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Think Yourself to a Better Life

Think Yourself to a Better Life




Where the mind goes, life energy follows.

By Anthony Talmage

You may believe that in living your average, daily routine you’re just a faceless cog in a remorseless machine and wouldn’t be missed if you just simply disappeared. How very wrong you would be! What you say and do today can, literally, change the world. But, before action and words comes thought. So it’s not just what you say and do that matters, but also what you THINK. You and I, as human beings, can heal and transform ourselves and our planet merely by the thoughts we choose. Let me explain. Thought is energy and energy is thought. The Zero Point Field of energies comprise the whole spectrum of resonances, from horror, fear, anguish, hate, lust—to love, happiness, confidence, unselfishness, caring etc. Human thought creates a field of intention which can influence people, animals, plants and even random events. It has been proven in numerous scientific experiments that human thought can affect bacteria, yeast, plants, ants, chicks, mice and rats, cats and dogs, human cells and even the brain rhythms of other human beings, where the most ordered mind prevails. This adds support to biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s notion of ideas spreading via morphic resonance. The signal from one, powerful mind can impose itself on the less ordered brains of others. The work of Masaru Emoto, a creative and visionary Japanese researcher, reinforces this idea in a remarkable way. During his life, Dr. Emoto photographically documented molecular changes in water caused by different “thought vibrations.” After exposing distilled water to different positive or negative ideas, words, music, emotions, etc., he freezes droplets of the water and then examines these under a dark field microscope that photographs the results. His work clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water and the effect of “vibrations” in the environment on it. The result is a series of photographs similar to those of a snowflake, each with its individual “signature.” Dr. Emoto came to the startling conclusion that water reflects our consciousness. He followed up his research with a book, Messages from Water, containing the results of his worldwide studies. The information and photographs in it are compelling evidence that our thoughts affect everything in and around us. Dr. Emoto proposes that even as little input as a word, music or simply meditating on water vibrates the electrons. The resulting geometric patterns demonstrate the very real effect human beings have on their environment. By extension, it shows how our awareness and observation participate in the creation of the universe. If we believe Dr. Emoto, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, we have to acknowledge the power we have over our fellow human beings. Since the human body comprises over 70 percent water, these same vibrations are having an effect on our own bodies, and those of other people, in the same way as they interact with water itself. That’s why it’s so important

to think positive.

Dr. Emoto and his colleagues took their experiments a stage further deciding to see if even words printed on paper and taped onto glass bottles overnight had an effect. The same procedure was performed using positive and negative phrases and even the names of dead people. The different “influences” they tried included the words, “You make me sick,” “I will kill you”, “Adolph Hitler”, “Thank you”, “Love and appreciation” and “Mother Teresa”. The waters were then frozen and photographed. The resulting images showed an identifiable response and distinct characteristics reflecting the vibrations that attach to the words. Those that had responded to “Hitler” and “kill” were ugly and distorted, while the crystals formed in response to “Thank you” and “love” were beautiful and harmonious. Many believe this provides profound evidence that we can, as I said earlier, positively heal and 15

transform ourselves and our planet by the thoughts we choose to think. So, emphasize the positive. Begin each day with a positive affirmation, which draws towards you positive vibrations. Create a higher vision of yourself that you would aspire to, and hold to this vision day by day. Think, act and speak as if you were that higher self. Walk in awareness of this hourly struggle. Our minds are being bombarded continually. When tempted to lower your standards do the opposite. Don’t forget your tools are thoughts, words and deeds which are always creating. Where the mind goes, life energy follows. Our thoughts should be of love not hate, giving not receiving, positive not negative. Beware of detrimental forces that will resist this change. Fight back. The forces of resistance will create the illusion that you are deluding yourself. It will appear that your positive thinking is producing negative results. This is the way negative entities conduct their fight—by undermining our confidence. Once they get a foothold, we start to slip. So ignore the apparent paradoxes they’re creating and stick to your beliefs. Thinking positive is working. Give it time. Give it your confidence. You’ll win in the end if you stick with it. While you are assailed by doubt, ignore it and sail serenely on! I hope by now you are beginning to be convinced of the notion that thought energy has an awesome power and that each of us has a great responsibility to use that power for the benefit of our fellow travelers, and the world we are passing on to our children.

Anthony Talmage is author of three books in his Psychic Mind series, Dowse Your Way To Psychic Power, In Tune With The Infinite Mind and Unlock The Psychic Powers Of Your Unconscious Mind, all available in Kindle and printed versions from Amazon, and other ebook stores here: https://www.books2read.com/u/mZaZlp. He is contactable via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anthony-talmage. Anthony covers more of the themes in his Transformation Coaching Magazine article in his first podcast, available absolutely free. Just click on this link to listen or download: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1742930

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