TICE 2024 Yearbook

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A special thanks to the following Training Industry team members for contributing to the success of TICE 2024.


Ken Taylor

Creative Director & MC

Amanda Longo

Director of Professional

Development & MC

Marisa Shapiro

Director of Marketing

Elizabeth Parker

Event Coordinator

Avery Vogt

Marketing Specialist

Sarah Barnes

Marketing Specialist

Emma Hamil

Graphic Designer & Videography

Kellie Blackburn

G raphic Designer & Videography

Sha’Meire Jackson


Danielle Johnson


Thank you for joining us at the 2024 Training Industry Conference & Expo (TICE)! It was wonderful to witness so many passionate individuals come together to explore the future of learning and development (L&D).

Throughout the conference, our speakers challenged us to rethink traditional paradigms and embrace innovation. From exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can augment human talent and facilitate faster decision-making, to transforming learning leaders from order takers to strategic advisors, we hope you walked away with valuable insights.

Beyond the sessions, the heart of the event was in the engaging discussions and connections forged among peers from diverse backgrounds. In the exhibit hall, a wide range of learning partners showcased various solutions, introducing new approaches to enhance your


learning programs. The numerous formal and informal networking opportunities enabled L&D leaders to exchange ideas, experiences and best practices.

As we reflect on our time together, let’s carry forward the spirit of innovation and collaboration that defined the conference. Let’s continue to challenge ourselves and each other to embrace change and lead with purpose in our respective organizations.

Thank you once again for being an integral part of our learning community. We look forward to seeing the positive impact of our collective efforts in the days ahead.

P.S. Join us at the upcoming Strategy Summit on September 25-26, where we’ll continue our discussions on driving innovation and strategic thinking. We hope to see you there!


The sessions are all extremely action oriented which is great to know how to take ideas back and actually implement them.

The sessions made me pause and consider how I could apply what I learned to my daily work. This doesn’t always happen at a conference. I am thankful for the inspiration and ideas to move things forward at work.


The people, and the empowering feeling I got at the end of each session and day. I truly left feeling I could change the world.

Being relatively new to the L&D space, I was amazed at how integrated and collaborative the TICE network was . I was able to meet a lot of great people and we were able to share a lot of ideas.


Great exhibits that were very engaging!

I enjoyed the layout and the ease of interaction.





Jim Kehoe
Maria Grof-Tisza, Samuel Nunez, Crystal Valmont
















The 2024 Training Industry Editors’ Award recognizes editorial excellence for two outstanding articles.

4 Ways Leaders Can Repair Broken Trust in the Workplace

Ingrid Christensen President and Founder INGCO International

Communities of Practice: The Secret Sauce

Stéphanie Baron Chief Projects Officer

Kahler Communications


The 2024 Training Industry Readership Award recognizes the 18 most-read articles published on TrainingIndustry.com and in Training Industry Magazine.

Understanding the Role of AI in Leadership Development

Allen Cowherd Founder The Barico Company

3 Reasons Why Social Learning Is More Important Than Ever

Andrea Whittaker Social Learning Coach Mars, Inc.

The Power of a Performance-First Mindset

Bob Mosher

Senior Partner and Co-Founder

APPLY Synergies

The Power of Self-Directed Learning

Dr. Carole Embden-Peterson

Senior Learning Architect

Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC

Coaching and Mentoring Programs — The Key Differences and 6 Best Practices to Starting One in Your Organization

Caroline Sheridan Founder and CEO

Sheridan Worldwid

Ed Johnson CEO and Co-Founder PushFar

How High-Performing Leaders and Teams Can Leverage Adaptive Learning and Change to Accelerate New Growth

Cijaye DePradine, CPTM

Client Partner People Development

Fraser Health Authority

How to Overcome Common Training Challenges For Improved Performance

Emily Newton Editor in Chief Revolutionized

The Quantum Leap: 5 Ways Quantum Computing Is Transforming Digital Learning

Jo Kho Learning Experience Designer Visuer

Sink or Swim: Improve Onboarding With Learning Engineering Principles

Julia Phelan, Ph.D. Co-Founder To Eleven

How to Improve — and Assess — DEI Training Impact: An 8-Step Guide

Lily Zheng DEI Speaker Strategist and Consultant

How Caterpillar Is Developing Front-line Managers’

Leadership Capabilities: A Case Study

Lindsey Clayton

L&D Consultant

Caterpillar, Inc.

