Ten Magazine, January – March 2018

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MAGAZINE January – March 2018





EUROPE IS ON THE AGENDA Our recent International Partner Conference in Bulgaria on the theme, Reaching Europe for Christ, was organised for TEN’s partners across Europe and proved to be the highlight of our year. For the staff team, trustees and ambassadors who were able to attend, it was an inspiration to meet so many partners face to face, and to join in multi-lingual worship together.


his magazine aims to bring you, as supporters, closer to our partners and their everyday ministries in Christ’s name, among many diverse communities across Europe. We bring you inspiring stories from our partners, including Reformation Anniversary events and news about our recent appeals, such as Harvest for the Hungry. You will have received a special letter, from our Chief Executive, Gerry Partridge, that was sent out with this magazine. Please complete and return the response form—especially if you wish to keep receiving our quarterly magazine. We need to update our records and be sure we are staying in touch with everyone who has an interest in our work. Thank you for your prayers. Our partners have provided detailed prayer requests that we have compiled in the centre-paged Prayer Diary for January to March 2018. By praying, you are demonstrating personal

support for our partners and adding your voice to our intercessions for the nations of Europe. As supporters, you have been most generous with your giving throughout 2017 and we thank God for the finance raised to date through the giving to General Funds, Harvest for the Hungry and the Essential Gifts catalogue. We also anticipate a good response to our latest WinterHelp appeal. Your gifts provide miracles of support for the poor and needy across Europe and enable our partners to share the gospel with many more people.

International Partner Conference, Bulgaria

WELCOME Happy and Prosperous New Year! The New Year has arrived, and along with it come our hopes, plans and aspirations for the next twelve months. No doubt you have set some New Year resolutions to help you achieve your objectives for the year. One of my favourite verses, that I will carry into this new year is Jeremiah 29 v 11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. As we look forward with anticipation, we can also look back and thank God for His provision and faithfulness. Over the past twelve months we have seen God answer so many of our prayers. What an amazing God we serve. One of the highlights of 2017 was to bring together around 120 of our amazing partners and their spouses at the TEN International Partner Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria. What a joy and privilege it was to be together for three days as one family worshiping God. As we look ahead, we can be sure of one thing. God has already gone before us; Isaiah 45 v 2 says, “I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.” We can therefore step forward into this New Year with great confidence and faith, knowing God himself will reveal the way ahead. So, it is with excitement and expectancy we move into this new season for TEN. We serve an amazing God and He is always there for us. God bless you all in 2018 and thank you for your faithful support through 2017, please continue to pray and support us.






Evan Winter, TEN Trustee



We need your help




January–March 2018



Ambassadors and Country Champions









Connect with a like-minded church in mainland Europe



TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW Registered office: 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1HL Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email: info@ten-uk.org Written and produced by the TEN team Design: Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design

Gerry Partridge CEO Transform Europe Now

Transform Europe Now (TEN) is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered in England and Wales as a charity (no. 1140592) and company limited by guarantee (no. 7507682).

Cover photo: International Partner Conference, Bulgaria



HARVEST FOR THE HUNGRY It’s a year of celebrations as we mark 25 years of Harvest for the Hungry.


St Bots Harvest Supper - Plaque presentation

Among the guests it was great to see long-term TEN supporters, Fred Smyth and Marjorie Ray from Bilton Evangelical Church in Rugby who headed back, after the meal, for their own HFTH celebrations the following day. At the silver-service dinner, an engraved plaque was presented to Rev Andy Clark and Derek Wade from St Botolph’s, to thank the church for their generosity and hard work over the past 25 years.

EN officially launched the Silver Anniversary celebrations on 20th July at St Stephen’s Church in Bristol, where many of our local supporters in the south west happily joined staff and trustees to mark the special occasion and were made welcome by Rev Lee Barnes, Priest in Charge. One of the highlights was Gerry Partridge’s interview with Harvest for the Hungry pioneers, Derek Wade and Gary Cox. Another extra-special weekend of celebrations took place on 23rd and 24th September at St Botolph’s Church in Barton Seagrave, Kettering, where Harvest for the Hungry started in 1992 under the direction of church-member Derek Wade, who later joined TEN as Harvest for the Hungry coordinator. On the Saturday evening, the church mission group organised a fundraising harvest supper for 70 guests who enjoyed a five-course banquet of dishes inspired by cuisine from Eastern Europe.

