Penticton Flyfishers Journal October 2013

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Penticton Flyfishers Journal October, 2013

Penticton Flyfishers

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Volume 10, Number 3 October, 2013

Penticton Flyfishers Box 354, 113-437 Martin St., Penticton, B.C., V2A 5L1 Editors Ken Woodward Nick Pace Email


President Larry Martin 250-497-7881 Treasurer Ken Baker 250-493-2926 Secretary Bob Holley 250-770-8180 Membership Director Tom Knight 250-492-3049

The Penticton Flyfishers are members of: BC Federation of Fly Fishers (BCFFF) BC Wildlife Federation (BCWF) Federation of Fly Fishers (International FFF) Okanagan Similkameen Conservation Alliance (OSCA)

In this issue: President’s Report ........ 3 Photo Gallery ................ 4 Back Country Sports..... 7 Fishing with Jon, Pt II .. 8 Cluxewe Report ............ 15 Small Lakes Plan Review .................. 16 Corbett Lake Report ..... 17 Tying Bench ………….18

New Products ................ 19 Club Video List ............ 21 New Club Books ........... 22 Lighter Side .................. 22 Links ............................. 23 Classifieds ..................... 24 Events Calendar ............ 24

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President’s Report


e have several projects on the go this year. The kokanee ladders are in at Penticton Creek and the hatchery has essentially been rebuilt to accommodate eggs to be collected from Skaha kokanee intended for Ellis Creek. A number of suggestions have been given for ways to provide learning opportunities for members to fine-tune their fishing skills. We have our first casting clinic of the year with Dennis Grant, Master Casting Instructor from the Federation of Fly Fishers. Casting sessions with member instruction from Ken Woodward are again planned for the spring at the indoor facility. George will continue to facilitate fly tying and we are looking for members willing to share some of their favourites. A one-day whitewater river course for pontoon owners is a possibility in the spring, depending on interest. This will involve a road trip to the Chilliwack River, with over night camping on site available. Boats and wetsuits can be provided. The BCWF 2014 annual general meeting will be in Kelowna so we will be asking members to volunteer for various duties as well as this is a great opportunity for several members to attend at a minimal cost. New members are needed! Please take some time and consider inviting a guest to one of our meetings. The club seems to function best at around 50 members. Consider what the new member can bring to the club. We are looking for people who, like you, support the various functions and projects of the club. Our members are known for their contributions and have often held executive positions with the BCFFF and BCWF. We realize none of us can commit to every event and project, but we appreciate the effort and support given. Oh yes, and let’s not forget that we still manage to get in some social fishing events. So, if you know of some likeminded people, please bring them along to join in on the fun. By the way, in the past - for those who remember - we had a club historian who maintained an album with clips from newspaper articles, photographs and so on. This newsletter should now be considered as our club history so I encourage members to scan newspaper articles pertaining to the club and also submit photographs of club activities. These do not need to have an accompanying story (although we encourage comments) as they can be viewed as an archive of our club events. An example is installation and removal of the fish ladders every year; for many that is not a story but pictures of each event showing members present is noteworthy and should be included in the newsletter. Larry Martin Kaleden, B.C. <'))

Artwork by Dave Whitlock. Used with permission.

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Photo Gallery Yellow Lake Fishing Pier Installation Photos by Phil Rogers

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Photo Gallery

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Photo Gallery

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Back Country Sports by Larry Martin


ack Country Sports has moved to 1031 Eckhardt Ave West, across the street from the Ramada Inn. For several years David Johnston has provided expert advice, service and sales of archery equipment, first from his home, then from his shop in Summerland. David did not want to leave his loyal customers in Summerland and hopes they will still frequent his new shop. The new larger space will allow expansion to a full service sports shop. Irish Setter Boots, outdoor clothing, guns and ammunition are available. Of significance for flyfishers is a good selection on hand and access to the full line of Redington products: rods, reels and accessories. Kufa rods are also featured, as are flylines and tippet from Rio, so he provides all the basics. Plans are to expand the fishing section based on demand. Lets be reasonable with our demands and support this shop by making requests for supplies that we are actually going to buy.

