Vol. XXI No. 8 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997
Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website:
Business development course on direct marketing meat
From MSU News Service Montana State University (MSU) Extension, in conjunction with Oregon State University, will offer a new agriculture business development course on direct marketing meat. The Western Meat School, Montana Edition, is an online or hybrid learning experience for farmers, ranchers, butchers and others. The sixweek course will meet on Wednesday evenings beginning November 4. It will cover key topics in production, processing and marketing to produce high-quality meat and then sell it to diverse market channels. It is not a processing or butchering course. The adult education course is intended for a range of individuals, including farmers and ranchers with at least a couple years’ experience; meat processors and butchers; meat buyers, distributors and retailers; Extension specialists, agents and educators; and those from nongovernmental organizations working on local livestock and meat supply chain issues. The entire course will be available in real time online. A socially distanced group watching site is planned for 10 to CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
Sept 12 - 26, Pate Auction Inc., State of Montana Surplus Property, Online...A5 Sept 14 - 26, Weishaar Auction Service, Dennis Estate, Online/Live Amidon ND.....................................................................................................................A10 Sept 14 - 28, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Peter’s Fertilizer, Online...A6 Sept 14 - 29, Musser Bros Auctions & Real Estate, Campbell Grain & Livestock, Online.................................................................................................................A4 Sept 17 - 23, Ophus Auction, Holt Plumbing, Online.......................................A15 Sept 18 - 25, Smith Sales Co., Project Cars, Trucks, Parts, Online...................A7 Sept 19, Shobe Auction & Realty, Sparks Chevrolet, Lewistown MT.............A11 Sept 19, Barnes Auction Service, D. Allan Manas Living Estate, Melrose MT...A10 Sept 19, RK Statewide Auction, Srovern Farm, Wolf Point MT........................A13 Sept 19, Montana Auction Company, Kilsdonk Estate, Collectible Car & Tractor, Sidney MT...........................................................................................................A3 Sept 19, Roshon’s Auction Service, Public Estate, Kalispell MT...................A16 Sept 22 - Oct 6, Pate Auction Inc., Broadwater Estate, Online.......................A14 Sept 23 - 30, Ophus Auction, Whalen Ranch, Online.......................................A15 Sept 26, RK Statewide Auction, Donn Schutt Estate, Vida MT.......................A17 Sept 26, Mills Auction Service, Ballard Estate, Hysham MT...........................A12 Sept 26, Toavs Premier Auctions, Larsen Estate, Plentywood MT.................A19 Sept 29 - Oct 13, Pate Auction Inc., Reich Estate, Online...............................A14 Oct 3, RK Statewide Auction, Dawson Land, Hay & Equipment, Glendive MT...A21
Updated Wyoming vegetable gardening publication
University of Wyoming Extension An updated version of Gardening: Vegetables in Wyoming, publication B-1115R, is available for download as a PDF, HTML or ePub at “The basic information was still valid, but varieties change all the time,” said Karen Panter, University of Wyoming Extension horticulture specialist. “We’ve updated variety information to include more recent introductions.” Tips in this publication include crop selection, soil preparation and irrigation. “It’s geared toward homeowners across Wyoming, especially now when more people are trying to be more selfsufficient,” said Panter.
Sept 16 - 17, Montana Sheep Company, Online.................................................A4 Nov 11, Hereford Influence Feeder Calf Sale, Three Forks MT.......................C39
Sept 18, 19, 20, Teton Antique Steam & Gas Threshing Assoc, Choteau MT..A8 Oct 6 - 7, Triangle Ag Services, Open House, Fort Benton MT.......................A20
Molly Ogle sent us this photo showing the Bridger Foothills fire near Bozeman, Montana. As of print time over 7000 acres had burned.
NDSU CREC holding virtual row crop program NDSU Extension Service North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) • Black, navy and pinto bean plant popuCarrington Research Extension Center lations and row spacings – Endres (CREC) is holding its annual row crop • Pollinator potential impact on dry beans program virtually this summer because of - Savannah Adams, graduate student the COVID-19 pandemic. • Optimizing fungicide spray droplet size “This format will allow us to meet the for improved management of white mold in objectives of our tour by providing updates dry beans - Michael Wunsch, CREC plant on the center’s corn, dry bean, soybean and pathologist sunflower research and recommendations • Soybean cyst nematode considerations for farmers and crop advisers,” says Greg for dry beans and soybeans - Sam Markell, Endres, Extension cropping systems speExtension plant pathologist cialist at the center. “Ag audiences will be • Considerations for soybean variety able to watch the videos at a time convenient selection - Hans Kandel, Extension agronofor their schedules.” mist Prerecorded videos will be available Au• Prospects for managing Sclerotinia head gust 27. The videos can be viewed at https:// rot in sunflowers – Wunsch • Susceptibility of sunflowers to ScleroTopics and NDSU speakers for this year’s tinia head rot relative to growth stage program are: Wunsch • Incorporating cover crops into corn Mike Ostlie, CREC research agronomist • Impact of nitrogen fertilizer rates on Ehlke Herefords, Townsend MT...................................C39 corn and dollar return in low- and highFeddes Herefords, Manhattan MT...............................C39 yield environments - Jasper Teboh, CREC J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood MT...................................C39 soil scientist Maloney Angus & Simmental, Turner MT......................A8 McMurry Cattle, Billings MT........................................C39 • Dry bean breeding program and variety Wichman Herefords, Moore MT...................................C39 review - Juan Osorno, dry bean breeder
The deadline for October issue is WEDNESDAY, Sept.30 Advertiser Index B1 Recipe Patch A34 Email:
Trader’s Dispatch September 2020 — Page A2
David Yoder Phone: 406-288-6473 Toll Free: 877-755-6473
2870 Gold Creek Road Gold Creek, MT 59733
Ordinary People Delivering the Extra Ordinary
Direct marketing meat CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE
12 attendees in Billings, depending on guidance at the time from the state of Montana, MSU, local public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The group component may be adapted or canceled for safety. The course cost is $120 per individual or $160 for couples or business partners, with online registration at Registration is open now, and discounts may be available for attendees from Montana. For more information on the course and USDA Western SAREfunded discounts, email or call Tommy Bass, livestock environment associate specialist with MSU Extension, at or 406-994-5733. The course is promoted by Oregon State University and the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network. Colorado State Extension piloted it in 2019. The Western Extension Risk Management Education Center and other secondary sponsors fund development and management of the course. More information is available at
COVID-19 Wyo. emergency housing assistance program T&G Wood Flooring & Paneling • T&G Log Siding • Custom Railing & Doors
Natural Wood Flooring, Log Siding and Knotty Pine paneling is our specialty... We have our own dry kilns for quality control on the wood. We offer pine and cedar log siding and paneling, along with Douglas Fir, Knotty Pine and Blue Pine flooring and wall paneling. We also offer various styles of solid wood doors and log railings along with many other quality log home products. Our products are superior quality due to our carefulness in custom detail. Our innovative Tongue-and-Groove design, and End-Matching, makes for zero to very minimal waste. •
Hours: Monday- Friday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm - Saturday by appointment only - Closed Sunday
2012 Peterbilt 389 extended hood, 485 hp, ISX 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, 620,000 miles, clean one owner truck, all maintenance records....$62,500
2014 Kenworth T800 550 hp Cummins ISX with records, 400,000 miles, Eaton RTLo18918B new 60,000 miles ago, 13,200 lb. front, 13,200 lb. steerable left axle, 40,000 lb. rears on air ride, 245” wheel base, extensive exhaust work, very clean........................................... $58,500
8360 Hwy 10 West• Missoula, MT 406.549.1047 or 207.1945
2006 Peterbilt 379 EXHD Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 12,000 lb. front, 40,000 lb. rears, Pete air track suspension, 15-ft. Reliance box with high lift gate, box was just re-skinned and repainted, custom paint job, rods and mains replaced 1500 miles ago with paperwork, new tires........ ................................................... $67,500
2005 Kenworth T800B Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 18 speed Eaton-Fuller, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rears, lift axle...$39,500
1989 Mack RD688S E6-350 Mack, Fuller 13 speed, 14-ft. dump box plumbed for pup, county maintained.............. $17,500 1995 Kenworth T800 cab & chassis, 3406E CAT 500 hp, 18 speed 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears on Hendrickson with locker, 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle.......... ................................................... $38,500 1997 Kenworth T800 heavy haul, Cat 3406E 550 hp, 15 speed, 14,600 lb. front, 46,000 lb. rears on Neway suspension with new tires, double frame, lowboy ramps, 220” wheelbase. One owner truck.............................................$37,500
1985 Freightliner FLD120 Big Cam 400 hp Cummins, 13 speed, Reyco spring suspension, new paint w/ records.... $16,500
1992 Peterbilt 378 3406B 425 hp, 13 speed, 12,000 lb. front axle, 23,000 lb. rear axle, 178” wheelbase, 11R24.5 tires 85% tread, no rust, fresh paint, runs great, clean older truck ready to work....... ....................................................$18,500
1984 Load King 4 axle, folding neck, 60 ton, 9-ft. wide, like new virgin rubber, 21.5-ft well.................................. $23,500
University of Wyoming Extension Emergency assistance for renters and homeowners is available for Wyoming residents affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Wyoming’s program is open to all Wyoming residents who have experienced a loss of income due to COVID-19, said Cole Ehmke, the personal finance specialist with University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. “The program opened in June with an allocation of $15 million of Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding,” Ehmke said. “So far, much of the money is still available, and there is now likely increased need with the end of the $600 weekly boost in unemployment benefits from the U.S. government.” Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) is managing the application process for the Wyoming Emergency Housing Assistance Program (WEHAP). Applicants must pay 10 percent of their monthly gross income toward their rent or mortgage, and the assistance program will pay the rest, up to $3,000 a month, said Ehmke. The assistance is directly paid to a landlord or mortgage company, who must complete paperwork to accept the payment. Funds may be applied to rent or mortgage payments from as early as April 2020. Asset and income restrictions apply. “Applicants will want to gather information for the application such as documentation of income and housing expenses,” Ehmke said. The program can be accessed at the WCDA website www. A calculator and an FAQ for the program are available online. A print application is also available. For assistance completing the WEHAP application, contact the WCDA at or 1-307253-1089.
September 2020 — Vol. XXI No. 8 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.
1995 Peterbilt 379 460 hp N14, 15 speed, 12,000 lb. front, new 13,200 lb. steerable lift axle, 40,000 lb. rears on Pete air track, Cozad lowboy ramps, aluminum headache rack, two line wet kit, clean one owner truck................................. $37,500
Deadline for October issue WEDNESDAY, Sept. 30. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer and ad layout Kathy Peterson, ad layout Suzy Benzing, ad layout and sales
Office Phone 406-271-5533
1993 Trail King 3 axle low boy, air ride, 102” wide, third axle flip, 29-ft. well, 12-ft. rear deck, 10-ft. neck. manual detach. 80% rubber......................................... $23,500
See more inventory and photos on our website:
FAX 406-271-5727
e-mail: Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch. If camera ready copy is submitted, a PDF is preferred with all fonts embedded. All black type must be 100% black and color must be CMYK. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PRINTING QUALITY on any ads sent in RGB and/or built on non-standard publishing programs, i/e, Word or Power Point. If the format is incorrect we may need to rebuild your ad. We have graphic designers available to build you ad, simply send us ad copy along with any photos you wish to include. Photos should be high resolution sent as JPGs. No thumbnail photos please.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A3
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A4
WINTER WHEAT SEED FOR SALE 4 Willow Creek forage winter wheat
Larry: 701-770-2500 or Jason: 701-770-0926, Signalness Farms, Watford City, ND
Peter’s Fertilizer Eqt Harlowton, MT
LOCATION: 11 US Hwy 191N • Harlowton, MT TRUCKS & TRAILERS
K-State Research and Extension News When talking to ranchers about cattle health concerns in the summer, fly control and pinkeye will often come to mind, but one condition that can lead to calf death is pre-weaning pneumonia. “Research has shown that pre-weaning calf pneumonia appears in about 20% of the herds in the country annually,” said Brad White, K-State veterinarian and director of the Beef Cattle Institute. “Of that 20%, there is a group that experience significant problems.” White and veterinary colleague Bob Larson discussed their role in the study and the results during a recent Cattle Chat podcast. “This pneumonia peaks when the calf is about four and a half months old, so for spring born calves we typically see the condition appearing in July and August,” White said. Larson said that often pre-weaning pneumonia appears first in some of the bigger, stronger calves in the pasture. White explained that the larger calves tend to be the older calves, and the natural immunity that they got from their dam’s colostrum at birth is starting to fade. Larson added that some cattle ranchers aren’t watching for this condition because cattle out on pasture don’t display the typical risk for factors for respiratory disease, such as comingling with new animals in confinement. “This respiratory disease is surprising because it seems to show up sporadically. Some herds go years between outbreaks and other herds have it happen in consecutive years,” Larson said. White noted that the study alerted the scientists to some factors for increased risk. “Along with the time of year, calves grouped together tended to spread the sickness,” White said. As an example, White cited, management practices that involve creep feeding or intensive grazing often lead to calves gathering in tighter spaces. “Also, calves don’t naturally socially distance, but rather group themselves together in the pasture,” White said. A pneumonia prevention plan may include avoiding management that forces calves to group closely together and a vaccination prevention protocol, they said. “Work with your veterinarian and extension specialist to see what the right vaccine prevention protocol is for your area,” White said. “It may mean vaccinating the calves when you work them at 60-70 days of age to give them an extra boost of protection.” To hear the full discussion on pre-weaning pneumonia, listen in to the BCI Cattle Chat podcast online.
Record high pork production for June
Shawn Peter’s (907) 440-5051
For more info, hundreds of photos & bidding registration, visit our website ……
Billings, MT (406) 652-2266
Watch for summer respiratory condition in calves
United States Department of Agriculture June 2019 contained 20 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 5 Saturdays. June 2020 contained 22 weekdays (including 0 holidays) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.79 billion pounds in June, up 10 percent from the 4.37 billion pounds produced in June 2019. Beef production, at 2.37 billion pounds, was 7 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.88 million head, up 2 percent from June 2019. The average live weight was up 52 pounds from the previous year, at 1,365 pounds. Veal production totaled 5.6 million pounds, 2 percent below June a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 37,200 head, down 16 percent from June 2019. The average live weight was up 37 pounds from last year, at 260 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.40 billion pounds, up 13 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.2 million head, up 12 percent from June 2019. The average live weight was up 3 pounds from the previous year, at 288 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 12.5 million pounds, was up 9 percent from June 2019. Sheep slaughter totaled 193,400 head, 10 percent above last year. The average live weight was 129 pounds, down 1 pound from June a year ago. January to June 2020 commercial red meat production was 26.8 billion pounds, up slightly from 2019. Accumulated beef production was down 2 percent from last year, veal was down 10 percent, pork was up 2 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 8 percent.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A5
2020 State of Montana Surplus Property
Helena, MT • Bidding open Sept. 12 and ending Sept. 26
Sale Site: 16 W. Custer Ave., at the corner of Custer Ave. & Henderson, next to the Lewis & Clark Co. Fairgrounds.
1/2 TON PICKUPS (4wd & 2wd) 3/4 TON PICKUPS (4wd & 2wd) 1 TON TRUCKS (4wd & 2wd) 1 TON DUMP TRUCKS CARS (Full size, compact and hybrid) MID-SIZE PICKUPS (4wd & 2wd) SUV’s, VANS & MINI VANS COMPACTORS WHEEL LOADERS TRACTORS
Download the Pate Auction App to your mobile device or go online and bid your price on this line of vehicles & equipment!
ONLINE ONLY AUCTION Viewing will be held Thursday, Sept. 24 and Friday, Sept. 25 from 8 am to 5 pm each day. Removal: Monday, Sept. 28 thru Friday, Oct. 2 from 8 am to 4 pm each day. Online registration available on our mobile app or on the website.
BOATS SNOWMOBILES Assorted woodworking equipment reversible snow plows Assorted tools, tires & shop equipment BELLY DUMP TRAILER Lawn mowers
Download the Pate Auction app to your mobile device or go to for a complete listing of auction items!
Viewing: Thursday, September 24 & Friday, September 25 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day!
Pate Auction Inc.
2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 Doug 406- 439-8855 • Dan 406-439-5561
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A6
SAWMILL FOR SALE Heavy duty stationary sawmill, 45” circular saw blade. Complete. Phone (406) 363-4907, Forsyth, MT
##### 9 out of 10 voices in my head are telling me that I am too fat. The last one is calmly preparing a bowl of chips.
MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295
Campbell Grain & Livestock Inc Redstone, MT
LOCATION: 49 Wolf Creek Road • Redstone, MT
DIRECTIONS: 14 miles South on Redstone Rd, 1/2 mile East on Wolf Creek Rd TRACTORS
To view equipment, contact Blair Campbell (406) 765-7568 For more info, hundreds of photos & bidding registration, visit our website ……
Billings, MT (406) 652-2266
A gardener’s guide to frost
By Eliot Tozer, New York Do consider dew The dew point is the temperature at which the air is totally saturated with moisture. Television and radio meteorologists may state the dew point temperature during routine forecasts. The more moisture the air contains, the higher the temperature will be when the moisture starts to condense as dew, producing heat. And, obviously, the higher the temperature, the less chance of frost. For example, a dew point of 43°F almost certainly means no frost that night. Interestingly enough, frost is more likely to form on a dry evening when the air temperature is a warmish 50°F and the dew point is a low 33°F than when the air temperature is a cooler 43°F and the dew point is 41°F. Know your plants The plant itself determines the likelihood of frost damage. Immature plants still sporting new growth into the fall are most susceptible -- especially the new growth. Frost tolerance tends to be higher in plants with maroon or bronze leaves, because such leaves absorb and retain heat. Downy- or hairy-leaved plants also retain heat and reduce wind-drying of the leaves. Compact plants expose a smaller proportion of their leaves to cold and drying winds. By the same token, closely spaced plants protect each other. What’s a gardener to do? So you’ve checked the weather conditions and decide that, yes, Jack Frost is coming and protecting your plants is worthwhile. You’ll want to do two things: First, cover your plants, both to retain as much soil heat and moisture as possible and to protect them against strong winds, which can hasten drying and cooling. Use almost anything to cover plants: newspapers, bushel baskets, plastic tarps, straw, or pine boughs. Spun-bonded fabric row covers will protect plants down to 30°F, polyethylene row covers to 28°F. Cover the whole plant before sunset to trap any remaining heat. Lightweight coverings such as row covers and newspaper should be anchored to prevent them from blowing away. Second, keep the soil moist by watering your plants the day the frost is predicted. Commercial fruit and vegetable growers even leave sprinklers on all night to cover plants with water. As the water freezes, it releases heat, protecting the plants, even though they’re covered in ice. To prevent damage, the sprinklers need to run continuously as long as temperatures remain below freezing. And as you survey your garden’s fading glory, you may take heart from the experience of John Loudon, a 19thcentury British horticulturist. Loudon stuck four stakes into a plot of grass to support a cambric handkerchief 6 inches above the surface and found that the temperature beneath it remained 9°F warmer than the temperature of the surrounding air. Yes, you can beat the frost -- at least for a few nights. Feel the breeze Wind also influences the likelihood of frost. In the absence of wind, the coldest air settles to the ground. The temperature at plant level may be freezing, even though at eye level it is above freezing. A gentle breeze, however, will prevent this settling, keep temperatures higher, and save your plants. Of course, if the wind is below freezing, you’ll probably have fried green tomatoes for tomorrow’s supper. Check the moisture Just as clouds and gentle winds are your friends, so are humidity and moisture. When moisture condenses out of humid air, it releases heat. Not much heat, true, but perhaps enough to save the cleomes. If the air is dry, though, the moisture in the soil will evaporate. Evaporation requires heat, so this process removes warmth that could save your peppers. Check your garden’s location This can have a tremendous influence on the likelihood that early frost could wipe out your garden while leaving your next-door neighbor’s untouched. For example, as a general rule, temperature drops 3°F to 5°F with every 1,000foot increase in altitude. The higher your garden, the colder the average air temperature and the more likely your plants will be hit by an early freeze. So gardening on a hilltop isn’t a great idea, but neither is gardening at the lowest spot on your property. Since cold air is heavier than warm air, it tends to sink to the lowest area, causing frost damage. The best location for an annual garden is on a gentle south-facing slope that’s well heated by late-afternoon sun but protected from blustery north winds. A garden surrounded by buildings or trees or one near a body of water is also less likely to be frosted. It’s late fall. The sky is blue, and the sun is bright. Then your local weather forecaster ruins everything with these chilling words: “Possible frost tonight.” Once the initial panic subsides, reason sets in. Frost is a local event, and it’s CONTINUED ON PAGE A7
A gardener’s guide to frost CONTINUED FROM PAGE A6
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A7
80,000 bushel Marion L. Jones possible to predict with considerable certainty whether it 406-544-4766, cell storage at will hit the plants in your garden. So relax, walk outside, and pay attention to these six signs to predict the likelihood Choteau, MT • Sale and erection of of frost. Then, if necessary, spring into action. Brock grain storage Look skyward • Sale and erection of grain legs, Clear, calm skies and falling afternoon temperatures are conveyors, and towers usually the perfect conditions for frost. Frost (also called by Brock white or hoarfrost) occurs when air temperatures dip below 32°F and ice crystals form on the plant leaves, injuring and • Complete millwright and concrete service sometimes killing tender plants. However, if temperatures are falling fast under clear, windy skies -- especially when the • Projects completed in Montana, wind is out of the northwest -- it may indicate the approach Idaho and Washington of a mass of polar air and a hard freeze. A hard, or killing, frost is based on movements of large air masses. The result is below-freezing temperatures that generally kill all but the most cold-tolerant Online Project Cars, Trucks & Parts plants. Friday Sept. 25, 2020 @ 7 PM But if you see clouds in 406-234-7355 the sky -- especially if they 1108 US Hwy 12, Miles City, MT are lowering and thickening -- you’re in luck. Here’s why. During the day, the sun’s radiant heat warms the earth. After sunset, the heat radiates upward, lowering temperatures near the ground. However, if the 1970 Dodge Charger night is overcast, the clouds 1971 Chevy SWB, Driver 1957 Chevrolet 4x4 orig. act like a blanket, trapping heat and keeping air temperatures warm enough to prevent frost. Scrutinize the soil Your garden’s soil type 1986 Ford 4x2 Clean body 9 ft. Bed, GMC can affect the amount of moisture it holds and the Volvo S60R Turbo AWD 1 of 2 1970 Ford’s 1972 Mustang plants’ ability to withstand For more information, pictures cold weather. Deep, loose, & video’s, please look online. heavy, fertile soil releasThere will be other units. es more moisture into the surrounding air than thin, 1963 Buick Convert. Driver sandy, or nutrient-poor soil. The more humid the air, the Camaro higher the dew point and the less likely that frost will form on those plants. Heav1962 Chevy 1/2 ton ily mulched plants are more 1985 K10 likely to be frosted, since mulch prevents moisture 1961 Apache and heat in the soil from Monza escaping and warming the surrounding air. (Lightcolored mulches such as hay or straw have the additional disadvantage of reflecting 1979 F150 4x4 sunlight and heat during the day.)
1954 Chevy 3100
##### Two little boys were known troublemakers, stealing everything they could get their hands, even from the church. One day a priest stopped one of the boys and asked, “Where is God?” The boy shrugged and the priest repeated, “Where is God?” The boy ran out of the cathedral crying to his home where he hid in a closet. Eventually his brother found him and asked, “What’s wrong?” The crying boy replied, “We’re in trouble now! God is missing and they think we took him!” ##### Instead of “the John,” I call my toilet “the Jim.” That way it sounds better when I say I go to the Jim first thing every morning.
1 of 2 Pacers 1975 K20 4x4 1992 6.5 Truck Monte Carlo GMC
2 Fairmont wagons 1966 Pontiac Lemans Convert.
1962 IH 4x4
1948 IH KB-2
Accepting Unreserved Consignments 406-234-7355 Everything sells online, Happy bidding! Ford Van
Preview in Person: Sept. 21-25 8 am—4 pm daily.1108 US HWY 12 in Miles City, MT I 94 to Exit 141 then downhill one mile. Terms: 6% Buyers Premium, Cash, Checks or Credit cards accepted. Buyers will have to show picture ID upon settlement, No exceptions. NO CC accepted online. Additional fee for CC use.
Attention Ford Fan’s: 2 -1979 Ford F250 4x4 Big Block Trucks
“Everything sold as is, where is. Read terms
Office: 406-234-7355 Bid @
Pandemics, policies, & politics
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A8
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
Maloney Angus & Simmental Turner, Montana
AVAILABLE NEXT SPRING Registered Angus Sons & Grandsons of HA Cowboy Up 5405 Registered SimAngus sons of TJ Heisman, TJ Main Event, and Hooks Beacon.
For more information phone (406) 654-7115
Weekly Online Auctions Over 9,000 items selling on in September
SEP 23rd
SEP 23rd
Western Equipment Finance Great Falls, MT
General Implement Distributors Billings, MT
SEP 23rd
SEP 30th
Amur Equipment Finance Evansville, WY CLOSING BEGINS
Big Horn County Cowley, WY
Got Equipment to Sell?
OCT 7 th 10 AM CST
Nimmo Ranch Company
Give Us a Call! (800) 937-3558
Cheyenne, WY
37th Annual
THRESHING BEE & BAZAAR September 18, 19 and 20th, 2020 7:00 am until 5:00 pm Choteau, MT • 2 blocks south of City Park 3 DAY EVENT SCHEDULE
Various Teton County Homesteader Buildings on display, Vintage Equipment, Blacksmithing, Sawmilling, and a Unique “Do Nothing Machine” Dudes ‘N’ Dolls square dancers - 12:00 Saturday
Drawings to be held Sunday, September 20 at 4:00 pm. Need NOT be present to win!
ADMISSION COVERS 3 DAYS! $10 - under 12 FREE / $25 for family!
For more information, call or write:
Dan Lannen (406) 590-4488 or Rick Corey (406) 466-5409 TASCA: PO Box 278, Choteau, MT 59422 NOT RESPONSIBLE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS OR FOR ITEMS ON SHOW GROUNDS Lodging, Campgrounds and Restaurants are nearby (no camping available on show grounds!)
By Eric Vermulm, Investment Advisor
The Coronavirus pandemic has spurred the federal government into action. Regulators, legislators, and bureaucrats have hit the economic impacts of the virus in multiple ways. The Federal Reserve dropped short-term interest rates to 0% to boost liquidity and provide low cost funding. The year started with Fed Funds at 1.50%, but with two quick and steep cuts in March, we were at ZIRP (zero interest rate policy). The Fed also reinstituted Quantitative Easing. QE allows them to buy assets (like Treasury bonds or mortgage backed securities) from member banks to inject cash into the system and shore up credit spreads. Congress backed the Fed’s monetary moves with several large fiscal stimulus policies. These packages funded things like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP loans), direct taxpayer stimulus payments, as well as allotments to hospitals and healthcare providers. Congress has so far put just short of $6 trillion to work, and a 5th stimulus program is currently being debated in Congress. Among the fiscal stimulus packages were two acts with significant investment implications. The SECURE Act came out precoronavirus, signed into law last December, and provided a number of retirement plan updates. The CARES Act came as a direct result of the virus, but contained several tax and investment reliefs. The key provisions of each act are: The SECURE Act The SECURE Act is a legislative update designed to address longer life expectancies and provide more retirement saving options. The biggest changes with the SECURE Act: The required minimum distribution (RMD) age was increased from 70½ to 72. You can delay withdrawals from your IRA up to age 72 (if you hadn’t already turned 70½ in 2019). You can continue to make IRA contributions past age 70½ if you are still working. The “stretch” IRA provision has been eliminated. Previously, if you inherited an IRA you could stretch out the required distributions over your life expectancy. The new law now limits the withdrawal period to 10 years. There were numerous other provisions in the act, including tax credits for starting a retirement plan, IRA withdrawals for the Election Date Election Date 11/6/28 11/6/28 11/8/32 11/8/32 11/3/36 11/3/36 11/5/40 11/5/40 11/7/44 11/7/44 11/2/48 11/2/48 11/4/52 11/4/52 11/6/56 11/6/56 11/8/60 11/8/60 11/3/64 11/3/64 11/5/68 11/5/68 11/7/72 11/7/72 11/2/76 11/2/76 11/4/80 11/4/80 11/6/84 11/6/84 11/8/88 11/8/88 11/3/92 11/3/92 11/5/96 11/5/96 11/7/00 11/7/00 11/2/04 11/2/04 11/4/08 11/4/08 11/6/12 11/6/12 11/8/16 11/8/16 11/3/20 11/3/20
Winner Winner Hoover Hoover Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevelt Truman Truman Eisenhower Eisenhower Eisenhower Eisenhower Kennedy Kennedy Johnson Johnson Nixon Nixon Nixon Nixon Carter Carter Reagan Reagan Reagan Reagan Bush Bush Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Bush Bush Bush Bush Obama Obama Obama Obama Trump Trump ? ?
Data Source: Yahoo!Finance Data Source: Yahoo!Finance Concept Credit: InvesTech Research Concept Credit: InvesTech Research
birth of a child, and allowing 529 plans to pay down $10,000 of student loan debt. The act also focused on improving “lifetime income investments” in 401(k) plans. These are better known as annuities. This is a nice option to have in a 401(k) plan – it can provide a stable, monthly payout to participants – but annuities have a history of being high cost and overly complex, so we would advise detailed due diligence before moving forward. The CARES Act The CARES act is less a legislative overhaul and more a package designed to stimulate the economy through the COVID pandemic. Specific to investing, a number of retirement account rules were relaxed: Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) for 2020 were suspended. This includes any retirement account subject to RMDs, such as IRAs, 401(k)s, and inherited accounts. The CARES Act allows you to take up to $100,000, in certain circumstances, from your retirement accounts penalty free with tax deferment or repayment options over a 3-year period. While this provides a nice emergency option, taking funds from your retirement account should only be considered as a last measure in most financial planning scenarios. While it’s been a busy year for the folks in Washington, let’s not forget the main event. We are less than two months from a federal election. While we are not political pundits (you’re welcome), we are investors with a keen eye on market history. Data from the last 100 years (see table) shows that conventional wisdom – how the market reacts to politics – may be backwards. When it comes to Presidential Elections, the stock market may play an important role in the outcome. There is a simple rule that has predicted a majority of the elections over the last century: When the market rallies in the 90 days leading up to election, the incumbent party usually wins. When the market falls in the 90 days leading up to election, the challenging party usually wins. 87% of the time since 1928 – 20 of 23 election cycles – this indicator has proven correct.
PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS Party Winning Party Party Winning Party Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Democrat Challenger Democrat Challenger Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Republican Challenger Republican Challenger Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Democrat Challenger Democrat Challenger Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Republican Challenger Republican Challenger Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Democrat Challenger Democrat Challenger Republican Challenger Republican Challenger Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Democrat Challenger Democrat Challenger Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Republican Challenger Republican Challenger Republican Incumbent Republican Incumbent Democrat Challenger Democrat Challenger Democrat Incumbent Democrat Incumbent Republican Challenger Republican Challenger ? ? ? ?
S&P 500 S&P 500 3 Months Prior 3 Months 16.88%Prior 16.88% -5.36% -5.36% 8.88% 8.88% 9.73% 9.73% 2.21% 2.21% 3.41% 3.41% -3.30% -3.30% -3.57% -3.57% -1.71% -1.71% 3.76% 3.76% 6.02% 6.02% 2.81% 2.81% -1.27% -1.27% 6.16% 6.16% 5.35% 5.35% 5.06% 5.06% -0.54% -0.54% 7.53% 7.53% -2.78% -2.78% 2.90% 2.90% -21.99% -21.99% 1.87% 1.87% -1.65% -1.65% ? ? # Correct: # Correct: # Observations: # Observations: Accuracy: Accuracy:
Market Market Predicted? Predicted? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? 20 20 23 23 87.0% 87.0%
Being a state 4-HAmbassador in a virtual world By Matthew Marrs
##### In 1990 Sacramento, CA, offically renamed its manholes... “maintenance holes.” Why? For “gender equality.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A9
FOR SALE: OIL FIELD TUBING-PIPE-SUCKER RODS Large quantities for all your fence/corral building needs. Delivery available Call for pricing - Faber Productions, 307-660-5160, Rozet, WY
2018 Thomas 051MS
2011 Blue Bird AAFE
Air Conditioning, Power Steering, 2172 miles, Stk. # 559465...........................................Call for Price
ISB engine, 61,702 miles, Stk. # 322656................. ..........................................................Call for Price
2010 Blue Bird School/Transit
2009 IC Corporation RE3000
65,842 miles, Stk. # 544845..............Call for Price
Air Conditioning, Power Steering, 131,641 miles, Stk. # 263906....................................Call for Price
From his kitchen, Matthew Marrs, 17-years-old, member and past president of Spearfish-based Crow Peak Valley Rangers 4-H Club and a South Dakota State 4-H Ambassador interacts with teen leaders via ZOOM video conference.
I was all set, “locked and loaded” so to speak during the 2019 State Fair when I interviewed virtually from the South Dakota State University (SDSU) Extension Office in Belle Fourche to the 4-H State Ambassador Selection Committee in Huron for a chance to be named a South Dakota State 4-H Ambassador. Why virtually in September 2019? Simple answer: I had high school football practice and first game of the season at that time. “Virtual-ness” was a real time saving blessing. And hey, I was selected! If you were to ask me: “What is your favorite part about the Ambassador program? My answer is: “networking and getting to know my peers from across the state.” And, we had fun doing that last autumn in Sioux Falls. We had big plans to meet quarterly in the coming months across the state leading up to the week-long Teen Leadership Conference (TLC) on the SDSU campus in Brookings the first week of June. Fast forward to March 2020. COVID19 hit and so did lockdowns, lockouts, hunkering at home and cancellations. TLC was a casualty, sort of… It was not reasonable for 80 teens and adult supervisors to meet on campus during the pandemic. But with virtual technology, we could still come together. And we did. My role and duty as an Ambassador was to help plan and serve on the TLC committee. I took a mental leap to wrap my head around what would have been in-person connection to an on-line connection. Thus, TLC “Virtual Vision” was birthed. In April and May the TLC committee redesigned all the workshops and presentations to be reachable on ZOOM video conferencing. The conference was condensed from a full 12-hour day to a 2 -hour session on the computer over a 4-day period in June. On a “normal” year, TLC boasts
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Logan Todd 406.930.3673
From his dining room table, Matthew Marrs, 17-years-old, member and past president of Spearfish-based Crow Peak Valley Rangers 4-H Club and a South Dakota State 4-H Ambassador interacts with teen leaders via ZOOM video conference.
Mary Ann Duffey
301 W. 1st Avenue | Big Timber, Montana 59011 | (406) 932-1031
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A10
Top Quality Alfalfa Hay For Sale
Round Bales, Reasonably Priced Call Johnny at 406-289-0230
Upcoming Auction Barnes Auction Service
Dr. Alan Manas Living Estate Auction Sat., September 19, 2020 11:00 am
303 West Bovine Way
Melrose, Montana Very high quality fishing and hunting related items: ATV’s - Trailers - Boats - Household - Art Work Shop & Yard Items Visit: for downloadable auction brochure. Tom: 406-660-2792 Office: 406-660-2374 4294 Hwy. 91 N. Dillon, MT 59475
Sat., September 26, 2020 9:30 AM MDT
ADDRESS: 7006 138th Ave SW, Amidon, ND 58620 DIRECTIONS FROM AMIDON, ND: 2-miles East, 6-miles South, 2-miles East, ½-mile South
UM News Service with an average decrease of 52% compared In 2019, nonresident travelers spent to August last year. $3.77 billion throughout Montana, a 5.4% Similarly, declines in September reservaincrease from the previous year. Over 12.6 tions average 61%, and winter reservations million nonresidents visited in 2019. are down 66% compared to the same time Research by the University of Montana’s last year. (UW) Institute for Tourism and Recreation “In general, however, visitors are waiting Research (ITRR) reveals a different story in to make last-minute decisions on travel as 2020. Nearly all of the second quarter was they watch the number of COVID-19 cases shut down to travelers this year due to the go up or down and their comfort level of pandemic, creating a jolt to that yearly injectraveling changes based on those numbers,” tion of money and visitors into Montana’s Nickerson said. economy. The second quarter generally Campgrounds are an exception to the accounts for a bit more than 20% of annual general decrease in accommodation busitraveler spending in the state. ness. Nationally, there are reported spikes Additionally, the latest available statistics in recreational vehicle sales and rentals. by the National Park Service show big visiCampground respondents in the ITRR tourtation declines in June in Montana’s Glacier ism business survey basically agree. Twelve and Yellowstone national park. Glacier was of the 14 campground owners (85%) said down 62% during June 2020, and Yellowinquiries are up or have stayed the same. stone was down 32% in June compared to “So, it’s business as usual for the campthat month a year ago. July figures are not ing industry, except, of course, for the extra yet available for Glacier, but Yellowstone cleaning, mask-wearing and social distancactually experienced a 2% increase in visiing,” Nickerson said. tors when compared to July 2019. In normal years, Montana’s six travel In general, when the two national parks regions and 16 of the counties with the do well, Montana’s tourism does well. As highest levels of nonresident spending travelers drive to the parks, they spend extra have shown that visitation and spending is time in Montana just to get there. widespread throughout the state and that all “What we expect to see, however, is a regions benefit. change in nonresident spending patterns for In the most recent 2019 figures from 2020,” said Jeremy Sage, ITRR associate ITRR, the Yellowstone and Glacier travel director. “For example, with nervousness regions received 34% and 31% of all nonabout dining in, we expect higher spending resident spending, while Gallatin and Flatin the grocery and snack categories and less head counties, located within those regions, in restaurants and bars.” accounted for 25% and 16% respectively of Fuel always has been a high expenditure all nonresident spending in the state. by nonresidents visiting Montana, but this How different will these numbers be in year gasoline prices are lower than they 2020? have been in the past 20 years. The Glacier and Yellowstone regions, “The conundrum for fuel spending is that home to Montana’s two iconic national the pandemic actually encourages people to parks, receive the majority of nonresident drive around more for sight-seeing while travel spending, according to Kara Grau, on vacation and spend less time stopping at the ITRR assistant director of economic museums and other attractions because they analysis. are either closed or people are uncomfort“In 2019, both those regions received able being in indoor settings,” Sage said. over 30% of traveler spending,” Grau said. “So, fuel spending could be on par with “We expect those regions to continue to lead other years in terms of average daily spendthe state in nonresident spending in 2020 but ing in that category.” realize that overall traveler spending will Accommodations, as well as restaurants take a big hit this year due to pandemicand bars, are taking a big hit in 2020, ITRR related travel restrictions, closures in the Director Norma Nickerson said. parks and consumer hesitancy in travel.” “A recent survey of tourism-related busiThe full report on 2019 estimates of the ness – the fourth in a series of surveys – is economic contribution of nonresident travshowing that accommodation owners are elers in Montana travel regions and counties still seeing cancellations and fewer reseris available on the ITRR website at https:// vations compared to the same months last year,” she said. All information and reports published by Seventy-eight percent (121 respondents) ITRR are available online at http://www. of the accommodations owners in the survey reported decreased reservations for August,
Pandemics, policies, & politics CONTINUED FROM PAGE A8
Auctioneers: Scott Weishaar (#493) CHAD STOLTZ (ND #39)
2020 tests Montana tourism
701-872-5299 701-290-0546
Clerk: Weishaar Clerking Services, LLC #2031 Terms are Cash. Not Responsible for Accidents. Lunch will be served. All announcements made Day of Sale will take Precedence over All Printed Material!
It worked in 1928 when a rising market forecast a win for incumbent candidate Herbert Hoover. It worked in 1932 when a falling market forecast a win for challenger Franklin Roosevelt. And it worked in 2016, when nearly every national poll – 112 of 114 – was wrong and showed Hillary Clinton defeating Donald Trump. Yet from August to early November 2016, the market was down -1.65%. This favored the challenger (Republican/Trump) and proved correct. So this fall, rather than focus on the incessant political ads, the polls, or even the debates, you may be better off watching the market. The old saying that Americans vote their pocketbooks may be truer than you know. Eric Vermulm is Chief Investment Officer at Allied Investment Advisors, a Montana based Registered Investment Advisor. He can
be reached at (406) 271-2391 or evermulm@ The information published herein is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer of investment advisory services. All information is subject to change without notice. Nothing contained herein constitutes financial, legal, tax, or other advice. These opinions may not fit to your risk and return preferences. Investment recommendations may change and readers are urged to check with their investment advisors before making any investment decisions. Information provided is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but we cannot attest to its accuracy. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Investment advisory services are offered through Allied Investment Advisors, a Registered Investment Advisor.
Being a state 4-HAmbassador in a virtual world CONTINUED FROM PAGE A9
75-80 attendees; however, with COVID19, virtual attendance reached 45 members and was considered successful. My greatest take away from being a 2019-2020 4-H Ambassador is when faced with adversity, don’t turn and run, take a deep breath, work through it. Though my years as a 4-H youth are winding down, I want to encourage the next generation of youth to check out your local 4-H Club. Ideally, start at age 8; however, I was 10 years old when I began my 4-H journey. It’s never really too late to join as long as you are under 18 years of age. There are so many project areas to study and learn from. I followed my interests and the projects I became involved were: Beef, Welding, Automotive, Range Science and Food-Nutrition. There are hundreds of projects to choose from. Additionally, I was involved in county activities such as Shooting Sports, Jr. Leaders, Promotion & Expansion Committee and the county fair. I should also point out another bonus of joining 4-H is being eligible for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Youth Loan. Operating loans of up to $5,000 are available to individual youths ages 10 to 20 to finance income-producing, agriculture-related projects. The month of October is when the new 4-H year begins. Here are a few links to help you get started: ##### You’re way to busy if you never have time to... ~ Do something you really enjoy. ~ Eat a meal with your family. ~ Listen to others. ~ Watch the clouds roll by. ~ Take a nap. ~ Get in touch with friends.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A11
##### Heavy! The Earth’s atmosphere weights about 5,517,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms.
ALL I WANT IS MELTON ALFALFA! MSU Bozeman’s latest Certified Alfalfa Seed Release Other varieties available
Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081
21-ft. Equipment Trailer Manufactured in Stevensville, MT
tariff on some parts may be applied
ONLY 10, 400 lb. GVW trailer with 14,000 lb. GVW Tires!
10 ply, 16” steel High Speed Radials • FREE Spare, FREE Tool Box Pad 8,000 lb. Jack, Dropleg set back so tailgate will open, 6-Hole adjustable 2 5/16 “ coupler ONLY AT M&M - Steel grate on dovetail, grip strut galvanized ramps that stow under tool box pad, and the only trailer with 10 digit LEDS, front & back fenders for safety and backing
m&m Auto, Trailer & Welding
(406) 728-1000 • 3745 US Highway 93 N. Stevensville, MT 59870 •
Sparks Chevrolet Vintage, ClassiC & Used aUto
1949 Mercury
1938 Packard
Saturday, September 19th, 2020 10 a.M. • 519 W Broadway, Lewistown, MT
1958 Chevrolet Bel Air
2008 Winnebago Adventurer
2000 Chevrolet Camaro
2006 Chevy Suburban
1938 Packard 4D Deluxe Sedan, suicide doors, straight 6 cyl eng completely restored (<500 mi.), 3 spd on floor w/ OD, thermostatically controlled grill, light kit, matching dash, elec. fuel pump, custom oil & air filters (originals included), all gray ext, pinstripe cloth int, 9999.9 mi., VIN 1182 20158. Super rare, clean as a whistle and runs like a top! 1949 Mercury 2D Coupe, 350 GM crate eng. (<1000 mi.), 350 GM rebuilt auto trans (<1000 mi.), shift on floor, custom keyless entry & trunk, dual exhaust, side pipes, chrome steel wheels, spotlights, AM/FM/ Cassette, power antenna, elec bucket seats, original Mercury side chrome strips, 1954 grill, fully restored, bronco candy apple red ext, maroon int. 1958 Chevrolet Bel Air 2D Sedan, 283 V8, 3 spd auto w/ OD, column shift, AM/FM/Cassette, add-on gauges, blue ext, blue & white matching int, new radial white wall tires, (1)03019 mi., VIN F58J157561 1989 Cadillac Allante 2D Coupe, removable hard top, Northstar V8, 4 spd auto, bucket pwr seats, pwr windows, pwr locks, red ext, tan leather int, miles unknown 1993 Chevrolet Corvette 2D Coupe, removable hard top, 5.7L LT1 (300 hp), 4 spd auto overdrive, factory aluminum wheels, pwr seats, pwr windows, pwr locks, AM/FM/Cassette, white ext, black leather int, new tires, 65,326 mi. 2000 Chevrolet Camaro 2D Coupe, Special Canadian Edition 3800 Series II V6 (3.8L), 5 spd manual, bucket seats, AM/FM/Cassette, RWD, custom wheels, new tires, red ext, black cloth int, 29,906 mi. USED VEHICLES
2017 Chevrolet Cruze Hatchback LT, arctic blue metallic, 1.4L 4 cyl, 6 spd auto, loaded jet black int, 19,427 mi. Excellent condition! 2017 Chevrolet Malibu LS, nightfall gray metallic, 1.5L 4 cyl, 6 apd auto, loaded, jet black int, 48,716 mi. Excellent condition!
1993 Chevrolet Corvette
2014 GMC Sierra 1500
2016 Chevrolet Malibu LT, autumn bronze metallic, 1.5L 4 cyl, 6 spd auto, loaded, medium ash gray int, 48,301 mi. Excellent condition! 2014 GMC Sierra 1500, 4WD, crew cab, fire red, 5’8” ‘box, 5.3L V8 Ecotec3, 6 spd auto, loaded, 8” touch screen display, power driver & passenger seats, power adj. pedals, trailer brake controller, locking tailgate, driver & psgr heated seats, heated steering wheel, dual climate control, seat covers, rear camera, leather seats, front 40/20/40 split bench, chrome running boards, chrome accents, rubber 50%, 103,001 mi. A good running, sharp looking outfit! 2011 GMC Sierra 1500, 4WD, crew cab, summit white, 5’8” box, Vortec 5.3L V8, 6 spd auto, loaded, power driver & passenger seats, trailer brake controller, locking tailgate, driver & psgr heated seats, heated steering wheel, dual climate control, seat covers, rear camera, leather bucket seats, chrome running boards, chrome accents, tinted rear window, window deflectors, rubber 75%, 201,212 mi. Looks and runs great! 2006 Chevrolet Suburban, 4WD, silver birch metallic, Vortec 6000 V8, 4 spd auto, loaded, factory rear DVD/entertainment system, in-dash 6 CD player, rear audio & climate controls, power pedal, power driver & psgr seats, leather bucket seats (front & 2nd row), 3rd row bench seat, sunroof, 20” wheels, rubber 50%, 145,198 mi. Clean all around and runs great! 2008 GMC Sierra 3500, 4WD dually, utility box, extended cab, fire red, Duramax 6.6L V8 turbo diesel, Allison 1000 6 spd auto, work truck pkg., cloth int., vinyl floor, 208,546 mi., 17” wheels, rubber 85% 2008 GMC SIERRA 2500, 4WD, crew cab, Sonoma red metallic, Duramax 6.6L V8 turbo diesel, Allison 1000 6 spd auto, 40/20/40 bench, cloth int., grill guard, B&W turnover ball (missing ball), 6’6” box, 16” wheels, rubber 50%, 275,511 mi.
Live Auction with Internet Bidding Available on Major Items
2017 Chevrolet Malibu
2006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, 4WD, crew cab, sport red metallic, Vortec 5.3L gas, 4 spd auto, power windows, tinted windows, front led light bar, 5’9” box, 17” wheels, 75% rubber, 304,500 mi. FORKLIFT
1987 Hyster Challenger H25E forklift, 3-wheel, gas, 2902 hrs., 15’ lift height, 2100 lb. cap., s#B1D3481H MOTORHOME
2016 Chevrolet Malibu NAPA 5/8-ton engine stand, & other misc. stands NAPA transmission jack, 1/2-ton & others Champion spark plug cleaner SPX Kent-Moore Transflow fluid flusher, mdl 3-45096 SPX Kent-Moore evaporative emissions system tester, mdl J41413-200, on cart Ammco twin facing brake tool, No. 6900 Branick strat spring compressor Midtronics GRB Battery diagnostic station, on cart Sun performance analyzer, on cart GM computer test center, on stand Fuel syphon cart Lincoln oil change collection tank, w/ air Misc. battery chargers Adjustable oil pan stand Jump starter, portable power unit, heavy duty Auto transmission specialty tools, large assortment The Door Handler paint stand Used oil poly tank, 335 gal. Misc. parts & service manuals, etc., 1970’s – 2000’s, GM, etc.
2008 Winnebago Adventurer, 8.1L V8 gas, Allison auto, electric overdrive, Workhorse chassis, 38’9”L x 102”W x 12’3”H, home comfort plus pkg., 2 slideouts, master bedroom w/ SleepNumber queen bed, ¾ bathroom (shower w/ glass door, sink, stool), solid surface countertops, refrigerator/freezer double door, microwave, stainless sink, 3-burner range, 2- TV’s, TV satellite sys, home theater system, elec. fireplace, 10 gal. water heater, hyd. leveling jacks, receiver hitch, rear & side cameras, elec. awning, exterior entertainment ctr, store-more slideout storage, 5500W Onan generator, 75 gal. fuel tank, 88 gal. SHOP EQUIPMENT freshwater tank, 53 gal. black tank, 70 gal. gray tank, 28 gal. propane tanks, 2,106 actual miles. This unit Oil King oil tank, 180 gal, hand pump is JUST LIKE NEW! All of the extras included in this Alkita mdl 311 pressure washer, hot & cold, w/ wand well-cared-for package. & hose Shop press, 17.5-ton AUTO & MECHANIC EQUIPMENT Asst’d. floor jacks, 2T – 5T Milwaukee shop grinder on stand, ½ hp (3) Mechanic’s cabinets/work stations, vintage, metal, DeWalt shop grinder on stand white DeWalt 20V heater fan Chicago portable blower Bolt & parts bins & trays JAYSON & KYLE SHOBE (2) Oxy-Acet welders Auctioneers & reAltors Asst’d. parts washers incl. Snap-On Jayson: 406-366-5125 Asst’d. shop vacs Wiring spool rack, wall Kyle: 406-366-0472 mount Air hose reels; Slide hamoffice: 406-538-5125 mer; Parts pullers 408 West Main • leWistoWn, Mt 59457
2011 GMC Sierra 1500
2017 Chevrolet Cruze Shop creepers; Jack stands Steel shop benches & tables, some w/ vice NAPA tool/parts chest Adj. shelving rack, 6 shelves, 98”w x 99”h, metal w/ wood shelves, heavy duty Large assortment racks & shelving Toro leaf blower, elec. Shop brooms, shovels, asst’d tools NEW & USED AUTO PARTS
Misc. wheels & rims Misc. headlights & taillights Misc. belts, wiper blades, deflector shields & many, many misc. auto parts ANTIQUES & OFFICE FURNITURE
Mr. Goodwrench works here, metal sign GMC Commitment Plus wood sign Ammco brake service wood sign Easy antique washing machine, working condition! Oak office desks, numerous Misc. Oak cabinets & shelving Log sitting chairs Office Chairs Metal desks File cabinets, 2, 3, 4 drawer, 10 +/-
View Catalog & Bid at Terms & Conditions:
Live auction with Internet Bidding available on major items. Photo ID required for registration. Cash or check day of auction. Credit Cards accepted with 3% fee. Additional terms apply for interenet bidders. See website for details.
Vehicle Preview: Saturday, Sept. 12th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A12
Tate Miller Welding
• Cattle Guards - any size • Panels - 24-ft. • Calf Hutches • Wind Break Panels - 24-ft. x any height Delivery available Phone 701-220-1350, Golva, ND
##### Which is bigger: Juneau (Alaska) or Los Angeles? Juneau, at 3,108 sq. mi. (L.A. is 458 sq. mi.)
2007 John Deere 6420 MFWD with loader and grapple................... Asking $45,000 2001 Ditch Witch 7610 with 6-ft. trencher and a 620 backhoe attachment, includes extra parts and teeth....................................................................... Asking $25,000 2007 Buick Lucerne car, 140,000 miles, good tires. Good car............ Asking $4500 Items located in Ekalaka, MT Phone 406-775-8848
Ballard Estate
September 26, 2020
10:00 a.m.
Auction will be held South of I-94 at Sarpy Creek Exit Highway 384 Hysham, MT. (Physical address 435 Sarpy Road) – Watch for signs.
~ ~ Lunch Available ~ ~
Antique Buffet to refinish—Cast Iron Bath Tub with Claw Feet—Laundry Tub—3 Wagon Wheels–3 Steer Heads—3 Steel Wheels—Cast Well Pump—Brass Spittoon—Lots of Marbles–Louis Marx model 8990 Electric Train Set, new in box, very good—Small Cedar Chest— Large Moose Horns—Caribou Horns—Several sets of Deer Horns & Sheds—Mounted Deer & Antelope Heads—Scythes & Buck Saws—Dale Earnhardt Collectibles—CM Russell Prints—4 Grinding Wheels—Snow Shoes—Crib Board–Several Sliced Agates—Several Agates—Several Painted Agates—2 R Raines Bronzes—Heatrola Style Brown Heating Wood & Coal Stove—Saw Blades—Implement Seats—Branding Irons—Cowbell—Coal Bucket— Horse Collars—Cast Iron Rope Maker—Wood Block Pully’s—Wicker Picnic Basket—Several Wicker Baskets—Cream Cans—Dozens of Bradford Exchange Collector Plates—Several Bev Doolittle type Collector Plates—Several Etched Glass Frames in old Lumber etched by Gary Ballard—Lots of Etching equipment—Several pieces Green Depression—Carnival Glass—Pressed Glass—Hobnail—Several Ceramic pieces—Needle work—Crock Bowls— Green Jars—Belt Buckles—Arrowheads–& More.
1977 Chevy Pickup—15’ Aluminum Boat on new Trailer—Coleman model F4 BM Outboard Motor—12’ Aluminum Canoe—Boat Oars & Paddles—Pneumatic Air Nailer with Nails—DeWalt-Black & Decker-Skil-Makita-Dayton-Ingersoll Rand- Power Tools—New Air Tool Set with Dremel—Ace Jam Set—Fence Pliers—Golden Rod’s—Open End Wrenches—1/4, ½, 3/8” Inch Socket Sets—Battery Cables—Handyman Jacks—Bottle Jacks—Shop Lights—Power Cords—Star Wrenches—Ace Hardware 10” Table Saw—Back Pack Sprayer—Shop Vac— Torque Wrench & All Sorts of Hand Tools—Oxy Acetylene Head & Gauges—Lots of Grease & Oil—Dayton Tap & Die Set—DeWalt Sabre Saw—1/2” Impact Sockets—Dayton Angle Grinder—Fiberglass Rods—Black & Decker 18V Tool Set—Stainless Water Container for Baler—Onan 11HP Portable Generator—Trailer House Hitch—500 gallon Propane Tank—14’ Steel Gate—Yard Gate—(4) 16’ Wire Panels—(50) Steel T Posts.
Kitchen Table & Chairs—Round Table with 4 Chairs—Crosley Small Chest Deep Freezer— Metal Rolling Planter—(2) End Tables—Coffee Table—Several Bird Houses—Pine Roll Top Desk—Several Calendars—Enamel Canners & Roasters—Several Canning Jars—New Kitchen Appliances—Lots of Tupperware & Freezer Containers—Bread Box—Library of Animal Books—Lots of Pictures—Power 21” Lawn Mower—Husqvarna Weed Eater—Yard Machine 5HP Tiller—Wagner Paint Sprayer—Weed Eaters—Mop Buckets—PLUS MORE.
Morgan Dollars—Peace Dollars—Ike Dollars—Sacajawea Dollars—Susan B. Anthony Dollars—Silver Coins—Commemorative Coins—Paper Money—All Denomination of Coins— North American Big Game Slam 13 Silver Coins—Canadian Coins & Dollars—Royal Mint Set—Several US Proof Sets—Morgan CC Dollar—Will have over 1000 Coins, Coins will be cataloged in Groups.
Ruger M77 338 Left Hand Rifle with Scope—Remington 22 Tube Feed—Western Field 22 Auto—Winchester 69A Clip 22—Davis Damascus Open Hammer Double Barrel–Valley Arms 58 Cal Muzzle Loader—H&H 16 gauge Single Shot—(10) Commemorative Hunting Knives—Gold Panning—Gold Scale—Bore Sight—Gun Accessories—(3) Gun Cases with Glass Doors—Gun Cases—Carbine Scabbard—Steel & Whet Stones—Miscellaneous Holsters—Duck Decoys—Lots of Camping Supplies—Camp Stove—Bushnell Spotting Scope— (6) Boxes 338 Ammo—Lots of Miscellaneous Ammo—Wooden Peters Ammo Box—Winchester Wood Box—(3) Pet Cages—(2) Live Animal Traps—Several Ammo Boxes—Fishing Poles & Tackle—plus more.
OWNER: Sue Ballard 406-342-5596
--- Sale Conducted by --
BOX 128 BOYES, MT 59316
406-427-5317, Cell 605-645-9611
Former White House economist to give virtual lecture
MSU News Service Christina Romer, a former White House economist, will deliver a virtual public lecture on fiscal policy and the pandemic at Montana State University (MSU) on Thursday, September 17, at 6 p.m. Romer will present “Fiscal Policy and the Pandemic: Unprecedented Action and Missed Opportunities,” as the speaker for the third annual Distinguished Lecture Program organized by MSU’s Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics in the College of Agriculture and College of Letters and Science. The public can tune in to view the virtual Distinguished Lecture by visiting “We’re very excited that Dr. Romer will be giving our distinguished lecture this year,” said Wendy Stock, the Initiative’s co-director and organizer of the event. “This is a crucial time for us to learn from Dr. Romer’s experience as we forge a path forward through the pandemic and its unprecedented economic impacts.” Romer is the Class of 1957-Garff B. Wilson Professor of Economics at the University of California - Berkeley and former chair of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Barack Obama, during which time she had a front row seat for the Great Recession and the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. With lingering uncertainty about the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rate of economic recovery, governments around the world have deployed mitigation efforts of historic proportions, Romer said. “The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed the economy almost to its breaking point—dwarfing even the 2008 financial crisis in its economic devastation,” Romer said. “As in 2009, policymakers have sought to use fiscal policy—stimulus payments, business tax cuts, and increased unemployment insurance—to cushion the impact of the virus.” In her lecture, Romer will compare the fiscal responses from 2009 and 2020 and will identify lessons for the future, providing an insider’s view of some of the missed opportunities for more effective fiscal policy in both occurrences. “Apart from being a useful comparison, past recessions and depressions offer lessons on how to recover from the current crisis,” Romer said. Romer, who received her Ph. D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is widely known for her research on the Great Depression and the volatile economy of the 1930s and ‘40s. Romer was named as one of the early members to Obama’s financial recovery team following the 2008 presidential election. As chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Romer was a member of the Obama’s Cabinet and was closely involved in developing the president’s plan for recovery from the financial crisis. In announcing her appointment in November 2008, Obama called Romer “one of the foremost experts on economic crises – and how to solve them.” “Insights from top experts in fiscal policy like Dr. Romer can help Montanans devise effective and efficient policies to help us recover,” said Stock. “This is a crucial time for learning from experience.” Before heading to the nation’s capital, Romer spent a decade as the Class of 1957-Garff B. Wilson Professor of Economics at UC Berkeley. Previously, she taught economics and public affairs as an assistant professor at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Among her many honors, Romer is the recipient of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship, the Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the National Science Foundation’s Presidential Young Investigator Award and the Distinguished Teaching Award at UC Berkeley. Prior to her presidential appointment, she was co-director of the Program in Monetary Economics at the National Bureau of Economic Research and served as vice president of the American Economic Association. The Initiative’s previous distinguished lectures were presented in 2018 by Angus Deaton Nobel Laureate in Economics, and in 2019 by Daron Acemoglu, MIT professor and author of New York Times bestseller, “Why Nations Fail.” ##### Electric eels must surface to breathe every five minutes or they will drown. ##### The Boston police department purchased America’s first cop car in 1903.
Updated conservation provisions
USDA News Release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) published its final rule on determining whether land is considered highly erodible or a wetland, integrating input from the public and making updates in accordance with the 2018 Farm Bill. This final rule follows a focused effort by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to improve consistency and use of science in making determinations. “Feedback is a very important resource, and we appreciate all of those who help us improve how determinations are made,” said NRCS Acting Chief Kevin Norton. “Highly erodible land and wetland determinations are the gateway to USDA programs, and we strive to provide the highest quality technical assistance to inform decision-making by farmers and ranchers.” To be eligible for most USDA programs, producers must be conservation compliant with the highly erodible land and wetland provisions. These provisions aim to reduce soil loss on erosion-prone lands and to protect wetlands for the multiple benefits they provide. The final rule was made available for public inspection today, and it will be published in the Federal Register. This follows an interim final rule published December 7, 2018. This final rule confirms most of the changes made by the December 2018 interim final rule and makes these additional updates: 1. Adding the requirement of the 2018 Farm Bill that USDA will make a reasonable effort to include the affected person in an onsite investigation conducted prior to making a wetland violation technical determination. 2. Further clarifying how wetland hydrology is identified for farmed wetlands and farmed wetland pasture. 3. Adding clarification to the consideration of bestdrained condition for wetland hydrology in keeping with the definition of prior converted cropland. 4. Relocating the provision that wetland determinations can be done on a tract, field, or sub-field basis in order to improve clarity. NRCS has recently updated its conservation compliance webpages, adding highly erodible land and wetland determination resources for agricultural producers by state. Learn more about conservation compliance on the NRCS website. ##### Prayer as a means to effect a private end is meanness and theft. It supposes dualism and not unity in nature and consciousness. As soon as the man is one with God, he will not beg. He will then see prayer in all action.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A13
ONLINE AUCTION SERVICES 8Now taking consignments for weekly
ONLINE AUCTIONS! 8Lowest Auction Fees in the Industry! 8Hundreds of pieces sold weekly! 8Items stay at your location until sold!
Call today to schedule your ONLINE AUCTION!
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A14
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Timed Online Only
AUCTION Estate of Monte Jean Broadwater 535 Wilkinson St. • Helena, MT.
Bidding Ends Tuesday, October 6th
JOHN DEERE 410C loader backhoe • 2004 CHEVY Trail Blazer • 2000 CHEVY 2500 4x4 • Firearms & Ammo • Husqvarna Z246 mower • 1979 GMC 7000 truck with hoist • IH Farmall C tractor • 2 Ford tractors • Tools & Shop Equipment • Visible gas pumps • Trailers • Honda ATV • Attachments & More! Online Only Auction
Download our app or go online and bid your price on this line of farm equipment!
Bidding begins Tuesday, September 22nd!! For viewing information and registration go to or Download our app and receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!
Pate Auction Inc. 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 439-8855 or (406) 439-5561
Timed Online Only
AUCTION Estate of Laurie Reich 3131 R Drive • Helena, MT.
Bidding Ends Tuesday, October 13th
JOHN DEERE 3720 tractor with loader • JOHN DEERE 1025R tractor with loader • ‘02 FORD F350 4x4 • AMERICAN 3 horse slant load trailer • Firearms Saddles & Tack • SUNNYBROOK 5th wheel travel trailer • Priefert panels Lionel train sets • Storage sheds • Honda ATV’s • Attachments • Tools & More! Online Only Auction
Download our app or go online and bid your price on this line of farm equipment!
Bidding begins Tuesday, September 29th!! For viewing information and registration go to or Download our app and receive updates for this and upcoming auctions!
Pate Auction Inc. 2814 Billings Ave. • Helena, Montana 59601 (406) 439-8855 or (406) 439-5561
Sweetclover hay can be toxic
NDSU Extension Service Sweetclover can provide good nutrition to cattle because it is high in protein and energy when not mature. However, sweetclover can become toxic to cattle if fed as hay, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock systems specialist Karl Hoppe cautions. Sweetclover is a biennial legume that lives for two years. It is a prolific seed producer because the plant will die after producing seed during the second year. New sweetclover plants must grow from seed. The wet fall conditions of 2019 in many parts of the state created the perfect conditions for the first year’s growth of sweetclover. As a result, the easily recognizable yellow or white blossoms of sweetclover are a common sight this growing season. Without the blossoms, sweetclover leaves look similar to those of alfalfa, except sweetclover leaves are serrated around the entire leaf edge, whereas alfalfa leaves are only serrated at the tips. Sweetclover grows rapidly, and the best time to hay it is early in the growing season when the plant is short, according to Hoppe, who is based at NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center. Sweetclover matures quickly, becoming tall and stemmy. The stem is hard and has low palatability, so cattle will not readily consume it at this stage. Grazing sweetclover in pastures doesn’t usually cause digestive problems, although the possibility of bloat can occur. Sweetclover contains a substance called coumarin when sweetclover is baled too wet. Mold can grow and convert coumarin into dicoumarol. Dicoumarol is a blood thinner (anticlotting agent) and will cause hemorrhaging. Simple bruises turn into large hematomas (large bulges underneath the skin that are filled with blood and fluid). At higher concentrations of dicoumarol in the feed, cows can abort, blood can drip from the nostrils and/or sudden death may occur. The toxic effect may last for a month in a pregnant cow even after feeding toxic hay for just a few days. Visual observation of mold in the hay bale is not a good indicator of toxicity. Small amounts of mold can result in toxicity. Testing for dicoumarol concentration in hay is available at the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (https:// When sweetclover haying conditions allow for a quick dry-down with no rain or dew, and hay is stored away from moisture, coumarin does not get converted to dicoumarol, so toxicity should not be an issue. “However, weather rarely cooperates and dicoumarol is usually present,” Hoppe says. “Pure stands of sweetclover are at most risk for toxicity simply because the hay is not diluted with other grasses. The risk also is increased when the plants are mature because the dense stems make drying difficult.” Producers should pay close attention to grass hay with some sweetclover present because sweetclover poisoning may show up unexpectedly. A good rule of thumb is to test all hay that contains sweetclover for dicoumarol content. Dilution is the way to feed cattle to avoid sweetclover poisoning. This can be accomplished by mixing the toxic hay with nontoxic hay. The amount of dilution depends on the concentration of dicoumarol and symptoms on the cattle. Hay also can be fed on an alternating schedule, such as feeding hay containing sweetclover hay for two days, then going three to four days without feeding sweetclover. Don’t feed sweetclover hay for a month before or during events where bleeding occurs, such as during calving, surgical castration and dehorning. If sweetclover is ensiled correctly and covered or put up as a baleage, then dicoumarol should not be present. However, incorrect moisture levels, inadequate packing and failure to cover the sweetclover will lead to molding and toxicity. Sweetclover can provide good nutrition to cattle when managed properly to control potential toxicities. Testing and knowing the dicoumarol level is critical to managing this feed source safely to prevent poisoning. Be sure to document the storage location of bale lots containing sweetclover and the dicoumarol levels to prevent poisoning.
