Transform Europe Network | Heart Cry | Prayer Diary | April to June 2020

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HEART Prayer requests from across Europe Apl ir – Juen 2020



At the time of going to print, COVID-19 was a reported pandemic rapidly spreading around the world. Travel and social contact restrictions may affect many events being organised by TEN's partners. Please pray that this virus will end soon and that the church will shine as a beacon of hope in the midst of fear and uncertainty.

— APRIL 2020 — BENJAMIN & MARIA ROSA MARTIN SPAIN 1 Pray that the 100 children attending the Easter camp in Madrid will be deeply impacted by God. 2 Pray for the Gospel outreach among Spanishspeaking migrants from South America.

DUSAN & MIRJANA BEREDI SERBIA 3 Pray for Dusan as he speaks to 200 ex-drug addicts and alcoholics, who are now Christians, as they attend this weekend’s special conference in Sarajevo in Bosnia & Herzegovina. 4 Pray for the Western and Orthodox Easter outreaches taking place at the Family Centre in Novi Sad and that many will attend the Living Free follow-up seminar.

SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIC BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 5 Please pray that the joint church services taking place today in Sarajevo will be blessed with unity and resolve.

ROUMEN & MARIANA IVANOVI BULGARIA 6 Please pray that the women who are attending the nine-day restoration programme, Hem of His Garment, will be able to open their hearts and receive healing from emotional hurts and past violence.

7 Pray for all those involved in completing the building of Mission Possible’s two storey conference hall next to the Dobromirka home.

ARTUR & BRIKENA KRASNIQI KOSOVO 8 Please pray that God would intervene and protect the ministry of the House of Hope in Kaçanik where the municipality has asked us to leave our building. 9 Please pray that tonight’s major outreach event aimed at 2,000 students with leading Christian apologist, Ravi Zacharias, will impact many lives.

METIN MINTAZ TURKEY 10 Please pray for today’s church overnight camp in Butterfly Valley near Fethiye.

MIRCO & NADA ANDREEV NORTH MACEDONIA 11 Pray for the fight against the crime and corruption in Macedonia which is evident at every level. 12 Pray that God’s hand may be seen in today’s planned elections. 13 Pray that those who take part in the ANA Project for women, the Alpha and Beta courses, will grow in faith. 14 Pray that our work among the large Roma community in Skopje will be sustained sustained and result in many people coming to Christ.


23 Please pray for a successful launch of the Rehab Coffee House in Sombor.

15 Please pray for the Concert of Modern Christian Music being held as a special Easter outreach in Sarajevo.

24 Pray that the church would be effective in reaching out to the local community in Sombor.



16 Pray for all those invited to the Easter services, that many would come to faith in the risen Lord.

25 Please pray for the group of Venezuelan refugees who attend our church in Torremolinos and experience God working in their lives.


26 Pray for Carmen as she cares for Alberto, who is severely disabled. They both hope to be baptised shortly.

17 Pray that the Easter evangelism and community outreach events in Resen will be empowered by the Holy Spirit.

BESA SHAPLLO ALBANIA 18 Please pray for God’s special touch upon the children, teenagers and women during the Easter ministry in Bathore.

PAUL NEGRUT ROMANIA 19 Pray for the new generation of missionaries being trained at Emanuel University Oradea as they take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. 20 Please pray that the visit by the Accreditation Agency of the Romanian Higher Education will be successful. 21 Please pray for the provision of scholarships for students unable to pay for their schooling at Emanuel University Oradea.

ZOLTAN & TANJA VEGEL SERBIA 22 Pray for this month’s conference about the church reaching men for Christ in Croatia.

27 Pray for the 25 young people who will celebrate a camp event in the mountains of Malaga. We pray for a personal encounter with Jesus. 28 Pray for Jose from Colombia as he grows in his new-found faith and prepares himself for water baptism this Spring.

SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIC BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 29 Give thanks for a decade of Langham Preaching ministry in Bosnia, in Sarajevo and pray for the ongoing work across the Balkans. 30 Please pray for Slavko Hadzic as he teaches the students currently attending Langham Level 1 three–day training in Albania.

