TEN Magazine January-February 2015

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MAGAZINE www.transformeuropenow.org

January – February 2015

TEN’s partners at the ‘Trumpet of Gideon’ conference, Bulgaria 2014


He had obviously I shall never forget the first time I met Andy, the day he came for interview. his presentation. prepared well, as you do, but there was so much more than preparation about it. Yes, Here was someone who had had a light bulb moment and was clearly excited about the British he knew that Europe was a tough place to be a believer and yes, he knew that working with churches were waking up to the fact that they needed to be missional; he was an organisation Christian Vision for Men after all. But in Eurovangelism, Andy had discovered they were. supporting nationals on mainland Europe to share the good news of Jesus where he has been with “This message needs to get out more,” Andy said, and for the three years that us, as Director of TEN, that has been his theme.

are comfortably First, Andy put his mind to getting the name and the look sorted and now we d to meet TEN, which is all part of the message — Transform Europe Now. Then he wante tell the story people, supporters in the UK and partners around Europe. He had the vision to rose to the of TENacious people, those who in the most difficult of times kept the faith and to create challenge. (If you haven’t read the book you should!) His aim was to motivate people who could do C‘ ommunities of Grace’ right across the continent, all the time looking for those this to the glory of God. — One of his last innovations as Director has been the Trumpet of Gideon Conference g for something that all who attended considered to be a benchmark for future blessin our partners.

God has called So thank you, Andy, especially for reminding us all that this is a great mission ge of TEN us to, and that we must continue to make every effort to faithfully get the messa out there for people to hear. Written by Toni Coulton (on behalf of the TEN Trustees) 2




arly Christmas presents can be wonderful, and the TEN team experienced a great one when we enjoyed the ‘Trumpet of Gideon’ conference with 80 delegates from 12 different countries in Dobromirka, Bulgaria, in November 2014. The respite and support being offered were only possible because of your ongoing generosity, and I’d like to thank you once again for it. I was reminded too of how much it is needed when we prayed for a couple of pastors from Montenegro. They represented just under 1% of the evangelical population of their nation. Can you imagine…with about 250 evangelicals in Montenegro, that means that many churches in the UK have more Christians in them than an entire European country?! A great way of supporting such European pastors is through church partnerships, whereby their church and a UK church with a heart for mission become linked. It’s easy, economical, effective and guaranteed to be inspiring for any church. Perhaps this could be a goal for your church in 2015? If you’d like to know more please do get in touch as the team would really love to talk with you. Sadly, this is also my final newsletter and it is time to say farewell. I would like to thank you, the trustees and the team of TEN—both past and present—for the fellowship I have enjoyed since I joined in 2011. It really has been an adventure, and as I prepare to depart as CEO, I count myself privileged to have experienced it. May the Lord bless and keep you all, and of course the future ministry and work of TEN. Every blessing,











A conference like no other…

January – February 2015

Our prayer for Europe

There is so much to praise God for

Thank you for your support and generosity







Donate to TEN and raise money for free by simply shopping online through www.easyfundraising.org.uk A percentage of what you spend goes to Transform Europe Now!

TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL

Andy Drake CEO Transform Europe Now

CONTACT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email: info@transformeuropenow.org Written and produced by the TEN team. DESIGN Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.


12 COUNTRIES. 80 DELEGATES. 5 DAYS. IT MUST BE A CONFERENCE LIKE NO OTHER... …and it was! ‘Trumpet of Gideon 2014’ was a new and ambitious plan to bring together TEN partners right across Europe for a week-long conference. Written by Andy Drake


n theory, it would enable training, fellowship, networking and respite for some of the most amazing Christian workers on the continent,


with only a few small hurdles to overcome; multiple languages, funding, finding a date that worked for everyone, and of course a venue!