What Top-Performing Sales Managers Do Differently

Mike Schultz

President RAIN Group

Frank Cespedes

Harvard Business School

A Guide to Evaluating Training Success With Pre- and PostTraining Assessments

Mike Szczesny

Owner and Vice President EDCO

An Evaluation Strategy That’s Out of This World

Dr. Paul Leone

Consultant and Instructor

Training Industry Courses

A Lean Learning Approach For Your Next Digital Transformation

Scott Barber

Director of Enterprise Technologies

GP Strategies

4 Focus Areas For Training Managers in 2023

Somya Dwivedi-Burks, CPTM, Ph.D.

Learning Strategy Consultant

Leading People Through Process: Creating Training Project Plans That Work

Steve Felson

Vice President of Training and Development

Home Franchise Concepts

Shaping the Onboarding Experience

Vivian Rohleder

Director, Head of Curriculum Development

Cboe Global Markets


We asked our speakers “What is one piece of advice you would give to someone starting out in L&D?”... Here were their responses:

Supporting the Learning Needs of Deskless Workers

Learn to proficiently speak and write in Spanish. It doesn’t matter how amazing the curriculum we create is if we cannot effectively communicate it to the learner. And reality of many workplaces today is that Spanish is rapidly becoming a primary language of their workforce. Be able to cleanly and professionally author and facilitate training for them without depending on ‘translation services’ who do not know your business or organization.

Curating Authentic, Equitable Learning Opportunities

Find an experienced L&D professional and chat with them regularly to gain advice, insight, and feedback on what you’re doing

Bill Brantley,

You are NOT an order taker. You are a valued strategic consultant on developing people to help them and the organization.

Branding Talent Development: A Strategic Skill for Engagement and ROI

Greg Rider EmblemHealth Director, Corporate Compliance

Seek opportunities to observe more seasoned practitioners; take notes and ask questions after their sessions.

Using Competency Models to Elevate L&D Programs and Enhance the Learning Experience

Rebecca Gaboda, CPTM Skyward, Inc. Organizational Development Manager

You’ll likely have a small team, if even one at all. Always be building your professional network and share your great ideas with others! Together, we go further!

When Your Subject Matter Expert Isn’t a Training Expert

Danielle Shimp Tyson & Mendes Education and Training Manager

Be a sponge and soak in as much information as you can as you learn! If you haven’t already, commit to a growth mindset - L&D is forever evolving and you must too!

Automation for Training Coordination: A Case Study

You can’t teach if you aren’t willing and ready to learn! Always be on the lookout for new and exciting developments.

Mastering the Art of Learning Program Management

Loren Sanders, CPTM

Focus on being a great consultant and building relationships with your stakeholders. Trust comes before success.





Absolutely eye opening and incredibly informative . We are working on how to best leverage AI in our L&P team and so this was very timely and relevant. I learned a lot and am very thankful - it sets up the conference so well.


Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: Attendees are always blown away when I teach people they can “talk” to AI like they do with their friends and colleagues using the “conversational AI” voice mode. It totally reorients folks’ approach to using AI.

Q: What pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: I’ve been teaching AI and deep tech for a dozen years in Silicon Valley starting in 2012. In 2016, I realized that the only way we were going to become successful in a world cohabitating with AI is if we leaned into the skills that give us humans competitive advantage,

frontiers in L&D by reading mainstream (and sometimes obscure!) magazines, periodicals, research, and of course LinkedIn (where I’m very active on sharing my own AI best practices), and also attending conferences to learn from others in the field.

Q: Outside of the L&D universe, if you could embark on an adventure anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and what would you do?

A: Great fun question! I love storytelling and I would figure out how best to tell stories via films, TV, and documentaries, to inspire more people to learn through fun storytelling! But as for a physical adventure, I’m quite blessed and have traveled to over 100 countries, but I’d love to explore Alaska!