— MAY 2020 — ROUMEN & MARIANA IVANOVI BULGARIA 1 Pray for all those attending the three-day National Prayer Conference including prayer warriors, partners in ministry and those who share a common vision for the Balkan region.



2 Please pray for the five women from our church attending this week’s women’s conference held in Antakya.

12 Pray for the Roma teenagers in Tinca, who are training to be missional disciples, as they lead a special programme for children through the Easter period.

3 Pray that new believers will be added to the church as we share the Gospel in Fethiye, Turkey. 4 Pray that lives will be changed through this month’s Abundant Life course.

SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIK BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 5 Pray that God will richly bless the students of the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Osijek, Croatia this week as they hear from Slavko Hadzic.

METIN MINTAZ TURKEY 6 Please pray for everyone involved in preparations for next month’s Summer Camp for children in Antalya.

ALEX & MILENA VULKANOVI BULGARIA 7 Pray that God will help the Evangelical Pentecostal Church in Pazardjik find the best construction company for the upcoming building repairs. 8 Pray that municipal approval documentation for the building work will be issued soon. 9 Pray for more volunteers from the church in Pazardjik to assist with worship, Sunday School and youth work. 10 Pray that the church in Pazardjik will experience God’s blessing on our Easter services and outreach. 11 Please pray that the faith of all new believers living in Pazardjik will be strengthened.

13 Pray for the ten teenagers who are preparing for baptism in Tinca, Tarcea and Vășad. 14 Please pray for the completion and dedication of the new church in Tarcea. 15 Pray for those in the Roma villages who live in extreme poverty and suffer with their ill-health. 16 Pray for Pastor Gavril's vision to provide additional after-school lessons for two classes of 25 Roma children in Tinca, to help them integrate into Romanian schools which do not teach in their native Roma language. 17 Please pray for Pastor Gavril, his wife Aghi and their family to be sustained during the year ahead as they continue to support the mission churches at Tarcea and Vășad, and seek the Lord's guidance for other places to evangelise.

ANATOLI & DESI YANKOVI BULGARIA 18 Please pray that the Bulgarian government will not approve new law that would adversely impact Christian families. 19 Pray that Christian religious freedoms will be preserved in law after the failed attempt to introduce restrictions. 20 Pray that corruption will be exposed across governmental and economic institutions. 21 Please pray that God would bring an upturn in the local economy of Svishtov with new jobs and improved wages. 22 Pray that the town hospital will be funded to attract specialists, so patients can to avoid long journeys to other cities. 23 Please continue to pray that the local Academy will offer many more places to local students in higher education.

24 Pray that the church could renovate the fellowship room for snacks and drinks.

MARIAN & IONICA SERBAN ROMANIA 25 Pray that the PRR children who attend school will not be harassed by resident children. 26 Pray that the PRR team would always be a good witness among the wider contacts at school and among the families we assist with food and other resources.

— JUNE 2020 — BESA SHAPLLO ALBANIA 1 Pray that God would prompt more children and youths to join the Bible Study group each Saturday. 2 Pray for God’s direction for the team planning the 2020 Summer Camp and that many lives will be transformed.

27 Pray that the PRR team would continue to be effective, even in the midst of trials.


28 Pray for Josh, from Woodlands Church in Bristol, UK as he gets involved with PRR in various activities.

3 Pray that the visiting teams from Slovakia and England will know God’s blessing as they serve the local church in Shtip.


4 Pray that the new church building in Shtip will attract more people to give their lives to Christ.

29 Please pray that the 300 Roma church leaders attending today’s Pastor’s Conference in Samokov, Bulgaria will be greatly helped by the teaching, Building Foundations of Church Ministry, and bring thousands of suffering people to Christ.

DUSAN & MIRJANA BEREDI SERBIA 30 Please pray for the many churches and teams involved in today’s special 24-hour Prayer event for revival and change in Serbia.

DRAGAN & BILJANA MANEV NORTH MACEDONIA 31 Pray for our work among people with disabilities in the town of Resen. We are planning to visit them several times to really get acquainted.

