Farmall Super M 2WD tractor. Tag #ANF0415...........................................$3500 Farmall M tractor, F10 loader. Tag #BobK0214 2-John Deere Model A tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere Model B tractor. Tag #ConradN0120. John Deere Model AR tractor. Tag #ConradN0120.


New PJ trailers for sale. Tag #Eequip0220.. Morris 4-drill hitch, may fit John Deere drills. Tag #JohnP0220................. $1900 Flexi-Coil 340 40-ft. plow. Tag #ArtHanson0220........................................$11,500 2-Massey Ferguson 12 hay baler. As Is. Tag #PatH0220............................. $2000 John Deere 4020 tractor for parts. Tag #ANF0210. Versatile 2000 42-ft drills on transport hitch, 12” spacing. Packers have been recapped. Tag #GaryS0220................................................................. $6500 25-ft. air reel for JD 925 header. Tag #JohnP0220. 30-ft. air reel for JD 930 header. Tag #JohnP0220. 2006 New Holland 57-ft. air seeder with 430 tow behind cart single shoot. Tag #Rog0220......................................................................................... $65,000 2001 John Deere 4890 windrower with 16-ft double sickle header, 1700 cutting hours. Tag #Harvey0220...................................................................... $42,000 New Fair bale processors & snowblowers. See Huggy Bear. John Deere ground drive manure spreader. Tag #VicC0220....................... $750 Fertilizer spreader wagon. Tag #VicC0220................................................... $750 Dura 100 amp welder. Tag #HowardW0220. Farm Saw chainsaw. Tag #HowardW0220. Pulse 1750 portable generator. Tag #HowardW0220. Power Day portable generator. Tag #HowardW0220. Animal traps. Tag #HowardW0220. 2013 Loftness bagger & extractor. Tag #KevinB0220................................ $71,000 Case 4490 4WD tractor, 18.4x38 tires with 1000 PTO. Tag #BillB0220....$12,000 1991 Case IH 2188 combine, 4400 engine hours, 3021 separator hours, 36-ft. Honey Bee draper header. Tag #DaveP0220.....................................$28,000 International 1150 grinder mixer, 20” mill, 2 screens, new drive belt, shedded. Tag #ANF0220......................................................................................$5500 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 air seeder with 1720 tow behind cart, 7.2” spacing. Tag #Paul0220......................................................................................... $25,000 1998 Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow with straight tines, down pressure springs. Tag #Paul0220..................................................................... $13,000 2005 Case 2388 combine with 36-ft. 2042 draper header, 2610 engine hours, and 1899 separator hours. Tag #Paul0220........................................ $65,000 Case 1010 30-ft. straight cut header. Tag #Paul0220...............................$10,000 Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer with wind screens. Tag #Paul0220......................................................................................... $15,000 Steiger PT225 tractor. Tag #Paul0220......................................................$12,500 Case IH 1015 pickup header with Rakeup pickup attachment. Tag #Paul0220..... ...........................................................................................................$10,000 Canola roller. Tag #Hugh0220..................................................................... $1500 2001 Case IH 2388 combine with bin extensions, yield monitor, Auto Steer, 30-ft. MacDon draper header, 2130 separator hours. Tag #Hugh0220...... $70,000 Case 810 pickup header with Sund pickup attachment. Tag #Hugh0220... $5000 Case 810 pickup header with Rake-Up pickup attachment. Tag #Hugh0220....... ............................................................................................................. $6500 Compu Spray 60-ft. sprayer. Tag #Hugh0220............................................ $3500 1973 Ford F250 pickup, set up as a fire truck. Tag #Hugh0220................. $6000 Mayrath 28-ft. auger with mover and bin sweep. Tag #Hugh0220.............. $6500 John Deere 396 grain auger. Tag #Hugh0220............................................. $250 Versatile 54-ft. PTO grain auger. Tag #Hugh0220........................................ $500 Versatile 4400 22-ft. DSA header. Tag #Hugh0220.....................................$3500 Westgo 1310 10”x60-ft. side delivery auger. #Hugh0220...........................$2500 1985 Cat 627B scraper with cab and heat. Tag #Riley0220.....................$75,000 2 new scraper tires, 32.25x29 E-3 32-ply. Tag #Riley0220....................$5500 ea. 1995 Cat D6H dozer. Tag #Riley0220.......................................................$65,000 1994 Cat 322BL excavator with hydraulic thumb. Tag #Riley0220...........$40,000 Cat 988 wheel loader, 7.5 yd. bucket, cab and heat. Tag #Riley0220.......$25,000 2008 Cat 420E tractor/loader/backhoe. Tag #Riley0220...........................$48,500 1987 International service truck with crane. Tag #Riley0220..................$28,500 2015 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup, 145,000 miles. Tag #Riley0220................$22,500 Spectra lazer. Tag #Riley0220.....................................................................$1400 John Deere 4520 tractor with 158 loader/grapple. Tag #Riley0220.........$14,000 Vermeer R2800 hydraulic rake. Tag #Riley0220.......................................$18,500 Versatile 895 4-wheel drive tractor. Tag #Riley0220................................$17,500 Versatile 855 4-wheel drive tractor, rebuilt engine, new clutch, new tires. Tag #Riley0220.........................................................................................$27,500 Wheatheart drive-over unloading auger, like new. Tag #Rilery0220. 2008 TravAlong 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer. Tag #Riley0220..................$8000 1978 TrailMaster 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer. Tag #Riley0220.................$2850 New Holland 425 baler. Tag#Riley0220......................................................$2800 New Holland 905 gas swather. Tag #Riler0220............................................$750 Meyer pull-type ditcher. Tag #Riley0220......................................................$1500 2000-ft. of 4” ball and socket center riser handline. Tag #Riley0220.....$85 per ft. Rome 8-ft. offset disc. Tag #Riley0220........................................................$1000 Melroe rockpicker. Tag #Riley0220..............................................................$1000 Slide-in stock rack. Tag #Riley0220.............................................................. $300 Meyers 10-bale sweep. Tag #Riley0220........................................................$250 John Deere 12-ft. hoe drill, 7” spacing. Tag #Riley0220................................$600 1978 Chevrolet 3/4-ton 2WD pickup. Tag #Riley0220....................................$800 John Deere 16-ft. cultivator. Tag #Riley0220.................................................$750 International M tractor, wide front. Tag #Riley0220....................................$3500 1970 Buick LaSabre Tag #Riley0220...........................................................$200 Antique cream separator. Tag #Riley0220.....................................................$200 Kenworth cabover truck with Cummins 903 engine. Tag #GaryB0220.......$6500 John Deere 655 air drill with 40-ft. JD 600 or 610 plow. Tag #GaryB0220..$6500 John Deere 535 round baler with net wrap. Tag #GaryB0220....................$4500 Hay train with 32-ft. front trailer and 30-ft. rear trailer. Tag #Jeff0220...........$8500


Farm King 10x60 swing hopper auger. Tag #JohnA0619...........................$9500 Farm King 10”x70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #HiddenLake0419.............$3500


Donahue 28-ft. trailer. Tag #Carl0919..........................................................$3000 Eddie Bauer gooseneck trailer with new brakes, new LED lights. Tag #DBK1118.............................................................................................$4800 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 Fire trailer with 3 fire hoses, 500 gallon tank, Honda, great for upcoming harvest. Dave T0819...........................................................................................$6500 1991 Aljo 21-ft. gooseneck travel trailer, sleeps 6, has refrigerator and sink, air conditioning, sound system. Tag #Mary0919........................................$8500


New Holland 1032 bale wagon. Tag #Lyle0120. 1985 New Holland 1032 2-wide bale wagon, 69 bale capacity. Tag #HerbK0519. New Holland Super 1049 3-wide bale wagon. Tag #BobB0619..............$14,000


Massey 35 25-ft. pull type swather in excellent shape with extra parts. Tag #Hug0419................................................................................................$2500


White 9700 combine with 25-ft. header, pickup reel. Tag #Karen1219. White 9700 combine for parts. Tag #Karen1219.

PJ Trailers & Mini Trucks Call Huggy Bear

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B12




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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B13

Skookumchuck Ag, Sunburst, Montana is liquidating a complete modern line of equipment as they close down the farm division. This is mostly late model, lower hour equipment with dealer maintenance on much of it. Call/text or email Lyle Benjamin for full details and more pictures. (406) 539-5953

2010 John Deere 1835 air drill, 61-ft., 10” spacing, recapped steel packers, 3” carbine openers @ 70%, primary blockage, double shoot, 1910 tow between cart, ground drive variable rate, mid row disc banders..........................$92,000 2012 John Deere 1830 air drill, 61-ft., 12” spacing, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, primary and secondary blockage monitors, 1” carbide openers with 3000 acres on them, 1910 tow behind 430 bushel cart, 10” fill auger.......$75,000

2005 XL Specialized 53-ft. drop deck trailer, spread axle, (2) 3200 gallon tanks, 70 gallon mix cone with jug knife, 4 way induction manifold with 12v pump, John Deere 3” pump with electric start, deck space for (5) shuttles..................$28,000

2005? Summers 70-ft. heavy harrow, hydraulic adjustable tines, new hoses on main lines................................$15,000

1995 Kenworth T800 grain truck, tandem axle, 20-ft. aluminum box, Cummins N14 425 hp, Super 10 speed, wet kit, pintle hitch, newer tarps, 497,585 miles...................$35,000 1995 Kenworth T800 grain truck, tandem axles, 20-ft. aluminum box, Cummins N14 425 hp, Super 10 speed, wet kit, pintle hitch, newer tarps, 503,803 miles...................$35,000

2012 John Deere 4830 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon stainless tank, 5 way nozzles, 2630 controller with Starfire 3000, 2591 hours...............................$125,000

2005 Case IH 2388 combine, factory straw choppers, maxi tops for 300 bushel capacity, large and small wire concaves, recent work orders. Comes with 30-ft. 1010 header with trailer, 2015 pickup header with Swathmaster attachment, 1689 rotor hours, 2078 engine hours.......................$75,000 2005 Case IH 2388 combine, factory straw choppers, maxi tops for 300 bushel capacity, large and small wire concaves, recent work orders. Comes with 30-ft. 1010 header with trailer, 2015 pickup header with Swathmaster attachment. Hours close to other unit, will need to verify.............$75,000

1994 GMC TopKick 6500, 6.0L gas, 5 speed manual, single axle, 16-ft. flatbed, Montezuma toolbox, (3) Reike toolboxes, 400 gallon fuel tank with 12v 20 gallon/minute pump, Eagle air compressor with 5.5 Honda, Miller 225 welder/generator with low hours, oxy/acetylene torch kit, 80,000? miles.......... .................................................................................$15,000


Case IH 3020 35-ft. flex auger head with pickup reel and air reel...........................................................................$27,000

1965 Eversman scraper, 3 yard. Good condition............$6000

1971 Chevrolet C50 single axle grain truck, 366 V8, 16-ft. box, Shur-Lok tarp. Runs good...........................................SOLD

1995 Degelman rock picker, average condition..............$4000

1977 International 490 30-ft. disc, 18” blades................$4500 2000 Caterpillar 95E 425hp track tractor, 30” tracks @ 50%, 10 speed powershift, 4 remotes, plumbed for air drill, John Deere AccuTrack GPS steering with 2630 monitor, 5004 hours........................................................................$95,000 1996 John Deere 7600 FWA tractor, 112 hp, PowerShift, 540/1000 PTO, 740 loader, 8-ft. bucket and forks. Newer rubber on front, 4000-5000 hours............................$47,500 1999 Premier 2930 swather (MacDon 9200 equivalent), MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header with triple delivery capability, MacDon 920 12-ft. hay head, steel conditioner, 1721 hours. .................................................................................$27,000 2009 E-Z Trail 710 grain cart, PTO or hydraulic drive, tarp. Good condition.........................................................$20,000 2012 Capstan individual nozzle section control for John Deere sprayers, set up for 100-ft. 20” spacing....................$20,000 2018 Brandt 1547 conveyor with hydraulic mover, hydraulic winch, work lights, electric start, collapsing hopper.$20,000 1983 Case IH 1390 2WD tractor, 60 PTO hp, cab, loader......... .................................................................................$12,500 2009 Brandt 5000EX grain vac, good flighting, bearings replaced on mid auger.................................................$10,000 1978 New Holland 1049 self-propelled small square bale stacker, cab, Ford 361 gas, 5 speed, 158 bale capacity, triple wide, 9 tier..........................................................$7500 1975 Allis Chalmers 180 tractor, 65 PTO hp, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 2 hydraulic remotes, loader.........................................$6500 1981 New Castle 10 ton trailer, flip ramp on beavertail, dual tandem axle, pintle, 20-ft. estimated length.................$6000 2004 GMC 2500HD, 3/4 ton pickup, extended cab, 6.0L, 5th wheel ball, Rhino Lined bed, 267,000 miles................$5000

2000 Castleton grain trailer, 42-ft., 102” wide, 72” tall, steel bins, spring ride, newer canvas, pintle hitch, plumbed for pup...........................................................................$15,000

Allis Chalmers 3-pt. backhoe.........................................$1500

1981 Wilson pup grain trailer, aluminum, Dayton hubs............. .................................................................................$11,000

2006 Brandt 65-ft. auger. Has been repaired..................$7000

1999 Bench Industries barley upgrader, 400 bushel/hour with 6” auger, single phase power......................................$4500 1985 New Holland 1032 bale wagon..............................$3500 1952 Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor, gas engine, post pounder on front, post hole digger on back...............................$3000 1985 John Deere 357 small square baler, 16x18, twine wrap, broken needle. Average condition...............................$2500 1998 Sakundiak 10”x70-ft. swing away auger. Shear bolts keep breaking..............................................................$2500 2013 F/S UTV box mount sprayer, 18-ft. boom, 50 gallon tank, 5.5 hp Honda, hand wand with reel.............................$2000 1999 Polaris 700 RMK snowmobile, 151” track..............$2000 2004 16-ft. utility trailer, medium duty..............................$1700 2014 PJ 12-ft. utility trailer, light duty...............................$1500 1995 Farm King 70-ft. swing away auger. Repairs needed, shear bolts keep breaking...........................................$1500 2000 gallon horizontal tank..............................................$1250

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B14

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


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Interdisciplinary program leads MSU student to research, business success By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service

A decade ago, Montana State University (MSU) senior Miles Maxcer never imagined he would develop a passion for ants. In fact, after he sat on an anthill during elementary school recess and the insects swarmed him and stung his entire body, he detested them. It wasn’t until a few years later that a sixth-grade teacher challenged Maxcer and his classmates to learn more about something they didn’t like and to determine whether their aversion was truly justified. Maxcer got an ant farm so he could observe the insects tunneling — safely behind plexiglass. “It turns out that ants are really, really cool,” Maxcer said. “And I’ve been studying them ever since.” Maxcer, a native of Moscow, Idaho, who is majoring in interdisciplinary studies through the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences in the College of Agriculture, has built a degree program from his passions. By combining environmental science, political science and science communication with help from the Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program in the MSU Honors College, he hopes to teach more students to explore the world of insects and spark interest the same way it was sparked in him — but without the stings. “I knew I wanted to attend a university that would support my passion for ant research and outreach,” said Maxcer. “When I interviewed at MSU, I really found a community of like-minded science communicators and researchers.” The Directed Interdisciplinary Studies program is designed for undergraduate students who want to integrate three or more academic disciplines into their degree program. Faculty from each of those disciplines help to design a curriculum and independent research project to address the intersection of those disciplines. The program allows for an academic plan uniquely tailored to the individual student. Maxcer became involved in research immediately upon arriving at MSU, joining a project cataloging the ant species in Yellowstone National Park. In partnership with his adviser, Bob Peterson, park biologist Erik Oberg and the National Science Foundation, Maxcer has helped identify nine species and five genera of ants in the northern range of Yellowstone that hadn’t previously been identified in the park. Over time, researchers involved in Yellowstone’s Phenology Project will follow the movement of the species to determine the impacts of a changing climate on ant population and distribution. “It is impossible to talk about Miles without also discussing his innate leadership abilities,” said Peterson, in whose lab Maxcer said he found a home as soon as he came to MSU. “He is an intellectual at a high level for an undergraduate, to be sure, but more importantly he also leverages that intellectualism to lead others. His commitment to science communication, education and public policy is unlike anything I have seen from an undergraduate.” Last summer, Maxcer also took his research to the international stage. He traveled to Madagascar to assist a research team studying ants in the unexplored canopies of the island’s dry forests. While in Africa, Maxcer learned about the plight of pangolins, endangered and heavily trafficked anteater-like animals illegally harvested for their scales. Pangolins only eat a few species of ants, Maxcer said, and he hopes that future research and collaborations cast

some light on the biological implications of those dietary specialties. Another element of Maxcer’s interdisciplinary program has included years of outreach work aimed at bringing a love for nature to students across the nation. For the past four years, he has worked to build a science communication company, The Ant Network, through partnership with MSU’s Blackstone LaunchPad at MSU. The startup won the largest business pitch competition in Montana this spring, the John Ruffatto Business Startup Challenge at the University of Montana, and took second place at MSU’s Big Idea Challenge, hosted by the Jake Jabs College of Business and Entrepreneurship. Representatives from The Ant Network, which seeks to foster educational outreach programs focused on the insects, have given more than 50 presentations at schools and science camps around the Northwest and has installed exhibits in schools and at Bozeman’s Montana Science Center. The Ant Network also produced a documentary about the ant and pangolin research in Madagascar in partnership with the California Academy of Sciences and North Carolina State University. Maxcer’s ultimate goal is to put an ant farm in every school in the country. To accomplish this, he has teamed up with MSU students Ben Schwartz, who studies environmental history, and Thomas Stanton, who studies financial engineering. “From the minute our Presidential Scholarship Selection Committee first met Miles four years ago, we were uniformly impressed by his passion for science,” said Ilse-Mari Lee, dean of the MSU Honors College. “During his time at MSU, he has mentored students through the Honors Mentoring Program in the public schools and educated and inspired many through his work with The Ant Network. Miles has positively impacted our university and wider Bozeman communities by instilling an appreciation for our natural world in others.” Maxcer will remain busy during the last semester of his undergraduate career, just as he has since he first arrived at MSU. He presented his research at the Entomological Society of America’s international meeting in St. Louis in November and will present at the Museum of the Rockies as part of the Year of Undergraduate Research’s Innovation Roadshow on January 30, then again at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research March 26-28. He credits his time at MSU for providing him with the opportunity to get involved with all of his interests rather than focusing on just one. “My experience at MSU has been far more than what I expected. It’s given me the opportunity to pursue lots of interests,” Maxcer said. “I used to consider college that great forced choice between politics, communicating science and being a scientist, and MSU made it so I didn’t have to make that choice.” ##### Most horses will choose to go around a puddle or body of water, rather than walk through it. If a horse will not go through water, have another horse lead the way. The herd instinct might encourage the balking horse to follow. ##### Yes, horses do sneeze–and you had better stand back when they do.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B15

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be Wednesday, April 1. Phone (406) 271-5533.

AAA 18386945

AAA 17735747

AAA 19039092

Butch Gillespie of Ethridge and Kaleb Lewis of Cut Bank took advantage of the great education and hot coffee at Montana’s Next Generation conference in Shelby February 1, 2020. Both agreed that Korey Fauque’s presentation on reducing inputs through regenerative ag was a highlight with Korey’s numerous photos and videos of practices he’s tried on their farm and ranch near Sunburst. Photo by Kari Lewis.

I breed for mothering ability, intelligence, herd instinct and disposition FIRST! A survival of the fittest type operation where the cattle are required to calve unassisted on pasture. The more I allow my cows to be cows, the better cows they become.

Selling Private Treaty First week of April

Offering 20 yearling bulls, 6 two-year old bulls, 6 heifer calves, and bred heifers available now

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B16

##### Strong, heavily muscled, yet agile European horse breeds, traditionally used for classical riding, are commonly called Baroque horses. Lipizzaners, Lusitanos, Andalusians, and Friesians are all Baroque horses. ##### Lipizzaners (considered one of Europe’s oldest breeds) are born black, and gradually turn white. A Lipizzaner that stays dark is considered by some to be good luck.




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This Day in History - March

9 Ironclad ships the Monitor and the Merrimack battle in the Civil war. 10 The U.S. government issues paper money for the first time. (1862) • Alexander Graham Bell places the world’s first telephone call, to his assistant in the next room. (1876) 11 The most famous storm in American history begins.... the Blizzard of 1888.(1888) 12 Girl Scouts were founded. (1912) • Baseball great Joe DiMaggio agrees to a new contract with the NY Yankees, and gets a $6,250 raise. My, how times have changed! (1942) 13 Senate begins impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson. (1868) • Greenwood patented earmuffs, originally called the “Champion Ear Protector”. (1877) See Ear Muff Day • Harvard University is named after clergyman John Harvard. (1639) 14 Eli Whitney patents the Cotten Gin (1794) • George Eastman, founder of Eastman Kodak Company, commits suicide rather than facing the ravages of cancer. (1932) 15 “The Ides of March” Julius Caesar is stabbed to death by Marcus Junius Brutus. (44 B.C.) 16 Professor Robert Goddard launches the first liquid fuel rocket. (1926) • The Mai Lai Massacre takes place in Vietnam. (1968) 17 On this day everyone is a little bit Irish- It’s Saint Patrick’s Day! • The rubber band was invented. Can you imagine life without them!?! (1845) 18 Soviet Union cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov becomes the first person to take a space walk. (1965) 19 Congress approves Daylight Savings Time. (1918) 20 Harriet Beacher Stowe publishes the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin . (1852) 21 The infamous Alcatraz prison is closed. (1963) 23 Patrick Henry declares “Give me liberty, or give me death!” (1775) 24 German scientist Robert Koch announces he has discovered the bacillus that causes Tuberculosis. (1882) • Elvis Presley joins the U.S. Army. (1958) 25 The European Economic Community (ECC) is established by the Treaty of Rome. (1957) 26 Ludwig von Beethoven dies in Vienna, Austria. (1827) • Dr. Jonas Salk invents a vaccine to fight polio. • The Eastman Dry Plate and Chemical Company manufactures the first motion picture film. (1885) 27 The biggest earthquake ever recorded strikes Anchorage, Alaska. It measured 8.3 on the Richter scale. (1964) 28 Nathaniel Briggs patents the washing machine. (1797) • The city of Madrid falls to the forces of Francisco Franco, ending the Spanish Civil War. (1939) • Three Mile Island nuclear power plant accident occurs in Middletown, Pa. (1979) 29 Ice jams stop the flow of water over Niagara Falls. (1848) • Coca Cola is invented. (1886) 30 The 15th amendment goes into effect, giving black men the right to vote. (1870) • Jeopardy debuts on television. (1964) 31 The Eiffel Tower opens in Paris, France (1889)

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554

Contact us at or


Demo unit with RD 163 16-ft. rotary header, 250 hp, large deluxe cab with great visibility, comfort, and a buddy seat, fully integrated auto guidance for effortless operation, Pro 700 color touchscreen, hydraulic header float and angle, power reverser, and much more. Our new “3 Se- from dryland grass to alfalfa to 12-ft. sorghum ries” rotary headers with ease and run them through the 108” steel are designed to cut a conditioner rolls. MSRP $231,668 wide variety of crops

MVE BLOWOUT $156,135



Demo unit with 18-ft. dual sickle header, 150 HP, 2 speed hydrostat, suspended cab and rear axle, large deluxe cab with unmatched visibility and comfort, power reverser, hydraulic header float and guard angle. MSRP $172,861

MVE BLOWOUT $102,389

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Natural-air drying concepts, busted myths

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B17

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

By NDSU Extension Service Hellevang says. “Keep the stored grain near The moisture content and temperature of or below 30 degrees until drying starts.” grain play a big role in how long that grain Information is circulating that drying occan be stored without significant deterioration. Air drying is one way to reduce the moiscurs at night and not during the day, so fans should be operated at night and not during the ture in grain. However, natural-air drying is daytime. This theory has several inaccuracies, not effective during the winter, according to Hellevang says. Ken Hellevang, North Dakota State University At airflow rates used for natural-air drying, (NDSU) Extension agricultural engineer and the grain temperature rapidly changes and is grain drying expert. The cold air does not hold fluctuating during a 24-hour period. The time enough moisture to accomplish in-bin drying. required to change the grain temperature can For example, 100,000 pounds of air (about be estimated by dividing 15 by the airflow rate. 1,280,000 cubic feet) at 47 degrees and 70% So, at 1 cfm/bu, changing the temperature of relative humidity used for air drying 21% the grain in the bin will take only about 15 moisture corn in October will pick up about 70 hours. pounds of water while drying the corn to 16% During the daytime, the grain is being moisture, which is the equilibrium moisture warmed. Then as outdoor air temperatures content (EMC) of corn for that air condition. cool during the evening, the grain at the botIn January, the same 100,000 pounds of air at 7 degrees and 70% relative humidity will tom of the bin gradually cools and the air is pick up only about 9 pounds of water while warmed by the grain. As the air is warmed, drying the corn to only about 19% moisture, the moisture-holding capacity is increased. which is the EMC of corn at that air condition. During the forenoon, the grain at the botUsing an airflow rate of 1 cubic foot per tom of the bin gradually is warmed by the air minute per bushel (cfm/bu), drying the corn and the air is cooled. The cooling of the air in October will take about 50 days, and a limits the moisture-holding capacity, but the limited amount of drying in January will take warming of the grain creates drying potential 120 days. for later. “The general recommendation is to wait unMoisture is removed by evaporation, which requires that the grain and air going til the outdoor air temperature averages about 40 degrees to air-dry corn and soybeans,” CONTINUED ON PAGE B18

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554 Contact us at or


With L360 Case IH loader. This like new unit has ONLY 46 hours. Previous owner bought a bigger place and a bigger tractor. Cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 remotes, 3-point hitch, 16x16 transmission, and Factory Warranty plus extended Warranty. Retails for $43,680 .........MVE Price Just $35,290




5x6 twine mesh unit with Megawide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5x-16.1 tires, and bale push bar. Very well maintained unit with 19,899 bales and ready to go to work. Book says $29,854...................... MVE Price $25,892

With L745 loader grapple. Very clean LEASE return with MFWD, 16x16 PowerShift transmission, cab suspension, cold weather package, 29 GPM hydraulic system, Class IV front axle, 3 remotes, front fenders, 3 function MM valve with joystick, and rear wheel weights. Loader is self level with a 4 tine 2 cylinder grapple fork. Just 632 hours and PPP until 5/31/2020................. ................................................ Great Buy at $75,723



Like new HDL-1124-16 spike tooth harrow. This is the ideal tool for pasture renovation and field preparation, with 16 bars of HD replaceable spikes. Retailed for $22,619. Previous owner bought a bigger unit. Buy this one with only 50 acres for............ .................................................................................$18,303



Includes HD 95” bucket w/4 tine grapple, mounts for Maxxum tractor, 3 function mid-mount valve and joystick.......................... .................................................GREAT BUY $15,780


Very nice 5x6 twine baler w/540 PTO. Just 18,000 bales on this Xtra clean unit..................... Priced to sell at $9,635

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B18

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Rocky Forseth of Helena shared his livestock marketing knowledge at Montana’s Next Generation Conference in Shelby. Rocky covered the components of a successful marketing program and provided options for producers to increase their herd’s value at sale time. Photo by Kari Lewis.

Natural-air drying concepts CONTINUED FROM PAGE B17

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through the grain be warm enough to evaporate the moisture until moisture equilibrium is reached, based on the EMC of the grain. If the grain was not warmed during the day, the grain would remain at the night temperature, so running the fan the next night would bring cold, damp air in on cold grain and little if any drying would occur. As an example, a producer is attempting to dry 16% moisture soybeans in April when the average temperature is 42 degrees and 70% relative humidity. The soybeans would be expected to dry to about 13.5% moisture if the fans run 24 hours per day. Typically, the temperature varies by 20 to 25 degrees during a 24-hour period, and the relative humidity changes as the air temperature changes unless moisture is added or removed from the air. If the fans were operated just at night, the grain would be about 32 degrees, and the air condition would be about 32 degrees and 100% relative humidity. Based on the soybean EMC, operating the fan just at night would add moisture to the soybeans. “Unfortunately, there are no new ways to dry grain,” Hellevang notes. “The laws of nature continue to apply.” He recommends starting to natural-air dry corn and soybeans when the average air temperature is about 40 degrees. The maximum initial corn moisture for natural-air drying using an airflow rate of at least 1 cfm/bu is 20% this year due to the increased potential for deterioration because of damaged or immature kernels. The expected drying time for corn is about 45 to 50 days using an airflow rate of 1 cfm/bu. Drying time is proportional to the airflow rate, so at an airflow rate of 1.25 cfm/bu, the drying time is about 35 to 40 days. Adding heat will change the final corn moisture but will change the drying speed only slightly. Ensure that the fan’s airflow rate is adequate by checking fan charts or estimate airflow by using the fan selection program available at the NDSU grain drying and storage website ( graindrying). If temperatures cool to an average of about 30 degrees, the fans can be stopped. Wait until the temperature again averages at least about 40 degrees before starting the fans. Cool the grain by operating the fans at night or other cool periods before shutting off the fans to extend the storage life of the grain. Some producers are concerned about shutting fans off because that leaves a drying front in the grain. The drying front is the area in

the grain mass where the drying is occurring. The dry air comes in contact with wet grain at the bottom of the drying zone, picks up moisture until it comes into equilibrium with the grain in the drying zone and then carries that moisture through the wet grain above the drying zone and out of the bin. “There is nothing magical about the drying front or zone,” Hellevang says. “The grain and the drying zone will be in the same condition several days later when the fan is started again.” Fans should be shut off during rainy days and during fog. Here are some recommendations by crop: Soybeans Use an airflow rate of at least 1 cfm/bu to natural-air dry up to 16% moisture soybeans. The expected drying time with this airflow rate will be about 50 days. The allowable storage time for 18% moisture soybeans is only about 40 days at 50 degrees, so use a minimum airflow rate of 1.5 cfm/bu to natural-air dry 18% moisture soybeans. Wheat Normally start drying fans in late April when temperatures are averaging in the upper 40s. The estimated time to dry 17% moisture wheat using an airflow rate of 0.75 cfm/bu is about 40 days at 47 F. Adding supplemental heat that warms the air 3 to 5 degrees permits drying at a higher humidity but will approximately double the cost of drying. Barley Malting barley germination will be lost if adequate airflow is not provided so the barley is dried within the allowable storage time. The allowable storage time (or drying time) is related to the grain temperature and moisture content. The allowable storage time, based on germination, for 17% moisture barley is about 140 days at 50 degrees, 65 days at 60 degrees and only 30 days at 70 degrees. Germination will be lost before mold growth is visible. An allowable storage time chart for malting barley is available at the NDSU grain drying and storage website. Allowable storage time is cumulative, so if the 17% moisture barley was stored for 60 days last fall at 50 degrees before it was cooled for winter storage, the allowable storage time this spring is only about 60 days at 50 degrees before germination is lost. Drying 17% moisture barley will take about 40 days with an airflow rate of 0.75 cfm/bu at 50 degrees. Therefore, an airflow rate of 0.75 cfm/bu is the minimum recommended airflow rate to dry 17% moisture barley in the spring.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B19

2015 Versatile SX280

100-ft. booms, 3 auto, 3 sensors, full guidance Raven controls, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 3” side fill, mixing cone, 200 gallon fresh water tank, triple nozzle bodies, 5 boom control. Very clean


3 to choose from!

2019 Versatile 345 Soil razor blades, 9” spacing, heavy duty scrapers, bearing wear plates,rolling basket $98,000

2009 Versatile 435 Very clean one owner tractor. Tractor has been professionally tuned up to 480 hp $160,000

3 Versatile 895’s to choose from, give us a call for more info!

2 to choose from!

2 Versatile 875’s to choose from, give us a call for more info!

2012 VERSATILE SX275 Trimble Control, Auto steer, 100-ft. booms. $169,000 w/no auto boom ht, $179,500 w/auto boom ht

Versatile 825 with 12-ft. Leon blade, 250 hp, 7666 hours, 3 hydraulic remotes Just In - Call!

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Parts: Teresa General Manager: Dan Spicher Sales: Marty Lundstrom Owner: Ron Harmon 406-265-9554 CELL: 406-399-4435 CELL: 406-265-0096 406-654-7255

Take your pick!

1979 Big Bud 525/50 4290 hours, 900 Trellaborg tires, very clean tractor $180,000 Big Bud 525/50 $125,000

2008 John Deere 1830 60-ft., 12’ spacing, with 1910 430 bushel tow behind air cart $82,500

Flexi-Coil 800 Harrows, shanks and frame are good $27,500

2 to choose from! 2 Case IH ATX700’s with ADX3430 carts to choose from!!! $98,000

Great Plains 40-ft., 7.5” spacing, double disc drill, liquid fertilizer, 4500 acres $75,000

3 Big Bud 400/30’s to choose from!!

1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000

2005 SPRA-COUPE 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine $60,000

1996 Case IH 7120 Call for details! $60,000

2019 Wil-Rich 2550 CPW55-59 Heavy duty harrows, 12R225 tires $128,000

2005 CASE IH SPX3310 New reman engine, 90-ft boom with 1000 gallon tank, 20” spacing $82,000

John Deere 6150 with loader, 2780 hours, very nice clean tractor $120,000

2015 Seedmaster 6012 Nice, clean 60-ft. double shoot air drill with Onboard $230,000

Case 1150 8990 hours, 118 horse power, ripper $49,000

See More at:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B20

Robots, drones becoming workhorses for agriculture


Jump start your hemp, canola, or corn program with this John Deere 7000 finger pickup planter, 16 row 30” spacing, mechanical metering. Requires minimal hydraulics and can be pulled easily with a mid sized tractor. The poly seed boxes and lids are in good shape. Includes planter control and John Deere population monitor. Planted 3 seasons while we’ve owned it, works fine................ .............................................Asking $3900, will consider offers Call (406) 460-1326, Located near Sunburst, MT

By K-State Research and Extension News touched by some form of technology, The small, rolling vehicle looks a bit like whether it be sensors on tractors that presomething out of a science fiction film as cisely measure planting and fertilizing rates, it moves slowly across a barren patch of or thermal infrared cameras attached to land on Kansas State University’s North drones that fly above farm fields and detect Agronomy Farm. water or insect stress in crops. There are It rolls on treads similar to an Army tank, even robotic arms that can milk a cow. but the complicated array of attachments “I think farmers are ready for everything suggests something else. that is easy to adopt and which gives them The machine, which measures 2 feet tall a reliable and confident source of informaand 3 feet wide, was built for farm work by tion,” said Ajay Sharda, associate professor K-State agricultural engineer Dan Flippo of biological and agricultural engineering. and his students, who are testing its ability “That’s their bottom line. They cannot spend to cut a narrow trench and plant seeds in hours and hours to set it up or hours to run unison. them.” Their work on this day is a glimpse at Therein lies an opportunity for univeragriculture of the not-too-distant future, sities like Kansas State, which, in recent when small machines guided by computer years, has built considerable momentum programs will do some of the work and give toward incorporating technology on Amerfarmers large volumes of information that ica’s farms. they can use to plant, manage and harvest Rovers in the Field better crops. Flippo’s fleet includes several vehicles “We are not trying to take over tractors that spent their first life as motorized wheelor get rid of tractors; we are trying to make chairs. The students – which include unmore food,” Flippo said. “By 2050, we are dergraduates and graduates – are using the going to have close to 10 billion people, motor and casing to custom-build machines and right now we are not close to meeting that serve a specific purpose on the farm. the amount of food production that will be “There are different categories that we needed.” Much of agriculture already is being CONTINUED ON PAGE B22

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2012 Coyote C14D wheel loader, 80 hp, Cummins, 4WD, 111 hours, 1 1/2 yard bucket, pallet fork............................... $49,000

1977 John Deere 2640 tractor, diesel, 70 PTO hp, 5377 hours, EZee-On loader, 7-ft. bucket, new rear tires w/Bio-Guard ...... ........................................ $9700

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2011 Gehl DL 12-H40 John Deere engine, Dyna Lift, cab, heat, 72” pallet forks, 96” bucket, 40-ft. reach............................ $59,900

2013 Case ZTS excavator, cab, 18” bucket, 924 hours.........$29,900

1992 Vermeer V-450 45 hp John Deere diesel, trencher w/blade, backhoe, cable plow.... $11,900

1963 John Deere 3010 tractor, gas, 55 PTO hp, 4129 hoursFarmhand loader, 5-ft. bucket... ........................................ $7900

1973 John Deere 2030 tractor, diesel, 61 PTO hp, 5377 hours, Du-Al loader, 6-ft. bucket .......... ........................................ $7500

Billings Kubota, Inc.