I loved the varying perspectives pulled together and real-life insights shared. I pulled out a lot of great nuggets. I was also able to identify a lot of use cases that would work for me based on some of the experiences shared.



Q: What reactions/takeaways do you hope to elicit from attendees after watching your session?

A: After watching the session, I hope attendees leave with a sense of excitement and possibility about the integration of AI in L&D. I hope they will feel more confident in using the tools available to them and save their brains for the important stuff.

Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: I believe there is conventional thinking that promotes a narrative of AI “Taking our jobs”. I hope that participants are challenged to think about the possibility of AI allowing them to do more and giving them more time back.

Q: What pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: A pivotal moment in my journey was when I had a mentor who recognized my passion for helping others during a period of rising turnover in our lean organization. This mentor not only acknowledged my eagerness to contribute and

provided a platform for me to share resources with the entire organization. My turning point came during a trip to a remote office to implement our system. Witnessing firsthand the challenges they faced - limited resources, burnout, yet an unwavering determination to provide for their families - deeply moved me. It was then I realized that every person, regardless of their circumstances, craves understanding and opportunities to make an impact. This experience fueled my commitment to learning and development, making it both a personal and professional mission to equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive.

Q: What strategies do you employ to keep your finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving landscape of Learning and Development?

A: To stay updated, I regularly engage in continuous learning through industry publications, attend conferences, participate in professional networking events, and seek feedback from peers and stakeholders. Embracing technology and data analytics also helps me understand emerging trends and best practices in L&D. I look at current trends in social media and what is popular outside of work- then find ways to mimic everyday life in learning.

Q: Outside of the L&D universe, if you could embark on an adventure anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and what would you do?

A: If I could embark on an adventure tomorrow, I would choose to explore Sweden. I’ve always been fascinated by its rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and progressive approach to education and innovation. In Sweden, I would immerse myself in the culture, visit historical sites like the Vasa Museum and Gamla Stan in Stockholm, explore the breathtaking wilderness of Lapland, and indulge in the local cuisine. Additionally, I would love to engage with Swedish professionals in the learning and development field to gain fresh insights and perspectives on the global landscape of education and training.

Q: What reactions/takeaways do you hope to elicit from attendees after watching your session?

A: I hope the attendees are excited to experiment with GenAI and don’t get too caught up in doing it “right.” Play with it, learn the capabilities, and use it in ways that work for you.

Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: I truly believe that L&D employees are agents of change and are empowered to step up and let organizations know they have knowledge and experience to move

people through change successfully. To me, everything starts with education. Leaving training until the end of a change initiative is a sign of a limited mindset.

Q: What pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: My pivotal moment was during the pandemic when my husband had a sudden and serious health condition. I decided I didn’t want to spend my time being unhappy at work anymore. There was too much uncertainty in life to not enjoy my days. I have always had a passion for education and I finally embraced that and took some big risks to change my career. I have been so much happier and creative since. I know I made the right choice!

Q: Wha t strategies do you employ to keep your finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving landscape of Learning and Development?

A: I seek out as many learning opportunities as possible. The most valuable thing I have done is take AI courses on Coursera that promote both learning and teaching AI. That is my current interest and I have found it to be highly stimulating and very productive.

Q: Outside of the L&D universe, if you could embark on an adventure anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and what would you do?

A: I would love to go to Antarctica and experience the wildlife and raw beauty. I want to be immersed in and learn how to navigate an entirely new environment.

Q: What reactions/takeaways do you hope to elicit from attendees after watching your session?

A: My hope is to disarm anyone who has trepidations about how AI will impact them in the workplace. I want to show them how it can help elevate what they are already doing and enhance the learning experience for the end user.

Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: I have a slide which provides a road map of how the audience can use AI throughout the entire ADDIE model. It dispels the myth

that AI is only really useful for things like storyboards and scripts. There’s so much more that could be done within the context of the entire project life cycle.

Q: W ha t pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: For me it’s when I discovered that e-learning could be a convergence of so many of my skill sets. From learning, to creativity and technology, it’s shown me that learning can be engaging and fun.

