SEPTEMBER 2012 Vol. XIII No. 8 P.O. Box 306 Valier, MT 59486-0306
Phone 406-279-3291 Fax 406-279-3249 website: E-MAIL:
Grants to help farmers, ranchers adapt to drought The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is making $5 million in grants available to evaluate and demonstrate agricultural practices that help farmers and ranchers adapt to drought. NRCS is taking applications for Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) to help producers build resiliency into their production systems so they can adapt to climatic extremes, such as the historic drought impacting the nation. NRCS is offering the grants to partnering entities to evaluate innovative, field-based conservation technologies and approaches. These technologies and/or approaches should lead to improvements such as enhancing the water-holding capacity in soils and installing drought-tolerant grazing systems, which will help farms and ranches become more resilient to drought. Grant applications are due October 15, 2012. Private individuals, tribes, local and state governments and non-governmental organizations can apply. Funds will be awarded through a competitive grants process for projects lasting for one to three years. Apply electronically at or contact the NRCS National CIG office at (703) 235-8065. NRCS is especially interested in projects that demonstrate: continued on page a2
Sept. 12, Big Iron, Online Auction.....................................................................A23 Sept. 12, Pate Auction, Inc., Online...................................................................A35 Sept. 15, Hi Line Auction, Wright Estate, Malta..................................................A4 Sept. 14-15, Shobe Auction & Realty, 2 Day Antique, Lewistown.....................A7 Sept. 15, Rick Young & Sons Auctioneers, Keefer Retirement, Roundup........A5 Sept. 15, Pate Auction Inc., City & Counties Surplus & Contractors, Helena..A3 Sept. 15, Flying D Auction, Racki, Cut Bank.....................................................A54 Sept. 19, Big Iron, Online Auction.....................................................................A23 Sept. 20, Ophus Auction Service, Anchor Ranch, Lloyd.................................A11 Sept. 22, Jedlicka Auctioneer, Consignment, Three Forks..............................A22 Sept. 22, RK Statewide Auction, Mid-Rivers, Circle.........................................A12 Sept. 22, Pate Auction Inc., Sodja Construction, Helena...................................A3 Sept. 22, Sky Hi Auction, Tromp Estate Real Estate & Farm, Ronan..............A13 Sept. 23, RK Statewide Auction, Riverside Marine & Cycle Inventory Reduction, Miles City........................................................................................................A14 Sept. 23, Jim Ellis Auctioneer, Sugar Loaf Mountain Ranch, Glen...................A6 Sept. 26, Big Iron, Online Auction.....................................................................A23 Sept. 28, Musser Bros, Inc, Superior Construction Equipment, Billings.......A15 Sept. 29, Ophus Auction Service, Hebbelman, Chinook.................................A19 Sept. 29, Rivers West Auction, Jefferson Estate, Arlee.....................................A6 Sept. 29, RK Statewide Auction, Vilhauer Moving, Nashua.............................A30 Sept. 29, Pate Auction Inc., State of Montana Surplus Property, Helena.......A29 Sept. 29, Smith Sales Co., Potts Ranch Retirement, Forsyth..........................A27 Sept. 29, Buckley Auctions, Roark Retirement, Sunburst...............................A21 Sept. 30,, Online.......................................................................A13 Oct. 2, Fritz Auction, Windy Rim Farm Retirement, Ethridge..........................A31 Oct. 2, Pate Auction, Inc., Real Property, Helena..............................................A35 Oct. 3, Shobe Auction & Realty, Barber Ranch & Farm Equipment, Denton.A40 Oct. 6, Tande Auction Serivices, Inc., Hanson Farm Equipment, Whitetail....A37 Oct. 6, Shobe Auction & Realty, Viertel Estate, Lewistown.............................A41 Oct. 6, Begger Auction, M&H Reddi-Mix & Construction Equipment, Baker.A45 Oct. 6, RK Statewide Auction, Lester Gun & Antique, Sidney........................A62 Oct. 13, Ophus Auction Service, Rossmiller Collector Tractor, Great Falls...A33 Oct. 13, RK Statewide Auction, Amunrud Moving, Sidney..............................A36 Oct. 13, Smith Sales Co., Westmoreland Mining Surplus, Colstrip................A47 Oct. 14, Jim Ellis Auctioneer, Antique Bit & Spur & Western collectibles, Victor .........................................................................................................................A49 Oct. 16, Rivers West & RK Statewide Auctions, Bonavia Farms, Ronan........A51 Oct. 19, Larry & Eva Olson Auction Co., Wes Koss Hunting Real Estate, Malta. .........................................................................................................................A53
NDSU offering free soil testing at Big Iron
By NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service soil health specialists will test producers’ soil for salinity Wednesday, September 12, at the Big Iron Farm Show on the West Fargo Fairgrounds. continued on page a2
Will Simpson working for Gordon Haynes Custom Harvesting of Vernon, Texas took this picture near Cut Bank, Montana of the harvest. The Rocky Mountains loom high above in the background. Will is from Laxton, Northamptonshire, England.
Range tour highlights cultural diversity with visits to Blackfeet Tribe, Hutterite colony Cultural diversity in Montana agriculture and conservation takes center stage at the 2012 Annual Range Tour set for September 19-20 in Cut Bank, Montana, with stops at the Blackfeet Indian Reservation for tours of the Tribal bison herd, along with a visit to the Big Sky Hutterite Colony. Hosted by the Glacier County Conservation District, the tour will open with a trip to the AMS Ranch, which provides winter range for the Blackfeet Nation’s bison herd. Tour participants will have the chance to see some historic sites and learn about the seasonal rotations the bison go through on their Tribal rangeland. The tour will continue on to Teepee Village, where the Tribe will be donating buffalo burgers. The next stop will be on Highway 2 between Browning and East Glacier to see the summer pastures of the bison range. Members of the Tribe will be on hand to discuss grazing management, bison behavior and their cultural importance. When the buses return to Cut Bank, tour participants will be treated to a dinner at the Civic Center. KMON Radio Ag Director Jim Sargent will serve as Master of Ceremonies for the banquet. Entertainment for the evening will be music by Erik “Fingers” Ray. The second day of the tour will begin with
Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch A60
a visit to the Lytle Ranch. Here the crowd will be able to see a stockwater pipeline and how this project has made an improvement on the range. Next the tour will head to the Big Sky Colony. Here tour participants will see another stockwater pipeline and have the opportunity to tour the poultry and dairy facilities of the colony. Lunch will be served at the colony and then the buses will return to Cut Bank. The annual Governor’s Range Tour rotates around the state, highlighting excellence and innovation in natural resource stewardship. “The tour is an excellent opportunity for landowners, the general public and resource management professionals to discuss range continued on page a4
Wyse Genetics, Manhattan........................................... A5 Ehlke Herefords, Townsend........................................ C39 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan.................................... C39 Rafter Ranch Inc., Wise River..................................... C39 Cherry Springs Ranch, Bridger . ............................... C39
Sept. 16, Grantier & XR Quarter Horses, Winnett.........A2 Nov. 8, Diamond D Angus, Valier.................................A18 Nov. 13, Thistledew Cattle Company, Joliet..................A8
Deadline for October is September 28
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A2
Winter Wheat & Barley straw 3x3x8 squares and round bales. Blue canola roller 8-ft. wide, good shape........................................................... $700 Call Schroder Ranch, 406-353-2864, Harlem, Montana
Pre Plant - Chemfallow - Crop
Custom Spraying
Liquid Fertilizer Application
Terry Tomsheck 406-450-8013 or Rex Tomsheck 406-450-1252
Serving the Golden Triangle and surrounding areas
Grants to help farmers, ranchers adapt to drought continued from front page
Cropping or grazing systems that increase resiliency to drought through improved soil health; Increases in available soil water holding capacity by enhancing organic matter with reduced tillage, cover crops and organic amendments; Improvements in water use efficiency for agricultural production; Coordination with NRCS Plant Material Centers in using drought resistant plants and practices; Recommendations for appropriate nutrient management following an extended drought; Analysis on a regional basis of how agricultural production and conservation systems faired during drought conditions; Agricultural approaches that flourished in low-precipitation areas; Traditional/historical production practices that have proven effective in dealing with drought; Alternative feeding systems for confined animal operations that incorporate novel drought-tolerant feedstocks; Alternative housing or cooling systems for improved energy efficiency and better climate control in confined animal operations; and Technologies that reduce water use in confined animal operations.
NDSU offering free soil testing at Big Iron CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
Turn your used oil into FREE HEAT
Turn off power in summer. Call about summer service programs.
•Ronan •Grass Range •Whitehall •Stevensville
Producers can bring a soil sample to the NDSU Extension table for the free test. “Salts are native to North Dakota’s glaciated mineralogy,” says Chris Augustin, area Extension soil health specialist at NDSU’s North Central Research Extension Center near Minot. “The past 20 or so wet years have moved these minerals to the topsoil. Water then evaporates, leaves salts behind and creates the white spots that reduce crop yields. “Salinity management is water management,” he adds. “We need to dry down soils so salts move below the root zone. Farming practices that do this include cover cropping, perennial cropping, no-tilling and subsurface drainage.” To provide soil for the test, take samples from a handful of spots in a field, mix the soil and take a sample of the mixture. That sample should contain about a cup of soil. Place the sample in a small dish on a sunny windowsill for a few days to allow the sample to dry. Then place the sample in a zip-top plastic bag and bring it to Big Iron. “The test will only take a few minutes,” Augustin says. “We see white scars across North Dakota and know that salts are lowering crop yields. We hope this quick test gives our farmers an idea of how bad it is and that they know we are here to help them fix these issues.”
September 2012 — Vol. XIII No. 8 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., 402 Montana Ave., Valier, MT 59486-0306. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Valier, MT and at additional mailing offices.
Deadline Friday before first Monday of each month.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 306, Valier, MT 59486-0306 Curt Aaberg, sales rep. Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste, graphic artists Office Phone 406-279-3291 FAX 406-279-3249 e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A3
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A4
Equipment In Stock
NEW Degelman 45-ft. triple unit land roller NEW Degelman 7200 rock picker
NEW Degelman Strawmaster 70-ft. heavy harrow
MILK RIVER CO-OP Call 406-654-2022
Big Sandy, MT - 406-378-2306 Rudyard, MT - 406-355-4154 Havre, MT - 406-265-2275 Turner, MT - 406-379-2275 Chinook, MT - 406-357-2280 Malta, MT - 406-654-2022 Harlem, MT - 406-353-2490
Range tour highlights continued from front page
management issues and share experiences,” said Mark Suta, Glacier County Conservation District Supervisor. “We’re excited to be hosting this year and hope to see plenty of folks come out.” Registration costs are $45 before September 7 and $50 after. Pre-registration is encouraged though it is also possible to sign up on the day of the event. For more information about this year’s tour, contact Belinda Knapton at (406) 873-5752 ext. 101, or Heidi Crum, Montana DNRC Rangeland Resource Program Coordinator, at (406) 444-6619. To download a poster and registration form or for more information on DNRC’s Rangeland Resource Program, visit the DNRC Web site at rangelandmangement.asp or the facebook page at https://www.
NDSU holding clinic for new shepherds
By NDSU Extension Service New shepherds will have an opportunity to learn about sheep production and nutrition during a clinic at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Hettinger Research Extension Center on September 22. “We are hosting an educational field day for individuals with new sheep flocks,” NDSU Extension Service sheep specialist Reid Redden says. “This program was designed to support the North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association’s starter flock program; however, it is open to anyone interested in the basics of sheep production. “Sheep are a good livestock enterprise for youth, families who have off-the-farm jobs or existing livestock enterprises seeking diversification,” Redden adds. “New sheep operations are attractive because individuals can start small and build as they go. Plus, sheep operations do not require large startup capital, large amounts of land, or expensive facilities and equipment. Within a few years, new shepherds can rapidly grow their flock and build a sustainable production system.” The clinic, which is free of charge, will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. The educational portion of the program starts at 10. Topics and presenters include: • Sheep production overview – Redden • Sheep nutrition - Chris Schauer, Hettinger Research Extension Center director and animal scientist • Lambing barn management - Rick Schmidt, Oliver County Extension agent • Sheep production budgeting - Lyle Warner, sheep producer and Bismarck State College economics lecturer The clinic also will include an overview of shepherding equipment, a session on animal-handling techniques, tour of the Hettinger center’s sheep facilities, question-and-answer session and the starter flock recipient load-out. A noon lunch will be available for purchase. For more information or to register, contact Redden at reid. or (701) 231-5597. The NDSU Extension Service, Hettinger Research Extension Center and North Dakota Lamb and Wool Producers Association are hosting this program.
CAC applicants sought for FWP Region 4
Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ Region 4 is seeking four new members for the Region 4 Citizen Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC is a general advisory committee that meets three to four times a year to work with FWP on all issues and programs. Citizen advisors serve in a voluntary capacity with meals and travel expenses provided for a four-year term. The meetings, open to the public, are held around the region and generally are devoted to two or three main topics, though citizen advisors come to meetings prepared to discuss the whole breadth of FWP business. Applicants will be asked to provide an overview of their interests and involvement in natural resource issues. People are welcome to apply from throughout FWP’s Region 4, especially from Meagher County, the Rocky Mountain Front and the Lewistown area. To obtain an application, call FWP at 454-5840, email Bruce Auchly at, or write to the Region 4 headquaters: FWP, 4600 Giant Springs Road, Great Falls, MT 59405 Applications must be received by FWP by September 15. A panel of FWP managers and current CAC members will select the new members.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A5
Tree roots in my flowerbed
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service intended planting site. We fertilizer with Q: We have a flowerbed that is 15 feet Miracle-Gro on a monthly basis and the tree, away from a large cut leaf weeping birch bulbs (daffodils and tulips) and herbaceous tree. The bed contains perennials and tulips. perennials all seem to be doing fine. I really If you dig 4 to 6 inches into the ground, don’t suggest tilling the area because the it is a solid mass of roots. I am unable to damage would be too extensive to the roots till the bed because of the perennials. I am of the tree and make it a target for a bronze wondering if there is any way to control the birch borer attack. tree roots. You can tell the plants are hurting To contact Ron Smith for answers to because of the tree roots. If I destroy the your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU bed, I am assuming the roots will be back Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, shortly. Thanks for your response. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email A: I have the same tree and problem. We cut the roots out that are in the way of our
30.5L-32 tires at 95%, 2564 hours, 30-ft. 1010 header with trailer................................................................... $21,500 Phone (406) 398-5325, Havre, Montana
BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE 150 head of gentle Red Angus heifers
Handled with horses, ultrasounded for calving dates AI bred will calve the first week of February Bull bred will calve February through early April Will sell in tight calving groups Call Wyse Genetics (406) 581-0302, Manhattan, MT
Bob & Darlene Keefer Retirement
Location: 114 Valley Road, Roundup, MT From Roundup go south 1 mile Hwy 87 to Valley Road, then 1 mile east. Auctioneer’s Note: Many more items too numerous to mention. Lots of boxes full of new and unused items. A lifetime collection!
Sat., Sept. 15, 2012 - 10 am MISCELLANEOUS
150 new steel posts, 8’ 155 new steel posts 1974 CBC fiberglass boat and trailer 2 safes 2003 Suzuki Vision 500 4-wheeler 28 new 2”x8”x16’ boards 350 used steel posts doors, window, hardi board grain cleaner new roll barb wire new set posts & RR ties
10 gal Red Wing crock 2 old cash register 2 Southwestern wool rugs, nice 9 hand water pumps 90# anvil Adlake RR lantern American radiation wood stove baby buggy barn lanterns blue canning jars bronze statuettes captain chairs cast iron ash pot, unusual cast iron stove, 2 burner china closet cookie jars corn sheller coyote hides crosscut saws Fairbanks stationary engine glass canning jar lids grandfather clock ice tongs large assortment of iron wheels large buffalo bronze Lone Ranger collectables lots of machinery seats Majestic gas stove numerous antlers numerous branding irons numerous cream cans numerous kerosene lanterns numerous oak chairs oak drop front secretary oak filing cabinet oak ice box oak night stand oak wall telephone old wrenches print trays sausage stuffer scythes serpentine front dresser Singer tredle sewing machine square nails tin butter churn very large assortment of wood wagon wheels whiskey barrel White tredle sewing machine Wilson upright piano Winchester, Colt, Remington collector tins wood pulleys wringer tub stand
1988 Ford TW25 with Leon 808 load er, grapple, FWA, 3pt, 3 remotes, duals, good condition International TD 9 crawler with dozer blade, runs good John Deere 7020 tractor McCormick Deering WD9, runs
2 - Case IH 620 10’ grain drills with hitch, double disc 2011 Vermeer 605 Super M round baler, 2200 bales, like new Elston 3pt gopher poison machine Farm Aid feeder-mixer wagon, hyd and PTO General 10’ rotary mower, 3pt, PTO Hesston 8100 self propelled swather, diesel, 16’ head International 24’ lift wing tool bar Leon 200 HD 3pt blade, hyd. tilt and angle
braided rommel reins Circle Y saddle hames, single trees, double trees, neck yokes horse fly net leather chaps, Connolly saddlery Miles City saddle numerous bridle bits numerous saddle blankets numerous snaffle bits over 30 horse collars saddle bags, US stamped set of harness, Amish made set of harness, large size set of harness, US stamped show bridle
2 seater buggy, shafts & tongue Acme Giant mower bob sled box-freight wagon cultivators dirt mover (slip) disc dump rake New Idea mower planter
Standing U Lazy S, cattle R.S., horses R.J.
2 cattle guards large dehorner several water tanks Thorson squeeze chute
3 oxygen bottles 3500 watt generator 4 acetylene bottles air compressor cherry picker chop saw disc grinders electric drills gear pullers oxy-acetylene torch, hose, gauges
1,000 rs. 30-06 11,000 rds .22 cal 2 LC Smith double barrel shotgun 12ga. 2000 rds. .357 &.38 Belgium double barrel shotgun 12ga. Colt DA model 1895 .41 marked NPRC #36 Colt double barrel shotgun, 12ga. made in 1887 Colt house model .41 Colt Lightning rifle 40-60, Civil War Colt model 1849 pocket pistol .31 Colt SA .38 marked American Express Co. Colt SA model 1860 .44 with letter of auth. from US Army Glock pistol .9mm, new in box Knives, new in box Large assortment of reloading supplies Lee reloading kit- shotgun, new in box Numerous reloading dies Parker double barrel shotgun 12ga. powder measure kit and scale, new RCBS reloading press new in box Ruger .22, scope Ruger model 77 220 swift, scope S&W DA pistol .44 made in 1880 S&W Springfield .44 made in 1895 Scabbards and gun socks Several bullet displays Tarus auto .380 ACP US Springfield 45-70 Winchester model 1887 12ga. made in 1888 Winchester model 1887 12ga. made in 1906 Winchester model 1891 30-30 saddle ring marked US Winchester model 1901 10ga. lever action made in 9021 Winchester model 1903 .22 auto made in 1904 Winchester model 1903 .22 auto made in 1906 Winchester model 61 .22 Winchester model 70 .220 swift
1953 Chevrolet 6400 truck, 1.5ton, 14’ bed, hoist 1973 Ford 600 feed truck, harsh mixer box 1977 Budd storage van 40’ 1980 Toyota pickup 4x4 1983 Ford F250 4x4, diesel 1983 Wilson grain trailer, 45’ with roll tarp 1998 Sterling van truck with Maxan hyd. lift gate, diesel, duals 2003 pickup box, new
Sale Managed by: Rick Young & Sons Auctioneers Phone: 406-328-4296 or Cell: 406-321-1534 or
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A6
George Jefferson Estate Sept. 29th, 2012 10:00 a.m. MST
Vehicles and Farm Machinery will sell at noon Arlee, Montana ~ 69006 LaMoose Lane Preview: Thursday & Friday, September 27 & 28 - 10 am - 6 pm. Directions: Between mile markers 21 and 22 on Highway 93 North of Arlee, on East side of Highway take LaMoose Lane, first driveway on right hand side, (approximately 1/8 mile off Hwy). Auctioneer’s Note: George passed away in July at the age of 93, his home was the family farm in the Jocko Valley dating back to the early 1940’s. We will be selling everything from his 1928 Model A Ford and parts to the contents of his shops, which include many unique and collectible tools. There will be a few consignment items from several neighbors and friends. This sale will be a pickers dream.
Cars, Trucks & Trailers
1928 Ford AR 2-door sedan, (matching ser.#A1194661). Model A parts, engines, blocks, tranny’s, body, chassis & rims. 1988 Isuzu 2WD pickup, manual, 2.3L 4 cyl., 91K miles. 1993 Ford F-150 XL 4x4, manual, 127K miles. 1963 Dodge D500 2T, PTO hoist, grain box, extensions, stock rack, 64K orig. miles. 1991 Trail West gooseneck stock trailer, 20’x6’9”, 14K GVW. 1993 flatbed car hauler, tandem axle, 18’x6.5’. 1993 flatbed car hauler, tandem axle, 12’x6.5’. 1948 International KBS 5 2T truck, not running, titled.
White Rotary tredle sewing machine, oak cabinet./ GEM wood cook stove./ Old Flyer wagon./ Antique drill press./ Buffalo Forge Co. forge & blower, tongs./ Cross cut saws./ Harness, collars, trees./ Several milk cans./ Circular saw blades./ Fairbanks Morse steam engine/ Wilson No. 97 pot belly stove./ 4-Magtag wringer washers, 1-kick start, 3-electric./ 6-Old traps, Onieda, Newhouse, Victor 3 & 4./ 5-Steel wagon wheels./ 1947 Miles City Coggshall X73, full Irrigation 1/4 mile, 3”, 4” & 5” irrigation floral, very good condition. pipe./ Berkeley PTO pump./ Irrigation fittings, risers etc....
Tractors & Machinery
ATV & Power Equip.
1997 Honda FourTrax 300 very good condition. 1964 Harley Davidson golf cart, Ser#3B 12766 H9. MTD 24” snow blower. Several older lawn tractors. Craftsman rototiller. Mercury 9.8 hp motor and boat. Hustler 285 snowplow, needs work. Cushman utility cart with cab, needs work.
1950 Ford 8N PTO, 3-pt., Dearborne loader, ser #310790. 1949 Oliver 88 rowcrop, overhead high loader, ser #125442. Hesston 1014 14-ft. hydro swing, ser#14648. New Holland 268 square baler, ser#8780. Sitrex 5 wheel rake, ser#26071. Massey-Ferguson 66 3-pt, 3 bottom trip plow. HF 3-pt., 2 bottom plow.
Shop Equip. & Tools
3 welders, Lincoln, Forney & wire feed./ Oxy/Acty torch set./ Lots of hand tools & mechanic tools./ Several floor jacks, shop vices./ Antique drill presses./ Lots of power tools./ Several bench grinders./ Forge & blower./ Repricating metal chop saw./ Creepers & ramps./ Grease pump./ Chain fall hoists./ Welding helmets & acc./ Porta power./
Trenton 120# anvil, stand./ 12 ton shop press./ 1/2 hp Bell saw chain sharpening unit./ 50# anvil./ Wood stove./ Engine stands./ Lots of vintage and antique tools./ More items too numerous to list.
15 to 20 tons of scrap iron./ Lots of tires & wheels, many Phone Bids will be accepted. specialty sizes./ Lots of old For photos and additional info farm machinery./ New rough check our website. cut boards, 2x6x16, 2x6x8, Jason Clinkenbeard 406-239-3529 x4x8, 1x4x16.
Sugar Loaf Mountain Ranch
700 Sugar Loaf Mountain Road, Glen, Montana
Sunday, September 23rd, 2012 - 12 noon
Directions: 36 miles S of Butte, MT on I-15 to exit 85. Go W on Browne’s Bridge Rd to the Frontage Rd (Sugar Loaf Mountain Rd), then S 1 mile to sale site. Watch for auction arrows.
Strengthening agriculture focus of Wind River summit
Strengthening agriculture by addressing barriers, analyzing risks and adding value is the focus of the Wind River Agriculture Summit Thursday and Friday, September 20-21. The Wind River Agricultural Resources Committee meets Thursday, and there are sessions all day Friday in Fort Washakie, Wyoming presented by University of Wyoming Extension educators and others. “The 2012 Wind River Agriculture Summit is an opportunity for small- and large-scale producers on the Wind River Reservation to discuss plans for the development of a strong agricultural resource committee, to increase their knowledge on a wide variety of land management issues and to network with other producers as well as various state and federal agencies who service agricultural operators in the area,” said Tina Russell, University of Wyoming Extension educator. The Wind River Agricultural Resources Committee meets Thursday at the Wind River Casino conference room to discuss development of the group and share ideas about its growth. A full day of sessions begins 8:30 a.m. Friday in the Frank Wise Building in Fort Washakie. Morning sessions are: “Land tenure in Indian Country: Issues relevant to landowners,” by Terry Janis, Indian Land Tenure Foundation “Appraisal services should be fast, accurate, economical and local,” by Arvel Hale, former Bureau of Indian Affairs chief appraiser Todd Ballard, director of the National Agricultural Statistics Service Wyoming Field Office, will present “The Importance of the Agriculture Census” during the free lunch. Nine one-hour sessions in three concurrent tracks are 1:30-5 p.m. with a break from 3:30-4 p.m. “Afternoon conference sessions are heavily stacked with risk management education topics provided by University of Wyoming Extension educators from throughout the state,” said Russell. “Other interesting afternoon sessions include livestock nutrition, agricultural diversification and dealing with arthritis while farming and ranching.” Other presenters are from the Open A Lazy S Ranch and Indian Nations Conservation Alliance. Registration is free if before Sept. 12 and $5 after. To register, call the Wind River office of UW Extension at 307-332-2135.
Oral farm leases
Large sale of heavy & ranch equipment, vehicles, furniture, household items, & much more Tools, Equipment, & Vehicles Millermatic 200 welder. Miller Bobcat 225G welder. Cat Telehandler H83 forklift, booms. 2400 hours. Ser# Plasma cutter. Atlas tire changer. 511K90814 PIN 3RN01559. Miscelleneous fuel tanks, 2 with stands. Car lift. International rollback car hauler. Qnty irrigation pipes. Miscellaneous steel gates. Bobcat S185 turbo skidsteer, 1600 hours, forks, grapple; Large Extreme Tools rolling toolbox. Drill press. other attachments to be sold separately: auger, bucket, Delta band saw, belt sander. Chainsaw & circular saws. blade, forks. Steel City mortise machine. Delta cast iron table saw. John Deere 570 road grader, newly rebuilt transmission. 2007 & 2008 Yamaha Phazer snowmobiles, 100 hours or less. Belt sander, jigsaw, planer, joiner. Router table, hand tools. Laser level. Portable power tools. 2-International Scout Pickups. Wood Mizer LT10 band saw mill, extra long carriage, like new Horses, Saddles & Tack Mack 12 yard dump truck, triple axle. 5 & 6 year old half-sisters, (gaited) Rocky Mountain Horses 2004 Ford F350 4x4, double cab, automatic, diesel. sired by “Dust in the Wind”. Jeep 4 door custom built, Ford Powered. 2-Quarter horse ranch mares: 5 year old & 22 year old. Old Jackson, Montana GMC fire truck, low miles. Harold, 20 year old Appendix quarter horse ranch gelding. Suzuki TS 185 motorcycle, only 4000 miles. Pack saddles. 4 car hauler, gooseneck trailer. 4 wheeler. 7-Good Western saddles. Bridles, pads, and horse tack. Yamaha portable power 3000W, SED Inverter. Early 60s Ford pickup. 18 ft gooseneck stock trailer. Furniture & Household Airstream trailer. Utility trailer. Pool room chairs. Oak bar, small. Several old International pickups. Small kitchen appliances and housewares. 10” post pounder, like new. Implement trailer. 2-Matching leather couches. Large heavy duty hay wagon. Several flat screen TVs, varied sizes. Books. Janitrol 400,000 btu overhead LP shop heater. Antique baby grand piano. Framed Western movie posters. Engine hoist & engine stand. Dust collection system. Miscellaneous game bird and animal mounts. Large shop vise & table, anvil. Large plank table. Shelving units, end tables and chairs. Ridgid twin tank air compressor. Westinghouse wood cookstove. Monarch wood cookstove. Portable gasoline powered pump. Wood heating stove. Jet wood lathe. Old car radiator. Many household items may be added by sale day. 12’, 3-pt., 3-blade road leveler. Miscellaneous Ram 2500 pickup, 110,000 miles. 2-Freezers full of fresh beef. Pile of barn wood. Triple axle rollback trailer with sides. Miscellaneous lots of logs and lumber. Jeep Wagoneer, wood paneled. Dodge Caravan. Old Town canoe. Farmall H tractor. 1997 Ford F150 pickup, no title. Large NRS fishing raft and accessories. Leather working tools. Plus many more cars & pickups. Bench grinders. Children’s imported 4 wheeler.
Jim Ellis, Auctioneer - Victor, Montana - 406-642-9598
Lunch on grounds. Descriptions are believed to be accurate but are not warranted. Sale day announcements take precedence over printed material. See More Pictures at This ranch is for sale. 665 acres, 200 irrgated, +125 head BLM & Forest Service lease. 4000 sq. ft. residence, 40x60 steel insulated shop building, 40x40 barn, modular home, Rock Creek irrigation water, 2 pivots, 4 wheel lines. Contact Chance Bernall 406-683-2234 or 406-925-1988
By Paul Johnson, SDSU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist Oral farm leases were renewed automatically for the next growing season on September 1, 2012, unless written notice of intent to terminate or modify the existing lease was given before September 1. Any lease that renews automatically will carry the same terms and conditions as the existing lease. Once such a notice is given, the existing lease still remains in effect until March 1, 2013, at which time the new contract becomes effective. These rules apply to both the tenant and the landowner and the only exception is when one party fails to live up to the original agreement. “With the uncertainties of expected crop yields and current commodity prices and the effect they may have on economic conditions for this year and for the 2013 crop year, changes in existing leases may be in order.” Every year, the South Dakota State University Extension receives calls from tenants who have had their farm leases wrongfully terminated after September 1. When wrongful termination occurs and the case goes to court, the injured party is normally awarded a “normal” profit from the land, and sometimes punitive damages. The date of automatic renewal was changed from November 1 to September 1 a number of years ago to protect tenants who plant fall-seeded crops such as winter wheat. Sometimes farmers and landlords forget about this change, especially where there are no fall-seeded crops grown or when the agreement is for grassland. “It should also be noted that any lease agreement for more than one year must be a written lease if it is to be valid. An oral agreement for two or more years cannot be enforced by the courts. It is best to have all land lease contracts in writing. It can save a lot headaches if one of these parties becomes incapacitated or forgets the details of the agreement. “ For more information, go view the South Dakota’s Rental Agreements: What Is a Legal Lease? ( resources/03-2010-1000.pdf) document.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A7
T wo D ay a nTique
Oak Rolltop
Oak Rolltop
FriDay & SaTurDay, SepTember 14 & 15, 2012
US Cavalry Brass Buckle
AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Trade Center, Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT FriDay’S aucTion: 5:30 p.m. • SaTurDay’S aucTion: 10:00 a.m. previewing: FriDay, SepTember 14, 1:00 p.m. Owners: Leroy & Natalie Thomsen Estates
Edison Player
Paul Thomsen, representative, 406-366-1020
Guest Consignors: Estates of Betty Scally and son, Richard Scally
GF Beer
Newhouse #5 Bear Trap
Antique Furniture Display Cases Grisswold Cast Iron Western & Military Toys & Dolls Traps Antiques & Collectibles Glassware & Pottery Vintage Auto & Tractor Parts
Stoneware Scales Cooking/Heating Stove Guns & Sporting Coins Books Modern Furniture Sewing Machines Musical Instruments
Red Wing
Newhouse #15 Bear Trap
Curved Glass
Riechers Brothers
Blue Willow
JAYSON & KYLE SHOBE ~ AUCTIONEERS & REALTORS 408 WEST MAIN • LEWISTOWN, MT 59457 • OFFICE: 406-538-5125 • 1-866-885-4792 Jayson: 406-366-5125, evenings 406-535-5864 • Kyle: 406-366-0472 e-mail: •
AUCTION caTerpillar crawler AUCTION william (bill) Foreman eSTaTe
‘75 Cat D4D
Cat D2
‘35 Cat Twenty-Two
FriDay, SepTember 28, 2012 • 10 a.m.
‘34 Cat Twenty-Two
Cat D6
Location: 112 6th Ave. North, Winifred, MT
‘95 Kenworth T600 Crawlers - Engines Free
1934 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 80%, no dozer, Serial # 1J1216WSP 1935 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 90%, no dozer, Serial # 1J2270WSP 1934 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 70%, hydraulic non Cat. Dozer, Serial # 1J839W 1936 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 70% homemade hydraulic dozer, PTO hydraulic pump, Serial # 1J4949SP 1938 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 50%, rear mount cable, no dozer, Serial # 2F7824W Ca. 1928-1932 CAT Fifteen, under carriage 70% , Serial # PV138. Ca. 1928-1932 CAT Fifteen, under carriage 50%, Serial # PV4666. These 2 “Fifteens” are two of the CAT’s that built Rogers Pass. Ca. 1925-1932 CAT Thirty, under carriage 50%, overhead hydraulic dozer, Serial # PS6108 Ca. 1935-1937 CAT RD6, under carriage 60%, front mount hydraulic pump, steering levers removed but will sell with machine, no dozer, Serial # 6E844 1940 CAT RD6, under carriage 50%, 9ft blade cable dozer, Serial # 2H6495W
Owner: Bill Foreman Estate Contact: Dave Heller (406) 696-2038
1946 CAT D6, pony motor free, under carriage 60%, front mount hydraulic pump, 9’ blade, Serial # 4R3161 1947 CAT D6, pony motor free, under carriage 70%, front mounted hydraulic pump, hydraulic dozer, cracked block, Serial # 9U860 1959 CAT D6, pony motor free, under carriage 60%, hydraulic dozer, Serial # 9U29448. Purchased out of Kemmerer, Wyoming 1941 CAT D4, pony motor free, under carriage 50%, PTO hydraulic pump, no dozer, steering clutches frozen, Serial # 7J3209W 1975 CAT D4D, Type 83J2945, Engine 304, Serial #79P107544N3799, new gears on rear drivers, pins and bushings recently turned. A good running outfit!
Crawlers - Engines Stuck
1940 CAT RD6, under carriage 60%, hydraulic dozer, Serial # 2H8819 1950 CAT D6, pony motor free, under carriage 80%, 10ft blade cable dozer, front mount cable power unit, rear mount hydro pump, Serial #9U6932SP 1940 CAT D4, under carriage 40%, parts, rear mount cable dozer w/o blade, Serial # 7J1729W
1939 CAT D2, pony motor free, under carriage 50%, 7’ blade hydraulic dozer, front mount hydraulic pump, Serial # 5J1223SP 1947 CAT D2, pony motor free, under carriage 60%, no dozer, Serial # 3J8014 1936 CAT Twenty-two, under carriage 60%, homemade dozer & blade, Serial # 2F5630 1938 CAT Twenty-Two, under carriage 50%, parts, Serial # 2F9415W
CAT 1693 Industrial stationary engine, engine free, mounted on skid w/ setup for genset, Serial # 65B13053 Power Unit, engine stuck, Serial #5S683. Out of a crane in Lovell, WY
Minneapolis Moline G-900, propane, 1000 pto w/ F 228 Farmhand loader, 6’ bucket, 18.4x34 rears, fair rubber, rebuilt starter, s# 32800581, runs great! International Farmall 400, torque amplified, runs good, s# 21051S w/ Du-Al loader & bucket, tire chains, 50% rubber, good runner! Fork Lift, homemade, no engine
Minneapolis-Moline G-900 Semi Tractors & Trailers & Parts
1995 Kenworth T600, Series 60 Detroit 470, 10 spd., Aero Cab, bud wheels, good rubber, 24.5 steer axles, 22.5 drive axles, 802,271 miles, ’77 Peterbilt 359, RTO-12513, 4.11 SQHD, spring suspension, 3406 A Model CAT w/ 40k miles, 509,696 miles; Mounted with Log loader, hydraulic, runs good (sells separately) 1974 DOEP A-Train flatbed, steel, 29’ front trailer, 27’back trailer, 24.5’’ steel wheels 1973 Fruehauf 38’, hopper bottom, steel grain trailer, 34k GVW, roll tarp, hauls 850 bu., good rubber, 24.5 on aluminum bud wheels 1986 Fruehauf, 96’’ x 45’ dry van, road able, rear slider, Dayton wheels, 10.00 x 20 rubber, split rims
Parts (crawlers, engines, misc.) Vehicles (running and non-running) Recreational • Storage Vans Shop Tools & Equipment Water Tanks • Household
And so much more…
Live Internet Bidding Available @
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A8
1959 International 2-ton truck, new tires, new brakes, new hydraulic pump, Big 6, new transmission, 18-ft. box, wood bed. Call 406-562-3352, Augusta, MT
FLEX HEADER FOR SALE 2004 John Deere 635 flex header. Call cell 406-788-6685, Fort Benton, MT
Annual Commercial Bred Heifer and Bull Sale
November 13, 2012
Over 500 top cut commercial bred heifers sell AI’d to SAV Final Answer, Cole Creek Cedar Ridge and GDAR Game Day AI’d to calve in a 10-day time period Sexed bull and heifer groups Plus 50 PowerBull and Maternal Bulls sell Call to be placed on our mailing list. Phone (406) 962-3310
Reserve Champion Market Hog shown by Kaitlyn Goroski at Wibaux County Fair held August 23-26 in Wibaux, Montana. Photo courtesy of Renee Nelson.
Certified winter wheat list
By NDSU Extension Service The North Dakota State Seed Department has concluded field inspections of certified winter wheat seed production fields and has made its annual list of certified winter wheat seed available on its website. “In 2012, certified seed production increased to a record 20,598 acres, so there should be adequate seed supplies of high-quality certified seed available for fall planting,” says Steve Sebesta, State Seed Department deputy seed commissioner. Producers looking to purchase foundation, registered or certified winter wheat seed can go to www.ndseed. com and click on Field Seed Directory at the top to find the 2012 list. Producers also can obtain a list from the Seed Department or their local North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service office. “The fields listed have passed inspections and meet certification requirements for field standards,” Sebesta says. “However, the seed is not certified until it has been conditioned and lab tested to ensure it meets seed standards and is properly labeled.” Buyers and sellers are advised to pay close attention to the plant variety protection status for all varieties and call the Seed Department or variety owners if there are any questions about legal seed transactions. For more complete and detailed descriptions of the varieties listed, consult NDSU Extension publications at ndsuag/crops.
Trader’s Trader’s Dispatch, Dispatch, September August 2012 2012– –Page PageC57 A9
Wheat Yield and Downy Brome Control
Cheat and downy brome have met their match
80 70
Start off right — Use Olympus® herbicide in your burndown application
30 20
Roundup WeatherMAX®
Roundup WeatherMAX + provides Olympus®
Roundup WeatherMAX+ Olympus followed by Olympus
D. Brome control (%)
Roundup WeatherMAX + PRE-PARE®
Adding Olympus at burndown reliable and cost-effective brome Olympus preplant or suppression in winter wheat preemergence *The yield results from trials conducted in 2009-2010 demonstrate how controlling brome helps improve your bottom line. • Use Olympus with glyphosate to manage
tough grasses such as true cheat, downy and Japanese brome in burndown
• Apply 0.6 oz/A of Olympus with a labeled rate of glyphosate
• Follow the glyphosate product label for rate and adjuvant recommendations for Treatments • Olympus is a proven brome herbicide the control of emerged weed species Roundup WeatherMAX: Burndown with Roundup WeatherMAX at 16 oz/A with excellent crop tolerance and can now be applied preplant or preemergence, Roundup WeatherMAX + Olympus: Burndown with Olympus at 0.6 oz/A + 16 oz/A Olympus postemergence as well as postemergence Roundup WeatherMAX • In the spring, apply 0.6 oz/A of Olympus Roundup WeatherMAX + Olympus followed by Olympus: Burndown with Olympus at • Olympus has the residual power to keep for follow-up postemergence or 0.6 oz/A + 16 oz/A Roundup WeatherMAX followed by a spring postemergence application fighting weeds as they germinate − 3.5 oz/A Olympus Flex of Olympus at 0.6 oz/A + 0.25% v/v NIS • The Olympus burndown application is − 4.75 oz/A Osprey® Roundup WeatherMAX + PRE-PARE: Burndown with Roundup WeatherMAX at 16 oz/A designed to complement your post-applied + 0.3 oz/A PRE-PARE − 3.0 oz/A Rimfire® Max herbicide program in the spring for full-season *Downy brome control data from two locations in April (KS, MT). Yield info from four winter wheat varieties (SD, three in MT). Data from BCS and cooperator trials. brome control Do not exceed 1.2 oz of Olympus per acre or 0.0525 lbs propoxycarbazone active ingredient per acre in a crop year. This limit includes any products which can also contain propoxycarbazone used on the same acre. Consult with your Bayer representative for treatment recommendations tailored for your area.
IMPORTANT: This bulletin is not intended to provide adequate information for use of these products. Read the label before using these products. Observe all label directions and precautions while using these products. ©2011 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Olympus, Osprey and Rimfire are registered trademarks of Bayer. Olympus, Olympus Flex, Osprey and Rimfire Max are not registered in all states. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our Web site at
CRP0311OLYMPU0002-R00 Roundup WeatherMAX® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company. PRE-PARE is a registered trademark of Arysta LifeScience North America, LLC.
Contact Your Local Bayer CropScience Representative
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A10
We Rent Heavy Harrows As Low As $1.75/acre 2012’s: 50-ft. ~ 62-ft. ~ 73-ft. Experienced Ultimate
Steel Drop Deck Trailers
• 48-ft.x5-ft. beavertail • 22.5 import radials
• Air ride suspension • Sliding winch track
Buy or Lease To Own
$6650/yr - oac
Previously Owned • 1500 gallon • 110-ft. boom • Raven 450 auto rate • Windscreens Buy or Lease To Own Only
0% for 48 months No payment until
Buy or Lease To Own
$2881/yr - oac
• 5000 bushel per hour Buy or Lease To Own
10x60 • 12,000 bushel/hour
Buy or Lease To Own
$3154/year - oac Swing Away Augers
• Hose package
$4456/yr - oac
Swing Away Augers
Drive Over Grain Deck
• 20” belt
$6829/yr - oac
2700 Grain Vacs
April 2013 - oac
• 26 EFI • Grass catching • 48” heavy duty deck • Power pump kit
• 5000 bu/hr • Low profile hopper
Buy or Lease To Own
• 5000 bu/hr • Low profile hopper
Buy or Lease To Own
• 9600 bu/hr • Low profile hopper
Buy or Lease To Own
$2039/yr - oac $2225/yr - oac $3712/yr - oac NEW Steel Grain Trailer
• 90-ft. boom • 1600 gallon • Novac auto level • Windcones Buy or Lease To Own
$6872/yr - oac
3700 Grain Vacs
• 10,000 bushel per hour
• Hose package
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$6999/yr - oac
1978 Alloy Grain Trailer JUST TRADED
• 40-ft. aluminum • New brakes • Newer tires • Solid trailer
Sale Price $12,500 NEW Aluminum Grain Trailer
$2000 REBATE Direct To You!!!
10x82 ~ Only 2 Left Buy or Lease To Own
$2597/yr - oac
13x92 ~ Only 1 Left
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$4270/yr - oac
• 42-ft. spring ride • 24.5” low pro recaps Buy or Lease To Own
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• 42-ft. • Aluminum rims • Sight glass • Manual dump valve & Scale-O-Matic • Air ride suspension • Roll tarp Buy or Lease To Own
$7304/yr - oac
1-888-453-2924 Danel Frieling
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A11
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A12
1994 Hillsboro 7x16 stock trailer....................... $4000 obo Pearson cattle squeeze chute........................ $750 or offer 2010 enclosed 5x8 trailer, like new............................ $1500 Car dolly, good condition............................................. $500 Phone 406-866-3244 or Cell 899-7844 – Ulm, Montana
2010 Jones Mighty Giant hay grinder, 540 hp Cat, 48” hay mill, 25-ft. fold over tub, swinging conveyor, 2930 engine hours, PTO hours will be less. Pulled with a 1997 Volvo, M-11 Cummins, 9 speed, locker, custom bed, low miles. Buy the grinder or grinder/truck combo. Both are in great shape and very well kept. For more information please call 406-279-3472, Valier, MT
As Fiona, the pig, rests in her pen Chance Peterson of Mountain Front 4-H poses for a picture. Chance and Fiona were part of the 4-H projects at the Marias Fair in Shelby, Montana. Photo courtesy of Denae Peterson.
Goldfish plant
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have had a goldfish plant for several years. It hangs in my kitchen window over the sink. It has bloomed every year. However, in the past year, it has produced only one “fish,” but the leaves keep growing, so I have had to cut it back several times. I have kept the cuttings and planted them in different media. Some are in water and stones, some in soil and some just in a glass. They are growing nicely but not producing any blooms. I fertilize the plants regularly and water when needed. Is it possible they have turned into male plants and won’t bloom or will they bloom again sometime in the future? I have become very discouraged. I look forward to your answer. A: You obviously have a very green thumb because you were able to get so many cuttings to root in such a wide range of media. Typically, mature goldfish plants are covered with blooms during the spring and summer. Some plants also may bloom at other times of the year. You’ll get the most blooms by providing plenty of bright, indirect light. Keep the soil slightly dry during the winter to help promote heavy flowering in the spring. Be careful not to allow the soil to dry out completely. You probably are guilty of being too kind to the plants, so they lazily languish in a vegetative state. A little moisture stress in late winter will prompt the plants to go into their reproductive stage of life. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email
Blister beetles toxic to horses
By NDSU Extension Service Blister beetles, which are toxic to horses, could be a problem in North Dakota this year. “While blister beetles are common in many areas of the U.S., horse owners in North Dakota usually have not been concerned with this toxic insect,” says Carrie Hammer, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service equine specialist. “However, several individuals in western North Dakota have reported alfalfa fields infested with blister beetles this year. Horse owners need to be cautious because horses that consume alfalfa hay contaminated with these beetles have a high risk for serious illness and death.” Several species of blister beetles can be found in the U.S., and all produce cantharidin, a toxin that causes inflammation and blistering of internal body tissues. Although all species produce the toxin, the cantharidin content varies among species. The striped blister beetle is known for consistently having higher toxin concentrations. “A common question from horse owners is: ‘How many beetles can my horse consume before I need to worry?’ ” Hammer says. “Due to the variation in toxin concentration among beetles, this is a difficult question to answer. However, most studies report ingestion of 25 to 300 beetles is enough to kill an average-size adult horse.” Clinical signs of blister beetle poisoning usually occur six to eight hours after ingestion. Affected horses often show signs of colic and depression, although urinary, cardiovascular and nervous system problems also can occur. Horses consuming a toxic dose can die quickly (within three to 18 hours). Owners should consult their veterinarian immediately if they suspect their horse has consumed blister beetles. Blister beetles tend to congregate in certain areas of a field. Thus, hay bales from those areas often contain high beetle numbers, whereas bales from other areas of the field may be beetle-free. Hammer encourages horse owners to check alfalfa bales carefully prior to feeding the alfalfa to their horses and discard any contaminated bales. “Even the juice from crushed beetles can cause illness; therefore, owners should not simply remove dead beetles in hopes of feeding the hay,” she adds. For more information on blister beetles, visit NDSU’s Web page at e1002w.htm.
Guide offers organic farmers tips for storing produce
Since many organic fruit and vegetable farmers sell their produce shortly after harvest, best practices for long-term storage haven’t been a looming concern. But with organic produce reaping a growing marketplace share, farmers who can keep their crops fresh longer will benefit from more marketing options. But it takes know-how. The new and free 2012 Production Guide for Storage of Organic Fruits and Vegetables (http://www.nysipm.cornell. edu/organic_guide/default.asp), posted online by the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYS IPM), can help. Authors Christopher Watkins, a Cornell horticulture professor specializing in postharvest science, and Jacqueline Nock, a horticulture research specialist at Cornell, provide the information and advice farmers need to store their crops with the same care they put into growing them. Growers will learn, for example, that some fruits or vegetables change sugars into starches as they age. Others do the reverse. Some emit ethylene, a natural gas essential for ripening. Others don’t. Among those that don’t, some might start decaying, yellowing or sprouting from ethylene from a nearby display -- yet others pay it no heed. Of course, some crops naturally lose freshness far more quickly than others. Yet even among these, how they are cared for after harvest (and even as they grow) has a huge effect on how well they hold up in the storage bin or on the grocer’s shelf. The new manual complements NYS IPM’s updated 2012 organic grower guides. NYS IPM promotes least-toxic solutions to pest problems. The guide was funded in part the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets. Mary Woodsen is a science writer with the NYS IPM Program.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A13
AUCTION Estate of Andrew Tromp - Owner & Guests Beaverhead Road • Ronan, Montana
Saturday, September 22 - 10 am
Amenities on 20 acres: Borders wildlife refuge / Spring Creek feeds property and animals / Family home with Mission Mtn views, 3400 plus sq. ft., 3+1 bedrooms and 21/2 baths / Large horse barn stalls, 24’x60’ with attached 16’x60’ loafing shed / Large hay shed, 24’x60’ / 2 large family decks overhooking Spring Creek / Private well and sewer / Toy shed / 5 car garage 24’x80’/ RV hookup for guests / All recorded water rights / All recorded easemens / Horse paddocks - cross fencing - waterers.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A14
CUSTOM HAULING Cattle and hay
~ ~ HAY FOR SALE ~ ~
Phone Trent Goettlich, Hilger, MT 406-350-0229 or 406-462-5554 5th WHEEL TRAILER FOR SALE
2010 Arctic Fox 29-5E 31-ft. 5th wheel trailer, 2 slides, Northwind Manufacturing 4 Season all-weather coach, new August 2010, used only 3 times, pulled less than 1000 miles, no smoking or pets, looks and smells new, still has factory plastic on the floor, as close to new as used can be!....................................................... $31,500
Phone 406-873-4231
Volunteer crops can provide additional animal feed
By NDSU Extension Service plants are following the main crop of field There are reports of hay shortages, espeas, there will be high numbers of Rhizopecially in western North Dakota, because bium leguminosarum bacteria (inoculum) in rainfall has been sparse this growing season. the soil, so nodulation typically is excellent. “However, there may be some opportuniThe growing pea plants will provide a ties to grow some animal feed after the early cover to protect the soil from erosive forces. season crops, such as wheat and peas, are This system can make use of the remaining harvested,” says Hans Kandel, North Dakota growing season because field peas are tolerState University (NDSU) Extension Service ant to minor frost. agronomist. “Of course, the opportunities The total amount of biomass produced depend on the availability of rainfall and depends upon the pea plant’s density, timing residual soil moisture.” of regrowth, soil moisture, rainfall and the Dry peas are being harvested and some date of a killing frost. fields are tilled just after the harvest or may The volunteer pea crop can be used for receive a late chemical burn-down to prepare grazing. the field for the next growing season. There “Research at the Carrington Research are opportunities to utilize these fields for a Extension Center in 2008 found that fallvolunteer pea feed crop. produced dry pea biomass reached 1,500 At harvest, a small percentage of the to 3,000 pounds per acre,” Kandel says dry field pea seeds will have dropped to “After grazing, the leftover pea stubble can the ground, even when combines are well be worked into the soil as a green manure adjusted. These seeds may be stimulated to or left through the winter. However, there is germinate and start growing. However, it not enough time left to expect to harvest a may require a light harrowing of the field second dry pea crop for seed.” to incorporate the seed. Similarly to dry peas, residual smallSoil moisture is essential for germination grain seeds (wheat, barley or oats) could be to take place. As the stimulated volunteer worked into the soil with a light harrowing to assure good seed-to-soil contact. Sufficient moisture in the topsoil is needed for germination. The volunteer grain will take up some of the residual nitrogen. However, because it is following a main crop just harvested, there may not be sufficient nitrogen available for the plants to maximize productivity. If there is enough rain, some additional nitrogen applied after emergence and establishment to stimulate crop growth may be beneficial. “The risk of this system is when winter wheat is planted in the neighborhood of the volunteer small-grain crop,” says Joel Ransom, NDSU Extension Service agronomist. “The volunteer crop forms a green bridge for wheat curl mites that vector the wheat streak mosaic virus, which is a disease that can survive on grassy weeds, corn and volunteer grain. The mites might move from the growing volunteer crop to the newly seeded winter wheat plants. This would put the winter wheat crop at risk.” Under good growing conditions, a volunteer wheat crop can produce about 3,100 to 3,500 pounds of dry matter. The dry peas or other smallgrain volunteer systems will use soil moisture that may deplete the reserves for next year’s crop. Other options to increase the chances of getting a good, well-established crop stand is to broadcast some additional small-grain seeds or other species that develop well in the fall, such as radishes. “The systems described will work best with grazing because there usually is not enough tonnage to justify haying,” Kandel says.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A15
Old wood boat Chriscraft, Century, Garwood, etc. Call Mark 406-880-5473
Grand Champion Market Hog shown by Cooper Lund at Wibaux County Fair held August 23-26 in Wibaux, Montana. Photo courtesy of Renee Nelson.
Iris crown rot
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: When I run into a horticultural pickle, you are one of the first I think of to offer a solution. This time, I am asking you to help find a way to treat crown rot on irises. Through my research, I came across Terraclor powder but cannot find where to buy it. Can you suggest how to deal with this new-to-me disease? A: People think of me for the most interesting reasons. Crown rot treatment is difficult, especially if it’s not caught early enough, which often happens. Usually, there’s little you can do to save the plants, so prevention is important. Being a soil-borne fungal disease, it will develop again when conditions are favorable. The infected plants should be removed and destroyed when the disease is discovered. The use of fungicides can help prevent the spread of this disease but usually are ineffective once it’s completely taken hold. Most often used is Captan or Aliette. Drench the soil (2 tablespoons to 1 gallon of water) while somewhat dry to allow the fungicide to penetrate well. Repeat this twice at 30-day intervals. Try to do everything possible to improve drainage, sunlight penetration and air circulation. We had to move our iris plants from one location where this disease was prevalent to a better one. We tossed the rhizomes that were anywhere near the infected plants. For four years, this action has worked without using any fungicides. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email
For farm-harvest work in north central Montana area. Starting mid to late July and ending mid to late October. Late model Case IH equipment, Peterbilt trucks. Awesome, laid back fun crew to work with. Excellent wage. Interested parties please contact Adam for more information (serious inquiries only). Phone (406) 390-3048 cell or (406) 292-3251 home. Please leave a message.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A16
low boy service
40-ton RGN for hire to transport machinery, tractors, etc. up to 60,000 lbs. 48-ft. stepdecks also available. Montana & surrounding states, insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475
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Adam Waugh of Stranraer, Scotland working for Gorden Haynes Custom Harvesting of Vernon, Texas took this picture of the ‘crew’ harvesting wheat in South Dakota earlier this fall. These 8 combines make short work of the acres of wheat.
Social Security and living abroad
Reduced dockage. Lower discounts. And a * improvement in your ROI.
Some decisions are easy.
The Clearfield® Production System is the only complete herbicide-tolerant system for wheat. You’ll see cleaner fields and grain, better yields and improved Return On Investment. As part of the system, Beyond® herbicide controls more than 40 tough broadleaf weeds, including jointed goatgrass, downy brome and Japanese brome. And it’s the industry’s best option for managing feral rye. Go to, or talk to your BASF retailer. And remember, Stamina® fungicide seed treatments will help your seedlings get off to a fast start. *BASF Field Study (2002–03) in winter wheat. Assumptions: grain value = $5.00/bu; Clearfield seed = $10.00/bu; conventional seed = $8.50/bu; average yield = 74 bu/A. Dockage = 5% (Traditional) and 0.5% (Clearfield). Foreign matter = 1% (Traditional) and 0.2% (Clearfield). Beyond herbicide rate = 4 oz/A. Results may vary by region. Always read and follow label directions. ©2012 BASF Corporation. All Rights Reserved. APN 12-01-191-0006
By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver These days it is more common than ever for a person to travel across the globe – either for vacation or to live in another country permanently. If you are one of these people, Social Security offers a special website: “Social Security Payments Outside the United States.” The website features all you need to know about Social Security while living abroad. You can find it at www.socialsecurity. gov/international/payments. html. If you’re in the planning stages of moving to another country, you may want to check out our “Payments Abroad Screening Tool.” It will ask you a few short questions and will let you know whether your payments can continue. It may make a difference in your decision to live abroad. The page also offers links to publications, such as Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States, which explains how your benefits may be affected and other important information you need to know about receiving Social Security benefits while outside the country. In the top, right corner of the page, you’ll find important information on how to contact Social Security when you are abroad — to ask questions, make requests, or report events and changes that may affect payments. Whether you’re stateside or abroad, you’ll want to pay a visit to www.socialsecurity. gov/international/payments. html.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A17
Serving The NW For Over 40 Years
• Livestock • Grain Hoppers • Flatbeds • Muv-All Lowbeds
1705 Old Hardin Rd. • Billings, Montana
equipment trailers
406-259-2053 • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE E-mail: Ken cell 698-1540
Kevin cell 670-5210
FLATBED TRAILERS 2013 Wilson CF 48’x102”, aluminum floor, air ride spread, 4 steel/4 aluminum wheels, winches.....................................................P.O.R.
2007 Wilson ACF-300 48’x102”, aluminum floor, air ride spread axle, aluminum wheels, boxes, winches.....................................................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson CF 53’x102”, aluminum floor, full air ride 1st lift, 2nd lift, 3rd down, rear lift/steer, aluminum wheels......................................P.O.R.
2000 Utility 28’x96” flatbed pup, wood floor, winches, spring ride, steel wheels, radial 22.5’s, 8-ft. drawbar..............................................P.O.R.
2006 Towmaster T40 30’ pintle flatbed, air brakes, beavertail and ramps...................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson CFD-900 48’x102”, aluminum floor, winches, boxes, air ride, 61” spread tandem, steel wheels, 22.5 radial tires............................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson CD 48’x102”, aluminum floor, boxes, winches, air ride with front axle slider, aluminum wheels........................................................................................................................................ P.O.R.
2013 Wilson CD 48’x102”, boxes, winches, air ride spread, aluminum wheels..................P.O.R. 2000 Utility 28’x96” flatbed semi, wood floor, winches, spring ride, steel 22.5 wheels, radial 22.5’s, pintle hitch.....................................P.O.R. 1985 Western 40’x96” flatbed/hopper, spring ride, aluminum wheels, pintle hook...........P.O.R.
2003 Nuvergo 48’x102” curtain flatbed, air ride spread, aluminum wheels.........................P.O.R.
2002 Western flatbed/hopper, 48’x96”, air ride spread, aluminum super singles...............P.O.R.
2013 Wilson PSAL 53’x102”, straight floor livestock, 3 compartment, air ride, sliding suspension, steel wheels 24.5.............................P.O.R.
GRAIN TRAILERS 2013 Wilson PSDCL 53’x102”, cattle spec, triple axle air ride, aluminum wheels.................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson PSGN 7’x24’, (2) center gates, rear full swing with slider, rear slam latch, running boards, sealed door D.S. nose..................P.O.R. 1997 Wilson DWG 53’x102” walking floor, 78” sides, full air ride triple axle, aluminum wheels... .................................................................P.O.R.
2013 WIlson DWH 40’x96”, 66” side height, roll tarp, high ground clearance, full air ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, pintle hitch, 30” off ground.......................................................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson PSSC 7’x22’, stock combo, 4’ tack, vents, tie rail, tie loops, running boards, spare tire/ wheel........................................................P.O.R. 2003 Wilson PSGN 8’x26’, 2 interior gates, 20,000 GVWR, 2 - 8,000# axles, 17.5 tire/ wheel........................................................P.O.R.
2004 Doepker 18’x96” steel grain pup, 60” sides, HGC traps, spring ride, steel wheels, telescopic tongue.......................................................P.O.R.
1996 Homemade 16’x96” grain pup, 66” sides, roll tarp, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 tires, telescopic tongue......................................P.O.R.
2005 Wilson DWBT Patriot 50’x102” belt trailer, 72” sides, 48” belt, triple axle air ride, aluminum wheels.......................................................P.O.R.
2013 Wilson PSGN 7’x24’, 4-wheeler side door, roller gate with perm gate interior, full rear with slider, slam hitch, running boards.............P.O.R.
2005 Timpte 50’x96” grain, 72” side height, full air ride with rear lift, new 11R24.5 tires and wheels.......................................................P.O.R.
2009 Wilson PSDCL 53’x102”, cattle spec, full air ride quad axle with rear lift/steer, aluminum wheels.......................................................P.O.R.
2010 Trailtech 28’ 6” combine/sprayer trailer, spring ride, steel wheels, 24.5 radial tires, pintle hook..........................................................P.O.R.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A18
Grain yield not related to test weight
By NDSU Extension Service Don’t confuse grain yield with test The procedure for determining test Call 406-423-5474 or 217-6983, cell – Hobson, MT weight, cautions North Dakota State Uniweight is accurately weighing a small conversity (NDSU) Extension Service agricultainer that has been filled using a specific tural engineer Ken Hellevang. method and then converting that to pounds Commercial Series Grain yield is expressed as bushels per per bushel. Two-Way Radios and Accessories acre, and the number of bushels is deterThe size and shape of kernels, moisture ™ ™ CP150 CP200 ™ ™ mined by dividing the pounds of grain by content and the composition of the kernels CM200 CM300 a standard bushel weight. For example, a primarily affect the weight of grain fitting Seven Essential Elements of into the volume or test weight. Large kernels bushel of wheat has been determined to be to the required 12.5 Solid Two-Way Communication or kernels that do not fit tightly together 60 pounds per bushel. Therefore, grain yield The Commercial Radio Series narrow band radios generally will have a lower test weight than is the pounds of grain harvested per acre Combines Them All. before 2013 smaller kernels or kernels with less void divided by the standard weight. With the new Radius Commercial Series mobile and portable radios, you spaces between them. So, does the test weight affect the yield? get solid two-way performance at a Wheat test weight will decrease after each The answer is “no” unless the number of very competitive price. Clear, crisp audio and dustomizable features let you time it is rewet due to the kernels swelling pounds of grain being harvested from a communicate exactly how you want. when wet and not returning to their original field changes. With their ergonomic design and wide size as they dry. The pounds of wheat being “Because a bushel is defined in two ways, assortment of Motorola Original Accessories, these radios are ready harvested have not changed, but the test confusion may occur unless it is specified wherever your work takes you. weight is reduced because the kernels are as volumetric bushel or weight bushel,” Call Us Today! larger, resulting in a lower density. Hellevang says. “The pounds of grain in a Highline Communications “The lower test weight might affect marbin will be affected by test weight, but the North 202 Central, Cut Bank, Montana ket price but does not affect the pounds of pounds of grain harvested per acre are not Phone 406-873-2984 Fax 406-873-4895 wheat harvested,” Hellevang says. affected by test weight.” The grain moisture content will affect Test weight is a density measurement that the test weight because a kernel with high is used as an indication of grain quality but moisture content will be larger than a kernel is not a factor in determining grain yield in with lower moisture content and because of bushels per acre. It is how many pounds fit the difference in density between water and into a specific volume. It is expressed as the grain kernel dry matter. pounds per bushel, with a bushel being a Jacob McKelvey, Highline Communications, 406-873-2984 Gently dried grain will increase in test volume of 1.244 cubic feet. weight as it is dried. The amount of increase will vary depending on drying method and amount of kernel damage during harvest, but the increase generally will be about 0.3 to 0.5 pound for each percentage point of reduction in moisture. • Bulls more fertile 100% Forage A rule of thumb is the • Structurally sound Developed increase will be about 0.25 • More years of service pound per point of moisture • Will breed more cows than yearlings Coming 2 Year Olds for corn dried in a high• They will hold their condition better temperature dryer. For wheat • Diamond D Angus bulls have a long history of outCalving Ease drying under good field drystanding calving ease ing conditions, the test weight • No Precision. No 036 New Design. No Fame Focus. increase is expected to be All good clean pedigrees. 99% are descendants of Lodge of Wye. Lodge is 1 of 12 bulls in the entire near 0.5 pound per bushel per breed proven genetic defect free. Many of the bulls point of moisture removed. Genetics we are selling are grandsons of Lodge. Many trace The composition of the multiple times to Lodge. These genetics work well kernels affects the test weight, in the grass fed industry or the feed lot due to their Hellevang says. For example, moderate frame. low test weight can occur due • 50 years of breeding like cattle on like cattle on like Consistency to less starch in the kernel cattle. This eliminates variables. resulting from the kernel • Bulls sold in the fall have been significantly more afnot maturing. This also will fordable than spring sales. More than 50% of our bulls Affordable reduce the total pounds of sold the last two years brought $3,000 or less. grain harvested, so yield will be reduced. Low test weight is one indication of immature kernels. If rewetting is enough to initiate the germination process, some of the kernel is consumed, resulting in less weight. Grain respiration and mold growth also can consume a little of the grain dry matter, with the loss being greater at higher moisture contents and temperatures. An allowable storage time chart can provide an estimate of the time required for a 0.5 percent loss in dry matter. For example, the allowable storage time of cereal grains at 20 percent moisture content and 80 degrees is about seven days. If some of the kernel is consumed, the pounds harvested will be lower and the test weight likely also will be reduced. “This typically is not a factor in yield because normally the grain does not stay at high moisture contents during field drying,” Hellevang says.
Ford 6000 diesel tractor, 10 speed, runs good......... $2900
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A19
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A20
ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler
Certified Shaw
Call Ernest Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809
Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT
No job too big or small!
For all your manure spreading needs just give us a call. 2 Trucks and Loader Available
Call for a quote and to schedule your barn and corral cleaning.
(406)289-1866 etsoffice (406)cell 271-2746 or (406) 450-3332
b Kory Ha
“This is our profession, not a sideline”
Case IH AFX 7010 yield & moisture monitor, Pro 600 color touch monitor, rock trap, lateral tilt, chopper, specialty rotor, 30-ft. header, 936 hours................................ $183,000 Case IH 2388 chopper, rock trap, monitors, 25-ft header, 1461 hours....................................................... $105,000 John Deere 9650 STS new Reman engine, duals, 25-ft header, 1901 hours, 200 hours on engine......... $98,500 John Deere 9760 STS monitors, Contour Master, rock trap, bin extension, chopper, fore/aft, 630 header, auger, 477 hours. Always shedded............................. $129,900
John Deere 4995 windrower, 14 ft. 6” rotary head, Hydro, turbo, cab, air conditioning, heater, Green Star ready..... ........................................................................... $63,500 Case 580 Super L backhoe heater, A/C, 4x4, extend-ahoe, forks, 27-ft. Jib, only 2300 hours, excellent shape.. ........................................................................... $37,000 John Deere 9300 drills, 2-10 ft. sections, 6” spacing......... .............................................................................. $6200
Case IH Puma 195 MFD, 540/1000, 3 point, 3 remotes, 18.4x42 tires, duals, Case loader, 8-ft bucket, grapple, grill guard, self leveling. 4275 hours................... $84,900 Case IH MX 230 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 4 remotes, 18.4x46 duals, end of row, differential lock, 18 front weights, quik hitch.................................................................... $69,500 Case IH MXM 190 MFD, 3 point, PTO, powershift, auto shift, end of row, KM loader, 3100 hours............ $75,900 Case IH MX 305 3 point, PTO, powershift with creeper gear, 5 remotes, weights, 3900 hours...............$117,000 Case IH STX 485 4x4, auto shift, end of row, differential lock, front & rear weights, 5 remotes, 710x42, 1200 hours................................................................ $204,500 Case IH 485 quad track, 30” tracks, powershift, 4 remotes, Radar, performance monitors, 2780 hours....... $196,500 Case IH MX 285 MFD, 3 point, PTO, 520x46 duals, differential lock, end of row, weights, 5510 hours...... $79,500 Case IH STX 440 4x4, powershift, 20.8x46 triples, 4 remotes, 2900 hours........................................... $129,000 John Deere 8970 4x4, 24 speed, 4 remotes, 710x38 duals, 3100 hours......................................................... $90,000
EAGLE EQUIPMENT Bill Smith, Broker
St. Anthony, ID Belgrade, MT 208-558-7015 406-388-8171 Mobile ph. 208-351-7177 FAX 406-388-8119 e-mail:
Gabby Drishinski, Pondera, received the Reserve Champion Fed Hog during the Marias Fair from Livestock Judge Mark King. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
UNL Ag Research Division’s ‘Big Idea Seminars’ start in September
A new Agricultural Research Division (ARD) seminar series hopes to build big ideas and collaborations among faculty members at the University of NebraskaLincoln (UNL). Big Idea Seminars begin in September. The seminar series in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at UNL will cover a broad area of research topics and is meant to bring together collaborations between faculty members across all of UNL, said David Jackson, associate dean of the ARD. The seminars will get people learning and talking about different issues and hopefully generating new ideas, learning new things and coming up with new ideas for working together, Jackson said. “This is more than just a seminar; this is team building,” said Larkin Powell, professor in the School of Natural Resources. “This will really provide faculty a moment to just talk, work together and in the end come up with new research projects and land bigger grants.” Future topics could include any area of research going on at UNL. The theme for the first five seminars is “Scenery as a Natural Resource” and was organized by Richard Sutton, professor in agronomy and horticulture at UNL. This seminar series will help raise awareness of the visual landscape for the academic research community and as a resource affecting the quality of life for all Nebraskans. All seminars, except for the November 30 one, will be at the Nebraska East Union on UNL’s East Campus at 4 p.m. The November
30 seminar will be at the Mary Riepma Ross Media Arts Center, 313 N. 13th at 4:30 p.m. Dates, speakers, times and topics include: • September 12, James Palmer, senior principal at Scenic Quality Consultants since 2007 and professor emeritus at SUNY, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, “Visual Resources and Scenic Landscapes” • October 10, Roopali Phadke, associate professor, environmental studies, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota, “Visual Impacts of Windpower on Communities” • October 24, Steve Burr, associate professor of recreation resources management, director of the Institute for Outdoor Recreation and Tourism and extension specialist in the Department of Environment and Society in the College of Natural Resources at Utah State University, “Tourism, Scenery and Open Landscapes” • November 14, John McCarty, chief landscape architect, U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management, “Visual Resources and Scenery Management on Public Lands” • November 30, Ronald Lee Fleming, FAICP, “Scenic Manifesto for Communities” A second set of Big Idea Seminars, with the theme of “Plant Recognition and Identification Technology” will begin in November and is being organized by Steve Young, assistant professor at UNL’s West Central Research and Extension Center at North Platte. For more information visit the ARD’s Big Idea Seminars (http://bigideaseminars.unl. edu/) website.
Climate changes help grass come back to U.S. rangelands
W e uc an lco kl o me ey th t A er o uc tio n
By Ann Perry, Agricultural Research Service Global climate changes could help some shrub-dominated deserts revert to ecosystems that support the growth and establishment of grasslands, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) studies suggest. These findings indicate that sufficient increased precipitation over a sequence of years—and carefully managed grazing—could help keep woody plants in check in the U.S. Southwest. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) ecologist Debra Peters works at the ARS Jornada Experimental Range in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Peters and several other researchers used plant distribution maps compiled in the 1800s to compare changes in plant distribution with precipitation, and to identify long-term trends in desertification. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency, and these findings support the USDA priority of responding to climate change. After the team pinpointed the changes in vegetation distribution over the past 150 years, they accessed data collected since 1989 by collaborators with the Jornada Basin Long Term Ecological Research project. Data were available from five desert ecosystem types: upland grasses, playa grasslands, and mesquite, creosotebush, and tarbush shrublands. Then the scientists compared the changes in herbaceous and woody species since 1989 to changes after a sequence of dry and average rainfall years from 1994 to 2003, and after a series of wet years from 2004 to 2008. During the wet years, all study plots showed an increase in plant production, primarily via an increase in herbaceous plants. This increase was the highest on upland grasslands and mesquite shrublands, which were the sandiest sites. In addition, other indicators of plant production and diversity were significantly higher in upland grasses, mesquites, and tarbushes during the wet period than the dry period. Peters thinks the wet years prompted a change in plant-soilwater interactions, which eventually supported the growth and establishment of grasses. The study was published last year in Global Change Biology.
O r d e r of the Auction: We will start with shop & other small items throughtout the morning. Early afternoon we will sell vehicles, tractors, and other large items. ...In case of severe weather conditions, the auction postponement date will be Thursday October 4, 2012. If bad weather does occur on sale day, call (406) 937-3385 or (406) 278-5880 for further information. Thank you and see you at the auction....
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A21
1976 Versatile 850 tractor, Series II, 310 hp, 9680 hours, 3200 hours on overhaul, runs great, tires 50%. Asking...................................................................................................... $12,000 1976 Versatile 700 tractor, Series II, 2921 hours on meter, really nice paint, runs super, tires 30%. Asking................................................................................................................. $6000 Phone Russell Darlington, (406) 386-2451, Big Sandy, Montana
Skinner Harvesting LLC Dan & Stephanie Skinner seeking Montana acres for 2012 crop year
Long term commitment if possible We employ no foreign labor 4 John Deere combines Daily production print out Draper headers with References available from pickup reels 5 state area
Winter or spring wheat Barley or other crops
Pickup headers 6 semi trucks and Full support equipment
If you are not satisfied with the service you now receive, or have expanded Call Dan Skinner your operation please (620) 340-2843 give us a call (620) 343-8140
It is never too early to talk about harvest
This time for Leonard Roark (Retirement)
For further information on auction items call 406-937-3385
Saturday, September 29, 2012 Sunburst, Montana
Register for sale cards at 10:00 a.m. – Auction starts at 10:30 a.m. Free coffee - Lunch will be sold throughout the day.
*Approx late 1930’s Montgomery-Ward boat motor, approx. 30-hp. *1-Zentith 6-volt, tube-type shelf radio with wooden case. *Teens or 20’s year, hard rubber tire, 4-wheel wooden flatbed trailer, 30-ft. long with wood spoke rims with hard rubber tires. *1-Cultivator 8-1/2 ft. wide, with steel carrier wheels. Home-made 6-volt electric, approx. 1,000 lb winch, Pair of guide 7-in. diameter 6-volt auto headlights/2 pair of showshoes/Copper wash boiler with lid/Pair of galvanized metal wash tubs & stand/Dakota wood or coal heating stove with grates/Wooden croquet set/ Tobaggan/Flyer kids wagon/Space Rocket XS-17 orbit control snow ski board/Tonka 6-in. long toy horse trailer & several other NY-Lint industrial toys/Oak wood 50-in. wide office deck/Pair of 40-in wide moose antlers & pair of elk antlers/Hand sythe/plus other items
*There will be some metal structural pipe from 2 in. to 10 in. diameter in mostly lengths of 10 ft. to 16 ft., plus some other welding iron. *2-Matching trailer house axles, 7 ft wide, Dayton 14.5 hubs *1-Pierce 12 volt electric winch & approx. 2,000 lbs. pull *1-500 gal. fuel tank with fuel filter & metal tank stand *3-Square water tanks, are approx. 300, 200, 100 gal each *2-2 in. diameter rubber & one 2 in. plastic high pressure fuel or oil hoses/4 deep water line spigots, 2 are new and 2 are used, 6 ft. bury
*1-John Deere L III Automatic Seriers riding lawn mower with 42 in. wide cut, powered by INTEX 20-hp twin-VSeries, 2-cyl. gas engine with electric start, 137 total hours at time of listing. *1-North Star plastic 15-gallon weed sprayer tank with 12-volt pump, 6-1/2 ft. wide spray boom & hand held sprayer. Fits RV. *1-Rototiller with 3-hp gas engine. *1-Graham Holme I-beam frame & low shank cultivator 101/2 ft wide, lever lifts.
PICKUPS, TRUCKS, & TRAILERS COLLECTABLE TRACTOR & CAR *1-1991 Ford F150 XLT Lariat Series 4x4 wheel drive, extended cab pickup with 302 cu. in. V-8 fuel injected gas engine, 5’spd. trans., style-side 6-1/2 foot long box with tool cross box, mounted 4-1/2 foot long lifting crane, step-up bumper & receiver hitch, lock out hubs, 15” rubber, power steering, air conditioning, 69,081 original miles *1-1960 Ford F-500 custom cab series flatbed truck with 292 cu. in. V-8 gas engine, 4-spd. main trans., 2-spd aux., 12-1/2 ft. long bed with steel floor, mounted electric operated cherry picker crane with 6-ft. long boom, hyd. hoist, 8:25-20 rubber. *1-1952 “Collectable” IHC L-160 series winch truck with 240 cu. in. 6-cyl. gas engine, 4-spd. main trans., 2-spd aux., oilfield bed 11-1/2 ft. long, with Tulsa PTO driven winch with 2-spd. forward & 1-in reverse, gin poles, metal bib on back, 8:25-20 rubber. Still in use. *1-Home-made flatbed straight pull trailer 16-ft. long, 8-ft wide, 4-ft. long beaver tail with fold-down loading ramps, triple axles with 8-14.5 rubber. *1-Homes-made, straight pull trailer with wooden box 8-ft. long, 4-ft wide & single axle with 14 in. rubber. *1-Home-made car towing dolly, single axle & 15 in. rubber *1-”As-Is” 1984 Nissan pickup with 4-cyl. gas engine. “Not Running”, no trans., body parts only.
*1-1964 John Deere 2010 Industrial Series backhoe tractor with 4-cyl. gas engine, 8-spd trans. with hi-low, mounted quick attach hyd. backhoe with 14’ reach, 3-buckets 12”, 21” & 30” wide, Frost digging spiketooth, hyd. out riggers, mounted John Deere hyd. front-end loader with 5-1/2’ wide bucket, metal canopy, 14.9/13-28 back rubber, power steering, 7766 hrs at time of listing. Still in use. Seriel No. 1167
*1-1941 John Deere Model A-N 3-wheel tractor with 3-cyl. gas engine with fly-wheel start, 6-spd trans., 540-RPM PTO, right side mount clutch or belt pulley, single pair of hyd. outlets, straight pull drawbar, new 13-6-38 rear rubber, 1-single 9:00-10 front rubber tire. SN 503497. Looks complete & original & is still in use. *1-1964 Rambler 660 Classic Cross-Country Series 4-door station wagon car with 264 cu. in. V-8 engine, steering column mount 3-spd. & overdrive type transmission, good one to restore.
*1-2001 Palomino full overhead 6-1/2 ft. pop-up type pickup slide-in camper, hand crank top fold up, propane cook stove, forced air furnace, gas electric refrigerator, 12-volt & 110 volt electric system, hot water heater, sleeps 4, corner mounted camper jacks, was bought new & hardly used. *1-Crest Liner aluminum boat 14-1/2 ft. long with Johnson 10 Sea Horse Series, 30-hp. gas boat motor, homemade straight pull boat trailer with single axle 15in. rubber. *1-Evenrude 30-hp Big Twin Series, boat motor. *Approx. 10-ft by 12-ft canvas wall tent/Approx. 8-ft by 8-ft canvas station wagon tent/3 sets of golf clubs/2 children’s size bicycles/Midland 2-way 12-volt radio set/Pair of car top mount sk racks
*1-Franklin air tight wood heating stove. *1-Royal & 1 J.C. Penney natural gas heating stoves *1-Siegler natural gas furnace *1-Brothers portable electric sewing machine,carrying case *1-Convertible electric dishwasher/Plus other related items.
BUCKLEY AUCTIONS J. Vandenacre - Clerk
Jerry Buckley - Auctioneer 406-450-2244
Location from Sunburst & Frontage Road.... From overpass go approximately 100 ft. east to Frontage Road., turn right or south & go 3-3/4 miles, turn left or east & go approximately 200 ft. Auction is on the north side of the road. Watch for sale signs. Thank You for coming... See you there..
*1-Atlas Model TH-54 metal lathe with 10-in. swing, 46-1/2 in. long bed, gear spd. change *3-Jaw & 2-4 jaw chucks 110-volt electric motor driven, good assortment of lathe tools, manual, etc! *1-Sears Craftsman 230 amp AC & 180 amp DC electric stick welder, shop cart mounted type welding rod *1-Smith acetylene cutting torch cutting torch set with cart *Electric drill press with 1/2 in chuck, 4-in drill press vise, bench mount. *Air Compressor with 220-volt electric motor, approx. 20 gal. air holding tank, shop cart mounted *1-Bishman auto tire repair stand, air & electric operated/ Inventory of auto & truck tire repair tools/Approx. 2-ton hyd. auto floor jack plus other bottle jacks. *1-Sears/Craftsman 10-in. electric radial arm saw, with wooden top saw table & mounted on wooden saw stand. *1-Bostitch roofing air nailer & 4-bozes of roofing nails *Air operated & airless paint sprayer, shop cart mounted *24-in. & 16-in. gas chain saws/1-7-1/4 in. electric skill saw *1-Montgomery Ward Power Craft surveyors transit *1-Dee Zee aluminum diamond plate pickup tool cross box, 5-ft wide, hardly used. *Metal top work bench 5-1/2 ft. wide/Nikota work table with adjustable width *Good inventory of electric shop hand tools & equipment, including 6-in double wheel bench grinder/side grinders/Auto electric systems testers/Roto Rooter with 1/2 hp electric motor & has reverse & foot control/ Approx 50-ft. long heavy duty electric cord *1-Chicago pneumatic air chisel, 12 piece set. *Assortment of log chains & boomers/1-1/8 in. diameter by approx. 16-ft. long nylon tow rope/Triplex 1-ton chain hoist with 4 in. wide trolley/2 - 1-1/2 ton chain come-alongs/Good assortment of pullers/Rigid pipe wrenches/ Rigid 2 in. pipe threader/aluminum 20-ft. extension ladder/6 ft. aluminum step ladder *1-Central Hydraulics 4-ton hyd. portable power set *1-1 in. & one 2 in. water pumps with gas engines *1-Mico 12-volt electric diesel fuel tank pump, hardly used. *2-Borg Warner auto electric parts displays 29 in. wide by 31 in. high & 1-Whitaker electric parts display 32 in. wide by 31 in. high plus several small parts displays/ Good inventory of new & used nuts, bolts/Pipe fittings *Good inventory of shop hand tools including 1 in. drive socket set from 7/8 in. to 2-1/4 in. complete with ratchet wrench & breaker bar/Bolt cutters & truck tire chain repair pliers/Bench Vise/Metal drill bits from 9/16 in. to 1-1/16 in./Simplex Model 84-A house movers jack/ Approx. 30 mechanics repair & Parts manuals/Plus lots of other shop related items.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A22
For all your grain storage needs!
G & M Bins, LLC Fairfield, Montana
Contact: Mark at 406-590-3240 or Greg at 406-590-0404 e-mail:
John Deere 3020 gas tractor, automatic transmission, 4 external hydraulics, PTO, 3-point Call 406-491-4444 Whitehall, Montana
Consignment - Farm - Ranch - Equipment
September 22, 2012 - 10 am Headwaters Livestock Barn, Three Forks, Montana
Auctioneers Comments: Nice line of local consignment equipment. Consignments will be accepted up until day of auction. See ya the 22nd.....Jeff
John Deere 4020 with cab and GB900 loader, straight front axle, Westerner model, good rubber, PTO. John Deere LT 155 riding mower.
1951 GMC firetruck, new 600 gallon tank, all hoses and reels, runs and drives. New Pierry Mfg. fire suppression system, slides in back of pickup, 305 gallon with all hoses.
2000 Dodge 1-ton dually, 4x4, extended cab, automatic, Cummins diesel with HydraBed bale feeder, 184,000 miles. 1986 Chevrolet 1/2-ton step side, lifted, stroked, bored 396, 35” tires.
5-ft. 3-point snowblower. 5-ft. 3-point Brush Hog. John Deere 613 3-point rotary mower. John Deere 700 4-ft. loader bucket. 6-ft. 3-point rock rake. 4-ft. 3-point box scraper. Engine hoist. B&W Turnover Ball assembly. 2000 Dodge dually box. 2000 Dodge rear bumper. Electric cement mixer on dolly with hitch. Portable electric winch.
2-1996 Yamaha 600 snowmobiles, less than 300 miles with covers. 2002 Honda 350 Rancher 4-wheeler, 4x4.
1981 Keifer Built gooseneck horse trailer, 18-ft., 16” rubber, fiberglass top. Raven 2-place aluminum snowmobile trailer with front wind guard. ALL ITEMS SOLD AS IS WITH NO GUARANTEES OR WARRANTEES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED
Caterpillar V50D SA forklift, propane, excellent rubber, 3 stage mast, clean.
JEFF JEDLICKA AUCTIONEER • 605-682-1313 OR 406-396-4697
NEW SEEDS Now Commercially Available The latest advancements in Forage Seeds:
Willow Creek Forage Winter Wheat Producers have reported 31/2 ton dry forage yield on 2011 production on dryland crop rotation. You have read about it and now it is available at:
Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Phone: 406-434-5011 Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474
Inc. FAX: 406-434-5014
Grassland Studies schedules fall seminars
The 18th annual fall seminar series offered by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s (UNL) Center for Grassland Studies will include lectures on topics ranging from impacts of the 2012 wildfires in Nebraska to flying robots that collect turf data to improving the quality of forages fed to beef cows. The seminars, which may be taken for academic credit and are also free and open to the public, are held most Mondays during the fall semester from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Nebraska East Union (see kiosks for location). The series features David Engle, this year’s Frank and Margaret Leu distinguished lecturer. Engle is Regents Professor and director of the Water Research and Extension Center at Oklahoma State University. He will address whether production agriculture and conservation of biodiversity can co exist on our rangelands. “We are fortunate to secure an individual as prominent and well-known as Dr. Engle to present the Leu Distinguished Lecture this year,” said Martin Massengale, director of the center and instructor of the seminar course. “Dr. Engle’s visit is a great opportunity for faculty and students to meet and interact with a highly regarded researcher and teacher in biodiversity, crop and rangeland ecology.” Below is the schedule for the remaining seminars: • September 10 – Rob Mitchell, research scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, “Improved Grasses for Perennial Pastures” • September 17– Rick Rasby, professor, Animal Science, UNL, “Enhancing Forage Quality Fed to Beef Cows” • September 24 – Keenan Amundsen, plant breeder turfgrass, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL, “Aerial Robotics Improve Turf Data Collection Efficiency” • October 1 – Gerry Steinauer, botanist, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, “Using Fire and Tree Thinning to Manage Missouri River Oak Woodlands” • October 8 – Ron Bolze, coordinator, Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, “Overview of the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition” • October 15 – No seminar (Fall Break) • October 22 – No seminar (professional meetings) • October 29 – David Engle, Regents Professor and director of the Water Research and Extension Center, Oklahoma State University, “Can Production Agriculture and Conservation of Biodiversity Co exist on Great Plains Rangelands?” • November 5 – Terry Klopfenstein, professor, Department of Animal Science, UNL, “Cattle, Forage, Corn, Ethanol and Residues” • November 12 – David Wedin, professor, School of Natural Resources, UNL, “Grassland Resilience and the Stability of the Nebraska Sandhills” • November 19 – Chris Helzer, director, Eastern Nebraska Program, Nature Conservancy, “Impacts and Initial Lessons from the 2012 Wildfires Along the Niobrara River” • November 26 – Mark Brohman, executive director, Nebraska Environmental Trust, “Twenty Years of the Nebraska Environmental Trust Preserving, Protecting and Restoring Nebraska’s Grasslands and Other Natural Resources” • December 3 – Brian Wienhold, research scientist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, “Potential Effects of Corn Stover Grazing on Soil Properties” Videos of the seminars will be available for checkout from the center. For more information, contact the Center for Grassland Studies (http:// at (402) 472-4101, e-mail grassland@ The schedule is subject to revision. Any changes will be noted on the center’s web site. ##### Thirteen places in Wyoming start with the word “Devil’s”, including three Devil’s Kitchens. ##### Gannett Peak in the Wind River Mountains is the highest peak in Wyoming at 13,804 feet in elevation.
Montana Hereford Association Tour
A Montana Hereford Association tour is scheduled for September 14 & 15 following the Churchill Cattle Co. sale. The tour will start in the Gallatin Valley and conclude at Gold Creek, Montana, traveling through Three Forks, Townsend, and Helena. Below is a brief outline of the tour. September 14 – The first stop of the tour will be hosted by Feddes Herefords of Manhattan. The Feddes’ will be ready to host visitors immediately following the close of the Churchill sale. The Feddes program/cattle will be displayed into the early evening. There will be refreshments and light hors d’oeuvres served at this stop. For those needing a motel room for the evening of September 14, MHA has reserved a block of rooms at the Fort Three Forks Motel at HWY 287 and I90 (406-285-3233). Call and state that you are part of the MHS tour. September 15 – Breakfast is available at Wheat Montana next to the motel with a good variety. The first stop of the day will be at the Cooper Hereford Ranch at Willow Creek at 8:30 AM. The tour will depart from Cooper’s and head north on HWY 287 to Elhke Herefords near Townsend, arriving around 11:00 AM. There will also be cattle displayed here by other MHA members. In addition to discussing the programs and viewing the cattle, Ehlkes will host the lunch meal for everyone. Leaving Townsend around 1:30 PM, the tour will travel through Helena. We can schedule a short time at the State Capital building should there be an interest to do so. The tour will then travel over the Continental Divide on HWY 12 to Garrison, then take US I90 to Gold Creek. The final stop of the tour will be at Thomas Herefords with a scheduled arrival of 3:30 PM. There will again be a number of additional MHA members displaying cattle. Following the discussion of each program and viewing of the cattle, the Thomas’ will host the dinner meal and the tour will conclude. There will not be a bus so please make your own travel arrangements. Pre-registration is not required, however it would be nice to let the committee know if you plan to attend. For more information contact Bruce (406-544-1536), Tim (406-570-4711) or Tom (406-778-2320).
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A23
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch. First Lots Scheduled to Close at 10:00 AM Central Time
The following equipment is owned by various owners, visit for owner names, item’s locations and phone numbers.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 349 lots selling on this auction!
2005 John Deere 8220 MFWD tractor 1994 John Deere 8200 2WD tractor Samsung SL 120-2 wheel loader Allis-Chalmers 500 forklift 1961 Case 930 tractor 2000 Peterbilt conventional cab, semi truck 1999 Wilson Psadl-303P aluminum Stockmaster stock trailer
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2012 290 lots selling on this auction!
2006 John Deere 544J wheel loader 2004 Lexion Cat 480R combine 2008 Mustang 634 telehandler, 623 hours (2) 2001 American DMP dump trailers 2007 Bobcat 435 excavator John Deere 410E backhoe/loader John Deere 110 backhoe Case 1845C skid steer 2004 Cargo enclosed trailer Cat D4 dozer
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 211 lots selling on this auction!
1973 John Deere 4430H row crop tractor John Deere 4440 tractor 1979 Mack RS600L dump truck 1974 International Transtar 4300 F4370 truck 1984 John Deere 8650 tractor 1974 John Deere 4630 tractor John Deere 8300 alfalfa grain drill
Many more items selling in September, visit for more information. Do you have equipment to sell, call 1-800-937-3558 for your local representative. is a division of Stock Auction Company
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A24
Combines & Attachments
2-John Deere 9770STS combine. Each.... . ........................................$262,000 (G) John Deere 9770 combine with 223 hours. . .........................................$275,000 (L) 2008 John Deere 9770 combine, 213 hours................................. $278,000 (H) John Deere 9760 combine with 1398 separator hours........................ $175,000 (H) John Deere 9760 combine with 1177 separator hours........................ $175,000 (H) John Deere 9760 combine with 1420 separator hours........................ $174,500 (H) John Deere 9670 combine....$210,000 (L) 1997 John Deere 9600 combine............... . ......................................Coming In (H) John Deere 7720 combines. .... $9500 (H) Case IH 1680 short sieve combine............ . ..........................................$30,000 (G) Case IH 1680 combine............ $34,000 (H) Gleaner N6 combine with 24-ft. head........ . ............................................. $3500 (H) John Deere 635D header....... $57,500 (H) John Deere 635D header....... $75,000 (H) John Deere 936D header....... $46,000 (H) 4-MacDon SP42 42-ft. draper heads......... . .................................... $69,500 ea. (H)
More Used Heads IN STOCK
John Deere 4710 sprayer...Coming in (H) Flexi-Coil 67XL 100-ft., 1500 gallon.......... ............................................ $19,500 (H) Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft., 1500 gallon, 20”..... ........................................Coming in (H) 2-1996 Flexi-Coil 65 100-ft....$7500 ea. (H)
Construction Equipment
John Deere 326D skidsteer, 2600 lb lift, 2 speed, hand controls.......... $29,900 (B) John Deere 323D track skidsteer, 875 hours....................................$45,000 (L) Bobcat 742 38 hp, 1250 lb capacity........... . .............................................$8500 (G) New Holland telehandler.... Coming in (L) Allis Chalmers 816 backhoe loader.......... . ............................................$7950 (LV)
Kelley 56 3-pt. backhoe, PTO pump. Good condition................................$4995 (LV) Degelman 45-ft. landroller...... $35,000 (H) Brandt 13x70 auger................... $7500 (H) Buhler FK Y1010H 10” transfer auger....... ............................................... $2700 (H) Walinga 6614 grain vac.......... $15,500 (H) Worksaver HDP-20 post pounder, 3-point, hydraulic angle/tilt................... $4000 (H) Artic Cat XTX 700 Prowler... Coming In (B) Bobcat 2200 utility vehicle......... $5950 (H) Polaris Ranger 700 XP utility vehicle with cab.......................................$12,000 (G) 2003 Polaris Ranger 6x6 utility vehicle, professional series................. $4900 (B) 2-Suzuki 250 cc 2WD quad....... $2850 (H) Frontier LR2060 5-ft. landscape rake....... .................................................. $550 (B) Bale Squeeze for John Deere 740 loader.. ................................................. $350 (H) Farm Star skid steer post pounder............ ............................................... $2900 (B) Shaver 901 post hole digger, 3-pt. mount, PTO drive, 2 bits..................... $1475 (B) Farm King 60” finish mower.........$750 (L) Bush Hog......................................$950 (L) High Power generator, 12,000V, PTO....... ..................................................$900 (L)
John Deere 9400 4WD, 425 hp................. .......................................... $105,000 (H) John Deere 9200 4WD, 310 hp, 4300 hours....................................$93,000 (L) John Deere 8970 400 hp, 5500 hours....... .............................................$76,500 (L) John Deere 8760 4WD, 300 hp................. ............................................$48,000 (G) John Deere 7930 180 hp, IVT, MFWD, duals...................................$137,500 (L) John Deere 7930 180 hp, AutoQuad, MFWD................................$129,500 (L) John Deere 7820 155 hp, MFWD.............. ............................................ $96,500 (H) John Deere 7800 145 hp, loader, grapple. ............................................ $56,500 (H) John Deere 7730 152 hp, MFWD.............. ...........................................$114,000 (B) John Deere 7520 125 hp, MFWD with loader.................................. $95,500 (H) John Deere 7430 Premium cab, MFWD.. ...........................................$138,000 (L) John Deere 7430 145 hp, MFWD, loader.. .........................................$129,950 (LV) John Deere 7330 Premium 125 hp, MFWD..................................$94,950 (L) John Deere 7400 100 hp, cab, MFWD...... .............................................$33,000 (L) John Deere 7210 95 hp, MFWD................ ............................................ $53,500 (H) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader.........................$74,500 (L) John Deere 6430 Premium 99 hp, low hours, loader........................ $74,500 (B) New John Deere 6140D 140 hp, MFWD, cab, loader, grapple............. $73,500 (H) John Deere 5603 82 hp, MFWD, loader.... ............................................ $44,500 (H)
John Deere 5400 60 hp, MFWD, no loader.........................................$16,000 (G) John Deere 5320 65 hp, MFWD, loader, open cab...............................$29,500 (L) John Deere 4600 45 hp, MFWD, loader. 900 hours............................ $18,000 (G) John Deere 4520 125 hp, loader............... ................................................$8900 (L) 1974 John Deere 4430 2WD, partial PowerShift, loader......................$14,500 (H) John Deere 4410 29 hp, MFWD, loader.... ............................................ $16,900 (B) John Deere 4010 85 hp, no 3-point, with DuAl loader..............................$6900 (L) John Deere 3038E 38 hp, MFWD............. ........................................ Coming In (L) John Deere 2020 2WD, 54 hp, 3-point...... ............................................... $7900 (H) Case IH MX275 with L780 loader.............. .......................................... $156,000 (H) Case IH MXU130 MFWD, loader............... ............................................$65,000 (G) Case IH MX120 MFWD, loader.................. ............................................ $58,500 (H) Massey-Ferguson 8120 130 hp, loader, 4600 hours.........................$52,500 (LV) New Holland 8160 90 hp, 2WD, no loader ............................................ $21,500 (H) New Holland TC40..................$16,000 (L) New Holland TV140 bidirectional, loader, 14-ft. head..........................$57,500 (LV) Versatile 875 4WD, 280 hp..... $22,000 (H) Allis Chalmers 8030 113 hp, loader.......... ............................................$23,500 (G) Allis Chalmers 7050, duals, loader, blade. ............................................ $17,500 (H) Steiger PTA325...................... $27,500 (H) Deutz Allis 7120..................... $16,500 (B) Ford 8000 105 hp, cab, loader... $8000 (H)
See us at Moodie Implement Company for all of your new and used John Deere needs Drills
John Deere 1890 air drill ....... $97,000 (B) John Deere 1860/1900 42-ft. air drill, 7.5” spacing............................... $69,900 (B) John Deere 1820/1900 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, double shoot......... $68,000 (H) John Deere 9450 50-ft. drill, 12” spacing, packers............................... $23,000 (H) John Deere 9350 40-ft. drill, 6” spacing, transport......................... Coming in (L) John Deere FB 12-ft. end wheel drill, 6” grass.....................................$2950 (LV) Flexi-Coil 5000/3450 57-ft. air drill 12” spacing............................... $87,500 (H) 1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 230 bushel, single shoot......... . .......................................... $51,500 (H) Flexi-Coil 5000/1720 40-ft. air drill, 9” spacing................................$42,000 (L)
Miscellaneous Haying
John Deere 390 8-ft. flail mower...$5500 (H) 35-ft. small square bale elevator with electric motor, excellent condition....... $1450 (B) New Holland 1033 bale wagon, auto tie.... ..............................................$5500 (LV) New Holland 1032 bale wagon, auto tie.... ..............................................$5950 (LV) Ford 501 7-ft. sickle mower, 3-point........... ..............................................$1350 (LV)
Morris 743 49-ft. chisel plow with rod, harrows........................................ $3200 (H) Flexi-Coil 60SB 62-ft. spreader bar........... ................................................$6000 (L) Degelman 570 rock picker......... $3995 (H) Homebuilt 12-ft. water fill landroller........... ..............................................$1995 (LV) Homebuilt 18-ft. single fold chisel plow..... ..............................................$1200 (LV)
Windrowers & Mower Conditioners
2011 John Deere R450 windrower, V10, 994 14.5-ft. rotary head, 300 hours........ .........................................$107,500 (LV) John Deere D450 windrower with draper.. ...........................................$129,500 (L) John Deere 4990 14.5-ft. rotary mower, impeller.................................$58,000 (L) John Deere 4895 windrower, 16 ft. sickle, steel conditioner.................. $56,000 (H) John Deere 4895 windrower with 16-ft. sickle, steel conditioner....... $60,000 (H) John Deere 2320 windrower, gas.............. ............................................... $7500 (H) John Deere 2360, 1822 hours, 30-ft. draper.................................. $20,000 (G) John Deere 956 14.5-ft. rotary mower conditioner................................. $30,000 (G) John Deere 956 14.5 ft. rotary swing tongue..................................$27,500 (L) John Deere 956 14.5-ft. rotary swing tongue................................. $20,000 (G) John Deere 945 13-ft. rotary mower conditioner..................................$13,950 (LV) John Deere 936 mower conditioner, impeller conditioner...................... $15,500 (B) Agco-Hesston 9365 windrower with 15-ft. rotary head.......................... $73,900 (B) Case IH 8870 with 16-ft. sickle...$35,000 (L) Case IH 8830 14 ft. sickle. 1400 hours...... ............................................ $17,500 (H) New Holland 1431 13 ft. rotary swing tongue................................$13,950 (LV) New Holland 116H with 16-ft. sickle, rubber roll conditioner.........................$7500 (L) Versatile 4025............................ $8800 (H) MacDon A30 16-ft. double sickle............... ............................................ $27,500 (H)
Round Balers
New John Deere 568 mega wide, wrap.... .............................................$42,500 (L) John Deere 568 round baler, twine only.... ............................................$26,500 (G) John Deere 567 mega tooth, net wrap...... ........................................ Coming In (L) John Deere 567, MegaWide, no net.......... .............................................$26,600 (L) John Deere 567 round baler, no net.......... .............................................$21,000 (L) 2002 John Deere 567 with MegaWide pickup...................................$21,000 (L) 2005 John Deere 567 with MegaWide pickup...................................$18,000 (L) 2002 John Deere 567 with MegaWide and mesh wrap............................$18,500 (L) John Deere 567 twine only, MegaWide..... ............................................$16,000 (G) John Deere 566 mega tooth, surface wrap....................................$14,500 (LV) John Deere 566 round baler, mega tooth, no net.................................$11,950 (LV) John Deere 535 round baler, push bar, twine and net.......................... $7200 (G) John Deere 535 round baler, push bar, twine only............................... $6950 (H) John Deere 535 5-ft.x6-ft. bales, double twine arm, push bar...............$4950 (LV) Case IH RB564 round baler with net wrap. ............................................ $19,900 (B) Case IH RBX562 baler............... $8500 (H) Case 8465 round baler................$2900 (L) Hesston 5465A baler.............. $21,500 (H) Hesston 560 round baler, twine only......... ................................................$4000 (L) New Holland 688 baler, surface wrap....... ............................................ $10,500 (H) New Holland 660 baler, twine only............ ...............................................$5950 (G) New Holland 648 baler, makes 4-ft. x 5-ft. bales with wrap......................$9500 (LV) New Holland BR780 round baler, wide pickup, net wrap..................... $7500 (H) Vermeer 605M net wrap, wide pickup........ ............................................ $17,500 (H) 2001 Vermeer 605XL round baler............. .............................................$14,500 (L)
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A25
Flexi-Coil 5000 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 1720 tank.................................................... $42,000 (L)
2009 John Deere 9670STS with 860 separator hours, duals, chopper................................. $210,000 (L)
2010 John Deere 7430 with JD 741 SL loader, 140 PTO hp, 1400 hours.........................$129,950 (B)
1990 Case IH 1680 with 3524 hours, short sieve..... ......................................................... $30,000 (G)
Flexi-Coil 57-ft. air drill with 12” spacing, 3450 tank. ......................................................... $87,500 (H) 2011 John Deere 9770STS with 205 hours, 163 separator hours, chopper................ $262,000 (G)
2009 John Deere 7730 tractor with PowrQuad, 2050 hours, 152 PTO hp..........................$114,000 (B)
John Deere 7930 180-hp, AutoQuad, duals............ ........................................................ $129,500 (L)
John Deere 9760 with 1177 separator hours, Contour Master............................................. $175,000 (H)
John Deere 1890 42-ft. air drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, 1910 tank................................$95,500 (B)
John Deere 7820 tractor with AutoQuad, 155 PTO hp, 5215 hours.................................. $96,500 (H) John Deere 777 40-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, single shoot, blockage monitor.................... $19,000 (G)
Deutz-Allis 7120 2-wheel drive, cab...... $16,500 (B)
2011 John Deere R450 14.5-ft. rotary with 238 hours...............................................$107,500 (LV)
John Deere 4990 with 14.5-ft. rotary header, Impeller conditioner.............................................. $58,000
1980 John Deere 7720 with 2868 hours, header, rock trap, spreader...................................... $9500 (H)
John Deere 7330 Premium 125-hp, MFWD, cab.... .......................................................... $94,950 (L)
2011 John Deere 9770STS with 223 hours. No header............................................. $275,000 (L)
Walinga 6614 grain vac........................ $15,500 (H) 2011 John Deere 9770STS with 213 hours............. ....................................................... $278,000 (H)
2006 Case IH MX275 MFD, loader, 1316 hours........ ........................................................$156,000 (H)
2006 Case IH MXU130 MFD, powershift, loader...... ......................................................... $65,000 (G)
John Deere 7520 with MFWD, cab, loader and grapple.............................................. $95,500 (H)
2011 John Deere 9770STS with 212 hours, 173 separator hours, chopper................ $262,000 (G)
(406) 538-5433
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A26
NEED CANOLA HAULED TO CANADA? B & J Trucking is licensed and insured for Canada. For rates call: Jeff or Tami Strand 406-755-6431
Bred to black bulls sired by Mytty in Focus, Travelers 6807, Emolation–N–Bar, Sitz Traveler 8180 and Leachman Right Time. Bulls were in 65 days – Gate cut – $1750 each Contact Brad Hobson, 406-370-9951
Zachary Kinyon. Toole, earned the Grand Western Showmanship Pre- Jr. Plaque at the MF Horse Show. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
Hawaiian hibiscus
Sawfly Varieties
*WB Quake: High Yield, Solid Stem, Stripe Rust Resistance Genou: Solid Stem
Clearfield Varieties
Accepting Orders Now to Assure Availability!
Support Certified Seed, It Pays!!!
*Norris CL: High Yield, Great Cheat Grass Control Tool AP 503CL2: 2 Gene Technology, Goat Grass & Rye Control Tool
Hollow Stem Varieties
*Ledger: Widely Adapted, High Yield, Northern Seed, LLC 2011 Trial Winner! Cleaning and Yellowstone: High Yield, Hollow Stem, Conditioning Plants: Good Stripe Rust Resistance Shelby Plant *CDC Falcon: Winter Hardy, Semi-Dwarf, (406) 434-5000 Early Maturity *NEW! WB-Matlock: High Protein, CDC Falcon Cross Conrad Plant (406) 278-9189 *Carter: Well Balanced Protein and Yield, Semi-Dwarf
Seed Treatment Solutions
East Conrad Plant (406) 627-2327 Fort Benton Plant (406) 622-5481
*A WestBred® Seed Variety WestBred®, WestBred and Design™ and Improving Nature’s Grains™ are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I have a beautiful Hawaiian hibiscus that has done very well for several years. The blooms are a deep red. We live in the Midwest and have done battle with whitefly infestations through the years. I have found that leaving the plant outside for a time in colder weather kills the flies but is hard on the hibiscus. The plant drops its leaves but eventually recovers. This winter, I’ve noticed a new and disturbing development. As the buds form, there are dark brown to black bugs clustered around the buds and leaves. I quickly remove the buds from the plant, fearing the insects will spread to the entire plant. The bugs look like they might be aphids. They don’t appear to be moving or even alive. Can you give me a solution? A: The insects that commonly attack hibiscus flower buds are aphids, thrips, scale and whiteflies. Another possibility is spider mites, but there would be telltale webbing around and on the buds and foliage. Try to examine the buds under a magnifying glass to make a determination. My guess is that these could be spider mites because they are a common winter pest on many houseplants. There are systemics that can be used. However, for the time being, you are doing the correct thing by physically removing the infested buds. Also, rinsing the foliar part of the plant under a shower of tepid water will help control many household insect pests.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A27
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A28
International W9 SN13773, PTO & belt pulley, runs good.............................................................. $1500 Call 406-654-2761, Malta, Montana
HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa and Grass/Alfalfa Large Round Bales Great Falls area Trucking available
Call 406-788-2726 or 788-1671
Bob Herdegen and Kenny Keever (BLM, Havre) look at thistle stem weevil damage at the Bug Tour on the Birdtail Ranch.
