New York Times Mobile Demographic Profile: May 2013 Source: comScore MobiLens May 2013
Total Age 13+ (%)
Gender Total * Male Female
NY Times Mobile % Comp.
100.0 48.8 51.2
100.0 60.7 39.3
100 124 77
12.6 45.9 51.0 29.6
22.9 67.5 55.1 11.5
181 147 108 39
Household Income $50,000+ $75,000+ $100,000+
60.2 40.9 26.7
76.3 58.7 41.3
127 144 155
Education Any College College Grad+ Graduate degree
74.2 37.1 13.4
78.7 50.3 21.6
106 136 161
Employment status Any employed Full time student
53.1 13.9
64.1 24.0
121 172
Size of enterprise Under 100 employees 100‐999 employees 1,000+ employees
18.3 14.2 19.8
17.7 24.9 26.6
97 176 134
Platform Smartphone Feature Phone
59.9 40.1
94.0 6.0
157 15
Age 18‐24 18‐44 25‐54 55+
*For total audience numbers refer to Mobile Metrix