CONNECT April – June 2022
agazine M
Leaders OF
Help for Ukrainian refugees Building bridges at Novi Sad youth conference Harvest for the Hungry Heart Cry Prayer Diary
Next Generation This edition of Connect features the stories of a new generation of leaders being raised up to build the Kingdom of God in their nations and to proclaim the Lordship of Jesus. The catastrophic invasion of Ukraine by the Russian military has resulted in churches across the world praying in unity for God to bring an end to the conflict. We report on several of TEN’s Partners who have been at the forefront of supporting refugees by providing food and shelter. TEN’s supporters have responded with offers of help and donations to the Crisis Fund. As we approach Easter and the remembrance of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection, we are also aware of the awakening signs of new life. This year, with the pandemic mostly behind us, we can again step out into the plans and purposes for which God has called us. With this magazine we include our 2021 Impact Report which we hope will be very encouraging reading. The future may still look uncertain, but as believers we can be confident that God will build his Church and the gates of Hades will not triumph.
Of particular interest are the young men and women who represent the next generation of TEN’s longstanding partners. Many of our partners became involved in the network while in their twenties and thirties. We hope you will be encouraged to hear of the next generation's ministries and work among today’s youth. We can give thanks to God for his faithfulness and his wonderful answers to prayer. TEN is working hard to engage the next generation, whether as new partners in Eastern Europe, trustees of TEN or as volunteers on team visits.
Youth at Pogradec, Albania
TRANSFORM EUROPE NETWORK Registered office: 23 Apex Court, Woodlands, Bradley Stoke, Bristol BS32 4JT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161
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TEN Magazine written and produced by the TEN team. Design by Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design. Transform Europe Network (TEN) is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered in England and Wales as a charity (no. 1140592) and company limited by guarantee (no. 7507682).
Welcome Wow! What a two years it has been! There are any number of reasons I might be saying that; the pandemic, the findings from our latest Impact Report, the huge crisis in Ukraine or the wonderful online prayer gatherings we have had, among other things. As we prepare for Easter, we will affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ and proclaim his victory over sin, evil and even death. I want to give God glory for his sustaining of TEN and the ministries of our partners, whilst acknowledging it has been a difficult time. The Trustees and I want to thank you for your generosity, prayers, involvement, and support that plays such a vital part. Please read our enclosed 2021 Impact Report. Despite a particularly challenging season, God’s plans prevail in the lives of many people. We recognise this in the hundreds who have come to faith and the thousands who have received Christ’s love through the kindness, compassion, and care of our partners’ ministries. Looking ahead, we at TEN are focused on supporting the next generation of leaders in the Balkans and Eastern Europe and will share more news of exciting developments. Recently, I asked Petre Petrov, in North Macedonia, how I could pray for him. He said, “Pray that God will give me a new generation to train.” Please would you join us in this prayer? We recognise that challenges persist across the Balkans and Eastern Europe; not least the conflict in Ukraine and the political tensions in Balkan nations. Please read my latest update on page 6 about the help being given by our partners to assist the refugees fleeing from the horrors of Ukraine.
Sounds of the Next Generation Ami Oprenova Stavrou
Update on help for Ukrainian refugees
Moldavian Emergency Response to Refugee Crisis
11 Heart Cry Prayer Diary April – June 17 Prayer for Ukraine 19 Transformed Life Moldova 20 Novi Sad Youth Conference 22 New Steps of Faith North Macedonia 23 Church Partnerships 24 Why leave a legacy for TEN? 25 Retirement of Bob Northey 26 TEN Snippets 27 Fundraising for Harvest for the Hungry
Harvest for the Hungry 30th Anniversary will be launched in Bristol on Wednesday 27th April, 2022. See back cover for details.
James Vaughton, CEO, TEN P.S. See you at our Harvest for the Hungry launch.
Cover photo: Ami Oprenova Stavrou
Sounds of the Next Generation By Ami Oprenova Stavrou, Bulgaria
I’m excited for this opportunity to share a bit of my story with you. I have known the work of TEN for many years as my parents, Tedi and Didi Oprenovi, have been TEN’s partners for many years. I have also had the privilege to work alongside TEN at several projects in the past. 4
I believe that God will use everything I learnt in London for His glory here in Sofia.