Taking the food parcels to people who struggle with poverty I couldn’t really imagine, has been a life-changing experience for me. It was also a privilege to go into the homes of such people and to see how thankful they are.


Helen Tilney, St Botolph’s church who visited Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2017



Harvest for the Hungry Silver Anniversary celebrations at St Stephens Church, Bristol

TEN staff members Melanie Griffiths and Bob Northey attended the weekend celebrations at St Botolph’s and spoke at each of the three Sunday services, at which special collections were taken for Harvest for the Hungry. We’ve had news of harvest celebration events happening all around the UK, including Northern Ireland, North Wales, Plymouth, Weymouth and London. If you have photos of your events, we’d love you to send them to us so we can put them up on the TEN website. We set a fund-raising target of £25,000 to mark the 25 years and in the first six months £20,000 has already been raised by churches and donated by individuals. A massive thanks to everyone who is taking part in this year’s appeal to raise funds. We look forward to more harvest donations in the coming months to help our partners feed the hungry.

In 2016/17, TEN supporters really helped to make a difference through Harvest for the Hungry. With your donations we were able to provide 874 food parcels to 529 families across nine countries. Plus, every day in January, 50 children were fed a hot meal at a soup kitchen in Bulgaria.

Thank you!

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org



INTERNATIONAL PARTNER CONFERENCE 2017 TEN’s long-awaited International Partner Conference took place in Sofia, Bulgaria 17th – 19th October. 120 partners and their spouses from 11 nations attended the three-day conference that took place at the First Baptist Church centre. The conference theme was ‘Reaching Europe for Christ’.





uest speakers included Dr. John Blanchard, who led morning devotions based on St Paul’s letter to the Romans. Dr. Ron George shared insights on Understanding Islam, Dr. Elijah Soritau (Romania) spoke about Evangelism using the 1st Century Model and Hervin Fushekati (Albania) addressed the topic of Church Planting. Maki Mico (Bristol) and Teodor Oprenov (Sofia) shared biblical insights in the evening meetings and a group from each nation presented their cultural identity through costume, dance, video, song and humour. Guest speakers also took part in seminars and were joined by Dr. Claire Rush, Sergei Mihailov, Didi Oprenova and Mark McCormick. The TEN team was led by CEO, Gerry Partridge and his staff team supported by trustees, Hazel Vinson, Markelian Mico and Tom Harflett, and by TEN Ambassadors, Chris Hill, Richard Favier and Terry Wood. Delegates enjoyed a rich time of fellowship, teaching and corporate worship with translation into Romanian and Bulgarian. The worship was led by Ami Oprenova. The conference helped to strengthen relationships among our partners and provided a great encouragement to many who serve God in isolated communities.

Ami Oprenova, worship leader

TEN Ambassadors at the Cultural Evening

First Baptist Church in Sofia

Partners chat during coffee break

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org



60 SECONDS WITH… EVAN WINTER, TEN TRUSTEE Could you share with us a bit of your background? Originally from Northern Ireland, I came to faith largely through the influence of Christian parents. Responding to the call of God on our lives, my wife Clare and I joined Agapé in 1985 and were assigned to Malawi to work as a teacher. We remained in Malawi for six years (our son was born there) and then worked in South Africa for a further four years. We returned to the UK as our eldest child had reached secondary education age and we then worked in a variety of roles with Agapé in Birmingham for a further 12 years. In 2007, I joined Global Connections, the UK network for mission, as their Operations Director.

What has most inspired you about the work of TEN? As I talked with Gerry, I was inspired by the vision of working largely through support given to national Christians and churches. I believe there is still a role for cross-cultural mission workers, through the support of national Christians, who already have the language skills and an intimate cultural understanding. This is a great focus for a UK based mission.

How did you get involved in TEN? One of my responsibilities in Global Connections is to help facilitate a consultation on mission in Europe. Through this I came across the work of TEN, firstly through Andy Drake and latterly through Gerry Partridge. They inspired me. What have been the highlights of your involvement with TEN to date? I’ve only been a trustee for about six months and so feel I’m still on a steep learning curve. A future highlight will be visiting some of the projects on the ground.



