November 2017

Page 1


Vol. XVIII No. 10 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997

Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: E-MAIL:

Farm/ranch legacy planning workshops set

By NDSU Extension Service After many good years in agriculture, some retirement-age farmers and ranchers may be thinking that now is a good time to exit the industry while letting the next generation shoulder the brunt of uncertainty in today’s agricultural environment. “Preparing the next generation to weather this uncertain environment is an important part of these potential retirements and important to the future farm/ranch legacy,” says Carrie Johnson, the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s personal and family finance specialist. Recognizing the needs of farming and ranching families in this situation, NDSU Extension will offer Design Your Succession Plan (DYSP) workshops at a variety of locations throughout the state in the next several months. The curriculum includes a module developed specifically for those considering transitioning away from full-time farming or ranching. “Very often, the two or more generations already are working together but have not yet taken the steps toward succession planning,” Johnson says. “It is often one of those things all parties know they should be doing, but they just haven’t gotten around to it, or they don’t know where or how to start.” DYSP workshops help farm and ranch families think about what they want for their business, explore the options and consider the consequences of each option before making any decisions. Some may wish to transfer a viable business to the next generation. Others may wish to divide the farm or ranch assets and want to determine an acceptable way to do that. “Family farms and ranches are the family legacy,” Johnson says. “DYSP workshops give the owner and his/her identified successor generation an opportunity to begin shaping the future ownership of the family farm or ranch.” Family discussions about the future of the family farm can be difficult conversations. DYSP workshop participants learn how to start and sustain those discussions and get started on developing a succession plan. They also learn about choosing and preparing to work with legal and financial professionals who will help make sure the plan is workable. “I felt this was what I really needed,” says David Miller, a Donnybrook-area producer who attended the workshops. “It gave me a road map to do what I want to do.” CONTINUED ON PAGE A3


Nov. 1-16, Musser Bros Auction, Ag & Contractor Equipment, Online........... A7 Nov. 1-29, Musser Bros Auction, Rosebud County Ranch Online................... A7 Nov. 18, Polensky Auction Service, Sioux County Road Equipment, Selfridge, North Dakota..................................................................................................... A5 Nov. 20-28, Kinsey Aucitoneers & Real Estate, Online Land......................... A10 Nov. 28, Agri Affiliates Inc, Dupree Farms Real Estate, Dupree, South Dakota..A12

Fall Ranching Seminar

A predator survey and cow size and range conditions are among topics at the Fall Ranching Seminar Thursday, November 16, in Meeteetse, Wyoming. Sessions are 1-4:30 p.m. at the Meeteetse Conservation District, 1906 State St. Other topics are larkspur poisoning and alfalfa weevil, said Jeremiah Vardiman, University of Wyoming Extension educator based in Park County. Those wishing to attend are asked to RSVP by November 13 to 307-754-8836. UW Extension and the Meeteetse Conservation District are hosts

A million acres scorched by wildfires By Dana Rogge, FSA Public Affairs Specialist

Dry conditions plagued Montana this summer, with multiple wildfires torching over 1 million acres throughout the state. The largest fire, the Lodgepole Complex fire, impacted over 270,000 acres. Recent rain and snow, and the forecast for continued precipitation, help to suppress the fires and provide welcome relief for Montana residents. Fires aren’t too uncommon in Montana, but this year’s fire season has been different. Spring brought plenty of moisture from an abundant snow-pack and provided adequate moisture for grass growth. The moisture quickly depleted leaving most of the state in drought condition. “Ranchers saw this as great grass and feed. Firefighters saw it as fuel,” said Dennis Garcia, Farm Service Agency (FSA) county executive director for Glacier County, Montana. Garcia was activated to serve


Beery’s Land & Livestock Co., Vida..............................A9 Darlington Cattle Company, Belt.................................A12 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan.......................................A9 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood...........................................A9 McMurry Cattle, Billings.................................................A9 Thomas Herefords, Gold Creek.....................................A9 Wichman Herefords, Moore...........................................A9


Nov. 29, Brillhart Ranch Co., Huntley............................A9. Dec. 1, Harmon Angus, Lavina......................................A3. Dec. 2, Montana’s Choice - Simmental, Billings...........A4. Jan. 23, 2018, Churchill Cattle Co, Manhattan..............A9. Sept. 21, 2018, Churchill Cattle Co, Manhattan............A9

in the National Guard during the wildfire suppression efforts near Lolo, Montana. FSA provides assistance to farmers and ranchers who have been impacted by natural disasters, including wildfires, by administering a suite of safety-net programs to help producers recover from eligible losses, such as the Livestock Indemnity Program, the Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish Program, and the Tree Assistance Program. The programs can assist farmers and ranchers who lost livestock, grazing land, fences or eligible trees, bushes and vines as a result of the qualifying natural disaster. In addition, the FSA Emergency Conservation Program provides funding and technical assistance for farmers and ranchers to rehabilitate farmland damaged by natural disasters. Low-interest emergency loans are available to help producers recover from production and physical losses. Compensation is also available to producers who purchased coverage through the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, which protects non-insurable crops (including native grass for grazing) against natural disasters that result in lower yields, crop losses or prevented planting. As a result of the ongoing drought condiCONTINUED ON PAGE A2

Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch Page A45

Deadline for December issue is November 29

Trader’s Dispatch November 2017 — Page A2

FLEXI-COIL AIR DRILL FOR SALE 58-ft., 12” spacing air drill, 3380 cart, full run blockage IntelligentAg, 31/2” steel packers, stealth openers, 10,000 acres on drill. Phone (406) 390-2336, Havre, MT

Glendive, MT • 406.365.7010

1991 Ford F800 4x4, diesel, automatic, hydraulic wet kit, 90,000 miles.

2006 JCB 426HT wheel loader, high lift, quick attach, 3rd valve, 1424 hours.

1992 John Deere 444E front end loader, full cab, GP bucket, air conditioning, heat, one owner.

1997 Freightliner F170 4x4, cab & chassis, 8.3 Cummins diesel, automatic, step frame, 145,000 miles.

2004 Case 960 trencher, new chain & sprockets, 138” bar, digs 6-ft. plus, 1311 hours.

2002 Oshkosh 6x6, cab & chassis, M11 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic, heavy specs, 107,000.

1991 Ford F800 cab & chassis, diesel, 653 Allison automatic, heavy specs, only 49,344 miles, very nice.

A million acres scorched by wildfires CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE

2007 Ingersoll-Rand 185 cfm air compressor, John Deere diesel, hose reel, 1081 hours.

1993 Ledwell equipment trailer, hydraulic dovetail & winch, selfcontained wet kit & diverter.

tions, all Montana counties were approved for emergency haying and grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres. Due to drought and fire conditions, 53 of the state’s 56 counties have been declared either primary or contiguous disaster areas. “The short term impact is FSA can do a lot of good for producers. Producers can get some relief, fix fences and get feed purchased,” Garcia said. CONTINUED ON PAGE A8

2001 John Deere 310G 4x4 backhoe, Extend-a-hoe, full cab, only 2078 hours, one owner.

1984 Fruehauf 42-ft. flatbed, steel composition, spring ride, straight trailer.

2003 JLG G-42A telehandler, 6000 lb. capacity, 42-ft. reach, diesel, 3783 hours.

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Absurdity Day

When : Always November 20th Isn’t it totally absurd? Crazy or not, Absurdity Day is staring you right in the face. Some days are truely illogical and senseless, exactly the definition of Absurdity Day. So, by intent error, or just through surfing the net, you’ve stumbled upon this special, senseless absurd! Celebrate this day in an absurd manner. Don’t sit back waiting for something absurd to happen. Rather, seek out things to do that are somewhat, if not wholly, illogical. Have fun with it. But, whatever you do, don’t try to make sense with it. Have a wonderful, mind boggling and absurd Absurdity Day!!


November 2017 — Vol. XVIII No. 10 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.

Deadline for December issue WEDNESDAY, November 29. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste and Suzy Benzing, ad layout. Office Phone 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.


Round bales – Minimum of semi-load lots Phone (406) 450-0137, Valier, MT

FUEL STORAGE ~ FUEL CONTAINMENT ~ FUEL SYSTEMS All products meet EPA/SPCC agriculture standards

CALL FISHER METAL PRODUCTS for information and pricing on: Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 4000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules

Tier 1 and Tier 2 spcc compliance plans available at no charge! Professionally engineered plans are needed for systems over 10,000 gallons

Underground Water Cisterns

Galvanized steel epoxy coated water cisterns – 1,000 to 10,000 gallon


single & tandem rollers available

42”x 3/4” pipe Bolt on Hitch

Meets all NRCS-EQUIP standards and specifications

Families who begin the succession planning process during the DYSP workshops and continue it at home can cut costs and save money because they are well-prepared to meet and work efficiently and effectively with legal and financial professionals, according to Johnson. Here are the locations, dates and times of upcoming DYSP workshops, along with contact information for the Extension agents who can provide more information and details: • Mandan - November 21 and 28 and December 5, 6 p.m., Farm Credit Services, 1600 Old Red Trail Road; Marissa Leier, 701-667-3340, • New Salem - November 21 and 28 and December 5, Morton County Fairgrounds; Rick Schmidt, 701-794-8748, • Watford City - November 28 and 30 and December 7, 1:30 p.m., McKenzie County Courthouse, 201 5th St. N.W.; Marcia Hellandsaas, 701-444-3451, marcia.hellandsaas@ • Langdon - November 30 and December 5, Cavalier County Courthouse, 901 3rd St.; Anitha Chirumamilla, 701256-2560, • Belfield - December 5, 7 and 12, 5:30 p.m., Choice Financial, 201 Main St. N.; Ashley Ueckert, 701-872-4332, • Linton - December 6 and 13, 6 p.m., Emmons County Courthouse, 100 4th St. N.W.; Kelsie Egeland, 701-2544811, • Towner - January 16, 18 and 22, 2018, 5:30 p.m., 314 Main St. S.; Callie Johnson, 701-537-5405, callie.johnson@ • LaMoure - January 23, 25 and 30, 2018, 200 Highway 13 W.; Julianne Racine, 701-883-6085, julianne.racine@ More locations will be added in the coming months. Visit for more information.


Farm/ranch legacy planning workshops set

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A3

H 12-ft. H 16-ft. H 14-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft. Other sizes also available

Fisher Metal Products 622-5233

Fort Benton


Montana Farm Bureau 98th Annual Convention

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A4


2001 International 51” cab, Cat C12, 430 hp, recent complete overhaul by T&E, Fuller FRO15210C transmission, Meritor RT40-145 rears at 3.90, air ride. This is a one owner, low mileage unit we have owned and maintained since new with complete maintenance records available. 1998 Freightliner FLB (yes it is a cabover), four axle truck with a 12,000# steerable lift axle, Detroit Series 60 engine overhauled by Interstate Diesel, Fuller RTLO 16713A transmission, Meritor RT40-145 rears at 4.10, cab and chassis, set up for up to 24-ft. box and pintle hitch. We have a 24-ft. flatbed and a 28-ft. Western flatbed trailer available as a complete package. Phone Roger Rader (406) 264-5475, Sun River, Montana

“Listen, Learn and Lead” is the theme of the 98th Annual Montana Farm Bureau Convention November 12-15 at the Northern and DoubleTree Hotels in Billings. More than 300 farmers and ranchers from across the state will come together to glean new leaderships skills, learn to advocate for agriculture and set policy for the coming year. Keynote speakers follow the convention theme. Dr. Garry Lacefield, professor emeritus, University of Kentucky, encourages members to listen during Monday’s keynote as he gives an uplifting presentation on food, farmers, family, friend, Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity faith, freedom and country. Members will learn from Dr, Gary Fence Hog Brester, professor emeritus in the Department of Ag Economics at Montana State University, as he talks about his research of the effects of European Union’s ban on Genetically Modified Technologies. Tuesday’s keynote speaker, Curt Swenson, vice president of FutureSYNC, International will talk about developing the skills necessary to lead using mentors. Monday’s workshops are strong on listening, learning and leading, with information for beginning farmers, a new way to Stretch recruit members, agriculture and mental health, working with On The Go different generations and telling our ag story. Those interested Gas Powered Drivers in learning more about water issues will want to check out the 3 Models to Choose From presentation on exempt wells and water adjudication. The challenging Montana Young Farmer and Rancher * Your Fence Equipment Supplier * cussion Meet takes place for Collegiate Farm Bureau members (888) 754-7909 596 Gateway Drive, Powell, WY (307) 754-7909 Sunday afternoon and for Young Farmers and Ranchers Monday afternoon. The YF&R Discussion Meet contest is designed to simulate a committee meeting where discussion and active participation are expected from each person. This competition is evaluated on an exchange of ideas and information on a pre-deterPM MT mined topic. The winner of the YF&R Discussion Meet BILLINGS LIVESTOCK COMMISSION mental A im receives a Polaris Ranger and an all-expense paid trip to compete in the American Simmental and SimAngus™ Females Sell Farm Bureau national competition in Nashville in January. REGISTERED SIMMENTAL AND SIMANGUS™ • COMMERCIAL FEMALES • BREDS AND OPENS During the Resolutions Session Tuesday, voting delegates from 30 county Farm Bureaus across the state meet to discuss and vote on what will become MFBF Policy for 2018. At the Tuesday evening awards banquet, county Farm Bureaus will be recognized for their hard work during the year. Immediately following the awards ceremony, speaker Jolene Brown will entertain the audience with her humorous talk “It’s a Jungle Out There” geared toward all of the challenges farmers and ranchers face. “This convention promises to educate as well as entertain,” says Montana Farm Bureau President Hans McPherson. “We will have top-notch speakers who will make us all better leaders. Our convention is a great time PUREBRED GW SUBSTANCE DAUGHTER, ASA 3151853 PUREBRED KOCH MONTE DAUGHTER, ASA 3156844 for networking, and members will want to visit all of our booths at the trade show. Of course, the most important part of our convention is where our grassroots shine; setting Farm Bureau policy Marty Ropp 406-581-7835 for the coming year.” Rocky Forseth 406-590-7984 For registration information, visit, 406-587-3153.


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Wool Grower Convention

By Jesse Thompson, MWGA Executive Secretary The 134th Annual MWGA Convention will be held in Billings on November 30-December 2, 2017 at the Red Lion Hotel and Convention Center. We’ve done our best to try and provide a variety of workshops and speakers so that you can get the most out of your convention registration. Registration has opened up online and you can find that on the Wool Grower webpage: Early bird registration ends on November 18th and the prices slightly increases after that. You are also still welcome to register at the door when you get to the convention. New this year is the “First Timer” discount. This is a $25 discount available for first time convention attendees on the “Full Conference Registration” only. Come for the drinks and appetizers and stay for the conversation on Thursday night! The “Getting to Know Ewe” President’s Reception held in the Hotel Lounge is a great way to meet new wool growers and catch up with the old ones. Thank you, Center of the Nation Wool for sponsoring that event. Friday’s festivities will kick off with Jon Arneson and the Voices of Montana. Convention registration opens at 8 am so that you can come early and catch up with your neighbors. We’ll hear from Megan Wortman with the American Lamb Board, Dr. Pat Hatfield with MSU, and we’ll do a Q & A with the vet all before lunch. After you enjoy a delicious lamb lunch Brad Cook with Wipfli will cover Ranch Family Business Management and Transition Planning, Jim Larson will talk about MT Ag Safety, and we’ll hear industry updates from Wildlife Services, the Livestock Loss Board, and the Board of Livestock. The Speed Shear competition and Calcutta with the live auction fundraiser will be held on Friday evening. The money raised from these events will go to a good cause so don’t forget to bring an item to donate to the live auction and bid on a shearing team in the Calcutta. The drinks are sponsored by Western Ranch Supply and the lamb sliders are sponsored by Superior Farms. Bruce Barker and Larry Prager will be discussing the wool outlook and trends on Saturday morning, followed by workshops on mastitis in Montana, economic ranch tools for sheep producers, and lambing barn basics. Mike Corn, current President of ASI, is coming all the way from New Mexico to join us for lunch. After lunch, we’ll hear about grizzly bear delisting and internal parasite resistance before the Annual Membership Meeting kicks off at 3:30pm. We’ll be electing a new President of the association this year so don’t miss it. We’ll finish off the night with the Silent Auction fundraiser, Wool Grower Banquet, and the Make it With Wool Fashion Show. We usually do the NFR Calcutta and viewing after the fashion show, however we are too early this year. Instead, we’ll be doing a little friendly competitive fundraiser called “Mutton Busting” complete with a calcutta. Don’t worry, we won’t make you ride any real sheep. The rules of the game will be explained at the convention but you need to make sure you bring your cash with you. Fundraisers during the convention will support the Wildfire Relief Efforts in Montana, the Wool Lab, the MWGA Legislative Fund, and the ASSDP. While most will say “farewell” on Sunday morning and head back home the MWGA Board will meet again after the Past President’s Breakfast. We’re looking forward to the 134th Annual MWGA Convention and we hope to see you there! Visit for more information.

Veterans Day

Date When Observed: November 11th Veterans’s Day honors all members of the Armed Forces who have served this country valiantly, and in a very big way. They served and fought to protect us, to keep our country safe, and to preserve our way of life. Veterans gave their time, and risked their lives for you and me. In some cases, they made the ultimate sacrifice. This holiday originally was called Armistice Day and was first celebrated in 1921. In 1954, President Eisenhower changed it to Veteran’s Day, in honor of those who served and died from all wars. On November 11 at 11:11, 1921 the U.S. France and England each buried an unknown soldier in honor of those who died in World War I. This began the annual Armistice Day holiday. The time and day was picked because fighting ceased in WWI in 1918 on November 11 at 11:11. In keeping with this tradition, work stops on this day and time each year for a moment of silence.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A5


Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616

eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!

2012 Sprayflex Truck Sprayer

• Floating Boom Design • Lightweight Aluminum Box Boom • Stainless Steel Tanks or Plastic • Many years of testing • Boom widths up to 150-ft. • Tank sizes - 1450, 1500, 2000, 3000 gallon

2009 John Deere 4930 Sprayer, 120-ft. booms, auto steer, swath control. New John Deere hydros and wheel motors.....$119,900 5 year drive warranty • Electric Conversion getting closer to Testing!!!! • Check Website - for updates!


2004 International 4300 truck, Allison Auto Trans, 120-ft. SprayFlex sprayer, 1250 tank, EZSteer and Trimble 750, Excellent Condition! $59,900

Website - Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-

* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm

MARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE Contact your authorized dealer

Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT


2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms, .................................. $169,900 2009 John Deere 4930 sprayer, 6500 hours, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, John Deere 2600 monitor, Auto Steer, swath control. Many new John Deere parts. ........ $69,900 2007 Marflex truck sprayer, 1500 gallon, STAINLESS STEEL LDbooms, hydraulic drive, EZ SO90-ft. TANK, 1999 IHC truck, Steer. ............................................................................Call 2011 Sprayflex 1300 gallon, 120-ft. boom, 2004 IHC 4300, floater tires, EZ Steer+ Trimble 750....................... $59,900 2013 Sprayflex 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms, 2005 InterSOLD national 4300 truck. ............................................. $129,900

• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616

If you make a pdf to make smaller like October 2016 be sure to make Tribune pdf


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A6

Price T8005ruck & E quipment H . 10 W - M , MT wy

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1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed............................ $15,000

1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers.....$10,000

2001 International 4700 60-ft. bucket truck, DT466 automatic, 4 outriggers, jib, exgovernment................$20,000

1994 Ford F450 service truck, 7.3L, 5 speed, 11-ft. box, 5000 lb. crane, Ingersoll Rand compressor.......................$15,000

1998 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$17,500

Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow.................................................. $5000 8-ft. quick attach grapple bucket................................................ $2500 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 1999 Ford F450 7.3 diesel automatic, 4WD, 12-ft. flatbed..... $10,000 2000 Ford F550 4WD service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, 3200 lb. crane, hydraulic air compressor............................. $22,500 2000 Ford F550 service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, 2800 lb crane................................................................................... $12,500 2000 Ford F550 4WD, service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, IRT030 compressor, outriggers, PTO, set up for crane....... $15,000 2000 Ford F450 bucket truck, V10, automatic, 31-ft. bucket.. $12,500 1999 Ford F550 4x4, crew cab, utility, V10 automatic............ $12,500 1999 Ford F450 utility truck, 7.3, 6 speed, 4x4...................... $12,500 1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket............................................................................ $12,500 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder..... $19,000 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor......................................................................... $11,000 1995 International 4900 60-ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers................................................................. $15,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles....................... $12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate.............. $9000 1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic....... $2500

1992 International 4900 service truck, 11-ft. utility box, 5000 lb. crane, 225 amp Miller welder, Ingersoll air compressor...............................$20,000

1994 GMC service truck, 4x4, 7.4 liter, 5 speed, compressor/ welder, 3200 lb. crane.. $15,000

Grove AP206 Carry deck crane, diesel, 12,000 lb...........$10,000

1996 Holden 20-ton tilt bed equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck..... .....................................$12,500

1999 Interstate 3-axle equipment trailer, 60,100 lb. GVWR, 21-ft. deck, 5-ft. ramp..$18,000

1996 Chevrolet Kodiak Cat diesel, 6 speed automatic, utility bed, outriggers .............................................................................. $8500 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom... $12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed................ $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump.. $12,500 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed..................... $9000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 125-185 CFM air compressors.....................................$4000 - $6000 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 1980 Hyster 20-ton equipment tilt, 25-ft. deck........................... $8000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder................................$1500 - $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call Cat IT28 quick-tach forks.......................................................... $2500 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800 (6) Goodyear 1200xR20 unused traction tires.......................... $1200 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800

Fire Relief Discounts Available Now*!

Portable Tub systems

We are a diverse welding and fabrication shop specializing in farm & ranch. Highest Quality Craftsmanship in the Industry 6 Rail: 1-1/4” 20-ft. panel $93 Discount $88 • 5 Rail: 1-1/4” 20-ft. panel $85 Discount $80 4 We specialize in continuous fence 20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths and also build custom panels, gates, and more! 4 Complete corral systems - installation and delivery available in Montana & surrounding areas.

Other discounts are available on gates, panels, and our other products*. Please call for details! *Discounts available for ranches affected by recent fires only

For more information We accept all major credit cards

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We also offer: •  Cattle guards •  Loading chutes •  Crowding tubs •  Adjustable alleys •  Portable panels •  Arena fencing •  Wind breaks • AND MORE Call Travis Klein shop: 406-932-3559 cell: 406-930-1973

205 Howie Road • Big Timber, MT 59011

2017 MGGA Convention

The 2017 Montana Grain Growers Association Convention and Trade Show is scheduled for Tuesday, November 28 through Thursday, November 30, at the Best Western Heritage Inn in Great Falls, Montana. With over 800 expected to attend, a dynamic and educational agenda, and a full trade show with more than 70 exhibitors, the MGGA Convention is one of Montana’s largest agricultural gatherings. The program gets underway Tuesday with a half day workshop titled “Positioning Your Farm Business for Successful Transition,” presented by popular farm business management consultant and Idaho farmer Dick Wittman. This seminar includes a case study work session and will examine best management practices that must be implemented for a family farm business to excel and pass successfully from generation to generation along with the consequences of failing to adopt these practices in everyday operations. It will help participants become familiar with (1) a systems approach to managing a family farm business; and (2) strategies for family farm business managers to implement more professional management systems Wittman has provided family farm business transition consulting for four decades. His goal is to convince participants that: (1) their problems are not unique…nor are the solutions, and (2) implementation of a professional management and governance system is doable and must be given equal priority to production, marketing and financial management. Wednesday and Thursday offer a diverse lineup of speakers including multiple breakout sessions, a panel discussion on alternative crops, and a rapid research presentation where five of this year’s topical projects funded by the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee will be highlighted. Farm policy and world markets will be covered by National Association of Wheat Growers CEO Chandler Goule, US Wheat Associates President Vince Peterson, NAWG President Gordon Stoner, and National Barley Growers Association Vice President Buzz Mattelin. Break out sessions on Wednesday include topics and speakers ranging from micronutrients, wheat quality and the flour milling industry, the Montana Climate Assessment, food processing, crop diseases, ag census and statistics, deferred payment contracts and a Q&A on transitioning to organic. Thursday features a presentation from Julie Borlaug, granddaughter of Norman Borlaug, a wheat breeder known internationally as the father of the Green Revolution. Borlaug has worked to further her grandfather’s legacy and expand upon his mission to feed the world’s hungry. She speaks passionately about engaging the next generation to become “hunger fighters” by embracing technological innovation, creativity, bold ideas and collaboration in order to feed a growing world. Janice Person, Online Engagement Director for Monsanto, has helped transform the company’s outreach efforts to be inclusive of consumers, particularly food and lifestyle bloggers. She will share her ideas about seeking common ground in conversations about food and its origins Dr. Mir Seyedbagheri, professor emeritus at the University of Idaho, will discuss humic substances and their effects on soil, yield and quality and Greg Stordahl, Bureau Chief of the Montana State Grain Lab, will offer a hands-on grain grading workshop and answer your questions about grain quality inspection and analysis. Dr. Hikmet Budak, holder of the MSU Winifred-Asbjornson Plant Science Chair, will speak about bridging the gap between genomics and classical breeding and his efforts to build a world class research program to address Montana’s grain challenges. Budak was recently named an associate editor of Frontiers in Plant Science, one of the world’s topranking research publications in plant sciences. On Thursday afternoon a panel of growers and agribusiness representatives will share their experiences and opportunities on a variety of crops including pulses, barley, canola, soybeans, corn, sunflowers and safflower. Everyone is invited to join us on Wednesday night for a special dinner event celebrating the 50-year anniversary of the Montana Wheat & Barley Committee. And most importantly, convention is the time when MGGA members come together to debate existing and proposed resolutions through the important grassroots process that sets our policy platform for the coming year. Make plans to attend committee and resolution meetings to lend your voice to the discussion. Visit or call the MGGA office at 406-7614596 for more information and to register online. ##### The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A7


2 Locations: Forsyth & Ingomar, MT



2008 Dodge 3500 Pickup; quad, 4 wd, Cmns turbo dsl 6.7L, auto, 8’6 flatbed, gsnk ball, sliding rails, 285/70R17’s, TDK bumper, 165,907 mi. F 2008 Dodge 3500 Pickup; quad, 4wd, Cmns turbo dsl 6.7L, auto, Besler 3100 bale bed 9’, elec/hydr, gnsk ball, TDK bumper, Smarty JR67 chip, 265/70R17’s, 177,158 mi. F 2001 IH 4900 Truck; DT466E, 10 spd, 28’ flatbed, twin screw, 11R22.5’s, 156,781 mi, Sells w/1600 & 1000 gal Endura Plas poly tanks. I

2014 PJ Flatbed; 10’, 3000 lbs, s/a, bumper pull. F 1995 Wabash Enclosed Shop Van; 48’, t/a, 25’ shelving, 10’ work bench w/vise & grinder, bolt bins, fastner cabinet, wired 110/220, steps. I 1985 Fruehauf Tanker; 6700 gal, 30’+16’ tongue, 11R24.5’s, alum whls, hauled water. F 1978 Fruehauf Military Water Tanker; 5000 gal, 2 cmprt, t/a, 10.00-20’s, 2 disch valves & hose. I

SKIDSTEER, TELEHANDLER Combine, ‘96 CIH 2188 Axial Flow; Rotary Tiller, Falc 4000; 13’, w/roll- Fuel Tank, STI (‘14); 3000 gal, ing clod buster, 3 pt, 1000 pto. (Blgs) Fill-rite pump, hose, dbl wall, leak 3322 ehrs, 2827 rhrs, grain scan, & ATTACHMENTS

Telehandler, Gehl DL-8H42 (‘06); 8,000 lb cap, 42’ reach, encl cab, heat, JD 4.5L turbo dsl, tilt, 4 way/ crab steer, 4’ rotator forks, 5’ forks, quick attach, aux hydr, 13.00-24’s, 7747 hrs. F Skidsteer, Case 440 (‘05); 89 hp turbo dsl, 6’ bkt, hi-flow, aux hydr, hand cntrls, orops cab, new tires, hr meter in-op. F Bale Spear; 3 prong. F Bale Spear, Tomahawk; 3 prong. F Forklift; 4’, hd. F TRACTORS Manure Fork Grapple, JD GU78; TRAILERS 1998 CIH 9390; 4 wd, 5153 hrs, ps 78”. F 2011 ABU Flatbed; 32’, lift up 12f/3r, Cmns N14-425 hp, 20.8R42 Post Hole Digger, Belltec (‘14); 3 beaver, t/a dually, gsnk or 5th whl, triples, 4 hydr/aux, 42 pc rear augers 6/9/14”, hydr. F ratchet winches, 7.50R16LT’s, Terracing Blade, Case Grouser Warn winch 12v, spare, 26k gvwr. F wgts, 20 pc frt wgts. I (‘14); 7’ 6 way hydr. F 2014 PJ Flatbed; 14’, side ramp, 1994 John Deere 7800; mfwd, 5872 hrs, ps 19 spd, 3 pt w/quick HARVESTING rear ramp, 2995 lbs, s/a, bumper hitch, 3 hydr, dual pto, 18.4R42 pull, raised bed ext. F Baler, JD 568 (‘09); MegaWide duals, 380/85R30 frt, grill guard, Plus, Coveredge, 21.5-L16 flota2008 Titan Flatbed; 20’, t/a, tion’s, 1000 pto, 6500+/- ct. F ramps, Warn winch, tool boxes, fenders, 145 hp. I 16”-8 hole, spare, bumper pull. F

Big top hopper ext, 30.5L-32’s, 14.924 rear, straw spreader, buddy seat, air, heat, stereo. I Combine Header, ‘03 CIH 1042 (MacDon); 36’, draper w/ poly finger reel, CIH adapter, slow spd transport. I Hay Hiker, Morris 1400 ProAg (‘10); 14 bales, hydr, t/a dual whls, light pkg, spare. F Grain Cart, J&M 750-16; 750 bu, 16” auger, 1000 pto, hydr, light pkg, 30.5L-32’s. I Grain Auger, Westfield MK13061; swing-away, 13”x61’, pto. I


Chisel Plow extension, 4 shank. F Disk, Ezee-On 8700 (‘10); 30’, 26” notched, 27” smooth, hydr fold-up, mud scrapers. I Drill, CIH 5200; 14’x7”, dbl disc, rubber press whls, grass attachm’t, hydr markers, 3 pt. F Heavy Harrow, Gates Magnum; 84’, 22” tines, rear fold, 14L-16.1SL’s. I

detector, skid mt, 6’x14’. F (2) Fuel Tanks; 1000 gal, 12v, skids (Empire Steel Mfg) F ATV’s & SPRAYER Poly Water Tank, Endura Plas; 2013 Polaris Ranger XP UTV; 4 3000 gal, upright, valve wd, cab, dump bed, 5617 mi. F (6) 2012 Fiberglass Water Tanks; 2010 Polaris Sportsman 500 HO 400 bbl, 12’x20’, (used 4 salt brine Quad; awd, 2957 mi, tool box, rack. F wtr) F UTV Sprayer, Endura Plas; 80 CIMC Cargo Container (‘03); gal, 5’ bms, hand wand, 12v. F 40x8x9, insulated & sheeted, 2 SEED walk-thru doors, 2 windows. F Cleaned Triticale Fall Seed; MISC RELATED ITEMS 43,000 lbs, bagged, rye/durum, for Miller Bobcat 250 EFI Welder/ apx 800 acres. F Gen (‘14); 69 hrs, 12,000 watt, CONE BOTTOM MULTI- 120/240 v, leads, Knaack 42 box, PURPOSE BINS oxy/act outfit. F (2) 2014 Amber Waves Cone Bot- (2) CIH GPS FM750, EZ-Steer, tom Bins; 4000 bu, 8”-16’ auger, terrain compensator. F 5 hp, dbl steel base, 8 leg, ladder cage, sample door, setup for aera- (2) Cattle Guards 16’x80”, pipe. F (12) Shelf uprights 8’x24”. F tion, expoxy lining, “like new”. I Steel Work Bench 10’x32”. F TANKS & CONTAINER Fuel Tank, STI (‘14); 3000 gal, Apx 1000’ 1 1/4” od x .7 i/s poly Fill-rite pump, reel & hose, dbl wall, hose, 500+ psi, on reel. F leak detector, skid mt, 6’x14’. F Sprayer, Flexi-Coil 67XL; 100’ bms, 1600 gal poly, windscreens, monitor. I

F Location: Forsyth, MT; I-94 Exit #93, N 1. 1 mi to Cartersville Rd, NE 3.8 mi & keep left @ Y (Little Porcupine Rd), left on Gerhardt Rd 1/4 mi, left on Hein Ln 1/4 mi I Location: Ingomar, MT; From Hwy 12, N on Sandsprings Rd (Ingomar Rd) 16.2 mi, Right at cattle guard 5.2 mi (thru gates), Right 1.3 mi to white grain bins SPECIAL AUCTIONEERS NOTE: If rain or snow the road to Ingomar eqt site is impassible. Auction Managed By: Merton Musser & Wade Affleck (406) 652-2266

INSPECTIONS: F= Eqt in Forsyth - 10AM-12PM • Nov 1, 11 & 15 • I= Eqt in Ingomar - 1:30PM-3:30PM • Nov 1, 11 & 15

TIMED ONLINE ONLY ENDS: Nov 29 • 11:00 AM Forsyth, MT




ffering 1900 Acres of hunting and rangeland, this property just outside Forsyth, MT is setup for a small cow calf operation. Amenities include water, power, a small house, barn, shop, corrals and county road (only 2 miles off pavement). The community of about 1900 residents is rich in attractions and recreational opportunities, especially if you love the outdoors - “Hometown” quality of life.

OPENING BID $350 PER ACRE Bid meets reserve !

Total property is made up of one contiguous parcel. Pasture 1760 Acres Improved Pasture 66 Acres Hay Land 69 Acres Building Site 5 Acres

Buildings Include

Small 2 Bedroom House 1800 Sq Ft Shop 1540 Sq Ft Barn w/working chute 3000 Bu Grain Bin Wildlife & Hunting: Mule deer, Antelope, Huns

Comments Subject property is located in Eastern Montana primarily ag driven but with recreational influences and close to town. Accessibility to the ranch is by paved, gravel and dirt roads. Terrain varies and includes open and rolling hills, rougher breaks, and some timber. Hay land lies in the central part of the property. Native pasture makes up the majority of the subject acreage with open and rolling hills with some timber and creek drainages. Livestock water is provide by wells, dams and springs. There is a well at the farmstead and one in the SE part of Sec 27. Springs are located SW part of Sec 33, in addition, several dams across the landscape. Property is perimeter fenced with cross fences generally on, or near section lines. Physical access to the property is directly off of a county maintained gravel road. There are grade roads that run NW through Section 27, and W through Sections 28 & 33. Selling this property due to the unexpected death of Sivert Mysse, brother Richard Mysse is co-owner and personal representative of the estate. AVALON HOLDINGS LLC Auction Managed By: Merton Musser & Wade Affleck (406) 652-2266

PROPERTY TOURS: Nov 1, 9AM-12PM • Nov 11, 9AM-12PM • Nov 25, 10AM-1PM OR call auctioneers to schedule a tour if above dates conflict.


Equipment & Ranchland • Richard Mysse & The Estate of Sivert Mysse • Richard Mysse P.R. (406) 839-8644

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A8

Hay & Flatbed Hauling Ty Aaberg cell - (406) 590-1572 Conrad, MT 59425

The most expensive cow in the world was sold in 2009 for $1.2 million. ##### A baby duck is called a duckling, an adult male is called a drake, an adult female is called a hen or a duck, a group of ducks is called a raft, a team, or a paddling.

Annual Oil and Filter Sale 10% off Oil

Sadie Hawkins Day

Date When Observed: Always on November 13 Here is a holiday that originated from a cartoon. It all began in Al Capp’s “Lil Abner Cartoon in the 1930’s. In the cartoon series, the mayor of Dogpatch was desperate to marry off his ugly daughter. So he created Sadie Hawkin’s Day. On this day, a race is held and all the single men were given a short head start. Then, all the single women, including the mayor’s daughter, chased the boys. If a girl catches her man, he had to marry her. Sadie Hawkins Day races and events grew in popularity during the course of All Capp’s long running cartoon. This cartoon made holiday largely died out after 40 years when the cartoon was discontinued. It can occasionally be seen celebrated on college campuses.

Don’t discard dingy dressers

If your furniture is weathered or out of style, that’s not necessarily a reason to replace it. There are plenty of ways to spruce up old dressers, chairs, and tables. Everybody loves quilts, so why not drape one over that old chair that needs reupholstering? You can also try using colorful fabrics on the fronts of nightstand and dresser drawers. Just get some scrap cloth from your last project or from a fabric store, and attach it to the dresser drawers with a staple gun. To have even more fun with it, we like to paint part of the piece and color-coordinate it with the cloth we’re using.

15% off Filters Discount only for orders placed during the month of November.

A million acres scorched by wildfires CONTINUED FROM PAGE A2

Garcia said hay donations came into the state from other areas to help out ranchers in need. Additionally, FSA employees from other states, including Missouri and Oklahoma, have spent time helping Montana producers enroll in FSA disaster programs. “It is proof that the agriculture community is one big small town where you have a lot of folks that have camaraderie,” he said. Detailed information on all of these disaster assistance programs can be found online at: Or at the USDA Disaster Resource Center.

Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT

Banjo Ranch

406-425-1233, Molt, MT

Bar Star Cattle

406-399-7811, Loma, MT

Bryan Barker

406-450-4361, Shelby, MT

Barker Herefords

406-450-9716, Shelby, MT

Bayers Hereford Ranch

406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT

Cherry Springs Ranch 406-425-1411, Bridger, MT

Churchill Cattle Co

Cooper Hereford Ranch

Fort Keogh Livestock Research

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Curlew Cattle Co

Garrison Ranches Inc

406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT

Dallas Polled Herefords

Griffin Polled Herefords

406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT 406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT

Brillhart Ranch Co

406-749-1036, Huntley, MT

406-835-2501, Glen, MT

L Bar W Cattle Co Loyning Farms M/D Herefords

Emily Shilling

406-322-8541, Columbus, MT

Sidwell Ranch

406-322-4425, Columbus, MT

Sparks Herefords

406-778-2320, Plevna, MT

Storey Hereford Ranch

406-821-0247, Darby, MT

406-292-3503, Joplin, MT

406-323-1686, Roundup, MT

Harper Herefords

McKechnie Hereford Ranch

Dutton Hereford Ranch

Holden Herefords

McMurry Cattle

406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT

406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT

Duncan Ranch Co

Marty Bennett Bowen Ranch

406-874-8200, Miles City, MT

406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT

Rafter Ranch Inc

406-832-3219, Wise River, MT

406-891-0973, Baker, MT

406-266-4121, Townsend, MT

406-633-5479, Molt, MT

K.L. Slagsvold Herefords

307-631-6012, Columbus, MT

406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT

406-267-3232, Butte, MT

Frank Herefords

K & C Herefords

406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT

406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT

Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT

First West Insurance

406-922-6044, Bozeman, MT

Ehlke Herefords

Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT

Feddes Herefords

Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT

406-450-1029, Valier, MT

Hultin Polled Herefords

406-432-2296, Shelby, MT

406-254-1247, Billings, MT

406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT Storey-Hereford-Ranch

Thomas Herefords Vandeberg Ranch

406-459-1691, Helena, MT

406-735-4493, Geyser, MT

Merrimac Cattle Co

406-323-1297, Roundup, MT

J Bar E Ranch


406-252-5196, Billings, MT

406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT

406-348-2345, Huntley, MT

JZ Livestock

Otis Ranch

406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT

406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT

WestFeeds LLC

Wichman Herefords

406-350-3123, Moore, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A9

Opening time yet?

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

The librarian was sound asleep in the wee hours of the morning when the phone rang. She answered, groggy and blearyeyed, only to hear the caller ask her what time the library would open that day. “Nine o-clock,” she said angrily. “What’s the big idea of waking me up so early in the morning to ask me a question like that?” “Um, not until nine o’clock, you say?” said the caller with obvious disappointment. “No, not until nine o’clock!” she replied. “Why do you want to get in before than?” The caller said, “I’m not asking to get in, ma’am. I want to get out.”

John Deere 10 and 20 Series front end conservation to 30 and 40 Series. 8-hole hub available.

International 66 and 86 Series remanufactured front end

Billings Farm & Ranch Supply

(406) 652-1125


8924 S. Frontage Rd

Montana Hereford Directory

Brillhart Ranch Co.

Registered and commercial Herefords that will qualify for CHB Program


3669 Darrah Drive Huntley, MT 59718 406-539-7734

Wayne • Ben Beef Country Bull Sale November 29, 2017

406-979-5720 • 406-773-5721 •

Modest birth, massive meat

Churchill Cattle Co. Manhattan, MT

Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.

Bull Sale - January 23, 2018 Female Sale - September 21, 2018

Feddes Herefords

Hereford Genetics From Churchill There’s Nothing Else Like It! Dale Venhuizen (406) 580-6421

Churchill Sensation 028X

Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls

J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT

Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149


Richard & Shirley Bruce & Tammy (406) 544-1536 WWW.THOMASHEREFORDS.COM

Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty

Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount

Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales

Fred & Doreen HP 406 254 1247 McMurry Cell 406 697 4040 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102

THOMAS HEREFORDS - Performance Tested - Carcass Ultrasound Scanned - Breeding Soundness Examined - BVD-PI3 Screened - Complete Balanced EPD’s - Ranking in the top of the breed for all traits - First Year Breeding Guarantee - Free Delivery within Montana

2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602

Gold Creek, MT

KT Built Tuff 1010

Many sons of this polled Calving Ease trait leader selling at private treaty

Sires: Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 • AGA 18Y Standard 46Z WH 137Y Standard 333A ET • XTC 5C Total Recall ET 66A AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A • AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123

The 2017 annual meeting will be held in Billings December 12th at the Double Tree Inn, conference room #5 from 4:00 - 6:30 pm.

For more details go to

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A10

##### Mr. G. Washington, an Englishman who lived in Guatemala, invented instant coffee. He discovered soluble coffee in 1906 and three years later was able to put his products on the market.

Hay for Sale Grass hay and 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa/grass Phone (406) 562-3645

CAMPER FOR SALE BY OWNER 2013 Wolf Creek by NorthWood 850-N slide-in camper. Like new condition, always garaged. Custom ordered, only used a couple times. Selling due to health reasons. Sleeps 4 comfortably, nice outdoor awning, includes swivel TV and DVD player, gas stove, microwave, shower with skylight. Decals included. Hunting or camping ready. Call for more info...............$16,000

Badgers are native Montana mammals and incredible digging machines. Photo by Kristi Dubois.

What the heck was that?

(406) 390-6671 • Havre, MT




Tract 1: 554 +- acres, 514+- grazing, 40 +- acres hay Tract 2: 320 +- acres, 88 +- grazing, 48 +- tillable, 183+- hay Tract 3: 297 +- acres, 204+- grazing, 93+- tillable 2 water wells, Stock pond, native grasses, 223 +- acres hay ground Real Estate is Located off Highway 322 (101 Road) which is a paved access.

A Rare Opportunity to Bid on Productive Eastern Montana Agricultural Land

Plus! Lender owned & Individuals Online Equipment Auction -JWFTUPDL &RVJQNFOU t 5SBDUPST t 7FIJDMFT t 5SBJMFST .PSF

TRAILERS • TRACTORS • VEHICLES & MORE • 2009 Wilson Livestock Trailer -24’ Long x 88” Wide Alumiunum, 2 center gates, gooseneck • John Deere 544C Wheel Loader with 92” bucket • John Deere 4020 Tractor w/Duall Loader. Rear wheel weights, PTO, new clutch from Milne Implement in Glendive, Montana • Ditch Witch 8020 Trencher, Diesel, Front weights, SN#5N0374 Model 8020 JD, 1274 hours on meter • Eversman Model 2SD Hydraulic Scraper, SN# 4817 • Haybuster round bale processor, 1000 PTO • 1966 Chev C20 pickup, 3/4 ton, 2wd, 4 speed, V8. • 2004 Ford F350 with Hydra bed Bale Bed • John Deere 410 grain cart, live bottom, PTO,11L -16 tires • 10’ folding rhino rotary mower • L slip fuel tank with


manual pump • Semi Converter dolly, rebuilt brakes, 22.5 tires • Holland 5th wheel plate LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT • 30 foot Powder river double lead up Alley • Powder river cattle tub •Round Bale Feeder • 30- Powder river 12 foot panels • 10 foot Hiqual bow gate w/(2) 15’ Panels (1 bent) • Winkel portable loading chute • (28) 12 foot Winkel Livestock Panels (2) 12 foot Bow Gates (1 bent) and Winkel Panel Trailer • Task Master Hydraulic Livestock Squeeze Chute • Hiqual maternity pen • Creep Feeder • (4)-20’ continuous livestock panels, 16’ red 5 rail gate, other misc. continuous panels.



By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer Twice this year, I’ve received questions about a native mammal popping up in unexpected places. No, not a grizzly bear, for goodness sakes. Think much smaller. Try a badger and a long-tailed weasel. Both mammals showed up on their native prairie of northcentral Montana, but where they’re not always visible to humans. The questions were: Why have I never seen this animal before? Let’s answer that question with a riddle: If you see an animal for the first time in an area where it’s native and has never disappeared, does that animal exist? Both the badger and its cousin, the weasel are carnivores. Meat eaters. For badgers that means mostly ground squirrels, or gophers as we call them, but also rabbits, reptiles and insects. No vegetables on a badger’s menu. They roam from the central and western Canadian provinces south into central Mexico. In Montana look for badgers most anywhere, though they especially like grassland communities and open plains. The badger looks like no other Montana mammal of the prairie. Built low to the ground with short, muscular legs and massive curved front claws., it’s a digging machine. It can even dig faster than fleeing prey. According to “The Wild Mammals of Montana” by Kerry Foresman, badgers will dig new dens almost daily during the summer searching for food; females will also move several times during the spring and summer using many maternal dens. As fall approaches the digging frenzy slows and by winter they settle into a single den. In winter, badgers spend long periods underground in a state of torpor that’s not exactly hibernation, but it does slow down their heart rate and reduces their body temperature. Mostly nocturnal when active, badgers home ranges stretch from less than a quarter of a mile to almost a mile and a half, depending on food and habitat. Considering the animal is underground a lot and active, perhaps, half the year at night, it’s easy to see how it could escape human detection in a rural area. And Montana has a lot of rural area on the prairie. Much the same holds true for the long-tailed weasel. A slender creature – adults measure 13 to 16 inches long and weigh six to nine ounces – this member of the weasel family is found throughout Montana, but prefers open habitats and grasslands. They are nocturnal and mostly eat much the same prey as badgers. And if badgers are digging machines, then weasels are eating fools. Foresman reports that in captivity a long-tailed weasel will eat up to 40 percent of its body weight daily. That’s like a 200-pound person eating 80 pounds of food every day. Whoa. That’s a lot of Fritos. To maintain that metabolism, weasels constantly look for food year-round. When prey is abundant, home ranges may average 25 acres. But when the pickins’ are slim, weasels may scour 250 acres or more for a meal. So maybe the question about seeing an animal for the first time in its native habitat should be: Is a species easier to spot if it is doing well and numerous? Or is it easier to see if the species is on hard times and searching more for limited food? The answer is probably yes. ##### To quickly kill the dangerous bacteria that makes its home in your kitchen sponge, simply wring them out, then microwave on high for 30-60 seconds.

Research Roundup meeting

The Montana State University Central Agricultural Research Center in Moccasin will host a winter research meeting for agricultural producers across central Montana. The event, titled Research Roundup, will be held from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Thursday, December 7 at the Eagles in Lewistown. The Research Roundup event is slated to provide results from ongoing and recently completed research at the center, according to Patrick Carr, CARC superintendent. Carr said the roundup also serves as an opportunity to follow up on research results presented during the center’s field day that was held in July. “We want to provide a venue for researchers so they can present a complement to what was seen in the field during our field day this summer,” Carr said. “The roundup is also a chance for invited speakers to present the latest information on timely topics for area producers.” The roundup will include speakers on topics including small grains, pulse crop and oilseed variety trials, results from biological inoculant trials and crop sequence research. Event speakers will also discuss a statewide weather outlook, soil nutrient management practices specific to central Montana and a training regarding agricultural communication on social media. Speakers include: Katie Hatlelid, Extension educator of Judith Basin County; Kelsey Jencso, MSU climatologist; Simon Fordyce, MSU cropping systems research associate; Jed Eberly, MSU assistant professor of agronomy and soil microbiology; Heather Fryer, MSU research assistant; Clain Jones, MSU associate professor and Extension soils specialist; and Pat Carr, CARC superintendent and associate professor of cropping systems. A full agenda can be found at The event is free and open to the public and lunch will be provided. The event is co-sponsored with Dow AgroSciences, Moore Farmer’s Oil and Wilbur Ellis. To RSVP, please call CARC at 406-423-5421 or email

2013 Ford Edge Limited, 3.5L 6 cylinder, 87,000 miles......$20,950

1990 Chevrolet Corvette, 5.3L 8 cylinder, automatic, 69,000 miles...........................$13,900

2012 GMC Sierra 1500, 6.2L 8 cylinder, 69,000 miles........$27,900

2011 Chevrolet Traverse, 3.6L 6 cylinder, 91,000 miles....... Just In

2013 Chevrolet Equinox LT, 2.4L 4 cylinder........................ Just In

2006 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 3.9L 6 cylinder, 143,000 miles.Just In

##### The Great Plains is a large, mostly flat area of grassland prairie in the center of the continent. Nebraska is a Great Plains State.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A11

HAY FOR SALE 1st and 2nd cutting alfalfa round bales. Excellent, clean hay Phone (406) 590-8038, Choteau, Montana

2007 Chevrolet Tahoe, 5.3L 8 cylinder................................ Just In

2012 Dodge Journey, 3.6L 6 cylinder, 87,000 miles........$11,495

2015 Ram Laramie, 5.7L 8 cylinder, 43,000 miles...............$33,950

2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 77,000 miles...........................$23,900

2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 23,000 miles... ....................................$32,900 2012 GMC Sierra, 5.3L engine, leather seats, 38,000 miles...... ....................................$29,900

2014 GMC Acadia Denali, 3.6L 6 cylinder, 32,000 miles.$33,900

2012 Chevrolet Colorado, 4x4, cloth seats, 90,000 miles......... ....................................$17,900


Chevrolet • Buick • GMC

2014 Chevrolet Suburban LT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 87,000 miles........... ....................................$31,950

2016 Chevrolet Traverse, leather seats, 17,000 miles.....$31,900

2013 Chevrolet Suburban LT, heated leather seats, DVD, 3rd row seats, 59,000 miles.....$31,900

2007 Ford F150, 4x4, cloth seats, 112,000 miles.............$13,900 POSITION OPENING Now hiring - A Service Technician Call 406-278-7575 for more information

2010 Ford Expedition, 5.4L 8 cylinder, 112,000 miles....... $10,900

2016 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 13,000 miles.$39,900

406-278-7575 – Toll Free 1-800-368-7575 502 N. MAIN CONRAD, MT

EVENINGS CALL: Bill VandenBos (406) 576-1230 • Ryan VanDyke (406) 788-7546 EMAIL:

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A12


1000 ton of alfalfa hay, no rain, 3x4 bales.... ........................................... $120-$150/ton Discount for large orders

Call 406-249-8565, Polson, Montana

HIGH QUALITY FANCY BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE Ultrasounded, preg-tested and sexed (3) 20 day calving periods beginning February 10 Many with no brand, rest are one iron Pasture bred to low birth weight Angus bulls Very gentle and cake broke 10-year bred heifer program experience Darlington Cattle Co. 406-262-3838, Belt, MT

—3 weeks eks

Real Estate Auction Dupree Farms 3,839 Acres Cropland November 28, 2017

Pioneer Hall in Dupree, South Dakota Brochure at John Childears 308/539-4450 308/534-9240

NDSU Extension agronomist works with farmers in Sierra Leone

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University (NDSU) Kandel added, “Rice is the main food professor and Extension agronomist Hans staple. Presently, the country imports rice Kandel traveled to Sierra Leone for two to meet the local demand. However, the weeks in September to share his technical country could produce enough rice for skills and expertise with local farmers. its own consumption if subsistence farmers utilized improved crop management Kandel’s assignment is part of the practices.” Catholic Relief Services (CRS) FarmerSierra Leone faces many challenges in to-Farmer (FTF) program that promotes reaching its agricultural potential. They economic growth, enhanced nutrition include a lack of expertise, weak producer through access to healthy food and agorganizations, low access to technology, ricultural development in West and East limited infrastructure, institutional and Africa. Farmer-to-Farmer is funded by financial obstacles to private sector develthe U.S. Agency for International Development, and limited government funding. opment. During his time abroad, Kandel worked The FTF program matches the technical with 21 leader farmers who were trained expertise of U.S. famers and professionals for eight days in basic rice production in agri-businesses, farming cooperatives issues, as well as practical application of and universities with farmers in developthe principles learned. ing countries to assist them in improving Most of Kandel’s time was spent in agricultural productivity, accessing new Magburaka in the northern province of markets and increasing their incomes. Sierra Leone, working with Agenda for Sierra Leone is on the coast of West AfCommunity Transformation-Sierra Leone rica. About three-fourths of the 7.5 million (ACT-SL), a farmer-driven organization. citizens depend on agriculture for their “Farmers were very receptive to the income and 60 percent live in rural areas. concepts presented and indicated an An estimated 25 percent of the populaenthusiasm to adopt proper seedbed tion cannot afford minimum daily caloric preparation, transplanting, fertilizing and requirements and face regular difficulties weeding of rice,” Kandel stated. meeting food, shelter and clothing needs. “We are certain that this program will “There are many natural resources be beneficial not just to the farmers in available in Sierra Leone, but farmers lack West and East Africa but also to the exthe knowledge to utilize these resources,” perts from America,” said Bruce White, Kandel said. “I provided training on rice director of the CRS program. “It’s going production. Farmers did not know about to make the world a little bit smaller and the importance of adding compost, maa whole lot better for everyone involved.” nure and other nutrients to their fields.”

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A13

Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220


2013 John Deere W110 swather, 140A sickle head, 600 hours. Very nice. Reduced.......... .......................................................$89,800 New Holland 770HD 19-ft. disc header............ .......................... Call For Special Pricing! MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700 New windrowers, big balers and supporting hay tools - SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!

See us for all of your equipment needs NEW New Holland Compact Wheel Loaders


2004 Case IH DCX131 13-ft. disc mower conditioner...........................................$14,500 Hesston 1160 12-ft. pull-type sickle header. Very nice..........................................$7500


2014 New Holland 560, net/twine, 3200 bales. Excellent........................................$38,800 2010 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, Xtra Sweep..................$27,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, 1000 PTO, Bale Command, Crop Special........$24,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, Crop Special, 15,500 bales..................................$24,500 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... .......................................................$14,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ .......................................................$11,500


New Holland B Series compact wheel loaders pay their way on the jobsite with outstanding performance in a compact, maneuverable machine. the Universal Link design of the W50B TC and W80B TC offers a combination of increased versatility with increased operator comfort and control. The result? You get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Precised parallel forklift path eliminates the need for manual correction so operators can focus on load placement rather than load leveling.


1996 Ford 9030 bidirectional, loaded cab end, engine end hydraulics, PTO, draw bar. Newer Loader!!!.............................$39,500 Ford 276, hydraulics, PTO, 3-pt. on both ends, loader, grapple, 5300 hours. Great shape.... .......................................................$31,000 1998 New Holland 5635, 2WD, cab, air conditioning, heat, loader, 5800 hours....$17,900 2006 New Holland TC30, MFD, 9x3 transmission, loader, industrial tires, 730 hours........ .......................................................$13,800 Ford 8000, cab, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader... ..........................................................$8500 Ford 4000 2WD, Select-O-Speed, 3-pt., PTO.... ..........................................................$2500 Steiner 410, 4WD, loader, blade, tiller, (2) finish mowers.............................................$8500 2005 TYM T580, 12x12 shuttle, cab, heat, air conditioning, loader, 1050 hours....$24,500 Yanmar 6010D compact tractor, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader...............................$8400 1967 Farmall 656, 2WD, loader, rear blade, tire chains, 3800 hours. Runs great!.......$8800 Farmall H 2WD, loader............................$3500 Oliver 77 2WD, gas, loader.....................$2200



2007 New Holland C190 track skidsteer, cab, heat, 2400 hours............................$31,500 1992 Case 9030 track hoe. Runs and operates................................................$20,500 John Deere 450 dozer, 6-way mechanical blade.................................................$9500 Snowblast AM self-propelled snowblower, blows 3000 tons per hour. Excellent!!.......... .......................................................$21,500 FFC 84” hydraulic snowblower with hydraulic chute, skidsteer loader coupler.........$5700 New Holland 716C 9-ft. snowblower with hydraulic chute/spout, 3-pt................$5000 BoDozer 10-ft. blade with hydraulic angle, loader mounted.................................$6500 Hiniker 2280 8-ft. steel snow blade with skidsteer loader coupler..........................$3500 Grouser steel tracks and spacers...........$3500 Huge selection of SSL, CTL and mini excavators ready for work!!


2005 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 16x18 kit, very low hours. Like new........$125,500 2008 Hesston 7433 big square baler, heavy duty roller chute, knotter fans, 14,000 bales. Very nice................................................$48,400 2003 New Holland BB940A, 3x3x8 big square baler, 3x3 tandem axles, 21,000 bales....... .......................................................$35,800 2010 New Holland BC5080 16x18 square baler. Excellent!!......................................$21,300 New Holland 575 14x18 square baler. Excellent!!...............................................$14,500 New Holland HM235 3-pt. 6’8” disc mower. Like new......................................... $8500 Fair 7825 bale processor, right hand discharge, control box.......................Call for Pricing New Holland FP230 pull-type forage chopper, tandem axles, metal alert...............$24,600 Hustler CHX5000 pull-type bale feeder, table extension, twine box.......................$18,100 Hustler SL340 3-pt. chain bale feeder....$8650 (2) DewEze 165I 3-pt. bale hugger, spinners. Each..................................................$2250

Come see all of our equipment at


New Holland TG230, MFD, powershift transmission, 190 PTO hp, big 1000 PTO shaft, 5500 hours. Nice!!...................................$68,200

2004 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command.................$19,300 2004 New Holland BR780, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 7700 bales...........$15,500 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Bale Command, lace belts, 1000 PTO...$18,800 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 6500 bales..............................................$15,600 2012 Case IH RB564, net/twine, moisture kit, 10,000 bales....................................$31,900 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 John Deere 566, twine. Great condition.$7800

Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.

5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500

*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland Dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through November 30, 2017. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. © 2017 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United State and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.

John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 24-ft. header, pickup head.......................................$7500 Loftness 8-ft. 3-pt. PTO driven snowblower. Very nice...................................................$5500 Brandt 4500 grain vac.............................$5500 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$2000 New Holland 7614 loader for TV tractor. Excellent!!...............................................$10,500 Koyker 150 loader, mounts, bucket.........$3500 Frontier RB1210 10-ft. 3-pt. rear blade, hydraulic angle and tilt, mechanical offset...$3950 BoDozer 9-ft. 3-pt. blade.........................$2800 Land Pride 1572 72” 3-pt. rear blade........$600 Road Boss Commercial R 7-ft. 3-pt. road grader................................................$3410 30-ft. bumper pull hay trailer....................$2500 Erskine 1080 9-ft. 3-pt. snowblower, chute and spout hydrualics. Excellent!!...........$11,500 New Holland 6-ft. front mount snowblower. Like new...................................................$3800 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 General 720 post hole auger, 9” digging bit.$950 Land Pride PD15 3-pt. post hole auger, 12” bit ............................................................$900

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A14

JIM NIELSEN TRUCK & PARTS, INC. P.O. Box 3072  •  4075 Wynne Avenue  •  Butte, Montana 59702  •  (406) 494-3394  •  Mobile (406) 565-7235 INVENTORY AVAILABLE Special Equipment

Heil 14-ft. gravel box with hoist, complete with all hook-ups. Good shape! Knapheide 20-ft. stock and grain box, red Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double cylinder hoist 2-Omaha 16-ft. flatbeds and hoists 18-ft. all steel flatbed with hoist, complete. Excellent!

Semi Trailers

2000 Grate Dane 53-ft. TK reefer unit, Western 1999 Hyundai 53-ft. curtain side, Fed Ex 1996 Utility 46-ft. storage, white 1991 Kentucky 48-ft. tri-axle drop, United

2000 gallon fuel storage tank body, has 1 pump, 1 hose reel, 5 compartments 4-16-ft. thru 24-ft. van bodies 3-Ridewell air lift non steer lift axles 3-Underbody hoist assemblies National 300B truck mounted, crane, complete. Excellent 2-Semi trailer slider suspensions 2-Dual acting wet kit assemblies 10-Aluminum under bed tool boxes

International Trucks

1982 S1700 20-ft. flat bed, 345 V8, 5+2 speed, good hay haul truck 2000 4900 chassis, white 1994 4900 tandem chassis, white 1993 4700 16-ft. scissor dump, white 1987 2575 tandem roll-off tractor, Pacific



(3) 1979–1988 Fruehauf 45-ft. – 53-ft. storage vans, some with shelves, clean & roadable. Quantity Discounts Available!

Sterling Truck

2006 Sterling single axle tractor, green

Freightliner Truck

1997 conventional tandem tractor, red

Chevrolet & GMC Trucks

1992 Chevrolet Kodiak single axle chassis, diesel, white

Dump Trucks

1994 Ford L9000 tandem, diesel, orange 1984 Chevrolet C70 single axle, gas, white

Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange

Strategy for cattle producers facing brucellosis risk

By University of Wyoming Extension Imagine this: Your cattle contract brucellosis from infected elk. The cows abort their calves. When the federal government quarantines the herd of 400 for a year, you face costs up to $143,000. Not only are your profits from the cow-calfyearling operation wiped out, your neighbor’s are too, as all potentially affected animals are quarantined until infected animals are identified and culled. This threat brought cattle producers to the table with a team of University of Wyoming (UW) agricultural economists and other experts in 2013 in Worland, Wyoming. The researchers were asked to investigate the economics associated with different types of cattle operations and their ultimate profitability for producers in the region. The result is “Economics of Transitioning from a CowCalf-Yearling Operation to a Stocker Operation as a Potential Strategy to Address Brucellosis Risk in Northwestern Wyoming.” The new publication is available as a free download from UW Extension at The risk of contracting the disease is greatest in the Greater Yellowstone Area of northwestern Wyoming where brucellosis is endemic in wild elk and bison populations. The switch to stockers eliminates this risk completely, says Christopher Bastian, professor in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics and one of the publication’s authors. Intact breeding females are replaced with stocker cattle. Stockers are males or females purchased in spring, fed and maintained until they reach a target weight, then sold. Steers and spayed heifers in a stocker operation cannot spread the disease to other animals. The authors acknowledge the decision to switch doesn’t come easy. Analyses indicate the cow-calf-yearling operation is generally more profitable than the stocker operation. Brucellosis is the kicker. “If you think you are at high risk of contracting brucellosis, it would only take one quarantine to negate the advantage of staying in a cow-calf-yearling operation rather than transitioning to stockers,” says Bastian. This publication offers a starting point for producers in the Greater Yellowstone Area looking at alternative management strategies. “No analyses to our knowledge have investigated the transition itself,” the authors explain. “Thus, for producers considering a switch to stockers, there has been little guidance on the economics of how best to transition to such an enterprise.” Authors Shane Ruff, farm management specialist for the Kansas Farm Management Association and former graduate research assistant at UW; Bastian; Dannele Peck, director of the USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub and adjunct associate professor, UW Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics; and Walt E. Cook, assistant professor, Department of Veterinary Sciences, Texas A&M University offer comprehensive analyses for one-year and eight-year transitions, as well as remaining a cow-calf-yearling operation. Here are some of their conclusions: • More total income could be available from the cowcalf-yearling operation if a producer is staying in the cattle business more than 20 years. • More total income could be available from the eightyear transition if a producer is staying in the cattle business 20 years or less. • A producer must consider the risks of infection versus profitability and income variability. • The switch to stockers (other than getting out of the cattle business altogether) is the only 100-percent effective strategy to avoid the costs associated with quarantine. The guide is one of many free publications available at bit. ly/UWEpubs, covering brucellosis, ranch budgets, finances and profitability and cattle markets and economics. For more information, contact Bastian at (307) 766-4377 or

Reduce odors in your car, naturally

Is your car’s odor less than desirable? If so, you can clear out any residual smells from your car with a simple fix. Just take some baking powder and sprinkle on the seats and floor of your car. Let this sit for several hours, then vacuum it up. The baking soda will soak up the smells in your car, and your family will thank you!

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A15

2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours...............$115,000

Extended Warranty Available

2013 Case IH Titan 4520 1450 hours, Viper Pro, Smartrax auto steer... $145,000

2010 Case IH 4520 70-ft. airflow, Raven Viper Pro, Smartrax, 1889 hours!!.... $138,000

2012 Case IH FLX4530, 2042 hours, Viper Pro, 3 bin with wet boom................. $145,000

2009 Terra Gator 6203 Cat, Terra Shift, New Leader L4000 G4, Raven Viper Pro monitor, Smarttrax, 3711 hours $88,000

1988 Kenworth T800, Cat, Wilmar 16 ton............ $24,500

2005 Case 4510 370 hp, auto, 70-ft. flex air bed, 4500 hours. ............... $78,000... $103,000 2011 Case IH 4520 810 FlexAir, roll tarp, 2628 hours......... ................................ $138,000

1995 Terragator 1844 3208T engine, Allison auto trans. New Leader 3020 GT, Raven 660 controller, 7000 hours...................... $37,500

2002 Loral 400 Cummins, Air Max 1000, 4100 hours............ .................................. $63,000

2004 Loral C13 Cat, automatic, Air Max 1000 ................$77,500..... $93,000

1450 gallon NH3 tanks and trailers............ From $3200 up Beaird 30,000 gallon NH3/ propane tank. Located in Kansas............................. $35,000

2006 Case FLX 4510 floater, Allison automatic, Cummins, FlexAir 810 box, Viper controller, autosteer, shedded every night, 7466 hours, runs great. ..........$88,000...........$104,00

2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours....... $98,000

2001 Case 3300 3-wheel, Cummins auto, flex-air system..............................$19,500

2002 International Silver Wheels Liquid auto, 1800 gallon, 65-ft. boom, Mark IV.4 G4 control, 4332 hours....$42,500 1997 Hart two hopper semi tender........................ $29,500

2010 TerraGator 8204, Cat, Terra Shift, Airmax Precision 2, twin bin, Falcon controller, 4000 hours................ $93,500

2009 Terra Gator 8204, Cat, Airmax Precision, 5415 hours. .................................. $69,000

Waconia 10 ton blender with scale.. $24,500

Willmar 16-ton tender with roll tarp............................... $7500

2009 Willmar Wrangler 4550. .................................. $23,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4560. 1600 hours................ $25,500

2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained......................... $32,500

2012 Merritt semi tender with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric roll tarp................. $44,000

2009 Merritt with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric tarp, 4 compartments ...............$27,500...... $33,000

1973 Trinity NH3 portable 18,000 gallon, self contained holding tank............$38,000

1984 International DT 466 8 speed, Tyler 16 ton rear discharge tender with roll tarp..... .................................. $14,500

2004 Case IH FLX4010 automatic, 1800 gal. stainless steel liquid, 80-ft. boom, SCS660 controller, Raven cruiser, shows 7147 hours......$63,000

2002 Case IH SPX4260 1200 gallon SS, 60/80-ft. boom, 15”/20” spacing, Aim Command system, 4890 hours...... .................................. $76,000

30,000 gallon

12,200 gallon NH3 tank on skid, 265 psi........... $24,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi..$15,000 for the pair

2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours.......$78,000

2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours......................$78,000

25 ton Willmar side discharge tender box..........$18,500/bed Services Offered:

Wilmar 25-ton tender on trailer............................... $38,500

2012 RoGator RG 1300, 1300 gallon, SS liquid system, 120-ft. boom, 5 way nozzle bodies, Raven ViperPro, 2200 hours.......... .....................................................................................$158,000

•  Soil Sampling •  Custom Blending •  Delivery of products •  Spreading

•  Spreader Rental

GREYN FERTILIZER SUPPLY INC. 2007 Timpte 42-ft. Super Tender, rear conveyor, auto gates, electric tarp. $36,500

We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you:

Choteau - Larry Greyn 466-5356

Dutton - Vern Greyn 476-3402

Valier - Eric Greyn 279-3255

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A16

LAND FOR SALE 47 acres of irrigated land, complete with 4 wheel lines, 2000-ft. of buried 8” pipe line, and John Deere diesel motor.

Call (406) 217-8945 • Fairfield, MT

SEAMLESS POLY LINER 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft.


•  Dump trucks & belly dumps •  Wood floor trailers •  Manure spreaders •  Fertilizer hoppers •  Chutes

• QuickSilver Liners • Durapro Liners • HMW Liners

•  1/3 Weight of Aluminum •  UV Inhibitor & Food Grade • Chemical Resistant •  1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8”, & 1/2” thick •  8-ft. or 10-ft. wide x Any length

Tired of Shoveling?

Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available


1-406-293-3097 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097

Allison Kinzer showing her 4-H pig “Twiney” at the Lewis County Fair in Nezperce, Idaho, September 30. Photo by Tim Kinzer.

N.D. 4-H’ers place at World Dairy Expo

NOT ALL MINERAL IS THE SAME Complete & Balanced Nutrition with True Chelates Costs Only Pennies per Head per Day




Our Weatherized Mineral Resists Caking & Won’t Blow Away

By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota’s 4-H dairy judging team placed 11th overall at the recent World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. The team members are Jameson Ellingson, Sierra Ellingson, Ivy Klusmann and Brooke Kunz of Morton County. Nathan Boehm and Heidi Brandt coach the team. The team was eligible to represent North Dakota at the national competition after winning first place at the state 4-H dairy judging contest in June. The team placed in several divisions at the World Dairy Expo. The divisions and placings were: • Brown Swiss – sixth • Guernsey – eighth • Holsteins - 10th • Ayrshires - 13th • Reasons - 13th • Jersey - 16th Twenty-two teams competed at the national event. The teams judged 10 classes, including five breeds. Five of the 10 classes were cows and five were heifers. The Morton County team members also placed individually. Their placings were: • Sierra Ellingson - 10th in Guernsey and 23rd in Brown Swiss • Klusmann - 14th in Guernsey and 23rd in Holsteins • Jameson Ellingson 25th in Ayrshires

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A17

2012 John Deere S670 Excellent Condition • 992 separator hours • Premium cab • Contour Master • Chopper • High speed unloading auger List: $204,000

Sale Price: $169,970

• No augers • Great for pulse crops • Equipped with “truck-loading kit” • 7” system Buy or Lease To Own

$6352/yr - oac

Hopper Augers 2006 Peterbilt 379

• 8” steel • 8” aluminum • 10” aluminum • Manual or wireless remote

1547 augers


7614 Grain Vac


• Flat top • Pre-Emission • 18 speed • C-15 • Fresh overhaul Buy or Lease To Own

$19,652/yr - oac

2006 Peterbilt 379

Chandler 8-ton fertilizer spreader

• Ground drive floor • Dual spinners • Hydraulic drive spinners • Roll tarp/sight windows Buy or Lease To Own

$3955/yr - oac

F-5 Land Rollers • 26.5 hp Kohler • EZ mover • Joystick control • Winter package Buy or Lease To Own

$5281/yr - oac

John Deere 9630

• Flat top • Pre-Emission • 625 hp • 18 speed • Motor work • Clean truck Buy or Lease To Own

$16,227/yr - oac

Triple Axle Aluminum Grain Trailer

• 68-ft. • 5 section • 42” drum • Independent section Buy or Lease To Own

Only $13,068/yr - oac 2014 John Deere 4940

• Active seat • Premium cab • Weight kit • Green Star ready • Ready for Seeding! Buy or Lease To Own

$47,875/yr - oac

2014 John Deere 6170R loader/grapple tractor

• 50-ft. trailer • Power Roll tarp • Ag hoppers Buy or Lease To Own

$11,243/yr - oac

Vertical Tillage

• PowrQuad

• Left hand reverser

Buy or Lease To Own

• 120-ft. boom • 1200 gallon • Auto lube • Auto trac • Section control • Hydraulic tread adjust Buy or Lease To Own


$38,142/yr - oac

830 Vertical

• 3-point

$14,615/yr - oac

• 30-ft. working width • Harrows & Baskets • Hydraulic hitch • Super flat C-shanks


Buy or Lease To Own

$14,442/yr - oac

• Right hand discharge • Scale package • 1000 PTO Buy or Lease To Own

Only $10,675/yr - oac

3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Rural Leadership North Dakota selects 8th Class

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A18

Trucks For Sale

1999 Kenworth, C10 Cat, 9 speed double low transmission, factory pusher axle, 46,000 lb walking beam Hendrickson rears with double lockers, 20,000 lb front, low miles. Ready for a 22-ft. grain box........................... $24,500 2001 Freightliner FL70, Cummins diesel, MD 3560 Allison with PTO provision, double framed. Perfect for a feed truck. Only 66,000 miles.................................................... $15,500 2007 International 4300 DT466, Allison automatic, twin screw, new 8.5-ft.x20-ft.x69” unibody grain box with grain and silage/beet gate. Nice truck........................................$57,500

Please call 406-855-4465

By NDSU Extension Service Rural Leadership North Dakota’s (RLND) eighth class includes farmers, a rancher, farm assistance program representatives, business owners, city and county officials, health care and bank personnel, a consultant and communications specialists. They are among 26 people selected for the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s leadership development program that starts in November. They will spend 18 months developing skills to help them shape the future of their organization, community and state. The 2017-19 program consists of in-state seminars with experts on topics such as leadership, economic development and agriculture; tours of agricultural and community businesses; out-of-state trips (Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis in 2018) to meet with agricultural, business and governmental leaders; and a trip abroad to learn about international agricultural and community issues. Previous classes visited Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Vietnam and Thailand. Participants will learn leadership skills, such as thinking critically and creatively, communicating effectively, self-awareness, decision making, strategic planning and managing conflict. They also will learn about agricultural and rural policy, marketing, civic engagement, the value of coalitions and partnerships, industry and community advocacy, the agricultural economy and future trends that could affect North Dakota agriculture, finding innovative ways to fund local and regional development projects, and how to work with the state Legislature. In addition, they’ll create a network of contacts and resources they can tap into for ideas, answers and support. They also will practice the skills they learn by creating a project that benefits their operation, business, organization, community or region. For example, class VII (2015-17) members helped grow and harvest produce for local food banks, raise money for playground equipment and to pay off a community center’s debt, start a farmers market, promote agricultural sustainability, chronicle a county’s history through photographs, turn empty city lots into usable community space, and launch youth leadership programs. “RLND has helped develop my communication and leadership skills,” says class VII member Daniel Janes of Horace. “More importantly, the RLND experience helped me reach far beyond my comfort zone and provided an amazing opportunity to experience North Dakota and the world while making friends with truly amazing people.” Those selected for the 2017-19 class are: Chris Adams, Grand Forks; Paula Anderson, Regent; Jon Bertsch, Hillsboro; Kasey Bitz, LaMoure; Tyler Bowen, Bismarck; Ruth Buffalo, Fargo; Gwen Crawford, Kathryn; Matt Dahlke, Lincoln; Wade Elder, Watford City; Whitney Gonitzke, Kramer; Stephanie Goeller Johnson, Luverne; Suhail Kanwar, Watford City; Brooke Kessel, Hettinger; Kristen Knudtson, Fargo; Mandy Kvale, Thunder Hawk, South Dakota; Shanda Morgan, Bismarck; Doug Naze, Surrey; Annika Plummer, Dickinson; Trudy Ruland, New Town; Chris Smaaladen, West Fargo; Bjorn Solberg, Horace; Brenda Stallman, Hillsboro; Searle Swedlund, Valley City; Tammy Jo Taft, Arthur; Marsha Van Laere, Northwood; and Heather VanGelder, Sidney, Montana. “Starting a new RLND class is an exciting time for the 26 class VIII participants,” says Marie Hvidsten, RLND program director. “They will meet other North Dakotans who want to have an impact in their industry, organization and community. Class VIII participants are beginning an experience that will take them across North Dakota, the U.S. and the world.” Since RLND began in November 2003, 144 people from 73 communities in 37 counties have graduated from the program.

