Build Your Own Shed Five Tips To Build Your Own Shed That Will Give Your Friends Shed Envy
™So you want to build your own shed? The problem is trying p y g to get g a high g class finish to make it look like it has been done by a professional. ™Building your own shed really does appeal to many men with the thought of completing such s ch a major majo project p oject really eall getting the juices flowing.
™It is almost a primordial thing to build a shelter out of natural resources that seems to be in us guys’ genes. ™Having your own shed has really become vogue now as a place for men to get away from it all to potter about or hang out with their buddies.
What Type Of Shed Are You Planning To Build?
™When in the initial stages of building a shed y you need to know how large g you y want it to be and then what type and shape. ™This will depend on the floor space you are working with.
If you are unsure then just go along to your local garden y g or hardware depot p and pick out items of other sheds you like and work from there. Whatever the case maybe here are some tips to make sure you get the shed you want ant that will ill have ha e all your o friends f iends full f ll of “shed envy”.
Space Requirements ™Your shed should be large enough to house all y your garden g tools and other sundry equipment that you have accumulated over the years. The space should h ld provide id adequate d t space for f you to t work in for repairs, painting and completing small projects. projects ™One tip I was told many years ago was to decide on the size of your shed then add 20% of floor space because there is always y going g g to be extra stuff that ends up in there.
How Big Is Your Yard? Stating the obvious if you have a small space p then y you are going g g to have a small shed. The issue is if you do have a lot of room then you can’t just go ahead and b ild a big build bi shed. h d You have to consider local building codes. This is a bigger bigge iss issue e in built b ilt up pa areas eas than say in the country but something you should check before undertaking a major project.
It Has To Fit In You may have grand ideas about your shed but don’t g get too carried away. y The look of your shed in size, shape and color should blend in with your surroundings. It should fit in with the feel of your house, property and local neighborhood. In many instances less is more with “quality over quantity” being my motto quantity motto.
How Much Cash Have You Got? If you want to build “the daddy of all sheds” but don’t have the budget g don’t panic. You can build your shed in stages. Start off with the basic structure. Have a functional shed that you can use and work in. Then add to it as you go along. You can at first add windows, later add a trim and so forth say adding electricity down the line.
Where Do You Live? ™Where you live is important for the weather conditions. You want your y wonderful shed to last. It has to be built to withstand local weather conditions. ™ If you live in an area where you may get severe weather conditions such as lots of rain ain or o plenty plent of snowfall sno fall then you o will ill need a solid foundation such as a concrete base If you live in more temperate base. conditions then a lumber base may be adequate. q
If you consider these tips to build your own shed then y you will be on the right g track to make a shed that will suit your yard, look great and last for a very long time. ti When it comes to time to build your own shed remember emembe that building b ilding it should sho ld be as much fun as enjoying the finished the article. article