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Locals looking after locals

Fr Yo ee ur Co py

January 2014 - Issue 30

Tradies Ladies A N D Tips for your business, home and garden

1� Number “ For Quality Service & Covering g, Bundaber nd st a Coral Coa ing Surround Areas


Giving your child the best in care and early learning. Find out more on page 6

Talk to the locals who care!

RCR & Comp etitio n Pg 20

Market Your Business To Its Full Potential With A Professional Service You Can Rely On And Trust!

0448 214 428/0488 754 816


Ph: 0448 214 428

HAPPY NEW YEAR BUNDABERG!!! Tradies and Ladies hopes everyone had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you all the best for the New Year 2014. As a team we look forward to bringing you an informative and interesting magazine each month, full of handy tips, competitions and news on what’s happening in the Bundaberg region. If you want your business to be treated with respect and become the first stop for shoppers then why not start 2014 off with a bang and get some great marketing that works.

Give the team at Tradies and Ladies a call and you will be surprised, not only do you get personal and professional service, we put your business first and build a package that gives you the best possible result, second to none. With a proven track record of marketing and knowing consumers keep Tradies and Ladies magazine for future reference, can you afford not to be in it? Until next time stay Safe and Happy Locals Looking after Locals. Kerry Davis, Editor


4 & 5. Local News 6. Cover Story - Avoca Kids 7. Local News 8. Finding the Light- Relationship advice 9. Local News 10. Haymans - Your electrical & data experts 11. Rose Chapel Funerals - What is the cost 12. Local News 13. Local News MISSED YOUR COPY?

Tradies and Ladies Magazine is distributed free to households in Bundaberg and the Coral Coast each and every month. If you missed your copy you can read it online at: www.tradiesandladies.com.au Or copies can be obtained at: • Bundaberg Historical Museum • AMS Computers

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Avoca Garden Centre Cobblers Bundaberg Last Stop Convenience Store North Post Office Chop Shop East Post Office Bundaberg Wholesale Palms Burnett Heads IGA Sharon Store Saywells Quality Meats

Tradies and Ladies Magazine

Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au www.tradiesandladies.com.au PO Box 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670

Ph: 0448 214 428 or 0488 754 816


14. Local News 15. Fishing Update 16. Tech Talk - Computer Tips & Tricks 17. Home & Garden - Oasis Spas 18. Recipes - Barbecue Time 19. Puzzles 20. Competitions & RCR Dog of the Month 21. Community Corner 22. What’s On This Month 23. Quick Reference Guide


“We have worked with Kerry for the past 3 years. She has been really helpful towards our marketing needs, especially with Tradies and Ladies Magazine, of which we have advertised in since it began two years ago. We get a great response from the public due to our adverts and especially the front cover. Thanks Kerry and the team. We look forward to continuing with you well into the future.” Ruth and Reon, Bundaberg Mobility Centre COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER

Tradies and Ladies Magazine is published monthly where possible by Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd. No responsibility is taken if Tradies and Ladies Magazine is unable to be printed/published monthly. All content and advertising printed in Tradies and Ladies Magazine is copyright to Simple Solutions Marketing Pty Ltd and may not be re-printed or used in any form (including business cards, facebook and/or any other advertising mediums) without written consent from the publisher. This also includes any artwork, photos or editorials undertaken by Tradies and Ladies magazine, even if not published. Disclaimer Tradies and Ladies Magazine may accept, amend or reject any advertisement. Tradies and Ladies Magazine gives no warranty to the reliability or accuracy of the advertisements placed in this magazine. Tradies and Ladies Magazine accepts no liability to any person and/or business in respect to any information contained in this magazine. Individuals should rely on their own enquiries. ABN: 37 150 735 256

Stand Out From The Crowd In 2014. Phone the Ladies at Tradies and Ladies KERRY: 0448 214 428 Sharon: 0488 754 816 or EMAIL: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au




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These laptops come fully set up with Windows 7, recovery discs made, Java, Adobe Reader, Flash player, Free Antivirus & Libre Office (if you have no professional version of Microsoft Office) – We also setup your Email account if you provide us with the username & password. We can also install extra programs & transfer data from your old computer (This is charged at $65 per hour, average job is one hour, but if the old HDD has issues or there is a large amount of data it may take longer). Any programs you need installed we do require the discs for them.


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Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816


Come and meet Craig Lowndes at the grand opening of Fulcrum Suspension Bundaberg

For all Craig Lowndes fans and V8 Supercar enthusiasts alike, make sure you put this date in your diary. Friday, January 31, 2014 between 4pm and 9pm. This day is to celebrate the grand opening of the Fulcrum Suspension store in Bundaberg, next door to Brakes Plus, Craig Lowndes will be on site! Craig will be there from 5.30pm to 9pm to autograph memorabilia and be photographed with his Bundaberg fans. During the four hour opening celebrations there will be many suspension experts from well known companies on hand to give advice on suspension from the family car, performance vehicles and 4WDs. BBQ, drinks, kids’ activities and plenty of displays. There will be many great prizes and giveaways up for grabs including, signed Craig Lowndes apparel performance suspension and 4X4 lift kits, wheel alignments, free

Service Plus

checks, bags of goodies and lots more. Fulcrum Suspension Specialists is a nationally recognised suspension company that deals with top name brands such as Sachs, SuperPro, King Springs, TEIN, Bilstein, Monroe, and more. The Bundaberg Fulcrum Suspension Specialists will be the place to go for all your suspension needs. So, to get all the best advice on suspension and to meet with Craig Lowndes, make sure you are at the opening of Fulcrum Suspension Specialists, next to Brakes Plus on Phoebe Crescent, Friday, January 31 from 4pm to 9pm.


