MAGAZINE March – April 2015
Making prayer a priority!
TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW Please contact the TEN office if you would like to know the sources for these statistics.
sn’t it amazing that Spring is already upon us, when it seems that 2015 has only just started? Already this year, we have seen an outpouring of outrage and grief across Europe, triggered by the initial terrorist attacks in Paris at the start of January. For me, this has led to a renewed energy in bringing our continent to God in prayer. Now more than ever, we need the touch of God in our lives and the lives of those around us. We need to be makers of peace and bringers of joy amidst the turbulence and trials. For many of our partners, persecution is already a part of their everyday life and has been for years— whether from family, friends or neighbours. We continue to hear of petty crimes and sometimes more serious threats against those who are serving God with their whole hearts. That’s why, in this latest issue, we are asking for your help and your involvement in the work that so many men and women of God are pursuing. As Aaron and Hur lifted the arms of Moses to see God bring victory to the Israelites, we are asking you to lift up the work of TEN and our partners like never before! Of course, financial donations are always desperately needed to enable us to continue supporting around 70 partners across Europe to the best of our ability; we appreciate every penny we receive and spend our resources as wisely as possible. But as Christians, we know that we need to lift everything to God so that He can do His work! We give heartfelt thanks for your generous donations and faithful prayers for the work to date. May I also challenge you to prayerfully consider whether you could become a watchman for TEN in 2015, as you read the article on pages 4 and 5? May God bless you,
TEN Coffee Morning
March – April 2015
The King’s daughter
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TRANSFORM EUROPE NOW 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL
CONTACT Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email:
Sally Bertram COO Transform Europe Now
Written and produced by the TEN team DESIGN Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.
WATCHMAN? “Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set its doors in place, building as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they dedicated, and as far as the Tower of Hananel.” Nehemiah 3:1
s 2015 marches on, we are aware of the constant need to take the work of TEN to God. Even though we are a small team here in the UK, we have the privilege of serving around 70 partners across 16 European countries—all doing amazing work in their local communities. Some of these partners suffer persecution
for their faith; others feel isolated as they swim against the tide in places where the population of evangelical believers is less than 0.1%; and there are others who stay, with their families, in relative poverty, despite having the temptation to move abroad for a well-paid job and a ‘comfortable’ life.
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. Ezekiel 33:7
Of course we already have our regular prayer diary, and we are so thankful to those of you who pray faithfully—you really do encourage us to keep going! Our vision is to expand on this and build up a network of 100 watchmen who are willing to watch and pray for the work. Being a watchman for TEN will involve getting regular emails from us with our immediate prayer requests, both for Europe and for the UK office (the leadership, the team, the finances and the operations). It will involve not only taking these needs to God, but also listening and warning. Are you willing to become a key part of the work of TEN, providing support where we need it most? Might you be able to find some time each week to go deeper for TEN, interceding for our partners and for us in the UK as we support those partners? Would you like to feel part of a larger network of prayer warriors who have Europe at their heart and God as their guide?
As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. Exodus 17:11
All of these amazing men and women have one thing in common—they have been called by God. Called to serve Him despite the circumstances; called to love those around them and to share the good news of Jesus. So this is what they do. In a climate of increasing religious factions across Europe, it is more important than ever that these people are supported in prayer! And that is why we do what we do, and why it’s so important for us to take the work of TEN so seriously; but we need your help in this. When Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, he included fortified towers that were built for both observation (vision) and defence (shelter). There are different theories about why the Tower of the Hundred was so-called, perhaps it signified the height of the tower, or that it literally held 100 watchmen. One thing is certain—all the towers would have been useless without watchmen posted within. Will you consider being a watchman for TEN?
We would really love to hear from you! We all know that prayer is a crucial aspect of the Christian life, and Europe, more than ever, needs our prayers. Please contact the office on 0117 961 5161, or email us at to get involved.