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Weed Appreciation Day

Date When Celebrated: Always March 28 Today is Weed Appreciation Day, a day to go out and hug the common weeds found in your lawn or garden. Why appreciate weeds, you ask? What possible good can they be? Read on........... Definition of a Weed: A weed is any plant that is not in a place where you want it to be. Even edible, medicinal, herbal plants, and even flowers, are considered weeds to those who don’t want them where they pop up. For example: • Flowers can make their way into you vegetable garden, where you pull them out, like any other weed. • Even a common flower, vegetable or herb would be considered a weed, in the cracks of your driveway or sidewalk. • No one but a child considers dandelions in the lawn, to be anything other than a weed. • I do not know a single person who likes ragweed in any way, shape or form. • Queen Anne’s Lace is a popular flower in English gardens. In the USA however, it is considered an invasive weed. • Has anyone found a use for Tumbleweed? Now, consider the reverse..... • Imagine you are lost in the woods for days with no food or water. You come upon purslane, an otherwise common and pesky weed in the vegetable garden. This leafy, nutritious green, is quite edible, and may help to save your life. • If you love your salad greens, then the tender inner leaves of dandelion plants belong in your fresh garden salad. It does not belong in your lawn. It may belong in your garden as a salad green. • Dandelions are certainly not a weed, if you are a vintner and want to make dandelion wine. • Weeds offer food and shelter to birds and wildlife. • Many weeds produce an attractive flower. • Some weeds offer actual or potential medicinal value. Imagine if an obnoxious weed in your flower garden, is someday identified as a cure for cancer or the common cold. Common weeds do offer some benefits. They provide the very oxygen that you breathe. Weeds take in the carbon dioxide that you exhale. They also offer food and shelter for birds and wildlife. Take some time today, to hug your weeds, water your weeds, fertilize your weeds, or whatever you prefer to do to enjoy your weeds. We hope you and your weeds have a very happy Weed Appreciation Day!

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B21

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B22

The Advertising Deadline for the April issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st. Phone us at (406) 271-5533



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Robots, drones becoming workhorses for agriculture CONTINUED FROM PAGE B20

are building,” Flippo says. “The first is the rover category. This would be like a microwave size robot. Their purpose is to go out and scout a field, which is important because humans can scout really well, but nobody wants to walk around a field all day.” When an entomologist goes out to look for pests in a field, they may look at two or three spots and make a judgment about the whole field. Rovers can cover the entire field, perhaps working through the night, and provide data on pest pressure in the entire field. “There are some issues there, such as if it breaks, you’re going to have to go find that in the field,” Flippo said, noting that engineers also need to account for how long that vehicle can hold a charge, how it handles ruts in the field, and whether it can follow the correct path between rows. “But,” he adds, “these small rovers can go through the field consistently and keep track of the field much better than humans ever could.” K-State also is building machines that are slightly bigger than the rovers, called ag drones. Flippo said these robots are “the workhorses,” such as the unit they were testing recently to plant seed. Ag drones potentially could be used to carry tanks of chemical to an area of a field or plant seed in areas where a larger tractor can’t safely go, such as sloped hills. Larger robots, some the size of lawnmowers and others the size of a bed frame, are capable of more conventional farming work, such as pulling disc drills for wheat, scouting fields and planting fields. But as the robots get bigger, Flippo notes that companies and farmers become more concerned about safety. At this point, K-State is not working on larger robots. Detect and Defeat In January, 2019, Flippo, Sharda and K-State entomologist Brian McCornack were awarded a grant for $882,920 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture through its National Robotics Initiative to study the use of robots to detect and defeat insects in crop fields. According to the USDA, farmers spray nearly $15 billion worth of chemicals annually yet still lose 37% of their crop yield to pest damage. Sharda says K-State’s group is working on a rover that has a sensor on the front of the vehicle to detect insects, such as aphids in a sorghum field. The sensor will have the ability to detect whether the concentration of aphids – which measure no more than one-eighth of an inch – exceeds a critical limit. When the concentration of insects exceeds the critical limit, the robot will send a signal to a sprayer that is mounted to the back of the vehicle. The sprayer takes that cue and knows immediately that it should treat the area. “We are going to synchronize the system so that based on the moment that the vehicle sees the insects, it will start spraying back-

ward, and it builds a buffer zone around the area,” Sharda said. “In other words, it will spray beyond the point where the insect was sensed so that we have established a full zone of control.” Sharda notes that spraying from below the crop canopy will help to contain more of the chemical where it’s needed and reduce spray drift. Ultimately, that means less chemicals being used and less money paid by the farmer. Eye in the Sky Sharda also is leading a project to use unmanned aerial vehicles, best known as drones, to scout crop fields for water stress. The four-year project is helping farmers schedule irrigation more efficiently because they better understand areas of a field that are more stressed than others. The researchers have mounted thermal infrared cameras to the drones, which they fly at several hundred feet above the field. The cameras measure canopy temperature throughout the field, sending volumes of information to a computer on the ground that meshes the data into a model that gives the farmer guidance on irrigating that field. Eventually, Sharda said this system could be combined with information from the ground robots to give farmers an even clearer picture of their crop’s water needs. K-State is also advancing drone technology to detect insect pressure in crop fields. “In regard to UAVs, I think farmers are getting more confident in terms of what they are seeing,” Sharda said. “There is a lot of research being done by universities and lots of companies that are spending a lot of resources on many acres across the United States to make those models more robust. The artificial intelligence capabilities are definitely improving.” Who will do the work? Farmers may be hesitant to adopt some of the newer technology because, frankly, farming can be very personal. Farmers enjoy driving the tractor, checking on their crops and livestock and even doing some of the hard work. But statistics on farm labor indicate that the industry may need help. A 2013 report by the National Agricultural and Rural Development Policy Center – an agency funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture – indicates that agriculture is vulnerable to “labor supply shocks, which could increase costs and threaten the ability of some farmers to harvest labor-intensive crops.” The reality for U.S. agriculture is that it may be faced with a shrinking work force willing to do physically-demanding and less-compensated farm jobs. “You know, agriculture has been around forever,” Flippo said. “We are really good at getting seed in the ground fast, but maybe this is the time to re-think it: What does it really take to get those seeds in the ground? “Just think if we could have a bunch of small robots going out to do that work. They can cover the entire field and get the work done. And they can work all night.”

The Pony Express

The famous Pony Express mail service across the North American continent spanned 2,000 miles from Missouri to California. After galloping 10 miles, day or night, horses were replaced with fresh ones at Pony Express stations.

Riders usually rode stints of 75-100 miles. The service lasted only 18 months, from April 1860 to October 1861, when it was replaced by the Intercontinental Telegraph. It was considered one of the United States’ greatest business failures.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B23

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page B24

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Researchers test ancient grains development in Wyoming

From University of Wyoming Extension Here’s how one University of Wyoming thing the university has not done before,” (UW) Extension educator surveying maltsaid Foulke. “The university normally liing barley markets in the Big Horn Basin censes patents and does the research but to and an extension agricultural economics actually have the whole system under one scientist browsing a table recipe book in roof is a little bit different, and that’s been France came to the same conclusion. a challenge.” Their idea to bring ancient grains to The process is backward from business Wyoming began 4,750 miles apart then as usual when determining what crops to converged on UW research and extension research. centers and in producer fields to determine “In the past, we’ve looked at it from if the grains could survive Wyoming’s what crops we have and how well they will persnickety climate zones – and if grown, grow here,” he said. “As an economist, I’m whether any products would interest contrying to look at this and say what crops can we sell, how are they grown and how well sumers. they work.” Emmer, einkorn and spelt are called anA better bottom line usually entices farmcient grains because evidence shows them being grown more than 10,000 years ago ers to consider changing crops. Foulke said in ancient Mesopotamia during the first getting the premium for growing a niche agricultural revolution and later fueling crop is one of his goals. pharaoh’s Egypt thousands of years later. The grains have been grown on UW reModern New World producers bypassed search and extension centers near Powell, them because an extra step is needed to Sheridan and Lingle and by five producers remove their hulls, increasing costs. Grains in the state. The grains are grown under not needing that extra step were developed. dryland and irrigated conditions, no till and Now, rising consumer interest in niche conventional, and organic and non-organic foods has farmers and scientists taking a to find out if they will grow in Wyoming new look at these grains. and how best to grow them. Senior research scientist Tom Foulke Youngquist said how the crops could was in a chateau in Blois (Bl wa’), France, fit into current crop rotations is also been looking at that recipe book while he was studied. shepherding UW students during an annual “What some of the research shows is international course. they are not competitive with our modern Emmer, spelt and einkorn are the world’s wheats in terms of yields under a high-input first domesticated cereal crops. system,” Youngquist said. “But they can be “I’m looking at the book and saying, quite competitive under a low-input system, ‘Why aren’t we growing this?’ We are and so they fit well into a potential niche.” always looking for crops to grow here,” Big Horn Basin harvests burst with comsaid Foulke. “The question for me came up modity crops and seed but not many niche that maybe there’s a business here, maybe crops that go into an organic or health food there’s an opportunity, and it evolved.” market. Meanwhile, agriculture and horticul“The ancient grains have a potential if there’s enough market development both ture educator Caitlin Youngquist based in locally and regionally for this product. Washakie County experimented growing There’s a great increase in products that a small amount of emmer and spelt in the are labeled with ancient grains,” said bountiful Big Horn Basin. Youngquist. “My interest in some of these first grains Some Wyoming bakers have experior early grains started as I was listening to barley growers express concern about mented with using the grains, as have some MillerCoors cutting some of their conmicrobreweries. Ancient grains like einkorn and emmer tracts,” she said. “I wanted to look for other aren’t going to take over malting barley crops that could be easily grown with the acres in the Basin, she said, “But it does existing equipment and expertise we have provide some other options for growers in the basin.” who want to grow something different or Named First Grains after the first domeswant to grow something that goes into a ticated cereal crops, the project grew into local food product or local breweries they crop and nutrition research and marketing could maybe sell to at a premium or as a efforts – Youngquist and agronomy and niche-marketed product.” cropping systems specialist Carrie Eberle The dehulling problem has been solved, in crops, assistant professor Jill Keith in opening the door to product development. the Department of Family and Consumer A de-huller has been purchased and inSciences studying nutrition, and Foulke exploring potential products and markets, stalled at the Powell Research and Extentrying to guide a project a public university sion Center. just isn’t built for. The de-huller is the center of production The program is end-to-end (vertically processing for these grains, said Foulke. integrated), from producers raising the “All of the products, whether for bread grain to bakers and brewers selling prodor for beer, need de-hulled seed,” he said. “No de-hulling capacity was available in ucts made with these grains. If successful, a three-state area. With this new machine, private industry would then take over. the project can start building the niche The goal is to build a niche industry in industry and take the first steps toward Wyoming’s agricultural economy. privatization.” “The public-private partnership is some-

The Trojan Horse

Call STI @ (701) 844-4797

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Historical writings depict the Trojan Horse as a huge, hallow statue that was left in front of the gates of the city of Troy. Mistaking it for a peace offering from the Greeks who were besieging the city, the Trojans moved the horse inside their city walls. During the night, armed Greek sol-

diers came out of the statue and opened the gates for Greek troops to enter. After fierce fighting, the Greeks were victorious and the Trojan War was at an end. Thus the saying, “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.” The story is told in the Latin epic poem The Aenid, written by Virgil in the 1st century B.C.

National / World Agriculture Day

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C1

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

Date When Celebrated: March 25, 2020 (date varies) National Agriculture Day is a salute to American Agriculture and everyone who plays a role in it. According to the Agricultural Day website, the purpose of National Agriculture Day is to “celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture”. Every year, producers, associations, universities and other groups recognize and celebrate the contributions of agriculture. Note: National Agriculture Day, is sometimes referred to as World Agriculture Day On this day: • Spend a little time to better understand agriculture. • Learn about how food is produced and distributed • Encourage people to enter agriculture as a career. • Eat well today. As you do, think about all that goes into bringing the food you eat to your table. The date of this special day can vary. It is often, but not always on the first day of spring. Origin of “National Agriculture Day”: On February 29, 2012, Agriculture secretary Thomas J. Vilsack proclaimed March 8, 2012 to be National Agriculture Day. This proclamation stated a specific date and year. It can vary each year. The Agricultural Secretary annually proclaims the date of National Agriculture Day. In 2018, it was President Donald Trump who made the proclamation. This day is organized and promoted by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA). This special day originated in 1973.

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1990 Grove TM250 truck crane, 25-ton, rebuilt Cummins motor, lots of work been done, current certification..................... $15,000

2019 Aspen 75 ton lowboy, 3-32.....................................$290,000

2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $39,500

1997 Jet 40-ft. grain trailer, T/A..... ....................................... $16,500

2004 Doonan triple axle, 53-ft. drop deck........................ $17,500

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2012 Gehl Z35 mini excavator, hydraulic/thumb, 1500 hours........ ....................................... $29,500

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C2


John Deere 3020 late model tractor, cab, power shift, gas, recent engine overhaul.......................................... $6000 1969 Ford F600 truck with box and hoist.................. $4500 International Super H tractor..................................... $100 Phone (406) 977-2604, Jordan, MT

Wet weather increases risk for wheat midge in 2020 By NDSU Extension Service


2015 Bourgault 3320 QDA

76-ft. MRB’s 10” spacing, Intelligent ag blockage, New carbide openers, X30 monitor, section control, lift master, 7950 cart conveyor, saddle tank 5 meters, cameras...... $315,000 Phone (406) 799-9000, Great Falls, MT

Soil samples in North Dakota indicate increasing levels of overwintering wheat midge larvae (cocoons) for the 2020 season, says Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension entomologist. A total of 1,900 soil samples were collected from 20 counties in the fall of 2019 to estimate the statewide risk for wheat midge in the 2020 field season. The distribution of wheat midge is based on unparasitized cocoons found in the soil samples. “About 1% of the soil samples had very high population densities of wheat midge (greater than 800 midge larvae per square




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meter) this past year,” Knodel says. “The hot spots were located in west central Wells County and southwestern Ramsey County.” Another 2% was at a high-risk level (501 to 800 midge larvae per square meter) in northeastern Bottineau County, central Mountrail County and northeastern McLean County. “These populations are high and indicate that an insecticide will probably be needed to reduce potential yield loss from wheat midge, assuming wheat is in the susceptible growth stages during midge emergence and midge populations are at economic threshold levels during field scouting,” Knodel notes. Scouting for wheat midge adults during emergence is a good integrated pest management, especially if wheat fields are in the susceptible crop stage, heading to early flowering (less than 50% flowering). Scouting for the

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Kremlin, Montana


The worst hole in the history of golf

It happened during the 1913 Shawnee Invitational for Ladies. A golfer named M.H. Meehan hit a shot into a small tributary of the Delaware River. She could see it slowly floating down the lazy river. So, rather than take a penalty (which would have given her a do-over), Meehan decided that she was going to complete this hole, no matter what. So she and her husband commandeered a rowboat. As he piloted the craft, she kneeled in the boat and frantically swatted at the drifting ball with her fiveiron. (Meanwhile, the judges were counting her strokes.) Forty swats later, she finally hit the ball out of the water… and into the middle of a dense forest about 200 yards from the green. Once back on land, Meehan bushwhacked though the woods until the hole was in sight, then drove the ball toward it… where it wedged firmly between two rocks. She banged away for a dozen or so more stokes before freeing it from the rocks and getting it to the green. Meehan finally sank the putt on stroke number 161.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C3

Wet weather increases risk for wheat midge in 2020



orange adult flies is conducted at night when temperatures are greater than 59 F and the winds are less than 6 mph. “Use a flashlight and slowly scan the heads of wheat plants for wheat midge adults, counting the number of flies per head,” Knodel says. The economic thresholds for wheat midge are: one or more midge observed for every four or five heads on hard red spring wheat, or one or more midge observed for every seven or eight heads on durum wheat. The moderate risk level (201 to 500 midge larvae per square meter) also was observed in 5% of the samples. Moderate risk areas were scattered in eight counties throughout the state, including the northeastern area (Nelson County), the central area (Sheridan and Wells counties), the north-central area (McHenry and Rolette counties), and the northwestern area (Divide, Mountrail, Williams counties). “These population levels are considered non-economic for wheat midge,” Knodel says. Thirty-four percent of the soil samples were at low risk but scouting for wheat midge always is a good idea. The majority of the soil samples, 58%, had zero wheat midge cocoons, compared with the record low of 84% in 2018. Knodel adds, “This dramatic increase in wheat midge populations is probably due to the rain in 2019. Plotting out the total rainfall from May through September and total number of wheat midge cocoons for the past eight years showed a strong correlation between precipitation and wheat midge populations.” Larvae are susceptible to dryness and require rain to emerge from the soil in late June through mid-July, and to drop out of the wheat heads and dig into the soil to

overwinter as cocoons. Knodel recommends that producers use the wheat midge degree-day model to predict the emergence of wheat midge and to determine when to scout, and if their wheat crop is at risk. Producers can access the wheat midge degree-day model on the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network (NDAWN) website at wheat-growing-degree-days.html. Select your nearest NDAWN station and enter your wheat planting date. The output indicates the expected growth stage of the wheat and whether the crop is susceptible to midge infestation, as well as the timing of wheat midge emergence. Knodel says, “The good news for 2019 is that the beneficial parasitic wasp, which naturally controls wheat midge eggs and larvae, increased to 15% of wheat midge cocoons parasitized, compared with only 9% in 2018. The average parasitism rate was also higher: 36% in 2019, compared with less than a 5% parasitism rate for the last four years (2015 to 2018). The highest parasitism rates were found in Bottineau, Cavalier and Williams counties. “We need to continue to conserve parasitic wasp populations by scouting for wheat midge and spraying insecticides only when wheat midge populations are at economic threshold levels,” she adds. “Parasitic wasps fly later than wheat midge, so avoiding any late insecticide applications also will reduce the negative impacts on these ‘good’ insects. This tiny, metallic wasp does an excellent job keeping the wheat midge in check by providing free biological control of wheat midge in wheat fields.” NDSU Extension agents collected the soil samples. The North Dakota Wheat Commission supports the wheat midge survey.

##### How come you press harder on a remotecontrol when you know the battery is dead?

##### If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

2004 John Deere 9620T tractor, 5 hydraulics, new injectors 5-2019, 4457 hours. Nice shape. Asking.. $100,000 2010 New Holland air seeder, 51-ft., 430 bushel tow between tank, single shoot. Has been inspected and repaired by Zerbe Bros.......................................... $50,000 2008 John Deere 9770 combine, 2100 separator hours. Asking................................................................ $65,000 Call or text for more information 406-779-7106

Gopher Traps by Lee’s TrapWorks • Easy to set • Easy to empty • Built-in stake is part of trap • Kills quickly • Very visible if painted bright color • Traps are sold unpainted, paint them your favorite color • Traps are currently $20 each Canadian and approximately $16 US at today’s exchange rate • Postage for package of 10 traps is around $42 Canadian • Check us out at Call 306-778-2083 evenings for more information or to order


2006 Wilson 53-ft. 12-ft. nose 26-ft. center 15-ft. rear. Winch up nose deck, roof hatch by counterbalance, funnel gate for nose, crowd gates top & bottom, permanent doghouse, fold to wall ramp, plug drains in belly, floors are 60-70%, 9-9-5 on lights with 11 up the back post, all LED lights inside and out, 10-ft.1” spread with steerable lift axle, full air ride suspension, axle and backup lights wired to separate plug up front, tires/brakes are 50%, very nice clean and straight trailer

$47,000 OBO

Call or text (406) 450-7633 • Conrad, MT

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C4

COWS FOR SALE 20 head of black cows, 3-6 years old, calve April 1st. Bred to Black Angus bulls. Call 406-836-9020 • Cut Bank, MT

SQUEEZE CHUTE FOR SALE Hi-Hog parallel axis squeeze chute.

Frontline Ag Solutions brought one of their larger tractors to M.A.G.I.E. for farmers to climb into and learn about. This booth was a popular site for some of the “future farmers” also.

Phone 406-450-1679

SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity Thanks for Visiting Us at the MATE Show!!

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RENN Jiffy

Jiffy Bale Processor • Unique rocking cradle design handles all types and shapes of bales. • Aggressive Tread Floatation Tires standard on all models. • No belts. No chains. • Outer and inner hay is shredded together delivering even quality.

• Process 1 large square bale or 2 round bales at once (model 978). • Hydraulic Bale Clamp Arms (978). • Available in Left or Right hand discharge models (927, 928). • Optional 44 bushel Grain Tank (927, 928).

RENN Mill Center Inc. has a corporate policy of continuous improvement and development; therefore models and specifications are subject to change without any advance notice.

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Cover crops can be used to prevent nitrogen loss

Sarah Fronczak, Michigan State University Extension (Updated from an original article written by Christina Curell, Michigan State University Extension) Careful manure management is a principle of farm profitability and environmental stewardship. Livestock farmers are looking for ways to reduce the incidence of nitrogen leaching into groundwater from manure. Farmers have adapted and changed their practices to address timing of applications and application methods. Applying manure to land that has a cover crop is another practice that can help with nitrogen management. The Michigan State University Extension field crops team is releasing two short videos, on solid and liquid manure. These videos are part of a series highlighting cover crops use with manure management. MSU Cover Crop & Soil Health Team YouTube channel will host the recordings. Minnesota researchers, led by Dr. Les Everett, University of Minnesota Water Resource Center, wanted to determine: 1. Fate of nitrogen in the soil from injected manure with and without a cover crop 2. Nitrogen needs to the cash crop with and without cover crops are met Winter cereal rye was planted following corn silage or soybeans during the 2016 and 2017 growing season on 19 farms in central and southern Minnesota. Dairy or swine manure was injected in the 3 replicated plots with a check strip after the rye was established. In the spring, cover crop biomass, nitrogen content of the cover crop, and soil nitrate was checked. Rye was terminated and in most cased incorporated into the field. The fields were then planted with corn and a starter fertilizer was applied during planting. Corn yield and nitrogen content were determined during harvest. The research resulted in the following findings: 1. In both years, adequate growing season existed to establish the rye cover crop after either corn silage or soybean harvest, but above-ground fall growth was limited. 2. The rye was very resilient to manure injection, however, stand reduction was considerable at two sites where shank injectors or disk coverers were too aggressive. 3. At most sites, the spring rye growth did well with soil nitrate reduced under the cover crop. Compared to the check strips of all sites. 4. Rye growth and nitrogen uptake were greater in southern Minnesota rather than central Minnesota. 5. Across sites, there was not a significant difference in silage or grain yield between the cover crop and check strips. Future research is required to assess the effects of cover crop termination methods and timing on nitrogen dynamics and performance of the subsequent corn crop. To obtain the full research report visit file/d/1S9M6b0mSynNqLQ0rd9a_WEzepC6AIblA/view. Adoption of a cover crop management scheme allows for a responsive cover in the event of sudden thaws that characterize winter in Michigan. Cover crops proved to be effective in reducing NO3-N loading through tile-drainage across the spectrum of common nitrogen fertilizer management systems. If you would like to learn more about cover crops, how they can benefit your farm, or to find a cover crop educator visit the Michigan State University Extension, Cover Crop site

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C5

(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040

(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631

(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636

(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971

(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449

(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908

(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325


2019 John Deere 9420R (WI), Stk #63522, 490 Hrs, Used For Pulling 24R Planter & Cart In Fall, Ready May 2020........................ $308,000

2017 John Deere 9520R (PI), Stk #60076, 1,342 Hours, 18/6 PowerShift Trans, 2630 Gen 3 Display W/10” Screen, Hi-Flow Hydraulics, 5 SCV’s, Premium Lights..... .....................................$284,000

2017 John Deere 9520R (WI), Stk #63628, 927 Hrs, Partial PowerShift Trans, PTO, Big Pump, Guid- 2017 John Deere 9570R (WI), Stk ance Ready..................... $302,000 #62604, 1,466 Hrs, 800/70R38 Duals, 5 SCV’s, Premium Cab W/ Leather............................ $274,500

2013 Case IH Steiger 350 (PI), Stk #63540, 3,705 Hours, PS Trans, 5 Rear Hyd Outlets, Power Beyond 1993 John Deere 8960 (PI), Stk Outlet, Big Pump, Pro 700 Moni#63908, 8,650 Hrs, Just Overtor, Leather, 480/80R46 Tires....... hauled 300 Hrs Ago, 4 Rear SCV’s, ......................................$137,000 Nice Unit........................... $39,900 1990 John Deere 8760 (PI), Stk #61521, 9,389 Hours, 3 Point Hitch, 3 Remotes, PowerSync Transmission, Standard Hydraulic Pump................................. $29,000



2017 John Deere 1795 (WA), Stk #61486, 3 Seasons On Planter, About 4,800 Acres, Hydraulic Drive, CCS, ME5 Units, Active Down Force.....................$161,000

2011 Great Plains 3PYPA-1625 (HA), Stk #59654, 16R30 Stack Fold Planter, Central Fill, Schlagel Closing Wheels, Dickey John Monitor System.................$28,000

1997 John Deere 1750 (HA), Stk #61484, 6R30, Dry Fertilizer w/ Openers, Vac Planter, Insecticide Setup, Finger Trash Openers......... ..........................................$19,500


2017 John Deere 1895 & 1910 (PI), Stk #61679, 43-ft. 1895 & 350 bushel TBT Cart, Low Acre (7,000) On Unit! Liquid Fertilizer Openers. ....................................... $179,000 2019 John Deere 6145M (WA), Stk #59384, 209 Hrs, MFWD, Partial Power Shift Trans..............$110,000

2019 John Deere 6155R (PI), Stk #58608, 206 Hours, IVT 40K Trans, Triple Link Suspension, GreenStar Ready W/4600 10” Display, Premium Radio & Lights............ $154,000

2018 John Deere 8400R (PI), Stk #63621, 875 Hours, E23 Transmission, Leather Interior, AutoTrac W/4600 Monitor, Active Command Steering, Rear Weights.....$287,000

Case IH 900 (WA), Stk #57844, 8R38, Great Food Plot Planter, Insecticide Not Used In Years, Shedded, Only Used For Corn....$1,500 2017 John Deere 6155R (WA), Stk #61819, 322 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, GreenStar Ready, 45 GPM Hyd Pump, 3 SCV’s, Single 450lb Rear Weights........... $127,000

2017 Land Pride 3P606NT (WI), Stk #55099, 3 Point, Native Grass Box & Small Seed Box, 6’ 7.5” Spacing


2016 John Deere 1890 & 1910 (WA), Stk #61454 & 61455, 60-ft. 7.5” Spacing, 350 bushel 2 Tank, Single Shoot w/Blockage, Only Used On Soybeans.........$189,500

2013 John Deere 1830 (WI), Stk #61067, 61-ft. 12” Spacing, 350 bushel Tow Behind Cart, Ingelligent Ag Section Control, Duals On Wings…........................... $96,500

2010 John Deere 1990 (WI), Stk #61185, 40-ft. 10” Spacing, Always Shedded, Boots & Gauge Wheels Look Good, Does NOT Come w/ Tank Or Markers…........... $88,500

PRICED TO SELL $18,000!!! 2009 John Deere 1830 (PI), Stk #63599, 61-ft. 12”Spacing Single Shoot, Hoses Nearly New, 350 Bu Tow Behind Tank...............$72,000

John Deere 7300 (WI), Stk #62682, 6R30, Nice Clean Unit Used For Food Plots, Always Shedded, 1.6 Bu Boxes.............................$7,900

2007 Great Plains 3S-3000HD (BL), Stk #61522, 30’ 7.5” Spacing, No Till Drill, Field Ready!!............................................................... $27,000

2000 John Deere 1530 (WI), Stk #64058, 20’ 15” Spacing, Yetter Dolly Hitch, Pneumatic Down Force Pressure, Soybean Cups............................$17,000

View all of our inventory online at:

Call for more info on any of these listed units, or to find out what else we have available! Nebraska Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908 South Dakota Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche(605) 892-2621 Wyoming Sundance (307) 283-2971

2017 John Deere 8320R (WA), Stk #61510, 695 Hours, PowerShift Trans, Suspension, Super Single Metric 600 Front, Super Metric 800/70R38 Rear Duals..... $252,000 2009 John Deere 1895 (PH), Stk #63283, 36-ft. 10” Spacing Double Shoot, Includes 1910 430 Bu Cart, Very Well Cared For......... $79,000

2014 John Deere 6210R (HA), Stk #60048, 6,227 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, TLS Front Suspension, H380 Loader, 4 SCV’s, Weighted Up On Rear............................ $105,500


1998 John Deere 1850 (PH), Stk #61898, 42-ft. 7.5” Spacing Single Shoot, Includes 1900 Cart, Includes 2 Different Meters, Available Spring 2020.............. $31,000

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C6

PACKER GANGS FOR SALE 3 - All new packer gangs (1 - 5 gang, 1 - 6 gang, 1 - 8 gang) fits Flexi-Coil 5000 9.5” spacing air seeder with 41/2” steel packers. Phone (406) 374-2313, Moore, MT


2009 Freightliner Columbia tandem axle, day cab, Detroit DD15 455 hp, 179,841 miles on overhaul, 10 speed, 171” wheelbase.............................................................$11,000 2010 Freightliner Cascadia single axle, day cab, Detroit DD15 475 hp, 843,000 TTL miles, recent overhaul, very nice truck.............................................................. $16,500 1999 Kenworth T300 Cummins, ISE 275HR, 9 speed, clean....................................................................... $8500 2006 Toyota forklift, LP, runs great........................... $5500 Large assortment of dry van trailers, 53-ft., 48-ft., & 28-ft. Phone Randy (406) 855-5994

MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs



Grain in the overhead chamber is dried by a large fan and heater then dumped to a holding area below. An aeration fan below captures heat from this previously dried grain, and pushes it upward to help dry the next load. This recycling of heat increases efficiency which greatly reduces drying costs.


GSI’s material handling line includes bucket elevators, chain conveyors, belt conveyors, bin unloads, and chain loops. Also available are towers, catwalks, and support structures.


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Get livestock feed tested for mold

By NDSU Extension Service say to be proactive and test a feedstuff that appears to be moldy for mycotoxins before feeding to animals, particularly pregnant animals,” Mostrom advises. “Try to collect a representative sample of the feed,” she adds. “The best is to collect multiple samples of grain while transporting the feed from the field to bins or to a truck, or collect multiple samples of hay (e.g., probe) or silage during feeding.” If the feed is positive for mycotoxins, certain animals may not be affected by that particular contamination level or may be capable of metabolizing the mycotoxin. UnFor many farmers and ranchers, the der some situations, the mycotoxin feed can weather has been challenging for obtaining be diluted to a safe level in the final ration. animal feed. “This is a great opportunity for producers “Whether dealing with drought and/or to minimize issues with mycotoxins while excessive moisture, both can impact livesaving feed,” Montanholi says. “The excepstock feed with the development of molds,” tion is aflatoxin-contaminated feed, which cautions Yuri Montanholi, North Dakota is potentially carcinogenic.” State University (NDSU) Extension beef Different mold toxins can cause a variety cattle specialist. “Molds are generally in of clinical signs in different species. An the agricultural environment all of the time. initial clinical sign of toxic feed can be feed The problem occurs when molds invade refusal, poor weight gain and diarrhea. With developing plants or stored feeds and grow continual mycotoxin exposure or exposure under stress, producing mycotoxins.” to high doses of toxins, damage can occur Not all molds are bad. Some are not toxin to the animal’s liver, kidneys, brain, fetus producers, but filamentous mold can reduce and other organs. the nutritional value of the feed. Also, mold You cannot test for all mycotoxins and spores in feeds that are agitated, for example call a feed “safe,” Mostrom says. when feeding hay, can be irritating to the “Scientists have discovered that these respiratory system. molds can produce hundreds to thousands The toxins usually are consumed in feed of mycotoxins, and we do not know how or possibly inhaled to cause harm. Often, all of the toxins affect animals and do not the problem is a long-term one and cattle have standards or tests for all toxins,” she eat the suspect feed before producers realize notes. “Laboratories can test for the more they have a problem. common mycotoxins that are known to You can’t judge a mold toxin problem by cause harm in animals and provide some the color of the mold, according to Michelle guidance for feeding contaminated feeds. Mostrom, NDSU veterinary toxicologist. This is certainly a good start to minimize Certain molds such as Aspergillus spp. problems with mycotoxins.” and Penicillium spp. are green, Alternaria Contact your county’s Extension agent or spp. and Cladosporium spp. are black, and an NDSU Extension specialist to learn more Fusarium spp., Diploidia spp. and some about sampling for mycotoxin analysis, as Penicillium spp. can be white. But mold well as for other feed analysis related to growth does not always mean that toxins quality. were produced. Also, molds can grow and Many countries, including the U.S., have die, and not be visually detected, yet they regulatory limits or advisory guidelines on may have produced toxins that are in the contamination of mycotoxins in human feed. and animal feeds. These mycotoxin limits Montanholi and Mostrom urge producers in food/feed can vary significantly with to be aware of feed conditions for livestock, susceptible species, age of the animal and particularly this winter. If molds are present production status. The mycotoxin guidein livestock feeds, the best approach is to lines are available on the Food and Drug discard the moldy portions of the feed and Administration (FDA) website, or go the feed what appears to be normal. Although National Grain and Feed Association webthis may not completely avoid problems site ( and look up because the mold may be gone, but the FDA Guidance on Mycotoxins, or contact mycotoxins remain in the feedstuff. your local veterinarian or the NDSU Vet“As a veterinary toxicologist, I would erinary Diagnostic Lab.

Jorgenson named 2019 N.D. Outstanding Lifetime 4-H Volunteer

By NDSU Extension Service premier air rifle program in the state.” Rick Jorgenson of Devils Lake, North Jorgenson also has shared his expertise Dakota, is North Dakota’s Outstanding and helped volunteers start an air rifle proLifetime 4-H Volunteer for 2019. gram in other counties. He received the award during the North In addition to teaching youth the air rifle Dakota 4-H Foundation’s annual Awards fundamentals, he instills in them the conand Donor Recognition Luncheon in Fargo. cepts of respect, responsibility, patience, Jorgenson, a retired insurance adjuster, persistence and sportsmanship. In turn, the has dedicated thousands of hours to 4-H, youth with whom he works obviously have including more than 500 hours per year to the utmost respect for him as a person and the Ramsey County 4-H shooting sports coach, says Olson, who nominated Jorgenprogram. son for the volunteer award. “Because of Rick, we run a top-notch “I was one of Rick’s students for several air rifle program that is full to capacity and years and I can’t begin to tell you what has students wanting additional instruction he did for me as a shooter,” says Brandon in the discipline,” says Cindy Olson, 4-H Alexander of Ramsey County, who was the program assistant in Ramsey County. “He has turned our air rifle program into the CONTINUED ON PAGE C7

Jorgenson named 2019 Outstanding 4-H Volunteer

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C7

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, April 1. Phone (406) 271-5533.