Although I grew up in Soffia, the capital city of Bulgaria, I was in fact born in Bristol and although I’m UK born, my family and I are Bulgarian citizens. Simply judging by the amount of tea I drink a day, I sometimes ask myself, ‘Am I more British than Bulgarian?’ The truth is that I have lived the same number of years in both countries and ffind both cultures fascinating. After graduating from the National Music School of Sofia, I went to study Violin & Composition at Birmingham Conservatoire and then followed a Masters in Jazz Vocal Studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London. Over the years I have toured and travelled with different orchestras and ensembles, including my own Gypsy Swing Quartet, Coco n ‘ ’ the Fellas. I was recently featured in the Women in Jazz Magazine and have been supported by Jazz in Europe with my latest Originals Album. Nevertheless, I have always led my life prioritising first and foremost serving our God and Saviour. While living in the UK I worked as a Worship Pastor at Romford Baptist Church and St Peters Notting Hill Church. I also had the incredible opportunity to serve on team and lead the musical arrangements for the City Carols at Holy Trinity Brompton. In 2018 I found my one love and now husband Christopher Stavrou, and God blessed us with the most wonderful baby Theodore in 2020. Despite the struggle of the pandemic situation and Theo being born two months premature, we had a strong vision that God was calling us to move back to Sofia. It was a di cult decision but the doors that God has opened
are ones we never knew existed. We arrived at my home church to find that the worship team and AV ministry had tripled in size. The church has become a centre and exemplar for many other churches across Bulgaria. God had prepared me to take up the role of Creative Teams leader. I believe that God will use everything I learnt in London for His glory here in Sofia. I’ve been involved with the teams for the past year. Even though there is presently no financial support for any of the work, the reward of seeing the teams grow and improve is priceless. There’s a delicate balance between being a jazz musician and a worship leader. However, I am truly grateful for the opportunities I have within and beyond the church community to talk about my faith and make a difference in other people’s lives. I look forward with excitement to what God has planned for our future. Find out more about Ami's music at:
Update on help for Ukrainian refugees by James Vaughton
At the time of writing, Russian troops have invaded Ukraine and are slowly make their way from three directions across the country. Shockingly, war has returned to Europe. During recent weeks, I have spent a lot of time talking to TEN partners who are responding to the crisis. Our partners have been a wonderful example of showing the light of Christ’s love in this dark time. In Moldova, Beginning of Life are working with the government and other churches to provide food and shelter for refugees coming into the nation. Moldova has responded with open arms. In Romania, partners in the southeast and the north-west are receiving refugees. They are generously opening church buildings and their own homes to offer hospitality. These are among those to whom Jesus will say, “Come you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.” In Romania, one of our partners has worked with two Ukrainian pastors to get medical, food and sanitary supplies across the border and into Odessa, Ukraine. This is a wonderful example of God's grace and provision.
On 1st March we launched www., a Crisis Fund appeal to help our partners to provide assistance for Ukrainian refugees. Some of you have already helped in this effort; thank you so much, the response to our Crisis Appeal has been wonderful. By mid March well over £60,000 was raised and TEN has already sent significant funds to our specific partners and that will continue. We anticipate our financial and prayer support will be needed for some time yet. Even if the war was to end soon, there has already been widespread destruction of infrastructure along with homes and businesses. Support for refugees may be a matter of years not months. Jesus told his disciples, “In this world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” Words from Psalm 46 remind us, “The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” Please see page 17 to help you pray for Ukraine and our partners serving Ukrainians, especially the thousands of refugees. Thank you for your support and prayers. 6
Moldavian Emergency Response to Refugee Crisis by Beginning of Life (BOL), Moldova
• On the Ukrainian side there are dozens of block-posts organised by territorial defence groups that impede the civilian population from reaching the borders of both Moldova and Romania.
THE SITUATION IN MOLDOVA During the first three weeks of military conflict in Ukraine over two million Ukrainians have fled the country looking for refuge in neighbouring nations. Up to 11th March, 278,267 Ukrainians and 31,506 foreign citizens have arrived at the Moldovan border. Two thirds of the refugees have used Moldova as a transit zone staying for up to three days. Almost 100,000, mostly women and children, have decided to remain in Moldova indefinitely. The last seven days has seen a significant slowing in terms of new arrivals. Fleeing refugees have reported the following:
• Sub zero conditions and snowy weather has hampered the journeys of mothers and their young children. Within Moldova the economy is facing disruption of normal supplies due to the conflict resulting in steep rises in the cost of fuel and limited availability. Food purchases have also been limited by government measures and this has impacted the whole country.
• Previously agreed humanitarian corridors for refugees and BELARUS distribution of aid have not been secured, so people find it impossible to leave their hideouts in the cities.
TRANSPORTATION FOR REFUGEES Around 550 people have been transported within the country from the border check-points and between communities. We were able to organise a bus and about 10 to 15 cars to pick up people and drive them to placement centres as well as railway and bus terminals. Those who want to reach Romania were offered tickets for bus and train.
TEN’S PARTNER RESPONSE Beginning of Life (BOL) in partnership with Light to the World church in Chisinau is engaged in addressing this crisis in a holistic manner. BOL Director, Serghei Mihailov reports: EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE A 24/7 Telephone Helpline has been established for refugees seeking help. In one week we have been able to secure urgent accommodation for between 700-850 Ukrainian women and children. This has been made possible by many church members opening their homes and placements centres organised by churches and local community organisations.
