Locals looking after locals
October 2013 - Issue 27
Tradies Ladies A N D Tips for your business, home and garden
“1” r e ity mb Nu For Qual berg, a & ice Bundt and v r Se ring Coas ding e l n CovCoraurroureas A S
Fr Yo ee ur Co py
AMS Computer Services your ‘No 1’ Independent Computer Repair Store for 9 years!
Find out more on page 6
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WELCOME TO ALL OUR LOYAL READERS & SUPPORTERS Tradies and Ladies magazine is a great read full of helpful tips, puzzles, competitions, local news and events. As true locals we understand the local area and we get involved in the community. With over 16yrs experience, we offer good old fashion service at a professional level, with no pressure, just honest, reliable commitment and understanding with no hidden extras. With 95% of businesses choosing Tradies and Ladies Magazine over all other print media we are proud to say, Tradies and Ladies Magazine is number 1 for service, quality and price.
4 & 5. Local News 6. Cover Story - AMS Computer Services 7. Local News 8. In2Solar - Save with solar energy 9. Business in Focus - Custom Pest Solutions 10. Finding the Light - Healthy Mind 11. Haymans - Safety 12. Local History - Molly de Gunst 13. Rose Chapel Funeral - Funeral Advice
Your business is important to us, we promise to get to know your business (large or small) so we can market your business to its full potential and help it stand out from the rest. Why not give us a call or send us an email and let us put a great package together for you. For more information give us a call Kerry 0448 214 428/Sharon 0488 754 816 or email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Locals Looking after Locals. Until next month stay safe and happy. Kerry Davis, Editor
14. Local News 15. Fishing Update 16. Tech Talk - Computer Tips & Tricks 17. Home & Garden - Cordylines 18. Recipes - Delicious Salads 19. Puzzles 20. Competitions & Dog of the Month 21. Community Corner 22. What’s On This Month 23. Quick Reference Guide & News
Tradies and Ladies Magazine is distributed free to households in Bundaberg and the Coral Coast each and every month. If you missed your copy you can read it online at: www.tradiesandladies.com.au Or copies can be obtained at: • Bundaberg Historical Museum • AMS Computers
• • • • • • • • • •
TESTIMONIAL Avoca Garden Centre Last Stop Convenience Store “Thank you so much for the placement of Club Information in your Magazine. North Post Office Chop Shop Subsequent to this publication we’ve had East Post Office a number of new guests, a few who have Bundaberg Wholesale Palms joined the club already. Once again, we Burnett Heads IGA thank you for the much needed publicity.” Sharon Store Geraldine Griffiths Bundaberg Port Bundaberg Simply Speaking Toastmasters Club Elliott Heads Kiosk
Tradies and Ladies Magazine
Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au www.tradiesandladies.com.au PO Box 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670
Ph: 0448 214 428 or 0488 754 816
Tradies and Ladies Magazine is published monthly where possible by Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd. No responsibility is taken if Tradies and Ladies Magazine is unable to be printed/published monthly. All content and advertising printed in Tradies and Ladies Magazine is copyright to Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd and may not be re-printed or used in any form (including business cards, facebook and/or any other advertising mediums) without written consent from the publisher. This also includes any artwork, photos or editorials undertaken by Tradies and Ladies magazine, even if not published. Disclaimer Tradies and Ladies Magazine may accept, amend or reject any advertisement. Tradies and Ladies Magazine gives no warranty to the reliability or accuracy of the advertisements placed in this magazine. Tradies and Ladies Magazine accepts no liability to any person and/or business in respect to any information contained in this magazine. Individuals should rely on their own enquiries. ABN: 37 150 735 256
Our Motto We Proudly Stand By “Always be honest, serve your customers first, mix in the
community at grassroots level and never, never be greedy” Good old-fashioned service, from people who really care about you & your business!
Ph: 0448 214 428 Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au 2
Bundaberg’s “NO 1” Independent Computer Store
Windows 7 Laptops Now In Stock!
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4154 2267
OR MOBILE: 0429 657 343
service in town
Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816
Red Collar Rescue - giving dogs a second chance at life
Red Collar Rescue Inc. is a small rescue organisation which takes in abandoned, abused, unwanted and death row dogs from various locations throughout the region, including Bundaberg, Childers and Gin Gin. It is an independent, non-profit, non-government funded, organisation run primarily by Sharyn and Russell Banks with the aim of providing temporary refuge and eventually loving homes to all dogs. All dogs coming to Red Collar Rescue are there through no fault of their own they just need a second chance in life. They are all vet checked, vaccinated, wormed and desexed prior to being made available for sale to the public. The Refuge is managed by an unpaid, elected committee, with all funds coming from fundraising and donations. The Refuge operates from a 160 acre property at Woowoonga, near Biggenden. Since its beginning in 2009/10 Red Collar Rescue has been able to rehome over 900 dogs that would have otherwise been euthanised. All rescue dogs live at Red Collar Rescue as family members, allowing volunteers to get a better idea of their nature and how they interact with other animals and each other. The aim is to find the right home for the right dog. Red Collar Rescue is always looking for volunteers to help. Could you help out at one of their working bees? Or perhaps you are a tradie that can give some expert help and advice? Even people to just simply be there for a cuddle, play or walk are also needed. The next working bee will be held on Saturday, November 9. If you have no
Service Plus
transport, it can be arranged. As they have no funding other than what the community donates Red Collar Rescue appreciates both cash and equipment to assist the shelter. If you have any spare building material the refuge is always looking to improve its current facilities. Any help is appreciated. Foster families are also needed, that can care for and love the dogs while they are waiting to find their forever family and most of all, Red Collar Rescue is looking for loving individuals, couples and families that would love to adopt a rescue dog and give them a wonderful life that they deserve. Encourage your friends and family to adopt from a shelter or refuge. Don’t breed or buy while homeless pets die.... Follow Red Collar Rescue on facebook, contact them or view current dogs looking for homes via: www. redcollarrescue.org. For adoption enquiries, phone 0438 869 085 or to make a donation call 0412 515 564. Tradies and Ladies Magazine is proud to be a supporter of Red Collar Rescue. Check out page 20 for this month’s Red Collar Rescue Dog of the Month, looking for a loving home.