What a stretch
Some saddle-horse types, such as South African Saddlebreds, American Saddlebreds, Hackneys, and Morgans, are taught to park out (stretch) their bodies for the low, easy mounting and discounting of the rider. Male horses stretch out all four legs (like a rocking horse) in order to urinate without getting their legs wet.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A15
1728 W. 2nd St., Havre, MT
Bidding starts September 17 and items start closing the morning of Wednesday, September 23
Hilti WSR 18-A cordless sawzall with charger, case Milwaukee 110 volt sawzall, metal box Hilti TE 15 hammer drill, case, 16 assorted bits Hilti HDM Epoxy gun, case Hilti CF-DSI foam gun, case, 3 cans of foam DeWalt 18V cordless sawzall, case, 2 battery’s, charger Milwaukee 110 V 41/2” grinder, case, assorted blades Milwaukee HD reversing ½” angle drill, case Hilti TE 76-ATC hammer drill, case, 5 bits DeWalt 18V 2 drill set, charger, case DeWalt 20V 2 drill set, charger, case Milwaukee 110 volt sawzall, case Hilti DSC Fire Foam caulking gun, case, 1 case of caulk Milwaukee 110V sawzall, metal case Hilti TE 72 hammer drill, factory rebuilt on 8/03, case, 5 bits Milwaukee Hole Hog HD ½”, 10 bits, case Milwaukee 110V jig saw, case Milwaukee 4.5 Amp 110V hammer drill, case Milwaukee Hole Hog HD ½”, 8 bits Hilti SFH 18A 4 drill set, charger, 2 batteries , cases T-drill for copper pipe 11/2” - 2” bits, case Diablo 17 piece plumbers hole saw set, case Milwaukee compact magnetic drill, case, 9 bit set up to one” and a 16th Hilti WSR 18A sawzall, case, charger, 2 batteries, blades Hilti SFH 18A 2 drill set, charger, 2 batteries, case Hilti WSR 18A sawzall, case, charger, 2 batteries, blades Milwaukee M12 plastic pipe shear, charger, case, 1 battery Milwaukee Super Hog 90 Deg ½” drill, 7 bits, case Milwaukee 1¼” - 1½” Propex expansion tool, charger, case for Pex tubing Milwaukee 110 V sawzall, metal case Milwaukee super Hog 90 Deg ½” drill, case, 5 bits Milwaukee cordless expansion tool kit ½” - 3/4” - 1”, case
Milwaukee cordless expansion tool kit ½” -5/8”- ¾”, case Hilti PRE 3 laser level, tripod, stick Century 110 AMP wire welder, 225 Amp battery charger Ridgid PRO Press ½” - 2”, case Ridgid PRO Press dies 21/2” - 3”- 4” for copper XL-C fitting systems kit Ridgid press cast iron pipe cutter Ridgid Mega Press ½” - 2” for steel pipe, case Lenox 17 piece plumbers hole saw set, case Lenox 10 piece plumbers hole saw set, case 6-fiberglass ladders Ridgid 100-B Pro Press 14.4V cordless ½” - ¾” - 1”, batteries, charger, case Ridgid RP 210 Pro Press 18V cordless ½” - ¾” - 1” - 1¼” Milwaukee 12V copper tubing cutter, batteries, charger, case Milwaukee 12V 3/8 drill driver, batteries, fabric case, wood bits DeWalt 20V impact driver, batteries, charger, case DeWalt 110V D25980 jack hammer/ pavement breaker, 4 bits, cart Magikist X8 pulse jet Deicer line thawer with 110 Ft of line Ridgid model 122 XL copper tubing cutter ½” - 4” on tripod Ridgid model K400 sewer snake 110V on a cart Rigid model K54 sewer snake 110V Ridgid model K 1750 sewer jetter on a cart, 2” lines Rigid model 300 pipe threader ½” - 2”, pipe cutter, Reamer, oiler Rigid No. 44-S 4 wheel cutter 21/2” – 4” DeWalt 6 piece 18V cordless tool kit with tool bag Coleman 5,000 watt generator 110, 220 volts Briggs engine Dynatel 2250 cable locator 3M brand, case Milwaukee core drill with stand, 1¾” , 3”, 3½”, 5”, 51/2” bits Rigid No. 270 pipe threader, oiler pot Oxygen Acetylene torch set, tips, cart, bottles Makita model MAC700 mini air compressor Rigid 1500 sewer snake 100+ Ft, cutters coils in tires DeWalt 14” metal chop saw, extra blade Makita 14” metal chop saw, extra blade 3-Acetylene torch, tips, bottle DeWalt D28770 hand held power hack saw Selection of Trac pipe gas line ½”, ¾”, 1” Rigid No. 206 cast iron pipe cutter Rigid No. 92 adjustable pipe roller stand Rigid No. 450 pipe vise 1/8” – 6” Ridgid 535 pipe threader, cutter, reamer, oiler, ½” - ¾”, 1”,2”, foot controller Ridgid 3-24”, a 36”, and a 48” pipe wrenches Honeywell L4006E controllers Metacaulk pipe collar 5 boxes 11/2”, 3 boxes 2”, 2 boxes of 3” Copper flair pins, 2” swedge pipe tops, set of easy outs 8- interior PVC pipe cutters
Flair brass couplings Assortment of copper pipe Lead caulking irons, ladles, jute packing 11 Fluidmaster toilet valves Propane 350,000 BTU heater with 100# propane bottle 350,000 BTU Propane heater with 100# propane bottle 2-150,000 BTU heaters 110 volt Large assortment of PVC fittings and glue, cleaner PVC fittings 4” and up, rubber boots 8” clay to 8” PVC Large assortment of sweat copper fittings and valves Flex lines, sink drains, Lav guards, escutcheons Boiler repair parts, reducing valves, relays, Taco pumps, mostly for Lochinvar, Weil Mclain boilers 4- sections 30x67 scaffolding with wheels Knaack locking job box 30x60 on wheels 4- Poly sump basins with lids One piece right hand fiberglass tub, shower 4+ rolls of Pex pipe, 23+ sticks of Pex pipe 6- boxes of Seton pipe markers 3-Adjustable pipe rollers Delta X5 18” wide belt sander, dust hood, 1 new belt 10” Grizzly G10235L series left tilting table saw, Shop Fox 7 Ft fence Older 32” wood lathe/shaper combo Large selection pipe insulation, Zeston PVC cover fittings 2- Elkay 22”x24” stainless steel single bowl kitchen sinks 8” deep, new in the boxes Fiat molded stone service basin Model 3624 in the box Eljer Quarum kitchen sink new in the box 770 Ft of 10 gauge submersible 600V pump cable Brass faucet parts, foam kit, 2 buckets of galvanized pipe fittings, 12” floor drain, 2 milk house heaters Hay Budden MFG Brooklyn NY anvil welded on a stand Large assortment of Pex fittings See inventory list Mega Press gas fittings See inventory list Large selection of Mega Press copper fittings See inventory list Assortment of brass fittings with cabinet Pro Pex expander tool set Ritchie Yellow Jacket 0-10 W.C.” gas pressure gauge Ritchie Yellow Jacket 0-35 W.C.” gas pressure gauge
Husqvarna K-3000 wet 110 volt 14” concrete saw, extra blade 5- Assorted tubing cutters, 2 pipe wrenches GreenLee No. 1804 ratchet knockout punch driver GreenLee 125 Ft x 1/8” steel fish tape 6-small tool sets & cases, DeWalt roto zip cut out tool 3- full safety harness, 2- hard hats, safety ropes Ratchet tie down straps, come-along, chain boomer, 8- levels Ironrite with Ironrite chair, sprinkle bottle, and book 4- sump pumps 41/2 bags of Quickrete, mixing sled Table top of tools, hole saws Table top of tools, hammers, channel lock pliers Curb stop key, street shutoff key 4-prints - Ducks Unlimited 1783 of 3000, Down to the Wire by Clark Kelly Price, Ducks & Elk by McDonald, 849 of 2400, a Trappers print 10- Sections of scaffolding Large assortment of wood Hole Hog bits 28 Ft Fiberglass extension ladder 4- Made in the USA closet augers 7-Ft Fiberglass pickup topper, white color Large pipe rack with PVC & black pipe 2008 Chevy Express van 6.0L gas, Auto Trans, air conditioning, AM-FM, plumbing package metal shelving, ladder rack, 99,681 miles, 2 extra studded snow tires, tire chains 2006 Chevy Express van 2500, 6.0L gas, Auto Trans, air conditioning, AM-FM, plumbing package metal shelves, 113,250 miles, 2 extra studded snow tires, tire chains, paint is flaking on rear door, small dent on side door 1994 Chevy 1500 4x4 pickup, reg. cab, air conditioning, 4.3 L gas, Auto Trans, crank windows, 133,545 miles 2008 GMC reg. cab pickup, air conditioning, crank windows 4x4, 4.3 L gas, Auto Trans, 158,836 miles, ladder rack, 3- Weather Guard aluminum tool boxes 2007 GMC Sierra 2500 HD extended cab 4-door pickup, electric locks and windows, air, cruise, AM/FM CD, split bench seat, 6.0L gas, Auto Trans, cracked drivers side mirror, 5th wheel hitch, cracked windshield, all box panels are dented, rear bumper is bent, 114,400 miles. Ranch pickup.
Auctioneers Note: Dan Holt is retiring. This will be an online only auction. Everything is very clean and well maintained. All tools have been tested. The Holt plumbing store is located at 1728 W 2nd St Havre, MT. We will have two showing days September 18th and September 21st from 10 Am until 5 Pm You can bid online Starting September 17th. Bidding close out will be Wednesday September 23rd. There will be 2 pickup days and you can pay for your purchases on Friday September 25th and Monday September 28th 10 AM – 5PM. We recommend you bring your own boxes for loadout of plumbing fittings.
Register and Bidding for BOTH of these auctions can be done at
Shane & Gwen Ophus, Owners • Shane, Blaine & Taylor, Auctioneers • Mason Ophus, Clerk
Whalen Ranch Online Auction with guest consignors
Bidding begins September 23 and lots will begin closing Wed., September 30th 636 Clark Fork Lane, Deer Lodge, MT 59722
Take exit 187 head south 4.2 miles on Frontage Road, turn under interstate, turn right onto West River Road for 1.2 miles, turn left and follow to large blue shop.
In person preview day will be Friday September 25th, Bidding opens Wednesday September 23rd, Bidding closes Wednesday September 30th, pickup and pay days will be Friday October 2nd and Monday October 5th. All merchandise MUST be removed from premises ON THOSE DAYS. Loading equipment is limited. For any questions please contact Taylor Ophus (406)399-0993 or
Ford TW5 series 2 tractor, MFWD, cab heat/air/ radio, 125 hp, 6.6L diesel, 16 speed trans, 3-pt, pto, 2 rear hydraulics, 10 front suitcase weights, 4561hrs 1970s Allis Chalmers HD6E crawler, 10-ft hydraulic dozer with manual angle, 16” wide tracks, ROPS with canopy, rear hydraulics, tank heater, CARCO 1/2” cable winch model A-3, shows 1449hrs Marvin 12-ft. land plane with steel wheels and scarifier teeth behind blade total length 50-ft. 2 row horse drawn sleigh with one horse reach and full harness set, nice condition Original Doctor’s Buggy with double & single horse reaches with new single horse harness set 12-ft. Shafer disk, 18” disk 71/2” spacing
Auctioneer’s note: We are excited to offer this collection of farm/ranch equipment! This is an ONLINE ONLY AUCTION. These are just a highlight of items to be sold. To register to bid, full descriptions, photos and videos please visit our website at or check us out on Facebook @ Ophus Auction Company Horse drawn wagon with refurbished box with original wheels, axles and tongue (decorative) 2000 John Deere 4300 utility tractor, MFWD, pto, 3-pt, hydraulics, 32 hp 3 cyl diesel, ROPS, 12 speed, sync reverser, rear diff lock, plumbed for loader, 1285 hrs McFarlane 25-ft. hydraulic pasture harrow and cart, very little wear on teeth (item located @ 1000 Garnet Mountain Road Helmville, MT for viewing and pickup) 8-ft. 3-pt. Misken 5-shank heavy duty ripper, very nice condition, with extra teeth (item located @ 1000 Garnet Mountain Road Helmville, MT for viewing and pickup)
Servis brand 3-pt post hole digger with 8” auger Huskee 5-ft. 3-pt PTO brush mower Frontier RT-1250 50” 3-pt PTO rototiller, great condition Craftsman 16 hp lawn tractor 42” deck, new battery Deerborn 8-ft. single disk end wheel drill 7” spacing with grass seeder attachment 9N Ford tractor 3-pt, PTO, new rear tires, sheet metal repainted, new battery 9N Ford tractor 3-pt, PTO, new battery, runs, spark issues 15’ Powder River adjustable leadup alley with cow stop+ 5-ft. adjustable palp cage 3-pt sprayer with 200 gal poly tank, pto pump, 26-ft. of folding booms
More than 25X old barn wood stockyard gates/ panels measuring 7-ft.x12-ft. also a large quantity of used 12-ft. - 18-ft. 2x4s with excellent patina International Model 140 4 bottom rollover 3-pt hydraulic plow 5 sections of drag harrows mounted to hitch, sections measure 65”x50” 40+ sections of 3” hand line with sprinklers, numerous fixtures/connectors 45 sections of 8” PVC irrigation main line, in great shape 9-ft. aluminum pickup flatbed with headache rack and 5th wheel access door, 86” wide. Thorson squeeze chute
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A16
On-The-Farm or On-The-Road
When you need tires call us! We carry a HUGE inventory!!!
We offer a complete line of Goodyear & Firestone tires for swathers, balers, combines, tractors, automotive, light and heavy duty trucks.
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Cut Bank Tire
Phone 406-873-5025, Cell. 406-949-7717 — Cut Bank
PUBLIC ESTATE AUCTION Saturday – Sept. 19, 2020 @ 9:00 AM
LOCATED AT: 390 West Springcreek Road, Kalispell Montana. Take Highway 2 west from Kalispell approximately 2 miles to yellow blinking light. Turn right onto Springcreek Road, continue to first farm on left.
CONSTRUCTION AND SHOP EQUIPMENT STEEL BUILDING - FARM MACHINERY - VEHICLES SHOP EQUIPMENT: Lincoln SP 220 wire feed welder; Miller 330A AC/DC Tig welder; Century 295 amp AC/DC welder; Lincoln 400 amp “torpedo” welder; welding leads; Oxy/Acytelene torch gauges, hose, and bottles; Jancy “Slugger” magnetic drill; Ridgid power threader; Chicago ½” drill press; large pedestal grinder; bench grinders; heavy duty 10’ metal brake; valve grinders; Craftsman metal lathe; Delta planer; hand operated hydraulic press; Jepson chop saw; etc! STEEL BUILDING: dismantled purlin and girt style steel building. Exact size is unknown. This was the former KM building on Center St. in Kalispell. Includes metal siding and roofing. TOOLS: Snap On YA727 transmission jack; Snap On bench top toolbox; Snap On ratchets; Snap On ½” impact gun; Blackhawk and other heavy duty floor jacks; large assortment of hydraulic jacks up to 30 ton; heavy duty mechanical jacks; Berger transit; Henry 80 lb anvil; heavy duty vises; pneumatic tools; portapowers; 1” drive socket set; bolt cutters; c-clamps; heavy duty bridge clamps; shackles; gate blocks; vise grips; sockets; pliers; wrenches; pipe cutters and pipe wrenches; torque wrenches; taps and dies; levels; power tools; drill bits, drill press vises; Johnson bar; pneumatic nailers and staplers; air hose; log chains and binders; jack stands; dehorners; Stihl 045 chain saw; and much more! FARM/CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: Ford 555 Backhoe, diesel, 2wd, cab, 2150 hours; Yanmar 240D diesel tractor w/loader, 3pt, 4x4, 688 hours; Case 995 diesel farm tractor, Ford 9N tractor; Ditch Witch R60 w/backhoe attachment; Yanmar 4’ 3pt. finish mower; Howard 54” 3pt. rototiller; John Deere 12’ transport disc; Morris 24’ shank soiler; Ferguson 3pt. hay rake; Ford 8’ 3pt. harrow; 7’ 3pt. blade; Dearborn 3 bottom 3pt. plow; 2 bottom 3pt. plow; Hesston 6400 self propelled haybine; Hesston 4600 square baler; Hesston 5500 round baler; Mayrath 30’ portable grain auger; New Holland square bale elevator; Vintage 4x4 Tractormobile w/ Waukesha diesel engine; 200 gallon slide-in sprayer unit; International 4x4 articulate frontend loader; Bonanza gooseneck dual axle livestock trailer; 24’ gooseneck dual axle utility trailer; Sullair portable air compressor; Troybilt Horse model rototiller; etc! VEHICLES: 74 Ford F800 single axle dump truck, V8 gas engine; 71 Chevy C60 mobile home puller w/427 GM engine; 84 Chevy Silverado C20, diesel, 4x4, 59,000 miles, not running; 76 Chevy Silverado C20, 4x4, 400 gas engine; 1975 Chevy C10, 2wd, V8, long bed; 1950’s GMC T-tag farm truck; 1950’s GMC 100 series pickup, 6 cyl, long bed; 64 Ford C600 cab over, w/16’ flatbed; 75 Chevy C65 w/dump body; 78 International Loadstar 1850 diesel w/14’ steel side body; 81 Chevy Luv diesel, 2wd; 74 Lincoln Mark IV w/460 cubic inch V8; 78 Cadillac El Dorado, etc! MISCELLANEOUS: steel welding tables; welding rods; bolt and hardware cabinets; useable steel; forklift forks; copper tubing; Kawasaki KX 80; lots of box lots and more! COLLECTIBLES: Harley Davidson 3 wheeled golf cart; vintage Schwinn and Excelsior bicycles; milk cans; hay hooks, crosscut saw; vintage fan; MT license plates; military ammo, etc! AUCTIONEER’S NOTES: Vernon was a lifelong collector and dabbled in many things. This will be another interesting auction. Equipment and vehicles are in various states of repair/ condition and title status. Many have sat unattended for numerous years. Possibility of 2 rings running at the same time, so come prepared. Bring your trailers, should be help with loading most items. Covid 19 protocol is in place. Please be respectful of others. Visit for full ad AUCTIONEER: Bobby Roshon 406-249-4104
Food Stand Terms: ID Required for Bidder’s Number, Cash or Good Montana Check, Debit-Credit
Roshon’s Auction Service
SELLER: Vernon Seaman Estate
Breed Spotlight: Novogen Brown
From Freedom Ranger Hatchery The age-old question, “Which came first—the chicken or the egg?” may forever go unanswered, but when you’re looking for the best brown egg-layers, we suggest starting with the chicken. And in this instance, it’s the Novogen Brown! Quick Chicken Facts: Novogen Brown Primary Function: Egg production Eggs: X-large, brown Average Eggs Laid: Approximately 4-6 per week Personality: Calm Physical Characteristics The first thing to know about the Novogen Brown is that it’s what we call a “red sex link” chicken. What this means is that both the hens and roosters can be easily identified by their colors ( sexing-chicks-how-to-determine-gender-of-your-chickens/) right when they hatch. This happens because two nonNovogen Brown chickens are bred together to create this ultimate egg-layer. Our particular breed was developed in France, which draws from a cross between Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White genetics. As a result, we get beautiful reddishbrown hens, mostly white roosters, and extra-large brown eggs. Speaking of eggs, we weren’t kidding when we called these chickens top-quality egg-layers. On average, Novogen Brown hens produce 395 eggs in 72 weeks of laying. They even start laying eggs as early as 20 weeks of age! At first, these chickens will only lay at about 50% their average capacity, but at full production, they’ll give you 4-6 extra-large dark brown eggs a week that have excellent shell strength. Personality These birds are excellent egg-layers for any size farm or egg-laying business. A lot of the time, people will purchase a small handful of these birds to keep around as family pets due to their calm and easy-to-manage personality. The Novogen Brown has been bred to adapt to different living conditions, so they’ll thrive in both housing and free-range environments. Other Facts Due to how successful and common these birds are, they’re also some of the most decently priced egg-laying hens on the market.
Record high red meat and pork production in July
USDA July 2019 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. July 2020 contained 23 weekdays (including 1 holiday) and 4 Saturdays. Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.81 billion pounds in July, up 5 percent from the 4.59 billion pounds produced in July 2019. Beef production, at 2.42 billion pounds, was 3 percent above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.92 million head, down 1 percent from July 2019. The average live weight was up 37 pounds from the previous year, at 1,363 pounds. Veal production totaled 5.8 million pounds, 9 percent below July a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 41,100 head, down 23 percent from July 2019. The average live weight was up 39 pounds from last year, at 244 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.37 billion pounds, up 7 percent from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 11.2 million head, up 6 percent from July 2019. The average live weight was up 3 pounds from the previous year, at 283 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 12.1 million pounds, was up 1 percent from July 2019. Sheep slaughter totaled 195,100 head, 3 percent above last year. The average live weight was 125 pounds, down 2 pounds from July a year ago. January to July 2020 commercial red meat production was 31.6 billion pounds, up 1 percent from 2019. Accumulated beef production was down 1 percent from last year, veal was down 10 percent, pork was up 3 percent from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 6 percent. ##### Jodhpurs, a type of riding breechs that are tight from the knee down, are named after a city in India, where men wore trousers that are similar to today’s English riding pants.
K-State experts lay out criteria for evaluating bulls
K-State Research and Extension News time to make a change,” Larson said. As bulls come off the summer breeding Here are the experts’ top 5 reasons for pastures, producers have several criteria to culling a bull: consider when making culling decisions, • He no longer fits with the current breedaccording to experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute. ing goals In a recent CattleChat podcast, they de• His actual genetics don’t align with the expectations bated whether fertility or genetics of the bull • He has too many daughters in the herd is more important. • He has an undesirable temperament “Fertility is the most important because • He fails the breeding soundness exam bulls need to be able to breed lots of cows,” To hear the full discussion on evaluating said veterinarian Bob Larson. bulls, listen to the BCI Cattle Chat podBut beef cattle extension specialist Bob Weaber countered: “I would argue that there cast online ( is a genetic effect on the bull’s libido and monitoring-water-culling-bulls-top-considwillingness to settle cows.” erations-for-culling-bulls-heat-breedingLarson advised producers to conduct a your-calf-his-developing-rumen/). sire test to know which bulls fathered the most calves. He credits fertility to the bull who sired the greatest number of calves. As an example, Larson said if Bull A sired 28 calves averaging 450 pounds at weaning, and Bull B sired 12 calves averaging 500 pounds at weaning, some producers might put a higher genetic value on Bull B because his calves weighed more. “I say Bull A has more value because he sired more total pounds of weaning weight by having more of his calves in the herd,” Larson said. Another consideration is the breeding rotation. Weaber said if bulls are used on heifers and those heifers are retained in the herd, then a sire will be more limited on the years of service. “If producers retain too many daughters from a bull, they will have to be careful to avoid in-breeding by limiting the sire-daughter matings to reduce the risk of genetic complications,” Weaber said. When bulls come off the summer pastures, Larson advised producer to conduct a complete breeding soundness exam. “It is more than just a semen quality check, but also an evaluation of his physical characteristics, including his feet, legs, penis and scrotum as well as his temperament,” Larson said. Weaber added that temperament is critical especially in smaller herds where the bulls have close contact with people. Another factor for producers to consider is the cost of the bull relative to the years used in the herd. “If a producer spends $5,000 on a yearling bull and he is only used for one breeding season, it has a significant economic impact on the operation,” Weaber said. The experts agreed that the final criteria to consider is how the bull worked in the herd. “As much as I would hate to trade him out economically speaking, if he isn’t getting the job done then it is
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A17
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
Needing an irrigation or stock water project design? Pivots, wheel lines, subsurface micro irrigation and any length of stock water design. Irrigation designs are based on crop consumptive use, soil types and available water rights. All projects will meet USDA-NRCS specifications.
• Licensed Professional Engineer • Registered Technical Service Provider for USDA-NRCS • Certified by the Irrigation Association • 36 years design and field experience. If you are looking for an independent, non-biased design based on your business needs CONTACT: Randy Pierce PE, Oxbow Engineering, LLC (406) 600-8528 or email
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A18
We provide custom lubrication solutions to all types of customers. From families to trucking fleets, we have the products and expertise to help you save time and money. Give us a call TODAY! Register as an AMSOIL Preferred Customer and SAVE APPROXIMATELY 25% on all AMSOIL products. FREE SHIPPING on orders of $100 or more.
David L. Hayden - Amsoil Direct Jobber Big Sky Synthetics LLC 1017 Montana Ave. • Deer Lodge, MT 59722
406-491-2030 •
Phone 216-3050
PROFESSIONAL Hand-Picked Quality & Selection
Done on All
##### Late one night a robber wearing a mask stopped a well-dressed man and stuck a gun in his ribs. “Give me your money,” he demanded. Scandalized, the man replied, “You can’t do this – I’m a US Congressman!” “Oh! In that case,” smiled the robber, “Give me MY money!”
5601 8th Ave. S Great Falls, MT
2015 Ford F350 XLT
2016 Ford F350
Regular cab, 8-ft. aluminum flatbed, includes gooseneck ball, 4 locking tool boxes, bumper pull receiver on backend with all the wiring, aluminum wheels, running boards, power seat, windows, locks and mirrors. Flatbed alone is worth $8500 installed.................................................. $26,999
2012 Ford F250
Regular cab, 4x4 with an 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, grill guard, 109,000 miles. Hard to find.................................................................... $14,999
2000 Chevrolet 2500HD LS
Crew cab, 4x4, 454 big block, automatic transmission, 4.10 gears, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, short box, bed liner....................................................................$12,999
1-ton, crewcab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long bed, 6.2 liter gas engine, automatic transmission, aluminum wheels, FX4 Off Road package, power cloth seat, vinyl floor, 84,000 miles............ .......................................................................... $27,999
2013 Ford F350
4x4, dually, crew cab, 9-ft. flatbed, 6.2L gas engine, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, 13,300 lb GVW. A real brute. ...........................................................................$19,999
2010 Ford F350
Cab and chassis, regular cab, 4x4, V10 engine, automatic transmission, new tires, cloth seats, vinyl floor. A real workhorse................................................................. $13,999
Due to the Coronavirus we are unsure of business hours. So if you have questions, or want to schedule an appointment, please call or text Brian on his cell phone: 406-868-4309 between 9 am - 6 pm. Thanks!
2018 Chevrolet 1500 LT
Crew cab, 4x4, 5.3L engine, power seat, windows, locks, mirrors, bedliner, backup camera, heavy duty grille guard....... .......................................................................... $29,999
2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD
Double cab, 4x4 with 6.0 gas engine, new tires, aluminum wheels, bed liner, vinyl floor, cloth seats, 8-ft. long box ....... ..........................................................................$22,999
2015 Chevrolet 2500 HD
Double cab, 4x4 with 8-ft. long box, bed liner, running boards, vinyl floor, cloth seats, power windows, locks and mirrors, 4.10 gears, 6.0L gas with 6 speed automatic transmission... .......................................................................... $22,999
2013 Chevrolet 1500 LT
Extended cab, 4x4, 5.3L engine, aluminum wheels, bed liner, soft tonneau cover.............................................$16,999
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New and Used available, light, low, and easy to tow! All models under 2000 lbs. and less than 90 seconds to set-up.
Managing cows through dry conditions
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Hot, dry conditions in early summer have taken a toll on grass growth in much of the Great Plains this year. There are several options cattle producers may want to consider to conserve grass in these dry areas. Every producer should have a drought plan that includes trigger dates and a culling strategy, but once those top cuts are made, what feeding options are there for the core herd? Can I just supplement the cows on pasture and save grass that way? Yes and no. Providing a protein supplement such as range cubes or distillers grains will certainly help the cows maintain body condition but supplying a protein supplement will actually allow the cows to digest low-quality forage better and therefore, increase forage consumption, which is the exact opposite of the goal. However, research has shown that mixing wet distillers and poor quality forage or crop residues can replace some grass consumption but will likely not result in a pound-forpound intake replacement of grass. Most ethanol plants are back to operating at full or near-full capacity, so wet distillers grains may be readily available for some producers. For more information on forage replacement on pasture see NebGuide 2099, Crop Residues or Low Quality Hay Combined with Byproducts as a Forage Substitute (https:// What are my options for feeding in confinement? If a producer has February/March-born calves, early weaning may be an option. This allows the producer to put the calves on a high-quality diet so that the desired rate of gain is maintained, and the now-dry cows will have a much lower energy requirement with the cessation of lactation, making them very easy to maintain on a limit-fed diet in confinement. NebGuide G2047, Management of Early Weaned Calves (, may be helpful if calves are early weaned. If a producer has April/May-born calves or simply prefers not to early wean, then pairs can be maintained in confinement, but several management issues need to be considered. Cow-calf pairs can be confined on pivot corners or fallow ground or a winter feed ground if desired. Calves will need to have access to feed as well, so supplying 2 feet of feeding space for the cows and 1 foot for the calves is important. Cows can be limit-fed an energy-dense diet mixed with poor-quality forages, but the diet needs to meet the demands of lactation. Producers can visit with their Extension personnel to develop a diet to meet the cow’s requirements. Unfortunately, poor-quality residues are more difficult to digest for the young calf, so producers may want to consider a creep area for the calves where they are allowed to graze or are fed a diet higher in digestibility that is off-limits to the cows. All calves need access to a water source, which is important for hydration and rumen development even if the calf is nursing. Calves born in confinement in July and August might also benefit from a source of shade. For more information on managing production cows in confinement, see NebGuide 2237, Management Considerations for Beef Cows in Confinement ( pdf/g2237.pdf). Should I be concerned about the breeding season for my late-spring-calving cows? Research has shown that cows breed back best on an increasing plane of nutrition. Therefore, if hot, dry conditions produce grass that is mature a month ahead of schedule and grass availability is limited, then cows grazing in July and August could be experiencing a declining plane of nutrition, which could be detrimental to conception rates. Supplemental feed could be warranted, especially for the young cows nursing their first calf. Very few cattle management decisions are easy. Culling decisions can often be clouded with emotion during difficult times. It is very important to evaluate the cost of feeding the cows as opposed to culling the cows to make the best longterm management decision.
Pit ponies
2012 Ford Mustang coupe
V6, automatic, leather, loaded, Borla exhaust, Shaker sound system. Only 77,000 miles.................................$11,999
Visit our website at:
The first record of ponies working underground in coalmines was in 1750 in Britain, where they were used to replace child and female labor for hauling coal. Numbers peaked at 70,000 in 1913. The ponies were stabled underground for 50 weeks of the year, and only brought above ground for an annual two-week vacation.
Specialist urges safety during silage operations
K-State Research and Extension News As silage harvest operations begin ramping up across the state, a K-State Research and Extension beef cattle specialist encourages farmers and feed yards to keep safety top of mind … and to remind others involved to do the same. “As we look at silage operations, that’s one of the most fastpaced operations we participate in all year,” said Justin Waggoner, who is based at the K-State Southwest Research-Extension Center in Garden City. “We’ve got cutters and choppers in the field, we’ve got multiple trucks running up and down the road from the field to the pile or bunker, (and) we’ve got two or three pack tractors working.” Combining heavy equipment with speed and long hours makes harvesting and putting up silage a time ripe for an accident, Waggoner said. Plus, if it’s a custom crew hired to do the job, they may not be familiar with the farm or even the area. “Repetitive operations tend to keep people from being aware of the situation around them,” he said, noting that the monotony of silage harvest can result in complacency, but urged those involved to practice situational awareness. Fatigue, cell phone use and other distractions can also be problematic. Waggoner said that this time of year when trucks are going up and down roads and crops are tall, visibility is sometimes limited, noting that some accidents are tied back to silage harvest operations. “You don’t want to be one of the feed yards that gets the call from your neighbor down the road who says, ‘hey, those silage trucks are just zipping past the stop sign,’” he said. Often there are people on foot working around silage piles or bunkers. If that’s the case, make drivers aware of that and encourage those on foot to wear safety vests for greater visibility. Waggoner also warned against piling silage over and above the wall in a bunker. “As a nutritionist, silage piled above the wall doesn’t get packed very well, so it doesn’t make good silage,” he said. “Plus, the edge of on overfilled bunker increases the chance of rollover when packing and is more prone to collapse. So, from a safety and quality perspective, it’s best not to overfill bunkers.” Finally, he discourages piling silage too high in driveover piles, noting that if too high, the tops are inaccessible to equipment. In those cases, consider a second pile. A radio interview with Waggoner on this topic is available on Agriculture Today, https://agtodayksu.libsyn. com/confined-cow-herd-feeding-silage-harvest-safety. More resources related to safe silage operations are available at the Keith Bolsen Silage Safety Foundation or The foundation was started by the late Kansas State University professor Keith Bolsen and his wife, Ruthie, to promote safety during silage operations.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A19
For Sale
Used W-Beam Guardrail 3460 Grant Creek Road Missoula, Montana
Call Steve - (406) 241-7077 FOR SALE: Used W-Beam Guardrail located in Missoula, Montana. Short Used GR Panel: 13’6” @ 93 lbs - (12’ 6” lineal) Long Used GR Panel: 26’ @ 182 lbs - (25’ lineal) $2 per lineal foot Private trucking can be arranged at additional cost.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A20
800 - 3x4 bales, alfalfa/Orchard grass. 200 - 3x4 bales, alfalfa hay. Small square bales of alfalfa hay. Phone 406-212-3413, Kalispell, MT
RWI - Enterprises llc • We stuff ‘em, You stake em •
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Algae control for ponds
Fertilizer for flower beds, etc. • Chris Jennings, Owner • 406-366-5033 76 Jennings Drive - Moore, MT 59464
Prof giving undergraduate students sneak peek at research
K-State Research and Extension News demand for reducing the reliance of the swine Cassie Jones knows that much of the learnindustry on feed-grade antibiotics. So, as a ing that students will do in college happens class, these 20 students are in charge of 360 outside a traditional classroom. pigs for six weeks, and they’re doing all of the So, it’s no surprise that Jones, an associchores, weighing the pigs and how much feed ate professor in Kansas State University’s they’re getting so that we can calculate their Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, feed efficiency.” is deliberate about exposing undergraduate Jones is an accomplished researcher herself. students to research – often for the first time In 2013, she was part of a K-State team that in their young careers. discovered that viruses and bacteria could be “This generation of students is going to have transmitted through feed and feed ingredients. to solve some critical challenges, so we need “Seven years ago, we had no scientific them to be able to think critically and use sciknowledge that a virus could survive in feed or ence-based reasoning,” Jones said. “We want an ingredient,” she said. “Understanding that them to be trained to evaluate good science and has helped us prevent the transmission of such use science to make the best decisions.” diseases as African Swine Fever virus, which “Agriculture,” she adds, “is very sciencecontinues to circulate around our global trading based; we’re a very progressive industry.” partners but has yet to enter the United States.” One class, Jones said, is particularly popular That work, she said, involves K-State faculty with students because they get hands-on experiin veterinary medicine, animal science and ence with pigs. grain science, as well as students. “The project they are working on is really “It really takes that type of collaborative cool,” she said. “We are evaluating alternaeffort to understand the complexity of an istives for antimicrobials, which are designed to prevent the spread of bacteria, fungi and sue,” Jones said. “As we continue to evaluate some viruses. We know that there is consumer the potential routes and ways to minimize the transmission of viruses or bacteria through animal feed and feed ingredients, it’s a unique collaboration that is made possible because we have the facilities to work in that area.” Those facilities, she adds, include the university’s Cargill Feed Safety Research Center – the only biosafety level 2 facility in the country that has feed manufacturing facilities – and the Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) – a level 3 research facility that is home to comIn the effort to avoid large prehensive infectious-disease gatherings, we are switching to a research addressing threats to agriculture and public health. Open House! We will still Both facilities are located in have presentations, food and great Manhattan. “In our case, we set up a discounts, but you can feed mill inside the BRI and whenever it's easiest for you intentionally contaminate feed with African Swine Fever vibetween 10am and 3pm on rus to learn how it may spread October 6th and 7th, 2020. or be distributed in a feed mill Check our website for updates! environment,” Jones said. “Then we can determine the things we can do to eradicate it in different feeds.” Jones, who also is coordinator of undergraduate research in her department, notes that students may not always get an opportunity to participate in high containment research – “it takes about six months of training and approvals,” she says -- but they are routinely part of the buildup studies. “I didn’t go to college to become a feed safety researcher; the field didn’t even exist six or seven years ago,” Jones said. “Allowing students to gain that skill set and exposing them to research in a safe environment allows them to feel research for the first time and find out if they’re interested in it. And, it may help them apply some of these industry questions to their lives as they move on.”
10th Annual
PO Box 1476 2705 Front Street Fort Benton, MT 59442
D r o p B y Open House
Drop By
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Advancing Grain Storage Management
##### Would a wingless fly be called a walk?
USDA offers annual installment deferral option
USDA News Release based on health concerns or recent travel, and To assist Farm Storage Facility Loan (FSFL) visitors must adhere to social distancing guideborrowers experiencing financial hardship from the pandemic and other challenges in lines. Visitors may also be required to wear a production agriculture, USDA’s Farm Service face covering during their appointment. Field Agency (FSA) is offering a one-time annual work will continue with appropriate social installment payment deferral option. No fees distancing. Our program delivery staff will be or prepayment penalties apply for borrowers in the office, and they will be working with who choose this FSFL loan flexibility option. our producers in office, by phone and using “Farmers are facing challenging times beonline tools. More information can be found at cause of the pandemic, and FSA is constantly For more information, contact your local looking for ways to offer flexibilities to our USDA Service Center. To locate your local FSA customers to help alleviate financial stressors,” office, visit said FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce. “This storage facility loan servicing option affords eligible borrowers more time to make a payment and may stop loan acceleration, foreclosure or liquidation.” Eligible borrowers can request a one-time only annual installment payment deferral for loans having terms of three, five, seven or ten years. The installment deferral option is not available for 12year term loans. The FSFL installment payments will remain the same, except for the last year. The original loan interest rate and annual payment due date will remain the same. However, because the installment payment deferral is a one-year loan term extension, the final payment will be higher due to additional accrued interest. Borrowers interested in exercising the one-time annual installment deferral option should contact FSA to make the request and to obtain, complete and sign required forms. FSFLs provide low-interest financing for producers to store, handle and transport eligible commodities. More Information In addition to offering flexibilities for FSFLs, FSA has also made other flexibilities to help producers impacted by the pandemic, including relaxing the loan-making process for farm operating and ownership loans and implementing the Disaster Set-Aside provision that enables an upcoming installment on a direct loan to be set aside for the year. More information on these flexibilities can be found at farmers. gov/coronavirus. All USDA Service Centers are open for business, including some that are open to visitors to conduct business in person by appointment only. All Service Center visitors wishing to conduct business with the FSA, Natural Resources Conservation Service or any other Service Center agency should call ahead and schedule an appointment. Service Centers that are open for appointments will pre-screen visitors ##### A hen requires 24 to 26 hours to produce an egg.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A21
CERTIFIED MT & REGIONAL NOXIOUS WEED FREE HAY FOR SALE Small square bales of grass hay.....................................................$8/bale
(406) 793-2770 • Ovando, MT
low boy service
40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A22
40-ft. of John Deere 9400 grain drills, 12” spacing............ .......................................................................... Make offer Phone Willie Murnion, (406) 697-3446
Balewagons & Retrievers 3-New Holland 1089 balewagons, very nice condition....................... ......$85,000 - $105,000 New Holland 1075 diesel...................................................$32,500 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, nice............................$36,500 New Holland S1049 balewagon, sharp..............................$24,000 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon................................$18,500 New Holland 1048 balewagon...........................................$10,500 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.......................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt........ $24,000 to $30,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............. $12,000-$16,000 New Holland 1032 pull type...............................................$10,500 New Holland 8500 round bale wagon. Nice condition........$50,000 New Holland 1052 retriever mounted on 2006 Peterbilt....$35,000
Swathers New Holland HW325 swather, 16HS header, new conditioning rolls, 2450 hours....$44,950
2008 New Holland H8060 swather with 13-ft. discbine header, 1137 hours.................................................................................$69,500 2002 New Holland HW320 swather, 16HS header, 3642 hours. Nice condition............................................................................$36,500 MacDon 7000 with 12-ft. multicrop head with conditioner..$14,000
Haying Equipment
New Holland 1425 square baler, diesel..............................$10,500 2007 New Holland BR7080 round baler.............................$10,500 Bush Hog BSR 10-wheel rake, very nice..............................$6500
Industrial Equipment
2007 Gehl DL6H42 7000 lb 42” lift swivel carriage, 3800 hours...... ........................................................................................$55,000 2001 Carelift 10055 Zoom Boom telehandler, cab, heat, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach................................................................$45,000
Miscellaneous 2007 Supreme 1200TM mixer. New engine, nice condition.......................$115,000
John Deere 650 grain cart.....................................................$8500 1972 Freightliner 20-ft. box and hoist, with drill fill auger..$10,500 1973 International 4300 truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, Detroit diesel, 13 speed...................................................................$7500
Tractors & Accessories 2002 New Holland TS100, MFWD, FEL, grapple, 5182 hours. All new tires. Very nice...... ........................$32,500
1995 Agco Allis 9655 MFWD, FEL, grapple, 155 hp, 18 speed powershift, duals.....................$29,500 John Deere 8630 275 hp, 2156 hours, tires 80%...............$21,500
Sod Buster Sales Inc.
Farm Equipment Finding Service
33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
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Leafy spurge – invasive plant of western Nebraska
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Leafy Spurge, also known as wolf’s long way to prevent its establishment. milk, faitours-grass, and tithymal (Scientific Scouting, monitoring and proper idenname: Euphorbia esula L. of the family tification are key factors for management. Family: Euphorbiaceae – Spurge family), Infestations can occur very rapidly. Several originated in Eurasia and was introduced different management options (IPM) will into the United States in the early 1800s. need to be utilized to manage this weed. Leafy spurge is a non-native perennial There are numerous biological control forb. Leafy spurge is not a single species, methods available, which have shown to but an aggregation of closely related, perhave varied efficacy. There are root-feeding haps hybridized, taxa. beetles – Aphthona cyparissiae, A. flava, Leafy spurge reproduces from seed and A. czwalinae, A. lacertosa and A. nigrisvegetative root buds. It is an erect plant 1 cutis. There is also the foliar feeder spurge to 3 feet tall with blueish-green leaves with hawkmoth (Hyles euphorbiae), a gall midge round edges. (Spurgea esulae), and a stem-boring beetle Flowers are surrounded by heart-shaped (Oberea erythrocephala). Selection of any yellow-green bracts which hold three round of these insects for use will depend on the to oblong seeds. They are located in clusters leafy spurge release site; some insects do near the top of the plant. Flowers develop in better in some areas than others and prefer mid-June, but flowering can occur through different soil types. Before considering any fall. Each stem produces an average of 140 of these biological control insects, contact seeds. your local department of agriculture for When seeds have matured, the plant can guidelines and sources. “throw” them up to 15 feet from the parent Grazing with goats or sheep can provide plant. Seed can remain viable in the soil for an alternative to herbicides for controleight years or more and is spread by birds, ling Leafy spurge. Grazing will reduce animals, people and water. Primary seed top growth but will not control the plant germination usually occurs in May. Leafy completely. Use of grazing animals is better spurge seedlings develop root buds within suited to areas where herbicides cannot be 10 to 12 days of emergence. used effectively. Grazing or stocking rates Leafy spurge flowers are very similar and timing will vary with the infestation in color to yellow sweetclover and from site, density and precipitation. a distance, both appear similar, so a close Cultural control measures include fire, inspection is required to make proper plant mowing, competitive grass species and identification. properly timed cultivation. Fire and mowLeafy spurge has a very extensive root ing can reduce top growth and help limit system, most of which is in the top foot seed production. Cultivation works best of soil, but the vertical roots may grow to in cropland areas. A number of perennial depths of 15 feet or more. This root sysgrasses can be competitive and help control tem contains substantial nutrient reserves Leafy spurge. These competitive grass spewhich allows the plant to recover from cies can vary by region, so check with your environmental stresses, mowing and other local agronomist or state agency to see what control efforts. The horizonal root system species will work best in your area. can spread 15 feet from the crown each year. Numerous chemical treatment options are The woody roots have numerous buds that available to manage leafy spurge. Products are capable of producing new shoots. containing dicamba, imazapic, picloram (reLeafy spurge contains a white, milky lastricted use), glyphosate (non-selective) and tex in all parts of the plant that distinguishes 2,4-D have been shown to work. Combinait from other weeds when in the vegetative tions and application rates of these products growing stage. The plant also contains a may produce better long-term results. Spray toxic substance that serves as an irritant, site location will dictate what products can emetic and purgative when consumed by be utilized. Grazing restrictions will vary livestock. It has caused death in cattle, sheep according to herbicide selection. and loss of hair and inflammation on the feet Spring applications work best when of horses. However, sheep and goats can leafy spurge true flowers are developing in graze leafy spurge as part of their diet, as a June. Fall applications work best when new form of cultural control of the plant. regrowth takes place in early to mid-SepHabitat tember. Selection of a particular herbicide Leafy spurge is found primarily in rangemay dictate when the best time to apply that land, pastures, waste areas, roadsides and product. Consult with your local weed mantree rows, and can also be found in riparian agement organization or state weed control areas, making management options limagency to see which herbicide products will ited. The plant can be found in cultivated work best in your situation. areas but does not tolerate intensive tillage. The addition of a non-ionic surfactant However, small root sections can produce to the herbicide mix will aid in control. A new plants and these small root sections single application of an herbicide will not can survive drying in a hot sun for two to control Leafy spurge long-term. Annual rethree hours. treatment is necessary until over 90 percent Leafy spurge shoots emerge early in control is achieved. Monitor regrowth and spring from the crown, outcompeting desirmake additional applications as needed. able plants for nutrients and water. InfestaBe sure to select a product labeled for the tions in rangeland and pasture can result in site. Read, understand and follow all label a decrease of carrying capacity of livestock instructions when using any pesticide. by 50 to 75 percent, due to a loss of grass Nebraska Extension Publications has a production. number of publications on spurge manageManagement ment and other invasive species. These Leafy spurge is a designated noxious publications and much more are found at weed under the Nebraska Department of CONTINUED ON PAGE A24 Agriculture’s Noxious Weed Program. Prevention is the best and cheapest man##### agement option. Having well-established It is believed that in ancient Egypt, the perennial grasses and forbs on a maintained builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were pasture or rangeland with proper grazing given garlic to eat so that they can get endurance and strength. and rotational grazing techniques can go a
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A23
Nebraska among world’s best universities for ag, forestry
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By Cara Pesek, IANR Media students who propose a plan to address The 2020 QS World University Rankings, 44/45/357 500/460/454 worldwide challenges related to food security, which were released in June, ranked Nebraska 1911’s Taurus Judge sustainability, and water use. Eight incoming 46 among universities worldwide and 18th Great for Horseback Riding, BowCollege of Agricultural Sciences and Natural among all institutions in the United States. hunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Resources students and two returning students The rankings consider academic peer review, Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather won scholarships for the 2020-21 academic student-faculty ratio and reputation of the year. employers of graduates, among other factors. Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT “We want innovators, change-makers and “We are designing the future of agriculture future leaders to get their start right here in here at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Nebraska,” said Tiffany Heng-Moss, dean of (UNL),” said Mike Boehm, vice chancellor agricultural sciences and natural resources. for the university’s Institute of Agriculture The university has also forged strong and Natural Resources. “Our researchers are AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT FOR SALE partnerships with several other leading uncovering new ways to feed a rapidly grow(2) 5-ft. wheel lines, band lock agricultural institutions on the list, including world, and furthermore, they’re doing so GM 4-71 diesel irrigation pump on trailer in an environmentally sustainable way that ing Wageningen University and Research, 2005 Case IH 2388 combine, 2006 updates, 1892 separaprovides a good quality of life for producNorthwest A&F University, Huazhong Agritor hours, 36-ft. Case IH 2042 draper header ers. We’re making great strides toward food cultural University and the University of Sao Steel wheel mounted canola roller security, sustainability and other complex Paulo, which in 2020 ranked 1, 4, 6 and 23, Flexi-Coil System 82 60-ft. harrow, draw bar, 5 bar, 5-ft. harrows, 4 down pressure springs per harrow agricultural issues, and our appearance on this respectively. Steel I-beam overhead shop hoist frame, (4) 20-ft. 7” Iprestigious list is a reflection of those strides.” The QS World University Rankings, which beam rails, 18-ft. long, 10” I-beam for top cross rail holdIn the past year, Nebraska researchers have are released annually, are prepared by Quacing made progress toward development of crops quarelli Symonds, a leading global higher (2) 5-ft. carriage rails on 15” steel wheels that are tolerant of heat, extreme cold and education company. Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, with winddrought. They are in the midst of research Learn more about the Institute of Agriscreens to aid in the development of hybrid wheat culture and Natural Resources’ momentum Phone (406) 278-3068, Conrad, Montana varieties, as well as in the development of online ( vaccines and other protections against two devastating swine diseases. The interdisciplinary Nebraska Integrated Beefs System Initiative is bringing together beef geneticists, ruminant nutritionists, biological systems engineers, grassland ecologists, and others to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the cattle industry. “The innovation of our research faculty is nothing short of astonishing,” Boehm said. That spirit of innovation extends beyond Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources researchers. Nebraska Extension professionals, which have long worked with Nebraska’s farmers and ranchers to address issues with crops and livestock, have increasingly incorporated research into their work with producers. The popular On-Farm Research Network allows farmers to conduct research on their own land. Producers who participate in the network are able to access to cutting-edge technology and emerging practices with Sometimes all you need to hear is what you see. Side by side superiority. help from university profesCoAXium® Wheat Production System driven by Aggressor® herbicide. Now a proven sionals, while researchers and extension educators are option for control of downy brome and feral rye. able to observe how new technologies and practices Go to to see more extraordinary field photos. work on real, working farms. The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources encourages students to tackle head-on challenges related to agriculture and natural resources. The Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program, for example, helps students build businesses while they’re still in college. The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural C L E A N E R F I E L D S . H I G H E R Y I E L D S . Resources Change-Maker Scholarship Competition, © 2020 Albaugh, LLC; CWRF and Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC. CoAXium and Cleaner Fields. Higher Yields are trademarks of Albaugh, LLC; CWRF and Limagrain Cereal Seeds, LLC. which was just launched this Driven by Aggressor Herbicides and Aggressor are trademarks of Albaugh, LLC. Refer to the Aggressor product label for complete directions and instructions. past spring, offers one-year Aggressor EPA Reg. No. 42750-313 AD030118 full-tuition scholarships to
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A24
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Early weaning a management tool
NDSU Extension Service Early weaning should not compromise Rainfall ranks as one of the most imcalf health, and performance should be portant factors that influence ranchers’ enhanced. management decisions, according to North “The key to successful early weaning is Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension to treat groups of calves as unique,” says specialists. Gerald Stokka, NDSU Extension veterinarThis year is no different. Parts of North ian and livestock stewardship specialist. Dakota are experiencing severe dry weather “Weaning by pasture group is preferred, while others have adequate to plentiful with no commingling of other groups after moisture. This situation drives management weaning for at least 45 days. Even though of native pasture, crop residue and cover all calves have been born and raised on the crop acres. same ranch, the pasture group is the stable Typically, even with good moisture at unit as it relates to shared organisms and this time of the year, the nutritional value social pecking order.” of native pasture is in decline. This decline If weaning includes commingling all pasis accelerated under dry conditions. ture groups at the same time into a common “Early weaning is one of the management weaning pen or pasture, be prepared to bedecisions that can help reduce pressure on gin treating calves for respiratory disease 10 native pastures and extend forage supplies to 14 days postweaning. Alternatively, make for adult beef cows,” says Janna Block, provisions to bring all cows and calves toExtension livestock systems specialist at gether so the social order and shared organNDSU’s Hettinger Research Extension isms of calves can be re-established prior to Center. the stress of weaning. The more space that “Early weaning simply means weaning is provided (pasture weaning), the less the calves at an earlier age to reduce forage pressure on re-establishing social structure usage, while not compromising calf health and the less transmission of organisms durand performance,” she adds. ing this stressful time. Dairy calves often are weaned as early Other potential risk factors may influence as 8 weeks of age. This is achieved through health at this time as well. proper nutrition with feeds that promote “Lack of passive immunity, temperature rumen development. These feeds enhance fluctuations, heat stress, nutritional stress the development of the rumen so calves prior to weaning, dusty pens and handling can survive very well without the nursing stress may negatively impact the healthy milk diet. transition to weaning,” Stokka says. “The “From the standpoint of feed efficiency, it lack of adequate passive transfer of immuis more efficient to feed calves directly than nity from the birth mother to the calf into feed cows to sustain milk production,” creases the risk of postweaning morbidity.” Block says. Temperature fluctuations may comBeef calves can be early weaned successpromise the normal respiratory defense fully from 60 to 150 days of age. mechanisms, as do heat stress and dusty Most producers will notice that nursing pen conditions. Dry conditions may result calves also will consume forage, whether in nutritional stress prior to weaning, so through grazing or being fed harvested make sure to provide appropriate protein, forages. Research shows that early weaned energy and mineral supplements prior to cows will consume as much as 35% to 45% and after weaning. less forage than normally weaned cow-calf “If calves need processing, such as pairs. vaccination, deworming etc., do so in the Early weaning typically results in imearly morning hours or delay processing proved body condition of dams due to until the temperatures moderate,” Stokka decreased nutrient requirements. A cow says. “Processing can be done at the time weighing 1,400 pounds would require of weaning; however, only products that about 16 pounds of total digestible nutrients benefit the animal at weaning and do not (TDN) and 2.5 pounds of crude protein compromise the immune response should (CP) on a daily basis in late lactation. This be used. Processing done at least three same cow’s requirements would decrease weeks prior to early weaning is preferred to 12 pounds of TDN and 1.7 pounds of and provides the opportunity to administer protein after weaning. In addition, water booster doses postweaning if necessary.” requirements would decrease by about 55% Facilities may need some remodeling if to 60%. weaning calves are significantly smaller Distinguishing between early weaning than normal. Calves become adept at findand creep feeding is important, based on ing ways to return to their dams or at least goals of each strategy. Creep feeding is escaping from the weaning facility. Because providing supplemental feed to nursing smaller and younger calves may have difcalves. The primary goal of creep feeding is ficulty competing for feed and water, sorting to increase weaning weight of calves. calves into several pen groups based on size While creep feeding may result in some and age may be a good idea. substitution of forage for creep feed, it “Early weaning is a management tool does not reduce nursing pressure on cows. that can significantly reduce forage and Therefore, this practice will not provide the water demand,” Block says. “In addition, same forage savings and increases in cow with proper preparation, calf health and condition that can be gained from early performance are not compromised.” weaning, Block says.
Leafy spurge – invasive plant of western Nebraska CONTINUED FROM PAGE A22 Search “spurge” or “invasive.” For related issues with crops, livestock, horticulture and the 68 year long-running Backyard Farmer series, please visit these web sites:,, https://, https://, https://byf.unl. edu/. You raised it, you grew it, now what do you do with it? Try https://food.unl. edu/. There is a wealth of knowledge and information at each of these University of Nebraska Extension web sites!
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A25
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A26
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Real estate trends and the election
By Trampus Corder, Certified Crop Advisor, CPAg and Broker/Owner of Corder and Associates, LLC. We are reminded daily of the potential risk of the now far reaching Corona virus by the prevalent face coverings we witness citizens hiding behind in hopes of remaining safe and healthy. Headlines and radio ads reiterate that we are also nearing an election. The economy pleads for some kind of relief and recovery as many fear losing their jobs or suffering from cutbacks. As November approaches, the country seems to be in a state of anxiety and apprehension wondering what is going to change with policies, taxes, trade, and the economy in general. The economy is indeed burdened with uncertainty. Regardless of the occupying political party in office, the president has the influence to change and direct the economy, real estate markets included. While political parties battle and debate, we are left aiming to predict the outcome of the election and thus the state of the economy as a result. As history suggests, however, it may be easier to predict real estate trends than it is to predict the outcome of the presidential election! Uncertainty begins with those at the top office, and consequently, trickles down into other areas from there. The 2020 election cycle is ramping up with campaign ads and debates at the forefront. Some presidential candidates are laying out their real estate policies, but it is hard to determine what impact the electoral process will have. Researchers and experts in the industry agree that as we approach November, effects on housing and real estate markets are likely to unfold. In the usual course of events, elections have a way of breeding doubt and ambiguity which then changes the mindsets of home shoppers, sellers, and investors. The amount of sales change and values can be affected. Why is this so? Fear. Fear makes us do wonky things. People also fear change, and when that apprehension creeps in, rational decisions take a back seat. Emotional decisions take the wheel! Consumers are more cautious during an election season as they manage heightened fears of a recession and swaying of politics. If we investigate history, we see that slowed consumer buying is mostly contained in the month of November. In addition, the year following an election is typically the best of the four-year cycle suggesting that the demand for real estate simply is pushed out to the following year. This depends largely on the economy staying on track. Realistically, the real estate prices in your particular area will not change because of the upcoming election. Those prices continue to be determined by good old supply and demand. If buyers seem to be careful and guarded, it may present you with an opportunity to do the opposite of what everyone else is doing and purchase property or a home. As the renowned investor Warren Buffett said, “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.” The same is true if there seems to be hesitation with listing real estate. Sellers may be delaying which again, gives you an opportunity. Less inventory means more offers and demand for your listing! To add to incentive, mortgage interest rates are at historic lows. With savings such as these, there really is no better time to be purchasing real estate. If you are letting the presidential election influence your real estate investments, try to put it aside. This is the time to be buying real estate, no matter the outcome of the election in November.
Publication offers Big Horn Basin crop budgets
University of Wyoming Extension Big Horn Basin crop budgets for irrigated alfalfa, barley, corn and sugar beets are now available for download as a PDF, HTML or ePub at “The goal of these budgets is to help producers make more informed decisions on their own operations,” said Brian Lee, University of Wyoming (UW) Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics research scientist. Lee and others saw a need for budgets based off the Big Horn Basin region after producing budgets for southeast Wyoming. The budgets provide a representative model for alfalfa, barley, corn and sugar beets and contain one year of production. ##### Soybean oil is used to make pizza dough. ##### Henry Ford used soybeans for paint and plastic in his cars.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A27
2013 Kenworth T800 Cummins ISX 525 hp, 18-speed, tri axle, 244” wheelbase, 14,600# front axle, 46,000# rear axle, air ride suspension, 26” mid roof sleeper, 478,000 miles...........$59,900
2014 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX 450 hp, 18-speed, 270” wheelbase, tandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, 3.55 ratio, Air Trac suspension, aluminum wheels, 752,000 miles....................................... $52,000
2013 Peterbilt 389 600 hp, Cummins ISX, Eaton-Fuller transmission, 18 speed, air ride, tri-axle, lift axle, 472,000 miles, 355 ratio, 12,000 lb. fronts, 40,000 lb. rear axles, lockers, mid-roof sleeper, navigation deleted, delivery available.................... $79,500
2006 Peterbilt 378 Cat C13, 410 hp, dual exhaust, Eaton-Fuller manual transmission, 10-speed, 3.36 ratio, air ride, 230” wheelbase, 12,000# front axle, 36,000# rear axle, flat top sleeper, 853,625 miles................... $27,000
2011 Freightliner FLD Vac Truck Cummins N14, 460 hp, 116,000 miles, Eaton-Fuller 13 speed transmission, 3.91 ratio, air ride, tri-axle, 245” wheelbase, wet kit, double locker’s, delivery available. ............................... $38,000
2012 Freightliner Coronado 132 Detroit 60 500 hp, 18-speed, air ride suspension, 248” wheelbase, tri axle,13,300# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, all aluminum wheels, 503,000 miles.......................................$53,000
2015 Kenworth T800 Cummins ISX, 350 hp, Eaton-Fuller transmission, 10-speed, 4.63 ratio, double lockers, 196” wheelbase, 12,000# front axle, 40,000 # rear axle, mid-roof sleeper, very low miles - 114,790 miles............. ............................................... $42,000
2011 Peterbilt 365 Cummins ISX 11.9 425 hp, 8LL transmission, 224” wheelbase, 4.11 ratio, tandem axle, 13,200# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, air ride suspension, 36” flat top sleeper, 76,000 miles...................... $39,000
2002 Peterbilt 357 Cat C12, 10- & 4-speed, 567 ratio, 350” wheelbase, aluminum wheels, tri axle, 22,000# front axle, 65,050# rear axle, 194,119 miles....................................... $49,000 2010 Kenworth T800 Cat C13 350 hp, 10-speed, manual overdrive, Neway suspension, 4.63 ratio, 205” wheelbase, aluminum wheels, trandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, mid roof sleeper, 177,602 miles....................................... $28,500
1996 Freightliner FLD120 Detroit 60 500 hp, 13-speed, spring suspension, 220” wheelbase, tandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 36,000# rear axle, 1,427,600 miles...................... $19,000
2006 Mack Pinnacle CXU613 Mack 460 hp, 13-speed, air ride suspension, tandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, 404,000 miles............ $17,000
2012 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX 400 hp, 13-speed, manual overdrive, air ride suspension, 3.55 ratio, 280” wheelbase, tri axle, 12,350# front axle, 38,000# rear axle, mid roof sleeper, 399,800 miles......................... $55,000 2008 International Paystar 5900 Cat C15 475 hp, 8LL transmission, spring suspension, 4.30 ratio, tri axle, 18,000# front axle, 46,000# rear axle, 232,500 miles......................... $36,500 1985 GMC General grain truck, Cummins NTC300, manual 9-speed, tandem axle, 20-ft grain box, this truck is in on consignment from a local farmer. ............................................... $21,000 2009 Peterbilt 365 Cat C13 350 hp, 8LL transmission, 567 ratio, 224” wheelbase, tandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, flat top sleeper.................................... $35,000
1998 Timpte 48-ft. x 96” all aluminun 1995 Fontaine 48-ft. x 96” flatbed, wheels, tandem axle, fixed spread...... toolbox, side rails, spring suspension, ............................................... $15,000 tandem sliding axles, container hold downs, delivery available.......... $7500
1999 Western Star 4964FX Cat 3406E 1LW 455 hp, 18-speed, air ride suspension, 216” wheelbase, tri axle, 12,080# front axle, 42,400# rear axle, 913,000 miles......................... $23,000
2005 International 9900 Cat C15 475 hp, 18-speed, manual overdrive, air ride suspension, 250” wheelbase, tri axle, 12,000# front axle, 40,000# rear axle, mid roof sleeper, 1,170,000 miles....................................... $30,000
2000 Freightliner FL80 Cat 3126 230 hp, 9-speed, spring suspension, 256” wheelbase, tandem axle, 12,000# front axle, 36,000# rear axle, 259,000......... $15,000
1997 Wabash 48-ft. x 96” flatbed, steel, fixed neck. Air ride, tandem axle, pipe racks, deliver available... $10,000
2015 EXA PN-1000 42-ft. x 102” fixed tandem axle dry bulk tank trailer, mild 2007 Wilson PSDCL-402 61-ft. 6”alusteel composition, 3 compartments..... minum cattle pot, air ride suspension, ............................................... $12,500 tandem, spread axle,.............. $29,000
2007 Atoka 57-ft. x 108” trailer, air ride suspension, fixed quad axle, wood floor, 120,000 GVW................ $36,000
2006 Trail-Eze TE100-0F50D 50-ft. x 102” tri axle trailer, air ride suspension, one pop up roller in the middle... ............................................... $26,500
532 N Dagmar Road Dagmar, Montana 59219 (406) 982-7066 •
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A28
Conrad American 20,000 bushel silo. Disassembled and stacked on pallet. Does not include bolts. Used but in very good condition...................................................................... $12,000 Loose hay push off.......................$500 Located in SW Montana - (406) 855-4125
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Hoof care to prevent foot rot
K-State Research and Extension News Sores on the feet can sure make a person feel miserable not to mention making it hard to walk. The same can be true of cattle when they develop foot rot in the crevasse between their toes, causing some of them to become lame according to the veterinarians at the Beef Cattle Institute. Speaking on the weekly Cattle Chat podcast, Kansas State University veterinarian Bob Larson explained how this condition develops. “Foot rot is a bacterial infection that occurs between the claws of the hoof. In the summer, it can develop when cattle are standing in wet or muddy areas,” Larson said. He added, that foot rot typically happens when the cows get a cut from a rock on the soft tissue between the hoof claws and then an infection develops in the wound. “The organism that causes foot rot lives in the soil so it is present all the time,” Larson said. One of the first signs of foot rot is that the impacted animal begins to walk with a limp or become lame, said veterinarian Brad White. Larson and White agree that foot rot typically responds well to antibiotic treatment. “A lot of times, if you see a cow that is lame and diagnose foot rot, she will be back to being sound pretty quickly after appropriate treatment,” Larson said. White added, “Early identification of the problem and quick treatment are key as well as preventative management.” One of the easiest ways to prevent foot rot is to manage the cattle in a clean, dry environment to minimize the mud exposure, Larson said. He also added that some producers advocate including iodine in the mineral mixes or as a feed supplement. “With any iodine or salt feed additive it is hard to know for sure that the cow is getting the right dose so it might offer some preventative aspects, but it would not be a treatment,” Larson said. To hear the full discussion on foot rot, listen in to the BCI Cattle Chat podcast online ( planting-fescue-hay-storage-tips-for-storing-hay-outsidefoot-rot/).
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Expert offers tips for eliminating the pungent smell
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A29
(500 tons) 1st cutting sanfoin, alfalfa, grass mix in net wrap round bales. No rain and excellent quality......... $110/ton (150 tons) 2nd cutting alfalfa, grass mix in net wrap big round bales........................................................$125/ton (150 tons) hay barley, oat, pea mix, net wrap. No rain........ .............................................................................$90/ton Phone 406-450-1029, Holden Herefords, Valier, MT
K-State Research and Extension News There are two sure-fire ways to avoid the ety of settings,” Lee said. “It deodorizes by pungent smell of a skunk: don’t get into masking the odor with a different one that areas where skunks may live, but if you do, is described as minty or pleasant. You can for goodness sakes don’t get sprayed. use it directly on surfaces or it can be used When those two factors collide, humans as an air deodorizer by placing it on paper and pets usually get the short end of the deal. towels or napkins and then hanging them “It’s certainly a better idea to prevent the in the area.” problem than to try to deal with the after efLee noted that one home remedy thought fects,” said Charlie Lee, a wildlife specialist to work is probably not what folks think it with K-State Research and Extension. is: “Tomato juice is not something I recIt is rare for a healthy skunk to bite a huommend,” he said. “It appears to be only man. However, one that is exhibiting active marginally effective.” signs of rabies – aggressiveness, seizures or “There are a lot of products out there that stumbling, to name a few – may be more will help consumers through a difficult or inclined to bite and could transmit the disuncomfortable situation. Keep in mind that ease to humans or animals. at times when humidity is high or it rains, More common, however, is that a skunk the odor will appear to come back. In those will try to chase away a predator or entimes, simply re-apply the product.” croaching human by spraying a yellowMore information on wildlife managetinted, oily liquid – called a musk -- stored ment issues is available online (https://www. Allis Chalmers tractors in two sacs near the anus of the animal. 4W305, 4W220, D21, 220, 8010-8070 mfwd “Each sac has about a teaspoon of musk, from K-State Research and Extension. Any condition considered which is enough for multiple sprays,” Lee Name brands used in this article are for said. “The musk is discharged through identification purposes only and are not Phone Nathan at 701-240-5737 or nipples that help skunks target those things intended to be an endorsement of any par1-800-735-5846, email: they are trying to repel. Each nipple has its ticular product. own musk sac, so a skunk can shoot with both barrels, and they can discharge the musk in a mist or a stream.” DRYING. STORAGE. HANDLING. The musk cannot transmit ™ the rabies virus, Lee said, but it can temporarily blind or stun individuals if they are sprayed in the face. While the health effects of being sprayed by a skunk are minimal, it is nonetheless unpleasant to rid hair, clothes and body of the bitter smell. Lee said the following mixture, discovered by chemist Paul Krebaum, has been shown to be effective: • 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide. • 1/4 cup of baking soda. • 1 teaspoon of liquid detergent. “Mix those three ingredients in an open container and use it immediately,” he said. “Do not mix these ingredients in advance because when oxygen is released, the container can explode.” The mixture can be used on people and pets, but Lee cautioned users to avoid splashing it in the eyes or mouth. On pets, allow the mixture to sit for five minutes before rinsing. For inanimate objects – surfaces, decks, chairs and other outside objects – Lee suggested a mixture of 1 cup of liquid laundry bleach and 1 gallon of water. “Be aware that bleach may stain surfaces,” he said. Lee added that some of the effective commercial products available in many stores include Skunk-Off, Odormute, Fresh Wave, Epoleon N-100 and Neutroleum Alpha. “Neutroleum Alpha is one that has been used to control odor from skunks in a vari-
Sukup has your SOLUTION CALL TODAY for info on Winter Discounts for November and December
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A30
~ ~ HAY FOR SALE ~ ~
Round bales, twine wrapped, approximately 1100#................... $50/ in field......$60/ stacked Phone 406-432-2601 ask for Jim or leave a message and phone number and we will get back to you.
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5'6" 1.33 # NUCOR @ 3.40 $
61.50/roll Roll or Pallet Available Commercial 2 Point $55.00/Roll
5 1/2 1.33LB NUCOR (USA) T-POST (5 CLIPS) $3.40
6' 1.33 NUCOR (USA) T-POSTS (5 CLIPS) $3.75
4-5/8' TREATED BLUNT $8.00
2 7/8" DRILL STEM (JOINT) $39.00
3" X 7' TREATED DRIVER $4.50
5-6" X 7" TREATED DRIVER $10.98
BEKAERT 32" X 330' FIELD FENCE $119.50
Prices Limited to Stock on Hand Through 9-26-20
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1999 GMC 8500 service truck, 7000 lb crane, 185 cfm compressor, Cat 3126, automatic, hydraulic outrigger, 14-ft. box, ex-gov, 97,000 miles...$25,000
2000 Ford F550 service truck, 3000 lb crane, Miller 225 welder, air compressor, fuel tank, 12-ft. bed...........$17,500
2007 Trailmax 30-ft. tilt bed equipment trailer........$22,500
2002 Zieman 30 ton ramp trailer, 20-ft. flatbed, 4.2-ft. ramps, 8.5-ft. wide..................$20,000
2000 Ford F550 flatbed dump, 7.3L, automatic, 14-ft. bed....... ...................................$10,000
1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers........................................................................................ $8000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, plow, 7.3L, automatic, 11-ft. utility bed.$15,000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460, automatic............ $2500 1999 Ford F550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate............ $9000 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic......................... $10,000 2000 Ford F550, 4x4, 7.3L reman engine, 6 speed, 10.9x8.5-ft. flatbed, 5th wheel hitch............................................................ $10,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor.............................................................. $11,000 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers........................................................ $15,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers................................................................................. $10,000 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane, 14-ft. dump bed.. $10,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder..... $19,000 1999 Ford F800 service truck, 59 Cummins, 6 speed, 98,000 miles, 6000# crane, air compressor, 11-ft. box.............................. $18,000 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 7500 crane, hydraulic air compressor.................................................................... $10,000 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed, 12.5-ft. cab-toaxle...................................................................................... $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 spd, 18-ft. flatbed dump...... $12,500 1993 International 4800 4x4 bucket truck, DT466, 10 speed, 61-ft. reach................................................................................... $20,000
2001 International 4700 crew cab, 7.3L, 7 speed, 9-ft. utility, front winch, wet kit.........$9000
2008 Sterling L7500 service truck, 6.7L Cummins, 9 speed, 7500 lb IMT crane....... ...................................$22,500
1998 International bucket truck, 7.3L, automatic, High Ranger 54-ft...............$15,000
2012 Freightliner 45-ft. Altec bucket truck, 6.7L Cummins, automatic transmission, ex government truck........$25,000
1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic....... $10,000 1988 International 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed..................... $9000 1981 International 1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom$12,500 1997 Volvo water truck, 3600 gal, M11 auto, 2 lift axles........ $25,000 1979 GMC chip truck................................................................. $6500 1997 Skytrack 8042 teleforklift, 8000 lb, 42-ft........................ $22,500 2004 Felling 30 ton equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck, 6.4-ft. ramp, 8.6-ft. wide..................................................................................... $17,500 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ............................................. $10,000 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor...................... $5000 Pesci 6000 KG knuckle boom................................................... $5000 Maintainer service crane, 6000 lb............................................. $6000 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.................................$7500 - $12,500 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer.......................................................... $6500 2006 Ditch Witch 410SX cable plow...................................... $12,500 Ditch Witch 400SK trencher & plow...................................... $10,000 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist..................................................... $3500 1-ton utility beds, starting at...................................................... $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each............................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant................................................................ $5000 Buckets for skid steer loaders........................................................Call Forklift forks...................................................................................Call 16” to 36” augers...........................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment............................................. $3000 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires................................ $800 (4) Ag-Chem Goodyear tires and wheels 14.9R46.................. $2500 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.............................. $800
Mansfield Center receives grant to connect youth
UM News Service The University of Montana’s (UM) Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center will become one of 18 programs funded by the Stevens Initiative Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. With the $50,000 funding, the center will plan a virtual exchange program this fall between students at UM and in Egypt, providing youth opportunities to develop skills and relationships otherwise not possible during the coronavirus pandemic. Around the world, schools and institutions are using virtual exchanges to help young people develop cross-cultural relationships and vital skills. While traditional in-person education and exchange programs have been cancelled for the summer, virtual exchange programs continue to be a sustainable and accessible global learning tool. “While we cannot predict what lies ahead with the pandemic, we are pleased to work with our grantees to provide virtual exchange opportunities when the world is deeply in need of connection,” said Christine Shiau, managing director of the Stevens Initiative at the Aspen Institute. “Together, we are revamping curriculum, leveraging technology and innovating to build programs that might not have existed otherwise.” Under the Stevens Initiative, UM’s Mansfield Center will spend the summer preparing to connect students from Montana and Egypt to highlight the importance of citizen diplomacy. This virtual exchange program is designed to enhance global competencies and the internationalization of communities. Participants will learn leadership skills in a shared fall 2020 course on Public Diplomacy offered by UM’s Global Leadership Initiative. “Drawing on our rich experience in international exchange, this funding allows us to continue to create opportunities for Montanans and to foster globally minded leaders of integrity despite the challenges presented by the pandemic,” said Deena Mansour, executive director of the Mansfield Center. A list of other Stevens Initiative grant recipients is online (, with international collaborations focusing on topics ranging from STEM and sustainability to storytelling and nursing. The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to build global competence and career readiness skills for young people in the U.S., the Middle East and North Africa by growing and enhancing the field of virtual exchange. Created in 2015 as a lasting tribute to Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, the initiative is committed to helping expand the virtual exchange field through three pillars of work: investing in promising programs, sharing knowledge and resources and advocating for virtual exchange adoption. The Stevens Initiative is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, with U.S. government funding administered by the Aspen Institute, a global nonprofit. It is also supported by the Bezos Family Foundation and the governments of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. For more information, contact Jon Purves, senior media relations associate at the Aspen Institute, at jon.purves@ or the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs in the U.S. Department of State at ECA-Press@
Wyoming Grape Guide available for free download
University of Wyoming Extension The Wyoming Grape Guide is now available for download as a PDF or ePub format at from the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. The guide provides basic information on grape cultivation specific to Wyoming. Topics include vineyard establishment, variety selection and harvest. “This guide was created for all grape enthusiasts, the backyard gardeners to commercial producers, to increase their success with cultivating grapes in Wyoming,” said Jeremiah Vardiman, UW Extension agriculture and horticulture educator. ##### If a man says you’re ugly, he’s being mean. If a woman says you’re ugly, she’s envious. If a little kid says you’re ugly,... you’re ugly !