SUPPORT OF REFUGEE ASSISTANCE AT THE BORDER POINTS IN THE SOUTH OF MOLDOVA People crossing the border have been offered hot drinks and first needed things and information about transport and accommodation. SUPPLYING REFUGEE PLACEMENT CENTRES AND ACCOMMODATION IN THE FAMILIES 100 beds were supplied for refugees in seven communities with bed linen, mattress, folding beds, etc. Local churches in the south of Moldova are facing the highest influx of refugees. Light to the World church and BOL have created accommodation opportunities within their facilities. Other local churches have been provided with hygiene supplies, medication and food produce to feed people who came without any means for living. SERVING IN MUNICIPAL PLACEMENT CENTRES IN CHISINAU BOL staff and volunteers, along with church members served by shifts to help run the placement centres, including the MoldExpo Exhibition
24-7 helpline for refugees 8
BOL distributes food for refugees staying in churches
Municipality Placement Centre (600 people), Baltata Centre (250 people), Comrat (30 people), and the Jewish transit centre (70). SERVING TO REFUGEES IN BOL CENTRES Alongside everything else. Our BOL centres were offered time to minister to refugees. In the Urban Centre children, teens and women could spend time relaxing and sharing conversation while waiting to move on. It offered a few hours for refugees to try and feel normal, safe and dignified. Our Urban Kids early learning centre offered opportunity for mothers with little children to play and get quiet time with their kids and our volunteers. BOL’s Psychological Art Studio team offered individual trauma counselling for women and children who had fled under bombing and shooting.
But in the following days, when the rockets started to ruin apartment buildings inside the city, we decided to run somewhere with our children. Unfortunately, my parents didn’t want to leave the city and now we don’t know how they are coping. “We tried to avoid roads where the military could stay, we were prevented from driving during the night. One night we were hiding in the basement of a small hotel, another night we found an abandoned house and we burnt furniture to try and heat the room. When we finally got to the Romanian border, we were not allowed to pass it through due to problems with our documents. It was terrible. We then drove to Moldova and they allowed to enter the border. “In a matter of hours, our lives had radically changed. We lost everything that we had. The only clothing and little things were on us.
THE PERSONAL STORY OF ONE REFUGEE AND HER FAMILY “We were woken up in early morning of February 24 by aircraft flying around and bombing the depots and military facilities in Kharkov. We were scared but didn’t think that it was so serious. We thought it was a terrorist attack or maybe an accidental explosion. 9
“We will need to start all over again. Our business, our friends and relatives are gone. Our first night in Moldova added to all these troubles. We could not find one single place to stay. All placement centres, all hotels, even the churches were full. We didn’t know anyone in this country. The only thing we found was a contact number of BOL helpline, given to us by friends we had met earlier. We called the helpline but there was no place for us anywhere. We were all in such despair and exhausted, especially the children. “Ten minutes later, when we had lost all hope, the girl from helpline of BOL called us back. They offered us accommodation in the office of BOL until a place was found to live for following week. At 1am that night we arrived at BOL in Chisinau and received such a welcome. It had taken five days of driving between defence roadblocks and hot zones, where our
car could be destroyed by soldiers from both sides due to the intensity of fire. We ate some food and had drinks, and finally we could all have a simple shower. “Next day while our children were being cared for by the volunteers, we were helped to resolve our problems with documents. We found out that the Ukrainian embassy could not help us and we needed to get our documents from bombed Kharvov. Some friends who tried to leave the city promised to help us to bring the docs from our home. “For the first time in weeks we felt safe and loved. We are so grateful for this acceptance and care. We are not your relatives or friends, but it felt as if our closest brothers were taking care of us. This is the first time in my life I’ve felt this way. God has sent you. Thank you so much…”
PRAYER REQUESTS FOR MOLDOVA • Pray for people in Moldova who give their time, strengths and homes for Ukrainian people who are suffering and have lost their homes. Please pray or the thousands of people from churches, NGOs and local communities who are tired both physically, socially, emotionally in these circumstances. They need God's strength. • Pray for those mothers and children who have left their cities, villages, their homes and husbands, sons and relatives find themselves heading into the unknown future. • Pray for the possibility for refugees who decide to stay in Moldova for longer to find their place in community, job and stable means of living together with dignity. • Pray for ceasefire and peacemaking negotiations to stop this war.
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HEART Prayer requests Prayer requests from across Europe from across Europe April – June 2022 January – March 2022
Please pray for the refugees arriving in Bulgaria from Ukraine and ask God to guide us as we seek to respond to their needs.
Pray that the church would be resourced to purchase essential provisions needed by the refugees.
The cost of food, fuel and electricity has been rising for several months. Please pray for the many believers coping under financial pressure.
Please pray for the new residents as they adjust to life at the Rainbow Rehab centre.
Pray that the Rehab staff will know God’s wisdom each day as they support the residents.
Please pray especially for the residents preparing to complete their time at the rehab centre. May they mature as new believers.
The removals business provides vital income for the rehab centre. Pray for God’s sustaining power and protection on the business.
May Jesus be the centre of each rehab resident and may their family members desire Him in their own lives.
Please pray that God would provide the church with an improved or brand new facility for outreach and church services in Zenica.