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Is there something the community should know? Ph: 0488 754 816
Council thanks for patience as night works begin in CBD
In an effort to fast-track repair of flood damaged roads across the Region, Bundaberg Regional Council is advising motorists that night roadworks will begin in Bundaberg CBD for a period of two weeks commencing early October. The flood repair works are being carried out under Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) for the 2010/11 and 2013 flood events. Roads and Drainage portfolio spokesperson, Cr Tony Ricciardi, said Council was making every effort to minimise inconvenience to road users and businesses. “Council has consulted local businesses and emergency services to ensure the works take place at certain times of the night in an effort to minimise any potential inconvenience,” Cr Ricciardi said. “Motorists need to be mindful that there might be changed traffic conditions in and around the CBD including changes to the way the traffic signals function. “We expect to start and finish each individual defect in one night so works are not left open during the day. Contractors will need to return to site at a later time to undertake line marking as such work cannot be undertaken on fresh asphalt.” Cr Ricciardi said Council will use electronic variable message boards to alert general road users of
any potential night time delays. “While we’re doing everything to minimise inconvenience and delays, motorists are being encouraged to take alternative routes wherever possible,” he said. “Council is taking advantage of all available 2010/11 funding to restore flood damaged road network and further repairs will be carried out under the 2013 NDRRA Flood Restoration Contract. On behalf of Council I’d like to thank all road users for their patience during this time.”
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COVER STORY Ph: 0448 214 428 E. editor@tradiesandladies.com.au AMS Computers Services still ‘No 1’ after nine years Be On The Front Cover & Highlight Your Business
AMS Computer Services first started in August 2004, since then we have grown steadily every year. AMS Computers are widely recognised as the No1 independent computer store in Bundaberg and the Wide Bay, we have grown from one shop, to occupy three shops in the same block. We converted one whole shop into a state-of-the-art fully networked, technically advanced, 30 station workshop. Contrary to other claims, this is by far the largest and most advanced workshop in Bundaberg. This allows our five technicians, who have a combined knowledge of 65 years between them, to carry out all repairs faster and cheaper for all our valued customers. At AMS Computer Services you can be assured of receiving expert advice plus the very best of before and after service from our professional friendly staff. AMS Computer technicians are all professionals and specialise in many fields, we not only specialise in desktop towers but also laptops, iPhones, iPads and iPods and we go the extra yard to obtain the hard to get parts. We are also able to repair all makes and brands such as Toshiba, Acer, Asus MSI, plus many others. We repair all makes of desktop computers and build all our new systems in house with quality parts. We then back our workmanship with a 5 year limited warranty, then, to save you money we include free Antivirus, free Office, free Java, free Flash Player, free Adobe Reader, and a free set up and program installation. All our parts are new, as we do not hold a second-hand dealers licence, we then donate all unwanted computers, monitors etc. to Wide Bay Volunteers for recycling. They then restore what they can and donate them to non-profit organisations and families etc. who are finding things a little bit tough. AMS Computers believe they are the only computer repair business which takes on school based trainees. Most holidays AMS will see up to three Year 10 to 11 students being mentored by our trained technicians. Although this costs us money we believe it is worth the investment in local youth and feel proud when some go on to university and beyond, all because AMS Computers took the time to help the youth of our city Because we care for our customers we receive many recommendations as they appreciate our devoted before and after service. Some customers have been with us for many years. We pride ourselves on giving a fair and honest description as to the condition of our customer’s computer when it comes in for repair. Realising that many customers are not computer literate, they appreciate our honesty and that we go the extra mile to explain everything to them. The professional technicians at AMS are able to do upgrades, all types of repairs and remove viruses. They can expertly recover data, photos and even deleted items and precious documents. Their vast experience helps to keep the costs, to you the customer, down We also offer a priority service to our country customers, from such places as Gin Gin, Childers, Mount Perry etc. They ring us and book the system in the day before they come to Bundaberg, leave it at the shop at around 8am and then they can pick it up on their way home that afternoon, now that’s service. AMS Computer Services has a large business following and our technicians give priority to a business’ problem and will, if need be, work outside hours for your convenience. We recognise that your business has to get operational ASAP. Our professional technicians are able to promptly attend, diagnose, and swiftly repair your computers, systems or network and internet problems, in the shortest possible time. Our aim is to simply minimise any or all interruptions to your business. Before and after service is a big part of our success, we know that you, the customer, rely on our staff to make sure you are happy with the service we provide. Customer relations is a very big part of our business, it is the satisfaction of our customers that has made us the No1 independent computer store in the Wide Bay. AMS Computers leads the way in sales, service, repairs and customer satisfaction, this is what puts us ahead of the rest. AMS Computers is a great supporter of the local community and its many non-profit organisations who are always doing it tough. Over the past few years AMS Computer Services has donated many brand new laptops and full desktop computer systems, to organisations such as Drug Arm, Carinbundi, Make-A-Wish, the Toy Library, Lung Support Group, Little Air League, YMCA, Volunteer Fire Brigade, RSPCA, SES etc., we do this simply because it gives us satisfaction to support the community that supports us so well. When you next look to purchase that new laptop, desktop or just need a repair, service or just plain good old-fashioned advice, drop into AMS Computer Services, 1 Kensington Street (near the TAFE). You will be assured of a friendly face, a smile and professional assistance. That’s why we are “No1”.