Secretary of Ag panel to kick off Heuermann Lectures
c kups used pi & w e N B LE AVA I LA State-of-the-Art Control Valve System with Wireless Remote-Standard and Optional Synchronized Squeeze Arms 2008 Dodge 4x4, diesel, regular cab, dually. 11,000 miles 2007 Chevrolet 3500 HD 4x4, gas, extended cab, single wheel.
406-428-2272 - Tom’s ShoP Grass Range, Montana
Teton Antique Steam & Gas Threshing Association’s 29th Annual
Threshing Bee
2012 Threshing Bee in honor of Tom Railsback
September 15 & 16, 2012 Choteau, Montana
Two blocks south of the City Park Admission - $7.00 - ADMISSION GOOD FOR BOTH DAYS Grounds open at 7:00 a.m. daily with exhibits until 5:00 p.m. Events will be held rain or shine.
— Daily Attractions —
Pancake breakfast served from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Lunch served from 11 a.m to 1 p.m • Threshing • Parade of Tractors • Steam Engines • Homestead House • Kids Tractor Pull • Tractors • Stationary Engines • Blacksmithing • Sawmilling & Planing • Swap Meet • Model Railroad Club Display
Vendors in Weatherbeater Building EXHIBITORS WELCOME
Threshing 1:00 p.m. daily Tractor Parade 3:00 p.m. daily FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE: TETON ANTIQUE CLUB, P.O. BOX 278, CHOTEAU, MT 59422 Rick Corey (406) 466-5409 For arts & crafts booth information call Connie Hirsch at 466-2878
No Camping at Show Grounds. Camping available at Choteau Campground (406) 466-2615. Camping available at Choteau Park for fee.
Four former U.S. secretaries of agriculture – two with Nebraska ties – are the lead-off speakers when the second season of Heuermann Lectures begins at 7:30 p.m. Friday, September 28, at the Lied Center for Performing Arts, 12th and R. The four former agricultural secretaries – U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns, Clayton Yeutter, John Block and Dan Glickman – will discuss “The Land-Grant Mission of 2012 – Transforming Agriculture for the 2050 World.” Panel moderators are Jeff Raikes, chief executive officer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Ronnie Green, University of Nebraska vice president and Harlan vice chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR). Heuermann Lectures in IANR at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) focus on providing and sustaining enough food, natural resources and renewable energy for the people of the world, and on securing the sustainability of rural communities where the vital work of producing food and renewable energy occurs. Heuermann Lectures are free, but the September 28 lecture requires tickets, which are available free from the Lied Center ticket office beginning August 28 – 402-472-4747 in Lincoln; 1-800-432-3231 outside the Lincoln area. Unclaimed tickets will be released at 7:15 p.m. that night. The September 28 Heuermann Lecture will be streamed live at heuermannlectures.unl. edu, and broadcast live nationally on RFD-TV and RURAL TV. This lecture is the highlight of a week celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act, which created land-grant universities. Events throughout the week are found at Other Heuermann Lectures in the 20122013 season are: • Thursday, November 15 – “Where America Must Lead: Ensuring the World Can Feed its People;” 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall auditorium, 33rd and Holdrege. A 3 p.m. reception in the Hardin Hall lobby precedes the lecture. Catherine Bertini, 2003 World Food Prize Laureate and professor of public administration and international relations at Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, and co-chair of the Global Agricultural Development Initiative, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, is the Heuermann lecturer. • Friday, November 30 – “Recent and
Prospective Developments in Agricultural Trade Policies;” 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall. A 3 p.m. reception precedes the lecture. Kym Anderson is the lecturer. He is George Gollin Professor of Economics, The University of Adelaide, and professor of economics at Australian National University, and a former researcher at the World Trade Organization and the World Bank, with expertise in global food and agricultural policies and market trends. This lecture is jointly sponsored with the Clayton Yeutter International Trade Center Program funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration. • Tuesday, January 15 – “Improving Animal Welfare and Communication with the Public;” 7 p.m. Hardin Hall, reception following. Temple Grandin, professor of animal sciences at Colorado State University and author of several books including “Livestock Handling and Transport” and “Thinking in Pictures,” is the Heuermann lecturer. • Tuesday, February 12 – “Tomorrow’s Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food;” 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall; 3 p.m. reception. Heuermann lecturers are Pamela Ronald and Raoul Adamchak. Pamela Ronald is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology and the Genome Center at the University of California, Davis, and director of grass genetics at the Joint BioEnergy Institute, while her husband Raoul Adamchak is market garden coordinator at the U.S. Davis Student Farm, where he teaches organic agriculture. They are co-authors of the book “Tomorrow’s Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food.” • Tuesday, April 9 –”The Global Food System and Related Policy Challenges;” 3:30 p.m., Hardin Hall; 3 p.m. reception. Per Pinstrup-Andersen, 2001 World Food Prize Laureate, is the Heuermann lecturer. He is H.E. Babcock Professor of Food, Nutrition and Public Policy, J. Thomas Clark Professor of Entrepreneurship and professor of Applied Economics at Cornell University. Heuermann Lectures are made possible through a gift from B. Keith and Norma Heuermann of Phillips, long-time university supporters with a strong commitment to Nebraska’s production agriculture, natural resources, rural areas and people.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A29
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A30
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE
Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118
Full Service Ag Repair Starter – Generator – Alternator Service Air Conditioning Welding
Quality Work – Reasonable Rates
Dave’s Repair LLC
West Post Creek Road, Charlo, Montana Business cell phone 370-6229 - Home (406) 644-2241
Corn silage feed value vs. soil nutrient value
By Warren Rusche, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist straightforward. Ron Gelderman, South As the 2012 drought continues, producers Dakota State University Extension Soils are coming to grips with the reality that a numSpecialist, did a nice job of outlining how to ber of the crop acres across the region won’t assign a value for the crop nutrients contained produce a harvestable grain crop. There are a in a field of standing corn in a recent iGrow lot of decisions being made now, especially article, corn acres and whether or not to nutrient-value-of-drought-stressed-corn/. His harvest as silage or return that organic matter article suggests that a figure of about $20 per back to the soil. That decision relies in part in ton for soil nutrient value for drought stressed what value we place on drought stressed corn forages. That figure could serve as the lowsilage vs. the value of the nutrients contained est value that a crop producer could accept, in that feedstuff if it were returned back to or would represent the cost to the cropping the soil. business if a livestock producer chops their On the surface this question seems pretty own field. These best apply to fields where there won’t be any corn produced, if there is harvestable corn, the value of the corn crop less harvesting costs would be the lowest value. From a feed value standpoint we could plug in nutrient values for the corn silage and compare that feed to a reference such as alfalfa hay or corn. Suppose based on current hay prices and a lab test on the silage that we come up with a value of $60/ton. That would be the upper limit of what a livestock producer might want to pay for that feedstuff. There’s a fairly large range between those two values. So what number should we use to agree on a selling price, or how do we assign a value to this feedstuff if we’re putting together a budget and trying to decide if we should buy some extra cattle to feed? In years like this, in my mind, we can easily fall into the trap of getting caught up in trying to get the dollar value exactly right while losing sight of the larger picture. For instance, how concerned should a livestock producer be about the soil nutrient value of corn silage if they are critically short of feed? In my opinion, that shouldn’t be a consideration at all. Chopping that corn now solves an immediate feed supply issue and eliminates purchasing that amount of feed. Plowing the corn down will reduce fertilizer expenses, but only over a number of years. A crop producer might also look at selling a cornfield in the same light. Taking the cash (or feed) now is like cashing in a CD at a low interest rate to avoid having to take out a high interest rate loan. From a purchasing standpoint, I’d approach this as trying to find the place where both sides are better off by making the deal. From the crop growers perspective, the task of preparing a decent seedbed for the next crop either this fall or spring, is going to be very challenging if there is a lot of plant material in the field. At the same time, being able to take advantage of available feed now has value to a livestock producer, compared with the uncertain alternative of trying to get feed bought later in the year.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A31
Windy Rim Inc. Retirement - Rick and Nita Tomsheck
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Ethridge, MT - 3 miles east on Hwy 2, north across tracks.
Register 9:00 am • Sale 10:00 am
WATCH FOR SIGNS LUNCH WILL BE AVAILABLE Guest Consignors - *Denotes consigned items, call Fritz Inc for more info NO RESERVES, every items sells to the highest bidder. For more infomation call Rick Tomsheck (406) 450-1074 or Fritz Aution (406) 432-2845
2011 John Deere 7330, 150 engine hp, 125 PTO hp, 540 PTO, 3 point, triple hydraulics, 419 hrs, 14.9R30/18.4R42, John Deere 741 self leveling loader 1992 Ford Versatile 276 bidirectional, loader, grapple, 3 point front and back, front quad hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO interchangeable front and back, 3108 hrs, 16.9-28 (2 new) *1990 Versatile 976 4WD, 4 rear weights, 4 remotes, 12 speed, constant mesh, 11,052 hours Case IH 9370 Steiger, 2500 hrs, 375 hp, manual, 24.5R32 duals Case 1370 AgriKing 504 turbo, 300 hrs on factory rebuilt engine, dual hydraulic, 1000 PTO/540 adaptor, 11X16/20.8-38 *International 500 Cat dozer, diesel, 6-way hydraulic blade Ezee-On 1370 loader
seeding/grain handlling
*1996 Flexi-Coil 5000, 39-ft. air drill, single shoot, 2320 air cart, 550 lb trips *3-1983 International 7200 hoe drills, 14-ft., 7” spacing, rubber packers, updated caster wheels 4-Melroe 284 drills, 48-ft., 12” spacings, rubber packers, grain/fertilizer boxes, hitch Wheatheart SA71-10 auger, low profile, swing-out, 540 PTO Brandt auger, 60-ft. x 10”, swing-out, PTO driven, hydraulic lift Weigh Right electronic systems grain scale 2-Barber drill fill augers, hydraulic
1966 Chevrolet 60, 366, 5 speed hi/lo, 8.25X20 duals 1972 GMC 5500, V8 350, 9R22.5 duals, 2000 gallon water tank with 5.5 hp Honda pump 1975 GMC 6000, V8 366, 16-ft. Intercontintal aluminum box, roll tarp, hoist, 8.25-20 duals 1978 Chevrolet C70, 366 motor, 16-ft. Knapheide box, roll tarp, hoist, 9.00R20 duals 1995 18-ft. flatbed trailer, heavy duty tandem axle, heavy duty 2 5/8 hitch, wood deck, 75R15 1974 Star pup grain trailer, roll tarp, approximately 800 bushels, 11R24.5 *1997 Ford F350 XL, 460, 5 speed manual, DewEze flatbed, 113,000 estimated miles *1995 Ford F250 XL, automatic, 5.4 engine, 86,000 estimated miles *1993 GMC, 1 ton, extended cab, 454 engine, automatic, 5TH wheel ball, 135,000 estimated miles *1989 Ford F350 XLT Lariat, 460, 5 speed manual, engine mounted air compressor, 71,000 estimated miles 1949 GMC 150 pickup and parts Stack-Master box sides
Land prep
Auctioneers Note: Welcome to a whale of a sale! Rick and Nita are retiring from the farming/ranching business and their equipment is clean. We also had a handful of guest consignors bring in some excellent items, so as always, check the website, for more pictures and updated info. We’ll wheel through small items rather quickly so be there early. Bid with the best and buy with confidence -- Jim and crew
Melroe 501 48-ft. plow, hydraulic rods Flexi-Coil 820 58-ft., harrows, hydraulic Honey Bee rod 12-ft. cultivator GTA fertilizer spreader Schulte RS320 Jumbo 320 rock picker, 16.5Lx16.1 Rock picker
recreational items
Dillon cartridge reloader BCBS cartridge reloader Dies Powder Brass: 9/223/243/270/300/25-06 Snow shoes 3D archery targers, deer, antelope, coyote Bow press Helmets Fisherman float tube Tent Cot Camp stove Coolers Miscellaneous camp gear
John Deere STX38 riding mower, 5 speed, 38” deck, bagger, new hood Honda GX390 motor, 13 hp, brand new *70-20-ft. joints suckerrod 12V hydraulic pump 2-Aeration fans 2-100# propane tanks 2-20# propane tanks 1000 gallon water tank Honda WB20X water pump, 2” Miscellaneous tires Miscellaneous electrical items Bug zapper Miscellaneous gardening items Garage doors Miscellaneous oil filters Toys Trikes
John Deere 2420 14-ft. swather, rubber conditioner, 6 cylinder gas, 16.5L-16.1/25x7.50-15 *1976 Versatile 400 swather, 20-ft. side delivery header *2003 New Holland BR780 round baler, 9500 bales, laced belts, twine, bale kicker, 1000 PTO. *2002 New Holland 688 round baler, net wrap, BaleCommand Plus monitor, 540 PTO, laced belts, standard pick up Vermeer 504F round baler, 6 belt, gathering wheels, 11x15LT John Deere 214WS baler, wire tire, 540 PTO, 7.5016/5.00-15 2005 Wheatheart post pounder, 540 PTO Ezee-On post pounder Wheartheart post hole digger, 12”/4” auger Haybuster 256 Plus II processor, 1000 PTO, hydraulic, 11L-15 2002 Rachar Lil’ Red 2150 creep feeder, 9.5L-15 2-Apache P205 24-ft. feeder wagons, tandem axle, 75R15 Powder River calf table, interchangeable sides Sliding end gate for Titan stocktrailer Stock tank de-icers Heat lamps/bulbs Ear tags Tatooer Bolus gun Vet box
tools/shop items
Rol-Air air compressor, 100+gallon, Leeson 10 hp 3 phase See for list of Bosch, Dewalt, Makita, Milwaukee, Ryobi and more brand name tools.
1994 John Deere 9500 combine, engine hours 3222, separator hours 2490, 30.5-32/13.6-24 2006 John Deere 930D draper header, 30-ft, Quick Cut sickle 2006 John Deere 930 30-ft. auger header Versatile 4030 30-ft. header, bat reel, fits 276 bidirectional John Deere 30-ft. reel John Deere 912 pickup header
Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, dual nozzle, hydraulic pump, mixing cone, foam marker, axle extension, shields, 18.4-26 Summers 60-ft.sprayer, 3 point, 300 gallon Miscellaneous chemical pumps
Fritz auction
Bonded and Insured Chester, Montana
Jim, Dena, Jake & Jack Fritz 406-432-2845
Not responsible for accidents or lost or stolen merchandise.Auction Company or advertising counsel will not be held responsible for advertising inaccuracies.
Conditions of sale: The herein described personal property will be offered for sale at public auction by the owner(s). Although information has been obtained from sources deemed reliable, the auctioneer makes no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information here contained. It is for this reason that buyers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make inspection prior to the auction. All items offered for sale shall be sold “as is, where is” with all faults. Statements day of sale take precedence.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A32
2007 Case IH JX 95 MFWD, deluxe cab, LX 730 loader with 7-ft. bucket and bale spear, 542 hours, dual PTO, 3-point, 3 remotes, rear weights.................................................. $36,500 Kirschmann 14-ft. double disk drill, 7” spacing, excellent shape............................$1500 obo John Deere Pivot Power 45 hp motor (4903 hours), Lima Mac 3-phase generator, gear head, battery, PTO shaft, 1000 gallon tank with stand.........................................$4500 obo Phone Greg (406) 239-2431, Florence, Montana
TRACTOR FOR SALE John Deere 4010 tractor, 80 hp, PTO, 2WD, diesel, block heater, 7-ft. front loader, heated cab, new seat, hours show 962.9. Excellent condition
Phone (406) 788-9421, Power, Montana Krystal McDougall, past State 4-H Officer, presented Kennith Habets, Pondera, with the Grand Overall Dog Showmanship Trophy at the Marias Fair. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
Options for the herd during dry conditions
By Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler, Extension Beef Specialist, University of Kentucky Dry conditions have producers seeking options for managing the beef herd through this dry spell. With the wheat harvest underway, some are asking about feeding straw and supplement. For some this can be a possibility. Depending on the distance from an ethanol plant, wet distillers grains can be mixed with straw to provide both energy and protein. For dry, fall-calving cows, the nutrient requirements are lower. Making some general assumptions, a general feeding program is listed in Table 1 using wheat straw and wet distillers grains (32% dry matter). Using $50/ton for wheat straw and $95/ton delivered for wet distillers grains, these options are not necessarily cheap by any means. It is projected that it would cost approximately $1.60-$1.65 to feed a dry, fall-calving cow using the ration in Table 1. Of course, these are only general suggestions and actual rations and feeding levels will need to be adjusted to the match observed intakes, condition of cows, feed availability as well as feed costs. Yet, at a projected cost of $1.60/d, one should be looking at the economics of feeding open cows during these dry conditions when pasture forages are limiting. Consider pregnancy checking and culling open cows. Table 1. Possible feeding programs using wheat straw and wet distillers grains for cows and bred heifers.
NOTE: Use a high calcium, low phosphorus mineral (i.e. 22% Calcium, 0% Phosphorus) rather than a standard 2:1 (12% Calcium: 6% Phosphorus)
Because spring-calving cows are coming off peak lactation, these cows are expected to be in lower body condition and hopefully short-bred. Additional body condition loss is not desirable, but may occur if supplement feeding is not initiated as pastures conditions continue to decline. Energy and protein supplementation will be needed on straight fescue pastures, but calories will be the most limiting. Obtaining the most economical calorie or energy source will be the goal to make it through the dry conditions. In Table 1, soyhulls were valued at $170/ton and added as a source of energy. At $95/ton asfed for the wet distillers grains, this is not the most economical source of calories as soyhulls is less expensive per unit of energy. By adding soyhulls to the spring-calving cow diet, one is able to better balance the diet nutritionally, and lower the cost per day by roughly $0.10/d using the assumed prices above. Why feed wet distillers at all? Using wet distillers grains helps condition the wheat straw by providing moisture and also provides an economical source of protein supplementation. Before making drastic diet changes, plan ahead and do your homework. Visit with a reputable nutritionist, your county Extension agent or specialist to design a feeding program. While least-cost is the goal, one must first meet the nutrient needs of the cow and then focus on finding the least expensive source of those nutrients. May the rain find your pastures and grain fields soon, and the markets favorable.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A33
DON ROSSMILLER ColleCtor traCtor auCtion Saturday, October 13th, 2012
Go 11 1/4 miles North of Great falls oN hiGhway 87, turN left oN DeNt BriDGe roaD for 26 miles. there are 5 ways to Drive to this farm. see weB-site for other DirectioNs. REGISTER FOR BIDDER NUMBERS AT 9 AM AUCTION BEGINS AT 10AM ONLINE BIDDING STARTS AT 12:00 NOON MOUNTAIN TIME
LOT 1 1957 JD 820, original, diesel with pony motor, very good sheet metal, power steering, 1Hyd, new seat, 18.4-34 tires.
LOT 2 1946 JD model D, older restoration, electric start, lights, runs well. • Lot 3 1954 JD model 60, electric start, power steering, narrow front, live PTO, powerTrol, 13.6-38 tires.
LOT 4 1949 JD model M, power lift, PTO, rear belt pulley, 11.224 new rear tires.
LOT 10 1954 JD model 40 U, restored, all new tires 13.6-26, electric start, 3 Pt, PTO, lights, new muffler. • Lot 9 1945 JD model B, parts tractor, PTO, no rear wheels. • Lot 11 1944 JD model BN, original, single front tire, PTO, power-Trol, electric start, new 12.4-38 tires, rebuilt generator. • Lot 12 1954 JD model 50, Single front, power steering, PTO, power-Trol, 12.4-36. • Lot 13 1948 JD model AW, long rear axle, adjustable front axle, PTO, power-Trol , good sheet metal, lights,13.6-38, runs well.
LOT 15 1949 JD model A, restored, narrow front roll-o-matic, electric start, lights, 2 Hyd, power-Trol. • Lot 14 1950 JD model BW, restored not by Don, adjustable front axle, PTO, powerTrol, electric start,12.4-38, rear axle has been cut off. • Lot 16 JD model 5 rear sickle mower, Hyd lift mounted on lot 15.
• Lot 18 1952 JD model R, original, PTO, 1 Hyd, electric start, 23.1-26 tires. • Lot 19 1957 JD model 720, incomplete, no starting motor, power steering, PTO, 18.4-30. • Lot 20 1951 JD model B, not running, water leak head or block, narrow front with roll-omatic, PTO, power-Trol, 1 new 12.4/ 11.38 tire.
LOT 24 1948 JD model BN, single front, electric start, lights, power-Trol, PTO, new rear tires, very nice. • Lot 21 1950 JD model B, does not run cracked head, new front tires narrow front with roll-o-matic, electric start, lights, power-Trol, 1 Hyd, very original. • Lot 22 Right in the middle of the whole darned show was an International wouldn’t you know, W-9, PTO, 1 Hyd, rear wheel weights.
LOT 25 1948 JD model M, older restoration, PTO, power-Trol, belt pulley on the rear, lights.
LOT 5 1952 JD model AR, restored, electric start, new front tires, PTO, 1 new 14.926, rear wheel weights. • Lot 6 1950 JD model B, parts tractor, narrow front, no rear. wheels, no starter, power-Trol. • Lot 7 1942 JD model B, parts tractor, PTO. • Lot 8 1943 JD model B, parts tractor, spoked wheels, PTO.
LOT 17 1945 JD model H, restored, narrow front, all new tires, all options that were available, fenders, PTO, Hyd, electric start, lights.
LOT 26 1936 JD model D, immaculate restoration, on steel wheels, custom transport cart. • Lot 23 JD model 110 lawn tractor, restored, electric start, Hyd lift with mower and front blade.
EVERYTHING ELSE • Old fashioned steel swing set, slide, rings, & 3 swings. • 1974 20 Ft dry van single axle trailer, 220 volt electric heater inside. • 20 Ft shipping container. • 1990 Ford ½ ton van, 6 Cyl engine, auto Trans, excellent tires, miles? • Unbelievable Approx. 100 pallets of extra JD parts, hoods, fenders, wheels, tires ETC.
• 8 Hp walk behind 27 inch snow blower. • 2- Large fire proof file cabinets. • 16 inch wide by 22 Ft long slow speed belt conveyor. • 10,000 gal vertical fuel tank & float gage. • 4,000 gal horizontal Wilray fuel tank. • 10X54 Ft PTO pit grain auger. • John Deere one way.
• Small cement mixer. • Barn roof cupola. • JD No. 20 3 Pt rear scoop. • Ford PTO 300 Post hole auger, 3 bits. • Homemade pickup box trailer. • 25 KW PTO trailer mounted generator. • Oak upright phonograph. • Large assortment of 2 Cyl magazines.
LOT 27 1955 JD model 70, restored, narrow front with roll-o-matic, power steering, power-Trol, live PTO, tachometer, electric start, lights, very nice.
• Lot 28 1936 JD model BR, restore started, on spoked rubber tires steel wheels are available, hand crank, will run. • Lot 29 1941 JD model H, excellent restoration, single front, PTO, hand crank, new 9.5-32 tires. • Lot 30 1959 JD model 430U, not complete, more parts go with it. • Lot 31 JD No. 5 mower repainted, new tire. • Lot 32 1950 JD model B, restored, single front, electric start, lights, PTO, power-Trol. • Lot 33 JD No.5 sickle mower, Hyd lift.
• Lot 39 1949 JD model M, ready for restoration, PTO, belt pulley, new muffler, lights, runs well. • Lot 41 1961 JD model 1010U, original, power steering, PTO, 12.4-24 tires, hood and paint is poor sounds great. • Lot 42 1948 JD A, restored, new single front tire, electric start, lights, long axles, new gages, new steering wheel, new decals & seat by sale time, perfect paint.
LOT 40 1948 JD model D, restored, electric start, lights, all new tires 16.930, excellent tractor. • Lot 43 1942 JD Model B, restored, single front, hand crank, new gages, belt pulley, power-Trol, all new tires11.2-38 very nice.
• Lot 44 1937 JD model B, unstyled, restored mechanically, PTO, narrow rubber front, skeleton rear steel wheels. • Lot 46 1940 JD model B, parts tractor in several boxes. • Lot 48 1946 JD model B, restoration started still under way, narrow front, PTO, power-Trol, all new tires. • Lot 49 1927 JD model D, parts tractor not complete, rare factory PTO, all steel wheels. • Lot 50 1928 JD model D, could run, all steel wheels, no seat, fenders poor. • Lot 51 1934 JD Model D, parts tractor, wheels are rusted out, fenders are totaled out.
LOT 47 1953 JD model 40-T, restored, single front, lights, PTO, 3 Pt hitch, all new tires 11.2/10-34 perfect paint.
.• 1983 Wilray 20 Ft gooseLOT 34 1945 JD model LA, restored, Gwen’s pick, belt pulley, serial No. tag on back axle new 9.5-24 tires, very nice.
• Lot 35 1940 JD model H, restored, narrow front, PTO, hand crank, all new tires, 9.5-32 very nice. • Lot 36 1947 JD model D, electric start, poor sheet metal on grill, new front tires. • Lot 37 1958 JD model 830 diesel, pony motor, very original, power steering, 2 Hyd, PTO, all new tires 18.4-34. • Lot 38 1951 JD model G, all fuel, narrow front with roll-o-matic, power-Trol, 1 Hyd remote, PTO, new seat, sheet metal is great.
LOT 45 1947 JD model M, restored, all new tires, PTO, belt pulley, lights, touch-omatic perfect paint
LOT 52 1951 JD model MC crawler tractor, impeccable restoration, PTO, Hyd sells with moving/forklift display pad, unrestored dozer available, extra track pads sell separately
Auctioneers Note:
Don is going to kick back a little. This is the largest collection of tractors and related parts that we have ever sold. For online bidding go to our web site
neck tandem axle tandem wheel flat bed trailer. • 2010 Wilray bumper pull 20 Ft flatbed trailer. • 2010 Wilray bumper pull 12 Ft flatbed trailer.
SHOP ITEMS • Clark 2200 # electric fork lift, new $3,000 battery with warranty, battery charger, sells subject to owner’s approval. • 35 ton Hyd press • LaBlond Heavy duty metal lathe, 12 inch swing, 7 Ft travel, 5 Hp single phase motor, transmission reduced gearing, Quick change tool holder, steady rest. • Sand blaster booth with sand blaster. • Bead blaster cabinet. • 3- Large steel racks & steel. • 18 sections of heavy duty 8.5 Ft storage racks. • 1 inch air impact wrench. • 2-Bostich air nailers & nails • Pipe fittings and large storage bin. • Paint shaker. • 4-heavy duty jack stands. • Weatherhead brass fittings.
For complete listings, updates and pictures go to
OPHUS AUCTION SERVICE Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane & Blaine Auctioneers Mason Ophus , Clerk FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL SHANE @ (406) 788-6662
Printed by The Mountaineer Big Sandy, Montana Phone: (406) 378-2176 e-mail:
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A34
Deadline for advertising in the October 2012 issue is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.
Haberman 12x36 leveler, good blade, has cylinder and hoses...................................... $2500 John Deere 16-ft. dummy header with 15-ft. Lockwood rubber tooth bean pickup........ $1350 John Deere 100 Series 18-ft. header with pickup reel, very good shape, good sickle.... $995 Kewanee 13-ft. roller harrow, inboard wheels, S tines on front.......................................$1150 Phone (307) 431- 2615, Lovell, Wyoming
•Certified CCA, TSP, CNMP Agronomist • Soil Testing • Fertilizer • Custom Application • Precision Ag • Field Scouting
Check silage for nitrates
By Jim Stordahl, Clearwater/Polk County Extension Service, Minnesota Dry conditions have the potential to cause high nitrate levels in corn silage; the risk is even greater after an early frost. High nitrate levels in silage can lead to nitrate poisoning in livestock and the formation of toxic silo gas. The risk factors increase with high nitrogen fertilization, heavy manure applications or a legume plow down prior to planting. When animals eat this nitrate-rich material, the nitrates are rapidly converted to nitrites which are absorbed into the blood stream. Nitrite in the blood alters the way the blood carries oxygen and causes rapid breathing, fast and weak heartbeat, muscle tremors, staggering and death if corrective steps are not taken quickly. In normal growing conditions, much of the nitrate is taken up by the cobs and converted to protein. When there are few (or no) cobs, nitrate content of the stalks will be higher so be careful when green chopping corn as nitrates may be considerably higher than normal. Higher cutting height will help, as nitrates tend to concentrate in the bottom 4 to 6 inches of the stalk. Ensiling the corn helps and often reduces the nitrate levels by up to 65 percent. The last time we had a very dry summer, I sampled four area fields for nitrate concentration. I selected fields with varying degrees of drought stress, and at that time, frost damage. The table below shows the range in nitrate concentration. As you can see, some samples have dangerous levels of nitrates, part of which should disappear during fermentation -- but also increases the risk for deadly silo gas.
Ledger office 406-278-3388
Brad 450-4508
Joe 788-0653
Tim 460-1153
Nina 289-0459
P.O. Box 3072 • 4075 Wynne Avenue • Butte, Montana 59702 • (406) 494-3394 • Mobile (406) 565-7235
1993 International 4700, 16-ft. Omaha scissor-dump body, DT466 engine, 5+2 transmission, Budd wheels.
(2) 1988 GMC 7000 diesel chassis, 8-2 Detroit engines, 5+2 transmissions, good rubber on Budd wheels, tilt hoods, 120” CA, PTO - wet kits. New paint, clean!
Inventory Available
2012 Knapheide 20-ft. steel grain box and hoist 2003 International 8100 single axle tractor, white 2000 International 4700 chassis, white 1999 Freightliner FL120 tandem tractor, red 1999 International 4900 24-ft. reefer van, white 1999 Chevrolet C6000 single axle, diesel dump truck, 3126 Cat engine, automatic transmission, new rubber. 1999 Chevrolet C6500 chassis, white, 9-ft. dump box installed. 1999 GMC 3500 HD diesel chassis, white 1996 International 4700 20-ft. van, white 1995 Kenworth T600 tandem tractor, white 1995 Ford L8000 single axle tractor, 8.3 Cummins, white 1994 International 9200 single axle tractor, orange 1994 GMC Top Kick diesel truck, white 1993 Kenworth T600 tractor, blue 1993 Chevrolet 1-ton service truck, white
Currently wrecking 300 trucks! All shapes & sizes!
1992 Chevrolet Kodiak single axle diesel chassis, white 1990 International 8300 tandem tractor, green 1988 GMC 7000 single axle diesel chassis, white 1988 GMC 6000 Lo-Pro chassis, white 1988 GMC diesel shop van truck, white 1986 Freightliner conventional tandem tractor, white 1986 Freightliner cabover, 24-ft. flatbed, 24-ft. pull trailer 1986 Ford 800 diesel chassis, orange 1984 Kenworth W900 15-ft. dump truck, blue 1982 Ford F600 service truck, white 1980 GMC 7000 service truck, blue 1979 International 1800 4x4 cab & chassis (bad motor), orange 1979 International tandem tractor, consigned 1977 International tandem diesel dump, green 1976 Peterbilt 359 tandem dump, maroon 1975 International 1700 18-ft. Omaha flatbed with double hoist, white 1972 International 1600 fuel truck, red 1969 Chevrolet C50 16-ft. flatbed with hydraulic gate, green 1965 International 1890 single axle 10-ft. Heil dump, orange
1999 Chevrolet C6500, SA dump, 3126 Cat, automatic transmission, new tires, 9-ft. dump body, new paint. Low miles, excellent shape!
Special Equipment
2-Omaha Standard 16-ft. grain boxes and hoists Omaha 16-ft. steel flat and hoist, consigned Midwest 7-ft.x8-ft. flatbed for 3/4 ton or 1 ton 7-Van bodies, 12-ft through 22-ft. length, good condition 2- 20-ft. flatbeds and hoists 3- 14-ft. steel beds with hoists (will sell separately) 1100 gallon water tank Dual axle steel 2 horse trailer, brown
Semi Trailers
1991 Kentucky 48-ft. tri-axle van 1988 Trail King 40 ton machinery trailer 1951 Spartan 5000 gallon water tank
Transportation Available Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker interchange
When high nitrate forage is ensiled, deadly nitrogen dioxide gas (silo gas) can be produced within hours! Silo gas is heavier than air, so it settles in low points in the silage pack and in feed rooms at the base of the silo. The gas may be visible as reddish to yellowish-brown haze around the silo base, and has a bleach-like odor. Protect yourself, your employees and your family from this dangerous poison. If someone must enter the silo to level or cover the silage, do it immediately after filling and leave the blower running while in the silo. Do not enter the silo for at least three weeks after ensiling. Post a sign at the silo chute as a reminder of the danger. Silo gases can be deadly! If you suspect high nitrates in the corn, have it tested by a forage-testing laboratory, it’s simple and inexpensive. Sample bags and envelopes are available at all finer Extension offices. Sample after ensiling and when fermentation is completed (at least 3 weeks), unless you are using it as green chop. For more information, contact me at 800-450-2465 or Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture.
Weeping birch too tall
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I purchased a model house that came with a weeping birch that is too close to the house. I am wondering whether I can top the tree so it won’t get so tall and cause problems. A: You never want to top a birch! I hope this emphasis makes it absolutely clear. I have a weeping birch that is more than 26 years old. The tree is about 5 feet from the foundation of my house and the same distance from the edge of my driveway. It is 30 to 40 feet tall and absolutely beautiful. I hire an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist to trim the tree. Trimming will lessen the branch load somewhat and get rid of anything that looks old or weak. To locate a certified arborist in your area, go to http://www. aspx. Be sure to check his or her credentials before allowing any major work on the tree.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A35
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A36
FOR SALE: 2000 FORD RANGER 4WD PHONE (406) 799-6923
Chance Peterson of Mountain Front 4-H Club in Pondera County, Montana rides Dice through the course in the 4-H horsemanship show at the Marias Fair in Shelby. Photo courtesy of Denae Peterson.
Saturday, October 13, 2012 - 10:00 a.m. MST LOCATION: Sidney, Montana - Turn west at Pro Lumber Yard on 14th Street SW for 2 blocks (1131 14th Street SW) OWNERS: Ron and Janet Amunrud 406-480-2162 LUNCH WILL BE AVAILABLE REAL ESTATE WILL SELL AT 12:00 NOON
OWNERS: Ronald and Janet Amunrud whose adress is 1131 14th Street SW, Sidney, Montana, will offer the following property to the public at auction.
The final bid will be subject to their approval. The Owners reserve the right to accept or reject any and all bids. AUCTIONEERS NOTE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (Land will be sold in (2) parcels) Ron and Janet are in the process of moving to Billings, MT. There son, Tyler Tract of land SW4SE4 OF SEC 32, T23N, R59E (Legal description is too has taken over their Amunrud RV business. This home is in a great location long to print) with a huge out building which could be a “Truckers Delight” or a shop. There PARCEL (1) is the house and (truckers delight) building on 2 lots. are very few bare lots in Sidney, so don’t miss this opportunity! They have PARCEL (2) is a vacant lot (75x180) next to parcel 1 a nice collection of items and the Lincoln looks brand new. We hope to see HOUSE DESCRIPTION: you on October 13th! Rick 2176 sq ft house w/1008 sq ft basement, 3-bedrooms upstairs & 2-bedrooms ANTIQUES downstairs, 1 ½ baths, natural gas forced air, central air, fridge, stove GUNS & dishwasher stay w/house 40x60 insulated building w/cement floor & (consigned Ed 406-377-1630 Miles City Cog shall Saddle 1930 5-window Coupe, model A 12x16 overhead door evenings) (nearly complete - few pieces A title commitment has been ordered and will be available, at their request, Ruger Blackhawk .357 missing) to prospective buyers for inspection prior to sale day. The above may or Colt .32 ACP 1951 Starlight Champion Studemay not be the proper legal description; it was taken from the Richland German made .22 6 shot revolver baker (complete-motor froze) County Tax Receipts. Smith and Wesson 38 Special TAXES: Ruger Vaquero .44-40 6 shot Admiral ivory/tan #9 Stove Small Oven Taxes will be pro-rated from the day of closing. revolver TITLE INSURANCE: Remington Express bolt action 30- Placid #19 pot belly Stove Hoosier Cabinet Wood Buffet Standard owner’s title insurance will be provided by the seller through 06 w/ scope Security Abstract Title Company, 106 2nd Street SE, Sidney, MT 59270 Model 54 Winchester 30-06 bolt 20th Century Sewing Machine Cash Register (406)433-1010 action TERMS: Pre-1964 Winchester .30-.30 model Kids Riding Toy Truck Galvanized Wash Tub Cash. 10% down sale day, the balance due at closing approximately 30 days 94 lever action from sale date at the office of Security Abstract Title Company, 106 2nd Post 1964 Winchester .30-.30 model Bread Boxes, metal Butter Churn, 4 gallon (no lid) Street SE, Sidney, MT 59270 (406)433-1010 94 lever action BUYERS PREMIUM: A 1% Buyers Premium will be added to the winning Remington Model 514 bolt action Crocks, Bowls, Jugs 5-gallon Cream Can bid price to arrive at the total contract price paid by the purchaser. .22 rifle w/ scope Blue Jars Your bid is considered acceptance of the terms of this auction. If you, the Savage Springfield Model 120 bolt Cast Iron Skillet Maytag Wringer/Washer Buyer fails to close, the down payment is non-refundable. If the Sellers fail action .22 rifle w/ scope to close, 100% of the down payment will be returned. At this time, there MK1 Longbranch No. 4 1944 British Wood Chairs 3-piece Bedroom Set (chest of drawers, is no known reason that the Sellers would not be able to close. All funds .303 bolt action rifle vanity w/mirror, headboard) are held in the escrow account of Security Abstract Title Company, 106 Sturm Ruger M77 30-06 Springfield 2nd Street SE, Sidney, MT 59270 (406)433-1010 rifle bolt action w/ 3x9 Weaver (4) Train Sets (1-Marx in orginal box) Chiffarobe Vintage Shoes scope RK Statewide Auction Service and its auctioneers are acting Old Records Winchester Model 57 bolt action rifle Trunk solely as auctioneers for the seller. Gas Mantel Tractor Seats .22 LR w/ scope All information is from sources deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed by Buggy Foot Warmer Old Harness Bay State 20 gauge shotgun the Seller or the Auctioneers. Offering is subject to error, omission, and apWood Levels Winchester Model 12, 12-gauge Tools proval of purchase by owner. We urge independent verification of each and Sheep Bells Sad Irons shotgun every item submitted to the satisfaction of any prospective buyer. It is every Old Knight of Columbus Sword w/ potential bidder/purchaser’s sole responsibility to accomplish his or her due HOUSEHOLD & MISC diligence in whatever manner he or she deems advisable. Announcements scabbard Kitchen Buffet (solid oak) made sale day take precedence over any printed materials. The property Old Military(?) Sword w/ scabbard sells “As is -Where is.” Montana Made 3-piece Entertainment Center CAR, BOAT& Lane 4-piece Corner Couch 3-WHEELER (3) Small Color TV’s Patio Furniture 2006 Lincoln Town Car Signature Post Lantern (new) Limited, loaded, less than 15,000 Ceiling Fan (new) actual miles Sewing Machine Tricycle 1985 Bayliner Fiberglass 16’ Boat, Misc Bikes Tile Tools 90 hp Force Motor w/lift kit, under Radial Arm Saw Mirrors 30 total hours (like new) & trailer 2 and 3-piece Samsonite Luggage 1985 Honda 200 Big Red 3-Wheeler Christmas Decorations
Tree vs. car
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I am writing to you because we had a car accident last night in our front yard. The driver hit one of our old (250 years) oak trees. The car struck the tree at about 90 mph and took the bark off the majority of the lower part of the tree. I would like to save it if possible. Can you help me with this? A: As long as some bark is remaining on the trunk, there is every chance of saving it, especially a tree that old. I hope the driver and any passengers survived the impact. Contact an ISA certified arborist in your area to look at the tree. To locate someone, go to http://www.treesaregood. com/findtreeservices/FindTreeCareService.aspx and provide the necessary information. Without seeing the extent of the damage, I only can give you basic guidelines on how the arborist will go about saving the tree. The torn and damaged bark will be cut back to where it is still attached to the xylem cylinder. No tree wound dressing should be applied. If the tree is healthy, it will compartmentalize this big wound and begin the slow process of regrowing new bark over the exposed area. The arborist should check the tree for soundness and stability. A vehicle impact of the intensity you describe could have jarred some of the roots loose, so the tree may need support and fertilizer. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A37
email for
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A38
r orde y l r a E ram Prog
ONL 2012 Y 1 LEFT
’s 2013 e im It’s Trder to O
In Stock
(2)-M105 windrowers (2) D60 35-ft. draper headers (1) A40 16-ft. hay head
Big Sky Equipment
Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277
All makes parts & supplies & AI We have parts for your
Big Sky Equipment
Agricultural & Industrial
New Morris 900 Hay Hiker, 8 bale New Vermeer R2300 hydraulic rake
• Case IH plow and air drill sweeps • Atom Jet openers • Gen regular and carbide openers • Flexi-Coil Stealth openers • Flexi-Coil air drill parts
Jet Stream Computer Sprayer Big Sky EquiPMENT Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277
Straw Chopper Program
Control your excessive straw problem with a straw chopper for your Axial-Flow combine.
Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277
New Shipment Just arrived
In stock now!!!
Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277
Don’t wait to do your repairs... Call and schedule your’s today!
Complete combine & swather head repair
Rebuilt rock guards using 3/16” TI or 1/4” AR Plate. These rock guards are built with much better material than the original at a much lower price!
Choppers for all IH and Case IH rotary and most John Deere combines
Big Sky Equipment
Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 406-278-3277
We are your Vermeer Dealer
New MacDon M105 swather, 16-ft. hay head
Big Sky Equipment
Dent Removal, Flight Pitching, Sections or Center Replaced, Straightening & Truing, Flighting Wear Rings or New Flighting
Managing your straw has become a critical part of a successful no-till operation. A straw chopper can help to eliminate your problems... in many cases you may be able to limit or eliminate the need for a heavy harrow operation. Call for details on our installation program!
Call for Details
Call for repair estimates and scheduling
We will replace all or part of the header tin under the auger with heavier than original material that is bent to original specs.
Combine & Swather Headers Case IH, John Deere, Massey, New Holland, Gleaner, White Hart & Carter
Pickup Reels Available – All Sizes
Big Sky Equipment
Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 or Conrad local 278-3277
O Bale Processors O Hay Rakes O Round Balers OUT SOLDn get more ca But we all us C
NEW 605 Super M Round Balers IN STOCK
Vermeer 605 Super M net/twine wrap, wide pickup, hydraulic push arm, big flotation tires.
1-Farmall 45A MFD with loader, 45 hp 0% Financing on all
NEW McCormick & Case IH tractors (under 100 hp • financing oac)
SKY EQUIPMENT BIG SKY EQUIPMENT BIG1-800-332-7541 or 406-278-3277 1-800-332-7541 or 406-278-3277 Conrad, Montana
Conrad, Montana
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A39
Up to 18-month free financing on all used combines – OAC Recond
Case IH 1680 combine, long sieve, rebuilt Cummins engine, 1010 30-ft. header......................Just In International 464 utility tractor, gas engine, 3-pt., PTO, International 1850 front end loader, 2650 hours. Good condition................................. $7495
1998 Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, yield/moisture monitor.......................................................Just In (2) Gleaner R60 combines with 30-ft. headers......... .......................................................... Just Traded Hesston 8100 swather, 25-ft. draper header......... ................................................................Just In Hesston 6450 swather, 14-ft. hay header, 21-ft. draper header..........................................Just In
Case IH 9380 tractor, synchro shift transmission, 30.5x32 tires, Cummins N14 engine, low hours. ................................................................Just In John Deere 8650 tractor, 4 remotes...........Just In
Massey Ferguson 165 2WD, 3-pt., 540 PTO, loader, bucket.......................................................... $6995
Ford 8N, 3-pt., PTO, near new rear tires, loader. Includes rear blade, 5-ft. rotary cutter, 2 bottom plow and set of tire chains. Ask for Gary............. $4995
New Case IH Farmall Tractors
0.0% financing for up to 72 months oac
John Deere 580 pull-type windrower, 25-ft. draper.. .................................................................... $4995
Let’s Deal
Case IH SRX160 suspended boom 132-ft. sprayer, Raven Auto Rate, 1600 gallon tank, 4 ball valves, induction cone................................... Just Traded Flexi-Coil System 67XL wheel boom sprayer with 110-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, Flexi-Control, excellent....................................................... $23,500
Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, 90-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Auto Rate........................................... $8995
MacDon pickup reels for MacDon and Case IH draper headers (1) 36-ft.......................................... Call for pricing
Concord 4010 air drill, tow behind 3000 tank with hydraulic fan...............................................Just In
WE’RE DEALIN’ Bring us your offer
Case IH 1042 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel. Excellent shape...................................................Just In 1995 Case IH 1010 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment........................................... Just Traded Case IH 1015 pickup header with Rake-up attachment. Good condition........................ Just Traded Case IH 1015 pickup header, Victory attachment..... ...................................................................Just In Case IH 810 pickup header, Rake-up attachment.... ...................................................................Just In International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rake-up raking pickup. Very little use............................. $8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment.................................................. $2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment............................................................ $1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment..... ...................................................................... $995
Case IH RB564 round baler, net/twine, wide pickup. Extremely low bale count, like new.......... $38,250
Make Offer
Case IH RBX563 round baler, net/twine, wide pickup, large tires................................................. $22,900
Valmar 3255 granular applicator. Previously mounted on Flexi-Coil System 85 heavy harrow. Very good condition...................................................... $2995 Mayrath 8x60 grain auger, swing hopper, PTO drive............................................................ $3995 Meyer ditcher, near new blades. Good condition...... ...................................................................... $895
1980 IHC 412B 11-yard elevating scraper with good Vermeer 605L round baler, 6x5 bales, twine, floatation rubber. Excellent maintenance and ready to work. tires. Very good condition......................... $12,900 ................................................................. $24,900 Vermeer 605F round baler, twine.................... $1995
on custom-made round baler belts and swather canvas. We also repair round baler belts.
1976 International 1600 cab/chassis with service body, PTO hydraulics, hydraulic crane, air compressor with large capacity tank, extra fuel tank, gin pole crane with winch. An excellent field service unit. Asking $17,900..............Reduced to $15,250
Thanks to you our lot is getting bare... WE NEED YOUR TRADES!!
Phone 406-278-3277 Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Toll-free 1-888-4-CASE-IH FAX 1-406-278-7882 website: Conrad, Montana
After Hours call: Gary Brown Res. 278-3373 Mobile phone 788-9033 Kurt Christiaens Res. 279-3486 Mobile phone 450-3277
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A40
Dwight BarBer ranch & Farm equipment
JD 7410
weDnesDay, OctOBer 3, 2012 • 10:00 a.m.
AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Location: 1 mile East of Denton, MT Owner: Dwight Barber, Denton, MT
NH HW320
Guest Consignor: Pat Ward, Denton, MT 406-567-3082
2000 JD 7410 w/ 740 grapple loader, self-leveling, MFWD, 6.8L diesel, SyncroPlus trans. (12 fwd./4 rev.), 120 hp, 5676 hrs., triple rear hyd., dual pto, 3 pt., all new Firestone tires Fall, 2011. This tractor has
not seen any farm ground- it has been strictly a baling and feeding machine. It’s clean as a whistle and has lots of life in it!
2008 Case IH 95 w/ L730 loader w/ quick attach, MFWD, 90 hp, diesel, dual pto, 3 pt., 12 fwd./12 rev., 426 hours. As good as a unit with 400 hours should be…
Combine & Grain Equipment
1996 JD CTS combine, 3149 eng. hours, 2293 sep. hours, hopper extensions, 280 bu. cap. This is a clean
outfit that has been well cared for. It is the same as a JD 9500, differing only in the fact that this machine has rotors instead of straw walkers, making it an excellent unit for malt barley or rice. It can cut wheat with the best of them and was favored by the owner because of its even straw spread in a no-till setting. It also will lay it down in an even windrow for making a nice bale. If you’re in the market for a clean, reliable unit, this is it! Consigned by Jim Paugh, Coffee Creek, MT. 406-566-2255.
Haying Equipment
JD 930 combine header, 30’, MacDon pickup reel JD bat reel for 930 header Farm King swing away auger, 10” x 60’, hyd. swing away, pto drive Westfield 7” x 36’ auger, cable lift Shop built header trailer
Skid Steer & Attachments
2007 ABU flatbed, 20’, gn, tandem, pull-out ramps 1990 Wilray flatbed,16’, bp, 16” wheels, 5’ folddown ramps, great skid-steer trailer. 1990 Wilray stock trailer, good floor, mats, tack comps. 1966 Wilson straight deck semi trailer, 42’ x 96”w, wood floor, 2 ctr. gates, avg. 11-22.5 rubber
like new!
1976 Versatile 850 Series II, 4WD, Cummins, 250 hp, 12 fwd./4 rev., 0triple hyd., 6391 hrs., BRAND NEW RUBBER.
Versatile 850
NH LS180
2000 NH HW320 swather, 2326 16’ header, 2170 hrs. JD 567 round baler, twine & net wrap, mega wide pickup, 16998 bales Case IH 8460 round baler, 540 pto H&S Hi Capacity V-rake, 12 wheel Highline 6500 Bale Processor, 1000 pto, s#6BP98219.
1979 Ford 9000, tandem truck, 6V92 Detroit, 9 spd., 20’l x 70”h alum. box, 2-way hoist, Shur-Lok roll tarp, pintle hitch, 614,000 mi., 48K GVW 1973 Ford F600, 361 eng., 5/2 spd., 18’ box, 2-way hoist, steel floor, pwr. steering, fold-down stock rack, new transm. & clutch, good running truck!
2008 Case IH 95
NH LS180 skid steer, 2 spd., 1303 hrs. AFI hyd. post auger, skid steer mt. Worksaver hyd. bale spinner, skid steer mt. FFC bale spear, skid steer mt. Hyd. fence roller, skid steer mt. Pallet forks
2009 Dodge 3500 Heavy Duty, 4x4, Cummins 6.7L, quad cab, auto, loaded, 53300 mi., grill guard, w/ Besler 3100 bale bed, extending arms, syncron. sqeeze. 2000 Dodge 2500, 4x4, Cummins, single cab, 5 spd., 104000 mi. (odom. not working), w/ Besler 3100 bale bed (installed in 2010). 2002 Chevy 1500, 4x4, V6, 5 spd., long box, 72960 mi., used as service truck.
2009 Polaris Ranger XP, 4x4, auto, w/ heated cab, 2009 Honda Rancher, 4x4, elec. shift, new tires, Fimco ATV sprayer, slide-in rack, 60 gal. tank, HiFlow 120 pump, 3’ boom w/ 3 nozzles
Farm Equipment
Summers Super Sprayer, 750 gal. tank, 80’ booms, triple body nozzles (5/10/15 gal.), Raven 440 rate controller, hyd. pump, mid-mount booms, set up as trailer w/ hitch & stationary wheels JD 9400 grain drills, 30’ total length, 10” sp., built-on hyd. transport, fert. boxes show rust. McFarlane pasture harrow w/ cart, 24’ Gysler chisel plow, 30’, w/ Morris mtd. harrows Brillion grass seeder, 12’l x 8” spacing Horvick slide-in sprayer, 60’, hyd. boom lift, Honda 5.5 hp, new ball valves Marflex sprayer, mtd. on 1979 Ford 1-ton, 4x4, 50+ ft. boom
Livestock Equipment
Silencer hyd. squeeze chute, w/ transport, long mdl., built-in palp cage, stationary left-hand controls, mtd. neck extension bars. Electric hyd. drive, 220V. Mated to Silencer, but will run any hydraulic and sells separately. Digi Star digital chute scale Johnson calf table Kamar heat detection strips 2- Apache feed wagons, mdl. WFW20A1 Concrete feedlot bunks, 4 sets of two- 8’ sections, ctr. cable post, used in pairs
Attachments & 3 Point Equipment
Leon 9270 dozer, 14’, mtd. on Versatile 875, sells sep. Land Pride RCR3596 mower, 8’, 3 pt., pto. Land Pride RTA3576 rototiller, 76”, 3 pt., pto. Wheat Hart hyd. post auger, loader mt. Worksaver 3 pt. bale spear, double tine Ezee-On 210 cultivator, 3 pt., 7’, duckft. Herd Sure-Feed broadcaster, 3 pt., pto Tebben mower, 60”, 3 pt., pto Danuser post hole digger, 3 pt., pto
2009 Dodge 3500
JD 567
2000 Dodge 2500
Highline 6500
Silencer Hydraulic Chute
1973 Ford F600
Irrigation Equipment
Wheel line irrigation system, self-leveling sprinks, 4” x 40’ sections, mover w/ B&S eng., appx. 45 sections, 2280 +/- ft., wheels disassembled & ready for transport! Main line, 6” x 30’, appx. 40 sections Hand line, 3 ½” x 40’, end sprinks, appx. 24 sections Hand line, 3” x 40’, center sprinks, appx. 12 sections Hand line transport trailer Cornell irrigation pump. 3 phase Wayne ¾ hp shallow well pump, like new Honda 5.5 hp engine, w/ Pacer pump, 2” in & out
2002 Chevy 1500
Fuel Tanks & Pipe Shop Equipment
Farm King Swing Away
1979 Ford 9000
2009 Polaris Ranger
H&S V-Rake
Saddles & Tack
JAYSON & KYLE SHOBE ~ AUCTIONEERS & REALTORS 408 WEST MAIN • LEWISTOWN, MT 59457 • 406-538-5125 • 1-866-885-4792
Jayson: 406-366-5125, evenings 406-535-5864 • Kyle: 406-366-0472 e-mail: •
Land Pride Mower
2007 ABU 20”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A41
Grant Viertel Estate Auction Saturday, OctOber 6th, 2012 • 10 a.m. Location: Trade Center, Fairgrounds, Lewistown, Montana Previewing: Friday, October 5th • 1:00-7:00 p.m.
Owner: Grant Viertel Estate, Lewistown, MT Susan & Charles Samuel, Representatives
1929 FOrd mOdel a SpeedSter
Red, 2 door convertible. Brass horn, chrome accessories including radiator, front nurf bars, rearview mirrors, radiator stone guard. 16’’ wire wheels. Pioneer Plate # 3 047
1929 FOrd phaetOn deluxe
Grey with green belt, 4 door, trunk, twin wheel mounts with chrome covers, etched wind wing windows, chrome stone guard, hood with 3 chrome louvered doors, cowl lights. Pioneer Plate # 3 478
1929 FOrd mOdel a 5 WindOW cOupe
Forest green with dark green stripe and black fenders. Wind wing windows, chrome radiator stone guard, cowl lights. Pioneer Plate # 2 083
Also Selling model a & t parts
new stock parts
shop tools & equip. 1926 FOrd mOdel t tOuring
Burgundy, 4 door, 20’’ wire wheels, chrome accessories including bumpers, head lights, radiator. 20’’ wire wheels, wind wing windows, matching original MT-26 71-439 plates. Pioneer Plate # 3 046
woodworking tools
1928 FOrd deluxe mOdel a rOadSter
Tan, 2 door, black fenders, trunk rack, rumble seat, etched wind wing windows, chrome Unity fog lights. Pioneer Plate # 2 081
Auctioneer’s Note:
1930 FOrd mOdel a
2 door sedan, semi deluxe, chrome radiator guard, wind wing windows, chrome gull wing radiator cap, two tone chocolate brown & black, Pioneer Plate # 2 082
Grant Viertel was a master restorer of Ford Model T’s and A’s. His reputation for excellence in detail is evident in every auto he restored. It is an honor and a privilege to conduct this auction for the Viertel Family. Join us on October 6th in Lewistown, MT for this grand auction event. Jayson & Kyle Shobe, Auctioneers
1928 chevy 1 1/4 tOn truck
Original 4 cyl. engine and steering wheel, wooden spoked wheels, orig. kerosene flares, hand crank, jack and grease gun. New tires, glass and upholstery. 33,377 miles (44.5 miles since restoration). Good running condition.
Additional Pictures and Live Internet Bidding Available @
JAYSON & KYLE SHOBE ~ AUCTIONEERS & REALTORS 408 WEST MAIN, LEWISTOWN, MT 59457 OFFICE: 406-538-5125 • TOLL FREE 1-866-885-4792 • Jayson: 406-366-5125, evenings 406-535-5864 • Kyle: 406-366-0472 e-mail: •
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A42
September 2012
Conrad, MT 59425 Visit our website at: E-mail:
Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218
2005 Freightliner Columbia Series 60, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, 20-ft. ITB box, wireless remotes............................. $63,500
2007 Peterbilt 386 C15 Cat, 475 hp, 18 speed, engine brake, air suspension, 70” Unibilt sleeper........................... $46,000 3-2006 Kenworth T600s ISX Cummins, 3 pedal 10 speed Autoshift, engine brake, air ride, VIT interior........ Coming in
1998 Kenworth W900L Cat 550 hp, 18 speed, 63” Aero flat sleeper, lift axle, full lockers.......................... $47,500
LOW MILES 34-2007 International 9400i C15 Cat, 550 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, air suspension................................. $39,250
LONG WHEELBASE 2006 Freightliner Columbia daycab, C13 Cat, 410 hp, engine brake, 10 speed, air suspension................................. $41,900
2006 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Autoshift, ready for 24-ft+ flatbed or 23-ft. grain box...... $39,000
not actual picture 23-2007 Freightliner Columbia daycabs, Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride................ Coming in
2007 Freightliner Columbia 450 hp, engine brake, 10 speed, 4 way locker, lift axle, great work truck.................. $45,000 2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit 14.0L, 10 speed Autoshift, engine brake, daycab........................... Coming in
2005 Freightliner Columbia Series 60 Detroit, 490 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, ITB box, lift axle, pintle and remotes...... $69,500
2-2007 International 9200i ISX Cummins, Autoshift, engine brake, 72” midroof sleeper, premium interior...................$42,900 & $40,900 2006 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000, 450 hp, 13 speed, overhaul with paperwork, premier interior................................ $32,500
2-2006 Freightliner Columbia C15 Cat, 13 speed, engine brake, ready for a box................................ $45,000
2001 Mack dumptruck, 10 speed, engine brake, 18-ft. dump box, lift axle, hi-lift gate......................................... $37,500 2006 International 9200i Cummins ISX, 475 hp, engine brake, 10 speed Autoshift, perfect for grain box........................ $39,500 2007 Western Star 4964EX 14.0L Detroit, 13 speed, 82” Stratosphere sleeper, engine brake............... Coming in
5-2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, 70” midroof sleeper.............. $37,500
4-2006 Freightliner Century C15 Cat, 475 hp, engine brake, 13 speed, air suspension, pick your color........ $34,500 2-2006 Peterbilt 379 ISX Cummins, 475 hp, 13 speed, engine brake, air ride, 36” flat top sleeper, matching trucks............................ Call
1993 Peterbilt 379 EXHD Series 60, 425 hp, 15 speed, engine brake, overhaul history, sold with or without blower.. $25,000
2005 Kenworth W900L ISX Cummins, 18 speed, engine brake, 72” Aerocab, VIT interior, new tires................................... Coming in
2004 International 9400i ISX Cummins, 460 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, 72” sleeper, 24.5 wheels................. $28,500
hay hauler 5-2007 Freightliner Columbia daycabs, Cat C15, 3 pedal 10 speed Autoshift, engine brake.................... $39,500
1995 Freightliner FLD132 N-14 Cummins, 13 speed, 26-ft.x96” flatbed, pintle hitch, 597,000 original miles................................................ $29,500
1992 Mack fuel truck, EM7-30, 9 speed, 4500 gallon single compartment, in test............................................... $25,000
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A43
2013 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72”, 3 axle ag hopper, electric tarp, air ride, aluminum wheels....................................... Call
2012 Wilson 33-ft. pup, ag hoppers, air ride suspension, aluminum wheels, load gauge.......................................... Rental
1995 Fruehauf 38-ft. end dump pups, tri axle, spring suspension, 14-ft. aluminum box......................... $16,500
2007 Cat 242B-2 skid steer, turbo diesel, 68” bucket, auxilary hydraulics, 860 hours........................................ $26,000 2013 Wilson hopper, 41-ft.x66”x96”, air ride suspension, ag hoppers, O/S aluminum, stainless steel corners and rear, pintle hitch.......................................... Rental
1976 Midland aluminum hopper pup, 21-ft.x96”, spring ride, 11-ft. hitch, 5th wheel..............................................$9500 1988 Gallaty 21-ft. belly dump, single axle, spring suspension, pintle hitch......$7500
1990 Fruehauf flatbed, 45-ft. x 96”, air ride suspension, closed tandem, rust free trailer....................................................$8750
2-2013 Wilson hoppers, 50-ft.x72”x96”, 3 axle, air ride suspension, rear lift, ag hoppers, ShurLok tarp................ Rentals
1999 Wabash 48-ft. flatbed, 3 axle, spring ride, wood deck, removable headboard............................................$9500
4-2013 Jet 40-ft.x96”x68” ag hoppers, air ride with pintle hitch or spring ride........ Call 2013 Jet sidedump, 45-ft.x102”, tri axle, air ride, electric tarp, push block, LED lights..................................................Call
2-2012 Wilson 41-ft.x66”x96”, ag hoppers, spring ride, stainless steel front corners and rear...................... $32,000 2-2012 Wilson 41-ft.x66”x96”, ag hoppers, spring ride, stainless steel front corners and rears............................ $32,000
1982 International cabover, Cummins, 9 speed, engine brake, 20-ft. ITB grain box, lift axle............................................ Trade In
2007 Talbert 51 ton lowboy, air ride, 3rd axle flips, hydraulic neck, non-ground bearing......................... $43,500
1998 Western 4 axle hopper pup, 29-ft.x102”x76”, air ride dolly, spring ride trailer, pintle hitch....................................... $29,700
1971 Ford L800 tandem grain truck, 391 gas, 5/4 speed transmission, 22-ft.x52”x96” steel box................... $12,500
2-2012 Dakota 43-ft. belly dumps, tri axle, air ride suspension, inside fenders, LED lights........................................ $52,800 2-2013 Dakota 43-ft. belly dumps, same as above with rear lift axle & black paint... Call
1994 Trail Blazer belly dump, 3 axle, 42-ft. x 96”, spring ride suspension, tarp....................... Coming in
1993 International 4900 DT466, automatic, 14-ft. utility box, Hi-Ranger telescopic man lift............................................. $18,500
1998 Western hopper pup, 25-ft.x102”x76”, spring suspension, aluminum wheels............................. $18,700
1991 International 8200 Cummins, 13 speed, engine brake, 4000 gallon tank.................................................. $27,500
2004 GMC C7500 Cat, automatic, 24-ft. van body, A/C, roll up door, under CDL....................................... $19,500 2000 International 8100 ISM Cummins, 10 speed, air suspension, LOW MILES.................................... $22,500
Howard Power Arm skid steer backkhoe attachment, out riggers..................................................$2500
1982 Ford C802 bucket truck, cabover, 370ci, 5 & 2 speed.................$6000
1985 Walker sanitary tanker, stainless steel, 5000 gallon, 3” stainless product pump.................................. $32,500
1970 Kari Kool tanker, stainless steel, insulated, 38-ft., 6500 gallon, double conicle, center discharge................. $19,500
September 2012
Conrad, MT 59425 Visit our website at: E-mail:
2005 Ranco anvil end dump, 34-ft., hi lift or swing gate, center point suspension, clean trailer...................................... $23,500
1978 Fruehauf pneumatic 1180 cubic ft., steel, 42-ft., 4” discharge, been hauling sand........................... $27,500
Several used truck & trailer tool boxes
New American 18-ft. gravel box, complete with hoist and cab shield........................................ $16,500
Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A44
PICKUP FOR SALE 1992 Ford F250 extended cab, 4x4, cab and chassis, 5 speed, weak motor. Phone (406) 799-6923
The Montana CattleWomen State Beef Cook-Off
Glencoe 15-ft. chisel plow, completely rebuilt with new shanks and hitch, etc. Brandt 45-ft. x 7” grain auger, engine drive mount in good shape. 1984 Suzuki ATV, new seat and tires, always shedded, in excellent shape. Minneapolis-Moline 8-ft. oneway plow. 2-John Deere 12-ft. grain drills with spoke press wheels and fertilizer attachments. Several old antique bicycles. Phone Phillip Ferda, (406) 733-6582, Highwood, MT
Logan Wedum with German Style Steak Strips.
Logan Steine with Fingerling Meat Balls.
Danielle Adams with Beef with Flathead Cherry Salsa.
The Montana CattleWomen Beef CookOff “Beef in the Kitchen Culinary Contest” held at the State Fair in Great Falls July 28, 2012 successfully brought delicious “beef” to the table. The event was held at the Family Living Center sponsored by the Cascade County Extension and the Montana Cattlewomen. This year for a second year in a row, two events took place, an Adult Beef Cook-Off and a Teen Beef cook-Off. Each participant presented a BEEF main dish that included eight ingredients, not including spices or seasonings, with preparation time of 30 minutes or less to the judges. All beef dishes were completed at the site. At 5:00 pm winners were announced, cash prizes were awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places; $150, $75, and $50 respectively. First place winner in the Teen Division was Logan Steine with “Fingerling Meat Balls” made with ground beef; second place winner was Logan Wedum with “German Style Steak Strips” made with sirloin steak; and 3rd place winner Danielle Adams with “Beef with Flathead Sherry Salsa” made with cubed steak. continued on page A46
General Social Security questions and answers
MODERN MACHINING FACILITY * Largest Full Service CNC Machine Shop in Central Montana * CNC Machining with Production and Prototype Capabilities * Custom Machine Work * Gear Cutting * Internal Keyway Cutting
COMPLETE FABRICATION FACILITY New Custom Angle Pipe, flatbar and tube rolling capabilites * CNC Plasma Cutting * Brake, Shear and Roll Work * Specialty Fabrication * Stainless Steel, Aluminum and Mild Steel * Welding * Design Capabilities * Conveyor Design & Manufacturing TOLL FREE: 800-227-2203
427 Second Street South Great Falls, MT 406-727-2203
Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Question: What can I do to protect myself against identity theft? Answer: First, don’t carry your Social Security card in your wallet. Keep it at home with your other important papers. Second, avoid giving out your Social Security number. While many banks, schools, doctors, landlords, and others will request your number, it is your decision whether to provide it. Ask if there is some other way to identify you in their records. To report identity theft, fraud, or misuse of your Social Security number, the Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, recommends you: 1. Place a fraud alert on your credit file by contacting one of the following companies (the company you contact is required to contact the other two, which will then place alerts on your reports): • Equifax, 1-800-525-6285; • Trans Union, 1-800-680-7289; or • Experian, 1-888-397-3742. 2. Review your credit report for inquiries from companies you have not contacted, accounts you did not open, and debts on your accounts you cannot explain; 3. Close any accounts you know, or believe, have been tampered with or opened fraudulently; 4. File a report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place; and
5. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-438-4338 (TTY 1-866-653-4261). Question: It’s hurricane season. If there is a big storm in my area, will I still be able to do business with Social Security? Answer: During an emergency, keep in mind two things. First, you can conduct most of your business with Social Security online at There, you’ll find a wealth of information and online services. For example, you can apply online for Social Security benefits or for Medicare, and then you can check on the status of your pending application. If you’re already receiving Social Security benefits, you can go online to change your address, phone number, or your direct deposit information, get a replacement Medicare card, or request a proof of income letter. You even can get your Social Security Statement online. You also can find out if your local office is open by going online to emergency. That site lists any office closings and delays. Second, make sure you receive your benefits through Direct Deposit. While the mail can be disrupted during severe weather, Direct Deposit payments arrive in your account on time, all the time. Go to www. to sign up or for more information.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A45
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A46
WANTED - - ROLL OVER PLOW John Deere 8450 4-bottom roll over plow, 16” bottoms, no junk please. Phone (605) 642-3474, Spearfish, South Dakota
The Montana CattleWomen State Beef Cook-Off continued from page A44
2002 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 2340 variable rate TBH cart, double shoot, 41/2” steel packers, approximately 30,000 acres................................$59,900 obo Phone (406) 483-5316 leave msg or (406) 390-6477 cell
Short on Hay?
For Sale: Approximately 100 tons dryland AC Metcalfe malt barley straw
Louise Hachigian with Armenian Angus Beef Kabobs.
• Big Round Bales, JD net wrap • We load, you haul it. • We could potentially line up trucking. • Will make good feed this winter!
Pam Musgrave with Rolled Stuffed Beef Flank Steak and Homemade Potato Skins.
Phone (406) 292-3560 for more details and price.
Doane Western 252 Cirque Drive, Bozeman, MT 59718
Specializing in: Long Term Farm and Ranch Loans
Aimee Hachigian Gould with Real Montana Cowmen Eat Beef Antipasto Salad.
FSA Guaranteed Loans Statewide Service Best Available Rates
Farm and Ranch Loans Call for Current Rates Bozeman (406) 587-1201 Toll Free 800-446-1112w Website:
Long Term Real Estate Loans Refinance at Lower Rates, Consolidate Debt, New Purchases
View all at our website:
First place winner in the Adult Division was Louise Hachigian with “Armenian Angus Beef Kabobs” made with ground beef; second place winner was Aimee Hachigian Gould with “Real Montana Cowmen Eat Beef Antipasto Salad” made with sirloin steak; and third place winner was Pam Musgrave with “Rolled Stuffed Beef Flank Steak and Homemade Potato Skins”. Also participating in the adult contest was Lidia Neuman with her “Meatball Stew” made with ground beef. Fair goers were able to taste these versatile, nutritious palate pleasing BEEF dishes.
Before the event the Montana CattleWomen presented bite-sized taste samples of two of the award winning 2011 National Beef Cook-Off Recipes to fair goers. Highlighted was Asian Cranberry-Ginger Sloppy Pockets in the Retro Recipes Revived Category entered by Michelle Wright of Georgia, and Muffin-Style Cheeseburger Pizza in the Fuel Up with Beef Category entered by Emily Watson of Pennsylvania. Fair goers enjoyed the delicious taste of beef samples complimented with a variety of beef recipes available during the event. These recipes can be found on the National Beef Cook-Off website www.beefcookoff. org with all the 2011 finalist recipes. CattleWomen helping at the event were Paulette Keller, chair of Lloyd, Carolyn Liddle of Chinook and Betty Thomspon of Havre. The Montana CattleWomen, a non-profit organization serving as the voice of woman in the Cattle Industry, and the Cascade County Extension sponsor the event with help from funding by Montana’s Beef Producers with Checkoff Dollars. Contest recipes can be found on the website.
International Cummins, Jake brakes, clean cab, and very good, single sleeper, flatbed with air controlled ramps, 8-ft. wide, 18-ft. long with 5-ft. beavertail, 8-ft. ramp is air cylinder controlled, aluminum wheels, 11R24.5 good rubber......................................................... 1987 Peterbilt 3-axle dump truck, Cummins 400, leaf springs over walking springs, pintle hitch, good clean truck.
Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 (Office) • 406-755-4080 (Fax)
2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT
Left to right: Paulette Keller, Carolyn Liddle and Betty Thompson.
##### oxymoron (ok-see-MORE-on) noun. A phrase made by combining two words that are contradictory or incongruous.
##### axiom (AKS-e-um), noun. A truth or fact that is seen as self-evident, leaving no room for questions or debate.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A47
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A48
NDSU celebrates 39 years of excellence
On-The-Farm or On-The-Road
When you need tires call us! We carry a HUGE inventory!!!
We offer a complete line of Goodyear & Firestone tires for swathers, balers, combines, tractors, automotive, light and heavy duty trucks.
Cars, Light Trucks, Heavy Duty Farm & Over-the-road Trucks
Cut Bank Tire
Phone 406-873-5025, Cell. 406-949-7717 — Cut Bank
The 39th annual Harvest Bowl program at North Dakota State University (NDSU) will be held October 26 and 27. Highlights of the event include a Harvest Bowl dinner and awards program on October 26 at the Fargo Ramada Plaza Suites and the Harvest Bowl football game between NDSU and Southern Illinois on October 27. Also on October 27, as part of Harvest Bowl, honorees will participate in educational sessions on the NDSU campus. As the state’s land-grant university, NDSU plays a major role in contributing knowledge through research, academic programs and the Extension Service. More than 2,000 agriculturists have been recognized and more than $120,000 in scholarships have been awarded to NDSU student athletes who have agricultural backgrounds or are majoring in a field of agriculture, business or premed. The NDSU Harvest Bowl program recognizes the success, dedication and hard work of outstanding agriculturists in 53 counties in North Dakota and several counties in Minnesota. An agribusiness award recipient is chosen annually. This award recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of agriculture and business in North Dakota and beyond. Neal Fisher, North Dakota Wheat Commission administrator, will receive the 2012 award. Fisher has been with the Wheat Commission for 33 years. He started in 1978 as a marketing specialist and then became the deputy administrator in 1982. He has been the administrator since 1998. Through the years, Fisher has worked to ensure the worldwide competitiveness of North Dakota producers of hard red spring wheat, durum and other classes of U.S. wheat. Several scholarships also are awarded to outstanding male and female athletes. For information on Harvest Bowl activities, visit the NDSU Alumni Association website at http://www., call the NDSU alumni office toll-free at (800) 279-8971 or locally at (701) 231-6800, or e-mail
Save Money on fall work with Rebate Relief Limited Time Offer!
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(use with Raven wetware)
Retail Price $5280
Call now for more details! 406-622-3887
Montana’s Only
PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street Fort Benton, MT 59442
Authorized Ag Dealer
4-H land judging winners announced
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A49
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
By NDSU Extension Service
Walsh County’s 4-H team placed first in the senior division of a land judging contest in Maddock. Pictured are (from left) team members Emily Zikmund, Tim Hodek and Josh Ruzicka, and coach Brad Brummond.
4-H land judging teams from Walsh and Eddy/Foster counties placed first in the senior and junior divisions of the land judging contest in Maddock, North Dakota. The senior Walsh team of Tim Hodek of Fairdale, and Josh Ruzicka and Emily Zikmund, both of Fordville, placed first in the 4-H senior division. Hodek also was high individual in the senior division of the contest. The team is coached by Brad Brummond. The Eddy/Foster County team of Savanna Friedt of Carrington, and Justin Lee and Tyler Lee, both of Grace City, placed first in the 4-H junior division. Friedt was the high individual in the junior division. The team is coached by Joel Lemer. Stark-Billings placed second and McHenry County was the third-place team in the junior division. The land judging contest consists of four sites. Each site includes a pit for the contestants to examine the soil profile and characteristics. Information on the soil depth history, present crop use, cropping plan and fertility levels is provided to the contestants. They use this information to estimate slope and potential erosion to determine land class and recommendations for management of the soil. The Maddock FFA chapter hosted the contest. David Franzen, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service soils specialist, officiated the contest. Contest sponsors are North Dakota soil conservation districts and the North Dakota 4-H Foundation.
Superior Genetics Locally Grown
H AP503CL2
Certified, PVP The First Two Gene Tolerant Clearfield Winter Wheat
H Hawken Certified, PVP H Jagalene Certified, PVP H Art Certified, PVP AgriPro’s newest option
H SY WOLF Certified, PVP AgriPro’s newest option
Other Varieties 3 Judee Certified, PVP Solid Stem - Sawfly Tolerant.
3 Genou Certified, PVP Solid Stem - Sawfly Tolerant.
3 Quake Certified, PVP Solid Stem - Sawfly Tolerant.
3 Yellowstone Certified, PVP
3 Willow Creek
MSU beardless forage winter wheat
Certified Seed Cleaning Plant
FAX 406-423-5665 101 Indian Butte Road Moccasin, MT 59462
Antique bit & spur collection (about 50 pieces) & Western collectibles White Angora chaps by F. Mueller, Denver
2007 Honda Ranger, liquid cooled 4x4, 1000 miles, rifle scabbard, racks, cover
A 4-H team from Eddy and Foster counties took first place in the junior division of a land judging contest in Maddock. Team members are (from left) Justin Lee, Tyler Lee and Savanna Friedt.
Latham raspberry
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: Last winter, the snow was so heavy that it broke most of my latham raspberry canes about a foot off the ground. I cut to the ground the canes that were broken (70 percent). They grew back and now are 6 to 7 feet tall. Should I cut them back to 4 or 5 feet when I am pruning out the old canes this spring or should I leave them as they are? A: Go ahead and cut the new growth back to about shoulder height and enjoy the resulting fruit this summer. You are lucky because my latham rotted from the soil being too saturated last year. Now that I have them dug out, I’m considering what else I can plant in that location to get some summer fruit.
HiQual bull feeder plus 9 sections of HiQual bull feeders for repair
Pictures at after September 14.
Open House ~ Sat., October 13th ~ 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A50
SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity
T-Post/Pipe Drivers
New… Gas Powered Post Driver A lightweight, 32 lbs, compact post driver
New and Used Skid-Steers & Excavators
Over 100 tractor and skidsteer attachments available.
with the reliability of the Honda GX-35.
New and Used Equipment
CODY, WY - We Deliver
Dirt, Bullet Rock, DP, and Wobble Augers.
New PJ 83” x 14-ft. gooseneck lo-pro dump trailer with tarp kit, 7000# axles, split spreader gate, spare tire. Retail $9586............................................................. $8539
LIKE NEW 2011 Royal T 4 horse aluminum gooseneck, 7-ft. tall, 83” wide, all aluminum frame and skin, torsion axles, LED lights, auto-lock bar handles on double rear doors, sealed, insulated, carpeted walls in large dressing room & mid-tack room, swing-out saddle rack, blanket bar, LOADED with many other features. Perfect for the weekend getaway. Pulled 3 ties. Retail $26,000...Was $22,000...Now $18,500
New PJ 83” x 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailer with tarp kit, split spreader gate. Retail $8028................... $7145
New PJ 26-ft. tandem dually with flip-over ramps, spare, tool box. Retail $11,224......................... $10,259 Call For Special Pricing
New PJ 28-ft. tandem axle gooseneck with 5-ft. popup dove and flip over ramps. Retail $8401................ $7643
New Featherlite 24-ft. aluminum gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliders. Retail $24,330.................. $18,800
New PJ 24-ft. gooseneck car hauler with #7000 axles, straight deck with 5-ft. slide-in ramps. Retail $5999....... ............................................................................ $5315
Fly spray, deworming, and fertility in bulls
By Dr. Les Anderson, Beef Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky About 7 years ago, several beef producers and large animal veterinarians were convinced that use of commercial dewormers like Cydectin, Eprinex, and Dectomax reduced sperm quality and the ability of a bull to pass the breeding soundness exam (BSE). The impact of these dewormers on bull fertility was examined as part of FDA approval. None of these studies reported any detrimental effects on sperm motility, morphology, concentration, or semen output. As a follow-up, Dr. Phil Prater at Morehead State University and I conducted a small trial just to verify the previously reported data. A BSE was obtained on bulls and 32 bulls that passed were randomly assigned (8 per treatment) to be dewormed with Dectomax® (Phizer Animal Health), Cydectin® (Fort Dodge Animal Health), Eprinex® (Merial), or they were not dewormed. Each bull was subjected to a BSE at 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks after deworming. No differences were observed in sperm motility, morphology, the bull’s ability to pass the BSE. So, based upon these and the previously published data, the use of Dectomax, Cydectin, or Eprinex does not impact bull fertility. One word of caution; we have not tested any of the new generic brands of ivermectins available so these data are only valid for the brand names listed. The impact of insecticides that contain either pyrethroid or bifenthrin is much more difficult to discern. Insecticides that contain these products have been used for nearly 40 years to control flies. Early reports by the World Health Organization and many others indicated no adverse effects of pyrethroids on male fertility. This data seems to correlate with the experience of many beef producers that put two fly tags in right before they turn their bulls out and have no fertility issues in pasture situations. Later work in laboratory animals did show a detrimental impact on semen quality, quantity, and libido and a study by Cornell in 2003 demonstrated that bifenthrin reduced semen quality in bulls but semen quality returned to normal within 60 days. Dr. Volkmann at the University of Missouri has shared clinic trials in which he has attributed reduced sperm motility and overall semen quality to exposure of bulls to bifenthrin and pyrethroids. Biologically, these compounds have been shown to disrupt enzymes necessary for the production of testosterone which would have profoundly negative impacts on the male to produce sperm. The key to this puzzle is most likely dose. According to Dr. Jeff Scott, toxicologist at Cornell University, the doses used in most of these trials are not doses most beef cattle would be exposed to in a normal production situation. To summarize, it is quite clear that deworming bulls with Eprinex, Dectomax, or Cydectin will not reduce bull fertility. Exposure of bulls to high levels of pyrethroids or bifenthrin may temporarily reduce sperm motility, morphology, and semen quality. Perhaps the best management strategy would be to simply use one form of fly control (fly tags, fly spray, and fly rubs) in bulls.
Tea rose bush
New Circle D 6-ft. 8” x 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7000# axles, bull package, center slider, mats, spare tire. White. Retail $10,652.......................... $9281
Used 2010 PJ single axle 77” x 14-ft. flatbed with ramp gate, spare mount................................................ $1700
Used 2008 Newmans sledbed, 16-ft. with spare...$3500
Call For Special Pricing
New Featherlite 8127 20-ft. aluminum gooseneck stock trailer with one center slider. Retail $22,374......... ......................................................................... $17,300
too late for photos.........If you don’t see what you need.....We probably have it
2245 Amsterdam Road Belgrade, Montana 406-388-7479
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: My neighbor has a tea rose bush that I’m dying to have. There is a lot of new growth that my neighbor prunes out every spring. Last spring, we took some new growth from the mother bush and put them in water that had fertilizer in it. However, they all died. How do I go about getting the new growth to produce roots? When should it be done? (Calgary, Canada) A: A tea rose bush growing in Calgary? Are you sure? Your neighbor must give it super protection to have it survive the winter months. Roses are among the easiest woody plants to root through hardwood cuttings. Take rosewood cuttings 6 to 8 inches long. Cut the basal end at a slant and stick it in pasteurized potting soil that is 2 to 3 inches deep. Keep the soil moist. Do this in the early spring. To make life a little easier, you can take a clear baggy and loosely fit it around the cutting and over the edge of the pot. Keep the cutting in a bright location, but not direct sunlight. In six to eight weeks, the cuttings should have a mass of roots at the base. Some people will dust the cut end with a rooting hormone to speed up rooting. However, usually that step is not needed, unless a particular cultivar of rose is difficult to root for some reason. Go to h1257.pdf for some home propagation techniques that you might find useful. You can download the entire publication or the parts that interest you.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A51
Lake County Real Estate
158 +/- Acres of Irrigated land with Homes and Outbuildings to be sold in 2 parcels and as Entirety.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 2 P.M.
Location of the sale: On site at 65633 US 93 South, Ronan, Montana 59864 from Ronan, Montana, South on Highway 93, 1.5 miles, west side of the highway. OWNER: Bonavia Farms LLC, 3916 Willow Drive, Wichita, Kansas 67218, will offer the following property at auction. The final bid will be subject to their approval. The owners reserve the right to accept or deny any and all bids. PROPERTY LOCATION: 65633 US 93 South, Ronan, Montana 59864 from Ronan, Montana, South on Highway 93, 1.5 miles, west side of the highway. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Bonavia Farms, LLC has moved to Kansas and have decided to liquidate their property in Lake County, MT. It will be offered to the public at auction. This property will be offered both in individual parcels and as a whole to the highest bidder
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 14, Township 20N, Range 20W, Area 86W Pablo/Ronan; approximately 158 acres total. Parcel 1: approximately 35 acres, 2 homes, 2 shops. Parcel 2: approximately 123 irrigated acres with four wheel lines, mainline and pump (new in 2009).
HOUSES AND BUILDINGS: PARCEL 1: approximately 35 acres, 2 homes, 2 shops Main home: Built in 1960, 2361 square feet, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, spacious, open floor plan, rock fireplace; overlooks a large pond and tennis court. Magnificent view of the Mission Mountains. Guest home: Built in 1974, 1056 square feet, two bedrooms, one bathroom, and a fireplace. There is a small barn, a large mechanic’s shop, another shop space attached to the large shop, and a machinery lean-to. This is a showplace that needs a little attention. There are spectacular Mission Mountain Views. At this time, the large shop is being rented out for automotive service. The adjacent smaller shop is being rented out as an auto detail business. Both renters would like to continue renting if agreeable.
PARCEL 2: Approximately 123 acres of irrigated farm ground with four wheel lines, mainline and pump (new in 2009), currently leased out till October of 2012, planted in wheat. TAXES: Taxes will be prorated from the day of closing.
TITLE INSURANCE: Standard owner’s title insurance will be provided by the seller through Flathead Title, Polson, MT. TERMS: Cash. 10% down sale day, the balance due at closing, approximately 30 days from sale date at the office of Flathead Title in Polson, MT. BUYER’S PREMIUM: A 2% Buyer’s Premium will be added to the winning bid price to arrive at the total contract price paid by the purchaser. Your bid is considered acceptance of the terms of this auction. If you, the Buyer, fails to close, the down payment is non-refundable. If the Sellers fail to close, 100% of the down payment will be returned. At this time, there is no known reason that the Seller would not be able to close. All funds are to be held by Flathead Title, 1105 1st Street East Polson, MT 59860.
For showing and more infomation
Phone Jason Clinkenbeard 406-239-3529
or e-mail
Rivers West Auction and R-K Statewide Auction Service and its auctioneers are acting solely as auctioneers for the Sellers. For photos, more info & upcoming sales, visit:
Jason Clinkenbeard 406-239-3529 All information is from sources deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed by the Seller or the Auctioneers. Offering is subject to error, omission, and approval of purchase by owner. We urge independent verification of each and every item submitted to the satisfaction of any prospective buyer. It is every potential bidder/purchaser’s sole responsibility to accomplish his or her due diligence in whatever manner he or she deems advisable. Announcements made sale day take precedence over any printed materials. The property sells “As is -Where is.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A52
If you have items you want advertised in the October 2012 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM IS SEPTEMBER 28.
2009 John Deere 35-ft. combine header, draper platform with transport package and pickup reel, less than 1200 acres of use............................$59,000
Call Byron at 406-278-5352
HARRIS CUSTOM SWATHING 3—30-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels
Full transport trailer to accommodate your needs - STATEWIDE COVERAGE
Prompt - competitive rates - reliable Kim Harris 406-949-3482 Conrad, MT Colt Harris 406-949-0465
“Swathing is our business, not a side line”
United Country / Shobe Auction & Realty
2012 Fall Auction Calendar
• Fri & Sat, Sept 14 & 15 • Double Estate Antique Auction Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT
Leroy & Natalie Thomsen Estates & Betty Scally & Son, Richard Scally Estates
• Friday, September 28, 10am • Bill Foreman Estate Auction
Winifred, MT -Featuring 25 Caterpillar Crawlers & Semi Tractors & Trailer Auction • Wed, Oct 3, 10am • Dwight Barber & Pat Ward Farm Auction JD 7410 w/740 loader, Case IH Farmall 95 w/loader, hay & harvest equip, trucks Denton, MT • Saturday, October 6, 10am • Grant Viertel Antique Auto Auction Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT Selling 5 Model A Fords, 1 Model T Ford, 1928 Chevy 1 Ton Truck
• Saturday, October 13, 10am • Jim & Pat Morrison Auction Sapphire Village, Utica, MT
Vehicles, wood working and shop tools, guns, collectibles
• Saturday, October 20, 10am • Large Antique Auction
Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT • Saturday, October 27, 10am • Dave Gill Ranch Equipment & Open Consignment Auction — Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT
Already consigned: Ford 5000 tractor w/Ford loader, JD 1600 16’ hydra-swing swather, JD 530 round baler, livestock handling equip, flatbed & stock trailers. To consign call Jayson 406-366-5125 OR Kyle 406-366-0472 • Consign deadline Sept 28
• Sat, Nov 3, 10am • Granville Stuart & Teddy Blue Abbott Memorabilia Auction — Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT
Darrell Abbott, Owner • Guns, books, artwork, photos, MT memorabilia FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL OR VIEW OUR WEBSITE
Jayson & Kyle Shobe, Auctioneers Lewistown, Mt 406-538-5125 Kyle 406-366-0472 • Jayson 406-366-5125
Custom grazing of stocker cattle
By Dr. Kenny Burdine and Dr. Greg Halich, Extension Specialists in Ag Economics, University of Kentucky The number of questions received about custom grazing has seemed to increase over the last few years. Some of this interest is likely due to an increased focus on backgrounding in Kentucky, but it is also likely due to some of the attractive risk management features of custom grazing arrangements. The purpose of this article is to provide a quick overview of what custom grazing is, as well as discuss some of the key features from the perspective of both the grazier and cattle owner. In a custom grazing system, owners of calves pay a grazier to pasture their cattle for a period of time. There are many ways in which these arrangements can be made, but two of the more common approaches are for the grazier to be paid a set amount per head or for every pound of gain while on the grazing program. Custom grazing arrangements are business agreements, and should be treated as such. I would recommend that each party agree in writing to the terms of their arrangement. In addition to payment terms, parties should also be clear on who is responsible for other expenses such as transportation, minerals, vaccines and health treatments, death loss, etc. Custom grazing can be attractive to both parties for different reasons. In the case of the grazier, less risk is taken on and short-term capital requirements are much lower. The grazier does not bear the market risks associated with the volatile feeder cattle markets, which have created challenges for many backgrounders. Rather than market risk, graziers are primarily accepting animal performance and weather risk. If calves don’t gain well on pasture, or if pasture conditions limit calf gain, the grazier does not see as much revenue. Further, the grazier does not have the capital needs compared to purchasing stockers for the grazing season. Input needs, beyond the pasture itself, are usually limited to mineral, fertilizer, lime, and other pasture maintenance expenses. As for the cattle owner, short-term capital requirements remain high and the risk associated with the calf and feeder cattle markets is still present. However, they do shift some of the production risk to the grazier. It is also attractive to the cattle owner that the primary input cost (feed / pasture) can be easily budgeted in a custom grazing system. Finally, in situations where backgrounders want to expand, but don’t want to purchase additional pasture, custom grazing provides an opportunity to run more stockers without a great deal of long-term investment. A lot of feeder cattle market discussion centers on price risk management, which is warranted given the recent volatility in cattle markets. Forward contracts and futures markets often are at the center of these discussions. However, custom grazing is another risk management tool that allows parties to share in the various risks associated with backgrounding. In volatile markets with increasing capital requirements, arrangements such as this are worth consideration.
Caring for neighbor’s jade plant
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I was entrusted with the care of my neighbors’ jade plants while they were travelling. There was a problem with their furnace, so the house reached extreme temperatures for a few days. To make matters worse, one of the larger plants was located near a heating vent. As a result, the leaves have all shriveled. However, the stock appears firm. I watered them immediately (the incident took place a couple of weeks ago) but they still look the same. Will these plants survive the extreme temperatures they were subjected to? Any direction would be appreciated. A: Because one of the plants you mentioned was near a heating vent, I’m assuming that the furnace just kept running and cooked the plants. Survival is dependent on how long the plant was subjected to the extremely high temperatures, the condition of the plant prior to the event and if there were other mitigating factors contributing to the plant’s damage. Try to keep the soil moist, but don’t overwater. Keep the plants where they get good natural light or provide artificial light. Only time will tell if the plants will recover. It will take a long time. If you have any correspondence with the owners, I’d suggest telling them before they come home just what happened. Baby-sitting someone’s house plants is risky. There is too much that can go wrong and the baby sitter gets the blame.
Heat and drought are hard on trees
Woody plants across the state are suffering from continued heat and drought. Nebraskans should pay particular attention to trees and shrubs and thoroughly water them if they begin to show signs of leaf wilt, discoloration or drying, especially at leaf edges, said Amy Seiler of the Nebraska Forest Service. “A dry winter, minimal spring rains, record high temperatures and low summer precipitation have put extreme stress on trees this summer,” Seiler said. Challenges of this sort also increase their susceptibility to insects and disease later on. Trees are able to obtain moisture longer than most other plants due to deeper roots so symptoms tend to be more delayed and some symptoms may not appear until months or even years later. Newly planted trees are particularly at risk during prolonged dry periods, but even trees that have survived harsh conditions in the past can decline or even die from extended drought and heat. To check soil moisture in a tree’s root zone, Seiler recommends pushing a long screwdriver into the soil a foot or two out from the trunk. If the ground is dry and in need of watering it typically is difficult to push the screwdriver in more than a few inches. If the soil is dry, Seiler said, “Deep, thorough watering will provide the most benefit to trees because it promotes healthy root systems.” One of the best methods for deep, slow watering is to coil a soaker hose around the tree several times from the trunk to the drip line and let it run until the soil is moist to a depth of 8-12 inches. Five gallon buckets with holes can also be used to slow-irrigate the soil under trees. The soil type does affect watering. Sandy soils have to be watered more frequently. Clay soils can be hard to re-hydrate once they dry out but will retain moisture longer. Seiler also stressed the importance of having 2-3 inches of mulch under trees to conserve moisture and insulate the soil from high temperatures. Unlike turfgrass, mulch doesn’t compete with the tree for nutrients and moisture. Some symptoms of drought – stunted or distorted foliage – are similar in appearance to herbicide damage, which has been prevalent this summer. High temperatures have caused herbicides like 2,4-D to volatize and change from liquid to gas. As a result, the herbicide doesn’t bind to soil particles but rises and spreads to trees and shrubs where it damages and distorts the foliage. Seiler and other foresters remind gardeners that applying herbicides and/or fertilizing are more likely to cause damage than to aid plants in extreme heat. This summer will test the region’s trees for hardiness, Seiler said. Some of the hardiest, most drought-tolerant trees include bur and chinkapin oak, gambel oak in the western part of the state and hackberry. More information on tree care and health can be found at More information on drought is available at
Black raspberry bushes
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: My husband and I moved into a house that had black raspberry bushes growing in the small space between our garage and the neighbor’s fence. The first two summers, they produced berries. Now the stalks are thick but not producing berries. However, there are new shoots coming up in the garden along the fence. I want to move them to behind my garage before they become too invasive. Should I prune them back before transplanting? Do I transplant all the stalks? How do I prune them? What’s the best way to stake or support the bushes after I move them? Thanks in advance for your advice. A: These brambles bear their fruit on biennial cane. They are vegetative the first year followed by fruiting the next year and then die off. Generally, brambles are easy to dig up and transplant. You can dig up the new growth (crowns and all) and move them to the new location. Cut the old canes out completely and throw them away or burn them (if allowed). There are many ways to prune and support bramble growth. The easiest way I found is to select the stoutest three or four canes and loosely tie them together at about waist height. Prune out any puny canes and throw them away. When they get too tall, cut the canes back to about shoulder height to make them branch out more. You then are done for the season except for harvesting the delicious and healthy berries they will produce. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
##### The U.S. has 2.3 million people behind bars, leading the world in both the number and percentage of residents it incarcerates. China, though far more populous, ranks a distant second. ##### About 500 meteorites hit the earth every year.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A53
Murray’s Well service 30+ years experience
Complete water system Water witching available Pumps, Water line Well drilling
Call Rick Murray, 406-933-8617 or Cell 406-431-1938 Clancy, Montana
Wes Koss Hunting Real Estate
October 19th, 2012 ~ 4:00 p.m. Sale conducted by Larry Olson Auction Co., at the “Wes Koss” Ranch shop. 42 miles south of Malta on the Regina Road. Signs will be posted.
342 deeded plus 100 BLM acres located in Langton Roughs in the heart of the Larb Hills. Approximately 50 miles south in Phillips County, Malta Montana. BLM borders on west and south sides of property. Home of ELK ~ MULE DEER ~ SHARPTAIL ~ HUNS AND VARMITS! Beautiful Montana sunrises & sunsets!! Possession upon closing: Your bid is considered acceptance of the terms of Views of the Little Rockies, Bear Paw this auction. If buyer fails to close the Mountains and Little Snowies! Title Insurance: The seller will provide down payment is non refundable. If standard owners title insurance through seller fails to close, 100% of the down Dave Broadbrooks P.C. Title Co., Malta, payment will be returned. All funds will Montana. Closing costs will be split be held in escrow at the P.C. Title Co. equally between buyer and seller. So whether you hunt with a gun, a bow and arrow or just a camera, you won’t Terms: A non refundable down payment want to miss out on this rare piece of of 10,000.00 cash must be paid at the Montana land to call your own!!! sale day for final bid. The balance will be due in cash at closing date within 45 days from the winning bidder. Property sold as is where is. The buyer is responsible for conducting their own investigation and review of the property. The final bid will be subject to sellers approval with approval or rejection within 24 hours of auction completion Wes Koss 406-658-2612 Contact Information: Auction Co. – 406-658-2683 – pictures can be emailed by request
VIEWINGS BY APPOINTMENTS. WATER: Springs on the land. Small reervoir if spring run off is available. Power located half mile away from proerty. Guaranteed access into property along east side of fence boundary. Mineral and water rights: NONE Land description: Section 19 T24N R33E South 1/2 + Property taxes are paid for 2012.
Larry & Eva Olson
GOLDEN TRIANGLE SEEDS Plant Phone 406-355-4333
Joplin & Rudyard Ron Spicher Don Troup
PO Box 167 Rudyard, MT 59540
WINTER WHEAT SEED Quake (CSO) Certified Genou (PVP) Bearpaw (PVP) Certified Carter (PVP) Certified Radiant (PVP) Certified Bynum (Clearfield) Judee (PVP) Certified Willow Creek (Forage)
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A54
Batco 1555 conveyor................................. Reduced Price
New Augers Available Gerald’s Auto Service (406) 289-0510
##### Bison have horns. Horns are true boney extensions that are permanent. Horns are never shed, while antlers are shed seasonally. Both cow and bull bison have horns. ##### Weiser, Idaho is Home of the National Old Time Fiddlers Contest.
Hydraulic Breaker Post Drivers For Sale
• Skid loader mount • Low profile • Quick and easy on and off • Full control of post while driving • Very low maintanence • 8” diameter domed cup • 3 sizes available ~ 500-, 750-, 1000-ft. lb.
Montana Post Driver
(406) 239-4824, Gold Creek, MT
Jim Racki, 8 Luedtke Rd., Cut Bank, Montana.
Japanese beetles detected in N.D.
By NDSU Extension Service Japanese beetles, a highly destructive plant pest that feed on more than 300 host plants, have been detected in North Dakota again. “Japanese beetles are established in most states east of the Mississippi River and in Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma and South Dakota,” says Janet Knodel, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service entomologist. Japanese beetle detection trapping has been conducted in North Dakota since 1960, and the pest was first detected in Burleigh County in 2001. After the 2001 detection, Japanese beetles did not become established and were not detected in the annual Japanese beetle detection trapping surveys. However, a single Japanese beetle recently was detected in Grand Forks and several beetles were found in a pheromone trap operated by the North Dakota Department of Agriculture in West Fargo. These beetles represent the second and third detections in North Dakota. Entomologists do not believed that the Japanese beetles have become established as a permanent resident in North Dakota. “Japanese beetles are serious plant pests that attack more than 300 different host plants, including field crops (especially corn and beans), ornamentals, trees, shrubs, garden flowers, vegetables and turf grasses such as lawns, pastures and golf courses,” Knodel says. Preferred host plants include roses, apples, birches, black cherries, cherries, flowering crab apples, plums, grapes, hollyhocks, blackberries, raspberries, lindens, elms and buckeyes. “Adult beetles defoliate the leaves by feeding between the veins, which gives the plants a skeletonized appearance,” Knodel says. “Delicate leaves and petals of roses can be consumed completely. The beetle-damaged leaves act as an aggregation factor and draw in hundreds of beetles.” Larvae (grubs) primarily feed on roots of grasses and can be a pest in pastures, lawns, golf courses and cemeteries. Root feeding reduces the ability of the plant to take up water and to tolerate other stresses such as drought. “If you should see any pests you suspect are Japanese beetles or grubs, please collect them and notify Extension Entomology at (701) 231-7915 or your local Extension Service office,” Knodel says. A NDSU fact sheet is being developed for best pest management recommendations for homeowners and professionals. When completed, it will be available at http://www.ndsu. edu/entomology/extension/.