10 Several new people have recently
started to attend our church services. Pray that God would transform their lives.
11 We are reaching out to Derventa in the
hope of planting a new church. Please pray for a breakthrough this year.
21 North Macedonia has been greatly
12 The bee project is now well established
affected by the pandemic. Please pray for our recovery and return to normal life.
thanks to God’s help and several generous donations. Please pray for a great season ahead and an abundance of honey.
22 Continue to pray that corruption in
government will be exposed and that citizens will find true hope in Christ.
13 Pray for the participants in
the Youth Academy who are training for the ministry.
23 We are currently running
an Alpha course. Please pray that the hearts of the participants will be open to the gospel.
14 This month twelve students completed
their training at the Youth Academy. Please pray that God would open doors of opportunity in terms of ministry.
15 Please pray for the twenty women who
are preparing to join the rehabilitation camp, Hem of His Garment in two week’s time. May they experience recovery and inspiration.
24 The Covid pandemic
resulted in many changes to the programme of the International School of Theology and Leadership in Tirana. Please pray for all our students and especially those who follow the courses online.
16 Thirty literacy teachers have reached
out in recent months to 250 Roma children across eight settlements to encourage reading and writing. Please pray that these dear children will be able to secure places in local schools.
25 Please pray that our learning technology
will continue to improve as we reach out to more students.
26 Pray for ISTL in its plans for a larger,
better-equipped building to serve the growing demands of Bible students.
17 Pray for the Easter outreach
27 Pray that the staff team will be
planned by our church in Resen.
motivated and empowered to carry out this ministry.
18 We are planning an English camp as
a means of outreach. Please pray for God’s guidance as we make preparations.
IGOR & TANJA ISMAILOV MOLDOVA 28 Please pray that there
19 We wish to see local believers
would be a spiritual awakening cross the youth and children’s ministry.
transformed into true disciples. Pray that our investment into people’s lives will produce much fruit.
29 Pray for all the children who attend the
20 Pray for God’s protection and the power
Day Care Centre to receive help with homework.
of the Holy Spirit on the Manev family as we engage in evangelistic events this spring.
30 May God reveal himself to the teenagers
who train through the football ministry.
10 Pray for Slavko as he travels to Albania
— MAY 2022 —
to speak at a Christian conference.
11 After the travel restrictions of last year,
pray that Slavko and his family will know God’s protection and safe journeys.
Please pray for the evangelistic events taking place at the Radovish library and the Borov Dol mine.
12 Pray for the thousands of people who
Pray for the church in Radovish as we celebrate our first year. May each new believer be rooted in the Lord.
We have a lovely group of young women who meet together for creative workshops led by Krasi. Please pray for the presence of God to be experienced in these young lives.
Pray for the inmates of the Strumica and Shtip prisons as they receive Bibles and personal counselling.
have heard the gospel as a result of Slavko’s Good News YouTube channel.
13 Please pray for our
work among the Roma communities, Albanian neighbourhoods and other ethnic groups in North Macedonia.
14 Today we hold a commemorative
service for Pastor Mircho Andreev, former president of the Evangelical Church of Macedonia who passed away one year ago. Please pray for God’s blessing upon his widow, Nada and daughters Elisaveta and Anastasia.
15 There is a great need for spiritual
5 Please pray for our efforts to plant a new church in the neighbouring village of Tiganca. 6
revival in North Macedonia. Please pray for God to give us wisdom on how to reach more people.
16 Pray that God will raise up a new
Please pray for the young people in Gotesti who recently attended the Alpha Course. May each one come to know God personally.
Continue to pray for the children who attend the Day Care Centre run by Gotesti Baptist Church.
Join us in prayer for a spiritual awakening in the church.
generation of church leaders.
17 We hold on to our vision of 100 new
churches planted in North Macedonia. May God guide us as we witness among new communities and look for open doors.
of God among the young population in the town of Struga, we are longing to see a flow of young people into the church.
Pray for the students at UK universities who recently heard Slavko as he shared the gospel. 13
27 Pray that MP Albania would make wise
19 Pray for the work among the drug
choices regarding the ending of the lease on the Hope centre which expires in the summer.
addicts in this region to progress. We have an open door and good cooperation with the Methadone centre.
28 Pray that the Word shared in the weekly
evangelical meetings at the Hope Centre will move the souls and open the hearts of the people to receive the Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
20 Please pray for the retreat
for married couples which takes place this weekend in Vienna, Austria.
29 Pray for a fruitful youth discipleship
ministry. May His Light shine upon them in a time of spiritual warfare.
21 Pray for the married couples preparing
for the Camp Focus next weekend. May their marriages be richly blessed.
30 Join us in prayer for the planning
and running of the annual summer camp 2022.
31 Thank God the hundreds of children
and young people who have responded to the gospel as a result of the work of MP Albania.
22 Pray for the married
couples who will attend the retreat this month to help them serve, understand, and communicate better with each other.
— JUNE 2022 —
23 Please pray for breakthrough as we
await the legal papers to allow us to start our church building project.
