Penticton Flyfishers Journal vol 3 2014

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Penticton Flyfishers

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Volume 11, Number 3 Fall, 2014

Penticton Flyfishers Box 354, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton, B.C., V2A 5L1 Editor Ken Woodward



President Larry Martin 250-497-7881 Treasurer Ken Baker 250-493-2926 Secretary Bob Holley 250-770-8180 Membership Director Tom Knight 250-492-3049

The Penticton Flyfishers are members of: BC Federation of Fly Fishers (BCFFF) BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) Federation of Fly Fishers (International FFF) Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance (OSCA)

In this issue: President’s Report ........ 3 Photo Gallery ................ 4 A Tale of Two Sadies ... 5 Kokanee Egg Take ....... 7 BTRA 2014 .................. 9 Gear Report .................. 12 Link Lake Fish-Out ...... 13

Video Review ............... 16 Club Library List .......... 17 Links ............................. 24 Spawning Channel Cleanup ......................... 20 Classifieds ..................... 20 Events Calendar ............ 20

Cover photo by Ken Woodward

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President’s Report


am not expecting a large turnout for our October meeting as several members are out of town fishing. We did not have a quorum for our directors meeting. However; we did have an interesting general discussion on the direction and health of the club. We are a fishing club so I am never disappointed when members cannot make it to a meeting or event because they are fishing, especially when they are accompanied by other members! Aside from our "official" fish-outs members have been generous in inviting others from the club to their favoured spots. We already have significant dates set for 2015 fish outs. Season opener will be Link Lake, June 12-14 with some members starting on the 10th and season closer will be Salmon Lake, Sept 18-20 with some members starting on the 16th, so book your spots now. River drifts are dependent on water flows as determined by our Gilly Bruce Turnbull. We will fill in other dates as suggested by members at our monthly meetings. Club Projects: Penticton Creek and Hatchery have become a significant time commitment with the re-opening of the hatchery and now what appears to be a longer-term commitment to the hatchery. We have obtained new smaller upwelling jars, which should reduce mortality of our small egg-takes. The building will need upgrades as well. Thanks to those members who were able to help with the egg-take and fish ladders. We will be getting up a roster of volunteers to monitor the eggs until spring. Last year the site required daily visits. Refinements to the system last year will result in significantly less time commitment this year. The current focus is still on kokanee, however some discussion of re-introduction of rainbows has begun. Last year we made a commitment to continue supporting a kids' ice fishing day in conjunction with area BCWF members at Yellow Lake. I expect we will continue with this support. It is an event that we don't have to organize; we just donate some cash and show up to help out. We will continue with the theme of tuning up on our technical fishing skills. George will be back in full stride with fly tying nights on the second Thursday of each month. Each session includes discussion on how to fish the fly and other club members usually offer a variant of the chosen fly. I anticipate the continuation of indoor fly casting practice in the spring with a possibility of some on water practice for the Spey guys. Guest speakers: It has been suggested we get more local experts to address us on regular club nights such as our local hatchery manager and local environment staff in particular with regard to the small lakes plans. These are intended to be working sessions and discussions of local fisheries management. With further discussion we have proposed to change the format of our Awards Banquet by having its main function being a celebration for the Club members with less emphasis on the fundraising. We have some proposals for fundraising outside of this event. Finally: For the long term health of the Club we need, in particular, a new President and Vice President in February. And no, we are not going to be changing the constitution to allow for a longer term as President. We have always had a solid group of Directors to support the club. Although the President is the official spokesperson for the club, these duties can be, and often are, delegated to Directors. Our club has a tradition of participation in not only local but also provincial organizations and committees. We have had Directors on the executive of both BCFFF and BCWF as well as on local committees such as the Penticton Creek restoration project (several times). Our club is often asked for our opinion on fisheries management and sits as an independent voice on local and provincial committees, and we are often asked to sponsor those applying for grants. The President can participate as much or as little as they wish on these various groups, again due to the commitment of Directors. And finally, when it comes down to it, the President still only has ONE vote just like the rest of us so I choose to believe the club runs more or less on consensus decisions with all members participating. Please consider taking on the role of President and do not be shy asking me or any of the Directors about the duties. All members in good standing are qualified.