God encouraged us early on when a few key supporters underwrote the majority of the event costs—hallelujah! Then, we received confirmation that we could use the shelter at Dobromirka, Bulgaria (run by Mission Possible), and when we did all the sums we felt comfortable that we could make the conference work for 40 to 50 people. But God had other plans and 80 people wanted to come! We did the sums again and made it so that everyone who wanted to come could do so. With the gifts we were given we were able to pay for everybody’s food, accommodation and transport, which really was an incredible achievement. Our main speaker for the week was Dr. Rick Lewis, an author and leader on Mentoring. Many of the partners also led seminars so that they could share about their own unique experiences of ministry. A typical day would start with breakfast and then head straight into a main session with Dr. Lewis, followed by delegates reflecting amongst their own countrymen on the content before meeting together again before lunch. This enabled Dr. Lewis to respond to specific questions and help make his teaching even more culturally relevant. After lunch we had seminars, and

here we encountered all kinds of interesting translation challenges. The main sessions were already being simultaneously translated into Romanian and Bulgarian, but in seminars the needs were often more nuanced. I sat in one where English, Russian, Bulgarian and Romanian were all being bandied about. It made for a terrific atmosphere! In some ways, I think the language barriers forced us to share from the heart even more than we normally might have done, as everyone tried to convey the spirit of what they were saying and not just the words. This in turn deepened our sense of fellowship, which was something that blossomed as we enjoyed free time in the afternoons, whether walking together in the hills of Dobromirka or visiting the nearby town of Veliko Tarnovo together. Before dinner there was another seminar and then a very special time of interceding for each other’s countries. Each evening we looked at a number of represented nations and then prayed in small groups into their material and spiritual needs. We were reminded of just how small the Christian population is in some European countries, and also the abject poverty and unhappiness that many ordinary citizens face.

Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

Moldovan sing along

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Bulgarian hospitality

Dusan Beredi’s (Bera) seminar

After dinner we enjoyed an evening of entertainment, be it a special quiz or the Dobromirka ‘Eurolympics’. To call these times competitive would be a massive understatement; these nights were very loud, with tons of laughter and goodnatured banter, and a desire to win that can only come from a room full of church and Christian project leaders! The final night was a great way to end as it was ‘International Night’. Every country brought something to share whether it was a song, video, local costume or even edible delicacy—and Dr. Lewis even sang ‘Waltzing Matilda’! Again, there was much laughter, banter, joy and fellowship and as the week drew to a close, the conference had become less a gathering of delegates and more a meeting of friends. This made communion the following morning all the more powerful; as we all prepared to depart there was a real sense that God had inhabited our time together and had brought much blessing to all those present. Feedback since has been unequivocally positive, with attendees saying things like, “It was a great time of refreshment for us and we returned home rested and with ‘filled batteries’”, “Thank you for the great conference in

Bulgaria! It was a big encouragement and blessing”, and “We always feel like we are giving out, so God knows how much we needed this!” I would like to take this opportunity to again thank all those who made ‘Trumpet of Gideon 2014’ possible: the generous supporters who in faith financially backed it; the Mission Possible Bulgaria team for serving so humbly and ably during the week; Dr. Rick Lewis for sharing his highly valued teaching on mentoring; the prayer intercessors who made sure each delegate was prayed for by name; and of course the hard working and faith-filled TEN team who brought it all together! Finally, I want to thank God for His richest blessing during the week, for His travelling mercies for everyone (many of whom travelled dozens of hours by car to be there), and for the lasting legacy that rests in the hearts and minds of those who attended! Praise the Lord.


NOTE: We are already thinking of the next partner conference; if you would like to give to this then please do so by making your gift to TEN specifically for ‘leadership training’. Thank you!






Danijel & Eva

Erion & family


Mircea & Ronela

Marian, Ionica & Gratzian



Alex & Milena



Make the most of prayer… Prayer is the master-weapon. We should be wise if we used it more, and did so with a more specific purpose.

Charles Spurgeon

JANUARY 2015 1 / Happy New Year! As we begin 2015, pray for each of our partners that they may know God’s love and presence with them throughout the coming weeks and months. 2 / Danijel & Eva Mršić, Croatia: “1st–4th January we are holding a youth and young adults’ winter camp. Please pray that ears and eyes are open to accepting the gospel message.” 3 / Pray for Croatia as a nation. Despite a population of 4.23 million, only 0.3% is Evangelical Christian. Pray that the gospel will receive new doors opened and increased freedom for 2015! 4 / Erion Cuni, Albania: “Pray for Tani, our worship leader (exdrug addict), as he leads healing


church in Yzberisht. Pray for God’s wisdom, strength and authority upon him.”

poor and the lost while giving them good reason to hope in the future!”.