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LOCAL NEWS Autumn Sounds Festival given the go ahead Is there something the community should know? Ph: 0488 754 816

New music festival – Autumn Sounds - has been given the green light after Council’s recent approval for the event to be held at Alexandra Park on Easter Sunday. The newest music event on Bundaberg’s calendar promises to entertain locals and visitors alike with high profile entertainment, food and wine. Autumn Sounds is aimed at a 25 plus crowd looking to experience an entertainment offer not normally found in regional locations. The event will be held at Alexandra Park on Easter Sunday between the hours of 2pm and 8pm and is expected to attract a crowd of 5,000 people. The live entertainment will be a mix of local, national and international bands that are currently in negotiations with the event promoter. Details on the line-up will be finalised mid-January. The event is being put on by Club Hotel owner Simon Thompson who has previous

experience holding similar events in Melbourne. It is great to be able to bring quality entertainment to the regions instead of having to travel to the major cities. Mr Thompson would like to praise the local council for having the foresight to assist in delivering such an event to the Bundaberg Region, an event that is expected to inject over 1.5million in direct and indirect cost benefits to the local community. “The park is a wonderful natural outdoor amphitheatre and was always the first choice to hold the event. It was not just the look of the park but the close proximity of the town centre that will allow for a quick disbursement of festival goers into the town centre following the event” said Mr Thompson. For further information on the event follow us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ clubhotelbundaberg. An event website will be released shortly.

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COVER STORY Ph: 0448 214 428 Providing your child with high quality care and education

Be On The Front Cover & Highlight Your Business

children’s learning, available for families to view at their convenience. At our centre we hold strong beliefs in learning through play, and make various opportunities for this to occur throughout the day. Our documentation shows the links of the children ‘playing’ and what they are learning At Avoca Kids Early Learning Centre we during the experiences, making the outcomes are focused on the children and families, easily identifiable for the families. and providing them with high quality and individualised care and education. Our centre is run by a family owned company, that appreciates family ties and this is evident in the strong parent/educator partnerships you will find in our centre. Avoca Kids Early Learning Centre offers a Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program, providing you with piece of mind that your ‘Pre-Prep’ aged child/children will be ready Avoca Kids Early learning Centre provides to undertake the challenges of schooling life, after Early Learning Education. Our Early care for children aged 6 weeks to 12 years, Childhood teachers are fully qualified and including before and after school care and specialise in providing programs based on vacation care, 52 weeks a year from 6.30am the kindergarten requirements, as well as to 6.30pm, Monday to Friday. We offer many including the Early Years Learning Framework. fantastic experiences for children including Our programs are based on individual needs a barnyard with animals, a bike track and and strengths of the children’s and families, wonderful shaded areas and our most recent extensions of learning and educator initiated attraction, the very popular jungle themed learning. All of our rooms have individual water park. We look forward to meeting you soon, as you child portfolios, documenting the growth of embark on your child’s journey of discovery and education here with our family at Avoca Kids Early Learning Centre.

• 6 weeks to 12 years • Qualified Caring Staff • Educational Programs • All Meals Available • Before & After School Care • Vacation Care • Courtesy Bus

258 Avoca Road(corner Smiths Road) 6

Ph: 4152 7330

Let us know what is happening! editor@tradiesandladies.com.au


Bundaberg’s own floral emblem - Have your say

Council undertook an extensive community consultation process in late 2013 to identify a flower that best represents the region. A Floral Emblem Committee has since shortlisted the best three options and Bundaberg Regional Council is now seeking further community feedback with members of the public being asked to choose their preferred flower. The most popular flower will be submitted to Council for adoption as our regional Floral Emblem. The second most popular flower will be submitted as a backup should the first flower not be accepted by Council. The three options are the Eureka Bottlebrush, Golden Penda and the Ivory Curl. Have your say by completing the short online form at: http://bundaberg.qld.gov.au/floralemblem-consultation Submissions close end of business on Friday, January 31. One submission per person.

Eureka Bottlebrush (Callistemon eureka)

Golden Penda (Xanthostemon chrysanthus)

Ivory Curl (Buckinghamia celsissima)

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HEALTHY MIND David Lawson - Helping you to Find the Light!

Are you and your spouse stuck? Don’t know how to get an agreement without conflict? Then you are likely to be in GRIDLOCK. Gridlock happens when each person in the relationship has an opinion on an issue that is different to the other and, no matter what you both say or do, there is no way around it.