2017 national 4-H air rifle champion. “Rick has a way of connecting to the kids really well,” Alexander adds. “He always teaches us in a way we can understand, and he pushes us further than we think we can go.” Jorgenson began working with Ramsey County’s air rifle program in 2005, when it started, and he became its leader. He also has assumed leadership for the state 4-H air rifle match. In addition, he has attended national training to be a state trainer and holds training at least once a year to certify and recertify air rifle instructors for the state 4-H program. “This is no small undertaking as he recruits enough 4-H air rifle instructors to assist in running the match to make it a safe learning environment during the event,” Olson says. “Adult volunteers are the heart of North Dakota State University Extension’s 4-H youth development program,” says Rachelle Vettern, leadership and volunteer development specialist with NDSU Extension’s 4-H Center for 4-H Youth Development. “Volunteers like Rick Jorgenson help 4-H youth gain learning and leadership skills as they prepare for careers and engage in communities.”

Freedom of Information Day

Date When Celebrated: This holiday is always March 16 Freedom of Information Day celebrates and recognizes a valuable concept in the American Bill of Rights. March 16th is the birth date of James Madison, the 4th president of the United States of America. James Madison is recognized as the “Father of the Constitution”, and the chief author of the “Bill of Rights”. Freedom of information and individual rights was very important to James Madison. Did you Know? The Freedom of Information Act was passed into law in 1966. It opened up a wealth of information to American citizens. James Madison would be very pleased!

21-ft. Equipment Trailer Manufactured in Stevensville, MT


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2017 Ford F150 Raptor

2012 Ram 2500 Laramie Mega

Avalanche exterior, black interior with orange seats, 360 degree camera, remote start, 73,872 miles.

6.7L turbo diesel, red exterior, black interior, receiver hitch, power locks, 156,860 miles.

2017 Ford F350

With new DewEze bale bed, white exterior, gray interior, tow package, heavy duty shocks, 77,215 miles



2017 Ford Explorer XLT

4WD, magnetic exterior, black interior, heated front seats, remote start, keyless entry, 40,617 miles.


2012 Ford F350 Crew

6.7L turbo diesel, blue exterior, black interior, receiver hitch, cab steps, 89,210 miles.


2015 Ford F350 Crew

6.2L V8, white exterior, gray interior, reverse camera system, HD shocks, tow package, 38,584 miles

2017 Ford F350 XLT Crew

With new DewEze bale bed, white exterior, gray interior, rear view camera, 28,996 miles



2018 Ford Expedition Limited

2015 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon



Turbo diesel, flatbed, Adobe exterior, Adobe leather interior, remote start, keyless entry, 106,524 miles


2010 Ford F150 Crew

5.4L V8, black exterior, stone interior, keyless entry, engine block heater, 157,092 miles.


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Silver exterior, fully loaded, remote start, Navigation, 47,502 miles

Dark privacy glass, bull bar with flood lights & built in winch, 25,739 miles

2011 Ford F250 Crew


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C8

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

AIR DRILL FOR SALE 2014 John Deere 1890 with 430 bushel TBH 3-tank cart, 42.5-ft., 7.5” spacing, new disks and seed tbs, less than 10K acres. Field Ready. Phone/Text Cody @ (406) 390-1034, Rudyard, MT


World War II Items

1984 GMC 7000 Top Kick red, 2-ton, 210 hp, 3208 Cat diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, power steering, disk brakes, good tires, 10-ton National crane, rebuilt lift cylinder, 60-ft. hook height, 15-ft. steel dump flatbed, 28,000 GVW, low miles. Handy ranch truck, runs good.....................................$11,500

1979 Oshkosh 6x6, water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins and jake brake, 8LL transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow.............................$12,500

1942 Cletrack M2 high speed tractor, runs and steers good, front and rear hydraulics, front blade for snow or dirt, rubber tracks. Decent tractor with parts................................$5500 1940s GMC Dukw 6x6. Hull only, no running gear.............................$850 Fiat Allis 945B wheel loader, 7 yard bucket. Runs good, needs transmission work, with spare parts and tires, works as forklift...............$6500 obo

1999 Ford F550 XLT, 4x4, loaded service truck, 7.3 Power Stroke diesel, automatic performance transmission, welder, generator and air compressor, 6500# hydraulic mechanic crane with winch remote, 13-ft. main boom & 10-ft. jib, custom bumper, low miles, runs good, clean.$18,500

Phone 406-777-1435 leave message

17 Montana counties designated as primary natural disaster areas

United State Department of Agriculture Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue desigare eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana counnated 17 Montana counties as primary natural disaster areas. Producers who suffered losses ties of McCone, Prairie, Richland, and Wibaux due to recent weather events may be eligible are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Excessive Moisture, Excessive Snow, Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans. Hail, and High Winds – August 2019 These natural disaster designations allow through November 2019 FSA to extend much-needed emergency credit Producers in Prairie County who suffered to producers recovering from natural disasters. losses due to excessive moisture, excessive Emergency loans can be used to meet various snow, hail, and high winds that occurred berecovery needs including the replacement of tween August 15, 2019, through November essential items such as equipment or livestock, 1, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency reorganization of a farming operation or the loans. refinance of certain debts. Producers in the contiguous Montana Excessive Moisture – August 2019 counties of Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, through October 2019 McCone, Wibaux are also eligible to apply for Producers in McCone, Richland, Roosevelt, emergency loans. and Wibaux counties, who suffered losses due Blizzard and Excessive Snow – Septemto excessive moisture that occurred August 10, ber 2019 through October 2019 2019, through October 31, 2019, are eligible Producers in Toole County who suffered to apply for emergency loans. losses due to a blizzard and excessive snow Producers in the contiguous Montana counthat occurred between September 28, 2019, through October 9, 2019, are eligible to apply ties of Daniels, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, for emergency loans. Prairie, Sheridan, and Valley, along with Producers in the contiguous Montana counGolden Valley, McKenzie, and Williams counties in North Dakota, are also eligible to apply ties of Glacier, Liberty, and Pondera are also for emergency loans. eligible to apply for emergency loans. Excessive Moisture and Snow – June Blizzard, Excessive Snow, Extreme Cold, 2019 through December 2019 Freeze, High Winds – September 2019 Producers in Daniels, Rosebud, Sheridan, through October 2019 Treasure, and Valley counties, who suffered Producers in Glacier and Teton counties losses due to excessive moisture and excessive who suffered losses due to a blizzard, excessnow that occurred June 20, 2019, through sive snow, extreme cold, freeze, and high December 1, 2019, are eligible to apply for winds that occurred between September 27, emergency loans. 2019, through October 5, 2019, are eligible to Producers in the contiguous Montana counapply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana counties of Big Horn, Custer, Garfield, McCone, Musselshell, Petroleum, Phillips, Powder ties of Cascade, Chouteau, Flathead, Lewis River, Roosevelt, and Yellowstone, along and Clark, Pondera, and Toole are also eligible with Divide and Williams counties in North to apply for emergency loans. Dakota, are also eligible to apply for emerBlizzard, Excessive Snow, Freeze, and Frost – September 2019 through October gency loans. 2019 Excessive Moisture, Excessive Snow and Producers in Pondera County who suffered Freeze – September 2019 through Novemlosses due to a blizzard, excessive snow, ber 2019 freeze, and frost that occurred between SepProducers in Dawson County who suffered losses due to excessive moisture, excessive tember 27, 2019, through October 8, 2019, are snow, and freeze that occurred between Sepeligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana countember 1, 2019, through November 12, 2019, ties of Chouteau, Flathead, Glacier, Liberty, Teton, and Toole are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. Excessive Snow – September 2019 through December 2019 Producers in Cascade and Chouteau counties who suffered losses due to excessive snow that occurred between September 28, 2019, through December 5, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Montana counties of Blaine, Fergus, Hill, Judith Basin, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Meagher, Pondera, and Teton are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. The deadline to apply for emergency loans is September 30, 2020. Farmers may contact their local USDA service center for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at farmers. gov/recover.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C9


2015 John Deere 1830 -Double Shoot-


2011 John Deere 1830

• 550 tank • 50-ft. • Very nice • Rubber packers • Hydraulic drive • 10” spacing

Buy or Lease To Own $25,307/yr - oac

Farmer to Farmer

“Tyler represented the machine honestly and Terry delivered it professionally. Tyler is very knowledgeable and helpful in answering questions. Thanks.” Trevor Wolery, New owner of a John Deere S680



Buy or Lease To Own $22,805/yr - oac

2015 John Deere R4038 2014 John Deere 4830

• 100-ft. boom • Full technology • 1000 gallon tank • 100-ft. boom • Full technology • LSW tires available • 1000 gallon tank • Big floats Buy or Lease to own Buy or Lease to own $44,270/yr - oac $24,561/yr - oac



! D L O Snew • Farmer retires • Like • Less than 3000 acres

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$4694/yr - oac

• Full hose package • No dust • Fastest loading time

8x42 Auger

John Deere 1835

• Full hose package • (2) Clean up heads

! D L O

Havre, MT

• 430 tank • 61-ft. • 10” spacing • Steel packers • Ground drive


1547LP Conveyors • Powermover • Winch • 26.5 Kohler engine • Cold weather package

• Low hours • Rem Certified • Warranty! Buy or Lease to own $7103/yr - oac

New 1552LP

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Just what your Farm Needs! Sale Price $5600

$5182/yr - oac

Spray Trailer

Spray Fill Express Call for Pricing & Options

• 35 hp

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Buy or Lease to own $5330/yr - oac

Used Ultimate Sprayer • 6500 gallon water • Spray fill express • Electric start • Auto shut off • (3) tool boxes Buy or Lease to own $16,614/yr - oac

NEW Ultimate Sprayer

• 1650 gallon tank • 90-ft. • Agitation • Field ready Buy or Lease to own

$9107/yr - oac

1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

• 90-ft.

• Suspended boom

Buy or Lease to own

$2839/yr - oac

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C10

The deadline for advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.


Kuhn Knight 5143 TMR mixer.............................................$11,000 Gathering chains to fit John Deere 666 header or John Deere 666R header, 10 chains and 2 cutting discs. New, still in package. ............................................................................................$1,000 1936 Reo 3 ton truck, rare find, old restoration....................$30,000

Phone 406-880-3450 • Corvallis, MT

##### Abraham Lincoln is in the Wrestling Hall of Fame. As a 22-year-old, Lincoln was described as able to “outrun, outlift, outwrestle and throw down any man in Sangamon County,” Ill. The Wrestling Hall of Fame has only been able to find one recorded wrestling defeat in Honest Abe’s 300 matches.

FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals




1981 Cedarapids 30x42 triple roll plant, Cat D373 re-man power, new clutch, all new tires.$95,000

1984 Caterpillar 815B compactor, 75% feet remaining, all cleaner bars, 4-way blade tilt. Nice machine!.............................$39,900

2015 CAT D6K2 XL, new Cat undercarriage, new cutting edges, 3 shank ripper, sweeps.......................................................................... $119,900


2007 International 9400i, Cat C13, 18 speed, wet kit, 80% tires, Merritt headache rack with chain hangers........................ $32,500 1997 Caterpillar D6R XL, cab, heat, multi-shank ripper, 75% undercarriage. Ready for work!................................................................ $68,900


1985 International F2574 water truck, 350 hp Cummins motor, automatic transmission, 4000 gallon tank. Tires and brakes in good condition.............. $23,900


2005 Trailmax TD42-T, tilt deck, steel wheels, 50% tires and brakes remaining...........$18,900

1987 Cat D6H, cab, heat, ripper, 75% undercarriage. Very clean dozer!............................$48,500 2018 Deere 332G, 2 speed, heat, air conditioning, ride control, only 747 hours! Clean unit!.. $46,900


1986 Williamson pup trailer, 13-ft. box, 19-ft. tongue. Box in good shape!..............................$3900


2006 Genie GTH842, cab, heat, foam filled tires, Deere motor, new hydraulic pump. Ready for work!..............................$42,900


2010 Caterpillar 304C CR, cab, heat, knock down blade, auxiliary hydraulics, manual quick-coupler, 65% undercarriage remaining.... ......................................$33,900 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price

Matt Swan

Matt’s cell - 406-579-1948

Steve Swan

Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

Forest soils recovering from effects of acid rain

By Susan V. Fisk, American Society of Agronomy Before the United States 1970 Clean Air Act, rainfall all over the country was acidic. As precipitation would fall from the sky, it would mix with gases from industrial plants, emissions from cars, and especially coal and fossil fuel consumption. That caused the water to become acidic – also called “acid rain.” Besides the air pollution hurting plants and humans, this acid rain also hurt our soils. Even dry deposits of these acidic emissions could be hurtful to humans, plants, soil and water. Acidic soil can bind nutrients so that plants can’t get them. It can hurt the microbes in soil, as well as plants. One odd “helpful” thing acid rain did, though, was to provide a few nutrients to the soil. The sulfur in the acid rain – in the form of sulfates – actually provided nutrition to plants. However, the benefit was negligible, and the overall effects of pollution required regulation. Occasionally, cities like Los Angeles will still experience “smog.” The incidents are even more common in China and India, where little regulation is in effect. Jennifer Knoepp, with the US Forest Service, has been studying how the reduction of air pollution and acid rain is affecting forests in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Her interest is to see how soils are recovering as our air gets cleaner. Both the 1970 Clean Air Act and 1990 Amendment regulated emissions across the United States, resulting in improved air and water quality. But what about the soil – the “skin” of the earth – that provides for food and shelter and is home to the world’s largest biodiversity? “We have found significant movement of sulfate from the soils over time,” says Knoepp. “Sulfate is moving out of the surface soils and into the subsoil. In addition, the streams in our study site show improved water quality. However, soils and streams still exhibit chemical imbalances. This suggests recovery from decades of acid rain is a long-term process.” To evaluate the soils and water, researchers sampled 24 high elevation spruce-fir forest sites and two watersheds in the southern Appalachians. The sites represent a region in the southeastern U.S. with high gradients in elevation and precipitation, as well as high biodiversity. The research area includes sites within the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and the southern end of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Both are major tourist and outdoor recreation destinations. Recent soil collections were compared to archived soil samples from the 80s and 90s. Sample archives are essential to long-term research. They provide the ability to conduct tests not planned during an original experimental design. The research team analyzed both the newly collected and archived samples for “extractable sulfate.” All data were used to determine the long-term response of southern Appalachian forests to changes in sulfate deposition that occurred after the implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendment in 1990. Data show that sulfate in precipitation and streams declined after implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendment. They also show that completely reversible sulfate has declined in surface soils. Sub-surface soils show either no change or an increase in partially reversible sulfate.

Popcorn Lover’s Day

Date When Celebrated: Second Thursday in March Many of us love popcorn. So, it only makes sense that there should be a special day just for popcorn lovers. Popcorn is good for you, when eaten plain. It is not as healthy, when it’s loaded with salt and butter. This day is intended to enjoy popcorn and share it with others. Bring some to work. Or microwave some and put in in a basket in your office. You can have it in a traditional way, with salt and butter. Or, you can add anyone of a number of flavors to it. Some popular flavors are cheddar cheese, parmesan garlic, and even hot pepper! There is no requirement as what seasoning to use today, as long as your eat plenty popcorn. Now, that’s not hard to do, is it!? Origin of Popcorn Lovers Day: This day was created on January 6, 2012, by Bob Matthews of Rochester, NY. It is Bob’s favorite snack. He and his wife have it on most Thursdays, all year long. Bob is also an avid gardener. He has grown and dried popcorn for popping.

Scientists bolt down the defenses against ambrosia beetles

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C11

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service an exotic species known as the black stem Exotic ambrosia beetles are costly pests borer, generally preferred the bolts over the of ornamental and fruit trees nationwide— traps and was the most common ambrosia from front-yard plantings of Japanese maple species captured. and oak to commercially grown orchards • Bolts cut from red maple tended to be of cherry, peach, plum and even avocado. most attractive to the pests—especially X. Now, however, Agricultural Research crassiusculus, another exotic species known Service (ARS) scientists may have found as the granulate ambrosia beetle. a way to turn the tables on the beetles. Un• Bolts began to lose their attractiveness checked, the two- to three-millimeter long after seven days. By 14 days, few if any pests tunnel into the sapwood of host trees beetles could be found in them. and expose them to symbiotic fungi that • Drilling a hole down the middle of the obstruct the flow of nutrients. bolts and filling them with ethanol—a variaThe researchers’ tactic exploits a key tion to infusing them—also worked. weakness of ambrosia beetles—namely, The researchers will further investigate their attraction to ethanol emitted by this “drill and fill” variation as a way to exstressed, injured or dying trees and a relitend the bolts’ use for monitoring purposes ance on the alcohol to “farm” gardens of as well as to facilitate screening of different the fungi as food without interference from insecticide treatments. other competing microbes. Such screening currently involves injectTrees severely infested by the beetleing trees with ethanol to lure the beetles so fungus duo cannot be saved, so careful that the insecticides’ effectiveness against monitoring and preemptive measures them can be evaluated. However, using the must be taken beforehand. These include P: (406) 873-2984 bolts may help reduce some of the time, deploying ethanol-baited traps to monitor E: labor and expense that’s involved, according the beetles’ flight and timing insecticide to the researchers. treatments to deter them from boring into the trees on which they land. However, the traps also tend to capture non-target beetle species, obscuring accurate counts and monitoring. Michael Reding and Christopher Ranger, entomologists with the ARS Application Technology Research Unit in Wooster, 8275 US Hwy 10W • Missoula, MT Ohio, tried a different approach. Instead of the standard bottle traps, they used ethanol-infused bolts cut from the stems of young host trees—red maple, American elm, sassafras and dogwood among them. In nursery trials, the researchers hung both the traps and bolts (with and without ethanol) about 1.6 feet off the ground using 2017 International Lonestar 73” sleeper cab, 2016 International Durastar 4300 Cummins ISB Cummins ISX15, manual Eaton Fuller 13 2016 International Prostar Cummins ISX15, 220, 220 hp, automatic (Allison 220) 6 speed, steel rods and compared the speed transmission, 475 hp, 250” wheelbase, 167,102 miles, VIN#3HAMMMML0GL738228.. 450 hp, automatic 10 speed, dual bunk, 2.79 number and types of ambro483,911 miles, VIN# 3HSCXAPR8HN224288.. ............................................................. $37,700 gear ratio, 224” wheelbase, 399,174 miles, sia and other beetle species ............................................................. $65,000 VERY CLEAN! VIN# 3HSDDJAPR9GN676769 that visited them. ............................................................. $52,500 Among results reported in the November 2019 issue of the Journal of Economic Entomology: • The bolts worked as well as the traps but with the added benefit of attracting fewer non-target beetle 2017 Kenworth T680 287,381 miles, 450 hp species. Cummins ISX 15, Eaton-Fuller 10 speed, • Xylosandrus germanus, 22.5 Lo Pro Aluminum, 230” wheelbase,



##### Several days after the famous “Mr. Watson come here ....” Bell was testing his instrument over a longer distance. Bell and Watson were upstairs with one instrument while Charles Williams was using the other instrument downstairs. Someone called for Bell from another telephone. As he went to the other room, he handed the instrument to Watson and Bell said “here, hold this”; thus the term “putting someone on hold” was born.

2016 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Signature Cummins ISX15, 450 hp, autoshift, 10 speed, dual bunk, 2.79 gear ratio, 223” wheelbase, 230,769 miles, VERY CLEAN! VIN# 3AKJGLBGXGSHB0376................................... $53,000

2015 International Prostar Cummins ISX15, 450 hp, manual 10 speed, single sleeper, 228” wheelbase, 488,629 miles, VIN#3HSDJAPR3FN014863............... $35,000

VIN#1XKYD49X1HJ108295................ $65,000




2007 MCI J4500 611,189 miles, located in Bismarck, ND. Call and ask for Travis or Saxton $130,000

2005 Setra 844,855 miles, located in Bismarck, ND. Call and ask for Travis or Saxton $80,000

2008 International RE 48 passenger, DT466 diesel, 285 hp, 105 gallon capacity, 303” wheelbase, 463 gear ratio, 134,269 miles, Stk.#6338, VIN#4DRBXAAR29A042938............... $34,000

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C12

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


300 ton alfalfa & grass hay. Good quality, irrigated, 4x4 bales

Call Glenn 406-590-4102 • Fort Shaw, MT


2010 Case Flex Hoe 700 70-ft., 10” spacing 3430 VR cart Agtron all run blockage $70,000

Phone (406) 799-9000, Great Falls, MT

Many exhibitors presented their products at the Montana Grain Growers Convention and Trade Show held at the Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana in late December.

##### What would a chair look like if your knees bent the other way?

SALE! Up to 4% off in March! Havre, MT • Hoppers come with rack & pinion traps and manway, and inspection hole • Full “house” style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete! • Custom hopper bottoms for existing grain bins • Westeel smooth wall hopper bottom bins • Built with heavier material than our competition

We now sell and build Sentinel Buildings

Bruce Boyum 406-945-0876 Matt Boyum 406-945-1968 • NEW Westeel hopper bottom & flat bottom bins available • Overhead feed bins available • Custom Smoothwall bins from 50 bushel up to 500 bushel • Check us out at or on Facebook

Starting at $6,100 Call Us! Join us at MonDak Ag Days in Sidney, MT • March 12-13 and the Harlem Seed Show in Harlem, MT • March 12-14

Agricultural Tile Drainage Design Workshop

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University Extension’s annual Tile Drainage Design Workshop is set for March 10 in Loftsgard Hall, the NDSU Department of Plant Sciences building, in Fargo. “The workshop is intended for producers and others interested in understanding planning and design principles, practices for tile drainage, utilizing subirrigation and managing the water table with control boxes,” says Hans Kandel, NDSU Extension agronomist and workshop co-organizer. “Participants in the past included agricultural producers, landowners, drainage contractors and consultants, staff from government agencies and water resource managers.” The workshop will focus on the planning and design of agricultural tile drainage systems, including water management structures and lift stations, to meet farm profitability goals and environmental objectives. The course content is taught interactively with emphasis on group learning and ample time for discussions. Workshop topics include: • Drainage principles, soils and agronomic considerations • Drainage design fundamentals • Online drainage design tools • Hands-on drainage design project • Team drainage project • Lift stations and subirrigation options “A well-designed tile drainage system for a particular field will operate almost maintenance free for many years,” says Tom Scherer, NDSU Extension agricultural engineer and workshop co-organizer. “Managing the amount of water leaving the field via subsurface tile is essential. Pumps and control structures can be utilized to manage the out-flow of water from the tile line.” Kandel adds, “Most of our agricultural crops perform poorly in saturated soil conditions. Reducing the excess water is crucial for optimal crop production. A tiled field with the option to control the water table will give farmers a means to reduce production risk due to situations where there may be excess water or not enough.” The early registration fee is $90, which includes materials and lunch. The workshop is limited to 40 participants. Due to seating limitations, on-site registration will not be available on the day of the event. Visit to register for the workshop. ##### A Canadian park ranger is giving some ramblers a warning about bears, “Brown bears are usually harmless. They avoid contact with humans so we suggest you attach small bells to your rucksacks and give the bears time to get out of your way. However, grizzly bears are extremely dangerous. If you see any grizzly-bear droppings leave the area immediately.” “So how do we know if they’re grizzly bear droppings?” asks one of the ramblers. “It’s easy,” replies the ranger. “They’re full of small bells.”

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C13



GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 • (406) 761-4848



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6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths....

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Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C14


New Holland 644 round baler, twine only, 5889 bales. Phone (406) 450-4963, Valier, MT


2013 MacDon M155 rotary swather, excellent condition, field ready. 1983 Case 580D backhoe with dirt bucket, hay grapple fork, 18” and 24” backhoe buckets. Eversman 10-ft. land plane with hydraulic ram. PK tank, sprayer/water tank on trailer. Ford 4-bottom rollover 16” plow. Phone (406) 860-9094


We have auctions booked for spring 2020 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 58 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.

22-ft. HILLSBORO In Stock

Flatbeds Available

in Steel & Aluminum 2006 Exiss Sport Weekender

ARC-IC could be an option for 2019

By NDSU Extension Service The Agricultural Revenue Coverage – For example, assume a farm has 1,000 Individual Coverage (ARC-IC) program base acres consisting of 300 acres of corn, received little interest under the previous 300 acres of wheat and 400 acres of soyfarm bill, says Andrew Swenson, North beans. If only wheat triggers an ARC-CO Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension payment, it will be made on 255 acres (300 x farm management specialist. 85%) of base. However, if ARC-IC triggers Nationwide, less than 1% of base acres a payment, it is made on 650 acres (1,000 were enrolled in ARC-IC, compared with x 65%). The probability and amount of the 76% in the ARC-County and 23% in the payment rate must be considered. Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program. In addition, ARC-IC allows more acres However, in certain instances the ARC-IC of fruits and vegetables to be grown without may be the best option for 2019, Swenson sacrificing potential government payments. believes. Under ARC-CO and PLC, a producer can “Producers should be able to determine plant nonbase and up to 15% of base acres whether an ARC-IC election will provide in fruits and vegetables, compared with benefits from the 2019 crop year before nonbase and up to 35% of base acres unthe March 15, 2020, signup date,” he says. der ARC-IC. Plantings in excess of these “ARC-IC uses yields from the enrolled amounts could be subject to a reduction in farm, which should be known, in its calpayments. culations.” For the 2019 crop year calculation, the Producers had several reasons for disrelevant years to determine benchmark missing ARC-IC from consideration under revenue are 2013 to 2017, using the covered the previous farm bill, Swenson notes. commodities grown in 2019 on the FSA “It is more complicated and requires farm or farms enrolled in ARC-IC. Each more annual paperwork,” he says. “It reyear’s (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017) quires the enrollment of the entire Farm revenue is calculated by multiplying farm Service Agency (FSA) farm, thereby losing yield by the national average marketing year the flexibility of choosing between ARC(MYA) price. County (ARC-CO) and Price Loss CoverThe Olympic average of the five years of age (PLC) on a crop-by-crop basis within revenue is benchmark revenue. If more than the FSA farm. Also, it only pays on 65% of one crop was grown in 2019, the benchmark base acres instead of 85%, but there is more revenue of each crop is weighted by planted to this story.” acres. The revenue guarantee is 86% of Because the ARC-IC payment rate is benchmark revenue. Actual revenue is the determined by a weighted average of all 2019 farm yield multiplied by the national covered commodities grown on the enrolled MYA price. farm or farms, it may be less likely to trigThe crop may not have been grown evger a payment because strong revenue of ery year on the farm, from 2013 to 2017, some crops may offset weak revenue of to have a yield to determine revenue. In other crops. those instances, the trend-adjusted county “Producers should be cautious about enaverage yield for the year is used. Also, in rolling more than one FSA farm in ARC-IC years the crop was grown, 80% of county because crop plantings on all enrolled farms, transitional yield (T-yield) is used if it is within a state, are combined to determine higher than the actual farm yield, or if the the per-acre payment rate,” Swenson says. farm yield is unknown. The most unique aspect of ARC-IC is that Why and when might ARC-IC be the it is the only program option not decoupled preferable choice? Here are five instances: from production; the payment calculation 1.) If weather circumstances prohibited uses the producer’s yields from the covered all plantings of covered commodities on commodities grown on the farm. the FSA farm, and everything was prevent The per-acre payment rate is determined plant - In this instance, a maximum ARCby the revenue guarantee and actual revenue IC payment would be determined on the using the farm’s yield history and current combination of crops that were prevented yield, respectively, of the covered complanting, if 100% of the farm’s initially remodities planted. ported covered commodities are approved Conversely, ARC-CO uses county yields as prevent plant. If one or more acres of of crops for which the farm has base acres, covered commodities are grown, all preregardless of what actually is planted on the vented plant acres are ignored in ARC-IC farm. All three programs - ARC-CO, ARCcalculations. IC and PLC - rely on national average mar2.) If a general yield shortfall occurred on keting year prices in payment calculations. an FSA farm in 2019 - Also, the low yields If ARC-IC generates a per-acre payment in 2019 should not reduce the possibility of rate, it is applied to 65% of the total base payments for 2020 because benchmark revacres of the farm. The crops for which the enue computation for 2020 will use yields farm has base acres, for example corn, from 2014 to 2018. wheat and soybeans, is irrelevant with 3.) If most of a farm’s base acres are for ARC-IC. It only considers the total base crops, such as soybeans, which are unlikely of the farm. to trigger payments under the ARC-CO or According to Swenson, producers must PLC options in 2019 - Only the total base plant at least one acre of a covered comof an FSA farm matters with ARC-IC, not modity to be eligible for payment, with one the individual crops that have base. The exception. If the farm has zero plantings of ARC-IC payment rate is determined by the covered commodities and has prevented crop or crops the farm grows. planting of covered commodities, the farm 4.) If the farm is generally less productive would receive the maximum payment rate, than the county average, ARC-IC may be 10% of benchmark revenue. Conversely, favorable when farm yield history is lackall prevented planting acreage is excluded ing for crops grown on the FSA farm in from ARC-IC calculations if any covered 2019 - Yields from 2013 to 2017 are used commodities were planted on the FSA farm. in determining the revenue guarantee. For ARC-IC payments are made on 65% of each year the farm did not grow the crop, all of the farm’s base acres, whereas ARC100% of the trend-adjusted county yield is CO and PLC payments are made on 85% used. This could provide a stronger revenue of base acres for an individual crop base. In guarantee relative to the farm’s typical yields. For years the crop was grown, the certain instances, this can be an advantage, according to Swenson. CONTINUED ON PAGE C15

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C15

Check out our website

NEW SURPLUS HDPE PIPE FOR SALE Excellent for stock water or conduit use 11/4”, 2” & 4” (128-200 psi) on 8-ft. x 4-ft. metal reels. $.32/ft and up Call Ed – Big Sky Pipe – Great Falls, MT 406-453-7299 or toll free 844-453-7299


Jerry Croft of Cut Bank, Jake Roark of Oilmont, Glen Benjamin of Shelby, Joe Larsen of Galata, Caitlin Roark of Oilmont, Dale White of Devon, and Roxy Gillespie of Kevin were attentive listeners during Montana’s Next Generation conference workshops. The conference brought together multiple generations of farmers and ranchers for education and networking. Photo by Kari Lewis.

ARC-IC could be an option for 2019 CONTINUED FROM PAGE C14

higher of actual farm yield and 80% of the county Tyield is used. 5.) If a farm that has high historic yields but significant yield variability - The farm yields from 2013 to 2017 are used in determining the revenue guarantee for the crop grown. ARCIC could provide additional protection, beyond crop insurance, for a poor production year on the farm. “The concern with enrolling in ARC-IC is that you forgo any potential payments that could be received from enrollment in ARCCO or PLC,” Swenson says. “For example, it probably should not be considered if a farm has substantial base acres of canola or wheat, which currently project strong payments under PLC. “There are some instances where ARC-IC might work, but only proceed after careful analysis,” he adds. A decision aid to evaluate ARC-IC is available at farmmanagement/farm-bill. ##### Two hunters are comparing their stories. One says, “I once shot a wild boar so big they had to come get it with a tractor!” The other scoffs, “Ha, I once shot a bird so big, 357 people got out of it when it hit the ground. ##### The anatomy of a crow’s brain is very similar to that of a human brain.

New Holland 144 hay inverter................. $2500 obo

Call 406-278-3970, leave message

1996 New Holland 9030 bidirectional, PTO front and rear, hydraulic front and rear, 3-point cab end, loader with grapple, new seat, new radio, new AC, new shocks on window and doors, 80% tires, 10,500 hours. Great Shape............. $27,000 obo

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C16


1000+ tons of hay, no nitrate, no rain, 4x4x8 square bales........... ......................................................................................$85/ton Phone 406-949-3097, Townsend, MT

##### Unlike horses, donkeys are not prone to being startled easily. Though they put safety first, they are still pretty curious by nature.

GREAT FALLS FENCE Central Montana’s Fencing Super Store!


5 1/2' 1.33LB Nucor (uSA) T-PoST (5 cLiPS) $3.49 red BrANd BArBed Wire $63 4-rAiL coNTiNuouS PANeL $95 5-rAiL coNTiNuouS PANeL $102 6-rAiL coNTiNuouS PANeL $119 2 7/8" driLL STem $1.39/fT 2 7/8" driLL STem (JoiNT) $39 moNTANA SuPer BrAce (SiNgLe) $55 moNTANA SuPer BrAce (douBLe) $80 moNTANA SuPer “h” BrAce $60 #1 rAiLroAd TieS $14 #2 rAiLroAd TieS $9 16' Wire cATTLe PANeLS $19.49 4-5 X 8' TreATed BLuNT $8.00 3" X 6' TreATed driver $3.95 4-5" X 7' TreATed driver $7.95 BekAerT 32" X 330' fieLd feNce $129 BekAerT 39" X 330' fieLd feNce $139 BekAerT 47" X 330' fieLd feNce $145

PRICES FOR STOCK ON HAND THROUGH 3-27-20 705 S. Vaughn Frontage Road • Great Falls, MT 59404 Sales (406) 727-3661 • Licensed, Insured, Bonded • Contractor #3123


Keyhole Steel Brace System

With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.

Plant growth chambers, known as Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research (SPAR), help understand crop responses to a wide range of environmental conditions.

Preparing plants for our future climate

Planning is something we all do. As individuals, we may be planning for next weekend or our future retirement. Farmers and plant breeders are also planning for a future. The crops we currently depend on will need grow under different conditions – due to climate change. Some weather conditions are easy to control. Scientists can set the temperature in a greenhouse and control how much water each plant receives. It is not as easy to change earth’s atmosphere. However, changes in our atmosphere are a part of climate change. Carbon dioxide is one greenhouse gas of concern. We know carbon dioxide levels have been increasing since the industrial revolution. Although there are efforts to reduce emissions, scientists predict that carbon dioxide levels will continue to increase. The presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not all bad. In fact, plants need it to grow. In photosynthesis, plants use sunlight and carbon dioxide to make sugars. So, more carbon dioxide means plants can grow faster. Raja Reddy, a professor at Mississippi State University, studies how climate change affects plants. Reddy works together with crop breeders who are planning for future conditions. Breeders are seeking varieties that can handle drought and warmer temperatures Reddy and colleagues started to wonder if the way plants respond to conditions like drought will change when there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. To test this, the team used a unique greenhouse facility. Researchers increased the carbon dioxide inside the greenhouse to represent our future atmosphere. “It is important for breeders to test crops under the most realistic set of future conditions possible,” says Reddy. “When identifying crops that will be tolerant of drought, breeders need to know that tolerance will be maintained when there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.” Fourteen rice cultivars were grown using both present and future atmospheric conditions. “Rice is one of the most important grain crops in the world, so it is particularly important to know how rice will respond to a new climate,” explains Reddy. Under both the current and future conditions, the research team investigated additional variables. These included the temperature of the greenhouse and the amounts of light and water rice plants received. Warmer temperatures, less water and light exposure represent environmental stresses plants will face in the future. Researchers measured plant growth at harvest. Things like height, leaf area, and root length were compared. Generally, plants grown under future carbon dioxide levels were larger. Rice height and leaf area were larger above ground, and root systems were larger below ground. When looking at the response of rice plants to stressors like drought, the pattern was similar for both present and future carbon dioxide levels. In other words, increased growth in the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide does not affect how the plant handles stress. Reddy feels this is positive news. “What breeders are doing to plan for the future should hold up well,” he says. “The existing research to identify drought and heat tolerant rice can assume that those cultivars will maintain the desired traits as carbon dioxide levels increase. It also means that breeders can screen crop varieties without altering carbon dioxide levels, which is hard to do in most greenhouses.” Reddy’s team presented this research at the November International Annual Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America in San Antonio, Texas.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C17


$67,095 Great loader tractor! 70 engine hp and 57 PTO. Has 3 hydraulic remotes, heat, and air. Loader has skidsteer attachment on it for availability to use various attachments. 3rd function kit is available but not installed.



Demo Discounts on this brand new unit. Great loader tractor with a grapple bucket. Warranty will start with retail sale/lease.