Too much shade
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: We have an area of lawn that doesn’t get a lot of sunlight because of tall trees and a neighbor’s new fence. The grass is dying even though we water and fertilize the area. Some areas have been dead for years along the side of the house. With the new fence put up by our new neighbor, even grass away from the house is dying. Is there a grass that would flourish in really shady areas? We have a lawn service that fertilizes for us and we mulch when mowing. A: Even shade-tolerant grass species will not do well if the sun is blocked entirely. You might want to try a couple of procedures to see what happens. Try to locate a garden center or seed supplier that sells straight seed (not mixed). What you want is creeping red fescue seed. Get the navigator cultivar if possible. Sow it at 2 to 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet. If you only can get shady grass mixes, then use that. Hire a competent International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist to prune the canopy of your mature trees carefully so that the sun/shade reaching the grass is at least dappled. Don’t push the fertilizer too heavily, and mow at the maximum height of 3-plus inches. Mulch the clippings each time you mow. Overfertilized turf is soft and succulent but more intolerant of wear and vulnerable to insect and disease activity. A heavily shaded lawn needs about half the nitrogen fertilizer of turf grown in full sun. Your lawn service should adjust the application rates when treating your shaded area. If this advice doesn’t result in a grass cover to your satisfaction, then opt for a low-maintenance, shade-tolerant ground cover to replace the dead grass and give up fighting a losing battle. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page A55
UP TO 3 YEARS INTEREST FREE On Used Equipment - oac -
3-pt Hitch Equipment & ATTACHMENTS
2012 John Deere BU1060 bale unroller, hydraulic actuation. #13009131..$1950
Degelman 1030 10-ft. rotary mower, chain guards, 1000 PTO, one lift wing, each wing is 5-ft. 2 extra tires, 4 extra blades. #16007427. (2)...................... $10,500
2011 Buhler 10-ft. rear blade, rear blade assembly. #16009205. (4)........ $4900 2009 Farm King Y750R 7-ft. grooming mower, rear discharge. #16007423. (4)............................................. $2100 King Kutter FM-60-T 5-ft. finish mower. #16007414................................. $650 Loftness 9-ft. snowblower. #16007398. (2)............................................. $5500
2004 Farm King Y9600 8-ft. snowblower, double auger. #16007402. (1).. $2500
Danuser F8 3-pt. post hole digger with 12” auger. #16010018.................... $1475 2012 Frontier GM1084 84” rear grooming mower, rear chin shield, pneumatic tires. #14401655...................... $4350 2012 Frontier GM1072 rear grooming mower, rear chain shield, pneumatic tires. #13009134. (4)................ $3995
2012 Frontier RC2084 7-ft. rotary mower, front & rear chains, laminated rear tire. #14401769............................... $3800
2012 Frontier 2310 10-ft. blade. #13009050. (1)......................... $4500
2012 Highline CFR650 bale processor, 3 hydraulics, feed chopper. #14200817. (2)..............................................CALL 2012 Highline CFR650 bale processor, 3 hydraulics, 1000 PTO, 13/8” 21 spline, 16.5Lx16.1 tires. #14200779. (1).CALL 2012 Highline CFR650 bale processor, 3 hydraulics, 1000 PTO, 13/8” 21 spline, 16.5Lx16.1 tires. #14200778. (1).CALL 2012 Highline CFR650 bale processor, 3 hydraulics, feed chopper, grain tank. #14200816. (3)..........................CALL
2010 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, 167 hp, powershift, transmission, 3-yard quick attach bucket, 2 lever 2-function loader control, standard ZB boom, air ride seat, standard rear hydraulic front axle, manual differential, 20.5x25 L3 tires, full front & back fenders, front & rear lights, environmental drain, reversible fan drive, axle cooler, 10 amp converter, cab, air, radio. #16003605... ............................................. $167,000
2009 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, W0 AX disc transmission, standard ZB boom with standard linkage, conventional steering, cloth air suspension seat, 3 function valve with 2 lever control, ride control, standard rear hydraulic front axles, axle manual differential lock, 20.5x25 16 PR L3 bias tires, full front & rear fenders for muddy applications, HD LED rear lights, standard rear hitch, cab with air, 3 yard 105.9” bucket, ether start aid, engine block heater, precleaner, reversible. #16003496. ........ $159,500 2009 John Deere 544K 4WD loader, 167 hp, powershift transmission, 3-yard, 105.9” quick attach bucket, 3 lever 3 function hydraulic control, standard ZB boom with standard linkage, air ride seat, standard rear hydraulic front axle, manual differential lock, 20.5x26 16-ply L3 bias tires, full front & rear fenders, HD R led rear lights, standard rear hitch, cold start package, precleaner, environmental drain, reversible fan drive, axle cooler, AM/FM/WB radio, 10 amp converter, beacon. #16003552. (1)...............................................CALL
2010 John Deere 320D skid steer, EH Joystick controls, 12x16.5 hauler tires, hi-flow hydraulics package, 2-ft. seat belt, power quick tatch, cab, heat, defrost, air, air suspension seat, reversing fan, horn, backup alarm, cold start package, chrome exhaust, anti-theft activation, AM/FM/WB, rear view mirror, 76” construction bucket. #16008036. (3)............................................$40,000
2003 Cat 226 skid steer, Joystick control, 53 hp, 1500# operating capacity. #16008038.................................CALL 2006 John Deere BL8 snow/utility blade, off JD 240 skid steer. #16009195........ ...................................................$2500
2011 John Deere KV24758 84” utility bucket with edge. #12400161....$1401
2003 John Deere 240 skid steer, hand controls, diesel, 3 cylinder, 66” bucket. #16008039. (1)........................$13,500 2007 Genim MFE84B skid steer, 84” bucket with grapple fork attachment. #16008035.................................$3575
2005 Bobcat S250 skid steer with 2-speed, cab, air, heat, defrost, power tach, advanced hand controls, 12-16.5” 12 ply tires, 74” bucket with tooth bar, 1530 hours. #16008031. (3).............$32,500 1999 Bobcat 753 Advantage skid steer with bucket. #16008037. (3)....$11,500
2011 Genim AWSBN108 9-ft. skid steer snow bucket. #13012265...........$3650
2012 Genim HD3748W skid steer 48” pallet fork. #13012315..................$995 John Deere 1010 crawler, gas, 4 cylinder gas, dozer blade. #16009198.....$7000
2009 John Deere 315 skidsteer with 10x16.5 extra-wall tires, hand only controls, block heater, rear counterweight, suspension seat kit, top window, 60” dirt bucket with cutting edge. #16008040. (1)............................................$19,600
Up to 10,000 bushels/hour during full bin load-out! 2012 Frontier RB2284 7-ft. medium duty blade. #13009051..................... $2500 2012 Frontier AP12K fixed pallet fork, fits global carries Cat 2. #14401775. (4).. . ............................................... $3500 2012 Frontier AP12K fixed pallet fork, fits JD loader with global carrier. #14401774. (1)......................... $3500 2012 Frontier AP12A fixed pallet fork, 48”, fits 800 series JD loader. #14401773.. . ............................................... $2150 2012 Frontier AP13G 48” pallet fork, fits JD global carrier. #13009123. (1)....... . ............................................... $1400 2012 Frontier AP13G 48” pallet fork, fits JD global carrier. #13009122. (1)....... . ............................................... $1400 2012 Frontier AP13G 48” pallet fork, fits JD global carrier. #13009121. (1)....... . ............................................... $1400 2011 Frontier AP13F 48” floating pallet fork, fits JD 200/300/400/500 series combine. #14401103. (2).......... $1475
4000-5000 bushels/hour with 50 feet of hose at full bin load-out! 5500 bushels/hour from a bin sump with 35’ pipe on full bin load-out! New Degelman 3100 right hand discharge Bale King, 1000 PTO, 31x13.50-15 tires. #14200536.......................CALL
Plentywood - 406-765-1531
Glasgow - 406-228-2496 Culbertson - 406-787-6201
Circle - 406-485-2145
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website:
2009 Roto-King MD2820 round bale feeder, fits JD 600 or 700 series loaders, hydraulic drive. #13012157 (1).... . ................................................CALL
Check Out Our WEBSITE: 2012 Road Boss 14-ft. road grader. #13012306............................... $9500
2011 John Deere fork lift attachment with 5-ft. forks, fits payloaders with quick attach system. #16010020.........$4500
Farm Equipment Sales
After Hours Sales:
John Deere
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page A56
Ask Us About Our Used Combine Rent To Own Plan COMBINES
2011 John Deere “4WD” 9770STS 360 hp, 9.0L engine, 3-speed transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 dual drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyno-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & round bar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, wide spread straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001313................................CALL
2011 John Deere “4WD” 9770STS 360 hp, 3-speed hydro transmission, Firestone 20.8x42 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, Command Touch operator control console, Touchset automatic combine adjust, Premium header control package, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, bullet rotor, 2-stage Dyna-Flo II cleaning system, extended wear small wire & roundbar concaves, extended wear grain handling system with high capacity 22.5-ft. unload system, straw chopper, 635D 35-ft. draper header, Mauer grain tank extension, 935 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001308.....CALL 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, field vision HID lights, Contour Master feeder house with reverser & high torque variable speed drive, 3.15” lift cylinders, extended wear threshing elements, separator tines & rotor top cover, extended wear stainless steel clean grain elevator, tank charge housing & grain tank loading auger housing, heavy duty grain tank cross augers, Mauer grain tank extension, 2 speed chopper, 800/70R38, 8L-26 rear tires, adjustable rear axle. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001333.....CALL 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, field vision HID lights, Contour Master feeder house with reverser & high torque variable speed drive, 3.15” lift cylinders, extended wear threshing elements, separator tines & rotor top cover, extended wear stainless steel clean grain elevator, tank charge housing & grain tank loading auger housing, heavy duty grain tank cross augers, Mauer grain tank extension, 2 speed chopper, 800/700R38, 28L-26 rear tires, adjustable rear axle. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001332.....CALL 2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, level land feederhouse, extended wear system, wide spread/fine cut chopper with power cast trailboard, HD final drives, 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, feed accelerator slow down kit, 2-sets of concaves, 18” axle spacers, 740 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001314.....CALL
2010 John Deere 9770STS Premier cab, field vision HID lights, Contour Master feeder house with reverser & high torque variable speed drive, 3.15” lift cylinder, extended wear threshing elements, separator tines and rotor top cover, extended wear “stainless steel” clean grain elevator, tank charge housing and grain tank loading auger housing, heavy duty grain cross augers, Mauer grain tank extension, 2 speed chopper, 800/70R38 drive tires, 28L-26 steering tires, hydro transmission, JD 635D 35-ft. draper header, finger reel, transportation kit. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001229.............CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus custom package, Premier cab, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” lift cylinders, premium header package, small grain & round bar concaves, separator & grain handling package with high capacity 22.5-ft. unloading auger, 2 speed straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires with 4” axle extension, 600/65R26 steering tires, concave cover plates, additional grain tank sensor. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001263... . ................................................CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS 360 hp, hydro, Premier cab package, Contour Master feeder house with reverser, premium header package, 22’x5” high capacity unload auger, widespread straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires with 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, concave cover plates, additional grain tank sensor, 635D35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, transportation kit. “Reconditioned”. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001262. (3)..............................................CALL 2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus, Premier cab, Contour-Master feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” cylinders, premium header, small grain & round bar concaves, separator & grain handling package, high capacity 22.5-ft. unloading auger, 2 speed straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive tires, 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, concave cover plates, additional grain tank sensor. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001263... . ................................................CALL
2000 John Deere 930R header. #16002258. (4)...........................$9500
2012 Unverferth AWS42 42-ft. , wheel steer transport, field runner/green, 235/80x16 tires, no brakes. #14200794....... $9500 2012 Unverferth AWS36 36-ft., wheel steer transport, field runner/green, 225/75x15 tires, no brakes. #14200796....... $9000 2012 header trailer. #16009204....... $7000 2011 Unverferth HT42 42-ft. 4-wheel header trailer, 16-ft. tongue, tie down straps, 4-11L-15” tires. #16010016. (1)............................................... $6950
2009 John Deere 9770STS Performance Plus custom package, premium cab, Contour Master feederhouse with reverser, 3.15” lift cylinders, Premium header, custom cutter extended wear small grain & round bar concaves, separator and grain handling package, high capacity 22.5-ft. unloading auger, straw chopper, Firestone 800/65R32 drive, 4” axle extensions, 600/65R28 steering tires, concave plates, additonal grain tank sensor, Greenstar 2 display, Starfire ITC receiver, 35-ft. 635D platform. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001262. . ..................CALL 2007 John Deere 9760STS Premier cab, Contour Master feeder house with variable speed, PosiTorq drive & reverser, premium header controls with 3 position header height, small grain concaves, straw chopper with tailboard spreader, 800/65R32 drive tires, 600/65R28 steering tires, buddy seat, AM/FM stereo, CD player. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001256.............. . ................................................CALL 2004 John Deere 9760STS chopper with chaff spreader, small wire concave, TouchSet concave adjust, Harvest monitor, Firestone tires, high density lighting, heavy duty final drive, 110 volt coolant heater, 105mm axle spacers, field office training seat with 936D draper header, pickup reel. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001343. (4)..............................................CALL
draper headerS
2011 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, full length skid shoes, cross auger, transportation lights. #16002265.......... ................................................$75,000 2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft. with transportation kit. #16002252.........$55,000 2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft., double sickle, hydrafloat automatic suspension & position control system, gauge wheels, 16” feed drum, 1-piece poly tine pickup reel with 10” center tube, hydraulic fore/aft, dial-a-speed control, 40” wide draper belts, single point hookup, spare sickle & road transport with lights. #16002224.............$50,000 2008 John Deere 635D 35-ft. with transportation kit. #16002259.........$52,000 2005 MacDon 974 60 Series, pickup reel, flex draper. #16002242. (2)........CALL 2003 MacDon 974 header. #16002250..... ................................................$40,000 2003 MacDon 963 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit, 60 Series JD adapter. #16002193..............................$30,000
2011 John Deere 635F 35-ft., composite auger fingers, finger reel. #16002230. . ................................................$44,500 2006 John Deere 635 flexible draper header. #16002237.................$32,500 2006 John Deere 635F 35-ft., pickup reel, composite fingers, high stone dam. #16002264..............................$25,000 2004 John Deere 635F header, auger composite fingers, HH sensing & contour sensor, spare knife. #16002243. (3)............................................$28,500 2001 John Deere 930F 30-ft. with pickup reel, 2 wheel trailer. #16002249.$14,500 2000 John Deere 930F header with finger reel. #16002244. (3)...................CALL 1998 John Deere 930F 30-ft., pickup reel. #16002254..............................$10,000
2010 Unverferth HM4201G “Highway Legal”, 42-ft. Road Runner header trailer, brake lights. #14200541..........$12,950 2012 John Deere 14-ft. belt pickup attachment, hydraulic drive. #16002262.$8000 2012 John Deere 14-ft. belt pickup attachment, hydraulic drive. #16002261.$8000 1981 John Deere 212P 12-ft. pickup header with JD attachment. #16002253...... ...................................................$3995 1979 John Deere 212P 14-ft. header with Melroe 351 pickup attachment. #16002240.................................$3500 1976 John Deere 212P 12-ft., no attachment. #16002212. (1).................$2500 John Deere 100 12-ft. with Melroe attachment. #16002209. (3)...................$700
2004 John Deere 9660STS level land 2002 Agco Gleaner R62 dual tailings, 4 feeder house, 3 position height control, speed hydro, 2 speed cylinder, 30.5x32 Harvest Doc, Touchset adjustment, drive tires, 280 hp, Cummins 8.3L, small wire concave, standard unload plastic finger reel with MacDon 962 auger, spreader, heavy duty final drive 36-ft. header. 0% Finance Available & hydrostatic system, 30.5x32 bar - oac. #16001273. (1)................CALL lug tires, 18.4-26 bar lug rear tires, MISCELLANEOUS training seat, stereo, service lights, Mauer grain tank extension, 16” axle HARVEST equipMENT extension, 635F 35-ft. flex header. 0% John Deere 36-ft. bat reel, fits 930 series Finance Available - oac. #16001297. header. #16002013.................. $1500 (2)..............................................CALL John Deere straw spreader, came off 1998 John Deere 9610 20-ft. unloading 9750 combine. #16001054.......$1500 auger, Dial-A-Speed header, right John Deere straw spreader, off 9760STS. #16001055...............................$1500 hand lever control, hydraulic fore/ aft reel, AM/FM radio, beater grate John Deere straw spreader fits 9600 combine. #16001056.................. $500 curtain with JD 930R rigid header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001272. (1)..............................................CALL 1994 John Deere 9600 chopper, chaff spreader, 30.5LX32 tires, hydraulic fore/aft reel, Dial-A-Speed header right lever control, field lighting, 20-ft. unloading auger with 936D header. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001340. (4)..............................................CALL 1992 John Deere 9600 grain combine, 12” axle extension, 30.5x32 diamond tread tires, 14.9x24 rear tires, straw chopper with JD 930 platform, pickup reel. 0% Interest Available - oac. #16001295. “New” Farm King (3)..............................................CALL 8x36 auger. #13014044 1991 John Deere 9600 combine with chopper, 18.4x38 dual tires, 14.9/24 steering, DAS, Harvest Trak, AM/FM, John Deere 930R platform, pickup reel. 0% Finance Available - oac. #16001277. (4)..........................CALL 1990 John Deere 9600 conventional combine, deluxe cab, air, hydro, 240 bushel grain tank, Dial-A-Matic reel speed & header height, chopper, 2009 John Deere 620i Gator with aggreschaff spreader, new 30.5x32 drive sive tires, OPS structure, deluxe proptires 2011, 400 hours on factory erty care package, rear screen, electric rebuilt engine, reconditioned 2012, over hydraulic bed lift. #16007409. 5306 engine hours, 3611 separator (2)............................................. $9500 hours. 0% Finance Available - oac. 2005 John Deere HPX 4x4 gator, gas, HP#16001327................................CALL aggressive tread tires. #16007401..... John Deere 7720 with 224 header. 0% Fi. ............................................... $7000 nance Available - oac. #16001325... . ................................................CALL
ONLY $3995
Consumer Products
2012 Brent 882 800 bushel, 20” corner auger, 120” rigid axle, 27x32WH/30.5x32 R1 14 ply tires, Weather Guard roll tarp, 3.75” hitch, scale. #14200789. (2)........ ................................................$50,000 2011 Unverferth 1194 Avalanche, 1100 bushel, double auger, 22” pivoting unloading auger, 520/85R42 walking beam, tandem duals. #16010022. (4).. ................................................$71,500 2008 Bourgault 1100 21.5Lx16.1 lug tires, 1000 PTO, roll tarp. #16009206........... ................................................$39,500 2006 Ez-Trail 860 860 bushel, PTO, hydraulic drive, tarp, no scale. #16009207..... ................................................$25,000 UFT 750 750 bushel, green, scale. #16009199. (4)........................$21,000
2011 Case IH Scout XL diesel utility vehicle, Kubota 20 hp 719cc engine, power steering. #16007405. (2)......... . ............................................ $12,800 2009 John Deere X324 lawn tractor, 4-wheel steer, Kawasaki 22 hp engine, hydro transmission, 48” mower deck. 16007273................................. $3250
2011 Rem 3700 14-ft. auger discharge height, 7 flexible steel & aluminum pipes, floor sweep, clean-up nozzle, 70 hp minimum, up to 10,000 bushels per hour. #13004020........................CALL
2006 Walinga 6614 high capacity Agri-Vac, 1000 PTO. #16009208...............$9500
2007 John Deere 7H17 walk behind commercial mower, electric start. #16007411............................... $2500 2003 John Deere GX345 mower, 20 hp Kawasaki engine, hydro, 54” mower deck. #16007422. (4)................ $3500 2-John Deere BG20021 rear bagger kits, fit 48” side discharge mower decks on L120 & L130 mowers. Each....... $399
On Used Equipment - oac
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website:
After Hours Sales:
Unverferth 35-ft. Road Runner header trailer. #16009192. (3)................. $9800 Trailtech heavy duty double 36-ft. draper header trailer, triple axle. #16009114... ................................................$15,000 2009 V-Tech VSA 36-ft. header trailer. #16010013. (1)........................... $1500
John Deere
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page A57
air seeders - RENTAL AVAILABLE
AIR SEEDER 1998 Flexi-Coil 2320 tow behind cart, 7” auger mechanic rate, single fan, 230 bushel. #16005190. (1)............. $9500
UP TO 3 YEARS INTEREST FREE On Used Equipment – oac
Tractors - Row crop - COMPACT
NO-TILL DISK DRILLS 2011 John Deere 1895 43-ft. no-till disk drill, dual delivery tubes/anhydrous, smooth gauge wheels, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package, primary blockage system for seed and fertilizer, main frame dual wheels 31-13.5x15, wing weight bracket, 1910-430 tow behind air seeder, 3-tanks, 6-run double shoot system, 18.4x4R-42 duals, variable seed/fertilizer rate control, 10” loading auger, regular & high rate meter roller. #16005201.......................... $230,000 2009 John Deere 1895 43-ft. no-till air disk drill, 10” spacing, dry fertilizer, steel gauge wheel, double shoot, all run blockage, 31-13.5x15” dual wheels with spare, 1910-430 tow behind air seeder, 6-run double shoot system, regular meter front, regular meter rear, high meter roller, 8” load/unload auger with screen. #16005205...... $215,000 2006 John Deere 1895 40-ft. no-till disk drill, 10” spacing, dual shoot air package, cast closing wheel, steel gauge wheel, 1910-340 tow behind air seeder. #16005203.......................... $173,000
2004 John Deere 1895 42-ft. no-till disk drill, 10” spacing, dry fertilizer, single placement fertilizer, steel gauge wheel tow-behind 1910-430 air seeder, 12” conveyor, flotation tires, variable seed and fertilizer rate control. #16005167. . .......................................... $146,000 2003 John Deere 1890 30-ft. no-till air disk drill, 7.5” spacing, all run blockage system, smooth gauge wheel, 1910195 air seeder. #16005204..$117,000 AIR HOE DRILL 2011 John Deere 1835 41-ft. 550#, 3-rank 5.5”x21”semi pneumatic press wheels, electronic depth control, transport lowering stop, rock guards, tow behind, primary blockage, knife body & hardware, 4” tip with roll pin knife, 2011 JD 1910 430 bu, 3 tank, 4-run double shoot, 10” spacing, reg meter roller/front, high meter roller/ rear, 2-710/70R-38 high flotation tires, dual wheel caster beam, field hitch air sdng tool, 10” auger with steel flighting, variable speed. “Only 3100 acres.” #16005181. (4).................... $180,000 2008 John Deere 1835 60-ft., 10” spacing, JD 1” carbide tips, 33x15.5 flotation tires, duals on wings, rock guards, primary blockage, 4” steel packer wheels, 550# trips, SFB single dick openers with closing wheels, dry fertilizer delivery with 430 bushel John Deere 1910 commodity cart, variable rate, 8” auger, powered calibration, 30.5x32 cane and rice, NH3 hitch, duals on front cart, fill lights. #16005199. (3).......... $177,500
Check Out Our WEBSITE:
2000 John Deere 1820/1900 air hoe drill, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, 4x21” semi-pneumatic packers, rock guards, 1” stealth openers, 1900 air trank, 350 bushel tow behind, 8” load auger, 30.5/32 diamonds, 21.5L/16.1SL cleats, single shoot, primary blockage. #16005139. (3).......................................... $55,000 1998 John Deere 1820 60-ft. air hoe drill, dual caster, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3x21 steel packers, rock guards, 787 tow between air seeder, remote blockage switch. #16005200. (2)... $45,000
2007 Bourgault 5710 53-ft. air hoe drill with 9.8” spacing, stealth 1” openers, single shoot, mid row banders, NH3 system, rock guards, solid steel press, leading 6350 air tank, 8” loading auger, auxiliary lights, 2-tank cart, 30.5x32 cleats. #16005138. (2)...............CALL 2005 Bourgault 5710 53-ft. air hoe drill, 10” row spacing, 450# trips, square seed boots, speed lock adapters, mid-row II banders, double shoot air system, L6450, 3-tank leading air seeder, 10” hydraulic assist load/ unload auger. #16005207... $153,500
2004 Bourgault 5710 54-ft. air hoe drill with mid row banders, 9.8” spacing, 3-1/2” steel packers, 450# trips, 3/4” carbide tips, 5350 tow behind air seeder. #16005194............... $82,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 5000 air hoe drill, steel packer wheels, 2340 air seeder. #16005208. (4)...................... $75,000
2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air hoe drill, 12” spacing, single shoot, 11L-15SL tires, 3.5” steel packer wheels, 4” openers, 2340 tow between 340 bushel twin tank air seeder, 30.5Lx32 12-ply tires. #16005197 (4)....................... $43,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 5.5” spacing semipneumatic packer wheels, double shoot air package with stealth 4” paired row openers, basic pin sensor blockage with 2000 Flexi-Coil 3450 tow between variable rate air cart, single fan, 10” auger, 30.5x32-R3 diamonds with 2000 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow behind variable rate air cart with 50 bushel 3rd tank option, 8” auger, dual fan, 28Lx26 R-1 tires. #16005158. (1)....... $93,000 1998 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 71/2” spacing, stealth boots, carbide tips, 3x21 solid wheels with 3450 cart, one tank, 3 compartments, variable rate, single shoot, 30.5x32 diamond tires. #16005186. (4)...................... $39,000
2009 Great Plains 2600 hydraulic folding 26-ft. disk drills, 7-1/2” spacing, liquid fertilizer attachment. #16005192. (1)... ................................................$47,500
Nows The Time To Prepare Your Stubble for next years seeding!
2012 John Deere 6170R 170 hp, MFWD, 520/85R42 rear tires with 2-450# weights per side, 118” axle, rear fender extensions, 420/90R30 front tires with fenders, 20/20 auto QuadPlus, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, 3-pt. hitch Cat. 3 with quick hitch, deluxe cab, premium radio, cold weather package, hood guard, H380 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple, 3 year/2000 hour PowrGard. #16003635..$159,000 2011 John Deere 8360R MFWD, 360 engine hp, 290 PTO hp, Intelligent power mgmt. IVT transmission, 85cc hydraulic pump with 4 remotes, ILS front axle, premium CommandView II cab, 7” color monitor, 1-3/4” 1000 PTO, Cat. VI drawbar, 710/40R42 dual rears with full coverage fenders, 480/70R34 dual front tires with fenders, HID light package, leather trim, electric mirrors, dual beam radar, cold weather package, 2-1400# rear weights, 16 guick attach front weights, foot throttle, JD link 5-year promotion. #16003566. (1)............$$ Rental Return Save $$
DEMO Summers Super Coulter 35-ft. disk, acremeter package, diamond disk, 340/65R18 on 18x11x8. #13011075.... ................................................... CALL
2011 Bourgault 7200 72-ft. heavy harrow, 5/8” tines, 21.5L-16.1 tires. #12800105. (1)............................................$49,500 1998 John Deere 1810 52-ft. chisel plow with NH3 applicator with new Bourgault carbide tips, 3-bar harrows. #16004064. (3)............................................$24,000
2011 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 96” rear axle, 2 CST-480/80R42, 2 STL front 420/85R28, 20/20 speed Ag Plus, 540/1000 PTO, 3 deluxe remotes, personal posture seat-air, bottom guard for fuel tank, loader ready package, 110 volt auxiliary heater, 200 amp alternator, premium lighting, signal interface socket, multipower outlet strip, cup holder, 1 pair inside cast wheel weights-450#, quick attach, 741 loader. #16006642. (4)........$145,000
2012 John Deere 480/80R50 set of 2 radial Goodyear tires & rims, fits 4930 or 4940 commercial sprayer. #16010030............................ $13,000 2012 John Deere 480/80R50 set of 2 tires & wheels, fits 4930 & 4940 commerical sprayer. #16010029............... $13,000 2012 John Deere AR260462 480/80R46 duals off 7200R tractor. #14401614... . ............................................ $10,000 2-520/85R-46 R2 tires, deep tread with 50 hours. #16009096.................... $2800 2-480/75R-34 R2 tires, deep tread, 50 hours. #16009095.................... $2450 John Deere 18.4x46 dual tire and rim set. #16009106. (1)......................... $1350
John Deere 524 10-ft. dozer blade, came off JD 4440 tractor. #1601031..$2000 Degelman 10-ft. dozer blade, came off JD 4020. #16009197..................... $1500
Fordson tractor, parts machine.
2011 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 96” rear axle, 2 CST-480/80R42, 2 STL front 420/85R28, 20/20 speed Ag Plus, 540/1000 PTO, 3 deluxe remotes, personal posture seat-air, bottom guard for fuel tank, loader ready package, 110 volt auxiliary heater, 200 amp alternator, premium lighting, signal interface socket, multipower outlet strip, cup holder, 1 pair inside cast wheel weights-450#, quick attach, 741 loader. #16006640..............$145,000
2011 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 96” rear axle, 2 CST-480/80R42, 2 STL front 420/85R28, 20/20 speed Ag Plus, 540/1000 PTO, 3 deluxe remotes, personal posture seat-air, bottom guard for fuel tank, loader ready package, 110 volt auxiliary heater, 200 amp alternator, premium lighting, signal interface socket, multipower outlet strip, cup holder, 1 pair inside cast wheel weights-450#, quick attach. #16006639..........................$145,000
After Hours Sales:
John Deere
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722
1980 John Deere 950 MFWD, 23 hp diesel engine, 27 PTO hp, 8F/2R manual transmission, 540 PTO, 3-pt., loader. #16003629...............................$8500 1973 John Deere 4630 2WD, powershift, 2 hydraulics, PTO, no 3-pt., 20.8x38 duals with Degelman dozer. #16003610. (4)......................$20,000
1969 John Deere 4520 2WD, syncro shift, super single rears, no 3-pt., 1000 PTO with 260 loader. #16003378. (1)......... . ............................................$17,500 John Deere 4020 cab, syncro transmission, 23.1-30.00 front with 158 loader & grapple. #16003637. (4).....$12,500
1972 International 1066 2WD, DT414 turbo diesel engine, 125 PTO hp, torque amplifier, cab, heater, air, 18.4x38 tires, 540/1000 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, 3 hydraulics, Leon 747 loader, 96” bucket, 3-tine grapple. #16003528. (1)..........................................$16,000
ag management solutions global guidance
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website:
2007 John Deere 7830 MFWD, AutoQuad, deluxe cab, Auto Trac ready, dual PTO, 4 remotes, recent engine overhaul, 746 loader, 5-tine grapple, 8-ft. bucket. #16003518. (3)..$156,950 2004 John Deere 7820 4700 hours, 3-pt., 3 remotes, 4-450# weights, 420/8Rx28 fronts, 20.8x38 rears with 746 loader. #16003470. (1)......................$98,500 2002 John Deere 4115 3-pt., 24 hp, 2 hydraulic, 540 PTO, front tires 7.00x12, rear tires 35x12-16.5, hydro transmission with JD 410 loader. #16003613. (1).........................................$14,000 2000 John Deere 7210 MFWD, PowrQuad transmission, 3 hydraulics, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4x38 rears, 3-pt., JD 740 loader. #16003640. (2)........... . ............................................$51,000 1998 John Deere 4200 diamond tires 13.6x16 rear, 25x8.5-14 fronts, dual remotes with MID PTO, ROPS with mid mount mower. #16003631........... . ............................................$12,000
2010 John Deere 7630 16 speed, Command View cab, AutoTrac Ready, standard comfort package, 3 Rem cylinder control, 540/1000 PTO, right hand Joystick 3 functions, 480/80R46, extremity lights, foot speed control throttle, cold weather package, AM/ FM/WB/radio, instructional seat, 1 pair inside wheel weights, 746 loader with grapple. #16003601. (1)......$151,500
2012 John Deere 0709PC Greenstar 2 1800 display. #16012227. (4).....$1900 2011 John Deere 0709PC Greenstar 2, 1800 display. #16012235............$2000 John Deere 0705PC Greenstar 2, 2600 display. #16017232.....................$3000 John Deere 0705PC 2600 display. #16017230.................................$3000 2008 John Deere 0900PC Starfire ITC receiver. #16012240...................$1500 John Deere PF80860 Starfire ITC receiver. #16012223. ...............................$1500 John Deere 0330PC GS2 rate controller, 31 pin. #16012087. (1).................$600 John Deere PF90415 display controller bracket. #16012009 (1)................$145
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page A58
2002 John Deere 4895 windrower, selfpropelled, steel/steel conditioner, cab, air with 16-ft. 895 platform. #16006431. (3).......................................... $48,000 1982 John Deere 2420 swather with 240 14-ft. auger head, 21-ft. 130 draper header, 16.5-16 front tires. #16006343. (4)............................................ $9750 John Deere 2320 swather with 15-ft. draper platform, no cab. #16006417.. . ............................................... $2500 2010 Case IH WD1203 swather with 16-ft. header with steel conditioner. #16006419. (1)...................... $95,500
On Used Equipment - oac 2010 John Deere 4930 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, high flow solution pump, SS eductor delivery system, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, BoomTrac auto level system, 50 gallon foam marker, wheel slip control, deluxe cab, AutoTrac Ready, HID field light, fence row nozzles, radar, row crop fenders, start aid, block heater. #16014086. (1).............................................CALL
2009 John Deere 4930 self-propelled with 480/80R50 tires, high flow pump, SS eductor system, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, BoomTrac auto level, foam marker, wheel slip control, auto air level, Zenon HID lights, AM/FM/CD/ WB, fence row nozzles, wheel motor shields, fenders, engine start aid, block heater, 5-body nozzles. #16014092. (3)........................................ $265,000 2008 Apache AS1210 100-ft., variable rate nozzles on three way bodies, Viper Pro, Ravens best system, auto control, auto boom height, AutoSteer, end jets, 1200 gallon poly tank, 275 hp. #16014097. (1).............. $168,000
round balers 1996 Summers DT 100-ft. wheel boom sprayer, 2000 gallon tank, windscreens, double boom. #16014091. (1)............................................ $6000
Flexi-Coil S65XLT pull type, 114-ft., twin boom system, 1000 gallon and 500 gallon tanks, chemical load system, windscreens, rinse tank. #16014048. (3)......................................... $12,500
2002 Hardi CT1200 Commander twin force suspended boom, 90-ft., triple nozzle, adjustable boom angle and windspeed from in cab, 1200 gallons, 110 gallon rinse tank, chemical inductor, 1000 PTO driven pump, 320/90 R46 tires. #16014090. (2)..... $16,000 2008 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom, 1500 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms with windcones, Raven auto rate condtroller. #16014100. (1)........... $30,500
1998 Summers 90-ft. wheel sprayer, 1500 gallon, 140 gallon rinse tank, shields, 440 Raven. #16014099. (1)...... $7000
2011 Sitrex MK16 16 wheel V-rake, 30-ft. working width, 14 mph work speed, minimum 40 hp., 8’3” transport hitch. #13012256............................ $19,500
2005 Brandt QF2500 130-ft. wheel boom, 1500 gallon tank, windcones, mix tank. #16014098............................... $8500
2006 New Holland SF115 133-ft. trailer type sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, windscreens, chemical inductor, 18.4x38 singles, double nozzle bodies-ER80-02 & ER80-04 combo jets, electric end jets, hydraulic drive, Handler I, 15 gallon chemical tank. #16014023............................ $26,750
FERTILIZER SPREADER 2009 Frontier WR1218C 18 wheel, high capacity with center wheel. #13009047............................ $21,500
New Holland 216 hydraulic drive, folding twin rake. #16007358. .......... $13,000
JOHN DEERE 2010 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, dual gauge wheels, push bar, chain oiler system, variable core kit, surface wrap, light kit, moisture tester, rock guards. #16006394............... $40,750 2009 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 flotation tires, hydraulic lift mega wide pickup with dual gauge wheels. #16006438. (1)... . ............................................ $32,000 2008 John Deere 568 surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 flotation tires, hydraulic lift Megawide pickup, push bar. #16007347. (1)............... $32,500 2004 John Deere 567 Mega tooth/wide pickup, twine, hydraulic pickup lift, pickup gauge wheels, bale push bar, bale ramps. #16006430. (1).. $19,000 2001 John Deere 567 bale push bar, Mega Wide pickup, surface wrap. #16006388. (1)...................... $22,500 2001 John Deere 567 with 1000 PTO, wide pickup, push bars, hydraulic pickup lift. #16006361. (4)..... $22,000 2000 John Deere 566 regular pickup, gathering wheels, twine tie, 1000 PTO. #16006342. (4)...................... $12,000 1998 John Deere 566 1000 PTO, 31x13.5 tires, Mega Tooth pickup, hydraulic. #16006273. (2)...................... $10,750 1998 John Deere 566TW round baler, 540 PTO, big tires, push bar, dual gauge wheels, hydraulic pickup. #16006291. (4)............................................. $9995 1997 John Deere 566 540 PTO, regular pickup, surface wrap, hydraulic pickup. #16006368. (1)...................... $10,000 1996 John Deere 566 540 PTO, hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels, push bar, twine tie. #16006248................ $9750 1988 John Deere 530 twine tie, 540 PTO. #16006421............................... $1200
2011 New Leader L3030G4 high capacity, 300 cu. ft., holds up to 10 tons, spread material from 50 lbs. to 1100 lbs. per acre, Accurate spread pattern up to 105-ft. #14200722. (1).......................... .RENTAL RETURN SAVETHOUSANDS
CASE IH 2010 Case IH RB564 480/45-17 flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, mesh wrap, wide pickup, extra sweep. #16006441. (1).......................................... $28,000 2006 Case IH RBX563 1000 PTO, big tires, bale kicker, surface wrap. #16006313 (3)...................... $22,500 2005 Case IH RBX562 twine tie, hydraulic lift, wide pickup. #16006411. (1)......... . ............................................ $21,000 2004 Case IH RBX562 hydraulic pickup lift, mesh wrap, wide pickup, bale kicker. #16006412. (1)........... $22,750 1989 Case IH 8460 twine tie, 540 PTO. #16007363............................... $5000
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website:
After Hours Sales:
John Deere
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Rob Campbell, Salesman 406-942-0543; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Plentywood: DJ. Dixon, Salesman 406-480-3512 Circle: Mike Haynie, Store Manager/Salesman, 406-263-2496; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-790-0722
HESSTON 2001 Hesston 856A 540 PTO, twine only. #16006365. (1)...................... $13,000 NEW HOLLAND 2009 New Holland BR7090 82” pickup, Bale Command, surface wrap, super sweep pickup, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup lift. #16006446. (1)..... $29,000 2007 New Holland BR780A bale ramp, xtra sweep pickup, surface wrap, gauge wheels, 1000 PTO, Bale Command Plus. #16007361......... $21,000 2006 New Holland BR780A surface wrap, hydraulic lift extra-sweep pickup, 1000 PTO, hi flotation tires, bale kicker. #16006433............................ $22,000 2001 New Holland 688 net wrap, crop saver wheels, hydraulic pickup lift. #16006356. (1)...................... $10,750 1994 New Holland 660 1000 PTO. #16007359............................... $3500 VERMEER 2010 Vermeer 605SM net with twine, 11,000 bales. #16006445...... $22,000 2006 Vermeer 605M 21.5x16 flotation tires, HD bale ramp, hydraulic pickup lift, net wrap. #16006422. (3).$22,000 2003 Vermeer 605XL 1000 PTO, twine & net, gauge wheels, bale counter, push bar. #16006434..................... $10,500 1999 Vermeer 605L round baler, accu bale, twine & net, bale kicker. #16006382. (2)........................ .$7500
2002 John Deere 1600A mower conditioner. #16006357. (4)........... $13,800 1996 John Deere 1600A mower conditioner, 110” conditioners, 1000 PTO, rubber conditioner rollers. #16006410. (1)............................................. $9500 1995 John Deere 1600A 16-ft. mower conditioner, new guards 2 years ago, new sickle, rubber conditioner rollers. #16006318. (4)...................... $10,500 1995 John Deere 1600A 16-ft. mower conditioner, 1000 PTO. #16006359. (4).......................................... $10,000 1992 John Deere 1600 mower conditioner, wide roll, 1000 RPM, 16-ft., equal angle hitch & jack. #16006397. (4)............................................. $7500 1992 John Deere 1600 16-ft. mower conditioner, urathane conditioners, 1000 PTO, regular guards, hydraulic pickup lift. #16007362. (1)........ $4500
1989 Agco-Hesston 1170 16-ft. mower conditioner, 110” rubber conditioner rolls, double sickle, double auger, 1000 rpm. #16006305. (3)................. $8000
2008 John Deere 9630T deluxe comfort package, Cat 5 WS drawbar, extremity warning lamps, dual beam radar sensor, Premier lighting package, tool box, field vision Zenon HID light, right hand electric mirror, AM/FM radio/WB/ CD, instructional seat, F/Business band antenna. #16003638. (4).......$292,500
2007 John Deere 9630 deluxe comfort package, AutoTrac Ready, power differential lock, 800/70R38 duals, Premier lighting package, outside mirrors, leather trim, AM/FM, instructional seat, F/business band antenna, rotary beacon light. #16003553. (1)..$240,000 2006 John Deere 9520 scraper tractor, 4 remotes, 18 speed, 710/70R38 duals, standard comfort package, AM/FM/WB/ CD, instructional seat, right/left electric Rem adjust mirrors, 78 gpm hydraulic system. #16003551. (2).........$168,000 2005 John Deere 9420 425 hp, deluxe comfort package, power differential lock, 18/6 powershift transmission, 800/70R38, Premier lighting package, backup alarm, 1000 PTO, AM/FM radio/WB/CD, instructional seat, rotary beacon light. #16003622. (4)..$198,000 2000 John Deere 9400T track tractor, 36” tracks, wide swing drawbar, 3-pt., 6 cylinder, 425 hp, 4 hydraulic outlets, 24F/6R Powersync, 1000 PTO. #16003625. (3)......................$118,000
1992 John Deere 8560 235 hp, 24 speed PowrSync transmission, 3 hydraulics, cab, air, heater, radio with Degelman 12-ft. dozer with hydraulic 6-way functions, New Titan 18.4x38 dual tires. #16003599..............................$67,500
1989 John Deere 8960 370 hp, 20.8x42 duals, 24 speed synchro, Cummins 855, 1800 hours on overhaul. #16003521... ................................................$79,000 1976 John Deere 8430 QuadRange transmission, 18.4x34 duals, 3 hydraulics, PTO, cab with Degelman 12-ft. dozer. #16003609. (4)........................$22,000
1976 Versatile 900 20.8R38 duals, 12 speed manual, no PTO, no pt, 3 remotes, Cummins 903 V8 diesel. #16003639. (1)........................... $7500
NEW XL78 rockpicker
Fast, clean, tough and efficient. We’ve made the XL-78 to pick rocks faster, and with less dirt in the bucket. They’re tough farm hands that stand up to the rough and tumble world of rock picking and you can depend on them to get your rock picking jobs done quickly and easily. • The XL-78 has a picking width of seven feet. • Large bucket capacity. • The XL-78 dumps rocks 7 feet - plenty of height if you’re using a truck or trailer to haul rocks off the field. • Hydraulic reel drive • Heavy duty, high efficiency parallel drive gearbox.
Nine eastern SD 4-H members take top honors! By Phil Olson, Extension - Contributing Author
Left to Right: Maggie O’Brien, Watertown, South Dakota, (3rd place senior division), Hattie Erickson, Britton, South Dakota, (2nd place senior division), Danya Johnson, Baltic, South Dakota, (1st place senior division), Lucas Hattervig, Carthage, South Dakota, (4th place senior division), Sydney Walker, Watertown, South Dakota, (1st place junior division) and Tana Lick, Carthage, South Dakota, (2nd place junior division).
4-H members from Baltic and Watertown took top honors in the ninth annual South Dakota 4-H CHARACTER COUNTS! ™ Public Speaking Contest. Thirty-two South Dakota youth participated in the contest, held August 8th at the Sioux Empire Fair. First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard sponsored the event, which was open to all eastern South Dakota 4-H’ers. They were asked to speak on the theme of how CHARACTER COUNTS! connects with a personal experience, a 4-H project, or a current event. In the senior division, Danya Johnson from Baltic received first place, and was the winner of a $1,000 scholarship. Second place and a $500 scholarship went to Hattie Erickson from Britton. Finishing third in the senior division was Maggie O’Brien from Watertown and the 4th place finisher was Lucas Hattervig from Carthage, South Dakota. All four winners received a special plaque from First PREMIER for their efforts. In the junior division, Sydney Walker from Watertown was the first-place winner. She received a $500 certificate of deposit. Receiving second-place honors and a $250 CD was Tana Lick of Rosholt. The third-place junior winner was Trevor Howe from Valley Springs. These three winners also received plaques. In the Junior novice division Abram Drzycimski of Sioux Falls was awarded $100 for his first place finish in the contest and Jack Revier also of Sioux Falls received $100 for his efforts in the Senior novice division. All of the cash awards for the event were provided by First PREMIER Bank/PREMIER Bankcard. The event was jointly coordinated by South Dakota State University Extension, South Dakota 4-H CHARACTER COUNTS!, The South Dakota 4-H Foundation, Sioux Empire CC! Coalition, Sioux Empire Fair Board, Sanford Health, Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce – Ag Division, and Touchstone Energy. Eleven volunteer judges also gave their time to work with the 4-H’ers on their public speaking skills.
Fewer lilac blooms
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: Your website is great with questions specific to lilacs. I have two bushes that are about 4 years old. Both bloomed for the first time last year and produced huge, very full, gorgeous blooms. This spring, the one in the backyard has no blossoms, but it does look healthy. The lilac in the front yard has fewer blooms than last year and looks sickly. Also, the leaves are curling upward at the edges. It has been a drier spring than usual. Can you tell me what might be going on here and what I might be able to do? Thank you. A: The bloom probably was reduced somewhat if you didn’t cut the spent blooms off the previous year. When the shrub utilizes energy to make seeds, flowering the following year is sometimes set back a little, especially on younger plants. The plant with curled-up leaves could be reacting to herbicide drift from lawn herbicide applications in your yard or next-door. It could also mean that lilac/ash borers are at work. You need to give it a close examination. If you cannot make a determination, contact your Extension Service agent where you live to submit a sample or to make an onsite inspection. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A59
Deadline for advertising in the October 2012 issue is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.
2002 Honey Bee 36-ft. header, U2 split reel with offset Case IH adapters for 2588 and 7088 combine, pumps and drive shafts included............................................................... $25,000 Brandt 5000 grain vac, updated hoses and suction tubes.......................................... $15,000 Phone (406) 379-2629 or 799-5435, Harlem, Montana. Can text pictures
Clearfield Winter Wheat Seed O Norris O O AP503CL O
Not GMO… but selectively bred to be Imi tolerant!
A good way to clean up grassy and broadleaf weeds such as rye, goatgrass, volunteer grain. Call for more information.
Winter Wheat Varieties
▲ Yellowstone
▲ Willow Creek
▲ SY Wolf
▲ Ledger, Falcon, & Quake — OTHERS AVAILABLE —
• Proceed
Treats available: • Stamina • Attendant for wireworm
Silax 100 Hay Preservative Bale your hay at higher moisture levels to retain leaves and increase quality. Costs approximately $2.50 per ton. This is NOT an acid product. Silax 100 is a unique blend of anaerobic bacteria and enzymes.
Our customers tell us this is the best preservative they’ve ever used.
AC Saltlander demonstrates exceptional salinity tolerance equal to tall wheatgrass, better than intermediate wheatgrass and exceeds NewHy RS Wheatgrass in performance. Pasture mixes for dryland and irrigated applications. Ask our agronomist about a blend designed specifically for your needs. Alfalfa: A good selection of brands and varieties for fall seeding. Siberian millet for late seeded and fast growing pasture or hay. Lawn & grass seed: Custom blends for sun, shade, irrigated or dryland.
Grass Seed Wanted
Do you have clean stands of introduced or native grasses? We buy grass seed.
2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406)467-3377 Email: for Sales please call Chad Becker or Scott Gasvoda
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A60
Recipe Patch by Geri Buttery-Onion Corn on the Cob
1/2 cup butter, melted 1 envelope onion soup mix 4 medium ears sweet corn, husks removed In a small bowl, combine butter and soup mix; rub over corn. Place each ear of corn on a 12-in. x 10-in. piece of heavy-duty foil. Fold foil over corn and seal tightly. Bake at 450° for 15-20 minutes or until corn is tender, turning packet once. Yield: 4 servings.
Eggs in Muffin Cups
12 thin slices deli roast beef 6 slices process American cheese, quartered 12 eggs Press one slice of beef onto the bottom and up the sides of each greased muffin cup, forming a shell. Arrange two cheese pieces in each shell. Break one egg into each cup. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 20-25 minutes or until eggs are completely set. Yield: 6 servings (2 each).
Crunchy Sweet Potato Casserole
To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229
Modular Homes by Forest River Housing
Let Us Put You In A New Home Today!!
Turn key - we can do it all!
Many floor plans to choose from Call or e-mail today for more information
3820 6th Ave W., Williston, North Dakota 701-774-5310, 406-396-4090 or 406-471-4049
2 cups mashed sweet potatoes 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1/2 cup 2% milk 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg TOPPING: 1 cup crushed cornflakes 1/2 cup chopped walnuts 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup butter, cubed In a large bowl, combine the first eight ingredients. Spoon into a greased 1-1/2-qt. baking dish. Bake, uncovered, at 375° for 20 minutes or until a thermometer reads 160°. Combine topping ingredients; sprinkle over potatoes. Bake 5-10 minutes longer or until the topping is lightly browned. Yield: 6 servings.
Chili Cheese Dog Casserole
1 package (8-1/2 ounces) corn bread/muffin mix 1 cup chopped green pepper 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/2 cup chopped celery 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 package (1 pound) hot dogs, halved lengthwise and cut into bite-size pieces 1 can (15 ounces) chili with beans 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded cheddar cheese, divided Directions Prepare corn bread batter according to package directions. Spread half the batter into a greased 8-in. square baking dish; set aside. In a large skillet, saute the green pepper, onion and celery in oil until crisp-tender. Stir in hot dogs; saute 3-4 minutes longer or until lightly browned. Stir in the chili, brown sugar, garlic powder and chili powder; heat through. Stir in 3/4 cup cheese. Spoon over corn bread batter; top with remaining corn bread batter. Sprinkle remaining cheese over the top. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 28-32 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Yield: 6 servings. ##### At the age of three years and three months, Ande had watched his dad make a few cakes. When he watched his Grandma Geegee making a cake ‘from scratch’, he became very concerned. He speed dialed his dad and told him “We NEED you down here.” He emphasized the word “need” with a tomahawk chop. He then told his dad that “Geegee is trying to make a cake and she doesn’t know how. She doesn’t have the box with a picture of a cake on it.” Submitted by Ayud Murphy, Anaconda, Montana
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A61
Cut Bank is
PURE LUXURY!!!AND AFFORDABLE!!! 2005 Lincoln Town Car Signature only 62,000 well cared for miles.
PRICED REDUCED!!!!! 2010 Ford F150 Harley Davidson Edition 4x4. ALL THE TOYS!
CAR TOWN 2006 Ford F250 XL crew cab, 6 speed manual tranny, Power Stroke, 4x4.
Right Truck!!! Right Price!!! 2012 Dodge 1500 low miles.
2009 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4. Only $17,995.
2005 Ford F550 diesel. Haul the BIG LOADS!
2003 Ford F250 crew cab, Power Stroke, automatic.
V-10 power in this 1999 Ford F250 crew cab, 4x4.
2005 GMC 1500 4x4.
GORGEOUS 2010 Ford F150 Platinum 4x4.
Low miles on this 2011 Ford F250 XLT supercab, 6.2 V-8.
Custom show pickup for a regular price 2001 Ford F150 supercrew, 4x4, lifted, custom paint, custom leather seats, winch, box cover.
LUXURY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE!!! 2010 Ford F150 platinum!!! Loaded with everything including heated or cooled tooshie!!!
2010 Ford Fusion
AMAZING!!!!!!!!! 1983 Ford F250 with only 118,000 miles. CHEAP!!!!!!!!
2011 Ford F250 Lariat crew cab, Power Stroke, automatic, only 20,000 miles.
2002 Pontiac Trans Am
2011 Ford Focus
2004 Chryser Crossfire.
Ready for work. New 2012 Ford cargo van.
OOOLALA!!!!!! 2010 Ford F150 Lariat
Locally owned! Well cared for! 2005 Subaru Forester
2006 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer!!!!!!!
2002 Taurus 2001 Dodge Durango
2009 Ford F250 Lariat supercab, Power Stroke.
2002 Pontiac Grand Prix GT 2003 Ford Escape front wheel drive.
2001 Chevrolet extended cab, 4x4.
2005 Dodge Stratus 2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer
Save on my wife’s demo. 2012 Ford Ecco Boost Lariat 4700 miles.
2002 Ford Excursion Limited, V10. Very well cared for!
1993 Ford F150 4x4
WHY PAY MORE? John Waller
David Kennedy
Josh Waller
Sabrina Pendleton
Clint Augare
Northern Ford Call 1-800-823-1234 or 1-406-873-5541 Cut Bank, MT See our used inventory at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A62
Deadline for advertising in the October 2012 issue is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28.
Lewistown Honda Sales - Parts - Service
We are the place where ALL ROADS come to.
Located in the center of Montana.
We ship parts & accessories daily
302 Truck Bypass, visit Lewistown, MT site: 406-538-9435 Toll Free 1-800-823-0226 our web
Using a universal pathway to whack at weeds
By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist in Oxford, Mississippi, is working toward developing new herbicides by focusing on a molecular pathway that not only controls weeds, but could have helped shape our nation’s history. Franck Dayan, a plant physiologist with the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Natural Products Utilization Research Unit in Oxford, is an expert on a class of weed killers known as “PPO herbicides,” which choke off the weed’s ability to make chlorophyll. Many weeds are developing resistance to glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide, and alternatives are needed. ARS is USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency, and the research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security. Much of Dayan’s work focuses on ring-shaped pigment molecules known as porphyrins (pronounced POR-ferins) that “bind” or react with different metals and perform vital functions in both plants and animals. A key step in porphyrin synthesis is performed by an enzyme (protoporphyrinogen oxidase or PPO), and disrupting the PPO enzyme can cause problems in plants and animals. In humans, disruption is associated with a congenital disease known as porphyria, with symptoms that may include sensitivity to light, seizures, and other neuropsychiatric problems. In plants, PPO herbicides work by disrupting the enzyme’s production of porphyrins and inhibiting photosynthesis. PPO herbicides have been around for decades and are specifically designed so they will only disrupt PPO enzyme activity in plants and not in humans. Dayan recently published a report on the role PPO enzymes play in triggering resistance to PPO herbicides in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus), a common weed. He and his colleagues compared the molecular structure of PPO enzymes in resistant and susceptible water hemp. The results confirmed that deletion of a single amino acid, known as glycine 210, caused structural changes in the enzyme binding site that allows waterhemp to develop herbicide resistance. The work, published in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, built on previous research showing waterhemp’s resistance capabilities. Understanding the resistance mechanisms should lead to better herbicides. In another report, Dayan described the diverse roles played by porphyrins and PPO enzymes as essential components of life on earth. The article in American Scientist notes that life couldn’t exist without them, and recounts how scholars have argued that a case of porphyria in King George III may have contributed to our nation’s struggle for independence.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page A63
Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220
5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500
1995 New Holland 2550, 14-ft. auger header, 2200 hours.....................................$28,500 New Holland 1495, gas, hydrostatic, 12-ft. header...............................................$8500 2003 John Deere 4995, 14-ft. disc header, steel conditioner, 1400 hours..................$64,200
2009 New Holland T7050, 165 PTO hp, 860TL loader, grapple, 370 hours. Like new condition...............................................$122,100 2005 New Holland TG210 MFD, 175 PTO hp, 3-pt., 4 rear remotes, PTO, weights, duals, 3500 hours.....................................$83,500
1997 Case IH 8850, disc header, cab..$32,500 Hesston 6650, cab, air, 14-ft. header...$15,500 MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700
New Holland 1431 pivot tongue, 13-ft. cut disc mower............................................$12,200 2006 New Holland 499 12-ft. pivot tongue. Excellent condition.........................$17,700 Hesston 1014 14-ft. pivot tongue, 14-ft. sickle head..................................................$6400
2002 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, loader, grapple. 50 hours on new engine warranty, nice................................................$74,500 1991 Ford New Holland 9030, engine end drawbar, cab end 3-pt., PTO, hydraulics, 8500 hours.....................................$29,900 1998 New Holland 8560 MFD, 130 PTO hp, cab, air, loader, grapple, 7940 hours......$49,100 1997 New Holland 8360 MFD, 115 PTO hp, cab, air, loader, 4500 hours...................$51,500 2010 New Holland TD5030 MFD, cab, air, loader, 215 hours. Like new!..........$42,500
2008 New Holland T2320 FWA, hydro, 250TL loader, canopy, 250 hours..............$24,800 2005 New Holland TC35 FWA, hydro, 16LA loader, 215 hours. Nice!.................$17,800 Ford 8000, cab, air, 3-pt., PTO, loader, bucket... . ........................................................$8300 Ford 8N, 6-ft. rear blade. Good running tractor.. . ........................................................$2900
Check Out The NEW New Holland BR7090 Baler
2009 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, 1000 PTO, 4800 bales..............................................$31,100 2008 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 1000 PTO, 3500 bales............................$31,800 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... . .....................................................$24,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ . .....................................................$21,500
Koyker 150 loader and mounts, bucket..$3500 Farm King 100” 3-pt. rigid drag harrow. Like new!....................................................$975 New Holland EZ84 84” rear blade. Like new..... . ..........................................................$825 1981 International truck, Detroit 653, FS1 525 horizontal TMR...............................$33,300 Kirschmann 12-ft. hoe drill.....................$2500 Erskine 960FM 96” front mount snowblower, drive lines..........................................$5800 Polaris PVT 6x6, dump bed. Excellent condition....................................................$5600 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$1500 16-ft. tandem bumper pull trailer..............$1500 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 Danuser 3-pt. post hole auger with 12” auger... . ........................................................$1250 Land Pride PD15 PTO post hole auger with 12” bit......................................................$1240 Shaver post pounders. In Stock........ Save $$$
New Holland L220 skidsteer, cab, heat, 2 speed, 155 hours. Lease return, like new... . .....................................................$33,400 2008 New Holland L185 skidsteer, cab, air, heat, 2 speed, bucket, weights, 2946 hours..............................................$32,400 Post Vibe vibratory post pounder, rock spike, pipe driver, 3 way hydraulic, high flow......... . .....................................................$11,300 Mustang MBH9H 9-ft. backhoe for skidsteer, 24” bucket..........................................$7600 2011 Buhler SB5200 skidsteer snowblower. Excellent...........................................$4800 Horsh 7-ft. snow blade, hydraulic angle, skidsteer loader quick attach. Like new...$3100
New Holland G4020 zero turn mower, 50”deck, bagger system..................................$3200 John Deere LA175 mower, 54” deck, 26 hp Briggs, hydro, 34 hours.....................$2300 Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.
The New Holland BR 7090 Round Baler’s redesigned bale chamber and forming rolls, in combination with the belts and the sealed adjustable hydraulic bale density system, start a core in any crop and build tight perfectly shaped bales. The integral formed ribs of the new rolls provide aggressive crop movement while eliminating surface imperfections on the ribs, which can be detrimental during the wrapping cycle. The new bale chamber design enables the operator to start cores and make bales in crops and conditions that previously would have been too difficult to bale.
NEW New Holland H8060 Discbine Self-Propelled Windrower 8040’s Holland H NEW New In Stock Also r headers with auge
2004 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command.................$19,300 2004 New Holland BR780, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup...$17,500 New Holland BR780, twine.................$14,800 2002 New Holland 688, twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup.............................$14,800 2001 New Holland 688, net/twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup...................$18,200 2000 New Holland 688, twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup.............................$14,100 1997 New Holland 664, net/twine, Bale Command, hydraulic pickup..................$12,100 1995 New Holland 660, net/twine, Bale Command..............................................$12,100 1994 New Holland 660, twine, Bale Command.................................................$9500 1992 New Holland 660, net/twine, Bale Command, 1000 PTO...............................$7500 New Holland 853, twine. Excellent, must see!.. . ........................................................$4800 1997 John Deere 566, twine wrap. Excellent.... . .....................................................$15,700 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100
John Deere 467 16x18...........................$2700
New Holland H8000 Series Speedrower® windrowers deliver capacity that can’t be matched by other machines. They handle all crops - alfalfa, grass, small grains, canola, barley, lentils or peas - with ease and speed, with models that range from 126 horsepower to an industry-leading 226 horsepower. The control achieved with the H8000 windrowers takes productivity to the highest level.
New Holland FP230 pull-type chopper, 27P hay head...............................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull-type stack wagon. Excellent....................................................$6800 New Holland 1012 pull-type stack wagon......... . ........................................................$3700 Holsher Model 180 bale pack, handles 18 14x18 bales.......................................$4500 New Holland 258 9’6” rake, left side hydraulic drive, rubber tines. Like new..............$6200 Sitrex 3-point belt rake............................$1840
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page A64
AUGERS “I have a large selection of Ford auto parts from years 1960 to 2000. This is inventory from Power Motors’ many years as a Ford dealer. Call or e-mail with a part number. We do not have access to a system that identifies what a particular part on the shelf will fit. George Fultz
Power Motors Implement - Fort Benton George Fultz (406) 799-7459 H
Feterl 72-ft. swing hopper auger..........$6500 Hart Carter professional grain clean mill, disc machine with scalper....................$7000
2005 Case IH 2388 combine with specialty rotor, AutoLube, Auto Steer, large grain tank extension, 1683 engine hours, 1340 rotor hours. Field Ready..........................$130,000 OR BEST REASONABLE OFFER
Phone (406) 753-2393, cell 450-1968 or 450-6905
International 5488 2WD tractor, 187 hp, 3-point, PTO......................................$18,000
Loren Hawks, Distributor
2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810 Visit us at In Canada contact Vic Wickstrom (403) 528-3350
Get your order in today!
Carbide mud scrapers for Flexi-Coil and disk scrapers for Bourgault New Expanded Product Line nt Consiste of y it m Unifor Depth Planting
ar Long-we m iu Chrom e id Carb
“Points for most conventional and air drills”
Shipping to your door available -- Plan Now and Order Early!
Call for information and price quote Stock on hand
R!!! E D N I REM d for e r a p e r p l l i r Have your d w to o n l l a c d n a fall seeding eeds! n r u o y e r u c se
UW research center field day
The driver pulling the trailer with rows of seating slowed and paused for a group of people crossing the parched yards at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center near Lingle – an unspoken invite for a ride. Betty Deeney of Hawk Springs waved the driver on. “They want to see the equipment,” she called to him, pointing to the men she was walking with and then, as a way of explanation, added, “Farmers.” An estimated 150 attended the revamped SAREC field day Thursday, August 23. The field day, switched to late afternoon, ended with a cream can dinner. The field day had three-minute research presentations but also trailer tours during which those attending could climb down and see and stay at whatever research plot they wanted. UW scientists awaited them. “I like this,” said Deeney, who attended with her husband, Lindsey Arnold. “I think you have a chance to go on your own more, and we stayed longer in one place than another. In whatever area of interest you like, you have more time to spend and visit with people.” Beth Burritt of Utah State University began activities showing how cattle can be trained to graze forage they not normally would. That struck Robert Lewis, who lives near Lingle. He has rented his backgrounder feeder calf feedlot and lamented the pressures drought, loss of forage and high feed prices dealt producers. High grain prices have couple with high forage prices. Cattle had to be sold, which will decrease prices but also decrease cattle numbers. Prices will eventually rebound, he believes, and perhaps in another year or two the costs will be more relative to cattle values. “There are a lot of dynamics in the short-term,” said Lewis. “It’s going to be kind of sporting to see where the equilibrium is about whether people can get through the bottleneck. It’s going to require they use some unconventional things that maybe they hadn’t looked at before, such as alternative feedstuffs. It’s going to be a really challenging year for producers.” Those attending saw scientists show weed research, Roundup-Ready alfalfa studies, shade avoidance in sugar beets, omega-3 supplementation in cattle, a project that examines organic, conventional and no-till operations coupled with livestock, forage trials and more. SAREC operations director Jim Freeburn said he believes the field day was the best they’ve had. “It seemed more relaxed and people were more at ease,” he said. Research posters were attached to a large truck and to sides of buildings, and there were tents under which people could escape from the late-afternoon sun and visit. “There were many things for which people gave me positive feedback,” Freeburn said. “They liked the new tour format, the posters and the fastest three-minute presentations. Having the big tent and the opportunity to mingle and visit with UW faculty members and researchers in a nonstructured way seemed to be very well-received.” Deeney said she liked seeing the research, especially pertaining to livestock, and said there is information she can put to use on their wheat, irrigated corn and cattle operation. The field day was the first for Lewis, who said his schedule had always prevented him from attending. “I think there is value seeing what research there is, the work going on here,” he said. “What is really good is not only was it agronomy and crop-growing aspects, but there was also an animal science side to it, particularly the beef feedlot experiments and the guest speaker talking about how animals decide what they are going to eat and that animals can be trained to eat different types of plants.” Lewis added, “In a day and age when we are short on feedstuffs, the high cost of feeds, people have to really be creative on how they can get through the tough times and open the door to look at alternatives and unconventional things that hadn’t been considered before.”
Overwatered cactus
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I have potted cactus plants that were overwatered by a house sitter, so now they are rotting. Will they recover? Most of the plants have rotting spots and some of the limbs are falling off. I’m so sad because they were so beautiful. A: Once rot sets in, it has been my experience with desert cactus that it will lead to the death of the plant. In nature, cactus plants can recover. However, as houseplants, I’ve not known of any cases where recovery has taken place. Sorry to have to advise you to dump your plants and start over.
3V Distributing, Conrad ......................................B15 Action Toys, Billings ............................................A44 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman ........................................................B35 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls ..B11, B12, B13 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls .................C34 Ag Wise, Kremlin ................................................C50 American Manufacturing, Hogeland ...................B44 American Pipe, Cut Bank ...................................C31 Automotive Machine Inc., Great Falls ...................C6 B & B Ag Supply, Inc, Broadview ........................C38 Barber Seed Service, Denton ...............................C5 BASF ..................................................................A16 Basin Seed, LLC, Standford ...............................C22 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown .........................B6 Bayer Crop Science ..............................................A9 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank ....................................B38 Ben Taylor, Valier.................................................C19 Big Equipment Co., Havre ..................................B55 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad ...................... A38, A39 Big Sky Hydraulics, Great Falls ............................C2 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn........C20 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby ............. A22, B25 Bill’s Service & Repair, Conrad ...........................C20 Bouma Post Yards, Choteau .................................C5 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls ... INSERT BTI Feeds, Cut Bank ..........................................C19 Buckley Auction ..................................................B56 C Moore Fab & Repair & Equipment Sales, Miles City .................................................................B21 Capital Trailer & Equipment, Helena ...................C40 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls ... B21, C30 Case IH Dealers .................................................C63 CD Meyer Law Firm, Bozeman...........................A48 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula.............................C53 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ..........................C44 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks ...........C18 Courtesy Ford, Conrad .......................................C37 Cox Ranch Equipment, Winston .........................B16 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank .....................................A48 Dave’s Repair LLC, Charlo .................................A30 Denny’s Service & Repair, Black Eagle ..............C31 DeVoe’s, Valier ....................................................C16 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby ..................................C62 Diesel Power Parts & Machine, East Missoula ...C24 Dillon Imp (now Frontline Ag Dillon) ...................C11 Dirkes’, Fairfield & Choteau ................................B36 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman...............A46 Dry Fork Ag, Ledger ...........................................A34 Durnell Fencing, Valier ........................................C58 Eagle Equipment, Belgrade ................................A20 Eddy Bauer, Wolf Point .......................................B10 Enduraplas, Neche ND .......................................C37 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls..... B50, B51
Escrow Montana LLC, Whitefish .........................C52 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish .....................C62 Farm Equipment Sales, Glasgow, Plentywood, Culbertson, Circle .................A55, A56, A57, A58 First State Bank, Shelby .....................................B40 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton ...........C30, C50 Flaman Rentals ..................................................C27 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power .................... B8, C15 Fosse Insurance Agency, Great Falls .................C60 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness .................................B37 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls ........... .............................................A10, C25, C48, C57 Frontline Ag, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon ..... .................................................C8, C9, C10, C26 Frontline Ag Dillon (formerly Dillon Imp), Dillon ..C11 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad ..................C7 G&M Bins, LLC, Mark McInerney, Fairfield .........A22 Gerald’s Auto Service, Conrad ...........................A54 Gerber’s, Great Falls.................................. A44, C28 Get ‘Er Done, Brady ............................................C46 GL Appraisal & Brokerage, Glenn Larson, Opheim .. .......................................................................B46 Glasgow Implement, Glasgow ............................B49 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy .......................C3 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard ........................A53 Gomer’s Diesel & Electric, Missoula .....................B4 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier ............C55 H & H Spreading, Conrad ...................................A20 Harris Custom Swathing, Conrad .......................A52 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin .................A49 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena ........B41 Henke Enterprises, Chester ..............................C24 Hi-Hog Equipment ................................................B1 Highline Communications, Cut Bank ..................A18 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls ................ B2, B3 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank .................B5 I-State Truck Center, Missoula ............................B47 IMS Construction, Columbia Falls ......................B33 J & J Homes, Williston, ND .................................A60 J & M Trailer Sales, Laurel ..................................B52 J.A.R.R., Choteau ...............................................C54 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook ................ B32, B40 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte .......................A34 K.R. Rauch Company, Billings ............................A17 Krogmann Mfg. ...................................................C56 Kuhr Fencing, Havre ...........................................C28 Lake Seed, Ronan ..............................................C16 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown.................... A62, B20
LM Machinery, Missoula .....................................B45 Lost Valley Fence, Fairfield ...................................C6 M & R Seed Cleaning, Watford City, ND .............C38 M & W Machine, Three Forks .............................C34 Maxwell Lumber, Lewistown ...............................C53 Midland Implement , Billings ...............................C62 Milk River Co-op, Big Sandy, Chinook, Havre, Malta, Rudyard, Turner ................................................A4 MK Industries, Conrad ........................................C14 Montana Metal Fabrications, Inc, Great Falls .....C38 Montana Post Driver, St Ignatius ........................A54 Montana Post Frame, Townsend .........................B10 Montana Seed & Grain, Billings............................C1 Montana Seed Trade Association .......................B54 Moodie Implement, Havre, Lewistown, Great Falls, Livingston, Belgrade.............................. A24, A25 Motor Power, Great Falls ....................................C58 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade ............................B8 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville ........C22 Murray’s Well Service, Clancy ............................A53 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup ...C40, C41 N.F., Inc, Froid.....................................................C32 Nardinger Irrigation, Great Falls .........................B20 Neal Law, P.C., Conrad .......................................C58 New Holland Dealers ..........................................C61 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade ....................A63 New Homes of the Future, Billings .....................C20 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank ..............................C29 Northern Ford, Cut Bank ....................................A61 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls ...............C22, C47 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point ....... B27, C2 Northern Seed, Conrad & Shelby .......................A26 Northwest Plastics, Libby ...................................A16 Pacific Recycling, Great Falls .............................B17 Patty Seaman Homes, Kalispell ...........................C1 Performance Ag Services, Conrad .......................C7 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton ...............A64 Powerhouse Equipment, Floweree .......................C4 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula ..........C42 Pure Bliss Cycle Sales, Conrad ................... B4, C60 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser ..................B16 Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Chinook ..........C43 RDO Equipment, Billings ....................................C42 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell ....... A46, B31 Rocky Mountain Outdoor Structures, Great FallsB14 Rocky Mountain Truck Sales, Great Falls ...........B48 Scenic City Trailer Sales, Belgrade .....................A50
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B1
SeedMaster ..........................................................A8 Seubert Insurance, Chester, Shelby .....................B6 Shobe Auction & United Country Realty, Lewistown A52 Shop Specialties, Ronan ......................................A2 Shortline Ag, Inc, Scobey ..................A32, C18, C49 Sod Buster Sales, Polson .......................... A30, C36 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ..............A50 Steel Etc., LLP, Great Falls & Bozeman..............C51 Steinhatchee, Lance Nelson, Stevensville..........C52 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon ..........................B18 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad .............B16 Suppertime Stoves, Robert Troyer, Moore ..........C47 Sunrise Equipment, Sidney ................................B43 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls ............. B7, B56 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby ..................................C19 The Gear House, Helena....................................C47 The Repair Shop, Choteau .................................C30 The Truck Shop of Billings ..................................B19 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks B46 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester ...................................B47 Tilleman Motor Company, Havre ........................C35 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange.....................................A28 Tomsheck Ag LLC, Oilmont ......................... A2, C21 Torgerson’s, Ethridge, Great Falls, Lewistown, Havre, Denton, Billings ....................C12, C13, C17, C64 Townsend Seeds, Inc, Townsend ........................C32 Transport Equipment, Missoula ..........................B27 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield ............................A59 Trendline Vermeer Sales, Baker................. B16, B17 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton ............... A48, C56 Tri-County Implement, Sidney.............................B39 Triple T Farm Services LLC, Laurel ....................C52 Triple T Sales, Chinook .........................................B9 Triple W Equipment, Kalispell, Missoula, Ronan C33 Vaughn Truck, Havre .................................... B7, B33 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester .........................A64 Wally’s Over Door Co., Great Falls .....................C28 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad...............................B18 West Plains Implement, Beach, Dickinson, Bowman, Hettinger.........................................................B53 West Bred, Bozeman ..........................................A23 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula ..........C21 Western Pipe & Rod, Joe Gunderson, Columbia Falls ................................................................C44 Western Ranch Supply, Billings ..........................B42 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger ............... B16, B17 Wild Horse Seed, Havre .....................................C15 Wilray Manufacturing, Fort Benton .....................C45 Woody’s Lumber & Sawmill, Helena ...................C60 World Equipment, Idaho Falls, ID .......................C23 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade, Ronan ..........B44 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow ................................ B22, B23 Zomer Truck, Conrad ................................. A42, A43
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B2
NEW Vermeer BPX9000 Bale Processor
Save time and money by getting your machinery ready this winter
WINTER SERVICE SPECIAL Detailed on Farm Combine inspections Call today for details
Process both Round & Big Square bales The all-new BPX9000 Bale Processor combines simplicity, durability and versatility to meet the needs of today’s cattle producers. The easy to operate machine is built tough with a unique, T-style frame, the bed design and offset rotor produce even and consistent feed with minimal maintenance, and an optional large square bale kit includes enhancements to effectively process a variety of bales. The BPX9000 is built to maximize bale processing and minimize operator stress.
Vermeer BP8000 processor, right hand discharge............................................$14,500 Highline 6800 processor....................... CALL Highline 6600 round bale processor.....$8900
This program includes:
5% Discount
10% Discount
Receive a free Hoven Equipment Jacket with purchases over $2000
50% OFF
On Parts
On Service
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Case IH WD1203 windrower................. $79,900
“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
Westward (MacDon) M100 self-propelled, no headers............................................ $69,000 MacDon 9000 14-ft. header.................. $29,900 Case IH 8830 21-ft. draper header....... $19,900 Hesston 8100 swather with 25-ft. draper header, double swath.........................CALL Hesston 1360 13-ft. rotary disc, hydro-swing.... . .......................................................... $9900 USED MISCELLANEOUS Hesston 1270 hydro swing........JUST TRADED NEW Universal U2 25-ft. pickup reel fits New Holland 72C, 73C & 74C and International Hesston 1170 pull-type hydro swing....... $8900 2010 & 2020 headers........................$4250 Kuhn 500 rotary disc mower................. $14,900 Walinga 7614 grain vac.........................$9900 Case IH SCX100 mower conditioner..$17,351 Degelman 12HD dozer..........................$4500 Case IH 8370 hydro-swing...................... $7900 John Deere 945 14-ft. rotary disc MoCo.$13,900 John Deere 930 11’6” pull type disc mower.$7900 New Holland 1116 14-ft. header with push frame for bidirectional.................................... $4500
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
New Gleaner S77 - IN STOCK
8x36 8x41 10x70 13x70
CONSIGNMENTS Case IH 1680 combine with 30-ft. header......... ........................................................ $45,000 Gleaner R60 combine with pickup header & 36-ft. MacDon 960 header............... $25,000 White/Gleaner 2662 combine, 30-ft. header with Cummins engine............................. $44,900 White 9720 combine........................... $11,000 John Deere 7700 combine.................. $10,000 White header, 15-ft..................................CALL Massey-Ferguson 8560 combine, 24-ft. header............................................. $28,000 Case 8840 swather........................ COMING IN 2-Universal II 25-ft. pickup reels. Each... $2500 MacDon 9350 swather, no header...... $39,900 MacDon 9000 swather, 14-ft. header... $27,900 Hesston 8450 25-ft. shiftable draper head, 14-ft. auger head, header trailer............... $55,000 Hesston 6400 swather with 20-ft. draper header and 14-ft. auger header...................... $8000 Versatile 400 swather with 21-ft. header..$6000 2003 Hytrux with 90-ft. F&S sprayer... $37,000 Brandt 90-ft. trailer sprayer..................... $8500 Bean sprayer, 300 gallon, 100-ft. hose reel.$1250 New Holland 9030 bidirectional tractor..$30,500 John Deere 8640 tractor..................... $26,000 John Deere 8630 tractor with 14-ft. Degelman dozer................................................ $30,000 John Deere 4010 2WD tractor with loader, cab, 3-pt., PTO....................................... JUST IN
New Danuser & Wheatheart Post Hole Diggers
Built with farmers in mind The machine offers all the nimbleness of our prior R Series with a significant increase in capacity and capability. For those farmers who want all of the preformance without all the bulk, we present to you our latest innovation: the Gleaner Super Series. USED COMBINES
New Augers – IN STOCK
MacDon 25-ft. draper header, fits 7000 & 9000 Series............................................ JUST IN 1996 MacDon 920 14-ft. hay header..$14,000 1993 MacDon 920 14-ft. hay header..$13,000 MacDon 871 adapter.............................$1000 Gleaner 327 27-ft. header with batt reel..$7900 3-Gleaner 15-ft. N-series pickup headers with Victory 7 or 8 belt attachment. Each.$5900 Gleaner 324 24-ft. header with batt reel..$1500 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.................$799
Gleaner Super 77 with chopper & chaff spreader, auto-steer...................... $249,000 Gleaner R72.............................JUST TRADED
Most all sizes on hand
NEW Post Pounders IN STOCK
Gleaner R72 combine......................... $49,000 Gleaner N6 combine.............................. $9900 Case IH 2388 25-ft. 1010 header, 1015 pickup header.................................................CALL Case IH 1660 combine with 24-ft. header, 13-ft. pickup header with attachment........ $19,000
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
Lawn Mowers - IN STOCK
Hoven Equipment
Case David Brown 1412 2WD tractor, no loader.................................................. $7500 Ford 800 tractor with loader.................... $3995 1116 BF adapter conditioner fits 9030 bidirectional................................................... $2000 John Deere 270 skid steer.................. $19,900 John Deere 1900 disk drills................ $79,000 Concord 1100 24-ft. air drill with Concord tow between cart................................... $18,900 New Holland 580 16x18 square baler... $9900 New Holland 1030 pull-type balewagon..$6000 Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine & net....... ........................................................ $18,900 Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine... $14,900 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only........... .......................................................... 14,900 Neuer 8120 grain vac............................. $5000 Westgo 8x31 PTO drive auger............... $2250 GT 8x40 grain auger, PTO drive............... $990 Westfield D1606 drill fill........................... $650 1965 Dodge truck with hoist, V-8, 5 speed transmission....................................... $2000 40-ft. tandem axle gooseneck lowboy..$18,900 1996 Eagle tandem dually pintle hitch flatbed, 6-ft. beavertail..................................... $9000 DuAl loader............................................. $1500 Melroe 516 19-ft., 3-pt. duckfoot............. $1500 Schulte 3020 batwing mower.............. $15,000 Case 10 sickle mower............................... $800 Ford 5-ft., 3-pt. rotary mower.................... $500
Apache AS715 self-propelled, 750 gallon, 90-ft. booms........................................... $130,000 Agco 7650 90-ft. Spra-Coupe........... $124,000 Melroe 220 Spra-Coupe...............COMING IN
Wheatheart 13x80 auger.......... JUST TRADED Farm King 10x80 swing hopper............ $10,900 Farm King 13x70 auger........................ $10,500 Farm King 13x70 swing hopper auger with power hopper mover.................................... $10,000 Farm King 13x70 swing hopper............ $10,000 Farm King 10x36 PTO............................. $4500 Westfield 13x70 swing auger................ $10,500 Westfield 13x70 swing auger................ $10,000 Alloway 10x71 swing hopper................... $3300 Alloway 10x61 swing hopper auger......... $3000
Now Accepting WASTE OIL
406-727-7153 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B3
CFR650 Round Bale Processors Complete feed system with the Patented Feed Chopper™ & “Metered Grain Insertion System™”
To help farmers get more done, and keep getting it done, we introduced the first large square baler 30 years ago. Since then, we’ve only continued to innovate. In fact our new 2150 Massey Ferguson® Hesston Series 3x3 large square baler even includes key features from our 3x4 and 4x4 balers. Like our exclusive Hesston Series chain drive. Nothing’s more efficient or easier to maintain - thanks to just two shear bolts on the entire drive system. Our 2100 Series offer greater capacity, better bale-building and more reliability and serviceability. Count on them. Time and time again. See your dealer or visit
Hoven Equipment
• Place processed feed in a windrow in the field. • Place processed feed in a bunk. • Spread bedding bales up to 50 feet for an even and lofty spread. • Process one bale while carrying another on the forks. • Loading a bale is a one person job from the tractor cab. • Unrolls and processes round bales with PTO-powered flails. This process blows away mold, dust and mildew. Feed is more palatable and reduces lung and digestive problems in cattle.
4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT
Massey Ferguson® 7600 Series Tractors
140 - 180 hp
Hesston 565A round, mesh wrap......$12,900 2-Hesston 565A round balers. Each.....$8900 Case IH RBX562 round baler, twine & net....... .......................................................$18,000 Vermeer 555XL round baler, 5x5 baler, twine only.................................................$14,900
After Season IN STOCK Sale Call for your Twine and Net Wrap needs
Challenger LB34B 3x4 square baler with accumulator........................................$85,900 Hesston 7434 3x4 square baler with roller chute...............................................$74,900 Case 8555 16x18 square baler......................... ........................................... JUST TRADED New Holland BR780A round baler... JUST IN 2-Hesston 956A round balers. Ea......$19,900 2-Hesston 856A round balers. Ea.....$14,900
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
More Power. More Choices. More performance. Welcome to the next generation of mid-frame row crop tractors with a completely redesigned cab, generation 2 SCR technology, the industry leader in emissions control, and all new family styling. The 7600 Series features the choice of the exclusive Dyna-VT™ CVT (continuously variable transmission) which provides infinitely variable speed control from supercreep to transport speed without shifting, jerking or a delay in traction or power, or the industry unique 24F/24R Partial Powershift with exclusive features like pre-set cruise speeds and standard Autodrive. Together, with the upgraded cab, emissions system, and choice of transmissions, the 7600 Series combines into the perfect tractor for any job around the farm or the field.
• Customized comfort. Tough enough for any job. • Transmissions with the most efficient power transfer in the industry. More productivity at the touch of a button. • Less time spent refueling, more time spent working. USED TRACTORS Challenger MT555B MFD, 130 PTO hp with loader............................................... $79,900
New MORRIS 900 &1400 Hay Hikers
Haying operations must be efficient in the face of rising costs. Morris Industries has become an industry leader in round bale systems. The proven ProAg Hay Hiker turns round bale loading and unloading into a fast, easy, one-person operation, saving you time, money and labor. Up to eighteen bales can be picked on the go, in a single pass, and unloaded without ever having to leave your tractor cab. The ProAg 900 Hay Hiker and the larger capacity 1400 Hay Hiker deliver superior performance and value.
Morris 881 Hay Hiker....................... $17,900 H&S HN7A hay machine......................... $4900 Case IH MXU110 MFD, loader, bucket, grapple.................................................... $49,900 Case 1570 2WD tractor....................... $10,800 Case 1412 2WD tractor, no loader..COMING IN Case David Brown 1412 2WD, no loader.$7500 Allis-Chalmers 185 2WD, 3-pt., PTO..... $5500
Ford 946 4WD articulated tractor with duals.... ........................................................ $44,000 Steiger 210 4WD tractor..........................CALL Versatile 400 articulated 4WD.................CALL Ford 7700 2WD tractor with loader & grapple.. USED CONVENTIONAL DRILL .......................................................... 15,900 4-Morris MH300 10-ft. grain drills with 12” spacJohn Deere 4010 with cab, Ezee-On loader, ing, transport.....................................$6000 grapple............................................. $12,900 1-4-drill hitch for JD 9350, 10-ft. drills.
Massey-Ferguson 492 tractor.
Morris Maxim 39-ft. air drill.................. $49,900 Morris 39-ft., 10” spacing with 7180 tow between cart................................................... $40,000
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
New Holland 1049 self propelled balewagon.. ...................................................... $12,900
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
“Our service sets us apart” Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
New Swing Away Augers Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT
Ken – Cell, 788-4588; Sean – Cell, 899-0889; Ed – 231-4254; Rick – 231-9898
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B4
If you have items you want advertised in the October 2012 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM IS SEPTEMBER 28.
New southern fresh-market blueberries
By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Growers and consumers alike stand to benefit from Gupton and Pearl, two new southern highbush blueberry cultivars developed by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers in Poplarville, Mississippi. In addition to high yields of plump, flavorful berries and vigorous growth, the new cultivars should give southern growers a jump on the lucrative, early-ripening fresh market, which starts in April and May. According to Stephen Stringer, a geneticist with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), there’s been limited acreage of southern highbush blueberries because their lack of vigor has made them difficult to grow. Gupton and Pearl are different because they were derived from crosses made among southern highbush germplasm with improved adaptation to the southeastern United States, says Stringer. He’s with the Thad Cochran Southern Horticultural Research Laboratory, which is operated in Poplarville by ARS, the USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency. Stringer collaborated on the cultivars’ development, testing and release with ARS horticulturists Donna Marshall and James Spiers (retired) and ARS small-fruits breeder Arlen Draper (retired). In Mississippi field trials, Gupton and Pearl flowered in mid to late April and were ready for harvest approximately 21 days before the earliest ripening rabbiteye cultivars, the predominant type grown in the South. The highbush cultivars produce firm, medium-to-large berries with light blue color and a high soluble-solids content, among other desirable traits. The cultivars themselves grow as coneshaped, upright shrubs and have a chilling requirement (necessary for springtime blooms) of 400 to 500 hours at temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Gupton, released in 2006, and Pearl, released in 2010, are finding their way into crop fields and nurseries as more propagative material becomes available from tissue-culture operations and softwood cuttings. Several nurseries have requested Pearl, and some Mississippi growers already have planted Gutpon in small commercial plots, Stringer reports. Michigan, Maine, New Jersey and other northern states lead U.S. production, but year-round demand for the antioxidant-rich berry has given southern growers a chance to get a bigger piece of the action—especially the early-ripening fresh market, for which southern highbush blueberries are ideally suited.
National positions for ND Seed Department managers
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By NDSU Extension Service Two North Dakota State Seed Department managers were elected to leadership positions in their respective national organizations during recent annual meetings. Steve Sebesta, State Seed Department deputy seed commissioner, was elected by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) board of directors to serve as president. The election was held during the association’s meeting in Sun Valley, Idaho. Sebesta, who served as vice president last year, was re-elected by northern region directors to a third term on the board of directors in April. He has held numerous committee assignments in AOSCA since joining the Seed Department in 2003. “It’s a great honor to be elected by my peers to serve as president of AOSCA,” Sebesta says. “I consider it a recognition of the strength of the seed certification program in North Dakota and our status as a leader in the industry.” The North Dakota State Seed Department is the state’s designated authority for seed certification and the largest certification agency in the U.S. in terms of the number of acres in certified seed production. Jeff Prischmann, State Seed Department diagnostic laboratory manager, was elected to the executive board of the Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA) at the association’s annual meeting in Des Moines, Iowa. In addition, Prischmann holds leadership roles in several other AOSA committees dealing with cultivar purity and genetic testing. “I believe our election to these positions is a recognition of the entire department’s success in providing services to the region’s seed industry rather than individual success or ability,” Sebesta says.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B5
HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana
“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.
1997 Case IH 2188 rotary combine with 36-ft. 1042 header with batt reel, 1015 pickup header and Sund pickup, 2177 separator hours. Tag #LKraft 0812. Brandt 90-ft. field sprayer. Tag #BGrob0812. 3-CompuSpray sprayers. 1 is good and 2 for parts. Tag #BMun0812. 50-ft. of John Deere 9350 drills on Apollo hitch, 10” spacing. Tag #BMun0812. International 5000 swather with 16-ft. hay header, new rebuilt engine. Tag #SteveFair0812............................................................................................$5500 New Holland HT 154 12-wheel rake. Tag #RWell0812...............................$6800 MM U tractor with parts. Tag #DickU0812....................................................$1000 Case 900 propane tractor, 540 PTO, also junk Case 900.Tag #DickU0812....$3500 Oliver 1950 and junk 1950. Both for sale. Tag #DickU0812........................$8000 Allis-Chalmers HD 15 crawler, reconditioned. Tag #DickU0812..............$10,000 Miller tandem axle heavy duty trailer, new deck, pintle hitch. Good backhoe trailer. Tag #HugB0812..........................................................................$6500 1980 Chevrolet 11/2-ton dump truck, 10-yard box and hoist. Tag #DaveB0812. John Deere 702 10-wheel rake, used very little. Tag #Sam0812................$5500 2005 Case RBX562 baler, net wrap, excellent shape. Tag #BrenB0812. Haybuster 2640 bale processor. Tag #BrenB0812. Case 450 dozer. Tag #TimS0812. Trencher for sale. Tag #TimS0812. New Holland 2300 14-ft. header. Tag #GlennP0812...................................$6500 John Deere 8850 (fire damaged) tractor, 1000 PTO, almost new transmission and engine are good. Tag #RobW0812. 1955 Reo grain truck. Tag #Brandt0812. New Holland 660 round baler, twine tie and Bale Command. Tag #JessK0812. New Holland 664 round baler with Bale Command, twine wrap. Tag #Jess0812. John Deere 700 hydraulic rake. Tag #JessK0812.......................................$6500 Valmar 240 pull type Fargo applicator. Tag #DarylG0812. Edwards 18-ft. plow, Morris mounted harrow. Tag #MonteF0812................$1600 Versatile 145 4WD tractor. Tag #MonteF0812............................................$4500 John Deere PTO manure spreader. Tag #0811............................................$750 John Deere 1600 41-ft. plow. Tag #MarvinG0812.......................................$3500 John Deere 1600 33-ft. plow. Tag #MarvinG0812.......................................$3500 Bobcat backhoe attachment for large backhoe. Tag #BrenB0812. 1967 Fruehauf 21-ft. trailer. Tag #Jess0812.............................................$12,000 John Deere 890 14-ft. hay header off John Deere 4890.Tag #HLake0812...$13,900 2008 Case IH 485 tractor, 710x42 tires 75%-80%, powershift, mega flow. Tag #KA0812..........................................................................................$210,000 2010 John Deere 9770 combine with big singles, GS 111 mapping, AutoSteer, with 640D draper header, pickup reel, transport, 600 engine hours and 450 separator hours. Tag #KA0812.........................................................$335,000 Pallet of 8” fence posts. Tag #JH0812..................................................$9.50 each 2-Portable bins, 27,500 bushel, with tarps. Tag #JessB0812.......................$6900 Case IH 1015 pickup header with Victory pickup attachment, always shedded, excellent shape. Tag #TerryA0812......................................................$12,000 1988 Versatile 4700 swather with 30-ft. DSA header. Tag #TerryA0812...$18,000 1987 Honda Fourtrax 300 2WD ATV. Gone through. Tag #BC 0812.$1800 Cheney 25-ft. reel. Tag #PK0812.................................................................$2500 Case IH 1440 combine, 24.5-ft. header, recent work. Tag #DeanK0812....$14,000 John Deere 930 3-point cultipacker. Tag #Randy0812. 9-12” perforated 48” sections with rings. Tag #DeanL0812. 12” perforate cap. Tag #DeanL0812. 7-solid 48” sections. Tag #DeanL0812. 31-separate rings for sections. Tag #DeanL0812. 10,000 gallon vertical fuel tank. Tag #Vince0812.........................................$6500 New Holland 16-ft. hay header with 9030 bidirectional adapter. Tag EarlC0812. Versatile 24-ft. header for bidirectional. Tag #EarlC0812. New Holland 1116H hay header, 276 Versatile tractor adapter. Tag #Russ0812. Case 2390 tractor with 1000 PTO, 3-point hitch. Tag #GO0812...............$14,000 Simonson 2594 fertilizer spreader, full variable rate, Raven Controller, 8-ton, ShurLok tarp. Tag #GO0812...............................................................$16,000 JCB 214S tractor/loader/backhoe, front wheel drive.Tag #DonnaH0812....$20,000 2-Cat 627B scrapers. Tag #JamieF0812 New Holland 325 manure spreader. Tag #Tim0812. New Holland 273 PTO baler in excellent shape. Tag #TonyV0812.............$3500 66 pieces of 4” handline. Tag #TonyV0812......................................$50 per piece Shaver HD8 post pounder with 3-point mount. Tag #TonyV0812. Cattle squeeze chute. Tag #TonyV0812.........................................................$650 1999 New Holland TV 140 bidirectional tractor with PTO on both ends, New Holland 82L loader, 3000 hours, nice machine. Tag #GO0812..........$65,000 Massey-Ferguson 75 25-ft. pull type swather. Tag #WarrenW0812. John Deere 720 diesel tractor. Tag #ANF0812. John Deere 720 diesel standard tractor. Tag #ANF0812. 1983 John Deere 7720 combine with 24-ft. header, new concave, new feeder house chain, real good shape. Tag #Ole0812....................................$15,000
John Deere 7720 combine, 24-ft. header. Tag #CarryB0712 1987 Case 2188 combine, 1042 36-ft. draper header, 13-ft. 1010 pickup header. Tag #LKraft0712.................................................................................$86,000 John Deere 105 combine, 24-ft. header. Tag #MikeMC0712......................$3500 John Deere 105 combine, 22-ft. header, 13-ft. pickup header with Sund pickup. This is the last model 105 made. Tag #BWinko0712.............................$3500 1992 John Deere 9600 combine, yield monitor, 2400 hours. Tag #PatW0512..... . .........................................................................................................$55,000 Allis Chalmers N7 combine, 30-ft. header, 13-ft. pickup header. Tag #JohnH0512..........................................................................................$8500 Allis-Chalmers N6 combine, 24-ft. double sickle header.Tag #CraigD0811.$12,000 New Holland 1500 combine, 22-ft. 960 header, new parts. Tag #Wigen0110. Gleaner R60 combine. Tag #CDy0910 Looking for John Deere 9610 combine. 2-Allis Chalmers N6 combines w/ 27-ft. header. Tag #DickU1011...$22,500 each 1993 John Deere 9600 combine with JD 930 header. Tag #PatW0412 1993 John Deere 9600 combine, JD 930 straight cut header. Tag #PatL0412 John Deere 7720 combine with 24-ft. header. Tag #DaleH0312 John Deere 9600 combine. Tag #PatW0312 1992 John Deere 9600 combine, 930 header. Tag #PWicks0112...........$60,000 John Deere 7700 gas combine with 224 header. Tag #AHan0911.............$3500 John Deere 7700 diesel combine with 24-ft. header. TAg RKra0911
Case 580 tractor, 2WD, loader, backhoe. Tag #LMM0712........................$15,000 John Deere A tractor. Tag #ANF0712.........................................................$5000 John Deere 80 tractor. Tag #ANF0712........................................................$8000 Case 1030 tractor, 540 PTO. Tag #TomH0712............................................$4500 Case 1070 2WD tractor, PTO. Tag #Tom H0712 Case 2290 2WD tractor, loader and grapple, 6832 hours, add-on 3 point hitch. Tag #MikeL0712 1964 John Deere 4020 tractor, 148 loader/grapple, PTO, no 3 point. Tag #ToddS0712 Massey Ferguson 2745 2WD tractor, 1000 PTO, duals, no 3 point. Tag #DKraft0712 1996 JCB backhoe 4WD, 7676 hours. Tag #DH0712...............................$25,000 Allis Chalmers 170 2WD tractor, gas, Farmhand F11 loader, 3 point, 540 PTO, 6-ft. Worksaver rear blade. John Deere 4020 tractor, 148 loader. Tag #ToddSm0612 Massey 1150 tractor, PTO. Tag #ANF0612 John Deere 4020 tractor, cab, loader, no PTO, runs great, good loader tractor. Tag #ANF0612......................................................................................$8500 Massey Ferguson 35 tractor, Davis loader. Tag #Aber0512.......................$5500 John Deere 7020 4WD tractor, 1000 PTO, duals with 4 of them new. Tag #MGoss0512.........................................................................................$6900 John Deere 8400 track tractor, 3 point, 1000 PTO, Green Star ready. Tag #BarryH0512 Versatile 935 4WD tractor, pump set at 365 hp, 903 engine, new tires. Tag #PatW0512........................................................................................$29,000 John Deere 4020 tractor, 58 loader, no PTO. Tag #ANF0512.....................$7500 1950 Oliver with an extra junk 1950 Oliver for parts. Tag #DickU0811. Both..$8000 Case 1030 tractor, cab, 540 PTO. Tag #ArtH0212.......................................$3800 1975 John Deere 5510N tractor, 2WD, 75 hp, 3 point, 540 PTO, 5465 hours. Tag #RichT0112........................................................................................$11,500 John Deere 4960 FWD tractor, 1000 PTO, 3 point, only 120 hours on engine overhaul, no loader. Tag #ANF0412...................................................$58,000 Versatile 800 tractor, 18.4x38 duals, 5000 hours. Tag #JBurris0112.......$23,000 2009 Case IH Puma tractor, loader. Tag #LarryK0112...........................$133,000 1975 International 4366 4WD tractor. Tag #LarryK0112............................$6500 John Deere 7520 4WD tractor, 1000 PTO, 2 remotes. Tag #ANF0412.......$9500 1988 Versatile 976 20.8x42 duals, 5300 hours. Tag #PChris0412 Minneapolis-Moline 704 FWD tractor. Tag #ANF0412...............................$4500 Minneapolis-Moline 706 FWD tractor. Tag #ANF0412...............................$4500
New Holland 175 round baler feeder. Tag #JoeM0612...............................$4500 Hesston BP 25 bale processor, always shedded. Tag #Simmes0212........$3500 Haybuster 2640 bale processor. Tag #BrenB0811 New Holland 354 grinder mixer. Tag #RogW0512 Supreme Mixers available. Call Huggy Bear. New Holland 352 grinder mixer. Tag #LarryK0112.....................................$2500
1998 Caterpillar D8R U dozer, 4 place ripper. Tag #RilD0712...............$225,000 1996 Caterpillar D6XL dozer, U blade, cab, rollover cage, ripper. Tag #RilD0712..........................................................................................$75,000 1985 Caterpillar 140G grader, new tires. Tag #RilD0712.........................$95,000 International TD20 crawler, 12-ft. dozer blade. Tag #DH0712 Skid steer work or rent. Tag #ChadPete0612 Case 1150C crawler. Tag #HugB0612......................................................$12,000 Drott wheel excavator. Tag #DavidA0412 Linderman crawler. Tag #ANF0412............................................................$9000 Caterpillar D8 14A angle dozer, 10-ft. cable. Tag #Smesr0312 Allis-Chalmers HD 15 crawler, reconditioned. Tag #DickU0811..............$15,000 International E200 13-yard self-propelled paddle wheel scraper. Tag #Jfuson0708.............................................................................................$17,000 1969 Terex T3 scraper. Tag #EDickU0510................................................$15,000 1982 Drott 40B wheel excavator. Tag #DaveA0512 Skid steer work or rental. Tag #Chad0611 Case 1150B crawler/loader with 4-in-1 bucket, good undercarriage, pins and rollers turned, pads are good. Tag #Ahan..........................................$16,000 Case 450 dozer. Tag #TimS0811 New Holland L775 skid steer loader, diesel engine. Tag #RichT0112........$8800 Allis Chalmers HD 5 crawler tractor, 2 cylinder Detroit diesel, bucket, blade. Tag #MGoss0212.........................................................................................$4000 International TD 14A crawler, 10-ft. blade, manual angle. Tag #HarveyK0212 Airman HM 305 4000 lb. excavator. Tag#Pack0611.................................$11,000
Several rakes, mowers, bale movers. MISCELLANEOUS
1955 Cockshutt front blade, dual PTO. Tag #Ahan0712.............................$6500 2000 gallon water tank. Tag #PManley0712................................................$1500 Concrete culverts in 13-ft. lengths, discounted. Tag #GlenH0712 4-Honey Bee 36-ft. bat reels, (2) 18-ft. sections per reel. Tag #PIV0712.............. . ...................................................................................................$1500 each Powder River squeeze chute. Tag #MikeL0712 Tan squeeze chute. Tag #MikeL0712 5th wheel hitch for pickup. Tag #GHall0712...................................................$250 Pressure washer, 2 years old, high pressure. Tag #Ray0712......................$3500 12-spike tooth harrow sections. Tag #NormF0712................................$100 each Portable steam cleaner. Tag #Ril0712.........................................................$4850 Shaver HD-10 post pounder. Tag #RilD0712..............................................$1900 New Holland 145 manure spreader, 540 PTO, excellent shape. Tag #Hug0412.. . ............................................................................................................$6500 New 2010 Jazee zero turn mower. Tag #hug0711......................................$5995
NEW ITEMS Quick Clean 772 grain cleaner, used very little. Tag #BRichert0912.... $7000 1987 Case IH 2188 combine with 1042 36-ft. draper header and 13-ft. 1010 pickup header. Tag #LarryK0912.................................................. $86,000 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header and 13-ft. pickup header. This is the last 105 model made. Tag #RWinko0912.................................. $3500 John Deere 105 combine with 22-ft. header. Tag #MikeMc0912........... $3500 Allis-Chalmers N6 combine. Tag #CDy0912........................................ $8500 Allis-Chalmers R60 combine. Tag #CDy0912. John Deere 95 combine with 20-ft. header, pickup reel. Tag #Len0912. John Deere 7700 gas combine with 224 header. Tag #AHan0912....... $3500 John Deere 7700 diesel combine with 24-ft. header. Tag #RKra0912. Gravel for sale. Tag #GunsightGR0912. Ford 8N tractor with 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #RWinko0912.................... $2900 Allis-Chalmers WD45 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #RWinko0912.... $2900 Versatile 400 swather with 20-ft. DSA header. Tag #RWinko0912........ $4000 1990 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, single 16.5x16.1 tires, wind screens, mixer tank. Tag #PhilA0912. 1980 John Deere 1610 45-ft. plow with 11/4” shanks and Honey Bee Rod. 1970 Gysler 24-ft. plow with cable lift. Tag #HerbK0912. 1982 Valmar 240 hydraulic drive, on homemade cart. Tag #HerbK0912. 1000 gallon fuel tank. Tag #PatHig0912.................................................. $750 2000 gallon fuel tank with electric pump. Tag #PatH0912. New Holland 1425 self-propelled baler. Tag #LarryK0912.................... $6500 New Holland 1047 self-propelled bale wagon. Tag #LarryK0912......... $6500 White Iseki 31 tractor, MFD, Quick Attach 1045 loader, 540 PTO, 1271 hours. Tag #RodC0912. 1.5 KW generator, Kubota engine, 120/240/480 volts. Tag #ALD0912..$13,500 Kelly 50 3-point hitch backhoe attachment, 8-ft. reach, 2 buckets. Tag #RickK0912..................................................................................... $5000 Allis-Chalmers D17 tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO.Tag #RickK0912...$6500 Housky 6000 gallon glass lined tank. Tag #HLake0912..................... $25,000 1998 New Holland 8260 MFD tractor, 7314 loader/grapple, powershift, dual PTO, 3-point, good tires, 13,800 hours. Tag #HLake0912. 2000 John Deere 7610 MFD tractor with 7740 loader, 3-point, dual PTO, powershift, 5300 hours. Tag #PaulB0912..................................... $79,000 2-John Deere 914 pickup headers w/attachments. Tag #PaulB0912.$4500 ea 1971 Kenworth conventional with 22-ft. box and hoist, tandem axle, roll tarp. TimF0912..................................................................................... $20,000 1972 Ford 880 truck with 22-ft. Knapheide box, roll tarp, Browning transmission, tandem axle, 37,000 miles. Tag #TimF0912........................ $13,000 Alloway 20-ft. flail shredder. Tag #PatW0912..................................... $12,000 New Holland 772 triple delivery, 30-ft. header, low hours. Tag #PatW0912.... . ................................................................................................... $22,000 New Holland Super 1049 bale wagon with auto tie, Ford gas engine, hauls 160 bales. Tag #BerthaJ0912. 1976 Versatile 400 swather with 20-ft. DSA header. Tag #BerthaJ0912. International 806 2WD tractor with 540 PTO, good auger tractor. Tag #BerthaJ0912. International 160 grain truck with 14-ft. grain box. Tag #BerthaJ0912. Dodge grain truck with 14-ft. grain box. Tag #BerthaJ0912. 1974 Chevrolet 2WD pickup truck. Tag #HWall0912. Chevrolet Celebrity 2WD car. Tag #HWal0912. Danuser F8 post hole auger. Tag #LTorg0912. 1964 International 806 tractor with Farmhand loader, Excel cab, new water pump, rebuilt radiator. Tag #DarrenH0912....................................... $6000 Ford 8000 2WD tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO tractor. Tag #ZachM0912.... $8000 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan motorcycle, 1828 miles. Tag #TomA0912........ $6500 Graham Hoeme 14-ft. plow. Tag #Hug0912............................................ $950 Fuel stand. Tag #Hug0912....................................................................... $100 Speed King 6”x36-ft. PTO auger. Tag #Hug0912.................................... $750 50 bushel pig feeder. Tag #Hug0912........................................................ $150 Massey-Ferguson 880 8-bottom moldboard plow in excellent condition. Tag #Hug0912....................................................................................... $6500 PTO water pump. Tag #Hug0912............................................................. $500 Century sprayer. Tag #Hug0912.............................................................. $200 2-Massey-Ferguson 1135 2WD tractors with 1000 PTO, 3-point hitch and cabs. Tag #ReidH0912. 2-1977-79 Wilson grain trailers & 20-ft. pumps. Tag #ReidH0912.$25,000 ea Versatile 800 tractor with 36-ft. Ford disc. Tag #RossD0912. 1992 Chevrolet 2WD regular cab pickup, automatic. Tag #Chet0912. John Deere 890 14-ft. hay header to fit on JD 4890 swather. Tag #HLake0912. 2-Wascomat Junior 74 stainless steel clothes washer. Tag #GlacierC0912. John Deere 950 MFD tractor, loader, 3-point, 540 PTO. Tag #Moodie0912.
2009 Case IH 105U Farmall tractor, 105 hp, front wheel assist, 3 point, PTO, only 900 hours. Tag #Hug0412...........................................................$48,000 John Deere 4960 FWD tractor, 1000 PTO, 3 point hitch. Tag #ANF0412.$59,000 Massey-Ferguson 1150 2WD tractor, 540 PTO, no 3 point or loader. Tag #ANF0412.............................................................................................$5500 Case 310 tractor, new paint, 3 point, 540 PTO, power steering, excellent shape. Tag #DMclean0412...............................................................................$6500 Massey-Ferguson 1155 2WD tractor, 540 PTO, cab, 24.5x32 tires, Westendorf loader, grapple fork, 5000 hours. Tag #ArtH0212..................................$8900 2007 Jinma 28hp tractor, MFD, loader, low hours. Tag #Ivan0112..............$8000 Oliver 1265 2WD tractor, 3 point, diesel, 540 PTO. Tag #Larryk0112.........$4500 Oliver Super 550 tractor, 3 point, 540 PTO. Tag #Vernk1211 1979 Allis-Chalmers 8550 4WD tractor with PTO. Tag#DickU0510........$15,000 Massey-Ferguson 35 tractor with Davis loader. Tag #Aber0511................$5500 Versatile 935 tractor, 903 Cummins, 365 hp. Tag #PatW0412 Jackson 534 4WD tractor. Tag #0811 Versatile 145 4WD tractor. Tag #MonteF0811............................................$4500 1975 John Deere 5500N tractor, 73 hp, 4WD, 3 point, 540 PTO, 8033 hours. Tag #Richt0112.........................................................................................$15,000 Steiger Lion LKL 4WD tractor, 30.5x32 tires, 8088 hours, nice tractor. Tag #Larry0112.........................................................................................$55,000 International 140 tractor. Tag #Toby1111 John Deere 8850 tractor, fire damaged, 1000 PTO, almost new tires, transmission and engine are good. Tag #RobW0811......................................$35,000 Ford 9N tractor, 3 point, 540 PTO. Tag #RWinko0811.................................$3500 1974 Allis-Chalmers 440 4WD tractor. Tag #DickU0510.........................$22,000
Several plows and discs available. TRAILERS
Sharp 22-ft. bumper pull enclosed trailer. Tag #RilD0712............................$7500 2008 Load-Runner enclosed trailer. Tag #DonS0612 1969 Circle J 16-ft. horse trailer. Tag #JL0612............................................$1400 New PJ trailers, call for prices. Tag #CBass0212
New Wheatheart augers Several sizes of used grain augers
1980 Chevrolet dump truck with 10 yard gravel box and hoist. Tag #DBos0612 1957 International truck, heavy duty box, 14-ft. with high sides. Tag #PaulT0512 1952 Chevrolet 2 ton truck, 14-ft. grain box. Tag #PaulT0512 2004 Kenworth T800. Tag #PatW0412....................................................$40,000 2002 Kenworth T800. Tag #PatW0412....................................................$30,000 Mack cabover tandem axle truck, 20-ft. box and hoist, no power steering. Tag #MarvinG0212......................................................................................$6500 Ford F750 truck, PTO water pump, 2000 gallon water tank. Tag #M&M0512....... . ............................................................................................................$2500
Call Ken for grain carts. SPRAYERS
2010 Summers sprayer, 60-ft. booms, 500 gallon tank, triple nozzles, on a 2001 Ford F250 pickup. Tag #Trever0712...................................................$27,500 1997 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, 3 way nozzle bodies. Tag #Joe0412 Flexi-coil System 65 90-ft. field sprayer. Tag #LarryK0112........................$7500 3-ComputerSpray sprayers. 1 is good and 2 for parts. Tag #BMun0811 1990 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer, single 16.5x16.1 tires, windscreens, mixer tank. Tag #PhilA0911 Model A 27000 Big A sprayer, ready to go to work. Tag #JR0511..........$22,000 1996 ComputerSpray sprayer with updates, sprays on 12” centers, 60-ft. booms. Tag #KDanger0411......................................................................$3500 1993 Ford F350 pickup with Field Commander sprayer, 500 gallon tank, new hydraulic pump, new water pump kit. Tag #MSuta0211.....................$12,000
2003 Bourgault 5710 64-ft. air seeder, 350 bushel tank with 3 compartments. Tag #RogerW0312...........................................................................$129,000 2-International 620 double disc drills, 7” spacing, steel packers. Tag #DPark0412.................................................................................$2800 each John Deere 9450 drill, 30-ft., 10” spacing steel packers. Tag #ANF0412....$9500 Concord 4012 air seeder, 1502 engine driven air tank.Tag #AHans0412...$20,000 John Deere 9350 drills, 50-ft., Apollo hitch, 10” spacing. Tag #BMun0811 Concord 4012 40-ft. air drill, 3000 gallon tank, hydraulic drive, rice tires, was 56-ft. Tag #LarryK0711.......................................................................$30,000 1976 John Deere 9350 40-ft. drills with rubber packers, AcraPoints. Tag #DickU0511..............................................................................................$5000 1979 John Deere 9350 40-ft. drills with packer wheels and AcraPoints. Tag #DickU0511..............................................................................................$5000 50-ft. of John Deere 9350 drills on Apollo hitch, 10” spacing. Tag #BMun0810 International 7100 10-ft drills, 10” spacing. Tag #Deank1211
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B6
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
Call us for the latest information on Multi-Peril Crop Insurance SEE US FOR 2013 CHANGES Call toll-free 1-800-585-5212
Office phone 434-5211, 234 Front Street, Shelby, MT Office phone 759-5150, 4 First Street West, Chester, MT
September Specials New 2011 PJ 22-ft. x 6” channel custom lawn care trailer, 2-7000# torsion axles, 2-ft. dovetail, 5-ft. slidein ramps, rubrail, 4-ft. welded sides. One only...............................$3995 2003 Newmar Mountain Aire New 2012 PJ 20-ft. x 5” channel RLPK 38-ft., 4 slides, tandem car hauler, 2-3500# axles, electric dually, heated tanks, new tires, brakes, spring suspension, 2-ft. new propane tanks, new batdovetail, 5-ft. slide-in ramps............ tery, air conditioning.................. ..............................................$2995 ..............................$39,500 obo While they last
Gus Meiwald, Glacier, was awarded the Grand Champion Fed Hog at the Marias Fair. Mark King, Fair Judge, is pictured with Gus. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
Keep pigs healthy to prevent virus spread
Swine producers need to take steps to make sure their animals are healthy to prevent the spread of a new flu strain, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service swine specialist David Newman says. Recently, some fairs and exhibitions have reported cases of humans being infected by the H3N2v virus, which is linked to swine exposure. Two hundred twenty-five humans in nine states have been infected with the strain this year. None of those cases were in North Dakota, Newman says. Indiana has the highest number, 138, followed by Ohio with 72. The H3N2 viruses occur in pigs but usually do not infect humans, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than half of the recent human H3N2v infections have occurred after contact with pigs. Health experts believe flu viruses spread from infected pigs to humans in the same way seasonal influenza viruses spread between people: mainly through infected droplets created when an infected pig coughs or sneezes. The CDC says some evidence indicates people also might get infected by touching something that has virus on it and then touching their mouth or nose. A third way people may get infected is to inhale dust containing the flu virus. In some of the human cases, the virus seems to have spread from person to person, but so far, the spread has not continued beyond one or two people, the CDC says. The symptoms and severity of the H3N2v illness have been similar to seasonal flu. Newman recommends producers: • Observe their pigs daily for signs of disease or infection. If they spot flulike symptoms, they should contact their veterinarian. • Follow strict biosecurity practices at all times. That includes isolating new animals from their herd for at least 30 days or the length of time the herd veterinarian recommends. • Transport only healthy animals to sales, fairs, shows or exhibitions. • Clean and disinfect trailers and equipment before and after transporting pigs. Newman has this advice for minimizing the risk of flu transmission between pigs and people: • Wash your hands with soap and water or use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer often, especially after coughing, sneezing or coming in contact with animals. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. • Do not eat or drink near animals or animal pens. “Remember, pork is safe,” Newman says. “You can’t get the flu from eating or handling pork. The U.S. has safeguards in place to protect our food. Every pig is inspected to ensure that only healthy animals become part of our food supply.”