5 / “Pray for the two new church plants that begin this month, that the Lord will give them faith and wisdom on starting the activities and events for outreaches.”

10 / Mircea & Ronela Cristian, Rock of Ages (ROA), Romania: Praise God for the work amongst Moldova’s ROA; prisoners are now banging on their cells to attend courses.

6 / Pray for Erion, and his family, as he changes from full time prison ministry into pastoring a church in Tirana; may God continue to nourish his evangelistic heart. 7 / Mission Possible Albania: “Our children’s magazine ‘Miracle’ could not go to print for the first time in 21 years of publication. Please pray that the Lord will offer us a miracle to change this situation and we may still see ‘Miracle’ in the hands of the children all over Albania.” 8 / “Pray for our teenagers’ group, that the Holy Spirit may dwell in their hearts and that they may find salvation as they continue to be part of our meetings.” 9 / Pray for the MPA team, “that as they serve the community of Bathore, their only pattern to follow is that of Jesus. Let our words also be our deeds. Let us humbly walk on His footprints as we share His Love with the


11 / Continue praying for the courses that ROA teach. Praise God their methods are now being taught in Kazakhstan! Pray for God’s continued vision for Mircea and Ronela. 12 / Mircea has been experiencing health problems and is currently undergoing tests. Pray for God’s protection and His overflowing peace to be ever present. 13 / Open Heart (OH), Romania: “We pray that we will be able to help people who go through different crisis situations; who need help to overcome it so that they can stand on their own feet and help others.” 14 / OH helps young adults leaving Project Romanian Rescue (PRR) adapt to surviving life on their own. Pray that through OH’s love and generosity and through the church, young people might



Dragan & Biljan

Nesa & Vesna

come to know and have a real encounter with Christ! 15 / Pray for OH’s ministry: “We are here for the people that need us, old or young, and we want to help as many as we can.”

Zoli & Tanja


Igor & Marina

22 / Early February, Slavko’s church is planning ‘Circle of Women’ (an evangelistic meeting for women). Pray they receive good attendance and a touch from the Holy Spirit.

16 / Project Romanian Rescue (PRR), Romania: Pray that PRR can truly make an impact and bring change in the lives of all the young people they meet and work with.

23 / Slavko, in early February, is speaking at two mission weeks within UK universities. Pray God will use him mightily and for students to decide and be inspired for Christ and the mission field.

17 / PRR have had a few problems with staff health over recent months. Please pray for the health and well-being of all the PRR team and families.

24 / Sinisa Stojkovic: “For the spiritual growth of the people in church.” Pray Sinisa is encouraged by the depth of faith his members have.

18 / PRR desire to accommodate babies who have been abandoned. Pray for the practicalities surrounding that venture, for wisdom, resources and a change in the hearts of mothers.

25 / “For the people we met during the floods, that we can share the gospel with them.”

19 / Romania: Pray for their newly-elected president, Klaus Iohannis, (first ever Evangelical head of state). Pray for God’s anointing and blessing in Iohannis leading his country forwards. 20 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia: At the end of February, Slavko has a check up with an Oncologist. 2015 marks the fifth year of remission for Slavko; pray for the all clear! 21 / On the 30th–31st January, Slavko’s church is planning a seminar on worship. Worship leaders across Bosnia are invited to attend. Pray God is heard throughout the seminar.

26 / “For new workers on the mission field in Banja Luka and Republic of Srpska.” Pray the church will be supported and more missionaries will be called to serve there. 27 / Ljiljana Banicek: Pray that parents and children will have learnt more about what it means to be a Christian and to know God’s unfailing love through Christmas activities. Pray the church can keep close contact with them. 28 / Praise God for Banja Luka’s new church building. Pray people who walk through the doors will always feel welcomed. May it become a beacon within the community!

