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I’m a 30 year old Irish born Parisian. The three words that best describe me are resourceful, thoughtful and overthinker. My artist journey: I’ve always known I wanted to work in the creative field, just not exactly what. My parents always encouraged and nurtured my creative side, letting me explore all the different options and possibilities. I dreamed of working as one of the interior designers for IKEA, I thought it would be like playing the sims but in real life. But instead I studied type design at Ecole Estienne in Paris, and followed that up with another year in web design. After that, I did what every young art graduate does and joined an ad agency in Paris. I learned a lot, stressed out a lot, slept very little, made countless cups of average coffee and left after a year. From there I started freelancing, and realised how much I loved the illustration assignments more than anything else. 6 years later, I’ve moved to the Netherlands and become a full time freelance illustrator. When working in advertising, I was on the team that would come up with the creative ideas, and was really envious of the illustrators that would execute them. I realised I wanted to be on the other side of the job, illustrating rather than conceptualising, and so I made it happen. My father is also a huge inspiration. He is an architect and an amazing illustrator even though he will never admit it. I love going through his sketch books, he’s very good at capturing moments and atmospheres with just a few lines. My favorite artists are Charles Rennie Mackintosh for his watercolours, Arthur Getz, Pierre-Joseph Redouté, Karolis Strautniekas, Christoph niemann, and Patrick Leger. What inspires me? My surroundings. I love the beauty in simple daily routines or rituals. I’m constantly taking pictures of moments or details that are part of my everyday life. Things that I would miss if I were to move or if they would disappear. The proximity to water is another. Living in a city that has canals going through it is such an incredible luxury and inspiration source. I also love old movies that have high light contrasts and very moody atmospheres. People who inspire me are kind, courageous people. Please driven by passion, who are not scared of anthing to reach their dream.

To tell you a bit about my technique, I mostly use liquid watercolour, but as I’m not great with mixing colours, I usually just paint everything in grayscale and adjust the colors in photoshop after. My creative process: If I’m illustrating for myself, I’ll usually look back at pictures I took to find a memory I want to illustrate, or sometimes it’s sparked by something I see or notice that day. I really want to try and express the emotion or feeling I get when I see it, I love relatable art. I then sketch out the important elements of the picture and add on some extras to really accentuate the atmosphere I want to relate. And then comes the painting and scanning. If the work is for a client, I will fix up a moodboard with images, illustrations and colors that fit the brief and write down a list of words that are in connection. Sometimes I watch movie extracts that might have a link with the work to observe details and atmospheres for extra inspiration. I also love using google maps if I have to illustrate part of a city or map. Then I sketch up a few thumbnails with different ideas and select my favorite three to present to the client. You asked if I listen to music while I work and if so, what music most sparks my creativity? Not so often, I find that I usually start daydreaming if the music reminds of a place or time, it’s too much of a distraction. Instrumental jazz is the only thing I can listen to and focus. To describe my studio, I work from home, which I really like. I used to rent work spaces in studios, but I just feel more comfortable and free in my own house. We recently renovated the shed in our garden, insulated it and turned it into my work room. I can just shut the door in the evening and leave all the mess behind, guilt free. My cat Rosie watches me when I work. She’s is a 2 year old hyperactive diva. She is deaf but has a loud high pitched voice that she feels everyone should benefit from. She does not like human affection very much, yet insists on being near you at all times, including when you shower. Other than that she is great cat and a even better work companion. My hidden talent: I’m a super recogniser, I will rarely forget a face. My favorite quote from Maya Angelou : “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Charlotte Smith worked created illustrations for the inauguration on Vogue Scandenavia which were made into an animated film. The artwork was inspired by the Swedish artist, Hilma af Klimt.

Link to Animation

Link to Animation

Link to Animation Caravan 2020-21



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