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Penticton Flyfishers Journal

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Penticton Flyfishers

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Volume 10, Number 2 June, 2013

Penticton Flyfishers Box 354, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton, B.C., V2A 5L1 Editor Ken Woodward Email


President Larry Martin 250-497-7881 Treasurer Ken Baker 250-493-2926 Secretary Bob Holley 250-770-8180 Membership Director Tom Knight 250-492-3049


Penticton Flyfishers are members of:

BC Federation of Fly Fishers (BCFFF) BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) Federation of Fly Fishers (International FFF) Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance (OSCA)

In this issue: President’s Report ........ 3

Tying Bench ………….17

Fish-Out Schedule ........ 5

Club Video List ............ 19

Photo Gallery ................ 6

Lighter Side .................. 20

M&Y Spey Clave ......... 7

Links ............................. 21

Fishing with Jon-Pt. 1 ... 11

Classifieds ..................... 22 Events Calendar ............ 22

Penticton Flyfishers

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President’s Report Behind the Scenes


n the photographs on the right you can see volunters setting up tables and arranging items on the day of our Annual Awards Banquet and Auction fundraiser. This is our major fundraiser for the year, which allows us to continue our conservation projects, youth programs and special events. Please help us to thank the following commercial donors by letting them know we appreciate their contribution when you next visit them: Big O Tire - Penticton and Summerland, Canadian Tire, Detting Electric, Inland Pacific Electric, Leisureland RV, Lordco Auto Parts, Manor Dental, Raezor's Edge Marine, Summerland Credit Union, Tirecraft - Summerland, Troutwaters Fly & Tackle, and Yamaha Marine. Unlike other auctions where participants seek to get a bargain, our members usually bid at or even higher than the retail value in support of the club. The commercial donors really appreciate that the club is getting full value from their contributions. Our next club project will be painting of the fish symbol near storm drains. We will be supporting Girl Guides, Boy Scouts and other local youth groups by providing backgrounder information, required supplies, assisting with logistics and providing an appreciation meal when the work is done. Tom Dellamater is the coordinator for this project so please let him know you can help.

2012 Awards


lthough these awards go to individuals, they are representative of the contributions of the club as a whole. All members conduct themselves while engaged in fishing or conservation activities in an ethical manner, which will not bring themselves or the club into disrepute and who make every effort to assist, within their physical capabilities, in all projects supported by the club. We can be very proud of the level of active participation by all members. Bone Fish Award: George Graw "It's not my fault!" explained George as he accepted the much coveted Bone Fish Award. The winner is decided by the previous year's winner and usually goes to a notable action of a club member at an event but it is entirely up to last year's winner to decide the criteria. George has for several years been the annual Dinner Auction Co-ordinator. This year he decided to step aside and take a break, yet he continued to do a Lion's share of the work. Given a choice of accepting the award or co-ordinating next year's event George decided the award would be less painful. By the way, for the real reason he accepted the award you will have to attend our Link Lake fish-out where past winners recount their legendary stories‌

Penticton Flyfishers Most Improved Fly Tyer: Tom Knight This award recognizes the member's improvement in tying skills over the year. It does not necessarily go to a rookie tyer as dedication in attending tying sessions to fine tune skills and share with others is also considered.

Artwork by Dave Whitlock. Used with permission.

Gordon Marchant Memorial Award: Jon Pew This award was established as a memorial to Gordon Marchant who had for many years been a staunch supporter of the Club and its objective purposes. He was most generous with his time and resources in support of all projects and activities. This award is presented annually to a member who has, over the past 12 months in particular, best exemplified the purpose and goals of the Club. In particular we appreciate the work Jon does on several Provincial committees, government and non-government, dealing with fishing-related issues. He also keeps the club informed of initiatives put forth by the Freshwater Fisheries Society that help ensure a continued and improving recreational fishery.

Harry Feheling Volunteer Service Award: Ken Woodward This award is a memorial to Harry Feheling, a long term, wellrespected member, and recognizes the efforts of a Club member or members whose efforts in the past 12 months have created a significant benefit to the Club in a tangible or intangible way, not necessarily directly related to the stated purposes of the Club. In particular Ken guided us through winter indoor casting sessions and is an editor of our newsletter.

