Amplification through form- Exploration on the system of Ho Chi Minh neighborhood

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RMIT univeristy winter 2017


Content Urban built forms Urban area Residental street: Hoang Sa street Man-made green canopy + heat prevention method Typical household forms People condition Passive cooling + surface design MASTER PLAN Axonometric Sections Perspective Detail section Form testing Detailed sections Aerial view of the new site

Position :

Due to the configuration of the street, it could takes up to an hour to get from the central area to surrounding residential area. Longer travel create more traffic and time spent on the road create pollution and accidents that affect directly the economy and public’s health. As people continue to migrate to urban centre at unprecedented rates, sidewalks are particularly important for the lower-income and marginalised urban dwellers who try to make their living in this space. This create a secondary living style inside those network of alleys. There is a second city hidden inside District 1 of Saigon; it is an extensive network of back alleys, twisting narrowly behind and between the borough’s buildings. This sprawling microcosm is home to hundreds of people, businesses, and restaurants. Inlets into the secret world, both narrow and wide, can be found between almost every street-side shop. Protected by tall buildings on either side, only a narrow shaft of light can penetrate the shaded maze for most of the day. Architecture has been using the surface to MEDIATE the space between existing energies and climates of local environment to provide shelter for people and its activities. The question is : Could we, by the use of surface, blend and create an inside-outside environment that is more welcoming and encouraging local to use their outside space ? Can we by using existing materials and medium of wind and sun protection to ( canopy, wind break, vegetation covers ) to raise the question of : should we strengthen or reduce the comfortability of space ? How do we localised the environment to create the desired outcome ? How do we selects and rejects the variables within the environmental context, picking and choosing which qualities can be used for the sole aim of comfort ?

Environmental quality Environment : 5:31 AM Tuesday, May 16, 2017 (GMT+7) Sunrise in Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam 6:09 PM Tuesday, May 16, 2017 (GMT+7) Sunset in Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam tropical , seasonal 2 seasons : dry and wet ( dramatic increase in rainfall level ) typical wind effects : channeling effect, diverting effects, evaporation on green and water, wake interference flow Wet season - rainfall is generally heavy but short lasting, often occurring in a mid-afternoon heavy downpour. - high level humidity at night and early morning and evaporate quickly when the sun comes up -> colder at night, hot and dry around noon. Humidity level range from 45% up to 94 % . Flood problems : slow updates sewage system, Due to the configuration of the street, it could takes up to an hour to get from the central area to surrounding residential area. Longer travel create more traffic and time spent on the road create pollution and accidents that affect directly the economy and public’s health.

annual wind direction and speed

daily temperature and humidity range depict uncomfortable environment around noon time


Urban built forms West transect is defined by the transition of building structure and environmental characteristic that affect the livelihood and comfort of people dwelling in fundamentally different area. We focus on the notion of public space and the inside that separate by the mediation of architecture ( structural and functional ) .

type 1 : urban central High rise buildings, apartment, large range of programs, big public space nearby and compact + LIVING WITH PACKAGE DEAL

type 2 : street shops house Minimum living space, 2-5 floors, family oriented, 1st floors usually for commercial activities, other floors for living and renting. Minimum public space, the front of the house usually for parking and shop’s activities. box house

type 3: residential house + minor shop houses 1-3 floors, family oriented, rarely for rent, 1st floors usually the living rooms and kitchen combined, box house , convenience stores, small cafe, minimum or no sidewalks. street is the sidewalk, people living with close proximity with the traffic

type 4 : alley house : 1-3 floors. family oriented, occasional shops, the street is the public space, low level traffic, mostly motorbikes, playground for kids and dwellers, front gardens

While district 1 side of the canal present a range and diversity of architecture’s mass and volume hence create and diverse empty space and void. With relatively easy traffic, the space provide a relatively lively area with lots of activities : entertainment, luxury housing, large public space and wonderful sidewalks with shops and city landmarks. Living in the centre define your wealthiness and status hence create a gap between said area to just nearby residential lower income area. Traffic network in the other side of canal is a chaotic web of small or tiny paths and street created in the burst of urbanization process. Understanding the area is like understanding the neuron networks of the brain. Each neighborhood is unique and quite similar to a whole other worldly island in itself but interconnected deeply physically and mentally. Everyone know someone, The people live in the far end of the street know the person uncle’s wife of the other side of the street.

