I hope you will enjoy your Year Ahead 2022 Astrological Calendar! It occurred to me that you might like to have a few tips about how to use this calendar to greatest advantage.
The time zones for this calendar span the United States, but anyone, based in any city of the world, can use it, so stay with me. Specifically, I use Pacific standard or daylight time (PST or PDT) for my calculations.
Here is why I do that. If an aspect peaks at 2:06 AM in New York City on April 2, for example, it will peak at 11:06 PM in Los Angeles on April 1, so I will move that aspect to April 1 in your calendar. Readers in South America, Central America, Mexico, and Canada generally are in the same time zones as we are in the US, so you need not make any correction.
If you live in Europe or Africa, you can make a mental note to add about one-half day beyond the day I list, so you will have a little more time to take advantage of any aspect listed here. If you live in Asia, Australia, India, New Zealand, or anywhere else in that part of the globe, you are very fortunate because you’ll have approximately one entire extra day to take advantage of the aspect (or to get ready for a tough one).
When any aspect peaks, it immediately begins to lose much of its power. Think of an aspect like a soufflé that has been baking in your oven—once it has reached perfection, you will remove it from the oven to serve to your guests. Immediately, it begins to sink. This is the same for an astrological aspect, for once it has peaked, it will start to lose its power. That’s why you will want to work with an aspect as it moves toward its peak stage, not after it has reached the top of the bell curve and has started to decline. Of course, you can still catch some of the glow left in a declining aspect in the following day or two if you must, but it won’t be quite the same as if you had caught it when it was growing in strength.
SUN authority, vitality, strength, father
MOON emotions, memories, mother
MERCURY intellect, communication, commerce
VENUS love, fun, beauty
MARS energy, strength, action
JUPITER good fortune, financial gain
SATURN responsibility, stability
As I wrote your calendar, I weighed each aspect, and sometimes I agonized over which day I should place it, due to world time zones. I am confident that you will find that the day I chose will work for you.
A full moon is felt as early as two days before it appears and as much as four days after its arrival. In my column, I often say a full moon is felt plus or minus four days from the day it appears, but to be a bit more precise, you won’t strongly notice the effects of a full moon until you get to within 48 hours prior to the day of its arrival. After it has appeared, some full moons will take as long as four (or possibly, though rarely, five) days to deliver their news. Most will do so sooner—on or very close to the day of the full moon.
New moons, on the other hand, are only powerful after they occur and are not felt before the date they appear. After a new moon appears, you need to get active quickly to improve your situation because the seeds you plant during the two weeks following the new moon will have the power to affect you for up to a year. When the new moon arrives in that sign again next year, the aspects will, of course, be different, due to the different placement of the other planets. In that case, the new moon will be refreshing its energy and providing you with a different type of opportunity in the same area of your chart.
Initiate your plans just after a new moon arrives. As I said, you will need to initiate plans within the first two weeks after the new moon, but the closer you time your actions for just after the new moon’s date of appearance the better. Of course, not all new moons are helpful. Like people, some are wonderful little angels, and other new moons are difficult little witches. In the aggregate, most are mixed with a little good and a little not-so-good all rolled into one. I can help you get the most out of each new moon, so be sure to use this calendar in tandem with your monthly Astrology Zone® forecast. Take a few notes on the days you especially want to use for your own actions.
URANUS unpredictable events, chaos, genius NEPTUNE imagination, inspiration, fog, confusion PLUTO transformation, rebirth
Eclipses are very important to watch, for they set up the most dramatic surprises, opportunities, challenges, and adjustments of any given year. Typically, there are four eclipses each year, and this year we have the normal number of four eclipses. An eclipse will always fall on a new moon (solar eclipse) or a full moon (lunar eclipse). In 2022, the coming eclipses are on the following dates:
If you want the most complete information and the best use of this calendar, you need to integrate your personal natal chart into all I write, no matter how you access your Astrology Zone information. If you know your precise time and place of birth, you can obtain your natal chart and learn your rising sign, the most critical piece of information you can discover as you get to know astrology. You can order a chart from one of the many sites where they’re offered on the Internet—those you pay for are generally more accurate than the ones you get for free.
Also, if you were born on a cusp, by doing a chart you can determine once and for all if you lean more toward one sign or the other—this is critical to know, for it affects your ruling planet, which is accorded more weight than the other planets in your chart.
Here is something to consider: No one born now, in centuries past, or years into the future will ever have your chart. You are unique. Not even twins have the same natal chart. The configuration of planets will differ for the longitude and latitude, and even the tiniest difference in degrees of the planets matter as they move, which is recorded by the time of your birth.
Perhaps you have heard the term rising sign or ascendant associated with astrology and the natal chart. These two words refer to the same concept—they are interchangeable.
We all have two charts—a Sun-sign chart and a rising-sign chart. The Sun holds a very important place in our solar system, as all the planets dutifully march around it. (No planets march around Venus or Mars, for example—the Sun truly is special because it is in the center.)
Your rising sign is the sign found on the eastern horizon at the time you were born. The rising sign sets the timing of your horoscope and also blends with your Sun sign to create a unique version of “you,” along with the location of the other planets at the time of your birth. Your rising sign is also often an accurate picture of your personality and a remarkable predictor of your occupation. Your rising sign is the sign most people would guess you are when you first meet. (A note to sophisticated astrologers: Of course, you can put any natal planet on the ascendant and see how that planet behaves in current time—a testament to just how powerful the ascendant can be in a chart.) As you get closer to 40 years old, the mid-heaven point, or cusp of your tenth house, will also show influences of your profession and hint at your potential legacy and ultimate contribution to the world.
You can only learn your rising sign by doing a personal chart using the day, month, year, city, and precise time of your birth—to the minute.
There are many sources you can go to if you would like to have your chart done. No matter who does your chart, all sources should yield precisely the same natal horoscope chart for you for the information is based on mathematical data provided by NASA. Reputable companies pay a royalty to an atlas company to make certain the longitude and latitude, time zones, daylight, and each nation’s changing borders are accurate for your birth chart. It matters not if you were born prematurely, by C-section, or naturally—it only matters when the umbilical cord was cut, and you began breathing on your own.
When you learn your rising sign, you must memorize it and read for that sign as well as your Sun sign faithfully each month in Astrology Zone and in my app. Your rising sign and Sun sign are of equal importance, so if you only read for one or the other, you will only be getting 50% of the information. You should always read for both your Sun sign and your rising sign (ascendant).
Only those born at dawn have the same rising sign and Sun sign, but even if you were born at dawn, have your chart done anyway. You have so much more to discover—the placement of all your other planets.
Let’s say you were born in the first week of October and have Libra rising. Then you would be what’s known as a double Libra, for the Sun is in Libra then, and with Libra rising, you would be quite true to your sign.
If you find that during one month the forecast for your Sun sign conflicts with the outlook for your rising sign, it simply means you will notice a blending of aspects in that area of your life.
For example, if the outlook for your Sun sign is that your money will be tight that month, and your rising sign portends abundance, you likely won’t notice money to be as tight as it might be for others of your Sun sign. (That’s an oversimplification, but an easy way to understand the concept.)
If, on the other hand, you have sensational financial aspects for both your rising and Sun signs, your luck may have double strength. That month may be far better for you than you ever imagined it could be. As you see, the more you know about your chart, the more accurate I can be for you!
Read what Susan wrote about these days on your calendar. Each aspect has at least 1 day before + after it occurs. Full moons allow a plus or minus 4 days. New Moons strongest in the days AFTER they occur.
Jupiter sextile Uranus, 11 degrees (Pisces-Taurus) brings hope and optimism.
Jupiter conjunct Neptune 24 degrees (Pisces) makes artistic expression flourish.
Jupiter sextile Pluto 29 degrees (Pisces-Capricorn) brings strong business and job market.
APRIL 30—TAURUS 10º Beautiful eclipse
MAY 16—SCORPIO 25º Saturn in agreement, provides stability
OCTOBER 25—SCORPIO 2º Mixed, some positive + some difficult aspects
NOVEMBER 8—TAURUS 16º Most difficult of 2022
Izak Zenou is one of the most celebrated fashion illustrators of our time. His love of women and fashion is central, along with a unique worldview and undeniable sense of humor. Combined with his unsurpassed creativity and seemingly effortless hand, he continues feeding the world with his prolific and joyful creations.
Izak’s extensive collaborations with leading international brands and publications have influenced a generation of artists and fashion culture. Celine, Chanel, Estée Lauder, Guerlain, Henri Bendel, Kiton, Lippault, Elle, Travel & Leisure, Marie Claire, and Vogue are a few of his many clients.