Ten-year study analyzes outcomes of hedging via futures markets
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A31
FORD CARS FOR SALE 1952 Ford 2-door post (3) 1953 Ford Victoria Coupes
K-State Research and Extension News ers’ profits. A Kansas State University agricultural All are mostly complete cars “What I saw was the hedged price, on avereconomist has completed an exhaustive study Phone 406-315-1228, Great Falls, MT on hedging cattle prices, which he says could age, was about $10 per cwt higher,” he said. “If help producers manage their economic risks – someone was marketing fed cattle week after perhaps especially so in times of crisis. week through that same time period, having Brian Coffey looked at the average price of those cattle hedged was worth an extra $10 steers and heifers sold in Kansas between 2010 per cwt higher.” Hurry...Now booking Fall spreading and June 2020 to determine if hedging – a Put another way, the average weekly value strategy to lock in prices using futures markets of gain for hedged cattle was $123 higher per – is a reliable strategy for selling live cattle. head than for unhedged cattle. No job too big “One thing that came out of this will be More recently, Coffey also looked at the or small! surprising to a lot of people,” Coffey said. “If impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, comparFor all your manure spreading we look just at the average price that live cattle ing prices between February 2020 and the needs just give us a call. would have been sold for from 2010 to 2020, end of June. Again, hedging proved to be a 2 Trucks and Loader Available the hedged prices are lower, but they are only successful strategy during crisis. 48 cents per hundredweight (cwt) lower than “The hedged value of gain averaged about Now running triple beaters for better Also skid steer for unhedged sales, on average. In other words, $221 per head higher,” Coffey said. broadcasting barn, corral & tight spot the risk-management benefits of hedging come “The take-home lesson from both of those cleaning at a fairly lower cost per hundredweight, on instances,” he said, “is that hedging can Call for a quote and to average. protect from scenarios that can, frankly, end schedule your barn and “A lot of times, people have in mind that to a business. Hedging protects against catacorral cleaning. get the risk-management benefit of hedging, strophic losses.” you take a pretty big hit on expected average Coffey’s full report, titled Hedging Kansas cell (406) 289-1866 returns. But over the long term, we’re just not Live Cattle: A Summary of Outcomes over the office (406) 271-2746 seeing that.” Past 10 Years, is available online at Agman“This is our profession, not a sideline” Hedging helps to protect against adverse price changes in the markets by allowing a producer who is feeding cattle to establish an approximate selling price now and be protected if prices decline by the time they market those animals later. “In given weeks or months, you can definitely give up potential gains in some of those extreme times when A post emergent, systemic herbicide with no soil recash prices rally unexpectsidual activity. It is generally non-selective and gives edly,” Coffey said. “But you broad spectrum control of many annual weeds, pealso avoid extreme losses in rennial weeds, woody brush and trees. weeks or months when cash prices decline unexpectedly.” Call for more information! Coffey notes that more detailed information on hedging Plenty IN STOCK NOW! is available at AgManager. info, a website managed by Through innovative products like the K-State Department of SeedMaxx®, IgniteS2®, Agricultural Economics. FoliarBlend®, IgniteS4® Technical In his study, Coffey asGrade, AgriCal® and organically sumed a feeding period of 160 approved Ultra®, producers days while comparing what a around the globe are growing producer might have earned higher quality, better yielding crops on live cattle sales had they while lowering their production hedged those sales instead. costs and dependence on “Basically, what I assumed chemical inputs. was that a producer would hedge cattle immediately upon placement, then immediately lift the hedge when those live cattle are priced or sold,” he said. “It’s a very disciplined and systematic hedging routine.” While he found a slight average-price decrease when hedging during normal times, LIQUID - DRY - ANHYDROUS Coffey said hedging can provide huge benefits when disaster hits the industry – such as has happened twice in the past year. In Fall 2019, a fire destroyed a packing plant owned by Tyson Fresh Meats in Holcomb, Kansas, which had a daily capacity of 6,000 head – or about 6% of the United States’ slaughter capacity. Coffey compared live cattle prices for 23 weeks, between July and October 2019 to see what impact hedging “Your Crop Production Specialist” Kremlin, Montana would have had on produc-
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A32
Advertising Deadline for the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.
Skid steer mounted broom, 71/2-ft. wide, manual angle with hydraulic angle option.
Call Steve at 406-370-1499, Stevensville, MT
18” - 12-ft. diameter, lengths up to 64-ft. Available in a variety of sizes and thicknessness. Some bands and other fittings are available. Most are 1/2 price of new.
Bridges: (2) 55’x13’ Steel Girder - Wood deck....... $40,000 each (1) 28’x15’ Timber Bridge.................................. $25,000 (2) 17’x13’ Timber Bridges.......................... $5000 each (1) 12’x13’ Timber Bridge..................................... $3000 (2) 35’x10’ Rail car with concrete decking...................... . ....................................$5000 each, Both for $7000 . (other sizes available also)
Treated Timber: $1 per board foot under 20 feet long. $1.50 per board foot over 20 feet long. Timbers are negotiable on price based off their condition. Many different sizes to choose from.
Call Carol 406-274-3064 Stevensville, MT
Freeman 1390 In-Line Square Baler 16x22 bales, 3 knotter, Duetz 4 cylinder 67 hp, very low use....$10,000
(10) In Stock ed
200 18th Road NW - Choteau, MT
(406) 466-2146 or (406) 544-5914
Truck is Brand NEW never been used
2021 Western Star 4900SB truck tractor (T/A), Detroit DD15, 505 hp, engine brake, cruise, DEF, CARB compliant, DPF, Eaton Fuller 13 speed transmission, A/R cab, Air Liner suspension, 14,600# front, 46,000# rears, full 4-way lockers, 230” wheelbase, 54” high rise sleeper, all aluminum wheels. The warranty will start from the manufacture with the first owner. The engine has a 5-year/300,000 mile complete engine warranty (EW4), the chassis has a 4-year/250,000 extended warranty, and the truck has a 4-year/unlimited mile towing warranty.
! D L O S
2005 Kenworth T800, Cat C15 475 hp, engine brake, cruise, 20,000# front, 46,000# rears, RT46160 rears, 266” wheelbase, Eaton Fuller RTL022918B 18 speed, double differential lock, 4-way lockers, 347,424 total miles.............$72,000
1995 Freightliner FL80 8.3L Cummins 250 hp, 16,000# front, 40,000# rears, 4:10 gear ratio, full lockers, 222” wheelbase, 8II transmission 10 speed, Hendrickson rubber block suspension, double frame, tires are 60% front, 80% rear, 224” wheelbase, 158” cab to center of axle, 232” total back of cab to end of frame.............$26,000
! D L O S
2015 Mack CXU613 Pinnacle MP8, 505 hp, engine brake, cruise, MDrive automatic 12 speed, 4 way lockers, air ride suspension, 12,000# front, 40,000# rears, 3:58 gear ratio, 186” wheelbase, Michelin 11R22 tires, 216,839 miles.... ...........................................$47,200
2002 Kenworth T800, single turbo Cat C15 6NZ50146 550 hp, 14,000# front axle, 46,000# rears, new tires, great interior, 18 speed, 4:30 gears, 4-way lockers, 36” sleeper, 244” wheelbase, 623,000 miles, low hours (9500)......$62,200
Sale g in Pend
2020 Kenworth T800, Cummins X15 565 hp, Jake brake, cruise, 18 speed transmission, 16,000# front axle, 46,000# rears, 4-way lockers, 202” wheelbase, 3:91 gear ratio, Kenworth AG 460 air ride suspension, 47,000 - 88,000 miles. Each.... .........................................$112,900
! D L O S
2001 Peterbilt 379 6NZ25223 Cat engine, 475 to 600 HP, 101,223 on complete engine rebuild, have paperwork, new rebuilt 13-speed transmission RTLO 18913A, 12,000# front tapered leaf, 40,000# rear ends, D404 - 3:55 gear ratio, Peterbilt air ride leaf suspension, 63” sleeper, 270” wheelbase....$59,990
2007 Peterbilt 379 Unibilt sleeper, Cat C15 diesel, 475 hp, 18 speed, Fuller transmission, air ride suspension, 12,000# front axle, 20,000# air lift 3rd axle, 40,000# rear axle, air slide 5th wheel, aluminum headache rack, 11R24.5 on aluminum wheels, 503,003 original miles, 262” wheelbase...................$69,000
New hemlock hybrid withstands killing insect
By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service A first-of-its-kind hybrid hemlock, which is not vulnerable to the insect hemlock woolly adelgid, has been developed by the Agricultural Research Service’s (ARS) U.S. National Arboretum. Traveler, as the new variety is named, is a cross between the Chinese hemlock (Tsuga chinensis) and the native Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana). The new tree has the native hemlock’s handsome symmetrical evergreen growth habit with slightly weeping branches It has a moderately slow growth rate and produces large cones. But its most important characteristic is the ability to survive attack from the hemlock woolly adelgid. “We’ve had trials of Traveler growing since 2000, and we haven’t seen any damage from the insects despite the trees being planted out among susceptible Carolina and eastern hemlocks,” said ARS horticulturist Susan Bentz. Bentz is with the U.S. National Arboretum’s Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit in Beltsville, Maryland. Sap-sucking hemlock woolly adelgids are closely related to the aphid. Originally from Asia, the hemlock woolly adelgid arrived in the United States in 1951 and has since spread to 17 states from Georgia to New England and southwestern Nova Scotia, decimating stands of both Carolina and Eastern hemlocks. The insect has virtually eliminated hemlocks as a marketable ornamental tree in the eastern U.S. One reason for the insect’s power to wipe out large stands of hemlocks is its ability to reproduce parthenogenetically, or without their eggs being fertilized. This means female hemlock woolly adelgids can reproduce without males, resulting in substantial annual population increases and decimation of large stands of hemlocks. The Carolina hemlock’s native range is basically parts of the Appalachian Mountains in Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. More widespread, the eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is found throughout New England, mid-Atlantic states and the Lake States and south into the Appalachian Mountains in northern Georgia and Alabama and west from the mountains into Indiana, western Ohio and western Kentucky. While developing these hybrids, Bentz and colleagues found that the eastern hemlock would not cross with the Chinese hemlock, while crosses between the Carolina and Chinese hemlock produced several offspring that were verified using molecular techniques. After promising replicated field and greenhouse trials in Beltsville, Maryland, the researchers moved on to field trials of Traveler and other similar crosses in North Carolina and Connecticut. “After 6 years in the North Carolina trial, the average height of Traveler trees planted was 3.5 meters (11.5 feet) and all have survived,” Bentz said. “It will make a very attractive specimen tree in a large yard, park, commercial site or as can informal large screen.” Hemlocks play important roles in forest ecosystems as well as in cultivated landscapes, serving as a foundational species that impacts hydrologic cycles, wildlife, and biodiversity. However, because Traveler is relatively slow growing and must be reproduced asexually from cuttings, it will likely not be economically feasible to use Traveler routinely in forest renovation. A plant patent has been applied for Traveler, and ARS is looking for commercial propagation partners to help bring this new plant to the nursery trade.
National Cheeseburger Day
Date When Celebrated: Always September 18th National Cheeseburger Day is today. Top off America’s favorite sandwich, with a piece of cheese. The food industry makes it a point to celebrate a wide variety of foods. We believe the Cheeseburger certainly earns a special day. Celebrate National Cheeseburger Day by firing up the grill, and cooking cheeseburgers. You can do so for lunch or dinner.... or both! Any kind of cheese will do. Try a different cheese, if your adventuresome. For the carb conscious, eat your burgers without the buns. Watch for....... luncheon and dinner specials today at your local restaurants. Tops on the specials board certainly should be cheeseburgers!
Dave the hen
Dave came home from the pub late one Friday evening stinking drunk, as he often did, and crept into bed beside his wife who was already asleep. He gave her a peck on the cheek and fell asleep. When he awoke, he found a strange man standing at the end of his bed. ‘Who are you?’ demanded Dave, ‘and what are you doing in my bedroom?’ The mysterious man answered, ‘This isn’t your bedroom and I’m St Peter.’ Dave was stunned. ‘You mean I’m dead!!! That can’t be, I have so much to live for – and I haven’t said goodbye to my family…You’ve got to send me back straight away.’ St Peter replied, ‘Yes, you can be reincarnated but there is a catch. We can only send you back as a dog or a hen.’ Dave was devastated but knowing there was a farm not far from his house, he asked to be sent back as a hen. A flash of light later, he was covered in feathers and clucking around, pecking the ground. ‘This isn’t so bad’, he thought until he felt this strange feeling welling up inside him. The farmyard rooster strolled over and said, ‘So you’re the new hen, how are you enjoying your first day here?’ ‘It’s not so bad’, replies Dave, ‘but I have this strange feeling inside like I’m about to explode.’ ‘You’re ovulating’, explained the rooster. ‘Don’t tell me you’ve never laid an egg before.’ ‘Never’, replies Dave. ‘Well just relax and let it happen’. So he did and after a few uncomfortable seconds later, an egg pops out from under this tail. An immense feeing of relief swept over him and his emotions got the better of him as he experienced motherhood for the first time. When he laid his second egg, the feeling of happiness was overwhelming he knew that being reincarnated as a hen was the best thing that ever happened to him…Ever!!! The joy kept coming and as he was just bout to lay his third egg, he felt an enormous smack on the back of his head and heard his wife shouting… ‘Dave, wake up you drunken fool. You’ve crapped the bed!...
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A33
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A34
Rear pickup mount, custom made, electric hydraulic pressure pump, 4-ft. ram, 2) 48 inch probes, tips, accessories.
Phone (406) 622-5522, Fort Benton, MT
##### When my wife starts to sing I always go out and do some garden work so our neighbors can see there’s no domestic violence going on. ##### What happens when you play a country song backwards? You get a new truck, a new wife, and a new dog.
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Recipe Patch by Geri All-American Pork Baby Back Ribs
4 pounds pork back ribs Your favorite barbecue sauce (purchased or homemade) Season ribs with salt and pepper. Place ribs on a medium-hot grill over indirect heat; close grill hood and grill until ribs are tender, about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. (add more charcoal briquettes to fire, if necessary, to maintain grill temperature of about 325-350 degrees F.) Finish by turning and basting ribs with barbecue sauce for the last 15 minutes. Serve ribs directly from the grill or, for extra tender ribs remove from grill, wrap in heavy aluminum foil. Place foilwrapped ribs in brown paper bags, close bags and let ribs rest for up to an hour. Unwrap ribs, cut into serving pieces and serve with extra barbecue sauce.
Tuna Shells
12 jumbo pasta shells 5 teaspoons all-purpose flour 2 cups 2% milk 1 teaspoon dill weed 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 celery rib, diced 1 small onion, diced 1 tablespoon canola oil 2 slices white bread, crumbled 1 can (12 ounces) light water-packed tuna, drained and flaked 1/2 cup reduced-fat ranch salad dressing 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese Cook pasta shells according to package directions. Meanwhile in a saucepan, combine the flour, milk, dill and salt until smooth. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened. Pour 1-1/4 cups sauce into a 2-qt. baking dish; set aside. In a nonstick skillet, saute celery and onion in oil until tender. Add bread. Stir in the tuna, salad dressing and cheese; mix well. Drain shells; stuff with tuna mixture. Place over sauce. Drizzle with remaining sauce. Cover and bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until bubbly and heated through.
Caramel Apple Cupcakes
1 package spice or carrot cake mix (regular size) 2 cups chopped peeled tart apples (about 2 medium) 20 caramels 3 tablespoons 2% milk 1 cup finely chopped pecans, toasted Preheat oven to 350°. Line 12 jumbo muffin cups with paper liners. Prepare cake mix batter according to package directions; fold in apples. Fill prepared cups three-fourths full. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before removing from pans; cool completely on a wire rack. In a small saucepan, cook caramels and milk over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly. Spread over cupcakes. Sprinkle with pecans.
Two-Tone Butter Cookies
1 cup butter, softened 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups all-purpose flour Red and green liquid or paste food coloring Red colored sugar, optional In a large bowl, cream butter and confectioners’ sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in vanilla. Gradually add flour and mix well. Divide dough in half; with food coloring, tint half red and half green. Shape each portion into an 8-in. log. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Cut each log in half lengthwise. Press red and green halves together. Tightly wrap each roll in plastic wrap; freeze for up to 6 months. To prepare cookies: Let dough stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. Cut into 1/4-in. slices; place 2 in. apart on ungreased baking sheets. Sprinkle with colored sugar if desired. Bake at 350° for 12-14 minutes or until set. Cool on wire racks. Yield: about 5 dozen.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A35
2014 Case IH Patriot 4430 sprayer, 1200 gallon stainless steel liquid system, 100-ft. boom, Wilger nozzles with AIM Command, 20” nozzle spacing, Autosteer, Raven auto boom height, AIM Command Pro, Raven Viper 4 monitor, 4348 hours................. $114,500 2014 RBR Vector 300 New Leader L4000 G4 MultiApplier dry spreader box, twin spinner, all hydraulic with insert, roll over tarp, Viper Pro monitor, 2953 hours................. $124,500
2010 Case IH Titan 3520, 3 bin, 2800 hours................... $109,000 2011 Case IH Titan 3520 3 BIN, Viper Pro, 3000 hours... $109,000
2012 RBR Vector 300 Case IH 810 Flex-Air applicator box, 70ft. boom, Viper Pro, Auto Steer, tarp, Cummins, Allison automatic, tires: 650/65R38, air ride, 4 wheel drive................... $106,000
1985 Freightliner with 16 ton rear auger Willmar tender, working truck and tender, 300 Cummins................................ $24,500
2004 Peterbilt floater sprayer truck, 76-ft. boom, 20” nozzle spacing, Raven Envizio Pro control valves, 4368 hours... $97,500
2016 Terra Gator TG8400B, Agco diesel engine, CVT transmission, 1662 hours. New Leader L3220 G4 stainless steel dry spinner box, belt/chain, MultiApplier ready ..$149,500... $156,000
2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autosteer, 3000 hours..................... $98,000
2006 Case 4510 70-ft. Flex Air, Viper controller, AutoSteer, 7400 hours, in the field running this spring.............................. $62,500
1997 Loral 4589 hours, 51,793 miles, diesel engine, automatic transmission..................... $29,500
2014 Case Titan 4530 3000 hours, 70-ft. boom, single product...... .......................................................................................... $123,500 2014 Case Titan 4530 5007 hours, 3 bin, 70-ft. boom....... $98,500
2006 Peterbilt 335 floater truck, Newton Crouch spreader bed. Bed built like a Chandler bed, 2014 RoGator 1300, 3220 hours, twin spinners, 2860 hrs..$78,000 New Leader bed............$112,000
2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New 2002 Case FLX 4300 Flex Air Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New 810 bed, 70-ft. boom, 8.3 Cum- Leader controller, Starlink GPS, mins, Allison automatic, Trimble 4145 hours....................$82,000 EZ-Steer steering, out in the field, 4193 hours............$42,500
2006 Ingersol-Rand WL-440 wheel loader, shuttle shift trans1999 Willmar 24 ton side shoot- mission, 75” bucket, 4-ft. forks, er, electric roll tarp.......... $31,500 1737 hours.................... $33,500
1996 Freightliner 5 axle tender, Cummins, Rayman 24 ton side discharge........................ $39,500 2013 Merritt With Rapat conveyor system, electric roll tarp, 4 hoppers, air ride suspension......... $44,500
Hyster 6-ton forklift, gas engine. Was propane, changed to carburetor, could use some carb work. . .......................................... $6000
Free Freight
Up To 1200 Miles
1993 International 20-ton Rayman top auger, Cummins L10 diesel, cheater axle, shows 689,222 miles................. $29,500
2006 International 7600, Cummins, 10 speed, 443,000 miles, nice clean truck, rear auger Willmar 16 ton tender............. $59,000
2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours...........................$88,000
2011 Case IH 4520, 810 box, 2912 hours, variable rate, Autosteer, Viper Pro.......$99,500.........$115,500
Case 921E wheel loader, QSM 11, Cummins diesel engine, shuttle shift trans., AM/FM, heat, air, 5430 hours. Incredible Loader Big bucket. Like new tir es..........$89,000...........$99,000
1988 International tender, Cummins diesel, 13 speed, 24 ton tender, 5 axle, side unload auger..... ....................................... $27,500
2000 Sterling C12 with fresh overhaul, 4000 gallon Nh3 transport............. $27,000......$34,000
2012 International 16 ton Willmar side shooter tender with roll tarp, 455K miles............. $69,000
Check our website
2013 Willmar Wrangler 4565, 1800 hours..................... $29,500
2010 Willmar Wrangler 4550..... ....................................... $24,000
2005 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained... ....................................... $34,500
1966 Lubbock 9200 gallon transport, 265 psi............ $31,000
1997 Hart 2 hopper semi tender.. ....................................... $19,500
2012 John Deere 4940 liquid system, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, 120-ft. boom, 20” spacing........................... $23,000
2-12,000 gallon Nh3 tanks, loaded................................... $44,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi.................. $15,000 for the pair
Greyn’s Crop Specialists
We have been your locally owned full service fertilizer dealer for over 35 years!! Thank you for your support. Three locations to serve you: Dutton - Vern Greyn - 406-476-3402 Valier - 406-279-3255 Choteau - Larry Greyn - 406-466-5356
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A36
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
SPRAYER FOR SALE 2007 Apache AS710 3990 hours, 90-ft. booms, triple nozzles, 800 gallon tank with Trimble 750 gps, new pump and tires.
$48,900 Phone MT The rakes (R2300 andand R2800) are for who need to cover lots of lots acres a in a TheVermeer VermeerR-series R-seriestwin twinbasket basket rakes (R2300 R2800) arecustomers for406-788-2444, customers who need toConrad, cover ofinacres very forfor performance andand durability, these machines help to achieve faster fast dry er down veryshort shortperiod periodofoftime. time.Built Built performance durability, these machines help to achieve dryand down and make preserve quality, shed water and and transport easily. What’s more,more, these these machines are are maketightly tightlyrolled rolledbales balesthat that preserve quality, shed water transport easily. What’s machines proven they have worked andand the the tremendous resale values they maintain. provenon onthe themillions millionsofofacres acres they have worked tremendous resale values they maintain.
DURABILITY DURABILITYREDEFINED. REDEFINED. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain.
need to cover lots of acres in a to achieve faster dry down and at’s more, these machines are they maintain.
Vermeermodels N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship Introducing Vermeer N-series balersIntroducing – the newest in the flagship line from the line from the
that started itprovide all. Heavy-duty components provideand superior strength and company that started itN-series all. Heavy-duty superior strength Introducing Vermeer N-series balers -company the–components newest models on the line from the company that Introducing Vermeer balers theSmart newest inflagship theautomatic flagship line from durability. featuresmodels like the available pickup clutch and the auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and durability. Smart further extend machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in like the company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and features industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. further extend machine life. like Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network inlube the Plus, the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system further extend machine life. they’re durability. Smart features the available automatic pickup clutch and auto system Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are 604N/605N trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the and/or other countries. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N network balersVermeer, are here to stay. backed the bestmachine distribution inthethe industry. Vermeer balers are here 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. furtherbyextend life. Plus,©they’re backed by the best distribution network in thestay.
EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and 604N/605N Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. JD 6125M , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 industry. Vermeer balers are here to stay. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT DO MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, ramp..Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available.........................................................CALL EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do MoreVermeer are trademarks Company in the U.S. We and/or other countries. 605N.....of .....Vermeer .................Manufacturing ...........................DEMO SPECIAL have expanded our product lines. Call for all JD 6125M loader,ea.800 hours .......attachment ................../ ....DO ........$83,000 MORE. (2) Vermeer R2300, rakes, reconditioned .................,$14,500 your needs. & AllUSED EQUIPMENT © 2016 Vermeer NEW Corporation. Rights Reserved. Vermeer R2300, rake.........................Many ................Tractors ...2017’s In Stock Available.........................................................CALL (3) Vermeer 605M, twine, net, floats, rampHighline . .Starting at, chopper $17,500 ................................RENTAL RETURN CFR 650 , loader, 800 hours............................................$83,000 , 16’ header, 1475 hours.......JD ........6125M .............$60,000 Vermeer 605NNEW ............& ......USED ................EQUIPMENT .........Hesston ...........9435 DEMO SPECIAL We have expanded our.product lines. Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Many Reduced Tractors to $70,000 Available ............or .....350-2676 ...........Call ......cell ...for ....Hilger, ..all ..........MT ...CALL 406-538-5686 ..........Starting .1275 ......,$14,500 ea. (2) (3) Vermeer VermeerR2300 605M,,rakes, twine,reconditioned net, floats, ramp $17,500 Hesston swing at tongue ..............................your $13,500attachment/equipment needs. Walter 406-350-0380 , 3x4 square baler............................We ...........have .$27,500expanded our Vermeer In Stock ........................................Hesston ...........4790 .2017’s ....DEMO SPECIAL VermeerR2300 605N,..rake product lines. Call for all
The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800)
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Are for ystem the customers Highline CFR 650 , chopper .............................RENTAL RETURN (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes,....reconditioned .....NEW .......$14,500 ea. your farm attachment equipment needs. 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand/Alone Panels $375 ea. & USED EQUIPMENT Wichman Ag Supply, LLC EQUIPPED TO , 16’ header, 1475 hours .......Vermeer .......................605N .........2017’s ....,$60,000 Hesston 9435 r countries. Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stock twine,Infloats ................................USED DEMO 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels who need $875 ea. to DO MORE. Hesston 16’ header ..........................................2017 ......Reduced to $70,000 R2300 , rakes ..............................................In Stock Highline9635 CFR,650 , chopper ....Vermeer .......RENTAL RETURN HDPE pipe, fittings, and welderMT 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, rebuilt.......................Wichman ............$14,600 cover lots of rs.....................Hesston ......................1275 .$83,000 .......................605XL ................,...completely , swing tongue.....................Vermeer AgWaterers Supply, Geotherm & Parts In StockLLC .....$13,500 ............$60,000 ......................................................$9,250 .........................Hesston .......................9435 .....CALL, 16’ header, 1475 hoursVermeer WalterR&L 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler ..............................(2) .........2016 .....Reduced ....555 .....,..rebuilt .....R2300, $27,500 Hesston 9635 , 16’ header . . . . . . . to $70,000 Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer and Machine, LLCa very acres in our product lines. Call for all 406-538-5686 orSeed 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 ment/equipment needs. Hesston 1275 , swing ............NEW ......MDS .......Bucket .........&...Grapple, ...$13,500 – Geyser, ’ x....24’ Alone Panels $375 ea. MTperiod NEW & tongue USED.....EQUIPMENT 15” 2 auger $3,480Stand 406-735-4374 Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct51⁄ short Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790, 3x4 square baler............3PT .................., ........$27,500 ..................$2,150 VermeerLLC 605N net, twine, floats.....................Worksaver ...........USEDpounder, DEMOall hydraulic 24’......Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875ofea.time. Ag Supply, Vermeer 605M,Alone reconditioned .....................$375 ...................ea. ..$22,000 Vermeer R2300& , rakes ............EQUIPMENT .........................NEW .........& In USED Stock EQUIPMENT51⁄ 2’ x pipe, 24’Vermeer Stand Panels NEW USED 350-26762017 cell Hilger, MT HDPE fittings, and BP8000 , used bale welder processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 406-350-0380 Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats...........NEW ......Vermeer ...........TM850 ....USED Wind BreakInEquipment Panels , trailedDEMO mower..............24’ ..Geotherm ..........Stand ..IN STOCK Alone Waterers &Ranch Parts Stock $875 ea. Cox Vermeer 555, rebuilt.............................................................$9,250
unit.........................IN STOCK 2017 R2300 , rakes .............these ...Vermeer .......Vermeer ....and .TM1200 ......R2300 ....,.15.5’ .......cut, In demo Stock Alone Panels $375 ea. R-series Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MTpreserve Built forVermeer performance and durability, to dry down and make tightly rolledwelder bales that The Vermeer twin basket are need to cover lots of acres in aand ........for .......achieve .customers .....................faster .....who .....IN STOCK HDPE pipe, fittings, (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demosrakes .........(R2300 ..NEW ........machines ..........R2800) ....IN .STOCK nd Break Panels $875 ea.water Nateer Cox Winston, MT VR1224 centermachine splitter ............are .....INproven STOCK Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt ......NEW .....What’s ..Vermeer ...and ......durability, ..more, .........., .with $14,600 very short period of time. Built for performance these machines to achieve fast dry 406-594-2205, down and quality, shed and transport easily. these on the millions of acres they have worked and MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740NEW loader .......RR140 ........$4,500 Vermeer , rotary rake................................Geotherm .IN STOCK Waterers &areParts In Stock Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, ittings, andNEW welder make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 the tremendous resale values they maintain. reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , Mount Hole Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” and augerthe ....$3,480 rers & PartsQuick In Stock proven on the millions of acres they have worked they maintain. White Sulphur Springs, MT Wheel.tremendous RakeSTOCK .................resale ................values .............$3,000 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ......Vermeer ................WR24 ..............6650 .IN 3PT Worksaver ...............Rancher $2,150 , net, twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK nd Machine, LLC , post pounder, all hydraulicNEW....Vermeer
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 PULLEY..&...WELD-ON SPROCKETS ONMT HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT 374 – Geyser, MTNEW 406-735-4374 Vermeer 605M , reconditioned ............– ......Geyser, ...................$22,000 USED EQUIPMENT Quick Hole& Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger .$3,480 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer 6650 Rancher.,. .baler .................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Mount , used bale processorCut ....Length ..................$13,500 .....................BP8000 ......IN STOCK NEW VERMEER 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, ...........COMING .R2800 ........, .hydraulic ....$2,150 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’PROCESSOR cut...all ....hydraulic ........NEW ......AVAILABLE! .Vermeer IN rakesVermeer
New Geotherm DURABILITY REDEFINED. Cox Ranch Equipment Waterers
NEW Vermeer R2300 , rakeSALE! .............................................IN STOCK ned................2020 .................Vermeer .........$22,000 2800 rake, new........................... ON ...........605 ......N........IN We Sell & Repair Baler Belts .......STOCK ......................................................IN STOCK e processor.....NEW ..............Vermeer .........$13,500TM850, trailed mower.......Vermeer 605M, reconditioned ............&...Models .........................$22,000 2020 Vermeer rake. ................................ SALE! demo unit...Vermeer ............605M ........,, INON STOCK Vermeer TM1200R2300 , 15.5’ cut, twine, floats, ramps.....Vermeer .....................$18,900 All..Makes twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor............................$13,500 Vermeer R2300 rakes, one season use. One left...... $17,750 NEW Vermeer R2300 .......,..21’ .......cut ....................................................................IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM1410 . . COMING IN 94-2204, Winston, MT JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000 Vermeer 2800TM850 gone through. .mower .................................$21,600 center splitter .............................IN NEW ,,with Heavy Post Driver,......................CALL NEWVermeer Vermeer trailed ...NEW ..........Wheatheart .....STOCK INHitter STOCK 94-2205, Winston, MT VR1224 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT Vermeer 605XL, completely rebuilt.........................$13,400 NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . .................980 ..........,...8.....bale ......IN ...............................................$32,500 day 406-547-4749, Vermeer TM1200, 15.5’ cut, demo unitTechno ..mover ...STOCK IN...STOCK Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500 .....Rhino .......,..8..round ...$8,000 ea. Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned....Red 3(2) point bale unroller w/hoses........................................ $1235
& Parts Available
Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT Trendline Winston, Vermeer Sales Nate Cox 406-594-2205, MT Cox Ranch Equipment Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Cliff CoxSulphur 406-594-2204, Winston, MTLLC phur Springs, MTVermeer R2300.....................................................IN STOCK R&L White Springs, MT NEW Seed and Machine, Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEWVermeer Vermeer6650 VR1224 , with, net, center splitter ...................IN .....STOCK IN STOCK twine, moisture NEW Rancher Now carrying Rupp Hay Feeder
NEWONVermeer N SPROCKETS HAND RR140, rotary rake.................................IN STOCK 60 Heavy (2) chain, 50 chain .......................$8,000 ea.PULLEY Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned NEW & USED EQUIPMENT to Length Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake..............................................$3,000
2-bale unroller trailers
406-735-4374 - Geyser, MT Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND White Sulphur Springs, MT
Vermeer 6650 Rancher, baler.................................................NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain epair BalerNEW BeltsVermeer NEW VermeerR2800 6650, Rancher net, .twine, . . . .STOCK IN STOCK hydraulic ,rakes ...........moisture ................IN Cut to Length es & Models Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from the NEW Vermeer R2300 rake ............EQUIPMENT .................................IN STOCK NEW &it,&all. USED company that started Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS NEW USED EQUIPMENT 2020 Tubeline CALL Vermeer Sales We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ON HAND ................AX2 .........bale ........wrapper. ........................................... ................IN STOCK Vermeer 605 NTLR5000 durability. Smart features like the...................................HERE available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system 8201 Hwy 12 W Baker, MTchain ZR5-12 self-propelled baler. NOW! Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 7 (shop) – New Baker, MT Vermeer 605M, net, twine, floats,they’re rampsbacked .....the .$18,900 further extend machine life.bale Plus, distribution in theAll Makes & Models New BPX9010 processor. .................................. CALL network hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2800 , (cell)Vermeer -978-3777 Connor 406-778-3777 • twine, rebuilt pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , Cut to Length industry. Vermeer are here to stay. Vermeer BP7000 604N/605N great shape.balers ............................................ $10,000 NEW R2300 .IN STOCK JD 566Vermeer , twine only ..........,...rake ........................................................$5,000 Highline bale logo processors............................................................ CALLin the U.S. and/or other countries. EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, the Vermeer and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company We Sell DO &(shop) Repair Balerproducts Belts in stock ...Rights ........Reserved. .Hitter .....bale ......Post .beds, .......Driver ...dumping ........,.......beds. STOCK Vermeer 605 N..AllHeavy Wheatheart ..................... .......IN ..CALL Chisholm Trail/Cannonball CALL MORE. ©NEW 2016 Vermeer Corporation. 406-778-3777 – Baker, MT Full line of feed and mineral WW HD 980 EZ605M 4-wheeler liftstwine, for mover .....balebeds....................................$1000 ...floats, ...........ramps .................................$32,500 Techno , 8 bale Vermeer , net, .....$18,900 All Makes & Models JD 6125M 800 hours ............406-978-3777 ................................$83,000 & USED EQUIPMENT (cell) Greg New Vermeer R2300 28-ft. rake............................................ CALL, loader, 8 round hay trailer ........pickup ...............................$7,500 Red Rhino ,NEW Dealer twine, rebuilt ......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 ,bale Tractors Available ......for ..........Vermeer, ...........................Hayliner, ..............CALL and Chisolm Trail New Vermeer TM1410 trailed (3) Vermeer 605M , twine, net, floats,mower...................................... ramp. .Starting at $17,500 ManyCALL JD 566 , twine only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 2013 Vermeer Vermeer 605N.....TM1400 ..................trailed .............mower. ............................................. ....DEMO SPECIAL $26,900 • In-Shop Repairs & Service Truck Repairs •
Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair Trendline Vermeer Sales
Trendline Vermeer Sales
We have expanded our product lines. Call for all
NEW Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post ,.....RDS1828 ..ea. .............rotary ..CALL 2011 Case IH WD2303 windrower, hours, (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes, reconditioned .......1046 ...Driver .......$14,500 your farm attachment needs. Hay Liner 42-ft., 8 bale dumping trailers.– ................................. /equipment 406-778-3777 (shop) Baker, MT $6200 head, 25-ft. delivery head..... ......mover .........Honeybee ...................................WS25 Vermeer R2300 Techno 980triple ,,8rake bale ...............2017’s ....draper .......In....Stock .............$85,000 .$32,500 2007 John Deere 567 twine baler, 9250 bales................... $10,500 New Vermeer 605N baler. CALL 2002 Rowse 20 Highline CFR 650 , chopper .............................................................. ........................RENTAL RETURN (cell).............$13,500 Greg 406-978-3777 Wheel Rake with Center Splitter. Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500 Hesston 9435, 16’ header, 1475 hours............................$60,000 Hesston 9635, 16’ header...........................Reduced to $70,000 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Vermeer R2800 & R2300 H&S rakes, 16-wheel..................................................................... $12,000 Hesston 1275 , swing tongue..hyd. .........rakes. .......................................................$NEW .......................$13,500 Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square baler-...VR1428 .................-..VR2040. ..........................................$NEW $27,500 Vermeer VR1224 - VR1022 John Deere 705 hydraulic rake, 23-ft. raking width..........................$7000
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
Vermeer 605N net, flotation tires, ramp, pickup clutch......................$NEW John Deere 7800 tractor, Powershift, no loader, 3SCV, 11,544 hr.$40,000 51⁄2’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEWTrail & USED Vermeer TM1410 MowerEQUIPMENT 21-ft. cut, 9-ft. transport..................$NEW VermeerDeer 605N568 netnet/twine, , twine, floats, .........kicker......................... ..........USED DEMO $18,000 Chevron distributor, 24’ Stand Alone Wind Breakoil Panels $875 ea. Fleetguard filter, 2-John flotation 2017 Deere Vermeer535 R2300 , rakes ..........rollers ............and ........belts...........................$3500 .............In Stock HDPE pipe, fittings,Bad and welder John twine, Boy mowers, Hustler Vermeer 605XL completely .............clutch, ............11,000+/.......$14,600 Vermeer 605N, net, flotationrebuilt tires,...pickup bales.$34,000 Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 2-John Deere 569 net/twine flotation tires, kicker.......$25,000 - $30,000 VERMEER NET WRAP IN STOCK! (2) 2016 Vermeer .................................IN STOCK R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 3-Vermeer 605M R2300, net/twineDemos flotation tires................... $12,000 - $16,000 NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader...............$4,500 Case IH RB565 net, flotation tires, endless belts.............................$27,500 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Quick Mount Hole Auger, NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger....$3,480 John Deere 3830/300 14-ft. header, air conditioning.................. $12,500 3PT Worksaver, post pounder, all hydraulic........................$2,150 Vermeer R2300 hydraulic rake, 23-ft. raking width...................... $16,000 406-234-4595 Miles City, MT H&S rake, 14-wheel..........................................................................$9500 Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..........................................$22,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT
Gordon Repair, LLC
NEW Vermeer TM1410, 21’ cut.................................COMING IN Vermeer BP8000, used bale processor............................$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM850, trailed mower............................IN STOCK McCormick X5.40, loader/grapple, 300 hours............. $72,000 NEW Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’& cut,USED demo unit...EQUIPMENT ......................IN STOCK Holland TS130A 840TL MT loader/grapple/5300 hours...CALL Cliff CoxNew 406-594-2204, Winston, Vermeer BPX9010, available.... NEW ............................bales, .............scales ......IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300......round/square International 5000,Winston, 14-ft. sickle Vermeer 605N, net, ramp, moisture DEMO Nate Cox 406-594-2205, MTheader............................... Call NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter...sensor, ...............scales............ .IN STOCK Hesston 1160, 14-ft. sickle header......................................... Call Vermeer 605SM NEW Vermeer RR140moisture , rotary rakesensor, .............netwrap. .................................... ...IN STOCK $24,000Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Massey Ferguson 4610, loader/grapple, through shop.$35,000 Vermeer twine, net, floats, .....ramp. ....................................$16,500 ......$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer605M, R23 Rakes , reconditioned Vermeer R2300 hyd fold/transport/windrow NEW White Sulphur Springs, MT Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake ...........................................adjustment..... ...$3,000 Vermeer R2800 unit, warranty........................ NEW Vermeer 6650 demo Rancher , net,full twine, moisture. . . . .IN STOCK $CALL$ Bale King 3110 Vortex, grain/pellet tank, float tires.....$15,000 Harsh 502H mixer ......................................... Call & WELD-ON PULLEY SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW &wagon, USED scales. EQUIPMENT 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Highline CFR650 feed chopper, .............Demo Vermeer 6650 Rancher , baler ...............grain ............tank, ...........scales. ...........NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Highline CFR650-200 feedrakes chopper, Hilger, MT Walter 406-350-0380 .............used ..........1....season........ IN STOCK $CALL$ NEW Vermeer R2800, hydraulic Cut to Length Case IH 8465 baler. .........................................................$4500 NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake .............................................IN STOCK John Deere We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ..........belts..............................................$1500 ............................................IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N530, Vermeer 605M , net, twine, floats,life rampsand ...........control ...............$18,900 Extend your pasture biting insects. SweetPro and Redmond Garlic Salt in stock All Makes &tubs Models Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7,500 JD 566, twine only..................................................................$5,000
Cox Ranch Equipment
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
Trendline Vermeer Sales
Have you avoided the ‘pandemic 15’?
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “Julie, you need some cookies.” I could almost hear the basket of “welcome back to campus” treats beckoning me by name. It was on the reception desk near my office. I could not ignore the temptation. I nabbed a small pack of cookies. The basket had a variety of snack crackers, popcorn and bottled water, along with “treats” such as cookies and candy bars. I already have water and popcorn in my office. A couple of hours later, the basket beckoned me again. “Julie, you really need a candy bar.” I somehow resisted the call of the treat basket. Narrowly. My colleagues were made aware of the basket during a Zoom meeting. They also know that I am in the office suite, usually alone. If all the treats are gone, they know who ate them. I have been in my campus office almost every workday since March. When classes ended abruptly, we all had the option to work at home or work in our offices. I chose “isolation” in my office because my house distracts me with dozens of tasks that need my attention. I have gotten up at the usual time every day for six months, put on my typical work clothes and tried not to snack all day in my campus office. Then the basket arrived. The department administrative assistant moved the basket to the breakroom down the hall, away from both of us. Just for fun, I have been monitoring the status of the treats as faculty have returned to teach classes. All the cookies and candy bars are gone. You may have heard of the “quarantine 15” or the “pandemic 15” on TV news shows or in magazines, similar to the “freshman 15.” College freshmen tend to gain weight. In fact, researchers have found that 25% of college freshmen gain at least 5% of their body weight during their first semester. Although 15 pounds often is cited, their actual weight gain is closer to 7 1/2 to 10 pounds. I am sure some researchers are in the midst of an epic pandemic weight gain study. We’ve been stressed for a variety of reasons these past months. As our world has changed, many people have changed their eating and physical activity habits. Many of us spend our days on Zoom video calls or working at computers for hours. Gyms were closed for months, and some people stayed inside and binge-watched movies. Others are baking and cooking to the point that ingredient shortages occurred at grocery stores. Yeast was like gold in some areas. I never have seen so many photos of baked goods show up on my Facebook feed. We promote healthful home food preparation in the field of nutrition, so cooking and baking at home is fun. However, too many cookies and calories in general can result in weight gain. I think we all know that. Some people have changed their wardrobe to sweatpants and T-shirts. Be careful with stretchy fabrics if weight management is your goal. You might want to wear jeans or pants with waistbands in your current size. Do you know your body mass index (BMI)? The BMI weight tool takes into account height and weight. You can calculate yours with this formula: Weight (in pounds) divided by height (inches) divided (again) by height in inches. Then multiply that number by 703. A BMI below 18.5 is considered “underweight.” A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is considered “normal” weight, from 25 to 29.9 is considered “overweight, and 30 and above is “obese.” See or an online calculator from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Excess weight has many health effects. It increases our risk for diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, joint issues and many other health concerns. Now health experts are warning us that obesity is a risk factor in the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Losing weight may be a challenge during a pandemic, so maintaining our current weight might be our best option. We all can learn lessons from the people who have been tracked on the National Weight Control Registry. The list CONTINUED ON PAGE A38
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A37
The sparrow Once upon a time there was a nonconforming sparrow who decided not to fly south for the winter. However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly decided to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings and he fell to Earth in a barnyard, nearly frozen solid. A cow passed by where he had fallen and crapped on the little sparrow. The sparrow thought it was the end, but the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings! Warm and happy, able to breath, he
started to sing. Just then a large cat came by and hearing the chirping he investigated the sounds. The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird, and promptly ate him. The Moral of the Story: Everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy. Everyone who gets you out of crap is not necessarily your friend. And if you’re warm and happy in a pile of crap, you might just want to keep your mouth shut.
Custom cut to your specs • Full dimension rough cut lumber
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• Custom sawing • Custom drying • Beams • Wood siding • Driveway arches • Bridge planks • Fireplace mantels • And much more.....
Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 e-mail:
We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-546-1743 Simms, MT John Myers 406-546-1743 Cat 627G scrapers, push/pull cushion hitch..................$225,000 2006 John Deere 644J loader, 4 yard bucket, Ride Control, hydraulic coupler, 8500 hours, forks available as well...............$65,000
2013 Cat TL1055C telehandler, cab with heat, air conditioning, outriggers, 4500 hours. Rent it or buy it............................... $62,500
Cat 627F scraper, push/pull cushion hitch, 10,000 hours..$150,000
Bomag 84” smooth drum roller, enclosed cab, 500 hours, like new..................................$85,000 Cat 966B loader, runs great!........ ....................................... $17,500
2011 John Deere 329D skid steer, enclosed cab, bucket, 3050 hours, very nice...............$32,500
2006 Kubota U35 mini excavator, cab with heat, hydraulic thumb...... ........................................$24,500
2007 Peterbilt 379 C15, 18 speed, 63” bunk...............$34,500
2013 John Deere 85G excavator, cab with heat and air conditioning, hydraulic thumb, 3500 hours.. ....................................... $44,500
John Deere 772D AWD, 14-ft. moldboard, ripper, 20.5 rubber, set up for Topcon GPS, new transmission, engine work............ ........................................$90,000
Bomag 84” padfoot roller, 1000 hours, enclosed cab, knock down blade................................$75,000
Hitachi EX150 LC long reach boom, regular boom as well, 4500 hours.......................$40,000
1995 Peterbilt 379 hooklift truck, Cat 3406E, 10 speed, very clean CA truck.......................... $34,500
1997 Kenworth W900L N14 Cummins, 13 speed, 60” stand up sleeper.............................$32,500
John Deere 772D AWD, 14-ft. moldboard, ripper, 7800 hours, very nice..........................$80,000 2003 Peterbilt 378 day cab, Detroit, 10 speed, 625,000 miles...... ........................................$22,000
Cat D7R dozer, cab, semi Ublade, ripper...................$100,000
John Deere 772CH cab, snow wing, 14-ft. moldboard, 7800 hours, AWD.....................$55,000
John Deere 770BH enclosed cab, 14-ft. moldboard, snow wing. ........................................$30,000 (3) Cat D7H semi U-blade, enclosed cabs, rippers...................... ....................... $60,000 - $85,000
2001 Genie Z60 manlift..$19,500
Mack manure truck for Rent! ....... ............................ Call for prices
2005 John Deere 772D AWD grader, 14-ft. moldboard with 2-ft. ext. front scarifier, rear hydraulic. Ex-county machine, 19,000 hours, motor and tranmission have been rebuilt............ $50,000
2003 48-ft. van trailer, sliding axles, spring ride. Roof needs repair............................ As Is $1500
Raygo 84” padfoot roller, knock down blade......................$12,000
1999 Dorsey 48-ft. all steel flatbed, spring ride, sliding tandem.... ...........................................$8500
2009 Wilson 53-ft. quad axle cattle pot, nose decking, 3/4 doghouse, 40-50% floors...... $39,500
2007 Kenworth T800 C15, 18 speed, 16,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, 60,000 lb. Tulsa winch, lockers.............................$55,000
1996 Kenworth T800 3406E Cat, 10 speed, steerable lift axle, 46,000 lb. rears with full lockers, wet kit..............................$25,000
2005 Freightliner FLD120 dump truck, C15, 18 speed, lift axle, 46,000# rears, 16-ft. steel bed...... ........................................$49,500
2007 Hitachi ZX240 excavator, 9,000 hours..................... $35,000
2012 Fontaine 55MX 3 axle, 55 ton extendable lowboy, 7-ft. deck insert and 2 flip necks available as well..............................$75,000
1999 Ledwell 48-ft. T/A machinery trailer, hydraulic folding tail..... ........................................$18,000
2015 Ford F250 XLT 6.7 diesel, 4x4 long bed, 70,000 miles........... ....................................... $27,500
1994 GMC Topkick Cat, 5 speed, enclosed box with Hotsy pressure washer & tank system.....$12,500
2006 Arnes T/A belly dump, air ride................................. $22,500
2009 Peterbilt 367 daycab, Cummins ISX, 10 speed, steerable lift axle, air ride, 847,000 miles.......... ....................................... $29,500
2003 Kenworth T800 dump truck, Cat C12, 10 speed, lift axle, 46,000# rears, 16-ft. steel bed...... ........................................$49,500
2005 Transcraft 48x102” all steel dropdeck, 3 axle, air ride..$16,500
2013 Trailboss 3 axle pintle hitch trailer, 34-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with ramps, low miles...... $22,500
Volvo dump truck with snow plow, Series 60 Detroit, Allison automatic................................$17,500
2012 Precision 3 axle side dump, tarp, air ride.....................$35,000
1974 Kenworth W900A dump truck, Cummins, 13 speed, walking beam suspension, 14-ft. bed, new radiator.................... $12,500
2014 Precision 3 axle side dump, tarp, air ride......................$40,000
1997 Jet 40-ft. grain trailer, T/A..... ....................................... $16,500
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A38
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
MSU’s virtual Celebrate Agriculture weekend scheduled
From MSU News Service Celebrate Agriculture ( celebrateag/index.html), an annual weekend-long event held each year by Montana State University’s (MSU) College As As your your fArm fArg As your fArm grows, of Agriculture, has been scheduled to take place virtually your your system system shou sh your system should too Friday, November 13, and Saturday, November 14. you’re if you’re expecting expectin reco if you’re expecting record bushels or The weekend, which celebratedifplanning its 20th anniversary in planning for more for mor acre planning for more acres, you need a 2019, will include many of the same elements as an insystem system that can that keep can up. keep w system that can keep up. we will design a system a system to fit your to fit gy a system to fit your growing needs. person event, as well as some new virtual programming. Scholarship winners and donors will be honored, as will past recipients of the college’s Outstanding Agricultural Leader Website: Website: www.gra www. Website: Email: centralsteel centrals Email: award, which has recognized moreEmail: than 80 people since its inception in 1995. Celebrate Agriculture weekend is an opportunity to recognize those people who invest in the future of agriculture and of agriculture students through PrOve Pn rO & ve Dn eP & en DD eP Ae bn le D™ Abl | e hundreds ™ ww |ww . Gw rA w i .n Gs ryA si t ne s m ys st .C eO mm s . C O mthose scholarships, PrOven & DePenDAble ™ | w w w.Gr Ainsystems.COm said MSU President for Agriculture Sreekala Bajwa. Central Central Steel Steel Building Building & Vice Construction & Construction CentralCentral Steel Building & Construction Steel Building & Construction call Kevin Becker at 6729 Hwy. The College of Agriculture awarded more than $550,000 in 6729 6729 Hwy. Hwy. 200 200 200 6729 Hwy. 200 Carrington, Carrington, ND ND 58421 58421during the 2019-2020 academic year through ND 58421 406-650-3435 or Carrington, scholarships Carrington, ND 58421 email - kevincentralsteel@yahoo.com701-652-2886 701-652-2886 701-652-2886 more than 130 individual awards. 701-652-2886 “The scholarship donors that we honor each year at Celebrate Agriculture truly change the lives of so many of our students,” said Bajwa, who also serves as dean of the College of Agriculture and director of the Montana Agriculture Experiment Station. “Our tireless supporters and generous benefactors make a direct impact on our students and the 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT work we do in the college. It is their willingness to give and recognition of the importance of agriculture that makes so much of what we do possible.” Virtual content for Celebrate Agriculture will be available November 13 on the College of Agriculture website, The weekend will also include the annual Science as Art Contest for MSU agriculture students, who are tasked with translating their perceptions of science and agriculture into art projects using a variety of media. Celebrate Agriculture will also feature virtual speakers, research presentations, opportunities to engage with students and faculty within the college, and departmental celebrations. 2012 Deere 160G, hyd QC, 36” dig bucket, low hours..... Call The Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics will host a virtual version of its usual Agricultural 2011 Hitachi ZX135US-3, 2 buckets, 48” smooth lip Accurate, ATTACHMENTS 24” dig Accurate bucket, hyd thumb, hyd QC, blade, 8000 Economic Outlook Conference during the celebration. The Compaction • Hydraulic Breaker • Buckets hours. Runs excellent............................................ $72,000 web-based conference will be free and open to the public CRAWLERS and will take place on November 13 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. GRADERS Deere 550G LGP Series IV, 6-way hyd blade, winch. Very Information on presenters and the conference agenda can be nice....................................................................... $33,000 2008 Deere 770-D, 14-ft. moldboard, 4 shank ripper, good tires, push block, 7757 hours. Real nice grader.... $72,000 found at 1996 Deere 650G LGP, includes JD 4K Series winch, 6-way blade, torque converter, very good, tight condition, new 2010 Deere 770GP, new cutting edges, good tires, operates “Many things look different this school year, and one well, 14-ft. moldboards.......................................... $92,000 paint. Has not been in the woods.......................... $36,000 of those is Celebrate Ag weekend. But we also know that 2006 Komatsu D61 PX-15, 6-way blade, 5888 hours..... POR making this event virtual is about more than just ourselves. LOADERS It’s about keeping every member of our community safe and Case 821, QC, bucket, forks, 8000 hr. New transmission. . ...... EXCAVATORS .............................................................................. $42,000 healthy,” said Bajwa. “We are so looking forward to coming 1989 Cat EL 200B............................................................ Call Cat 225............................................................................. Call 2004 Cat 924G................................................................. Call back to Celebrate Agriculture in person next year, bigger 2007 Cat 303.5................................................................. Call Cat 950G, Balderson QC, bad engine........................ $25,000 and better than ever.” 2014 Cat 312 EL 36” dig bucket with hyd wedge coupler, thumb 1997 Komatsu WA250-3L, QC, forks, bucket, 3rd valve......... Copyright © 2014 AGCO Corporation
Copyright Copyright © 2014 AGCO © 2014 Corporation AGCO Corporation
Reddig Equipment and Repair
available, very tight. Will have new rails and sprockets...Call 2005 Cat 314 CLCR, blade, long arm, 36” dig bucket, blade, 10,500 hours......................................................... $45,000 2012 Deere 50D, 2 buckets, thumb, new tracks, 2800 hours.. .............................................................................. $41,000 2006 Deere 200CLC new undercarriage, hyd. thumb, low hours, and operates very nice..................................... Call Hitachi EX450-5 good machine, bucket, thumb............... Call 2012 Hitachi ZX60 USB, bucket, hyd thumb, rubber tracks, 4029 hours............................................................ $45,000 Hitachi ZX200LC-3, bucket, thumb.................................. Call Hitachi ZX225US, bucket, thumb..................................... Call Takeuchi TB-1140...................................................... $55,000 2012 Volvo ECR 145DL, hyd QC, hyd thumb, 2 dig buckets (24” and 36”), like new pin wheel compactor, rear view camera, low hours (2400). Very good excavator................. $79,000
Cat 320B LL log loader. For parts.................................... Call 1990 Cat 518 skidder, Esco swing grapple, 23.1x26 tires, chains, winch, extra tire. Will be serviced with a new hyd pump. A good swinger.......................................... $35,000 Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Several slide booms for parts available
1997 Carelift ZB6037-44, enc cab, heater, Cummins engine, 37-ft. reach, good tires, all wheel steering. Good operating lift.......................................................................... $23,500 Genie S60, 60-ft. reach.............................................. $14,500 1993 JLG 60HA lift, 4WD, 60-ft. reach....................... $10,900
Many 5 - 10,000# forklifts available
.............................................................................. $25,000
Have you avoided the ‘pandemic 15’?
1999 Rosco RB48 sweeper, enclosed cab, air conditioning, low hours. Runs great.............................................. $9500 1997 Vermeer V8550 trencher, 300 hours. 2 attachments...... .................................................................................... Call Case 570LXT Series II, 4WD, OROPS, hydraulic QC, power shuttle, 4500 hours. Box blade with full set of ripper teeth, 4x1 clam bucket with hooks to receive fork bar (forks/bar not included)......................................................... $18,500
1973 Ford F700, 12 yard dump.................................... $5000 1971 Ford F9000, roll back bed, winch. Ready to haul your equipment............................................................. $11,000
Do You Need:
New/Used Parts • Service • Sales
Final drives, undercarriage, engine kits, engines, hydraulic pumps?
Call our team for the best part and price.
View our entire inventory with pictures at
includes more than 10,000 people who have achieved and maintained significant weight loss. Their weight loss has ranged from 30 pounds to 300 pounds. About 98% of those in the registry have modified their food intake and 94% have increased their physical activity. The favorite activity has been walking. Most (78%) eat breakfast daily and 75% weigh themselves at least once a week. Nearly two out of three limit their TV viewing to 10 hours per week. Instead of a recipe this week, here are five snack options moderate in calories (about 100 calories each), which might fill some nutrition gaps. However, choose one for a snack, not all five. • Half an apple (about 3/4 cup slices) with 2 teaspoons of peanut butter or sunflower seed butter • 14 almonds or 20 pistachios • 3 whole-grain crackers with one slice of low-fat cheese divided among the crackers • 1 cup of raw carrots with 3 tablespoons of nonfat dressing (or 2 tablespoons hummus) • 2 1/2 cups of diced watermelon For more information, see the meal planning and snack ideas available at now-serving. Try to choose healthful snacks that crowd out the less-healthful foods.
Montanans to remember swine import requirements
The Montana Department of Livestock (DOL) is asking Montanans to follow all animal import requirements to help protect the health of the state’s livestock industries. Recent packing plant closures throughout the country have resulted in a backup of pigs going to feeding and slaughter. Many farmers, especially in Midwest states, continue to seek new outlets for their animals. This has resulted in an influx of pigs coming to Montana for feeding and harvest. Washington state recently announced its first case of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) associated with pigs imported into the state illegally. PRRS has had devastating impacts on the nation’s swine industry due to decreased reproductive productivity, respiratory disease, and poor growth performance. PRRS, among other pig diseases, is reportable to the DOL. “This is a good reminder of the disease risks we are trying to avoid,” said Dr. Anna Forseth, veterinarian with the Department of Livestock. “In most cases, our import requirements include a veterinary evaluation which is intended to identify and keep sick animals out of the state.” The Department reminds Montanans of the following requirements: • Live animals (pigs and other livestock species) transported to Montana for immediate slaughter require a health certificate and an import permit number. To obtain an import permit, please call the Department’s Import Office at (406) 444-2976. • Pigs being transported to Montana for feeding require a health certificate, an import permit number, and need to be individually identified with an ear tag, tattoo or ear notch. The mission of the Montana Department of Livestock is to control and eradicate animal diseases, prevent the transmission of animal diseases to humans, and to protect the livestock industry from theft and predatory animals. For more information on the Montana Department of Livestock, visit
Each year, a person will eat approximately 250 eggs. ##### Laying Hens sit on their eggs for 21 days until they hatch.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A39
International 810 header for IHC combine, Sund pickup. International 810 24-ft. header for International combine. Phone (406) 279-3494 or 279-3657, Valier, MT
Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana
We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY! • Nice selections of Wishek Disks and K-line Speedtillers New or used • New disk from K-line and Wishek • Summers 35-ft. vertical till • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Grain baggers for Sale or Rent - We have bags for these • Hay rake • Bale pickers • Grain Vacs • Batco 15-ft. x 45-ft. Belt Conveyor for Pulse Crops • Grain Bag Extractor • K-Line Speed Tillers
Over 220 Vehicles!
Bring Your Trade For the BEST Deal!
90 Days till First Payment! Don’t Hesitate! The Selection is GREAT!
to 1st pymt oac
$4275/mo. 72mo/3.49%
to 1st pymt oac
to 1st pymt oac
$310/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2019 VW JETTA only 11,000 miles regular: $21,995 • SALE: $20,911
to 1st pymt oac
$310/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2019 CHEVROLET TRAX awd, low miles
regular: $21,995 •
SALE: $20,911 90 DAYS
to 1st pymt oac
$398/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2015 FORD F350 LARIAT crew cab, 4x4, dually, 6.2l regular: $26,995 • SALE: $25,911
to 1st pymt oac
$310/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2019 FORD ECOSPORT TITANIUM awd, 14k miles regular: $21,995 • SALE: $20,911
to 1st pymt oac
$208/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2016 FORD TRANSIT CONNECT passenger van, really cute! regular: $14,995 • SALE: $13,911
2017 FORD F250 4X4
extended cab, long box, MUST SEE!
regular: $26,995 •
SALE: $25,911 90 DAYS
to 1st pymt oac
$349/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2015 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE only 9200 actual miles, awd regular: $25,995 • SALE: $24,911
to 1st pymt oac
$528/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2018 DODGE RAM 2500 CREW CAB long box, 23k miles, compare to new! regular: $35,995 • SALE: $34,911
to 1st pymt oac
port Ti 2019 Ford EcoS ation, Leather. AWD, Navig
SPECIAL PRICE $20,900 to 1st pymt oac
to 1st pymt oac
$227/mo. 72mo/3.49%
low miles, SAVE!
3456 10th Ave S • 406-453-0112
2009 GMC SIERRA 3500 crew cab, 4x4, duramax, flatbed
SALE: $14,911
to 1st pymt oac
2018 NISSAN ROGUE SV SPORT low miles
regular: $20,995 •
SALE: $19,911 90 DAYS
to 1st pymt oac
2010 CHEVROLET AVALANCHE LT 82k miles, spotless! regular: $20,995 • SALE: $19,911
to 1st pymt oac
2014 DODGE RAM 1500 SLT 4X4 quad cab, 33k actual miles regular: $28,995 • SALE: $27,911
to 1st pymt oac
$210/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2014 HONDA CR-Z CVT 30k miles, mint! regular: $14,995 • SALE: $13,911
payment to suit
2017 CHEVROLET 2500 LTZ crew cab, 4x4, long box, duramax regular: $47,995 • SALE: $46,911
to 1st pymt oac
$540/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2017 FORD F150 4X4 ext. cab, swb, LOOK!
to 1st pymt oac
regular: $21,995 •
to 1st pymt oac
$310/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2019 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN GT quad heated seats
regular: $21,995 •
SALE: $20,911 90 DAYS
to 1st pymt oac
$378/mo. 72mo/3.49%
SALE: $23,911
to 1st pymt oac
SALE: $14,911
2016 BUICK LACROSSE beautiful raod car, 49k miles regular: $20,995 • SALE: $19,911
2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 double cab, 4x4 regular: $20,995 • SALE: $19,911
to 1st pymt oac
2020 JEEP COMPASS TRAILHAWK 9800 miles regular: $30,995 • SALE: $29,911
$299/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2020 HYUNDAI ACCENT only 7200 miles regular: $18,995 • SALE: $17,911
to 1st pymt oac
SALE: $20,911
3314 10th Ave S • 406-761-4090
2008 FORD F450 UTILITY crew cab, powerstroke regular: $23,995 • SALE: $22,911
to 1st pymt oac
$262/mo. 72mo/3.49%
2018 VOLKSWAGON BEETLE 25k actual miles, black beauty regular: $17,995 • SALE: $16,911
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A40
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, Sept. 30th.
Son: “Dad, there is someone at the door to collect donations for a community swimming pool.” Father: “Okay, give him a glass of water.” ##### Q: A cowboy left Montana to go to Texas on Friday and came back on Friday. How did he do it? A: He named his horse Friday.
FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals
2011 Caterpillar 336D, 60-70% undercarriage remaining, Cat quick-coupler, heat, air conditioning, radio, 6300 hours. Comes with digging bucket......$144,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price
1987 Cat D6H, cab, heat, ripper, 75% undercarriage. Very clean dozer!..... ................................................................................................... $48,500
SKID STEERS 2007 Caterpillar 613C water wagon, 5000 gallon Mega Corp tank, rear sprayers and cannon, 50% tires remaining. Only 3200 hours!...... ..................... Call for more info
Superior transfer box set, 15-ft. boxes, 2 axle pup trailer included. Spring ride, air driven, 20-30% tires and brakes. Clean boxes ready for work!...............$14,900
2018 Deere 332G, 2 speed, heat, air conditioning, ride control, only 747 hours! Clean unit!.. $44,900
2007 International 9400i, Cat C13, 18 speed, wet kit, 80% tires, Merritt headache rack with chain hangers.........................$29,900
1981 Cedarapids 30x42 triple roll plant, Cat D373 re-man power, new clutch, all new tires............. ......................................$95,000
1967 John Deere 4020, power shift transmission, 4 remotes, good tires. Recent motor work!............ ......................................$11,900
Matt Swan
Matt’s cell - 406-579-1948
Steve Swan
Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937
2006 Genie GTH842, cab, heat, foam filled tires, Deere motor, new hydraulic pump. Ready for work!..............................$37,900
Annual cover crops an additional forage source
NDSU Extension Service As a result of a challenging fall harvest and a considerable precipitation deficit across much of North Dakota, ranchers are considering options to increase their forage supply. “Recent precipitation in portions of North Dakota impacted by drought may make annual forages and cover crops viable forage options for hay production or grazing,” says Miranda Meehan, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension livestock environmental stewardship specialist. The lack of spring precipitation in much of the state resulted in low surface soil moisture needed to support the establishment of annual forage and cover crops. Despite recent rains, available soil moisture and recommended planting dates will limit producers’ options. Forage species selected will vary based on the primary planned use: hay, fall grazing or next spring grazing. Recommended Forage Species for Hay Production “The best options this late in the growing season will be warm-season forages,” says Kevin Sedivec, NDSU Extension rangeland management specialist. “Foxtail millets have the shortest growing period (seed germination to heading). With drought conditions, Siberian millet will be your best option. Other options include sudangrass and sorghumsudangrass hybrids.” These warm-season crops should be planted no later than late July/early August. Harvest before a hard frost or directly following the hard frost to retain forage quality and palatability. Because of the shorter day length and cooler temperatures in late summer/early fall, getting sufficient dry-down to put up hay can be difficult for sorghum-sudangrass hybrids. Recommendation for Fall/winter Grazing Producers have many forage options to plant that can be grazed late this summer through early winter. Foxtail millet, sudangrass and sorghum-sudangrass also can be used as pasture. However, once these forages freeze, livestock tend to be more selective and increase waste through trampling. Cool-season cover crop mixtures make excellent pasture well into the early winter period. However, cool-season plants are less water efficient and will be more prone to fail if the drought persists. Make sure ample moisture is available in the topsoil for plants to establish and grow. A good option for a fall/winter grazing mix is a seed mixture of cool- and warm-season crops. The cool-season crops will retain nutritional quality after a freeze while the warm-season crop provides fiber for energy and proper rumen function. Recommendation for Spring 2021 Grazing Winter annuals can be a great option for spring grazing by helping reduce pressure on already stressed rangeland and pastures while providing cover on the soils. Winter annuals should be planted in September. Winter annuals include winter wheat, winter rye and winter triticale. Winter annuals can be utilized for early season grazing or harvested for hay. Winter rye and triticale will be the best option for grazing in May through early June. Winter wheat produces less foliage in May and will provide a better option for hay. Winter rye and triticale can be harvested for hay by early June, while winter wheat is harvested in late June. Precautions Many annual forages have toxicity risks when growing under stress. Cereal grains, turnips and millet can be high in nitrates when grown in droughty conditions. Do not add any nitrogen fertilizers when planting these forage crops this summer. Test for nitrate levels, especially if plant growth occurs under drought stress. Sorghum, sudangrass and sorghumsudangrass hybrids are susceptible to prussic acid toxicity when immature or under stress, or directly after a frost. “We realize that producers are taking a risk in establishing an annual crop, given the dry conditions, and cost may be a factor,” Meehan says. “NDSU Extension has developed a cover crop cost calculator that provides the ability to estimate and compare the cost of different mixes.” It can be accessed at “Farmers may be reluctant to plant annual forages because of fear of soil moisture depletion and a desire to recharge the soil,” Sedivec says. “If the cover crop develops enough structure, it will protect the soil from erosion while providing aid in trapping snow and reducing evaporation for moisture conservation, potentially improving soil moisture for spring planting while providing forge for livestock.”
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
New Circle D pickup flatbeds
5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295
Diamond C tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, engineered I-Beam frame, torque tube 32-ft. ................................................................$13,395 30-ft. ................................................................$13,195 35-ft. w/ max ramps......................................... $15,395 35-ft. w/ hydraulic dovetail............................... $19,195 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 2 piece with folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks......$10,500 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket...................................$11,395 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket...................................$10,795 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 2 piece with folding beavertail.................$7995
Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1795 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1795 71/2x9..............................................................$1895 8x9..................................................................$2195 8x11................................................................$2495
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A41
* Prices subject to stock on hand
Prices on New Units good on In Stock Units ONLY!
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New Diamond C Car Haulers 3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK
Diamond C 26-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box..................................................$10,500
New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 7200 lb. axles, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires..................................................................$12,695 New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.....$11,995
New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand
New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package............$10,995 New Circle D 24-ft. stock trailer, 8K axles, 14 ply tires, 2 sliding center gates, full bull package.............. $13,295
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BUMPER PULL 5-ft. x 10-ft. 7000 lb. GVW....................................... $5795 82” x 12-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW..................................... $9195 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW..................................... $9595 GOOSENECK 82” x 14-ft. 14,000 lb. GVW.................................. $10,495 82” x 16-ft. 21,000 lb. GVW.................................. $14,500
MISCELLANEOUS USED EQUIPMENT • USED SEMI TRAILERS • 1982 Landoll hydraulic tilt equipment trailer w/winch................$12,500
1980 Kentucky 42-ft. van trailer, office in front, 2 doors on 1 side, 1 door on other ................................................................................ $6000 Kentucky 53-ft. van trailer, for storage ....................................... $7000 Kentucky 48-ft. van trailer .......................................................... $8000 53-ft. van trailer, air ride suspension .......................................... $7500
1995 51-ft. wedge car hauler, winch, Country Side carriers, 3-7000 lb. axles..................................$6500 Cat V100 forklift, gas, 10,000 lb. 18-ft. lift ....................................$8500 Champ forklift, gas, 6000 lb. 30-ft. lift ..........................................$5500 Champ forklift, gas, 5000 lb. 21-ft. lift ..........................................$8900 Hyster forklift, diesel, 6000 lb. .....................................................$6500
2001 Belly Dump Pup 20-ft., roll-up tarp, aluminum wheels ....$9500 2001 Travalong Bandit 3-horse slant, walk-in tack compartment..............................$6900
1997 Ford F250 extended cab 351 5 speed, 160,000 miles, Hydrabed ..................$13,000
1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20-ton equipment trailer...................$8500
(2) Iron Steer 24-ft. lumber roller trailers..................$6995 & $8995 1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail........... .......................................................................................................... $8500
Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps Tie-downs • Jacks • Bearings & Seals • Etc.
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Researchers identify romaine lettuces that last longer
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A42
Kioti CS2210 sub compact with SL2410 loader, 4WD hydrostatic transmission, engine heater, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires. ....................... CALL Kioti CK2610 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ............................................... CALL Kioti CK3510hst with KL4030 loader 35 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti CK4010hst with KL4030 loader 40 hp, 66” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty............. CALL Kioti DK4510hst with KL5010 loader 45 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, PTO, 3 point, manual transmission, industrial tires, 6 year warranty...................... CALL Kioti DK5310SEH with cab, KL5521 loader, 53 hp, 72” bucket, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, 3 point, PTO, industrial tires, 6 year warranty........ ............................................... CALL Mechron 2200 UTV, 4WD, steel dump, box, HD tires.......... $9999 On Sale!
