FOR UNDERSTANDING FUNDAMENTALS OF SOFTWARE TESTING Software testing is one process about which we all have heard about. It is one of the most important parts of software development lifecycle. It is performed for checking the presence of bugs and code errors which can affect the functionality of software. It also lets end user make use of software with utmost satisfaction. Without any doubt, software tester has a vital role to play in the entire process of software testing. QA Training Courses for Beginners just make for the right option for those who are looking forward to fetch a job as software tester in the software development company. Given that it is done for checking the quality of the product for the end client. Its main role is much bigger than testing because it involves giving inputs to the software development team about the quality of the app being developed. Testers provide independent quality report of software app to the concerned department ensuring that problems and issues are rectified. The good quality report comprises of status of several features and characteristics which are planned to deliver to the client, major issues, list of issues fixed in it and product usability status among others. All this and more is done by software tester. The role of software tester holds great importance in the entire process of SDLC. They have several responsibilities including product or system testing and making sure that everything is as per the quality standards and specifications of the stakeholder. Given that IT is one of the vastest sectors, it offers several job opportunities to those who want to land up with a job as software tester. Quality assurance professionals are always in high demand in software development sector. QA Training Courses for Beginners offered at can help aspiring students fetch a job which can make a world of difference to their professional life.