13 minute read


How to help clients with emotional wellness.

By Jowanna Daley


October is emotional wellness month. As a coach, your client’s (and, of course, your own) emotional health determines the level of transformation they will achieve. Unfortunately, many people struggle with their emotional health and may not even realize it. As a coach, it’s your job to help your clients become aware of their emotions and learn how to manage them effectively. What is emotional wellness? It is essential to explain what emotional wellness means to your clients because some people focus on happiness and think something is wrong when they experience negative emotions. Therefore, it is critical for your clients to realize that emotional wellness is being able to understand, express, and healthily control their emotions. Factors that impact emotional wellness. Many things can affect emotional wellness; sometimes, your client may not realize how much specific factors impact their emotional health. Have your clients submit a status before each session, and make sure you check in with them. A wide range of things can impact your clients’ emotional wellness including: • Physical health • Work or job • Life events • Life experiences • Depression • Mood • Stress levels • Self-esteem • Trauma If you sense that a client is not themselves, ask probing questions if you sense if they are struggling emotionally. Always have tools should they require help, and be sure to refer them to a mental health professional should they need one.

How to tell if clients are struggling emotionally.

Emotional distress shows up in a wide range of ways. And, of course, the longer you serve a client, the better you’ll become at recognizing when something seems off. Some key signs that they may be struggling include: • Missing sessions or showing up late • Slow or no progress • Not engaging as they usually would • Altered mood • Showing signs of stress Everyone may have an “off” day, so make sure you connect with as one human to another. The more rapport you build with your clients, the more comfortable they will share their challenges.


If your client seems emotionally distressed, help them through it. As a professional, you should have a range of tools that help your clients express themselves and process whatever is bothering them. Transformation Academy’s life coach certifications come packed with tools and lessons to ensure you can help your clients. My favorites include the CBT, RBET, EQ, and Self-Care coaching certifications. Additionally, here are a few tips for helping your clients with emotional wellness: Offer compassion and understanding. Your clients will appreciate your understanding and compassion. Remember that everyone experiences emotions differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. Be open to exploring different strategies with your clients, and be patient as they work through their challenges. Encourage self-care. Self-care is essential for emotional wellness. Encourage your clients to make time for themselves every day, even just a few minutes. Suggest activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises. Help them identify their emotions. Many people don’t even realize they’re experiencing emotions, let alone know what they are. Help your clients learn to identify their emotions, both positive and negative. They can do this by journaling, doing mindfulness exercises, or simply talking about how they’re feeling.

Guide them on how to deal with problematic

emotions. Not all emotions are pleasant—and some can be pretty overwhelming. Teach your clients how to deal with difficult emotions in a healthy way. It may involve talking about their feelings, expressing them or simply acknowledging them. Promote positive thinking. Positive thinking is key to a happy and healthy life. Encourage your clients to focus on the good things in their lives. Though it can be challenging, it’s worth the effort.

Refer them to a licensed mental health profes-

sional. Everyone has down days, which does not mean every struggle requires a mental health counselor. Still, have adequate assessment tools (a set of standard questions), including a process to see whether you should encourage them to speak to a clinical professional to signal you when to recommend a clinical health professional. Emotional wellness is a critical aspect of overall health and well-being. As a life coach, it’s your job to help your clients develop the skills they need to manage their emotions effectively. These tips should help get you started.


There is much inspiration for content with holiday, observation, and awareness calendars. Below, I share holidays to inspire you. Remember, it’s good to have some content that gives without expecting anything back. And don’t forget to have fun with it! OCTOBER 1 • Frugal Fun Day. A day to enjoy inexpensive or free activities. This can include going for a walk in the park, playing games, visiting a local museum or reading a book. #frugalfunday • Less Than Perfect Day. Perfectionism can get in the way. Less than perfect day helps raise awareness about why it’s okay to make mistakes. #lessthanperfectday OCTOBER 2 • Intergeneration Day. A day to celebrate the relationships between different generations and appreciate the knowledge and experience that older generations can offer, while learning from the optimism and energy that young people bring to the world. It is a day to come together and celebrate the unique perspectives that each generation brings to the table. #intergenerationday • World No Alcohol Day. The purpose of World No

