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Locals looking after locals

Fr Yo ee ur Co py

September 2013 - Issue 26

Tradies Ladies A N D Tips for your business, home and garden


Bundaberg Mobility Centre has moved to bigger and better location!

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Find out more on page 6

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Talk to the locals who care!


Market Your Business To Its Full Potential With A Professional Service You Can Rely On And Trust!

0448 214 428/0488 754 816


Ph: 0448 214 428

WELCOME TO ALL OUR LOYAL READERS & SUPPORTERS Tradies and Ladies magazine is a great read full of helpful tips, puzzles, competitions, local news and events. As true locals we understand the local area and we get involved in the community. With over 16yrs experience, we offer good old fashion service at a professional level, with no pressure, just honest, reliable commitment and understanding with no hidden extras. With 95% of businesses choosing Tradies and Ladies Magazine over all other print media we are proud to say, Tradies and Ladies Magazine is number 1 for service, quality and price.


4 & 5. Local News 6. Cover Story - Bundaberg Mobility Centre 7. Local News 8. Finding the Light - Healthy Mind 9. Business in Focus - Hot Shots Hair Design 10. Haymans - Energy efficient experts 11. Rose Chapel Funerals - Funeral costs 12. Local History 13. In2Solar - Save money with solar MISSED YOUR COPY?

Tradies and Ladies Magazine is distributed free to households in Bundaberg and the Coral Coast each and every month. If you missed your copy you can read it online at: www.tradiesandladies.com.au Or copies can be obtained at: • Bundaberg Historical Museum • AMS Computers

• • • • • • • • • •

Your business is important to us, we promise to get to know your business (large or small) so we can market your business to its full potential and help it stand out from the rest. Why not give us a call or send us an email and let us put a great package together for you. For more information give us a call Kerry 0448 214 428/Sharon 0488 754 816 or email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Locals Looking after Locals. Until next month stay safe and happy. Kerry Davis, Editor

14. Local News 15. Fishing Update 16. Tech Talk - Computer Tips & Tricks 17. Home & Garden - Active8 18. Recipes - Easy Seafood 19. Puzzles 20. Competitions & RSPCA 21. Community Corner 22. What’s On This Month 23. Quick Reference Guide & News

Avoca Garden Centre Last Stop Convenience Store North Post Office Chop Shop East Post Office Bundaberg Wholesale Palms Burnett Heads IGA Sharon Store Bundaberg Port Elliott Heads Kiosk

Tradies and Ladies Magazine

Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au www.tradiesandladies.com.au PO Box 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670

Ph: 0448 214 428 or 0488 754 816


“Would just like to comment on what a great magazine Tradies and Ladies is. You not only help the local businesses but it is full of wonderful articles, that I enjoy reading. I keep my magazine each month and look forward to receiving the new one. Your puzzles are good to, however, I did notice some clues missing from the last crossword. But all in all, a great job well done.” Happy Reader

Editors Note: Thank you for your praise. We try to put out a quality poduct each month, but some errors do occur. The crossword in this issue has all clues intact.


Tradies and Ladies Magazine is published monthly where possible by Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd. No responsibility is taken if Tradies and Ladies Magazine is unable to be printed/published monthly. All content and advertising printed in Tradies and Ladies Magazine is copyright to Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd and may not be re-printed or used in any form (including business cards, facebook and/or any other advertising mediums) without written consent from the publisher. This also includes any artwork, photos or editorials undertaken by Tradies and Ladies magazine, even if not published. Disclaimer Tradies and Ladies Magazine may accept, amend or reject any advertisement. Tradies and Ladies Magazine gives no warranty to the reliability or accuracy of the advertisements placed in this magazine. Tradies and Ladies Magazine accepts no liability to any person and/or business in respect to any information contained in this magazine. Individuals should rely on their own enquiries. ABN: 37 150 735 256

Our Motto We Proudly Stand By “Always be honest, serve your customers first, mix in the

community at grassroots level and never, never be greedy” Good old-fashioned service, from people who really care about you & your business!

Ph: 0448 214 428 Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au 2




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Tell us your story. LOCAL NEWS Ph: 0488 754 816 Weekend rail travel for Bundaberg residents For the first time Maryborough and Bundaberg residents will be able to travel to Brisbane on weekends following changes to the Bundaberg Tilt Train service on 2 September. Member for Bundaberg Jack Dempsey and Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett said changes to the tilt train timetable will create better weekend travel options. “From September 2 the Wednesday north and southbound Bundaberg Tilt Train service will be transferred to a Saturday,” Mr Dempsey said. “Passengers will be able to take the Bundaberg Tilt Train service on a Saturday from Bundaberg station at 5.15am and will arrive the same day at Brisbane Roma Street at 9.50am. “Passengers can return to Maryborough West station the following day on either the 11.00am Rockhampton or 4.55pm Bundaberg Tilt Train services departing Brisbane. “This really opens up travel opportunities for Bundaberg residents.” Mr Bennett welcomed the timetable change. “Bundaberg residents will be able to go to a


football game, attend a show, go shopping or visit friends in Brisbane and get home in time to start the working week. “The change will also provide better access for anyone in Brisbane looking to get away to the regions for the weekend.” The Bundaberg Tilt Train service has been used by people attending medical appointments and also for hospital patient transfers. Queensland Rail has contacted hospitals about the changes and they will still be able to transfer patients via the Bundaberg Tilt Train services on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. Anyone who relied on the southbound Wednesday service departing Bundaberg station at 5.15am, under the previous timetable, will be catered for. Queensland Rail will work with other stakeholders, bus operators and customers over coming weeks to inform them about the changes.