Furniture floor samples

Let’s be honest. If you have kids or pets, your furniture is going to be banged up. So why not get deep savings on furniture that already has a few dings on it? Almost all furniture stores sell floor samples of their merchandise. Ask a sales representative if the store is willing to sell the floor samples; often, stores have sales specifically for floor samples and the salesperson can tell you when that happens. Otherwise, they may only be willing to sell the floor sample if it’s the last piece left. Ask if you leave your phone number for when the rest run out, and don’t be afraid to bargain on the price!

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A19

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A20

FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE John Deere 9620T................................................................ $120,000 John Deere 9520T................................................................ $110,000 New Holland P2060 air seeder, double shoot capable........... $90,000 Case IH 4375 70-ft. fertilizer spreader..................................... $30,000 New Holland suspended boom sprayer, 130-ft....................... $25,000

For more info call (406) 779-7103 Flaxville, MT

##### Cowboy competitions weren’t exclusively called rodeos until the 1920s, with professional cowboys officially adopting the term in 1945. Until then, competitions were commonly referred to as frontier days, stampedes and cowboy contests. ##### Women joined the rodeo circuit in the 1890s.

Montana Organic Association

15th Annual Conference and Member Meeting

“Organic Resiliency in a Changing World” December 7-9, 2017

Mansfield Center, Great Falls, MT

Featuring: • Dr. Stephen Jones, Washington State University • Dr. Jennifer Swanson, University of Providence • 3rd Annual Nuggets of Knowledge Exchange • GAP Training / Organic Industrial Hemp • Organic University / Kids’ University • Local Farm and Facility Tours

Films: Unbroken Ground and Bringing it Home Patti (406) 333-1054

Making pumpkins last

By National Gardening Association Editors Winter squash are designed to last a long time in storage. But some basic principles will get you started with confidence. Winter squashes keep best if stored in a cool, dry, dark spot. Pumpkins also store well for months at a time. The other vine-crops must be preserved, pickled, canned or frozen if you want them to last, although some honeydew melons and large zucchinis will keep for awhile. Curing Winter squashes and pumpkins must be cured to dry and harden their shells completely before being put into storage. Select only the best specimens for winter keeping. Any bumps, bruises, broken stems or rotting will worsen and spread to other vegetables, so eat the less-than-perfect ones first. Try to air out the vegetables you’ll be storing in a warm, well-ventilated place at a temperature of 75° F to 85° F for a week or two. It’s usually too cool at harvest time to achieve the perfect temperature, but you can group the vegetables near your furnace, wood stove or on a sunny back porch where they can be sufficiently cured to toughen their skin. You can also cure your winter squashes right in the root cellar, by running a small, portable fan directly on them round the clock for a week or so. Although the root cellar may be quite cool, the circulating air from the fan does the curing just fine. Storing After curing, pile the vegetables two or three deep in the driest part of your root cellar -- the shelves located halfway between the floor and ceiling are usually the best spot. While root cellars are generally dry, most regular cellars are too damp for storing vine crops. They keep best in a cool place (45 F to 55 F) with low humidity. If you don’t have a root cellar, any cool, dry, dark spot is fine -- try a spare room, closet floor, attic floor, or even a large, cool kitchen cupboard. Wherever you store your vegetables, check them regularly and remove any that are getting soft or look as if they’re starting to rot. It’s only natural that some will keep better than others. By the time your winter squash gets soft spots, you’ll probably have eaten enough frozen summer vegetables that there’s room in the freezer for some new additions. If a squash starts to soften, peel it, remove the seeds and the soft spots. Then cut the squash into chunks, steam or boil them, and freeze the cooked squash in containers.

Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT

2007 Peterbilt 357 dump truck, C13 @ 430 hp, 8LL transmission, 20,000 front, 46,000 rears, 20,000 lift axle, Mac 19’6” aluminum box.......$55,500

406-549-1047 or 207-1946

2012 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD DD15 @ 530 hp, carb compliant, 1985 GMC Brigadier L10 Cummins 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears with dou- @ 280 hp, 10 speed, 12,000 front, ble differential locks, engine brake, 22,560 rear...............................$6500 13,300 lb. front, 505,022 miles, 210” wheelbase, super clean truck............ .............................................$49,500 2000 Fontaine 48-ft. spread axle Hiboy combination flatbed, 96” wide, 122” axle spread, A/R suspension, combination.............................$6500

2007 Kenworth W900 heavy haul, 565 hp ISX, 18 speed, Neway A/R suspension, 13,200 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, 20,000 tag axle, 415,000 miles, 63” flat top sleeper..... .............................................$62,500

2 available - 1998 Ford dump truck, 6 speed, 10-ft. box, 9000 front, 21,000 rear, 190 hp, Cummins.......... .............................................$13,500

1998 Trail-Eze DLX40TC48 25-ton sliding axle trailer, hydraulic sliding axle, hydraulic scissorneck, A/R suspension, self contained, winch, 7-ft. neck, 36-ft. deck....................$27,500

2003 Kenworth T800W heavy haul, 18 speed, 711,000 miles, 550 hp 6NZ, 20,000 front, double power steering box, 46,000 rears, 20,000 tag axle, low boy ramps, wet kit, 60” flat top sleeper......................$52,500

2008 Peterbilt 367 16,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, double differential lockers, 18 speed, ISX, 550 hp, 230,000 miles, double power steering boxes, super nice truck...$62,500

1979 Cozad 60-ton lowboy trailer, 2+3+1, 23-ft. well, two necks 11-ft. and 17ft. detachable neck, 8-ft. deck, A/R suspension, 1979 hydraulic power tower with Honda GX390 engine, 1980 Peerless booster axle..................... $42,500

1993 Pioneer 16-ft. quad axle pup trailer, extendable tongue......$13,500

1993 Great Dane 48-ft. step deck trailer, tandem axle, steel composition...........................................$9500

Many other construction trucks & trailers available. Check out our website:

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A21

This is an especially important time of year to be thinking about minerals!

Your grass is drying out... Keep adding pounds this fall with BGF-30

BTI Feeds

Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTALPHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!

Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812


CattleMaster Series 12

3 lever hydraulic control: headgate, tailgate and squeeze.

Powerful 2 hp, 110 volt fully enclosed motor. Easy to remove, drop down kick pan. Adjustable neck extenders. Side exit door. Ratcheting backup bar. Durable, corrosion-resistant powder coat finish.

Stur-D Portable Tub and Alley

iono-LYX B300®

CRYSTALYX® IONO-LYX® B300 gives you all the advantages of a CRYSTALYX® supplement program plus the added benefits of Bovatec® - the leading ionophore feed additive for pasture cattle. BOVATEC® is proven to increase weight gain in pasture cattle. In fact, 84 pasture studies conducted between 1980 and 2000 showed that BOVATEC® improved average daily gain (ADG) by 9.82% or 0.14 per-head, per-day.

Taylor’s Farm Store Ben Taylor Valier

Farm Store toll-free 1-888-220-5547 — Local 406-434-5547 Bulk Plant toll-free 1-800-824-8366 — Local 406-434-5546 Chemical Warehouse 406-434-5253 — Store on Highway #2 in Shelby

Call toll-free 1-866-279-3360 Store & Bulk Plant 406-279-3365 – Shop 406-279-3693 Cut Bank Highway - Valier - Highway 44 East

GRADE 5 & 8

Shaver’s universal transport post driver pulls behind any tow vehicles. No PTO’s needed. Drive posts up to 12-ft. long and 10 inches in diameter. Adjustable tongue. Powerful, flexible, superior engineering. Call for more info

Tarter Round Bale Feeders


Roller chain - Sprockets Hubs

Barb Wire

Livestock Waterers on hand Johnson Artificial Spring – Franklin – Ritchie – Cancrete Call Taylor’s Farm Store for information on Johnson, Franklin & Ritchie; BTI Feeds for Franklin & Cancrete information

Large inside dimensions: 65”x31”x94”

Stur-D Bale Feeders



Energy efficient, easy to install fountains.


Bunk feeders Gates — Panels Handling systems

Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator”

Available at Taylor Farm Store We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores

Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems




When you buy pellets by the ton

Diacon-D, Insecto and Dustacide grain protectants B & W and Caldwell aeration systems.

The B & W grain aerator and dryer sucks out moisture and heat. It works in round or flat storage. Aerates grain up to 18-ft. deep and 5,000 bushels at a time. Easily moved from bin to bin. Our Caldwell line features 12” round duct, T’s, Y’s, elbows, 4-way cross, end caps, adapters, fans, accessories.

Grain hoppers — Scoop Shovels.

Nichols Sweeps Conventional, Ultrawing Klip Wing

15% off

STOCK TANKS Steel & Poly

PROPANE Installations • Delivery • Inspections

all gallons Call 1-800-824-8366 paint

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A22

Industrial Equipment

Hyster 200H forklift with SunnyD squeeze.......................$32,000 Also available a Steffens bale clamp to go on forklift...........$4500

2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach..........................................................$45,000 New 10-ft. snow blade for skid steer loader.........................$2450


2008 New Holland H8080 15-ft. swather, 2420 hours, very sharp...............................................................................$62,500 New Holland HW340 discbine swather............................$49,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft. swather, 3300 hours................$39,500

Balewagons & Retriever

2007 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 4500 hours..........$90,000 1983 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, 1380 hours, nice.......... ......................................................................................$50,000 2-New Holland 1068 diesel, late models............$35,000-$40,000 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak clamp for 3x4 bales.............................................................................$28,000 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon..............................$18,500 2012 New Holland 1037 balewagon like new..................$46,000 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.....................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt...... $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............$10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 rebuilt.................................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull type.............................................$10,500 New Holland 1051 retriever, two wide with telescoping top clamp mounted on a 1979 Chevrolet C60...............................$10,500


Massey-Ferguson 3525 MFWD with FEL, grapple..........$19,500 Massey-Ferguson 3525 MFWD, 4500 hours...................$18,500 John Deere 4650 MFWD..................................................$30,000

Haying Equipment

Freeman 370 baler Deutz engine, 13” x 22” bale chamber........... ......................................................................................$15,000 2-Freeman 330SP balers, 13” x 22” bale chamber...$10,000 each 4-Freeman 330 balers, 1 with Deutz, 3 hydraulic drive, 13” x 22” bale chamber..........................................................$6500 each Hesston 4590 square baler, good condition.....................$13,000 2008 New Holland BB9080 3x4 square baler. 26,000 bales..$67,500 New Holland BR780 round baler with net wrap, nice.......$16,500 New Holland 55, 56, 258, 259 & 260 rakes. Several to choose from.......................................................... From $600 to $4500


Massey Ferguson 820 disk with hydraulic fold wings.........$6500

Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons

Sod Buster Sales Inc.

Farm Equipment Finding Service

33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860

406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108

Be cautious and do not overspend for hay

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service However, data from 2016 did drag the I have a cow worth $1,000. average down. Per-cow net return over direct Ponder these questions: Should I sell expenses in the cow 2016 was and place $174.43. the money When in an acoverhead count where expenses someone were conwill pay me to use sidered, net my monreturn over direct and ey? Should overhead I keep the expense cow, hoping was $59.77, for a greater with a negareturn on my money tive return than if I let once labor somebody and manuse my agement money? Or were apshould I pay plied. Not somebody so good. $100 to care It’s been for the cow? awhile since But why average should I pay someone else to tend my money cow-calf producers have had to change to or my cow? At the end of the day, I have red ink. In 2014, the average beef producer less money. had a gross margin of $1,309.52. Last year, This is the dilemma many beef producers 2016, the average beef producer had a gross in the drought-stricken areas of the Upper margin of only $633.17, less than half the Midwest face today. Which deal is the most dollars of two years earlier. That’s a direct acceptable for producers, their families and reflection of the price per hundredweight: their bankers? $263.83 in 2014 and $131.71 in 2016. A not-so-pleasant thought is keeping a Maybe these numbers do not apply to ev$1,000 cow when paying someone else for eryone, but I suspect they are the trend. The the right to keep (feed) the cow begs the same cow-calf business, as expenses have gone question. The expense side of the equation up, has challenges. Drought or no drought, looms pretty big when local resources are costs always must be contained. depleted and producers look elsewhere to Well, let’s not be too pessimistic, and keep maintain a cow herd. penciling the numbers for the FINBIN data This is the time to be cautious. What set. Let’s use the five-year average gross should one pay (or can afford to pay) for margin, $868.70, along with the five-year avadditional pasture or hay? That is a good erage price of $187.64 for 500- to 599-pound question because the answer begs two more calves. If that price is achieved, then the questions: What does producing a calf from a gross margin should be close, but if the price cow-calf operation cost? Do you know what stays closer to last year’s price of $131.72 per it costs in your operation? hundredweight, then the gross margin drops The specific numbers for buying hay may toward the 2016 low of $633.17. not exist for individual operations, but the Even if the hay was in good supply and all process does exist for everyone. About this prices and expenses stayed the same as last time, even in good years, I start to count year, the cow-calf producer would again be large, round bales. Every cow at the Dickinwriting with red ink. In other words, on the average, producers could lose money. But son Research Extension Center needs about the five-year average still would suggest a bale a month to overwinter. (Cow size and cattle are capable of a net return to direct and bale size need to be estimated to make the overhead expenses of $200-plus. correct and final number. But for planning, The bottom line today: If this is just a a bale a month works fine.) normal year, and believe it or not, it is for A long winter means six bales; a short most beef producers, the balance of costs winter, maybe five bales. Farther south, and income are very tedious. Will the ink you need less winter feeding, but when the be red or black? The answer really depends weather is dry, pastures and cereal crops do on the managerial and marketing skills of not grow, and more hay is needed. the producer. Should one buy hay or sell cows? Where The sure bet was two years ago, not toare these thoughts coming from? My usual sources are the North Dakota Farm Manday. The real challenge comes when outside events such as drought or other difficulties agement education program (http://www. add unexpected costs to the operation. With database and tight margins, producers have no wiggle FINBIN ( from room. the Center for Farm Financial Management, You probably know where this is going. University of Minnesota. Levi Helmuth, More next time, but in the meantime, be farm business management instructor at the careful of what you spend. Be realistic if Dickinson Research Extension Center, and you spend cash. other North Dakota instructors contribute to May you find all your ear tags. the database. For more information, contact your local Looking at the data set, per-cow net return NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// over direct expenses for the past five years or has averaged $385.51, which seems good. Ringwall at the Dickinson Research ExtenIf I add overhead expenses, net return over direct and overhead expense has averaged sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND $285.46, so the desire to keep raising beef 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ cows is good. ##### The Professional Women’s Rodeo Association was established in 1987.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A23


Please join us for an informational meeting on pulse crops, commodity hedging, chemical and fertilizers. • Tuesday, December 12, 2017 • Registration at 9:30 am • Meeting 10:30 am - 3:30 pm • Lewistown, MT at the Eagle’s Hall • Lunch Provided Please RSVP by December 5th

Basin Grain: 406.566.2282 Stricks Ag: 406.759.6489

Speakers attending:

• Brad Hertel – Divisional Manager of Meridian Seeds to discuss chickpeas. • Jillien Streit – CMO of Stricks Ag, member of Montana pulse crop committee and USADPLC discussing pulse opportunities. • Brock Schimbeno – Blackmore Commodities about opportunities in hedging and grain market updates. • Monte Bottens – President of ANP presenting information on bionutrients and liquid fertilizer • Jeff Wynn – FMC to present pulse herbicide applications • Brad Kantorowicz and Tyler Streit – Discussing the joint venture with Basin Grain. • Also attending: Brandon Newman of Verdesian Life Sciences

Offering contracts and taking 2017 harvest delivery of Chick Peas, Lentils, and Durum at Basin Grain, LLC

BUYING: • Durum • Winter Wheat • Spring Wheat • Peas • Lentils • Chick Peas

• We have trucks available for all your Hopper and Freight Needs •

We are licensed to haul in and out of state as well as to and from Canada, taking the stress out of cross-border logistics.


We now have 2 facilities in Chester, MT to meet your delivery needs!

• STRICKS AG • (406) 759-6489

114 East Washington Avenue Chester, Montana 59522 * Employment Opportunities available at Stricks Ag. Call our HR Department for details. (406) 759-6490

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A24

Lease this new well equipped

MAXXUM135 for $11,847 with Extended Warranty

300 hours per year for 3 years with CNH Industrial Capital oac

L 110 PTO hp. L MFWD.

L Class 4 Front Axle.

L 16x16 SPS Transmission.

L BIG Capacity PFC Hydraulics. L Cab Suspension. L Grapple Fork on L755 Loader.

1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT

John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

BALE KING 5100 ROUND BALE PROCESSORS This unit has become the standard of the industry. XTRA Heavy Duty from the front to the back.

2017 Bale Processors In Stock Now 418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605

John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634

ProAg BONUS Cash Just Announced! Buy Between august 15th and december 31st, 2017 and SAVE $1,000 on a New ProAG 1400 or a New ProAG 900!

Hay Hiker 1400 ~ move more bales faster ~ handles 14- 5x6 bales

2017 ProAg 1400 Hay Hiker Suggested Retail: $41,188 MVE Discount: -$8,375 ProAg Coupon: -$1,000

Final Price: $31,813

December 31, 2017 December 31, 2017

Bring this coupon with you when you purchase a New Hay Hiker

Hay Hiker 900 ~ move more bales faster ~ handles 8- 5x6 bales

Financing Available 2017 ProAg 1400 Hay Hiker Suggested Retail: $28,792 MVE Discount: -$5,895 ProAg Coupon: -$1,000

Final Price: $21,201


1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 418 Main, Roundup, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A25

418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Contact us at or


Ask about 0% Finance

2015 CASE IH PUMA 165

Tractor w/L765 loader. Extra nice LEASE return unit. MFWD, 18x6 P/S transmission, power reverser, 3 mid mount valves for loader with joystick, block and transmission heaters, front fenders amd Rimguard in rear tires. Loader equipped with HD 95” bucket with grapple. Only 748 hours on this nice clean unit. Book says $132,678...... MVE price only $121,980


Equipped with 16-ft. rotary disc header, SUPER CLEAN deluxe cab, rear axle suspension and lots more. Just 890 engine hours and 357 header hours. ALSO comes with the 30-ft. triple delivery Honey Bee draper header below. Consigned unit that’s too good to pass up.....................................................$134,900

Ask about 0% Finance




84 PTO hp, 24x12 transmission with Synchro shuttle, 2 remotes, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point hitch and CASE IH LX152 loader grapple. ONLY 1737 hours..Priced Right at $41,950

30-ft. triple delivery header. Goes with the John Deere RD450 windrower and is included in the price.

Nice clean unit with MFWD, suspension cab, deluxe air seat, cold weather package, HD battery, 16x16 semi P/S transmission, Class 4 MFWD, 29 GPM CCLS hydraulic ystem, 3 remote valves, 540/1000 PTO, 3 mid-mount valves and joystick for loader. Front fenders, instructor seat, rear wiper and BIG outside mirrors. Loader is Case IH L765 w/95” HD bucket and 4 tine 2 cylinder bucket. ONLY 757 hours and factory warranty. Really nice lease return unit. Books for $101,656................................... .................................... Price Reduced to $95,855



Older unit that’s in really good condition. Comes with dual sickle 2326 16-ft. header. Serviced and ready to go. Only 3700 hours, and very well maintained.............. MVE Price $27,529

135 PTO hp, 18x6 FPS transmission, suspended cab, instructor seat, 112” heavy duty bar axle, 110V cold weather package, front fenders, electronic joystick for loader, Rimguard in rear tires. Comes equipped with CASE IH L760 loader grapple. ONLY 2973 hours. Books says $89,900. ..................................... ..................................................... MVE Price $81,417

1983 FORD TW25

141 PTO hp, 540/1000 PTO, 3 remotes, cab with air, 16x4 transmission. Equipped with Leon 808 loader/grapple. Just 7463 HOURS.................................. Priced to Sell $12,396

1966 DAVID BROWN 990

54 PTO hp, 3-point hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 1 remote and great rubber....................................... Consigned for $4850


This unit looks much newer than it is. Has had excellent care and has been mostly rebuilt prior to the 2017 season. Standard pickup baler with mesh wrap and twine. Very clean and one of the most reliable units ever built. Make 5x6 dense square shouldered bales.......................... MVE Price only $9,639


Unit has less than 50 ACRES on it and looks brand new. It sold for nearly $40,000 new. Willing to sacrifice it for .......................$24,750


Premium version that includes mesh and twine wrap, wide pickup w/HD rubber mounted teeth, variable pressure bale chamber and high density bales. Comes with full warranty. ONLY 2322 bales and ..................................... MVE Price $38,665


2013 CASE IH MAGNUM 180 Nice unit with hydraulic drive, fold, and raise. Rubber mounted TRADED teeth ........................................................................... $7908 The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise. “TO TREAT EVERY CUSTOMER LIKE WE LIKE TO BE TREATED.” With Case IH L785 loader...................... JUST


Really clean 14-ft. header what works for older Case IH and New Holland windrowers. Nice, straight consigned unit ...... Just $10,990


Has a skid steer style quick attach mounting plate and a 3 way positioner.............................. .......................... Great Buy at $3987


10-ft. heavy duty blade with 3 way hydraulics, and rear leveling wheels.................................... ...................... Consigned for $3500

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A26

The deadline for phoning advertising for the December issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 29.

North Central Montana Sheep Seminar ~sponsored by~

Front Range Wool Pool ——–———————

Conrad Moose Lodge Tuesday, December 5, Registration @ 1:30 pm Supper @ 6 pm, Pool Meeting after ——————

Dr. Lisa Surber-American Wool Council

Wool Quality and Trends Dr. Megan Van Emon-MSU Regional Beef Specialist

Relearning Drought Management Dr. Tom Murphy-MSU Assistant Professor

What Mastitis is Really Costing You Dave Scott-NCAT

Biological Control in Pest Management Systems of Plants meeting

By Dr. Gadi V.P. Reddy, MSU Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center, Conrad, Montana. Will Rambo/Travis Standley-Hubbard Feeds year in the one of the Western States of the Professor Gadi V.P. Reddy was selected Winter Supplementation Options US. as the Chair for the forthcoming multistate Wesley Sarmento-Montana FWP Dr. Reddy and team members worked meeting, W4185 Biological Control in WestIntroduction and Update hard and identified the potential locations ern United States, to be organized and held such as Great Falls, Whitefish, Kalispell, at “Grouse Mountain Lodge” in Whitefish, Mike Hoggan-USDA Wildlife Services and Polson in Montana. Dr. Reddy presented Montana on October 10-12, 2018. Update the details about the identified locations at Traditionally this meeting is held every the 2017 multistate meeting in Borrego Springs, CA. on October 3-5, 2017. Whitefish is a resort town in the Rocky Mountains of Northwest Montana and was favorably voted on by the multistate meeting group members as the location for the 2018 meeting. Close to “Find our most up-to-date prices at 100 scientists from the US,” France and Canada usually participate in the multistate meeting. In addition to the meeting, Glacier National Park should offer a memo8rable experience to particiBlow Out 00 To Choose Price $38,0 who will be traveling Frompants ! to Whitefish from other states and countries. Biological control is the use of natural enemies (such as parasitoids, predators, pathogens, antagonists, and competitors) to suppress populations of insects and weeds up thatsleeper, are troublesome (8) 06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand signature to humans. Customarily, tanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! 85% tires!! release of such natural ene-St mies will be made only once, enabling them to establish ‘11 Kenworth T660 Cummins ISX15 500 hp, 13 speed, 62” Aero sleeper, ‘07 International 9400i Cummins ISX15 500 hp, 10 speed, 72” Hi-Rise themselves permanently 3.55 rear ends, 232” wheelbase, chrome bumper, dual aluminum tanks. sleeper, 3.58 rear ends, 228” wheelbase, tandem axles, dual aluminum in the new environment. Stk# B286430................................................................................... $29,500 tanks, chrome bumper. Stk# B468923............................................... $15,500 Biological control has been in practice for more than Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures 100 years and has resulted in several environmentally friendly, sustainable land management programs. Although this method is effective and environmentally SAVE SAVE SALE PRICE Sale Price safe, it is a slow process. $9 0 ,000 $25,00 $16,000 $37,000 More importantly, before SALE PRICE 0 $43,00releases, field the designated natural enemy candidate will tested for its host relations to assure that it will damage only to the targeted organism. Complying with the practice of this meeting series, this Whitefish meeting also Peterbilt 379,developing Cat C15 475 HP ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” will‘04aim towards 3.70ISX15 ratio, 600 250”hp, WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, ‘15 Kenworth W900L Cummins 18 speed, 86” studio sleeper,Am Class int, dual WB, 4.11 ratio, dual tanks, 51” hi rise pro sleeper, Prem int alum 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt ta strategies and &mechanisms tanks, exhaust air cleaners, alum w wheels, PW & PDL, air slide 5th wheel tanks,steerable exhaust & cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! 3.21 rear ends, 299” wheelbase, liftairaxle, full lockers, new batter‘05 International 4300 Detroit 466E 195 hp, 5 speed, $34,000 5.57 rear end, 254” 50% Brakes! Stk# aspects TPN639T-1 STK# TP3954T-9 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN640T-1 $53,000 clarifying different ies, engine warranty. Lots of extras! Stk# B421891........................... $99,500 wheelbase. Stk# B686853................................................................. $14,500 CALL US! control WE’LL proE-MAIL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURESof biological CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES S E Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures av IC e grams SALE PR 5 To and to explore new $1 0 Sheep, Irrigated Pasture and Parasites


Great Falls, Montana Billings, Montana

$48,00 0





Quarterly hogs and pigs

Colorado Colorado inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2017 was 760,000 head, up 6 percent from June 1, 2017 and up 6 percent from last year. Breeding inventory, at 160,000 head, was up 5,000 head from the previous quarter and up 15,000 head from last year. Market hog inventory, at 600,000 head, was up 6 percent from last quarter and up 4 percent from last year. The June-August 2017 pig crop, at 850,000 head, was up 8 percent from 2016. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 78,000 head, unchanged from a year ago. The average pigs saved per litter was 10.90 for the June-August period, compared with 10.10 last year. Utah Utah inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2017 was 670,000 head, down 1 percent from June 1, 2017 and down 4 percent from last year. Breeding inventory, at 80,000 head, was up 5,000 head from the previous quarter and up 5,000 head from last year. Market hog inventory, at 590,000 head, was down 2 percent from last quarter and down 6 percent from last year. The June-August 2017 pig crop, at 324,000 head, was down 13 percent from 2016. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 36,000 head, down 3,000 head from a year ago. The average pigs saved per litter was 9.00 for the JuneAugust period, compared with 9.50 last year. United States United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2017 was 73.5 million head. This was up 2 percent from September 1, 2016, and up 3 percent from June 1, 2017. Breeding inventory, at 6.09 million head, was up 1 percent from last year, and up slightly from the previous quarter. Market hog inventory, at 67.5 million head, was up 3 percent from last year, and up 3 percent from last quarter. The June-August 2017 pig crop, at 33.0 million head, was up 2 percent from 2016. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 3.10 million head, up 2 percent from 2016. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 51 percent of the breeding herd. The average pigs saved per litter was a record high of 10.65 for the June-August period, compared to 10.58 last year. Pigs saved per litter by size of operation ranged from 7.80 for operations with 1-99 hogs and pigs to 10.70 for operations with more than 5,000 hogs and pigs. United States hog producers intend to have 3.07 million sows farrow during the September-November 2017 quarter, up 1 percent from the actual farrowings during the same period in 2016, and up 5 percent from 2015. Intended farrowings for December-February 2018, at 3.02 million sows, are up 1 percent from 2017, and up 3 percent from 2016. The total number of hogs under contract owned by operations with over 5,000 head, but raised by contractees, accounted for 47 percent of the total United States hog inventory, unchanged from the previous year. All inventory and pig crop estimates for September 2016 through June 2017 were reviewed using final pig crop, official slaughter, death loss, and updated import and export data. The net revision made to the September 2016 all hogs and pigs inventory was 1.3 percent. The net revision made to the March 2017 all hogs and pigs inventory was 0.4 percent. A revision of 0.8 percent was made to the December-February 2017 pig crop. A revision of 0.3 percent was made to the June 2017 all hogs and pigs inventory.

Biological Control in Pest Management Systems of Plants meeting CONTINUED FROM PAGE A26

technologies and methods. This meeting will also empower the farmers and growers with new effective economical and environmentally friendly management skills and enable the scientists to think of areas for future research. The working group also works with various collaborators with respect to importing, screening, developing, releasing, implementing, monitoring, and transferring of biological control technologies to other areas. The United States Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) releases permits to import and release the biological control organisms. For more information concerning ongoing biological control and integrated pest management programs, please visit the website- and contact Julie Orcutt or Gadi VP Reddy at 406-278-7707 for details about the upcoming biological control meeting.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A27

Thanksgiving We have many reasons to celebrate. Among our blessings... the nicest customers ever. We wish you a happy Thanksgiving day.

Competitive prices on quality seed Reclamation mixes CRP & EQIP mixes Pasture mixes — Alfalfa Get a jump on spring work... consider dormant seeding.

We Are Buyers of Seed



reasure  State Seed

Office 1-800-572-4769 (406) 467-2557 Seed Plant (406) 467-2514 FAX (406) 467-3377 E-mail Fairfield, Montana

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A28


Manure spreader, model 528640, make unknown............................ $1000 Massey-Ferguson 235 tractor, SN 2418001813 with F-236 loader, 5658 hours............................................................................................ $5000

Call 406-323-3970, Roundup, MT

For more information call Musselshell Valley Equip. Roundup, MT

##### Toto was paid $125 per week while filming The Wizard of Oz. ##### There are 10 times more bacteria in your body than actual body cells.

Doane Western Company Providing Agricultural Mortgage Loans and Leasing Products 

Long Term Real Estate Mortgage Loans

Restructure of Existing Loans

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Equipment Leases for new and used equipment

Cash out your existing machinery and lease back with buy back option

New Building Leases Providing Services throughout Montana, Idaho and Wyoming

All at The Best Available Rates!

Call for Current Rates Bozeman (406) 587-1201 Office: 170 Dana Lane, Belgrade, MT 59714

Long Term Real Estate Loans Refinance at Lower Rates, Consolidate Debt, New Purchases


1955 International dump truck, 6 cylinder, 4+2 speed. Runs and works good...............Asking $1750

International H with DuAl loader. Runs excellent..........Asking $2000

1995 Chevrolet Lumina, 170,000 miles, outstandingly clean. Runs as good as it looks.........Asking $2000

2001 Oldsmobile Aurora, low miles.........................Asking $2000 1974 Ford dump truck, V8, 5+2 Allis Chalmers tractor, gas, about speed. Very heavy duty, good tires.. 50 hp, power steering, 3-pt. Runs .................................Asking $2500 excellent...................Asking $4500 1986 Mercedes-Benz, low miles. Looks and runs outstanding............ .................................Asking $2500 International parts truck. Asking.... ................................................$450

International M, extra heavy duty loader........................Asking $2500

1999 Ford Windstar, low miles....... .................................Asking $2000

Nice oil tank. Asking..................$50 International H, runs good............. .................................Asking $1000 Howard Rotovator 3-pt. Very little use..............................Asking $450

350 gallon tank. Asking.... $200 obo

Brush Hog 6-ft. Asking........... $1000

For more info call (406) 782-3648, Butte, MT

All eyes on squash

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service “We live an exciting life,” my husband commented as he flipped a butternut squash on its side. We were at a grocery store on a Saturday evening. An attractive display of colorful squash and pumpkins caught my eye, and I pulled my phone out of my purse to take a photo. I stepped back to survey the appearance of the squash display. I began rearranging some squash because I didn’t want the price tags to show. I asked my husband to help. He was a good sport, although I think he was worried that we’d get in trouble for “tampering with a produce display.” No squash were injured in my spur-of-the-moment photo shoot, by the way. “I might be helping them sell more squash with my column,” I replied as I moved a buttercup squash to even out the colors. I walked back a few steps to frame my photo. I think plant breeders had fun developing these interesting fruits for the market. I noted a “Carnival” squash looking festive with its splatters of cream and shades of green on an orange base. The “Sweet Dumpling” squash was smaller and cream-colored with dark green ridges. The attractive “Turban” squash had a large “cap” (or turban) with orange, cream and green stripes. I noted the dark green acorn squash, which gets its name for obvious reasons. The creamy colored “Delicata” squash had fine green strips. If I cooked the pale yellow, elongated “Butternut” squash, it would have a pumpkin-like flavor. I noticed some “Spaghetti” squash in the mix. This shiny yellow squash has flesh that splits into strands that resemble spaghetti. A column idea had sparked in my brain. As I walked around the corner, I found another squash display. My husband looked at me sideways with raised eyebrows and a grin. I only moved one squash this time before I took another photo. Although squash and pumpkins could be used as ornaments to decorate your table or front steps, make room for them on your plate. Squash are nutrition all-stars that are high in carotenoids, which are pigments that our body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin plays a role in eye, skin and mucous membrane health. Squash are “in season” and they are a tasty and nutrientrich addition to menus. Technically, squash typically is used in pumpkin pie filling. Sometimes, the ornamental “pumpkins” on display actually are squash. Squash and pumpkin are part of the “Cucurbit” family, and they are “cousins” to zucchini and cucumbers. Even though squash is used as a vegetable on the menu, technically squash is the fruit of the plant. If you have squash or pumpkins on vines in your garden, horticulture experts recommend you pick them before a hard freeze. Be sure to leave a few inches of the stem attached and allow them to “cure” a couple of weeks in a warm spot to toughen the skin and extend their storage life. Squash can last many months if stored in a cool, dry place. If you happen to purchase cut squash, be sure to refrigerate it. Squash can be prepared by cooking in water, baking or microwaving. To prepare squash in a conventional oven, simply rinse the squash thoroughly under cool water and scrub with a vegetable brush if needed. Poke several holes in the clean squash with a knife and place it in a pan. Bake without covering. You can adjust the temperature and baking time depending on what else you might be baking. On average, a medium squash will take about an hour to bake at 350 F and would pair well with baked potatoes and meatloaf. If you are cooking something at 400 F, the squash will become tender sooner. When squash is fork-tender, you are ready to peel it, remove the seeds, mash and serve. Although you might want to home-can some pumpkin, be aware that no safe canning guidelines for mashed pumpkin are available for home food preservers. However, you can freeze pumpkin. Visit and click on “Food Preservation,” then “Freezing Vegetables,” for advice on how to do it. This novel recipe is courtesy of the Iowa State University “Spend Smart. Eat Smart.” program. The program team calculated the cost per serving at $1.08, so this is a nutritional bargain. CONTINUED ON PAGE A29

Tennessee Dump Law: Permits for panhandling Panhandlers in Memphis must apply for a permit before panhandling. Formerly, this formality cost the destitute $10. Today, it’s free.

All eyes on squash CONTINUED FROM PAGE A28

Butternut Squash Enchiladas 2 1/2 c. butternut squash (or other winter squash), cooked 1 (15-ounce) can black beans, drained and rinsed 1/2 c. onion, diced 1/2 c. fresh cilantro, chopped (or 3 Tbsp. dried cilantro/ coriander) 2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. cumin 1 c. shredded cheddar or Mexican blend cheese, divided 8 (6-inch) tortillas 1 c. salsa or 1 (10-ounce) can red or green enchilada sauce 1/2 c. Greek yogurt Preheat oven to 375 F. Mix the squash, beans, onion, cilantro, garlic powder and cumin in a bowl. Mix 3/4 cup of the cheese into the squash mixture. Put a 1/2 cup strip of filling on each tortilla. Roll the tortilla around the filling. Put the tortilla into a greased 9- by 13-inch baking dish with the seam down. Cover the tortillas with the salsa or enchilada sauce. Put the rest of the cheese (1/4 cup) on the salsa. Bake for 25 minutes. Serve each enchilada with 1 tablespoon Greek yogurt. Makes eight servings (one enchilada per serving). A serving has 220 calories, 3.5 grams (g) fat, 10 g protein, 35 g carbohydrate, 6 g fiber and 660 milligrams sodium. From actual Church Bulletins…….. • Scouts are saving aluminum cans, bottles, and other items to be recycled. Proceeds will be used to cripple children. • The outreach committee has enlisted 25 visitors to make calls on people who are not afflicted with any church. • The Ladies Bible Study will be held Thursday morning at 10. All ladies are invited to lunch in the Fellowship Hall after the B.S. is done. • Evening massage – 6 p.m. • The Pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Sunday morning. • Jean will be leading a weight-management series Wednesday nights. She’s used the program herself and has been growing like crazy!

##### Maine is the only state with a one-syllable name. ##### It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A29


3x3 mid-size, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cutting... $125-135 per ton Call 406-590-1688 or 590-6488, Fairfield, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A30

Buying Pulses in The Big Blue Sky Country

Drones help researchers stay on top of wheat improvement

By K-State Research and Extension News It may be approaching winter in Kansas, said. “From that, we create a vegetation inBest Western Heritage Inn but the field work on wheat genetics is going dex because the light reflected from the plant 1700 Fox Farm Road, Great Falls full steam for wheat scientist Jesse Poland. leaves can be associated with the stress levHalf a world away, Poland – an associate els. The amount of near-infrared reflectance Meet with Managers Jayson or professor of plant pathology at Kansas State is an indication of whether the plant is going Jerry for upcoming University – is learning critical information through some type of stress. It can be sick, 2018 Contracts that will lead to future generations of wheat or have other diseases. It gives us a rapid in Kansas and beyond. measurement of what is going on.” Call 406-397-3168 for an agenda “Field seasons in India, Pakistan and BanFor more complex phenotypes, Poland Belle Pulses USA LLC gladesh are offset from the field seasons here added: “It’s similar to facial recognition 606 4th Street, PO Box 85 in Kansas,” said Poland, who is also director algorithms; it is using artificial intelligence Hingham, Montana 59528 of the university’s Feed the Future Innovation directly on images. We are developing partPhone: 406-397-3168 Lab for Applied Wheat Genomics. “We can nerships with many groups to apply these actually be doing work in India during the same approaches to pictures of wheat plants. A great place to take a PEA and LENTILS! winter here, learning things and improving So, using big datasets of hundreds of thouthe systems, then bring that back and add ansands of images, you train these algorithms other season of innovation and improvement to look at different pictures of wheat plants here in Kansas. It greatly increases the speed and identify traits of interest.” of innovation and testing in our field research. The use of drones and the quickness with For the past three years, Poland and a team which they collect information helps reof researchers have worked in five countries searchers develop massive data sets. Poland to test and develop new agricultural techsays scientists now have the ability to comnologies that are already improving the way pare genetic differences between thousands crops are grown. of candidate wheat varieties to make better The most promising of those technoloyielding, more heat tolerant and more disease gies is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles resistant varieties. (UAVs), or drones, to scout agricultural “If you can do more rapid and more acfields for important data. UAVs can do the curate selections, then you’re really more efwork in a fraction of the time that it would ficient in finding that needle in the haystack, take humans. the one out of 1,000 that is better all-around “What we are trying to do is take these that can be a new high-performing wheat UAVs to the breeding fields to efficiently variety,” Poland said. I believe the Krogmann and quickly measure plant traits,” said Daljit K-State’s Feed the Future Innovation Lab BaleBed is the most outstanding bed on the market. I like Singh, a Kansas State University graduate for Applied Wheat Genomics was funded the features this bed has over student from India who works in Poland’s in 2013 for $5 million and has projects in the competition.” - Roger Miller, Booker, TX lab. the U.S., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Armed with sophisticated, multi-spectral Mexico, where Poland says his group works Side toolboxes 30” Lx17” H cameras measuring only a few inches, the directly with scientists at the International x 12” D standard size drones work up and down rows of lush wheat Maize and Wheat Improvement Center, of 12 ga. steel fields, measuring traits such as the plant’s known in the industry as CIMMYT. with stainless steel hinges height and vegetation index, or ‘green-ness’ Poland said that CIMMYT is “by far the and latch. Custom built Across the bed toolbox of the plant, which is determined by the most advanced, elite breeding program in shorter or longer beds. 70”Lx1O”H x 20’W - complete Standard Equip: with stainless steel hinges, amount of light it reflects. The process is the world,” distributing new wheat varieties arm extensions, gn tray and gas shock. known as high-throughput phenotyping beacross the globe. & receiver hitches, side rails, lights, cause it collects large amounts of information Broadly speaking, the work by Poland’s trailer plug & pioneer Lift, Haul and dump with the Krogmann Carry-All about the plant’s traits, or phenotype. team will help contribute toward food secuquick connects. “The cameras capture the near-infrared rity for a world population that is expected to 1-877-745-3783 • light – red, white, green and blue,” Singh reach 9.7 billion people by the year 2050. It’s one big reason why the U.S. Agency for International Development has funded 24 Severinsen Irrigation LLC 406-467-3999 Feed the Future labs that ad2231 HWY 89 Brett’s Cell dress numerous challenges in agriculture, including the Fairfield, MT 59436 406-590-5003 one that Poland directs and three others at Kansas State University. “As a very blessed country with a lot of resources, there comes an equal responsibility to take that to the benefit of the rest of the world,” Poland said. “We are trying to help a number of countries, but especially ones defined in the Feed the Future initiatives that are really in a state of current or potential food insecurity. That represents hundreds and hundreds of millions of people in these target regions that are at or maybe just a step above subsistence level farming and household nutrition.” “An obvious benefit of doing this work is to take agricultural innovations that can help these countries and these people to develop into more productive economies and increase their food security and standard of living.” Join us Friday, December 1, 2017


Heat-tolerant broccoli for the future

By Agricultural Research Service Traditionally, broccoli is a cool-weather crop. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are looking to change that by developing new varieties that grow in warm temperatures. ARS plant geneticist Mark Farnham and his team in Charleston, South Carolina, have developed and characterized the genetic sources of broccoli’s heat tolerance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics ( journal/122) published these results in March 2017. The team, led by ARS geneticist Sandra Branham, evaluated a group of broccoli plants Farnham developed for the ability to tolerate heat stress and identified genetic markers associated with heat resistance. An important finding from this research is that the resistance trait is controlled by many genes. Now, public and private broccoli breeders are interested in using these markers to help speed development of heat-tolerant broccoli. Farnham is working with scientists at land-grant universities along the Eastern Seaboard who are growing his broccoli in warm-temperature field trials. Once they verify that his broccoli will do well under adverse conditions, the broccoli will become available for research purposes or for use by commercial seed companies and breeders. Encountering high temperatures is the main factor limiting where and when broccoli is grown. Heat-tolerant broccoli will expand future growing possibilities, helping to meet demand for this nutritious vegetable. Total U.S. annual broccoli consumption (fresh and frozen) grew from about 1 pound per person in the 1960s to about 8 to 9 pounds per person today. One cup of broccoli provides more than 100 percent of our daily requirement for vitamins C and K and is a good source of fiber, vitamin A, folate, and potassium. For more information contact Sharon Durham (https://, ARS Office of Communications.

##### Only cowards cook on low ! ##### I would cook dinner but I can’t find the can opener !

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A31

NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE

Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118

The Super Spreader

is the result of more than 40 years of industry experience and modern engineering.

A Better Manure Spreader The only truly-modern, truck-mounted commercial manure and compost spreader.

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Kick-Out Beaters

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• Load-Sensing Hydraulics • Floors and chains that are built tough enough to stand the test of time. • Parts and service you can depend on


970-542-0640 Bruce Mohrlang 18990 CR 29 Brush, Colorado

##### A clean kitchen is the sign of a wasted life.

YEAR END INVENTORY CLEARANCE Huge End of Year Savings on Remaining Brandt Swing Away Augers with 90 days Same As Cash oac* Stock# Size 56936 13x70HP 56930 13x70HP 51740 13x80HP 14479 13x90HP

Specs 11,900 bu/hr, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 140 hp req., 1000 pto 11,900 bu/hr, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 140 hp req., 1000 pto 11,900 bu/hr, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 160 hp req., 1000 pto 11,900 bu/hr, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 180 hp req., 1000 pto

Retail Clearance Price $32,356 $24,300 $32,356 $24,300 $34,627 $25,800 $38,242 $31,300

56934 54955 55036 56925

6000 bu/hr, 540 PTO, 55 hp req., Manual Winch 6000 bu/hr, 540 PTO, 55 hp req., Manual Winch 9000 bu/hr, 540 PTO, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 105 hp req. 9000 bu/hr, 540 PTO, Electric Winch and Mover, Bucket Spout, 105 hp req.

$13,557 $13,557 $27,560 $33,777

$10,000 $10,000 $21,100 $25,500

800 bu Grain Cart, Blue, 20” Auger, Roll Tarp, Big 1000, 30.5x3 tires, No Scale $41,400 * Must take delivery by December 15th


10x60XL 10x60XL 13x70XL 13x90XL

58685 820XR

See Your Local Friends at Frontline Ag Solutions or Call 888-397-6851 or (406) 278-5531 Remember to place your 2018 grain cart and harvest belt orders by December 7.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A32

IRRIGATED ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Very good quality 3x4x8 square bales 1st & 2nd cutting Can deliver Call (406) 590-4040 or 808-1022, Fairfield, MT


Skytrak 9038 Telehandler 4x4x4, 9000 lb lift, 38-ft. lift height, QC, turbo diesel, 60% 14:00x24 tires, QC blade. Runs and works, some leaks, brakes weak, 1st gear strong .............................. $14,500 1995 International 9400 tandem axle, 72” Pro sleeper, loaded, 500 hp, N14, Jake, 10 speed, RV/horse hauler, runs good, 50% tires, custom bed, bumper & tool boxes...... .........................................$16,500 1989 Wisconsin 20 ton Tiltbed 30-ft. x 100”, hydraulic tilt and tail, 70% 17.5 tires, electric brakes, paver special. Tows nice............ $12,000 1990 Ford L9000 4x4 Dump 70,000 miles, PS, AB, NTC315 Cummins, 10 speed, Jake, 7 yard bed, 2-way plow, 6 yard sander. Runs and drives great.................................................... $22,000 1984 International Digger Derrick 7.5 ton Altec crane, 41-ft. tip height, hydraulic auger, 210 hp DT466, 5&2 speed, 75% tires, PS, AB. Runs and works great....................................... $10,000

Phone 406-777-1435 or 406-369-8508

CropScan 1000H

Aaron Kinzer selling his 4-H pig “Rusty” at the Lewis County Fair in Nezperce, Idaho, September 30. Photo by Tim Kinzer.

Grain Quality Analyzer designed for the farm Measure Protein and Moisture in Barley and

Wheat Designed for use on the farm; in the shop or in the

vehicle Includes 12V power for portable use


Uses the same NIR Transmission Technology as

used throughout world grain trading

A G - S E R V I C E S PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street Fort Benton, MT 59442


Flow Through Sampling System is rapid and

simple to use Solid State Optics are rugged, stable and compact

Order in November 2017 and save $750

JulySeptember 2017 milk production

Mountain region highlights Arizona dairy herds produced 1.15 billion pounds of milk during the JulySeptember quarter, up 4.1 percent from the previous year. Colorado dairy herds produced 1.07 billion pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 6.9 percent from the previous year. Montana dairy herds produced 73.0 million pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, down 1.4 percent from the previous year. New Mexico dairy herds produced 2.04 billion pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, up 5.3 percent from the previous year. Utah dairy herds produced 575 million pounds of milk during the JulySeptember quarter, up 9.3 percent from the previous year. Wyoming dairy herds produced 34.7 million pounds of milk during the July- September quarter, down 1.1 percent from previous year. US highlights Nationally, U.S. milk production during the JulySeptember quarter totaled 53.5 billion pounds, up 1.7 percent from the July- September quarter last year.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A33

Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964

(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws

(406) 761-4848

After Hours (406) 791-6712

Fax (406) 791-6708

(2) Hobart M802 dough mixers 80 qt. capacity

Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Salvage Yard – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday


and Combines





• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings


NEW Rebar

3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths

8”x.188 FBE Surplus Pipe 42-ft. lengths

Good for Corner Posts

2 Galvanized Steel 86-ft. Light Poles

Used Electric Motors & Boxes Sand & Slag Abrasives

Great for grain storage

Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.


20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths

12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails

Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America

51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#

Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts T I





Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”

New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll

1-1/2 x 1-1/2 used square tubing

13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available NEW 20-ft. Containers New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert

30-ft. lengths

New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert

Domestic A500 Grade B 6”x.250 well casing, 20-ft. lengths....


Various sizes available – CALL

Call for pricing

3/4” capacity


Great for bridges


5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available

Cincinnati 6S12 Shear

For Non Potable Water Storage

Overseas Flats - 8’x40’

Great for corrals

1 /4”, 1 /2”, 1 /4” & 1 /8” O.D. 1

We Buy Old Farm Tractors

For Bridges


✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Round Tubing

Patty-O-Matic & Hollymatic


Used 3 7 2 /8”, 2 /8”, 31/2” & 41/2” drill pipe

Leather Gloves

In Stock

USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths


Culvert Grade Pipe 22” & 24” - $15.00/ft.

Call Joe, Adam, or Fred

Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate

& beams IN STOCK

LAND ROLLER PIPE 60” & 42” Heavy Wall

Now Buying

Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries


NEW! SURPLUS STEEL TUBING 8”x4”x5/16”sq., & 6”x2”x1/4”sq. More Sizes Coming In. CALL!

#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each #1 Railroad ties - $16 each




1408 52nd Street North  •  Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A34


Covering Montana and Out-Of-State Fully insured (406) 799-8323


2006 John Deere 1770NT 16 row, 30” spacing, 3 bushel, 600 gallon fertilizer tank, Keaton seed firmers, Yetter row cleaners.........$52,000 1999 Case IH 2388 hopper extensions, chopper, 2900 rotor hours, 1010 30-ft. header with pickup, 1015 pickup header.......................$49,500 1997 Case IH 2188 hopper extensions, chopper, 2750 rotor hours,1010 30-ft. header with pickup, 1015 pickup header.......................$39,500 2004 New Holland SC380 air cart, tow between, variable rate..$37,500 Brent 772 grain cart, 750 bushel.................................................$14,500 2012 Brandt grain deck..............................................................$10,200 Brandt 4500 grain vac....................................................................$8200 Melroe 33-ft. cultivator....................................................................$4200 Melroe 33-ft. cultivator....................................................................$2200 2015 Brillion WFP 32-ft. roller w/scrapers..................................$24,900 2015 Fisher 20-ft. roller w/48” drum...............................................$7500

(406) 899-7636 or 868-7519 • Fairfield, MT


Fire damaged or non-running tractors


Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s

Phone Circle G Salvage

Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282

Tractor and Combine Buyers

Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail:

Fort Benton Realty, LLP

1426 Front Street

Fort Benton, Montana 59442

30-Acre Equestrian Horse Property north of Great Falls, MT. Nice 5-bedroom home with attached double garage, newer shop/barn & corrals, outdoor round riding pen, and incredible newer large indoor riding arena. Grazing land is divided into 3 good pasture areas. Newly priced @ $475K. Call Pade today @ 899-9378

Irrigated Hay Farm: 208 acres located 5 miles E of Harlem, MT. 153 acres of flood irrigated hay, very nice 5-bedroom home, 30’x60’ heated shop, storage shed/tack room, corrals, & some farm equipment. Good Pheasant hunting area. Price reduced to $521,000. Call Shane Ophus for details at 788-6662.

“We look forward to assisting you with all of your Real Estate needs”


Tour educates on dryland agriculture and herbicide-resistant weeds

By K-State Research and Extension News – effective weed control is crucial to farm Ask any weed scientist what is one of production. Herbicide resistance naturally the most pressing challenges they face, and happens over time when an herbicide or chances are the answer is herbicide-resistant combination of similar herbicides is used too weeds. heavily rather than being part of an integrated For farmers in central and western Kansas, weed management program. As resistant controlling these weeds in a limited-rainfall populations increase, crop yields are reduced environment presents a unique management by weed competition, and the cost of weed challenge. management increases. This results in a loss The Kansas State University Weed Sciof income by the producer. ence group, in conjunction with the Weed Western Kansas receives, on average, less Science Society of America and several than 20 inches of rain per year. As a result, co-sponsoring commodity organizations, crop yields are most often limited by availrecently hosted a tour of western Kansas for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency offiable soil water. Low levels of soil moisture cials from Washington, D.C., and the Kansas can be managed with proper planning and City regional office. utilizing dryland cropping strategies. No-till The EPA enacts usage rules and sets direccrop production helps conserve soil moisture, tions on herbicide labels. A tour such as this but is more reliant on herbicides for weed creates the opportunity for dialog between control than conventional tillage. Thus, hergrowers and regulators regarding herbicide bicide-resistant weeds threaten the viability use and regulation. Dallas Peterson, K-State of no-till production systems. Research and Extension weed specialist, Over three days in mid-August, the group said the tour aimed “to help tour participants made stops throughout central and western better understand dryland agriculture and the Kansas to tour agricultural facilities and fields difficulties of managing herbicide-resistant growing a variety of crops. At the stops, tour weeds.” members interacted with growers, agronoTour organizer Phil Stahlman, recently mists and retailers. One site in Colby is a food retired K-State weed scientist and professor manufacturer that processes sunflower seeds emeritus, said tour attendance was as high into quality products to be sold in grocery as 30 for some of the locations. “Several stores. Another stop gave participants a firstmeetings with growers, agronomists, and hand look at a large dryland farming operaconsultants in informal settings provided attion that utilizes strategies to conserve soil tendees an opportunity to question and learn moisture such as no-till and crop rotations. about the regulatory process and to provide Tour participant Dwight Koops, president input on existing and future regulations,” of Crop Quest, Inc., said “it was good to Stahlman said. see individuals from the EPA interact with Since the first reported occurrence in growers, retailers and consultants in our the 1950s, herbicide-resistant weeds have backyard.” become an increasingly common issue for The sentiment was echoed by Jamie Green, farmers in the United States and worldwide. branch chief for EPA Region 7 Office of The number of herbicide-resistant weeds Pesticide Programs, saying what a “unique continues to increase, and perhaps more imand tremendously valuable opportunity the portantly, so does the number of weeds with tour provided for them to visit with producers resistance to more than one herbicide. and engage in open, candid discussions on Because weeds compete with crops for the challenges faced by farmers in western resources – water, sunlight and nutrients Kansas.”

Annual event focuses on increasing profitability, decreasing risk

By K-State Research and Extension News the trade show and with each other about the Kansas State University’s annual Swine state of the industry during breaks and lunch.” Day will take place on Thursday, November The event kicks off with the technology 16, featuring updates on more than 50 research trade show at 8 a.m. in the K-State Alumni projects that have been conducted in the past Center, located at 17th Street and Anderson Avyear. enue in Manhattan. The full program begins at The registration fee for this year’s Swine 9:30 a.m., including lunch, and wraps up with Day is $25 per person if paid by November 9, a reception at 4 p.m. with Call Hall ice cream. and $35 after that date or at the door. Students During the morning session, faculty from may attend free of charge if they register by the university’s swine team will update the November 9. audience on key results from more than 50 Registration is available at KSUSwine. experiments that have been conducted in the org or by sending a check payable to the Klast year. Researchers from the College of State Department of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine will provide a similar Industry and addressed to: Swine Day, 218 research update on current and emerging disWeber Hall, 1424 Claflin Road, Manhattan, eases in the afternoon. KS 66506. Also on the program, Hyatt Frobose, the Mike Tokach, a university distinguished U.S. territory manager for JYGA Technoloprofessor and swine extension specialist in the gies and a swine nutrition specialist, will share Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, lessons he has learned from helping producers calls Swine Day “one of the highlights of our meet consumer mandates to adopt loose housyear.” ing systems for gestating sows. “It provides us the opportunity to share the For more information about registering for latest research with our producers, industry this year’s K-State Swine Day, contact Lois partners and other stakeholders,” he said. Schreiner at 785-532-1267 or lschrein@ksu. “Swine Day also provides a venue for producers and students to visit with suppliers during edu.

Equine Infectious Anemia confirmed in Gallatin County

The Montana Department of Livestock (MDOL) reports that multiple horses on a Gallatin County premises have been diagnosed with equine infectious anemia (EIA). EIA was last diagnosed in Montana in 2011 in Carbon County. Also known as swamp fever, EIA is a potentially fatal viral disease of equines spread by biting insects. No vaccine or treatment is available for the disease, which is characterized by fever, depression, progressive weakness, weight loss, edema (fluid under the skin or in body cavities) and anemia. Not all horses show signs of illness, however, these animals serve as carriers capable of transmitting the disease. The infected animals were discovered when they tested positive to a screening test required for equine movement into or out of the state. Otherwise known as a Coggins test, the preliminary results were confirmed by the USDA-APHIS National Veterinary Service Laboratories (NVSL) in Ames, Iowa. Follow-up testing on other equines located at the premises, which is currently under quarantine, is underway. Additionally, MDOL has contacted all horse owners within 200 yards of the affected herd regarding potential exposure and testing requirements. Due to strict regulations and no available treatment, owners of EIA-infected equines have few options. Infected horses can be placed under a lifetime quarantine with a minimum of 200 yards distance between the quarantined animal and other equines, euthanasia, or donating the animal for EIA-related research. The incidence of EIA has decreased since Coggins testing began in 1972, with approximately 50 cases of EIA diagnosed in the United States annually. Pockets of the disease continue to be found in populations with limited interstate movement which are rarely tested. For additional information about EIA or testing requirements, please contact MDOL’s Animal Health Division at 406/444-2043.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A35

##### A fellow decided to take the road less traveled. Now he’s at the mechanic’s for new shocks and a front-end alignment.


2008 Case combine, 2083 engine hours, 1647 rotary hours, always shedded. (406) 781-8106 • Loma, MT

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New Ritchie waterers in stock! We Have Parts On Hand Also

New GradeMaster Blade for gravel road maintenance. Potholes stay filled longer and washboarding is virually eliminated. Two forward-cutting blades mounted on a strong high-grade steel frame with runners and side pans require a minimum of 24-h.p., mounts to any 3-point hitch tractor. 8-ft. and 10-ft. units in stock.

See our display of welding accessories & rod. We’re sure to have what you need.

•  Valves •  Floats •  Thermostats •  And More

Flexilla Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.

JARI SICKLE MOWERS 6.5 hp Honda or 7 hp Kohler 16”, 20”, 24”, 28”, 32”, 36”, 44” & 60” sickle bar sizes available Adjustable skid option available Dual wheels option available

1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.

Posi Lock

gear and bearing pullers in stock.

Wheatheart Grain Augers New Honda Replacement Engines - IN STOCK 5-hp. to 24-hp. 1” - 3” pumps ✧ INTERSTATE BATTERIES ✧ FLEETGUARD FILTERS ✧ ROLLER CHAIN ✧ PLASTIC FITTINGS ✧ GRADE #8 BOLTS

CALL FOR MORE INFO! Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts We can ship to your farm or ranch

TIBER TRACTOR CO. Phone 406-759-5188

Chester, Montana

In Stock

8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A36

NON-GMO CORN FOR SALE $5.80 per bushel (406) 899-7636 or 868-7519 • Fort Benton, MT

PASTURE WANTED From December 1st - June 1st for 8 head of mules. Pasture with winter grazing and water. Within 300 miles of Wilsall, Montana Phone (406) 220-2307


EZ Trail 710 grain cart with tarp..........................$10,000 Morris 50-ft. harrow and cart 1980 International 1800 single axle truck, 17-ft. Omaha standard box and hoist with Shur-lok roll tarp, good rubber, gas 446 V8.............................................$6000 1975 Chevrolet C60 single axle truck, 16-ft. Knapheide box and hoist with Shur-lok roll tarp, good rubber, gas 366 V8................................................................$4000 1996 Chevrolet Cheyenne regular cab pickup, 4x4, V6, automatic, air conditioning..................................$3500 Call home 406-627-2202 or cell 406-289-0018, Ledger, MT

OSU research leads to detection method for crown gall disease

By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service fruit and nut and wine grape industries toResearchers at Oregon State University tal $1.75 billion in economic activity each (OSU) have taken a major step toward deyear, according to the Oregon Department veloping an on-site detection tool for crown of Agriculture. gall disease, an incurable malady that affects The researchers developed probes so numerous species of plants, including many sensitive that they can detect the pathogen of economic importance to Oregon. from a tiny sample. Traditional methods of The researchers developed molecular detection of Agrobacterium take several tools to work with commercially available hours using specialized equipment. kits that allow the user to quickly and efEarly and rapid detection of Agrobactefectively test plants for the disease, using rium is key to the management of crown a dipstick that reveals the presence of the gall because there is no cure for the disease, pathogen within minutes. said Jeff Chang, associate professor, and Crown gall disease is caused by a soil Elizabeth Savory, postdoctoral researcher, bacterium that modifies the plant’s genome in OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences and causes large, cancer-like tumors (galls) and coauthors of the study. to grow at its base. The soil-borne pathogen, “Growers can’t predict when it will Agrobacterium tumefaciens, affects woody strike, and once it has, the disease cannot and herbaceous plants, including fruit and be cured because the plant is permanently nut trees, grapevines and roses. genetically modified and will form the The findings are published in the jourtumors,” Chang said. “These growths can nal Phytopathology (http://apsjournals. be lethal to young plants and they are also, so they compromise the aesthetic 0144-R). OSU has filed for a patent for the value of these plants. Nurseries typically go molecular tools. through extreme protocols to keep their sites Big numbers illustrate the importance of clean, but once infection occurs, the only the research. The greenhouse and nursery, solution is to throw away diseased plants and clean up the site.” Agrobacterium species penetrate plants through fresh wounds, which can be caused by pruning, cultivating, chewing insects, or often by freezing. When the bacteria infect, they genetically modify plants, Chang said. A fragment of their DNA is clipped and transferred into the plant. Once inside, the DNA fragment integrates into the genome of the plant and brings in genes that cause the galls and the transformed plant cells to make a unique Dealer for Dutch Openers food source for the bacteria. Come see us or call for more information! Skylar Fuller, a recent OSU graduate, designed the detection mechanism under the mentorship of the study’s coauthors. Collaborators included Alexandra Weisberg, a postdoctoral fellow, and Melodie Putnam, director of the OSU Plant Clinic, as well as their students. The gene sequences the team used were variations of those originally developed by OSU Professor Walt Ream. The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture - ANHYDROUS and Fuller was supported by OSU’s Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.

Time to think about Top Dressing Winter Wheat! Give us a Call!

Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Including hose, valves, fittings & more!

REMINDER!!! It’s a GREAT time for soil sampling for fall!


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Ag Wise, Inc.


Kremlin, Montana

##### A little girl walked into the pet store and asked the owner if had any sharks for sale. “Why do you want a shark?” the owner asked. She answered: “Because my cat keeps trying to eat my goldfish, and I want to teach him a lesson.” ##### Raisin...A very worried looking grape.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A37

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A38

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” COMBINES

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With ROTARY qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

2014 John Deere S680 13.5L tier 4 diesel engine, 473 hp, 3 speed Pro-Drive transmission, Greenstar 3 touch screen color display, AutoTrac ready, premium cab, heavy duty hi-torque laterial tilt fixed speed feeder house, extended wear thick skin Tri-Star rotor, 22.5” unloading auger, straw chopper with powercast tail board, 900/60R32 dual drive tires with 16” spacers, 28L26 steering tires, HID lights, engine hours 1555, separator hours 1025. #21973. (1). Was $302,000................ ....................................$277,500 CNT (R) 2012 John Deere S680 Class 8, 473 hp, Pro-Drive transmission with Harvest Smart technology, premium cab & radio, HID lights, AutoTrac ready with Harvest monitor, GS32630 mounted on arm rest, heavy duty hi-torque fixed speed laterial tilt feederhouse, extended wear, thick skin Tri-Star rotor with extended wear concave bars, 26-ft. hi-speed unloading auger, wide spread fine cut straw chopper, 650/85R38 dual drive wheels, 750/65R26 steering tires, engine hours 1099, threshing hours 780. #21661. (4). Was $279,500........ ....................................$235,500 CNT (R) 2016 John Deere S670 Tier 4, 373 engine hp, 3 speed hydro, 300 bushel grain tank with folding cover, 26-ft. high speed unloading auger, premium cab, XM radio, electric mirrors, GS3 Touch Screen color display, AutoTrac ready, variable speed laterial tilt feederhouse, extended wear grain handling system, Firestone 520/85R42 dual drive tires, 750/65R steering tires, JD basic warranty expires 9/2/2017, JD Powertrain extended warranty expires 9/2/2018, engine hours 405, separator hours 290. #22252. (1). Was $325,000........ ............................................ $285,500 2011 John Deere 9870STS premium cab, general purpose chaffer, heavy duty final drive, 800/65R32, 110 volt coolant heater, Gold Key Experience, concave cover plate set, Goodyear tires. #22142. (4). Was $172,000....... ...................................NOW $135,000 2009 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, Contour-Master feederhouse with reverser 3.15 lift cylinders, Premium header package, high capacity 26-ft. unloading auger, 2-speed straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires with 4” axle extension, 600/65R26 steering tires, concave cover plates. 1940 threshing hours and 2686 engine hours. #22725. (1). Was $122,500...... ...................................................NOW $95,500 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership 2004 John Deere 9760STS chopper, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Contour Master, heavy duty variable speed feeder house, header height & reel resume float, Greenstar less mapping with display, Touchset concave adjust, 22.5 high speed unloading auger, straw chopper with chaff spreader, 800/65R32 R1 drive tires, 17.4x26 R1 steering tires, service lights. 2245 engine hours, 1600 separator hours. #21911. (4). Was $99,000.................. ............................ NOW $86,000 CNT 2008 John Deere 9670STS deluxe cab, header height sensing, fore & aft reel control, Greenstar monitor, 20.8R38 dual drive tires, 18.4x26 steering tires, level land fixed speed feederhouse, heavy duty header lift cylinders, 21’5” high speed unload auger, straw chopper with chaff spreader. #22038. (3). Was $155,000... NOW $124,500 CNT 2001 John Deere 9650STS hydro, 250 bushel grain tank, Mauer grain tank extension, level land feederhouse, 20ft. unloading auger, twin disk spreader, 30.5x32 drive tires, 16.9-26 steering tires, draper speed control, service lights, axle extensions. #22634. (1). Was $78,500................NOW $55,500


(Bale your Straw!!) 1997 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, chopper, Dial-A-Speed header control, 30.5x32 12 ply cleat, 20-ft. unloading auger, 16.9x26 10 ply R1, Dial-A-Matic header height control, hydraulic fore & aft reel control. #22348. (2). Was $24,000........................NOW $20,000 1990 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, chopper, 20-ft. unloading auger, consignment. #21641. (2). ...........$25,900


(R) 2015 John Deere 645FD 45-ft. flex draper header, dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, crop convey auger, AWS air reel. #21381. (1). Was $102,500.......... ............................. NOW $92,500 CNT (R) 2016 John Deere 640FD 40-ft., poly tine pickup reel with reel tine flip over bundles, dual sickle drive, spare sickles, header sensing in rigid mode, crop conveyor auger. #22392. (1). Was $87,550.........................NOW $79,500 2013 John Deere 640FD header height sensor, cut height skidshoe, reel flipover bundle, top auger. #22255. (1). Was $57,500.................NOW $51,500 (R) 2006 John Deere 635F 35-ft., pickup reel, composite fingers, high stone dam. #13897. Was 16,000.....NOW $14,500 (R) 2004 John Deere 635F auger composite fingers, header height sensing & Contour sensor. #13879. (3)..... Was $17,500.........................NOW $13,000 2001 John Deere 930F 30-ft. header, auger with full width fingers, header height sensings leveland, splined backshaft/ universal, Dial-A-Speed reel control, fore and aft reel control, poly skid plates. #22748. (2). Was $12,500.................... ................................ NOW $9950 CNT

(R) 2014 MacDon FD75 45-ft., slow speed transport, upper cross auger. #21974. (1). Was $77,000...........NOW $69,500 (R) 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, finger reel. #14112. (1). Was $67,500.. ......................................NOW $59,500 (R) 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., gauge wheels, no transport. #14110. (1). Was 64,500...........................NOW $56,500 2011 MacDon FD70 45-ft., pickup reel, fits JD 70 series adapter. #14111. (1) . Was 64,500...........................NOW $57,500



2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, slow speed transport kit. #21363. (2). Was $64,500.................NOW $56,500 (R) 2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., transportation kit. #22256. (1). Was $56,000..... ......................................NOW $45,500 2013 John Deere 640D 40-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22347 (2) Was $55,000.. ......................................NOW $44,500 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft., 4 poly tine pickup reel, slow speed road transport with lights. #21330. (3). Was $48,750.. ......................................NOW $38,000 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, road transport kit with lights. #14028. (4). Was $45,500.................... ......................................NOW $40,500 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D draper header with poly tine pickup reel, road transportation kit, full width skid shoes. #14150. (3). Was $44,500...........NOW $40,000 (R) 2014 John Deere 635D 35-ft., finger pickup reel, transportation kit. #14137. (3). Was $64,500...........NOW $49,000 (R) 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #14042. (1). Was $56,500.........................NOW $46,000 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22164. (1). Was $45,000. ......................................NOW $39,000 (R) 2012 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation package. #14075. (1). Was $56,000...........NOW $39,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar with full width skid shoes. #22006. (4). Was 41,000.NOW $28,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft. #22007. (4). Was $37,500.................NOW $28,000 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar skid shoes, multi connection point hookup. #22163. (1). Was $25,500.........................NOW $23,000 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly, pea auger, single point hookup, 2 new canvases. #22024. (2). Was $29,500... ......................................NOW $21,500 (R) 2004 John Deere 936D 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #13891. (4). Was $24,500.........................NOW $20,000 (R) 2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft., finger reel, gauge wheels, road transport. #21784. (4). Was $25,000.................... ......................................NOW $19,000 2004 John Deere 930D 30-ft., poly tine pickup reel, gauge wheels, road transport with lights. #22339. (4). Was $21,000.........................NOW $15,000 2009 Honey Bee 42-ft., with JD adapter, pickup reel, transport system. #14072. (3). Was $27,000...........NOW $17,000



2015 Unverferth 1396 22” double-auger, 20x42WH/650/65x42 R-1W duals, walking tandem, 520 indicator, hydraulic jack kit. #21806. (1). Was $72,500................. ................................NOW $59,000 CNT

2011 Brandt 4500HP 1000 PTO, double fold discharge auger. #22362. (4)....... .............................................. $20,000 2012 Brent 1394 Avalanche 1300 bushel capacity, walking tandem axles, tarp, scale, 250 hp minimum hp requirement. #17051. (1). Was $72,500....................... .....................NOW $52,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2014 Brandt 1020 1000 bushel, 20” unloading auger with directional spout, 1000 PTO, roll top tarp. #21382 (1). Was $35,500...................NOW $26,500 CNT

2008 Rem 3700 high capacity, up to 10,000 bushels per hour load out capacity. #16977. (1). Was $19,995.... ..................NOW $13,000 CNT/F.O.B.


