Transformation Magazine: Coaching

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3 INSPIRATIONAL STORIES 3 The Spoils of Pushing Through Fear 4 Today is Worthy of Our Best 5 Trending Kindness 6 Rolling with Life’s Punches 8 From Stuttering to Speaking to Coaching 10 Who Sent the Ants? 12 What If... 13 Less is More... A New Habit 14 TOOLS & TIPS FOR EMPOWERMENT 14 Connect to a Healthier, Happier You! 16 Healthy Food Alternatives for Transitioning Your Diet 19 Learn to Think Creatively 20 4 Steps to Power-Up the Subconscious Mind: Using Hypnosis to Lose Weight Permanently 22 How to Build Better Relationships 24 Choose a Coach Who Has Traveled Your Trail 25 COACHING STRATEGIES 25 Finding True North 26 Exploring the E-Commerce Landscape: What to Consider When Entering the Online Business World 29 The Change Cycle 32 How to Offer Career Guidance in the Information Age 34 ENLIGHTENMENT 34 Get Ready for the SoulPhone 36 A Timeless Theme: Commitment 38 The Infinite Being Meditation 41 Ms. Spiritual Matters © Copyright 2017 Transformation Magazine. All rights reserved.



By Tracey Ashcraft One day while I was scanning my newsfeed on Facebook—probably playing hooky from getting work done—I noticed my friend Sherri’s post about wanting to do a zip-line adventure. Her comment seemed like a casual response to a silly commercial for who-knows-what-product, where a pig was squealing with joy while riding a zip-line. I hit “like” and moved on to the next trivial post about someone’s day. Here is where the synchronicity comes in: A few days later I received a coupon offer for a two-for-one indoor zip-line adventure. With a few clicks on my phone, I purchased the offer. Ok, this may not sound too wild to you, but I am not prone to impulse buying and tend to labor over buying even a pair of socks for myself. This lack of deliberation during this buying process was seriously out of character! After inviting Sherri to do the zip-line with me, the initial excitement began to fade, and I noticed we were both not racing to schedule a day for the indoor adventure park. What was going on with us? Ok, so we are two grown women with responsibilities to our kids, families, jobs, aging parents, and what can feel like a million other things that have to get done in life. But why were we dragging our feet to do this zip-line adventure? Finally, after a few months went by, Sherri and I talked on the phone and discovered that we were both a little scared to do the zip-line. Keep in mind that this was an indoor zip-line—not one that has you suspended from a single line 250 feet over a rocky, raging river gorge. It had been a long time since either of us had done anything adventurous just for ourselves. After coming clean with each other, we booked our day of adventure for the following week. When the planned day arrived, Sherri and I babbled excitedly on the 30-minute ride to the park. We supported each other, with pale faces, through the safety speech. We giggled nervously as we climbed the staircase to the launching platform. We asked jokingly

if we should just turn around and head to the nearest bar. But somehow we managed to allow ourselves to be clipped into the harness on side-by-side zip-lines and have our bodies hurled across the modest chasm. As fake palm trees whizzed passed our view, fear transformed into exhilaration with shrieks of joy. (Please do not compare us to the pig in the Facebook post that started this whole adventure.) Seconds later, feet firmly on the platform on the other side, we broke out into laughter filled with relief. I can’t quite remember who said, “Let’s go again!” as we ran around to the stairs to make the ascent. Before heading back to the responsibilities of our lives, we stopped and had lunch and checked out some shops. Sherri saw a black canvas sign with the phrase, “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” stenciled in white. She did not labor over the purchase and quickly carted it off the register…another impulse buy. Several months after our fearconquering day of adventure, Sherri invited me to lunch. After we ate, she gave me a wrapped gift. I said, “What’s this for?” She replied, “You’ll know after you open it.” As I peeled away some of the wrapping, I knew right away what she meant. I saw the stenciled words, “When was the last time…” She gave me a smaller version of the sign she had bought! There are spoils that come from pushing through our fears. We don’t have to hike Machu Picchu to feel alive. Doing something on a smaller scale can produce pretty amazing results, too. Get in the game.

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?”


Tracey Ashcraft, MA, LPC, is an accomplished Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Life Purpose Coach and the Founder of Best Life Therapy, where she has been transforming lives since 2004. She specializes in helping adults, couples and college students cope with emotionally intense people. She brings her sense of humor and direct, down-to-earth style that helps clients get to the truth quickly. For more information visit



By Ann Darwicki I was getting ready when I went to reach for the mascara. I made the instant decision that today I would not use the “good” mascara. I was not doing anything special today; it was just an ordinary workday. I saved the “good stuff” for the special days. I was momentarily stunned by the thoughts that were normally so quickly fleeting. Did I just say to myself that today is not worth looking and feeling my best? I paused as the implication of those words sunk in. A new understanding dawned on me as I contemplated, “How frequently do I tell myself this message in so many different ways?” I thought of the pearl necklace that I thought was so beautiful, the one I had never worn in the 15 years I have owned it because I was “saving it for a special occasion.” Or the shirt that I fell in love with that is hanging in my closet with the tags still on it, never worn and no longer fitting. I never attended that “special event” it would be perfect for. I recalled a story my friend shared after her mother passed away unexpectedly. She was cleaning out her mother’s closet only to find so many dresses, shirts and pajamas with the tags still on them. Items put off being worn until the perfect time, which never came.

The mascara dries up, the pearls break or get handed down to the next generation, the clothing that would have made us feel beautiful is given away, the good china never gets used. Life and some of its small pleasures chronically deferred for that elusive “someday.” I realized that I have denied myself so many opportunities to enjoy and savor life’s blessings. I have carried around the mistaken belief that “someday” would be better than today, than this moment. I have lived my life as if it is a dress rehearsal waiting for the perfect day, the perfect time to put my best foot forward, to be or do my best.”

Life and some of its small pleasures chronically deferred for that elusive “someday.”

The temporary joy that would have been gained by wearing these pretty, special items had never been realized.


“Someday” I will follow my dreams. Yet each day never measured up to my criteria of being special enough. The truth is that now is the perfect time—to wear the good mascara, the beautiful pearls, the perfect shirt, the fancy pajamas or to use the good china.

Today is worthy of our best in every way!


Ann Darwicki RN is a Certified Professional Life Coach who completed her training at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. She is the owner and founder of Whole Being Coaching, specializing in coaching others to live the life of their dreams. Prior to becoming a life coach, Ann obtained as Associates Degree in Nursing from Delaware Technical and Community College. She has 25 years of nursing experience caring for women and children, with a life long affinity for holistic medicine. She is a Reiki practitioner and Nurse Luminary. She is also a freelance writer. She can be reached at 302.750.0574 or by email at

Inspiration com), infusing animation and new ideas to excite and motivate children to be kinder. The millennials have helped me to feel more hopeful about our future. What we focus on is what we see and believe. I have been seeking something good to believe in, talking to everyday people to learn what they are experiencing in their lives that is positive and what they are doing to create a kinder society. These are messages and stories that we need to hear more about and they are everywhere.

By Linda Commito I’ve always loved reading and writing about TRENDS, especially when I had a home accessory business. It’s interesting to discover how trends start and how they can affect or inspire us. Sometimes we aren’t even aware that a collective movement towards an idea or concept influences our thoughts and actions. It seems obvious, and many studies indicate, that we are experiencing a lack of compassion. According to a poll by Kindness USA, “only 25 percent of Americans believe we’re living in a kind society.” One could find countless examples to validate that report. Regardless of the evidence that empathy and kindness are diminishing in our current society, I still have faith that the trend is, and will be, toward increasing kindness. I believe that “being kind to each other is not just some altruistic notion, but is critical to the survival of our species.” Humans are inherently social and strive to be in balance. What better way to achieve that today than to create a counter balance to rude and unkind acts through increased kindness and compassion. I don’t like to admit it, but I find that I am more motivated to do something about promoting a kindness consciousness when I am feeling discouraged, especially in this negative political climate. But maybe that’s what is needed to shift us to a place of greater concern for the well-being of our fellow citizens. What I am noticing is that people and organizations are already making inroads to creating a kinder world. For example, in the January 1st Sarasota Herald-Tribune, the front page of the Parade, decorated with brightly colored dots, was titled: “Throw kindness around like confetti! It’s the little things we do that make all the difference.” Inside were three full pages dedicated to kindness, starting with Paula Spencer Scott’s article titled: “2017 Year of Being Kind,” and a focus on Lady GaGa’s Born This Way Foundation and her statement:

“Kindness is showing LOVE to someone else. I believe that kindness is the cure to violence and hatred around the world.” Get involved! Get inspired! Immerse yourself in reading about individuals and organizations focused on promoting kindness. I loved what a young woman—Orly Wahba, CEO of Kindness USA—shared in her video Kindness Boomerang: . . .and her Ted Talk on the ‘magic of kindness’ was inspiring. I recently met with an engaging college senior student who has committed to support the Kindness Starts with Me program (kindnessstartswithme.

Be a trendsetter: Trending Kindness! It’s time to have our own movement, a kindness campaign to create a different kind of future that will have a longlasting effect on the quality of our lives. Each person, each loving act, no matter how small, can create a ripple effect. We can “kind it forward” and spark a movement to make kindness a major trend. I invite you to share your positive, uplifting news and stories on kindness with Transformation Magazine by emailing editor Lisa Cedrone at Lisa@ You also can read about Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and numerous other organizations that will soon be listed on the website as a resource for ‘GOOD NEWS’.


Linda Commito, author, speaker, entrepreneur, consultant and teacher, is passionate about her vision to leave this world a kinder, more loving, and interconnected place. Her award-winning book of inspirational stories, Love is the New Currency, demonstrates how we can each make an extraordinary difference in the lives of others through simple acts of love and kindness. Linda believes that in order to inspire a kinder world the place to start is with children. She recently volunteered at a Title One elementary school, working with over 500 students, to create and facilitate “Kindness Starts With Me,” the results of which include a website (www. and a book for children. Also visit for more information and/or to sign up for an uplifting monthly newsletter.



By Maggie Webber In mid April 1997, I finished my studies with Dr. Deepak Chopra, to become the Chopra Centre’s first Meditation Practitioner in the Pacific Rim. I received so many benefits from learning this practice myself that I wanted to share its many gifts with other people. This desire became reality within less than a week of qualifying to teach it, when I was asked to share a stage with Deepak at the Entertainment Centre in Sydney, Australia, in front of an audience of over 2,500! That night was a turning point in my life. For years I had been focusing all my time and energy on my former husband’s career, which kept us bouncing between the United States, Europe and Australia. After I enthusiastically shared my experience with the audience 6

and spoke from my heart, more than 450 people came up at the break and wanted to study with me. I had nothing to start a business, but I immediately knew that when you shift from “What’s in it for me?” to “How can I serve?” the Universe will support you. The realization that it was time to come out of my husband’s shadow hit me hard that night. Our relationship was a total charade, and it was costing me my self-esteem. Worse, I wasn’t living according to my soul’s purpose. Four days after my epiphany, I asked for a divorce. I knew it was not going to be easy, especially with two little ones, no family or any real friends close by, and now no job either because—even though I had three university degrees and my own business—I had put my dreams and aspirations on hold

to travel with and support my husband. was close to finishing it, feeling like a completely new person As I was the one who had chosen to go, my husband in just 10 weeks. My income had more than doubled, my informed me I needed to find a new home! But as one learns sleep issues had disappeared and my weight had dropped. when one begins to meditate, it is not what happens to you I was feeling happier and more fulfilled than I had in years. in life that is really relevant; it is what you learn from it and One of my property investing friends—who had how quickly you recover. The synchronicity in your life also chosen to go bankrupt and assured me that she had found picks up pace, so the day the kids and I had to leave our such peace by doing so—became a financial planner. Ironiplush home was also the day one of my meditation students cally, she looked so well and happy, whereas I was working was leaving for England, and we were able to move straight harder and going further backwards. I was due to meet her into her little two-bedroom, furnished flat. One door closes, for coffee, when I got the call from her former boyfriend— a better window opens. “please come to Cherie’s funeral.” She had gassed herself, Having learned from a father I rarely saw, I vowed leaving behind two little boys aged ten and eight. At her that I would be there to watch my funeral, we gave her a standing ovachildren’s sports on the weekend, tion. Finally, the recognition this talvolunteer at their school canteens, ented and marvellous, yet troubled, read to them each night and go on at woman had been crying out for all The realization that least one holiday together each year, her career. Too little, way too late. even if it was an inexpensive one. So At her wake, as coloured balit was time to come I did my utmost to find a way to work loons disappeared into the cloudless from home, so I could take them to blue sky—each showing one of her out of my husband’s school and be there when they came gifts, values, hopes and dreams— shadow hit me hard home. I had seen so many latchkey I decided that NOTHING was ever children becoming troubled. So I that bad to end my life over. I signed that night. worked my meditation seminars into up for a course to become a Life and their father’s schedule, which meant Small Business Coach the followhe saw them one weekend every ing week, and have since become a five. I jumped into network marketMaster Coach. For the last few years, ing and did some public speaking, too. Both things I could do I have made sure I will not die with one note of my music still around my very talented children and their sports, drama, in me—and neither will anyone I coach! and many other interests. I am sure life still has plenty of surprises in store for me, and not all of them will be pleasant. Nevertheless, there Getting Back in the Ring is one thing for sure. My experience in life so far has taught Then I discovered property investing. I started with me to dodge many an uppercut and right hook, and if one one investment property, and then added another and andoes connect, I now have the strength, courage and resilother. I turned these into short-term rentals and ran a busiience to take it on the chin, learn the lesson from it and get ness online where I took bookings from overseas. Then back in life’s ring for another round. I got over-confident, and I tackled a $6.5-million property development, where I was due to make $800,000 profit. But my financier went belly-up, the market turned, and I now Maggie Webber, from Hobart, Tasmania, has has 35 couldn’t settle on two unbuilt properties I had put a deposit years of experience providing individuals and corporaon. So “boom”—I lost $100,000 overnight. I had the option tions tools to increase productivity, manage stress levels of going bankrupt, as did every other member of my investand achieve a greater work/life balance. Her list of climent group. But there was part of me that could not take ents includes professional athletes, top executives and world renowned entertainers. After receiving a Bachelor the easy way out. I felt I had to pay back my creditors, no of Education and Business Leadership and a Master of matter how long it took. Commerce, she became Dr. Deepak Chopra’s first certiInterest added to interest, and financially I was gofied meditation practitioner for the Pacific Rim. Using ing backwards by the day! I couldn’t sleep, gained weight, her NLP and Life Coaching certifications, she created her became a recluse, was too ashamed to ask for help from my ‘3 Months to Transformation’ program, to help her clifamily and, even though I was meditating each day, I develents identify their true passions and break their life goals oped depression. I found a life coaching course online, where down into bite sized and attainable pieces. Visit healthywe paired up with a buddy and kept each other accountable. or This was all I could afford at this stage. Still, it was a great This article is a chapter from the book Transform Your start. Very quickly I got my life got back on track. I saw the Life! written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at incredible power of having a coach and being accountable,, and all ebook formats. to someone else. It was a simple three-month program and I




By Michael Williams There were times growing up that I could barely speak. It was such a chore that I would feel exhausted and have headaches by the end of the day.