2014 Bourgault 3710

6550 leading tank, 60-ft. 10” spacing independent air disc drill. New warranty included. Series III mid-row banders, offset semi pneumatic V-style packer tires, updated greasable bushings, 4 metering tank, duals....................................................................... $240,000

2-2019 Massey Ferguson WR9980 deluxe cab, air suspension, deluxe radio, leather seat, header quick disconnect, AG3000 auto guide, 390 turf tires, C2100 monitor, standard lights, auger/draper connect, reel fore/aft, counterbalance weight kit....................................................................... Call

Call Justin at Tilleman Equipment for ALL your Irrigation Needs!

2016 MASSEY-FERGUSON 5713SL New loader, grapple


2017 Massey Ferguson 6716S new loader, grapple

2020 Bobcat S570 New, 1900 lb lift capacity, air seat, open cab, joysticks................. Call

Tilleman Equipment Co. is a Challenger Dealer!

2020 Bobcat S595 SJC, power bob-tach, 7 pin, 2 speed, bucket positioning, ride control, reversing fan, heat, air, radio, heated cloth air ride seat...Call

2019 Bobcat S770 New, heat/ ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket.......Call

2019 Bobcat V519 New, 5,000 lb. lift capacity, 19-ft. reach, enclosed cab, heat/ac....Call stock photo

Challenger MT865C....................................... CALL

2018 Challenger MT975E 600hp, 85 GPM hydraulic pump, full factory warranty upon purchase, Auto Guide 3000, deluxe cab, tow cable and XM radio.........................................................CALL


2004 Highline Bale Pro 7000 Plus Great used processor, had new knives installed 2 years ago and are in great shape. Grain tank attachment is harder to find these days............. $8,500

2016 Challenger MT515E Super clean tractor, loader will be installed in 3-4 weeks. Save some money on new and buy this low hour machine!... ................................................................$95,995

2016 Challenger MT515E Super low hour loader tractor. Currently getting an inspection done. 130 engine hp. Will have brand new loader installed.. ................................................................$94,995




2014 Challenger MT855C GPS, C15 motor, 30” tracks, 780 hrs..................................... $237,000

2019 Gleaner S97 deluxe cab, power-fold ladder, standard radio, 480/80r26, 900/60r32 drives, variable speed feeder house, quad display cameras, led lights, trimble lights, hi wire concave, yield monitor, hyd shaff spreader......................Call

FRESH TRADE! 2015 Gleaner S88 COMING IN!


(2) 2012 Gehl 383Z Zero Tail Swing, Equipped with; Cab with Air Cond, 8000# machine. Brand new thumb just installed......... $33,000 Mustang 3803Z 1200 hours.. $28,000


2012 HAYBUSTER 2650 Local trade, clean unit that will go to work right away.......... $11,250 2018 Parker 839 grain cart, red, scale, PTO, tarp 2008 Schulte H1000 mower 2005 J&M 875 grain cart, green..... .................................... $19,900

Johnson blades................ $19,995

4 - XH1000 used mowers 10-ft. w/tandems............................$10,000 each 2019 Schulte FX1200 New, 10-ft., single safety........................................... Call Schulte FLX10 Flex arm for XH1000........ .................................................$9500 2018 Schulte FX1800 15-ft. bat wing mower, single chain, fork lift tires....... .................................................... Call 2019 Schulte FLX1510 flex arm, to fit 10-ft-15-ft. mower........................ Call 2019 Schulte FX318 18-ft. mower..... Call 2018 Schulte XH1000-S4 10-ft., heavy duty, walking axle, severe duty tires, heavy duty drive shaft & gear boxes, 5’’ blades, flex arm mount............ Call Schulte XH1000-S2 10-ft., heavy duty mower.......................................... Call


2019 Bobcat S850 New, heat/ ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket......Call


2018 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 28.5-ft., rolling baskets 2018 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 38.5-ft., rolling baskets 2017 Summers DT2510 Diamond Disk 21-ft., rolling baskets, used. ......................................$62,000 2016 Summers Diamond Disk 47ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts Constantill 10-ft. deep tillage tool 2000 Ag-Chem Terragator 8104 Used terragator in excellent shape! Save some $$ and spread your own fertilizer!.......... ......................................$35,000

WINDROWERS AND SWATHERS 2016 MacDon M1240 1242 hours..... ..............................................Call


2000 John Deere 566 10,000 bales 2006 New Holland BR780 17,000 bales 2019 Vermeer 605N NEW, net/ twine, pickup clutch 2016 Vermeer 605N 4400 bales 2008 Vermeer 605M net/twine, 5500 bales


Ford 8670 170 hp, FWA, 16,900 hours........................... $22,000 1981 Versatile 875 8435 hours. For parts.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C18

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

RWI - Enterprises llc • We stuff ‘em, You stake em •

Certified Weed Free!

For Erosion Control * Bio-Wattle

100% biodegradable, wood or cotton netting

* Regular Wattle Poly netting

Both available in 9” or 12”

* Barley Wattle

Also Available:

Algae control for ponds

* Landscape Straw Tack Pellets

Fertilizer for flower beds, etc. • Chris Jennings, Owner • 406-366-5033 76 Jennings Drive - Moore, MT 59464

Montana Farm Bureau members in front of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. are (left to right): Tom DePuydt, Tonya Liles, Nicole Rolf, Megan Hedges, Don Steinbeisser, Jr. and Mike Murphy. The group was in Washington, D.C. to attend American Farm Bureau meetings, visit Congressional offices and conduct agency visits.

MFB members attend national meetings

Certified Irrigation Design

Pivots, Pumps, Mainline, Hand Line, & Much More

Factory Trained Valley Service Technicians

Fully Stocked Service Trucks



OFFICE: 1-406-683-4418 FAX: 1-406-683-4484

1045 SELWAY DR. DILLON, MT 59725

Beefcake by DewEze • Tackle daily livestock feeding chores • Designed to fit any feeding style

• Featuring electric or hydraulic models

2020 Chevrolet 3500HD SRW, 6.6L gas, regular cab, 4x4.

Montana Farm Bureau members were back in the nation’s capital February 2021, this time for American Farm Bureau’s Issues Advisory Committee meetings as well as meeting for the second time in two weeks with legislative offices and agencies. The IAC meetings at the association’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. brought farmers and ranchers together from across the state to discuss issues of concern. MFBF had members on five committees: Animal Care, Environmental Regulations, Farm Policy, Federal Lands and Water. Tonya Liles, a cattle rancher from Terry, explained to the Animal Care Committee strong concerns regarding feral hogs’ entry into Montana. She discussed bison and the threat of brucellosis to Montana cattle across the state if a “wild” or “free-roaming” herd is ever established outside Yellowstone National Park.” There was talk about the Hours of Service/Electronic Logging Devices to include a 150-mile exemption not only from the beginning of a haul but 150 miles from the destination. “We are concerned about livestock being unloaded because the trucker has reached the driving time limit. Having to unload animals unnecessarily will increase stress for the animal as well as increase the risk of injury and disease.” Megan Hedges, who serves on the Farm Policy Committee, talked about one FDA report that caused the pulse crop market to tank overnight. “We had a great market for our pulse crops in the pet food industry; but the moment the FDA released a report that said pulses cause heart problems in dogs, all the food got pulled off the shelves and the market tanked,” said pulse crop farmer from Chester. “We’re looking for ways to resolve that as well as get new markets for pulses and are hoping President Trump’s visit to India bodes well for trade. In addition, we talked about disaster payments and the need in the next farm bill to provide sufficient crop insurance.” The prevailing theme of the Water Committee was water quality. One presentation featured a computer program that can assess an irrigated area and determine the nutrient value. “This could certainly help a farmer determine ways to keep more nutrients in their soil, saving them money and improving soil quality,” said Mike Murphy, a rancher from Wolf Creek. “We discussed how agriculture gets blamed for algae

bloom when it’s a combination of factors; in fact, in some places where there is algae bloom there is no agriculture.” Don Steinbeisser, Jr. said feral hogs, predatory black vultures and others detrimental creatures were the topic of discussion in the Environmental Regulations Committee. “A lot of ranchers are losing calves and fish to the black vultures, but they’re considered a protected species; depending on the state, you can get permits to kill them if they’re harming your livestock/fish.” The committee learned about the Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR), a ballot initiative in Toledo, Ohio, that passed, establishing “irrevocable rights for the Lake Erie Ecosystem to exist, flourish and naturally evolve.” “Obviously this is a real concern for farmers, ranchers and landowners because we believe lakes can’t have rights, and this could lead to frivolous lawsuits against farmers—although LEBOR is being challenged in court now,” said Steinbeisser, a Sidney sugar beet farmer. “It’s important to share information about what we learn at these meetings with our county Farm Bureaus so we can develop good policy.” Discussions in the Federal Lands Committee, consisting mostly of western states, covered the recent scoping meetings for revisions in grazing permits, managing equine under the Wild Horse & Burro Act and discussing migratory bird corridors. Tom DePuydt, a Saco cattle rancher, noted, “The Federal Lands Committee also talked about forest fires and the need for local control of them along with more accountability from the government when it comes to fighting fires. We discussed reforms to the National Environmental Policy Act, especially making the process more streamlined; right now, those NEPA regulations are 15,000-20,000 pages.” In addition to IAC meetings, members toured the White House, met with the external affairs director at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and visited with staff at all three Congressional offices. “Montana Farm Bureau believes it’s extremely important to have farmers and ranchers from Montana serving on these advisory committees. While many agriculture issues are relevant and similar nationwide, there are others that are more important in certain regions or have slightly different imCONTINUED ON PAGE C19

Comments sought on proposed BLWMA grazing lease renewal

FWP News Release Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) has developed a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and is seeking public comment for a proposed grazing lease renewal on the Blackleaf Wildlife Management Area (BLWMA). The 9,000-acre BLWMA is located approximately 12 miles west of Bynum along the Rocky Mountain Front in Teton County. The proposed grazing lease is designed to provide a variety of habitat benefits through grazing treatments and includes rest pastures that provide cover and forage for wildlife, such as elk, moose, mule and white-tailed deer, ruffed and dusky grouse and a variety of nongame wildlife species. Livestock grazing has been used as a habitat management tool on the BLWMA in a similar fashion since 1990. Copies of this draft EA are available by mail from Region 4 FWP Office, 4600 Giant Springs Road, Great Falls, 59405; or at FWP’s website: environmentalAssessments/acquisitionsTradesAndLeases/ pn_0248.html A 30-day public review and comment period will be available February 14—March 14, 2020. Send written comments to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Blackleaf WMA Grazing EA Comments, 514 South Front Street, Suite C, Conrad, MT 59425. Or e-mail comments to:

MFB members attend national meetings CONTINUED FROM PAGE C18

plications. We like to make sure the western perspective is shared. We can all learn from each other and get a lot more done when we work together,” said MFBF National Affairs Director, Nicole Rolf. “Additionally, there is tremendous value in having our members in D.C. to share their first-hand knowledge and expertise on agriculture with our elected officials, staff, and agency personnel.”

##### Donkey Jennies stay pregnant for 365 days and eventually give birth to a single baby (foal). Twin births are very rare.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C19


2006 Challenger RB56 round baler. Same as Hesston 956A, 4400 total bales, always shedded, excellent condition. Phone (406) 378-3147, Big Sandy, MT

BIG SKY LADAK ALFALFA NEW DRYLAND ALFALFA •  Certified Seed Available •  Higher Forage Yield •  More Drought Tolerance •  More Disease Resistance

Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 FAX 406-434-5014 E-mail: Web site:

We are Montana’s Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer

Arena Fencing

Continuous Fence Corral Systems

Specializing in continuous fence & installation • 3 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 • 5 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$93 • 4 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$82 • 6 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel.................$101

• Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details.

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Pivot Bridge Corten Fence

We also sell drill stem pipe. Call about truckload prices!

For more information visit our website

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C20

We now carry Nachurs G22 Liquid Fertilizers! G22 liquid fertilizer is manufactured by utilizing quality raw materials to provide a very agronomically efficient source of micronutrients.

The Nachurs Rebate Program is open to any NEW customer using NACHURS liquid fertilizer (Group 1 Product Line)

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*see dealer for details


We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer

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We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver

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16,500 gallon tanks for sale

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We make hydraulic hoses

Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541


Brown rice variety packs antioxidant punch

By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service GEDrew is a brown rice with an odd kernel trait that sidelined its commercial prospects. Now, Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists’ re-examination of the trait and its link to increased antioxidant levels could give the rice variety a new commercial lease on life. GEDrew is the result of a mutagenesis rice breeding program conducted more than a decade ago by rice geneticist Neil Rutger (retired) at the ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center in Stuttgart, Arkansas. The variety, a genetic mutant, didn’t make the cut, however, and Rutger placed it in storage in the USDA-ARS World Rice Collection, a repository of more than 19,000 accessions and 12 species representing the genus Oryza. And there GEDrew might have remained today, were it not for the follow-up investigations of ARS chemist Ming-Hsuan Chen and the center’s current director, Anna McClung. In 2007, they began re-evaluating the collection’s specialty rice accessions for traits that could contribute to improved grain yield or nutritional content. Such collections, popularly known as gene banks, serve as a critical source of diversity in the face of emerging pest and disease threats, environmental change, market demands and other events. Their investigation of GEDrew focused on a single gene mutation that results in kernels with enlarged, or “giant,” embryos. In addition to a higher proportion of bran to wholekernel weight, the researchers observed, the giant embryo trait also correlated to a three-fold increase in alpha-tocopherol and a 20- and 29-percent increase in total tocotrienols and gamma-oryzanol, respectively. Tocopherols and tocotrienols are forms of vitamin E with important biological activity in the human body. These may include helping prevent unstable molecules called free radicals from causing cellular damage and other associated harm, Chen said. Gamma-oryzanol, a mixture of antioxidant compounds in the bran’s oil fraction, is thought to play role in reducing blood cholesterol levels, among other healthpromoting benefits, she added. Grain yield evaluations showed that GEDrew compared well to Drew and Cocodrie, two commercial varieties the researchers used for comparison in Texas and Arkansas trials. Even though GEDrew produced slightly smaller grains, it was unmatched in terms of its yield of bran, lipids and the three antioxidants. All are high-value ingredients for specialty uses ranging from edible oil for cooking and salad dressings, to breakfast cereals, nutrition bars, beverages and skin-care products, according to McClung. She credits the rice mutation breeding efforts of Rutger, a 2009 ARS Hall of Fame inductee, with setting the stage for their finding that the giant embryo trait leads to whole grain with increased gamma-oryzanol levels and vitamin E—especially alpha-tocopherol (the only form listed on the nutrition facts of food packaging labels). At the time, “Rutger was looking for any agronomically useful traits in his mutation breeding program, like earlier flowering, male sterility, elongated internode and apomixis but had the most success with semi-dwarfism,” McClung noted. “The giant embryo and a low phytic-acid mutant were examples of mutations that resulted in a change in grain traits.” In the case of GEDrew, additional laboratory and field work revealed value in what initially appeared to be a genetic kernel oddity. “This is the only study on a giant embryo rice mutant in the United States and one that’s a tropical japonica-type rice adapted to the U.S. growing conditions,” noted Chen, who co-authored a paper on the finding in the November 2019 issue of Cereal Chemistry together with McClung, Casey Grimm at the ARS Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Christine Bergman (formerly with ARS) at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas. McClung said their research has a two-fold purpose: to broaden the market opportunities for U.S. growers and to enhance the nutritional value of rice, a staple food for more than half the world’s population. In its whole-grain (unrefined) form, rice can provide a key source of not only protein, vitamins and minerals, but also insoluble fiber, essential fatty acids and bioactive compounds thought to contribute to dietary health. ##### A “spring tide” has nothing to do with the season of spring. Rather, it connotes a “springing forth.” Spring tides happen twice each lunar month all year long, regardless of the season.

Nebraska Extension offers crop scout training in March

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Agricultural industry representatives and corn and soybean growers wanting to learn how to better manage corn and soybean pests should plan to attend the Nebraska Extension Crop Scout Training for Pest Managers on March 11. The workshop will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. This session is ideal for new employees preparing to take the Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) exam and serves as an excellent refresher course for experienced personnel. Sessions are taught by university representatives from subject matter departments. This training provides current, detailed instruction and is specifically designed to provide the knowledge, expertise and confidence necessary to fulfill the requirements for working as a crop scout in making control recommendations. Topics include: • factors influencing the growth and development of corn and soybeans; • crop diseases and management • corn and soybean insect management; • weed control and herbicide management; • using a key to identify weed seedlings. The free for this training is $165 with a resource book or $60 without a resource book. The optional resource book contains a variety of reference materials that are excellent resources for crop scouting professionals. Pre-register to reserve your seat and to ensure workshop materials are available on the day of the training session. Fees include lunch, refreshment breaks, workshop materials and instruction manual. They do not include lodging. Certified Crop Advisor continuing education credits are available with 6 in pest management, 1 in crop management and .5 in fertility/nutrient management. For more information and to register online, visit https://

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C21

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

Phone (406) 271-5533.

Thinking Spring and Fencing? Check These Out! We carry Montana Post Driver products!

750R Rancher $5900

1000E $7900

1500E $9900

Auger Attachment - $3000 • Rock Spike - $400

Other available attachments: Domed Post Driving Tool, Flat Post Driving Tool, Railroad Tie Driving Tool, Concrete Point, Replacement Powercell, Hydraulic Hammer without mount, Skidsteer mounted concrete breaker.

CALL: 406-683-2018

Jackson, MT • Dillon, MT • Victor, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C22


Zetor 5211 with Ezee-On loader, 42 HP, low profile, good rubber.........$6500 Zetor Agripower 5000, 2WD, PTO, 3-pt.........................................$2500 Oliver 1655 2WD, gas, 3-pt., PTO with loader.....................................$8500 Ford 4000 gas tractor, loader......$6500 Ford Major 2WD, 3-pt., PTO.......$1000 Ford 8N, good rubber. Runs great......... ...............................................$1000


Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. ....................... CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................... CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty........ ............................................... CALL Kioti DK4710SEH with KL5020 loader 47 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires.......... $9999 On Sale!


Allied/Farm King YC74 snow blower w/ hydraulic chute control...........$3500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header..........................COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL Kioti backhoe attachment, PTO driven. ...............................................$2500

Montana MIWW representatives compete at Nationals

New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.

In Stock $6250

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower.........................$1595 5-ft. rotary mower.........................$1395 4-ft. rotary mower.........................$1295 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.............$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.............$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow..........................$695 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point..................$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.............$575 7-ft. back blade...............................$475 6-ft. back blade...............................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear... .................................................$499

We now have


wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available. NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750


Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Running gear.......................................$1000 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295

NEW Eagle attachments

New Eagle 560HD..................$625 New Eagle 566HD..................$699 New Eagle 672HD..................$729 New Eagle 784 HD.................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$725


New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork...........................................$1000 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork. ..................................................$856


New Holland 575 square baler.$12,500 American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 John Deere 327 square baler.....$3250 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500


Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts

NEW DIRTY HANDS POST HOLE AUGERS IN STOCK Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers

Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Phone (406) 227-6821

East Helena, Montana

Serving HELENA and surrounding areas over 70 YEARS!

Come visit us at

From Montana Make It With Wool Montana Make It With Wool representatives showed off their talents with Southwestern Fun, Fashion, Friendship, and Flair! during the 72nd annual National Make It With Wool competition as part of the 2020 American Sheep Industry (ASI) Convention held January 23 thru 25, 2020 at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kiara Sherman of Ronan participated in the Junior Category, while Angelina Toth of Havre participated in the Senior Category. Montana’s Adult winner, Michal Ann Stedje of Ronan, competed in the National contest by mailing in her garment along with a video and photos. For Kiara Sherman’s second year in the Junior Division, she constructed a two-piece 100 percent wool outfit which included a coat and a dress. Kiara’s camel colored coat featured a waterfall draping on the front which highlighted the double-sided brushed wool. Kiara completed the coat with flat fell seams. Kiara’s navy flannel dress featured pleats in the sleeves and the skirt which she found challenging when adjusting the fit. Kiara is a sophomore at Ronan High school this year where she is involved in FFA and the Maidens softball team. Kiara also raises and shows Red Angus cattle. Senior contestant, Angelina Toth has competed in the MIWW contest for 7 years. This year she created a practical but yet fashionable 3-piece ensemble. Her black/brown/gray lined wool tweed coat featured a semi-fitted silhouette, a pointed hemline, and a double shawl collar. To wear under her coat, Angelina chose an ivory wool crepe fitted short sleeve shell with a bias bound V-neckline and keyhole opening in the back. To finish her ensemble, she made a pair of lined basic black wool flannel pants featuring a fly front zipper and straight legs. Angelina knows she will get a lot of use out of this outfit as she can dress her shell and pants up or down depending on the occasion. Angelina is a Senior at Havre High School and a 12-year 4-H member. Her favorite 4-H projects are beef, sheep, swine and quilting. Montana’s Adult winner, Michal Ann Stedje, constructed a suit with a hand-knitted long leaves shawl to compliment and help tame the chill in Montana’s air. Michel Ann’s jacket and skirt were made from a green and gray plaid wool. Her reversible jacket features “built in” pockets and the reverse is solid gray which offers more styling possibilities. The asymmetrical full wrap plaid skirt features a waterfall hem which is stylish for any occasion. To finish off the ensemble, Michal Ann used the same solid gray for an easy flowing top which she accented with machine embroidery stitches. Michal Ann has worked in the Ronan school district for over 20 years and has been a Lake County 4-H leader for over 25 years. In the National MIWW contest there were 25 Junior contestants, 21 Senior contestants, and 21 Adult contestants representing 26 states. Currently, there are 29 states and the North East Region with active Make It With Wool programs. The National MIWW Director is Lynda Johnson from Encampment, Wyoming. The contestants learned a lot by attending workshops on accessorizing and the importance of pressing with the correct pressing aids. They also had a lot of fun and did some sightseeing while participating in a scavenger hunt in Old Town Scottsdale. The highlight was lunch and an ice cream treat at the Sugar Bowl which is a nostalgic diner dressed in pink and black. It was a hit!! Montana’s contestants had a great time in Scottsdale enjoying the warm weather and represented our great state in high fashion. They did not place in the top 10 but learned a ton that they can use for their entries next year. Madeline Douglas of Indiana won the Junior Division, Charlotte Waldron of Ohio won the Senior Division, and Meighan Stevens of Ohio won the Adult Division. The “People’s Choice” Award went to Bonnie Imker of Minnesota. Some interesting statistics collected from the 2019 MIWW year are there was a total of 81 Adult contestants, 52 Seniors, 134 Juniors, 160 Preteens, and 39 Made for Others throughout the 29 states and the North East Region. There was a total of 1,395 yards of wool fabric and 167 skeins of wool yarn used to construct the MIWW garment entries for the 2019 year. For more information on the Make It With Wool program, please visit and like our Montana Make It With Wool Facebook page, Montana Wool Growers Association Facebook page, or email Montana MIWW Director Amanda Powell at CONTINUED ON PAGE C24


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C23




2019 Ford F350 crew cab, PowerStroke LARIAT! SAVE THOUSANDS OVER NEW!!!

Josh 391-0602

2017 Dodge Ram 3500 SLT Crew Cab

Klay 590-2313

2017 Ford F-150 crew cab, Ecoboost LIMITED! LOADED UP


2017 Chevrolet Silverado 51,000 miles!

2011 Ford F150 Lariat crew cab • ONLY $12,995 2012 Ford F350 Lariat 6.7 liter diesel automatic

2019 Ford Rangers Best Deals Right Now!

Redesigned 2020 Ford Escapes are HERE and we are dealing!

Super Nice 2016 Ford F150 4x4 XLT

2010 Dodge Challenger Fun to Drive!

2016 Dodge Durango Citadel AWD One local owner, excellent shape

Josh 391-7056

Matt Chad 391-9241 471-0735

2017 Ford F-250 crew cab, PowerStroke, KING RANCH! SUPER NICE

2016 Ford F350 crew cab, PowerStroke Lariat

2018 Ford F150 XLT Crew Cab, SUPER NICE! $26,995

2015 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4, crew cab, LOADED

2011 Ford Expedition XLT 4x4 • $7,995!

2018 Ford Flex Limited • $24,995


2005 Ford F350 crew cab 4x4 Powerstroke Lifted, custom wheels and tires, MORE! Great project truck • $3999

HUGE discount on this 2014 Ford F150 4x4 DON’T MISS OUT

See our full inventory at

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C24

SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425

Montana MIWW representatives compete at Nationals CONTINUED FROM PAGE C22

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Take Advantage of the Good Exchange Rate and Book Your Bin Today!!! Hopper Bins

3300-bushel hoppers with 18” air & remote gate openers 4900-bushel hoppers with 24” air & remote gate openers

Check Out Our Website Accepting US Funds For More Info and Products Call 1-306-472-3159 For Details

For Kiara Sherman’s second year in the Junior Division, she constructed a two-piece 100 percent wool outfit which included a coat and a dress.

IT’s ! NEW


Senior contestant, Angelina Toth has competed in the MIWW contest for 7 years. This year she created a practical but yet fashionable 3-piece ensemble.



One of two grasses that does well on low fertility or high alkali soils! Hercules will establish on soils with a PH as high as 10.1 More forage and better quality than Alkar or Jose Good growth early in the spring As with Newhy, be sure to graze before heading Over 40 years experience

Greenway Seeds Caldwell, Idaho Alan Greenway, Seedsman Cell: (208) 250-0159 Msg: (208) 454-8342

The contestants who participated in the Montana MIWW contest held in Billings on December 7, 2019 in conjunction with the Montana Woolgrowers Convention. Pictured are (left to right) -- Norm Campbell (Bonnie's model), Bonnie Campbell, Morgan Bowman, Rosella Higgins, Jasmine Powell (Rosella's model), Angelina Toth (1st place Senior), Tammy Townsend (1st place Made for Others), Caitlin Morrison, Michal Ann Stedje (1st place Adult), Kiara Sherman(1st place Junior), Shea Ostberg (Junior contestant and Tammy's model), Maggie Toeckes, Marlene Konen, and Annie Townsend.

##### In the early days of telephone booths, some phone booth users did not like them, as the doors often got stuck. ##### Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?

Determining value for ag property

By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC Mornings are brisk as our warm exhalations hang heavily in the frosty air. The days blur together as my body struggles to differentiate between day and night. Checking cows is done with anticipation of being ready at a moment’s notice, because as any rancher knows, whatever can go wrong, will. It is the peak season for a rancher, the same as harvest would be for a farmer. Because we also farm, I have a solid understanding of each industry. Now, owning a company in the real estate world, it is even more evident of how significant it is to have a sound background in these trades. Just like calving season is much more complex than watching a mama cow give birth to a calf, determining value for an agricultural property is just as in depth. For example, what if you are curious to know how much your commercial feedlot is worth? A commercial feed yard would be considered a special purpose property, because it is fairly limited to one use. The valuation is similar to other properties that require segregation of the components of business value, going-concern value, real estate assets, furniture, and fixtures. In addition, most feed yards are constantly improving or undergoing expansion that result in complexities when determining depreciation estimates. To reiterate, knowing every angle is imperative. Your ranch isn’t only worth the property it sits on. A complete analysis also accounts for a combination of assets including rolling stock, feed inventory, management-in-place, an established clientele, an on-going business operation, real property fixed assets, and personal property including machinery and equipment and perhaps an animal herd. Further, the value of the feed yard is related to its market share and on the basis of dollars per head of capacity.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C25

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


2013 Case 621 F loader, low hours............................................................................. $78,000 2000 Cat 930 G IT loader, average hours.................................................................... $42,000 1998 Cat 950 loader, high hours.................................................................................. $38,000 All three loaders have air conditioning and are straight, dry, and tight. All three are quick attach and the Cats have forks, rubber is 50%+. Delivery available – Phone 406-253-1001

BUILT FOR WHAT’S NEXT As your fArm grows, your system should too if you’re expecting record bushels or planning for more acres, you need a system that can keep up. we will design a system to fit your growing needs.

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##### Many horsemen feed their horses at ground level in the belief that this natural grazing position is good for the horse’s back and neck muscles.

Central Steel Building & Construction 6729 Hwy. 200 Carrington, ND 58421 Copyright © 2014 AGCO Corporation 701-652-2886


Phone 406-759-5188

Complete Truck & Tractor Repair

Chester, Montana

•  Mechanical and electronic engines •  Transmissions and rear ends •  Brakes •  Custom battery cables Call 406-759-5188 or cell 265-0883

Grade 5 Bolts - HUGE SELECTION! 1/4” - 1” diameter, up to 6” long. We also carry fine thread, some metric and Grade 8 bolts.

See our supply of welding accessories & rod.


KunzArc Ease rough cutmower

We’re sure to have what you need.

We carry a large selection of Interstate Batteries And, we make BATTERY CABLES! 4 ga. up to 2/0 Stop in and see us! Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts

We can ship to your farm or ranch

We have a great selection of valves & spray fittings.

Wheatheart Grain Augers H 23-hp H  57” cut H  2” to 8” cutting height H  Four tire design for added support on rough ground


Come here for your oil & chemical needs.

New Honda Replacement Engines

4 and 5.5 hp 2” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm

In Stock

8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36 See us for DOT truck inspections

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C26

M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work

Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius

1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at:

2003 International 9100i tractor 370/430 hp Cummins N14, jake, 10 speed, air ride suspension & cab, tilt, AC, PS, cruise, 60% 295-22.5’s, dual tanks, 3.90 ratio, 404,000 miles. Clean, tight truck............ ....................................$12,500 1994 Ford CF7000 210 hp 5.9L Cummins 12 valve, Allison 5 speed AT, 2 speed rear,PS, AC, air brakes, 33,000GVW, 15,000 miles. Right or left hand drive, 16-ft. of frame.......................$10,500

2019 Custom Machine and Work Rate Estimates FIRM Team Fact Sheet Number Authors: Bob Battel, Field Crops Educator Michigan State University Extension • June 2019

2019 Production Season Costs Farm Labor Unskilled 7= $ per hour


$2.30 per gallon of fuel

Farm Labor skilled 7 = $ per hour


$2.53 per gallon lube & fuel cost max.

TRACTORS ONLY: No driver,or fuel cost

4WD - 260 hp.

$ 148.10 $ 63.20





MFWD - 225 hp.

$ 118.10 $ 49.40






82.90 $ 40.70






60.20 $ 32.10





Est. Fuel use .044 gal. diesel/PTO hp / hour

2- WD - 40 hp.


27.80 $ 27.80






Auto Steer systems charge per acre Custom $/Acre 1

TILLAGE OPERATIONS: Plowing: Moldboard (6 bottom) Chisel Plow (23 ft.) Chisel – front disk (16.3 ft.) Vertical tillage Disk - V - Ripper combo (17.5 ft) V-Ripper 30" O.C., 17 ft. Subsoiler 30" - 10ft (12-15") Disk - tandem (21 ft) Field Cultivator (23 ft.) Harrow Soil Finisher Row Cultivate (12 rows) Stalk Shredder (20 ft.) Rotary Hoe (21 ft.) Land Rolling Highboy spraying Boom Sprayer - self-Prop.80ft. Boom Sprayer - pull type 50ft.

max. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

$20.83 $15.74 $19.14 $14.55 $21.40 $20.49 $19.65 $13.34 $12.87 $10.59 $16.45 $12.62 $12.48 $8.95 $8.00 $8.00 $6.78 $6.50 Custom $/Acre 1


Planter only - notill

50.00 50.00 30.00 35.00 36.00 35.00 35.00 30.00 28.00 19.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 16.00 12.00 20.00 20.00 17.00

min. $ 7.50 $ 6.00 $ 7.00 $ 9.00 $ 8.00 $ 15.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.50 $ 7.00 $ 7.00 $ 6.00 $ 3.00 $ 4.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.50



Machine Rate Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour4

Est. Fuel Gal./Acre6

$27.33 $14.41 $18.49

$115.34 $187.76 $170.29

4.17 13.03 9.21

1.32 0.64 1.04

$0.00 $15.62

$0.00 $96.53

11.59 6.18

1.00 1.61

$14.47 $6.64

$176.82 $86.19

12.22 12.98

0.74 0.31

$8.71 $15.70

$134.57 $121.83

15.45 7.76 25.96

0.46 0.74 0.18

$6.38 $6.09

$281.49 $280.69

44.12 46.09

0.07 0.12

Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3

Machine Rate Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour 4

Est. Fuel Gal./Acre6



46.00 $








46.00 $ 10.00





Planter- soybean 15" rows



32.00 $

Planter- No Till w/spliter & w/fert



32.00 $ 16.90

Variable rate seeding



5.00 $


Drill Soybeans Conventional



32.00 $


Drill - No Till (15 ft.)



34.00 $






Drill Grain, press wheels



36.00 $






Seed Tender



Pest Control - scouting



10.00 $


Pest Control - scouting with drone



4.00 $


Custom $/Acre 1





Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3

Machine Rate Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour 4

Est. Fuel Gal./Acre6



Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3

Machine Rate Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour 4

Est. Fuel Gal./Acre6

$32.50 $154.00 $35.00 Custom $/Acre 1




FIRM Team Fact Sheet • Page 1

Combine - 8 row (Corn )



90.00 $


Corn Head for Combine



10.50 $


Combine - 8 row stalk chopper head



60.00 $ 30.00

Combine Small grains (20 ft head)



50.00 $ 14.00



Combine Soybeans (30 ft. head)



66.00 $




Combine Soybeans- air reel- flex





50.00 $ 30.00

Soybean Head for Combine



10.00 $

Combine, cart, haul to storage - Corn



90.00 $ 18.00

Combine, cart, haul to storage - Soybeans



85.00 $ 17.00

GPS mapping addition to harvesting



5.00 $


Picker 2 row - Ear Corn + 3 wagons



41.00 $


Grain Cart - corn / acre



12.00 $


Chopping Forage- Pull type 3 row



60.00 $ 15.00

Chopping Forage -Pull type Pickup hd-10ft


Chopping Forage-Self-propelled 625hp /hr





Chopping Haylage- Self propelled/ton





8.00 $


9.00 $




Snaplage/ acre



70.00 $ 55.00

Bunk Filling- chop, haul, filling & packing / ton


Silage Bagging per ft. (9 ft diameter)



15.00 $




32.00 $





20.00 $





20.00 $


Windrowing - hay or straw



16.00 $ 15.00

Swathing hay or small grains (25 ft.)



36.00 $


Mower-Conditioner Pull-type (9 ft.)



27.00 $


1997 GMC C7500 250 hp, Cat diesel, 6 spd Allison, 137K miles. AB, PS, 11R22.5’s 90%, trailer hookups, 33K GVW................$7750

Mower-Conditioner- Self Propelled (16ft)


Mower - Conditioner- Rotary (12ft)


Small Square Baling



3.00 $







per hour

$ 1,150.00 $ 55.00

Chopping Silage- Self propelled- per ton

Hay per bale




2001 International 4700 175 hp T444E diesel, AT, AC, PS, PB, cruise, 25,000 GVW under CDL, 15-ft. service bed, 3-ft. workbench bumper, 60% 22.5 tires, 96,000 miles. Runs and drives nice............$10,500

406-381-3159 –

Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3


Sugarbeets - Planting (12 rows) Sugarbeet - Self-Propelled Harevest & Cart Sugarbeet - Hauling per ton

J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT

Machine Cost Est. Fuel Est. Fuel Cost $/Hour Gal. / Hour per Hour

2- WD - 75 hp.

1971 Fruehauf 20 Ton Tilt Bed 25-ft. deck x 97” wide, hydraulic winch, 60% 8.25R15, air brakes. Clean straight trailer.... .......................................$8500

1997 Freightliner FL60 hauler 250 hp 3126 Cat, 7 speed, locker, Jake, AC, tilt, air ride suspension and cab, 75% 19.5 tires, 12-ft. flatbed, gooseneck, 182,000 miles. Needs TLC....... .......................................$8500

Custom $/Hour

MFWD - 130 hp.

