Transformer Profile

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He had no assistant to write his reports, no grant to support him, no administrative department to file his papers – not even time off work to do his thinking. What he did have was an abundance of passion, intelligence and burning determination to solve a problem that had taken a grip on his imagination. Go, Albert! There’s a powerful lesson here for anyone in the market for a smart design studio. Namely, it doesn’t take a cast of thousands or lavish funding to produce great work. What it does take is… well, we just said it two paragraphs back. With Transformer you get all those attributes in abundance. We’re a hard working team based in Auckland, New Zealand. Einstein’s insights pretty much turned the world on its head.

Our aim is simply to turn heads – in the dire ion of your brand. And, even more importantly, to deliver results.

Nonetheless, we’re very clear on what our purpose is. It’s to create design-led communications that make a real contribution to our clients’ business.

You won’t find a mission atement pla ered on the wall in our reception area. (That’s partly because we don’t have a separate reception area. Or a separate receptioni .)

We were founded in 2002 as a design studio and brand development consultancy. While these specialities are still at the heart of our offering, no one can ignore the difference technology has made to communications in the last decade. Consequently, we also provide a high level of online marketing expertise, including web and email marketing campaign development. Our clients include many of Australasia’s most respected companies, from the large to the not-so-large, as well as companies from further afield. If there is one characteristic that links them all, it is a restless quest for constant improvement in their marketing.

Now there’s a mission worth getting up in the morning for.


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Our clients represent a wide range of industry sectors: hospitality, real estate, automotive, publishing, financial services, creative arts, health, sports, retail and not-for-profit.

Our core cor rength rength is developing develo brand rand identities,

and translating them across multiplee channels including ding web, print and outdoor media. a.

Some have existing advertising agency relationships and turn to us for projects that require speed, flexibility and fresh thinking. Others use us exclusively. Projects range from the small scale (a microsite or piece of printed collateral) to the large (integrated branding and communications campaigns over a period of months or even years). Where appropriate, we call on the expertise of external specialists, forming ‘virtual’ teams for specific projects and time periods. In such instances, Transformer continues to assume total responsibility for delivering all services on time and within budget.

Bottom line: whatever the scope of your campaign, you can count on us to deliver.

Every proje proje arts a ts wit w h a que ion: For example: “What the heck is an enneagram?”





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Our nine-step design process is designed to ensure that all key actions are taken at the correct stages, thus minimising the opportunities for mistakes. No stage can commence before the appropriate sign off has been given at the previous stage. We have a ‘lean’ work process based on the philosophy that you should engage directly with the people who will work on your business. That means no layers of responsibility to cut through, and no ‘cast-of-Ben-Hur’ meetings. It’s a process where things get done fast and those who work on your account quickly develop a personal commitment to your success. We believe in a collaborative process built on directness and an absence of ego. We are proud of our work and our thinking, but we don’t have a monopoly on the best ideas. One of the joys of our business is the robust discussions we get to have with our clients.


The Transformer Enneagram*

In the early stages we tend to ask questions. A lot of questions. As the project unfolds we’ll still ask questions, but also make frequent recommendations.


* An enneagram is a nine-pointed ar. So now you know.

The result is almo always better work, and better results, that both agency and client can fully ‘own’.

Human beings are hard wired to ascr ascribe r meaning to visual meanin signals. g We see rabbits in the clouds, a welcome in a smile and trouble when the flashing blue and red lights appear in our rear vision mirror. Our task is to ensure that the meaning consumers ascribe to your imagery is consistent with your brand. You can therefore count on us to be ferocious guardians of your brand and its visual identity. We are committed to design that not only reinforces your brand, but also builds brand equity by providing continuity across multiple channels – print, web, outdoor, and so on. In this way, design can lower the cost of sales by allowing consumers to identify and connect with your brand in an instant. All the attributes the consumer ascribes to your brand are recalled in a moment, allowing your message to ‘get through’ before the page is turned, the billboard driven past.

Consequently, we’ve made it our business to understand the ‘technical’ stuff. We place huge emphasis on readability, navigability, and other critical measures. If it comes down to a choice between usability and a website or email design that we love, usability wins. As with any marketing project, we’ll ask fundamental questions from the start. What do you want to achieve? How does it fit with your overall marketing strategy? Is the proposed project the best approach (for example, would a printed newsletter be more effective? What about a blog?). Only when it’s clear that the project will deliver a real business benefit do we begin work. From that point on, our efforts include creating a communication that stands out from the crowd.

The thing is, much as we love technology, we love powerful communications even more.

“...a complimentary cu omer rea ion and a positive business result.” Roger Shalfoon, NSK Nakanishi

“... proa ive, conscientious, superior design, in keeping with the brief whil pushing the boundaries to offer unique solutions.” Trudi McConnell, Raptis Group (talking about Hilton Surfers Paradise Hotel & Residences which won UDIA’s Best Marketing Campaign award)

“ are always a ep ahead, anticipating our needs. Thank you for being a source of great ideas.” Rebekah Longstaffe, Active Physio

“The magazine looks great and our readership has been mo impressed with the fir edition.” Mary Searle, Contrafed (on the launch of Energy NZ)

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