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Enjoy the Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living
WHAT IS GREATER REALITY LIVING? The term greater reality living describes how you might choose to live as you expand your awareness of reality, which is defined as the state of things as itactuallyexists . Because so much of reality escapes the five physical senses, you likely have viewed life as if through a tiny pinhole and then wondered why things don’t make sense . As the old saying goes, “There is much more to life than meets the eye . ” Ifyou are nowinspired to expand your perception and take action in your own life, the Greater Reality Living model outlined in this series of Transformation Coaching articles provides a roadmap to : 1) Learn That Consciousness Survives Physical Death 2) Internalize This Great News 3) Vitalize Your Body, Mind and Spirit 4) Enjoythe Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living 5) Serve Others and Make the World a Better Place I designed this LIVES model to prepare people for optimal living after learning about the findings of Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., who directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the Uni- versity of Arizona. He is a Harvard graduate, former Harvard and Yale professor, and author of nine books includingThe Afterlife Experimentsand The Sacred Promise. I also started the nonprofit SoulPhone Foundation (http://www.SoulPhone.org) to help fund research and development for the SoulPhone Project. Depending on funding, a reliable and highly accurate SoulSwitch™ that provides yes/no answers from post-material (“deceased”) persons may be completed in 2020. An array of these switches can be used to produce a SoulKeyboard™ to enable texting and typing with them. This will greatly increase the quality and quantity of communication with postmaterial loved ones as well as scientists, inventors, and others who want to help us improve life on Earth. Replicated, multi-center, university-based scientific studies for the SoulPhone™ technology have now — for the first time in human history — definitively demonstrated that death is NOT the end of life.
Even though it may not seem like it at times, you r earthly exper ience is a totally safe, meaningful and magnificent adventu re amidst eter nity.
By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
Knowing that life doesn’t end conveys many benefits, and realizing there is much more to life than meets the eye can improve every aspect of your life. In this article I will simply summarize 12 wonderful advantages come from embracing the Greater Reality Living model: 1. LESS FEAR ABOUT THE DEATH OF YOUR EARTHLY BODY AND LOVED ONES. Yes, the human body dies, but that’s a mere fraction of who and what you really are. I once interviewed the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, and I asked him: “What do you tell parents with children who died?” He answered: “That there is no death; that’s not a possibility. Our true essence is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Self-actualizing people get over death almost as if it didn’t happen—because for them it doesn’t happen. Once you see that, you realize you can never be separate from them. There’s a sacred hoop that connects all of us.” We also now have extensive research on neardeath experiencers who report that heaven and hell are states of existence, not physical realms where people go after they pass. Many thousands of people have reported life reviews in which they not only saw, but also felt the good or bad they did to others. After their experienc- es, many of them felt that ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ were best understood as the aftermath of cumulative thoughts, words and deeds. 2. YOU WILL SEE YOUR POSTMATERIAL LOVED ONES AGAIN. Much evidence indicates that you can enjoy a wonderful reunion with dear ones after your earthly body dies. Sources of this evidence include documented
near-death experiences, authentic mediums, and life between lives hypnosis regressions. Knowing you will see them again means that bodily death is not a goodbye, just a see you later. However, you don’t have to wait until your body perishes to enjoy a different but continuing relationship with your postmaterial loved ones. Many people have experienced meaningful visits with their family, friends, and pets who have changed worlds through spontaneous afterdeath communications (ADC); sessions with highly evidential mediums (see article #6 Evidential Mediums at http:// www.SoulProof.com) my facilitated ADC Technique (http:// www.SoulProof.com); induced ADCs (http://www.InducedADC.com); and the Psychomanteum Technique developed by Dr. Raymond Moody (http://www.LifeAfterLife.com). In addition, SoulPhone devices are expected to allow texting, talking with, and seeing postmaterial persons (PMPs). Visit http://www.SoulPhone.org and sign up for the free enewsletter to learn more and get updates. 3. DEEPER KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE AN INTEGRAL PART OF LIFE SOURCE. After an NDE, people often report: “We are each one with the One and part of Source.” Statements like this are especially impressive when reported by documented near death experiencers—those who perceived and accurately described details in and around the hospital while clinically dead. As Joseph Campbell stated in An Open Life: “The divine lives within you. The separateness that is apparent in the phenomenal world is secondary. Beyond, and behind, and within and supporting that world is an unseen but experienced unity and identity in us all.” Ralph Waldo Emerson described finding cosmic oneness in nature: “I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God.” I share these quotes to help you better understand the nature of “All That Is” and your inextricably interconnected relationship to It. If you don’t yet have a meaningful relationship with the “Ground of All Being,” spend time in meditation, nature, conscious breathing and prayer to calm your brain’s over-analyzing. You’ll be pleasantly surprised to discover that the Light is within and all around you. 4. UNDERSTANDING YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SURVIVE AND EVEN THRIVE THROUGH LIFE’S TOUGHEST CHALLENGES. You have no doubt heard or read accounts of people who triumphed despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds. These stories demonstrate what is possible under tough circumstances and provide a bigger picture perspective of how strong and capable we each can be. Helen Keller, who achieved great success despite being blind and deaf, said: “Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing at all.”