Is there something the community should know? Ph: 0488 754 816


Bundy Flavours kicks off wih cooking workshops

Buy local and eat fresh are the messages behind culinary cooking workshops which will launch the inaugural Bundy Flavours Festival. Kitchen Confidence owner and workshops host Wayne Bryans said the workshops would give people enthusiasm towards “real food and proper flavours”. “You don’t need a lot of experience, we can teach you to love food,” Mr Bryans said. Council’s Community Services portfolio spokesperson Cr Judy Peters said the workshops would raise awareness of the local produce available. “We want to inspire people to incorporate the diverse flavours of our region in to fresh and tasty meals,” Cr Peters said. Mr Bryans said he was thrilled to be involved with Bundy Flavours as it was an opportunity to support and promote buying local and fresh. “Why buy something from interstate when you can buy it locally? Encouraging people to source locally grown produce will not only benefit farmers but the person buying it as well.” The workshops will be held weeknights from

September 16 to 19 from 6pm to 8pm at Kitchen Confidence Cookery Studio, 10a Barolin Street. There is only a limited number of spaces so be sure to register with Kitchen Confidence on 0488 073 077 before September 13. Bundy Flavours will kick off on September 16 and conclude on September 22 with a huge free family fun day at Alexandra Park from 10am to 3pm, showcasing the wide variety of fresh, locally grown produce and product available in the region and the latest in gardening techniques. There will be live bands and entertainment, a kids’ corner with stacks of activities for the whole family, as well as local produce markets and a specialty food court complete with gourmet foods. This day is for families, foodies and gardeners alike, everyone is welcome.

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Be On The Front Cover & Highlight Your Business

Ph: 0448 214 428

Bundaberg Mobility Centre has moved to new location

Ruth and Reon Robêrt, along with their son, Antoni, from Bundaberg Mobility Centre are excited about their great new location at Shop 9, 9 Maryborough Street, on Woongarra Street side, next to LJ Hooker. The new location is easy access with plenty of parking and the store is spacious, enabling Bundaberg Mobility to showcase all the mobility aids they have to help keep you mobile. Their extensive range includes walking sticks, scooters, power chairs, walkers, rollators, wheelchairs, bathroom aids, lift chairs, beds and daily living aids. As well as providing a huge range of mobility aids they also have hi-tech diagnostic equipment which enables them to diagnosis problems with mobility scooters and power wheel chairs easily and, more importantly, accurately. The team at Bundaberg Mobility Centre are happy to say that they still continue to service what they sell and you are guaranteed of professional workmanship by qualified technicians. Bundaberg Mobility Centre is also an authorised repairer for MASS (Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme). As part of their services, they will take the time to come to you, especially in the event of a breakdown. It is a priority to the team at Bundaberg Mobility to get you mobile as soon as possible. They will come to you, diagnose the problem, order parts and either fix it at your residence or take it back to the workshop, repair it and bring it back to you. How’s that for service? And all this is done with care and a smile! Ruth, Reon and Antoni are proud of the service they offer and will match any written local quote of the same product! At Bundaberg Mobility Centre, they understand your mobility and care needs, and take pride in giving you the mobility and/or care solution that will be effective, value for money, of high quality and most importantly, keeping you mobile. The entire team at Bundaberg Mobility Centre would like to welcome existing and new clients to their new store and they look forward to continuing the same outstanding service that they have given the community over the past three years. For all your mobility solutions call in and see the team at Bundaberg Mobility Centre,at shop 9, 9 Maryborough Street (Woongarra Street side) or give them call on 41 536 536.


Providing services to the general public and the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme Selling, servicing and maintaining most makes of mobility aids, scooters and wheelchairs in the Wide Bay region

w n! We Service What We Sell e N tio Ph: 41 536 536 ca o 9/9 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg L Woongarra Street side, next to LJ Hooker


Let us know what is happening! editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Disability Action Week


One in five Queenslanders has a disability of some kind, and disability touches the lives of most Queenslanders in some way—through the experiences we have with friends and family, at school, in the workplace and in the community. Everybody has a role in creating a truly welcoming and inclusive community, from businesses and government to community organisations and individuals. Disability Action Week, September 8 to 14, is our opportunity to come together in our communities to achieve this vision. Present this advert and get: Disability Action Week aims to: • Encourage positive attitudes towards people 10% Off Landscaping Supplies with a disability. & Plants* * Limit one per customer • Promote improved access to the wider community. The Queensland Government is committed to ensuring our community is safe, welcoming & Mowing Service and inclusive of people with a disability, their Quality friendly Service families and carers. This includes providing 171 Avoca Road equal access to housing, health services, Open 7 Days education and work, sport and recreation, the Ph: 4153 4244 arts and cultural activities.

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HEALTHY MIND David Lawson - Helping you to Find the Light!