Sometimes I would bite my tongue so hard that it would bleed. In school, l I wouldn’t raise my hand, even when I knew the answer. I certainly wouldn’t volunteer to do something if it required me to read aloud or speak. Then there were the good times, when I was able to speak rather well for several months. And during those times I tried to speak as much as possible, usually giving unwelcomed advice (my friends hated this). But the stuttering would always come back. As I got older I learned to slow down and plan my speech. This experience caused me to think more carefully and deeply about what I was going to say, which has turned out to be a great asset today. However, I felt like there was so much more that I could do and achieve, but because of this limitation I held myself back. I always felt like I was carrying a big, heavy, wet blanket around, which covered me and weighed me down. I never knew when I would be fluent and when I would get stuck. Eventually, I went to college and did okay, got married, and got a job doing something I absolutely hated—talking on the telephone. Coming home after work I remember feeling flat out exhausted from switching words, anticipating words, and working hard not to bite my tongue. I decided that I needed to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. Giving advice and helping others was something I loved to do, so how could I do it as a career? After spending months contemplating this, I finally felt a clear sensation that whatever I was called to do would require me to speak. Yes, speak in public. Being raised a Christian, I argued with God about this and said, “But I stutter; how can I work in a career that requires me to speak?” I was then reminded of the


story of Moses. You see, Moses said the same thing when he was called to build the Ark. God accepted no excuses, and no excuses were accepted in my case either. It was made rather clear to me that if I was ever going to be truly fulfilled and live my potential, I would have to figure out a way to speak well. So, I prayed for healing, I read books, I did everything I could think of, but I still continued to stutter until a friend of mine introduced me to Brian Tracy. Brian Tracy is a personal and business development guru who has been around for decades. He’s not a speech therapist, but his concepts resonated with me. I came across a teaching on time management and goal setting that really resonated with me, and through it I realized that the stuttering I experienced was not permanent.

Stuttering was a system of beliefs that had been formed many years before and had governed my speech and way of thinking ever since. The great news was that this system of beliefs could be changed. I began to think I could overwrite that place in my subconscious where my belief system was stored. Armed with this understanding, I set out to create my own time management and goal setting presentations based on his material. I studied Brian so thoroughly that I could not only present much of his material (with tweaks here and there), but I could model very closely his speaking style as well. After practicing these presentations over and over again and watching and listening to him for hundreds of hours, I developed a brand new speaking style and way of thinking of myself as a presenter. I went out and got myself booked (for free) to speak at local colleges about goal setting and time management. It was amazing. I could present for 30 to 60 minutes without stuttering one time. I was finally on to something.

Freedom Now that I could present well, I felt called to go into the ministry. Working with my local church I was licensed and ordained as a Baptist Minister, later leading me to seminary where I received a master’s degree in Divinity. It was during my first year of seminary that I realized that the big, wet blanket had been lifted off me. I felt free. I felt like I could do anything I wanted because I was no longer limited by my speech. Though I still got stuck sometimes, I had so many excellent speaking experiences that I knew, based on the feedback of others, that I was indeed an excellent speaker and great conversationalist. So, what else could I do? I had always been drawn to Latin culture and my school provided me several opportunities to travel to Latin America and learn Spanish, which expanded my language and speaking capabilities. I found myself working and traveling throughout the United States and Latin America doing presentations and speaking. Later I became a relationship coach, conducting day-long retreats, as well as work as an adjunct professor.

until the grant position that I had been working under as a relationship coach ended and I was out of a job. Then, a breakthrough happened. One day while really feeling down, a young guy from India contacted me and wanted me to coach him to stop stuttering and improve his confidence. His family flew me to India for a month to work with their son, who made a tremendous transformation during our time together. He was like a brand new person when I left. It was this experience that launched my coaching business and totally changed my life.

It was made rather clear to me that if I was ever going to be truly fulfilled and live my potential, I would have to figure out a way to speak well.

Speaking had now become an asset rather than a liability. I decided to start an online resource that provided people who struggled with stuttering a systematic way to improve their speech. I struggled with whether or not to show my face due to the fact there were virtually no visible African American leaders in this field. Would my appearance hold me back? Initially I believed that it would or could, but then I started publishing YouTube videos; I received tremendous positive feedback that there was a large need for this information. I worked to grow my business on the side for three years

I faced my fear of speaking and realized that in life your greatest liability can become your greatest asset. Today, I am living proof that everything you want to become in life will be a direct result of the mental and physical habits you form.


Michael Williams, M.Div., is the founder of the Start Speaking Training Center, LLC, an online resource designed to help people learn not just how to stop stuttering, but become excellent speakers. He has studied and incorporated accelerated learning strategies, habit development, high performance skill development and neuroplasticity into his personal life, coaching and programs. He has worked in ministry and as a Relationship Coach, so he knows the importance of having excellent communication skills. He has worked with people from Egypt, Saudi Arabia, India, South Africa, Canada, United Kingdom, Antigua and Barbadu, Australia, Germany, and the U.S. to improve their speaking skills. Visit www. This article is a chapter from the book Transform Your Life! written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at,, and all ebook formats.



By Alan Cohen Some friends of mine decided to sell their house, and found a buyer. On the day before the sale was to close, they walked into their living room to find a wall covered with carpenter ants. The couple had never seen such ants in the house before, and had no idea where they came from. In integrity, they disclosed the discovery to the buyer, who cancelled the sale. At that point my friends realized they did not really want to sell the house, and they kept it. The next day the ants disappeared and they never saw them again. That was 20 years ago. They are still living in the house and loving it. The ants were dispatched by a brilliant creative organization called the “C.C.C.C.”—the Cosmic Coincidence Control Center. This is the agency behind synchronicity, a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung, indicating “a meaningful coincidence.” Jung defined the principle after he conducted a psychotherapy session with a woman who reported she had had a dream of a golden scarab (beetle). At that very moment a golden scarab flew into the room, capturing Jung’s attention and the patient’s. That type of beetle was very rare in that region, and it was out of season. The chances of such an insect entering that space at the precise moment they were discussing it were infinitesimal.

Synchronicity is always working on our behalf, but we are only occasionally aware of it. We cannot plan synchronicities; we just need to get 10

clear on our intention and then be open to signs and guidance. A happy-looking couple came to me after a lecture. “I was seeking my soulmate,” the fellow told me, “and then I fell into a coma. When I awoke in the hospital, I looked up to see the most beautiful angel looking down at me. She turned out to be a nurse, and I married her.” You do not need to create a coma or some dramatic circumstance to meet your life partner or fulfill your dream. When you are relaxed, open, and in the flow of life, synchronicities show up gently, easily and joyfully. The wisdom of benevolence is working 24/7 to help us receive the good we desire and deserve. Its ability to find and serve us depends on our willingness and openness to receive blessings.

If something matches you and belongs to you, it will find you by right of your consciousness. When I visited Japan I met a radiant healer named Shinichiro Terayama, who years earlier had healed himself of a disease that doctors said would cause him to die. Shin decided to simply practice gratitude and just be happy, and the disease departed. After that he became a well-known and beloved healer. He is recognizable by his shiny bald head, gray beard and the cello he totes to musical engagements. Shin’s bright energy made an impression on me and I wanted to see him again. A week later I was passing through Shinagawa Sta-

tion, one of the most crowded terminals in a city of nearly that job were a perfect match, and, in spite of my doubts and 14 million people. Then I saw a familiar bald head and en- fears, the universe lined me up with it. cased cello coming my way. It was Shin. I was stunned to run What seems to be working against you may be working for into one of the few people I knew in you. Only the ego judges and interprets all of Japan, the one I wanted to see against one’s self. The Higher Mind the most. The C.C.C.C. strikes again! recognizes that all events fit into the A young woman at a semibig picture of Benevolution. When What seems to be nar nervously asked, “What if I am things seem to be going wrong, ask: here in North Carolina and my soul“How might they be going right?” working against you mate is in California? How will we Quit trying to organize and may be working for ever meet?” I told her, “Synchronicmicromanage your destiny, which is ity and the Law of Attraction are not already being handled by a Mind that you. Only the ego impeded by geography. The universe sees far beyond the human intellect. can overcome any seeming obstacle Someone gave me a coffee mug with judges and interprets to join people who belong together.” the motto, “Relax. God is in charge.” Just out of college, I saw an We need to trust that all events have against one’s self. ad for my ideal job as the director of the potential to lead us where we a municipal youth guidance center. I want or need to go, and surprise ants barged into the township supervisor’s may be dispatched by angels. office and applied for the job. A conservative fellow, the supervisor told me he disagreed with everything I said. I figured Alan Cohen is the author the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made I had lost the job and I forgot about it. A month later I received Easy: Mastering the Journey from Fear to Love. Become a certified a call from his secretary informing me of a second interview professional life coach though Alan’s upcoming transformational with the board of directors, who hired me over another canLife Coach Training. For more information about this program, his didate by a vote of 5-4. I went on to enjoy years of reward in books and videos, free daily inspirational quotes, online courses, that position, helping lots of teens get a direction in life. I and and weekly radio show, visit




By Terez Hartmann What if you let it all go, let it all slide? What if you trusted the flow, let it all ride? What if you trusted? What if you drop the reins and finally let it go? What if you stop the pain and finally let it flow? What if you lived the life you truly want to live? Let yourself receive what sweet life wants to give? What if you found the things you’re really looking for? What if you used the key to open up the door? What if you stepped into your greatness no matter who praises you? What if you danced with yourself and only did what you would choose? What if you recognized, realized that all there is is living life and loving? What if you trusted? What if you touched a part of you you’ve never felt? What if you loved every facet of yourself? What if you embraced every moment as a gift that can show you who you really are? What if you let your light shine brighter than the stars? What if you listened to, only to, the voice of love inside of you above all else? What if you trusted? What if you could not fail? What if you could not lose? What if all that you let go of was a lesser part of you? What if you tasted freedom? What if you found true love? What if you live a life that fills you up?


What if you recognized, realized that all there is is living life and loving? What if you listened to, only to, the voice of love inside of you above all else? What if you trusted... ...Life.

What if it really is a matter of asking the right questions, after all? Here’s to living life on fire and asking the questions that lead you—and humanity—to the answers that move us onward, upward and forward.

•••••••••••••• Terez “Firewoman” Hartmann,“Your catalyst for all things Fab-YOUlous,” is the author of Allowing Your Success!, a proud contributing author of Transform Your Life! book one and two, a professional Keynote Speaker/Workshop Facilitator, Singer-Songwriter/Recording Artist, “Allowing Adventures!” & “Savor Vacation” Facilitator, and true Renaissance Woman, and Visionary. She keeps her fire lit by embracing and promoting a lifestyle of “Allowing,” and by using creative expression to elevate and ignite the human spirit, a passion that she shares with her husband, soul-mate and creative partner of over 15 years, John Victor Hartmann. Together they share “Allowing TRUE LOVE” workshops and experiences designed to help others attract, allow, and maintain extraordinary relationships, and create custom jingles and voice-overs in their studio, THE Creativity Express. Visit:


By Jo Mooy I learned the phrase, “less is more” while in art school in the 60s. It describes simple and minimalist forms of expression in art and architecture. It felt like Zen art, though no one called it that. Long after studying the artists and architects who adhered to that style, the phrase stayed with me like a mantra. When reading wordy literature or wandering around the Baroque cathedrals of Europe “less is more” would float to mind as the ornate sculptures and paintings dazzled or begged the question, why? The same phrase often surfaced when I found myself in the tediousness of neverending corporate meetings that numbed the senses. Too much clutter in life calls for a “less is more” approach, so it was easy to see this philosophy subtly influence in the outer world As I embraced this philosophy, I noticed that businesses were changing their customer service levels. They put the customers to work for the business, defining “less is more” in a new way. It was not done for aesthetics, but clearly for profit. If you needed gas for the car, for example, you pumped it yourself. If you went to retail store to buy something, you scanned, paid and bagged your own items. When that model claimed the restaurant industry, I began to wonder; I thought that ordering food through an iPad instead of a waiter might reverse the phrase and prove that less was not really more. All was not as it seemed, and other forces also were at work changing business models. Factories that once employed thousands were now doing the same work with dozens of robots and a couple of guys. The consumer-oriented society that had been propelling manufacturing for decades began to shift. Somewhere along the way, consumers realized they didn’t really need or want all those things they were buying. Instead, they began to divest themselves of their big “McMansion” houses—and all the stuff that went into them. Aging demographics pushed people into downsized condos, and tiny houses and small mobile homes became the rage. At the same time, recycling programs were established in every state, allowing plastics, papers and other products to be deconstructed and used for or made into something else.