(R) 2012 John Deere 612C 12 row, 30” spacing, oppesed knife stalk, AutoTrac rowsense sensors, “new” updated header frame installed. #14080. (2). Was $57,000.................NOW $49,500 2007 John Deere 1293 12 row, 30” spacing, knife row units, Contour Master backshaft and harness, stubble lights, outer gather extensions. #22371. (4). Was $33,500.................NOW $29,000



Check Out Our WEBSITE: 406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

2012 Unverferth AWS-36 all wheel steer. #21847. (3).................................$6350 Mclendon 30-ft. header trailer. #22776. (2)...............................................$1500


Check out our website:

2014 John Deere 615P 15-ft. with 179” BPU. #14148. (4).....................$29,750 2014 John Deere 615P header. #22250. (1)............................................$27,500

After Hours Sales:


1998 John Deere 930R 30-ft., slat reel, level land, heavy duty skid plates, DialA-Speed reel control. #14085. (4)........ ..........................................$3950 CNT


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A39

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer AIR SEEDERS

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.


2004 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, smooth gauge wheels, extended wear seed boot, tow behind cart, dry fertilizer delivery tube, primary hose blockage warning system, cast fertilizer closing wheel. #21479. (4). Was $141,000................ ........$92,000 CNT/FOB Plentywood


2015 John Deere 1835 SFP, 41-ft., 4x22” steel press wheels, smooth gauge wheel, 33x15.5 and 31x13.5, electric depth, transport lowering, rock guards, single shoot, 33-15.5-16.5 flotation tires, 1” tip with roll pin knife, 2015 JD 1910-430 bu. tow between, 3 tank, 4 run stat double shoot, regular meter roller, auger hopper screen, Seed Star cart, 4WD, power beyond standard. #21881. (3). Was $183,500................ ..................NOW $167,500 CNT/FOB

2014 John Deere 1835 60-ft., 10” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, 1” carbide tip openers, single placement fertilizer openers, primary blockage, JD 1910550, 550 bushel 3-tank air cart, 3 season of USF less than 20,000 acres. #21874. (1). Was $216,000................ .......................... NOW $195,000 CNT

2014 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 10” spacing, 1” opener, 4”x22” steel packer with rock guards, SPF (single placement fertilizer opener). #21335 (3) Was $207,500..NOW $159,500 CNT/FOB.

2010 John Deere 1835-1910 41-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3x21 semi-pneumatic press wheels, smooth gauge wheels, primary hoses blockage warning system, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, single shoot seed & separate fertilizer, dual fertilizer delivery tube, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down pressure with 1910 cart. #21441. (2). Was $125,000.................................... ....................NOW $89,000 CNT/FOB

2007 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 12.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, opener on rear three ranks & separate FTL disk, cast fertilizer closing wheel, narrow gauge wheel, 5.5x21” semipneumatic press wheels, anhydrous fertilizer delivery tube, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down-pressure with 1910 cart. #21868. (4) Was $102,000..NOW $88,000 CNT

2007 John Deere 1835 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5.5”x21” semi-pneumatic press wheels with rock guards and mud scrapers, all run seed blockage monitor, separate fertilizer placement banders, 1910 air seeder, 8” load upload auger, 6 run double shoot system with variable seed and fertilizer rate, open lid tank indicator. #22361. (4). Was $109,000..... NOW $99,000 CNT

2015 John Deere 1830 51-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3”x21” semi pneumatic press wheels, dual main and wing caster wheels, mechanical depth control, JD 1910-350 tow between air cart, primary hoses blockage system. #21872. (2). Was $198,000................ ...................................NOW $180,000

2010 John Deere 1870 56-ft. Precision air hoe drill, 12” spacing, 3 ranks of independent but linked fertilizer shank and seed opener, all run seed blockage system, press wheel mud scrapers, 2010 JD 1910 - 430 3-tank tow between air cart. 25,000 acres. #22599. (1). Was $134,500................ ...................................NOW $127,000

2010 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, heavy duty trips, 4” solid press wheels, 2010 JD 1910-350, 350 bushel tow behind cart, 28Lx26 cane & rice tires, Pattison TB2150, 2580 gallon liquid fertilizer tank. #21740. (4). Was $135,000....................NOW $119,000

Concord 4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot with 2400 air cart. #21686 (4). Was $12,500.......... NOW $9500 CNT 2016 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 10” spacing, 8 run single shoot system, all run blockage with 1910 550 bushel tow-behind cart. #21857. (3)...... Was $313,500................... NOW $279,000

2004 John Deere 1890 1910 42-ft., 7.5” spacing, smooth gauge wheels, single shoot air package for tow-between cart, all run blockage warning system for seed & fertilizer, 35,000 acres. #22797. (4). Was $89,000. “BEST BUY”.................. NOW $62,500 As-Is FOB Dealership

“Factory Updated” 2013 Bourgault 3710 “Drill updated to a Bourgault 3720 no-till disc drill”, 60-ft., 10” spacing, updated disc openers and mid row banders, 4.5” packer wheel, 591 monitor, blockage monitor, 6700ST tow behind 700 bushel, 4-tank metering package, dual fan, bag lift system, 650/75R34 tires. #15468. (1) Was $295,000........... NOW $229,000 FOB

“Factory Undated” 2011 Bourgault 3710 independent coulter disc drill, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550 tow behind 4-tank air cart. #21865. (2). Was $120,000....... .......................... $107,000 CNT/FOB

60’ spreader boom fits Flexi-Coil tank. Consignment. (1)..................... $8500

NO TILL DISC DRILLS 2012 John Deere 1890/1910 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage. #21869. (4). Was $197,000................ ...................................NOW $167,000

2013 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft. air disc drill, double shoot, smooth gauge wheel, all run blockage, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, dual fertilizer delivery tube with 1910 430 bushel cart. #21423. (2). Was $204,000........ ........................... $149,500 CNT/FOB

2009 John Deere 1895 10” spacing, high flotation tires, SFP openers with John Deere 1910 430 bushel tow-behind air cart, 20.8x38 duals, variable rate drive, double shoot. #22768. (3). Was $86,500.............. NOW $69,000 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership

“Reconditioned” 2011 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 8 run single shoot, 7.5” spacing, primary blockage with 1910, 350 bushel tow behind cart, powered calibration, cane & rice tires, dual wheel caster beam, 10” auger, variable rate. #15455. (2). Was $179,500........ ................................   NOW $161,000

2011 John Deere 1890 42-ft., single shoot air package, 7.5” spacing, 6-run double shoot, dual 31x13.5-15 hi flotation tires with 1910, 350 bushel tow between cart. #22241. (3). Was $131,000........ ...................................NOW $119,000

“Factory Updated” 2009 Bourgault 3710 60-ft. “No-Till” independent coulter disc drill, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550, tow behind 4-tank cart. #15533. (1)..........$123,000 FOB


2011 Bourgault 6550ST tow behind tank, 591 monitor, duals, dual fan1standard/1 high capacity, bag lift, 3 meters, deluxe loading auger, rate adjust. Consignment. #22408. (1).... .............................................. $86,000


2006 John Deere 1780 , 12-row, 30” spacing, flex fold, vacuum metering system, 3.0 bushel. Consignment. #22715. (2)............................ $37,500

2010 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 4” spread tip, 10” spacing, 3”x21” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, single shoot, 550# opener on 4-ranks, mechanical depth control, primary hoses blockage warning system 1910-430 bushel tow-behind air cart. #22502.(3). Was $99,000........................NOW $91,000

2013 New Holland P2060 70-ft. 12” spacing, 5.90x15 rubber packers, hi-flotation tire package, disk levelers, double shoot, basic blockage system, stealth bodies, 4” goose shooter tips, 2013 New Holland P1070 air cart, 580 bushel, tow behind, 900/60R32 front tires, deluxe loading auger, large color touch screen monitor, field light package, transport lights with beacon, rear folding ladder, rear hitch 2013 Pattison liquid fertilizer trailer and tank setup. (1).............................Call For Pricing

2005 John Deere 1895 30-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, extended wear seed boot, dry fertilizer delivery tube, narrow gauge wheel, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, primary hoses blockage warning system for seed & fertilizer, John Deere tow behind 1910 340 bushel tank. #22049. (4)....... Was $99,000........................NOW $85,500

2004 John Deere 1895 40-ft., separate fertilizer placement (SFP), 10” spacing, extended wear seed boots, dry fertilizer, steel gauge wheel, 1910-430 tow behind air cart, 6-run double shoot, 8” load-unload auger, variable rate seed & fertilizer delivery. #21076. (1). Was $122,500.............NOW $89,000 FOB

Check Out Our WEBSITE:

2008 John Deere 1890 42-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, extended wear seed boot, single shoot air package, narrow gauge wheel, dual 31x13.5-15 hi flotation tires with 1910 air cart, 350 bushel tow behind. #22769. (3). Was $79,000.............. NOW $65,000 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership

1993 John Deere 7300 corn planter, 30” spacing, 6 row. Consignment. #15453. (1)............................ $12,500


Parts machine, Fordson 2WD tractor. #16003413..................$1500 406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

Check out our website:

After Hours Sales:

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A40

NEW JOHN DEERE TRACTORS 2016 John Deere 5045E Utility Tractor Stock #21950

NEW 2016 John Deere 5045E 50 engine hp, 37 PTO hp 2WD tractor, open station, 9F/3R sync shuttle transmission, 540 PTO, Category 2, 3-point hitch with telescoping draft links, 2-mid hydraulic valves, 1 rear hydraulic remote, 16.9x28 rear tires, 7.50-16 front tires. (2).

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer”

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available on qualifying tractors With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

$25,975 - $5980 (FES Discount) - $4995 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In

$15,000 (60 mths @ 0% Interest) = $250.00/mth - oac 2015 John Deere 1025R Tractor/Loader/ Backhoe Stock #8791

$24,750 - $6000 (Demo Discount) - $4750 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In

2008 John Deere 7830 MFWD, 165 PTO hp, AutoQuad Plus transmission with forward and reverse shuttle, 540/1000 PTO, Cat III - 3 pt., 3 hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with active seat, deluxe comfort package, AutoTrac plug & play, 480/80R42 rear tires, 380/85R30 front tires with fenders, 2-1400 lbs. rear wheel weights, JD 746 self leveling loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, joystick control, 2700 hours. #22449. (1). Was $116,000..... ...................................NOW $109,000

$14,000 (60 mths @ 0% Interest) = $233.34/mth - oac

(R) 2015 John Deere 6195R FWA, 195 hp, 20/20 Auto Quad Plus transmission with forward & reverser shuttle, deluxe cab, 7” color touch display, JD Link, 4100 processor, XM radio, 60ccm hydraulic pump, 4 hydraulics remotes, 540E/1000/1000E PTO, Cat. II 3-point hitch, triple link front axle, 420/90R30 front tires, pivot fenders, 520/84R42 REA tires with wheel weights, cold weather package, 240 amp alternator, Panorama glass roof, JD H380 loader, 299 hours. Basic warranty expires October 31, 2018, Powertrain extended warranty expires October 31, 2021 or @2000 hours. #22779. (1). Was $181,500......NOW $170,000


(R) 2012 John Deere 9560T 36” tracks, 560 hp, 13.5L engine, 6 cylinders, 4 tier engine, 5 hydraulic outlets, high flow, CommandView II cab, electric mirrors, 1000 PTO, HID lights, 3805 hours. #22596. (1) Was $247,500........ ..NOW $229,500 CNT/FOB Glasgow

2010 CAT Challenger MT855C 36” tracks, 475 hp, 16x4 powershift, 59 gpm hydraulic pump with 5 remotes, deluxe cab, AUT Guidance ready, 20 front weights with bracket, 16 idler weights, 2405 hours. #21839. (1). Was $231,500...........NOW $209,000 CNT


2016 John Deere 9520R 520 hp, 18/6 powershift transmission, 2630 GS3 display, SF1 receiver, SF2 AT activation, 4600 processor, ethernet switch, Command View III cab, leather interior, XM satellite, hi-flow hydraulic, five hydraulic remotes, case drain, Firestone tires, premium lighting, tow cable, 210 hours. #22026. (3).Was $371,000................. ....................................$326,000 CNT

(R) 2012 John Deere 9460R 442 engine hp., 18x6 powershift, 5 hydraulic with case drain, 800/70R38 dual tires, 6060 lbs. of weights, Command View cab, leather seat, electric mirrors, deluxe radio, HID lighting, 7” color touch display, 2265 hours. #22035. (3). Was $239,500.................... $189,500 CNT

(R) 2016 John Deere 9420R 420 hp., 18/6 powershift, 10” color touch display, 4600 processor server, Command View III cab, XM satellite, 13.5L FT4 engine, hi-flow hydraulic system, 1000 independent PTO, Cat. 4 drawbar, 710/70R42 168A8 R1W duals, 710/70R42D rears, premium lighting, ethernet switch R4, leather trim, RH/LH electric Rem adjustable mirrors, dual beam radar sensor, F/Business band antenna, large fuel water separator, motor seal drain, backup alarm, 5 hydraulics, 865 hours. #22249. (1). Was $315,500.................. ...................NOW $274,000 CNT/FOB

2009 John Deere 8970 power differential lock, 24/6 manual shift transmission, 4 CST-710/70R38 16648**R1W, 4 STL710/70R38 16618**R1W, performance monitor, true ground speed radar sensor, 4th remote cylinder, Am/Fm stereo, supplementary roof lights, 2 165# and 6 450# in and out weights, Goodyear tires. #22578 (4). Was $55,000...................... ...............................NOW $49,500 CNT

1983 John Deere 8850 2600 hours on Cummins 450 hp, Kinze rebuild, 20.8R38 triples, EZ Steer auto steer. Consignment. #22393. (1)...... $59,000 1982 John Deere 8850 370 hp, 24.5R32 duals, QuadRange transmission,4 SCV, 3-pt., 9250 hours. Consignment. #22747. (1)............................... $22,000

(R) 2013 John Deere 7230R 230 engine hp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt hitch, dual rear tires: 520/42 @ 85%, triple link front axle with 420/30 front tires, 85cc hydraulic pump, 5 hydraulic remotes, premium cab, air, heat, AM-FM-Satellite stereo, HID lighting package, electric mirrors, business band antenna, foot throttle, 2465 lbs on each rear axle, cold weather start, JD H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple. 1225 hours. “Rental Return”. #17281 (1) Was $179,000......NOW $157,000

(R) 2012 John Deere 7230R MFWD, 230 engine hp, 180 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 380/90R54 dual rear tires, 118.5” rear axle, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hydraulic remotes, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm), premium cab with suspension, HID lighting, XM Satellite radio, cold start, 16 front weights, 450 lbs weights on each rear axle, 2115 hours. #21097. (3). Was $169,000........... $126,000 CNT/FOB 2012 John Deere 7215R 215 hp, IVT transmission with left hand reverser, 7” color Touch display, premium cab CVII, premium radio/XM satellite, 63cc hydraulic pump, 4 remote cylinder, 540/1000 PTO, Cat III 3-point, 110.5” rear axle, 520/85R42, 40,000 triple link suspension, 420/90R30, HID light package, F/Business band antenna, foot speed pedal, cold weather, loader light package, quik-tatch weight support, 2 inside wheel weights with H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 1755 hours. #22638 (3). Was $179,950........... NOW $169,500 CNT

JOHN DEERE ROW CROP 100 hp. plus

(R) 2010 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 230 hp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 5 hydraulic remotes, 42.5 gpm hydraulic pump, 118.5” rear axle, 380/90R534 R1W tires, 380/90R54 R1W rear tires, active seat, 2 pair 450# rear weights. #21098. (3) Was $175,000................. ..................NOW $129,500 CNT/FOB

(R) 2012 John Deere 7200R MFWD, 200 engine hp, 165 PTO hp, IVT, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 118.5” rear axle, 480/80R50 dual rear tires, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm) with 4 hydraulic remotes, premium cab CVII with suspension, 7” color touch display, XM Satellite radio, HID lighting, cold weather start, 12 front weights, 900 lbs weights on rear axle, 1820 hours. #21096. (2). Was $135,500..... ..................NOW $123,000 CNT/FOB

2015 John Deere 6195R 195 hp, IVT 40,000, 10” color Touch display, GreenStar auto track, JD link capable, 4600 processor, XM, 4 remote cylinder, 540/540E/1000 PTO, sway control blocks, 420/90R30 142A8R1, 420/90R30 142A8 R1, cold weather package, deluxe Pano light package, 240 amp alternator, Panorama glass roof, 2 pair 450# inside weights, 1-158/1-450# outside inner with H380 loader. #22737. (1). Was $167,500..... ..................NOW $159,000 CNT/FOB

(R) 2015 John Deere 6175R FWA, 175 hp, 20/20 Auto Quad transmission, deluxe cab, 7” color touch display, JD Link capable, 4100 processor, deluxe radio package, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540E/1000/1000E PTO, sway control blocks, 480/80R46 rear tires with weights, 420/90R30 front tires, pivot fenders, triple link front axle, cold weather package, JD H380 loader, 146 hours. Basic warranty expires November 1, 2018, Powertrain extended warranty expires October 31, 2021 or @ 2000 hours. #22778. (1) Was $167,500..NOW $158,500 CNT 2006 John Deere 7920 170 hp, cab, MFWD, IVT, Guidance ready, singles, 3 remote hydraulics, instructional seat, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt., 2800 lb rear weights, 110 5” rear axle, 3 function 520/85R38 rears, 420/85R28 fronts with 746 loader, 4020 hours. #22611. (3). Was $111,000.............................. .......................... NOW $105,000 CNT

2004 John Deere 7720 MFWD, cab, partial powershift, Guidance ready, rear 540/1000 PTO, front deluxe fenders, 4 hydraulic outlets, EHYD Joystick with 2 additional hydraulic, instructional seat, 3-pt., 20/20/PowrQuad, 1 pair rear 450# weights with 746 loader, 6010 hours. #22742. (4). Was $79,500........ ....................NOW $74,500 CNT/FOB

(R) 2013 John Deere 6140M MFWD, 114 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 24/24 PowrQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 540/1000 PTO, Cat 3N/2 - 3 pt hitch, 45ccm hydraulic pump, 3 deluxe hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, air ride seat, mirrors, 460/85R42 rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires with fenders, JD H360 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 4575 hours. #21860. (4). Was $91,750....... NOW $83,000 CNT

(R) 1989 John Deere 4455 MFWD, 142 PTO hp, powershift transmission, cab, air conditioning, heater, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, JD 280 loader, bucket, grapple fork, “Major Reconditioning”. #15083. (4). Was $44,500.............................................. .......NOW $39,000 CNT/F.O.B. Circle 1982 John Deere 4430 cab, 2WD, partial power shift, 540/1000 rear PTO, singles. #22795. (2). Was $21,500..... ........................... NOW $18,950 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership 1980 John Deere 4430 2WD, cab, powershift, 540/1000 rear PTO, singles with 158 loader. #22248. (2). Was $19,500........................NOW $17,500


1992 John Deere 644E payloader, diesel engine, cab, heater, 3.5 yard bucket with GradTech heavy duty grapple fork, recent engine work. Consignment. (1).. ................................................$59,500

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

Check out our website:

After Hours Sales:

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A41


Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” FERTILIZER SPREADERS


2014 John Deere 425D 25-ft. draper header, single sickle, 6-bat plastic finger reel, steel end finger kit, LH & RH end swath deflector rods, 4 wheel header trailer. #21683. (3). Was $42,500........................NOW $31,500


2016 John Deere 569SW 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 tires, Megawide Plus pickup, push bar, coveredge surface wrap, hydraulic pickup lift, bale count 2100. #22608. (1). Was $48,500........ ............................ NOW $43,500 CNT 2015 John Deere 569 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires. #21189. (1). Was $42,500........................NOW $35,000 2014 John Deere 569 Megawide Plus pickup, twine/surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, bale push bar, Bale Trac Pro, bale count 7145. #22777.(3). Was $39,000................... ............................ NOW $37,000 CNT 2014 John Deere 569 Premium, 1000 PTO, push bar, surface wrap with twine, baler automation code, bale count 4700. #22607. (1). Was $40,050........................NOW $37,500 2014 John Deere 569 Megawide pickup, twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup. #21832. (3). Was $39,995........................NOW $35,000 2013 John Deere 569 1-3/8” 1000 RPM hookup, 21.5L-16.1 rim and tire, Megawide Plus pickup, push bar, coveredge surface wrap, hydraulic pickup lift, bale count 14,494. #22800 (3). Was $31,000........................NOW $27,750 2011 John Deere 568 surface wrap, Megawide Plus pickup with hydraulic lift, 21.5L-16.1 tires, push bar. #22160. (1). Was $23,500..........NOW $20,500 2010 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine/surface wrap, Bale Trak monitor, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5L-16.1 tires, push bar, 9992 bale count. #21758. (4). Was $29,550................NOW $25,000 2010 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, 21.5L16.1 10-ply tires, Megawide Plus pickup, hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels, bale push bar, cover edge surface wrap system, 11735 total bales. #21664. (1). Was $27,950........ .....................................NOW $24,000


2010 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, Bale Trak Pro monitor, bales 13,000. #22597. (4) Was $28,500........................NOW $25,500 2007 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, balecount: 12,169. #21779. (3) Was $23,500................... .....................................NOW $21,750 2003 John Deere 567 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift. Bale count: 18,072. #22689. (3) Was $15,500........................NOW $13,500 2003 John Deere 567 surface wrap & twine, Megawide pickup, 1000 PTO. Bale count: 24,500. #22682 (1). Was $15,000........................NOW $13,000 2000 John Deere 566 regular pickup, twine only, 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 8 PR hi-flotation tires, bale push bar, gauge wheels, hydraulic pickup lift, bales 13,900. #22720. (1). Was $9500..NOW $6500 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership 1998 John Deere 566 Mega tooth, twine & surface wrap, 540 PTO, 31x13.5 8 PR hi-flotation tires, bale ramps, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push bar, 18,500 bales. #22787. (3). Was $9500...........NOW $7500 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership 1998 John Deere 566 Mega tooth pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 8PR Hi-Flotation tires, bale ramp, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push bar. #22677. (4). Was $11,500........... ........................................NOW $6500 NEW HOLLAND

2005 New Holland BR780 Megawide pickup, twine only, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, crop saver wheels, Xtra sweep pickup. #22629. (4). Was $6975..............................NOW $4975


2014 John Deere 5115M MFWD, 100 PTO hp, IT4 diesel engine, power reverser transmission, 540 PTO, Cat. ll 3-pt. hitch, triple mid & rear hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with air ride seat, mirrors, corner post exhaust, cold start package, JD H260 loader. “Only 100 Hours”. #17272. (3). Was $76,000..... .....................................NOW $64,000

(R) 2012 John Deere 5105M FWA, 105 engine hp, 90 PTO hp, 16x16 Syncro trans. with power reverser, 540 PTO, Cat. II 3-pt. , 2 hydraulic remotes, cab, air, heat, 18.4R30 rear tires, 12.4R24 front tires, joystick, JD 563 loader/ bucket, 425 hours. #22733. (3). Was $61,500............... NOW $56,000 CNT

2015 John Deere 5055E FWA, 55 engine hp, 45 PTO hp, 9F/3R transmission, open station, 16.9-28 6PR R1 rear tires, 9.5-24 6PR R1 front tires, dual mid mount hydraulic valves, 10 hours. Factory warranty expires: 3/31/2018 #21398.(3). Was $33,500................... .......................... NOW $29,000/F.O.B.

MagnaSpread UHMW & stainless steel reduces corrosion issues & extends the life of the spreader, UHMW Bearing Back keeps bearings clean, giving longer bearing life and fewer failures, Proprietary MagnaSpread system delivers a wider, flatter, more consistent pattern, Dual Rack & Pinion gate prevents jams, Overhead Spinner Motors are ABOVE the chemical resulting in extended motor life, Pull with a tractor - no need to maintain a dedicated chassis & power train, Variable rate technology or straight rate control, UHMW Comb Cover prevents streaking in the field, BBI Spreaders are “Option Rich” & can be customized to your specific application, Flotation tires & wide swath minimize compaction. Consignment. (1)

“NEW” New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. stainless steel hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer at rates as low as low 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs/acre at a width of 105-ft. #11241. (1). Was $66,000.................. ..................NOW $46,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2013 New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer @ rates as low as 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs./acre. Patented G4 variable rate broadcaster, TR1000 trailer. #11139. (1) Was $95,000........ ..................NOW $64,500 CNT/F.O.B.

“RENTAL RETURN” 2014 Salford I-2141 41-ft. Independent Series cultivator, 3 section, 7.5” spacing, 22”x13 wave on front two - 22”x8 wave on last 3 ranks on 1-5/8” coil shank, 8 bolt 305/70xR22.5 recap truck on main frame 28’-41’, Cat IV articulating implement hitch, 31 weights, axle pivot grease bank 3-section. #11219 (3). Was $99,500............... ....................NOW $69,500 CNT/F.O.B.

1996 John Deere 235 21-ft. disk, 3-section folding, 9” spacing. #22036. (3)..$5000

2009 MacDon R80 16-ft. disc header, steel conditioner, came off M200 windrower. #21409. (1).....$9500 CNT SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS

(R) 2013 John Deere W110 self-propelled, 110 hp Cummins 4.5L engine, 600-65R28, bar radial drive tires, 16.5L - 16.1 steering tires, header, hydraulic Centerlink, header external booster springs, engine fan baffle, auxiliary lift valve, training seat, 16-ft. 160A double sickle auger header, 102” steel conditioner, windrow forming shields, skid shoes, engine hours 85, sickle hours 45. Factory warranty expires, September 23, 2017, JD PowrGard Extended warranty expires: 9/23/2021#21873. (1). Was $130,500....................NOW $104,000

(R) 2009 MacDon M200 6.6L Caterpillar 213 engine hp, D60-25-ft. draper header, cab, air, hydro transmission, “NEW” Drive Tires, 1510 hours. #21409. (1). Was $97,500................NOW $85,500

2008 MacDon M200 16-ft. R80 rotary disc header, conditioner, Cat 6.6L 213 hp engine, 1950 hrs. #21408. (1). Was $75,950......................  NOW $69,500

2001 MacDon 9350 double sickle drive, steel conditioners with 18-ft. header. #22627. (1)............................ $39,000

2004 John Deere 956 mower conditioner, rotary tongue 1 3/8” hookup, urethane conditioner rolls, hydraulic tilt. #22029. (3). Was $16,750.NOW $13,500 CNT

“NEW” New Leader T1000 adjustable axle trailer, up to 10 ton capacity, @ 20 mph, works in conjunction with new or used New Leader applicators/spreader boxes built for John Deere 4900 Series sprayer chassis. #11141 (1). Was $31,750..... NOW $22,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2014 John Deere 430D 30-ft. draper header. #21820. (4). Was $44,000..... ............................ NOW $34,000 CNT

NEW John Deere SB84 7-ft. snow blower. #9165. (1). Was $9500...... Now $8500

NEW Hiniker HZ-2280 8-ft. heavy duty steel blade, hydraulic angle adjustment. (1)............................................... $3500

NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty high volume snow bucket. #22231 (1)..$2150 NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty high volume snow bucket. #22232. (1).$2150 NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty, standard skidsteer bucket. #22442. (1)..... $1550

NEW Horst HLA heavy duty 84” low profile bucket with digging teeth. #22567. (1). ................................................... $1950 NEW Horst HLA heavy duty, 72” low profile bucket with digging teeth. #10445. (1).. ................................................... $1850 NEW Horst HLA 78” heavy duty low profile bucket with digging teeth. #22565. (1).. ................................................... $1650

NEW Horst HLA heavy duty 78” low profile bucket. #22568. (1)..................... $1650 NEW Horst HLA 84” low profile bucket. #22566. (1)................................. $1450

NEW Horst HLA 4200 lbs. heavy duty pallet fork with 48” adjustable tines. #21904. (1)............................................... $1075

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

“NEW” Delta S3 36-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21834. (1)....... ................................................$14,000 “NEW” Delta S3 32-ft., 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21837. (1).........$11,950 “NEW” Delta S3 24-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21836. (1)....... ................................................... $9950

Check Out Our WEBSITE:

(R) 2015 John Deere W150 18-ft. header with conditioner, 150 hp, 600-65R28 radial bar tires, hydraulic centerlink, reverser kit, external booster spring, light kit, engine fan baffle, integrated AutoTrac, 550 engine hours. #21840. (3). Was $135,500......NOW $120,000

Check out our website:

After Hours Sales:


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A42


1985 Fruehauf 45-ft. inside rail, closed tandem on springs, steel frame, aluminum deck, 8-ft. extension on rear, 24.5 steel Budds, clean and straight. 2005 Trail King stepdeck, 48-ft. x 102”, steel frame, aluminum deck, closed tandem, (legal in Canada), air ride, aluminum wheels. Phone Roger Rader (406) 264-5475, Sun River, MT

##### If your wallpaper needs a fix-up in a small area, don’t use scissors to cut off the replacement pieces. Instead, tear it off with your hands. The ragged edges of the new piece will blend in better than a straight edge.

Need Help With Fence Braces

Steel Fence Braces

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Bulletin shows how ranchers can use NPV

By University of Wyoming Extension How ranchers can use net present value (NPV) to determine if an investment is worthwhile is described in a University of Wyoming (UW) Extension bulletin. NPV discounts future returns based on the riskiness of an investment and compares them directly to current or future costs, stated authors of “Net Present Value,” B-1302. “Many decisions on a ranch require significant capital investment to facilitate change,” said Bridger Feuz, UW Extension livestock marketing specialist. “This type of investment typically includes initial costs but also provides returns over a period of time.” The time value of money must be included in an investment analysis because these returns occur over time. The bulletin is free to view or download by going to www. and clicking on Find a Publication then type the number or title in the search field. The bulletin is available in pdf, HTML or ePub formats.

Clean air vents easily

Cleaning your air vents can be a tough task. The area is difficult to clean since there are so many nooks and crannies for dust and residue to build up in. One trick is to take a foam paint brush that you can easily purchase from any dollar or hardware store. Using this to clean your vents will make your life much easier.


Used 2015 John Deere 260 backhoe, 3-point hitch, Cat. 1, 12” bucket. #21599. (1). Was $5700.. NOW $5200 New 2016 Hygrade 14-ft. rear steer pull type grader with weight. #21553 (4). Was 19,500..................NOW $17,500

New General Implement 6-ft., 3-point hitch grader. #10449. (3). Was $3350. ........................................NOW $2800 New General Implement LP1-84 7-ft. grader. #22569. (1). Was $2500......... ........................................NOW $2100

2016 John Deere 681 81” tiller, 540 PTO. #21390. (1). Was $5950..NOW $5150 NEW John Deere 681 81”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #8917. (1). Was 5950................ ........................................NOW $5025 NEW John Deere 673 73”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22601. (1). Was $5500............ ........................................NOW $4450 NEW John Deere 673 73”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22602. (1). Was $5500............ ........................................NOW $4450 NEW Rental Return John Deere 673 73”, Cat. 1, tiller, 540 PTO. Warranty has not started. #8762. (1). Was $5500.......... ........................................NOW $4025 NEW 2017 John Deere 665 65” Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22525. (1). Was $4075..... ..........................................NOW 3700 NEW John Deere 647 47” Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #21635. (1). Was $2650............ ........................................NOW $2500 New Frontier GM1084 7-ft., Cat 1 grooming mower. #9841. (1). Was $5295..... ........................................NOW $4395

NEW Frontier GM1060 5-ft. grooming mower. #12912. (1). Was $3995......... ........................................NOW $3600 NEW Frontier GM1072E 6-ft. grooming mower. #22075. (1). Was $3150......... ........................................NOW $2600 NEW Frontier 5-ft. GM1060E grooming mower. #21791. (1). Was $2750......... ........................................NOW $2350 NEW Frontier RC2084 7-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #9835. (1). Was $4375............ ........................................NOW $3695

NEW Frontier RC2060 5-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #21145. (1). Was $2350..............................NOW $1700 NEW Frontier RC2060 5-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated rear tire. #22066. (1). Was $2350..............................NOW $1700

NEW PRODUCTS 2016 HIGHLINE CFR651-100 Round bale processor, 100 hp minimum, 1000 PTO, 3 hydraulic remotes required, adjustable axles, Hi-flotation tires, hydraulic actuated discharge door. #21990. (2). Was $23,950..................... Now $21,250

NEW HIGHLINE BM1400 Double row round bale mover, dual 6”x6” load arms with 1/4 turn bale forks, 100 hp minimum, 2 hydraulics required, carries (14) 5-ft. bales, 8-11L-15 12 ply tires, 371 bed length, 8”x3” frame rails. #21912. (3). Was $34,500...... NOW $29,950

NEW HIGHLINE CFR650 Round bale processor, 100 hp minimum 3 hydraulic remotes required, 1000 PTO, Hi-flotation tires, adjustable axles, dual feed roller processing chamber, hydraulically actuated discharge door, adjustable forks, axle twine guard. #11198. (4). Was $26,500............. Now $17,500 DEMO HIGHLINE CFR650 Round bale processor, 100 hp required, 1000 PTO, 3 hydraulic remotes required, Hi-flotation tires, dual feed roller processing chamber, 650 grain tank with metered grain insertion kit installed. Full factory remains. #11234. (1). Was $31,950.... ................................. Now $23,500

NEW HIGHLINE XL78 Rockpicker, clearance lights, large 8” bogie wheels follow special track that guides the reel parallel to the ground causing a sweeping action which rolls the stones onto the apron. 84” standard dumping height! #11213. (1) Was $32,800................ ................................ NOW $26,500

406-228-2496 Glasgow, MT

NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #21587. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22065. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22067. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22068. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 USED Kodiak HD10 heavy duty 10-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO drive. #22716. (3). Was $3150................NOW $2475

NEW Frontier RB2284 7-ft. blade, Cat. 2, 80 hp required. #9738. (2). Was $2750..............................NOW $2350 NEW Frontier RB2072 72”, Cat 1 rear blade. #22373. (1). Was $950............. ..........................................NOW $850

NEW Frontier BB3272 6-ft. box blade with scarifier, Cat 1 & 2, 80 hp required. #13033. (4). Was $2475..NOW $2075

NEW John Deere SS2067B Cat 1 broadcast spreader, 23-ft. working width, 16 hp - 45 hp required. #22604. (1). Was $1950..............................NOW $1650

NEW Schulte RDX102 snowblower, size 8 heavy duty PTO shaft, heavy duty chute kit, hydraulic cylinder kit-chute deflector. #9918. (2). Was $15,450..... .....................................NOW $12,650

Check Out Our WEBSITE:

for complete inventory 406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)

Check out our website:

After Hours Sales:

Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page A43

(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer COMMERCIAL SPRAYERS

Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.

2014 John Deere 4940 340 hp, AWD, hydrostatic transmission, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, hydraulic tread adjust, 480/80R50 tires, BoomTrac Pro-5 leveling, hydraulic boom fold, SF1 activation, HID light package, independent suspension, chemical eductor, fence row nozzles, 1085 hours. #21981 (3). Was $268,000........... NOW $242,000 CNT

2013 John Deere 4940 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, solution pump, SS eductor delivery system, 120-ft. booms, BoomTrac auto level system, wheel slip control, xenon HID field lights, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders. #21318 (1). Was $268,000... ............... NOW $205,000 CNT/F.O.B.

2009 Case IH Patriot 4420 120-ft., boom leveling, stainless steel tank, traction control, 15” nozzle spacing, Viper Pro monitor, 650/65R38 tires, AIM Command, HID deluxe field lights, luxury cab, electric mirrors, hydraulic suspension, fence row nozzles, fenders, 2400 hours. #22494. (1). Was $166,000...... ...........................NOW $151,000 CNT

NEW Summers Ultimate 110-ft., 1650 gallon, chemical clean load system, nozzle bodies only, crossover plumbing package, hitch piece backstop, single electric end nozzle, 3 sensor UC5 Norac, New warranty remains. #10016. (3). Was $70,000................... .............................NOW $57,000 CNT

2012 John Deere 4940 120-ft., traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, halogen field lights, SS plumbing, row crop fenders, high flow solution pump, traction control, 380/105R50 tires, fence row nozzle right hand, stainless steel, eductor system, fence row nozzle left hand. #21498 (1). Was $250,000....... ................NOW $187,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2005 Summers Ultimate 1500 gallon, 90ft. booms. #22781. (3). Was $15,500... ........................... NOW $11,500 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership 2006 John Deere 4920 90-ft., boom leveling, stainless tank, Guidance ready, traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, high flow solution pump, 380/105R50 tires, AutoTrac ready, halogen field lighting, fenders, 50 gallon foam marker, dual drop, strainers,full boom breakaway, radar speed sensor, fenders-row crop (4), belly shields, wheel motor shields, wheel slip control, 2925 hours. #22743. (2). Was $79,500..NOW $67,500 As-Is CNT/FOB Dealership

(R) 2005 John Deere 4920 120-ft., stainless tank, guidance ready, traction control, 15” nozzle spacing, high flow solution pump, 480/80R50 tires, AutoTrac ready, Xenon HID field lighting, boom return to height, fence row nozzles, strainers, full boom breakaway, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders (4), wheel slip control, 3320 hours. #21600. (2). Was $112,500.............................. ..................NOW $94,000 CNT/F.O.B. 1998 John Deere 4700 90-ft., poly tank, hydraulic tread adjust, traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, 800 gallon tank, on-board air system with marker, fenders, fence row nozzle right hand, 35 gallon foam marker, below horizontal cylinders, radar, 385/85R34 fronts. #22282. (4) Was 59,000..................... ............................ NOW $51,000 CNT

Consumer Products SIDE BY SIDES

NEW John Deere 850i green sport, 14” Bighorn tires, sport seat, Fox 2.0 Performance, Prerunner bumper, “Power Steering”. #8674. (1)...$12,500/F.O.B. NEW 2017 John Deere 825i 2P, cab, green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, manual lift. #22577. (2) Was $18,500....... NOW $16,750 CNT NEW 2017 John Deere 825i cab, 2P, EPAS, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, manual lift. #22475. (3). Was $18,500............... NOW $16,750 CNT NEW 2017 John Deere 825i 2P, EPAS, cab, 14” Bighorn tires, benchseat, manual lift. #22314. (4). Was $18,750................. NOW 16,750 CNT NEW 2016 John Deere 825i PS, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, OPS with doors, black roof. #21721. (1). Was $19,500............... NOW $17,500 CNT NEW 2016 John Deere XUV 590i green & yellow, steel wheels, bench seat. #21493. (4). Was $11,750.................. .....................................NOW $10,500

(R) 2012 John Deere RSX850i green sport gator, 14” Maxxis Bighorn tires, bucket sport seat, sports package, 426 hour, 2985 miles. #16669 (1). Was $10,500 .......NOW $8950 CNT/F.O.B. 2012 John Deere RSX 850i 839cc engine, 62 hp, “power steering”, Sport package, 14” Bighorn tires, bucket seats, green & yellow, 57 hours, 675 miles. #22678. (1) Was $11,500..NOW $9500 2014 John Deere 825i 4WD XUV gas, extreme terrain, Bighorn radial tires 14”, cab, power steering. #22752.(4) . .....................................NOW $11,500 2013 John Deere 825i gator, cab, Bighorn radial tires, cargo box with poly liner, brake & tail lights, camo, power steering. #22429. (2).............$10,500 CNT

2014 Top Air 132-ft. FF boom, 22” quad 10 section, Ace hydraulic pump, Raven ISO, 380/90R54 30” dual, adjust axle, chemical inductor, fence row nozzle kit, 30” spacing dual kit, Flo-Bak manifold ISO height control-Power Glide. #22636. (3). Was $37,500................... .............................NOW $33,000 CNT

2013 John Deere 825i olive & black, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, poly roof, 14,400 hours. #22738. (4). Was $9500..NOW $8000

NEW 2015 John Deere 318E 47 hp, Yanmar Tier 4 diesel engine, two speed, 10x16.5 8PR tires, 2” seat belt with shoulder trap, power quik tach, cab with heat, defrost & air, air suspension seat, standard fan drive, horn, EH Performance package, cold start package, single set counterweights, keyless start, 72” construction bucket with edge. #9197 (1). $63,500 - $20,750 (FES Discount)......................$42,750


2011 John Deere 825i green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, rear OPS screen, power & protection package, hi-performance exhaust, 4WD, gas, extreme terrain, brake & tail lights, windshield, power dump, 685 hours, 3432 miles. #22794. (3). Was $12,500..........NOW $11,500

2011 Frontier AP12A pallet fork, Vin# 1XFAP12KJD0000348, with 48” tines, fits 8000 series loader. “Brand New Never Used”. #22172. (4)......... $1795 Frontier AL1340D pallet fork, fits John Deere 746 loader. #22749 (4)...... $960


2011 John Deere 825i green & yellow, deluxe cab, cab heater, 12” Ancla tires, deluxe cargo box, rear OPS screen. #22239. (4). Was $12,500.................. ............................ NOW $10,750 CNT 2010 John Deere 825i gas XUV, green & yellow, 12” tires, hi-performance sport SE, deluxe cargo box, power & protection package. #21833. (1)......... .........................................$6995 CNT

2010 Ford F350 XLT silver, 4-door super cab, 6.4 V8 turbo diesel, 83,500 miles, automatic transmission, dual rear wheels, 40/20/40 flint gray cloth seats, power windows, locks, & seat, cruise, AM/FM stereo, Knapheide utility bed.. .............................................. $28,000

Call 406-228-2141

and ask for Norm or Josh



Check Out Our WEBSITE:

IN STOCK Fast, clean, tough and efficient. We’ve made the XL-78 to pick rocks faster, and with less dirt in the bucket. They’re tough farm hands that stand up to the rough and tumble world of rock picking and you can depend on them to get your rock picking jobs done quickly and easily. • The XL-78 has a picking width of seven feet. • Large bucket capacity. • The XL-78 dumps rocks 7 feet - plenty of height if you’re using a truck or trailer to haul rocks off the field. • Hydraulic reel drive • Heavy duty, high efficiency parallel drive gearbox.

406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website:

Summers pickup sprayer, 80-ft., 500 gallon tank, Honda electric start motor, 3 section, Auto rate, hydraulic boom lift. #22630. (4)............................ $10,500 2010 Apache AS1210 100-ft., poly tank, 15” nozzle spacing, 1200 gallontank, Ag Shield boom, 1449 hours. #22788. (4). Was $110,000........ NOW $99,500 CNT/FOB Dealership

2013 John Deere 825i gator, cab, Bighorn radial tires, cargo box with poly liner, brake & tail lights, Camo, power steering. #22429. (2). Was $12,800............ ............................ NOW $10,500 CNT

2016 John Deere 332E skid steer, ROPS, cab enclosure, air conditioning, hand controls, EH controls, air ride seat, Hi-Flo, joystick, ride control, 2 speed, weights, beefy baby tires, 84” bucket, reversing fan. #22326. (3).Was $58,500.. ..............................NOW $49,500 CNT


2013 John Deere 825i green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, poly roof, power lift brush guard rear protection. #21619. (1). Was $11,250...........................NOW $8750

2013 Top Air TA-1600 90-ft., 1600 gallons, rate controller, auto height, duals, triple nozzle bodies. #22732. (3). Was $35,500........................NOW $31,500


After Hours Sales:


VF 420/95 R50 dual tires & hubs for R4045 sprayer, 98% tread. #22240. (1)..$7500 480/89R50 tires & rims, came off John Deere 4930. #22195. (4).......... $9500


Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A44

##### The wobbly little thing on the turkey’s chest is the turkey’s beard and is made up of keratin bristles. Keratin is the same substance that forms hair and horns on other animals. ##### The wild turkey can fly! (It does, however, prefers to walk or run.) The domestic turkey is not an agile flyer, though the bird will perch in trees to stay safe from predators.

Farm accident ... car wreck ... heart attack

... whatever the sudden turn for the worse for you or a loved one, the highly trained physicians and nurses in Northcentral Montana’s Regional Trauma Center at Benefis Health System are there for you, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But now they are asking for your help. The existing Benefis Emergency Department But now we are asking for your help. The existing Benefis Emergency took care of 24,000 patients a year when it opened nearly two decades ago. Department is undersized for the current volume of patients. The That number is now more than 34,000. A proposed remodeling and expansion remodeling project will more than double the space, but it needs community project would more than double the space dedicated to the Emergency Department, support to make it happen. but it needs community support to make it happen.

Please consider making a gift today to this important project. You will be helping ensure the future of world-class, life-saving emergency care for our region for years to come. You may give securely online at or mail your gift to: Benefis Foundation PO Box 7008 | Great Falls, MT 59406-7008 For more information, call: 406.455.5840

Hunting for a banker who cares? Customers tell us our home-owned bank is something to be thankful for!

Come see us...

it’s worth the pilgrimage. Local ownership – ­ Local Decisions

International sorghum markets seek to expand in China

From The Sorghum Checkoff recently explored growing export markets for U.S. sorghum producers in China. Jim Massey, Sorghum Checkoff board director, and Florentino Lopez, Sorghum Checkoff executive director, traveled to China September 18-23 to promote the use of sorghum in various industries. The trip highlighted sorghum’s nutritional qualities, U.S. production, quality, price and export logistics. Kicking off their week-long trip with the U.S. Grains Council, Massey and Lopez met with Chinese importers about their operations and needs for U.S. sorghum in the coming year. They also presented information at the 2017 JCI Conference on Chinese Feed Raw Materials Market. More than 600 manufacturers, end users, feed mills and industry professionals participated in the conference, learning about the benefits of U.S. sorghum. “The knowledge we share between producer and end user not only educates both sides but also creates a level of trust, placing a name and face with an otherwise meaningless number on a spreadsheet,” Massey said. “This trip went a long way to foster lasting relationships with the people who play a major role in our sorghum exports.” In addition to meeting with industry professionals, the group also visited with Jiang Nan University to learn more about the use of sorghum in baijiu. Baijiu is a popular Chinese alcoholic beverage primarily made with sorghum and other grains. The group met with faculty and researchers from the fermentation and flavor sciences department who will conduct a research study funded by the Sorghum Checkoff. The research will examine different formulations and processes for creating baijiu with U.S. sorghum varieties, comparing the effect of U.S. sorghum to domestic Chinese sorghum in the distilling process. “It was very fulfilling to meet face-to-face with the researchers who will carry out our funded project,” Massey said. “Watching the project move from an initial proposal to now seeing the project come to life is great assurance that it has potential to open a new market for U.S. sorghum producers.” Another market explored on the international trip was the inclusion of sorghum in aquaculture nutrition programs. The Sorghum Checkoff and U.S. Grains Council visited with HAID Group who recently completed a duck feeding trial with sorghum. Preliminary results show success for sorghum in the trial, and more details on the study will be made available as the report is finalized. “I believe trips like this are vitally important to the growth of the sorghum industry,” Massey said. “The knowledge of what happens outside of the farm gate impacts the decisions I make in my operation and provides a level of understanding for supply and demand in our growing sorghum markets that I would not have otherwise.”

National Espresso Day

Date When Celebrated : Always November 23 Looking for a quick caffeine high? Well, you are in luck because today is National Espresso Day, and a cup of espresso should do the trick. The Espresso Machine was first invented in Italy by Luigi Bezzera in 1901. Luigi’s goal, was decrease the time of his employee’s coffee breaks, and subsequently increase productivity. His espresso machine accomplished this goal, and went beyond, creating a thick, bold, coffee that has become very popular. Espresso machines use steam to force hot water through the coffee grounds, to make coffee faster, with a stronger flavor, and more body. It is topped with a delicate foam called “crema”. Coffee used for Espresso is ground finer. Did You Know? Espresso is the base ingredient for capuccino, lattes, and macchiato. It is very easy and enjoyable and relaxing to participate in National Espresso Day. If your Espresso machine is not already sitting on your kitchen counter, drag it out of its basement storage location, dust it off, and make some Espresso. If you don’t have an Espresso machine, that’s okay. Walk or drive to your nearest coffee shop or cafe, and order one! ##### Turkey, like poultry, is lower in cholesterol than beef and many other meats. The dark meat (thigh, legs,) contains more fat and cholesterol than white meat. So, that’s why dark meat tastes so good!

Recipe Patch by Geri Jelly & Grilled Cheese

2 slices bread 1 teaspoon butter 2 slices cheese 1 slice ham 1 tablespoon jelly/jam Coat one side of a piece of bread with butter and place it butter side down in a skillet over medium heat. Place one slice of cheese and the ham on the bread. Top with the jam. Finish with the other slice of cheese and butter the last piece of bread, placing on top, butter side up. Toast until the bread has just browned and carefully flip, cooking until the cheese has melted. Serve.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A45

Special studies conducted about the human body revealed it will usually absorb up to about 300 milligrams of caffeine at a given time. About 4 normal cups. Additional amounts are just cast off, providing no further stimulation. Also, the human body dissipates 20% of the caffeine in the system each hour.

Banana Ice Cream Bread

1 pint banana ice cream 2 1/2 cups self-rising flour 1/4 teaspoon salt Mix the self-rising flour and salt, stir. Place the ice cream in a saucepan and melt, warming until around 100˚F. Pour the ice cream over the flour and gently stir. The mixture will be lumpy. Let rest for 20 minutes. Preheat oven to 400˚F. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool, slice and serve.

Banana Oat Energy Bites

2 ripe bananas 2 cups rolled oats ¼ cup almond butter (or peanut butter, or your favorite nut butter) ¼ cup honey 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips ½ teaspoon cinnamon Mash up the bananas in a large mixing bowl. Stir in the rolled oats, almond butter, honey, miniature chocolate chips and cinnamon. Scoop about 2 tablespoons of the mixture and roll into a 1-inch ball. Repeat with the rest of the mixture. Refrigerate for 2 hours, allowing the oats enough time to soften. Store the energy bites in the refrigerator.

Looking for a Independent Rep or Distributor for Montana

Dill Pickle Soup

5-½ cup chicken broth 1-¾ lb. russet potatoes, peeled and diced 2 cups carrots, small dice 1 cup dill pickles, small dice ½ cup unsalted butter 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup sour cream ¼ cup water 2 cups dill pickle juice 1-¾ tsp Old Bay seasoning ½ tsp kosher salt ½ tsp ground black pepper ½ tsp cayenne pepper In a large pot, combine broth, potatoes, carrots and butter. Bring to a boil and cook until potatoes are tender. Add diced pickles and continue to boil. In a medium bowl, stir together flour, sour cream and water to make a paste. Vigorously whisk sour cream mixture (2 TBS at a time) into the soup, breaking up the potatoes and any small balls of flour that may form, as you whisk. Add pickle juice, Old Bay, pepper and cayenne. Season with salt, as needed. Cook another 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Roasted Chickpeas

1-15-ounce can chickpeas 1 ½ tablespoons olive oil ½ teaspoon kosher salt 2 teaspoons curry powder (or any seasonings of your choice) Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (205 degrees Celsius). Position the oven rack in the middle of the oven. Rinse and drain the chickpeas. Using a clean dish towel, pat the chickpeas dry. Remove any loose skins that come off during drying. The chickpeas should feel dry to the touch. Place the chickpeas on a sheet pan. Add the olive oil and salt, and mix well to evenly coat the chickpeas. Roast in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring the pan every 10 minutes, until golden brown and crispy on the outside. Remove the chickpeas from the oven and sprinkle with curry powder. Mix well and serve warm.


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Used car dolly............................................................... $1200

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Now selling PJ trailers Wide variety in stock

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A46


1968 International Farmall 756, 70 hp gas engine, dual PTO, 3-pt. hitch, Ezee-On 100 loader with 8-ft. bucket....... $5400 1974 Chevrolet C60, single axle, 366 V8, 4/2 speed transmission, 16-ft. steel floor box, 40” sides, BBP hydraulic hoist, 65,000 miles............................................................... $4000 Phone Terry at (406) 422-6214, Helena, Montana

Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572, Victor, MT

Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904, Spearfish, SD

See us on the web:

2007 Cat TH330B 1950+ hours, nice Ag machine, enclosed cab with heat, differential locks, light package with blinkers, tires approximately 75%, pallet forks and 2.5 CY bucket, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 24-ft. reach, 7000 lb. lift capacity, just serviced, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD........................................ $48,900 1984 Case W24C 2360 hours, enclosed cab with heat, 4-in-1 bucket, auxiliary hydraulics, return to dig, return to dump, ex-military loader, has been very well maintained, needs absolutely nothing, just serviced, ready to go. Located in Spearfish, SD.............................. $32,500

2008 Bobcat T300 4400 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 84” bucket with bolt-on cutting edge, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary electrics, Hi-Flow auxiliary hydraulics, switchable pilot controls, bucket float, ride control, new tracks, undercarriage is in excellent condition, has been through the shop, serviced and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT........................................................................... $29,500 2013 Case TV380 1195 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 speed travel, ride control, auxiliary electrics, AM/FM radio, air ride seat, hydraulic coupler, 84” low profile bucket with bolt-on cutting edge, ISO/H-Pattern changeable controls, engine block heater, foot throttle, very nice condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................... $39,900 2013 Cat 924K high lift, 5400 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, ride control, auxiliary hydraulics, Cat fusion quick coupler, 4/5 CY bucket, new radial tires, very nice high lift loader, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD.........................................................................$119,500 2007 Cat 930H high lift, 8535 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air, reversing fan, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 3.75 CY bucket, almost new Michelin radial tires, limited slip differentials, very nice condition, has been meticulously maintained and stored inside, original paint, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD................. $99,500 2012 Volvo MC115C 620 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 76” bucket, quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, ride control, 2-speed travel, creep speed, good tires, 74 hp, 2600 pound operating load, 5300 pound tipping load limit. Machine is in very good condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT....................... $37,500

Review cow, calf vaccination plans now

By NDSU Extension Service Now would be a good time for cattle protion can be delayed until weaning. The second dose, which should be given ducers to review their animal vaccination prior to or at weaning, can be administered plans, according to Gerald Stokka, North parenterally (labeled as subcutaneous or Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension intramuscular). It will booster the response Service veterinarian. to the viruses that previously were admin“The term ‘vaccination’ comes from the Latin term vaccinus, which means of or istered intranasally. from the cow,” he notes. “The relationship Common vaccination protocols include of this term to vaccination results from the products combined to contain four to five effort to prevent smallpox in the human viruses and a bacterial fraction. These are population. best administered as the second, or booster, “It was observed that people with contact dose. to cows with lesions due to the cowpox viWhich Vaccines to Use Vaccination plans for the breeding herds rus were significantly less likely to contract with annual viral vaccinations should inthe highly contagious and serious human disease known as smallpox,” Stokka adds. clude pre-breeding (30 days prior to breed“Vaccination just refers to the act or proceing) modified live vaccines containing IBR, BRSV and BVDV, along with a five-way dure of administering a vaccine.” leptospirosis fraction and campylobacter Preventing infectious disease through (vibrio). planned vaccination strategies is critical to Stokka recommends that if these are adevery cattle operation, he says. Producers should develop vaccination strategies in ministered in the fall at pregnancy checking consultation with their veterinarian, and time, producers should use an inactivated those strategies should be risk-based, revirus vaccine with five-way leptospirosis. If administering a modified live virus vacsearched and reviewed annually. Here are three principles producers cine to pregnant cows, producers should should consider when implementing vaccheck with their veterinarian to make sure the vaccine is being used according to label cination protocols: directions. • Necessity - Is the risk of exposure high This is what to use during grass turnout enough that clinical disease and pathogen time or for a preweaning initial vaccination: transmission will become a health and • Modified live virus vaccine containing well-being issue beyond their expectations BRSV, IBR and PI3 administered intranafor the herd? • Efficacy - Does scientific evidence sally or observational experience indicate that • Clostridial vaccine, seven- or eight-way vaccine selection for specific pathogens administered subcutaneously is effective for the level of exposure and Use for preweaning, weaning or poststress of the herd? weaning as a second (booster) dose: • Safety - Does evidence indicate that the • Modified live virus vaccine containvaccination will not cause harm through ing BRSV, IBR, PI3 and BVDV (type 1 local or systemic reactions? and 2) administered subcutaneously (can “The result of considering these prinbe in combination or separately with a bacterial fraction containing leukotoxin to ciples is that vaccination protocols become Mannheimia hemolytica) relatively short, can be defended and are • Clostridial vaccine, booster dose, used in the proper circumstances at the seven- or eight-way administered subcuproper time,” Stokka says. Vaccination of beef calves weaned early taneously this summer and fall should adhere to these For herds without an annual viral cow principles. herd vaccination, use the following for turnWhat’s Necessary in Calf Vaccination out time or a preweaning initial vaccination: Protocols? • Modified live virus vaccine containing “Viral vaccines are necessary because BRSV, IBR and PI3 administered intranano other management tools are available sally to treat or prevent virus infections that • Modified live virus vaccine containing contribute to respiratory disease in beef BVDV (types 1 and 2) administered parencalves,” Stokka says. terally (can be in combination or separately In northern Plains beef herds, the viruses with a bacterial fraction containing leukoBRSV (bovine respiratory syncytial virus), toxin to Mannheimia hemolytica in herds IBR (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis) with history of nursing calf pneumonia) and PI3 (parainfluenza 3) appear to be • Clostridial vaccine, seven- or eight-way widespread. Cow herds vaccinated for or administered subcutaneously exposed to these viruses will provide some For herds without an annual viral protection to young nursing calves through cow herd vaccination, use the following passive immunity transferred shortly after for weaning or post-weaning as second birth. However, this protection will wane (booster) dose: when the calves are about 3 to 4 months of • Modified live virus vaccine containing age, and they can be at risk. BRSV, IBR, PI3 and BVDV (types 1 and Research indicates that intranasally ad2) (can be administered in combination or separately with a bacterial fraction containministered vaccines in young calves can enhance protection, even when maternal ing leukotoxin to Mannheimia hemolytica) immunity is high. The primary dose of virus • Clostridial vaccine, seven- or eight-way vaccine should contain these viruses and be administered subcutaneously administered via the intranasal route. “Make sure you are consulting with your The BVDV (bovine virus diarrhea virus) veterinarian on vaccine strategies and hanpathogen is a concern, but in beef herds that dling,” Stokka advises. “Your operations practice annual cow herd vaccination, the are unique and will need recommendations risk to young calves is reduced and vaccinatailored to your operation.” ##### The city slicker said to the rancher, “Been out for a ride this morning.” “Horseback?” said the rancher. “Yep,” replied the city slicker, “he got back about an hour before I did.”

##### A motorcycle cop sees a woman speeding down the highway and knitting at the same time. He grabs his bull horn and yells, “Pull over!” “No, officer!” the woman shouts back, “It’s a pair of mittens!”

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A47

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day


Day celebrated is always on November 14! This holiday is all about taking the time to clean out your refrigerator. Not very often do we keep our frig squeaky clean and all the food fresh. Because of our fast pace life we are forever pushing to the back those plastic containers and later finding a moldy mossy mess don’t we? So this holiday is a reminder to us all to clean out that frig at least once a year. Toss out the old food and wash down the shelves and walls of the frig too. Front to back, top to bottom now. You know you only have a few more days before Thanksgiving anyway and we all know how much extra room we need during the holiday season for leftover food right? So on this holiday get ahead of the game and Clean Out Your Refrigerator!

1993 Valley 6000 7 Tower, 1302-ft. 1992 Lockwood 2265 8 Tower, 1512-ft. 1991 Valley 6000 6 Tower, 735-ft. 1995 Reinke 665 7 Tower. 1270-ft. 1989 Lockwood 2285 8 Tower, 1295-ft. 1988 Lockwood 2285 8 Tower, 1300-ft. 1985 Reinke/Mini Gator 9 Tower, 1106-ft. 2004 Valley 8000 2 Tower 356-ft. 2004 Valley 8000 2 Tower 356-ft. 2004 Valley 8000 5 Tower 896-ft.

2005 Valley 8000 2 Tower 356-ft. 2004 Valley 8000 5 Tower 896-ft. 2006 Valley 8000 2 Tower 333-ft. 2007 Valley 8000 2 Tower 356-ft. 2001 Valley 8000 4 Tower 716-ft., towable 4-wheel 2006 Valley 8000 4 Tower 316-ft., towable 2-wheel Wheel Line 5”X5-ft., 1280-ft.

Contact any of our MVI locations: Powell, WY (307) 754-7204 Billings, MT (406) 248-4418 Bismarck, ND (701) 222-4700 Great Falls, MT (406) 761-8195 Wadena, MN (218) 631-9271

3-V Distributing, Inc.

Conrad Industrial Park

Box 955

Conrad, MT 59425

Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953

Visit us on the web

E-mail Address

20-ft. ITB Grain Boxes IN STOCK We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available

Used 21’3”x60” ITB grain box with tarp. Very nice shape

Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!

2008 LED Yamaha lights Nytro, in 40th stock anniversary edition, 153” track, just over 2000 miles

LED Need more on farm fuel storage? lights in Come check out stock this 990 DEF trailer.

BEEFCAKE cake feeder IN STOCK. Come check it out!!!

Once you have one, you won’t want to go without again!

2006 Chevrolet, 8.1L, Allison transmission. 1 year old DewEze 675 balebed

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page A48

The deadline for advertising in the December issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 29th.

Phone (406) 271-5533.


John Deere 9870 1700 hours.................................................................................... $135,000 John Deere 9860 1400 hours.....................................................................................$110,000 John Deere 9860 2200 hours...................................................................................... $80,000 John Deere 9760 2400 hours...................................................................................... $75,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $42,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $40,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 936D header............................................................................................ $22,000 MacDon 973 header with Gleaner adapter.................................................................. $13,000


Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 9230 PTO, 6500 hours................................................................................... $37,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 Case 2390....................................................................................................................... $8000 Case 1070 ...................................................................................................................... $7000 Case W14 4WD loader................................................................................................ $13,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, new points, new hoses, like new.................................. $15,000 New Noble Seed-A-Vator 292 tank................................................................................ $7000


2005 Kenworth W900 new tires, 600,000 miles.......................................................... $35,000 2003 Kenworth T2000 new tires................................................................................. $12,000 2003 Freightliner M2106 300 hp, automatic, air ride, trailer puller............................. $25,000 2003 Dodge 1-ton........................................................................................................ $15,000 2007 Dodge 3/4-ton....................................................................................................... $23,000

FISHER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT (406) 939-0411 • Scobey, Montana


2017 Ram 2500 ST Crew Cab 4x4 Cummins Automatic, Loaded, Long Box

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Nebraska project aims to improve land use efficiency

By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News A University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) research team will investigate how to improve land use efficiency through the integration of livestock and crop production systems. The project is funded by a $1 million grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. The team, which includes members of a new Nebraska Beef Systems Research Initiative, expects an integrated system, which overlays cattle grazing with existing crop production systems, to increase output per acre and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with production. The team will also examine if the benefits of using cover crops are retained when they are used for livestock forage. James C. MacDonald (, associate professor of animal science and ruminant nutrition at Nebraska, will lead the team in its investigation of various outputs including yields, soil health and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the economic feasibility of adopting these new practices. “It’s very difficult for new or young farmers to get started,” MacDonald said. “You may not own the land or need to work with a family member’s existing system to start your own enterprise. Integrating cattle without disturbing crop production with minimal investment can help young producers get started and stay in agriculture.” The availability of perennial forage for livestock production has decreased as farms move to less diversified systems to grow individual crops. Highly specialized systems, such as monoculture, may be less sustainable than diversified approaches in terms of resource efficiency and long-term profitability. “Cover crops are a long-term investment to improve soil health and reduce erosion, but they can be difficult for producers to pay for,” MacDonald said. “If producers can graze cattle on cover crops, they could increase land efficiency and mitigate costs.” Producers will play a vital role in the research by participating in surveys and focus groups to gather input about how they make decisions. Outcomes of this study will help farmers and ranchers understand which practices will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while efficiently producing food in a diversified system. U.S. Rep. Don Bacon, who represents Nebraska’s 2nd District, said: “As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, I know how important it is for producers to maximize livestock production and increase overall productivity. Nebraska is the number one state for beef and veal exports and for commercial red meat production. This grant will allow the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to contribute to the state’s cattle production and research effective land use practices to help new farmers.” The project is supported by FFAR through its Seeding Solutions grant program, which calls for research proposals in the foundation’s seven challenge areas. The grant is part of the Protein Challenge, which aims to enhance and improve the environmental, economic and social sustainability production of diverse proteins for a growing global population. “As the population continues to expand, we must find more efficient ways to produce enough food to feed the growing population,” said Sally Rockey, Executive Director of the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research. “FFAR is pleased to support a project that will help efficiently manage resources and provide economic opportunities for American farmers and ranchers.” The Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Office of Research and Economic Development at Nebraska matched FFAR’s support, resulting in $2.4 million dedicated to this research. The Platte River High-Plains Aquifer Long-term Agroecosystems Research Network is also a partner. Other team members include Tala Awanda from Nebraska’s Agricultural Research Division; Simanti Banerjee and Jay Parsons from the Department of Agricultural Economics; Humberto Blanco and Daren Redfearn from the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; Mary Drewnoski and Galen Erickson from the Department of Animal Science; Jane Okalebo and Andy Suyker from the School of Natural Resources; and George Burba from LI-COR Biosciences. The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization established by bipartisan congressional support in the 2014 Farm Bill, builds unique partnerships to support innovative and actionable science addressing today’s food and agriculture challenges. FFAR leverages public and private resources to increase the scientific and technological research, innovation and partnerships critical to enhancing sustainable production of nutritious food for a growing global population.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B1

3V Distributing, Conrad .......................A47 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS ........A18 Action Toys, Billings .............................A44 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman........................................C13 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls ....C33 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls ..C46 Ag Wise, Kremlin .................................A36 Bad Land Truck Sales, Glendive ............A2 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown ..........B6 Baumalight, Wallenstein ON Canada ..A45 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank .....................C25 Belles Pulses USA, Hingham ..............A30 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby ..................A21 Benefis Healthcare Foundation, Great Falls ...................................................A44 Big Equipment Co., Havre ...................C37 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad ....... B10, B11 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn ..............................................C14 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings ...... ................................................... A9, C38 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls . ................................................... INSERT Brandt Agricultural Products LTD.........A31 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank ...........................A21 Buckley Auction ...................................C22 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls...B4 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula..............A20 Circle Ag Show, Circle .........................A18 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ...........A34 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks .. ..........................................................C44 Courtesy Ford, Conrad ........................B17 Cox Ranch Equipment, Winston ..........C14 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber .................................................A6 Crystalyx..............................................C18 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank ......................C43 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell....C40 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek .....................................C34 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby ...................C38 Dietz Auto & Truck Salvage, Billings ....C15 Direct Ag Network, LLC Dan Thome, Billings............................................. A2, B20 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman...A28 Dooley’s Diabolical Diesel, Great Falls....A35


Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls..... .....................................................C6, C7 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish ......C22 Farm Equipment Sales, Glasgow, Plentywood, Culbertson, Circle ......................... ................A38, A39, A40, A41, A42, A43 First State Bank, Shelby ......................A44 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton .......A3 Fisher Truck & Equipment, Scobey ......A48 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power .....C8, C39 Flying Farmer, Inc, Chester ...................B2 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton ..........A34 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness ..................C12 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls ...................A17, A37, C5, C17, C48 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon.....C21 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston ...... ..........................A8, A31, C27, C28, C29 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad....C16 G&M Bins, LLC, Mark McInerney, Fairfield ..........................................................C43 Gerber’s, Great Falls............................C32 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy ......C36 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier ... ..........................................................A15 H & H Spreading, Conrad ....................B13 Havre Ford, Havre ...............................C17 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin ....B7 Hedman, Inc, Brett Hedman, Grass Range ..........................................................A19 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena ..........................................................C19 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex, Chester....A5 Highline Communications, Cut Bank ...B12 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls ............ .......................................... C9, C10, C11 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank ..B5 I-State Truck Center, Missoula .............C36 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek .......C16 J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester....................B6 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook.....A48, B21 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte ........A14 JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester.........A29

KayDee Feeds .....................................A16 Krogmann Mfg. ....................................A30 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown..... B14, C42 Lundberg Shop, LLC, Canyon Creek ...B13 M & W Machine, Three Forks ................B2 Maxwell Lumber, Lewistown ................B14 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls....C26 MH Equipment & Truck Repair, Billings...A29 Midland Implement , Billings ................C38 Mohrlang Fabrications, Brush CO .......A31 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb ........................................B8 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena...C42 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls ... ..........................................................A45 Montana Organic Association..............A20 Montana Post Driver, Gold Creek ..........C4 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls ........B7 Montana Valley Irrigation, Great Falls ........ ................................................. A47, C34 Motor Power, Great Falls .....................A26 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade .............C4 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall ....C39 MSU Extention - Teton County.............A27 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville ..........................................................B21 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup ... ................................................. A24, A25 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade .....A13 New Homes of the Future, Billings ........B4 NM Machinery, Missoula .....................C46 Nor th Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms .................................................B1 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank .................B3 Northern Ford, Cut Bank .......................B3 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls .........A12 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point...A14 Northwest Plastics, Libby ....................A16 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton...C16 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre ...........C45 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula . ............................................................A6 Pure Bliss Cycle Sales, Conrad .............B2 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser ...C14 RDO Equipment, Kalispell, Missoula, Ronan................................................C40

Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell...C20 Rockwell Scales, Simms......................C42 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River ................B16 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond .................................................C34 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield .............A30 Shop Specialties, Ronan ............ B24, C45 Shortline Ag, Scobey ...........................C22 Skierka Livestock Trucking, Pompeys Pillar ............................................................B4 Sod Buster Sales, Polson ........... A22, A31 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY....A4 Steel Etc, Great Falls ..........................A33 Steinhatchee, Lance Nelson, Stevensville. ..........................................................B24 Stokes Fencing, Conrad ........................B4 Stricks Ag, Chester ..............................A23 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad..C15 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon.......................... A5, B17 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls .....B24 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester ..........B9 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby ...................A21 The Gear House, Helena.....................C20 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre ..................C8 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks .................................................C47 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester ....................A35 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre...C35 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange......................B14 Torgerson’s, Ethridge, Great Falls, Lewistown, Havre, Denton, Billings ............C23 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield .............A27 Trendline Vermeer Sales, Baker ..........C14 Tri County Implement, Sidney ................C1 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton .........A32 Triple T Sales, Chinook ...............C30, C31 TT&E Inc, Victor...................................A46 Van Motors, Conrad .............................A11 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester....A11, C41 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad................A45 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula . ..........................................................C43 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger .........C14 World Equipment, Idaho Falls, ID ........C47 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade .......B23 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow ................. B18, B19 Zomer Truck, Conrad ......................C2, C3

We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-868-5977 Simms, Montana

2009 Cat 257B skid steer, enclosed cab, heat, air conditioning, 2700 hours....$30,000 2004 Kenworth T300 3126 300 hp, 10 speed, 24-ft. van body with lift gate.Coming In!

1995 International box truck, DT466, automatic, 24-ft. van body with roll up door and side access door..................$8500

2000 Tesmec TRS1000 trencher, 13-ft. trench bar, side discharge...................$49,500

2003 John Deere 270C LC excavator, 9000 hours, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics......... ..................................$47,500

2000 Lode King 53-ft. T/A stepdeck....................$15,000

(2) 1996 Wabash 48-ft. T/A flatbeds, plumbed for pups..... .....................................$7500 2012 Komatsu PC80, enclosed cab, hydraulic coupler, auxillary hydraulics, 2275 hours.......................... $37,500

John Myers 406-546-1743

Mack manure truck for Rent! . ....................... Call for prices

2006 Kenworth T800 C15, 600 hp, 18 speed, Tridrive, 28” sleeper, low miles......$75,000

2007 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 565 hp, Cummins ISX, 18 speed, 46,000 rears, full lockers, aluminum dump bed, 550,000 miles............$59,500

1994 Kenworth T600 N14 Cummns, 13 speed, steerable lift axle.......................$18,500

2007 Fontaine 55 ton lowboy. ..................................$49,500

1994 Peterbilt 379 day cab, Cat 3406E, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, wet kit.........$Call 2004 Kenworth T600 Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed, 772,000 miles, 3:58 rears, 4-way lockers, 60” flat top sleeper.......................$22,500

1997 Gerrys T/A Jeep, air ride, nice shape.........$15,000

2004 Load King 70 ton lowboy, 2-3-2 set up, 9-ft. wide.............. ..................................................................................... $130,000

1998 Kenworth W900 60” flat top sleeper, Cat 3406E, 18 speed, steerable lift axle.$Call

2008 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4, 5.4L V8, 190,000 miles... .....................................$9950

2000 Peterbilt 379 550 Cat, 18 speed, 3:55’s, 24.5 rubber. ..................................$27,500

Call us to help you sell your equipment through AuctionTime (406) 564-1743

Lloyd Walker

(406) 868-5977

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B2

HAY FOR SALE 350 ton of Alfalfa/Grass hay in round 5x6 net wrapped bales

Call (406) 217-8945 • Fairfield, MT

M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work

Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius

1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at:

~ ~ ~ PRE-OWNED UNITS ~ ~ ~

2009 Yamaha Rhino 700 SE UTV, roof, winch, front receiver hitch, roof gun rack..................................... $7000 2017 Honda Pioneer 700 UTV, full cab..................$11,500 2007 Yamaha Rhino 660 UTV, roof, street legal...... $5250 2016 Yamaha Kodiak 700 ATV, power steering, 4WD utility unit, automatic, independent rear suspension.. $5995 WE TAKE TRADES - FINANCING AVAILABLE

Yamaha — Honda — Polaris

Pure Bliss Cycle Sales

Check out our website for “Monthly Specials” Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Phone (406) 278-7583 — 609 So. Main, Conrad, MT


2016 Ram 2500, heavy duty, crew cab, only 17,200 miles. New tires, 5.7 Hemi, box liner, sliding back window. Full bumper to bumper factory warranty

2014 Ford F150 King Ranch, EcoBoost, loaded, low miles. Banks, topper. Certified pre-owned extended transferable warranty

2015 Ram 3500 ST, 4x4, Cummins 6.7 diesel, only 17,000 miles, Ram box. Like brand new

2011 Ram 2500 Laramie, 4x4, Cummins 6.7, loaded, box cover, crew cab, 44,500 miles. No DEF, trailer tow package, gooseneck turn over ball, new tires, tow mirrors

Also selling most of our 50+ year collection of restored and project cars, trucks, fire trucks, automobilia, collectibles, tractors and parts.