Planter- conventional w/fert & insect 30" corn-soys Planter- conventional no attachments

1993 Freightliner FL80 crane truck 12 ton capacity, 42-ft. boom, front winch, 250 hp 8.3L Cummins, 6 speed Allison, PS, AB, 90% 22.5 tires, 90,000 miles. Runs and works excellent........ ....................................$16,500


Iowa=$0 .20/ hp-hour (fuel not included)

2000 International 9100i and 2005 45-ft. Step Deck 370/430 hp Cummins N14, jake, 10 speed, air ride, tilt, AC, PS, cruise, 75% 295-22.5’s, dual tanks, 3.90 ratio, 700,000 miles. 45-ft. tandem dual, new tires, air brakes, beavertail....... ....................................$23,500

1994 John Deere 4039T 4 cylinder turbo diesel 1100 hours, PTO bellhousing. Runs excellent................$3500

updated June 2019


1.00 $2.61














Wrapping Bales per bale


Baling Round- 600-800 # per bale



10.00 $


Baling Round -1200 -1500 # per bale



16.50 $




Baler 1000# Round/ with wrapper



22.00 $




Mow-Rake-Bale-fld Haul- Lrg. Round/bale

$24.12 $

19.00 $



15.00 $ 11.00

Baling -1500 # Lrg. Round - straw/stalks Baling -1500 # Lrg. Round - straw - with wrap

$12.63 CONTINUED ON PAGE C32 $13.41

Tables Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 available Call for delivered prices!

Montana Post Driver

4-in bore 8-in stroke - $85Dispatch, Trader’s

10,000 watt 4 cylinder diesel generator with 2 - 500,000 BTU diesel fired heaters & 200-gal fuel tank

Bolt together fence brace kits

•Brace rail with hardware $29 •Complete brace with 8-ft posts $60 •Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18


Driver Classic $1,600

Heavy Duty Hay Feeders

Shipping Containers 20-ft - Used $3,400 New $4,300 40-ft - Used $4,600 New $7,250 *Rental return containers availabile 40-ft $6,000

Fenceline Feeder Panels

24-ft adjustable 20 9 neck rail $

Portable Tub & Alleyway

Free Standing Portable Panel

Mineral Feeders

24-ft long $425

Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades

Calf Shelters Maternity Pens 8-ft x 23-ft $2,400


750R: 1000E: 1500E: $5,900 $7,900 $9,900

Portable Heater & Generator

Portable Windbreaks

Guardrail Portable Windbreaks

Pocket Gopher & Mouse Poison + Bait Boxes

• • • •



All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing

• 10-ft bow gates $280 • 12-ft bow gates $300 Corral gates - 6-bar 8-ft $160 10-ft $170 12-ft $190 14-ft $210 16-ft $230

Portable Panels

All panels are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft heavy portable panels • 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel™ panels)

Pallet forks skidsteer mount:$930 Global mount: $950

Rotary mower skidsteer mount: $5,250

2,500-lb capacity $85

Grinding and Cutting Wheels 7’ & 8’ Road Grader

406.390.1110 SuperSteel/ Steel Decking


Large selection of Grade 5 & 8 BOLTS

Cattle Guards

Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680

Used Guardrail 2-rail & 3-rail

Constructed with all new material 10-ft $1,550 12-ft $1,750 16-ft $2,100 Cattle guard kits with used pipe available. 10-ft $880 12-ft $990 16-ft $1,325

Rubber Tire Water Tanks



Portable Buildings Poly DEF & Fuel Tanks 12x24-ft All steel portable buildings - use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc. - Starting at $4,300

Steel Workbenches (8-ft

Tow Ropes

Various Sizes up to 200.000-lb breaking strength


Portable adjustable floor loading chute $6,680

Call us for all your steel needs

• Plate - 5’x10’ .188” • 5-in galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft lengths) • Used 2-7/8 pipe • 1.25” 14 ga round tubing Bale spears • 1.66” 14ga round tubing skidsteer • 3-1/2” used pipe 31-ft Harrow mount: • Pipe Caps: various sizes! 6’x6’x5/8”: $630 $695 A lot more steel…too Drawbar:$180

• Various sizes available


Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb

1-in Sucker Rod Miscellaneous

• Feedbunk (constructed with 10ga and heavy tube legs) 20-ft x 38-in x 12-in $790 (other sizes including bottomless)

• Skidsteer Light Material Bucket (constructed with 3/16-in plate) 8-ft: $1,150 and 10-ft: $1,350


Knipex tools!

Pipe & Tubing

Secondary Square Tubing


Guardrail I-Beam Posts Galvanized


much to list - Call us!

- 36”x24’ 22ga Prime galvanized SuperSteel - Use for windbreaks, corrals, etc.

$2.77/lb for Grade 5 $4.40/lb for Grade 8

Portable Loading Chute

Folding Pipe Jack

6K torsion axel - $2,200

Continuous Fence

2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 • 6-rail 1-1/4” 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 14 ga. $94 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 20-ft long 5-in galvanized octagon • 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga. 9’9” posts $26 20-ft long *Pipe posts can be cut to length

Portable Panel Trailer

March 2020 — Page C27

• Skidsteer Plates: $110 • 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 • Extinguisher Mount: $40 • Bale Spears: $85 • Head Catch: $790 • 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 • 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $36.50 • 3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $50 • Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 • Ratchet Chain Binder 5/16-3/8”: $30

Brett 406.390.1110 | Jenni 406.366.9939 |Office 406.428.1110 PO Box 180 | Grass Range, MT 59032 March 2020

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C28

STOKES FENCING Conrad, Montana

##### A hunter who was an atheist was out in the woods during deer season when suddenly a 1,000-pound nontypical whitetail deer stepped out. “Good God!” exclaimed the hunter. Suddenly, a voice from Heaven said, “I thought you don’t believe in me.” The hunter replied, “Up until now I didn’t believe in 1,000-pound deer either.”

A better retirement: Bump up your savings

By Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming Extension Getting a raise is a good thing, right? It is – unless you increase your spending each time up get a bump in pay. If spending increases, then you’ll fall short of what you need in retirement. The main culprit is “lifestyle creep” – more money coming in means people feel richer, so they feel better able to buy a bigger truck or more stuff. But if savings doesn’t increase, then people risk a less secure retirement. Since other sources of retirement income are relatively fixed, like Social Security, it is up to us to put a percentage aside. The general For ALL Your Seed Cleaning Needs! guidelines are to save 10 We are a certified facility offering cleaning and treating of all seed varieties to 15 percent of your paycheck. What if we get a raise – surely we can spend some of it? The investment research SPRING WHEAT SEED PEAS & LENTILS firm Morningstar notes that Joplin & Rudyard, MT people living lavishly need Gunnison WestBred (CSO) Ginny (PVP) to save more (in order to ----------------------------Arvika Hay Peas maintain their lifestyle). WB 9377 WestBred (CSO) BARLEY Older people, in particular, - Solid Stem Montech 4193 Yellow Peas need to save more since AC Metcalfe (PVP) ----------------------------they have less time before Avondale Lentils WB 9590 WestBred (PVP) Lavina Hay Barley retirement. Morningstar suggests a Vida MSU (PVP) Haymaker (PVP) simple rule of thumb: each Lanning MSU (PVP) time you get a raise, spend a percentage of it that’s Treat with: Alzada Durum WestBred (PVP) twice the number of years Rancona to retirement. Save the rest. Attendant CALL US for wireworm Someone who will retire Stamina • Zinc in 10 years could spend 20 WestBred FOR PRICING! Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are Inoculant Available percent of the raise guilt trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC free. Younger people could PO Box 167 Plant Phone Reed (406) 899-2774 spend more of the raise since Rudyard, MT 59540 406-355-4333 Ron (406) 390-1220 they have more time for their investments to grow. Under the rule, those with 30 years to retirement could spend about 60 percent of their raise. If you don’t have a reTyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 tirement account through 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) an employer like a 401(k) or similar, then start today. At the very minimum contribute enough money via deductions from each paycheck to earn your employer’s matching contribution. If one is offered it is probably 3 or 4 percent. So you’d be contributing about 6 percent. If you’re self employed, We stock a consider an individual relarge variety of tirement account – an IRA. Honey Bee parts You can begin contributing to them in high school as long as you have earned income. They can be opened including rod weeder supplies. at banks and through brokerage or investment firms. If you don’t get regular raises, then save as much as you reasonably can. Don’t worry if you have to start small. When you do get extra money, like a bonus, an income tax refund or even workplace reimbursements, put the money toward retireCall today for New VR12 ment. Have a policy that Grain Vac pricing and when you get money you availability weren’t expecting, a certain We Sell percentage goes to some We also have parts for 1” and 2.5” air seeder hose form of savings. REM Grain Vacs

Lance Stokes (406) 450-2149

Fencing Done Right




T & T Farm Supply, LLC


Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.

Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers

REM VRX Grain Vacs

Now Available

6”, 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts

Parts and Conveyors

We are your MAV Chopper Dealer

##### Full-grown horses have an average of 89 feet of intestines.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 – Page C29

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


1999 MOXY MT30 Articulated Haul Truck 6x6, 30 ton capacity, 23.5R25 radial tires. Good solid work ready truck!......................................................................$33,333

2012 Kelly Mfg B70D Backhoe Attachment 3-point attachment, 70 hp and up tractor, 8-12 GPM, ripper tooth, Like New!......................................................$10,000

2012 Skyjack SJ111 3219 Electric Scissorlift 2009 Deere 27D Mini Excavator

19-ft., 36” extension platforms, non-marking tires, power to the platform, low hours........................$5600 per machine

2900 hours, hydraulic thumb, quick attach with 2 buckets........... . ...............................................................................$22,500

2007 Club Car Golf Cart 4 seater, flat bed conversion on rear, new batteries in 2019. High end custom paint and wheels.................................... $4500

2011 Kubota M9540 MFWD Tractor 2016 Case CX57C Excavator

Only 1700 hours, 94 hp, UltraGrand cab, both PTO options, fully loaded. Absolutely excellent condition....................$33,300

Like New!, Only 400 hours, quick attachment wit 2 buckets, 1 owner, 1 operator Ever!..........................................$59,900

1978 Deere 762 Elevating Scraper

good running machine, good tires, work ready!...........$23,500

1995 Deere 310D Backhoe Loader Very Clean Machine, 4x4, Extend-a-hoe, 24” heavy duty bucket and frost bucket......................................................$26,500

2013 Cat 246C Skidsteer

1700 hours, cab with air conditioning, 2 speed, nice machine!... . 2005 Olympic Triple Axle Tilt Deck ...............................................................................$35,000 A nice trailer, pintle hitch, air brakes............................$25,000

Give Greg or Jim a Call

Greg 406-690-2754

Jim 406-690-0737

For Help With All Your Equipment Needs! Additional Photos & Info at

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C30

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


Grass/alfalfa, German millet, sorghum Sudan, sweet clover/grass and 2nd cutting in round bales, twine. Phone 605-490-2250, Newell, SD

FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY

##### In Irish mythology, Embarr (imagination) was the horse of Niamh, one of the queens of Tir na Nog, the land of eternal youth. The horse could run across land and sea without touching them. ##### Just like in case of chimps and monkeys, donkeys in a herd will groom each other and keep themselves clean.



Fungal decisions can affect climate

By Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, American Society of Agronomy When we think of climate change, we tend to think about greenhouse gases, fossil fuels and pollution. Most of us don’t think about fungi. But Kathleen Treseder does. Treseder, an ecologist at the University of California, Irvine, studies how fungi can affect climate and vice-versa. “Fungi are important to consider,” she says. “They can influence nearly every aspect of ecosystems, especially processes that occur in soils.” New research from her lab shows that fungi can have different lifestyles in response to climate change. These findings can be incorporated into computational models that simulate ecosystems. “We may be able to better predict shifts in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and climate change,” says Treseder. “That can help us estimate how much, when and where climate change will affect human societies.” It’s important to be able to forecast which places will be hit by climate change and how quickly. These early warnings can help preparations, such as building sea walls or flood channels, or direct the development of new crop varieties. Fungi are terrific decomposers. They break down organic material to get nutrients and energy. In doing so, they turn complex chemicals into simpler elements, such as carbon. In fact, “fungi are an integral part of the global carbon cycle,” says Treseder. “They can move carbon from decomposing material into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.” But fungi don’t just release carbon. They can also store it. For example, environmental stress can cause fungi to strengthen their cell walls. They do so by using organic compounds that contain carbon. These carbon compounds can stay in soils for years to decades or even longer. Treseder’s research explores how fungi decide whether to use limited energy and resources to decompose material or for other processes. “No one can do everything well, and the same goes for fungi,” says Treseder. “If fungi invest resources into one activity like decomposition, then those resources won’t be available to support another activity like tolerating environmental stress.” These resource allocation decisions become even more important in a world with changing climate. “For example, will more extreme climates select for fungi that tolerate stress well, but cannot decompose dead material as efficiently?” says Treseder. “If so, then their production of carbon dioxide might decrease, slowing climate change.” To answer these questions, Treseder traveled to Alaska and Costa Rica. Experiments were set up in Alaskan Boreal forests and the cloud forests of Costa Rica. “ “We chose these locations because they are both endangered by climate change,” says Treseder. “Northern ecosystems are warming particularly fast. Clouds are disappearing from the mountaintops of Costa Rica.” Treseder and colleagues exposed areas of the forests to drought-like conditions or more mellow environments. They collected soil samples from the different experimental areas. Then they analyzed products made by fungal genes. These gene products served as indicators for whether the fungi were investing more resources toward decomposition or strengthening cell walls. “We found that where drought stress increased, the amount of fungi that invested more in strengthening cell walls and less in decomposition tended to increase,” says Treseder. In contrast, in more moderate conditions, the reverse occurred. Fungi that decomposed more efficiently became more common. These findings suggest that fungi might store more carbon as global climate becomes more extreme. On the other hand, they might release more carbon dioxide in moderate climates. “These opposing feedbacks would not have been apparent without examining trade-offs among fungal traits,” says Treseder. Treseder is working to incorporate these findings into new and existing models of climate change. One particular area of focus are Earth system models that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uses for its official predictions. “We hope our research improves predictions of future trajectories of climate change,” says Treseder. ##### A crow’s forebrain is very developed. This means that they are intelligent. Why so? Because forebrain is where the intelligence of a creature is regulated.

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

Come see us for all your Hydra Bed needs!

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C31



G ll steel flatbeds

Stop in or call for more info. IN STOCK NOW!!!


New Circle D pickup flatbeds

New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires..................................................................$12,695 New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.....$11,995

New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package............$10,995 New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package.............. $13,295



Diamond C 26-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box.....................................................$9595


Starting at $6795 • 20-ft. • 22-ft. • 24-ft.



3-point Bale Unroller Includes cylinder and hoses.

BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW......................................$5795 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9195 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW....................................$9595 GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.................................$10,495 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW.................................$14,500

Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame, torque tube........................................................ 32-ft. $13,395 ............................................................... 30-ft. $13,195 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 2 piece with folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks........$9995 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket..................................$10,995 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket..................................$10,795 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 2 piece with folding beavertail................$7995

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1650 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1650 71/2x9..............................................................$1700 8x9..................................................................$2000 8x11................................................................$2350

LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

Give us a call about any of our trailers or let us find what you need!


2001 Travalong Bandit 3-horse 1997 Titan 3-horse slant, bumper slant, walk-in tack compartpull.............................. $4500 ment............................ $7500

1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20ton equipment trailer.......$8500

1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.. ..........................................$8500

2014 Kaufman 24-ft. gooseneck flatbed, no ramps ...... $5500

2001 Belly Dump Pup 20-ft., roll-up Load King lead trailer, 42-ft., triple tarp, aluminum wheels ..$10,000 axle.................................$25,000 & pup..............................$15,000 As a pair.........................$39,000

1995 51-ft. wedge car hauler, winch, 1982 Landoll hydraulic tilt equipment trailer w/winch................$14,500 Country Side carriers, 3-7000 lb. axles..................................$7500

New Diamond C Car Haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders Straps •Tie-downs Jacks Bearings & seals • Etc.


2018 Diamond C 24-ft. gooseneck tilt ...................... $6500 1995 Wilray 24-ft. pintle hook flatbed trailer, 2-7000 lb. axles, slide-in ramps, always shedded, excellent shape ...$4500 Wilray 24-ft. gooseneck .. $1500

1980 Alray 22-ft. stock trailer stocktrailer ............................. $2500

2018 Look 6-ft. x 12-ft. enclosed trailer ............................. $3595

A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t


Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

Triple axle, 20-ft. x 83”, pintle 2002 Container chassis, like new.... hitch, completely rebuilt, LIKE ........................................ $7500 NEW! ......................... $6500

(2) Iron Steer 24-ft. lumber roller trailers................$6995 & $8995

1980 Kentucky van trailers, offices in front, 2 doors on 1 side, 1 door on other ...$6500

14-ft. snow pusher .............. $4200 1994 International 4900 flatbed, air brakes, diesel, 9 speed, tool 8-ft. skid steer snow pusher $. 2000 boxes ............................ $9595

Triple T Sales

1997 Ford F250 extended cab Ford F250 with flatbed & 8-ft. 351 5 speed, 160,000 miles, Western snow plow ......$6500 Hydrabed ....................$13,000

4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats $65 each

Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C32

MDS CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY • IN STOCK • Shop-Style Rolair Compressors


Pressure Washers • Hose Reels




20.00 $

Windrowing - hay or straw



16.00 $ 15.00



36.00 $


Michigan • June$20193.00 $ Hay per bale State University Extension $1.00



2019 Custom Machine and Work Rate Estimates

Swathing hay or small grains (25 ft.) Mower-Conditioner Pull-type (9 ft.)

CONTINUED FROM PAGE$C26 $ 27.00 7.00 $15.05

Small Square Baling Wrapping Bales per bale

Baling Round- 600-800 # per bale 7 Baling Round -1200 -1500 perhour bale Farm Labor Unskilled = $ #per HARVESTING:

Baler 1000# Round/ with wrapper Farm Labor skilled 7 = $ per hour Combine - 8 row (Corn Mow-Rake-Bale-fld Haul-) Lrg. Round/bale Corn Head for# Combine Baling -1500 Lrg. Round - straw/stalks TRACTORS ONLY: Combine - 8 row stalk chopper head- with wrap Baling -1500 # Lrg. Round - straw

Hauling bales/bale/loaded Combineround Soybeansair reel- flex mile Iowa=$0 square .20/ hp-hour (fuel not included) Hauling bales/bale/loaded mile Soybean Head for Combine Est. Fuel use .044 gal. diesel/PTO hp / hour Combine, cart, haul to storage - Corn Auto Steer systems charge per acre FERTILIZER: Combine, cart, haul to storage - Soybeans


2019 Production Season Costs $11.80

$14.19 $11.67 Custom $/Acre 1 $11.80 $16.35 $32.07 $24.12


10.00 $


$ max. 16.50 $ min. 5.00 $ 22.00 $ 3.00 $

90.00 $

MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal with metal flex spout fuel cans.

We Also Have Available:

4 Several affordable options in DEF pump systems 4 Flexzilla hose IN STOCK, 3/8-1” sizes 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT

406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816

Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3









updated June 2019 Machine$2.30 Rate per gallon Fuel 9.45 of 0.35 5 fuelEst. Acres/Hr. per Hour 4 Gal./Acre6 9.45 0.35 $2.53 per gallon lube & fuel cost 6.79 2.00 Machine Cost Est. Fuel Est. Fuel Cost $/Hour Gal. / Hour per Hour $332.79 7.47 1.90


$13.41 $41.35

10.50 $ 8.00 6.00 19.00 max. min. 15.00 $ 30.00 11.00 $ 60.00

Custom $/Hour $44.55

4WD - 260 hp. $2.65 $27.86 MFWD - 225 hp. 12.46 $30.29 MFWD - 130 hp. $3.75 $37.80 2- WD - 75 hp. $2.55 $8.95 2- WD - 40 hp. $41.57 Custom $/Acre 1 $38.83

63.20 $ 148.10 3.00 $ 14.00 2.00 50.00 $ 49.40 $$ 118.10 20.00 $ 5.00 66.00 8.00 $ 82.90 $ 40.70 $ 50.00 $ 30.00 $ 60.20 $ 32.10 $$ 10.00 6.00 $$ 0.25 7.00 $ 27.80 $ 27.80 $ 90.00 $ 18.00 max. min. $ 85.00 $ 17.00









$9.05 $12.63

$27.80 Total $2.89 Machine Cost/ Ac 3 Total Machine Cost/ Ac 3

11.4 6.79 9.90 11.65 10.18 5.70 7.42 3.30

$11.90 1.76 Machine Rate Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour 4

$30.15 2.04 $26.19 0.49 2.04 $15.08 2.04 $8.73 $4.66 Est. Fuel Gal./Acre6

Machine Rate Est. Fuel 5.00 $$ min. 1.00 $2.30 $$ max. 15.00 1.50 $5.22 Custom $/Acre 1 Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour4 Gal./Acre6 7.00 $28.58 $$ 41.00 6.00 $$ 5.00 $4.16 $27.33 $115.34 $ 12.00 50.00 $$ 1.00 7.50 4.17 1.32 $20.83 $210.70 $30.67 6.87 1.44 $5.51 $$ 30.00 $ 4.00 $8.06 $14.41 $187.76 $ 50.00 $ 6.00 13.03 0.64 $15.74 60.00 $$ 15.00 2.07 3.38 $38.20 $$ 19.00 4.00 $11.05 $18.49 $170.29 $ 30.00 $ 7.00 9.21 1.04 $19.14 $401.00 $ 15.00 $ 8.00 $10.93 35.00 9.00 $14.55 per hour 2.58 Liquid-Sprayed: Chopping Forage-Self-propelled $401.00 Disk - V - Ripper combo (17.5 ft) 625hp /hr $0.00 $0.00 36.00 $$ 55.00 8.00 11.59 1.00 $21.40 $$ 1,150.00 13.00 4.00 $6.38 V-Ripper 30" O.C.,Self 17 ft. Chopping Silagepropelledper ton $15.62 $96.53 35.00 6.18 1.61 $20.49 $$ 36.00 8.00 $$ 15.00 5.50 FertilizerAnhydrous: 21 ft. $6.75 5.00 $13.31 Subsoiler 30" - 10ft (12-15") Total 35.00 $19.65 Chopping HaylageSelfsamples propelled/ton Total Machine Rate Fuel $$$ 20.00 9.00 $$$ 10.00 8.00 Soil Testing - GPS grid $8.40 2.00 $6.70 1 5 Est.Est. Machine Rate Fuel 1 5 Machine FERTILIZER: Custom $/Acre Acres/Hr. Disk - tandem (21 ft) 4 Acres/Hr. 6 $14.47 $176.82 $ max. 30.00 min. $ min. 5.00 Machine 12.22 0.74 $13.34 max. FERTILIZER: Custom $/Acre 4 6 Hour Gal./Acre Snaplage/ acre perper Hour Gal./Acre $$ 70.00 $$ 55.00 $65.15 Cost/ Ac 3 16.00 10.00 Liquid Manure Spreader Injected -1000 gal. $11.87 Ac 3 Field Cultivator (23 ft.) $86.19 $ 28.00 $ 7.50Cost/$6.64 12.98 0.31 $12.87 Bunk Fillingchop, haul,only filling & packing / ton Liquid Manure spreader /hr. $14.00 100.00 50.00 $63.49 Harrow 19.00$ $50.00 7.00 Liquid Manure spreader only /hr. $10.59 $ $100.00 $63.49 Silage Bagging per ft.only (9only ft /hr diameter) Solid Manure spreader /hr SoilManure Finisher 30.00 7.00 $16.45 $ 60.00 $ 50.00 $55.99 15.00 1.00 $9.33 Solid spreader $ 60.00 $ 50.00 $55.99 Row Cultivate (12 rows) $8.71 $134.57 $ 30.00 $ 6.00 15.45 0.46 $12.62 Manure Pump, Hauling, Spreading - liquid Mowing Manure Pump, Hauling, Spreading - liquid $ 32.00 $ 7.00 $14.04 $300.00 300.00$ $23.00 23.00 $86/hr $86/hr (9500 gallon cap.) per hour Stalk Shredder(9500 (20 ft.) $15.70 $121.83 $ Fact 40.00 7.76 0.74 $12.48 FIRM$Team gallon cap.) per hour Sheet $• Page3.00 2 Raking $68.33 $2.61 26.18 0.07 $ 20.00 $ 1.50 $6.62 RotaryPump, Hoe (21 ft.) $ 16.00 $ 4.00 25.96 0.18 $8.95 Manure Pump, Hauling, Injecting Manure Hauling, Injecting $12 1000 gal. $ 20.00 $ 3.00 Tedding perper 1000 $7.60 Land Rolling 1000 1000 gal. liquid(9500 (9500 gallon cap.) $12 12.00 5.00 $8.00gal. gal. liquid gallon cap.) Highboy spraying Windrowing hay or straw 20.00$ $$18.00 5.00 $8.00 Bobcat/Skid Loader / hr. 135.00 18.00 $61.09 16.00 15.00 12.12 0.32 Bobcat/Skid Loader / hr. $12.20 $ $$135.00 $61.09 Boom Sprayer self-Prop.80ft. $6.38 $281.49 $ 20.00 $ 4.00 44.12 0.07 $6.78 Mowing CRP or pasture / acre Swathing small/grains 65.00 5.00 $19.22 Mowing CRPhay or or pasture acre (25 ft.) $ $$ 65.00 $19.22 $265.19 $21.88 12.12 0.32 36.00$ $$ 5.00 7.50 $14.96 BoomMowing Sprayer - pull type 50ft. $6.09 $280.69 $ 17.00 $ 3.50 46.09 0.12 $6.50 Ditch $ 100.00 $ 40.00 Ditch Mowing $65 per hour $ $100.00 $65 per hour Mower-Conditioner Pull-type (9 ft.) 27.00$ $40.00 7.00 $15.05 Total BrushHogging Hogging / acre Machine Rate Est. Fuel Brush / acre 50.00$ $ 6.00 6.00 $27.76 $ $ 50.00 $27.76 Mower-ConditionerSelf Propelled (16ft) max. min. Machine PLANTING: $16.67 Custom $/Acre 1 Acres/Hr. 5 per Hour 4 Gal./Acre6 GrainDrying Drying - inbin dryer /point/bu. Grain - inbin dryer /point/bu. 6¢/pt/bu 10.00$ $ 0.02 0.02 Cost/ Ac 3 6¢/pt/bu $ $ 10.00 Mower - Conditioner- Rotary (12ft) 8.73 0.38 $12.50 Grain Auger/ bu. Grain Auger/ bu. 6¢/bu. 0.10$ $ 0.01 0.01 6¢/bu. $ $ 0.10 Planterconventional $235.06 $16.79 14.00 0.40 $ 46.00 $ 0.25 6.00 $19.16 Small Auger Squareonly Baling Hay per bale $ 3.00 $ 4.36 0.40 $1.00 Grain / bu w/fert & insect 30" corn-soys Grain Auger only / bu 4¢/bu. 4¢/bu. Wrapping Bales per bale Planterconventional no attachments $213.50 $15.25 14.00 0.40 46.00$ $$20.00 10.00 $18.98 Blowersilo filling / hour $4.97 Blowersilo filling / hour 20.00 20.00 $20/hr. $ $$ 20.00 $20/hr. Planter only -mo. notill $17.11 Grain Storage/ mo. Baling Round600-800 # per bale Grain Storage/ 3¢/bu/mo 0.40 $ $0.00 $0.00 3¢/bu/mo $ $ 0.40 10.00 5.00 $11.80 Plantersoybean 15" rows 32.00 6.00 $17.14 Grain Storage for season Grain Storage season 21¢/bu 0.45$ $$$ 0.10 0.10 21¢/bu $ $$$ 0.45 Baling Roundfor-1200 -1500 # per bale 16.50 5.00 9.45 0.35 $11.67 PlanterNo Till w/spliter & w/fert $ 32.00 $ 16.90 $18.06 9¢/up to 10 miles $ 0.40 $ 0.01 Grain Haul per bushel field to farmstead 9¢/up to 10 miles $ 0.40 $ 0.01 Grain - per bushelwith - field to farmstead BalerHaul 1000# Round/ wrapper $ 22.00 $ 3.00 9.45 0.35 $11.80 Variable rate seeding 5.00$ $$ 0.03 1.00 17¢/up to miles $ $$ 0.65 0.65 0.03 Grain Haul - per bushel - farm mkt 25mi 17¢/up to$2.40 2525 miles Grain Haul - per bushel - farm toto mkt 25mi Mow-Rake-Bale-fld Haul- Lrg. Round/bale $24.12 Drill Soybeans Conventional $ 32.00 $ 9.00 $17.33 GrainHaul Haul per Loaded Mile $4.00 Grain per Loaded Mile $4.00 Baling -1500 # Lrg. - straw/stalks Drill - No Till (15 ft.) Round 19.00 8.00 $12.63 $26.88 $170.96 34.00 9.00 6.36 0.90 $19.35 $ $$ 6.00 6.00$ $$ 1.50 1.50 Livestock Haul Trailer/ loaded mile $3.00 Livestock Haul Trailer/ loaded mile $3.00 Drill Grain, wheels Baling -1500press # per Lrg. - straw - with wrap Power Washing hr.Round $105.86 Power Washing per hr. $15.59 6.79 0.61 36.00$ $12.00 5.00 $15.06 15.00 11.00 $13.41 $ $ 75.00 75.00 12.00 $49.35 $49.35 GPS mappingBulk: addition to harvesting Fertilizer Spreading TILLAGE Dry OPERATIONS: Picker 2 row Ear Corn + 3 wagons Fertilizer dry Bulk Spreader only Plowing: Moldboard (6 bottom) Grainapplication Cart - corn / acre Lime Chisel Plow (23 ft.) FertilizerIn 3 row Chopping Liquid-Knifed Forage- Pull type Chisel – front disk (16.3 ft.) Fertilizer - Forage side dressing Chopping -Pull type Pickup hd-10ft Vertical tillage



$16.67 FIRM Team Fact Sheet Number

Mower - Conditioner- Rotary (12ft) Authors: Bob Battel, Field Crops Educator $12.50

Baling – Lrg Sqr. Hay(30 4x3x8 Combine Soybeans ft. head)

American Made and Industrial Quality


Mower-Conditioner- Self Propelled (16ft)

Picking upSmall w/accumulatorCombine head) No driver,or fuel grains cost (20 ftlrg.sq.bale

Saylor-Beall Air Compressors


Rock Seedpicking/acre Tender Rock picking/acre Picking up w/accumulator- lrg.sq.bale Backhoe Pest Control - scouting Backhoe / hour Baling –/ hour Lrg Sqr. Hay 4x3x8 Auto Steer System Auto Steer System Pest Control with drone Hauling round- scouting bales/bale/loaded mile Machine square foot year Machinestorage storage square footper per year Hauling square bales/bale/loaded mile Custom - Corn CustomFarming Farming - Corn Sugarbeets: Custom - Soybeans CustomFarming Farming - Soybeans FERTILIZER: Custom Farming Sm Grains Custom Farming - Sm Grains Sugarbeets - Planting (12 rows)

$18.10 $3.30 $18.10 $2.65 $95.70 $95.70 $4.93 12.46

$ $ 21.63 6.00$ $15.00 $1.00 21.63 15.00 3.00 2.00 $ $$135.00 135.00 65.00 10.00$ $$65.00 2.00 20.00 5.00

$1.40 $1.40 $ 4.00 $3.80 $3.75 $0.49 $0.49 $ 6.00 $2.55 $ $225.00 $113.85 225.00$ $113.85 max. Custom $/Acre 1 $98.77 210.00$ $98.77 1 $ $210.00 max. Custom $/Acre $ 200.00 $118.35 $ 200.00$ $118.35 $32.50





$ 0.25 Total Machine Est. Fuel (all(all machine operations for Rate growing & harvest) 5 machine operations for growing & harvest) $75.00 75.00 min. Machine Acres/Hr. 4 6 Total per Hour Gal./Acre Machine Rate Est. Fuel (all machine operations for growing & harvest) 50.00 Cost/ Ac 3 operations for growing & harvest) machine $ min. 50.00 (all Machine Acres/Hr. 5 4 6 per Hour (all(all machine for for growing & harvest) machine growing & harvest)Gal./Acre $50.00 50.00 Cost/ Acoperations 3 operations

SugarbeetDry - Self-Propelled Harevest & Cart $154.00 Fertilizer Bulk: Spreading $ 15.00 $ 1.50 $5.22 Fuel calculated byby adding fuel, oiloil and lublub$2.30 Fuel Price ==> $2.530 fuelfuel & lube price used Fuelcost costis is calculated adding fuel, and $2.30 Fuel Price ==> $2.530 ** base ** base & lube price used Sugarbeet - Hauling per ton $35.00 Fertilizer dry Bulk Spreader only $ for for 6.00 5.00 $4.16 1 1Custom $ per acre: thethe raterate obtained from surveys of actual farm datadata surveys 2014 & 2015 from Universities listed below to do typetype of of Custom $ per acre:Represents Represents obtained from surveys of actual farm surveys 2014 &$2015 from Universities listed below to this do this Lime application machine work forfor another farm onon a general basis. Higher or or lower rates apply in each situation on conditions, soilsoil conditions, sizesize of fields andand theirtheir locations. $ depending 30.00 $ crop $8.06 machine work another farm a general basis. Higher lower rates apply in each situation depending on 4.00 crop conditions, conditions, of fields locations. FertilizerLiquid-Knifed In power This numbers includeds machine, unitunit & operator where needed. Values have been adjusted higher to$ reflect the the change in power fuelfuel costs noted above. This numbers includeds machine, power & operator where needed. Values have been higher to reflect change in power costs noted above. $adjusted 19.00 4.00 $11.05 ** ** FIRM labor Team and Factoverhead Sheet • Page 1including depreciation. This could be considered 3 3Fertilizer Total Machine Cost/Acre: Includes tractor, fuelfuel cost , lubricants, repairs, maintenance, - side dressing Total Machine Cost/Acre: Includes tractor, cost , lubricants, repairs, maintenance, and overhead costs including depreciation. This could be considered $labor15.00 $ costs 8.00 $10.93

asas anan estimate of of thethe ownership cost andand operation of this machine on on a per acreacre basis. profit or return to management, which would be necessary for on enterprises estimate ownership cost operation of this machine a$6.38 per basis.No $No profit or return management, which would be necessary forgoing on going enterprises Liquid-Sprayed: 13.00 $ to4.00 were included in this number. Values are based on "Farm Machinery Economic Cost Estimates for 2014, University of Minnesota were included in this number. Values are based on "Farm Machinery Economic Cost Estimates for 2014, University of Minnesota Fertilizer- Anhydrous: 21 ft. $ 36.00 $ 5.00 $13.31 4 4Machine Rate perper Hour: This number takes thethe Total Machine Cost perper Acre andand factors in the estimated Acres perper Hour to give a value thatthat represents an estimate Machine Rate Hour: number takes Total Machine Cost Acre factors in the estimated Acres Hour to give a value represents an estimate Soil Testing - GPS gridThis samples $ 20.00 $ 2.00 $6.70 ofof thethe hourly operational and ownership cost of machinery supported by ©University of Minnesota, Machinery Economic cost estimates for 2014. hourly operational and ownership cost of machinery supported by ©University of Minnesota, Machinery Economic cost estimates for 2014. $ 16.00 $ 10.00 Liquid Manure Spreader Injected -1000 gal. $11.87 If the machine is is runrun at at fullfull capacity (or(or engine clock hours) thisthis perper acre rate should be be in the custom work value generated. If the machine capacity engine clock hours) acre rate should in the custom work value generated. 5 5Acres/ Hour: This is is anan estimate of of thethe acres thisthis machine should average on on a per hour basis withwith normal down time. Acres/ Hour: This estimate acres machine should average a per hour basis normal down time.