Written from the vision and heart of Sally Bertram, TEN COO
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
Do you want to get more involved with European mission but don’t quite know how ? TEN can help—and you don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own sofa! Are you a big coffee drinker and not against having a slice of cake here or there with friends, family or colleagues? If that’s you, then host a TEN Coffee Morning in 2015 to help raise funds for the work of TEN and for our European partners. Pick a date in 2015 and contact us for your free TEN Coffee Morning fundraising pack. It has everything you could possibly need to help you enjoy a morning of fundraising fun—from photography tips, homemade (and thoroughly tested!) recipes and ideas to help you on your way. Together, we can make a difference in 2015! Donations raised can literally save a life through winter; send youngsters to summer camps; give a poor family hope; and so much more!
015! • 2 r o f w e N • family Enjoy with ds! and frien 6
If cake is not your cup of tea, why not host a BBQ fundraiser instead?! For more information: email or call us on 0117 961 5161
Transform Europe Now works across 16 European countries with around 70 projects, so if you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! COUNTRIES WE OPERATE IN INCLUDE:
OUR PRAYER FOR EUROPE: Almighty Father, As we approach Easter and the truth it holds for Christian believers, we pray that Your Will be done across Europe today. We thank you for opportunities to share the Good News and for those who sacrificially give of their lives, day after day, to Your service. Where they face poverty, we ask for Your generous provisions. When they face
tough decisions, we ask for Your vision and guidance. When they face persecution, we ask that You will forgive those who trespass against them. Bless those who hear Your message this Easter and may Your church be established once more in Europe. Open our eyes Lord to be a part of that establishing work! Amen
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
Artur & Brikena
Savka & Jovica
Slavoljub & Snezana
Nesa & Vesna
Besa (MPA)
MARCH – APRIL 2015 MARCH 2015 1 / Artur Krasniqi, Kosovo: Artur has numerous projects on the go alongside pastoring Fellowship of the Lord’s People; pray for God’s wisdom in his leadership. 2 / John Rose of Worldshare is bringing Vladimir from Beginning of Life, Moldova, to visit the TEN office. Pray for the building of relationships and deeper understanding for BOL’s work. 3 / Blerim Skivjani, Kosovo: Asks for wisdom, strength and vision for his work among the Roma population of Priştina, Kosovo, which is heavily Muslim. Praise God for the young men he’s discipling. 4 / Please pray for the Continental Breakfast at Pip n Jay Church, Bristol today. Pray for good attendance and advanced networking as TEN looks to partner with individuals and organisations. 5 / Jovica Bacvanski, Montenegro: A USA team are visiting between 2nd – 30th March. Pray for the gospel’s effectiveness and the church as it hosts and participates in the work. 6 / Jovica’s wife, Savka is having dietary problems and is awaiting
surgery. There are complications surrounding this so please pray for God’s peace, healing and patience as they adapt to Savka’s needs. 7 / Pray for Vule, Jovica’s assistant, as he tries to find resources to support himself in the church. Pray for his young, enthusiastic witness within the church, Montenegro and his family. 8 / Ruth Richardson, TEN Ambassador, is speaking at Old Down’s church service this evening. Rachael Robertson is on TEN’s mission stand in Creech St. Michael. Pray for people to be attentive and eager to hear more about Europe. 9 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia: During the third week in March, Slavko will teach a seminar on the Alpha course in Mostar’s Bible School. 10 / Slavko will be helping with evangelistic events in Sarajevo during the third week in April. Pray for good attendance and for the hearts of people to be open towards the Gospel. 11 / Please pray for Slavko’s church, their free health clinic and humanitarian work. May people’s eyes be opened to their kindness and to God’s love.
12 / Bosnia is a hard place for Christians. Pray for the teenage group and their outreach; may they be strengthened in their discipleship with their roots going deeper. 13 / Beginning of Life (BOL), Moldova: Pray for Lilya, Zhenya, Natalia, and all the girls presently in rehabilitation recovering from abuse. Pray God will touch their lives and restore joy, hope and an awareness of Himself and all He created them to be. 14 / Pray for the successful outreach in Moldovan schools; Christian values are being taught alongside Personal and Social Education. Pray these lessons will protect the students from becoming victims of trafficking, and direct them to live their lives in a good way. 15 / Pray for the new Early Learning Centre, for the children of those who have been trafficked and those at risk. 16 / BOL hopes to engage church and community leaders in Moldova with some events aimed at the fight against trafficking; events will be aimed at strengthening cooperation between agencies.