FLYING FARMER INC. Joel or Ruth Fenger • 406-265-0063 Chester, Montana •

Showmanship Round Robin finalists were (left to right) Juniors - Bryn Lien (sheep), Jacob Herring (swine), Emerald Tinsley (horse), and Mary Gibson (beef). Seniors - Angelina Toth (sheep), Saige O’Neil (horse), Sydney O’Neil (swine), and Loni Waid (beef). Overal winners were Junior Round Robin Showmanship Champion Emerald Tinsley and Senior Round Robin Showmanship Champion Loni Waid. Photo courtesy of Amanda Powell, Hill County Extension.

Waters of the United States

By David Saxowsky, Associate Professor, NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department the statute. The Waters of the United States (WOThe executive and judicial branches TUS) is back in the news. That should be of our federal government have not been no surprise. ignoring this issue of defining the scope of In its simplest terms, WOTUS is a fedthe CWA. Defining the scope of the CWA eral regulation defining which water bodies has been an ongoing issue for most of the are subject to the federal Clean Water Act years since the CWA was enacted in 1972. (CWA). An alternative to having the agencies Congress enacted the CWA in the early try again would be for Congress to review 1970s to address the nation’s water polluand refine the CWA: that is, provide more tion problem. The Environmental Protecclarity in the underlying statute. This would tion Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of not be an easy task for the legislative branch Engineers (Corps) are two federal agencies to take on, but it is an alternative to having with primary responsibility for implementthe agencies propose another regulation and ing the CWA. likely have the courts decide whether the As Congress generally does, it writes a proposal aligns with a statute that apparstatute, such as the CWA, in broad terms, with the expectation that the administering ently no one really knows what it means. agencies of the executive branch of the Another set of players in administering U.S. federal government (EPA and Corps water pollution laws are state governin this situation) provide the needed details ments. Technically, states are responsible by developing one or more regulations. A for defining and regulating property rights; challenge is to prepare regulations that align this responsibility includes protecting the with the congressional intent of the statute. environment. A person or entity may commence a What was clear in the 1960s was that the lawsuit against the federal agencies if the states were reluctant to take steps to protect person or entity feels that its rights have the environment, so Congress stepped in been infringed upon by a regulation that by enacting the National Environmental does not align with the underlying statute. Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969 and additional That is what has occurred with the WOTUS environmental laws in subsequent years, regulations. including the CWA. The EPA and Corps proposed a regulaSomeone had to address environmental concerns. But to keep the federal governtion in 2015 to more clearly define the scope of the CWA. Several states (includment from totally usurping states’ responing North Dakota) and other entities and sibility and authority, Congress provided in people sued based on the argument that the many of the environmental laws (including proposed regulation did not align with the the CWA) that states can impose regulations intent of the statute. The courts agreed and as long as the regulation is no less stringent ordered the EPA and Corps to discontinue than the federal standards. implementing the new WOTUS regulation. Accordingly, state legislatures may have President Trump, as the head of the exroom to step in and do what they were reecutive branch, subsequently ordered the luctant to do 50 years ago. two agencies to withdraw the proposed The bottom line: The WOTUS is not regulation, resume enforcing the prior a done issue. The scope of the CWA still regulations, and then study and develop a needs to be defined. The nation is taking the new regulation that provides a clearer and path of having the federal agencies try to more appropriate definition as to the scope guess again as to the congressional intent of of the CWA. 1972 and then rely on the courts to decide That brings us to now. The EPA and whether the agency regulation has “hit the Corps have withdrawn the proposed WOtarget” this time. The alternative is for Congress to step TUS regulation and are taking the steps to forward to refine the language based on resume administering the previous regulaits observations of what the nation has tions. The two agencies envision developlearned during the past 45 years. The state ing new regulations thereafter that, they legislatures also can take a role in setting hope, will provide a clearer explanation of this environmental policy. the scope of the CWA. Forty-five years of the executive and juThis is not the first time that the EPA and Corps have attempted to clarify the dicial branches trying to figure the intent of scope of the statute. Nor is this the first the legislative branch should be a signal that time that the courts have been called on to the legislative branch should step back into assess whether the regulation aligns with the fray to provide legislative leadership.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B3

2014 Ford F350 Lariat, crew cab, 4x4! SUPER nice truck

2011 Ford F450 chassis cab, 4x4 For the BIG JOBS

2013 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x4

2013 Ford Focus HATCHBACK Perfect economy car! Save $$$$$$

2016 Ford Explorer Loaded, leather, front wheel drive

2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Only 31,000 miles, Special Rebelcon Package!!!

2010 Ford F150 Lariat, supercrew, 4x4

2013 Dodge Charger SAVE $$$$$$

2014 Ford SVT RAPTOR! 44,000 miles! Immaculate! Call now or miss out!

2008 GMC Sierra 3500 crew cab, 4x4

2012 Ram 2500 LONGHORN, crew cab, CUMMINS

2009 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4, crew cab

2007 Ford F150 4x4, supercab 2009 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4, quad cab, Cummins

2011 Ford F250 Lariat crew cab! SUPER nice truck! 2016 Ford Edge all wheel drive, 12,000 miles

2012 Ford F350 Lariat, crew cab, 4x4, POWER STROKE

2014 Ram 1500 Tradesman 4x4. One local owner, in SUPER condition!! 2011 Dodge Durango CITADEL AWD Loaded up and in GREAT condition!

FUN - FUN - FUN 2010 Ford Raptor 4x4, supercab

2007 Ram 3500 chassis cab DUALLY flatbed. READY for the big jobs!

2012 Ram 1500 SLT, crew cab, 4x4!!!

2015 Chrysler Town & Country PERFECT car for the WHOLE FAMILY 2012 Dodge 1500 Laramie 4x4 Hemi

2016 Dodge Charger, all wheel drive, 16,000 miles

2013 Ford Explorer 4x4. SAVE $$$$$

2014 Ford F150 King Ranch SUPERCREW! One local owner! EXCELLENT TRUCK 2007 Ford F350 4x4, crew cab, Power Stroke

Low miles – 2015 Ford Edge, all wheel drive. 2 to choose from 2012 Subaru Forester Only $9995!

Remember winter? There will be another... Be ready 2015 Ford Edge all wheel drive

2009 Dodge Challenger R/T with ONLY 41,000 miles

IN STOCK the Hard to Find 2016 Ford Explorer AWD Yes, We Do Sell For Less!!!!

2001 Ford F150 supercrew!


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B4

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch


1st cutting Alfalfa hay for sale, 3x4 bales, no rain, stored in hay barn. Near Choteau, MT.

NDSU Extension transforms lives through education By NDSU Extension Service

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Six years ago, about the time Vawnita Best gave up a 15-year career involving extensive travel to stay at home to raise her then-2-year-old son and help her husband build their registered Angus herd, she was accepted into the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s Rural Leadership North Dakota program. “I was excited to find a leadership program structured for people with a passion for North Dakota, agriculture and community,” the Watford City rancher says. The 18-month leadership development program helps participants think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, do strategic planning and manage conflict. They also learn about agricultural and rural policy, economic trends that could affect North Dakota, innovative ways to fund local and regional development projects, civic engagement, the value of coalitions and partnerships, and industry and community advocacy. Best says that knowledge has been valuable on the ranch, where her family raises Quarter horses as well as cattle. It helped her family develop effective marketing plans and gain a better understanding of how to have a voice in policy decisions that affect rural American, natural resources management, and food and fiber production. She feels that Rural Leadership North Dakota (RLND) also shaped her decision to run for public office and how she approaches her role as a McKenzie County commissioner. “It is important to develop policy from a place of objectivity,” she says. “RLND has helped with the awareness to better gauge and feel that place of responsibility where empathy and objectivity intersect.” RLND is one of many examples of NDSU Extension’s educational approach that provides North Dakota citizens with the information they need to make changes in their life and community. The concept is called transformational education. “In transformational education, Extension staff make a conscious and continued effort to provide information in a way that will serve as a catalyst for individual and community change,” says Lynette Flage, director of Extension’s Center for Community Vitality. “It’s really getting people to make that step to transform themselves.” This is what sets Extension apart from other information sources, such as Google. “We’re local,” Flage says. “We have the expertise. We’re also neutral.” Transformational education incorporates elements of Extension’s other educational processes: • Information - Extension personnel provide information or a service, such as insect identification or soil testing. • Facilitation - Extension personnel serve as nonpartisan facilitators and organize an event or meeting about a particular topic of concern.

• Content transmission - Extension personnel provide answers to people’s problems in person, on the phone or through newsletters, radio programs, media interviews, publications and social media. • High-impact programs - Extension provides programs that help people solve identified, multifaceted problems. Here are some ways Extension extends knowledge and helps North Dakotans change their life: • East-central North Dakota beef producers were losing cows because the animals couldn’t digest the plastic net wrapping on hay bales, so Angie Johnson, the agriculture and natural resources agent in Steele County, held presentations on the importance of removing the plastic wrapping before grinding the hay and feeding it to cattle, or wrapping the bales with sisal (fiber-based) twine. “By using sisal twine, it degrades away by the time I need to feed it, so all I have to do is remove the plastic twine, which is just enough to keep the bale held together and there’s not very much I have to pull off in the winter,” producer Mike Johnson says. • This year, livestock face a higher risk of nitrate poisoning from eating droughtstressed crops and forages. Drought conditions can cause crops and forages to accumulate nitrates. Craig Askim, agriculture and natural resources agent in Extension’s Mercer County office, and his counterparts in other counties are testing producers’ crops and forages for nitrates. “It is giving ranchers and crop producers an idea of what they are dealing with in a more timely manner than having to wait on lab reports,” Askim says. “With drought, many producers are in stress mode and looking at how they can find enough hay for winter, but they forget about the hidden dangers sometimes, so this tells them where to put their resources (labor). They don’t need to spend time haying a field that is high in nitrate, or at least they know how to manage it and feed it in the future if the nitrates are present.” • Judith Larson of Adams County is all too aware that retirement can be a frightening prospect for farmers and ranchers. She and her husband come from multigenerational farm families, and both have parents who are near retirement age. So when she heard about NDSU Extension’s Design Your Succession Plan (DYSP) program, she and a friend attended the workshops. One goal of DYSP is to help families start on their succession planning and determine their vision for the farm or ranch, whether that’s transferring a viable business to the next generation or deciding how to divide the farm or ranch assets. “I guess my expectation was to find out what Extension had to offer to bring back to my dad and my in-laws and my husband,” Larson says. “I got so much more out of it.” She found the workbook, which each participant receives to help him or her gather the necessary information to develop a succession plan, was invaluable, and the speakers were excellent. “I think it really helped me,” she says. “It gave me some talking points, as far as family is concerned.”

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B5

HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana


“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.


1973 Moto-Ski T4500 snowmobile, like new. Tag #Hug1112......................$1500 Massey 35 25-ft. pull type swather in excellent shape with extra parts. Tag #Hug1112.............................................................................................$1900 1974 Homemade flat bed trailer, 107” deck. Wide enough for older swathers. Tag #TSimo1117..........................................................................................$2500 (2) Liberty 41 gallon sewage pumps. Tag #KenW1117........................$600 each Mayflower truck, 30-ft. van body. Tag #LarryK1117 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix Model J, 2-door, 74,000 miles, white and black. Tag #JerSmt1116.........................................................................................$8700 John Deere 2010 2WD tractor, loader, 3-pt., PTO. Tag #JerSmt1117........$8500 Cat D6 9U crawler, 12-ft. Holt dozer, cab, pony motor, tracks are tight. Tag #Alten1117. Massey 850 combine with 24-ft. headers and air reel. Tg #KenT1117........$6500 Massey 850 combine with 24-ft. header and air reel. Tag #KenT1117........$6500 Highline BP4065 II bale processor. Tag #Hug1117....................................$6500 Round bale feeders. Tag #BCColony1117................................................. $550 ea. 24-ft. portable corral panels. Tag #BirCr1117...........................................$350 ea. 24-ft. panels with 12-ft. gate. Tag #RussB1117..............................................$450 Fuller 12-speed transmission. Tag #Andy1117. Ag Rain 3570 Big Reel, 4” plastic hose, sprinkler head. Tag #JimH1117...$8500 16x10 calf sheds. Tag #JoeBC1117.............................................................$2500 (2) 18.4x34 tires and wheels. Tag #SteveH1117......................................$750 ea. REM 3700 grain vac. Tag #EagleCreek1117........................ Reduced to $14,500 John Deere 1600 35-ft. plow with 11/4” shanks. Tag #Dave1117.................$6000 Berkeley pump, 25 hp, 3 phase, control box. Tag #BobC1116.....Price Pending Homelite 3HP transfer pump. Tag #BobC1117.............................................$200 B&W 5th wheel ball out of 1988 Chevrolet 1-ton. Tag #BobC1117...............$250 Clinton 3 hp motor, 2 stroke. Good for bale elevator. Tag #BobC1117............$50 2-ton chain hoist. Tag #BobC1117.................................................................$200 1989 Versatile 276 bi-directional tractor, 8800 hours, PTO both ends, new brakes, pretty good paint. Tag #Dan1117.......................................................$25,000 R&L 600 grain cart, 600 bushel tank with fire retardant kit, augers are good. Tag #Randy1117.......................................................................................$13,000 300 sticks of 23/8” pipe, great for making corral panels. Tag #Chad1117................ ..................................................................................................$28 per stick Vermeer 9000 BPX, has been used for 200 bales. Tag #Klint1117..........$24,000 82-ft. snow fence. Tag #Andy1117.................................................$1.50 per foot. Case IH Puma 180 FWD tractor with loader and grapple. Tag #WayneS1117...... ...........................................................................................................$80,000 2-white 300-gallon water storage tanks. Tag #DBK1117.........................$700 ea. 1979 Massey-Ferguson 2745 2WD tractor with 11.00x16 front tires, 18.4x38 rear tires. Tag #DBK1117......................................................................$9500 2-front grill guards for Ford pickups. Tag #DBK1117................................$400 ea. Westin grill guard. Tag #DBK1117................................................................$600 Eddie Bauer gooseneck trailer with new brakes, new LED lights. Tag #DBK1117.............................................................................................$4800 3-FES 3000 gallon fertilizer tanks with cone bottoms, 3” valves. Tag #DBK1117... ........................................................................................................$2200 ea. 32-ft. flatbed trailer with ratchets. Great trailer for hauling hay. Tag #DBK1117....... ..............................................................................................................$5500 Concord 6012 3 rank air seeder with Fargo 3350 stainless steel air cart. Tag #DBK1117..........................................................................................$25,000 Hesston 8100 windrower with 30-ft. DSA header. Tag #BlakeS1117.......$18,000 Hesston 1460 discbine. Tag #BlakeS1117...............................................$10,500 1978 Case 1480 combine. Tag #BlakeS......................................................$8500 New Holland 144 windrow inverter. Tag #BlakeS1117................................$3000 International 5000 swather with 21-ft. header. Tag #BlakeS1117...............$7500 International 5000 swather with 14-ft. auger header, diesel. Tag #BlakeS1117.... ..............................................................................................................$6500 2015 Case IH Max125 tractor with L765 loader, 3-point, 787 hours, dual PTO. Tag #MVE1117..................................................................................$97,000 2015 Case IH Puma 165 tractor with WL765 loader and grapple, 748 hours. Tag #1117...............................................................................................$124,000


John Deere 66 AH 5-bottom plow with 16” high speed bottom shears. Tag #DGreer0817. John Deere 16-ft. plow. Tag #JackW0417...................................................$1500 John Deere 10-ft. pull type plow. Tag #D&B0417........................................... Call John Deere 610 30-ft. plow with Degelman harrows, 11/4” shanks. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................................$4500 Melroe 501 42-ft. plow, 1” shanks. Tag #DaveT0916 Flexi-Coil 340 40-ft. plow. Tag #ArtHanson0217........................................ $11,500 John Deere 1600 37-ft. plow. Tag #TL0816 Gysler 36-ft. plow with Degelman mounted harrows and rod weeder. Tag #GaryS0117..........................................................................................$5000 Melroe 30-ft. plow. Tag #GaryS0117...........................................................$4000 Gysler 40-ft. plow. Tag #Russ0516..............................................................$4500 John Deere 610 35-ft. chisel plow, John Deere harrows, all new bearings, tires good, shank protectors. Tag #Miles0416.............................................. $15,000


1987 Dodge Mighty Fifty pickup, 5-speed, 66,000 miles. Tag #MarkW0817........ ..............................................................................................................$3500 1996 Dodge 2500 fuel pickup. Tag#Brent0717............................................$5000 1984 1-ton service pickup, 200 gallon fuel tank, 2WD, 4-speed manual transmission, 103,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417..................................................$4000 Mitsubishi 350 mini pickup truck. Tag #BrokenP0117................................$4000 1991 Oldsmobile Toronado, 2-door sedan, hard top, automatic, new tires, sunroof, color in tan. Showroom condition. Tag #BobC0816.......................$7500 1976 Chevrolet C20 4WD pickup, 350 engine, automatic transmission, 94,000 miles. Tag #BobC0617..........................................................................$2500 1981 Ford F250 2WD pickup with service box. Tag #Ruth0617..................$1500 2000 Ford F350 pickup, Stahl service box. Tag #JasonA0916...................... $7500

Financing Available COMBINES

2001 Case IH 2388 combine, 2856 hours, 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup. Tag #Vince0817.............................$65,000 1999 Case IH 2388 combine, 2775 separator hours, 1052 25-ft. draper header. Tag #Brandon0817.............................................................................$60,000 2007 Case IH 7010 combine with 36-ft. Honey Bee double sickle header, 1200 separator hours. Tag #Jess0917. 2008 John Deere 9770 combine with 36-ft. draper header, new motor, new gearbox, 3000 engine hours and 2200 separator hours. Tag #Terry0817..$155,000 2011 Case IH 8120 combine. Tag #GaryG0817.....................................$140,000 John Deere 9500 combine, 30-ft. 230 header, 2500 hours. Tag #DaveH0917....... ...........................................................................................................$37,000 John Deere S690 combine with only 800 hours. Has all the bells and whistles. Tag #Grant0617...............................................................................$285,000 1992 John Deere 9500 combine, 2500 separator hours, JD 230 header. Tag #DaveH0617. 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3500 hours, 930 30-ft. header (rebuilt). Tag #AlanM0816.......................................................................................$40,000 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3300 separator hours, new walkers, 930 rigid header, batt reel. Tag #Abe0916........................................................$48,000 1981 Case IH 1680 combine, has new batteries, needs sieve work. Tag #LonP0617.................................................................................... Best Offer Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32 tires, good feeder chain. Tag #JackW0417......... ...........................................................................................................$15,000 Massey-Ferguson 750 combine with 24-ft. header. Tag #GaryS0117........$6000 Massey Ferguson 850 combine, 24-ft. header, air reel. Tag #KenT1116..... $6500


Hutchinson 35-ft. belt conveyor. Tag #Jess0917.....................................$17,000 Vermeer 65 wood chipper. Tag #LarryK0917..............................................$7500 Smaller wood chipper with Briggs engine. Tag #LarryK0917.......................$2500 3-point snowblower for Allis-Chalmers 170. Tag #J&J0717.........................$1900 DuAl loader off International 806. Tag #ANF0717.......................................$1950 Finn T30 hydroseeder on 2-ton flatbed. Tag #Brent0717.........................$15,000 1999 Royalite 30-ft. RV camper, gooseneck, slide out, sleeps 4, all self contained. Need to see to appreciate. Tag #DaveH0617.........................$17,000 Techno-Paul portable squeeze chute with AgTronic scale with 5 panels. Tag #TonyS0617. Wheatheart Heavy Hitter post pounder. For Sale or Rent. Tag #0616.Call Huggy!!! New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0417...Preseason Price Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0417...............$1500 (42) 18” round aeration tubes. Tag #DickS0916 (2) 18” round solid aeration tubes. Tag #DickS0916 Tulsa 12-ft. flat bed with tail roll and winch. Tag #JackW0417.......................$750 1500 gallon fertilizer cart. Tag # #JackW0417.............................................$3500 Farmhand small bale clamp. Tag #D&B0417..............................................$1750 18.4x26 tires, 24.5x32 lug tires, 18.4x38 tires. Tag #JackW0417............$600 ea. Meyers ditch filler. Tag #RodC0617.............................................................$6000 Farmhand 8-bale clamp. Tag #TomS0617...................................................$1600 Paul calf scale. Tag #TomS0617....................................................................$600 1980 Cal-West generator, Onan generator, 20kw single phase, 254 diesel engine. Tag #WahlF0616...........................................................................$9750 1989 Ford with 12-ft. van body, 4-speed overdrive. Tag #D&B0417............$4000 24-ft. pipe panels. Tag #Joe0317.............................................................$350 ea. Du-Al 365 loader and spear. Tag #GaryS0117............................................$2500 Snow blower for John Deere 304.................................................................$7000 John Deere HH80 hammer. Tag #Brent0717..............................................$9500 2012 John Deere drum roller. Tag #Brent0717...........................................$9000 2012 John Deere 73” sheepsfoot roller. Tag #Brent0717............................$8000 2012 Marv Haugen trencher. Tag #Brent0717............................................$5700 Pioneer roll crusher. Tag#Brent0717........................................................$27,000 40 hp electric motor. Tag #Neal0416 Engine end 3-pt. hitch & PTO for 9030 bidirectional. Tag #RogW0516........$3800 Call me for additional information on Wacker Neuson items!!!! 14) 20-ft. corral panels. Tag #BrettP0317.................................................$325 ea. DuAl loader to fit John Deere 4520 tractor. Tag #GaryS0816.....................$4500 NEW pasture harrows. Tag #Hug0516...................................... $199 per section Irrigation pump, 40 hp electric motor. Tag #Neal0916 Troy-Bilt rototiller. Tag #BobC0816...............................................................$800 Hyster winch for Cat D6C, free spooler. Tag #Pack1016 1-ton box off Chevrolet pickup. Tag #D&B0417............................................$1000


Jaylor 4065 mixer. Tag #PostEq0617.......................................................$22,900 Supreme 900T vertical mixer, reconditioned. Tag #PostEq0617..............$44,000 2011 Supreme 700T twin screw mixer wagon, has gone through shop. Tag #PostEq0617......................................................................................$29,000 Supreme 700S single screw mixer wagon, Tag #PostEq0617.................$18,500 Supreme Mixers available. Call Huggy Bear Haybuster 256+2 2-bale processor, new bearings, conveyor rebuilt, new plastic slides replaced. Tag #MikeW0117.........................................................$6800 Haybuster 256+2 bale processor, 1000 PTO, new slides and bearings. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$7500


See Me About Your Bale Processor Needs Tag #Hug1017 Winch for D6C Cat with Hyster free spooler. Tag #Pack1017......................$3000 Sullair compressor. Tag #Hug1017..........................................................$25,000 NEW Airway 30-ft. aerator. Tag #RickW1017...........................................$50,000 Airway 20-ft. aerator. Tag #RickW1017....................................................$33,000 NEW Spraylift hydraulic jack for high clearance sprayers. Tag# Hug1017.... $1700 Continental cargo trailer, 20.8x20, 12-volt system, LED lights. Tag #Larry1017.... ................................................................................................................ $8500 Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1017.........................................................$3500 Case David Brown 1200 3-point, 540 PTO, new 18.4x30 rear tires and a power draw bar, 3092 hours. Tag #RodB1017.................................................$6500 Badger Hopto trailer mounted backhoe. Tag #Hug1017............................$1500 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 114-ft. double booms, double nozzles, windscreens, 2 tanks, 18.4x26 lug tires. Tag #DaveB1017. Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 114-ft. double booms, windscreens, 1500 gallon tank, 18.4x26 Diamond tires, single boom and double nozzles.. Tag #DaveB1017. M&W 450 grain dryer. Tag #DaveB1017. Allison automatic transmission out of 1985 Steiger tractor. Tag #WahlF1017. International FAA tractor, 540 PTO, saw blade. Tag #SteveF1017. International FC tractor, 540 PTO. Does not run. Tag #SteveF1017. (39) 4-ft. perforated aeration tubes. Tag #DickS1017...............................$135 ea. (136) rings for aeration tubes. Tag #DickS1017.........................................$35 ea. Round bale cattle feeders. Tag #Sam1017. Frigidaire stainless steel refrigerator. Tag #Terra1017..................................$500 Stainless steel dishwasher. Tag #Terra1017..................................................$300 Magic Chef microwave oven. Tag #Terra1017...............................................$250 2012 Dodge pickup bumper. Tag #DickG1017..............................................$450 John Deere 6125R tractor with 340 loader, 3-point, FWD, 2300 hours. Tag #Sam1017........................................................................................$135,000 2014 John Deere 569 round baler, Mega Wide pickup, net wrap. Tag #Sam1017. John Deere 1590 14-ft. grass drill, 7” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes. Tag #Sam1017. 1999 White 6710, 101 PTO horsepower with loader, 3-point, FWD, 540 PTO, FWD grapple, 6000 hours, box scraper. Tag #Kerry1017...................$45,000 Mirage 32-ft. triple axle gooseneck, 21,000# GVW, extra storage above gooseneck. Tag #Kerry1017............................................................................$6500 Aerway 18-ft. pasture harrow with drawbar. Tag #Kerry1017......................$5500 Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1017......................................$8500 2009 Honey Bee 40-ft. draper header with Case IH adapter for late combines, pea auger. Tag #Mike1017.................................................................$19,000 Lufkin 48-ft. double drop trailer. Tag #RianC1017....................................$17,000 1984 Load Master belly dump gravel trailer, 60,000 GVW. Tag #RianC1017....... ...........................................................................................................$12,000 Vermeer BPX 9000 bale processor, round and square bales. Tag #KlintS1017... ................................................................................................Price Pending 2008 Case Puma 180 trailer with L770 loader, bucket and grapple, 3-point, 540 PTO, 2289 hours. Tag #Wayne1017...................................................$88,000 International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1017.........................................................................................$7500 2011 Wolf Pack toy hauler, 12-ft. garage, big shower. Tag #Donnie1017. 2009 Honey Bee 40-ft. draper header with pea auger. Fits late Case IH combines. Tag #Mike1017.........................................................................$20,000 Winch for D6C Cat. Tag #Pack1017.............................................................$2500 Case IH 1015 pickup header with a Sund pickup. Unit is like new. Tag #Harry1017...................................................................................................$6500


2009 Bourgault 5725 air seeder with 6700 4-compartment air cart. Tag #GaryG0817. 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips, good condition. Tag #RonH0317.................................................$29,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft. 9” spacing air drill with 2320 tow behind air cart, updated loading auger. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................$27,000 2-John Deere 9450 12-ft. 12” spacing drills, fertilizer box, one has a grass seeder. Tag #0517...................................................................................$2500 ea. Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 91/2” spacing, double shoot, 1720 tow behind tank. Tag #ArtH0516...................................................................................$45,000 Case IH PH-800 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, rubber packer. Never been used, no air tank. Tag #Dave0716................................................................$40,000 1996 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air seeder, 9” spacing, 31/2” steel packers with 2320 tow between tank. Tag #DaveH0617..................................................$29,000 Case IH Concord 6012 ATX 60-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, ADX 3360 tow between tank. Tag #BirchCreek0516......................................................$75,000 2006 New Holland 57-ft. air seeder with 430 tow behind cart, single shoot. Tag #Rog0217..........................................................................................$65,000 Victory 35-ft. air seeder, 14” spacing with 5” spreader (actually will spread 7” spacing), 2320 tow behind tank with auxiliary 3rd tank, rubber packers. Can be either single or double shoot. Tag #Rick0416....................................... $18,500


Homemade 17-ft. gooseneck trailer. Tag #Paul0817....................................$3500 PJ tilt trailer. Tag#Brent0717........................................................................$6000 NEW!! PJ trailers. Tag #Wyatt0717 2006 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7000 lb. axles. Tag #Pack0617.................$7500 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 8-ft. x 34-ft. 5th wheel triple axle hay trailer. Tag #BrokenP0117..................$8500 1993 gooseneck 30x8 flatbed trailer, tandem axle, duals, 16,000 lb. capacity. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$6500 Star 36-ft. tandem axle grain trailer. Tag #Kyle0616.................................$12,000 Star 51-ft. grain trailer, 3 axles, 11R22.5 tires, Shur-Lok tarp. Tag #Kyle0316 2012 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$36,000 2013 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$38,000 35-ton lowboy trailer. Tag #Pack0617........................................................$12,500 Star 45-ft. trailer, tandem axle, 10.00x22 tires, Shur-Lok tarp. Tag #Kyle03 Star 48-ft. grain trailer. Tag #Kyle0616......................................................$20,000


John Deere 4520 tractor with loader. Tag #GaryS0917. John Deere 2240 tractor with 3-point. Tag #GaryS0917. Allis-Chalmers 170 gas tractor with 460 loader, 3-point, 540 PTO, cab, 1939 hours. Tag #ArleeJ0817.........................................................................$9500 John Deere 8630 4WD tractor with 20.8x34 tires, 1000 PTO, 3 remotes, motor in good shape. Tag #JackW0417........................................................$14,000 John Deere 5020 tractor with 24.5x32 rear tires, SN 5010 32T 1801. Tag #JackW0417..........................................................................................$4500 John Deerre 5010 tractor, 1000 PTO, 2 sets of remotes. Tag #JackW0417..$7000 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0417..................$45,000 International W9 tractor, 540 PTO, gas, Koyker loader, great auger tractor. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................................$3500 International 656 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point, 741 loader, 5302 hours, needs seat. Tag #D&B0417...................................................................$5000 John Deere 6320 FWA tractor with John Deere 640 loader, dual PTO, 80 hp, 4500 hours. Tag # Reid0817..............................................................$40,000 John Deere 4430 MFD tractor with loader, 3-point dual PTO, 6600 hours. Tag #ArtH0617..........................................................................................$35,000 Versatile 800 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, (2 new tires), manual transmission, 5953 hours. Tag #JackW0417............................................................$10,000 International hydro tractor, 3-point, PTO. Tag #JackW0417....................$10,000 Big Bud HN250 tractor, Fuller transmission, 24.5x32 duals, 3280 hours. Tag #Kyle0616 Big Bud KT450 4WD tractor, Cummins 1150 engine. Tag #Kyle0616.....$47,500 Case IH Steiger 9380 tractor, powershift, 10,000 hours. Good shape and field ready. Tag #BirchCreek0516..............................................................$65,000


Gehl 1083 telehandler, 10,000# lift. Tag#Seville0817...............................$14,000 Push blade to fit on Gehl telehandler. Tag #Paul0817.................................$2500 2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0717...............................................$4000 2012 Marv Haugen 76 tiller. Tag#Brent0717...............................................$4500 2012 Marv Haugen land plane. Tag#Brent0717..........................................$3500 Cat 650H dozer/crawler. Tag#Brent0717..................................................$46,000 2015 Hitachi 50G mini excavator. Tag#Brent0717...................................$79,000 Champion 760 grader, 14-ft. blade. Tag #KevinB0617.............................$26,000 2016 New Wacker Neuson ST track skid steer loader. Tag #LarryB0617. 2016 New Wacker Neuson WL34 wheel loader. Tag #LarryB0617. John Deere 410 tractor/loader/backhoe, 5238 hours. Tag #JackW0417........ Call John Deere 50 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #Dan1216.............................................$2500 Melroe 811 skidsteer mounted backhoe. Tag #KenBert0916........................ $6500 Case 320 crawler/dozer, 551 hours on rebuilt, new engine, drives, tracks, 6-way blade. Tag #GaryH0916......................................................................$11,000 NEW!! Danuser 48” pallet fork for skidsteer loader. Tag #Hug0516..............$890 1986 International 560 loader. Tag #Brent0717......................................$22,000 2011 John Deere 304 loader. Tag #Brent077..........................................$67,000 2011 Cat 420 tractor/loader/backhoe. Tag #Brent0717............................$75,000 Case 850 crawler/dozer, 10-ft. dozer blade, bucket. Tag #BrokenP0117....$15,000 2) Allis Chalmers graders. Tag #Jess0717.............................$6000 for the pair


Harvest International H1372 13”x72-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #Jess0917..... ...........................................................................................................$17,000 M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum0817.. ..............................................................................................................$7500 Westfield MK100 10”x61-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #GaryS0917...........$3900 Wesco 1310 10”x70-ft. swing away grain, hydraulic drive. Tag #Ruth0417..$3500


1989 Ford F600 truck (less box or tank). Tag #Paul0817............................$2500 1978 Peterbilt grain truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, 400,000 miles, 13 speed Fuller, 855 Cummins, Tag #Russ0817...............................................$31,000 1994 Chevrolet 2500 fuel truck. Tag#Brent0717.........................................$3000 GMC 7000 truck with 1500 gallon tank, 16-ft. flatbed, 5-speed manual, 114,363 miles. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................$7000 1972 Ford F900 dump with with 10-yard. Tag #JackW0417........................$6500 1984 Ford F900 grain truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, almost new tires, and real nice box. Tag #JackW0417..........................................$15,000 Ford LN700 truck, red and white, 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 5&2 speed transmission, 88,354 miles, nice, nice truck. Tag #JackW0417..........$11,000 1989 GMC 7000 gravel truck, 5 speed/2speed, 47,116 miles. Tag #BrokenP0117..............................................................................................$8500 1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$5500 1987 GMC truck with 427 gas engine, 24-ft. van body with tail lift. Tag #D&B0417. 1997 Ford F800 service truck, 8.3 Cummins, 9 speed, air brakes, 5000 lb crane, 246,000 miles. Tag #JasonA0916........................................................ $15,000 1994 Ford LT900W truck. Tag#Brent0717................................................$22,000 1981 International cement truck. Tag#Brent0717.......................................$3000 1994 Ford 700 24-ft. van truck. Tag #Brent0717.........................................$6000 1978 GMC 7000 winch truck, boom poles 44,000 miles. Tag #Norm0617..$11,500 1952 rockpicking truck with 12-ft. box and hoist. Tag #JackW0417..............$1500 1970 Ford LN600 truck with 18-ft. box and hoist, ShurLok tarp, 4&2 speed, 83,500 miles. Tag #JackW0417.............................................................$9500 1991 Ford F700 truck with 24-ft. van body with tail lift, 427 gas engine, new radiator, 247,727 miles. Tag #D&B0417................................................$6000

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B6


Don’t waste manure By NDSU Extension Service

Also Willow Creek Winter Wheat

Phone Craig at (406) 799-5977 or Tytus at (406) 590-5977



Call (406) 370-2987 Hall, MT

1995 John Deere 7200 725 John Deere loader, 92 hp, 540/1000 PTO, 5785 hours, 4 remotes, 3 point rear switch, radio, air, heater, 16 speed PowerQuad.


Hillsboro 20-ft. Stock Trailer


Livestock manure contains beneficial soil-building ingredients and plant nutrients, but they could be wasted if the manure spreader isn’t calibrated correctly. “Whether you are spreading the manure yourself or having a North Dakota custom manure hauler do the job for you, calibrating the spreader should be a top priority,”

says Mary Berg, the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s area livestock environmental management specialist at the Carrington Research Extension Center. “These valuable nutrients may be wasted by over application or crop yield goals may not be met due to under application because of a lack of spreader calibration,” she adds. “Manure is money, so let’s not waste it.” One calibration option is called the sheet method. This method works well for solid manure applications, Berg says. Here are materials you’ll need: • Tarps/sheets (at least three) of a known area (3 feet by 7 feet 4 inches, for example). Landscaping fabric works well because applied manure will not slide off as easily as it will on a plastic sheet. • 5-gallon bucket • Scale Procedure: • Weigh the bucket and a sheet. • Lay the sheets in a row and anchor them with a few rocks or stakes. • Start the tractor and turn on the spreader. Allow time for the spreader to start spreading. • Record your tractor gear, engine’s revolutions per minute and spreader settings. • Drive over the sheets, applying manure on them. • Retrieve the manure-covered sheets and weigh them in the bucket. Subtract the weight of the bucket and sheets. • If you’re using a sheet measuring 21.8 square feet (3 feet by 7 feet 4 inches or 4 feet by 5 feet 6 inches, for example), then the weight in pounds of manure on the sheet is equal to tons per acre. The application rate is: Rate (tons/ acre) = (pounds of manure on sheet x 21.8) ÷ sheet area (square feet). Visit for more information on calibration methods.

Enjoy more apples this season

By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service me that this past spring, we had a late frost in “We didn’t get any apples on our apple tree Fargo, which destroyed many of the flowers this year,” my 19-year old daughter lamented. on apple trees in our community. “Not even one.” I will hope for warmer weather next spring My neighbors cut down their aging apple because we enjoy apples from our tree. tree last year, so that probably had something Our tree has provided a key recipe ingreto do with our fruitless tree. According to NDSU Extension informadient, along with many pleasant memories, including this one from several years ago. tion written by our horticulture specialists, “That apple tree is amazing,” my then-12“many tree fruit cultivars cannot set fruit year-old daughter exclaimed as she held up a with their own pollen, so you must select large, bright red apple. “Look at this apple!” and plant two different cultivars to ensure She had just come inside after using our fertilization.” apple picker to pluck some of the brightest A “cultivar,” by the way, is a plant variety red fruits high in the tree in our backyard. produced through selective breeding. So, “We can make lots of things with apples, another cultivar (crab apple) would help our can’t we?” I responded. I noted the bags of tree produce fruit. More than likely, we have apples waiting to be consumed or given away. enough apple trees in our neighborhood. Our family was making use of all sorts I talked with Extension horticulturist Todd Weinmann from Cass County. He reminded CONTINUED ON PAGE B7

Enjoy more apples CONTINUED FROM PAGE B6

of devices to pick and process our apples. My daughter was turning the handle of our apple peeler-corer-slicer device, and ribbons of apple peelings were falling into the sink. I was making apple crisp with my then-7-year-old daughter, using my older daughter’s peeled apples. Later, I overheard my husband comment to my daughter, “Do you smell the apples cooking? You’ll remember this aroma all your life.” Besides providing tasty snacks and recipe ingredients, apples are good for your health. Whether an “apple a day keeps the doctor away” depends on lots of things: your genetics as well as your nutrition choices, physical activity level and other factors. Apples have been found to help with weight maintenance or loss as well as blood glucose management. Eating more apples may reduce the risk for heart disease and certain types of cancer. Other researchers have explored the relationship between apple consumption and asthma and Alzheimer’s disease. Along with several vitamins and minerals, apples provide pectin, a soluble fiber that may help reduce or maintain blood cholesterol levels. Apples also provide health-promoting antioxidant compounds, especially in the peeling. When apples are processed into juice, many of the healthpromoting phytochemicals decrease; therefore, nutritionists advise eating more whole fruit than juice. Eating a fresh apple with the peel intact will give you the maximum health benefit. On average, one apple has 5 grams of fiber. The skin provides the majority of the fiber content. A medium apple contains about 80 calories and is fat-, sodiumand cholesterol-free. Apples also provide vitamins C and A. When choosing an apple to use, look for fruits with shiny, smooth skin and the characteristic color of the variety. Avoid selecting punctured apples, and treat fruit gently to avoid bruising them. For the longest storage, keep apples in a plastic bag in a refrigerator away from strong-smelling foods because they may absorb the flavors of other foods. Apples give off ethylene gas, which may cause browning of other produce; the plastic bag helps prevent this issue.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B7

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the December 2017 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, November 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.


We wish all of our customers a Happy and Bountiful Thanksgiving and we look forward to seeing you at our December Customer Appreciation OWNERS: Bing VonBergen Get-together! Steve Grove

CREW: Bill Wilber, Operations Manager Lynda Cederberg, Accounting Brandon Morris, Sales Manager Joel Raber, Outside Operations COMMERCIAL GRADING

Certified Seed Cleaning Plant


FAX 406-423-5665 101 Indian Butte Road Moccasin, MT 59462

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B8

FAIRFIELD MIXED HAY AND BARLEY FOR SALE In round bales. Call for pricing. Delivered Also hay and grain hauling statewide

Phone 406-870-9003


8-ft. to 53-ft. Starting under $3000 delivered.

Phone (406) 899-4104

Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT

2012 Case IH 8230 Combine For Sale

Approximately 800 separator hours, 975 engine hours AFS ready, GPS ready, 372 receiver, newer dual tires, tilting feederhouse, HID lighting, cloth seat, fine cut chopper, rock trap, long unloading tube. Comes with 2014 MacDon D65S 40-ft. draper header, factory transport with lighting package, factory pickup reel. Cenex engine warranty to 8000 hours........ $209,000

Call (406) 788-5327 or (406) 868-4096 Fort Benton, Montana


Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 80, 830, 3020, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 6030, 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846

The world is good, but sometimes saying that is hard

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service a while, but a call came: The bulls are out. Sometimes, words are really difficult as A deep breath, a muttered “Not now,” but events shake our foundation. we respond, noting the crystal-clear North Questions without answers abound. Dakota skies and majestic powdery clouds Words of hope and encouragement fall by drifting by. We also notice the cold wind, the wayside. Our world simply stops. We with a slight howl to it, that has come and stop, ponder and question. gone for centuries, and breeched the hill, However, on the range or any place that reminding me we are not in charge. maintains the living, the world may pause, After the fence was fixed, I pondered: but it does not stop. We feed each other and yet we hurt each We may look to pause, to simply get other, truly a chalaway. Unexpected lenge within the fraevents bring that emogility of life. Feelings tion forward, generhave not faded. We are ally when something still “one nation under is wrong, very wrong. God.” We all have this inFor those of us who nate feeling, a feeling remain, we know life of emptiness, of loss is very fragile, and for without a fix. We canthose who have given not go back; we cantheir life, we must not change what has rest assured there is happened. We simmuch more. We do ply may sit at a gate, not know, but we looking back, but it’s hang on to what we a gate that will not have, to what is good. open. And faith turns us. To d a y ’s w o r l d Through bad times, seems to move the we seek healing and tenets of wrong. Our we seek what is good. foundations and core Good does not go remain solid but quesaway. Our very fountions multiply. Who is dation of goodness is real, but so is sadness. going to feed the cattle? Who is going to Faith, hope and love reseal life’s cracks and open the pasture gate? Who is going to go pass on our foundation to those to come. get fuel? So much is taken for granted, so For now, forgiveness ultimately allows much is assumed, and then there is nothing. chapters to close, leaving us to still ponder Living is vast and tough, reflected in the where the “more” is. For now, joy is in short bumps and bruises accumulated in our days supply, but hope remains. Hope sustains on any given day. We call it living, but we something very precious: us. too often are called to task and are reminded As we sift through the physical, emoall too well of the fragileness of life. tional and spiritual rubble of the past darkIn times of loss, I often recall a memory ness, we must continue a resolve to realign of a day gone by, a sad memory, a young, priorities. Perhaps someday, we no longer tragic death. I remember returning from will need to wonder when we all will be the funeral and picking up an egg that was able to truly be arm in arm, side by side. about to hatch. Emerging from that egg was Who knows? a new life, totally unknowing of the day’s We are all truly individuals challenged events and emotion. How fragile that new to make good, to bring love and pass on youngster was, and yet so fresh, so full of hope. But we are not in control; the forces life on a day that another life was lost. of nature, of space and of that which we are The youngster pecked away: first a crack, not privileged to know always will be here. then a hole, emitting the most beautiful light We can seek peace within ourselves, and the youngster had ever seen. The youngster when we have peace within our self, share continued pecking, faithfully believing a that peace with those around us. And then better life existed outside the shell. Blind, we realize we do not need to open old gates; unending faith brought the youngster from we need only to pause, share the good, and the security of the egg to the vastness of a turn and move on down the path. Life is not new world. Faith turns us from that gate that easy but truly worth living. will not open, turns as around and sends us As we throw that last bit of hay to the on a new path. cows or gather one more calf that somehow The emotion of my tears was simply managed to slip past the gate as the sun morning dew for the youngster, who had no sets, remember tomorrow is another day knowledge of how tough life can be, only filled with hope. We have no assurance of a brightness of new life, ready, willing and what is to come, but each day is one step able to secure tomorrow’s future. I simply closer to knowing the truth, a truth that once returned the youngster to its mother, who revealed, will bring joy to one’s heart and quickly embraced the newborn, no quessadness will be no more. Peace be with you. tions asked. May you find all your ear tags. Today, we face a void because of worldly For more information, contact your local events. Yes, fall roundups and next spring’s NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// calving will continue, which will bring or smiles to our faces. Even more new life, Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extenonce hatched, will fill the room full of new sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND expectations. 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ But life is still different: We have the sire to be alone in the quiet space, at least for

Foster County teams win 4-H range judging contest By NDSU Extension Service

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B9

Advertising Deadline for the December issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 29th Wednesday BEFORE first Monday of each month.

T & T Farm Supply, LLC

Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)


Foster County’s senior 4-H range judging team will represent North Dakota in national competition in Oklahoma in 2018. Team members are, from left, front row, Adam Gorseth, Beth Lee and Chayla Kuss, and back row, Tyler Lee and Mathias Kubal. (NDSU photo)

Foster County 4-H range judging teams placed first in the senior and junior divisions of the recent state 4-H range judging contest at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service station in Mandan, North Dakota. Senior team members are Tyler Lee, Beth Lee and Mathias Kubal of Carrington; Adam Gorseth of Cathay; and Chayla Kuss of Woodworth. Tyler Lee placed first individually in the contest. This team will have the opportunity to represent North Dakota at the National Invitational 4-H Range Judging Contest in Oklahoma in the spring of 2018. Joel Lemer and Missy Hansen coached the team. The Oliver County team of Reanna Schmidt of Center, Charlie Liffrig of Mandan and Olivia Klein of Max placed second, followed by a combination team from Cavalier and McKenzie counties in the senior division. The Oliver team is coached by Rick Schmidt. Members of the first-place junior Foster County team are Molly Hansen of Carrington; Kyle Johnson, Trace Spickler and Haylie Spickler of Grace City; and Payton Spitzer of McHenry. Hansen was the high individual in the junior division. Joel Lemer and Missy Hansen also coached this team. The McKenzie junior team placed second. Team members are Magnus Trembath, Sylvia Boekelman and Wyatt Boekelman of Arnegard; Paige Delaney of Alexander; Ryan Pingel of Watford City; and Jaden Murphy of Williston. Morgan Wisness coached the team. Teams and participants from Williams, Oliver and Ward counties rounded out the junior division. The range judging contest consists of three ecologic sites and two range plant identification sites. Participants evaluate the soil type, slope and plant content of each site, along with the current condition of the range, and make recommendation related to range management practices. Each plant identification site consists of 15 plants. The participants identify the plant and indicate various traits for each plant. The contest also includes a team problem related to a range situation. Teams must calculate the appropriate stocking rate and management practices. The range judging contest is conducted with support and sponsorship from the North Dakota 4-H Foundation and Society of Range Management. Kevin Sedivec, NDSU Extension rangeland management specialist, officiated the contest.

Call to get more information about German-engineered Tillage Tools how your operation The ONLY Dealer can benefit from in Montana! Lemken products!

WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR... Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO. Now selling Bourgault Tillage and Seeding Tools CALL US TODAY!

Call today for New VR12 Grain Vac pricing and availability

REM VRX Grain Vacs We also have parts for REM Grain Vacs

Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers

We stock a large variety of Honey Bee parts including rod weeder supplies.

Also Now Available 1” and 2.5” air seeder hose 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts

We are your MAV Chopper Dealer

Now Selling Parts and Conveyors

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B10

Big Sky Equipment Co.

Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell


Now Scheduling Winter Inspections! Combines, sprayers, round balers, loader tractors. Hold-over specials on Inspection includes New Holland loader tractors. T6.155 with loader. multi-point T4.75, ROPS with loader. inspection, Extra savings available when paired with a New Holland hay tool! quality check of fluids GREAT VALUE ON ALL and standard DRILLS IN STOCK Flexi-Coil 5500 operation check. fold back drill, 70ft., 12” spacing, Call 800-332-7541 4.5” steel press


We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.

SPECIAL OFFER: FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY on all header repairs for combine and swather machines within 60 miles of Conrad, MT. To inquire or schedule please contact Corey at 800-332-7541

wheels, 4350 tow between tank. Very nice condition. Let’s Deal!......... Was $109,900.....HUGE SAVINGS!............ .......................................................$89,900 Huge Discounts available on Hold-Over New Holland P2060 air drill with P1060 cart, 70-ft., 12” spacing..................... Call for Pricing 2015 Morris 9450 air cart, tow between, mechanical drive, dual fan. Like new.... ........Let’s Deal

Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition..................................Just Traded

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B11

Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:

ll new able on a ck il a v a s g savin s in sto Fantastic Apache sprayer and used

Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227

Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell


2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control.................. $159,900


2001 John Deere 9400, Quad-Range transmission, 40 gpm hydraulic pump, new tires, low hours. Excellent condition...........Just Traded Case IH MXM120 loader tractor, MFD, powershift.............................................Just Traded

1996 Case IH 9370 tractor, powershift transmission. Very clean tractor......................$67,500 Steiger 9150 4WD, L10 Cummins 300 hp, 12 speed powershift, 4 remotes, 520/85R38 duals @ 85%, recent reman front & rear axles. Includes EZ-Guide 250 with EZ-Steer. Good condition....................................Was $49,900 ...........Then $42,900.....NOW ONLY $39,900 1979 Versatile 875 tractor, 4 remotes, 20.8x38 dual tires @ 70%, 7417 hours. Engine overhauled at 5741 hours.........................$18,900

New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only......................$16,995

2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 42 inch crop clearance, 100-ft. boom, 5 ball valves, Raven Envizio monitor with Autosteer, Auto Boom and AccuBoom, inductor........ $156,500


Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 diamond tires (U21171) Reduced........$5995 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, lug tire, Flextrol Auto Rate, foam marker, rinse tank... ..........................................Now only $19,900 2005 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended, 1600 gallon, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, Auto Rate, SP655 controller................................$19,900 2007 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, 5 section, single nozzle bodies, wind cones, Trimble Field IQ.. ...........................................................$19,900

2010 Case IH 7120 combine, yield and moisture, rock traps, duals, leather seat. Very nice condition...................................................Call Us Case IH 7120 combine, rock trap, 24-ft. unloading auger. Nice machine.....................Call Us Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, yield and moisture, 30-ft. 1010 header.............$69,900 Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, low hours, 30-ft. 1010 header. Very clean machine......... ...........................................................$69,900 Case IH 1480 combine with 810 24-ft. header... ...........................................................$12,500


2009 John Deere 9870STS, well equipped, 2014 640D draper header. Very good condition. Rental. Reduced...............................Call Us

MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport. Let’s Deal!............................. .......................Was $72,500.....NOW $67,900 2007 New Holland 94C 36-ft. draper header, Compare to new at close to $100,000 dual knife, pickup reel, transport........$39,900 2005 Trail-Eze 80HT drop deck equipment trailer 2014 John Deere 640D draper header. Rental. with 2-stage hydraulic tail, 80,000 lb GVW, Reduced................................................. Call triple axle, hydraulic winch, slide outs widen Case IH 1015 pickup header............. Let’s Deal to 13-ft., good rubber.................Was $52,500 Case IH 1015 pickup header............. Let’s Deal .................................................. Now $49,900 2012 MacDon M205 windrower, set-up with R85 Case IH 1015 pickup header, Swathmaster atdisc header, draper header ready, Outback tachment............................................$10,900 GPS guidance, low hours. Let’s Deal!........... 1995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory .......................Was $94,500.....NOW $89,900 attachment............................................$8995 New Holland 1475 swing tongue mower condi- Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attioner, 14-ft. sickle head, rubber conditioner. tachment...............................................$6500 Very clean.............................................$8995 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header..............$4900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rake-up New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 raking pickup. Very little use.................$8995 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund Case IH RB564 round baler, net/twine............... attachment............................................$2995 ....................................................Just Traded New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less at2008 Case IH RB564 round baler, twine............ tachment...............................................$1495 .......................................................Let’s Deal Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachVermeer R23 hydraulic driven rake. Good conment........................................................$995 dition.....................................................$7995 New Holland 2216 hay header, good sickle Swather transport trailer, sideways pull style..... condition. Nice header................Just Traded Now stocked with the industry leading ..............................................................$5250 New Holland 2330BF header adapter, fits most Highline CRF650 bale processors. New Holland bidirectional tractors........$3995



Call today for pricing

Bale King 880 bale processor.................$9500 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor..........$8995


John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 35-ft., set up with liquid fertilizer kit...................................$4995

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B12


200 tons of second cutting alfalfa/grass hay round bales....$135/ton Buy 10 bales or fewer......................................................... $100/bale Call 406-472-3387 or text 406-450-3327


In North Teton County

~ 480 acres ~ 397 acres, cultivated ~ 83 acres, grass land Call (406) 278-3742 (406) 450-1133


High quality 3x4x8 square bales. Tarped or stored inside. • 1st cut Alfalfa 160 RFV • 2nd cut Alfalfa 170 RFV • 3rd cut Alfalfa 227 RFV Also, Willow Creek round bales

Jim Bouma, Choteau, MT 406-590-5375

ITEMS FOR SALE 2013 Case IH Precision 160 sprayer pull type, 100-ft. boom, spray wand, excellent condition..........$25,000 2011 Honda Odyssey good condition...............$10,000 1550 gallon water tank............................................$300 1650 gallon water tank............................................$350 Washer & dryer...............................................$100/each Call Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 or (406) 292-3240 evenings • Inverness, MT


2012 Case IH PS160 pull type sprayer, 100-ft. suspended boom, windscreens, AutoRate, AutoBoom, 1600 gallon tank, excellent condition...................................... $35,000 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, with 3400 cart, new monitor and electrical, 5” carbide tips, good condition.............................................................. $25,000 Phone (406) 397-3333, Hingham, Montana

The importance of business succession for rural communities

By Iowa State University of Science and Technology News Service It happens in small towns across Iowa and ness and Entrepreneurship. The average the country. A long-time business must close business owner in Iowa is 50 years old and its doors because it has no successor, leaving more than 14,000 business owners are 70 a community with the empty storefront of a or older. Shimkat says these numbers not shop that once offered a product or service, only highlight the opportunity for young jobs and philanthropic support. entrepreneurs, but the potential impact if a The vitality of rural economies depends majority of these small businesses would as much on maintaining these existing close. businesses as attracting new ones, said Succession for continuity Iowa State University economic and small Succession is not only a concern for small business experts. Even though resources business. Peter Orazem, University Profesare available to assist with business successor of economics, says many communities sion, several factors can complicate plans are facing a transition in leadership as more to sell or pass on the business to an heir. In baby boomers retire. rural communities, location and declining “We are finding several communities population are obstacles. do not have a natural succession plan for “Succession can be challenging even people to take over leadership roles in transwhen an owner has an heir in mind to take portation, planning or legal departments,” over the business. Sons or daughters go off Orazem said. “It doesn’t matter if it’s a to college and are not always interested in city government with 600 employees or a going back to small town Iowa to run the firm with 25 people. It is hard to guarantee family hardware store,” said Georgeanne continuity if there is no succession plan.” Artz, an assistant professor of economics. Orazem says government agencies and Artz has studied differences between businesses alike can learn from examples rural and urban entrepreneurs to understand such as Ames National Corporation, a mulhow location affects business creation, suctibank holding company, on how to develop cession and income. There is a perception an effective succession plan. This spring, that urban areas are better for business, but Orazem advised a student team that anaArtz’s research shows that is not always lyzed the corporation’s plan for a national the case. After controlling for factors such banking competition. as education and cost of living, she found Orazem says ISU students identified key relatively little difference in pay and an acquisition and succession strategies that advantage for rural entrepreneurs who have have been mutually beneficial for Ames location-specific capital. National and its community banks: “Rural entrepreneurs who go home to • Training internal talent for leadership start a business have location-specific capiroles to maintain company culture and tal. It is a knowledge or skill set they acquire values by growing up in the area,” Artz said. “That • Sharing resources to reduce burden of knowledge is more than just preference for regulatory requirements the rural setting. It’s productive and makes • Maintaining local bank branches to it easier for them to start business than diversify portfolio and indirectly benefiting someone who didn’t grow up there.” rural businesses Using this research, state and local govFollowing the 2007 recession, Orazem ernments could develop effective recruitsays many small banks sought buyers bement strategies to target entrepreneurs more cause of increasing competition and the inclined to be successful in rural areas, Artz high cost of complying with new regulatory said. As an example, Artz says high schools requirements. This put several rural comcould offer entrepreneurship programs munities at risk of losing bank branches. that encourage students to come back after “A concern for all community banks in college and start or take over an existing small, rural towns is there’s a critical numbusiness. ber of customers or business that it must Taking advantage of existing opporgenerate in order to meet its fixed costs,” tunities Orazem said. “If a bank can’t hit that threshAccording to a 2017 America’s Small old, then it can’t be competitive in a market Business Development Center study, 59 that’s much more fluid.” percent of Millennials said with the right Succession is a difficult and emotional idea and resources they would start a busiissue for many business owners to adness. While many entrepreneurs gravitate to dress. Shimkat says some owners feel that urban areas, there is tremendous opportunity developing a plan in advance is too final. in Iowa to start a business or purchase an However, life circumstances can change existing one, said Lisa Shimkat, state direcunexpectedly, which is why Shimkat entor for Iowa SBDC, which is part of ISU’s courages business owners to start thinking College of Business. about an exit strategy the day they open their “We encourage a lot of young entrepredoors. Doing so will benefit the business and neurs to approach existing business owners the community. to see if they would be interested in selling,” “We know that as small communities Shimkat said. “We’ve had several cases in start losing these businesses, it makes it which the business owner was on board. It harder and harder to recruit people to live just took someone to approach them with and work there,” Shimkat said. “We need to the idea.” keep these communities strong and it takes For business owners without a successor small businesses to make that happen.” in mind, it is a welcome opportunity. Shimkat says owners are often willing to train ##### their successor and negotiate a fair price to When a horse is said to have glass eyes, make sure the business continues to thrive. this does not mean that the eyes are really SBDC can help both young entrepreneurs made of glass. Also known as blue eyes, and existing business owners navigate the moon eyes, night eyes or walleyes, glass eyes are simply eyes that lack color, with a process – assessing business value, identifywhitish or bluish white iris. ing funding, creating an exit strategy – to Horses with such eyes are known to see guarantee a successful transition. just as well as horses with dark eyes. Nearly 70 percent of family businesses Some horses may have just one glass eye, do not have a succession plan, according and one normal-colored brown eye. to Iowa SBDC’s 2017 State of Small Busi-

“i5k” is for insects

By Agricultural Research Service Nearly 75 percent of all animal species summer made news. Ticks were also among are insects and other arthropods. Many i5k’s successes. profoundly impact people and the Earth’s When ARS insect physiologist Felix ecology. Guerrero and his team sequenced the cattle Some insects pollinate a third of our tick genome, they identified genes now befood crops. Others destroy one-fifth of the ing used to develop a vaccine against cattle world’s total crop production annually. fever ticks. This vaccine may protect cattle Given the importance of arthropods, from several fatal tick-borne diseases and the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) eventually fight ticks that spread Lyme helped organize the “i5k Initiative.” The disease to people. goal is to sequence and analyze the geParallel with the i5k initiative, ARS’s nomes of at least 5,000 arthropod species National Agricultural Library (NAL) built that are important to both agriculture and the “i5k Workspace@NAL (https://i5k. biological research.,” which provides an online Resistance to pesticides used to control “toolshed” in which researchers work coarthropod damage to livestock and crops is operatively to sequence genomes. It ensures an evolving problem. wide access to data in a place that researchSolutions to such challenges lie in the ers see as neutral ground for collaboration, genomes of pests and their hosts. This is explained NAL project co-lead Christopher where we will find new ways to manage Childers. them, explained Kevin Hackett, ARS naThe i5k Workspace@NAL works. In tional program leader for entomology and April 2017, more than 60 scientists from i5k co-founder and co-chair. 7 countries and institutions, including Arthropods’ massive numbers means ARS, collectively published an analysis fewer scientists and resources available of 14,220 genes in the bed bug’s genome. to work on each species. The i5k project This research is a foundation for new bed virtually connects scientists from around bug control methods. the world to leverage resources and foster For more information contact discussions. Kim Kaplan (https://www.ars.usda. Far from ivory tower exercises, i5k gegov/oc/key-contacts-at-ars-office-ofnomics are leading to advances that dovetail communications/#Kim), ARS Office of with today’s headlines. A spike in ticks this Communications.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B13

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.


1966 GMC 1-1/2 ton truck, 351, V6, 4 speed transmission, 2 speed axle. Knapheide box with stock rack extension. Removeable no-shovel filled corners make emptying a breeze. Runs good, harvest ready. Plumbed for hydraulic drill filler, 60,175 miles.

Asking $5000

Call (406) 390-6671 for more info. Havre, MT

Hurry...Now booking Fall spreading

No job too big or small!

For all your manure spreading needs just give us a call. Now running triple beaters for better broadcasting


b Kory Ha

2 Trucks and Loader Available

Call for a quote and to schedule your barn and corral cleaning. cell (406) 289-1866 office (406) 271-2746

“This is our profession, not a sideline”

CRP enrollment offers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it will process many pending eligible offers for land enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), and it will temporarily suspend accepting most new offers until later in the 2018 fiscal year. “All current, eligible CRP continuous enrollment offers made through Sept. 30, 2017 – except for those made under the Pollinator Habitat Initiative (CP42) – will be approved,” said Steven J. Peterson, Acting Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator. “Additionally, we are temporarily suspending acceptance of most offers going forward to provide time to review CRP allocation levels, and to avoid exceeding the statutory cap of 24 million acres.” The CRP acreage cap is a provision of the 2014 Farm Bill. Current enrollment is about 23.5 million acres nationwide. USDA is accepting all pending continuous enrollment offers that were made beginning on May 4, 2017, and extending through Sept. 30, 2017, except Pollinator Habitat Initiative offers. Pollinator acreage offers are being declined because the program has met its acreage enrollment goal. Effective immediately, USDA is suspending acceptance of all new CRP continuous offers received or submitted after Sept. 30, 2017. The suspension will continue until later in the 2018 fiscal year. Peterson said, however, that USDA will continue to accept eligible offers for state-specific Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and CRP Grasslands enrollment. Offers received on or after October 1, 2017, are subject to fiscal year 2018 rental rates which have been adjusted to reflect current market conditions and were established after careful review of the latest USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service cash rent data. In return for enrolling in CRP, USDA, through FSA, provides participants with rental payments and cost-share assistance. Landowners enter into contracts that last between 10 and 15 years. CRP pays farmers and ranchers who remove sensitive lands from production and plant certain grasses, shrubs and trees that improve water quality, prevent soil erosion and increase wildlife habitat. Payment totals for 2017 were announced earlier this week totaling over $1.6 billion. Signed into law by President Reagan in 1985, CRP is one of the largest private-lands conservation program in the United States. Thanks to voluntary participation by farmers and landowners, CRP has improved water quality, reduced soil erosion and increased habitat for endangered and threatened species. For more information about CRP, contact your local FSA office or visit To locate your local FSA office, visit

Located in Canyon Creek (halfway between Helena and Lincoln) at the corner of Lincoln Rd. W and Duffy Lane (406) 368-2217 •

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B14

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

HAY FOR SALE Aggressive, delivered pricing!!

Call Trent at 406-471-1173


Accurate, full-dimension fir lumber. Custom orders of any size.

Corrals • Windbreak • Barns • Fences Beams • Siding • Decks • Bridges Gregg and Robin Maxwell, Maxwell Lumber Inc. 406-538-7877 Lewistown, Montana

Parallel squeeze

Pivot squeeze

Free pick up or Delivery within 300 miles.

Beefcake by DewEze

Tackle daily livestock feeding chores Designed to fit any feeding style Featuring electric or hydraulic models

2010 Dodge 3500 dually crew cab diesel with used HydraBed. 2015 Ford F250 super cab, 6.2L, 4x4 with used HydraBed. CLEAN!

See what’s in store for you at

2017 Polaris Ranger XP1000, $16,399 w2005 w2005 w2014 w2014 w2015 w2015

2013 Honda Rancher W/ snow blade, $3,760

Honda Foreman $3550 Honda Foreman Rubicon, $3,450 Honda Fourtrax Foreman, $5,499 Yamaha Grizzly 450 4WD, $4,650 Honda Foreman Rubicon, $5,999 Honda Fourtrax Rancher, $5,680

We are always happy to discuss price and financing. Call John, Breck or Jeff. Like us on Facebook!

302 Truck Bypass • Lewistown 538-9435 •

Rain makes regrowth; put weight on cows now

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service grazing beside their mother, the same is Commit this truism to memory: Feed is true. Still, consider weaning the calves if available for cattle. the general cow herd is thin. In fact, if we did not have cattle and The second trimester for a cow’s pregsheep, acre upon acre of forage would be nancy begins early to mid-September when grossly underutilized. Even in dry years, bulls are turned out June 1. The third trimesforage is present. Sometimes we need to ter starts Dec. 12. A positive opportunity search, but still, forage is present. to position the Of course, cows for calvdollars need ing and reto be balanced breeding next against locayear begins tion, and afnow. Take adfordable forvantage of this age is different and evaluate than available winter plans. f o r a g e . We Feed invenhope affordt o r y, c a t t l e able and availinventory, able forage is pasture usforthcoming. age and prepCattle proping calves ducers count for weaning on fall reare all on the growth, which table. literally can The year blossom in has been a years such as tough one, but a good planning exercise this after a dry summer. We hope fall rains, is critical to minimize financial setbacks which arrived recently in generalized patfor the operation. Remember, September terns, will spread across the Plains, adding started a window of nutritional change for moisture for some late-season, copious cow herds that had an early June bull turnplant life. out. The current nice fall weather is a big North Dakota livestock graze 10,247,184 plus to offset the summer challenges. acres of permanent pasture and rangeland, If the cows are thin, now would be a good according to the 2012 Census of Agricultime to purchase some supplement because ture ( The weight gain is difficult once cows enter 2012 report noted a total 27,147,240 acres the last third of gestation, when the everof cropland, which means potentially 27 growing calf and cold winter nights take a million additional acres are available for toll. The point is, cows need to be in good livestock use after the crop harvest. That condition at calving next spring and even is nearly three more acres for every acre better condition at breeding next summer. livestock had previously. The time to put weight on the cow is the Yes, much of that land is not fenced, and middle trimester of pregnancy. Milk produclacks water or landowner desire to run cattle tion is decreasing or done if the calves are on the land. Yet many livestock producers weaned. If one purchases cow supplement, are crop producers and the opportunity is wean the calves first. Calves are best fed in present. Cattle respond well to electric fencthe lots, and you have no need to supplement ing, so ask the neighbor. milk production in the fall by supplementI just may be overly optimistic on a ing the cow. Feed the calf directly, in a feed beautiful fall day, but resourcefulness is the bunk. mother of all agriculture. Alternative land In closing, crop aftermath is starting to use exists. In 2012, 321,936 acres of cropbecome very evident as fall regrowth across land were used for grazing. Cover crops and the area. When I drive by fields that are not soil health accounted for 2,665,385 acres. fenced nor have access to water, I always And 2,163,579 acres were enrolled in the ponder how much a cow would enjoy the Conservation Reserve Program. crop aftermath buffet if water and fencing Cattle are the foundation for alternative could be done. The cows certainly would production systems that improve soil health. gain weight because eating in excess of their Oops, sorry; I’m just being overly optimistic requirements means weight gain. and trying to utilize the natural resources Even better, sort the thinner cows and available. send them to the best fall pastures. Again, The marriage of cattle, sheep and expanthese pastures will put the needed feed in sive cropping systems that include cover front of the thinner cows and add some crops has us at the Dickinson Research supplement, and the cows will improve Extension Center planning for more foragebody condition score. The moderate- to filled days. More on that later, but back to heavier-conditioned cows can be grazing the truism: Fall is the time to take advantage areas that are less lush but do not need acof crop aftermath grazing. cess to additional supplementation. Make sure the grazing restrictions related Make an appointment with your nutrito herbicide use are followed, adequate tionist and enjoy fall grazing. adaptation time is allowed prior to introducMay you find all your ear tags. tion of the cattle to a new forage source and For more information, contact your local forage analysis is completed for potential NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// cattle health complications. I’m starting to or sound like one of those medical commerRingwall at the Dickinson Research Extencials, but err on the safe side. sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND If the calves already have been weaned, 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ the cows will gain exceptionally well, and if the calves have made the season so far ##### Ketchup was used as a medicine back in the 1930’s

##### A single cloud can weigh more than 1 million pounds.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B15

Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health and good times. From all of us here at the Trader’s Dispatch.

“Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.” -Erma Bombeck

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B16

Our Advertising Deadline for the December issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 29. Phone us at (406) 271-5533.


Flexi-Coil 320 tank also called third (3rd) tank. Call (406) 538-3607 or 403-4600 Lewistown, MT

FARMLAND FOR SALE 1147 acres of Toole County farmland northwest of Sunburst, Montana are being offered for bid up until November 28, 2017. For information call (406) 873-2106 or 873-2231.


• 1975 John Deere 7520 tractor with 8000 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 3520 hours. • 1962 Ford F700 truck, V8 engine, box and hoist. • 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6 engine, box and hoist. Call Jerry at (406) 724-3387 Richland, MT

low boy service

40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)


1997 Chevrolet 1 ton service truck 6.5 turbo diesel, 60,000 miles, service box all locks. Ready to go to work!


Call 406.925.9613 • Whitehall, MT

HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa - Big square bales tarped, no rain. Excellent quality Delivery and tests available

Barney Hay (406) 491-5616 cell or (406) 494-5616 home


2014 Massey Ferguson 1754 deluxe cab, PTO, 2 remotes, 3 point, power shuttle transmission w/creeper range, DL130 loader, wheel weights & rim guards rear tires, 90 hours, shedded..$29,500

Call (406) 777-3464 • Stevensville, MT

POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???


Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana

4-H’ers honored for learning, practicing healthful habits

By NDSU Extension Service 14 members, first year, completed Family Thirty-six 4-H clubs from 19 counties Mealtime Challenge were recognized for demonstrating their • LaMoure - LaMoure Cloverleafs, 30 commitment to learning about and practicmembers, four years ing healthful habits by being designated • Logan - Cloverbuds, 19 members, three as a Healthy North Dakota 4-H Club for years 2016-17. • McHenry - Balfour RoughRiders, 16 The 4-H clubs, with a total of 601 memmembers, three years bers, earned the special recognition for • McLean - Washburn Cowboys, eight making “Eat Smart. Play Hard.” lessons part members, three years of their club meetings during the past year. • Mercer - Dakota Pride, 10 members, Thirteen clubs also earned extra recognifirst year, completed Family Mealtime Chaltion for completing the Family Mealtime lenge; Kountry Kids, 10 members, first year, Challenge. completed Family Mealtime Challenge “Eat Smart. Play Hard. Together” is a • Morton - Missouri Valley Bunch, 23 statewide campaign that emphasizes the immembers, 10 years portance of making healthful food choices, • Ransom - Aliceton, 17 members, six getting regular exercise and families eating years, completed Family Mealtime Chaltogether. This was the 10th year some clubs lenge; Heart & Soul, 36 members, first year; were named a Healthy North Dakota 4-H Tri-County Ag, 22 members, four years Club. This year, each club member received • Richland - Helping Hands, seven mema certificate of recognition and a small prize. bers, first year, completed Family Mealtime The clubs recognized this year are by Challenge county, number of members and number of • Sargent - Forman Friends, 17 members, years they have received the Healthy North two years Dakota 4-H Club recognition, and whether • Sheridan - Northern Lights, 17 memthey completed the Family Mealtime Chalbers, first year lenge. The challenge encouraged families • Stark - West River 4-H Club, 19 memto set a goal for weekly family meals. The bers, first year, completed Family Mealtime 4-H’ers tracked the number of family meals Challenge they ate for a month. • Ward - Prairie Ryders, seven members, • Barnes - Valley Friends, 21 members, two years eight years, completed Family Mealtime “We are pleased to see the creative apChallenge proaches and the variety of health-related • Burleigh - Caring Hands, eight memactivities that clubs do, as well as the service bers, six years; Dynamite Kids, 21 memthey provide in their communities,” says bers, four years; McKenzie Magnums, Julie Garden-Robinson, North Dakota State 16 members, seven years; North Stars, University Extension Service food and nu11 members, five years; Silver Colts, 11 trition specialist and Healthy North Dakota members, eight years, completed Family 4-H Clubs program coordinator. Mealtime Challenge For example, club members helped in • Cass - Absaraka Crows, nine members, community gardens, prepared food for three years; Cass County Crusaders, 30 events in their communities, and/or picked members, three years, completed Family up trash along community trails. Another Mealtime Challenge; Clover Friends, 29 club created get-well cards for children in members, four years, completed Famthe hospital. Some clubs created displays to ily Mealtime Challenge; Flickertails, 15 showcase their club activities at the county members, two years, completed Family or State Fair level. Mealtime Challenge; Harwood Helpers, “These clubs are making healthy choices 15 members, six years, completed Family the easy choice, which is a goal in nutriMealtime Challenge; Rainbow Kids, 15 tion,” Garden-Robinson adds. “Their acmembers, nine years; Uniters, five memtivities not only impact their clubs, but also bers, nine years; Valley Adventures, 18 their families and their communities.” members, nine years; Wheatland Pioneers, Clubs are required to incorporate at 36 members, 10 years least one nutrition or fitness activity into a • Divide - Flickertails, 14 members, 10 minimum of six regular meetings during the years year to be named a Healthy North Dakota • Grand Forks - K-KOTS, 17 members, 4-H Club. three years; Eagles, 23 members, seven 4-H clubs interested in participating in years; Sharing Shamrocks, seven members, the 2017-18 North Dakota Healthy 4-H first year Clubs program should contact their county • Grant - Roughriders, eight members, office of the NDSU Extension Service first year, completed Family Mealtime or visit this website: Challenge healthy4-Hclubs. • Kidder - Kidder County Creative Kids,

Fun addition to a child’s room

Here’s a great decorating idea for a child’s room: Make a magnetic chalkboard out of the wall! This can be easily accomplished by purchasing a can of magnetic paint and a can of chalkboard paint, both of which should be available at your local hardware store and will run you about $15-$25 apiece. Mark off the area that you’re going to paint with masking tape, and remember

that it can be any shape or size. Then paint several layers of the magnetic paint, waiting for each layer to dry before adding another layer on top of it. Finally, paint on a layer of the chalkboard paint and let it set for 2-3 days. With the help of some magnets, you’ll be able to hang your child’s artwork on the wall, and they’ll be able to doodle to their heart’s delight.