Izak and Susan Miller’s unique friendship and collaboration are in Astrology Zone’s sixth season, marrying Susan’s art of astrology and the written word with Izak’s stunning illustrations. | | @izakzenou_illustrationist
Susan Miller is an internationally known astrologer, author, columnist, publisher, entrepreneur, and TV personality who is best known for her popular website Astrology Zone <> which she started on December 14, 1995. December 14, 2022, will mark 26 years of on the Internet.
Her app—“Daily Horoscope Astrology Zone + More by Susan Miller” was recently redesigned for a sleeker and more updated look with greater readability and navigation. It is available as a free or paid premium subscription ($4.99/month) on the Apple App Store and Google Play. The premium content version is an in-app purchase within the free app and offers more detailed daily horoscopes by sign and all of Susan’s essays.
Readers love Susan’s monthly forecasts that run approximately 35,000 to 48,000 words, divided by the 12 signs. Her monthly reports appear— complete and uncut—on both the free and paid premium versions of her app. Reading Susan’s forecasts on the app is more secure and easier on the eyes than reading it on your smart phone browser. You will never see advertising on Susan’s apps. Her readership is worldwide, as 48% of her readers reside in the US, and 52% are in the rest of the world. A full 43% of her readers are male, and 57% are female.
Susan is a monthly contributing editor under contract for four elegant international fashion magazines: Vogue Japan, W South Korea, Claudia Brazil, and Amica Italy. Her column is not syndicated, but instead, Susan tailors her content for each publication’s readers. Susan has also authored 11 books.
Executives at Bloomingdale’s, a high-fashion department store in the US, offered Susan a chance to have her own pop-up shop on the main floor of their flagship store at 59th Street and Lexington Avenue in Manhattan and replicated in stores in Bloomingdale’s stores in Bergen County, NJ, Westfield Mall in Los Angeles, and the Union Square store in San Francisco. Susan’s shop, which was seen in January and February 2020, was called Astrology Zone and offered a wide array of gift ideas by sign for women, men, and children. Susan worked with executives in many departments for six months in the second part of 2019 to ready her successful two-month pop-up shop in Bloomingdale’s. She visited each store and gave speeches to ticketed shoppers. Fortunately, her pop-up store appeared just prior to March when the pandemic appeared in the US. Susan is looking forward to doing more projects with Bloomingdale’s in 2022 and beyond.
Susan Miller earned her BS degree in Business from New York University and graduated with honors. She is an accredited astrologer by the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR). She lives in New York City and has two daughters, Christiane and Diana. Susan says her children are the light of her life.
Would you like to receive my Daily Horoscopes on your smart phone? If so, then the “Daily Horoscope AstrologyZone® + More by Susan Miller” app is for you.
Go to the Apple App Store or Google Play to download the app for your smart phone. You can find my app by searching for “Susan Miller” or “Daily Horoscope AstrologyZone® + More by Susan Miller.” Or just use the QR code below or on the back of the calendar. After you download the app, you will get a short, free daily horoscope as well as my full-length monthly horoscope that you already know and enjoy online. Reading my monthly forecast in the app will be easier than reading it on your cell phone browser and more secure. You will never see ads on my apps.
Inside the app, you will have a choice of reading all 12 signs anytime you please, and you can check each sign’s forecast for yesterday, today, and tomorrow. New information will be pushed automatically to your phone each day. The app also has a new smart widget so you can receive daily reminders on your screen to make it easier to start your day.
After you have my free app, you can upgrade within the app to my premium version for $4.99 a month, $12.99 for three months, or $49.99 for a full year to receive access to a more detailed daily horoscope of approximately 75 words per day. In addition to my full-length monthly horoscope, you will also get all of my many essays that I keep adding, such as, Is There a 13th Sign—The NASA Controversy, and articles relating to love and compatibility. Full descriptions of the app are available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Your subscription will also auto renew based on how you choose to set up your subscription options in the app store you are using.
For Apple users: If you have either my free or paid premium subscription app for the iPhone, you can also read a short version of my daily forecasts on your Apple Watch for free.
Just open your camera and make sure the QR code is within the frame of your camera. Once you do this, a widget will appear on your phone. Please tap that widget to get more information on my app or to download my app directly from the app store. The QR code works for both Apple and Android phones.
Please keep in mind that your mobile subscription is not transferable between Apple and Google Play. If, however, you will be upgrading to a new phone and staying on the same mobile platform, you can transfer and restore your subscription onto your new phone.
If you have any questions regarding app purchases, downloads, or any other app-related questions or problems, please contact Apple or Google directly as they are your retailer (not me), and they don’t allow refunds. For this reason, choose your subscription length to fit your plans. If you know you will not be changing cell phone manufacturers, you can buy a long subscription, but if you anticipate you will be changing between Apple and Google, then a shorter horoscope subscription would likely better fit your circumstances. Neither Apple nor Google will allow you to purchase a half-eaten sandwich. Keep in mind that three-month and year-long subscriptions reflect a 15% discount.
Email Delivery of “Daily Astrology Zone” if you don’t have a smart phone or prefer to receive your daily horoscope by email:
With the email subscription, you will receive the same detailed daily horoscopes that you can get with the app subscription. Each day, you will receive an email with the forecast for all 12 signs so you can read your Sun sign, your rising sign, or the sign of a friend. With this option, you will be able to access your daily horoscope from a secure section of my website,, after you sign in with your unique user name and password.
The email subscription is the same price as the app— $4.99 for one month, $12.99 for three months, or $49.99 for the year. They are sent to your email every day at 4:15 PM ET/1:15PM PT for the following day.
You will have the option to choose if you would like your subscription to auto-renew before you check out. If for any reason you would like to stop the auto-renew, just log into your account and go to the “Manage Subscription” section to remove the auto-renew feature. Your current subscription will continue until its auto-renew date.
Please keep in mind that the mobile subscriptions and the email subscriptions are run on separate platforms and are not connected, so you cannot log into your mobile app with your email log-in and password, and you cannot log into your email subscription with your mobile app log-in and password. Email subscription changes can only be made by logging into the website, and app subscriptions can only be changed by logging into your app account directly.
My calendar, website, and app all work together to give you the most accurate, comprehensive information possible to help you plan your days successfully. I write them so they are all integrated to work together.
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
Dates are based on the United States.
Add approx. one day for Asia and Australia.
Please note that while we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this calendar, we cannot be held liable for any errors, omissions, or inconsistencies. For entertainment purposes only.
April 2023
May 2023
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June 2023
mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
July 2023
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
August 2023 su mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February 2024
September 2023
su mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
October 2023
su mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
November 2023 su mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
December 2023 su mo tu we th fr sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
The year starts out on a wonderful note with many friendly planets in January. This is one of the most encouraging months you’ve seen in several years.
Mercury Rx sextile Neptune (Capricorn–Pisces 23º)
You are perceptive and unusually intuitive. Friends may say you are downright psychic today.
Venus trine Mars Rx (Aquarius–Gemini 8º)
Mercury Rx trine Uranus Rx (Capricorn–Taurus 15º)
Ideas will pop into your head like gumdrops falling from heaven. Brainstorm—you’ll be amazed how easily you can come up with original ideas and solutions.
This is a sexy vibration between the two celestial lovers of the zodiac. Their job, when in communication, is to ignite the sparks of love. If single, this day could bring a fateful meeting. If attached, take time for each other and grow closer.
Venus sextile Jupiter (Aquarius–Aries 2º)
A bright and happy day to see friends and socialize. You may want to spend some of your holiday cash and shop for something beautiful. Alternatively, stop by the spa for a luxurious treatment.
Sun trine Uranus Rx (Capricorn–Taurus 15º)
All surprises should be good ones on this magical day.
FULL MOON (Cancer 16º)
An outstanding full moon, bringing a happy culmination to a pending matter. Uranus may bring breakthroughs and exciting surprises. Mercury and Uranus will ensure that all news is welcome news. Neptune will be cordial to Sun + full moon, adding elegance and glamour.
Orthodox Christmas Day Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Capricorn 17º)
Your mind is alert and bright, and you will be aware of details. A perfect day to gather receipts to prepare your tax return. Also, see January 9—you will feel those dazzling vibrations as they grow over this weekend.
Sun sextile Neptune (Capricorn–Pisces 23º)
Mars goes direct (Gemini 8º), having been retrograde since October 30, 2022 (Gemini 26º)
Now that Mars is starting to move in a stronger orbit, you can soon make plans to launch new products and services and form important relationships.