Erion & family
Gjerji & Esther
Roumen (MPB)
17 / Dusan Beredi (Bera), Serbia: Pray for the Rainbow Centre, that God would bring new people that need help and freedom from heroin bondage. Pray for the spiritual growth of the men already at the centre. 18 / Rachel Lee, TEN Ambassador, is meeting with Barley Hill Church, Thame, today to encourage their involvement with TEN and share about the amazing impact shortterm teams can have on a church. 19 / Pray for new beginnings as Bera starts the Alpha course in Novi Sad in April, and likewise, the drug addiction prevention programme: ‘It’s IN To Be CLEAN’. 20 / Pray against resurgence of nationalism in Serbia and the negative influence from the media. 21 / Slavoljub Randjelovic, Serbia: March sees the continuation of Royal Rangers. Pray for Slavoljub and the team as they reach out to young people, sharing the message of Jesus with fun activities. 22 / This year, Slavoljub is beginning to build a new team of leaders within the church. Pray for willing servants who humbly give of themselves, and for Slavoljub as he trains them. 23 / Pray that those living in poverty will come to know Jesus. Slavoljub’s church is 100% unemployed: pray for individuals to find work in this difficult environment.
Kremi & Plamen Dessie & Anatoli Dragan & Biljana Marian & family (PRR)
Marinela (EH)
24 / Pray for Slavoljub’s and Snezana’s ministry in the church as they nurture God’s people and walk through stressful situations together.
from Albania who have joined ISIS in Iraq. Pray for their return, repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ.
25 / Nesa & Vesna Radeka, Serbia: Pray for 17 year old Isidora who became a Christian in January. Pray her first love for Jesus matures but stays passionate forever.
APRIL 2015
26 / ‘Choose Life’ longs to offer accommodation to unsupported girls who are pregnant or have children. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the team as they begin to make this a reality. 27 / Pray also for ‘New Women’ ministry team as they begin workshops in women’s prisons. Please pray for wisdom and God’s guidance as the team meet women in prison. 28 / Mission Possible Albania (MPA): Please pray for the daily activities of the children’s ministry. 29 / Pray for the Easter programmes; give thanks for the triumph of our Lord over death and sin and pray that His Grace may strengthen every soul in Bathore, Albania. 30 / Pray the Alpha Courses at the Hope Centre will be lifechanging for the mothers and young people who join them. 31 / Please focus prayers for the Albanian youth and their families; there are young people
1 / Erion Cuni, Albania: The new church plant started in March. Pray for the people invited and for the congregation to be fruitful as God uses them. 2 / This month is hopefully the last time the Cuni family has to travel to Athens to treat their son, Abiel. Pray that, after three years of therapy, Abi’s left eye will be fully recovered. 3 / A new church for drug addicts and their families has started and the meetings are going well. Pray for the family members, that their lives will be transformed. 4 / “Pray for Tani, our worship leader, also leading the rehabilitative church. Tani needs God’s protection as some of the men are problematic. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s leading on his life.” 5 / Praise God for the gift of His Son, Jesus, and for His Resurrection. 6 / Gjergji and Esther Renja, Albania: ”Praise God our garage is nearly turned into the church.” Pray this garage will be a place of welcome for many.
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
7 / Two ladies are getting to know Jesus. Pray for them and Esther as they work through questions, continue in prayer and help encourage one another’s faith. 8 / German students have recently held a sports outreach. “Pray for local believers who took part and that souls were moved closer to Jesus.” May it be just a beginning! 9 / Mission Possible Bulgaria (MPB): Fifteen trainees are in their final month of learning a new profession through MPB; training includes Christian ethics and hairdressing skills. Pray they’ll work hard and find employment at the end. 10 / The team of MPB, together with church volunteers, are hosting two evangelistic events (monthly) to reach children, many are from Muslim families. Pray children love these events and find more than just new friends! 11 / MPB do so much! Pray for their witness through women’s ministry, Roma ministry and soup kitchens. 12 / TEN is at All Saints Church, Awbridge (Hampshire) today, pray for an encouraging time. It’s also the Orthodox Easter—please lift up all our partners celebrating the Resurrection today, as they work to bridge the gap between Orthodoxy and Protestantism. 13 / Plamen Borisov, Bulgaria: The church is renting a larger hall for the children’s work. Pray that each child might be responsive to teachings and know an intimate relationship with God. 14 / Plamen and his wife Kremi minister to the church alone. Pray God blesses them with a family or others to share the workload.