4154 2267
OR MOBILE: 0429 657 343
Let us know what is happening! editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
Have your say on Queensland’s electricty future
Burnett and Bundaberg residents and businesses are being encouraged to speak up on the future of the State’s electricity. Residents are now able to access and provide feedback on the Newman Government’s 30 year Electricity Strategy discussion paper released as part of the current Six Month Action Plan. Member for Burnett, Stephen Bennett said it was a chance for consumers to make sure they had their say in shaping the final 30 Year Electricity Strategy. “The strategy will be released next year and is another item we’re ticking off on the July-December 2013 action plan,” Mr Bennett said. “Local residents, businesses and industry members now have the opportunity to give their views on the changes needed to address the immediate and long-term challenges for Queensland. “This is a great state with great opportunity but we must make sure Bundaberg and Burnett consumers play a part in this significant reform.” Minister for Energy and Water Supply Mark McArdle said the Government could not attempt to put in place a long-term strategy without input from Queenslanders. Service with a smile & a great price! “The Newman Government is working hard to address the build-up of costs which are driving the unsustainable electricity price rises we have seen over the past few years,” Mr McArdle said. “Having a strong electricity supply system relies on government and industry working together to establish a common understanding of the issues facing the sector and negotiating a way forward on key issues.” Monday to Friday: 8am - 5pm The discussion paper is available at www.dews.qld.gov.au, with submissions closing on December 6. Paper copies of the survey Saturday: 8am - 12pm are available at Stephen Bennett’s office in Bargara - phone 4159 Locally Owned & Operated 1988.
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Domestic & Commercial Solar Power, Hot Water & Air-Conditioning
Electrcity Bill Increase On The Way Over the next month, most of you will be receiving your next power bills. If you haven’t received it already, be sure to have a seat close by when you open it. We are already hearing stories of people who are just plain shocked and can’t believe the price hike that has just taken place. As announced in July, Ergon have increased the price of power by approximately 20%. So if your electricity bill was once $500, you can now expect it to be $600 and possibly higher. With the cost of living ever increasing and with new charges and bills always around the corner, now is the time to put cost saving measures in place. The faster you act the more money you can save yourself down the track. At In2solar, we can get this process started by installing various Solar Powered products, making use of the sun to put more money back in your pocket. We have solutions for Power (Home or Camping), Hot Water, Pool Heating and DC Pool Pumps. So if you have been floored by the recent power price increases and want to make a positive change to your bank balance for the future, pop in to the shop and see Pete or give him a call and see how the In2Solar team can help you.
Let In2Solar show you how to save for you future using solar!
1300 132 046 Bundaberg & Surrounding Districts
Shop 1, 36 Princess St, East Bundaberg 8
Electrical Contractor Licence No. 75308
Highlight your business Ph: 0448 214 428
Custom Pest Solutions - your solution to your pest problem
Custom Pest Solutions is a locally owned and operated business specialising in all aspects of pest management services, offering an experienced, personalised and prompt service to Bundaberg, and surrounding areas. Custom Pest Solutions is fully insured and licensed, and offers obligation free quotes on all termite/pest activity in the Bundaberg area. We believe in working with clients to provide reliable, environmentally friendly pest management options for all your pest needs. At Custom Pest Solutions we specialise in termite activity and treat termites fast and efficiently with termite barriers using Termidor. Termidor offers a minimum eight year preventative barrier around your home which releases chemicals so that the termites carry the chemicals back to their nest and eradicates them at the source. The reason Termidor is so effective at eradicating termites is because of its unique formulation that allows the ‘transfer effect’. Termites don’t need to directly ingest or contact the Termidor to die from it, they die when they contact other termites that have eaten or contacted it and it spreads through grooming habits throughout the colony, which has been known to effectively eradicate very large colonies in as little as 4-8 weeks. This ‘transfer effect’ as well as the fact that Termidor is a non-repellent to termites in that it does not repel them like other termiticides, allows termites to forage through Termidor treated areas without being able to detect it. Termidor is applied through a water based method and when applied at the correct strength it is deemed completely safe for use on domestic and commercial premises. In fact, according to statistics published by Termidor, the active constituent in Termidor is found in pet products in Australia since 1966.
With termite activity being such a major threat to your home, which is uninsurable against termite damage, it makes sense to protect your asset and have your home/ office inspected annually for termites. We provide an on-site inspection report detailing our findings at the time of your inspection and recommend and discuss further measures upon finding termite activity on the premises. In addition we provide domestic general pest services, commercial treatments and pre- construction physical barriers for new homes and extensions using FMC’s Homeguard which is popular for its 25 year, million dollar warranty. Any extensions and new homes under regulations, require some form of termite protection around the slab, so it provides a continuous barrier against termite entry. General pest services for domestic clients with the warmer months approaching include preventative treatments for spiders, cockroaches, ants, fleas, silverfish and rodents. Custom Pest Solutions offers affordable treatments and all our work is guaranteed for a twelve month period. With many insects hatching in this warmer weather it’s recommended you get a preventative spray now before an infestation occurs. Did you know that cockroaches, for example, can hold their breath for 40 minutes and survive six weeks without feeding and one reproductive pair of cockroaches can produce one million offspring? This is how quickly this problem can multiply especially in commercial restaurant premises and anywhere with an on-site food preparation area. Custom Pest Solutions offers services for schools, kindergartens, factories, restaurants, nursing homes, real estates and end of lease requirements. We also provide solutions for less common pest complaints for managing wasps, midgees, bed bugs and even lawn grubs. Whether you need your home, office or commercial premises treated, Custom Pest Solutions is confident we will respond quickly and effectively treating your pest problems, from emergency situations like active termites to your domestic pest needs, we believe in fast, reliable customer service and are available anytime for your pest concerns. Call Custom Pest Solutions today, for the solution to all your pest problems, on 4159 7447.