If you compose music, write lyrics, novels, poems, or screenplays, or create photography, do fine art painting, or work at any other creative endeavor, concentrate on your craft—you could be amazed by the results.
Sun conjunct Pluto (Capricorn 28º)
Pluto urges us to eliminate what we no longer need. You may want to clean and declutter files and closets. Creating more space will be liberating.
Mercury goes direct (Capricorn 8º), having been retrograde since December 29, 2022 (Capricorn 24º)
Lunar New Year—Year of the Black Water Rabbit
Venus conjunct Saturn (Aquarius 25º)
You might want to socialize today, but Saturn will remind you that first you have work to do before you can play.
Uranus goes direct (Taurus 15º), having been retrograde since August 24, 2022 (Taurus 19º). Progress lies ahead.
Sun trine Mars
(Aquarius–Gemini 9º)
Show your talents, and don’t be shy. You’ll have energy to burn, and you’ll be a VIP’s favorite.
You’re confident and enthusiastic about life—go for the gold.
Mercury trine Uranus (Capricorn–Taurus 15º)
News coming in won’t be what you expect—it will be better. Call your financial advisor to review your investments to make tweaks to your retirement portfolio.
Sun sextile Jupiter (Aquarius–Aries 5º)
This might be your favorite day of the month. Good-fortune Jupiter will put you at the right place at the right time to scoop up impressive opportunities. VIPs will favor you. Financially and romantically, you can do well.
Venus enters Pisces
Venus square Uranus Rx (Aquarius–Taurus 15º)
When it comes to love and relationships, sometimes it’s impossible to get on the same wavelength. This is one of those maddening days.
NEW MOON (Aquarius 2º)
Mars will give harmonious, high-level energy to the new moon + Sun. Uranus, prominent here, will send sparkling beams to Mercury. Uranus will take the data Mercury collects and synthesize it into an innovation. Meanwhile, Jupiter contributes luck and financial benefits to you now. Sweet!
Spring Festival (China, January 21–27)
Lunar New Year’s Eve
Fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, & Scorpio) tend to be strongest when at 15 degrees, like we have today with this fixed planetary pair. Not an easy day, for a setback could come up. Wait for better days to initiate anything important.
Uranus will likely bring at least one happy, spontaneous surprise on this cheerful full moon.
The Sun will play a prominent role, and with Mars supporting the Sun, you can now move mountains. Your energy will be strong and sustained. Saturn will orbit near the Sun (wide, within 10 degrees), so you may be ready to make a long-term decision.
Mercury sextile Neptune (Capricorn–Pisces 24º)
A marvelous day to do creative writing or public speaking, for your expressions will be magically vivid and imaginative.
Venus sextile Uranus (Pisces–Taurus 15º)
Mercury conjunct Pluto (Capricorn 29º)
A passionate vibration that could find you eager for a romantic evening with your one and only. Venus is also involved with the arts, so with Mars sharpening Venus’ perception, you may come up with a new idea to move an artistic endeavor forward.
NEW MOON (Pisces 1º)
Venus sextile Pluto (Pisces–Capricorn 29º)
This new moon will incorporate stability because Saturn is near and have an ultimately joyous and passionate vibe thanks to Venus and Pluto. Also, start a creative project, or tap into the spirituality within you.
Mercury in Capricorn will keep you realistic too, so combining practicality with vision could add up to a profitable project.
A lovely day for an unexpected meeting of a romantic interest. This is a Tuesday, but you may feel this lyrical vibe over the weekend of February 4-5.
This day for lovers will mix romantic love with realistic expectations—a winning attitude.
If you accept—or offer—a marriage proposal, you’ll do so with love and acceptance of all your partner’s qualities, not just the ones you treasure. Passionate Mars’ support of the moon gives you the nod to proceed with enthusiasm.
Moon in Aries gets golden vibes from generous Jupiter.
Presidents’ Day (USA)
You may have the day off. Spend it near a frozen lake, foggy landscape, or snowy mountain top. Yesterday’s new moon plus the closeness of Venus and Neptune will increase feelings of love over this long, romantic weekend (including Monday).
Venus enters Aries
Mardi Gras
Mercury square Uranus (Aquarius–Taurus 15º)
Travel may bring confusion and reversals. If working on a scientific or medical matter, double-check research for errors and inaccuracies. Not a day to launch a new project or relationship. News can be jarring and unexpected.
Venus conjunct Neptune (Pisces 24º)
One of the most enchanting days of the year for love and romance. Married or single, this day will please, for Neptune, the higher octave of Venus, brings love to a deeper, richer place. Also, a perfect day to enjoy culture: Attending a ballet or concert could prove memorable.
Sun conjunct Saturn (Aquarius 28º)
A somber day when work demands may press on you. If someone criticizes you, listen to the feedback, but don’t let it deflate your spirit or sense of purpose. In a day or two you will likely feel better.
If a financial mystery has been tugging on you, dig deep into your research, and you will find your answer.
Chinese Lantern Festival Mercury enters Aquarius
Mercury sextile Jupiter (Aquarius–Aries 9º)
A fabulous day to travel or to work in the communication arts. Give a speech, send a report, or work on your novel. You might debut your new website or place your new app on the market. Sign a contract this morning, and check my Moonlight Phases® app (Apple, Google Play) to be sure the moon is not void of course where you live or travel to. GPS is built in.
Ash Wednesday Lent (Catholic, begins)
Mercury trine Mars (Aquarius–Gemini 17º)
All the right words come to you when you need them most. You are confident, and rightly so, as your mind will be sharp.
If you need to come up with facts on the spot, this is your day to display your talents.
The transiting moon is in Pisces—treat your mother to the ballet and afterwards, high tea in a la-de-da hotel.
Purim (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening March 7)
Sun sextile Uranus (Pisces–Taurus 16º)
A gorgeous day when a surprise may thrill you. You will also find that it’s the perfect time to experiment with innovative ideas and enter new projects, especially ones involving new technology. You may feel excited and stimulated by others’ ideas— add some of your own to theirs.
Venus conjunct Jupiter (Aries 12º)
One of the happiest days of the year for all signs, and air and fire signs get a double dip of pleasure. The loving qualities of Venus will be beautifully enlarged by Jupiter. Love, beauty, grace, and financial news shine.
Mercury conjunct Saturn (Aquarius 29º)
You will concentrate well, and your ability to dig deep into a matter will be impressive. If you sign a contract, your promise will be in place a long time. That can be good or bad news. Have an exit clause inserted in case you want to leave later.
Mercury enters Pisces
FULL MOON (Virgo 17º)
Uranus to send silvery beams to the full moon + Sun, so watch for sudden, happy developments within five days of this date. Mercury will orbit close (within 8 degrees) to Saturn—you may make a long-term commitment. Venus and Mars will flirt, engendering romance. Neptune promotes creativity and unconditional love.
Saturn enters Pisces to stay until February 2026
Mars square Neptune (Gemini–Pisces 25º)
Your desire to help a charity or a group that’s been marginalized will be strong. Your confidence may lag a little, though, if a person who is jealous tries to put down your good intentions. Listen to no one but the whispers in your heart.
NEW MOON (Aries 1º)
Sun conjunct Neptune (Pisces 25º)
A beautiful day to work on a creative project or, if it is finished, to present it to a potential client or sponsor.
Mercury conjunct Neptune (Pisces 25º)
Your literary creativity will be powerful today.
Sun square Mars (Pisces–Gemini 26º) You will be eager for change, and your energy will be high, so go for the gold.
Venus square Pluto (Aries–Capricorn 29º)
Don’t let your romantic partner control you, and return this same favor to your partner.
Mercury square Mars (Pisces–Gemini 26º)
Don’t rush to judgment, for your perception may be off.
Venus enters Taurus
Sun sextile Pluto (Pisces–Capricorn 29º)
You will be highly magnetic and alluring today, perhaps without realizing it. Enjoy your popularity. You can also attract funding from powerful VIPs for projects you care about deeply.
A new moon at 1º Aries favors entrepreneurial enterprise and is ideal for starting work on a new invention, product, or service. Mars in the lead will receive stabilizing vibes from Saturn. Powerhouse Pluto, Sun & new moon will all be in tight support. Focus and work hard, and profits can come. Venus and Saturn will be in agreement too, stabilizing finances.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter (Aries 18º)
A gorgeous day for a job or press interview, sales call, courtroom closing remarks, or any other communication you plan to do. If you sign a contract now, considerable profits are likely to result. You can easily negotiate and persuade others to reach a fair deal.