15 / Over recent months, the church has witnessed some spiritual attacks, which have been upsetting for many. Pray for God’s victory, peace and wisdom, especially for Plamen as he leads.
23 / Pray for new young families that have begun attending Andrei’s church: Sergei and Tatiana, Vadim and Viliara, Mihai and Olga, Oleg and his wife (who doesn’t go to church).
16 / Anatoli Yankov, Bulgaria: “Please pray with us for the church to be more fervently seeking God with fresh anointing.”
24 / Pray also for Ghenadie as he graduates from Chisinau Bible School this year and gets married to Ana in September. Pray for his return to Burlacu and for their continued youth ministry.
17 / Anatoli is overloaded with work and needs help with delegating responsibilities. Pray volunteers, within the church, will feel called to generously respond to different church needs. 18 / The employment rate is extremely low in Svishtov. Pray for God’s provision and guidance as people seek to make ends meet. Pray for Anatoli as he encourages people in their lives. 19 / Bulgaria is still very sceptical of Evangelical Christians and their view of faith. Pray for Svishtov, and the Bulgarian nation, that people will become more responsive and open to God’s Word. 20 / Dragan Manev, Macedonia: For a week in March, Dragan’s church put on an intensive counselling course for believers and newcomers. “Pray that many people received relieving from Jesus.” 21 / Pray Dragan’s recent leaders retreat was a strong time of fellowship and encouragement amongst pastors, and their wives also. 22 / Andrei Ghedeon, Moldova: Work on a new building is due to start this month and will cater for social projects, a children’s centre, a place for old people to meet, Sunday school, seminaries and more.
25 / Project Romanian Rescue (PRR): Ask for prayer regarding their summer camps for poor children in the area. In the run up to summer, may there be good organisation, protection, and ultimately, changed lives. 26 / PRR want to see transformation in children’s lives, especially day centre children whose relatives are served by staff and attend special events. “We hope and pray the Word will produce fruit in their lives.” 27 / Emanuel Hospice, Romania (EH): “Please pray for our staff, that we will be equipped with strength, health, safety, wisdom and words of encouragement and hope for the patients and families in our care.” 28 / “Pray for patients and their families that they will receive strength and energy to face all the losses and hardships which a terminal illness brings. May they know God’s deepest love.” 29 / ‘Child Life Interventions’ is a project being developed for sick children. Pray for this programmes success and future use. 30 / Building plans for the new hospice centre continue, pray for God’s plans to be evident to the Consultancy Board.
BIG CHURCH DAY OUT 2015 This year, TEN are hosting a stand at The Big Church Day Out which is one of the UK’s largest annual Christian events. It draws together all ages, from all denominations, for two action-packed days of fun, fellowship, music and worship. It reaches out to both those inside and outside the church and has fast become one of the UK’s largest evangelistic events.
23RD - 24TH MAY 2015
WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT RETIRING? When you let your boss and team know that you’re leaving the office after years spent working day after day, some might say retirement awaits… not for Chris Hill. Chris is TEN’s newest team member who is generously volunteering his time to the work. Please join us in offering him a very warm welcome!
We will be promoting TEN Teams and church partnerships, as well as raising awareness for mission in Europe, the most overlooked continent on the planet. We would love to see you there, so come and say hello!
For more information visit:
NESA AND VESNA RADEKA Nesa and Vesna have a wealth of experience working with different ministries. Over their 20+ years of serving the Lord, they have travelled between countries, invested heavily in church planting, and worked alongside individuals on the fringe of society. Nesa is currently pastoring two churches, Nexus Church and a Roma church in Novi Sad, Serbia, whilst Vesna works with women who either have, or are expecting, children but are otherwise not supported. The following two articles are written by women who have experienced real love and faith at work because of the witness of these two incredible people.