Termite Specialists Locally Owned Family Business
Termites Cockroaches Spiders Ants Fleas Silverfish
Treating All Pests Pre Purchase Timber Inspections Pre & Post Construction Termite Barriers Reticulation Systems Safe for Kids, Pets & The Environment Building Services Authority
BSA No. 1243843
4159 7447
Mobile: 0459 744 775
Bundaberg & Surrounding Areas - FREE QUOTES
HEALTHY MIND David Lawson - Helping you to Find the Light!
Have you ever woken up feeling like a bus has run over you? Not from a late night or early morning to bed - just run over. To get out of bed you needed a crane or tow truck? Or do you seem to be looking through a fog most of the time? If this has happened a few times in a short space of time then potentially you are in a depressed state – not depression, but in a depressed state. If you feel this way for most days of the week for weeks or months then it is quite likely that you could have depression. When you are depressed you can lose interest in your work, family and anything else that normally you enjoy. Your energy levels are low and you sleep more or find it hard to sleep compared to your normal sleeping patterns. Bottom-line depression makes your life difficult on a daily basis. If you feel depressed you need to see a GP to have a health check. You may need medication and need to change some things in your life such as eating healthily, exercising, relaxing and counselling. Beyond Blue has a great website www.beyondblue.org.au which contains a lot of information about depression and anxiety. My role as a counsellor is to assist you to identify the stressors in your life and also the triggers that make you more depressed. We then put strategies in place to relax, say no, take control of your life and use your depression as a warning to live your life differently. Unfortunately there is no silver bullet and there will be setbacks, but the most important thing is to recognise things are not right and then do something about it by visiting your doctor or speaking to a counsellor. Talking to someone outside of the problem often makes it easier to resolve the problem!
4152 7733 0407 585 497 89 Woongarra Street West Bundaberg
findingthelight@bigpond.com www.findingthelight.com.au
Small Price = Big Risk ... Do the products you use comply? There are many new ways to buy electrical products, such as instore or online. In addition, there are many more brands selling similar electrical products. But are these new, cheap products really the same? There is also an increasing concern regarding the number of electrical products being sold that don’t comply with Australian Standards. Products that don’t comply with Australian Standards mean they are potentially electrically unsafe and are more susceptible to causing harm to people and property. Inferior products also create significant potential problems for electrical contractors, wholesalers and the industry as well. If you buy or install electrical products that don’t meet the Australian Standards, you will be placing yourself at risk. Most importantly, you place other people’s lives and property at serious risk. So remember to ask yourself whether it’s worth the risk.
Key ways to identify products that don’t comply: • Don’t have certification marks • Difficult to insert plugs into socket outlets • Difficult to activate switches • Breakages in product upon removal from packaging • Poor installation advice • Damaged when installing product • Incorrect spelling of words on product, packaging or instructions (see below).
To make sure of the electrical products you buy and install comply with Australian standards, see the team at Haymans Electrical, 26 Burrums Street, phone 4152 2755. They will provide you with reputable approved electrical products. The staff at Haymans Electrical Bundaberg can also put you in touch with several licenced electrical contractors to assist you.
Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816
Molly de Gunst - an international operatic star
Molly de Gunst was born in Bundaberg on June 28, 1905. Molly’s parents were Jacob (Frank) and Nancy de Gunst. Jacob and Nancy arrived in Bundaberg in 1899. They travelled from Paraguay by bullock team to Buenos Aires, Argentina then set sail to Rockhampton and overland to Bundaberg. Jacob and Nancy lived at Downhill Park, a dairy farm, which is now ‘Hillcrest’ development, between Baldwin Swamp and FE Walker Street. Molly had 3 siblings Richard, Bernice and Clyde. Today the de Gunst family is well known as De Gunst Transport, which began in 1984. Molly attended South State School and Bundaberg High School. She began her musical studies at the age of 13, under a renowned local teacher, Ivy Marles (Mrs JW Kendall). She trained with the Garcia School of Music in Sydney for three years. Following her debut in 1926 at the Conservatorium of Music, Molly returned to Bundaberg to perform ‘II Torvatore’ with the Del Rigo Grand Opera Company. She studied for a further 6 years before making her triumphant operatic debut in the title role of ‘Aida’ in Sydney in 1932. Following tours of Australia and New Zealand, Molly proceeded to England where she also won wide recognition. Molly moved to London in 1936 and became a leading dramatic soprano at Sadler’s Wells Theatre. She also performed in Paris in the Wagnerian Opera Tannhauser. Roles Molly played included Fidelio, Tannhauser (she played the role of ‘Venus’), The Magic Flute and Aida. In 1939 Molly married Gordon Kingsley Lark, an electrical engineer in London and the son of Kingsley Lark, an Australian singer and a producer with the Carl Rosa Opera Company. Molly de Gunst died peacefully at her home in England on June 29, 1994 at the age of 89. Her ashes were brought back to Bundaberg and placed at the Bundaberg Crematorium. A display of Molly de Gunst’s possessions *October Only including stage makeup and jewellery as well as photos and the original handmade trunk which Jacob and Nancy used in 1899 to come to Bundaberg, is at the Bundaberg Historical Museum in the Botanical Gardens.
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Acknowledgement: Information and pictures kindly provided by the Bundaberg Historical Museum.
Complete Denture Solutions Opening Soon (28th October)
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0448 535 882
DONATING YOUR BODY TO SCIENCE Donating your body for research and training purposes gives students in the disciplines of health, medical and science an opportunity to better understand the complexities of the human body.
In Queensland there is a Body Donor Program conducted through the University of Queensland School of Biomedical Sciences. Most bodies are used in undergraduate teaching dissection programs which allow students to develop a fundamental knowledge of the human body. Such knowledge is essential for all members of the health and allied health professions.