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Fishing with Jon - Part II by Jon Pew


like to go fishing. That doesn’t mean that I’m particularly successful if catching fish is the measure and, given the time and money that I spend on my hobby, it may be reasonable to expect more productivity, but I do get out and about. Following my passion for our sport and continually taking on new adventures has resulted in the accumulation of a wonderful array of memories and mementoes. It has also allowed me to strike new friendships and provided the opportunity to travel to destinations that I would otherwise not have visited. It’s been a wonderful journey and I don’t plan on it ending anytime soon. My fishing memories are priceless and unique and it seemed a shame not to share them with others, so when our Editor, Ken Woodward, approached me about doing an article for the newsletter, I was only too happy to oblige. Herein, I’ve collected my photos and tried to organize them by venue whether that be a special lake, river, or country. If you enjoy reading about my fishing adventures even half as much as I’ve enjoyed experiencing them, the effort has been worthwhile. (Editor's note: Stay tuned for Part III in the next issue!)

The Dean River The Dean is a world-class summer run steelhead river. My American friends go often which seems ironic since so few of us Canadians have experienced its beauty. The Dean River flows out of Anaheim Lake in the Cariboo and makes its way through terrain that is impassible by boat or vehicle to the ocean. The only access to the river is by air or ocean out of Bella Coola.

The drop from the Interior Plateau to the ocean.

Penticton Flyfishers

This is the Bella Coola River but the Dean passes through similar terrain on its journey to the ocean.

Getting close. Pilots call this pucker time...

And the pucker factor kicks in fully.

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The river meanders as it approaches the ocean. This is all prime steelhead water.

Our landing strip, originally pushed out by a logging company.

The beach at camp water. We would drift downriver from here in our pontoon boats and the cook would pick us up at lunch in the jet boat. The same routine in the afternoon being mindful of the need to be home by happy hour.

Penticton Flyfishers

About 6 miles up from the ocean the Dean travels through a narrow canyon that defines the boundary between the Upper Dean and the Lower River. Two anglers were killed here a few years earlier. It's amazing that the fish can navigate this canyon. Our campsite was a sandy beach on river right immediately downriver from the canyon.

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Bob searching out a new spot to fish.

The Fraser River A few years ago, an old high school chum got in touch. Rich Pace lives in Chilliwack and is a crazy fisherman. Since reconnecting, we’ve gone on quite a few fishing trips but the most memorable, by far, was fishing for sturgeon on the Fraser. Sturgeon are a game fish! They run, sound, and jump clear of the water and it takes a strong back to land them. Once they are beat they become quite docile and are easy to lead to shore. I consider them to be a beautiful fish.

Playing my first sturgeon. After running and jumping, it decides to go deep.

Playing a fish in the rain. Like the “Old Man and the Sea”.

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A baby sturgeon.

This is a bigger fish but not the monster we’re searching for.

A smaller fish into the boat.

We finally catch an adult. This fish was about 8 ft. but they have been caught up to 12 ft. and 800+ pounds.

Organizing the fish for a “photo op".

And here it is. The fish looked smaller when it was in the water.

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The Cluxewe The Cluxewe is a relatively small river just north of Port McNeil on Vancouver Island that supports a good run of pink salmon and a beautiful campground at the mouth of the river that is operated by the natives. Pink salmon are a 2-year cycle fish but, because of the proximity of a hatchery on the nearby Keogh River, they have recently tended to return annually. Fish will congregate at the mouth of both Cluxewe and Keogh rivers and wait for the right water conditions to spawn. We catch them by casting from shore with 6 wt. fly rods. Every year is different by I’ve never been skunked. Last year was spectacular and I caught hundreds.

The campground. Our trailer is extreme left in the picture.

The campground is located just up island from Port McNeil. Many of the campsites are fronted on the ocean.