Misa & Ina

Ruslan & Larissa

29 / Milena Vulkanova, Bulgaria: Milena’s family are currently facing persecution. Pray for God’s protection, wisdom and His outpouring love upon this family. 30 / Pray for Milena’s two young twins who face persecution from their teachers at school. Pray this won’t disrupt their learning. 31 / Praise God for Andy Drake’s ministry with TEN. Pray God will equip and refresh him for the next stage ahead.

FEBRUARY 2015 1 / Pray for Milena’s husband Alex. Pray Alex will be overcome by God’s love for His people, and that Alex will be able to teach people about God’s grace. 2 / Mission Possible Bulgaria: Praise God for this servant-hearted team who long to reach people and show them God’s light and life, particularly oppressed women. 3 / Thank God for the miraculous provision of their Dobromirka building. Pray God will give them wisdom in how to use it and to expand their current work there. 4 / MPB now put on two ‘Hem of His Garment’ conferences, annually, for abused women. Pray these conferences will continue to outpour His blessing, healing and love.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org



5 / Pray for Svetlana and her husband, now in the final stages of cancer. Pray for God’s enduring strength and peace as they walk through the valley; may Svetlana know His comfort. 6 / Dragan Manev, Macedonia: Dragan’s church delivered 1030 Christmas boxes. Praise God for His provision. Pray young lives will know Christ and seek life long relationship with Him. 7 / The puppet team is thriving and has various outreaches planned for Veles and surrounding areas. Pray for this team and their future work as they begin writing new scripts. 8 / At the end of January, Dragan’s church held a coffee house seminar on evangelism and discipleship. Pray each individual who attended will have been challenged and want more. 9 / Nesa & Vesna Radeka, Serbia: Pray for their new disciples: Srdjana, Jasmina, Dragana, “they are heroes of our days and are great encouragement to all of us in Nexus church”. 10 / Pray for Vesna’s ‘Choose Life’ ministry as they work with women in pregnancy crisis. “Pray for those who choose abortion, that they may experience God’s forgiveness and healing.” 11 / Pray for ‘New Women’ ministry and the possibility of working with imprisoned women. There is also a vision for rehabilitation centres. Pray for patience and doors to be opened. 12 / Zoltan Vegel, Serbia: Zoli has been eager to work with men on a one-to-one basis. “We are few but getting closer, stronger, more supportive and having a more evangelistic spirit.”


13 / Pray for the youth. A few of them have begun helping others walk with Christ. Pray their faith will grow to have firm and deep foundations. 14 / Zoli asks for specific prayer regarding their evangelism which so often seems unfruitful. “Pray more people would engage in personal evangelism.” 15 / Maca Turner, Serbia: Pray for Maca’s family who are currently facing difficult times with illness. Pray especially for Maca’s son and husband who are not yet Christians. 16 / Praise God for Maca’s humanitarian work. In this New Year may more people walk through the church doors and find a home there. 17 / Fedea Parpalov, Moldova: “Pray for our outreach and mission groups.” Pray they’ll be strengthened and have opportunities to share the Good News. 18 / “Pray for unity between church members.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to be active and free amongst church members so all they can do is love one another. 19 / Pray for the Parpalov family who have difficulties with their health. 20 / Igor Sin: “Pray for guidance for our church ministers so that our church will have an effective and efficient ministry.” May they set a spiritual example for the church. 21 / “Pray for the development of our children’s ministry.” Pray for children’s ongoing discipleship and for energetic spiritual leaders.


22 / Misa Hiorescu: Pray for the children’s ministry; for those who give of their time freely and for the young people who also help out. 23 / “Pray for the Mayoress from Ursoaia village, that God would soften her heart to allow church construction documents to be signed off.” 24 / “Pray for our family, that God would give us more wisdom in His ministry!” 25 / Ruslan Telpiz asks that we “pray for the people from our village to be set free from the fear that keeps them far from God”. 26 / Pray also “for those who have answered” and repented “to grow up in God.” 27 / We ask that you pray for TEN’s Trustees for the current year and months ahead; may they be united in their vision and continue to be responsive to Europe’s cries. 28 / Pray for the work of TEN. Pray we are able to reach younger generations with softened hearts towards European mission!