Final 2012 online Hunter Education Field Day
A final field day for adult online hunter education students has been set in north central Montana. The field day for those 18 years and older will be 7 p.m., September 25, at the Fish Wildlife and Parks office in Great Falls, Montana, 4600 Giant Springs Road. FWP offers the field day as part of an Internet course for adult students. The course is a chance for an adult to take hunter education at his or her convenience. Any adult interested must first complete the online course by going to the hunter education link at the FWP website: To register for the field day, find Adult Online Hunter Education Courses under the Education link on the FWP website, followed by Field Day Registration. Then go to September 25 to sign up. State law says everyone born after January 1, 1985 must take hunter education before he, or she, can hunt in Montana. Online students born before this date are not required to take the field course for certification. For more information on hunter education in north central Montana call FWP’s Great Falls office at 454-5840. ##### Andre says that when her first granddaughter Claire began to talk, “she could not pronounce the word ‘Grandma’, so she started calling me, ‘Hamma,’ When her sister Natalie was born fifteen months later, I thought maybe the name would change back. Nope! Natalie heard Claire and knew of no other word, so I am ‘Hamma’ to both of them. I wouldn’t change it for the world. It is the best!”
##### The highest recorded temperature in Wyoming was 115 degrees Fahrenheit recorded in Basin on July 12, 1900. ##### The greatest amount of rain to fall in Wyoming in one day was 6.06 inches of rain in Cheyenne on August, 1985.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B7
Legend of the panda
Long ago pandas were pure white. Chinese legend tells how the panda got its black and white coat. The ancient tale tells of a young girl who gave her life to save a snowy white panda cub. The pandas were very sad and rubbed black ashes on their legs as a sign of mourning. They wiped their eyes, hugged each other and covered their ears with their paws. Wherever they touched themselves the ashes stained their fur black.
Your Only FULL SERVICE Spring Shop.........Since 1912 Great Falls, MT 3257 Vaughn Road
(406) 452-1246 — 1-800-378-1246 3257 Vaughn Road – Great Falls, MT
✓ AUTO ✓ TRUCKS ✓ MOTOR HOMES ✓ 4x4’s ✓ FARM EQUIPMENT ✓ ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS ✓ Leaf Springs - Custom Made & Repaired ✓ U-Bolts - Made to Order ✓ Axle straightening
Remember....We handle Black Rat Recovery winch and ExtremeAire compressor
See us on the web -
1-800-214-4654 or LOCAL AREA 406-265-6387 COMING IN
2013 Maurer 40-ft. aluminum hopper, steel wheels, spring suspension. $2000 Factory Rebate 2-2003 Kenworth T800 N14 Cummins, 460 hp, 10 speed, 232” wheelbase, dual exhaust, 60” aerodyne removable sleeper, new recaps......... .............................................................$27,500 As daycab.............................................$28,500
1997 International 4900 DT466, 7 speed, spring suspension, 11-22.5 tires, 6 steel wheels, rollback wrecker body, 13-ft. upper, 28-ft. lower, 3 winches, aluminum deck, rear underreach..... .............................................................$21,000
1998 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, 3406E Cat, 550 hp, 18 speed, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires 95% recap, 95% steers............................................$30,000
2007 Peterbilt 386 C15 Cat, 475 hp, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, dual exhaust, 10 aluminum wheels, 244” wheelbase....................................$46,500 As daycab.............................................$44,500
2006 Freightliner Columbia 14L Detroit, Ultrashift 10 speed, 10 aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 22.5 tires.......................................................$30,000 2007 Freightliner Columbia C13 Cat, 13 speed, 3 way locking rears, 246” wheelbase.
1972 Fruehauf 24-ft. pup trailer, 3 axle, turn table, 4’6” tongue, 24.5 tires, aluminum wheels, spring suspension.................................$11,500 1972 Fruehauf 21-ft. pup, 10-ft. tongue with turn table, 24.5 tires on steel wheels...............$9500 New homemade 20-ft. hopper pup, steel wheels, 11-24.5 tires, ag hopper, 20-ft. drop tongue...... .............................................................$19,500 1970 Alloy 38-ft. hopper trailer, 10.00x20 tires, steel wheels.............................................$8500
3-2012 Wilson 41-ft.x66” ag hoppers, 90% tires and brakes, 2 rows of lights, S/S rear, 2-spring suspension, 1-air ride............ $31,500-$34,000 1997 Wilson hopper pup, 30-ft., spring suspension, aluminum wheels, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires, tandem dolly on turntable.................... $21,500 1981 Wilson 42-ft. hopper, 21” ground clearance, steel wheels......................................... $12,000 2008 Timpte 40-ft. ag hopper, air ride, 4 aluminum, Lo-Pro 22.5 tires......................... $28,000 1991 & 1996 Western hopper doubles, 40-ft. lead, 24-ft. pup, spring suspension on lead, air ride on pup, Lo-Pro 24.5 tires on aluminum wheels, tandem dolly on turntable, new tarps.. ............................................... For set $34,000 1996 Cornhusker 46’6” hopper, 3 axle, steel wheels, air gates, single, dual, 11-22.5 single tires...................................................... $18,000
13-Great Dane reefers, 1996-2001, 50-ft. spread axle, TK unit............................. $8000 -$10,000 2005 Peterbilt 378 set back front axle, Cat C15, 13 speed, 70” sleeper, 10 aluminum wheels..... .............................................................$37,000 As daycab.............................................$35,000
96” wide converter dolly, 2000 Freightliner FLD 120 Series 60 Detroit, 360 hp, 10 speed, single axle, all steel wheels, 468,000 miles, headache rack, air operated oversize load sign.................................$15,000
NEW 2013 Maurer hopper, 40-ft., spring suspension, steel wheels...........................$27,750
single axle, air ride, 22.5 tires, on Daytons.........$2200
Check Our Web Site:
Storage Trailers for rent by day, week or month
28-ft. to 53-ft. van trailers for storage 28-ft. and 53-ft. reefer trailers New Watson Chalin steerable lift axle with fabricated axle. Includes air kit........ .....................................................$4600 New Watson Chalin steerable lift axle suspension. Includes air kit..........$2600
Vaughn Truck Sales
2100 Highway 2 East • Havre, Montana
Hydraulic Wet Kit to run end dump trailer with new air shift PTO and pump, new tank and console in cab..........................................$1550 Similar savings on other applications
Evenings & Weekends Call Chuck @ 265-6387 or Jim @ 265-6367
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B8
We are always looking for pictures of 4-H kids and their projects. E-mail them to along with captions and we will print what we have room for.
Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana
Grain Bins For Sale
hopper seed bins 1967 bu. to 10,000 bu.
Equipment for rent or sale • Rent Our New “Vertical Beater” manure spreader • Round bale pickers • Grain vac • Heavy disk • Rock rake • Post pounder • Rock picker • 50-ft. Riteway Land roller • Other items available Wishek 742NT 34-ft spring gang disk-Great Condition
101 Sunfield Drive
Belgrade, MT
406-388-3259 Steve Swan
Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937 11/2 -miles west of Belgrade on Frontage Road
TRUCKS Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales Cargo Container Sales and Rentals
Check Us Out On The WEB:
2002 Kobelco 200SR LC hydraulic excavator with good undercarriage, hydraulic thumb, clean and tight. 5007 hours..........................$51,000 2007 Yanmar VIO45 mini excavator, hydraulic thumb, open ROPS, excellent rubber tracks, 1995 hours...$26,000
2004 Cat 322CL long reach excavator. 5100 hours. Excellent.......$125,000
2006 Ingersoll-Rand SD45 54” smooth drum roller, Cummins engine, 800 hours. Nice condition..........$29,500 2001 Cat CP-563D 84” sheeps foot roller, 3600 hours, excellent.....$51,500 1999 Sky Trak 3606 telescoping forklift with open ROPS and Cummins diesel..................................$18,500
Cat 12F motorgrader, heat, electric start. Tight & clean, runs great....$16,500 Vermeer 605F round baler with good belts. Twine.............................$2200
Financing Available oac
1996 Cat 938F wheel loader with cab and 3 yard bucket with teeth.$44,000
2002 John Deere 5320 MFWD, 5700 hours, plumbed for loader.... $21,000 John Deere 4640 2WD with cab, 3-point and 1000 PTO..................... $18,500
1992 Cat D400 6x6 articulated truck with 7000 gallon Klein water tank with rear spray............................$49,500 1981 International single axle dump truck with gas engine, 5+2 speed and 5 yard box.......................$7250 2001 Chevrolet 1/2 ton 4x4 Extended Cab with automatic................$5800
1980 Case W18 wheel loader with cab, heat, good 17.5x25 tires and 2.5 GP bucket.................................$16,500
2006 John Deere 310G 4x4 backhoe with cab, A/C, extend-a-hoe and 2100 hours..........................$44,500
1993 Pioneer Max 50 4 axle end dump pup trailer, liftable front axle, good box......................................$13,900
1997 Komatsu D39E crawler with cab, heat, ripper, 60% undercarriage, 6 way blade............................$21,500 1998 Case 850GLT crawler with 6 way blade, ripper and OROPS. 4100 hours...................................$35,000
New super at WtARC
Gadi V. P. Reddy, Ph.D. was named the Superintendent & Associate Professor of Entomology/Insect Ecology at the Montana State University Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center located north of Conrad in June. Reddy comes to Montana from University of Guam Western Pacific Tropical Research Center in Guam where he served as Associate Professor and Chemical Ecologist/ Entomologist. Reddy’s research in Montana will be directed towards finding pest management strategies for the sawfly and wireworm problem growers across the region are experiencing. Research projects will include studies on the management of wireworms using entomopathogens. As of now, no pheromone compounds have been identified for wireworms, so the efforts will be put forward in identifying the compounds. These identified compounds can be synthesized and used in traps to mass trap the adults. Initially, Dr. Reddy will be working with Dr. Kevin Wanner (Montana State University) and Mr. Dan Picard (MSU Extension, Pondera County Agriculture and 4-H Agent) in collecting volatile compounds and insect body washings using solvents. These compounds can be sent to University of California, Riverside for the identification. Another research project on wheat stem sawfly will be taken up by Dr. Reddy in collaboration with Dr. David Weaver (Montana State University) in optimizing pheromone trapping technique. Pheromone-baited traps are useful in detecting the spread of sawfly populations and in alerting both growers and scientists to its presence both in what and barley plants. The long term another approach is that of release of in sterile insect technique (SIT) program for the control or eradicating the sawfly. However, this effort needs large collaboration from different state and federal agencies. Dr. Reddy can be contacted by calling 278-7707 or by email at He welcomes calls and visits from area growers.
Technology enhanced to evaluate tenderness, color
By Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service A system designed by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists to predict superior beef tenderness is just as effective at predicting tenderness in pork and color stability in meat. The noninvasive tenderness prediction system was developed in the 1990s by scientists at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center (USMARC) in Clay Center, Nebraska, to identify U.S. Select beef carcasses with outstanding tenderness in the ribeye/strip loin muscle. The technology is based on visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy, and can be used without destroying any product from the carcass. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security. Food technologists Steven Shackelford, Andy King and Tommy Wheeler, who work in the USMARC Meat Safety and Quality Research Unit, invented the system and have tested it on more than 4,000 beef carcasses and 1,800 boneless pork loins. In collaboration with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, they demonstrated how the technology could be applied on the ribeye during carcass grading at commercial processing facilities, and to individual cuts of meat after aging. They also partnered with the National Pork Board to successfully predict tenderness of boneless pork loins during the boning and trimming process. Some steaks and chops turn brown quicker than others and often have to be sold at a discount or thrown away. Scientists were able to modify the system to predict color stability. They looked at environmental factors such as lighting and oxygen consumption by simulating a retail display case to mimic conditions steaks go through in a traditional supermarket. They also studied variations in genetics from a pedigree of 500 animals, and found considerable differences in color stability among those animals. That finding suggests color stability might be improved through genetic selection.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B9
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
* Prices subject to stock on hand
New Circle D pickup flatbeds
7x7...................... $1450
71/2x81/2............... $1450 71/2x9.................. $1520
8x9...................... $1850 Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, 8x11.................... $2150 lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black
New DCT 20-ft. x 8-ft. flatbed with slideout ramps and 5200# axles.
New DCT & Diamond C car haulers
3500, 5200 & 7000# axles
16-ft. & 18-ft. IN STOCK
Your Ch oice $15,000
New Dump Trailers
New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailers........................ $8995 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck dump trailers.................................. $9995 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull dump trailer.......................... $7995 New Diamond C 5x8 bumper pull dump trailer.......................... $4495
New Haulmark Enclosed Trailers
Excellent Selection On Hand
1996 Landoll 35-ft. triple axle belly dump.
1996 General 40-ft. tandem axle belly dump.
Belly Dump
2-New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer, full bull package. Ea.................. $10,195 2-New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock, full bull package. Each........................... $9195
4x7’ Heavy duty Trailer Mats.....Each $65
1 (3) 43-ft. triple axle ~ In Stock ~ $42,500
2-Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck skid steer trailers, 80” wide, 7000# torsion axles, fold-over ramps, tread plate fenders, treated wood floor, radial tires. Each......................$5895 2-New Circle D 18-ft. bumper pull, with 16” tires, 7000# axles, ramps. Each........$4695
18’x81” heavy duty car hauler, wrap tongue, 6” channel frame, brakes on two axles, 7000 lb. axles.................................................................................................... $3995 18’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes on two axles, ramps, 5200 lb. axles............................................................................................................. $3695 18’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, brakes, 3500 lb. axle............................. $2895 16’x81” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes, ramps, 3500 lb. axles... . ......................................................................................................................... $2695 12’x60” utility angle sides, 3500 lb. single axle, ramp gate................................... $1525 10’x60” utility angle sides, single axle, 3500 lb. axle, ramp gate........................... $1475 8’x60” utility angle sides, no tilt, 3500 lb. single axle............................................. $1340
Circle D 24-ft. tandem axle gooseneck flatbed........$4000
8x81/2-ft. steel flatbed with tool box.................................$500
4x6 Utility trailer with wooden storage box....................$550
1990 International 4600 water truck, 2000 gallon tank, front/ rear/side spray, hose reel....... . ................................$14,500
1-New Circle D 31-ft. triple axle gooseneck with 7000# axles, 12” I-beam frame, folding beavertail, 2 jacks, 21,000 GVW........................................................................$9195 2-New Circle D 25-ft. (including 3 piece beavertail) 2-7000# axles, 16,000 GVW. Each...................................................................................................................$6795 1-New Circle D 27-ft. (including beavertail) tandem dually gooseneck.................$9195 1-New Circle D 29-ft. (including beavertail) tandem dually gooseneck..................$9495
Travalong 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer...................$4995 Ditch Witch trailer...............$900
TURNOVER BALL A hitch when you need it...A level bed when you don’t COMPANION™ 5th WHEEL RV HITCH
Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.
G ll – steel flatbeds
Gooseneck & Bumper Pull
Tuffloader Tilt Trailers
Gooseneck model: Bumper Pull model: 6-ft. stationary deck with 16-ft. tilt deck 4-ft. stationary deck with 16-ft. tilt deck Both models have 18” treadplate approach
Triple T Sales Contact Dave Taylor; 406-357-2166
Chinook, MT
Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook
2008 Chevolet 1/2-ton 4x4, extended cab, V-8, 7-ft. flatbed, 102,000 miles............$16,995
PINTLE HITCH TRAILERS Load Trail utility trailer with sides............................$1600
Big Tex 51-ft. tandem dually car hauler with electric winch and rails for hauling trailers. 20,000 GVW. Excellent, like new............................. $9500
Your Choice....$6500
DCT 25-ft. pintle hitch trailer with beavertail & ramps.
2004 International 9400 with ISX Cummins, 10-speed, excellent rubber, approximately 950,000 miles............$21,000
Towmaster 25-ft. pintle hook trailer, electric brakes, 20,000 GVW.
53-ft. van trailers.......................... . ................Starting at $5500
New General 5-ft. & 6-ft. Rotary Cutters IN STOCK
Available options include: for North Central MT hydraulically powered & the Hi-Line area supplement feeder & hydraulically powered post hole. Get the most out of your pickup with a Hydra-Bed™, the only true flatbed with high-speed bale handling. From the comfort and safety of your pickup cab, anyone can pick up, haul and unroll two bales with ease. Also available: Hydra-Bed™ 2200 Series. Fits existing flatbeds.
Large Trailer Parts Inventory • Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs • Bearings & seals • Jacks • Etc.
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B10
Big Horn County sugar beet growers look to manage production risk – Part I
By James Sedman, consultant to the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics in the University of Wyoming College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and John Hewlett, farm and ranch management specialist in the department Big Horn County farmers Ken and Rich Riff own Riff Brothers Farms that consists of 600 acres of dry beans, sugar beets, and barley (usually 200 acres of each). This spring, the Riffs are particularly worried about the risk with their sugar beet acres. They have two main production concerns. First, the past fall and winter were extremely dry with mild temperatures. The Riffs are concerned the soil moisture is low and beets may require irrigation to germinate or that they may have to replant. Second, input prices (including their technologically advanced seed) have never been higher, and they are committed to their beet acreage through membership in the local cooperative. The brothers are looking for some stability and revenue protection for their bottom line. Crop Insurance Options There are two main crop insurance op-
tions available to the Riffs for their sugar beet crop. Multi-peril and catastrophic coverage (CAT) are based on the Riffs’ actual production history (APH). This covers against losses in yield from covered perils at a price set at the time of policy purchase. For the multi-peril insurance, the Riffs are able to insure from 50 to 85 percent of their APH yield at 55 to 100 percent of the crop price. For the coming production year, the established price is $51.30 per ton (an additional price of $59.85/ton is also obtainable). Sugar beet multi-peril also has a replant provision available that may offer an indemnity payment when the stand loss is great enough the crop will not produce 90 percent of the final production guarantee, and it is practical to replant. For our purposes, assume the Riffs have an APH yield of 25 tons per acre. CAT coverage protects against losses greater than 50 percent at 55 percent of the APH yield for a total cost of $300 per year. An added benefit of utilizing a crop insurance program is that the Riffs will be qualified for disaster assistance if a substantial loss occurs and disaster payments are available. Decision and Peril After considering their options, the Riffs choose the maximum yield coverage available at 85 percent along with a 100-percent price election of $51.30 per ton. This equates to a total revenue guarantee of $1,090.13 per acre (0.85 times 25 tons per acre times $51.30 per ton). The Riffs were right to be concerned about the coming dry production year. The early spring was dry and caused difficulty in getting the crop to emerge. The Riffs had to replant 100 of their 200 acres of beets. In the next installment in this series, we will examine the effectiveness of the Riffs’ insurance decision, compare it with CAT coverage, and demonstrate how it would work with federal disaster programs. For more information To learn more about actual production history-based, multi-peril insurance for sugar beets or other crops, consult a local crop insurance agent or visit the Risk Management Agency website at For more information on this and other risk management topics on the Web, visit the Western Risk Management library at ##### Machiavellian (mack-eeuh-VEL-ee-uhn), adjective - A somewhat unscrupulous and self-centered individual who is always looking out for his or her own good.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B11
1997 International 2554, with New Sprayflex 1500 gallon / 90-ft. booms “Let Us Build One For You”
Sprayflex Sprayers
• 1000-2000 gallon poly or SS tanks • 80-ft.-130-ft. boom widths • New poly tank configuration • Extremely resilient boom design • Load sensing hydraulic system In Stock - New Sprayflex 1500 gallon, 120-ft. boom
Ag Trucks
can help you with any aspect of your truck sprayer project.
• Mounting • Fabrication • Truck Selection • Gearing • Tires and Rims • Hydraulic • Electrical • GPS and Controllers
2000 gallon SS tank
Near New!! 2011 Fast 1800 gallon , 120-ft. boom, duals, rinse tank, only one season, less than 200 hours, Raven boom height available. Big Savings!
1450 gallon SS tank
International 7500 400 hp, Allison automatic, tandem rear tires, with Sprayflex 3150 gallon stainless steel tank, 150-ft. booms.
1997 Freightliner FL 70 Cummins, Allison automatic, new...yes new, planetary rear axle. Very nice condition and runs great.
1500 gallon poly tank
New Sprayflex Sprayers on Order, Call and Reserve Yours Today
AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website:
Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B12
Simonsen Spreaders in Stock
• Simonsen Spreaders offer the highest return on investment of any equipment you can own. • Organize your own time, spread your own, on your own schedule • Simonsen — Accurate / Economical / Simple
“Get yours now for spring application”
New 2013 International 7500 Floater Chassis Arriving Soon - Just give us a call! FULL LINE OF TRUCK MOUNT SPREADERS WITH ANY OPTION NEEDED
Simonsen Equipment In Stock:
New 8-ton SS hydraulic drive, variable rate pull type carts with Raven controllers. New 8-ton SS ground drive spreader carts with spinner tach. New 8-ton SS Q Model truck mount spreader box.
“Top and Side Tenders Available in Any Configuration”
350 HP CUMMINS, Allison automatic, mechanical 4WD, planetary axles, deluxe ag cab, stretch frame, row crop or floaters.
NELSON AG FLOATER CHASSIS Nelson Ag built the vast majority of the LORAL Chassis’ known throughout the industry as being extremely tough and dependable. 2012 International 7500 350 hp, Allison, 2 speed auxiliary transmission, planetary rear axle
r loate F g wn on A Nels ssis sho 13-ft. cha onsen Sim box with Model R
AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website:
Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B13
AG TRUCKS and EQUIPMENT Visit our website:
Phone Dave Bell 406-899-7530 or Steve Raska 406-788-5361 – Great Falls, MT
Simplicity, Dependability, Capacity
We are also a Trimble sub-dealer for Triangle Ag-Services of Fort Benton, Montana
Like new, 1 year old, Ag Trucks SS 1280 spray system, SS 1280 tank, 90-ft. aluminum boom, 7 boom sections, rinse tank, cone, load sense hydraulics. Call soon
2013 International 7400, 330 hp, automatic, auxiliary transmission, field cruise, SS 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. steel booms, 4-pt. linkage boom mount, full load sensing hydraulic system with front mount pump, high rise front axle, hydraulic steering, Trimble 750, Field IQ, EZ Pilot, Raven boom height
Give us a call about your application needs.
Truck Sprayers/Pull Types/Spreader Boxes and Carts/Small Sprayers along with Trimble and Raven Products.
Near New!!
2011 Fast 1800 gallon, 120ft. boom, duals, rinse tank, only one season, less than 200 hours, Raven boom height available. Big Savings!
In Stock
F&S 50 gallon Ranger
sprayer, low tapered tank, Honda engine, choice of boom. A perfect little sprayer.
OUR DANCE CARD IS BEGINNING TO FILL UP! If you are looking for a new sprayer or fertilizer system for this spring, get your order in soon to guarantee a new system in the spring. Give Steve or Dave a call.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B14
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
2012 Summer 4-H Shooting Sports Match winners named
By NDSU Extension Service Teams from Ramsey, Morton and Stutsenior team has qualified for the national 6” aluminum mainline, McDowell gaskets and ring lock. sman counties won first-place honors in the competition. 8” aluminum ring lock pipe. 4-H Summer Shooting Sports State Match Dalton Spougstad of Morton County was Approximately 3400-ft. of 6” aluminum mainline with risers. held August 11-12 at the Capitol City Trap top score in the senior recurve division, and Approximately 1300-ft. of 8” aluminum mainline with risers. Bailey Sand from Dickey County topped the and Capitol City Sporting Clays ranges near 3000-ft. of 3” 200# plastic pipe. senior bare-bow division. Bismarck, North Dakota. 9000-ft. of 4” 200# plastic pipe. The Morton County freestyle junior 4-H’ers competed in three shotgun events team of Adam Boehm, Beau Eider, Jade and field archery. This is the second of two Ellingson and Cody Mulske was the top matches in which participants may compete team in that division. Boehm was the top to qualify for the 2013 4-H National Inviscorer with 216. tational Match. Bare-bow junior division honors went to One hundred twelve archers competed in the Stutsman County team of Cierra Dockthe state match in field archery. All archers ter, Dalton Dockter and Jayden Kramlich. shot four arrows at field archery targets. The Kail Larsen from Stark/Billings County was yardages were marked and age adjusted, the top bare-bow archer. with seniors shooting a distance from 6 The Ramsey County beginner freestyle yards to a maximum of 50 yards, juniors team of Forrest Hanson, Ordale Morstad, 35 yards and beginners 25 yards. A total of Zachary Ohma and Rachel Fritz took 280 points was possible. top honors. Alicia Biewer from Richland The field archery event consisted of three County was top scorer with 223. age divisions with bare-bow, freestyle comThe Morton County beginner team of pound and recurve archery divisions. Levi Haugen, Jacob Boehm and Michelle The Ramsey County team of Cole Han2006 Ingersoll Rand 100KW generator, 110/220/480 Haugen took top honors in the beginner son, Kody Durbin, Gregory Fritz and Mi3-phase, self contained, mounted on trailer. 1 bare-bow division. Cody Heidrich of Emchael Bischoff was the top team in the senior 2-ThunderBird /4-mile wheel line. Phone (406) 278-5531, ask for Dale or Chet mons County was individual high scorer. freestyle division with 665 points. Bischoff The shotgun events consisted of trap, was the top archer with a 232 score. This skeet and sporting clays. Seniors shot 100 trap, 50 clay and 50 skeet targets. The Junior division participants Pric B es A est shot 50 targets in each event. rou The shooter received one nd! point for every target hit. The ranges are not age adjusted. Come see us today for great deals on our garden sheds, garages & gazebos. The Ramsey County team of Kody Durbin, Wyatt Ziegler, Devan Sundeen and Warren Blachfield scored top honors in the senior division trap, sporting clays and skeet events. Durbin and Ziegler were the top guns in trap, with a score of 98 for both. Durbin led the skeet event with a 46, and Blanchfield was a top gun in sporting clays, scoring a 39. The junior division Garage 12x16 Hi-Sid 24x28 2-Car Ramsey County shotgun e 9 B 9 a rn ,8 with 2 windo Y $11 L N O . w . d s .. lle a $ team of Bryer Erickson, st 3 in 0 rs 1 9 doo $146/month Windows and Zachary Mertens, Dylan Call us today for prices on Pole Barns Durbin and Hunter Brown finished with top honors in all three shotgun events. Durbin Visit us online at office claimed top gun in skeet and Summer sporting clays, scoring a 42 Special mobile and 35, respectively. ErickSTOP son shot a perfect 50 to win paying rent for storage. 4930 10th Ave. South the trap event. The masters division conGreat Falls, MT RENT-TO-OWN sists of youth who are in 4-H one of our buildings. Office Hours: and already have competed Monday - Friday 8-5, in a national event in a parNO CREDIT CHECK!! ticular discipline. In 4-H, Saturday 9-2, Closed Sunday youth who have competed 12x26 Log Cabin with Loft in a discipline in a national Insulated and wired..................... $16,499 event may not return to the national match in that event. However, they may return in another event. Shipping The masters division in anywhere in MT, shotgun included Beth MacND, and WY. Donald, who scored 99 for the top score in trap, folFree shipping lowed by Austin Erickson within 20 miles of with 97 for second place and 1 2 -f Morgan Hanson with 82 in t. Octagon V Great Falls, MT in y l G a z e b o with floor, screen kit, a third place. All three are from nd cupola. Ramsey County. Was $6295. N ow ONLY....... In field archery, the one ......... $599 5 masters participant, Chris 9 4 6 1 $ Y L N O Well of Stutsman County, . .. • Display lots in Great Falls, Helena, Coop.......... scored a qualifying-level 6x8 Chicken $84/month Billings, Glendive and Sidney • gold medal with 233.
Rocky Mountain Outdoor Structures LLC
406-727-2425 406-750-1147
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B15
3-V Distributing, Inc.
Conrad Industrial Park
Box 955
Conrad, MT 59425
Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953
Visit us on the web
E-mail Address
“Don’t be left to stand in the electric endgate is a must!” So easy even a kid can do it!!!
We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available
s e i d o b n i a r G l ! a r W e O v N Se K C O T IN S
Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!
New DewEze bale bed shipment coming in!
If you need some lights to get things done, the Shurco LiteAll kit is the answer! Very bright and even remote controlled
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B16
The deadline for advertising in the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be SEPTEMBER 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
Stoltenow named interim assistant director By NDSU Extension Service
406-278-7940 or 406-278-5469 FAX 406-278-7435 303 N. Virginia - Conrad, MT Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Statewide Service “When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... Feel free to give us a call during the day or at night!”
Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc. Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep
Charlie Stoltenow, NDSU professor and Extension veterinarian, is named NDSU Extension’s interim assistant director for agriculture and natural resources.
Charlie Stoltenow has been named the North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service’s interim assistant director and program leader for agriculture and natural resources. Stoltenow, a professor in NDSU’s Animal Sciences Department and the NDSU Extension veterinarian, will continue his veterinary responsibilities but at a reduced level. ✔ Excavator - ✔ Backhoes - ✔ Trucks He begins his new role immediately. ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader “Dr. Stoltenow brings more than 16 years of NDSU Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote experience to this position and a great understanding of North Dakota’s livestock and associated industries,” says NDSU Extension Director NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW Vermeer BPX9000 bale processor. Will process round Chris Boerboom. “Most of and big square bales............................................ IN STOCK Vermeer BP8000 RH discharge, big tires, like new.... $16,000 you know Dr. Stoltenow 2-NEW Vermeer 605 Super M round baler............. IN STOCK through his Extension veteriNEW Vermeer 665 Rancher round baler................ IN STOCK Vermeer 605M round baler. Just in.......................In Our Shop narian role, but we are excited Vermeer 504 Super I 5x4 baler, manual/electric tie. Going into shop........................................................... Price Negotiable to tap into his leadership inJohn Deere 530 round baler..................................Consigned terests and experience.” NEW Vermeer VR1428 wheel rake.......................New Design NEW Vermeer VR1224 medium capacity carted wheel rake. Stoltenow recently served NEW Vermeer WRX14 hi-capacity 14 wheel rake. 2 NEW Vermeer 2800 rakes.................................... IN STOCK as director of NDSU’s VetNEW Vermeer R2300 rake...................................... IN STOCK erinary Technology program Used Vermeer R2300 rake.......................................... $14,500 John Deere 567 round baler, twine/net, going through shop... and was an intern with the ................................................................................. $18,500 Call for your net wrap and twine needs! Extension Leadership Team Trendline Vermeer Sales for the past year. He also is 406-778-3777 (shop) - Baker, MT a leader for the Extension Greg - 406-978-3777 (cell) - Bill Bagley (sales) - 406-891-1060 livestock team. NEW, DEMO & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 605 Super M net, flotation tires, moisture................. “Dr. Stoltenow has a pas................................................................DEMO DISCOUNT sion for the work of ExtenVermeer 605 M net wrap, ramp, flotation tires............. $25,500 Vermeer 605L round baler with net wrap....................... $9500 sion, and I look forward to the Vermeer 605L round baler, twine only........................... $8500 Vermeer 605K round baler............................................. $5500 support that he will provide Case IH RBX563 round, net/twine, standard pickup... $21,500 to all of the ag and natural Vermeer 2300 rake....................................DEMO DISCOUNT Vermeer 23 rake............................................................ $5200 resources teams, programs, Vermeer 21 rake............................................................ $4000 specialists and agents,” BoerWichman Ag Supply, LLC 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell - Hilger, MT boom says. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Stoltenow grew up on a NEW Vermeer BPX9000 bale processor...............COMING IN farm near Great Bend. He Vermeer BP8000 processor, RH discharge. NEW Vermeer R2300 rake...................................... IN STOCK Process both Round & Big Square bales earned a bachelor of science Vermeer 605K round baler......................................... JUST IN The all-new BPX9000 Bale Processor from Vermeer combines simplicity, durability and versatility to meet Vermeer 605 Super I round baler...................................CALL degree in animal science from Vermeer 605M with updates, net/twine...........................CALL the needs of today’s cattle producers. The easy to operate machine is built tough with a unique, T-style NDSU in 1981 and a doctor Vermeer Super M net/twine, ramps. frame, the bed design and offset rotor produce even and consistent feed with minimal maintenance, and H&S hay machine windrow fluffer. of veterinary medicine degree an optional large square bale kit includes enhancements to effectively process a variety of bales. The Cox Ranch Equipment from Iowa State University in 406-227-6697 or cell 594-2204 - Winston, MT BPX9000 is built to maximize bale processing and minimize operator stress. 1985. He worked in private The BPX9000’s slat and chain bed and positive bale feeding improve bale rotation, feeding bales more conNEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer BP7000 bale processor, scales & LH delivery.$12,900 sistently into the rotor, while reducing the need for operators to reverse rotation of the bale when feeding. practice and for the federal Demo Vermeer R2300 rake. ............................BIG SAVINGS The split shaft in the bed allows for easier maintenance without removing the entire bed, and long-lasting New Vermeer 605 Super M flotation tires, moisture tester, ramps government before he joined bushings in the bed are resistant to net and twine wrapping. Vermeer 605 Super M 3000 bales.............................. $35,800 NDSU in 1996. Vermeer 605 Super M 4000 bales.............................. $34,000 In addition, the bale processor’s offset rotor feeds material with less slugging, for a consistent cut length and Used Universal bale spear.............................................. $750 “I am thankful and feel forhigher quality feed. With exclusive cut control bars in combination with the self-cleaning rotor, excessive 8x16 Triple Axle pintle hitch equipment trailer with beavertail and ramps................................................................... $2650 tunate to have the opportunity build-up of net and twine on the drum is eliminated. The rotor can also be manually cleaned, with easy 8-ft., 3-pt. rear blade.......................................................... $750 access through a side-access door. to serve and work with the 6-ft., 3-pt. rear blade......................................................... $585 The BPX9000 has no welds or gussets at high stress points for enhanced durability. The optional large Land Pride 8-ft. landscape rake....................................... $650 best people in the best Exten3-pt. 5-ft. rotary mower...................................................... $650 square bale kit gives producers the flexibility to process both round and square bales, with offset loader sion system,” Stoltenow says. Hydraulic tampers, diggers & steel post pounders forks to position square bales to the right side of the processor and a sidewall that lowers to effectively R & L Seed and Machine, LLC. “I look forward to serving the process square bales. 406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT - people of North Dakota.”
✓ Directional Boring
✓ Excavation Needs
NEW Vermeer BPX9000 Bale Processor
Annual Montana Youth Range Camp
By Denise Thompson, District Administrator, Broadwater Conservation District, Townsend, MT This year 31 youth, ages 12-17, participated in a very unique, fun, and educational camp at Grassy Mountain Lodge near Townsend, Montana, on July 16 – 20. The 2012 Montana Youth Range Camp, which rotates to new locations throughout the Treasure State each summer, is designed to teach youth about this state’s largest ecosystem, rangeland. The event provided great summer fun for the eager campers. Participants attended class sessions on plant identification and anatomy, soils and geology, grazing management (wildlife and domestic), water and riparian areas as well as rangeland monitoring. Additionally, attendees were split into teams with each team working on a ranch problem throughout the week. On the final day each team gave an oral presentation of their solutions to the ranch problem. Students also took part in a rangeland quiz. Individual and team awards were given out at the end of camp. This camp not only taught our youth about rangeland but also about teamwork, healthy lifestyles, an appreciation for the outdoors, and the importance of playing an active role in preserving and protecting our natural resources, and agricultural foundation. This event was made possible by a generous Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) 223 Grant, a Montana Farm Bureau Foundation Mini-Grant, and a number of key donations from the Montana Land Reliance, Northern Great Plains SEC SRM, and the SOC for Range Management, and Watson Irrigation, Inc. of Townsend. Additionally, The Rangeland Resources Executive Committee and Montana State University Extension provided services and expertise. DNRC provided instructors, chaperones, van drivers, and support throughout the event. Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) played a pivotal instructional as well. Other educational sessions included an edible plants presentation by a Townsend horticulturalist, Patrick Plantenberg; a Montana mining presentation, “Goldpans, Guns and Grit”, by a Townsend author, rancher and historian, Kelly Flynn; a fun geo-cache (GPS scavenger hunt) by NRCS cartographer, Kristin Fletcher; a late night expedition hanging out with creatures of the dark; an afternoon of swimming at Newlan Reservoir near White Sulphur Springs; a free night of dancing; and a fabulous tour and elk burger meal at Montana Elk Company, owned by Lew and Linda Reeves of Townsend. DNRC Rangeland Resources Program Coordinator, Heidi Crum spearheaded the Montana Youth Range Camp just as she does year after year. She did an amazing job! It is through her guidance that this year’s sponsor, the Broadwater Conservation District of Townsend was able to seek funding and support to put this program in place. George and Joy Ioerger and son Westhenry, owners of Grassy Mountain Lodge, provided a fantastic, fun and memorable stay for all the campers and instructors. Folks enjoyed the beautiful “backdrop” of the Big Belt Mountains throughout the week and were reminded why we call Montana home! Westhenry also participated in the camp and excelled throughout the week, winning first place (Top Hand belt buckle award for 15-18 year olds) along with Austin Crum of Helena. Verena Lawrence of Bozeman was the other buckle winner, receiving the Top Green Hand award for the 12-14 year olds. All campers received caps, t-shirts and backpacks. Chili O’Brien’s Catering Service out of Helena provided absolutely amazing meals. Irene Wilson, of Townsend, was the staff nurse for the event and ensured everyone stayed healthy and safe. Round Grove Ranch of Townsend offered their ranch for the outdoor classroom, providing campers with a real life perspective for analyzing rangeland health and learning about agriculture. This jam-packed week left attendees exhausted on one hand but enthusiastic about the experiences and newly formed friendships on the other hand. Many attendees were repeat campers who look forward to this camp every summer. Many expressed interest in attending the 2013 Montana Youth Range Camp which will be hosted by the Little Beaver Conservation District near Baker, Montana. Be sure to go to for more information about this camp and other great programs offered by DNRC. The Broadwater Conservation District was honored to bring this worthwhile event to the younger generation, and to share the beauty, natural resources, rangeland, and agricultural heritage of our area. Thank you to all of the instructors, sponsors, special event leaders, and campers for making this event possible.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B17
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
See Pacific for
I Buying Car Bodies I Scrap Iron I Buying Aluminum Cans I Non Ferrous Metals (aluminum, copper, brass)
A great alternative for low-volume bridges! Contact Steve Smith directly at 406-791-8549
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Switch Ties in 11’, 12’, 13’, 14’, and 15’
Scrap iron, aluminum cans, copper, brass, aluminum, radiators, paper, card board, computer paper, antlers, etc.
New Highline CFR650 Feed-Chopper
• Place processed feed in a windrow or in a feed bunk. • Spread bales up to 50-ft. for bedding. • Process one bale while carrying another on the fork. • Hydraulic driven rollers with rubber belting ensure complete bale processing. • Available with Highline Feed-Chopper to further cut material 2-NEW Highline CFR650 feed chopper with RH discharge. Final cut option available............. IN STOCK NEW Red Rhino 40-ft. round bale trailer........... 1 LEFT McFarland 36-ft. pasture harrow........... NEW PRICING Used Branson 3510 hydro 4WD tractor, PTO, 3-pt. loader, 35-hp................................................ $19,500 Pulleys & Weld-On Sprockets.....................ON HAND Trendline Vermeer Sales 406-778-3777 (shop) - Baker, MT Greg - 406-978-3777 (cell) - Bill Bagley (sales) - 406-891-1060
NEW Highline CFR650 feed chopper........................... ................................................... CALL FOR PRICE Highliner 8100 bale processor, RH discharge, rebuilt.. .................................................................... $15,000 Above chopper with final cut feed chopper....... $17,500 Vermeer BP7000 bale processor........................ $8750 New Holland BR780 net/twine, wide pickup.... $11,500 John Deere 566 round baler, net wrap............. $11,000 Wichman Ag Supply, LLC 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell - Hilger, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B18
Tradition of the cuckoo clock
Anton Ketterer designed and built the first cuckoo clock in the village of Schonwald, Germany, in the Black Forest around 1730. Ketterer reproduced the cuckoo bird’s song with tiny, twin, goatskin bellows that blew into two, tiny flutes. Hand carved during the winter, the clocks were popularized in the summer by peddlers who carried the clocks across Europe on their backs.
Travalong Rancher 20-ft. trailer (16’ cargo with 4’ straight wall tack), brush fenders, LED lighting. Charcoal in color. Work or play in style
##### Bison can swin very well. They float so well that their bodies rise almost halfway out of the water. ##### In 1994, 11 year old Rachel Myllymaki, of Arlee, Montana was the youngest rider ever to qualify for the National Finals Rodeo.
Walton 26-ft. gooseneck tiltbed, electric over hydraulic, disc brakes, 12,000# axles. Unmatched Walton craftmanship with all the bells and whistles. “Deep Discount”...................................... Walton 26-ft. gooseneck with flip over ramps, 14 ply tires, 7000# axles and all options. Bosses demo Make Offer...................................................
$16,500 $7100
Walton bumper hitch tiltbed, 16’+4’. All the options and ready to work! John Deere 50 Very nice................................. $3500 We are your Herd, Thunderstruck & Truck Defender frontend crash protection headquarters for pickups and semis
New Load of Bradford truck beds Just Arrived..... more on the way! Call for sizes and pricing
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2002 Dutchman 27-ft. 5th wheel with big slide.
Military Kids partners with MCEC
Providing practical strategies and resources for encouraging resilience in children of military parents serving overseas is the intent of a two-day workshop in Casper, Wyoming this September. Living in the New Normal Institute (LINN): Helping Children Thrive Through Good and Challenging Times training is Wednesday and Thursday, September 12-13, at the Best Western Ramkota Hotel at 800 N. Poplar St. Breakfast and lunch are provided both days. Out of Wyoming’s 88,000 school-age children, 3,000 or 3.4 percent are children of members of the military, according to Keith Martin, program manager at the non-profit Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC). “That number more than doubles when you add the children of men and women who served and completed their service at some time during the 11 years of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,” he said. “It becomes even larger when you add military-connected children who are in private schools or who are home-schooled.” He said attendees will receive the latest research and experience-based knowledge, skills and tools to allow them to provide informed sensitivity and support to militaryconnected children. “As an added benefit, much of that knowledge, skills and tools are applicable to any child experiencing stress, grief, loss and trauma,” he said. RSVP is requested, and there is no cost to register; to RSVP, go to and click on Training then scroll down to LINN – Casper and follow the registration prompts. “There are 50 seats in the class, and the more who attend, the greater the impact and benefit of the training in support of Wyoming’s military-connected children,” said Martin. “Those who attend this training will leave empowered and skilled to provide that sensitivity and support.” MCEC is a national partner in the Operation: Military Kids (OMK) coalition at the University of Wyoming Extension. “OMK is a grant initiative, which has a component of its mission to create networks of people, organizations and other resources to support youth in military families where they live,” said Eloise Riley, OMK program coordinator at UW Extension. “We value the national partnership with the MCEC, which provides support materials and resources as well as training to those who are working with military youth. It becomes our local task to make stakeholders aware of all that MCEC has to offer.” MCEC, as an American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education member, is collaborating with UW to encourage development and incorporation of instruction related to the needs of military children into the core curricula for future teachers, counselors and social workers as part of the Joining Forces Initiative. “There is clear evidence any child experiencing stress, grief, loss or trauma can develop and sustain strength and resilience if they receive informed sensitivity and support,” said Martin. For more information about MCEC, email Martin at For more information about OMK, email Riley at
Black specks from blue spruce
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I have many Colorado blue spruce trees on my property. I park a camper during the summer close to two of the spruce trees. I spend hours cleaning my camper because it appears the trees literally throw black specks over the entire camper. I assume this is sap because it is extremely difficult to get off. I figured the tree would do this once a year, but I guess I was wrong after cleaning the camper multiple times last summer. Is there anything I can do to the tree or should I just bite the bullet and move the camper somewhere else? A: Those black specks you are cleaning off the camper are insect poop. Aphids or some insect population is causing these spots to show up. Check your spruce trees carefully or send a sample to your land-grant university’s diagnostic lab to see if there are insects that have taken up residence. It could be that something has established itself on your trees that is not causing visible symptoms of decline or discoloration because of the vigor these trees possess. It would be worth checking with the lab so that you can initiate some control before the problem gets too far along.
Household greywater provides alternative water
Water drained from baths, showers, washing machines, laundry tubs and bathroom and kitchen sinks, called greywater, can provide a secondary source of water for landscape plants while conserving potable water, according to an educator with University of Wyoming Extension. “Capturing greywater and using it on your landscape during this summer’s drought may reduce the demand on your potable well water,” said Sandra Frost, based in Park County. According to Frost, a family of four generates 100 gallons of greywater a day, including warm-up water that could be used on landscape plants. “Warm-up water is the water you run out of household faucets before the hot water gets to the sink or shower,” said Frost. “Warm-up water is clean, ready to use on your landscape or vegetable garden and has no health issues. Just keep a bucket or container handy and catch it.” However, she said greywater, not including warm-up water, may contain bacteria, organic matter and other potential pathogens and recommends its use only on landscape plants and not vegetable plants to avoid possible contamination with pathogens. “Greywater is not potable by pets or humans due to organic matter and dissolved chemicals,” said Frost. Greywater systems range in complexity from a simple bucket to integrated, parallel plumbing lines built into a house. Frost said greywater may contain nitrogen and phosphorous needed by plants and may also reduce the demands on septic systems or municipal sewage treatment facilities by reducing the volume of water that must be treated. The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulates greywater systems in the state. A greywater system can be constructed without a Wyoming DEQ permit if it meets all of the 11 DEQ requirements. No application for a permit or fee is required if all the conditions are met, said Frost. A list of the permit-by-rule requirements is at GWPolicy.pdf. “Wyoming’s greywater policy is based upon the idea do no harm,” said Frost. “If your greywater system is not harming anybody, degrading environmental quality or causing a nuisance, it is probably covered under “permit-by-rule” as defined in Chapter 16 of the DEQ Water Quality Rules and Regulations.” DEQ publishes the handbook Special Greywater Design Considerations for the State of Wyoming to assist in the design of greywater systems in Wyoming’s climate available at Greywater does not include water in the household sewage systems (blackwater). Health concerns, plant tolerances and soil texture determine where and how much greywater is appropriate for a garden. Greywater should be used within 24 hours to avoid the growth of pathogens and to reduce odor. For more information, contact Frost at 307-754-8836 or email her at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B19
Visit Us On The Web 1988 Kenworth T800 high hood, 444 Cummins, 13 speed, 46,000 lb. rears on Hendrickson extended leaf, 5-ft. spread, 4.56 ratio, 18,000 lb. front axle, new Hardox 15’6” box, hi-lift tailgate.$39,500 1992 Peterbilt 379 dump truck, 3406B Cat, 13 speed, 17-ft. box. ......................................$21,500
2005 International Cummins ISX 425 hp, 10 speed, 64” sleeper, 3.55 rears. Cummins recon with only 245,540 miles.$31,500
2006 International Cat 435 hp, 10 speed, 60” sleeper, bunk bed, 762,434 miles................$31,500
2000 Freightliner Classic Cummins N14 460 hp, RTLO18918B 18 speed, 3.70, REAR LOCKER, aluminum wheels, 11R24.5 nice virgin tires......................$26,500
1998 Western Star 475 Cat, 18 speed, 46,000# double lockers, 12,000# front with floats, nonsteer lift axle, 18-ft gravel box with tarp, 58” sides. (This truck would work for beets)....$36,500
Steerable lift axles Hendrickson Paralift with axle.$3600
1986 International Cat 3406B, 13 speed, near new virgin drive tires................................$17,500
Freightliner FL70 service truck, welder, air compressor, crane on 11-ft. service bed...........$32,500
1996 Freightliner FLD 120 water truck, 460 hp, N-14, rear locker. Nice tires!.......................$25,500
1980 Peterbilt 359 dump truck, 3406B Cat, 13 speed, 16-ft. tub box with high lift gate, pintle hitch...............................$17,500 1985 Peterbilt 359 17-ft. tub box with high lift tailgate, steerable lift axle, 400 Cummins, 15-speed.... ......................................$17,500
2000 Peterbilt 379 long hood, 475 hp N-14, 13 speed, American Class interior, 3.70 ratio....... ......................................$30,500
2000 Peterbilt 379 475 hp Cat 3406E, 13 speed, 3.70 ratio, virgin rubber...................$27,500 1994 Freightliner Detroit Series 60 360/400 hp, 9 speed, 40” sleeper, all aluminum wheels. Sharp looking truck, less than 500,000 miles................$16,500 2005 Freightliner Columbia day cab 14.0L Detroit 455 hp, 581,000 miles, 10 speed, 3.70 ratio good matching tires and near new brakes............$32,500 1995 Kenworth water spray truck, like new tank, set up with sprayers and 52-ft. fire hose, great brakes and tires....$39,500
1991 International daycab, 3176 Cat, 10 speed, 3.21 rears, low pro 24.5 good tires..................$9500 2003 Peterbilt 385 day cab, Cat C15 (6NZ), 13 speed, 4.11 double locker rears only, 84,107 actual miles....................$49,000
2005 Freightliner Columbia day cab, 14L Detroit 515 hp, 10 speed............................JUST IN
2006 Chevrolet 3/4 ton, long box, 6.0L gas, automatic..........$5995
Just In! 1995 Freightliner dump truck, low miles on Cummins N14, performance 9 speed, 14-ft. box, great tires and brakes......... ......................................$29,500
1997 Freightliner Classic water truck, N-14, 13 speed, lockers.... ......................................$22,500
2003 Kenworth T800 Aero cab 60” sleeper, 6NZ Cat C-15 500 hp, automatic transmission, double lockers, 489,000 miles, great tires and brakes....$37,500
1997 Kenworth W900L 3406E 550 hp Cat, 18 speed 18918B, Aero-Cab flat top, 270” wheelbase, steerable lift axle .$29,500
1990 Ford L9000 dump truck with 3406B Cat, 14,000# front axle, double locker rears and 16-ft. box........................$18,500 1986 International dump truck, 16-ft. box, Cummins NTC-350, 13 speed, lift axle and pintle hitch.... ......................................$18,500
1990 Peterbilt 379 short hood, 3406B with low miles on engine, 13 speed, flat top, great virgin tires, great brakes..........$19,500
Reman Crankshafts
2003 GMC Duramax SLE extended cab, short box leather AliArc, bedliner, toneau cover, headache rack, 176,000 miles.... ......................................$15,000
Cat 3406E......................... $1250 Cat 3406B........................ $1050 Cummins N14.................. $1500 Cummins 855 BC/SC........ $900 Cat C12............................ $1200 Also available ISX, L10, M11, 3306, DT466, C15, Det 60 series
Planting willow twigs
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a question about some willow twigs that I have. On Valentine’s Day, I got a bouquet of flowers with two willow twigs in it. The twigs started to sprout roots and leaves. Ever since then, I’ve had them in a vase of water that I change twice a week. The vase is on a windowsill, so there is plenty of sunshine. It seems like they’ve been doing really well and constantly have been sprouting new leaves and roots. I was wondering if these twigs could grow into trees if I planted them in a pot of soil. I’ve been meaning to do this but I have been afraid that I would do it wrong and they would die. Please let me know what I should do with them. Thank you so much for your time! A: Yes to both of your questions. I’d suggest potting them and gradually hardening them off by giving them some outdoor exposure on nice days. Start with a couple of hours in a protected location away from direct sun and wind. Gradually increase the time outdoors and exposure to the elements. Plant the twigs sometime around the Memorial Day weekend. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
2006 Wes-Tex Road Builder 42-ft. tandem axle belly dump. Very straight, never abused......... ......................................$22,500
2010 ACE Rocky Mountain double bottom dump trailers, super singles, 8 axle set..........
Call For Price
1990 Witzco Challenger RG35 35 ton detachable lowboy, 22.5 wheels, spring suspension..................................................... $15,900
Weld-It Company aluminum tank pup trailer, 11R24.5 tires, 4300 gallon.......................$7000 1985 Trail King tri-axle belly dump, all new king pin plate and bushings, good super single tires, good brakes. Ready for work...............................$17,500 1974 Fruehauf 42-ft. lowboy, like new tires and brakes......$11,500 1992 Utility spread axle reefer.... .........................................$6000
1997 Cornhusker 45x102 hopper trailer, ag hoppers, 8-ft. sides, 11R/24.5 tires on aluminum wheels, new brakes.......$22,500 1982 Cornhusker 42-ft. aluminum hopper trailer, good Lo-Pro 24.5 tires........................$11,500 2008 Load King belly dump trailer, center point spring suspension..........................$35,000
1995 Fontaine mechanical detach 29-ft. well. Call for more information.....................$23,500 1997 Ranco 35-ft. tri-axle belly dump..............................$21,500
Transmissions and Differentials
RTLO16913....$2750 ($1500 core) RTO14613........................... $1500 Most 9, 10, 13 and 15 speeds.CALL Rockwell, Eaton, Spicer, IH differentials - most ratios available
1968 Beall belly dump, double bottom, good tires and brakes, center point spring suspension... .........................................$9000
Cummins N14’s, BCII 400, BCIII 350 & 400, BCIV 400, M11’s Cummins ISX 475 hp CPL#2629 Cat C15’s, 3406E’s, 3406B’s Cat 3054 Serial #5Ys.............$3200 Detroit 6V53T........................$5500 Detroit 60’s Volvo VED7C 275 hp..............$4000 We have a large selection of used parts
2 CAT C15 Engines
BXS01601 475-hp. 242,000 miles..... ............................................$12,500 MXS59658 550-hp..................$7500
Call 406-254-2400
3145 N. Frontage Road – Billings, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B20
2005 Case IH 2388 combine with specialty rotor, AutoLube, Auto Steer, large grain tank extension, 1683 engine hours, 1340 rotor hours. Field Ready..........................$130,000
Phone (406) 753-2393, cell 450-1968 or 450-6905
Scientists probe yeast’s ability to protect tree nuts
By Marcia Wood, Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists have moved a step closer to understanding the underlying mechanisms that enable a helpful yeast to disable a mold that attacks tree nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and walnuts. Their ongoing laboratory studies may help improve the effectiveness of the yeast, Pichia anomala, in thwarting the mold, Aspergillus flavus. The mold is of concern because it can produce aflatoxin, a natural carcinogen. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant physiologist Sui-Sheng T. (Sylvia) Hua leads the studies. She is based at the ARS Western Regional Research Center in Albany, California. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency, and the research supports the USDA priority of ensuring food safety. Federal food safety standards, and quality control procedures at U.S. packinghouses, help ensure that tree nuts remain safe to eat. Nonetheless, growers and processors have a continuing interest in new, environmentally friendly ways to combat the A. flavus mold. For an early, collaborative experiment by Hua and two other Albany scientists, chemical engineer Bradley J. Hernlem and microbiologist Maria T. Brandl, the mold was exposed to the yeast, and, later, to several different compounds that fluoresce a distinctive red, or green, when evidence of specific changes in the mold’s cells is detected. Results of these fluorescence assays, documented in a peer-reviewed article in the scientific journal Mycopathologia, suggest that the yeast interfered with the mold’s energy-generating ATP (adenosine triphosphate) system, vital for the mold’s survival. The findings also suggest that the yeast damaged mold cell walls and cell membranes, according to Hua. Walls and membranes perform the essential role of protecting cell contents. In other work that has helped pave the way to current studies, the team used a different analytical procedure— quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays—to analyze the activity of certain P. anomala genes in the presence of the mold. Preliminary findings, which Hua reported at the annual national meeting of the American Society for Microbiology in 2010, suggest that exposing the yeast to the mold may have triggered the yeast to turn on genes that code for production of two enzymes—PaEXG1 and PaEXG2. These enzymes are capable of degrading the mold’s cell walls and causing damage to membranes. Though further studies are needed, these early, PCRbased findings point to genecontrolled mechanisms that may be involved in the cell wall and cell membrane damage observed in the fluorescence assays.
Call to find out how to save up to $2000.
Publication helps dairy farmers conserve energy
Managing and maintaining dairy equipment to improve energy efficiency is challenging, especially cooling milk throughout the hot summer months. A new publication from Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach explains three key factors for reducing energy consumption on Midwestern dairies. “Energy Efficiency for Dairy Milking Equipment” (PM 2089X) ( aspx?ProductID=13907) is available to download from the Extension Online Store, “A dairy can reduce its energy costs by maintaining milking and cooling equipment for optimal performance,” said Dan Huyser, ISU Extension agricultural engineer. “When replacing worn equipment, consider options such as milk precoolers, refrigeration heat recovery, scroll compressors or variable frequency drives on vacuum pumps.” The publication addresses energy consumption for Midwestern dairies, particularly equipment needed for milking and milk storage. Dairy farms typically need more energy for day-to-day operations than other farmsteads, especially electricity for milking the herd and for cooling and storing the milk. Milk precoolers, scroll compressors and variable frequency drives can improve on-farm energy efficiency during daily operations. “Modifications to equipment and plans for dairy expansion are not taken lightly, especially in today’s market,” said Dana Petersen, program coordinator for ISU Farm Energy. “Producers should carefully consider the most energy efficient equipment to meet the existing — and future — needs of the dairy.” For more tips on energy efficiency around the farmstead, visit or follow @ISU_ Farm_Energy on Twitter. The Farm Energy publications are part of a series of farm energy conservation and efficiency educational materials being developed through the ISU Farm Energy Initiative (http:// The purpose is to increase farmers’ awareness of opportunities for improving efficient use of farm energy. The initiative also will help farmers and utility providers to explore opportunities to reduce farm energy demand and to improve overall profitability in a rapidly changing energy environment. Cow Hauling Season Is Right Around The Corner
We have 2 tandem axle cattle trailers for sale Call for information & pricing
Symbol of the lighthouse
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B21
##### In 1924 local McCall, Idaho resident and Olympic ski champion, Cory Engen, started the celebration known as the Winter Carnival to help curb the boredom of the long McCall winters.
Lighthouses lift up our spirits and inspire us. Just as the bright beacon of light guides the ships along their route, directing them away from danger, the light symbolizes guidance through life. The lighthouse also serves as a symbol of Christ, the light of the world. “You word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” Authorized Bare-Co Distributor
ROP Frames
PTO Driveline
Agricultural Gearboxes
Filters & Fuel Lines
Agricultural Bolts
Earth Engaging Tools
Post Hole Digger Auger
Tie Rod Ends - By Size
Harvest Parts
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406-453-8100 or 1-877-453-0166
YOUR DEALER FOR Truck Defender Grill Guards
We can order guards for semis or pickups!
website: e-mail: 855 Kinsey Road, Miles City, MT 59301 Trucking Services: Our drivers haul grain, hay, livestock and equipment across the county. We also use hoppers to carry bulk commodities. We Have Available Bradford Built Flatbeds
Merritt 53-ft. x 102” straight stock trailers with 3 compartments. Equipment Sales: Our company sells a wide selection of new and used trucking, construction and farm equipment, as well as recreation. Whether you are looking for a backhoe, a loader, or a tractor, we can deliver. Other equipment we have to offer includes: trucks, trailers, haying equipment, trenchers, pay loaders, land levelers, grain handling equipment, boats and snowmobiles. A bit of everything.
1989 Trail King belly dump trailer. Triple axle!
1992 CPS belly dump gravel trailer. We have more gravel trailers in our inventory! Call for information!
Jensen Bale Handlers
Rotary snowblower
1982 International F1954 T/A, 4000 gallon insulated tank truck.
2007 Featherlite 24-ft. steel stock trailer, center and rear gates have sliders. Clean trailer!
1987 Freightliner with tag axle.
1979 Ford F600 4x4 flatbed with crane.
1997 Ford F450 service truck with crane.
Electric over hydraulic
Fabrication & Welding Services: We provide commercial welding and iron repair services. Our staff works with all vehicles and machinery, including trucks and trailers. We can build anything you need out of iron.
John Deere fork lift.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B22
1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 47-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 4” rubber packers, 2320 tow between cart.. $40,000
Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft., 7.2” spacing, 550 trips, 2320 tow between cart........................................ CALL
1993 John Deere 8960 4WD tractor, 20.3R42 tires (90%), Cummins disesel, 4 hydraulics, nice!....... . ..............................................................$53,000 1997 Brandt QF2000 114-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, auto rate controller.....................................$6500 1993 Flexi-Coil S65 100-ft. boom sprayer, no windscreens, 1500 gallon, Micro-Trak auto rate, air induction tips..............................................$6500
1997 Degelman LR7640 40-ft. land roller, 36” drums......................................................$18,000 Wil-Rich 47-ft. tool bar, 5 section, 7 Flexi-Coil harrows, McKay knock-on sweeps........................$17,500 2006 New Holland BR780 round baler, twine/net, 4000 bales, hay applicator, standard pickup........ . ..............................................................$28,500 1997 New Holland 664 round baler, 1000 PTO drive, gathering wheels, hydraulic pickup lift........$7500 Vermeer 605L round baler, twine & net wrap, gathering wheels..................................................$5500 1993 Vermeer 604K round baler, makes 4-ft. bale, 540 PTO drive with gathering wheels........$4900 2009 Vermeer R2300 twin rake....................$16,500 2-Rola wheel rakes, 4- & 6-wheel.........$1700-$2000 New Holland 1431 disc bine, 13-ft. cut 1000 PTO drive, 3-pt. swivel hitch............................$13,000
John Deere 1600A MoCo, 16-ft. header, 1000 PTO drive...........................................................$7500 1992 Gleaner R72 combine, 2530 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 390 hours on new engine.$49,500 1992 Gleaner R72 combine, 2277 separator hours, 30.5x32 tires, 30-ft. header and trailer.....$45,000 1997 New Holland TR98 combine, 2240 separator hours, yield/moisture monitor, straw chopper, very, very nice..................................................... CALL 1995 New Holland TR97 combine, 1540 hours, Kirby spreader, no hours since re-con in 2008..$45,000 1990 New Holland TR86 combine, 24.5x32 tires, 1635 separator hours, 30-ft. 971 header, very nice. .......................................................$20,000 1979 Allis-Chalmers N5 combine, 24.5x32 tires with 27-ft. header, batt reel................................$7500 1978 John Deere 7700 combine, diesel engine, 3631 hours with 224 head, non hydro.................$8500
2005 New Holland 74C 30-ft. flex auger header, poly cutter bar with pickup reels. #UCNH53...$25,000 New Holland 973 30-ft. flex header, fits TR series. #UCNH59............................................... JUST IN 1998 New Holland 973 30-ft. flex header. #UCNH64.............................................. JUST IN 2-New Holland 971 13-ft. pickup header with RakeUp pickup attachment. #UCNH38..............$5500 1988 New Holland 971 12-ft. pickup header #UCNH63.............................................. JUST IN Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header with Case IH pickup attachment. #UCCA09...............................$5500 Massey-Ferguson pickup header, 13-ft., fits 510, 750 and 760. #UHMF61...................................... $500
1993 New Holland 660 auto wrap, 1000 PTO drive. #UHN118................................................... $6500 1994 New Holland 660 auto wrap, 1000 PTO. #UHNH86................................................ $11,900 Hesston 560 with auto tie, 540 PTO. #UHHS51...... . ................................................................$5500 2002 Hesston 856A automatic, twine tie, 4500 bales, wide pickup. #UHHS54.............................. $9500 1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500
Vermeer 605M round baler, twine and net wrap, wide pickup, hydraulic bale bicker, 540 PTO. #UHVM40............................................... $19,000 2003 Vermeer 605XL acu-bale “Plus” monitor, bale kicker, 540 PTO. #UHVM35.................... $11,000
1998 Vermeer 605L twine & mesh wrap, hydraulic bale kicker. #UHVM31............................. $12,000 1994 Vermeer 605K 1000 PTO. #UHVM33..... $7500
USED SPRAYERS 1987 Case IH 1680 combine, 30.5x32R front tires 90%, straw spreader, 3543 total hours, very nice, has been reconditioned..........................$22,000 1980 International 1480 combine, 24.5x32R3 front tires, straw spreader, 30-ft. 810 header, 3214 hours.......................................................$12,000 International 813 13-ft. pickup header with 5-belt Melroe pickup hydraulic drive....................$1500 Gleaner 13-ft. pickup header with Melroe attachment...........................................................$1500 Brandt 4000 grain vac, 1000 PTO drive..........$6500
2006 Ford 1-ton dually extended cab, 6.0 diesel, 77,000 miles, clean, new injectors..........$18,000
2001 Flexi-Coil System 67XL 84-ft., windscreens, Flexi-Control. #NSF174......................... JUST IN 2000 Flexi-Coil System 67XL 100-ft., 1500 gallon, wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, windscreens, double nozzles, rinse tank. #USF153................................................$17,500 2004 Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. wheel boom, no windscreens, SP655 auto rate...................... JUST IN 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139................................................$17,500 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67 110-ft., 1000 gallon, windscreens, wheel boom, Flexi-Control monitor. #USF151................................................$14,500 1994 Flexi-Coil 65XL 1500 gallon, non auto rate. #USF173...................................................$6500 1995 Flexi-Coil System 65 80-ft., 1000 gallon tank, windscreens, 3-switch controller............ JUST IN
Flexi-Coil System 65 80-ft., 1000 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, 3 switch controller. #USF171.............$5000
2004 Summers 110-ft. suspended boom, windscreens, 3 way nozzle bodies, 1500 gallon tank, Raven 450 auto rate. #USSM06.............$32,500
2000 New Holland TR99, Honeybee 994 36-ft. header, 2100 separator hours. #UCNH41..CALL 1998 New Holland TR98 2300 separator hours, SP 36-ft. Honey Bee. #UCNH57.................. JUST IN 1994 New Holland TR97 2100 hours with MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, 30.5x32 tires, straw chopper & chaff spreader. #UCNH37.....$60,000
2009 New Holland / Honey Bee 4255 Grain Belt PLUS 42-ft. flex draper header, UII plastic finger reel, hydraulic fore and aft, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, transport trailer, fits John Deere 70 series combine. #UHHB02................................... CALL
2007 New Holland BR-780A with Bale Command, twine and net wrap, 1000 PTO, wide pickup. #UHN123................................................$21,000 2006 New Holland BR-780 with Bale command, twine and mesh wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO, hay acid applicator. #UHN120...............................$18,000 2005 New Holland BR-780 standard pickup, 1000 PTO, Bale Command. #UHN124............$14,500 1992 New Holland 660 with Bale Command, standard pickup, 1000 PTO. #UHN108.....................$7500
Bearcat 1260 grinder mixer, bale feeder, 1000 PTO, nice............................................................$4500
International 140 48” roll over plow, 16” bottoms, 3-pt. mount.........................................................$3500
1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28................................................ $36,500 1988 New Holland TR86 combine with 971 30-ft. header. #UCNH61.................................................... $25,000 1988 New Holland TR86 combine with 971 header. #UCNH62.................................................... $25,000 1981 New Holland TR85 2200 separator hours, 24-ft. header. #UCNH58.................................. JUST IN
Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393
2009 New Holland S1070 pull type sprayer, 134-ft., no windscreens, auto rate, combo jet dual nozzles. #USNH24...............................................$45,000 2009 New Holland S1070 suspended boom, 100-ft., auto height control, double nozzles, end jets, rinse tank.........................................................$45,000 New Holland SF216 100-ft., suspended boom, 1600 gallon, SP655 auto rate, windscreens, double nozzles with auto height control..............$41,000 1996 Brandt QF2500 100-ft. wheel boom, twin tank, twin boom, Auto Rate, 18.4x26 tires, foam marker, Ace hydraulic & PTO pump. #USBT12...$10,900
Bourgault fire rig with 1500 gallon tank and trailer. #USB000 ..................................................$3500
SALES Mike Guttenberg Tim Guttenberg
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B23
New Holland Equipment
New Holland Windrowers
New Holland BR7090 Round Balers
New Holland Tractors New Holland Combines New Holland Guardian Sprayer
New Holland Air Drills
New Holland P2050
New Holland P2060 60 & 70-ft. folding drill
New Holland T9000 Series Tractors
New Holland P2070 Precision Air Drill
2010 John Deere 1830 60-ft., 10” spacing, 31/2” steel wheels, 31/2” Dutch, 1910 tow between cart, conveyor, variable rate drive double shoot #UDJ163................................................ JUST IN 2008 New Holland SD550 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 550# C-shanks, 5.90x15 Concord style packers, doube shoot, stealths, SC430 tow between air cart, V.R. drive, dual fan, 18.4x38 duals, 10” auger. #UDNH08.................................................. CALL
Case 3430 tow behind tank, variable rate....... CALL
Zerbe Bros.
406-228-4311 Glasgow, Montana USED TRACTORS
2005 Bourgault 5710 54-ft. air drill, 9.8” spacing, pneumatic packers, Phoenix harrows, double shoot, Dutch points, 31/2” pair row, 6550 tow behind air cart, V.R. drive, 10” auger, duals........... CALL
Concord 5012 50-ft., 3-rank, 12” spacing, standard cushion shanks, disc levelers, 3000 air system, hydraulic fan, 18.4x26 tires. #UDCN04................ . ........................................Special Price - CALL 1996 Concord 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, ext. cushion shanks, 670/15 packers, 3 ranks, “red”, 3400 air cart, Dutch openers................................... CALL
Concord 4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, 3-rank, single shoot, C-shanks with 2300 tow behind tanks, 2” Bourgault openers. #UCCN10............... JUST IN 2006 Case IH 6012 60-ft., 12” spacing, 6.70x15 flat faced packers, double shoot with Case 3380 tow between tank, variable rate........................ CALL
New Holland Suspended Sprayers
2006 New Holland L-190 skid steer, 360 hours, cab with heat & air, 12x16.5 tires, quick attach hydraulics, 2800 lb. lift. #USNH23...........$36,000
1991 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 31/2” steel wheels, 9” spacing with 1615 tow between tank, mechanical drive. #UDF209...................................... $34,000
2004 Flexi-Coil 2340 tow between cart, dual fan, mechanical drive, 8” auger. #UDF208.....$31,000
2011 Case IH 170 Puma 135 PTO hp, 145 hours, CVT transmission, loader, grapple. #UTCA81..... . ............................................................. JUST IN
1976 John Deere 8630 225 PTO hp, Quad shift, 18.4x34 tires. #UTJD96..........................$16,900
1992 Hesston 8200 swather, diesel, cab, air, 14-ft. auger header, 3525 hours. #UWHS63.... $17,000 1983 International 4000 gas, cab, 14-ft. auger header. #UWIH14................................................... $6500 New Holland 21-ft. draper header. #UWNH27......... . ................................................................$1500
Vermeer 6800 bale processor, 1000 PTO drive. #UHVM38..................................................$7500
Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”
1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Tim Guttenberg
62 1950 Years
Glasgow, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B24
Social Security questions and answers GENERAL Question: Do Members of Congress have to pay into Social Security? Answer: Yes, they do. Members of Congress, the President and Vice President, federal judges, and most political appointees, have paid taxes into the Social Security program since January 1984. They pay into the system just like everyone else, no matter how long they have been in office. Learn more about Social Security benefits at Question: How do I change my citizenship status on Social Security’s records? Answer: To change the citizenship shown on our records: Complete and print a new Application For A Social Security Card (Form SS-5) at www.; and Show us documents proving your: New or revised citizenship status (Only certain documents can be accepted as proof of citizenship. These include your U.S. passport, a Certificate of Naturalization, or a Certificate of Citizenship. If you are not a U.S. citizen, Social Security will ask to see your current immigration documents); Age; and Identity. Take (or mail) your completed application and documents to your local Social Security office. All documents must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. We cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents. For more information, visit www. RETIREMENT Question: How long does it take to complete the online application for Social Security retirement benefits? Answer: It can take as little as 15 minutes to complete the online application. In most cases, once your application is submitted electronically, you’re done. There are no forms to sign and usually no documentation to mail in. Social Security will process your application and contact you if any further information is needed. There’s no need to drive to a local Social Security office or wait for an appointment with a Social Security representative. To retire online, go to http://www. Question: I have never worked, but my spouse has.
What will my Social Security benefit be? Answer: You can be entitled to as much as one-half of your spouse’s benefit amount if you start your benefits when you reach full retirement age. If you want to get Social Security retirement benefits before you reach full retirement age, the amount of your benefit will be reduced. The amount of reduction depends on when you will reach full retirement age. For example, if your full retirement age is 66, you can get 35 percent of your spouse’s unreduced benefit at age 62. The amount of your benefit increases at later ages up to the maximum of 50 percent if you retire at full retirement age. However, if you are taking care of a child who is under age 16 or who gets Social Security disability benefits, you get full benefits, regardless of your age. Learn more at www.socialsecurity. gov/retire2/yourspouse.htm. SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME Question: My mother receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. She may have to enter a nursing home later this year. How does this affect her SSI benefits? Answer: Moving to a nursing home can affect your mother’s SSI benefits, but it depends on the type of facility. In some cases, the SSI payment may be reduced or stopped. Whenever your mother enters or leaves a nursing home, assisted living facility, hospital, skilled nursing facility, or any other kind of institution, it is important that you tell Social Security. Call Social Security’s tollfree number, 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-3250778). We can answer specific questions from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. We also provide information by automated phone service 24 hours a day. Question: What are the limits on what I can own to be eligible for Supplemental Security Income (SSI)? Answer: Social Security counts real estate, bank accounts, cash, stocks, and bonds toward the limits on what you can own. You may be able to get SSI if your resources are worth no more than $2,000. A couple may be able to get SSI if they have resources worth no more than $3,000. If you own property you are trying to sell, you may be able to get SSI while trying to sell it. Social Security does not count everything you own in deciding whether you have too many resources to qualify for SSI. For example, we generally do not count: the home you live in and the land it is on; life insurance policies with a face value
of $1,500 or less; your car; burial plots for you and immediate family; and up to $1,500 in burial funds for you and up to $1,500 in burial funds for your spouse. Learn more about SSI at www. DISABILITY Question: I currently receive Social Security disability benefits. I now have a second serious disability. Can my monthly benefit amount be increased? Answer: No. Although your Social Security disability benefit eligibility is based on having a severe disability, the benefit amount is based on the amount of your lifetime earnings before your disability began and not the number, degree, or severity of your disability. For more information, go to dapproval2.htm. Question: Is there a time limit on how long I can collect Social Security disability benefits? Answer: Your disability benefits will continue as long as your medical condition has not improved and you remain unable to work. Your case will be reviewed at regular intervals to make sure you still are disabled. If you still are receiving disability benefits when you reach full retirement age, we will automatically convert them to retirement benefits. See www.socialsecurity. gov/pubs/10153.html#6 for more information on disability. MEDICARE Question: My mom is interested in getting help with her Medicare Part D prescription costs, but she has about $10,000 in the bank. Would she still be eligible? Answer: Based solely on the bank account balance you mention, yes. However, there are other factors to consider as well, including your mom’s income. If your mother has other resources, they may be included too. This year a person’s total resources are, in most cases, limited to $13,070 (or $26,120 if married and living with spouse) to qualify for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs. The resource limits shown on the application include a $1,500 per person exclusion for burial purposes. Resources include the value of the things you own, such as real estate (other than the place you live), cash, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and retirement accounts like IRAs or 401ks. There are exceptions. Read more about how to qualify and apply for the Extra Help at htm
Nematode-resistant upland cotton
By Sharon Durham, Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to these genes on chromosomes 21 and 18. Their ARS started research to find root-knot nematode researchers have made significant progress in research was published in Theoretical and Ap- resistance in cotton. Retired ARS scientist Rayfinding genetic resistance to two key cotton plied Genetics. Former post-doctoral researcher mond Shepherd was instrumental in using rootpests—the root-knot nematode and the reniform Osman Gutierrez (currently a plant geneticist knot nematode resistance in a line of wild cotton nematode. at the ARS Subtropical Horticulture Research from Mexico to develop resistant germplasm. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant Station in Miami, Florida) was lead author on geneticist Johnie Jenkins and his colleagues in the paper. Co-authors included agronomist Jack ##### the agency’s Genetics and Precision Agriculture McCarty, molecular geneticist Martin Wubben, Bulletin: 1. Parish information read only during Research Unit in Mississippi State, Mississippi, and plant physiologist Franklin Callahan, all with the sermon. 2. Catholic air-conditioning. 3. Your developed genetic markers for the genes responsi- ARS at Mississippi State, and retired ARS sci- receipt for attending the service. ble for resistance to root-knot nematode in upland entist Forest Robinson at College Station, Texas. Hymn: A song of praise, usually sung in a key cotton. These genes, located on chromosomes 11 Commercial breeders had steered away from three octaves higher than that of the congregaand 14, should help breeders develop new variet- efforts to breed root-knot nematode resistance tion’s range. ies of nematode-resistant cotton. Jesuits: An order of priests known for their into upland cotton lines over the years because the ARS is the USDA’s principal intramural scien- resistance was governed by more than one gene ability to find colleges with good basketball tific research agency, and this research supports and seemed too costly and time-consuming. But teams. the USDA commitment to agricultural sustain- the research contributions from Jenkins and his Manger: 1. Where Mary gave birth of Jesus ability. because Joseph wasn’t covered by an HMO. 2. colleagues may change that. Jenkins and his colleagues also found that The root-knot nematode has been recognized The Bible’s way of showing us that holiday travel resistance to reniform nematode in a wild Gos- as a cotton pest for the past 100 years, according has always been rough. sypium barbadense line is governed by more than to Jenkins. Since the 1930s, scientists have been Ten Commandments: The most important Top one gene, and they have identified markers linked looking for resistance to nematodes. In the 1960s, Ten list not given by David Letterman.
Creating water-wise landscapes during drought
Ways to water more efficiently and plants in landscapes and gardens that weather and even flourish during drought are described in resources from the University of Wyoming Extension. Last year’s record moisture amounts and this year’s drought may have homeowners considering switching plants. “We never know what weather we will have to deal with in any season of the year in Wyoming,” said Donna Cuin, horticulturist in the UW Extension office in Natrona County. “We do know that our average precipitation is less than 15 inches in most places around the state and having a high water-consuming landscape means watering the plants with supplemental methods.” Those could include using water from garden hoses or irrigation systems, which can be inefficient and expensive, she said. The Barnyards & Backyards website includes resources that can help landowners design more water-efficient landscaping and choose plants that will grow better in Wyoming’s climate and conditions. Go to and click on Resources then Landscaping; scroll down to the Water-wise Plantings section, which includes publications like: • Landscaping: Water-Wise Wyoming Gardens, by UW Horticulturist Karen Panter • The Right Plants in the Right Place from the Barnyards & Backyards Wyoming Rural Living Resources guide section • Laramie’s Water-wise Demonstration Garden booklet • WyoScape Xeric Demonstration Garden Guide “The plants covered in these last two publications are suitable for most of the state,” said Cuin. “Note that these are large files due to the informative color photographs of each plant.” Cuin recommends starting a new landscape slowly and replacing only plants that struggled or died in the heat of summer with plants that are known to handle drought conditions. “If we get that record-high precipitation next year, the plants will be extremely showy even as they are establishing,” she said. “Then, begin to add plants to that area with similar needs so that the plants all have the similar care and resources they need and benefit from.” The Barnyards & Backyards site contains other articles, publications and videos for Wyoming homeowners. “However you decide to renovate your landscape, bear in mind you’ll need to water the new plants well for the first year or two until they are established,” said Cuin. Cuin said communities across the state also offer many different sources for plants, including locally owned nurseries and greenhouses. “They can often provide water-wise plants and will order for you if they aren’t already in inventory but ordering earlier in the season may accommodate this request a little easier,” she said. “Large box store garden centers also have water-wise plants available – you just have to do a little research in our suggested resources ahead of shopping and know what to look for.”
Saving tulips
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I had early and midblooming tulips in a window box. The early tulip bloomed, as did others in the planter. After that, the midblooming tulips started to come up and bud. However, I think I left the window box without water for too many days. The fully bloomed tulip started to dry out, while its cohorts in the planter still were healthy. I then realized that the small buds of the midspring tulips looked dried. Now the midspring tulip buds have started to shoot up in the planter, but nothing more is happening in the window box. Is there anything I can do to save the window box tulips, such as trim them? I watered them right away when I realized they were drying out but it’s not helping. Compared with the planter tulips, there is obviously something wrong. A: If the window box tulip foliage is green and firm, there is a chance they will survive. Keep the soil well hydrated but do not overwater. Allow the foliage to go through its normal die down later this spring or summer. Window box plantings often catch people off guard as far as watering goes. The plants usually need a daily watering. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B25
Advertising Deadline for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be SEPTEMBER 28. Friday BEFORE first Monday of each month.
2011 Ford F350XL King Ranch For Sale
• 4-door • 4 wheel drive • Air conditioning • Alloy wheels • Backup camera • Navigation system • Cooled/heated seats • Heated mirrors • IPod port • Long box • Leather seats • Off-road package • Tow Package • Hands free communication system • Running boards • Weather Guard tool box
SALE PRICE: $46,000
Phone (406) 453-2924, ask for Danel, Great Falls, Montana
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Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass
du p n u o e R alf a v a lf H Legumes We ad y A i l a ble Alfalfa R e d av a Sainfoin Se e Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil Black Medic
Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome
Meadow Brome Put our Sheep Fescue Fescue “over three Hard Paiute Orchardgrass decades of Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye experience in Altai Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass the grass Pubescent Wheatgrass seed & Newhy R/S Wheatgrass Crested Wheatgrass legume Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass business” Wetland Native Items Nuttal Alkaligrass to work on Alkali Bulrush Tufted Hairgrass your farm Tame Wetland Items or ranch Reed Canarygrass Garrison Creeping Foxtail Timothy
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B26
Cool stored grain
By NDSU Extension Service Warm temperatures may have helped this year’s grain harvest, but those temperatures also may have created conditions that can cause stored grain to deteriorate. “Harvested grain temperatures of about 100 degrees are being reported,” says Ken Hellevang, a North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service agricultural engineer. The optimum temperature for insect infestations and mold growth is about 80 degrees. Temperatures below about 70 degrees slow insect reproduction and feeding activity, and insects are dormant below about 50 degrees. Hellevang says the best way to keep stored grain from deteriorating or becoming infested with insects is to cool it. The allowable storage time, which is related to mold growth, is approximately doubled for each 10 degrees the grain is cooled. For example, the allowable storage time of 16 percent moisture content wheat is about 40 days at 80 degrees, 70 days at 70 degrees, 120 days at 60 degrees and 230 days at 50 degrees. Most allowable storage time (AST) charts are for maintaining commercial grain quality. However, germination is lost due to fungi growth on the germ in less time than the commercial grain AST charts indicate. For example, the allowable storage time for 14 percent moisture malting barley, based on germination, actually is about 70 days at 80 degrees, 175 days at 70 degrees and 430 days at 60 degrees. Stored grain should be cooled with an aeration system immediately after harvest. The goal should be to cool it to near or below 70 degrees, Hellevang says. As temperatures drop in the fall, stored grain will need to be cooled again, using aeration, whenever outdoor temperatures are 10 to 15 degrees cooler than grain temperatures. In North Dakota, the typical August minimum temperature is about 60 degrees and the average high is about 80 degrees. September’s average minimum temperature is about 50 degrees and the average maximum temperature is about 70 degrees. Thus, running the fans at night will reduce the grain temperature below 70 degrees during August, and continuous fan operation even will cool the grain during September. To estimate the cooling time of 56 pounds-perbushel grain, divide 15 by the airflow rate. For example, about 75 hours of fan time is required to cool the grain using an airflow rate of 0.2 cubic feet per minute per bushel. Cooling times are the ratio of 56 pounds and the weight for grain with a different weight. For example, barley with a weight of 48 pounds per bushel will cool more quickly than corn at 56 pounds per bushel (48 divided by 56, which equals 0.86). The grain temperature eventually should be cooled to about 25 degrees for winter storage in northern climates and 30 to 40 degrees in southern states. Air takes the path of least resistance, so cooling times will vary within a bin or grain storage. Measure grain temperature at several locations to ensure that all the grain has been cooled. Moisture migration is another issue in stored grain, according to Hellevang. Moisture migration will increase the grain moisture content near the top center of the stored grain if the grain is about 20 degrees warmer than the average outdoor temperature. That occurs because the air in the grain void spaces near the perimeter of the bin will cool as outdoor temperatures cool. The cool air will settle to the bottom of the bin along the bin perimeter, pushing air in the middle of the bin upward. As this air approaches cooler grain on or near the top surface of the bin, moisture will move from the air to the grain. These convection currents can increase the moisture content of the grain at or near the top surface by several percentage points, leading to grain deterioration. The magnitude of moisture problems due to moisture migration increases with bin size. Cooling the grain as outdoor temperatures cool reduces the convection currents and moisture migration.
Grain stores best when it is dry, clean and cool. Weed seeds and fine foreign material, which usually are wetter than the grain, will accumulate in the center when the grain is loaded into a bin without a distributor, which can cause storage problems. This material should be removed from the grain by using a grain cleaner before placing the grain in the bin or by removing some of the grain from the bin after it has been filled, which sometimes is referred to as coring the bin. “Stored grain must be monitored so insect infestations or grain spoilage can be detected before serious losses occur,” Hellevang advises. “Check stored grain biweekly during the critical fall months before the grain has been cooled to the winter storage temperature. After the grain has been cooled to winter storage temperature, check the grain at least monthly. Check and record the grain temperature and condition at several locations.”
Temperature history can be used to detect grain warming, which may indicate storage problems. Look for indications of problems, such as condensation on the roof or crusting of the grain surface. Probe to examine grain below the surface. “If inspecting for insects, bring a grain sample indoors if the grain temperature is below 50 degrees and allow it to warm to room temperature,” Hellevang says. “Place the grain on a white surface and examine it for any insect activity. “Fumigation is not recommended when grain is stored at temperatures below 60 degrees,” he adds. “Most storage problems can be controlled during the winter by cooling the grain.” More information about grain aeration, handling and storage is available at extension-aben/post-harvest. You also can find this website by doing a search for NDSU grain drying and storage.
Weatherization program wins awards
An online home weatherization television show produced by the Montana State University (MSU) Extension Weatherization program won a pair of top Telly Awards for its program “The Warmest Village in Alaska.” Weatherization TV, or WxTV, is a national weatherization training show that blends expert advice, how-to techniques, innovation, and reality TV to create entertainment-based learning. Episodes are filmed around the country with various housing programs, and bring together techniques from hot, cold, humid, and arid environments, opening a dialogue for crews to debate the best way to accomplish weatherization tasks under varying conditions. Extreme weather conditions pose a number of challenges in the episode from Goodnews Bay, Alaska, a remote Yup’ik Eskimo village on western Alaska’s Bering Sea coast, where supplies are shipped by barge, and weatherization crewmembers are often local villagers. The 25-minute program highlights techniques for air sealing against severely blowing snow - the kind that fills attics and front porches through small openings - under-floor insulation of houses on stilts that shift in permafrost conditions, and electricity savings in a remote location serviced by generator power. “The Warmest Village in Alaska” can be viewed at http:// “We truly got a sense of how needed these weatherization measures are in rural Alaska, and how big of an impact they make in the lives of the people who live in Goodnews Bay and the many Alaska villages like it,” said Ben Cichowski, WxTV host. “We’re pleased that the video conveys the collaboration at work to improve this community and their quality of life.” WxTV worked in cooperation with the Rural Alaska Community Action Program and the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to film their weatherization work in Goodnews Bay. “It was a once in a lifetime opportunity... to be in a village that not many people have ever been to and to get to see Eskimo life,” said WxTV director and editor Vince Cusomato. “It felt like you were on the edge of the planet. It was such an experience.” The winning segment “The Warmest Village in Alaska” won the 33rd annual Telly “silver award” for first place in the category of Documentary Internet/online video, and the “bronze award” for second place in the category of Informational Internet/online video. The Telly Awards, founded in 1978, honor the finest film and video productions, groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films, and outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs. WxTV was developed in 2010 and is produced at the Montana Weatherization Training Center (part of MSU Extension Housing and Environmental Health). WxTV is produced with funding support from a partnership between Exxon Mobil and the National Community Action Foundation. For more information about WxTV, visit, or call (406) 586-0070.
Yukon gold spuds and squirrels
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I raise Yukon gold spuds in my backyard garden. This spring, I found hollowed-out potato shells. What do you think did that? For the first time in 11 years, squirrels ruined nearly all of my sweet corn last year. I tried a few repellants, but that didn’t seem to help. The squirrels sit on my neighbor’s fence and jump onto the stalks. What do you suggest? Should I use live traps, netting or a shotgun? A: Go to pp756w.htm for a publication that will explain hollow heart, which is apparently what your potato crop is suffering from. As for the squirrels, all would work except shooting because it is not allowed. I’d suggest a live trap before the corn harvest starts. Get some corn food for the larger birds to feed on and your neighborhood squirrels also will show up. Then get a live trap and place the corn inside. The squirrels will show up and get trapped. You then can move them to the country. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
##### There are about 10 quintillion insects on earth at any given moment; that’s 1.5 billion bugs for every human on the planet.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B27
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Dairy Focus: Many factors affect corn silage price
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B28
By J.W. Schroeder, Dairy Specialist, NDSU Extension Service
What’s a fair price for corn silage? That question is difficult to answer due to the number of factors involved that are dynamic and biologically variable. Some factors include production costs; grain price; harvesting costs; costs of handling, hauling and storing forage; grain drying costs; fertility and organic matter value of stover; and forage quality (especially starch content and neutral detergent fiber digestibility). The amount of moisture also has a major influence on corn’s feed value and needs to be considered to determine fair silage prices accurately. Before making any decision, consult an insurance agent for additional impacts on indemnity payments for the sale of silage versus grain. Here are some thoughts to consider if you are a buyer or seller. If you are the buyer (livestock feeder), start with the price you are willing to pay for ready-to-feed silage. When pricing in-the-field values, take into account these discounts: lower feed value due to drought stress, cost of harvest and making silage, transportation and any feeding loss. For example, if the value of the ready-to-feed silage is $55 per ton, you need to deduct 10 percent, or $5.50 per ton, because of the lost feed value as the result of it being drought-stressed corn. You also need to deduct the cost of harvesting and silage making, or $12 per ton ($60 per acre, the custom rate for chopping and hauling, divided by 5 tons per acre), which leaves you with a maximum value of corn in the field of $37.50 per ton. If you are the seller (corn producer), look at the value of the corn for grain and the fertilizer value that will be removed if the entire plant is harvested. For example, if the estimated yield is 5 tons of forage and 37 bushels of grain per acre, the value of the fertilizer removed from silage is $80 per acre, or 5 tons x $16 per ton, and the value of the grain is $222 per acre (37 bushels x $6 per bushel). This example is based on the assumption that 12 pounds of nitrogen is removed per ton (12 x $.60, which equals $7.20 per ton); 4 pounds of phosphorus is removed per ton (4 x $.55, which equals $2.20 per ton) and 12 pounds of potassium is removed per ton (12 x $.55, which equals $6.60 per ton). Then you need to deduct the harvest and marketing cost of $28 per acre, leaving you with a value per ton standing in the field of $274 per acre, or $54.80 per ton. If you decide to harvest the crop for ensiling, the main consideration will be proper moisture for storage and fermentation. The crop will look drier than it is, so moisture testing will be critical. Be sure to test whole-plant moisture of chopped corn to ensure that acceptable fermentation will occur. Use a forced-air dryer, oven, microwave, electronic forage tester, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy or the rapid “grab-test” method for your determination. With the “grab-test” method, squeeze a handful of finely cut plant material as tightly as possible for 90 seconds. Release your grip and note the condition of the ball of plant material in your hand. If: • Juice runs freely or shows between your fingers, the crop contains 75 to 85 percent moisture • The ball holds its shape and your hand is moist, the material contains 70 to 75 percent moisture • The ball expands slowly and no dampness appears on the hand, the material contains 60 to 70 percent moisture • The ball springs out in your open hand, the crop contains less than 60 percent moisture Then account for the influence of moisture when establishing price. Use 65 percent moisture silage at $45 per ton as an example. Each ton contains 700 pounds of dry matter (2,000 x 0.35). The value per hundredweight of dry matter is $6.43 ($45 divided by 7). However, if the moisture content is 70 percent, then each ton contains only 600 pounds of dry matter. To have comparable value, this silage would have to be priced at $38.58 (6 x $6.43) per ton. On the other hand,
if the moisture content were 60 percent, then a comparable price would be $51.44 per ton (2,000 x 0.40, which equals 800, and then 8 x $6.43). But remember, if the corn gets too dry, it will not ensile, so proper moisture is necessary to make silage. To calculate on a dry-matter basis, the formula is ($ per ton x actual dry matter) divided by dry matter for silage. For example, to determine the price of corn silage at 20 percent moisture (80 percent dry matter) using the reference price of $45 per ton of 65 percent moisture (35 percent dry matter) silage, the calculation would be ($45 x 80) divided by 35, which equals $102.86 per ton at 80 percent dry matter. As you can see, trying to find an equitable value for corn silage can be a little more work, so some prefer to start with the following pricing rules of thumb for corn silage that’s ready to feed, then adjust from there: • 1 ton of silage is equal to approximately eight to 10 times the price of a bushel of corn. • 1 ton of silage is equal to approximately six times the price of a bushel of corn plus harvest costs. • Corn silage is worth approximately one-third the price of alfalfa hay. While this gives you a place to start, you also need to keep in mind some likely discounts to feed value, including the condition of drought-stressed corn. According to University of Wisconsin researchers, if droughty corn is estimated to yield 20 to 40 bushels per acre, the feed value typically would be adjusted to 90 to 100 percent of the price of normal corn silage. If the yields are estimated in the range of 0 to 20 bushels per acre, the feed value would be 80 to 90 percent of the price of normal corn silage. And if the stalks are short and barren, then multiply the price by 70 to 80 percent. If the buyer is responsible for harvesting, then use the custom farm rates for your state as a guide to establish credit toward the final payment. For more information, visit NDSU Extension Service publication “What is the Value of a Standing Corn Crop for Silage?” online at http://www.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B29
Long-Term Care Partnership Insurance in Montana
By Marsha A. Goetting, Ph.D., CFP®, CFCS, MSU Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist; Nancy Clark, Shannon Mykins, and Barbara Flamand, Public Assistance Bureau, Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services; Christina Goe, Insurance Division, Office of the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance, Montana State Auditor; Joel Schumacher, MSU Extension Economics Associate Specialist What is long-term care? Long-term care means helping people of any age with their medical needs or daily activities over a long period of time. It includes a wide variety of services and support that can be provided in your home, an adult day care, or in other living arrangements, such as continuing care retirement communities, home health, assisted living facilities, or nursing homes. Long-term care services help with chronic illness, disabilities or other conditions that may be limiting physically or mentally. Most long-term care is for assistance with “activities of daily living” (ADLs). The six ADLs include eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring (getting up from bed, chairs), and maintaining continence. Persons with cognitive impairments such as Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias may require long-term care services. How can I provide for the cost of longterm care? Once you become aware of the startling choices, you may ask yourself, “How will I ever be able to afford long-term care if I need it?” Some Montanans are able to pay for their long-term care from present income, savings and investments. Others, who own real property such as a home, could sell it and use the proceeds to pay for care. A reverse mortgage is another possibility. This special type of loan allows home owners to convert a portion of the equity in their home into cash with payments that are typically made on a monthly basis. Some elderly persons plan to depend on a spouse or adult children to care for them, while others would not want to place such a burden and responsibility on their family members. A spouse may be in ill health and unable to provide caregiving. Adult children may be raising their own children or may be located too far away to provide day-to-day assistance for parents who need continuous care. Another option often discussed at the local coffee shop is for people to “use up” or “give away” their assets to their children to qualify for Medicaid. The goal is to become “impoverished” and let the government pay for their longterm care. However, Medicaid has restrictions such as “eligibility requirements,” “look-back rules on transferred property,” “uncompensated asset transfer penalties,” and “ineligibility periods.” These and other regulations are described in the MSU Extension MontGuide, Medicaid and Long-Term Care Costs (MT199511HR). Another alternative is the purchase of longterm care insurance. Policies may be purchased individually from a licensed insurance agent who represents one or more companies. Some employers provide an opportunity for the employee to purchase a long-term care group policy at the workplace. Typically, policies reimburse the insured for long-term care expenses up to a maximum amount, such as $100 or $150 per day with a cap on benefits between $100,000 and $300,000. Other policies reimburse the insured on a monthly basis. Since 1997 most long-term care insurance policies are “tax qualified;” a few are not. The tax qualified status will be stated on the face of the policy. A policy that is tax qualified means the premium payments qualify as an itemized deduction on a federal income tax return up to a defined limit, based on the age of the policyholder and inflation. Montana allows a dollar-for-dollar reduction in adjusted gross income for premiums paid for qualified longterm care insurance for the benefit of a Montana taxpayer, the taxpayer’s dependents, parents or
grandparents. A new alternative for MonFACT: 70 percent of persons age 65 or older are tanans to pay the cost of longexpected to need some type of long-term care durterm care is the purchase of a ing their lifetime. long-term care partnership insurance policy. The purpose of this MontGuide is to provide FACT: Nationally, the average nursing home stay basic information about the is 2.5 years, with one in five persons staying more development of the Montana than five years. During 2011 the average length of long-term care partnership residency in Montana was about three years. insurance program and how it works. Tax benefits and shopFACT: The average cost of care for an individual ping tips are also highlighted. in a nursing facility in Montana during 2011 was a How did the long-term care partnership insurance little over $5,818 per month ($69,816 annually). A program develop? three-year stay for an individual would cost about Montana’s long-term care $209,448; for a married couple, $418,896. partnership insurance program was authorized by the legislaFACT: The average hourly cost of hiring a home ture and became effective on health care provider in the United States is $29 an July 1, 2009. The collaboration hour; in Montana, $23. Families who have home consists of: • Private insurance compahealth assistance five hours a day, five days a week nies; will pay over $2,300 per month; $29,600 per year. • Insurance Division, Montana Commissioner of SecuriFACT: In most cases, Medicare does not cover ties and Insurance; and the cost of long-term care. • Montana Medicaid program, Department of Public Health and Human Services FACT: Nursing home residents and their families (DPHHS). Because partnerin Montana pay about one-third (32 percent) of their ship policies help pay for total long-term care costs; Medicaid pays about 61 purchasers’ expenses for longpercent. term care, they are less likely to need Medicaid, thus evenFACT: Only 10.7 percent of Americans age 55 tually reducing costs for the and older had private long-term care insurance state. The partnership program coverage in 2008. also benefits purchasers of these policies because they are allowed to keep some or all of what they have worked a lifetime to accumulate. the daughter provided documentation from How does long-term care partnership the insurance company of Betty Lou’s use of insurance work? a maximum lifetime benefit pool of $100,000 Montanans who purchase a long-term care from a qualified long-term care partnership inpartnership insurance policy are protected from surance policy. The OPA excluded the benefit the requirement that they have to “use up” of $100,000 paid to Betty Lou from the “countalmost all their financial resources to qualify able resource” calculation for her Medicaid for Medicaid. When a Montanan who has pureligibility. chased a qualified long-term care partnership Betty Lou was able keep the CDs ($50,000) insurance policy needs care, benefits will help to leave to her grandchildren and the $2,000 cover the costs of care up to the maximum in her checking account because she had purlifetime limit (often called pool) of the policy. chased and used the $100,000 benefit of her If the lifetime limit is reached and the indiqualified long-term care partnership insurance vidual still needs care, any assets equal to the policy. Betty Lou did not have to “spend down” value of the policy limit will not be included all of her remaining resources before becoming when a determination is being made about the eligible for Medicaid. person’s eligibility for Medicaid. Examples of Example 2: Married Couple. Shirley and how a long-term care partnership insurance Bud own a ranch in eastern Montana. Their son policy could benefit single and married persons has stayed on the ranch and contributed to the are described below. financial success of the business. As Shirley Example 1: Single Person. Betty Lou is a and Bud have grown older, their son has taken widow who purchased a long-term care partneron more of the ranch responsibilities. One of ship insurance policy when she was age 45 with Shirley and Bud’s estate planning goals is for a maximum lifetime benefit pool of $100,000. their son to inherit the ranch valued at $600,000. By age 72, Betty Lou’s remaining assets include Shirley and Bud decided to purchase a long$50,000 in certificates of deposit (CDs) she term care partnership insurance policy. Their wants to leave to her two grandchildren and goal was to provide insurance benefits for up $2,000 in her checking account. to $600,000 of long-term care costs if one of When Betty Lou needed long-term care, first them needed such care. in her home and later in a nursing home, the While the long-term care insurance partbenefits of the partnership policy covered her nership insurance policy they purchased is in expenses until the maximum lifetime pool of place, the benefits would help cover the cost of $100,000 was reached. When she became recare at home, in an assisted living facility, or sponsible for the payments to the nursing home, in a nursing home. (Not all policies offer these her daughter visited the local Office of Public alternative care options.) Then, if the long- term Assistance (OPA) to determine whether Betty care partnership insurance policy reaches the Lou would be eligible for Medicaid. maximum benefit limit, Shirley or Bud could As a part of the Medicaid application process, apply for Medicaid (depending on who was in CONTINUED ON PAGE B30
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B30
Long-Term Care Partnership Insurance in Montana the nursing home). In the Medicaid eligibility calculation, the equity in their ranch is excluded up to the full amount of the long-term care partnership policy. This means if their policy had paid $600,000 in benefits, the value of their ranch would not be included as an asset in the calculation of Bud or Shirley’s eligibility for Medicaid. After the death of Shirley and Bud, their son could inherit the ranch. Medicaid would not place a lien on the ranch for the reimbursement of $600,000 of benefits paid. However, if the value in the ranch had increased to $800,000 at the time their deaths, and if Shirley or Bud had nursing home expenses above $600,000 that were paid by Medicaid, Medicaid would place a lien against the increase of $200,000 in value of the ranch. The value of $600,000 in benefits would be excluded from any estate recovery procedures by the Montana Medicaid program because Shirley and Bud had purchased and used the full benefits of a qualified long- term care partnership insurance policy. In summary, resources up to the amount of benefits paid from a qualified long-term care partnership insurance policy are “protected” in the resource eligibility determination for Medicaid. Why not just give away all my assets to become qualified for Medicaid instead of paying for a long-term care partnership insurance policy? Federal law requires a period of Medicaid “ineligibility” if people give away assets or transfer them for less than fair market value within a certain time period (known as the “look-back period”). In 2006, the look-back period for the transfer of assets changed from 36 months (3 years) to 60 months (5 years). This brief description of the look-back period eligibility rules is general in nature. Exceptions exist under which no ineligibility period is imposed. For example, there are exceptions relating to transfers to spouses, disabled children of any age, siblings with an ownership interest in a house, children who provided care to keep a parent out of a nursing home for two years, and transfers done for a purpose other than becoming Medicaid eligible. Further information about Medicaid eligibility requirements in Montana is available in the MontGuide, Medicaid and Long-Term Care Costs (MT199511HR). Free copies can be obtained from your local county Extension office or ordered from MSU Extension Publications, P.O. Box 172040, Bozeman, MT 59717-2040; phone: (406) 994-3273; www.msuextension. org/store. The following examples show how the lookback rules apply for single and married persons. Example 3: Assume Betty Lou (from Example 1) had gifted the $50,000 CDs to her grandchildren before she applied for Medicaid. The “uncompensated asset transfer penalty” and ineligibility period rules would apply. The ineligibility period is set at the number of months that would otherwise be required to spend the “uncompensated value” of the transferred assets ($50,000 in CDs in Betty Lou’s situation) on nursing home care. During 2012 the Montana average monthly cost of nursing home care was about $5,818. The ineligibility period is one month for every $5,818 of “uncompensated” value Betty Lou gave away. If she had given the CDs to her grandchildren, Betty Lou would not have received Medicaid coverage for about eight and one-half months after she entered the nursing home ($50,000 ÷ $5,818 = 8.59 months). Example 4: Assume Shirley and Bud (from Example 2) had transferred the ranch to their son. A year later Bud suffered a severe brain
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trauma after he was thrown from a horse. He was eventually placed in the local nursing home. Bud would have been subject to an “uncompensated asset transfer penalty” resulting in an ineligibility period before he would qualify for Medicaid. The ineligibility period for Bud would have been a little over nine years ($600,000 ÷ $5,818 = 103.13 months ÷ 12 = 8.59 years). In addition there would have been gifting “tax consequences.” The son would have had to assume Shirley and Bud’s basis in the ranch. This means that if he sold the ranch, there would be tax due on the capital gain (the difference between the basis and the fair market value of the ranch at the date of sale). More details are outlined in the Montguide, Gifting (MT199105HR). Will the purchase of a long-term care partnership insurance policy automatically qualify me for Medicaid? No. The purchase of a long-term care partnership insurance policy may help protect your assets up to the amount of benefits paid, if you become eligible for Medicaid, but it does not automatically qualify you for Medicaid. Call your local county Office of Public Assistance with specific questions about Medicaid eligibility rules or visit the DPHHS website, medicaid.shtml. Medicaid application materials are also available at Medicaid/ IndexMedicaid.shtml. What companies provide long-term care partnership insurance policies in Montana? As of April 2012, the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance website lists 13 companies that sell with partnership policies at ltcpartnershipAppprovals.asp. Call 800-332-6148. Your insurance agent should also have the list. General information about other types of insurance and securities is also available at www. While information specific to long-term care partnership insurance policies may not be easily found at the companies’ websites, each provides a toll-free number to assist you in your search for specific information. You may also want to contact your insurance agent to request information about available long-term care partnership insurance policies. Montana insurance professionals must have special training before they can sell long-term care partnership insurance policies from any of the companies with endorsement approvals. They must be licensed as a producer for life or disability insurance. They must have completed a one-time training course of at least eight hours. And, they must complete ongoing training of no less than four hours every 24 months. How can the financial stability of insurance companies that sell long- term care partnership policies be determined? Understandably, Montanans who purchase long-term care partnership insurance policies from a company want some assurance that the company will be in business to pay their claims in the future when they need long-term care. While there are no guarantees, ratings provided by credit agencies such as A.M. Best Company, Standard & Poor’s Corporation, and Moody’s Investor Services can be a guide. Each agency has a system for rating an insurer’s financial strength and viability to meet claims obligations based on a variety of factors such as underwriting, expense control, reserve adequacy, and investments. The American Association for Long-Term Care provides a summary from the three rating agencies for many insurance companies, available online at company-ratings. php.