Evan Winter, TEN Trustee



WE NEED YOUR HELP It’s been ages since we updated all our records and we need your help.


ircumstances can change, from getting married, moving house or simply changing an email address or telephone number. An amendment to the UK Data Protection law means that we must make sure that all personal information we hold is accurate and that, as individual supporters, you agree for us to stay in touch and send you our free magazine every three months. At Transform Europe Now, we take protecting your data very seriously and have put systems, processes and procedures in place to keep your private information safe and secure. We would never share it with others without your explicit consent.

For this reason, our CEO, Gerry Partridge has written to you. Please read the letter that came with this magazine and complete and return the enclosed form. If you have any questions about your details, call us on 01179 615161 or email: info@ten-uk.org

How much does it cost to produce the TEN Magazine? We plan to keep sending the quarterly magazine free of charge to everyone who shows interest and supports the work of TEN. Did you know? Each copy of the TEN magazine costs us around £1.50 to prepare, print and post to each supporter.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org



Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries with around 70 Partners, so if you or your church wish to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! COUNTRIES WE OPERATE IN INCLUDE:

OUR PRAYER FOR EUROPE: Heavenly Father, Thank you for the way in which you are building your church and growing your kingdom across the nations. We remember those who, like Martin Luther, brought reformation to the church in Europe 500 years ago and for the ongoing efforts to evangelise the world. May the power of the gospel again shine across Europe and bring light into dark


places, where there are few believers and often no local church. We pray for all those engaged in church planting and ask that they would be encouraged. May your blessing be with TEN’s partners as they embark on a new year and reach thousands of people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Amen




JANUARY – MARCH 2018 JANUARY 2018 1 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: Pray for the young people joining the international, Christian Scouts Ministry (Royal Rangers) winter camps hosted by the church. 2 / Vjeko Mrsic, Croatia: Pray for all those who attended the Christmas concert, that God would touch the people with His grace and that the hearts would be open to receive Jesus. 3 / Pray for strength and healing for pastor Danijel who moved 200 km from Split to the town of Gospic to share the gospel and to start a church where there is not an evangelical church. 4 / Pray for Focus, the winter kids camp taking place this month in Croatia. 5 / Daniel Stracinski, Montenegro: Pray for this week’s youth seminary ‘Practical Mission’ in Bar. 6 / Pray for the visits during the winter to needy families and people in the Bar region. 7 / Monika Mahr, Romania: Pray with us for the healing of a twoyear old boy who lives in a state orphanage and is being helped though Kingdom Kids programme. 8 / Anatol Dunas, Moldova: Pray for the completion of the Emanuel Church building project for the children’s and youth camps in Cahul.

9 / Pray the churches planning to organise camps for youths and children in Cahul during 2018.

who are under different attacks and dangers coming from the world.

10 / Pray for the plans to host seminars for pastors, youths and a leadership-training Bible school.

18 / Ruslan Telpiz, Moldova: Pray for the people in Gotesti who answered the call to repentance and the new Bible study groups that have been formed.

11 / Pray for financial support for up to 16 students at the Bible School hoping to study mission, planting Churches, discipleship, homiletics and church history. 12 / Vasile Grigorita, Moldova: Pray for the 100 villagers who were reached with the message of the gospel preached during the outreach mission week in Brinza. 13 / Pray for the financial provision for the Brinza Baptist Church Day Care Centre ministry that supports more than 25 children from socially vulnerable families in the village. 14 / Pray for Vasile Grigorita and his family, for wisdom, protection and strength in the ministry during the winter season. 15 / Andrei Ghedion, Moldova: Pray that new foster-family home will soon be built and for the family that will foster the orphans. 16 / Pray for all 60 people who heard the gospel in the home groups around Burlacu. That God would work in their hearts to admit their sinful condition and accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. 17 / Pray for the church youth ministry in Burlacu and for the strengthening of the teenagers

19 / Please pray for the kindergarten children and their teachers who heard about Jesus birth at Christmas. 20 / Pray for all the school children who came to the church in Gotesti to receive Christmas presents and for the recent meeting with school teachers. 21 / Valeriu Munteanu, Moldova: Pray wisdom as we teach many local children who come to the Sunday School in Tigheci. 22 / Pray for the healing of Angela Munteanu and for family breakthrough. 23 / Pray for spiritual breakthrough for Ecaterina, Mihai, Irina and Gheorge. 24 / Marinela Murg, Romania: Pray for the re-accrediting process that Emanuel Hospice undergo so that the medical services that hospice provides to the dying to continue to be financed by the Health Insurance House. 25 / Transform Europe Now: Please pray for today’s trustees meeting in Bristol, UK.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org