Larry Martin Kaleden, B.C. <')) ><

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Penticton Flyfishers

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Time to Fish in 2013

Darke Lake May 18

Link Lake June 5-9

Kettle River July 6-7 (?)

2013 Fish-Outs Penticton Fly Fishers

Salmon Lake September 20-22

Pass Lake ??

Idleback Lake June 22

Leighton Lake ??

Courtney Lake ??

Penticton Flyfishers

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Photo Gallery !"#$%&'%()&*%+,-.&*"'%)/%/,'0,#1% .*,+'2%/,'02%#3.&*"%)*%')4".0,#1% -))5%()&%'36%60,5"%)&.%,#%.0"% 73-8-)&#.*(9% +"#.,-.)#/5(/,'0"*':143,59-)4%

Big Lake Trout from Mabel Lake

Panorama: Lots of boats anchored in 60+ feet fishing deep-water chironomids at Sheridan Lake

Nesting loon. Note the chunk missing from behind its bill

Nick on the Kettle

Penticton Flyfishers

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Michael & Young Spey Clave 2013 by Ken Woodward


he Michael & Young Spey Clave is an annual event held on the Fraser River in Chilliwack and two-handed fly casters of all levels eagerly anticipate it each April. If you fish a two-handed rod or think you'd like to try one, it is not to be missed. Where else can you try out thousands of dollars worth of the latest equipment, watch the masters explain their craft, get fed a barbecue lunch for free, dial in your own rods with demo lines from the major manufacturers, get valuable tips from expert instructors, have a chance to win great prizes and hang out with all sorts of like-minded anglers, all for the cost of gas to get there? If you haven't attended a Spey Clave, try to go sometime in the future. It's worth it!

Schedule of events

Chris Sepio pointing out the nuances of spey casting

Chris Sepio with a large audience

Tim Arsenault and Aaron Goodis showing "modernized traditional" spey casts

Photographs by Ken Woodward unless otherwise noted

Penticton Flyfishers

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Chris Andersen line-coiling demo

Nate Koenigsknecht on fishing two-handed rods

Dave O'Brien introduces the day. Aaron Goodis photo

Chris Andersen discusses D-loop dynamics

An attentive crowd. Aaron Goodis photo

There were demonstrations all day long

Penticton Flyfishers

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Brian Niska on casting efficiency

The gang trying out some long rods

If you're a PFF member you're a member of the BCFFF. Peter Caverhill photo

Brian shows how it's done

The Steelhead Society is always looking for new members. Peter Caverhill photo

Drool-worthy gear at the Sage tent. Peter Caverhill photo

Penticton Flyfishers

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Dave O'Brien and Aaron Goodis

Kyle Sawayama, BCFFF President

Ryan Heitz with a sweet Loop reel, just one of the many prizes provided by generous donors

Ken Baker gives some tips to Ralph Jolley

A plethora of prizes were up for grabs

And that's it for another year. 'Time to head back to the Okanagan!

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Fishing with Jon - Part 1 by Jon Pew


like to go fishing. That doesn’t mean that I’m particularly successful if catching fish is the measure and, given the time and money that I spend on my hobby, it may be reasonable to expect more productivity, but I do get out and about. Following my passion for our sport and continually taking on new adventures has resulted in the accumulation of a wonderful array of memories and mementoes. It has also allowed me to strike new friendships and provided the opportunity to travel to destinations that I would otherwise not have visited. It’s been a wonderful journey and I don’t plan on it ending anytime soon. My fishing memories are priceless and unique and it seemed a shame not to share them with others, so when our Editor, Ken Woodward, approached me about doing an article for the newsletter, I was only too happy to oblige. Herein, I’ve collected my photos and tried to organize them by venue whether that be a special lake, river, or country. If you enjoy reading about my fishing adventures even half as much as I’ve enjoyed experiencing them, the effort has been worthwhile.