Ramadan (Muslim, begins at sundown, ends evening April 21)
Pluto enters Aquarius—a banner day! Pluto has not been in Aquarius since 1777 to 1798.
Pluto will remain in Aquarius from now only until June 11, 2023, but will permanently settle into Aquarius next year from January 20, 2024, to January 19, 2044, a period of 20 years.
Mars trine Saturn (Cancer–Pisces 3º)
Action mixed with a strong sense of realism will create long-term, happy results.
Venus conjunct Uranus (Taurus 17º)
Cupid may zing you with an arrow, setting off an exciting new relationship, and it could heat up quickly. Keep it on a slow simmer to increase its chances of a long-term alliance.
St. Patrick’s Day
Sun conjunct Mercury (Pisces 27º)
Writing, speaking, and research favored—your mind will be lit with 100,000 points of light. Brilliant, original ideas will come to you easily.
Venus sextile Saturn (Taurus–Pisces 1º)
You will want to be sure that love is genuine and deep—you’ll not want a casual fling. Take your time to know a new person. Also, a profitable day for speaking with your broker about stocks, real estate, and solid deals.
Venus sextile Mars (Aries–Gemini 24º)
This is one of the most alluring aspects possible, so go out and socialize. If single, you may meet an intriguing person you will want to know better. If attached, you’ll feel sexy and confident. Step out!
Mercury sextile Uranus (Pisces–Taurus 16º)
A fresh, invigorating vibe that will be perfect for a spontaneous getaway. Visit a new location with a sweetheart or spouse and rejuvenate. If newly dating, conversation should bubble up, and banter should be fun.
Mercury sextile Pluto (Pisces–Capricorn 29º)
Excellent research combined with on-target intuition can bring a final solution to a mystery. Be determined to uncover the truth.
Mercury enters Capricorn
Mars enters Cancer
Palm Sunday
Mercury enters Taurus
Mercury square Pluto (Taurus–Aquarius 1º)
Look deeper, under the surface, to understand someone’s motivations and need for control. This person would likely be an authority figure.
Sun conjunct Jupiter (Aries 22º)
The Luckiest Day of the Year!
Choose to use this day to initiate a plan or project vitally important to your future. You will be showered with good fortune and opportunity. A 5-star day.
Venus trine Pluto (Gemini–Aquarius 1º)
If you have a spouse or sweetheart, you will love deeply, intensely and with your entire being.
FULL MOON (Libra 16º)
A sweet full moon with many friendly planets. Venus will cuddle up to surprise-a-minute Uranus. Pluto will ardently vie for Venus’ attention and favor. Jupiter close to the Sun brings magnificent luck, happiness.
Passover (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening April 13)
Mercury sextile Saturn (Taurus–Pisces 3º)
Your thinking will be clear, insightful. A decision will be thoroughly considered from all angles.
Lent (Catholic, ends)
Good Friday
Venus sextile Neptune (Taurus–Pisces 26º)
A spiritual day when you might be moved to help a charity or people in your community. Your sense of compassion will be strong. Romance may be tender tonight.
Mercury sextile Mars (Taurus–Cancer 7º)
Your sense of purpose will be strong and focused. Start the hardest-to-achieve item on your to-do list and celebrate when you finish.
Venus square Saturn (Gemini–Pisces 4º)
Passover (Jewish, ends)
You may hit a blip in your love life. It might be that one of you will need to live in different cities for a while due to work, study, or family concerns—Saturn is known to isolate. Despite this, love could grow stronger.
Mercury Rx sextile Mars (Taurus–Cancer 15º)
You will be energetic and driven to complete a task. Don’t rush too much while Mercury is retrograde. You may make errors, so slow down and check details twice.
Sun sextile Saturn (Taurus–Pisces 5º)
You will be patient and steadfast at working toward your goal.
You may get wise advice or needed assistance from an older, experienced person. That person might become a mentor to you.
Is there ever a “good” eclipse? Yes! This one could be sweet as sugar. Jupiter will conjunct the Sun and new moon in Aries, setting off a cornucopia of happy news. Mars in talks with Saturn brings stability, and Uranus, warmly beaming Mars, brings a happy surprise. Pluto tries to be demanding but is outnumbered.
Sun square Pluto (Taurus–Aquarius 1º)
You won’t let obstacles get in the way—your fierce determination to reach your goal brings likely success. An authority figure may try to manipulate you, but don’t let him ruffle your feathers. Your strength and confidence will be impressive
Ramadan (Muslim, ends)
Mercury goes retrograde (Taurus 16º), to go direct May 14, 2023 (Taurus 6º)
Earth Day Tax Day (USA)
Arbor Day
Mars sextile Uranus (Cancer–Taurus 18º)
Over this weekend, be spontaneous! You are tired of routine and crave being in a new setting. If working on a project, think outside the box, and you will be surprised how well untraditional thinking works, triggering a breakthrough.
The transiting moon in Libra bodes well for taking mother to a glorious, fine restaurant filled with flowers. Libra is soft, refined, and Venus-ruled, so go all out for Mom.
Mercury goes direct (Taurus 6º), having been retrograde since April 21, 2023 (Taurus 16º)
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Taurus 11º)
When it comes to thinking, writing, editing, or communicating in other ways, you will be on your A-game. Contribute ideas, for some will be brilliant.
Pluto goes retrograde (Aquarius 1º), to go direct October 10 (Capricorn 28º)
Sun conjunct Uranus (Taurus 19º)
Whatever you expect to happen won’t. What you’d never expect to happen will. A possibly volatile aspect, it’s a time to watch and wait but not to act. Mercury is still retrograde—sign no papers and start no ventures.
Mars trine Neptune (Cancer–Pisces 27º)
You will feel sensual, sexy, sultry, and ready for romance with your one and only tonight. Book a reservation in your favorite neighborhood restaurant, and afterwards, continue to devote your attention to the one you love.
Sun trine Pluto Rx (Gemini–Aquarius 1º)
Sun sextile Mars (Gemini–Leo 1º)
With these planetary aspects, you can be Superman or Superwoman, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Direct this exciting energy to a task that requires sustained energy. You will have more than enough—and some to spare. You could also get a favor from a VIP.
Victoria Day (Canada)
Mars square Jupiter (Leo–Taurus 1º)
You will have the courage and drive to overcome any obstacle to reach your goal. This aspect gives you the courage to take a judicial risk, and assuming you’ve done your research, it could be the right time to act.
Jupiter enters Taurus A big, 5-star day!
Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Taurus for 12 months. This is the first time
Jupiter has toured Taurus since June 2011 to June 2012.
Jupiter will remain in Taurus from now until May 24, 2024.
Jupiter square Pluto Rx (Taurus–Aquarius 1º)
In April, June, and November 2020, Jupiter and Pluto met in conjunction and started a new financial cycle—government stimulus checks flowed. Now these two planets square, and it’s time to make tweaks to financial matters with the need of dependent people in mind.
Venus square Neptune (Gemini–Pisces 27º)
Venus sextile Jupiter (Gemini–Aries 27º)
These two aspects to Venus are opposite in nature, with the possibility of confusion from lack of information in love, distorting your impressions and expectations.
If dating someone new, go slowly and believe actions, not words.
Venus sextile Jupiter brings opportunities to find and enjoy love tonight. You may receive a valuable gift. Women friends, relatives & co-workers will be angels.
NEW MOON (Capricorn 21º)
A fantastic new moon filled with opportunity. Uranus supports the Sun + new moon and brings thrilling news. Neptune promotes those working in art and music.
Jupiter and Saturn in rare sync bring dreams to fruition through planning and creating structure.
Pluto conjunct the new moon makes you confident, strong.
Ascension Day (Catholic)
Sun sextile Neptune (Taurus–Pisces 27º)
Spirituality, compassion, and active care for others reigns supreme. Also, your creativity will be impressive, so work on your craft. Mercury sextile Saturn (Taurus–Pisces 7º)
Listen to what your adoring public has to say—customer or friends’ feedback will be helpful and can lead to making some impressive, creative improvements.
Unlike the solar eclipse on April 19, this lunar full moon eclipse won’t be friendly. Clear your calendar, and stick to routine.
The Sun will conjunct Uranus + Mercury—both will tightly oppose the moon. The center will not hold, and cracks in the surface will enlarge and collapse all that is weak and of no future value.