Fishermen lined up at daybreak. There’s at least a mile of beach up island and really no reason why anglers should bunch up.

A view from the shore looking up the beach towards the river mouth. Although fishing first thing in the morning is best because the fish are close to shore, last year anglers caught fish all day.

A view from the shore looking down the beach away from the river mouth. Where else can you go and catch fish literally “out your front door”.

Penticton Flyfishers

A typical pink salmon. It’s difficult to take a photo and play a fish simultaneously.

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Fishermen in mid-afternoon at Cluxewe.

The Kispiox About 5 years ago Bob Allen and I began visiting the Kispiox River north of Hazelton. We were welcomed by Rick and Bill Wickett who are members of our Club as well as Steve Hardwicke who many of you may know. These guys have been visiting the Kispiox since the beginning of time and were wonderful about including us in their fishing adventures and introducing us to their Kispiox fishing friends who are all passionate fly fishers from as far away as Europe and California. It was only days before their friends were our friends and fishing the Kispiox has become an annual “must do fishing event” which we anticipate like a kid looks forward to summer camp.

The Kispiox River feeds into the Skeena just north of Hazelton, B.C.

Steve playing a fish and the Wicketts waiting to assist. Rick’s landing net sounded like a good idea but was more trouble than it was worth.

The scenery is spectacular, especially in late summer or early autumn.

Setting up for a world famous and highly popular Wickett wiener roast on the banks of the Kispiox River. Hot dogs never tasted so good

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There’s a fish there somewhere.

Steve playing another fish at “The Cottonwoods” (every run has a name). It was Steve’s year.

The boys assisting with the catch and release. There’s no shortage of advice here.

Another fish on!

A nice steelhead netted - more or less...

Waiting to net yet another one of Steve's fish.

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One of the attractions of our camp is that other rivers are close at hand. Here the whole campground has decided to fish the Bulkely on the same day.

A beautiful day for a drift with your wife. I’m sure it wasn’t my fault that we were stern heavy.

Some typical Kispiox River steelhead flies.

Sometimes you need a break.

Cluxewe River Report by Larry Martin


'm sure you've seen the fishing shows featuring Vancouver Island's calm mid-August water and tshirt weather. I lived and fished on the Island for several years. You have to be prepared, much like our high elevation areas of the interior. Local weather can change with little warning. I had a chance to fish a few days at Cluxewe near Port McNeil for pink salmon from shore on the fly, something I had never attempted, and I'd heard reports of enough fish in the area for it to be of interest. "Bring sunscreen and a 6 wt rod. We'll supply the flies and get you on some fish" was the report I got from World Expert Fishing Adventurer Jon Pew who had already been there a couple of weeks. I also threw in an 8 wt, heavy shirt, vest, rain jacket and breathable waders. I needed them all. The few days I was there had brisk winds, rain and no fish. While there Jon headed over to the Keogh River that was producing. He did invite me to go so I am not complaining, but I stuck it out at Cluxewe. Wasted trip? Not at all! It brought back memories of fishing with my dad and I experienced a new-to-me fishing method, so I will be returning for sure.

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Review of the Small Lakes Recreational Fisheries Management Plan for the Okanagan Region


by Larry Martin ! he small lakes plan for our area is a large document and is best viewed at

