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Make Gratitude a Habit
Make Gratitude a Habit
By Jowanna Daley
As a life coach and leader, I can relate to people’s stories about hardship during their childhood. As I look back to see what really made me different from some of my relatives who shared traumatic experiences, gratitude is the key. It changed the trajectory of my life. Luckily gratitude is a habit that you can master, too.
Gratitude is actively recognizing and being thankful for what you have in your life. It is not only practiced when something good happens but also when bad events take place. Practicing gratitude helps us build resilience, develop positivity and increase happiness. Everyone—including your clients— can benefit from gratitude. 18
Research has shown that gratitude can positively impact our daily lives. It cultivates connection with others and life satisfaction. This contagious feeling can help create an authentic connection with your clients. According to positive psychology research, there is a strong link between gratitude and happiness, self-esteem and other positive emotions. People who practice gratitude are usually happier regardless of their external circumstances. Additionally, gratitude has been linked with many positive outcomes, including better physical health, improved sleep quality and reduced stress levels.
The key to gratitude is to make it a habit. There are two ways to do this. First, you can choose one or two things you are grateful for daily and think about them throughout the
day. Second, you can practice gratitude in your everyday life by doing little things like counting your blessings or writing down the things you appreciate. While gratitude comes naturally to some, many people have to be mindful and intentional about practicing because it can be easy to take things for granted. However, if you want to be the example of a happy person who enjoys life, it’s crucial to be grateful for what you have. Here are a few things you could do: 1) Make a list of things you appreciate in your life. Starting a gratitude list can be a great way to become more grateful. Make a list of all the good things in your life, big and small. 2) Keep a gratitude journal. Having a gratitude journal allows you to practice gratitude consistently. Journaling can help you train your mind to appreciate the good things in your life. 3) Meditate on your blessings. Practicing mindfulness helps you train your brain to be more grateful. Take a few minutes daily to think about everything you’re grateful for. 4) Thank people for the little things. It’s easy to take people for granted. Recognize what people in your life do for you, and you’ll find the more you appreciate, the more people love doing things for you. 5) Try to be more positive. When you’re grateful, you tend to be more positive. So if you want to be more grateful, try to be more positive in your attitude and outlook on life.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for improving our relationships with others. When we are grateful for what we have, it’s easy to be happy and satisfied. This happiness and satisfaction can then be shared with others. Gratitude is not just an excellent idea; it’s an integral part of the relationship advice we all need. Gratitude has been shown to improve our relationships with our coaching clients in a few ways. • It increases feelings of connection and closeness. When we express gratitude to our clients, they feel seen and appreciated, which builds trust and strengthens our bond. • It helps us to stay positive and focused, even when things get tough. It can be a real challenge to stay upbeat and supportive when our clients are struggling, but when we’re grateful for them, even in tough times, 19
it helps us to maintain perspective and continue to provide our best possible support. • It creates a healthy cycle of giving and receiving. When we express gratitude to our clients, they often respond in kind, which makes us feel appreciated and valued. This reciprocal exchange of gratitude benefits both coach and client and helps strengthen the relationship.
November is National Gratitude Month. The holidays can be a challenging time for many. Here’s a gratitude challenge you can do with your family, clients, and friends. Day 1: Why do you think gratitude is important Day 2: What are you grateful for today? Day 3: What are some things you’re grateful for that you don’t often consider? Day 4: What are some things you’re grateful for that you take for granted? Day 5: What are some things you’re grateful for that have happened recently? Day 6: What are some ways you can express gratitude? Day 7: What are some things you’re grateful for that you don’t have? Day 8: What are some things you’re grateful for that you can’t see? Day 9: What are some things you’re grateful for that you don’t have yet? Day 10: What are some things you’re grateful for that happened long ago? Day 11: What are some things you’re grateful for that are invisible? Day 12: What are some things you’re grateful for that you don’t understand? Day 13: What are some things you’re grateful for that are beyond your control? Day 14: What are you grateful for in your relationships? Day 15: What are you grateful for in your career? Day 16: What are you grateful for in your health? Day 17: What are you grateful for in your finances? Day 18: What are you grateful for in your spiritual life? Day 19: What are you grateful for in your creativity? Day 20: What are you grateful for in your leisure time? Day 21: What are you grateful for in your home? Day 22: What are you grateful for in your neighborhood? Day 23: What are you grateful for in the world? Day 24: What are you grateful for in your childhood? Day 25: What are you grateful for in your life journey? Day 26: What are you grateful for in your challenges? Day 27: What are you grateful for in your lessons? Day 28: What are you grateful for in your growth? Day 29: What are you grateful for in your blessings? Day 30: What are you grateful for in your happiness? Enjoy November, and remember—gratitude improves your attitude and increases your blessings.
Can you believe it’s already November? This month there are holidays, observations, and awareness days celebrating small businesses and women and promoting mental health. Below, I share holidays to inspire you. Remember, it’s good to have some content that gives without expecting anything back. And don’t forget to have fun with it! NOVEMBER 1 • Give Up Your Shoulds. A time to celebrate by letting go of things you think you “should” do. This could be anything from feeling guilty about not spending enough time with your family to feeling like you need always to be productive and working on something. #nationalgiveupyourshouldsday • National Family Care Giver Day. Family caregivers are often the invisible heroes of our families and communities. They often provide care for their loved ones without expecting anything in return. National Family Caregiver
Day is a time to celebrate all these caregivers do for their loved ones and raise awareness about the challenges and hardships they often face. NOVEMBER 2 • International Stress Awareness Day. A day highlighting the importance of managing stress and recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress. It is a day to promote healthy coping strategies and to provide support to those who are struggling with stress.