Dusan Beredi & Family




26 / Galina Dzhuzenova, Russia: Please continue to pray that Compassion ministry can help the neediest people in Russia. 27 / Pray for the hundreds of poor people reached during the Christmas / New Year outreach programmes and for the follow up visits. 28 / Please pray for the sisters of mercy ministry in Moscow. Most of them are old and need help themselves! We need young sisters to join the ministry. 29 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Please pray for the follow up of people reached through our Christmas concerts, puppet shows and circle of women. 30 / Pray for Langham Partnership teaching seminars being planned for this year. 31 / Pray for wisdom as we choose the people and families we will assist through our humanitarian work in 2018.





Anatol & Nadea Moldova

2 / Roumen Ivanov, Bulgaria: Please pray for the encouragement, spiritual support, health and physical protection of the Mission Possible team of employees, who are at the spiritual forefront of our work. 3 / Pray for the recovery of Daniela, one of the most active employees in the Mission Possible team who underwent surgery and is now on chemotherapy. 4 / Pray for the vital work of the four Mission Possible soup kitchens that provide care, love, education and warm meals to more than 200 Roma children. 5 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Slavko is speaking all week at Cambridge University Mission Week. Pray for salvations—that many will accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. 6 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: Please pray for Marriage Week and all the activities organised by the church in Novi Sad.


7 / Pray for Bera, who will be a guest this week on several TV programmes on the theme of marriage.

1 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia & Herzegovina: Pray for Slavko who is speaking today, Friday and Saturday at the Langham Preaching seminar in Croatia. Pray for safe travel and a good attendance.

8 / Ulis Koco, Albania: Pray for our youth group in Church of God, Tirana who recently experienced a spiritual revival. Please pray that God might keep His fire in them and use them for His glory and His Kingdom.





Ruslan & Larissa Angela & Valeriu Moldova


9 / As we try to implement the TEN Business as a Mission project in Albania, please pray that God may grant business ideas which will be a blessing for the church and community in general. 10 / God has strongly put in the heart of Ulis a desire to become a football player’s agent. Please pray that God might open the doors for Ulis in the football world, and give him the relevant opportunities of network and mentoring. 11 / Employment is hard to find. Please pray that God will provide for Ulis and his family, according to His promises. 12 / Besa Shapllo, Albania: That the activities that we have planned for these months will be according to God’s plan and be used for His glory. 13 / Pray that the meetings for the ladies in Bathore may be used for His glory and will be a way to transform their own and their families’ lives. 14 / Pray that those who serve in Bathore will experience the immense wealth of God’s grace every day as instruments in the hands of the Redeemer. 15 / Pray for the courage to allow the light of the Gospel to be seen in us, as a testimony to many others in the Community of Bathore and beyond.


Marinela (EH) Romania


Compassion Ministry, Russia

Slavko & Sanja Bosnia & Herzegovina

16 / Erion Çuni, Albania: Pray that the church plant in Poliçan will grow with a good 2–3 years strategy until the new leaders are appointed from within or as missionaries. 17 / Pray that the families in Poliçan that we help during the winter months may fully understand the gospel of love as shown by God’s people. 18 / Please pray for a place to be used as a chapel in the prison. One large room has been offered but it needs renovation. 19 / Pray for Erion, Gentiana and the family, that we may have health, strength and wisdom as we lead and serve. 20 / Petre Petrov, Macedonia: Pray for the founding of a new church in the town of Radovish next year. 21 / Pray for a new church building in Shtip. To find goodwill with the local authorities and for God to provide finances. 22 / Pray the the Petrov family in Shtip that God would meet the needs and provide for their sons. 23 / Vance Golomeov, Macedonia: Pray for the paperwork from the government to enable us to purchase land and erect a new building in Shtip. 24 / Pray for each of the children attending the school in Shtip, and wisdom for those who teach them.

Roumen Bulgaria

Nada & Mirco Macedonia



25 / Pray for Vance as he leads the church. Pray for God’s wisdom and revelation when he prepares for sermons and speaks with the people. 26 / Please pray for the protection of Vance’s children, Ana, Stefan and Andrej. Also for the salvation and healing of his bed-bound mother. 27 / Monika Mahr, Romania: Pray for the new group of ladies in the six-month sewing class. May the Casa Grace team show the light and answer the questions that are raised—to find Jesus. 28 / Please pray for Anna, who lost her mum and is living with her alcoholic father, to be strong and be protected in her teenage years—and to know Jesus.

