The term greater reality living describes how you might choose to live as you expand your awareness of reality, which is defined as the state of things as it actually exists. Because so much of reality escapes the five physical senses, you likely have viewed life as if through a tiny pinhole and then wondered why things don’t make sense. As the old saying goes, “There is much more to life than meets the eye.” If you are now inspired to expand your perception and take action in your own life, the Greater Reality Living model outlined in this series of Transformation Coaching articles provides a roadmap to: 1) Learn That Consciousness Survives Physical Death 2) Internalize This Great News 3) Vitalize Your Body, Mind and Spirit 4) Enjoy the Many Benefits of Greater Reality Living 5) Serve Others and Make the World a Better Place I designed this LIVES model to prepare people for optimal living after learning about the findings of Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D., who directs the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. He is a Harvard graduate, former Harvard and Yale professor, and author of nine books including The Afterlife Experiments and The Sacred Promise. I also started the nonprofit SoulPhone Foundation (http://www.SoulPhone.org) to help fund research and development for the SoulPhone Project. Depending on funding, a reliable and highly accurate SoulSwitch™ that provides yes/no answers from post-material (“deceased”) persons may be completed in 2020. An array of these switches can be used to produce a SoulKeyboard™ to enable texting and typing with them. This will greatly increase the quality and quantity of communication with postmaterial loved ones as well as scientists, inventors, and others who want to help us improve life on Earth. Replicated, multi-center, university-based scientific studies for the SoulPhone™ technology have now — for the first time in human history — definitively demonstrated that death is NOT the end of life.
Even though it may not seem like it at times, you r ear thly exper ience is a totally safe, meaningfu l and magnificent adventu re amidst eter nity. By Mark Pitstick, MA, DC
them it doesn’t happen. Once you see that, you realize you can never be separate from them. There’s a sacred Knowing that life doesn’t end conveys many ben- hoop that connects all of us.” efits, and realizing there is much more to life than meets We also now have extensive research on nearthe eye can improve every aspect of your life. In this ar- death experiencers who report that heaven and hell are ticle I will simply summarize 12 wonderful advantages states of existence, not physical realms where people go come from embracing the Greater Reality Living model: after they pass. Many thousands of people have reported life reviews in which they not only saw, but also felt 1. LESS FEAR ABOUT THE DEATH OF YOUR the good or bad they did to others. After their experiences, many of them felt that ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ were best EARTHLY BODY AND LOVED ONES. understood as the aftermath of cumulative thoughts, Yes, the human body dies, but that’s a mere frac- words and deeds. tion of who and what you really are. I once interviewed the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, and I asked him: “What do you 2. YOU WILL SEE YOUR POSTMATERIAL LOVED tell parents with children who died?” He answered: “That there is no death; that’s not ONES AGAIN. a possibility. Our true essence is that we are spiritual beMuch evidence indicates that you can enjoy a ings having a human experience. Self-actualizing people wonderful reunion with dear ones after your earthly get over death almost as if it didn’t happen—because for body dies. Sources of this evidence include documented 9