When a couple is in gridlock, conflict and arguments are how things are discussed and resolved. There are only two ways to get out of gridlock. The usual way is for one or both of you to water down your opinion or just back down and let the other have their way. Usually a back down will be done grudgingly, which means the issue has not been resolved - just put aside for a time. Backing down may feel like a win to one of you but to the other it will feel like they have lost (probably) again. The other way is to work out why this issue is so important to your spouse (and you) and ask yourself the question – IS MY RELATIONSHIP WORTH DESTROYING OVER THIS ISSUE JUST SO I CAN BE RIGHT? If the relationship is important to you then you need to change the way you discuss difficult issues. You may never get agreement on an issue that causes gridlock but talking about issues to understand the other’s perspective will add life to the relationship. I can promise you that the longer you are in gridlock and the more you need to overrule your spouse, or have them back down or talk over them – the sooner the relationship will be over. .

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findingthelight@bigpond.com www.findingthelight.com.au

Highlight your business Ph: 0448 214 428


Bunnings development gets the green light

Bundaberg Regional Council has approved a Development Application for a new commercial precinct on Johanna Boulevard in Kensington, which includes an 18,452 square metre Bunnings Warehouse and three smaller commercial properties. Planning and Development Chairman Cr Ross Sommerfeld said Council approved the proposal, which includes a Material Change of Use for the 5.785ha site. “Under the application lodged by Bunnings Group Limited, land at the Kensington site will be reconfigured into four allotments with construction set to start over a number of stages,” Cr Sommerfeld said. “The Material Change of Use will be carried out over four stages, with Stage One including the construction of Bunning Warehouse, road access and car parking facilities. “The warehouse building will be located at the back of the site and will include a range of amenities including warehouse area, bagged goods area, an outdoor nursery, cafe, timber trade sales as well as staff rooms, lunch rooms and amenities.” Cr Sommerfeld said three separate buildings would be constructed on the front of the land during Stages 2, 3 and 4 and would be occupied by four commercial tenants. “The application also makes provision for bike access,

encouraging active transport within the areas. Facilities have been provided for the use of Bunnings staff as well as bike spaces for the additional commercial tenants on the site. “More than 560 car parks will also be provided including 14 spaces for accessible and trailer parking,” Cr Sommerfeld said. “It’s a great boost for the region and shows that there is confidence and economic drive in our community.”

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Expert advice and quality products Haymans Electrical and Data Suppliers, located in Burrum Street, Bundaberg, have been supplying the local community and electrical contractors with quality electrical, data and lighting supplies since 1973. The staff at Haymans have a lot of experience in the electrical industry and are only too happy to assist you. With all of the regulated safety requirements, it pays to have the professionals on your side. Therefore Haymans can give you the correct advice you need and put you in contact with a reputable electrician, to ensure the electrical work you require is done safely and correctly. The team at Haymans are proud to provide this expert advice as well as supply quality products. No job is too big or too small for Haymans. From the supply of electrical contractor requirements, replacement bulbs, energy efficient lighting, data cabling, TV


antennas and accessories, Haymans has it all. Haymans has an extensive range of light fittings and lamps in their well-stocked lighting showroom. With energy efficient lighting their speciality, the team at Haymans can help you reduce your energy consumption and save money. Haymans can also assist you with domestic, commercial, industrial, project and sporting lighting. If you are building, renovating or adding to an existing building, Haymans can help you with all your lighting requirements. If you are unsure of exactly what you require the staff will point you in the right direction. So next time you are thinking of adding some light to your home or perhaps you would like to improve your TV reception or your energy consumption, call in and see the team at at Haymans Electrical and Data, 26 Burrum Street, phone 4152 2755.


Tell us your story. Ph: 0488 754 816

Burnett River flood gauge inundation maps available

Residents across the Bundaberg Region and especially those in flood plain locations, are now able to access flood mapping relating to their individual properties based on upstream flood gauge levels. Bundaberg Regional Council staff members Dwayne Honor and Steve Bowden are members of a team that have created a first for the region and a process that is unique in Australia with online software that will allow residents to easily correlate flood gauge heights to potential inundation of their individual properties. Following extensive flood modelling of the Lower Burnett River and community information sessions held in September, Council is proud to be releasing this new state of the art interactive mapping system to the public. Dwayne Honor, Council’s Manager of Design said that after the 2010/11 floods, members of the public, landowners and council struggled to understand the relationship of key flood warning gauges on the Burnett River to potential flooding of properties downstream. “Across the floodplain, people living adjacent the river wanted to know what a certain upstream flood gauge level at Paradise Dam, Walla or Bundaberg might mean to their individual properties. “Council is now able to provide interactive maps that highlight potential downstream inundation based on these flood gauge levels. The extent of mapping is from Paradise Dam to the river mouth at Bundaberg Port and covers some 275 square km of flood inundation area,” said Mr. Honor. Mr. Honor said that the new technology did not provide information regarding the flooding height on individual properties but did show where inundation was likely to occur.