MARCH 2018 1 / Pray for the completion of the first evangelical church building project in Montenegro. 2 / Pray for the unity of all evangelical leaders and churches in Montenegro. 3 / Jovica Bacvanski, Montenegro: Please pray for more workers in our country. The work ahead of us is great and workers are just a few. We need someone to join us in our Ministry. Ideally, someone able to lead us in worship and able to work with young people.


MPA, Albania

Erion & family Albania

4 / Please pray for the unity of the body of Christ in Montenegro. There are only a few churches and less than 250 believers in total. 5 / Please pray for revival in Montenegro and a people who are hungry for God. Also pray for the churches to take courage and be the voice in the desert of our nation. 6 / Please pray Jovica and Savka’s two teenage sons, Jovan and Aleksandar. They are growing fast and need spiritual guidance for their future. 7 / Pray for a new strategy for the witness of the church in Podgorica and for fresh vision among the believers. 8 / Slavko Hadzic Bosnia & Herzegovina: Pray for Slavko’s annual medical check-up. After having had cancer twice and losing one kidney, it is important to pray for good results and good health. 9 / Pray for the UK evangelist, who is speaking this week at several Bosnian cities. Pray that many hearts will be touched and decisions for Christ made. 10 / Gavril Covaci, Romania: Pray for the preaching of the gospel of grace and power in Vășad. 11 / Pray for Gavril’s ongoing mission and evangelism work in and around Vășad. Please pray for many souls to be saved.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org





Vance & Tanja Macedonia

Vladimir & Marljana

Savka & Jovica Montenegro

Alex & Milena Bulgaria






12 / Pray for food to feed families during the winter months and for the families that benefit from it to know happiness. 13 / Pray that the toilets and shower room, currently under construction, would be a great blessing for the Vășad g ypsy community. Pray also for Gavril and Aghi’s plan to create a room to make hot meals for the benefit of poor children. 14 / Pray for Gavril’s ongoing misson expenses to be covered so that he can continue to reach the communities in and around Vășad, a round-trip of 250 km from the village where he lives. 15 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: Pray for the two-day conference for churches in the north of Serbia on ‘How to Hear God’s Voice?’ We wish to encourage churches to listen and obey God more. Pray for God’s guidance in organizing this event. 16 / Alex Vulkanov, Bulgaria: Pray for the spiritual growth of people reached recently with the gospel. 17 / Pray that the authorities in Pazardjik agree that we can serve the children in the local orphanage. 18 / Pray for financial provision for the necessary repairs of the main hall in our church in Pazardjik, Bulgaria.


19 / Pray for the building renovation of the second part of the church building in Pazardjik. 20 / Pray for the Women conference where Bulgarian, Gypsy and Turkish women will get together for encouragement for their life and faith. 21 / Pray for the ministry among the Roma and Turkish people in our region of Bulgaria. 22 / Maca Turner, Serbia: Pray that Maca will be led by God to those who seek and need God in Sombor. 23 / Pray that God will open the doors into people’s homes to be a salt and a light in the communities of Sombor. 24 / Roumen Ivanov, Bulgaria: Pray for ‘The Hem of His Garment’ camp for women at risk of domestic violence, that takes place from 24–31 March. We expect 20 women who experience tragedies and violence in their homes to join the camp. 25 / Pray for the women attending ‘The Hem of His Garment’ camp. They require spiritual and physical support with the help of volunteers and finance.


26 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: Pray for the ongoing rehabilitation work at the church’s Rainbow Centre. We accommodate up to 20 men and up to five women for over a year. Pray for their spiritual growth. 27 / Pray for the finances of the Rainbow Centre as those in rehab are unable to afford treatment and accommodation. 28 / Pray for the work of the West Balkans ALPHA office – promoting Alpha course and other programmes. Please pray for the new marriage and family programmes being made available. 29 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: Pray for the special conference about marriage for Novi Sad. Pray for the voice of the church to reach far. 30 / Pray for the witness of evangelical churches across Europe this Easter weekend. 31 / Vjeko Mrsic, Croatia: Pray for wisdom and guidance for elders of Good news church in Split, Croatia.