THE KING’S DAUGHTER My name is J. My father died when I was 15 years old. My mother threw me out of the house. With nowhere to go and in need of money, I turned to prostitution. Over the course of the past 15 years I have been a throw-away; unloved, used, abused, and all but forgotten. I have lost count of how many men have paid for my services and how many times I’ve used alcohol or drugs to kill the pain. I barely remember the faces of my four children who were taken away. I am a non-person, unrecognised by society, barely a statistic. The only nights I spend in any kind of safety are those spent in jail. There are stray dogs who get better treatment. In the midst of the darkness and despair came the tiniest flicker of light and love. A few months ago some women met me where I work, at street-level. They didn’t come to arrest or berate me. They came with coffee and cookies. Week after week they brought coffee and cookies. No preaching about the immorality of my life. No threats of arrests. No condemnation, just coffee and cookies.
Figuring there was a hook and the kindness was just bait, we street girls knew it would soon change for the worse. Wouldn’t you think that way if everyone in your life has lied, manipulated, and used you? But we were so wrong. Next came sandwiches, blankets, warm clothes, and offers to talk. Next came hugs, tears, and offers of prayer. For months the coffee and cookies still kept coming, but also invitations for hot showers, healthy meals, and an opportunity for a Spa Day. Someone was finally treating us with some respect. Someone cared. But why? Why were they being so nice? Why were they so different? I built up the courage to ask. The flicker was about to go super nova… I received my answer. I learned I am a King’s daughter. I discovered I have a Saviour. I am free from decades of shame and lies. I now know I have an eternal heavenly future. I finally know true love. I finally matter.
Dragana is 33 years old and mother to four children. Five years ago, she began her fight against breast cancer. Regretfully, recent prognoses have revealed that the cancer has spread all over her body, leaving her life expectancy at minimal. Life has not been easy for Dragana who has lost all four of her siblings to cancer in the past, before they reached 45 years old. Despite her circumstances, Dragana has experienced new life in Christ and knows the message of hope.
I do not know how long I have to live but I want to serve my Lord till the end of my life.
“Four months ago, I discovered a group of beautiful people who were getting together each Sunday evening not so far from my house. They read and studied the Bible. They told me Jesus can give me new life; new life that lasts forever. They told me Jesus can give me peace and hope. They told me He can take all my fears and can carry all my worries. I accepted that truth and now I am a newborn Christian. My life now is a mixture of hopes, joys, and sorrows. The hardest thing for me, is to watch my children and imagine them growing up
without a mom. I can only trust God. I know He can heal me. He can take care of my children. He gives me hope and joy in the midst of my troubled life. I do not know how long I have to live but I want to serve my Lord till the end of my life. My husband and I opened our house up for the poor children within our community. At least two times a week, more than 25 children, aged 5–13, gather together in our house with our Sunday school team. We make crepes, we play, we love them and we point them toward Jesus. He is their only hope too!”
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
beautiful country set along the Adriatic Sea, Albania was the only Atheist country in Europe during Communism. Nowadays, the country is slowly making headway for the gospel. Last year, Hervin Fushekati received permission for The International School of Theology and Leadership (ISTL) to run the first ever Theology Masters course in Albania. Alongside pastoring, Hervin thrives in his academic tutorship; he also hopes to study for a PhD. Through ISTL, many churches have been planted across Albania. Hervin’s long term vision is to buy land to build
a theological-based University. Transitioning between being a full time Prison Chaplain and becoming a full time Pastor, Erion Cuni is bursting with enthusiasm. 2014 saw Erion graduate from ISTL and begin this new stage in his journey. Erion’s church has a vast outreach vision and is working with another church across town to create a ‘net effect’. When the two churches eventually meet, the whole area (150,000+ people) will have been reached for Jesus! Erion’s vision is to care for families with social problems, older generations, and vulnerable drug abusers and their families.