What is the cost of a long-term care partnership insurance policy? The cost of premiums for a partnership policy will depend on your age when the policy is purchased and the type of coverage chosen. The 2011 Montana Long-Term Care Rate Comparison Guide from the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance is a good place to start at www. pdf/2011LongTermCareRateGde. pdf. Rates from a variety of companies are provided. While these rates are for regular long-term care policies and from companies that don’t necessarily sell partnership policies, the charts can provide a basis for comparison. You can order the publication from the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance at 840 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59601, or by calling (800) 3326148. CSI also has an informative booklet on Long-Term Care Insurance at consumers/pdf/GuideLongTermCare.pdf. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners has a publication that also provides a table revealing how premiums can fluctuate from company to company, A Shopper’s Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance. Your actual premium may be higher or lower than those listed because your age and coverage desired may be different. Premiums will not increase due to changes in your health. However, they can increase, on a class basis (for example all policy-holders age 75 or older), with the approval of the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance. How much of my income should be spent on long-term care insurance? Not everyone can afford long-term care insurance. Whether or not long term care insurance is a viable alternative depends on a person’s current assets, monthly income and financial goals. Key questions to consider are: • Do I have assets that I want to protect? • Is the premium affordable given my monthly income? • Will I be able to afford the premium in the future? • Do I want to protect assets for my spouse, children or grandchildren? • Do I want to leave an inheritance to family and/or a charitable organization? The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) recommends that long-term care insurance premiums should consume no more than seven percent (7%) of annual gross income. Example 5: Joe and Debbie have a gross income of $84,000. Based on the recommendation of NAIC, the cost of their long-term care insurance policies should cost no more than $5,880 annually ($84,000 x 7% = $5,880). Their monthly insurance premiums should not cost more than $490. What questions should be asked before purchasing a long-term care insurance policy? While some policies cover only nursing home stays, others are more comprehensive, paying benefits for home care, adult day care and care provided in assisted living facilities. Policies also offer various options for the benefit amount paid for care each day and over a person’s lifetime, the length of the elimination or waiting (deductible) period and the type of inflation adjustment provided. There are many resources that provide additional information about features to consider when shopping for a long-term care insurance policy. Some are booklets that can be mailed to you. Other publications are available for download from web sites. Addresses are provided if you do not have access to a computer and the Internet. The publications are free unless otherwise noted. 2011 Montana Long-Term Care Rate Comcontinued ON page B34
Grant awarded to demonstrate wind turbine
The USDA’s Natural Resource Conservation Service has awarded Cascade Conservation District and its partner, Exergy Integrated Systems, LLC a $1,000,000 Conservation Innovation Grant (CIG) to build the first prototype of Exergy’s new wind turbine, the Zilo®. Exergy will match the federal investment with equal private investment. The 100kW Zilo® will be installed in 2013-14 at the Big Stone Hutterite Colony south of Great Falls, Montana. “We are so proud of this accomplishment,” Cascade Conservation District Board Chair Gayla Wortman said, “The point of these funds is to help agriculture find innovative solutions to our energy needs and this grant puts Montana right in the bull’s eye of this effort.” “The goal of the project is to validate a renewable solution through an appropriately scaled, reliable, cost-effective and visually acceptable wind turbine,” Exergy Integrated System President Peggy Beltrone said. “This federal investment will accelerate our path to market for the Zilo®, a prospect that will create American jobs.” “This project is intended to establish that an innovative, silo-shaped, reliable, and easily maintained 100kW wind turbine, the Zilo®, can be installed, owned and operated on site while decreasing long-term costs, displacing the use of fossil fuels, and blending into the landscape. Our smaller units will give operators a significant degree of control over their energy futures” Exergy Development Group CEO and Zilo® creator James Carkulis said. Dr. Gordon Brittan, Exergy Integrated Systems Director of New Product Development and a wind industry pioneer, adds, “agricultural applications in particular were one of our first goals. We’re happy to be working with the Big Stone Colony which will give us a chance to achieve it.” “This is a huge vote of confidence for our District and Exergy,” Cascade Conservation District Administrator Toni Neslen said. “The NRCS is the nation’s most respected agricultural organization. Its technical peer review panel evaluated our proposal and advanced it in a highly competitive field.” About Exergy Exergy Integrated Systems, LLC, with offices in Great Falls and Bozeman is the technology division of Exergy Development Group, headquartered in Boise, Idaho. Exergy Development Group ( is a multi-platform renewable energy company entrenched in wind, solar, bioenergy, tidal and hydro. We build projects that are socially beneficial and environmentally responsible. About Conservation Innovation Grants Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) is a voluntary program intended to stimulate the development and adoption of innovative conservation approaches and technologies while leveraging Federal investment in environmental enhancement and protection, in conjunction with agricultural production. More information about the CIG is at http://www. financial/cig
Worms on raspberry leaves
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a client who has small green worms on her raspberry leaves (15 to 20 on some) that are eating the foliage. Could they be raspberry sawfly larvae? She started noticing the leaf damage a couple of days ago. When she got done working with the raspberries, her hands were all green from these little buggers. Also, is there a good way to keep toads from digging around the foundation of a house other than removing debris and moisture sources? If she sprayed the foundation for insects, would that get rid of the toads? A: These could be pear slug larvae or raspberry beetle larvae or adults feeding. At this late stage, with no more fruit left to harvest, she can remove the fruiting canes and spray the primocanes to protect them from damage with any number of insecticides such as Sevin or Spinosad. Toads are beneficial and make a huge dent in the creepy crawling characters that like to get into high organic matter environments and eventually work their way into homes when cooler fall temperatures arrive. I would encourage cleaning up around the foundation rather than using insecticides because of the impact on the health of the frogs. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald. For answers to general horticultural questions, go to
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B31
Cat Challenger 75 (serial# 4CJ325) 7150 hours. Excellent condition with 0 hours on $9000 repair at T&E. Belts at 60%+, new fluids. 3-point with swinging drawbar. Field-ready........$49,900 (3) terra tires, size 44x41x20, 10 ply, (2) on Dayton rims, used very little. All for................................................................$1000 Call Bob Lassila at (406) 727-8235 or cell 788-7422 CRAWLERS
Fiat-Allis 14C crawler, very good undercarriage, twin tilt blade, power shift, 2600 hours, excellent........................ $29,500 John Deere 650G crawler, ROPS, parallel ripper, hydraulic slope board ripper, low hours on complete undercarriage.
Cat 130G ripper, scarifier, Balderson hydraulic front blade, 14-ft. moldboard. This has a $30,000 work order on the engine.. . ................................................................................. POR
Gradall G6-42P 42-ft. reach, hydraulic fork tilt, 1652 hours.... . ............................................................................ $22,000
Hitachi EX200-5 recent complete undercarriage replacement, runs very strong, 6500 hours................................. $53,000 Hitachi EX60-2 rubber tracks, 24” bucket. Good quality machine...................................................................... $17,500 Hitachi UH172 runs good, 7783 hours...................... $17,500 Cat 325L hydraulic dual link thumb, 44” bucket, recent engine work, new rails, sprockets, bottom rollers..............$43,900 1985 Komatsu 220LC-3 bucket, thumb, runs excellent for an older machine. Komatsu PC150-5, 24” pads..................................... $26,000 John Deere 35D like new rubber tracks, 3 buckets, very nice. . ............................................................................ $27,000 John Deere 135C new rails and sprockets, hydraulic quick change, dual link hydraulic thumb, air conditioning, 3800 hours. John Deere 120LC long arm, hydraulic hoe pack, quick coupler, cat walks, cab guard, excellent..................... $43,000 John Deere 160 quick change, bucket, thumb, tight, good undercarriage........................................................ $39,500 Kobelco SK200LCIII bucket, dual link hydraulic thumb, guaranteed 4900 original hours, immaculate machine..$32,500
for graders, loaders and backhoes!
Ford 555E 1600 original hours, 3 buckets, 4x4, enclosed cab........................................................................ $28,500
John Deere 310D 4x4, enclosed cab, extend-a-hoe, repinned and bushed backhoe, 1.3 cubic yard loader bucket with reversible cuttting edge, 310D turbo, 1-ft. bucket, 2-ft. bucket, quick change, spare rear tire, fair tires in back, excellent tires in front.
JCB 505-19 forklift, enclosed cab, runs excellent, good machine, 8000 hours................................................. $19,900 Ingersoll-Rand RT70G 6000 lb. forklift, John Deere diesel power, shuttle shift transmission, 21-ft. mast........ $12,900 Lull 644 telescopic forklift. Manitou T604TC 4WD all-terrain forklift........................ $7500
We HAVE Many attachments
for excavators including rollers, buckets, cabs, forks, blade, brush rake, thumbs & bucket teeth in stock.
Cat 936F loader, 4-in-1 bucket, air, low hours, excellent tires.
Galion A556 grader, snow wing, all wheel drive, front blade, good machine for the money................................ $30,000 Galion T600C former college grader, very tight, like new tires, new brakes, good cab, 2500 hours. Champion 720A good working condition................... $21,000
John Deere 540B skidder winch, runs good, chains....$13,900 Clark Ranger 66C skidder, dual function grapple, brush rake and tight blade............................................................ Call Several fellerbunchers, Danzco delimber, sawheads.
Call Us Today For Your Undercarriage Needs! Bobcat 442 blade, air conditioning, 3500 hours, original paint, very well maintained, you can’t beat this one, excellent tracks, quick change, 3 buckets, hydraulic thumb..$34,500
1987 International 9370 Eagle Cummins Big Cam 4, 400 hp, 13 speed, PTO, Hendrickson RTE, rebuilt rear suspension, all new brake components and clutch differential....$13,500 Western Star 4800 13 speed transmission, 400 Cummins, excellent tires, excellent 15-yard box....................... $9500 Olympic trailers.
1999 John Deere 200LC excavator, 5688 hours....... $54,000
Clark Michigan 45 CGM with 453 Detroit - fresh engine, third valve hydraulic system, log forks, enclosed cab, heater, excellent tires. Runs very, very well...................... $19,900 John Deere 644AA 3 yard bucket, fair tires, runs well, ROPS.................................................................... $13,000 Komatsu WA 320-1 evenly matched set of tires, third valve, clamp bucket, operates well, excellent loader....... $35,500
Reddig Equipment and Repair
888-592-5880 (Office) – 2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B32
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
A tale of two brothers
By Larry Stanfel Invited sep’rate days they were, Out near Roundup came two brothers, Whenever neighbors gathered Later than the homestead tide, Came to make their ranching fortunes, Scarred Alf then led a hermit’s life, Their two places, side by side Was shamed in sight of others, But friends attested good men were Alf and Emil Matsson were they, This pair of warring brothers Womenfolk in short supply, So the bach’lor brothers slaved there; A ranch without a bull? Alf hid Just to earth their love applied In trees, the neighbors’ bulls beguiled To breed his herd that secret way, Anything to make some money, Though his victims knew and smiled Stock to raise and land to till, Timber, then, in more abundance, When Emil was the first to pass So they built their own sawmill Alf sought the lawyer later, But said he only had come there Brothers, yes, but with tempers, too, To prove his worth the greater They fought while the fell blade raced. Emil cast free the flying log, There’s nothing left of Emil’s place, Which ripped apart poor Alf’s face Nor wall, nor board, nor hinges; Alf’s barn is wrecked, his truck is rust, Somehow the man dragged himself His house is fit for pigeons. home, His wound a great hate triggered, When I saw Alf’s ranch’s ruins Too poor for care, he healed himself, An important question rose; And lived his life disfigured Why such a solitary man Had an outhouse with two holes The brothers never spoke again, Ne’er came in rooms together;
Test to identify streptococci bacteria in horses
By Amy Shaffer, SDSU Extension - Student Author Horses are susceptible to many bacterial infections. Streptococci are bacteria that can infect horses and cause various respiratory and reproductive tract diseases. Three different strains of Streptococci can be found in horses: 1) Streptococcus equi, 2) Streptococcus zooepidemicus, and 3) Streptococcus equisimilis. Strangles, a contagious respiratory disease, is caused by S. equi, while S. zooepidemicus and S. equisimilis both cause other respiratory and reproductive tract diseases. Currently, only bacterial cultures are used to detect and differentiate among these strains from clinical specimens in the USA and they may be unreliable in the early phases of the bacteria’s growth. Differentiation among strains is important because each strain would require a unique treatment. Bacterial cultures, however, are not useful for early detection of the infection, quick identification, and are not very accurate at differentiating among Streptococci strains. A faster, more reliable method of testing for and differentiating among Streptococci strains would be beneficial to the US equine industry. Recently, a veterinarian in Italy developed a DNA test for Streptococci using a “multiplex” Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for more accurate testing. This multiplex PCR can test for the three Streptococci strains in a single reaction tube, saving both time and money. To test the sensitivity and specificity of this PCR, 150 culture-positive and 150 culture-negative equine Streptococci specimens were also tested for Streptococci infection with the multiplex PCR. All 150 samples that tested positive with bacterial culture also tested positive with the multiplex PCR system. Furthermore, 150 additional samples tested negative for Streptococci using culture, yet 7 of these samples tested positive for S. zooepidemicus using PCR. The mixed DNA samples (samples containing all three strains of Streptococci) were all correctly identified which proves that the test was able to differentiate all three of the strains. These results are indicative that the PCR test was accurate and that it was able to differentiate between the strains. The multiplex PCR test is currently only available in Europe and costs around $47 US dollars, and bacterial culture tests for S. equi only typically cost around $47 dollars. Because DNA is very stable, clinical specimens could be shipped at room temperature (depending on the type of specimen) to any testing facility from the USA, allowing for testing in a wide geographical area. Although multiplex PCR for Streptococci in the United States is not presently available, this new technology may be utilized by diagnostic testing laboratories in the USA in the future. If multiplex PCR for Streptococci is brought into the USA, this test would provide equine producers with a quicker, more thorough, and more accurate method for identifying whether a horse is infected with Streptococci. For more information on the original study, please refer to the original 2012 article from the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.
Sick cottonwood?
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a mature cottonwood that is the centerpiece of my front yard landscaping. I love the tree but am always afraid it’s not healthy. For the last few years, I’ve noticed a decrease in leaf production, compared with trees that seem to be in far less appropriate places. I know they need water and finally have figured out what I have to do to keep the leaves it does have on until at least the end of August. This year, I haven’t had as much cotton as usual. Is that a sign that something could be wrong? Thanks for any advice you can give me about how to keep this great tree alive and well. (Austin, Texas) A: I’d strongly suggest that you get in touch with your Texas Extension Service county agent. An agent can be located by going to If that goes nowhere, I’d encourage you to contact an International Society of Arboriculture certified arborist. To find one, go to and provide the needed information. A mature cottonwood tree can be a hazardous thing of beauty. It is best to have it completely checked out for soundness and any other potential problems that could spell the demise of this tree you love so much. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Reducing energy use in production agriculture
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B33
Running a farm takes a lot of energy—in more ways than one. In 2009, Minnesota’s 81,000 farms spent more than $700 million on transportation fuel and an additional $160 million on electricity. Energy use on Minnesota farms and production facilities varies considerably depending on the type and size of the operation. For dairy farms, electricity is the biggest energy cost, used for collecting and cooling milk. Grain producers use significant amounts of diesel fuel to plant and harvest their crops. University of Minnesota Extension is researching ways to improve on-farm energy efficiency. Several Extension faculty and staff have recently become certified energy auditors through the Farm Energy Auditor Training Program, and as part of the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs), Extension is working with utilities across the state to design incentive programs that meet the needs of farmers. We recommend these first steps for producers who want to lower their energy use and costs: • Replace old equipment with energy-efficient models. For example, consider replacing old livestock ventilation fans with more energy-efficient fans. The USDA’s Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) has seen great success in Minnesota by replacing old grain dryers with new, more energy-efficient models. In many cases, the higher-efficiency equipment will be more expensive to purchase than the less efficient option, but the lower operating costs of these more efficient units can often provide a payback of those extra costs in the first year. • Clean and maintain your equipment. In an average mechanically ventilated livestock barn, cleaning and maintenance of the shutters on the exhaust fans can result in energy savings of 40 percent. • Ask your energy supplier or utility about energy saving programs. There are several available programs for which you may qualify, through the utility or though the federal rural energy efficiency programs such REAP and USDA’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Some utilities also offer “off-peak” electric rates that can be half the cost of standard rates. • Get an energy audit. An energy audit or assessment will tell you how much energy you’re using and what part of your operation you should target for energy use reduction. A list of farm energy auditors is available through the REAP offices by contacting Ron Omann at (651) 602-7796 or ron.omann@ or through The Minnesota Project by reaching Jake Fischer at (651) 789-3330 or Local utilities can also refer farmers to energy auditors.
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2001 Kenworth T300 Cat 3126, 9 speed, steerable lift axle, 24-ft. van box with liftgate, needs front end repair. 2001 Volvo daycab, Series 60 Detroit, 9 speed, 2 aluminum wheels, needs engine.
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1985 GMC General Cummins Big Cam III, 300 hp, 9 speed, spring suspension...... ............................................... As Is $4500 1995 International 9400 Cummins M11, Super 10 speed, good cab and hood.
96” wide axle with 10 hole unimount....... ........................................................... $550 96” wide axle with Dayton hubs....... $250 New 96” wide axle with hub pilot hubs.... 2004 Freightliner Columbia 14L Detroit, ......................................................... $1180 435 hp, 10 speed, 10 months on overhaul. (3) 102” Tandem Axle, air ride suspension. 6-Tri-Pac APU, each...........$2500 Each.................................................. $2500 102” Tandem Axle spring suspension....... See our website at: ......................................................... $1250 (2) 102” Tandem Axle spring suspension, 22.5 Dayton hubs. Each..................... $500
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B34
Long-Term Care Partnership Insurance in Montana continued from page B30
various income levels can be found at www. The amount they can deduct on their federal return is $2,125 (assuming they had no other itemized medical expenses) [$65,000 x 7.5% = $4,875 (the amount above $4,875 is the amount of the premium that is deductible) - $7,000 = $2,125]. The amount of federal tax Dan and Marlene saved from the purchase of the long-term care partnership insurance policy is about $319 [$2,125 (deductible) x 15% (tax rate) = $318.75]. Montana. A tax deduction is allowed for premiums paid for a tax qualified or partnership long-term care insurance for the benefit of a Montana taxpayer and the taxpayer’s dependents, parents or grandparents. Montana allows a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the Montana adjusted gross income for qualified long-term care premiums. The total amount for the premiums is entered on Form 2 “Schedule III – Montana Itemized Deductions,” line 6 (the line number may change from year to year). Example 7: The amount Dan and Marlene (Example 6) can deduct from adjusted gross income on their Montana tax return is $8,537, the total cost of their long-term care partnership insurance premiums. The amount of tax savings is about $589 ($8,537 x 6.9% [The Montana tax rate on income above $15,600 is 6.9%] = $589). Montana tax rates are available at www. The total state and federal tax savings for Dan and Marlene for their purchase of a longterm care partnership insurance policy is $908. Are the benefits received from a long- term care partnership insurance policy taxable? Long-term care benefits paid to the insured are generally excluded from income if the policy is designated as “tax qualified.” Most long-term care insurance and all long-term care partnership insurance policies are tax qualified. To exclude payments from income, the insured must file IRS Form 8853 with the 1040 return. The amount is provided on Form 1099-LTC sent by the insurance company. However, the exclusion amount is subject to a limit. Under this limit, the excludable amount is calculated by subtracting any reimbursement received (through insurance or otherwise) for the cost of qualified long-term care services during the year from the larger of the following amounts: • The actual cost of qualified long-term care services during the period. • The dollar amount of benefits for the period ($310 per day for any period in 2012; $113,150 annually). Example 8: Nora met the definition of her long-term care policy of needing assistance with several ADLs and moved into an assisted living facility. During 2012 she received 12 monthly payments on a daily per diem basis from her qualified long-term care contract. The payment of $2,000 per month ($24,000 total) was listed on Form 1099-LTC. None of her long term-care benefits were taxable in 2012. Is a long-term care policy purchased before the partnerTABLE 1. Federal Maximum Tax Deductible Premiums for Tax ship program began in Qualified Long-Term Care Policies Montana considered a partnership policy? If you purchased a long-term care policy before July 1, 2009, the policy could be eligible for certification as a long-term care partnership insurance policy. First, the company would need to decide if it wants to comply with
parison Guide and Long-Term Care Guide Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance 840 Helena Avenue, Helena, MT 59601 2011LongTermCareRateGde.pdf; GuideLongTermCare.pdf Long-Term Care Planning National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information, Administration on Aging Washington, DC 20201 (202) 619-0724 www. Planning for Long-Term Care AARP-Montana 30 W. 14th St. Ste. 301 Helena, MT 59601 (406) 457-4702 Email: A Long-Term Care Insurance Policy Comparison Tool This tool is part of a Web-based educational program from the University of Illinois Extension Service and is designed to help consumers compare up to three different long-term care insurance policies, www. longtermcare.illinois. edu/. Welcome to Financing Long-Term Care: A Resource Center for Families This is a Web-based education program from the University of Minnesota Extension Service. www. financial-security/financing-long-term-care/ resource-center/ Long-Term Care Planning Tool This online tool is available from the federal Medicare program. This tool uses your answers to questions that are asked on-line to generate personalized reports. The “Projected Costs” report details your expected long-term care costs by comparing your answers to the responses of individuals with similar profiles. The “Services” and “Financing” reports illustrate the long- term care options available to you and the various means of covering their associated costs. Are premiums paid for a long-term care partnership insurance policy tax deductible? The federal government and state of Montana provide tax incentives to those who purchase regular tax qualified long-term care insurance or partnership policies. Federal. Premium payments for tax qualified long-term care insurance or long-term care partnership policies are deductible on Schedule A (Form 1040) for individuals who have itemized medical expenses exceeding 7.5 percent of their adjusted gross income (AGI). However, there are limits on the deductible amount based on the taxpayer’s age (Table 1). Example 6: Dan (age 64) and Marlene (age 62) paid $8,537 for a tax qualified long-term care partnership insurance policy in 2012. Each has a tax deductible premium of $3,500 (Table 1). The amount included on “Schedule A: Itemized Deductions” (Form 1040) is $7,000 ($3,500 + $3,500 = $7,000). Itemized medical expenses exceeding 7.5 percent of Dan and Marlene’s adjusted gross income are deductible. With their combined income of $65,000 they are in a federal marginal tax bracket of 15 percent. Federal tax rates for
* These amounts are subject to change each year.
the partnership rules at the state and federal levels and reissue or exchange your policy for a long-term care partnership insurance policy. If the company decides “yes,” the next step is to submit the policy for certification by the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance. If the Commissioner certifies the revised policy, the company should provide you with a “Partnership Status Disclosure Notice.” Contact your insurance agent to see if a previously purchased long-term policy could be reissued or exchanged for a “certified partnership policy.” You can also ask the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance by calling (800) 332-6148 or online at www. csi. Is a long-term care partnership insurance policy purchased in another state certified in Montana? A long-term care partnership insurance policy issued when you lived in another state may be “certified” if you later become a Montana resident. To determine if the policy is certified in Montana, contact the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance by calling (800) 332-6148 or online at Representatives from the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance will review the policy to determine if all of the following conditions are met: • If the insured person was a resident of a partnership state when coverage first became effective under the policy, • If the policy meets the IRS definition of a“qualified long-term care insurance policy,” • If the policy issue date was issued, re-issued, or exchanged on July 1, 2009 or thereafter, • If the policy meets specific rules of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and • If the policy includes an inflation protection clause. This requirement varies depending on the age of the insured at the time of purchase: - If the purchaser is under 61 years of age, compound annual inflation protection must be provided. - If the purchaser is between 61-76 years of age, some level of inflation protection must be provided. - If the purchaser is over 76 years of age, inflation protection is optional. What if I want to make changes to my long-term care partnership insurance policy after it is purchased? Any changes made to a long-term care partnership insurance policy could affect whether the policy continues to be certified under Montana regulations. Before you make any modifications, consult your insurance agent to determine the effect of proposed changes. Be sure to get any responses in writing so you will have documentation should questions arise later about whether the policy remains certified in Montana. Summary Montana has initiated a long-term care partnership insurance program allowing persons to protect some or all of their assets (depending on the plan purchased), if they need long-term care. The long-term care partnership insurance program helps Montanans pay for their longterm care without having to spend down their assets, as they would have to do if they relied totally on Medicaid to pay for their long-term care. By allowing Montanans to keep some or all of what they’ve worked hard to accumulate and by reducing Medicaid costs for the state, the partnership program provides benefits for everyone. State and federal laws also allow for deductions for qualified long-term care premiums when calculating annual income taxes.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page B35
1994 Ingersoll-Rand VR70B telehandler, 4x4x4, good tires. Nice clean machine.........................................................$19,000
1975 Allis Chalmers 645B wheel loader, 3 yard bucket, cab, heat, good tires. Ready to work!..............................$19,900
1998 Case 621B wheel loader, 2.5 cubic yard bucket, 3rd valve auxiliary hydraulics, good tires, cab, air conditioning. Nice clean wheel loader..................................................$47,700
2006 JLG G6-42A telescopic forklift, 6000 lbs. to 42-ft., all-wheel drive and steer, 1800 hours. Nice machine............$38,800 2000 Case 821C wheel loader, cab, air conditioning, 3rd valve hydraulics, hydraulic quick couple, 4 yard bucket, forks, ride control. Very good loader for any application...........$69,900 2004 Volvo L70E wheel loader, cab, air conditioning, hydraulic quick couple, good tires. Really nice machine with low hours.. ................................................................................$72,900 2003 Volvo EC210BLC excavator, hydraulic quick couple, heavy duty bucket, cab with air conditioning, progressive link thumb. Only 6200 hours!.....................................................$59,900 2004 Ingersoll-Rand VR642C telehandler, 6000 lb, 42-ft., 4x4x4, 1800 hours. Great condition....................................$32,250
2005 Bobcat T190 skidsteer. Good tracks, tight, 2000 hours, work ready...............................................................$22,350
2002 Cat 303CR mini excavator, hydraulic thumb, 18” bucket, great tracks, 3000 hours. Tight, 8000 lbs.................$17,900 2008 Genie 1930 scissorlift, only 94 hours, like new. Very nice machine!!!! The Handiest Tool in Any Shop!............... $7450 2000 JLG 330CRT Big Scissorlift, 4WD, rough terrain, great tires, 2200 hours.....................................................$10,450
Call us about Attachments!
2001 Terex SS-1048 telescopic forklift, 10,000 lb capacity, 48-ft. reach, outriggers, good tires, 3400 hours...............$33,250
2008 Bomag BW124DH-3 roller, smooth drum, new tires. Only 1000 hours!.............................................................$28,800 Skidsteer HD brush grapple.................................................. $2500 Cat integrated tool carrier telescopic jib. Call for details... $2500 Skidsteer 3 prong hay fork.......................................................$500 (2) Telehandler framing jibs, 12-ft. and 10-ft. Per unit.......... $1500 Sweepster 10-ft. broom for Cat backhoes and wheel loaders.......... ........................................................................................... $9500
2008 Cat D6T dozer, semi-u blade, cab, air conditioning, ripper, only 1700 hours. Like new!!!!................................ $279,000
2005 Bomag BW145 smooth drum roller, 66” drum, 1000 hours. Excellent condition..................................................$33,333 Lincoln 400 welder/generator, both feeds, trailer mounted, low hours, great shape. Excellent condition!!!................... $8250 Bobcat 709 backhoe attachment. Like new, new seat. Very handy attachment!....................................................................... $5000 Skidsteer 3 cubic yard dump hopper.................................... $3500
• BUY • SELL • RENT Jim Niebur Billings, Montana
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B36
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
She rarely missed
By Larry Stanfel Bill Steele was Wild Bill’s rodeo clown, Fannie Sperry was still just a girl Married Fannie and formed an act; When she saved her dear mother’s life Cigars from his mouth, glass balls in With a break-neck horse dash to Helena hand, To fetch help for a deadly snake bite She shot them bang!; the seats were Yes, her horsemanship saved a life. packed, And hand or lips Bill never lacked. She raced them, too, alone and on teams, And many opponents ate dust; When Buffalo Bill took retirement The greatest wins came in ‘twelve and The Steele’s formed a show of their own, ‘thirteen, And this venture, too, was successful, World champion bronc rider! So robust So they purchased their own ranch home, On all the globe she was discussed Guided hunters and lived there alone. The Sperrys were never affluent Bill never mentioned the son he had Their margin the width of a lash, His will gave the boy half their ranch; But Fannie provided one huge boost, The man showed up to demand his share, The gift of the champion’s cash Poor Fan sold for his cash advance From every rodeo clash Lost her home but no backward glance. Man named Cody had a wild west show, Her deceased sister Carrie’s old house, And in ‘sixteen Fannie signed on; The only place for Fannie’s abode; By then Miss Oakley had moved along, The family worked hard to comfort her But some thought Fannie would have Installed in the parlor her commode won At ninety-five, that lady still rode. A contest ‘twixt them, fairly run.
---- USED SUV’S & VANS ----
2012 Chevrolet Suburban 4x4, heated leather, 18,000 miles, black.
2011 Chevrolet Tahoe LTZ 2WD, heated/cooled leather seats, navigation, DVD, sunroof, 4600 miles. Completely loaded. 2011 Mitsubishi Endeavor AWD, cloth interior, 28,500 miles. 2010 Dodge Caravan, 28,000 miles. 2009 Mercury Mariner AWD, cloth interior, 75,000 miles.
2007 Hummer H3 5 cylinder, 5 speed manual, 36,000 miles. 2007 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4, heated leather seats, 73,000 miles. 2004 GMC Envoy 4x4, 4 door. 2002 Jeep Liberty 4x4, V6, cloth interior. Very well kept.
---- LATE MODEL ------- LEASE RETURNS ----
2012 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 LTZ 4x4, crew cab, short box, heated leather, bed liner, running boards. 2012 Chevrolet Impala LT, 4-door, cloth interior, well equipped, 15,000 miles. 2011 Chevrolet Malibu LT sedan, 4 cylinder, automatic, cloth interior, 19,000 miles, silver.
1971 Chevrolet Cheyenne Super 2WD short box with factory air conditioning, big block. Runs, drives and looks like new. Call for more info and additional pictures.
---- 2- & 4-WD TRUCKS ----
2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4, 5.3L V8, extended cab, long box, 9500 miles.
2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4x4, short box, Duramax diesel, Allison automatic transmission. 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ 4x4, crew cab, leather, fully loaded. 2007 GMC Sierra 2500 4x4, extended cab, long box. Excellent. 2006 Ford F350 4x4 dually, diesel, 6 speed manual, crew cab, 124,000 miles. 2004 Ford F250 4x4, 6.0L diesel, crew cab, short box, heated leather. Very clean.
---- USED CARS ----
2011 Cadillac CTS AWD, 23,000 miles, very sharp.
2010 Chevrolet Impala LT 3.5L, automatic, cloth interior, 28,000 miles, white. 2007 Chevrolet Impala LT, heated leather, new tires, high miles, very clean. 2007 Chevrolet Impala V6, cloth seats, 58,000 miles, very nice. 2007 Ford 500 4-door sedan, leather interior, sunroof.
Looking for a good, used car? Stop in and talk to Bob or Gene.
Phone Gene Lewis in Fairfield 467-2321 Fairfield toll-free 1-800-967-2445
Phone Bob Dirkes in Choteau 466-2061 Choteau toll-free 1-800-345-2061
Care of Colorado spruce trees
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have 25 blue and Colorado spruce trees that I bought in containers. The trees grew about a foot last summer, but some are turning brown. How much should I be watering these trees and should I put mulch around the base? What kind of fertilizer do you recommend and how often should it be used? Should I get some insecticide and spray the trees? If so, what kind and how many times? I live in Michigan. Thank you for your time. A: Think of the native environment spruce trees live in. They don’t need a lot of water to survive or thrive. The same holds true with fertilizer. The mineral nutrients that are available in their native soil will be sufficient 99.9 percent of the time. There are a lot of things that kill evergreens and other tree plantings. The trees may be planted too deeply. The flare for the roots should be at ground level. Overwatering is a big problem. A good initial soaking at planting time and then monitoring the soil moisture after that during the initial growing season is sufficient. Water when the soil starts to feel dry after you plunge your index finger to the second knuckle. Then soak the trees again. The roots will follow the percolating water. If the roots are kept too wet, they will languish near the upper part of the soil for better access to air. If this regime continues, the stability of the trees during a strong wind could be compromised as they get larger. There used to be an old saying that one should throw in a handful or two of fertilizer when planting trees. Then they used to make it easier for those of us in the landscaping business by saying that fertilizer tablets should be used. We were told that the number of tablets thrown into the planting hole depended on the size of the tree being planted. We were told to use one tablet for a small tree, two for a medium, three for a large and up to four for a very large tree. This was followed almost religiously by landscape designers and architects and those in the landscape contracting business. However, a professor at Oklahoma State University went through a lot of work proving that such treatment was unnecessary and caused more harm than good in some cases. This exhaustive answer to your questions is not meant to browbeat you but to provide a basic education to you and others who read this answer. The fact that the spruce trees have put on another foot of growth is a sign that you are doing something right. Keep it up, but temper it with what I’ve said. As to pesticide use, any pesticide, insecticide or fungicide creates stress on plants. You need to determine why some trees are turning brown. It could be the normal tithe collected by Mother Nature, something in the root area of the particular plants manifesting these visible systems, or simply that the plants were lacking sufficient vigor to become established in their new location. I hope you gave the spruce trees plenty of space to expand because most people do not.
Christmas cactus spots
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I found your email address on a website about Christmas cactus. Are you able to offer some advice? I live in England and have a little cactus given to me as a present three to four years ago. It blooms very well and is growing well. It has been repotted once. However, it has developed tiny spots on some of the new-growth leaves. They look like raised pinpricks and are yellow in the middle. Some of them have turned a dark purple. My cousin thinks I should break off the problem stem. However, I would lose about one-third of the plant. I have done a lot of searching but cannot find anything remotely similar to this problem because of the size and color of the spots. Thanks and hope you are able to give a bit of advice. A: Usually fungal or bacterial diseases cause sunken areas in the foliage. This could be an insect that goes after the more tender new growth, such as scale. I’d suggest that you use alcohol or a dishwashing soap water solution. Wet a rag with one of these and see if the marks wipe off. If they do, then the problem should be solved. Be fastidious in getting after these spots as soon as they show to keep a new generation from arriving. Otherwise, I have no further suggestions. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald. For answers to general horticultural questions, go to
Methionine improves efficiency in heifers
An extra dose of certain amino acids can help cows better use dietary protein or the nutrients they consume, according to a new study published by Agricultural Research Service scientists at the Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Laboratory (LARRL) in Miles City. Amino acids -- the building blocks of proteins -- are essential, especially those that are “limiting,” to cattle that graze on poor-quality forage, the scientists said in an article they published in the online edition of the international journal “Amino Acids.” Methionine is considered a limiting amino acid because if a diet is deficient in it, the usefulness of other limiting amino acids is restricted, thus preventing the formation of body protein. In cows, microbes in the rumen -- the first of their four stomach chambers -- are the first to use dietary protein, which is then incorporated into microbial protein and provides essential amino acids to the animal. Lead author Richard Waterman and his coauthors at LARRL – Mark Petersen and former intern Valerie Ujazdowski -- conducted their research from January 13 through February 26, 2010. They added methionine to the diets of 24 pregnant heifers, mostly Angus, that had been artificially inseminated. A large percentage of the methionine bypassed the rumen and went directly to the animal, resulting in an increase and more efficient use of amino acids, the researchers said. Results suggested that animals retained more of the nitrogen provided in the protein from dietary and microbial origin and excreted less back into the environment. In the current study, heifers were given supplements 56 days before they had their calves. One group was given a wheat middling-based protein supplement that contained urea, which provided adequate nitrogen to the microbial population of the rumen. Another group of heifers was fed the same amount of nitrogen, but a portion was replaced with a form of methionine with a protective coating to limit the ability of microbes in the rumen to use the methionine. After 44 days, blood plasma amino acid concentrations were evaluated in response to dietary supplements. Methionine levels were higher in cows that received the extra amino acid, indicating that methionine bypassed the rumen and entered the animals’ bodies. Even though the methionine had a protective coating, the small amount released in the rumen benefited both the rumen microbes and the animal itself. The scientists said they also saw a decrease in other plasma amino acids, which suggested that providing additional methionine enhanced the ability of animals to more efficiently use other amino acids for growth and reproduction. The methionine research was conducted under a cooperative agreement between the USDA Agricultural Research Service and the Montana State University Montana Agricultural Experiment Station.
Peony bushes
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I planted four peony bushes that bloomed this year. However, the blooms only lasted a few days. The neighbor next door has a water sprinkler system to water the grass, which also waters the peonies and then the petals fall off. I am not sure if I should try to move them. I also am wondering how much water the peonies can stand and if the sprinkler system will harm them. Should they be watered from the ground? I am new at planting flowers and didn’t realize I would have a concern about the water sprinkler system. Thank you for your advice. A: You must live well into the southern part of the U.S. to have your peonies finished with their blooming. It is true that sprinkler systems intended for turf grass growth are not the best thing for peonies, so I would suggest that you ask your neighbor to recalibrate the sprinklers that are impacting your peonies or move your plants this fall. Go to http:// for a publication on peony culture and care. Adjust all the dates to fit your location. Keep in mind that peonies are not known for holding their flowers very long. I view them as a nice herbaceous hedge that produces spring flowers that look nice for a very short period of time and then gets the landscape messy with all the dropped flower petals. However, they are fairly attractive when everything is cleaned up. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B37
We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer.
Full Line Ag Chemicals
Wiese Sweeps
14” & 16” In Stock
Horizontal & Vertical Poly Tanks
Liquid Fertilizer 28-0-0 in stock Delivery available
1650- to 3000-gallon tanks in stock
F/S MFG. New F/S truck mount sprayer IN STOCK
with 80-ft. booms, 1000-gallon tank,
self-leveling cushion booms, hydraulic boom fold, 3-band manifold ball valve, 8-hp Honda electric start motor, Tee-Jet rate controller with GPS speed sensor.
4 Trailer Sprayers 4 Truck Mount Sprayers 4 Self Propelled Sprayers 4 ATV Sprayers ATV Skid Sprayers
Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank.
On-the-farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.
We make hydraulic hoses.
Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B38
2009 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, short wheelbase, 5.3L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, XM radio, OnStar, Bluetooth, remote start. Tag #12T48A........$28,495
2007 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, crew cab, long wheelbase, 6.6L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T92A....$25,495
2004 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, extended cab, long wheelbase, 8.1L, automatic, heated leather seats, Rhino Liner, new tires. Great truck. Tag #12T96A........$18,995
Corn dangerous to feed to livestock
2007 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, crew 2007 Chevrolet Colorado 4x4, cab, short wheelbase, 5.3L, crew cab, 3.7L, automatic, air automatic, air conditioning, tilt, conditioning, tilt, cruise, power cruise, power locks, power winlocks, power windows, keyless dows, AM/FM/CD. Tag #12T82A. entry. Tag #12T56A........$17,995 ......................................$19,995
2005 Cadillac Escalade EXT, 6.0L, automatic, heated leather seats, DVD, navigation, OnStar. Tag #13K01A.................$22,495
Ford F150 XLT 4x4, SuperCrew cab, 5.4L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, running boards. Tag #12T134A...............$27,995
2005 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, extended cab, short wheelbase, 6.6L Duramax, Allison transmission, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T79C....... ......................................$21,495
1999 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, 5.9L, automatic, power windows, power locks, cruise, AM/FM/CD. Tag #12T98B....................$4995
2003 GMC 2500 4x4, extended cab, long wheelbase, 6.0L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows, tow package. Tag #12T95A..........$13,495 2006 Jeep Liberty Limited 3.7L, automatic, heated leather seats, sunroof, Nerf bars. Tag #11C12A.......................$13,995
2007 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, heated leather, sunroof, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T57A.................$16,995
2007 Chevrolet TrailBlazer 4x4, 4.2L, automatic, power locks, power windows, sunroof, XM radio, OnStar. Tag #12T100A..... ......................................$14,995
2003 Dodge Grand Caravan AWD, 3.8L, automatic, heated leather, quad seats, sunroof, DVD. Tag #12T87A...........................$7995
2011 Chrysler 200 LX, 2.4L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, power locks, power windows. Only 11,000 miles. Tag #12U22B.......................$17,995
2002 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4, 5.3L, automatic, heated leather seats, keyless entry, 3rd seat, OnStar. Tag #12T71A.................$10,995
2008 Pontiac Grand Prix 3.8L, automatic, air conditioning, tilt, cruise, heated leather, sunroof. Tag #12B12A.................$13,495
After hours phone numbers:
Dave Bell 873-5478; Dick Ebert: 873-5738; Doug Embody 873-5301; Steve Larson 873-2466
BELL BELL MOTOR MOTOR CO. CO. 1-800-823-2355 (BELL) — 406-873-5515 CUT BANK
By Nathan Hurst, University of Missouri As the hot summer and severe drought continues across much of the Midwest, thousands of farmers are being forced to abandon ruined corn crops. With much of the year’s corn crop expected to yield much less grain than anticipated, many farmers are left to harvest their fields early to salvage what nutritional value they can to feed their animals, especially cattle. Tim Evans, an associate professor of veterinary pathobiology and toxicology section head at the Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine, warns farmers and livestock producers that drought-damaged corn plants can pose a risk to animal health. “During severe drought conditions, corn plants, especially those heavily fertilized with nitrogen, can accumulate a chemical called ‘nitrate’,” Evans said. “This chemical can be very harmful to animals, especially cattle, if they eat corn plants or other vegetation containing too much nitrate. Eating plants with too much nitrate can cause damage to red blood cells, resulting in lethargy, miscarriage, and even sudden death.” Evans says that in normal conditions, corn crops typically absorb nitrate into only the lower 12-18 inches of the stalk, which does not have to be fed to animals. However, during severe drought conditions, high concentrations of nitrate can accumulate in the upper portions of the stalk, which cattle and other livestock often eat. Evans also says that many naturally growing plants and weeds in grazing pastures can accumulate nitrate during drought conditions, as well. These plants include many types of grasses and some weeds, which animals might be forced to eat because of limited pasture or hay available as forage for livestock. Evans encourages farmers to test the nitrate levels of their crops and pastures before allowing their animals to eat any of the plants. In addition, Evans suggests that corn plants being harvested early for making silage, which generally contain lower concentrations of nitrate, should be tested for nitrate prior to and after fermentation to determine the concentrations of nitrate being fed to cattle. “Missouri farmers should definitely contact their local MU Extension offices for help in the preliminary stages of testing the nitrate concentrations in their crops,” Evans said. “MU Extension workers have their boots on the ground all across the state and are truly a valuable resource for farmers who are worried about their crops and livestock.” Evans says that high nitrate levels in plants are generally not a danger to humans, but only to ruminant animals, such as cattle, which eat very large amounts of plant material daily. To locate the nearest MU Extension office, visit their website at:
Princess Kay plum tree
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I have a 10-year-old Princess Kay plum tree in my front yard. The tree was beautiful until last spring. Normally covered with blossoms, the tree had only a few this year. The leaves also were sparse, and some branches didn’t have any leaves. The bark turned black on those branches. The trunk has ooze coming out and the bark is splitting and loosening. Is there any chance of saving this tree? If we do have to remove it, what can be planted in its place? We love the tree because it attracts birds and butterflies, smells wonderful and is the perfect size. (North Dakota) A: You are right when you say the Princess Kay plum is a very worthy plant to include in a northern landscape situation. I believe your poor tree was besieged by all the negatives Mother Nature could throw at it in the past, such as record snowfalls, flooding and almost biblical rains. All of the above stresses and then some will attract insects and pathogens, such as borers, cankers and possible vascular wilt, to take up residence in this plant. To directly answer your question, I would encourage you to replant this beautiful tree. Nothing else can introduce a North Dakota spring with more majestic beauty than this tree when it is in full bloom. I would encourage you to look around for a full-sun location and make sure the site drains well. It is almost never a good idea to replant in the same location with the same species of plant. Doing so is like sleeping in the same bed after someone died in it from bubonic plague. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B39
Case IH Magnum 210 CVT
1994 Case IH 7240 MFD, 3-point, DuAl loader, 8827 hours..................................................................$49,000 1995 John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3-point, 14.9x46 tires....... . .........................................................................$49,900
Case IH Magnum 290
NEW CASE IH Maxxum 140 140 hp
John Deere 4650 with MFWD, 3-point, 1000 PTO, JD 840 loader and 7800 hours.......................................$42,500 John Deere 4840 2WD with powershift, 3-point and 20.8x38 tires....................................................................$22,500
NEW CASE IH Farmall 95 MFD, 3-point, PTO
NEW Case CT270
NEW CASE IH Farmall 75A
75 hp engine, MFD, loader, 3-point and PTO.
IN STOCK New Case SV250 skidsteer with bucket in stock
USED combines & HEADERS
2008 Case IH 7010, yield/moisture monitor, long unloading auger, 400 hours, like new condition...............$229,000 2009 Case IH 2152, 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport, used one season....................... Just Traded 2005 MacDon 963 35-ft. draper head with batt reel and gauge wheels. No transport...............................$31,000
Case IH WDX901 self-propelled windrower with 18-ft. auger header...............................................................$49,000 2001 John Deere 4890 with 18-ft. auger header...$39,000 2000 Case IH SC416 16-ft. pulltype with 1000 PTO drive.. . ............................................................................$9500
2008 Case IH RB564 round baler with mesh wrap, wide pickup, endless belts, hydraulic pickup lift, central lube, 8700 bales.........................................................$29,900 2006 Case IH RBX563 round baler with wide pickup, mesh wrap, endless belts. Good condition, 8000 bales.$26,000 1999 Case IH RS561 round baler..........................$12,500 1995 Case IH 8465...................................................$8995 1994 Case IH 8480 soft core....................................$6995 1991 Hesston 560 round baler.................................$7500 John Deere 530 round baler, good condition...........$5500
track machine Various attachments available
John Deere 4230 2WD with 3-point, dual PTO and 8800 hours..................................................... JUST TRADED
NEW Case IH Precision Spray 100 sprayer with 90-ft. booms & 1000 gallon tank
NEW Case IH Precision Spray 160 sprayer with 100-ft. booms & 1600 gallon tank
Concord 4710 47-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, Stealth openers and 3000 tow behind cart............................$30,000 Case IH 415 25-ft. mulcher....................................$14,000 Brillion 24-ft. mulcher............................................$13,000 H&S 12 row, 24” cultivator, guide cones, tunnel shields, flip up discs................................................................$4995 Alloway 12 row 24” cultivator with flip up discs, tunnel shields..................................................................$3995 John Deere 2700 7 shank disc ripper....................$22,000
2008 Farm King 10x70 auger, swing away hopper. Very good condition......................................................$8900 Case 445 skid steer, cab, bucket and 1246 hours.$32,000 2005 Frontier 18 wheel high-capacity rake. Very good condition............................................................$16,000 Fox corn chopper......................................................$4995
TRI-COUNTY IMPLEMENT Sidney, MT • 2429 W Holly Street 406-488-4400 • 1-800-624-6540 • Visit our website at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B40
The deadline for advertising in the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be SEPTEMBER 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
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Organic compounds eliminate pathogens
By Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service Natural compounds may offer an alternative to certain antibiotics in the future for treating young animals that are susceptible to bacterial infections, thanks to work by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists. Researchers at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Food and Feed Safety Research Unit in College Station, Texas, have invented a new method that involves using chlorate (sodium or salt) and nitro compounds to significantly reduce or eliminate intestinal bacterial pathogens in animals such as piglets and calves. Nitro compounds are organic substances that contain one or more nitro groups, which consist of three atoms—one of nitrogen and two of oxygen—that act as one. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency. Chlorate and nitro compounds have proven to be effective against the foodborne pathogens Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157:H7. Salmonella alone causes more than 1.3 million cases of human foodborne disease each year, at a cost of $2.4 billion. Salmonella and certain E. coli strains also cause considerable losses to the swine and cattle industries due to enteric or intestinal diseases of newborns. Microbiologist Robin Anderson and his colleagues at the College Station unit demonstrated the effectiveness of a chlorate-based compound in earlier research by mixing it into water or feed and giving it to cattle. The compound, which was highly effective in reducing E. coli., has been licensed by a private company. Chlorate also reduced Salmonella in turkeys and broiler chickens. In addition, scientists looked at using certain nitro compounds as a method to control foodborne bacteria. Salmonella or E. coli bacteria were treated with or without chlorate and with or without nitro compounds. Chlorate was found to have significant bacteria-killing activity against E. coli and Salmonella. However, chlorate has not been approved for commercial use in food animals by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. When the nitro compound was added, the activity was enhanced 10- to 100-fold. Nitro compounds alone had significant bacteria-killing activity, which was more persistent than that of chlorate. Anderson and his team concluded that nitro and chlorate compounds together were the best treatment—a combination that could offer an alternative to certain antibiotics that are commonly used to treat diarrheal infections in young animals.
Cottonless cottonwoods
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I’ve noticed a lot of cottony stuff floating in the air. It looks like cotton from cottonwood trees. However, isn’t this too early for them to shed, or did the mild winter/early spring get them to produce this cotton much earlier than normal? A: As many folks have noted, the cotton from the female cottonwood trees seems to be coming earlier than in years past. It may or may not be true in some areas of the region. A fact I want to mention is that cottonseeds from female trees do not cause pollen allergies. It is the male tree that produces the pollen. Wind forces do an excellent job of distributing the pollen. While the female tree produces the cotton that leads to an annoying mess, to date, no health problems have been associated with this “storming of cotton.” Nurseries typically sell male clones that are promoted in the retail trade business as “cottonless cottonwoods.” For those who want a fast-growing tree that is tolerant of just about any force of nature for the first 25 to 50 years of life on a roomy piece of property, this has the makings of a sure sale. A question I often hear: I purchased a cottonless cottonwood eight to 10 years ago that didn’t produce cotton until this year, so what’s going on? The best explanation is that a mistake was made at the nursery while propagating the trees by using cuttings. The nursery mistakenly propagated a female that now has reached a level of maturity to produce the annoying cotton. Can anything be done to stop this? I would have to say no because a mature cottonwood’s production of cotton is a subtly timed event. I would say that people will have to learn to live with the cotton for a few weeks every year or have the tree removed. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Natural compounds in cranberries investigated
By Marcia Wood, Agricultural Research Service Cranberries are already known to be rich in fiber, and to provide vitamin C and potassium, both of which are essential nutrients. But the tart, colorful berries are also a source of natural compounds known as polyphenols. These compounds have been the focus of a series of studies by former U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) chemist Ronald L. Prior and his colleagues. Previously with the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) at the Arkansas Children’s Nutrition Center in Little Rock, Prior is now an adjunct professor of food science at the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency. In one investigation, the researchers closely examined the kinds and amounts of compounds in cranberry pomace—the stems, skins, seeds, and pulp that are left over when the berries are pressed to make juice or canned products. According to Prior, cranberry processors are looking for new, value-added uses for these byproducts. Much is already known about the major polyphenols in fresh cranberries. But the Arkansas study was apparently one of the first to extensively investigate and document the kinds and amounts of major cranberry pomace polyphenols. The researchers used sophisticated analytical procedures to measure the molecular weight of pomace constituents and, from that, to determine their identity. If appropriate reference standards were available, the quantity of the constituent was determined. Among other findings, the team determined that the pomace contained appreciable levels of flavonols, a class of polyphenols that includes, for example, quercetin and myricetin. Fresh whole cranberries are already known to contain high levels of flavonols—more than most berries and, in fact, more than most fruits or vegetables. But the research was the first to show that nearly half of the total flavonol content of whole berries was left behind in the pomace. Prior collaborated on the research with Luke R. Howard of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, and with food technologist Brittany L. White, formerly at the university and now with ARS in Raleigh, North Carolina. Published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, this 2010 study is still the most up-to-date analysis of its kind for cranberry pomace. The findings are a readily accessible reference for medical and nutrition researchers, food processors, and others, Prior noted.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B41
NEW Kioti CK27HST 4WD, KL130 loader.................................. $21,500
Oliver 1800 row crop, gas, 3-pt., PTO, loader.....................................$6500 Oliver 1800 Wheatland with front blade......................................$4500 Oliver 1650 diesel, wide front, 3-pt., PTO. Good straight older tractor...... . .............................................$5000 Oliver Super 55 with complete engine rebuild....................................$3850 Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.....FOR PARTS John Deere 70, gas, Farmhand F10 loader, grapple.......................$4500 Ford 5000 with bad engine, Selecto-speed (good transmission) for parts......................................$2000 Case SC narrow front, runs........ Offer?
Haybuster 256 Plus II bale processor.. . .............................................$4500 Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................ CALL New Holland 1032 pull-type balewagon....................................$5000 New Holland 1116H header for 276/9030 bidirectional...........$4500 Gehl 1400 round baler. 4x5 bale...$750 Bale Stooker, small square baler.$350 Sitrex 2 wheel 3-point rake...........$350
United 784 HD 7-ft. box scraper....$942 United 672 HD 6-ft. box scraper....$825 United 566 HD 51/2-ft. box scraper..$875 United 560 HD 5-ft. box scraper....$850
Bush Hog 3 point, 12-ft. plow.....$1650
Oliver 60 2WD tractor. Completely restored..$4500 We now have
Gorman 4” irrigation pump, 540 PTO drive.........................................$400 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor............................ MAKE OFFER 2 horse bumper pull trailer.............$750 1 set of 13.6x38 tire chains, excellent condition..................................$250
Ditcher pull-type with manual adjusting 5-ft. wings.................................$295 Ezee-On 24-ft. disc with wings....$3500 Dearborn 3-point offset disc..........$500 John Deere one bottom plow........$300 Disc 9-ft. pull-type, needs work... CALL 1 set of 3 roller packers.................$350 Feterl grain auger..........................$300 3-Point bucket scoop..... MAKE OFFER
NEW TARTER 3-pt. equipment 6-ft. HD landscape rake.................$700 7-ft. HD landscape rake.................$735 8-ft. HD landscape rake.................$780 7-ft. grader blade............................$385 7-ft. HD grader blade.....................$870 8-ft. HD grader blade.....................$915 6-ft. MD disc...................................$915 4-ft. rotary cutter............................$935 5-ft. rotary cutter..........................$1015 6-ft. rotary cutter..........................$1200 QA super spear.............................$435 Middle Buster potato plow............$165
Hesston 30A stacker.... MAKE OFFER Bucket mount bale spear...............$400
wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.
Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Home (406) 227-6457 East Helena Serving HELENA and surrounding areas for 62 YEARS!
Phone (406) 227-6821
Come visit us at
Missing bark
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: We live south of Houston and planted a river birch last year. Unfortunately, we had a drought last summer, but we made sure the tree had water. This spring, it leafed out fine, but I just noticed that the bark is gone on four to six areas of the trunk. It is not recent because the exposed wood is gray and dry. However, there are areas with damage beneath the bark at the cambium layer (I think). This leads me to believe something is inside. The damaged areas are 1 to 2 inches in diameter and there are small, black insects running around the damaged areas. There also is what appears to be a wooddamaging insect because there is powdered wood at some of the areas. There has been no leaf drop and the tree looks fine. Oddly enough, the damaged areas are on the back side of the tree away from our normal viewing angle. Is the tree a loss or is there some kind of treatment I can use? I thought the tree was resistant to bugs. A: You should get in touch with the Extension agent in your area to get assistance on this. Keep in mind that resistance does not equal immunity. Frankly, I’m surprised to know that river birch will grow in the Houston area. It sounds as if there is some borer activity going on with your tree. You should take corrective action using a systemic insecticide before too much damage occurs. Because your tree is small, you could spray it with a product, such as Orthene or Isotox, that has some systemic and contact effectiveness. However, please get in touch with your local Extension agent. Go to and click on your county to contact the agent before taking any action involving pesticide use. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Kioti DS4510 4WD, power shuttle, loader, industrial tires.. $26,500
Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply Phone (406) 227-6821 East Helena, MT New Mechron UTV’s In Stock (2) Kioti Orange
Treasures of USDA history preserved at NAL
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B42
Kuhn 161V commercial box spreader with New Kuhn 4052 mixer with DigiStar indicator horizontal beaters mounted on 2000 mounted on 2000 Freightliner F170 2 1/2 International 8100, manual transmission... ton truck, manual transmission.....$93,000 ......................................................$81,670
Oswalt 525 mixer mounted on 1983 International 1900, 466 engine with Allison 563 automatic transmission.................$50,000
1990 International 4900 with 466 diesel engine, Allison 653 automatic transmission. Harsh 515 box with DigiStar scale............. ......................................................$40,000
Kuhn 4042 mixer (box only)..............$35,000
NT 1260A feeder wagon, 20-ft. with discharge. Weigh Tronics 640 XL scale with 3-point, 2.25 weigh bars. Live double floor chain..............................................$15,000
1990 GMC TopKick, 3208 Cat with MT 653 DR transmission. Kuhn 4052V 4 auger mixer, SS bottom liners, EZ2400 DigiStar scale with large outside readout....$89,500
Oswalt 460 4 auger 16-ft. mixer mounted on 1982 Ford 8000, diesel motor with Allison automatic transmission.................$32,000
524-15 Rotomix reel mixer mounted on Ford F800. 6 speed manual transmission with 2 speed rear end, diesel engine.................... ......................................................$25,000
Oswalt 370 with J Star Model 20 scale mounted on 1977 Ford 600...........$15,000
303 North 13th Street - PO Box 1497 Billings, MT 59103 406-252-6692, 800-548-7270,
By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service A century of parasite research fills at least 100 boxes at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Library (NAL) in Beltsville, Maryland. These records include photos, drawings, lantern slides, research notes, reports, and correspondence. The documents are part of the U.S. National Animal Parasite Collection Records, which chronicle the parasitology studies of USDA scientists from 1886 to 1987. The parasitology records are one of the more than 200 collections that NAL holds safe, each documenting the history of a USDA program. NAL is a part of USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency. Such records are not just the dry dust of USDA history, but a continuing resource for researchers. With access to these original materials, scientists can better understand how programs developed and why certain choices were made, explained NAL Special Collections librarian Sara B. Lee. In addition, writers, historians, sociologists, conservationists, and artists regularly turn to NAL’s collections as firstperson sources about USDA events, programs and policies. NAL even preserves the lineage of USDA buildings, especially those located along the National Mall, with a collection of photos and drawings, including an unusual photo showing the original USDA administration building and the unfinished Washington Monument taken from atop the Smithsonian Castle around 1868. Perhaps the most attractive as well as historically important of NAL’s treasures is the USDA Pomological Watercolor Collection, which includes 7,584 paintings, lithographs and line drawings. These technically accurate images were their day’s equivalent of photo documentation of fruits, nuts and berries developed by growers or introduced by USDA around the turn of the 20th century. With today’s growing interest in heirloom varieties and others that are no longer commonly grown, the collection is an invaluable storehouse of fruit knowledge and history. Today, NAL is making its historic collections more accessible. As funds and staffing permit, boxes of records are being more clearly indexed, and documents and images are being scanned. You can find the indexes and scanned materials on the NAL Special Collections web page by going to http://, and clicking on “Guide to Collections.”
Herbicide homicide
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: Will you give me permission to murder my husband? He sprayed a herbicide to kill a few lawn weeds in our backyard. However, the drift impacted 22 of my tomato plants. This isn’t the first time he’s done this. You’d think that after 22 years of marriage, he’d know how I feel about herbicide use! I even stole it from him, but he went out and bought some more. When I confronted him about this a day or two ago, he denied having used any herbicide. However, when I showed him a dead weed (and surrounding grass) where he applied the herbicide, all he said was: “I can’t believe that little bit of 2,4-D would cause that much of a problem.” So the guilt is there with my tomatoes and my hanging baskets. I’d like to murder him and bury him in my garden for use as a fertilizer. A: While I’m not an expert on justifiable homicide, I would think that after being married this long and knowing how much you cherish your tomatoes that he would have known better than to try to get away with something like that. A few weeds in a lawn are not going to hurt anything, but his obvious use of the 2,4-D herbicide will, and did. Add to this the fact that he tried to lie his way out of this criminalizes him even more. I think this is something that needs to be addressed with a lawyer present, along with some counseling by a psychiatrist. Let me know what you find out. However, let’s get back to what I’m an expert at. The tomatoes are not going to recover and should be pulled out. At this late date, planting and getting a successful crop of any consequence is very questionable. You would be better off purchasing your tomatoes from a farmers market. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald. For answers to general horticultural questions, go to
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B43
0% Financing
On Huge Selection of Used Round Balers - oac 2010 John Deere 568 round baler.......$41,500 2009 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap. . .............................................$33,500 2008 John Deere 568 wide pickup, big tires, net wrap. . .............................................$31,500 2003 John Deere 567..........................$24,500 2010 John Deere 8320R MFWD........$239,500
2006 Vermeer 605M.............................$21,500 1998 Vermeer 605L round baler. . .......$11,500 1993 Vermeer 605K round baler.............$7950 2006 New Holland BR780...................$16,500 Case IH RBX562 round baler...............$12,500 2002 Case IH RBX561 round baler......$16,900 Case IH 8480..........................................$5500 Case IH 8460 round baler.......................$3500 2005 John Deere 567 wide pickup, net wrap. .. ........................................................$22,500 2005 John Deere 567 round baler.......$21,900 2003 John Deere 567 round baler.......$21,500 2005 John Deere 567 round baler.......$16,500 2002 John Deere 567 round baler.......... CALL 1991 John Deere 535.............................$6500 1989 John Deere 535 round baler..........$8500 John Deere 510......................................$1500
2011 John Deere 8285R (285-hp), powershift, MFWD, 3-pt. with quick hitch, 4 hydraulics, PTO, 380/90R45 duals, 380/80R38 front singles, low hours, factory warranty.$202,750 2008 John Deere 8130 MFWD..........$127,500 2007 John Deere 7930 MFWD..........$119,500 2010 John Deere 71301880 hours......$74,500
2011 John Deere 7130 with JD 741 loader...... ......................................................$109,500 2010 John Deere 7130 with JD H360 loader.... ........................................................$92,750 2000 John Deere 7810 with 740SL loader........ ........................................................$69,500 1998 John Deere 7810 with JD 740 loader...... ........................................................$54,500 John Deere 5085 MFWD with 563 NSL loader...............................................$67,500 John Deere 5055E with JD 553 loader..$30,000 1976 John Deere 4230 with Farmhand 358 loader...............................................$17,500 1968 John Deere 3020 with F-11 loader..$7500 1995 Case IH 7220 MFWD with Woods 360 loader...............................................$52,500
2010 John Deere R450 windrower with 995 rotary platform...............................$119,500
2002 John Deere 2700 mulch ripper....$21,500 AGCO Ultra mulcher............................$16,500 Case IH 415 30-ft. roller harrow, S-tines............ ........................................................$16,500 John Deere 960 field cultivator............$12,500 Noble 24-ft. field cultivator.......................$1250 Westgo 20-ft. field cultivator, harrows......$2250 International 145 5 bottom in furrow, two-way plow....................................................$4950 Ace 5-bottom 16”, two-way plow, in furrow........ ...........................................................$2950 Harrel 2804 16-ft. switch plow, 4 bottom..$1950
1994 John Deere 8570 (250-hp), 12 speed transmission, 4 hydraulics, 20.8x38 duals.... ........................................................$55,000 2001 Case IH STX325 5271 hours. . ...$95,000
Flexi-Coil 5000/2320 57-ft. air hoe drill, 7.2” spacing. ..........................................$42,500 (3) John Deere 9350 hoe drills, 8-ft. units, 10” spacing with JD transport. .................$6500
2.9% Fixed Rate On All Used Combines - oac 2008 John Deere 9770STS Contour Master, 520/85R38 duals, chopper, low hours.......... ................................................. $$ SAVE $$ 2000 John Deere 9750STS.......... $$ SAVE $$ 2008 John Deere 9670STS with 520/80R38 duals, chopper.......................... $$ SAVE $$
2004 John Deere 7920 (170-hp), IVT transmission, MFWD, 3-pt. hitch with quick hitch, 3 hydraulics, PTO, 480/80R46 duals. .$99,500 2004 John Deere 7920 (170-hp), IVT transmission, MFWD, 4-pt. hitch with quick hitch, 4 hydraulics, 380/90R50 duals. .........$97,500 1979 John Deere 8640 with 12-ft. dozer........... ........................................................$24,500 1976 John Deere 4630 (150-hp), Quad-Range transmission, PTO, 20.8x38 singles, John Deere 10-ft. dozer. ..........................$16,500 1975 John Deere 8430........................$15,000 1973 John Deere 4430 (125 PTO hp), QuadRange transmission, dual PTO, 2 hydraulics, 20.8x34 duals..................................$12,500 International 766 (85-hp), cab, 2 hydraulics, 18.4x34 duals, 5-ft. side-mount mower. $7450
Hesston 8100 windrower, 16-ft. auger platform, 21-ft. draper platform.......................$16,500 1995 MacDon 6000 hydro.......................$5500 Case IH 8830 draper platform, 25-ft. center....... ...........................................................$3500 Versatile 195 D platform...........................$750 John Deere 3960 forage harvester with 3-row 30” row crop. . .................................$11,500 John Deere 3960 chopper with 2RN head........ ...........................................................$4500 John Deere 3960 forage harvester.........$2500 John Deere 3-row row crop, heavy duty, yellow. ....................................................$5500 John Deere 2-row 30” row crop. . ...........$2250
2007 Brandt 13x70 auger....................$17,500 Westfield auger.......................................$2000 2009 Arctic Cat XTX Prowler with front blade. ...........................................................$8750
2006 John Deere 9660STS, 20.8R38 duals, chopper.................................... $$ SAVE $$
Artsway 9420 beet harvester, 6 row, 24” row finder, rear steer...............................$19,500 Artsway 9420 beet harvester, 6 row, 24”, row finder, steerable. .............................$17,500 1993 Artsway 690 beet harvester........$16,500 Red River 624 beet harvester, 6 row, 24” row finder, rear steer...............................$13,500 Red River 624N beet harvester, 6 row, row finder, rear steer. ............................$13,500 Artsway 786A defoliator, 6 row, knife scalpers.. ...........................................................$8500 Artsway 786A defoliator, 6 row, rear steer. $4500 Red River defoliator. ..............................$2500
2002 John Deere 9650STS, 800/65R32 singles, chopper, grain tank extensions..$$ SAVE $$ 1992 John Deere 9600................. $$ SAVE $$ 1983 John Deere 7720 24.5x32, straw & chaff spreader, 224 platfform............. $$ SAVE $$ 2004 John Deere 893 cornhead... $$ SAVE $$ 2006 MacDon 973D platform........ $$ SAVE $$ 1997 MacDon 962D platform........ $$ SAVE $$ 2008 John Deere 936D platform... $$ SAVE $$ John Deere 930 platform.............. $$ SAVE $$ 2004 John Deere 635F................. $$ SAVE $$ John Deere 635F Hydra-flex......... $$ SAVE $$ 2005 John Deere 630F................. $$ SAVE $$ 2009 John Deere 635D header..... $$ SAVE $$ 2010 John Deere 630R platform... $$ SAVE $$ 2008 John Deere 630R header..... $$ SAVE $$ 2009 Case IH 2010 rigid platform, bat reel, less than 100 hours.......................... $$ SAVE $$ Elmer 30-ft. header trailer.............. $$ SAVE $$
2006 Brandt 1000 gallon.....................$11,000
2011 John Deere X748 with attachments......... ........................................................$19,500 2007 John Deere X540 lawn and garden tractor, 54” mower, powerflow bagger, new engine... ...........................................................$5750 John Deere X520 lawn tractor, 54” deck....$4350 John Deere 318 lawn tractor with attachments..................................................$2950 2004 John Deere LT180 lawn & garden tractor........................................................$1850 2001 John Deere LTR166, dump hopper. $1750 John Deere 214 lawn & garden tractor with C48 broom.................................................$1500 2002 John Deere LX279 lawn tractor.....$1500 2009 John Deere LA155 lawn tractor.....$1500 John Deere LA140 lawn tractor, 48” deck. $1350 2005 John Deere L120 lawn tractor with bagger.......................................................$1350 1992 John Deere FT262 lawn & garden tractor........................................................$1150 1992 John Deere GT262 lawn tractor......$975 1998 John Deere LT166 lawn tractor........$650 John Deere 345 with attachments............$550 Yardman Rider with broom.....................$1250 Husqvarna 4217 front mower, 42” deck. $2250 John Deere SB 14 mower.........................$200 John Deere 320 snowthrower...................$150
1-800-967-3597 — 406-488-3112 2900 West Holly — Sidney, Montana
2008 Yamaha Rhino 700EL....................$8950
John Deere 740 loader, 7000 Series mounts, 8-ft. bucket, grapple, Joystick ............$8500 Woods 3240 batwing mower. .................$9950 Woods S106 ditch bank mower..............$1750 Diamond 72” & 62” mowers.....................$2500 1993 Rem 552 grain vac.........................$5500 Haybuster H-1000 tub grinder..............$12,500 Reman 2600 GS2 display.......................$1650
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B44
Montana made...
Rod Weeder
Maximum weed kill at a minimum cost!
Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. • Fits all cultivators • Easy to pull, saves fuel • No drive required. • We build special applications for air drive • U-joint adapter for rocky conditions • Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame. Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket. When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.
Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS
Ben Taylor Farm Store . ..........................................Valier, 279-3365 Churchill Equipment....................................... Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag.............................................. Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag................................................ Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag............................................Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..................................Great Falls, 727-2203 Glasgow Implement........................................... Glasgow, 228-9341 Harlem Supply.......................................................Harlem, 353-2262 Hoven Equipment Co.....................................Great Falls, 727-7153
Jorgenson Land Co........................................ Broadview, 667-2140 Joyce Fuel & Feeds............................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Moodie Implement............................... Great Falls, 1-888-760-2005 Sunrise Equipment..................................... Sidney, 1-800-967-3597 Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson......................................................Havre, 1-800-800-3113 Torgerson............................................. Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393
Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900
A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT
Year nty warra
New TYM 723 74 hp, MFWD, 24 speed LH Power Shuttle with loader......$40,500
We have new 23-100 HP tractors Call us!
Yellowstone Tractor Co.
NEW TYM With 90 Horsepower Perkins Diesel
• MFWD • LH Power Reverser Transmission • 540/1000 PTO • 3-Point Hitch • Heavy Duty Loader
$47,500 or $7478 Annual - OAC
Only 1 rice at this p
* Limited Time Only*
We now have a full service dealer in Western Montana – Please Call Us
Consigned Equipment
TYM 603 4WD, cab, air, heat, loader and 351 hours. 60 hp. Cat diesel.............................................................$27,995 New Holland TD80 4WD, 820 TL loader, under 300 hours. 70-hp. Like New. . .................................................30,999 Kubota 2910 4WD loader, front mounted snow blower....$18,500 Titan 4WD, 32 hp, loader, 155 hours........................$8995 Yanmar 1550 4WD with loader and new tires...........$3995 Massey-Ferguson T035 with loader........................$3750 Massey Ferguson 1100 tractor................................ Coming In International TD-15 crawler, hydraulic blade, winch......$15995 2008 Ditch Witch R300 4WD, shark chain, 245 hours....... . ...........................................................................$19,000 1994 GMC Top Kick, Cat diesel, flatbed with hoist..$17,500 1977 International 1600 truck with 14-ft. dump body, high sides.......................................................................$3500 1990 Ford 6 yard dump truck, diesel........................$6995 Trail King 22-ft. 3 axle tag trailer..............................$4660 John Deere Model H manure spreader........... Coming In Erskine 6-ft. snow blower, 3 point, PTO...................$1600 14-ft. heavy duty tandem disc with 22” blades..........$2500 Eagle 6-ft. tandem disc, 3 point, notched blades......$1100 Case 3-pt., 4 bottom plow.........................................$1500 Sitrex 3-pt., 3 wheel rake...........................................$850 Land Pride 5-ft. finish mower................... Call For Pricing
Another satisfied customer T. Graham of Phillipsburg, Montana
prices subject to change
We have financing available. Call us on our new Tytan 3 pt equipment
Need a new loader? Call us, we have the best prices!
50HP 4WD cab, air, heat, hydro loader
Maintain crop yields despite climate change
By Ann Perry, Agricultural Research Service Reducing tillage for some Central Great Plains crops could help conserve water and reduce losses caused by climate change, according to studies at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Research leader Laj Ahuja and others at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Agricultural Systems Research Unit at Fort Collins, Colorado, superimposed climate projections onto 15 to 17 years of field data to see how future crop yields might be affected. ARS is USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency, and this work supports the USDA priority of responding to climate change. The field data was collected at the ARS Central Great Plains Research Station in Akron, Colorado. The projections included an increase in equivalent atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels from 380 parts per million by volume (ppmv) in 2005 to 550 ppmv in 2050. The projections also included a 5-degree Fahrenheit increase in summer temperatures in Colorado from 2005 to 2050. The ARS scientists used these projections to calculate a linear increase of CO2 and temperature from 2050 to 2100. Ahuja’s team used the Root Zone Water Quality Model (version 2) for crop rotations of wheat-fallow, wheat-cornfallow, and wheat-corn-millet to see how yields might be affected in the future. They simulated different combinations of three climate change projections: rising CO2 levels, rising temperatures, and a shift in precipitation from late spring and summer to fall and winter. They ran the model with the projected climate for each of the 15 to 17 years of field crop data for each cropping system. When the researchers used all three climate factors to generate yield projections from 2005 to 2100, the yield estimates for the three cropping systems dropped over time. Declines in corn and millet yields were more significant than declines in wheat yields. Ahuja also simulated earlier planting dates and no-till management to see if either change reduced yield losses, but only the no-till option helped. In the wheat-fallow rotation with no tillage, wheat yields were higher than with conventional tillage through 2075. But by 2100, when summer temperatures had increased by 8 degrees F, even the no-till yield advantage was lost. The results from this work were published in Climatic Change in 2012.
If 2013 is your lucky year to retire, prepare now
By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver Do you plan to begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits early in 2013? If so, now is the time to prepare. We recommend you apply up to four months before you want your retirement benefits to begin. These days, you no longer need to travel to an office or wait in line to apply for benefits. You can do it from your home or office computer. The Social Security website at makes the process easy and convenient. You can complete your application for retirement benefits in as little as 15 minutes. In most cases, after you submit your online application electronically, that’s all you have to do. You’re done. There are no forms to sign or additional paperwork to complete. In rare cases where we need additional information, a representative will contact you. Not ready to retire yet? Perhaps you want to plan ahead and begin considering your options regarding when to retire. In that case, you’ll want to visit Social Security’s website to use our convenient and informative retirement planner at Here you can find out just how close you are to meeting your financial goals and then “bookmark” the website to apply for retirement benefits whenever you are ready. We encourage people at any stage in their working career to use the Retirement Estimator for an instant, personalized estimate of future retirement benefits. Find it at www. Remember that you’re always first in line when you go online, to Here’s to a lucky 2013. If you’re planning to retire and begin receiving Social Security benefits in January, start the year off right by applying online now for Social Security benefits.
Nematode-resistant upland cotton
By Sharon Durham, Agricultural Research Service U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) researchers have made significant progress in finding genetic resistance to two key cotton pests—the root-knot nematode and the reniform nematode. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) plant geneticist Johnie Jenkins and his colleagues in the agency’s Genetics and Precision Agriculture Research Unit in Mississippi State, Mississippi, developed genetic markers for the genes responsible for resistance to root-knot nematode in upland cotton. These genes, located on chromosomes 11 and 14, should help breeders develop new varieties of nematoderesistant cotton. ARS is the USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA commitment to agricultural sustainability. Jenkins and his colleagues also found that resistance to reniform nematode in a wild Gossypium barbadense line is governed by more than one gene, and they have identified markers linked to these genes on chromosomes 21 and 18. Their research was published in Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Former post-doctoral researcher Osman Gutierrez (currently a plant geneticist at the ARS Subtropical Horticulture Research Station in Miami, Florida) was lead author on the paper. Co-authors included agronomist Jack McCarty, molecular geneticist Martin Wubben, and plant physiologist Franklin Callahan, all with ARS at Mississippi State, and retired ARS scientist Forest Robinson at College Station, Texas. Commercial breeders had steered away from efforts to breed root-knot nematode resistance into upland cotton lines over the years because the resistance was governed by more than one gene and seemed too costly and time-consuming. But the research contributions from Jenkins and his colleagues may change that. The root-knot nematode has been recognized as a cotton pest for the past 100 years, according to Jenkins. Since the 1930s, scientists have been looking for resistance to nematodes. In the 1960s, ARS started research to find rootknot nematode resistance in cotton. Retired ARS scientist Raymond Shepherd was instrumental in using root-knot nematode resistance in a line of wild cotton from Mexico to develop resistant germplasm.
Preventing improper payments
By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver Making proper Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments is no game. But improving our accuracy has some similarities to a good football strategy. You’ve got to be strong on both defense and offense. Social Security is committed to reducing improper payments. Our goal has always been to pay the right person the right amount at the right time. And we’re highly successful at doing that. In paying retirement, survivors, and disability benefits to more than 55 million people each month, our accuracy rate is over 99 percent. When it comes to Supplemental Security Income – the means-tested program for elderly, disabled and blind people who have limited income and resources – our payment accuracy is about 91 percent. As with a good game of football, we need a game plan to improve payment accuracy. Here is ours. On offense, we check and recheck our benefit computations and recipient information. That’s done at kickoff, before we ever make a payment. On defense, we have game plans, or strategies, to collect funds back from the person we improperly paid, especially if the error was the result of a beneficiary failing or incorrectly reporting an event that affects his or her payment amount. When an individual commits fraud in order to receive payments not due, we prosecute him or her to the fullest extent of the law. We will continue to work on offense and defense in our efforts to perfect our game plan and to make each and every payment a touchdown. Learn more about what Social Security is doing to prevent improper payments by visiting our website on the subject at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B45
8155 Hwy. 10 West Missoula, Montana 406-544-2940 or 406-829-3540 E-mail:
Cat 930 ex county...............$29,500
1993 Peterbilt 379 XT 3406 power.. ......................................$16,500 2001 Case 590 Super M 4x4, Estick...............................$39,500
2005 Cat 938G.................. $82,900
International line truck with auger and front winch..............$12,500 Case 580D 2x4 backhoe, ‘E’ stick..... ......................................$11,500
Ingersoll SD70D..................$19,500
1997 International 4700 single axle dump with DT466 and hydraulic brakes............... $17,500
1999 Case 9010 excavator with hydraulic thumb.................$39,500
Case 850D six way dozer, rippers... ..................................... $19,500 2005 Ford 550 4x4 bucket truck....... ......................................$13,500
2010 Takeuchi TB153 excavator, blade, rubber tracks, 250 hours.. ......................................$59,000 1998 Barko 130 self loader............. ..................................... $13,500
1997 Moxie MT30 new engine........ .................................... RENTAL
2007 Kobelco 135SRLC hydraulic thumb .............................$74,900 Peerless 45-ft. 3-axle chip trailer....... ...........................................$8500
2007 Toyota 5000 lb. propane forklift.................................. $21,500
Cat 140G with rippers........ $70,000
Farmall M with back blade and 3-point...............................$2950
Complete fire command station and generator.........................$59,000
Cat 12E SN 99E05546, scarifier...... ..................................... $13,900 15 Ton Trailers air brakes and ramps. Each......................................... $10,500
Log loaders available
LM Rents * Flexible terms: pick up and delivery * Compactors padfoot and smooth drum: 54” to 84” * Excavators: from 10 ton to 30 ton
* Dozers six way blades and rippers: D4 to D8 size * Wheel loaders: 2 yard to 7 yard * Articulated trucks: 25 and 30 ton
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B46
Concrete Stock Water Tanks 600- to 1000-gallon capacity
Super Fenceline Concrete Feed Bunks
38” wide x 19” deep x 8-ft. long
Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix Phone 406-285-3281
Three Forks, MT
2010 John Deere 7830 MFWD, IVT, 480x46, 380x34, 746 loader, grapple, 165 PTO hp, 1250 hours. #565........................$155,000 2008 John Deere 7930 MFWD, IVT, TLS, 18.4x46D, 16.9x30, 746 loader, grapple, 180 PTO hp, 2100 hours. #484...$166,000 2008 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 20 speed PowrQuad, 18.4x42, 741 loader, grapple, 166E/140 PTO hp, 1750 hours...$126,000 2008 John Deere 7430 MFWD, 20F/20R, 18.4x42, 16.9x28, 741 loader/grapple, 166/140 hp, 2000 hours, #645.... $119,500 2008 John Deere 7330 MFWD, 20F/20R, 18.4x42, 470x28, 741 loader/grapple, 155/125 hp, 2050 hours, #646.... $118,000 2005 John Deere 7920 MFWD, IVT, TLS, 18.4x42D, 380x34, 746 loader, grapple, 170 PTO hp, 2800 hours. #001...$133,000 2005 John Deere 7820 MFWD, 20 speed PowrQuad, 480x42, 380x30, 746 loader, grapple, 155 PTO hp, 4930 hours. #144.... ....................................................$109,500
Choose 2.9% APR oac on any USED tractor, combine or sprayer
2012 John Deere 9560R powershift, 800x38, ATR, 560 hp, 400 hours. #111.....$325,000 2011 John Deere 9530T 400 hours...$320,000 2010 John Deere 9630 powershift, 800x38 Michelins, 78 gpm hydraulics, ATR, active seat, 530 hp, 1200 hours, #021..$272,000 2010 John Deere 9630 800x38 Michelins, ATR, 530 hp, 1200 hours. #021..$269,000 2009 John Deere 9530 powershift, 710x38, ATR, 475 hp, 2015 hours. #230..$230,000 2008 John Deere 9630 powershift, 800x38, ATR, 530 hp, 1075 hours. #661..$255,000 2008 John Deere 9630 710x42, 78 GPM hydraulic, ATR, 530 hp, 1475 hours. #734..... ....................................................$235,000 2002 John Deere 9520 powershift, 800x38, ATR, 450 hp, 3957 hours. #942..$153,000 Lots of 9630 & 9530 Trac Tractor Inventory - CALL
(5) 2009-2012 John Deere 4730 400-600 hours...........................$175,000-$225,000 (6) 2008-2012 John Deere 4830 200-1400 hours...........................$190,000-$270,000 (9) 2008-2012 John Deere 4930 350-2450 hours...........................$185,000-$290,000 Wheatheart 8x41 with SP, electric clutch, 27 hp..................................................$12,400 (9) 2012 John Deere 4940 100-900 hours.... Wheatheart 8x51 with SP, electric clutch, 27 ......................................$285,000-320,000 hp..................................................$12,700 Buy your sprayer NOW for next spring! Wheatheart 10x41 with SP, electric clutch, 35 hp.............................................$13,300
2012 John Deere S670 contour master, Pro Drive, 520x42D, 26 ft auger, 225/175 hours. #602.................................$305,000 2012 John Deere S670 contour master, Pro Drive, 650x38D, 26 ft auger, PC Tailboard, 250/175 hours. #905...................$320,000 2012 John Deere S680 contour master, Pro Drive, 650x38D, 26 ft auger, PC tailboard, 250/175 hours. #904...................$336,000 2012 John Deere S680 contour master, Pro Drive, 650x38D, 26 ft auger, PC Tailboard, 275/200 hours. #902...................$329,000 2011 John Deere 9770 STS Pro Drive, contour master, 530/480 hours, #555......$258,000 More inventory too numerous to mention!
0% APR 24 months, then 4.4% APR for 36/48 months
Westfield 13x81 remote swing.........$12,000 Westfield 10x71 swing hopper............$6800 Westfield 10x71 swing hopper.............$5800
2008 Renn 1214 bag unloader, 10 or 12-ft. bags..............................................$32,000 NEW Dixie chopper lawn mower, Zero Turn, 23 hp, 44” cut...................................$5600
Air Drill
2008 John Deere 1895/1910 42-ft, 10” spacing, no-till drill, SPF, 430 tow behind cart, conveyor......................................$170,000
Call with “For Sale” items anytime!
GL Appraisal & BROKERAGE
Glenn A. Larson
k (406)
850-0922 k
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage month
By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver Hispanic Heritage Month begins on September 15, and whether you prefer communicating in English or Spanish, there are some important online services we’d like you to know about. You can find them at and at our Spanish site, If you are ready to apply for Social Security retirement benefits now, you can do it quickly and easily on your home or office computer. The online application takes as little as 15 minutes. Once you complete the online application and “sign” it with the click of a mouse, your application is complete. In most cases, there are no documents to submit or additional paperwork to fill out. Online is the easiest way to apply, and you can do it in English or Spanish. In addition to applying for Social Security retirement benefits, you also can apply for Medicare — in as little as 10 minutes, from start to finish. But you can do more than apply for benefits. You can find a lot of information and a number of online services that allow you to complete your Social Security business online, in English or Spanish. One of the most popular is our Retirement Estimator, which provides an instant, personalized estimate of your future Social Security benefits. Using the actual wages posted in your Social Security record, the Estimator will give you a good picture of what to expect in benefits. It protects your personal information by providing only retirement benefit estimates — it does not show the earnings information used to calculate the benefit estimate, nor does it reveal other identifying information. You can plug in different retirement scenarios and future wage amounts to get estimates for different situations. If you already are entitled to Medicare and are having trouble with the cost of prescription drugs, you might qualify for Extra Help from Social Security. The Extra Help can save you as much as $4,000 each year. You can learn all about it and apply online. Whether you prefer to do business online in Spanish or English, our website is the place for you. Visit or during Hispanic Heritage Month, or anytime. It’s so easy!
4-H director to serve as interim director
The director of Montana 4-H will serve as the interim director of Montana State University Extension while a national search is conducted to fill the post, the university announced today. Jill Martz will take the post formerly held by Doug Steele, who is headed to Texas A&M University to serve as director of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, the Texas equivalent of MSU Extension. Montana 4-H is part of MSU Extension, and Martz has served as its director since 2008, overseeing what is the largest, out-of-school, youth development program in Montana, reaching approximately 20,000 youth in all of the state’s 56 counties each year. “As 4-H director, Jill has traveled to every corner of Montana and is familiar with our many Extension offices and personnel across the state,” said MSU President Waded Cruzado in appointing Martz. “Jill has also been part of MSU Extension’s leadership team and is well versed in the organization’s mission, its challenges and its opportunities. She is the best person to lead MSU Extension through a seamless transition as we conduct a national search.” Martz holds a bachelor’s in education from Bowling Green State University, a master’s in education from Middle Tennessee State University and a doctorate in human ecology from the University of Tennessee. She worked as a teacher for 10 years before joining the University of Tennessee Extension in 1988 to work in its 4-H program and worked in either 4-H or Extension education programs in Tennessee until coming to Montana in 2006 as a 4-H curriculum specialist. She was appointed MSU Extension 4-H director in 2008. MSU Extension is a statewide educational outreach network that applies unbiased, research-based university resources to practical needs identified by the people of Montana in their home communities. It has offices serving all 56 Montana counties and five Indian reservations in the state.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B47
Mapping tool being launched in Wyoming
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
The Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center (WyGISC) at the University of Wyoming developed the database and website for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s newly released natural resources initial assessment tool. A computer-based mapping tool for viewing the locations of a wide variety of wildlife habitats, big game migration corridors, federal/state/private land status, human structures such as towns, roads, oil or gas wells; and other features is now available through a comprehensive database on the Internet. This landscape-level information, called the Wyoming Interagency Spatial Database and Online Management System (WISDOM,) is endorsed by the Western Governors’ Association. Similar information will soon be available in all western states and is already available for Arizona, California and Montana. “These special maps are valuable for anyone interested in wildlife, but particularly to companies looking to lay a pipeline or other means of transmission,” says Kirk Nordyke, geographic information system coordinator for the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. “The maps could also be useful for someone planning any type of project and wanting to know the type of wildlife habitat in the project area, as well as proximity of other projects, roads, streams, etc., so they will have a detailed snapshot of the land use and wildlife status they would deal with on the project.” WISDOM does not identify the location of individual private lands or owners’ names, or specific wildlife sites, such as sage grouse leks, raptor nests or bear dens. The maps are not recommended as a public/private land guide for hunters. WISDOM can be accessed at It includes a tutorial on its operation and what the system offers. Before its launch to the public, the WISDOM system was presented to agricultural and energy organizations, land management agencies and various other organizations during spring 2012. Persons with questions about the system should email
FULL SERVICE DEALER Call for all your truck, parts & service needs
2007 Freightliner Classic, 70” RR condo sleeper, C15 500 hp, 13 speed, 3.55 ratio, LP 22.5 aluminum wheels, 260 wheelbase, 605,000 miles, new front brakes, 12,000 front, 40,000 rear.$49,675
2006 Freightliner CL120 DDC 14.0L 515 hp, 13 speed, 230” wheelbase, aluminum wheels, new drive tires, 70” condo, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rear, 773,000 miles................. $31,900
2012 Mitsubishi Fuso F160, Fuso 3.0L engine 161 hp, Duonic 6 speed automatic, 151.6” wheelbase, 16-ft. white van, aluminum roof, roll up door, step bumper, 12-14 MPG. Stk#: 325850........... ....................................... $48,500
2013 Freightliner 108SD, Cummins ISC 300 hp, 1100 ft/lbs torque, 10 speed manual, 205” wheelbase, Airliner 23,000 rear axle, 33,000 GVWR, 11Rx22.5 tires, 18-ft. steel diamond plate flatbed.................Call for Pricing
Missoula, MT 5561 Expressway
Authorized Dealer
Honda weed trimmer with 4-stroke gas engine. New Honda 4 and 51/2 hp 2” pumps. In stock: 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm also on hand.
2000 Sterling L7500 240 WB, Cat C7 210 hp, Allison automatic, 20-ft. dry van with roll-up door and lift gate.................... $11,250
(406) 728-7600 or (800) 735-6336
New Tebben rotary cutters for 3-point mount, 5-, 6- & 10-ft. models in stock.
It’s dual blade configuration and side pans provide maximum advantages. For gravel road maintenance, the GRADEMASTER BLADE fills potholes that stay filled longer and virtually eliminates corrugating or washboarding on the road surface.
Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.
See our display of welding accessories & rod. We’re sure to have what you need. New Jari Monarch self-propelled sickle mowers with 36” or 44”. The floating sickle bar hugs the ground - glides over holes and bumps with ease and without hanging up - makes rough jobs easy on you. You can cut almost anywhere by guiding Jari with one hand. We stock Jari parts, will ship anywhere.
Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts We can ship to your farm or ranch
TIBER TRACTOR CO. Phone 406-759-5188
2009 Freightliner Cascadia, Cummins ISX 450 hp, Eaton Fuller 13 speed, 3.58 ratio, 234” wheelbase, air ride, aluminum wheels, 275/80R22.5 tires, 72” raised-roof sleeper. Stk#: 364239........................... $76,600
Chester, Montana
New Honda Replacement Engines
Made in U.S.A.
all-copper 20-ft. jumper cables. 4 gauge. Starting at............. $69.95
Various sizes of storage cases available. Great for miscellaneous parts and fittings.
New Ezee-On pallet forks make your tractor do the work of a fork lift.
✧ Interstate batteries ✧ Fleetguard filters ✧ Roller chain ✧ Plastic fittings ✧ Grade #8 bolts
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B48
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Fully utilize manure nutrients with a high volume efficient spreader - Twin vertical augers - Excellent spread pattern with wet or dry material - Hydraulic variable speed floor chain feed - 14 ton capacity - 1000 PTO/minimum 110 hp required - Travel and clean up time allowed free of charge - Rental rates by the day/week/month
This spreader will help manage environmental concerns associated with stockpiled manure, apply a uniform layer of material and provide a return on investment of handling cost. Phone (406) 899-0072 or (406) 899-2182 Great Falls, Montana
1997 International 8200 with N14 Cummins 500 hp, 10 speed, twin screw, air ride. 224,000 ACTUAL MILES!!!..............................$19,900
2003 Peterbilt 379 extended hood, Cat C15 6NZ 475 hp, Jake, 18 speed, 70” sleeper, 270” wheelbase, American Class, leather seats. Nice ride!...... ........................................................................................................ $42,500 1991 Kenworth T800 single axle daycab with 3406B Cat 400 hp, Jake, 13 speed, spring suspension, 12/23, 35,000 GVW. 338,000 miles! Nice little truck....................$13,500
1981 Kenworth W900L Extended Hood “A” Model Classic!!! Cummins Big Cam 400, Jake, 5x4 air shift, 60” flattop sleeper. If this truck could talk, there would be some stories!... ...........................................$23,500
1974 Kenworth W900 855 Cummins, 380 hp, Jake, 13 speed, 4-bag air ride, 36” sleeper.....$6500
1994 Kenworth T800 daycab, N14 Cummins red top, Jake, 10 speed, dual line wet kit, airride suspension, aluminum wheel............. Coming in
1997 Timpte 48’x96”x66” hopper bottom, spring ride front 2 axles, air ride/lift 3rd axle, ALL aluminum wheels, 11R24.5 tires, new brakes, new roll tarp........................$24,500
2001 Freightliner FLC120 Classic 62” midroof sleeper, Detroit Series 60, 470 hp, Jake, 10 speed, air ride suspension, air ride cab.....$25,500
Oxygenated phosphine fumigation control insects
By Sharon Durham, Agricultural Research Service A fumigant called phosphine is more effective at controlling insects when it’s combined with oxygen, according to findings by a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist. The oxygen-phosphine combination could be an environmentally friendly alternative to methyl bromide for combating pests on harvested fruits and vegetables. Entomologist Yong-Biao Liu with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Salinas, California, found that oxygenated phosphine fumigation effectively controlled several insect pests during laboratory studies. ARS is USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports the USDA priority of promoting international food security. In the ARS Crop Improvement and Protection Research Unit at Salinas, Liu tested phosphine fumigation under high levels of oxygen against four pests: western flower thrips adults and larvae, leafminer pupae, grape mealybug eggs, and Indianmeal moth eggs and pupae. The four species represent insect types and life stages for which quarantine treatments are needed. In 5-hour fumigations with 1,000 parts per million of phosphine at 41 degrees Fahrenheit, control of western flower thrips on lettuce increased from 80 percent to 98 percent when oxygen was increased from 21 percent to 40 percent. When the oxygen level was increased to 80 percent, 99 percent of the western flower thrips were killed. Western flower thrips are a common pest of fruits and vegetables in the United States and are often found on fresh products exported to Taiwan, where it is a quarantined pest. Currently, fresh fruits and vegetables exported to Taiwan are fumigated with methyl bromide to control western flower thrips, but use of methyl bromide is being phased out due to environmental concerns. Liu used varying concentrations of oxygen at 41 degrees F and 50 degrees F and found that oxygenated phosphine fumigation was also effective in controlling leafminer pupae, grape mealybug eggs, and Indianmeal moth eggs and pupae. Phosphine has been used for more than 80 years as a fumigant to control pests in stored products. It acts slowly against insects. Many insects, especially at egg and pupal stages, are very tolerant of phosphine, and it may take more than 10 days of fumigation treatment to control them. The new treatment would help speed up this process and control insects more quickly.
Nigra vs. emerald green
2004 Trail King quad axle bellydump, spring suspension, aluminum wheels, push block, air clam gate....................................$41,500
2005 Dodge 2500 SLT crew cab, 5.9L Cummins diesel, automatic, 4x4, short wheel base, leather interior, recent reman engine and transmission with paperwork......$17,500
1990 Ford F250 XL 4x4, standard cab, flatbed, 302 EFI, 5 speed$3250
1999 Ford F350 Super Duty 4x4 with 7.3L Power Stroke diesel, new automatic, new BFG tires, aluminum wheels, nice custom built flatbed with auxiliary fuel tank and pump, air bags, loaded. Lots of history at Rocky Mountain Truck Service!....................................$13,500
1997 Ford F350 XL standard cab, 7.3L Power Stroke diesel, 5 speed, 4x4, flatbed, 245,000 miles....$7500
2008 Dodge Charger What More Is There To Say ?OH YEAH!!! It’s A HEMI!!!.................$10,500
5808 2nd Avenue N., Great Falls, MT Phone 406-727-2000 or cell 576-7777
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I live in a town that does not allow yard fences to be used on corner lots. Unfortunately, I have two young children who play in our backyard. I would like to create a privacy and safety barrier for them. We have a number of arborvitaes planted along the sidewalk, but they’re quite old and weren’t taken care of by the previous owners. I also let a number of heavy snowfalls damage them beyond repair. I’m going to have them removed and replant 17 arborvitaes in their place. My landscaper has suggested nigra arborvitae, but the owner of a local garden center told me that nigra have multiple shoots from the trunk and will splay apart when it snows. He suggested green giants instead because they have a single trunk. I also happen to like the look of the emerald but assume I would need to plant them closer together and would need to increase the number of trees I need to buy. I have promised that I will take good care of them. Do you have any advice on which variety would be best for our family? A: Based on appearance, there is no doubt that the emerald green arborvitae is the better of the two selections. However, you will have to plant more of them to get the safety screen you want. The nigra would spread 5 feet or more. In some instances, you will get a 10-foot spread. Because you sound fastidious about wanting to take care of them, you could tie up the spreading branches with cloth or burlap going into the winter or control the spread with selective, intelligent pruning. From the economics of purchase numbers, the nigra wins. From superior looks, the decision usually goes to the emerald greens. The choice is yours, but I don’t think you’d go wrong with either one. Just like many professions, opinions will vary among experts. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B49
Case IH 2588 yield/moisture, chopper, rock trap, long unload auger........................................................................ $194,900 Case IH 2588 764 rotor hours, yield/moisture, chopper, AFX rotor, HID lights, long auger, rear weights......................... $194,500 Case IH 2588 930 rotor hours, AFX rotor, rock trap, chopper, long auger, weights......................................................... $194,500 Case IH 2388 deluxe cab, long auger, chopper, hopper extension, yield/moisture monitor......................Make Reasonable Offer Case IH 2388 long auger, chopper, hopper extension, yield/ moisture monitor..............................Make Reasonable Offer
Case IH 2388 2298 hours, yield/moisture, chopper, long auger.
1999 Case IH 2388, long auger, chopper, 2469 hours................ . ........................................................Make Reasonable Offer 1999 Case IH 2388, yield/moisture monitor, hopper extensions, long auger, 2858 hours...................Make Reasonable Offer 1998 Case IH 2388, 4WD, rock trap, beater, hopper extensions, MacDon 36-ft. header......................Make Reasonable Offer Case IH 1680, chopper, rock trap, long unload auger................. . ........................................................Make Reasonable Offer Case IH 1015 pickup header, 13-ft. with 7 apron attachment, wind guard............................................................................ $4500
Patriot 3330 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, luxury cab, loaded, 892 hours................................................... $235,000
Caterpillar 613D scraper, 3208 V8 engine, 4 speed powershift, 11 yard...................................................................... $22,000 ProAG 12SR bale scoop, big square bale mover, 11x24.5 dual truck tires................................................................... $20,000 Alloway 10”x70-ft. swing auger, hanger bearings, 540 PTO....... ..................................................................................... $6500 Case IH 535 Quad Trac 690 hours, leather, loaded, AFS auto steer........................................................................ $345,000
Case IH 500 Quad Trac 2133 hours, diesel, cab, powershift, 4 remotes, HID light.................................................... $225,000
SPX Patriot 3320 90-ft. booms, loaded, 2040 hours.... $195,000
Case IH Puma 180 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1741 hours........................................................................ $118,000 Case IH Puma 180 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1963 hours........................................................................ $118,000 Case IH Puma 165 with L770 loader, bucket, grapple, 1739 hours........................................................................ $107,500 Case IH MXM190 dual PTO, 190 engine hp, LX770 loader with bucket/grapple........................................................... $89,500 Case 2390 with DuAl 3150 loader, bucket and grapple.. $11,500 Case 1086 dual PTO, 18.4x38, 700x16, bucket, grapple..$12,500 Ford Versatile 8770 MFD, dual PTO, 3-pt., 160 hp, 7740 hours, bucket/grapple........................................................... $52,000
Vermeer 605XL round baler, net, Bale Command......... $14,900
Marflex 1225 80-ft. boom, Kenworth single axle, 42x25-20 flotation front, 48x31-20 flotation rear............................... $55,000 New Holland SF115 suspended boom, 90-ft. booms with screens, 1500 gallon tank........................................................ $44,900 Flexi-Coil S67XL,114-ft., twin tanks, control monitor.... $18,900 Brandt QF 2500 wheel boom sprayer, 100-ft. booms, Raven control.......................................................................... $8700 Melroe Spra-Coupe 115, 50-ft. booms, 165 gallon.......... $1900
Flexi-Coil 5000, 57-ft., double shoot, Dutch carbon knives, 3” steel packers, 2320 tow between.............................. $50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000, 33-ft., 7.2” spacing, 3.5” steel packers, 1720 tow between cart, hydraulic fan....................................... $18,900 Concord 6012, 60-ft. ,12” spacing, 3 rank, Knock-ons, disk levelers, 3400 cart, double shoot capable........................ $60,000 Concord 4012, 3 rank, single shoot, disc levelers with 2000 cart............................................................................ $15,000 Concord 3212, 3 rank, “C” shanks with farmland boots, single shoot, 2000 tow behind cart...................................... $35,000 Prasco 125-bushel air seeder & fertilizer.......................... $1900 International 150 hoe drills, 38-ft., 10” spacing, 3 drill hitch. Each............................................................................... $300
Case IH 9280 12 speed Syncro, 20.8x42 triples, 5261 hours, return line for air seeder............................................. $56,000 Big Bud 350 hp, Cummins 855 engine, 13 speed Road Ranger transmission, Clark 36,000 axles.............................. $24,500
John Deere 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, shedded..................................................................$16,500 No Reasonable Offer Refused
3 Locations One Inventory Stanley Equipment - Stanley, ND - 701-628-2950 Frontier Equipment - Williston, ND - 1-866-774-0957
PO Box 991 Hwy 2 E Glasgow, MT 59230 1 800-345-6042 1 406-228-9341
Glasgow Implement - Glasgow, Montana
Brandt 1020 grain cart Brandt 8”x40 grain auger
AFTER HOURS SALES: Pete Pederson 406-228-2912
SERVICE: Mitch McClary 406-263-8325
PARTS: Larry Legare 406-367-5569
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 - Page B50
Equipment Connection, LLC
Small Town Company with Big Connections Accept: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express
1-800-681-2096 or 406-756-9196
4775 Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: For all pieces, log on to our website:
$4000 $52,500
2012 Bobcat S650 skidsteer loader cab, heat, air, radio, includes trencher, hydraulic auger, forks and bucket.
1997 Vermeer trencher 31x15.5 rubber at 80%, 6 way front blade, backhoe with 10” bucket, trencher has side shift, 5-ft. digging depth, 1300 hours.
Clark ED 500 electric forklift 4500# lift, hard rubber tires, charger.
2002 Bandit 254 chipper self-loading, John Deere diesel engine.
Wacker LT4 light plant Isuzu diesel engine, 4 light setup on trailer.
Sullair 185 cfm air compressor John Deere diesel engine, 1500 hours.
Scat Trak 2300D skidsteer loader 2000 hours, OROPS, auxillary hydraulics.
Toyota F620 forklift 6000 lb. lift, 6 cyl propane engine, dual front tires.
John Deere 455 D crawler loader 4-in-1 bucket, power shift, forks, all new pins and bushings in loader, 4500 hours
Sandbagger M2 sand bag machine Kohler 7 hp gas engine, new engine and hydraulic pump.
Bobcat S185 skidsteer cab, heat, aux. hydraulics, 750 hours
John Deere 750 C dozer 6 way dozer, winch, OROPS.
Wacker vibratory walk behind trench roller Hatz diesel engine, remote control, 900 hours.
Berkley PTO water pump 3” inlet, primer, 540 PTO. Hyster 25 forklift propane power, hard rubber tires, side shift.
$44,900 $2995
1995 John Deere 6675 skidsteer loader auxilary hydarulics, 66” bucket.
Caterpillar D8H dozer U dozer, 2 barrel ripper, sweeps, very low hours on components, excellent older dozer!
2004 Caterpillar TH83 telescoping forklift cab, 4x4, 8000# lift, 2900 hours, nice machine. 1986 Chevrolet step van 6.2L diesel engine, automatic tranmission, 16-ft.
40-ft. refrigerated cargo container Thermal King reefer unit, 3-phase, 24/480 volt
Galion gravel box 15-ft., includes hoist.
Caterpillar 277 B track skidsteer loader pilot controls, good tracks, 2200 hours.
John Deere trencher attachment skid steer mount, hydraulic drive, 5-ft. chain.
$19,000 2001 International 4700 reefer truck 466 diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, 18-ft. reefer box with side door, hydraulic lift, 156,000 miles.
$2995 Rammax vibratory walk behind trench roller gas engine, 33” drums.
1990 NorPro 30 KW self-contained GenSet 3.9L Cummins engine, single or 3-phase, 120/240 volt
2009 Worksaver HDP-16 skidsteer post pounder new condition!
1977 Fruehauf 40-ft. van trailer nice shape!
$10,000 Huber grader tractor 8-ft. moldboard, front dozer blade, gas engine.
$5500 B700C backhoe plate compactor good shape!
Speedshore trench box 4-ft.x20-ft.x6-ft., excellent shape!
$3995 Razer 20 KW genset diesel engine, self-contained and enclosed, very low hours.
$1500 Crary Bearcat PTO chipper 3 point mount, 540 PTO, 6” feed.
$9500 New Hendrickson air up/air down tag axle kit fabricated axle, controls included.
Case 480LL 2 wheel drive grade tractor OROPS canopy, loader, grade box. 1986 Utility 42-ft. curtain van trailer 24.5 rubber.
Powerscreen screening plant Mark 1, 3x6 2-deck, hydraulic drive, Lister diesel engine, plate feeder, dump grizzly with 8 yard hopper.
Fruehauf log rigging complete with newer scales, 22.5 rubber.
$5000 $19,500
1999 Case 570 LXT grading tractor 4x4, 84” front bucket, Gannon box scraper, OROPS canopy.
$3000 Massey-Ferguson 1155 tractor 2-wheel drive, Perkins engine, PTO, 3-point, duals, cab, heat
$11,500 Hydraulic grapple fits Cat loaders.
Kolman 3x7 3-deck screen plant plate feeder, 4 cylinder Continental gas engine.
1990 Monan 48-ft. van trailer barn doors, 22.5 rubber.
2005 Everest 5th wheel camp trailer 36-ft., 4 slide-outs, 16” rubber, nice shape
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 - Page B51
$6000 $9000
2001 Dodge 1-ton flatbed pickup bale handler bed, 4x4, Cummins diesel engine, 5 speed transmission.
1995 Chevrolet 1500 4x4 sprayer pickup V6 gas engine, automatic transmission, 89,000 miles, 100 gallon spray tank with 20-ft. booms, Honda engine, all in excellent shape!