6 Gal./ Acre: is is anan estimated machine useuse of of fuelfuel consumed to do thisthis activity andand is based on on a factor of 0.044 gallons of diesel fuelfuel per per PTOPTO horsepower-hour on an 6 Gal./ Acre:This This estimated machine consumed to do activity is based a factor of 0.044 gallons of diesel horsepower-hour onaverage. an average. Your individual machines fuelfuel useuse may vary from thisthis number. Your individual machines may vary from number. FIRM Team Fact Sheet • Page 2 forfor thisthis table at aatrate of of $15.00 perper hour unskilled tasks andand $20.00 perper hour for for skilled labor (planter, sprayer, harvester). 7 7Labor cost; charged table a rate $15.00 hour unskilled tasks $20.00 hour skilled labor (planter, sprayer, harvester). Labor cost;charged Costs were developed asas anan adjusted estimate of of common rates being used by by farms in this areaarea to cover theirtheir costcost of operation. Costs were developed adjusted estimate common rates being used farms in this to cover of operation. Major shifts in in power fuel cost during thethe past fewfew year hashas hadhad an an impact on on andand hashas changed thethe costcost of machine operational cost. Major shifts power fuel cost during past year impact changed of machine operational cost. AsAs a thumb rule it isit is estimated that each $1.00 increase in fuel cost, willwill increase most machine operations by an 15%.15%. a thumb rule estimated that each $1.00 increase in fuel cost, increase most machine operations by additional an additional

● ●University of of Minnesota, Machinery Economic cost estimates forfor 2019 © University Minnesota, Machinery Economic cost estimates 2019 © ● ●2019 Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey - Ag Decision Maker-Alejandro Plastina; 2019 Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey - Ag Decision Maker-Alejandro Plastina;

● ●Kansas Custom Rates Comparison forfor 2018, Gregg Ibendahi, Kansas Custom Rates Comparison 2018, Gregg Ibendahi, ●● University of of Illinois - Machinery Cost Estimates © 6-2017, Univ. of Illinois @ @ University Illinois - Machinery Cost Estimates © 6-2017, Univ. of Illinois

● Wisconsin Custom Rate Guide 2017. ● Wisconsin Custom Rate Guide 2017. ● Oklahoma Farm and Ranch Custom Rates, 2017-2018. ● Oklahoma Farm and Ranch Custom Rates, 2017-2018. ● 2017 Indiana Farm Custom Rates . ● 2017 Indiana Farm Custom Rates . ● 2018 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates, ● 2018 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates, ● Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2018, ● Ohio Farm Custom Rates 2018, * This report is a summary of information extracted from various sources. Your actual cost may vary greatly from the numbers presented. It is recommended that * This report is a summary of information extracted from various sources. Your actual cost may vary greatly from the numbers presented. It is recommended that you calculate your own cost and economic returns necessary for the operation of machinery and equipment on your individual farm. you calculate your own cost and economic returns necessary for the operation of machinery and equipment on your individual farm. This document was compiled by: Bob Battel, Field Crops Educator, Michigan State University Extension. revised June 2019. This document was compiled by: Bob Battel, Field Crops Educator, Michigan State University Extension. revised June 2019. 362 Green Street, Caro, Michigan 48723 email: or web page: 362 Green Street, Caro, Michigan 48723 email: or web page:



FIRM Team Fact Sheet • Page 3 FIRM Team Fact Sheet • Page 3

When is Purim? March 10, 2020 Purim is a two day event beginning at sundown on the fourteenth day of Adar, the twelve month of the Jewish calendar. Every race and religion has their solemn and their festive holidays. Purim is the most festive of the Jewish Holidays. Children dress in costumes and people give gifts. Usually solemn synagogues are turned into festive arenas. Children shake noise makers called “Graggers”. The festive holiday centers around Queen Esther, King Ahasuerus (or Achashverosh), Mordecahi and Haman. The event took place in the Persian Empire in the fifth century, B.C. It is a celebration of a major victory against oppression of the Jews at that time.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C33

March 2020 Conrad, MT 59425

Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218


Visit our website at: • E-mail: $57,000





2015 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX15, 525 hp, 18 speed transmission, 63” flat top sleeper


2006 Kenworth W900 Fuel Truck C-15 engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, 5175 gallon tank, ALL CERTIFICATIONS CURRENT!

2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles


CALL for Details 2021 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72”, ag hoppers, electric tarp and hydraulic traps, all LED lights

2007 Trail King belly dump, 40-ft. tandem, good brakes and tires

$54,000 $29,500

2017 International Prostar 122 Cummins X15, 10 speed Ultrashift, steerable lift axle, 163,000 miles


2016 Peterbilt 579 ISX, 475 hp, Ultrashift transmission, 36” flat top, removeable air deflector


hin atc s! M it 2 Un 2015 Kenworth W900L ISX15, 485 hp, 18 speed, heqdache rack, work lights and much more!



$27,500 2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x66”, ag hoppers, 2 pair sight windows, vented slopes, spring ride


2014 Western Star 4900SB 500 hp, 13 speed manual, FULL LOCKERS, heavy spec’s


2011 Freightliner GLIDER 500 hp, 12.7L Series 60 Detroit, 13 speed, lift axle

2010 Freightliner Cascadia Detriot DD13, 10 speed, air ride, 3.70 ratio, clean southern lease return



2002 Doepker 20-ft. grain pup, ag hopper, turntable, spring ride, 11R24.5

2005 R-Way belly dump, 3 axle, air ride, pintle hitch • 1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. END DUMP, spring ride, very clean.............$19,000 • 1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 12ft. tub, spring ride........................$7500


CALL 2019 Jet 3 axle, air ride, electric tarp


2-2007 Kenworth T800’s available! 98,000 to 104,000 miles!!! Cummins ISX, 475 hp, flat top sleepers, 11R24.5, easy to daycab

2014 Peterbilt 579 MX-13, 455 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, day cab, ONLY 148,225 miles!

$52,500 2010 Mack CXU613 10 speed Ultrashift, 52” midroof sleeper, easy to drive, nice truck



2013 Timpte 40-ft. hopper tandem, ag hoppers, electric tarp, used very little


$49,500 2007 Kenworth W900 575 hp ISX, 18 speed, 20,000 lb. lift axle, double framed


2000 Freightliner Century 20-ft. aluminum ITB grain box, Cat 430 hp, Autoshift, steerable lift axle, pintle hitch

2008 Peterbilt 367 ISX 485 hp, 18 speed manual, Platinum interior, AliArc bumper


2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension



$72,000 for the set 4-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455-490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles

$43,500 2008 XL Specialized XL100HFG folding neck lowboy, air ride, 50 ton, rear lift axle, pinned for 4th axle, self-contained, no hydraulics needed, outriggers and D-rings



$22,500 2012 Transcraft drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, sliding winches, 10-ft. spread axle.

$14,500 2012 Manac drop deck, 48-ft. x 102”, 11-ft. upper and 37-ft. main deck.

2009 Great Dane 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/sliding axles, ready for your hay hauling needs.


2006 Sterling AT9500 MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s




$19,500 2008 Wilson cattle pot, 53-ft. x 102”, tri axle, air ride, full winter kit, ready for the fall run.

2012 Freightliner Cascadia daycab, Detriot DD13, Eaton Autoshift, 235,000 miles

2006 Peterbilt 379 dump truck, 475 hp Cat w/13 speed, w/2002 Superior transfer trailer

2014 Wilson 50-ft. hopper, ag hoppers, 12 tire with rear lift, electric tarp



1997 Peterbilt 379 525 hp Cummins N-14, 18 speed, BOTH ENGINE & TRANSMISSION ONLY HAVE 20,000 miles on them, 20,000 lb. drop axle

2008 SDI side dump, 3 axle, air ride, 11R24.5 tires

2010 Peterbilt 386 ISX, 485 hp, 10 speed manual, air leaf suspension


2007 Peterbilt 378 479,000 miles ECM verified, Cummins ISX 530 hp, 18 speed, full locking rear ends, 48” stand up bunks, wet kit, platinum interior

2016 Jet side dump trailer, 47-ft. w/36-ft. tub, rear lift axle, VERY NICE

$19,500 1988 Fruehauf stainless steel tanker, double conicle, center discharge, single compartment, 6700 gallons • 1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft. x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door....... ......................................................$6500

1996 Fontaine 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/moffet attachment


1995 Utility 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/moffet attachment

Check Out Our Website At:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C34

New Holland Equipment

New Holland 195MBS Manure Spreader

New Holland P2060 Drill with New Holland P4950 Tank

heavy duty, double chain drive, 16.5x16.1 float tires, hydraulic end gate, splash guard, upper beater


New Holland Swathers

New Holland Round Balers

New Holland Guardian Sprayer

Zerbe Bros.

New Holland Combines


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2005 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5 1/2”rubber packers, single shoot, dual wing castors, with 2340 tow between air cart, mechanical drive. UDF259...................................$45,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$65,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244............................................... $50,000


2013 New Holland S1070 suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft., 1600 gallon, 380/90R46 tires, screens, rinse with wand wash............ $25,500 2012 New Holland S1070 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon, windscreens, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash............................ $35,000 2009 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1600 gallon tank, 46” tires, rinse tank with wash, with auto boom................... $13,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate..$20,000 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, 14.9R46 tires, SP655 control, rinse tank w/wash, windscrews..$6000




2017 Apache AS1220 Plus II 868 hours, 275 hp Cummins, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, 380/90R46 duals, deluxe cab, premium seat, AutoBoom, AccuBoom, AutoSteer, Viper 4 monitor with varitarget nozzles, duals.............................$249,000 2008 Apache AS1010 1949 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30.......$105,000 2015 New Holland “Guardian” SP275R 1230 hours, 120-ft. boom, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 275 hp Cummins diesel, 520/85R38 tires, auto steer/auto boom, loaded. #USNH73......................... Just In


1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139....................................................$3500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$20,000


2012 Seed Hawk 8412 air drill w/800 TBH cart, section control, conveyor, single side band openers, ViperPro.................................................. Just In!

2015 New Holland L218 skidsteer, 60 HP diesel, cab with heater, hydraulic quick coupler, block heater, 237 hours. #USNH72..........$29,500

See More Online at

2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20.............................................. $88,000 1992 Gleaner R72 8.3 Cummins conversion, 260 hp, 600 hours on new engine, 2667 separator hours. ............................................................... $19,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28.............................................. $15,000

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Travis Volk

2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 985 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/Accu Boom. #USNH62...................................$219,000


2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2016 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, transport, cross auger, double knife, AWS air bar & finger reel with JD adapter. #UHMD51............................$69,000 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft., trailer package, cross augers, double knives, gauge wheels, flex drapers, Case New Holland adapters...................$61,000 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., flex draper, double knife, finger reel, cross auger, transport...........$54,000 2005 MacDon 973 39-ft. draper transport package, upper cross auger, finger reel, gauge wheels, JD adaptor. #UCM044..................................$19,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500

Email 1950

70 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C35


1981 New Holland 1037 balewagon, 540 PTO drive, 104 bale capacity, 3 wide 7 high, 11Lx15 tires..... ...................................................................$8000

New Holland Workmaster 25S w/loader New Holland Workmaster 40 w/loader New Holland Powerstar 75 w/loader New Holland T6.175 w/loader


2009 Case IH 535 Steiger 4WD, hi-cap hydraulics, 3300 hours, luxury cab, 5 hydraulics, HID lights, Pro 600 monitor, AutoSteer, 520/85R46 triples... ..............................................................$159,000


1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43........................................ $8500 2012 New Holland BR7090 twine & net wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO drive, new belts, rebuilt pickup, float tires, approx. 12,000 bales.............. $28,000 2005 New Holland BR780 twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO drive, x-tra sweep pickup, Bale Command monitor......................................................10,500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500


John Deere 714A forage wagon, 540 PTO drive, 11Lx15” tires, LH discharge.......................$3000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.........................................................$2500

2003 Case IH MXM175 MFD, 46” rear duals, 540/100 PTO’s, 3 pt hitch, Powershift, 7400 hours, loader, bucket & grapple fork..............................$45,000

2000 Cat Challenger 85E 375 hp, 11.9 liter, 10 speed, Powershift, 6950 hours...........................$65,000


2012 Apache AS1220 sprayer, 1430 hours, 250 hp Cummins, 6 speed PowerShift, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, Viper Pro, 10 section, rear duals, AutoSteer, AccuBoom, AutoBoom........$135,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens.............$12,000 2008 Case IH ATX700 70-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb trips, 5.5” rubber packers, single shoot, Stealth body with 4” Dutch spread tip, all run blockage, ADX3430 tow behind air cart, 430 bushel, duals, variable rate drive...................................$66,000 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 33-ft. air drill with 1720 tow between, 9” spacing, stealth boots, goose shooters, 31/2” steel packers.............................$23,000

2011 New Holland P2050 58-ft. hoe drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, Stealth openers w/ Goose shooters, w/P1060 430 bushel TBT air cart, dual fan, variable rate, 10” auger, duals................$90,000

2007 Brent 7 shank ripper w/rear disc.........$15,000

2016 Summers DT2510 33-ft. disc, heavy duty, floating hitch, rolling baskets.........................$39,000

1996 Wishek 842T disc, 23”, 24-ft., w/3 bar gates harrows...................................................$35,000

1980 Frigstad 53-ft. cultivator, new knock-on sweeps, with harrows............................................$13,000 Farmhand CM41 roller harrow........................$7000

2013 Bale King 5100 round bale processor, hydraulic chute. #UHBK03.....................................$11,000

2013 Seed Hawk 8412 drill, double shoot, side band openers, w/800 TBH cart, conveyor, section control, Viper control...................................$239,000

2016 Haybuster 2660 knobby float tires, hydraulic chute, 1000 PTO.....................................$17,500 Vermeer R23 twin rake, hydraulic drive baskets, nice shape.........................................................$5500

Bale Processors

1967 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, 9991 hours, Powershift, 540/1000 PTO’s, no 3-pt., 2 remotes ith JD 148 loader & bucket......................$11,000 1961 John Deere 3010 tractor, 60 hp gas, 540 PTO, 3 point hitch, w/John Deere 46 loader, 5-ft. bucket. ...................................................................$5500 2008 New Holland T7050 MFD, 2600 hours, 165 PTO hp, 18.4R42 rear duals, 19x6 Powershift, 3-pt. hitch, 540/1000 PTO’s.....................$72,500

Check Out Our Web Site at

Your Vermeer Equipment Dealer

Zerbe Bros. 406-228-4311 Glasgow, Montana

2016 Vaderstad CR400 carrier, vertical tillage tool, 13-ft., 5” spacing, steel runner packers, weight package, 3 point mount w/Vaderstad #250 Biodrill seeder..................................................... Just In!

2014 New Holland H7150 pivot tongue, 1000 PTO pump drive, 31x13.50-15 tires, (pivot only)..$7500 2013 Farm King sickle mower, 3 pt mount, 9-ft., 540 PTO drive w/skid shoes.............................$4500 2016 New Holland 366 belly mower, 66”, mid PTO drive, came off 37 Boomer tractor..............$2800 2017 Premier H015 post digger, 2” hex drive, w/12” heavy duty auger, skid steer mount...........$2500 2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 936D header....................................................$65,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000

2013 New Holland T9.670 Smartrax tractor, 1625 hours, Hi Flow hydraulics, PTO, new 36” tracks... ..............................................................$289,000

Vaderstad Precision Hoe Drill

2-Batco WCX 1545 field conveyors 15” x 45-ft., 32 hp, Kohler gas engine w/mover, cold weather kit, light kits, 9000 bu./hr.


Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

2006 Versatile 2145 MFD, 5800 hours, 145 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 42” rear tires, 3895 loader w/bucket & grapple..................................$65,000 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points.............................................$6000 2010 Kinze 3600 planter, 16 row, 30” spacing, rubber closer wheels, coulters & row cleaners w/liquid fertilizer 2-160 gallon tanks.....................$61,000

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311

Zerbe Bros.

Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C36

##### Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks.


New Holland 688 round baler for parts. Phone 406-279-3504, Valier, MT

Price 8005 Truck & E quipment H . 10 W -M , MT wy



(406) 543-0382

1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed............................ $15,000

1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder.........................$19,000

1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed, 12.5-ft. cabto-axle........................$10,000

1997 Volvo water truck, 3600 gallon, M11 automatic, 2 lift axles.......................... $25,000 2006 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow............................$12,500

2002 Skytrak 4290H telehandler, 9000 lb, 42-ft., Cummins, solid tires....................$32,500

1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach.....$20,000

2000 Case 460, 6-ft. trencher, backhoe, front blade...$10,000

1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor......................................................................... $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 crane, hydraulic air compressor.................................................................... $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed..................... $9000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................. $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500

1998 International bucket truck, 7.3 automatic, High Ranger 54-ft...............$15,000

1997 Skytrack 8042 teleforklift, 8000 lb, 42-ft...............$22,500

12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Miller 350 amp diesel welder.................................................... $4500 Hobart 400 diesel generator, ex-government........................... $3500 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800

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Bake some comforting biscuits this winter

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension All restaurants and stores were closed due to the blizzard, and I was in search of comfort food for brunch. Biscuits and scrambled eggs with the leftover holiday ham sounded tasty to me. “Do we have any canned biscuits?” I asked as I searched the fridge. “I don’t think so,” my husband replied. “Why don’t you be a pioneer woman and make them from scratch?” The roads to the nearby grocery store were undriveable, so making some hearty homemade biscuits sounded like a good plan to me. I picked up my phone and looked for a recipe online. I found one I had never tried. I gathered all the ingredients and quickly began mixing. When my husband saw me dipping the small chunks of butter out of the flour, he decided to tease me a little. “Ha. Ha. You mixed the ingredients in the wrong order,” he commented. Why did he have to see that? I was working too fast. I added the missing ingredient to the flour, blended it and added the butter chunks. Then I handed my husband the pastry blender. “Have you seen the TV show ‘Dateline’?” I asked with a smirk on my face. He knew where I was going with my counter-teasing. “Yes, I suppose this would be an episode where the wife sends her husband out to plow snow, and he disappears,” he replied. “Maybe that’s what I was thinking,” I noted. “The plowing can wait because I need a little help. You can blend the butter into the flour.” Our collaborative cooking effort yielded some really tasty biscuits. We have a lot of background in the food science area. My husband was a flour milling superintendent for more than 20 years at a couple of large food companies, where the mills produced a million pounds of flour daily. I have a doctorate in cereal chemistry. Winter is a prime time to explore some culinary challenges. Making yeast bread and quick breads is a lesson in food science and fills your home with a delicious aroma. Biscuits, muffins, cakes and cookies typically rely on baking powder and/or baking soda to rise in the oven. These leavening agents produce carbon dioxide in the right conditions and allow the baked good to rise. Baking powder includes an acid such as tartaric acid, along with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Careful measuring and proper mixing are keys to baking success. Biscuits should be tender, light and airy with layers that separate. When you cut in the butter, you are separating the gluten proteins. Over kneading the dough can result in flat, tough biscuits when the gluten proteins are overdeveloped. We used all-purpose flour in the recipe. It is used widely in baked goods, including biscuits, cookies and muffins. It is a blend of “hard” and “soft” wheat grains to reach the correct protein level for baking success. Bread flour is made from hard wheat (such as hard red spring wheat grown widely in North Dakota) or another “hard” flour. It typically is used to make yeast bread. The higher protein content in bread flour helps create a strong structure during the mixing process. Yeast ferments the flour starch and/or sugar, producing carbon dioxide. Cake flour is made from softer wheat varieties and produces a finer, more delicate-textured baked product. If you need 1 cup of cake flour, remove 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour from the cup and add 2 tablespoons of corn starch. Self-rising flour already has salt and the leavening agent added to it. Be sure to use a recipe that was developed for this flour product. Usually the company prints recipes on the flour bag. Whole-wheat flour includes all parts of the grain, including the bran and germ. It is higher in fat and, therefore, can become rancid during storage. Store whole-wheat flour in a cool, dark place. If you won’t use up the whole-wheat flour within a couple of months, store the flour package in your refrigerator or freezer in a resealable freezer bag. The homemade biscuits were much tastier than biscuits from a can. My thanks goes to “” for posting this recipe for me to adapt slightly. My little blunder during mixing had no effect, by the way. The hot biscuits were delicious with a drizzle of honey. CONTINUED ON PAGE C37


##### In the 19th century, gold prospecting in Montana made the state’s residents incredibly wealthy. In 1864, four prospectors discovered Last Chance Gulch (currently, Montana capital Helena’s downtown). Miners flocked to the area over the next 20 years to look for gold—and the equivalent of as much as $3.5 billion was discovered. By 1888, Helena was home to more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the world.


2005 Dodge 3500 4x4 Quad cab, 5.9 diesel, newer automatic, long box, very good condition. Phone (406) 378-3147, Big Sandy, MT


Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons

Vertical Fuel Tanks 2000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified Available in Split Compartment Turnkey System features: Tank Mounting Base • Pump Stand • Fuel FilterLevel Gauge • Required Venting and Valves

Underground Water Cisterns Galvanized steel epoxy coated water cisterns – 1,000 to 10,000 gallon Meets all NRCS-EQUIP standards and specifications

Single Rollers

Extra Heavy Duty - 42”x 7/8” pipe ➔

Try baking or cooking something new this winter. See for a wide variety of nutrition, food safety and health resources to explore. Homemade Biscuits 3 c. all-purpose flour 3 Tbsp. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 4 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar 3/4 c. cold butter 1 egg 1 c. cold milk Note: I reduced the sugar to 2 tablespoons and used unsalted butter and low-fat milk. Preheat oven to 450 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease. Cut the cold butter into small pieces and put in refrigerator until ready to incorporate. Combine the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix egg and milk in a cup with a whisk. Add butter to dry ingredients and cut the butter into the mixture using a pastry blender until the particles are about the size of peas. Add the egg-milk mixture to the dough. Mix just until combined. Place the dough onto a floured surface and knead about 10 times. Pat the dough into a circle about 3/4 inch thick, then cut with a floured round biscuit cutter or glass. Pat out remaining dough and cut. Bake for about 12 minutes or until golden brown. Makes 12 biscuits. Each biscuit has 240 calories, 12 grams (g) fat, 4 g protein, 27 g carbohydrate, 1 g fiber and 280 milligrams sodium.

##### Why do they call it the Department of Interior when they are in charge of everything outdoors?

Bake some comforting biscuits this winter

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C37

Optional Hydraulic Cutting Blade for gopher and badger mound leveling on single or tandem rollers H 12-ft. H 14-ft. H 16-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft.

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2017 New Holland T7.245 MFWD, Hi-Vis cab, CVT, Sidewinder II, 421 hours........ ................................$155,000

2018 New Holland T6.175 MFWD, Dual Command transmission, 3 remotes Call for Special Price!

2016 New Holland Boomer 41 cab, hydrostat, loader, R4 tires, 239 hours......... $36,000 2014 New Holland LM9.35 telehandler, 1242 hours, 7700 lbs capacity, reversing fan, smooth ride boom suspension........................... $84,000 Kubota L3430 loader, backhoe, 2013 Case IH RB564 round balMFWD, HST, 12” & 18” bucker, net/twine, through shop in ets, 1207 hours......... $27,000 2019.......................... $22,500 John Deere 54 manure spreader, single beater, 540 PTO, floation tires. Nice shape........ ..................................... $5900

Carted Pasture Harrows

2018 New Holland T6.165 tractor and loader, MFWD, Electro Command Transmission, suspended cab, three remotes....... ................................................... $76,500 2018 New Holland Powerstar 120 with loader, MFWD, 12x12 Power Shuttle Transmission, two remotes...................... .......................................... Call for price 2018 New Holland Workmaster 70 tractor with loader, MFWD, ROPS, 2 remotes.... .......................................... Call for price 2019 New Holland Workmaster 60 tractor with loader, MFWD, ROPS, 8x8 Shuttle Transmission..................... Call for price 2018 New Holland Boomer 55 tractor with loader, MFWD, cab, 16x16 Synchro Shuttle Transmission, R4 tires, 2 remotes....... .......................................... Call for price

New Holland Skidsteers EH Controls, mechanical controls, various sizes in stock.

2018 New Holland T5.110 MFWD, dual command, HiVis cab, loader, 592 hours...... ..................................$62,000

2015 New Holland T7.210 with 855TL loader, Hi-Viz cab, MFWD, 1650 hours..$105,000

2016 New Holland L228 skid steer, open cab, mechanical controls, auxiliary hydraulics, 1140 hours................ $37,000


Danuser, Bush Hog, & Shaver New & Used Call TODAY for Availability and Prices!

24, 26, 30 foot widths Call for pricing

1967 Oliver 1550 tractor with loader, 2WD, gas, new manifolds, rebuilt carb, new seat cushions.....................$6,250

Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996

7719 Thornton Dr. Missoula, MT

Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348 Find current listings and upcoming auctions at:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C38

Balewagons & Retrievers



If you are hiring or doing custom work, the following will help you determine the custom rate. Custom rates are based on tradition or usual rates set in the community, the bargaining positions of both parties (i.e., availability of machinery services and demand for machinery services in your local area) and cost of operating the machines on your farm.

3-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition. $85,000 - $105,000

Cost of ownership and operation can be determined as follows:

Ownership cost per unit (e.g., acre, bushel, ton, hour)using the DIRTI 5: $

1. Depreciation: original cost - salvage value years of use a

New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland 1068 with Chev 454 engine with automatic transmission.................................................................................$38,500 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak 1030S bale clamp, get your 3x4 bales off the field fast $28,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type, hauls 160 bales....................$16,500 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons..........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 New Holland 1046 self-propelled, hauls 80 bales.................$7500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 pull type...............................................$10,500 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons


2. Interest: interest rat x AIV


3. Repairs: estmated 2 to 5 % of original cost


4. Taxes: (0 in Michigan -i.e., no taxes on personal


property used in agriculture) 5. Insurance: (estimated 0.5% x AIV for insurance premium)


6. Total ownership cost per year (add lines 1 thru 5)


A. Ownership cost per unit: total ownership cost ÷ estimated



annual use (acre, hour, bushel, ton) Operating Cost per (acre, hour, bushel, ton) 1. Tractor: fuel (gallon fuel per unit x price/gallon) x 1.15b 2. Machine: gas or fuel gallons per unit x 1.15

$ b


3. Labor: hours per unit x wage rate (if labor wage unit is per acre, bushel or ton multiply this wage by acres bushels or tons per hour to determine wage/hour) B. Total operating cost per unit C. Total ownership and operating cost per unit D. Desired profit margin and / or risk premium E. Custom Rate (per acre, hour, bushel, ton)

$ (B)




% Line C x [1+(Line D/100)]


a Average investment value (AIV) = (original cost basis + trade in value) ÷ 2. b The addition of 15 percent above fuel cost is for oil & lube. maintenance.

Custom Machine rate calculator is available on line at Ohio State University:

Author: Bob Battel, Field Crops Educator, Michigan State University Extension, 362 Green Street, Caro , MI 48723 phone: 989.672.3870  email:  web: MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jeff Dwyer, PhD., Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.

New Holland HW325 swather, 1 6 H S h e a d e r, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours $47,500

2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$38,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16-ft. 2300 header....$27,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours..................$39,500


New Holland 56 rake............................................................... $600

Haying Equipment

New Holland 1425 square baler, diesel..............................$10,500


John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 1973 International 4300 truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, Detroit diesel, 13 speed...................................................................$7500

Tractors & Accessories

1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals $29,500

John Deere 8630 275 hp, 2156 hours, tires 80%...............$21,500 Case 4690 tractor...................................................................$9500 Great Bend 870 FEL, grapple, new condition.......................$7500

Industrial Equipment

2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

Soybean pathway that responds to pathogenic and beneficial microbes

By Katie Pratt, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture University of Kentucky (UK) plant of glycerol-3-phosphate activates plant pathologists Aardra Kachroo and Pradeep defenses against airborne pathogens. The Kachroo have discovered a new pathway FIRM leaf-generated Team Fact Sheet • Page 4 metabolite then travels back that helps soybeans fight off diseases. to the root where it prevents the inefficient The UK College of Agriculture, Food nitrogen-fixing bacteria from entering the and Environment researchers found that the plant. pathway allows the legume to simultaneThe Kachroo labs have studied glycerolously fight off disease pathogens trying to 3-phosphate for many years. In 2011, they infect the above-ground parts of the plant identified it as a key mobile regulator of sysand fend off poor nitrogen-fixing bacterial temic acquired resistance, a highly desirable strains in the root. Their findings recently form of immunity which protects the whole were published in Nature Communications. plant against a wide range of pathogens. “In short, it’s like a two-for-one scheme. Their recent research, which defines this The plant spends energy making this one root-shoot-root signaling mechanism, also metabolite that can optimize which mishows how glycerol-3-phosphate travels crobes get to form symbiotic relationships throughout the plant in both systemic immuwith the plant,” Aardra Kachroo said. “The nity and in response to beneficial microbes knowledge that such signaling mechanisms as well as the interconnectedness of the two exist is key for the development of agriplant responses. cultural products that can enhance disease In addition to the Kachroos, researchresistance without negatively affecting the ers on the project include M.B. Shine and plant. The work also has implications for Qing-ming Gao from UK and R.V. Chowdaimproved nitrogen fixation in plants.” Reddy and Asheesh K. Singh at Iowa State Incompatible interactions between nitroUniversity. gen-fixing bacteria in plant roots activate The project was funded by the National the pathway. When non-desirable, nitrogenScience Foundation’s Division of Integrafixing bacteria try to enter the plant, an tive Organismal Systems, U.S. Department unknown signal opens the pathway. This of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food signal travels up the plant and promotes Agriculture, Kentucky Soybean Promotion the production of the metabolite, glycerolBoard and Iowa State University. 3-phosphate in the leaves. The production

Beowulf and Grendel

The 2005 movie Beowulf and Grendel received negative comments from critics about the actors riding horses that were to small for them. Actually, authenticity was the purpose for this. Purebred Icelandic horses, descendants of ponies from 9thcentury Europe, were used in the film just

as they were originally used by Viking warriors. These noble war horses were said to rescue their fallen riders by laying down for the injured warriors to crawl on, safely taking them home using their incredible homing sense.

Farm bill program enrollment video resources available

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C39

University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln has published video resources on farm bill details and decisions for producers as the March 15 deadline for new program enrollment decision approaches. In late 2019 and early 2020, Nebraska Extension and the USDA Farm Service Agency in Nebraska collaborated to reach thousands of agricultural professionals at over 30 farm bill education meetings across the state. The two presentations are available in their entirety, and as short segments organized by topic, at The recorded presentation is led by Brad Lubben, extension policy specialist and associate professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, and Cathy Anderson, chief specialist of production and compliance programs with the USDA Farm Service Agency in Nebraska. The 2018 farm bill reauthorized the existing Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) safety net programs that were in the 2014 farm bill, however producers will need to make new program enrollment decisions with their local FSA office by March 15. “The decision between these programs is substantially different than it was during signup under the last farm bill in 2014,” Lubben said. “Changing market price levels and expectations affect relative protection levels in each of the programs and may effect producer decisions.” More resources to assist producers in their decisionmaking are available at

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3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

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Rol-Oyl cattle oilers with big blue brush!

Butler Flatbeds We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available

Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

Several flatbeds available with or without tool boxes

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On Order – DuraClass 17-18-ft. dump box, hoist, rear hinge, and Cab Guard. Ready to Go!! IN STOCK! New Way Lift Axle

New Shipment on the way! Preplumbed, ready to mount, tight package space

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C40

The deadline for advertising for the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st.

Salois Construction Pivot Sales, Parts, Irrigation pipe, fittings and supplies Phone (406) 278-7910, cell 289-7910, Justin 289-0030 Conrad, Montana

##### The official copy of the Declaration of Independence that still survives today was written on parchment, which is a treated animal skin. But a couple of the drafts of the Declaration were written on hemp paper. In fact, up to 90% of all paper made before 1883 was made of hemp! ##### Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes?

MERIDIAN AUGER MOVERS are built strong, stable and versatile. Designed for conventional augers, our four-wheel movers have been engineered to fit between most above-ground hopper legs. With no undercarriage that connects the walking beams to the auger axle, the operator is allowed unrestricted movement around and underneath the auger. In addition, the mover wheels are set on independent walking beams for increased stability as high-quality gear pumps, attached to a universal mounting bracket, supply hydraulic power to the system. Our unique design helps the operator because, no matter how high or low the auger is, the controls are always at waist level, right in front of you.

8” AUGERS BACK IN STOCK FEB 15TH, 2020 8”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, SALE $15,500 light package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner ..................................................................... RETAIL $21,200 8” x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 26.5 HP EFI Kohler engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light SALE $16,000 package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $22,500 10”x 39’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 37 HP EFI Vanguard engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light SALE $16,600 package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $23,500 10”x 46’ MERIDIAN AUGERS with 37 HP EFI Vanguard engine, cold weather muffler, Meridian Mover, electric clutch, reversing gearbox, light SALE $17,600 package, shovel kit, spring belt tensioner.................................................................................. RETAIL $25,100 BIN SWEEP PLUMBING KIT c/w Motor, Flow control valve, hose, swivel bracket, weld in spider & mounting peg installed add


1-MERIDIAN SEED TENDER 1260RT w/Hydraulic Power Pack, Triple Axle Trailer with air ride and brakes .............................................................................................................. WAS $135,000 Clearance ............ $95,000 $90,000 OBO


Like New 1435 STAINLESS STEEL CONVEY-ALL CONVEYOR HYDRAULIC drive w/Isuzu Diesel Motor ..................................................................................................... WAS $15,000 ........... NT SALE


20-45 MERIDIAN CONVEYOR w/ Mover, 19’ reach; includes 35HP Kohler Gas Engine, light kit, electric clutch and more. Used only for demonstrations ................................................................................................. WAS $38,300 ........... NT SALE


13”x 92’ HARVEST INTERNATIONAL with electric mover and winch.................................................................................................................................. NT SALE


10”x 72’ MERIDIAN MDSA, Like New Condition.................................................................................................... NT SALE



8”x 46' SAKUNDIAK updated to poly flighting, w/E-Kay mover 25 HP Kohler engine, electric clutch, also comes with 110 volt seed treater and triangle plastic hopper (1) Used 8” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger (1) Used 10” WHEATHEART Gas Transfer Auger 13” x 90’ BRANDT XL Auger w/electric mover & hydraulic winch


406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle it Box1177, Scobey, Montana 59263



As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.


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Dates on Food Labels: The toss or keep dilemma

By Cole Ehmke, University of Wyoming A survey of US consumers found that an overwhelming 84% of individuals end up throwing away food that is past the listed date or even approaching the date. When terms like “use-by” date and “best if used by” are misunderstood, people waste perfectly healthful food. So, what do these terms really mean, and how are they regulated? How are the dates regulated? Almost all food products we bring into our homes contain some date on the packaging, including meat, fish, and poultry; dairy products; packaged and canned foods; and refrigerated and frozen foods. But these dates are not federally regulated. Federal regulations only require dates on infant formulas, which must contain a “use-by” date. Infant formulas lose essential nutrients over time and should be used by the listed date. Dating on other items is voluntary. These dates do not necessarily determine if the product is still safe to use but are a quality measure. Many manufacturers are starting to increase the use of the “best if used by” designation on food labels to standardize usage. Dates can appear in different formats Dates are usually listed in one of two formats. Open dating includes terms such as “sell-by,” “use-by,” and “best if used by” followed by a date with month, day, and year. Open dating is used for most products, including dairy items, meat, poultry, eggs, and baked goods. Closed dating (also known as coded format) is used on packaged, boxed, or canned items that are stored on shelves. They are a series of codes to indicate when the item was manufactured, not to express how long the product will remain fresh. Understanding the terminology Best if used by: Indicates the consumer should use the item by this date for the best taste and quality of the product. This does not relate to food safety, but consumers should monitor for signs of spoilage if using past this date. Use-by: The date until which the product will be at peak quality. This does not relate to food safety. Perishables such as dairy products often contain this label. Except for infant formula, items can be used for up to one week after this date, provided they were stored correctly or refrigerated. Expires on: Manufacturers use this date to indicate the anticipated best quality of the product. Do not purchase items past the expiration date. For items on hand, pay special attention to signs of spoilage, especially in dairy products. Sell-by: Stores use this date to know how long they can sell the product. Ideally, stores should remove items that have passed the date. Consumers should monitor for signs of spoilage. Freeze-by: The date recommended to freeze items to maintain the best quality. Once items are frozen properly, they can last for long periods. Final Thought Keeping track of items in a pantry can be a big task but understanding the intended message of a food date will mean that less good food is wasted. Take this as an opportunity to learn about proper food storage (what items go where, techniques to prolong food life, and safe food handling). Another important piece of advice is to use leftovers or items which must be used up in quick recipes. Soups are an excellent idea for leftover meats or vegetables, bread can be diced and toasted for a crunchy soup topping, and fruits can be used in smoothies, frozen treats, or jams.