The plan is intended to supply a snapshot of the current status of small lakes in the region. Several tables provide data on user days and there is a list of lakes on pages 160-168. The listed lakes are categorized by current use such as Trophy or Family. They do not indicate potential management of these lakes in the future. Take a look at this list. Of note: Chapman is not on the list and it has been drained; Pitin is not on the list. Does this mean it is also on the hit list? General goals have been stated: increase fresh water angling license sales and retain small lake biodiversity for conservation purposes. These goals can be in conflict dependent upon how they are viewed and applied. I suggest we highlight lakes for which we have considerable interest, even if that interest is currently reflected in the plan. This brings to mind a question forwarded to the BCWF fisheries committee on the value of keeping Sawmill as a Trophy lake; the proposal was to change the status to a Family fishing lake. Sawmill was also noted in the plan as there are possible conservation concerns regarding the endangered Tiger Salamander. We have to be proactive in our responses and future development of an actual plan. Summaries and analyses of angler days, current lake use and facilities are available to provide a basis for future management decisions. Take a look at your favourite lakes and see if they are currently listed and being managed in the manner that you believe they are best suited. Let me know which lakes should remain as currently managed or if they should be changed. In general we are fortunate that this phase of the plan has been released into the public domain. This has given some insight into the information available to managers and in how they may interpret it. I noted a number of excuses throughout the report as to why the wheels are spinning with no apparent movement, funding pressures, lack of continuity due to changing structure of the various ministries and more. If we want action we have to participate and push for a working plan. The plan as presented is basically a backgrounder of information, which in part could be used to formulate a plan, but it is in itself not a plan. I suggest that, as a club, we at least take a look at the lakes listed to determine if we are in favour of, or agree with, the current listed use and that we present this for further discussion through the Region 8 Fisheries Committee. There is no opinion or recommendations given to simple questions such as "Do we have an appropriate number of lakes in this region for trophy fishing or family fishing?" To this end we should highlight our expectations that the ministry develop an actual plan, which would include potential use and a timeline for lakes where changes are envisioned. Send comments on the Small Lakes Recreational Fisheries Management Plan for the Okanagan Region to Larry at and he'll compile them and forward them to the committee.

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Corbett Lake Fish-Out Report by Phil Rogers


ive members of our club, and Bob Jones of the Kelowna's Lonely Loon club, went fishing up at Corbett Lake on Wednesday, June 26, 2013. The six lucky fly fishers were: George Graw, Tom Dellamater, Ken Baker, Doug Collins and Phil Rogers. We all had a great day on the water (weather not withstanding) with numerous rainbows up to 3 1/2 lbs being caught. I don't believe there was any fish less than 2 lbs caught. Nymphs, leeches, chronomids and dry flies all caught fish.

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Flytying - Dick's Little Coho Fly by Ken Woodward


ick Bartlett is a talented flytyer and angler from Chilliwack, BC. He spends much of his fishing time chasing rainbow trout on Tunkwa Lake from April to September, but during October each year you can find him chasing coho on the Chilliwack/Vedder River. He has a particular fondness for fishing for coho in "frog water" - slow pools created when gravel is dredged from the river semi-annually - where coho like to congregate. Some fly anglers who chase coho use relatively large, bright flies. Dick's coho flies are small, sparse and not particularly bright, and they sure do work! Here is a coho fly tied "Dick-style". Other salmonids like it, too - especially pinks! Recipe: Hook: Bead: Thread: Tail: Rib:

straight eye streamer size 12 –10 silver metal red 8/0 mallard flank small silver wire

Body: Underwing: Wing: Collar:

silver or holographic silver Mylar tinsel pearl Krystal Flash, 2-4 strands mallard flank peacock herl or Peacock Ice Dub

Tying instructions: 1. Slide a bead onto the hook, small hole towards the eye, and then secure the hook in vise and start the thread just behind the bead. 2. Pre-cut and tie in a small clump of mallard flank just behind the bead such that the tail will be about 1/2 shank length, and then bind it down to the bend with open turns of thread taking care to keep the mallard flank feathers on top of the hook shank. 3. Wind the thread back to the bead and tie in the wire rib on the far side of the hook shank, and then bind it down to the bend with the thread. 4. Wind the thread back to the bead, tie in the tinsel, and wind the tinsel down to the bend and back to the bead in touching turns. 5. Counter-wind the wire rib up to the bead in open turns. The rib will protect the tinsel from the sharp teeth of the salmon. If you have time, coat the body now with Brush-On Super Glue, Hard-As-Nails, etc. and let it dry before completing the fly. The body will last through many more fish if you do that. 6. Tie in 2-4 strands of pearl Krystal Flash just behind the bead and clip them so that they extend to the end of the tail. 7. Pre-cut and tie in a small clump of mallard flank on top of the underwind just behind the bead such that the wing will extend to the end of the tail. 8. Dub a small, tight collar of Peacock Ice Dub (or use reinforced peacock herl) just behind the bead. 9. Make a few turns of thread between the collar and bead, whip-finish, clip the thread and apply head cement sparingly to the thread. Dick likes to fish this fly slowly in the frog water on a clear intermediate line like a Rio Aqualux. When fishing moving water fish it on a sink tip of appropriate density to cause it to swing just above the fish; cast across and down and let it swing in the current. Salmon will rise up and grab it!

