4 minute read
Peanut Butter: The Spread That's Ahead Of The Game
We can’t get enough of peanut butter. It’s versatile, good for us and incomparably moreish. We don’t know about you but it certainly ticks all of our boxes. Join us as we take a detour through our subconscious and discover why we are quite so obsessed with peanut butter.
Peanuts, in a Spread? MadnesS. So, How did Peanut ButTer Become the Norm?
There is evidence that ancient South American Inca
Indians were the first to grind peanuts to make peanut butter. Whilst we can’t 100% prove that, what we do know for sure is that Dr. John Harvey Kellogg (of cereal fame) invented a version of what we now know as peanut butter in 1895. Later, a physician developed a peanut butter as a protein substitute for his older patients who had poor teeth and couldn’t chew meat! By WWI and WWII, the U.S. Armed Forced were given peanut butter in their rations, which is where the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is believed to have originated! Fascinating stuff.
Health BenEfits A delicious treat that’s good for us too? Yep, sign us up.
Peanut butter contains many nutrients that can improve heart health, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and vitamin E. Peanut butter is a good source of protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscles. The unsaturated fat in peanuts also gives you energy, which can help you ward off fatigue and stay alert.

Top 10 Ways to Enjoy PEANUT BUTTER
10. Peanut butTer poPcorn For a ‘stay at home cinema experience’ with a difference, heat peanut butter with butter, then pour over popcorn kernels and finish with a sprinkle of salt, pepper and cayenne. For a sweet snack, you can swap the salt and pepper for cinnamon and sugar. Whack on your favourite film and sit back… 9. Add to Overnight oats For a breakfast that’ll keep you fuelled ‘til lunch, add a spoonful of peanut butter to your overnight oats. The peanut butter will boost the protein content even further. Don’t blame us when you’ve completed your to do list by 11am! 8. SatAy skewErs Peanut butter makes for the perfect dipping sauce for chicken skewers, but you can also mix it with garlic, lime and soy sauce for a mouth-watering marinade. 7. Low calorie treat Spread peanut butter on rice cakes and top with banana slices for a lowcalorie snacking option. 6. Blend into smoOthies Throw all of your usual smoothie ingredients into your blender, but add two teaspoons of peanut butter into the mix, too. Blend, et voila… 5. Peanut butTer chicken Add delicious peanut buttery goodness to your teatime by making your own meat coating. Stir peanut butter, coconut milk and tomatoes in a saucepan, and bring to a simmer. Coat your chicken, cook, plate up… then sit back and marvel as your cooking receives no end of compliments. 4. Tempting toast It’s a classic for a reason. Whether you’re a sourdough, wholemeal or plain white bread fan, enjoy your toast with a generous spread of peanut butter.
3. Stir up your own fruit dip Mix your peanut butter with yogurt, cinnamon, honey or maple syrup. Or even a combo of all of the above. Dip in apple or pear slices or even celery sticks. It’s a great way to get kids eating one or more of their five a day…

2. Take your brownies to the next levEl Combine peanut butter, butter and brown sugar over medium heat until the mixture bubbles a little – then remove from the heat and add icing sugar, ¼ cup at a time until the mixture’s consistency is firm, and leave to cool. Prepare your brownie batter as normal, but only pour half of your mixture into your baking tin. Then carefully add your peanut butter layer and Never have three little words
pour the second half of the brownie batter over as a third layer. Bake as your preferred 1. Peanut butTer fudge
recipe instructs. brought us so much joy. Peanut. Butter. Fudge. Melt ½ cup butter in a saucepan. Stir in 450g brown sugar and ½ cup milk. Bring to a boil and stir frequently. Remove from heat. Stir in ¾ cup peanut butter and a splash of vanilla extract. Pour over icing sugar in a large mixing bowl and beat until smooth. Pour mixture into 8x8” dish. Chill until firm and cut into squares.

And they’re just the 10 that made the cut! See, we told you it was versatile stuff! Liberation’s Crunchy Peanut Butter is a firm favourite here in the office; sourced ethically from Nicaragua, the peanuts are lightly roasted to add extra nuttiness, so there's no need for added sugar. But don’t just take our word for it…

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