Spiritual Somatics Coaching Module Four Self-Study

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Spiritual Somatics Coaching Module Four Self-Study: Tuning Into Soul Intentions The key to the Inner Alignment Method is to guide clients back into their Hearts. As we help them to decongest the nervous system through various tools and practices, we are creating space for them to disidentify with the Ego and begin tuning more into their Awareness body, which allows them to be the observer behind the action. With enough practice, clients are able to begin tapping into their Bliss Body, which is our true state of being, and allows us to tap into the silence, stillness, and Divine Love that is available to us beyond the noise of the lower realms. As we begin to guide clients into these more peaceful states, we want to reiterate to them that healing isn’t about “one and done.” Nor it is about being “perfect.” As long as we are in these human bodies, we’ll be bouncing around between dimensions and will inevitably get knocked out of this Bliss state. And that’s okay! In the Inner Alignment Method, it’s all about recovery time: What do we do when we get knocked off our axis? How long does it take to bring ourselves back into our Heart? Once we have a solid taste of what the Bliss Body feels like and we know that this type of peace and flow is available to us, we never wander very far again—it feels too good! We can simply call on our tools and practices to bring us back into our Hearts. What is the Bliss Body? In Yoga and Ayurveda, it is understood that when we incarnate into the human realm, the Koshas, or veils, are like sheaths that make us forget our true state of being, which is Love, and the sense of Oneness that is available to all of us. As we peel back those layers through focused practices and learn to disidentify with the Ego, we are able to tap back into our Bliss body, which has been available to us all along! What is the Sacred Heart? We can think about the Sacred Heart as the access point of the Bliss Body. It is where we are able to tap into our Higher Self and disidentify with the Ego and noise of the third dimensional realm.

With sustained practice we can find that we don’t need vacations the way we used to, we can retreat into this inner sanctuary at any time to recenter and connect. All of the practices we do through the Inner Alignment Method are about being able to get ourselves back in touch with our Hearts, which is the gateway to our Higher Self and Divine Love. We have to clear the noise and get a client to disidentify with the Ego enough to clear the path to guide them into their Hearts. The Violet Flame is an energetic tool and karmic clearing practice that clears that pathway so that clients can enter this space more easily. Regular use allows for full, clear access to Heart Space. Through the yogic tradition we can understand the Sacred Heart as the Hrit Padma, the seat of the soul. It’s thought to be an additional energy center connected to the Heart Chakra, between the back of the Heart and the spinal chord. Many traditions have their own name for this area of the body, and accompanying beliefs and practices. Through Drunvalo Malchezidek’s work (The Flower of Life, Living in the Heart) he separates the Heart Chakra into the upper and lower chambers. The upper chamber he calls the Sacred Heart, this is where we go to be alone with ourselves. Only our Higher Self and any animal guides may be with us here. It is generally a cave with a light, though we can personalize it at will. The lower chamber is called the Tiny Heart, and this is where we can drop into by first entering the Sacred Heart. In this lower chamber we have full access to collective consciousness, the Akashic Records, the Celestial Beings, and any Spirit Guides and Ancestors we are working with. As we guide clients into their Hearts, it truly is a homecoming. We are helping them to relight their pilot light to connect with their Soul Purpose. They are remembering who they are. It is a tender, sacred act that we are privileged to witness. Manifestation Practices The Destination Vibration and Visualization practices are also paving the pathway to the Heart. We begin working with a client to call in the life they want to be living so that we can key into their Heart desires and then help them to see them and become brave enough to hold and practice that vision for themselves. Because the Heart has its own energy field that allows them to magnetize their desires, as the clients hold these visions while we concurrently clear house, it allows for their Heart desires to begin to make their way to the client. The stronger and more coherent the signal, the sooner what we are calling in will find us. Like frequencies find each other. It’s All Really About Love Love is the most important element to coaching clients through this process. We hold space for the client to cultivate deep, unconditional self-love by holding them in palpable love, regardless of how they show up to meet us. We hold the vision of them healing and living in alignment with their Higher Self.