The “less is more” phenomenon wasn’t restricted to business. Other systems like science, medicine and religion were affected. Quantum physics, in a tribute to “less,” stripped away everything and reduced the observed world to particles or waves. Homeopathy was another discipline that clearly showed less is more. This alternative health practice treats diseases by rigorously diluting the medicine. In another case, pain management used to be con-

trolled only with toxic medicines. Now, the pain also is mitigated with acupuncture needles, using less destructive treatment options. And, finally, religion lost its allure when polls showed more people identifying themselves as spiritual instead of belonging to a religion. Spirituality stripped off the pomp and rhetoric and instead focused on the essence of the teachings. It recognized the common truth in all religions that God (or an Eternal Spirit) was inherent in them and they abiding in IT. It became obvious that spiritual studies were not immune to the new habit of “less is more.” The inner work also needed simplification and uncluttering. Daily meditations were restructured. The elaborate rituals were discarded and replaced with focused breathwork practices and simple intentions. Generic “prayers for peace” were peeled back revealing that the real prayer was for personal peace within. Within that realization the real work had begun in earnest. “Less is more” can be applied to every facet of our lives. It begs strict observation and a surgical assessment of the value of everything. It’s not easy nor does it call to many to do. But, when everything is stripped down to its “Zen factor,” only then can we develop an awareness of our excesses and experience the insights that will propel us to a new level of consciousness. That’s the ultimate value in developing the “less is more” habit. It’s when we learn that everything we really need is already provided.


Jo Mooy has studied with many spiritual traditions over the past 40 years. The wide diversity of this training allows her to develop spiritual seminars and retreats that explore inspirational concepts, give purpose and guidance to students, and present esoteric teachings in an understandable manner. Along with Patricia Cockerill, she has guided the Women’s Meditation Circle since January 2006 where it has been honored for five years in a row as the “Favorite Meditation” group in Sarasota, FL, by Natural Awakenings Magazine. Teaching and using Sound as a retreat healing practice, Jo was certified as a Sound Healer through Jonathan Goldman’s Sound Healing Association. She writes and publishes a monthly internationally distributed e-newsletter called Spiritual Connections and is a staff writer for Spirit of Maat magazine in Sedona. For more information go to or email


Tools & Tips

By Stephanie Wontorski With spring around the corner, now is the perfect time to focus on love (self-love that is!) and connection. Perhaps the connection to ourselves is the most forgotten in our day-to-day lives. As moms, dads, employees, students, volunteers who are busy constantly thinking about and doing for others, our connection to ourselves is simply lost. What do I mean about “connection to ourselves?” Well, defining what that means to you is often key to focusing inward and addressing what may or may not be lacking in this area for you specifically. This lack of connection with ourselves can take its toll and manifest in many ways—from not being able to calm your mind enough to have a peaceful night’s sleep to feeling stuck on how to accomplish a goal you’ve been working towards. Having a strong connection to yourself frees you of self-doubt and paves the way to an abundant life filled with clear direction and, yes, even good health! To get more connected to YOU, I recommend adopting the following practices into your daily routine. You can start by adding one a month to sustain these new behaviors. Even adopting just one of these suggestions, you will see positive shifts in your mental and physical health.

movement to get into a steady pace. Many runners have said they’ve been able to reach greater physical endurance while in this state. This is because the mind clears the negative false thoughts that are driven by fear. These are fear-based thoughts we are all too familiar with like, “This is too difficult.” Or “I can’t keep going.” are eliminated. I suggest trying a few different exercises and classes available to you to find the one that feels just right for you. This may take a little bit of time, but once you find “the one,” you are more likely to stick with it and reap the wonderful benefits.

Self-care is one of the most overlooked practices because of all the excuses we come up with not to address ourselves.

Move Your Body Yoga is a great practice that can easily get you connected to your body and mind through breath and movement. When you quiet the mind and simply breathe while aligning your breath to movement, you create a deeper connection to yourself. This deeper connection will allow you to clear your mind and truly focus on the messages your body is trying to tell you. Even folks who run can tell you they get in a “zone.” They find a rhythm of breath and


Meditate Mediation is the practice of focusing on your breath to clear your mind. Much like exercise does for the body, mediation does for the brain. Through the practice of meditation, the brain is essentially trained to go back to a state of calm. This not only provides the same mental benefits as exercise, but it helps you to combat stress and helps you to return your monkey mind back to clear and focused, which allows you to assess situations and perceived problems with clarity. Being able to get your thoughts on track

enhances your understanding of yourself and guides you towards better decisions, instead of reacting from a cloud of emotions and heightened stress. There are several resources available for meditation newbies, from apps to editorials, and you can find them just by searching the Internet. Meditation apps such as Headspace help guide you to through the process, and are great for when you are traveling or need something at hand when you get those precious 10 minutes back from a meeting that ended early. Incorporate a Self-care Routine Self-care is one of the most overlooked practices because of all the excuses we come up with not to address ourselves. We often feel that we don’t have the time or money to spend on things like a monthly massage, or simply taking a hot bath. We feel guilty for taking the time or spending the extra money. The truth is, if you fail to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally, you may find yourself facing a setback you are not prepared for. Energy, enthusiasm and motivation are not bottomless resources like we often think they are. Schedule an afternoon nap on your calendar, or take the extra time to take your dog out on a longer walk than you normally do. There are even massage therapy businesses that offer monthly memberships so you don’t skip out on your “me time,” and they provide a discounted rate. Get Support Getting yourself into the groove of picking up and sustaining positive change can seem difficult, or maybe you have

more health goals you are looking to achieve, and you are not sure where to start. If you feel overwhelmed, you can assemble a support group of like-minded people who are looking to achieve the same goals at work or the gym. Seeking a certified Health Coach who can be your wellness “copilot” is another great option to help you achieve your short- and long-term health goals. Good luck on your journey to a healthier, happier YOU this year!


Stephanie Wontorski is a certified Health Coach with Health Coach Connect and a graduate from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Her education has equipped her with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and prevention. She began her journey to health and wellness when she was struck with her own health issues, which evolved into hypothyroidism during her first pregnancy. Through research and lots of determination, she found the best nutrition and lifestyle changes that worked for her without surgery or medication. With this journey, Stephanie developed a passion for helping other woman with similar health problems achieve their optimum health. Her approach to achieving wellness is to identify the root cause of health issues and teach others how all areas of their lives are connected. Stephanie is an avid gardener and loves hiking and finding new ways to stay active outdoors. She also has a love for hockey (her son plays) and, when not working, volunteers for a local youth hockey club. Visit Health Coach Connect online at


Tools & Tips

By Sue Bigelow Finding the best food and ingredient alternatives or substitutions can be challenging, especially in the beginning of any dietary change. If you are looking to transform to a more plant-based diet and give up those inflammatory processed foods then keep reading. Maybe you’d like to try to go vegetarian and eventually adopt a dairyfree diet as well. Some heart healthy diets ask for no added oils. So how do you cook in a skillet without oil? Do you need to go glutenfree but you love pasta—no problem! With a little help, transitioning into a new world of cooking and eating can be made a lot simpler. The following meat alternatives and substitutions are just a beginning into the transformation culinary art of going against the grain of the standard American diet (SAD). Meat Substitutions and Alternatives There is plenty of protein in numerous plant-based foods. When making the switch to a plant-based diet, it may be necessary to use meat substitutes to help with the transition. Once your plantbased eating is a normal regime, you will find you need fewer substitutions that mimic your old foods and simply enjoy the new world of culinary creations. Here are a few meat alternatives to help you out. Legumes: Beans, peas and lentils are all part of the legume family. These are an all-natural, high-fiber protein source that can easily be used as the main course or in place of meat in recipes. Most legumes are also a rich source of B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium. They can help fight cancer and heart disease, lower cholesterol, help manage diabetes and help with weight loss. Mushrooms: With a unique and savory flavor when cooked,


mushrooms can easily replace any meat layer in a dish. Portobello mushrooms can be used whole and grilled as burgers at the BBQ, stuffed and baked or roasted and stacked with other vegetables as in Portobello Napoleon. Mushrooms can be cooked whole, chopped fine or sliced for a multitude of culinary creations. Vegetarian Burgers: There are a variety of vegetarian burgers available on the market now and many recipes to make your own. They can be made with a variety of grains, beans and soy to provide a meat-like taste and texture that can substitute for ground meat. Even restaurants not offer such fare, such as a farro-mushroom burger I found at Two Brothers Tavern in Middlebury, Vermont. Tofu: A curd made from soybeans, tofu is very mild in taste and easily assumes the flavor of any recipe. Silken tofu works well in sauces and desserts. The soft goes well in soups. Firm varieties are better in stir-fries and other recipes requiring tofu to hold its shape. For a denser texture, freeze tofu, thaw and squeeze out excess water before using it in your recipe. Sprouted tofu is made with sprouted soybeans, which are higher in protein, calcium and iron. When beans or seeds are sprouted, they’re more nutritious and easier to digest than the regular beans or seeds, but this also lend to a bit more calories and fat.* Note: If you are going to eat soy, it’s advisable to look for brands that do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Tempeh: Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh has a distinct flavor and firm texture with an earthy flavor that can be used in place of ground meat and works well in curries, chilies and stir-fries. Tempeh’s fermentation process and its retention of the whole bean give it a higher content of protein, dietary fiber, and vitamins than tofu. Seitan: Made from wheat gluten, soy sauce or tam-

Nutty Cheese Sauce Recipe 3/4 cup raw cashews 1/3 cup nutritional yeast flakes 1 tsp sea or pink salt 1 cup unsweetened cashew or almond milk 1 clove chopped garlic 2 tbsp tahini 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 tsp cider vinegar 1/2 tsp mustard

ari, ginger, garlic and seaweed, seitan is high in protein, low in fat and a good source of iron; it’s often called the vegetarian’s white meat. Seitan can be shaped into roasts or used in recipes where strips or chunks are needed such as stews, stir-fries or fajitas. This meat-like food, however, should be used with caution because it can be high in sodium and, thus, affect blood pressure. This alternative is obviously not suited for the gluten-free diet. Textured Soy Protein (TSP): TSP is made of defatted soybeans, cooked under pressure and then dried. It is incredibly wealthy in complete protein and contains no fat, so it is an excellent alternative to meat. This versatile vegetarian meat substitute can be used in virtually any recipe calling for ground beef or turkey. It works great for tacos, meatloaf, chili, sloppy joes and more. Be cautious of flavored varieties that may contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), chemicals and artificial dyes. Quinoa: A grain crop that is grown for its edible seeds, quinoa is pronounced KEEN-wah. Although a tiny seed, this little guy is full of protein, 8 grams per cup. It is the only non-meat option that supplies the nine essential amino acids our bodies can’t make on their own, including lysine, which is essential for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa is non-GMO, gluten-free and usually grown organically. Seeds: Hemp seeds contain 10 grams of protein in 3 tablespoons can be added to oatmeal, smoothies, pesto or baked goods. Sunflower seed kernels contain plenty of protein—7.3 grams per quarter cup—followed by sesame seeds having 6.38 grams and poppy seeds at 5.4 grams of the same measurement. Chia seeds are also an easy way to add protein and fiber to almost any recipe. They have 4.7 grams of protein per ounce, about two tablespoons. Chia seeds can be sprinkled over salads, stirred into oatmeal, blended into smoothies, or they can be the main event. When chia seeds are soaked in liquid they expand into a gelatinous texture forming a rich and creamy pudding. Dairy Alternatives You can leave the cow in the pasture happily grazing on the green grass Mother Nature supplies and still have your milk and drink it too! With the growing awareness of dairy allergies, lac-

In a high-speed blender, combine the cashews, nutritional yeast and salt. Grind to a powder. Add nut milk, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, vinegar and mustard. Blend until smooth and creamy. This can be now heated in a saucepan or poured over hot pasta or vegetables and mixed into heat. Add more milk if a thinner sauce is desired. Sauce will thicken when it cools.

tose intolerance and greater understanding of species-specific milk products (such as goat cheese), more people are turning to the alternatives that are on the market. Because of the increased demand, there are many mainstream dairy-free milks easily at hand. Milk: Nut milks in equal portions such as almond, cashew and hazelnut can substitute in most recipes. Nut milk that is free of carrageenan is your best choice. This little extra ingredient used in many products can cause problems, as all forms of carrageenan are capable of causing inflammation. Other non-dairy milks such as oat, rice or soy will work as well. However, if your soymilk is not organic, it probably is a GMO product. Creams: Any nut milk, soy milk, coconut milk, mashed potatoes, pureed garbanzo beans, pureed cauliflower, pureed tofu, soy sour cream, soy whipping cream or soy creamer can create a creamy alternative to dairy products. Parmesan Cheese: Nutritional Yeast, garlic powder, and/ or chopped walnuts or almonds make great nutritional toppers. Nutritional yeast is deactivated yeast that has a strong flavor that is described as nutty or cheesy. It contains trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals. Nutritional yeast can also be a significant source of some B-complex vitamins to include vitamin B12. Cheese: Soy, rice and nut-based cheese alternatives work great as a healthier alternative. However, make sure you read the labels because many cheese alternatives contain casein, which is a protein found in dairy that is linked to cancer. Try our Creamy Cashew Lemon Sauce, Nutty Cheese Sauce (recipe below) or just sprinkle on the nutritional yeast. Butter: When needing a spread, dairy-free non-hydrogenated margarines like Earth Balance or Melt work great. Coconut oil, avocado puree, prune puree or applesauce can be used for baking. For roasting and frying use olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil or nut oils. Ricotta Cheese: Firm tofu, drained and crumbled is easy to use in place of ricotta. Egg Substitutes: If you are leaving the eggs in the coop, here are a few substitutions you may use, depending on what type of cooking or baking you are doing.


