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Traidcraft Exchange Update
When is zero not zero?
In the run-up to this October’s crucial COP 26 conference, the UK government has been talking up its green credentials.
In 2019, the UK became the first major economy to make a legal commitment to Net Zero – achieving a balance by 2050 between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, and the carbon removed from it – and this has been a central point in its claims to global climate leadership ever since.
But there’s a problem. The Net Zero target only covers emissions produced within the national borders of the UK. And almost half of the UK’s consumption emissions – emissions associated with the goods and products we consume - are released outside the UK in the production of goods that we import. This offshoring of carbon emissions is a trend caused by the UK’s shift away from being a manufacturing economy. Whereas, in the past, the UK produced most of the goods that it needed within its borders, it increasingly sources these from other countries.
What is critically needed then is a new UK target, designed to cut offshored emissions. This target would operate alongside the existing Net Zero target and plug the current gap in its effectiveness, spurring the UK government on to work closely with other countries, to help reduce the environmental impact of the products destined for our shores. Because ultimately it is through international collaboration rather than outsourcing and then washing our hands of carbon emissions that we will make real progress in tackling the climate crisis.

Patient pilgrims finally set off
When the Camino de Santiago trek was announced in summer 2019, we didn’t think it would take this long to finally set off…
Two years later, from the 2nd to the 9th of October, Traidcaft Exchange supporters and a few members of staff will be walking the last 100km of the Camino Frances to the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela – an ancient route that has been thronged with pilgrims for thousands of years. We’d like to place on record our thanks to our amazing trek team for their patience and perseverance over multiple lockdowns and postponements – not to mention their amazing fundraising efforts. Keep an eye on our social media to see how our team gets on! ¡Buen Camino!

Raffle Rebooted
This year, we set ourselves a challenge.
We asked the question: what would the world’s most ethical raffle look like? ...can we make it happen? So now we’re delighted to launch The Ethical Raffle. It’s actually ethical three times over... 1. Prizes only from the best ethical brands and companies
2. Digital only – no trees will be harmed in the making of this raffle 3. 100% of each ticket price helps Traidcraft Exchange make trade fairer for everyone.
In short, it’s sustainable prizes for a good cause. Take a look at the prizes and buy tickets online.