2 minute read
Think Small
The key is emotional attachment. How then can we become less attached?
Think small. Little things are easier to accept and easier to bring into your life. That’s why we get parking spaces quicker than that great relationship.
One thing that gets in the way of thinking small is we don’t want to bother God with our petty requests. This is because we created God in our image. The mental residue still thinks God is a guy (or gal) somewhere doling out favors. ‘Tain’t so. Not too long ago, I was on my way to have an expensive gold chain repaired. It had broken for the second time, and the department manager seemed reluctant to fix it the first time. I was not looking forward to the encounter. Furthermore, it was wintertime in Florida, which meant crowds and traffic everywhere. As I sat at a stoplight on my way to the shopping center, I decided to get my head straight. I accepted light traffic, easy parking and a satisfactory solution. The light turned green. I felt like Moses at the Red Sea as the traffic in front of me parted, and I caught green lights all the rest of the way. As I turned into the parking lot, a space by the door vacated and I pulled right in. The manager was not busy and friendly. I showed her the broken chain and she immediately replaced it with a brand new stronger one. No charge.
Remember, the River doesn’t care. It’s easier to fill the thimble than the tank truck. With every thimbleful your gratitude says, “This stuff works.”
What do you think the Universe says then? Exactly. So whenever you drive somewhere, accept a parking space. When you go to a restaurant, accept good food and service. At a party, accept happy times and good friends. Accept cordiality and harmony at a business meeting. If you want to break into traffic, accept a safe opportunity. If you fly, accept on-time flights and thin, congenial seatmates.
With any of the little things, we instinctively know the world won’t end if we don’t get it. If we aren’t attached, neither is God, so He, She or It might as well provide it.
Get the idea? The little things strengthen our faith for the larger demonstrations. The Universe is happy to oblige. I accept your enthusiastic agreement.
Happiness is BS with Gregg Sanderson
Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at http://www.newthoughtglobal.org.
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