One egg equals: • Use 1 ½ teaspoons Ener-G egg replacer plus 2 tablespoons of water to equal one egg. This is a non-GMO powder and contains no eggs or animal protein. • Bob’s Red Mill egg replacer • 1 tsp baking powder • 2-3 tbsp flour • 2-3 tbsp bread crumbs • ¼ cup cooked oats • 2-3 tbsp tomato paste • 2 tbsp potato starch, cornstarch or arrowroot • ¼ cup mashed white or sweet potatoes • 1 tbsp ground flax seed meal + 3 tbsp water + 1 tbsp oil +1 tsp baking powder + 1 tsp Replace Potato or Cornstarch • ½ cup rice or soy yogurt • ¼ cup applesauce or pureed fruit • ½ cup mashed banana • ¼ cup silken tofu blended • 1 tbsp chia seeds with 1 cup of water left to sit for 15 minutes Fat Alternatives For sautéing • Water • Vegetable broth • Liquid from a can of beans or vegetables that was opened • White wine For Baking: • Applesauce • Low-fat liquids such as water or plant milk • 1 tbsp chia seeds with 9 tablespoons water, let sit for 15 minutes. This is good for 1/2 the fat in a baking recipe. • 1: 1 ratio mashed banana to fat


Sue Bigelow is vice president of Health Coach Connect and a Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner with a passion for organic gardening. She believes good health starts in the kitchen. Sue earned her Bachelor’s of Animal Science from the University of Massachusetts and worked for many years in the veterinary and pet industries with a focus on animal nutrition, where she noticed that animals’ skin and ear infections often could be cured with dietary changes. Throughout her journey, Sue continued to educate herself regarding health, wellness and nutrition, spirituality and lifestyle improvements, realizing all issues have a root cause. Going through her own personal and career transformation, Sue earned a degree in Respiratory Therapy and later received her Masters of Science in Administration from Saint Michael’s College. After witnessing too many patients dying of preventable chronic disease, she was motivated to pursue a certificate as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Her passion embraces animals, horseback riding, kayaking, cookin, and walks in the wilderness. Visit Health Coach Connect at


Tools & Tips

by Rev. Marla Sanderson One of the things I love about the Science of Mind (the New Thought philosophy of which I am a practitioner) is that we teach people how to think—not what to think. In one way or another, most of us get shown what to think from birth. We’re bombarded with ideas and ideals, rights and wrongs. We get them from parents (and their parents), teachers, churches and friends. TV shows and movies have their message, while talk shows and newscasts shame and shape us into thinking a certain way. Some of it works for us and some of it doesn’t.

One of the most empowering discoveries of my life was to learn that my thoughts create my world— present and future. After 30 years of believing life “just happened,” it finally came to me. I was doing it to myself. This startling truth changed everything for me. Driving to and from work, I found myself thinking about things other than how I’d spend my next paycheck or what I would do Saturday night. I began wondering about the purpose of life and what happens after we die. Life’s big questions became more interesting than my usual worries. And it didn’t stop there. Problems and difficulties seemed to have a transparency that allowed me to see through to some new Truth. Sometimes it was simply “poof!” and the weight of the situation lightened. Sometimes it was a huge struggle—and for that, I was glad to have certain spiritual values to guide me. The concept of Unconditional Love gave me principles to live by. They were simple to understand, challenging to live up to, and brought new levels of confidence and joy. The responsibility to change things always came back to my thinking, and my life blossomed. I was feeling happy, carefree and powerful. Not because I was changing the world, but because I was changing my view of it. I attracted loving, creative partners and friends. I discovered how limited my thinking had been and how much I’d missed because

of it. It was especially painful to let go of those treasured beliefs I thought made me ME. But they were just concepts—perceived notions. And letting go of concepts about the world, people around me and especially myself opened my mind and heart. It allowed me to see a bigger picture and to love more. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth every tear. (Yes, there were tears.) I seemed to be growing by leaps and bounds. I hardly recognized myself considering the way I’d always been. Even my name didn’t fit anymore. So I changed it. I don’t mind telling you that rattled a few people who didn’t begin to understand what was happening to me. Some thought I’d lost my mind, some thought I was avoiding the law or the bill collectors. None of it was true. I was growing into a bigger version of myself and learning that what other people thought about it didn’t matter. Through it all, I learned how to think in ways that turned bad situations into good ones. And fear was no longer my master. But enough about me. You’ll make your own magic as you follow your particular path. Getting back to the “how to think, not what to think” message I’ve chosen this month, here are a few tips I learned about “how” to think. • Remember that life will always get better if you let it. • Nurture a positive outlook and be open to new possibilities. (Remember, negative thinking also works.) • Learn to accept “what is” instead of fighting it. Fighting “what is” just makes you miserable. • Stop justifying your point of view. If it needs justifying, it’s probably not doing you a lot of good • Invite Unconditional Love into your life. We are all unique expressions of Divine Life. You don’t need anyone to tell you what to think. If your thinking is wrong, it will show up in your life as a challenge or an obstacle. When it does, let go, take a positive mental approach, and always declare “Something good will come from this.” For more on unconditional love, check out my website www. Pathways


Rev. Marla Sanderson is a skilled spiritual counselor, speaker, teacher, and workshop leader. She has studied and practiced the Science of Happiness and Science of Mind for over 40 years. Her website, The New Thought Global Network, showcases ideas from many New Thought disciplines. She is ordained in the Centers for Spiritual Living. (Religious Science). Contact her at 727-475-8991, or Website:


Tools & Tips

by Rena Greenberg You don’t have to believe in electricity for it to work. All you have to do is plug in the lamp and turn on the switch. What if you and I are the lamps, the subconscious mind is the power and intentional hypnosis and self-hypnosis is the switch? What if there was some amazing, miraculous latent power inside of you that is just waiting to be tapped? There is! It’s the power of your subconscious mind. Hypnosis is a way to tap into that extraordinary healing power in your subconscious. In my experience with my own self-hypnosis practice, I am tapping not only into my own subconscious mind, but beyond to the Higher Intelligence that powers all of life. This is where real change can occur. In my hypnosis practice with others, it’s incredibly rewarding and humbling to reach deep inside myself and seek the words, suggestions and images that will speak directly to the subconscious mind of the person or group that is being “hypnotized.” The goal is always to create lasting and profound positive change. To me, hypnosis is a form of prayer. It’s a mystery, not in the sense that it’s magic, but in the sense that it’s mystical because it transcends the realm of ordinary consciousness. The outcome of hypnosis and self-hypnosis is often similar to the outcome of any prayer. Things change in our inner and outer worlds after hypnosis, in a way that often defies explanation.

It breaks my heart to hear people recant to me all the diets they’ve tried and how much they have struggled in this area of their life. I, too, was one of those people who struggled with my weight, dieting, food addiction and even an eating disorder, so I truly understand. But the way out that I discovered wasn’t the fact that I found the perfect diet, after all. That’s because there is no perfect diet. Ultimately, success in this area of my life requires what all success does: an awareness of the results I’m getting vs. my actions, and changing those behaviors (what and how I’m eating) based on the results I want. That sounds simple enough, but when you’re following someone else’s diet, you are not listening to your body, but rather you are trying to force an outcome with a predetermined set of actions. What I mean is that you’re going to eat whatever you’re “supposed to eat” based on this diet, regardless of what your own body is trying to tell you. What does this have to do with hypnosis as a way to tap into the power of the subconscious mind? Everything. You can’t change your actions until you change your thoughts about yourself and the way you see life. Ultimately, the change in your consciousness achieved with hypnosis creates a whole new way for you to relate to your life circumstance—in this case, your relationship with food. The hypnotic conditioning can help you change your whole orientation from, “How little do I have to eat to lose weight?” which never works in the long run because you end up feeling deprived, denied and bingeing, to:

When that shift in awareness occurs at the deepest level, your whole experience is transformed.

In the area of weight loss, it’s only a change in consciousness and perspective that can truly bring about the permanent change that we are seeking. 20

“What does my body need to be healthy?” Asking your subconscious that question while you are in a hypnotic state, your perfect food plan and lifestyle for health is revealed to you.

When that shift in awareness occurs at the deepest level, your whole experience is transformed. The download of information you need to learn what will ultimately work for you in this area of your life—so that you can finally be free from struggle and feel at peace—may be overt, like a message falling out of the sky, or it may be quite subtle. As you listen with your inner ear, you’ll receive messages that guide you to a new way of relating to yourself and food. This then makes you more receptive to the positive suggestions in the hypnosis.

conscious mind to give you everything you need to turn your life around. To Your Health & Happiness Always, Rena


Rena Greenberg, a Hay House author, can be reached at Her weight loss and gastric bypass hypnosis success has been featured in 150-plus news stories including USA Today, Woman’s World, The Doctor’s, CNN, Good Morning America and Nightline. PBS stations nationally aired Rena’s show, “Easy Willpower,” in August 2015. Her wellness program is sponsored in 75 hospitals and 100-plus corporations. She conducts hypnotherapy sessions with people all over the world on Skype and in Sarasota, FL.

Here are the four steps to making this successful shift: 1) The Awakening: You get to a point where you realize that there is an Intelligence deeper within you that is trying to reach you—to help you. 2) The Seeking: You go within through hypnosis as a form of prayer and, with sincerity, you ask to be shown a new way to live, think and be. 3) Receptivity: Drop deeper into a hypnotic state and open to receive the download of information that wants to be revealed to you. 4) Positivity: Flood your mind with positive suggestion to override the negative habitual thoughts and beliefs that have been dominating your psyche. Like prayer, hypnosis is not a one-time thing. It’s a way of life and a practice of going within and connecting to the deeper layers within you. If you never turned the switch on your bedside lamp, you’d never know the miracle of electricity. You may even say that you don’t believe electricity exists because you’ve never seen it. Suspend disbelief and go within yourself to discover the miracle of your higher, deeper, wiser self and the infinite power of your sub-


Tools & Tips

By Gary Loper

How can you touch the world? Believe and trust that you can touch the world. You only need to touch 5 percent of the population to start creating positive shifts.

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief, and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen” —Claude Bristol

So, what is one thing that people can do to make this type of shift? Listen to people, love them, and love them the way they want to be loved. Every relationship is going to be different. You may have grown up one way, but you need to be open enough to say, “My partner did not grow up in the same situation. My friends did not have the same experiences.” So, we need to be open to how other people feel and experience love—and not make judgments. Every situation is going to be a little different. If there are different things that people are doing in their relationships to fulfill each other’s needs, and it helps them feel loved, then it is no place of mine or anyone else’s to say that it is wrong. In relationships there are three essential components to success: listening to your partner, speaking that person’s

“How do you touch a woman in a place that will drive her crazy”? It is her heart.

Keep going, keep having faith that you are making the right choice to help your clients, your families and your relationships to become more loving and connected. Successively it will create “the butterfly effect.”

How many people are we able to touch? How are our relationships going to get better? One of the things that drives me is my family relationships. I am estranged from most of my family, and this situation is a huge motivation to build better relationships. In my case, I


do not know if recovering my family dynamics is feasible, but I do know that there is a hunger for relationships and community in my life. We all have that need. If you were not born into a healthy family dynamic, then you need to create one or find one that serves you better than your birth family. My motivation to build better relationships stems from what I feel I did not receive but long for in my life. My aspiration and goal is to help other people who have had the same experiences and concern.

love language and showing acceptance. One thing that my wife Caryl and I do yearly is renew our wedding vows. We just celebrated 12 years in December, 2016, but we missed two years where we didn’t go back to the beach where we were married to renew our vows because we had conflicts that ran over our anniversary time. However, we still worked through it. It was and is an important ceremony in our relationship to have that special day. So, find those special aspects in your relationship that you can celebrate, and show love and appreciation for each other. There is a movie called Milk Money, and one line that stands out from the movie is: “How do you touch a woman in a place that will drive her crazy”? It is her heart.