AMBASSADORS AND COUNTRY CHAMPIONS What is an Ambassador? Our team of volunteer Ambassadors play a vital role in raising the profile of TEN with local churches and growing our supporter base. With the help of our wonderful volunteer Ambassadors, we reach more churches with our vision to see God’s kingdom grow across Europe. So what does an Ambassador do? Ambassadors talk with their contacts and give presentations to local churches about TEN’s work. They are encouraged to use their own initiative in building connections for TEN with their church links.

How does someone become an Ambassador? Our Ambassadors come from a variety of backgrounds. As committed Christians, they uphold the vision and values of TEN as an organisation, and have the personality and skills needed to reach out to churches and organisations. Ambassadors have good interpersonal skills to communicate with individual leaders, church leadership teams and congregations. TEN currently has seven active Ambassadors and at least two others who are carrying out this role informally. Maybe, without us knowing about it, you are someone who already loves to spread the word about the work of TEN’s amazing partners in Europe. Could you be an Ambassador? We’d love to hear from you.

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+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org



Country Champions Several of our Ambassadors are also Country Champions. This is a new voluntary role that supports the work of the TEN staff, by building a closer link with partners in a particular country, by visiting partners, and providing news and reports. Country Champions also help to monitor, evaluate and report on specific projects. The way that Country Champions carry out this work on TEN’s behalf may vary, but often includes emails, Skype calls, as well as organised visits and face-to-face meetings.

Our Country Champions: » Albania: Chris Hill » Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ian Morris » Croatia: Richard Favier » Kosovo: Tom & Helen Harflett » Macedonia: Tom & Helen Harflett » Romania: Rachel Lee and Terry Wood New volunteer Ambassadors are welcome and Country Champions are currently needed for Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia and Moldova. If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact: melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org

Profile of a Country Champion: Chris Hill I’ve been an Ambassador for TEN for nearly three years. Why? I basically do it for the Lord as it’s a great way of serving him in the spread of His Kingdom in Europe, allowing me to use my retirement time in a way that serves the Gospel and supports the fulfilment of the Great Commission. But it’s not just that—it’s also very fulfilling . It’s great to be part of the TEN staff and Ambassadors team, working on projects and seeing the Lord bless the amazing partners we have in the toughest parts of Europe. Being a TEN ambassador has got me doing some things that are well outside my comfort zone—a great way to learn and be challenged. For me being TEN’s Country Champion for Albania is a massive privilege. It’s a country, people and church I’ve come to love. Their zeal and focus on church planting and the


gospel is amazing. It’s humbling and exciting all at once… and then to be able to support TEN by taking on the Champion role is the ‘cream on the cake’!





he 500th anniversary of the Reformation Movement among the Christians of Europe was marked on 31st October, 2017. The commemoration was held in the Hall of the Academy of Fine Arts, which was built in 1899 as a church for evangelical and Lutheran Christians in the city, during the Austrian administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The historical overview of reformation in the sixteenth century Europe was presented by Dr. Stephen Goodwin, an American Protestant theologian who emphasized that Luther radically improved his former Catholic dogma, ‘Outside the Church Has No Salvation,’ with, ‘Out of Christ No Salvation’. Saša Nikolinovic, Pastor of the Evangelical Church of Sarajevo endorsed the educational activity in Sarajevo of Anglican missionary, Adeline Pauline Irby (1833–1911). Through 40 years of activity, she organised and funded education

for around 20,000 girls and women. A documentary film by Nejle Bihorac, ‘Miss Irby’, was shown. TEN partner, Slavko Hadzic, Pastor of the Evangelical church, Koševsko brdo, in Sarajevo described the spirituality of Christians of reformed heritage, emphasising that reform requires a constant return to God and life of the crucified and resurrected Christ. Slavko explained how he grew up in an atheistic family. As a young man he was convinced that God did not exist and regarded all believers to be harmful for society. He also shared how, as an adult he accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and that he is constantly in the process of life reformation. Another TEN partner, Tomislav Dobutovic, Pastor of the Baptist Church in Sarajevo, explained the spread of protestantism in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Macedonia.