Inquiry : How do you introduce the comfortable spatial configuration of the central urban to surrounding denser residential area ? Keywords: Fairness, public space, integrated , street park , park creation, safe zone, smart transit, programming , safety and connection Series of street parks and public space for residential area using the framework studied from central and network of alleys Using what is there to make it better : Canopy , street furniture, vegetation, popup food stall ? integrated and multiple uses Lack of public space, what is the Vietnamese way to gain back social fairness ? ( Balcony green space, multiple uses sidewalk)

Parameters : Functional air movement control ( continuous linear vs vortex flow) How do you maximize heat loss using natural sources of cooling ? Which form of house and neighbourhood favor the creation of air movement and pressure zone for better ventilation ? How do you balance the dwellers privacy and air comfort ? What is the beneficial wind effect to help mediate air movement on site ?

Surrounding residentral area

City centre area

Urban area

channel effect mesh effect , mesh effect , shelter effect

shelterd zone, tunnel wind effect

laminar comfortable filetered wind

turbulent of skyline wind

high velocity wind at the edge of building DRY SEAprotective building, shelter the incoming wind

unpleasant wind coming in from all


tree-filted wind reduce the effect of incoming heavy wind

sheltered zones

Residental street: Hoang Sa street Multiple uses are the signature characteristic of this neighborhood

canal edge

linear park



3-5 years old trees

due to high exposure to sunlight, the house front usually covered with canopies like these

Typical household forms

Small family 28m2 No windows, one big opening Big family 160m2 Multiple openings Small household 32m2 1 window, big opening Medium size family 28m2 Multiple small openings, big opening ground floor

Medium siz 240m2 Multiple sm big opening

ze shop

mall openings, g ground floor

Brillhart Architects Brillhart House

Man-made green canopy

Flow along smaller streets are usually encountered green canopy that has been structured and intentionally installed for shading and their looks. Those are the perfect example of using fast growing and dense species for “instant� canopy that have many benefits , Bougainville and Ficus are two popular examples.

Heat prevention methods Heat prevention is common in these low-rising household iwth typical windows, plastic cover-up, bamboo sun blind, a combination of vegetation in different levels. Due to nature of sun intensity in summer and heavy rain in rainy season, the house tend to have small opening with heavy concrete structure to exclude the nature factor affecting indoor environment ( see section exploration on 5 different house typologies )

HCM 30/4 park

Canal/ Hoang Sa street in the morning

Canal/ Hoang Sa street at night

Passive cooling Using vernacular and passive cooling principle, we can achieve amazing result that not just cool the house but adding cultural value to neighborhood

The basic of vernacular architecture is having raised ground level to let the cool air penetrate floor level heated air then bring in cool air from surrounding vegetative space

Vernacular architecture Ho Chi Minh’s Vestige In The Presidential Palace Area

Surface design Horizontal screening is very efficient against high midday sun, especially on north and south facades. It can take the form of a roof overhang, a slab projection and verandahs, or with fixed or adjustable louvres.

Types of opening matter The characteristic of an opening can be explored in multiple ways, but with simple popular French colonial windows

French windows can direct airflow upward or downward

Acanopy over a window tends to direct air upward

A gap between canopy and wall ensures a downward pressure

Downward pressure is improved further with the structure of French windows/blind

Master plan


Exploded axonometric

New neighborhood

Section A-A’ 1-500

Section B-B’ 1-500

How do you distribute air movement evenly through the area ? Convective air movement Warm air rises and cool air falls Stack ventilation, or convective air movement, relies on the increased buoyancy of warm air which rises to escape the building through high level outlets, drawing in lower level cool daytime air from shaded external areas ( direction where the wind come in ) or evaporative cooling water bodies. Convective air allows the heat transfer from the inlets to outlets like clerestory windows, roofs ventilators and vented ridges, eaves, gables and ceilings. Convective cooling method is capable of cooling a building but with slow air speed, it doesn’t cool people.

How do you create desired path of wind through a neighborhood or blocks of houses ? How do you maximize numbers of inlets as well as outlets of air into the neighborhood ?

Climbing wind reduci air pressure on street level environment

Houses with bigger mass will have a leaning shape to direct the wind into the house, then when needed, push down to street level

Wind coming through smaller opening will reduce the effect of prevailing speed

Funne accele wind to vent connec then d surrou ways

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tilate the cting street divert to unding alley

Soft rising form lead the wind upward rather than trapping it on street level

Staggered form create more space for air to enter the house compare to the form that perdincular to the wind direction

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