Communication skills training materials

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This toolkit is fundamental for anyone (at any level) who wishes to understand more about the crucial aspects of communication and how to be more effective at day­to­day communication with people at all levels.

Product Description Aim: Training Central’s communication skills training materials explore the concepts that contribute to effective communication at all levels through an organization. Participants will be supported in analyzing types of communication, their own preferred approach and how to maximize the impact of this. Through the exploration of communication within organizations, participants will understand the enablers and inhibitors that exist and how to best manage/overcome these. This toolkit is fundamental for anyone (at any level) who wishes to understand more about the crucial aspects of communicating and how to be more effective in day­to­day interactions with people at all levels. Participants will leave with tools and techniques that will help them to communicate with confidence.

Workshop Content:  

Understanding different methods of communicating Exploring communication channels within the organization

Learning how to maxims face to face impact

Using different communication techniques to enhance future interactions

Identifying ways of managing communication barriers/challenges

Applying key methods for ensuring positive and productive meetings

Developing communication strategies

Learning Outcomes: As an outcome of this development, delegates will be able to:  

Identify the different types of communication and their value Explore components of communication

Identify challenges to communicating effectively and how to manage/overcome these

Explore techniques for effectively contributing during meetings

Exploring effective communication at all levels.

Contact us

Contact information Thanks for taking the time to contact us. We do our best to get back to you within 24hrs, but due to volume of programmers it may take a little while longer. Address: Trentham Business Quarter, Staffs, ST4 8GB Phone numbers: +44 844 980 6831, +44 7837 401 562 Email: admin@training­ Monday – Friday 8 AM – 8 PM.

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