Have you ever been in a traffic jam? You know where you want to go but just cannot get there? No matter how long you have been in a relationship it is very likely that at some point you and your partner will disagree on something. Both of you have come to a position where there is no way forwards or backwards – you are in GRIDLOCK. Gridlock happens when each person in the relationship has an opinion on an issue that is in the way of the other – just like other vehicles block your car in a traffic jam. When a couple is in gridlock, conflict rules and there are only two ways to get out of it. The usual way is for one or both of you to compromise your viewpoint/s. Sometimes that will take hours, days or weeks before one of you just rolls over and gives up. Most times it will be grudgingly, which means the issue has not been resolved - just put aside for a time. Compromise may feel like a win to one of you but to the other it will feel like they have lost, probably, again. OR you can say to yourself: • Why is this issue important? • Do I understand the effect on my relationship of my winning or compromising? • Is this an issue that is worth destroying my relationship over? You can deny gridlock exists and continue the way you are OR you can come and learn how to confront your gridlock. Your relationship will never improve until you learn how to overcome your gridlock! Talking to someone outside of the problem often makes it easier to resolve the problem!

4152 7733 0407 585 497 89 Woongarra Street West Bundaberg


findingthelight@bigpond.com www.findingthelight.com.au

Highlight your business Ph: 0448 214 428


New owner and new look for Hot Shots

Hot Shots Hair Designs on Hurst Street, has been given a new lease of life with new owner Hannah Bray reopening the doors. Hannah, along with her team member, Trudie Onions, are looking forward to giving Hot Shots a great new look while providing a one of a kind salon experience to their clients. Hannah has a passion for giving clients a look they love at an affordable price and add to that Trudie’s 28 years of experience in the industry, the team at Hot Shots Hair Designs are certain that you will enjoy your experience at the salon. Hot Shots offers all salon services including perming, chemical straightening, all colour services, hair extensions, ear piercing, men’s, ladies and kids cuts; and for that special occasion, upstyling and special packages for weddings, balls and proms.


In the near future, Hannah is excited to be able to offer spray tanning as well. As Hannah and Trudie take pride in their work, they only use the safest of hair products, Kitoko, which is sulphate and BPA free, therefore healthier for your hair and the environment. If you are an existing client of Hot Shots Hair Designs or looking for a hair dresser who really cares about your hair, Hannah and Trudie would love to see you. You will be impressed with the inviting and comfortable atmosphere as well as the bright smiles that will greet you. Hot Shots Hair Designs, 37 Hurst Street, is open Tuesday to Friday, 9am to 5pm and Saturday, 8am to 1pm. Extended hours on Saturday and late night appointments can be arranged. Phone 4152 2675.

Hot Shots Hair Designs Under New Management Deluxe Eye Package*: • Eyebrow Wax • Tint & • Lash Tint $25 Ladies perms with Hannah- From $50* *September Only

“Come & Meet The Team” Hannah Bray & Trudie Onions

Existing & New Clients Welcome

Ph: 4152 2675 37 Hurst Street 9




A simple solution for saving money & energy - dimmers Dimming the lights provides a simple solution to creating the ideal atmosphere in any room of your home. It’s a solution that also comes with the added advantage of being energy efficient. As the lights go down, so does your power bill. Just by keeping your lights dimmed at half brightness reduces your power use considerably - it’s that simple. For ease of control, why not add a remote control and dim the lights from the comfort of your sofa? Clipsal leads the way in dimming technology and manufactures dimmers for all lamp types. Clipsal dimmers are available in a wide range of styles and finishes with push button, rotary or remote control dimmer functions. There is sure to be a dimmer to suit all your requirements. Clipsal offers a world class range of cutting edge dimmer technologies, renowned for their superior load handling capabilities and reliability of performance. The range includes leading edge, trailing edge, universal dimmer products, and many more. With the introduction of the new CFL dimmer there is now a comprehensive suite of Clipsal dimming solutions designed to meet every dimming need, regardless of the application or load type. Clipsal dimmers are available in various sizes from modular 300W through to the remote mount 2400W dimmers. Newer models feature push button and IR remote control operation. Clipsal dimming solutions: • A wide range of dimmer technology products, which are compatible with the majority of lamps. • Remote control versions available. • Power range of dimmers from 300W to 2000W. • Short circuit protection and thermal overload protection on most models. Energy efficiency benefits: • Energy and cost savings are achieved when your lighting is dimmed. • Dimmer units extend the lifetime of your lamps so they need to be replaced less frequently. • Dimmer units are used to set the desired light level, which reduces energy consumption. • Energy savings between 10% and 50% can be achieved. To find out how you can save money and energy with Clipsal dimmer lights see the experienced team at Haymans Electrical, 26 Burrum Street, phone 4152 2755.



Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816

Beautiful workmanship from the worst of circumstances

The Bundaberg and District Historical Museum is home to many artefacts from our local district, one that we are highlighting this month is a hand crafted glove box. The glove box was made by an internee during World War 1 at one of the worst internment camps in Australia, Holsworthy. This beautiful box was donated to the museum by a former local (name withheld). Holslworthy Internment Camp, near Liverpool on the outskirts of Sydney, was the largest in Australia from 1914 to1920. The camp held between 4,000 and 5,600 internees, most were either from the Austro-Hungarian empire, staff of German companies temporarily living in Australia, crews of vessels caught in Australian ports and naturalised and native born Australians of German descent. Prisoners were interned without trial, often without knowing their ‘crime’ and without the knowledge of their families. Many of these internees were deported to Germany after the war, even if they were naturalised or native born Australians. The camp grew from a collection of tents to a small town of huts complete with theatres, restaurants and cafes, other small businesses, an orchestra and sporting and educational activities. Physical conditions in the camp were difficult and living conditions were overcrowded and sanitary facilities were basic. Heat, cold, dust, boredom and stress about families and businesses led to depression called “barbed wire disease’. Guards taunted and shot at internees. Some internees suicided and others tried to escape. The most troublesome prisoners were housed in a high security gaol known as ‘Sing Sing’. Hard work helped to relieve the boredom and overcome the problems. The internees built their own barracks and furniture, the administrative buildings, watch towers and all but the first 2.2km of the railway line from Liverpool. Regular arts and craft competitions, theatre and music nights and various other activities were organised. Many artefacts and objects were made at Holsworthy, but most of these have been lost or forgotten over time. This makes this beautiful glove box a very rare artefact and is listed on the registrar of the Immigration Museum. Holsworthy camp remained open until the last internees were deported to Germany in 1920. The total number deported was 6,150, of these 5,414 had been interned and the rest were family members. Over 1,000 internees appealed to the Commonwealth Alien Board against deportation, only 306 were successful. These 306 were the only ones allowed to stay from the 5,600 internees still at Holsworthy at the end of the war. To view this wonderful artefact and other historical pieces, visit the Bundaberg and District Historical Museum in the Botanic Gardens.

Acknowledgement: Information and images supplied by the Bundaberg and District Historical Museum. Apology: Acknowledgement from last issues historical piece was accidentally omitted. Thanks go to the Bundaberg Museum for supplying the information on the Skyway Drive-in and the Bundaberg Regional Libraries for the image and extra information.


Domestic & Commercial Solar Power, Hot Water & Air-Conditioning

Electrcity Bill Increase On The Way Over the next month, most of you will be receiving your next power bills. If you haven’t received it already, be sure to have a seat close by when you open it. We are already hearing stories of people who are just plain shocked and can’t believe the price hike that has just taken place. As announced in July, Ergon have increased the price of power by approximately 20%. So if your electricity bill was once $500, you can now expect it to be $600 and possibly higher. With the cost of living ever increasing and with new charges and bills always around the corner, now is the time to put cost saving measures in place. The faster you act the more money you can save yourself down the track. At In2solar, we can get this process started by installing various Solar Powered products, making use of the sun to put more money back in your pocket. We have solutions for Power (Home or Camping), Hot Water, Pool Heating and DC Pool Pumps. So if you have been floored by the recent power price increases and want to make a positive change to your bank balance for the future, pop in to the shop and see Pete or give him a call and see how the In2Solar team can help you.

Let In2Solar show you how to save for you future using solar!


1300 132 046 Bundaberg & Surrounding Districts

Shop 1, 36 Princess St, East Bundaberg www.in2solar.net.au

Electrical Contractor Licence No. 75308


Tell us your story. LOCAL NEWS Ph: 0488 754 816 Scholarships for students passionate for the land

Young people aspiring to a career in agriculture can apply for a $10,000 scholarship to be offered through two of Queensland’s Agricultural Training Colleges. Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett has announced that ten scholarships of $10,000 each would be available under the new program starting in 2014. “Our agricultural industries are crying out for graduates,” Mr Bennett said. “The sector offers a whole range of career opportunities in cropping, livestock, horticulture, conservation and land management. “With Bundaberg the tomato capital of Australia, and the region now one of the largest producers of macadamia nuts, we want to encourage young people to get passionate about a career in the region’s expanding “food bowl”. “This generous scholarship scheme will particularly help students to secure a place in the residential training program at the Emerald Agriculture College and Longreach Pastoral College.

Cobblers Bundaberg Key Cutting Shoe Repairs Engraving

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Shop 2, Westside Plaza Heidke St, Bundaberg

Ph: 4153 5320 Monday to Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturday: 8am - 12pm

Locally Owned & Operated


“This $100,000 funding announcement from the Newman Government represents a solid investment in the future of Queensland’s agri-industries. This is seed money and we will be seeking industry support to continue funding the scholarships in future years.” Executive Director Brent Kinnane said applications were now open and would close on Monday, October 28 2013. “We want to help those students who are committed to the industry,” Mr Kinnane said. “As part of their application, students will need to provide an explanation of their career plans. “We’re looking for those young people who have the will and the passion to make a real contribution to Queensland agriculture. “Applications will be assessed by a selection panel made up of the two college Directors, an education expert from the college, and an industry representative. “The panel will make recommendations to the College Boards for their approval. “Successful applicants will be notified by mid-November.” To apply for the scholarship visit: www.agriculturalcollege.qld.edu.au, call 1800 888 710 or email: enquiries@aacc. edu.au

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4159 7447

Mobile: 0459 744 775

Bundaberg & Surrounding Areas - FREE QUOTES

Send your fishing photos to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au