NEW Eagle attachments
New Eagle 560HD..................$625 New Eagle 566HD..................$699 New Eagle 672HD..................$729 New Eagle 784 HD.................$779 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.. ..........................................$795
Ford 5000 with DuAl loader.........$8250 Ford 9N with loader.....................$2500 Ford Major 2WD, 3-pt., PTO.......$1000
Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models..............................$2500 Oliver/White loader fits 1650/1655.....$1250 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts....... ......................................................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver...$1295 3-pt. chisel plow....................................$1000 Running gears. Each.............................$600 Wagon with box...................................$1000
We have
Standard Duty & Heavy Duty 9” & 12” Augers
New Danuser front mount QA pallet fork...........................................$1000 New Legend front mount QA pallet fork. ..................................................$856
wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available. CONSIGNED
John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header...................................$2000 Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................$3250 Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 New Holland 1033 balewagon.... CALL John Deere 920 MoCo disc mower, pull type........................................$6500
Ford 2000 Select-o-Speed...For Parts Allis Chalmers 7000 for parts, runs great, transmission slips......$3850
Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows Starting At $150.00 NEW KIOTI IMPLEMENTS AVAILABLE Double Bale Spear, 44”..................$673 Triple Bale Spear, 32”....................$750
New Red Devil 6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.
In Stock $6250
American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 Hesston 1014 swather................$1500
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By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have identified five Romaine lettuce varieties that both brown less quickly after fresh-cut processing and are slower to deteriorate postharvest. They also are determining the genetic basis for deterioration. The researchers have identified the location of genes associated with postharvest deterioration of fresh-cut lettuce and are in the process of identifying genes associated with browning, two economically important traits. This will speed up development of new Romaine varieties with better shelflife because now lettuce breeders will be able to check that offspring carry these genes without needing to grow out and destructively test for browning and deterioration resistance. Lettuces are the most popular, commercially produced, leafy vegetables in the world. It had a farmgate value of more than $2.5 billion in the United States in 2017, making it one of top ten most valuable crops for the country. But fresh-cut lettuce is a highly perishable product. “The inability to evaluate for deterioration early in the process of developing new varieties has been a real impediment to breeding advances. Now having these molecular markers means that slow deterioration and eventually less browning can be more easily integrated into lettuce breeding, traits that are important economic considerations,” said research geneticist Ivan Simko with the ARS Crop Improvement and Protection Research Unit in Salinas, California, who led the deterioration study. When you consider browning and deterioration ratings together, the best breeding lines for commercial production, and also for use as parents to develop new varieties are (in alphabetic order): Darkland, Green Towers, Hearts Delight, Parris Island Cos, and SM13R2, which is a breeding line developed at the ARS lab in Salinas. In addition, the researchers found the chromosome region that contains the genes for slow deterioration also contains four genes (Dm4, Dm7, Dm11, and Dm44) and one DNA region (qDm4.2) that code for resistance to downy mildew—one of the most-costly lettuce disease. This colocation indicates a strong linkage between one or more of the four genes and the rate of deterioration. DNAbased markers can be used to develop new breeding lines with slow rate of deterioration and desirable combinations of resistance genes. Deterioration is the rupture of cells within lettuce leaves, leading to waterlogging and the lettuce turning to mush. Browning is the discoloration of the edges of lettuce after cutting or tearing. Either development can spoil the leafy vegetable’s value by decreasing shelf life. In an effort to control browning and prolong shelf life, lettuce processors have been turning to modified atmosphere packaging and flushing bags of cut lettuce with nitrogen gas to reduce oxygen levels in the bags. But these practices are costly. They also can lead to other problems such as off-odors and, when coupled with high storage temperatures that promote anerobic bacteria growth on the bagged lettuce. “Our study was aimed at finding lettuces that possessed low browning potential without the need for limiting the oxygen supply,” explained research food technologist Yaguang (Sunny) Luo, who led the browning study. Luo is with the ARS Food Quality Laboratory in Beltsville, MD. Like deterioration, there was significant correlation between high resistance to browning and pedigree, which gives promise that lettuce breeders will be able to improve the trait and incorporate it into new varieties, Luo added.
Two robins
Two robins were sitting in a tree. “I’m really hungry,” said the first one. “Let’s fly down and find some lunch.” They flew down to the ground and found a nice plot of newly plowed ground that was full of worms. They ate and ate and ate till they could eat no more. “I’m so full, I don’t think I can fly back up into the tree,” said the first one. “Let’s just lay back here and bask in the warm sun,” said the second. “Okay,” said the first. So they plopped down, basking in the sun. No sooner than they had fallen asleep, when a big fat tomcat came up and gobbled them up. As the cat sat washing his face after his meal, he thought… “I JUST LOVE BASKIN ROBINS.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A43
Specializing In Pre-ELog And Pre-EGR Trucks! Dealer For New FRONTIER Grain Trailers
2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 5950 (406) 265-4563 • Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842
$25,000 2009 Freightliner M2
MBN 4000, 450 hp, Super 10 speed, double lockers, double frame, heavy haul truck
Was: $38,500
NOW: $36,000
2002 Kenworth W900
Cat 6NZ, 500 hp, 13 speed, wet kit
$35,500 2008 Freightliner Century
14L Detroit, 515 hp, 10 speed, push axle, super clean truck!
Was: $29,900
2007 Kenworth T800 Cat C15, 475 hp, 18 speed, push axle,
NOW: $28,000
low miles, super clean truck!
$35,000 1999 Kenworth T800
C12, 430 hp, fresh motor, 13 speed
Was: $31,900
$32,500 1993 Kenworth W900
N14, 500 hp, 13 speed, headache rack, all aluminum, 241” wheelbase
1997 Peterbilt 379 EXHD
NOW: $28,000
855 Cummins, 400 hp, 13 speed, 30,000 on engine overhaul, new paint, new virgin rubber, new lighting, new glass
1998 Ford L8000 Vac Truck
CAT 3126, 210 hp, 6-speed, Ring-O-Matic, 1300 gallon vac tank w/hoist, new vac pump, Kohler pony motor
1994 Peterbilt Box Truck 855 Cummins, 400 hp, 15 speed, fresh engine overhaul, new tarp
Cat 3406E, 470 hp, 13 speed, pre ELOG, pre EGR, Webasto heater, Right Weigh on board scale, headache rack.
1979 Peterbilt 359
1992 Peterbilt 379
Series 60 Detriot, 450 hp, 18 speed, push axle, double lockers, headache rack, new virgin rubber, 270” wheelbase
Was: $32,000
NOW: $29,900 1992 Freightliner FLD120
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2005 Kenworth T800 C15 Acert, 475 hp, 10 speed
$28,000 2000 Kenworth T800
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It’s the 21st Century - Time To Go Electric! ROLTEC® Electric Hopper Conversion Kits
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Trailers & Motorhome For Sale: 1998 Wabash
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• Worm gear motor & chain drive gear box provide optimal torque needed to open and close the hopper • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock, no brakes to freeze up or fail • Stable, three point, high clearance design • Reliable chain drive system with stainless steel housing & sprocket with nickel plated chain are durable & resistant to corrosion • Split sprocket technology eliminates the need to cut the drive shaft in most cases • Manual override with pinless, quick link detachment if needed
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Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free
• Converts 2” roll tubes to an electric tarping system on trailers up to 53-ft. • Motor controls the tension of the tarp, when heaped loads settle, touch the switch to tighten the tarp • Worm gears create an instant, positive lock with no backing off for a tighter fitting, longer lasting tarp • Rotating & telescoping motor mount allows roll tube to rise & flex over heaped loads, reducing stress on the drive components & pivot arm • 4 springs create positive return tension when closing the tarp system, no elbows or joints to break. Universal mounting bracket is sturdy, lightweight, with universal fit • Manual override, simply remove one pin to operate manually, the motor stays secured to roll tube
Call For More Info!
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A44
WHEEL LINES FOR SALE (4) Wheel lines – $3500 each
3 with Honda engines, openers and hoses included. New gaskets and mover chains also included.
(406) 366-1320 or
FOR SALE In Townsend, MT $20,000 $23,500 obo ea.
(2) 2012 VERMEER R2800 TWIN RAKES Good Condition - Well Maintained - Field Ready Steve - DOUBLE C FARMS 406.439.7429 Call or text
1998 Freightliner FL70 Tractor Cat 3126 275 hp, 7 speed, spring suspension, PS, cruise, 166,000 miles, 50% 295R22.5’s. Runs and drives great...............................$9000 2001 Peterbilt 357 Boom Truck Cat 350 hp, Jake, 10 speed autoshift, 20,000 front, 40,000 rears, air ride, double frame, 21-ft. flatbed, 6 ton Eiffer knuckle boom, 28-ft. reach, 432,000 miles..............$26,500
1998 GMC C7500 5 yard Dump Truck Cat 3126 diesel 210 hp, Allison 5 speed AT, AC, PS, AB, 33,000 gvw, 82,000 miles. Plumbed for plow and sander, 90% steer tires, 50% drive tires, air gate... ....................................$13,500 1988 International 9300 Cat 3406B, Jake, 13 speed, AC, PS, 70% 285R24.5’s on aluminum, air ride, 4.11 ratio, steel frame, 453,000 miles. Runs and drives great.$14,500
1991 Gardner Denver D190JD Screw Compressor 4 cylinder JD diesel, 2175 hours. Runs and works excellent, hose and jack hammers included..........................$5500 1997 Lull 8K-42 Telehandler 8000 lb capacity, 42-ft. lift height, 4BT Cummins, 5300 hours, 90% tires, outriggers, bucket included. Runs and works great..................$26,500 1969 Case W7G Loader 1.5 yard bucket, 90% 13:00x24’s, cab, 4 cylinder gas, good strong hydraulics and brakes, weighs 13,000 lbs. Runs and works great....$9500 1980 Ford L9000 Water Truck 3000 gallon tank, 350 hp 6v92T, Jake, Allison AT, PS, AB, 70% 22.5 tires. Darley 1000 gpm pump needs rebuilt.. ....................................$13,500 1974 Kenworth W900A Tractor 350 Cummins, 13 speed, Jake, PS, air ride, 60% 11r24.5’s, 4.33 ratio. Runs and drives great............................$12,500
J&T Equipment Sales, Stevensville, MT
406-381-3159 –
Grazing/harvesting rule change an opportunity
NDSU Extension Service Changes in federal grazing and harvestcontain HCN in the leaves and steams. ing rules on prevented-planting acres could The concentration of HCN depends on the help North Dakota livestock producers in species, variety, maturity, plant injury and select counties replenish forage supplies, or environmental damage (hail and frost). The at least offset shortages in perennial forage concentrations of HCN decrease as the plant production, according to North Dakota State matures. Damage or injury to the plant from University (NDSU) Extension livestock hail, insects, frost or harvest breaks cells and specialists. releases the toxins. The U.S. Department of Agriculture These grazing management strategies (USDA) will allow producers to graze, hay reduce the potential for HCN toxicity: or cut cover crops on prevented-planting • Delay grazing livestock until forage is acres beginning September 1. Counties 18 to 24 inches tall. included in the change are: Barnes, Ben• Avoid grazing regrowth under 12 son, Bottineau, Cass, Dickey, Eddy, Foster, inches. Grand Forks, Griggs, Kidder, LaMoure, • Do not graze following hail or a light McIntosh, Nelson, Ramsey, Ransom, Rofrost. Grazing after a killing frost is safe lette, Sargent, Sheridan, Steele, Stutsman, because the HCN dissipates quickly after Towner, Traill and Wells. the plant dies. Counties that qualify must have 15% or Nitrates more acres classified as prevented plant. Nitrates can accumulate in small-grain Additional counties may qualify when the forages (wheat, oats, rye, triticale and USDA’s Farm Service Agency has combarley), sorghum, sudangrass and corn. pleted certifying acres. When plants encounter stressful growing Many livestock producers in the region conditions, photosynthesis is inhibited and are short on forage due to challenging harthe potential for accumulation of nitrates is vest conditions last fall and drought during increased. Elevated nitrate levels commonly key times for forage production. Many are associated with drought stress, but niranchers are reporting reductions in hay and trate also can accumulate during prolonged forage production due to the precipitation periods of cool, cloudy weather. deficit. These strategies can help reduce the risk “The change in the allowable harvesting of nitrate poisoning when grazing: or grazing date to September 1 on prevent• Do not move hungry cows. ed-planting acres gives livestock producers • Provide cattle with roughage to reduce an opportunity to offset the shortage of forthe amount of nitrate ingested. age supplies while adding flexibility to their • Do not overstock pastures when grazing grazing program,” says Miranda Meehan, high-nitrate forages. Overstocking increases NDSU Extension livestock environmental the amount of high-nitrate plant parts (stems stewardship specialist. and stalks) that cows consume. Cover crops produce a high-quality for“If you are planning to harvest cover age and extend the grazing season while crops as a hay, it is important that the cover allowing rangeland and pastures adequate crop does not include or is low on brassitime to recover. Here are a few things cas,” says Janna Block, Extension livestock ranchers should consider when grazing or systems specialist at NDSU’s Hettinger harvesting cover crops for forage. Research Extension Center. “Brassicas “Test forage to ensure the feed meets the have a high water content and will not dry nutritional requirements of your livestock down enough to make a high-quality hay. class,” says Kevin Sedivec, NDSU ExtenMonocultures or mixes of cereal grains and sion rangeland management specialist. warm-season grasses will be able to cure, “This is especially important when grazproducing a high-quality forage.” ing cover crops because quality can vary, Producers planning to harvest as silage/ depending on the forage species, varieties haylage have a bit more flexibility because and maturity. Forage quality parameters drying to an acceptable level for curing isn’t to be most concerned with include crude as critical. Harvesting before a freeze is protein, digestibility and fiber level, as well important to achieve silage because desired as minerals.” moisture conditions need to be 65% to 70% Brassicas, such as turnips and radish, for a bunker and 60% to 68% for silo bags. often are incorporated into cover crops A hard freeze will reduce the moisture mixes as a high-quality forage. Research on content dramatically within 24 to 48 hours. species and variety of brassicas conducted Haylage can be put up at a lower moisture at NDSU reported crude proteins of 14% to level (40% to 60%), so harvesting in late 27% and total digestible nutrients of 70% September to early October is possible. to 80%. In addition, brassicas can contain If haylage will be your final feed proas much as 80% water, depending on the duced, eliminate the brassicas in the mixture timing of grazing. because they will be difficult to dry down to This combination of high protein and less than 60% before mid-October and the water content can disrupt rumen function other plants in the mixture will be too dry if high-fiber plants such as millet, sorghum, following a hard frost. sudangrass and corn are not included in the Crop producers who planted cover crops mix. Ranchers may need to provide lowon prevented-planting acres to suppress quality supplemental fiber, such as lowweeds and enhance soil health have an opquality hay or straw, to increase intake and portunity to market this forage to livestock maintain performance. producers. The NDSU Feedlist (https:// Many species of cover crops have the can connect potential to be toxic to cattle. Producers crop producers who have forage with livemust be aware of potentially toxic species, stock producers who need it. conditions that increase the risk of toxicity and grazing management practices that reduce the potential of cattle consuming toxic ##### forage. The most common toxicities associDonkeys are capable of utilizing 95% ated with cover crops include hydrocyanic of an entire meal they eat. This is because acid (HCN), nitrate and sulfur. they are basically desert animals. In desert Hydrocyanic Acid (HCN) areas food is scarce and wasting food is not Forage sorghum, sudangrass and hybrids a luxury in those areas.
Many Wyoming county fairs saw increased, record livestock sales
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A45
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE
Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118
University of Wyoming Extension fortunate during these uncertain economic Most county fairs across the state are retimes that our society has faced.” porting an unexpected phenomenon during Sara Fleenor, 4-H educator in Crook Counthe current economic downturn -- an increase in total gross sales at University of Wyoming ty, also reported the livestock sale grossed (UW) Extension 4-H livestock auctions comhigher than last year. “We had a great turnout, and I think that pared to previous years. some of the reasons were people wanting to Over half of the counties reported an support kids, and also, we advertised heavily increase, with the rest reporting similar or that our packing plants had spots reserved slightly lower sale numbers from previous for those animals to be processed within the years. next two weeks, so no need to wait on their Albany, Park, Teton and Washakie counmeat,” said Fleenor. ties had record sales. Despite a small decrease in Natrona In Albany County, the highest gross sale County, 4-H educator Joddee Jacobsen said had been about $450,000, and this year Selling good quality used pipe, she believes the county still had an outstandthat was surpassed with a record-breaking rods and other salvage steel $600,000. ing sale. “I really don’t know the reason,” said Mary “I think it’s important to remember that Louise Wood, Albany County 4-H educator. Casper and Natrona County have been hit September Special “Everybody is super appreciative. It still especially hard with the decline of oil explo4 ½’’ x 11.5# casing - $75/joint gives me goose bumps.” ration, drilling and fracking,” said Jacobsen. The idea of a record-breaking sale was “I think even with the slight decline, we still 42’ average lengths also a shock for Tycee Brown, Park County have the top sale in the state in regard to the 4-H educator. total amount of the sale.” 406-480-2979 Brown said they tried for the first time an The Natrona County sale grossed about online auction format to help allow people $878,000, which was only down about Glendive, MT who may be concerned about attending for $10,000 from the previous year. health reasons, or even allow family and friends from far away to participate and ALL NEW HIGH SPEED TILLAGE TOOL - Sizes from 8-ft. to 45-ft. watch. Hogs, lambs, goats and rabbits were all reportedly up in numbers from last year, while beef was slightly Maintenance down. One goat sold for Free $120/lb., setting a new record from the pervious of $75/lb. Ideal for Fall Tillage and “I’m just very grateful Spring Seedbed Preparation in Wyoming we have been able to have livestock shows Till at speeds of 10-15 mph and sales and we have such Up to 75 acres per hour! good community support, not just here in Park County Transfer Conveyors but around the state,” said Belt Conveyors Brown. Drive-Over Pitstops ALL NEW VERSATILE BULK Teton County reported an almost 20 percent sale COMMERCIAL TENDER Up to 125-ft. increase from last year. “My guess as to why it • Larger Capacity, Nonmight be higher is because Leaking Transition • Controlled Vertical the people who have the Discharge Flow money felt a swell of emo• Larger Heavy Duty Peer Side Discharge tional support for the kids Rear Discharge Bearings Up to 350 TPH and families in the program,” • Heavier Duty UndercarTruck said Glenn Owings, Teton riage Mount • Thicker Walled Tubing County 4-H educator. • Wider Conveyor Belts Owings also thought the (50% higher capacity fair received more attention 304 than similar sized tubes) Stainless than normal because there Steel Up to hasn’t been a lot going on. 18,000 BPH Up to Amber Armajo, 4-H edu3500 BPH cator in Washakie County, had no explanation for the • Highest Over-the-Road capacity increase in numbers, but said • Sizes from 600-ft. to 1166-ft it was the best they have ever (Other sizes available) had. • Pokeholes standard “I went back and did a • Split tanks available • Up to 30-ft. long discharge Optional spreadsheet for history purWeigh Heavy Duty High Capacity Manure Spreaders conveyor for extra reach poses and have the highest Cells with Heat Treated Boron Auger Flights • 3 Year Warranty Automatic Rate Control bottom dollar and the highest Fully Welded Construction • 7-ton to 50-ton Capacity averages ever,” said Armajo. Others around the state have been pleasantly surprised by the turnout at livestock auctions at fairs this year despite economic concerns. “We were worried, but our community held strong and showed up to support our Horace, ND Cooperstown, ND Union, NE kids,” said Bryce McKenzie, 4-H educator in Johnson (701) 588-4000 (701) 797-3684 (402) 263-2100 County. “The kids are very
(800) 446-0316
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A46
##### What do you call the soft tissue between a shark’s teeth? A slow swimmer.
ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE Located near Fort Benton, MT Phone 406-868-7519
MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email:
John Deere 8200 MFWD......... $48,500 John Deere 7430, MFWD, IVT transmission, 5900 hours................. $59,000 John Deere 4450, MFWD, PowerShift transmission, 8700 hours. Clean..... ............................................ $45,500
John Deere 4050, MFWD, PowerShift. Good tractor........................ $32,000
Loaders Available
Case IH Puma 185, MFWD, 3-pt., powershift, 4400 hours. Very nice........... ............................................ $58,500
2007 Cat 308CCR excavator, blade, 2 buckets, long stick, Quicktach, street pads, good U/C, 3200 hours............ ............................................ $38,500
2013 Freightliner Cascadia, DD13 500 hp, 10 speed, 14,000 lb steerable lift axle, 427,000 miles. New HRG S&G 16-ft. box and tarp. Very sharp......... ............................................ $66,500
Check our web site:
2012 International Pro Star dump truck, 430 hp, 10 speed, 15-ft. box, only 210,000 miles. Very nice..... $47,500
Stock photo
2020 RAM 3500 CREW CAB 4X4 tradesman, cummins, long box, srw
2020 RAM 1500 CREW CAB 4X4 hemi, loaded laramie, heated/cooled leather UP TO $4000 IN FACTORY REBATES!
Check with Dealer for Incentive Information. 2020 JEEP GLADIATOR OVERLAND V6,
automatic • the ultimate side-by-side! $2000 FACTORY REBATE!
Your Trusted Dealer Since 1942
See our inventory at No Fees, No Pressure, Just Good Honest Deals!
A+ Rating with the Better Business Bureau
Best of Class Goat Educational Display went to Elyse Bengtson, Glacier County, Pre-Junior Age Division 8-10, at the Marias Fair held virtually the week of July 13-17.
Horned-face bees sublet in a honey bee colony
By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service When Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists played detective to identify an unknown invader that had set up a nursery in a honey bee colony, they solved a small mystery and expanded ideas about housing for solitary bees. A state apiary inspector was stumped by the identity of insect cocoons that she had found inside the hexagonal cells of a beekeeper’s honey bee colony. So, she turned to the ARS Bee Disease Diagnostic Service in Beltsville, Maryland for help. The cocoons were nothing she had ever seen inside a honey bee colony before. “These two pieces of comb were sent to us because the regulatory authorities were concerned that this potentially could be the first find of a new problem for honey bees, a new attack agent,” explained entomologist Jay Evans, research leader of the ARS Bee Research Laboratory, which houses the diagnostic service. The unusual cocoons were brown, about 3/8 inches long, and had a striking terminal cap with a hard black spot resembling a nipple. They were strongly attached to the cells with bee wax on both sides of the comb. The cocoons were wrapped in a thin layer of brown silky threads and they were hard to cut open and water-resistant. After studying the cocoons in depth, the researchers were finally able to definitively identify the intruders as a type of solitary mason bee called the horned-face bee (Osmia cornifrons). It is native to northern Asia, including Japan, Korea, China, and Russia, and was introduced to the United States in the 1970s. They are more docile than honey bees and bumble bees. Horned-face bees have never previously been reported cocooning in honey bee colonies. About 40 cocoons were found in the honey bee colony, which is more than one female bee can produce alone; therefore, this wasn’t the result of a single misguided bee invading a honey bee colony. Now that horned-face bees are on the radar, beekeepers can be on the lookout for them, Evans pointed out. “While these squatters turned out not to be a hazard to honey bees as far as we can tell, we always need to be alert and quickly gather solid scientific information about potential biological threats, before anyone makes disruptive and costly decisions,” he added. This finding may also guide future research to support alternative shelter for crop pollinators beyond honey bees. Other mason bee species, such as the blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria), are often used to pollinate tree fruit and berries. Currently, blue orchard bees and other native bee shelters are often supplied by home gardeners and crop producers in the form of nesting boxes, which are a grouping of tubules that structurally match what entomologists think mason bees like as housing. “Finding these horned-face bees reproducing in the honey bee comb cells suggests the possibility that there are other shapes and materials than what is currently being used that could be explored as Osmia bee housing,” Evans said. For more information about ARS honey bee research, please check out the ARS Honey Bee Health webpage (
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A47
2019 Morris Quantum 60 new, 60-ft., 12’’, double shoot, 4.5’’ spreader, 650 tank, duals......Call
2012 Bourgault 3320-66 66-ft., 10’’ spacing, MRB,3/4 tips, drill only.. ....................................... $66,000
2005 Bourgault 5710 II 59-ft.10’’ spacing, steel packers, 3/4 tips, MRB, 6450 tank.............. $79,000
**USED EQUIPMENT** Case IH 3400 used Case Concord in great shape.................... $34,000
Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft., 12’’ spacing, steel packers. Good Shape......... ....................................... $20,000
LARGE INVENTORY OF MACDON HEADERS! 2020 MacDon PW8 New................. Call
2019 MacDon FD135 New, cross auger, transport, spare knife.......................Call
1971 Big Bud HN320 Big Cam 400 Cummins, 13 speed transmission, brand new tires, new turbo, new front mount hydraulic pump, insulated cab, updated instrument panel, R134A air conditioning, three hydraulic pumps.... ............................................... $34,000
2005 MacDon 963 36-ft, single knife, cross auger, idiler wheels on end of header, Agco adapter..................... Call
2004 MacDon 974 flex header, John Deere adapter................................Call
2020 Bobcat S595 SJC, power bobtach, 7 pin, 2 speed, bucket positioning, ride control, reversing fan, heat, air, radio, heated cloth air ride seat..... ......................................................Call
2019 Bobcat S850 New, heat/ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket...........................................Call
2003 MacDon 972 36-ft., cross auger, slow speed transport, single knife, John Deere adapter.......................Call 2002 MacDon 972.............................Call 1998 MacDon 960 36-ft., transport, bat reel, single knife, many adaptors available............................................ $9000 1997 MacDon 960 25-ft., pickup reel, swather header...............................Call
2020 Bobcat T66 Brand new unit Call
2015 Massey-Ferguson 2956A Local trade, low rate financing available. Pickup has been rebuilt and many new parts installed.........................$32,000
2018 MacDon FD140 double knife, transport, cross auger, flex, used one season. John Deere adapter. Have adapters for other models, may increase price.......................................... $79,000
(5) 2016 MacDon FD75D double knife, 40-ft., flex, transport........................Call
2020 Bobcat T76 New Call
2019 Bobcat S770 New, heat/ac, 2 speed, hi-flow, air seat, bob-tach, 80’’ bucket........................................... Call
2005 H&S BF12HC Used 12 wheel rake, lots of life left.................... $6995
John Deere Equipment IN STOCK! 2012 Honey Bee SP40 used, auto header height, has cross auger not pictured.................................. $23,909
2015 MacDon FD75S 40-ft., single knife, cutterbar poly, transport, currently case adaptor, but we have windrow kits to fit any current brand of combine. All new guards and sections. Ready to go......... ................................................. $48,000
1997 MacDon 960 36-ft.bat reel.............. ................................................... $9000 (2) 1995 MacDon 960 36-ft. single knife.. ................................................... $9000 1994 MacDon 960......................... $9000 1992 MacDon 960 36-ft., Case adapter.. ................................................... $9000 1990 MacDon 960 36-ft. single knife....... ................................................... $9000
For All Your Haying Needs!
2003 MacDon 9352C Low houred swather with fresh rebuild on the engine, new wobble box, many other repairs done, has 16-ft 922 header with it, also have some draper head options. Runs great!......................Call
2012 Vermeer BP8000 Call
2001 Vermeer 605XL $6500
1998 Timpte RTAC 29-ft lead with 24-ft pup, ag hoppers, tires are thin, brakes are over half, ready to haul your grain to town................................... $32,035
2018 John Deere S770 1000/1300hrs, duals, deluxe cab,2x4, 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC..................... $260,000
2017 John Deere S670 Fresh trade, premium cab with enhanced air suspension seat. Green Star 3, LED lights, 2 sets of concaves, inspection will be available upon completion. 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC............$169,000
2017 John Deere S670 Fresh trade, premium cab with enhanced air suspension seat. Green Star 3, LED lights, 2 sets of concaves, inspection will be available upon completion. 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC............$169,000
2016 John Deere S670 2300/3300 hrs, 2.44% interest for 72 mo OAC............ ............................................. $139,500
2019 Vermeer ZR5-1200 Get ready to go big time and let the ZR5-1200 change the way you put up hay. Call for more information! 2014 John Deere 6170M Local trade, 2700 hrs....................................... Call
2020 Vermeer R2800 new, 28-ft, hydraulic lift, 0% for 48 mo OAC! Call
2019 Vermeer BPX9010 new, square/round bale kit, high float tires, 0% for 48 mo. Call
2014 Challenger MT545D CVT transmission, Deluxe cab, 2 electric spool valves, rear wheel weights, 540/1000 PTO, 420/85/2...................... $94,000 2016 Challenger MT515E Super low hour loader tractor. Currently getting an inspection done. 130 engine hp. Will have brand new loader installed. ............................................. $94,995 2016 Challenger MT515E Super clean tractor, loader will be installed in 3-4 weeks. Save some money on new and buy this low hour machine!........ ............................................. $95,995
2012 John Deere 568 12,000 bales, net/twine.......................................Call
2020 Challenger MT865E 550 hp machine, PTO HUGE DISCOUNTS!!! 2015 Challenger MT755D Great local trade, one owner bought new, 2.99% OAC. PTO, three point, quick hitch, Trimble GPS. Excellent shape..................... $139,995
2011 John Deere 8260R Tractor was used to only pull a grain cart. One owner since new. 60gpm pump, IVT transmission, 7 in color display, no globe, but has green star capabilities, PTO, 3 point with quick hitch, and wheel weights. 3.44% for 72mo OAC...............................$107,500
2011 John Deere 8260R Great tractor ready to go to work for you! 6500 hours, has only ever pulled a grain cart, 60 gpm pump................$99,000
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page A48
Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964 (406) 761-4848
After Hours (406) 791-6712
Fax (406) 791-6708
Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Round Tubing Great for corrals
11/4”, 11/2” & 13/4” O.D.
20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America
51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#
Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts
New Batteries 3 Available
12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails
16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll
Call for sizes
Used Electric Motors & Boxes RAILROAD FLAT CARS
13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available 20” Triple rib galvanized x 13-ft. 6”
7” Used Pipe good for corners and hanging gates
Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.
For Bridges
For Non Potable Water Storage Great for grain storage
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’
Various sizes available – CALL
Great for bridges
& beams IN STOCK
LAND ROLLER PIPE 42” & 60” Heavy Wall
NEW! SURPLUS STEEL TUBING Call for Current Sizes! • Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe • Angle • Sq. Tubing • Round Bar
1 left - Lux spiral dough mixers
Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”
] Sucker Rod Hangers ]
Misc. Used Steel Beams
Call Adam, Joe, or Tanner
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each
New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert NEW Rebar
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths
Leather Gloves 5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
Call for pricing
Lifting Capacities 3000 - 4500 lbs.
New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire
00 each
6” and 8” New Domestic A53B well casing, 20-ft. lengths....
HYSTER Electric Forklifts
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
In Stock
#1 Railroad ties - $16 each
Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths
Used Drill Pipe 23/8”, 27/8”, 31/2” & 41/2” (1) Hobart mixer/ grinder
and Combines
We Buy Old Farm Tractors
FOR SCRAP Sand & Slag Abrasives NEW 20-ft. Containers
GREAT FALLS 1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 • (406) 761-4848
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B1
3V Distributing, Conrad MT ................................. C11 A-Plus Auto, Great Falls MT ................................ A18 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS ........................ C27 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive MT ..................................................................... A45 Action Toys, Billings MT ....................................... B11 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman MT ............................................................. C47 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls MT ................ B9 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls MT ............ C35 Ag Wise, Kremlin MT ........................................... A31 Aggressor, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Ft. Collins CO ... ........................................................................... A23 AgraSyst Dealers................................................. C43 Agri-Pro, Syngenta, West Fargo, ND ................... C16 American Manufacturing, Hogeland MT .............. C45 Amsoil, Big Sky Synthetics, Deer Lodge MT ....... A18 B & B Sales & Service, Sidney MT ...................... C13 Badland Truck Sales, Glendive MT ...................... C22 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford MT ............................ C38 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown MT .................. C30 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby MT ............................ C33 Big Equipment Co., Havre MT .........................C4, C5 Big Iron Auctions ........................................... A8, B14 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad MT .......................... C23 Big Sky Harley-Davidson, Great Falls MT ........... B25 Big Sky Pipe, Great Falls ....................................... B6 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn MT .. A37 Big Sky Synthetics, Amsoil, Deer Lodge MT ....... A18 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby MT................. B29 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, Billings MT .......... C27 Border Plains Equipment, Plains Ag, MT, ND, KS, CO ........................................................................... B13 Bouma Truck Sales, Choteau, Great Falls MT...INSERT Brock Bins, Rydelle Ent., Drummond MT .............. A7 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank MT ..................................... C33 Buckley Auction MT ............................................. C16 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls MT ....... C24 Central Steel Building & Construction, GSI Bins, MT & ND ..................................................................... A38 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ............................. B2 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks MT...... B12 Clearview Seed, Denton MT................................ C12 CoAXium, Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Ft. Collins CO .... ........................................................................... A23 Cobett, Josh Wenger, Loma MT .......................... A28 Corder & Associates, Fort Benton MT ................... B8 Courtesy Ford, Conrad MT .................................... B5 Cowtown Ag, Miles City MT ................................. C44 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber MT ..................................................................... C13 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank MT ................................ A16 Darling Ingredients, Inc....................................B5, C9 David J Heine & Associates, Kalispell MT ............. C6 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek MT ...................................................C34, C42 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman MT ......... B32
Index Double Diamond Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ....................................................................... A2 Ear Mountain Machine, Choteau MT ................... C32 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls MT...C28, C29 EV Insulation, Evan VanDyke, Conrad MT .......... B19 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish MT ................ C30 Faber Productions, Rozel WY ................................ A9 First State Bank, Shelby MT ................................ A34 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power MT ..............A39, C10 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton MT .................... B14 Fox Ford, Wolf Point MT ........................................ C3 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness MT ............................ C40 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls MT ....... .................................................... A25, B11, B19, C7 Frontier Fence, Billings MT .................................. A30 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon MT .............. B23 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston MT ............................................ B26, B27 Gateway Arch & Fence, Wayne Thiem, Bozeman MT ........................................................................... C10 Glasgow Rental, Glasgow MT ............................... B7 Glass Trucking, Denton MT.................................... C8 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy MT .................. C8 Golden Triangle Seeds, Rudyard MT ................... C34 Gordon Repair, LLC, Miles City MT ..................... A36 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls MT ....................... B30 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier MT ....... A35 Grossenburg Equipment, Winner, Pierre, Philip, Belle Fourche SD, Wayne, Bloomfield, Harrington NE, Sundance WY ....................................... B2, B3, C48 Grove Construction, GSI Bins, Moccasin MT ...... A33 GSI Bins, Central Steel, MT & ND ....................... A38 GSI Bins, Grove Construction, Moccasin MT ...... A33 GSI Bins, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ....... B22 H & H Spreading, Conrad MT.............................. A31 Hampton Truck Sales, Idaho Falls ID ................... A26 Harris Custom Swathing, Conrad MT .................. B18 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin MT ............ B24 Hedman, Inc, Grass Range MT ........................... C15 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena MT... A42 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex & Big Dog Mowers, Chester MT ....................................................... B18 Hi-Line Rental, Havre MT ...................................... B7 Highline Communications, Cut Bank MT ............. B15 Hill’s Equipment, Glendive MT ............................... B4 Hodgskiss Seed, Choteau MT ............................. B21 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls MT ........C18, C19 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank MT .......... B25 Hwy 12 Equipment & Repair, Baker MT .............. A36 I-State Truck Center, Billings MT............................ A9 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek MT................. C14 Iverson Feedlot Cleaning, Bismarck ND .............. B20 J & T Equipment Sales, John Jones, Stevensville MT ........................................................................... A44
NEW New Holland Equipment
2019 New Holland Workmaster 60 tractor and loader, ROPS, MFWD, 8x8 shuttle transmission, 1 remote, stock #5772627.. ........................................... Call for Price
J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester MT.............................................. B22 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook MT ............A46, C26 Johnsen Trailer Sales, Inc., Bismarck & Fargo ND....B31 JT Harvesting, Jim Bartsch, Brady MT ................ C34 Krogmann Mfg. .................................................... B12 Landis Truck & Equipment, Dagmar MT .............. A27 Lane Judisch Swathing, Conrad MT .................... B10 Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD....A29 Lattin & Sons, Power MT .............................A39, C10 Lewistown Rental, Lewistown MT.......................... B7 Limagrain Cereal Seeds, Zach Gaines, Ft. Collins CO ..................................................................... A23 M & M Auto, Trailers, & Welding, Stevensville MT....A11 M & W Machine, Three Forks MT .......................... C6 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls MT .......... A24 Milk River Ag, Chinook, MT ................................. C35 Mineral Tub Lifter, Malta MT................................. C14 Missouri River Realty, Glasgow, Malta, Sidney MT...C32 Montana Farrier Supply, Livingston MT ............... C21 Montana Fiberglass Inc, Lewistown MT .............. B29 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb, Great Falls MT ................................................... A23 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena MT ........... B18 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls MT ......... C1 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls MT ................ C37 Montech Seed Group, MT ................................... C46 Mountain Equipment, Cody WY........................... A40 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall MT .............. A33 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville MT ... A46 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup MT.............. .......................................................... A28, C25, C26 Nature Safe, Darling Ingredients Inc................B5, C9 New Homes of the Future, Billings MT ................ B30 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms MT .. A37 Northern Ford, Cut Bank MT ............................... C17 Northwest Flattanks, Choteau MT ....................... A32 Norwood Sales, Inc., ND & NE ............................ A45 Nutrien Ag Solutions, Inc, Conrad & Great Falls MT .. ............................................................................. C2 Oxbow Engineering LLC, Randy Pierce PE Three Forks MT ..................................................................... A17 Pete’s Auto Sales, Great Falls MT ....................... A39 Plains Ag, Border Plains Equipment, MT, ND, KS, CO ........................................................................... B13 Poteet Construction, Missoula MT ....................... A19 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre MT ..................... A43 Premier Land Co., Billings MT ............................. B15 Prescription Tillage Technology, DBL Sales, Denton MT ..................................................................... C34 Price Contracting Inc, Stevensville MT ................ A32 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula MT ..... A30 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser MT ............. A36 R & M Exterminators, Cheney WA....................... B26 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell MT........... A38
Rehbein Ford, Inc., Plains MT .......................C1, C30 Reinke, RPH Irrigation Services, Choteau MT .... B13 Rockwell Scales, Simms MT ............................... C14 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River MT.......................... A21 RPH Irrigation Services, Reinke, Choteau MT .... B13 RWI Enterprises, LLC, Moore MT........................ A20 Rydelle Enterprises, Drummond MT ..................... A7 Safflower Technologies International, Fairview MT...B19 Severinsen Irrigation, Zimmatic & GSI, Fairfield MT ... ...................................................................B22, C27 Shop Specialties, Valier MT ................................. A33 Shortline Ag, Scobey MT..................................... C36 Signalness Farms, Watford City, ND ........................... ........................................... A4, B31, C20, C24, C37 Sod Buster Sales, Polson MT ...................... A22, A45 Sonny Todd Real Estate, Big Timber MT ............... A9 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ............... C25 SprayFlex, Doug Henke Chester, MT .................. B18 Steel Etc, Great Falls MT.................................... A48 Stokes Fencing, Conrad MT .................................. B3 Sukup, Lange Bin Erection & Repair, LLC, Wentworth SD...................................................................... A29 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad MT ........ C38 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon MT ....................................................A14, C26 Syngenta, Agri-Pro, West Fargo ND ................... C16 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester MT ............C6, C42 Tate Miller Welding, Golva ND ............................. A12 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby MT ............................. C33 TCB Transport LLC, Todd Bedosky, Geyser MT..... B4 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre MT .......................... C44 The Gear House, Helena MT .............................. C28 The Woodworkers Shoppe, Gold Creek MT .......... A2 Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix, Three Forks MT .. ........................................................................... C37 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester MT................................ C9 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre MT ........... A47 Titan Managed Services, CA ............................... A13 Tom’s Shop, Grass Range MT ............................. C20 Torgerson’s LLC, Ethridge, Great Falls, Havre, Billings, Lewistown, Belgrade MT ................................... C31 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield MT ......................... C3 Tri County Implement, Sidney MT........................ C21 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton MT................... A20 Triple T Sales, Chinook MT ..........................A41, C43 TT&E Inc, Victor MT .............................................. B6 Up In Smoke Diesel Tuning, Brian Keller, Great Falls MT ..................................................................... C22 Valley Trailer Sales, Belgrade MT ........................ B10 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester MT .................... B20 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad MT ......................... A34 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula MT ...... B1 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger MT ................... A36 Wild Horse Seed, Havre MT ................................ C45 XB Trailer Sales, Great Falls MT .......................... C32 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow MT ............................ B16, B17 Zimmatic, Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield MT ...... C27 Zomer Truck, Conrad MT ..................................... C41
2018 New Holland Workmaster 70 with loader, ROPS, MFWD, 8x8 synchro shuttle transmission, stock #CON19044 $34,500
2017 New Holland T7.245 MFWD, Hi-Vis cab, CVT, Sidewinder II, 421 hours $155,000
1986 John Deere 3150 tractor with 265 loader/grapple, cab, MFWD, 2 remotes, 6907 hours $37,000
2019 New Holland T7.230 HiViz cab (suspended), MFWD, Auto Command transmission, RADAR, auto guidance ready, 4 remotes............. Call for Price 2018 New Holland Powerstar 120 with loader, MFWD, 12x12 Power Shuttle Transmission, two remotes.................... ........................................Call for price 2020 New Holland Workmaster 65 cab, loader, MFWD, 2 remotes...................... ........................................Call for price
1967 Oliver 1550 tractor with loader, 2WD, gas, new manifolds, rebuilt carb, new seat cushions $6250
New Holland Skidsteers EH Controls, mechanical controls, various sizes in stock.
New Holland 195HBS
Spreader, tandem axle, floatation tires.
Here Now!
2010 New Holland H7550 disc mower-conditioner, good tires, center pivot tongue, two-point hitch, just been through our shop $19,000
2016 New Holland L228 skid steer, open cab, mechanical controls, auxiliary hydraulics, 1140 hours. $28,000 2014 New Holland LM9.35 telehandler, 1242 hours, 7700 lbs capacity, reversing fan, smooth ride boom suspension............................$79,000
We Sell Parts For Ford Tractors and other makes
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7719 Thornton Dr. Missoula, MT
Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348 Find current listings and upcoming auctions at:
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B2
Fire damaged or non-running tractors
Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s
Phone Circle G Salvage
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Tractor and Combine Buyers
Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail:
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Belle Fourche, SD (605) 892-2621 Sundance, WY (307) 283-2971
Beef specialist honored for Extension work
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service elements of beef quality. Students collect A Montana State University Extension data on their steers each year at their county specialist has been recognized for her outfair, such as weight, fat percentage and grade. standing community engagement efforts and Van Emon, in partnership with the Montana youth programming by the American Society Stockgrowers Association (MSGA), evaluof Animal Science. Megan Van Emon, MSU Extension beef ates and grades the final animal statistics, cattle specialist, is based in Miles City. Van selecting the top five highest-quality steers Emon serves the beef producers of the state in the state. by traveling to all 56 Montana counties. She “We’re very lucky to partner with MSGA meets ranchers and community members and for that program,” said Van Emon. “It helps tailors her research projects as an associate those 4-H and FFA students learn more professor in the MSU College of Agriculabout the impacts of what we feed our cattle and looking at the end product, how that’s ture’s Department of Animal and Range promoted for the beef industry and how that Sciences to meet their specific needs. impacts the beef quality of the final product.” “If an Extension agent or a producer needs With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemanswers to any questions, I do the best I can in either answering them or finding the best ic, like many, Van Emon has had to adjust person who can,” said Van Emon. “Most of her outreach programming and has turned to my research focuses on looking into those virtual means to do so. She maintains conquestions I receive, which varies based on nections with Extension agents across the the different regions of the state.” state through video conferencing, recorded Van Emon arrived at Montana State in presentations and social media. Her research 2014 after receiving her doctorate from continues with an ongoing project examinNorth Dakota State University and coning the impacts of high sulfate and high salt concentrations in cattle drinking water on ducting postdoctoral research at Iowa State digestion of forage crops, which are often University. She focuses on questions of beef a primary food source for beef cattle in the nutrition for producers in Montana. In the state. eastern part of the state, Van Emon said, that “Megan’s work is critical to all of the eleoften takes the shape of examining the effects of water quality on cattle digestion, while in ments of our land-grant mission at Montana western Montana she often looks into small State: education, research and outreach,” said acreage production and maximizing producCody Stone, MSU Extension executive dition efficiency on smaller ranches. rector. “She works incredibly hard to ensure Van Emon received the Animal Science that our producers and community members Extension Award from the western section of are able to get their questions answered usthe ASAS, which includes 12 western U.S. ing the most accurate and up-to-date inforstates as well as parts of western Canada and mation, even if that means conducting the Mexico. The award was presented during the research herself. We are so lucky to have her, virtual section meeting last month. and this honor is truly deserved.” “Just to be recognized as an outstanding While much of her in-person work has member really meant a lot to me,” Van Emon been put on hold since the spring, Van Emon said. “Being recognized by my peers both hopes to continue her statewide travels this here at the university who nominated me winter, which she says are her favorite part and the wider community of the section is of her work. really an honor.” “What’s unique about Montana is that Van Emon’s programming also includes we have beef cattle all over the state, so the statewide engagement with Montana youth questions are changing all the time,” she said. through 4-H and FFA programs. She helps “I like the mix of everything that I get to do, lead the Montana Steer of Merit competition, meeting producers and learning about their an opportunity for students throughout the operations. I love getting out and meeting state to raise cattle and learn about various people, learning how I can best help them.”
Six Wyoming counties designated as primary natural disaster areas
USDA News Release Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Montana, are also eligible to apply for designated six Wyoming counties as priemergency loans. mary natural disaster areas. Producers in The deadline to apply for these emerBig Horn, Hot Springs, Johnson, Natrona, gency loans is April 26, 2021. Sheridan and Washakie counties who sufFSA will review the loans based on the fered losses due to recent drought may be extent of losses, security available and eligible for U.S. Department of Agriculture repayment ability. (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) FSA has a variety of additional programs emergency loans (https://www.fsa.usda. to help farmers recover from the impacts gov/programs-and-services/farm-loanof this disaster. FSA programs that do programs/emergency-farm-loans/index). not require a disaster declaration include: This natural disaster designation allows Emergency Assistance for Livestock, HonFSA to extend much-needed emergency eybees and Farm-Raised Fish Program; credit to producers recovering from natural Emergency Conservation Program; Livedisasters. Emergency loans can be used stock Forage Disaster Program; Livestock to meet various recovery needs including Indemnity Program; Operating and Farm the replacement of essential items such Ownership Loans; and the Tree Assistance as equipment or livestock, reorganization Program. of a farming operation or the refinance of Farmers may contact their local USDA certain debts. service center for further information on Producers in the contiguous Wyoming eligibility requirements and application counties of Campbell, Carbon, Converse, procedures for these and other programs. Fremont and Park along with Big Horn, Additional information is also available Carbon, and Powder River counties in online at
Extend your enjoyment of gardening this season
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “Well, Mom, you did it again,” my older daughter said. I was not expecting a compliment was coming my way. I was correct. We were looking at our towering, bushy tomato plants in our raised garden beds. Some of the plants already were drooping with the fruits of the plants. “One, two, three ...,” she counted. “You can stop counting,” I noted. “We have 18 tomato plants.” “I don’t like tomatoes,” she replied. She actually eats tomatoes in many ways. I ignored the comment as I plucked weeds around my precious plants. “If you see a weed, pull it,” she added in her best impression of me. I glanced at her and smirked. Why do my kids enjoy teasing me so much? I didn’t tell my daughter that I have several tomato plants growing amid the potato plants. These extra plants came up by themselves, probably carried by birds or squirrels. That brings my total to 24 tomato plants in a fairly condensed space. I will be following my own advice gleaned from the U.S. Department of Agriculture as I can tomatoes and salsa later this summer and fall. Freezing tomatoes or salsa does not require added acid such as vinegar, bottled lemon juice or citric acid. Tomato varieties vary in their acidity. To reach a safe acidity (or pH) level for preservation in glass jars, home-canned tomatoes and salsa should be acidified with lemon juice or citric acid before canning. To ensure safe acidity in whole, crushed or juiced tomatoes, add 2 tablespoons of bottled lemon juice or 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid per quart of tomatoes. For pints, use 1 tablespoon of bottled lemon juice or 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid. Acid can be added directly to the jars before filling with product. Add sugar to offset the acidic taste, if desired. One to 2 teaspoons of sugar may be enough to enhance the flavor. In home-canned foods, we are preventing the development of the potentially deadly botulism toxin with proper acidification. We also need to process the jars of tomatoes or salsa in a boiling water-bath canner for the recommended time. Many vegetables require pressure canning. My daughter and I checked the elevated box with sweet bell peppers and hot peppers. The raised bed includes a plant she purchased with her own money. However, I have little use for “ghost” peppers in my recipes. They are extremely hot for my palate. Peppers are in the capsicum family, and their flavor varies from mild to extremely spicy. Bell peppers lack the spicy properties from “capsaicin” found in their cousins, the jalapenos, habaneros and other hot peppers. This natural chemical was discovered in the late 1870s and is noted for the burning sensation it causes in mucous membranes. Therefore, when handling hot peppers in food preparation, wear plastic gloves and avoid touching your eyes or face. If you want to impress your friends, let them know that bell peppers have a ranking of “zero” Scoville heat units, while habanero peppers can have upwards of a 350,000 rating. Like tomatoes, peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C and a variety of cancer-fighting antioxidants. Red bell peppers are among the best sources of vitamin C of any food source, and they are delicious on the grill this summer. When possible, let your bell peppers mature to their beautiful shade of red. At the grocery store, you might notice that red bell peppers are more expensive than green peppers. They take up more space and time to care for, so they cost a little more. Maybe someone has told you about “male” and “female” peppers, depending on the number of lobes or bumps on the base of the fruit. Bell peppers do not have a “gender” and different flavors depending on their number of bumps. Their flavor depends on their variety and degree of ripeness. Watch what you learn on Facebook. Whether you grow, buy or receive tomatoes from generous friends this year, see for a wide range of canning information, including tomatoes and several types of salsa. CONTINUED ON PAGE B5
##### The squeaking wheel doesn’t always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced. - Vic Gold
##### Late one night, a preacher was driving on a country road and had a wreck. A farmer stopped and said, “Sir, are you okay?” The preacher said, “Yes, I had the Lord riding with me.” The farmer said, “Well, you better let him ride with me, because you’re gonna kill him.” ##### Why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up a project, I end it?
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B3
The deadline for advertising for the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th.
STOKES FENCING Conrad, Montana
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B4
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???
Homes, barns, quonsets, shops, etc. LeRoy Hanson Doug Morgan (406) 590-2874 (406) 590-8336 Choteau, Montana Choteau, Montana
20-ft. & 40-ft. Heavy Duty Bridges Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers 8-ft. to 53-ft., mouse proof, weather tight storage
Phone (406) 899-4104
Quality Used Equipment Ready for Your Job Site! We Sell and Ship Worldwide 1101 N. Anderson • Glendive, MT 59330
Nobody Knows Construction Equipment Like We Do! 2013 Hyundai Robex 145 LCR-9 106” wide, 28” pads, 3 power modes, 123 HP Mitsubishi tier 3, AC/Heat, 42” smooth bucket with new bolt on cutting edge(BOC), all new pins & bushings on the bucket end of stick. New AC compressor. Just serviced with all new filters and oil. 6019 hours........ ...................................................... $46,900 2007 Volvo G940 Snow wing, 14-ft. moldboard + 2-ft.extension, 16-ft. carbide cutting edge, Falls front lift group, 17.5R25 Michelin X SnoPlus M&S L2T snow tires w/ 90% remaining approx., former township machine. Very nice machine! 9796 hours..................... $59,900 2008 JLG 400S Low hour local trade with a 3.0 gas/ propane dual fuel engine, 46-ft. working height, 4x4, on-board generator, several new hoses. Good machine and ready to go to work!............................................... $19,900 2016 Deere 317G 65 HP Yanmar Turbo diesel, 2,125 LB operating capacity, AC, Pilot Hand controls, Hydraulic quick attach, AM/FM/WB radio, Auxiliary hydraulics, good tracks, clean inside and out. 832 hours................ $42,900
2012 Terex PT30 New engine, new hydraulic pump, 33 hp Perkins diesel, auxiliary hydraulics, manual quick connect, 48” wide bucket, 3,900 operating weight, front and rear lights, good 11” tracks. Nice clean machine. 928 hours.............................................. $17,995
2013 Dressta TD15M Low hours, dealer maintained, previous light duty use, 8.3 Cummins (193 HP) tier 3, 2 speed steering, Joystick controls, 12’ 3” 6-way blade, Carco winch model H85218V JD 850, 26” pads, 80% undercarriage, A/C, clean interior in excellent condition. 1560 hours........................... $125,000
2010 Deere 329D Nice pre-emission skidsteer. High flow hydraulics, new turbo, new left side drive motor, over $11,000 in receipts, engine just serviced, 86 hp, 2 speed, hydraulic quick connect, EH/ISO joystick controls, AC, power quick attach, 84” Deere HD construction bucket, 11,500 lbs, tracks at 80% remaining.............................. $39,900
2008 Cat D3K LGP Nice, clean little dozer with lots of life left in it. 10-ft. 6” six-way blade, strong machine, new turbo, new trunnion ball and shims, both lift cylinders just resealed. 5639 hours............................................. $46,900
One of the many fires that were burning in early September in Montana. This one outside of Bozeman, Montana had consumed over 7000 acres as of print time. Photo courtesy of Dalli Peterson, student at MSU.
Nebraska receives portion of largest ever USDA farm to school grant
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News Institute, which will be held next summer. The Nebraska Department of Education The institute will bring together commuand Burwell Public Schools have both nity stakeholders with Nebraska Extension received grants from the U.S. Department educators to develop a project plan for each of Agriculture which will allow them to participating school. Each community can partner with Nebraska Extension to bring then apply for a small, mini grant out of fresh, local foods into schools. the Nebraska Department of Education’s The Nebraska Department of Educa$99,070 to effectively implement their tion and Burwell Public schools received project. $99,070 and $38,725, respectively through McShane-Jewell and Sehi are hopeful the grant program, which aims to increase that over the next two years, they will be the amount of local foods served in child able to develop a replicable farm-to-school nutrition programs, teach children about model that additional Nebraska schools and food and agriculture and foster economic communities can implement years into the opportunity for farmers and ranchers in future. surrounding communities. Each grant will “I want to keep that momentum going be distributed over two years. and develop a long-lasting program within Nebraska Extension educators will work agriculture, food, nutrition and health that’s directly with the state department of educaalways there as an option for educators to tion in order to identify interested school use anytime,” McShane-Jewell said. districts, build relationships between school Sehi hopes farm-to-school programs administrators and producers and develop inspire families of participating students resources for both extension educators and to incorporate fresh, local foods into meals local schools interested in serving more loprepared at home, too. cally grown foods. “Hopefully the kids are taking what they “Nebraska Extension has a really unique learn home and impacting their families,” role to play in farm-to-school efforts beshe said. cause of our statewide network of educators According to the farm to school census who have great connections and relation( ships in the communities that they work find-your-school-district/nebraska), 29% in, said extension educator Ben McShaneof Nebraska school districts say they parJewell, who is part of the Nebraska Regional ticipate in farm-to-school activities. That Food Systems Initiative. translates to 71 districts, encompassing 458 McShane-Jewell and other extension schools and 188,637 students. Another 13% educators have been working with the Neof Nebraska school districts say they plan to braska Department of Education for the past start farm-to-school programs in the future. year and half on farm-to-school programs “School districts across Nebraska spend and building resources to support them. tens of millions of dollars annually on food, The first year of grant funds will be spent and most of that goes outside of the state,” primarily on planning and building capacity McShane-Jewell said. “If we can start to within extension to carry out farm-to-school capture some of the revenue and some of programs, said extension educator Natalie those sales potentials with producers inside Sehi. the state, we’ll create some real opportuniDuring the second year of the grant, Neties for farm businesses to increase their braska Extension will select eight communirevenues and be more sustainable.” ties to attend the Nebraska Farm-to-School ##### Why do banks charge you a “non-sufficient funds fee” on money they already know you don’t have?
##### Sometimes you have to sing the whole alphabet in your head ... just to find the next letter!!
Extend your enjoyment of gardening this season
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B5
The deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising
Try peppers in tasty homemade salsa, raw with a dip, grilled, stuffed, sautéed or pickled. If you like pickled peppers added to a sandwich, consider trying this recipe from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Pickled Hot Peppers 4 pounds hot long red, green or yellow peppers 3 pounds sweet red and green peppers, mixed 5 c. vinegar (5% acidity) 1 c. water 4 tsp. canning or pickling salt 2 Tbsp. sugar 2 cloves garlic Wash peppers. If small peppers are left whole, slash two to four slits in each. Quarter large peppers. Blanch in boiling water or blister to peel. Peppers may be blistered using one of the following methods. Oven or broiler method: Place peppers in a hot oven (400 F) or broiler for six to eight minutes or until skins blister. Range-top method: Cover hot burner, either gas or electric, with heavy wire mesh. Place peppers on burner for several minutes until skins blister. Cool and peel off skin. Flatten small peppers. Fill pint or half-pint jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Combine and heat other ingredients to boiling and simmer 10 minutes. Remove garlic. Add hot pickling solution over peppers, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Process in a boiling water-bath canner for 10 minutes if at an altitude of zero to 1,000 feet, 15 minutes at an altitude of 1,001 to 6,000 feet or 20 minutes at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Makes about nine pints. ##### A husband and wife were driving through Louisiana. As they approached Natchitoches, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They argued back and forth, then they stopped for lunch. At the counter, the husband asked the blonde waitress, “Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us? Would you please pronounce where we are very slowly?” She leaned over the counter and said, “Burrr-gerrr Kiiing.”
Manufactured from animal proteins like feather meal, meat meal and bone meal, Nature Safe offers dry pelleted and wettable powder solutions for your crops. Use Nature Safe as a starter fertilizer or a top-dress for any crop you are growing. Nature Safe offers high organic nitrogen and phosphorous formulations that can meet your agronomic or economic fertility challenges. Available in bulk, totes and bags. Plants in Kentucky, Nebraska and California now serving you.
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Crew cab with a new Dew-Eze bale bed, white exterior, gray interior, rear view camera, 28,996 miles.
2019 Ford Escape SE
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2017 Ford F350
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Gold exterior, 5.3L V8, 6 speed automatic, power locks & windows, remote start, 228,130 miles.
2004 GMC Yukon Xl Denali
2011 Ford Explorer
3.5L V6, white exterior, light stone cloth interior, 3rd row seat, power locks & windows, 117,915 miles.
2010 Ford F150 XL
5.4L V8, service topper with ladder rack, white exterior, grille guard, 150,819 miles.
2011 Chevrolet Impala
3.9L V6 automatic, red exterior, dual front air conditioning, remote start, 154,367 miles
6.0L V8, black exterior, leather interior, power locks & windows, 257,594 miles.
2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer LT
2000 Dodge Ram 1500
Crew cab, 5.9L V8 automatic, green exterior, receiver hitch, 158,767 miles
2009 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer
5.4L V8, blue exterior, tan leather interior, 3rd row seat, grille guard, 239,198 miles.
2017 Ford F350
Super Duty crew, 6.2L V8 automatic, red exterior, black leather interior, keyless entry, 47,149 miles
4.2L, silver exterior, power locks & windows, trailer hitch, 198,640 miles.
View Our Inventory and More Photos at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B6
NEW HDPE PIPE - 200 psi
Use pipe for stock water - drinking water - conduit 11/4”, 11/2”, 2”, 3”, 4” & 6” diameter Stocking pipe in black, orange, & black with red stripe
on 8-ft. x 4-ft. metal reels Contact Ed – Big Sky Pipe – Great Falls, MT 406-453-7299 or toll free 844-453-7299 Email: –
Cow pasture is still smoldering after Jordan, Montana fires rushed through thousands of acres of grassland. Photo by Montana Bureau of Land Management, Mark Jacobsen.
ECEC carries forward through pandemic
Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572 Victor, MT
Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904 Spearfish, SD
See us on the web:
2013 Gehl RS10-55, 3120+/hours, open ROPS, very good foam filled tires, stabilizers, 60” carriage, 48” forks, coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 10,000 lb lift, 55-ft. reach. Extremely nice condition, just serviced. Located in Spearfish, SD............................................... $65,900 2007 SkyTrak 6036, 4325+/hours, auxiliary hydraulics, 72” carriage, 48” forks, very nice foam filled tires, 6000 lb capacity, 36-ft. reach. Has been through the shop, all repairs are done, recent service. Located in Victor, MT............ $39,900 2016 Bobcat E35i, 415+- hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, cloth suspension seat, AM/FM radio, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick coupler, extra counter weight, 18” bucket. Recent service, like new condition. Located in Spearfish, SD....................................... $49,500 2008 Case 580 Super M Series 3, 2780 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 4x4, extend-a-hoe, power shuttle transmission, auxiliary hydrualics, 4-stick controls. Service and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT.................................................... $51,900 2012 SkyTrak 6042, +/- 2340 hours, 3 steering modes, manual coupler, 48” carriage, 48” forks, foam filled tires, auxiliary hydraulics, hydraulic fork tilt. Just serviced, very nice newer, low hour. Great condition. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................................................................. $46,900 2012 Case 850L, 2750 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, cloth air ride seat, sweeps, rock guards, 6-way PAT blade, rippers, undercarriage approximately 75% remaining, very nice and tight, clean dozer, has been through the shop, just serviced and ready to go. Located in Spearfish, SD...$85,900 2005 Cat D5G XL, 3400+- hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, AM/FM radio, CD, cloth suspension seat, 3 shank ripper, 6-way PAT blade, 20” track shoes, undercarriage is approximately 75%, had just been through the shop, serviced by Cat, very clean, tight dozer. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................... $82,900 2004 Cat 924G 9840 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, air ride cloth seat, ride control, reversing fan, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 2.75 CY bucket, has been through the shop all repairs have been done, just serviced, very nice clean loader, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD.................................................................................................. $59,900
University of Wyoming Extension and constantly going through the what ifs of The Early Care and Education Center supplies and how to still create an inviting and (ECEC) at the University of Wyoming (UW) welcoming environment for the kids. was one of the earlier campus-based centers “Coming back helped because we could to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic just implement what we needed to do and if even as some across the nation remain closed. we needed to change it, we could change it,” Parents, teachers and kids adapted to said Bitner. changes in the preschool environment. ECEC Bitner and other staff members are all closed in March when COVID-19 hit and rerequired to wear masks. This required her to opened May 26 for families that needed to get reconsider how that was going to change her back to work. About 20 children came back at teaching. first, said Mark Bittner, ECEC director. “Your losing half of your facial expresECEC has been reaching out every two weeks to families who were contracted to sion,” said Bitner. “As we read stories, give come back for the summer. By June 15, all directions, how was that going to have to of the families planning to join this summer change because the mask changes what you have arrived. The center has about 50 children sound like, and I had to remind myself to talk now with normal occupancy around 85, said a little louder.” Bittner. Lesson plans are built around what materi“We took it slowly,” said Bittner. als could be cleaned and sanitized and how The ECEC is administered by the Departlong it would take for those to dry. “There are some materials that if we use ment of Family and Consumer Sciences in the them in the morning, that’s probably the only College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. time, because they wouldn’t be dry quick Katie Christensen and her husband were enough, or it would take longer to clean,” among one of the first families to send their said Bitner. child back to ECEC. The center also had to change pick-up “It was really wonderful to have her go and drop-off procedures. Parents wait in the back and be social with other kids,” said parking lot until a staff member can come get Christensen. “That was one of the hardest the kids, take their temperature and escort the parts of quarantine being that she is an only kids into the building where they immediately child. She just beamed when she got to see wash their hands. all of her friends.” “I didn’t go into education thinking that Christensen, who works as the curator of this was something I’d ever deal with,” said education with the UW Art Museum, exBitner. plained she and her husband weren’t really Bitner noted the first few children who sure what it would be like to go back with returned were initially excited to be back and all the changes but said the center made it see their friends again but after a few days, really easy. they began to have questions about other stu“They not only have embraced the philosophy of the school but also the health and dents who were not there and missing parents. wellness of the kids, and I think it’s balanced “It wasn’t a big stressor, but it was enough really well,” said Christensen. for us to talk about why these changes hapChristensen mentioned everyone’s cirpened, and we talked about it frequently,” said Bitner. cumstances are different regarding the need Bitner said there have been many conversato send kids back to school and encourages everyone to do what’s best for them. tions with the kids about other kids who are “We have no regrets sending her back to not there, their feelings about missing their ECEC,” said Christensen. “Do what’s right parents and home and reestablishing classfor your own family, without judgment.” room expectations. The facility’s staff all tested negative when “That’s the nice thing about preschoolers,” ECEC reopened in May. To open, disinfecting said Bitner. “They are pretty willing to talk processes had to increase, which Bittner noted about things they don’t understand or things was easier to implement because teachers had that are different.” already been doing this. As more kids started to come back, Bitner The issue Bittner came across was finding noticed how the kids who had been there were enough supplies and sanitation materials. able to help the new ones by explaining what “We got some really good help from the was going on. Physical Plant on campus,” said Bittner. “There is a lot of empathy in that because “They were able to get us more disinfects and they remember what it was like to come really good hand sanitizer.” back,” said Bitner. Bittner’s next challenge was staffing. While the center has been successfully ECEC has six full time staff and the remaining running through the summer, all involved still staff members are college students. express concern for what will happen after “Once the university went all online for the Thanksgiving, with virtual classes starting rest of the spring semester, a lot of our staff and the possibility of college staff members went home,” said Bittner. “But I was able to leaving. convince 17 of our staff to stick around for “There are so many unknowns right now the summer.” that it’s challenging and unpredictable,” said Adina Bitner, a lead preschool teacher for Christensen. “But I also know that Mark and the center, recalls the struggles of being home the whole crew are doing the best they can.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B7
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B8
Deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue is WEDNESDAY, September 30th.
1998 John Deere 9610 combine with 914 pickup head and 30-ft. platform with pickup reel, 4400 hours.............. Conveyair 3000 grain vac.... .........................$45,000 obo $4500 $5500 obo ............................
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We have several auctions pending for this fall and next spring but do not have definite dates at this point.
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Stan Howe & Associates FRONT RANGE AUCTIONEERS Helena, Montana
Estate planning tools for owners of pets, service or companion animals
MSU News Service from the trust for any other use than for the Whether companion animals, service pet’s care. animals or pets, animals play an imporGoetting said pet owners have choices tant part in the lives of many Montanans. when funding a pet trust. Funds could According to Montana State University come from a payable-on-death designation, (MSU) Extension animal owners can use or POD, on financial accounts to the pet estate planning tools to ensure their pets trust. Another option is a transfer-on-death continue to receive proper care if the owner registration, or TOD, with the pet trust as becomes incapacitated or dies. beneficiary for stocks, bonds, mutual funds In Montana, a pet is “any domesticated and annuities. The owner could also direct animal normally maintained in or near the the trustee in the pet trust document to sell household of its owner.” Marsha Goetassets, such as a vehicle, house or boat, ting, MSU Extension family economics and place those funds in the trust for the specialist, said a pet is considered tangible pet’s care. personal property just like other material Another source of funding is life insurgoods such as cars or jewelry. When a pet owner dies, pets pass to beneficiaries by ance. A Montana pet is not considered a provisions in an owner’s will, by directives person, so it can’t be a beneficiary of a in an owner’s trust document, or by a priorlife insurance policy. But a pet owner may fund a pet trust by naming the trustee as ity list of heirs contained in the Montana the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Uniform Probate Code if an owner doesn’t A pet owner also may have a percentage of have a will or trust. an existing policy payable to the pet trust. “First, choose a willing caregiver and “Pet owners should consult with an atmake a care plan for your pet that will lower your pet’s stress in the first days after you torney and/or life insurance agent about are gone,” said Wendy Wedum, Pondera the correct way of naming the trustee of a County Extension agent. “Having your pet trust as a beneficiary of a life insurance wishes written down will help your heirs policy,” Wedum said. avoid potential problems.” More information can be found in the A Montana honorary trust for pets is MontGuide “Estate Planning Tools for valid for 21 years, even if an owner writes Pet Owners and Companion or Service a longer term in the trust document. The Animals” at trust terminates after 21 years or when the publications/FamilyFinancialManagement/ pet dies, whichever comes first. Unless MT201405HR.pdf. For those who do not indicated in the trust document, Goetting have computer access, copies are availand Wedum explained, the trustee may not able from county Extension or reservation use any portion of the principal or income offices.
Backseat Driver
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A farmer and his wife of 39 years had lived and worked on the same farm for their entire married life. Life had been good to them as a couple, for the most part, but there was one thing that really troubled the farmer. So he devised a plan to deal with it. One morning, after the farmer came in from feeding the stock, he smelled the wonderful breakfast his wife was cooking, and went straight to the kitchen with a devilish grin on his face. He quietly walked into the room and came up behind his wife and gave out a a gasp in horror that made her jump. “Be careful”, he said. “CAREFUL! Your going to burn those eggs!” Then he pointed and said, “quick, get more butter!” As she dashed to the refrigerator he said. “Your cooking too many eggs at once, turn them, turn them over, before they burn!” The wife drops the butter on the counter, and starts flipping the eggs over. Then he shouted, “gently, gently, you are going to break the yokes!” Before she could get the eggs turned over he barked out, ” You need more butter their going to burn!” Frazzled she added more butter, and then he said, “Don’t overcook them, you’re going to make the yokes hard!” Arms and hands shaking, she lifted the eggs out of the frying pan and placed on a plate. She turned off the stove and went to the table sobbing. After she had composed herself, she looked up at her husband and said, “What is wrong? I have cooked your eggs just the way you have liked them for over 35 years.” The husband gave her a hug, then with a wink and a smile and replied, “I just wanted to show you how it feels when I drive you to town!”
English is a Funny Language
It’s neither here nor there. Then where is it? Extraordinary. If extra-fine means “even finer than fine” and extra-large “even larger than large,” why doesn’t extraordinary mean “even more ordinary than ordinary”? A hot water heater. Who heats hot water? This is similar to garbage disposal. Actually, the stuff isn’t garbage until after you dispose of it. Daylight saving time. Not a single second of daylight is saved by this ploy.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B9
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B10
Why Advertise in the Trader’s Dispatch? Reason #7: The Trader’s Dispatch doesn’t contain any “fake news”, op-eds, or politically leaning articles. In fact, we don’t have a reporter on staff. All of our articles come from professionals in agriculture, college ag research departments, extensions agents, etc. We are an honest information resource, and won’t ever tell you what to think.
