Transform Europe Now | Magazine March – April 2016

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Magazine March – April 2016


COMMUNITIES God’s Love in Action in Romania

Harvest for the hungry Helping the neediest families in Serbia Focus on Romania and Russia March – April Prayer Diary

Refugee Update Thank you so much for your support and prayers for our partners in Serbia and Macedonia, who are continuing to practically share God’s love with the refugees.

Our partner in Skopje, Macedonia, Mirce Andreev brought us this update on their ministry to the refugees pouring through their country: “Each day we can see anywhere from 800 to up to 3,000 refugees from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan passing through Macedonia. “At the southern border Gevgelija we have a team from AGAPE who throughout the winter months distributed 300-500 bowls of soup and bread each day. “We’ve also been distributing food parcels and warm clothes. “At the northern border, Tabanovce, we try to be there at least two or three times a day, when a train from Gevgelija arrives. We are giving out lots of warm clothing and we lead the work of Cafe Mercy, where hot tea is distributed daily. “We also give out fruits, boiled eggs and bread.” Mirce concluded by explaining what motivates them to minister to these refugees in such challenging conditions: “What inspires us to help these people is the love of Christ. We may not be able to speak their language, but love overcomes all those barriers.” Please continue to pray for our partners in this vital outreach to so many displaced families.

We want to share some amendments we need to highlight from the ‘Church Planting in Macedonia’ article on pages 4–5 in our January – February TEN Magazine: • In the first sentence when Blagoj promised God that if he was healed he would allow a church right on his doorstep he was thinking at that time of the little Orthodox Church building in his yard. • Pastor Dragan completed four and a half

years theology training, not two, which comprised of two and a half years in Serbia and two years in Osijek, Macedonia. • Pastor Dragan previously worked on church-planting two days a week and was not married at the time.




ne of my favourite seasons of the year is spring time. Everything seems new and fresh. Spring flowers start to appear and God’s creation proclaims His amazing power and glory. Have you ever asked; Why did God create such beauty? Gen 1 v31 says: “And God saw all that He had made and it was good.” Good seems such an inadequate word when we consider His amazing creation. What about awesome or indescribable? I believe one of God’s reasons for the beauty He created was an act of love, a gift for us to enjoy every day and remind us of Him. Psalm 17 v1 David says: “Show me the wonders of your great love.” Later in verse 8 he asks: “keep me as the apple of your eye and hide me in the shadow of your wings.” Everything about God our Heavenly Father is love. It is intimate and personal and available to everyone. His love overwhelms us. We see it all around and we experience it within us. His love is extravagant; He freely gives it to all and He gives it to you personally… incredible! God’s endless love reaches you, His love has no end, you are precious to Him, you are special and an integral part of God’s plan for His church in Europe. Today, we see much turmoil in Europe; UK ‘in or out’, secularism, financial insecurity, migration, trafficking, violence, poverty, radicalisation, terrorism and many other challenges for this continent. By sharing the love of Jesus through helping the poor, the needy, broken-hearted and prisoners we and our partners can make a difference. Our passion is to point people to Christ through love-motivated ‘social action’. One such project is Casa Grace (see pages 4–7). May you experience an increase of God’s overwhelming love today and in the future. Then, be generous and give it away… love practically. Blessings,


Building Kingdom Communities CASA Grace


Harvest for the Hungry in Serbia


You and Europe

8 11 12 13 14 15

Prayer diary

March – April 2016

Team Updates 60 Seconds with... …Toni Coulton

What’s going on in... Romania

What’s going on in... Russia

TEN Conference 2016



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Transform Europe Now 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL

Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email: Written and produced by the TEN team

Gerry Partridge CEO Transform Europe Now

Design: Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682. Cover image: Maria Bakro with her two children, Daria and Razvan, Romania

Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

Second in a series of articles on TEN’s priorities for building kingdom communities