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New Products by Nick Pace

The Snip The Snip offers anglers an effective alternative to awkward, easily misplaced cutting tools like scissors or nail clippers. Compact, lightweight, yet extremely durable, it features precise, corrosion-resistant “Grade 420” stainless steel blades that slice through monofilament, fluorocarbon, and even braid, like butter. This unique tool delivers more than a clean, smooth cut every time. The Snip offers a level of convenience and ease-of-use that other line-cutting tools can’t match. This patent-pending, spring-loaded retractable “leash” allows The Snip to be attached anywhere on your boat—or on your person—and extend a full 36! for duty. You’ll never have to search around for your cutting tool again, and since The Snip is always secured, there’s no chance of losing it overboard. When you’re finished cutting, just squeeze the stainless steel “handles” on the side of the casing to lock the blades in “safe mode,” and let go. The Snip will automatically return to its original position—ready for use whenever you need it. The Snip is extremely rugged and dependable too. It’s built to ward off rust and withstand repeated use in the toughest freshwater and saltwater environments. And while it’s designed for unparalleled quality, performance and convenience, The Snip is priced to fit any angler’s budget. Every unit is also backed up by a one-year manufacturer’s warranty.

Patagonia’s New Zip Wader This item will be thoroughly tested by me up on the Skeena system this fall. I'm looking forward to seeing the full use of this wader! Patagonia calls these the highest performing, most durable and feature-rich fly fishing waders with the additional convenience of a waterproof front TIZIP®. Built with even tougher, more breathable 4-layer waterproof/breathable H2No® Performance Standard fabrics (lightest weight at the chest and heaviest weight throughout the body) and single seam construction for increased durability and freedom of movement.

New Rio Fly Lines RIO Perception The revolutionary RIO Perception floating trout line helps anglers connect with more fish than ever before. Built with ultra-low stretch ConnectCore Technology, Perception lines provide groundbreaking levels of sensitivity for intuitively better cast timing, easier line lift and sharp, precise mends. Lack of stretch also means enhanced detection of subtle takes and faster reaction time when setting the hook. Our exclusive SureFire color system (RIO’s unique tri-color distance measure) improves casting accuracy by making it easy to gauge exact distances with a quick glance. Ken Woodward's comments: I was fortunate to get my hands on a 5 wt Perception line in early July and I fished it for the rest of the summer on my Sage Z-Axis 590 - about 40 days so far. My previous favourite floating line for all-round use, the Rio Gold, has been usurped; I love the Perception! It matches the Z-Axis very well, and I immediately noticed a crisper feel when casting. The rod loaded more quickly and

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casts took less effort, which is to be expected when less energy is absorbed by line stretch. I also like the subtle yet visible colour - not too bright nor too dull. I was, at first, worried that I'd break off more fish due to lack of line stretch, but my fears were groundless; breakoffs occured at about the same rate as before. I can sure feel the take with this line, too! If you're in need (or want...) of a new line, consider the Perception.