“The information can provide property owners an understanding of what upstream gauge increments start to affect their properties and the potential flood extents that could be experienced. It provides an interactive tool for people to understand potential flood impacts covering some 275 square kilometres of the Lower Burnett River” Deputy Mayor David Batt said the new mapping interface is the culmination of extensive technical work with the program built and developed using the best available information including computer modelling. “Councils project team was assisted by GHD flood engineers and spatial analysts from AAM Group. The maps will display across smart phones, tablets and PC’s and is part of a mobile technology strategy that council has adopted,” Cr Batt said. “You can even use your devices GPS to zoom to your position on the map.” Cr. Batt said the program was developed using funds contributed through the State Government’s Flood Resilience Program. The Bureau of Meteorology operate the Flood Warning System for the Burnett River and through their website, they provide the latest river heights at key gauge locations. During flood events, the Bureau is able to predict some gauge levels including the Bundaberg flood gauge. “The challenge has always been to define what those gauge readings mean in terms of potential flood inundation to private property downstream. The new mapping system now provides a solution to these questions and is being provided in good faith and in the public interest, Cr Batt said. The flood mapping imitative can be viewed at: http://bundaberg.qld.gov.au/floodgaugemaps

Stand Out From The Crowd In 2014. Phone the Ladies at Tradies and Ladies KERRY: 0448 214 428 Sharon: 0488 754 816 or EMAIL: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au


Let s Know What is Happening Ph: 0488 754 816

Local farm equipment ready for long trip to China

Two pieces of agricultural equipment will soon make the long sea journey from Childers to Nanning, China as a Childers engineering firm finalises an initial order placed in September. Childers businessman John Cole of Coles Engineering in Childers was approached by Chinese sugar farming interests to produce a quantity of planter bins based on a design created by Mr Cole. Bundaberg Regional Council Mayor, Cr Mal Forman said Mr Cole had been introduced to a Chinese trade delegation in September and the order for the equipment had eventuated from that contact. “This is a positive outcome for the region with Coles Engineering and a North Queensland company sharing in an order valued at between $1.5 and $2 million over the next two years,” Cr. Forman said. “It is also a positive sign that the 15 year association Council has developed with our sister city Nanning is now moving into a stage of economic advantage.” Cr Forman said it was planned to follow up the visit by the Chinese with a trade delegation comprised of Bundaberg Region export ready business operators to visit Nanning in February. “We are currently organising that trip and would welcome contact from any regional business operator who may wish to attend.” John Cole said he certainly will be travelling to China to further discussions regarding other business initiatives and to establish contacts to ensure the current business relationship is continued. “Council has done much of the hard work in introducing the Chinese to local business operators and it would be a travesty to allow the progress that has been made to slip by.” Cr Forman said that anyone interested in the delegation can contact Council’s Manager, Economic Development Mr Cameron Bisley on 4130 4003 or via email at: cameron.bisley@bundaberg.qld.gov.au

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Coles Engineering employee, Tim Moorehouse prepares a locally produced planter bin for shipment to China.

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Tell us your story. LOCAL NEWS Ph: 0488 754 816 Scholarship for Teacher Excellence awarded Harris Dental Boutique and St Luke’s Anglican School once again ran The Scholarship for Teacher Excellence in 2013. After five years of running the scholarship for the teachers of St Luke’s, 2013 was the first year the scholarship was opened up to all teachers in the Bundaberg region. Dr Harris from Harris Dental Boutique said, “The scholarship provides teachers from the Bundaberg region an opportunity to attend a wide range of valuable international, professional learning and cultural experiences’. The Scholarship for Teaching Excellence in 2013 received applications from teachers across the Wide Bay, all looking for support to pursue continued expansion for their professional knowledge. This year’s winner, Elizabeth O’Sullivan is taking part in Global Immersions, a youth leadership program in Nepal and India. “The Scholarship aims to instill in teachers a desire to be a leading authority in a specialist area

BUNDABERG BUG BUSTERS PEST MANAGEMENT All General Pest Management Termite Inspections & Treatments

of their teaching. It recognises that teaching, as a profession, is continually evolving and up-todate professional development is essential for the pursuit of academic excellence,” Dr Harris said. The 2013 Scholarship was open to primary and secondary teachers who teach in schools in the Bundaberg region. Only one teacher is awarded the scholarship each year. For more information on how you can apply or nominate a teacher for next year’s scholarship check the website: www.harrisdentalboutique.com or email: info@harrisdentalboutique.com or follow Harris Dental Boutique on Facebook.

Dr Lincoln Harris and 2013 winner of The Scholarship for Teacher Excellence, Elizabeth O’Sullivan of St Mary’s Bundaberg.