We also teach them about unconditional love by loving ourselves unconditionally and showing that we are flawed, imperfect humans and we can take responsibility for those flaws and still be worthy of love. Through the teachings and our own modeling, we help them to unlearn old scripts about love (conditional, contractual, co-dependent, possessive) and relearn new scripts of what Divine Love looks and feels like. As Beekman says, “When I feel lovable, I will be able to attract love from those who can resonate with the love I have for myself” (216). The Importance of Doing Our Own Healing First Many Lightworkers step into holding space for others before they have done their internal work. This can lead to many messy situations including Ego projection, energetic entanglements, accrued karma, and hurt feelings on both sides. It also does not allow their sessions with clients to be as effective, because they are not coming from a pure heart space. One of the more important elements of the Inner Alignment Coaching Method is being able to regulate our own nervous systems and be able to guide ourselves back into our own Hearts in order to hold a safe container for clients. As Beekman says: “When healers have integrated themselves into their own safety, and can tap into their own well of inner love (loving self, and receiving love from Source), they are ready to hold the space for deep healing in others [ . . . . ]We must heal much of our childhood trauma before helping others heal. We can’t see their issues if we have the same blind spots. Unresolved issues will increase our vulnerability to merge with the client’s fear beliefs. We will attract our family patterns with clients, and this will eventually drain our life force [ . . . . ] We must have a regulated nervous system so we can help others regulate. If your nervous system is dysregulated, you won’t be able to hold the space for a client to regulate theirs [ . . . . ] We must hold the potential of others’ souls even when they are projecting their ego’s shadow. We can meet them in love (fifth-dimensional consciousness) when they are playing out their mother issues with us. If you can hold the vision of their soul essence in the presence of their shadow trying to provoke you, they will have the potential of shifting into their soul essence, through your courage and willingness to hold it. If you merge with their limitation, and get frustrated or hopeless as well, then you can’t hold the infrastructure of their vision with them. This is the difference between empathy and compassion. In empathy, you merge with their low vibration of fear or suffering. In compassion, you hold your connection to your Heart and the vision of their soul, and see them grow into that vision [. . . . ] We can reparent our clients so they can feel what it’s like to receive the teaching, love, and growth they never received. As we model love with boundaries, boundaries no longer feel like the withholding of love. As you reparent them with love, empower them to learn to self-parent the same way” (218-223)

How do you learn to hear what a client’s soul is asking for? How do you listen to what is not being said, but wants to be expressed? Soul Listening As coaches, we tap into our empathic skills while utilizing our practices to keep ourselves grounded in our own energy fields. This allows us to tap in and “try on” what clients are experiencing without taking it on and merging with it. As we get the flavor of their suffering, then bring ourselves back into our energy field, we create a compassionate container in which to be a neutral, compassionate witness as they enter into these sites of suffering. To do this, we: • Listen with Divine Ears: Ask Divine to help you to hear their Soul desires behind their words • Observe with Divine Eyes: Hold the vision of them living in alignment with their Higher Self (scared, wounded child as a decoy, see through it to the purify of their Heart and gifts) • Speak Their Heart: Hear behind the Ego words and imagine into what their Heart wants or needs to feel safe and seen. As you speak through your Heart, you model and imagine them to meet you there This is all done with Intention.

Remember: Space and Silence are where Divine live. Create room for this in sessions. No urgency. No complexity. Soul is simple, quiet, and clear.

Establishing a Destination Vibration and Eliciting Soul Intentions Many clients do not consciously know why they are coming to us. Their Souls, Guides, Ancestors are guiding them to us. Our job is to read between the lines and hear with our Hearts. The initial intake form and session are places to collect data on what the client explicitly wants, and what might be sublimated Heart desires beneath these wants (i.e. “I want a partner,” means “I don’t want to feel lonely. I want to be connected to my Heart.” OR “I want to a job where I am valued and important,” means “I feel undervalued and I want to feel aligned with my Soul Purpose”) Destination Vibration The Destination Vibration allows us to begin really eliciting a client’s Soul Intentions. The “Destination Vibration Association” is what allows the client to begin bringing the Heart online, to magnetize and activate it so that it can begin to ignite a signal and frequency to call in what their Heart wants. Practicing their associations allows them to begin emitting a frequency of joy, love, gratitude, optimism, contentment that brings the Heart out of retirement, as they remember moments when they felt in flow and were unconsciously dropping into their Heart space. It’s a little like a big machine being turned back on after years of being shut down. It can be a little slow and sluggish at first, and requires some maintenance to come back to a fully functioning state.

From this activated space of the Heart, clients begin to generate a list of desires and visualizations that activate the Sacral Chakra and get Sacral and Heart to begin talking with each other so that they can imagine, dream, and call in.

How Do We Know What is a True Heart Desire? In my experience, there are three major categories clients fall into when working on their destination vibrations (painting in broad brush strokes): • • •

Some clients will begin with very material desires: a car, a raise, a new house, a move, etc. Some will seek out relationships: a partner, deep friendships, community, work friends, healed relationships with their family Some get right to the (literal) Heart of the matter: Flow, joy, presence, Gratitude, Deep connection with self, others, and Earth