Switch Designed for switch rods - whether for overhead or spey casting, RIO's Switch line is the ultimate all-round line for the switch rod. A unique taper allows casters to overhead or spey cast according to skill and fishing application. The line will easily cast heavy nymph and indicator rigs and, with its long head, allows anglers to mend and control the way the fly fishes at distance. The line is built with a slick coating over a supple core that will not tangle, or require stretching in the coldest of conditions. • Short, powerful front taper that easily casts large flies • Long head allows great control of the fly at distance • DualTone easily shows where the line's sweet spot is • Exceptionally neat, strong welded loops that don't come apart

Switch Chucker New for 2014. An easy casting, powerful line with a short head for throwing streamers, indicators and sink tips, the Switch Chucker is a very easy casting line, with a short head and plenty of weight at the front for casting indicators, sink tips and large flies. The line features a long front taper that makes it a pleasure to roll and spey cast with, and a short back taper that allows anglers to shoot for distance with ease. An integrated running line ensures there are no loop-to-loop connections running through the guides. The Chucker is the best choice of Switch line for fishing tight in and for any Switch rod caster who wants the casting to be as easy as possible. • Short, powerful head for effortless casts • Easily handles sink tips and indicator rigs

New Airflo Fly Lines Introducing Airflo's new groundbreaking technology with the SuperDri fly line range! The SuperDri technology has been developed for the serious floating line angler, featuring a friction reducing coating which lets the line glide through the rod rod rings and adds yards to your cast. The SuperDri's coating gives you unparalleled floatation with the ability to repel water, dirt and surface scum better than any material in the history of fly lines. Another new feature of the SuperDri range from Airflo is 'Zone Technology', a new concept that uses a low compression compound in the part of the line exposed to the most stress, ensuring the line doesn't stick to the rod guides when hauling and shooting. This new line technology will minimize friction during the cast, helping with distance and extending the life of your floating line. Coupled with Airflo's revolutionary ridge and power core, you will notice the difference from your very first cast. The Super Dri Elite fly line is our 'go-to' trout taper. The standard head length and modest front taper will allow any angler to present a fly with ease at distance with great presentation. This line does it all, great for all aspects of trout fishing. A few other Airflo lines with the same technology are: Super-Dri Distance Pro, Super-Dri Exceed, Super-Dri Mend, and Super-Dri Distance Pro.

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Club Video Collection


he following is a list of the great videos we have in the club collection. Remember that club members are welcome to sign out videos at monthly club meetings - a great way to get fired up for fishing!

Video 1 2 3 4 5, 6,12 7, 8, 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17, 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Title Fishing the Dry Fly The Essence of Fly Casting Anatomy of A Trout Stream Advanced Fly Casting The Essence of Fly Casting Fly Fishing Still Waters Fly Fishing for Trout Fly Casting Clinic Nymphing and Fly Fishing for Trout Western Fly Tying Proposed Dam on Similkameen, Princeton Light and Power Tying Trout Flies Where the Trout Are Salmon Spectacular Secrets of Angling Success for Large Mouth Bass Penticton Creek Strategies for Still Waters How to Fly Fish Lakes Fundamentals of Rod Building Flies for B.C. Catch and Release Earl Anderson Tying Flies Skeena Steelhead Fly Fishing Still Waters Vol. 2 Fishing Crustaceans & Snails Fishing and Tying Caddis Flies Fly Tying With John Massey What's Up With Tube Flies Understanding Fly Tying Materials Trout in Still Waters The Fabulous Bighorn Tying Flies With Jack Dennis & Friends Just Fly Tying Fron Ice Off to Ice On Tying at 96 Seattle Sportsman Show Tying Western Dry Flies Successful Fly Fishing Strategies Matching the Hatch Part 1 Matching the Hatch Part 2 Catching More Steelhead Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 1 Successful Fly Fishing Tech Part 2 Flies for B.C.