An early start

What a great month August turned out to be! The weather was absolutely great and the fishing was fabulous! The Flathead are arriving bang on time as I predicted they would, they are still schooling around the mouths of the rivers. The Bream have really been turning it on with some great catches and most are a decent size. Bream will quieten down a bit and you will have to search for them further up the rivers, as they are well into their breeding time, try up the Ferry Crossing in the Baffle, round the rocks and bridges in the Burnett. Mullet strips, Mullet gut, sprat and yabbies are the best bait and don’t forget for Bream you will get best results if you use Berley. Try for Flathead around the mouths of all the rivers, using lures, maybe hard bodied multi coloured Halco or Zerek Prawn or hard body in purple or white, also if you catch some whiting that are a bit on the small side fillet them off and use them for flathead using a double hook, Flathead absolutely love whiting. A young lad, named Sam, fished the mouth of Coonarr Creek last week in the late afternoon, from the beach and pulled in seven Flathead all around 60cm, using large prawn! The very best bait for Flathead this time of the year is live bait. Flathead go crazy for a live bait of Poddy Mullet or small Whiting so if you have a cast net and know how to use it you will fill up, if you don’t know how to throw a cast net email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au and I will email a video and you will be throwing a cast net in one hour. You will also get good whiting on the morning incoming tide using yabbies and chopped prawn or artificial worm, sand worms would be the best if you know how to get them. Chopper Tailer are beginning to show up early mornings at the mouth of the Baffle Creek and also the Burnett River so keep some IQF (Individual Quick Frozen) pilchards with you especially if you will be fishing real early in the mornings. Try for a feed of Squid either early mornings or, better still, late afternoons. A good idea is to get a waterproof underwater light and attach it at the rear of your boat preferable under water, this will definitely attract the Squid they are around and some are a good size. The bigger boats had a ball in August and got well off shore, some did overnighters to the Shelf but it seemed everybody who had a boat got out fishing, the better fishing though, if my reports are correct, was closer in, everyone who went right out caught fish, but was down on quality, the bigger better fish were closer to shore with some nice Snapper, Squire Grassy Sweetlip, Cod and Hussar taken

Reon & Ruth

Awesome whales

A good days fishing

at the Artificial and other closer in reefs. Some great Black King are still around out wide. The best bait by far has been Squid except for Snapper which preferred Pilchards. The impoundments are still fishing OK and the Barra are still on the bite, but only now and again do the big rod breakers appear, most are around the 60cm size and live baits have been the best. The Bass have quietened down and have moved into the shallower water near the weed beds again shrimp and small spinners are best Had a fantastic fishing trip a couple of weeks ago check the pictures (above), the Whales were awesome. Don’t forget Google your local fishing club, Bundaberg Sport Fishing Club. Membership is growing and you don’t need a big boat. We took some new members out last week and they had a fantastic time, just shared the costs for fuel.


Providing services to the general public and the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme

ve a H d! e W ove M

Selling, servicing and maintaining most makes of mobility aids, scooters and wheelchairs in the Wide Bay region

We Service What We Sell

Ph: 41 536 536

9/9 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg (round the corner in Woongarra St)


Tech Talk & Tips Had a question from a reader who is having problems on startup, the computer keeps alternating between Arcon and a “msmsgs” application error. Well no easy way out of this one! What is happening is that programs are starting up automatically when you switch on, if you are absolutely sure you know which ones these programs are uninstall them, if you are not 100% certain which ones they are, you need to get your computer to your computer repairer to disable or remove these troublesome programs ASAP. If you go to AMS Computer Services they have a fantastic special going and you can save 25% (was $60 now this month $45) on a thorough clean and service at the same time. You will be amazed how much faster your computer goes after this process alone. Hope that answers your question Trish? The most asked question I get is what computer do I buy? The best advice I can give is ask around and find a reputable dealer. People are still getting caught by slick salesmen and leader advertising, by that I mean a computer/laptop is advertised at a very cheap price you go to the dealer/shop and the salesperson’s job is to upsell you, the more you spend the more commission they get. The next is an advertisement that you think is a beaut deal only to find you have to set your new system up yourself! For anyone not computer literate this can become an absolute nightmare. Then with Windows 7 you need to install programs for your email etc., most times AMS Computer Services have better deals on offer. With AMS Computers not only did I find a much better configured system but it comes fully set up, with free extras such as Anti-Virus, Adobe, Office, Flash player and a 5 year limited warranty, and email setup. That’s service and that’s why AMS Computers have been the number one independent computer store for the past 7 years. They provide quality parts and workmanship as well as good old-fashioned, before and after sales service. My tip is, before you purchase a computer ask questions, “don’t” ever buy on impulse. Have you ever wished you had two computers, to do two or four different things at the same time, such as write a letter, go on Ebay, talk on Skype, send an email and do Facebook all at the same time? Some people do and have even gone out and bought a laptop to do some of this. So for all you people out there that want to multitask here’s what you do. First make sure you have a video card and not just an on-board video card, second purchase yourself a second monitor, try to get one the same size as the one you have Plug in both monitors and turn on the computer, the screens will automatically be in clone mode, right click on the desktop and click on screen resolution, then change the layout to Span: 1. Right click on the desktop 2. Go to properties or personalise (xp or win 7) 3. Go to settings/display (xp/win 7) 4. Right click on the second screen and select attach 5. Move the second screen to where you want it by clicking and