Cinco de Mayo (Mexico)
Mercury Rx sextile Saturn (Taurus–Pisces 6º)
Mercury Rx sextile Venus (Taurus–Cancer 6º)
Venus trine Saturn (Cancer–Pisces 6º)
You have three encouraging, sweet aspects, so you can make good progress. Mercury with Saturn will promote strategizing for future plans to act on later.
Socializing is happy tonight due to Mercury in sync with Venus. Love and promises are favored thanks to Venus and Saturn.
NEW MOON (Taurus 28º)
Amazing! Five celestial bodies aligned in Taurus—new moon, Sun, Uranus, Mercury, and Jupiter. Sun + Uranus in wide conjunction (9 degrees). A friendly Mars, the action planet, will lend energy to new moon + Sun. Pluto, newly in Aquarius, will be unhappy, conflicting with Sun + new moon—someone may try to boss you. Resist!
Mars opposes Pluto Rx (Leo–Aquarius 1º)
This is an explosive aspect between two powerful planets. Expressed correctly, you can achieve a magical transformation to overcome a destructive habit. Focus this energy into creativity, for under this aspect, you just might produce a masterpiece. Mars enters Leo
Venus enters Capricorn
Pentecost (Catholic)
Sun square Saturn (Gemini–Pisces 7º)
You may feel overwhelmed by the enormity of your responsibilities. You may be seeing the as glass half empty, perhaps because of an authority figure’s comment or full-blown criticism. While it’s good to take feedback, don’t let it crush you. This feeling is temporary—better days lie ahead. Memorial Day (USA)
Venus sextile Uranus (Cancer–Taurus 20º)
Love is in the air, and when Cupid’s little arrow zings you, you may feel thunderstruck and in love. The slower you go with this alliance, the more passion will build in the weeks ahead.
Mercury conjunct Uranus (Taurus 20º)
Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. This means Uranus takes the information that Mercury gathers—facts, thoughts, ideas, trends, and more—and synthesizes it into innovation.
Uranus brings thought into the realm of genius. Today, brainstorm for an innovative idea, for these planets will help you.
Mercury trine Pluto Rx (Taurus–Capricorn 29º)
You will be highly persuasive today, so you may negotiate and sign a lucrative deal.
Venus square Jupiter (Leo–Taurus 6º)
You are in an exuberant, generous, sensuous mood— you’ll want to spend money and have fun, and why not? It is a perfect time to do so.
Pluto Rx re-enters Capricorn Mercury enters Gemini
Venus opposes Pluto Rx (Leo–Aquarius 1º)
In a love relationship, one person may try to control and dominate the other, an unhealthy move born out of jealousy or lack of self-esteem. Hopefully, you won’t feel this aspect in this extreme way. Good communication will be key.
Venus enters Leo
Mercury square Saturn (Gemini–Pisces 7º)
All over the sky the planets will be amazingly friendly, a perfect night for love and romance. It’s Brazil’s holiday for lovers, but no matter where you live, you can celebrate the love you’ve found tonight.
Juneteenth (USA)
The moon is in family-oriented Cancer, the perfect day to celebrate father’s love.
Unusually friendly planets will be twinkling above. Have fun—this is as good as it gets.
Sun square Neptune (Gemini–Pisces 28º)
Your imagination will take flight, and you may surprise yourself with your range of creativity.
Jupiter sextile Saturn Rx (Taurus–Pisces 7º)
A rare, 5-star, powerful aspect. This cycle started when these planets met on December 21, 2020. The seeds you planted since then will sprout opportunity. Your consistent hard work, patience, and dedication will pay off. A goal you are reaching for could form part of the foundation for your future life.
Avoid signing a contract— wait for better days, like June 19 or June 28. On the other hand, this is a good day to work by yourself, alone and not be distracted, to assess details in a written document or plan you are drawing up.
Venus trine Neptune (Cancer–Pisces 27º)
A perfect date night that will be glamours, soft, and enchanting.
Mercury sextile Neptune (Taurus–Pisces 28º)
Do you love music or poetry? Try your hand at creating your own—you could be talented at artistic expression now. Or you might want to enjoy culture. Go to a ballet or concert, and then discuss the performance with your partner over a late dinner under the stars.
FULL MOON (Sagittarius 13º)
Saturn square the Sun will add responsibility, a sign of your growing maturity. Expansive Jupiter will work well with Saturn so you can grasp the prize you’re after if you stay practical and realistic. From his perch in Leo, action Mars will send the full moon shimmering beams, suggesting prosperity will likely result from actions.
NEW MOON (Gemini 27º)
Gemini is the reporter seeking truth. However, Neptune will cloud the facts, so in weeks to come, you’ll need to work hard to sift fact from fiction. Mercury will take the lead and will still be in harsh angle to Saturn (see June 15).
Mercury sextile Venus (Gemini–Leo 11º)
In love, you’ll be irresistible. Saturn goes retrograde (Pisces 7º), to go direct November 4 (Pisces 1º)
Mercury sextile Mars (Gemini–Leo 18º)
Confident and fired up with the determination to achieve a goal, you will not accept “no” for an answer. Bravo!
Mars square Uranus (Leo–Taurus 22º)
Mercury square Neptune (Gemini–Pisces 28º)
Allow yourself to daydream with a purpose—you may hit on a solution to a question you’ve been struggling to find. Your imagination will be strong and original.
You want to question tradition and be independent, and you seem to be in a rush to get started. You feel rules are meant to be broken. Someone near might not agree with you, so politely and persuasively state your point of view.
Mercury enters Cancer
Sun trine Saturn Rx (Cancer–Pisces 7º)
A superb day to sign a contract or to start to put a complex, long-range plan into action.
Mercury trine Saturn Rx (Cancer–Pisces 7º)
Your concentration is strong, and your ability to focus on details is admirable. You will be practical, realistic, and steadfast in working toward a goal, and VIPs will be impressed with your strong work ethic.
Sun conjunct Mercury (Cancer 9º)
You have so many inspirations coming to you today that you will be a virtual idea factory. Write them down as they come to you in a flurry!
Neptune goes retrograde (Pisces 28º), to go direct December 6 (Pisces 25º)
Venus square Uranus (Leo–Taurus 22º)
If you’re not happy with your relationship, you may realize that despite your efforts, nothing has worked. If this is the case, you will leave.
Conversely, if you are happy and in a strong relationship, you’ll now want to make more of it by designing a new goal you can work on together.
Mercury trine Neptune Rx (Cancer–Pisces 28º)
A lovely weekend to spend on artistic expressions, especially those involving the written word. Your right-side brain, which speaks in visuals, sounds, and gestures, will boost your imagination
FULL MOON (Capricorn 11º)
A matter is reaching a conclusion, possibly involving finances or family traditions. Good-fortune Jupiter will send shimmering beams to you, ensuring a happy, possibly profitable, outcome.
Uranus will conflict with Venus + Mars, so changes will be rapidly underway. Saturn adds the final key by adding the gift of stability.
Independence Day (USA)
The transiting moon in Capricorn along with the Sun + Mercury in Cancer encourages family closeness and warmth, so plan an outing. Saturn may give you added curiosity about your family’s roots. Jupiter, still in sync with Saturn, may stabilize finances and possibly bring you a surplus.
Mercury opposes Pluto Rx (Cancer–Capricorn 29º)
You may uncover a family secret today, ending a long-term mystery.
Canada Day
Sun sextile Jupiter (Cancer–Taurus 9º)
A 4-star day, full of sunshine, happiness, and luck.
Mercury sextile Jupiter (Cancer–Taurus 9º)
All news is good news, and travel should bring heavenly fun.
Mercury sextile Uranus (Cancer–Taurus 22º)
News will likely be upbeat and exciting. Your stars are coaxing you to spontaneously travel, sell property, or buy something you want. If looking for a place to live, browse real estate today—you could uncover your new dream home.
Bastille Day (France)
Sun sextile Uranus (Cancer–Taurus 22º)
Mercury square Uranus (Leo–Taurus 23º)
Stay flexible, for this aspect will test your adaptability. Ironically, both planets will be found in fixed signs—signs that don’t budge. Ultimately, we all learn that the universe has its own timetable and that change, even ones enforced, can be good.
Mars enters Virgo Mercury enters Leo
Pluto opposes the Sun. An authority figure may become demanding. Confronting this VIP would be like crashing a car into a granite mountain to make the mountain crumble— useless. Surprise planet Uranus, on your side, will be friendly to Pluto, reminding you to think outside the box.