How do you touch each other’s hearts? Years ago when I was bartending, I was going to write a book. I interviewed women. I asked them to fill out slips of paper on how somebody touched their heart. Ninety-five percent of the responses came back about daily things… kisses hello, kisses goodbye, making the bed, taking out the garbage. Sometimes we get caught up in the “Hallmark Moments,” or big stories of extravaganza, such as when we did something like have a plane write our partner’s name in sky. But it’s so important to touch our loved ones every single day, validate them, honor and cherish them. If we do, they will keep filling up our bucket as we keep filling up their bucket.

“We cannot tell the exact moment a friendship is formed; as in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses, there is at last one that makes the heart run over.” —Gloria Naylor Author’s note: Looking to have a deeper understanding of relationships, download my free eBook, 20 Secrets to Building Better Love Relationships at


Gary Loper is a recognized Twitter expert, life and business coach, mindset coach, motivational speaker, trainer and highly respected entrepreneur, helping people master the business of life by Building Better Relationships. Visit his website at


Tools & Tips

By Gregg Sanderson Here a coach. There a coach. You can even find a coach coach. How will you know what’s best for you? I’ll coach you. Back in the old days, the founder of one of the large growth movements spoke at a conference I was at. He said, “I can’t understand how some people don’t have high self-esteem. I’ve always had it.” I knew right away that this person had nothing to teach about self-esteem. He hadn’t been through the trials of one who may still seek it. Hop aboard my metaphorical time machine back to pioneer days. We want to organize a wagon train “Westward Ho” to the Land of Enlightenment. We need to hire a scout to keep us on the trail and ride ahead to check for rocks, water and Indians.

Once you know where you’re going, find a coach who’s traveled your trail.

What will we look for? First, of course, he has to be here. If he’s already at the destination, he isn’t much good to our wagon train. He needs to travel with us, and go a few days’ ride ahead and report back. Rain may have washed down some new rocks. Drought may have dried up the water holes, or the Indians may not be as friendly as they once were. Next, he must know the trail. He may know all about the Santa Fe Trail, but it’s no help if we plan to take the Old Spanish Trail, or the Oregon Trail. Our scout needs to know the lay of the land, and keep us on the trail. Now let’s think about your coach. The first question to ask yourself is the hardest: “What do I want?” You need to figure out where you want to go, then pick a coach to get you there. Be sure any new coach can accept the way you are. If you’re gay,


don’t go to a militant heterosexual, or if you’re Jewish, don’t go to an anti-Semite. If you want sex therapy, Mother Superior might not be your best choice. Once you know where you’re going, find a coach who’s traveled your trail. Don’t go to an overweight person for weight loss, nor one who’s always been thin. If you want prosperity, choose somebody who has used the methods you want to learn, not one who was born rich. If your goal is happy relationships, find somebody whose relationships work. Past breakups don’t necessarily mean failure. They often show growth. Just be sure your coach has what you’re looking for, or is well on the way. Also, consider how long they’ve been in their current relationship and be sure it’s been long enough for illusions to fade. I taught relationships for many years (I still do). In that time I saw many “experts” appear, flash and disappear within a year or two. I could write a book about that one. Oh wait—I did. Happy hunting.


Gregg Sanderson is author of Spirit With A Smile, The World According To BOB. He is a licensed practitioner in the Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Certified Trainer for Infinite Possibilities. His earlier books were, What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens—Easing The Pain Of Divorce. His latest project is the New Thought Global Network, where subscribers can enjoy the best in New Thought presentations from anywhere at any time. You can see it at www.


By Darlene Coleman There is an old term “dead reckoning” (D.R.) that has been used at times by sailors and pilots as a method of navigation. Thought to mean deduced reckoning, it is the “process of calculating one’s current position, especially at sea, by estimating the direction and distance traveled, rather than by using landmarks, astronomical observations or electronic navigation methods.” Unfortunately, this method can be subject to significant errors, as speed and direction must be accurately known at all times, and each estimate of position is relative to the previous one. If your coordinates are off, you can get very lost. D.R. is a great analogy to explain the benefits of Life Coaching. Many times we can find ourselves adrift due to our initial perceptions being incorrect, and there are many “telltale” signs along the way, to borrow from another sailing term. Some of the signs you may be off course are how you are feeling on a daily basis. Anyone can have a bad day, but if you find yourself consistently feeling out of sorts, depressed, anxious or lost, it could be an indicator there might be choppy seas ahead. Life Coaching helps to keep you on course. It’s common to have coaches for all sorts of activities. Basketball, football, hockey, soccer, to name a few, but when it comes to the game of life, many will ignore all of the warning signs and go it alone, choosing instead to drift along rudderless and possibly even becoming stranded at sea.

Why is it, when it comes to ourselves, we often resist getting help? One reason may be we have learned to put our emotional health on the back burner. For years there has been a stigma around asking for help, whether it be to achieve a personal goal or to work through a troubling issue. There seems to be a sense of guilt around spending the resources on something like your feelings. However, if you think about it, what better asset do we have, aside from our well-being and success? I believe the bigger reason is that it’s hard and, many times, very painful to look within. When we begin to evaluate our lives, some of the truths that we may uncover could make us or those around us, uncomfortable. Through close examination, we realize that some things may need to change, and change can bring fear. Just as there are different styles of therapists, there are also different styles of coaching. My personal style of coaching centers on “Know Thyself.” Two simple, little words and yet inherent within them are the answers to your happiness. To all you desire. To all you would ever need. And yet, so few know themselves or have the inclination or even are aware there is such a thing. After all, what does that even mean? The answers reach far beyond the superficial ones that immediately

come to mind when asked “Who are you?” Mom, husband, banker, young, old, black, white, man, woman, Christian, Jew, etc. But when all of the labels or trimmings get stripped away, then what? That is where coaching comes in. Together we delve into the stories that keep you stuck in fear, unable to move forward or even function at times. We examine and explore outdated belief systems and conditioning that you have clung to since birth. Through a variety of different techniques and modalities real and lasting change can be created, enabling you to have a life that fulfills you, not a life that you are “stuck with.” At the very core of you there resides a being just waiting to be acknowledged, encouraged, validated and, most importantly, activated. A coach’s job is to gently prod you into the increased selfawareness necessary for setting sail and finding your True North. Don’t get moored down, reach out today and make the change. Your life is waiting for you.


Darlene Coleman is a certified Life Coach, Reiki Master/ Teacher, and instructor specializing in Neurolinguistics, Hypnosis, and Energy Healing. Her extensive studies in holistic healing have led to successful treatments relieving emotional and physical pain experienced by children, adults, and seniors. A graduate of BennettStellar University, Darlene provides coaching services to clients ranging from athletes to writers, and is the author of the “I-Stop Smoking” workbook and addiction-cessation program. Darlene is also available for speaking engagements. Visit



By Lisa Cedrone E-commerce—which is commonly defined as the buying or selling of goods or services over the Internet or an electronic network—has vastly changed worldwide commerce trends for both goods and services since the 1990s. When pioneers including (1994) and eBay debuted their online marketplaces, they began a revolution that has resulted in drastic changes to the business landscape over the past 25 years. Whether you are offering coaching services, workshops, holistic products or books, your business must consider and, most likely, include an online component. In this series of articles we will explore the e-commerce business channel and look at the actual implementation of a start-up online business for tee shirts with spiritual slogans, The BhankTee Life, from start to finish. Let’s start with some of the notable e-commerce trends that we should consider today: Through the computer, independent practitioners now have a way to reach vast audiences for services, such as coaching sessions, readings (Tarot, astrology, animal communication, mediumship, etc.), webinars, subscription services, training programs, and more. Communication tools such as Facebook Live video streaming and Skype video conferencing make this possible and affordable for those with limited budgets. With the Internet, consumers can research products and services online and compare prices. Online shopping giants also have developed the capability to cross-sell by suggesting related items, creating a vast selection of inventory for potential customers to select from. These developments have greatly increased competition among online retailers and between the online and bricks-and-mortar (physical retail) segments. Shopping has become a 24/7 experience through the Internet. This level of instant access has driven demand for quick shipping and created challenges in the supply chain that impact both large and small companies, including keeping shipping costs low while using expedited delivery, and managing inventory and


warehousing outside of the traditional manufacturing-to-retail sales floor fulfillment model. Using the Internet, small online sellers can reach customers all over the country and the world, greatly expanding the reach for their products. This is especially significant for smaller companies that otherwise would not have the resources to open physical retail locations. This, in turn, has enticed entrepreneurial people to become online retailers and given them the ability to open virtual stores with minimal investment. These smaller businesses also can eliminate “middlemen” in many cases, which streamlines the supply chain and increases profits, making it possible to be more cost competitive with large-volume companies that receive volume discounts when purchasing/manufacturing. Online advertising and marketing channels have expanded alongside Internet selling channels, the latter of which now include independent websites, social media platforms like facebook, and hubs such as Amazon, eBay and Etsy. While this has made marketing plans more complex and diversified, it also has added more affordable online options for advertising and marketing. On the technology frontend, demand for secure and easy online payment methods and user-friendly, fast-loading hosted shopping cart programs continues to grow. For large companies involved in selling online, this is driving large investments in software and computer infrastructure. For smaller companies, this demand is supporting third-party development of online application service providers (ASPs), which offer hosted shopping cart platforms under a mass customization model, a hybrid approach that allows a certain amount of customization within a larger set framework (in this case a software platform). On the technology backend, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has evolved to provide a backbone for e-commerce communication. In existence for more than 30 years and initially used in the automotive industry, EDI allows parties to exchange data—i.e., purchase orders, invoices, shipping notices and other

business documents—using standards including X12, EDIFACT and ODETTE. In 1996, the National Institute of Standards and Technology officially defined EDI, saying that it is “the computerto-computer interchange of strictly formatted messages that represent documents other than monetary instruments…” The Bottom Line Overall, online sales in the United States are predicted to reach $523 billion annually by 2020, according to a report by the research firm Forrester released in early 2016.4 In 2015, online sales totaled $341.7 billion, or 10.5 percent of all retail sales, which totaled $4.71 trillion.1 And e-commerce continued its upward trend in 2016. According to the most recent data from the U.S. Department of Commerce, released on November 17, 2016, U.S. retail e-commerce sales for the third quarter of 2016 shot up an estimated 15.7 percent over the same quarter in 2015 to $101.3 billion, while total retail sales only increased 2.2 percent in the same period. No doubt, this rise in e-commerce sales is being fueled by the proliferation of mobile devices now available with Internet access, including smart phones and tablets. Internet Retailer, for example, reported that e-commerce sales from mobile devices accounting for 30 percent of all online sales in the United States in 2015, a nearly 5 percent increase from 2014.2

sour, however, the B2C companies were among the first to fall, and they fell fast. Many companies tried to follow the herd of investors by undergoing a B2C to B2B makeover.” A good example of how this now works is the book-publishing industry, according to an online article in by Katie Jensen. “Authors market their manuscripts to book publishers. Both the author and the book publisher are in a B2B relationship. The publisher prints and markets the books to booksellers, both online and in retail stores. This relationship is B2B as well. However, the bookstores sell to the final consumer and are in a B2C relationship.”10 Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) e-commerce plays into this mix of online selling by providing a channel that operates similar to old-time classified sales, where end consumers interact with each other to buy and sell both used and new items. The best examples today are and C2C models typically operate using a third-party online platform where buyers can shop for free, but sellers sometimes have to pay a fee to list their products, notes a definition on “Consumers often play an active role in monitoring e-commerce sites for scams and other inappropriate content, [and] the C2C model entails lower costs and higher profits for buyers and sellers.”11 Again, there often isn’t a clear boundary between the sectors of e-commerce, and B2C and C2C strategies often overlap on sites like and

Online sales in the United States are predicted to reach $523 billion annually by 2020!