dragging 6. Click apply You now have two screens. This system is very handy for businesses that have to change programs to look up prices etc. You are also able to split these two screens to operate four applications, Skype, emails, Facebook, You Tube etc. Here’s what to do - next to the X (top Right hand corner) are two overlapping squares click on that, this will minimise the screen, then place your mouse arrow on the blue line at the very top of the open program and drag to the left, next place your mouse arrow over the outside blue line and drag that to where you want it (middle). Do the same to the top and bottom lines so as to cover one half of the screen, open your next program and repeat the process. You now have two programs on one screen both operational, do the same to the second screen and you can do four programs at the one time. Soon you will have NO choice; Windows 8 will be the only operating program available. AMS Computers have held off selling Win /8 so that most of the faults have been ironed out, which thankfully, they have. How Microsoft do it is to ask you to report any fault that shows up on a new program we have all been asked (“do you want to report it”) that’s how Microsoft do their upgrading of new software. Recently it was pointed out to me that about 35 computer repair adverts are in the Local Directory, but only about eight are operating legally from business premises, most are operating from private addresses. Now with all the scams that are around beware!! Computer repairs is not a Regulated profession, people do not have to have any qualification to operate as a computer repairer, they can be a six month TAFE drop-out and start up a business and the council does not regulate backyard operations till they are reported. Backpackers move into town and advertise with leaflet drops or go around retirement homes with leaflets, then move on, sometimes with your computer. If they haven’t got a landline phone number or Business Registration Certificate, beware. Be careful who you let touch your computer, remember they also have access to all your private and personal information, it’s always best to use a fully qualified registered local computer shop. When your computer breaks down you want it back ASAP not in a week or two. With business it is crucial to be back online as quickly as possible, AMS Computers pride themselves on a maximum three day turnaround, even quicker for a business. AMS Computers are able to do this because they have nine professional, dedicated staff that believe in customer service and satisfaction and that is why they are the No1 independent computer sales and repairers in the Wide Bay. If you have computer problems of any description send an email to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au and with the assistance of the AMS technician team who have more than 65 years’ experience between them, we will endeavour to help you. Till next month happy computing!

Page proudly sponsored by AMS Computers

✓ Professional technicians FULL COMPUTER SERVICE: CLEAN AND RESET ✓ Fast affordable mobile repairs Normally $60 ✓ Custom builds ✓ Virus removal Special Offer of $45 ✓ 5 years limited warranty In store only & does not include repairs


Have any handy hints for the garden you would like to share? Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au


Grow It With Active8

Your monthly gardening guide brought to you by ‘Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants’

Well Spring is here and it is truly the best time in the garden. New shoots coming out and flower buds ready to ablazen your garden with colour. We get to try many products as a trial and we are yet to find anything better in the soil lines than Rocky Point ACTIVE8 Soil Improver & Planting Mix in 30L bags. This product has proven itself to be a winner for growth, increased yields, healthier plants & produces brilliant colour in flowers. The ingredients that make up this great product include: Rich Organic Compost, Chicken Manure, Cow Manure, Blood & Bone, Gypsum, Fish & Seaweed, Iron & Zeolite. We can suggest multiple ways to use ACTIVE8. Plant directly into the bag (pictured below), mix with your existing soils to give your gardens a boost, mix in when repotting your plants, or just use it straight for a raised vegetable garden (pictured below). Try the product for yourself and be your own judge. We know you won’t be disappointed.

Don’t forget to add to your calendar Sunday, September 22, from 10am to 3pm at Alexandra Park in Quay Street as this is the nominated day and place for the upcoming Bundy Flavours Festival. Kerry from Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants will be there with a demonstration of ACTIVE8 and to answer any plant questions or queries that you may have. So have a look around your garden, see what needs to be attentioned and come along to find out the best ways to go about getting your garden looking great for Spring. With Spring here and summer following close behind don’t forget to mulch your gardens to retain the moisture the plants need to thrive. Ask the staff at Bundaberg Wholesale Palms and they will help • Concrete Pool you choose what mulch would be good for your Construction garden. It is also time to fertilise and we have • Concreting multiple products that will help you out with this. Remember that all plants and grasses • Fencing • Shades need care and now is the time to do it. So until next time happy gardening! • Free Quotes 26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631

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Easy Seafood Crunchy Crumbed Squid with Tartare Sauce


vegetable oil, for deep-frying 1/2 cup (75g) plain flour 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground white pepper 4 medium (600g) squid, cleaned 1 egg, beaten lightly 1 tablespoon water 3 cups (210g) Japanese panko breadcrumbs Baby cos lettuce, quartered 1 lemon, cut into wedges

Tartare Sauce 1 cup (300g) good-quality whole-egg mayonnaise 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 1/4 cup (50g) capers, rinsed, drained, chopped finely 1/4 cup finely chopped dill pickles (or gherkins) 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh dill


1. Heat oil in a deep fryer to 190ºC or half fill a large saucepan with oil and heat until a piece of bread dropped in takes a minute to turn golden brown. 2. Combine flour, salt and pepper in a shallow bowl. Cut the squid into 5mm thick rings. Toss squid in the seasoned flour, then dip in the combined egg and water; toss in breadcrumbs. 3. Deep fry squid in batches for about 2 minutes or until golden brown. It’s important that the oil is the right temperature – too cool and the squid will be greasy, too hot and they will burn before cooking on the inside. Drain on absorbent paper. 4. Tartare Sauce: Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. 5. Serve squid with Tartare Sauce, lettuce and lemon.