1996 Peterbilt 378 dump truck N14 Cummins engine, 13 speed transmission, 16.5-ft. Ox dump body, 24.5 rubber.
1994 Chevrolet 3500 dump pickup 12-ft. dump box with hoist, 6.5L engine, automatic transmission, 16” rubber.
1991 Ford F450 service truck 7.3L diesel engine, new automatic transmission, 12-ft. bed, recently detailed!
$19,900 2000 Freightliner FLD 132XL Classic truck N14 Cummins engine, 500 hp, jakes, 13 speed transmission, dual stacks and cleaners, headache rack, side box.
1989 Kenworth T600 dump truck 400 Cummins engine, 13 speed transmission, 8-bag suspension, pusher axle, 17-ft. demo body, high-lift tailgate, pintle hitch, all new rubber, excellent shape.
2001 Cat 420D backhoe/loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, pilot controls, 4300 hours.
1995 Ford crane truck L-10 Cummins engine, 335 hp, 13 speed transmission, 18,000# fronts, 40,000# rears, 3-way lockers, 2002 Terex 5092 crane, 25-ton capacity, 92-ft. boom, 45-ft. 2-stage jib, 4500 hours, one owner/one operator since new, recent clutch and transmission. 1999 Samsung SE210 LC-3 excavator cab, heat, air, hydraulic thumb, 1350 hours.
1998 Peterbilt 379 short hood truck 475 hp Cat engine, 10 speed transmission, 63” Unibilt sleeper, dual stacks, 24.5 rubber.
1982 International S1900 dump truck single axle, 10-ft. dump box, gas engine, 5 speed + 2 speed transmission, 20” rubber.
$42,000 2003 Peterbilt 379 extended hood truck C15 6NZ Cat engine, 18 speed transmission, 63” Unibilt sleeper, dual stacks and cleaners, 24.5 rubber on aluminum wheels
2004 Cat 420D backhoe/loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, pilot controls, 4100 hours. John Deere 544G wheel loader cab, heat, air, 3-yard bucket, nice loader.
1994 Kenworth W900B water truck 3176 Cat engine, 10 speed transmission, 3600 gallon water tank, pump sprays.
1988 International bucket truck 466 engine, auto transmission, service body, 50-ft. High-Ranger lift, clean truck.
1980 GMC General dump truck 8V92 Detroit engine, 13 speed transmission, 15-ft. box, pusher axle.
1984 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup 6.2 L diesel engine, automatic transmission, 4x4, grill guard, 69K miles, 16” rubber at 90%.
1978 Ford 800 water truck 4000 gallon tank, 4 sprays, gas engine, 5 speed transmission, air brakes.
$25,500 2006 Komatsu PC 160 excavator cab, heat, air, hydraulic thumb, 2700 one owner hours, very nice machine.
1996 Kenworth T800 truck M11 Cummins engine, 370 hp, engine brake, 10C transmission, Aerocab sleeper, 8 bag suspension, pintle hitch, aluminum wheels.
$30,000 Caterpillar 980 B wheel loader cab, heat, good rubber, nice clean older loader.
John Deere 310E backhoe loader cab, heat, A/C, 4x4, extend-a-hoe. • 2 AVAILABLE! •
2005 Chevrolet 2500 cab chassis 3 /4-ton, 4x4, 6.0 liter gas engine, 140,000 miles.
Insley H-3500 B excavator 892 Detroit engine, D8 undercarriage, 2.75 yard bucket, weighs 120,000 lb.
$42,000 $36,500
1998 International 4700 flatbed truck 466 engine, 6 speed transmission, 20-ft. flatbed with rear lift gate, 22.5 rubber, 155,000 miles.
1999 GMC 7500 lube truck 3126 Caterpillar engine, Allison 5 speed automatic transmission, 22.5 rubber, all aluminum lube body with top roll cover, 250 gallon waste oil tank, evac. system, hydraulic filter crusher, 3 oil product tanks, hydraulic air compressor, very clean truck.
2001 Big Tex 18-ft. flatbed trailer 7000# GVW, 15” rubber, excellent shape.
1970 Load King belly dump trailer double gate.
2001 Grove A80J manlift 80-ft. lift, Cummins diesel engine, foam filled tires.
1998 John Deere 120 excavator cab, heat, hydraulic thumb, long stick, extra counter weight.
2000 Freightliner FLD 132 Classic truck N14 Cummins engine, 500 hp, engine brake, 13 speed transmission, new 22.5 drive tires, aluminum wheels, dual stack, headache rack.
Caterpillar IT 24F wheel loader cab, heat, air, quick attach front, forks and bucket, 7000 hours.
1987 Komatsu WA 350-1 loader cab, heat, 3.5 yard bucket with teeth, 80% rubber, third valve, nice loader!
1999 JLG 600 AJ manlift 60-ft. lift, new tires, gas or propane powered, 4000 hrs.
2001 JLG 3369 scissor lift electric power, 17.5 hard rubber tires.
$7250 JLG 1532 E 3 scissor lift electric power, hard rubber tires.
John Deere 544A wheel loader cab, heat, 2.5 yard bucket
1998 Hitachi EX300 LC excavator cab, heat, hydraulic thumb, nice machine.
$20,000 $7995 2006 Kaufman gooseneck flatbed trailer 2 axle with duals, 20,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. deck, ramps, electric jack.
1986 Bayliner boat 19-ft. open bow, outboard 125 hp Force engine, nice shape.
Linkbelt L130 wheel loader cab, heat, 3-yard bucket, quick attach, third valve.
Grove MZ90 manlift Wisconsin gas engine, 90-ft. reach, all new rubber, new paint.
Equipment Connection, LLC 4775 Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: For all pieces, log on to our website:
2003 Skyjack SJ 7135 scissor lift gas or propane powered, 90% rubber, 1230 hours.
Small Town Company with Big Connections Accept: Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express
1-800-681-2096 or 406-756-9196
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B52
J&M Trailer Sales
(NAPA Auto Parts)
11 4th Avenue • Laurel, MT 59044
1-800-745-8871 or 406-628-6316 New 2012 Delta Gooseneck Flatbed Trailers Special Orders 14 Days Out
25-ft. 14,000# GVW, Tandem Spring Axle, IN STOCK...................$6350 26-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8350 28-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8550 30-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8750 32-ft. 23,400# GVW Tandem Spring Axles, IN STOCK..................$8950 36-ft. “Oilfield Special” heavy duty tandem dually. Loaded including 2 speed jacks, IN STOCK.........................................................$10,700
New 2012 Delta 16-ft. bumper pull stock trailer with center gate, rear slider, 6-hole wheels and 235x16 10ply radial tires............................$4950 With torsion axles.....................$5150 New 2012 Load-Trail Gooseneck & Pull Type Dump Trailers
Features: * 2-7,000# Cambered EZ-lube axles w/electric brakes * Ramps for loading Bobcats * 16” 8 hole white spoke wheels * 235/85R16 tires * Battery operated hydraulic pump - power up/power down * 5” Bore cylinder scissor lift w/2” shaft - (14,000# lift capacity) * Free Solar Powered Battery Maintainer Included
8’x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, GN.......................$7650 *6’9”x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, GN................ $7650* *6’9”x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, pull type........ $6850* 8’x14 tandem axle 14,000# GVW, scissors lift, pull type...............$6850 * Trailers equipped with roll tarp.
New 2012 Delta Stock Trailers
• Heavy Duty Package • 10-Ply Radial Tires • Spare Tire & Wheel * Bull Package * Running Boards
2 Compartment Trailer - Sliding Outer Gate 6’x8”x20....................$9250 3 Compartments - Sliding Gates 6’x8”x24.....................................$9950
New Pickup Beds Many Sizes Available
Starting at...........$1650 In Stock - 102”x86” and 8.5’x86” Installation Available
New Interstate Cargo Trailers 6x10 single wheel, 3500# GVW................................................... $3050 6x12 single wheel, 3500# GVW................................................... $3250 7x14 double axle 7000# GVW...................................................... $5200 7x16 double axle 7000# GVW...................................................... $5300 New Load Trail 20-ft. skid steer trailer with stand-up ramps, 16” 10-ply radial tires and 10,000# drop leg jack, 14,000 GVW....$4150
New 2012 Load-Trail Skid Steer Trailer
New Load Trail 20-ft. skid steer trailer with storable ramps, 16” 10-ply radial tires and 10,000# drop leg jack, 14,000 GVW....$3950
New 2012 Load Trail Car Haulers
7,000# GVW with 18-ft. flatbed, brakes, and both axles, brakeaway kit 16’ ................................................................................................$2690 18’ ................................................................................................$2790
$45 Extra for Beavertail 6 Ply Radial Tires Included
New 2012 14,000# Tandem Axle Tilt Deck Trailer
20’ tilt deck hydraulic 14,000# GVW............................................ $5250
New 2012 Load-Trail Flatbeds 83”x14 single 3500# axle RR & side load.....$1790 83”x12 single 3500# axle (storable ramps)...$1580 83”x12 single 3500# axle RR & side loading ramp........................$1690
New insights into irrigation management
By Ann Perry, Agricultural Research Service Information Staff Pacific Northwest potato and sugar beet $6.2 million every year. farmers who irrigate their crops with sprin“We’ve concluded that these dropletklers need to know a lot more than when to energy restrictions should be in place until turn on the faucet. The region’s powdery silt sugar beet seedlings have emerged and loam soils don’t contain much stabilizing become established,” Lehrsch says. “After organic matter, and existing soil aggregates that, sprinklers can be reconfigured to apthat facilitate water infiltration can be broply greater water volumes—at necessarily ken up during irrigation. Afterwards, the greater levels of energy—for the rest of the loose particles of sand, silt, and clay that growing season.” remain can dry to form a solid crust that The researchers also observed that afgreatly limits infiltration into the soil. ter multiple irrigations, soil penetration This means that growers not only need to resistance decreased as droplet size and calculate how much water should be supenergy increased, probably because the plied during irrigation, but they also need larger droplets hit the ground with enough to ensure that the kinetic energy transferred force to loosen soil particles and erode surfrom each water droplet to the soil surface face soil. They saw evidence of this erosion during irrigation doesn’t contribute to the process during late-season irrigations when sediment-laden runoff flowed from row hills breakup of the fragile soil aggregates. They into nearby furrows and basins. also need to develop irrigation protocols Lehrsch recommends keeping crop resithat won’t saturate soils or erode valuable dues on the surface to check erosion and topsoil. amending soils with organic materials such Agricultural Research Service soil scienas manure or whey—the liquid byproduct tist Gary Lehrsch has been studying sprinremaining after cheese is made—to bolster kler irrigation for more than a decade. He soil-aggregate stability. These recommendahas used his findings to develop numerous tions are based in part on his research that irrigation guidelines to protect soil structure, showed adding whey to furrows before irmaintain soil quality, sustain soil resources, rigation increased soil-aggregate stability 25 and increase the odds that water delivered percent at the 0- to 0.5-inch depth and 14 via sprinkler irrigation will reach the root percent at the 0.5- to 1-inch depth. zones of growing crops. Droplet Dynamics “Sprinkler heads on center-pivot irrigaIn another project, Lehrsch found further tion systems can be inexpensively and easily evidence that irrigation comes with costs as modified to adjust the water volume applied well as benefits. “I studied how the kinetic per pass and the force with which the water energy in water droplets affects the infiltradroplets hit the soil surface,” Lehrsch says. tion of recently tilled soil,” he says. “This He works at the ARS Northwest Irrigation is a key aspect of irrigation management, and Soils Research Laboratory in Kimberly, because when water can’t infiltrate into Idaho. the soil, it can’t enter the crop’s root zone In one 5-year investigation, Lehrsch and where it’s needed. Instead, it’s lost through colleagues evaluated the effect of sprinklerrunoff.” Just as important, the runoff indroplet kinetic energy on soil crust strength creases erosion from the soil surface, which and aggregate stability. They irrigated sugar adds to sediment loads—and agricultural beet plots using a 500-foot, four-span, latchemicals—in nearby waterways. It also eral-move sprinkler system equipped with exposes subsurface soil layers that are often sprinkler heads that were positioned 6 feet less productive because they are less fertile above the soil. and have poorer structure. The sprinkler heads were modified so that After just one irrigation, Lehrsch deterirrigations had either low or high droplet mined that the impact from water droplets energies. The scientists included test plots delivered by certain center-pivot sprinklers with nylon covers, which ensured that when increased the density of a freshly tilled silt those plots were irrigated, the energy in the loam by 18 percent and increased the soil’s droplets would be absorbed by the netting water-filled pore space by 35 percent. In and not the soil surface. addition, infiltration through certain small After the sugar beets were planted, the pores was reduced by almost 500 percent— plots were irrigated with 0.6 inches of water a striking decrease. at an average rate of 1.5 inches per hour two Moreover, the single irrigation decreased to four times per week for 5 weeks after hydraulic conductivity—the rate at which planting. The team measured surface-soil water moves through soil—by an average of penetration resistance—which indicates 48 percent in the pores in the study. This dethe strength of the soil crust—about 4 days crease could cause soils to become saturated after the first postplant irrigation and 14 more quickly, which in turn would hasten days after the last irrigation. runoff and decrease irrigation efficiency. Water Worries “Now that we know the impact water Lehrsch and colleagues found that agdroplet energy can have on some soils, engregate stability decreased from 66 percent gineers can design better irrigation systems to 55 percent when the irrigation’s droplet to minimize the negative effects irrigation energy increased from 0 percent (in the can have on infiltration, soil structure, and test plot with the nylon netting) to the lowcrop emergence,” Lehrsch says. “With this est rate under investigation. Sugar beet new information, farmers can better manseedling emergence increased 6.4 percent age their center-pivot irrigation systems to when droplet energy was reduced 50 percent maximize infiltration and reduce runoff and from the highest rate studied, an emergence irrigation-induced erosion.” increase that could raise net income for southern Idaho sugar beet growers by nearly
Growing grass after evergreen removal By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service
Q: We just cut down an evergreen tree. It is my understanding that I have to treat the soil before I can get grass to grow in that area. Is this true, and what do I have to do? A: Nothing needs to be done to the soil as long as it isn’t full of wood chips or sawdust. Scratch the surface of the soil, sprinkle some seed and
integrate it with the top half-inch of soil. If you give the seeds some water, they should grow. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012— Page B53
STANLEY Equipment EQUIPMENT Stanley 701-628-2950 701-628-2950
701-483-8741 Combines
(F) New Holland CR8090 #NHC007 (D) New Holland CR9090 #W88070 (demo unit)
(D) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #W89281 (B) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #W89316 (B) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #W89317 (B) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #W89361 (W) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #W89318 (F) New Holland BR7090 round baler. #NHH025 1-800-568-4197
(B) Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 1615 tank. #47078W....... . ..............................................................$36,500 (F) Flexi-Coil 5000 #WUD090.....................$40,000 (D) 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft., 3450 tow between tank. #47101W........................................$55,000 (W) Concord 3212, 2400 tank. #47131W....$30,000 (F) Concord 3612, 2000 air tank. #WUD080$32,950 (D) 1994 Concord 4010, 2000 air tank, NH3. #47090W................................................$35,000 (D) 1997 Concord 4010, 3400 tank. #47137W......... Combines & Headers . ..............................................................$42,000 (B)Case 670 Cat w/SP36 HB Dpr Hd, 25002W ............ $190,000 (W) IH 4012, 2300 tank. #47133W......$44,000 (W) NH TR95 w/971 NH 25’ Hd, 24114&2114A ..... $7,000 (D) Case IH 4812, 3400 air tank. #47134W.$50,000 (D) (2) NH TR98 w/994 36’ Dpr, 971 PU Hd, (F) CaseorIH 6012,....................................................... 3400 air tank. #WUD133.$45,000 24025W 24026W $101,100 (D) CaseFrontier IH SDX40, 3380 between tank. (D)2006 NH TR66 w/36’ 960 MacDon Dprtow Hd, Equipment Stanley Equipment Glasgow Implement 2009W &28019W .............................................. $64,000 #47118W..............................................$100,000 (D)2010 NH TX68, ........................................... $65,000 (W) Case 24016W IH SDX40, 3430 tow behind tank. w/36’ MacDon 962 Dpr Hd, 24017W ................ $28,000 #47136W..............................................$124,000 (W) NH CR960, 24019W .................................... $160,000 (F) Case IH FH700 60-ft., 3380 air tank. (F)2008 NH CR960, WUH370 .................................... $137,000 U s e d E q u i $188,000 pment (D)#WUD119.............................................$128,000 NH CR970, 24021W ..................................... Combines & Headers (W) New Holland SD440 57-ft., SC230 air (D)2006 NH CR 970, 24022W .................................... $180,000 NH 42’.Dpr Hd, 24023W ....................... $47,000 tank.w/94C #47053W. ......................................$90,110 (F)2008 NH New CR 970, WUH324 ................................... $152,000 (H) Holland SD550 60-ft., slim, SC430 air (W) NH#47125W. CR9070,.....................................$123,000 24027W ................................. $270,000 tank. (D) NH CR 9070, 24024W ................................. $260,000 (B) Holland SD550 70-ft., slim, SC430 air (S)2007 NH New CR9070, 24035W .................................... $249,000 tank.w/NH #47095W. ....................................$161,000 94C 42’.Dpr Hd, 24036W ....................... $42,000 (D) 2005 5710, 6550 air tank. #47084W. (W) JD Bourgault 9600, 22004W ............................................. $52,000. (W) JD 9600, 22011W ............................................. $49,000 . ............................................................$205,000 (W) JD Bourgault 9650 w/930R5810, JD Hdr,6550 22007W,22009W .. $123,500 (F) 2011 air tank. #WUD135. (F) JD STS 9660, WUH346 .................................. $31,000 . ............................................................$233,000 w/936D JD Dpr, WUH261 ................................. $29,000 (D) 2004w/635F JohnJD,Deere 1895 42-ft., 1910 tow$35,000 behind WUH262 ........................................ #47128W. (D)tank. 9760 JD w/36D.....................................$150,000 Dpr Hd w/Fgr Rl, 22015W .... $231,000 Grain Augers & Vacs (W) 1680 CIH, 23022W ......................................... (F) 2009 John Deere 1835 57-ft. #WUD082.$30,000 ............ (B). ............................................................$212,000 1680 CIH, 23057W ........................................... $29,000 (H)2006 1680John CIH,Deere 23058W .......................................... $38,000 (W) 1820 52-ft., 1910 John Deere (W) 1688 CIH, 23050W ......................................... $45,000 tank. #47135W. .......................................$94,000 (W) 1688 CIH, 23082W ......................................... $50,000 (F) 2005w/1015 JohnCIH Deere 1820 60-ft. #WUD132............. PU Hd, 23084W ............................... $7,000 (B). ..............................................................$68,000 CIH 2188, 23046W ........................................... $47,500 (D)Case CIHIH 2188 w/30’ CIH#47132W................$12,000 1010 Hdr, 23099W & 23100W ........ (D) 8500 45-ft. $12,000 (B) Case........................................................................... IH 8500 45-ft. #47070W...................$9000 (B) 670 Cat w/SP36 HB Dpr Hd, 25002W ............ $190,000 (W) NH TR95 w/971 NH 25’ Hd, 24114&2114A ..... $7,000 (D) (2) NH TR98 w/994 36’ Dpr, 971 PU Hd, 24025W or 24026W ....................................................... $101,100 (D) NH TR66 w/36’ 960 MacDon Dpr Hd, 2009W &28019W .............................................. $64,000 (D) NH TX68, 24016W ........................................... $65,000 w/36’ MacDon 962 Dpr Hd, 24017W ................ $28,000 (W) NH CR960, 24019W .................................... $160,000 (F) NH CR960, WUH370 .................................... $137,000 (D) NH CR970, 24021W ..................................... $188,000 (D) NH CR 970, 24022W .................................... $180,000 w/94C NH 42’ Dpr Hd, 24023W ....................... $47,000 (F) NH CR 970, WUH324 ................................... $152,000 (W) NH CR9070, 24027W ................................. $270,000 (D) NH CR 9070, 24024W ................................. $260,000 (S) NH CR9070, 24035W .................................... $249,000 w/NH 94C 42’ Dpr Hd, 24036W ....................... $42,000 (W) JD 9600, 22004W ............................................. $52,000 (W) JD 9600, 22011W ............................................. $49,000 (W) JD 9650 w/930R JD Hdr, 22007W,22009W .. $123,500 (F) JD STS 9660, WUH346 .................................. $31,000 w/936D JD Dpr, WUH261 ................................. $29,000 w/635F JD, WUH262 ........................................ $35,000 (D) 9760 JD w/36D Dpr Hd w/Fgr Rl, 22015W .... $231,000 (W) 1680 CIH, 23022W ......................................... $30,000 (B) 1680 CIH, 23057W ........................................... $29,000 (H) 1680 CIH, 23058W .......................................... $38,000 (W) 1688 CIH, 23050W ......................................... $45,000 (W) 1688 CIH, 23082W ......................................... $50,000 w/1015 CIH PU Hd, 23084W ............................... $7,000 (B) CIH 2188, 23046W ........................................... $47,500 (D) CIH 2188 w/30’ CIH 1010 Hdr, 23099W & 23100W ........ ........................................................................... $12,000 (H) CIH 2188, 23109W .......................................... $40,000 (W) CIH 2188, 23111W ......................................... $85,000 (B) CIH 2388, 23018W ........................................... $90,000 (B) CIH 2388, 23047W ......................................... $100,000 (F) CIH 2388 w/1015 Hdr, WUH211 .................... $142,000 (W) CIH 2388 w/30’ 1010 Hdr, 23066W &23067W ............... ........................................................................... $97,400 (F) CIH 2588, WIH319 ......................................... $195,000
w/CIH 1010 30’ Hd, WUH320 ............................. $8,000 w/CIH 1042 36’ Cpr Hd, WUH323 ................... $22,000 (F) CIH 6088, WUH312 ....................................... $215,000 (F) CIH 7010 w/36’ Grain Belt Hdr, WUH297 ..... $310,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH172 ........................................ $196,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH232 ....................................... $280,000 (D) CIH 8010, 23075W ........................................ $265,000 (D) CIH 8010, 23076W ........................................ $265,000 (W) CIH 8010, 23087W ....................................... $270,000 (F) CIH 8010, WUH342 ....................................... $185,000 (F) CIH 8120, WUH298 ....................................... $330,000 (S) CIH 2388, ........................................................... $89,900 (S) CIH 7010, ......................................................... $240,000 (S) 08 CIH 7010, .................................................. $249,000 (S) 07 CIH 8010, .................................................. $249,000 (S) 06 CIH 8010, .................................................. $220,000 (S) MF 860, UC550 ..................................................... $9,500 (S) 2 Honeybee SP36 Hds, .............................. $59,500 (S) CIH 8230 PT Swthr, UC558 ......................... $8,500 (S) CIH 8120, UC564 ........................................... $299,000 (S) CIH 2188, UC565 ............................................. $69,500 (S) MacDon 973 Hd, UC566 .............................. $29,500 (S) CIH 2188, UC572 ............................................. $85,000 (S) NH 94C Hd, ..................................................... $45,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $65,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $71,000 (S) MacDon 963 Hd, ......................... Call for Pricing (S) MacDon D60 Hd, .......................................... $61,000 (S) Hondybee 40GB Hd, ..................................... 59,000 (S) Honeybee 3655, ............................ Call for Pricing (S) 3 CIH 1010 Hds, .......................... Call for Pricing (S) NH CR960, .................................................... $180,000
(W) 7x36 Westfield w/16HP Briggs, 51034W ....... $2,100 (D) 7x51 Westfield w/220v Elec Mtr, 51053W ....... $2,500 (D) 8x41 Westfield, 51016W .................................. $4,500 (D) 8x46 Westfield, 51055W .................................. $3,500 (B) 8x52 SC Brandt, 51058W ............................... $2,100 (D) MK 8x51 Westfield Swg Agr, 51057W ... $2,500 (D) MK100x51 Westfield Swg Agr, 51054W $5,000 (D) 30’ Speedking PTO Belt Cvyr, 51036W $7,100 (W) 1535LP Brandt Cnvyr, 51010W ............. $12,500 (W) 1026 REM Grain Vac, 52096A ................. $6,500
Manure Spreaders
New Holland #W91110 (H) New Holland #W91111 (H) New Holland #W91112
195 195 195
(B) New Holland 1475 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W89011 (B) New Holland H7150 16-ft. pivot tongue. #W89095 (B) New Holland HS16 auger head. #W89365 (B) New Holland HS18 auger head. #W89363 (B) New Holland HS18 auger head. #W89364 (D) New Holland H7150 16-ft. pivot tongue. #W89247 (D) New Holland HS16 auger head. #W89282 (D) New Holland H7150 16-ft. pivot tongue. #W89304 (D) New Holland H7150 18-ft. pivot tongue. #W89260 (D) New Holland HS18 auger head. #W89341 (F) New Holland H7150 18-ft. pivot tongue. #WNH679 (F) New Holland H7150 18-ft. pivot tongue. #NNH012
Frontier Equipment Stanley Equipment Glasgow Implement
Frontier Equipment Stanley Equipment Glasgow Implement
Air Drills
Hay Heads & Pivot Tongues
Swathers, Headers
(F) New Holland H8040 swather. #NNH009
(D) New Holland Workmaster 75 #W86100 (D) New Holland TV6070 bidirectional. #W86103 (W) New Holland TV6070 bidirectional. #W86106 (B) New Holland TV6070 bidirectional. #W86111 (D) New Holland TV6070 bidirectional . #W86120 (F) New Holland T7210 #WNN852 (F) New Holland T7210 #WNN853
Combine Headers
(F) New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper head. #WNM117 (D) New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper head. #W88058 (W) New Holland 88C 42-ft. flex draper head. #W88063
FRONTIER EQUIPMENT 701-774-0957 Frontier Equipment G701-774-0957 LASGOW EQUIPMENT 406-228-9341
(H) 2007 Cat 570R, Cat F540 40-ft. flex head. #25003W & #25006W..........................$205,000 (F) 2004 Case IH DX33 FWA, LX114, 716B front (H) 2006 New Holland TV145 bidirectional. #16117W................................................$88,000 (F) 2007 Cat 580R #WUH393....................$208,950 snowblower. #WUT569...........................$24,000 (W) 1994 Case IH 5250, Farmhand XL940 loader. (B) 2009 New Holland TV6070 bidirectional. (F) 2007 Cat F540 header. #WUH394..........$32,640 #16084W..............................................$110,000 (F) 2010 Gleaner R76 #WUH534..............$240,000 #15315W................................................$35,000 (F) 2004 Case IH MXM120 FWA. #WUT587............. (F) 2008 New Holland T7030 FWA, 860TL loader. (F) 2010 Honey Bee SP36 36-ft. draper head. #WUH535...............................................$50,000 #WUT573...............................................$85,000 . ..............................................................$45,000 (F) 2000 Case IH MX120 FWA, L655 loader. (H) 2009 New Holland T8050 FWA. #16086W......... (F) 2004 New Holland CR960 #WUH530.. $135,000 . ............................................................$195,000 (D) 2008 New Holland CR970 #24059W..$220,000 #WUT613...............................................$40,000 CIH Farmall 40, W80137 .................................. 2003 New Holland CR970 #WUH562..NEW $125,000 (W) 2010 Case IH Maxxum 125 FWA. #15313W..... (W) New Holland 870TL loader, mounts, grapple. (D)(F) w/CIH 1010 30’ Hd, WUH320 ............................. $8,000 Skid Steers (W)(F) CIH Farmall 60, W80170 NEW 2005 New Holland 94C................................. head. #WUH373........... #56032W................................................$13,580 . ..............................................................$75,000 w/CIH 1042 36’ Cpr Hd, WUH323 ................... $22,000 (W) 632 Bobcat, 20018W ........................................ $7,250 (D) CIH Farmall 95, W80193 .................................. NEW . ..............................................................$33,580 (W) 2006 Neww/Bkt, Holland TG285 FWA. #16123W........ (B) CIH (H)CIH 20026088, CaseWUH312 IH MX135, L300 loader. #15290W.... (F) ....................................... $215,000 (H) 642B Bobcat 20124W ........................... $7,500 Farmall 95, W80189 .................................. NEW 2008 Holland CR9070 #WUH427............... ............................................................$123,000 . ..............................................................$51,500 (F) CIH 7010 w/36’ Grain Belt Hdr, WUH297 ..... $310,000 (H) 743.Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20101W ............................ $8,500 (D)(F) CIH 95UNew FWA, W80138 ..................................... NEW Frontier Equipment Stanley . ............................................................$205,270 (F) 8010, WUH172 (D)CIH 2011 Case IH 140........................................ Pro Equipment FWA, loader.$196,000 #15314W... (B) S130 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20112W ....................... $18,995 (D) CIH 105U FWA, W80160 .................................. NEW Sprayers & Fertilizer Applicators Glasgow Implement (F) CIH 8010, WUH232 ....................................... $280,000 (D) 753 Bobcat, 20083W ....................................... $19,000 Holland 88C........................ flex draper (B)(F) CIH2008 PumaNew 125 FWA, W80053 NEWhead. . ............................................................$105,000 (H) Bobcat, 2003 Summers Ultimate 90-ft. sprayer. (D) ........................................ $265,000 (H) 753 20085W ....................................... $12,000 w/L750 Ldr, W85038 ...................................... NEW #WUH428...............................................$43,160 (D)CIH 20108010, Case23075W IH Puma 140, Case IH L760 loader. (D) CIH 8010, 23076W ........................................ $265,000 (D) S150#53120W................................................$41,000 Bobcat, 20120W .................................... $23,000 (W)(H) CIH Puma FWA,CR9070 W80112 ...................... 2009 New165 Holland #24051W.NEW $260,000 #15305W..............................................$115,000 (W) CIH 8010, 23087W ....................................... $270,000 (D) S150 w/BKT, BkT Bite, 20133W .......90-ft. $22,500 (W) Bobcat 2004 Summers Ultimate sprayer. w/LX770 Ldr, W85140 .................................. NEW (D) International 1480 #23378. . ..................$10,900 (D) 2010 Case IH Puma 155, Case IH L760 loader. (F) CIH 8010, WUH342 ....................................... $185,000 (D) S205#53151W................................................$24,000 Bobcat, no Bkt, 20120W ....................... $23,000 (D) CIH Puma 210, W80037 .................................... NEW (H) w/L770 International 810 pickup header, Melroe attach#15307W..............................................$130,000 (F) CIH 8120, WUH298 ....................................... $330,000 (B) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20146W ........................ $26,500 Ldr, W85031 ...................................... NEW (W) 2007 Summers Ultimate 100-ft. sprayer. New Equipment (S) 2388 , ........................................................... $89,900 (D) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20142W ......................... $25,000 ment. #23196W. .........................................$3000 (D)CIH 1954 Ford Major #16120W. ......................$3500 (F) CIH Scout Ut Vehicle, WNM126 .................... NEW #53145W................................................$24,000 (S) Skid 7010 Steers , ......................................................... $240,000 (D)(H) CIH 72”Case Finish ....................... NEW 1992 IHMwr, 1680 W85133 #23259W. ...............$29,000 (D)CIH 1988 Ford TW25 FWA, dozer blade. #16100W... (F) 863 Bobcat, WUT322 ...................................... $19,000 Case20105W IH 4260 90-ft. sprayer. #WUY212...... (S) 08 CIH 7010, .................................................. $249,000 (W) (F) 8632001 Bobcat, ..................................... $23,000 (F)(H) CIH SCX100 Pvt Tng, WNH526 ............ NEW 1994 Case 16’ IH 1688 #23252W. ...............$56,000 . ..............................................................$26,000 (S) 07 CIH 8010, .................................................. $249,000 (W) 863. ..............................................................$90,000 Bobcat, 20136W .................................... $18,000 (F)(H) CIHCase HDX IH 182 1015 Agr Hd, NEW withWNH553 Case................. IH attachment. (W) Schwartz loader. #16096W..... .................................................. $220,000 (D) S330 (S) 061978 CIHFord 8010,9700, w/80” Bkt,67XL 20094W90-ft. ................... $43,000boom (W) CIH WD1203 Swthr, W83050 ....................... NEW Bobcat (D) 2001 Flexi-Coil suspended #23254W...................................................$4500 . ..............................................................$12,500 (S) MF 860, UC550 ..................................................... $9,500 (W) LS160 NH #53138W...................................$18,000 Skid 20109W ............................. $19,000 (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, AW,TW, W83013 ........ NEW sprayer. 1995 CaseRnd IH 2188 ...............$45,000 (S) SP36Holland Hds, .............................. $59,500 (D) 1825 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20128W .................... $10,000 (F)2 Honeybee 2002 New TV140 bidirectional. (W)(D) CIH RB564 Blr, #23212W. Ele Twn Nt, W83014 .. NEW (F) Flexi-Coil 67XL 100-ft. boom sprayer. (S) CIH 8230 PT Swthr, UC558 ......................... $8,500 (D) 1825B Case Skid w/Bkt 20129W ................. $14,000 2008 Case SP IH Spryr, 7010, 36-ft. belt header. (W)(F) CIH SPX3330 W85098grain ............... NEW #WUT320...............................................$59,370 #WUY221..................................................$4950 (S) CIH 8120, UC564 ........................................... $299,000 (D) 1845 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20127W ................... $14,000 (F) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, WNH585 ................ NEW #WUH297.............................................$247,060 (D) SSL NewCase Holland SF115 ..................... 114-ft. wheeled (S) CIH 2188, UC565 ............................................. $69,500 (F) 420 Skid, WUT324 $23,000boom (W)(F) CIH SRX160 134’ Wld Boom Spryr, W85043 2008 Case IH 7010 #WUH531.............$202,000 4x4 Tractors (S) MacDon 973 Hd, UC566 .............................. $29,500 (F) 435 sprayer. #53083W...................................$25,000 SSL Case Skid, WUT341 ..................... $35,000 ................................................................................. NEW 2010 Case IH 2152 40-ft. draper head. (F)CIH 19892188, CaseUC572 IH 9170 #WUT612................$41,000 ............................................. $85,000 (D) 440 (S) Case New SkidHolland w/Bkt, 20125W ...................... $34,000boom (F)(F) CIH 8120 Combine, WNC432 ......................... NEW (D) 2006 SF115 120-ft. wheeled #WUH532...............................................$62,000 (F)NH1997 Case IH 9370, Leon 16-ft. dozer.(D) 440 C3 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20130W .............. $36,000 (S) 94C Hd, ..................................................... $45,000 (D) CIH 8120 Combine, W82055 .......................... NEW sprayer. #53132W...................................$25,000 Post Diggers 2010 Case IH 7120W82076 #WUH547.............$260,000 #WUT561...............................................$70,000 (S) Honeybee 42GB Hd, ................................... $65,000 (D) 60XT Case Skid w/Bkt, 20131W ................. $22,000 (W)(F) CIH 8120 Combine, ......................... NEW (F) 2008 Case IH 3320 90-ft. sprayer. #WUY328...... (S) 42GB Hd,#15318W. ................................... $71,000 (D) Skat Trak 1500D Skid, 20088W .............. $17,000 IH W82078 2162 ......................... 40-ft. draper (H)Honeybee 2010 Case IH 335 ...............$188,500 NEWhead. (W)(F) CIH2011 8120 Case Combine, Misc . ............................................................$190,000 (S) 963IH Hd , ......................... Call for Pricing (D) 4800 Magnatrac Skid w/Bkt, Dzr, 20111W $6,000 (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82080 ......................... NEW #WUH548...............................................$67,000 (F)MacDon 2001 Case STX375H #WUT598. .......$95,000 Lawn & Garden (F) 2008 CasePost IH 3320 100-ft. sprayer. #WUY284.... (B) CIH 2142 35’ Drpr Hd, W82057 ................... NEW (S) MacDon D60 Hd, .......................................... $61,000 Diggers (F) 2008 Case IH 8010 #WUH232.............$242,110 (H) 2010 Case IH 435 #15319W................$233,500 (S) Hondybee 40GB Hd, ..................................... 59,000 (H) 3pt .F8 ............................................................$195,000 (B) CIH 2152 35’ Dpr Hd, W82024 ..................... NEW Danuser Post Dgr, 52027W ............... $850 (F) 2005 Case IH 8010 #WUH342.............$177,990 (H)Honeybee 2010 Case IH ,435 #15317W.Call ...............$238,000 (S) 3655 ............................ for Pricing (W) (H) (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82062 ................... NEW Case IHPost 3320Dgr, sprayer. #53134W.$180,400 3pt2008 F8 Danuser 52030W .............. $800 Case 2062 36-ft. 8010 adapter. (D)3 2004 CaseHds IH STX450 QuadCall #15312W. ............. (B) McMillin Hyd Post Dgr, 52022W .............. $1,295 (S) CIH 1010 , .......................... for Pricing (D)(F) CIH 2152IH40’ Drpr Hd,draper W82065head, ................... NEW (D) 2008 Case IH 3320 100-ft. sprayer. #53148W. . ... (S) NH CR960, .................................................... $180,000 #WUH142...............................................$39,900 . ............................................................$160,000 (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82050 ................... NEW Misc . ............................................................$173,000 (W) CIH 2152 45’ Drpr Hd, W82074 ................. NEW Grain Augers & Vacs.........$245,000(H) C1000SR (F) 2004 Case IH 8010 #WUH561.............$160,000 (H) 2008 Case IH 535 HD #15269W. Swath 520354W ................. $750 (D) 2008 Case IHRoller, SPX4420 sprayer. #53121W........ (W) 7x36 Westfield w/16HP Briggs, 51034W ....... $2,100 (F) 2003 Case IH 8010 #WUH513.............$139,000 (H) 2008 Case IH 535 #15309W................$232,000 Lawn & Garden . ............................................................$192,000 (D) w/220v Elec Mtr, 51053W ....... $2,500 (F) 2010 Case IH 2020 flex draper head. #WUH435. (H)7x51 2008Westfield Case IH 535 #15310W. ...............$232,000 JD Lawn Mwr, 51” Brm,#53146W..... (D) 2010 CaseTractor IH 4420w/54” 120-ft. sprayer. (D) 8x41 Westfield, 51016W .................................. $4,500 (D) 425 . ..............................................................$39,000 (F) 2010 Case IH 535 Quad #15274W......$331,000 19015W ................................................................. $6,950 (D) 8x46 Westfield, 51055W .................................. $3,500 . ............................................................$270,000 (F) 2008 Case IH 8010 #WUH529.............$210,000 (D) 2010 Case IH 535 Quad #15276W. . ....$331,000 (F) 718K Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, (B) 8x52 SC Brandt, 51058W ............................... $2,100 (F)WUM534 2011 Case IH 4420 120-ft. sprayer. #WUY351.... .............................................................. $5,000 (F) 2004 Case IH 8010 #WUH528.............$170,000 (F)MK 20098x51 Case IH 535 Quad #WUT605.....$292,000 (D) Westfield Swg Agr, 51057W ... $2,500 . ............................................................$275,000 (D) Swg#WUT607.....$400,000 Agr, 51054W $5,000 (D) 721 Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, (F) 2008 Case IH 2162 40-ft. draper head. (F)MK100x51 2011 CaseWestfield IH 600 Quad (F)19016W 2012 ............................................................... Case IH 4430 120-ft. sprayer.$11,500 #WUY357.... (D) 30’ Speedking PTO Belt Cvyr, 51036W $7,100 #WUH539...............................................$60,000 (D) 1985 Versatile 836 #16119W.................$25,000 Grizzly Dixon Lawn Mower, . ............................................................$298,000 (W) Brandt 846 Cnvyr, 51010W ............. $12,500 (B) ZTR (F) 2005 Case IH 8010 #WUH552.............$165,000 (W)1535LP 1990 Versatile #16122W................$32,000 19013W ................................................................. $6,500
Used Equipment
(W) 632 Bobcat, 20018W ........................................ $7,250 (H) 642B Bobcat w/Bkt, 20124W ........................... $7,500 (H) 743 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20101W ............................ $8,500 (B) S130 Bobcat w/o Bkt, 20112W ....................... $18,995 (D) 753 Bobcat, 20083W ....................................... $19,000 (H) 753 Bobcat, 20085W ....................................... $12,000 (D) S150 Bobcat, 20120W .................................... $23,000 (D) S150 Bobcat w/BKT, BkT Bite, 20133W ....... $22,500 (D) S205 Bobcat, no Bkt, 20120W ....................... $23,000 (B) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20146W ........................ $26,500 (D) S205 Bobcat w/Bkt, 20142W ......................... $25,000 (F) 863 Bobcat, WUT322 ...................................... $19,000 (W) 863 Bobcat, 20105W ..................................... $23,000 (W) 863 Bobcat, 20136W .................................... $18,000 (D) S330 Bobcat w/80” Bkt, 20094W ................... $43,000 (W) LS160 NH Skid 20109W ............................. $19,000 (D) 1825 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20128W .................... $10,000 (D) 1825B Case Skid w/Bkt 20129W ................. $14,000 (D) 1845 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20127W ................... $14,000 (F) 420 SSL Case Skid, WUT324 ..................... $23,000 (F) 435 SSL Case Skid, WUT341 ..................... $35,000 (D) 440 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20125W ...................... $34,000 (D) 440 C3 Case Skid w/Bkt, 20130W .............. $36,000 (D) 60XT Case Skid w/Bkt, 20131W ................. $22,000 (D) Skat Trak 1500D Skid, 20088W .............. $17,000 (D) 4800 Magnatrac Skid w/Bkt, Dzr, 20111W $6,000 (H) 3pt F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52027W ............... $850 (W) 3pt F8 Danuser Post Dgr, 52030W .............. $800 (B) McMillin Hyd Post Dgr, 52022W .............. $1,295 (H) C1000SR Swath Roller,
520354W .................
(D) 425 JD Lawn Tractor w/54” Mwr, 51” Brm,
19015W .................................................................
WUM534 ..............................................................
(F) 718K Grasshopper Lawn Tractor, (D) 721 Grasshopper Lawn Tractor,
(D) CIH Farmall 40, W80137 .................................. NEW (W) CIH Farmall 60, W80170 ................................. NEW (D) CIH Farmall 95, W80193 .................................. NEW (B) CIH Farmall 95, W80189 .................................. NEW (D) CIH 95U FWA, W80138 ..................................... NEW (D) CIH 105U FWA, W80160 .................................. NEW (B) CIH Puma 125 FWA, W80053 ........................ NEW w/L750 Ldr, W85038 ...................................... NEW (W) CIH Puma 165 FWA, W80112 ...................... NEW w/LX770 Ldr, W85140 .................................. NEW (D) CIH Puma 210, W80037 .................................... NEW w/L770 Ldr, W85031 ...................................... NEW (F) CIH Scout Ut Vehicle, WNM126 .................... NEW (D) CIH 72” Finish Mwr, W85133 ....................... NEW (F) CIH SCX100 16’ Pvt Tng, WNH526 ............ NEW (F) CIH HDX 182 Agr Hd, WNH553 ................. NEW (W) CIH WD1203 Swthr, W83050 ....................... NEW (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, AW,TW, W83013 ........ NEW (W) CIH RB564 Rnd Blr, Ele Twn Nt, W83014 .. NEW (W) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, W85098 ............... NEW (F) CIH SPX3330 SP Spryr, WNH585 ................ NEW (W) CIH SRX160 134’ Wld Boom Spryr, W85043 ................................................................................. NEW (F) CIH 8120 Combine, WNC432 ......................... NEW (D) CIH 8120 Combine, W82055 .......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82076 ......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82078 ......................... NEW (W) CIH 8120 Combine, W82080 ......................... NEW (B) CIH 2142 35’ Drpr Hd, W82057 ................... NEW (B) CIH 2152 35’ Dpr Hd, W82024 ..................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82062 ................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82065 ................... NEW (D) CIH 2152 40’ Drpr Hd, W82050 ................... NEW (W) CIH 2152 45’ Drpr Hd, W82074 ................. NEW
19016W ............................................................... $11,500
(B) ZTR Grizzly Dixon Lawn Mower,
19013W .................................................................
(H) CIH 2188, 23109W .......................................... $40,000 (W) CIH 2188, 23111W ......................................... $85,000 Planters (B)2006 CIHKinze 2388,1600 23018W $90,000 (D) 16........................................... row. #46019W.......$86,000 (B) CIH 2388, 23047W ......................................... $100,000 (F) CIH 2388 w/1015and Hdr, WUH211 .................... $142,000 Lawn Garden (W) CIH 2388 Grizzly w/30’ 1010ZTR Hdr, 23066W &23067W ............... (B) 2006 Dixon lawn mower. #19013W ........................................................................... $97,400 . .................................................................$4640 (F) CIH 2588, WIH319 ......................................... $195,000 (W) 1026 REM Grain Vac, 52096A
New Equipment
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B54
CAB & CHASSIS FOR SALE 1995 Freightliner FL70 cab & chassis, 8.3L Cummins, Allison automatic transmission, weak.
Food safety growing concern as China ships more food products to U.S.
Food safety As food-borne illness outbreaks grab headlines, food safety is drawing the attenPhone 406-799-6923 tion of lawmakers, according to Dr. Juan Anciso, a Texas AgriLife Extension Service horticulturist and food safety expert. “Assuring safe food supplies is increasJapanese 4x4 Mini Trucks ingly important for fresh fruits and vegetables as state and federal governments eye In Stock Now!! legislation to regulate safety issues, both domestically and internationally, because of past outbreaks,” he said. The increase in perishable food imports is due to cheap labor and favorable growing conditions in China and other countries, Ribera said. But with that comes an inherent and increased risk of contaminated food. For decades, Chinese officials had been concerned with simply feeding their billion40- to 50-miles per gallon! plus population, Ribera said. Now that they Clean, low mile trucks in stock. are an important food exporter, “China now Call 406-434-2005 Delivery available! has to focus on food safety, to be sure there are no issues.” Visit us at: Ribera was recently in Shanghai and Beijing, China to present a talk on food safety at a conference of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association. He spoke to academia as well as private and public food managers on the economic implications of the U.S. Food and Drug AdminBin run Certified Seed istration’s new Food Safety 1)less yield potential 1)higher yield potential Modernization Act, signed 2)unknown germination 2)lab tested germination into law last year by President 3)unknown purity 3)lab tested purity Obama. 4)unknown contaminants 4)Known if any and listed “What this law basically 5)varietal mixes 5)certified varietal purity says about imported fresh 6)lost time waiting to get cleaned produce is that the importer/ 6)minimal wait times broker who imports fresh 7)other customer cross contamination at 7)authorized and certified handling and produce from overseas into non- authorized cleanining plants cleaning facilities the U.S. is now liable for that 8)guesstimates at seeding rates 8)known pls and seed counts for correct produce once it’s in the U.S.,” 9)winter and spring grain mixups -plant population calulations Ribera said. resulting in lost crops 9)known varieties The new law sets food 10)loss of genetic traits 10)maintain gentic traits safety standards on produc11)inferior varieties 11)superior varieties tion, harvesting, handling and 12)little if any disease resistance 12)better disease resistance packaging on all produce, in13)little if any insect resistance 13)better insect resistance cluding imports, Ribera said. 14)higher chemical and input costs 14)able to utilize chemical tolerant varieties Until now, such standards had 15)high cleanout rates 15)no cleanout worries just been guidelines. 16)no carryover bushels “At this point, the produce 16)pickup only quantity needed industry is waiting for the rules of the new FSMA that they will have to follow, which could take one to one and a half years,” he said.” Saco Billings Stanford Ribera and others are deFirst Creek Seed - 648-5554 Montana Seed, Grain & Chemical - 252-8012 Basin Seed - 566-2282 veloping a cost analysis of Saco Dehy - 527-3470 Bozeman Three Forks the new rules. Scobey WestBred - 899-9635 Circle S Seeds - 285-3269 “We’re currently working Cahill Seeds - 783-5510 Choteau Townsend on a project that will measure Shelby Hodgskiss Seed - 466-5553 Bruce Seed - 266-3103 the impact of FSMA on fruit Big Sky Wholesale Seed - 434-5011 Columbus Townsend Seed - 266-4444 and vegetable production in Northern Seed LLC - 434-5000 Benchmark Seed - 326-2404 Fargo, ND Texas, California and Florida, Conrad Syngenta Cereals - 701-799-5085 as well as any impact on proNorthern Seed LLC - 278-9189 duce imports,” he said. Denton/Great Falls Ribera said the study will Barber Seed Service Inc. - 567-2211 be completed next year, but Members of Fairfield suspects the new rules will Treasure State Seed - 467-2557 likely increase the cost of Fairview production for fruits and Skov Seed - 489-0165 vegetables, both domestically Havre and overseas. Wild Horse Seed - 265-5443 Moccasin ##### Heartland Seed - 423-5600 The largest amount of Ronan snow to fall in Wyoming in Lake Seed - 676-2174 a single day was 38 inches Westland Seed - 676-4100 of snow at Burgess Junction Rudyard in the Bighorn Mountain on Golden Triangle Seed - 355-4333 March 14, 1973. The trends are stark and unmistakable: over the last 10 years fruit and vegetable imports from other countries to the United States have increased sharply with no letup in sight, according to data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As of 2010, almost half of the fresh fruit and one-fourth of the vegetables consumed in the U.S. were imported, according to Dr. Luis Ribera, an agricultural economist at the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Weslaco. Most came from North and South America, but an increasing number of fresh fruit imports are coming from China, Ribera said. “China is now the fourth largest importer of fresh vegetables to this country,” he said. “That’s a concern, especially when you consider the well-publicized problems we had in the past with contaminated Chinese dog food, milk and baby food.” Other cases of contaminated food include produce from Honduras and Mexico, Ribera added.
Call the experts on certified seed
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B55
big EQUIPMENT CO. 1287 Hwy 87 West, HAVRE, MT FAX: 406-265-9367 RON HARMON - MANAGER/OWNER CELL: 406-265-0096 HOME: 406-265-9808 EMAIL:
406-265-9554 OR 888-265-9554
Email: WAYLAND WALLS Parts Manager 888-265-9554 406-265-9554
Big Bud 950/50 950 hp, 2610 Twin Disk transmission and torque with hydraulic upgrades, Clark 85,000 lb. axles, new upgraded closed center hydraulics with flow control.......................................$349,500 Big Bud 600/50 KT 1150 motor, major component work, twin disk transmission, 75,000# Clark axles, new paint, new 30.5x32 tires...... ............................................................................................$150,000 Big Bud 600/50 recent new close centered hydraulic for air drill, 30.5x32 duals @ 60%, new interior, new paint..................................$125,000 Big Bud 600/50 600 hp, rebuilt Twin Disk transmission and torque, 9 speed...................................................................................$125,000
Big Bud 600/50 (650/50) 650 hp, Series IV cab, quad 20.8x42 tires @ 75%, low hours. Very clean..................................................$179,500 Big Bud 550/50 550 hp, 2610 Series transmission, 70,000 lb. Clark axles, new paint and interior..........................................................$125,000 Big Bud 525/50 rebuilt transmission........................................$110,000 Big Bud KT450 1150 Cummins 450 hp, 13 speed Fuller transmission, 70,000# Clark axles, needs paint..........................................$29,500 1976 Big Bud HN320 700 hours on Cummins Recon Big Cam IV, 360 hp, rebuilt 12513 Fuller transmission, recent paint, tires, decals, Clark axles.......................................................................................$59,500 2002 Case IH STX450 4WD, 5 remotes, 710x38 duals at 50%, 5500 hours....................................................................................$115,000
2007 Case IH Flexi-Coil ATX700 70-ft. plow with ADX 4350 3 section tan, 430 bushel, single or double shoot, 12” spacing, very clean..... . ......................................................................................... $125,000
(2) Case IH 9180, powershift, 20.8x42 tires at 80%, 6000 hours or 8000 hours. Each...........................................................................$69,000 2010 Case IH Puma 210, full auto guidance, rear weight package, 3 remotes, 650 hours.............................................................$149,500 1992 Case IH 7120 Magnum 7400 hours, Leon 808 front end loader, no 3-point, 540/1000 PTO.....................................................$59,500 Case 1030 with Case 70 loader, 100 hp, cab, PTO. Very clean..$11,500 Case 1030 with loader, no bucket, PTO........................................$7500 2008 Cat Challenger 965B Cat C18 engine 510 hp, 16 speed Powershift, 4300 hours..........................................................................$179,500 1997 Cat Challenger 65D 300 hp, 1800 hours, 30” track, 10 speed powershift, 4 hydraulics, bareback........................................$89,000 2001 John Deere 9400 6450 hours, without 3 point. 710/38 tires approximately 50%..................................................................$110,000 With 3-point...............................................................................$115,000 John Deere 7730 with 746 SL loader, almost like new, 7275 hours, 2 function electric joystick.......................................................$129,500
John Deere 7630, 746 front end loader, 5500 hours...............$105,000 John Deere 7410, cab, air, 3-pt., PTO, 740 loader, grapple, 4500 hours. Very clean..............................................................................$69,500 John Deere 4020 no 3-pt., Great Bend loader, 3788 hours.......$12,500 John Deere 4020, 8 speed, 3-pt., PTO, no cab, gas. Good condition..... .................................................................................................$9500 Steiger ST470 525 hp, powershift, 30.5x32 duals @ 60+%, rebuilt motor, clean unit...............................................................................$75,000 Steiger ST470 4WD, 1150 Cummins, 5 hydraulics, 30.5x32 duals at 70%, 6000 hours...................................................................$69,500 Versatile 1150 525 hp, 30.5x32 duals........................................$59,500 Versatile 895 4WD, 310 hp, 24.5x32 duals, air drill return line. Good condition................................................................................$37,500 Allis Chalmers HD-5 dozer, draw bar, ROPS, canopy.................$7500 Wagner 17, factory installed 318 Detroit diesel engine, 23.1x30 tires, factory duals, dual hydraulics. Rare, all original, good condition........ ..............................................................................................$29,500
2003 Bourgault 5710 with 5350, 57-ft. 3 section tow behind tank......... . ........................................................................................... $98,000
1998 MacDon 9300, 1995 30-ft. draper header, pickup reel, hydro transmission, 4345 hours......................................................$39,500 1979 International 5000 swather, diesel motor, 14-ft. hay head, without conditioner, runs good..............................................................$4500
2004 Summers 60-ft. harrow......................................................$22,500 Krause 1907 24-ft. disc, 10” spacing, 22” front discs, 23” back discs...... . .................................................................................................. Call
NEW Grain 2006 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. drill, 9” spacing, tow between 3450 tank, 430 bushel................................................................................ $115,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill, 12” spacing, single shoot (can be double shoot), 3450 tank................................................................. $65,000 1995 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 12” spacing, 2320 tow between tank, rubber packers, single shoot........................................................... $39,500 2000 Flexi-Coil 7500 air drill, fold back type, 60-ft. x 12” spacing, 2340 variable rate cart tow behind, single or double shoot........... $45,000 2-2012 Ezee-On 6650 heavy duty discs. Great for CRP Rec. Each....... . ........................................................................................... $69,500
Concord 50-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 3400 tow behind tank. Very clean.. ..............................................................................................$39,500 2000 New Noble 42-ft. tow behind air cart with 7” spacing........$39,500 Morris 6180 34-ft.x7” air drill, 180 bushel tow behind cart.........$29,500 4-John Deere 9350 drills with fertilizer, steel packers. Each.........$1500
ROGER WILDE CELL: 406-470-0321 OFFICE: 403-345-4847
2012 Case IH 8120 0 hours. Fully loaded................................$314,500
2004 Case IH 8010 2040 separator hours, 2700 engine hours, has IH 2020 30-ft. flex head, 2006 newer engine, updated feeder house, upgraded Pro600 monitor, Contour Master, chopper, long auger, moisture/yield...............................................Combine only $175,000 With header.........................................................................$200,000 2009 Case IH 7120 401 separator hours, Pro 600 monitor......$218,500 1993 Case IH 1688 3243 engine hours, new heavy clean grain boot with cross auger, update to 11/4” shaft..........................................$45,000 Case IH 1480, fair condition. Very good trashing machine.........$15,000 1987 New Holland TR96 3000 separator hours........................$39,000 John Deere 9770 750 separator hours, custom cutter package duals, 2WD, nice machine..............................................................$195,000 2004 John Deere 9760............................................................$165,000
John Deere 9760 STS, John Deere 630 head. Without head..$149,500 With head...........................................................................$165,400 2003 John Deere 9750............................................................$110,000 John Deere 9660 STS, 1200 engine hours, chopper, 30-ft. auger, 18.4x42 singles, bin extensions........................................................$182,000 2005 John Deere 9660............................................................$159,000 2004 Cat Challenger 670 600 separator hours, with pickup....$155,000 2003 Cat Challenger 660, 1700 separator hours, 30-ft. Agco straight cut header, bat reel, new unloading tube for auger, chopper, chaff spreader, new vertical auger, 30.5x32 tires, feeder chain replaced 1 year ago...................................................................................... Call Gleaner R60, 2882 hours...........................................................$22,500 Gleaner N6, 2250 hours, 24-ft. header and pickup reel.............$10,000 1983 Gleaner N7........................................................................$10,000
2005 MacDon 973 36-ft. header, pick up reel, transport............$45,000 2002 MacDon 972 draper table, hydraulic fore and aft. pickup reel, P auger, transport.....................................................................$30,000 (2) MacDon 962 36-ft. header, John Deere adapter, pickup reel, transport. Each......................................................................................$25,000 Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, pickup reel, hydraulic fore/aft. Very clean... .................................................................................................$9500 John Deere 930 header, regular reel............................................$8000 (2) Allis-Chalmers 313 pickup header, Melroe attachment. Each..$3000 Variety of headers & variety of brands/prices vary - CALL
carts available 750 • 875 • 1000 • 1050 • 1150 • 1325 Bushel carts available with PTO or hydraulic drive
Summers sprayer, 100-120 ft. wide, 1000 gallon tank, monitor, 2 boom switch.......................................................................................$6950 Bron plow with winch, chutes, parts...........................................$65,000 LaTourneau trencher/pipe layer.................................................$12,000 MacDon 14-ft. hay head, conditioner............................................$8500 1983 GMC 6 ton fertilizer spreader truck, 8.2 Detroit engine, Allison transmission, Raven controller, GPS, light bar......................$20,000 (2) Ford B700 restored school buses, 24 passenger, diesel motor, 6 cylinder. Each............................................................... Make Offer Single axle 2 horse trailer................................................................$800
We are a dealer for Air Drills &
Tanks & Products
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page B56
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
Phone Conrad 1-406-278-5880 anytime or 406-450-2244, leave a message.
---------------------------------------------------------------Leonard Roark Retirement Auction
Saturday, September 29, 2012 Sunburst, Montana
featuring trucks, pickup, camper, JD 2010 backhoe, antique 1941 JD Model AN. Good assortment of shop tools and miscellaneous. See page A21 of this issue of Trader’s Dispatch for parial listing. We have other auctions booked but not yet dated. If you’re planning an auction give us a call.
Independent test of 65 to 70 gallon ice chest shows Engel keeps it cool the longest.
Approved for use in BEAR country!
Bradley’s digital Smoker is going to rock the outdoors Bradley’s Digital Smoker will make your culinary pursuits a pleasure. Digital technology means that temperature, time, and smoke are now completely controllable. Users can decide how much smoke they want, how long their food is going to be smoked for, and at what temperatures, with the push of a button.
(406) 452-1246
We also carry a complete line of spices/sauces and MONTANA NATURAL LUMP CHARCOAL
3257 Vaughn Road, Great Falls, MT 59403
1952 Chevrolet dump truck, looks bad, runs good. Asking.......................$750
Pettibone forklift, Detroit diesel motor, Michelin tires with chains, runs good. Asking..........$3500
International H, nice DuAl loader, new tires, runs excellent. Asking...$2000
Dairy Focus: Poor corn pollination affects quality
By J.W. Schroeder, Dairy Specialist, NDSU Extension Service moisture for storage and fermentation. The The corn crop in North Dakota and surcrop will look drier than it really is, so rounding states is as variable as the recent moisture testing will be critical. Be sure to weather, and the encroaching drought has test whole-plant moisture of chopped corn taken its toll on some fields. to ensure that acceptable fermentation will Poor corn pollination can be caused by numerous factors, including drought, hail, occur. Use a forced-air dryer (Koster), oven, frost, corn rootworm silk feeding and foliar microwave, electronic forage tester, near indiseases. As a result, some corn is poorly frared reflectance spectroscopy or the rapid “grab-test” method for your determination. pollinated and will yield limited or no grain. In the “grab-test” method, squeeze a Often, cattle operations can use poorly pollinated corn, although pollination suchandful of finely cut plant material as tightly cess influences corn forage quality. as possible for 90 seconds. Release your Corn has two peaks in forage quality: grip and note the condition of the ball of at pollination and at harvest maturity. Forplant material in your hand. Here is how to age quality, as measured by milk per ton, interpret what you see: is high during vegetative phases prior to • If juice runs freely or shows between flowering. As with all forages, corn quality your fingers, the crop contains 75 to 85 decreases after flowering. However, unlike percent moisture. other forages, corn silage quality improves • If the ball holds its shape and your beginning around stage R3. hand is moist, the material contains 70 to The early peak in forage quality at pol75 percent moisture. lination is high, but the corn is too wet for • If the ball expands slowly and no dampensiling. The later peak is more familiar and ness appears on your hand, the material contains 60 to 70 percent moisture. is the one we typically manage for when • If the ball springs out in your open producing corn silage because it maximizes hand, the crop contains less than 60 percent biomass yield and quality. moisture. In general, if some kernels are developGrazing the cornfield is an option, but be ing, wait to harvest. But if the plant is baraware of the potential for nitrate toxicity. ren, then harvest at any time. This is especially likely to be a problem if The first quality peak occurs around growth was reduced to less than 50 percent flowering and will continue if pollination of normal and/or high levels of nitrogen is unsuccessful. While not useful for corn were applied to the crop. grain production, drought-stressed corn has The risk of nitrate poisoning increases good feed implications because it contains as pollination becomes poorer. Nitrate increased sugar content, higher crude proproblems often are related to concentration tein, higher crude fiber and more digest(the greater the yield, the less chance of ible fiber than normal corn silage. Drought high nitrate concentrations in the forage). generally reduces yield and grain content, If pollination is poor, only about half of the resulting in increased fiber content, and dry matter will be produced, compared with this often is accompanied by lower lignin normal corn forage. production that increases fiber digestibility. Under stressful growing conditions, esBe sure to check with your crop insurance pecially drought, this conversion process agent before harvesting and follow his or is slowed, causing nitrate to accumulate her instructions for collecting adjustments. in the stalks, stems and other conductive You cannot graze an insured crop or chop tissue. If moisture conditions improve, the it for forage or silage without first receiving conversion process accelerates, and within permission from your crop insurance agent a few days, nitrate levels in the plant return or you will forfeit indemnities. Also, make to normal. sure no herbicide restrictions affect the forThe only way to know whether your siage for livestock feeding. lage contains nitrate is to have it tested by a Remember, you do not have to use the testing facility such as North Dakota State forage yourself; you can sell it to someone University’s Plant Diagnostic Laboratory. else who needs it. Get samples taken for nitrate tests analyzed The harvesting challenge is that green, barren stalks will contain 75 to 90 percent immediately or freeze them until they can be water. If the weather remains hot and dry, tested because nitrate will decline in tissue the corn’s moisture content drops, but if rain in three to four hours. occurs before plants lose their green color, If drought-stressed corn is ensiled at the they can remain green until frost. proper moisture content and other steps are The proper harvest moisture content defollowed to provide good-quality silage, pends upon the structure in which you plan nitrate testing should not be necessary. to store the crop, but the moisture content Nevertheless, feed the silage to a few cull is the same for drought-stressed and normal cows before feeding it to your other animals. corn. Harvesting should be done at the moisAlways follow precautions regarding ture content that ensures good preservation dangers of nitrate toxicity to livestock, esand storage: 65 to 70 percent if storing the pecially with grazing and green-chopping, corn in horizontal silos (trenches, bunkers, and silo gasses to humans when dealing bags), 60 to 65 percent if storing in upright with drought-stressed corn. If the nitrate is stave silos and 55 to 65 percent if storing above toxic levels, feed hay or some other in upright oxygen-limiting silos. forage in the morning and allow your liveIf you plan to harvest the crop for ensilstock to graze the corn for a couple of hours ing, the main consideration will be proper in the afternoon.
Cortland apple tree grafting
Brand new 16” backhoe bucket. Asking.........$350
Call 406-782-3648
1963 Ford F950 extra heavy duty, V8, 5 speed, new tires, air brakes. Asking...................$2000
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: We have a Cortland apple tree in our I am wondering if it is possible to graft a backyard. It is starting to drop in apple Cortland bud into the red delicious so they production. I’m not asking how to fix the taste the same. tree because it is old and probably has some A: A Cortland to red delicious grafting is disease. However, I love the taste of the possible if the red delicious is hardy in your apples. I have some red delicious seeds, so growing area. If it is, go for it.
Packer outlines fed cattle marketing options
By B. Lynn Gordon, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist Marketing calves involves several stages and decisions along the way for cattlemen. Matt Bode, cattle procurement manager with Creekstone Farms, Arkansas City, Kansas discussed what he is looking for when buying fed cattle as a representative of a beef packing company. Bode was one of a panel of speakers who addressed beef cattle marketing options during a South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension seminar held recently in Mitchell, South Dakota. Creekstone Farms processes 1,250 head per day at their southern Kansas beef processing facility which has been in production for nine-years. The bulk of the cattle purchased by the plant are from feedyards in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. In the past years, Creekstone Farms has purchased upwards to 70,000 head of cattle out of South Dakota. Today those numbers are slightly lower with the smaller cowherd and higher transportation costs. However many of the cattle that are being fed in Nebraska and Kansas feedyards may have originated from South Dakota cowherds, Bode explained during his presentation to South Dakota cattle producers. The Creekstone Farms processing facility is smaller than some of the large industry plants, processing fewer cattle on a weekly basis, but focusing on high-end quality cattle with verifiable Black Angus genetics. They also incorporate the latest technology using digital imaging to apply yield and quality grades. Creekstone Farms processes beef to meet export demand from 13 foreign countries including beef that will meet the non-hormone treated cattle requirements to fit the parameters of the European Union marketplace. They also have a certified natural program aimed at a domestic market. In order to meet the specifications of their programs they seek Black Angus cattle that will grade high choice or prime and have been on feed for 120 days or 240 days if the animal is a calffed. They hand select cattle off show lists from feedyards and many of the cattle stem from genetics from a group of registered producers Creekstone has built a relationship with. In 2011, the plant averaged 89% choice. Creekstone will facilitate the ability of cattlemen to receive back carcass data on any cattle that are processed as they are most interested in helping the producer track the progress and characteristics of their cattle. The company focuses on their two programs — Creekstone Farms Premium Black Angus Beef and Natural Black Angus Beef. These programs are USDA certified and thirdparty audited. The cattle are born in the U.S. and from birth to processing are handled with humane care and finished on a high-quality corn-based diet. The certified natural program was initiated in 2004 and most recently added a guaranteed tender label on their beef products. Random testing is conducted to meet certification requirements set by the USDA in order to label the product guaranteed tender. More information on the programs offered by Creekstone Farms can be found at
##### decorous (DEH-koreus), adjective. Behaving in a manner acceptable to polite society; having good taste and good manners.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C1
Looking for a New Holland 1048 or Super 1048 bale wagon. Must be in nice condition. Phone (406) 892-3142, Columbia Falls, Montana
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Grains & Grasses
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I have a question about pruning. I have a large lot that has many bushes and trees that are growing larger. I like to get started with pruning in the fall, but often the weather prevents me from getting it all done. If the plants are dormant in the late fall and early winter, why can’t I do the pruning while the weather might be more advantageous to me? Why does conventional wisdom decree that late winter or early spring is the best time to prune plants that bloom on new growth? A: The best answer I can give to this conventional wisdom practice is that late winter assures that the trees or shrubs are on the way out of dormancy because of increasing day length and warmer temperatures. Late fall/early winter pruning may be practiced where there is an especially heavy load to get through. However, I think they want to make sure the pruning wounds start healing after December. With some folks, if you give them an inch of permission to prune, they take it up to a foot. In other words, it is physiologically and technically correct to prune starting in January. If the date was backed up to December 15, then someone might push it to December 1. If your plants are not zone pushers (not marginally hardy, but fully hardy in your area) and they are in full dormancy, there would be little to no harm to pruning in late fall. Depending on my level of ambition, I have done it myself many times with no negative impacts.
1400 Minnesota Ave • Billings, MT • 252-8012 1-888-252-8012
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C2
BALER FOR SALE 2002 John Deere 348 baler, excellent condition....$12,500 obo
Call 406-240-4852
##### ratiocinate (ray-shee-OSSinn-ate), verb. To work toward the solution of a problem through logical thinking and reason.
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2315 10th St. NE #B Great Falls, MT 59404 After hours emergency service available 406-736-5462 or 406-454-1692
Locally owned by Mike Yuhas & Mark Allen
Gabby Drishinski, Pondera, won the Tim Russell Memorial Award for top Senior Western Showman at the Marias Fair. Pictured presenting the award is Marvin Russell from Conrad. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
Two Montana horses infected with West Nile Virus
Montana’s state veterinarian is advising equine owners to consult their veterinarians about West Nile vaccination after two horses turned up positive for the disease. “We have two positives and know there are positive mosquito pools, so it’s prudent for equine owners to consider vaccination,” said Dr. Marty Zaluski, Montana Department of Livestock. Equine owners should also be familiar with clinical signs of the disease, he said, which are variable and may include: Loss of appetite and depression; Progressing lameness and/or weakness/paralysis of limbs; Loss of coordination; Muzzle twitching; Impaired vision; Convulsions; Inability to swallow; Behavioral changes; Coma. WNV mimics other serious neurological diseases like sleeping sickness, equine encephalitis and rabies, and should be immediately reported so that a licensed veterinarian can make a diagnosis. Although most equines recover from the disease, WNV kills about a third of the horses infected. There is no specific treatment for WNV in equines, although supportive care consistent with standard veterinary practice for animals with a viral infection is recommended Vaccination is an effective and inexpensive way to prevent the disease, Zaluksi said, and is recommended as a core vaccine by the American Association of Equine Practitioners <> . Consult your local veterinarian to develop a preventive health plan that includes WNV vaccination. WNV was first found on the east coast of the U.S. in 1999. Since then, the disease has spread westward, arriving in Montana in 2002. WNV knows no boundaries within the state, and has been found statewide. The two infected horses, located in Carbon and Powder River counties, are the state’s first since 2009, when 14 positives were reported. Earlier this year, researchers at Montana State University expected the worst when unusually high numbers of mosquitoes were found around the state. Greg Johnson, veterinary entomologist at MSU’s Department of Animal & Range Sciences, says mosquito numbers have dropped the past couple of weeks but that concerns remain. “Mosquito season can last through September and even into October, so we’re not out of the woods yet,” Johnson said. Effective mosquito control helps decrease the potential for spreading the disease. Watering troughs should be cleaned thoroughly and regularly, and standing water where mosquitoes breed should be managed if possible. A variety of water treatments that kill fly and mosquito larvae but are nontoxic to animals are commercially available. Montana has also had one case of WNV in humans this year.
Program on marketing specialty foods online
By NDSU Extension Service Do you produce a specialty food product? Are you interested in expanding your sales to consumers through online marketing? The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Service have released a new program, “Direct Marketing of Specialty Food Products Online,” at directmarketingfood. The program is designed to provide business owners with strategies and tools to help them sell directly to consumers. The self-directed program allows business owners to: • Evaluate the role of technology in the business • Examine how to weigh the costs and benefits of technology • Understand online marketing tools • Learn how to build an online presence • Understand how online marketing fits into an overall marketing plan The program includes video clips of food entrepreneurs who are using online tools to sell their product. The program exposes business owners to developing a website, the core of online marketing. It also discusses other social media tools such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. “The goal is to help the business owners make wise decisions in developing an integrated marketing program that capitalizes on the new social media tools,” says Glenn Muske, NDSU Extension’s rural and agribusiness enterprise development specialist. “The online world changes rapidly and we need to be flexible to take advantage of the tools available to us.” To help the curriculum’s users or anyone interested in this topic, the program has a weekly newsletter, “Direct Marketing.” The newsletter keeps business owners up to date on changes in online marketing and is available on the program’s website. “Adding value to agricultural products is of great interest to many farmers, and it supports local economic growth and development,” Muske says. “Yet the old adage ‘build it and they will come’ regretfully often brings only a few customers to the door. Businesses today must establish a brand, and they must keep that brand in front of the consumer. ‘Direct Marketing of Specialty Food Products Online’ is designed to help the business owner in that effort.” The program was made possible through the support of NDSU and University of Nebraska -Lincoln, and grants from the Southern Rural Development Center’s National eCommerce Initiative and the Sustainable Agriculture and Research Education program. For more ideas and assistance on marketing for your small business, contact your local Extension Service office or go to NDSU’s small-business support website at http://www.
Christmas poinsettia in Indonesia
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I live in the tropical country of Indonesia. In my country, we have dry and wet seasons. The temperature is similar throughout the year, between 77 and 86 degrees. However, there is more sunlight during the dry season. I just bought a beautiful poinsettia for the Christmas season. Is it possible to keep the plant blooming throughout the year? The poinsettia is in full bloom. How long will it stay red? I am wondering whether I should put it in a daily 14-hour dark routine or leave it alone. A: Poinsettias on the market these days will hold their red bracts (leaves) for many weeks past the Christmas season. Generally, the best thing to do as the plant begins to look unattractive is to plant it outdoors in a protected, somewhat shady location. In eight to 10 weeks before Christmas, repot the plant and prune it to the size you want. After that, begin subjecting the poinsettia to 14 hours of daily darkness in a cool location. When the bracts begin to show color, you can scrap the darkness routine and enjoy the plant as it develops into full color. In your part of the world, there is a lot of playing around you can do with this plant. You can take cuttings from it halfway through your growing season and root them. Treat the cuttings the same way you would the mother plant to get the foliage to produce color. You can give the new plants to friends or spread them around your property for added holiday decoration.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C3
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
Dividend Extreme
Phone 406-378-2112 – After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220
Winter Wheat Seed We treat with Dividend Extreme, Cruiser, Proceed,and Cruiser Max Cereal
• Hawken (new high yielder) • Genou (solid stem) • Decade • Judee • Bearpaw • Quake • AP503 Clearfield varieties Put Clearfield technology to work reducing cheatgrass and wild oat problems
• Montana State Yellowstone • Others available Even if we don’t have it listed - WE CAN GET IT!
Willow Creek
Beardless Forage Winter Wheat up to 5-tons/acre, irrigated Call Roger or Jason for details
Feed barley – Feed Oats – Feed Corn
Your grain or ours
All forage feeds available with vegetable oil
• Snowy Mountain & Cargill mineral & salt
Pre-Order Your Cake For Fall 406-378-2112 Big Sandy, MT After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C4
1999 Ford Sterling L9513 dump truck. Phone 406-799-6923
ow ts N to i n o U up Demailable scount Av 00 Di $10
North of Great Falls, MT
(406) 727-9994
2011 Polaris Ranger, full cab, 450 miles, extremely clean.
Irrigated barley straw 4x4x8 bales $ 7000/ton (406) 590-4102 2006 Cat 216B skidsteer Series 2, 51 hp diesel, 1500 lb. lift capacity, 60” bucket, Mighty Mite 8-ft. full hydraulic road grader attachment, 385 hours, like new...................... $26,500
1980 GMC water truck 2000 gallon nice steel tank, 5.5 hp 1 1/2” pump, rear spray bars, 427 V8, 5 speed + 2 speed, power brakes, power steering. Runs and drives good.............................. $3750
2005 PSI M413XT Maintainer 133 hp, 4x4, rippers, 3/4 yard loader bucket, 10-ft. blade, side shift, 70% tires, auxiliary hydraulics, 1200 hours....$39,500
Hitachi LX-20 loader Articulated loader, 30 hp Isuzu diesel, 4x4, 1/2 yard 60” bucket, 2800 hours, very handy, easy to haul.................$11,500 1980 Miller 15-ton equipment trailer, 20ft. x 8-ft., 70% electric brakes, spring suspension, tandem 12,000 axles with dual wheels. ...................................... $4000
406-381-3159 or 777-7057
Will Boumans and Skylar Connelly show their skills with their horses in the 4-H horse projects at the Marias Fair in Shelby, Montana. Both Will of Wingina 4-H and Skylar of Mountain Front 4-H are from Valier. Photo courtesy of Denae Peterson.
Prairie Fare: Grilled fruit adds new flavor to your menu
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System “Mom, that looks like something you would do!” my 9-year-old daughter said survey, about 75 percent reported eating less with a laugh. than one serving of fruit per day. A serving We were watching a movie about kids is considered 1/2 cup. and camping at the time. The kids in the Fruits add flavor, color and fiber to your movie wanted a snack as they sat around menu. If you are tired of apples or pears, the campfire. The adult leader had decided try grilling them. Liven up your outdoor to replace the usual ingredients for s’mores grilling menus with these ideas: with something different. • Cut a 3/4-inch-deep slit down the length Instead of chocolate candy bars, marshof an unpeeled banana. Pry the slit open and mallows and graham crackers, the leader stuff with 2 tablespoons of chopped dark brought a bag filled with apples, pears and chocolate. Wrap the banana in foil and grill other fruit. Soon after, the young campers for about five minutes on each side. were grilling fruit on sticks. They only • Sprinkle wedges of apple or pear with complained for a while. cinnamon and a touch of brown sugar. Grill “I’ve never tried that! Actually, that’s a for about five minutes per side. pretty good idea, but I wonder if the fruit • Brush peeled, whole bananas with might fall off the sticks when it gets soft,” canola or sunflower oil and add to the grill I commented. just until the fruit turns golden and has grill I don’t think she enjoyed my response. marks, or about five minutes per side. She wrinkled her brow and looked at me. I • Grill peaches and nectarines for a side bet she was thinking this might be an outdish to go with steak or pork tenderloin. Afdoor experiment in her future. ter cooking, the fruit can be diced and made “Oh, Mom, I like chocolate, though,” into a salsa or relish by adding fresh herbs, she noted. chili peppers and lime juice or vinegar. “You can add a little chocolate to the Here’s an easy recipe with a tropical flafruit. What kind of fruit should I buy at the vor. Get more ideas about different foods grocery store this week?” I asked. to grill, including corn on the cob, by visitEating more fruits and vegetables is a ing worthwhile goal for all of us, whether we are fn1420.pdf camping, at work or home. Although some Do you want to learn more about food people meet the goals, most people shortpreparation and preservation? Check out change themselves on fruits and vegetables. the new Prairie Fare blog at http://www. Think about your own fruit and vegetable intake. Are you eating at least 4.5 cups of Grilled Banana Boats fruits and vegetables per day? 1 banana with peel Not only do fruits and vegetables provide 1 Tbsp. crushed pineapple nourishing vitamins and minerals, but their 1 Tbsp. coconut flakes natural antioxidants also serve to defend Rinse banana with cool, running water our bodies against environmental invadand pat dry with a clean paper towel. Leave ers. Eating abundant amounts of fruits and the peel on the banana and make a deep cut vegetables can reduce our risk for cancer, down the long side through the peel and into heart disease and other chronic diseases. the banana. Do not cut all the way through. People generally eat more fruits than Slightly pull the cut apart to make a pocket vegetables, though. We all are born with a in the banana. Fill the pocket with crushed natural preference for sweet foods. Accordpineapple and top with coconut flakes. Wrap ing to anthropologists, sweet foods usually the banana in foil. Place on a grill or near were safe foods for our ancestors to eat. the coals of a campfire. Heat until warm, Poisonous foods often had a bitter taste and about five minutes at medium to high heat. were avoided. Carefully remove the foil packet from the According to the 2009 Youth Risk Beheat. Let cool slightly and remove foil. The havior Survey results, 23.5 percent of North peel may be black but the inside will be Dakota children ate fruits two or more times warm and delicious. Refrigerate leftovers per day during the week previous to the surwithin two hours. vey. Of those same children, just 8 percent Makes one serving with 140 calories, 2 ate vegetables three or more times per day grams (g) of fat, 32 g of carbohydrate, 4 g during the week previous to the survey. of fiber and 15 milligrams of sodium. Among adult participants in the 2009
Neville named Research Extension Center director By NDSU Extension Service
##### A beaver’s teeth grows about an inch a month. They also wear down about an inch a month from the beaver’s constant gnawing of wood.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C5
BARLEY STRAW IN ROUND BALES FOR SALE Phone (406) 460-0717 or 278-3322, Conrad, Montana
Contact us for your fall fencing needs! Posts - Poles - Rails - Barn poles - Treated lumber - Custom treating
We have a good supply of entrance archway poles! Call (406) 362-4222 for sizes and prices.
Bouma Post Yards
Bryan Neville is the Central Grasslands Research Extension Center’s new director.
Bryan Neville is the new director of North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Central Grasslands Research Extension Center (CGREC) near Streeter. He replaces Paul Nyren, who retired earlier this year after serving 30 years as center director. “Dr. Neville, an animal scientist at CGREC, brings great vision and energy to this position,” says Ken Grafton, vice president for Agricultural Affairs; dean of NDSU’s College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources; and director of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station. The Central Grasslands center is part of the Agricultural Experiment Station. “I am confident that he will work with his advisory board and other interested stakeholders to provide the leadership necessary to solve the problems faced by farmers and ranchers in the Coteau region of the state,” Grafton adds. Neville, a native of Benkelman, Nebraska, earned a bachelor of science degree in animal science from the University of Wyoming in 2002, a master’s degree in ruminant nutrition from NDSU in 2007 and a doctorate in ruminant nutrition from NDSU in 2010. Before coming to NDSU, he was an agricultural research technician for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Dubois, Idaho, for two years. He joined the Central Grasslands center as an animal scientist in 2010. His research is focused on a whole-systems approach to improving livestock performance. Areas of particular interest include the interaction of animal health and nutrition, range supplementation practices, and calf nutrition during receiving and backgrounding. He also serves as co-adviser for two graduate students. “I am honored to be given the opportunity to lead the staff at Central Grasslands,” he says. “For me, NDSU, and especially the Streeter area, has always felt like home.”
Edible jackrabbits?
By Ron Smith, NDSU horticulturist Q: I just found out jackrabbits have been eating my spirea plants. How can I get rid of the rabbits and will the plants survive? I’m one of the few who have landscaping on the block, so the rabbits are thinking my plants are a smorgasbord. A: I’m not sure if jackrabbits are very edible like cottontails are, so I guess we’ll have to resort to some kind of repellent such as Plantskydd, Liquid Fence or Scram. If none work, then try Havaheart traps. Just a little bait in the trap attracts them. You then are free to dispose of them as you see fit. As to your concern about the recovery of your landscaping, most of the plants will come back just fine this growing season. For the damaged plants, cut them back to ground level when the snow melts but before they start to break bud. The plants will send up fresh shoots. However, most will not flower this year but will next year if you do something about the jackrabbits in your neighborhood.
Visit our website: or email: Phone (406) 362-4222 – Lincoln Phone (406) 466-2140 – Choteau
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C6
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
PICKUP FOR SALE 2002 Ford F250 Super Duty AT V10, club cab, short box. Phone 406-799-6923
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##### Anderson Dam in Idaho, is known for its blue-ribbon fly-fishing. ##### Marijuana is now the largest cash crop in the United States. Growers in California’s Mendocino County earn about $1 billion in pot revenue each year.
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A greener way to fertilize nursery crops
By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service A U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist has found a “green” alternative to a type of fertilizer additive that is believed to contribute to the accumulation of heavy metals in waterways. Ornamental nursery and floral crops require micronutrients like iron, manganese, copper and zinc. But fertilizers that provide these micronutrients often include synthetically produced compounds that bind with the micronutrients so they are available in the root zone. The most commonly used compounds, known as chelating agents, are not readily biodegradable, and can extract metals from sediments. Their use is believed to add to the amounts of iron and other heavy metals that sometimes flow into or become soluble in waterways. Concerns in Europe about one, called EDTA, have prompted calls there for use of alternative chelating agents. Joseph Albano, a horticulturalist with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida, thinks he has found a “green” alternative for the floral and nursery crop industries. ARS is USDA’s principal intramural scientific research agency, and this research supports USDA’s commitment to agricultural sustainability. Albano’s alternative chelating agent is known as EDDS. It is a natural compound that is biodegradable and less likely to persist in the environment. In a series of studies, Albano grew marigolds in standard soil-less potting media using fertilizers formulated with EDDS or one of two commonly used chelating agents: EDTA and DTPA. Each of the three treatments was chelated with iron so Albano could assess the effectiveness of EDDS as a fertilizer iron source. The results showed that EDDS was a suitable chelating agent for use in fertilizers. There were no differences in plant growth or leaf-tissue iron levels among plants grown with iron-EDDS, those grown with iron-EDTA, or those grown with iron-DTPA fertilizers. Iron-chelates, like iron-EDTA and iron-DTPA, degrade when exposed to light (photodegradation), so they are often stored in opaque containers that prevent exposure to sunlight. Albano also assessed iron-EDDS photodegradation and discovered that iron-EDDS degraded more quickly than iron-EDTA when exposed to light, which would contribute to its low persistence in the environment. Given how quickly it degrades, Albano recommends that iron-EDDS chelates also be stored in opaque containers. The report, published in HortScience, was the first peerreviewed study to evaluate EDDS as a chelating agent in fertilizers used in the production of a floricultural crop, according to Albano. The work is expected to encourage the use of EDDS as an environmentally friendly chelating agent in floral and nursery crop operations.
Transplanted spruce tree
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I had a tree-moving company transplant a very nicelooking spruce tree taken from a shelterbelt. I have moved 30 trees from that location before. The transplant went well and I did exactly what I was told to do. I watered the base of the spruce until the crack around the root ball was filled with water. Then I chopped the crack to seal up the root ball. A week later, I watered around the base of the tree for 45 minutes at a low stream. Two weeks after the transplant, the tree is changing from a nice green to a lighter shade of green. Should I turn my head to it or is there something I’m missing? How should I water it? What would have you done from the point of transplant? A: Removing trees from shelter belts to be planted into the landscape is a risky operation because a large part of the root system that is responsible for water and nutrient uptake is left behind. Your tree mover gave you good advice. He or she just didn’t go quite far enough concerning the roots that were left behind. I cannot claim that it will work, but try giving your tree a foliar feeding of Miracle-Gro. If anything will bring the color back, that will. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald. ##### Weekly church is God’s gift. Assembly required.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C7
Ag officials investigate invasive snail
Montana Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Agriculture officials are investigating the discovery in Montana of a land-dwelling snail species not previously found in the western United States. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service confirmed August 9 that terrestrial snails collected about 20 miles southeast of Great Falls were eastern heath snails (Xerolenta obvia), a species native to eastern Europe that spreads by attaching to cargo containers or other conveyances used in international shipping. State and federal officials are surveying the surrounding area to determine the extent of the population and what actions might be appropriate. “We routinely conduct surveys for invasive pests that could damage crops or the environment. This discovery was unusual because the only other known instance of heath snails in the United States is in Michigan,” said state agriculture Director Ron de Yong. Eastern heath snails were found in 2001 in Detroit near a heavily trafficked shipping area adjacent to Ontario, Canada, where a larger population of the snails exists. Xerolenta obvia is one of several snail species identified by USDA planning documents as a potential pest of U.S. agriculture, and control measures are recommended. Heath snails lay eggs in the soil, infest a wide range of plant species including beans, peas, grapes and weeds, and can contaminate other crops such as grass hay and grain. In eastern Europe, the snails are known to prefer dryland climates. The snails are flat rather than conical, slightly smaller than a dime in diameter, and have white shells with dark brown spiral bands. Information about the discovery will be updated via Montana State University’s Ag Alert network at www.mtagalert. org. Questions about the pest or identification of suspect snails can be addressed to the USDA Plant Protection and Quarantine office in Helena at 406-449-5210 or the Montana Department of Agriculture’s Pest Management Bureau at 406-444-9430.
1992 Freightliner Detroit 60, 10 speed transmission, 790,000 miles, 4 axle, 171/2 ft. box with 10 yard dual axle pup, rebuilt hydraulic cylinder on pup. Truck working every day........ ..........................................................$35,000
1993 Freightliner 10 speed, over 70,000 miles, set up for dump train, equipment trailer with some new planks, 231/2 ft. well, 91/2 ft. platform....................................Both $22,500 Phone 406-655-0791, Billings, Montana
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C8
Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill with 4350 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, variable rate, primary blockage. Tag #9601.
2002 Case IH ATX 5012 50-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, ADX 3360 tow between cart. Tag #10209.
Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 3450 tow between air cart, nice shape. Tag #10488.
Concord ATD 4812 48-ft. air drill with 12” spacing, 3000 air cart. Tag #1498.
2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 51-ft. air drill, 9” spacing. Tag #1469. Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 3450 tow between air cart, steel packers.
Morris Maxim 50-ft. double shoot air drill, steel press wheels, 7300 tow behind cart. Tag #1635.
Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill with 3450 cart, 10” spacing, variable rate, 550 trips. Tag #9494.
2009 John Deere 1870 56-ft. Conserva Pak drill, 12” spacing with 1910 430-bushel tow behind cart, double shoot. Tag #10208 John Deere 1820 air drill with cart...........Coming in
1997 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 3450 tow between cart. Tag #9877. Concord 5612 56-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, Concord 3000 tow behind cart. Tag #8902.
John Deere 9450 drills, 40-ft. 12” spacing, rubber press, AcraPlant, JD transport. Tag #1605............ ................................................................. $15,900 John Deere 9450 box grain drills, 4-10-ft. sections, 12” spacing, transport. Tag #9643............... $9400 1993 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing drills........ .............................................................Coming In 1989 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing drills, fertilizers, steel packers, 2” openers, JD transport, excellent. Tag #8950................................ $14,000 1989 John Deere 9400 40-ft. 10” spacing hoe drills, fertilizers, steel packers, 2” openers, transport. Tag #8951....................................................... $13,500
Choteau 1-866-466-5741; 406-466-5741 Conrad 1-877-278-5531; 406-278-5531 Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530; 406-873-5505 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 3450 tow behind cart. Tag #9912.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C9
USED BALERS 0% Financing for 3 years - oac
2010 John Deere 9230 4WD tractor, 325 hp, front and rear differentiol locks, 18 speed powershift transmission. Tag #10684...................... $199,500 1995 John Deere 8970 4WD, 24x6 transmission, 710/70R38 radial duals @ 50%, 4 remotes, 1000 PTO, 400 hp Cummins 855, recent work, 10,079 hours. Tag #8615..................................... $55,900 1995 John Deere 8870 4WD tractor, 24/6 manual transmission, 1000 PTO, 3 remotes. Tag #8608... ................................................................. $70,000
2-2011 Case IH WD1203 16-ft. auger header, 350 hours. Each............................................... $94,000
2011 John Deere 568 round baler, 1000 PTO, twine, hydraulic pickup lift, megawide pickup, push bar.. ................................................................. $38,700 2003 John Deere 4895 windrower with 14-ft. 895 2001 John Deere 567 round baler, 1000 PTO, twine auger header, rubber conditioner. Tag #10460...... only, 1-year-old belts, hydraulic pickup, push bar. $51,000 Tag #10780.............................................. $12,000 1995 Case IH 9280 4WD tractor, powershift transmis- John Deere 956 MoCo, 14-ft. center pivot. Tag John Deere 566 round baler, 540 PTO, gauge wheels. sion, 4 remotes, nice tractor. Tag #10675......$61,000 #1474........................................................ $20,000 Tag #10196.............................................. $17,000 2009 John Deere 4520 compact utility tractor, tower 1984 John Deere 530 round baler, twine only. Tag reverser transmission, open station. Tag #8895... #10726........................................................ $3500 ................................................................. $19,500 1981 John Deere 2440 2WD tractor, loader, no cab. Tag #10594.............................................. $14,500 1980 John Deere 4240 2WD tractor with 3-point, 540 PTO, cab. Tag #1628............................... $22,000 1978 John Deere 4040 2WD tractor, 80 hp, QuadRange transmission, dual PTO, 3-point, front 1 weights. Tag #9950.................................. $19,000 2003 John Deere 956 14 /2-ft. MoCo, Impeller conditioner, 1000 PTO. Tag #1584................. $18,500 1971 John Deere 4020 2WD, ROPS, JD 158 loader with grapple, 3-point, 2 remotes, dual PTO..$14,500 2009 Case Magnum 245 MFWD, cab, powershift transmission, quick hitch, 3-point, dual PTO, 4 remotes, weight package. Tag #9432.... $142,500 2002 New Holland TM165 MFWD, cab, loader, grapple, 4 remotes. Tag #10382.............. $78,000 2010 Vermeer 605SM round baler, surface wrap, wide pickup with hydraulic lift, large tires, 1000 RPM PTO. Tag #10751..................................... $26,500 2003 New Holland 1475 16-ft. MoCo, rubber conditioner, hydraulic guard angle. Tag #10738..$14,000 New Holland 116 mower conditioner. Tag #10144... ..................................................................... $6000
New Brandt 7500 & 5200 EX grain vacs in stock
1987 Ford TW5 MFD tractor, 105 hp, 18.4x38 rears, 3-point, dual PTO, 4 remotes, new clutch, Westendork Quick Attach loader. Tag #9961... $19,000
Railroad Ties For Sale
2005 Case IH RBX562 round baler, net wrap, wide pickup, bale ramp. Tag #10739................ $18,500 New Holland 664 round baler, twine, Bale Command. Tag #10724................................................. $6900
2011 John Deere 995 7 bottom plow. Tag #9951..... ..................................................................$11,500
Wil-Rich 12-bottom plow. Tag #10257..........$11,500
$10 each for #2’s $14 each for #1’s
We’re Committed to Excellence in Service!! Choteau 1-866-466-5741; 406-466-5741 Conrad 1-877-278-5531; 406-278-5531 Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530; 406-873-5505
2007 Brandt 13” x 90-ft. hydraulic swing away auger, 1370 hp.................................................... $18,000 2003 Brandt 13” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #1614....................................................... $14,500 Brandt 10” x 70-ft. swing hopper auger with Hopper Walker mover............................................ Just in 1995 Brandt 7” x 35-ft. auger, engine drive. Tag #1409.......................................................... $4000 Rem 3700 grain vac. Tag #9963.................. $19,900 2007 Brandt 5000 grain vac. Tag #9963...... $15,500 Walinga 714 Deluxe grain vac................ Coming in
Ask us about Farm
no interest/no payment (oac) for 180 days on Green Star Guidance Systems
Jack Hadcock 271-7839 or 899-5657 Burke McCormick 873-2813, 450-3606 Dan Lannen 590-4488 Jake Han 450-3605 Joe Flesch 239-2660 Jim Orr 289-0744 Pat Wheeler 450-1704 Barry MacGillivray 590-4703 Jamie Birch 570-3929 Ron Lipke 899-4993 Neil McCormick 470-2927
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C10
New Equipment In Stock
2011 New Holland 216 27-ft. hydraulic basket rake, manual controls, used very little. Tag #9927......... ................................................................. $20,000
Degelman SM7000 70-ft. spring spring harrow. Tag #10258..................................................... $13,900 1996 Haybuster 256 Plus II bale processor. Tag #9976.......................................................... $6000 Hesston BP25 bale processor, 1000 PTO. Tag #8867.......................................................... $4700 DewEze trailer mount super slicer hydraulic drive. Tag #9301.......................................................... $3500 Straw spreader for JD 9660 STS combine...... $2000 MC 675 continuous grain dryer. Tag #9071..... $6000 Flexi-Coil 5000 air drill parts including full set of packers for 57-ft. drill, hubs, axles, bushings, wiring harness. Tag #1339. New Holland 1049 self-propelled balewagon, duals, extra flotation tire. Tag #9642...................... $9500 2009 John Deere X324 all wheel steer lawn tractor, 48” Powerflo bagger. Tag #9887................. $4550 2005 John Deere LT160 riding mower with 42” deck, hydrostatic drive, 16-hp. Tag #1109............ $1750 2004 John Deere LX280 riding mower with 42” deck, bagger. Tag #163........................................ $3800 2004 John Deere SST15 mower. Tag #1539.. $1000 1990 Terry 29-ft. bumper pull travel trailer, oak interior............................................................... $7500 1997 Wilray 20-ft. gooseneck flatbed trailer with ramps. Tag #10260..................................... $3900 Donahue 45-ft. trailer. Tag #1411.................... $3000 New Kory 8278 12-ton farm wagon, 12.5x16L 14 ply tires. Tag #5201........................................... $3975 3-Ghenn 1/4-mile wheel lines. Each................. $4600 Two used wheel lines for sale. (1-Thunderbird) 2-Used wheel lines, 1/4-mile each. Each.......... $4500 6” and 8” mainline with risers..............................Call Kirshner pivot track closer. Tag #9368........... $3200 Parker #88C-082 220-volt hydraulic hose machine with Weatherhead T400 crimper. Includes complete die set. Like New $5950. Only..................... $2850
John Deere 7230 tractor Powr Quad transmission, 740 loader/grapple.
2001 John Deere 9750 combine............... $120,000 1998 John Deere 9610 combine. Tag #9246............ ................................................................. $70,000 1995 John Deere 9600 combine with MacDon 960 header, 20-ft. unloading auger, chopper. Tag #10790...................................................... $62,500 1994 John Deere 9600 combine. Tag #10451.......... .............................................................Coming in 1983 John Deere 8820 combine. Tag #10779.......... .............................................................Coming in 1997 Case 2188 combine, Maurer unloading auger extension, no header, 2940 separator hours. Tag #10674...................................................... $52,000
2012 John Deere XUV625i Gator, poly cab with 1995 New Holland TR97 combine with 30-ft. header, pickup reel, 13-ft. pickup attachment, Ag Loadheater, 44 hours. Like new.........................Just in er computer, 200 hours on rebuild. Tag #10789.... Degelman 14-1 14-ft. blade............................ $9400 . ................................................................ $59,000 2009 Arctic Cat Prowler XT650 with rebuilt engine. 1994 Gleaner R62 combine, low hours, yield moniTag #9522................................................... $7000 tor, MacDon 963 30-ft. header.................. $83,000 John Deere 59” 3-point snow blower. Tag #10328... .................................................................... $2000 COMBINE HEADER Loftness snow blower. Tag #9430.................. $3000 2001 John Deere 1900 liquid applicator cart, 70-ft. MacDon 960 36-ft. header, pickup reel, transport. Tag booms. Tag #8935.................................... $17,500 #10827..................................................... $15,000 Many used miscellaneous AMS items (displays, receivers, steering wheels)....................................... ..............................Call for price and availabiltiy
Ask about the Valley ‘After Season’ parts order specials USED SPRAYERS
2010 Johnn Deere 4930 self-propelled sprayer, 120ft. booms, stainless steel 1200 gallon tank, full GPS, extended warranty. Tag #9018..... $270,000 2007 RoGator SS1074 self-propelled sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1000 gallon tank, Raven Viper Pro controls, foam marker. Tag #9745........................ $148,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL wheel boom sprayer, 1000 gallon tank, Raven controls. Tag #9466... $12,000 Flexi-Coil 62 80-ft. wheel boom sprayer. Tag #9644. .................................................................... $2000 1993 Chevrolet C30 pickup with pickup sprayer. Tag #10410........................................................ $6500
John Deere 7130 tractor MFWD, 3-point, PTO, 3 remotes, PowrQuad. John Deere 7330 tractor with Auto Quad transmission, 3-point, PTO, 3 remotes, loader/grapple. John Deere 568 round baler, net wrap. John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 10” spacing, tow between or tow behind 430-bushel carts. H&S wheel rakes. Wheatheart post pounders. Rem 2700 grain vac. Brandt 5200E 7500 hp grain vacs. Brandt drive-over grain belts. Degelman 6000 rock picker. Fast pull-type sprayers.
CN-2010 John Deere 9770STS combine with 640D header, 481 separator hours, nice combine. Tag #10654.................................................... $336,000 CN-2009 John Deere 936D draper header. Tag #10433...................................................... $37,000 CN-2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft. draper head with pickup reel, transport. Tag #1413.............. $59,890 CN-2005 John Deere 630R 30-ft. rigid header, fore/ aft reel, pickup reel. Tag #10267............... $21,700 CN-2005 John Deere header transport. Tag #10268......................................................... $4950 CT-TWEgen remote control propane generator........ .................................................................... $4500 CN-1994 John Deere 535 round baler, twine tie push bar, flotation tires......................................... $7500 CT-New Holland 688 round baler, surface wrap...... ................................................................. $12,000 CT-Vermeer BP8000 round bale processor with big tires.................................................................Call CB-New Holland 358 grinder mixer, 1000 RPM PTO, good shape. Tag #4568............................... $9000 CT-Degelman 9-ft. front blade for 2WD tractor...$2500 CT-Farmhand 258 loader with grapple and JD mounts......................................................... $6500 CB-1979 John Deere 310A tractor/loader/backhoe, cab, 24” bucket, 7750 hours. Tag #4569... $13,500 CT-John Deere 4640 2WD tractor, powershift, duals, Farmhand loader...................................... $29,000 CT-Case 1490 2W 80-hp tractor with Leon 690 loader and grapple.................................................. $8500 CT-Ford 3000 tractor with Select-O-Speed transmission, 1459 hours..................................Make Offer CN-International 150 30-ft. 10” spacing box drills. Tag #9456.................................................... $1700 CB-1975 Ag Chem Big A 2500 self propelled sprayer, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 60-ft. boom with windscreens, Raven 440 rate controller, 3-way nozzle bodies, 3208 Cat (rebuilt 200 hours ago), Allison automatic transmission. Tag #4709.......... $15,000 CN-1100 GPM Cummins pumping unit with 25 KBA generator, 150-ft. of head................................Call CN-50 hp electric pump.......................................Call CN-6”, 8” mainline...............................................Call Large assortment of handline............................Call CT-A&M 1/4-mile wheeline with new motor...... $4600 CN-Wade Rain center drive wheel lines......... $4250 CN-Used Thunderbird wheel lines....................Call CN-(2) 1400 lb. cast wheel weights for John Deere 30 series............................................................. $1400 CB-Valmar 240 skid mount granular applicator...$2500 CN-2011 Frontier 54” snowblower, 3-point, 540 PTO, hydraulic chute. Tag #9152......................... $2750 CN-1959 Chevrolet Viking 60 truck with 1990 7-ton tender box. Tag #10652.............................. $3350
Gun Safes In Stock!
Stop by and see our selection. Many sizes and colors to choose from. Great Savings on almost everything store-wide.