Mercury square Jupiter (Leo–Taurus 12º)
NEW MOON (Cancer 25º)
A mixed day, but you will still be filled with optimism. You will sharpen your ability to communicate well, and be talented with dealing with abstract subjects, too.
See tomorrow’s delicious aspect—you will feel the energy today, too, as it builds.
Sun trine Neptune Rx (Cancer–Pisces 28º)
An act of kindness and generosity to someone who is quietly suffering financially, emotionally, or physically could be life changing to that person—reach out and find a way to help.
Mars opposes Saturn Rx (Virgo–Pisces 6º)
You will want to swiftly start to launch a plan, but Saturn will say, Not so fast. Look more closely at the details before swinging into action.
A happy surprise could arrive when you least expect anything to happen. Your creativity and ability to innovate will be at an all-time high.
Sun opposes Pluto Rx (Cancer–Capricorn 29º)
If you owe money to an individual or to an institution, you will feel intense pressure to pay up. There will be no way to avoid writing the check or showing financial documents.
Mercury conjunct Venus Rx (Leo 28º)
You will be at your charming, gracious, and attractive best. You’ll want to experience a touch of luxury over this weekend, so see if you can plan a getaway to an elegant hotel that offers many amenities, including a spa. Mercury enters Virgo
Venus goes retrograde (Leo 29º), to go direct September 3 (Leo 12º)
FULL MOON (Aquarius 9º)
Uranus to clash with Venus—a woman friend may be difficult. At the same time, Uranus is in fine angle to Pluto + Neptune—a VIP may suddenly help you financially. You may get a clue to unlock a dilemma as you sleep, in a dream.
Mars trine Jupiter (Virgo–Taurus 14º)
Diligence & patience lead to profits.
Mercury opposes Saturn Rx (Virgo–Pisces 6º)
Wait until September to sign papers.
Sun square Jupiter (Leo–Taurus 14º)
You might eat too much or spend too much today, but doing so will be lots of fun.
Sun conjunct Venus Rx (Leo 20º)
A charming day. Center your mind on your favorite interest or activity: romance, shopping, travel, or just relaxation.
Venus rules beauty and grace and is linked to the arts. You might want to dine elegantly or go to a concert, ballet, or new Broadway play.
Sun opposes Saturn Rx (Virgo–Pisces 4º)
Duties feel heavy, and a boss might criticize you. Take the feedback, but don’t let the words crush your spirit.
Over this weekend, stick to a light schedule, and have something fun and easy to look forward to doing.
Mars enters Libra
Uranus goes retrograde (Taurus 23º), to go direct January 26, 2024 (Taurus 19º)
Feast of the Assumption of Mary (Catholic)
Sun square Uranus (Leo–Taurus 23º)
Tread carefully for this is a volatile day where something important will go sideways, not as planned. Uranus rules surprises, so something you would never imagine happening could come up. Avoid dangerous sports.
Venus Rx square Jupiter (Leo–Taurus 15º)
A perfect day to enjoy a lavish dinner or to buy a piece of extravagant jewelry or a designer handbag. Treat yourself.
Mars opposes Neptune Rx (Virgo–Pisces 27º)
Your compassion for others is high—you feel that it’s not enough to just talk. You will want to act on ideas to help others, no matter how hard they may be to achieve. Go for it.
NEW MOON (Leo 23º)
Mixed. Uranus in bad square to this new moon—you may hear jarring news in coming days.
Jupiter will orbit close to Uranus, though, giving you reason for hope & happiness. Jupiter, Pluto + Mars will work together in earth signs, producing a gorgeous golden triangle. Keep the faith!
Mars trine Uranus (Virgo–Taurus 23º)
Despite difficulties, you can outsmart Uranus with resourcefulness.
Mars trine Pluto Rx
Mercury goes retrograde (Virgo 22º), to go direct September 15 (Virgo 8º)
FULL MOON (Pisces 7º)
Saturn to tightly conjunct the full moon & oppose the Sun, so the weighty trend that started recently will peak within 4 days.
Neptune opposes Mercury + Mars, so communications may be confusing, leaving you unsure of how to proceed. Follow the facts. Lead and accept responsibility. Uranus brings you great ideas in the eleventh hour.
As long as you remain practical and realistic, you can achieve almost anything. You’ll find you are stronger than you assumed and can overcome obstacles. Rally others to your side. You may be asked to assume a position of power and leadership. Others will be magnetized to you.
See the forecast for tomorrow. This lovely aspect will affect you today too, and create a great weekend.
Venus goes direct (Leo 12º), having been retrograde since July 22 (Leo 29º)
Labor Day (USA)
Mercury Rx trine Jupiter (Virgo–Taurus 16º)
A brilliant day to travel to a location you would visit when you were little but have not returned to in years. You will have fond memories.
Jupiter goes retrograde (Taurus 16º), to go direct December 30 (Taurus 6º)
Yom Kippur (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening of September 25)
Mercury trine Jupiter Rx (Virgo–Taurus 15º)
Travel, buy, sell, or negotiate, or sign a contract. Give a speech or send in an important written manuscript, document, or letter. Communication shines.
Sun opposes Neptune Rx (Virgo–Pisces 26º)
While this is not a day to work on facts and figures or to sign a contract, it would be a superb day to focus on an artistic or imaginative project.
If involved with a charity fundraiser, donations should delight you if you schedule your event for today.
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Virgo 14º)
You might now go back to an unfinished project you started months ago. Thanks to the passage of time, you will return to it with sparkling new ideas.
NEW MOON (Virgo 22º)
Uranus in Taurus will bring you a sweet surprise, and when it comes, it will be as if a bright meteorite came sailing through your window—exciting! Pluto will be beautifully oriented too, and may bring you a generous sum. Neptune, however, may cloud details. Ask many questions, enlist a lawyer for safety.
Sun trine Jupiter Rx (Virgo–Taurus 16º)
One of the truly happy, lucky days of the year. Plan an important initiation today—something that has much riding on the outcome.
Good-fortune Jupiter will smile on you and help you succeed in any part of life you chose to focus on.
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening of September 17)
Sun trine Uranus Rx (Virgo–Taurus 23º)
A wonderful day when news or an unexpected event will likely make you feel exuberant. If working on a project, you’ll feel like you poked the piñata and brilliant ideas rained down on your head. Later, you will be hailed as a rock star.
Mercury goes direct (Virgo 8º), having been retrograde since August 23 (Virgo 22º)
Venus square Jupiter Rx (Leo–Taurus 15º)
The happy mood of yesterday continues and enlarges today. See if you can take the weekend off and treat yourself to a fun outing, or shop for new wardrobe items for the coming season.
Sun trine Pluto Rx (Virgo–Capricorn 28º)
If you need a mortgage or bank loan, put in your application today. If you want to consult with a financial advisor or estate planner, or pitch a venture capitalist, this would also be your day to do it. Overall, you have a day of rare harmony on many fronts.
FULL MOON (Aries 6º)
Venus square Uranus Rx (Leo–Taurus 23º)
Mars takes the lead and will lovingly contact his lover Venus. This could bring an enchanting, romantic evening if you’re in an established relationship. It is not favorable for a first date—Venus will clash badly with surprise-a-minute Uranus, making things go all wrong.
Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival Sukkot (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening October 6)
Mercury trine Uranus Rx (Virgo–Taurus 23º)
Mercury and Uranus go together like salt and pepper. Mercury collects information, tests it for accuracy. Uranus takes the information and transforms it into something completely new and innovative. That’s why Uranus is called the planet of genius. On this day, brainstorm, experiment!
National Day in China
Mars square Pluto Rx (Libra–Capricorn 28º)
Your ambition and determination to reach your goal will be fierce.
Control your abundant energy, and direct it toward maximum efficiency. Remain ethical. You can capture your prize eventually and feel pride in accomplishment.
Venus enters Virgo
Mercury opposes Neptune Rx (Virgo–Pisces 26º)
This isn’t a day to sign a contract but could be perfect for working on artistic projects. Oppositions like this indicate a completion, like two halves meeting to create a whole. Mercury is intellectual, analytical, and left-brain oriented. Neptune is intuitive, works with symbols and gestures, and is very right-brain. Together, results could be great.
Mercury trine Pluto Rx (Virgo–Capricorn 28º)
A good day to hunt for stylish vintage clothing or to consider the pre-owned market. You may sell items you no longer need, too. If you love antiques, browse shops or the Internet for valuable hidden bargains. Attending an auction could be fun. Mercury enters Libra
Mercury trine Saturn Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 1º)
A perfect day to sign a contract or to give a memorable speech. If you travel over this weekend, you will weave a memory of golden threads.
