MT AL newsletter

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1st year

MT-AL PROJECT Newsletter The MT-AL Project:


Inside this issue: 1 2 3 4

The MT-AL project The



The partners of the project The third project meeting Warsaw

The “MT-AL – Music Trainers for Adult Learning” project aims at identifying innovative contents and methodologies to update music trainers profiles on new dynamics in using / exploiting / approaching music and on new techniques and methods to develop non – formal learning for adult with small or no music competences. Partners will share experiences in the field of training music trainers on new ways to use/ exploit/ approach music and on new techniques and methods to develop non – formal learning for adults with small or no music competences. This aim will be reached by identifying best practices to be elaborated and tested within a pilot “Learning laboratory” involving small groups of music teachers and adult learners. This pilot laboratory will be conceived to be not only a training initiative but also an opportunity to create some music performances involving public and private institutions and fostering the dialogue with the local community


The funding Program

Centro Studi e Ricerche Formarte Adria Adventor D.O.O. - Croatia Consulmarc Sviluppo srl - Italy MediaEvent Ltd - Hungary M.E.S.O. Music Events - Greece Mark Sheridan Music Consultancy – United Kingdom Stowarzyszenie Sztuki Etnicznej Transetnika – Poland

So, what is a “Learning partnership”? The Grundtvig Learning Partnership is a framework for practical cooperation activities between organisations working in the field of adult learning in the broadest sense - formal, non-formal or informal. In a Grundtvig Learning Partnership trainers and learners from at least three participating countries work together topics of common interest. In this way, through the exchange of experiences, practices and methods, the project contributes to increase in all involved people the awareness of the European cultural, social and economic scene, and to a better understanding of adult learning. This funding strand is included in the broader Grundtvig programme , the EU funding programme focusing on the teaching and learning needs of people involved in adult education and alternative education: This is fully consistent with the background and aims of the EU lifelong learning programme : the programme supports learning opportunities from childhood to old age in every single life situation.

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



Partners Centro Studi e Ricerche FormArte. Centro Studi e Ricerche FormArte is a new entity operating in the field of training, originally oriented to the arts, whose researchers have gained a significant experience in the use of visual arts for the cultural and social recovery. FormArte wants to experiment innovative ways of research and training also with the support of audiovisual media with the aim of meeting the demands of more effective and innovative education paths for the development of a knowledge- based society.

MESO Music Events. MESO Music Events, established in 1998, organises the “European Music Day” (EMD) every June 21st, managing to evolve it into a national, simultaneous event in 24 Greek Cities. It combines the production and promotion of various events (festivals, show cases, big concerts), developed with artists from different countries.
MESO also co-ordinates and supports a series of cultural and educational events throughout the year: “Music Night Events” is held simultaneously in 5 cities throughout Greece and takes place on the 21st of December, during the winter solstice. MESO also introduces the audience in different, new styles of music: most events take place in public places and are “freeentrance’
MESO co-operates with different national partners, including the Ministry of Culture, the Youth Secretariat of the Ministry of Education (particular partnership with 3 music schools) and several Foreign Cultural Institutes (French Institute and British Council of Athens and Thessaloniki, Goethe Institute of Athens).

Consulmarc Sviluppo s.r.l

MTAL : Music Trainer for Adult Learning !

Consulmarc Sviluppo was established in 1979, with the aim of giving support and technical assistance for the development of companies and other bodies at European level, with special regard to the fields of intercultural dialogue, youth inclusion, ICT, non formal training and vocational training.
Consulmarc Sviluppo is articulated in two divisions:
The European Projects Division was created in 1990 and it supports private and public bodies in their access andparticipation to EU Programmes and initiatives. Consulmarc Sviluppo is itself a partner in various projects; Consulmarc is for instance the promoter of five training courses published in the EC Grundtvig Database. These courses are focused on subjects such as European public procurement, Sustainable development, European project design in the field of education and training, etc. Consulmarc Sviluppo is also founding member of European Academy Network (, with head office in Brussels, whose partners are training institutes, Universities, associations and private companies from different EU Countries, involved in lifelong learning programmes.

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



MediaEvent Ltd MediaEvent Ltd is a five-year old company what 3 main profiles; 1. P.A. & Production: 2. Booking & Management: 3. Marketing & PR agency The activities related to the cultural sectorar are booking-promotion and artist management for all sort of artists: the artist management department represents locally and worldwide 12 bands and organises festivals and events. MediaEvent, under the strategic directions of Márton Náray, also built up a new brand, “Babel Sound”:
On the same name there are:

A weekly radio show / every Sunday Babel Sound Stage at European Music Day, 21st of June Babel Sound Camp by the lake Balaton, July

Babel Sound Festival, November. Mark Sheridan Music Consultancy Mark Sheridan Music Consultancy (MSC) has been a music consultancy to various national and international organisations since 2000. Sheridan himself is a composer, performer and writer, teacher, academic researcher and has worked in the UK, Europe and the USA. In the field of non formal training and innovative approaches, the consultancy has led workshops, training days and sessions on music performance; composition; creativity and multi media creation; optimal Experience; pedagogy, planning and training techniques; Social themes such as Music and Health promotion. In its activities, many innovative methodologies are exploited, such as: Professional Development in the Cultural Industries, Creative Thinking and Planning for Change, Music and the Creative Industries in Urban Regeneration, Development of pedagogy and powerful learning environments, Music and Well Being.

Stowarzyszenie Sztuki Etnicznej Transetnika

MTAL : Music Trainer for Adult Learning !