CASA Grace provides God’s love in action in

Romania When Maria Bakro’s husband passed away, she was left to care for her two young children Daria and Razvan on her own in a very worn down apartment and not even enough money to pay for a funeral. She knew the reality herself of growing up without her parents having been raised in an orphanage.


owever at the point of terrible loss of her husband, Maria was visited by members of the CASA Grace ministry at her home in Bihor County, Romania. Maria and her children received help from CASA Grace to move into a newly renovated apartment. It is just one room but now they have their own bathroom and a kitchen area. CASA Grace also provided help for Daria and Razvan, by a psychologist helping them, to help them deal with the trauma they’d been through and they were able to attend the church summer camp. Now they know all the worship songs they learned and are hungry to know more about God. For the past 20 years countless families like these have received this practical and spiritual help through the ministry of CASA Grace. 4

Emmanuel Baptist Church and Transform Europe Now helped to launch CASA (Christian Agency for Social Action) in 1996, by supporting a few dedicated Christians, who graduated from Emmanuel University. This small team had a vision to help meet the physical, social and emotional needs of the people from the urban and rural areas of Bihor County, Romania, by providing counselling, training, material assistance and emotional support in Christian love. Ten years later they added Grace to the name of their ministry because of the ministry of God’s grace they provided, but also because of the ongoing help they received from long-serving TEN supporter Grace Payne, who sadly passed away recently. Currently CASA Grace is making a difference in the lives of those in need

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

Maria Bakro with her two children, Daria and Razvan

through three programs: Families In Difficulty, Vocational Training Centre and Kingdom Kids. CASA Grace Director Monica Mahr explains: “The results are greater each year and make us thankful to God that He provided the resources that were needed through the years.” The Families in Difficulty programme supports families who suffer the effects of poverty including lack of food, clothes, money, overcrowded living spaces, absence of heat, water and other vital resources, health problems and social isolation. Monika adds: “We try to offer them solutions to improve their life quality through the services that are offered.” The Vocational Centre provides tailoring and computer classes, counselling services, psychological assessment and vocational counselling. Help is provided to people in a variety of challenging situations including those who live in very poor conditions or are in crisis (for example a death in family, severe

illness or losing their job), single-parent families, institutionalized children and people with physical disabilities. Kingdom Kids is for children with special needs from the state orphanage, who are now living in family homes, and children with special needs from the Bihor community. It provides physiotherapy, speech therapy and logotherapy at the Daily Recovering Centre. The aim of the program is to recover and rehabilitate these children through stimulation activities including auditory, tactile, visual, olfactory and tasting in the stimulation room. Monika concluded by highlighting what motivates them to continue in this very rewarding but challenging ministry: “We receive many great blessings and many battles and obstacles. But we have the privilege to continue to ‘defend the rights of the poor and the orphans; be fair to the needy and the helpless.’ (Psalm 82:3). We see God’s protection, love, grace and mercy through the daily battles.”

Please pray for this vital kingdom-building ministry. If you can help CASA Grace support those in need, please contact the TEN office:

tel: 0117 961 5161

email +44 (0)117 961 5161 /


Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

Harvest for the hungry in

Serbia For many years TEN partner Maca Turner could be seen riding her bicycle around the streets of Sombor in Serbia, with a basket full of Harvest For the Hungry food parcels.


aca, who’s been a humanitarian aid worker for Christian Fellowship Church in Somber in North West Serbia for the past 13 years, recently upgraded her mode of transport for distributing the food packages to a moped in which she uses every possible storage compartment. Since she began this tremendous ministry, she has visited at least 600 families distributing Harvest For the Hungry food parcels to some of the neediest families in her community. Initially Maca will take food parcels containing essential items including cooking oil, pasta, bread, sugar, fruits and cookies for children. But many times she’ll revisit families to help them with other needs. “Here in Serbia we have many poor people and so they’re very open to the Gospel, especially when you bring

something like food parcels. They never received anything like this before. Thanks to Harvest For The Hungry, we can share the Gospel with them and that opens many doors.” One example of this is when Maca went back to visit Ljubica and her four young boys aged one, three, five and seven. “When I went to visit her and brought her a package of nappies she was amazed that we came again she said, ‘What, again, I can’t believe it.’ So then I talked to her about what she thought of church and whether she understood the preaching. And she said, ‘Yes, I can’t explain how I feel when I’m there.’ Now she comes to church regularly with her children. “Then I went back and brought a pair of shoes for her two youngest boys and she thanked God again and realised it was God who provided this for her.”