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Blue-green algae presents dangers to livestock
K-State Research and Extension News Water is critical to the survival of all living creatures, but if that water source is compromised, it can have deadly consequences. For cattle ranchers, watering their livestock from ponds and the presence of high amounts of blue-green algae can be a threat, said Scott Fritz, toxicology resident with the Kansas State University Veterinary Diagnostic lab. “It is common when we look at case histories to see a sudden, overnight death associated with blue-green algae,” Fritz said during a recent Cattle Chat podcast with the experts at the Beef Cattle Institute. To avoid this tragedy, Fritz said cattle ranchers need to monitor the ponds that cattle drink from, especially in late summer. “Blue-green algae are present in every body of water and they are an important part of the ecosystem. However, in mid-summer the water can become stagnant when the rain tapers off, and that is when the algae will rapidly bloom,” Fritz said. When those algae blooms start to die, toxins are released. He said there are visual cues that ranchers can watch for when monitoring the ponds. “You’ll first see what looks like pond scum on the top of the water. It can be blue, green or orange,” Fritz said. “Any time the pond looks a little different, it is important to get it tested.” To test the water, Fritz said producers should collect a sample by using a container, jar or old water bottle. “The blooms are buoyant, so on a windy day they tend to drift to one side of the pond and that is a great place to make the collection,” Fritz said. He recommended that when ranchers collect a sample, they should try to gather water a few inches below the surface. When the samples arrive at the lab, they are evaluated under a microscope for the presence of algae. If algae are present then the scientists do follow up testing to determine how much toxin is concentrated, he said. Fritz has observed that blooms are becoming more common and can occur more than once in a summer on an individual pond, which is why monitoring is important. He also said that cattle can be given access to the pond once it is determined through testing that it is safe. “It isn’t economically practical to keep cattle off pastures for years, so the best thing producers can do is monitor the ponds. Once the blooms are gone and the toxins are no longer present, it is safe to put the cows back out there provided the water is going to continue to be monitored,” Fritz said. To learn more about this topic or for resources about managing blue-green algae, visit laboratories/toxicology/ To hear the full discussion regarding blue-green algae listen to the BCI Cattle Chat podcast online (https://ksubci. org/2020/07/17/creep-feeding-top-tips-for-creep-feedingblue-green-algae-concerns-heat-transporting-cattle/)
Bear in the woods
Two guys were walking in the woods one day, and they all of a sudden came across a bear. The bear noticed them and started growling and generally getting really mean. The bear started to chase one of the guys, who, as it turns out, was from Czechoslovakia. The bear soon caught up with him and ate him alive. The other guy turned around and ran for his life. A little while later, the second guy found a park ranger station and told his story. The ranger took his gun, and they both went out in search of the bear, in order to destroy it. Soon, they came across two bears, one male, and one female. The ranger turned to the other guy and said: “Quick… tell me which bear ate your friend!” The ranger levelled his gun and got ready to shoot. “I’m not really sure,” said the other guy, “they both look similar.” “QUICK! Make up your mind!” said the ranger. “O.K.,” said the other man, “it was the male. The ranger promptly aimed and shot the female bear. The male ran off. Using his knife, the ranger cut open the belly of the female and found the body of the other man. “But why didn’t you shoot the male when I thought it was the male who ate my friend?” the other man asked. “Well,” said the ranger… “I never trust anyone who says that the Czech’s in the male!”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B11
The monkey and the lizard
A monkey is sitting in a tree smoking a joint when a lizard walks past and looks up and says to the monkey, “Hey! What are you doing?” The monkey says, “Smoking a joint, come up and have some.” So the lizard climbs up and sits next to the monkey and they have a few tokes together. After a while the lizard says his mouth is ‘dry’ and that he’s going to get a drink from the river. The lizard climbs down the tree, ditty bops on thru the jungle to the river and leans over the river to get his drink. Well, the lizard is so stoned that he leans too far over and falls into the river.
A crocodile sees this and swims over to the lizard and helps him to the side, then asks the lizard “What’s the matter with you?” The lizard explains to the crocodile that he was sitting in a tree and smoking a joint with the monkey and got too stoned and then fell into the river while taking a drink. The crocodile says he’s gotta check this hippie monkey out and walks off into the jungle where he finds the tree where the monkey is still sitting and toking on the joint. He looks up and says “hey you!” The monkey looks down and says, “wwoooowww dude…how much water did you drink?!!”
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B12
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The fast moving fire near Jordan, Montana crossed the highway in its rush across the grassland in eastern Montana. Photo by Montana Bureau of Land Management, Mark Jacobsen.
Soil health gap - a concept to establish a benchmark for soil health management
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News on either general or specific soil properties, Soil health advocates say interest is such as soil carbon levels or aggregates (the growing in nurturing the health of the vital physical particles that make up soil). “Scinatural resource. But there’s no standard entific advancement in identifying primary way to measure soil health or predict its soil health indicators and developing soil potential for improvement. health index based on (these indicators) is Now, a soil scientist at the University of key to a reliable and quantitative measure Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is proposing a of soil health.” name and a concept that could help establish The benchmark can be scaled up from the parameters for measuring baseline soil site-specific, to regional, to global scale. health and its potential for improvement. “Information on soil health gap, on a local Soil Health Gap is the term coined by or broader scale, can help identify areas with Dr. Bijesh Maharjan, Soil Nutrient and the greatest potential to enhance soil health, Management Specialist at the University prioritize efforts, and invest resources efof Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research fectively,” according to the article. and Extension Center in Scottsbluff. It is Ag producers are interested in the topic also the topic of an article that Maharjan of soil health, according to Maharjan. He has co-authored and published the online said he was pleased by the interest shown journal Global Ecology and Conservation. by attendees at the first Panhandle Soil The article defines Soil Health Gap as Health workshop, which he organized in the “difference between soil health in an Bridgeport in early March. Maharjan’s arundisturbed native virgin soil and current ticle also has generated quite a bit of buzz soil health in a cropland in a given agroamong colleagues in the soil science field ecosystem.” Maharjan’s co-authors are Dr. around the nation. Saurav Das, research associate in MahaHe said the article also has been discussed rjan’s soils program in Scottsbluff, and Dr. by members of the Nebraska Healthy Soils Bharat Sharma Acharya of the Oklahoma Task Force, a 15-member panel created by Department of Mines. legislative act in 2019 and appointed by the The article is online at (https://doi. governor, which is responsible for developorg/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01116) ing a comprehensive healthy soils initiative Maharjan is hoping that the soil health and action plan. gap concept is a framework that he and his According to the chairman of the task colleagues around the nation can use, refine, force, Keith Burns of Bladen: “In the quest and continue to develop. Already, he says for improving our nation’s soils and agriSoil Health Gap is being discussed widely, cultural productivity, knowledge is power. including on social media, and used as a We are developing knowledge sets about concept in grant proposals to fund future best-management practices to improve soil research. health, but often we are unaware of just Maharjan and his co-authors describe the how degraded our soils are. The Soil Health need for a common approach: “Growing Gap concept will be useful as a benchmark calls and the need for sustainable agriculture to help determine appropriate soil health have brought deserved attention to soil and management decisions and realistic goals to efforts towards improving or maintainand timelines.” ing soil health,” they write. But a lack of Aaron Hird, USDA NRCS State Soil benchmarks that are relevant and specific health Specialist, said: “The Soil Health to site and soil properties limits research Gap is a foundational concept of the meaefforts to measuring soil health in terms of surement soil health. Providing a publicly physicochemical and biological indicators, available resource by which a standard and then identifying management practices measurement is established is a main focus that could improve it. at current times and is supported by the This lack of benchmarks leaves some USDA Natural Resources Conservation key questions unanswered: How much Service (NRCS), as it aligns with the agency of cultivated land has degraded since the mission and goals to support conservation dawn of agriculture? What is the maxiwork and improve soil health. mum or realistically attainable soil health “The need for a common benchmark goal? “Determination of a benchmark that falls in line with other efforts and existdefines the true magnitude of degradation ing resources available from the NRCS, and simultaneously sets potential soil-health including Reference Sites established by goals will optimize efforts in improving soil existing Ecological Site Descriptions and health using different practices.” future plans to expand the quantity of soil Maharjan and his co-authors suggest that Soil Health Gap can be determined based CONTINUED ON PAGE B14
Wheat variety disease and insect ratings 2020
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B13
The deadline for advertising in the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: advertising
K-State Research and Extension News One of the most important decisions wheat growers make each year is deciding what varieties to plant. Some have greater resistance to certain diseases than others. Some yield well despite pressure from some pests and diseases. So, gathering information about how different varieties have performed under widely varying conditions across Kansas can be helpful in those decisions. To that end, the Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2020 publication is now available online (https://bookstore. The ratings are a compilation of varieties grown across the state in the most recent growing season with information about how they performed in multiple field and greenhouse tests by public and private researchers. “These are the most up-to-date ratings for how varieties stand up to disease pressure we have here in Kansas,” said Kelsey Andersen Onofre, K-State Research and Extension plant pathologist and an author of the ratings guide. “Fortunately, we did not see widespread losses to any one major disease this season, as we have in years past,” Onofre said, adding that pockets of severe diseases such as stripe rust or wheat streak mosaic virus were apparent with some yield loss, but that much of Kansas was spared. “We shouldn’t let our guard down,” Onofre said, however, despite the relative lack of significant wheat disease in the 2019-20 crop. We have included a table that lists varieties that perform well against the most common diseases found in either eastern or western Kansas, but you’ll still want to take a look at the full set of disease ratings for any one variety once you have narrowed down your list,” Onofre said, noting that it is particularly important to pay attention to ratings for diseases that may have been problematic on your farm in years past. She noted that the new disease and insect ratings are complementary to data in the Winter Wheat Performance Tests ( Together, they offer growers across the state valuable information when choosing varieties to plant this fall.
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2016 Agri-Spread AS15OT 120-ft., 15-ton, tandem axles w/710/50R26.5 flotation tires, scale, tarp, ISO control - No monitor included. Stk# 5219N... $82,500
2012 John Deere 4940 340 hp, 120ft. boom, 1200 gallon SS liquid tank & new Leader l3030G4 dry fertilizer spreader box, 710/70R42 flotation tires 75%, row crop tires, 2630 monitor, Starfire receiver, Boomtrac Pro-5 boom leveling, Stk# 53205N. ........................................ $210,000
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2018 Case IH 7240 Luxury cab w/ leather seats, HD hid lighting, in cab adjustable pivoting spout, hydraulic folding grain tank and cover, extended wear cone, front tires: 620/70R42, rear tires: 600/70R28. Stk# 23182C................... $297,730
2015 Case IH 9240 550 hp, small grain combine, 410 bu hopper, 620/70r42 Michelin duals 95%, 750/65R26 rears 60%, 700 monitor, NAV II & 372 receiver, ext wear rotor w/spikes. Stk# 23562W ......... ............... Price reduced $170,600
2014 Case IH 8230 450 hp, small grain combine, 350 bushel hopper, 620/70R42 Michelin duals 95%, 750/65R26 rears 70%, 700 monitor, NAVII & 372 reciever, Cold Start Package, Stk# 23212N *Price Reduced!* ...................................................................... $148,000 2013 Case IH 8230 clean, well maintained & equipped, Pro 700, 372 receiver, Nav II Controller, extended wear rotor w/bars/spikes, 450 hp engine, 350 bushel grain tank. Stk# 23183C.............. $133,400 2007 Case IH 8010 4657 engine hours, 2920 separator hours, 21-ft. unloading auger, 330 bushel grain tank, extended wear elevator. Stk# 23345B Price Reduced ........................................... $51,100 2011 Case IH 8120 lateral feeder house tilt, rock trap, Accuguide ready, 24-ft. unloading auger, 6 HID lights, clean combine. Stk# 23539W.....................................................Price reduced $97,300 2011 Case IH 8120 420 hp, small grain combine, 350 bushel hopper, 20.8R42 duals 75%, 600/65R28 rears 75%, Pro700 Monitor, Stk# 23231N.................................................... Price Reduced $99,800 2010 Case IH 8120 520/85R42 duals, 540/65R30 rear tires, 24-ft. auger, standard cut chopper, NAVII controller, 262 receiver, axle extensions. Stk# 23560W................................................ $104,000 2010 Case IH 8120 420 hp, small grain combine, 350 bushel hopper, 620/70R42 duals 70%, 28l-26 rears 70%, Pro600 Monitor, NavII & 262 GPS receiver, deluxe cab w/cloth seat. Stk# 23240N.$96,500 2010 Case IH 8120 10.3L, 6 Cyl, 420 hp, 4 speed Hydro, Nav II, HD feeder house, lateral tilt, 30” platform extension, 350 bushel grain tank capacity. Stk# 23170C................................................ $87,180 2008 Case IH 8010 10.3L, 6 cyl, 375 hp, deluxe cab, Pro 600 monitor, No AutoGuidance, yield and moisture logging, 4 speed Hydro, HD drives. Stk# 23166C.............................PRICE REDUCED $79,700 2008 Case IH 8010 10.3L, 6 cyl, 375 hp, HID stadium lighting, AFS yield and moisture Logging, Pro 600, Rice 10.4” axle extensions, sieve electric adjustment. Stk# 23160C... Price Reduced $52,900
2017 John Deere S680 473 hp 13.5L PSX JD, small grain combine, 400 bushel tank, JD Green Star 2630 display, Starfire 3000 receiver, 26ft. unloading auger, powerfold grain tank cover. Stk# 22112N................ .............. Price reduced $305,750
2008 Case IH 8010 20.8R42 duals 85%, Pro 700, recent repairs -Please Call for a List of Items - 400 hp, 350 bushel hopper. Stk# 23233N.................................................... Price Reduced $50,350 2019 Case IH 7250 NEW! 162 engine hours, 96 separator hours. Stk# C82140.....................................Call for options and pricing 2018 Case IH 7240 Luxury cab w/leather seats, in-cab adjustable pivoting spout, hydraulic folding grain tank & cover, HD feeder house w/lateral tilt, Stk# 23182C..................................... $313,400 2013 Case IH 7230 Luxury cab w/leather seats, heavy duty HID lighting, cross auger control, HC unloading auger - 40-ft head, Stk# 23181C............................................................................ $153,400 2014 Case IH 7230 New cone, 2 owner machine, full autoguidance, luxury cab w/leather, Pro 700, 372 receiver, 40-ft headers, cross auger control, Stk #23172C............................................. $174,500 2014 Case IH 7230 2 owner machine, luxury cab w/leather, Pro 700, 372 Trimble receiver - WAAS, Nav II, HC Unloading Auger - 40-ft Headers. Stk# 23173C..................................................... $172,500 2014 Case IH 7230 Luxury cab w/leather seats, distance lights, HID lighting, Pro700, HD feeder house w/lateral tilt, pivoting unloading spout, 315 bushel grain tank, 380hp, Stk #23178C......... $145,160 2014 Case IH 7230 Small grain combine, 315 bushel hopper, 20.8R42 duals 60%, 750/65R26 rears 40%, 90mm lift cylinders, HD lateral tilt feederhouse w/rock trap, Stk# 23242N...... $117,000 2005 Case IH 2388 yield and moisture monitor, chaff spreader, 210 bushel grain tank capacity. Stk# 23399B........................... $65,000 1996 Case IH 2188 yield & moisture monitor, hydro drive, custom cutter, 240 bushel grain tank, 505, 6 cyl, 260 hp, Stk# 23174C...... ........................................................................................... $22,420 1996 Case IH 2188 5591 engine hours, 4250 separator hours. Stk# 23244N.............................................................................. $21,000
2019 Case IH Patriot 4440 335 hp, 120-ft boom, 20/30” spacing, 5-way nozzle bodies, Aim Command Flex, 1200 gal SS tank, LSW480/70R54 tires 95%, Pro 700 monitor, full autoguidance w/NAV II & 372, Omnistar XP/HP signal, luxury cab, factory warranty until 4/30/21. Stk# 53213N............................ $348,000
2014 Case IH Patriot 3340 Luxury cab, 372 receiver, NAV II, AFS Accuguide ready, Aim Command, Autoboom height control, Accuboom section control, remote section control, 90-ft. boom, 3” front fill. Stk# 53213N................... $191,600
2014 Case IH Patriot 4430 1850 hrs, 120-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, Aim Command Pro, dual nozzle bodies, auto boom, fence row nozzles, 620 tires, luxury cab, hid lights, electric mirrors, pro 700, 372 receiver. Stk# 53368B............................ $205,000
2013 Miller Nitro 5400 8.9L, 6 cyl, Cummins engine, Tier 4, 380 hp,150 gallon fuel tank capacity, Premium cab, 90-ft boom, 20” spacing, 5-section, TeeJet 3-way nozzle, 1600 gallon stainless steel tank, tires: 380/90R46 - 75% tread, extra set of float tires: 650/75R38. Stk# 53119C................... $166,730
2008 Top Air TA1600 380/90r46 duals 75%, 120-ft. booms, 1600 gallon poly tank, 6-section shutoff, 3-way nozzle bodies, chem inductor, Raven SCS450 rate controller. Stk# 53210N..................... $25,000
2017 Bourgault 3320QDA 66-ft., 10” spacing, 4.5” V-style semi-pneumatic packer wheels, Intelligent Ag blockage, MRBII w/closer tines, 5 tank metering, approx 22,000 acres. Stk# 47182N......... $350,000
See more pictures and information on these units, as well as our complete inventory, at Stanley, ND • 701-628-2950 Williston, ND • 701-774-0957 Beach, ND • 701-872-4154
Bowman, ND • 701-523-3296 Dickinson, ND • 701-483-8741 Hettinger, ND • 701-567-4505
Mandan, ND • 800-223-2972 Minot, ND • 701-838-8884 Garrison, ND • 701-463-2289
Glasgow, MT • 406-228-9341 Sharon Springs, KS • 785-852-4235 Holyoke, CO • 970-854-4535
Burlington, CO • 719-346-5548 Garden City, KS • 620-275-0226 Goodland, KS • 785-899-3432
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B14
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
SPRAYER FOR SALE Summers NT Ultimate sprayer 90-ft. hooded booms, Raven wetware, 450 controller, Accuboom, 3 section 20-50-20, 1600 gallon, chemical inductor, excellent condition, always shedded.
Contact Mitch (406) 590-2649 Fairfield, MT
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East Conrad Farm - 1,292 total deeded acres: with 1,281 acres cropland located 20 miles East of Conrad, MT. Includes 1,130 of leased cropland and good set of farm buildings with 4-bedroom home and grain storage. 700,000 gallons water annually. Cropland, or home & buildings could be purchased separately. Good rainfall and production area..................... ..........................................................................$2.664 million Call Mark
Green Fields Ranch - 252 acres: 127 acres pivot-sprinkler irrigated hayland, home, shop, and room to build barn and riding arena. Reservoirs and creek through ranch. Near Rocky Mountain Front, Northwest of Great Falls, MT................................................................$1.5 million Call Mark
For questions about these properties please call: Broker Mark Pyrak @ 406-788-9280 today
“We look forward to assisting you with all of your Real Estate needs”
Student’s efforts helping unravel respiratory disease causes
University of Wyoming Extension O’Toole said BRD is the most important A second-year veterinary student resingle disease entity worldwide in terms of turned to her home state this summer and cattle illness and deaths. not only honed her career path but is helping “(Scientists) have figured out a lot about combat the number-one cause of illness and the main infectious players, but now there’s death in cattle worldwide. some bacteria that are maybe less common Samantha Haller graduated with a degree or a little bit harder to diagnose that are in physiology from the University of Wyoinvolved,” Haller said. ming (UW) in 2017 and entered the College Her research looks at the roles of Hisof Veterinary Medicine at Washington State tophilus somni and Mycoplasma bovis in University. She was accepted this summer past cases. into the diagnostic externship program in “Professor O’Toole and associate prothe UW Department of Veterinary Sciences. fessor Kerry Sondgeroth have found both The Cheyenne native has been working in more subacute to chronic bovine pneuin the Wyoming State Veterinary Laboramonias, and they think it’s probably pretty tory (WSVL) and conducting research into under-diagnosed,” said Haller. “The point of bovine respiratory disease complex (BRD). my project is to go back and look through a “Ms. Haller has done well,” noted Donal lot of recently archived bovine pneumonia O’Toole, a professor in the department who cases and establish whether one or both heads the diagnostic externship program. agents were present.” He said Haller has been engaged in her She is using two methods on these pneuproject and with other work, such as exammonia cases: PCR (polymerase chain reacining diagnostic cases as she assists with tion) and immunohistochemistry. animal autopsies. Preserved tissue is archived for 10 years “The quality of her work has been excelafter a diagnostic case is reported. lent,” he said. “She picked up the technical Histophilus somni and Mycoplasma bowork surprisingly fast, under the supervivis have been challenging to rank in terms sion of staff in bacteriology and histology.” of their importance in pneumonia, said The department has hosted veterinary O’Toole. “For technical reasons, they can students interested in veterinary diagnostics be missed in routine diagnostic workups.” in externship programs since 1983. Haller Testing should determine if standard entered the externship not knowing if she methods are sensitive enough to accurately wanted to specialize or become a general identify all the major infectious causes of practitioner. She’s figured out she wants to pneumonia in individual animals, he said. pursue pathology. “WSVL clients, including veterinarians “Working with the pathologists here and producers, need that information to be has been great, and they’re all such great complete and accurate to inform decisions teachers, and I’ve gotten a lot of hands-on about vaccination and treatment,” O’Toole experience,” said Haller. said. Haller is a unicorn in the “what do I want He noted such a retrospective study to do when I grow up” crowd. She’s wanted would be impossible without support from to be a veterinarian since age 5. the Kurt Swanson Bucholz veterinary sci“I was a shy kid, so I liked animals more ence training fund. than I liked people, and that’s the job you “It requires someone like Ms. Haller who get to work with animals all the time,” she has a block of time and good hands to push said. “I’m not a large animal person, so this it through,” he said. is my first time in the large animal world. The fund provided more than $13,500 in I’ve been wanting to get into it more.” scholarship and for research supplies. Haller said she job-shadowed a lot in preKurt Swanson Bucholz was a veterinarvet programs and would send away samples ian, legislator and longtime rancher in Wyofrom diseased or ill animals but never know ming. Among his numerous honors he was the results because she would not be at the selected recipient of the 2006 Outstanding facility the next day. Agriculturist Award by the Wyoming ChapShe also said working at the animal shelter of the Honor Society of Agriculture, ter in Cheyenne was difficult because she Gamma Sigma Delta. He died later that would see animals suffering medically or year, at age 56. behaviorally and not know why. Haller, in addition to her work, has been “Here, they’re dead, their suffering is answering questions from pre-vet students over, and you’re just trying to figure out the about vet school. She has advice for younger answer,” she said. “With large animals, a lot students looking to apply to veterinary of the reason you are doing it is to figure out schools. what’s going on so you can prevent that in “Don’t let anyone discourage you from the rest of the herd.” applying,” she said. “I heard a lot of (from The WSVL also tests large amounts of students) ‘vet schools are so hard to get live animal samples. In 2019, the WSVL into.’ It is competitive, but if you are doing tested well over 100,000 samples from the things you’re supposed to be doing, cattle in Wyoming and surrounding states. you’ll probably be fine. And also, just enjoy BRD accounts for 65-80 percent of the where you are at (in school). I had a great sickness and 45-75 percent of the deaths in time as an undergrad, and I’m having a great some feedlots, according to the Beef Cattle time in vet school.” Research Council. BRD costs feedlots billions of dollars a year.
Soil health gap CONTINUED FROM PAGE B12
measures known about those reference sites throughout the nation,” according to Hird. “Establishing this Soil Health Gap concept is among the first step taken toward creating a common unit of measure and definitely falls in stride with many other concepts and work done or currently underway in every sector of soil health.” The next step, says Maharjan, is to develop the concept further and encour-
age more focused research on soil health management. Up to this point, much of the research has consisted of trying different approaches and management strategies to improve soil health. “They have measured differences (in various soil parameters) but have no benchmark to indicate how high we can go,” Maharjan said. “So, in that sense we are informing soil health management. Native soil might indicate what is possible.”
Difference in basis of inherited property, gifted property MSU News Service
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B15
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
was not used in a business, the widow’s Property owners will have decisions to original basis of $45,000 was not deprecimake when it comes to estate planning, and ated and the daughter’s basis in the house one of those has traditionally been whether is $45,000. If the daughter sells the house to give property to heirs before or after death for $250,000, she will pay a capital gains to reduce “death taxes.” tax on the appreciation, or increase, of But Montana State University (MSU) $205,000 in the property’s value during her Extension educators say that — thanks to mother’s lifetime. If the daughter is in the Montana eliminating the state inheritance tax highest income tax bracket, she could pay in 2001 and federal estate tax only impacting combined federal and state income taxes in individuals with estates valued at more than excess of $40,000. $11.58 million and married couples with Goetting and Wedum suggest that if estate above $23.16 million — it is more imporvalue falls under the current $11.58 million tant nowadays to consider the income tax limit and a parent wants to make a substantial consequences of the timing of gifts to heirs. gift to their children, choosing a stepped-up “When you sell property, not all of the basis with a gift at death lowers the impact proceeds are taxable,” said Marsha Goetof income taxes and the beneficiary receives ting, MSU Extension family economics the most value from the asset. specialist. “People have worked hard for their propGoetting said that when you calculate erty and should look at all the possibilities income, a person is only taxed on the differbefore making a final decision on whether ence between their “basis” in the property to make a gift before death or at the time of and its sale price. As a general rule, “basis” is death and take advantage of the current tax the amount paid to buy an asset, like a house, P: (406) 873-2984 rules,” Goetting said. “If you are contemplatcar, equipment or stocks. The basis of some E: ing a significant gift, consult your accountant assets, such as equipment in a business, can or attorney for an analysis of the tax or other depreciate. So, when an asset is sold, the tax legal consequences you should consider.” liability is calculated based on the sale price received minus the depreciated basis, she said. In deciding whether to make a gift before death or in F IND Y OUR P IECE OF THE W EST a will, an individual should understand the difference (406) 259-2544 between a “stepped-up” sis and a “carry-over” basis, Goetting said. 1800 Minnesota Ave For example, a widow is Billings, MT 59101 trying to decide if she should gift her home to her daughter or leave it to her after death. She and her late husband bought the home 40 years NEW ago for $45,000 and it is now valued at $250,000. While there are personal considerations for one choice over the other, understanding the difference between a stepped-up and carry-over basis may influence decisions, said Goetting. G REEN H ILLS R ANCH E AGLE N EST R ANCH T HE G LANTZ R ANCH If the widow leaves her As you enter the ranch and view the Located along a 2.6 mile stretch of the 880 deeded acres with over one mile Yellowstone River that is well-known headquarters and beautiful river of Red Lodge Creek. Great water home to her daughter in her for fishing. Multiple back channels, bottoms, you instantly recognize the rights and an irrigated feed base will, the home’s basis “stepsponds, and 240 pivot irrigated acres, pride of ownership Ellis and Betty with excellent range conditions up” from the $45,000 she provide an ideal setting for duck, Doney have for the property. The make this a very good year round goose, pheasant, and whitetail location, along with the immaculate operation for cattle or horses. Close paid to buy it to the value hunting. Its higher elevations improvements, would make this to the Beartooth Mountains, with upon her death: $250,000. consistently produce heavy popula3,990 acres an outstanding purebred stunning views. “This eliminates the tions of elk and mule deer. operation. daughter’s income tax li3,990 acres $3,900,000 5,134 acres $6,000,000 1,320 acre s $2,200,000 ability on appreciation in the property’s value occurring during the mother’s lifetime,” said Wendy Wedum, For additional listings visit: F EATURED L ISTINGS MSU Extension Pondera County agent. “In other words, if the daughter sells the house immediately after her mother’s death for $250,000, there is no income tax liability,” Wedum added. “If she sells the house two years later for $260,000, the daughter T UMBLEWEED R ANCH T IERNEY R IVER R ANCH would only pay tax on the A 3rd generation family reputation outfit located just Enjoy this wildlife haven while trout fishing on two miles $10,000 increase in value south of Montana’s Hi-Line, between Conrad and Shelby. of Musselshell River frontage. Approx. 769 deeded & 582 after her mother’s death.” A well-diversified farm and ranch with an excellent mix state leased acres near Harlowton. A sportsman’s Property transferred as of pivot irrigation, wheel line irrigation, dryland farm paradise with waterfowl, deer, antelope and upland ground, native range and improved pasture. birds. Only 90 min. from Billings, Montana’s largest city. a gift before death has a carry-over basis, meaning 2,131 acre s $5,600,000 1,351 acres $1,599,000 the original cost basis of the house, less any depreciation, carries over to the daughter. Because the home
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B16
New Holland Equipment
New Holland Combines New Holland Workmaster 25S – New Holland Workmaster 40 New Holland Powerstar 75 – New Holland T6.175
New Holland P2060 Drill with New Holland P4950 Tank
New Holland Swathers
New Holland Round Balers
Zerbe Bros.
New Holland Guardian Sprayer
Glasgow, Montana
©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.
2005 Gleaner R75 Cummins engine, 3031 engine hours, 2327 separator hours........................ Call
1992 Gleaner R72 8.3 Cummins conversion, 260 hp, 600 hours on new engine, 2667 separator hours......................................................$19,000 2016 New Holland C8.90 980 separator hours, 580/85R42 duals, chopper, rock trap, extended wear package, autosteer........................ Just In 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28..............................................$15,000 Agco 388 pickup header, 13-ft., 12-ft. westward hydraulic drive, 8 belt.............................. Just In
2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20...............................................$49,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87.......................$19,000
2005 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 3165 engine hours, 2346 separator hours........................ Call 2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport. #UCAG20......................................$88,000
1998 Gleaner R62 Cummins engine, 3311 engine hours, 2675 separator hours, Turrett auger with 2001 MacDon 962 draper header with transport and pickup reel....................................... Just In
2005 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. drill, 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 51/2” rubber packers, single shoot, dual wing castors, with 2340 tow between air cart, mechanical drive. UDF259.....................$40,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254................$65,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 41/2” steel packers, stealth with carbide combo tips, single shoot, ADX3360 tow behind cart, variable rate, 30.5x32 tires..........................................$20,000 2012 Seed Hawk 8412 air drill with 800 tow behind cart, section control, conveyor, single side band openers, ViperPro.................................. Just In! 2010 Seed Hawk 8012/600 air drill, twin wing openers, 5BR hitch, AgTron monitor, 600 bushel TBT cart, mechanical drive, dual fans, 10” auger, 30.5x32 duals #UDSH11.....................$100,000 1993 Flexi-Coil 2340 TBT cart, variable rate drive, w/air seeder hopper #UDF262...............$11,000
2015 New Holland L218 skidsteer, 60 HP diesel, cab with heater, hydraulic quick coupler, block heater, 237 hours. #USNH72..........$29,500
2016 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, transport, cross auger, double knife, AWS air bar & finger reel with JD adapter. #UHMD51.............$69,000 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft., trailer package, cross augers, double knives, gauge wheels, flex drapers, Case New Holland adapters...........$61,000 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., flex draper, double knife, finger reel, cross auger, transport..........$54,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93...............................................$10,500
2009 Apache AS1010 1950 hours, 215 hp, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Viper monitor, 520/8546 tires, auto steer, Accu-Boom. #USAP40..$79,000 2008 Apache AS1010 1949 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30.. ...............................................................$99,000 2008 Apache AS1010 1530 hours, 215 hp, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, E-Pro monitor, 520/85R Y6 tires, auto steer. #USAP39...............$83,000
1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139.................................................. $3500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00..... $20,000
Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”
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2013 New Holland SP240FXP Guardian front boom, 275 hp Cummins, 100 ft., 1200 gallon tank, deluxe cab, 1060 hours, Auto Steer/Auto Boom/ Accu Boom. #USNH62.........................$219,000
70 Years
Glasgow, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B17
---------------------------------------------------- CONSIGNMENTS ----------------------------------------------------
1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader........................................................$2500
2013 Seed Hawk 8412 drill, double shoot, side band openers, w/800 TBH cart, conveyor, section control, Viper control........................... $199,000
2013 John Deere 9560RT tractor, 560 hp, PTO, big hydraulics, full Powershift, full AutoSteer.............. .............................................................$250,000 2010 Kinze 3600 planter, 16 row, 30” spacing, rubber closer wheels, coulters & row cleaners w/liquid fertilizer 2-160 gallon tanks....................$61,000
2007 Hesson 1474 swing tongue, 14-ft. cut, double sickles, steel conditioner, 540 PTO drive............ . .................................................................. $8000 2016 New Holland 366 belly mower, 66”, mid PTO drive, came off 37 Boomer tractor............. $2800 2019 New Holland RB560 round baler, 1300 bales, special crop version, twine & net, float tires, 1000 PTO drive...............................................$40,000
2012 Ashland I-175XL2 dirt scrapper, 17.5 yard heaped, 9 cu. ft., farmer owned, very nice!......... ...............................................................$59,000
2016 Vaderstad CR400 carrier, vertical tillage tool, 13-ft., 5” spacing, steel runner packers, weight package, 3 point mount w/Vaderstad #250 Biodrill seeder....................................................Just In! 2009 Degelman 6000HD rock picker, hydraulic drive.......................................................$16,500 2014 Farm King 100” snow bucket, Euro mount...... ..................................................................$1500
2012 Apache AS1220 sprayer, 1430 hours, 250 hp Cummins, 6 speed PowerShift, 100-ft. boom, 1200 gallon tank, Viper Pro, 10 section, rear duals, AutoSteer, AccuBoom, AutoBoom....... $135,000
2013 Bale King 5100 round bale processor, hydraulic chute. #UHBK03....................................$11,000
Demco grain cart, 850 bushel, PTO drive w/roll tarp..............................................................Call 1995 Flexi-Coil 1720 TBT air cart w/air seeder hopper............................................................ $5000 2007 Brent 7 shank ripper w/rear disc....... $13,500
2009 New Holland S1070 100-ft. wheel boom, hydraulic unfold, rinse & wash, 1600 gallon tank, Inteli-view monitor, 480/80R38 tires, very nice..... ...............................................................$14,500 2006 New Holland SF115 sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1500 gallon tank, EZ-Guide 500 with 10 valve section control and auto steer included..............$16,500 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens............$12,000 2011 Demco liquid fertilizer tanks, 500 gallon each, w/mounts for JD9620 4WD...................... $4500 2004 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 3” steel packers, stealth tips w/3” paired row openers, with 4350 tow behind air cart, 900 tires, variable rate, air seeder hopper............ $55,000 2010 New Holland P2060 70-ft. air drill, 10” spacing, 550 lb trips, 4” rubber packers with P1060 tow between cart, duals, mechanical drive, 430 bushel................................................... $85,000
1996 Wishek 842T disc, 23”, 24-ft., w/3 bar gates harrows...................................$35,000.$28,000
Gates 84-ft. heavy harrow w/Valmar 3255........$24,000 New Holland 1100 self-propelled windrower, Perkins diesel, cab with air conditioning, 16-ft. hay header, double sickle.......................................... $12,000 2013 Farm King sickle mower, 3 pt mount, 9-ft., 540 PTO drive w/skid shoes............................ $4500
Riteway One Till HCD-32 high speed compact disc, 32-ft. w/coil packers................................Just In
1998 New Holland 664 round baler, twine tie, approximately 12,000 bales, new monitor, moisture monitor......................................................$6500
2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 936D header.......................$59,000............... $45,000 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel..$25,000
Call or stop by and see us for all your equipment needs!
1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43.......................................$8500
2012 New Holland BR7090 twine & net wrap, wide pickup, 1000 PTO drive, new belts, rebuilt pickup, float tires, approx. 12,000 bales.............$28,000
2005 New Holland BR780 twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO drive, x-tra sweep pickup, Bale Command monitor.....................................................10,500 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................$5500
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Glasgow, MT
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Glasgow, MT 406-228-4311
Zerbe Bros.
Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393
SALES Mike Guttenberg Travis Volk
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B18
What to know about the broiler chicken growth rate debate
MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs
Freedom Ranger Hatchery perhaps some misinformation, too) made If you are an experienced poultry producer, available online likely created the debate. you likely already know that a debate has However, some broiler producers had also bebeen heating up ( questioning whether the idea that “faster growing-chicken-debate-growing-fast/) in the growth is always better” when it comes to their past few years over the growth rate of chickens chickens was totally right. raised for meat. And if you’re newer to growToday’s blog post highlights a few things ing broilers or are considering jumping into broiler producers should know now as they the business soon (https://www.freedomranglook to the future of their business with regard growth rate concerns. choosing-your-breed-of-broiler-chickens/), What Are the Sides of the Broiler Chickyou may also be familiar. Of course, you en Growth Rate Debate? probably still have questions, starting with, There are two main sides to the broiler “what are the issues and arguments in this growth rate debate. On one side, the belief broiler chicken growth rate debate?” prevails that chickens should be grown more As with many things in our culture at this slowly to reach their target size—which is moment, concerns about long-term sustainCONTIINUED ON PAGE B19 ability and safety fueled by information (and
Henke ~ Chester, MT HENKE ENTERPRISES INC. Dougcell (406) 799-2616
eDrive Sprayer is working GREAT!
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2013 Sprayflex sprayer, 120-ft. boom, 1300 gallon tank, 2004 International 4300 truck, floater tires ........................................$59,900 2012 International 7400 with 120-ft. sprayer ... ................................................................ Call 2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms ......... ........................................................$169,900
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“Swathing is our business, not a side line” Ag Leader GPS Mapping and AutoSteer 16-ft. hay headers with crimpers 35-ft. double swath headers with pickup reels STATEWIDE COVERAGE
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Pinkeye can be costly for cattle producers
NDSU Extension Service Pinkeye, or keratoconjunctivitis, is an infectious disease of cattle that costs producers money in several ways. “These include increased labor, cost of antibiotics, decreased weaning weights and decreased price paid at market for animals with scarred eyes,” says Gerald Stokka, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension veterinarian and livestock stewardship specialist. One study shows that calves affected with pinkeye weighed 35 pounds less 260 days after they were weaned than noninfected calves in the same herd. Calves that were affected in both eyes weighed 47 pounds less. “The bacteria Moraxella bovis is one of the primary known agents found in cases of pinkeye,” says Neil Dyer, NDSU’s institutional attending veterinarian. “However, other bacterial agents such as Moraxella ovis and Moraxella bovoculi have also been isolated from cases of pinkeye. Younger cattle are usually most often affected.” Herds in which adult cattle develop clinical signs suggest that the herds have not been exposed previously and do not have immunity to pinkeye, Stokka says. The spread of the organism can occur when cattle bunch tightly together, such as during high heat and humidity and when fly pressure is present. Other risk factors contribute significantly to outbreaks of pinkeye. They include ultraviolet light, environmental factors (dust, wind, tall grass, weeds, pollen), co-infections with bacteria and viruses, close confinement of animals and animals without pigment around their eyes. Nutrition also may play a role because inadequate vitamin A levels have been shown to contribute to the disease. “Affected animals present with teary eyes, inflamed conjunctiva (reddened white-appearing area around the iris), squinting and aversion to bright light, ulcerated cornea and excessive tearing from the eyes affected,” says Brett Webb, director of the NDSU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. “The disease usually lasts for several weeks, but it may last a month or longer.” Healing leaves a scar on the cornea, which eventually may clear. Severe cases with ulcerated corneas, or corneas with holes in them, may result in partial or total blindness of the affected eye. “Commercial vaccines provide protection against only a few pathogenic strains; therefore, they will not be 100% effective against disease,” Stokka says. “Autogenous vaccines can be made against these bacteria if isolated but consulting with your veterinarian is advised when considering the efficacy and administration of such vaccines. Fly control, pasture rotation and proper mineral supplementation also must be considered when managing outbreaks of pinkeye.” Individual antibiotic treatment of bacterial pinkeye usually is successful, he adds. Longer-acting antibiotics commonly are used systemically to achieve antibiotic concentrations in the tear film. In severe herd outbreaks, the entire herd may need antibiotic therapy, but all risk factors must be addressed to curtail new cases. “Consult with your veterinarian regarding antibiotic therapy, vaccination and management of this disease,” Stokka advises.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B19
What to know about the broiler chicken growth rate debate CONTINUED FROM PAGE B18
seen as more “natural” by consumers. On the other side, many poultry producers want to uphold the status quo of accelerated growth rates for the sake of profitability. This, unfortunately, pits consumers against growers. Side 1: Consumers and Animal Welfare Groups Though these two distinct groups are concerned about somewhat different things, they are both unhappy about the use of human antibiotics in animals. Consumers are more worried about food safety, while animal welfare groups are more concerned with how chickens are treated. Antibiotics tend to be used more heavily in fastergrowing chicken breeds since they tend to have more health problems. It’s true that broilers have already been bred through careful genetic selection to grow faster ( over the last 70-80 years, so many on this “slower growth” side of the debate are distrustful of growers who use quick-growing chicken breeds today since many are known to cut corners in production. They are also worried that necessary antibiotics to keep those chickens healthy may pass through the meat into the person consuming it, which could have unintended health consequences for the consumer. Side 2: Broiler Growers and the Poultry Industry Growing chickens to their mature size on a faster timetable has meant profitability for a long time in the poultry industry. Some producers
wonder, “why stop now?” and are also wary of potential future bans on the use of certain drugs in their meat production. In other words, producers do not want to lose the freedom to grow their birds—and make as much money as possible from them—in the ways that work best for their operations. The question then is—who is right? Ultimately, it may not matter. For producers, following consumer trends by choosing slower growth for their birds, regardless of government and industry regulations, may be a smart plan for future business success. Should Producers Use Antibiotics? While some producers are working hard to defend their right to grow chickens in ways that have been successful in the past—by continuing to use antibiotics in production, for instance—evidence is pointing to “it may not be worth it” in the future. The growing consumer demand for antibiotic-free and organic meats may mean that more producers should consider curtailing antibiotics use. Of course, you need to know what’s best for your operations. Should Producers Choose More Moderate Growth Rate Broilers? There are a lot of broiler breeds that have been responsibly bred to grow at a healthy, moderate rate. If you’re concerned about meeting consumer demand and being able to market broilers that don’t grow to their target size in record time, we encourage you to explore breed choices.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B20
IVERSON FEEDLOT CLEANING (4) Truck mounted spreaders, payloaders, and skidsteer We also have 7 side dumps for stockpiling, dirt/gravel hauling, snow removal, etc. We travel anywhere
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##### Before President Clinton passed “Robby’s Law” in 2000, military working dogs were considered “military surplus equipment” and deemed unfit to adjust to civilian life. This meant that once the military could no longer use a canine, it was either released or euthanized instead of honored. After “Robby’s Law” was passed, handlers and their families got first dibs at adopting military animals at the completion of their service.
Trucks For Sale Best of Class Sewing Educational went to Avalyn Smith, Toole County, pre-Junior Age Division 8-10 at the Marias Fair held virtually the week of July 13-17.
Genetics predict gentle behavior in Puerto Rican honey bees
2005 Freightliner M2-106, Cat diesel, 9 speed, double locker, twin screw, spring suspension rear end, 22-ft. flatbed with a IMT 8025 heavy duty crane........................................... $24,950
2012 Freightliner M2-112, 450 hp DD13, 4000 series Allison automatic with PTO provision, double locker twin screw rear end, new tires all the way around. Very nice truck........ $28,750
2006 Freightliner M2-106 Cat diesel, 8LL transmission, double locker rearends, 22-ft. silage/grain box, roll tarp........... $37,500
2007 International 4400 DT 466, 6 speed, air conditioning, air ride.................................................................................... $9500
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By Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service Puerto Rico’s population of African-European hybrid honey bees (AHB) are famously known for being much gentler than their continental counterparts. Now Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists and their colleagues have found that this reduced defending of the nest is determined by colony-level genetics as opposed to individual bee’s DNA, according to a study just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The researchers found no significant correlations between individual bees’ defensiveness and specific genes. By contrast, they saw strong correlations between a colony’s level of defensiveness and how frequently specific genes appeared within the colony. “It’s as if your home environment is a better predictor of how belligerent your temper is than are your individual tendencies in responding to situations. In more scientific terms, for these bees, it is the frequency of the appearance of a gene in the genetic makeup of the colony that is a better predictor than is the genetic makeup of a single bee,” explained ARS geneticist Arian Avalos with the Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research Unit in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who led the study. Defensiveness in honey bees arises from the coordinated actions of colony members, primarily nonreproductive “soldier” bees. Some soldier bees act as guards, patrolling the hive entrance and release alarm pheromones when they encounter an intruder, while other soldiers respond to the alarm by flying out of the hive to sting the intruder. Honey bees die after stinging, so the decision that stinging is called for is a serious one. “We were also able to winnow down the differences in genetics between aggressive and gentle African-European hybrid honey bees from having to analyze the whole genome to just 256 genes” Avalos said. Honey bees have a total of about 10,000 genes in their genome. AHB are the descendants of honey bees imported from Africa into Brazil in the 1950s in the hopes of breeding a bee better adapted to the tropics. They instead escaped, interbred with European honey bees (EHB) already present and spread south to Argentina and north into Central America and finally into the United States in only 40 years. African honey bees, which are a separate sub-species of honey bee distinct from EHB, are best known for their strong, vigorous defense of their nests. In the United States, this behavior has been evident and predominant wherever AHB spread and interbred with EHBs. AHB arrived in Puerto Rico in 1994 aboard ships carrying cargo like oil pipes from South America and were no gentler than other AHB. However, within a few years of arrival to Puerto Rico, AHB began to show reduced defense of their nests and today are about on par with EHB in this trait. Researchers suspect several factors could have contributed to this process all related to the challenges of surviving in a remote oceanic island with a high density of human population. The process may have also been abetted by major hurricanes such as Irma and Maria, which could have reduced the bees’ overall population and genetic diversity.
The benefits of Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts
##### It is believed that “canoe” was the first Native American word to be assimilated into English.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B21
International 1460 axial-flow combine, runs & drives good. 3107 hours...........................Make Fair Offer Call 406-450-2967, Choteau, MT
MSU News Service Montana State University Extension has published free guidance on Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts, or MSAs. Extension has updated the MontGuide “Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts (MSAs) for the 2020 Tax Year” and is available at Paper copies are also available from county Extension or reservation offices. An MSA is an account used to reduce the cost of saving for medical expenses and long-term health care. According to Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, an MSA offers individuals several benefits, 1997 Kenworth T-800 dump 1997 Kenworth T-800 lowtruck, newer rock box with boy tractor, Cummins N14, 1999 International 4700 including a reduction on state income taxes. high lift tailgate, Cummins 13 speed, 8 bag air ride, new rear tires, DT466, 5&2 For example, if a person has taxable income over N14, 13 speed, 50% rear rub- plumbed for wet kit, 75%+ transmission, Sullair PTO air $18,400, they could save approximately $276 in state ber, 90% front, tarp, 254,455 rubber, 245,062 actual miles. compressor, 94,000 miles..... income taxes by opening an MSA and depositing up to miles.........................$64,500 .................................$59,500 ....................................$9000 $4,000. The MSA earns interest free from Montana income These trucks are only one serial number apart. taxation and the balance at the end of the year rolls over for use in the future. Phone: Goetting added that an MSA can also be a legacy. By Dennis placing a payable-on-death (POD) designation on the account, individuals can provide a legacy for spouses, children (307) 683-3206 or grandchildren to use on their medical expenses. There or 2000 Deere 444H high are also no inheritance taxes on MSAs, and as long as an 2005 Trailmax TD42T tilt lift, 75% rubber, good cutAlex individual’s estate is less than $11.58 million, there is no deck, steel wheels, 50% tires ting edge, 4750 hours, very (307) 461-2196 federal tax either. and brakes...............$16,000 clean.........................$45,500 “Without a POD beneficiary, the money passes to your heirs according to your written will,” said Wendy Wedum, Pondera County Extension agent. “If you do not have a written will, the MSA passes by Montana law to your heirs with priority given to a spouse. Either way, a legacy is provided. If you do not have heirs, you could name your favorite nonprofit as the POD beneficiary.” Although the maximum amount used to reduce a Montanan’s taxable income annually is $4,000, Goetting and Wedum said a person can also put less than $4,000 in an MSA. The amount used to reduce income for Montana residents is the total deposit in the MSA during the tax year, • Brawl CLP • Keldin • Warhorse not the amount withdrawn • Brawl CLP • Keldin Warhorse • Brawl CLP • Keldin • Brawl CLPCLP Warhorse • • Clearstone • • SYKeldin Wolf •••Warhorse Judee for eligible medical care Clearstone CLP SY Wolf Judee ••••Clearstone CLP ••••SY Wolf ••••Judee expenses during the year. Clearstone CLP SY Wolf JudeeVarities WB4059 CLP WB4614 Other Eligible expenses include • WB4059 CLP • WB4614 • Other Varities •• •WB4059 CLP •• •WB4614 • •Other Varities medical insurance premiWB4059 CLP WB4614 Other Varities WB4623 CLP Yellowstone Available upon CLP • Keldin • Warhorse ums; prescription drugs; •• •Brawl WB4623 CLP • Yellowstone Available WB4623 CLP • Yellowstone Available upon • APWB4623 CLP • Winter Yellowstone Availableupon upon 503 CLCLP • Triticale Request medical, dental and nurs- • • Clearstone • SY Wolf • Judee 503 Winter Triticale Request • ••APAP 503 CLCLCL ••••Winter Request ing home care; eyeglasses; AP 503 Winter Triticale Request (NewTriticale High Yielding) Willow Creek crutches; and transportation • WB4059 CLP • WB4614 • Other Varities Willow Creek ••••Willow Creek Willow Creek for medical care. Others Available WB4623 CLPWheat) ••••Others Yellowstone Available upon “Montana considers eli- • (New Others Available Available CoAxium Others Available gible medical care expens• Winter Triticale Request es as any items the IRS • AP 503 CL accepts,” Goetting said. • Willow Creek The IRS publication 502 • Others Available provides a detailed list of eligible expenses and can be found at http://www. index.html. All resident taxpayers are eligible to establish an MSA even if they have another health care plan provided by their employer or a Section 125 Flexible Spending Account or a Federal Health Savings Account. A taxpayer does not have to be in a high deductible health insurance plan to be eligible for the MSA.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B22
Check out our website
1984 GMC 7000 Top Kick red, 2-ton, 210 hp, 3208 Cat diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, power steering, disk brakes, good tires, 10-ton National crane, rebuilt lift cylinder, 60-ft. hook height, 15-ft. steel dump flatbed, 28,000 GVW, low miles. Handy ranch truck, runs good.....................................$11,500
Ford LN8000 6V53 Detroit diesel, 5 speed transmission, 2 speed rear, 16-ft. dump bed, removeable side, has tailgate & extra racks, air brakes, power steering, great ranch truck. Will haul dirt, excellent, runs good, 27,500 GVW..................$5500
1979 Oshkosh 6 wheel drive water truck, 290 Big Cam Cummins, jake brake, 9 speed transmission, 4000 gallon tank with new 2” self load pump and pressurized spray bar, 2” water cannon and hose reel, will run highway speeds. Great Ranch truck or for snowplow....................$11,900
Case 580 Construction King, loader, 4 cylinder diesel, power steering, QC bucket, forks and straight blade, 3-pt. with mount for backhoe, no PTO, 4-speed transmission, torque converter and shuttle, runs good. Good small ranch machine...............$5500
Phone 406-777-1435 leave message
MSU becomes member of Yellowstone Volcano Observatory
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service mineral makeup of the national park’s unique Montana State University has become the ecosystem. Other MSU contributors will innewest member in a unique consortium dedicated to increasing scientific understanding of clude microbial ecologist Luke McKay and Yellowstone National Park’s supervolcano. numerous faculty in the Thermal Biology Scientists from MSU’s Department of Institute, which has conducted Yellowstone Earth Sciences in the College of Letters and research for over two decades. Science, Department of Land Resources and “MSU hosts many research groups who are Environmental Sciences in the College of investigating the chemistry and microbiology Agriculture and the Thermal Biology Institute of Yellowstone thermal features, which can be will join eight other universities and agencies thought of as surface expressions of the volin creating and sharing new knowledge about cano,” said McKay, who is also a researcher the defining geologic feature of the nation’s with MSU’s Center for Biofilm Engineering. first national park. “Biological communities representing all doThe Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, mains of life thrive in these high-temperature founded in 2001 and administered by the environments with differing chemical compoU.S. Geological Survey and the National sitions. Understanding these ecosystems gives Park Service, includes the University of Utah, us a picture of how the dynamic properties of the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, the volcano rise to the surface and support a the Wyoming State Geological Survey, the vast diversity of life.” Idaho Geological Survey, the University of For Myers, understanding the Yellowstone Wyoming and UNAVCO, an organization volcano is a bit like putting together a jigaimed at facilitating geoscientific research saw puzzle to reveal how Yellowstone has and public education. changed over tens of thousands of years. MyMadison Myers, who recently joined ers and McKay wrote an introductory entry MSU’s faculty as a volcano specialist with a in the observatory’s weekly column, “Caldera history of working in Yellowstone, said she Chronicles,” announcing MSU’s induction jumped at the chance to facilitate MSU’s entry into the consortium. into the observatory. “My side of this work will be based on the “Who doesn’t want to be part of a volcano geology of the park, using information from observatory?” she said. “Even though it hasn’t the past to better understand the future,” she erupted in 70,000 years, there is crucial insaid. “We’re also looking at the dynamics of the last eruption by conducting a massive formation we can provide to the people about field survey paired with lab-based chemistry what’s going on at this volcano.” techniques.” The Yellowstone volcano was one of the MSU’s membership in the observatory last volcanic centers in the U.S. to have an will also open up networking and field opestablished observatory, said Meyers. Other facilities include one in the Cascade Range portunities for MSU researchers and stuthat monitors volcanoes such as Washington’s dents, according to Myers. This summer, two Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens, as graduate students and five undergraduates are well as observatories in Hawaii, Alaska and collecting data to update the geologic map. California, which includes Lassen Volcanic On-the-ground work like that also means National Park. The Yellowstone observatory that both students and faculty will have the stands out for the number and range of its chance to interact with the public about the member institutions. work they do. Myers said most of the YVO’s work con“Being a part of the observatory will afford students more opportunities to be involved sists of research and observation of the seisin really high impact research, as well as mic activity and deformation of the system, helping inform the public and promote this and the chemistry and geology of the caldera. science,” said Myers. “So many people love The geologic work includes identifying where Yellowstone for so many different reasons, and how far magma lies under the surface and bonding over something like an observaand collecting data to update Yellowstone’s geologic map, which helps identify unique tory helps us to connect and understand the geologic features, rock types, strata and roles we play in that network.”
Remote work certification program
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436
Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003
NDSU Extension Service base and empower families to spend more North Dakota State University (NDSU) high-quality time together, instead of time Extension is committed to preparing the North commuting to jobs in a larger city. Dakota workforce for online opportunities for “Whether you’re a professional seeking reremote employment, and to help in this effort, it has partnered with Utah State University mote work or a business ready to hire a virtual Extension to offer the Master Remote Work workforce, this program can help prepare you Professional Certification Program. to join the remote workforce,” Bruns says. “This educational program is designed to The program consists of nine core modules, equip workers with the tools and skills needed which are delivered in a self-paced, online to work from home as a remote worker, freeformat, and four interactive workshops. Upon completing this program, particilancer or entrepreneur,” says Marie Hvidsten, NDSU Extension rural leadership specialist. pants will join a growing online community “When you combine some of the benefits of of remote work professionals who support remote work for individuals, which includes each other by sharing best practices and job lower stress, advancement opportunities and opportunities. better work-life balance, with the benefits The cost of the course is $249, but NDSU for businesses, such as lower overhead and Extension is offering a $199 scholarship for recruiting costs, and environmental sustainthe first 100 North Dakotans who take the Master Remote Work Professional Certificaability, remote work can have benefits for all,” she adds. tion Program. The final cost is $50 to take “Remote work can even have significant the course with this scholarship opportunity. benefits to rural communities,” says Jodi For more information, course dates and Bruns, NDSU Extension leadership and registration information, go to https://www. civic engagement specialist. “Remote work stimulate job creation, strengthen the tax certification-program.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 – Page B23
1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725 After hours - Sales -
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2019 John Deere W-235, 13-ft. 994 header........................$139,900 2018 John Deere W-235 13-ft. 994 header, steel conditioner, 700 hours. Each....................................................................$134,900 2014 Case IH WD2303, 13-ft. header, steel conditioner, 400 hours... .........................................................................................$89,000 2014 MacDon M155, 13-ft. rotary header, 655 hours...........$87,000 2007 New Holland HW305, HS12 header, new conditioner rolls and bearings, new tires, new auger flaps, new reel boards....$39,900 2003 Hesston 8250, 12-ft. sickle header, 2200 hours..........$24,000
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2018 Lemken Rubin 12 KUA 16-5-ft. speed disk, solid packer wheel on back, mounted draw bar, hydraulic folding..................$92,000 2018 Lemken Karat 9 KUA 13-ft. intensive cultivator, solid packer wheel on rear, semi-mounted (3-pt.), hydraulic folding....$70,000 2005 Brillion WL-03 25-ft. roller harrow, hydraulic S-tines, hydraulic folding, rear hitch.............................................................$19,500 2016 McFarland HD30 harrow cart..........................................$8500 2016 John Deere 2720 17.5-ft. disk ripper, 7 shank, narrow fold...... ............................................................................................... Call 2012 Great Plains Turbo Max 15-ft. vertical tillage disc with culter harrow..............................................................................$27,500 Ezee-On 3590 24-ft. disc..........................................................$6500 Case IH 22-ft. offset disc.......................................................$10,500
Call us for all your Gator Needs
John Deere 4066R tractor, 302 hours..................................$48,900 2005 Haybuster 2650 bale processor..................................$13,000 Haybuster 256+2 tub grinder/bale processor..........................$3000 1984 New Holland 359 grinder/mixer, scales, hydraulic folding auger, 1000 PTO. 1980 New Holland 359 for parts.... $8500 for the pair 2017 John Deere 659 header, front roller, hydraulic gauge wheels. NEW.................................................................................$39,000 (2) John Deere 659 headers, hydraulic gauge wheels. Each............ ..........................................................................................$25,000 2014 Massey Ferguson 1375 rotary mo-co, 15-ft. 3” cutting width, steel conditioner, 1000 PTO, hydraulic tilt, gauge wheels, 3-point hitch..................................................................................$19,000 John Deere 569 round baler, net wrap & twine, bale count 11,109... ..........................................................................................$32,000 John Deere 569 round baler, net wrap.................... Call for Pricing 2015 John Deere 778 8 row corn head, low acres...............$59,500 2015 John Deere 8600 forage harvester, 1354 engine hours, 767 header hours, Premium cab and lighting package, kernel processor, auto lube, air compressor, HarvestLab....................$259,000 John Deere 975 5-bottom switch plow, steel moldboard, shear bolts.....................................................................................$6250
2011 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler, tandem axle, 41,503 bales................................................................................$73,500 2018 Massey Ferguson 2290, 4x4, 0 bale count.............$147,500
2019 John Deere 6155M, approximately 500 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour PowerGard warranty........$139,900 2016 John Deere 6155M, cab, air, heat, 1787 hours, no loader........ .........................................................................................$91,500 2019 John Deere 6145M, MFWD, cab, PowerQuad transmission, left hand reverser, 640 loader, grapple, approximately 500 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty......................$133,900 John Deere 4555.................................................................$35,500
(4) 2019 John Deere 560M round balers................. Call for Pricing 2014 John Deere 569, net wrap & twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, 11,355 bales......................$34,000 2014 John Deere 569, 1000 PTO, MegaWide hydraulic pickup, flotation tires, 11,465 bales.....................................................$32,000 2013 John Deere 569 Premium, net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, MegaWide with hydraulic pickup, push bar, approximately 18,500 bales.................................................$35,500 2009 John Deere 568, 36,000 bales....................................$23,000 2008 John Deere 568, net wrap and twine, MegaWide pickup, flotation tires, 29,573 bales...........................................................$19,500 2007 John Deere 568, 34,900 bales....................................$19,500
2007 Alfa See Ya! 40-ft. motorhome, complete slide-out, diesel, 33,000 miles. Stored in heated shop. Excellent condition $69,900
John Deere 8345, IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, 6 SCV’s, 48 front & rear duals, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty.......................................................................$351,000 2018 John Deere 8320R, IVT transmission, ILS, front & rear duals, six selective control valves, 10” color display, 22 front weights, 2100 lb weight on each side on rear, Premium light package, refrigerator. PowerGuard Warranty until 6/2023, 256 hours............$302,500 2019 John Deere 6195R, IVT transmission, ILS, AutoTrac complete, duals, 650 hours, 5 year/5000 hour PowerGard warranty......... ......................................................................................$205,000
NEW Higginbotham bale squeeze, for John Deere 544 loader........ .........................................................................................$12,000 2012 Case IH 3520 boom spreader, 3566 hours..................$93,000 2015 New Holland L216 skid steer, 5-ft. bucket, 1354 hours............ .........................................................................................$28,000 2017 Haybuster 980 tub grinder...........................................$55,000 2016 Haybuster 980 tub mixer/feeder, right hand dog leg discharge, scales..............................................................................$49,500 2019 Highline CRF960, round and square bale processor..$30,000 2014 John Deere S680 combine, 1000 engine hours, 795 separator hours, 3000 Globe AutoTrac, ProDrive, small wire concaves, Premium cab and lighting, PowerCast tailboard............$245,000 2014 John Deere 630D header, transport kit.......................$52,500 2016 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grain boxes, no grass box.........................................................................$44,000 2019 John Deere 455 25-ft. grain drill, 6” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes..................................................... Call for Pricing Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade.........................................................$575
2008 New Holland 216 rake....................................................$9500 2007 New Holland 216 hydraulic v-rake...............................$12,000 2006 New Holland 216 basket rake.........................................$7800
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B24
Best of Class Scrapbooking went to Addisyn Bengtson, Glacier County, Junior Age Division 11-13 at the Marias Fair held virtually the week of July 13-17.
Energy answers for new farmers
3-point bale spinner.................$600
3-point bale unroller, like new...$525
3-point spring tooth chisel plow....... ...........................................$250
Danuser 3-point post driver....$900
HD20 Worksaver 3-pt. post driver, like new............................$2200
Shaver 3-point post driver.......$900
Bale head for square bales, excellent condition....................$1250 Phone 406-793-2210
3-point 2-wheel hay rake.........$125 3-point disc..............................$200
University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News To help get folks off on the right foot, Nebraska Extension, in partnership with Extension programs from several other states and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), have developed a new series of extension materials designed specifically with new farmers in mind. The series, “Energy Answers for the Beginning Farmer & Rancher (,” utilizes farm energy experts from university extension programs across the country to answer pressing energy questions. The main product of the project is a series of short, engaging videos and resources that give useful tips and information on farm energy. “Energy is typically one of the highest ongoing costs of any farm operation,” says project manager Siobhan Fathel of Penn State. “These resources act as a first step to better managing your energy costs and needs.” In addition to the short, engaging videos, there are also links to complementary materials designed to aid beginning farmers and ranchers in making informed decisions about on-farm energy. For example, the “Online Energy Selector” developed by the project team helps farmers compare and select the heating fuel that will give them the best value for their dollar. Topics addressed in the video series include: • Can I use biodiesel in farm diesel engines? • How can I save on the cost of grain drying? • Where can I find money to implement energy efficiency measures? • How to select LED lights for agriculture? • How to determine pellet durability • Why do an energy audit on your farm? • Is wood heat right for you? • How can proper livestock ventilation save energy & feed? • What is it like to apply for farm energy incentive programs like REAP? • How to choose a heating fuel? • How to save money by understanding your electric bill? • How to choose proper livestock ventilation fans? • How do I size a cooler for on-farm produce storage? • How to design an energy efficient hydroponic system? • Solar-on-a-farm series These videos are posted on the project team’s YouTube channel, Energy Answers for the Beginning Farmer & Rancher ( Additional resources can be found online at Contributing extension programs include Illinois, Michigan State, Nebraska, Penn State, Rutgers, Virginia Tech, and Wisconsin. ##### “Ben Franklin was a crafty and lecherous old hypocrite whose very statue seems to gloat on the wenches as they walk the States House yard.” – William Cobbett, English politician
Dairyland Laboratories and ServiTech collaborate
ServiTech, Inc. and Dairyland Labs announced a strengthened laboratory partnership for serving the beef and dairy industry. Building on a relationship that has been primarily focused on beef production within the ServiTech footprint, both laboratories are committing to an expanded level of service and feed science for the growing number of dairy herds in the high plains and southwestern United States. Benefits to the customer include seamless sample drop off, submission and reporting from both labs. “ServiTech has three strategically located laboratory locations in geographies with growing dairy herds,” said Greg Ruehle, President and CEO of ServiTech. “Dairyland Labs’ rich history and commitment to science commands respect in the dairy feed testing space, and we are very excited about this new partnership moving forward. It’s a win for both labs, and ultimately a win for producers within the ServiTech service area.” The agreement allows laboratory users the flexibility to ship to or drop off feedstuff samples at any ServiTech laboratory location, while still being able to access the experts at Dairyland. ServiTech will process samples and run NIR spectral scans. The NIR spectral scans will be predicted using the Dairyland proprietary calibrations, which are the most robust in the industry. The customer may choose to view test results online through an account with either laboratory. “The new strengthened laboratory partnership builds on the analytical strengths of both companies,” said Dave Taysom, President of Dairyland Laboratories, Inc. “This unique relationship between ServiTech and Dairyland will provide real value in analytical services for the beef and dairy industry. We are excited to get started.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B25
Advertising Deadline for the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th. Call (406) 271-5533 to place your ad.
406.727.2161 2020 HISUN TACTIC 550 EPS 2-UP Stock #000046
Your Price: $6,799 $0 Down $96/mo./84 mo. OAC!!!* 2019 HISUN SECTOR 450
Stock #000160 - Green Stock #000144 - Blue
Stock #002555
Your Price: $9,499
Your Price: $7,799 *See Dealer for details
##### A boy asks his father, “Dad, are bugs good to eat?” “That’s disgusting. Don’t talk about things like that over dinner,” the dad replies. After dinner the father asks, “Now, son, what did you want to ask me?” “Oh, nothing,” the boy says. “There was a bug in your soup, but now it’s gone.”
2020 HISUN FORGE 400I Stock #000024
Your Price: $4,599
Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail, Cut Bank, Montana Website: “If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.
Flexi-Coil 2340 air cart with 5000 air seeder. Tag #TomH0920................$29,000 1976 Case 1070 2WD tractor with 540 PTO and 3-point. Tag #TomH0920....$7500 Brandt SB4000 sprayer, double nozzles. Tag #TomH0920......................$12,000 1976 Versatile 900 tractor with 18.4x38 tires, 6038 hours. Tag #TomH0920......... .................................................................................................................$7000 Gjesdahl grain cleaner with 2 augers. Tag #TomH0920..............................$7500 Cat D8 dozer with 3 shank ripper and cable dozer. Tag #TomH0920.......$28,000 Cat #70 Cat can. Tag #TomH0920............................................................$14,000 Case 1015 header. Tag #TomH0920...........................................................$5000 Case 810 pickup header. Tag #TomH0920..................................................$3500 Gysler 36-ft. plow with Degelman mounted harrows and rod weeder. Tag #Gary0920.............................................................................................. $5000 Gysler 36-ft, plow with 12-ft. center section, AM rod weeder, Degelman mounted harrows. Tag #Gary0920......................................................................... $5600 Melroe 36-ft. plow, no wing lift, Honey Bee rod. Tag #JohnA0920................. $4500 New Holland L220 skid steer loader. Tag #Pack0920. Cat D4 dozer, pull start Pony motor. Tag #MarvinC0920.............................$6000 Caterpillar D7E with dozer. Tag #Owen0920...........................................$21,500 New Holland 1049 bale wagon. Tag #MarionT0920. 3-point round baler retriever. Tag #BigSkyC0920.........................................$1500 M&W 450 grain dryer. Tag #DaveB0920. 1977 M&W 450A grain dryer. Tag #WahlF0920...........................................$7500 Keho grain drying equipment........................................................Call for prices
Brandt 1060 swing hopper grain auger. Tag #JohnA1118..........................$8500 M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, portable dryer, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum09201..................................................................................$7500 Keho grain drying equipment..........................................................Call for price
2005 Case 2388 combine with 36-ft. 2042 draper header, 2610 engine hours, and 1899 separator hours. Tag #Paul0220........................................ $65,000 2001 Case IH 2388 combine with bin extensions, yield monitor, Auto Steer, 30-ft. MacDon draper header, 2130 separator hours. Tag #Hugh0220...... $70,000 John Deere 9650 STS with MacDon 962 36-ft. header, 2400 separator hours. Tag #Gordon0819..............................................................................$70,000 Case 2388 combine with 40-ft. draper header and 1015 pickup header, 3527 engine hours, 2856 separator hours. Tag #Vince0720..........................$55,000
Melroe 33-ft. plow, no wing lift cylinders, Flexi-Coil mounted harrows. Tag #GeraldB0120.................................................................................................$4500 John Deere 5-bottom pull type moldboard plow. Tag #DanG1219..............$2500 John Deere 335 3-bottom roll over plow. Tag #Hug0219........................... $3500 Flexi-Coil 340 40-ft. plow. Tag #ArtHanson0220........................................$11,500 Graham-Hoeme 15-ft. plow, good shanks with shovels, needs depth cylinder. Tag #GuyM0617....................................................................................$1500 John Deere 3-bottom 3-pt. plow. Tag #Russ0214.......................................$1500 Massey 8-bottom plow. Tag #Hug0420........................................................$3500
Several air seeder and conventional drills available. Call me with your needs.