Columbus Day (USA)
Thanksgiving (Canada)
Venus opposes Saturn Rx (Virgo–Pisces 1º)
Make work and duty to others a priority. Only when you’ve finished your work can you go out and have fun.
Pluto goes direct (Capricorn 28º), having been retrograde since May 1 (Aquarius 1º) Mars enters Scorpio
Mercury conjunct Mars (Scorpio 12º)
Your mind will be sharp and moving at the speed of light, easily skipping from one subject to another. If you are drawn into a debate, you’ll run rings around your opponent—but make it a point to always be polite and caring of the other’s feelings.
Sun trine Saturn Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 1º)
Promises made will be promises kept.
Halloween Venus trine Uranus Rx (Virgo–Taurus 22º)
Costumes will be both gorgeous and original (thank Venus)—some may even be kooky or spaceagey but still compelling (thanks to Uranus). Go to a party or give one. Little ones will have fun trick-or-treating with a parent.
Sun conjunct Mercury (Libra 27º)
The light bulb will burn brightly over your head, and ideas will spill from your mind like diamonds.
Mars trine Saturn Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 1º)
A perfect day to sign a contract, and in so doing, solidify a new relationship that is likely to grow to be productive, stimulating, lucrative, and enjoyable.
Mercury square Pluto (Libra–Capricorn 28º)
Avoid bringing up politics or other controversial subjects that you feel strongly about. You could inadvertently trigger a meltdown of epic proportions in the person you’re debating. Let sleeping dogs lie.
A new partnership or collaboration can now be possible—in love (marriage) or career. Details may take time to iron out. Venus will take center stage and will oppose Saturn, so the alliance will grow slowly. Mars, friendly to Saturn, promises progress.
Uranus + Pluto, also in rare agreement, suggest a surprisingly strong financial outcome.
Sun square Pluto (Libra–Capricorn 28º)
You want to get something done, and you want it done now. Keep moving forward, but be patient and flexible. Alas, you’ll find some things seem to have a timetable of their own and won’t always match yours.
Venus trine Jupiter Rx (Virgo–Taurus 12º)
A day of beauty, luxury, fine food, wine, music, flowers, and perfume could fill this Saturday evening. Enjoy the magic and glamour of romance. See tomorrow’s aspect as it builds today.
Mercury enters Scorpio
Mars opposes Jupiter Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 11º)
Mercury opposes Jupiter Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 11º)
This may be your friendliest eclipse of 2023—real estate, investments, agriculture go especially well.
Jupiter will partner with Mars and Mercury, bringing a situation to culmination and also will bring a floodlight of information to light.
Sun opposes Jupiter Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 11º)
Mercury opposes Uranus Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 21º)
Venus trine Pluto (Virgo–Capricorn 28º)
Your romantic relationship can now gain luster and depth on this enchanting day. Share with you partner your vision of your ideal future together.
Mercury trine Neptune Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 25º)
If you love to write, train your mind on creative writing.
Start work on a mystery or romantic novel, collection of short stories or poems, or musical lyrics, or try your hand at clever advertising copy. Your audience will adore your work. Election Day (USA)
NEW MOON (Scorpio 21º)
Sun opposes Uranus Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 21º)
Change is coming. Tension will arise at this new moon. Any relationship or situation that the univese deems of no future relevance to you will soon fall away. News will be sudden, without warning. Don’t overpack your schedule.
Mars sextile Pluto (Scorpio–Capricorn 28º)
Sun sextile Pluto (Scorpio–Capricorn 28º)
If meeting with a VIP to garner favor and possibly to approve funding for you, chances are good that you will get what you want on this positive, helpful day.
FULL MOON (Gemini 5º)
Times of stress often bring insight and maturity.
Saturn will press on you at this full moon in Gemini and simultaneously on the Sun in Sagittarius, adding responsibility to your shoulders. How well you communicate will matter. When shopping, compare prices.
Cyber Monday
Mercury square Neptune Rx (Sagittarius–Pisces 25º)
You may have inaccurate information. Verify facts.
You will have the energy and endurance of a long-distance runner. Mars and Pluto both rule Scorpio, and Mars is in Scorpio, giving this aspect even more than usual power and light. Your determination and charisma could ignite nations to your cause. Go slay a dragon!
Mercury sextile Pluto (Scorpio–Capricorn 28º)
You can uncover an answer to a puzzling question by digging deep and using not only your organization and research skills but your street smarts and intuition, too.
You’ll feel that your spouse or serious sweetheart is truly worth their weight in gold. Alternatively, in business you may hear happy news from your agent, lawyer, accountant, or other individual who collaborates with you in a one-to-one confidential way.
Venus opposes Neptune Rx (Virgo–Pisces 25º)
If you are tasked with a writing or public speaking assignment, you should do exceptionally well. Your mind will be stimulated and alert, and you will touch others with your compelling words.
Saturn goes direct (Pisces 1º), having been retrograde since June 17 (Pisces 7º) All Saints’ Day
Venus enters Libra Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury sextile Venus (Sagittarius–Libra 8º)
When meeting with people, your mood will be light, warm, and friendly. If seeing clients, you’ll approach talks with a spirit of harmony, mutual benefit, and fairness. On a personal level, it will be comforting to have a good friend to talk to tonight about recent events.
Sometimes when in love, we hear what we want to hear, not what was said. Keep things real.
Veterans Day (USA)
Mars opposes Uranus Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 21º)
Mercury square Saturn (Sagittarius–Pisces 1º)
Put off signing a contract, for Saturn will set up unforeseen obstacles down the road.
Mars trine Neptune Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 25º)
Sun trine Neptune Rx (Scorpio–Pisces 25º)
Sun conjunct Mars (Scorpio 26º)
These three aspects will give you an abundance of energy, and you will be anxious to share your ideas. Your intuition will be very strong too, and you seem to know what your public will want next—even before they may have any notion of what that might be.
Someone may push your buttons to rile you up—they want to provoke you to become angry. Ignore this person. In all parts of your life, make safety and calm a priority.
Thanksgiving (USA)
Sun square Saturn (Sagittarius–Pisces 1º)
If you’re hosting a big Thanksgiving dinner, enlist help. Just because you are capable of doing it all yourself doesn’t mean you should. If you don’t live in the US, you still should give tender care to yourself, for you may feel your list of tasks are arduous.
This is only a slightly better day for shopping than Cyber Monday will be. Keep in mind a bargain is not a bargain if you don’t need the item, or if giving a gift, it won’t fully delight your recipient.
Mars enters Sagittarius
Mars square Saturn (Sagittarius–Pisces 1º)
This a stop-and-go day. You seem to want to move ahead confidently, but you are hesitant, thinking that perhaps you should wait. Yes, you’re right.
Saturn, the cautious planet, will win this debate inside you. It’s always wise to stop and think before acting.
First Sunday of Advent
Venus square Pluto (Libra–Capricorn 29º)
In love, moderation and kindness is key now. Don’t let jealousy triggered by insecurity mar a basically good relationship.
Venus trine Saturn (Scorpio–Pisces 1º)
Today, when you promise your heart to the one you love, love will last forever.
NEW MOON (Sagittarius 21º)
Mercury sextile Venus (Capricorn–Scorpio 8º)
See tomorrow’s vibrations—you will feel them as they build today.
A lovely aspect to appreciate all the festive, joyous qualities of the season—the lights, shop windows, music, and restaurants decked out in holiday cheer. Have fun today.
The new moon conjunct Mars gives energy, excitement, and an international flavor to the weeks ahead. Neptune is in hard angle to the new moon, so make sure you aren’t being given an idealized version of the truth. The best part of this new moon: Jupiter and Saturn will be in rare, sublime sync, allowing you to take the right approach to make anything in your personal or professional life a long-term success,
Neptune goes direct (Pisces 25º), having been retrograde since June 30 (Pisces 28º)
Chanukah (Jewish, begins at sundown, ends evening of December 15)
Mercury trine Jupiter Rx (Capricorn–Taurus 6º)
Fantastic for travel, having a philosophical or religious discussion, or to find a specific way to help a charity that caters to those less fortunate.
See tomorrow’s aspects—you will feel them today, too. Socialize!
Mercury Rx trine Jupiter Rx (Capricorn–Taurus 6º)
By now you will be in full swing with the holiday spirit. Seeing old friends and distant relatives you’ve not seen in ages will make you positively giddy.
Christmas Eve
Sun sextile Saturn (Capricorn–Pisces 3º)
Holiday traditions are touching and memorable. Being with family and friends feels good, and as you share a great meal, share visions of what you hope to achieve in the New Year.