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MONTHLY FISHING UPDATE I hope you all had a good holiday and caught lots of fish! The weather through December was a bit hit and miss with plenty of strong winds and the bigger tides didn’t help. The big tides meant some Salmon was to be had in the Burnett, using large prawns at dawn and dusk in the deeper parts of the system saw some nice catches with above average sizes. The big tides saw a drop off in the bread and butter fish such as Bream and Flathead also the Whiting took a holiday. I never actually fish the two days before and two days after a full moon, simply because when I do I never catch anything. As I am still on holiday this will be a shorter report than normal, I am currently writing this in between fishing trips, however, I will, in the next report, hopefully include some pictures of my holiday catches. Fish the mouths of all rivers for some good Flathead and along the rock walls and bridge pylons for Jack and Bream. Best baits for Flathead and Mangrove Jack are live Poddy Mullet or Sprat. Micro Mullet lures are deadly for Flathead in pink with a silver stripe or green and yellow. Try fishing for Whiting across sand at the bottom of the tides. Best bait is yabbies or fresh chopped prawn, you could also try for Bream along the rock walls and drop offs with the smallest lure you can buy. It is also great fun catching Whiting and Bream on miniature poppers. These lures are the best fun you can have, the strike rate is phenomenal. All the river systems are the go for Mud Crabs so make sure you carry at least a couple of pots with you. At the mouths of all rivers there are reported catches of Tuna and schools of Mackerel running up the coast, this is because the bait balls are starting to form all along the East coast, out through Morton Island and Fraser Island reports are huge bait schools are forming, this could be due to the recent couple of days of rain. The reef fish are a bit scarce unless you are prepared to travel a 100 kilometres or so out, which is near impossible with the weather being what it is. The end of January should see some good prawns appear, especially if we get some more rain, so get your cast nets ready. If you don’t know how to throw a cast net email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au and I will send you a free video - it’s as easy as that. If you plan to visit one of the dams any weekend, you will

Bundaberg Sports Fishing Club Members and Their Catches

Reon & Ruth

find that they are all fishing pretty well nothing outstanding to report just small Barra, most around the 60cm to 70 cm, with the odd rod breaker thrown in. I have had a request to help you boaties who have lost a few anchors around the mouth of the Baffle, this is the fail safe system I use. Follow these simple instructions to make sure you don’t ever lose another anchor (shown below). Simply drill a hole in the plate of your anchor, fasten the end of the chain to it, lay the chain along the anchor and fasten the nearest link with a zippy tie, if the anchor gets stuck under a log etc., simply drive off, the zippy tie will break and the anchor will pull out backwards. How easy is that? New members have been joining the Bundaberg Sports fishing club, during the past six months, in part to the popularity of this magazine. You don’t have to own a big boat; lots of members are always looking for crew to get out there. If you like fishing you are welcome to the next meeting at the town boat ramp on January 12 at 1pm.


Providing services to the general public and the Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme Selling, servicing and maintaining most makes of mobility aids, scooters and wheelchairs in the Wide Bay region

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Tech Talk & Tips Computer repairs is the only industry that is “not” regulated. Anyone can put up a sign and begin operating, no qualifications, nothing. What does this mean to you the public? Well, when your computer breaks down and you take it to be repaired, the person you take it to has access to ALL your personal information, bank details if you do internet banking, or have paid for anything over the internet, emails and all your friends addresses, in fact they can have a field day and you would not know. In fact you could drop your computer at a backyarder at 9am and by 10am someone else can have bought and stolen your identity, whereas the legitimate computer repair centres in the Wide Bay work under their own high code of conduct to keep your information safe. Even backpackers have been operating in some towns as computer technicians! Over the holiday period I talked with many people and one conversation made my hair stand up, this acquaintance was able to purchase in Asia, an Australian passport, driving licence, Medibank card etc. for just a few dollars, $25 I believe, the quality was unbelievable, what was more scary was the names on these documents were of real people, and where do you think they get this information from? So next time you need work done on your computer, think hard about where you take it, only use local reputable service centres such as AMS Computer Services. If you have just got back from Christmas holidays and your computer will not switch on, don’t despair there could be a number of reasons for it. First, when you go away for a period of time, always unplug all your electrical equipment from the wall, especially round this time of year due to the storms, which bring lightning. Also unplug your telephone connection to your internet, lightning will, and has, used this form of outlet many times. Having done this your computer should be pretty safe. If you left your computer switched off, but still plugged into the electrical socket on the wall, your power supply can and does build up an electrical charge and sometimes overloads. To fix this unplug your computer from the wall and press the start button slowly “on” and “off” about five or six times, plug your computer back into the wall and switch on. Computers need to be looked after, they are built and designed to be kept cool, fans suck air into the vital areas and then out, this air carries dust and if you live on the coast you have the added problem of salt in the air. This time of the year there is a lot of moisture in the air, the moisture is absorbed by the dust etc. which has settled in your computer, over eight months to a year, and this will and does cause problems. To avoid this you should have your computer “cleaned and serviced” every six to eight months. This