B2B vs. B2C…and C2C The business-to-business (B2B) e-business model connects businesses to their suppliers, distributors and other parts of the supply chain (but not end consumers). B2B websites use electronic communication including email, the Internet and extranets, the latter of which typically are private networks that use Internet technology and the public telecommunication system. “E-business B2Bs focus on four main goals: operational efficiency, strong direct relationships, growth, and keeping up with competition,” notes Dana Griffin in an article on “An online supply chain allows customers to serve themselves and improves both timeliness and accuracy of orders and delivery. When you connect directly to suppliers and distributors, you develop your brand and close relationships make it even easier to conduct business.” The business-to-consumer (B2C) sector of e-commerce is focused on selling finished products or services to end consumers, which is where many of Transformation’s readers will fall. However, in today’s online selling environment, the boundaries are murky. When the Internet exploded in the mid-1990s, a bulk of investment was made in the B2C business sector, but when the “dot-com bubble” burst in 2000, there was a shift toward diversified models that incorporated both B2C and B2B. “B2C businesses played a large role in the rapid development of the commercial Internet in the 1990s,” according to the website marketingterms. com.9 “Large sums of venture capital flowed to consumers in the form of free online services and discounted shopping, spurring adoption of the new medium. When the capital markets turned

Asking the Right Questions In this environment, offering flexibility, adaptability and diversity are key competitive concepts for companies selling goods and/or services via e-commerce. Once a company has decided on what type of product and/or service to sell online, three of the most important questions that must be answered to build a solid business plan include: 1) How will the business initially fund itself? Options include investors, loans and/or your own resources. And then there’s crowdfunding: websites that facilitate community financing of ventures. According to an online article in Forbes a few years back by the founder of, Chance Barnett: “There are two main models or types of crowdfunding. The first is what’s called donation-based funding. The birth of crowdfunding has come through this model, where funders donate via a collaborative goal-based process in return for products, perks or rewards. “The second and more recent model is investment crowdfunding, where businesses seeking capital sell ownership stakes online in the form of equity or debt,” Barnett explains. “In this model, individuals who fund become owners or shareholders and have a potential for financial return, unlike in the donation model.”12 2) How will the business market through traditional and/or online channels? If the business model is B2C, marketing and advertising can be focused on the general media, such as television, radio and print publications, in addition to online avenues such as Google Ads and facebook campaigns, according to Katie Jensen’s article. “If the final customer is a business [a B2B model]…marketing is done through avenues that the


business customer will use. For example, industry publications, business magazines, trade shows and tech shows would be more appropriate. The marketing message for [B2B] is based on value, service and trust. B2C marketing is focused on price and the emotional satisfaction of obtaining the product.”10 3) What distribution model will the e-commerce business use? Whether B2B (a.k.a. as wholesale), B2C (a.k.a. as retail or service provider), or C2C (a.k.a. consumer-to-consumer classified sales) a supply chain must be established to deliver products and/or services. In the service sector, for example, a company might need a booking software ASP platform for seats on a tour, while a life coach might decide to conduct sessions via Skype or another video conferencing program and take payments via mail and PayPal. For a seller of goods, the distribution supply chain is more complex. Will the company warehouse and ship its own merchandise, or will it use a third-party such as to warehouse and ship? Or maybe the company will use dropshipping, where products go directly from the manufacturer to the consumer. According to’s Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping, “This is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party and has it shipped directly to the customer. As a result, the merchant never sees or handles the product. The biggest difference between dropshipping and the standard retail model is that the selling merchant doesn’t stock or own inventory. Instead, the merchant purchases inventory as needed from a third party—usually a wholesaler or manufacturer—to fulfill orders.”13 Moving Forward Another paramount question in developing an e-commerce business, which will be addressed in a future article, is a payment options for e-commerce. While it might make sense for large companies to develop a custom secure e-commerce payment program, most small- to medium-size businesses and independent practitioners/coaches will use options including PayPal or an existing e-commerce ASP (a.k.a. hosted) shopping cart program, such as Shopify (which currently is the leading platform according to an evaluation on the EcommerceFuel website in late December 2016), Squarespace and Pinnacle Cart. In our case study for this series of articles, we will be using an e-commerce hosted shopping cart platform for a new tee shirt brand that has the registered trademark “The BhakTee Life.” The company creates custom T-shirt designs with spiritual and humor themes that are printed by a third-party company using screen-printing and digital printing using a local supply chain in Southwest Florida. Stay tuned….


Lisa Cedrone is the editor of Transformation Magazine and a freelance editor, writer, and graphic designer working primarily in the spiritual and alternative healing communities. Prior to establishing her Sarasota, FL-based freelance business in 2008, Lisa spent 20 years as an editor/editor-in-chief for two of the Top 10 business-tobusiness publishers in the United States, serving the apparel manufacturing and residential construction/building markets. Her company, DragonFly Nation, offers a wide range of creative services,


with an emphasis on cost-effective, turnkey editorial and design projects for both print and web. Contact her at or visit

References 1. “U.S. e-commerce grows 14.6% in 2015,” by Stefany Zaroban, Internet Retailer, online article at: https://www.internetretailer. com/2016/02/17/us-e-commerce-grows-146-2015 2. “Ecommerce Statistics all Retailers Should Know,” by Matthew Ellis,, online article at: https://www.readycloud. com/info/ecommerce-statistics-all-retailers-should-know#.Vz4W2vkrK00 3. The difference between e-business and e-commerce,” by Andrew Bartels, Computerworld, online article at: 4. “Online sales will reach $523 billion by 2020 in the U.S.,” by Matt Lindner, Internet Retailer, online article at: 5. “The Evolution of the Internet and its Impact on Retail Spaces,” by Michael Ellis, Wired, online article at: https://www.wired. com/insights/2014/07/evolution-internet-impact-retail-spaces/ 6. The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater & Every Business a Stage, B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore, 1999. 7. Electronic Data Interchange, Wikipedia, online article at: 8. “Definition of a Business to Business E-Business Model,” by Dana Griffin,, online article at: 9. B2C Definition,, online reference at: 10. “What Do B2B & B2C Mean?” by Katie Jensen., online article at: 11. “Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) e-Commerce: Definition, Business Model & Examples,”, online definition at: 12. “Top 10 Crowdfunding Sites For Fundraising,” by Chance Barnett, May 8, 2013, Forbes, online article at: http://www.forbes. com/sites/chancebarnett/2013/05/08/top-10-crowdfundingsites-for-fundraising/#1be751bb1cfb 13. “The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping,”, an online resource at:


By Natalie Rivera Nothing in life stands still. Science has shown us that the entire human body—every cell—completely regenerates itself within a span of about seven years. Brain scientists and psychologists have agreed that in each moment our brains are taking in new information and our minds are constantly assimilating this information into our neural network of thoughts, beliefs, and associations. You cannot have a new experience without it literally changing your mind, and life cannot exist without continuous growth and expansion. You are actually changing as you read these words. You are moving, growing, expanding, and changing. It is no secret that the world around you is constantly changing as well.

We live in a time of unprecedented change, as technology expands our reach and capabilities and as global connectivity transforms our borders and cultures.

There is no question: You are changing. The wonderful thing is that you have the power and ability to direct changes in your life. In fact, what you feel, think, say, and believe about your life is constantly putting change into motion, regardless of whether you realize it or not.

You are creating your life as you go along, so you might as well create it intentionally. All that is required is a choice. YOU ARE AT A CHOICE POINT. You can choose to continue on with your life as you currently are living it, letting the external world and your past dictate what you experience, or you can choose to create your life to be everything that you dream. Understanding the Change Cycle Even if your gung-ho about transforming your life, there


is an important obstacle you need to address in order to be successful. (The same thing goes for your clients if you are a life coach.) Most people find deliberate change to be a difficult process. Many well-intentioned people have changes they want to make in their lives, but they get stuck repeating the same “change cycle” over and over again. Below you’ll find this common cycle, and you’ll most likely find it to sound oddly familiar because most people experience this process of inspiration and resistance when they face a decision to change. You may also be able to recognize this process taking place in the lives of your clients. Keep your eye out for these common signs that you, or your client, may be backtracking and bailing out on following through with lasting change. 1. Discontent—You grow increasingly unhappy and discontent with an area of your life. You “hang in there,” tolerate, ignore, repress, or otherwise deal with the circumstance because it is comfortable and familiar, and you fear change. 2. Breaking Point—Eventually your level of discontent builds high enough that you cannot take it anymore. You reach a “breaking point,” either through exhaustion or due to a dramatic event occurring that triggers the break. 3. Decision—You decide you’re ready to change and declare that you will no longer tolerate the undesirable situation. You take the first step toward change, giving you a short-lived sense of hope.

Failure no longer has to be an option. Neither does doing nothing and staying stuck where you are.

4. Fear—Usually, shortly (or immediately) after your feelings of empowerment, you encounter your fear. You become uncomfortable and anxious about the idea of changing. You doubt your decision. Both options look bleak. You feel helpless, empty. 5. Amnesia—The fear of change grows strong enough that it makes the original situation look much better than you originally thought. You perceive the original situation as less anxiety-producing than the change. You’re used to it; it’s comfortable; it’s familiar. Plus, it has become part of your identity, so you resist letting it go. You temporarily forget why you wanted to change it so badly. 6. Backtracking—Most people choose to go back to or stick with the item they wished to change. You essentially talk yourself out of changing. Inevitably, you soon will find yourself unhappy and discontent once again. Your level of pain will continue to increase until you reach another breaking point, this time even more extreme and more painful.


This cycle will continue until one of two things happen: 1) Extreme Pain: You have a breaking point that is severe enough to push through the change cycle. For many people, unfortunately, it takes an extreme circumstance to push them to evolve, such as major financial loss, job loss, loss of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, a severe accident, or a nervous breakdown. You see, your Higher Self knows what you truly want and will lead you to it. If you resist changing long enough, something will happen in your life that will put you in a position where you have NO CHOICE but to change. You do not need to wait until there’s a flood to move your home away from the shoreline. 2) Self-Honesty: You have the humbling experience of realizing that there’s a part of you that doesn’t really want to change. You are comfortable with your habits, with what you know. You have a lot of fear that holds you back. You have many self-limiting beliefs. You receive some sort of benefit from staying where you are. You are unhappy because you want to be unhappy. You are addicted to the situation. You believe your pain is you; it’s your story. You can see your resistance to letting it go. Only after reaching this level of self-honesty can you truly choose to change. Can you see how this change cycle has impacted your life?

Are you ready for it to stop? Have you experienced change amnesia before? If so, you know that the more you move toward the changes you want the stronger your fear and resistance will become. Are you ready to swallow the pill of self-honesty, even if it is hard, because you are tired of being dissatisfied? Are you ready to take responsibility for your life and create the life you dream of having? Are you at the point where you will accept nothing less than what you truly want? Consider the following reasons you may have been allowing yourself to fall victim to this cycle: You don’t want to change. You don’t really want the thing you think you want. You may be trying to convince yourself to change to appease others or conform to what you believe you “should” do. If you don’t want to change, accept it. This is very common with people who say they want to quit smoking. They don’t really WANT to quit, they simply think they SHOULD quit. It never works. You have to want it.

You don’t know what you want. You don’t know what you really want or you’re not allowing yourself to think about what you really want because you don’t think you can have it. So, you end up thinking you want things that aren’t what you TRULY want, and your Higher Self knows it. You’ll never feel inspired enough to follow through on change if it isn’t even what you want. Try imagining what you would want if time, money, and people did not limit you. Your dream isn’t big enough. The reward isn’t big enough. You aren’t excited. Happiness is excitement. Passion is what makes you willing to endure to attain a goal. What would you do ANYTHING to attain? You’re letting your fear be bigger than you. You don’t believe you can do it. You don’t trust yourself. You put everyone else before yourself. You’d rather tolerate severe pain than face temporary discomfort. Are you really willing to settle? Isn’t the fear of being stuck in a life you don’t want and missing out on your dreams more painful than the temporary experience of changing? You are attached to your problem. Your ego and identity are wrapped up in your problem, and you fear that if you let go of your problem you’ll have nothing to talk about. Who would you be? Would it be better? You’re benefiting from your problem. The benefit you’re receiving from NOT changing is bigger than your perceived benefit from changing. It gives you an excuse and something to talk about. It allows you to hide deeper issues from yourself and others. What are you holding onto? How does it benefit you to NOT change?

Failure no longer has to be an option. Neither does doing nothing and staying stuck where you are. If you’re facing a potential change that’s nagging at you to be made, take some time in self reflection and be brutally honest with yourself. Is your desire for more, for fulfillment, for happiness finally strong enough that you are willing to encounter the obstacles and endure the fear? If so, congratulations, you will succeed—you are ready to break through!


Natalie Rivera is a firestarter, speaker and entrepreneur. She is passionate about empowering others to GET REAL and live authentically. After a decade of living a life that wasn’t hers and developing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Natalie let go of everything and completely transformed. Through her journey to healing she rediscovered her true self and greater purpose—to inspire others to transform their lives. Natalie “retired” from the rat race at 24, put herself through school as a freelance designer, created a non-profit teen center, and later created Transformation Services, Inc., which offers motivational speaking, curriculum development, life coaching, event management, and publishing. She is also the Publisher of Transformation Magazine. Visit



By Charlie Baxter

It seems that many young people today get to a conjuncture in education and are overwhelmed by the amount of choices that they are asked to make. And, in the absence of impartial guidance, they can be influenced by other people’s experiences—diverting them from a truly passionate path of their own.