24 We are preparing for the children's
Pray for the combined effort of the Pentecostal churches in Constanta to respond to the Ukrainian crises long term. We wish to provide for the families and people that asked and seek asylum in this part of Romania.
Please pray that the newly elected church leaders will know God’s wisdom as they take up their responsibilities.
We need to strengthen our work among young people. Pray for a new youth leader.
This month we hold our children’s camp. Please pray for protection and God’s blessing on each young person.
Pray for the many Ukrainian refugees who are being supported in Romania.
camp for 7–12 year old children. Please pray for God's protection and blessing on each young life.
MISSION POSSIBLE ALBANIA 25 Pray that the staff team
of MP Albania will have a clear vision to plan and work according to God’s will.
26 God to grant that MP Albania will
receive all the strength, wisdom and guidance needed to fulfil the calling for Mission Possible to the community in Bathore.
Please pray that the Urban Centre team will continue to be flexible in meeting the many needs of children and young people.
Pray for the 650 school children who attend special classes run by twenty young leaders with support from Beginning of Life.
Please pray for the upskilling and mentoring of eighteen young people hoping to be leaders in the ministry of the Urban Centre.
Young leaders are encouraged to part in tactical meetings. Pray for the weekly meetings to plan and agree on the topics of interest to teenagers.
16 Give thanks for the
educational attainment of children under the care of Project Romanian Rescue and the special scholarships offered to a few pupils.
17 This month Florin takes special exams
that fulfil his desire to become a professional motor mechanic.
18 Thank God for successful visits by
the Child Protection Agency and Fire Department in Constanta.
19 The pandemic greatly affected society
and resulted in many families falling into poverty. Please pray for PRR as we continue to distribute food parcels and essential provisions.
10 Pray for the young leaders who
20 We rely on the support and
regularly meet to review progress, commit to the vision and take part in special retreats.
compassionate care of volunteers. Please pray that God will bless their selfless efforts.
11 Pray for Light to the World youth
outreaches and the planting of a new church.
21 Drug addiction is a great
problem in society. Please pray for the addicts who are being helped through rehab centres and especially those who really want to give up their drugs and lifestyle.
NIKOLA & DANIELA ATANASOVI BULGARIA 12 Please pray for the forty
Roma families who received food parcels prepared by the church.
22 Pray for a suitable to building for us to
rent in support of a new church plant.
13 Please pray for God’s provision to the
23 Many people have welcomed us into
thirteen children of Ghana, a lovely lady in the church, who recently passed away.
their homes to read the Bible and to pray with the families. Pray that God would strengthen the many women with whom we have been in contact.
14 We had a celebration meal with the
church in Yasno Pole. Please pray for this small gathering of believers.
24 Please pray for those who are sick
following the Covid pandemic May they become strong and healthy.
15 Thank God for the generous gift of an
overhead projector given the church in Shishmantsi.
25 May the Lord raise up leaders for the
church and new church plant.
26 Please pray for the elderly
people in the village of Ursoaia who were visited as a follow-up to the firewood distribution.
A team of five or six women, led by TEN's Melanie Griffiths, will be travelling to Mission Possible Bulgaria in Dobromirka to help with the Hem of His Garment course with women who have been victims of abuse. We will also be visiting Roma villages to take food and other supplies to poor families. As we prepare for the trip, please pray: • for God’s wisdom and guidance about going ahead with the trip given the Ukraine situation • for MPB in all their planning and organisation • for the fifteen women who have registered to attend the course, that they would receive healing and hope • for the team of five women who are planning to go as helpers • for one extra woman to join the team of helpers • for resilience and health while we are there • for the team to get on well together • for peace and assurance for those who feel nervous about the trip • that we would sleep well • for each team member to be used to bless the women on the course
27 Every Saturday and Sunday the church
runs a children’s ministry. Pray for these young lives and that God may open their hearts to the gospel.
GAVRIL & AGHI COVACI ROMANIA 28 Pray for those in Gavril's
mission communities who are ill with Covid or the after-effects of Covid.
29 Pray for the many who have submitted
to Christ but have not yet been baptised due to illness or Covid restrictions.
30 Please pray that the church will be able
to purchase the house of prayer serving the Roma community in Gurbediu. Please pray that the crisis will be resolved and prices return to normal.
31 Sadly, there is corruption in much of the government. Please pray that those responsible for this problem are exposed and that righteous leaders will be promoted.