5 Pray for the young church planted in Sveti Nikole and currently led by Vance. 6 Pray that God would bring people to the church each morning to meet with Vance. 7 Pray for the believers meeting together in Shtip and for a new leader to be appointed. 8 Please pray for God’s protection upon Vance, his wife Tanja and their family and that they may know God’s wisdom and revelation for each situation.

DUSAN & MIRJANA BEREDI SERBIA 9 Pray for the spiritual growth of the guys in drug addiction rehab at the Rainbow Centre. May the staff be a good example and led by Holy Spirit. 10 Support us in praying for the centre’s finances. Everyday, we try to make our work sustainable so we can keep the addiction centre a free service for the people who need it. It's a big challenge and we need a lot of wisdom.

11 Pray for all the preparations for the season of camps being organised in Serbia and for the many children and adults who will attend.

21 Pray for Kosovo’s political situation where forming a viable government is proving to be very difficult due to corruption.

12 Pray that God will change many lives at the Fathers and Kids camps taking place in June.

22 Pray that God would raise up more workers from among local believers in Kosovo.



13 Pray that the ministry of the three guest speakers from the United States during the Spring will be fruitful.

23 Pray for the Casa Hope halfway house for ex-inmate women due to be opened soon.

14 Pray for the success of the honey bee project in its newly acquired location.

24 Pray for the Rock of Ages volunteers who assist with prison visits and outreach activities.

15 Pray that God would provide suitable church facilities for our services and outreach.

25 Please pray that God would bless all the preparations for the Vacation Bible School aimed at the children of inmates.



16 Please pray for all the men attending this week’s My Brother's Keeper conference in Montenegro.

26 Pray that the mothers and children from the day care centre and Sunday School in Gotesti will come to faith in Christ.

MONIKA MAHR ROMANIA 17 Pray that the Casa Grace team will enjoy good health and stamina to face the challenges of their work for God. 18 Pray that the family members of the Casa Grace team, who face more serious medical issues, will know divine strength and healing. 19 Pray for Monika as she leads the ministry of Casa Grace and makes plans for the Summer Camps.

ARTUR & BRIKENA KRASNIQI KOSOVO 20 Pray that God would grant wisdom to our team who serve God in challenging circumstances at the House of Hope situated in the Roma Community.

27 Pray for more volunteers from the UK to help with the English classes.

VALERIU & ANGELA MUNTEANU MOLDOVA 28 Please pray that the local authorities will not try and prevent the running of Summer Camps this year. 29 Pray for the missionary group from the USA who want to come and help with some activities in Tigheci. Pray that the young people who want to make a covenant with the Lord through baptism will be sincere in their decision.

ANATOL & NADIA DUNAS MOLDOVA 30 Pray for the new church plant in Larga and especially for the children’s ministry and weekly Bible study.



Kosovo is a small land-locked nation in the central Balkans, south-east Europe. Although Kosovo gained independence from Serbia in 2008, after a decade of negotiation and brutal ethnic conflict, its sovereignty is not universally recognised. Over half of Kosovo’s citizens live in poverty with almost 75% unemployed. The vast majority of the 1.89 million population are nominal Muslim and largely ethnic Albanian who refer to the country as Kosova and consider any reference to ‘church’ as meaning Serbian Orthodox Church. Extremism in on the increase, as is opposition to evangelical Christianity. Nevertheless, there are a growing number of Christian believers, especially among younger people.

PLEASE PRAY: • Pray that Christian youths would become mature Christians who lay aside past differences in pursuit of reconciliation and healing in Kosovo. • Pray for continued freedom to evangelise among the Muslim population. • Pray for Jesus’ peace to heal hatred between ethnic Serbs and Albanians. • Pray for the spiritual growth of the evangelical fellowships. • Pray for the significant work and mission of Operation Mobilisation in Kosovo. • Pray that all missionaries in Kosovo will have divine wisdom, protection and impact as they proclaim the Gospel. • Pray for TEN’s partners who pastor Fellowship of the Lord’s People in the capital, Pristina.

Photo: Pristina, Kosovo

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