A place for firewood

Instead of buying an expensive container to hold firewood and kindling next to your fireplace, use a ceramic

flower pot instead. They’re cheap and easy to find in tons of different designs.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B17

Scientists aim to turn sorghum into jet fuel

By Leslie Reed, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University Communication As members of a new federally funded bioenergy research center, two Nebraska plant scientists plan to spend the next five years working to expand the oil-producing capability of the sorghum plant. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is one of 15 institutions partnering with the University of Illinois in the $104 million Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation. Energy Secretary Rick Perry announced the new Department of Energy-funded research center July 17. Biochemistry professor Edgar Cahoon and agronomy and horticulture professor Tom Clemente, members of the university’s Center for Plant Science Innovation, will lead Nebraska’s part of the project. They expect to receive slightly more than $4 million for their research during the next five years. Their goal is to genetically enhance certain sorghum species so that the stems and leaves contain more oil and less starch. If they can do that, sorghum could rival soybeans in terms of oil production per acre. “Vegetable oil is more energy-dense than carbohydrates like starch,” Cahoon explained. One advantage of oil-producing sorghum, Clemente said, is that sorghum is a sturdy, drought-tolerant crop that can be grown on more marginal lands than other farm crops. “The idea is that you wouldn’t be displacing land now used to grow corn, soybeans and cotton,” Clemente said. “You could grow sorghum on marginal lands and have all of its oil used for industrial purposes.” Illinois, Nebraska and two fellow Big Ten Institutions, the University of Wisconsin and Michigan State University, are amid Department of Energy efforts to develop and use biomass products as a sustainable energy resource. The new center at Illinois will join three previously created bioenergy research centers funded by the Department of Energy: The Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, led by Wisconsin in partnership with Michigan State; the Center for Bioenergy Innovation, led by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; and

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2003 Ford Mustang

2016 Ford F250 Super Duty

Magnetic exterior, black leather interior, backup camera, 62,234 miles


2011 Ford F150

Red exterior, tan cloth seats, extended cab, 94,311 miles


2008 Chevrolet Silverado

Black exterior, tan leather seats, TV, 185,437 miles




2016 Ford F350

Red exterior, grill guard, running boards, leather seats, 33,000 miles


2012 Ford F250 Super Duty

2015 Ford F150 Sport

Black exterior, tan cloth interior, extended cab, 14,050 miles

Yellow exterior with black stripe, black leather seats, manual, 74,990 miles

2014 Ford Raptor

Tan exterior, leather seats, backup camera, running boards, 85,000 miles

Magnetic exterior, grey leather seats, backup camera, 62,234 miles


2004 Ford F350

Green exterior, leather seats, running boards



2015 Cadillac Escalade

Red exterior, grey leather seats, backup camera, 3rd row seat, 26,194 miles



2006 Ford Explorer

White exterior, tan cloth interior, spacious trunk, 139,900 miles


2015 Toyota Tacoma

Black exterior, cloth seats, backup camera, 37,000 miles



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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B18

New Holland Equipment

New Holland Swathers New Holland T9.645 Quad Tractor IN STOCK County “Lease Returns”

2015 New Holland T7.210 165 hp, 210 hours, 18 speed full powershift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s, 42” tires, loaded with loader and grapple.....................................................CALL! 2016 New Holland T6.165 230 hours, loader and grapple..... ...................................................................................CALL! 2016 New Holland T6.175 240 hours, loader and grapple..... ...................................................................................CALL!

New Holland T-9 Series Tractors

New Holland

New Holland Combines

New Holland Round Balers

Guardian Sprayer

Zerbe Bros.


Glasgow, Montana

©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.


2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac 1050 hours, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab. #UTCA90....................................... JUST IN 2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac 1460 hours, PTO, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab. #UTCA89............................. JUST IN 1995 New Holland 8770 MFD, 160 PTO hp, duals, 1000 PTO, Super Steer, 3-pt. hitch, powershift. #UTN113.................................................$38,000 1980 Versatile 875 4WD, 20.8x38 tires, 280 hp, Cummins diesel, 4 hydraulics. #UTVR79.......$12,000


1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500 2009 New Holland BR7090 wide pickup, twine and net, float tires, #UHN136........................ $24,000 2012 New Holland BR7090 extra wide pickup, floatation tires, 1000 PTO, #UHN139.............. $24,500 2011 John Deere 568 Mega Wide pickup, twine & net wrap, flotation tires, 540 PTO, 8500 bales. #UAJD38................................................. $25,000 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500


2011 Haybuster 2650 bale buster, hydraulic chute control, 1000 PTO drive. #UHHY47........$14,250 2009 Morris Pro-Ag 4D4SR bale scoop................... ...............................................$23,000....$20,000



2014 New Holland H7150 swing tongue, 165-ft. HS header, 1000 PTO drive. #UWN115.......$28,500 New Holland 1431 disc mower, 13-ft., rubber conditioners, 2 point swivel hitch, 1000 PTO. #UWN109..................................................$9500 1999 Case IH 8312 12-ft. discbine, rubber/steel conditioner................................................ Just In Case 425 21-ft. draper header (fits Hesston 8650)... ...................................................................$9500

2013 Case IH 8230 450 hp, 30” rotor, 350 bushel hopper, duals, long auger, chopper, Autosteer, 1243 engine/876 seperator hours. #UCCA15..... $230,000 2009 Case IH 7120 1130 separator hours, Pro 600 monitor, chopper, rock trap, 900/60R32 tires. #UCCA16.. ..................................................................... $140,00


2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header, finger reel, transport package, upper cross auger, Empire rollers, CNH adaptor. S/N-186785-09.....$50,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH88........................$19,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, CA20 MacDon adaptor fits New Holland/ Case. #UHMD45.....................................$49,000 2009 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, transport package, finger reel, cross auger. #UCNH79....... ................................................................$17,500 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500 Horst header trailer, wagon style, low profile tires. #UCHR00...................................................$2900

2008 New Holland CR9070 400 hp, 900/60R32 tires. #UCNH80................................................... $117,000 2005 New Holland CR960 Class 7, deluxe cab, 17” rotors, 900/60R32, front tires, 600/28 rears, #UCNH91....... ..................................................................... $69,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28..... $36,500...$25,000 2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport............ ..................................................................... $88,000

2010 John Deere 9770 STS 360 hp, 30” rotor, 1550 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, chopper..... $109,000 2008 New Holland CR9070 1610 separator hours, extended wear augers, chopper, yield/moisture, 420 hp. #UCNH92............................................. $135,000

Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!

Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”

1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Tim Guttenberg - Travis Volk


2013 New Holland L225 76 hp diesel, 2500 lb. lift, 2 speed, cab with heat/air, air seat, hydraulic coupler, performance package, heavy duty tires, 78” low pro bucket, 390 hours.................$42,000


67 Years


Glasgow, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B19


Concord 4412 12” spacing with 3000 tow behind tank, hydraulic drive fan. #UDCN13.................$15,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550# trips, stealth bodies, 2320 tow between cart. #UDF237.$35,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 550 lb. trips, single shoot, 3450 tow between cart, variable cart, stealth bodies. #UDF246................$69,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$55,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244................................................$50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 7” spacing, steel packers with 1720 tow between tank. #UDF243....................... ...............................................$25,000....$20,000 2014 New Holland P2050 58-ft., 10” spacing, 4.5” steel packers, double shoot, stealth body, 550 trips, with ProGo TBT air cart, variable drive, duals, 10” auger, 430 bushel. .................................. Call New Holland SD550 60-ft. folding drill, 12” spacing, 5.90 x15 Concord packers, double shoot, variable rate with SC430 tow between tank, 430 bushel. #UDNH29................................................$69,000 2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000 2004 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 51/2” rubber packers, double shoot with SC430 tow between cart, dual fan, variable drive, 10” auger. #UDNH31.................................................79,000 2011 New Holland P1060 air cart, tow behind, 430 bushel, variable rate drive, dual fan, dual tires..... ...................................................................... Call 2012 Seed Hawk 6012 60-ft., 12” spacing, twin wing openers, 500 bushel tow behind tank, Viper monitor. #USSH06................................................ Call 2011 SeedMaster 70-ft., 12” spacing, single side band, 5 section with SXG 550 bushel tank with 1545 Brandt conveyor. #UDSM00.........$139,000

------------------------------------- CONSIGNMENTS --------------------------------------

1993 Agco/White 6195 MFD, 200 hp, Cummins diesel, 18 speed, Power Shift, 9600 hours, 3 point hitch, 1000 PTO, 42” rear tires......................................... $38,000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.... ......................................................................... $2500

2003 Buhler Versatile 2425 4WD, 2046 hours, 425 hp, N14 Cummins diesel, 710/70R38 tires, PowerShift, full weight package........................................ $85,000 1991 Case IH 9270 4WD tractor, 6385 hours, 335 hp, Cummins, 42” tires (80%).............................. $49,000

1996 Cat #65 5990 hours, 4 hydraulics............... $38,000

1994 Hesston 4655 inline square baler, 16”x18” chamber.................................................................... $9500 2015 Danuser pallet fork with top tine grabber, for skid steer.................................................................. $1900 2006 Freightliner 425 hp, Cat diesel, 13 speed transmission, Columbia series.................................... $18,000

2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens............................. $12,000 Flexicoli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer....... $3000

1991 Freightliner, 310 hp, L10 Cummins, 10 speed transmission, day cab, air ride with 28-ft. cargo trailer with 2-2000 gallon tanks, pump and inductor system........ ...................................................................... $17,000 2008 Ford F350 service pickup, 4x4, 113,000 miles, diesel, tool racks, 120 gallon fuel tank, welder & generator... ...................................................................... $18,500 1999 Contrail C20 20-ft. trailer, air brakes, pintle hitch, all new tires, heavy duty........................................ $8500

2008 John Deere 1895 air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, 1910 tow behind cart........... . .................................................................... $100,000

2006 Utility cargo transport van, 42-ft., 205/75R24.5 tires, rear and side doors.......................................... $5400 1994 Donahue EXG60 swather trailer, 5th wheel, ramps, 9.50x16.5 tires...................................... $6000 $5000 John Deere 230 28-ft. tandem disc with rock flex............ .......................................................... $4900 $4000 Frigstad 600 plow, tool bar, 44-ft. 5-section, 1 1/4” shanks w/harrow..........................................................Just In


2015 Apache AS1220 Plus II 1200 gallon 100-ft. boom, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, section control, 275 hp Cummins, 46” duals, Viper 4 AutoRate, 640 hours. #USAP31.....................................$229,000

1997 John Deere 9400 4wd tractor, 3600 hours with 24 speed transmission, 710/70R38 tires, 425 hp.$90,000

2010 New Holland T6050 MFD tractor, 105 PTO hp, partial Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, Class 4 front axle, suspended cab, 3620 hours.......................... $58,000 Oliver 770 tractor, gas engine with Farmhand F11 loader................................................................ $3500

1993 Flexi-Coil 820 46-ft. cultvator, 650 lb. trips, 1-1/4 shanks, 18” sweeps, very nice!...................... $17,500 Harrell 3606 6 bottom switch plow, 3 pt. mount...... $5500 Melroe 1000 plow, 29-ft. 13-18” bottoms................ $6500 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points................................................... $6000 2011 New Holland S1070, 100-ft. suspension boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoBoom.................................. $45,000 2010 New Holland S1070 wheeled boom sprayer, 134ft. booms, Touch Screen Display, 1600 gallon tank, 480/80R38 tires, windscreens, Auto Rate........ $9900 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate........................ $20,000


2008 Apache AS1010 1880 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30..... ................................................................$120,000

1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139....................................................$5500 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67 110-ft., 1000 gallon, windscreens, wheel boom, FlexControl monitor. #USF151....................................................$5500 2012 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R:46 tires, FlexControl auto rate, hydraulic pump. #USNH37......$35,000 2010 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 100-ft. boom, 1600 gallon tank, 4400 Raven auto rate, windscreens. #USNH61..................$18,000

2009 New Holland S1070 134-ft. wheelboom, 1500 gallon tank, 480/80R38 tires, hydraulic fold, wash/ rinse #USNH60.......................................$12,000 2007 New Holland SF216 100-ft. wheel boom, 1600 gallon, auto rate controller, windscreens, hydraulic unfold. Nice! #USNH63...........................$12,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$20,000 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom, 1500 gallon tank, windscreens, SP655 AutoRate. #USNH55................................................$20,000

2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 9360 header.... ...................................................................... $82,000 2013 Farm King 9-ft. side sickle mower, 540 PTO, hydraulic lift, skid shoes, extra parts........................... $6600 New Holland 116 16-ft. swing tongue, double sickle, 1000 PTO, pump........................................................ $4500 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel.................. $25,000 2011 MacDon FD-70 flex draper, 40-ft., finger reel, double knife, upper cross auger, slow speed transport, CNH adaptor................................................................ Call John Deere 1243 corn head, 12 row...................... $4000 Alloway 10”x60-ft. swing away grain auger, 540 PTO, scissor lift, mechanical drive hopper................. $3000 Brandt pitstop............................................................ Call 2011 Schulte SDX960 8-ft. snowblower, 3 pt. mount, 540 PTO drive, hydraulic chute and deflector.......... $5500 (2) 1000 gallon fuel tanks, 2000 gallon, some with pumps...........................................$1300 - $1800 2014 Augusta “Flex” series camper, 32-ft., bumper pull with outside kitchen, loaded. ..................................... Books $44,000..............................................$32,000

2000 Keystone Sierra 5th wheel camper, slide, queen bed, new furnace and hot water heater............ $5500

Bale Processors

Zerbe Bros. 406-228-4311 Glasgow, Montana


2012 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1800 gallon tank, 520 tires, Accuboom w/Viper Pro, Smart Trax, AutoSteer #USNH64................................................$165,000

2015 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R46 tires, LCTS monitor, windscreens, electronic agitation, Inductor tank, line strainers, L.P. wash, 4 ball valves, combo jet double bodies.

Regular: $67,625 CALL!!! ~ ONLY 1 LEFT!!!

Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393

Your Dealer for RiteWay land rollers Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, MT

406-228-4311 Email SALES Mike Guttenberg Tim Guttenberg Travis Volk

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B20

STRAW FOR SALE ** $25/bale or $45/ton for semi loads ** Call Mark at (406) 590-3240 or Ryan at (406) 590-7926 Fairfield, MT

HAYBUSTER FOR SALE Haybuster 256 Plus II Bunk feeder can slide out and become a side discharge Requires 65 hp Great shape...$2600

Call 406-370-2987 Hall, Montana

ALFALFA HAY & BARLEY STRAW NET WRAPPED ROUND BALES FOR SALE Approximately 2000 ton of Alfalfa, some Alfalfa/Grass • Approximately 1200 bales of Barley Straw • We deliver all hay and/or straw we sell • We are also available for trucking your hay or straw • Can haul rounds, big & small square bales

Contact Craig at (406) 799-5977 or Tytus at (406) 590-5977 Simms, MT

Five tips for getting the most out of fall soil sampling

By Dan Kaiser, Soil Fertility Specialist, University of Minnesota for a small number of nutrients. Phosphorus 1. Sample at the correct depth and soil pH are relatively stable over time so We calibrate soil test results to a specific the time of sampling is not as important. Soil sampling depth, so it’s important to get this test potassium values exhibit more seasonal right. Immobile plant nutrients tend to accuvariability, caused by dry soil conditions, mulate near the soil surface, so shallow sample crop uptake and the release of potassium from depths can inflate results. For immobile nutriresidue in the fall. Soil nitrate values can also ents and soil pH, sample at zero to six inches. change in the fall depending on environmenFor fall nitrate, sample at zero to 24 inches. 2. Choose the right sampling strategy tal factors in various regions of Minnesota. for your field Due to time constraints, we understand that There is no one-size-fits-all soil sampling samples will get taken soon after the combine strategy which works across all fields. The goes through the field. It is important to try to decision to grid or zone sample fields desample fields at the same time of year so your test values are comparable when looking at pends on how variable soil tests are within a long term trends within a field. field. If soil tests are very high then a single 5. Use data to decide where you can get composite soil sample may be enough within the most from your fertilizer dollars a field. When sampling in the same field for The power of having soil test data is the many years, try to collect individual cores for knowledge of where fertilizer will make the a composite sample from as close to the same most sense economically in a field. With spots as possible. With banded immobile nuvariable rate fertilizer applications, you can trients, collect two to three cores outside the achieve greater profitability by ensuring that fertilizer band for each core collected from the low-testing areas are not under-fertilized and fertilizer band to ensure your soil test values high testing areas are not over-fertilized. In represent the true fertility of the field. high or very high testing soils, the probability 3. Sample before fertilizer is applied of fertilizer increasing yield drops dramatiFertilizer granules are highly water soluble and can contaminate a sample and inflate the cally. Applying fertilizer based on current results. Allow time for the fertilizer to react crop removal can also be expensive in these with the soil before taking a sample. Don’t situations. sample too soon after application, wait a few For the latest nutrient management informonths after fertilizer application. If soil test mation, like UMN Extension Nutrient Manvalues are inflated due to recent fertilizer apagement on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or visit our website. plication, it can result in an overestimation in Support for this project was provided in available nutrients. part by the Agricultural Fertilizer Research 4. Don’t sample too soon after harvest & Education Council (AFREC). The time of sampling after harvest matters ##### The number of animals killed for meat every hour in the U.S. is 500,000.

##### If you were to stretch a Slinky out until it’s flat, it would measure 87 feet long.

Scientists aim to turn sorghum into jet fuel CONTINUED FROM PAGE B20

the Joint BioEnergy Institute, led by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “These centers will accelerate the development of the basic science and technological foundation needed to ensure that American industry and the American public reap the benefits of the new bio-based economy,” Perry said in announcing that the Department of Energy would award $40 million to the four research centers during the 2018 fiscal year. The Illinois-based center will focus on three general priorities – the development of high-tech feedstocks that can synthesize the molecules for bioproducts and biofuels directly in plant stems; new biologically based conversion systems to efficiently produce biodiesel, organic acids, jet fuels and other high-value molecules; and a sustainability framework to measure the project’s bottom line in terms of economics and the environment. Part of the feedstocks priority, Nebraska’s research is to focus on sweet sorghum and biomass sorghum, tall plants whose leaves and stems now are used to make ethanol. Clemente and Cahoon are among researchers nationally who are investigating whether sorghum’s novel chemistry and lignin content could produce high-value molecules that could replace petroleum in lubricants and plastics – even jet fuel. Other researchers have been able to produce oil in tobacco, which has a broad leaf, but more work is needed to transfer the trait to a grassy plant like sorghum, Clemente said. Among other center partners, the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, Iowa State University, the University of Illinois and the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology in Huntsville, Alabama, also will be exploring whether sorghum can be modified to produce more oil, Clemente and Cahoon said. A key advantage is the center’s laboratory-to-field-toprocessing approach, Clemente said. After new plant varieties are developed in scientists’ laboratories, they can be grown and processed on a pilot basis at Illinois’ large-scale facilities.

Web page can reduce or avoid tax penalty

The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers who were assessed an estimated tax penalty for tax year 2016 that they still have time to take steps to reduce or eliminate the penalty for 2017 and future years. To help raise awareness about the growing number of estimated tax penalties, the IRS has launched a new “Pay as You Go, So You Don’t Owe” web page. The page has tips and resources designed to help taxpayers, including those involved in the sharing economy, better understand tax withholding, learn how to make estimated tax payments and avoid potential penalties. Each year, about 10 million taxpayers are assessed the estimated tax penalty. The average penalty was about $130 in 2015, but the IRS has seen the number of taxpayers assessed this penalty increase in recent years. The number jumped about 40 percent from 7.2 million in 2010 to 10 million in 2015. Most of those affected taxpayers can easily reduce or, in some cases, eliminate the penalty by increasing their withholding or adjusting estimated tax payments for the rest of the year. With a little planning, taxpayers can avoid the penalty altogether. By law, the estimated tax penalty usually applies when a taxpayer pays too little of their total tax during the year. The penalty is calculated based on the interest rate charged by the IRS on unpaid tax. How to Avoid the Penalty For most people, avoiding the penalty means ensuring that at least 90 percent of their total tax liability is paid in during the year, either through income-tax withholding or by making quarterly estimated tax payments. Keep in mind exceptions to the penalty and special rules apply to some groups of taxpayers, such as farmers, fishermen, casualty and disaster victims, those who recently became disabled, recent retirees, those who base their payments on last year’s tax and those who receive income unevenly during the year. For details, see Form 2210 and its instructions. Taxpayers may want to consider increasing their tax withholding in 2017, especially if they had a large balance due when they filed their 2016 return earlier this year. Employees can do this by filling out a new Form W-4 and giving it to their employer. Similarly, recipients of pensions and annuities can make this change by filling out Form W-4P and giving it to their payer. In either case, taxpayers can typically increase their withholding by claiming fewer allowances on their withholding form. If that’s not enough, they can also ask employers or payers to withhold an additional flat dollar amount each pay period. For help determining the right amount to withhold, check out the Withholding Calculator on Taxpayers who receive Social Security benefits, unemployment compensation and certain other government payments can also choose to have federal tax taken out by filling out Form W-4V and giving it to their payer. But some restrictions apply. See the form and its instructions for details. For taxpayers whose income is normally not subject to withholding, starting or increasing withholding is not an option. Instead, they can avoid the estimated tax penalty by making quarterly estimated tax payments to the IRS. In general, this includes investment income - such as interest, dividends, rents, royalties and capital gains - alimony and self-employment income. Those involved in the sharing economy may also need to make these payments. Tips to Make Estimated Tax Payments Estimated tax payments are normally due on April 15, June 15, September 15 and January 15 of the following year. Any time one of these deadlines falls on a weekend or holiday, taxpayers have until the next business day to make the payment. Thus, the next estimated tax payment for the fourth quarter of 2017 is due Tuesday, January 16, 2018. The fastest and easiest way to make estimated tax payments is to do so electronically using IRS Direct Pay or the Treasury Department’s Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). For information on other payment options, visit Taxpayers should use Form 1040-ES to mathematically figure the amount of estimated tax payment needed. IRS Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, is a resource on withholding and estimated payments. ##### The 911 system of emergency communications, now used nationwide, was developed and first used in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B21

The deadline for phoning in advertising for the December 2017 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be WEDNESDAY, November 29. Phone (406) 271-5533.

MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email:

John Deere 4455 MFWD, 3 point, P/S, 8300 hours...........................$34,500 John Deere 4055 MFWD, P/S. Clean.... .............................................$31,000

John Deere 7700 MFWD, P/S, 3 point... .............................................$35,000

Loaders Available

John Deere 7710 MFWD, 3 point, LHR, new rubber, 6300 hours, new 740 loader, grapple. Excellent.... $71,500 John Deere 7720 MFWD, A/Q, LHR. Very clean........................... $61,500

Check our web site: John Deere 6105M MFWD, A/Q, 3 point, excellent, 3000 hours...........$55,000

John Deere 7610 MFWD, P/S, PT, 6500 hours, clean.........................$43,500


John Deere 7600 all MFWD, 3-point, P/Q, 6800-7600 hour...........$35,500

John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3 point, P/S, 540/1000 PTO, 6200 hours, nice...... .............................................$50,000

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2011 Ram 1500 Laramie

2014 Toyota Tundra SR5

NOW $35,500 NOW $26,000 4x4, Crew Cab, Hemi, Loaded, Heated Leather, Sun Roof, Very Clean

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2014 Chevrolet Traverse 2LT

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NOW $25,300 AWD, V6, Leather, Quad Seats, DVD, Loaded w/Options, One Owner

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NOW $19,500 Touring, Loaded, V6, Stow-N-Go, One Owner

NOW $27,500 3.6 V6, Heated Leather, Sun Roof, 57,000 miles

~ No Dealer Markup ~ No Fees ~ No BS ~ Just Good Honest Deals!

Jamieson Motors, Inc. 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B22

RD Financial tool evaluates financial performance

By James Sedman, consultant to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and John Hewlett, farm and ranch management specialist in the department

Commercial agriculture is diverse, often complex, and requires sound financial management for success. Constructing and properly interpreting financial statements and associated ratios is key to evaluating financial performance: • It is important from a risk management standpoint; having a comprehensive picture of financial health allows better planning for uncertainty. • It allows the management team to better understand what a lender sees when evaluating the business. • It allows the operator to measure the business’ financial position and overall performance and make changes to ensure continued success. RD Financial Tool Users can enter their own data into the RD Financial tool or modify the data for an example farm in the step-by-step approach. The tool generates and shows the interaction of the accrual income statement, cash flow statement, beginning and ending balance sheets, and statement of owner’s equity and the associated financial ratios to evaluate the financial performance of any farm or ranch.

Output also provides a set of financial ratios based for analysis. The tool contains help functions as well as allowing users to save information or reset and start over. Select “Tool Support” from the opening menu for a detailed presentation on the RD Financial tool. Multi-Enterprise Farm Example RD Financial has a built-in example farm to highlight its application. The first step is entering the necessary financial data. This includes sections for crop revenue and expenses, livestock revenue and expenses, taxes and insurance, assets and liabilities, and miscellaneous and overhead expenses. Crop revenues, Figure 1, are divided by enterprise. In this example, there are enterprises for dry land winter wheat, irrigated and non-irrigated corn, and fallow (tied to the winter wheat enterprise). The tool allows the user to account for leased acres (the example depicts 50 percent for all crops), direct payments, and target prices. Crop expenses are split-out by enterprise, and the tool includes multiple blanks to allow users to include other expenses not listed in

the example. Taxes and insurance (except crop insurance) are entered for the entire operation, followed by asset and liability values. The tool accounts for short-term and longterm liabilities and calculates real estate values via per-acre entries by the user. In the miscellaneous and overhead categories, miscellaneous (2 percent) and tenant cost of production are accounted for. In the next installment, we will examine how this information contributes to the financial statements generated by RD Financial and how to interpret the output. For more information Visit and select “Risk Management Tools” from the “Resources” tab to begin using the RD Financial tool. From there, users can enter their own information or follow an example farm. is a risk management education resource designed to assist agricultural managers no matter where they might be on the risk management spectrum. There are also applied risk analytics, risk management profiles, and numerous other resources. Visit to learn more.

Coloring the garden with spring bulbs

By William Moss There’s nothing like drifts of vivid flowers to awaken the senses in spring! Many years ago when I was a complete novice, the success I had with a couple bags of ‘February Gold’ daffodils gave me confidence and propelled me down the gardener’s path. Bulbs provide a foolproof floral display that brightens gardens, feeds the drowsy queen bumblebees, and lifts the spirits. The bulbs we plant in fall are dormant perennials, and the cool, moist autumn soil awakens them from their dormancy so they can begin growing roots in preparation for the spring show. When buying bulbs, select those that are fresh and firm, not brittle or rotted or moldy. If you start with healthy plants, you are halfway down the road to success. All that’s left is proper placement and planting. Choose a site where the bulbs will receive at least part sun throughout the spring. They look beautiful growing beneath deciduous trees, and they will receive ample sunlight before the trees leaf out. Areas of constant shade, like the north side of a building, will not work as well because the plants need sun to make food for future flowers. Also choose a spot with good drainage or the bulbs may rot. Amend heavy clay soils with organic matter or build up a raised bed or berm to plant in. The ideal planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. The general rule is to plant three times as deep as the bulb is wide. That means about 4 to 6 inches deep for small bulbs like snowdrops, crocuses, and grape hyacinths, and about 8 inches deep for large bulbs like hybrid tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. Most bulb packages give a recommended spacing but I suggest urban gardeners plant bulbs closer together but not touching to get maximum impact. Planted en masse, the exuberant colors of spring bulbs make a grand statement, so I prefer to use a shovel and make a wide hole for planting many bulbs at once. I never use a bulb planting tool because I plant my bulbs by the dozens. Buy fewer types of bulbs in large quantities as opposed to many types of bulbs in fewer numbers. For example, instead of buying 20 bulbs each of five different lily-flowered tulips, buy 100 ‘West Point’ tulips for a dazzling display. Spring bulbs are especially stunning when combined with other spring flowers. Place them under crab apple trees, amidst wildflowers, and alongside spring annuals for incredible combinations. Bulbs in Containers Gardeners in warm regions can plant bulbs in containers and leave them outside year-round. For those of us in cold climates with patios and balconies, growing spring-blooming bulbs in containers is more challenging. The environmental conditions are similar to a mountainside, with limited soil, sharp drainage, extreme cold, wide fluctuations in day and night temperatures (which leads to frequent thawing and freezing), and exposure to bitter, desiccating winds. By comparison, planting in the ground is a cakewalk. I have had success with growing many types of alpine bulbs in pots. However, last year a thaw in January followed by a long string of below-zero temperatures killed scores of crocuses, scillas, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, calochortus, and alliums in my patio containers. The stalwarts were Tulipa tarda, Altai lilies, and Asiatic lilies. The early summer-blooming Asiatic lilies have been rock hardy on my Chicago balcony for years. I’ll test the other two again this year. Cold-weather gardeners with balconies would have better luck potting up the bulbs and storing them in a garage, basement, or in-ground trench during the harshest winter months. Or set the pots of bulbs inside larger weather-proof containers and insulate the space in between with straw, Styrofoam peanuts, bubble wrap, or another insulating material. The other option for urbanites is to buy blooming potted bulbs in the spring and set them in containers with other springblooming plants. With a little effort this fall, you’ll be greeted with cheerful blossoms in the spring. Those bright flowers will chase away Old Man Winter and welcome the new gardening season. Top Ten List of Spring Bulbs for the City Urban gardeners need bulbs with show-stopping flowers. In addition, a top criteria for this city dweller is a bulb that’s not a favorite of wildlife. My years of battles with voles, rabbits, mice, and squirrels force me to leave the beautiful tulip and the delicate crocus off my Top Ten list. Scilla siberica Scilla mischtschenkoana CONTINUED ON PAGE B24

##### If your water pipes are banging and pounding, you may be able to get rid of the noise without paying for a plumber to visit. First, turn off your main water valve, which is usually located near the water meter. Turn on all your water faucets, set them to cold, and let them drain until dry. Then close them again. Turn your main valve back on, then turn each faucet back on as well. After making spitting and coughing noises for a few moments, they should now flow freely with no noise coming from the pipes.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B23

Our new email address is


Lewco bale clamp for small square bales, 8’6” x 6’4”..$1200 Mid 30’s Model L Case tractor in running condition. Call (406) 385-7919, Plentywood, MT


1986 New Holland TR86 24-ft. 971 header with trailer, air reel, extra sickle, parts, manuals, 1691 engine hours, 1151 separator hours. Runs great, bought bigger combine.................................................................... $18,000

Call (406) 355-4488 - 8 am to 8 pm Rudyard, MT


2011 Apache 1020 self propelled sprayer, 1000 gallon, 120” fixed axle, 6 speed powershift, Cummins, 100-ft. booms with 5 section control, 3-way T-Jet nozzles, 380/90 R 46 & 380/80 R 38 tires, Raven Envisio Pro monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax Auto Steer, Prescription Top Dress Ready, 1450 hours, $ $ farmer owned, shedded, charcoal cab air filter.............. Reduced to

1-406-460-5502 Text or Call, Chester, Montana

00 5 , 4 12 129,500

HUGE SALE on Bad Boy Mowers!

54” ZT Elite w/Kohler 54” ZT Elite w/Kawasaki 61” XP Outlaw w/Kawasaki Please call for these End of Summer Savings!

LS Prices to low too advertise!!


5 YEAR Standard Warranty LS P7040 CPS MFWD tractor, 97 hp, cab, power shuttle, SL loader. Last of the Tier 3 tractors in this series!... $7843 annual payment OAC LS XU6168CPS MFWD tractor, 68 hp, cab, shuttle, SL loader............ ...... $5789 annual payment OAC LS XG3140H hydro, loader.............. $268 monthly payment OAC Special Discount!!

LS XR4150HC 50 hp, hydro, cab, loader......$411/month OAC

Wallenstein GX720 3-pt. backhoe with 92” dig depth. .....................................................................$7900 Tarter 5-ft. rototiller, NEW..................................$2099 NEW Tytan 6” hydraulic wood chipper, 3-pt., PTO..$3199 DCT 30-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$9000 DCT 28-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$8800 Sure-Trac 7x14 dump trailer, 14,000 lb.............$6950 4000 lb. Skid Steer forks.....................................$675 Brand New 5-ft. box blades.................................$650 New 6-ft. gear driven rototiller............................$2350


2013 GMC Sierra SLE 6.6 Allison heavy duty transmission, great condition, 81,000 miles, custom wheels/winter tires, Rhino liner..................$36,000 1995 Ford Explorer 212,000 miles, 5 speed manual, new clutch, excellent condition............. $1995 obo TYM 503 tractor, 50 hp, loader, 810 hours, excellent condition....................................................$23,500 Case 970 tractor, grapple, loader, good tires, recent overhaul........................................................$8599 John Deere 4020 diesel, cab with loader and grapple, Powershift..............................................$9995 King chipper, 6” hydraulic feed, PTO, 3-pt.........$3195 DuAl 325 loader, no welds, 5-ft. bucket.............$1995 Wide round bale carrier mounts, on 21-ft. flatbed.$1500 Mounts for Ezee-On loader, fits John Deere 4020.$750

The last best place to buy a tractor! 5662 Kessler Rd. Belgrade, Montana 406-388-2423

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page B24

Your Only FULL SERVICE Spring Shop.........Since 1912 Great Falls, MT 3257 Vaughn Road

(406) 452-1246 — 1-800-378-1246 3257 Vaughn Road – Great Falls, MT

✓ AUTO ✓ TRUCKS  ✓ MOTOR HOMES ✓ 4x4’s ✓ FARM EQUIPMENT ✓ ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS ✓ Leaf Springs - Custom Made & Repaired Get Engel ✓ U-Bolts - Made to Order Coolers here! ✓ Axle straightening See us on the web -

Turn your used oil into FREE HEAT Tanks and transfer systems available

SHOP SPECIALTIES •Ronan •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448

Steinhatchee Equipment Co. Inc. 406-777-1701 or 239-0942 e-mail:

1998 Volvo 4000 gallon water truck, 385 hp Volvo engine, 10 speed, Ex brake, differential lock, air conditioning, new tank and pump and 6 sprays, air ride suspension. Very nice.$36,000

NEW Teram Emag 80” clean out bucket, fits Cat 320 excavators, pin on.........$2500

2012 Cat 312ELC, 2600 hours, 28” tracks, 36” bucket, thumb. One owner.......... ...............................$84,000

John Deere 640SL loader with mounts and hydraulic kit. Fits John Deere 63006410..........................$4500

NEW Ind-America 3 pt. hydraulic angle and tilt, 9-ft. blade..........................$2300

Great Bend 760 NSL loader with grapple, mounts and hydraulic kit. Fits John Deere 7400-7810......$4500

USDA Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA) Acting State Executive Director (SED) Amy Webbink announced that approximately 19,010 Montana farms that enrolled in safetynet programs established by the 2014 Farm Bill will receive financial assistance for the 2016 crop year. The programs, known as Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC), are designed to protect against unexpected drops in crop prices or revenues due to market downturns. “These safety-net programs provide help when price and revenue fall below normal,” said Acting SED Webbink. “Payments to barley, canola, corn, lentils, oats, dry peas, grain sorghum, soybeans and wheat producers are helping provide reassurance to our Montana farm families who are standing strong against low commodity prices compounded by unfavorable growing conditions.” Producers in 55 Montana counties have experienced a significant drop in prices or revenues below the benchmark established by the ARC or PLC program and thus, will receive payments totaling $212.7 million. Payments related to wheat crops made up much of those payments. There were also payments for oats, corn, grain sorghum and canola crops. Cash flow from these payments is particularly helpful to farmers and ranchers in counties impacted by natural disasters. “Payments by county for an eligible commodity can vary because average county yields will differ,” said Acting SED Webbink. Statewide, over 3,237 farms participated in ARC-County and nearly 15,773 farms participated in PLC. More details on the price and yield information used to calculate the financing assistance from the safety-net programs is available on the FSA website at and www.

Coloring the garden with spring bulbs CONTINUED FROM PAGE B23

2010 John Deere 6140D 3825 hours, with John Deere 673SL loader/grapple, 3rd function hydraulics, 2 SCV’s, 4 new tires, rear weights, 12 speed, power reverser transmission with LHR, 140 hp...........$50,000

USDA issues safety-net payments to MT farmers

1999 Sterling tri-axle dump Cat 3306, 10 speed transmission, 233,795 miles, 40,000 rears, 14,600 lb. front axle, air conditioning, floats ......................$29,500

2005 Case 580 SM Series 2 3216 hours, 4x4, Extenda-hoe, 4x1, bucket remote hydraulics ..............$35,500

Narcissus ‘Tete a tete’ Narcissus ‘Quail’ Hyacinth ‘Deft Blue’ Allium ‘Globemaster’ Allium ‘Gladiator’ Hyacinthoides campanulata Muscari armeniacum Leucojum aestivum Tips for Purchasing Bulbs Select firm, fresh, healthy-looking bulbs, just as if you were buying a good quality onion or baking potato. Choose bulbs with intact tunics -- those papery husks surrounding bulbs like daffodils, tulips, and hyacinths. Most bulbs will be fine without the tunic, but it can help fight disease. Reject soft, moldy, or diseased bulbs, as well as those that are shriveled or brittle. If mail-order bulbs arrive with defects, send them back. Experiment with some lesser-known bulbs like snow scilla (Scilla mischtschenkoana), altai lily (Ixiolirion tataricum), and fumewort (Corydalis solida). Plant bulbs immediately or store in a cool, dark, dry place. Tips for Planting Bulbs Add organic matter to the soil for nutrients and drainage. Plant en mass (by the hundreds if possible) for a spectacular show. Wear gloves when handling bulbs. Place shorter bulbs in the front of beds and borders. Try to have everything planted well before the ground freezes. Halloween is a good deadline to set, although I am usually planting extra tulips on Thanksgiving weekend. Mulch the planting area thoroughly to avoid heaving from wintertime thawing and freezing. ##### In 36 BC, Marcus Terentius Varro argued that honeycombs were the most practical structures around. Centuries later, Greek mathematician Pappus solidified the “honeycomb conjecture” by making the same claim. Almost 2000 years later, Thomas Hales wrote a 19-page mathematical proof showing that, of all the possible structures, honeycombs use the least amount of wax. And not only are honeycombs the most efficient structures in nature—the walls meet at a precise 120-degree angle, a perfect hexagon.

Reflexology: Health in your hands

Take your health into your own hands (literally) with reflexology, which is the practice of applying pressure to the feet and hands to help ease pain and prevent disease. For instance, if you experience eye strain, you can pinch the webbing between your fingers or toes to help alleviate it. For colds, press about halfway down the side of your thumb. It may sound crazy, but it’s been practiced in Asia for years, and China has recently been recruiting reflexologists to cut down on health care costs. To learn more, visit your local library or

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C1

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295

THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED TO RUN YOUR FARM! New Harvest Equipment In Stock Case IH 8240 Combine Case IH 3152 40' Header

Used Harvest Equipment:

2005 2042 35’ draper head ... $32,000 MacDon 960 35’ draper head, CIH adapter ... $10,000 1999 Case IH 2388, 2580eng/2071 Sep Hrs., very nice condition ... Just Traded Case IH 6088, 970 Hrs, duals ... $185,000 Case IH 2042 draper, transport ... Just Traded

Used Combines

2000 Case 2388 combine with 30-ft. 1010 header, 3469 engine hours/2636 seperator, hopper extensions, chopper. Consigned.. ...................................................................$55,000 2015 Case IH 7240 539E/408S hours. Comes with 40-ft. Case IH 3152 rigid draper, very nice combine, owner is retiring. Consigned......................................................... $375,000 2005 Case IH 2042 36-ft., finger reel, good condition....$26,000

New Miscellaneous

Haybuster 2650 bale processor with hydraulic chute CASE IH WD1504 WINDROWER CASE IH RB565 Schulte FX 1200 batwing mowerROUND BALER Rem VRX grain vacs

Used Miscellaneous:

New Equipment In Stock Farmhand 25’ mulcher ... $9,500

Case IH 130A Farmall • Case IH 120A Farmall New Haying Equipment In Stock IH 8240 CaseH&S 12, 14 & 16-Wheel HighCombine Capacity Wheel Rakes

Lease Returns Available

(2) ProAg 1400 Hayhiker, 14-Bale Movers Case IH WD 1504 Windrower With 16' HDx162 Header 165 • Puma 120A 3x4 130A & 150 • Farmall Maxxum Case IH LB434 Big Square Baler, Bales Case IH RB 565 Round Baler

In Stock Tractors Used Used Haying Equipment In Stock

.... $99,000 loader..................... MFD,Baler Puma 155 IH LBX331 2009 2002 Case Case IH Square ................................$29,000 consigned. owner,wrap, one mesh autosteer, 4040 hrs, 2008 Case Case IH IH STX RB564 baler, 8700 bales, wide . 375round 2004 pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube ......$26,500 $79,000 .......... ............................. ............................. 2003 CaseIH RBX562, MeshWrap, Like New $24,500 . $22,000 John Deere 4840 3 point, PTO........................ 1979 1999 Case IH RS561 .....................................................$12,500 7922 hours, new tires, MFD, loader, grapple.. MX120 IH 8465 Case IH 2002 1995 Case .........................................................$8,995 .......... $43,500 ............................. ............................. 1994 Case IH 8480 Softcore ............................................$6,995 1990 Deere Hesston 560 quadrange, Round Baler ........................................$5,500 3 pt, 14.9x46 duals.......... $22,000 4440 John 2002 Case IH MX270 6800 hrs, 3 pt, MFD, Good Condition$43,500 weight kit, EZ-steer hrs, Trelleborg New Tractors Induals, Stock 4600 New Holland 9682 Case IH Farmall 356B w/loader guidance......................................................... $75,000 CaseIH Magnum 315, front & rear duals, lease return Case IH 9370 7600 hrs, 12 speed....................... $59,000 1997 Lease Returns Available This Fall

Case IH Farmall 75C, cab & loader CaseIH Puma 130 • CaseIH Maxxum 125 CaseIH Maxxum 140 • CaseIH Puma 165 CaseIH Puma 185• CaseIH Magnum 260

NewUsed Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Tractors In Stock

CaseCase IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer IH Farmall 356B w/loader 2008 Case IH Steiger 480, Hrs, Cummins engine, Case IH 530C1480 Disc Ripper 710 radials, like new .................................... $179,000 1979 JD 4840, 3 pt, PTO .............................. $22,500 2009 Case IH Puma 155, MFD, loader ........ Just Traded

Miscellaneous Used Equipment

New New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock Skidsteer Loaders All Available With 52”, 61” or 72” Powerfold Deck CaseInjected, SV280 Cab, air, heat, TR310 623, 727K Fuel 729 Big Block, 729 Liquid Cooled 725D Diesel Used Skidsteer Loaders Baggers Are Available For All Models

2012 Case SV300 800 hours, cab, air heat.................. $37,500 Used Mowers In Stock Case IH TR270 skidsteer, new tracks, 958 hours................. Call Case IH TR380 skidsteer, new tracks, 885 hours........... $57,500

New Skid Steer Attachments In Stock New Skidsteer Attachments Case 60” Rotary Cutter In Stock CaseForks 72” Broom Danuser Pallet - 48”, 4000 lb. Case 72” Hopper Broom Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Case 72” Snowblower Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers Danuser Palet Forks 48”, 4000# Danuser Snowblowers, Hydraulic Post Hole Digger Snow Buckets & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers

New Skidsteer Loaders

Case SV280 Cab, air, heat Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Case SV300 Cab, air, heat

Concord 4710 air drill, 3400 tow behind cart............. $28,000 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. booms.. $19,900 New Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers Case IH 490 disc, 30-ft...........................................$8900 Case IH Precision Air 100 Pull-Type Sprayer John Deere 2100 inline ripper..................................$3500 Case IH 30 Turbo, 25’ w/ rolling baskets 2008 Case IHCase ATX 400 46-ft.,Diskripper, 10” spacing,5stealth IH 530C shankopeners with carbide points, with 2008 ADX tow between variable rate Parma 24’3380 Landplane cart. Used Consigned............................................... $55,000 Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers: Concord 4710 Drill, 3000 tow behind cart, hydraulic drive ... $30,000 2007 Rogator self-propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon tank, 100-ft. 2005 Brandt 2SB4000, suspended boom, 90’, 1500 gal. tank ...$25,000 booms, Cat engine, 6 speed transmission, 2 sets of tires, 2470 hours. Consigned............................................. $85,000

New 3pt. Equipment In Stock

Farm King Rear Blades, 10' & 12', All Hydraulic Bobcat 7' Rear Blade • Bale Carrier • Gooseneck Hitch Tebben 10' Rotary Cutter


2003 Case IH RB562 twine and mesh..........................$22,000 2011 Amity 12 row 24” scrub harvester.......................$75,000 Morris 1400 hay hiker, 14 bale, good condition..............$17,500 Westfield 10x70 w/swing away hopper.......................... $2900

New Haying Equipment In Stock H&S rakes - 12 & 16 wheel Twinstar hydraulic rake


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C2

November 2017


Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218

MT 59425 Visit our website at:Conrad, E-mail:

FRESH OVERHAUL 2-2007 Kenworth T800B LOW MILES, ISX 500 hp, 18 speed, lockers, dual line wet kits, 46,000 lb. rears.

2007 Kenworth W900L Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed,72” sleeper, VIT interior,...................................... $49,500




$44,500 2012 Peterbilt 386 Cummins ISX, 13 speed, 63” sleeper, lockers engine brake.................................... $46,500

2006 Volvo VNL64 Cummins ISX, 565 hp, 18 speed, lift axle, air ride, 48” sleeper...................................... $36,500

2006 Western Star 14.0L Detriot, 13 speed, O/H with papers, headache rack, wet kit, 11R24.5............................... $37,500


2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab, Detroit 14.0L Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride,..... $35,000

2005 Kenworth T800B ISX 500 hp, 18 speed, lockers, dual line wet kit with Thermaflow hydraulic oil cooler, 46,000 lb. rears............................... $42,500

2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit Series 60, 435/515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, recent overhaul, engine brake......... $38,500



2007 Mack CHN613 Mack AC 460P, 460 hp, 18 speed, engine brake, 254,000 miles.................................. $38,500

2007 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 455 hp, Ultrashift, wireless remote, manual tarp............................................................... $62,500

2006 Western Star 4900EX Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 13 speed, engine, 72” sleeper...................................... $35,000 2-2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, air ride............................................. $34,500

5-2006 Sterling AT9500, MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s........... Starting at $22,500 2009 International Prostar Cummins ISX, 435 hp, 13 speed, engine brake, air ride.................................. $29,000

2005 Kenworth T600 462,000 miles, Cat C-15, 475 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, long wheelbase, day cab ready for a pusher or a box, new tires............................... $34,500



2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, low miles................... $25,000



2003 Peterbilt 378 dump truck, C15 Cat, 13 speed, low miles.

1999 Freightliner FL112 single axle, Cat C-12, 9 speed, cruise, jakes, air ride, pintle hitch....................................... $17,500

1993 Freightliner Cat 3406E, 475 hp, 9 speed, engine brake, new tires.........$8500

2004 Peterbilt 379 day cab, C15 Cat, 550 hp, lockers, 225,000 MILES!...... Just


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C3

Powersh ift & PTO!




2010 & 2510 John Deere tractors, tricycle, good runners................................ Call

2000 & 1998 Transcraft flatbed, 48-ft. x102”, air ride, spread axle..... $11,500

2-1992 Fontaine flatbed, 48-ft.x96”, tandem spead axle, air ride..................$9500 2013 Versatile 350 Cummins QSX, 350 hp, 4x4, Powershift, 4 remote hydraulics, 1000 PTO, 462 hours....................................... $149,500 1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door..................$7500


• New Protech headache rack - IN STOCK • Several used headache racks and boxes IN STOCK • 23,000 Rockwell locking differential & 3.58 ratio on air suspension • Large inventory of truck and trailer suspension air bags • Call for your Fleetguard filter needs • Pro Tech full and 1/2 fenders IN STOCK • 40-ft. straps, excellent for hauling round bales

Converter Dolly 15-ft.x96”, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels..............$8500

1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. end dump trailer, spring ride, very clean..................... $19,000

1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 29-ft.6”, 16-ft. tongue, 12-ft. tub, spring ride.............................................$7500

November 2017

Conrad, MT 59425

2-2001 Fontaine 30-ft. flatbed trailers, tandem axle, spring ride, will make good pups for hauling hay......................................$8500

2-2018 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, electric tarp and hydraulic tarps, lift axle, 1-silver and 1-black...................... Call

2017 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, tri-axle, rear lift axle, air ride, LED lights........................................ $46,500

2018 Jet sidedump, 47-ft.x102”, air ride, various axle configurations, electric tarp, tandem or tri-axle................. Call

2001 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, tandem axle, spring ride .............................. $20,500 1998 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, spring ride........................................ $19,500

1995 Lynwood tilt deck trailer, 37-ft.x102”, 20-ft. deck, hydraulic tilt, tri-axle, spring ride.............................................$8500 1999 NTE tilt trailer, 37-ft.x96”, tri-axle, spring ride................................$8500

2013 Utility drop deck, 48-ft.x102”, tandem spread axle, air ride, two boxes........................................ $27,500

1989 Trail King TK80 51-ft.x102”, folding neck, 40 ton, 3 axle, air ride, self-contained.................................. $29,500

2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x68”, sight windows, vented slopes, LED lights, spring ride............................. $28,500

2000 Merritt hopper, 48-ft.x96”x68”, spring ride, manual tarps and traps, dual door rear trap........................................... $28,500

Call to ask about the new LOW INTEREST FSA LOANS on new and used grain trailers!

2011 CPS belly dump, 44-ft.x96”, spring ride, tri-axle, manual tarp...... $24,500 2007 Trail-Eze TE80HT 40-ton hydraulic tail drop deck, hydraulic winch................................ $29,500

1998 R-Way belly dump, 43-ft.x96”, spring ride, manual tarp................... $23,500

1999 Ranco belly dump, 3 axle, spring ride....................................... $17,500

1993 Load King & 1991 Load King pup spring ride, nice older set of trailers................... $29,000 as

See more info and photos online at 1992 Fruehauf belly dump pup, 16-ft. hitch, turntable, spring ride..... $14,500


Visit our website at: E-mail:

1977 Great Dane 42-ft. dropdeck with beavertail and ramps, spring ride, closed tandem................................. $11,500

Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C4

##### When I am an old coot... I will rescue bird-dogs from those tiny little cages. ##### When I am an old coot... I will rig up a little bungee jump for my neighbor’s yelping dog. ##### When I am an old coot... I will put expensive price tags on cheap gifts and pretend that I forgot to take them off.

Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch

MONTANA POST DRIVER •  Universal skid loader or excavator mount. •  Quick and easy on/off •  Low profile •  Full control of post while driving •  Plumb bob and depth gauge chain

Call for your local dealer!

See the video of these at work on our website com montanapostdriver.

Gold Creek, MT

3202 Big Horn Ave. Cody, WY



FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals



2009 Ammann 55” smooth drum compactor, cab and heat, 950 hours.............................$37,500


2008 John Deere 200D LC hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick attach, 60” bucket, good undercarriage, 8600 hours....................$68,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price


1997 Deere 650G, 6 way blade, EROPS, ripper, 90% undercarriage, 5650 hours. Nice!..... $36,500



2007 Case 450 skid steer, 2 speed, ride control, new tires, new bucket, cab with heat, air conditioning, 4600 hours....................$22,900

1992 Deere 770BH, cab and heat, snow wing. Runs good. $31,500 Cat 938F, 3 CY GP bucket, cab and heat, ride control...........$35,000

Cat 12F cab, heat, hydraulic assist controls, excellent tires, ripper... ..................................... $16,500

2006 Genie 2668-RT scissor lift, 4x4, Kubota gas engine, generator, 1530 hours...............$17,500

1986 Cat 936 wheel loader, 2.75 cubic yard bucket, quick attach, cab and heat.................$33,000


BACKHOES 2014 ABU 3 axle, 30-ft. gooseneck, 21,000 GVW. As new!.......$8500

Cedar Rapids 1524Y jaw crusher, skid mounted, 50 hp electric motor. Excellent condition..$14,500

Jib boom and man basket to fit a Cat telehandler.................$2800

1968 Cadillac Sedan Deville, all original car, excellent interior, no rust, 77,000 miles, 472 Cadillac engine, original hubcaps........... .................................$4500 obo

2003 Terex 760B, 4x4, extended hoe, EROPS with heat, good tires, 4500 hours............$29,900

2002 Cat 420D loader backhoe, standard hoe, 4x4, cab and heat, pilot controls, 80% front tires, bale fork, 10,400 hours.. $27,500


2007 Trail King TK60MG, 29-ft. well, air ride, 80% tires, new deck. Nice trailer!........................... $27,500

2004 Kidron 42-ft. refrigerated trailer, Thermo King unit with 3 temp zones, 2 side walk doors, good tires and brakes. Works excellent!.......................$10,500


Steve Swan

Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937

across from Fremont Ford on Big Horn Ave.

New guide provides tools for sage-grouse country

By University of Wyoming Extension According to its authors, Landowner Guide to Sage-grouse Conservation in Wyoming: A Practical Guide for Land Owners and Managers is meant to enhance understanding and conservation of sage-grouse in Wyoming. The new guide, which provides tools and resources, is available as a free download from University of Wyoming (UW) Extension at “It condenses scientific findings into a practical format that is easy to use and understand,” said Derek Scasta, a UW Extension range specialist and co-author. In 70 compact pages, the guide covers basic sage-grouse biology, life stages, habitat needs, predator impacts, conservation planning and sagebrush monitoring. More than 40 original Wyoming photographs and seven state-level maps illustrate the lives of these birds that coexist with cattle, other livestock and approximately 350 vertebrate wildlife species, including songbirds and small mammals. Full-color photos show males in fall mating displays, the sagebrush shape that provides winter cover for nesting females, and the broadleaf flowering plants (forbs) and insects that provide protein-rich food for chicks in spring. A wire mesh escape ramp in a livestock tank is presented as a simple alteration to reduce sage-grouse drowning. “Sagebrush ecosystems are complex, and efforts to conserve sage-grouse are multifaceted,” said lead author and photographer Leanne Correll. Correll heads an agriculture and natural resources consulting business in Saratoga and earned a master’s degree in rangeland ecology and watershed management from UW in 2017. Wyoming is a sage-grouse stronghold, encompassing almost a quarter of the range-wide habitat and 37 percent of known male populations – more than any other state. “Those who own or manage sage-grouse habitat play a critical role in conserving this umbrella species in Wyoming and the West,” said Correll. “They were the catalyst for developing this guide.” Landowner Guide to Sage-grouse Conservation in Wyoming co-authors with Correll are Rebecca Burton and University of Wyoming professors Scasta and Jeffrey Beck. Contributing support and expertise were local ranchers and conservation experts, other UW faculty members, and representatives of county, state, and federal agencies, including the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The guide is one of many free publications available at bit. ly/UWEpubs, covering sage-grouse, sagebrush, grasslands, grazing, conservation, and ranch economics. For more information, contact Scasta at (307) 766-2337 or

No Shave November

The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle. Participate by growing a beard, cultivating a mustache, letting those legs go natural, and skipping that waxing appointment. Put down your razor and set up your own personal No-Shave November fundraising page. If you’re not ready to get hairy, sit back and support someone who is. The rules of No-Shave November are simple: put down your razor for 30 days and donate your monthly hair-maintenance expenses to the cause. Strict dress-code at work? Don’t worry about it! We encourage participation of any kind; grooming and trimming are perfectly acceptable. ##### Question: All Thoroughbreds are purebreds, but not all purebreds are Thoroughbreds. How can that be? Answer: A purebred is a horse that is derived from a single breed line. Thoroughbreds are a specific pure breed of horse registered with a recognized breed registry. Other breeds, such as the Arabian, Morgan, Welsh, and Standardbred, are also purebreds. ##### Thoroughbreds dominate racing, but also compete in show jumping, eventing, and dressage.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C5

Grain Vac Hose and Accessories 5” Suction Hose Regular Price $34.95/ft.

6” Suction Hose Regular Price $44.95/ft.

7” Suction Hose Regular Price $59.99/ft.

Purchase 12-ft. for $360 Purchase 12-ft. for $475 Purchase 12-ft. for $575

8” Suction Hose

7” Bin Sweep w/handles

8” Bin Sweep w/handles

Purchase 12-ft. for $595

Regular Price $525

Sale Price $450

Regular Price $625

Sale Price $550

7” x 84” Stainless Steel Hose With Ends

7” Aluminum / Poly Sectioned Hose

REM Exhaust Kits Includes 25-ft. of Hose

Regular Price $825

Regular Price $675

Regular Price $1875

Regular Price $64.95/ft.

Sale Price $695

Sale Price $595

Sale Price $1395


• Hopper Augers • Conveyors • Openers USED

Drive Over.....$10,970 USED

4500 Grain Vac.$9970

PULSE CROP GROWERS: Better crops/Better yields



• Hydraulic boom lift • Hydraulic swing • Stainless steel • Hose package

• Hydraulic boom lift • Hydraulic swing

Buy or Lease To Own ONLY $6352/yr - oac

USED • 2012 • Hydraulic boom lift & rotator • Precleaner

Buy or Lease To Own ONLY $5467/yr - oac

d Goo e hin Mac

Buy or Lease To Own ONLY $3950/yr - oac



NICE • 2014 • Hydraulic boom lift & rotator • Precleaner

Buy or Lease To Own ONLY $4501/yr - oac

Check us out on the web at 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page C6

Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana

Equipment Connection, LLC 406-892-3915

346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email:

Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available

534 Business Hub Drive, Belgrade, MT 59714 email:


Small Town Company with Big Connections

Check out our Great Selection of PJ Dump Trailers!



2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.

PJ Utility Trailers


PJ Gooseneck Trailers

2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 3500# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft, single axle.......$3150

2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck with hydraulic tail trailer 32-ft. deck, 10-ft. hydraulic beavertail, (2) 12,000# axles.


2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8300 16-ft.........$9150

$15,100 $4150

2018 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.

2018 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$10,550


2018 PJ 10-ft.x78” medium duty dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, spare tire


$8000 2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp. Also available: 14-ft. x 83” Lo-Pro dump trailer...$8150



2018 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3300 20-ft......$3450

2018 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$11,500 30-ft. lo-pro.....$12,600 34 ft.....$12,600 36-ft......$12,800

2018 PJ 14-ft. single axle utility trailer Heavy duty rear ramp gate, (1) 7000# axle, spare tire.




2018 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.


2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer powertail, (2) 12,000 lb axles, 2 speed jacks, fir deck. Also available: 30-ft.....$13,800




2018 PJ 16-ft.x10” I-Beam Deckover Dump Trailer fold-down sides, roll-over tarp, cold weather wiring, spare tire.


2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8850

2018 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber. Also available: gooseneck.....$8600

PJ Deckover Trailers

PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers


2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” single axle utility dump trailer (1) 5200# axle, 15” rubber.

NEW PJ STYLE! 2018 PJ 14-ft. “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, (2) 7K axles. Eliminate job dumpster fees! In Stock: 14-ft. Bumper pull.....$8000 14-ft. Gooseneck.....$8900


2018 PJ 10-ft x 77” Utility Trailer 4-ft. fold-up gate, 22” metal sides, pipe top. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2500

2018 PJ 16-ft.x91” gooseneck deckover dump trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, 4-ft. removable sides.



2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2100 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3000 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3100

2018 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$3600 and 20-ft.....$3700 2018 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft.

$6050 2018 PJ 22-ft. superwide trailer (2) 7000# axles, heavy duty drive-over fenders, 2-ft. tail, slide-in ramps, spare tire.

2018 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare. Also available: 24-ft......$8900



14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $3550 each

2018 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.


$2200 2018 PJ 24-ft. Gooseneck Tilt (22+2) Trailer 22-ft. tilt + 2-ft. stationary, (2) 7000# axles, winch plate, spare tire.


2018 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.

2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps. Also available: 18-ft......$4800


2018 PJ 5-ft. x 10-ft. all steel utility trailer rear ramp gate, steel floor with D-rings.


2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$1850 10-ft.x77”....$1900

You can view our complete inventory on the web at:

2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer slide-in ramps, rear stabilizer jacks, 16” rubber, 14,000# GVW.


2018 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$8800


2018 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$5650 And 24-ft.....$5800

$4800 $7500

2018 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.


2018 PJ 20-ft. medium duty deckover flatbed trailer 10,000 lb GVW, rear ramps. Also available in 16-ft.

$4150 2018 PJ 16-ft. light duty deckover trailer

2018 PJ 20-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000# axles, straight deck slide-in rear ramps, spare tire.

(2) 3500# axles, spare tire.

Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available Best Prices

$4000 2018 PJ 13-ft. equipment tilt trailer single 7000 lb. axle, 83” wide, radial tires, LED lights. Also available: 16-ft......$4100

PJ Tilt Trailers $6750 2018 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.

$5750 2018 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber.

$6100 2018 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$6250 Also available: 3-axle


2018 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page C7


Now your Globe Lowboy Trailers Dealer of Montana!


All trailers come with up to a 10 year structural warranty!



Erskine Skidsteer Trencher - 4” bar

2012 Bobcat S175 Skidsteer Cab, heat, 1500 hours, nice machine!


Erskine 8-ft. Snow Pusher bolt on cutting edge


$88,500 $3500

Erskine Tree Shear cuts up to 12” trees, manual rotating head Erskine 8-ft. Heavy Duty 6-Way Dozer Blade 2018 Globe 55-ton Lowboy Trailer 9-ft. wide, non-ground bearing, detachable neck, 24-ft. well, powder coated, LED lights, covered rear wheels, air ride with rear lift axle, 22.5 rubber with aluminum outside wheels, front tool box, Honda gas pony motor, wet line plumbing, 10 year structural warranty!




Erskine 7-ft. Snow Light Material Blade hydraulic angle, bolt on cutting edge

New Erskine 72” Smooth Drum Vibratory Packer



Therm Dynamics Heater 100 gallon fuel capacity, diesel engine, 600,000 BTU.

$899 New Erskine Bale Spear

New Erskine Heavy Duty Brush Mower

$2750 New Erskine Earth Auger

2018 Globe 30-ton tag trailer 3 axle, air-lift front axle, hydraulic rear ramps, 17.5 radial rubber, LED lights.

$500 ea.

Erskine Skidsteer Hitch Makes moving trailers a cinch! Easy visibility!




1997 Interstate Tag Trailer 20 ton capacity, air brakes, rear ramps, new rubber.


2003 Mustang Gooseneck Trailer 30-ft., (2) 10,000 axles, 5-ft. tail & ramps, good rubber.


$8495 New Erskine Soil Conditioner

John Deere 333D Skidsteer OROPS canopy, auxiliary hydraulics, 2014 hours, good tracks, 72” bucket, nice condition.

New Erskine 72” Grapple Rake Terex TH844C Telescoping Forklift 8000 lb. lift, 44-ft. reach, 2 new tires, 5500 hour, nice!


2018 Cargo Mate 8.5 x 20-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, 5200# axles, additional 1-ft. height, 80” rear door opening, spare tire, LED lights, radial tires, white. Also available: 8 x 22-ft.....$7450 8 x 24-ft......$7850


$45,900 $799 New Pallet Forks 48” heavy duty, quick attach


Skidsteer Forestry Grapple Attachment 12,000 lb. hydraulic winch, manual rotating grapple, good shape!


2007 International Water Truck ISM Cummins engine, jakes, 10 speed transmission, 4000 gallon water tank, 6 sprays, 630,000 miles.


2018 Cargo Mate 8 x 16-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer 1-ft. extended height, side RV door, D-rings in floor, radial tires. Also available: Barn door.....$5650


Erskine Salt & Sand Spreader Skidsteer mount, sidewalk deflectors.


Schulte RDX110 3-point Snowblower 110” wide, 38” 5-paddle fan, hydraulic shoot, 140-200 hp. tractor required.


Erskine Snow Blower Skidsteer mount, 72” wide.

2006 Skytrak 10054 Telescoping Forklift 10,000 lb. lift, 54-ft. reach, outriggers, auxiliary hydraulics, 6700 hrs., OROPS canopy, nice machine!


Vactron PMD800G Vac Unit trailer-mounted, 800 gallon tank with hydraulic dump, 125 gallon fresh water tank, tandem axle dually trailer w/pintle hitch, Kubota diesel engine, pressure washer hose reel, fill hose reel, suction hose, 1500 hours

2006 Skytrack 8042 Telescoping Forklift 42-ft. reach, OROPS canopy, 3000 hours.



2007 Chevrolet 3500 Pickup Duramax diesel, Allison automatic transmisson, 11-ft. flatbed, Blizzard hydraulic snow blade, good rubber, 145,000 miles.

2018 Cargo Mate 6-ft.x12-ft. Single Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, black/champagne color



1995 International 4900 Dump Truck DT466 enhine, automatic transmission, 10-ft. gravel box, pintle hitch, 22.5 rubber, good shape!

Gradall 534D9-45 Telescoping Forklift 9000 lb. capacity, 45-ft. reach, 5-ft. forks, 6400 hours.


IN STOCK! $11,000

1995 Chevrolet Kodiak C6500 Service Truck CAT 3116 engine, 5 speed transmission with 2 speed axle, 14-ft. service body, air compressor

2007 Allight MS.45K9 Light Tower diesel engine, 5 lights, hydraulic outriggers & tower, nice machine! Large Selection of Steel & Aluminum Truck Beds

Trade-ins welcome

Equipment Connection, LLC

1997 Yale GDP110MJ Forklift 11,000 lb. capacity, diesel, OROPS canopy, 6500 hrs.


2018 Royal 8-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, special order radial tires, (2) 5200 lb. axles


2018 Royal 7-ft. x 14-ft. Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, special order radial tires, (2) 5200 lb. axles

346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email:

Small Town Company with Big Connections




534 Business Hub Drive, Belgrade, MT 59714 email:

2018 Cargo Mate 7x14-ft. enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires, 3500 lb. axles, LED lights, 6” extra height, D-rings in floor. Also available: 7x16....$5750



Up-Right SL30N Scissor Lift 30-ft. lift, 15” tires, new batteries, nice shape!

1996 Kenworth T800 Water Truck 500 hp N14 Cummins engine, jakes, 10C transmission, new rubber, new paint, new United 4000 gallon tank system with 4 sprays, hydrant fill and drafting capability.


Sun Air Compressor 14.2 cfm, 135 psi, 6.5 hp, tank has 8 gallon capacity

view inventory on the web at:

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C8

Our new email address is

Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana

We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • K-Line Speedtiller 30-ft. Multiflex.....$89,000 • Sovema 12 wheel hay rake.....$4500 • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Fall Favorites - Hay Rakes, Bale Pickers • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows • Scraper for Reservoir work!

Mortality composting guidelines

By PennState Extension In a perfect world, every animal that we raised would live to the proper market time of the animal. But this is not a perfect world and mortality is part of nature. There is a saying; “If you are going to have Livestock, then you’re going to have Deadstock.” The rendering industry has seen a decrease in the price received for hides, tallow and meat/ bone meal. This has related back to the dairy and veal industries with increased rendering service fees. Every farmer has a different mortality death rate but any rate is more costly now for pickup service. Do we have another option to the Rendering service? Every state has different options for handling on-farm mortality. It is important to check with your state Department of Agriculture or Environmental Protection, what are your options? In Pennsylvania, the State Law says that any animal mortality needs to be properly disposed of in 48 hours. Our four options are render, bury, burn or compost. Render is a pick up for fee service. Bury needs to be done in the soil at a certain depth and away from any ground water sources. Proper burning needs special equipment. Compost is a process of natural heating and microbial action to compost the calf into organic matter. Please check with your state about your state’s regulations for composting mortality. The following process is being used in New York and Pennsylvania. Basic Mortality Composting Procedure Composting is the mixing of a high carbon source (sawdust, woodchips, dry bed pack) with a nitrogen source (Animal). This will heat up to 130-150 degrees very quickly and compost our nitrogen into carbon dioxide, water and organic matter. Penn State and Cornell Cooperative Extension have been composting pigs, calves and cows with this basic procedure. • Select a site that is well drained and at least 200 feet away from any water source. • Lay a 2-foot thick bottom layer of a bulky high carbon material in a windrow 5-7 feet wide. (woodchips or sawdust) • Layer the sawdust in the center of the windrow and the calves on the sawdust. • Put 1 foot of sawdust between each calf and then layer the next calf until the pile is 5-6 feet tall • 2 foot final cover with sawdust, bedpack, or recycled compost from an existing pile. • Let sit for 3-5 months and then turn and check to see is calf is fully degraded. • After 5 months the pile can be turned and more calves introduced or can be crop field applied depending on the condition of the carbon material. • Plan on using a carbon /nitrogen ratio (sawdust/calf) of 25:1 and about 1-2 cubic yards of sawdust per calf. The bottom layer is to let air enter the pile and soak up any moisture while the outside layer provides a home for the bacteria to live. Some bacteria work close to the calf while other bacteria digest the odors. Excessive odors come from a wet pile and adding more dry material to the mix and the cover should reduce them. To add more calves, scope out a part of the pile and make a flat layer to put the calf on with more sawdust on top. Another method is to start a windrow from your pile and then continue to add sawdust and calves as needed.

##### The Naval Ammunition Depot located in Hastings was the largest U.S. ammunition plant providing 40% of WWII’s ammunition.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C9

2017 Belt Buckles Are Here

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production” 4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372


Ford F350 4WD, automatic, flatbed.... $19,900 Matthews MC flail mower...................... $7900 John Deere Z445 rider, 54” deck.......... $3200 John Deere 148 loader with grapple..... $5500 Massey-Ferguson CB20 backhoe........ $4900 Kelly 3-pt. backhoe................................ $3100 Danuser F7 3-pt. post hole auger, 9” & 12” bits..................................................... $1400 Flatbed trailer........................................... $850


Freightliner with F/S sprayer............. $25,900 Ag Shield 1500 sprayer...................... $24,900 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer............... $3900



“Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

MacDon M205 swather with R85 head.$99,900

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

MacDon M200 with R85 header.........$74,900 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header.$27,900 2014 MacDon A30D pull type............$29,900

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”


Vermeer BP8000 processor............... $11,900 Haybuster 2650............................$10,900 (L)

Vermeer BPX9000 processor....................Call

2012 Highline CFR650 processor..$18,500 (L)

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

Vermeer BP8000 with final cut........... $15,500

Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 mover....................................................Call Highline 6000.................................Coming In

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C10


Rely on T6 for unrivaled performance. T6 Series all-purpose, heavy-duty tractors are redesigned, restyled and ready for the next age of farming. New Holland has combined uncompromised power with the most advanced technology. They give you unmatched comfort, visibility and maneuverability with higher power and performance that you can feel. Powerful productivity Productivity comes standard thanks to a choice of five models with an endless list of options including a front hitch and PTO, a choice of front axles, as well as a choice of transmissions. The T6 has you covered, from haymaking to loader work and rowcrop applications. ECOBlue™ HI-eSCR engine technology not only provides Tier 4B emissions compliance, the system maintains total fluid efficiency (fuel and AdBlue DEF) compared to previous Tier 4A engines, and gives you a significant performance advantage. The enormous 42% torque rise and Engine Power Management provide you with up to an additional 34 horsepower to maintain productivity in even the most demanding conditions. Operating comfort At New Holland, we believe a long, hard day in the field shouldn’t feel like one. That’s why we designed the Horizon™ cab for day-long comfort and productivity. The exceptionally low 69-decibel noise level and smooth Comfort Ride™ cab suspension help you feel at ease while you work.