Q: Wha t strategies do you employ to keep your finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving landscape of Learning and Development?

A: I have a 3% rule. Keeping up with trends and new information can be very timeconsuming, but if I can spend even 3% of my time a week reading an article or listening to a podcast I’ve found that it keeps me at the top of my game.

Q: What reactions/takeaways do you hope to elicit from attendees after watching your session?

A: I hope attendees left with a renewed curiosity about AI. By exploring and stepping beyond our comfort zones, we learn and grow. Additionally, we can use our purchasing power to support AI tools that are beneficial and ethical.

Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: My discussion on computer vision highlights its positive impact on personalized learning paths. I hope we can use biomarkers to enhance engagement in our training sessions very soon.

Q: What pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: As a fifth-generation educator, I’ve been inspired by learning for as long as I can remember. Discovering the Learning and Development sector allowed me to elevate the family tradition to new heights, and I’ve never looked back.

Q: What strategies do you employ to keep your finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving landscape of Learning and Development?

A: I stay informed by diving into industry journals, blogs, and research papers and subscribing to newsletters from leading L&D organizations. I love experimenting with new technologies like AI, VR, and mobile learning platforms, and I actively seek feedback from learners and stakeholders to ensure my strategies are constantly evolving.

Q: Outside of the L&D universe, if you could embark on an adventure anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and what would you do?

A: Fiji! I mean, just look at it! I’d be relaxing and exploring the beaches and the rich culture.




Dr. Keith Keating was extremely motivating, I bought the book he suggested before the session was even over. I could have listened to him for several hours...



they leave the session empowered, equipped with actionable insights that they can immediately apply to enhance their strategic influence and drive meaningful change.

Q: What aspect of your presentation do you believe will challenge conventional thinking or spark new ideas in the audience?

A: Build. Your. Own. Table. Stop trying to sit at other people’s tables. Build your own and invite them to sit with you. Take you power back.

Q: What pivotal moment or experience inspired you to become deeply involved in your field, and how has it shaped your perspective?

A: Learning saved my life -literally. It unlocked my human potential. I want to inspire others

the work and can share real-time challenges/ successes withothers. Building a network filled with other L&D practitioners, scholars and industry associations is all a key strategy.

Q: Outside of the L&D universe, if you could embark on an adventure anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go and what would you do?

A: If I could embark on an adventure tomorrow, it would be to the Galapagos Islands. I’d immerse myself in the unparalleled biodiversity of this unique ecosystem, observing endemic species like the giant tortoises and blue-footed boobies up close. This trip would be an educational exploration, blending the thrill of wildlife encounters with lessons on conservation and environmental impact.


A huge thank you to the following Training Industry Courses’ instructors for facilitating our pre-conference sessions.


Rod Keffer, CPTM

Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM) Instructor

Dr. Kristal Walker, CPTM

Training Needs Assessment Certificate Instructor

Dan Menden, CPTM

Strategic Planning Workshop Instructor

Dr. Walker’s presentation gave me the marching steps (if you will) to make the next move in my training process. I could apply the information I learned in the course to my decisions on which vendor to visit and what sessions to join. I was able to add to my empowerment journey and I felt very competent that I could enhance my previous work and assess my institution better. The course and the conference helped me “Claim My Power” and use my voice while I am at the table!


Technologist | Tuskegee University Training Needs Assessment Certificate Attendee


Every year at TICE, Training Industry Courses hosts in-person, pre-conference course sessions so that attendees can enhance their knowledge of essential competencies of training managers before the conference even begins. These same courses are offered virtually throughout the year to help elevate the careers of learning leaders everywhere to become trusted training partners. From topics including competency modeling, needs assessment and learning analytics, find out if Training Industry courses are right for your professional development needs.



This year marked the first ever TICE pre-conference CPTM practicum, and it was also the first in-person practicum since March 2020. Demand was so high for this in-person practicum that registrations sold out and a second practicum was added to accommodate more participants! Over 25 learning leaders attended the practicum and became CPTMs before TICE started! The practicum is step 2 of the Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM™) program, following the self-paced prework eLearning Modules. In this step, L&D professionals take part in an instructor-led training session and learn alongside their peers with real-world scenarios and challenges associated with the training manager job role. As soon as the practicum wraps up, participants have access to take the open note, 100 question exam which has an 80% pass rate. Upon passing the exam, learning leaders are welcomed into the CPTM alumni community where additional benefits await!