Barbecued Garlic Prawns

24 green king prawns, peeled, deveined with ¼ cup olive oil Ground black pepper tails intact Sweet chilli sauce to serve 2 cloves garlic, crushed Zest of a lemon


1. Place prawns onto a board and using a sharp small knife, cut down the back of each prawn to butterfly them. This gives the prawns more surface area to absorb flavour. 2. Combine prawns, garlic, lemon zest and black pepper and toss to mix evenly. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour. 3. Heat a barbecue hotplate over high heat. Cook prawns for 2-3 minutes or until just cooked through. 4. Remove to a platter and serve with sweet chilli sauce. If you have a special recipe that has become a family favourite why not share it? Email them to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au or post to: Recipes of the Month, PO Box 6353, Bundaberg East, 4670



Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number 1-26. Can you crack the code and solve the crossword? Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. Three letters are already in place to get you started.

Sudoku #22

Suduko #21 Answer


9. Move forward(7) Across 1. Ancient writing material(7) 10. Fine wool fabric(7) 11. Circular(5) 5. Hooded snake(5) 12. Cure(6) 8. Rope fibre(5)

14. Established way of behaving(6) 18. Defensive players(5) 20. Foolishly sentimental (7) 22. Doubtful(7) 23. In the vicinity(5) 24. Upright(5) 25. Without tears(3-4) Down 1. After 1945(7) 2. Difficult question(5) 3. Akin(7) 4. Beer and lemonade mixture(6) 5. Insurance(5) 6. Sumptuous meal(7) 7. Modify(5) 13. Gruesome(7) 15. Normally(7) 16. Mixed(7) 17. Entertained(6) 18. Move(5) 19. Talent seeker(5) 21. Fortunate(5)




For your chance to win a $50 voucher (plants only), kindly donated by Bundaberg Wholesale Palms and Plants, simply find the object (pictured below) hidden within the magazine. Take note of the page number and write it on the entry form and post to: PO BOX 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670 Or you can enter via email to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Please ensure to provide your name and phone number. Submit your entries by Wednesday, September 25 for your chance to win. Good Luck!

ENTRY FORM Page Number: Name: Phone:

Hi my name is Molly, I am a three-year-old medium hair female. I am in desperate need of a loving home. I am sweet natured and very affectionate. If you think you could give me the attention and love I need and deserve, I will become your friend furever. Come and visit me at the Bundaberg RSPCA, Doblo Street. If I have been fortunate enough to find a home, there are many of my dog and cat friends who also deserve a loving home too. We are all desexed, vaccinated and micro-chipped.


Email: 26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631

THE WINNER OF THE FIND THE OBJECT IS ... Jacqueline Sommersby - Congratulations Jacqueline! Make sure you find this month’s object for your chance to win a $50 plant voucher from Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants.

For Good old-fashioned service, from people who really care about you & your business PHONE: 0448 214 428 or EMAIL: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Highlight your non-profit event for FREE Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Apple Tree Creek Markets


Apple Tree Creek Chit Chat Markets will be held on Saturday, September 14, from 7am, at the Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground, Bruce Highway. Great variety of stalls with something for everyone. Plants, bric-a-brac, crafts, car booters and more. Food available from the canteen. New stall holders welcome. All enquiries 0417 796 588.

Swap meet

Rotary Club of Bargara is holding its annual Bundy Swap Meet and Market at the AgroTrend grounds (new showgrounds), Childers Road (across from the airport) on Saturday, October 12 from 6am to 4pm. Indoor and outdoor sites, all powered from $20 each. Camping sites also available for stall holders. Everyone welcome. $3 entry, primary school PCYC markets children free. For more information, phone The PCYC craft markets will be held on 4151 2688. Sunday, September 8, at the Bundaberg PCYC, Bargara JP Service Maryborough Street from 8am with the canteen Volunteer Justices of the Peace are from 7.30am for breakfast. Great bargains to be available every Tuesday at Bargara Central, found and always something new. Free jumping in front of Woolworths, from 1pm to 3pm. castle for the kids. For more information, phone This is a free service to the public. 41542813 or email: irene.petretic@pcyc.org.au Simply Speaking meetings

Dog training

Bundaberg Simply Speaking Toastmasters Club has holds meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the U3A Building, 80a Woongarra Street, from 6pm to 8pm. Find out more about how Toastmasters can help you on the job and in your personal life. Become a more confident communicator and leader. New and existing Orpheus Singers concert Bundaberg Orpheus Singers are holding members welcome. Contact Geraldine for a concert, The Rhythm of Life, on Saturday, more information, email: gerigriffiths100@ September 7 at 7pm and Sunday, September gmail.com. 8 at 1.30pm at the Holy Rosary Church, Trivia night Good Shepherd Anglican Community is corner Barolin and Woongarra Street. holding a trivia night on, Friday, October 11 Bargara car boot sale from 7am at Bundaberg Bowls Club, Quay A car boot sale will be held on Saturday, September 14 from 7am till noon at the Street. Tables of six. Everyone welcome. For Uniting Church grounds, corner of Hughes bookings, phone 4152 3860. Road and Blain Street, Bargara. Bring and Ex-Servicewomen meet Bundaberg & District Ex-Servicewomen’s sell or come and buy. Sausage sizzle and plenty of bargains. Everyone welcome. For Association meets every third Monday of more information and bookings ($10 per each month, uptairs at the Bundaberg RSL, Quay Street, from 2pm. site), phone 4159 1796. Visit Bundaberg’s Past via photographs and artefacts BUNDABERG & DISTRICT How did the pioneers live? What industries and services are still in existence? How has Bundaberg changed over the years? Competent obedience training instructor, with many years experience, offers you the opportunity to learn obedience training with your dog, FREE OF CHARGE! Start your puppy early to provide valuable socialisation, as well as training. For further information, phone 4154 1109.