saves you money and stops you from losing valuable information or photos etc. AMS Computers are brilliant at this and their clean and service is good value for money (see bottom of page), they clean out the volumes of dust, take out all the parts, clean all the terminals and connections and fans, replace everything and then after starting it back up they take out all the items which have built up over the months such as the start engines that install themselves every time you go to an internet site, which start up each time you switch on your computer. This is why your computer tends to get slower and slower. Once your computer has been cleaned and serviced it will be faster and the life of your computer will be prolonged. This service is offered at a special price (does not include repairs) and for all pensioners, AMS Computers give a 10% discount on labour for all your other repairs. AMS Computer Services back up their product with a five year limited warranty, no waiting as all warranty work is done as soon as possible in the store. As they say, it’s locals looking after locals with great service. With all the scams around DO NOT open an email from anybody you do not know and definitely do not reply. The other very important thing you must not do is give anybody the information to access your computer. Every day I speak to someone who has let people into their computer set up and this has cost them big money. Beware, if you don’t know them, don’t trust them. If an unwanted email finds its way to your inbox, go to the top toolbar, click on message, scroll down to block sender and click on that, then click OK, this should then get rid of them and give you peace of mind. AMS Computer services would like to say thanks to all the customers that have become friends and for all the cards and presents they have received this past festive season, 2013 was a very busy year especially the last three months or more which kept its five technicians on their toes. It was especially satisfying for the friendly office staff to know that they are appreciated by you the customer, so from all at AMS Computer services, have a great and healthy 2014. If you have computer problems of any description send an email to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au and with the assistance of the AMS technician team who have more than 65 years’ experience between them, we will endeavour to help you. AMS Computers has asked me to let everyone know that the opening times have changed to 7.30am and closing at 5.30pm so that you can drop your computer off on the way to work and pick it up on the way home. AMS will not be opening on Saturdays to allow them to catch up on repair work and do business setups.

Page proudly sponsored by AMS Computers

✓ Professional technicians FULL COMPUTER SERVICE: CLEAN AND RESET ✓ Fast affordable mobile repairs Normally $65 ✓ Custom builds ✓ Virus removal Special Offer of $55 ✓ 5 years limited warranty In store only & does not include repairs


HOME & GARDEN Relax and unwind in your own spa!

Have any handy hints for the garden you would like to share? Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Your monthly gardening guide brought to you by ‘Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants’ Oasis spas are world class hydrotherapy spas built using the best components from around the world. Compare the build quality, equipment and features and you’ll see why Oasis spas are Australia’s best value for money spas. The Byron Bay Hydro is a mid sized spa offering serious hydrotherapy and extra depth in some seats to suit bigger and taller people. This affordable luxury spa is a compact design with room for 5 and boasts dual height recliner lounges, neck and shoulder therapy seat and sensational back, neck, leg and foot massage. Better spa experience - the exclusive aqua stream hydro-massage jets give you a better massage effect. The 60 premium adjustable and interchangeable pulse, swirl and deep tissue massage jets, combined with individual air and water massage controls allow you to create your perfect massage experience. You can adjust your liquid aromatherapy system, choose your mood lighting effect and turn on the optional waterfall and sound system to create the perfect mood. Then relax and enjoy! Cheaper to run - The energy saving 8 Layer insulation system with custom fit “no gap” cabinet traps and utilises heat from the pump(s) and spa water to significantly reduce running costs. The energy efficient filtration pumps are 2261% cheaper to run. Built to Last Longer - The oven cured 6 layer extra strong spa shells are thicker than other spas. The fibreglass weather barrier base stops vermin and weather damaging your spa. Our triple reinforced spa frames support every seat and are made from treated timber, then painted for maximum strength and long life. Call into Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants to find out more on the Byron Bay Hydro Spa. Happy New Year! 26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631


TASTY RECIPES Ingredients:

It’s Barbecue Time Lemon Chicken Drumettes

Grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 2 garlic cloves, bruised 1 tablespoon dried oregano 1 long red chilli, finely chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil

1kg chicken drumettes 400g baby truss tomatoes 2 bunches asparagus


1. Combine lemon rind and juice, garlic, oregano, chilli and oil in a shallow bowl. Add chicken and toss to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight to marinate. 2. Set aside at room temperature for 15 minutes before cooking. 3. Preheat covered barbecue on medium. Drain chicken, discard garlic. Season with salt and cook, covered, for 20-25 minutes, frequently turning and brushing with marinade, until browned and cooked through. Meanwhile, cook vegetables on oiled flat plate for 2-3 minutes. Serve with chicken.


Coconut, Lime & Chilli Prawns

12 pre-soaked bamboo skewers 1 lime 1/3 cup coconut milk 1/3 cup finely chopped fresh coriander stems 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 long red chilli, finely chopped 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1 tablespoon soy sauce

750g green king prawns, peeled, tails intact, deveined 1 tablespoon lime juice Lime wedges, fresh coriander leaves and steamed rice, to serve


1. Using a vegetable peeler, cut long strips of rind from lime. Combine coconut milk, coriander, garlic, chilli, fish sauce, soy sauce and lime rind in a shallow dish. Reserve 2 tablespoons mixture. Add prawns to remaining mixture. Toss to coat. Cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours, if time permits. 2. Preheat a barbecue plate or chargrill on medium-high heat. Add lime juice to prawn mixture. Toss to coat. Remove and discard lime rind from prawn mixture and reserved coconut milk mixture. Thread prawns onto skewers. Cook, brushing with reserved coconut milk mixture, for 2 to 3 minutes each side or until pink and lightly charred. 3. Serve with lime wedges, coriander and rice.


Barebcued Mango Cheeks

4 ripe mangoes light olive oil spray 1/4 cup honey to serve Coconut sorbet or vanilla ice-cream Chopped toasted macadamia nuts


1. Cut 2 cheeks from each mango. Spray cut side of mangoes with oil spray. Heat a barbecue hotplate or stove top grill over a medium-high heat. Place mango cheeks on grill, cut side down. Cook for 3 minutes or until heated through. 2. Place on serving plates and drizzle with honey. Serve with sorbet or ice-cream sprinkled with macadamia nuts.