Slavko Hadzic and Tomislav Dobutovic (RH)

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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Zenica


nother significant milestone in Bosnia and Herzegovina was achieved through media coverage of the Reformation celebrations. For more than a decade, TEN partner, Dario Kapin, pastor of Zenica Baptist Church has endeavoured to present the good news of Jesus through the local media: “Since then, many doors have opened for us and we have been able to share the gospel to all those who watched, listened and read. But our ‘fight’ for a Reformation Celebration banner started three years ago. I just felt that Holy Spirit is moving in that direction but former government (predominantly Muslim) wasn’t open for that. But we didn’t stop. We knocked on doors, made phone calls, wrote letters. In 2017, a new city major was elected. He is Muslim but not a radical one and was open for everyone. When we met with him, he promised that we would be able to display a banner for this year. What joy and victory! We got banners made in time for the jubilee of 500 years of Reformation. “On 25th of October we held a jubilee celebration and took the opportunity

Pastor Dario Kapin meets with the Mayor of Zenica, Mr. Fuad Kasumovic

to go to Zenica’s University where our guest, Josh Irby and I spoke to around 60 students. In the evening, we welcomed the city mayor and other guests for the main celebration. Both events were covered by TV and newspaper articles. On 31st of October we joined Christians in Sarajevo on the main celebration there and managed to persuade several TV stations and journalists to cover that event. Later in evening I was guest on one of the national TV stations and had an opportunity to speak for about 10 minutes. Now we pray and we believe God will do the rest.”

Reformation anniversary banners fly in Zenica




Macedonia: Skopje


ircho Andreev, Pastor of the Evangelical Church in Macedonia reports on the 500 years celebration in the Assembly of Macedonia parliament building. A special Reformation conference was organized by Dr. Â Kostake Milkov who spoke at the conference and brought together prominent speakers both from Macedonia and Albania, plus some

foreign experts. Dr. Milkov is the founder and Director of the Balkan Institute for Faith and Culture and Director of RZIM Macedonia. The President of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Talat Xhaferi was also a participant at the conference. It was of huge blessing because for a very first time this took place at an academic level in Macedonia.

Dr Kostake Milkov (inset); Assembly of Macedonia

Gift Catalogue 2017–2018

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SaRang Community Church, South Korea


NEW MACEDONIAN VISION PROJECT The work of the Evangelical Church in the Republic of Macedonia started in the late 1980s when two local churches in Skopje and in Shtip joined together for the purpose of church planting. Since then the Lord has blessed the work with more than 30 new churches planted. These include fellowships with church buildings, either purchased or rented, and churches that meet in the homes of believers.





t the start of 2017, TEN partner, Mirco Andreev who is the Superintendent of the Evangelical Church of Macedonia, was contacted by the SaRang Community Church in Seoul, Korea. SaRang Church is a 30,000 member mega-church in South Korea’s capital and its members are being encouraged to support its mission work across Europe, and especially in Macedonia. Representatives from the Korean church explained to the Macedonian church leaders how God had put their nation so heavily on the hearts of the leadership and how they heard the call, “Come over to Macedonia and help us”. Since then, there have been several meetings and on 29th September representatives of the SaRang Church together with leaders from the Evangelical Church of Macedonia officially launched the New Macedonian Vision Project; which aims to plant 100 new churches in Macedonia. SaRang Church representative, Rev. Sam Ko said, “Our job is to serve, not to lead. We have 600 people in Korea praying every day for this ministry.” Two further aims of the initiative outlined by SaRang Community Church are as follows: » By adding to the 30 existing churches, the project could cover the whole country, by having vibrant, thriving churches in all the major cities, towns and larger villages. » The other challenge is to grow existing churches and increase the average number of members to 200 people. Macedonian church leader, Mirco Andreev said, “The best way forward for the church is through evangelism and mission. And we plan that this project will involve each one of us, young and old. It will unite churches, deepen our friendships and help us spread the good news to an even bigger range of people.”

Pastor Mirco and Nada Andreev

Church pastors across Macedonia are working strategically on the places where they want to see the first church plants. More than 25 new places have already been identified for the first phase. Some leaders are already engaged in visiting and praying for these places, while others have started engaging with the local people for the new potential church plants. In another development, there was a visit in October by 10 church leaders from Germany who met with local church leaders to offer support and explore opportunities for mission. TEN partners, Dragan and Biljana Manev having been part of the church in Veles have already relocated to Resen and planted a new church and recently baptised seven new believers. Also, Petre and Daniela Petrov, who have pastored the Shtip Evangelical Church for the past 10 years are on the verge of planting a new church in Radovish, a small town 25 miles away. We are excited to learn that God is on the move in Macedonia! Thank to Marino Mojetic, Skopje Evangelical Church who provided much of this story. If you wish to support church-planting in Macedonia please contact the TEN office or visit: www.ten-uk.org/macedonia +44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org