Dragon Lake Dragon Lake is a relatively small urban lake almost within the Quesnel city limits. It is relatively shallow (15 ft. plus or minus) but, for whatever reason, it is highly productive. I go every year around May 24. My wife Diane enjoys it as well because she likes the camping, and shopping and the Rec Centre are within biking distance. Ten-pound trout are not unusual inhabitants of the lake and 30+ fish days aren’t rare for experienced anglers. In the spring this is mostly a chironomid fishery and it helps if you have someone experienced to get you started. I always take my fly tying stuff because you never have the right colour or size.

Google Earth aerial of the lake. Note how close it is to Quesnel.

Typical Dragon Lake fish

Playing a fish. I do catch a few. Most anglers use a strike indicator since the take is so subtle but a few experts fish by feel or by watching for subtle movement of the line.

One of my fishing partners, Rich Pace, in his zodiac. Rich and I used to hunt together with our fathers when we were 12 years old. Funny how life does that to you. Any kind of boat works although it needs to have a good anchoring system for success.

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Fishing with Jon - cont'd Alaska About ten years ago I met a couple of American fishermen on the Thompson River. A couple of days on the river (and of course nights in the Log Cabin Pub) cemented a friendship that will last for the rest of our lives. Phil Lund is the mover and shaker in our group. He’s an expert fisherman who shares his knowledge freely but his most endearing trait is a never-ending desire to seek out new and challenging fishing experiences. Bob Allen and I are usually eager to take part in the adventure and we readily agreed to a ten-day drift down Lake Creek seeking out huge spring salmon.

We fly to Anchorage Alaska by commercial airline and rent a floatplane that transports us to the headwaters of Lake Creek (which is definitely a river not a creek).

The boats are inflated and the gear almost packed. It’s time to move on.

It takes a few hours to inflate the zodiacs and pack our gear. Some years the bugs are so bad you can’t talk.

There are a few cottages on the lake. Presumably the occupants also own a floatplane because there is no other way into this beautiful country. The gin clear water made it easy to see huge trout cruising but they weren’t the target species.

Penticton Flyfishers

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Fishing with Jon - cont'd

Firewood is at a premium in this muskeg country and I’m sure the beaver aren’t happy about us stealing their homes.

A typical river bivouac on a gravel bar.

Salmon habits are similar to steelhead. Fish will hang out on the edge of the fast water at the head or tail of a run. The trick is to get your fly close enough in the water column to entice the fish. I think this may be Angus.

There are more than a few areas of Class III rapids on this river that can set an old man’s heart to racing.

The tents are set up around main camp.

Breaking camp in the morning. It’s a long day for old men.

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Fishing with Jon - cont'd

The boats are packed and we’re on our way. It’s amazing how much gear these zodiacs will hold. It’s lucky that they’re self bailing.

And the end result. We very seldom killed a fish unless it was relatively small and we were looking for supper.

This is the whole point. These fish are strong!

Phil with another beauty. The fish are beginning to turn but they are far from dour.

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Fishing with Jon - cont'd

Bob with a fish that looks almost as big as him.

The tent roof first thing in the morning. Note the telltale sign of insects.

The Kettle River Our precious Kettle provides beauty and a wonderful fishing experience close to home. It’s our own unique treasure and if you haven’t drifted the river on a serene summer’s day, then you should.

It’s hard to find a place that exhibits more natural beauty on a warm summer’s day.

Some proof that George does fish.

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Fishing with Jon - cont'd

Bruce, Tom, and George exhibiting their considerable skills.

Tom having a personal moment.

Pat Sloan was a personal friend and a member of our club. He died 6 years ago and one of his last wishes was to have his ashes spread in the Kettle, a river he loved. Here we are fulfilling his wish.

Paddy bids adieu.

Look forward to more Fishing with Jon in the next issue!