Larry Martin, Kaleden, B.C. <'))><

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Photo Gallery Send me your pictures of fishing trips, fish, nature or something cool you saw while out in the backcountry.

Tom Knight with a beautiful Sheridan Lake rainbow caught on a bucktail.

Lundbom Lake Backswimmers.

Lundbom Lake chrome.

Stonefly on Tunkwa Lake!

Hatheume Lake September rainbow.

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A Tale of Two Sadies by Ken Woodward


ure," Ralph said, "you can bunk in my trailer." "OK if I bring Sadie?" I said. "You bet", said Ralph, "I'm bringing my Sadie, too." And so Ralph and I made plans to attend the Link Lake Fish-Out together with our Sadies - Sadie One, Ralph's Golden Retriever, and Sadie Two, my Yellow Lab. When I arrived at Link Lake Ralph had already been there for a day and I discovered that he only had his float tube with him. Sadie 1 was relegated to the beach while Ralph was out fishing. "Let's both fish in my boat with the Sadies so they don't have to stay on shore", I offered. Ralph replied, "Sadie's never been in a boat." "She'll be fine" was my response. I spoke too soon... I'd only had Sadie Two for a couple of months at the time of the fish-out, and she had been in my boat with me a couple of times - her first rides in a boat as far as I knew. She was relaxed in the boat and she couldn't care less about me fishing or catching; she slept most of the time. Sadie One, on the other hand, was highly interested in the fish, getting very excited whenever one of us hooked one. Here are a few photographs to illustrate:

The two Sadies awaiting their first boat ride together. As you can see, Sadie One has already been in the water. Foreshadowing?

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A Tale of Two Sadies

Sadie One highly interested in a Link Lake whopper.

We decided to pop by Kentucky Lake for a change of pace on our way back to Kelowna. As you can see, Sadie Two is getting caught up in Sadie One's fishing excitement. Read Ralph's lips: "Noooooo!" He had to hold her back every time one of us hooked a fish. The Sadies eventually discovered that they could see the fish swimming near the boat and from then on they kept a sharp eye out for them.

Ralph managed to hold her back for quite a while, but she finally went in. We had to go to shore and get her to swim there to get her back into my boat. Eventually, Sadie One got caught up in the excitement and both Sadies leapt out of the boat and into the water...

I hooked a fish when Ralph wasn't looking, but Sadie One sure noticed! The trout jumped right beside the boat just after I hooked it, and in a flash she was in the water and she had it. However, the fish was still hooked so a bit of chaos ensued while we called her back to the boat and made her drop the trout - and she swam around looking for it for quite a while after I threw it back. Sadie Two is now known as "the fish alarm" at Tunkwa Lake - she howls every time I hook a fish, thanks to Sadie One...

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2014 Kokanee Egg Take Penticton Creek by Tom Dellamater


n September 8, 2014 the Penticton Flyfishers, under the guidance of Paul Askey, Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC and Brian Janz, Consultant, set up their kokanee trap in Penticton Creek.

The fencing went in across the creek and the posts were pounded. The trap was set up on shore and then floated into place.

Each day we had to clean the fence as leaves would build creating a 4 to 5 inch head which helped force the flow through the trap entrance attracting the fish. We separated and recorded all the fish we trapped.

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2014 Kokanee Egg Take Penticton Creek

We did two egg takes for a total of 50,000 eggs and put them in our new upwelling jars and we are monitoring the temperatures and water flow.

We will be looking for help in monitoring the jars and once a routine has been set up we will take names of helpers. These eggs once hatched will be put into Penticton Creek to augment the Okanagan Lake strain. We were able to take all the eggs in one week and took the trap out on September 15, 2014. This was the beginning of the run and there are many fish in the creek and on the first spawning bed. We will be removing the ladders next month at the end of the run and will be looking for help.

