Robert Burns Festival 2015 Leaflet

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Burns Competition #thburnsfest2015 gratefully sponsored by

Harry Lumsden Bequest

Introduction Now in its fourth year the Trades House of Glasgow Robert Burns Festival will be held on 29 January 2015 and offers children from all Glasgow schools an opportunity to demonstrate their skill in recitation, singing or playing a musical instrument. Held in the spectacular surroundings of the historic Trades Hall in Glassford Street in Glasgow, the Festival will enable participants to perform a piece of their own choice in relation to the works of Robert Burns. The Festival also allows the opportunity for prize-winners to perform at a Prize-giving Concert to be held on 2 March 2015 and to go on to compete in the National Schools’ Competition run by the Robert Burns World Federation, this year being held in Glasgow. Awards are presented for Primary School children in P4/5 and in P6/7 and for the first time the event is being extended this year to all Secondary School pupils from S1 to S6. For each of the three groups and for each of the three classifications: verse – solo singing – solo instrumental playing a pewter quaich engraved with the winner’s name and school will be presented. Individual winners receive a gold medallion and second and third prize-winners framed certificates.

2015 Festival

The 2015 competition will be held on Thursday 29 January 2015 In the Trades Hall, 85 Glassford Street, Glasgow commencing at 4pm Pupils to perform their own choice of the works of Robert Burns in:

Verse (a poem of 16 to 30 lines) Song (max 3 verses) Musical Instrument (excluding bagpipes) Application forms are obtainable from the Trades House competition convener: Bob McDonald 13 Albert Drive, Burnside, Rutherglen, G73 3RT Tel: 0141 647 6900 E:


Festival Details To enhance the Robert Burns curricular work being carried out in schools, The Trades House of Glasgow’s annual Robert Burns Festival is held in January each year. The Festival continues to create wider opportunities for children by enabling them to achieve in another context through showcasing their work to the wider community. The Trades House of Glasgow also provides opportunities for primary school children with an annual Schools Citizenship Award and for secondary pupils with its Schools Craft Competition. Details of these competitions can be obtained from the Trades House Office: 85 Glassford Street, Glasgow G1 1UH Tel: 0141 553 1605 Fax: 0141 552 5053

Gie me ae spark o’ Nature’s fire, That’s a’ the learning I desire. The ploughman poet and lyricist Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) is one of, Scotland’s favourite sons and is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland. His poems and songs are celebrated worldwide and Burns Suppers are held each year in his memory. As well as making original compositions, Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them. His poem (and song) “Auld Lang Syne” is often sung at Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and “Scots Wha Hae” served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country. Other poems and songs of Burns that remain well known across the world today include “A Red, Red Rose”; “A Man’s a Man for A’ That”; “To a Louse”; “To a Mouse”; “The Battle of Sherramuir”; “Tam o’ Shanter”; and “Ae Fond Kiss”

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