If you have a special recipe that has become a family favourite why not share it? Email them to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au or post to: T & L Recipes, PO Box 6353, Bundaberg East, 4670


Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number 1-26. Can you crack the code and solve the crossword? Every letter of the alphabet is used at least once. Three letters are already in place to get you started.

Sudoku #25


Suduko #24 Answer


Across 1. Large bag of fabric or paper (4) 3. Marijuana (8)

9. Holiday destinations (7) 10. Discolour (5) 11. Environment-friendly (5) 12. Adage (6)

14. Whipped (6) 16. Voice box (6) 19. Exactly right (4,2) 21. Essential (5) 24. By and by (5) 25. Accomplish a goal (7) 26. Dealer (8) 27. Drink made with fermented honey (4) Down 1. Tussle (8) 2. Hereditary class in India (5) 4. Help (6) 5. Not nice (5) 6. Flattery or cajoling talk (7) 7. Compos mentis (4) 8. Alloy of copper and tin (6) 13. Kept out (8) 15. Stroll (7) 17. Counsel (6) 18. Venom (6) 20. Flashlight (5) 22. Subject, topic (5) 23. Slender (4)





For your chance to win a $50 voucher (plants only), kindly donated by Bundaberg Wholesale Palms and Plants, simply find the object (pictured below) hidden within the magazine. Take note of the page number and write it on the entry form and post to: PO BOX 6353 Bundaberg East Q 4670 Or you can enter via email to: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Please ensure to provide your name and phone number. Submit your entries by Wednesday, January 22 for your chance to win. Good Luck!

ENTRY FORM Page Number: Hi, my name is Pumkin a nine-year-old Fox Terrier. Pumpkin is just the sweetest girl you could meet! Pumpkin is one of our more mature residents, who is looking for the perfect home to relax and enjoy being spoilt for the rest of her years. Pumpkin is a friendly, adorable girl who loves everyone and is unfazed by most of the world around her. She does love cuddles and will do whatever it takes to be by your side, or preferably on your lap! Pumpkin has experienced big and small dogs, big and small people and is happy with most, as long as she has her special someone by her side. Pumpkin’s perfect home will be a calm and loving one, perhaps with a retired person or couple that spends lots of time at home and enjoys a short stroll to the shops. Red Collar Rescue has many dogs - big, small, young, mature and everything in between. The perfect dog is here just waiting for you to meet them! If Pumpkin or one of our other beautiful dogs could be the perfect addition to your family, please contact us to organise a meet and greet. All RCR dogs are vaccinated, microchipped, desexed and on heartworm prevention. Contact us at www.redcollarrescue.org to enquire about Connor any of our other beautiful dogs looking for a home or follow us on Facebook. Contact Sharyn 0438 869 085 or Lisa 0412 515 564.


Name: Phone: Email: 26 Kleins Road, Bundaberg Phone: 4155 6631

THE WINNER OF THE FIND THE OBJECT IS ... Doris Schouten - Congratulations Doris! Make sure you find this month’s object for your chance to win a $50 plant voucher from Bundaberg Wholesale Palms & Plants.

For Good old-fashioned service, from people who really care about you & your business

PHONE: 0448 214 428 or EMAIL: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Highlight your non-profit event for FREE Email: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au


Bargara Mixed Probus meet The Bargara Mixed Probus club is a club for retired or semi retired men and women who would like a social program of activities to brighten their lives. The next meeting will be held on January 8 at the Bargara Golf Club, Miller Street from 9.30am. Guest speaker will be a member from St John’s Ambulance followed by morning tea. Many activities are held throughout the month. For further information, phone Ray on 4154 7775 or Patti on 4154 7668. Dog training Competent obedience training instructor, with many years experience, offers you the opportunity to learn obedience training with your dog, FREE OF CHARGE! Start your puppy early to provide valuable socialisation, as well as training. For further information, phone 4154 1109. Make new friends Circle of Friends is a group of over 55s who meet every Thursday at the Botanical Gardens at 10am under the trees near the Restaurant and car park. We enjoy various activities such as morning coffee, cards, trivia, BBQ/picnics, lunch/dinner and dancing. Everyone will be made most welcome, for more information, phone Jenny on 4153 2428 or Pat on 4155 2885. Apple Tree Creek Markets Apple Tree Creek Markets will be held on Saturday, January 11, from 7am, at the Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground, Bruce Highway. Great variety of stalls with something for everyone. Plants, trash and treasure, fruit and vege, Christmas gift ideas and more. Jumping castle and pony BUNDABERG & DISTRICT


rides for the kids. Food and refreshments available. New stall holders welcome. All enquiries 4126 8308 or 0488 268 309. Bus Available. PCYC markets The PCYC craft markets will be held on Sunday, January 12, at the Bundaberg PCYC, Maryborough Street from 8am with the canteen from 7.30am for breakfast. Sausage sizzle. Great bargains to be found and always something new. Free jumping castle for the kids. For more information, phone 4154 2813 or email: irene.petretic@ pcyc.org.au Bargara JP Service Volunteer Justices of the Peace are available every Tuesday at Bargara Central, in front of Woolworths, from 1pm to 3pm. This is a free service to the public. Simply Speaking meetings Bundaberg Simply Speaking Toastmasters Club has holds meetings on the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the U3A Building, 80a Woongarra Street, from 6pm to 8pm. Find out more about how Toastmasters can help you on the job and in your personal life. Become a more confident communicator and leader. New and existing members welcome. Contact Geraldine for more information, email: gerigriffiths100@ gmail.com.