Penticton Flyfishers

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Tying Bench: Peter Hope Special Ken Woodward


uring the mid-nineties, before we got a trailer and parked it at Tunkwa, Peter Hope Lake was one of our favourite summer destinations with our kids. We always got a spot right on the water where the kids could play happily for hours. Fishing during mid-summer at Peter Hope Lake was challenging. The fish were often down deep during the heat of the day, so I got up early and went fishing while Wendy and the kids were still asleep. I’d anchor at a drop-off and fish over the edge. One morning at ~7:30 a.m. I was doing just that, with limited success, when I heard a splash on the shoal behind me. When I turned to look I noticed a fellow anchored in the shallow water of the shoal and he was playing a fish. I was surprised to see that as I’d been over that shoal many times that week, including earlier that morning, and I had seen nary a fish. Needless to say I pulled anchor and cruised over to have a look. I couldn’t believe my eyes – it was like an aquarium! There was a good chironomid hatch happening and there were fish all over the shoal. I could see the size of the adult chironomids as they flew by, so I quickly rigged up with a sz. 12 Black Sally and I was soon into a fish. A throat pump revealed that the natural pupae appeared to be black when held in the palm of the hand, but when backlit they had a distinctly red hue. Later that day when I was tying flies I remembered a fly I’d seen at

Tunkwa Lake Resort. It was tied as a bomber imitation with a red holographic tinsel underbody, brown yinyl rib, peacock herl thorax and Antron gills. I liked the look of the body, so I tied a small version using the same body and added a black metal bead above the peacock herl. The next day I headed out early as usual, but this time I anchored up in the shallow water in the middle of the shoal (~6’ deep). There was no hatch and no fish yet, but I figured I might as well wait to see what would happen. Sure enough at about 7 a.m. chironomids started popping and soon after that the trout appeared. In no time at all I found myself in the middle of an aquarium again. The hatch lasted about a hour or so, then both the chironomids and the fish disappeared. While the hatch lasted and there were visible fish the new

fly was deadly. I actually observed, on many occasions, several fish rush to take the fly as soon as it got to depth. That fly became a staple of my Peter Hope Lake arsenal and it has worked well for me there ever since. A few years later at Tunkwa Lake I tied a few large Peter Hope Specials as bomber imitations and they have worked well as a change-up fly when the usual patterns’ efficacies wane.

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7. Tie in the red holographic tinsel behind the bead.

15. Go fishing!

Hook: Sz. 12 scud/pupa hook (2XS, 2XH) Thread: 6/0 (70 denier) black Gills: White marabou, clipped to bead diameter Bead: Black metal Rib: Brown V-rib, small Body: Holographic tinsel, red, medium Thorax: Peacock herl

8. Pull the V-rib between your fingers a few times to warm and stretch it, and then over-wrap the thread over both the tinsel and the V-rib into the bend. Bring the thread back to the bead in open turns.

Effective Sizes:

Tying method: 1. Place the bead on the hook and the hook in the vise, and then slide the bead to the bend of the hook. 2. Start the thread at the hook eye in front of the bead. 3. Bind a small, fluffy clump of white marabou over the eye, trim the butts at an angle, cover the butts with thread, and then whipfinish and cut the thread. Be careful to minimize bulk or you may not be able to slide the bead up to the eye. 4. Slide the bead up to the eye. 5. Start the thread behind the bead. 6. Tie in the V-rib securely behind the bead on the far side of the shank, flat side up.

9. Make one wrap of tinsel behind the V-rib, then wrap the tinsel in touching turns to the bead. Tie off and clip the excess tinsel.

I typically tie this in size 12 for Peter Hope Lake. The same fly, but tied on a size 10 2XL curved nymph hook, has been effective on Tunkwa Lake during the bomber hatch in the past. It seems to do especially well when the big reddish-brown chironomid pupae are on the menu.

10. Wind the V-rib forward, in open turns, round side up. Tie it off behind the bead and clip the excess. 11. Tie in one peacock herl and wrap the around thread to form a herl rope. 12. Wrap a small thorax behind the bead with the herl rope. Tie it off, clip the excess and then whip finish behind bead. 13. Lay your scissors on an angle towards the hook eye at the back of the bead, pull the marabou over the scissors’ edge and then trim the marabou so that the length of the gills is about the same as the diameter of the bead. Mash the marabou back with your thumb to cause it to puff up a bit. 14. Apply a small drop of head cement to the whip finish.