1983 Bobcat 843 skid steer, 1700# lift ROC............$9900 2015 New Holland L230 skid steer, 3060# lift ROC.......$39,900

Vermeer BPX9000 Round and Square Bale Processor 406-727-7153

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372


Ag Shield 12-52-3 roller..................... $50,000 Versatile 575 tractor with 650 hours..$300,000 Versatile 400 tractor, powershift....... $150,000 Case 1070 tractor with loader and grapple...... ....................................................... $11,500 Case IH 2188 combine, 1015 pickup header... ....................................................... $42,500 Massey-Ferguson 8570 combine, 24-ft. header, pickup header.................... $39,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel.................................. $4500 John Deere 7700 combine.................... $7500 White 9720 combine with 30-ft. auger header.. ....................................................... $10,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. double sickle, pickup reel, double swath.......................... $24,900 New Holland 971 header with Rake-Up pickup attachment......................................... $6000 MacDon 962 36-ft. header.................. $16,900 Westfield MK13x71 auger................. $15,000 New Holland H8080 swather with 419 header.................................................... $85,000 New Holland 1442 15’3” rotary disc...... $6700 International 4000 14-ft. swather.......... $8000 Ag Shield 300 recon hay conditioner..$24,000 Spra-Coupe 4640 with 60-ft. booms.. $29,500 Spra-Coupe 4440 with 80-ft. boom.... $45,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank......................................... $8000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms..................................... $8000 Hardi SM50 pickup sprayer................... $2500 Bourgault 3320 air drill with L6455 cart.......... ..................................................... $250,000

Case 800 70-ft. x 12” spacing air drill..$80,000 New Holland SD440 40-ft. air drill, 10” spacing................................................... $69,000 Morris Maxum 49-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, double shoot, 7300 tow behind tank..$9900 Great Plains 293 45-ft. air seeder with 12” spacing........................................... $13,000 Great Plains 283-62 air seeder, 45-ft. x 10” spacing.............................................. $9000 Melroe 36-ft., 12” spacing drills............. $4500 Bourgault 7200 harrow, 5/8” tines...... $52,000 Oliver 271 24-ft. disc............................. $5900 Gysler 28-ft. duckfoot............................ $2500 Vermeer 605J round baler......................CALL New Holland 664 round baler, twine only........ .......................................................... $7500 Batco 20-120 conveyor auger............ $65,900 Gehl 800 chopper.................................. $4200 1996 Eagle tandem dually pintle hitch flatbed, 6-ft. beavertail.................................... $6000 Quicke 660 loader - grapple.................. $5000 Toro 7500 riding lawn mower with bagger....... .......................................................... $1900

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls “Partners in Production”


Massey Ferguson 2190 baler............$52,000 Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4, cutter... $44,900 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter........$54,900 New Holland BB960 baler.................$29,900


2014 MacDon D65D 40-ft. header......$57,900 Agco 5200 36-ft. draper header..........$19,900 MacDon D60D 30-ft. header...............$36,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header....$29,900 MacDon 960 30-ft. with pickup reel....$14,900 MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel.................................................$14,900 Gleaner 15-ft. N-series pickup header, Victory 7........................................................$3500 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.................$799


Massey Ferguson Hesston 2856A twine and net wrap.........................................$29,900 2-Hesston 5556A with mesh wrap. Each........ .......................................................$14,900 New Holland BR780A twine only..........$7900 New Holland 664 twine only..................$7900 Vermeer 605M net wrap baler............$17,900 Vermeer 605XL twine only....................$8900 Vermeer Super J twine only..................$4900 John Deere 535....................................$5500


John Deere 9450 50-ft. with 12” spacing. Will sell individually................................... $9900


Case 800 50’ x 10”, 43 VRT, tow between....... ....................................................... $99,000

- COMING IN Case IH MXM130 tractor Massey Ferguson 4609 tractor John Deere 5400 tractor Hayhiker 1400 bale mover 3-New Holland 560 balers Shaver HD-10 post pounder Danuser hydraulic digger

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

Log Splitters




4181 North Park Trail Great Falls “Partners in Production”

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C11

Hoven Equipment welcomes...

ANDY DOBRININ Salesman 406-590-0372 Great Falls, MT


Mechanic, 406-707-0252 He is working out of Lewistown, MT

406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls

Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372


406-727-7153 “Partners in Production” Case IH Puma 185 with 750 hours..$149,900

Case IH Puma 210 tractor with loader.$84,900 Case IH 3394 with loader and grapple.$25,900 Challenger MT575B with loader........$89,900 2013 New Holland T7.185 with loader and grapple..........................................$109,900


New Holland TR98 combine..............$29,900 New Holland TR97 combine..............$19,900

4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

Valtra T140-4 with loader.............. $65,000 (L) Valtra C120 with loader......................$53,900 Versatile 835 tractor...........................$14,900 Versatile 450 tractor.........................$206,000 Massey Ferguson GC2610 tractor backhoe... .......................................................$10,900 Belarus 825 tractor with loader.............$8900 David Brown 1212 3 pt., 540 PTO........$5900 David Brown 1200A tractor..................$6500 Case 2470 crab steer, bad engine.Make Offer Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.


MacDon 1300 bale stacker.................$14,900 H&S rake...............................................$7900 Vermeer WR24 12-wheel low capacity..$3500 Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372

“Your Partners in Production”


Hoven Equipment is scheduling Winter Service Inspections now Don’t Be Caught With An Unexpected Breakdown!

Hoven Equipment 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT 406-727-7153

On Farm or in shop machine inspections 4 Combines, Articulated Tractors, Sprayers, Air Drills, Big Square Balers


4 Round Balers and Small Square Balers


4 Two Wheel Drive and Front Wheel Assist Tractors


4 Skid Steers


10% OFF any service labor for post inspection work 5% OFF any parts used during post inspection work 50% OFF machine trucking for in shop repairs

Call Hoven Equipment and schedule an Equipment Inspection today!


2013 Wheatheart 13x91 auger with hopper mover..............................................$15,900 Wheatheart PT13 drive over conveyor..$6900 Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger...........$2000 Westfield TF8x51 auger........................$3200

Westfield 13x91.................................$19,500 Westfield MK13x91 swing auger.......$13,900 Westfield MK13x71 Plus auger.........$14,900 Westfield MK13x71 auger.................$18,900 Westfield MK13x70, swing hopper.......$7500

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C12

GM 6000 with aeration IN STOCK NOW! LAST YEAR’S PRICES!! Also-2 GM 3000’s w/aeration

Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins

We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer

Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business

We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver

Call TODAY for More Info!

We are a NEW Authorized Dealer for Optimum Bins Call For More Information!

High Quality Bins

•Available in 800-6500 bushels

Manufactured to Satisfy Your Needs

• Grain Bins • Steep Cone Bins • Multi-Purpose Bins • Custom Bins • Feed Bins • Accessories

On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.

We make hydraulic hoses Horizontal & Vertical Poly Tanks

Full Line Ag Chemicals


Wiese Sweeps 14” & 16” In Stock

Liquid Fertilizer 28-0-0 in stock Delivery available

1650- to 3000-gallon tanks in stock ATV Skid Sprayers

F/S MFG. 4 Trailer Sprayers 4 ATV Sprayers 4 Truck Mount Sprayers 4 Self Propelled Sprayers

Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/ minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank. Pickup Mount Sprayer 60-ft booms, hydraulic fold, rate controller. Ready to Go!

UTV Field Boss

• Low profile UV stabilized fully drainable tank with easy access lid •Multicontrol regulator mounted on swinging arm, easy access from seat • Reinforced boom with complete nozzle protection & return breakaway system • And More! Features: • Heavy Duty Construction • 12V Motor with Hand Control • Manual Crank Handle included • Guide Tubes for Easy Retrieval • LiquidLock Steel Swivel • Manual Clutch Lockout for Easy Pull-Out • 2-Way Wirelss and Manual Switches • Available for 2” and 3” hose

Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541

Finances in focus: A year end checklist

By Cole Ehmke, UW Extension Many people review their finances at the first of the year when they get ready to file their taxes. Yet going over your financial situation now could save you money and stress because you still have time to make adjustments. Here are some ideas for a review of the year so far – what you’ve earned, spent and saved. Then you’ll be better able to meet year-end deadlines and assess long term goals. Review your expenses. Figure out where your money went. Once people take a look at their spending, they often find dollars that didn’t build their long-term financial health. Look especially at monthly expenses since you may find savings on services, such as cable, that you’re not using. Assess your savings goals. Are you on target to your savings goals, like setting money aside for family trips, Christmas, retirement, and building emergency savings? Max out your IRA and/or Roth IRA contributions. Traditional and Roth IRAs allow individuals younger than 50 to contribute $5,500 each year and individuals 50 and older to contribute an additional $1,000. Returns generated in both IRAs compound tax-free over their entire life. If you can’t hit the target this year, look at catching up at the beginning of 2018—contributions can be made up until April 17, 2018 to count for 2017 taxes. Rebalance Your Portfolio. At least once or twice a year you should look to rebalance your investment portfolio to make sure you’re not becoming too weighted toward one asset class because it has outperformed everything else in your portfolio. Consider charitable donations. The most important reason to give is to help those in need. But the way you give can reduce your tax burden for the year. Google the words “year end charitable giving IRS” to make sure your donation can accomplish multiple goals. Review your insurance and estate planning documents. Big life changes—such as a marriage, baby, separation or death—can greatly affect your plans. Be sure that health, disability and life insurance are up to date (as well as car, home and other insurance). And that your estate planning documents still accomplish what you want them to. Prepare for next year. Review your objectives from the beginning of this year, and make changes for next. People who are proactive end up with the least anxiety.

Physical Loss Loans available

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Acting Administrator Steven J. Peterson announced that physical loss loans are available for two counties in Montana. Farm operators who have suffered major physical losses caused by multiple wildfires that occurred on July 15, 2017, and continuing, may be eligible for emergency loans. This Administrator’s Physical Loss Notification has been issued for Mineral and Missoula counties as the primary damaged area. Additionally, six Montana counties are contiguous to this designated disaster area, making these producers also potentially eligible for programs based on this designation. The contiguous counties are: Flathead, Granite, Lake, Powell, Ravalli and Sanders. Producers in Clearwater, Idaho and Shoshone counties in Idaho are also eligible because they are contiguous counties. FSA’s low interest emergency loans may be made available to any applicant with a qualifying loss in the counties named above. Approval is limited to applicants who suffered severe physical losses only. Physical loss loans may be made to eligible farmers and ranchers to repair or replace damaged or destroyed physical property essential to the success of the agriculture operation, including livestock losses. Examples of property commonly affected include essential farm buildings, fixtures to real estate, equipment, livestock, perennial crops, fruit and nut bearing trees, and harvested or stored crops and hay. Producers in eligible counties have eight months from the date of the declaration to apply for loans for physical losses. Please contact FSA for more information on loan eligibility and the application process. FSA office information is available at Additional FSA disaster assistance program information is available at http://disaster.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page C13

Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana


Call Jim at 406-690-0737


1994 Hesston Swing Tongue MoCo 2014 Cat 236D2 Skidsteer LOADED UP, cab with air conditioning, hydraulic quick coupler, two speed, camera. Like new with Only 245 hours.$39,900

Excellent condition!! 12-ft. cutting width, 1 steel roller and 1 rubber roller. Lightly used by a small well maintained ranching/ hay operation............................................................. $8900

2000 Case 721C Wheel Loader Only 5350 original hours. Excellent Michelin 20.5x25 radial tires! Overall very nice loader!.........................................$49,250

2005 Fontaine RGN Trailer Tandem axle, 35 ton, 10-ft. front deck, 29-ft. middle deck, 7-ft. rear deck, air ride, outriggers. Trailer is in very good condition and work ready!......................................................$28,800

2008 Case CX80 Excavator 2800 hours, quick coupler with 2 buckets, dozer blade, cab with air conditioning and radio........................................$59,000

2006 Deere 325 Skidsteer This machine is just like new! Always stored inside! Only 930 hours, 2500/5000 lb capacity machine, bucket and forks....... . 2008 Trail King RGN Trailer ...............................................................................$27,000 Triple axle, 40 ton, MG Series, 14-ft. neck, 24-ft. deck, 14-ft. rear, very good tires and wheels, air ride, outriggers. Overall Excellent Condition!...............................................$38,800

2004 Cat CS433E smooth drum roller Only 1400 hours, 66” smooth drum, set up for gravel or asphalt. Very nice condition!..............................................$47,000

2003 Cat 430D-IT Backhoe 6120 hours, cab with heat, auxiliary hydraulics front and rear, quick couple on front with bucket. Nice machine....$29,000

1977-78 John Deere 762 Elevating Scraper SN: 762-2241, cab, good chain, pretty good tires, ready to work!.......................................................................$19,000

1998 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck 3406E Cat engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, double frame, 20,000 front axle, 46,000 rears, 4.56 ratio, twin steer boxes, plumbed for a pup. Work ready!..................$45,000

2007 John Deere 310SJ Backhoe Loader 4x4, extend-a-hoe, cab with air conditioning, only 2600 hours, pilot controls. Very nice digger!...............................$54,000

2006 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift Only 1700 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine!.................................................................$17,000

Skidsteer Buckets, Hay Spears & Grapples

2014 Cat 279D Track Loader Only 1400 hours, 75 hp, 3000/6000 operating capacity, cab with air conditioning, ride control...................................$49,800

2007 Yanmar Vio 35-3 Mini Excavator Only 1488 hours, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick couple, good tracks, full cab with heat.........................................$28,400

66” buckets.................................................................. $500 Heavy Duty Skidsteer pallet forks............................... $750

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C14

##### The nervous passenger •  Full dimension rough cut lumber approaches the airline ticket •  Custom sawing counter. The agent asks him, •  Custom molding “Do you have reservations?” •  Custom drying er R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need cover lots of acres in a “Youtobet I have reserva• Beams period of time. Built for performance and durability, to achieve fast er dry •  Woodthese sidingmachines help tions!” he replied, “Butdown I’m and •  Log railing y rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s these machines are flyingmore, anyway.” Driveway arches he millions of acres they have worked and• •  the tremendous resale values they maintain. ##### Bridge planks The hiker had a pretty •  Fireplace mantels •  And much more..... 780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT close call. She went to inCall The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 vestigate some tracks in the woods, and that’s when the e-mail: train almost hit her.

Custom cut and molded to your specs

URABILITY REDEFINED. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.


The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a Theshort Vermeer R-series rakes (R2300 R2800) these are formachines customers who to cover acresand in a very period of time.twin Builtbasket for performance andand durability, help to need achieve fasterlots dryofdown verytightly short period of time. for performance andwater durability, these machines help tomore, achieve fast er dry down make rolled bales thatBuilt preserve quality, shed and transport easily. What’s these machines are and makeon tightly rolled bales thatthey preserve water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven the millions of acres have quality, worked shed and the tremendous resale values they maintain. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.


•  Vermeer balers are built for making the best looking bale in the least amouont of time. To accomplish this task, a key component is the wrapping technology. Meet the partner in strength and reliability, Vermeer Net, available for 4-ft. and 5-ft. balers of all kinds. And, with 8 size options to choose from, you can get the roll size that just right forbalers you. The green, white and black color scheme let’s folks Vermeeris N-series – the newest models in the flagship lineknow fromyour’re the baling with some real tough netwrap. hat started it all. Heavy-duty provide strength Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the in and the flagship from the The Vermeer R-series twincomponents basket rakes (R2300 andsuperior R2800) arenewest for models customers wholineneed to cover lots of acres in a Vermeer Netwrap key features: company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and Smart • features theofavailable automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system very period time. Builtfor for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve Madeshort withlike heavy-duty HDPE superior net strength durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system faster dry down and further extend life.water Plus, they’re by the besteasily. distribution networkmore, in the these machines are tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed andbacked transport •  make Improved appearance with little net stretch end machine life.bale Plus, they’re backed by themachine best distribution network inWhat’s the industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they •  Optimum net spread to cover square shouldered bales from one side to the other. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need tomaintain. cover lotsEQUIPPED of acresTOin a Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. ermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights and Reserved.durability, these machines help to achieve fasterDO veryhandling short period time. Built for performance dryMORE. down and •  Convenient withofhandgrips on net packaging.

David Oien of Timeless Seeds Inc. has been named the 2017 Outstanding TO Agricultural Leader by the MSU College of Agriculture and Montana rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport are JDeasily. 6125M , What’s loader, 800more, hours......these ................machines ..EQUIPPED ....................$83,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT eer logo and Equippedmake to Do tightly More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. Experiment Station. The award highlights his 30 years of Many Tractors Available .........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M,worked twine, net, floats, ramp . .Starting at $17,500 resale proven on the millions of acres they have and the tremendous values they maintain. DO MORE. Agricultural orporation. All Rights Reserved. Vermeer 605N......................................................DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our product lines. Call for all organic and alternative agriculture engagement on behalf of Montana. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned.................$14,500 ea.

REDUCE WASTE BALE DURABILITY REDEFINED. INCREASE your farm attachment/equipment needs.



Outstanding Agricultural Leader honored

JD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 Wichman .................Ag ......Supply, .................LLC .................CALL 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT PALATABILITY Walter 406-350-0380 5N.....Introducing ..................Vermeer ..............N-series ..............balers ...DEMO SPECIAL from the We have expanded our product lines. Call for all 51⁄ 2’ x 24’ Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer –components thethe newest models inyour the flagship lineand from theStand/Alone • Introducing bale processors make best use company started itN-series all. provide superior strength R2300 , Vermeer rakes,that reconditioned ....Heavy-duty .....balers ...$14,500 ea. farm attachment equipment needs. Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. of your bales with the least amount of labor, and company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability. available automatic auto lube system ..........Smart ..........features ......the ....2017’s Stock 300, rake 2017 In Vermeer R2300, rakespickup .....................clutch ....................and .....In Stock HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder give you need to RETURN process durability. like the available automatic pickup and auto lube system Vermeer 605XL , completely .........distribution .........clutch .................$14,600 By Jenny Lavey for the MSU News Service extend they’re backed byround therebuilt best network in the R 650further , chopper ....Smart ..the .machine .....versatility ..features ......Plus, .you ....RENTAL Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock rebuilt.............................................................$9,250 Vermeer 555 , balesVermeer or large square life. bales withthey’re an optional kit. further extend machine Plus, backed by the best distribution network in the industry. 604N/605N balers are here to stay. A third-generation Montana farmer with a philosophy Vermeer R2300, Demos.................................IN STOCK R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 35, 16’ • header, 1475 ......location ..........balers ....promotes ....(2) ..are .2016 .$60,000 Changing thehours feeding a healthier NEW MDS Bucket industry. Vermeer 604N/605N here to& Grapple, stay. for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 degree who spent 30 years shepherding Montana agriculture 406-735-4374 – EQUIPPED Geyser, MT TO Vermeer, the Vermeer Do More are trademarks of Hole Vermeer Company U.S. and/or other countries. 35, 16’ header .......logo .....and .feeding ...Equipped .........environment .to.Reduced to $70,000 Quick Mount AugerManufacturing , NH9030 bi-direct 15” augerin ....the $3,480 open-range and reduces maor 350-2676 cell Hilger, EQUIPPED TO MTinto the forefront of organic and alternative crop production DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. Reserved. pounder, all406-538-5686 hydraulic.......Company .................$2,150 Worksaverof , post Vermeer, the Vermeer logo All andRights Equipped to Do More are3PT trademarks Vermeer Manufacturing in the U.S. and/or other countries. 75, swing tongue ............issues. ...All....Rights .......Reserved. ...................$13,500 nure-handling DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT has been named the MSU College of Agriculture and MonJD 6125M , loader, 800 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter 406-350-0380 0, 3x4• square baler .....& ....quickly .USED ...........unrolls .EQUIPMENT ...........bales ...NEW ....$27,500 Each processor into windrows NEW Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . .......................................$83,000 $13,500 Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut.................................COMING IN JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours $83,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Many Tractors Available NEW & USED EQUIPMENT trailed mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM850 , tana Agricultural Experiment Station’s 2017 Outstanding that give all the cattle equal feeding room. As the Cox Ranch Equipment (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Vermeer Starting at $17,500 TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unit....Many .................Tractors ....IN STOCK Available.........................................................CALL Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT bales are processed, dust and mold are blown away 51⁄ 2 ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats, ramp . . Starting at $17,500 Vermeer 605N....Vermeer ...EQUIPMENT ..............N-series .................balers .........NEW ... –.Vermeer .DEMO SPECIAL NEW & USED .........models ..We ......the .....have ......flagship ..IN STOCK R2300 Agricultural Leader. expanded our product lines. Call for all Introducing the newest lineNate from Coxthe 406-594-2205, Winston, MT center splitter...................IN STOCK Vermeer VR1224 , withea. 605N ....started .....aerated, ...Vermeer ...reconditioned ......becoming .N-series ..............NEW SPECIAL and the hay palatable (2),Vermeer Vermeer R2300 ,...israkes, ..balers ....more ...components ...DEMO .–$14,500 your farm attachment equipment needs. Introducing the models in the flagship line from theSereday We have expanded our product lines. Call for all / company that Heavy-duty provide superior strength and NEW Vermeer RR140newest , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Shane 406-547-4749, 5N net twine, floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. MSU Vice President of Agriculture Charles Boyer said (2)durability. Vermeer R2300 rakes, ...2017’s .......R23 ...components $14,500 ea. Vermeer R2300 , rake..,.features .that .......started ....reconditioned ......Heavy-duty .available ..(2)....Vermeer In Stock .................superior ....your ..$8,000 ea. Rakes , reconditioned farm attachment for your herd. company provide strength andWhite /equipment Sulphur Springs, MTneeds. Smart the automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system Oien’s history as a respected advocate for diversifying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake .durability. .and .....,.,chopper .protect .rake .....Smart .......features .......................areas Stock er R2300 , rakes ..............seeding .In .available ...mulching .2017’s In straw Stock Highline CFRR2300 650 .........NEW ....the ..RENTAL RETURN automatic pickup clutch and auto system net, twine, moisture . . . . .IN STOCK Vermeer 6650 Rancher ,the HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder • Vermeer Reclaim and spreading it network up tolube 40’ (12.19 further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by best distribution in the Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Montana dryland production and as a lifelong proponent Highline CFR 650header, ,.extend .............Plus, RETURN ............$14,600 ..they’re ...RENTAL .........$60,000 , 16’ further backed by the best distribution network in the 5XL, Hesston completely rebuilt .chopper ...604N/605N ....1475 ..machine ...........hours m) 9435 away. PULLEY &Ag WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND USED EQUIPMENT industry. Vermeer stay. Wichman Supply, LLC header, .Vermeer .balers ...are ......6650 .here ..are .NEW .to ..Rancher .to ..&.$60,000 Hesston 9435 , 16’ Hesston 9635 , 16’ header .......1475 ...604N/605N ......hours ....balers ........Reduced $70,000 industry. Vermeer to stay. Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock of sustainable, organic systems is an example for current , baler.................406-538-5686 ................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy 50 chain or 350-2676 cellchain, Hilger, MT ........the ...9635 .Vermeer ...,.swing ..,..16’ .logo ....tongue .and .....Equipped .............are ....Vermeer $9,250 5, rebuilt EQUIPPED Hesston header Reduced ,$70,000 hydraulic rakes.................Company ..........IN STOCK Hesston ..NEW ....More ...trademarks .....are ....trademarks ....R2800 $13,500 Cut to LengthEQUIPPED Vermeer,1275 Vermeer Manufacturing ininthe other countries. TO TO 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do of Vermeer Manufacturing Company theU.S. U.S.and/or and/or other countries. agricultural students. NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK DO MORE. swing tongue ..........$13,500 Hesston 1275 , Vermeer © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. Walter 406-350-0380 4790 3x4 square ......Rights ..........Vermeer ....IN .......STOCK .605 .....N.........$27,500 Demos .....Corporation. .All..baler ..Rights .........Reserved. ..........Reserved. rmeerHesston R2300, DO MORE. © ,2016 All We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ......................................................IN STOCK “Long before pulse crops were popular in Montana, before 4790for , 3x4JDsquare baler ........................Vermeer .605M .......,, .....twine, $27,500 floats, ramps..........................$18,900 Walter 406-350-0380 All Makes & Models 740 loader ................$4,500 ucket &Hesston Grapple, , loader, 800 hours ........Panels ,24’ loader, 800 hours ..................$375 ...............ea. ...$83,000 ......$83,000 organic and natural foods were trendy, before ‘sustainable’ ....51⁄ ...JD .6125M .....2 .6125M ....’....x ..$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.JD NEW &EQUIPMENT USED EQUIPMENT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Stand Alone NEW & USED Trendline JD 566, twine only..........................................406-735-4374 .......Many .Early .........Tractors ..$5,000order net NEW &twine, USED EQUIPMENT Available .....Alone .......Panels ....MT .....CALL Many ............wrap .– ....Vermeer .Geyser, .............pricing!! ............$375 .Sales ..................ea. ......CALL 51⁄...2..Tractors ’ xAlone 24’Available Stand t HoleVermeer Auger , NH9030 ..Starting NEW & USED (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, ramp . .Starting at $17,500 (3) Vermeer 605M ,bi-direct net, atDEMO $17,500 605N net , twine, floats ...15” ..floats, ..EQUIPMENT, ..auger ...ramp .floats, ...NEW ........Wheatheart ...$3,480 ....USED Heavy Hitter Post Driver ,....Stand ..................CALL 24’ Wind Break Panels $875 ea. and ‘renewable’ were terms farmers regularly used, David 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Vermeer 605N ...twine, .....floats ....................floats. ................................... ..Techno ...................980 .......USED .,.DEMO .8....bale .USED ....DEMO mover .DEMO ......SPECIAL .................................Big ...We .......$32,500 Vermeer 605N net, DEMO Savings! Call for Price!! have expanded our product lines. Call for all Vermeer 605N net , twine, . . Vermeer 605N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL 24’......Stand Alone Wind Panels ea.all all hydraulic ..,.rakes, ........reconditioned ......Red ....Rhino ...$2,150 ver, post 2017 pounder, Vermeer(2)R2300 , rakes ......In Stock ourBreak product lines. Call for (cell) $875 Greg 406-978-3777 hay bale trailer........ea. ................We ..HDPE ....have ..your .$7,500expanded ,..8...round Oien was quietly changing the landscape of Montana agpipe, fittings, and welder Vermeer R2300 . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 farm attachment equipment needs. / (2) Vermeer , completely reconditioned ...........................$14,500 ea. Vermeer 605XL, your farm attachment needs. 2017 Vermeer R2300 ,rakes, rakes ....................rakes ..rebuilt..............$14,600 ...R2800) In Stock /equipment Vermeer 605XL ,R2300 completely Vermeer R2300 ,rebuilt rake .......................(R2300 .................and .....$14,600 ..2017’s In Stock HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder The Vermeer R-series twin basket are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer R2300 ,.rebuilt. rake ............................................$9250 ..,....chopper ............................................................................................2017’s InVermeer Stock Vermeer 605XL ,EQUIPMENT completely rebuilt .........RENTAL ..$9,250 ..durability, $14,600 Vermeer 605M , reconditioned ....dry ......down ..........and ......$22,000riculture as one of the state’s first organic farmers,” Boyer Highline .....and RETURNthese Vermeer 555 , 555, rebuilt .CFR .........650 .....Built NEW & USED very short period of time. for performance machines help to achieve Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Highline CFR 650 , chopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTAL RETURN Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Hesston 9435 16’ hours .......IN ....$9,250 ...Vermeer ...$60,000 R&L .....R2300, .,.that .Demos .....header, ..preserve ........Demos. .......STOCK Vermeer 555 , rebuilt (2)(2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, ..1475 .........quality, .......................shed BP8000 , used bale processor ....machines ...........LLC .....are .LLC .......$13,500said. “His grassroots story and life’s work in encouraging 2016 Vermeer Seed and Machine, make tightly rolled bales and transport easily. What’s more, these Wichman Ag Supply, 16’ header, 1475 hours .........................$16,900 ....................Reduced .....IN ......water .$60,000 Hesston 9435 , er TM1410 , 21’ cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMING Hesston 9635 , 16’ header . . . . . . . . . . . to $70,000 alternative, sustainable food production and a new crop fron(2)MDS 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos .....have .......with ...worked ......scales........Call .IN STOCK 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT R&L and Machine, LLC JD NEW Bucket &16’Grapple, proven on the millions of, acres tremendous resaleSeed values they maintain. (2) Vermeer Hesston 9635 , BP7000, header ...processors .for .....tongue ...they .........740 .............loader ..........IN ..Reduced Hesston 1275 swing ....STOCK ......................and .$4,500 ....$70,000 ..the .....$13,500 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT trailed mower . . . . . . . . . . . . er TM850 , 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 tier is something Montana agriculture owes a great debt to.” Quick Mount Hole Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger . . . $3,480 Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790tongue , 3x4 square .......$27,500 Hesston 1275 , swing ..........baler .........................................$13,500 bale unroller...............................................$1210 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT 12003PT , 3-pt 15.5’ cut,4790 demo unit ...,..NH9030 .baler .all....hydraulic ...............IN STOCK Quick Mount Auger 15” ....$27,500 .$3,480 Worksaver , Hole post pounder, .auger .........$2,150 The Outstanding Agricultural Leader award is given anWalter 406-350-0380 3x4 square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hesston , Cliff Cox Winston, Morris bale ............................$19,500 51⁄2’ 406-594-2204, 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. MT 3PT..Worksaver ......STOCK ..................$2,150 .......900 ........8., ......pounder, .NEW .mover. ........& ....all ..USED .hydraulic ..........EQUIPMENT .IN er R2300 nually to individuals or couples who are engaged and wellVermeer net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO Vermeer 605M ..Alone ....Break ..........Panels ...Panels ......Winston, .......$375 .$875 .........$22,000 24’ Stand Alone Wind ea. 51⁄ 2’ x, reconditioned 24’ Stand ea. MT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT &605N USED EQUIPMENT Nate Cox 406-594-2205, center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK er VR1224, withNEW respected in the state’s agricultural community. Recipients Vermeer 605M reconditioned ...........and ....$22,000 2017 Vermeer R2300 , rakes ...................................USED ................In Stock BP8000 , used bale processor .........welder ..................$13,500 NEW NEW HDPE pipe, fittings, 605N net NEWVermeer Vermeer TM1410 21’ .................IN ...........COMING DEMO IN Vermeer 24’Shane Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. rotary rake ..& .605XL .,.&.,twine, .USED ..USED ..,.21’ .cut ..floats ....cut........................ ......EQUIPMENT ...EQUIPMENT ..........rebuilt er RR140 , Vermeer Sereday 406-547-4749, BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Vermeer completely ........STOCK ........IN .......STOCK ............$14,600Vermeer NEW TM1410, have impacted many with their accomplishments, have a NEW Vermeer TM1410 ...............................IN IN Vermeer TM850 , trailed 2017 R2300 ,,.rakes .COMING ....STOCK ....In Stock Geotherm Waterers & Parts Stock Ranch Equipment HDPE pipe, fittings, andInwelder reconditioned .21’ ..demo .mower ..cut ....mower ..............unit .................................$8,000 R23NEW Rakes , Vermeer Vermeer R2300 555,.rebuilt ..................IN .ea. ......STOCK ..............$9,250 Cox (2) NEW Vermeer rakes........................ lifetime of achievement in agriculture, are industry leaders NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK White Sulphur Springs, MT Cox Ranch Equipment 605XL , completely rebuilt .Demos ............................IN (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, ............STOCK .........$14,600 .....IN STOCK CliffGeotherm (2)Vermeer NEW Vermeer VR series wheel rakes........... Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT R&L Seed and Machine, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 24 Wheel Rake Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK or innovative producers, and are actively involved in MonVermeerWRX12 555 rebuilt ...wheel ........&....Grapple, ................................... .....for .....JD ....740 .......loader ............$4500 .............$9,250 Vermeer used rake. NEW, MDS Bucket ......$4,500 Nate Cliff Cox406-594-2205, 406-594-2204, Winston, MT Cox Winston, MT net, twine, er 6650 Rancher , NEW Vermeer R2300 .with .moisture ....Demos .......splitter ............................IN ............STOCK ...............IN ..IN ........IN STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 , STOCK 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT NEW Vermeer 605N baler. .............................. STOCK (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, . . . . IN STOCK Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 Nate tana’s agricultural community. R&L Seed and Machine, Cox 406-594-2205, Winston,LLC MT center ....IN STOCK NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with NEW Vermeer RR140 ,baler......................................... rake ........splitter .....all....hydraulic ....................IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 504I used 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, .$6000 .......$4,500 ......$2,150 NEW MDS Bucket &rotary Grapple, for...JD 740 loader ................IN NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOCK $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned ShaneSulphur Sereday 406-547-4749, – Geyser, MTHAND Robert Boettcher, a Montana farmer and former OutPULLEY &406-735-4374 WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor. ................. $13,500 White Springs, MT Quick Mount Hole Auger ,..NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger ....$3,480 reconditioned $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , standing Agricultural Leader in 2003 who is a longtime Vermeer 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 NEW Vermeer BPX9000 bale processor........... IN STOCK USED White Sulphur Springs, MT 50 Rancher , baler .....Wheel .,.post .Rancher .....NEW .pounder, .Rake .....,, .& ........all .twine, ....hydraulic .............moisture ....EQUIPMENT .................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain 3PT Worksaver ........IN ..........STOCK .......$3,000 ..$2,150 Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 Vermeer WR24 . . . . . . NEW Vermeer 6650 friend of Oien’s, nominated Oien for the award. Supporting NEWnetwrap Vermeer TM1410 , 21’hand. cut.......Call .........for ........specials .........COMING IN Late season stock on er R2800 , hydraulic rakesRancher ....TM850 .......,.,.net, .trailed ....twine, ...mower ......moisture IN NEW Vermeer Cut to Length .....STOCK ...................IN ......STOCK ...IN STOCK VermeerCox NEW6650 Vermeer Ranch Equipment 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 letters detail Oien’s years of public service and agricultural & PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND EQUIPMENT unit.STOCK ........................IN STOCK er R2300, rake.NEW .Vermeer ...NEW .NEW ......& ..TM1200 ..&.USED ...USE ..USED ...,.15.5’ ...EQUIPMENT ....cut, .EQUIPMENT ....demo .......IN Vermeer Rebel twine,bale rebuilt pickup.........................$7500 BP8000 , 406-594-2204, used processor .Winston, ..............ON ......MT ...HAND ....$13,500 innovation. Letters were received from Alternative Energy Cliff Cox PULLEY &5500, WELD-ON SPROCKETS NEW &, baler USED NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ IN80Vermeer Vermeer 6650 Rancher ....cut .......EQUIPMENT ........................................COMING ........NEW ....IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Sell &406-594-2205, Repair Baler Belts ....Vermeer .NEW ...Vermeer .....Vermeer .BPX ...6650 ..NEW ..9000, .....Rancher ....round .,..hydraulic ....,.,VR1224 .and ......square ....mower ..,....with ............processor.....In ....IN 5 N...NEW JD 566,We twine only...............................................................$5000 Vermeer Nate CoxRanch Winston, MTchain Vermeer ......STOCK .Stock .....STOCK STOCK baler .........bale .IN ..IN NEW TM850 trailed .splitter .........STOCK .............IN 80 chain, 60 chain, Heavy chain, 50 R2800 rakes Cox Equipment Resources Organization, Montana Farmers Union, Montana Cut to 60 Length JD 568, net, twine, floats, above avg. cond., 17,900 bales..$18,000 Vermeer BP8000 processor, final cut, grain tank. ............... $18,500 5M, NEW net, twine, floats, ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,900 NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK All Makes & Models Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer R2300 rake...................... IN STOCK Cut to Length Department of Agriculture, Montana Milling, Stanford UniCliffline Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT New 650, round .....models ...IN .Stock ...STOCK .STOCK $8,000 ea. flagship (2) Vermeer NEW Vermeer R2300 ..rake ..bale ..........Rakes ......processor. ..........,...reconditioned ..............–...........................In ...............newest .......$7,500 ........................IN NEW Vermeer R2300 ,.R23 ....IN White Sulphur Springs, MT twine, rebuilt pickup . . . bel 5500 ,Highline Introducing Vermeer N-series balers the in the from the We Sell & Repair Baler Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STOCK Vermeer 605 N ...............................................IN ..Stock ....STOCK ......$3,000 Vermeer WR24bale Wheel Rake............................In versity, U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, and several current and retired New Highline 651, 406-594-2205, ,...floats, center WeCox Sell & Repair BalerWinston, Belts MT ..VR1224 .....round .....6650 .....processor. .....Rancher ..................splitter ..IN company that provide superior Nate strength and Vermeer ..,, .......twine, ..........$5,000 ....moisture .......$18,900 All Makes & Models e only ...Vermeer .NEW ........Vermeer .605M ...605 ..NEW ..started .,.Rancher,, .Vermeer ....twine, ..with ...Heavy-duty ....ramps ....components . . .STOCK . .IN STOCK Vermeer 6650 baler. . .........................................  NEW MSU faculty representing agronomy, soil, land resources NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Vermeer 605M , net, twine, floats, ..$18,900 All system Makes & Models rebuilt ..........CALL .........$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine, Smart features like the available pickup clutch and auto lube heartdurability. Heavy Hitter Post Driver ,rakes.........................IN ..USED .pickup .ramps ..pickup .........EQUIPMENT ..........................automatic NEW Vermeer R2800, hydraulic STOCK reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT and health and human development fields. The letters also twine, rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566extend , twine only .........Plus, ..........they’re ............. backed .. .. by $5,000 further machine the best distribution network the Whitein Sulphur Springs, MT NEW Vermeer R2300, rake.........................................IN Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake ..........,.....baler .........................,.........$32,500 ...............................................STOCK ..........CALL ..$3,000 8 bale mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vermeer 6650 Rancher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566 , twine only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver . describe Oien’s early adoption of organic practices and his industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 NEW Vermeer 6650 net, ..$32,500 ...........STOCK ...CALL IN STOCK 2016 Used Cut to Length round hay bale trailer ..Heavy .605N. ....Rancher ......R2800 ....Hitter ..Post ........rakes NEW Wheatheart ..............................$32,000 .......IN Techno 980 ,Vermeer 8NEW baleVermeer mover ........................................... ...............,.,..hydraulic .............twine, ...Driver .........moisture ...,.........$7,500 (shop) –EQUIPPED Baker, gentle, steadfast commitment to bring increased research, Vermeer, the Vermeer logo............................................................IN and EquippedR2300 to Do More Company in 406-778-3777 the U.S. and/or other countries. NEW Vermeer ................................of......Vermeer .......................STOCK .Manufacturing .......IN STOCK Vermeer (cell) MTTO Greg 406-978-3777 Techno 980 , 8NEW bale mover .trailer ........,..rake ....are .........trademarks ..$32,500 round hay605 bale $7,500 Red Rhino605N. , 8 Vermeer DOBelts MORE. WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND &NReserved. USED © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights We Sell406-978-3777 & Repair Baler ..................EQUIPMENT ...............................................IN STOCK PULLEY & attention and support to alternative cropping systems and (cell) Greg 8 round605M hay bale trailer....floats, ...............................................$7,500 Red Rhino,Vermeer ,, net, VermeerNEW 6650 Rancher balertwine, .EQUIPMENT ................ramps ......... ..... ..... .......$18,900 NEW Dealer All Makes &Heavy Models 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 chain, 50 chain & USED for Cloverdale Bale Retriever new crops to farmers in the Northern Great Plains, accordJD 6125M, loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT rebuilt ......STOCK ......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine, NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes .......pickup .................................IN Vermeer 605SM, thru shop, low bales. ..............................$27,500 Cut to Length and TMR wagon Many Tractors Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL ing to authors. Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566 ,twine, twinenet, .floats, ...................ramp ...................Starting .......IN ......STOCK ......$5,000 (3)(3)Vermeer Vermeer 605M , twine, floats, 605M, net, NEW Vermeer R2300 ,only rake ..ramp.....Starting ..$17,500 ........$17,500 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL Oien is a third-generation Montana farmer whose NorweVermeer R2300, Vermeer 605N ........rakes, .........................................................................DEMO 406-778-3777 (shop)on –lines. Baker, MT expanded our product Call for all We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .............SPECIAL .......IN STOCK We have Huge Vermeer 605 N..................reconditioned...............................$14,500 Discounts new bale mover..........................................$14,500 ...........In .....Stock ..ea. .......$32,500 your farm attachment Techno 980 , 8reconditioned R2300, rake. ..........................................2017’s (2)Vermeer Vermeer R2300 , ,rakes, equipment needs. / gian grandparents homesteaded in the early 1900s south of Vermeer 605M net, twine, floats, ramps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18,900 (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 All Makes & Models bale processors ..................RETURN ................$7,500 Rhino HighlineR2300 CFR Red 650, chopper. Vermeer , rake ......,.8..,.round .twine, ..................................RENTAL .......hay ..rebuilt ....bale .......trailer .................2017’s pickup .............In ....Stock .......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 Conrad. He was raised on the family wheat farm and received Hesston 9435, 16-ft. header, 1475 hours...........................$55,000 Highline CFR, twine 650, only chopper ............................................................RENTAL RETURN Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566 ................................... .....$70,000 ........$5,000 Wichman Hesston 9635, 16-ft. header. Reduced a degree in philosophy and religious studies in 1976 and Ag Supply, LLC Hesston 9435 , 16’18-ft. header, 1475 hours............................$60,000 Hesston 9240, header. .............................................$45,000 NEW9635 Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver, ....$70,000 ..............CALL 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Hesston , 16’ header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced later returned to the family farm to transform production to Hesston 1275, ,swing tongue.........................Reduced Techno 8 bale mover .$13,500 ...$11,500 ......$32,500406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Hesston 1275980 , swing tongue$18,500 John Deere 568 baler, through (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 an organic-based system. bale ............$7,500 Red4790 Rhino , 8 round Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston , 3x4 squarehay baler .....trailer ..............................................................$27,500 CONTINUED ON PAGE C15 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer R2300, rake............................................2017’s In Stock Highline CFR 650, chopper................................RENTAL RETURN Hesston 9435, 16’ header, 1475 hours............................$60,000 Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Reduced to $70,000 Hesston 1275, swing tongue.............................................$13,500 .......the ............flagship ..............$27,500 4790, 3x4 square –Hesston the newest models line

Wichman Ag Supply, LLC

R&L Seed and Machine, LLC

Cox Ranch Equipment


Trendline Vermeer Sales

Outstanding Agricultural Leader honored CONTINUED FROM PAGE C14

Nomination letters detail the history of Timeless Seeds Inc., which Oien co-founded in 1987, together with friends and fellow farmers Bud Barta, Jim Barngrover and Tom Hastings. The trio had a goal to market a self-reseeding leguminous cover crop variety called George Black Medic, which had been developed by the late MSU agronomy and research professor Jim Simms, whom Oien considered a trusted mentor and dear friend until his passing last year. In the beginning, Timeless Seeds Inc. consisted of a few outbuildings on Oien’s property south of Conrad: a chicken house, equipment shed and a garage, according to Boettcher. The original mission of the company was to introduce new crops to conventional Montana farming and share the benefits of lentils that provided natural nitrogen and green manure, built organic matter and conserved soil moisture. In the 1980s in Montana agriculture, growing organic, alternative crops was counterculture to that of widely practiced conventional agriculture in wheat-fallow systems that used synthetic fertilizer. Nomination letters lauded Oien’s persistence as a risk-taker and suggested Oien’s philosophy background formed his ability to engage in contentious discussions thoughtfully and critically, forming relationships with agriculture-minded people from all walks of life. As natural foods and cropping systems became more popular, Oien was deeply engaged in conversations, policy and advocacy work advancing the diversification of Montana dryland agriculture by encouraging farmers to replace fallow fields with pulse crops and advocating the ecological and sustainable benefits of organic-based systems. Oien’s role in introducing farmers in the Northern Great Plains to alternative crops and organic systems and developing markets for new crops over the last 25 years was chronicled in the acclaimed book, “Lentil Underground,” by Liz Carlisle, a Montana native and Stanford University lecturer who won the 2015 Montana Book Award. Today, Timeless Seeds has transformed into Timeless Foods Inc., which supplies national grocery chains, food manufactures and food service distributors with high-quality, organic, specialized grains and is one of the largest organic lentil seed buyers and suppliers in America, according to its website. In 2016, the United Nations declared the year as the “International Year of the Pulse Crop,” and Montana celebrated its role as the country’s top producer of pulse crops with 1 million acres planted, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. Throughout the years, Oien has been active on many boards and committees promoting organic agriculture and pulse crops, including charter memberships with Pondera Solar Alliance, Alternative Energy Resources Organization Ag Task Force, local organic farmer chapters, Montana Organic Certification Advisory Committee, the Montana Organic Association as well as the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center In 2008, he received a lifetime of service award from the Montana Organic Association, and AREO’s 40th Anniversary Leadership in Sustainability. He has helped and mentored many Montana farmers as they transition crop management into organic systems and systems that use less energy and are ecologically regenerative and economically sound. He also worked closely with MSU faculty on a variety of research projects, mentored students and supported learning practicums for MSU students in the Sustainable Foods and Bioenergy Systems major. Oien is married to Sharon and the two have three grown children; Sara, Adam and Chris. The selection committee for the Outstanding Agricultural Leader award comprises three Montana agriculture representatives, a College of Agriculture faculty member and an MSU student. MSU’s College of Agriculture has presented Outstanding Agricultural Leader awards since 1999.

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##### We wondered why the desk clerk asked us if we had a good memory for faces–until we realized our bathroom had no mirror.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C15

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DIETZ AUTO and TRUCK SALVAGE 1104 Bench Blvd., Billings, MT • 1-800-573-4389


4 Cat 4 Cummins 4 Detroit 4 Isuzu 4 Volvo

We are now a AG Parts Ltd distributor!! 12 - 4x8 fiberglass heated compost bins and/or worm farm. $500 per bin with lower liquid bins and stands. Will sell per or as a whole. Will consider possible trades.

Tempe 26-ft. van body, roll up rear door, heavy built, needs side door.


John Deere 8820 combine, for parts Dorman Dealer Large selection of car and truck lights, mirrors, and door handles.

1994 Dump Truck with 435 hp Cat, 50,000 miles since rebuild

2009 John Deere 568 baler for parts

We have a LARGE SELECTION of automotive transmissions and transfer cases!

Ford 4000 for parts; bad transmission

5 sets of semi trailer axles IN STOCK!!

Large selection of USED TIRES & WHEELS from 12 - 24.5’s *Inventory changing daily

Massey-Ferguson 4840 Just in for parts.

2000 New Holland BR7090 and 2002 Case International RBX561

Wanted Old Motorcycles and Racing Parts & Memorabilia.

Old flat track race posters.

9-ft. flatbed with tool boxes.

John Deere 644C for parts

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C16


1991 Versatile 876 tractor, 4900 hours, 60% tread............... ............................................................... $34,000 $30,000 1992 Yamaha 350 ATV................................................ $1000 1955 Ford F100, restored............................................ $9000 Apache sprayer tires, Titan 380/90R46, 40% tread..... $2000 Phone (406) 861-0558, Broadview, Montana

Iron Horse Express trucking dedicated to meeting your commercial/industrial and farm/ranch needs, local and out of state, fully licensed and insured, multiple trailer configurations to meet your needs. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424


CALL GEORGE ... 799-7459

Westfield Conveyors In Stock

WCX 1545 Westfield Field Loader conveyor, turn-key complete, self-propelled CALL FOR SPECIAL PRICING ON THESE WESTFIELD CONVEYORS!

Unique Consignment

81x13 Westfield Flex auger, has not been used. Must see to appreciate.

New Westfield Carryover Specials 36x6 Westfield, EMD style for electric motor drive 36x8 Westfield TFX-2, with self-propel option 41x8 Westfield TFX-2, with or without self-propel 41x10 Westfield TFX-2, self-propel, “Must Sell” 83x10 Westfield MKX, low profile hopper 74x13 Westfield MKX, low profile hopper 84x13 Westfield MKX, metal backbone, low profile hopper

*** Westfield Powerswings, hoppers and down spouts ***

Used Augers - on the lot

51x10 Westfield, PTO drive, good..............................................$1350 81x13 MK Plus Westfield, hopper mover, nice..........................$13,800 91x13 Wheatheart, metal backbone, hopper mover, speed reducer, hydraulic hopper lift...........................................................$16,000

**** Stocking KRAUSE Parts **** Call George - 799-7459 Power Motors - Fort Benton, MT

A beef cow is what she eats

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service nutritional requirements during mid to late I remember Dad recounting the 1930s and gestation. the experiences Grandpa had. Hay, or any After calving, energy and protein requirefeed, was scarce, and cows survived eating thistle (I expect Russian thistle) mixed with ments increase, which alfalfa or another a fair bit of kochia. Dad’s only comment high-quality forage can provide if added to was to be sure to jump away when the cows the ration or diet. A cow should have roughlifted their tails. age that is at least 7 percent protein because Most cows at that time were stanchioned, lower protein will start resulting in some and a walk behind the digestibility issues. cows meant one was in One pound of barley firing range. A direct hit and 4 pounds of highmeant a smelly trip to quality straw or weedy the house, and modern hay (again, the mix of showers and water were forages is good) can subnot available until the stitute for half of the next rain. roughage, provided the Just like grass, weeds other half is good-qualhave been around for a ity hay. The increase in long time, so I thought I protein before calving would ask NDSU Extencan be met with a 20 to 30 percent protein cake sion Service weed spedaily, depending on the cialist Richard Zollinger analysis of the ration. for some thoughts. After calving, average “Kochia and Russian to above-average milking thistle can be used as cows would need an adan alternative livestock feed if more desirable ditional burst of protein, pasture or feed is limbut we hope next spring will bring fresh grass. ited,” Zollinger notes. During severe roughage “Although the nutritional shortages, using barley quality of these plants is as an example, barley less than alfalfa, they can can substitute for hay at a be used to supplement rate of 1 pound of barley feed rations. Livestock for 1.6 pounds of hay to do not grow as well when a preferred maximum of fed these plants as they 50 percent of the daily do when fed other forage intake. crops. Other grains or feed“Kochia and Russian thistle should be used as feed only when stuffs could be used, each with its own quality forages are not available,” he adds. substitution value. Better-quality grass/le“Russian thistle and kochia are most palatgume hay should make up the remaining 50 percent of the ration of a cow before calving. able if harvested prior to flowering. Russian Vitamin A and phosphorus deficiencies thistle is best utilized by grazing or as hay. are likely when feeding low-quality roughIt does not make good silage because of a high-water content and disagreeable odor. ages. These requirements are best met with “Kochia makes good pasture, hay or sia free-choice mineral-vitamin mix. Any time a nontraditional feed is used, a nutrilage,” he says. “Russian thistle and kochia may have laxative and other adverse effects tional analysis to determine feed quality or if fed exclusively, and thus should be fed in unusual mineral composition or imbalances combination with other feeds such as straw is a good idea. or grass hay.” Grandpa and Dad survived the ’30s and Zollinger also provides this warning: “As several additional droughts since then. with most plants, kochia and Russian thistle Eventually, other forces will weigh in on the may accumulate high nitrate levels during long-term future of any operation. Planning hot, dry conditions. A nitrate test should be and implementing a drought management conducted prior to using the feed.” program will guide the operation through I guess Dad was right on the laxative. As the dry periods. a rule of thumb, always contact a nutritionist Keep in mind, the long-term effects, inwhen contemplating a ration change. cluding reproductive failures, can be traced Karl Hoppe, NDSU Extension area liveback to poor nutrition, which can be mitigated. The producer knowledge base is greater stock specialist at the Carrington Research than what Dad had access to in the ’30s, Extension Center, notes that high levels of but beef producers still need to implement kochia can have issues with oxalates, and that knowledge through a planned drought the need to blend or limit feedstuffs that are management plan that uses nutritional inputs “off the beaten path.” wisely with limited expenditures. As a ruminant animal, the beef cow Also keep in mind that moving through never was intended to lead a pampered this depressing dryness leads to the next life. Instead, it converts cellulose and other bountiful production season. low-quality plantlike materials into products May you find all your ear tags. edible for humans. In fact, nothing is wrong For more information, contact your local with a mixed-forage diet composed of a NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// multitude of different types of plants. or The quality of feed materials can vary Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extenwidely, but cows can exist on low-quality roughage. A basic understanding of the sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND cow’s requirements is all that is needed. For 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ most beef cows, grass hay will meet their ##### Rodeo events are based on the real-life skills of working vaqueros and cowboys, first in Spain and Mexico, and later in the United States, Canada and Australia.

##### Bull wrestling, practiced long ago in Mediterranean countries including Spain, may have been an Olympic event in ancient Greece.

Ripening vine crops

By National Gardening Association Editors You don’t have to worry about these vegetables going by before harvest time. The seeds inside them won’t grow large enough to trigger the plant’s stop-production mechanism until there’s plenty of fruit already on the vines. Wait until all the vines die or until right before the first frost to harvest your winter squash and pumpkins. If you plan to store winter squash and pumpkins through the winter, don’t let them get touched by frost or they’ll rot. The signs of ripeness are simple. If your thumbnail can’t penetrate the vegetable skin, it’s fully mature, long lasting and a good keeper in storage. However, before you stick your nail into a squash, first check the vegetable for a deepening of its skin color. If you test one and your thumbnail breaks the skin, use it first because it won’t store very long. Most of the winter squashes or pumpkins on each plant should be ripe at about the same time. Harvest those you intend to store on a sunny day, after a few days of dry weather if possible. Cut the vegetables off the vines leaving some stem on each. Roll them over and leave them outside for a few hours until the dirt and earthworms on the undersides dry out and drop off. Be careful not to bruise vegetables you want to store -they won’t keep well, and they may spread fungus or rot to other vegetables. Don’t carry these vegetables by the stems; the stems won’t support the weight. Wash winter squash and pumpkins with a bleach solution to kill bacteria on the skin. This helps them keep longer and better. Dilute a cup of chlorine bleach in a gallon of water and sponge or dip the vegetables. Don’t rinse them, just drip them dry.

Drink tea for better bones

The caffeine in coffee is thought to deplete calcium levels, contributing to osteoporosis, but the same isn’t true for tea, which actually has the opposite effect. Drinking tea can reduce fracture risk by 10-20 percent probably because of it estrogen-building isoflavonoid chemicals.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C17

##### Only worker bees sting, and only if they feel threatened and they die once they sting. Queens have a stinger, but they don’t leave the hive to help defend it. It is estimated that 1100 honey bee stings are required to be fatal.


Hired man for ranch work, riding, calving, fencing. Furnished housing provided with some meat. Resume and references required. Spear J Inc. • 3301 Haxby Road • Jordan, MT 59337 Phone (406) 557-6176

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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C18


1st cut, tarped 3x4 bales 2nd cut, tarped 3x4 bales Good quality alfalfa. Wheat straw, clean 3x4 bales.

Phone (406) 600-4146, Bozeman, MT

1991 Kenworth T600 tractor, 3406B Cat engine, 9 speed and 1973 Hyster 25 ton lowboy trailer. Have all work records, new tires on tractor. Excellent shape.


Also, for sale: You can’t miss this! 2005 GMC Sierra 3500, one ton, extended cab, long 8-ft. box, red...$18,300. Rare, sought after 8.1L engine, Allison transmission, 118,000 miles. LOADED, Very excellent condition!! Pictures upon request email: or call (406) 452-0300

AAA CONSTRUCTION, INC 3128 Upper River Road, Great Falls, MT 59405 Phone: 406-452-0300


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MSU honey bee scientist’s’ research published in scientific journal By Jodi Hausen for MSU News Service

A honey bee researcher who earned her doctorate at Montana State University in July had her dissertation research published in a scientific journal in the same month. Laura Brutscher, who earned her doctorate in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in MSU’s College of Agriculture and College of Letters and Science, published her study on the mechanisms honey bees use to fight off viruses in Scientific Reports, an online open-access journal from the publishers of Nature that publishes scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences, according to its website. “This project has taken a lot of patience, time and perseverance, so it’s personally validating to know that my work has been accepted by the scientific community,” Brutscher said. Brutscher co-authored her paper, “Virus and dsRNA-triggered transcriptional responses reveal key components of honey bee antiviral defense,” with her doctoral adviser Michelle Flenniken, assistant professor in MSU’s Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology, and Katie Daughenbaugh, a research associate in the Flenniken lab. The paper describes how Brutscher tested honey bees to determine the genes that are involved in defending honey bees against viruses. In the lab, Brutscher infected more than 500 honey bees with a model virus to determine what genes are activated in response to virus infection and to investigate the role of double-stranded RNA in stimulating honey bee antiviral defenses. Double-stranded RNA, or dsRNA, is a molecule viruses generate during infection. The experiment revealed that bees treated with dsRNA were better equipped to fight the virus than those that were not, Brutscher said. It also indicated that dsRNA antiviral responses in honey bees include both a response that is dependent upon the specific sequence of the dsRNA and a more general, non-sequence specific response. “We expected that virus-sequence specific dsRNA would reduce virus infection via a common insect antiviral mechanism called RNA interference,” Flenniken said. “In addition, we expanded on previous work that revealed that honey bee antiviral defense is also mediated by non-sequence specific dsRNA. This more ‘general’ antiviral defense mechanism is less well characterized and very interesting given that honey bees live in colonies, which include over 40,000 individuals living in close proximity -- an ideal setting for virus transmission.” Using next-generation RNA sequencing, Brutscher determined which genes were turned on under various conditions. Hundreds of genes were activated, but Brutscher focused on the role of two genes that may be key to honey bees’ antiviral defense. “If these genes prove to be important for honey bees to fend off all viruses, then we could selectively breed colonies that have greater expression of these genes,” Flenniken said. But much more research will be required before incorporating the expression of these genes as one of many criteria that are important for selective honey bee breeding programs, for example honey production, gentleness and Varroa-mite resistance. Brutscher, who grew up on a dairy farm in Little Falls, Minnesota, was always fascinated by the managed honey bees and wild bees that pollinated her family’s sunflower

Laura Brutscher, who earned her doctorate at MSU in July, had her dissertation research published in the journal Scientific Reports in the same month. Brutscher’s research is on the mechanisms honey bees use to ward off viruses.

fields. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology in 2012 from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, she came to MSU through its Molecular BioSciences Program to pursue a doctorate in microbiology and immunology. Interested in host-pathogen interactions, Brutscher was intrigued by Flenniken’s research after seeing her give a presentation about it. Brutscher joined Flenniken’s lab in 2013 and that same year received a Project Apis m.-Costco Fellowship, which provided her with $50,000 annually for three years to research honey bees and the pathogens that infect them. In addition to publishing her research in Scientific Reports, Brutscher has also written three first-author reviews and co-authored three articles. Flenniken, who is co-director of the Pollinator Health Center at MSU, which was established last year, said researchers have determined which pathogens most correlate with poor colony health and colony losses in particular studies, but no one has identified a particular pathogen that is responsible for colony deaths. That’s because there are likely multiple factors contributing to the problem including pathogens, pesticide exposure, and lack of quality forage and habitat. She cites several reasons why honey bee colony health is important. Bee colony losses have been a major concern in the U.S. since 2006 with losses averaging 33 percent annually – nearly three times the prior historical loss rate. Ranked second nationally in honey production, Montana’s roughly 150,000 honey bee colonies yielded 15 million pounds of honey valued at more than $31 million in 2013. Investigating factors that affect honey bee health applies to human and environmental health too, Flenniken said. Bees pollinate more than 180 agricultural crops including some of our healthiest sources of food such as fruits, nuts and vegetables. As for Brutscher, she’s modest about her work. “Our methods to inject bees with viruses have been used in a lot of other organisms,” she said. “There are numerous bee scientists who are working on all sorts of factors related to colony loss in addition to virus infections – for example, pesticide exposure, queen bee reproductive health, and nutrition – it’s a multifaceted problem.” Ultimately, Brutscher said, she hopes her discoveries could prove useful for future studies. “We’re doing fundamental work that may lead to more applied research that could be used in bee-breeding practices,” she said. “We hope our work will eventually contribute to reducing colony losses.” Currently doing research in Flenniken’s lab, Brutscher will begin a postdoctoral position in January at University of California Davis, where she will also pursue honey bee research.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C19

China’s growing demand for meat

By Tom Wahl, Professor, NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department China’s rapid economic growth and changing population demographics have affected the world’s most populous country. Driven by income growth, urbanization and a transition to a market economy, the Chinese diet has shifted from staples to meat. Since the 1980s, Chinese grain consumption has decreased by 50 percent, while meat consumption has increased by nearly 75 percent in urban areas and by more than 130 percent in rural areas. This increased meat demand has resulted in significant increases in meat production in China. China continues to lead the world in pork production but also has increased the production of other meats and aquatic products. Much of this increased production has been based upon increased production of soybeans and corn but also on imported soybeans and other feedstuffs. The demand for meat varies considerably by age, with seniors demanding much less meat than younger populations. China’s one-child policy has skewed its population demographics such that it has a rapidly aging population. As the middle-aged population moves closer to retirement, the younger population will shrink, resulting in relatively more seniors in the future. Chinese seniors tend to eat a more healthful diet, which includes more vegetables and less meat. In addition, because many parents and grandparents live with their children, they tend to influence the family’s eating habits, resulting in less meat consumed at home. Thus, the aging population may have a significant effect on the demand for meat and hence the demand for livestock feed, including grain and soybeans, in the future. Recent studies suggest that the total average per-capita meat consumption in China could grow from about 60 kilograms (kg) in 2010 to nearly 100 kg per person per year by 2030. Accounting for the aging population would reduce the projection by up to 5 percent per year. How will this dramatic increase in meat consumption be met? Chinese meat production likely will expand to meet this demand but will put increasing pressure on feedstuffs and protein supplies. China’s meat imports, particularly highquality imports destined for the hotel/restaurant trade, likely will increase to meet a growing income-driven demand. However, given China’s limited arable land base and irrigation water supplies, imports of soybeans and feedstuffs likely will increase significantly to feed a growing livestock inventory unless productivity increases dramatically. While the level of China’s imports is debatable, the U.S. likely will have an opportunity for increased exports of soybeans and feedstuffs. North Dakota is well-situated to at least partially meet some of this demand with its expanded corn and soybean production base via Northwest ports. However, shipping congestion may limit opportunities, at least in the short run, making gulf exports more viable. Nevertheless, China’s growing demand for meat will create opportunities in the world marketplace. However, China’s population demographic changes during the next several decades likely will reduce the overall demand for meat.

Bulletin explains grasslegume mixtures boost forage

By University of Wyoming Extension Grass-legume mixtures benefit forage productivity, quality and stand persistence, according to a new bulletin from the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. The results are from three years ofå tests at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center near Lingle, said extension forage specialist Anowar Islam, one of the authors. At least 25 percent legumes in a mixed stand can produce higher yield and quality than monoculture alfalfa and nitrogen fertilized grasses, he said. A 50-50 percent mixture would be the optimum seeding proportion of meadow brome grass and alfalfa under Wyoming conditions. The bulletin, “Grass-legume mixtures improve forage yield, quality, stand persistence,” B-1309, is available for viewing and free download by going to and clicking on Find a Publication. Type the title or number in the search field. The bulletin is available in pdf, HTML or ePub formats.

The KIOTI ® NX series is a line of high performance, 45-60 HP tractors that are battle tested and rugged as can be. Plus, with one of the climatecontrolled cab models and all the available attachments, you can always get your work done, no matter the weather.


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6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.

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BEN-SER SE63 63” snow blower with frame. Runs off rear PTO, fits 40-60 hp tractor...........$2500 Running gear.........................$1000 Service heavy duty 3-pt., 7-ft. blade...................................$795 Cement mixer, 3-pt., hydraulic driven.......................................$995 Sprayer, 200 gallon with booms and hand gun, 3-pt..................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver.......................................$1295 Heavy duty post hole auger, 3-pt..... ...........................................$995 Major tractor with 3-pt. Long backhoe....................................$2995 Bush Hog 3-pt., 12-ft. chisel plow... .........................................$1250 Soilmover 3-1/2 yard scraper.$3500


8-ft. skid steer quick attach front blade.................................$2500 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade... ...........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade... $725 New Front Mount QA bale spears for skid steer loader mount......... ......................................... CALL Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models......... .........................................$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts..........................$1500 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor.................MAKE OFFER

Kioti CK2510 with KL2510 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ON SALE............................$16,200 Kioti CK3510 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, PTO, 3-pt., industrial tires, manual transmission........................$23,500


John Deere 3020 diesel, Du-Al loader.. ....................................... Coming In Massey-Ferguson T030.............$2500 Ford 6600 with Du-Al loader........... Call Ford 4000 gas, loader, front blade, Select-O-Speed.....................$3500 International Super C restored..$3500 Case VA tractor............................$1500


American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon.....................$7500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header......... COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel............ CALL Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather........... .......................... NEEDS WORK John Deere 566 round baler.$8650 New Holland 855 round baler.$3850 Vermeer 605K round baler....$5000 New Holland 315 square baler 14x18................................$2750 1953 GMC pickup with retriever....... .........................................$3500 Gehl grinder mixer.................$2500 Disc 9-ft. pull-type, needs work....... ......................................... CALL North Star 3 pt. wood chipper......... .........................................$1200 Woods 3-point snow blower, 66”..... .........................................$2500

90 hp engine, PTO, synchronized transmission, deluxe cab, Catagory II 3 point hitch, dual remotes, push button 4WD, 4 year warranty..................................$53,500

NEW Eagle box scrapers New Eagle 560HD..................... $625 New Eagle 566HD..................... $699 New Eagle 672HD..................... $729 New Eagle 784 HD.................... $779

Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower...................$1435 5-ft. rotary mower...................$1350 4-ft. rotary mower...................$1165 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow....................$695 (3) 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$575 7-ft. back blade.........................$475 6-ft. back blade.........................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear..................................$499


Ford 3000 3 cylinder diesel, Select-oSpeed, good tires...PARTING OUT Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.. FOR PARTS


Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers


We now have


wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.

Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows-Starting At $150.00 SITREX RAKES

Kioti PX9020

heavy duty mowers IN STOCK Great for Sage Brush

1072 6-ft. heavy duty.... $2595

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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C20

Expanding sorghum in pet food use

HEAVY DUTY CHAINS for trucks, equipment and tractors

2011 Deere 544K, Q/C, 3rd valve, very good tires, very good loader, AC, heat, 3 yard bucket, 10,000 hours....... $79,000


Cat 416CIT, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, Q/C and forks, bucket, open ROPS, 4500 hours. To go through shop...................... Call 2004 Deere 310G, nice cab, good tires, 4WD, extend-a-hoe with 24” bucket. Good local machine with 5100 hours, good front bucket with reversible cutting edge................ $29,900


Cat D6M, ripper, cab............................................. Coming In (2) Cat D7F hyd angle blade with hyd tilt, winches.................. ............................................................ Starting at $19,000 John Deere 650G, ripper. Very nice, going through shop.Call


Case 888, bucket, thumb.................................................. Call 2006 Cat 308CCR, 92” blade, 24” bucket, Q/C, hyd dual link thumb, heat, AC, 6500 hours. Nice machine......... $42,500 1996 Cat 312, cab guard, long arm, hyd thumb, 36” dig bucket, good undercarriage, cat walks, 15,000 hours. Runs excellent. Going through shop....................................... $32,500 Cat 312C, blade, hyd Q/C, thumb.......................... Coming In Cat 314, blade, Q/C, thumb................................... Coming In Cat 315.................................................................. Coming In 2008 Deere 35D, heat, A/C, 24” bucket, 30” bucket, hyd thumb, newer tracks, 3300 hours................................ Please Call Deere 50D............................................................ Please Call 2005 Hitachi ZX35UNA-2 new 24” bucket and used 12” bucket, hyd thumb, good tracks, nice tight boom, blade, rebuilt bucket pin, wedge coupler, excellent machine, job ready.. .............................................................................. $23,000 2011 Hitachi ZX120-3, hyd dual link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 20” pads, AC/heat, 3100 hours. Very nice, quality machine...... .........................................................................Please Call Hitachi EX135USR, Q/C, 2 buckets, thumb..........Please Call Hitachi ZX135, blade, thumb........................................... Call John Deere 135C, blade, hyd Q/C, 2 buckets, hyd thumb.Call Komatsu PC138, blade, bucket, thumb........................ P.O.R. Volvo EC160, going through shop .................................. Call


Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Komatsu PC220LC-5 slide boom delimber, measures, cab, good undercarriage. Rougher, but came off a working job. .............................................................................. $14,000 Thunderbird 1236 delimber............................................. Call Timbco 2515 feller/buncher with bar saw, low hours on new engine, will go to work.......................................... $29,000 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Fire Tank & Trailer water tank trailer for fighting fires, 300 gallon fire system, suction and pressure system, small and large hoses, foam applicator, gas pump, works very well, includes trailer.......................................................... $5500 Parting out many slide boom delimbers

2005 Deere 200CLC, 42” bucket, hyd Q/C, CWS dual link hyd thumb, 24” shoes, heat, A/C. A very nice straight machine and job ready........................................................ $58,000


1998 Genie Snorkel Lift, gas/propane, 4WD, pneumatic tires, telescopic 60-ft. reach, max horizontal reach 621, 5700 hours..................................................................... $13,500 Lull 644 Highlander telescopic lift, John Deere engine, 4-way steer, 6000 lb, frame tilt, carriage tilt, 13.00x24 rubber in very good condition, runs excellent, low hours. Nice older lift.......................................................................... $13,900


2006 Deere 872D, 14-ft. moldboard, push block, rear ripper scarifier, low pro cab with AC, very good tires. Very nice all wheel drive grader................................................ $85,000 1973 Wabco 777B, Detroit 671, 14-ft. moldboard. Good older grader...................................................................... $9900


John Deere 210LE 4WD skip loader, power shuttle, Gannon box blade with ripper bar, very good tires on back, front blade bucket is 85” wide with reversible cutting edge, 5385 hours...................................................................... $22,500 Case W26B...................................................................... Call 1976 Cat 980B, good cab and interior, very good bucket, matched set of tires. This operates very well and is a very good 980B............................................................. $25,000 1985 Clark Ranger 55C, Detroit 453 120 hp, 17.5x25 matched rubber, good bucket, 23,000 lb weight. Nice tight machine, runs excellent. Excellent 3 yard loader.................. $16,900


Deere 250C, very clean truck, 8150 hours, good tires, new walking beam bushings, good brakes, good truck.$81,500


(3) John Deere 4039D engine and power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator........... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000


1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components. Lots of miscellaneous on this old Freightliner.................................... For parts only 1980 International water truck, leaky tank, water system as shown, 13-speed, 400 Cummins, runs.................... $8000 Kenworth T800 with a HL 12-68 crane................ Please Call


New and used for heavy construction machinery rollers, buckets, cabs, forks, blades, brushrakes, thumbs, bucket teeth, tires, undercarriages.

Do you want a deal? Call us for guaranteed NEW AND USED PARTS

View our entire inventory with pictures at Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East  •  Kalispell, MT

From Sorghum use in niche, high-value markets continues to expand in recent months thanks to the efforts of the United Sorghum Checkoff Program and U.S. Grains Council. Trade missions were recently conducted in Kansas and Mexico to promote the inclusion of sorghum in pet food, a growing market for producers. The missions were organized in an effort to share the nutritional and production benefits of utilizing sorghum in pet food, working to increase demand and producer profitability. A group of eight delegates from Mexico visited Kansas August 14-16 to learn about sorghum’s benefits in pet nutrition programs. In conjunction with the Collaborative Sorghum Investment Program and the Kansas Sorghum Commission, the group participated in a full-day workshop at the International Grains Program and toured facilities at CJ Foods, Inc., and Lortscher Animal Nutrition. These meetings provided an opportunity to expand trade relationships with Mexico, specifically targeting pet food markets, in addition to educating the group on production and logistics. “Sorghum offers numerous nutritional benefits to pet food, such as a low glycemic index compared to corn and rice-based diets, that consumers are looking for when they buy pet food,” said Doug Bice, Sorghum Checkoff market development director. “Pet food is a growing market for U.S. sorghum producers, and interest in the grain’s inclusion in pet nutrition continues to increase.” Following the tour in Kansas, a group of sorghum trade representatives visited Guadalajara, Mexico, August 23-26. The group shared milling information and inclusion considerations with several pet food manufacturing companies at the AMEPA pet food conference. AMEPA, the Mexican Association of Feed Producers, is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to represent and defend the interests of the feed producers industry, integrated livestock producers, pet food and the national agriculture industry. AMEPA members account for an annual consumption of 6.9 million tons of coarse grains and 2.3 million tons of oilseeds. “Sorghum use in domestic pet food production has grown extensively over the past couple of years, and now we are looking to expand the market internationally,” Bice said. “Meeting with manufacturers and industry representatives in Mexico is a great first step to introducing sorghum into this new market.” Sorghum use continues to grow in new marketplaces internationally, providing new opportunities for U.S. producers. The high value placed on including sorghum in pet food can have a ripple affect over all sorghum production, increasing demand and value across markets. The Sorghum Checkoff continues to expand sorghum use internationally, marketing the grain’s numerous, versatile qualities to potential markets.

US livestock slaughter September 2017

Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.40 billion pounds in September, up 2 percent from the 4.33 billion pounds produced in September 2016. Beef production, at 2.22 billion pounds, was 2 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.70 million head, up 3 percent from September 2016. The average live weight was down 11 pounds from the previous year, at 1,359 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.1 million pounds, 1 percent below September a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 43,600 head, up 3 percent from September 2016. The average live weight was down 10 pounds from last year, at 241 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.16 billion pounds, up 2 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 10.3 million head, up 1 percent from September 2016. The average live weight was up 2 pounds from the previous year, at 282 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 11.2 million pounds, was down 7 percent from September 2016. Sheep slaughter totaled 175,600 head, 9 percent below last year. The average live weight was 128 pounds, up 3 pounds from September a year ago. January to September 2017 commercial red meat production was 38.4 billion pounds, up 4 percent from 2016. Accumulated beef production was up 5 percent from last year, veal was down 1 percent, pork was up 3 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 5 percent.