Choteau 1-866-466-5741; 406-466-5741 Conrad 1-877-278-5531; 406-278-5531 Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530; 406-873-5505
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page C11
2004 New Holland 1432 13-ft. flail swing tongue...................$12,900 2003 New Holland 499 12-ft. haybine.......................................$9000 MacDon 4000 9-ft. mower conditioner......................................$4900
ATV’s - Utility - Motorcycles
2008 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, extra wide sweep, floatation tires. Very nice....................................................................$32,000 New Holland BR780A round baler........................................$23,900 2004 New Holland BR780 twine, extra sweep pickup, hydraulic pickup lift.......................................................................................$15,500 1998 New Holland 664 net/twine, hydraulic pickup loft, nice.... $10,000
MISCELLANEOUS ROUND BALERS Case 8465..............................................................................$11,500
New MORRIS 900 8-bale HayHiker In Stock – CALL
Hesston 4910 big square balers, 36,000 bales.Starting At $34,900
2007 New Holland 580 square baler. 2 seasons use, like new........... ..........................................................................................$17,900 1994 New Holland 580 square baler, 16”x18” bales.................$8900 New Holland 320 square baler, 14”x18” bales, PTO drive........$3500
Huge Selection of Kawasaki Mule Utility Vehicles
1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281
1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523 JOHN DEERE
New Holland 216 rake...........................................................$13,900 New Holland 216 unitized hydraulic rakes. ..............................$9900 Vermeer R23A twin rake...........................................................$9500 Vermeer R23A twin rake...........................................................$7500 Sitrex MK10-12 rake..............................................................$10,500 John Deere 567 wheel rake......................................................$1195
John Deere 568 round baler, surface wrap/net, mega wide pickup, 540 PTO. 18,864 bales......................................................$23,900 4-John Deere 567 round balers, surface wrap, mega wide pickup. ... .......................................................................Starting at $17,900 5-John Deere 566 round baler. .............................Starting at $9900 John Deere 375 round baler. Nice shape. ...............................$4000
Morris 881 Hayhiker 8 bale......................................................$8500 Dwyer 5-bale mover / feeder.....................................................$7800 1973 Ford F500 buck rake, 390 V8, Farmhand F11C loader, forks, bucket, 4 new tires................................................................$4500 2010 Bobcat S650 skid steer with bucket or fork, excellent condition, low hours...........................................................................$36,200 Kirschner pivot track closer......................................................$3200 International 6200 14-ft. disc drill, combo with grass seeder attachment......................................................................................$7900 John Deere 995 7-bottom switch plow...................................$17,500 John Deere 995 7-bottom switch plow...................................$13,250 Brillion 15-ft. culti-packer.......................................................$12,900 Brillion 14-ft. culti-packer.......................................................$12,900 Brillion 30-ft. single row cultivator with crows feet....................$6500 John Deere 900 7 shank V-ripper.............................................$5490 Artsway 12-ft. land plane. Clean, one owner............................$6960 2002 Kelly B70B 3-point backhoe. Excellent shape.................$7500 Highline 6600 round baler processor. . ....................................$9000 Kawasaki Mule KAF620 TRANS with hard cab, heater and 197-hours.............................................................................$9500
John Deere 4995, with 16-ft. disc header. 1400 hours..........$75,900 2009 John Deere 4995 4 meter, 994 head, V10, conditioner, button tires, 558 hours.................................................................$95,900 4-2010 New Holland 8040, 12-ft. HS headers, rotary screens, buddy seat, 800-1000 hours. Each..............................................$64,300 2008 New Holland 8040, 12-ft. HS header............................$61,900 New Holland HW305S with 14-ft. auger header....................$55,900 2005 MacDon 9352i Turbo, 14-ft. auger header, button tires, 1220 hours.................................................................................$57,000 Hesston 6400, gas, 12-ft. header, no cab.................................$3000
John Deere 7330 tractor with MFWD, PowrQuad, 3 hydraulics and JD 741 NSL loader with bucket, bale spear. 655 hours.....$95,000 2008 John Deere 5525 utility tractor, 75 PTO hp, MFWD, canopy, 3-point, 540 PTO, 12x12 with reverser, 3 rear remotes, 2008 JD 542 loader with bucket, 256 hours.....................................$42,000 International 3588 tractor with duals, 5600-hours. Engine overhauled at 5299-hours....................................................................$13,000 2007 New Holland HW305 self propelled windrower, 2007 NH HS12 auger header, 1233 hours..................................................$52,000 Morris 1400 Hay Hiker, 14 bale..............................................$16,900 Highline 5-bale mover, 6800 feeder..........................................$9500 International 6200 grain drill....................................................$6500 Brillion WM3001 24-ft. culti-packer...........................................$8500 Aerway 15-ft. aerator with transport hitch..............................$11,500 New 2012 John Deere 550 S4 camo, roof, 3/4 windshield....$11,900 2010 Kawasaki LE Teryx UTV with cab and heater..................$9500
2009 New Holland TD80 MFWD, 62 PTO hp, open station, ROPS.... . ........................................................................................$24,900 International 806 2WD, cab, standard transmission, Farmhand loader................................................................................$14,300 Sweepster broom, 10-ft., fits 5000 series John Deere.............$9000
2007 John Deere 5325 MFWD, 55 PTO hp, open station, ROPS/canopy, new front tires...................................................................... $24,900 John Deere 5210 with 3 rear remotes, sync-shuttle transmission and 2900-hours.......................................................................... $13,500 2010 John Deere 5105M MFWD, 90 PTO hp, 540 PTO, cab, 16 speed, reverser, 563 loader, bucket, low hours............................... $64,700 2011 John Deere 5075M, 61 PTO hp, MFWD, 2 remotes, cab, 16 speed with reverser........................................................................ $43,500 John Deere 4430 280 loader, bucket and grapple, hydraulic front axle, 540/1000 PTO..................................................................... $22,900 2011 John Deere 3320 with 300 CX loader, hydro, 12 hours...$25,900
Call for Price
John Deere 7130’s & 7230’s Mounted with loaders
2008 John Deere 8330, 225 hp, MFWD, PowerShift, duals, front weights, 3340 hours........................................................................ $137,000 John Deere 7220 tractor with 741 loader, PowrQuad, 2 rear remotes, 3-point hitch, 540/1000 PTO, 300 hours.............................. $92,900 (3) John Deere 7130, MFWD, 95 PTO hp, 3 point, PTO, 2 hydraulics, 16F/16R transmission with reverser, JD 360 loader. Each.. $89,900 John Deere 6715 with MFWD and new Buhler loader. . .......... $54,900 John Deere 6115D, MFWD, 3 point, PTO, 2 hydraulics, 95 PTO hp, 9F/9R transmission with reverser, Mounted with JD 673 Loader. . .. ............................................................................................ $75,900 John Deere 6400 MFWD, John Deere 640 loader, 11,036 hours.......... ............................................................................................ $30,000
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C12
2009 Case IH 9120 377 hours. #700619.... . ..............................................$262,000
1986 Case IH 1680 2683 hours. #700598.. . ................................................$28,900
Ask your Sales Consultant about 0% for 60 months on Combines! COMBINES
1987 Case IH 1680 3667 hours. #703691.. 2009 Case IH 9120 819 hours. #700618.... . ................................................$27,689 . ..............................................$252,000 1986 Case IH 1680 4110 hours. #703810.. 2012 Case IH 8230 #707830.......$302,000 . ................................................$26,500 2012 Case IH 8230 171 hours. #707828.... . ..............................................$302,000 2012 Case IH 8230 #707829......$295,000 2004 Case IH 8010 2512 hours. #703561.. . ..............................................$144,900 2012 Case IH 8230 #707826......$295,000 2003 Case IH 2388 2013 hours. #700557.. 2012 Case IH 8230 #707827......$295,000 . ..............................................$144,900 2011 Case IH 8120 #703806.......$309,000 2004 Case IH 2388 #700622.......$142,330 2011 Case IH 8120 #703807......$309,000
1987 Case IH 1660 4263 hours. #500657.. . ................................................$25,500 2009 Case IH 7120 589 hours. #500584.... . ..............................................$232,789 2009 Case IH 7088 #700629.......$219,000 2011 Case IH 8120 261 hours. #703803.... . ..............................................$305,321
2003 Case IH 2388 1517 hours. #707758.. . ..............................................$139,000 2005 Case IH 2388 1844 hours. #703772.. . ..............................................$138,750 2005 Case IH 2388 1969 hours. #700593.. . ..............................................$134,900 2003 John Deere 9750STS 2843 hours. #706708..................................$121,000
2007 Case IH 2588 1357 hours. #703788.. . ..............................................$181,900 2011 Case IH 8120 226 hours. #707673.... . ..............................................$279,900 2012 Case IH 8120 #707823......$276,000 2012 Case IH 8120 #707824......$276,000 2012 Case IH 8120 #707825......$276,000 2010 Case IH 8120 521 hours. #707680.... . ..............................................$269,900
1999 Case IH 2388 2629 hours. #707683.. . ................................................$98,700 2000 Case IH 2388 #706646........$93,500 1990 Massey-Ferguson 8570 3144 hours. #706734....................................$31,900 2008 Case IH 2588 1458 hours. #700645.. . ..............................................$179,900
2009 Case IH 8120 1043 hours. #703732.. . ..............................................$243,500 2008 Case IH 8010 587 hours. #700626.... . ..............................................$234,000
1998 Case IH 2388 2300 hours. #707813.. 2011 New Holland TR96 4871 hours. . ................................................$93,500 #707804....................................$23,500
2010 Case IH Precision Hoe. #703745..... . ..............................................$223,000 2004 Case IH 2388 1626 hours. #703713.. 2010 Case IH Precision Hoe. #707686..... . ..............................................$149,500 . ..............................................$222,105 2005 Flexi-Coil 5000 #703801......$89,900 1994 Flexi-Coil 5000 #500633......$65,000 Haybuster 2650 #500624.............$13,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 #700620...............$49,000 2005 Haybuster 2650 #700597....$12,500 1996 Conserv Pak 5112 #700604............. Haybuster 256 Plus II 1000 hours. 1997 Case IH 2188 2024 hours. #700392.. . ................................................$43,000 Case IH 8010 2045 hours. #707646........... #500560.......................................$9500 . ................................................$68,899 Case IH Concord 6012 #703765..$42,500 . ..............................................$178,833 Haybuster S2000 #706637..............$8500
Ethridge, Montana
Great Falls, Montana
Lewistown/Denton, Montana
Havre, Montana
Billings, Montana
Inventory Photos, Parts Catalogs, Job Opportunities
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C13
2010 Case IH Patriot 3330 self propelled, 818 hours. #707685................$247,368
2009 Case IH SPX3330 self propelled, 990 hours. #707740.......................$226,586 2007 Case IH SPX 4420 self propelled. #703785..................................$199,500 2008 Case IH Patriot 3320 self propelled, 2206 hours. #707728..............$189,900
2011 Case IH 3016 #707715........$25,575 2009 Case IH 2152 #703808........$68,500 2008 Case IH 2152 #700639........$64,500 2011 Case IH 2152 #703804........$63,500 2011 Case IH 2152 #703805........$63,500 2004 Case IH 2042 #703802........$30,987 2004 Case IH 2016 #707839........$16,500 1997 Case IH 1020 #700595........$15,000 1997 Case IH 1020 #700596........$15,000 Case IH 1015 #703790....................$7950 Case IH 1015 #703682....................$7499 Case IH 1015 #703678....................$5900 Case IH 1015 #703684....................$5900 Case IH 1015 #700638....................$5600 Case IH 1015 #703693....................$4500 Case IH 1010 #707814....................$9850 Case IH 1010 #703811....................$7700 Case IH 1010 #707838....................$6100 1993 Case IH 810 #703707.............$3800 Case IH 810 #703709......................$3500 2010 MacDon D60 #707548.........$54,200 2010 MacDon D60 #707559.........$54,200 2004 MacDon 963 #703491..........$39,900 1998 MacDon 962 #500626..........$26,000 1998 MacDon 962 #700532..........$19,000 MacDon 962 #700644...................$13,000 MacDon 960 #700535...................$17,456 1993 MacDon 960 #703763..........$15,500 MacDon 960 #703764...................$15,500 1993 Honey Bee SP42 #703718..$25,900 2003 Honey Bee SP36 #703733..$45,500 Honey Bee SP36 #700623...........$34,500 2002 Honey Bee SP36 #700594..$34,000 1992 Honey Bee SP30 #700643..$22,500 Honey Bee ST30 #703530...........$17,320 1997 John Deere 914P #707841.....$8500 2003 New Holland 88C #700641.$44,500 2001 New Holland 2328 #703643...$9800 New Holland 2326 #706414............$4950 2001 New Holland 2326 #706699...$4900 1998 New Holland 2324 #706657...$2900 New Holland 971 #707782..............$6500 New Holland 971 #707783..............$6500 New Holland 971 #707805..............$6500
Spra-Coupe 3430 self propelled.#706659. . ................................................$24,900 Marflex 90 3-pt/mounted. #707796............ . ..............................................$109,500 2008 Case IH SRX160 pull type. #700602. . ................................................$29,800 2007 Case IH SRX160 pull type. #707822. . ................................................$29,000 2008 Summers Ultimate pull type. #703750....................................$34,900 2005 Summers Ultimate pull type. #700627....................................$25,000 2002 Flexi-Coil 67XL pull type. #707578... . ................................................$16,789 2001 Flexi-Coil S67XL pull type. #700635....................................$15,500 2005 Flexi-Coil 67XL pull type. #707779... . ................................................$14,000 2005 Flexi-Coil 67XL pull type. #707780... . ................................................$14,000 Flexi-Coil 65XL pull type. #707808.. $7900
TRACTORS – 40 hp to 99 hp
2009 Kubota M95X #707769........$55,800 2007 New Holland TD95D 256 hours. #706728....................................$41,900
1962 John Deere 4010 8348 hours. #500622....................................$11,456
1972 John Deere 401 #706692.......$8900 International W9 #700524...............$4500 John Deere 110 616 hours. #706700......... . ................................................$25,900 John Deere 4010 3527 hours. #707709..... . ................................................$12,500
100 hp to 174 hp
2010 Case IH Maxxum 140 Limited #707645....................................$97,500 2011 Case IH Maxxum 125 428 hours. #703809....................................$95,000 2010 Case IH Maxxum 125 Limited 533 2010 Case IH Steiger 485 850 hours. hours. #703777.........................$92,750 #707727..................................$255,000 Case IH Puma 140 #700561.........$91,000 2010 Case IH Steiger 435 180 hours. 2006 Case IH MXM155 5177 hours. #707721..................................$240,000 #500625....................................$71,097 2010 Case IH Magnum 335 1566 hours. 2002 Case IH MX120 #703792.....$63,500 2009 Case IH WD1203 686 hours. #703760..................................$220,000 1974 JI Case 1370 4465 hours. #703739.. #707747....................................$79,900 2006 Case IH MX285 #706513...$135,000 . ................................................$12,900 2009 Case IH WD1203 810 hours. 2009 Case IH Puma 195 1725 hours. JI Case 1030 #707793.....................$5800 #707746....................................$79,900 #703770..................................$109,500 2010 McCormick XTX145 #707691.......... 2010 Case IH WD1203 286 hours. 2009 Case IH Puma 195 2063 hours. . ................................................$97,000 #707545....................................$65,000 #703767..................................$106,500 2010 John Deere 7330 775 hours. 2005 Case IH WDX1202 1418 hours. Case IH MXM190 #707795...........$97,500 #707799....................................$91,500 #500562....................................$59,900 2010 Case IH Puma 180 2300 hours. 1998 John Deere 7710 #707701..$84,900 1996 Case IH 8820 #707781.........$27,850 #703779..................................$118,500 1972 John Deere 7520 1072 hours. 2009 MacDon M100 135 hours. #707704.. 1992 Case IH 9270 #707800.........$62,900 #500639.......................................$8235 . ................................................$66,900 2007 New Holland T7040 #707786........... 2006 New Holland TV145 2965 hours. 2006 MacDon 9352i 805 hours. #703783.. . ................................................$96,900 #700607....................................$84,900 . ................................................$64,800 1997 John Deere 7810 4996 hours. 1998 New Holland TV140 4108 hours. 2009 New Holland H8060 243 hours. #500607....................................$60,000 #707668....................................$63,900 #705428..................................$115,984 1995 Caterpiller CH75C #707801.$39,900 2001 New Holland TM125 6687 hours. 2010 New Holland H8080 623 hours. Versatile 145 6970 hours. #707807.$6500 #706631....................................$40,900 #500654....................................$98,000 2007 New Holland HW365 324 hours. #707777....................................$81,000 2012 Case IH RB564 #707837.....$39,500 New Holland 688 #707770...........$11,000 New Holland 1116 #500481............$1995 2010 New Holland BR7090 #706717........ 1998 New Holland 664 #703791..$12,900 Agco 9345 220 hours. #706557....$79,900 . ................................................$36,900 New Holland 664 #700533...........$11,987 1996 Hesston 8400 #500643........$22,500 2011 New Holland BR7090 #500656........ New Holland 664 #706574...........$10,900 1975 John Deere 2270 1489 hours. . ................................................$33,789 1995 New Holland 660 #500580..$11,500 #707802.......................................$8500 2006 New Holland BR780A #500653....... 1994 New Holland 660 #703795.....$6900 2003 Case IH HDX162 #707609...$14,000 . ................................................$19,300 2004 John Deere 567 #707798....$24,000 2008 New Holland 1475 #706551.$31,900 2003 New Holland BR780 #706555.......... 1998 John Deere 566 #706689....$15,700 New Holland 1475 #707766.........$25,500 . ................................................$15,987 1998 John Deere 566 #707797....$11,500 2006 New Holland 1475 #706723.$19,200 2003 New Holland BR780 #500652.$15,546 Agco 5456A #700568...................$26,900 New Holland 1431 #706602.........$11,500 2003 New Holland BR780 #706591.$15,420 1991 New Holland 499 #706712.....$8950 2005 New Holland BR780 #500661............. New Holland 1112 #700634............$8900 .................................................... $15,000 Hesston 1014 #500545....................$3750 2003 New Holland BR780 #700567............. 2009 New Holland BB9080 71 hours, .................................................... $14,789 #706681..................................$108,000 2003 New Holland BR780 #707806.......... 1997 New Holland 580 #706715..$10,250 International 140 plow. #706725.....$4500 . ................................................$13,000 New Holland 1425SP #707832.......$7500 Case IH 100 rakes. #706727..............$500 2002 New Holland 688 #703796..$15,800 New Holland 1283SP #707817.......$7500
175 hp or greater
Ethridge, Montana
Great Falls, Montana
Lewistown/Denton, Montana
Havre, Montana
Billings, Montana
Inventory Photos, Parts Catalogs, Job Opportunities
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C14
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
FOR SALE 3500 lb lift gate
1998 Chevrolet Suburban...........$4600 obo
1997 International automatic.......$8500 obo
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Versatile 956 4WD, 12 speed powershift...... ..........................................................$46,500 2001 Freightliner Detroit 60 Series autoshift. ..........................................................$26,000
3-2002 Freightliner Cat C12 autoshift...$26,500 Phone (406) 868-7258, Great Falls area
GMC Sierra van. For parts.....................$400
“Kiddio” app may help parents get kids to eat veggies
By Marcia Wood, Agricultural Research Service Parents who are perplexed by their preschooler’s dislike of vegetables may find help in a science-based video game that U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)-funded scientists and their colleagues are creating for parents to play on smartphones. When complete, “Kiddio: Food Fight!” will give parents of preschoolers a fun, interactive way to learn some of the best approaches for getting their kids to eat more vegetables, according to Tom Baranowski, who leads the team that is developing the app. Baranowski is a research psychologist based at the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Children’s Nutrition Research Center in Houston, Texas, and a professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine, also in Houston. The college operates the nutrition center in cooperation with ARS, the USDA’s chief intramural scientific research agency. Improving children’s health and nutrition is a top USDA priority. The game will offer users a series of short, interactive episodes that feature “Kiddio,” an appealing preschooler who doesn’t like vegetables. Parents can customize the game so that Kiddio’s temperament matches that of their child. In the course of each episode, parents will be able to select multiple options for influencing Kiddio’s eating habits. Some choices create effective, “teachable moments,” such as when the parent says, “That’s a really tasty veggie.” Other choices may express a perhaps ineffective “firm discipline” approach in which the parent tells Kiddio, “You will taste it before you leave the table!” The videogame project, funded by ARS and a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, will draw upon five studies that the Houston scientists have conducted over the past decade. These studies, involving thousands of parents, kids, and nutrition-related professionals, are examples of what has become known as “behavioral nutrition,” a comparatively new scientific discipline that has roots in M-K Hoppers both psychology and nutrition. All Sizes Increasing the number of All Custom Built vegetable servings that children consume is thought by Kits Weld Together some experts to help reduce Prefabs = 2 pieces risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, New easy to build kits. and some cancers. Right Your choice all weld together now, most U.S. kids don’t eat or all bolt together. enough vegetables and fruits. Baranowski is collaborating in the “Kiddio” research with nutrition center colNew leagues Janice C. BaranowsPowder ki, Alicia Beltran, Leslie Frankel, Sheryl O. Hughes, Coated, Bolt Theresa A. Nicklaus, and Teresia M. O’Connor; Amy Together Shirong Lu, formerly at the Kits Houston center and now with Northwestern Univerwith FREE DELIVERY sity, Evanston, Illinois; and Richard Buday of Archimage, Inc., Houston. ARS researcher Deborah Thompson at Houston contributed to early stages of the project. Peer-reviewed articles by Baranowski and colleagues about the use of videogames to improve kids’ eating habits have been published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and the Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology.
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##### The horns of the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep ram weight 40 pounds, about the same weight as all the other bones in the ram’s skeleton.
New CAST Issue Paper on water and land issues
A new Issue Paper from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), titled Water and Land Issues Associated with Animal Agriculture: A U.S. Perspective, examines the livestock, land, and water issues raised by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations—including concerns examined in the publication titled Livestock’s Long Shadow. The authors draw heavily on published data and literature to look at current status and trends in physical and biological indicators as well as policy and both regulatory and nonregulatory approaches to addressing issues such as rising meat consumption, water quality, land degradation, feed grain demands, and the large volumes of manure. The experts who compiled this paper cover the production of beef, dairy, pork, and poultry, and they focus on • policy transitions to prevent economic damage to producers and consumers; • environmental management programs; and • the life cycle approach and the systems approach. The authors point out that the relationship between livestock and land and water resources is directly affected by (1) improvements in productivity registered through technological gains and intensification, (2) improvements in waste management systems and understanding of pollution processes, and (3) emerging demands on livestock production systems to address other social goals. This paper emphasizes the need for sustained research, development, and education to dramatically increase the productivity of livestock and related systems while decreasing resource use and negative environmental effects. As the concluding line states: “Policy to ensure access to resources and education and timely distribution of food to the poorest people on the planet is needed to prevent disaster.” Task Force Authors: • Kelly D. Zering, Chair, North Carolina State University • G. Larry Newton, University of Georgia • Terence J. Centner, University of Georgia • John M. Sweeten, Texas A&M University System • Deanne Meyer, University of California–Davis • Steven Woodruff, Woodruff & Howe Environmental Engineering, Inc. CAST Issue Paper 50 is available online at the CAST website,, along with many of CAST’s other scientific publications. All CAST Issue Papers and Commentaries are free. CAST is an international consortium of scientific and professional societies, companies, and nonprofit organizations. It assembles, interprets, and communicates credible, sciencebased information regionally, nationally, and internationally to legislators, regulators, policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public.
What is killing my spruce tree?
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I planted a blue spruce in a raised bed (about a foot above the lawn and filled with compost). It died about 18 to 24 months later. Thinking I maybe didn’t water it enough during the winter, I replaced it with another similarly sized blue spruce. It appeared to be doing well this winter, but this spring it was dead (it made it about two years). This winter was relatively wet, so I didn’t attribute its demise to insufficient watering. I mixed the compost with the existing soil, planted the tree at the flare and mulched it well. Water for the tree came from lawn sprinklers. My neighbor said the previous owner also had trouble getting a tree to grow in the area. However, my gamble oak nearby is happy. I’ve sent off a soil sample to Colorado State University. Any help you can provide is appreciated. A: The compost could be the villain. It may contain herbicides that are slow in breaking down, which would prove toxic to the trees. The CSU soil test most likely will give you a reading on the pH, soluble salts, nitrogen, phosphorous, potash (potassium) and possibly organic matter content, but nothing on the presence of herbicide residue. The cost of such a test is high because of the more sophisticated equipment needed to make such a determination. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C15
On Farm Fuel Containment Systems Custom designed to fit your needs to conform to the SPCC requirement
Wild Horse Seeds Several
SOLD OUT ✓ NEW WB Quake (WB - PVP - CSO) ✓ NEW Judee (MSU-PVP) ✓ NEW Bear Paw (MSU-PVP) ✓ CDC Falcon (WB - PVP) ✓ Morgan (WB - PVP) SOLD OUT SOLD OUT ✓ Clearfield Bynum (WB - PVP) ✓ Clearfield Norris (WB - PVP) ✓ Genou (MSU - PVP) ✓ Rampart (MSU) ✓ Yellowstone (MSU - PVP) OUT ✓ Decade (MSU - PVP) ✓ 2 GeneSOLD Clearfield AP503CL2 (AgriPro - PVP) ✓ Willow Creek forage winter wheat (MSU)
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C16
No student is free from bullying
Hard Red Winter Wheat Seed JAGALENE WETSTONE
About 10 percent of children are bullies, another 10 percent are victims of bullying, and the other 80 percent have probably witnessed bullying said Patricia Faughn, a University of Illinois Extension educator. “Almost every student has seen bullying happen in front of them or they have been involved in some capacity,” Faughn said. “Usually there is at least one bystander, if not more, watching bullying when it is going on.” Despite the prevalence of bullying and cyberbullying, Faughn said there were few programs available when they first began to look at the issue targeted for middle-school and high-school students. Of the programs that did exist, they did not focus on the bystander’s role in preventing bullying. Breaking the Code Faughn, along with other Extension educators, decided to create a bully simulation classroom exercise called Breaking the Code for middle-school and high-school students. Twelve BALER students act out eight scenarios that deal with different forms TWINE of bullying, including physical, verbal, relational and cyber bullying. “Even when bystanders are silent onlookers, they are giv1 mile north ing their approval to the bully to continue their behavior with of Ronan their silence,” Faughn said. “Breaking the Code helps students East side Hwy 93 to understand their options and see the power they have as a bystander. It helps them understand the roles they can take as an assistant, reinforcer, onlooker or defender. We want to motivate students to take a stand against bullying.” After each scenario, Faughn helps students process what happened and what options they could choose that would Open Saturdays 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM be helpful or continue to cause harm. Last year, with a grant award from the University of Illinois Office of Public Engagement, Faughn provided teachers with training 406-279-3251 • In MT - TOLL FREE 1-800-622-7734 and materials to implement FAX 406-279-3712 Breaking the Code in their Box 568, Valier, MT 59486 own classrooms. Breaking the Code was able to reach more than 80 Illinois schools. 1x6 - 6-ft. More than 580 pre- and Cedar Fence post-student surveys show Boards how students’ perspectives changed after the program. Square Edge: Before Breaking the Code, 42 $2.49 percent of students said they Dog Eared: would help a bullying victim. After Breaking the Code, the $2.70 number almost doubled to 80 percent. The number of students who would inform an adult more than doubled from Full Treated 30 to 65 percent. The number Fence Posts of students who understood that one person could make a BLUNT POINTED difference increased from 54 6-7”x8’ 7-8”x8’ 3-4”x6’ 4-5”x6’ 5-6”x7’ 4-5”x7’ to 76 percent. 6-7”x8’ 7-8”x8’ Treated 16-ft. rails Faughn said she has had Call for quantity pricing students at two schools begin apologizing to other students during the workshop. STEEL FENCE POSTS “The apologies just went 1 around the room,” she said. 5 /2 ft. • 1.33# “It was extremely powerful when the students understood Good supply how they had been harmful to in stock one another.” Faughn said students often try different roles, including Keep the bullying, as they search for their identities. Later on, they weather out. may realize that bullying is INSULATE NOW! not the kind of trait they want have. Kraft Faced Insulation “I don’t want students to Unfaced Insulation feel like I’m saying that if they Blow-In Insulation are bullying they are always Rigid Insulation In 3/4”-3” going to bully and there is
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Free use of machine with purchase of Blow-In insulation.
no hope for change,” Faughn said. “It’s important to extend grace and for them to understand that they have options.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C17
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C18
Animal feed sales and delivery business for sale. Located in Manhattan, Montana, servicing the Gallatin Valley. In business for 22 years with established clientele. Seven different brands of feed sold. Owners health issues is reason for sale. Would require approximately $150,000 for warehouse, inventory and all equipment, depending on inventory at time of sale.
Excellent opportunity for someone who would enjoy owning their own business and is ready to go to work. Call 406-586-7353 (home) or 406-599-3340 (cell)
AgriPro Winter Wheat Seed AP503CL2 ✽ ✽ WestBred Quake Winter Wheat ✽ ✽ Certified Yellowstone Winter Wheat ✽ ✽ Winter Triticale ✽ ✽ Willow Creek Forage Winter Wheat ✽ ✽ Custom Pasture & Hay Mixes ✽ ✽ WL Alfalfa Varieties - Pioneer Alfalfa ✽ ✽ Complete Grass Seed Selection ✽ *See us for your CRP needs*
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We Buy Malt Barley, Feed Barley & Feed Oats Give us a call!
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Plains spadefoot toads burrow as much as 20 feet to avoid the winter. Photo by Kirsti DuBois/FWP.
Colder days ahead. Really.
By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer The hot weather outside makes it hard to think about winter, but a few smart humans and lots of animals are doing just that. Those folks now cutting firewood, installing extra insulation on their homes or even checking their furnace are way ahead of the rest of us who just sit, sweat and curse. Smart, too, are those critters that soon will be ready for winter. Already some birds have left us for the long journey south. Birds like, orioles, western tanagers and yellow warblers are gone. Others, such as snipe and mourning doves are flocking together, preparing for a quick exit. Early mornings on the prairie now are eerily silent. The clarion call of the western meadowlark from the spring and early summer is no more. Occasionally a young male meadowlark sings forth, but it’s just a youngster trying out its voice. Within a matter of weeks, snakes, especially rattlesnakes, will start to gather near communal dens, called hibernacula. These are rocky areas deep below the frost line, and snakes will winter there sometimes in groups of dozens or even hundreds. That’s good for them and too bad for us. Snakes in general, and rattlesnakes in particular, get a bad rap. Too many people dislike them, probably because of the slither factor, and kill them for no good reason. So anything snakes can do, like go underground, that keeps them alive for another year is good for them. That’s because rattlesnakes are wonderful mousers, helping keep the rodent population in check. However, taking them out of the predator-prey equation for months on end is too bad for us. Besides snakes, other reptiles and amphibians are currently preparing for winter. They cannot wait for cold temperature that will slow them down before they find a place to winter. Montana’s toads and salamanders spend the winter below the frost line, too. They have to find a burrow from another species or dig it themselves. The plains spadefoot toad may dig down as deep as 20 feet in loose soils. Finally there are bears. As early as August, bears’ appetites start to increase and continue over the next few months as they hurry to consume calories before winter. In the weeks before cold weather arrives, grizzly bears will eat almost any high-protein, high-fat food they can find: animal carcasses, berries, and whitebark pine nuts. But bears aren’t choosey; if humans leave garbage, pet and livestock feed, or bird feeders out conflicts can arise, which may not end well for bears. This intense eating period is known as hyperphagia, when grizzlies build up their fat reserves for the coming winter. The animals can eat up to 20,000 calories a day; adding several pounds daily to their bulk in order to survive the upcoming winter’s sleep. Overeating. Now there’s something many of us can do and claim we’re getting ready for winter. ##### Seven-year-old Nicholas asked his grandmother Shirley (Gram) if he could play a computer game. Shirley, who always says “yes” to anything her grandkids ask, took him into her home office. While inserting the disc, Nicholas noticed that Gram hadn’t dusted under the computer table for quite some time and commented, “Gram, it wouldn’t hurt you to dust in here every once in a while.” Gram shocked the boy when she replied, “Nicholas, here’s a dust rag. It wouldn’t hurt you to learn how to dust.” Nicholas hasn’t critiqued his grandmother’s housekeeping since.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C19
Stretch Your Summer Pasture Your grass is drying out... Keep adding pounds this fall with BGF-30
Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTAL-PHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C20
TRUCK FOR SALE White Volvo 60,000, hydraulic roll off, nice unit. Phone 406-799-6923 or 761-8147
Custom cut and molded to your specs
• Full dimension rough cut lumber • Custom sawing • Custom molding • Custom drying • Beams • Wood siding • Log railing • Driveway arches 780 1st Rd. S • Bridge planks Vaughn, MT • Fireplace mantels • And much more..... Phone Kenneth (406) 750-5779 or Luke (406) 788-7989 e-mail:
Super Saving Sale Modulars starting at $50 per sq. ft.
LOCK IN SALE PRICE, TAKE DELIVERY LATER! $1000 Save up to $20,000 on our Modular Clearance Homes • Homes starting at $53.00 per square ft. • Beautiful 2027 sq. ft. modular. Limited time Sale Price $107,431 • Gorgeous 1174 sq. ft. modular. Limited time only $85,900 • WOW!! Triplewide 2790 sq. ft. with covered deck and all the bells & whistles. SAVE $1000. 10 year warranty.
REDMAN (DEALER) NEW HOMES 406-248-1100 of the FUTURE
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Call Bill Poser at 289-0150, Conrad
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Jade Rodriguez, Pondera County, won numerous awards during the Marias Fair Horse show including Grand Overall showman. She was also presented a special award for completing all seven level of Western Horsemanship. Very few members are able to accomplish this during their 4-H career. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
Planting winter wheat into corn residue
By Bob Fanning, SDSU Extension Plant Pathology Field Specialist Regardless of whether the residue is Reports and conversations indicate a removed, left standing or tilled in, soil testnumber of farmers intend to plant winter ing is recommended to determine fertilizer wheat into failed cornfields this fall. Prorequirements. Fields that were well fertilducers following corn with winter wheat ized and had poor growth often have high this year will be dealing with one of three carryover nitrogen levels. Residue left in the scenarios, each with their pros and cons, but field contains significant fertilizer nutrients, also variations within each situation. but at most, half of those nutrients will 1. Corn Harvested for Grain: Despite likely be available to the following crop. the severe drought across much of South As moisture is received, the residue will Dakota, there are areas where corn yields eventually decompose and the nutrients will may be near normal. Even in dry areas, leach into the soil. some fields showed some success with For more information, see: pollination and will likely be harvested • EC750: Fertilizer Recommendations for grain, particularly if they receive some Guide ( Other than the issues outlined below, Bio_Publications/articles/EC750.pdf) the main concern is getting wheat planted • ExEx 8039: An Efficient Fertilizer into the residue. The harvesting process will Program after Drought (http://pubstorage. break up and distribute some of the residue. Those planting no-till into this situation ExEx8039.pdf) may want to install a bar ahead of the drill • ExEx 8037: Fertilizer Carryover afto lean standing stalks to prevent hose damter Drought ( age, drive chains coming off, etc. This is the AgBio_Publications/articles/ExEx8038.pdf) scenario that least favors using wheat and What may be the biggest benefit of leavin most cases, use of another crop would ing residue on the field is moisture for the be preferable. following crop. This can be realized both in 2. Corn Harvested for Forage: Many terms of snow catch and additional moisture corn fields have been or will be salvaged holding capacity of the soil. Research sugfor livestock feed, either as silage or hay, gests that leaving this residue on the field leaving very little residue. These fields will can result in about 2 inches of water savbe open to wind and water erosion, and may ings, which can translate into as much as be good candidates for planting to winter 34 additional bushels/Acre of corn and 12 wheat. With very little residue, these fields bushels/Acre of wheat. will present much lower risk for scab. As Planting winter wheat into corn residue long as weeds are controlled well ahead generates a few general concerns. Consider of planting, this situation also poses less rotation restrictions for herbicides that were risk of a green bridge hosting wheat curl applied to the corn crop and might affect mites and/or aphids that might vector viral winter wheat. Be sure to break the green diseases. Although removing the residue bridge that can allow wheat curl mites and/ for livestock feed also removes fertilizer or aphids, which both carry viral diseases, nutrients, the lack of residue left on the field to infect the newly planted wheat crop by will reduce the tie-up of nitrogen, making it killing the corn plants and any weeds, parsimilar to the scenario of wheat following ticularly grassy weeds, at least 10 to 14 days a broadleaf crop. This is the scenario that before planting. Selecting a tank mix to do would be most favorable for using wheat this might be challenging in glyphosate tolbehind corn. Cutting the corn stalks high erant corn. Corn residue presents the highest would reduce nitrate content in the forage risk of any crop residue for scab (Fusarium and also increase snow catch for moisture Head Blight – FHB) in wheat. When folrecharge and aiding in winter survival. lowing corn with wheat, producers must 3. Some cornfields will not be harvested understand the risk of scab and be prepared for either grain or forage, and contain the to apply foliar fungicides at flowering if wet most residue to deal with. Dwayne Beck, weather occurs at that time. Seeding into full Manager of the Dakota Lakes Research residue will require the use of more N fertilFarm, suggests planting directly into the izer than where the residue is removed. This standing residue. Again, those planting nois due to the amount of N that will be needed till may want to install a bar ahead of the to convert the corn residue to organic matter drill to lean standing stalks to prevent hose (immobilization). For more information on damage, drive chains coming off, etc. This head scab and to access the Fusarium Head option might also favor the use of rotational Blight Prediction Center, visit: http://www. crops other than wheat if residue levels are sufficient.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C21
Trees for Towns grant funds available
Communities and organizations wanting to plant shade trees can apply for Trees for Nebraska Towns (TNT) grant funds through October 1. The program, which focuses on plant diversity and sustainable landscapes, provides grant funding and technical assistance to public-oriented projects that emphasize the planting of large-maturing trees in Nebraska communities. About $200,000 of TNT grant funds are available this year. Grant coordinator Kendall Weyers said, “Over the last few decades, Nebraska communities have lost 30-50 percent of their tree canopy to disease, insects, extreme weather, old age, development and human neglect.” TNT funds seek to replace these lost trees and the many benefits they provide. According to Weyers, “the positive impacts of trees go far beyond shade to a wide range of economic, environmental, aesthetic and social benefits.” TNT funding, provided by the Nebraska Environmental Trust, a beneficiary of the Nebraska Lottery, is coordinated by the Nebraska Forest Service and is part of ReTree Nebraska’s 10-year effort to plant 1 million trees by 2017. To be eligible, projects must provide clear public benefit and must be located within or near the incorporated limits of a Nebraska community. Typical planting sites include but are not limited to street trees, parks, schools, college campuses, libraries, courthouses, fairgrounds and cemeteries. Funds are not available for private individuals or homeowners. For individuals interested in coordinating a neighborhood-wide tree-planting project, Weyers suggests working through a neighborhood association or other local organization to apply for a TNT grant. Applications, due October 1, require some advance planning and consideration so applicants are encouraged to begin the process soon. The application is available online at For more information, contact Kendall Weyers at 402-472-6693 or
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Cat 85E tractor, 2400 hours, great condition.. May take trades...............................$120,000
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1991 New Holland 575 14x18 square baler, 540 PTO. Extremely clean.... .............................................. $7300 2008 New Holland H8040 self-propelled windrower with 12-ft. HS New Holland 320 14x18 square baler, PTO drive. Good condition.... $3900 header, 1360 hours............ $61,900 2009 New Holland T2410 MFD compact tractor, 55 hp, 3-point, PTO ESS transmission, turf tires, loader, bucket, 60 hours................. $29,000 1976 International 1066 2WD tractor, 126 PTO hp, cab, 3-point, 540/1000 PTO, rebuilt engine, 85% rubber..... ........................................... $12,000 Allis Chalmers 185 Crop Hustler 2WD tractor, 74.9 PTO hp, 3-point, 1997 Premier 2920 self-propelled PTO, 3 remotes, Farmhand loader, windrower with 12-ft. MacDon sickle bucket, forks.......................... $7200 header and conditioner, 774 hours.. Allis Chalmers WD45 2WD tractor, 45 ........................................... $32,000 hp, gas, PTO, one new rear remote, 2006 Vermeer MC1030 13’3” pull-type loader, rear blade, new battery........ disc mower conditioner, 2-point .............................................. $2200 swivel hitch, steel conditioner.......... 2005 New Holland TC35DA MFD ........................................... $14,000 compact tractor, 35 hp, hydrostatic, 1 remote, loader, grapple, hydrauCOMPACT TRACTORS lic box scraper, canopy, 135 hours. NEW New Holland Boomer 40HST Consigned.......................... $19,500 (41 hp) 4WD with 3-point, PTO and John Deere 40 tractor with wide front loader and Shaver HD12 post pounder...... NEW New Holland T1510HST (30 hp) .............................................. $3250 4WD with 3-point, PTO and loader 2009 Great Plains 3P1006NT 10-ft. NEW New Holland T1520 standard, no-till drill, 3 boxes, 700 acres. Like (35 hp) 4WD with 3-point, PTO and new..................................... $24,000 loader
New 1600 pull between tank................$6500
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NEW New Holland Roll-Belt 450 Utility round baler, 540 PTO, twine only. Makes 4’x5’ bales, 40 PTO hp requirement.................... IN STOCK NEW New Holland BC5070 square baler, 14”x18”................. IN STOCK NEW New Holland H7450 13’1” discbine mower conditioner, center pivot with rubber rolls..... IN STOCK NEW New Holland 57 Rolabar rake, PTO drive....................... IN STOCK NEW New Holland 258 hydraulic rake. In Stock.........................CALL
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C22 Check our web site: John Deere 4255 MFWD, Power Shift, 3 point, 8400 hours.............$34,500 John Deere 4055 MFWD, Power Shift, 3 point, new rubber and 7300 hours. Extra nice............................$34,000 Case IH MX180 MFD, PowerShift and great rubber........................$53,000 2- New Holland 8770 MFD, Super Steer, Power Shift and 3-point. 6700 & 6300 hours................. $38,000 & $40,000
John Deere 7330 Premium MFWD, 3-pt., PowrQuad, LH reverser, JD 741SL loader, 1900 hours.....$99,500 2008 John Deere 7230 Premium MFWD, PowrQuad, 741 loader, bucket, grapple...................$91,000 John Deere 7230 Premium MFWD, IVT transmission and new JD H360 loader, bucket and grapple.. $91,500 John Deere 7800 MFWD, Power Shift. Nice....................................$42,500 John Deere 4960 MFWD, Power Shift, front & rear 3 point, good rubber and 5100 hours..........................$43,500 John Deere 4455 MFWD, Power Shift, 3 point, 6800 hours. Nice....$36,500
Selection Trends: Are we headed in the right direction?
By Dr. Darrh Bullock, Beef Extension Specialist, University of Kentucky John Deere 8420 MFWD, Power Shift, Cattle prices are at record highs but our costs have also 3-pt., weights and duals, 5200 hours...................................$99,500 increased; feeds stuffs, fertilizer, and other inputs are also on John Deere 8220 MFWD, 3-pt., Powerthe high end. So, in today’s environment, what type of cattle Shift....................................$82,000 should we be breeding? If you are looking for a definitive Above tractor with used JD843 loader... COMING IN: . ..........................................$96,000 answer to this question in this article, you can quit reading 2-JD 4050 & 1-JD 4055 now; there is no magic formula. This question is so difficult All With MFWD & Powershift Allied Loaders Available for several reasons; first, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to any breeding question as each operation requires a little ~ ~ As Low As 3.55% Financing oac ~ ~ different formula to optimize profitability. Second, no one knows what the future holds. If we knew the price structure Call (406) 777-3000 or 370-6362 or 240-1575, Stevensville, MT stated above was going to hold, it would make developing Email: a breeding program easier, but we, unfortunately, we don’t. So, unless you have great abilities as a prognosticator, you should design a breeding program that fits a broad scenario of future market possibilities. Historical genetic trends indicate that we are still attempting to maximize growth in the beef industry. This trend has been steady for growth traits such as weaning weight and yearling weight, with carry over effects on carcass weight and mature weight. However, over the past five years, or so, MT Certified Seed Plant there has been increased pressure on maternal traits, specifically increased milking ability. The production level of many (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT beef cattle today is staggering and it appears that there is no letup in sight. Frankly, is this the right direction for the beef industry? With $1.50 feeder calves the initial impression would be, absolutely, get all the pounds you can get. But, even with high calf prices, is maximizing growth and maternal ability the most profitable route? In a few cases, I suggest the answer is yes, but for most producers the answer is simply ✯ Common Neeley no. When a breeding program is in place that maximizes growth and maternal ability, statistics such as average wean✯ Common Rampart ing weight and average yearling weight will be maximized; but does that necessarily translate into more total pounds of ✯ Certified Genou* sellable product or profitability. Remember, average weaning ✯ Certified Yellowstone* weight does not take into consideration your reproduction rate. Individual calves will weigh more, but if reproduction ✯ Certified Decade* * denotes PVP Title 5 is adversely affected then total pounds could even decrease. So, the right answer is “sometimes”. Instead of maximizing production, our goal should be to optimize the total pounds that can be produced with the re✯ Certified Granger Austrian sources that are available. With unlimited resources I can run a herd of high producing cows and provide them with high ✯ Certified Windham Yellow Field levels of inputs (feed, fertilizer, etc) and I can produce a lot of total pounds of beef on my operation. But, when I have to pay bills at the end of the month, I might find out that I Water Softener & Stock Salt • Feed Corn • Wood Pellets wasn’t very profitable. If you’re thinking “just don’t put large quantities of resources in them”, then you face the problem of FULL LINE OF FARM CHEMICALS reduced fertility which can have a major negative impact on Nutrena Feeds by Cargill pounds of beef produced and profitability. The key is finding the right mix of production level of your cows with the resources that you can affordably offer. Regardless of calf Hydraulic Motors and input prices, historically, GREAT FALLS the most profitable herds are East of Fleet Wholesale TRW/Ross those that have managed to Tyrone keep input costs down and reChar-Lynn production rates high. If you 800-823-4937 • 406-761-8079 • can do this on your operation All Sizes 2600 17th St. N E • Black Eagle, MT (Great Falls) with high producing cows Serving Hydraulic Needs Since 1963 in Stock then your profits are likely Hydrostatic Exchange INDUSTRIAL • MINING • COMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL to be even larger, but most Hydrostatic Rebuilds Cylinders • Pumps • Motors • Valves • Repairs & testing producers’ resource levels are 2 year warranty not at the point that they can on all Hydraulics Hydraulic Clutch Hydraulic Flow cost-effectively sustain those Sundstrand Eaton Pump Hydraulic Divider Filters Dynapower highest producing cows at High Pressure Denison 1,2,4 & 6 wire high reproductive levels. All sizes All parts available hose assemblies Balance is the key. Big Hydraulic & styles available in stock Valves PTO Pump cows require more inputs than Hose Ends & fittings ALL SIZES NEW & REBUILDS little cows; heavy milking We are your Complete line of Williams Distibutor/Manufacturer cows require more input than Your • JOHN DEERE for Hydraulic Pumps & Parts source for moderate milking cows. Big, • CASE • IH New H-98 & F-98 heavy milking cows require A&I • INTERNATIONAL • 30 Series • 54 Series pumps New Complete Testing Facilities for large quantities of resources, • 50 Series • 57 Series Hydrostatic, Gear and Vane Pumps and to be profitable, they have to produce at a high enough Hydraulic – Power Steering – Air Conditioning CUSTOM level to justify the increased AMERICAN costs. Only you can make that & METRIC Tractors – Trucks – Combines – Cars BUILT HOSES determination.
MT Tractors
Custom Cleaning & Treating Fall 2012 winter wheat SEED
Fall 2012 winter pea SEED
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C23
(208) 681-6009 – (208) 524-2310 – (661) 310-8822 MAJORITY OF EQUIPMENT WAS MUNICIPALITY OWNED Ford TW-15
4890 hours*, 128 hp
1999 Freightliner C112 Century Classic 117,000 miles*, wet kit, had particulator trap, Cummins diesel, Fuller Eaton transmission, power windows & mirrors, A/C, airbags, super singles
1983 Grove RT518
1995 Cat RC60
original 621 hours*, Detroit diesel, 60-ft. height, 18-20 ton lift, 4 outriggers, air brakes
4900 hours*, gas motor, 6000 lb. load capacity, 187” height.
1996 International 4700 DT466
101,000 miles*, 4x4, auto transmission, spray tar tank, A/C, air gate, air seat, air brakes, tow package.
2002 Sterling SC800 Elgin Crosswind
Cummins 115 hp turbo diesel, pick up head, 2 side broom, 8 yard debris hopper, spray water system, central rocker switches, instrument controls, dual steering controls, auto, AC, cruise
2001 Toyota 7FGU30
2000 International 4900 DT466E
2400 gallon tank, 4 sprayers plus 2 side, extra hose reel, 250 hp, Spicer 6 speed transmission, cruise control
3100 hours*, side shift, 6000 lb. load capacity, 187” height.
Case 760 trencher
1400 hours*, 4x4, 4 wheel steering, Cummins turbo diesel.
1991 Ford F800
82,000 miles*, diesel, automatic, 6 yard dump, MT-653 tow package, air brakes, air conditioning, air gate, 614 hours* on PTO
2002 Bobcat 185 S
2003 Komatsu FG25ST
3075 hours*, hi flow, 1850 lb. load capacity.
3177 hours*, side shift, 5000 lb. load capacity, 3 stage, 188” height.
1999 Grove AMZ68XT
Kohler 40 KW gen set
118 hours*, John Deere diesel, from city.
2002 Caterpillar Eagle Picher RT60 3500 hours*, Perkins diesel, 3 speed Power Shift, 4WD, 6000 lb load, side shift, 179” height
Bobcat 863
1479 hours*, 73 hp Deutz diesel, auxiliary hydraulics, Hi flow, 72” general purpose bucket, spear attachment, quick coupler.
2006 New Holland LV80
3100 hours*, Cummins turbo diesel.
2001 Toro 580D
4500 hours*, 85 hp Mitsubishi turbo diesel, 3 decks, will work with 1 or 2 decks, 16-ft. wide, will do up to 10 acres/hour.
NEW FINANCE OPTIONS FOR LOWER CREDIT SCORES! l ai m e o or l f ide iece l a v p C & h ac e r fo
5369 hours*, 4WD, 68-ft. height, up & down controls, 500 lb. 3 man lift, dual gas & LPG
1998 Ford F800
44,000 miles*, 60-ft. boom, up & down controls, 4 outriggers, auxiliary tool outlets, aluminum pads, 6 speed, air brakes
Contact Mike to customize a finance plan to fit your equipment needs. Mike can also help you with your shipping needs, he can ship anything, anywhere! Flexible Finance options available with seasonal payments, deferred payment plans, and no money down payment options with approved credit. * 50 month credit terms available on all units regardless of asset age.
*Hours and miles are advertised as shown on the hours/speedometer. Having no way of verifying true accuracy. All vehicles will be sold through Ram Tire Co. Inc., a licensed California motor dealer.
New app helps scout for western bean cutworms
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C24
ENGINE OVERHAULS In-Frame Specials * ISX Cummins.....$14,000 * 3406B CAT.....$7995 * 3406E CAT.....$9500 * N-14 Cummins..$9995 * 60 Series Detroit..$9500
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Western bean cutworms are a major pest of corn crops across Nebraska and the north central Corn Belt. A new Western Bean Cutworm Speed Scout app will make scouting for the yield-reducing pest faster and easier, said Wayne Ohnesorg, University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) Extension educator in Madison County. Typically, scouting for western bean cutworms (WBC) starts now, but due to hot and dry conditions this season, scouting is nearly over across the state. However, it’s still a good idea to download the app and start practicing for next year, Ohnesorg said. Ohnesorg, along with UNL entomologists Gary Hein, Tom Hunt, Robert Wright and UNL graduate student Silvana PaulaMoraes of Brazil, collaborated with University of Minnesota entomologists William Hutchison and Eric Burkness on the app. It was produced by Educational Media at UNL. The free app is available in the iTunes store. Similar to the Aphid Speed Scout app, the Western Bean Cutworm app allows users to speed scout cornfields to help them determine whether WBC populations have reached the action threshold for treatments. An action threshold is a best guess as far as what damaging levels are and where farmers will cover their cost of treatment in terms of yield, Ohnesorg said. The app has visuals that show what WBCs look like. In addition, since the application is based on a spreadsheet, people may download it to other smart phones, computers, etc., as well as iPads and iPhones, Ohnesorg said. The app also allows the user to store scouting history, which allows the user to review the information without Internet access. The app can also send a reminder for when scouting is needed again. To scout WBC in corn, typically 100 plants are sampled. However, with this new speed scout method, only about 54 plants on average need to be sampled. Ohnesorg also has plans for an app for first and second generation European corn borer, but is awaiting a funder for that project. Crop scouts and others may learn more about the application during regularly scheduled extension workshops.
2007 International 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms. • Floating Boom Design • Lightweight Aluminum Box Boom • Stainless Steel Tanks or Plastic • Many years of testing • Boom widths up to 150-ft. • Tank sizes - 1250, 1450, 2000, 3000 gallon
Will be Completed Soon
Will sell sprayers for your truck or complete units
“Sprayer Boom Height Control”
RiteHeight – $3995 Early Order Discount Big Seller in Canada Easy to install – Two ultrasonic sensors and simple electrical connections. No hydraulic plumbing required.
Versatile – Maintains consistent boom height above ground or crop canopy (selectable).
Coming in - New Sprayflex Sprayer - 120-ft. & 100-ft.
2008 Marflex sprayer - 1990 Kenworth T-600 126-ft. boom, 2200 gallon tank, TANDEM axle, air ride, 3406 CAT 425 hp, 9 speed transmission. Put it in 1 gear for spraying and don’t have to shift again to turn around at the ends of the fields or go thru coulees!!! Trimble GPS 500+EZ-boom, 5 section boom. Works great if you have gopher holes or badger holes.......................................................... $89,000
Lease to own a new 2013 Sprayflex Truck @ 2.65%
Finance your new sprayer for
3.45%, 3 years!!
BUILDING - (2) 2007 International 4300, Allison transmission, AC, CC, new 2012 Sprayflex 120-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, new tires/wheels. Both have new IHC truck warranty!.....................................................$129,000 Each 1999 Freightliner FL60 Marflex 1300 gallon tank, Cat engine, manual trans., Honda engine, 90-ft. booms, tall tires.
Set of Duals for a Marflex or Sprayflex truck sprayer.... $6900
Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-
* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm
Contact your authorized dealer
Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT
• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C25
We Rent Heavy Harrows As Low As $1.75/acre 2012’s: 50-ft. ~ 62-ft. ~ 73-ft. Rental Return!
Rental Return!
RR900 Clean Up The Rocks!
50-ft. Heavy Harrow 62’ Heavy Harrow • 9/16” tines • Hydraulic tine adjustment Buy or Lease To Own
$7387/yr - oac
• 9/16” tines • Hydraulic tine adjustment Buy or Lease To Own
$8917/yr - oac
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Drive over conveyor
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$2225/yr - oac
1020XR Grain Cart
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C26
The deadline for advertising in the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be SEPTEMBER 28. Phone (406) 279-3291.
1987 Ford L8000, diesel, 8 speed, motor needs work, Meyers 8126 Boss silage bed, used very little. Can be used for grain..................................$14,500 obo
1980 International 4700, recent new DT466, 653 Allison automatic, Grimer Schmit 185 cfm compressor, John Deere diesel, 3900 hours, plumbed to back of truck, torch tank storage, lots of compartments. Clean.......................................................$8990 obo
1981 International Cummins diesel, 9 speed, H&S wide body silage bed. Like new ready to go............. .................................................................... $19,900 Phone (208) 681-6009 or (208) 681-7708, Trucks located in Idaho Falls, Idaho
1997 GMC 2500, 5.7L, automatic, Scelzi utility bed, 1000 lb capacity crane, 100 gallon fuel tank, 132,000 miles. Very clean!.......................$4400 obo
It’s producer ‘decision time’ for cattle restocking
Texas ranchers considering restocking options should think profitability first and foremost before writing a check, according to a Texas AgriLife Extension Service economist. Stan Bevers, AgriLife Extension economist at Vernon, told producers at the Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course the outlook for beef cattle prices is positive given current supply and demand. “The U.S. calf crop is at 34 million compared to 46 million during the 1981 period,” Bevers said. “The next couple of years the calf crop, including dairy calves, is projected to be at 32 million to 33 million. What’s feedlot capacity in this country? That’s a hard number to come up with, it’s not recorded anyway. Making some assumptions, you’ll come up with 38-42 million head. “Feedlots are going to have to chase calves that are fewer and fewer and now deal with higher prices for corn and roughages. Do what you can do to hold onto what you’ve got as best you can because you will be rewarded.” That, added with a positive outlook for cattle prices over the next couple of years due to supply and demand, should aid the decision-making process. “If I choose to restock, I want some assurance of high probability of that female giving me a calf each of the next two years,” Bevers said. “I think we will have pretty good prices for the next two to three years. I want to be in the game.” Looking at Food and Agricultural Research Policy Institute projections, beef cattle prices are forecast to continue a steady climb upward near $170 per hundredweight by 2014. Bevers said cattle prices have seen some softness lately in price due to the uncertainty of the current corn crop. However, there will be a larger corn crop in the future and national cattle inventory levels are at their lowest since the 1950s, which signals high prices for the next couple of years. When ranchers consider restocking, Bevers said it’s important to consider the cost of the initial investment, annual income the investment will generate, and the salvage value at the end of the useful life of the investment. “Collectively, is she a good investment?” Bevers said, is the question each producer should ask. Some factors Bevers said to consider when looking at potential replacement cows are: • Annual cow costs. These are $588.22, according to Standardized Performance Analysis. • Weaning percentage and weaning weights. The Texas Standardized Performance Analysis database averages are 82.1 percent and 525 pounds. • Future calf market prices. Bevers said another factor to consider is what type of female do you want to purchase? This could include cow-calf pairs, bred cows, or those requiring a development phase, such as heifers. He said longevity of ownership also needs to be a consideration. “The longer you keep a productive female, the cheaper she is to own.” Bevers said. Producers should also consider if they borrow the money to purchase the cow and its genetic potential. Bevers said he has several spreadsheets that producers can use to evaluate their options. Visit for this and other information.
Soil testing
FRONTLINE AG Conrad 1-877-278-5531 406-278-5531
Choteau 1-866-466-5741 406-466-5741
Cut Bank 1-800-273-5530 406-873-5505
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I would like to have my soil tested for recommendations on how to improve it. How do I find you? How much soil should I bring? Also, my pear trees are blooming but there doesn’t seem to be any bugs around to help with pollination. What should I do? A: You can send a soil sample to me at the address at the end of this column. Take a Ziploc sandwich bag and fill it with soil that is representative of where you will be planting. The soil will be tested for nitrogen, phosphorous, potash (potassium), pH, organic matter and soluble salt content. The cost will be around $25. You will get recommendations for any adjustments that might need to be made to grow the crop(s) you describe in a note you include with your soil sample. There are plenty of bugs out and about. I must have killed 10,000 of them last night coming back from a trip. To contact Ron Smith for answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email ronald.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C27
SALES & Rentals
* No Capital Outlay *100% Write Off * No Depreciation *Easy To Book.
Over 20,000 Farmers Rented Occasional Use Equipment Last Year For your equipment rental needs, call Your local authorized
Daily, weekly, monthly rentals
Rock pickers & rock rakes Manure spreaders 15’ & 26’ mowers Land rollers • Harrows 10’, 14’ & 20’ breaking disks Trailers • Post drivers 3-point roto-tillers Grain vacs And more • Give us a call
Power, Lattin & Sons............................... 406-467-2901 Conrad, Lattin & Sons............................. 406-278-3432 Helena, Grizzly Diesel............................. 406-449-1269
Flaman Rental Equipment Dispersal Wishek Discs
2004 Wishek 842NT 22-ft. disc with 25.5” front blades, 26” rear blades........................................................................ $45,500
Heavy Harrows
Call for exact tine measurement 2010 RIteway 62-ft., hydraulic angle, tines at 24.5”. SN1171421........................................................................ $37,500
Grain Carts
2005 Bourgault 1100 grain cart, upgraded tires, stored in shed. Excellent shape......................................................... $36,900 2006 J&M 875-16 grain cart, STD auger, PTO, green.... $27,900
Grain Bag Extractors
2010 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-10.. .................................................................................. $31,900 2010 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-101086.......................................................................... $31,900 2009 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-101065.......................................................................... $31,900 2009 Tridekon 1210 HD, 360 degree unload auger, SN TRI-101062.......................................................................... $28,900 Tridekon 9108, good condition, all updates complete, SN TRI08-1003..................................................................... $17,900 Tridekon 9108................................................................ $15,900 Akron Unloader, 12” passenger side unload auger....... $20,900
Grain Vacs
2010 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, 284 hours. SN 1516.......... $17,900 2009 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, SN0129, equ0129............. $17,500 2009 Rem 2700, 1000 PTO, 423 hours, SN1379, equ1379...$17,500 2008 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose..................... $10,900 2008 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 247 hours. Excellent condition. SN2500-9496............................................................ $19,000 2007 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose, SN9585, zzz08303.. .................................................................................. $14,900 2007 Rem 2500, 1000 PTO, 40-ft. of hose, SN9305, zzz07301.. .................................................................................. $15,500
Land Scrapers
2008 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN20010009, zzz9083...$26,900 2006 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8570710, zzz000710...$24,500 2006 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8250605, zzz06103...$24,500 2007 Leon 1000, 10 cubic yards, SN8640802, zzz08102...$25,500
Schulte Mowers
Miscellaneous Discs
2008 Kello 275 12-ft. disc, blades at 25.5”. Excellent Shape...... .................................................................................. $23,500
Augers, Conveyors, Grain Equipment & Miscellaneous
Land Rollers
Wheatheart 8” x 46-ft. grain auger, 25 hp Robin motor, no mover kit.................................................................................. $5900 Batco drive-over conveyor, 1800 series, 18” belt, 14” tube, 7000 bph............................................................................ $13,900 Kwik Klean 572 grain cleaner, 6 hours use, like new, #8 round screens......................................................................... $7900 Sukup 18” heater, propane or natural gas fired................ $2195
Manure Spreaders
Tye Agco paratill, 6-shank sub soiler, 3-point or tow behind....... .................................................................................. $14,500
Schulte 5026, 26-ft. mower, 1000 PTO, aircraft tires, SNc50201251901..................................................... $27,900 2003 Schulte flex arm, good condition.............................. $4250 2003 Schulte flex arm, rough shape, SN A1010011306... $2500 2008 Riteway 45-ft. landroller......................................... $26,500 Mandako 50-ft. landroller, water fill capable. Like new.... $36,900
Deep Tillage
2007 Leon 585 walking beam axle, flotation tires, hydraulic push system, 585 bushel, horizontal beaters, 1000 PTO, SN7125. .................................................................................. $27,900 3-2009 Leon 425 vertical beaters, walking beam axle, 1000 PTO, Bandit 95XL, 50 hp Kubota, 9” material hydraulic feed control... .................................................................................. $21,900 hydraulic push system.......................................$25,500 each 2-2006 Leon hydraulic push, walking axle.............$14,900 each Bandit 65XL, 24 hp Honda V-twin, 4” material, hydraulic feed, yellow........................................................................... $8500 Bandit 65XL, 24 hp Honda V-twin, 4” material, hydraulic feed, green......................................................................... $10,500 2006 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN014-016.................... $21,900 Bear Cat 8” chipper, PTO drive, manual feed, 35 hp Ideal...$5900 2006 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN021-026.................... $18,900
Tree Chippers & Planters
Bale Carriers
2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN052-018.................... $21,500 2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN054-018.................... $23,500 2008 Haukaas 10-bale mover, SN034-017.................... $22,500
Hay Rakes
All used rakes missing teeth will come with spares 2008 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN108905, zzz08440...................................................................... $9000 2008 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN108895, zzz08444................................................................... $11,500 2009 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN114884...$11,750 2009 Sovema 12-wheel V-rake, tandem axle, SN118642...$11,750
3 Point Hitch Equipment
Sovema RP-2 150 60” rototiller, great shape.................... $2500 Schulte BX74 74” snowblower, hydraulic chute/deflector...$3950 Kodiak 6-ft rotary mower................................................... $1000
Miscellaneous New and Used Clearance
Westeel 2000 bushel grain bin on wood floor................... $2750 Toro lawn vacuum includes suction hose and trash bag..... $650 Husqvarna lawn sweep, good working order...................... $325
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C28
~ ~ ~ TO GIVE AWAY ~ ~ ~ 4-GO CARTS AND PARTS PHONE (406) 466-2848
(406) 453-1425 FAX: (406) 452-7516
2624 16th Street N.E. / Black Eagle, MT 59414 P.O. Box 100 Black Eagle, MT 59414
Kuhr Fencing PO Box 2144 Havre, MT 59501 (406) 201-0499 Licenced and insured for all your fencing needs.
Grain Bin Equipment Look at the Gerber Bin Unloading System
USDA releases agroforestry guide for farmers, woodland owners Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan released a first-of-its-kind practical agroforestry handbook that contains information to help establish, manage and market agroforestry projects that are profitable and sustainable over time. The handbook, Profitable Farms and Woodlands (http://nac.unl. edu/profitable_farms.htm), is written for underserved and limited resource farmers and woodland owners living in the Southeast and includes five main agroforestry practices: alley cropping, forest farming, riparian buffer strips, silvopasture and windbreaks. “Profitable Farms and Woodlands will help landowners make good use of their land in terms of making profits but also as land stewards,” Merrigan said. “Our emphasis on agroforestry helps focus on job creation, increasing rural prosperity, support local and regional food systems, and helps to guide stewardship of working farms and forests.” Agroforestry is a unique land management approach for farms, ranches and woodlands that intentionally combines agriculture and forestry to create integrated and sustainable land-use systems. Among the information in the book are simple explanations of how growing medicinal plants, mushrooms or cultivating bee products can help landowners become part of a multi-billion dollar industry. In Georgia, for example, a forest farmer can grow goldenseal and earn $6,500 an acre. Or an 800-log shiitake business can reap roughly $6,000 per year. Other information focuses on responsible landownership through the use of windbreaks and riparian buffers. Riparian buffers can help a farmer save money or even earn added income because the buffers help protect water quality, improve food and cover for wildlife and fish, and can even be designed to grow
Head of UW animal science receives society’s distinguished service award
Automatic bin unloading systems. Gerber systems can be used in either concrete floors or drying floors. Gerber sumps have enclosed slides and nylon roller so the slides won’t bind up from the weight of the grain. Available in 6”, 8” or 10” diameter for any diameter bin.
Bin Unloader
• Electric or Hydraulic • 27° Incline • Pneumatic Tires • For 6”, 8” & 10” Underbin Systems
Come In And See This American Unloader Made Exclusively In Our Shop TOLL FREE: 800-227-2203
427 Second Street South Great Falls, MT 406-727-2203
Open 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
profitable products such as berries, nut crops, and timber. Each practice in the book is brought to life through success stories, including that of Frances and Will Powers of Oconee County, Georgia, who faced losing their family farm but are now successful fourth-generation farmers. Landowner focus group sessions in Birmingham, Alabama, and in Atlanta led to the development of the free handbook which is a collaborative effort of a team of agroforestry specialists from the 1890 and 1862 Land Grant Universities and the USDA National Agroforestry Center, led by the 1890 Agroforestry Consortium. The Agroforestry Center is a partnership of the U.S. Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service. “Resource professionals and small farmers and woodland owners in the Southeast have been yearning for a practical, easy to read agroforestry handbook,” said Richard Straight, the U.S. Forest Service lead agroforester for the USDA National Agroforestry Center. “This handbook will do just that. Beginning farmers and woodland owners will find this handbook very helpful, especially the ‘Basics’ section for each of the five practices.” Straight credits Joshua Idassi for initiating the idea for the book and for his work in the development of the finished product. Idassi is technical coordinator and a natural resources specialist at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. A limited number of hard copies of the 85-page handbook are available upon request for use in agroforestry training and landowner workshops. Contact the National Agroforestry Center for more information.
The head of the Department of Animal Science at the University of Wyoming has received the Distinguished Service Award from the Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. Professor Doug Hixon, in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, was presented the award in July during the society’s convention in Phoenix, Arizona. “Certainly a person is grateful for this type of recognition,” said Hixon, who joined UW in 1982. “I was very humbled and very appre-
ciative that someone thinks what you’ve done has had an impact, since it encompasses one’s entire career. At this stage of one’s career, it’s not so much about what you’ve done or haven’t done but the relationships that you’ve built over your career that are special.” Hixon, a native of Donovan, Illinois., has been a nationally respected leader in bringing animal science research to cattle producers, said Jim Magagna, executive vice president of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association. “As a respected teacher, he has played a critical role in preparing the next generation of agricultural industry producers and leaders,” he said. Hixon earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees and his Ph.D. in animal science at the University of Illinois. He joined the UW animal science faculty in 1982. “It was an opportunity to learn about the beef industry in a range environment,” he recalled. “This gave me a different perspective, and we thought Laramie would be a great place to raise a family since we had a young family at the time.” Hixon was named head of the department in 2001; he oversees an integrated program in teaching, research and extension. “UW has been fortunate to have had a string of talented and respected animal science professors over the years,” said Magagna. “Doug ranks at the top with them. Most importantly, as a professor and in particular as department head he has strengthened the bond between the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the ranching industry in Wyoming.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page C29
WHY PAY MORE? BUY IN CAR TOWN! 2011 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4, Quad cab with FULL WARRANTY! $AVE NOW!
2012 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4, Cummins diesel, automatic transmission, MUCH MORE! Regularly $48,045. $AVE NOW! $3523 Northern Chrysler Discount, $3250 Customer Cash, $1000 Trade in Assistance, OWN THIS TODAY for ONLY $40,272!!! CALL TODAY
2009 Dodge Ram 3500 4x4, quad cab, Cummins diesel, cloth interior, tow package. Runs GREAT, and READY for work!
2012 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT 4x4, Quad cab! Only 14,000 miles and FULL WARRANTY! SAVE $$$ OVER NEW!
2008 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4, quad cab with the LEGENDARY Cummins diesel! Hurry, at this price IT WON’T LAST! 2010 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4, super crew, 5.4L V8, automatic, bed liner, tow package.
2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4x4. PRICED RIGHT. JUST IN !!!!! 2005 Chevrolet 2500 4x4 extended cab, gas V8, automatic. GREAT running truck! 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, MEGA cab, Hemi V8, automatic. SAVE $$$.
2004 Ford F150 supercab 4x4! One owner in great condition!
1995 Chevrolet 2500 4x4, gas V8, automatic. Perfect work truck.
2012 Dodge Grand Caravan Crew ONLY 16,000 miles, Stow and Go seating, WORLD CLASS 3.6 liter V6, and safety. You deserve the best!
JUST IN! 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan in EXCELLENT condition!
2009 Dodge Journey AWD, V6, automatic. Local owner. This has had EXCELLENT care! Call today.
2006 Nissan Altima SL 2.5L 4 cyl, automatic. Nice car!!
2007 GMC Yukon Denali 4x4. LOADED! Leather, touch screen stereo, sunroof, MUCH MORE! Call today, this won’t be here long!
2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer Edition 4x4, 5.4L V8, automatic.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C30
NDSU demonstrations featured during Big Iron
By NDSU Extension Service The 2012 Big Iron Show set for September 11-13 in West Fargo, will include presentations and demonstrations by North Dakota State University (NDSU) researchers and scientists on tillage, soil health, agricultural robotics and a quarter-scale student tractor. The daily field demonstrations are scheduled from 1 to 3 p.m. south of the Big Iron exhibit area. The demonstrations will begin with brief educational presentations. One part of the daily field demonstrations will focus on NDSU’s newly formed soil health initiative. Six NDSU researchers and scientists who conduct soil health research and Extension Service efforts will use a soil pit as an aid to discuss the importance of soils to North Dakota’s vitality. They will discuss crop and range management strategies land managers can use in adapting to changes in climate, visit us on the web: cropping systems and environmental situations. 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405 Those involved in the soil health initiative include AnnMarie Fortuna, research soil health assistant professor; Ab406-453-8100 or 1-877-453-0166 bey Wick, Extension soil health assistant professor; Chris Augustin, area Extension soil health specialist; Naeem Kalwar, area Extension soil health specialist; Jasper Teboh, soil scientist; and Ben Geaumont, wildlife and range science research assistant professor. In another part of the daily presentations, Jodi DejongHughes, University of Minnesota regional Extension educator, will discuss shallow- tillage options for various crop New Besler Bale Beds with management systems. Dejong-Hughes will describe situations when shallow-tillage is beneficial and other situations EXTENDABLE ARMS IN STOCK when it might be harmful to crop production. NDSU and University of Minnesota Extension Service personnel are collaborating with tillage equipment companies to feature five types of shallow-tillage machines to help explain recommended tillage practices. Each tillage equipment company exhibiting at Big Iron has been invited to demonstrate a shallow-tillage machine immediately after the educational presentation. The third part of the session will be presentations and demonstrations on robotics in agriculture. John Nowatzki, NDSU Extension machine systems specialist, will discuss Ford 5000 2WD tractor with loader. As-is.....$3900 current robotic applications in crop and livestock production. John Deere Co. representatives will demonstrate their 2004 GMC 3/4 ton 4x4 extended cab with 8.1L New DewEze bale bed machine sync technology that allows a combine operator V-8, Allison automatic. Mounted with New Besler to control the location of the tractor and grain cart for autoComing In bale bed with extendable arms. mated on-the-go locking of the grain cart into position and adjusting it as needed for optimal cart-filling and unloading. Terry Anderson, Autonomous Tractor Corp. president, will demonstrate his autonomous tractor. Anderson’s tractor is a 300-horsepower diesel and electric machine that functions CHOTEAU, MONTANA Phone 406-466-2955 or call cell 590-5447 in field situations without an operator. The tractor has no facilities for an operator and is programmed to operate Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks autonomously in fields using FUEL STORAGE ~ FUEL CONTAINMENT ~ FUEL SYSTEMS radio and laser signals. AnAll products meet EPA/SPCC agriculture standards derson will demonstrate how the tractor is programmed to CALL FISHER METAL PRODUCTS for information and pricing on: know its position and operHorizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 3000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 4000 to 10,000 gallons ate within field boundaries. He also will demonstrate ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules the “follow me” mode of the tractor. In this case, a tractor Fort Benton will follow a pickup to the field or another tractor in the field.
Fisher Metal Products
Tier 1 and Tier 2 spcc compliance plans available at no charge! Professionally engineered plans are needed for systems over 10,000 gallons
ENGINEERED CONTAINMENT SYSTEMS 4 Galvanized steel construction
4 Optional “J Guard” liner
Please call for information and quotes on a custom system for your farm or ranch Containment meets all SPCC requirements
Fisher Metal Products Fort Benton, MT
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Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks – Contain Your Tanks
##### The place where you rest your hands on your desk is home to 10 million bacteria at any given time. ##### Humans have developed schistosomiasis after contact with water containing snails infected by human waste. Snail larvae infiltrate the body and grow into adult worms that measure up to half an inch long and can live in the bloodstream for years, causing inflammation, scarring, organ enlargement, intestinal bleeding, bladder cancer and death.
Grant funds available for ag producers
Agricultural producers and producer groups with an idea for adding value to their crop or product can apply for grant funds now available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Funds can be used to help producers enter into valueadded activities related to the processing and/or marketing of bio-based value-added products. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Processing Center (FPC) is offering producers help in writing applications for the USDA’s Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program. “We work with producers from around the U.S. to submit grant applications,” said Suzanne Weeder Einspahr, food industry consultant with The FPC. “This grant targets ag producers that are looking to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities and increase income.” Einspahr said The FPC has helped producers with applications for this grant since 2002, realizing a 100 percent success rate since 2007. The grant has two phases. First is a planning grant with seed money that allows producers to explore the feasibility of their idea and create a business plan to demonstrate how the idea can be implemented. The program requires that a third party help carry out the feasibility study, a role The FPC can play. “While producers excel at producing raw materials the move to value-added requires additional considerations. They must carefully look at market opportunities, processing options, staffing requirements, and, most importantly, costs and overall financial feasibility,” Einspahr said. The second phase of the VAPG program allows eligible parties to apply for working capital to assist in launching or expanding their value-added venture. Among other things, funds can be used to pay for eligible inventory supplies, salaries, and a marketing campaign directly related to the processing and marketing of the value-added product. Applicants can seek up to $100,000 in the first phase and $300,000 in the second. The grant does require a one-forone match. In 2011 USDA awarded $40.2 million to 298 recipients in 44 states and Puerto Rico. A total of $14 million in grant funds is available this funding cycle. Grant applications are due October 15. Contact Suzanne Weeder Einspahr at The FPC for further information, 402472-5806 or Assistance is provided to a limited number of producers.
Social Security and women
By Nicole Tiggemann, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist in Denver August 26 is known as Women’s Equality Day. On that date in 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was signed, giving women the right to vote. Social Security treats men and women equally. Men and women with identical earnings histories are treated exactly the same. However, there are things women in particular should know about Social Security. Although treated equally by Social Security, there are trends and differences in lifestyle that can affect benefits. For example, women tend to care for many people: spouses, children, and parents. Taking time away from the workplace to care for a newborn child or aging parent can have an impact on your future Social Security benefits. Also, despite significant strides through the years, women are more likely to earn less over a lifetime than men. Women are less often covered by private retirement plans, and they are more dependent on Social Security in their retirement years. And, women tend to live about five years longer than men, which means more years depending on Social Security and other retirement income or savings. If a woman is married to a man who earns significantly more than she does, it is likely she will qualify for a larger benefit amount on his record than on her own. Want to learn more? Visit our Women’s page at www. Follow the link on that page to our publication, What Every Woman Should Know. You can read it online, print a copy, or listen to it on audio. We provide alternate media as well to reach as many women as possible and to provide the information the way you’d like to receive it. Learning about your future Social Security benefits and how men and women are treated just the same in the eyes of Social Security: what better way to celebrate Women’s Equality Day?
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C31
3 spool valve, 6-ft. bucket, fits 20, 30 and 40 Series utility tractors, excellent condition..................................................................................................$5500
Serving The Ag Community Since 1969 Specializing in JD, International, Case IH & all other major brands of ag tractors
Dennis & Curt Lorang 2700 17th Street N.E. Black Eagle, MT Shop 406-727-2726 ✔ Engine rebuilds ✔ Transmission rebuilts ✔ fuel pumps ✔ injectors ✔ turbo chargers We can rebuild or exchange John Deere hydraulic pumps, hydraulic couplers & valves, brake valves, steering valves
PIPE & SUPPLY CO. Havre, MT Parts — 406-265-5251 Pipe — 406-265-5251
Cut Bank, MT Parts — 406-873-4148 Pipe — 406-873-2258 Yard — 406-873-5087
Driscopipe Polyethylene All sizes in stock Call for price
Used Structural mechanical tubing 11/2” and 13/4” in 20- and 24-ft. lengths, .12 to .140 wall thickness 3
1 /4” – $1.05 ft.
New 23/8” Structural plain end tubing
Used 23/8” Structural Tubing
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C32
John Deere 1850 42-ft. air drill with 230 tow between cart and 10” spacing.................................... $38,000 Bourgault 5710 54-ft. air drill, 9 inch spacing, MRB, NH3. ............................................................ $40,000 Flexi-Coil 3450 tow between cart.................... $35,000 Sakundiak 8”x39-ft. load out auger with Wheatheart mover, sweep.....................................................Call
West Nile is back
By NDSU Extension Service Horse owners should have their animals vaccinated against the West Nile virus, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service veterinarian Charlie Stoltenow advises. Five cases of West Nile virus have been diagnosed in the past month: three horse fatalities in North Dakota, three geese fatalities in South Dakota and one positive equine serum sample in a horse with signs of central nervous system disease in Minnesota, according to Neil Dyer, director of the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. “It’s clear that the disease is still in the state and will continue to be a threat in coming years, and there is no treatJohn Deere 6200 MFWD tractor, loader available........ On New Maurer Aluminum Grain Trailers ment for horses that contract the disease,” Stoltenow says. .................................................................... $35,000 “Vaccinating your horses is their best bet for protection. We still have six weeks or more left of the mosquito season.” The West Nile virus is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. However, even in areas where the disease is known to exist, less than 1 percent of mosquitoes are infected, and less than 1 percent of the people bitten by an infected mosquito become infected. Historically, West Nile virus seems to recur around the world on about a 10-year cycle. West Nile first appeared in North Dakota in 2002. New Maurer 40-ft. aluminum hopper trailer, aluminum Stoltenow also recommends vaccinating animals against wheels, electric tarp.................................... $35,500 2013 Maurer grain trailers, air ride................... $30,000 Eastern equine encephalitis and Western equine encephalitis 2013 Maurer grain trailers, spring ride..................$27,000 Email: Add $2000 for electric roll tarp. if horses aren’t already protected. The first time horses are vaccinated for West Nile virus, they need two doses of vaccine separated by a period of three to six weeks. A booster dose is needed every year. Horses aren’t fully protected until three to four weeks after (406) 766-2300, Call Dale, 963-7512 cell, or Dean, 480-0347 the second dose. In horses, the disease can cause acute, fatal neurologic disease affecting the brain and spinal cord. However, clinical disease does not always occur. Horses may show signs of stumbling, weakness and rear limb incoordination. Mildly affected horses can recover in two to seven days. Horses that survive appear to recover fully. 1-800-272-6939 u 406-266-4444 u FAX 406-266-5851 The disease can be diagnosed through a blood sample. “Rabies always should be considered when horses show signs of nervous system disease,” Stoltenow cautions. “Approach those animals cautiously and take measures to protect yourself from exposure.” In addition to having horses vaccinated, horse owners should take steps to limit their horses’ exposure to mosquitoes, Stoltenow says. with a greater tolerance to sawfly Those steps include: • Removing water-holding containers • Cleaning clogged roof gutters • Turning over plastic wading pools or wheel barrows • Changing water in birdbaths, ornamental pools and stock tanks frequently • Adding screens to stables and using insect repellants containing DEET • Keeping animals inside during sunset and dawn, which are peak mosquitofeeding hours • Avoiding swamps and heavily forested areas where Dividend and Rancona Seed Treat mosquitoes are more numerCruiser Wireworm Treat ous • Running fans in stables to disrupt mosquitoes
$2000 REBATE
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Townsend Seeds A Montana Owned Certified Seed Facility
DON’T WAIT!! Call Kim or Dan for pricing and availability
Falcon PVP Pryor PVP Yellowstone PVP Clearfield AP 503 PVP Clearfield Norris PVP Willow Creek Forage Wheat
##### Dogs and cats consume almost $7 billion worth of pet food a year.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 – Page C33
John Deere 7520 tractor, John Deere 741 loader, grapple. #C010755............................$89,500 (4)
John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, 16 speed, 3 function joy stick, air seat, 80% rubber, 96” axles, 673 loader, grapple. #C011520................ . ........................................$82,500...$79,500 (2)
John Deere 7130 Premium MFWD, 24/24 speed, 2 function joy stick, 3 SCV’s, air seat, new tires, 96” axles, 741 loader. C011516...............$81,000 (3)
John Deere 22-ft. disk. #C011298.............$4900 (3) John Deere 220 22-ft. disk. #C010016......$2950 (4) John Deere 4000 12-ft. disk. #C012365....$4900 (3)
John Deere 7320, new John Deere 741SL loader. #C005165..........................................$79,500 (2)
2005 John Deere 7220, John Deere 741SL loader. Nice 95 hp tractor. #C008927............$77,500 (4)
John Deere 12-ft. pull type cultivator. #C012596...... . ............................................................$3500 (3) Noble 16-ft. field cultivator. #52970658......$1250 (3) Melroe 20-ft. field cultivator. #50020642.......$800 (3) Ford 208 30-ft. cultivator. #50020292...........$450 (3) Ford 3-pt. 10-ft. field cultivator. #C012449..$1250 (2)
Flexi-Coil S75 packer. #C009303...........$14,900 (4) John Deere 950 roller harrow. #C011097..$4900 (4) John Deere 3955 5 bottom switch plow. #C008706.. . ............................................................$4500 (2) Melroe 5 bottom pull plow. #50020382.........$900 (3) Ford semi-mount 5 bottom plow. #50202991............ . ..............................................................$500 (3) M-M 16-ft. chisel plow with harrows. #50001027....... . ............................................................$1750 (3)
John Deere 4960 MFWD, PowerShift, 42” duals, 20 front weights, 1500 lb rear weights. #C011400... . ........................................................$65,500 (4)
John Deere 4230, Quad-Range, 100 hp. #C000579. . .........................................................$17,900 (2)
Wilbeck HD 16-ft. offset disk, 22” blades. #C009061.............................................$6900 (4)
Melroe 5 bottom pull plow. #50020382.........$900 (3)
John Deere 915 3-pt. 15-ft. roller harrow. #C003411 . ............................................................$2900 (4)
John Deere 567, has wrap. #C008029 ..$24,500 (2) John Deere 567, has wrap. #C007242 ..$22,500 (3) John Deere 567, has wrap. #C008859 . $18,900 (4) John Deere 530, round baler. #C010932...$5000 (4) John Deere 530, round baler. #C011439...$3950 (4) John Deere 510, 5-ft. wide. #C003088......$3900 (3) John Deere 510, 5-ft. wide. #50490175.....$2500 (3)
John Deere BWF 21-ft. tandem disk. #C006471...... ................................................................$2950 (4)
John Deere 3100 5 bottom pull plow. #C003977...... ................................................................$1900 (3)
John Deere 467, 16x18. #C004035...........$4950 (4) John Deere 348, 14x16. Complete rebuild. #C003165..........................................$17,900 (2) John Deere 348, 14x16. #C006821........$15,500 (4) John Deere 348 #C011438.......................$9500 (4) John Deere 347, 14x16. #C007280...........$9500 (4) John Deere 328, 14x16. #C010822........$15,000 (4) New Holland 426, 16x18. #C002893.........$3900 (3) Hesston 4500 for parts. #50020345............$350 (3)
John Deere 3600 6 bottom pull plow. #51010131..... ................................................................$4900 (4) New Holland 1048 bale wagon, 2 wide, 9 high. #C011559..........................................$12,500 (3) John Deere 3970 forage harvester, hay pickup/row crop head. #C008310............................$9500 (2)
John Deere 714 mulch-tiller, 7 shanks. #C006033... . ............................................................$9000 (3)
New MacDon 972 25-ft. swather header. #C011059. .Call John 406-752-2828, cell 406-250-6121 (3)
John Deere 6600, 20-ft. header. #C009818.............. . ............................................................$3500 (2)
Triple W Equipment
(2) Missoula, MT
1-800-223-5744 — 406-549-4171
(3) Kalispell, MT
1-800-521-4783 — 406-752-2828
John Deere 3010 tractor. #C003091..........$8500 (4)
International 1066 tractor (lots of repair). #C009802..........................................$15,000 (3)
AerWay 12-ft. #C007244............................$7900 (3)
John Deere 970 25-ft. roller harrow, solid & solid. #C005559.............................................$21,500 (4)
John Deere 7600 well equipped. #C004779............. . .........................................................$52,000 (3)
John Deere 5425, loader, no cab. Extra nice. #C012286..........................................$43,900 (4)
John Deere 230 27-ft. disk. #C009059......$7500 (4)
John Deere 6430 Premium MFWD, 16 speed, 3 function joy stick, air seat, 50% rubber, 96” axles, 673 loader, no grapple. #C011522....................... . .........................................$81,000...$77,500 (4)
(4) Ronan, MT
406-676-3578 — Cell 406-250-6120
John Deere 6400 MFWD, loader. #C002805............ . .........................................................$42,500 (3) John Deere 5410, loader. #50140128....$32,000 (2) John Deere 5300 MFWD tractor with loader. #C011650..........................................$20,000 (2) John Deere 4030 tractor, 260 loader. #C010041...... . .........................................................$21,500 (2) John Deere 4020, loader, no 3-pt. #C012026........... . ............................................................$8500 (2) John Deere 3055 2WD tractor, no cab, no loader, 5000 hours. #C010380......................$18,500 (2) John Deere 2955 tractor. Nice. #C010989................ . .........................................................$17,500 (2) John Deere 2950 MFWD tractor, 740 loader. #C010406..........................................$19,500 (2) John Deere 2440, loader. #C000147......$13,900 (2) John Deere 2030 tractor, loader. Nice #C010988..... . .........................................................$15,000 (2) John Deere B tractor. #C008716...............$2500 (3) International 1466. #C009402................$10,900 (4) International 560D with post driver. #C010537........ . ............................................................$3900 (4) International Super C tractor. #C007343..$1800 (2) International B-414 D tractor, engine problems. #C002780.............................................$1100 (3) Alllis-Chalmers D17 tractor. #C009602.....$4900 (2)
Come see us at Triple W Equipment for unbeatable prices and selection
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C34
(2) Raincat 7 tower 1/4 mile pivots. Electrical panels and spare parts included. (2) 1/4 mile mainlines; one with risers, one without. Portable diesel pump on trailer. (1) pipe trailer loaded with mainline. Call (406) 537-2333, Melville, Montana
M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work
Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius
1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at:
4212 North Star Blvd. #4
Distributing Company
Milk in their blood: A fading breed
By Joe Nickell on behalf of Darigold Montana tion at age 19, after his father passed away. Montana is cattle country, a place linked Forty-eight years later, Kamerman still manin the American consciousness to images of ages a herd of 1,350 Holstein cows on the leather-clad cowboys on horseback breathing 1,100-acre farm. dust kicked up by horned herds. David Lewis knows those romantic images are just that. “I was the oldest of seven kids, so my course was pretty well charted right there,” Every morning, whether in the long days Kamerman says. “Running a farm, it isn’t a of summer or in the deep of winter, Lewis glamorous life, but it’s a good life.” rises before the sun and gets busy tending his Spend a day with Del, and it becomes herd of 600 Holstein cattle. But instead of evident why today’s young workers aren’t riding across sagebrush hills shooting predaclamoring to get into the dairy business. tors from the hip and saving hapless calves Working alongside his brother, two sons, from raging rivers, Lewis is more likely five full-time and two part-time employees, sitting behind a computer or fine-tuning his Kamerman must keep the operation running state-of-the-art milking machinery. almost around the clock, milking each of the “When we’re milking, I’m checking over farm’s 680 producing animals three times, every cow as it goes through — and I can’t feeding the entire herd and shipping 44,000 even see them,” Lewis says as he sits at the pounds of milk — each and every day of computerized monitoring station in the milkthe year. ing barn at his 85-acre dairy farm just west “It doesn’t matter if you have the flu or of Victor, in the Bitterroot Valley. it’s Christmas; the work doesn’t go away,” Lewis is one among a fading breed of Kamerman says. “It’s a more intense busiMontana dairymen. Like many of those who ness in that way than ranching, where you remain, it is a business in his blood: When have busy times and then not-so-busy times.” he was just 14 his father started the dairy “The ranchers, they calve once a year,” operation, which David took over when he Lewis says. “We never quit. I have one was 28 years old. He is now 51. person on staff whose full-time job is just Del Kamerman can relate. Born and raised raising calves.” on a family dairy farm 18 miles west of Given the intensive nature of the work Bozeman, Kamerman took over the operaand the unpredictability of commodity markets, it comes as no surprise that the dairy industry has shrunk over the 406-453-0010 years in Montana. AccordMontana Toll Free ing to data from the Montana Department of Livestock, 1-800-452-0010 Montana was home to 10,400 Great Falls, Montana dairy farmers in 1965. By 2007, only 390 dairy farmers remained in the state. While the beef cattle industry remains robust, the number of dairy cows has dwindled from a high of 196,000 in 1933, to just 14,000 today (by comparison, there are 2.5 million beef cattle in the state). At least Kamerman and Lewis don’t have to worry about where they will sell their milk. In 2010, both farmers joined the more than 550 farmer-owners of Darigold, Inc., the marketing and processing subsidiary of the Northwest Dairy Association We carry all Parts & Filters and the nation’s fourth-largest dairy cooperative. The move for self-propelled brought market security and sprayers and floater trucks an affiliation with the most respected brand of dairy products in America. NOW “This farm was 12 miles IN ST OCK from the processing plant NEW Raven when Dad bought it,” Lewis says. “Now the closest plant Guidance is in Bozeman. When freight New Low Price Of $1695 is such a big issue, it’s really important to have the sense of Call for security that comes with being Special Pricing a part of Darigold.” ✔ Touchscreen Display Ultimately, Lewis wouldn’t ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) trade his life on the dairy farm ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports for anything. ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology “I love my cows, love be✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries ing a farmer,” he says. “I have or create in-depth field maps. friends who do other things, they’re gone from home every other week. I got to watch every one of my kids get on ✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control and off the bus on their first ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package day of school. We may have to milk on Christmas Day, but We carry all “Aim Command” then we open presents just like everyone else. I just really, reParts On Hand ally love this lifestyle.”
Complete line of
LIQUID Fertilizer Handling & Injection Equipment P Pumps (pivot application, tool bar & sprayer application)
P Trailers & Tanks (storage/transport, stationary storage)
P Injection Nozzles for pivot application P Drop Tubes & Nozzles for field sprayers Replace Problem Solenoid Valves with Electric Ball Valves Crop Protection System
15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity The Handler is designed primarily for direct induction of chemical into sprayers.
20-years experience...We service what we sell
Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Black & Clear
Liquid Storage Tanks
All Shapes and Sizes
Excellent Selection On Hand 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand Bring in any competition AD and we’ll match their price!!
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C35
5400 Series Tractors When quality really counts
TILLEMAN Motor Company
Farming is not just a job. This is not just a tractor.
Havre, MT
75 - 115 hp
Paralink Hoe Drill
5400 Series mid-range tractors were overbuilt on purpose to be the most rugged and reliable tractors on the market today, and for years to come. • So comfortable that when the day is done, you aren’t. • Reach key engine points in seconds. • 16-speed transmission translates into getting the job done faster.
We’ve Got Your Field Covered
8600 Series Tractors Now with even cleaner emissions
TRI-VALUE LEASE AVAILABLE 0% for 36 months lease on new MF 8660 & MF8690
Ask about optional lower one year payment and added incentives for the customer to convert to a retail contract within one year.
No two farming operations are the same. The Bourgault 3320 PHD™ is available in three different configurations to make sure you have the best options available.
Massey Ferguson’s biggest, most powerful tractor range ever features second generation SCR technology, providing you with superb fuel economy and even cleaner emissions. A machine with exceptional capabilities, the seriously modern 8600 series combines a six-cylinder Agco Sisu Power engine and Dyna-VT transmission with dynamic looks and an immense structure, to guarantee the highest productivity and optimum performance. Massey Ferguson is anticipating the future demands of today’s farming community. In order to meet those needs, the MF 8600 has been meticulously developed so you can look to the future with confidence.
TILLEMAN 1-888-420-3399
Motor Company Havre, MT 406-265-7865 SWING AWAY AUGERS IN STOCK!
The 3320 Paralink Hoe Drill provides you with the benefits of seed opener choice, a wide selection of packer wheels, and the option to place nitrogen fertilizer in the optimal position in a one-pass operation with the Mid-Row Banders III®.
UNITS IN STOCK 2011 Bourgault L6450 450 bushel air seeder tank, 4 ranks, 3 meters, leading series, 900x32 tires. 2010 Bourgault 3310-55 55-ft. Paralink drill with mid row banders, double shoot, single run blockage, 10” spacing, 3/4” knives. Approximately 5000 demo acres. New with Full Warranty. Call Us Today...Our Inventory Changes Daily
TILLEMAN Motor Company
Havre, MT
ALL NEW Vermeer BPX9000 Bale Processor
12”x72-ft. and 8”x46-ft. IN STOCK! Motor Company 1-888-420-3399 Havre, MT 406-265-7865
The all-new BPX9000 Bale Processor from Vermeer combines simplicity, durability and versatility to meet the needs of today’s cattle producers. The easy to operate machine is built tough with a unique, T-style frame, the bed design and offset rotor produce even and consistent feed with minimal maintenance, and an optional large square bale kit includes enhancements to effectively process a variety of bales. The BPX9000 is built to maximize bale processing and minimize operator stress. The BPX9000’s slat and chain bed and positive bale feeding improve bale rotation, feeding bales more consistently into the rotor, while reducing the need for operators to reverse rotation of the bale when feeding. The split shaft in the bed allows for easier maintenance without removing the entire bed, and long-lasting bushings in the bed are resistant to net and twine wrapping. In addition, the bale processor’s offset rotor feeds material with less slugging, for a consistent cut length and higher quality feed. With exclusive cut control bars in combination with the self-cleaning rotor, excessive build-up of net and twine on the drum is eliminated. The rotor can also be manually cleaned, with easy access through a side-access door. The BPX9000 has no welds or gussets at high stress points for enhanced durability. The optional large square bale kit gives producers the flexibility to process both round and square bales, with offset loader forks to position square bales to the right side of the processor and a sidewall that lowers to effectively process square bales.
Need Parts for: MacDon, Case IH, New Holland, Premier or Westward headers? Call Us! USED WINDROWERS & HEADERS
2009 Case IH WD1203 LDwith 2005 Case IH HDX162 hay header, 190 hours. SO 2009 MacDon M200 self propelled with 2009 MacDon R80 rotary head, 500 hours. 2008 MacDon M200 with 1700 hours. Your choice of draper or disc header. 2001 Premier 2940 with 14-ft. MacDon 922 headLDcondition. er, 1380 hours, good O S
2009 Valtra A92 FWA, loader, grapple, 80 hours. 1993 Ford 8670 with loader and grapple. Give us a call...Several trades coming in
TILLEMAN Motor Company
Havre, MT
TILLEMAN Motor Company
Havre, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C36
1973 Chevrolet dump truck with snow plow and sander, 5+2 transmission Phone (406) 799-6923
600-ft. of 6” aluminum main line and valves.............. $1200 28-ft. drop deck tandem trailer.................................... $800 Trailer dollies............................................................... $300 5—10-ft. feed bunks, metal......................................... $300 3—bale feeders........................................................... $400 14-ft. road grader/land leveler..................................... $900 Pickup box trailer......................................................... $100 8000# platform scale................................................... $500 Phone (406) 274-1155, Ronan, Montana
Balewagons & Retrievers
New Holland 1095, self-propelled....................................... CALL New Holland 1089 diesel, new tires, clean......................$89,000 New Holland 1069 gas, rebuilt, sharp, clean....................... CALL New Holland 1069 balewagon, diesel engine..................$49,500 LATE MODEL New Holland 1068 diesel with new tires, ideal for Mil-Stak applications.....................................................$45,000 New Holland 1063 pull-type, 160 bale capacity.................. CALL New Holland Super 1049 self-propelled balewagon........$28,000 4-New Holland Super 1049 balewagons...... $12,000 to $28,000 2-New Holland 1037 balewagons................. $18,000 to $20,000 New Holland 1033 balewagons........................................... CALL New Holland 1032...............................................................$8500 New Holland 1002 pull type................................................$3000 New Holland 1052 retriever bed.......................................... CALL
Chottie Crary was one of the first members to rope a heifer by the head at the recent 4-H Working Ranch Horse Gathering held at Balkenbush Arena near Conrad. Conner Crary is throwing a “Hipshot” to heel the heifer. Ten 4-H members from Teton, Glacier, Pondera and Liberty County participated in the afternoon event. Activities included placing the heifer at various locations in the pen, sorting heifers, and demonstrating roping skills. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, MSU Extension, Pondera County.
Working Ranch Horse Project
Working Ranch Horse is a relatively new project for 4-H members in Montana. The Working Ranch Horse Project members learn age old techniques of handling livestock quietly while on horseback. The project stresses the safe and effective use of
the western horse for the purpose of sorting, handling, and moving cattle. It also allows the members to learn how to safely handle and use a rope while mounted on a horse. The project in this region is led by John and Candy Balkenbush of Conrad.
Haying Equipment
Case IH 8545 (same as Hesston 4590) inline square baler. Very Sharp............................................................................$14,500 New Holland 1495 haybine, gas, hydro..............................$8500
New Holland 276 baler............................................... Make Offer New Holland 1051 retriever on 1974 GMC truck....... Make Offer New Holland Super 1048 balewagon................................. CALL Massey Ferguson 12-ft. disc with new blades, nice...........$3500 Massey Ferguson 238 7-ft. sickle mower...........................$1500 John Deere 750 15-ft. no-till drill......................................$15,000 International 10-ft. end wheel drill, GSA 6” , single disc............... . .............................................................................. Make Offer International 4 bottom trail plow, trip beam................ Make Offer John Deere 3 bottom trail plow................................... Make Offer Graham Hoeme 10-ft. chisel plow.............................. Make Offer 2000 Western Star dump truck, Cat 425 engine, 10 speed transmission, 44,000 lb. locking rear ends, 15-ft. Workman box, 50,000 miles on new engine overhaul..........................$34,000 1973 Ford pickup with slide in sprayer, 40-ft. boom............$1500 30-ft. grain auger with motor..................................................$300
Industrial Equipment
Hough H65 rubber tired front end loader..........................$18,500 JCB 508-40 telehandler, cab, air, heat, 40-ft. reach, 8000# lift...... . ....................................................................................$27,500 Kobelco mini-excavator with blade and thumb.................$18,500
Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons
Sod Buster Sales Inc. Farm Equipment Finding Service 505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108
Conner Crary is at left with his rope on the front legs. Dell Harmon, Liberty County has roped the rear legs. WRH Instructor, John Balkenbush discussed and demonstrated techniques how to rope a heifer so there are no injuries to the animal or riders. Members progress through the project by starting at Level 1 and work their way through to Level 3. The WRH project is designed for members to learn age old horsemanship and cattle handling skills that stresses quiet handling of stock. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, MSU Extension, Pondera County.
Famiglietti to speak on human impact on 21st century water landscape
A University of California, Irvine (UCI), civil and environmental engineer will talk about changes in the water cycle and human impacts on it in the 21st century in a free public lecture at the University of NebraskaLincoln (UNL), Friday, September 14. James (Jay) Famiglietti, professor of earth system science in UCI’s School of Physical Sciences, will address “Water Cycle Change and the Human Fingerprint on the Water Landscape of the 21st Century: Observations from a Decade of GRACE” at UNL’s East Campus Hardin Hall, North 33rd and Holdrege Streets, at 3:30 p.m. Friday, September 14. “GRACE” in the title of Famiglietti’s lecture refers to NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment, a satellite-driven project providing estimates of all terrestrial water. Famiglietti is this year’s Geological Society of America Birdsall-Dreiss Distin-
guished Lecturer. The honor is based on research excellence and communication skills. The special lecture is being co-hosted by the Nebraska Water Center, part of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute; UNL’s School of Natural Resources; and UNL’s Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Famiglietti, who researches hydrology and climate, remote sensing of terrestrial and global water cycles and hydrological and earth system modeling, directs the University of California Center for Hydrologic Modeling. There, his group uses satellite remote sensing to track water availability and groundwater depletions on land. They have also been working to improve hydrological predictions in regional and global weather and climate models. The lecture will be available online at sometime after the presentation.
Halsey Trail Ride scheduled October 12-14
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C37
A guided trail ride of the scenic Sandhills of Nebraska is planned during the 2012 Nebraska State 4-H Camp Trail Ride at the State 4-H Camp near Halsey. Participants on the October 12-14 ride, formerly known as the Nebraska 4-H Foundation Trail Ride, will travel the trails in the Nebraska National Forest and enjoy delicious meals, family activities and great entertainment, said Connie Cox, director of the Nebraska State 4-H Camp near Halsey. Those interested in the ride can bring their horses and join nearly 100 other horse enthusiasts on this family weekend of horseback riding. Certified weed-free hay is available, as well as pens for the horses. Early registration is $50 before the September 28 deadline. Registrations postmarked after September 28 are $65. Registration includes four trail rides, Saturday night steak dinner and Sunday breakfast. Riders may also sign up for extras: cabins, sack lunches, “make your own” horse craft item, or wagon rides for the non-horseback riders. Those who can’t attend all three days can enjoy the steak supper, live music from the Goose Creek Band and a charity auction on Saturday evening for $18. Kids (12 years and under) can receive half a steak ($10). A discount will be given to 4-H clubs. Registrations will be $40 for a minimum of five 4-H members of the same club. Adults accompanying the club will pay the regular fee of $50. Past participant Meghan Anderson of Guide Rock, Nebraska, said the event makes for a fun-filled weekend. “I enjoy the friendly atmosphere, the scenery and of course the Saturday night supper and the entertainment,” she said. For more information and registration, visit the State 4-H Camp website ( For questions/comments about the campsite or to register contact Connie Cox, 308-533-2224, email For questions/comments about horses, parking, feed, etc. contact Gary Stauffer, 402-336-2760 or email gstauffer1@ Proceeds from the trail ride go directly to the State 4-H Camp at Halsey to help support the many 4-H activities and events.
2012 Model Year Clearance Discounts, Rebates, Low - Low APR
2007 Ford F150 XLT super crew, 4x4, 5.4L V8, automatic, 81,000 miles, very clean, one owner................................................. $17,995
2011 Ford Taurus SEL V6, automatic, sun roof, 24,000 miles, warranty....................... $21,995 2011 Ford Fiesta SES 4 cyl, automatic, moon roof, only 11,000 miles, warranty....... $15,995
2011 Ford Fusion SEL V6, automatic, moon roof, heated leather, 25,000 miles, warranty... .......................................................... $18,495
2010 Ford Focus SEL 4 cylinder, automatic, heated leather, moon roof, 32,000 miles, very clean.................................................. $15,495
2010 Ford Fusion SEL V6, automatic, heated leather, sun roof, 31,000 miles........... $16,495 2004 Ford T-Bird coupe, V8, automatic, hard top, only 45,000 miles, very clean...... $19,900
2011 Ford Escape LTD 4x4, 4 cylinder, automatic, heated leather, 16,000 miles, warranty.. .......................................................... $23,495
2010 Lincoln MKS AWD, 3.7L, V6, automatic, moon roof, navigation, THX stereo, 29,000 miles, warranty................................... $27,995
2008 Jeep Wrangler X V6, 6 speed, cruise, tilt, air, 18,000 miles, lots of chrome, like new.. .......................................................... $19,995
Leader in Price, Selection & Service
Titan 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailer, 7000# axles, sliding center gate, spare, vent package.. .......................................................... $10,495
2012 Titan 10-ft. bumper pull dump trailer, tandem 6000# axles, 2 way spreader gate..... ............................................................. $7795
We advertise our best Cash-No Trade Prices - Trades figured from Retail - * Includes Factory Incentives
514 South Main, Conrad, MT – 406-278-5533 or toll free 1-800-833-1813 –
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C38
FOR SALE 2009 Rite-Way 62-ft. heavy harrow, excellent condition. Phone 406-366-2184
M & R CUSTOM SEED CLEANING Marias Fair Round Robin winners were Jenna Rodriguez, Reserve (left) and Jade Rodriguez, Grand Champion. Photo courtesy of Dan Picard, Pondera County, MSU Extension.
UW to market patented technology to remove arsenic from water
Get an early start on your seed cleaning. We come directly to the farm.
We clean out after every job. We also size barley. Call now for an appointment 1-800-626-7932 William D. Wipf (406) 781-3036
Ray Morken Jr. (701) 444-2201 or (701) 770-2201
B & B Ag Supply Inc. Broadview, Montana
Full line of
BRET CONOVER, owner 406-667-2185 or 406-855-3011 (Bret) 406-694-8339 (Chad) 406-861-8922 (Craig)
Call for competitive pricing!!!
10” x 70-ft. & 10” x 80-ft. SA augers in stock!
SB 4000 sprayers in stock!
Grain auger, transfer augers, bin sweeps. 8” x 36-ft. and 8” x 41-ft. in stock!
The University of Wyoming (UW) and a state nonprofit organization have teamed up in an effort to make water safer to drink worldwide. UW recently completed a license agreement with the Wyoming Association of Rural Water Systems (WARWS) in which the organization will develop and market the university’s patented technology that removes arsenic from water. “We’re going to use our contacts within the industry (water treatment companies) and market this to try to get somebody to go forth with a commercially viable product for the technology,” says Mark Pepper, executive director of WARWS, which is based in Glenrock. “Money from royalties will flow back to the university to the benefit of the state.” WARWS is a nonprofit membership organization dedicated to assisting its membership with training and technical assistance to enable Wyoming’s rural water and wastewater systems to provide “quality on tap.” “It’s exciting to see that the research is going to the next stage, as a practical application,” says KJ Reddy, a professor in UW’s Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, who invented the arseniccleaning process. Arsenic is an odorless and tasteless semimetal element. It enters drinking water supplies from natural earth deposits or from agricultural and industrial activity. Arsenic has been linked to bladder, kidney, liver, lung, nasal passage, prostate and skin cancer, according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s official website. The arsenic standard for drinking water is set by the EPA at .010 parts per million to protect consumers -- served by public water systems -- from long-term effects of chronic exposure to arsenic. “Arsenic is not just an issue in Wyoming, but worldwide,” Pepper says. “Our goal is to work with WARWS, recognizing its expertise in water systems and its strong connection with industry, to make water safer to drink as well as to transfer UW technology into new products to diversify the Wyoming economy,” says Davona Douglass, UW Research Products Center director. Removing arsenic Using cupric oxide nanoparticles as an oxidizer, Reddy’s process essentially scrubs arsenic from water. The nanoparticles oxidize the more toxic arsenite compound into
the less-toxic compound, arsenate, Reddy says. Pepper says the technology works like water filters that are attached to household faucets. Such filters remove elements before water flows through the faucet. While there are other technologies on the market that have the ability to remove arsenic from water, UW’s technology was attractive because of its potential for commercial affordability, Pepper says. Reddy agrees, saying his arsenic removal process is less energy and time intensive than others. “A big advantage is my process is a onestep process” for arsenic removal, Reddy says. “Unlike other processes on the market, there is no pre-treatment or post-treatment.” Additionally, Reddy says the ability to regenerate and reuse the nanoparticles reduces costs compared to other technologies. The cupric oxide is regenerated by leaching it with sodium hydroxide. The regenerated cupric oxide can then be used again to remove trace elements from waters, Reddy says. “That’s (marketing of technology) where I really see the value in the patents and the process he (Reddy) is using,” Pepper says. “He used readily available compounds that were commercially available and could be made affordably.” An accidental discovery Reddy terms his science an “accidental discovery.” In the mid-‘90s, Cogema -- a uranium company based in Casper at the time -- was looking for a way to remove selenium from uranium-produced water. The company funded a project for Reddy to remove selenium from uranium-produced water. Reddy used cupric oxide nanoparticles to remove the selenium. Along the way, he discovered his method also removed arsenic from the water. Reddy spent the next seven years trying to understand why. “Seven years ago, the scientific and engineering community was skeptical,” Reddy says of his discovery. “Now, they are becoming accepting of this new process to filter arsenic and other trace elements from water.” UW now owns U.S. patents for both the arsenic removal process and for the regeneration of the cupric oxide nanoparticles. Reddy owns four international patents -- in Australia, Japan, Mexico and New Zealand -- for the filtering process.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C39
Montana Hereford Directory
Anderson Ranch
406-848-2588, Emigrant, MT
Banjo Ranch
406-425-1233, Molt, MT
Bayers Hereford Ranch
Churchill Cattle Co
406-284-6421, Manhattan, MT
Cooper Hereford Ranch
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT
Courtney Herefords
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT
406-828-4480, Alzada, MT
BB Polled Herefords
Curlew Cattle Co
406-293-5285, Libby, MT
406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
Bear Paw Herefords
Dallas Polled Herefords
Contact Secretary (406) 538-8997
Fort Keogh Livestock Research
406-874-8200, Miles City, MT
Garrison Ranches Inc
McMurry Cattle
Soulsby Hereford Ranch
406-578-2301, Wilsall, MT
M/D Herefords
406-778-2393, Baker, MT
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT
Higgins Bros
Merrimac Cattle Company
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT
MJB Ranch
406-835-2501, Glen, MT
Genex Hawkeye West
406-656-9034, Billings, MT
Guth Ranch Family
406-547-2213, Ringling, MT
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co
Darrell Taylor Farms
Holden Herefords
Bergum Family Farm
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
406-787-5396, Culbertson, MT
Blue Heron Ranch
406-432-2142, Galata, MT
Brillhart Ranch Co
406-947-2511, Musselshell, MT
Broken Pick Ranch
406-862-6418, Whitefish, MT
Cherry Springs Ranch 406-662-3375, Bridger, MT
Duncan Ranch Co
Dutton Hereford Ranch
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT
Ehlke Herefords
406-266-4121, Townsend, MT
Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
Ewing Herefords
406-452-6535, Power, MT
Feddes Herefords
Tim 406-570-4771, Manhattan, MT Dan 406-570-1602
Snowshoe Cattle Company
406-875-2138, Pompeys Pillar, MT
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT 406-739-4405, Fort Benton, MT
McKechnie Hereford Ranch
Sidwell Ranch
406-322-4425, Columbus, MT
406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
406-357-3216, Chinook, MT 406-773-5710, Vida, MT
McIntosh Ranch
406-492-7091, Avon, MT
406-254-1247, Billings, MT
406-735-4493, Geyser, MT
406-566-2313, Stanford, MT
Sparks Herefords
Storey Hereford Ranch Thomas Herefords
406-279-3301, Valier, MT
406-639-2569, Lodge Grass, MT
406-288-3459, Gold Creek, MT
Dale Holfeldt
Ned & Jan Ward Polled Herefords
406-846-1370, Deer Lodge, MT
406-357-3785, Lloyd, MT
Hultin Polled Herefords 406-459-5937, Helena, MT
J Bar E Ranch
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
K & C Hereford
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
307-672-3248, Sheridan, WY
Northern Agricultural Research Center 406-265-6115, Havre, MT
Rafter Ranch
Wang Polled Hereford Ranch 406-895-2410, Plentywood, MT
406-252-5196, Billings, MT
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
Reich Bros
406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
406-580-6676, Willow Creek, MT
Loyning Farms
Sand-Bayers Herefords
406-328-4095, Absarokee, MT
Tomlinson Herefords
Wichman Herefords
406-538-8997, Moore, MT
406-590-8059, Fairfield, MT
X Lazy P Ranch
406-277-3628, Belt, MT
Join us for the Hereford tour on September 14 & 15 in southwest Montana. For more information, contact Bruce (406-544 -1536) or Tim (406-570-4771).