Ethnic Art Association "Transetnika" was created by musicians, music journalists, anthropologists, people actively working for the promotion of knowledge about world cultures. Our activities increase social awareness and promote the art created by independent artists, in particular in their work spanning the traditional culture and ethnic identity. The aim of the “Transetnika” is also a cultural education of children, youth and adults to identify the interest in their own tradition and encourage respect for their cultural heritage as a very important element of a worldwide cultural traditions. Transetnika projects show cultural heritage of other countries, and examples of interaction of "indigenous peoples" with ethnic minorities and immigrants. They try to raise awareness and attitudes of tolerance and understanding of other national and ethnic groups, their religion and customs.We also highlight the multicultural character of Warsaw –with its pre-war population of Poles, Jews, Germans, Russians, Dutch,Gypsies etc.

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



The third Project Meeting: Warsaw, Poland, 25-26 September 2012

Participants to the meeting:






Anna Maminska Anna Gudarowska

Centro Studi e Ricerche Formarte


Mafalda Rossi

Consulmarc Sviluppo


Laura Franceschi

Mark Sheridan Music Consultancy


Mark Sheridan Louise Mather Fiona Dalgety Dave Francis Andrew Gower

Media Event


Marton Naray Szablocs Arkosi Eszter Makara

Adria Adventor D.O.O.


Leo Redljak Ivana Kljaković Gašpić

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



25 September 2012 – 1st day of the meeting Stoleczne Centrum Edukacji Artystycznej SCEK (Warsaw Centre for Cultural Education)



Welcome and short introduction of new participants to the project


Talk about project related (theoretical) activities

Past and future actions to document the project

The partners first discussed interviews with facilitators. Reviewed were the questions first proposed during Feltre meeting – detailing the formula. A new deadline was set for submission of new interviews, both recordings and transcriptions (in English).

Short introduction of the new visibility rules for European Comission projects

Talk about the outcomes of the project – final document

(structure of which had been prepared during the Feltre meeting)

Introductory talk about the business model (to be followed up at a later date by chosen partners: Adria Adventor, Consulmarc Sviluppo and Mark Sheridan Consultancy).

Asking and answering questions: who are WE? What is the final project supposed to be like (from a practical point of view)? How can we educate future facilitators, how to help current musicians become facilitators – without completing numerous studies’ and tasks that are only touching on the subject briefly? One of the propositions is to found one instituion that will set the standards of this education, and many others thruout Europe (both public and private ones) will give the courses. Also proposed was to complement on-site courses with on-line teaching, This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



especially at first, most basic, levels. The idea is to keep the administration of the learning laboratory as simple as possible. How to attract the trainees? Resolution: they have to know that the final certificate will mean something for their future employement chances. Financing options: -

payed memberships (different levels of membership with different priviliges); the payement may be small, simbolic – just to make the membership more exclusive and something worth considering


sponsorships – finding partners who would provide the equipment (barter exchanges)

What is the potential attraction of the final structure for: learners, sponsors and involved institutions? Trainees get a high, european standard of teaching how to become a facilitator, plus mobility opportunities and learning new technologies. It has been established that project partners from Mark Sheridan Consultancy can describe a lot of good practices regarding teaching music to adult learners (specifically: teaching traditional Scottish music in a master – student environment)

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein




15:30 Introduction to Maria Pomianowska – Warsaw Cross-Culture Festival founder and director Maria









experiences as music teacher to adult learners, her motivational tools, what she considered most important in teaching music to adults and the differences she’s noticed between teaching adults with and without musical education background.

16:30 Visiting Master Classes during festival workshops The participants had an opportunity to see live the Master Classes lead by special guests, invited to Warsaw for Cross-Culture Festival. They were all teaching adult learners ethnic music from their own countries: -

Anoop Mishta, India, Indian singing class


Vladisvar Nadishana, Russia, improvisation (various intruments)


Clement Kilema, Madagascar, dance and scene expression Bijan Chemirani, Iran, percussions.

17:30 Meeting workshops’ masters: Clement Kilema and Bijan Chemirani After the workshops ended, the participants had the opportunity to ask questions of two of the masters. They were able to ask about motivations (sharing his home culture for Kilema and passing on the skills learned from his Father for Chemirani) and techniques used by both facilitators, who both teach only in short courses, as opposed to regular, long-term classes.

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



26 September 2012 – 2nd day of the meeting Sen Pszczoly Club


09:30 Fixing the deadlines for future activities The partners have decided on the future steps to be taken between this meeting and the next one. Those include gathering and documenting the best practices – as described below.

10:00 Best practices of Praga District facilitators The partners had the time to learn about the best practices of some of the local music facilitators, and to ask relevant questions. • Agnieszka Sikora Working with young adults from reformatory institution for girls in Falenica near Warsaw. She organizes various musical projects to help her trainees reclaim their confidence and sense of belonging in the community.

• Magdalena Latuch Leader of the project Cala Praga Spiewa z Nami [The Whole Praga Sings With Us]: working with Senior citizens from Centre for Social Welfare in Praga district. Together with popular Warsaw music band they sing for pleasure and perform live in various venues, mostly within the district. The participants of the project have gained a new sense of purpose in their lives, thanks to regular meetings with their peers and performing before diverse audiences.

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein



• Justyna Jary Coordinator of the vocal workshops for adults with no previous experience. She works with trainees who previously believed themselves unable to sing. Using certain breathing techniques, lots of exercises and encouragement, she unlocks adults who are oftentimes too scared to sing at first.

12:30 Finishing the meeting with giving out the certificates of attendance.

To know more about our project and to stay connected with its developments, just visit our website!

This project has been funded with support from the Lifelong Learning program of the European Commission. This document reflects the views only of the author and the Commission can not be held responsible, for any use which maybe made of the information contained therein

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