With an enlightened viewpoint, every aspect of life—even the sad and difficult parts—can be seen as an opportunity to demonstrate your true nature. You can adopt the default belief that you have everything you need to survive and thrive no matter what life serves up. You can also choose to believe—based on good evidence—that Universe is totally supportive, fair and caring. Those core beliefs, in turn, engender greater faith, empowerment and positive expectancy. 5. MORE WISDOM ABOUT LIFE’S EXISTENTIAL QUESTIONS. Many people, especially during tough times, ask: “Who am I? Why am I here? What happens after I die? Why is there so much suffering? There are many interviews on this topic at http://www.SoulProof.com/RadioShows, but I want to answer one of the most commonly asked questions here: “Why would anyone choose challenges and tragedies?” Evidence indicates we may choose very temporary difficulties for many lasting benefits. From an enlightened perspective, pain and sadness are well worth increased personal growth and service to others. In addition, the quality of your life—both here and in the hereafter—is improved by upgrades in your consciousness. In Living in a Mindful Universe, Eben Alexander M.D. wrote: “Such events typically serve as catalysts for growth and learning. It is our chosen responses to such challenges that determine their ability to empower our growth.” 6. MORE CLARITY AND COURAGE TO FOLLOW YOUR HIGHEST CALLINGS. We each have special gifts to share, and life is so much more joyful and rewarding when we are contributing unique talents to the world. Some people mistakenly think their mission must be something superhuman such as single-handedly changing the world; do the best you can within your sphere of influence and know that is enough. Every day, ask the Universe: “How may I serve?” and then stay alert. Let your compassionate heart show you who needs help and how. And don’t forget to put yourself on the list of priorities. 7. TRUSTING YOUR INNER WISDOM AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. Many people have profound inner guidance and meaningful firsthand experiences that can inform, guide and assist when developed mindfully. The key is discernment. Your level of joy is one indicator of how much you remember to trust yourself. The word enthusiasm comes from en theos which means filled with God. You’re on the right path when you are truly happy. As Joseph Campbell put it, “If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there the whole while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living.”
8. ENHANCED PEACE AND ACCEPTANCE ABOUT LIFE’S CHANGES. Life on earth can involve lots of difficulties, and— as I just pointed out in No. 5—before coming to earth, you may have agreed to the possibility of experiencing these difficulties. If that is true, your awareness also likely planned potential solutions for your challenges. The bottom line? You can’t always change outer conditions, but you can always control your inner response. You can choose to focus on peace, acceptance, joy, and finding silver linings to clouds that periodically form. But when unexpected outcomes occur, be flexible and trusting enough to roll with the punches and find the hidden blessings. 9. GREATER APPRECIATION FOR AND CARE OF YOUR BODY. You can be a bright light in this world—not just a flickering candle flame, but a floodlight that brightens everyone’s day. Optimally caring for yourself helps you do that. Wise people lovingly care for their human form and keep it functioning optimally for as long as possible. Then they lightly release it when it’s no longer needed. To strike a good balance live as though your human form will last 100 years, but occasionally live as though today will be your last on earth. You may have heard the old saying, “When you die, you can’t take it with you.” That’s true with a few very important exceptions. After your human form dies, you take with you the love, memories, aptitudes and degree of awareness that you gained. Your energy and consciousness are reflective of your cumulative thoughts, words and deeds. 10. LOVING AND MAKING YOURSELF A PRIORITY. You deserve to be loved, respected, and treated like the divine human that you are—and you can help the most people and make the biggest impact when you put your needs first. That doesn’t mean you only think of yourself, just that you put yourself on the VIP (very important person) list. I encourage you to love and serve others and also yourself. Doing so on a regular basis will allow you to bestow greater gifts to the world and enjoy a happier and healthier life.
11. MORE AWARENESS OF AND GRATITUDE FOR HIGHER ENERGY ASSISTANTS/ASSISTANCE. Many people have perceived guidance and help from what they consider to be evolved Higher Energy Assistants: saints, angels, guides and ascended masters are some of the names you might hear. These celestial helpers have also been reported during near-death experiences, life between lives sessions, past life regressions, sessions with authentic mediums and revelatory experiences. So how do you ask for help, become more aware of it and use it? One way is to use prayer, meditation, time in nature, and other centering practices to quiet your brain so you can hear wise responses from within and all around. 12. EXCITEMENT ABOUT AN ETERNITY OF LOVING, SERVICE, ADVENTURE, GROWTH AND ENJOYMENT. Seeing more of life’s bigger picture doesn’t have to be described in religious or spiritual terms. You can be enthusiastic about understanding that your consciousness is part of One Mind. You can be positively giddy about comprehending that everything that ever has or will happen is stored as information and energy in a quantum vacuum. Knowing that your time on earth is like a totally safe and meaningful virtual reality experience could be the puzzle piece that allows you to be more enthusiastic.
Buckminster Fuller , the famous author , systems theor ist, and inventor , was asked for the most important message he could share w ith hu manity. He answered, "The Universe is fr iendly."
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Javier Allegue Barros
Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, master’s clinical psychologist, holistic chiropractic physician, frequent media guest, and webinar/workshop facilitator. He directs The SoulPhone Foundation and founded Greater Reality Living Groups. Dr. Pitstick can help you know and show—no matter what is happening to or around you— that your earthly experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit http://www.SoulProof.com for free articles, newsletters and radio interviews with top consciousness experts.
A Chance Encounter