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Everything is Interconnected
Everything is Interconnected
We are all musicians in a celestial orchestea.
By Anthony Talmage Some scientists today are coming round to the conclusion that everything in the universe is interconnected, and that the isolation and separation of objects from each other is an illusion. Everything—neutrons, protons, electrons, atoms, cells, molecules, plants, animals, people—is all part of a flowing web of interaction. This supports scientist James Lovelock’s Gaia Theory, which proposes that planet Earth is a living organism, the seemingly random processes of which work intelligently together to regulate and maintain life. In tune with this theory is the startling research which proved that after devastating conflicts, like World War I, when men died in the millions on the battlefield, more males were born than females. The Earth is a selfbalancing organism. Controversial biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake would go further and suggest that the entire universe is such an organism, and that everything in it is designed to maintain a celestial balance. He cites the termite mound as an analogy of the superorganism concept of animal societies, which dominated behavioural biology until about the early 1960s. Then there was a shift in favor of the idea that society was merely a series of random interactions among genetically programmed individuals. However, Dr. Sheldrake and I believe the superorganism concept is closer to the truth. Atoms, molecules, crystals, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, societies, ecosystems, planetary systems, solar systems and galaxies are all subject to energy fields, operating within one vast energy field, creating a harmony and balance throughout all life. In fact, every molecule in the universe resonates at its own, unique frequency that acts as both a driving force and a means of communication. Individual cells speak to each other in oscillating frequencies. Pessimistic humans may believe they are just individual flotsam on the ocean of life, but in truth we are all playing a vital part in a great celestial concert. Every individual is crucial to the quality of the performance. An analogy can be found in Sheldrake’s humble termite mound, where individuals each have their roles to play to ensure the well-being of the whole. They are born, nurtured, work, eat, rest and die. During this process, which matches any animal society, they carry out their functions as if directed by the equivalent of an invisible termite foreman who ensures everything runs smoothly. Sheldrake’s Morphogenic Field Theory explains how termites build adjacent columns, connected by arches to the two sides—which meet at exactly the right place in the middle. Termites are blind, and the inside of the nest is dark, so they can’t do it by vision. Edward O Wilson, founder of the concept of Sociobiology, considers it unlikely that they do it by hearing or acoustic methods because of the constant background of sound caused by the movement of the termites within the mound. Wilson, who represents the “genetically programmed individual” school of thought, hypothesises that they do it by smell. And even he agrees that that seems far-fetched. Sheldrake proposes that the column construction is going on within a social morphic field, which embraces the whole nest and which contains a template of the future arch. And this proposition is supported by a unique experiment carried out in the 1920s by South African biologist Eugene Marais. In his book The Soul of The White Ant, he describes experiments in which he hammered a large steel
plate through the centre of a termite mound. The termites repaired the mound on both sides of the steel plate, building columns and arches. Their movements were coordinated and, even though they approached the wall from different sides, the arches met on either side of the steel plate at exactly the right position as if nothing had blocked their way. This, says Sheldrake, seemed to demonstrate that there was some kind of coordinating influence which was unaffected by outside intervention. Obviously, smell was not the answer, as Wilson suggests, since even termites can’t smell subtle odors through a steel plate. So, if societies ebb and flow in tune with a wider orchestration of human affairs, and every human has a part to play, how do we maintain our individuality? And how do we achieve happiness, contentment, serenity and a sense of fulfilment? By knowing that our destiny is set out before us and we are each playing a unique role in the unfolding of life on this planet. So go for it in the sure and certain knowledge that there is a power out there ready and waiting to give you a helping hand. We are getting messages all the time—everything is talking to us, and to receive those messages we must walk in awareness. And listen.
Anthony Talmage covers more of the above themes in his three books, Dowse Your Way To Psychic Power, Unlock the Psychic Powers Of Your Unconscious Mind and In Tune With The Infinite Mind all available in Kindle, printed and audiobook versions from Amazon here: https://www.amzn.to/3r9xb7m. Or if you prefer other ebook stores, from here: https://www.books2read.com/ap/RQAvNV/Anthony-Talmage. And there’s a free podcast on his first book here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1742930
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