ON-GOING FOR 2015 » Bosnian and Serbian flood victims looking for new accommodation. » TEN’s newsletter/database and contact with potential supporters, especially churches. » TEN teams going out to numerous countries. May they be a support and encouragement to those they reach. » TEN’s Ambassadors as they begin to operate ‘A Taste of Europe’ in their local areas.


Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries in over 70 projects, so if you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! COUNTRIES WE OPERATE IN INCLUDE:

OUR PRAYER FOR EUROPE: Heavenly Father, Thank you for another year of wonderful ministry in Europe through TEN and its partners. We think especially of the individual lives that have been touched with Your power and Your love, from children on the street to rescued victims of human trafficking. May You meet each and every one in a very personal and special way, that

they might know Your love through Christ, and then live in His freedom and fullness. Bless also in this coming year all those who serve in Your name, that the ministry of Your gospel may flourish and spread throughout every corner of Europe, and the continent then resound with Your praise and worship. Amen

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org



» First ever TEN Ambassador training day in January; 20 staff and volunteers congregated in Bristol to share and pray together about serving TEN’s partners across Europe.

There is much to praise God for as we look back » An amazing response to the Balkans over 2014, and here Flood Appeal raised over £30,000, enabling relief work to flourish and churches we have just a few to be planted in the afflicted areas. highlights to » The International School of Theology and bring to your Leadership has received permission to run the first ever Theology Masters course in Albania. attention: » The ‘Trumpet of Gideon’ Conference saw 80 delegates from 12 countries come together to enjoy teaching, fellowship, respite and encourage one another. » 25 years since the fall of the Berlin wall was celebrated in November. » Eight teams headed out from the UK through TEN, to help with churches and compassion projects across Europe. » The opening of the first evangelical church building in Banja Luka, by Sinisa and Olja Stojkovic with Ljiljana Banicek, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. » The TEN ‘Taste of Europe Roadshow’ started in the autumn and visited four churches, with more planned for 2015. » Tens of thousands of people were touched with the compassion and love of God. It is hard to come up with exact figures although, as a guide, we estimate that just one of the compassion projects TEN supports, in Romania, connects with about 2,000 people annually. Currently, TEN supports 70+ churches and projects across 15 countries. Looking forward, we are so excited about 2015 and are hoping for more teams to head out to Europe, more churches in the UK to partner with European churches, more UK Christians getting involved with the ministry of TEN and more lives being transformed through the power of the Gospel—please pray for any and all of the above!!





RESPONSE On behalf of TEN, our partners and those they are working with, thank you for such a fantastic response to our Harvest 2014 appeal! We raised an amazing £15,726*. Harvest funds are passed onto our partners for food parcels to provide for families who have very little.


amilies often have to make a choice between food and heating; receiving TEN food parcels enables them to heat their homes, and can often make the difference between getting through extremely cold winters or not. Orders from TEN’s Essential Gifts catalogue are progressing nicely. We have raised £3,990*. This is a great start! Every gift purchased helps our partners reach their local community, and take the gospel of Christ into situations that would not normally be accessible. Showing God’s love in this way really opens the door for opportunities to share the gospel, not only with the family who receive the gift, but with others who see this love being shown. The devastating weather of 2014 across the Balkans, particularly regarding Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia floods, has meant the requests for food, firewood

and winter clothing is greater than it has been in previous years. Flood victims are still homeless or living in homes which are yet to be restored. With your generous donations and orders from our Essential Gifts, we really can make a difference, make an impact for the gospel and transform individual lives, one life at a time! Thank you for your continued support and generosity! Judith Blackwell, Finance Officer


+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org





EN is currently working with four very exciting partners across Bosnia, which hosts a population of around 3.87 million people. Only 0.02% claim to be Evangelical Christians against a Muslim population of 97%. We learnt at our recent partner conference that the threats to Bosnia are: Islamism/ strong nationalism/ corrupted economy/ corrupted politics and materialism. Despite all of these, Bosnia is victorious in its freedom to live out one’s faith and to publically evangelise. Our partners are based in Sarajevo (capital) and Banja Luka. Slavko Hadzic, and wife Sanja, are a couple with “many hats”! Recent years have seen Slavko’s ministry go international. Annually, Slavko travels to the UK to speak in Universities during their mission weeks. Whilst heavily involved in numerous roles, Slavko and Sanja always have time to develop those around them and reach the most 14

vulnerable in society. Living in the capital, their outreach is vast but daily, they are living to make a difference! Tomislav Dobutovic also works in Sarajevo, pastoring one of the largest churches. Tomi is also an academic within their theology training school and enjoys reading his way through their impressive library! Tomi is passionate about more leaders receiving training and being committed to their communities for the gospel. Sinisa Stojkovic works in the town of Banja Luka which is far from other Christian leaders.