Flying horses

In times of warfare, horses were taught to do some extreme athletic maneuvers that involved coming off the ground. The following maneuvers, called airs above the ground, are still taught in classic riding schools throughout the world. Levade: The horse raises its forelegs off the ground, by crouching onto its haunches and keeping its body at 45 degrees to the ground. Courbette: The horse does a movement similar to the levade, and then jumps or bounces in that position. Croupade: The horse leaps through the air, remaining parallel to the ground and tucking its hindlegs under. Ballotade: The horse leaps as for a croupade but holds its hindlegs so that the shoes are visible from behind. Capriole: The horse appears to fly by leaping through the air, tucking in its forelegs and kicking out with the hindlegs.

Hemp for horses?

The Texas A&M University System News Release Hay may be for horses, but — now more than ever — so is hemp. Using CBD to treat horses with arthritis or anxiety has become mainstream since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized industrial hemp. But does it work? Researchers at Tarleton State University’s Equine Center are looking into that right now in a unique study that has the attention of horse owners around the world. “I have just been overwhelmed by the level of interest in this study,” said Dr. Kimberly Guay, who is overseeing the research. “By now, horse owners have all heard the hype about the potential benefits of CBD oil. Here at Tarleton, we are working to give them the reliable data that’s just not there yet.” See a video about Guay’s study: user/tamusystem?sub_confirmation=1 Guay’s study seeks to quantify how CBD affects inflammation, stress and stereotypical negative behaviors in horses. Guay and her student researchers from Tarleton’s equine science classes give horses in the trial different kinds of CBD, such as oil or pellets. Then they measure the physiological effects of the non-psychoactive substance on the horses’ heartrate and cortisol levels. They also observe the horses after dosing them with CBD to note its effect on any common obsessive compulsive behaviors common to horses that spend time in a stall or trailer, such as cribbing, which is when a horse bites on a fence or gate. “We are also tracking how long CBD stays in the horse’s system,” Guay said. “Many people who compete with their horses are interested in using CBD products to reduce stress and inflammation, but many event organizers are still working through their CBD restrictions for horses in competition.” Horse owners eagerly await the results, which Guay said she expects to publish sometime in 2021. “Tarleton Texans know how to sort out the facts from the hype,” said John Sharp, chancellor of The Texas A&M University System. “This practical, fact-based research is the exactly the kind of thing folks know they can count on from The Texas A&M University System.”

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C41

##### After years of work, Alexander Graham Bell made the world’s first telephone call on March 10, 1876.

STRAW FOR SALE 1000 lb big round bales, baled behind combine Contact George Yeager, 406-278-5640 or 289-0647, Conrad, MT

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Salford/Valmar 245 & 246 Pull Type Granular Applicator


* montana’s new salford/valmar dealer*

Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK

Black & Clear

All Shapes and Sizes

Liquid Storage Tanks

Excellent Selection Available 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand The Handler is designed primarily for direct induction of chemical into sprayers.

Field Batch Trailers

Crop Protection System

15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity

20+ Years Experience... We service what we sell! ATV & BACKPACK SPRAYERS

Stop in and see what we have! We also Custom Build ATV & Pickup Sprayers.

3 - 3000 Gallon Tanks Liquid Fertilizer • Fire Fighting

1010 & 1610- Gallon Total Drain Tank & Trailer

Bring in any competitor’s AD and we’ll match their price!!

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C42

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 80,000 bushel storage at Choteau, MT

Marion L. Jones 406-544-4766, cell

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Brock • Complete millwright and concrete service • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington

Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

2009 Volvo BL70, extend-a-hoe, hyd thumb, enc cab, 4x4, 4-in-1 loader bucket with hyd QC, hyd angle snow push blade with QC. Starts and operates very well....... $31,000


2013 Deere 310K EP, 4x4, 600 hours from new extend-a-hoe, 11/8 yard loader bucket, 24” dig bucket, cab, AC. Nice as they come............................................................. $60,000


Deere 450C, 6-way hyd blade, good undercarriage, winch with fair lead, block heater, starts very good. Operates very nice. Serviced and ready to go...................................... $15,000 1997 Deere 550G LGP, 6-way hyd blade, winch. Very nice.... .............................................................................. $35,000 Deere 550 LGP Series IV, 6-way hyd blade. Very nice........... .............................................................................. $29,500 1996 Deere 650G LGP, low ground pressure machine, torque converter, 26” shoes, John Deere 4000 series winch, 6-way hyd blade that’s very tight, has had very light work load. This is a very nice crawler......................................... POR John Deere 850B, enc cab, ripper, angle dozer with tilts. Runs excellent, needs to go through shop. Before shop.$22,000 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours..... POR


1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call 2012 Cat 305.5E CR, enc cab, dig bucket, hyd thumb, blade. Runs excellent, quality machine........................... $42,000 2012 Cat 312 EL.............................................................. Call 2005 Cat 314 CLCR, blade, long arm, 36” dig bucket, blade, 10,500 hours......................................................... $45,000 2008 Deere 35D, AC, heater, JD hyd thumb, QC, auxiliary hyd, 16” dig bucket, short arm, Yanmar engine, 69” dozer blade, 4600 hours............................................................ $29,900 2014 Deere 50G, QC, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 42” smooth lip bucket, 16” dig bucket, 49” blade...................... $41,000 2004 Deere 135C RTS, blade, 36” bucket, hyd dual link thumb. Nice, operates very well and job ready................. $47,500 2006 Deere 200CLC, hyd thumb, low hours.................... Call 1998 Deere 270LC, hyd thumb, new engine.............. $34,000 Kobelco SK150LV IV................................................. $14,900 Komatsu PC138 USLC-8, hyd dual link thumb, hyd QC, 36” dig bucket, blade, rear camera, 8644 hours. Very nice work ready machine...................................................... $69,000 2012 Hitachi ZX60 USB, bucket, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 4000 hours................................................................. POR 1988 Hitachi EX 200LC, 42” bucket, hyd thumb, no rust, runs excellent. Very good older machine. We have bucket cylinder to reseal.................................................. $32,500 Hitachi ZX200LC-3, bucket, thumb.................................. Call Hitachi ZX225US, bucket, thumb..................................... Call Hitachi EX450-5, bucket, thumb...................................... Call 2012 Volvo ECR 145DL, hyd QC, hyd thumb, 2 dig buckets (24” and 36”), like new pin wheel compactor, rear view camera, low hours (2400). Very good excavator................. $79,000


1997 Carelift ZB6037-44, enc cab, heater, Cummins engine, 44-ft. reach, good tires, all wheel steering. Good operating lift.......................................................................... $23,500 1993 JLG 60HA lift, 4WD, 60-ft. reach....................... $10,900 1992 JLG 120HX lift, 4WD, Deutz diesel engine, telescopic boom, 120-ft. ........................................................ $12,500

Many 5 - 10,000# forklifts available

Cat D8H, multi-shank ripper, U-blade, excellent undercarriage. Very nice dozer........................................................... Call

Spring Breakup Parts • Service • Sales

Do you need: final drives, undercarriage, engine kits, engine hydraulic pumps for all brands? Give us a call for the best value. FORESTRY

Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call 1990 Cat 518 skidder, Esco swing grapple, 23.1x26 tires, chains, winch, extra tire. Will be serviced with a new hyd pump. A good swinger.......................................... $35,000 Danzco PT20 delimber, high mount. Good operating condition........................................................................ $11,500 Deere 693D Denis carrier/delimber, good undercarriage, top saw. Starts right up and can go to work................ $25,000 Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timbco T425D feller/buncher........................................... Call Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Several slide booms for parts available


1995 Cat 163H, ex-county machine with recent engine and transmission rebuild, ripper, front lift group................. Call 2008 Deere 770-D, 14-ft. moldboard, 4 shank ripper, good tires, push block, 7757 hours. Real nice grader.... $72,000 2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates well, 168” moldboard extension length, 14-ft. moldboards. .............................................................................. $92,000


Clark Ranger 45C, 4BT engine, 17.5x25 tires in good condition. Good older loader......................................... $14,500 1997 Komatsu WA250-3L, QC, forks, bucket, 3rd valve......... .............................................................................. $25,000


Bobcat S185, auxiliary hyd, traction lock override, very nice tires. Runs and operates very well, work ready.... $16,900 2015 Cat 259D, 2000 hours............................................. Call 2013 Kubota SVL75W, OROPS, new tracks, 74” bucket, aux hyd, open station, forks, 3200 hours..................... $29,000


1971 Ford F9000, roll back bed, winch. Ready to haul your equipment............................................................. $11,000 1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components................... For parts only 1980 Kenworth, 14-ft. box, 12R22.5 radial tires, Cummins engine, Jake brake, walking beam suspension, pintle hitch on back. Good older dump truck........................... $10,500 Deere 2950 4WD tractor, new tires, loader, enc cab.. $17,500

View our entire inventory with pictures at

$56 million to help farmers improve water quality

USDA News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest $56 million this year to help agricultural producers improve water quality in more than 300 high-priority watersheds across the country. USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is continuing two of its successful landscape-level water quality efforts, the Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative (MRBI) and National Water Quality Initiative (NWQI). “We’ve learned that when we partner with producers to deliver conservation practices to critical watersheds, we see a positive impact,” said NRCS Chief Matthew Lohr, who made the announcement at the Hypoxia Task Force meeting today. “Through these partnerships we maximize the delivery of our conservation efforts which yields greater results to water quality and benefits the public, our natural resources and farmers’ bottom lines.” NRCS launched MRBI in 2009, focusing on watersheds in the Mississippi River Basin, then took the concept nationwide in 2012 with the launch of NWQI. Since then, priority watersheds across the country have seen improvements, including the delisting of once impaired streams. Through these initiatives, NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to farmers and ranchers to implement practices that avoid, control and trap nutrients and sediment, which in high quantities negatively impact water quality. Practices include filter strips, cover crops and manure management, which promote soil health, reduce erosion and lesson nutrient runoff. NRCS has strengthened focus on watershed assessment and partner engagement in priority small watersheds in fiscal 2020. NRCS will soon solicit state partners for new MRBI and NWQI watersheds and source water protection areas for fiscal 2021. See NRCS website for a list of the watersheds for MRBI and for NWQI. Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative This year, NRCS will make available $17.5 million to producers in 13 states: Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee and Wisconsin. MRBI supports each state’s nutrient loss reduction strategy with overall goals of improving water quality, restoring wetlands and enhancing wildlife habitat while ensuring economic viability of agricultural lands along the nation’s largest river. The nation’s largest hypoxic zone, or low-oxygen area, sits at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Since its launch, MRBI has: • Helped producers implement conservation on nearly 1.5 million acres • Reduced sediment loss by 2.1 million tons • Reduced phosphorous loss by 4.1 million pounds • Reduced nitrogen loss by 16 million pounds. National Water Quality Initiative Additionally, NRCS will make available $38.9 million this year through NWQI. The Initiative is a partnership among NRCS, state water quality agencies and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to identify and address impaired water bodies through voluntary conservation. Through the Initiative, NRCS provides targeted funding for financial and technical assistance in small watersheds most in need and where farmers can use conservation practices to address impaired surface water. In 2019, NWQI was expanded to include protection of both surface and ground sources of drinking water. Water quality is improving in NWQI watersheds. State water quality agency partners report that 27% of NWQI monitoring watersheds show an improvement in water quality in at least one of the NWQI-monitored pollutants (based on 2016 data). Further, 81% of these improvements can be attributed to or associated with agricultural conservation practices implemented by farmers and ranchers. Since its launch, NWQI has: • Helped producers implement conservation on 825,000 acres • Reduced sediment loss by 850,000 tons • Reduced phosphorous loss by 2 million pounds • Reduced nitrogen loss by 9.6 million pounds Participating in MRBI and NWQI NRCS accepts applications for conservation programs year-round, but applications are ranked and funded by enrollment periods that are set locally. Producers interested in technical and financial assistance should contact their local NRCS field office.

Rangeland specialist recognized with early career award

University of Wyoming Extension A rangeland specialist in the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension has received an early career honor from the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES). Assistant professor Derek Scasta in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management was presented the Early Career Research Achievement Award last month. WAES is the research office within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Wyoming. “Scasta has an applied research program that is diverse in terms of subject matter because of the complexity of plant-herbivore interaction ecology and his desire to create useable science for stakeholders,” said John Ritten, WAES interim director. Scasta previously served as a county extension agent with Texas A&M University for seven years before starting his career at UW in 2014. His research is focused in individual animal characteristics and stresses, herd-level management decisions, landscape features, disturbance and seasonality and policies and public opinion. Scasta has published over 49 journal articles and 22 extension bulletins. His research has been cited more than 100 times annually in the last two years. Scasta is also the associate editor for Rangeland Ecology and Management, the journal for the Society for Range Management. ##### Some horses have what are known as muscle dimples or phophet’s thumbs, which are indentations in the muscles, usually on the neck. A belief is that they are the result of muscle damage or injury.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C43

Come to Hampton Truck Sales for affordable, quality, used commercial trucks, equipment, and new & used trailers. $127,500



2016 Volvo VHD84F300

500 hp, engine brake, T-shift autoshift, a/r cab, air lift 1st, 2nd, & 3rd axles, 3 self-steering, 20k front & 40k rears, double lockers, 300” wheelbase, aluminum outers, Rogers 15-ft. 6” box.

2004 Sterling LT7500

Cat 3126, 10 speed, Manitex model 30101C with jib and basket, super clean.


2005 Deere 644J

6068H engine 414CI, 185 hp Tier 3, F4R3 transmission, diff lock/unlock, standard lift, auto shift, ride control, erops, boom, engine enclosures, quick coupler, hydraulics, air/heat/defrost/ block heater, GP bucket 4.3 cu yd, 116” with teeth, auxiliary hydraulics, mirrors.

$36,500 $32,500 2003 Freightliner Business Class M2 106

Cat 3126, 7.2l, 275 hp, Eaton Fuller 8ll, Hendrikson RTE suspension, 18,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 186” wheelbase, 15-ft. box, 108,870 miles.

2010 Peterbilt 367

VERY CLEAN TRUCK!! Cummins ISX15, 500 hp, 10 speed, Air Trac suspension, 13k front & 46k rears, 204” wheelbase, 3-stage engine brake, good rubber/ brakes, power divider, 11R24.5 tires, steel wheels, 476,042 miles. Ask about our Limited Warranty. WILL TAKE OFFERS!!!

2002 Caterpillar 420D

Cab, air conditioning, 4x4, extended hoe, rear coupler, pilot controls, 88 hp, 4869 hours.

See more on our website at:

803 E. Iona Rd. Idaho Falls, ID After hours call: Doug Hampton 208-317-7676

Hours: M-F 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Weekends by Appointment

BOOK EARLY for your 2020 Spring Seeding *MONTECH 4152 YELLOW PEA *MONTECH 4193 YELLOW PEA

PVP Protected PVP Protected


Erect growing for easy combining - no more pea plants lying on the ground complicating harvesting. No shattering issues. High yielding - #1 in Havre and Moccasin yield trials. Feasible rotation - putting nitrogen back into soil. Early harvesting, spreading out harvest season.

Call today to reserve your supply of Certified Montech 4152 & 4193 Yellow Pea seed.

Call today to reserve your seed!

Big Sky Wholesale Seeds,


Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone: 434-5011 FAX: 406-434-5014 e-mail:

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C44

The deadline for advertising in the April 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be April 1st. Phone (406) 271-5533.

Western Water Wells

Farm Bureau members share thoughts on AFBF Convention Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire

NEW! Shallow well solar pump package. Only $1799 4 Lorentz Pumps 4 2GPM to 1000GPM 4 From 5-ft. – 2500-ft. 4 Complete Solar Kits Available 4 Professional Installation Statewide 4 Records water pumped 4 Records hours pumped 4 Can adjust pumps to match well production Montana Farm Bureau members pose on a John Deere tractor at the Trade Show during the American Farm Bureau Convention in Austin.

4 Submersible and surface Pumps available

Please call today for free estimates


406-465-6267 Tyler Christians - Jack Clark

Helena, MT •


2014 RAM 2500

mega cab 4x4, cummins,

loaded laramie, leather,

55,000 miles

$45,900 Now $41,000


2014 RAM 3500



2013 RAM 3500

crew cab 4x4, cummins

mega cab 4x4, cummins,

loaded longhorn, dually,

92,000 miles

$39,800 Now $34,000

loaded laramie, leather,

$40,900 Now $38,900

106,000 miles

2016 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4,

3.0 eco diesel

loaded big horn,

55,000 miles

Now $29,900 NICE truck

very clean

2013 RAM 1500


2015 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4,

3.0 eco diesel, loaded slt, 87,000 miles

$26,900 Now $24,500

third seat

2017 DODGE DURANGO GT AWD V6, loaded, 3rd seat, middle row buckets, 37,000 miles

Now $28,600

very NICE

2014 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4, hemi,

loaded sport,

104,000 miles

crew cab 4x4, hemi,

loaded big horn, power seat,

96,000 miles

Now $20,900

Now $24,000

super suv


V6, loaded, heated leather, quad buckets, 58,000 miles

2014 RAM 1500

crew cab 2wd, hemi, loaded tradesman,

68,000 miles

$22,300 Now $19,500

NICE truck

2012 RAM 1500

crew cab 4x4, hemi,

loaded sport, leather

107,000 miles

Now $20,900

dandy one

2018 GMC 3500 DENALI

crew cab 4x4, durmax loaded, lots of accessories,

35,000 miles

Now $58,500

Now $27,900

View more at:

very clean

2016 FORD F250 supercrew 4x4,

6.7 powerstroke diesel, loaded lariat, leather, short box, 81,000 miles

priced to sell

2009 FORD F150 XLT supercab 4x4,

power seat,

5.4 V8, 103,000 miles

$11,500 Now $10,039 $46,500 Now $42,500 • No Dealer Markup • No Fees • No BS Motors, Inc. • Just Good Honest Deals Jamieson 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470

Your Trusted Dealership For Over 75 Years!

115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

A delegation of 38 Montana Farm Bureau members had the opportunity to experience the American Farm Bureau (AFBF) Convention which included seeing President Trump and Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue. The convention, which ran January 17-22 in Austin, featured tours and a variety of meetings and workshops. This was only the second time Carla Lawrence has been to the convention, and the first time to attend as Montana Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee (WLC) Chair. As chair, she attended the AFBF WLC Business Meeting. “A defining moment was the announcement that the WLC, which had asked states to raise $100,000 for Ronald McDonald House charities in 2019, more than exceeded that amount, raising $237,000,” Lawrence noted. The meeting included an announcement of the AFBF WLC Fly-In which will take place in March in Washington D.C. along with two WLC Communications Boot Camps held in February and July. “As part of the Foundation Flapjack Fundraiser, WLC members received the newest American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture Book of the Year, ‘Full of Beans: Henry Ford Grows a Car’ written by Peggy Thomas. It’s an educational, fun book with wonderful illustrations,” said the Carbon-Stillwater-County Farm Bureau member. “I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned at the WLC meeting and at the convention with our WLC back home.” Jules and Bonnie Marchesseault, who ranch in Dillon, have been to 15 national conventions. “People come from all facets of agriculture, and it’s interesting to visit with them and learn what they do and their concerns about their farms and ranches,” said Jules. “I found the general feeling of this convention to be very optimistic. We were impressed by all of the young people attending this year. Of course, having the President of the United States come for three years in a row is truly impressive.” In addition to its notable speakers, the event offered workshop tracks including Public Policy & Advocacy, Member Engagement, Consumer Engagement, Business & Rural Development and Technology. “We attended a workshop on gene editing that was certainly interesting, as the presenters not only explained the basic science behind the process but provided helpful information regarding consumer perceptions. The presenters noted that when advocating about gene editing, it’s essential to highlight the health benefits of that product to the consumer,” said Dennis Descheemaeker, a Lewistown rancher. “It’s also important to point out this technology allows the farmer to use less crop protectants which is good for the environment.” Members had the opportunity to investigate Texas agriculture as well as the Lone Star State’s history. Tours included stops at the farms that grew olives, pecans, honey and produce as well as a visit to the LBJ Presidential Library and Texas Military Forces WWII Museum. With the boom in agricultural products being used for spirits, one tour at Garrison Brothers Distillery in Texas Hill Country was focused of how the family-run business is the first Texas Distillery to produced bourbon. For their bourbon, they use 71 percent Texas white corn and wheat as well as barley. “They currently buy their barley from out of state but are working to source it locally from farmers who have started growing barley indoors—which we learned is the only way to grow it in hot Texas weather,” said Conrad wheat farmer Ken Johnson. “It was interesting seeing a different part of Texas agriculture.” Visit and for more convention coverage and check out @MontanaFarmBureau on Facebook and Instagram.

N.D. 4-H’ers develop skills at national Summit

By NDSU Extension Service Three North Dakota 4-H’ers had an opportunity to develop their skills as leaders in the agriculture industry at the recent 63rd annual 4-H Youth AgriScience Summit held in Chevy Chase, Maryland. “This was a great opportunity that opened my eyes to the endless career choices within agriculture,” says Haley Cowan, a summit delegate from Williams County. The other two North Dakota delegates were Mitch Stuber from Slope County and Noah Helgoe from Pembina County. They were among delegates and adults from 39 states who attended the summit at the National 4-H Conference Center. The summit program included interactive discussions with industry leaders representing Bayer Crop Science, CHS, Penn State Animal Science, the National 4-H Council and the National Association of Wheat Growers. “The youth chose hands-on workshops, including improving your cattle herd through gene selection, utilizing weed identification apps and technologies, advocating for the agriculture industry, and learning which skills they enjoy the most and at which they are highly proficient,” says Sarah McNaughton, North Dakota State University Extension’s 4-H youth development agent in Cass County and the chaperone for the North Dakota delegates to the summit. “They also were able to collaborate as a team to create a community action plan to bring ideas learned during the summit back to fellow North Dakota 4-H’ers.” The summit also included an afternoon at the National Mall to view AgriScience exhibits in the Smithsonian Institution museums, and a night tour of numerous historical monuments and memorials in Washington, D.C. “These delegates came from across the state of North Dakota and not only learned to collaborate with each other, but also shared ideas and plans with other 4-H’ers from across the country and Puerto Rico,” McNaughton says. The North Dakota delegates intend to implement their community action plan at this year’s Extension Youth Conference in Fargo in June.


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C45

##### “Poor Old fool,” thought the well-dressed gentleman as he watched an old man fish in a puddle outside a pub. So he invited the old man inside for a drink. As they sipped their whiskeys, the gentleman thought he’d humor the old man and asked, “So how many have you caught today?” The old man replied, “You’re the eighth.”

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118


1975 Ford F350 dually with flatbed, tool boxes and 2-300 gallon fuel tanks with PTO pump, 390 motor, new carburetor.........................$4250 obo

Delivery available

Call or text Adam (406) 390-3048 • Joplin, MT

2100 Highway 2 East Havre, Montana 59501 1-800-214-4654 406-265-6387

2017 Wilson Double Hopper Set 50’ x 72” x 96” lead, 20’ x 72” x 96” pup, full air ride, front and rear axle lift on lead, turn table dolly on pup, all aluminum wheels, 11-24.5 Bridgestone tires, ag hoppers, strap traps, 81-ft. overall length, Shurco 4500 electric tarps with remote. Also have a 2020 set with identical specs................................................ $80,000

Give us a call TODAY!

2012 Peterbilt 384 Paccar 455 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift plus transmission, 3.42 ratio rears on Pete low leaf, 10 aluminum wheels, lo-pro 22.5 drive tires, 11-22.5 steer tires, disc brakes, 185” wheelbase, stationary fifth wheel............ $28,500





Ranch & Building Supply

30 Business Park Road, Livingston


Windbreak Panels $






All OFF Fence Panels ordered in March!

100 1/4" $ 1 6 RAIL 102 $ 133 5/8" $



93 $

86 5 RAIL 95 4 RAIL 88 $ 123 $ 108 $ $ $



6 RAIL 135 5 RAIL 125 4 RAIL 110



Advance notice of: Closeouts • Sales • Special buys * PRICING SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO FLUCTUATING STEEL PRICES

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C46

##### Why is it that when you’re driving and looking for an address you turn down the volume on the radio?

ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519

Helena’s Truck Drive Train Parts Store and Gear Shop

Transmission & Differential Rebuilding 2920 Billings Avenue, Unit #C Helena, MT 59604


• Rebuilt or New Spicer/ Eaton/Meritor Differentials • Genuine OEM Parts • Rebuilt Fuller Transmissions • Ratio Changes and Custom Building

Rebuild components for: Transmissions and Differentials, Bearings, Axle Shafts, Wheel Seals, PTO Components, Yokes, U-Joints, Clutch Packs, Pickup Truck Transmission & Differential Parts

• Rebuilding Service for Pickup Truck Axles, Transfer Cases, Standard Transmissions • 18 month Warranty on our Rebuilds

We sell CM, Hillsboro and Bradford Built

Good selection of tilt decks in stock by H&H and DCT Both 7,000 and 8,000 lb. axles. Singles and tandems

truck beds, huge selection in stock. A good selection of H&H utility dumps on hand. Please call for sizes and specs.

16-ft. and 20-ft. Travalong stock trailers in stock. $10,900 - $11,900

Merritt 24-ft livestock trailers in stock, both 7- & 8-ft. wide. Pull the best! We are a price leader, please call to discuss price and options.

Huge savings, limited to inventory on hand.

DCT 30-ft. dual 2 speed jack, 2 tool boxes, whale tail, spare $11,700

Hillsboro Endura 22-ft. x 7-ft. 6” huge savings, 10 year warranty....$19,600 Krogmann hydraulic bale bed dealer We also offer Hydrabed brand. Call for quotes.

Pace enclosed trailers Huge selection of both single and tandem axles. Save big Inventory reduction pricing.

Your Montana Big Bend Dealer. Good Selection in Stock.

We have many options in stock including units with tack rooms, dog boxes, tool boxes, floating gates, oversized escape door, and more.

Big Bend 22-ft., mats, 14 ply tires, single swing rear, huge escape door, tool box. $15,950

Most will accommodate your UTV’s, ATV’s, sleds or work needs.

Most efficient way to hunt citrus industry’s biggest threat

By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service Dogs specially trained by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have proven to be the most efficient way to detect huanglongbing—also known as citrus greening—according to a paper just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Currently, the only solid hope of curtailing the spread of citrus greening is to eliminate trees with the disease as quickly as possible to prevent further spread. Early detection of the citrus greening pathogen is crucial because trees can be infected and act as a source to spread the disease months or years before showing symptoms that are detectable by the naked eye. ARS plant epidemiologist Timothy R. Gottwald with the U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida, discovered that dogs can be trained to sniff out the presence of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacteria that causes citrus greening, with greater than 99 percent accuracy. “We found that, once trained, these dogs were able to identify infected trees within two weeks of the trees being inoculated,” Gottwald said. “The dogs also were able to distinguish the citrus greening pathogen from a variety of other citrus bacterial, viral, fungal, and spiroplasma pathogens, including closely related Liberibacter species. During testing, the citrus greening detector dogs had total of 4 to 15 false negatives and false positives on 950 to 1,000 trees per dog. Occasionally, the dogs alerted on clean trees that were in the same spot where an inoculated tree had been placed in previous tests due to residual scent. In contrast, the only currently USDA-approved method for confirming the presence of the citrus greening pathogen—a DNA-based assay called a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test detected less than 3 percent of infections at 2 months, 16 of 30 inoculated trees at 16 months, and 20 out of 30 in 17 months. PCR tests also require considerable time, financial and human resources for sampling, processing and laboratory work. They are very expensive to use as a general surveillance tool. The training is similar to that of explosives sniffing dogs, in which the dogs are taught to recognize a particular odor and to sit down next to the source once found. The dogs are rewarded with play time with a toy. However, training is more extensive and specific because the dogs are trained to detect a bacteria infecting a plant, and the two cannot be separated. So far, Gottwald’s program has trained 19 dogs obtained from European breeders of detection canines because of their keen abilities and drive. “When we ran epidemiological models, we found canine detection combined with infected tree removal would allow the citrus industry to remain economically sustainable over a 10-year period, compared to using molecular assays or visual inspection combined with tree removal, which failed to suppress the spread of infection,” Gottwald explained. Citrus green sniffing dogs have been deployed for 9 months in California and northern Florida. In the past decade, huanglongbing has caused more than 70 percent decline in the production of oranges for juice and the fresh fruit market in Florida and threatens other states, making it the largest economic threat to the $3.35 billion U.S. citrus industry. It was first found in the United States in 2005, citrus greening has spread to Florida, Texas, California, Georgia, and Louisiana.

Publication details prescribed burn regulations

Big Bend 16-ft., cleated rubber floor, 14 ply rubber. $12,950, SOLD more like it on the way

Call or Text

406-949-6070 Or 406-988-0090 Jeff Welborn Dillon, MT

University of Wyoming Extension Wyoming prescribed burning regulations: A review of policy, guidelines and a case law for private lands is now available as a PDF, HTML or ePub download at http://bit. ly/WY-prescribed-burning. This publication helps readers understand the risks associated with prescribed burns and Wyoming regulations related to burns. Prescribed burning is purposely setting fires to help meet specific resource management objectives in native and agricultural ecosystems. Prescribed burns can help enhance wildlife habitat, reduce fuel loads and wildfire risks, clean irrigation ditches and burn crop residue.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C47

Opportunity is knocking...Don’t Hesitate! 2010 Peterbilt 335 New 12-ton Chandler

• ISO capability • 80-ft. spread pattern • Dual spinners • Stainless chain & floor • PTO drive

•Truck mount spreader • Auto steer • Prime-X tires • Dual spinners • New Chandler fertilizer box

Buy or Lease to own


NEW 8 Ton

• Green • Roll tarp • Sight window • Hydraulic drive Buy or Lease to own $4536/yr - oac


NEW 8 Ton

• Blue • Sight window • Roll tarp • Hydraulic drive Buy or Lease to own $4536/yr - oac

Seed Tender

• Green • LC390 • Conveyor • Remote control

Buy or Lease to own $6068/yr - oac

$32,645/yr - oac


Used 8 Ton

• White with red frame • Clean unit • Hydraulic drive Buy or Lease to own $3127/yr - oac

2010 Peterbilt 335

$10,476/yr - oac


NEW 8 Ton • Red • Roll tarp • Sight window • Hydraulic drive

! D L O S

• Truck mount • Prime-X tires • Dual spinners

Sheridan, WY


Buy or Lease to own $4536/yr - oac

62-ft. Landroller

• Rental return • 42” drum • Floating rollers • 5 section

• Spread in a timely manner • Field & road speeds • Mapping with Autosteer • Auto shift transmission

Bale Processor

Seed Tender

• Big flotation tires • Hydraulic delfector • Right hand discharge • Tan • LC390 • Conveyor • Remote control

Buy or Lease to own $6068/yr - oac

Delta Harrow Delta Harrow • 32-ft. • Hydraulic fold options • Grass seeder options • 28-ft. • Hydraulic fold options • Grass seeder options Buy or Lease to own

Sale Price $11,470

Buy or Lease to own

$2278/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $4465/yr - oac



• 3 chain slot conveyor • Heavy duty frame

• Rotor access door Buy or Lease to own

$4259/yr - oac

Buy or Lease to own $10,082/yr - oac

Bale Processor

• Implement tires • Hydraulic deflector • Right hand discharge

Buy or Lease to own $4375/yr - oac


• Scale • Built to last • Round or square • Conveyor

Call For Spring Deals


Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C48

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.




s t u o C m Sawm k e e r C illin ock your source for.... g Corral Boards - Wind Breaks & Custom Sized Lumber Jerry Miller 406-374-2770

Call us for aftermarket Caterpillar® parts for heavy equipment.

CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405


DBL Sales and Service, LLC US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

Now Available 2017 K-Hart 42-ft., 10” spacing, 4612 openers, Carryover Drill Price Reduced 2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. Coming in on trade. $85,000 2010 Crustbuster No till, double disk, 30-ft. box drill, good cover crop drill, 8000 acres $28,500

Why K-Hart Disc Drills?