Is this simply because we have an outdated way of helping people develop talent? An educational conjuncture is a combination of events that provide us with choices. The decisions we make regarding these choices come at pivotal times in our lives, and they highlight the path ahead. It’s clear to me that many young people are unsure of what they want to do in the future, so they look to the broad base of career categories others occupy and ask, “Well, where do I fit in?” 32

Is it really a surprise that the young feel deflated engaging in such a process? While we are truly in the “information age” when it comes to figuring out career progression decisions, the large majority of young adults still feel alone in the process. We might think that having all this access is a bonus, but deflated feelings often come up and become exaggerated unless we offer ways to help them navigate this sea of information. A great example of this is my friend “Rob.” He felt a lot of pressure from his peer group, who were focused on financially oriented subjects. His parents also were in finance, so he thought that would be a reliable career and decided to study financial mathematics. He persevered through college and was rewarded with a degree. He then worked his way up from the bottom of a financial firm, where it took him five years to get to a place of stability. Now, at 30, he finally realizes the truth: He never wanted to have this career! Finance simply wasn’t his passion. What a waste to spend time and energy pursuing a path that did not pro-

vide him with happiness. This experience is saddening, but the individual. We can easily do this if we help our youth find, it helps show us the need for a better way to advise young develop, and keep both their passions and talents in mind. people when they are at a crossroads in life. Take the first step! Here is the best advice to give to First, there are some very natural pitfalls that nearly all of us fall into. When we get to a conjuncture at any point a young person looking to thrive in today’s world: Discover your passion: the be all and end all. This in our lives, we start looking around for people to advise step can be huge. So break it down into small approachable us—those we respect; thus, we know them well and they questions. Over the next week take just one hour everyday know us well. But what if those people are biased by their to dedicate time to answering these questions. Try to give as own life experiences? However good their intentions, they many answers as possible but do not feel discouraged if you have usually lived longer than us and want to pass on their struggle to answer a question. Just simply move onto the life experiences—which is where it starts to get complicated. next question. They project their pains, pangs, distortions, outdated reali1) What would you like to see solved or improved upon ties or (equally as confusing) enthusiasms onto us without while here on this planet? The most successful people even consciously meaning to do so. are those who help solve something that matters to An extremely traditional mindset might be that we them. should stay within the family trade or, more commonly, our 2) What do you find yourself doing when you have free parents’ line of interest. A newer, yet still outdated, mindtime? set is that “If you work hard and get 3) What pulls your attention when in a a college degree you’ll get a job.” As book store? many of you may already know, this 4) What do you find yourself interested is not a guarantee anymore! “What is your in when browsing the internet? Rest assured that when you If you had to watch a documentary were at a critical conjuncture in life passion, and how can 5) what genre would you choose? people who knew you started to fil6) What games have you enjoyed playing? you be truly ter out your options before you even 7) What habits have you developed said, “I need some guidance.” For exnaturally? rewarded by it?” ample, my parents knew that I was 8) What is something you believe that not innately gifted with an underalmost nobody agrees with you on? standing of Science and English lit9) What conversations or debates erature. Naturally, the advice was to would you choose to get involved in? play to my strengths and stay away from these weaknesses. 10) When do you feel alive? It seemed like golden advice, but then five years later I found myself coaching people using the fundamentals of neuroShare this advice with young people and help to science in happiness and running my own online English start a revolution in their thinking. Let them know that we Academy. This provided another vital piece of the puzzle and can progress with passion when we leave outdated pracproved to me there is a key component missing in today’s catices behind and embrace the new opportunities of the reer guidance practices. That is: Most of our advisors don’t information age! know what is truly important to us. They don’t ask, “What is your passion, and how can you be truly rewarded by it?” I’m not saying there are clear-cut pathways to folCharlie Baxter, MBPsS, is the coach for recent graduates. He has folow. In fact, I’m saying there is more uncertainty than ever. cused his BSc in Psychology and intensive training in NLP, HNLP, MindBut what lives in uncertainty? Possibility. fulness and Life Coaching towards the information generation. He reWith all the uncertainty in the world today, there alised how times have changed in regards to employment nowadays lies the possibility for young people to do the things they and that the process in which we approach finding work is outdated. Charlie has created a step-by-step manageable course for graduates love by learning how to channel their energy, develop talent, to discover what they really are passionate about and how to take and then leverage it to be rewarded in a career path. action. Charlie has coached and mentored many young adults since The world we live in today has surpassed the forGraduating himself. He loves to see transformation and so works remer mindset of “stay in school and get a good job.” We need lentlessly towards helping create powerful shifts for graduates and more. The government is making higher education more exyoung adults. As mentioned above Charlie works with the informapensive, so young people must be smart and use what they tion generation and so believes that coaching via technology is the have to their advantage right now. way forward. He is currently travelling South America with a home This is the information generation—where we can base just South of London, UK. You can connect with Charlie via Skype connect with 2.4 billion people without ever leaving home. “Mind-Matter” and at There is far too much opportunity in today’s world for young This article is a chapter from the book Transform Your people to be given the same generic career advice of days Life! written by 60 real-life heroes and experts and available at,, gone by. What we need to do is stop for a moment, reevaluand all ebook formats. ate, and think about creating guidance that is truly tailored to




by Mark Pitstick, MA, DC

Technology to contact departed loved ones on the “other side” is on the horizon. The term SoulPhone® describes a series of anticipated scientific devices that will allow communication with your “deceased” loved ones. This technology also will allow wise input from “departed” luminaries—scientists, inventors, great teachers, healers and even entertainers—who want to assist those of us on Earth. The SoulPhone® is being developed under the direction of Gary Schwartz, Ph.D., Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. He is a Harvard graduate and former Harvard and Yale Professor. Dr. Schwartz has published more than 450 scientific papers, including six in the journal Science, and co-edited eleven academic books. The author of seven books including The Afterlife Experiments and The Sacred Promise, he is a serious and well-respected scientist with impeccable credentials. Dr. Schwartz and his research team—an engineer, optical physicist and other scientists—are using ultra-sensitive sensing devices to measure the presence of hypothesized spirit participants. Some of the same equipment also is used by NASA to measure light from distant planets and stars, and statistically significant measures of some of these giants have been detected using light, sound, motion and energy/electromagnetic fields. The working theory is that those who have passed on—but definitely not passed away—are alive, well and still want to continue relationships with their beloved ones on this planet. And, as mentioned, some motivated leaders and masters who have changed worlds are working to help us heal ourselves and our planet. The first-stage device is the SoulSwitch®, a simple binomial technology that will allow


“nonphysical beings” to answer «yes» or «no.» Dr. Schwartz estimates a 90–95 percent chance of completing this in about one year depending on how well the research is funded. Next, a series of switches will enable the creation of a SoulKeyboard® that will allow you to SoulText®, much as you can now with your personal devices. The anticipated time frame for this stage is two years. Following that will likely be SoulAudio® that allows you to hear and talk with those living “on the other side.” After that, we envision a SoulVideo® device, technology that will allow both video and audio visits, much like present-day Skype, FaceTime or Zoom. The current ultimate vision of Dr. Schwartz and his team is a SoulPhone “app” that, like all prior devices, connects to the nearest SoulStudio® housing the technology. This software is projected to run on your personal smartphone, pad or other computer device. But there’s a lot of research and development to do before that point. Proof-of-concept research to date indicates a strong likelihood of developing these devices as described above. However, unexpected positive or negative events may change the order, nature and/or timing of their availability. Does the concept of a SoulPhone seem impossible to you? I was born in 1953, not long after dinosaurs became extinct. At the age of 10, our phone number had only five digits. My grandparents had a “party line,” but it wasn’t as much fun as the term suggests. If others were using the phone, you had to wait until they were done to make your call. My dad worked for the telephone company for 35 years, so I was especially aware of how

phone technology progressed. Back then, telephone operators were called “switchboard operators” because they had to manually connect the two parties who wanted to speak. When you were away from home, the only way to make calls was with a phone booth. Local calls only cost 10 cents, whereas long distance calls required a pocket full of change. You had to put in more money when your time was almost over if you wanted to keep talking. Dick Tracy, a cartoon character detective, had a futuristic wristwatch that allowed him to speak with and see people far away. I thought it was a great idea that would never really happen because it seemed so impossible. After all, telephones were big bulky things that required a wired connection. And TVs were really huge and needed electricity and an antenna. Oh yes, those antennas. My dad actually had to climb an extension ladder to the top of our two-story home and manually rotate the antenna. I stuck my head outside the window and yelled up to let him know when the TV station we wanted to watch was clear. Those of you who are Baby Boomers or older know that I’m not making this up. That was 1963. I would have considered you crazy if you told me that the first SmartPhone would be introduced in a mere 30 years. (I also wouldn’t have known what you were talking about. But it’s true. IBM came up with a prototype mobile phone that incorporated PDA features in 1992. SmartPhones are old news now. We take it for granted that a hand-sized, lightweight and wireless device can make phone calls all over the world and allow us to see each other while

talking. In addition, it takes wonderful photos, serves as a GPS, allows texting, stores photos and—at last count—conducts approximately 137 zillion other functions. A similar and amazingly rapid development is occurring again. I invite you to visit and keep an open mind. The transition from party lines and switchboard operators to the SmartPhone in just 30 years was amazing. The development of the SoulPhone® to allow spirit-communication seems even more amazing . . . but it›s happening. Let me know if you feel called to donating and/or volunteer to usher in these life and world-changing devices.


Mark Pitstick, MA, DC is an author, clinical psychologist, holistic physician, frequent media guest and workshop facilitator. He is Director of The Soul Phone Foundation, Vice-President of Eternea, and board member of Helping Parents Heal. Mark can help you know and show that—no matter what is going on around you and even though it may not seem like it at times—this earth-experience is a totally safe, meaningful, and magnificent adventure amidst forever. Visit www. for free articles, newsletters, and radio shows with top consciousness experts. Email Mark at with your toughest questions about life, death, and afterlife.



by Berenice Andrews

Commitment: a state or quality of being dedicated to one or more persons a cause, activity... “Devotion. Loyalty. Covenant.” The words, synonymous with commitment, are as old as the world’s oldest civilizations. Yet, the consciousness energies of that “quality of being dedicated” are older still. They are inherent in all creation. The cosmos could not have continued after its beginnings without a commitment from the Macrocosmic Creative Consciousness Energy (the Creator/Spirit) to Its creation. Since then, Spirit has been expressing throughout the microcosm and inching all living things, especially us, along the evolutionary path. The Storytellers One of the interesting methods that Spirit has used to push us along (not without a few glitches, to be sure!) has been to give us Storytellers. There have been thousands of them, mainly anonymous. Since the very earliest times, they have been producing an incredible outpouring of teaching stories—poetry/prose/drama/fact/fiction. Our first Storytellers were the shamans who painted their stories on the walls of the Ice Age caves, including those of Pech Merle in France. Ever since those ancient days, the Storytellers have been an ongoing reminder of the Creator’s commitment to us and of our commitment to the Creator, to each other and to ourselves. The Paradox Like the many other gifts that Spirit has bestowed, the stories have embraced paradox. Within them we, the evolving recipients, have been both the subjects and the objects, both the actors and those acted upon. And the stories themselves have been paradoxical...a situation that has often resulted in our misunderstanding and misconstruing them. (Many of the sacred stories, especially, have fallen into that category.) Yet, the most ancient stories and the most modern, especially those teaching us about commitment, have remained essentially unchanged. It is we who have had to “grow” into them. That has often been a challenge!

For all along, we were being taught the ways of the heart. This is true, no matter where in the world we look for the Storytellers and their stories. In those of the western tradition, the heart ways given to us were sometimes fairly easy. They were reflecting the stage of spiritual


evolution some of us had attained. A fine example from Judaism is the story about the tender love between Naomi and her daughterin-law Ruth. In that account Ruth, a Moabite, had given up her own country to support and sustain the widowed and homeless Naomi, a native of Bethlehem. That loving commitment was rewarded by Ruth’s becoming the ancestral grandmother of Jesus of Nazareth. At other times, the heart ways were extremely difficult to detect, while people were actively engaged in warfare, which produced much hardship and grief. Many of the stories about the Greek gods and their interactions with people centered around this theme. Rare were those mortals who truly loved either the gods or each other. When they did—Baucis and Philemon, for example—the rewards were great. In that story, the gods decreed that this loving couple...the only one the gods could find...would continue to embrace each other after death, as intertwined trees. And there are the heart ways of commitment of wives to husbands. Another wonderful Greek tale is that of Penelope, the wife of the adventuring Odysseus, who followed his calling of being a warrior in faraway places. Having stayed away for years, he was finally getting old and tired. Meanwhile, he had had no contact with Penelope and he was (understandably) concerned about the reception he would receive upon returning home. He need not have worried. Faithful Penelope, who had fended off many suitors during all those years, welcomed him back into her life. From modern times, there’s the heart way of commitment between the two children described in The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Here are Mary Lennox and Colin Craven, whose commitment to restoring an abandoned garden and to helping each other result in an amazing life expansion within them and their surroundings. The Purpose Thus, it has been that for thousands of years the world’s stories have taught us that the ways of the heart and the rewards of commitment have remained consistent. All along, we have been learning this, while we have been expressing our “both/and” paradoxical beingness in uncountably diverse ways. All along, we have been receiving needed insights into the immense range of our evolving consciousness—the pleasure and pain of our physicality, emotionality and mentality. The stories have been given to us in order to teach us what we have had to learn about the power of our intent, along with the power of our will, values and beliefs. If we look at history with that perspective and see the unfolding of human events as Spirit-

in-Action, we increasingly realize that all along we have been the creative power in our own affairs. Although their results have often been regarded as “punishment,” what we have slowly learned from the stories and our own lives is that the Law of Causality never fails.

