Tran Nguyen
People Tree: Sustainable and Fair Trade Fashion ─
1. Executive Summary For over 20 years, People Tree has worked coherently with Fair Trade artisans and farmers around the world to develop ethical and eco friendly fashion. The company initiated in Tokyo, Japan by British entrepreneur, Sa a Minney in 1991. Minney realized that the Japanese were not familiar with sustainable living. Therefore, she decided to launch Global Village, a non governmental organization emphasizing environmental issues. From then on, she revised her organization’s name to People Tree and continued to expand. Minney decided to return to England and opened up a location in London. Customers recognize People Tree as a pioneer in fair trade and environmentally sustainable fashion. The company aims to generate business in a new direction by creating opportunities for people who live in the developing world.
2. Environmental Analysis A. Fair Trade Fashion In the past, the words “ethical,” “fair trade,” “organic” and “sustainable” were not thought of as fashionable terms. People Tree has transformed ethical, sustainable fashion into something desirable and inelastic. The company produces high quality, fashionable products for women and men as well as collaborating with leading designers to create unique collections. Unlike many fashion brands that talk about ethics in fashion or corporate social responsibility, People Tree goes further by following the principles of Fair Trade in every aspect of its business. Each product is made by artisans and producers who work to Fair Trade standards. People Tree is certi cati ed in Fair Trade Manufacture under the World Fair Trade Organization. The company is the world’s rst clothing company to receive the World Fair Trade Organization Fair Trade product mark in 2013. Fair Trade makes a powerful di erence, and People Tree aims to alleviate poverty in the world's most marginalized communities.
B. Sustainable Fashion