BACKHOES, LOADERS, SKID STEERS GRADERS, CRAWLERS & EXCAVATORS Bobcat 863 skid steer loader. Tag #Debbie0519.........................................$5000
1976 Ford F250 pickup, manual transmission, gas. Tag #JackW0120........$6500 2009 Chevrolet 3/4-ton pickup, automatic transmission, crew cab, gas engine. Tag #RichT0120..........................................................................................$10,500 2008 Dodge 3500 pickup, grill guard, flatbed with tool boxes, 299,000 miles, Cummins, 10,000 miles on new transmission. Tag #TagLorenze0620....$15,000 2005 Dodge 3500 pickup, 4WD, Cummins 5.9 engine. Gets good mileage. Tag #HarveyK0720......................................................................................$16,000
Techno-Paul portable squeeze chute with AgTronic scale with 5 panels. Tag #TonyS0617. Kubota out-front mower, 6-ft. deck. Also has rotary broom, hydrostat 4x4, 3 cylinder diesel, 2201 hours. Tag #Leon0420.............................................$12,500 New Farm King rototillers available. Tag #Hug0520. NEW!! Danuser pallet forks for skid steer loader. Tag #Hug0420.......................... ............................................................................................Preseason price 25-ft. air reel for JD 925 header. Tag #JohnP0220. 30-ft. air reel for JD 930 header. Tag #JohnP0220. Fuel stand. Tag #Hug0916............................................................................... $100 Detroit 353 diesel engine. Tag #RogerF0620. NEW!! Danuser hydraulic post hole digger, 9” & 12” auger. Tag #Hug0620....$3000 Box of Hesston 6400 parts. Tag #Neal0520...................................................$200 EZ Trail 3400 weigh wagon with scales and side delivery auger. Tag #Chuck0520..........................................................................................$7500 1979 Wilderness travel trailer, 20-ft. bumper pull, 2” ball, good tires, 2 30# propane bottles..........................................................................................$5000 3 spear bale spear, fits bidirectional tractor. Tag #DonB0920......................$1200 3-point round bale unroller. Tag #BigSkyC0720...........................................$1500 Snow blower for John Deere 304. Tag #Brent0720......................................$7000 John Deere RC78 skid steer mounted mower. Tag #Brent0720.................$5000 2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0720...............................................$4000 2012 Marv Haugen land plane. Tag #Brent0720.........................................$3500
Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0720..$4500 New Holland 21-ft. DSA header, fits New Holland 1100 or 1116 swathers. Tag #KemA0720..............................................................................................$4500
2005 Case RBX562 round baler with net wrap. Excellent shape. Tag #Doug0819........................................................................................$13,500 New Holland 660 twine wrap baler with new belts. Tag #NorthStar0520....$6000
Aeration Equipment Available TRAILERS
Donahue 28-ft. trailer. Tag #Carl0919..........................................................$3000 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 Hay train with 32-ft. front trailer and 30-ft. rear trailer. Tag #Jeff0220...........$8500
New Holland 16H hay header with Versatile 276 tractor adaptor. Tag #Russ0820. Case IH 1015 pickup header, Sund pickup. Tag #RonD0820......................$6500 John Deere 1010 tractor, 3-point, 540 PTO, power steering. Loader is available. Tag #ANF0820......................................................................................$6500 2001 Case IH 2388 combine with 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header, Sund pickup, 2856 separtator hours. Tag #Vince0820..........$60,000 Hesston 1200 30-ft. pull type swather. Tag#Seville0820.............................$3500 John Deere BP72 72” rotary broom with curb broom. Tag #Hug0820........$4500 Ford F900 lineman’s truck. Tag #DaveT0820. Fire trailer with 3 fire hoses, 500 gallon tank, Honda, great for upcoming harvest. Dave T0820...........................................................................................$6500 2011 Ingersoll Rand light plant. Excellent shape. Tag #SteveM0820.........$5500 John Deere 212 pickup header with Sund pickup attachment. Fits JD8820. Tag #Jerry0820............................................................................................$6500 John Deere 214 pickup header with Rake-Up pickup attachment. Fits JD 8820 or Case 2188 combines. Tag #Jerry0820..............................................$6500 John Deere 120 flail shredder. Tag #ChuckG0820.....................................$8900 Steiger PTA310 Panther tractor with Degelman front blade with 24,5x32 tires. Tag #Reid0820...................................................................................$27,000 Case IH 100 WDX haybine. Tag #DougR0820.........................................$19,500 Case IH LBX 432 big square baler. Tag #DougR0820.............................$37,000 John Deere 4020 tractor, no 3-point, almost new tires. Tag #ANF0820......$7500 John Deere 6620 combine, John Deere 925 25-ft. header. Tag #0820.......$7500 2012 Ford F150 pickup, 4x4, 68,500 miles, automatic. Tag #Doug0820...$17,000 2005 Case RBX562 round baler, net wrap. Excellent shape.Tag #Doug0820...$13,500 Wilray 4000 gallon double walled tank. Tag #Doug0820.............................$4000 Vermeer 2300 rake with very little use. Tag #DougP0820........................$19,000 MacDon 36-ft. header to fit New Holland TV145. Tag #Dave0820. Ford 145 roll over plow. Tag #HiddenL0820................................................$2500 Flexi-Coil System 65 sprayer with 90-ft. booms. Tag #Ron0820................$3500 Degelman 12-ft. blade. Tag #Reid0820.......................................................$7500 New Keho 71/2 hp aeration fan, 3 phase, 480 volt. Tag #Rod0820..............$2995 John Deere G wheel loader. Tag #Jeff0820. 2011 JCB 330 skid steer loader, 1300 hours, 3300# lifting capacity, 84” bucket. Tag #Austin0820.................................................................................$38,000 Case IH 2188 combine with 2800 hours. Tag #Roger0820. 2011 Case IH 1203 windrower, 30-ft. draper header. Tag #Roger0820....$55,000 New Holland 94C 36-ft. header off Case IH combine. Tag #Rober0820..$27,000 John Deere 331 30-ft. disk. Tag #TimK0820...............................................$7000 1988 Kenworth T600 with 18-ft. box and hoist, pusher axle, plumbed for tailgate auger, 3406 engine, 9 speed transmission. Tag #TimK0820..............$31,000 1981 Chevrolet 1-ton pickup, 4WD, automatic, 454 engine, 400 gallon tank, air compressor. Tag #TimK0820.................................................................$6500 1995 John Deere 9600 combine, 30-ft. straight cut header. Tag #TimK0820... $32,000 1990 John Deere 9600 combine. Tag #TimK0820. 1959 Ford truck with 360 engine. Tag #Tom0820........................................$3000 New Holland 1116 swather with 16-ft. header. Tag #MartyD0820...........$25,000 Honey Bee 240 air flex header, air reel. Fits S series JD Combine. Tag#Dan0820. 1982 Ford truck with 12-ft. blade. Tag #RichT0820.....................................$5500 John Deere 7810 MFD tractor and loader, PowerShift transmission. Tag #Pete0820............................................................................................$58,000
1983 International 1724 2-ton truck with 18-ft. flatbed with tailgate hoist. Tag #BrokenP0120..................................................................................... $5500
Financing Available
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B26
SELL YOUR EQUIPMENT IN THIS SPACE!!! Call 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 Mail to: Trader’s Dispatch, Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425
Protect your crops with
Proudly serving American agriculture since 1946.
Best of Class and Best of Show Baking went to Cadhla Norris, Pondera County, Senior Age Division 14 and over, at the Marias Fair held virtually the week of July 13-17. She was awarded a blue ribbon and a trophy.
The bear family
Mama and Papa bear were splitting up, and baby bear had to decide who he was going to live with. So, the judge wanted to talk to baby bear to see what he thought about living with either of his parents. When he asked baby bear about living with his father, baby bear said “No, I can’t live with Papa bear, he beats me terribly.” “OK,” said the judge, “then you want to live with your mother, right?” “No way!” replied baby bear, “She beats me worse than Papa bear does.” The judge was a bit confused by this and didn’t quite know what to do. “Well, you have to live with someone, so is there any relatives you would like to stay with?” asked the judge. “Yes,” answered baby bear, “my aunt Bertha bear who lives in Chicago.” “You’re sure she will treat you well and won’t beat you?” asked the judge. “Definitely,” said baby bear, “the Chicago Bears don’t beat anybody.”
Several used efficient John Deere sprayers in stock! Variety of boom makes and widths available. Several units are ready to roll with turnkey GPS! 2015 John Deere R4038, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spacing, 1000 gallon stainless tank, auto solution control, side fill & front fill options, complete GPS, 1103 hours. Stock #71999......................................... $252,500 (14) 2011 John Deere 4830, 100-ft. booms, 20” spacing, 1000 gallon stainless steel tank, 5 sensor BoomTrac, eductor, IF420/80R46 & 650/70R38 tires, complete GPS system, 2276 hours. Stock #70396..$142,500 (1) 2007 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” spacing, hy2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, draulic tread adjust, hi-flow solution pump, BoomTrac exact apply, front fill, auto solution control, boom air Pro 5 sensors, boom section strainers, 3900 hours. purge, VF420/95R50 tires, complete GPS system, Stock #70851............................................. $99,000 (1) 312 hours, extended warranty 4/2023 or 2000 hours. 2008 John Deere 4930, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle spacStock #69554........................................... $447,500 (1) ing, 480/80R50 tires, high flow solution pump, com2018 John Deere R4045, 132-ft. carbon fiber booms, plete GPS, 5000 hours. Stock #70551.... $85,000 (12) exact apply, front fill, auto solution command system, boom air purge, 420/95R50 tires, complete GPS sys- 2018 John Deere F4365, 70-ft. air boom applicator, AB485 dual bin, Shurco electric tarp, tank and rear tem, 425 hours, extended warranty. Stock #64416...... view cameras, 326 hours. Stock #68551.$365,000 (1) ............................................................... $425,000 (12) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. steel booms, 20” spac- 2014 John Deere 4940 dry box spreader, 300 cubic ft. dry box, 480/80R50 tires, complete GPS system, ing, stainless steel, boom air purge, BoomTrac Pro, 2130 hours. Stock #64414......................$185,000 (11) complete GPS system, IF380 tires, 2500 hours. Stock 2013 Agco 8400 Terra-Gator, 70-ft. air boom, Airmax #71814................................................... $219,500 (14) box, Raven Viper Pro, electric tarp, 1050/50R32 rear tires, 54x31.0R26 front tires, 1856 hours. Stock #64419....$182,500 (15)
1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Make short work of your winter wheat seeding! Several configurations of air drills in stock sure to fit your operations needs!
2018 John Deere 1895, 60-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, tow behind C850 cart, SectionCommand, 12” conveyor with wireless remote, tank scales. Stock #67436..................... $505,000 (12) 2014 John Deere 1890, 60-ft., 10” spacing, 90 Series openers, single shoot, all run blockage, tow between 430 bushel cart, SectionCommand, 12” conveyor. Stock #69853......................................... $197,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 1890, 50-ft., 7.5” spacing, all run blockage, 350 bushel tow between cart, SectionCommand, hydraulic auger lift, 10” auger. Stock #64099.... ............................................................... $160,000 (15) 2007 John Deere 1890, 42-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, extended wear seed boot, smooth gauage wheels, all run blockage, 1910 tow between with duals. Stock #71951...................................... $72,500 (1) 2009 John Deere 1835, 61-ft., 10” spacing, capped steel press wheels, Intelligent Ag all run blockage, 430 tow between cart with 8” auger, hydraulic meter calibration. Stock #72251................................... $89,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 1830, 61-ft., 10” spacing, 4” steel packers, single shoot, all run blockage, 1910 430 bushel tow between cart with 10” auger with wireless remote. Stock #71493............................. $152,500 (3) 2009 John Deere 1830, 60-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, capped 3” steel press wheels, 270 bushel tow between cart, 8 run, 12” conveyor. Stock #68765........................................... $75,000 (12) 2013 Bourgault 6650, 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, primary blockage, 550 bushel tow between cart, duals on cart. Stock #66530............................ $129,000 (12) 2011 Seedhawk 6612, 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 3” semi-pneumatic press wheels, 500 bushel tow behind variable rate cart, 2500 gallon liquid tow between fertilizer cart. Stock #58822......................$110,000 (1)
Traderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dispatch, September 2020 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Page B27
View our FULL inventory at COMBINES
50+ total units - Did your harvest not go as planned with unexpected break downs & expensive service bills? We still have affordable units to choose from! #69024
2018 John Deere S790, 711 engine/534 separator, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, LSW 1100/45R46 drive tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Extended warranty through 6/2021 or 1000 hours. Stock #69024.........$415,000 (1) 2018 John Deere S790, 793 engine/555 separator, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, LSW 1100/45R46 drive tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank covers, 28.5-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Extended warranty through 6/2021 or 1000 hours. Stock #69025.........$415,000 (1) 2019 John Deere S780, 378 engine/257 separator, Combine Advisor, dual VF520/85R42 drive tires, rear 750/65R26 tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, power fold grain tank, complete GPS system. Stock #70403..................$435,000 (14)
2016 John Deere S690, 1000 engine/735 separator, Interactive Combine Adjustment, power fold grain covers, 26-ft. unload auger, advanced Powercast tailboard, LSW1100/45R46 drive tires, LSW710/60R30 rear tires, complete GPS system. Stock #69908.................. ........................................$319,000 (14)
2017 John Deere S670, 1076 engine/803 #68192 separator, LSW1100 drive tires, 3 speed, manual vane tailboard, manual grain tank extensions, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS. Stock #70170....... ..........................................$250,000 (2) 2014 John Deere S670, 1310 engine/976 separator, 800/70R38 drive tires, manual vane tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, TriStream rotor, complete GPS system. Stock #71992..................$222,500 (14) 2004 John Deere 9660, 3458 engine/2072 separator, 20.8R42 du#65835 als, lateral tilt, fixed speed feederhouse, 21.5-ft. unload auger, chopper, spreader, grain tank extensions. Stock #68192.............................. $77,500 (11)
2013 John Deere S670, 1364 engine/1041 separator, 520/85R42 duals, fixed speed feederhouse, advanced Powercast tailboard, variable stream #68842 rotor, manual fold grain tank, 26-ft. au2004 John Deere 9660, 3376 enger, no GPS equipment. Stock #65835. gine/2432 separator, level-land feeder........................................$167,500 (12) house, variable speed, chaffer, 22-ft. 2014 John Deere S670, 3340 enunload auger, 300 bushel grain tank gine/2400 separator, dual 520/85R42 extension, 30.5R32 singles. Stock drive tires, Powercast tailboard, ex#68842................................$63,500 (1) tended-wear TriStream rotor, 26-ft. 2002 John Deere 9650, 4867 enunload auger, manual grain tank exgine/3312 separator, level-land feetensions, complete GPS system. Stock derhouse, multi-point hookup, 20-ft. #72084............................$145,000 (14) 2017 John Deere S680, 789 engine/582 unload auger, manual vane chopper. separator, Active Terrain Adjustment, #72239 Stock #72067....................$48,500 (12) 900/60R32 tires, 750/65R26 rear tires, 2016 Case IH 8240, 1182 engine/1000 advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. separator, lateral tilt feederhouse, unload auger, power fold grain tank, hydraulic fold grain tank and cover, complete GPS system. Stock #69030.. high-capacity independent cross auger ..........................................$330,000 (3) control, duals. Stock #71960................ 2016 John Deere S680, 1087 engine/775 ..........................................$235,000 (3) separator, Active Terrain Adjustment, ActiveYield, IF800/70R38 drive tires, 2012 John Deere S670, 2371 en- #69613 750/65R26 rear tires, advanced Powgine/1688 separator, dual 520/85R42 ercast tailboard, power fold grain tank, drive tires, varaible stream rotor, Powcomplete GPS. Stock #70501.............. ercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger. ..........................................$319,000 (1) Stock #72239..................$135,000 (15)
2018 John Deere S780, 398 engine/285 separator, Contour-Master, Combine Advisor, ActiveYield, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, IF 520/85R42 duals, 750/65R26 rears, complete GPS system. Stock #64833....$420,000 (12) 2018 John Deere S780, 1015 engine/805 separator hours, dual 580/85R42 drive tires, rear 750/65R26 tires, Active Terrain Adjustment, Combine Advisor, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank, 28.5-ft. unload auger. Stock #69866..................$365,000 (14)
2017 John Deere S680, 1007 engine/736 separator, Active Terrain Adjustment, 2008 John Deere 9770, 2887 engine/2189 separator, level-land feederIF800/70R38 drive tires, advanced house, TouchSet concave adjustment, Powercast tailboard, TriStream rotor, Powercast tailboard, 22.5-ft unload aupower fold grain tank, complete GPS. ger. Stock #67394.............$95,000 (12) Stock #69032....................$282,500 (1) 2004 John Deere 9760, 2803 en2013 John Deere S680, 1952 engine/2073 separator, 800/65R32 drive gine/1428 separator, advanced Powtires, level-land feederhouse, chopper/ ercast tailboard, 900/60R32 drive tires, spreader, 22.5-ft. unload auger. Stock 620/75R28 rear tires, power fold grain #67937..............................$85,000 (14) tanks, 26-ft. unload auger, complete 2006 John Deere 9860, 2757 enGPS system. Stock #67407.................. gine/2109 separator, level-land feeder........................................$195,000 (14) house, Powercast tailboard, yield mon#71295 itor. Stock #69846.............$77,500 (14)
2011 Claas Lexion 750, 1140 engine/812 separator, 620/70R42 duals, chopper, yield monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, power folding bin extension, turbo chop and spreader. Stock #71569................. ........................................$170,000 (15)
2018 John Deere S770, 267 engine/185 separator, ActiveYield, Combine Advisor, manual grain tank covers, advanced Powercast tailboard, 28.5-ft. unload auger, IF800/70R38 drive tires, full GPS system. Stock #64662............ ........................................$385,000 (14)
Check out our website at to see photos and info on all of our inventory!
2013 Case IH 8230, 2315 engine/1715 separator, duals, MagnaCut chopper, lateral tilt feederhouse. Stock #69613.. ..........................................$127,500 (3)
2014 John Deere S680, 1617 engine/1137 separator, IF900/60R32 drive tires, lateral tilt, power fold grain tank, advanced Powercast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS. Stock #71295....................$220,000 (1) 2012 John Deere S680, 1575 engine/1150 separator, 900/60R32 drive tires, advanced Powercast tailboard, power fold grain tank, 26-ft. unload auger, complete GPS system. Stock #72233..............................$172,500 (3)
1=Conrad: 877-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 800-273-5530 3=Choteau: 866-466-5741 4=Dillon: 888-213-2793
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B28
Measuring potato dry matter content on the farm
Richard Norell, Extension Dairy Specialist, UI Idaho Falls Research and Extension Center; Benton Glaze, Extension Beef Specialist, UI Twin Falls Research and Extension Center; Mireille Chahine, Extension Dairy Specialist, UI Twin Falls Research and Extension Center; Nora Olsen, Extension Potato Specialist, UI Kimberly Research and Extension Center
 Cull potatoes are available for sale to livestock producers during years with low potato prices or when harvested potatoes fail to meet quality standards. Potatoes are mostly water (75 to 85%), and the water content varies with variety, maturity, growing location, seasonal effects, fertilization program, and storage conditions. In addition, cull potatoes are typically not stored in a controlled environment and will lose moisture over time due to suboptimal humidity and temperature conditions. The feed nutrients are found in the dry matter portion of the potato, not in the moisture portion. Dry matter refers to the material remaining in the potato after removal of water, and the moisture content is the amount of water in the potato. Knowing the dry matter content of cull potatoes is important because it affects the feeding rate and the dollar value of cull potatoes (table 1). Fewer pounds of high-dry-matter potatoes are needed to achieve a specific level of drymatter intake than of low-dry- matter potatoes. For example, cattle eat 5 pounds of potato dry matter whether they consume 20 pounds of 25% dry matter potatoes or 33 pounds of 15% dry matter potatoes. Table 1. Relationship between potato dry matter percentage, dry matter content per hundredweight, and dollar value of cull potatoes. Cull potato dry matter (%) 15 20 25
Dry matter in 100 lbs. of cull potatoes1 (lbs) 15 20 25
Value of cull potatoes2 ($/hundredweight) 1.50 2.00 2.50
Calculated by multiplying dry matter percentage by 100 pounds. 2 In this example, potatoes are valued at $0.10 per pound of dry matter. 1
High-dry-matter potatoes have a higher dollar value per hundredweight since they contain more pounds of dry matter in every hundred pounds of potatoes. If we assume cull potatoes are priced at $0.10 per pound of dry matter, then potatoes with 15% dry matter are worth $1.50 per hundredweight (100 pounds × 15% × $0.10/ pound of dry matter = $1.50) and 25% dry matter potatoes are worth $2.50 per hundredweight. Knowing the dry matter of cull potatoes is therefore important to both the potato grower and to the livestock producer for establishing a price for cull potatoes. Several methods for assessing dry matter in potatoes are available, ranging from those in a commercial laboratory to relatively simple and quick on-farm methods. Whichever method they choose, the buyer and seller will need to agree on the method and how to use the results to set the price. This publication describes three on-farm methods for measuring potato dry matter that provide similar results to commercial laboratory tests. The cost per analysis is less for on-farm methods than for sending a sample to the lab and paying lab fees. Table 2. Typical sample drying times with three onfarm methods for determining cull potato dry matter. Processing method Microwave oven, 1,100 watt 1/4 inch slices 1/8 inch slices 1/10 inch slices Food dehydrator 1/4 inch slices 1/8 inch slices 1/4 inch fries 1/8 inch fries Koster Moisture Tester 1/4 inch slices 1/4 inch fries
Average (minutes)
Range (minutes)
8.7 7.0 3.4
8 to 10 6.5 to 7.5 3 to 4
459 210 264 225
450 to 510 180 to 240 240 to 300 210 to 240
243 142
210 to 300 120 to 180
Sampling and processing cull potatoes To accurately determine dry matter, collect a representative sample of potatoes from the pile of cull potatoes. Select a potato at each of five locations, then process the five potatoes by either slicing them or cutting them into French fries. Mix the processed potatoes together, then weigh out a 50- to 100-gram sample for drying (approximately 1/8 to 1/4 pound). The size of the subsample is dependent on the drying equipment. An accurate scale that reads in grams or tenths of grams is important to ensure accuracy in the calculations. Drying methods Several different methods are available to dry potatoes, each with advantages and disadvantages. An overview of the various methods is provided below. Forced-air oven The standard method for measuring dry matter in a commercial feed testing laboratory involves the use of a forced-air oven. Feed samples are typically dried for 24 hours at 100° to 105°C (212° to 221°F). Forced-air ovens are quite expensive relative to a typical residential home oven. One could measure potato dry matter with a kitchen oven, but it would be inconvenient due to the long heating time and the results would be less accurate than with a forced-air, laboratory oven. Microwave Microwave ovens provide a relatively quick means of drying potatoes and are available in most home kitchens. The greatest challenge with the use of a microwave is the possibility of burning the sample during drying. Constant monitoring and short drying intervals (30 seconds to 1 minute) are necessary to minimize the risk of burning. Drying time will vary depending on microwave power, sample size, and potato slice or fry thickness. High- wattage microwaves will dry samples quicker than microwaves with lower power ratings. Fifty-gram samples will dry faster than 100-gram samples. Thin slices will dry faster than thick slices (table 2). Potato pieces should be similar in size because smaller pieces will dry out quicker than large pieces and may burn if the microwave is run for too long a time. Dry matter results tend to be similar between a forced-air, laboratory oven and a microwave, but microwave results will be lower if the sample burns during drying. Food dehydrator Many homes have a food dehydrator for preparing dried fruits and meat jerky. Food dehydrators dry potato samples slowly, with no risk of burning. This method requires minimal operator attention during the drying process and takes about 3 to 8 hours, depending on potato processing method. Drying times are shorter when the potato sample is sliced thinly or processed into French fries (table 2). Dry matter results with a dehydrator are within 1 to 2 percentage units of laboratory-oven values. Koster Moisture Tester Many livestock operations have a Koster Moisture Tester on hand to test dry matter of chopped corn or alfalfa prior to ensiling, and it can be used to measure dry matter content of potatoes. A Koster tester is an electrical appliance that blows heated air through a screen on which the feedstuff is placed. The heating element in the Koster Moisture Tester is well protected but does get red hot during the drying process. For safety purposes, place the Koster tester where it will be undisturbed during the drying process. Some farms use timers to turn off the Koster tester so that they can do other tasks while the feed dries. Drying potatoes with a Koster Moisture Tes-
ter is relatively slow, and drying times depend on potato processing method. In our testing, 1/4-inch-thick slices required significantly more time to dry than samples processed into 1/4-inch French fries (table 2). Dry matter results are similar between the Koster tester and laboratory ovens. Calculating Dry Matter Food Dehydrator and Koster Moisture Tester 1. Weigh the empty food dehydrator tray or the metal basket for the Koster Moisture Tester and record the weight. 2. Place 100 grams of processed potatoes in the container (tray or basket). Weigh and record the container and raw potato weight. 3. Dry the potato sample in the dehydrator or Koster Moisture Tester. Use the average drying times in table 2 as the initial drying period. 4. Weigh the container with its sample and return it to the drying device for another 30 minutes. 5. Weigh again, and if the total weight is the same or within 0.5 grams, you’re done. If not, repeat drying for another 30 minutes. 6. Subtract the weight of the container from the final weight (step 5) to determine the weight of the potatoes after drying. 7. Divide the weight of the dry potatoes (step 6) by the weight of the raw potatoes (step 2). 8. Multiply by 100 to obtain dry matter content in percent. Example: Container weight = 300 g Container and sample weight before drying = 400 g Wet sample weight = 100 g (Calculation: 400 g – 300 g = 100 g) Container and sample weight after drying = 320 g Dry sample weight = 20 g (Calculation: 320 g – 300 g = 20 g) Dry matter = 20% (Calculation: 20 g/100 g = 0.20 x 100 = 20%) Microwave 1. Weigh a microwave-safe plate and record the weight. 2. Place 50 grams of processed potatoes on the plate. 3. Weigh the plate and raw potato and record the weight. 4. Dry the potato sample in the microwave for 30 seconds, then weigh the plate and sample. 5. Return to the microwave and dry for another 30 seconds; weigh the plate and sample. 6. Repeat until the weight of the plate and sample is the same or within 0.5 gram of the previous weight and record the weight. Watch the potatoes closely during the drying process. If they start turning light brown, they are dry or very close to dry. Shut off the microwave immediately if they start smoking. You will need to retest if any of the sample pieces burned during the drying process. 7. Subtract the weight of the container from the final weight (step 6) to determine the weight of the potatoes after drying. 8. Divide the weight of the dry potatoes (step7) by the weight of the raw potatoes (step 2). 9. Multiply by 100 to obtain drymatter content in percent. Example: Plate weight = 300 g Plate and sample weight before drying = 350 g Wet sample weight = 50 g (Calculation: 350 g – 300 g = 50 g) Plate and sample weight after drying = 310 g Dry sample weight = 10 g (Calculation: 310 g – 300 g = 10 g) Dry matter = 20% (Calculation: 10 g/50 g = 0.20 x 100 = 20%)
The story behind a uniquely dark, wetland soil
##### A small newspaper clipping was found in a Bible over one hundred years old. There was no author or source of information named, just these few lines that, over the years, have even taken on more meaning and that make this point: “At ten years of age a boy thinks his father knows a great deal, at fifteen he knows as much as his father, at twenty he knows twice as much, at thirty he is willing to take his advice, at forty he begins to think his father knows something after all, at fifty he begins to seek his advice and at sixty—after his father is dead—he thinks his father was the smartest man that ever lived.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B29
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch PICKUP & BALER FOR SALE
Kaine Korzekwa, American Society of Agronomy When it comes to soils, proper identification is key. Identification allows scientists to determine the story behind the soil: how it formed, how it behaves in different scenarios, and how valuable it may be to certain plants and animals. Soil classification, or scientific identification, can also help determine if the soil needs extra attention and resources for protection. For example, certain soils may not be safe for 2009 GMC 2500HD Duramax 4x4.... Asking $10,000 hiking, could be home to an endangered species, or foster a unique ecosystem like wetlands. However, soil classification is complex. Soil characteristics include color, texture, mineral composition, air and water content, and much more. Each of these characteristics can give added details to solve the story behind the soil. Many soils are simple for trained soil scientists to identify. Case/IH SBX550 baler, 16x18 bale size........... $8500 But Karen Vaughan of the University of Wyoming and her Phone 406-788-1429, Simms, MT team dug in to investigate an area of soil along the central coast of California that had some peculiar characteristics. “The reason for this research site really comes from long ago in a wetlands field lab,” she says. “Students kept saying the soil didn’t meet all the field indicators of hydric — or wetter — soils. I thought, it has to. It’s wet and there’s plenty of water-loving vegetation. Then I realized it must be a problematic soil, so we set up this experiment to figure it out.” Vaughan’s experiment consisted of studying how dark the color of the soil was, as well as its water content, vegetation, Call for a dealer near you! and chemical composition. Looking at how wet the soils seemed, the vegetation that grew there, and microbes that (800) 889-3281 lived there, a scientist would think they were wetland soils. However, other characteristics of the soil, such as its dark color, confused the researchers because it was so similar to Stock Tanks the surrounding drier soil. This is where a way to analyze soil color more precisely, called the profile darkness index, was helpful. It allowed them to properly classify the soils. Soil classification is usually a pretty exact science. Hydric soils have a specific set of characteristics. One of the key characteristics of hydric soil is a pale, light greyish color. As a result of the uniquely dark color, they could be mistakenly identified as drier soils and not meet the requirements of Rounds 400-1500 gal. Oblongs 240-2000 gal. wetlands. More clues for soil classification can sometimes be found Bulk liquid storage: in the landscape. Landslides are common on these cliffs, which cause soil to fall and be deposited in other areas. Often, these landslides result in depressions where a soil might be wetter than its surroundings. “We get these situations where the soil characteristics don’t match features we usually see in wetter soils,” Vaughan explains. “This is, for example, because the transported soils Potable/non-potable Potable/non-potable 2000-20,000 gal inherited darker colors from the parent material. If someone 6’ or 12’ diameters. 6’ or 12’ diameters looked at these soils, they would assume they are not as Select sizes available insulated & covered. 2000-20,000 gal wet as they are. They then would not classify these areas as . wetlands, despite them performing as wetlands.” Montana Fiberglass, Inc. If you're interested in dealership, give “This kind of proper identification is important so the 2063 Casino Creek Dr. us a call toll free at 800-889-3281 wetlands can be better conserved,” Vaughan says. “If reLewistown, MT 59457 searchers don’t know about them, they can’t be protected.” Email: This is because wetlands are so beneficial to the environment. They can help store water to protect against floods and erosion, as well as improve water quality. They also serve as a place for important plants and aniThe latest advancements mals to live. Of course, they in Forage Seeds: are also beautiful to observe when hiking out in nature. “Soils tells the story of Montech Forage FX an ecosystem,” she says. Fall Triticale 1001 “If we look to the soil, we Producers have reported can understand ecosystem 61/2 ton dry forage yield function.” on dryland crop rotation. Read more about this work in the Soil Science Society of America Journal Willow Creek (https://acsess.onlinelibrary. Forage saj2.20090). This research Willow Creek Forage Winter Wheat Winter Wheat was partially funded by the California State University Producers have reported You have read about it and now it is Agricultural Research In31/2 ton dry forage yield available at: Montech Forage FX Fall Triticale 1001 stitute. on dryland crop rotation.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B30
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Hannah Martin is shown here with her collection of baked goods which earned her a Grand rosette during the Teton County 4-H Fair held July 17-26 in Choteau, Montana. Photo courtesy of Sharla Hinman, Teton County Extension.
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UW hires new coach for livestock judging team
From University of Wyoming Extension said why not go to the places other people The University of Wyoming’s (UW) new want to learn and put on clinics?” livestock judging coach won’t start until He’s held two-day clinics designed November, but the team’s excellence has for 4-H and FFA members across several Curtis Doubet pumped. states. Doubet will finish this fall as coach “I don’t know of anything that did more at Northeastern Junior College (NJC) in for my coaching than putting on those Sterling, Colorado, then join the Department of Animal Science in the College of coaching clinics,” Doubet said. “All everyone is thinking about is winning contests. Agriculture and Natural Resources. He You get caught up in that, and what gets will replace Caleb Boardman as livestock lost is what you are actually trying to do.” judging coach. Teach. “A big reason I wanted to come to Wyoming is because of what this fall arguably He described an 8-year-old who attended will be the deepest class of livestock judges one of his camps who was going to judge I’ve ever seen,” said Doubet, who was a goats. The youth had shown only rabbits, had never been around goats, but his student member of the NJC team and then mother thought judging livestock would Colorado State University, later becoming boost his public speaking skills. its coach before moving to the current NJC “I had a blast working with that young coaching position. man,” Doubet said. “I got a thank-you note “I’m pumped up about coming,” he from him saying he was fortunate enough said. “Caleb has built the program into a to win a judging contest and attributed that legitimate contender every year. The current team is one of the best in the country.” to someone more interested in teaching Boardman has accepted the livestock than winning.” judging team coach position at Texas Not that Doubet hasn’t already set a high A&M University, where he had received goal for UW. He said if Boardman’s team his bachelor’s degree in agribusiness and doesn’t win the national championship this master’s in animal science and had been a fall, he aims to next year. Doubet complimented his NJC team graduate assistant. He joined UW in 2015. members and added some are interested The UW position includes teaching responsibilities. in coming to UW. He said he’s also been Doubet grew up near Parker, Colorado. recruiting since he accepted the UW position. In the last five years, 26 students He was an All-American in 4-H and in have transferred to UW from Wyoming junior and senior college, where he was community colleges and 12 from comhigh individual at the American Royal munity colleges outside Wyoming to be competition. Doubet said he will come to on the team. UW the best coach he’s ever been and credits starting The Judging Experience, which Doubet complimented UW. puts on judging clinics across the country. “I’ve been around academia for a long He had gone to work on the family’s time and I have never seen the excitement ranch near Lodge Grass, Montana, and and support for livestock judging like kept getting calls asking for coaching help. Wyoming has,” he said. “I’m extremely “I give credit to my wife, Cate, to startimpressed with the university. It says a lot ing The Judging Experience,” he said. “She about the school.”
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Farm Bureau pleased with modernized rule on NEPA
Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire The Montana Farm Bureau (MFBF) applauds the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ)’s final rule, the “Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act.” This is the first comprehensive update to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 40 years. The regulations are a welcome modernization of the federal environmental review process which will benefit both the environment and the American economy. “NEPA modernization will promote more efficient, effective, and timely federal environmental reviews,” said MFBF Executive Vice President John Youngberg. “Although the NEPA review doesn’t necessarily impact most of agriculture, the way NEPA is implemented can have secondary effects on farms and ranches, particularly those who work with federal lands. Keeping federal forests and rangelands healthy and productive is critical to farmers and ranchers who rely on the land and share this public trust with their rural communities.” Youngberg added that the regulations are a welcome modernization of the federal environmental review process, which will protect the environment while benefiting the economy. It is important to note that this update does not change any underlying environmental law. “This is about smart government and promoting more effective and timely federal environmental reviews,” he said. “Whether they result in approval or denial of a project, the goal is to ensure that the federal government considers both the benefits and consequences of major federal actions before decisions are made and alternatives are considered to major federal actions.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B31
K-State leads effort to develop heat stress-resilient soybeans
Wife Appreciation Day
K-State Research and Extension News On a recent summer morning, a team of temperature stress, Schapaugh said. students and scientists worked quietly, row The researchers are laying the groundwork by row in a research field, thinning soybean for developing new cultivars that can tolerate seedling plants by hand and saving the stronheat stress better than those currently available gest to establish a uniform plant population for by accomplishing three objectives, including • Observing different cultivars’ yield and varieties to be grown in a new research project. The team, led by Kansas State University composition changes during induced heat agronomy professor and soybean breeder Bill stress through a process called phenotyping. Schapaugh, is just starting work on a three• Mapping genomic regions responsible for year effort to develop soybean varieties that sustaining yield, seed quality and composition will better withstand heat stress in the critical under post-flowering heat stress. post-flowering stage of development. He is • Validating haplotypes – DNA characterisworking with K-State associate professor and tics that tend to be inherited together with the crop physiologist Krishna Jagadish and Unigoal of strengthening breeding efforts to imversity of Missouri geneticists Henry Nguyen prove soybean resilience under post-flowering and Tri Vuong on the project. heat stress in the future. The work is made possible by a $500,000 To control how much heat and other enaward from the U.S. Department of Agriculvironmental factors some of the plants are ture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculsubjected to, the team will grow part of the ture (USDA-NIFA). soybean accessions in eight large tents. Others “The long-term goal of this research is to will be grown outdoors. strengthen the development of commercial The heat tents are unique, custom desoybean varieties with improved tolerance to signed structures placed over the plots that heat stress,” Schapaugh said, adding that the are covered with a clear polyethylene film, specific goal is to identify and characterize Schapaugh said. They resemble a clear wall unique sources of post-flowering heat tolertent. Air inside the tents will be heated from ance in existing soybean germplasm that can the sunlight and sensors, and electricallybe used to develop commercial varieties. controlled panels regulate the temperature “We are focusing on post-flowering (the within the tents during the day. Such heat seed-filling stage of development) because tents have not been used routinely in soyenvironmental stresses, such as heat, tend to bean research but have been used in a similar have the largest impact on seed yield and seed manner by Jagadish’s team to examine heat composition during this period of growth,” tolerance in wheat. Schapaugh said. As part of the research team, K-State and High daytime temperatures during that MU undergraduate and graduate students, stage of soybean development can negatively plus a post-doctoral researcher are enhancing impact yield – or, how much grain a plant their own education and research skills and produces – and grain quality, which ultimately techniques, Schapaugh said. reduces what farmers have available to sell In the end, he added, consumers will benafter harvest. efit from a more consistent supply and quality That’s particularly important because cliof soybean products. mate models are projecting that U.S. soybean More information about K-State’s Departgrowing regions will not only experience ment of Agronomy is available online (https:// increased mean seasonal high temperatures, or by calling but also frequent episodes of high daytime 785-532-6101.
Marriage Counseling A farmer and his wife had a challenging marriage. They seemed to fight every night, so the farmer just got up earlier and worked later each day until he was only at home long enough to eat, bathe, and sleep. This went on for a few months until finally his wife got fed up with it. She told him, “Either we’re going to a marriage counselor or I am filing for divorce and taking half of your farm when I go!” They next day when the farmer came in for supper all he found was a can of soup, a can opener, and a note that read, “So what have you decided?” The farmer walked outside and found his wife out on the front porch impatiently waiting, and he said, “OK, I will go to see the counselor with you, make the appointment.” Later in the week the couple left the farm and drove to town to see the Marriage Counselor. After introducing themselves the counselor asked, “So what seems to be the problem?” The wife immediately went into a tirade, listing every problem they had ever had in the years they had been married. On and on and on she ranted of the neglect, lack of intimacy, emptiness, loneliness, feeling unloved, and a seemingly endless list of unmet needs she had endured. Finally, after allowing her to vent for more than 20 minutes, the therapist got up, walked around the desk, and asked the wife to stand. The counselor threw his arms around the farmer’s wife, embraced and kissed her long and passionately, as her husband watched with raised eyebrows. When he let go of her, the now stunned wife, crumpled down in her chair with a dazed look in her eyes. The therapist turned to the husband and said, “This is what your wife needs at least 3 times a week. Can you do this?” The farmer replied, “Well, I can drop her off here on Mondays and Wednesdays, but on Fridays I take produce to the Farmer’s Market.”
Date When Celebrated: Third Sunday in September The objective of this special day, is for wives without children to receive appreciation from their husbands. Mother’s Day is for wives with children. So, today is an opportunity for husbands in a childless marriage, to recognize the value of their wife. Let her know how important she is to you, and how much she is appreciated. It is a day that she truly deserves. It should be very easy to show appreciation to your wife, for who she is, and for all the great things she does for you. You know her well, her likes and dislikes. Begin the day by telling her that she is appreciated. Give her a few examples why. Then, select a couple of things she likes or likes to do, and make it happen. Giving her a gift is perfectly okay, but in is not a requirement. While this day was originally intended to honor wives in a childless marriage, we encourage all husbands to show appreciation for their wives on this day. Showing your appreciation today, is a basic ingredient for a long ad happy marriage.
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page B32
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Guide helps to identify termites, other home pests
K-State Research and Extension News Some of them are creepy and crawly. being blood-sucking nuisances, both can Others can be vicious blood-suckers. Still vector diseases. others slowly whittle away at the wood in • Spiders. Most are harmless, but often your home. But one thing homeowners scare homeowners. All spiders are poisonous but only two – the black widow and know about all of the pests they may find brown recluse – may require medical atis they would rather do without them. tention for both animals and humans. This time of year, that’s nearly impossible, said Kansas State University ento• Ants. They are mostly just a nuisance, mologist Jeff Whitworth, who notes that constantly on the search for food scraps. many of the most common household pests The exception is the carpenter ant, which become more active after March each year. may start living in soft woods, insulation “Arthropods – insects, mites, spiders or other areas. and others – are our No. 1 competitors for • Carpenter bees. These are “always” food and fiber, including wooden struca nuisance in late June to mid-July, Whittures,” Whitworth said. “So, it behooves worth said. They don’t eat wood but do all of us to know as much as possible about tunnel and nest in it. The males have a these competitors so that we know which habit of “dive-bombing” humans who ones are pests, which one’s are helping us, approach their nests before the females and the vast majority of which just occupy have mated. ecological niches that do not affect us.” Most household pests are inactive from Whitworth is a co-author of the K-State October through March, Whitworth said, Research and Extension publication, though a few “pantry pests” stay active Household Pests of Kansas, a 112-page during that time because they feed on guide to the most common pests in the stored foods that are generally kept at Sunflower State. temperatures of 50 degrees Fahrenheit or “This book will help folks identify pests higher. “Cockroaches and bed bugs can or identify that the bug they have found is certainly be active year-round, anywhere not a pest,” Whitworth said. “If it is a pest that temperatures are above 50 F,” he said. to be concerned about, they can read a little In addition to his publication, Whitworth said two other books – Insects in about what to expect and how to best get Kansas and Crop Insects in Kansas – will rid of them or keep them out of the house.” help homeowners identify pests. Termites are one of the most worrisome “Your local extension office can also insects for homeowners. help,” he said. “Take the best, close-up “It’s been said that every wooden structure has had, has, or will have an infestaphotos you can, from several angles, and tion of these wood-destroying insects,” place something beside the specimen so said Whitworth, noting that termites have the person making the identification can “swarmed a little later this year than get an idea of size. You can also take the usual.” actual specimen in as good of condition He added that Household Pests in Kanas possible to the local extension office.” sas includes a good description of how to When pest control measures are warranted, Whitworth recommended contacttell the difference between termites and ing an established company. “Get several ants, and a recommendation to call a pest estimates and each company’s tactic to control professional as soon as you realize manage your problem,” he said. “They you have termites. will be different, but they will probably Some of the many pests that Whitworth be happy to provide a free estimate. Don’t said homeowners should be aware of include: forget to get a warranty or guarantee, because they should provide these.” • Mosquitos and ticks. Aside from
Lifesaving Lie A cowboy drove his truck and horse trailer to town to pick up some vaccines and wormer the day he was planning to work his cows. As he slowed down to turn off of the highway, he was struck from behind by a semi-truck. Unfortunately, the cowboy, his horse, and his trusty cowdog were all seriously injured from the accident. Some months later, the cowboy sued the truck driver’s insurance company for damages in addition to the vehicle and trailer. The lawyer for the Defense questioned the cowboy on the witness stand. “At the scene of the accident, is it true that you told the police officer that you had never felt better in your life?” “Yes, That’s correct,” the cowboy replied. So the lawyer quickly turned on his heels with fire in his eyes and demanded, “Well then, how is it that you are now claiming you were seriously injured when my client’s truck hit your trailer?” The cowboy shared a recap of what took place at the scene of the accident. He explained, “When the police office arrived at the scene, he saw my horse laying in the ditch in real bad shape. It’s right front and back legs were broken, so he shot him. Then he went over to Sooner, my dog, which had 3 broken legs, and put him out of his misery as well!” Then the lawyer interrupted, “Sir I was not referring to your animals. Did you or did you not tell the police officer at the scene that you never felt better in your life?” The cowboy would not be rattled. He said, “I had a broken pelvis, a broken arm, and a ruptured disc in my back. But after watching what that officer had done to my poor horse and dog, I thought that was the wisest thing for me to say at the time!”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C1
The deadline for advertising for the October 2020 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30th.
IRRIGATION REEL FOR SALE Water wheel irrigation reel, 400-ft. hose, gas motor, will draft from any source.
$2100 Call 406) 596-6622 Dillon, MT
Regan Walter with his 1310 lb blue ribbon beef from the 2020 Marias Fair. Apex Angus of Valier, Montana purchased Regan’s steer during the online virtual livestock auction.
Bank loan
A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. ‘Miss Whack, I’d like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday.’ Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name if Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it’s okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, ‘Sure. I have this,’ and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she’ll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, there’s a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he want to use this as collateral.’ She holds up the tiny pink elephant. ‘I mean, what in the world is this?’ (you’re going to love this) The bank manager looks back at her and says… ‘It’s a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan, His old man’s a Rolling Stone.’ (You’re singing it, aren’t you? ‘I know you are….) Never take life too seriously! Come on now, you grinned, I know you did!!! ##### The latest scientific research has shown that you can travel on an airplane without announcing it on social media !
7467 MT HIGHWAY 200 PLAINS MT 59859
2020 Ford F550 XL 4X4
2018 Ford F550 XL 4X4
Service Bed - 6.7L Engine
2006 Ford F650 XL 4X4
Rehbein Price $89,950*
Service Bed - 6.7L Engine
Rehbein Price $94,995*
Service Bed - C7 CAT Engine
2020 Ford F550 XL 4X4
2020 Ford F350 XL 4X4
60” Cab to Axle - 6.7L Engine
Rehbein Price $59,890*
Rehbein Price $29,950*
Rugby Flatbed - 7.3L V8 Engine
Rehbein Price $50,070*
2020 Ford F350 XL 4X4
2020 Ford F250 XL 4X4
2020 Ford F250 XL 4x4
Rehbein Price $54,280*
Rehbein Price $57,255*
Rehbein Price $41,040*
6.7L Diesel Engine
6.7L Diesel Engine
6.2L V8 Engine
*Price is determined by MSRP, Dealer discount, Cash and /or Ford Financing Rebates and Dealer’s $95 Doc Fee. * Other Rebates may apply. Restrictions may apply. * At Rehbein Ford, we offer work solutions to get any job done. Whether you need your truck for personal use or business use we have the solution for you. Accessory products are installed by Rehbein Ford and warrantied by Rehbein Ford. Why go anywhere else, we can make it that easy. Delivery options are available, ask us for details.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C2
Please check out our website:
159) 1400-lb. bales, 1st cutting, no rain, grass/alfalfa mix........................................... $90/ton Phone (406) 531-1036, Ronan, Montana
Tractor loader mount John Deere 8-ft. snow blower. Will mount on any 100 hp or more loader, hydraulic power with orbit hydraulic motor power, hydraulic directional spout. Phone (406) 596-6622, Dillon, MT
Pictured is Jed Winkowitsch of Glacier County with his 278 lb blue swine from the 2020 Marias Fair.
USDA accepting applications to help cover costs for organic certification
USDA News Release up to a maximum of $500 per scope. USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) This change is will allow a larger number announced that organic producers and hanof certified organic operations to receive asdlers can apply for federal funds to assist sistance. If Congress authorizes additional with the cost of receiving and maintaining funding, FSA may provide additional asorganic certification through the Organic sistance to certified operations that have Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP). applied for OCCSP, not to exceed 75 percent Applications for eligible certification exof their eligible costs, up to $750 per scope. penses paid between October 1, 2019, and The changes to the payment calculation September 30, 2020, are due October 31, and maximum payment amount are ap2020. plicable to all certified organic operations, “For producers producing food with regardless of whether they apply through an organic certification, this program helps FSA county office or a participating state cover a portion of those certification costs,” agency. State agencies that are interested FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce said. in overseeing reimbursements to producers “Contact your local FSA county office to and handlers in their states must establish learn more about this program and other new agreements with FSA for fiscal 2020. valuable USDA resources, like farm loans More Information and conservation assistance, that can help To learn more about organic certification you succeed.” cost share, please visit the OCCSP webpage OCCSP provides cost-share assistance to ( and handlers of agricultural prodservices/occsp/index), view the notice of ucts for the costs of obtaining or maintaining funds availability on the Federal Register, or organic certification under the USDA’s Nacontact the FSA county office at your local tional Organic Program. Eligible producers USDA Service Center. All USDA Service include any certified producers or handlers Centers are open for business, including who have paid organic certification fees to a some that are open to visitors to conduct USDA-accredited certifying agent. Eligible business in person by appointment only. expenses for cost-share reimbursement All Service Center visitors wishing to coninclude application fees, inspection costs, duct business with FSA, Natural Resources fees related to equivalency agreement and Conservation Service or any other Service arrangement requirements, travel expenses Center agency should call ahead and schedfor inspectors, user fees, sales assessments ule an appointment. Service Centers that and postage. are open for appointments will pre-screen Changes in Reimbursement visitors based on health concerns or recent Due to expected participation levels and travel, and visitors must adhere to social the limited funds available, FSA revised the distancing guidelines. Visitors may also be reimbursement amount available through required to wear a face covering during their fiscal year 2023. Certified producers and appointment. handlers are now eligible to receive reimTo learn more about USDA support for bursement for up to 50 percent of the certiorganic agriculture, visit fied organic operation’s eligible expenses,
Bears In light of the rising frequency of human – grizzly bear conflicts, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is advising hikers, hunters, and fisherman to take extra precautions and keep alert of bears while in the field. They advise that outdoorsmen wear noisy little bells on their clothing so as not to startle bears that aren’t expecting them. They also advise outdoorsmen
to carry pepper spray with them in case of an encounter with a bear. It is also a good idea to watch out for fresh signs of bear activity. Outdoorsmen should recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear dung. Black bear dung is smaller and contains lots of berries and squirrel fur. Grizzly bear dung has little bells in it and smells like pepper.
##### What was the best thing BEFORE sliced bread?
##### Things are not on fire,... fire is on things.
Unusual gaits
The traditional four gaits are walk, trot or jog, canter or lope, and gallop, but a few breeds have different gaits. Usually smoother than the traditional gaits, these gaited horses are often recommended to riders with weak backs or poor balance. Some competitions have riders showing with a glass of champagne to demonstrate the horse’s smoothness. Following are eight popular gaited horse breeds and their unusual gaits: The American Saddlebred can slow gait and rack. The slow gait is a four-beat gait in which lateral legs (the legs on one side of the horse) appear to move together. The rack is a faster version where each foot hits the ground separately at equal intervals. The Tennessee Walking Horse can do a flat walk and running walk. The flat walk is a brisk far-reaching walk, with each foot hitting the ground separately at regular intervals. The back legs glide far forward, creating an immense over stride. The running walk is a much faster version of the gliding flat walk. The Brazilian Mangalarga has two unique gaits called the marha picada and marha batida. The marcha picada is a broken pace with very little vertical movement. The marcha batida is a diagonal four-beat gait. The Missouri Fox Trotter can do a fox trot, in which the front legs walk and the hindlegs trot, with a large over stride. The Peruvian Paso does a paso llano. This is a lateral four-beat gait where the front feet exhibit termino (rolling toward the outside similar to a swimming motion). The Pasco Fino has a unique gait with three speeds–classic fino, paso corto ad paso largo. The gait is a rapid four beat-lateral gait where each foot hits the ground separately at precisely equal intervals. The Standardbred can pace, with lateral feet stepping down in unison. It can be accomplished at slow and fast speeds. The Icelandic Horse can tolt; some also pace. The tolt has the same foot fall as a four-beat walk, but lacks suspension and has high knee action in the forelegs.
##### If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then lefties are the only ones in their right mind.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C3
Vermeer 555XL round baler, twine. $ Reduced to.......................................................... Phone (406) 544-5220, St. Regis, Montana
Sales Service Parts
See all our inventory at
2021 Neville 45-ft. Grain Trailer
2021 Neville 42-ft. Grain Trailer
TRIPLE AXLE! Air ride, power tarp and traps, mudflap package
Call Today!
Air seeder special/raise, steel, power tarp & traps, mudflap package, air ride, aluminum wheels, Gatorhyde spray on liners
Call Today!
2020 Jet Aluminum 40-ft. Grain Trailer
Double wall, power tarp, easy open hoppers, aluminum wheels, 24.5 tires
Call Today!
2021 Neville Aluminum Grain Trailer 40-ft., power tarp/trap, air ride, 24.5 tires, AIR SEEDER OPTION, LOADED!
2020 Ford F350 XLT Regular Cab
Call Today!
406-653-1350 • Wolf Point, Montana
Quality Seed and Seed Conditioning 2380 US Highway 89 Fairfield, MT Toll Free: 800-572-4769 Fax: (406) 467-3377 Email:
7.3L Gas V8, FX4 Off-Road Pkg, Camper/Snow Plow Package, Rear CHMSL Camera, 3.73 E-Locking Axle
$49,020 MSRP
Your Seed Source for 41 years
Winter Wheat
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• Cover Crops • Forage Grasses • Alfalfa • Wheatgrasses • Lawn Mixes • Custom Mixes • Warm Season Grasses for Sales please call Chad Becker or Scott Gasvoda
We will blend to your specifications. Please contact us to discuss your seed needs.
It’s not too early to think about Winter Wheat Seeding. Please give us a call, we have many varieties available! WestBred®, Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC.
Call Scott at the Seed Plant to schedule your custom cleaning and treating! Seed treats available are:
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C4
Case IH ADX3430 430 bushel tow between with 70-ft., 12” spacing, Case 700 single shoot drill $6.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup
Flexi-Coil 2320 Tow between with 39-ft., 12” spacing 5000 air drill $6.50 per acre plus delivery and pickup
2010 Versatile 220 MFWD, Powershift, 1350 hours, 4 remotes, clean tractor Call for rates
Cat Challenger MT765C 300 hp PTO, Powershift, 3 point $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1982 Versatile 1150 Just in, good tractor, have the triples just not on in the pictures, runs great Call for rate
Versatile 895 Manual, 310 hp, duals $80 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Versatile Viking Vertical Tillage 38-ft. , rolling baskets $7.50 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Cat Challenger MT965C 525 hp, duals, Powershift, PTO $150 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1986 Big Bud 370 400 hp Cummins 855M 40 GPM hydraulics $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Farm King 6650 Disc 32-ft., 24” blades, heavy duty disc $7.00 per acre, 100 acre minimum plus delivery and pickup.
Versatile SX275 Self-Propelled Sprayer 1200 gallon, 100-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate control $1200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
Spra-Coupe 7650 Sprayer 660 gallon, 90-ft., Auto Steer, Raven rate controller $900 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
1990 Case 9170 Cummins, 375 hp, 4wd, powershift $100 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
2015 Case IH Steiger 620HD Just in, call for details $170 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
2015 Versatile 310 1800 hours, 3 pt., duals, 4 remotes, Powershift, High flow hydraulics, heat and air $90 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
Big Bud 400/30 400 hp, Powershift, duals $120 per hour, 100 hour minimum plus delivery and pickup. Ask about weekly or monthly rental rate
1992 Timpte 48-ft., triple axle, rear lift axle, tires 60% $1500 per month
Tufline TW72822 very nice disc $200 per day plus delivery and pickup. Ask about monthly rates.
Give us a call to get more information about rates, schedule delivery, etc.
• •
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 Owner: Ron Harmon • CELL: 406-265-0096
1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Jim • 406-265-9554
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C5
2020 Versatile 375 New, 38-ft., 3-section folding, hydraulic depth control $125,000
2010 Versatile 220 Clean MFWD tractor, Cummins, 220 hp, 1350 hours, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, rear duals, 4 remotes $98,500
2 to choose from!
2015 Versatile SX280
Versatile 875 give us a call for more info!
2011 Versatile 535 Nice clean tractor, very low hours, Powershift $180,000
1982 Versatile 1150 Just in good tractor, have the triples just not on in the pictures, runs great! $75,000
2 Versatile 895’s to choose from, give us a call for more info!
100-ft. booms, 3 auto, 3 sensors, full guidance Raven controls, 1200 gallon stainless tank, 3” side fill, mixing cone, 200 gallon fresh water tank, triple nozzle bodies, 5 boom control. Very clean - $259,000
406-982-7064 or 888-265-9554 1287 Highway 87 • HAVRE, MT 59501
• •
1986 Big Bud 370 400 hp Cummins 855M 40 GPM hydraulic, 4 hydraulic remotes, Case drain, Fuji Teco 12 speed Powershift transmission, 70,000 lb. Clark axles, 24.5-32 tires duals 60% $129,500
1979 Big Bud 525/50 4290 hours, 900 Trellaborg tires, very clean tractor $180,000
2003 Case IH 450 STX Good solid older tractor, 9000 hours, Quad Track, 30” tracks, Powershift, 450 hp $95,000 2015 Case IH 620 STX 5860 hours, duals, 620 hp, Powershift. Just in, call for more details - $180,000
Great Plains 40-ft., 7.5” spacing, double disc drill, liquid fertilizer, 4500 acres $75,000
2 Case IH ATX700’s with ADX3430 carts to choose from!!! $98,000
Owner: Ron Harmon CELL: 406-265-0096
Sales: Marty Lundstrom 406-654-7255
Parts: Jim 406-265-9554
2012 Challenger MT965C 5 remotes, Trimble auto steer PTO, Full weight package front and rear $220,000
2010 Challenger MT765 6220 hours, 3 pt., 24” tracks, 4 rear remotes, 306 hp, Powershift transmission. $125,000
John Deere 6150 with loader, 2780 hours, very nice clean tractor $120,000
John Deere 8770 8300 hours, duals, tires at 50%, 4 remotes, 300 hp, 4WD, Synchro transmission - $55,000
1979 Friggstad 53-ft., super clean and straight for its age, tires are good. Ready to go to work $20,000
2005 SPRA-COUPE 7650 Raven rate controller, Raven autosteer, 660 gallon plastic tank, chemical inductor, triple nozzle bodies, Perkins engine $60,000
1976 John Deere 8630h Good solid running tractor, shifts nice, starts really easy, 40 Series motor, PTO - $18,000
Big Bud 400/30 to choose from!!
1990 Case IH 9170 Tractor runs great has high hours but don’t let that scare you. Cummins, 375 hp, 4WD, Powershift - $48,000
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C6
1970 Ford 2-ton truck, 16-ft. box & hoist............. $6500 Call 406-432-3771, Galata, MT
M & W MACHINE 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore ✓ Irrigation Pump Repair ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work
Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring & Line Boring within 500 mile radius
1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 Mark Oelke – Owner 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 Visit us on the web at:
2 3
T & T Farm Supply, LLC Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Avenue West • Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)
Properties For Sale • Rocky Mountain Front west of Choteau, MT, grass and recreational opportunities - 7700 acres plus 947 acres State and 92 acres Federal Lease, 1141 acres in CRP, 200 acres irrigatable, 800+ acres improved pasture. Available as 1 or 2 units.................................. $7,750,000 • Mission Valley west of Ronan, MT, 525 acres with 3 pivots and 5 wheel lines. Highly productive unit that’s been in grain production. Ready for hay, cattle or specialty crops. Call Sheila Rigby (406) 274-3739. • West of Ronan, MT also in Mission Valley, 210 acres with 138 acres sprinkler irrigated. Quite, private locale of rangleland and coulees. Call Sheila Rigby (406) 274-3739. Visit for details!
(406) 393-2380
Inventory forage supplies early
NDSU Extension Service Harvested forages are a critical compoIf bales weigh 1,400 pounds apiece and nent of winter feeding programs for the contain 88% dry matter, each bale would majority of North Dakota’s cattle herds. supply 1,232 pounds of dry matter (1,400 Many areas of the state were deficient pounds x 0.88). For this example, this means in moisture during critical times for forage that about six bales would be required to growth, and some producers may be facing meet feed needs for each day. If the feeding a short hay supply. period is 210 days, a total of 1,260 bales “Conducting an inventory now will give would be needed. This is the bare minimum producers a good idea of possible deficienamount of bales without considering dry cies and allow time to develop the best matter losses or waste. Storage and feeding options for the upcoming feeding season,” losses also should be included in calculasays Janna Block, Extension livestock systions to ensure that adequate hay supplies tems specialist based at North Dakota State are available. University’s (NDSU) Hettinger Research If the forage is stored outside, dry matter Extension Center (HREC). losses could be as high as 20%. If stored The first step is to get an accurate count or inside, losses will decrease to about 7%. measurement of bales and/or other forages Feeding losses also vary depending on (silage, etc.) harvested. These should be the feeding system. When hay is fed in grouped by lot, which is defined as similar bunks, waste may be as low as 3% to 14%. species harvested from the same field within If bales are rolled out on the ground, losses a 48-hour period. due to trampling and overconsumption Use a commercial scale to get a good could be as high as 45%, particularly when estimate of bale weight by weighing several cattle are fed for multiple days at one time. loads or multiple individual bales. UnderWith free choice access to large quantities standing the dry matter content of forages of forage, intake typically will increase by is important. 15% to 20% beyond what is needed to meet Dry matter refers to material remaining requirements. after removal of water. Livestock nutrient If conditions allow, daily feeding helps requirements are calculated on a dry matter force cattle to eat hay that might otherwise basis to eliminate the dilution factor from be wasted. If hay costs $85 a ton and waste water. could be reduced by 25% by covering the Knowing the moisture content of forhay and feeding on a daily basis, this would ages is important because moisture affects result in savings of more than $20 per ton. weight but does not provide nutrients to the These savings could be used to invest in animal. Although water is required, needs extra equipment such as feed bunks or even should be met through actual water sources. a bale processor or feed wagon. The dry matter of forages can be deterAssuming an overall loss of 15% using mined by using a Koster moisture tester the above example, an additional 189 bales or other electronic methods at home or by may be needed for the feeding period. Insubmitting a sample to a commercial laboracluding this waste factor helps ensure that tory for analysis. If the dry matter content forage supplies will be adequate. of bales is unknown, an estimate of 85% to Keep in mind that this estimate of feed 90% can be used for the initial inventory needs does not consider differences in forestimate; however, laboratory analysis is age quality or specific nutrient requirements recommended for ration balancing. of cattle. Completing the process described The second step is to estimate potential should help identify a potential forage shortfeed needs. A variety of factors influence age; however, actual amounts of forage (and how much forage a cow will eat every day. possibly supplement) to be fed should be Body weight, stage of production and endetermined by utilizing laboratory analysis vironmental factors will play a key role, in of forage and developing a balanced ration. addition to forage quality. “As you conduct your inventory, don’t Current numbers and estimated weights forget to account for other sources of forage, for each class of livestock (mature cows, such as silage and cover crops,” says Mibulls, heifers, yearlings, calves, etc.) to be randa Meehan, NDSU Extension livestock fed this winter should be written down. Alenvironmental stewardship specialist. though actual intake will vary, an estimate You can learn more about assessing of 2.5% of body weight can be used to these sources in a video ( determine dry matter forage requirements QZbHrp1gp2o) that discusses assessing and of each animal per day. stretching forage supplies. For example, assume a producer has 175 A simple spreadsheet to calculate winter mature cows weighing 1,350 pounds each, feed needs has been developed by the foreight bulls weighing 1,800 pounds each and age team at the University of Wisconsin26 yearling heifers weighing 670 pounds Madison. It is available as a free download each. Mature cows would require 5,906 at pounds per day (1,350 x 0.025 x 175), bulls harvest/#inventory under the “Forage Inwould require 360 pounds per day (1,800 ventory” category. For more information x 0.025 x 8) and heifers would require 436 about conducting a forage inventory or pounds (670 x 0.025 x 26), for a total of developing a winter ration, contact your 6,702 pounds of dry matter per day. local NDSU Extension agent.
Talking frog
An engineer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, “If you kiss me, I’ll turn into a beautiful princess.” He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, “If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week.” The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to his pocket. The frog then cried out, “If you kiss me
and turn me back into a princess, I’ll stay with you and do ANYTHING you want.” Again the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, “What is the matter? I’ve told you I’m a beautiful princess, that I’ll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won’t you kiss me?” The engineer said, “Look I’m an engineer. I don’t have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog now that’s cool.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C7
2018 John Deere S770 2015 John Deere S680 2013 John Deere 1830 2015 John Deere 640D J UST IN
! D L O S
• 780 hours • Warranty • 1 owner • Field Ready!
Oilmont, MT
• 690 hours • Duals • Chopper • Leather • Fully serviced • Loaded unit • Warranty! Was: $260,000
Now $199,970
• 61-ft.
• 550 bushel tank • 10” spacing
ONLY $129,970!
2011 John Deere 1835 2011 John Deere 1835 • 430 tank • Mid Row banders • 10” spacing • Very nice unit! Was: $119,970
• 40-ft. • Pea auger • Transport • Poly skids Buy or Lease to own
$9693/yr - oac
– – WANTED – – Divco milk truck
• 60-ft. tillage • 10” spacing • Mid Row banders • 430 tow behind cart
Call 406-781-9712 Now Only $94,970! Sale Price $79,970! ~ Quality Equipment For Quality Farms ~
Stud king 48-ft. header trailer
Demo Heavy Harrow
3106 Rockpicker
• 10-ft. swath • Hydraulic high dump
• 62-ft. • Hydraulic adjust Buy or Lease to own
$2662/yr - oac
• One pass operation
Buy or Lease to own $7348/yr - oac
8 Ton
Buy or Lease to own
12 Ton
$4925/yr - oac
RR900 Rockpicker
• Great for liquid fertilizer • 90-ft. suspension boom Buy or Lease to own
$9107/yr - oac
Grain Bins
• Roll tarp • Sight window • Hydraulic drive
Buy or Lease to own $3898/yr - oac
Farmer to Farmer
“Frieling was great to deal with. My header showed up and when I went to get it, 20 minutes and I was loaded and on my way. Will definitely do business again.” • Zero hype • 100% performance • Delivered & Installed on your farm
JC O’Brien & Sons, New owners of JD 615P
1-888-453-2924 3400 Old Havre Highway, Great Falls, MT
• PTO • Dual spinners • Window • Tarp
Clearance This Month Only Was: $65,000
Now: $47,292
• Hydraulic drive
• 60” swath
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$4523/yr - oac
Bale Processor
• Big flotation tires • Hydraulic deflector • Right hand discharge
• Implement tires • Hydraulic deflector • Right hand discharge
Buy or Lease to own $4465/yr - oac
Buy or Lease to own $4375/yr - oac
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C8
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
Grain, Liquid, Hay & Livestock Hauling • In business since 1960 • Visit us at
Denton, MT 406-567-2232 800-325-8859
##### Most of the time the people who tell you to calm down are the same people that made you angry in the first place !! ##### Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is not fun to say, but ironically, this is the medical term for the *fear of long words !!* ##### Pay no attention to what the critics say... Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic! - Jean Sibelius
Vibrance Extreme
Phone 406-378-2112 – After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220
WINTER WHEAT VARIETIES CHECK OUT WHAT’S NEW!! • Flathead • High Yielding, High Potential Montana variety
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High Yielding, Co-Axium tolerant, spray cheaper chemical, bigger window
• Others available
Even if we don’t have it listed WE CAN GET IT!
• SY Clearstone • SY 517 CL2 • Keldin • Jet • Warhorse Put Clearfield technology to work reducing cheatgrass and wild oat problems
the New beardless Hay Wheat
Grass - Alfalfa - Legumes - Cover Crops
Get Your Fall Seed Orders in Early So We Can Serve You Better! 406-378-2112 Big Sandy, MT
After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220 Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 5:30 pm Dealer for:
Dealer for:
Inspire your menus with fresh seasonal vegetables
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “I’ll have the garlic mashed potatoes and green beans as my two sides,” my younger daughter said. We were celebrating her birthday. We were in a sit-down restaurant for the first time in months. We removed the required protective masks to eat, of course. I glanced at her in disbelief. Since when does my “selective eater” choose green beans? And what’s up with ordering potatoes with garlic in them? This does not happen at home. Who are you and what have you done with my daughter? I thought to myself. Was my actual child abducted by space aliens and replaced by a vegetable-loving being? Perhaps eating away from home made the difference. We had an adventure in social distancing with masked servers, closed nearby tables and booths, single-use condensed menus and divider circles on the floor for bill paying. We had a delicious, memorable family meal. We are reaching the point in the summer season when many vegetables, including green beans, are coming into season. We can buy them at a grocery store or farmers market or pick them from our own garden. Encourage kids to help pick or select vegetables and help prepare them in the kitchen. With my daughter’s menu selection, I am looking forward to providing her with hefty servings of green beans fresh from our backyard garden. Green beans are a low-calorie, versatile food. They can be called “snap beans” because of the sound they make when they are broken in half. They also are called “string beans.” One cup of fresh green beans has 31 calories, 0 grams (g) fat, 2 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber and 6 milligrams (mg) sodium. They also contain other nutrients, such as vitamins A, C and K, as well as folate and potassium. My student interns helped create a pocket guide to preparing fruits and vegetables this spring, and it has proven to be popular. Here are a few tips about creative vegetable cookery from the guide, which might inspire your food preparation. Perhaps your family and friends will try fresh produce in new ways. To view the complete colorful pocket guide, see https:// for more ideas about preparing other fresh fruits and vegetables. Bell peppers: Fresh - Rinse and chop or julienne and enjoy. Great for topping a fresh salad or dipping in vegetable dip or hummus. Sauté - Cut peppers lengthwise into strips. Heat olive oil in a pan, then add peppers. Cook, stirring occasionally, until peppers are just tender, about 10 minutes. Grill - Cut peppers lengthwise, brush with oil and place on a grill until grill marks appear (usually 10 to 14 minutes, depending upon desired tenderness). Cucumbers: Fresh - Rinse and chop cucumbers and enjoy fresh as a snack or mixed into a salad. Smoothie - Rinse and chop cucumbers and add them to your favorite smoothie, then blend. Spread - Rinse and finely chop cucumbers. Mix with cream cheese and seasonings to make a simple spread or add them to your favorite sandwich spread such as egg or chicken salad. Leafy greens: Fresh - Enjoy a variety of leafy greens as the base of a salad or blended into a smoothie. Soups - Depending on the type of soup, try adding some spinach, Swiss chard, kale or collard greens. Sauté - Rinse leafy greens such as kale, Swiss chard or spinach, then sauté in a pan with oil and seasonings of your choice. Chips - Try turning kale into delicious kale chips. Rinse kale and mix with olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 325 F for 10 to 15 minutes, until they are crunchy. Sweet corn: Boil - Husk the corn and place in a pot of boiling water. Bring water back to a boil and let cook for five to seven minutes. Grill - Lightly oil the corn and season as desired. Place corn on the grill and cook for about 10 minutes, rotating often until evenly charred. Tomatoes: Fresh - Enjoy tomatoes fresh on hamburgers, on a salad or in fresh salsa. CONTINUED ON PAGE C9
Inspire your menus with fresh seasonal vegetables CONTINUED FROM PAGE C8
Roast - Halve or quarter the tomatoes and toss with olive oil and any desired seasoning such as basil, rosemary or thyme. Roast on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil at 400 F for 30 minutes or until soft. Stew - Place whole tomatoes in boiling water for one minute; immediately transfer to cold water so you can peel the skin easily. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and place in a large saucepan with salt. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. See for more information about growing to preserving fruits and vegetables. Here’s a tasty way to enjoy fresh green beans. Green Bean Sauté 1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil or your favorite cooking oil 2 cloves garlic, minced fine 3/4 pound fresh green beans, rinsed and ends trimmed 1/2 tsp. onion powder 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt or garlic salt (or your favorite seasoning salt) Black pepper (to taste) Heat oil in pan and briefly sauté garlic. (Garlic burns easily.) Add remaining ingredients and stir fry until you reach the desired tenderness (about five to 10 minutes). Makes four servings. Each serving has 70 calories, 5 g fat, 2 g protein, 7 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber and 180 mg sodium.
New dogs
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex. Her friend said, ‘Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?’ ‘HELLLOOOOOOO…..,’ answered the blonde. ‘They’re watch dogs’!
##### My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C9
9-ft. rock roller, water fill, $ built by Fisher Metal........................................ Phone (406) 736-5677, Great Falls, Montana
As a part of Darling Ingredients, the world’s leading developer and producer of sustainable organic ingredients, Nature Safe is committed to help meet rising demand for fertilizers, food, feed, and fuel. At Nature Safe, we work hard to ensure that we offer our customers high-nutrient ingredients through unmatched sustainability innovations, by deriving our raw materials from organic residuals. Nature Safe’s steamed bone meal provides a more available source of phosphorous than soft rock phosphate giving you more available phosphorus for your money.
� Build soil carbon � Build soil health � Reduce fertilizer applications
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To learn more about how Nature Safe is developing innovative products to meet the needs of farmers, manufactures, and consumers, contact Kirk Carls at (616) 566-0307 or Your Choice for Soil and Plant Nutrition
See us for DOT truck inspections
Phone 406-759-5188
Got Weeds?