2015 New Holland 9.35 telehandler, 1000 hours..................$89,000 2012 Haybuster 2650 round bale processor, right hand discharge.... ...........................................................................................$15,750 Supreme International 600 mixer, single auger, right hand discharge................................................................................$15,000 2013 New Holland HS14 header with mount and hydraulic pump for TV Series tractor, very clean..............................................$18,500 2011 Polaris Ranger 800XP, soft cab, winch, 6212 miles.......$7250 Camoplast tracks with mounting brackets for John Deere Gator 825I......................................................................................$3500 Ford 906 post hole digger, 3-point mount with 12” auger..........$1400 Shaver HD-10 post pounder, fixed mount on front of tractor, manual tilt and angle single SCV.......................................................$2250 2010 Frontier RT1270 rototiller, 3 point mount, 540 PTO.........$3600 New Higgobotham hay squeeze for John Deere 544 Series front end loaders...............................................................................$12,000 2009 Husqvarna YTH2454 riding mower, 54” deck, hydrostatic transmission, bagger, 218 hours..................................................$1800 Hyster 200E Perkins diesel, air brakes, 3 speed, with new Higgobotham hay squeeze.............................................................$30,000 NEW 2016 John Deere SB84H skid steer mount snowblower, high flow.......................................................................................$9500 John Deere 726 mulch finisher, 25-ft., new discs..................$29,900 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade..........................................................$575 12-ft. pasture harrow....................................................................$900

2014 Vermeer R2300 hydraulic v-rake. Excellent condition, has about 1200 acres of use.............................................................$19,000 Darf 917 17 wheel ground drive rake.....................................$15,000 New Holland 216 hydraulic V-rake.........................................$12,250


2016 John Deere 455 25-ft., 6” spacing, grass, grain & fertilizer boxes........................................................................................ Call

Self-Propelled Windrowers




John Deere 995 7 bottom plow with Sterling packer.............$13,900 John Deere 845 4 bottom rollover plow....................................$1800 Massey-Ferguson 820 disc......................................................$6750 John Deere 2720 disc ripper, narrow fold, 17’6”.......................... Call John Deere 512 7-shank, 17’ 6” disc ripper...........................$27,500 John Deere 313 30-ft. disc........................................................... Call 2014 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker....................................................... Call


1999 John Deere 945 mower conditioner, 13.5-ft. with flail conditioner.....................................................................................$8500 Degelman 10-47/57 10-ft. hydraulic blade, front. Excellent.......$9900 John Deere 7700 combine, 224 header, 3500 hours, hydraulic driven, bat reel, hydrostatic drive, air conditioner, rear spreader......$5000 John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 14-ft. Rigid with transport..........$2500 2015 Newhouse C-5000 square bale feeder.........................$45,900 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only, 19,431 bales....$8900





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“New” HAYBUSTER & HIGHLINE Bale Processors


2-2016 John Deere W-235 900 hours, 13-ft. 994 header with steel conditioner................................................................$132,000 ea. 2017 John Deere W-235 600 hours, 14.5-ft. 944 header with steel conditioner.......................................................................$139,000 2014 John Deere W-235 716 hours, 13-ft. V10 steel conditioner........ ........................................................................................$129,900 2011 John Deere R450 Premium cab, 14.5-ft. header with V-10 steel conditioner, 875 hours....................................................$101,500 2007 MacDon M200 16-ft. rotary header, button tires, steel conditioner, 1997 hours........................................................................$63,750 2015 New Holland 160 speedrower with 12-ft. header, rubber conditioner, 282 hours...............................................................$87,000 2014 New Holland 130 speedrower, 12-ft. header, urethane conditioner, 800 hours...............................................................$75,000 2010 New Holland 8040 12-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, 1710 hours.................................................................................$58,000 2007 New Holland HW305, 12-ft. HS header with rubber conditioner, rolls replaced 2 years ago, 2397 hours.............................$39,900 2007 Massey-Ferguson 9635 with 15-ft. razor back header, 2150 hours.................................................................................$58,900






Pivot Track Fillers

2015 John Deere L-340 3x4 baler, 7500 bales...................$115,000 2014 Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 23,752 bales.......$106,000 2013 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler...............................$99,500 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler..........................$18,250



3-2016 John Deere 569 net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, mega wide, approximately 6000 bales............... ....................................................................................$39,900 ea. 2013 John Deere 569 Premium net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.....................................................................$35,500 2013 John Deere 569 net and twine, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, MegaWide, flotation tires, 15,500 bales............................$29,500 2011 John Deere 568 net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 10,000 bales.................................................................................$28,900



2015 John Deere 6175R MFWD, premium cab, 5 SCV’s, rear duals, 540/1000 PTO, 605 hours...............................................$164,750 6-2016 John Deere 6155M tractors, 350-600 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard. These came off a large local operation and are in excellent condition...........$139,000 ea. 2-2016 John Deere 6145M tractors, approximately 600 hours, cab, MFWD, 24 speed PowerQuad with left hand reverser, 640 loader & grapple, 3 SCV’s. PowerGard till October 2021 or 5000 hours.. ..................................................................................$120,500 ea. 2013 John Deere 6150R 5500 hours, PTO, 3 speed, 540/540E/1000, tire width: mid, H380 loader, AutoQuad PLUS, ECO, deluxe cab, deluxe radio, 3 deluxe SCV’s............................................$99,000 2014 John Deere 5085M cab, MFWD, 16 forward/16 reverse with left hand reverser, 540 PTO, 3 SCV’s....................................$46,000 2015 John Deere 5075E cab, MFWD, 12 forward/12 reverse with left hand reverser, 540 PTO, 2 SCV’s, 1175 hours.................$35,500 2014 John Deere 5075E open station with canopy, MFWD, left hand reverser, 2 SCV’s, 540 PTO, John Deere H-240 loader, 1600 hours.................................................................................$31,900 2014 John Deere 5075E open station with canopy, MFWD, 540 PTO, 2 SCV’s, 1910 hours.........................................................$24,900 2013 John Deere 5075E cab, MFWD, 12 forward/12 reverse with left hand reverser, 540 PTO, 2 SCV’s, 2493 hours.................$29,900 1991 John Deere 2955, open station, 2WD, 540/1000 PTO, 13,240 hours, John Deere 148 loader, grapple............................$10,700



2015 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 6 SCV’s, ILS suspension, rear duals, Autotrac, PowerGard until 11/2020...............................$242,750 2009 John Deere 7930 cab tractor, MFWD, rear duals, IVT transmission, 4 SCV’s, right hand reverser, front & rear weights, 2500 hours....................................................................................... Call 2014 John Deere 7250R 780 hours, IVT transmission, triple link suspension, 10” color touch display, Command View 3 cab, final tier 4, 5 SCV’s, Cat 3 drawbar, LED light package, refrigerator, cold weather package, PowerGard until 10/2019.................$179,000 2012 John Deere 7215R cab tractor, MFWD, rear duals, IVT transmission, 4 SCV’s, right hand reverser, front & rear weights, 1850 hours....................................................................................... Call 2016 John Deere 6195R 750 hours, cab, MFWD, IVT transmission, triple link suspension, rear duals, AutoTrac ready. PowerGard till November 2021 or 5000 hours.....................................$176,850 2016 John Deere 6175M 140 hours, cab, MFWD, 20 speed PowerQuad with left hand reverser, loader ready, 3 SCV’s. PowerGard till November 2021 or 5000 hours...............................$131,500




Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 – Page C21














After hours - Sales Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523





Josh Taylor 406-925-9449





Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C22



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A 1031 Tax-Deferred Exchange is not just for land. If you’re thinking of selling your ranch equipment or livestock, an exchange might be for you! A tax-deferred exchange allows an owner to exchange one asset for another without having to pay any capital gains tax upon the transaction. Call Catherine today at Exchange Services, Inc. to learn how a 1031 tax-deferred exchange can benefit you.


We have auctions booked for spring 2018 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 55 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.

Clearance Items - All Brand New

WHEATHEART trailer mounted, heavy hitter POST POUNDER..............................WAS $15,250 NOW $13,000 LOFTNESS 72” skid steer mount HYDRAULIC SNOWBLOWER.................................WAS $5800 NOW $4000 LOFTNESS 84” skid steer mount HYDRAULIC SNOWBLOWER.................................WAS $8400 NOW $5000 CHEM HANDLER II 3” manifold, 42 gallon.....................................................................WAS $2195 NOW $1600 EDUCTOR with slicer, 3” manifold, 65 gallon..................................................................WAS $1995 NOW $1600 FS TRU-KLEEN CHEMICAL PROCESSOR 2”..............................................................WAS $2195 NOW $1600 FS TRU-KLEEN CHEMICAL PROCESSOR 3”..............................................................WAS $2295 NOW $1600 TORO SW3200 ZERO TURN 32” riding mower..............................................................WAS $2799 NOW $2399 TORO SW4200 ZERO TURN 42” riding mower..............................................................WAS $2999 NOW $2599

An exterior view of the Plant Growth Center at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montna. MSU photo by Kelly Gorham.

MSU Plant Growth Center marks 30 years of research

By Anne Cantrell, MSU News Service about their desired start and end dates, enThirty years ago, Montana State Univervironmental requirements and other details. sity research into plants and soils was at a Baumbauer then works to find appropriate crossroads: The university’s facility where space to fill the request. this research was conducted was small, Projects using space in the Plant Growth stifling growth and lacking some critical inCenter can last anywhere from three months frastructure – such as adequate cooling and to 30 years, he added. exhaust systems – that made it difficult to Funded entirely by the 1983 Montana obtain consistent, accurate research results. Legislature, construction on the MSU Plant The university and its partners made a Growth Center started in 1985. Part of the pitch to the Montana Legislature for $5.3 facility opened in the fall of 1986, and its million to build a new facility. Now, one formal dedication was held in April 1987. legislative appropriation and three decades Baumbauer – who, earlier this year, later, the Plant Growth Center at MSU has marked his 30th anniversary of managing enabled hundreds of research projects that the Plant Growth Center – noted that, from have contributed important knowledge to the beginning, some of the facility’s biggest Montana and beyond. The Plant Growth champions were members of the greater Center also features labs, classrooms and Montana agricultural community. an insect quarantine unit. “It enjoyed tremendous support from the “This facility has enabled an enormous ag community,” he said. “All of these comamount of research,” said David Baummodity groups and ag groups from across bauer, Plant Growth Center manager. That the state went to Helena to testify for the work ranges from disease testing on seed need for a modern plant growth facility. potatoes, to biodiesel production with al“The Plant Growth Center is more than gae, to weed management, to starting vegjust a university building,” he added. “It reetables from seeds for MSU’s student-run ally does belong to the ag community. They vegetable farm, to studying pollinator-plant fought really hard for the funding.” interactions, to developing wheat varieties President Bill Tietz, who headed the unithat will perform well in Montana’s varied versity at the time, championed the notion landscape. that the facility should be located in the The Plant Growth Center runs like a homain part of campus, and thus accessible tel, Baumbauer said. People who would like to the university community at large, Bato use space in the facility submit a request for a reservation, along with information CONTINUED ON PAGE C24

3-Meridian dual wall 5000 gallon tank on skids, 35 gpm pump. Were $14,000 ea.

$12,000 each

Aseptically maintained mother plants in the Montana Seed Potato Certification Lab are used to propagate plantlets for distribution to Montana seed potato farmers. MSU photo by Kelly Gorham.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C23

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C24


(7) black, Diamond D, Valier, MT and Vermillion Ranch Billings, MT breeding and (2) red, white face.. $1250 each Call Charles Hout 406-883-2817 (Keep trying, hard to reach)

1994 Eager Beaver 20 Ton 50% 17.5 tires, AB, 19-ft. flat + 5-ft. Beavertail, spring assist ramps, 50% brakes........$6000 1998 Ford F800 12V 5.9 Cummins, Allison AT, AC, PS, PB, 65K miles, 90% 22.5 tires, under CDL, 14-ft. steel flatbed.................$12,500 1984 International DT466 Plow Truck 5 speed & 2 speed, PS, AB, 11ft. hydraulic angle plow, runs great, rusty, tires 10%.....$3500 1975 GMC Tandem Detroit 8V17, 13 speed, PS, 15-ft. double frame, 50% 11R24.5’s, Hendrickson suspension, runs and drives good. .......................................$3500 2003 Volvo Tractor 370 hp, ISM Cummins, 10 speed, 70% 22.5 tires, AR cab and suspension, cruise, AC, 750K miles, nice clean tight truck.............................$12,000 2003 Freightliner FL70 Tractor 300 hp, ISC Cummins, 10 speed, AR cab, PS, AC, 134K miles, 85% 22.5 tires, spring suspension, nice running driving truck.......................$13,500 1989 Kenworth T400 22-ft. flatbed 270 hp, L10 Cummins, 9 speed, 340K miles, PTO, 12K front, 40K rears, steel frame, spring suspension, PS, AC, 75% 11R24.5’s, nice tight truck.............................$13,500 1993 Ford L8000 14,000 miles, AC, PS, 250 hp, 8.3 Cummins, Allison AT, 4 speed aux, 2 speed, 34K rears on Hendrickson, 16K front, 19ft. double steel frame, 2200 hours, large wet kit......$16,500

Chaofu Lu, an associate professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in the College of Agriculture at Montana State University, recently received a $1.9 million grant from the Department of Energy to improve camelia seed and oil quality traits. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez.

MSU Plant Growth Center marks 30 years of research CONTINUED FROM PAGE C22

umbauer added. The Plant Growth Center is located on 11th Avenue, across the street from Linfield Hall. “Many universities set (a facility like the Plant Growth Center) out on the edge of campus,” he said. “We’re not located far from the campus core.” The building itself was designed with high-tech systems that regulate temperature and light. Its energy-saving features include a heat recovery system, where waste heat from water-cooled growth chambers and growth rooms is used to heat the greenhouses, Baumbauer said. Although the building has remained largely unchanged, a few updates and remodels have been completed in more recent years. In the 1990s, for instance, more greenhouse space was added, as well as a number of growth chambers.

Use of the Plant Growth Center has grown substantially over the years, according to Baumbauer. Previously, 25 to 30 researchers would use space each quarter; now, he said, that number has grown to 45 to 50. And, he noted that many of the researchers are from disciplines outside the College of Agriculture, including ecology, biological engineering and chemistry. Charles Boyer, vice president for agriculture, said it’s fitting that MSU – the state’s cornerstone land-grant university – hosts a facility that advances agricultural research throughout the state. “We are so proud of the research that has come out of this facility, as well as the impact that research has had on our state,” Boyer said. “We know that the Plant Growth Center has strengthened Montana’s agriculture landscape and horticulture industries.”

2001 Freightliner FL70 24-ft. flatbed, 26K GVW, 3126 Cat diesel, 6 speed manual, PB, PS, AC, cruise, 70% tires, runs and drives great...$10,500 1993 Ford F700 5 Yard Dump 190 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed and 2 speed, PS, PB, 28K GVW, 140,000 miles, New 11R22.5’s, double frame, 10-ft. dump bed....................$13,500

1994 GMC Topkick Dump 3116 Cat diesel, 6 speed Eaton, AC, PS, PB, 60% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel grain dump, scissor hoist, hitch, 24L GVW... ....................................$12,500 1979 Swinger 200 4x4 Forklift & Trailer Ford 172 4 cyl. gas, 4000 lb. capacity, 6-ft. lift height, hydrostatic drive, 50% tires, 4 ton tandem axle trailer, 6 lug axles, surge brakes, tows nice, good brakes.............................$6500

406-381-3159 or 777-7057

Students in the Masters of Science Education at Montana State University, particiate in making herbal tinctures as part of a plant science and plant pathology course, Plants, People and Health, with instructor Robyn Klein, on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, at the MSU Plant Growth Center in Bozeman, Montana. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez.

From actual Church Bulletins…….. • The ‘Over 60s Choir’ will be disbanded for the summer with the thanks of the entire church. • Missionary from Africa speaking at Calvary Memorial Church in Racine: Name: Bertha Belch. Announcement: “Come tonight and hear Bertha Belch all the Way from Africa.”

From actual Church Bulletins…….. • The audience is asked to remain seated until the end of the recession. • Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 pm. Please use the back door. • Ushers will eat latecomers. • The third verse of Blessed Assurance will be sung without musical accomplishment.

NDSU research improves beef cattle production

By NDSU Extension Service Making sure pregnant beef cows meet their nutrient needs this winter could be difficult because of the toll this year’s drought took on hay production. Supplementing the cows with feed such as corn dried distillers grains with solubles will provide the animals with the extra nutrients they require, according to research at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Central Grasslands Research Extension Center, which is near Streeter. The scientists involved in this research also studied the impact of supplementing pregnant cows with alfalfa hay and a liquid supplement. “Cows supplemented with alfalfa or liquid supplement lost weight and body condition, which might indicate that these supplements did not supply adequate energy to meet animal demands,” says Michael Undi, the animal scientist at the center. This was one of several beef cattle topics NDSU animal scientists and Extension Service specialists studied in the past year. In another supplement study, scientists in NDSU’s Animal Sciences Department found that taking vitamin A out of growing and finishing diets for commercial Angus and purebred Simmental steers improved the meat quality of the Angus steers but not the Simmental steers. The Angus steers were an Angus-Simmental cross, with a minimum of 75 percent Angus genetics. Marbling is the fat that appears as white flecks in beef. It improves the meat’s tenderness, juiciness and flavor. The Angus-cross steers without vitamin A in their diets had a 16 percent increase in marbling, the research showed. That resulted in 26.6 percent of these steers grading higher for their meat than the steers that were fed vitamin A. “Increasing marbling has the potential to add significant value to a beef carcass,” says Alison Ward, an assistant professor in the Animal Sciences Department and one of the researchers. Another feed study found that a moderate restriction in the amount of nutrients pregnant beef cattle receive during the first 50 days of gestation can affect the development of their fetuses’ liver, muscle and brain. This could result in poor growth and development in the calves, the scientists note. “Additionally, dams that undergo stress (nutritional, environmental, etc.) during the beginning of gestation but not the end are likely to produce a normal birth weight offspring that still may suffer from poor growth and metabolic issues because of the stress early in pregnancy,” says Joel Caton, a professor in the Animal Sciences Department and one of the scientists involved in this study. Research at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center found that corn can be fed to beef cattle in the backgrounding and finishing phases without having to process the corn. “Typically, when corn is included in cattle rations, particularly in backgrounding and finishing diets, it is processed by dry rolling, grinding or steam flaking,” says Chanda Engel, research specialist at the center. “In North Dakota, the processing method is typically dry rolling or grinding. “However, not everyone has the ability to process corn on the farm and it is an added cost,” she adds. “Additionally, the body of research that has evaluated corn processing method and levels of processing has yielded mixed results.” Her study of 189 weaned crossbred steers indicated that in diets consisting of 15 percent or more forage, cattle can be fed whole corn without affecting their growth performance, feed efficiency and carcass traits. For more information about these studies and other NDSU beef cattle research, see the “2017 North Dakota Beef Report” at


A man was preparing to jump out of a plane for the first time. “Now if the pull cord doesn’t work,” his instructor reminded him, “just pull the backup cord, okay?” “Okay!” the man said confidently, and with that, he jumped. After ten seconds, he pulled the first cord. Nothing happened. Concerned, he pulled the backup cord, but again, the ‘chute didn’t open Now he panicked. Just as he was frantically thinking what to do, a woman suddenly shot past him into the sky. “Hey, lady!” he yelled, “you know anything about parachutes?” “No,” she yelled. “You happen to know anything about gas stoves?”

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C25


2016 CHEVROLET COLORADO 2.8L DOHC 16V turbo, crew, running boards, tonneau cover, 7,541 miles. #17U34............................................. $34,995

2015 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LTZ double cab, standard box, 56,563 miles, heated steering wheel, heated seats, bed mat. #17T94A.............. $33,495

2008 DODGE RAM 2500 4x4 quad cab, 6-ft. 3” box, 6.7L turbo, 94,086 miles, heated seats, B&W turnover ball. #18T11B...................... $27,995

2008 TOYOTA PRIUS 5-door, HB base, 1.5L motor, 48 city, 45 highway MPG, gray cloth interior, 93,425 miles. #17T28B....................... $6595

2011 FORD F250 LARIAT SRW, 6.7L motor, 6-ft. 8” box, heated leather seats, B&W turnover ball, 183,121 miles #17030A.................. $22,000

2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT 71,375 miles, 30 MPG, 3.6L V6, 6-speed automatic, AM/FM stereo with CD player, air, cruise, Stabilitrak, theft-deterrent system. #17U31................................................... Call

2013 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1500 LT 4x4 5.3L V8, 6-speed automatic, StabiliTrak, heated driver and front passenger seats, third row 3-passenger seats, remote vehicle start, remote keyless entry, AM/FM stereo with CD player and MP3. #17T37A....................... $29,495

2014 RAM 1500 2WD TRADESMAN 3.6L V6, 8-speed automatic, 6,600 lbs GVWR, cruise air, AM/ FM radio, spray-in bed liner, 49,631 miles. #17T52A......... .............................................................................. $14,995

2013 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT 4x4 Crew cab, short box, 5.3L V8, 4-speed automatic, 7000 lbs. GVW, StabiliTrak, electronic Autotrac, heated mirrors, remote keyless entry, AM/FM stereo with CD player/MP3 player, Driver Information Center. #17T47A.......... $29,499

2014 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS 2.5L 4-cyl., 6-speed automatic, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, power windows, remote keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning, AM/FM stereo, CD, MP3, Bluetooth, StabiliTrak #17U29...................................................... Call


2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ 4x4 Crew cab, short box, 52,773 miles. 5.3L 6-speed automatic, heated front seats, remote keyless entry, remote vehicle start, air, cruise, driver memory seat and mirrors, EZ-lift and lower tailgate, Chevrolet MyLink audio system with AM/FM/SiriusXM/HD, Bluetooth. #17T65A........... $33,500

2005 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT W/1SA 135,922 miles, 3.4l V6, 4-speed automatic transmission, 7-passenger seats, air, cruise, AM/FM stereo with CD player, luggage rack rails. #17T30D......................... $3999

2016 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE 2LT AWD 3.6L engine, StabiliTrak, rear vision camera, 7-passenger seating, heated driver and front passenger seats, remote keyless entry, remote vehicle start, rear park assist, rear power liftgate. #17U17................................................ Call

2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500LT 4x4 5.3L V8 engine, 6-speed automatic, crew cab, short box, Bluetooth, hands free smartphone, remote keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning. #17T51A.............. $28,995

2017 CHEVROLET CRUZE LT SEDAN 1.4L L4 engine, 6 speed automatic, AM/FM stereo, Bluetooth, mirrors heated and power adjustable, steering wheel controls, remote keyless entry, power remote trunk release, cruise control, air conditioning, rear vision camera. #17U26................................................................. $16,995

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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C26

IRRIGATED ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 4X4 square bales, RFV 138 and up

Phone (406) 788-4629 or 734-5483, Loma, MT area

2-NEW HOLLAND SWATHERS & JEEP FOR SALE New Holland HW320 with 300 hours on new HS16 header. New Holland 1112 16-ft., cab, air, low hours, shedded when not in use. 1977 Jeep Wagoneer, low miles. Call (406) 277-3282, evenings, Belt, MT


Shop-Style Rolair Compressors Pressure Washers • Hose Reels

MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal w/metal flex spout fuel cans.

Quality Karcher Pressure Washers Thousands below list price SAVE BIG

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Age and source verification revisited

By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service Ten years (as of November) have passed knowledge and information, both powerful since the Dickinson Research Extension market tools. So, while we answer the quesCenter summarized research on tagging tion, care and caution must be exercised, calves for improved market traceability, and particularly as data ownership, transfer and the subject remains relevant today. access are exposed. In the last decade, trading beef was, As the Dickinson Research Extension and still is, a complex pattern of pathways Center expanded the effort of understanding that involves many steps. Although selling the concepts and challenges of cattle movecattle has been fairly simple throughout hisment, the CalfAID project (a local program for age and source verification) emerged. tory, more recent desires continue to evolve It’s an exciting and interesting project that processes that are not as straightforward as brought many a simple handparticipants to shake. the table. History As time changed the went on, addirules. There was no vote. tional marketThere was no ing incentives input. There or value-addwas a simple ed programs acknowledgwere develment that oped, inclubusiness as sive of reguusual was not latory stanto be. A few dards, with the more quesunderstanding that the marketplace would determine the tions were asked, but in the end, life went validity of the various programs. Has that on. happened? Maybe. Producers are seeking an unencumbered Optimistically, yes, but I would chalenvironment that allows buyers from around the world to bid on their calves. lenge commercial cattle producers to quickThe current environment seeks to maximize ly name five new marketing opportunities in business options for producers. Producers the last decade. Why? Again, opportunities seek the flexibility to market their stock are there, but for every move forward, new that effectively capture value for them and obstacles and new barriers seem to hinder enhance that value to all links within the the opportunity. beef industry. Unresolved questions still remain on During this decade, we saw many marall sides of the fence. These unanswered questions are real and inhibit participation keting options: sale barn auctions, video in new marketing opportunities. auctions, internet auctions, direct sales, Movement of cattle is a delicate balance alliances, branded programs and other among the science, regulations and marketalternative marketing arrangements, all considered beneficial and essential by beef ing advantages on differing issues, which producers for the identification and capture continue to be unclear and not fully agreed of product value. upon by all stakeholders. Ten years ago, more uncertainty surWhatever the issue, the national herd always must be protected from risks of rounded calf marketing. The national (and exposure first. After that, demand and international) discussion about age and marketability of our nation’s animals and source verification heightened that uncerproducts follows. tainty. The situations, names and places The beef industry needs a modern, effechave changed, but the uncertainty remains, at least regarding age and source verificative system of individual accountability, a system respectful of local concerns, realtion and potential trace-back of cattle that are sold. istic in response to pathogenic challenges, Essentially, two products still remain: the and responsive to industry needs and “calf” and then the associated “data.” Both consumer desires for animals and people. products have value, an important point to As the confusion, positioning and jostling understand. continue, we can only hope some light will Today’s producers market a calf and come to the podium. the data about that calf, but the concept of I thought this 10 years ago. Not much marketing the data still is struggling in the has changed. pens and alleyways of the cattle business. The center did a lot of work, and when Calves are sold in one direction, but data we closed the books on the CalfAid progo in both directions, thus the concept of gram, we experienced some heaviness of trace-back. heart. Today, as news and other informaThe challenge remains. The free markettional sources tease a response to age and source verification, those memories are place determines calf value, but the value real. The bottom line is: Our producers are of the information associated with the calf up to any challenge. has not been determined. May you find all your ear tags. One point has become very clear: The For more information, contact your local information contains the keys to unlock the NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// doors needed to enter the more complex marketplace, domestically and internationor Ringwall at the Dickinson Research ally. Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., DickWhile the keys may open the doors, one big question has resulted: Is this a burinson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. den or an opportunity? The data become

Make your own clock

An easy way to add custom knickknacks to your home is to buy clock mechanisms from your hardware store. These do-it-yourself clocks are just the hands and the motor, so you can add them

to household items and turn them into clocks. Add them to tins, plates, photos with a cardboard backing, or just about anything else in your home. All it takes is a little creativity!

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C27



Allis Chalmers HD6G crawler loader, ROPS, lever steer, standard track, winch, loader bucket. Stock #59668...................................$6000 (16) 2016 John Deere 320E skidsteer, cab with air, hand/foot controls, 72” bucket, 3 sets of counterweights, cold start package. Stock #57127... ........................................................$43,000 (3) 2011 Case TR270 track loader, cab enclosure, air conditioning, rubber tracks, 76” bucket. Stock #58552..........................................$38,000 (16) 2011 Case IH SV185 skidsteer, cab w/air, self-leveling, 78” bucket, EH controls, auxiliary hydraulics. Stock #58812...........................$30,000 (3) 2016 John Deere KV22802 78” utility skid steer bucket. Stock #56522.........................$1200 (1) 2015 John Deere BW16005 96” high volume bucket w/heavy duty grapple, global carrier, single point hydraulic coupler. Stock #58845.... .........................................................$2500 (16) 2005 John Deere CT332 track skid steer, 82 hp, cab w/heat & air, foot controls, 2 speed, wide tracks, 84” bucket. Stock #59725..$25,900 (15) John Deere 5-ft. utility bucket, fits JD 600/700 loaders, pin-on attachment. Stock #58793........ .........................................................$1200 (16) 2014 John Deere BW15616 73” loader bucket, 500 series loader brackets. Stock #56223........ ...........................................................$950 (14) 1991 John Deere 724 24-ft. mulcher finisher, 3 section folding, 5 bar harrows, 1 year of use on discs. Stock #59714.......................$11,500 15) John Deere 8” post hole auger bit. Stock #54206. ...........................................................$499 (11) Ezee-On 2400 post pounder, trailer mounted, Honda engine. Stock #59557.............$4750 (1) 2014 Wheatheart 3 point post pounder, like new, hydraulic post grabber, side mast with extend and retract. Stock #58322...............$10,250 (1) 2007 John Deere MX6 medium duty rotary cutter. Stock #58015...................................$2200 (15) 2015 John Deere 60D 60” drive over deck for 1E or 1R compact tractor. Stock #58355................ .........................................................$1300 (14) 2014 Frontier AB13D single tine bale spear, fits JD 600/700 series loaders, new/never used. Stock #58910.....................................$800 (11) 2015 Frontier RB2284 rear blade. Like new condition. Stock #54623...........................$1800 (1) 1994 Leon 1000 12-ft. blade, 4-way (hydraulic lift and angle), fits John Deere 8320 tractor, new cutting edges. Stock #56578........... $6500 (15) 2015 Frontier AP13G global mount pallet forks. Stock #54626.....................................$1150 (1) 2011 homemade 18-ft. flat bed, bumper pull, pintle hitch. Stock #56109.......................$8750 (2) Bumper pull trailer, 18-ft. x 8.5-ft. wide. Stock #59716.............................................$1850 (12) 2015 Frontier AY12G-72 4-in-1 72” bucket with global carrier. Stock #54709...............$2900 (1) 2005 Buhler Y180 rollermill, barely used, always shedded. Stock #56888.....................$3500 (1) 2004 Harmon 5800 rock picker, hydraulic drive. Stock #59174...................................$8900 (12) Haybuster 3106 rock picker. Stock #58059........... ......................................................$12,000 (12) Erskine 721FM front mount snowblower to fit compact tractors, adjustable mounts, PTO drive, hydraulic chute. Stock #57663............. $3500 (15)


2012 John Deere 850i 384 hours, 4130 miles, poly cab, winch, horn. Stock #58095............. .......................................................$7400 (1) 2008 John Deere 850D diesel, full windshield, bucket seats. Extreme terrain tires. Stock #59042...........................................$7900 (1) 2015 John Deere 825i S4 4 seater, cab, power steering, radio. Stock #59244....$14,500 (11) 2013 John Deere 825i Stock #56493... $8200 (12) 2012 John Deere 825i green & yellow, steel 12” rims, bench seat, poly roof & winshield, 1575 hrs./8400 miles. Stock #56922.....$8995 (11) 2012 John Deere 825i green, bench seat, deluxe cargo box. Stock #50385.....$10,400 (1) John Deere 825i glass doors for a deluxe cab on 825i utility vehicle. Stock #53197.............. .....................................................$1950 (14) 2015 John Deere 825i Poly cab, no heater, extra cab lights, Power lift w/brush protection. Stock #58847............................$16,750 (12) 2008 John Deere HPX Windshield & roof, no doors, turn signals, brake lights, 72” broom attachment. Stock #58808............$7750 (14) 2014 Polaris 900 half windshield, gas, 14900 miles, 1216 hours. Stock #57973..$7150 (12)



2007 John Deere 1420 commercial front mower, 72” deck, 72” rear discharge mower, 60” front blade, soft cab. Stock #58912............... .......................................................$8250 (3) 2008 John Deere X724 hydro, all wheel steer, 647 tiller attach, no mower deck. Stock #58482.........................................$7000 (12) 2005 John Deere D130 23 hp, 48” deck, 6.5 bushel bagger, hydro. Stock #56907............. .....................................................$1300 (12) 2009 John Deere LA125 42” deck, 21 hp. Stock #58956.............................................$750 (1) 2003 John Deere 727 commercial zero turn, 54” 7 iron deck, 23 hp engine, bagger with Powerflow. Stock #59683..............$3950 (16) 2010 Grasshopper 120K 20 hp, 48” deck, zero turn. Stock #58937.......................$2800 (15) 2016 Poulan PP24VA54 24 hp mower, 54” deck, hydro transmission. Stock #58492....... .....................................................$1700 (14) Toro Timecutter zero turn mower. Stock #59758...........................................$3000 (1)

1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741

11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150

------------------- TRACTORS ------------------#59577

2016 John Deere 9570RX 36” tracks, Duradrive, 18F/6R Powershift transmission, 5 SCV’s, 1000 PTO, Turnkey GPS. Stock #59679.............................................. Call (1) 2015 John Deere 9570R 18F/6R Powershift, 1000 PTO, 5 SCV’s, 115 GPM hydraulic pump,weight package. Stock #59678.Call (1) 2014 John Deere 9560R 18F/6R Powershift, Hi-flow hydraulics, PTO, 5 SCV’s. Stock #59676.............................................. Call (1) 2014 John Deere 9560R 18/6 Powershift, 5 SCV’s, NO 3 point, 1000 PTO, Hi-flow hydraulics, Premium CVII cab, HID lights. Stock #59577......................................$304,000 (1) 2016 John Deere 9470RX, 30” tracks, PTO, turnkey GPS, warranty until, 2019 or 1500 hours. Stock #56547................$419,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 9470RT, 30” tracks, turnkey GPS, PTO, still under warranty. Stock #53018....................................$344,900 (15) 2016 John Deere 9470R IF tires, turnkey GPS, PTO, HID lights. Stock #56400.$317,500 (14) 2005 John Deere 9420 18 speed PS transmission, 4 SCV’s, no PTO or 3-pt., 6 out of 8 tires are new. Stock #58201............$103,900 (11) 1995 John Deere 8970 PowerShift, duals. Stock #57543............................$68,500 (12) 1993 John Deere 8770 24 speed PowerSync transmission, differential lock, 3 SCV’s. Stock #58689........................................$50,000 (3) 2013 John Deere 8310 Auto Power IVT w/LH reverser, 5 SCV’s, front & rear duals, ILS, 1000 PTO. Stock #58263..........$205,000 (1) 2013 John Deere 8285R AutoPower IVT with LHR, 5 SCVs, rear duals, 85 cc hydraulic pump. Stock #57350................$186,000 (15) 2011 John Deere 8285R MFWD w/differential lock, IVT w/LH control, 1000 PTO, 60 GPM hydraulic, 4 SCV’s. Stock #59620.................. ..................................................$179,900 (1) 2007 John Deere 7930 Greenstar ready. Stock #56451........................................$99,500 (3) 1994 John Deere 7800 MFWD, 19/7 Powershift, 2 SCV’s, 3 point, 540/1000, loader/ grapple. Stock #59651...............$48,500 (12) 2001 John Deere 7710 16F/16R partial PS, PTO, 3 SCV’s, 740 self-leveling loader. Stock #58269......................................$63,000 (11) 2007 John Deere 7430 20/20 AutoQuad, 3 SCV’s. 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, air seat, loader/grapple. Stock #59029..........$89,500 (12) 2014 John Deere 7250R MFWD with TLS, 5 SCVs, active command steering, extended PowerTrain warranty, rear wheel weights, loader. Stock #57443...............$195,500 (15) 2012 John Deere 7130 PowerQuad Plus, 16F/16R, 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCV’s w/H360 loader. Stock #58903...................$87,500 (3) 2008 John Deere 6430 MFWD, 16/16 Powerguard Plus, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, air seat, cold start package, no loader. Stock #59680......................................$62,500 (12) 2012 John Deere 6210R TLS, IVT, loader. Stock #55998............................$150,450 (1) 2016 John Deere 6155R IVT, MFWD, TLS, 5 SCVs, AutoTrac ready, Premium cab and lights, 640R loader. Stock #57042................. ..................................................$172,000 (3) 2016 John Deere 6155M 20/20 AutoQuad Plus, SCV’s, cold start package, loader. Stock #58215..........................$138,000 (14) 2016 John Deere 6155M 20/20 AutoQuad Plus, SCV’s, cold start package, loader. Stock #58217..........................$138,000 (14) 2013 John Deere 6150R H360 loader, 20 speed Auto Quad, Greenstar ready. Stock #56029....................................$118,500 (11)

2010 John Deere 6130D MFWD, 9/9 Power reverser, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, 8 rear weights, loader/grapple. Stock #59727.. ..................................................$54,900 (12) 1998 John Deere 5510 Syncro transmission, 540 PTO, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, loader/grapple. Stock #58623............................$26,000 (12) 1995 John Deere 5400 2WD, Synchro, 540 PTO, 3 hydraulic outlets. Stock #59443 ........ ..................................................$17,000 (12) 2014 John Deere 5100M Open station, power reverser, 540 PTO. Stock #58529.$54,000 (3) 2010 John Deere 5045E MFWD, open station w/canopy, Synchro transmission, 553 loader. Stock #59604............................$25,950 (11) 1992 John Deere 4960 MFWD, 15 speed Powershift, no loader, large 1000 PTO, 3 SCV’s, 3 point. Stock #59563................ $43,500 (14) 1988 John Deere 4250 2WD, 725 non-self leveling loader, bucket/grapple, 15 speed P/S transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 2 SCVs. Stock #57450.................$32,900 (11) 1981 John Deere 2640 2WD, Synchro, 540 PTO, loader. Stock #58242.............$7865 (3) 1988 John Deere 2355 Synchro, 2WD, 540 PTO, John Deere 146 loader, 3 point. Stock #59239......................................$15,900 (12) 1962 John Deere 2010 gas, Synchro transmission, loader, 2WD, 540 PTO. Stock #59220.. .....................................................$5900 (15) 2014 John Deere 1025R H120 loader, 60D mid-mount mower, hydro transmission, 540 PTO, 3 point. Stock #59475.......$16,500 (11) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56588................. ................................................$126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56589................. ................................................$126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56591................. ................................................$126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 140 MFWD, 16/16 partial Powershift, 4 SCV’s, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, 6 rear weights, loader/grapple/bale spear. Stock #59730......................................$95,500 (12) 1972 Case 2400A 2WD, 540 PTO, loader, 4 cylinder diesel, rear blade, new rear tires. Stock #59669.........................................$5500 (16) 1996 Case IH 9370 24 speed transmission, EZsteer 250 system included, full front & rear weight package, 6 out of 8 tires are near new condition. Stock #57335............$62,000 (14) 1971 Ford 5000 2WD, open station, 10/2 Select-O-Speed, 3 point, 540 PTO, loader/bucket/bale spear. Stock #59644...........$6250 (1) 1972 International 544 2WD, 540 PTO, 3 point, Westendorf loader. Stock #59742.$4950 (14) 2006 Kubota L3130, Hydro trans, MFWD, loader/bucket/bale spear, new engine w/less than 200 hrs.. Stock #57071................$16,875 (3) 2010 New Holland TV6070, MFWD, IVT, loader, grapple, PTO, 3 pt. Stock #53740.$103,500 (3) 2006 New Holland TM190 18 speed, P/S transmission w/LHR, 4 SCV’s, 540/1000 loader, bucket & grapple, rear duals. Stock #59444.. ..................................................$59,900 (16) 1995 New Holland 8770 MFWD, loader/grapple, Powershift trans., duals. Stock #55656.... .................................................. $47,150 (14) 1993 New Holland 8240 Partial Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, loader & grapple. Stock #58833....................................... $27,500(12) 2016 New Holland Boomer 54D MFWD, open station, CVT transmission w/reverser, loader, 2 SCV’s. Stock #59531..............$32,500 (11) 2014 Massey Ferguson 4608 MFWD, 12/12 Power Shuttle transmission, 540/1000, loader/bucket. Stock #59686............ $39,500 (15) 1975 Massey Ferguson 1805 210 hp, Synchro, duals, Cat 3208 engine, no 3 point or PTO. Stock #59248.................................$7500 (3) 1962 Massey Ferguson 65 2WD, gas engine, live 540 PTO, 3 point, Farmhand loader, open station. Stock #58640.......... $3500 (14) Versatile 850 Synchro, duals. Stock #56854...... ....................................................... $9500 (3)

Railroad Ties $8.00/tie Sold in 16 tie bundles We will load Available at Conrad, Cut Bank and Dillon locations

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C28

– – – – – – CONSIGNMENTS – – – – – –

2013 John Deere 3032E MFWD, loader, canopy, Hydro transmission, R4 tires, rear blade. Stock #59614.......................................... $16,900 (15) 2011 John Deere 319D skid steer, hand controls, EH controls, std rubber tracks, 76” bucket, well-maintained. Stock #58243..... $28,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 6155R MFWD tractor, 20 speed AutoQuad transmission, TLS, 3 SCVs. Stock #57602........................................ $149,000 (11) 2013 John Deere 6140R MFWD, cab, 20/20 AutoQuad, H360 loader/bucket, 3 SCVs, 540/1000. Stock #56153............. $112,900 (16) 2013 John Deere 4520 open station, Hydro transmission, MFWD, H180 loader, 540 PTO, 3 point. Stock #59471................... $32,000 (11) 1988 John Deere 2355 2WD utility tractor, 8F/4R syncro, 540 Rear PTO, open station, loader with bale spear. Stock #53703........ $11,800 (1) 1983 Allis Chalmers 8070 MFWD, Powershift, 1000 PTO. Stock #59589................ $25,000 (3) 2014 Kubota M110XDTC cab, MFWD, loader, 2 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, bucket with grapple, bale spear. Stock #59613.............. $55,000 (15) 1973 Massey Ferguson 165 2WD tractor, OOS, Synchro, 1 SCV, 3 point, 540 PTO. loader, no grapple. Stock #58712....................... $9600 (1) John Deere GP74 74” bucket w/heavy duty grapple. Fits JD 500 Series loader carriers. Stock #53061............................................. $3500 (16) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, 635D platform, ProDrive, CM, Premium residue, power-folding grain tank. Stock #59474............. $255,000 (11) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, ProDrive transmission, TriStream rotor, fine cut chopper, 640D header. Stock #56906................... $265,000 (1) 2005 John Deere 9760 1886 engine.1402 seperator hours, level land feederhouse, touchset concave adj., chopper, w/936D platform. Stock #58821........................................ $120,000 (11) 1990 John Deere 9600 combine, excellent condition, always shedded. Stock #56958.................. ........................................................ $60,500 (1) 1987 John Deere 8820 combine, 30-ft. 230 header, bat reel, chopper and dual chaff spreader. Stock #15567.................................. $16,500 (3) 1998 Case IH 2388 combine, 3215/2500 hrs. Stock #55679................................ $50,000 (14) 2008 John Deere 612C combine, 30” row spacing. Stock #57258........................... $53,000 (1) 1998 John Deere 914 combine, new style Sund raking pickup, new PTO style driveline, single point connections. Stock #56904.... $10,975 (1) 2012 John Deere 635D excellent shape, slow speed transport, poly tine pickup reel, dual drive sickle. Stock #54340............. $46,000 (15) Case IH 8455 round baler, twine only, makes 4x5 bales, gathering wheels. Stock #54286 ............. ......................................................... $4500 (11) Hesston 4910 4x4x8 big square baler. Stock #53963............................................ $45,000 (3) 2008 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, twine & net wrap, hydraulic pickup, Megawide Plus, large tires, variable core. Stock #58803.$27,000 (14) 1999 John Deere 566 twine only, 540 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift. Stock #59649....... $7900 (15) 1992 John Deere 535 twine only, 1000 PTO, push bar, hydraulic pick up lift. Stock #58686.... ......................................................... $4900 (15) Worksaver HHU-245 3 point bale unroller, new-never used. Stock #59041........$1500 (16) 2009 John Deere 1890 42-ft. 7.5” spacing disk drill, 350 bushel hydraulic drive, TBH cart. Stock #57293................................ $145,000 (3) John Deere 680 37-ft. chisel plow w/shank savers, FlexiCoil 3-bar mounted harrows. Stock #56905............................................ $19,450 (1) 1994 John Deere 965 on-land plow, 18” cut width, gauge wheels, double landslides. Stock #55107............................................. $8950 (15) 1997 John Deere 650 23-ft. 3-section folding disc, 9” spacing. Stock #59033..............$18,750 (15) 2011 Case IH 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, rubber packer wheel, SS, no cart. Stock #56487.......... ...................................................... $52,000 (11) 2004 John Deere 1820 51-ft., 7.5” spacing, 8-run double shoot, 1910 TBT cart. Stock #57861...... ......................................................... $50,000(1) 2006 John Deere 1820/1910 61-ft., 12” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, SS, 1910 TBT cart. Stock #56361.......................................... $50,000 (12) Concord 3400 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, single shoot. Stock #57862....................... $20,000 (1) 2011 John Deere 1770NT 16 row corn planter, 30” spacing, precision planting, E-sets. Stock #57257.......................................... $95,000 (14) 2006 Aerway AW2000 20-ft. rotary spike tooth aerator, folding wings, rear hitch kit. Stock #57729.......................................... $17,900 (15) 2009 Summers Ultimate pull-type sprayer, 100ft. booms with windscreens, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #15568.................................. $30,000 (3)

FlexiCoil 67XL suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, rinse tank. Stock #56815....................... $13,500 (11) 2007 Summers 1500 90-ft. pull-type sprayer, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #17842.... $26,000 (12) 1995 Ford L9000 truck, 10 speed transmission, hyd. wet kit, 6000 gallon stainless tank. Stock #53460............................................ $42,250 (1) 2014 PJ T6202 21-ft. tilt bed trailer, tilts at 17-ft., ball hitch, wood deck, dual axles, less than 500 miles. Stock #58244......................... $6500 (14) 2012 Case 580 Super N backhoe loader, 97 hp, cab, air, heat, 4WD. Stock #59241.................... ......................................................$72,500 (15) Kelly 56 3-pt. mount backhoe attachment, 24” bucket. Stock #51779....................... $6950 (16) Westfield W130-71 13”x71-ft. auger, 540 PTO drive, like new. Stock #52277.......... $12,900 (2) Mayrath grain auger, PTO. Stock #15260.............. ............................................................. $500 (3) John Deere 770CH motor grader w/14-ft. blade, tall cab, 14.00 tires, rippers/scarifier. Stock #57705............................................ $67,500 (1) 2012 Shaver HD-10 skid steer mount post pounder. Stock #59626................................ $2500 (1) PH6 3 point post hole digger, 540 PTO, 6” bit & 12” bit. Stock #59517............................... $650 (16) 2016 John Deere X570 lawn tractor w/48” deck, mulch control kit, front bumper, seat cover. Stock #58204................................... $6000 (15) 2005 John Deere 1435 commercial front mower, 72” mower width. Stock #59026.......$7500 (15) Snapper 28” rear engine mower, 10 hp, 28” cut. Stock #54784..................................... $450 (14) Edwards rod weeder, 30-ft. 16 shanks. Stock #58897............................................. $6000 (11) 2017 Frontier WC1103 wood chipper, Cat 1, 540 PTO, 25x18 in hopper opening. Stock #59515... ......................................................... $3500 (15) Spin Spreader 3 point, 300 lb. capacity, 540 PTO drive. Stock #59518............................ $350 (16) John Deere 47 47” snowblower, fits JD X500 series mowers, weights and chains. Stock #56045............................................. $1200 (15) John Deere 46” snow blade, fits and L100 series or a 2015 or earlier D100 series. Stock #59237...............................................$400 (14) Anbo blade that has been modified to fit an older John Deere loader. Stock #57931...................... ......................................................... $2500 (15) Misc. Adaptor go from a JD 300/400 compact loader to a skid steer attachment, never been used. Stock #58932........................... $500 (16) 2012 John Deere BA84 84” angle broom. Stock #58994.............................................$5500 (16)


2014 John Deere 640D Includes JD pea auger & slow speed transport, poly tine p/u reel, hyd fore & aft, single point hookup. Stock # 55775..........................................$64,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 640D poly tine p/u reel, road transport, well maintained. Stock # 47348.... ..................................................$59,000 (14) 2012 John Deere 640D road transport w/lights, poly tine p/u reel. Stock # 52042.$55,000 (3) 2001 John Deere 936D Poly tine p/u reel, Fore & aft reel control, Road transport w/lights, Multi Connection Point Hookup. Stock # 54968 .......................................$21,000 (12) 2011 John Deere 635D NO TRANSPORT, has dual zone float, poly tine p/u reel, cutter bar w/full width skid shoes. Stock # 47588.......... ..................................................$39,000 (11) 2009 John Deere 635D slow speed transport, pickup reel. Stock # 54831........$38,000 (12) 2014 John Deere 635F flexible platform, auger w/full width fingers, comes w/trailer. Stock # 56735........................................$39,000 (12) 2013 John Deere 635FD 35-ft. flexible draper, header height sensor in rigid mode. Stock # 58531..........................................$69,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 615P steel auger fingers, single point adapter. STOCK # 51446................ ..................................................$23,000 (14)


2013 Brandt 13x110-ft. auger. Stock #58949.... ....................................................$25,050 (2) Brandt 10x80 auger, manual winch & swing hopper. Stock #58726....................$9900 (3) 2012 Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #55356..... ..................................................$13,000 (12) Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #56295.............. .....................................................$8500 (12) Sakundiak HD8-1800 8”x60-ft. auger. Stock #55150.........................................$4800 (12) Westfield 10”x31-ft. loadout auger, 540 PTO, like new condition. Stock #57468...$5400 (1) Degelman 800 800 bushel grain cart, large 1000 PTO, Shur-Lok tarp. Stock #56846....... ..................................................$19,500 (14) 2008 Brandt drive over conveyor pit, hydraulic drive. Stock #58051......................$8900 (14) Brandt 20” drive-over deck, hydraulic drive, single tube, no mover. Stock #58725..$9500 (3) Unverferth 771 770 bushel grain cart with tarp. Stock #58749..............................$15,500 (3)

– – – – – USED SEEDING – – – – –

2012 John Deere 1890 50-ft., 10” spacing, 350 bushel TBT ground driven cart, all run blockage, single shoot. Stock #59043.... CALL (3) 2014 John Deere 1830 60-ft, 12” spacing, SS, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #57126................................$143,000 (2) 2013 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 4” steel press wheels, primary blockage, 550 bu. cart. Stock #56115........................$146,000 (1) 2005 John Deere 1820 59-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, TBT cart, all run blockage. Stock #56851............................................$40,000 (3) 1998 Bourgault 4250 40-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 250 bushel TBH cart, 8” auger, 1” carbide tips, steel press wheels. Stock #57186...........$22,500 (1) 2012 Case IH Precision 800 60-ft., 12” spacing, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, variable rate, 10” auger. Stock #56800.....$105,000 (14) 2009 Case IH 700 70-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3430 TBT, duals, primary blockage. Stock #52199..................................$99,000 (1) 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft., 12” spacing, 4” steel press wheels. Stock #59183................. ..................................................$19,000 (14)

2014 Morris Maxim II 60-ft., 10” spacing, 1” Carbide tips, Ag Tron Pri Bkg, 450 TBT cart w/10” auger. Stock #58850.....................$99,500 (14) 2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, independent arm drill, 445 cart, primary blockage. Stock #55622..............................$119,900 (14) 2005 New Holland SD440A 42-ft., 12” spacing, SS, 3” packer wheels, 1 openers, 230 bushel cart, primary blockage . Stock #58690.............. ........................................................$46,250 (3) 2011 Seedhawk 6612 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 500 bu. TBH variable rate cart, 2500 gallon liquid TBT fertilizer cart. Stock #58822........ ......................................................$149,000 (1) 1991 John Deere 7200 Stock #56060.................. ......................................................$15,000 (15) 1998 Flexi-Coil 2320 230 bu. tow between cart, ground drive, single shoot, 6 run, 7” auger. Stock #58265...................................$8500 (14) 1997 Flexi-Coil 3450 350 bu. TBT cart ONLY, hydraulic drive, double shoot, 10” auger w/hydraulic mover. Stock #58816.........$25,000 (14) 1999 Flexi-Coil 7500 slim drill, no blockage, 4” steel press wheels. Stock #58783....$8000 (14)

1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741

11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150



2017 John Deere S680 combine, PowerCast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, lateral tilt fixed speed feederhouse, power folding covers. Stock #59190............................$392,500 (1) 2016 John Deere S680 combine, PowerCast TB, power folding grain tank exts, 520/85R42 duals, 2630 w/SF1 activation & SF3000 receiver. Stock #56412...............$385,000 (14) 2016 John Deere S680 280 engine/210 seperator hours, full GPS w/activations, prem residue, ProDrive transmission, extended warranty. Stock #57330...................$402,500 (1) 2015 John Deere S680 917 engine/633 seperator hours, ProDrive, Powergold grain tank, Premium residue, tri-steam rotor. Stock #58978......................................$314,900 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 Contour Master, ProDrive, Goodyear Duals. Stock #56419.......... ................................................$297,500 (14) 2014 John Deere S680 600/877.8 hrs. Stock #55789......................................$315,000 (1) 2013 John Deere S680 Stock #55797.............. ..................................................$277,000 (1) 2012 John Deere S680 1048/653 hours, ProDrive transmission, Contour Master, Powercast tailboard. Stock #54026...$226,000 (11) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, level land feeder house, 26-ft. unload auger, 3 speed transmission, manual TB. Stock #59227....... ..................................................$205,000 (2) 2014 John Deere S670 1563 engine/1220 seperator hours, PRWD, complete Autotrac system, CM w/variable speed feederhouse. Stock #58843............................$198,500 (1) 2013 John Deere S670 1124 engine/814 seperator hours, Pro Drive transmission, PowerCast tailboard, Contour Master w/variable speed drive. Stock #57238. Lease this machine for...$110/ENG hour (14) 2015 John Deere S670 640 engine hours, tristream extended wear rotor, manual adjust tailboard. Stock #56699.............$277,500 (1) 2015 John Deere S670 644 engine hours, manual adjust tailboard, Premium cab, HID lights. Stock #56700..................$277,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S670 Stock #55771.............. ..................................................$304,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 9770 1953 eng/1564 sep hours, ext wear grain handling, large wire concave, Powercast tailboard. Stock #58683. ..................................................$145,000 (3) 2007 John Deere 9760 lateral tilt feederhouse, CM, 22.5-ft. unload auger, hydraulic fore & aft reel. Stock #59000..................$107,000 (12) 2004 John Deere 9760 3977 engine/2769 seperator hours, CM, heavy duty final drive, fine cut chopper w/chaff spreader, premium hydraulic control package. Stock #58809...... ..................................................$79,500 (15) 2001 John Deere 9750 2755 engine/1960 seperator hours, 20-ft. unload auger, twin disk spreader w/chaff spreader, duals. Stock #58901........................................$68,900 (1) 1998 John Deere 9610 combine, 4624/3249 hrs., chopper, 20-ft. unload auger, hyd. fore & aft reel control. Stock #57251..$45,000 (3) 1999 John Deere 9610 chopper, 1 gallon header accumulator, hydraulic fore & aft reel, chaff spreader. Stock #58854..............$37,000 (3) 1999 John Deere 9610 20-ft. unload auger, dial-a-speed header control, hydraulic fore & aft reel, 30.5x32 fronts. Stock #58855........... ....................................................$37,000 (3) 2001 John Deere 9550 3401 eng/2151 sep hours, duals, lateral tilt feederhouse, narrow fin radiator, Contour Master, HD variable speed feederhouse, general purpose multistep straw walker. Stock #58472.$66,000 (3) 1990 John Deere 9500 2WD, chopper, 25ft. Mac Don header, chaff spreader. Stock #58713......................................$26,000 (12) 2012 Case IH 8230 1290 eng/961 sep hours, lateral tilt feederhouse, duals. Stock #58485. ................................................$252,900 (11) 2000 Case IH 2388 2958 eng/2415 sep hours, spreader, yield & moisture monitor, rock trap, straw spreader. Stock #58535...$55,900 (12)


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C29







2015 John Deere 569 netwrap/twine, 21.5L16.1 tires, hydraulic pickup, 1000 PTO, vari2015 John Deere W235 16-ft. hay head, preable core valve. Stock #57677... $37,500 (12) mium cab, turnkey GPS, extended warranty thru 6/2020 or 1250 hours. Stock #59576...... 2015 John Deere 569 twine/net, 2181 bales. Stock #54165.............................. $47,725 (1) ................................................ $132,900 (15) 2014 John Deere 569 Premium features, 4500 2014 John Deere W235 995 head w/V10 steel bales, twine/net. Stock #52214.. $42,000 (11) conditioner, standard cab w/touch screen 2013 John Deere 569 net wrap, hyd pickup lift. display, 536 engine hours. Stock #59709....... Stock #55177............................ $37,800 (12) .........................................................Call (11) 2013 John Deere 569 MegaWide pickup, both 2014 John Deere W235 windrower, 16-ft. rotary twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push header, warranty through June 2019 or 1250 bar, hydraulic pickup lift. Stock #59619.......... hours. Stock #52212................ $132,000 (16) .................................................... $33,000 (1) 2014 John Deere W235 16-ft. hay head, 2013 John Deere 569 hydraulic pickup lift, steel conditioner, low hours, cab with air, net & twine, bale push bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires, 480x80R38 bar tires. Stock #58823............... 1000 PTO. Stock #59618............ $30,500 (1) ................................................ $129,000 (12) 2012 John Deere 568 Twine and net wrap, 2015 John Deere W150 windrower, HID lighting, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, push turnkey GPS. Stock #53584........$112,750 (1) bar. Stock #58209..................... $30,000 (11) 2014 John Deere W150 windrower, 16-ft. hay 2012 John Deere 568 MegaWide pickup, twine/ head. Stock #55576.................. $93,000 (11) net wrap, push bar, flotation tires, hydraulic 2012 John Deere D450 windrower, includes pickup lift, 1000 PTO. Stock #57372............... 635D w/triple delivery, turnkey GPS. Stock .................................................. $32,500 (11) #53379.................................... $101,000 (11) 2010 John Deere 568 MegaWide pickup, twine 2012 John Deere 946 13-ft. cutting width, 1000 and net wrap, 1000 PTO, pickup lift, variable PTO, impeller conditioner, hydraulic tilt concore valve. Stock #59240.......... $24,900 (15) trols, Clevis hitch. Stock #57700... $25,500 (12) 2010 John Deere 568 twine/wrap, push bar, 2010 John Deere 946 tri-lobe conditioner, hyMegaWide, big tires, 14,875 bales. Stock draulic header tilt. Stock #59713.. $23,900 (15) #58580...................................... $24,500 (16) 2002 John Deere 926 Upper flail conditioner, 2010 John Deere 568 twine/wrap, MegaWide header tilt, 540 PTO, rear powerline w/doupickup, hydraulic pickup lift, flotation tires, ble CV joint. Stock #58149............. $8950 (2) push bar. Stock #58443............. $24,500 (11) 2001 John Deere 926 12.5L-15 tires, impeller 2009 John Deere 568 MegaWide, 540 PTO, conditioner. Stock #58775.............. $8900 (1) twine/wrap, push bar, new belts last year, big 2009 John Deere 630 9.75-ft. cut width, side tires. Stock #58506..................$22,500 (16) ) pull, hydraulic tilt control, Impeller condition- 2007 John Deere 568 twine/net wrap, MegaWer, 540 PTO. Stock #59720....... $12,900 (16) ide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, push bar, 2014 John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transsmall tires, 1000 PTO. Stock #58453............. port. Stock #53589...................... $57,500 (2) $26,400 (11) 2013 John Deere 435D 35-ft. draper head, single knife, pickup reel, transport. Stock #59329........................................ $32,500 (3) 2009 John Deere 4495 14.5 ft. hay head, tri- 2016 Morris 5000VE big square bale handler, bale claw 5000VE. Stock #59729.$4900 (12) lobe conditioner, button tires. Stock #59724... .................................................. $67,900 (15) 2009 Bale King 3100HD 1000 PTO, right side delivery, hydraulic deflector. Stock #57274..... 2000 John Deere 3950 pull-type forage har.................................................. $11,400 (12) vester, short tongue, hydraulic wagon hitch, 2001 Bale King BK2000 left hand discharge, 24” horizontal spout ext., 1000 PTO. Stock 1000 PTO, manual lift on discharge. Stock #58868........................................... $5200 (1) #57471......................................... $7500 (12) 1994 Case IH 8820 25-ft. MacDon 972 draper header, no conditioner, cab, air, radio. Stock 1980 New Holland 1069 self-propelled bale wagon, 160 bale capacity, new transmission #59528........................................ $11,750 (1) and chains summer 2015. Stock #57465....... 1980 Hesston 6450 open station, 12-ft. head, .................................................... $28,900 (2) gas, steel cond. Stock #50334...... $6950 (16) Hesston 6550 14-ft. hay head, steel-on-steel conditioner, cab with air. Stock #58560.......... ..................................................... $9500 (14) 2013 MacDon M205 18-ft. hay head & 35-ft. triple delivery draper head, steel conditioner. Stock #59238..........................$124,000 (12) 2012 MacDon M205 16-ft. rotary head, steel conditioner, 841 engine hours. Stock #58660...................................... $95,000 (11) 2012 MacDon M155 windrower, triple delivery, full AutoSteer, double knife drive, 35-ft. header. Stock #55535....................... $112,500 (1) 2010 MacDon M150 16-ft. auger hay head, steel conditioner, reverser kit, header tilt Stock #59689............................ $66,500 (12) 2014 New Holland Speedrower 240 16-ft. rotary head, rubber/urethane conditioner. Stock #58771.......................... $102,500 (15) 2010 New Holland H8040 windrower, 12-ft. sickle, 1710 hr. Stock #55097.... $58,000 (11) 2008 New Holland 1431 13-ft. discbine, rubber roll conditioner, 2 point hookup, 1000 PTO. Stock #59745............................ $13,900 (16) 1999 New Holland 1475 14-ft. cut width, center pivot, rubber roll conditioner, 1000 PTO. Stock #58274............................... $8500 (16) New Holland 1114 windrower, 14-ft. header, gas engine. Stock #46104............ $9619 (12) New Holland 1100 windrower, diesel, 21-ft. draper. Stock #47073................... $9500 (16) 2002 New Holland HW340 15-ft. rotary head 1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 with urethane rolls. Stock #59044................. 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 ....................................................$34,750 (3) 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741

2001 John Deere 567 540 PTO, net & twine, MegaWide pickup, push bar, hydraulic pickup, variable core valve, moisture kit. Stock #59726...................................... $16,700 (12) 2000 John Deere 566 1000 PTO, net & twine, MegaWide pickup, push bar, LH & RH gauge wheels. Stock #59757................. $11,250 (1) 1994 John Deere 535 1000 PTO, net & twine, 31x13.5 tires, push bar, LH/RH pickup gauge wheels. Stock #59643.................... $6750 (1) 2016 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 bale size, ISO compatible (no monitor), bale eject, bale chute rollers. Stock #59671..... $104,500 (15) 2014 Massey Ferguson 2956A 540 PTO, net & twine, 5-ft. bale, bale kicker, 21.5L-16.1 tires with suspended axle, monitor. Stock #59460. .................................................. $34,900 (12) 2004 New Holland 688 twine & net wrap. Stock #58849........................................... $6400 (1) 1993 New Holland 660 twine only, 1000 PTO, regular pickup, brand new belts. Stock #58281........................................... $3900 (3) 2015 John Deere L340 3x4 square baler, tandem axle. Stock #54581.......... $115,000 (14) 1998 John Deere 100 3x3 square baler, knotter fan, tandem axle, last bale ejector. Stock #59510...................................... $18,500 (14) 2013 Krone BP1290 3x4 bale size, 1000 PTO, tandem axle, hydraulic roller chute, scale, high density. Stock #59728........ $94,500 (12) 2009 Krone 12130 big pack square baler, 92” pickup width, 47x51 bale size. Stock #57368. .................................................. $65,000 (12) 2008 Hesston 7433 3x3 big squares, knotter fan, tandem axle. Stock #58090.$50,500 (12)


New Holland 175 hydraulic drive, hydraulic bale lift, 31x13.5-15 tires. Stock #59762........ ..................................................... $2900 (16) Hoelscher 1040 universal fit, large square bale accumulator, control box, castor wheels. Stock #57603................................. $1650 (1) Haybuster 2620 round bale processor, 1000 PTO. Stock #17825...................... $9250 (12) 2006 New Holland 216 24-ft. reach, hydraulic drive, twin rake. Stock #58614... $11,900 (15) Befco 10 wheel rake, 3 pt. Stock #58566........... ..................................................... $2250 (12)


11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010

2017 John Deere R4045 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, full boom breakaway, boom leveling. Stock #59760............................$377,500 (1) 2017 John Deere R4045 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, stainless steel tank, hyraulic tread adjust. Stock #59761.................$369,900 (1) 2016 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle spacing, hydr. tread adj., traction control, full boom breakaway. Stock #57511....... ..................................................$335,000 (1) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft., auto boom level, traction control, section control. Stock #52272......................................$306,000 (3) 2015 John Deere R4038, 120-ft. booms, Premium cab, auto solution command system, Boomtrac leveling. Stock #55884.................. $269,000 (1) 2015 John Deere R4038 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56047......... ................................................$259,900 (15) 2015 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56046......... ................................................$258,900 (15) 2014 John Deere 4940 120-ft. booms, hydraulic tread adjust, 20” spacing, Boomtrac Pro-5 leveling. Stock #59555....................... Call (1) 2014 John Deere 4940 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank. Stock #59598..........................$237,500 (14) 2005 John Deere 4720 90-ft. 20” spacing, SS tank & booms, hyd. thread adjust, fence row nozzles, eductor, 5 section, foam marker. Stock #57184..............................$91,000 (1) 2000 John Deere 4700 90-ft. booms, poly tank, EZ Guide 250, EZ Steer, fenders, 480/80R38 tires, foam marker. Stock #57703...$58,900 (1) 2009 John Deere 4830, 100-ft., 20” spacing, stainless tank, 420/80R46 tires. Stock #53380....................................$138,325 (12) 2013 Agco 7660 90-ft. boom, 20” spacing, 600 gallon poly tank. Stock #55822.$84,900 (14) 2001 Summers NT 110-ft. booms, Raven control, nice. Stock #56706...............$11,500 (1) 2007 Summers 60 pickup sprayer, 500 gallon tank, hydraulic tip lift, Raven 440 AutoRate, Outback S-lite. Stock #58356.........$7950 (1) 2001 FlexiCoil 67XLT 1500 gallon, 90-ft. booms, Greenstar rate controller, new tires, new tank. Stock #56746.................$9500 (1) 1994 Flexi-Coil 65XL 100-ft. wheel boom, 1500 gallon tank, hydraulic pump. Stock #58277... .....................................................$4000 (12) 2000 Miller Nitro 275 100-ft. booms, 20” spacing, stainless tank, front booms, hyd tread adjust, 1200 gallon tank. Stock #579715...... ....................................................$54,900 (1) 2009 New Holland S1070 90-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoRate and Auto Height Stock #58091...................$15,500 (2)

14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C30

TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • • TTT

New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand



1971 King 5-ft.x16-ft. stock trailer .................................... $1500

2015 Sundowner 3-horse slant with living quarters, never used. New: $28,995 ................................................................... NOW: $19,995

5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295

Ponderosa 6-ft.x16-ft. bumper pull ............................. $2000

1995 Diamond D 20-ft. stock trailer ...................................................$4000

2 horse bumper pull ..............$1400

2012 Sportclub 14-ft. utility trailer.................................$1000


A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t

2013 Utility 6-ft.x8-ft. trailer......... .......................................$900

1990 Kiefer Built 27.5-ft. x 24-ft. aluminum stock trailer, 8000 lb. axle $. 7000

Donohue 16-ft. 7x16 goosneck stocktrailer ................................$3500

Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.

Large Trailer Parts Inventory

2016 Diamond C HD 20-ft. skid steer trailer, like new....$4500

• Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs • Bearings & seals • Jacks • Etc.


New Diamond C car haulers

2007 PJ 25-ft., 2-7000 lb. axles, beavertail................................. $4200

3500, 5200 & 7000# axles

DCT 18-ft. with 2-7000 lb. axles... .....................................$2500

16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK


3-point Bale Unroller

Includes cylinder and hoses.




8x8 snowmobile trailer.........$500 20-ft. flatbed with 4-ft. beavertail and ramps, treadplate floor, triple axle, 7000 lb.................................................................................. $5500

1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20ton equipment trailer...... $8500

2007 ABU 22-ft. flatbed with 5-ft. beavertail and 2-10,000 lb. axles........$5900 Michigan 85 4 yard loader.......... .................................$15,000

1991 Load King 20-ton equipment trailer, 19-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail.. ..........................................$6995

1979 Ford LN9000 20-ft. aluminum grain box, and hoist, Detroit 9 speed................................................................................. $15,000 1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail..$8500

Skidsteer pallet forks 42” .......................................$555

1989 Ford F250 super cab, flatbed, with Western snowplow.....$6500

Caterpillar V-100 forklift, 10,000 lb.............................. $10,000


2014 Kaufman tandem dual, 18-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail, electric brakes, 10,000 lb. axle............................................................................................. $6500

Give us a call about any of our trailers or let us find what you need!

Your Local HydraBed Dealer 2007 Fontaine 48-ft. step deck.................. $20,000

2003 Ranco 40-ft. double gate, bottom dump trailer................................................ $17,500

2006 Wilson 8.5-ft. x 53-ft. drop deck trailers......... ..................................................................$21,000 8x45-ft. drop deck, tail roll...........................$8500

Triple T Sales Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •

* Prices subject to stock on hand

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C31



New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.......................................................................................................$10,995 New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package..............................................................................................................$9995


(2) Diamond C 25-ft. partial tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box................................. $7595 Diamond C 24-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box............ $8995 Hillsboro 23.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $7595


Diamond C 24-ft. full power tilt deck-over, (2) 7,000 lb. axles............................... $7995 Diamond C 22-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $6495 Hillsboro 21.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $6595

G ll steel flatbeds

New Hillsboro aluminum 7.5-ft. x 26-ft., 2 sliding center gates - front is adjustable large escape side door for 4-wheelers, 14 ply tires. .......................................$21,000 New Hillsboro aluminum 6.8-ft. x 20-ft., 1 sliding center gate............................$16,500


Diamond C 32-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame, torque tube............................................................................. $11,895 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 3 piece folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks................................................................................................................... $9695 Diamond C 30-ft. (3) 7,000 lb. spring axle, 2 piece beavertail, bridged frame, tool box, dual jacks........................................................................................................... $9895 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9995 Diamond C 28-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame. . ...................................................................................................................... $10,595 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9695 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 3 piece beavertail... . ......................................................................................................................... $7595


New 18’x83” heavy duty car hauler, wrap tongue, 6” channel frame, brakes on two axles, 7000 lb. axles....................................................................................................$4495 New 18’x83” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes on two axles, ramps, 5200 lb. axles....................................................................................................$4095

New Circle D pickup flatbeds

Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1450 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1450 71/2x9..............................................................$1520 8x9..................................................................$1850 8x11................................................................$2150

PRONGHORN UTILITY Stop in or call for more info.



New Diamond C 14-ft. gooseneck...............$9495 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull with tarp.$8495 New Diamond C 12-ft.x77” bumper pull with 5200 lb. axles.....................................................$5995 New Travalong 16-ft. gooseneck, triple axle........... ...............................................................$13,000 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck..............$10,895 New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull................$9895

4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats Each.....$65

Triple T Sales

Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166

Chinook, MT

Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook

• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •



Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C32

We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.

TRITICALE HAY FOR SALE 140-ton, round bales, net wrap.