UKRAINE REFUGEE CRISIS Many partners provided TEN with their prayer requests before refugees started fleeing into the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Several partners have now found it necessary to postpone many of their regular activities in order to provide for refugees requiring food, shelter and places of safety. Please pray for God's wisdom and strength for partners who are showing God's love in such a profound way. 16
Prayer for Ukraine by Bob Northey, Communications Officer at TEN
Bringer of peace we beg you come; we cannot take much more. Our hearts, they bleed, our faces stain with tears. The sounds of war are deafening. O still small voice we yearn. Redeemer, hear our children. They are crying every night. Mothers holding babies; shielding is their plight. Thousands walk the roads of fear. They may not make it through. Grant your angels guard their way. Keep them safe we pray. Victorious One be our defence, protect us from all harm. Suppress the evil force that runs amok throughout the land. Saviour, rescue those entrapped, where no escape is found. Grant them deliverance, welcome homes and rest for weary souls. God Almighty be the strength for all who guard the cities. Give them every aid, sustain them in the battlefield. Your Kingdom Come, your will be done. Lord build your church today. Answer the prayers of faithful ones, the urgent cries and groans. Come quickly Lord, the hour has come to glorify your name. Raise up your flag. Declare the victory’s won.
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Transformed life by Serghei Mihailov, Moldova
Slava is one of the teens from the younger group of Teens Outreach. He has a younger sister and they both live together with their mother here in the city of Chișinău. Their parents divorced not long ago and that has affected Slava strongly. When their father was around, although he had a good connection with the children, he failed to teach them integrity. Their father taught the children, especially Slava, how to be a ‘good’ thief and ways to avoid problems with police. They started stealing very small things but soon moved on to larger and more valuable objects. It was just a matter of time before these two siblings would be caught by police and get sent to prison. Slava’s mother knew nothing about these matters, but was worried about her children’s new friends; they seemed to her to be bad ones. She also suspected that there was something wrong with all the possessions that kept appearing in her home. Slava heard about Urban Centre from his friends in the neighbourhood and came along to the centre with his little sister. It took time and hard individual work to help these two teens to take small steps towards change. Slowly but surely, Slav’s passion to steal someone’s possessions and
his attitude to other people changed. At first, his mother was afraid and thought that the Urban Centre would badly influence her children and only make things worse. Fortunately, things changed positively. A few weeks ago, Slava wrote to us: “I love coming to Urban Centre and getting involved in all the activities. This programme has helped me to become more open with the people around me and taught me honesty and integrity.” Although Slava’s sister still struggles with addictive behaviour, her mother supports our hard work and is pleased to see all the small changes that bring moments of joy and thankfulness. These teenagers continue to suffer from the absence of their father in the family but both siblings have huge potential, and their mother is very open to let them come and be part of this transformation process, happening in Urban Centre. Do join us in prayer for this family. 19
Novi Sad Youth Conference In January this year, the youth team at Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Serbia, decided to do something new. Sensing God’s call to encourage discipleship among their young people, they decided to host a Winter Youth Conference. Our countries were at war during the nineties. But now Jesus is building bridges between the nations
The focus was ‘Life After Camps’ and the conference considered how our initial passion for God can become subdued after the initial fire of a camp or conference, and how our everyday life can dampen that fire. The Winter Youth Conference encouraged young people to stay committed to what God is calling them to do. The conference hosted more than fifty young people from Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia. The youth pastor of Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Gale Trninic, says, “In case you didn’t know, our countries were at war during the nineties. But now, Jesus is building bridges between the nations.” There was a mixture of speakers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, including Gale, and TEN partner and Lead Pastor of Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Dusan Beredi. In Gale and Kristina Trninic’s latest newsletter, Gale recognises that one of the church’s values is to make disciples who make disciples. Growth is central to the church’s ethos, so they provided their young people with opportunities to explore
their God-given gifts. This was the first conference the youth team had organised, so each person had to learn through action. The team had to provide accommodation for guests, cook, clean, coordinate, administer finances, teach, speak publicly, lead worship and above all, be driven by love.
Elena was asked to compere the event. It has taken time for Elena to realise her gifts in speaking and leading, as she can get stage fright. But thanks to the discipleship of a friend and Gale’s encouragement, Elena accepted this role. Gale happily reports that Elena was a great MC! One evening, the speakers decided to try something a bit different, so they hosted a podcast. The topic was personal spiritual growth and both the speakers and some of the young people had the opportunity to respond to questions such as what helps them grow, to speak about what mistakes they have made, what challenges they have faced, and to share personal testimony. There was sung worship too.
Gale admits that the team made a lot of mistakes and did not foresee certain issues. However, he also acknowledges God’s hand in everything; “God leads us through the whole journey and teaches us very important lessons.” Growth is a fruit of discipleship, and many people, both young and slightly older experienced this through the conference. Central to everything was God leading the way. Please pray for the youth team and all the young people who attended the conference. The youth team have been taking part in a training course developed by Josiah Venture, called Core. Gale would love to see the team ‘grow in love, care, knowing God better and discipleship.’ Gale adds, “God is good and faithful! Pray with us for the fruits of this conference.”
New steps of faith by Ivan Petrov, North Macedonia
I would like to share with you some of the great things God has done in my home church in Shtip and the outreach to Sveti Nikole 17 miles away. Also the new steps of faith I feel God is calling me to take in 2022. In September 2020 we started to host youth meetings at my home church in Shtip. We are gathering twice a month on Saturdays and explore different topics, such as prayer life, the importance of going to church, how to read the Bible, the Holy Spirit and many more. Most participants are young adults and they are open to talk about Jesus and faith-related matters.