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BTRA 2014 by Ken Woodward


everal intrepid PFF pontooners gathered for the annual Bruce Turnbull River Association fishout this year. A highlight of this year's event included a couple of wolves that appeared across the river at the Lunch Pool. Lots of fish were caught and released - almost all of them on dry flies - and everyone went home safe and sound. Here are a few photographs (not all by me):

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BTRA 2014

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BTRA 2014

Look close... There's a wolf in there.

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Gear Report - Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket by Ken Woodward


detest wearing anything cotton in cold weather and on the water since cotton holds water, it gets wet and clammy from perspiration, and I get uncomfortable and cold as a result, so my insulation layers have typically consisted of various combinations of fleece sweaters and jackets over polypropylene undergarments. Those did the trick keeping me warm and dry in all sorts of conditions, but the fleece layers were quite bulky, they bunched up under my wading jacket, and they're relatively heavy. And, when I wanted to lose a layer, they didn't easily pack into a small space. Last October I bought a Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket for my wife on her birthday and, after wearing it for a while, she raved about how light, comfortable and warm it was. Natually, I needed one, too, and I dropped a few not-so-subtle hints to that effect! Happily, my lovely wife took the hint and she got me one for Christmas. I think I can confidently say that it is easily of the best pieces of kit I've acquired in a long while! The Nano Puff Jacket is actually designed for mountaineers to carry and use when they are stopped for some reason and, consequently, prone to cooling down. As a result, it is specifically designed to be light and packable, and warm when one is not exercising vigorously (e.g. fishing!). In fact, it can be stuffed into its own breast pocket which exposes a loop allowing one to clip it to a pack, harness or elsewhere so that it's easily accessible when needed. Of course, anglers aren't usually hanging from a rope with a need to hang their extra gear from their harness, so I just keep mine in the back pocket of my fishing vest or stuffed into my boat bag when I don't need it. The insulating fill is PrimaLoft, a patented synthetic microfibre thermal insulation material that was developed for the United States Army in the 1980s. It's amazing how warm it is considering it's so thin and light. It easily keeps me as warm as my thick fleece jacket and, as a bonus, it is windproof - unlike most fleece - so I can wear it without my wading jacket when it's not raining or snowing. The elastic cuffs are low-profile, and the jacket's fabric is slippery so it easily slips into and out of wading and rain jackets; it never bunches up. Casting takes less effort than when I'm wearing heavier fleece. This jacket keeps me warm even when it's wet, too! Now for some sticker shock. The Patagonia Nano Puff Jacket retails for about $200 or so. I know, that seems like a lot for a jacket, but if I lost mine I'd get another at the drop of a hat, and I'm not exactly a spendthrift. Patagonia makes very high quality gear and it's well worth the money to me to be warm, dry and comfortable when I'm fishing. I expect to get many years of pleasurable use from it. Photographs from

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Link Lake Fish-Out 2014 by Ken Woodward


bunch of intrepid PFF anglers, spouses and families attended the annual Link Lake Fish-Out in June. Fishing was OK, but not great, although there was some decent dry fly action to be had. The weather cooperated and eveyone enjoyed a good weekend. Here are some photographs of the gang in action:

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Link Lake Fish-Out 2014

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Link Lake Fish-Out 2014

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The Librarian’s Video Review by Ralph Jolley, Chief Librarian

DVD #31: Stillwater Tales


his DVD contains an assortment of photos of lakes, people, insects, flies and of course, fish. The photos are laid out showing some area lakes and fishing scenes. Mixed in are some photos of insects, etc that rainbow feed on, for example several photos of dragonfly nymphs, then various patterns that represent that particular insect. It could be a great lesson or refresher in identifying various insects and fish fodder, picking out the flies that “match the hatch”, and then relishing the beautiful rainbow that have been caught using these flies. It’s also enjoyable just looking at the great scenery and the fish caught in these stillwaters. The photos are all in PDF format and I could only watch it on my PC; your DVD player won’t work with this one.