Support Harvest for the Hungry and help us to continue life transforming work for many families across Europe. For further information visit: 6

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

You and Europe

Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries with around 70 projects, so if you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! Countries we operate in include:

Our prayer for Europe: Heavenly Father, We thank you for our wonderful partners across Europe who, despite limited resources, tirelessly serve the poor and vulnerable in their communities. We pray for all the families and individuals they reach out to each day as they practically demonstrate your love through social action

projects, that they will see many more lives transformed. Father, as our partners sometimes get overwhelmed with the needs around them please give them hope that their service for you is making a difference. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

+44 (0)117 961 5161 /


Prayer Diary


MPA, Albania

Savka & Jovica Montenegro






Compassion Ministry, Russia

Erion & family Albania

Dragan & Biljana Nikola & Daniela Macedonia


Prayer Diary

March – April 2016 March 2016 1 / Besa Shapllo, Albania: “Pray for our youth leaders that they may have an impact on their peers and on the community.” 2 / “Pray for our new project Mission Possible that it will be life-changing for the families and couples we minister to.” 3 / Jovica Bacvanski, Montenegro: “March 3 is a great Jubilee for our church. Twenty years ago we had the great honour and responsibility to be the very first Evangelical church in the country of Montenegro. Please pray for our 20 year anniversary celebrations today at the church.” 4 / “Please pray for a great harvest from our team of young people coming to minister with us from the USA in April.” 5 / Viorica Tataru, Greece: “Please pray for the Lord to protect the refugee women we are reaching out to from being trafficked and exploited sexually.” 6 / “Pray for the message of the ‘Good seed’ calendars that we give out now, to find good ground so that the message of the Gospel can bring fruit. Pray


for open hearts and ears to hear and to receive the good news of salvation.” 7 / “Pray for Nea Zoi representatives who will travel to Moldova in the beginning of March to share at the Youth Conference about the issue of human trafficking and about God’s heart for the victims and the oppressed. Pray for the Lord to raise up His church to “do justice, love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord.” 8 / “March 8th is the International Women’s Day and we hope to organise a special time to celebrate with the dear ladies and share the love of God with them. Please, pray that they will respond and come.” 9 / “Pray for the preparation of 400 Easter gifts that we will bless our friends with during Easter.” 10 / “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, may be able to ‘fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel’, Ephesians 6:19. Please pray for good health and strength to continue to serve the Lord and His purposes.” 11 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: “Pray for both men and women at our

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

rehabilitation centres. We need prayer support for the centre finances, but also for our users’ spiritual growth. These men and women are at different stages, going through deep struggles and prayers are more than welcome.” 12 / “Please pray for me as I speak at two important Youth Leaders’ conferences this month.” 13 / “Please pray for God to use me as I speak at a conference of 200 ex-addicts in Sarajevo in Bosnia in April.” 14 / “In April Youth Alpha will finish. Pray for fruit—for the young people who took part to experience conversion and become part of the church.” 15 / Prayer for all our partners today as they take part in our first TEN webinar. Pray that will be encouraged and resourced. 16 / Maca Turner, Serbia: “Please pray for the new people who came to our church in December and January, for their salvation.” 17 / “Pray for people who have left the church in the last few months to return.”