es, you heard us right, after almost 30 years at 1 Holdenhurst Road, Bristol, we will soon be relocating the TEN office to a new location across the city. This has been made possible thanks to a generous legacy. Our Kingswood premises have served our operations very well, and some of you will have many good memories of our current base. However, times have moved on, how we operate has changed, our needs as an organisation are different and we believe now is the right time to move to a new more appropriate and effective base. Thank you to all who made our base in Kingswood possible, both financially and practically. You will be pleased to hear that we a re k eeping the house at 1 Holdenhurst Road; which is being refurbished and will be rented out to generate income for TEN. The old offices in the rear garden will be sold for residential development. This will also generate some capital.

The soon-to-be new office premises for TEN

Our new office will be, Unit 23 Apex Court, Bradley Stoke, Almondsbury, Bristol, and we hope to move into our new home in February. We will of course let you know as soon as the date is confirmed. In the meantime, please continue to use our current address. We truly believe TEN is entering a new season, and our office move is part of this. Please pray with us as we continue to seek God’s revelation and guidance. Our mission is to see lives, and communities in Europe transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please continue to stand with us in prayer and support ing our mission to point the peoples of Europe to Christ. If you would like to help support this new office project, please mark your donation ‘TEN OFFICE’.


Could your church send a team to mainland Europe in 2018? » Summer camps » Youth evangelism » Training & seminars

» English classes » Social action projects » DIY and more

For more information contact: melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org or ken.millwood@ten-uk.org

www.ten-uk.org/short-term-mission 22

A team from St Stephen’s, Twickenham visit Macedonia with TEN Trustee, Allan Spencer



WOULD YOUR CHURCH CONSIDER A CHURCH TWINNING OR PARTNERSHIP? Connect your church with a like-minded church in mainland Europe through TEN Partnerships. There is an immediate need to find partnership support for five churches, can your church help? Three ways to get involved: » Send a team to visit a partner as a first step; » Twin with a partner church in Europe as you are able; » Partner with a church in Europe for the longer term.

To find out more, please contact Melanie Griffiths: melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org

Thank you, dear Church, for your love for God’s ministry that we carry out in Brînza. You have chosen to be by our side and to bless us. We feel the power of your prayers and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your financial support—it means a lot for us. May God bless you.


church partnership, or ‘twinning’, is an exciting way to learn about what God is doing in Europe, encourage our church partners and stimulate a heart for mission amongst your church congregation. It is a significant time for the gospel in Europe. With new church plants and forty church planters completing their leadership training this year, there are many opportunities to partner with a church in one of 15 nations across Europe. TEN would aim to connect you with a church in Europe that shares your church’s vision and interests, and will hold regular reviews to make sure that the partnership and communications are working well on both sides. We find that the benefits are not just on the side of the beneficiary church. The relationship provides much encouragement to the partner church; as the church community hears about the work they become galvanised through sharing a common interest. From our experience, a twinning or partnership richly blesses everyone involved.

Vasile Grigorita, Brînza, Moldova, TEN Partner

www.ten-uk.org/get-involved/church-partnerships +44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.ten-uk.org


WINTERHELP APPEAL Your gift would mean so much to those who are among the poorest people in Europe. As we prepare for Christmas festivities with our families and friends, we hope you will consider joining those who are giving to TEN’s WinterHelp Appeal. This winter many of TEN’s partners will again offer assistance to the most vulnerable people in their communities. Without the generosity of UK Christians only a small number of elderly people and families can be helped. Donating money towards TEN’s WinterHelp Appeal enables our partners to buy and distribute food, fuel and other vital provisions at local prices. This costs much less than it would to source and send supplies from the UK.

How can you give to WinterHelp? » Online at www.winterhelp.org or by cheque (made out to ‘TEN’ with ‘WinterHelp’ written on the back) » Church collection » Fundraising event » Purchase an Essential Gift online at: www.winterhelp.org

WinterHelp Essential Gifts • WinterHelp Bundle: £70 Includes: » New blanket: £12 » Soup kitchen for a month: £22 » Winter Coat: £25 » Food hamper: £15


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