Body is unable to be embalmed within 10 days of death Recent trauma or surgery which affects normal anatomy Notifiable disease or medical condition (e.g HIV, Hepatitis, TB) Recent chemotherapy Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (CJD) Localised, regionalised or systemic infection (e.g. cellulitis, antibiotic-resistant pneumonia, wounds) Physical condition of body including weight range of 40-80kgs (subject to change without notice) Any other condition that may be identified as health or safety risks to students and staff. Operational limitations and closure periods (e.g. Christmas, New Year)
The study of anatomy also includes surgical skills development and medical research to investigate issues that continue to perplex medical science. Donated bodies Procedures following death help to advance medical and scientific knowledge locally, The University of Queensland requires early notification nationally and internationally in order to promote health following death to ensure that the donor's body can be and alleviate suffering. received into our care as soon as possible. This enables a Expressions of interest in registering for The University of screening process to commence prior to acceptance into the program. We can assist you with this. Queensland's Body Donor Program are accepted from persons aged 18 years or older who reside in Queensland's south-east corridor. There is no upper age limit for body donor registrants. While the University greatly appreciates every registration, there are several conditions which may at time of death restrict donor acceptance. These include, but are not limited to:
Death occurring outside of the acceptance area Conduct of an autopsy or coroner’s inquiry
Following notification, the next-of-kin and medical staff will be asked for information relevant to the screening process. Should a donor be accepted into the program, the University will arrange for transfer of the body by a funeral director to the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University’s St Lucia campus. Find out more at www.rosechapelfunerals.com.au/bodydonation
Sensitivity, Compassion & Respect™
43 Walker Street, Bundaberg
David & Penny Levi Owner Directors
4153 3301 All Hours
Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816
Residents urged to protect beaches and fish habitats
As the weather starts to warm up and many residents head to the beach, Bundaberg Regional Council is urging drivers of 4WD vehicles to be aware of the damage they can cause to the environment. Council’s Environment and Natural Resources portfolio spokesperson Cr Danny Rowleson said although several beaches in the region were open to 4WDs, Council received many complaints from residents
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about illegal and dangerous driving on beaches where vehicles were not permitted. “In the past year, fences and bollards have been installed at Woodgate, Coonarr and Moore Park Beaches,” Cr Rowleson said. “These fences have been placed to discourage illegal entry onto beaches and to prevent further damage to dunes, vegetation, turtle nesting areas and shorebird habitats.” He said in recent times Council had also put precautionary measures in places such as Sharks Nest on the Elliott River to ensure the health of fish habitats. “We have restricted access to some sensitive areas without stopping people from visiting and enjoying the rivers and creeks. It is crucial that we protect these areas not only for the benefit of marine life but for the benefit of recreational and professional fishers. For the sake of our coast, I urge residents not to drive on these sensitive marine areas,” added Cr Rowleson. Residents and visitors to our beaches are encouraged to drive responsibly by following these simple tips: • Drive on firm damp sand below the most recent high tide. • Reduce speeds and beware of other pedestrians and users on the beach particularly around fisherman and swimmers. • Travel within two hours of low tide. • Keep to established vehicle tracks. • Ensure vehicles are mechanically sound to reduce pollution e.g. oil leaks.
Send your fishing photos to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
September was another good month, although part of it was wind affected, this allowed the bigger boats to get out in some pleasant conditions for a change and those that did were well rewarded with some great catches landed. The big Red Emperors are starting to appear along with Nannygai, Grassy Sweetlips, Snapper, some really nice sized Hussar and some great Parrot. Pilchard and squid have been the bait of choice that has been working well and, as I say each month, don’t forget to berley, get that berley trail going and you will be rewarded two fold especially with Snapper. For some reason Snapper absolutely love pilchard so if you are targeting these species that’s the way to go. Spots that have been producing some good fish have been the Barjon Wreck out from Baffle Creek, the Althea Wreck, although this mark was firing for Black King during July/August this species has dropped right off. Other spots have been the Shelf and out from Lady Musgrave which is producing a really good assortment across the board. Along the shoreline has been some nice catches of School Mackerel and also at the end of the leaders. The creeks seem to change as each month comes and goes, you will read reports saying this and that species in the rivers have finished this year well, like I have said in previous editions, if you are fishing for Bream rig up and use the bait for that fish, each species of fish needs a completely different set up such as rod, line, hook and bait. This time of the year the Bream have really quietened down, it’s basically the end of their breeding season, but those that are fishing for them, are landing some of the best Bream that I have seen for many a year. Fish up the rivers around snags, use mullet strips, sprat (cut diagonally across the body) and yabbies. Fish early morning and on an incoming tide and don’t forget the berley. Whiting are fishing well, and Mulloway or Jew are showing up in the mouths of most rivers using fresh strips of Whiting or Mullet the latter being the best choice. Also starting to appear are Mangrove Jack, reports coming in are the upper reaches of the Baffle are fishing well for this species, but be patient. Live bait has been the most productive, also try paddle tail plastic lures around the three inch mark or one lure I have found to work well is the Zerek artificial prawn this one is a good all round lure to keep in your tackle box. Flathead are also on the bite but watch your sizes as some well over the 75cm size limit are being caught this month although it is tempting to keep them “don’t, the punishment if you get caught is not worth the risk believe me. The dams and most impoundments are starting to pick up again, the Bass are starting to move and school, and the Barramundi are increasing in size in most impoundments. I get asked a lot about what type of lure to use well the answer is to talk to your local tackle shop such as Tackle World they see a upsurge in different types of lure such a certain size and brand of spinner or hard body lure, I am a big believer in fresh bait, but have also had some good results with artificial bait, who knows what size, colour, brand, fork or paddle tail to use, I have changed size and colour half a dozen times on some outings then all of a sudden one will work, go back the next day and not a bite, same tide, same spot, same time you be the judge. In the next edition I want to talk about equipment, boats
Reon & Ruth
and maintenance etc., I seem to come across more boats than ever this year that for one reason or another have broken down on the side of the road or worse still out to sea! The next meeting of the Bundaberg Sports Fishing Club is on October 13 at Burnett Heads Progress Hall, Zunker Street at 4pm. A great social club come along and meet some of the members. You don’t need a big boat there’s always someone looking for a deckie. Everyone is welcome. For more information, phone Paul Box on 0434 181 781.