Alcohol Day is to encourage people to abstain from alcohol for a day to raise awareness of its harmful effects. #worldnoalcoholday OCTOBER 3 • World Habitat Day. A day to remind the world that everyone deserves a decent place to live and to advocate for better housing conditions for all. It is also an opportunity to highlight housing and habitat’s critical role in human societies and the environment. #worldhabitatday • Look at the Leaves Day! A day that encourages people to spend time outdoors looking at the leaves. It is a time to appreciate the natural beauty of the autumn season. #lookatheleavesday OCTOBER 4 • National Fruit at Work Day. The day’s purpose is to promote eating fruit as part of a healthy lifestyle and to enjoy the many benefits that fruit provides. #nationalfruitatworkday OCTOBER 5 • Do Something Nice Day. A day to encourage people to do something nice for others without expecting anything in return. This could be anything from small acts of kindness, like making someone a cup of coffee, to bigger gestures, like volunteering at a local shelter. #dosomethingniceday • Get Funky Day. A day to let your hair down and have fun! Wear something outrageous, dance to your favorite songs, and enjoy the company of friends. #getfunkyday OCTOBER 6 • National Coaches Day. A special day to honor coaches who have significantly impacted their athletes, teams and communities. This day is also a time to thank coaches for their dedication and hard work in making a positive difference in the lives of those they coach. #nationalcoachesday • National Depression Screening Day. A day to raise awareness of depression and suicide and provide screenings for those at risk. #nationaldepressionscreeningday OCTOBER 7 • Bathtub Day. Bathtub Day is a special day dedicated to bathtubs! What better way to relax and destress than by taking a luxurious bath? On Bathtub Day, take some time for yourself and enjoy a long, soothing soak. #bathtubday • National Forgiveness Day. A day to forgive others and yourself. It is a day to let go of anger, resentment and bitterness. It is a day to embrace peace, compassion and love. #nationalforgivenessday OCTOBER 8 • National Curves Day. A time to celebrate women’s curves. It is a day to honor all women, no matter their size or shape. This day is a chance for all women to feel beautiful and confident in their skin. #nationalcurvesday • Universal Music Day. Universal Music Day is a day to celebrate the power of music. It is a day to celebrate how music can unite people, cultures and generations. It is a day to celebrate how music can make us feel happy, sad, excited and nostalgic. And it is a day to celebrate the way music can inspire us to do great things. #universalmusicday OCTOBER 9 • Curious Events Day. Curious Events Day is a day to celebrate all things curious! These could be things you are curious about, intrigue you, or simply things that make you curious. It can be a day to learn new things, ask questions, and explore your interests. #curiouseventsday OCTOBER 10 • National Kick Butt Day. National Kick Butt Day is a holiday that is celebrated on the second Monday in October. The purpose of National Kick

Butt Day is to encourage people to take action to improve their lives and to stop making excuses. #nationalkickbuttday

• World Mental Health Day. World Mental

Health day is observed every year on October 10.

The day is observed to promote mental health education and awareness globally. #worldmentalhealthday OCTOBER 11 • Own Business Day. This special day celebrates entrepreneurship and honors small business owners’ hard work and dedication everywhere. #ownbusinessday • You Go Girl Day. Celebrate the power of women everywhere. Today, women are encouraged to pursue their dreams and goals passionately and enthusiastically. #yougogirl OCTOBER 12 • Free Thought Day. A day that set aside to promote free thought, a time when people can express their opinions and thoughts without fear of retribution. #freethoughtday OCTOBER 13 • Good Samaritan Day. A day to commemorate and celebrate the good Samaritans who have helped others in need. It is also a day to encourage others to do the same. #goodsamaritanday • International Day for Failure. A day to celebrate the importance of failure and recognize that failure is necessary for learning and growing. It is a day to remind ourselves that failure is an opportunity to learn and to do better next time. #internationaldayforfailure OCTOBER 14 • Be Bald and Be Free Day. Embrace your baldness and be proud of it. It is a day to celebrate your unique self and be proud of who you are.

It is a day to raise awareness for cancer patients and those who have lost their hair due to other medical conditions and a time to support and empower those struggling with hair loss. #bebaldandbefreeday

• National FRUMP Day (Frugal, Responsible,

Unpretentious, Mature Persons Day). National

FRUMP Day is a day to celebrate people who are frugal, responsible and unpretentious. It is a day to celebrate mature people who don’t need to dress up or put on a show to feel good about themselves. #nationalfrumpday OCTOBER 15 • National Grouch Day. Today, people are encouraged to be grumpy and complain about everything.

This day is meant to be a fun way to let out your frustrations, and it can be a great way to get out of your funk. #nationalgrouchday • Sweetest Day (Third Saturday in October).