Highlight Your Event

If you would like your event or fundraiser highlighted in the Community Corner or What’s On section, email your upcoming events for next month for free at: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au or Post to: PO Box 6353, Bundaberg East Q 4670 Submissions need to reach us by the second last Wednesday of each month.

Visit Bundaberg’s Past via photographs and artefacts How did the pioneers live? What industries and services are still in existence? How has Bundaberg changed over the years?

Botanic Gardens, North Bundaberg

Ph: 4152 0101



Do you want your event publicised? editor@tradiesandladies.com.au

Things to do and see in the Bundy region

Fit2BKids Safe Cycling Lessons January 14 & 15 Central Park, Walla St (near skate bowl) 3pm to 6pm


Shalom, Every Sunday 6am to 12pm - Shalom College, Fitzgerald St PCYC, 2nd Sunday 7.30am to 12pm - Bundaberg PCYC, Maryborough St FIT2BKIDS Safe Cycling Lessons are Apple Tree Creek, 2nd Saturday aimed at children 4 years old and up who 7.30am to 12pm - Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground are cycling with training wheels on. Moore Park Lions Club, 3rd Saturday After 2 lessons children will be cycling 7am to 11am without training wheels. Moore Park Beach Tavern, Murdochs Road $20 per child per lesson. Ph: 0404 887 676

Australia Day Celebrations Sunday, January 26 Moore Park Beach Community Hall & Parklands. From 7.30am Bundaberg Regional Council and Moore Park Beach Bowls and Sports Club are holding an Australiana Day to celebrate Australia day. Free admission, lots of kid’s events and free rides, vintage machinery, stalls and food. Lions Club breakfast and entertainment from 7.30am and then a full day of free entertainment including the Dunny Race. Official opening by the Mayor at 11am when Australia Day Awards recipients will be introduced. Free Admission. Woodgate Beach Australia Day Breakfast Sunday, January 26 Woodgate Community Hall, Kangaroo Court - 7.30am Celebrate Australia Day @ Woodgate Beach with a FREE breakfast, sing-a-long and thong throwing. Woodgate citizen of the Year 2014 will be announced and presented with their award.

Make Sure Your Event Is Highlighted Email Details To: editor@tradiesandladies.com.au Events correct at time of printing 22

LOCAL NEWS Loggerhead lover’s project awarded grant Want to stand out from the crowd? Ph: 0448 214 428

A project to help Mon Repos Conservation Park visitors better appreciate marine wildlife has been boosted by $14,350 as part of a Newman Government grant program awarded today. The $500,000 Friends of Parks initiative offers grants of between $5,000 and $25,000 to not for profit community groups as part of the Newman Government’s commitment to enhance volunteering and “voluntourism” in Queensland’s national parks. Member for Burnett Stephen Bennett congratulated the Burnett Mary Regional Group of NRM Ltd, one of 31 organisations to be awarded funding totalling $503,350. “The Burnett Mary Regional Group of NRM is working on a ‘Locals Loving our Loggerheads’ project to help keep beaches attractive to turtles and help visitors better appreciate marine life at Mon Repos Conservation Park,” Mr Bennett said. “The group is developing a park guide and orientation map that will assist visitors in planning their activities while they learn fascinating things about marine life in the park. “The group will also be restoring the vegetative barrier along the nesting beach and undertaking turtle research and guided tours. “Importantly, the project will enhance park visitors’ experiences both in and out of turtle nesting season,” Mr Bennett said. National Parks Minister Steve Dickson said the grants

scheme would help to increase recreational access to parks and boost tourism, delivering on a key election promise. “Many of the projects will result in improved walking and mountain biking tracks in some of Queensland’s most scenic parks, as well as better visitor experiences for tourists and park users, including support for Traditional Owners sharing their culture on guided tours,” Mr Dickson said. “Fourteen of the projects will provide recreation or visitor services and 18 will deliver wildlife, heritage and conservation management services. “The Newman Government is encouraging Queenslanders to learn about, care for and appreciate our natural environment and to work with us to help manage these precious assets.” Mr Dickson said 95 applications were received from 80 organisations. “It’s great to see so many Queenslanders are ready and willing to roll up their sleeves and help care for our amazing and diverse parks and forests,” he said. “Successful applicants applied from across Queensland, with 16 in the southeast, nine in the Great Barrier Reef region and seven across central and north Queensland.” Approved projects will begin within three months and be delivered over 12 months. For more information about the Friends of Parks initiative and opportunities to volunteer for parks, visit: www.nprsr.qld.gov.au/about/employment/ volunteering/friends-of-parks




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