Trevor Galletly with a nice haul of Cobia from a recent trip on the “Bounty Hunter”
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Tech Talk & Tips This week we are going to try and help with the little things that you all seem to be having problems with such as not receiving emails and how to open and close your laptop correctly. First up let’s look at not receiving emails - one thing you should do is remove your Google Toolbar this generally solves the problem right away, so just follow these easy steps. 1. Go to your start menu (bottom left hand corner) click start. 2. Double left click the add or remove programs, you will probably have to wait a while as it creates a list. 3. Now scroll down the list until you find the Google toolbar, then click on it. 4. Now go to the right hand side and click the remove button. 5. Wait until the removal process finishes now press your computer’s restart button. There are no instructions to restart your computer, but I always think it is a good idea to do this. This next one is for businesses this is a NO,NO please do not use free email servers, I do not recommend them full stop!!! The reason I would not recommend using a free email server such as Gmail or Hotmail for your primary email address is because if your account gets hacked it can be very difficult to get it back. The very first things that will get changed if you get your account taken over are the recovery details, secret questions and recovery email addresses. This makes it all but impossible to recover your email address. This is particularly bad for business but also for individuals. Once your account has been taken over they not only have full access to your emails, they have full access to your contacts. They will start getting phishing emails and spam. This is embarrassing for any individual if their friends and family start getting emails supposedly from them saying that they are stuck in a foreign country or need money for an emergency, but can you imagine if you use this email for business and suppliers and customers start getting emails like this? If you use an address that you can get in touch with tech support over the phone you can always recover your account. Laptop owners are never instructed on how to open
and shut the computer, you would be amazed how many laptops go into AMS Computers for cracked screens or broken hinges all because they are not opened and shut properly, to open a laptop first push the catch (button) with one hand, next with a finger or thumb hold down the base, next with the other hand lift the lid in the “middle” this creates equal pressure on both hinges and removes any chance of damage to screen or hinge. Close in the same way, except when it’s down apply equal gentle pressure to both front corners. Always keep your laptop on a hard surface or it is wiser to purchase a cooler pad, they are very effective and quite cheap. Another thing you must always check is that the laptop is definitely off when it goes in the bag as carrying whilst it is still on can and will cause lots of damage. I had a report from a lady who has had a nasty experience with a back yarder, that’s a person that tries to repair computers on the cheap, most times without the necessary qualification to do so from a shed in his yard. This was a single mother who was trying to do a university course and her computer went on the blink on a Saturday. She needed to get her assignment done ASAP so found this advertisement and he picked it up. Now this was not a cheap laptop, after several frantic mobile phone calls the line went dead, when she got it back a week and a half, later the computer was still not repaired in fact it was worse and she had lost all of her information and files. I have to ask would you go to a stranger and write down all your personal details, your friend’s names and addresses, etc.? This is what your computer contains. A professional computer business such as AMS Computer Services work within the law of the privacy act and all your personal details are treated with the greatest of confidence. Always make sure you use a registered professional shop front computer store. That way you can be sure all your personal information is safe! We will catch up next month with attaching photos to emails and system restore.
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Have any handy hints for the garden you would like to share? Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
Cordylines - Colour your world
Your monthly gardening guide brought to you by ‘Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants’
Cordylines – Such a great colour burst for your garden. The range of colours is absolutely stunning and the good thing about these leaves is they stay that colour all year round. They mix beautifully with green foliage plants such as palms and cycads. Although they will survive in quite low light, they need a brightly lit position for best foliage colour. In recent years an exciting new range of cordylines has become available. They are hybrids of the tropical Cordyline fruticosa. They come in a wide range of fabulous leaf colours, including bronze, purple and even pink. In Hawaii this cordyline is known as the good luck plant, or Ti, and is used to make the traditional ‘grass’ skirts worn by hula dancers. Among the most popular cordylines is ‘Pink Diamond’, a cordyline found in Thailand. It takes its name from the distinctive leaf petioles, or stems that hold the leaf on. Another favourite is Cordyline ‘Rubra’. Rubra means red and in the sunlight it is so vibrant in colour. One to look out for is Cordyline ‘Negra’. New growth is green but as the long leaves mature, they turn almost black. It’s interesting to learn how the colouring gets into cordyline leaves. The green colouring is of course chlorophyll, but when that breaks Pink Diamond down, the chemical that’s remaining is anthocyanin which produces the red leaves. In yellow leaves, the remaining chemical is xanthophyll and if we had an orange leaf, it would be carotene. To make the leaf colour bright, add fertiliser with a high level of potassium, in spring and autumn. Use an organic lawn fertiliser as it has a good level of nitrogen, but do make sure there’s Rubra potash in it. To enhance the colours even more give them a folia spray with a fertiliser containing both potash and iron every so often through the growing period. During any drought, cordylines stop growing until the rains come, then they power off again. They truly are water wise plants. There are about 15 species of cordylines each with multiple varieties. Eight species are native to Australia, but over the years there has been much hybridisation. Cordylines can give year Negra round lushness and colour in • Concrete Pool Construction a shady spot that really compliments other plants like palms. Regardless of whether you live in the • Concreting sunny north or quite temperate climates, you can • Fencing create that lush tropical look and feel with these • Shades ultimate easy care plants. • Free Quotes So until next time happy gardening!