Tight lines!

Penticton Flyfishers

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Club Video Collection


he following is a list of the great videos we have in the club collection. Remember that club members are welcome to sign out videos at monthly club meetings - a great way to get fired up for fishing!

Video 1 2 3 4 5, 6,12 7, 8, 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Title Fishing the Dry Fly The Essence of Fly Casting Anatomy of A Trout Stream Advanced Fly Casting The Essence of Fly Casting Fly Fishing Still Waters Fly Fishing for Trout Fly Casting Clinic Nymphing and Fly Fishing for Trout Western Fly Tying Proposed Dam on Similkameen, Princeton Light and Power Tying Trout Flies Where the Trout Are Salmon Spectacular Secrets of Angling Success for Large Mouth Bass Penticton Creek Strategies for Still Waters How to Fly Fish Lakes Fundamentals of Rod Building Flies for B.C. Catch and Release Earl Anderson Tying Flies Skeena Steelhead Fly Fishing Still Waters Vol. 2 Fishing Crustaceans & Snails Fishing and Tying Caddis Flies Fly Tying With John Massey What's Up With Tube Flies Understanding Fly Tying Materials Trout in Still Waters The Fabulous Bighorn Tying Flies With Jack Dennis & Friends Just Fly Tying Fron Ice Off to Ice On Tying at 96 Seattle Sportsman Show Tying Western Dry Flies Successful Fly Fishing Strategies Matching the Hatch Part 1 Matching the Hatch Part 2 Catching More Steelhead Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 1 Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 2 Flies for B.C.

Author Gary Borger Gary Borger Doug Swisher Mel Kreiger Alf Davey Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Gary Borger Gary Borger Charlie White PFF Brian Chan Kevin Longard Kevin Longard Brian Chan B.C.S.S. Brian Chan Gary Borger Gary LaFontaine John Massey Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Mo Bradley Henry Hoffman Jack Dennis, Mike Lawson Gary LaFontaine Jim Teeny Tom White Tom White Kevin Longard

Penticton Flyfishers

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Club Video Collection (continued) Video 48 49 50

Title Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead How to Fly Fish – Beginners Fly Tying Demonstration

51 52

Fishing Montana's Salmon Fly Hatch International Spey Casting

53 54 55 56

Fly Fishing Strategies for Still Waters Using GPS With Maps Where the Trout Are Strategies for Still Waters Vol. 1

The Lighter Side

Author Lanni Waller Kevin Longard C. Cousins, H. Hoffman, S. Saprunoff Dale Burk Jim Vincent, Simon Gawesworth, Leif Stavmo Brian Chan Gary Borger Brian Chan

Penticton Flyfishers

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n this section we postlinks that we find interesting: articles that we find on the internet or in fly magazines direct links to fly fishing and environmental concerns,and so on. If you have any interesting links, please send them to us by email at Thanks to Gary for his recommendation: Here is a 10-minute weekly read that you may want to check out. Yes, it is an Internet fly fishing store but the newsletter is free and it has great information on rods, reels, lines and flies. It also has great short videos on casting different rods and lines. It is more specific to spey fishing but if you have a question on which line works well on a specific rod or a fly you have heard about just search the newsletter and you are sure to find it. You can save the newsletter to a file or search for back copies. Log on to and you can request to have the newsletter e-mailed to you automatically, or just look it up. Check out the May 20, 2013 issue for ant patterns, or the April 12, 2013 issue for a smooth and easy spey casting video.

Please tell us what you want to see in this newsletter! Suggestions and member submissions are always welcome – and needed!

Penticton Flyfishers

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Classified Ads!

Calendar of Events% • First Thursday of every month, except July and August: Club meetings

None this issue

• Second Thursday of every month, except July and August: Fly Tying

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• June 5-9: Link Lake Fish-Out • June 22: Idleback Lake Fish-Out • July 6-7 (tentative): Kettle River FishOut


Do you know about an upcoming event? Please let us know as soon as possible. Send the details to




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