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Falling Forward After the Storm
Falling Forward After the Storm
After tough times, it is up to each of us to choose what we do next.
By Terez Hartmann
First of all, I want to say, “Congratulations.” If you are reading this, you made it through one of THE toughest times in (modern) human history. Even with the pandemic, fires, hurricanes, floods, political and civil unrest, global financial challenges—plus whatever personal storms you or someone you love may have had to weather—the fact remains that YOU. ARE. STILL. HERE. Add to that you are focusing upon empowering, life-giving ideas, rather than just sitting balled-up and shaking in the corner of a room somewhere—and wow. You. Just. GO! Considering what life has thrown at ALL of us, YOU, my friend, are a true survivor who has found a way to rise above and keep moving forward, and, if I were in your presence, I would be giving you the biggest high-five or hug (depending upon your comfort level) right now! …Yet, it’s important to understand that even though the storm is over, it often takes a little longer for your body, mind, spirit, finances, etc., to get the memo, which can be especially frustrating to coaches, mentors and leaders like us who have others depending upon us and who want to get back to work STAT. From one “storm survivor” to another, who knows what it’s like to fall HARD, here are a few ideas that have helped (and are currently helping) me get “back” to moving forward, sooner rather than later.
You are where you are and it’s okay, and even if it’s not okay, it IS okay that it’s not okay. The key to getting through the deluge is to do whatever you possibly can to move to a safer, more comfortable place where you really CAN feel some form of okay-ness. I know the whole “comfort zone” concept has been labeled a “bad” thing, but, at the same time, would you attend a memorial service or visit someone who just got out of major surgery and shout, “Get out of your comfort zone!” at them at the top of your lungs? No. If you are a person with a soul, you would do all you could to offer words, prayers and intentions for—you guessed it— COMFORT. So, when you are in the middle of a storm and have just pulled yourself out of the wreckage, this IS a case where seeking comfort is a GOOD thing: If you want to walk—and ultimately run—you first need to be able to stand, and finding some kind of comfort and stable ground beneath your feet is a critical first step to moving forward to more.
Being a Life Coach and highly independent woman, who was raised by another highly independent woman and stubborn RN, has shown me that often the “helpers” of the world can be the WORST when it comes to asking for help. We talk about how important it is to have support, we encourage others to reach out to us, and we feel an immense sense of satisfaction when we know we’ve made a positive difference in someone’s life, yet so many of us don’t take our own advice. If you, too, have resisted reaching out, think of it this way: If you saw a child or baby animal in need, would you ignore it, or tell it to “suck it up!”? No way, Jose’! You—being the kind, fabulous human you are—would surely help in whatever way you could. If you have been through a mother-of-a-storm or encountered something unprecedented in your life, extending the same level of kindness and compassion to yourself by reaching out for help will not only accelerate your recovery, but also give another helper an opportunity to feel the joy of giving. A balanced life involves giving AND receiving, friends, so here’s your chance to complete the circle and keep life moving forward for ALL.
Now that you’ve made it through the rain, give your body and mind a break by letting yourself rest in some way (sleep, meditate, watch a movie, read/listen to a book about “stuff and nonsense,” etc.), as forging ahead when you’re physically, mentally, and/or emotionally exhausted can actually create MORE downtime, mistakes, problems, physical injuries, or result in snap decisions that will shift you further into reverse rather than forward. Please rest and reset, as it can and will benefit your work, clients, family, finances, and health.
What CAN you do right now? Write some things down then pick something and DO it. Even if you don’t know the answer to that question, you are FAR more likely to discover the next right thing by doing SOMETHING and getting your body into motion if at all possible. Unless you would incur an injury, get up and go for a walk, a bike ride, or even simply take a shower. Changing your location and physically moving forward is not only a powerful, symbolic act, it literally gets a chemical reaction started in your body that can help you discover a new idea or solution that was completely out of reach only moments earlier*! Author’s Note: *BTW, some great data about movement can be found here: https://www.orthology.com/move-more-livebetter-how-moving-your-body-changes-your-brain/
While it is important to address what is needed for today and now, do remember that what is happening at this moment is only the starting line, not the finish line. When you feel ready, consider these steps: 1) Answer this question: “What Do You Want?” By doing this, you plug a destination into your internal GPS and, hence,
open yourself up to thoughts, people, ideas and actions that can actually start leading you in the direction you want to go! 2) Use “What if?” to your advantage by asking this rhetorical (yet powerful) question, “What if this COULD be possible for you?” 3) Rather than look for why it can’t happen, collect evidence that supports why it COULD happen. • Review your own history and write down a few key phrases that activate memories of times when you wanted something, had no idea how it could happen, but then saw life come through for you. • Watch documentaries, shows, movies, listen to/read books, and meet people who were able to move forward in inspiring ways and realize things that once seemed “impossible.” • Use the power of your mind to see, hear and experience what your “finish line” could feel like.
Though we have all danced with our share of storms, especially in the recent past, I do know one thing for sure: It is, was, and always will be up to each of us to choose what we do next. Here’s to falling FORWARD into greater health, well-being, abundance—and the NEW that is calling the powerful, beautiful, resilient, amazing, upgraded version of YOU.
“Onward, upward and forward To the upgraded version of me Instead of my fears, I will follow my dreams For I’d rather go where they lead…” ~from “Onward, Upward & Forward” ©TTRH 2021-22
Editor’s Note: For more tools to get moving now, increase focus and productivity, start the new year or your next season out strong, build resilience, and move forward beyond trauma, grief, and major life challenges visit: https://www.store. transformationacademy.com/products/onward-upward-andforward?sca_ref=764549.rTXXrtA0hH
with Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann
Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann is a Visionary Creative & top-rated instructor, Law of Attraction & Allowing YOUR Success specialist, published author, speaker, singer-songwriter, recording & performing artist & composer, “Catalyst for Fab-YOU-lous” and true Renaissance Woman who has already helped over 10,000 students in over 130 countries allow success and live life on FIRE. She is deeply passionate about helping other Powerful Creatives and Leading-Edge Thinkers live unique, empowered lives on their terms by cultivating the courage to dream, to express themselves boldly & authentically, and to focus Onward, Upward and Forward into new possibilities. http://www.terezfirewoman.com