I’ve spent the last two years at home with my family. I have been serving the church, leading the youth, and going in Sveti Nikole. Whilst this has been a blessing, I feel God is calling me to do more for his Kingdom. That's when I heard about The Journey DTS (Discipleship Training School) from YWAM (Youth With A Mission). It’s a six-month outreach and discipleship programme across central Europe. I am personally excited to learn more from God, His plan for my life and especially for the Balkans, the area where I live. I believe God has great things in store for the next generation and I want to be ready to be used by Him. Ivan is the son of Pastor Petre Petrov, national leader of the Evangelical Church in North Macedonia.
I am thankful that God sent us a new generation who are hungry for the gospel. We organised some youth gatherings with other evangelical churches from Macedonia. We held youth meetings in Shtip, Kochani and in our capital city, Skopje. In December 2021, I was one of the organisers of the special youth event run in Novo Konsko, Gevgelija. I am thankful that God sent us a new generation who are hungry for the gospel. Another ministry opportunity was to help the small community of Sveti Nikole. This church has around six members and most of them belong to the Roma community. Keep this church in your prayers. 22
News on Church Partnerships by Melanie Griffiths, Supporters and Churches Officer, TEN
A Church Partnership is a fantastic way to really connect with a partner in Eastern Europe and build a two-way relationship. A church doesn’t have to be large or wealthy to support a partner. Our partners really value knowing that a church is praying for them and perhaps able to visit them occasionally for encouragement. Here are just some of the ways in which UK churches support their partner church in Europe: In Bristol, one church is supporting their partner in Moldova who is currently offering accommodation to a Ukrainian refugee family. In Kinmel Bay, Wales a partnership church continues to support Badicul Church in Moldova under its new leadership after the very sad and sudden death of their partner Lucian Tabac from Covid in 2020. In Gloucester, Hillview Church are delighted to be sending three church members to visit their partners Mission Possible Bulgaria at the end of April as part of a TEN team trip. Diane Troughton from Hillview Church is really looking forward to the trip. She says, “I have been to Bulgaria twice on soup kitchen teams and once to visit Svetlana and her husband Svilen for a holiday, but have never been to Dobramirka. Every visit has been a huge challenge and yet a huge blessing.”
In Kettering, St Botolph’s Church looks forward to meeting their partner Slavko Hadžić who’s coming to the UK to lead evangelistic talks at universities this spring. In Northallerton, New Life Baptist Church are considering using the ‘For the Nations’ mission resource pack with their youth group, with a view to taking them over to meet their partnership church in Romania in 2023.
Visits are now going ahead again after having been on hold during the pandemic. Many partnerships start with a visit to a partner in Europe, so if you’d be interested in visiting a partner in Eastern Europe, do get in touch for a chat. These partnerships inspire the UK churches in their mission at home and in Europe. If you’d like to partner with a church in Europe to pray, give or go, or you just want to know more, please contact: 23
Why leave a legacy to TEN? Leaving a legacy is a wonderful way to bless our partners in Europe and make a lasting difference. Our dear friend Dr. John Blanchard, who went to be with the Lord in May 2021, greatly blessed TEN by leaving a gift in his Will in appreciation of his long connection with TEN (formerly Eurovangelism). In the early days of TEN our founder, Dave Foster, invited John to visit Czechoslovakia which had a deep impact on him. He has been highly regarded since those early days and his interest never waned. In recent years, John spoke at two TEN conferences, including the International Partners’ Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2017. Before the Covid restrictions, John and his wife, Pam, were privileged to travel widely in Eastern Europe, visiting Albania and Romania, as well as Hungary and Ukraine. He greatly appreciated TEN’s work with our partners in Eastern Europe and often referred to TEN in his own magazine. We are truly grateful to John for his wonderful support.
If you would like to leave a legacy to TEN to support the work with our partners in Europe, you are welcome to contact Melanie for a confidential conversation on 0117 9615161.
Retirement of Bob Northey, TEN Communications Officer Bob joined TEN in October 2016 as full-time Communications Officer, following a 12-month freelance role focussed on social media and online communications. As editor of TEN’s quarterly Connect magazine, Bob was responsible for news stories and special features with support from the office team. He has also had a strong influence on TEN’s fundraising campaigns, such as Harvest for Hungry, WinterHelp and the Crisis Fund. Bob will retire from TEN on 30th April, having worked for 55 years with a career that included the Salvation Army, local government,
several charities, (including Business in the Community, headed by Prince Charles), a private sector company and a regional tourist board. He firmly believes that God has directed his steps, and this was particularly true for the last five years at TEN. Bob plans to stay in touch with TEN and wishes James and the office team every blessing as they fill the gap and press on into all that God has in store.