2012 Case IH Precision 800 50-ft. drill, 10” spacing, Nachurs liquid kit, 12,000 acres. Very good condition, $25,000

• Seed into wetter soils than most other drills • Seed faster • Seed with less horsepower & fuel • Simplest design on the market Call for more • Perfect combination with stripper header information. • 34-ft. to 76-ft. Gen II Drill widths K-Hart drills are ready to seed direct from the manufacturer. Don’t have to spend $300 - $500 per row to seed in our conditions. NOW AVAILABLE: Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632

Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633

NDSU Agriculture, Extension faculty and staff honored

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University (NDSU) faculty and staff received awards for excellence in research, teaching, Extension and support staff efforts in an awards ceremony on campus December 12. Greg Lardy, associate vice president for Agricultural Affairs, acting director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and interim director of NDSU Extension, and David Buchanan, associate dean for academic programs in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources, presented the awards during the 28th annual Agriculture and Extension Faculty/Staff Awards program. Forty-three people were nominated this year. The 2019 award recipients were: • Larson/Yaggie Excellence in Research Award – Zhaohui Liu, associate professor, Department of Plant Pathology • Eugene R. Dahl Excellence in Research Award – Senay Simsek, professor, Department of Plant Sciences • Earl and Dorothy Foster Excellence in Teaching Award – Lisa Christenson, associate professor of practice, Department of Animal Sciences • H. Roald and Janet Lund Excellence in Teaching Award – Thomas DeSutter, professor, School of Natural Resource Sciences • William J. and Angelyn A. Austin Excellence in Advising Award – Stacey Ostby, lecturer, Department of Animal Sciences • Excellence in Extension Early Career Award – Esther McGinnis, Extension horticulturist, Department of Plant Sciences • AGSCO Excellence in Extension Award – Greg Endres, Extension cropping systems specialist, Carrington Research Extension Center • Charles and Linda Moses Staff Award – Wanda Keller, research specialist, Department of Animal Sciences • Donald and Jo Anderson Staff Award – Niki Lynnes, office coordinator, School of Natural Resource Sciences and Department of Plant Pathology • Rick and Jody Burgum Staff Award – Christie Erickson, assistant lab manager, School of Natural Resource Sciences

Wyoming counties designated as primary natural disaster areas

USDA News Release Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue designated two Wyoming counties as primary natural disaster areas. Producers who suffered losses caused by two separate disaster events may be eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) emergency loans. This natural disaster designation allows FSA to extend much-needed emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters. Emergency loans can be used to meet various recovery needs including the replacement of essential items such as equipment or livestock, reorganization of a farming operation or the refinance of certain debts. Freeze Producers in Park County, who suffered losses due to a freeze that occurred between October 9 and November 6, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Wyoming counties of Big Horn, Fremont, Hot Springs, Teton, and Washakie, along with Carbon, Gallatin, and Park counties in Montana, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. Excessive Snow and Freeze Producers in Big Horn County, who suffered losses due to excessive snow and freeze that occurred between October 9 and November 6, 2019, are eligible to apply for emergency loans. Producers in the contiguous Wyoming counties of Johnson, Park, Sheridan, and Washakie, along with Big Horn and Carbon counties in Montana, are also eligible to apply for emergency loans. The deadline to apply for these emergency loans is September 30, 2020. FSA will review the loans based on the extent of losses, security available and repayment ability. Farmers may contact their local USDA service center for further information on eligibility requirements and application procedures for these and other programs. Additional information is also available online at

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 – Page C49




1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -

Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs! SELF-PROPELLED WINDROWERS

(2) 2019 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header. Each.........$139,900 2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each....................................................................$134,900 2007 New Holland HW305, HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards....$39,900


John Deere 705 basket rake....................................................$7750 2018 New Holland 216 rake. Like new.................................$28,000 2011 New Holland 216 rake.................................................$12,500 2008 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$12,000 1998 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$8500 2002 Vermeer R-23A hydraulic v-rake.....................................$8500 H&S MK12 12 wheel rake........................................................$8000







Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523 Josh Taylor 406-925-9449


NEW Stinger 6500 square and round bale stacker............$295,000 NEW Higginbotham bale squeeze, for John Deere 544 loader........ .........................................................................................$12,000 2012 Case IH 3520 boom spreader, 3566 hours..................$93,000 2012 Caterpillar 289C skid steer, cab, air, heat, auxiliary control, tracks, backup camera, vertical lift, standard hydraulics, 1525 hours................................................................................$42,500 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$28,000 2017 Haybuster 980 tub grinder...........................................$55,000 2016 Haybuster 980 tub mixer/feeder, right hand dog leg discharge, scales..............................................................................$49,500 Sitrex MK-10-12 ground driven wheel rakes, hydraulic fold.....$8000 2014 John Deere S680 combine, 1000 engine hours, 795 separator hours, 3000 Globe AutoTrac, ProDrive, small wire concaves, Premium cab and lighting, PowerCast tailboard............$245,000 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit.......................$52,500 2016 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grain boxes, no grass box.........................................................................$44,000 2019 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes..................................................... Call for Pricing 2012 John Deere RSX 850i, camo, soft cab, 2056 miles.....$10,500 2012 John Deere RSX 850 gator, 15,000 miles......................$8750 2015 Polaris Ranger XP900, hard cab, front glass windshield, no doors, winch, 6871 miles....................................................$8000 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575

Call us for all your Gator Needs


NEW Twin Star Hydraulic Rakes








2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding..................$92,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 16.5-ft. intensive cultivator, rolling basket on rear, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding...................$70,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 13-ft. intensive cultivator, solid packer wheel on rear, semi-mounted (3-pt.), hydraulic folding....$70,000 2018 Brillion WLS-3003 25-ft. pulvi-mulcher, S-tines, notched wheels, hydraulic folding. Brand new............................................$49,900 2015 Brillion WLS-360 30-ft. pulvi-mulcher, S-tines, notched wheels, hydraulic folding. Brand new............................................$57,750 2005 Brillion WL-03 25-ft. roller harrow, hydraulic S-tines, hydraulic folding, rear hitch.............................................................$19,500 2008 McFarlane Quadra-Till, 7 shank.................................$22,000 John Deere 726 23-ft. field cultivator, harrow basket............$15,750 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500 1983 John Deere 210 tandem disc, 14-ft. Rigid, 9” spacing....$4000




Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs!

2018 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty........$135,900 2018 John Deere 6195R, IVT transmission, 6000 receiver with AutoTrac activation, Triple-Link Suspension, 5 SCV’s, duals, loader ready, 650 hours............................................................$179,900 2019 John Deere 6155, loader...........................................$139,900 2016 John Deere 6155M, cab, air, heat, 1787 hours, no loader........ .........................................................................................$91,500 (2) 2019 John Deere 6145, loader. Each............................$133,900 2018 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty.....................$129,900 2018 John Deere 2038R, open station, loader, backhoe, 400 hours. .........................................................................................$30,000 2018 John Deere 2032R with 220R loader, hydrostatic transmission, 540 PTO, 50 hours, block heater.....................................$26,250 2016 John Deere 1023, hydrostatic transmission, H120 loader, 160 hours................................................................................$13,500 2006 John Deere 6715 cab tractor, PowerQuad transmission, 540/1000 PTO, MFWD, 740 loader/grapple, approximately 9500 hours...................................................................................... Call


2005 Haybuster 2650 bale processor..................................$13,000 Haybuster 256+2 tub grinder/bale processor..........................$3000 1984 New Holland 359 grinder/mixer, scales, hydraulic folding auger, 1000 PTO. 1980 New Holland 359 for parts.... $8500 for the pair 2017 John Deere 659 header, front roller, hydraulic gauge wheels. NEW.................................................................................$39,000 (2) John Deere 659 headers, hydraulic gauge wheels. Each.$25,000 New Holland HW300 swather, HS12 header, 3031 hours....$26,500 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 2004 John Deere 730 mo-co, equal angle hitch, flail conditioner...... ..........................................................................................$12,000 1999 John Deere 945 mo-co, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner......$8500 New Holland 499 pull type mo-co, 540 PTO, 12-ft. header with rubber conditioner..........................................................................$5000 Vermeer 2300R rake................................................................$7000 2014 John Deere 569 round baler........................................$34,000 John Deere 569 round baler, net wrap & twine, bale count 11,109... ..........................................................................................$32,000 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, net wrap & twine, 19,431 bales.. .............................................................................................$6900 2015 John Deere 778 8 row corn head, low acres...............$59,500 2015 John Deere 8600 forage harvester, 1354 engine hours, 767 header hours, Premium cab and lighting package, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab....................$259,000

Come check out the Blue Wave!


2018 John Deere 8320R IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lbs. weight on each side on rear, Premium Light Package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty till 6-2023, 256 hours........... .......................................................................................$302,500 2012 John Deere 8235R MFWD, IVT transmission, GS3 Green Star ready, 4 SCV’s, duals, weights, 3444 hours...................$139,000





Great Selection of NEW Lemken Tillage Equipment

2019 Haybuster 2660’s in stock...Call for pricing




2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290, 4x4, 0 bale count.. Call for Pricing 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler.........................$21,500

Call us for all your feeding needs



Winter is here to stay


2014 John Deere 569 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2013 John Deere 569 Premium, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, MegaWide pickup, bale push bar, 19,000 bales..............$33,500 2009 John Deere 568, 36,000 bales....................................$23,000 2007 John Deere 568, 34,900 bales....................................$19,500 1998 John Deere 566, twine only, 13,000 bales. Good condition...... ............................................................................................$9000

Contact our service department about winter service inspections for your equipment



1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281




















Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C50

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT

Winter’s Tales

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD

See us on the web:

2013 Bobcat S70, 39 original hours, quick attach, auxiliary hydraulics, hand/foot controls, 23 hp Kubota diesel motor, 2800 lb operating weight, 700 lb operating load rating, 36” tooth bucket and 46” brush hog mower deck. This machine is in like new condition and has always been stored indoors. Located in Victor, MT..................................................................... $19,000 2006 Cat D3G XL, 2570 hours, OROPS, under seat heater, ripper, 96” PAT blade, hydrostatic drive, 70 hp, 17,000 lb operating weight, undercarriage at 50%. Very nice and tight machine, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD..... ..........................................$49,500

2007-2013 Sky Jack SJIII 3219 scissor lifts, electric with onboard charger, extendable platform, nonmarking tires, 32” width, 19-ft. platform height, 25-ft. working height, low hour machines with recent batteries. Located in Victor, MT and Spearfish, SD........................$5490

2017 Cat 926M HL wheel loader, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 7150 +/- hours, air ride heated cloth seat, ride control, differential lock, Bluetooth AM/FM radio, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, new radial tires, 3 CY bucket, maintained very well by Cat. Super clean loader, Located in Spearfish, SD...... ...................................................................................................... $98,900 2014 Volvo MC135 skid steer, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 60 +/- hours, AM/FM radio, ride control, 2 speed travel, Quick attach, pilot controls, 12x16.5 tires, 92 hp, 8500 lbs. 6000 lb. max lift load, 3000 lb. operating load. Like new. Located in Spearfish, SD........ ..........................................$46,900

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer your fishing reel? Or did you put it away quickly, thinking you would get around to it, meanwhile grabbing the gun for a trip to the hills. Speaking of firearms, how clean is that antelope, or deer or elk, rifle fired last fall? Cleaning and repairing sure is cheaper than replacing. And that’s not even considering the big-ticket items like a boat, pickup or camper. Perhaps fly tying or reloading ammunition is your thing. Those winter past times are low tech and can yield fun, educational and rewarding equipment that eventually helps fill the freezer. Making one’s own equipment is also a way to bypass expensive, high-tech gadgets that may tempt our ethics. All of which brings us back to baseball A good winter chore can be cleaning firearms used and an ethical discussion fit for a midlast fall. winter’s night. It is alleged that when Rogers Hornsby, Recently, Major League Baseball has a baseball star of unbelievable talent 100 been in an uproar over the use of modern years ago, was asked how he got through technology to cheat, tipping off the batter the winter, he responded: to what a pitcher is going to throw. “People ask me what I do in winter What is cheating in hunting? Of course, when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you it’s illegal to use drones, night vision what I do. I stare out the window and goggles and remote operated cameras to wait for spring.” hunt game. When it comes to hunting and fishing There is also ethical hunting that looks and many other outdoor pursuits, that’s askance at legal but unfair equipment. many of us. Once upon a time, it was considered Right now, it’s too late for hunting, unfair to use a scope on a hunting rifle. too early for fishing and I’m too old for How quaint. winter mountain climbing. In today’s world we have at our disYes, yes, there are exceptions to evposal every technological advantage: fish erything. There are elk shoulder seasons, finders, GPS units and bow sights that for example. And ice fishing. Even ice glow in dim light. And that does not even climbing. touch stuff like no-scent, lightweight, Equally, there are excuses for everywaterproof and windproof clothing. thing. I don’t need elk meat bad enough Let’s be clear. Advances in gear and to struggle through deep snow drifts in clothing are wonderful. It’s up to the indibelow zero temperatures. vidual whether they are fair. The problem Occasionally, there is a sunny, calm is not technology but what it does to us. It day on a frozen lake when big fish are can lead us to believe that conveniences biting like crazy. Occasionally. are a shortcut to knowledge and practice. And ice climbing or winter mountainPerhaps an invisible line is crossed eering? Oh, forget it. when we no longer use mechanical aids In northern latitudes like Montana, but are used by them. winter is time to meet, plan and spend. Trying to hit a major league curveball Gather friends and family to plan vacawithout advance knowledge is tough. On tions, long and short, for the coming year. a different level, hunting and fishing can Then figure how best to spend money to be tough, too. And they should be. reach those goals. Somewhere lies the invisible line It’s also time to clean and repair equipbetween too much technology and not ment. At the end of last summer did you enough ethics. And that’s something to remember to replace the frayed line on ponder on a long winter’s evening.

2014 Case 580SN 3085 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, ride control, front hydraulic coupler, rear hydraulic coupler, front auxiliary hydraulics, rear auxiliary hydraulics, pilot controls with control pattern changer, power shuttle transmission, 18” backhoe bucket with new teeth, new front tires, new rear tires, has been through the shop, just serviced, super nice clean and tight backhoe. Located in Spearfish, SD....................................................... $55,900 2013 Deere 310SJ 2900 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 4x4, Extend-A-Hoe, air ride cloth seat, ride control, power shift transmission, 2 lever backhoe controls, 24” backhoe bucket, new front tires, rear tires approximately 40%, recent service, very clean. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................... $59,500 2016 Cat 259D 1770 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, air ride heated cloth seat, 2 speed travel, advanced display with rear view camera, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics and electrics, just serviced, very nice condition. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................... $45,900

Fly tying is a hobby that take up winter hours and prepare one for next fishing season.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C51

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:


2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture............................... Just Traded

2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal

2013 New Holland CR7090, low hours, ASP stone protection, yield & moisture........... .................................................. $228,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995

2018 John Deere S780, extended wear concaves, lateral tilt fixed speed feeder, power cast tailborad. Excellent condition. .................................................. $349,900 2018 John Deere S780, extended wear concaves, lateral tilt fixed speed feeder, power cast tailborad. Excellent condition. .................................................. $349,900


2018 John Deere 640FD 40-ft. flex draper, upper cross auger, split reel, single hookup. Excellent condition................ $89,900 2018 John Deere 640FD 40-ft. flex draper, upper cross auger, split reel, single hookup. Excellent condition................ $89,900 2014 MacDon D65 40-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $51,900 2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport............................. $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Case IH 1010-30 combine header, pickup reel.......................................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel........... ............................................. Just Traded Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment..................................... $6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell


2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate......................................$74,500


1990 Case IH 9180, 4WD, Atom Jet hydraulics added, powershift transmission, 4 remotes, duals................... Just Traded

2012 Case IH Puma 170 with loader, auto-guide ready, NEW Alo Quicke loader. .................................................. $89,900 2005 Case IH DX40, ROPS, hydro, 84” mower, loader. Very clean, low hours.... ....................................................Just In 2016 New Holland Boomer 41, MFWD, cab, loader, hydro. Low hours.. $36,500 2015 New Holland Boomer 37, ROPS, hydro, loader. Low hours.......... $21,500 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, loader. Very low hours.....Just In 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours. ....................................................Just In 2001 New Holland TC35, MFWD, ROPS, hydrostatic transmission, 1 hydraulic outlet, loader...................... Just Traded


2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor......................................................................................................................$62,500 Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition...................................................................................................................$12,900


2003 New Holland HW320 self-propelled windrower, 18-ft. sickle header. Very well maintained.................................. $44,900 New Holland 1116 self-propelled windrower, 16-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, gas engine..................................... $7900

MacDon A30 16-ft. swing tongue mower conditioner, rubber-on-rubber roller. Very good condition............................ $21,900 2009 Vermeer R2800 hay rake....... $19,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call



2014 Apache 1220 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel boom, Auto-Boom UltraGlide chemical eductor, Envizio Pro monitor, Ravan Smartrax.................................. $139,900 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.... $89,900

Bale King 880 bale processor........... $6900 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor.... $7500

We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C52

2020 AMBA recommended malting barley varieties

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT


• 2008 Case IH 8010, late serial number, same machine as an 8120, long auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut chopper, new single 900/60-R32 fronts, 540/65-R30 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter with anything it’s needed, several pages of work orders, too much to list. Stored inside. Excellent machine, have owned it since 450 separator hours. Due to lack of help we are selling it. 3060 separator hours, 4560 engine hours..... $70,000 • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell package for............................................................................. $105,000

Call or text Adam for more info • 406-390-3048 • Delivery available

Contact: Scott E. Heisel, AMBA VP & Technical Director (414) 272-4640 generally a good fit for North Dakota and The American Malting Barley AssociaMinnesota. LCS Odyssey is a non-producer tion (AMBA) Board of Directors approved of Glycodidic Nitrile (GN). the addition of AAC Connect, LCS OdysDr. Bob Brunick of Molson Coors Bevsey, Moravian 164 and Moravian 170 to the erage Company developed Moravian 170 recommended list of malting barley varietand released it in 2019. Moravian 170 is ies for 2020. AMBA is a trade association of an early maturing, two-row, spring malting brewing, distilling and malting companies barley. It was bred and developed for irriand the list is meant to inform US producgated production in Colorado. It is a short ers on the malting varieties that the industry statured barley with good lodging resistance will be using in the coming year. Not all and yields equal to or greater than Moravian varieties will be used in large quantities 069. Moravian 170 produces high yields and and growers are encouraged to contact their quality grain in heat-stressed conditions and local elevator, grain handler or processor to can be produced with 2-3 fewer inches of gauge market demand for any variety grown irrigation water than Moravian 069. Morain their region prior to seeding. vian 170 is a proprietary barley variety of Dr. Bill Legge developed AAC ConMolson Coors Beverage Company. nect at the Brandon Research Centre, Dr. Bob Brunick of Molson Coors BevAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada. It is a erage Company developed Moravian 164 two-row, spring malting barley variety that and released it in 2019. Moravian 164 is was registered in Canada in 2016. It has a medium statured, two-row, spring maltplump kernels, good resistance to lodging, ing barley. It was bred and developed for improved resistance to FHB, and has greater irrigated production in the San Luis Valyield than AC Metcalfe and CDC Copeland. ley of Colorado. Moravian 164 produces The variety is licensed to Canterra Seeds in higher grain yields and greater plump seed Canada and distributed in the US by Meridthan Moravian 069. Moravian 164 can be ian Seeds. produced with 1-2 fewer inches of irrigaLCS Odyssey, a spring two-row malting tion water than Moravian 069 without an variety, was developed by the Limagrain increased risk of reducing grain yield, grain UK breeding program and is marketed in plumpness or malting quality. Moravian 164 the US by Limagrain Cereal Seeds. LCS is a proprietary barley variety of Molson Odyssey has an unusually wide area of agCoors Beverage Company. ronomic adaptation, achieving peak yields The complete list of recommended maltin Montana, Colorado and the Pacific Northing barley varieties for 2020 is as follows: west. The maturity of LCS Odyssey is not

Specializing in hopper, flatbed and stepdeck, freight including hay and machinery. Local and out of state, fully licensed and insured. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424

– – FOR SALE – –

HAY in large round bales. 2009 48-ft. stepdeck, great condition.

See us for all your trailer needs


##### If you’re using the phrase “easy as taking candy from a baby”, try taking candy from a baby



2016 Volvo ECR88D excavator cab, heat, air conditioning, blade, quick attach, 879 one-owner hours. Nice machine!

2006 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!

2013 International ProStar 383,000 miles, 10 speed AutoShift, pusher axle. Nice truck.

John Deere 770 BH grader cab, heat, 6800 hours, 13-ft. moldboard, auxiliary hydraulics, mounts for side blade. Fresh service, good machine.

346 Sunrise Creek Loop Columbia Falls, MT



Erskine pick-up broom with curb sweeper




Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in Montana



10-ft. manbasket OSHA approved, black powder coated, gates at each end, fork mount. (2) In Stock!

Scag Giant-Vac TL20W-26CH-EFI 26.5 hp Kohler engine, 12 inch x 10-ft. hose.

• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

2007 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!

Erskine power angle 7-ft. broom

view inventory on the web at:

Equipment Connection For all pieces, log on to our website:

Small Town Company with Big Connections

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 – Page C53

Equipment Connection

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available


346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West Columbia Falls, MT 59912


Small Town Company with Big Connections Check out our Great Selection of Dump Trailers! $12,950 $10,600 NEW 2020 PJ 16-ft. x 82” HD dump trailer (2) 10,000 lb axles, 3-ft. sides, upgraded cylinder, spare and ramps.


2020 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare.


2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$10,100



2020 Southland 270T 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare.

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers $4250

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2020 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4300 and 20-ft.....$4500




2020 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.

$6600 $3750

2020 Royal 6-ft. x 14-ft. Enclosed Trailer Single axle, V-nose, rear ramp door side door, radial tires.

2020 PJ 20-ft. gooseneck trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, straight deck, slide-in ramps.


2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2450 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3450 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3650



2020 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.

PJ Deckover Trailers $8650

view inventory on the web at:


2020 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft......$8750

2020 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$7000 Also available: 3-axle



2020 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber. TJ HR 22-ft. tilts......$9850

Used Trailers


2020 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.


2020 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.

$11,200 2020 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 78” height.


2020 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.




2020 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$13,400

2020 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9750

$7850 2020 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.

2020 Royal 8.5-ft. x 26-ft. Car/Sled Trailer (2) 6000# axles, rear and front ramp door, side RV door, aluminum wheels, rubber floor, translucent roof.


PJ Tilt Trailers

2020 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.

New Enclosed Trailers

2020 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 20-ft.....$7950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8450


2020 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$2400 10-ft.x77”....$2300

$9050 2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp Also available: 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer, (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.....$8850

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 7000# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft. single axle.......$3850

2020 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3650 20-ft......$3950


2020 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber


PJ Gooseneck Trailers


2020 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,200

2020 PJ 12-ft. x 72” tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, split gate, ramps Also available: 10-ft. .....$7650

PJ Utility Trailers

$15,500 2020 Southland 30-ft. gooseneck flatbed (2) 12,000 lb axles, 6-ft. beaver tail, flip-over ramps.

2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.


Southland Trailers

2017 PJ 22-ft. low pro gooseneck trailer (2) 12,000 lb Dexter axles, Monster ramps, 17-ft. deck with 5-ft. beavertail, mounted spare, cold weather wiring.

2019 PJ 22-ft. HD equipment tilt trailer (2) 8000 lb axles, fork rack, spare.


2020 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6400 And 24-ft.....$6600

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C54

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

MONTANA AG SAFETY PROGRAM Are you keeping your workers and family safe? How The Program Can Help: • Keep your family & friends safe and reduce liability • Create a culture of safety to reduce risk, lost time, loss of income, loss of property & life • Learn how to reduce 4x4 and side-by-side accidents • Create short safety training and procedures for tractors & other machinery • Learn low stress livestock handling procedures to help with safety and efficiency

Creating a culture of safety in the workforce

Safety is an attitude! Attitudes are contagious! Is yours worth catching? Accidents cost money, change business plans, disrupt lives, and could cost you your business. Learn how to protect your way of life through good safety procedures and policies.


on Worker’s Compensation Insurance Premiums through the Montana Ag Safety Program Sponsored by: MT Grain Growers MT Cattlemen’s Assoc. • MT Stock Growers MT Wool Growers • MT Farm Bureau • MT Pork Producers MT Farmers Union • MT Organics Assoc. • 406-860-6129

Not all exhibitors at M.A.G.I.E. were strickly for agriculture producers. Pro-Tech took the opportunity to show off their many styles and colors of siding and roofing, etc.

Henke ~ Chester, MT HENKE ENTERPRISES INC. Dougcell (406) 799-2616


eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!


$49,900 AND UP!!!!

Website - Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

John Deere 4930

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm

MARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT


2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616


Flaman Rental & Sales If you make a pdf to make& smaller like October 2016 Montana be 1-877-528-8467, Lattin Sons, Power, sure to make High Quality pdf 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • K-Line Speedtiller 30-ft. Multiflex.....$74,000 20-ft. tiller or 40-ft. tiller available • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Grain baggers and extractors - have bags for these • Hay rake • Bale pickers • Grain Vacs • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows & Land Rollers - 50-ft. & 20-ft. • Meyers 440 Manure Spreader with Vertical Beaters

Trying times

By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer While some animals slumber away through February or have fun in the sun down south, other species make the most of Saint Valentine’s month. Like great horned owls, which are in the middle of their mating season and, soon, if not already, will be sitting on eggs. No other birds in Montana court and mate during the winter. That hoot-hoot-hoot, which you heard at night or just before dawn in January and February is the owls’ mating ritual. After mating, the owls will continue to hoot, not so much to proclaim their love and affection but to stake out a territory and warn other owls away. So, the great horned owl mates and begins nesting in the dead of winter. Must be crazy, right? Maybe. Or maybe no other birds are as smart as the wise old owl. Actually, it’s neither wisdom nor craziness that drives the great horned owl to nest so early. Rather, it’s just that it takes so darn long to raise a young owl. First, the female owl takes two to three days to lay on average two eggs, then she sits on them (incubation) for 30-35 days. After hatching, the young birds will remain in the nest for close to two months before their first flight, called fledging. That can be mid- to late May or later. Bears, black and grizzlies, are another exception to February’s apparent sameness. Around the end of January and the beginning of this month, throughout Montana hundreds of pregnant grizzlies and black bears gave birth in their winter dens. Each litter averages two cubs, born tiny and helpless. A grizzly averages one pound at birth, black bears around half a pound. The cubs are blind and nurse on rich milk that is 20 to 40 percent fat (human milk contains 4 percent fat) while their mother sleepily stimulates urination and defecation by licking the cubs. The mother grizzly does wake from her deep sleep from time to time – to give birth, eat the placenta, and clean up her newborns – but researchers are not sure that she ever fully comes out of hibernation until the spring. The cubs never hibernate. Instead, they spend their first winter drinking mother’s milk and growing. At emergence, towards the end of May, a sow with cubs may have lost 30 to 40 percent of her body weight, while females without cubs may have shed only 15 to 20 percent. Cubs weigh about 8 pounds when they emerge but will grow to 20 to 30 pounds by summer, depending on their diet. Female rainbow trout and other spring spawning fish already hold eggs in various stages of development. Those eggs will continue to develop while the fish waits for the proper environmental cue, like daylight length and water temperature. Wild rainbow trout reach peak spawning from March through May, depending on the river. Then, a female rainbow will clear a slight depression, called a redd, in gravel, using her tail, and deposit 2,000 to 3,000 eggs. As she releases her eggs, a male rainbow will move alongside her and release his milt over the eggs, fertilizing them. And another generation begins. This month may be the discontent of our winter, as we keen to hike, hear meadowlarks, smell the earth after a rain. But life does go on in February, even if we don’t notice it.

Non-profit supporting veterans with PTSD wins national contest

From AARP Montana AARP Montana is pleased to announce that Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans, a Montana organization that donates trained dogs to veterans suffering PTSD, as the winner of the 2019 Honoring Heroes Contest. The nonprofit was selected from 1,200 nominees nationwide. The AARP Create the Good Honoring Heroes Contest, which ran from November 11 to December 31, 2019, honored exceptional veterans, and the nonprofit organizations that serve them, by shining a spotlight on their stories. The general public narrowed down the nominees to 10 finalists with the final selection made by a panel of AARP volunteer judges. Pamela Braach invested years in becoming a certified dog trainer to serve veterans with PTSD and established the Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans with the goal of reaching more veterans in need. The Philipsburg nonprofit not only donates trained dogs to veterans but also provides free training to veterans with their own dogs. Buddy Braach, who nominated Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans for the AARP Create the Good award, emphasized the founder’s passion for the cause. “I know Pamela and her Non-Profit would proudly use any donations to continue spending time with veterans, training their service animals and bringing the community together to support our Veterans. Please consider her hard work and dedication to our Veterans!” Tim Summers, AARP Montana State Director, shared, “AARP is proud to honor an individual – and an organization – serving veterans who have risked their lives for all of our safety and freedom. We hope that the Honoring Heroes contest has helped shine a light on the great work of Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans - and on other organizations and individuals across the country dedicated to helping veterans.” Braach Shepherds 4 Veterans will receive a $5,000 donation to support their work. For more details on the winning submission visit For information on AARP Create the Good, an online resource for finding volunteer opportunities,

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C55

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235

Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange Inventory Available

Williamson 10-ft. gravel box w/ hoist. Complete, very clean - No Rust!

Transportation Available

Currently wrecking 299 trucks! All shapes & sizes!

2007 International 4400 20-ft. refrigerated van body, will seperate, white 2006 Sterling SA tractor, green 2001 International 4900 chassis, white 2000 International 4900 chassis, white 2006 International 4300, 24-ft. all steel flatbed, hydraulic gate, 93,000 actual miles, white 2000 Great Dane 53-ft. reefer trailer 1995 Chevrolet 1 ton diesel pickup, consigned 1994 International 4900 tandem chassis, white 1992 Chevrolet Kodiak SA chassis, white 1991 GMC Top Kick Pepsi trucks!, 3 to choose from 1984 Peterbilt 362 mobile home toter, yellow 1982 International SA dump, yellow 1982 Ford L8000 cement mixer, white 1979 Fruehauf 45-ft. reefer trailer, consigned 1973 International 1600 welder truck, consigned

Special Equipment Ali Arc elk catcher. Near new! (60) transport chains and binders 80 gallon fuel and tool slip combo (2) 1999 Fruehauf SA converter dollies (24) Excel 10.00x20 tires on wheels (6) late model semi trailer suspensions Sturdy-Weld 16-ft. aluminum dump box and hoist Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double hoist (2) Omaha 16-ft. flat beds and hoists (3) 16-ft. through 24-ft. van bodies Wausau 10-ft. reversible snow plow assembly (3) wet kit assemblies 22-ft. all steel flat bed, like new National 300B truck mounted, crane (3) Heil 14-ft. gravel boxes and hoists Pacific 16-ft. all steel grain box and hoist, excellent shape (5) aluminum cab guards, various styles (9) aluminum under body tool boxes (3) underbody hoist assemblies

View our FULL inventory at


Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS!

2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, 20” spacing, ExactApply, VF420/95R50 tires, boom air purge, front fill, complete GPS system, 207 hours, extended warranty 03/2022. Stock #69531................... ................................................. $450,000 (1) 2019 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon tank, manual solution control, section control, BoomTrac Pro, 480/80R50 tires, complete GPS system, 282 hours. Stock #69884............... $395,000 (14) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, CVII cab, manual section control, 5 sensor boom level, boom air purge, full GPS system, 620/70R46 tires, 1024 hours. Stock #69795................. $262,500 (3) 2017 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, automatic solution control, 380/105R50 tires, auto boom level, complete GPS system, 1730 hours. Stock #69294....... ................................................. $255,000 (1) 2019 John Deere R4044, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, high flow pump with dual flow meter, IF420/80R46 tires, auto boom level, 493 hours. Extended warranty until 03/2022 or 1500 hours. Stock #69472... $339,000 (1)

Railroad Ties $8.00/tie

Sold in 16 tie bundles We will load Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations

2019 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, section control, IF 420/80R46 tires, boom air purge, high flow 3” pump, chemical eductor, complete GPS system, 177 hours. Stock #69673........ $332,500 (14) 2009 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 380/105R50 tires, high flow solution pump, traction control, fence row nozzles, complete GPS system, 3122 hours. Stock #69458......................... $135,000 (12) 2013 Case IH 4430, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 650/65R38 flotation tires, auto boom height control, complete GPS system, AIM Command, 1200 gallon tank, 3000 hours. Stock #69919............... $152,500 (14) 2012 Marflex truck sprayer, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1500 gallon tank, 3 way nozzle bodies, Raven auto rate, Outback Guidance, 7400 International truck body, 380/80R38 tires, 30,591 miles. Stock #67565................. ................................................. $95,000 (11)



The options are endless! Several different widths and spacings in stock with a variety of cart sizes and configurations!

2018 John Deere 1895, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, double shoot, C850 cart with SectionCommand, spoked gauge wheels, all run blockage, 12” conveyor with wireless remote. Stock #67436........................... $525,000 (1) 2014 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, dual tires on main frame and wings, 430 bushel tow between cart, Section Command, 12” conveyor. Stock #69853............... $197,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 1890, 50-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 350 bushel tow between cart, SectionCommand, hydraulic auger lift, 10” auger. Stock #64099.............. $170,000 (15) 2011 John Deere 1835, 60-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, 4” capped steel press wheels, all run seed blockage, primary blockage on fertilizer, 430 bushel TBH cart, ground drive, 10” fill auger.Stock #68666..... $132,500 (11) 2019 John Deere 1830, 61-ft., 10” spacing, Intelligent Ag all run blockage, 4x22” steel press wheels, 430 bushel tow between cart, 10” auger, KSI low profile hopper. Stock #69885................................... $225,000 (14)

2008 John Deere 1830, 41-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, 550 lb openers, dual wing caster wheels, 270 bushel tow between cart. Stock #69835....... $52,500 (1) 2013 Bourgault 6550, 66-ft., 10” spacing, capable of double shoot, currently set up as single, primary blockage, 550 bushel TBT cart, duals. Stock #66530....... $142,000 (12) 2011 Seedhawk 6612, 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 500 bushel tow behind variable rate cart, 2500 gallon liquid tow between fertilizer cart. Stock #58822...... $125,000 (1) 2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, primary blockage, 445 TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #55622.. $80,000 (14) 2009 Morris Maxim II, 60-ft., 10” spacing, Ag Tron primary blockage, 1” carbide tips, 3.5” capped press wheels, 450 bushel TBT cart with 10” auger. Stock #58850... $80,000 (14)

On the Frontline For You!

1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

Trader’s Dispatch, March 2020 — Page C56




2017 John Deere 569 Premium, both twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar. ONLY 110 bales!! Stock #67070.$57,500 (1)



2019 John Deere S780, 364 engine/240 separator, Combine Advisor, Active Yield, 520/85R42 duals, power fold grain covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, full GPS system. Stock #69936.. ............................................... $429,000 (12)




2018 John Deere S780, 339 engine/247 separator, Contour Master, Combine Advisor, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, IF520/85R42 duals, full GPS system. Stock #64833......................... $420,000 (12)

2013 John Deere S680, 1853 engine/1310 separator, advanced Powercast tailboard, 900/60R32 drive tires, 620/75R28 rear tires, power fold grain tanks, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #67407........... ................................................. $210,000 (1)



$4 2015 John Deere 569 Premium, MegaWide pickup, ISO wiring, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, Harvest Tec inoculant tank, 14,269 bales. Stock #65539................. $37,900 (11)


2019 John Deere S780, 320 engine/242 separator, Active Yield, Combine Advisor, power fold grain tank covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS. Extended warranty until 08/2022 or 1000 hours. Stock #68923......... $421,000 (1)

2018 John Deere S780, 659 engine/462 separator hours, Active Yield, LSW 1100/45R46 tires, full GPS system, advanced Powercast tailboard, Powerfold grain tank covers, 28.5ft. unload auger. Stock #64576.$401,000 (3)






0/y 9,40

2012 John Deere S680, 1368 engine/1100 separator, 900/60R32 drive tires, ProDrive transmission, advanded Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, power fold grain tank, 2630 display only. Stock #69583................... ................................................. $197,500 (1)



2013 John Deere 569 Premium, all new chains, sprockets and baler belts, 1800 display, moisture tester, 1000 PTO, twine and net wrap, 21,625 bales. Stock #64448.......... ................................................. $34,500 (16)


2018 John Deere S770, 255 engine/185 separator, Active Yield, Combine Advisor, manual grain tank covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, IF800/70R38 drive tires, full GPS system. Stock #64662......................... $385,000 (14)


2013 John Deere 569, 1000 PTO, net and twine, MegaWide Plus pickup, hydraulic pickup, push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires, 10,000+ bales. Stock #67335................... $35,900 (3)

2017 John Deere S670, 477 engine/357 separator, single IF 800/70R38 drive tires, ProDrive, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual grain tank extensions, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #60257................................... $327,500 (15)



2017 John Deere 569, twine and net wrap, MegaWide Plus pickup, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, 21.5L-16.1 flotation tires, belt takeup roller, 4492 bales. Stock #69751................... ................................................. $41,500 (14)

2016 John Deere S690, 997 engine/735 separator, interactive combine adjustment, power fold grain tank covers, 26-ft. unload auger, advanced Powercast tailboard, LSW1100/45R46 drive tires, LSW710/60R30 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69908................................... $320,000 (14) 2013 John Deere 569, MegaWide pickup, net wrap and twine, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup lift, 1000 PTO, 18,439 bales. Stock #67941..................................... $31,250 (11)



00/ 40,7


2016 John Deere S670, 1243 engine/811 separator hours, 520/85R42 duals, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual fold grain tank, 28-ft. unload auger, full GPS system. Stock #62231......................... $285,000 (11)


GO TO OUR WEBSITE TODAY! 2016 John Deere S680, 991 engine/700 separator, IF800/70R38, Interactive Combine Adjustment plus Active Terrain Adjustment, advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, TriStream rotor. Stock #64594............ ............................................... $330,000 (11)




2015 John Deere S670, 1335 engine/930 separator, 800/70R38 drive tires, variable speed feederhouse, TriStream rotor, Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #68059............ $237,500 (14)





9 $30, 1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793

11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932

2014 John Deere S680, 1007 engine/645 separator, 900/60R32 drive tires, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, manual grain tank extensions, 26-ft. unload auger. Stock #62776. ............................................... $250,000 (12)

2012 John Deere S670, 1601 engine/1109 separator, 800/70R38 drive tires, TriStream rotor, 26-ft. unload auger, manual vane tailboard, 2630 on the armrest. Stock #68142... ............................................... $175,000 (14)

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