Atime to celebrate the people in your life who make you feel special and loved. It is also a day to do something kind for someone you care about. #sweetestday OCTOBER 16 • Steve Jobs Day. People are encouraged to commemorate Steve Jobs by doing something he was passionate about, such as embracing creativity and innovation. In addition, people can think about how

Jobs changed the world and what they can do to help continue his legacy. #stevejobsday OCTOBER 17

• National Clean Your Virtual Desktop

Day (Third Monday in October). A day to celebrate the importance of a clutter-free work area. It is a call for individuals and businesses to take the time to clean up their digital space. #nationalcleanyourvirtualdesktopday • National Edge Day. A day celebrating the importance of taking risks and living life on the edge.

Push your limits and try something new. Whether you take a risk in your personal or professional life, National Edge Day is about stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new challenges. #nationaledgeday OCTOBER 18 • Information Overload Day. A day to reflect on the blessings and challenges of having access to so much information. The day is also a time to focus on managing information overload. #informationoverloadday • National Face Your Fears Day. A day to confront your fears head-on. Whether you’re scared of spiders or snakes, today is the day to face and overcome your fears! #nationalfaceyourfearsday OCTOBER 19 • Evaluate Your Life Day. This is a day to reflect on your life and assess how you are doing. It can be a time to think about your goals and what you want to change in your life. It can also be a time to appreciate what you have accomplished. #evaluateyourlifeday • Love Your Body Day. This loving day is to celebrate and love your body. #loveyourbodyday OCTOBER 20 • Get to Know Your Customer Day. A day to focus on strengthening relationships with customers. #gettoknowyourcustomerday • National Day on Writing. A day to celebrate writing and raise awareness about the importance of writing. #nationaldayonwriting

OCTOBER 21 • Celebration of the Mind Day. A day to promote awareness of the importance of the mind and to celebrate its power. #celebrationofthemindday

• Mammography Day (Third Friday in October).

Mammography Day aims to raise awareness about the importance of mammograms in detecting breast cancer early, when it is more likely to be cured. The day also serves as a reminder to women of the importance of getting regular mammograms, even if they have no symptoms. #mammographyday OCTOBER 22 • Clean Up the Earth Day. An international event celebrated to inspire and promote clean-up and recycling initiatives worldwide. #cleanupheearthday • National Color Day. This is a day when people are encouraged to wear and use colors in various ways.

The day is also a time to appreciate the importance of color in our lives. #nationalcolorday OCTOBER 24 • National Crazy Day. A a day to let loose and has some fun. Act crazy, do something wacky, and enjoy the silliness of life! #nationalcrazyday • Take Back Your Time Day. A global event calling for people to reclaim their time from work and other obligations to enjoy life more fully. The day is usually marked with events and discussions around reducing our workloads and creating more time for leisure, relaxation and fun. #takebackyourtimeday OCTOBER 25 • Punk for a Day Day. This day is about rejecting the status quo and doing things your way. It’s about

being yourself, no matter what that means to anyone else. #punkforadayday OCTOBER 29 • Make a Difference Day. People of all ages and backgrounds come together to volunteer on Make a Difference Day. Projects include cleaning up parks and public areas, packing meals for the hungry, stocking food banks and helping the elderly or disabled. #makeadifferenceday • National Hermit Day. A day to celebrate the hermit lifestyle and to reflect on the benefits of being alone and to find peace and solace in silence. #nationalhermitday OCTOBER 30 • Checklist Day. Checklist Day is all about checking off items on a list! It’s a day to focus on crossing items off your to-do list and becoming more organized. #checklistday • Speak Up For Service Day. A day when people are encouraged to volunteer and give back to their community. #speakupforserviceday OCTOBER 31 • Magic Day. A day for people to reflect on all the magical moments they have experienced and appreciate life’s mysteries and wonders. #magicday • Save a Friend Day. A holiday that aims to raise awareness of substance abuse’s dangers and encourage people to take action to help their friends who may be struggling with addiction. #saveafriendday

The Daley Word

with Jowanna Daley

Jowanna is a business and personal coach, consultant, freelance blogger, and personal brand photographer. Jowanna uses her 20-plus years of business, information technology, business analysis, and project management experience to serve solopreneurs, microbusinesses, and professionals through consulting, coaching, training, and workshops. She is also a freelance blogger who serves corporate and non-corporate clients. Visit her website at https://www.jowannadaley.com/about/.

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