Author Gary Borger Gary Borger Doug Swisher Mel Kreiger Alf Davey Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Gary Borger Gary Borger Charlie White PFF Brian Chan Kevin Longard Kevin Longard Brian Chan B.C.S.S. Brian Chan Gary Borger Gary LaFontaine John Massey Gary Borger Gary Borger Jack Dennis Mo Bradley Henry Hoffman Jack Dennis, Mike Lawson Gary LaFontaine Jim Teeny Tom White Tom White Kevin Longard

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Club Video Collection (continued) Video 48 49 50

Title Fly Fishing for Pacific Steelhead How to Fly Fish – Beginners Fly Tying Demonstration

51 52

Fishing Montana's Salmon Fly Hatch International Spey Casting

53 54 55 56 57

Fly Fishing Strategies for Still Waters Using GPS With Maps Where the Trout Are Strategies for Still Waters Vol. 1 Flies for BC

Author Lanni Waller Kevin Longard C. Cousins, H. Hoffman, S. Saprunoff Dale Burk Jim Vincent, Simon Gawesworth, Leif Stavmo Brian Chan Gary Borger Brian Chan Kevin Longard

New Books in the Club Library Title The Art of Flytying The Fly Tyer's Primer Modern Fly-Tying Materials Production Fly Tying

Author Van Vliet, John Talleur, Richard W. Talleur, Dick Best, A.K.

The Lighter Side!


Phantom Fish

man was stopped by a game-warden in Northern Algonquin Park recently with two buckets of fish leaving a lake well known for its fishing. The game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?" The man replied to the game warden, "No, sir. These are my pet fish." "Pet fish?!" the warden replied. "Yes, sir. Every night I take these here fish down to the lake and let them swim around for a while. I whistle and they jump back into their buckets, and I take 'em home." "That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that!" The man looked at the game warden for a moment, and then said, "Here, I'll show you. It really works." "O.K. I've GOT to see this!" The game warden was curious. The man poured the fish in to the river and stood and waited. After several minutes, the game warden turned to the man and said, "Well?" "Well, what?" the man responded. "When are you going to call them back?" the game warden prompted. "Call who back?" the man asked. "The FISH." "What fish?" the man asked.

Not Very Sportsmanlike No one in this town could catch any fish except this one man. The game warden asked him how he did it. The man told the game warden that he would take him fishing the next day. Once they got to the middle of the lake the man took out a stick of dynamite, lit it, and threw it in the water. After the explosion fish started floating to the top of the water. The man took out a net and started picking up the fish. The game warden told him that this was illegal and started to berate him. The man took out another stick of dynamite and lit it, and then handed it to the game warden saying "Are you gonna talk or are you gonna fish?" (With apologies to our hard-working, dedicated Conservation Officers!)

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n this section we post links that we find interesting: articles that we find on the internet or in fly magazines, direct links to fly fishing and environmental concerns, and so on. If you have any interesting links, please send them to us by email at

• BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations - Off-Road Vehicle Management Framework: •

Vancouver Sun article on Similkameen River Dam Proposal:

MidCurrent Flyfishing - "An independent provider of fly fishing news, literature and advice. We are experienced anglers and guides who enjoy helping others learn.":

• Fishing with Rod Video: BC Summer Rainbow Trout ft. Brian Chan: (who's that couple in the background?) • Deneki Outdoors owns and operates flyfishing lodges in Alaska, British Columbia, and the Bahamas. They also write a blog that covers all sorts of topics related to flyfishing. There's lots of good info there, even if you aren't interested in their lodges: • Gink & Gasoline is a flyfishing blog with all sorts of interesting posts:

Please tell us what you want to see in this newsletter! Suggestions and member submissions are always welcome – and needed!

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Classified Ads!

Calendar of Events% • Nov. 7, Dec. 5, Jan. 2, Feb. 6, Mar. 6, Apr. 3, May 1, June 5: Club meetings at Old CPR Station, Pentiction

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• Oct. 5, 10:00 a.m.: Casting Seminar with Dennis Grant, FFF Master Casting Instructor at Old CPR Station, Pentiction • April 9-12, 2014: 58th BCWF Annual General Meeting and Convention, Kelowna, B.C., co-hosted by Region 8


Do you know about an upcoming event? Please let us know as soon as possible. Send the details to




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