“Thank you, without you nothing of these would have happened.” Erion Cuni
Erion graduating from ISTL (with Hervin)
Finally, Mission Possible Albania (MPA) is a tremendous social care organisation working with hundreds of women and children in Bathore. A key initiative, now in its 21st year of publishing, is MIRACLE—a free magazine loved by hundreds of children, with an evangelistic outreach. Each year, MPA host five weeks of summer camps where children are entertained with dramas, games, music and Bible teaching. From day to day, MPA run a successful library as well as numerous classes to teach and care for children. Please pray for our partners in Albania as they continue to serve the Kingdom.
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST Recent flash floods have wiped out hundreds of homes and livestock. Pray for the Albanian people.
osovo is a small and embattled nation that is still not universally recognised; very real tensions still exist on its borders with Serbia. The population of Kosovo is largely Albanian in origin so there is a lot of Islamic influence and a lot of Arabian money to build Mosques. Since the war ended in 1999, 860 mosques have been built in Kosovo, whereas the number of churches, originally standing at 22 has recently dropped below 20. Recent affairs concerning ISIS, have particularly hit Kosovo and our partners are increasingly disheartened by the rise of radicalism.
Blerim Skivjani is one of TEN’s key partners in Kosovo, working and living within the Roma population of Priştina; during the 1999 wars, about 100,000 Roma were expelled from the country. Being Roma himself, Blerim has an advantage of being able to reach people normally ostracised by society. With a steadily growing church, Blerim’s job is by no means the life of an average UK pastor: often faced with threats from local Muslims, Blerim has to be very cautious in how he approaches and teaches the community about Jesus. Blerim’s passion is discipleship and he is
“Thank you for your commitment in supporting and praying for the Roma work in Priştina, Kosova.” Blerim Skivjani
currently discipling three young men who are turning their lives around through learning the gospel truths. Blerim is linked with ‘Fellowship of the Lord’s People’ in Priştina which is pastored by Artur Krasniqi. Artur is a highly respected man who thrives on establishing and maintaining good links with the government. The Kosovan church is small, but tough, and suffering constant threats the Christians have no choice but to be a hardy bunch. Please continue to pray for our partners, and all the believers in Kosovo, who desperately need our prayer and support.
URGENT PRAYER REQUEST Hundreds of people are currently leaving Kosovo because of its economic and depressive state. Pray for a turnaround and for the crisis to end.
Blerim – Roma Community, Priştina, Kosovo
+44 (0)117 961 5161 /
15 – no cost, no catch! At TEN we love to use and promote our local shops, but we know that with the busyness of life today, many of us are starting to do our shopping online. That’s why we want to offer our supporters (you!) the chance to do some good when you shop online! By using Easyfundraising, over 2,700 retailers will give TEN a FREE donation that is a % of what you have spent—at no extra cost to you, but bringing a massive benefit to so many across Europe! And it couldn’t be easier…
Here’s how it works: 1. SIGN UP – go to and click on the button to sign up. 2. SHOP – via the easyfundraising website. Search for the retailer you’d like to shop with and click through to the retailer to make your purchase. This tells the retailer you came from easyfundraising. The price is exactly the same as if you’d visited the retailer directly! 3. GET A DONATION – after you’ve made your purchase, the retailer will give a cash reward to easyfundraising who then turn it into a donation for TEN.
It’s that simple!
Support TEN now
TEN’S 50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE Brunel Manor, Torquay | 15–17 May 2015 DON’T MISS THIS EXCITING, INSPIRING AND ACTION PACKED WEEKEND CELEBRATING TEN’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY! FEATURING: DANNY & VERA KURANJI, Novi Sad Christian Fellowship, Serbia SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIC, Sarajevo Evangelical Church, Bosnia MARIAN & IONICA SERBAN, Project Romanian Rescue (PRR), Romania LIMITED ROOMS AVAILABLE: Single room, non-ensuite at £139pp – ONLY 4 LEFT! Twin room, ensuite at £149pp – ONLY 1 LEFT! Double room, ensuite at £149pp – ONLY 2 LEFT!
To book and pay your room deposit now, call Rachael Robertson on 0117 961 5161