Thankfully, Ljiljana Banicek also serves in the church and works servant-heartedly loving all those they meet. After 17 long years of faithful ministry, Banja Luka has opened its first ever church doors! Buildings are significant for status within Balkan countries and because of recent renovations, the church is praying more people will come through their doors and accept Christ. Please continue to pray for our partners in Bosnia who face an impossible task for men, but we believe that with God…all things are possible!

“In 1997 the first missionaries came to Banja Luka…17 years later, God performed a miracle and we got a ‘Church building’. At the beginning of this year, after reconstructive work we had a big opening!” Ljiljana Banicek Christian Fellowship Church





ince last year’s horrific flooding, Serbia has been struggling, but despite global awareness of their situation, nothing much has changed. We thank God for the six different partners we work with making a difference where they are: It is the Novi Sad Christian Fellowship Church who lead the way working amongst those affected by the 2014 floods. Their transformational work with drug addicts has led to three ex-drug addicts now living amongst flood victims and serving their needs. The church continues to inspire growth and encourages all members to take a role within the church body. Bera continues as Pastor and trains new speakers each year to encourage their giftings. One of Bera’s passions is that of Royal Rangers. This group engages young boys and girls to learn how to survive outdoors whilst telling them the gospel message. It was one of the many camps Bera

took part in last summer, sleeping in a tent 40 out of 90 summer days! Royal Rangers is also a highlight of Slavoljub’s ministry, down in Lebane. Slavoljub leads a congregation with 100% unemployment. His vision is to buy land to harvest their own crops. He hopes this venture will enable employment within the congregation. Zoli Vegel and Maca Turner are working in Sombor, a large town desperately needing gospel breakthrough. The town is very melancholic and uninterested. A large part of their work is delivering humanitarian aid and meeting new people. Zoli’s wife, Tanja, is currently heading up a women’s prayer group which invests in prayer walks around the town. Finally, Nesa and Vesna Radeka are making headway with the Roma population in Novi Sad. Church among the Roma has no singing, only expository discussion

resulting in some wonderful testimonies. The Roma group display a very real understanding of reading the gospel and applying its truth to their everyday lives. Vesna runs a ‘Pro Life’ charity and has a vision to buy a house where mums can feel safe and independent with their children. Please pray for Serbia and all our partners working there!

“The room upstairs, where children play and hear of God and Jesus, was just recently a brothel, a house of ill-repute—now it is a garden where futures are being shaped.” Nesa and Vesna, the Nexus Church

Nesa and Vesna Radeka

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


TEN’S 50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE Brunel Manor, Torquay | 15–17 May 2015 DON’T MISS THIS EXCITING, INSPIRING AND ACTION PACKED WEEKEND CELEBRATING TEN’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY! FEATURING: DANNY & VERA KURANJI, Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Serbia Partners with TEN for 29 years, this amazing couple founded a church from their living room at home, before expanding and ultimately being responsible for numerous plants around the region!

SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIC, Sarajevo Evangelical Church, Bosnia A long-term partner of TEN, Slavko pastors a church alongside being national co-ordinator for Alpha; board member and teacher at a Bible School; denominational secretary and board member of national IFES.

MARIAN SERBAN, Project Romanian Rescue (PRR) Working with PRR since it was founded in 1997, Marian has a wealth of knowledge to share about what life looks like for homeless street children. Investing in young lives is Marian’s greatest passion. To book, please complete and return the booking form to: Transform Europe Now, 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 1HL, call Rachael Robertson on 0117 961 5161 or email info@transformeuropenow.org



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