Botanic Gardens, North Bundaberg

Ph: 4152 0101



Make sure your event is publicised editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Things to do and see in the Bundy region Sportsman Celebrity & Comedy Night Saturday, September 7 Lighthouse Hotel, Burnett Heads from 6pm Allan Langer, Tommy Raudonikis, Comedian Steve Allison & hosted by Billy J Smith. The boys are coming to town to share stories, secrets, laughs & a couple of drinks! Raffles, lucky door, auction and two course meal. $50 per person.

Old MacDonald’s Travelling Farm

September 23 to 28 Alexandra Park, Quay Street 9am to 3pm Lambs, kids, piglets, a calf, rabbits, ducklings and baby chicks to feed, brush and cuddle. Free admission.


Mayor’s Charity Ball

Saturday, September 21

Civic Centre from 7pm Gala event of the year to raise money for local charities. $100 each or $950 for table of 10. Contact Kim: 4130 4264

Bundy Flavours Festival

Sunday, September 22 Alexandra Park, Quay Street

10am to 3pm Produce markets, demonstrations and displays. With music and activities for children. This festival is for families, foodies and gardeners alike. Free admission.

Bundaberg Arts Festival

September 29 to October 5

Civic Centre Shalom Markets, Every Sunday 9am to 5pm daily Shalom College, Fitzgerald St Opening night September 28, 7pm - $15 6am to 12pm September 29 to October 5 - Free PCYC Markets, September 8 Various exhibitions and refreshments. Bundaberg PCYC, Maryborough St 7.30am to 12pm Everyone welcome. Apple Tree Creek Markets, September 14 Live Shows Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground Russian National Ballet 7.30am to 12pm September 26 & 27, 7.30pm Moore Park Lions Club Markets, 3rd Sunday Moore Park Beach Tavern, Murdochs Road Justice Crew - October 4, 7pm 7am to 11am Ph: 4130 4100

Bundaberg Events Make Sure Your Event Is Highlighted Email Details To: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Events correct at time of printing 22


Mayor’s Charity Ball - book your seats now

You’re invited to kick up your heels and soak up the glitz and glamour at the Bundaberg Regional Council 2013 Mayor’s Charity Ball....all while helping to support local charities. This fundraising extravaganza will be held at the Civic Centre on September 21 and will follow up on the hugely successful Mayor’s Charity Ball held in 2012, which raised more than $20,000 for local charity Bundaberg Health Services. Funds raised from this year’s Ball will go towards the Bundaberg & District Meals on Wheels along with two minor charities, AEIOU Foundation and Bundaberg Pinbusters Ten Pin Bowling League. The gala evening will consist of dinner

and drinks, music by Brisbane Band ‘Powerplay’, dancing and fundraising. Council expects to have up to 300 guests in attendance. If you’d like to be part of this worthy event and raise much needed funds for worthy local charities, please contact Kim Ovens on 4130 4264 or email kim. ovens@bundaberg.qld.gov.au. Tickets are available for pre-purchase at Council’s Bundaberg Administration Centre before Friday, September 6. Tickets are $100 each or $950 for a table of 10. To book a table or seat at the 2013 Mayor’s Charity Ball, phone Kim Ovens on 4130 4264.




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Hitz939 Hitz939 and Community Lifestyle Support presents Justice Crew at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre on Friday the 4th of October. Support by X Factor semi-finalist Bella Ferraro and Local artist Tamara Peters. Tickets on Sale now from the Moncrieff.

Kix Country – 97.1 FM Welcome to the Kix Family Kylie We are excited to welcome Kylie Daniel to the team as Kix Country Breakfast Announcer. Kylie comes to Bundaberg with a wealth of experience, having been in the music industry for more than 20 years. She is well known in the country music scene as a booking agent, music school owner, radio presenter and photographer and feature writer. Have a listen 6am til 9am weekdays on Kix Country 97.1 Bundaberg.

4BU Classic Hits 4BU presents The Ten Tenors at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre on Friday the 22nd of November. A show not to be missed. Tickets on sale now from the Moncrieff.

September Events 6th September South Kolan State School Twilight Markets 7th September Justin Standley's Concert and CD Launch 7th September Mt Perry Dump Truck Pull 8th September Bundy Turfburners Mower Racing 21st September 2013 Mayors Charity Ball 28th September Picnic in the Park for families of special needs children For more details please call Bundaberg Broadcasters reception on 41530800 and check out the latest news and music on your favourite station or check us out online at www.bundabergradio.com.au.

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