Commitment as the way of the heart is an indication of Spirit-in-Action as the Law of Causality. An Ancient Story: Nachiketa and Death From the world’s most ancient sacred writings, the Upanishads, we have the wonderful tale about the 14-year-old Nachiketa, who realized that the commitments he was seeing around him, especially those of his family, did not promote life. After he had persistently questioned his father, who finally lost his temper and consigned him to the domain of Death, Nachiketa went there to get the answers he sought. When he was informed that Death was occupied elsewhere, the determined young man sat there and awaited Death’s return. After finally showing up, Death was so embarrassed that he offered Nachiketa three boons (irrevocable favors) in compensation. The first boon requested by Nachiketa was that of an allforgiving compassion. This would open the inner gates to a deep consciousness (and thereby make commitment possible). The second boon was that of receiving the fire of life, i.e., the power of prana. This would give Nachiketa the secret of the kundalini energies—a commitment to physical and spiritual vitality—that could not be extinguished. Then came the third and final boon. Nachiketa asked:”Show me the way to go beyond death.” And Death was stuck! At first he tried to dissuade Nachiketa by emphasizing the superhuman endurance and dedication that acquiring this knowing would entail. Then, Death tried to divert the boy with guarantees of unlimited sexual and other sensuous pleasures, wealth beyond belief and hundreds of years of earthly existence in which to enjoy all of it. Unlike most teenage boys, Nachiketa steadfastly refused all the offers. Death, who was secretly pleased with this display of commitment to purpose, then surrendered. Next came the instruction that brought Nachiketa along the path that leads to Wisdom...the path of a discriminating human intellect. He learned all of it. Then he returned home. What happened thereafter, we can only imagine. Perhaps…Perhaps…What a story! Nachiketa’s commitment can be compared to that of Siddhartha Gautama, who sat under the Boddhi Tree with a commitment to learn the secret of the Eternal in this life and become Buddha. And there’s the story of Jesus of Nazareth, who clearly demonstrated that a commitment to one’s sacred calling could result in much pain and suffering. But the magnificent reward is a deep spiritual awareness sometimes referred to as a Christ Consciousness. A Modern Story: Saint Ralph And to prove that the way of the heart and commitment are never to be lost as long as people are walking this earth plane, here’s a story from this century. It’s about Ralph Walker, another 14-year-old boy who, like Nachiketa, made a commitment to challenge death. Ralph, who had already lost his father in WWII, was facing the death of his beloved mother from an illness that made her comatose. Every day he would sneak into her hospital room after

visiting hours to commune silently with her. Meanwhile, no one at the St. Magus Catholic School he attended was aware of his situation because Ralph was firmly determined to follow his own path. (Since the onset of his mother’s illness, he had been living alone in the family home and informing the school authorities that he was with his [now deceased] grandparents). When he was caught masturbating in the school’s swimming pool (with a clear view of the girls’ change rooms), the horrified principal, Father Fitzpatrick, ordered him to work off his libidinal energies by joining the boys’ running squad. Unknown to Ralph, here was the real beginning of his commitment journey. At first, he struggled alone, while his body underwent rigorous training. Then, one day a teacher at St. Magus, Father Hibbert, who had left a budding running career to enter the priesthood, offered to help. By then, Ralph had decided that he would bring about a miracle that would restore his mother’s health. He would win the 1954 Boston Marathon. With Father Hibbert actively training him and Father Fitzpatrick reluctantly supporting the idea, Ralph fully entered into his commitment. And every day, he communicated his progress to his silent mother. Well, that boy got to the Boston Marathon (a minor miracle in itself, since he was a Canadian and required total funding for the attempt). And with the help of the Spirit, who went running along beside him in the guise of a Santa in shorts, Ralph ran. He was winning the race. Then, at the final moment, he was tripped by the runner behind, who went on to capture the first prize. Greatly discouraged, Ralph and Father Hibbert returned home. When the boy apologetically entered his mother’s hospital room, he discovered that the miracle had already happened. She was awake and aware of what he had done. (Indeed, Ralph’s entire school, including Father Fitzpatrick, had been delighted.) It’s a great story! Again, the main lesson to be learned from it is clear. Many, many centuries after the first shamans painted their stories on the cave walls and many centuries after Natchiketa’s encounter with Death, we are being taught that when we make a commitment to that which is life-serving, we can become great human beings. After all, we’ll have the constant help of the Spirit as the Law of Causality. Conclusion Here we are evolving into heart awareness one story at a time. The Storytellers continue to give them to us. To augment that treasure trove, some of us are realizing that we also have a sacred story to live. It’s about our brain/mind and heart/mind development. It’s about our personal involvement with the Law of Causality. It’s about realizing that we’re already in heaven. And it’s about becoming much more that the animal souls we thought we were. Well, onward and upward! At this time in human history, we’re still inching along. Spirit is still in action, while we’re making our commitment to a bigger life.


Berenice Andrews is a shamanic teacher/healer. For more details about the healing practices mentioned above, see her book Rebirthing Into Androgyny: Your Quest for Wholeness...And Afterward. See also her articles “Finding Your True Self: A (Sort of) Socratic Dialog,” September, 2014, and “Understanding the Human Energy Being,” June, July and August, 2015 in Transformation Magazine. If you are interested in reading more and/or becoming her student, see her web site:



by Owen K Waters Peace can sometimes be so far away, and inner bliss… even farther away. Take the time now to spend some real quality time by going within. Find that sense of peace that lies within. Visit the place where inner bliss dwells and waits patiently for your return. Let yourself unwind and compose yourself for a few precious moments of peace. Remember that your mind is much more far-reaching than your physical brain. Your mind, as consciousness, is nonphysical, while your brain is just the physical translator of your consciousness. Your mind, therefore, always has the ability to tell your brain: “Shsh! It’s meditation time!” Focus your mind away from the clutter of day-to-day living and turn your attention inwards to the peaceful core of your inner being. Then think of the deepest possible state of consciousness. And what could that state be? It is the state of consciousness known as Infinite Being. The word Infinite reflects the idea of ultimate, while the word Being refers to a state of awareness, rather than a doing activity. Infinite Being is infinite consciousness without a focus upon any specific activity.


Infinite Being doesn’t have to do anything; it already is everything. It is important to appreciate that the state of Infinite Being is not “out there” somewhere external to us. Infinite Being encompasses all consciousness, including all manifestation. We are that consciousness, as is everything else in existence. The Most Powerful Affirmation In meditation practices, affirmations are often used to focus the mind. By simply repeating the words, “I am,” you affirm your true nature as consciousness. In the case of the Infinite Being meditation, we affirm our innermost identity as the ultimate, infinite consciousness.

The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The phrase “I am Infinite Being” is an affirmation of your oneness with the ultimate potential, the source of all life, the consciousness from which all life sprang. You are one with that universal consciousness. Everything in manifestation is one with that universal consciousness. Now is the time to consciously affirm your ultimate potential. It may take courage to begin with, but the results are more than worth the effort. If you find issues arising, such as a feeling of unworthiness in your alignment with the ‘All That Is,’ with Infinite Being, just let those thoughts go, then gently bring your mind back into focus upon the affirmation. You do not have to justify the words, or settle any internal argument about them, just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said you “should” think in this life. Think independently, think infinitely, and you will connect with the consciousness of your ultimate potential. Have the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let any issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you make this affirmation, you become more connected with Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts are then healed within the light of greater truth.

be sure to return later, after your meditation session has finished. There are a number of ways to enhance your meditation experience. One is to reserve a small space, such as the corner of a quiet room, where only meditation is conducted. That space then becomes more conducive to a meditation environment. A small table or surface can be covered with items that you connect with spiritual practice. Candles and incense are especially useful as they provide some initial focus for the senses. It also helps to always use the same chair, one that is constructed primarily of a non-metallic material. Metal chairs attract etheric life energy away from you, which is great for the chair, but not so good for the meditation session. A small clock completes your setting, and clean, light clothing, reserved especially for meditation, further enhances the atmosphere. A shower or bath before meditation is very valuable, as water is a powerful cleanser. If, for example, you have just come home from a hectic day at work, then your energy body will be filled with the distractions of the day, stored in etheric energy form. The water that cleanses you in a shower or bath not only cleanses you of physical impurities, but, more importantly, it also cleanses the etheric energy impurities that do not belong in your energy body. The reason that water is such an effective energy cleanser lies in its chemical composition. Water consists of H2O—hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is not just a chemical that the body needs. Its greater role is to carry life-giving, etheric energy. When you shower, your etheric body is being washed with the water’s flow of cleansing, etheric energy.

The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The Practice • Find a quiet space to sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and start looking for the quiet space within. To keep your brain occupied with the task at hand, focus your attention on the slow, even flow of your breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils. • As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation “I am Infinite Being.” • On the out-breath, simply allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, allow each out-breath to take longer than each in-breath. Life energy, also known as etheric energy, is conditioned primarily within the human spinal column. From there it is distributed to the rest of the body via the subtle nervous system. Most key functions in the human body owe their operation primarily to the supply of etheric life energy, rather than to the supply of electrical energy. Etheric energy, like consciousness, is non-physical and yet it is behind all life. To help enhance the natural flow of life energy within your spine while performing this meditation it is preferable to sit upright in an erect chair. As you progress with this meditation, the natural flow of life energy within your spine will become enhanced, bringing an enlivened awareness to your consciousness. When distracting thoughts arise—which they will— treat them with patience and understanding. Put each distracting thought aside so that you can continue with the Infinite Being meditation. If a thought seems important or urgent, then it will

Make Spirituality Your Number One Priority The best investment of your time each day is to spend 20 minutes in meditation. Make the time for this to happen. Make it the day’s first priority. The easiest habit to adopt is one which makes up the first activity of the day. Making it a routine will also reinforce the effects of the meditation. If you are hungry to the point of distraction before a meditation session, then have some light refreshment, such as fruit or juice. Conversely, a full stomach after a heavy meal will have a deadening effect upon the higher possibilities of your meditation session, so plan to eat any large meals at least two hours ahead. The Aims of the Infinite Being Meditation • To quiet your daily brain activity by focusing on rhythmic activities that induce a spiritual focus. • To affirm your connection to the highest possible state of awareness. • To charge your system with additional life energy through controlled breathing. • To create a Being Space, where your consciousness can move easily into the experience of your inner state of being.


The Complete Infinite Being Meditation Technique Take a few moments to completely relax your physical body. Sit in an upright chair with your eyes closed, then clench your feet, toes and leg muscles. Release the tension and let your feet and legs relax completely. Do the same clench-and-release process for your stomach, chest and back; then your arms and hands; then your neck and face. In preparation, take three deep breaths and exhale each one completely. Now focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils. As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation, “I am Infinite Being.” On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take up to twice as long as each in-breath. To make a space for your consciousness to dip into the experience of being, pause at the end of the out-breath. Hold the breath out of your body until you feel the need to inhale again. This will typically be for around three seconds, sometimes less. When you are in this motionless quiet space, don’t think—just be. Subtle impressions may arise from your inner self in this Being Space. The end of each breathing cycle is your personal communion space with your inner being. Ignore surface mental noise—words and feelings that jump into your attention—and maintain your focus upon the quiet inner space and subtle impressions of higher consciousness. Nothing loud comes from your inner being. Focus your awareness upon your inner silence. With practice, this is a time when great insights and inspiration quietly dawn upon your awareness. Repeat this cycle of breathing and being for 20 minutes. Remember • The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language. • An effective meditation technique opens the door to more inspiration, love and creativity into your life.

Happy surfing upon the realms of spiritual awareness!


Owen K Waters is a cofounder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, where a where a free spiritual growth newsletter awaits you at: He is an international spiritual teacher who has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to understand better the nature of their spiritual potential. Owen’s life has been focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. For the past 12 years, he has written a spiritual metaphysics newsletter which empowers people to discover their own new vistas of inspiration, love and creativity. Spiritual seekers enjoy his writings for their insight and clarity.


Dear Ms. Spiritual Matters, At the beginning of the year, I was promoted to section chief. I supervise 12 men and women who must decide each day where to send our limited road vehicles to help with constantly changing conditions on major roadways. Our trucks respond to vehicular crashes and drivers in need of assistance. The previous person in my position walked around to everyone’s desks and helped them decide what was needed in the area at the time they were responsible. She coached them, giving them an almost constant loop of feedback to determine which vehicles should go where. The employees were never far from her assistance. A few of us resented her constant interruption to our workflow. We knew we could handle full responsibility for doing our work. At her retirement dinner, another section chief praised this woman’s ability to do so much for others within her day. What they did not take into account was that the woman worked another six hours after we all left in order to complete her paperwork. And, workers never felt the motivation to commit to doing their job the best they could. She was always there to help them. I believe the men and women I will now supervise can learn how to do their tasks independently. I believe that it is my job to ensure they can do so. I am not going to oversee everything they do. I will spot check their work. I will hold them accountable to carry out their job duties while I do mine. Any suggestions for how I can begin this supervision style where workers are each held accountable? From, New Manager Dave Dear Dave, You hope to be a manager who encourages people to do their best. You want workers to be taught their jobs and then inspire them to work successfully. If you teach the skills needed for the job and check that the workers know what they need to know, you allow them room to meet work standards. This kind of supervision makes workers feel better about themselves than having a boss who hangs over their head just waiting to put in her two cents. Workers never feel they can do well

when they are constantly corrected or prodded on with a “better” idea. The manager who constantly oversees the work of people does not inspire. The manager who gives workers the tools to successfully and independently perform their roles inspires. This manager takes joy in seeing others you succeed. It is time you help the workers you supervise learn new habits. I suggest that you explain your goals to the workers you supervise just like you are telling me: • Review role responsibilities with each worker. • Set up classes for workers who want more education specific to their needs. • Assign each worker responsibility for vehicles in separate areas of the county. • Teach workers that if they have a question about where or when to send a road truck out, they can press the conference call button to get ahold of you or an assigned substitute coworker for guidance. • Review the computer summaries of each worker and give feedback as needed. Because you will be a supervisor who expects workers to succeed, they will work hard to meet this expectation. You will inspire them to be the best they can be and not interfere by walking around disrupting their work with your input. Good wishes,

Susan Schoenbeck holds Baccalaureate and Master’s degrees in nursing from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is an experienced educator and teaches nursing students at Walla Walla University -- Portland, Oregon campus. She is an oblate of a Benedictine Monastery where she learned centering and contemplative meditation practices. She is author of the book, Zen and the Art of Nursing, Good Grief: Daily Meditations, and Near-Death Experiences: Visits to the Other Side.


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