Phone 406-279-3504 or 460-0489, Valier, MT

Hay & Flatbed Hauling Ty Aaberg cell - (406) 590-1572 Conrad, MT 59425


John Deere Model A (Serial #545703) Good condition, stored inside, new rear tires. Running condition, good sheet metal. Also included, JD #5 mower, Farmhand hay stacker with gravel bucket. All attachments came with tractor. Asking.... $3000 Case LA (Serial #4917661 LA) Running condition, electric start, stored inside. Asking.......... ......................$2000 Phone 406-567-2253 Denton, MT email: rbarber@

DRIVELINE SERVICE Spicer Driveline Components


* Complete new driveline assembly * Repair and Rebuild Trucks - Tractors - Automotive

MODERN MACHINING FACILITY * Largest Full Service CNC Machine Shop in Central Montana * CNC Machining with Production and Prototype Capabilities * Custom Machine Work * Gear Cutting * Internal Keyway Cutting

COMPLETE FABRICATION FACILITY Custom Angle Pipe, flatbar and tube rolling capabilites * CNC Plasma Cutting * Brake, Shear and Roll Work * Specialty Fabrication * Stainless Steel, Aluminum and Mild Steel * Welding * Design Capabilities * Conveyor Design & Manufacturing TOLL FREE: 800-227-2203

427 Second Street South Great Falls, MT 406-727-2203

Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday

Corn harvest, drying, storage challenging this year

By NDSU Extension Service Wildlife can puncture the bags, creating Each year brings challenges for crop an entrance for moisture and releasing the production, and this year’s drought and cool grain smell, which attracts more wildlife. August will have a big impact on North Monitor the grain temperature at several Dakota’s corn production, North Dakota locations in the bags and repair punctured State University (NDSU) Extension Service bags. grain drying expert Ken Hellevang warns. Corn Drying Much of eastern North Dakota is 100 to “Corn above 21 percent moisture should 200 growing degree-days behind normal, not be dried using natural-air (NA) or lowaccording to the North Dakota Agricultural temperature (LT) drying to minimize corn Weather Network. This is reflected in the spoilage during drying,” Hellevang says. National Agricultural Statistics Service crop “Because the drying capacity of NA and LT production report showing that on October is extremely poor at temperatures below 35 1, only 47 percent of the corn was mature, to 40 degrees, little drying typically is poswhich is behind the average of 67 percent. sible using a natural-air system after about As of October 1, only 17 percent of November 1. the U.S. corn crop had been harvested, “Adding heat does not permit drying compared with a 26 percent five-year averwetter corn and only slightly increases dryage. The U.S. Department of Agriculture ing speed,” he adds. “The primary effect estimates that 68 percent of the U.S. corn of adding heat is to reduce the final corn crop is in the mature stage, compared with moisture content.” a five-year average of 78 percent. When outdoor temperatures average near Fall Dry-down or below freezing, cool the corn to 20 to 25 An average dry-down rate for corn in degrees for winter storage and finish drying North Dakota during October is about 2.5 in April to early May. Limit the corn depth percent per week, so if corn reaches matuto about 20 to 22 feet to obtain an airflow rity at about 30 to 35 percent moisture on rate of 1 to 1.25 cubic feet per minute per October 1, it might be expected to be at bushel, which is necessary to dry the corn least 20 to 25 percent moisture at the end before deterioration occurs. Turn fans off of October. The average dry-down rate in during extended periods of rain, snow or November is only about 1 percent per week. fog to minimize the amount of moisture the Normally, harvest should start by mid to fans pull into the bin. late October because the amount of field Using the maximum drying temperature drying is limited and the risk of snow and that will not damage the corn increases the greater field losses increases when harvest dryer capacity and reduces energy consumpis delayed. Current National Oceanic and tion of a high-temperature dryer. Removing Atmospheric Administration long-range a pound of water requires about 20 percent weather forecasts are for normal or slightly less energy at a drying air temperature of below normal temperatures and normal to 200 F than at 150 F. Follow the dryer manuslightly greater precipitation during Octofacturer’s recommendations, but generally, ber. recommended temperatures when drying “Assure corn stalks and cob shanks are corn are 210 to 230 F. strong if considering leaving high-moisture “Be aware that excessively high drying corn in the field over winter,” Hellevang temperatures may result in a lower final test advises. “Field losses can range from minor weight and increased breakage susceptibilto severe. Compare the cost of drying versus ity,” Hellevang says. “In addition, as the losses associated with leaving the corn in drying time increases, high-moisture corn the field. In addition, standing corn tends to becomes more susceptible to browning. A slow soil drying in the spring, which may cross-flow dryer that moves corn from the delay planting.” inside to the outside of the drying column, To estimate the propane cost of drying varies the corn flow rate across the drying per bushel per point of moisture removed, column or varies the corn’s exposure to the multiply the propane price per gallon by drying air is more likely to maintain corn 0.02. For example, the cost to remove 10 quality.” points of moisture using $1.50 propane is Removing debris that accumulates on or 30 cents per bushel. Dividing the propane in a dryer is more critical when outside air cost by the corn price provides the percenttemperatures are cold because condensaage of corn losses that will equal the drying tion can develop on the dryer, creating a cost (30 cents divided by $3.50 equals 9 wet surface on which debris can collect. percent). Also, verify the impact on insurThe debris may reduce airflow through the ance of leaving the corn in the field. dryer, decreasing the dryer’s capacity and Storage Methods creating a fire hazard. With so much grain still in storage from More mechanical damage occurs when last year, producers may be considering harvesting high-moisture corn, which afalternative storage options. Storage in a fects the storage life of the corn. Dry lowpoly bag is a good option, but it does not test-weight corn and corn with more damprevent mold growth or insect infestations. aged kernels to a percentage point lower in Grain should be dry, at recommended stormoisture content than normal. Cooling the age moisture contents, when placed in a grain in storage to about 20 to 25 degrees grain bag. for winter storage in northern corn-growing Storing higher-moisture corn in a bag regions and near freezing in warmer regions should be considered very short-term storis more important for damaged corn than for age and done only at near-freezing temmature, sound corn. peratures. At moisture contents exceeding Check immature and damaged grain more about 25 percent, ensiling may occur at frequently, and do not put immature or damtemperatures above freezing and prevent aged corn in long-term storage. the corn from being dried and sold in the “Also remember that working with highgeneral market. moisture corn can be hazardous,” Hellevang When storing in bags, select an elevated, cautions. “Become informed of the hazards well-drained location with the surface and recommended safety practices. Do not prepared to prevent the bags from being become a fatality.” punctured, and run the bags north and south For more information, do an internet so solar heating is similar on both sides of search for NDSU corn drying. the bags.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C33


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2013 Miller Condor GC-75

1300 hours, 1200 gallon SS tank, 100-ft. Mono-boom, hydraulic front wheel assist, Raven Envisio Pro, Smart Trac, Raven boom height, 2 sets of tires. Very Sharp and like New...... $205,000

2016 Apache 1220 PLUS 2

800 hours, 1200 gallon tank, 132-ft. Pommier boom, 2 sets of tires, Trimble FMX, Raven boom height, leather, every option. Like new...................................................................$230,000

2011 International 7400/Sprayflex Truck Sprayer

335 hp Navistar, Allison automatic, deluxe cab, 2000 gallon SS tank, 124-ft. boom, 650 rear tires, Trimble 750 GPS

..............................................................$150,000 2007 Case IH SRX 1600

with 134-ft. wheel boom, 480 tires, 4 boom sections. Very clean, no welds. READY TO SPRAY................................. $16,000!!


350-hp Cummins, exhaust brake, Allison automatic, durst transfer case, Meritor planetary axles, Front and Rear differential lock, 710/42 tires, deluxe Crenlo cab, 2000 SS deep sump tank, Choice of Booms: Width, Wilger SS boom plumbing, welded SS spray plumb, SS spray pump, ind cone, Raven Viper 4, hydraulic Smart Trax, Accu-boom, Ultra Guide boom height, Raven Hawkeye.

2013 International 7400/Sprayflex Truck Sprayer

335 hp Navistar, Allison automatic, duals, Sprayflex 2000 gallon SS tank, 120-ft. boom, Outback GPS with section control and hydraulic steering, Greentronics boom height. ......................................................................... $150,000

CNH pull-type sprayer, 1600 gallon, 100-ft. suspended boom, NICE..........................................$20,000 1998 International 4900 New 1500 gallon tank and plumbing, 100-ft. boom, row crop tires, hydraulic steering, Trimble FMX, Field IQ, EZ Pilot........$70,000

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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C34

RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones – 406-544-4766, cell

44,000 bushels storage at Cut Bank, MT

• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Schlagel • Complete millwright and concrete service • Bin roof repairs or replacement • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington

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thankful for you. As we count our blessings this Thanksgiving, our appreciation extends to you. You make us who we are, and we are so thankful for all you do. We wish you and your family a day filled with happiness, gratitude and laughter. Happy Thanksgiving!


2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. Coming in on trade. John Deere 737 40-ft. drill w/787 cart. Very nice! 2012 New Holland 7090 combine, low hours, very nice condition 2016 Shelbourne Reynolds Model XCV36 stripper header. 2008 J&M 1000 bushel grain cart, scale and tarp, very nice.

Denley Loge was recently recognized by the Mineral Conservation District and NRCS for his 16 years of service on the Board of Supervisors. Denley retired from the Conservation District late last year, following his election to Montana House of Representatives - where he represents Mineral county in HD 14. Denley is actively engaged in ranching and many other activities near St. Regis, and throughout Western Montana - and proudly carries on the conservation-minded ethics that his parents instilled in him (his father Maynard also served on the CD board for over 30 years). Also pictures with Denley are Jim Lommen, Mineral CD Chair (at right), and Roger Hearst, CD member for the past 21 years (on the left).

November is Peanut Butter Lovers' Month

Peanut Butter, that strange thick rich concoction of a humble legume. It appears in candy’s, in sandwiches, and even in rich savory dishes in the form of a sauce. There’s crunchy peanut butter and creamy peanut butter, and peanut butter that comes premixed with honey. Rich and full of protein, it’s also favored by body builders, hikers, and health nuts alike. November is Peanut Butter Lover’s Month, so get ready for an entire month of Peanut Buttery Madness! History of Peanut Butter Month You can’t talk about the history of Peanut Butter Month without talking about the history of peanut butter, and by extension, peanuts. Peanuts are a legume that originates in South America, and has been domesticated for 7600 years. Can’t be surprised that a little legume (not a nut!) that’s been Call for more around for so long has proven to be so incredibly popular the world round. information. While the origins of peanut butter can be traced back to NOW AVAILABLE: the Aztecs and Incans, the modern history of it starts in 1884, when it was patented by a chemist by the name of Edson. His whole purpose in developing it was to ensure that those who had issue chewing hard foods would be able to have a delicious way to get the nutrition they needed. Since then they’ve exploded onto the culinary scene in every possible permutation, and can be found in some variation in some form in every meal. In 1995 Peanut Butter Lovers month came into existence and has been celebrated ever since in a month-long peanut buttery bacchanal! How to Celebrate Peanut Butter Lovers Month Considering how flexible peanut butter is as an ingredient, Peanut Butter Lovers Month is your opportunity to start putting more of this fantastic legume into your meals. Every day you can add in one peanut butter themed meal into your diet. Whether it’s a simple Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich for lunch, or a savory and delicious pad thai, there’s tons of ways for you to incorporate it. Perhaps the best way to make this a fun and social event, is to get friends and family together every week with their best and most cre2322 River Drive North, ative peanut butter recipes. Great Falls, MT (406) 761-8195 You’d be amazed at exactly DEALER LOGO Billings, MT (406) 248-4418 what you can come up with, Address | Phone NumberPowell, | Website WY (307) 754-7204 suggested font: Bismarck, Arial and just how many different ND (701) 222-4700 Wadena, MN (218) 631-9271 types of meals there are that CA1082 it can be included in.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C35


Get the most out of the hay that you have! • Used 2013 BPX9000, square bale kit, 3 remotes, float tires • Haybuster 256+2 Bale Processor

Go to to see ALL of our inventory, more photos and special deals. USED WINDROWERS AND SWATHERS

*2004 MacDon HW320 14-ft. auger header, double knife 2008 MacDon M200 windrower w/2014 R85 rotary header 2014 MacDon M205 windrower, auger and rotary headers available 1994 MacDon 9000 14-ft. 920 header 1995 MacDon 9000 14-ft. 920 header 2006 Challenger SP115 36-ft. draper MacDon 5020 16-ft, swing tongue w/conditioner Hesston 1014 14-ft. swing tongue w/conditioner New Holland 2218 18-ft. double knife, push bar for 9030 bi-directional


2006 Valtra A95 FWA, loader, grapple, 3 point, PTO, 98 hp Ford 8670 170 hp, FWA, 16,900 hours, economy priced sprayer tractor 2014 Challenger MT865C 1800 hours, PTO, 36” tracks Ford 9280 250 hp, 4WD, duals, 9780 hours *2015 Massey Ferguson 7716 150 hp, Dyna 6 transmission, loader, grapple 2012 Massey Ferguson 7624 CVT transmission, 220 hp, loader, grapple, FWA 1987 Case IH 9170 320 hp, 4WD



*2017 Summers Diamond Disk 28.5-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts 2016 Summers Diamond Disk 47-ft., notched disks, rolling baskets, rental discounts 2015 Great Plains Turbo Max 40-ft. vertical tillage unit. Adjustable blade angle, rolling baskets Constantill 10-ft. deep tillage tool

1998 Flexi-Coil 65XL sprayer, 120-ft., Flexi-Coil monitor 2017 Riteway 20-ft. roller *2017 Riteway 52-ft., 3 section land roller, rental discounts 2017 Riteway 62-ft. 5 section land roller, rental discounts 2015 Bunning MK4 105 manure spreader 2014 Parker 1348 grain cart, tarp, PTO drive, scale, single axle 2004 Krone 881 Swadro 32-ft. rotary rake 1999 Kinze 840 grain cart, tarp, PTO drive FOR ALL YOUR PARTS NEEDS. DIRECT PARTS PHONE NUMBER IS: 406-395-6798 * indicates pictured items


*2016 Bourgault 3320 QDA independent opener drill, 60-ft., 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 6550 trailing cart with 4 metering augers 2008 Bourgault 5710 50-ft., 10” spacing, 6450 leading cart, mid-row banders 2007 K-Hart disc drill, 60-ft., 10” spacing, Bourgault 5350 leading tank 2004 Flexi-Coil 5000 12” spacing, double shoot, steel packers Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft., 10” spacing, steel packers, 2340 vari-rate tank 2014 Bourgault 3710 disc drill, 60-ft. 10” spacing, 6550 leading tank, mid-row banders and metering augers 2009 Case ATX700 70-ft., 12” spacing, rubber packers, 3430 leading cart 2007 New Holland SD550 60-ft., 10” spacing, SC430 cart, double shoot, rubber packers 2003 Bourgault 5710 47-ft., 10” spacing, 5350 leading tank, just in from lease 2002 Bourgault 5710 40-ft., 10” spacing, 5250 trailing tank


*2011 Vermeer 605SM round baler, twine/ net, wide pickup, bale kicker 2006 Case RBX562 round baler, twine only 1997 Freeman 1592 3x4 square baler 2014 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 square baler, moisture tester, rear steer, 6500 bales

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Havre, MT


*2015 MacDon D65D 40-ft. transport, PU reel, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes, many combine adaptors available 2015 MacDon FD75 flex single knife, 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft. transport, single knife, Case adaptor 2014 MacDon D65S 35-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes, PU reel 2012 MacDon D60S 40-ft., upper cross cut auger, transport, single knife, CA20 combine adaptor 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft. double knife, PU reel, cross auger 2009 Case 2152 40-ft. transport, Case adaptor, poly cutterbar, poly skid shoes 2-2009 John Deere 635D headers, double knife, 1 w/boggie wheels, 1 w/transport 2006 Case 2042 36-ft. single knife, PU reel, transport 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft. PU reel, transport 2005 New Holland 74C flex auger header, double knife, poly cutterbar 2005 MacDon 963 36-ft. single knife 2003 MacDon 972 36-ft. cross auger, transport, single knife, John Deere adaptor 2000 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, Case adaptor, transport 1998 Honeybee SP36 PU reel, New Holland adaptor, transport


Call for details on our combines! *2006 Gleaner R65 2004 Massey Ferguson 9790 2002 John Deere 9650 STS (4) 1993-1994 Gleaner R62 combines

Student-driven series brings science to the masses

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C36

FULL SERVICE DEALER Call for all your truck, parts & service needs 2018 Freightliner M2 016, Cummins 300 hp, Allison transmission, 3400 gallon 80” diameter tank, Blackmer 3” pump. All new, ready to work

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2010 Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit DD15 455 hp, RTLO16913 13 speed, RT40145 3.42, 72” mid-roof XT sleeper, 944,380 miles...........$17,500

2014 Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit DD15 475 hp, FR15210B 10 speed, RT40-145, 72” midroof XT sleeper, 234” wheelbase, 591,777 miles......$39,650

New 2016 Freightliner 114SD, 4 axle tractor, Detroit DD13 470 hp, Allison transmission, 16,000 front axle, 46,000 rear axle.......... ............................Call For Price

2006 Freightliner CL120 Detroit MBE 4000 450 hp, Meritor transmission, RT40-145 rear axle, 70” mid-roof sleeper, overhaul 325,000 miles ago....$9500

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Phone 406-378-2112

After hours: Roger Terry, 406-378-3220

Written by Haley Apel & Gina Incontro - IANR Media A new program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) is giving the public an inside look at scientists’ lab and field work. Streaming Science is a student-driven science literacy program that highlights the work of scientists conducting critical agricultural and environmental research in Nebraska labs and landscapes. Through a series of courses and hands-on experiences, students majoring or minoring in agricultural and environmental sciences communication produce photo essays, videos, podcasts and online field trips. “Streaming Science can increase awareness of scientific issues while helping students get practical experience with an actual science literacy effort and learn how to communicate science in a way that the public will understand,” said Jamie Loizzo, assistant professor of agricultural leadership, education and communication at Nebraska, who developed the program. Communicating science in a relatable way is no easy task, especially when the students are still learning how to conduct scientific interviews. The first half of the semester is spent researching scientists, developing interview questions and establishing goals for the pieces. “While it’s important to get the facts about the work a scientist is doing, it’s also important to establish an emotional connection,” Loizzo said. “The students need to work with the scientists to explain why their work matters to them and those around them. People will care about a story if they feel an emotional connection to it.” The Streaming Science podcasts feature in-depth conversations with scientists. “As scientists, it’s important that we’re able to communicate with the public because we need their support of our research for many reasons,” said Jenny Dauer, an assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources who was interviewed in a podcast on women in STEM. “Sometimes we tend to get too close to that research, and we forget to take a step back and look at the big picture on how it really impacts the public, which is what programs like Streaming Science offer us the opportunity to do.” The podcasts are aimed at middle and high school teachers because they cover specific topics in more detail. The photo essays and videos are targeted to students to get them interested in issues and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The videos feature cutting-edge technology, scientists working in the lab or new research in action in the field. Topics range from food allergens in grains to high-tech gear that tracks cattle in feedlots. A recent addition to the Streaming Science series was a live interactive electronic field trip. “Ranches, Rivers and Rats” was broadcast this spring from the Switzer Ranch near Burwell. Loizzo partnered with Mary Harner, associate professor of communications and biology at the University of Nebraska at Kearney; Keith Geluso, professor of biology at UNK; the Platte Basin Timelapse Project; and NET to help Nebraska students experience the Sandhills. The field trip was funded by a grant from the university’s Food for Health Collaboration Initiative. More than 200 students from Central City High School, Gordon-Rushville Schools, Kearney High School, LawrenceNelson Public Schools, Lincoln Southwest High School, Pound Middle School in Lincoln and Westside Middle School in Omaha tuned in to the web broadcast. Shelby Anderson, an agricultural and environmental communications major, hosted the field trip, which covered waterquality research, kangaroo rat research, biological diversity and ecology. The video feed was two-way, meaning the students were able to ask the scientists questions in real time. “The students had a lot of questions about the kangaroo rats,” Loizzo said. “It was great because they were very engaged, and the teachers loved it because most of them can’t take a physical field trip to the middle of the Sandhills.” Loizzo said the teachers were pleased that the field trip aligned with state and national science standards. Project partners hope to secure funding for more electronic field trips. Streaming Science not only results in a scientific resource for the public, but students have communication examples to include in their portfolios. “Producing a communication product from scratch is challenging and can be an emotional roller coaster, but it’s fun to see how proud the students are of their finished pieces,” Loizzo said. “They walk away with real-life, tangible examples of the work they can do.” New content is posted every other week during the fall and spring semesters at The next “Ranches, Rivers and Rats” field trip is scheduled for April 2018. Schools can register to participate on the program’s website.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C37

BIG EQUIPMENT CO. 406-265-9554 or 888-265-9554 1287 Hwy 87 West, HAVRE, MT FOR PARTS CALL TENSON 406-265-9554




1993 Cat 75C 5316 Hours, Power Shift, 36” Tracks, Case Drain, Good Condition $55,000


Big Bud 600/50 - New Rebuilt Cummins 1150, 600 HP, Capable 650 HP, 110g Hyd System 6 Bank Valve Flow Control, Electric Over Hyd Couplers, 900 Trelleborg Rubber - Like New, All New Interior Wiring, New Paint, New Sound System, New Lighting, All Major Components Completely Rebuilt, Cab Rebuilt With New Leather Seating and Buddy Seat, Interchangeable Power Train System, ROPS Series IV Cab, No DEF, No Electronics, Super Sharp! .......................................................................................$249,000 1979 Big Bud 400/30, Recent In Line Big Cam New Style 855 to 400 HP, Twin Disc PShift, Clark 70,000# Axles, New Paint & Decals, 24.5/32 50%, Air Drill Hyd w/ New Flow Control Valves, Super Sharp!.............$95,000 2009 Case IH Magnum 210 MFWD, 1950 Hrs, 18 Sp PShift, Singles, 540/1000 PTO, 3 Pt, Dlxe Cab, 750 Trimble, 3 Electric/Hyd Remotes, Used in Light Duty Capacity, One Owner, Stored Inside, Extra Special .. ..................................................................................................$115,000 1989 Case IH 9170, NEW Cummins Rebuilt Engine, 9661 Chassis, 12 Spd PShift, 4 Remotes, Inside Rubber 3,000 Acres, Outside 24.8/32 40-50%, Nice Cab, Clean Tractor...............................................................$59,500 2009 Case IH Puma 195, 3200 Hrs, 18 Speed PShift, Deluxe Cab w/ Leather & Heated Seats, 3-pt., PTO, L770 Loader & Grapple, Joystick Hydraulics, 520 Rear Tires, Excellent Condition!.........................................$119,500 International 4186 – Rebuilt Engine, 4603 Hrs, 4X4, Good Rubber, Big Singles with Chloride, 8 Speed Sliding Gear Transmission High/Low, No PTO, Runs Good, Good Maintenance Record .............................$6,000 John Deere 4520 - 3605 Dual - All Loader & Grapple, Rear Duals 70%, 1000 PTO, 8 sp Pshift, Inching Pedal, No 3 Point or AC, Runs good! ..... ....................................................................................................$17,500 2007 John Deere 8430T - Heavy Duty Camoplast Tracks 80%, 1000 PTO, 7300 Hrs, 3 Point With Quick Hitch, Guidance & Auto Steer Ready, Weight Package, Very Clean ..................................................................$98,900 2004 John Deere 9520T – 450HP, 10,000 Hrs, 18/6 Power Shift, 1000 PTO, New Tracks at 4,000 Hrs - 50% Now, Closed Center Pressure/Flow Compensated Hyd, Pulled Air Drill & Cart, Good Condition .....$110,000 John Deere 8640 - 8170 Hrs, 16 Speed 4 Range Power Shift, 1,000 PTO, Duals 20.8/36 20% Front, 30% Back, 3 Remotes, Diff Locks, ...$22,900 1976 John Deere 8430 - 2000 Hrs Rebuilt 50 Series Engine, EZEE On Loader/Grapple, 23.1/38 Singles, PTO, Quad Range, Diff Locks, 3 Remotes; Super Handy Ranch or Farm Tractor...........................$20,000 1997 New Holland 9682 - 6760 Hrs, Standard, 710/38 Duals 75%, Full Weight Package, Runs & Shifts Good ........................................$59,500 1981 Steiger Cougar ST280 400 hp, rebuilt Spicer, rebuilt 855, repainted, air drill hyd., 20.8/38 65%, 7426 hrs, very clean......................... $59,500 1985 Steiger Panther CM360 Series IV 9981 Hours, Std, Goodrich 650/75R32 85%, 4 Remotes, Air Drill Hydraulics........................$39,500 1985 Steiger Panther 1000 KP-1325 Injector System Upgrade 360HP, Full 12 PShift, 855 Cummins, 24.5/32 45%, New AC System, New Air Ride Seat, 4 Remotes, One Owner 16 years, Nice.............................$49,500 1979 Steiger Panther ST325 - 9304 Chassis Hrs, Just Replaced CAT Engine , Standard Shift, 10-20% 23.1/34 Rubber, Major Drive Components in Good Order, 4 Bank Valve ..........................................................$19,500 1977 Steiger Panther ST310 335HP, Rebuilt Cummins, Replaced Injectors, Standard, Big Singles 30.5/32 W/Clamp On Duals 24.5/32 Duals, 4 Remotes, Replaced Center Section Pins, New Cab Kit & Seat, Well Maintained, Call For More...........................................................$35,000 Steiger Tiger ST470 - 600 HP, 1150 Rebuilt Cummins, Allison 5965-10 PS Rebuilt 500 Hours, 30.5/32 Duals 60%, Extra Hydraulics for Air Drill, 6 Remotes, 45,000#, Nice Cab W/ Tinted Windows ......................$75,000 Steiger Wildcat III ST210 - 5519 Hrs, 210HP, Factory Rebuilt CAT 3208, Standard Shift, 18.4R34 60%, HD Drawbar, Cab Fair ................$17,900 2014 Versatile 400 - 2000 Hrs, PShift, PTO, 710/70R42 95%, Heavy Duty Axles, full weights, 6 Electric/Hyd Remotes, Front Diff Lock, HD Drawbar, 3/4” Couplers, HID Roof Lights, Deluxe Cab, Very Nice!.......... $219,000 2012 Versatile 550 - 900 Hrs, PShift, Firestone 800/70R38 Duals, HD Front & Rear Diff Locks, Complete Weight Package, 58 gpm, Deluxe Cab Leather, HID lighting, 4 Valves, Auto Steer Ready, Very Clean ...............$289,000 1985 Versatile 856, 8428 Hrs, P-Shift, PTO, 18.4/38 70%, Nice Cab........... ....................................................................................................$39,500 Versatile 800 - 5502 Hrs, Standard Shift, 18.4/38 Front & Rear Duals 40%, 3 Remotes, Swing Draw Bar, Cab Good Condition.....................$17,500 Versatile 850 8735 hrs, Std, Atom Jet, 20.8/38, 40% outside,........$25,000 Versatile 875 280 hp, 8000 Hrs, Standard, 20.8/38 Duals 50%, All New Hyd Pump, Alternator & Starter, Clutch, Very Gd Mech......................$25,000

1980 Steiger Bearcat III - 1505 Hours on In Line CAT 3306T, New Clutch, Crank & Hr Meter, 18.4/38 95%, Stnd W/2 Sp Drop Box, Stored Inside, Very Clean $21,500

1998 Bourgault 8800, With 2115 Tow Behind Cart, 30-ft., 7.5” Spacing, Optional 16” Coulters, 19” Packers w/ Rock Scrapers, 350-400# Shanks, Good Openers, With Bourgault Tow Behind 2115 Tank, Mechanical Ground Driven, Good Unload Auger, Nice Drill................................................................... $35,000 2006 Bourgault 5710 - 57 Ft, 10” Sp, Mid Row Banders, Steel Packers, Blockage System, With Bourgault 6450 Cart, 450 Bu - 4 Tanks, Variable Rate, Tow Behind, Low Acres ........................................................................ $125,000 Case IH 8500 Air Drill 45 Ft, 12” Sp, 3” Rubber Packers, Single Shoot, 210 TBT Cart, Easy to Operate, Good Condition .......................................... $14,500 Flexi Coil 5000 - 57 Foot, 12” Sp, Single Shoot, Stealth Opener Carbide Tip, Steel Press Wheels ......................................................................... $27,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 57-ft. 9” Sp, New Stealth Openers, S-Shoot, Rubber Packers, 5 Section, With 2320 TBH Very Clean............................................ $49,0000 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 45-ft., 12” Sp Paired Row Openers, D-Shoot, Rubber Packers, Local Farmer Trader, Clean............................................... $27,500 2001 Flexi-Coil 3450 – TBH - Local Trade, Clean.................................. $27,500 Flexi Coil 2320 TBT Cart -230 Bu, 23.1-26 Diamond Tires, 7” Auger .. $10,000 2011 Great Plains 3S4000HD, Built in 2011, New in 2012, Heavy Duty 40-Foot, 7.5” Spacing, New 15” Discs, 3x13 Rib in Center Press Wheels, New Custom Liquid Kit 400g with Ground Driven Pump, 5500 Acres, Like New!... $89,500 Great Plains Drill - 39.5-ft. 10” Sp, Steel Packers, TBT Tank................ $15,000 John Deere 9400 - Super Clean Set - (4) 10 Foot, 12” Spacing, w/Fertilizer, Eagle Beak Points, Hitch & Transport, Extra Clean ......................... $23,500 Morris Maxim II 40-ft. 10” spacing, SS, 23” steel packers, with 7240 240 bushel tow between tank, Goodyear 23.1/26 tires, clean............................ $30,000 JUST IN! 2010 New Holland P2070 & New Holand P1060 Cart - 50 Ft, 10” Paralink Drill, 430 Bushel, 3 Tanks, 30.5/32 Tires With Dual Casters Front, Extra Clean...................................................................................... $89,500 JUST IN! 7012 SeedMaster - NEW, 70 Foot, W/Nova Sectional Control 520/630/780 Bu AND/OR On-Board 345 Bu Seed Tank...... Call for Quote 2007 SeedMaster 4412 - 44 Ft, 12” Sp, Agtron Blockage, On Board Liquid 2000g Tank, Work Switch, Set Up for Dry & Liquid, With TBH 3400 Concord 300 Bu Tank, Good condition..................................................................... $119,000 2008 SeedMaster 5012 - 50 Ft, 12” Sp, DS, Set Up for Liquid or Dry .$120,000



Summers MFG 500 & 1994 L8000 Ford - 60 Ft Suspended Booms, 500 G Summers Poly Tank, Hyd Lift, Manual Fold, Mid Mount Booms, Triple Nozzles, Raven, New Honda Engine, Mounted On HD Truck Chassis, 1994 L8000 Diesel Ford, 8.3 Cummins, 10 Sp, 352,233 Miles, No Rust, Goes Through Mud Very Good, Clean Condition ....................................................$15,000 Hot Buy!! 2015 Versatile 280SX – Same specs as 2017 - $80,000 off new - 192 Hrs, 120 Ft Boom, 1200 SS Tank, 120-152” Manual Adjust Axle, Autoboom Ultraglide, Chemical Eductor, Variable Rate, Outback GPS .........$239,000 2012 Versatile SX275 – 775 Hrs, 100 Ft Booms, 1200 SS Tank, Includes JD Auto Steer, 380 Rubber, Optional 650’s Rear Addl $, Good Condition ....... ......................................................................................................$160,000 Vogel Wick Weeder - 40 Ft, No Overspray, 4 Wheel Can Pull ...............$3,500 2017 Kwick-Belt Conveyer 1890 New 90 Ft, 18”, PTO Drive, 10,000 Bushel Hour, Hydraulic Scissor Lift, 1.5” PEER Bearings, Weather Guards; Call for Pricing on Different Sizes and Drive Options............................. $24,750


United Farm Tool 660 - 700 Bushel, Hydraulic Drive, Roll Tarp, New Flighting, Hydraulic Motor And 30.5/32 Tires, Very Clean! ..$21,500 1973 Chevrolet C60 - 58,103 Miles, Box and Hoist, 350 Engine, 4 Speed, 9.00R20 Rear/8.25-20 Front, 16’ Box, 40” Removable Steel Walls W/ 8” Wood Extensions, Very Nice Cab, Good Shape! ...............$6,000 1979 Chevrolet C60 – 51,186 Miles, 16 Ft Wooden Box W/ Fertilizer & Seed Separation, Drill Fill Auger, Some Minor Body Damage, No Rust, Runs Good....................................................................$6,500 Westfield 51 X 10 Auger – 50 X 10, Like New ...........................$7,000 Westfield 61 X 10 Auger - 61 X 10” Swing Out Auger, New 8’ Flighting Section, Runs Good ..............................................................$5,500 Versatile Combine RT490 - Trades Considered $$!

2003 John Deere 1820 & 1910 Tow Behind Cart - 45 Ft, 10” Sp, Paired Row Opener, Single Shoot, Well Maintained, With 1910 Tow Behind 270 Bu Cart ................................................$59,500 2014 Morris C2 Contour Drill & 9450 Tow Between Tank 60x10” Spacing, Single Shoot, 18” X 4” V Rubber Press Wheels, 1.125” Tower Tubes for Large Seed, Primary Blockage, Double Castors, Tillage Work Switch, With Morris 9450 Tow Between Cart, 450 Bushel, 3 Tanks, Direct Drive, Super Clean, Low Acres $219,000


Ezee-On chisel plow, 42-ft. 12” spacing, 14” sweeps......................... $25,000 Farm King 4490 Demo, 28 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Front & Rear, Stone Flex Hangers, 410WSS Bearings, Clean unit...................................... $49,500 Farm King 6650 DEMO, 32.5 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Blades, 410WSS Superseal bearings, Stone Flex Hangers, Tire Upgrade............................................ Save $20,000 Off New!............................................................... $59,500 Flexi-Coil 800 Plow, 45 Ft, 12” Sp, Gd Rubber, Gd Condition......... $19,500 Ford 241 Tandem Disc, 24-ft., 9” Spacing, 18.5 - 20.5 Disc Size, Mud Scrapers, No Welds, Gd Condition........................................................... $6500 Ford 250 32-ft. tandem, 20.5-22.25 discs, scrapers, G Shape............. $7500 2010 Horsch Anderson Joker 8RT, 28-ft., 9” Spacing, Spring Loaded Rollers, 10-12 mph, 19” Average Blades, Excellent Seed Bed Finisher, Used Last 2 Years in Alfalfa Field for Cheatgrass Control.............................. $39,500 Krause Tandem Disc – 45 Ft, Recent Discs on Front ...................... $19,500 Melroe 503 Chisel Plow New Style Series, 56 Foot, 12” Sweeps, Recent Reconditioning ............................................................................ $14,500 2013 Morris Rangler III 40 Ft, Wing Up Packer Bar, clean ............. $28,000 2012 Rite Way Harrow - 50 Ft, Hyd Tilt & Angle, v. low acres .......... $39,500 2013 Summers DT 9530 28.5 Ft, Notched Discs 24 7/8” (New 25”), Hydraulic Leveling Gangs, Center Leveling Coulter, Rolling Baskets W/Mud Scrapers, Wing Weight Kit, Floating Hitch, Hubometer 2,000 Acres, Narrow Transport, Like New Condition!..................................................................... $60,000 Summers Super Coulter- 30-ft. Vertical Tillage, 12” Individually Mounted Straight and Waffle Blades, Rolling Baskets, Extra Blades Included, Very Good Condition............................................................................ $49,500 New Versatile VT320 - 32 Foot, 9” Sp, Hydraulic Leveling & Depth Control, 24” Razor Blades, Heavy Duty Scrapers, T2-215 Bearings, 12” Rolling Baskets, Manual Adjust Angle, Optional Hydraulic Adjust Gang Angle ... ..................................................................................................... $95,000 Wil-Rich 30-ft. chisel plow, 14” sweeps, Good Shape........................... $9500

340 Bushel Grain Tank, 490 HP Cummins – Best Threshing & Cleaning Machine In The Industry – For $29,000 A Year, For 3 Years, Up To 300 Hours A Year, Along With Full 3 Year Warranty, You Can Experience The Difference.

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 2002 Komatsu PC40MR1 - Mini Excavator 1917 Hrs w/ 22” bucket, with Removeable Cutting Edge & 12” Bucket, & 81” Grading Blade, Hydraulic Thumb, Quick Disconnect for Attachments, 4 Control Pattern Options (Currently standard CAT, Steel & Removeable Rubber Padded Tracks - Very Little Wear, Good Starter, Runs Very Good ........................................$22,000 Cat D8H & Scraper - 270 Hp, Never Had A Blade, Undercarriage 75%, Crawler comes with #80 Scraper, 19.5 Yds, Bits Nearly New, Addl Springs, Excellent Condition.................................................$50,000 Degelman/Steiger Blade - 14 Ft, 4 Way Blade, Silage Top - Came off 1985 Steiger KP-1325, Fits Any Articulating Tractor ............$19,500 Degeleman 12HD - 14 Ft Yellow 2 Way Blade With John Deere Mounts - Came off JD 8430 ...............................................................$7,500 Degelman 12AT - 12 Ft, Hydraulic Lift, Angle and Tilt, 42” Inside Measurement, Off Big Bud 525/50, Heavy Duty, Good Condition .$19,500 New Wishek Straw Press – Aerate or Reduce Erosion - 8 Ft, 8 Inch Spacing, 214 Series Re-Lube Gang Bearings, CAT 1 and CAT 11 3 Pt Mount(Optional 16 Foot w/Hydraulic Cylinders & Hoses) .$6,600 12HD Degelman - 12-ft. Manual Angle, Hyd Lift, off JD 8630......$4500 MRS 90LS Tractor & 14 Yard Paddle Scraper - MRS Tractor 250 HP Dozer Blade, Detroit 871 Engine, PShift & 14 Yard Paddle Scraper; Good Operating Condition - Was Recently Used.................$22,500 Rome Ripper - 15 Foot, 7 Shank Ripper, 12” Spacing, 1 Extra Shank, Cable Hitch.....$5500 AS IS, or Converted to Hydraulic Hitch $7500


Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C38


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Lanning wheat is shown being harvested at the MSU Post Farm. Lanning has higher grain protein and stronger gluten than Vida, the most widely grown spring wheat in Montana from 2010 to 2015. Contributed photo.

New MSU spring wheat variety has Montana farmers eagerly awaiting availability

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By Evelyn Boswell for MSU News Service A new MSU-developed hard red spring wheat has been named in honor of Susan Lanning, who worked for nearly 30 years as a research associate in MSU’s spring wheat breeding program. Contributed Photo A new Montana State University-developed spring wheat that’s already attracting attention because of its potential for excellent yields and superior bread-making qualities is making its way through the pipeline toward Montana growers. Lanning hard red spring wheat was inA new MSU-developed hard red spring wheat has creased from breeder seed to foundation been named in honor of Susan Lannine, who worked seed this season and farmers are already for nearly 30 years as a research associate in MSU’s spring wheat breeding program. Contributed photo. requesting it, said Doug Holen, manager of the MSU Foundation Seed Program. Holen explained that breeder seed is the said. “Our primary goal was to develop and initial source of the new variety grown by release improved spring wheat varieties to the plant breeder and deemed pure and true Montana wheat producers.” Lanning also to the variety description, while foundation assisted in conducting genetic experiments seed is derived from planting and harvesting designed for graduate student theses and breeder seed after it passes field inspection scientific papers. and seed purity certification. Lanning explained that the research work Lanning has higher grain protein and involved initiating breeding primarily in the stronger gluten than Vida, the most widely greenhouse, then testing the progeny lines grown spring wheat in Montana from 2010 in the field. Early generations were tested to 2015. It is a hollow-stemmed wheat and at the MSU Post Agronomy Farm west of has a grain yield that’s equivalent to Vida, Bozeman. Selected and advanced lines according to the Journal of Plant Registrawere then also tested at the research centions. ters across Montana. After 10 to 12 years, MSU wheat breeder Luther Talbert said a promising line may then be released as the new spring wheat combines the best a new variety. She said “thousands and traits of two varieties known as Glenn and thousands” of wheat lines are tested and MT0747. Glenn has “very, very high-end only one or two promising lines make it to use quality. Flour made from Glenn makes variety status every few years. really good bread,” Talbert said. He added Lanning said she is “very honored and that the leaves of MT0747 stay green for an grateful” to have a wheat named after her, extended period after heading. That means adding that she could not have been sucthat growth continues and yields increase. cessful in developing varieties without the “The big issue of growing spring wheat in assistance and cooperation of others inMontana is it gets hot and dry,” Talbert said. cluding Talbert, fellow co-workers, MSU’s “For traditional varieties, that shuts down Department of Plant Sciences and Plant photosynthesis.” Lanning’s longer growing Pathology, Montana Agricultural Research season can mean larger profits for growers. Center personnel, graduate and undergraduThe Montana Agricultural Experiment ate students, the Montana Wheat and Barley Station released Lanning in 2016, but it Committee, private breeding companies, takes a year to increase the initial 18 bushels regional cooperators and many others. of breeder seed to foundation seed, after “So thanks to everyone I worked with which it is then available to seed houses during those years,” Lanning said. “In to produce registered and certified classes return, I hope ‘Lanning’ wheat is highly available to the general farming community. productive for Montana’s wheat growers.” Holen said the goal of the MSU Foundation The MSU Foundation Seed Program proSeed Program is to keep seed genetically invides foundation seed to statewide producer tact so that when farmers grow it, it exactly partners, primarily from the university’s represents what the breeder intended it to be. spring and winter wheat and barley breeding Developing new varieties builds upon programs in addition to oats, safflower, peas decades of work and involves a large team and lentils. An extension of MSU’s breeding of people. Talbert, who is “quite optimisprograms, the program strives to increase tic” about Lanning, said it was named after recommended varieties with the assurance Susan Lanning, a longtime team member of genetic purity and quality standards for who retired after making significant conMontana growers. tributions to wheat improvement at MSU. The latest data from around Montana Lanning worked for 29 years as a research regarding the performance of currently associate with the MSU spring wheat breedavailable varieties can be found at: http:// ing program. “I managed the breeding program for pringwheatperformanceevaluationupdatmost years under Dr. Talbert,” Lanning ed031517.pdf.


Tucked between the two monster sized holidays of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving receives far less attention. But Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, especially in the busy lives of Americans. It is a time to kick back and relax, watch a football game or go to a movie, and enjoy a huge feast. It’s also time for us to give thanks to our God, for the things he has bestowed upon us and upon this great nation. There is no nation in the world that has more to be thankful for than us. Thanksgiving History: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated between the Pilgrims and the Indians in 1621.That first feast was a three day affair. Life for the early settlers was difficult. The fall harvest was time for celebration. It was also a time of prayer, thanking God for a good crop. The Pilgrims and the Indians created a huge feast including a wide variety of animals and fowl, as well as fruits and vegetables from the fall harvest. This early celebration was the start of today’s holiday celebration. Like then, we celebrate with a huge feast. Today, most of us enjoy Turkey with “all the trimming”. The “trimming” include a wide variety of foods that are a tradition for your family. Those traditional foods often replicate the foods at the first Thanksgiving feast. While others, are traditional ethnic or religious groups recipe, or a special food item that your family always serves at Thanksgiving dinner. Then, to top it off, pumpkin pies, apple pies, an even mince meat pies are bountiful around the table. American Thanksgiving traditions revolve around a huge and lavish meal, usually with Turkey as the centerpiece. For those who do not like Turkey, a Roast or Prime Rib is common. As tradition has it in most families, a special prayer of thanks precedes the meal. In many homes, family members will each mention something they are very thankful for. Did you know? Potatoes were not part of the first Thanksgiving. Irish immigrants had not yet brought them to North America. After the first Thanksgiving, the observance was sporadic and almost forgotten until the early 1800’s. It was usually celebrated in late September or October. In 1941, Congress made it a national holiday and set the date as the fourth Thursday in November.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C39


Alfalfa/Grass 1st cutting, 3x3x4 big squares, no rain, covered in stack. Tests 14.4 protein & 120 RFV.................................................................. $130/ton Alfalfa/Grass - Haylege, individual silage wrapped round bales. 35-45% moisture, approx. 1800 lb. bales, 20% protein, 3rd & 4th cutting. 160 bales certified organic..................................................................$70/bale 245 bales non-organic.........................................................................$60/bale

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Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C40

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Jessica Torrion, an assistant professor of crop physiology in MSU’s College of Agriculture, has published an article in the journal Crop Sciences that shows that specifically timed irrigation practices can affect the harvest quality of hard red spring wheat. Torrion is shown at MSU’s Northwestern Agricultural Research Center in Creston. MSU photo by Jenny Lavey.

MSU professor finds irrigation timing benefits wheat yield and quality

By Jenny Lavey, for the MSU News Service In an agricultural state enduring one of the worst droughts in recent history, a Montana State University crop physiologist may have some good news for state watersheds and farmers’ pocketbooks when it comes X690175 C022291 X756888 to irrigating one of Montana’s top cash crops. Jessica Torrion, assistant professor of crop physiology at MSU’s Northwestern Agricultural Research Center in Creston, recently published an article that shows specifically timed irrigation prac2016 HONDA HSS724AAWD 2015 FRONTIER RB2309 ERSKINE MFG. CO. INC 1080R Retail $2,270 Retail $2,830 Retail $2,950 tices can affect the harvest quality of hard red spring wheat varieties — if they X675553 X680313 X617415 are applied past the medium milk stage of the wheat plant’s development. The article, “Impacts and Limits of Irrigation Water ManageSECTION 179 TAX DEDUCTION ment on Wheat Yield and Buy qualifying equipment by Quality,” appeared in Crop December 31 and save $$$. Science, the official journal 2016 HIGHLINE CFR960 2016 JOHN DEERE 5055E 2016 JOHN DEERE 5085E of the Crop Science SociRetail $24,590 Retail $32,580 Retail $52,100 ety of America. Torrion’s research was funded by the X675524 X436991 X620213 Montana Wheat and Barley Committee. Milk stages are phases in a wheat plant’s growth cycle when the wheat kernel begins to form and secretes a milky fluid containing starch, protein and other nutrients. The milk eventu2016 HAYBUSTER CMF830 2013 JOHN DEERE 6125M 2016 JOHN DEERE 6130M Retail $56,770 Retail $72,590 Retail $97,895 ally solidifies as the wheat kernel ripens and matures C022287 2015 FRONTIER 9’ REAR BLADE C021360 2014 BIG MEADOW HARROW $480 $2,860 enough for adequate baking $530 X606857 2015 FRONTIER BALE SPEAR C020847 2014 FRONTIER MANURE SPREADER $3,130 and milling, in a process $910 2016 JOHN DEERE 913 RIPPER $3,830 C019730 2014 FRONTIER POST HOLE DIGGER X639345 called “grain filling.” Grain filling generally takes four 2013 FRONTIER 10 WHEEL RAKE $4,320 X638028 2016 HORST SNOW BLADE $1,580 C015250 to six weeks, depending on 2017 FRONTIER 5’ ROTARY CUTTER $1,590 2015 MCFARLANE 30’ HARROW $7,162 C022838 X743321 how much moisture the crop 2007 FRONTIER BALE HUGGER $1,970 2013 HAYBUSTER BALE PROCESSOR $18,270 80700011 C017901 gets. That process can be cut short during times of high temperatures, which stresses the plant, Torrion said. Call Your Local RDO Equipment Co. Store Irrigating during and afin Kalispell or Missoula 406-542-7258 ter the late milk stage, when the milk fluid decreases and



Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017— Page C41

NEW Product! VW John Deere 1870 Seed Offset

Loren Hawks, Distributor

2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810

Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at

Product In Stock Now! Take advantage of Fall Deals! Place your order by November 15th to guarantee pricing and availability for February 2018 Place your order by November 15th and for ONLY $10 more add an additional 4 carbides to the sides of your drill point. Available on VW7CC, VW10FC, VW11FC, VW12FC and VW13FC orders.

VW replacement for Morris double shoot

NEW Product! VW Bourgault Edge-On Single Shoot

Opener shown with VWM1C - main front drill point with two carbides. VWM3C and M4C - side plates with carbide imbedded and full carbide M2C deflector.

Call for your e sampl Custom Carbide seed boots for JD 1890 disc drill with three carbides along wear edge to prevent wear. Will likely outlast your drill!!


front and sides - single shoot up to 31/2” spread - shown on VW14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.

VW10FC full carbide

Fits common openers.


Has two front carbides. Shown on JD opener.


2 widths - 4” & 5” Fits VW14FB and Flexi Stealth for double shoot Has 4 carbides on each side

NEW Product! VW Degelman Pro-Till Carbide Scraper Set & forget!


Fits Versatile - Cereal.

VW11FC - 31/4” - full carbide Fits VW14FB opener and other common openers. Very popular single shoot drill point - up to 21/2” spread.

VW12FC - 21/4” - full carbide Up to 1.5” spread. Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.

VWJD1870 & 1830 carbide scrapers for the John Deere 1870 & 1830 drills. Set and forget!

VW13FC 1.5” Slim Spread Fits VW14FB. Also fits other common openers - single shoot drill point.

Comes in 3” & 4”

• Our VW32 RPR Seeding System for most drills • Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications

VW10FC - 41/4” - full carbide


Fits IH Eagle Beak opener IH 7200 - IH 8500

VW19B18 & 20B20

Carbide scrapers for the 18” & 20” Bourgault Disc Drills. Long Lasting!


with 4 carbides instead of 1


NEW Product! VW Bourgault Speed Lock Single Shoot

Paired row - double shoot for C shank. Fertilizer delivered between seed rows.

VW Carbide spoon for common wedge systems VW5FC - 31/4” + VW6FC - 21/4” VW8FC - 31/4” + VW9FC - 21/4” Call for details.

VW7CC 3 carbides

Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.

NEW Product! VW Versatile Carbide Scraper Set & forget!

Mud scrapers for JD drills also


Carbide mud scraper for Flexi-Coil. Many times life of original.

VW11FC - 31/4” drill point

Shown on W14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.

VW7CC - 3 carbides

Shown on VW14FB. Also shown on VW14FB is VW21DSF

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C42



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MSU professor finds irrigation timing benefits wheat yield and quality

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plant starches increase to create a thicker milk, does not improve the wheat’s overall yield and grain quality, Torrion said. Rather, Torrion found that scheduling the final irrigation during the medium-milk stage produces yield benefits similar to that of applied irrigation after the medium milk stage, but with less water. “Essentially, we found that a producer can irrigate earlier in the grain-filling process and achieve the same yield benefit as irrigating later,” Torrion said. “So, we’re looking at potentially significant savings in water, energy and time during a crop’s maturation cycle, all of which become critical and expensive factors during a drought year and pins down a very common producer question of “when do I stop irrigating wheat?” Torrion said that never before in the state has there been an experiment that evaluates yield and grain quality comparing hard red spring wheat varieties, solely based on their response to timed irrigation before the completion of grain fill. Torrion said only about 8 percent of hard red spring wheat acreage is irrigated in Montana. “Most Montana wheat farmers practice dryland agriculture, without irrigation infrastructure, so their yield is completely dependent on rainfall,” Torrion said. “Given our recent drought conditions and more variable weather patterns, more Montana producers are thinking about irrigating as grain yields have fallen over time. We’re seeing an increased interest in irrigation, and so we wanted to test what effects various irrigation practices might have on spring wheat varieties.” According to the USDA, hard red spring wheat is the highest grossing of all commercial crops in Montana, accounting for 23 percent of the nation’s hard red spring wheat supply and more than 50 percent of Montana’s total spring wheat acreage. The article, co-authored with Bob Stougaard, NWARC superintendent and MSU professor of weed science, presents results from a yearlong experiment where eight hard red spring wheat plots were subjected to six different water regimens. Three water treatments replaced varying levels of moisture due to evapotranspiration loss. The additional three water regimes included scheduling a final irrigation at specific stages of the wheat plants’ grain filling process -- early milk, medium milk and soft-dough. Torrion then tested each wheat variety and its respective water regime against standard wheat market characteristics: protein content, test weight (a required 60 pounds per bushel) and falling number -- a test that indicates the amount of pre-harvest sprout damage, or starch degradation, in wheat. Torrion said the optimal time to apply a final irrigation was during the medium milk stage. Results also showed that when irrigation is terminated before the completion of grain filling, it does not affect the yield and quality of the wheat crop. Additionally, the grain’s test weight generally improved with irrigation, whereas falling numbers generally decreased with irrigation, but this varied by variety. “What we found is that so long as at least one irrigation event is applied during the grain-filling process, the overall yield and quality is not negatively affected,” Torrion said. “Applying irrigation towards the late grain-filling process doesn’t produce a greater yield or produce better quality, rather, it unnecessarily uses extra water,

time, energy and income.” According to the U.S. Geological Survey, an acre-inch is equal to about 27,154 gallons of water, and Torrion said standard wheat farms in Montana have about 140 acres under each center pivot. If a producer terminates irrigation at 1 acre-inch, after the final irrigation applied at medium milk, it may save up to 3.8 million gallons of water on a 140-acre parcel, Torrion said. “That number climbs when you consider a number of farmers that irrigate after the final recommended irrigation application at medium-milk stage,” Torrion said. “We were quite surprised by our findings mostly because of the potential for greater sustainability on community water resources. That is what is really impressive,” Torrion said. Torrion added that too much unnecessary irrigation in wheat late in the season caused a lowering of falling number, a common economic challenge for Montana farmers since the condition leads to poor baking quality and reduced grain prices at local elevators. “The goal of any irrigation practice is to limit risk and produce economic benefit for the producer,” Torrion said. “Too much watering and you may have problems with lowered falling number, too little watering and you’re going to see a reduction in yield due to water stress. Our ultimate goal is to provide information on best irrigation practices and enable producers to apply the right amount of water without negatively affecting yield and quality at the elevator.” The study may impact a state facing agricultural challenges with water limitations, Stougaard said. “Ultimately, we found it improves grain quality and farm income, while better managing agricultural water use,” Stougaard said. “As changing weather patterns and increased drought continue, there’s a critical need to tailor water management to sustainable food production.” Stougaard added that identifying and breeding wheat varieties adapted to reduced irrigation and changing weather patterns is necessary for improving future grain production and quality. The NWARC is one of seven remote research centers in the Department of Research Centers in MSU’s College of Agriculture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. MAES and the College of Agriculture operate remote agricultural research centers in Montana that address production challenges in the diverse agroecosystems of the state in research and outreach programs in: crop and animal production methods, market growth opportunities, pest management and disease management, environmental quality issues and agricultural water management research. The research centers are located in Bozeman, Conrad, Corvallis, Creston, Havre, Huntley, Moccasin and Sidney.

USDA to collect final data

As the 2017 growing season officially comes to an end, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will contact producers nationwide to gather final year-end crop production numbers and the amount of grain and oilseed they store on their farms. At the same time, NASS will survey grain facility operators to determine year-end grain and oilseed stocks. “These surveys are the largest and most important yearend surveys conducted by NASS,” explained Bill Meyer, Director of the NASS Mountain Regional Office. “They are the basis for the official USDA estimates of production and harvested acres of all major agricultural commodities in the United States and year-end grain and oilseed supplies. Data from the survey will benefit farmers and processors by providing timely and accurate information to help them make critical year-end business decisions and begin planning for the next growing and marketing season.” The information will be compiled, analyzed and then published in a series of USDA reports, including the Crop Production Annual Summary and quarterly Grain Stocks report. “Responses to the producer survey will be included in the County Agricultural Production Survey and used in calculating county yields,” explained Meyer. “USDA uses county yield information from the survey to evaluate and administer vital farm disaster and insurance programs. Farmers who receive this survey are not included in the County Agricultural Production Survey; therefore this is their only opportunity to be included in the calculation of county yields.” As with all NASS surveys, information provided by respondents is confidential, as required by federal law. NASS safeguards the privacy of all responses and publishes only aggregate data, ensuring that no individual operation or producer can be identified. These and all NASS reports are available online at For more information call the NASS Mountain Regional Field Office at (800) 392-3202. ##### More people are allergic to cow’s milk than any other food.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C43

Take Advantage of WINTER DISCOUNTS! For all your grain storage needs!

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SPECIAL FINANCING on all New and Used Equipment Miscellaneous Equipment

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Used Haying Equipment

Roto-King RK-500 processor with skid steer mounts. Sale....$6500

John Deere 705 rake, rubber teeth, very nice.............$9400

NEW Woods log splitter, 27T, 8 hp, Kohler engine, vertical or horizontal splitting................... Regular $1099 Special $839 Now a dealer for FAIR Bale Processors and snow removal

2013 New Holland T7.235 CVT tractor, 1800 hours, 540E/1000 PTO, 865TL 177” lift loader, 102” bucket & grapple. Warranty till 2/13/18....... .................................$107,500

New Holland TL80A tractor, loader, 80 hp..............$39,500

2006 John Deere 6715 MFWD, 740 MSL loader with grapple.. ...................................$58,000

2003 New Holland TC35D tractor, 35 hp, loader & backhoe, 1235 hours.................$23,000

2015 Case IH Farmall 75C with loader, 87 hours.........$43,000

New Holland 8770 tractor, 160 PTO hp, 7600 hours, extremely well cared for, 600/65R-28 and 650/65-R42 tires, 4 remotes, consigned.... .......$56,000 Special $42,000

At Western Montana New Holland 2009 New Holland T4020 tractor, loader, 2155 hours, 65 hp, canopy.......................$25,500

we sell parts for FORD tractors and other makes

Case IH LB334 3x3 baler, 8000 bales, excellent........... ................................$79,500 New Holland 282 baler, twine.. ...................................$2900 New Holland BR7090 round baler, wide pickup, twine & net...........................$26,500 New Holland 1049 balewagon, no cab........................$9500 John Deere 955 swing tongue, mower flail conditioner, 14ft. 9” cut......................$9500 John Deere 936 11’6” cut disc, flail conditioner........ $11,500 John Deere 820 mower conditioner..........................$9800 Kubota DM1022 3 point dic mower, 7-ft.2” cut, like new.. ...................................$7800 New Holland 488 mower conditioner.......................$8500 New Holland 258 rake, hydraulic drive, rubber teeth.... ...................................$5700 New Holland 144 inverter........ ...................................$2900

Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996 Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348 Jason Clinkenbeard, Sales – 406-239-3529

7719 Thornton Drive Missoula, MT

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C44


• 100 Ton of Willow Creek - large round bales/net wrap • 300 Ton of Sainfoin - large round bales/net wrap

Call Tom at (406) 472-3351, if no answer, please leave a message


2007 Jeep Liberty - We towed it behind our motor home, so it has all the towing equipment installed. Clean, very nice. Only selling because we are upgrading to a pickup

For more details call 406-491-4444 or 406-491-3333, Whitehall, MT

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WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC

Long-term grain storage requires good management

By NDSU Extension Service Long-term Grain Storage Cool grain rapidly after harvest if it’s going into long-term storage. Also cool grain that has been stored during the summer. The allowable storage time (AST) is an estimate of the life of the grain until it has deteriorated enough to affect grain quality. Grain AST charts, such as those in the publications section of the NDSU grain drying and storage website (https://, are available online. The amount of grain in storage in North The allowable storage time is dependent Dakota continues to increase. on the grain condition, moisture content Corn stocks on September 1 were up and temperature. Determining the amount 161 percent from 2016. Of that, 54 million of storage life remaining will assist with bushels are stored on North Dakota farms, managing the stored grain. which is a 315 percent increase. Soybean The AST is cumulative, so if one-half stocks are up 212 percent, with 9.8 million of the storage life is used before the grain bushels stored on farms. has been dried and cooled, only about half Across the U.S., corn stocks are up of the life is available for the drier grain. 32 percent from September 2016 to 2.29 For example, corn stored at 20 percent billion bushels, with 787 million bushels moisture and 50 degrees has an AST of stored on farms. Soybean stocks are up 53 about 50 days. If it is dried to 15 percent percent to 301 million bushels, with 87.9 after 25 days and cooled for winter storage million bushels stored on farms. but warms to 70 degrees next summer, the Maintaining grain quality during exAST at 15 percent moisture and 70 degrees tended storage will require extra care and is only about 60 days, rather than the 125 management, according to North Dakota days shown in an allowable storage time State University’s grain storage expert. chart. “Grain that will be stored for an extend“Controlling grain temperature is ed time needs to be good-quality grain,” critical for maintaining grain quality,” NDSU Extension Service agricultural Hellevang says. “Insect reproduction is engineer Ken Hellevang says. “The outer reduced below about 70 degrees, insects layer of a grain kernel is the pericarp, or are dormant below about 50 degrees, and seed coat, and provides protection for the insects are killed if grain is below 30 dekernel. If the pericarp is damaged, the grees for a few weeks.” kernel is more susceptible to mold growth Moisture migration increases the moisand insect infestations. This reduces the ture content at the top of the bin when expected storage life of the grain.” about a 20-degree temperature difference Clean Grain and Storage Bins occurs between the grain and average Clean the grain to remove broken keroutdoor temperature. Therefore, the grain nels and foreign material before storing should be cooled with aeration when you it. Segregation based on size and density have a 10- to 15-degree difference between occurs as grain flows into storage. Fines grain and average outdoor temperatures. accumulate in the middle unless a funcCool the grain to 20 to 30 degrees in tioning distributor spreads them throughnorthern states and 40 degrees or cooler in out the grain. Unloading some grain from southern states for winter storage. the center of the bin will remove some of The bin vents could ice over when the the fines and help level the grain in the bin. aeration system is operated near or below In addition, immature kernels have a 32 degrees. Utilize a sensor to stop the much shorter expected storage life. Grain aeration fan if bin roof pressures become test weight may be an indicator of maturity excessive, or leave access doors open to and storability. serve as pressure relief valves if operating Assure that the storage facility is clean the aeration system near freezing temperaand insects are not living in aeration ducts, tures to reduce the potential for damaging under perforated floors, or in handling the roof. equipment or debris around the facility. Hellevang also has this advice for longFumigate empty bins to kill insects under term grain storage: the floor or in aeration ducts if an infesta• Do not place new grain in bins with tion occurred during the previous year. last year’s grain. Any insect infestations or Also, consider applying an approved respoilage that starts in last year’s grain will sidual bin spray and a grain protectant to impact the new grain. repel potential insect infestations if storing • Check the grain at least every two grain during warmer portions of the year. weeks until it has been cooled for winter Reduce Mold Growth storage and every two to four weeks durMold growth requires moist conditions, ing the winter. usually above about 70 percent relative • Verify that the moisture content is at humidity, and warm temperatures. To the recommended storage level. reduce the potential for mold growth, the • Check the grain temperature. grain moisture content should be below the • Inspect for insects. equilibrium moisture content (EMC), at 60 • Look for indications of storage probto 65 percent relative humidity. lems, such as condensation on the roof. The EMC of corn is about 13.5 percent “Using temperature cables or sensors at 70 degrees and 65 percent relative to monitor grain temperature is encourhumidity, and about 15 percent at 50 deaged, but remember that because grain is grees. If you can keep stored corn below a good insulator, the temperature can be 50 degrees, you can store it at 15 percent different just a few feet from the sensor,” moisture. However, if the temperature Hellevang says. will be warmer than 50 degrees, then the For more information, search for longrecommended storage moisture content is term grain storage at university websites about 13.5 percent. EMC charts for various on the internet. types of grain are available on the internet.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C45

Enrollment period for Safety Net Coverage

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that starting November 1, 2017, farmers and ranchers with base acres in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage (PLC) safety net program may enroll for the 2018 crop year. The enrollment period will end on August 1, 2018. Since shares and ownership of a farm can change yearto-year, producers must enroll by signing a contract each program year,” said Farm Service Agency (FSA) Acting Administrator Steve Peterson. I encourage producers to contact their local FSA office to schedule an appointment to enroll.” The producers on a farm that are not enrolled for the 2018 enrollment period will not be eligible for financial assistance from the ARC or PLC programs for the 2018 crop should crop prices or farm revenues fall below the historical price or revenue benchmarks established by the program. Producers who made their elections in previous years must still enroll during the 2018 enrollment period. This week FSA is issuing approximately $850 million in rice payments,” said Peterson. “These payments are part of the $8 billion in 2016 ARC and PLC payments that started in October to assist enrolled producers who suffered a loss of revenue or price, or both. Over half a million producers will receive ARC payments and over a quarter million producers will receive PLC payments for 2016 crops.” The ARC and PLC programs were authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill and offer a safety net to agricultural producers when there is a substantial drop in prices or revenues for covered commodities. Covered commodities include barley, canola, large and small chickpeas, corn, crambe, flaxseed, grain sorghum, lentils, mustard seed, oats, peanuts, dry peas, rapeseed, long grain rice, medium grain rice (which includes short grain and sweet rice), safflower seed, sesame, soybeans, sunflower seed and wheat. Upland cotton is no longer a covered commodity. For more details regarding these programs, go to For more information, producers are encouraged to visit their local FSA office. To find a local FSA office, visit http://

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Trailers For Sale: 2016 Frontier 36-ft. Ag Hopper, pintle hitch................... $28,900 2005 Doonan 48-ft. drop deck....................................... $21,000 1979 Trailmobile 40-ft. hopper....................................... $10,000 1979 Chevrolet plow truck with Tommy Lift....................... $6000 1972 Dodge plow truck..................................................... $3000


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2011 Wilson PaceSetter 50-ft. ag hopper, 10-ft. spread axle

see these units and more info at

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C46

Regional $6 million biofuel, carbon capture modeling project

By University of Wyoming Extension assessment. Agricultural economists at the University The goal is to decrease atmospheric carof Wyoming (UW) will generate models of what economies in the Upper Missouri bon – perhaps even remove more than is Shaver towable post pounder, 13 2008 Yanmar ViO45 thumb, pin River Basin might look like if raising biogoing in – through alternative agricultural hp Honda power. Nearly new, very grabber, blade, only 1470 hours..... clean....................................$9150 .........................................$42,500 and energy approaches, such as biofuels, fuels and carbon capture technologies were and above- and belowground carbon seimplemented. Check out our website for pictures and prices UW is part of the four-year, $6 million questration. or email Neil at • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT National Science Foundation project workThe Upper Missouri River Basin refers to the Missouri River and all its tributaring with Montana State University (MSU) and the University of South Dakota (USD) to ies upstream of Sioux City, Iowa. The area HAY AND FARM/RANCH EQUIPMENT determine if changes in commodity producincludes all or parts of Wyoming, Montana, South and North Dakota and Nebraska and tion and capturing carbon are sustainable, or FOR SALE - AUGUSTA, MT more than 20 Native American reservations. even feasible, in the basin. Alfalfa hay round bales - 2nd cutting (excellent quality - hay Global-scale modeling of carbon reducThe group includes more than 31 private, tests available) 200 ton round bales & 270 ton 3x4x8 state and federal institutions and more than tion has already been done, said Gerace. This square bales...................................... CALL FOR PRICE 50 people. Project organization began last project examines the regional scale. John Deere 4895 swather, without header............ $30,000 John Deere 9400 drills, 30-ft. drills, 7” spacing........ $7500 year. The project’s website is http://waferx. “How would we fit into this?” she asked. International 1460 combine, 3791 hours................. $6000 “What would it look like in the Upper MisInternational 1440 combine, 4280 hours................. $4000 Each university is receiving $2 million. souri River Basin?” *Both combines used for 2016 harvest UW’s role is developing the economic Gerace has organized the first stakeholder (2) Case IH 1010 combine headers. Per header...... $1800 Header trailer for headers......................................... $1000 models, said Selena Gerace, UW Extension workshop Wednesday, October 11, in BozeJohn Deere 4020 tractor...............................................Call outreach coordinator for the project. man, Montana. Others will be in Wyoming David Brown tractor................................................. $5000 MSU will study agriculture and biofertiland South Dakota, she said. Attendees will Yacht Club 4 place snowmobile trailer..................... $1500 be asked what kind of biofuels or carbon izers, food security, clean energy and water John Deere 530 baler............................................... $2500 capture storage is feasible. supply and quality. USD will focus on land Call Chase 406-899-6055 or Rhett 406-590-6054 The project is an investigation of what use, biodiversity and ecosystem services would be socially and technically feasible and what that might look like, she said. 406-453-0010 “If we were to do widescale bioenergy production, Montana Toll Free how much is that going to 1-800-452-0010 impact the amount of food 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana being produced, and what are the economic, ecological Ag West Distributing Co., located in Great Falls, Montana, is currently hiring a parts and N and social tradeoffs?” asked equipment sales associate. Sales area would be lower Montana and Wyoming. IN STOW Gerace. “Our piece of the OCK Sales responsibilities will be discussed at interview. NEW Raven Great benefits including: 401k retirement program, insurance and paid vacation. puzzle is looking at what Please send resume to: Ag West Distributing , 4212 north star Blvd. #4 Great Falls, MT. 59405 would happen at both the ™ Guidance farm and regional scales.” Go to to check out our Researchers across severNew Low Price Of $1695 used sprayers and floaters we have on sale! al UW departments and cenCall for Special Pricing ® ters are involved. Ben Rash✔ Touchscreen Display ford, associate professor and All ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) head of the Department of Shapes ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports Agricultural and Applied and Sizes Liquid Storage ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology Economics in the College of ✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries Tanks Agriculture and Natural Reor create in-depth field maps. sources, is leading the UW Excellent Selection ® effort in economic modeling. On Hand Others from the department ✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand are associate professors John ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package Ritten and Roger Coupal, research scientists Amy Nagler and Anna Clark, and We carry all Parts & Filters graduate student Eilish Hanfor self-propelled son. Also involved are Windy sprayers and floater trucks Kelley, Regional Extension Program coordinator We sell all AIM Command & SharpShooter parts for the USDA Northern Complete Systems On Hand forJohn Deere and all other brands Plains Climate Hub; Shannon Albeke, ecoinformatics 20+ years experience... research scientist with the We service what we sell Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center; and ATV & BACKPACK associate professor Robert SPRAYERS Godby and Dayana Zhappassova, Ph.D. student, in The Handler is designed primarily for the Department of Economdirect induction of chemical into sprayers. ics and Finance.


Viper 4+

Envizio Pro II

Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Black & Clear

Replace Problem Solenoid Valves with Electric Ball Valves

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##### Instead of using expensive Teflon tape to preventing leaking between pipes and other parts that screw together, just use dental floss. Wrap the floss around the item’s threads and you’ll have a tight connection.

Soft durum wheat opens door

By Agricultural Research Service Soft Svevo, a new soft durum wheat variety developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their collaborators, could expand the market for wheat. Traditional durum wheats are primarily grown as a source of semolina—a coarse meal used to make pasta, couscous and other products. However, producing semolina requires specialized mills that can grind durum wheat’s rock-hard kernels. This, in turn, has limited the food uses for durum wheat, which comprises 3 to 5 percent of the total U.S. wheat crop. Craig Morris, an ARS chemist in Pullman, Washington, has a soft spot for durum which, despite the hard nature of its kernels, is better adapted to hot, arid growing regions of the United States than the more commonly grown bread wheat varieties. Over the past 20 years, he and colleagues have delved into the genetics of wheat kernel development for clues that could broaden the number of products made from durum. Along the way, the team determined that durum’s hard kernel texture has no relationship to pasta quality. Rather, it is durum’s yellow kernel color and high-protein content that gives pasta its desirable firmness. Additionally, these features have nothing to do with the particle size of semolina made from the kernels, according to Morris. Based on that premise, the researchers set out to create a soft durum wheat with kernels easily milled into a fine flour instead of semolina. Finding two genes that control kernel texture in soft bread wheats—Puroindoline a (Pina) and Puroindoline b (Pinb)—proved a breakthrough. The team moved these genes into a prized Italian durum variety to eventually produce Soft Svevo, marking the first soft durum of its kind. Tests show Soft Svevo’s flour is similar to soft bread wheat flour. According to Morris, it imparts an appealing aroma, flavor and color to pizza crusts, baguettes and other baked goods. For more information contact Jan Suszkiw (https://, ARS Office of Communications.

Mike l ai em or eo ce f l d l i ie Ca & v h p ac re fo

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C47

##### The first fort constructed west of the Missouri River was Fort Atkinson near Blair, NE. ##### The largest porch swing in the world is located in Hebron, Nebraska and it can sit 25 adults.


400 ton alfalfa/grass hay, 3x4 bales and round bales Riteway JH8168 68-ft. heavy harrow. Like new, less than 500 acres........................................................... $39,500 Degelman R570H rock picker, high lift, hydraulic drive...... .............................................................................. $6750 16-ft. bale rack............................................................. $800 Call 406-473-2357 or 366-0052, Judith Gap, Montana

Concrete Stock Water Tanks 600- to 1000-gallon capacity


Super Fenceline Concrete Feed Bunks

38” wide x 19” deep x 8-ft. long


Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix Phone 406-285-3281

Three Forks, MT

(208) 405-0414 -

Mike (208) 681-6009

Alan (818) 266-4012

David 661-310-8822



2004 Wirtgen Mill Machine

4700 hours*, 680 hp Cat C16 motor, new belts. Just serviced

2004 Case CX225SR 4300 hours*. Just had major service. Excellent undercarriage, 0 turn swing

2001 Ford F450


$109,750 John Deere 150KW Genset



2000 GMC C6500


101,000 miles*, automatic, air conditioning, 36-ft. lift, up and down controls

2011 Bobcat S650


1999 International 2674 87,000 miles*, 62,000 GVWR, N14 Cummins, 10 speed Eaton Fuller transmission, air conditioning, 14 yard box


2634 hours*, 212 KVA, self-contained, 240/480 volts, 1/2/3 phase

2002 Ford F550

2004 Ford F450


31,000 miles*, air conditioning, 13.5-ft. electric dump bed, 1500 lb power gate, gas motor

$24,500 $23,750


67,000 miles*, automatic, air brakes, tow package


2001 International Asphalt Patch Truck, 140,000 miles*, automatic transmission, air conditioning, ex-CA city............ $6,500

1800 hours*, hi flow auxiliary, 75 hp, 8500 lbs machine

2000 Hamm 130 VH Roller


Dresser A566E

2010 International 8600 Transtar

143,000 miles*, Maxxforce diesel, mini sleeper, 430 hp, power windows & locks, air brakes, cruise, engine brake, 10 speed Eaton Fuller transmission

$35,750 77,000 miles*, 7.3L Power Stroke, automatic, air conditioning, PTO, air compressor, 2600 lbs auto crane, power invertor Flexible Finance options available with seasonal payments, deferred payment plans, and no money down payment options with approved credit.* 50 month credit terms available on all units regardless of asset age.

1872 hours*, 84” drums, vibratory, 10 ton roller 6040 hours*, excellent tires, Cummins turbo diesel, articulated, all wheel drive, 8 speed power shift

*Hours and miles are advertised as shown on the hours/speedometer. Have no way of verifying true accuracy. All vehicles will be sold through Ram Tire Co. Inc., a licensed California motor dealer.

Trader’s Dispatch, November 2017 — Page C48


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• 70” standup sleeper • 18 speed • Cummins ISX • Low miles • Navigation/Leather

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$17,617/yr - oac

2014 John Deere 6170R loader tractor

• Very clean • Only 289 total hours • Loader & grapple • Ready to work

Buy or Lease To Own

$14,615/yr - oac

Land Rollers

2007 Kenworth W900L

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7614 Grain Vacs

• 50-ft.

• Narrow transport • 3 section

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$7559/yr - oac

NEW 1547LP Conveyors

• 30 hp Kohler • EZ mover • 6000 bushel per hour

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• Cat walks • 40-ft. trailer • Roll tarp • Sight windows

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$6950/yr - oac

• Great for pulse crops • Pre cleaner • Truck loading kit

Buy or Lease To Own

$6642/yr - oac

$5281/yr - oac

Check us out on the web at

750 bushel Spread when you want... Grain Carts • Sight glass window • Roll tarp/scale • PTO drive • 30.5x32 tires

ALL NEW Triple Axle Aluminum

• Power roll tarp • 50-ft. • Sight windows

Buy or Lease To Own

$11,243/yr - oac

Sold Last Month and Location Haybuster 980 vertical mixer.............. ................................Whitewater, MT Convey Air........................Ledger, MT John Deere 4700.... Twin Bridges, MT 2007 Kenworth W900......................... ...............................Fort Benton, MT (3) Walker mowers............................... .Great Falls, Fort Benton, Loma, MT 2005 Peterbilt 379............ Billings, MT 2011 Freightliner...............Clinton, IN (2) Rem VRX......Brady, Big Sandy, MT (2) Chandler 8-ton.....Valier, Froid, MT Haybuster 2665.........Red Lodge, MT Truck Mount Spreader..... Moore, MT Brandt 1590 conveyor....Hinsdale, MT Meridian GM 4000....... Geraldine, MT Brandt 1070 auger.......... Winnett, MT John Deere 4955....... Great Falls, MT (2) Brandt 1547 conveyors................ ........................... Malta, Denton, MT

Mowers • 61” deck • Power deck • Full suspension • Comfort seat

As Low As


Where you want... 2013 John Deere – Pay Yourself... 4830 self-propelled

Buy or Lease To Own

$6333/yr - oac

Honda Motors Call for Details

• 2018 Truck Mounts • Available NOW! • 300 hp • Automatic • Auto Rate • Auto Steer • Guidance • $3.25/acre Buy...Lease...Rent

• 989 engine hours • 1000 gallon • 100-ft. boom • Auto height • Auto Steer • Section control • 2630 Display and 3000 Dome

Buy or Lease To Own

$38,578/yr - oac

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