DVD #32:Tom Johannesen Fly Tying 2013 This is a good quality recording of a fly tying session with Tom Johannesen , showing him tying a Mink Leech and a Baggy Scud. It’s only 11 minutes long, and if you’re interested in tying these patterns or just picking up a couple of tying techniques, it’s worth the short investment of time. This can be watched with your DVD player on your giant 50” screen.

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Club Library


he following is a list of the great DVDs, videos and books we have in the club collection. Remember that club members are welcome to sign out these items at monthly club meetings - a great way to get fired up for fishing! Thanks Mike Daviduk for being librarian and taking care of the collection for many years, and thanks to Ralph Jolley for taking over as librarian this year.

DVDs Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Title Fishing the Dry Fly The Essence of Fly Casting Anatomy of a Trout Stream/Advanced Fly Casting Anatomy of a Trout Stream/Advanced Fly Casting The Essence of Fly Casting II (missing) The Essence of Fly Casting II Flyfishing Still Waters (missing) Flyfishing Still Waters (missing) Flyfishing Still Waters (missing) Fly Fishing For Trout Fly Casting Clinic – April 20/1985 (missing) Essence of Fly Casting II (missing) Nymphing and Fly Fishing For Trout Western Fly Tying Penticton Creek Restoration Penticton Creek: Flood Debt and Years PFF - 1980-2005 PFF - 2003 Auction Instructions Trout Fishing Using GPS With Maps Hooked on Fly Tying – Tube Fly Patterns & Techniques (missing)

Author Gary Borger Gary Borger Doug Swisher Doug Swisher Mel Kreiger Mel Kreiger Alf Davy Alf Davy Alf Davy Gary Borger Mel Kreiger Gary Borger Jack Dennis PFF

The Theft of B.C.’s Rivers Vol. 1 (donated by Jon Pew)

130 Great Fly Patterns Wild Salmon in Trouble Cold Water Boot Camp Trout Fishing Adventures in New Zealand (Donated by Tom Dellamater) (missing)

International Spey Casting Tying Trout Flies PFF 2010 Kokanee Mark/Recap Study PFF Casting 101 Session 2 – 2012 Stillwater Tales – 2012 Tom Johannensen Fly Tying – 2013 PFF Casting – 2013

Mac Warner

Jim Vincent, Leif Stavmo, Simon Gawesworth Gary Borger

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VHS Tapes Number 1 2 3 4 5, 6, 12 7, 8, 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Title Fishing the Dry Fly The Essence of Fly Casting Anatomy of A Trout Stream Advanced Fly Casting Doug Swisher The Essence of Fly Casting Fly Fishing Still Waters (missing) Fly Fishing for Trout Fly Casting Clinic Nymphing and Fly Fishing for Trout Western Fly Tying (two copies) Proposed Dam on Similkameen Tying Trout Flies Where the Trout Are Salmon Spectacular Secrets of Angling Success for Large Mouth Bass Penticton Creek (missing) (in DVD # 15)) Strategies for Still Waters How to Fly Fish Lakes (two copies) Fundamentals of Rod Building Flies for B.C. Catch and Release (two copies) Earl Anderson Tying Flies Skeena Steelhead Fly Fishing Still Waters Vol. 2 (Missing) Fishing Crustaceans & Snails Fishing and Tying Caddis Flies Fly Tying With John Massey (two copies) What's Up With Tube Flies Understanding Fly Tying Materials Trout in Still Waters The Fabulous Bighorn Tying Flies With Jack Dennis & Friends Just Fly Tying From Ice Off to Ice On Tying at the '96 Seattle Sportsman Show Tying Western Dry Flies Successful Fly Fishing Strategies Matching the Hatch Part 1 Matching the Hatch Part 2 Catching More Steelhead Successful Fly Fishing Techniques - Part 1 Successful Fly Fishing Techniques - Part 2 Flies for B.C. (same as 25)

Author Gary Borger Gary Borger Doug Swisher Mel Kreiger Alf Davy Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Princeton Light and Power Gary Borger Gary Borger Charlie White PFF Brian Chan Kevin Longard Kevin Longard Brian Chan B.C.S.S. Brian Chan Gary Borger Gary LaFontaine John Massey

Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Mo Bradley Henry Hoffman Jack Dennis, Mike Lawson Gary LaFontane

Jim Teeny Tom White Tom White Kevin Longard

Penticton Flyfishers

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48 49

Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead How to Fly Fish – Beginners

Lani Waller Kevin Longard

50 51 52 53 54 55 56

Fly Tying Demonstration (two copies) Fishing Montana's Salmon Fly Hatch Dale Burk International Spey Casting (DVD, not video) Fly Fishing Strategies for Stillwaters Using GPS with Maps Where the Trout Are Fly Fishing Strategies for Stillwaters Vol. 1

C. Cousins, H. Hoffman, S. Saprunoff Dale Burk Jim Vincent Brian Chan Gary Borger Brian Chan

Books Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Title The Gilly (club copy) The Gilly (donated by Herb Murray) The Compleat Angler (donated by Herb Murray) Fishless Days, Angling Nights Fly Fish the Trout Lakes Tying Flies For Trophy Trout (missing since 1998?) (see 29) Lee Wulf on Flies Steelhead Fly Fishing and Flies Trout An Angler’s Guide Western Streamside Guide Northern Bush Craft Index of Orvis Fly Patterns (donated by Chris Cousins) Tying Flies for BC Gamefish Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing (donated by Dick Williams) Fly Fishing Simple to Sophisticated Western Trout Fly Tying Manual Vol II Tying Flies with Jack Dennis and Friends Tying Nymphs The Art of Tying The Dry Fly Tying Glass Bead Flies (two copies) Fly Fishing with Children Practical Fishing Knots Flies of the Northwest Fly Fishing British Columbia Fly Fishing Small Lakes for Trout A Primer of Fly Fishing Greased Line Fishing for Salmon & Steelhead UBC Bibliography of Angling & Sport Fishing Tying Flies for Trophy Trout (donated by Herb Murray) Flies from Sportsman’s Cigarettes (donated by Gordon Marchant) Fly Patterns for Stillwaters Fraser River Sockeye 1994 The Angler’s Companion


Isaak Walton Jack Shaw

Timothy Frey Mors L. Kochanski Jim Fisher Joseph Bates, Jr Al Kyte Jack Dennis Randall Kaufman Skip Morris Joe J. Warren Philip Brunquell Mark Sosin, Lefty Kreh

Gordon Honey, Kenneth Strand Roderick Haig-Brown Jock Scott Jack Shaw Philip Rowley Brian Murphy

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Classified Ads PCM Stickers for sale - $2 each. Proceeds will go to the Canadian Diabetes Association and fish-related charities. More info here. Interested? Contact Ken Woodward at 250491-0644 or

Malcolm Smith Racing "Pak Jak" Gore-Tex Motorcycle Jacket

Spawning Channel Cleanup 2014 by Jim Duncan Dean Garnett of Pacific Rim Equipment donated the loader time to us and Penticton Shooting Sports paid for the fuel costs. Howard Grantham did his usual part by skilled operation of the loader. Dave Coates of Summerland Ready Mix Concrete donated the 20 yards of gravel added. We only paid for driver and truck time so that is the least we have ever spent to do the job. Some members came out with shovels to assist and the job did not take long - the easiest year in my memory.

Calendar of Events

 Size: XXL  Really good condition.  No rips or tears. Drop me a line if you're interested.

          

October 2: Club Meeting November 6: Club Meeting December 4: Club Meeting January 8(?): Club Meeting February 5: Club Meeting March 5: Club Meeting April 2 (phew...): Club Meeting May 7: Club Meeting June 4: Club Meeting June 12-14: Link Lake Fish-Out September 18-20: Salmon Lake Fish-Out

Contact Ken Woodward at 250-491-0644 or Please email me with your items to sell. Provide a phone number, email address and let me know when it’s sold. There is no cost to post items in the classifieds. Hint: Items with photos sell much faster.

Do you know about an upcoming event? Please let me know as soon as possible. Send the details to

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