“The highlight of my time with TEN was to attend the TEN Partner Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria in 2017. Meeting so many partners from different nations and backgrounds was truly amazing. Hearing their stories, feeling their joy and learning of their struggles proved unforgettable and helped me to speak to others on their behalf. “My greatest challenge was shared by so many others. The Covid-19 pandemic arose, creating fear and massive restrictions on travel, outreach and routine church activity. I remain amazed at the resilience shown by our partners as they adopted new ways of sharing the gospel and reaching their communities. Despite the risks, the partners continued to bring aid to the poor, food to the hungry and the gospel to those who felt unloved and unwanted.” Bob Northey 25
s t e p p i n S TEN
Roma Church doubles in size Despite severe restrictions due to Covid, the Roma churches in Romania continued to grow in 2021. The church in the town of Tinca with a population of just under 5,000 saw more than 40 adult decisions for Christ. This resulted in an urgent need to add an extension to the church building. Pastor Gavril Covaci and his church completed the project and recently dedicated the completed extension.
Heart of Compassion Mircea Cristian, the leader of Rock of Ages ministry, supervised the building of a new, warm house to help provide accommodation for a former prisoner, his wife and three young children.
Youths Hungry for God Burlacu Baptist Church held a conference for young people organised by Elisei, a young pastor at Speranta Church in Cahul, Moldova. It was very encouraging to see around 200 youths attending. Another evangelistic conference is planned for Easter 2022. 26
Fundraising can be fun and so much more! This year marks the 30th Anniversary of Harvest for the Hungry! We would love you to take part in this special anniversary year and really make a difference to our partners in Europe. a bike ride, like TEN Ambassador David Pryke. In previous years supporters have put on special concerts, organised plant sales, cake sales, harvest suppers and quiz nights. The possibilities are endless! If you do decide to run an event, please send us your pictures and stories. We’d love to hear from you. Have fun and raise funds at the same time! Every pound raised makes a real difference to poor families in Europe. Thank you so much!
FUNDRAISING Can you encourage your church to put on a special service to raise funds for Harvest for the Hungry this year, or perhaps hold a special event? You could organise a coffee morning, like Ridgeway Methodist Church, or a garage sale perhaps, as Gerry and Carol Partridge do each autumn. How about a special walk this summer for Harvest for the Hungry or, if you are particularly energetic,
Helpful guide
lines for gettin
g started • Keep it simple. The best ideas • Be realistic . What is achieva are simple and easier to carry out. ble without feeling • Get others to help overwhelmed? neighbours involveyou. Can you do this as a home group, d? or get friends, • What’s out family or there that you can join in with? musicians in Is there a local your church to drama group help put on a • Choose a day or are there charity event and time, perhap /concer the date you choose doesn’t s a weekend when more peoplet? • Set a target clash with other are available. for what you’d like to raise and local events or popular sporting Make sure • Set a budget tell everyone! and make a plan. fixtures. This will keep you focussed.
Collecting boxes
We can provide you fundraising outside with ‘street legal’ sealed and numbered in a public space, collecting tins. Remember: no licenses can be If you’re open buckets obtained from , trays or other your local council receptacles are . allowed. Insura
• Your event is
not covered
under TEN’s Public arrange your own Liability Insuran ce, them if you are insurance. If you are using a public building so you may need to covered. You • The legal bit. could take any like a church, costs incurred This website check with www.instituteout of your fundrai you need to know offundraising.o sing total. about permiss performance laws. If in doubt, ion to collect money in public estpractice has all • Health and check with your places, licencin Safety. local council. g and so do check out The Health and Safety at work act does the licence or include fundrai venue’s fire and planning a large sing events, safety regulati scale event, see ons. If you are Think ‘Essentials of about providin thinking health and safety at of g first aid facilitie indoor activitie work’ at www.hs s too. Please s and e. be aware certain assessment before staging outdoor activitie hazardous s may require putting on the you to www.rospawor activity. More details are availab complete a risk m/2013/01/21 le here: /what-is-a-risk -assessment Don’t let
A STARTER FOR TEN Try your hand at fundraising for TEN
Help support our work with our trusted partners in Europe involved in church planting, evangelism, education and meeting social needs
For more fundraising ideas please download our A Starter for TEN leaflet from
you to sign We’d also love st special Har ve up to join our End s ft event at Cro Appeal launch ay sd ol on Wedne Church, Brist eam. join the livestr 27th April, or mation, visit: For more info ungr y harvestfor theh
the rules and
If you have any
regulations put
queries, please
Sending us the
contact Melanie
money raised
you off!
at: melanie.giffiths
When you have finished, please and send it to count the money us at: TEN, 23 Apex Court, Woodla with a witness, comple te the giving nds, Bradley form Stoke, Bristol BS32 4JT. Transform Europe Network is the 23 Apex Court, operating name Woodlands, for Eurovange Bradley Stoke, Wales as charity lism, Bristol BS32 (no. 1140592) 4JT. Registered registered at and a company limited by guarantee in England and E: admin@te (no. 7507682). | T: +44 (0) 117 961 5161 | W: or email
Ş1 TH APRIL 2.23PM – 5PM