26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631
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Delicious Salads Caeser Salad
2 small crusty sourdough bread rolls, torn into bite-sized pieces Olive oil spray 4 bacon rashers, rind removed, coarsely chopped 1 cos lettuce, leaves separated 60g parmesan, finely grated
1 egg 2 garlic cloves, crushed 3 drained anchovy fillets 2 tbs fresh lemon juice 60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil 60ml (1/4 cup) grapeseed oil
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Spread bread, in a single layer, on a baking tray and spray with oil. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until crisp and golden. Set aside to cool completely. 2. Meanwhile, to make the dressing, bring a saucepan of water to the boil over high heat. Add egg and cook for 2-3 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove egg from the water. Crack the egg into a bowl and use a teaspoon to remove any remaining egg from the shell. Place the egg, garlic, anchovies and half the lemon juice in a food processor and process to combine. With the motor running, add the combined oil in a thin, steady stream until the dressing is thick, adding a little of the remaining lemon juice until the dressing is a pourable consistency. Season with pepper. 3. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Cook the bacon, stirring, for 3-4 minutes or until crisp and browned. Transfer to a plate lined with paper towel. 4. Combine the lettuce, croutons, bacon and half the parmesan on a serving platter. Drizzle over the dressing and top with the remaining parmesan.
Pork Salad
750g pork shoulder, rind scored 1 teaspoon rice bran oil 2 teaspoons sea salt 150g mixed salad leaves 2 peaches, cut into wedges 1 large celery stalk, thinly sliced diagonally
100g fresh raspberries 2 tablespoons balsamic glaze 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted Crusty bread, to serve
1. Preheat oven to 250°C/230°C fan-forced. Place a small wire rack in a medium roasting pan. Place pork on rack. Pat dry with paper towel. Brush rice bran oil over rind. Rub with sea salt, pushing into cuts in rind. Roast for 20 minutes or until skin begins to colour and blister. Reduce oven to 190°C/170°C fan-forced. Roast pork for a further 30 minutes or until pork is just cooked through. Set aside to cool. 2. Preheat grill on high. Using a small sharp knife, remove crackling from pork. Place crackling on a baking tray lined with foil. Grill, 12cm away from heat, for 5 minutes or until crackling is golden, crisp and bubbled. Allow to cool. Using scissors, cut into strips 3. Meanwhile, discard fat from pork and slice. Arrange pork, mixed leaves, peaches, celery and raspberries on a large platter. Combine glaze and olive oil in a small bowl. Season. Drizzle over salad. Sprinkle with almonds. Serve with crackling and crusty bread. If you have a special recipe that has become a family favourite why not share it? Email them to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au or post to: Recipes of the Month, PO Box 6353, Bundaberg East, 4670
Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number 1-26. Can you crack the code and solve the crossword? Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. Three letters are already in place to get you started.
Sudoku #23
Suduko #22 Answer
For your chance to win a $50 voucher (plants only), kindly donated by Bundaberg Wholesale Palms and Plants, simply find the object (pictured below) hidden within the magazine. Take note of the page number and write it on the entry form and post to: PO BOX 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670 Or you can enter via email to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Please ensure to provide your name and phone number. Submit your entries by Wednesday, October 23 for your chance to win. Good Luck!
ENTRY FORM Page Number:
Hi. My name is Ace. Ace by name, Ace by nature. I have been at the refuge for way too long and really need a deserving home. I know basic commands such as sit and drop and I am great with the kids. I am smart and happy and get along with most dogs, but not the dominant ones. I love to play and go for walks, but just as happy sitting by your side. I just want to be loved and I will return that love 100 fold to my new family. All dogs are vet checked, microchipped, desexed and vaccinated. Contact us at redcollarrescue.org to enquire about Ace or any of our other beautiful dogs looking for a home. A meet and greet can easily be arranged in Bundaberg or surrounding areas
Name: Phone: Email: 26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631
THE WINNER OF THE FIND THE OBJECT IS ... Beth Barlow Congratulations Beth! Make sure you find this month’s object for your chance to win a $50 plant voucher from Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants.
For Good old-fashioned service, from people who really care about you & your business PHONE: 0448 214 428 or EMAIL: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
Highlight your non-profit event for FREE Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
Apple Tree Creek Markets
Apple Tree Creek Chit Chat Markets will be held on Saturday, October 12, from 7am, at the Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground, Bruce Highway. Great variety of stalls with something for everyone. Plants, bric-a-brac, crafts, car booters and more. Food available from the canteen. New stall holders welcome. All enquiries 0417 796 588.
available for stall holders. Everyone welcome. $3 entry, primary school children free. For more information, phone 4151 2688.
Bargara JP Service
Volunteer Justices of the Peace are available every Tuesday at Bargara Central, in front of Woolworths, from 1pm to 3pm. This is a free service to the public.
Dog training
Simply Speaking meetings
The Bargara Over 50’s Social club is holding a hoy and cent sale on Saturday, October 26 at the Bargara Cultural Centre, Hughes Road, at 1pm for a 1.30 start. Excellent table of prizes and major prizes are offered. Every hoy winner receives a prize. A delicious homemade afternoon tea is served and everyone is welcome. Children can attend if supervised. Plenty of parking and wheelchair access. Small door fee to cover costs and all tickets are 50 cents each. For information, phone Thelma on 0403 639 733 or Heather on 4159 1673.