The time to value for this program is inspiring. You can immediately apply the tools, thought processes, and skills you learn in this program. This program gives you a roadmap to turn your L&D program from a cost center to a revenue generator.


Young, MS Director of Corps Member Learning and Experience

NC Education Corps

Shani won a free registration and is on her way to becoming a Certified Professional in Training Management!


CPTMs regularly share their thought leadership through Training Industry’s website articles, magazine and more, and they are recognized for these contributions each month. Congratulations to two CPTMs who were recognized for their articles at TICE’s 2024 Training Industry Editorial Awards this year, Cijaye DePradine, CPTM and Somya Dwivedi-Burks, CPTM, Ph.D.!

Cijaye DePradine, CPTM
Somya Dwivedi-Burks, CPTM, Ph.D.




90 %

90% CPTMs were able to apply the concepts at work within their first six months of certifying.



1 in 4 CPTMs received a salary increase or promotion within a year of earning their credential.




Alumni who completed the Certified Professional in Training Management (CPTM™) program represent a group of highly qualified professionals from over 50 countries worldwide, working in diverse roles and industries. Alumni are employed by large Fortune 1,000 companies as well as small to mid-sized organizations, serving generalized training needs as well as specific functions. They combine their passion for L&D with their business expertise to lead their organization’s training and development initiatives.


• A free ticket to TICE after you become certified, plus a 50% discount to TICE every subsequent year.

• Virtual roundtables with live peer-to-peer discussion featuring trending L&D topics.

• Access to the exclusive CPTM Alumni LinkedIn group.

• Discounts and endless access to all course materials.

• Speaking, writing and other opportunities to share your thought leadership.

• A continually updated resource library full of job aids, templates and tools populated by your peers.


Cherlene Willis Director - Bringing together #learninganddevelopment #talentmanagement #diversity

Thank you #TICE2024 sponsors! Alejandro Salas Hesselbach and I had a blast filling out our bingo cards!

Sara Powers, MSW, BSN, RN, CEN

Training and Education Program Manager | Hispanic Latino Network Community Leader

We had an incredible time at the Training Industry Conference and Expo 2024! Engaging with industry leaders and exploring the latest trends in training and development was truly inspiring. We're excited to bring back fresh insights and innovative strategies to enhance our programs. Thank you to everyone who made this event a success. Looking forward to implementing what we've learned and continuing to drive excellence in our industry!

Penny Stapf, MBA, BSN, RN

#TICE2024 #LearningAndDevelopment #ProfessionalGrowth #Innovation #MedtonicEmployee

Hope Atkinson, CPTM

Results-Driven & Empathetic Leader | 20+ Years' Experience in Fast-Paced Software Industry

I recently attended the pre-conference Strategic Planning Workshop at TICE, and it was great! The workshop provided a deep dive into strategic planning and engaging hands-on activities, equipping me with the tools to align my training solutions with organizational goals and strategy. The networking opportunities and practical resources offered were truly invaluable. Feeling inspired and ready to elevate my L&D strategies to new heights!

#TICE2024 #StrategicPlanningWorkshop #L&DProfessional #GameChanger

Becky M. Adams

Business Innovation Manager at McAdams

Time to celebrate with Emily Giglio!

McAdams’s Business Innovation team just wrapped up our presentation, "Automation for Training Coordination: A Case Study," at the #TICE2024 conference here in Raleigh!

These past few days have been such a fun opportunity to connect with other training professionals and cool vendors (Mindset AI ,datango) around lessons learned and industry insights.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to the #TICE team who made this event possible!

#TICE2024 #TrainingCoordination #Automation #TeamWork #ProfessionalDevelopment #BusinessInnovation


Loved the organization and the staff. They were very friendly and helpful. The meals included were great and I loved the networking events. The Bright Ideas lunch was a great way to end the conference. I LOVED the app! Very engaging and helpful.



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