Flexilla 1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.
New Honda Replacement Engines IN STOCK 4 and 5.5 hp 2” pumps. 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm
See our supply of welding accessories & rod.
8x36 • 8x38 • 8x41 • 10x36
New Spotlyte 15-gallon sprayers attach easily to your ATV or garden tractor.
KunzArc Ease rough cut mower
We’re sure to have what you need.
H 23-hp H 57” cut H 2” to 8” cutting height H Four tire design for added support on rough ground
Wheatheart Grain Augers
In Stock
Chester, Montana
Complete Truck & Tractor Repair
Come here for your oil & chemical needs.
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Grade 5 Bolts - HUGE SELECTION! 1/4” - 1” diameter, up to 6” long. We also carry fine thread, some metric and Grade 8 bolts.
We carry a large selection of Interstate Batteries And, we make BATTERY CABLES! 4 ga. up to 2/0
Stop in and see us!
Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts
We can ship to your farm or ranch
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C10
New Holland TR96
4000 engine hours. 3208 CAT turbo. MAV Redekop chopper (chop & spread chaff & straw) easy to windrow. 300 bushel grain tank with a CRARY big top. Ag Leader yield & moisture monitor (create color zone maps). Feeder reverser. Very nice and well maintained combine. Always shedded. Comes with 2 headers a NH 971 30-ft header with pickup reel and a NH 970 13-ft pickup with a Rake-up attachment!.............$19,000 Call or text 406-788-5616 • Conrad, MT
##### In the United States, it took 44 years for the automobile to gain 25% market share. The telephone reached 25% market share in 35 years. The Internet took just 7 years to reach this benchmark. ##### If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Small Feed Bins - Large Capacity and everything in between Heaters and air systems for new bins and add to existing bins
Keyhole Steel Brace System
University Institute forms statewide advisory board
UM News Service The Montana University System Institute for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice has formed a new statewide advisory board to promote enhanced communication and cooperation between MUS health care educational programs and Montana’s health care providers. In a rural state like Montana, said acting University of Montana (UM) Provost Reed Humphrey, it is vital for health professionals to practice in a collaborative environment to ensure patients have greater access to high-quality, teambased care services and specialty care. Reed, former dean of UM’s College of Health, and Sarah Shannon, dean of the Montana State University College of Nursing, conceptualized the MUS IPE Institute to promote collaboration outside of the traditional barriers that exist between health care educators and providers. “When we are able to break down these silos, we create rich educational and clinical experiences that will prepare our students to enter the workforce at a time when team-based care is not only best practice but necessary as we face issues of access in our rural communities,” Humphrey said. The institute, which received MUS Board of Regents approval in 2019, also aspires to create a homegrown workforce that is prepared to enter team-based care environments across the state. The 15 members of the new advisory board represent many health professions and bring a diverse set of experiences to interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Board members will work with institute staff to identify educational opportunities for working health care providers, faculty and, most importantly, students across the MUS. Its strategic priorities include supporting efforts for statewide impact by building a coordinated system to promote IPE and collaborative practices, to serve as a clearinghouse for IPE resources and to invest in the sustainability of the MUS IPE interprofessional education initiatives. Shannon said IPE is the wave of the future in the education of health professionals. “I have had the opportunity to lead efforts to create IPE learning opportunities, and it is exciting for both students and faculty,” she said. “Future health professionals want to learn how to practice collaboratively because they understand it benefits patient outcomes.” MUS has over 60 health professional programs, including physical therapy, medical residency, nursing, speech therapy, social work, pharmacy, surgical tech, respiratory tech, athletic training, public health and more. For more information about the MUS IPE Institute, visit and follow it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For all inquiries contact the institute at montanaipe@
The elephant
With over 40 years of experience, we specialize in large ranch projects and offer competitive pricing. Available exclusively through Gateway Arch & Fence, our Keyhole Brace System alleviates 100% of the torching, plasma cutting, and welding typically done while building running H braces and corners. While safety is a huge issue, time is of the essence when building fence. The Keyhole Brace System allows one person to drive and assemble a full corner in under thirty minutes. A two person team can fully set posts, cut rails, and wire a corner in close to 10-15 minutes. A simple H brace can be done in five minutes.
In 1972, Joe Miller was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from Tulsa Junior College. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Joe approached it very carefully. He got down on one knee, inspected the elephants foot and found a large piece of wood deeply embedded in it. As carefully and as gently as he could, Joe worked the wood out with his knife, after which the elephant gingerly put down his foot. The elephant turned to Joe with a rather curious look on its face, stared at him for several tense moments. Joe stood frozen, thinking of nothing else but being trampled. Eventually the elephant trumpeted loudly, turned, and walked away. Joe never forgot that elephant or the events of that day. Thirty years later, Joe was walking through the Tulsa Zoo with his family. As they approached the elephant enclosure, one of the creatures turned and walked over to near where and Joe and his family were standing. The large bull elephant stared at Joe, lifted its front foot off the ground and then put it down. The elephant did that several times then trumpeted loudly, all the while staring at the man. Remembering the encounter in 1972, Joe could not help wondering if this was the same elephant…Joe summoned up his courage, climbed over the railing and made his way into the enclosure. He walked right up to the elephant and stared back in wonder. The elephant trumpeted again, wrapped its trunk around one of Joe’s legs and slammed him against the railing killing him instantly. Probably wasn’t the same elephant.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C11
3-V Distributing, Inc. Conrad Industrial Park
Box 955
Conrad, MT 59425
Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953 Visit us on the web
2005 GMC brand new 675 pivot squeeze extendable arm bed, 140,000 miles, 2 owners, really well maintained, 8.1 liter gas with Allison transmission. Call Justin 450-7633. ............................................................................. $21,500
4 lift axles IN STOCK
9-ft. Crysteel dump box with fold down sides, electric double acting hoist, ready to mount
E-mail Address
Early order balebeds are on the way! Call to reserve yours today! New Way Lift Axle
New Shipment on the way!Preplumbed, ready to mount, tight package space
2011 Ford tan box, fair condition
$650 cash
In Stock
2021 Freightliner M2 106 Cummins B6 325 HP Allison 3500 RDS, 26,000 GVW 18-ft. 4” Rugby Bed
Rol-Oyl cattle oilers
17-ft. with external mount hoist, fits 18-ft. total length, includes hydraulic high lift tailgate
with big blue brush!
Call Travis Sandau • 406-728-7600
New Dakota aluminum service body
Butler Flatbeds 1 demo unit fuel trailer - IN STOCK 750 gallon, NO DEF! One demo unit DL 990 with 100 gallon def trailer, loaded
In Stock!! (2) 19-ft. ITB Grain Bodies
fits 8-ft. box removal pickup. Great Deal! Has E-Track in bed area and cabinet lighting, rear bumper Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!
We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C12
Rancher is busy, several need work/repairs. COME CHECK THEM OUT!! Mid-50’s Allis Chalmers HD115 bulldozer service book available, be a great ranch crawler..........................................$7500
2011 Charmac V-Nose Cargo Trailer 28-ft. , heavy duty axles, multi-purpose ...............................................$11,000
Case IH 5230 10,000 hours, w/loader..............$14,000
Highline 6600 Processor $4500
1992 Jet 20-ft. Boat Berkeley pump, 310 hours, great trailer.. ..................................................$25,000
H&H Equipment & Car Hauler 21-ft., speed loader, tilt bed, electric over hydraulic............................$7000
Hesston silage chopper $2500
John Deere 4000 runs $3500
Badger w/Cummins 230 motor $15,000
Brad Hobson 406-370-9951 or Brad Mildenberger 406-360-2623 Hamilton, MT
(406) 567-2211 1-800-567-2217 Mike DeVries 567-3022
Ford F6 w/hoist, good restoration project...$2000
Denton, Montana 31/2 miles SW - Near Airport
3 Four O Six (MSU)* New 3 Keldin (WestBred)** 3 SY Monument (Syngenta)* 3 Warhorse (MSU)* 3 Northern (MSU)* 3 WB4792 (WestBred)** 3 WB4269 (WestBred)** Falcon replacement
3 SY Clearstone CL2 (Syngenta)* *Protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act **Requires a Limited Use Agreement through WestBred
Call now to complete your Stewardship Agreement
Great Falls Area Producers
Quality, Certified Bulk Seed Now Available in Great Falls
Contact Rod at AgriBasics Fertilizer, Inc. Phone: 406-761-4024 4500 18th Avenue North, Great Falls, MT.
Don’t get in a jam preserving foods at home
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension “My jars of homemade raspberry jam exploded in my cupboard!” my exasperated caller told me. At the time of our conversation, she was taking a break from scrubbing sticky jam from her pantry walls. As we visited, another jar of jam flipped its lid and spewed its ruby red contents. Although I had heard about canned goods building up gas inside the jars and popping their tops, I hadn’t talked to someone in the middle of the experience. Did I mention that she was not happy? Her language was as colorful as her walls. Her pantry must have looked like a scene from a horror movie. I probably would have run out the door. This brave woman was tackling the mess. We talked about safe cleanup procedures. She was wearing rubber gloves and using an appropriate disinfectant, so that was good. She wanted to know what had happened and how to prevent it in the future. We talked through all the steps she had taken. She had used a recipe formulation that was still valid. She was using two-piece lids, not paraffin wax, to seal the jars. This was consistent with what we recommend. As we visited, we figured out the likely reason for the colorful mess. Turns out, the recipe she was using did not recommend boiling the filled jars of jam in a water-bath canner for a specified time (usually five minutes, sometimes longer depending on the altitude where you live). Sometimes old recipes or online recipes do not include this information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has recommended a boiling-water bath process for jams and jellies for many years. Because her lids had sealed, she thought she would be enjoying homemade jam in the winter. Why did this happen? If microorganisms are not deactivated by sufficient heat for the right length of time, some can produce gas in an airtight container. I visited with a microbiologist later that day. The raspberry jam jars likely had a “prolific gas-producing type of bacteria.” It was not as dangerous as the type that causes the potentially deadly botulism foodborne illness. Of course, you would not want to taste food from a foaming jar. When you preserve food, you are a scientist using principles of chemistry and physics in your home kitchen. Follow the directions on research-tested recipes closely. Fruit-based jellies and jams are acidic, so the type of organism that can produce a deadly toxin would not grow in this environment. However, don’t get creative and add extra ingredients to your canning recipes. The boiling-water bath processing of jams and jellies prevents mold growth (until the jar is opened) and ensures a tight seal. Lately, I am hearing comments from people whose jar lids pop open even though they sealed at first. This is a different issue and more likely linked to the preparation or application of the lids. Be sure to follow the directions on the lid box. Most manufacturers do not recommend boiling the lids, even if your grandma or mom always did that. Most of the time, you do not have to warm the lids at all. According to canning experts at the corporation that produces Ball canning jars, the practice of pre-warming lids dates back before 1969. In earlier canning, people used red rings made of latex, which required heating to soften the plastic. According to Ball, “Wash lids and bands in hot, soapy water. Do not use abrasive materials or cleansers that might scratch or damage the coatings applied to the lids and bands. Rinse them under hot water. Dry lids and bands and set aside until they are needed.” If you experience sealing failures, did someone with a powerful grip apply the screw bands too tightly? The screw band should be applied fingertip tight using your thumb and ring finger. Perhaps the jar rim is chipped, or maybe the rim of the jar has food particles. Inspect your jars and wipe clean the jar lids. By the way, you can remove the screw bands before storing your canned goods. CONTINUED ON PAGE C13
Don’t get in a jam preserving foods at home CONTINUED FROM PAGE C12
If you are the recipient of home-canned foods, don’t be shy about asking questions about the canning method used. In some cases, it could save your life. If someone has “oven canned” or “dishwasher canned” a food, politely decline. Those are not safe methods. We at NDSU Extension have many resources to help you preserve food safely and be proud of the quality of the product. For free, research-tested recipes from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and universities throughout the U.S., see and click on “Food Preservation” whether you want to can, dry, freeze, cure, ferment or pickle. Strawberries and rhubarb are “in season,” so consider this tasty recipe as an introduction to food preservation. For best quality, use home-canned foods within a year of canning them. They will be safe longer, though. Rhubarb-Strawberry Jam with Pectin 1 c. cooked red-stalked rhubarb (about 1 pound rhubarb and 1/4 c. water) 2 1//2 c. crushed strawberries (about 1 1/2 quart boxes) 6 1/2 c. sugar 1 pouch liquid pectin Wash rhubarb and slice thin or chop; do not peel. Add water, cover and simmer until rhubarb is tender (about one minute). Sort and wash fully ripe strawberries: remove stems and caps. Crush berries. Measure prepared rhubarb and strawberries into a kettle. Add sugar and stir well. Place on high heat and, stirring constantly, quickly bring to a full boil with bubbles over the entire surface. Boil hard for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and stir in pectin. Skim. Fill hot jam immediately into hot, sterile jars, leaving 1/4 inch head space. Wipe rims of jars with a dampened clean paper towel; adjust the lids and process the jars This makes about seven or eight half-pint jars. One serving (1 tablespoon) has about 40 calories, 0 grams (g) fat, zero g protein, 11 g carbohydrate, less than 1 g fiber and zero milligrams sodium.
##### Research suggests that low levels of vitamin D (the sunshine vitamin) can lead to weight gain during autumn and winter. Lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage. ##### Icing a burn slows the healing process. Running cold water over it works better.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C13
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
• 2008 Case IH 8010, late serial number, same machine as an 8120, long auger for 45-ft. header, auto header height, lateral tilt, rock trap, fine cut chopper, new single 900/60-R32 fronts, 540/65-R30 rears, trailer hitch, easy steer. Through the shop every winter with anything it’s needed, several pages of work orders, too much to list. Stored inside. Excellent machine, have owned it since 450 separator hours. Due to lack of help we are selling it. 3060 separator hours, 4560 engine hours..... $70,000 • MacDon FD70 45-ft. and Stud King trailer also available. Would sell package for............................................................................. $105,000
Call or text Adam for more info • 406-390-3048 • Delivery available
New 2016 Haulmark Enclosed Tandem Axle Trailer $14,500
with Free Delivery in Montana, North Dakota or Wyoming
$11,000 fob
Sidney, MT
34940 Highway 23 Sidney, Montana 59270
8.5-ft. x 28-ft., 7k axles, 14k GVW, 12” extra height, rear barn doors, 42” curbside walk door, 2 5/16” cast ball coupler, 235/80R16 radial tires, spare tire, white.
We are proud to announce our junior company CMF Sales and Rental. We are still located at 205 Howie Rd but will also be providing sales and rental at our new location in Big Timber next to the Fort. Sales and Rentals Include: Skid Steer Attachments Hay Accumulators Land Rollers Augers & Auger Bits Danuser Pounders and Augers Arena Fencing
We are Montana’s Sioux Steel and Hi-Qual Dealer for all your livestock equipment needs. We are an authorized dealer of
Montana Post Drivers
Visit our website for prices & details. NEW LOCATION In Big Timber next to The Fort
For more information visit our website
Specializing in continuous fence & installation • 3 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$78 • 4 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$82 • 5 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel..................$93 • 6 Rail 11/4” 20-ft. panel.................$101 Other Sizes Available • Call for prices and details Cattle Guards Loading Chutes Wind Breaks Crowding Tubs Adjustable Alleys Portable Panels Arena Fencing Gates Hay Feeders Pivot Bridges AND MORE We also sell drill stem pipe. Call about truckload prices! Travis Klein Shop: 406-932-3559 Cell: 406-930-1973 205 Howie Road, Big Timber, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C14
John Deere 105 combine, 2 headers, good old combine, field ready, always shedded. Call 406-485-3624, Terry, MT
Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America
• Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales • Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard • Custom sizes and special projects welcome • Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from
100% made in USA
Mineral Tub Lifter Work Smart...Not Hard
We make it easier for you to handle your Mineral Tubs - plastic, metal & biodegradable! Can be used with all bale beds. Purchase a Mineral Tub Lifter TODAY!!! Call or email to order!!
Mineral Tub Lifters make GREAT GIFTS for the hard-to-shop-for! Jason 406- 390-0826 • Shyla 406-390-1339 email: Malta, Montana See photos and videos on our Facebook Page:Mineral Tub Lifter and check out our website at:
Specializing in hopper, flatbed and stepdeck, freight including hay and machinery. Local and out of state, fully licensed and insured. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
– – FOR SALE – –
HAY in large round bales. 2009 48-ft. stepdeck, great condition.
UW research targets horn fly scourge variables
University of Wyoming Extension Two cows. Same University of Wyoming ment at UW returned him to his home state. (UW) McGuire Ranch pasture northeast of After eight years in the military and deployLaramie near Sybille Canyon. ments overseas, including Iraq, Calkins is One cow has 383 horn flies sucking her happy to be where he is. blood; the other cow has four. “I can’t think of a better place to be,” said Why that remarkable difference? Calkins, who lives with his wife and children Cody High School graduate turned veteriin Cheyenne, and whose travels take him across the varied vistas of his home state. narian, turned Army major, and now a Ph.D. Cattle studied include those in the Bighorn student at the University of Wyoming, Craig Mountains and lower altitude herds at the Calkins is helping UW Extension range speJames C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture cialist Derek Scasta unravel the mystery of Research and Extension Center near Lingle. a pestilence that costs the livestock industry Other cattle are near Cheyenne, Cody and on billions of dollars in losses. the McGuire Ranch. Calkins is eyeing whether shorter blood Calkins’s study requires documenting the clotting times of individual animals clogs extent of horn fly parasitism on cattle. He a fly’s attempts, whether a thicker hide noted trends across the state show decreasing frustrates flies, and if elevation and environhorn fly parasitism in the higher elevations. mental conditions, such as colder and wetter “This is related to colder temperatures as areas, affect fly parasitism. elevation increases,” he said. Considered a filth fly, horn flies (HaemaFull-frame, high-resolution photos of tobia irritans) feast on a cow’s blood, leave individual cows, taken just after sunup, are to lay their eggs in manure, then fly back to analyzed on computer, and the number of their beef buffet. Eggs hatch after about two horn flies counted by rangeland ecology and weeks, and a new generation begins. watershed management undergraduate Cora The flies pierce the hide and inject an Knowles of Santa Maria, California. anti-coagulant to help free the flow of blood. “The sun illuminates the whole side of the Cattle swing their heads, slap their tails and cow, so the flies are really easy to see,” said twitch their skin in attempts to stop the biting. Calkins. “You’re counting all the flies over “Seeing an animal with horn flies is a rethe body. We stratify the head, side of the ally discouraging situation when you think legs, the belly, brisket and tailhead.” about that animal,” said Scasta, who noted Horn flies are easy to spot. the constant irritation. “Cattle producers “They are a different size and for some suffer production losses because the animal reason horn flies always eat with the head is losing blood but also because of these andown so their wings are making a ‘V’,” said noyance avoidance behaviors. Every time Calkins, and added “Who knew?” that animal picks its head up and swings, Only one side of a cow is counted. “So it’s not taking a bite of grass, so grazing time realistically, whatever number we come up decreases.” with is likely doubled,” he said. He said other scientists have found such The highest fly count was 383 noted cows produce less milk, which lowers weanFourth of July last year, and that was just ing weights. The biting also slows growth one side, he said. rates of the younger animals such as calves “The next were 319, 280, 229, 219, 205 or yearlings. and 190,” he said. “The lowest was four. So, Some animals will be bothered more than what’s the difference between the cows on others in any group. the top and the cows at the bottom? That’s “They may all look similar as far as you what I’m trying to find out.” and I can tell, but there will be some cows The goal is to identify traits that make an infested more than others,” he said. “We’re animal more prone to parasitism then cull it trying to identify the traits those individual from the herd. animals have that make them more or less “Potentially removing those outlier cows susceptible to parasitism.” that you know are super-prone to parasitism Calkins’ study began with help from the could save producers a lot of money,” said military. The 438th Medical Detachment Calkins. (Veterinary Service Support) from Fort CarProducers use various treatment options, son, Colorado, helped draw blood from UW said Scasta. Those include a fed-through cattle, and Calkins analyzed blood clotting product containing an insect growth regulatimes. Hide thickness in three different areas was measured using ultrasound on cows, tor (IGR), spraying, ear tags that contain an said Calkins. insecticide and back rubbers that disperse a “We were kind of surprised how fast some chemical. of the cows’ blood coagulated,” said Calkins, Each has its limitations, including insects a graduate of Chadron State College who becoming resistant to the insecticides, like joined the Army in 2012 as a veterinarian. some weeds are becoming herbicide resis“Sometimes, it would be clotted in the tube tant, or the need for re-treatment. before we could even get to the machine to The data from the study may help develop run it.” options that help producers save money. Army veterinarians have to return to “If we are going to a have an integrated school and specialize to continue in the pest management approach, some of these service. They have several options. Calkins other things will be really important so we chose public health, and the program in the can select for certain cows that are less susrangeland ecology and watershed manageceptible,” Scasta said.
A college pizza delivery boy arrived at the house of Mr. Smith. He delivered the pizza to his trailer. After giving it to him, Mr. Smith asked: “What is the usual tip?” “Well,” replied the youth, “this is my first trip here, but the other guys say if I get a quarter out of you, I’ll be doing great.” “Is that so?” snorted Mr. Smith. “Well,
just to show them how wrong they are, here’s five dollars.” “Thanks,” replied the youth, “I’ll put this in my school fund.” “What are you studying in school?” asked Larry. The lad smiled and said: “Applied psychology.”
4-in bore 8-in stroke - $85 Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C15 Semi load quantities of used 2-7/8 available Call for delivered prices!
2.5-gal water FIRE Extinguishers
T-Rex Post Driver
From Montana Post Driver $2,500
300 & 60-gal
Pickup & UTV FIRE Units
ATV & UTV Sprayers
$3,775 / $2,975
Bolt together fence brace kits
• • • •
2-7/8” x 6-ft $11 2-7/8” x 8-ft $15.50 2-7/8” x 10-ft $19 5-in galvanized octagon 9’9” posts $26
Continuous Fence
*Pipe posts can be cut to length
Montana Post Driver
750R: 1000E: 1500E: $6,200 $8,300 $10,500
10 FREE Brace Rails with Purchase REDI
Driver Classic
Suspension Fencing •Brace rail with hardware $29 •Complete brace with 8-ft posts $59 •Wire gate latches for 2-7/8 posts $18
Shipping Containers 20-ft - Used $3,400 New $4,300 40-ft - Used $4,300 New $7,250 *Rental return containers availabile 40-ft $6,000
Fenceline Feeder Panels 24-ft adjustable 20 neck rail $9
Portable Tub & Alleyway
Free Standing Portable Panel
Mineral Feeders
24-ft long $425
Diablo Metal & Wood Cutting Saw Blades
Portable Panel Trailer
6K torsion axel - $2,200
Portable Panels
All panels are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft heavy portable panels • 12-ft standard portable panels (Will latch to Winkel™ panels)
Pocket Gopher & Mouse Poison + Bait Boxes
Flat Bottom Storage Tanks Grinding and Cutting Wheels
Pallet forks skidsteer mount:$930 Global mount: $950
Rotary mower skidsteer mount: $5,250
7’ & 8’ Road Grader
• 6-rail 1-1/4” $89 14 ga. 20-ft long • 6-rail 1.66” 14 ga. 20-ft long
A more durable and lower maintenance alternative!
All gates are constructed with 12 & 14 ga. 1.66” OD tubing • 10-ft bow gates $280 • 12-ft bow gates $300 Corral gates - 6-bar 8-ft $160 10-ft $170 12-ft $190 14-ft $210 16-ft $230
Cattle Guards
- 36”x24’ 22ga Prime galvanized SuperSteel - Use for windbreaks, Polyethylene Superstays & corrals, etc.
Superconnector Posts
Large selection of Grade 5 & 8 BOLTS
Metric bolt assortment with 72-hole bin $680
Constructed with all new material 10-ft $1,550 12-ft $1,750 16-ft $2,100 Cattle guard kits with used pipe available. 10-ft $880 12-ft $990 16-ft $1,325
Used Guardrail
Rubber Tire Water Tanks
Portable Buildings Poly DEF & Fuel Tanks 12x24-ft All steel portable buildings - use for horse sheds, calving sheds, storage, etc. - Starting at $4,300
Portable Loading Chute $3,950
Tow Ropes
Various Sizes up to 200.000-lb breaking strength
$2.77/lb for Grade 5 $4.40/lb for Grade 8
2-rail & 3-rail
Portable adjustable floor loading chute
SuperSteel/ Steel Decking
Steel Workbenches (8-ft
Various sizes available
Flux Core .045 $4.30/lb
1-in Sucker Rod Miscellaneous
• Feedbunk (constructed with 10ga and heavy tube legs) 20-ft x 38-in x 12-in $790 (other sizes including bottomless)
Guardrail I-Beam Posts Galvanized 9-ft
Secondary Square Tubing
• Skidsteer Light Material Bucket (constructed with 3/16-in plate) 8-ft: $1,150 and 10-ft: $1,350
Angle Iron
2x2x.120 & 2x3x.250 20-ft lengths $0.46/lb
Knipex tools!
Pipe & Tubing
Call us for all your steel needs
• 5-in galvanized octagon tubing (39-ft lengths) • Used 2-7/8 pipe • 1.25” 14 ga round tubing • 1.66” 14ga round tubing Bale spears • 3-1/2” used pipe 31-ft skidsteer • Pipe Caps: various sizes! Harrow mount: 6’x6’x5/8”: $630 $695 A lot more steel…too Drawbar:$180
much to list - Call us!
• Skidsteer Plates: $110 • 2.5-gal Water Fire Extinguishers: $120 • Extinguisher Mount: $40 • Bale Spears: $85 • Head Catch: $790 • 2”x27’ Ratchet Strap: $13 • 5/16” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $36.50 • 3/8” Grade 70 Transport Chain: 20-ft @ $50 • Lever Chain Binders 5/16-3/8”: $25 • Ratchet Chain Binder 5/16-3/8”: $30
Brett 406.390.1110 | Jenni 406.366.9939 |Office 406.428.1110 PO Box 180 | Grass Range, MT 59032 September 2020
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C16
WANTED TO BUY 1978 or 1979 Ford Bronco 1948-1952 Ford truck Call (406) 880-5473
Smartphones prove to be time-saving analytical tools
Eric Hamilton, American Society of Agronomy determining the volume of soil clumps – called Seemingly everyone has a smartphone in peds - is traditionally a much more difficult their pocket, and we find new uses for them task. every day. They can help us avoid traffic jams The original method to measure the volume or connect us to family from afar. They can carefully coated the soil ped in wax and then even translate languages on the fly. placed it in water. Messy. Three-dimensional Now, scientists have figured out a new laser scanning has emerged as an alternative, trick. Using a regular smartphone camera and AND APPRAISERS but it’s pricey and time-consuming. some 3D-printed tools, they’ve developed an We have auctions booked but not yet dated. With these challenges in mind, Brungard easier way to measure soil density. With the If you are planning an auction or appraisal was casting about for a better method. Based volume and weight of soil samples, scientists give us a call. on a colleague’s work, he knew photographs can compare the nutrient or carbon stocks in could be used to measure volume. So, he figsoils so we better manage them. With their new We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and system, they cheaply reproduced expensive, ured all he needed were photos from the right business type auctions. time-consuming methods that require lasers angles and a scale. Brungard decided to pitch We do it ALL from start to finish. Including or messy wax. the idea of creating a mobile app to students advertising, setup and display work, “The new approach could allow scientists during a guest lecture. auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types around the world to speed up their work with “When I gave the guest lecture, I explained of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and tools they already have or can easily acquire,” my idea and asked the undergraduate students inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. says Colby Brungard. Brungard is a researcher if any of them had an interest in taking on the Remember - auctioneers make excellent at New Mexico State University. project,” says Brungard. “Michael Whiting, a appraisers as we see everything saleable Measuring soil density is simple in prinstudent in the class and the lead author of the being sold at our auctions. paper, volunteered and did the research.” ciple, but hard in the real world. To determine 58 years in the business. The team turned to modern conveniences. density, scientists need the weight, or mass, Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message They knew that smartphones had cameras good of a clump of soil, along with the volume. or call 278-5880. enough to take high-resolution photos of a soil Determining weight just requires a scale. But ped. To get a consistent view of the entire soil sample, they used a 3D printer to create a tiny turntable just a few inches across. The turntable had a cradle for the phone, to keep it still. And it had a simple crank allowing it to be turned by hand while the phone grabbed multiple pictures. The scientists uploaded With AgriPro® brand wheat varieties continuing to push for genetic the pictures to a program that diversity, it’s no wonder AgriPro makes up the largest portfolio in the could stitch them together into a 3D image, which gave wheat industry and consistently ranks in the top yield groups in every a measure of the volume. region. New releases show improved yield of 3 to 5% over current When they compared the varieties. It’s time to plant top-performing wheat varieties in your field. smartphone system to the old standbys of laser-scanning or Winter Wheat Varieties wax-dipping, the final measurements were nearly identiSY 517 CL2—Early-Maturing Two-Gene cal. That accuracy proved true SY Legend CL2—The Legend Starts Now across five different types of soil peds. SY Monument—Disease and Drought Tolerance The smartphone system was fast, too. It took just 15 To learn more, contact your local AgriPro Associate or visit minutes per sample, while a laser scan can take an hour and a half. But there was downtime while the computer program analyzed the images, a computationally intensive task. Nonetheless, the method was simple, fast, cheap and accurate. A win-win-win-win. “The photogrammetry method doesn’t involve any complicated or expensive equipment like traditional 3D laser scanners as even lowbudget cell phones likely have cameras that are adequate,” says Brungard. “Others can quickly replicate this because of the high functionality of cell phones.” Plus, plans for the 3D turntable are available online. Thanks to these widely available tools, other scientists can use smartphones ©2020 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents and/or Utility Patents and may not be they probably already have propagated or reproduced without authorization. AgriPro , the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. and simple 3D printing blueprints to start analyzing this important soil property right away. All with the power they already carry in their pocket.
Varieties that lead the industry. And lead you to better yields.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C17
Josh 391-0602
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Matt Chad 391-9241 471-0735
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C18
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
4700 Series
New Holland T6.175 tractor................. $95,000
Massey Ferguson 7475 VT transmission, front suspension, loader with grapple...... $70,000
For Purchase of Loader
Case IH 3240 sprayer...................$199,000 (L) Case IH 800 Precision SS air drill, 50-ft., 10” spacing............................................$14,900
New Holland BR7090 baler.................$19,500 New Holland 688 twine...........................$7200 New Holland 660 mesh & twine baler.....$5900 Case IH RB565 baler............................$32,000 Case IH RB564 mesh & twine baler.....$19,900 Vermeer 605 Super M mesh & twine... $19,900 Vermeer 605XL baler. Stk #23475..........$8900
Miller 3275 HT 90-ft. front boom sprayer, 1000 gallon, 2WD, Raven Smart Trax...... $57,600
Case IH 3430 340 bushel cart, V rate, tow between.......................................... $39,900
Case IH MX150 tractor with loader.......$52,000 Versatile 835 tractor............................... $9900 Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.
New Holland LM 445A telehandler.................. ...................................................$45,000 (L)
John Deere 569 net & twine................$39,000
SPEEDROWER® 160 - 220 - 260
Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, steel packers with 2320 cart...............$19,000 (L) Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 12” spacing........ ..................................................$17,000 (L)
Call us for all your equipment needs!
Agco 7650 Spra Coupe with full run Raven monitor, mechanical rear drive, front hydraulic assist, 90-ft. boom, hydraulic extend axle...... ........................................................ $69,900
Hoven Equipment
The smarter, more powerful way to better hay.
Agco 7660 Spra Coupe..................$86,000 (L) Demco skid mount sprayer. Needs work. #23959................................................. $500 Case SRX160 pull type....................... $18,000
New Holland 1069 stacker..............Coming In Allen 8803 26-ft. hydraulic rake......$16,900 (L) H&S 12-wheel rake.............................. $10,000 Sitrex MK-12 12-wheel rake................... $5900 International 2-ton truck........................ $1900 Ford F350 flatbed................................... $8900 Gysler 39-ft. chisel plow......................... $3500 Spear with 4-ft. & 2 1-ft., fits Westendorf quick attach.................................................... $500
The WR9900 Series Self-Propelled Windrower
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler.......$36,700
Hesston 7434 baler, less accumulator and liquid applicator..................................... Coming In
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C19
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls, MT
TFX2 Series
The TFX2, 8” and 10” models come in a variety of lengths and are the most maneuverable truck augers in the industry! Available in EMD, PTO or gas engine drive options to suit your needs. New Holland CR9060 combine, Intell Plus II, exterior wear, chopper....................$134,000 New Holland TR98 combine................$14,900 Case 1680 combine with 30-ft. 962 header....... .........................................................$15,000
Hoven Equipment
Massey Ferguson WR 9870 16-ft. rotary disc, auto steer, suspension...................$120,000 MacDon 7000 with 16-ft. header..........$14,500 Hesston 6450 15-ft. draper header.........$6000 John Deere 1600A hydroswing.................. Call
Bobcat T770 skid steer.........................$49,900
over Carry es Pric
406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
Ken – 788-4588; Anna – 231-4251; Andy – 590-0372; Lance – 788-8012; Matt – 231-4028
77335 US HWY 87 - Lewistown, MT (L)
MacDon FD75 40-ft. header, transport, pickup reel, Gleaner adapter, double sickle..$56,000 MacDon FD70 40-ft. header with pea auger..... .........................................................$62,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header......$19,900 MacDon 972 30-ft. draper header.........$14,000 MacDon 962 36-ft. with Case adapter and transport................................................. Call MacDon 960 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel.. ............................................................$6500 MacDon 960 25-ft. – 30-ft. headers................... ..............................................$5000 – $6000
Case 440 skidsteer...............................$22,800 Bobcat 843 skidsteer...........................$12,500 Degelman 4100 round & square processor...... .........................................................$15,000 Schuler SRM 262 mixer.................... $6825 (L) Morris CP743 chisel plow.....................$12,000 Melroe 501 plow with Valmar...................$6500 Renn 5501 39-ft. chisel plow....................$6500 International 75 39-ft. plow.....................$3500 Case IH MX145 tractor............................... Call John Deere 8650 tractor......................$30,000 Versatile 800 tractor.............................$12,000 Ford 946 tractor.............................. $46,000 (L) Ford 5000 tractor ....................................$5000 Minneapolis 61355 tractor......................... Call Massey Ferguson 9540 combine......$190,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. 406-727-7153 406-538-3919 header, air reel....................................$4500 Great Falls, MT Lewistown, MT (L) New Holland TR97 combine, 36-ft. Honeybee header, 13-ft. pickup with Swathmaster pickup attachment........................................$42,500 USED AUGERS International 1660 combine. #13168... $12,000 Farm King 13x85 auger............................. Call John Deere 9610 combine...................$44,275 Farm King 13x70 auger............................. Call John Deere 8820 combine...................$18,000 Case IH 1680 30-ft. head, pickup head.$19,000 Honeybee 36-ft. header, MF bracket....$14,900 USED PROCESSORS Farm King 10x70 auger.......................$11,500 Farm King 10x60 auger..........................$6000 Brandt drive over transfer auger...........$12,000 Wheatheart PT13 drive over deck..........$5675 Massey Ferguson 1375 pull type rotary swather.............................................$18,000 New Holland 1112 swather..................$18,000 Hesston 6550 21-ft. triple swather...........$8500 Hesston 4900 4x4 baler.......................$15,000 Hesston 4800 4x4 baler..........................$2500 Hesston 856A baler................................$7000 Hesston 565A twine baler.......................$5900 Spra-Coupe 4640, 60-ft. booms...........$29,500 Versatile SX275 sprayer.....................$127,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank................................................$8000 Vermeer BPX9000......................... $20,000 (L) Vermeer BPX9000 round & square bales......... 1977 GMC/Summers sprayer..................$8500 .................................................. $19,900 (L) 1987 International 9670 truck with 3000 gallon stainless steel tanks.........................$19,000 Vermeer BP8000 with final cut....... $13,750 (L) Case 2400 40-ft.x10” spacing air drill with 240 Vermeer BP8000 processor.............. $9900 (L) cart............................................ $23,450 (L) Highline CFR650 round only, final cut processor,............................................ $14,500 (L) John Deere 9450 40-ft. x 12” drills with end transport.................................................Call Highline 6800 processor with Highline 500 John Deere 9400 40-ft.x12” drills.........$12,000 mover..................................................$5500 Haybuster 256 Plus processor...............$4500 150 grass seeder.......................................$800 Bale King 3010 processor................. $9000 (L) 2500 gallon poly tank.................................$900 1500 gallon poly tank.................................$500
Bobcat T740 with cab, air conditioning, Power Bob, hand & foot...............................$47,500 Bobcat MT52 mini track.......................$12,500 Bobcat S650 skid steer........................$45,900 Bobcat LR65 land rake...........................$6000 Gradall telehandler forks, hydraulic angle..$900
$0 Down 0.0% Interest OAC
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 Great Falls, MT
Hoven Equipment
406-727-7153 406-538-3919 Great Falls, MT
Lewistown, MT (L)
406-538-3919 Lewistown, MT (L)
Check us out on our Website at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C20
VEHICLE FOR SALE 1972 Chevrolet 3/4 ton, 2WD, Custom Camper, 402 engine, automatic, 76,000 actual miles..................... $6000 Phone (406) 735-4464, evenings
Heavy duty snowplow, fits any John Deere loader on 100 hp or more tractors, 11-ft. wide... $1900 Phone (406) 596-6622, Dillon, MT
Tough weed problems in wheat? Choose AgriPro® brand winter wheat variety
SY Clearstone CL2 A high-yielding wheat variety bred for Montana and the Clearfield® Production System
Call 770-0926 today!
Signalness Farms
Larry cell – 701-770-2500 Jason cell – 701-770-0926 Watford City, ND
Beefcake by DewEze • Tackle daily livestock feeding chores • Designed to fit any feeding style
• Featuring electric or hydraulic models
Buffer strips: good for growers—and their land
By Chrystal Houston, Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District The sun is high in the sky and the temNebraska Department of Agriculture. “These perature is rising on a late summer day. practices are just a part of many other best Despite the heat, semiretired farmer Ken management practices that are being implemented in an effort to keep sediment and Janzen looks perfectly comfortable as he other contaminants from leaving the farm.” stands on the gravel road next to one of his This kind of common-sense conservation cornfields. He’s seen plenty of scorching is a no-brainer for Nebraska, says Romary. Nebraska weather in his lifetime of farming “Reducing nonpoint source pollution to our in this area. Rows of tall green stalks and surface waters benefits all Nebraskans.” golden tassels stretch to the horizon in all Janzen is one of 428 producers in the directions. Amidst the sea of corn, the only state who are part of the Nebraska Buffer sounds are the loud whir of cicadas and the Strip Program, which currently has 3,889 running water of a creek that cuts through acres enrolled. The program began in 1999 Janzen’s property. and Janzen was an early adopter. Annually, It’s the area around the creek that is of the program pays out nearly $600,000 to special interest today. Janzen points out the Nebraska landowners for their participating wide swath of native grasses that line the acres. banks of the creek. “When we get big rains, In the Upper Big Blue NRD, there are 23 the water gets pretty high through here,” contracts for about 170 acres of filter strips he said. Tired of seeing his topsoil washed with an annual payout of more than $30,000. away down the creek while the banks grew These filter strips provide protection for apever steeper with every major rain event, proximately 21 miles of streambanks. in 2000 Janzen worked with the Upper Big “Buffer strips were one of the priority Blue Natural Resources District (NRD) to practices identified by the Stakeholder Adtake advantage of the Nebraska Buffer Strip visory Committee during the development Program. Through funds available through of the district wide Water Quality Managethe NRD and other state and federal agencies, Janzen was able to receive cost-share ment Plan,” noted Jack Wergin, projects funds for the installation of seven acres of department manager at the Upper Big Blue native grasses in his fields adjacent to the NRD. Two segments of Beaver Creek were creek. He also receives an annual payment identified as priority waterbodies in this for those acres to make up for the loss of plan, which resulted in the entire Beaver income involved in taking them out of proCreek drainage area being named as a single duction. target area. Buffer strips are native grass or trees “The Water Quality Management Plan planted where runoff water leaves a field. serves as a roadmap to improve the water These strips are cultivated along streams, resources and water quality within the district. As we begin the implementation phase, lakes, ponds, or wetlands to protect surface water and reduce erosion. They have we hope to see an increase in the number of many benefits for the land as well as the buffer strips, especially in the targeted priority areas around Beaver Creek.” landowner. Janzen encourages other producers to Janzen’s motivation for adding this conservation activity were highly practical. His consider adding buffer strips to their operations, especially in low-lying areas that are main concern was his pivots. If he could prone to flooding. “It’s a good way to keep keep the banks from washing out more and the soil in your field and control erosion--and the creek from getting deeper, the pivots you get paid pretty well for the acres,” he were less likely to get stuck when traveling over the creek. He first tried lining the said. Without the strips, Janzen noted that problem areas with concrete, but it wasn’t he would be losing money and topsoil every a good long-term solution. The buffer strips year on the harder to farm stretch of land. have performed better. The conservation practice has proven to be Now when there’s a heavy rain, the good for the environment and very good for grasses are bent over flat for a few days his wallet over the past 20 years. when the water is high, but as soon as the Contracts with producers in the program water recedes, the grass bounces back up— last five to ten years and payments vary from and the soil is still where it is supposed to $20 to $250 per acre depending on soil type, be, Janzen says. When it’s time to irrigate, whether the areas are irrigated or not, and the pivots are able to cross the small creek whether payments are received from other without difficulty. programs. The program can be partnered An added benefit is that Janzen can more with the USDA Conservation Reserve Program for additional incentives. easily and safely get between the crop and The 95-year-old house where Janzen grew the creek with farm machinery. up is nearby. Built by his grandparents, it’s Today the water in the creek is low, no also where Janzen’s mother grew up. Today, more than a slow trickle through the grass. his son’s family lives there and farms the land It has been a few weeks since there was a with him. His grandson, representing the fifth good rain and a pivot is running in a nearby generation of Janzens on the property, drives field. The mix of native grasses growing a pedal tractor around the outbuildings as along the creek are waist high. In addition the farm dogs keep watch. Another section to keeping Janzen’s soil in place, this buffer of buffer strip lines a small creek between strip also filters agrochemicals, preventing the home place and the gravel road. While excess nitrogen from his field from entering Janzen is looking forward to retiring fully the water supply. Janzen likes that he’s doing someday, he’s committed to leaving his son, his part to keep the local waterways clean. grandson, and future generations of Janzens According to the Nebraska Department of a farming operation that is in the best shape Agriculture, strips like the ones employed at possible. Conservation practices like buffer Janzen’s farm can filter up to 60 percent of strips are part of that plan. pesticides and can remove up to 75 percent Harvest is a great time to evaluate your of sediment from entering the creek. “We know that vegetative filter strips fields and see if a buffer strip should be added and riparian forest buffer strips positively in the coming year. For more information impact water quality by reducing the amount on how you can participate in the Nebraska of sediment, pesticides, and nutrients that Buffer Strip Program, contact the NRD at reach surface water,” said Craig Romary, 402-362-6601, your local county NRCS office, or visit environmental programs specialist with the
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C21
The right tools for the job. 406-222-1155 • WWW.MONTANAFARRIERSUPPLY.COM P.O.Box 1792, 110 North N. St., Livingston, MT 59047 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-5:00
Jordyn Fields with his 1192 lb purple ribbon beef from the 2020 Marias Fair.
Case IH Farmall 120A Case IH 310 CVT
Case IH RB564
Case SV 280B
New Skid Steers
New Tractor
Used Skid Steers
Case IH SV280B
• Magnum 310 CVT • Magnum 310 CVT
Used Tractors
New Holland 9682 4600 hrs, Trelleborg duals, weight kit, EZ-steer guidance.... .....................................$69,000 1989 John Deere 4255 7300 hours, MFD, loader w/grapple, consigned..... .....................................$40,000
Used Combine Headers
2013 Case IH 3152 40-ft., uppercross auger kit, transport.............$40,000
2015 TV380 track loader, 1400 hours, good condition.................... 41,500
Miscellaneous Used Equipment
Case IH 330 Turbo till, 34-ft., consigned.... ......................................... $30,000 2013 Haybuster 2650 bale processor........ ......................................... $15,000 2014 John Deere 520 20-ft. shredder good condition.............................. $14,000 Phoenix rotary harrow, 60-ft., very nice condition, consigned................ $20,000 Rem VRX grain vac, 300 hours...... $17,500
New Haying Equipment In Stock ProAg 1400 bale carrier Twinstar GS3-7 rake
New Grasshopper Mowers In Stock Grasshopper 725D 61” or 72” deck Grasshopper 524V 42” deck
Used Lawn Mowers
2016 Grasshopper 729 liquid cooled, 72” deck, mulching kit.......... ........................................................................... $9500 335 Big Block 61” deck, 64 hours................................... $8900
New Haying Equipment Case IH 1504 Windrower
Used Haying Equipment
2003 Case IH RB562 twine & mesh....... .....................................$22,000 Case IH RB564 round baler, net & twine, only 5900 bales...................$22,500
Used Seeding, Tillage, Sprayers
Brandt SB4000 suspended boom sprayer, 90-ft. boom...................$19,900 Case IH 415 25-ft. mulcher....... $7900 John Deere 2100 inline ripper... $3500
New Miscellaneous Equipment In Stock Danuser Pallet Forks - 48”, 4000 lb. Danuser Hydraulic Post Hole Digger & Augers Danuser T3 Hydraulic Post Drivers REM VRX grain vac Garfield 10-ft. drag scraper Danuser Hammer post pounder Schulte FX1800 rotary mower Parma 30-ft. land plane
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C22
The deadline for phoning in advertising for the October issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be September 30. Phone (406) 271-5533
1986 Allis Chalmers 45KW generator, diesel, 120/240/480 volt, trailer mounted, 1-3 phase, only 70 hours, like new condition.
Glendive, MT •
2000 Freightliner FL80 4x4 cab and chassis, heavy specs, double frame, 8.3 Cummins, Allison automatic, 82,000 miles. 2008 Ingersoll Rand P185 air compressor, John Deere diesel, hose reel, only 90 actual hours, absolutely like new! 2011 JLG 3248RS scissor lift, 32-ft. reach, nonmarking tires, slide-out, only 49 hours, very clean.
1984 Utility 45-ft. flatbed trailer, closed tandem, steel composition, spring suspension, absolutely no rust or element, clean.
1997 International 2674 truck tractor, N14 Cummins, 13 speed, Hendrickson suspension, 175,000 miles, low hours, clean.
2000 Sterling tandem dump truck, Cat diesel, Allison automatic, 226,00 miles, pintle hitch.
1998 Econoline step deck trailer with dovetail and flip over ramps. No rust/like new condition.
1996 International 4900 PAK Morerear load garbage truck, DT466 dielsel, Allison automatic, complete.
1998 Freightliner FL112 tandem dump, C10 Cat diesel, Allison automatic, 15-ft. rock box, high lift gate, only 26,900 original miles, like new!
1988 John Deere 544E front end loader, 3rd auxiliary valve, 4+1 bucket, air/heat, 6300 hours, one owner, tight.
View our website for more inventory and pictures!
Two MSU professors receive teaching excellence awards
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service Two faculty members in Montana State University’s (MSU) College of Agriculture have been recognized for excellence in teaching by one of the nation’s largest agriculture education organizations, the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. Tony Hartshorn is an associate professor in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences with a focus on soil carbon management. Mac Burgess is an associate professor in the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology focusing on small farm management and vegetable production. Both received NACTA’s Educator Award, which recognizes excellence in teaching and student engagement. NACTA recognizes between 30 and 40 awardees nationwide each year. NACTA is a professional society that facilitates professional development in agriculture educators, networking with higher education instructors nationwide and the promotion of agricultural careers and programming for students. Since 2000, six MSU faculty have been recognized with the Educator Award, including Burgess and Hartshorn. It is the first time two MSU representatives have been honored in the same year. Burgess and Hartshorn were nominated by fellow MSU faculty and administrators for the award, with additional support letters written by recent students who benefited from their instruction. “The passion that Tony and Mac have for creating an inquiry-based classroom environment engages students in practicing critical thinking,” said Tracy Dougher, associate dean of academic programs in the College of Agriculture. “The excitement from current and former students about the creative projects and analysis of real-world data and situations they were involved in made nominating Dr. Hartshorn and Dr. Burgess very easy.” Hartshorn teaches courses related to soil remediation and soil science. He has also led workshops for the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montana Department of Environmental Quality and the Northern Plains Resource Council, all related to soil health. One of his teaching goals is to foster creativity and exploration in students. It might not sound exciting, but, Hartshorn said, soil can be a sneaky thing to study. “Soils don’t read textbooks and they’re awful at reading maps,” he said. “We need bright and curious students to learn how best to interrogate them — and then translate their discoveries into language everyone can understand and appreciate. I think that learning process can start with curiosity and a hole in the ground.” During the COVID-19 pandemic, Hartshorn has been exploring alternatives to traditional field trips for the upcoming fall semester. He hopes to get more creative in how he can introduce incoming and future students to his subject matter. Burgess teaches applied courses in crop production and identification and soil fertility. He also teaches a hands-on practicum at MSU’s Towne’s Harvest Garden, which allows students to dig — literally and figuratively — into the intricacies of small-scale farming and learn best practices for growing a variety of crops. Produce from Towne’s Harvest Garden is sold in the Bozeman community through a garden stand and Community Supported Agriculture, or CSAs. For Burgess, teaching applied classes provides the gratification of seeing his students develop their practical and decision-making skills. “I really like seeing people develop in self-confidence more than anything, realizing that they’re in control,” said Burgess. “In applied courses like these, you’re putting your theoretical knowledge into action, taking what you’ve learned and looking at how that influences hands-on decisions that you make.” Both Hartshorn and Burgess have had to adapt their teaching methods with the onset of the pandemic. Many of Burgess’ courses are amenable to social distancing as they take place outdoors on a 10-acre farm, but for lecture courses, there has been more adaptation. Hartshorn has even sent class materials to students in the mail on flash drives when they didn’t have reliable internet access. For both of them, no matter the circumstances, effective teaching remains the top priority. “We try to promote learning by doing, and making mistakes if need be,” said Burgess. “The goal is to empower each student to put their knowledge into practice and then learn from the results they get.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C23
Big Sky Equipment Co. Service Corey Combs, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell
Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website:
Great pricing available on hold-over Speedrower 160 sickle machine
2016 MacDon FD75 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $59,900 2012 MacDon FD70 35-ft. flex draper with John Deere adapter, slow speed transport............................................. $45,000 2010 MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport.................. $49,900
2014 New Holland CR8090, S3 small grain rotors, IntelliSteer, rock trap, yield and moisture.................................. $198,900
New Holland P2080 60-ft. disc drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, wireless blockage, P3550 cart............................... Call today for a great deal!!
2010 John Deere 635F 35-ft. flex auger with air reel......................................... $17,900 Case IH 1010 30-ft. headers in stock with mixed reel options.............................Call Good selection of new and used Case IH and MacDon pickup headers on hand............ .................... Call for details and pricing
2014 MacDon D65 40-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $51,900 2014 MacDon D65 35-ft. draper header...... .................................................... $49,900 2011 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header, pickup reel, Case IH adapter (from 7088), gauge wheels, slow speed transport package.............................................. $44,900 Case IH 1010-25 header, pickup reel........... ...........................................................Call Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oil-bath wobble drive........................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1010 30-ft. header, batt reel, oilbath wobble drive................... Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 combine pickup header......... ................................................ Let’s Deal Case IH 1015-12 pickup header........ $4900 International 810-13 pickup header............ ................................................ Let’s Deal
USED HAYING EQUIPMENT New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine.....
2013 New Holland CR7090, low hours, ASP stone protection, yield & moisture........... .................................................. $228,900 New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only....... $16,995
Parts After Hours/Weekends 450-6463
...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine..... ...........................................................Call
2014 New Holland SP.240F front boom self-propelled, 1200 gallon poly tank, 100-ft. booms, IntelliView IV monitor, fence row nozzles, UltraGlide boom level, luxury cab, low hours. .....................................................................................................................Just Traded 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 2007 Apache 1010 self-propelled, 100-ft. Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, steel booms, 1000 gallon tank.... $89,900 Auto-Boom, 100-ft. booms, 5 section control......................$159,900............... PRICE REDUCED................... $129,900
2016 New Holland Boomer 41, MFWD, cab with loader, hydro. Low hours..... $36,500 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, loader. Very low hours............Call 2017 New Holland Boomer 24, ROPS, hydro, 60” mower, loader. Very low hours... ......................................................Just In 2009 John Deere 1830 60-ft. air drill with 1910 tow behind cart, 12” spacing, capped steel press wheels, single shoot, 350 bushel cart, variable rate.......................... $74,500
2012 Case IH Puma 170, auto-guide ready, NEW Alo Quicke loader.............. $89,900
2012 John Deere 568 round baler, MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, surface wrap, bale push bar, pickup gauge wheels. Very clean unit............................ $22,900 2009 Case IH 7088 combine, rock trap, chopper, yield/moisture............. $114,900 1990 Case IH 1660 combine....... Let’s Deal 2009 John Deere 9770 STS combine......... .................................................... $84,900 2006 John Deere 9760 STS combine......... .................................................... $49,900
See us for all your parts and equipment needs!!
Bale King 880 bale processor........... $6900 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor.... $7500
2004 New Holland SD440 51-ft. air drill with 380 cart, 12” spacing, single shoot, blockage sensor.................................... $62,500
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C24
WINTER WHEAT SEED FOR SALE 4 Willow Creek forage winter wheat
Larry: 701-770-2500 or Jason: 701-770-0926, Signalness Farms, Watford City, ND
Call us for aftermarket Caterpillar® parts for heavy equipment.
CASCADE MACHINE & SUPPLY visit us on the web: 401 4th Avenue South • Great Falls, MT 59405
Chicken Crossing Farmer Jack once lived on a quiet rural highway but as time went by, the traffic slowly built up and eventually got so heavy and so fast that his free range chickens were being run over, at a rate of three to six a week. So Farmer Jack called the local police station to complain, “You’ve got to do something about all these people driving so fast and killing all my chickens,” he said to the local police officer. “What do you want me to do?” asked the policeman. “I don’t care, just do something about those crazy drivers!” So the next day the policeman had the Council erect a sign that said: SCHOOL CROSSING. Three days later Farmer Jack called the policeman and said, “You’ve still got to do something about these drivers. That school crossing sign seems to make them go even faster!” So again, they put up a new sign: SLOW: CHILDREN AT PLAY. That really sped them up. So Farmer Jack called and said, “Your signs are no good. Can I put up my own sign?” In order to get Farmer Jack off his back, the Officer said “Sure. Put up your own sign.” The phone calls to the Police Station stopped, but curiosity got the better of the Officer, so he called Farmer John, “How’s the problem with the speeding drivers, did you put up your sign?” “Oh, I sure did and not one chicken has been killed.” The policeman was really curious and thought he’d better go out and take a look at the sign. He also thought the sign might be something the Police could use elsewhere, to slow drivers down. So he drove out to Farmer Jack’s house. His jaw dropped the moment he saw the sign: NUDIST COLONY: Slow down and watch for chicks!
418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605 Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554 Contact us at or or
This consigned unit is like new with only 108 hours. Equipped with cab w/air conditioning and heat, AM/FM radio, 3 point hitch, 12x12 Shuttle Shift transmission, MFWD, Case IH L350 loader and Rimguard in rear tires. An Eagle 8-ft. rear blade also comes with it............................................ MVE Price $27,675
Tractor with L340 Case IH loader, ONLY 72 HOURS on this “Good as New Tractor/Loader”. Previous owner switched to round bales and needed a bigger tractor. 40 hp diesel engine, 3 point hitch, 12x12 mechanical transmission with shuttle shift, 1 remote valve, balance of 7 year warranty.................................... .... Great Buy for $21,516 and 0% Finance
Loaded with equipment. MFWD tractor with multiple control handle, 3 electronic remotes, Class IV front axle, 2 function mid-mount valve, 16x16 semi-powershift transmission, CCLS hydraulics with 29 gpm, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, great rubber, 115/145 hp. Really sharp tractor. Book says $69,056................. ..................................................... MVE Price $64,879
Planetary drive unit with 14-ft. twin sickle header and Ford Industrial gas engine. This unit is older but in good shape, and everything works......................................................... $4,366
Demo unit with just 222 hours and Full Warranty. Comes equipped with an 18-ft. twin sickle header, cab and rear axle suspension, deluxe cab............................................................... .... Just $99,387 and 2.9% Financing OAC
Makes 5x6 round bales, really good shape for its age. Everything works and only 10,665 bales............................. $4,890
Heavy duty frame with 16 bars of spike tooth harrow. Use it for seed bed preparation or pasture renovation. All functions are hydraulic for easy no hassle operation........ Just $18,902
At a college with a shady reputation, the new dean responded to investigations into the basketball team by suspending any basketball player who wasn’t maintaining a passing average. Furious, the coach came storming into the dean’s office, followed by one of his star players. “You can’t keep him from playing!” the coach roared. “We won’t win this weekend without him!” “I don’t care,” the dean said. “Things have gotten out of hand at this college.” “What do you mean, out of hand” the coach demanded. “I’ll show you what I mean,” the dean said. He turned to the basketball player and said, “Tell me, how much is six times seven?” The player thought for several seconds. Then he said, “Thirty-one?” The dean turned to the coach and said, “I rest my case.” “Oh, come on now,” the coach said. “Why are you making such a big deal of it? After all, he only missed it by one.”
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C25
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
SPECIALTY TOOL & ATTACHMENT Providing Quality Equipment to Increase Productivity
Cordless or Pneu. Fencing Staplers
Montana T-Rex Pipe & T-Post Driver
Stretch On The Go
Gas Powered Drivers
(888) 754-7909
* Your Fence Equipment Supplier * 596 Gateway Drive, Powell, WY
(307) 754-7909
418 Main, Roundup, MT 1-888-423-2605 or 406-323-2605
Guy Maberry - cell 406-350-1167, home 406-538-3634 Ryan Fehringer - cell 406-320-1554
Contact us at or or
WELCOME TO OUR NEW 2020 CASE IH WINDROWERS • 3 models to choose from w/150 to 250 hp. • Sickle heads, rotary heads, and draper heads. • Auto Guidance ready/Auto Guidance equipped. • New for 2020 Field Cruise software w/3 modes. Eco Power Mode, Power Cruise Mode and HeadLand Management Mode • Cab and rear axle suspension & hydraulic steering • Triple windrow attachments for rotary heads.
MEET THE 2020 CASE IH RB 565 PREMIUM BALER These balers are loaded with features for productivity & durability
• FIVE BAR PICKUP - with 160 curved rubber mounted teeth and 6.5-ft. wide. • HEAVY DUTY PICKUP REEL - stronger tines and full height dividers reduce damage. • FRONT LOADING WRAP SYSTEM - provides a short path for optimal wrapping quality. • OVERSHOT FEEDING SYSTEM - continuous feeding of hay to the chamber for a more consistent crop mat. • ENDLESS BELTS - They track better and maintain greater crosswise rigidity. So tough that they are backed by a 3-year/15,000 Bale Warranty.
• MVE BALERS - Also have In-Cab Density System, 15”x6” caster pickup wheels, roller windguard, 21.5Lx16.1 10-ply tires, and moisture sensors.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C26
If you have items you want advertised in the October 2020 issue THE VERY LATEST WE CAN ACCEPT THEM is September 30th.
Ayden DeBruycker took home the Grand Champion award in junior showmanship during the Teton County 4-H Fair held July 17-26 in Choteau, Montana. Photo courtesy of Sharla Hinman, Teton County Extension.
Irrigating grain sorghum
To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229
crew cab 4x4,
6.4 hemi loaded tradesman, short box 106,000 miles
Now $29,500
2017 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLAND hemi, heated leather,
one owner,
35,000 miles
Now $37,000
5.7 hemi, 6 speed, shaker hood, 6,000 miles
Now $29,900
By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Sorghum is a reliable dryland crop under many environments, but it also can respond well to irrigation. This versatility allows sorghum to fit into many cropping systems where the availability of irrigation water may be limited. The amount of water necessary to maximize the yield of any crop depends on the specific environment where it is grown. For example, it takes a lot more water to successfully grow sorghum in Arizona than in south central Kansas or North Carolina. Daily and seasonal water demand is dependent on climate factors such as daily maximum temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation. Sorghum yield is at its best when rainfall and/or irrigation water sufficiently meets the crop’s daily water requirement. Ideally, soil water should be maintained at or greater than 50% available water to a soil depth of 3 feet. Yield of grain sorghum normally is not reduced as long as soil-available water stays above 30%-40%. The actual amount of water needed depends on soil type, with sandy soils holding less water than a silty clay loam soil. However, growers often plant sorghum where the supply of irrigation water does not fully meet daily and seasonal water demand. When this occurs, the goal is to supplement rainfall and any stored soil water to maximize the amount of grain produced for every inch of water applied. When irrigation water is limited, growers need to know the three critical periods in the growth and development of sorghum that most influence yield.
2017 DODGE DURANGO GT AWD V6, loaded, 3rd seat, middle row buckets, 37,000 miles
Now $28,600
2014 RAM 2500 ST
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Now $25,500
2015 CHEVROLET CRUZE LT 4 cyl., cloth interior, 51,000 miles
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2017 DODGE JOURNEY GT v6, loaded with leather,
3rd seat, 30,000 miles
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Now $27,900
View more at: • No Dealer Markup • No Fees • No BS • Just Good Honest Deals
Jamieson Motors, Inc. 406-357-2470 • 1-800-357-2470 115 Hwy 2 West Chinook, MT 59523
Period 1. This critical period occurs approximately 30 days after emergence and often is referred to as the growing point differential. At this time, the plant moves from the vegetative stage to the reproductive stage, the immature grain head (panicle) begins to form, and the plant determines the number of potential grains that each head will have. If moisture stress occurs, grain heads will be small and fewer grains will be present in each head. Period 2. This critical period occurs in the boot stage, which happens just before the head emerges at the top of the plant and as blooming and grain set begin. Research shows that when soil lacks water at this stage, water added through irrigation can greatly enhance yield. Period 3. This critical period occurs when the grain is forming in the soft dough stage. Growers know when this stage has been reached because the grain has turned from green to its final color and can still be crushed between the thumb and forefinger. Avoiding water stress at this time results in better grain fill and test weight. Once the grain has reached the hard dough stage, irrigation water added to dry fields will not contribute much to the final yield, though it can improve stalk strength, which reduces the potential for lodging and increases harvest efficiency. For a more detailed discussion on sorghum growth stages, along with pictures, visit Growth and Development on the Crop Production page of the United Sorghum Checkoff Program website at
Professor recognized with teaching excellence award
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C27
By Reagan Colyer, MSU News Service A longtime Montana State University (MSU) professor and researcher was recognized with a national teaching award for her work educating students on the wide world of wild fungi. Cathy Cripps, who joined MSU’s Department of Plant SciJohn Deere 8820 combine with 230 header.. ences and Plant Pathology in 1995, received the Mycological ............................................................ $9500 Society of America’s W. H. Weston Award for Excellence in Gysler 37-ft. plow/cultivator with Flexi-Coil Teaching at the society’s national meeting last month. The award Call or text 406-403-4600, harrows. In 2000 it was rebuilt and updated.. in honor of Weston, a former professor of mycology at Harvard Skonkin, MT ............................................................ $3000 University, is offered each year to one outstanding collegiate educator in biology or mycology. Cripps works with students at both graduate and undergraduate levels. Her courses include mycology, ecology of fungi and a student favorite titled “Miracle Molds and Magic Mushrooms.” “Dr. Cripps is a dedicated instructor who uses her engaging personality, enthusiasm, endless energy, experience and knowledge to interact personally with each student,” said Mike Giroux, head of the Department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology in the College of Agriculture at MSU. “Past students have remarked that they have learned more from her than from any previous course.” Cripps said her courses are electives for a wide variety of MSU degree programs, not requirements, and yet they are always full. The courses attract students from many areas of study, including plant science, biology and sustainable food- and wildlife-focused programs. She intentionally refrains from making the classes mandatory to see who shows up to take them. They nearly always end up with a waiting list. “I’m really lucky, because in all three of my classes I get to talk about my favorite topic, which is fungi,” she said. “I like to share with other people how excited I am about this subject matter.” That excitement translates palpably to her students. “Dr. Cripps teaches students about a very complicated and diverse group of organisms which are a critical component of functioning ecosystems on this planet, but which generally do not receive the attention they deserve,” wrote Edward Barge, one of Cripps’ former graduate students, in an award nomination letter. “She inspires students to think about things differently and pursue their passions, and I have seen her again and again do whatever she can to help students succeed.” When not teaching one of her three courses, Cripps continues to be engaged in field research she began when she first arrived at MSU. For more than two decades, she has worked to catalog the species of fungi that live above the treeline in alpine habitats. She has traveled across the United States as well as to Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Finland to examine mushrooms and other fungi that were most likely brought south by glaciers long ago and now retreat to high mountain climates. Severinsen Irrigation LLC 406-467-3999 The second branch of Brett’s Cell 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 Cripps’ research concerns plants much closer to home 406-590-5003 and well known to Montanans: whitebark pine trees. These gnarled trees are threatened by pine beetles and an invasive fungus called blister rust. They live in habitats that are right around treeline in higher mountains, the area Cripps studies. Her work seeks to identify whether certain mycorrhizal, or symbiotic, mushrooms might the whitebark seedlings gain traction when planted in conjunction with the helpful fungi. Even after 25 years of exploration, Cripps said she is just as excited by her subject matter and her students as the day she began. “When I started discovering mushrooms in the places I Call Brett or lived, I’d never seen anything come in to the office. like it,” she said. “I’ve gotten to travel and study and work with students from all sorts of degree programs. This work has really grabbed me.”
Let us make a plan for your next pivot
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C28
We’d appreciate it if you tell an advertiser you read his ad in the Trader’s Dispatch.
HAY AND STRAW FOR SALE Pea/oat hay, haybet barley/pea hay, alfalfa/grass hay and irrigated wheat straw. 4-ft. by 4-ft. big bales. Would also consider feeding your cattle. Phone Robert Fritz, (406) 390-1109 or Scott Fritz (406) 845-5322
7 W Farms
Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 • Matthew Woods (406) 399-3640 P.O. Box 807 • (406) 292-3240 or 292-3233 (Shop) Inverness, Montana 59530
7W Farms is now a Distributor for Parker hydraulic hose and fittings.
We can make any length of hose to meet your specific needs.
We are currently carrying 4000 psi hose only but can order whatever meets your needs.
Rock-O-Matic rock picker, new cylinders, in good condition............................Reasonable offers considered
Coming Fall 2020
Certified and Registered MSU’s “Four 0 Six” winter wheat seed. (Yellowstone replacement)
Greg Woods: (406) 399-0488 - 7W Farms - Matthew Woods: (406) 399-3640
Helena’s Truck Drive Train Parts Store and Gear Shop
Transmission & Differential Rebuilding 2920 Billings Avenue, Unit #C Helena, MT 59604
• Rebuilt or New Spicer/ Eaton/Meritor Differentials • Genuine OEM Parts • Rebuilt Fuller Transmissions • Ratio Changes and Custom Building
view inventory on the web at:
Rebuild components for: Transmissions and Differentials, Bearings, Axle Shafts, Wheel Seals, PTO Components, Yokes, U-Joints, Clutch Packs, Pickup Truck Transmission & Differential Parts
• Rebuilding Service for Pickup Truck Axles, Transfer Cases, Standard Transmissions • 18 month Warranty on our Rebuilds
Farm Bureau supports meat packing acts to help state agriculture
Montana Farm Bureau Federation Ag NewsWire The Montana Farm Bureau (MFBF) applauds Congressman Gianforte (R-MT) for his co-sponsoring of two important bills for livestock producers: The Requiring Assistance to Meat Processors for Upgrading Plants (RAMP-UP Act) and the Direct Interstate Retail Exemption for Certain Transactions (DIRECT) Act. MFBF has been actively pursuing legislation and other actions that will improve cattle markets for producers in Montana and the rest of the country. “One huge problem in Montana is a lack of livestock processing capacity,” stated MFBF National Affairs Director Nicole Rolf. “Plants across the state are significantly backed up so when a rancher gets ready to bring in a beef for processing, it may be months, or even next year, before they can get an appointment. Hogs and lambs are affected as well. This was a problem before the pandemic and it has been exacerbated by all the issues that have arisen since the coronavirus hit. Consumers got worried when they noticed store shelves getting a little bare so they started looking to buy in bulk or to buy local, which is great, but now we need to be able to deliver. There are a variety of complicating factors here, but these two bills will help fix some of the challenges.” The RAMP-UP Act, H.R. 7490, provides grants for small custom meat processors to become USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspected. This would allow more small meat processing plants to become federally inspected and the meat sold commercially. “Montana has a mix of USDA-inspected, state inspected and custom exempt processing plants. The custom exempt plants or state-inspected plants are great for personal-use processing, such as when a rancher takes in a beef or a hunter has a deer cut for their own consumption,” noted Rolf. “However, state and federal law places some restrictions on the sale of meat killed at these plants. If the RAMP-UP Act bill were to pass, more of the state-inspected and custom plants may be able to take advantage of grant money to upgrade to FSIS inspections, allowing them to sell meat across state lines. This would give Montana ranchers more outlets for their cattle.” The DIRECT Act, HR 7425, would allow state inspected meat to be sold across state lines via internet sales. “We believe this legislation allows new flexibilities and marketing opportunities while protecting food safety, recall ability, and trade market access with regard to equivalency agreements,” said Rolf. “While we recognize the importance of FSIS inspection in interstate commerce and international trade, this bill is narrowly crafted and only allows the meat to be sold through e-commerce, alleviating traceability concerns.” Rolf added, “We thank Congressman Gianforte for his support of these bills. They will help Montana’s smaller meat processing facilities provide meat for sale to consumers here in Montana and beyond, which will, in turn, benefit our state’s cattle ranchers.”
See us for all your trailer needs
$30,000 2013 International ProStar 383,000 miles, 10 speed AutoShift, pusher axle. Nice truck. Volvo semi truck Cummins N14 460 hp, Fuller transmission, jakes, nice sleeper cab.
2006 Genie 844 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, 44-ft. reach, Deere engine. Nice machine!
Scag Giant-Vac TL20W-26CH-EFI 26.5 hp Kohler engine, 12 inch x 10-ft. hose.
346 Sunrise Creek Loop Columbia Falls, MT
• Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in MT John Deere 770 BH grader cab, heat, 6800 hours, 13-ft. moldboard, auxiliary hydraulics, mounts for side blade. Fresh service, good machine.
International semi truck Cummins N14 525 hp, 10 speed transmission, jakes, Webasto heating system, refrigerator, TV, microwave, inverter.
Skytrak 8042 telescoping forklift 8000 lb lift, enclosed cab, heat, 42-ft. reach.
1997 Case 621B loader cab, heat/air conditioning, 2.23 yard bucket, Cummins engine
2006 Genie S-45 boom lift 45-ft. lift, 4x4, diesel, 4400 hours.
Equipment Connection For all pieces, log on to our website:
Small Town Company with Big Connections
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 – Page C29
Equipment Connection
Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available
346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West Columbia Falls, MT 59912
Small Town Company with Big Connections Check out our Great Selection of Dump Trailers! $12,950 $10,600
2020 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$11,200
NEW 2020 PJ 16-ft. x 82” HD dump trailer (2) 10,000 lb axles, 3-ft. sides, upgraded cylinder, spare and ramps.