The goal is to help people to feel more in control of their lives and to improve their overall well-being. #internationalstressawarenessday NOVEMBER 3 • Cliché Day. National Cliché Day is a day to celebrate the overused and often meaningless phrases that permeate our language. It’s a day to recognize the clichés we use every day and try to use them less when we communicate. #clicheday • National Depression Screening Day. A day to raise awareness of depression and suicide and provide screenings for those at risk. #nationaldepressionscreeningday NOVEMBER 4 • National Skeptics Day. Celebrated every year on
November 4. This day celebrates critical thinking and skeptical thinking. It is also a day to celebrate scientific skepticism and to appreciate the scientific process. #nationalskepticsday • Use Your Common Sense Day. On November 4, use your common sense to make decisions and solve problems. Draw on your natural wisdom and intuition to navigate through life’s challenges. Of course respect others and use your best judgment to act by your values. #useyourcommonsenseday NOVEMBER 6 • National Healthy Eating Day. A day promoting healthy eating habits. As we near the holiday season, this day is an excellent opportunity to make healthier food choices. • Zero Tasking Day. A holiday meant to promote productivity by encouraging people to eliminate all unnecessary tasks from their day. The goal is to focus the day on the essential tasks and eliminate anything that doesn’t contribute to that goal. #zerotaskingday NOVEMBER 8 • National S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day. A day to celebrate science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics.
It is a day to promote these subjects’ importance and encourage students to pursue careers in these fields. #nationalstemsteamday NOVEMBER 9 • National Chaos Never Dies Day. A day to celebrate the chaos in your life and never give up on your dreams. No matter how chaotic life may seem, always remember that you have the power to make your dreams a reality. #nationalchaosneverdiesday • World Mental Health Day. This international holiday promotes mental health education and awareness globally. #worldmentalhealthday NOVEMBER 13 • World Kindness Day. The official world kindness day is
November 13, and it celebrates the idea of spreading kindness throughout the world. It is a day when people can come together and do something kind for someone else, whether it is a small gesture or something more substantial. It is a day to remind people of the importance of kindness and how it can make a difference in the world. #worldkindnessday NOVEMBER 14 • International Selfie Day. Celebrate the selfie, a photo of oneself taken by oneself. The selfie has become a popular way to capture and share a moment with others. It can be a simple way to show your friends what you’re up to or a more creative way to document your life. #internationalselfieday NOVEMBER 15 • I Love to Write Day. A day for people to express their love for writing. It can be for writing in general or a specific type of writing. It can also be for writing poems, stories, articles, or anything else. Writing can be a great way to uniquely express yourself; this day is a chance to celebrate that. #ilovetowriteday • National Entrepreneurship Day. National Entrepreneurship Day celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship and encourages people to start businesses. This day is an excellent opportunity to learn about the what it takes
to run a small business. From creating a business plan to marketing and finance. It is also a chance to connect with other entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences. #nationalentrepreneurshipday NOVEMBER 17 • Social Enterprise Day. A special day set aside to celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of social enterprises across the United States. This day is a time to recognize social enterprises’ vital role in strengthening communities and creating jobs. #socialenterpriseday NOVEMBER 19 • Equal Opportunity Day. The day to commemorate the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the United
States, which made it illegal for employers to discriminate against people based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The act also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Comission (EEOC) to help promote equitable treatment in the workplace. Equal Opportunity Day is an important reminder that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their background or personal characteristics. #equalopportunityday • Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. This day celebrates the successes of women entrepreneurs worldwide and aims to inspire more women to pursue entrepreneurship as a career. Events and celebrations vary but may include keynote speeches, workshops, networking events, and award ceremonies. #womensentrepreneurshipday NOVEMBER 21 • World Hello Day. An annual event that takes place on November 21. It is a day when people around the world come together to say hello and spread goodwill. #worldhelloday NOVEMBER 24 • Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day. Celebrate Your
Unique Talent Day celebrates the unique talents that each person has. It is a day to celebrate the things that make each person unique and to encourage people to use their talents to make a difference in the world. #celebrateyouruniquetalentday NOVEMBER 25 • National Day of Listening. A day to celebrate the importance of listening and reflect on how listening can improve relationships, build community and solve problems. #nationaldayoflistening • Random Acts of Kindness Friday. The Random Acts of
Kindness Foundation observes Random Acts of Kindness
Day every year on the Friday after Thanksgiving. This event celebrates the simple act of kindness and encourages people to perform random acts of kindness for others. #randomactofkindnessfriday NOVEMBER 26 • Internal Aura Awareness Day. A day to celebrate the aura, an energetic field surrounding the body. People celebrate by reading about auras, meditating on their auras, or trying to see auras in others. #internalauraawarenessday • Small Business Saturday. A day created to help promote and support small businesses during the holiday shopping season. It is celebrated annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. #smallbusinesssaturday NOVEMBER 29 • World Day of Giving. A day dedicated to celebrating and supporting charitable giving that is celebrated annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, intended to inspire people to give back to their communities and support charities that are important to them. #worlddayofgiving
The Daley Word
with Jowanna Daley
Jowanna is a business and personal coach, consultant, freelance blogger, and personal brand photographer. Jowanna uses her 20-plus years of business, information technology, business analysis, and project management experience to serve solopreneurs, microbusinesses, and professionals through consulting, coaching, training, and workshops. She is also a freelance blogger who serves corporate and non-corporate clients. Visit her website at https://www.jowannadaley.com/about/.
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