Consign now for the 2012 Hereford-influenced feeder calf sale to be held November 14 at Headwaters Livestock, Three Forks, MT. Buyers are drawn to this sale because of the volume of Hereford cattle available. Many of the consignments are age and source verified with an immunization and weaning protocol that helps assure quality calves. If you want to be part of this excellent offering, please contact Jerry (406-425-1411) Justin (406-538-8997) or Della (406-266-4121). The annual meeting of the Montana Hereford Association will be held November 13, 2012 at Headwaters Livestock, Three Forks, MT.
Mountain Raised Herefords Since 1930 Registered Bulls Heifers
Commercial Calves Yearlings
by private treaty
Don, Liz and Yvonne Jones 64542 Hwy 43 Wise River, MT 59762 Phone (406) 832-3219
Feddes Herefords Modest birth, massive meat Marvin Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741
Our production sale is anytime you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Learn more at Better yet, visit the ranch. Selling 18 lots - 30 head, as guest consignor at
Mohican West Production Sale,
Thursday, September 27, 2012 - Laurel, MT Selling progeny by and cattle bred to these two great sires, as well as many other matings. Contact for catalog or more information
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C40
1977 Miller 12-ton tilt top trailer, 19-ft. long, 8-ft. wide, pintle hitch, 16” Budd wheels, electric brakes, good shape............................................................ $3500 Phone 406-590-3279, Choteau, Montana
DITCHWITCH 5110 BACKHOE/TRENCHER $6900 Ditchwitch 5110 with A420 backhoe, 18” bucket, 4x4, all wheel steering, Deutz diesel, 6-ft. 6-way hydraulic front blade, rear wheel weights, auxiliary hydraulic hookups, 2213 hours. (406) 461-1730, Clancy, MT
Snowmobile Trailers IN STOCK!! Goose neck flatbeds 24-ft. to 36-ft., 14,000-24,000 GVW In Stock! Take your pick.
Mirage enclosed and Triton aluminum flatbeds. 12-ft. to 26-ft. Full line of Load Trail and DCT dump, gooseneck, car and ATV haulers also available
Cadet metal and aluminum flatbeds. IN STOCK!!
Used dump trailer dual tandem axle, 8-ft.x15.5ft. with 4-ft. removable sides... ..................................... $6250
Great Selection of used trailers & equipment NEW WorkSaver post pounder. Liquidation model $3450
Mikala Connelly poses with her horse Flash at the Marias Fair in Shelby, Montana. Mikala competed in the 4-H project with her Mountain Front 4-H Club. Photo courtesy of Denae Peterson.
Dying spruce branches
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: We have a 25- to 30-foot spruce tree that has some dead or dying lower branches. At the point where the limbs Capital Trailer & Equipment connect to the trunk, there is considerable white sap oozing 1941 N Last Chance Gluch out. The Bismarck city forester told me it could be cytospora Helena, MT 59601 canker and told me to prune the dead limbs. I did prune the LiftMoore Crane dead branches that were accessible. Is there a product that 406-422-1225 6000 lb with 16-ft. boom I can apply or any other process to save the tree? It is a fine GREAT DEAL! •SALES •SERVICE •PARTS• tree and we do not wish to lose it. A: This does in fact sound like it could be cytospora canker. Control of cytospora canker requires that all the diseased branches be cut back to the nearest living laterals or Financing Available oac to the trunk. The bark should not be injured unnecessarily because the fungus may enter through the wounds. If the branches or trunks of affected trees are wet, spores exude from cankers onto the surface of the bark. Pruning at this time should be avoided because the pruning tools may spread spores. Because weakened trees are susceptible to this disease, fertilizing to stimulate vigorous growth • High capacity with a proven design handles most crops with ease. may help combat the problem. • High speed gentle handling of your valuable crop. Fertilizing also may stimulate • No hang up points when handling the heaviest crops. new growth that may fill in • Early order and quantity discounts allow us to offer the best pricing. Take advantage of our early order and small areas in the tree. How• 12 wheel and 14 wheel units in stock for immediate sale. volume discounts and SAVE $5882. – F.O.B. MVE. ever, large dead areas seldom fill back in. Too much or too MSRP $25,751 BF12HHC - 12-wheel, MSRP $14,106. Save AN INCREDIBLE little water are stresses that 21% with our volume discount price of can weaken spruce trees. Make sure there is adequate New units ordered now will be $952 higher. drainage, and water the trees during droughts. There are no fungicides that effectively control this disease. To contact Ron Smith for “TO TREAT EVERY CUSTOMER LIKE WE LIKE TO BE TREATED.” answers to your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Department of Plant Sciences, 418 Main, Roundup, MT Dept. 7670, Box 6050, Fargo, John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203 or ND 58108-6050 or email ronGuy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634
Only $19,869
JUST $11,359
The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C41
1998 Case IH 8435
Extra Nice 2010 Case IH RB564 round baler
Wide pickup, mesh wrap, low bales, flotation tires, and extended warranty......... Silage baler, 4x5 bales up to 2400#. Really nice older unit that’s ready to go. .................................................................................................................$33,876 Book says $9950............................................................MVE price JUST $4987
2011 Case IH 10 wheel carted rake
Demo unit with very little use and full warranty. Retails for $6985. MVE closeout special.........................................................................................................$4928
2002 John Deere 4895
Windrower, 16-ft. auger header with new conditioner rolls. Only 2580 hours and priced to sell at...............................................................................JUST $53,970
Just d Trade
1986 New Holland TR86
2009 Hesston 2270
mower conditioner, 14-ft. dual sickle, 110” conditioner. Really nice, low hour unit. Book says $24,900...................................................... MVE price JUST $21,630
Combine, 3 headers, 971 pickup head, 30-ft. direct cut head, 22-ft. direct cut head, only 2500 hours and shedded. Was $26,860 - SAVE OVER 10%. Get the whole package for...JUST $23,977
2002 Vermeer 605XL
baler, Accu-Tie twine and mesh, only 10,717 bales. Very clean one owner baler. Book says $18,291. Was $16,788 - 15% Savings..Now $14,269
2008 Case IH Puma 165 MFD tractor with L760 loader. 2006 Case IH MXU110 tractor with loader. Case 2290 tractor with loader/grapple. 2005 Case IH RBX562 round baler with mesh wrap. 2002 Case IH RBX561 round baler.
The Little Dealer With The BIG Promise. “TO TREAT EVERY CUSTOMER LIKE WE LIKE TO BE TREATED.” 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605
418 Main, Roundup, MT
John Albert - cell 406-860-6932, home 406-947-2203, Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C42
Well established flatbed carrier, based near Great Falls, Montana has openings for 2 or 3 DOT qualified drivers, must have Class A CDL, clean MVR, prefer 2 years verifiable experience. Most operations in the 11 Western states. No Canada, no haz/ mat. Home (Great Falls area) every 7 to 10 days. Good pay, good equipment. Owner operators welcome to apply. Contact Roger or Larry at Roger Radar Inc. – 406-264-5475
Price Truck & Equipment 8005 Hwy. 10 West - Missoula, MT
(406) 543-0382
1997 Ford F800 service truck with 8.3 Cummins, 9 speed, 5000 lb. IMT crane.... $15,000
2001 Ford F550 4WD, diesel, 6 speed manual, 11-ft. box van. ..................................$15,000
1997 Trailmax 20-ton pintle hitch trailer, 24-ft. bed..........$11,500
1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 9-speed, 5000# IMT crane, hydraulic outriggers, Miller Air Pak welder.$15,000
(800) 779-3660
1997 Ford F450 bucket truck with 460-V8, automatic and 33-ft. Versalift. Shows 54,000 miles.............................$8500
1999 GMC 60-ft. bucket truck, Cat diesel, 7 speed....$17,500
2003 Ford F550 service truck, V10, automatic, 3200 lb. IMT crane.........................$15,000
2001 International 4900 with DT466, automatic and 50-ft. Versa-Lift...................$17,500
2001 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed diesel, 6 speed manual transmission, boxes...........$15,000 Cat 930 wheel loader with cab $25,000
Yale 4000 lb. propane forklift..................................................... $4000 Pettibone telescopic 8000 lb. forklifts..................................... $15,000 Rough terrain 7000-8000 lb. forklifts.........................$7000 to $9000 1990 Liftall 30-ft. 8000 lb. rough terrain forklift, side shift, Cummins.$9000 1990 Liftall 6000 lb. rough terrain forklift, side shift, Cummins...$9000 Champ 7000 lb. 21-ft. forklift, diesel, side shift, 8-ft. forks......... $7000 Alitec PH60 asphalt grinder for skid steer................................ $7500 Case Maxi Sneaker C trencher/cable plow with Kubota diesel, boring attachment, shows 512 hours............................................. $7500 Ditch Witch 400SX cable plow with trencher............................ $5000 1999 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow with boring attachment... $7500 Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow.................................................. $5000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers..................................... $12,500 1995 Ford F450 bucket truck with 460-V8, automatic, 32-ft. Telsta bucket.................................................................................... $7500 1994 Ford LN8000 60-ft. bucket truck, 8.3 Cummins, automatic, Reachall bucket..................................................................$15,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck with diesel and automatic........ ........................................................................................... $10,000 1989 International S1754 DT360, 5/2 speed, Altec 300 bucket.$7500 1987 Ford F800 40-ft. bucket truck, diesel engine, automatic... $6500 1990 Ford L8000 diesel, 6 speed, 16-ft. flatbed dump............. $8000 1988 Ford L8000 diesel, automatic, 14-ft. flatbed dump........... $8000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles....................... $12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1997 Ford F800 crew cab truck, diesel, 9 speed, 5000 lb. crane, welder, grease reel and pump.......................................... $15,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed... $10,000 1992 Ford F800 12-ton line truck with diesel engine, automatic, 45-ft. crane, 18” auger, pole grabber......................................... $10,000
1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers.................................................... $15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb. Auto Crane, compressor.......................................................... $11,000 2000 Ford F550 4x4 cab & chassis with diesel and 6-speed.$13,000 1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate.............. $9000 1996 Chevrolet Kodiak Cat diesel, 6 speed automatic, utility bed, outriggers............................................................................ $8500 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic....... $2500 1988 Internatonal 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed...................... $9000 1987 International cab and chassis, diesel, automatic, 160 CFM driveline compressor........................................................... $6000 1986 International 4x4, cab & chassis, DT466, 5/2 speed transfer case, front winch, PTO, hydraulic pump. Ex-utility truck... $12,500 1978 International 1600 4WD, cab and chassis, gas engine, 4 speed, 2 speed transfer case, low miles. Ex-government... $5000 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb. knuckle boom.$12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed................ $12,500 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump......$12,500 Waterous fire pumper, 175 gpm, 125 psi, 300 gallon tank, 11-ft. Reading utility box............................................................... $5000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 125-275 CFM air compressors.....................................$4000 - $7500 1999 Tow Master 20 ton flatbed, 24-ft. deck, 5-ft. ramps, air brakes.$10,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $11,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder................................$1500 - $2500 Brush Bandit chipper............................................................ $11,000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call Cat IT28 quick-tach forks.......................................................... $2750 Auger bits, 18” and 30” with 21/2” square shank.............$750 & $1000 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000
Feeding sugar beet byproducts to cattle
By Jim Stordahl, Clearwater/Polk County Extension Service, Minnesota Much of our area received welcome rains over the past week, but even with the recent precipitation, many livestock producers are still short of forage. In this week’s segment, I’ll provide information to use sugarbeet byproducts as a way to stretch feed supplies. The following information is adapted by the NDSU publication written by Greg Lardy (NDSU) and Rebecca Schafer (SDSU). Our region is home to several processing plants which refine the sugar from the beets and produce large volumes of byproducts, much of which may be useful feed ingredients for livestock producers. The predominant byproducts fed in this region are wet beet pulp and beet tailings. These products are high in moisture (75 percent to 80 percent), which limits storage life and the distance they can be transported economically. Dried pulp and pelletized dried pulp also are available to producers; these dried products contain about 10 percent moisture. In addition, molasses and desugared molasses also are available as a result of sugar beet processing. The wet or dry pulp can easily be added to supplement hay while molasses can be added to straw or poor quality hay to increase energy and palatability. Beet pulp can be used effectively as a supplement for gestating or lactating cows, as an ingredient in backgrounding diets or as a replacement for roughage in finishing diets. Beet pulp is relatively low in crude protein (8 percent), but relatively high in TDN (72 percent). Research conducted at NDSU indicates that wet beet pulp can be included at up to 40 percent of the diet (dry-matter basis) in backgrounding diets. However, reductions in drymatter intake will occur at inclusions greater than 20 percent of the diet. In finishing diets, wet beet pulp can be used as the roughage source, having an energy value greater than corn silage. As with any feedstuff, diets should be balanced to meet the protein and energy needs of the class of cattle that is being fed. There is no limitation on the amount of beet pulp that could be included in a beef cow ration from a nutritional standpoint. However, in most practical applications, no more than 50 percent of the ration (DM basis) as beet pulp would be fed due to the reductions in intake that may occur at high levels, as well as moisture content and bulkiness of the diet. Because beet pulp contains large amounts of digestible fiber, it usually does not create a problem with acidosis for cattle consuming beet pulp. The distance that wet beet pulp can be transported is limited by the moisture content. Wet pulp can be stored effectively in silage bags or in trench or bunker silos. Research conducted at NDSU indicates wet beet pulp can be ensiled successfully with a variety of other feedstuffs as a means to facilitate storage. Best results were obtained with the addition dry beet pulp or wheat middlings. Addition of sugar beet tailings or dry feedstuffs such as wheat middlings or corn improved the quality of the silage through the addition of fermentable carbohydrate. Optimum moisture content for these silages is approximately 65 percent. Beet tailings consist of small beets, broken or damaged beets, soil and other foreign material not suitable for sugar production. Tailings are high in moisture (75 percent to 85 percent) and can be quite variable in nutrient content, but are another potential feedstuff. With low levels of soil contamination and foreign material, beet tailings have a feeding value similar to or slightly greater than corn silage. However, high levels of soil or foreign material will reduce the energy content of tailings substantially. Choking may be a problem with beet tailings. Due to the high moisture content, transportation is a major expense with beet tailings. Producers should evaluate transportation costs carefully before purchasing these byproducts. The sugar beet industry produces a wide variety of useful byproducts for livestock feeders. The decision to incorporate sugar beet byproducts into diets should be based on economics, local availability, and feasibility of storage, handling and feeding. For the wet byproducts, careful attention should be given to transportation costs and storage. In addition, rations containing sugar beet byproducts should be balanced properly to achieve targeted livestock performance. The entire publication can be found at: ansci/livestoc/as1365.pdf Or, “Google” the title of this article. For more information, contact me at 800-450-2465 or
Dairy herd performance tools available online
Dairy farmers have the opportunity to compare the health and production performance of their herd with other herds around the country as the result of a recent research project from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). Approximately 200 organic and 100 size-matched conventional dairy farms across the U.S. were recruited to participate in a recent study examining the impact of organic management on animal health and well-being. Dr. Pamela Ruegg, UW Dairy Science professor and Extension milk quality specialist, and her research team visited each farm to collect herd health records, milk samples, body condition scores, disease treatments, usage of veterinarians, livestock housing, feed, and routine milking procedures. Researchers selected indicators of animal health, such as somatic cell counts, and identified the management practices of the participating farms that were most closely associated with better herd health. The project team created individualized benchmark reports for each farm based on their scores. These reports collectively became the database for a new suite of interactive herd performance tools available online to all dairy farmers. The online tools compare: somatic cell counts, milk production, percentages of milk fat and protein, clinical mastitis in the herd and culling rates. Any dairy farmer can use these tools and select a variety of management practices, herd characteristics and other farm criteria of which to compare his or her herd. Farmers have the option of storing their herd’s information into the system. As more and more farmers do so, the database will dynamically grow from the original 300 dairy farms—continuously providing the most up-to-date results. Creating a forum for dairy farmers to compare the performance of their herd to other herds is empowering since herd health can influence overall farm income. The peer benchmarking approach helps farmers identify areas of strength and weakness on their individual farms and set performance goals for their herd, such as improved diagnosis of future health-related problems and increased milk production. The herd performance tools are featured on the UW Milk Quality website, UW Milk Quality is an online collaboration between Dr. Pamela Ruegg and Dr. Doug Reinemann, professor and director of the UW Milking Research and Instruction Lab, geared toward helping dairy producers best manage herd health and milking systems.
New guidelines for two-tank NH3 wagons
Size and capacity of farm equipment keeps getting larger and fertilizer equipment is no exception. Each year in Iowa approximately a billion pounds of nitrogen is applied as anhydrous ammonia. As equipment has gotten larger, many dealers are now using multi-tank systems with two anhydrous ammonia tanks mounted on to a single wagon running gear. With anhydrous ammonia under pressure, safety is always a concern when plumbing and working around application equipment. “Plumbing for a multi-tank system presents unique challenges,” according to Mark Hanna, Iowa State University Extension ag engineer. “Valve location and selection are important decisions impacting safe use. As an example, valves meant to provide excess-flow protection should not be oversized.” A new set of voluntary guidelines for plumbing multi-tank anhydrous ammonia systems has been recently developed by a coalition of state government, academia and industry representatives. “As the use of multi-tank systems increases, tank owners should benefit by having these voluntary guidelines. These suggestions from government, academia and industry experts should help applicators review their practices,” said Max Smith, Smith Fertilizer and Grain, Knoxville, Iowa. “Safety is an important component in maintaining the anhydrous ammonia application industry for Iowa corn production,” according to Kevin Klommhaus, feed and fertilizer bureau chief at IDALS. The guidelines, including sketches of suggested plumbing configurations, can be viewed under the news section at The guidelines are voluntary, but dealers and applicators with multiple-tank systems are encouraged to consider the recommendations as equipment is readied for the fall application season.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C43
USED EQUIPMENT Hesston 6600 swather with 14-ft. hay header, conditioner....$6900 2003 Hesston 1345 13-ft. disc mower with swing tongue, just in, cut very little..............$13,500 CRP 20-ft. cutter, just in.........$2999
New Holland 2000 big square baler..............................$13,900
Valmar 240 40-ft. engine drive pull type granular spreader.....$5550 8 ton fertilizer spreader, engine drive. Available for sale or rent...$7900 Shaver bucket mount post pounder....................................... $599 Davis 185 3-pt. backhoe attachment................................. $3100
Haying Equipment
Hesston 5456A round baler, mesh/ twine..............................$28,999 2007 Hesston 5556A round baler, twine only, 4900 bales...$29,900 Hesston 856A round baler, 10,000 bales..............................$13,900 Hesston 565T round baler....$4495 1989 Hesston 560 round baler, 1000 PTO, new belts........$3000 New Holland 660 round baler, moisture tester, extra parts.......$6650
International 1256 2WD, cab, loader, bale spear and duals....... $13,250
2005 John Deere 567 round baler, twine/net, mega wide pickup...... .............. Just In - Call for price 2002 John Deere 567 round baler, twine/net, mega wide pickup...... .............. Just In - Call for price Case IH RS561 round baler.$10,500 1994 Case IH 8465 round baler, fully automatic...........$5900.....$6900 Case IH 8465 5x6 round baler, dual twine arm, hydraulic pickup lift... $5800 New Holland 1425 self-propelled baler..................................$8450 New Holland 1045 2 wide self propelled balewagon, 6 cyl gas engine..............................$4599
1994 International single axle tractor with Navistar diesel engine and 9-speed......................$6900 John Deere 4 row 3-point corn planter..............................$1895 Melroe 23-ft. cultivator with harrows, hydraulic wing lift..............$3999
John Deere 3020 2WD, 3 point, 540 PTO, 2 remotes, 3289 hours.$8000 Deutz-Allis DT 7.10 2WD with cab and dual PTO................$13,900
Hydra-Dec Round Bale Bed 3 bottom rollover plow..............$895 12-ft. offset disc.......................$850
* Synchronized Telescoping Arms * Extendable Arms * Joy Stick Control
Misc. Irrigation
T&L 6 tower pivot, 3 years old, never used.................................. CALL Natural gas engines, pumps....CALL 1500-ft. wheel line, 5” x 5-ft.... CALL Additional used mainline, call us Replacement Engines & Power Equipment
Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Inc. Phone: (406) 357-2211 - Email: Website: - Address: Box 700 Chinook, Montana
3.9% Financing for up to 60 months On all New Large Square and Round Balers – OAC
NEW - IN STOCK Massey-Ferguson Hesston 2170 3x4 square baler, tandem axle
NEW - IN STOCK Hesston 2856A round balers
5x6 bale, net or twine
NEW IN STOCK Massey-Ferguson Hesston WR9740 16-ft. 9126 auger header
NEW Massey-Ferguson 9146 16-ft. auger header with double conditioner
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C44
CUSTOM SWATHING •Newer MacDon machines •CRP, grain and hay •Canola •North Central Montana
Call 406-899-6736
with 16” 12 gauge tube and lid
30”x30” 14 gauge flange curved to fit bin exterior
Call George Egan at 406-278-5350 or cell 289-1033
Fire damaged or non-running tractors
Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s
Phone Circle G Salvage
Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282
Tractor and Combine Buyers
Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail:
Grand Champion Market Steer shown by Bob Lund at Wibaux County Fair held August 23-26 in Wibaux, Montana. Photo courtesy of Renee Nelson.
Dean of Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture retiring
When Weldon Sleight arrived in Curtis in 2006, he looked around him at a rural Nebraska that was struggling, many youth leaving hometowns never to return. He set out to help reverse that trend by transforming a tiny college that had fought off its own near-death experiences into a catalyst for rural entrepreneurship. Six years later, as Sleight prepares to retire as dean of the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA), he can point to a number of improvements that are helping the college give rural Nebraska new ways to survive and even thrive. “Weldon is not just one of the leading advocates for rural Nebraska within the university and state. I believe he’s one of the most creative thinkers about the future of rural America in the nation,” said Ronnie Green, University of Nebraska (NU) vice president for agriculture and natural resources. “Weldon has been a terrific advocate for NCTA and rural Nebraska,” NU President James B. Milliken said. “He had a vision for a vibrant agricultural economy and rural life and was always innovative – and I’ve been particularly impressed by his commitment to serving our students. Weldon has made tremendous contributions to the university and to Nebraska and he will be missed. We wish him and his family the very best.” To the casual observer, NCTA’s most obvious success is a construction boom that produced a new Education Center, an addition to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, a new residence hall and a biomass project to use wood chips from red cedar trees rather than natural gas for the school’s heating system. Those improvements were critical to improving the student learning and living environment, Sleight said, but private investment in bricks and mortar doesn’t come “unless people see the vision, understand what you’re trying to do.” That vision starts with a fairly simple premise, Sleight said: For rural Nebraska to survive, it must keep its young people from leaving forever. Rural communities must tell young people they want them to return and help them see potential there, and they must drive that point home to youth before they go away to college. “Put your arm around those kids and invite them to come home” is advice Sleight
gives often in presentations to communities. “What happens more times than not, though, is we say, ‘there’s nothing here, get as far away as you can and make a better life for yourself.’” “Many kids would like to go back, but they don’t know how to go home,” Sleight added. Under Sleight’s leadership, NCTA has worked entrepreneurship into its entire curriculum. Most recently, the college began a yearlong outreach program, called “Own the Farm or Ranch,” aimed at producers and farm and ranch employees who want to one day own their own agricultural enterprise. Other efforts include the 100-Acre Farm, 100 Beef Cow and the NCTA Business Builder ownership programs, and there’s also the Combat Boots to Cowboy Boots initiative aimed at returning soldiers. The cow program currently has 25 students enrolled, with more interested. Sleight said support from Nebraska’s agricultural industry, including major commodity groups, has been key to NCTA’s progress. The school’s enrollment has grown from 262 the year before Sleight arrived to 333 in 2011-12. Sleight also is encouraged by NU’s development of the Rural Futures Institute, saying it’s “an absolute must” for the entire university to partner with others in the state to revitalize rural Nebraska. Bob Phares, University of Nebraska regent from North Platte, said, “Weldon’s cast a vision for that school that is rare, and I think he has excited not only the faculty and the staff but a lot of people of rural Nebraska ... about how we can revitalize the rural areas of our state. “NCTA is stronger than it has ever been. It’s better positioned than it ever has been. And a lot of that is due to his vision and his persistence in getting it done,” Phares added. “We’re extremely fortunate to have had him.” Sleight has roots in Nebraska; his greatgreat grandfather farmed in the state. He’s retiring to tend to a seriously ill daughter in Idaho. “This is agricultural paradise,” he said. “I hate to leave, but we feel we need to be there.” Sleight’s retirement takes effect in December. The university will begin a national search for a replacement later this year.
Estimating yield of drought stressed corn
By Jim Stordahl, Clearwater/Polk County Extension Service, Minnesota The corn crop this year will have a wide range in yield. The dry summer has taken its toll in some areas, while in others where rain fell at the right time, the crop looks wonderful. In those areas where it’s not so wonderful, one option to salvage the crop is to use it as silage, either on your farm or a neighboring farm with livestock. Drought stressed corn silage can make wonderful livestock feed even if it will not make an adequate grain crop. However, before any corn is cut, check with your crop insurer and farm program representative. One of the first steps in making this decision is to estimate the potential grain yield of the crop. The following process will offer some idea of yield, but not test weight. Low test weight will result in price reduction, but light corn still makes excellent animal feed with 90 to 100 percent of the value of normal corn. The following process is taken from the National Corn Handbook published by Purdue University. When you do this, get the children or grandchildren involved; there are some great teaching opportunities in this exercise. Here’s how it is done. First, measure a distance equal to 1/1000 acre in one row and count the number of plants that will produce an ear. Repeat this in several areas of the field. The length measured will depend on row spacing, for 20 inch rows measure 26 ft, 2 in, for 30 inch rows measure 17 ft 5 in, and for 38 inch rows measure 13 ft 9 in. Multiplying the number of counted plants by 1000 will give you plants per acre. Only count the plants that will produce an ear. Second, take an ear at random from each of these areas and count the number of kernel rows and the number of kernels in each row, on each ear. Average the number of rows per ear and the number of kernels per row. Next, multiply the average number of rows by the average number of kernels per row to get the kernels per ear. The kernels per ear multiplied by the ears per acre will yield the kernels per acre. Normal corn has about 90,000 kernels per bushel, while drought-stressed corn will likely have more, because they are smaller, something closer to 110,000 kernels per bushel. The last step is to divide the kernels per acre by 110,000 to provide an estimated grain yield of drought stressed corn. For example: Your field has 20,000 plants per acre with ears that pollinated but have “tipped back” to an average of only 22 kernels per row. Each ear had an average of 14.1 rows of kernels. Here’s the math: 20,000 x 22 x 14.1 / 110,000 = 56. Thus, the estimated grain yield at this stage would be 56 bushels per acre. Your math teacher would be very proud; you’ve finally found a use for those story problems. Despite the poor grain yield, drought damaged corn still has value as silage. Research at the University of Wisconsin would suggest that unless it’s severely damaged, low yielding corn has about the same feeding value as normal corn. Their results suggest that corn from barren stalks will have as much as 80% of the feed value of silage from normal corn and silage from corn yielding 40 bushels per acre or more will have 100% of the feeding value of silage from normal corn. Of course, the yield will be less, but most of the feed value is there. The next step is to consider the value compared to the cost of harvest, insurance issues and the cost of alternative feeds, such as hay or beet pulp. Historically, a ton of corn silage (as fed basis) is worth five to six times the price of a bushel of corn or nine to 10 times the price of a bushel of corn if it is delivered to the bunker or pile. Another rough rule of thumb is that standing corn is worth about one-third of the price of alfalfa hay. However, this rule is a bit harder to pin down because alfalfa quality and price can vary widely. Of course, the record high corn prices may affect the actual agreed upon value for use as silage, as will the cost and availability of alternative feeds, such as beet pulp. For more information, contact me at 800-450-2465 or Source: Purdue University and University of Nebraska.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C45
DITCHWITCH R-40 4x4 $4500 Ditchwitch R-40 4x4, 6-ft. six-way hydraulic front blade, 3-point rear adapter, can attach most 3-point tractor attachments, Wisconsin V-4 gas engine. Excellent tractor for landscape and snowplowing, auxiliary hydraulic hook-ups, 326 hours. *Rear box blade NOT included* Phone (406) 461-1730, Clancy, Montana
Steel Prices Are Going Up...Don’t Wait!
How Do You Deal with the SPCC* Rule for Farm/Ranch fuel storage?? Call Wilray about double wall vertical & horizontal fuel tanks THIS WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR SPCC REQUIREMENTS! *Meets EPA Requirements For Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC)
Secondary Containment UL142-23 horizontal and vertical double wall fuel tanks 500 to 10,000 gallon VERTICAL FLAT BOTTOM FUEL TANKS 3,000- to 12,000 Gallon
Fuel tank containment available for your single wall tanks to meet your SPCC requirements
5th wheel or pintle hitch
Custom Built trailer for self-propelled sprayer and/ or combine
From $17,000 to $21,000
Pulls easier than a dually!! 8’6”x20-ft. flatbed gooseneck with 4-ft. popup Beavertail
★ 20,000# GVW ★ Electric brakes ★ Ramps ★ Lights ★ Single 23575R/17.5 tires (each tire carries 6000#’s) ★ 2 YEAR WARRANTY 2-Year Warranty
20-ft. Gooseneck Car Hauler 14,000# GVW, 82” between fenders, electric brakes on all axles, LED lights, 2x12 wood fir deck with Rhino lining, one 12,500# spring loaded jack, 2 5/16” Bulldog 25,000# adjustable hitch, 4” stake pockets, D-ring tie downs, diamond plate fenders with steps, 8-ft. slide-in and flip-up ramps with supports, epoxy primer and paint, 235/80x16 10-ply tires. 2-YEAR WARRANTY.... $4895
Heavy Duty Car Hauler
6’6” W x 18’ long
7000# GVW.......................... $2825*
8-ft.6”x20-ft. Tandem Axle gooseneck with 4-ft. pop up beavertail, electric brakes, lights, wood deck, stake pockets, 2:35/85Rx16 10-ply tires, ramps, 10,000# jack. 14,000# GVW. Beavertail pops up to make 24-ft. flatbed............... $5795* Above trailer as 16,000# GVW................... $6795* 8-ft.6”x20-ft. Tandem Dual gooseneck flatbed with 4-ft. popup Beavertail. 20,000 #GVW.... $8395*
2-Year Warranty
✔ 5000# tongue jack ✔ Electric brakes 10,400# GVW....................... $3325* ✔ Treated wood deck ✔ 15” radial tires 14,000# GVW, 20-ft.............. $3725* ✔ Stake pockets ✔ 2” ball hitch ✔ 8-ft. ramps *LED lights and Rhino Line deck are standard equipment on all trailers.
Check us out at:
406-622-3861 Wilray Manufacturing Fort Benton, Montana — Evenings call 406-622-3747 NEW HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 am to 5:30 pm
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C46
Winter wheat in net wrap round bales. Average 1050 lbs............................................$25/bale obo Phone (406) 459-7256, Loma, Montana
1975 John Deere 4400 combine, 20-ft. header, 1400 hours. Always shedded, good condition............. $10,000 Heartland bin sweep, Honda 5.5 hp, all 7” flighting for grain moving. Always shedded, almost new.................. $4500 Morris 48-ft. rod weeder........................................... $1000 Phone (406) 785-4501, Nashua, Montana
Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846
Get ‘Er Done Wiest L.L.C. Tree and Brush Care, Trimming or Removal Notice - C.S.P. Clients
Now traveling the state for conservation or wildlife habitat work.
Total Hedge Restoration
Take out those old shelter belts that are full of dead trees to allow for new growth. The snow has flattened many we can bring them back to use!
Let us know now so if we are in your area you can save on the travel expense!
Phone Get ‘Er Done Wiest LLC
Gary at (406) 450-1968 or Sharon 450-6905
BeefTalk: Grass versus corn, TDN cost per unit
By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service In years past, given the price of feed grains, TDN is quite a bit greater in the grass hay (10 it was a given to buy grain. If one was short cents) than in the corn (7 cents). The reason is of forage, buy grain. If one was looking to simple: Corn has more TDN per pound than expand, buy grain. If one was thinking of grass hay, so when the price is the same on a the future, build feed bunks and pens and raw purchased basis, corn is the better buy. buy grain. Therefore, the long-term trend is to integrate The cattle industry expanded based on the corn into the beef business and lower the grain business, and that was good. If we take amount of hay fed. This becomes even more some common feeds and calculate cost per pronounced as soon as one starts paying the unit of desired nutrient, the trend is obvious. trucking bill because the bulkiness of hay will Let’s use corn, which is the No. 1 feed not allow full-weight loads per haul. grain. We calculate the cost per unit of toHowever, if corn were to reach $9 per tal digestible nutrients bushel and local hay (TDN) and cost per could be purchased unit of protein at variat $150 per ton, the ous prices. To make the cost per pound of TDN point, a quick scan on would be greater for the Internet and a repucorn (19 cents) than table feed table can be grass hay (15 cents). In found to provide an fact, quite a bit greater approximate analysis for corn than grass hay. for corn. Energy availability, Typical feed corn whether expressed as purchased through the local elevator could total digestible nutrients or megacalories, is be 60 pounds per bushel at 88 percent dry the life blood of a cattle operation. What’s matter, 88 percent TDN and 9 percent crude the reason? When feedstuffs are not availprotein. So, let’s look at the price per pound able, there is no energy to support life. One of TDN. However, before that, I do want assumes some forage always is available, but to acknowledge that there are many energy in extremely dry years, forage may need to values available for feedstuffs, but I am using be brought in. TDN out of habit. Old habits are hard to break. In previous years, when grain was more Let’s price corn at $3, $6 and $9 per bushel, reasonably priced, purchasing a combination so the price per pound of TDN would be 7 of grain and some hay made fiscal sense. In cents, 13 cents and 19 cents, respectively. other words, the ranching operation could The calculation is simply price divided by 60 hold its own until the rains came. Currently, pounds per bushel divided by .88 dry matter that may not be the case. to adjust to a 100 percent dry matter divided It is critical to do some price shopping by .88 TDN value. and evaluate what nutrients one needs to If you use $6, we divide 6 by 60 divided purchase. In this case, even at $150 per ton, by .88 divided by .88, which equals 13 cents hay is cheaper per unit of TDN then corn. In (.129 rounded up to 13 cents). all my years of running cattle, I never have Now let’s do the same calculations for had to consider purchasing $150 hay. generic grass hay that was available on the The common response always was, “That Internet. The seller indicated that the hay was must be dairy hay.” On the flip side, the green and leafy. A generic analysis could be dairy business always has been considered a 88 percent dry matter, 58 percent TDN and high-performance business, so we have the 10 percent protein. Let’s price the hay at $50, increased price of inputs. The beef cattle en$100 and $150 dollars per ton delivered to terprise also may need to continue to elevate the ranch. In this case, the price per pound performance to justify the increased price of of TDN would be 5 cents, 10 cents and 15 inputs. cents, respectively. In closing, the examples presented are Again, all I am doing is dividing the price simply that, examples. Producers need to of hay per ton by 2,000 pounds to get the price seek good information (actual feed analysis per pound. I then divide the price per pound results) and keep in mind the answer will be by the percentage of dry matter to get the price different for each location and producer. on a 100 percent dry matter basis. Finally, I However, producers need to price nutridivided the price on a dry matter basis by the ents, not pounds of feed delivered, and seek percentage of TDN expected in the grass hay. the help of a very sound, well-educated beef Some food for thought: $3 corn costs a cattle nutritionist. nickel on an as-is basis and so does $100-perMay you find all your ear tags. ton grass hay. However, the cost per pound of
Getting rid of clover
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service Q: I’m doing some different landscaping of an underfertilized lawn. Clover seed can and maintenance jobs in my hometown. I’m remain dormant in the soil for 20-plus years and then germinate when the environmental wondering about how to get rid of white conditions are right for growth. Without usclover in lawns other than using Roundup. I know Speedzone works, but is there any ing chemicals, there only are a few ways of cultural way to eradicate it, such as lightly tillgetting clover out of the lawn. A thatch rake ing and then planting grass seed? Would that with half-moon blades can scratch the plant work or would the clover grow back quickly? out of the ground. After that, reseed, fertilize A: During my youth in the horticultural and mow high. You can use a monofilament business, clover was considered a good part of weed eater to whip the tops off the plants. It will leave the roots there, and the roots will a lawn mixture. Clover was 10 to 25 percent of the content. It stayed green no matter how resprout. However, we found that if you can hot or dry it got in the summer. At some point, get a slab of sod and get the homeowner to get a chemical company decided to call clover it established and rooted, it usually will take a weed and came up with a potent material care of the clover. This may not work with old, called Silvex (not in circulation any more), well-established clover plants. Repeating the so clover disappeared from home lawns. The battle eventually will weaken the plants, so presence of clover usually is an indication with persistence, victory will be yours.
Livestock scale testing update
The Montana Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) is urging farmers and rancher with livestock scales to make sure their scales have a current license in Montana and in some instances, make sure scales are in compliance with the Grain Inspection Packers and Stockyards Act (GIPSA) new rules. “Someone told me they heard scales had to be tested every six months, and I heard other comments from people about scale testing annually, so I wanted to find more information since there seemed to be confusion,” says Ronda Johnston, MFBF District 4 Director. A livestock scale is legal to use under Montana law if the owner has paid the license fee. The Montana law has not changed. In addition, if a rancher has paid the Weights and Measures Bureau the license fee, their scale is automatically on the list to be tested. However, stockyard owners, market agencies, dealers (including video auctions) and packers must have their scales tested at least twice each calendar year. This also includes order buyers. GIPSA published a new rule in early 2011 to better define scale testing requirements. This new rule specifies that one of the two scale tests must occur between January 1 and June 30 of the calendar year and the second must occur between July 1 and December 31 of the calendar year. A minimum of 120 days is required between these two tests. More frequent testing is required for scales that do not maintain accuracy between tests. For example, for a scale used throughout the year, if it is tested for the first time in 2011 on May 15, meeting the requirement of a test between January 1 and June 30, then the second test needs to be between July 1 and December 31 and more than 120 days after the first test or in this case August 13, 2011. So the second test must occur between August 13 and December 31, 2011. “We became aware of this in June of 2011 and arranged through Business Standards Division/Weights and Measures Bureau office in Helena for the truck to come and check several neighbors’ scales in the area. They were very accommodating,” explains Bill Jones, District 3 Director, MFBF. “We are now on the test twice list, and it’s worked very well. Be aware that you need to sign a form to have your scale inspected twice. Of course, check with your order buyer to see what set of rules he is working under.” In addition, under the new rule, GIPSA has provided an exception for the testing of scales used on a limited seasonal basis. (A seasonal scale is one used during any continuous 8-month period.) GIPSA requires that seasonal scales be tested once during the calendar year prior to its seasonal use. For example, if a seasonal scale is tested May 15, that test is valid until January 15 and you can use the scale throughout that period. If you want to use the scale after January 15, you would need to have another test conducted and the scale would no longer be considered a seasonal scale for that year. Using a scale that has not been properly tested and approved for use would be considered a violation of the Packers and Stockyards Act and regulations. Punishment for a violation could range from a formal letter notifying the registrant of the violation and providing a chance to correct the violation to formal Administrative action. One Billings cattle order buyer was supposedly fined more than $10,000 last spring for using an unchecked scale. If someone must move up their usual test date due to fire or drought, they should contact Weights and Measures as soon as possible. Currently there are only four trucks specifically devoted to livestock scale testing, and they may not be able to accommodate every request. Weights and Measures is currently focusing on areas that are not under Stage 2 fire restrictions and are evaluating how to safely test in high-risk areas. To move up a test date substantially due to fire or drought, call the Weights and Measures Bureau, 406-443-8065. For information about the Packers and Stockyards rule, see the USDA brochure “Responsibility for Accurate Scales and Livestock Weights” (find under or call Stacey Schofield, 303-375-4287.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C47
Wood Burning Cook Stoves, Heaters & chimneys
Suppertime Stoves, Moore, MT 406-374-2778, leave message
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THE GEAR HOUSE, Inc. Helena’s Truck Drive Train Parts Store and Gear Shop Transmission and Differential Rebuilding
OTHER TRUCK PARTS WE CARRY Rebuild parts for Transmissions and Differentials Bearings, Axle Shafts Wheel Seals, PTO Components Yokes, U-Joints, Clutch Packs Pickup Transmission & Differential Parts
2920 Billings Avenue Unit #C
Helena, MT 59601
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C48
NEW 2012 Sprayer IN STOCK
IN STOCK • 1600 gallon • 120-ft. boom • Duals • Air inductor tips • Raven or ISO
• 2400 gallon • Rinse tank • Duals • Inductor kit • Air inductor tips • Raven or ISO
Buy or Lease To Own Strating At
Buy or Lease To Own Strating At
$15,238/yr - oac
• 1650 gallon • 480 tires
$17,840/yr - oac
• 100-ft. boom • Rinse Tank • Windscreens • Raven • Hydraulic fold
Buy or Lease To Own
$10,896/yr - oac
Experienced Ultimate
NEW Land Roller F-3 Series
Previously Owned
• Forward folding system • 46-ft. working width • 13.5-ft. transport width • 42” diameter drum
Buy or Lease To Own
$10,590/yr - oac
• 90-ft. boom • 1600 gallon • Novac auto level • Windcones
• 1500 gallon • 110-ft. boom • Raven 450 auto rate • Windscreens
2700 Grain Vacs
Buy or Lease To Own Only
$6829/yr - oac
Buy or Lease To Own
6614 Grain Vac
3700 Grain Vacs • Move up
Auger Downspouts to 10,000
• Move up to 6000 bushel/hour • 7” hose Buy or Lease To Own
$4456/yr - oac
Grain Bag Loader
8”, 10”, 13” DOWNbushel/hour SPOUTS • 8” hose
IN STOCK NOW!! Buy or Lease To Own
$6999/yr - oac
$6872/yr - oac
• Complete hose package • Cleanup nozzle • Starter head
Have Those Grain Vacs Ready to Go!!
Grain Vac Attachments & Hose
Buy or Lease To Own
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Have Those GrainVacs Vacs Ready Ready to Get Those Grain ToGo!! Go!!
Grain Vac Attachments & Hose Brandt Attachments Grain Vac & Hoses RR900 Attachments & Hoses Rock HYDRAULIC HOPPER MOVER picker
• Model 900 • 2.6 cubic yard • Hydraulic drive • Low angle WINCH rake HYDRAULIC HOPPER Walinga • Model 2610
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Buy or Lease To Own
MAKES YOUR TASKS EASIER! Buy or Lease To Own $4270 /yr-oac
$4827/yr - oac
Summers 30-ft. vertical tillage.................................................SOLD Brandt 1020XR grain cart........................................................SOLD (4) Maurer grain trailers............................................................SOLD (11) Brandt 10x70 augers........................................................SOLD (4) Harvest International 10x72 augers..................................SOLD (2) Harvest International 10x82 augers.................................SOLD (2) Brandt 5200 grain vac........................................................SOLD (2) Haybuster 3106 rock pickers..............................................SOLD Haybuster 3106 demo rock picker...........................................SOLD Riteway 73-ft. heavy harrow.....................................................SOLD (2) Walker 26EFI mowers.........................................................SOLD (3) Brandt drive over conveyors...............................................SOLD Brandt 13x90 auger.................................................................SOLD (2) Parker 839 grain carts........................................................SOLD
Attachments & Hoses Brandt Attachments & Hoses
Ask about the ULTCART Flex Hose Walinga Attachments & Rem Attachments & Hoses Helps vac speed & Ask about performance the ULTCART Flex Hose Helps Vac Speed & Performance Fits most all grain vacs! Fits Most All Grain Vacs!
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C49
Anything To Do With Grain... We Handle It! grain bag unloader Capacity and speed meets ease of use
With the capacity to load a 1000-bushel trailer in about 7 minutes, the Loftness GL-10 Grain Bag Unloader out-performs the competition not only in speed but in ruggedness and consistency. Stable site-to-site transportation, fast set-up, easy operation and straight forward maintenance make the GL:10 GBU an indispensable part of your grain bag storage strategy.
IN STOCK 2-1370 hp
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Poly Cupped Flighting email: • Box 1177, Scobey, MT 59263 FORMERLY ALLEN JUEL PROPERTIES
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Long Lasting Durability For almost any existing auger plus it’s excellent for replacing flighting in your air drill auger!
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New Farm King 7-ft. finishing mowers
Anything To Do With Grain We Handle It! Applying peatmoss based inoculants on lentils and peas has presented problems in the past. However, this new inoculating system is a simple, accurate and cost effective method to apply inoculant. It can be mounted on all makes of air seeders as well as drill fills for disker and drill use.
Seed InoculatorTreater
Airseeder Hopper
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4 & 8 Branch Cross Duct Systems on Hand!
Also – 4 & 8 Branch 12” Round Caldwell Duct On Hand! Prevents Insect, Mold and Fungal Growth
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• universal mount • speed control for varying rates • accurate & easy to fill • operates on 12 volt power supply from truck or air seeder
The Airseeder Hopper lets you make full use of that semi-trailer, making loading your airseeder quick & easy. No hydraulic hookups . . . it mounts where the old hopper was! Aids in mixing of inoculants & seed treatment. Available in 7"-8"10" on most airseeder augers
Call Us Today! Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It!
We Are The New Dealer PolyAuthorized Cupped Flighting For Agri-Cover RollEfficiently Tarps and gently handles your pulse crop seed.
SRT-2 Spool Roll Tarp
Custom Land Rolling!
Sakundiak Load Out Augers
You can either hire us to do the work
or you can rent one of our Rollers
Slim FitsWe also have a JD 7720 Front-Wheel Assist Tractor For Rent
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Flexahopper No-Spill Spout in stock
It's the logicalEZ-LOC choiceRoll-Up for Tarp seed handling equipment. 1998 Soybean Crack Test Results The non-stick property of the Flighting Type Plastic Cup Bristle Steel Breakage .38% .35% 1.80% poly also makes it ideal when Percent Average Breakage per 10,000 beans 38 35 180 using seed treatments.
Steel Cup 2.10%
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MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE Big Boot Hopper With Lid for
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Used Augers, Conveyors, & Miscellaneous Wheatheart drive-over pit, 8”, hydraulic. Excellent condition................$6500 Farm King 13x70 MDSA auger..........................................................$10,000 Brandt 10x60 hydraulic swing auger......................................................$3500 Brandt 10x60 hydraulic swing auger......................................................$5500 Sakundiak 8x1600 auger with PTO kit..................................................$5000 Sakundiak 8x46 auger, motor, self propelled kit, electric clutch, remote spout.............................................................................................$13,500 Sakundiak 8x52 auger, motor, self propelled kit.................................$13,600 Tebben 84” mower.................................................................................$3500 New 7-tube hydraulic Quick Clean. Many more engines on hand...Many have recent work completed All Sale Prices Listed Are No Trade Price
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• All tanks have UV8 protection to prevent deterioration from sunlight. • All tanks over 1250 imperial gallons come standard with tie down lugs, 16” vented lid, gallonage indicator, bulkhead fitting. • Optional 3” heavy duty bulkhead fitting available. • All tanks are available in translucent white or black. (Black eliminates algae formation.) • Sight gauges available to allow product visibility in black tanks. • All tanksare are potable Even compound curves no and manufactured from materials that meet FDA Regulations 21 CFR 177.1520 and may be used to problem for e-Drive.contain Only thefor human consumption. materials Heavy duty tanks are typically used to contain liquids with sharpest turns make • it necessary densities up to 19 lbs. per gallon. for the equipment • operator to are typically used to contain liquids with Standard duty tanks densities up to 14 lbs. help steer! per gallon. • Heavy duty tanks carry a five (5) year warranty against defects in workmanship. • Standard duty tanks carry a three (3) year warranty against defects in workmanship.
Outback Sts ........... Now $2,095 Outback Outback
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Outback S3 with eDrive..$6,990
eDrive ..................... Now $3,495
FEATURES: • All tanks have UV8 protection to prevent deterioration from sunlight. • All tanks over 1250 imperial gallons come standard with tie down lugs, 16” vented lid, gallonage indicator, bulkhead fitting. • Optional 3” heavy duty bulkhead fitting available. • All tanks are available in translucent white or black. (Black eliminates algae formation.) • Sight gauges available to allow product visibility in black tanks. • All tanks are potable and manufactured from materials that meet FDA Regulations 21 CFR 177.1520 and may be used to contain materials for human consumption. • Heavy duty tanks are typically used to contain liquids with densities up to 19 lbs. per gallon. • Standard duty tanks are typically used to contain liquids with densities up to 14 lbs. per gallon. • Heavy duty tanks carry a five (5) year warranty against defects in workmanship. • Standard duty tanks carry a three (3) year warranty against defects in workmanship.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C50
Avoid herbicide damage to trees
By Justin Evertson, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Assistant Director I must admit that I’m not a big fan of dangumes (like redbud and coffeetree) seem to Contact George Yeager (406) 278-5640, Conrad, MT delions. They exist like a botanical “whackbe the most prone to damage likely because a-mole” game, popping up here and there their tender young leaves are unfolding right while we hammer away at them. So no, I when the dandelion assault is under way. do not like dandelions. But I also don’t lose This year has been an especially bad any sleep over them. In the grand scheme of LAND ROLLERS year for herbicide damage to trees in our things, dandelions really are benign. They region. In early July I toured Waverly with single & tandem rollers available will not ruin our lives or interrupt the spin an inspector from the Nebraska Department 42”x 5/8” pipe of the earth. And we can even eat them if of Agriculture. Across the community we we choose! Why then do we work so hard found significant damage to hundreds of Bolt on Hitch to eradicate them from our lawns? I don’t trees and shrubs. It’s clear that many people have that answer, but I do know that battling were out doing battle with the weed. It’s ➔ dandelions is not a benign act, as many trees also clear that many of these people were and other landscape plants are harmed each not careful in their spraying and our very year in our efforts to control them. warm, windy and early spring weather no The primary choice of herbicide for doubt played a big part in the damage as it dandelion control is 2-4,D, which is typilifted the herbicide in the air and spread it cally applied as a liquid spray, often in the farther than intended. H 12-ft. H 16-ft. H 14-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft. spring when the weed is most noticeable. Some people dismiss 2-4,D tree damage If the weather is warm or if there is any Other sizes also available as just cosmetic, saying it’s nothing to worry wind (not a rare event in Nebraska!), then about in the long term. It certainly does the chemical can easily volatilize and waft seem that most healthy trees can withstand SPECIAL OFFERING through the air, potentially damaging just a bit of chemical drift. But year after year 48” diameter x 11/2” thick and about any leafy surface it comes in contact of such exposure is a not a good thing for a 42” diameter x 1” thick with. So what does 2-4,D damage look like? tree. A thinner canopy and distorted leaves Available in limited lengths Leaf distortion, drooping branch tips and a are not producing the same amount of enthinner canopy are the most common sympergy as a non-impacted tree. It is very likely Fisher Metal Products toms. In the most obvious cases, leaves are that trees damaged year after year will have 622-5233 Fort Benton 1-800-449-5233 stunted and twisted in odd ways and they significantly shortened life spans. Add to often take on a leathery feel. Oaks and lethat severe drought and excessive heat and many trees have been hit with a double or triple whammy this year. Thankfully, with just a few simple measures we can actually do quite well at conLiquid - DrY - Anhydrous trolling dandelions and other problematic weeds, while greatly reducing any potential impact to trees and other non-target plants. Anyone wishing to battle dandelions or other weeds in the lawn should keep these suggestions in mind: • The best time to spray for perennial weeds, including dandelions, is in the fall. Not only is the control of weeds better, the potential impact to trees and other non-target plants is greatly reduced as “Your Crop Production Specialist” Kremlin, Montana they are no longer actively growing. • If you are spraying for weeds and you can smell the chemical in the air (2-4,D has a very distinctive aroma), then you are likely damaging non-target plants, especially trees! • If spring treatment is still desired, there are granular 2-4,D formulations that are much safer to use. • Don’t spray when it is hot or windy – or if it is going to be hot and windy. • Make a dandelion salad or enjoy some dandelion wine and suddenly the weed won’t seem so bad. Conventional sprayer nozzles produce both small and large dropUltimately, in my opinion, lets. The small droplets drift and the large drops run off the leaves. we can do ourselves a great The Air Bubble Jet consistently produces a uniform droplet that favor by learning to relax is 400 microns in size. Chemical contact with the leaf is improved more about our lawns and try to be more accepting of and drift is reduced. benign weeds. A pristine, uniform carpet of green should not be the ultimate goal for a lawn. Remember that it exists in the context of a broader 27% multi-form Nitrogen plus 1% Sulfur, and a landscape and our care for the lawn should not shortchange Chlorophyll building package. Stabilized for retrees and other non-target duced volatility and leaching loss potential, Organic plants. If our trees could talk Chelates enable nitrogen reserve for longer feeding. Fully Loaded 41% glyphosate they would they would thank us for not harming them.
Barley straw in 66” big round bales
Ag Wise, Inc.
406-372-3200 Check us out for all your sprayer parts & supplies! Including hose, valves, fittings & more! LIQUID FERTILIZER
28-0-0 & 32-0-0 IN STOCK
Delivery Available
High NRG-N
AIR BUBBLE JETS Sprayer Nozzles Reduce Drift & Improve Leaf Contact • 58% drift reduction
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C51
CLOSEOUT!!! Bench Vises
4” – $20.00
New Surplus Square Tube •Sizes vary•
1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848
New Selection of Tools!
USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1”- 25-ft. lengths WE SELL NEW & USED Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
5-ton gear puller................... $58.87 Oil pistol can, 6 oz...... ........................ $3.55 1-ton chain hoist.................. $89.90
Used 55 Gallon Plastic Barrels – $10.00 ea.
NEW STEEL plate & beams IN STOCK
Domestic A500 Grade B 6”x.250 well casing, 20-ft. lengths.... Call for pricing
• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings
Wood Blocks 7”x7”x14” $1.50 each
Now Carrying Abrasives (Sand & Slag)
Now Buying
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
Call Fred, Dick, or Randy
24” - 42”
1 1/2” x 100-ft. Fire Hose $21.50 ea. 42” Diameter Land Roller Pipe
30” & 36” Culvert Grade Pipe $25.00/ft.
USED 2 /8” drill pipe
New Surplus
Non galvanized Guard rails
NEW Rebar
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths For Bridges
For Non Potable Water Storage
2 rail - 12” x 13’6” and
20” x 13’6” triple rib
We Buy
and Combines
Old Farm Tractors #2 Railroad ties - $800 each #1 Railroad ties - $1550 each
3/8” Polypropolene Coated Cable 12,500# break strength Great For Horse Fence
Overseas Containers For Sale 40-ft. & 20-ft.
Sold by the reel only, 2345-ft./reel
Various sizes available – CALL
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’ Great for bridges
HOPPER BOTTOM CARS Great for grain storage
5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
Used Electric Motors & Boxes
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
Call Jim Filipowicz @ 800-334-5964
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Used Guard Rail Posts
5-ft. long - $4.00 ea.
(406) 761-4848
16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll
Fax (406) 791-6708
New Red Brand Class I Barb Wire
After Hours (406) 791-6712 Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Salvage Yard – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
Useable Salvage At Great Falls Location
Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”, round steel post clips Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts with heavy spade plate
51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#
Used Round Tubing
Great for corrals 11/4” O.D. 11/2” O.D. 13/4” O.D. 2” O.D. All approximately 20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C52
Minneapolis-Moline 445 tractor with engine model 206H. Run and part tractor, two fenders, gas tank, seat and hood. Phone (406) 376-3288, Gildford, Montana
Sharp-tailed grouse are a popular upland game bird species whose nesting success can depend on summer weather. Photo by Kristi DuBois, FWP.
Triple T Farm Services, LLC offering custom manure spreading service
Contact Todd
Tatman at 406-350-1888 to schedule TRACTORS FOR SALE
2008 Case IH 115 Maxxum 115 hp, 3 SCV’s, front weights, 540 and 1000 PTO, 24 speed powershift with left hand reverser, 2500 hours, excellent condition.................................$48,000
2009 John Deere 7230 4000 hrs, auto PowrQuad trans, 110 PTO hp, 3 SCV’s, new tires, excellent condition... ...............................................$63,500
Loaders Available 2004 John Deere 7520 with 6100 hours, automatic PowrQuad transmission, 3 SCV’s with John Deere 741 loader with bucket, 125 PTO hp, clean tractor.....................................$68,000
2009 John Deere 7130 3600 hrs, 100 PTO hp, auto PowrQuad trans, 2 SCV’s, R/P long axles, excellent condition.......................................$57,000
2006 John Deere 7820 5400 hours, 155 PTO hp, automatic PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, Green Star ready, duals. Transmission warranty. Available................. $89,000
Financing Available
2008 John Deere 7330 4100 hours, automatic PowrQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 3 SCV’s, new rear rubber. New SL loader, bucket, grapple, 3rd function valve. Very nice.......... ...............................................$77,500
Case IH 115 Maxxum, 115 hp, 3 SCV’s, 24 speed powershift trans., with left hand reverser, 2800 hours, 540 and 1000 PTO, with new Miller SL loader with large grapple, 3rd function, excellent condition..........$62,000
Steinhatchee Equipment Co. Inc. 406-777-1701 or 239-0942 e-mail:
Two seasons for bird hunters By Bruce Auchly, FWP Region 4 Information Officer
Upland game bird hunters have two seasons every year: the fall hunting season and the summer worrying season. Right now is the time to worry. Did the Memorial Day weekend snow hurt nesting birds? What about that hail a few weeks ago? When and how often will game birds renest? Most Montana upland bird hunters look past the mountain grouse species and pay scant attention to sage grouse. Rather, they focus on Hungarian partridge, sharp-tailed grouse and ring-necked pheasants; or simply Huns, sharpies and pheasants. In June all three of these prairie birds usually hatch their eggs, and their success is largely weather dependent. That means bird hunters worry a lot about the weather, over which they have no control. The belief in bird hunting circles is that pheasants will renest several times if a nest fails for whatever reason, but Huns and sharptails will not. That’s not quite true, however. First a look at Huns, the least managed of the upland prairie birds. Wildlife biologists count sharptails on their spring leks, or mating grounds. And some biologists travel prescribed routes each spring, tallying male pheasants crowing. But Huns? They are left on their own and do quite nicely, thank you. Huns begin nesting in mid-April, with the peak of nest starts in mid-May. Each nest holds an average of 15 eggs. Hatching begins about June 1, with the peak of hatching during the third and fourth weeks of June. For those folks worried about a late May, or mid-June deluge, here is the important part: Huns will renest if a nest is destroyed
or abandoned early in the nesting cycle. As for sharptails, nesting runs from midMay to mid-June, with an average of 12 eggs per nest, which hatch 23-24 days after incubation begins. So for birds to hatch June 7, for example, the hen had to start incubating them about May 15. Again, contrary to some beliefs, sharptails will renest if the nest fails early in the nesting cycle. Finally there are pheasants, the bird that upland bird hunters seek by a wide margin, typically two or even three to one. Pheasants typically have 10-12 eggs per nest with an incubation period of 23 days. If the nest fails or is abandoned, the hen will try to renest again, and even, occasionally, a third time. It all depends on how close the eggs are to hatching. Sometimes this results in very late nests, which is why we occasionally see small pheasants without any color on opening day – this year October 6. While all three upland bird species will renest, none will do so after the eggs hatch. That means, going back to worries about the weather, a spring snowstorm is not as bad as a July hailstorm. Eggs that have not hatched may be replaced by a new nest. But chicks that die from a wet, cold snap in June or a summer hailstorm will not be replaced that year. Another thing about renesting, the number of eggs in the second, or even third, nest will usually be fewer than the first attempt. And the later in the summer chicks hatch the less their chance of survival by the fall. So if worrying gets you through the summer, go ahead. It’s still many weeks till the fall bird hunting season.
Compost killing lilacs?
By Ron Smith, Horticulturist, NDSU Extension Service A: I would say that your assumption Q: I have a question about our lilac bushis absolutely correct. A common mistake es. We have lived in our house for almost many make is that shrubs or trees are so well four years and have four giant lilac bushes established that they won’t mind a little exlining our backyard. We get a ton of beautra stuff dumped under or around them. The tiful flowers every year. This year, I have best move to save these plants and others noticed that we only have a few blooms and affected by this action is to get everything the branches are looking sickly. I’m wondercleared out and back to the original grade. ing if there is anything we can do to save After that, give them a shot of water- soluble them. Also, I should mention that my husfertilizer in the hope that this combination band keeps compost under the bushes. The of treatment will do the trick. compost is everything from grass trimmings To contact Ron Smith for answers to to dead squirrels. Also, the tree located near your questions, write to Ron Smith, NDSU the bushes has been dying slowing. Maybe Department of Plant Sciences, Dept. 7670, this might have something to do with my Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 or email lilacs not doing well. Please help.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C53
Dry, rotary soft winter wheat straw, large round bales with over the edge John Deere net wrap. Trucking available or will load......................................................... $20/bale For any delivered or picked up by December 1..... $18/bale Limited supply of small square straw bales............. $2/bale
Aaron Boehm 406-355-4402 Rudyard, MT
Accurate, full-dimension lumber. Fir or Pine. Custom orders of any size. Corrals • Windbreak • Barns • Fences Beams • Siding • Decks • Bridges
Reserve Champion Market Steer shown by Kaitlyn Goroski at Wibaux County Fair held August 23-26 in Wibaux, Montana. Photo courtesy of Renee Nelson.
Gregg and Robin Maxwell, Maxwell Lumber Inc. 406-538-7877 Lewistown, Montana
Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT
1997 Kenworth T800 tractor with 475 Cat, 18 speed and 46,000 lb. rears.....................................$27,500
1980 General 65 ton combination lowboy trailer, 2+2+2, 22-ft. x 9-ft. well with 8-ft. deck extension, hydraulic RGN, 9-ft. wide axles, drop side rails, excellent tires and brakes. Overall very good condition..............$43,500
2000 Peterbilt 379 N14 Cummins, 500 hp, FR016210C transmission, 40,000 lb. rears.
1996 Ford L9000 8-axle transfer with 3406E Cat 435 hp, 8LL transmission, 14,600# front, 46,000# rears on Hendrickson, double differential lock. 1997 Reliance 4-axle transfer trailer, 16-ft. boxes, hydraulic drive transfer.. .............................................$27,500
1995 Peterbilt 357 dump truck, Series 60 Detroit, 500 hp, 13 speed, 20,000 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears, steerable lift axle, 17-ft. box, plumbed................................$24,500
406-549-1047 or 544-0655
2001 Mack CH613 E7 460 Mack, 12 speed, Chalmers suspension, 8 axle transfer set, 16-ft. Reliance boxes, 1998 Reliance trailer.............$30,500
1988 Peterbilt 379 7-axle transfer set, 3406B Cat 425 hp, 15 speed, Hendrickson suspension, 16-ft. boxes, hydraulic drive transfer................. $19,500
2006 Peterbilt 378 tractor, ISX 530 Cummins, FRO18210 transmission, 46,000 lb. rears.....................$38,500
1988 Kenworth T800 4000 gallon water truck, 3406B Cat, 6+4 transmission, 44,000 lb. rears, 14,600 lb. front, hydraulic drive pump, front/rear/side spray, hose reel.......... .............................................$27,500
2000 Ledwell folding beavertail 35 ton equipment trailer, 48-ft. trailer, 38-ft. deck, air ride suspension, hydraulic ramps, hydraulic winch, excellent condition................$26,500
2000 Kenworth W900 tractor with 500 Cat, 8LL transmission and 46,000 lb. rears.....................$30,500
2-1995 Sturdy Weld 4 axle dump pups, 18-ft. box, extendable tongue, front steerable lift axle, electric roll tarp. Each.............................$18,500
1996 John Deere 310D 4x4 backhoe, cab, extend-a-hoe, 4-in-1 bucket, new tires, 4400 hours, extra clean.....................................$24,500
2000 Columbia triple axle gravel pup, 16-ft. box, extendable tongue, 60” axle spacing, super singles on aluminum wheels, clean trailer.......... .............................................$17,500
1999 Williamson 3 axle dump pup, extendable tongue, 16-ft. steel box.... .............................................$14,500 2001 International 9200i Series 60 Detroit 470 hp, 10 speed transmission........................ $19,500
Many other construction trucks & trailers available.
1994 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 3406B Cat, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, 17-ft. box with high lift gate, plumbed for pup....................$26,500
1995 Ford L9000 Super 16 dump truck, N14 Cummins, 8LL transmission, 20,000 lb. front axle, 2 steerable lift axle, strong arm............ .............................................$25,900
1998 Peterbilt 379 daycab tractor with N14 Cummins at 525-hp., FRO16210 transmission, 40,000 lb. rears and 135,000 miles on factory recon.....................................$28,500
1998 Freightliner FL120 severe duty, 3406E Cat, 475 hp, 8LL transmission, 42” integral sleeper, 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears, 2 line wet kit.............................$23,500
1998 Peterbilt 379 daycab, Cummins N14, 500 hp, RTO16210C transmission, air leaf suspension, 232” wheelbase, new paint, 130,000 on rebuilt engine, excellent condition. .............................................$27,500 Check out our website:
1993 Kenworth T800 7 axle transfer set, Cummins N14, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, 16-ft. Knight boxes, 3 axle Knight hydraulic transfer trailer........$29,500
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C54
ULTRALIGHT AIRPLANE FOR SALE SkyRaider ultralight airplane, 50-hp tail dragger..........$6000 obo
Call 406-423-5474 or 217-6983, cell – Hobson, MT
Prairie Fare: Skipping breakfast affects your appetite the rest of the day
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service • Aim for variety. Choose foods from three “Mom, I don’t eat breakfast anymore,” or four different food groups, such as a grain, my teenage daughter told me one day. protein, fruit and milk, for breakfast. “Is that right?” I responded. • Have some protein. Some researchers Actually, I was not overly concerned have shown that people who eat a proteinat this summertime reply considering that Farm land / hay ground to lease containing breakfast performed better on tests she has been getting up at 10 a.m. or later. involving thinking and concentration. For She eats when she arises, so her breakfast in North Central Montana. example, having a glass of milk, container is really brunch. of yogurt, a piece of cheese, peanut butter However, when school time rolls around, on your toast or a hard-cooked egg would I will check in with her in the morning to add protein. be sure she fuels up before leaving or takes • Choose cereal wisely. When shopping, her breakfast on the go. look high on the shelves instead of at eye Unfortunately, 60 percent of teenagers FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE level or lower, where the kids’ cereals often regularly skip breakfast, which can affect are placed. Read the Nutrition Facts labels learning and food intake for the rest of the carefully, and compare fiber, sugar content, day. vitamins and minerals. Researchers at the University of Missouri • Choose whole-grain cereals and breads. studied a group of breakfast-skipping teenTo select whole-grain foods, check the first agers for three weeks. Some teens continued couple of items on the ingredient list. For to skip breakfast while the other two groups Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill with 1973 GMC 3/4 ton 2WD with 350 V8, 9” spacing, new hoses, new tires on automatic and 89,000 miles. “Great example, look for oatmeal, whole wheat or ate breakfast meals containing 500 calories. cultivator, monitored all shanks and Grandpa Alfred’s pickup”....$1600 obo whole grain. Look for a health claim on the One group consumed a higher amount of Flexi-Coil 2320 tow between single package. protein than the other. shoot cart.........................$48,000 obo • To save time, set the table before going Making use of surveys and brain scans, to bed. Put the cereal box(es), bowls, spoons the researchers studied how breakfast helps and glasses on the table. manage appetite and food intake. • If you want a heartier breakfast, such as According to their results, either of the pancakes or fresh muffins, measure out the protein-containing breakfast meals was efdry ingredients in a bowl the night before. fective in reducing hunger throughout the 1 1/2 ton military trailer, 9:00x20 tires, Mix the wet ingredients (eggs, milk, etc.) morning, but the meal with more protein brakes and lights................$1200 obo Ford 3400 industrial tractor with 3 and store in the refrigerator. Add the wet (yogurt and waffles) left the students less cylinder diesel, 8-speed, 3-point, PTO ingredients in the morning. hungry throughout the day. The brain scans and rear hydraulics.............$5000 obo • Make extra muffins and freeze them. showed that breakfast intake led to activaCall Mike at Warm them in the microwave oven. tion of the areas of the brain associated with M&M Salvage • Make a breakfast casserole the evening appetite management. (406) 262-4774, before and refrigerate. Pop it in the oven in Fuel your body and brain with nourishing Railroad box car 50-ft. x 10-ft. wide x Havre, MT the morning. food in the morning. Plan ahead with these 10-ft. high. Good condition..$6000 obo • Do you have a minute? Wrap some breakfast tips: cheese in a whole-wheat tortilla, microwave 20 seconds. Toll-Free 1-800-722-5277 Serve with a cup of 100 perOverstock Sale On Local 466-2290 22 Third NE, Choteau, MT cent fruit or vegetable juice. Transfer Cases • Use a blender to make a CHEVROLET & GMC smoothie with yogurt, fruit 3 ‘03 Suburban rear axle.... ‘92 /4 ton 4x4 transmission Mention this juice and fruit. . ..............................Call (#4L60E). . ............. $600 ad & receive ‘01 8.1L engine...... $1250 ‘92 S-10 4x4 auto trans• Try peanut butter and baDon’t CRUSH it! We’ll BUY it! $20 Discount ‘01 GMC 1500 5.3 V8 mission.................. $600 nana sandwiches or leftover engine................... $450 ‘92 transfer case...... $500 We buy late model used and wrecked pickups ‘01 4x4 6 speed transmis- ‘92 3/4 ton 4x4 rear axle pizza and milk or 100 percent sion....................... $850 assembly................Call fruit juice. DODGE FORD ‘01 GMC 1500 automatic ‘92 transfer case...... $500 3 3 ‘05 Caravan 3.3 V6, auto- ‘95 /4 ton 4x2 rear axle.... ‘06 F250 automatic trans- ‘97 F250 front and rear Here’s a nutritious recipe transmission.......... $500 ‘91 /4 ton 4x4 rear axle, axles.......................Call ‘01 GMC 1500 transfer matic transmission.. Call ............................. $500 mission................. $850 3.73 gears............. $600 for your morning meal cour‘01 transfer case for Cum- ‘95 Dakota 4x2 5 speed ‘03 F450 van dually rear ‘95 4x4 automatic transcase...................... $500 ‘90 241 transfer case....... tesy of the University of Masmission for 5.4........Call ‘01 Blazer transfer case... mins diesel..............Call transmission......... $500 axle....................... $800 ............................. $450 ‘01 Dakota automatic ‘95 1500 4x4 transfer ‘03 F450 van 4R100 auto ‘95 F250 4x4 rear axle..... ............................. $300 ‘89 1 ton single wheel rear sachusetts Extension Nutrition ............................. $550 ‘01 GMC 1500 rearend.... transmission.......... $400 case...................... $500 transmission......... $600 axle....................... $650 Program. 3 ‘00 318 V8 engine.... $700 ‘93 /4 ton front and rear ‘02 5.4 Triton V8 motor..... ‘95 1356 transfer case..... ............................. $500 ‘89 4x4 4 speed transmisCranberry Pumpkin ............................. $450 ‘01 GMC 1500 various ‘00 1/2-ton 4x2 rear axle... axles, 3.55 gears.......... ........................... $1200 sion....................... $450 ............................. $600 .................... $650 each ‘02 5.4 engine........ $1000 ‘95 transfer case...... $450 body parts...............Call ‘86 1/ 2 ton 4x4 transfer Muffins case...................... $450 ‘00 Dakota 4x4 automatic ‘91 3/4 ton 4x4 front axle... ‘02 4WD automatic trans- ‘94 F350 rear axles, 4.10 ‘00 5.3L V8 engine... $400 2 c. flour gears..................... $600 ‘00 Silverado 5.3 engine, ‘86 1/ 2 ton 4x2 4 speed transmission......... $500 ............................. $600 mission.................. $750 115K miles............ $750 transmission......... $275 ‘99 Durango 5.9 automatic ‘91 Caravan AWD auto ‘01 4x4 Super Duty V10 ‘94 F150 transfer case..... 3/4 c. sugar ............................. $400 ‘00 S10 4x4 auto...... $600 ‘84 C60 5 speed transmistransmission......... $650 transmission.......... $550 automatic transmission 3 tsp. baking powder ‘00 S10 4x4 transfer sion....................... $700 ‘93 F150 4.9L V8 motor ‘99 Dakota transfer case.. ‘90 205 transfer case for ‘99 5.4 4x4 transmission 3 1/2 tsp. salt case...................... $250 ‘84 /4 ton 4x2 rear axle.... ............................. $500 automatic.............. $650 ‘99 F150 manual trans for ‘93 Explorer auto trans, ............................. $500 2WD...................... $600 ‘00 Silverado 4x4 axle..... ‘98 Dakota, transfer case. ‘89 Dakota front and rear 4x4........................ $950 1/2 tsp. cinnamon ...............................Call ‘84 30 2WD auto transmis.............................. $500 axle assembly........ $500 ‘99 F150 4x4 transfer ‘93 F250 transfer case..... 3/4 tsp. allspice 3 sion....................... $400 ............................. $450 ‘99 /4 ton rear axle... $450 ‘98 1/2 ton parts...........Call ‘89 4x4 1/2 ton auto transcase...................... $650 1 ‘83 ‘99 350 V8 engine. . .. $950 / 2 ton transfer case.... 1/3 c. vegetable oil ‘96 Dakota 4x4 automatic mission................. $425 ‘99 van auto trans for V10 ‘93 4.0 V6 motor...... $400 ...............................Call transmission..........$650 ‘84 Ram 1/2 ton, 318 V8 motor.................... $550 ‘91 1/2-ton 4x4, 3.5 axles.. ‘99 6.0 V8 engine..... $800 2 large eggs ‘96 Dakota front and rear motor..................... $500 ‘98 F150 Romeo 4.6L V8 ............................. $450 ‘98 4L60 automatic trans- ‘83 1 ton 4x4 transmis3/4 c. canned pumpkin sion....................... $375 mission................. $800 axle assembly........ $475 ‘84 Ram 1/2 ton, 4 speed motor......................Call ‘91 Explorer transfer case 1 2 c. cranberries (fresh or ‘95 3/ 4 ton 4x2 5 speed transmission......... $300 ‘98 F150 automatic transfor 4.0 motor........... $250 ‘98 /2 ton auto transmis- ‘81 1 ton 4x4 rear axle..... ............................. $600 sion....................... $650 transmission......... $800 ‘80 W250 front and rear mission...................Call ‘87 rear and front axles for frozen, chopped) 1 1 1 1 ‘95 318 V8 for Dakota...... axles..................... $500 ‘98 /2-ton 4x4 auto trans/2-ton.................... $400 ‘98 /2 ton axle assembly.. ‘81 /2 ton 4x4 front axle... ............................. $600 ............................. $350 Preheat oven to 400 F. Sift ............................. $700 ‘74 transfer case...... $300 mission................. $750 ‘86 3/4-ton 4x4 4 speed 1 transmission.......... $300 ‘98 305 engine......... $600 ‘81 /2 ton rear axle..... $350 ‘95 Dakota 4x4 transfer ‘98 4x4 transfer case....... together dry ingredients (flour case...................... $600 ............................. $500 ‘85 3 / 4 -ton dually rear ‘98 4x4 automatic trans- ‘77 1 ton, 350 engine....... TOYOTA through allspice) and set aside. 1 mission................. $600 ............................. $700 axle....................... $750 ‘97 4-Runner 3.4 V6 en- ‘98 / 2-ton 4x4 transfer ‘98 transfer case...... $500 ‘77 205 transfer case....... Beat oil, eggs and pumpkin toMISC. case...................... $400 ‘85 208 transfer case.$450 gine.................... $800 ‘97 1/2 ton transfer case.... ............................. $400 ‘98 Olds Bravada 4.3L V-6 ‘97 4-Runner 4x4 auto ‘97 F250 transfer case..... ‘76 4x4 4 speed transmisgether until well blended. Add 3 ............................. $600 ‘77 /4 ton rear axle..... $300 ............................. $600 sion....................... $275 engine................... $650 transmission....... $600 the wet ingredients (pumpkin ‘97 4x4 4L60E transmis- ‘74 4x4 4 speed transmis‘98 Olds Bravada auto- ‘95 4-Runner, 5 speed sion....................... $600 sion....................... $300 mixture) to the dry ingrediJUST IN PARTING OUT matic transmission..$500 transmission....... $500 ‘96 S10 4x4 auto trans‘98 Jeep 4.0 engine..$600 ‘93 5 speed transmission ‘04 Ford Escape 2WD, 3.0 V6 ents. Stir until moistened. Fold mission................. $500 NISSAN ‘98 Volkswagen Passat.... for V6................. $750 ‘02 Dodge Durango ‘96 S10 transfer case....... ‘04 XTerra manual transin chopped cranberries. Spoon ...............................Call ‘87 rear axle............. $250 ‘01 Dodge 2500 4x4, extended cab, long box, V8, ............................. $450 mission................. $950 mixture into paper-lined muf‘97 Kia Sportage........Call ‘87 front axle... .........$250 automatic ‘96 4x4 transfer case....... ‘95 4x2 automatic trans‘97 Jeep Wagoneer trans‘98 Ford Explorer 4x4, 4.0 V6, automatic transmission fin cups. Bake at 400 F for 15 ............................. $400 mission................. $650 mission................. $650 ‘98 GMC Jimmy 4x4, 4.3 V6, automatic transmission ‘95 6.5 turbo diesel enWe rebuild to 20 minutes, until a tooth‘93 Pathfinder automatic ‘96 Jeep auto transmis‘98 Dodge 2500 4x4, extended cab, V10 gas and gine..................... $2300 transmissions, transfer transmission......... $900 sion...................... .$625 pick comes out clean. 5-speed manual ‘95 4x4, NV3500, 5 speed cases and rear axles. ‘95 Honda Passport auto ‘98 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, 5 speed manual, V8 transmission......... $800 ‘92 4x4 pickup 5 speed Makes 12 muffins. Each – Parts Locator Service – transmission...........$500 transmission......... $625 ‘97 Dodge Dakota 4x4, 5.2L, automatic transmission ‘95 6.5 turbo diesel, autoUsed pickup muffin has 200 calories, 7 ‘89 front & rear axles.$350 ‘95 Rodeo automatic ‘96 Dodge 2500 2WD extended cab, Cummins, high matic transmission........ body parts transmission......... $500 grams (g) of fat, 32 g of carmiles, good body parts .............................. $500 ‘96 Dodge 2500 2WD, 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed manual ‘95 4x4 transfer case....... Call us to see if bohydrate, 2 g of fiber, 230 Ford F250 diesel 4x4 ............................ .$500 We buy late model used and ‘95 we have the used milligrams of sodium and 50 ‘95 Chevrolet S10 pickup, 2WD, 4.3 V6, automatic ‘95 1500 rear axle.... $475 1 ‘93 / 2 ton 4x2 auto transtransmission percent of the daily recomparts you need. wrecked pickups mission................. $550 ‘89 Chevrolet 1500 4x4, 5.7 V8, automatic mendation for vitamin A.
Call 406-899-6736
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C55
Fertilizer Equipment For Sale
2007 Freightliner, Auto Shifter, 16-ton Wilmar tender with tip tops....................... $66,000
1999 Ag Chem with air spreader box, 70-ft. booms, 4900 hours................ $68,000
1997 Ag Chem 8.3 Cummins, automatic, 70-ft. air booms..... .................................. $38,500 1983 Freightliner with Tyler 16 ton tender............. $19,500
l a i ec
2006 Loral 6300 570 automatic with AirMax 1000 bed, 2200 hours....... $127,000
2002 Loral 400 Cummins, automatic, 2 bin Air Max 2000 bed, full rubber, 3500 hours.............................. $95,000
2001 Case 3300, 3 wheel, Cummins, auto, 70-ft. booms. .................................. $64,500
Tyler 6-ton pull spreader with 36-ft. booms................. $7200 2008 Case 4020 with 330 hp, auto, and AutoSteer, 70-ft booms, 2000 hours.................................................................. 00 $190,000 $168,0 1995 International Silver Wheels, 10 speed, 1800 gallon stainless steel liquid system, 3500 hours........ $35,000 1989 GMC semi-float with 8-ton Wilmar bed....... $21,000
1986 Kenworth Cummins 7 speed, Tyler 16-ton sideshooter............................... $29,500
1999 Loral DT530, autoshift, Air Max 5 bed, 5700 hours..... .................................. $51,000 Willmar 3-axle 24-ton self contained................... $39,000
Simonsen 18-ton stainless steel vertical auger tender...... .................................. $14,400
1997 Rayman 24-ton sideshooter box, no trailer............. .................................. $26,500
1990 Volvo Cummins 10 speed, with 16-ton Wilmar tender........................ $24,500
1995 Loral 3000 Anniversary Edition, Air Max 5 bed, Dicky John controller GPS system, 300 hp, 60-ft. booms...$47,000
1997 International snow plow, DT466 automatic, complete with snowplow and sanding bed, runs good.......... .................................. $20,000
2002 International chassis, DT530 automatic, full rubber, above average, sharp, 2900 hours......................... $54,000
1990 Ford with Cat 3208, auto, Wilmar spreader.........$33,500
1999 Loral 4x4, “One of a Kind”, DT530 automatic, Airmax 5 bed.................. $71,000
1994 Loral DT466, 530 automatic, 90-ft. liquid boom......... .................................. $34,500
1996 Loral DT530, automatic, chemical bin, 8700 hours, runs good.................. $36,500
10 units in service, from $26,000 to $32,000
1994 GMC 3116 Cat automatic, New Leader 2220 bed....... .................................. $35,000
1978 Clark loader, 2 yard bucket.........................$11,500
1976 Trailmobile 9000 gallon aluminum tender, 5 compartments....... $26,000.....$19,500
1997 Freightliner with 3000 gallon propane tank... $31,000
Case W14 front end loader, very portable. Great little maching for loading bales...... ...................................$11,200
1996 Mertz 4300, 3208 Cat auto, 2-bin or 2 types of fertilizer system, you don’t need a blender with this........ $37,000
1990 International propane truck with 2800 gallon tank in service....................... $26,000
NH3 20-ft. pups, 265 psi, 4200 and 4500 gallon...................... .................$12,000 & $15,000
Greyn Fertilizer Supply
5-ton tub blender.......... $7500
2004 Loral large Cat automatic, 2 bin Air Max 2000 bed with 3500 hours.............. $103,000
Your full service fertilizer dealer. 1993 Beall 5100-gallon triple axle pup trailer, 13-ft. hitch..... ............ $26,500.........$19,500
Larry Greyn Vern Greyn Eric Greyn Choteau 466-5356 Dutton 476-3402 Valier 279-3255
Traderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dispatch, September 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Page C56
Old Cars Wanted
Yellowjackets becoming a nuisance
By NDSU Extension Service colony is in the nest during the evening and Hornets are starting to annoy homeownnighttime hours, so control measures should ers by swarming or building nests in homes Call Wayne 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home) be applied to the nest at that time. There or in trees near houses, according to Janet are many insecticides labeled for control of Knodel, North Dakota State University hornets and yellowjackets. (NDSU) Extension Service entomologist. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The difficulty is making the treatment Hornets (or yellowjackets) are wasps that without being stung,â&#x20AC;? Knodel says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Usubelong to the Vespidae family. ally an aerosol spray of one of the many â&#x20AC;&#x153;All yellowjackets sting, and their stingfast-acting wasp killers will quickly kill all ing behavior is considered a defensive reacthe workers present in a nest.â&#x20AC;? tion when the colony is threatened,â&#x20AC;? Knodel Products that contain permethrin, synersays. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They can sting more than once begized pyrethrins or pyrethroid insecticides cause their stinger stays with the insect.â&#x20AC;? such as esfenvalerate or lambda cyhalothrin Yellowjackets are more aggressive during will get rid of wasps. August and September and more likely to A slower-acting insecticidal approach is sting people. Although yellowjackets are a to apply carbaryl (Sevin) dust directly onto beneficial insect feeding on other insects, * 12 gpm engine driven hydraulics or electric models the exposed nest and entrance hole. After they often become a pest problem when * Ask our customers about Krogmann dependability, durability treatment, check the nest for any activity their nests are near homes, schools, picnic and our 3 year warranty. the following day and do another treatment areas or playgrounds. When that happens, * Options available: Across the bed toolboxes, side toolboxes, if necessary. pest control often is warranted. carry-alls, 3rd spool valve, cake feeders and posthole diggers. Nests should be removed to avoid atWasps are social insects and build nests Visit our website at tracting dermestid beetles later and keep of paperlike material. Nests generally are wasp pupae from possibly re-establishing underground in mammal burrows, cavities Call For the nest. or behind the siding of a house. KROGMANN MFG. The Dealer â&#x20AC;&#x153;If you are dealing with yellowjacket Vespid wasps are active outside the nest Nearest You Sabetha, KS Toll Free 1-877-745-3783 nests in structures such as a home, the nest during the daylight hours. Nearly the entire entrance should never be plugged from the outside,â&#x20AC;? Knodel says. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If constrained, yellowjacket workers cannot escape to the outside, so they may locate or chew a new way to escape toward the inside of the home or structure. A G - S E R V I C E S This would create a possible stinging threat for people PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street inside.â&#x20AC;? Fort Benton, MT 59442 When outside enjoying a picnic, avoid wearing bright 406-622-3887 colors and perfumes that October 2, 2011 are attractive to hornets and yellowjackets. Also, keep 10:30am to 3pm Ride â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;n Drive: EZ-Pilot garbage away from the picnic table. 2705 Front Street CenterPoint RTX Accuracy Demonstration In northern temperate Fort Benton, MT climates, only the mated Discounts on Precision Ag Products queen wasp overwinters from the previous yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s colony. Trimble Vehicle Sync Demonstration Queens are inactive during Sign up to win a FREE the winter and hide in protected places such as under Internet for Ag Demonstration GreenSeeker Handheld tree bark or attics. In early spring, the overCrop Sensor FREE Connected Farm App for your smart phone wintering queen builds a new nest and lays an egg in Ag Trucks Truck Displays each cell. Larvae hatch from the eggs and are dependent Three on the queen for food. The Drawings for Great Prizes queen forages outside the nest chances to and brings food (caterpillars win! FREE Lunch and other insects) back to the larvae until pupation. Sterile female workers emerge from the pupae and take over nest building and brood rearing, while the queen stays in the nest. During late summer into early fall, adult males and newly produced queens leave the parent colony. The colony dies off and only newly mated queens will find a protected place to overwinter. Looking to buy old cars, trucks and parts up to 1974.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C57
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C58
Attention Farmers & Ranchers
Think twice before baling soybeans
Growers know that the soybean keeps setting blossoms, trying to make seed. As We have equipment and manpower to get the job done. unpollinated blossoms dry and fall off, new Give us a call for all your fencing needs. buds emerge from each leaf node. DURNELL FENCING, LLC “What we don’t know is how long soyMike Durnell (406) 279-3299 or (406) 899-2635, Valier, MT beans will keep trying this year,” says Bill Wiebold, MU Extension soybean specialist. “Usually we have an August drought only. The soybean can survive that. This year, Agriculture Law drought could last 90 days. The bean plant Water Law will run out of blossoms at some point. Oil & Gas Law “After the bean stops trying to make seed, Energy Law the plant drops its leaves. That provides a Natural Resource Law very short window. Forage can be made in Farm & Ranches that time. Corporations “The soybean can go from looking not Partnerships too bad to dead in a few days. Just a word Limited Liability Co. to the wise.” Small Business Neal Law, P.C. Kevin Bradley, MU Extension weed speEstate & Probate cialist, repeated the warning to read herbicide 417 S. Main St. Wills & Trusts labels. “If you used glyphosate herbicide Conrad, MT 59425 Real Estate Transaction only, there is a 15-day waiting period before Property Law grazing the soybean.” Contracts Paul L. Neal However, most herbicides sprayed will Litigation Ph. 406-271-2804 not be approved for grazing or harvesting Personal Injury Family Law for hay. “It’s just that no company invested Fax 406-271-2934 Criminal Law in research to determine safe-grazing limits,” Bradley says. “It’s not usually a question that comes up.” There is a risk of chemical residue showing up in milk or meat on unsafe grazing. A windshield tour across Missouri indicated there are soybean fields that could make forage, Kallenbach says. “The beans are short, so there won’t be maximum hay yield Billings, Montana Billings, Montana in many places. The crop is 8 t extremely variable.” Ou ow Bl “Find our most up-to-date prices Prat To Choose ice $38,000 From! “Making soybean hay can” be a pain in the neck,” he warns. “The stems and pods ‘11 Kenworth T660 Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 72” Aerocab sleeper, 3.36 ratio, 232” wheelbase, tandem cure slowly. Leaf loss may axles, dual aluminum tanks, cruise, power windows, heated mirrors, fridge/freezer, sunroof, TV installation package. Stk# G279123-C....................................................................................................... Call For Price! become a problem.” Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures A crimper on the hay(8) 06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand up sleeper, signature Interior, dual mowing machine will speed tanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! 85% tires!! Stk# TP $43,000 drying. Rather than making hay, Kallenbach prefers ensiling the forage. The soybean crop can be fermented in a silo or stored in plastic bags. Haylage is easier to make than hay, ‘10 Kenworth T660 Cummins ISX ST 400 hp, 10 speed, 72” Aerocab sleeper, 2.64 ratio, 234” wheelbase, tandem axles, dual aluminum tanks, power windows, power locks, power heated mirrors, chrome gauges. Kallenbach says. Stk# MT-4849T-1..................................................................................................................................$79,500 ICE SAVE SAVE SALE PR Sale Price The high-protein soybean $9 00 ,00 5,0 0 $2 00 $1 $37,0 Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures 6,000 SAVE SALE PRICE $1 0,0 hay can be mixed with other, 00 00 $43,0 lower-quality hay in a tub ‘07 Kenworth W900L Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 72” Aerocab sleeper, 3.36 ratio, 264” wheelbase, tandem axles, dual tanks, dual air cleaners, power locks, power windows, power mirrors, chrome gauges, dual grinder to make a total mixed bunks, sunroof, chrome bumper. Stk# G193532-C..........................................................Call For Sale Price! ration (TMR), Kallenbach Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures says. “In times of scarce forage, everything must be done ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 13 spd O.D., air ride, to reduce waste and extend the 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual WB, 4.11 ratio, dual tanks, 51” hi rise pro sleeper, Prem int alum 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! wheels, PW & PDL, air slide 5th wheel tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! use of poorer-quality forages, 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN639T-1 $53,000 STK# TP3954T-9 $34,000 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN640T-1 $53,000 CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES which are plentiful this year.” Save 5 To $11,000 $48,000 Choose Bean growers might reFrom ceive an insurance payment for crop loss, then harvest a ‘09 Kenworth W900L Cummins ISX 550 hp, 18 speed, 72” Aerocab sleeper, 3.36 ratio, 264” wheelbase, tandem axles, locking rear axles, dual aluminum tanks, power locks, power windows, power heated mirrors, bonus forage crop. “The price chrome gauges, dual bunks, Seattle package, leather seats, sunroof, ProTech tool boxes, chrome bumper. Stk# MT-4833T-9..................................................................................................................................$89,999 of hay is going up fast,” Kallenbach says. Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures 05 Kenworth T800 Cat C15 475 hp, Jake, 10 spd Autoshift, air ride, 00 Kenworth W900L, Cat C15 475 hp, jake, 13 spd OD, air ride, 04 Pete 379, Cat 475 HP, Jake, 18 spd OD, air ride, 3.36 ratio, 3.42 ratio, 240" WB, 62" Aerocab tall slpr, dual tanks, VIT interior, alum 3.55 ratio, 260" WB, 72" tall slpr, dual tanks, exhaust & air clean- 250" WB, 63" tall slpr, dual tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum The crop can also be used wheels, dual bunks, Pwr windows, tank heaters, wheels, tilt wheel, air slide 5th wheel, locking rear axles, ers, dual bunks, PW, T&C, 70% virgin tires!! $39,000 STK# N681T-1 95% tires!! 95% brakes!! Stk # TP4083T-1 $59,000 $21,000 Stk# 4173T-7 as green chop, cutting a wagCALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES ‘94 Freightliner FL106 daycab, Detroit 50 Series 315 hp, 10 speed, 3.73 ratio, 152” wheelbase, air ride, onload at a time to feed the 4 To dual tanks, cruise. Stk# G453881-T........................................................................................ On Sale Now!! HEAVY Choose SALE PRICE SPECS From $59,000 cattle. There isn’t the danger Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures of high-nitrate poisoning that comes with green-chop corn in this drought year. State specialists in Columbia hold weekly teleconfer06 Frtlnr FLD120SD, Cat C15 475 hp, Jake, 10 spd Autoshift, air 07 Intl 9900ix, Cummins ISX 565 HP, Jake, 18 spd OD, Hend Air ‘05 Frtlnr Columbia, Cat C13 430 hp, jake, 10 spd OD, air ride, ride, 3.42 ratio, 244" WB, steerable pusher axle, dual tanks, Ride, @ 46,000#, 3.58 ratio, 244" WB, alum whls, dual tanks 3.58 ratio, 176" WB, air slide 5th wheel, alum wheels, dual tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, PW & PDL, dual bunks, fridge, 46,000# RA PW, Pwr mirror r/s, tilt & cruise, exhaust & air cleaners, htd mirrors, tank heaters, ences to answer questions , 85% Tires!! 50% Brakes!! Stk# TPN670-1 $65,000 $55,000 90% Brakes!! 95% Tires!! Stk#4085T-1 Stk# TP4135T-9 $29,500 Montana from regional extension speCALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURESBillings, CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURES SAVE SALE PRICE cialists. They share reports $6,500 Great Falls, Montana USED $23,000 ‘09 International ProStar Cummins ISX ST 455 hp, 10 speed, 73” Stand-Up sleeper, 230” wheelbase, 8 Blow Out 0 from test plots on Tothe tandem axles, dual aluminum tanks, power windows, power mirrors, power locks, chrome bumper. ChooseMU Stk# MT-4711-9-1................................................................................................................................$59,000 “Find our most up-to-date prices atPrice $38,00 research farms of the From! MisCall us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures” souri Agricultural Experiment Station.
Don’t have time for your fence work?
Soybeans were introduced on Missouri farms as a hay crop, not an oilseed crop. That started back in the dry years of the 1930s. This year, cowherd owners short on feed are asking about baling soybeans that won’t make a bean crop. Rob Kallenbach, University of Missouri (MU) Extension forage specialist, answers two questions the callers do not ask. Consider these two things “Before you do anything, call your crop insurance agent,” Kallenbach says. “Determine the crop-indemnity payment before cutting soybeans for hay.” “Second, read the label.” A big consideration, not relevant in the 1930s, will be pesticides used on the crop. Many label restrictions prevent soybean use for forages, MU specialists warn. Read the label on everything applied. Getting back to the original question, Kallenbach says, “Yes, soybeans make good forage.” Soybean hay has a crude protein of 16-19 percent. The total digestible nutrients (TDN) run in the mid-50s. “That will be better than most hay, except for other legumes such as alfalfa,” Kallenbach says. “The forage is very palatable and makes good feed for beef or dairy cows.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C59
The Phillippine Wheat Team with Dan Huestis on his farm outside of Great Falls. Philippine Wheat Team Four milling and food industry marketing executives from the Philippines visited Montana on August 12-14 to learn about the Montana wheat industry and discuss activities and programs that promote wheat consumption. “While per capita wheat growth has increased steadily in other South Asian countries, it has remained flat in the Philippines. However, they are still the fifth largest market for U.S. wheat. The executives were members of a marketing committee formed to help Philippine millers and bakers increase demand for their products,” said Joe Sowers, U.S. Wheat Associates assistant regional director for South Asia in the U.S. Wheat Manila Office, who accompanied the team. “The team will use what it learns on this trip to help design new marketing campaigns to promote wheat foods consumption as a healthy part of the Filipino diet.” The team met with farmers and industry officials throughout Montana and discussed a range of topics from the current wheat crop to transportation. The team was able to see the hard red spring harvest while visiting farmers in Montana and also toured several grain elevators. U.S.Wheat first opened its Manila office in 1961 and celebrated the 50th anniversary of its partnership with the Filipino milling and baking industries last February. The Philippines imported nearly 2.1 million metric tons of U.S. wheat in 2011/12, the highest sales in a decade, and exceeded a 97 percent U.S. market share. The Philippines is the second largest importer of U.S. hard red spring wheat in the world and imports wheat more than any other U.S. agricultural product.
Mexican Malt Team Learning about the current malt barley crop with Dave Tweet near Stanford. Mexican Malt Barley Team A team representing two different Mexican brewing companies visited Montana on August 22-24 to learn about the current Montana malt barley crop. The team toured the Fairfield Bench, and visited several local microbreweries, including Blackfoot Brewing Company in Helena, the Harvest Moon Brewery in Belt, and The Front and Bowser Brewing Company in Great Falls. The group was also able to help Montana Wheat and Barley Committee Chairman Bruce Myllymaki harvest some of his malt barley near Stanford, and well as learn about transportation and logistics at the Stanford elevator. The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee has seen an increase in the number of teams interested in Montana malt in recent years as the popularity of two rowed barley is becoming more prominent in brewing. DIRECTORS Bruce Myllymaki, Stanford, Chairman Milo "Buzz" Mattelin, Culbertson, Vice Chairman Frank Schoonover, Dutton Chris Kolstad, Ledger Tom Siderius, Kalispell Randy Hinebauch, Chinook Leonard Schock, Vida
EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS Ron de Yong, Director, MT Dept. of Agriculture Byron Grassman, Manager, Mountain View Co-op/ Collins Jeff Jacobsen, Dean of the College of Agriculture, MSU STAFF: Kim Falcon, Executive Vice President Kolleen Spurgin, Administrative Financial Assistant Tammy Suek, Administrative Assistant Cassidy Marn, Marketing Program Manager Steve Becker, Communications Coordinator
ADDRESS: 1601 2nd Ave. N., Suite 700, Great Falls, MT 59401 P.O. Box 3024, Great Falls, MT 59403-3024. PHONE: 406-761-7732. TOLL-FREE MARKET NEWS LINE: 1-800-332-5906. (Daily updates at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.) WEB SITE: SPEAKERS AVAILABLE The Montana Wheat and Barley Committee has speakers available for speaking engagements. If you need a speaker on Committee programs or activities, please contact our office. There is no charge for this service.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C60
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Bug Tour at the Birdtail Ranch
By Liz Carlisle Officially, it was a SARE 2011 Producer on hand, as were organic inspector MargaResearch and Education Grant Farm Tour, ret Misner and Laura Leibner of the Alger but the signs to the Birdtail Ranch south of Ranch. Tom and Anne Woodruff made the Chinook said simply “Bug Tour.” While drive all the way from Big Sky and offered there were a few deer flies to contend with, up their flatbed as a tour wagon. the bugs of interest were the ones eating Demonstrations focused on four weeds: the weeds, not the tour attendees, and they Canada thistle, knapweed, leafy spurge, and didn’t disappoint. The tour was led by Birdbindweed. Herdegen released two biologitail Ranch owner/operator Bob Herdegen, cals in a thistle plot, both of which left clear a participating producer on a SARE Grant evidence of their presence. Large galls on for organic control of perennial weeds with the thistle plants were the telltale signs of vinegar and biologicals. But it was a colthe stem gall wasp. Thistle stem weevils laborative affair, with grant coordinator Jess were a little harder to detect, but Keever Alger, participating producers Jan and Rich taught participants to look for plants with Boyle, and BLM Natural Resource Specialcrooked stems and irregular flowers that ist Kenny Keever pitching in. Tour particilook stressed, “like they’ve been sprayed, pants had insights to add too: neighboring but not enough.” Keever and Herdegen cut producers Jill Bold and Max Hofeldt were continued on page C62
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The gall on this thistle is a telltale sign of the stem gall wasp being utilized at the Birdtail Ranch. Photo courtesy of Liz Carlisle.
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These leafy spurge hawk moth caterpillars were munching on the spurge on the Birdtail Ranch. These were released in the 1960s. Photo courtesy of Liz Carlisle.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C61
No matter what your line of work - landscaping, farming or construction - you’ll complete your jobs more effectively with a New Holland 200 Series skid steer loader. The New Holland product development team worked with over 1,000 valued New Holland and competitive skid steer customers for three years to develop final concepts for the 200 Series skid steer loader. The product development team then used virtual reality technology and New Holland’s Arizona proving grounds to test these concepts with prototype units and customer groups of landscapers, famrers, and general contractors. New Holland listened and designed a skid steer loader that met the challenges, answered the requests and fulfilled every wish list. It’s the skid steer loader you would want on the job - one that’s durable, reliable and productive. New Holland proudly manufacturers the 200 Series skid steer loader.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C62
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Bug Tour at the Birdtail Ranch continued from page c60
open the stem of a stressed thistle, and sure enough, there was a hollow carved by the weevil. The bugs in the thistle appeared to be doing their work, but eradicating the plant will be a long-term project, Herdegen concluded. Keever concurred, advising a higher volume of insects. The knapweed plot was a bit of a disappointment, as Herdegen learned that the biologicals he released were spotted knapweed specialists - and wouldn’t touch his Russian knapweed. Herdegen seized the teachable moment, and had Keever offer an impromptu tutorial on how to tell the difference between the two types of knapweed. Jan Boyle pointed out that the biologicals catalog wasn’t clear on the issue and recommended that producers request more specific guidelines on which type of knapweed is targeted by particular insects. The spurge plot offered the most stunning bug viewing: brightly colored three-inch long leafy spurge hawk moth caterpillars. Herdegen hadn’t released them: according to his research, they were released way back in the 1960s as the first biological control for leafy spurge. It was not hard to see them in action: dozens of red, black, and yellow insects obligingly munched on spurge leaves right in front of tour participants’ eyes. Unfortunately, Herdegen and Keever noted, the caterpillars merely defoliate the spurge plant and don’t kill it - but in combination with flea beetles, which Herdegen released, they
could stress the plant enough to start controlling the patch. Keever advised adding longhorn beetles for the spurge biocontrol “trifecta,” and also mentioned that hawk moth caterpillars and sheep grazing work well in tandem. In addition to biologicals, the SARE grant project also explored the use of vinegar, and Herdegen had a dramatic result to point out in a bindweed patch he had sprayed the day before. It was very clearly brown and burned - as were the white top patches sprayed by Alger and the knapweed plots sprayed by the Boyles. Jan Boyle shared a detailed PowerPoint about her experience with vinegar, which led to a discussion about the treatment’s long-term impacts. While it was clear that vinegar was a good short-term solution, all grant collaborators felt it was too soon to say whether it would successfully control weed populations longterm, particularly given the persistence of weeds with rhizomes and biennial life cycles. Alger was the most optimistic, citing a white top patch in his shelterbelt that he has reduced to 10 percent of its former size after several years of vinegar application. Boyle said she would continue using vinegar on her knapweed, concluding preliminarily that it can be a successful control on a small scale when reapplied. Herdegen thought he might combine vinegar with other strategies, and would experiment to see whether it worked.
Kenny Keever, BLM Natural Resource Specialist (far right), talks with a small group at the Bug Tour. Group includes Max Hofeldt (upper left), Bob Herdegen, owner/operator of Birdtail Ranch (lower left), Margaret Misner (upper right), Jess Alger (lower right). Photo courtesy of Liz Carlisle.
Left to right: Jan Boyle, Anne Woodruff, Laura Leibner, Max Hofeldt, Jess Alger, Margaret Misner, Kenny Keever, Tom Woodruff, Bob Herdegen attend the Bug Tour at the Birdtail Ranch. Photo courtesy of Liz Carlisle.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C63
Over 13 Case IH Dealerships Throughout Montana And Wyoming To Serve You Visit to find a dealership near you. Big Sky Equipment, Conrad 1-800-332-7541 Glasgow Implement, Glasgow 1-800-345-6042 Heart Mountain Farm Supply, Powell, WY 1-800-877-6758 Kamp Implement, Belgrade 406-388-4295 Manning International, Hysham 406-342-5571 Musselshell Valley Equip., Roundup 1-888-423-2605 Torgerson’s, Billings 406-252-8614 Torgerson’s, Denton 406-567-2221 Torgerson’s, Ethridge 406-339-2222 Torgerson’s, Great Falls 406-453-1453 Torgerson’s, Havre 406-265-5887 Torgerson’s, Lewistown 406-538-8795 Tri-County Implement, Sidney 1-800-624-6540
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2012 — Page C64
Torgerson’s Bargain Blowouts! 0
$14,900 1981 John Deere 4640 tractor, 15,000 hours. #500578. 1987 Case IH 2294 tractor. #707791.
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1992 Case IH 1680 combine, 4382 hours. #700642.
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Great Falls, Montana
Lewistown/Denton, Montana
Havre, Montana
Billings, Montana
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