An outstanding New Year’s Eve. Three heavenly bodies will form a tight golden triangle in the night sky, signifying great happiness. On point 1 of this triangle is the transiting moon in Virgo, with good-fortune Jupiter in Taurus at point 2, and the mighty Sun in Capricorn on point 3 of the triangle. With this configuration shimmering in the night sky, love and friendship will reign supreme.
Christmas Day
Venus trine Neptune (Scorpio–Pisces 25º)
A magical day is in store. Both planets are tied to the expression of love. Neptune is the “higher octave” of Venus and takes love and joy to a deeper level, into the realm of unconditional love. A glamourous vibration.
FULL MOON (Cancer 5º)
A dazzling full moon with good-fortune Jupiter and stable Saturn both sending gifts to this full moon in Cancer + Sun in Capricorn. Also, Venus and Neptune still sending enchanting vibes for romantic love. The full moon could bring happiness with family, too. This full moon is a wonderful holiday gift.
Boxing Day (UK)
Mercury Rx square Neptune (Sagittarius–Pisces 25º)
This could be a confusing day, made more so because Mercury is still retrograde. Neptune can cloud facts, so you have two important reasons to check all information you are given.
Mercury goes retrograde (Capricorn 8º), to go direct on January 1, 2024 (Sagittarius 22º)
Started in 1995, this day marks 28 years on the Internet. Chanukah (Jewish, ends)
Mercury Rx sextile Saturn (Capricorn–Pisces 2º)
Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (Capricorn 1º)
Venus opposes Jupiter Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 6º)
Take a child to see Santa Claus to bring out the child in you. Afterwards, splurge on a festive lunch or ice cream sundae in a posh hotel. This is also a perfect day to go holiday shopping—you may spend too much, but your gifts will be beautiful and thrill your recipient. Mercury will ret rograde soon (Dec 13), so hurry!
Sun square Neptune (Sagittarius–Pisces 25º)
You might stop to think about those less fortunate who are not having a happy holiday. You will be especially compassionate now, so volunteer to help a charity or send a check.
Venus opposes Uranus Rx (Scorpio–Taurus 20º)
Sun trine Jupiter Rx (Capricorn–Taurus 6º)
The holidays often cause a little tension with so much to do and so little time. If you or your partner in love are grumpy, step back, and don’t jump to conclusions.
A 4-star day that promises prosperity, career growth, and a feeling of optimism. A joyous day to start something new. If you do, that venture or relationship you begin will glitter brightly as it blossoms.
Travel brings a touch of luxury and pampering.
Mercury Rx conjunct Mars (Sagittarius 24º)
Your mind is hungry for stimulation, so taking a trip would be the right idea, even if you stay close to home. Or take in a cultural activity, such as modern dance put on by an international dance company. After, have dinner in a bistro that serves that country’s food.
Before you leave work for the holiday, catch up on paperwork, and clear your desk of tasks you’ve put off because you focuse on more pressing matters. You will want to enter the New Year with things in apple-pie order.
Your thinking is quite brilliant now, and you are able to choose the perfect words for any occasion. Whether you are writing or giving a speech, you are on your A-game.
Mars square Neptune (Sagittarius–Pisces 25º)
You’d like to move forward with vigor, but Neptune is fogging your path. Slow down, and check facts for accuracy.
Venus sextile Pluto (Scorpio–Capricorn 29º)
You want to be assured by your sweetheart that their love for you is as deep as the deep blue sea. This might trigger a philosophical talk with the one you love, but chances are, you will find you had nothing to worry about.
Mercury Rx enters Sagittarius
Venus enters Sagittarius
Jupiter goes direct (Taurus 6º), having been retrograde since September 4 (Taurus 16º)
New Year’s Day
Excitement for the New Year is unmistakable and is spreading everywhere.
Mercury going direct today only helps further.
Venus square Saturn (Sagittarius–Pisces 3º)
You might be wistful that the holidays are winding down.
Line up an event that you can look forward to doing.
Mercury goes direct (Sagittarius 22º), having been retrograde since December 13, 2023 (Capricorn 8º)
We have seen this aspect repeat three times: November 27, December 26, and today. This usually means you will now view something important through a new prism. Your understanding of the situation or a relationship may now be transformed.
Unexpected lucky break and sudden news make you surprised and excited. If only life could always be this way!
Mars sextile Saturn (Capricorn–Pisces 4º)
Your careful planning, strategic approach, and focus on detail is about to pay off. Start a longterm project—you’ll have the endurance to make it blossom.
A fantastic new moon filled with opportunity. Uranus supports the Sun + new moon and brings thrilling news. Neptune promotes those working in art and music. Jupiter and Saturn in rare sync bring dreams to fruition through planning and creating structure. Pluto conjunct the new moon makes you confident, strong.
Mars trine Jupiter (Capricorn–Taurus 6º)
One of the best aspects you could see! Mars gives you energy to go after your dearest goal, and Jupiter helps you achieve it—and brings profits, too. Mars is exalted in Capricorn, making him super strong. When Jupiter is in Taurus, you attract wealth by being patient, dedicated, and realistic.
Mercury trine Jupiter (Capricorn–Taurus 6º)
Sun sextile Neptune (Capricorn–Pisces 25º)
In the US, many people have the day off. If you do, watch a blockbuster movie you’ve wanted to see. Artists and creative people should work to refine their craft, as Neptune will help you reach perfection.
Jupiter enters Taurus—A big, 5-star day!
Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter Taurus for 12 months. This is the first time
Jupiter has toured Taurus since June 2011 to June 2012.
Jupiter will remain in Taurus from now until May 24, 2024.
Jupiter square Pluto Rx (Taurus–Aquarius 1º)
In April, June, and November 2020, Jupiter and Pluto met in conjunction and started a new financial cycle—government stimulus checks flowed. Now these two planets square, and it’s time to make tweaks to financial matters with the need of dependent people in mind.
Mercury sextile Saturn (Capricorn–Pisces 5º)
A perfect day to sign a contract, and the moon is not void, either— yay! (Check my app, Moonlight Phases®—Apple or Google Play—for verification.) Any kind of financial or long-range planning should turn out well.
FULL MOON (Leo 5º)
A fantastic day to write, speak, edit, interview, present, pitch, negotiate, travel, or shop.
Venus square Neptune (Sagittarius–Pisces 25º)
You might feel invisible when attempting to attract new love. This feeling will pass by month’s end. In the meantime, you might want to pick up some new wardrobe items to give your spirit and confidence a boost.
Sun conjunct Pluto (Capricorn 29º)
You will feel powerful, but don’t overdo—be kind.
Pluto enters Aquarius—Big news! The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1797, the time of the American and French Revolutions. Pluto will only stay a short three months as a preview now but will return next year permanently from 2024 until 2044—20 years.
Mercury conjunct Mars (Capricorn 17º)
Mercury trine Uranus (Capricorn–Taurus 19º)
You might be taking a spontaneous trip or hear unexpected news that will thrill you. You will be alert and in need of a stimulating, fresh experience.
Venus trine Jupiter (Capricorn–Taurus 7º)
A beautiful, rare aspect. Matters of love and money sparkle, so step out and enjoy this evening.
A first date could be fun. If attached, celebrate your love.
Mars trine Uranus (Capricorn–Taurus 19º)
Your enthusiasm is irresistible, and others want to follow you wherever you go. It’s the perfect time to take an idea and put it into action. That might require you to take a judicious risk—you can. The stars are twinkling brightly for you.
Venus enters Capricorn
A happy full moon that will allow you to enjoy love and an exciting event. Go to the theatre, concert, ballet, or spa, or plan a special occasion dinner. Fun with children indicated, too. Uranus will contact Venus, Mars + Mercury in a friendly way, so your cup will runneth over. Read for Dec 26 to Dec 29—those vibes will affect you at this full moon, too.
Sun square Jupiter (Aquarius–Taurus 7º)
You will have plenty of confidence and optimism, but you might be tempted to go overboard. You’ll be fine if you do everything in moderation.
Uranus goes direct (Taurus 19º), having been retrograde since August 28, 2023 (Taurus 23º)
Your impressive intellect will be on display, and your ability to explain the intricacies of a variety of topics will be impressive.
Venus sextile Saturn (Capricorn–Pisces 6º)
Matters of love and money will go well. If you enjoy antiques or vintage clothing, browse shops—you may find a treasure. You might also enjoy going to a posh auction tonight.