Depending on the starting point, the work of the coach is different: If a client begins with material desires, after having them list it all out, comb through and/or listen for patterns that show you any Chakra/Dosha imbalances, Limiting Belief Systems, Traumas. What you are looking for are ways in which they are projecting their inner desires into the outer realm to be met materially. You want to gently, gradually guide them to not be so attached to a form, but to understand the deeper desire that is materializing in that form. Relationship driven lists communicate that what they want is a deeper relationship with themselves. This is an opportunity to ask them to envision placing themselves at the center of their life—what self-care practices, hobbies, passions, look like for them. How they want to feel in their bodies, when they are alone with themselves. It can also suggest that they want to be more vulnerable and authentic in their relationship with others, and so you can do some work about how they want to feel in their relationships. For clients who begin with Soul qualities, the work is to help them to ground them in solid, tangible forms. It can be helpful to remind them, “What flow or joy look and feel like to me will be different from what those qualities look like in your life.” You’re encouraging them to tap into the Sacral to imagine, visualize, and ground. Sometimes these clients also need to know it’s okay to have material desires! This is especially true for clients coming from impoverished backgrounds, religious trauma, or clients who are empaths tapped into World Pain. It takes gentle permission and coaxing that it’s okay to have desires and have their needs met. Teaching Clients to Dance with their Destination Vibrations We need to be clear enough in our intentions to send out a coherent signal. Otherwise we put out a wobbly signal that the Universe can’t register. At the same time, we don’t want to cling to or be overly attached to what we are calling in, as this can create resistance and create limits on what is possible, especially when we have Limiting Belief Systems.

We want to hold the vision but dance with it, allowing it to shift and morph. Allowing our imaginations to dream big! We want to help clients fire up the will chakra to call it in, but we also want to remain unattached and allow room for Universe to do its magic. It’s helpful to have images to ground the vision in, but ultimately it’s not about these particular forms. It’s about the VIBRATIONS that these thought forms allow us to access. This is why our biggest job is to focus on how we want to feel, and to focus our intention on feeling that way so clearly, through whatever forms allow us to ground it, so that it jettisons out a clear signal to Universe that makes it inevitable. Other pointers: •

As coaches we will need to continually remind students that it is not our job to focus on the how. That is up to Universe.

In the session after a client has generated a list, you can do some work with them unpacking it. Gently, from a place of love.

If a client is stuck, you can invite them to start with what they don’t want, and then have them flip the script (manifest in the affirmative)

Often Ego and Soul desires are all mixed up together. Their lists will most likely include both, and often a single item can be a “mixed” desire.

You can also offer guiding questions, including: o If you could have one shift in your life, what would it be? o What is your Soul longing for more than anything else? o What do you ache for? If they are still having difficulty, help them get started with what they don’t want: o What really upsets you about your life right now? o If you could change one thing, what would it be?

Test the Intentions: There are steps to follow in working with the Destination Vibration: 1. Elicit Client Desires 2. Elicit Their Current Situation with Respect to Desires (Starting Point) 3. Identify the Reason for the Gap Between the Current and Desired states to begin forming Internal Intentions 4. Build Out Destination Vibration You want to start by testing the External Intention: o What do you want? Why? Why is that important?

o How would that look in your life? How would you feel? Then begin identifying the Internal Intentions: o What’s the worst part of not having your Destination Vibration? o What if you can never have it? o What’s missing from your life without the Destination Vibration? o How would your life change fi you get your Destination Vibration? Work with the Current Life Situation: o What’s going on in life with respect to this desire? o What’s not working? Why? o What hasn’t worked in the past? This is all helping you to get more information for your somatic work. As you feel ready, guide your client into their Destination Vibration, using the vibrations and images from their list. While they are journeying with you, ask them? o o o o o o

Does [each one] feel possible? Are you worthy of it? Does it feel easy? Do you Trust the Universe to deliver? Is there enough for you? Does it match your energetics?

It will take a few sessions to parse out what is a true Heart desire. That’s okay! Clients often start with a completely different list than what they end up with. The initial Destination Vibration practice is just giving us data about what their Soul is needing and teaching them how to consciously shift the energetics in their body to bring themselves back to their Heart.

Journaling Prompts: 1) Spend some time thinking back to building out your first Destination Vibration: o What questions did you have? What felt overwhelming or confusing? o What was helpful for you in beginning to work with the association piece? How did you land on a memory or association to bring up higher vibrations in your field? o How did you start practicing your Destination Vibration? What was helpful for you? o What do you wish you knew about the Destination Vibration when you first started working with it? These memories are all data that can help you learn how to teach the Destination Vibration to your clients. 2) Think of a time that you are able to sense into what someone’s Heart desire was (a friend, a partner, a child), even if their words did not suggest it:

o How did you know? o What did that “knowing” feel like in your body? o How did you go about communicating to this person what you thought their Heart was wanting? Going back through these experiences can help you think about times you have unintentional evoked Soul Intentions. You can use this data to help you cultivate a more conscious practice with your clients. 3) Find your original (or an early) Destination Vibration. Read through it with the eyes of a Coach: o What type of a manifestor were you (material, relationship, or quality focused?) o What patterns do you see? o What do you learn about your then imbalances, values, and Limiting Belief Systems? o What do you see as your Heart desires wanting to come through? Reading through your Destination Vibration through the eyes of a coach can help you to learn how to do this with a client.

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