2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 7000# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft. single axle.......$3850
2020 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3650 20-ft......$3950
2020 PJ 14-ft. x 96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber
2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, 4-ft. sides Also available:16-ft.........$10,100
$9050 2020 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp Also available: 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer, (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.....$8850
$5550 2020 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps.
2020 Royal XR 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem torsion axle, V-nose, aluminum wheels, rubber floors, 86” height.
2020 Royal 7-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer Tandem axle, V-nose, rear ramp door, side door, 86” height.
PJ Deckover Trailers
2020 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft......$8750
2020 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$7000 Also available: 3-axle
2020 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.
2020 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.
view inventory on the web at:
Used Trailers
2020 Royal 8.5-ft. x 26-ft. Car/Sled Trailer (2) 6000# axles, rear and front ramp door, side RV door, aluminum wheels, rubber floor, translucent roof.
2020 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”..$2300 10-ft.x77”..$2300
Tilt Trailers
2020 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 3500# axles, tarp.
2020 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.
2020 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$4300 and 20-ft.....$4500
New Enclosed Trailers
2020 Royal 8-ft. 6” x 22-ft. Tandem Axle Enclosed Trailer 78” rear ramp door, side door, (2) 5200 lb. axles, radial tires, spare tire. Also available: 8-ft. x 16-ft.....$6950 8-ft. x 20-ft.....$7950 8-ft. x 24-ft.....$8450
2020 PJ 12-ft. x 77” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 14-ft. x 83”.....$2650 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3450 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3650
2020 PJ 20-ft. gooseneck trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, straight deck, slide-in ramps.
2020 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$9750
PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers
2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.
2020 Southland 270T 14-ft. dump trailer 14,000 lb GVWR, 10 ply rubber, tarp, spare. 2020 PJ 12-ft. x 72” tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, split gate, ramps.
2020 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$13,400
2020 Southland 280 THD 14-ft. dump trailer 16,000 lb GVWR, hydraulic jack, 14-ply rubber, tarp, spare.
PJ Gooseneck Trailers
$12,800 2020 Southland 30-ft. gooseneck flatbed (2) 12,000 lb axles, 6-ft. beaver tail, flip-over ramps.
2020 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.
PJ Utility Trailers
Southland Trailers
2020 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.
2009 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer 9-ft. hydraulic dovetail, tandem duals, 12,000 lb axles, new KTI pump and hydraulic line.
2020 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.
$7200 2014 PJ 40-ft. gooseneck trailer 102” wide deck, straight deck, rear slide-in ramps, spare tire, tandem duals, 12,000 lb axles.
2020 Felling 21-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 5-ft. stationary deck, 8” I-beam frame, tool box, 5 sets of heavy duty D-rings, adjustable pintle hitch, 8000 lb axles.
2020 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$6400 And 24-ft.....$6600
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C30
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22-ft. HILLSBORO In Stock 18,999
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Seeds of change
Upper Big Blue Natural Resources District above ground biomass, which is going to On a hot, dry, and extremely windy day be available for next year’s crop,” Leininger in early June, Neal Hentzen surveys the explains over the rumble of the tractor’s dryland field on the edge of Seward where engine. “This system keeps any residual his corn is ankle high. The leaves on the nitrogen from leaching into the underground plants whip in the wind like green streamaquifer,”—an important consideration, as ers running in long, straight rows from the many rural Nebraskans are exposed to the road to a faraway fencepost. Hentzen is health risks associated with increased nitrate semi-retired, but he still farms this field and in their drinking water as a result of incomone other, 160 acres in all. In the distance, a plete plant uptake of nitrogen fertilizer. tractor slowly rolls down the rows pulling The cover crops Leininger is planting toa blue piece of equipment. The device is day will emerge in the next two weeks then gently breaking the soil between the rows will lie dormant for a time when the canopy of corn and depositing a multi-variety cover of the corn closes over them. When the corn crop mixture. reaches senescence in the fall and the leaves “I’ve been farming around here for 50 dry out, the cover crop will spring back to years,” Hentzen says. “When I heard about life and continue to grow, protecting the this research project with cover crops, I soil when the cash crop has been harvested. thought, why not give it a try?’” For this research project, cooperating Hentzen is one of 11 area producers producers were given the choice between participating in an on-farm research study two cover crop mixes: a legume mix to add that looks at the many effects of interseednitrogen to the soil and a diversity mix beting cover crops into standing corn at an ter for grazing, increasing biodiversity, and early stage of development. The study is a building organic matter and activity. collaboration between the Upper Big Blue Hentzen’s is the second field Leininger Natural Resources District (NRD), Nebrashas planted so far for the research project. ka Extension, and The Nature Conservancy. “That field we planted near Beaver Crossing Hentzen has used cover crops for many yesterday had had some cover crops on it years in his seed corn, planting once the over the winter, so that planting was really male rows were destroyed. He experimented different. The ground was a lot softer,” he with using different planting methods and says, noting how the roots of the cover crops seed varieties to find the best outcomes for keep the soil loose and porous. At the end winter grazing cattle and reducing soil comof the row, Leininger swings wide, skipping paction in his fields. This year he is growing eight rows before starting down another commercial corn and is eager to see how instretch of the field. This is intentional, as the terseeding the cover crops (a method he has alternating sections of cover crops provide not used before) will change the operation. a control group in the experiment, giving “It will be an experiment. Since they were side-by-side verification of the practice’s providing the equipment and were going to effectiveness. The process will be repeated plant it for me, I thought I would see if it in this field for the next three years. would work. If it does, I will probably do According to Steve Melvin, UNL exit again,” he said. tension educator based in Hamilton and Cover cropping has numerous benefits, Merrick Counties, the three-year period from preserving soil moisture and decreaswill even out weather variations from one ing flooding, to adding carbon and other growing season to the next and will provide nutrients to the soil ecosystem, to preventmore reliable data than a one-year snapshot ing nitrogen leaching to the groundwater approach. Data on soil health and yield will supply. Many previous studies have estabbe analyzed and reported annually through lished the value of cover crops. This new UNL’s On-Farm Research Network publistudy will look specifically at timing. How cations and events as well as through the does planting the cover crop into an immaNRD, but the overall effectiveness of the ture growing crop, as opposed to a newly project won’t be known until after harvest harvested field, impact the system? in 2022. In future years of the project, they It’s an important question, as farmers who may expand to interseed cover crops into are interested in introducing cover cropping soybeans as well. may struggle to do so in the fall. There is Nelson Winkel, soil health specialist with a small window of time between harvest The Nature Conservancy, describes how the and when the soil is too cold for plants to project came to be. “When we start a new get established. Interseeding the cover crop project, we’re always looking for ways to in late spring or early summer extends the amplify the good work of others already window of opportunity. underway. When we learned from the UpEven in spring, the timing is tricky. Plant per Big Blue NRD and UNL that farmers the cover crop too early and it will crowd in the area were starting to experiment with out the cash crop. Too late and it will not interseeding, we knew there was a great have sufficient time to get established before project waiting to be funded.” In collaborathe canopy of the corn leaves block out the tion with Kellogg Company and a pending sunlight. The best time to do it is between grant from The Nebraska Environmental corn growth stages V4 and V6, when the Trust, The Nature Conservancy purchased plant is about four inches high, the study the project’s interseeder drill and will cover organizers predict. the costs of soil and plant tissue analysis. NRD Water Conservationist Dan Leini“We are a science-based organization, nger is behind the wheel of the tractor in and to make the science do its best work Hentzen’s field. A farmer himself, Leininger we put farmers at the center of our projects. is at home in the cab as he slowly steers the When a farmer tells us that they’re experimachine between the rows of green, plantmenting with soil health, we ask them ‘what ing the cover crop in eight row strips. Leare you doing, what’s working, how can we ininger is the resident cover crop evangelist get you the information you need to further at the NRD; for the past four years he has assess the practice?’” Winkel adds. “Workmaintained the Project GROW demonstraing with the NRD and UNL to deliver that tion fields in York, where cover crops are an science to farmers has been a great experiessential component of restoring soil health. ence so far.” “What I wish more farmers understood Melvin is also pleased with the research about cover crops is that they’re not going collaboration between the three agencies. to rob your cash crop of water and nutrients. “I’ve heard from a lot of farmers in the last The cover crops lock up leftover nitrogen [during its fall and spring growth] in the CONTINUED ON PAGE C32
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C31
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C32
The Advertising Deadline for the October 2020 issue of the Trader’s Dispatch will be September 30th. P 406.466.3557 F 406.466.3551 02 Otness Lane PO Box 503 Choteau, MT
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2020 GR STOCK TRAILER 6’ 8” x 24’
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Scientists probe pollinator survival strategies
By Dennis O’Brien, Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have shed new light this spring on strategies used to ensure the survival of two very different pollinators. Researchers at the Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research Center in Fargo have found that the amount of food provided to honey bee larvae is a major factor in determining whether they develop into queens or workers. Previous studies have focused on the importance of specific compounds or the ratio of key nutritional factors in the development of new queens and workers. But the study published this spring by ARS researcher George Yocum and his partners at North Dakota State University (NDSU) is the first to show that the amount of food provided is also important. In another study, Yocum, ARS researcher Joseph Rinehart and NDSU researchers found that alfalfa leaf cutting bees prefer cooler, north-facing cavities when they select nesting sites among the honeycombed openings available in the manufactured boxes that serve as homes during the June to September pollinating season. The little leafcutters are not as widely used for pollinating crops as honey bees, but alfalfa growers rely on them to pollinate flowers and provide a fresh supply of seeds once every three years. These bees are considered vital to sustaining alfalfa, which is an $8 billion crop in the United States. They also are used to pollinate canola and other specialty crops. For the leafcutter study, the researchers used a tiny “iButton,” to monitor temperatures inside the cavities, which the leafcutters line with leaf parts cut from nearby plants. The researchers knew from previous studies that temperatures above 113 degrees (F) increase larvae mortality, and that over the summer, the temperatures inside the cavities were likely to climb considerably higher than the air temperatures nearby. The box openings faced four directions, but the results showed leafcutters preferred to nest in the cooler, northfacing cavities over those that faced south. The iButtons showed that temperatures inside the north facing cavities reached 107 degrees (F) over the summer, while those facing south climbed to 115.7 degrees (F). “It becomes a question of how quickly the cavities warm up and how much they warm up when the sun hits them,” Rinehart said. In honey bee colonies, nurse bees provide larvae with glandular secretions called jelly that supply the nutrients needed for growth and development. It has long been thought that quality differences between royal jelly, which is fed to queen-destined larvae, and worker jelly controlled whether larvae turned out to be workers or queens. But nurse bees also are known to provide queen larvae with more food than workers throughout their development. In their study the researchers fed honey bee larvae nine different amounts of jelly with the same qualities each day. They then took precise measurements of the anatomical traits, such as the mouthparts, of the bees that were produced. They found that the larvae given more jelly – regardless of its quality – were more likely to become “queen-like,” with larger mouthparts and other traits associated with queens, than the larvae fed less generous portions. “There might be something special in the royal jelly, but we now also know that the quantity of food provided is a factor that should be considered in any discussion of queen development,” Yocum said. The honeybee paper can be found at and the alfalfa leafcutter bee paper can be found at https://academic.oup. com/ee/article/49/2/296/5763036
Seeds of change CONTINUED FROM PAGE C30
few years that they are interested in trying cover crops but find it difficult to get them planted in a timely manner in the fall after harvest. This project is a good coming together of these three different groups, working together to test this idea,” he said. More than yield data or soil health breakdowns, Melvin says the first year of this project is about one question: will this work in Nebraska? “There are a lot of questions about the practicality of interseeding and a lot of things we will measure, but we are looking at the big picture, a systems approach. How can we make cover crops work in the Nebraska corn/soybean cropping system? Is this the right time and method for cover crops?” Time will tell.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C33
Your grass is drying out... Keep adding pounds this fall with BGF-30
WeatherAll® is a protective coating applied to the BioBarrel® as a final step in the manufacturing process. It is composed of an edible, food-grade, wax coating that helps protect and slow down BioBarrel® degradation when encountering wet conditions. The protective coating also helps reduce the attraction that some cattle have to the BioBarrel® container once it is softened under extreme wet conditions, thus reducing the incidence of cattle consuming the container faster than the CRYSTALYX® product. WeatherAll® Protective Technology broadens the application and effectiveness of the BioBarrel® container to all geographies within North America.
Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTAL-PHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!
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Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C34
Mitigating heat stress in cattle via the Nebraska Mesonet
Natalie Jones, IANR Media Extreme summer heat can be a cause for concern for HARVESTING & SWATHING feedlot operators and cattle producers in Nebraska. Heat causes stress and other negative impacts in cattle production. Cattle at a comfortable temperature are more productive, gain ALSO CUSTOM weight more efficiently and maintain a higher level of health. SEEDING “I think our producers, for cattle welfare interests and good business sense, are very interested in managing that stress to maintain performance and prevent losses,” said Galen Erickson, Nebraska cattle industry professor in the Animal Science Department at the University of NebraskaLincoln (UNL). “There are tools that many feed yards have We can harvest your implemented that really are to aid in cattle welfare in these pulse crops heat stress events.” One helpful tool that producers can use to monitor weather and best manage agricultural resources with is the Nebraska 6788 Brady Road • Brady, MT 59416 • (406) 470-0776 State Climate Office’s Nebraska Mesonet calculator. Data pulled from the Nebraska Mesonet can be used to determine the cattle comfort index, a formula that accounts for temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and sunlight and how those factors affect cattle health. The Nebraska Mesonet is a statewide weather observation network of nearly 70 stations, which records weather conditions every five minutes, 365 days a year. “It’s the comprehensive look at how stressed the cattle were leading up to now and how stressed will they be going forward,” Erickson said. The Mesonet Cattle Comfort Index, which is used worldwide, was developed and introduced as the Comprehensive Climate Index by Terry L. Mader and Leslie J. Johnson at the University of Nebraska, along with and John B. Gaughan at the University of Queensland in Gatton, Australia. “We can run the same equation year-round and give a value of what it feels like if you’re a cow out there, in realtime,” said Martha Shulski, State Climatologist and associate professor of Applied Climate Science. The Mesonet also runs an experimental forecast tool that can help producers make prepare for conditions ahead. “The current weather, and how long cattle have been in certain conditions is important, but also looking at what conditions will be over the next two weeks may be more important,” Shulski said. In Nebraska, cattle can experience both heat and cold stress, but we have many tools to mitigate heat stress and heat stress tends to be a bigger issue for cattle producers than cold-related stress, Erickson said. To help cattle stay comfortable in hot weather, Erickson recommends producers focus on three main heat-mitigation strategies: sprinkling the ground with water to cool it down, providing cattle access to shade and creating additional water tank space. Air flow challenges may or may not be something that can be modified, but in some cases cannot be addressed. Cattle producers can also keep up with weekly and monthly weather updates from the Nebraska State Climate office to monitor current and upcoming heat index forecasts. “Farmers and ranchers do a good job of watching the weather and we want them For ALL Your Seed Cleaning Needs! to watch these indices, as We are a certified facility offering cleaning and treating of all seed varieties well, to help them prepare. Not just ‘is it going to rain,’ but how comfortable are the cattle going to be tomorrow or this week.” For more resources inforWINTER WHEAT SEED mation, see the Heat Stress Joplin & Rudyard, MT Mitigation in Feedlot Cattle WB Keldin (CSO) • WB 4483 (CSO) webinar (https://beef.unl. edu/webinar/heat-stressTRITICALE WB 4623 CLP (CSO) • WB 4059 CLP (CSO) mitigation-feedlot-cattle), the Feedlot Heat Stress InFX1001 WarHorse (PVP) • Judee (PVP) formation and Management guide ( with: and-management-guide/) or CALL US Rancona Preparing for summer heat WestBred Attendant article ( FOR PRICING! Improving Nature’s Grains and the Wheat design are for wireworm trademarks of Monsanto Technology, LLC beefwatch/2020/preparingStamina • Zinc summer-heat), courtesy of - Quick Easy Loading and Treating UNL Beef Extension and the beef quality assurance PO Box 167 Plant Phone Reed (406) 899-2774 program. Rudyard, MT 59540 406-355-4333 Ron (406) 390-1220
Cell line rapidly detects African Swine Fever Virus
By Autumn Canaday, Agricultural Research Service Scientists from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have identified a new way to detect the presence of live African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) that minimizes the need for samples from live animals and provides easier access to veterinary labs that need to diagnose the virus. “We have identified a cell-line that can be used to isolate and detect the presence of the live virus,” said ARS Scientist Dr. Douglas Gladue. “This is a critical breakthrough and a tremendous step for African Swine Fever Virus diagnostics.” There are currently no available vaccines to prevent ASFV, and outbreak control has often relied on quarantining and removing infected or exposed animals. Until now, effectively detecting live ASFV required collecting blood cells from a live donor swine for every diagnostic test, because the cells could only be used once. The new cell line can be continuously replicated and frozen to create cells for future use, reducing the number of live donor animals needed. The new cell line is also commercially available to veterinary diagnostic labs that traditionally did not have access to swine blood cells needed to test for live ASFV. Recent outbreaks of ASFV outside the African continent started after a single introduction of ASFV in the Republic of Georgia in 2007. The disease has recently spread to China and south east Asian countries. The current “Georgia” outbreak strain is highly contagious and lethal in domestic pigs. Even though the virus is not currently present in the United States, the U.S. swine industry could suffer substantial economic losses should an outbreak occur. This research was funded through an interagency agreement with the Science and Technology Directorate of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. A provisional patent application for this research was filed in April 2020 and the technology is now available for license. ARS scientists at the Plum Island Animal Disease Center in Plum Island, N.Y. will continue to perform research and work towards finding tools to control the spread of ASFV in the nation.
##### Moses started out life as a basket case, but the Lord made something of him anyway.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C35
300 ton hay barley...................................................$90/ton 600 ton grass/alfalfa hay....................................... $110/ton Phone (406) 261-3658, Dupuyer, MT
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Bring in any competitor’s AD and we’ll match their price!! The Handler is designed primarily for direct induction of chemical into sprayers.
Crop Protection System
15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity
Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK
Black & Clear
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C36
CUSTOM SWATHING Running a 2008 Premier swather with gps and 36-ft. triple delivery. Phone (406) 460-0196, Shelby, Montana
FOR SALE In Townsend, MT $27,500
2019 VERMEER R2800 TWIN RAKES Almost New
Steve - DOUBLE C FARMS 406.439.7429 Call or text
Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It! -Grain Air Tube and Cross FlowAeration -Vent Lids
-Grain, Fertilizer and Liquid bins -Augers, Auger & Hopper Movers
-Rocket Aeration for Bins and Quonsets
Flat Bottom Bins
S3 - Keho - Grain Guard Fans & Heaters
Grain Bin Auger Ports Bin Ladders - Bin Lids
The Auger Hog by Gatco The Hopper The Lump Buster The Airseeder Hopper Agri-Hoppers Regular V Hoppers
Post Hole Augers- Post Pounders
-Augers & Conveyors -Grain Carts -Auger & Hopper Movers-Heavy Harrows -3 point hitch sprayers -Bag Loaders Unloaders -Truck Unloading Augers
Lundell Poly Flighting -Straight and Cupped -UHMW flighting Wear Shoes
Riding Mowers
Quality Sprayers & Liquid Handling Equipment
Sprayer Tips Air Bubble Jets
-Augers - Movers - Crop Lifters, Crop Dividers
Auger Spouts
-Fab Tec Remote Controlled Flex -Free Form Auger Down spouts -Brant Auger Max -NeverSpill Spout with alarm
-Heavy Harrows and Land Rollers
-Bag Loaders, Unloaders -Truck Augers -PTO Snow Blowers
Mix Tanks
-The Chembine -Horvick Eductor 40/80
Baggers and Extractors
Baggers and Bag Unloaders Tanks & Stands Free Form Swath Rollers
Cameras/ Monitors
Ipeasa Grain Bags Grain Boss Bag Extractor Tridekon Crop Savers
1435 Stainless Steel Convey-All Conveyor hydraulic drive w/Isuzu diesel Motor ......$15,000 1585 Brandt with 1515 low profile swing conveyor elec. mover, manual winch ........$19,995 10 x 80 Brandt Auger w/Brandt hydarulic hopper mover, manual winch ....................$12,500
10x60 Brandt XL Swing Away Auger ...........................................................................$7,000 13x90 Brandt XL Auger with Electric mover & Hyd Winch .........................................$16,900 13x92 Harvest International Auger w/electric mover and winch .................................$16,000
Used Pacer Transfer Pump 2” w/ 5.5 HP Honda motor ..................................................$450 70” Brandt Harrow Model 7000 SN114737-15............................................................$42,700
F9552 PTO Shaft CV (2-6 SPL Ends), 70’ .......................................................................$500 LR8064-36 Degelman Land Roller #LR6106 .............................................................$57,000 1075 Hotsy Hot Water Pressure Washer, Portable, diesel..........................................$6,000
2008 7 x 12 Mirage Enclosed Trailer, tandem axle, with/ramp and walk-in door ........$4,500
2010 PJ Deck-over Trailer, 8’x22’ with hydraulic lift.....................................................$4,500
2007 M2 Freightliner with Mercedes engine, auto trans. - flatbed .............................$25,000
Champ 8,000 lb. Forklift ...............................................................................................$5,000 6’ Farm King Rotary Cutter, pull-type w/trailing wheel, like new ... New $3,280 Sale $1,600 RENTAL DISCS FOR SALE
20’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket ..................................$35,000
36’ Farmet Softer, high speed disc with double roller basket ..................................$65,000
41’ Powerflex Speedtiller w/spring roller ..................................................................$120,000
26’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ..................................$70,000 33’ Degelman Pro-Till disc with Otico roller & scraper options ................................$105,000
Closeout - New
1260RT Meridian Seed Tender, triple axle trailer w/air ride suspension, 6 compartments, 1,260 cu. ft or approx 1,000 bu capacity, self-contained hydraulic system w/remote controls. Use for grain, seed or fertilizer .............................................. Retail $134,000 Sale $90,000 NEW - One Only - Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Pounder, trailer mounted, 13 hp Honda ... ................................................................................................... Retail $15,255 Sale $12,500 Two -Tebben 3 pt. mowers 60” .......................................................Reg $1,575 Sale $1,200
One Heavy Duty 84” Tebben Mower ...............................................Reg. $4,300 Sale $3,000 One Heavy Duty 120” Tebben Mower .............................................Reg. $6,625 Sale $5,000
406-487-2216 • 1-888-255-4790 email: website: Anything To Do With Grain, We Handle It
Box 1177 • Scobey, Montana 59263
NDSU Extension leads national coalition to fight SCN
NDSU Extension Service marketing organization in the U.S. “The SCN Coalition aligned messaging from the universities, companies and the soybean checkoff,” Nichols says. “The partnership is making an impact on growers across the country and in North Dakota.” At the state level, NDSU Extension began a statewide SCN sampling program in 2013. The effort is in partnership with the North Dakota Soybean Council, which is covering the laboratory fees. Each year, the Extension office in every An annual statewide soybean cyst nematode sampling county receives sampling bags and instrucprogram has led to the development of a detailed SCN tions on how to use them. Between 2013 distribution map. (NDSU) and 2019, about 4,500 fields were sampled. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the This led to the development of detailed pathogen most damaging to soybeans, causSCN distribution maps. ing at least $1 billion in yield losses in the “Visually, this drives home the message U.S. annually, and it’s getting worse. that SCN isn’t an isolated problem on a SCN continues to spread in North Dakota few acres but a regional challenge affectand elsewhere in the country. What’s worse, ing every soybean farmer in the region,” it’s slowly adapting to the genetic resistance says Chandra Langseth, NDSU Extension’s used in approximately 95% of the soybeans agriculture and natural resources agent in in the U.S. Richland County. “In addition, farmers get The problem is too large and complex for their individual field results for the samples one organization to address alone, so five they provided.” years ago, North Dakota State University Richland County was the first county to (NDSU) Extension plant pathologist Sam have found SCN in North Dakota. That was Markell and colleagues from Iowa, Michiin 2003. gan, Wisconsin and Minnesota and a privateAs part of the effort to combat SCN, sector scientist began developing a plan. NDSU Extension, with support from the That led to the formation of the SCN CoaliNorth Dakota Soybean Council, has protion, a public-private partnership including vided several intensive trainings for agents major agrochemical companies, two dozen to learn about SCN so they can pass their universities and several soybean checkoff knowledge on to growers. Teachers at those organizations that Markell is leading. training events included U.S. experts on “We quickly realized that many growers SCN. The most recent training was a handswere largely unaware of how costly SCN on course held at Iowa State University could be and that mixed messages on how specifically for the North Dakota situation. to manage it were creating confusion,” “The trainings have given me the backMarkell says. ground to help farmers actively manage The SCN Coalition’s goals are to inform SCN on their farms and things to look out producers that the nematode is adapting and for in the future,” Chandra Langseth says. encourage producers to manage SCN with Surveys have played an important role in soil testing and rotation of crops and soythe SCN Coalition’s work as well. In 2015, bean genetics, and to consider a nematodea marketing research firm contacted 1,096 protectant seed treatment. soybean growers in 17 states to document “SCN can be a huge yield robber,” says producers’ levels of awareness and active Richland County soybean grower Mike management of SCN. Markell has submitLangseth, who is heeding the coalition’s adted a proposal to repeat that market research vice. “Since SCN was identified in our area beginning this fall to determine the return years ago, we have been planting resistant on investment and impacts of the SCN varieties and monitoring the SCN with soil Coalition. testing. Keeping SCN populations low has Chandra Langseth believes the collabolimited yield loss on our farm.” ration among NDSU Extension, the North The SCN Coalition was launched in 2018. Dakota Soybean Council and the SCN CoTo date, more than $2.5 million has been alition is making inroads in the fight against committed by soybean checkoff and private SCN. industry partners, and the SCN Coalition “Managing SCN requires a proactive has raised about an additional $2.5 million strategy,” she says. “Efforts by NDSU of in-kind support. Extension and the North Dakota Soybean “The reach of the SCN Coalition is reCouncil have increased awareness of SCN markable,” says Ken Nichols, director of relevels both on a field and regional scale. search at the North Dakota Soybean Council. Collaboration with other regions is also To date, the SCN Coalition has resulted key for SCN management in North Dakota. in: The SCN Coalition is a great example of a • 429 mentions in national articles regional group working alongside farmers • 16.4% share of the national discussion to develop the resources needed to best on SCN manage SCN.” • 18.2 million potential impressions Markell agrees. through the ag media “When we combine the national pres• The SCN Coalition embedding itself in ence of the SCN Coalition with the strong the nation’s largest outdoor and indoor farm local support of the North Dakota Soybean shows such as the Commodity Classic and Council, ag companies, NDSU Extension Farm Progress Show and others, we have a great opportunity to • A special 32-page SCN insert in the help North Dakota soybean growers,” he Corn+Soybean Digest being distributed to says. “We are all working together to save 113,000 growers across the U.S. growers money by managing SCN, and the • The SCN Coalition being awarded the SCN Coalition is a powerful program that National Agri-Marketing Association’s Best is helping us achieve that.” of NAMA Award for Overall Public RelaVisit to learn tions Program. NAMA is the largest agrimore about the SCN Coalition.
Students compete in virtual Meat Science Quiz Bowl
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C37
Deadline for ads in the October 2020 issue is Wednesday, September 30th.
University of Wyoming Extension 4 Willow Creek forage winter wheat Eight students represented the University of Wyoming Larry: 701-770-2500 or Jason: 701-770-0926, Signalness Farms, Watford City, ND (UW) during the 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference (RMC) hosted virtually by the American Science Association and held jointly with the 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology earlier this month. “The RMC is a great opportunity for students and profesTRUCK AND GRAIN TRAILER FOR SALE sionals to become involved in the meat industry,” said McKensie Harris, assistant lecturer in the Department of Animal Science. “Often coined the best ‘meat family’ reunion each year by attendees, the RMC is no doubt the place to be immersed in the exciting things happening in the meat science field.” Two teams of UW students competed in the Meat Science Quiz Bowl during the RMC. Twenty-one teams from 13 2018 Wilson 50-ft. hopper trailer, 96” wide, triple axle with lift axle, reverse traps, smart schools competed and had an international audience as they tarp express with remote, excellent condianswered questions related to meat and muscle biology, meat 1997 Kenworth T600 Detroit 430 hp, 13 tion.................................................... $50,000 processing, alternative meats, meat evaluation, international speed, tag axle, good rubber, camera sysmarkets and more. tem, headache rack, tool boxes, custom rear Call or Text 406-470-0776 Three members from last year’s team, Jake Logar, Doughitch to pull most anything, minimizer fenders. Nice solid smooth driving truck..$35,000 las, Clara Ritchie, Golden, Colorado, and Erika Eckhardt, Sterling, Nebraska, returned to compete and helped recruit additional members to create two full teams for this year’s contest. Gold team members included Logar, Eckhardt, Ritchie, and Tanner Wright, Laramie. The Brown team included Makenna Greenwald, Lingle, Robyn Halley, Kremmling, Colorado, Ian Lovell, Ault, Colorado, and Sydney Camp, Durango, Colorado. “The UW students were able to join the competition via Zoom from their hometowns, houses in Laramie, or remote 600- to 1000-gallon internship locations and used an online buzzer system to buzz-in and answer questions,” said Harris. capacity For the first eight questions in each round, one student DELIVERY AVAILABLE from one team could compete “head-to-head” with a student from another team to buzz-in and answer questions. The last 12 questions of each round allowed any student from either team to buzz-in and answer questions. The Gold team won against Kansas State Purple in the first round, lost against Texas Tech Red, won against Auburn Orange, and was beaten by South Dakota State University. The Brown team went head-to-head with Texas Tech Black in the top of the bracket but fell short of the win. They won against Auburn Blue and competed against the University of California, Davis with three tie-breaker questions and 38” wide x 19” deep x 8-ft. long one sudden death question, which allowed them to advance to their final round against the Florida Orange team, which IN STOCK ultimately won the round. Greenwald and Halley competed in the Processed Meats contest with five other current and former UW meat judgers and finished second as a team. Greenwald earned second high individual honors in the contest and received the C. Boyd Ramsey Scholarship. Phone 406-285-3281 Three Forks, MT Logar competed in the Undergraduate Research Competition with his poster entitled “Evaluation of Dietary Zinc Supplementation on Lamb Performance and Carcass Characteristics.” Wright participated in the networking opportunity with major meat companies in the U.S. and worldwide during the virtual career fair, which allowed him to submit an application for an internship for next summer. GARAGES HORSE BARNS ANIMAL SHELTERS Lovell was able to parStarting at $4,904 Starting at $30,960 Starting at $2,134 ticipate in many technical Sizes available: 12x16 – 28×50 Sizes available: 30x24 – 42x48 Sizes available: 8x10 – 16x54 learning sessions. “I was still eager to interact with industry professionals even though it was a virtual conference,” said Lovell. “I was able to learn about the culture of RMC and interact with others in 4930 10TH AVE. SOUTH | 2900 VAUGHN RD. meat science. The sessions GREAT FALLS, MONTANA expanded my knowledge and ambitions for meat science.” Next year’s RMC will be Dealers located throughout Montana, Idaho and Wyoming TM hosted by the University of Storage Your Way *36-month term | **Compared to any advertised price from a local competitor with equal build Nevada-Reno.
Concrete Stock Water Tanks
Super Fenceline Concrete Feed Bunks
Three Forks Lumber & Ready Mix
Order Your building today so that you can have it before the snow falls! You Can Build It In 3D
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C38
How much fluorine is too much fluorine?
Clark 301 Super motor grader, powershift, 6WD, Detroit 6-71 engine. Ready to work.
Call Chuck Rein (406) 537-4485
Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Statewide Service
(406) 289-0053 • 4250 Liberty School Road - Conrad, MT
“When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... Feel free to give us a call during the day or at night!”
Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc. Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep
✓ Directional Boring ✓ Excavation Needs ✓ Road Grading
Fencing Now . Available r Call fo details..
✔ Excavator - ✔ Backhoes - ✔ Trucks ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader
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MT Certified Seed Plant (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT
Fall 2020 winter wheat SEED
✯ Yellowstone* ✯ Northern* ✯ Willow Creek ✯ Loma* ✯ Austrian Winter Pea ✯ Ray* ✯ Judee*
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Water Softener & Stock Salt Wood Pellets FULL LINE OF FARM CHEMICALS Nutrena Feeds by Cargill - Crystalyx Tubs
Adityarup “Rup” Chakravorty, American Society of Agronomy For most of us, our closest encounter with the element fluorine is likely to be our toothpaste or a municipal water supply with added fluoride. But excess fluorine can be a problem. For example, high levels of fluorine in the soil can hurt plants. Fluorine in soils may also affect microbes and other organisms higher along the food chain. A new study explored whether soil fluorine levels in New Zealand are high enough to hurt a specific microbe called Rhizobium. Rhizobium bacteria live in root nodules of legume plants, like beans and lentils. These bacteria ‘fix’ atmospheric nitrogen, making the nutrients into a form the host plant can use. Nitrogen fixation by Rhizobia means farmers need to use less nitrogen fertilizer. That can save significant costs. If soil fluorine levels become high enough to hurt Rhizobia, it could impact the legume crops the bacteria help support. In addition, pastures for grazing livestock often contain clover, another legume. High fluorine levels could harm Rhizobia living in clover root nodules. Ultimately, that could impact the livestock that eat the clover. But there are a lot of unknowns about fluorine and its specific effects on microbes. “No one has investigated the potential impact of fluorine on Rhizobia,” says Christopher Anderson, a researcher at Massey University in New Zealand. In the study, Anderson and colleagues found that high levels of fluorine are toxic to Rhizobia and white clover. In laboratory studies, fluorine levels above 100 mg per liter hampered Rhizobia growth. High fluorine concentrations also led to changes in the shape and metabolic activity of the bacteria. These high fluorine levels also impacted white clover. At fluorine concentrations above 100 mg per liter, white clover seedlings did not survive. Fortunately, there’s some good news as well. The concentration of fluorine at which it is toxic is much greater than the concentration the researchers found in New Zealand soils. “This means that there is no problem, right now, of fluorine levels in soil affecting Rhizobia in New Zealand’s soils,” says Anderson. This finding gives confidence to agencies in New Zealand that are tasked with ensuring sustainable farming systems. “Without our research, they would still be in the dark,” says Anderson. Rhizobia – and one of the host plants, white clover – are key parts of the New Zealand way of animal husbandry. “In New Zealand, we are fortunate that we can grow grass year-round,” says Anderson. “Our livestock are kept on pasture all year.” Rhizobium bacteria associated with clover fixes nitrogen from the atmosphere. When clover plants die, they break down in the soil. The fixed nitrogen becomes available to other plants. “So, we don’t need to apply as much synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea, to our pastures with clover” says Anderson. But farmers need to apply other fertilizers to New Zealand’s pastures, including phosphorus fertilizers. That’s where concerns about fluorine levels come in. Fluorine is a fairly common element in Earth’s crust. It is concentrated in some materials, like phosphate rocks. These rocks are the main ingredient in many fertilizers with phosphorus. In areas where phosphorus fertilizers are applied year after year, fluorine can accumulate in soils over time. This accumulated fluorine can become a soil contaminant. “But in some cases, biological systems are very tolerant of contaminants,” says Anderson. Anderson aims to determine fluorine levels at which it is toxic to animals. “In particular we would like to look at earthworms,” says Anderson. “Earthworms are very useful ecological indicators.” Researchers also want to look at grazing animals, which can eat a considerable amount of soil. When animals ingest too much fluorine, they can develop fluorosis. That can cause bone, teeth, and kidney problems. “We have to make sure the science is looking after all aspects of the pastoral system – soil, microorganisms, plants, and animals,” says Anderson.
##### Crows are omnivores. They eat just about anything that they think is edible. From rotting carcass to worm-infested garbage – everything is a tasty snack for them. ##### Both crow parents take care of the babies and help them with feeding. That may not be weird but this is weird – some of the offspring will actually stay back to look after the next batch of babies.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C39
Marking a donation to agriculture in Montana schools on your Montana Income Tax Return:
Provides educational opportunities for teachers and students to learn the importance of agriculture to Montana. Provides a vehicle for all Montana agriculture organizations to promote the use of materials for education about agriculture across curriculum by our state’s teachers. Provides educational materials and teaching aids to schools.
Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords
Duncan Ranch Co
406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT
Marty & Leslie Bennett 406-221-6350, Butte, MT
Brownell Polled Herefords 406-788-3242, Pendroy, MT
Churchill Cattle Co
406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT
Cooper Hereford Ranch
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT
Curlew Cattle Co
Hereford America
Ehlke Herefords
Lucky U Cattle Company
406-799-2973, Stevensville, MT
Holden Herefords
406-266-4121, Townsend, MT
Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
Feddes Herefords
Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT
M/D Herefords
406-450-1029, Valier, MT
406-788-2393, Baker, MT
Hop Creek Ranch
McKechnie Land & Cattle Inc.
406-799-2264, Lavina, MT
406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
McMurry Cattle
Houck Ranch, LLC
Frank Herefords
406-795-8118, Wibaux, MT
406-254-1247, Billings, MT
Indreland’s Grasshaven Ranch
MK Black Herefords
G & R Farming, LLC
J Bar E Ranch
Mohican West
307-631-6012, Roscoe, MT
406-214-5120, Missoula, MT
406-580-1303, Willow Creek, MT
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
JZ Livestock
Garrison Ranches Inc 406-835-2501, Glen, MT
406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT
Griffin Polled Herefords
K & C Herefords
406-821-0247, Darby, MT
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
H Hanging J
406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
Opportunity, MT
406-670-8529, Laurel, MT
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
406-880-9211, Frenchtown, MT
Dallas Polled Herefords
Dave Hanson & Kelsey Cooper
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT
605-210-1956, Reva, SD
605-866-4495, Reva, SD
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT
The Livestock Link
406-323-1686, Roundup, MT
Dutton Hereford Ranch
Bar Star Cattle
406-947-5322, Musselshell, MT
Bayers Ranches, Inc.
Harper Herefords
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
406-570-5519, Willow Creek, MT
L Bar W Cattle Company
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT
Rafter Ranch Inc
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
Rockin’ Double R Ranch
406-445-2280, Red Lodge, MT
Rocky Mountain Mini Herefords 406-239-9907, Evaro, MT
Sidwell Ranch
406-322-4425, Columbus, MT
Sparks Herefords
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT
Storey Hereford Ranch
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT
Thomas Herefords
406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT
Vandeberg Ranch
Northern Ag Research
406-323-1297, Roundup, MT
On Point Cattle Co
406-350-3123, Moore, MT
406-265-6115, Havre, MT
570-637-2644, Absarokee, MT
Otis Ranch
406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT
Emily Pederson
406-322-8541, Columbus, MT
Wichman Herefords XA Cattle
308-320-1110, Moorefield, NE
Yorlum Cattle Co
406-882-4086, Trego, MT
How proud are you of your top herd bulls or elite females ? Don’t pass on the chance to purchase a front and center display photo showcasing your genetics. Plan to attend the Montana Hereford Association annual meeting on November 10th in Three Forks, MT to secure your slot. For more information please contact Austin Frank @ 307-631-6012.
Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty
Modest birth, massive meat Our production sale is any time you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Find out more at Better yet, visit the ranch.
12th Annual Hereford Influenced Feeder Calf Sale
Feddes Herefords Montana Made Production Sale, September 19th Townsend, MT 59644 (406) 266-4121 (406) 439-4311
Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls
J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT
Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jarett Eggen - 406-478-1017
2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741 Tim 406.570.4771 Dan 406.570.1602
Headwaters Livestock - Three Forks, MT
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Consignment details available at Denise Loyning (406) 328-4095
Sponsored by the Montana Hereford Association
Yearling Hereford Bulls for Sale Private Treaty
Wintered until end of April, Flexible Payment, Multi-Bull Discount
Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales
Fred & Doreen McMurry 2027 Iris Lane Billings, MT 59102
HP 406 254 1247 Cell 406 697 4040
Sires: Genetic 2U Britisher 1415 • AGA 18Y Standard 46Z WH 137Y Standard 333A ET • XTC 5C Total Recall ET 66A AGA 2Y MO LE Domino 119A • AGA 60H BO LE Domino 29B Justin Wichman (406) 350-3123
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C40
AirMax® Fans
Meridian AirMax® Aeration Fans are dynamically balanced to rigorous, high precision standards. Full line of in-line centrifugal, full-speed centrifugal, and low-speed centrifugal fans. Store your grain with confidence.
We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer
Best of Class Baking went to Tegan Boyce, Glacier County, Pre-Junior Age Division 8-10, at the Marias Fair held virtually the week of July 13-17.
Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business
We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver
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We are an Authorized Dealer for Optimum Bins Call For More Information!
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Liquid Fertilizer
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Full Line Ag Chemicals
• Forklift Pockets for easy lifting • Bottom Fill
Wiese Sweeps 14” & 16” In Stock
We make hydraulic hoses
On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.
Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541
New team to better serve beginning farmers and ranchers
USDA News Release U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is standing up a new team that will lead a department-wide effort focused on serving beginning farmers and ranchers. To institutionalize support for beginning farmers and ranchers and to build upon prior agency work, the 2018 Farm Bill directed USDA to create a national coordinator position in the agency and state-level coordinators for four of its agencies – Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Risk Management Agency (RMA), and Rural Development (RD). Faith Hill was selected as the USDA Beginning Farmer Rancher state coordinator in Montana. Hill is a beginning farmer. Born and raised in Montana, she grew up with a love for the livestock industry. Hill and her husband have a handful of commercial cattle and are trying to find their place in agriculture. For the past two years, Hill has been a civil engineer for the NRCS. She is passionate about Montana agriculture, conservation, her family’s role in producing food and fiber for the world and preserving the rural life they hold dear. Others on the team coordinating Montana’s beginning farmers and rancher efforts include, Kris Nicholson, farm loan manager with USDA Farm Service Agency; John Lockie, risk management specialist with USDA Risk Management Agency; and Marlee Sandry, business and community programs intern with USDA Rural Development. This is a collateral duty for all team members. Each state coordinator will receive training and develop tailored beginning farmer outreach plans for their state. Coordinators will help field employees better reach and serve beginning farmers and ranchers and will also be available to assist beginning farmers who need help navigating the variety of resources USDA has to offer. More on Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Twenty-seven percent of farmers and ranchers were categorized as new and beginning producers, with 10 years or less of experience in agriculture, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture. USDA offers a variety of farm loan, risk management, disaster assistance, and conservation programs to support farmers, including beginning farmers and ranchers. Additionally, a number of these programs have provisions specifically for beginning farmers, including targeted funding for loans and conservation programs as well as waivers and exemptions. More Information Learn more about USDA’s resources for beginning farmers as well as more information on the national and state-level coordinators at For more information on available programs in your area, contact your local USDA Service Center.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C41
September 2020 Conrad, MT 59425
Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218
Visit our website at: • E-mail:
Starting at $135,000
6 Av
2013 Kenworth T660 Aerocab ISX-15, 485 hp, Ultra shifts, 250,000 miles, 180” wheelbase
2016 Massey Ferguson 8737 MFWD tractors, 340 hp, CVT transmission, cabs, 1000 PTO, 3 point w/quick hitch, front weights, duals, 2300-3900 hours
$19,000 2015 Peterbilt 389 Cummins ISX15, 525 hp, 18 speed transmission, 63” flat top sleeper
2007 Peterbilt 378 479,000 miles ECM verified, Cummins ISX 530 hp, 18 speed, full locking rear ends, 48” stand up bunks, wet kit, platinum interior
2010 Mack CXU613 10 speed Ultrashift, 52” midroof sleeper, easy to drive, nice truck
1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. end dump, spring ride, very clean
$49,500 1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 12-ft. tub, spring ride
2015 Kenworth W900L ISX15, 485 hp, 18 speed, headache rack, work lights and much more! 2004 Peterbilt 379 C-15 PRE-EMISSION, single turbo 500 hp engine w/105,000 on a CAT overhaul with paperwork, 18 speed transmission, 3:36 rears, American Class interior, dual line wet kit
2006 Western Star 4900EX, 14.0L Detroit, 515 hp, 18 speed, 265” wheelbase, engine brake, 665,000 miles
$37,500 2008 SDI 3 axle, air ride, 11R24.5 tires
LOWBOYS & FLATBED TRAILERS 2007 Kenworth T800 Cummins ISX, 475 hp, 104,000 miles, flat top sleeper, 11R24.5, easy to daycab
2021 Timpte Hopper 50-ft. x 72” x 96”, air ride w/rear lift axle, 12 tire electric tarp, manual traps, SS rear panel, all LED lights
2011 Freightliner GLIDER 500 hp, 12.7L Series 60 Detroit, 13 speed, lift axle E N! IC PR CTIO DU RE
2017 Peterbilt 579 Cummins ISX, 500 hp, 13 speed, 244” wheelbase, 80” sleeper, 430K miles
2002 Doepker 20-ft. grain pup ag hopper, turntable, spring ride, 11R24.5
2-2013 Peterbilt 384 13 speed, Paccar MX 455-490 hp, 63” Stand Up sleeper, engine brake, 300’s & 400’s on miles
$24,000 2012 Great Dane combo drop deck, 51-ft. x 102” tool boxes, sliding winches, aluminum floor, sliding rear axle, air ride suspension
$14,500 2006 Kenworth W900 Fuel Truck C-15 engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, 5175 gallon tank, ALL CERTIFICATIONS CURRENT!
2000 Freightliner 12.7 Detriot, 500 hp, 18 speed, 4-way lockers, 518,000 miles, lift axle, Hendrickson beam suspension
2012 Manac 48-ft. x 102”, 11-ft. upper and 37-ft. main deck.
$14,000 2009 Great Dane 48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/sliding axles, ready for your hay hauling needs.
$10,500 1995 Utility48-ft. x 102” flatbed w/moffet attachment
$9500 2006 Western flatbed, 48-ft. air ride, spread axle, 20 fixed winches, OUTSIDE FRAME RAIL, ready for your hay hauling needs!
• 1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door........................................... $6500
See more online at
Helping grow young green thumbs in Cheyenne
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C42
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
DBL Sales and Service, LLC
University of Wyoming Extension The University of Wyoming’s Cent$ible Nutrition Program (CNP) is working with early care and education (ECE) Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424 centers in Laramie County to encourage kids to grow gardens and lead them to eat more fruits and vegetables. “The Cent$ible Nutrition Program contacted us in the middle of May with the ability to help us get a garden started with the kids,” said Tina Ustunergil, director of Kiddie Kastle daycare in Cheyenne. “We have been really excited to do 2017 K-Hart 42-ft., some fun activities with the kids and have them learn about 10” spacing, 4612 openers, the importance of healthy food.” Carryover Drill Teaching about healthy food and being active as well as Price Reduced assisting ECEs in making healthy policy changes is one of 2014 K-Hart 42-ft. drill. the ways CNP supports the health of our communities, said Coming in on trade. Mindy Meuli, CNP director. These efforts are part of a state$85,000 wide effort to decrease youth obesity through the Healthy Policies Toolkit. 2012 Case The Healthy Policies Toolkit was developed in 2019 IH Precision 800 through a partnership among CNP, Wyoming Workforce 50-ft. drill, 10” spacing, Services and the Wyoming Department of Health, Maternal Nachurs liquid kit, 12,000 acres. Very good condition, and Child Division. The toolkit was adapted from the Healthy $14,900 Kids, Healthy Futures intervention developed by Nemours, $ a pediatric health system in Delaware, New Jersey, Penn9900 sylvania and Florida. 2012 Case IH Magnum 290 Retro fit row units for CNP can provide technical assistance to qualifying ECEs tractor, 4000 hours, like new wanting to develop and implement healthy policies, but due John Deere 1890 and 1895 disc drill. condition, very nice, loaded. to COVID-19 and maintaining social distancing, planned Available for fall on a limited basis! work with ECEs had to adapt. Growing gardens is one way Laramie County CNP and its Call for more ECE partners decided to add some healthy changes. Now taking orders for spring! information. “We are really excited to see what the garden brings the kids and the learning that they will get from growing their NOW AVAILABLE: own produce,” said Ustunergil. Dave cell: 406-350-2266, home: 406-567-2632 Kiddie Kastle, the Montessori School of Cheyenne, Brock cell: 406-350-2886, home: 406-567-3633 Creative Compass School, Little Friends Daycare, Cheri’s Daycare and Debbie’s House Daycare all started gardens this year. The Montessori School of Cheyenne had wanted to begin a garden project. Working with CNP helped make that possible. “The Montessori School of Cheyenne wanted two gardens, one for the 1 to 3 year olds and one for Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 older children,” said Tammy 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport) Ware, CNP educator. “A volunteer built them wooden garden beds on each side of the building for each age group. I provided them with seedlings I started.” CNP educators started the seeds for all the ECE gardens, which were planted in early June. “When I called the Montessori School of Cheyenne, We stock a they told me that the 1 to 3 large variety of years olds got to help plant Honey Bee parts in their garden, and they loved it,” said Ware. So far, gardening has been a success. including rod weeder supplies. “Everything is sprouting up, and the kids are so excited,” Brittany Wilson and Tess Barnes, directors at Creative Compass School, stated in an email. “The kids can’t wait to get here each day to see the changes!” Gardening helps kids build excitement to eat what they are growing, but also Call today for New VR12 provides new opportunities Grain Vac pricing and for learning and moving. availability We Sell “We are so grateful for We also have parts for getting the opportunity to 1” and 2.5” air seeder hose REM Grain Vacs be able to do this with our 6”, 7” and 8” rubber/flexible students. It’s amazing!” Wilgrain vacuum hose son and Barnes stated in an Parts and We are your MAV Chopper Dealer email. “Our thumbs might UII and Hart Cart reel parts Conveyors have a tiny bit of green in them after all.”
US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills
K-Hart 8612 Now Gent Disc Available Opener
T & T Farm Supply, LLC
Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO.
Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers
REM VRX Grain Vacs
Now Available
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C43
Deadline for ads in the October 2020 issue is Wednesday, September 30th.
Program encourages young Montanans to pursue careers in ag
State of Montana Newsroom Governor Steve Bullock announced nearly $100,000 has been awarded to 12 applicants through the Montana Farmer Student Loan Assistance Program, which was created to encourage Montana’s college-educated youth to pursue a primary career in farming or ranching. The program also seeks to reduce financial stress on farm and ranch operators and promote succession planning to preserve interest in the state’s agricultural future. “With the average age of producers in Montana at nearly 60 years old, it’s critical we invest in young folks and ensure there’s a path to a sustainable career in agriculture,” Governor Bullock said. “This program is vital to the future of Montana’s ag industry and supports our young producers by removing financial barriers and encouraging younger Montanans to pursue careers in farming and ranching.” The Montana Farmer Student Loan Assistance Program originated during the 2019 legislative session as House Bill 431 sponsored by Representative Zach Brown. This is the first round of awards made through the program and determined by the Agriculture Development Council. Successful applicants will receive loan assistance for up to five years for qualified education loans. The next funding cycle will open in the Spring of 2021. For more information, visit The Montana Department of Agriculture’s mission is to protect producers and consumers, and to enhance and develop agriculture and allied industries. For more information on the Montana Department of Agriculture, visit
Abigail deVos shows off her Grand Champion steer during the Teton County 4-H Fair held July 17-26 in Choteau, Montana. Photo courtesy of Sharla Hinman, Teton County Extension.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C44
Check out our website!
Keira Bender shows her rabbit to judge Brent Roeder judge during the Teton County 4-H Fair held July 17-26 in Choteau, Montana. Photo courtesy of Sharla Hinman, Teton County Extension.
Microbe with taste for stale bread finds its calling
Bushel Bins IN STOCK and ready for 2020 Harvest! Call for Details!
Bruce Boyum • 406-945-0876 Matt Boyum • 406-945-1968 Havre, MT • Hoppers come with rack & pinion traps and manway, and inspection hole • Full “house” style aeration and skid available. No need for concrete! • Custom hopper bottoms for existing grain bins • Westeel smooth wall hopper bottom bins
• NEW Westeel hopper bottom & flat bottom bins available • Overhead feed bins available • Custom Smoothwall bins from 50 bushel up to 500 bushel • $10,000 18-ft. retro hoppers - CALL! • Check us out at or on Facebook
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We now sell and build Sentinel Buildings
Starting at $5,550 Call Us!
By Jan Suszkiw, Agricultural Research Service Researchers are enlisting mighty microbes in the fight against food waste. An Agricultural Research Service (ARS) team in Peoria, Illinois, has devised a procedure for using bacteria to convert glucose from bread waste into value-added products such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is used in everything from food and beverages to pharmaceutical and personal-care products, a U.S market valued at over $1 billion in 2018. By one estimate, 12.5 million tons of bread, rolls, croissants and other baked goods go uneaten worldwide each year. Some of this food waste is fed to livestock as a source of carbohydrates and protein; however, the remainder can pose a disposal problem. Fortunately, the adage “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” still holds true—with the help of Pseudomonas reptilivora bacteria. In studies at the ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria, team members Sirma Yegin (Ege University, Turkey), Badal Saha, Gregory Kennedy, Mark Berhow and Karl Vermillion devised fermentation procedures that encourage the species to gobble up glucose in bread waste and convert it into 2-keto-D-gluconic acid (2KGA). According to Saha, a research chemist with the center’s Bioenergy Research Unit, 2KGA is a so-called “platform chemical” that helps synthesize bulk quantities of erythorbic acid, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid salts, and other substances with wide-ranging food and industrial applications. 2KGA itself can also be used as a detergent builder, cement plasticizer and precursor chemical for herbicide compounds. The team’s hope is that with continued research and scale-up, the glucose-hungry bacteria will offer a biobased alternative to synthetically producing valuable chemicals like vitamin C from 2KGA—and simultaneously help tackle a food-waste issue. Synthetic production methods for 2KGA are costly and dependent on harmful oxidizing agents among other drawbacks. There are also fermentation-based methods of producing 2KGA using other types of microbes. However, they require the addition of nitrogen, mineral salts and other costly nutrients, noted Badal. That’s not the case with P. reptilivora, which does just fine on a diet of glucose-rich bread wastes (once it’s been rendered into a slurry using distilled water and enzymes, that is). The advance, which the team reported in the March 2020 issue of Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, is part of the ARS center’s overarching mission to develop new, valueadded uses for agricultural commodities, especially if they can ease the reliance on raw materials made from fossil fuels. In this instance, the team’s efforts began with the center’s ARS Culture Collection, which houses tens of thousands of microbial specimens collected from around the world. Many of these microbial holdings are valued for their pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, food and other applications, including P. reptilivora, which was originally added to the collection in the 1940s as strain NRRL B-6. Initially, the microbe was considered an unwelcome contaminant in fermentation procedures. Now, that same fondness for fermentation conditions could prove key to making substance that not only improve the quality and shelf-life of food, but also keep it out of the trash bin.
Women in Wyoming agriculture recognized
University of Wyoming Extension Nineteen Wyoming women were honored for their contributions to the state’s agriculture with Heart of Agriculture awards during a special program Wednesday, August 12, at the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas. The recognition program had been postponed due to COVID-19 from a ceremony originally planned in May at the Excellence in Ag Seminar in Casper by the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension. Seven of the recipients were in attendance. Nominations were reviewed by a member of UW Extension and members of the co-hosts: the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, Wyoming Wool Growers Association and the Wyoming Farm Bureau. Extension educator Scott Cotton presented certificates and metal “Wyoming Heart of Agriculture Honoree works here” gate signs to (county, name): Albany – Robin Carter Big Horn – Valerie Murray Campbell – Nancy Tarver Carbon – Diana Berger Converse – Rachel Grant Crook – Pat Frolander Fremont – Timmery Hellyer Goshen – Morgan Cross-Shoults Hot Springs – Terry Wilson Johnson – Connie Lohse Laramie – Kendall Roberts Lincoln – Corby McGinnis Natrona – Marcia Campbell Niobrara – Rhonda Pfister Park – Elsie Wagler Platte – Nancy Foy Sublette – Jeannie Lockwood Sweetwater County – Mickey Thoman Weston – Nancy Darnell
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C45
##### If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, doesn’t it follow that electricians can be delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed, tree surgeons debarked and dry cleaners depressed? ##### A child’s observation: If a mother laughs at dad’s jokes, we have guests.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE • John Deere 535 round baler, net & twine, always shedded. Also spare parts baler. • Cockshutt Model 30 tractor, runs good • 1979 Chevrolet 3/4-ton, 4x4, with 4-speed running gear • Lincoln 140 wire feed welder
Phone 406-735-4464, call evenings
Montana made...
Rod Weeder
Choose the 1” or 11/4” round, self-turning rod. • Fits all cultivators • Easy to pull, saves fuel • No drive required. • We build special applications for air drive • U-joint adapter for rocky conditions • Optional rod weeder transport bracket mounts on cultivator frame. Remove one pin and you can set the rod in the transport bracket. When rod is needed you can install in about 5 minutes.
Dealers for the A M Rodweeder, Quick Attach Brackets and Transport Brackets. MONTANA DEALERS
Ben Taylor Farm Store ............................................Valier, 279-3365 Big Equipment........................................................ Havre, 265-9432 Churchill Equipment....................................... Manhattan, 282-7252 Frontline Ag Solutions.............................. Conrad, 1-877-278-5531 Frontline Ag Solutions............................ Choteau, 1-866-466-5741 Frontline Ag Solutions...........................Cut Bank, 1-800-273-5530 Gerbers of Montana Inc..................................Great Falls, 727-2203 Hoven Equipment Co.....................................Great Falls, 727-7153 Joyce Fuel & Feeds............................... Geraldine, 1-800-479-4561 Musselshell Valley Equipment ..............Roundup, 1-888-423-2605
Montana toll-free 1-800-345-2083 or 406-379-2676, Hogeland, MT
For sales information call Brad Ruhkamp, Nick Lowen or Dustin Ruhkamp
Specializing In Cereal Grains, Grasses, Legumes
1 mile north of Havre on Highway 232
Box 1028, Havre, MT 59501
High Yield - Med-Early Maturity - Excellent Test Weight High Yield - Stripe Rust Resistance
High Yield - Average Protein - High Test Weight
High Yield - Stem & Stripe Rust Resistant
SY Monument*
High Yield - Leaf & Stripe Rust Resistance
Sawfly Tolerant Warhorse*
Solid Stem - Stripe & Stem Rust Resistant
Semi Solid Stem - Improved Yield
WB4483* (CSO)
Solid Stem - Good Winter Hardiness
* Denotes PVP variety
Ag Engineering...............................Kennewick, WA (509) 582-8900
A M Rod Weeders made by American Manufacturing
Certified Seed Plant
Hollow Stem
Taylor’s True Value Farm Store................... Shelby, 1-888-220-5547 Tiber Tractor, Chester .........................................Chester, 759-5188 Torgerson, LLC..................................... Lewistown, 1-800-677-8795 Torgerson, LLC..........................................Hysham, (406) 342-5571 Zerbe Bros................................................Glasgow, 1-800-228-5393
Have your Seed Custom Cleaned and Treated with...
We stock a full line of alfalfa, grass and cover crop seed. (Custom Mixing Available)
Call Us For Your Price Before You Buy Clearfield & CoAxium Battle Ax* (CSO)
2 Gene CoAxium Wheat - Very Good Yield Potential
SY Clearstone CL2* (CSO) High Yield - Winter Hardy
Brawl CL Plus* (CSO) Early Maturing - High Yield
Forage Ray*
Beardless - Forage - High Yield
Willow Creek HRWW
Beardless - Winter Hardy
Forage FX 1001 *
Beardless - Winter Hardy - Triticale
Austrian Winter Peas
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C46
Case Precision 3430/ATX700 70-ft. hoe drill, new stealths, low acres on tips, $ air seeder hopper, no welds, well kept................................................................ Phone (406) 350-2055, or 350-2050
Double cropping grain sorghum following wheat
By Brent Bean, Ph.D., Sorghum Checkoff Agronomy Director Planted grain sorghum following a failed or harvested wheat crop (double cropping) is an option for many regions of the U.S. The success of the sorghum double crop will be dependent on many factors, but the most prominent are 1) the length of the growing season remaining from planting to the sorghum reaching maturity, 2) the potential for adequate heat unit accumulation to allow the sorghum to reach maturity and 3) availability of adequate water either from stored soil moisture, rainfall, irrigation, or from a combination of any of the three. The length of the growing season and heat unit accumulation are interrelated and will determine if sorghum will reach maturity prior to a killing freeze. No one wants to put time and resources into a crop and then see an early freeze or other adverse weather eliminate or greatly reduce grain yield or quality at the end of the season. Fortunately, growers can select a hybrid with a maturity rating that best fits their situation. Hybrids vary from 95 to 125 days in the time it takes from emergence to reaching physiological maturity. Most medium-early to medium maturity hybrids are going to need 100 to 110 days under good growing conditions with adequate heat unit accumulation to reach maturity. To determine what maturity of sorghum to plant, count the number of days from the anticipated planting date to the average first freeze date. I prefer to be conservative and subtract another 10 days. For example, for a June 25th planting date and an average first freeze of October 20th, there are 117 days. Subtract 10 days and the effective growing season is 107 days. Choose a hybrid that will mature in this length of time. If only the days to flowering are given by a seed company, add 45 days and this will give a close estimate on the time required to reach maturity. Seeding rate should also be increased by 20 percent over earlier planted sorghum. This is because tillering will be less due to warmer soil temperatures for later planted sorghum. In addition, if planted into heavy wheat residue, a higher seeding rate is often needed due to straw interference with good seed to soil contact. Yields are typically less with late planted sorghum. Depending on how late the sorghum is planted, yield reduction will generally range from 10 to 30 percent less compared to an optimum planting date. This should be taken into account when determining the amount of N to apply following wheat. Consider applying a starter fertilizer of N + P and then apply additional N approximately 20 to 25 days after the sorghum has emerged. Sorghum requires approximately 1.1 pound of N per bushel of grain produced. In standing wheat stubble, streaming N onto the soil surface usually works well. Knifing N into the soil will help avoid tie-up in heavy residue. Use a preemergence herbicide containing s-metolachlor, acetochlor or dimethenamid for grass and annual broadleaf weed control. Warm season grasses are typically more of a problem with late planted sorghum. These herbicides have relatively short soil residual and should not impact most future crops in the rotation. Lastly, both sugarcane aphids and midge can be an issue in late planted sorghum. Plant a hybrid with good sugarcane aphid tolerance and plan to scout for both insects and treat as needed.
Landscaping for water-wise gardens information available
University of Wyoming Extension Landscaping: Water-Wise Wyoming Gardens is now available from the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension for download as a PDF, HTML or ePub format at Water-Wise-Wyo. This bulletin provides seven steps to creating a waterwise garden. “Wyoming is in a high desert, and water is not plentiful,” said Karen Panter, UW Extension horticulture specialist. “Using the seven steps along with some of the recommended plant materials in the bulletin, Wyoming citizens will be able to use water more efficiently in the landscape.” Some areas of Wyoming receive less than 10 inches of precipitation each year, making landscape water issues necessities rather than options, explained Panter.
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 – Page C47
Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana
2015 Cat 279D Track Skidsteer 1750 hours, great tracks, hydraulic quick couple, cab with air conditioning, camera.............................................$49,600
2015 Komatsu WA380 Wheel Loader Only 3600 hours, cab with air conditioning, camera, ride control, radial tires, 4.5 yard bucket with quick couple.... $155,000
2003 Bobcat S185 Skidsteer Only 2050 hours, cab with heat. Very good condition, excellent tires.......................................................................$24,500
2012 Skyjack SJ111 3219 Electric Scissorlift 19-ft., 36” extension platforms, non-marking tires, power to the platform, low hours....................... $5500 per machine
2000 Case 721C Wheel Loader Cab with heat, new tires, 9000 hours, hydraulic quick couple, 3rd valve auxiliary hydraulics, 3 yard bucket. Good clean loader!...................................................................$45,000
2012 Cat 299D XHP Track Skidsteer High flow, 100 hp, cab with air conditioning. Some track wear but a good condition local machine!............................$35,000 With new tracks installed............................................$39,500
2010 Grizzly MFG Model 12
Good shape and heavy duty!......................................$14,000
2005 Cat TH460B Forklift 45-ft./8800 lb. capacity, 2450 hours. Good tires, nice machine!... ..............................................................................$41,000
2006 Deere E50 Mini Excavator
1998 Volvo A35 Articulated Haul Truck
2005 Cat 163H Motor Grader
2883 hours, hydraulic thumb, quick couple. Good solid machine, cab with air conditioning!.......................................$38,000
6x6, 35 ton capacity. Solid truck from the best articulated truck manufacturer!........................................................$35,000
One owner, 6x6, ripper, snow wing, 10,150 hours, cab with air conditioning. New tires!.........................................$85,000
Give Greg or Jim a Call Greg 406-690-2754 Jim 406-690-0737 For Help With All Your Equipment Needs!
Give Us a Call about our
Additional photos & info at
Trader’s Dispatch, September 2020 — Page C48
(WI) Winner, SD 605-842-2040
(PI) Pierre, SD 605-224-1631
(PH) Philip, SD 605-859-2636
(SU) Sundance, WY 307-283-2971
(BL) Bloomfield, NE 402-373-4449
(HA) Hartington, NE 402-254-3908
(BF) Belle Fourche, SD 605-892-2621 (WA) Wayne, NE 402-375-3325
IT’S TIME FOR A NEW COMBINE! - 0% for 36 months on any “S” series combine*
*36 month 0% waiver followed by 3.75% for 24 months (total note is 60 months) based on qualified credit - see store for details - good through 9/30/20
2019 John Deere 560M (BL), Stk #63576, 7,257 Bales, Hydraulic Pickup, Has Lube Minder, 1 3/8” PTO..................................... $35,500
2018 John Deere 560M (SU), Stk #64445, 13,159 Bales, 1,000 PTO, MegaWide, Big Tires, Pushbar........ ............................................ $29,900
2019 John Deere 7210R (WI), Stk #63597, 1,036 Hrs, MFWD W/Triple Link Susp, Rear Tires Weighted, Loader Prep Pkg...............$181,000
2017 John Deere 6155R (WA), Stk #61819, 322 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, GreenStar Ready, 45 GPM Hyd Pump, 3 SCV’s, Single 450lb Rear Weights........... $124,000
2014 John Deere 8310R (WA), Stk #64332, 5,143 Hrs, IVT, 1 Pair 1,400# Weights, 60 GPM Pump, Premium Cab.................... $150,000
2019 Kuhn/Knight RA136 Helix (BL), Stk #59941, 3 Auger, 36” Left Hand Discharge, 640XL Scale Head, 1,000 PTO........................... $48,000
2019 John Deere 8320R (PH), Stk 2018 John Deere S760 (BL), Stk #63625, 594 Hrs, Duals Front & #63015, 601/450 Hrs, Gen 4 ComRear!, Premium Cab W/Active Seat, mand Center, 10” Color Display, AuPowerShift Trans, 10” Color Display. toTrac Ready, Premium Cab, Sidehill .......................................... $275,000 Perf Pkg............................ $279,500
2014 John Deere 6210R (HA), Stk #60048, 6,236 Hours, Partial PowerShift Trans, TLS Front Suspension, H380 Loader, 4 SCV’s, Weighted Up On Rear............................ $102,500
2016 John Deere S690 (WA), Stk #63762, 1,464/1,100 Hrs, ProDrive 2014 John Deere S660 (WA), Stk Trans, 5 Speed, High Wear Sep & #64321, 2,050/1,425 Hrs, 1 Owner Unload, 550 XL Demco Ext, 650-38 Unit, Chopper, High Wear, Tank ExFront Duals & 750-26 Rears............ tension, Round Bar Concaves......... .......................................... $245,000 .......................................... $145,000
2014 John Deere 8310R (WA), Stk 2012 John Deere S670 (PI), Stk #64331, 5,963 Hrs, IVT, 1 Pair #61690, 2,000/1,411 Hrs, Very Well 1,400# Weights, Big 1,000 PTO, 60 Maintained, Premium Cab, Tank ExGPM Pump, Premium Cab.............. tension, Deep Tooth Sieve & Chaf.......................................... $144,000 fer, 26’ Unload Auger......... $128,000
2004 Cattlelac 460 (WI), Stk #64961, One Owner, Always Shedded & Cleaned, Very Nice Older Unit......... ............................................ $18,500
2019 John Deere 735FD (WI), Stk #63337, Around 1,300 Acres, Spare Knife.................................... $79,900
2018 John Deere 712C (WI), Stk #63303, Only 5,500 Acres, Unit Will Be Field Ready................... $90,000
2012 Kuhn/Knight 3130 (WI), Stk #65032, 3’ 3 Auger Discharge, Scale System, Flighting On Whole Wagon Is Good............................... $16,000
2017 John Deere S670 (WA), Stk #63731, 1,150/850 Hrs, 520 Metrics, Powered Tailboard..... $262,000
2017 John Deere 9470R (PI), Stk #65569, 2,300 Hrs, Very Clean & Well Maintained, PTO, Power-Shift Trans, Hi-Flow Hyd.......... $255,000
2014 Case IH Steiger 600 (PI), Stk #65457, 2,224 Hrs, Extremely Clean Units, 520/85 R46 Triples, 4 900 lb Weights Inside Tires, Luxury Cab................................. $212,000
Call for more info on any of these listed units, or to find out what else we have available! 2010 John Deere 9530 (PI), Stk #64884, 6,800 Hrs, Hi-Flow, Injector Work Just Done In Our Shop, 800/70R38 Tires, 5 SCV’s.............. ........................................ $105,000
2018 John Deere 645FD (WA), Stk #63531, 6,666 Acres, Flip Over Reel, Long/Long Knife, Belts Look Good................................... $87,500
2016 John Deere 612C (WA), Stk #63767, About 10,000 Acres On Unit, HHC & Row Sense..... $61,000
2012 John Deere 640FD (PI), Stk #65409, Flip Over Reel, Very Nice Head & Ready For The Field!.......... ............................................ $47,500
Nebraska Wayne (402) 375-3325 Bloomfield (402) 373-4449 Hartington (402) 254-3908 South Dakota Winner (605) 842-2040 Pierre (605) 224-1631 Philip (605) 859-2636 Belle Fourche(605) 892-2621
2014 John Deere 608C (BL), Stk #60112, Knife Rolls, Contour Sensors & Row Sensors, Chains Are Good................................... $34,000
2009 John Deere 635F (BL), Stk #62673, Guards & Sickles Are Good, Overall Good Head For It’s Age..................................... $13,000
Wyoming Sundance (307) 283-2971
2018 John Deere 9620RX (WA), Stk #64348, 815 Hrs, Hi-Flow Hydraulic, 2018 John Deere 9620RX (WA), Stk #64349, 778 Hrs, Twin to Stk 6 Rear SCV’s, PS Trans, Cab Sus#64348!! 36” DuraDrive 3500 pension, PTO, 10” Gen 4 Display..... Tracks, HID Lights............. $454,500 .......................................... $449,500
View all of our inventory online at:
2014 Unverferth 542 (WI), Stk #46081, Nice Header Trailer, Only Used Around The Lot & For Deliveries....................................... $10,900