Ex-Servicewomen meet
Rotary Club of Bargara is holding its annual Bundy Swap Meet and Market at the Agro-Trend grounds (new showgrounds), Childers Road (across from the airport) on Saturday, October 12 from 6am to 4pm. Indoor and outdoor sites, all powered from $20 each. Camping sites also
All seniors are invited to attend a morning tea hosted by Gin Gin Neighbourhood Centre, at the Gin Gin Youth Centre, Walker Street, on Tuesday, October 15, 10am to 11.30am. The theme for the morning tea will be travel. For more information, phone 4130 4150.
Bundaberg Simply Speaking Toastmasters Club has holds meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the U3A Building, 80a Woongarra Street, from 6pm to 8pm. Find out more about how Toastmasters can help you on the job and in your personal life. Become a more confident communicator and Make new friends leader. New and existing members welcome. Circle of Friends is a group of over 55s who Contact Geraldine for more information, email: meet every Thursday at the Botanical Gardens at gerigriffiths100@gmail.com. 10am under the trees near the Restaurant and car park. We enjoy various activities such as Trivia night Good Shepherd Anglican Community is holding morning coffee, cards, trivia, BBQ/picnics, lunch/ dinner and dancing. Everyone will be made most a trivia night on, Friday, October 11 from 7am welcome, for more information, phone Jenny on at Bundaberg Bowls Club, Quay Street. Tables of six. Everyone welcome. For bookings, phone 4153 2428 or Pat on 4155 2885. 4152 3860. Bargara cent sale Competent obedience training instructor, with many years experience, offers you the opportunity to learn obedience training with your dog, FREE OF CHARGE! Start your puppy early to provide valuable socialisation, as well as training. For further information, phone 4154 1109.
Swap meet
Bundaberg & District Ex-Servicewomen’s Association meets every third Monday of each month, uptairs at the Bundaberg RSL, Quay Street, from 2pm.
Kepnock Grove cent sale
Come along and enjoy a great morning tea and cent sale at Kepnock Grove Retirement Centre, Jocumsen Street, Bundaberg on Tuesday, October 22, at 9.30am. $3 admission. Excellent table, lucky door prizes and raffles. For further information or bookings, phone 4152 4653.
Seniors morning tea
Visit Bundaberg’s Past via photographs and artefacts How did the pioneers live? What industries and services are still in existence? How has Bundaberg changed over the years?
Botanic Gardens, North Bundaberg
Ph: 4152 0101
Do you want your event publicised? editor@tradiesandladies.com.au
Things to do and see in the Bundy region Bundaberg Relay For Life
Sydney Travelling Film Festival October 11 to 13
Saturday, October 19
Moncrieff Theatre Showgrounds, Burrum St Nine screenings. From 3pm Opening night October 11 at 7.30pm An overnight event where teams walk or followed by complimentary drinks. run to raise money for Cancer Council. Continues Saturday and Sunday. Open to the public. Free admission until Phone Moncrieff Entertainment Centre for 9pm. But must form a team and register bookings and screening times. to stay and participate. Ph: 4130 4100 Ph: 4150 4500
Bundy Swap Meet & Market Saturday, October 12
Agro-Trend Grounds 6am to 4pm Vintage cars, market and food stalls & live entertainment.
3rd Annual Bundaberg Tattoo Show Saturday, October 26
Saturday, October 12 Bundaberg Showgrounds, Burrum St From 10am Australia’s biggest beer festival and professional bull riding event. Food stalls, kids amusements and fireworks. $30 adults, $15 kids
Shalom Markets, Every Sunday Shalom College, Fitzgerald St 6am to 12pm PCYC Markets, 2nd Sunday Bundaberg PCYC, Maryborough St 7.30am to 12pm Apple Tree Creek Markets, 2nd Saturday Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground 7.30am to 12pm Moore Park Lions Club Markets, 3rd Saturday Moore Park Beach Tavern, Murdochs Road 7am to 11am
Railway Hotel, Perry St From 10am Jumping castle, live music, displays, stalls & more. Everyone Welcome, $10 entry. Ph Brian: 0418 882 301
Lighthouse Festival
Saturday, October 26
Jack Norgate Oval, Zunker Street, Burnett Heads From 10am Live entertainment, art & photography exhibition, Boating & Leisure Expo, market stalls, rides, displays, food stalls & more.
Live Shows
Arj Barker - October 10, 8pm Luke Kennedy (The Voice runner-up) November 2, 7.30pm Ph: 4130 4100
Bundaberg Events Make Sure Your Event Is Highlighted Email Details To: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Events correct at time of printing 22
LOCAL NEWS Sydney Travelling Film Festival comes to Bundy
This year the Sydney Travelling Film Festival’s line up of nine features from Australia, USA, Denmark, France, India, Chile and Lebanon, will take audiences on a cinematic journey around the world. The film festival opens in Bundaberg at the Moncrieff Entertainment Centre on Friday, October 11 at 7.30pm with the Australian feature The Rocket Winner of the Audience Awards at both Sydney and Melbourne Film Festivals and of Feature Film Awards at both Berlin and Tribeca Film Festivals. Set against the lush backdrop of rural Laos, this spirited drama tells the story of ten-year-old Ahlo, who yearns to break free from his ill-fated destiny. Ostracised by his superstitious community, Ahlo decides that his only hope of redemption is to claim victory at the Rocket Festival; a riotous tribute to the rain gods. The film will be followed by our postscreening complimentary drinks. The Film Festival will continue on Saturday and Sunday with other impressive titles including: the winner of the Audience Award at Sundance, Valley Of Saints; winner of the Jury Award at San Sebastian, The Attack; and the winner of The
International Critics’ FIPRESCI prize from Thessaloniki, A Hijacking. Also screening will be La Maison De La Radio, Gloria, Red Obsession and Stoker. The Film Festival will close with the bright and breezy fable Frances Ha, featuring an effervescent performance from rising star Greta Gerwig. Full program and tickets are available at Moncrieff Entertainment Centre, 177 Bourbong Street or phone 4130 4100.
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