Prayer Diary



Milcho & Beni Bulgaria



18 / “Pray that God brings new people, people who seek Him.” 19 / “Please pray for families to come to Christ as we distribute the Harvest for the Hungry food packages to them.” 20 / Galina Dzhuzenova, The Compassion Ministry, Russia: “Please pray for the impact of our recent outreach on International Women’s Day on March 8. We visited two associations of large families with evangelistic concerts for mothers and children.” 21 / “Please pray for preparations for our summer camps. Pray for God to help us coordinate all the details including locations, teams and funding.” 22 / “Please pray for our Easter Outreach preparations, which take place here on May 1.” 23 / Erion Cuni, Albania: “Please pray for the Bible study groups we are starting for newcomers in our church. Pray that these groups will result in followers making other new followers of Christ. Pray the entire church gets involved and is transformed by the word of God.” 24 / “Pray for the families we are visiting for the first time with help, that the relationships will get stronger and that we can share with them the gospel of Jesus Christ.”



Vance & Tanja Macedonia

Slavko & Sanja Bosnia

25 / “Please pray for the many families we visited during the winter, including 80 with gift-filled shoeboxes. Pray for possibilities to follow up these contacts.” 26 / “Pray for finances for us to make our worship room more sound-proof. As we share our church building with 38 other families, we want to be a good testimony to our neighbours and reduce the volume of our worship.” 27 / Dragan Manev, Macedonia: “We have a TEN puppet team from Bristol coming to minister with us March 29 – April 7. Please pray for all our outreach events with them that they will have an impact here, including in the Roma gypsy communities.” 28 / On April 16 Australian motivational speaker Nick Vujicic will share at an event in Skopje. Please pray for this great opportunity for evangelism. 29 / Pray for the work with refugees in Macedonia in the south and north border, where conditions are very challenging. 30 / Nikola Atanasov, Bulgaria: Please pray for two elderly men who gave their lives to Christ. God touched their hearts when we visited them and took food. 31 / Please pray for two women we reached out through the Food For The Hungry program. One woman received Jesus. Another

Igor & Marina Moldova

Ronela & Mircea Romania

woman asked us for prayer. Please pray for these people and for this ministry—Food for the Hungry.

April 2016 1 / Dario Kapin, Bosnia: “Please pray for God to provide the finances for us to buy a church property as we are currently renting a building and we are in a deep need for our own place.” 2 / “Please pray for significant spiritual growth for our church members.” 3 / “Pray that our media outreach with secular TV stations will continue to be effective.” 4 / “Please pray for the Miracle Bible Club teachers and kids. We are blessed to work with the children and we want to see them grow in faith.” 5 / “Pray for the activities we will have during March and April in the Hope Centre.” 6 / Milcho & Beni Deyanov, Bulgaria: “Please pray for those who served in ministry after giving their lives to Christ, but have left the church. Pray that they come back to the Lord.” 7 / Please pray for Milcho, who is still believing God for healing from a number of medical conditions including diabetes, liver disease, gout and stomach problems.

+44 (0)117 961 5161 /


Prayer Diary

9 / Artur Krasniqi, Kosovo: “Pray for our youth centre in Kacanik and specifically for Leonora Kurti. She is leading the project there and lately has been strongly confronted by Islamic groups in there. Pray that God will give wisdom and courage how to handle the situation.” 10 / “Pray for our work among the Roma community in Prishtina. Our team helps with education among children and youth and they are sharing the gospel. Please pray for them to get saved.” 11 / “Pray for Millosheva Community Centre which is a project funded from our church. The support we have had until now has ended. We need to see other ways and opportunities. Please pray that God will open new doors for us in this place and also pray for people who are involved in serving this community.” 12 / Vance Golomeov, Macedonia: “Pray for young people who are coming into the church every day to grow in Christ.” 13 / “Pray for all the new people in the church.” 14 / “Pray for ex-addicts Kire and Trajce to stay clean from drugs.” 15 / “Pray for drug addicts who come into the church time to time (Tote, Dimitar, Joce, Dime, Deni) to be open to God to release them from drugs.”


16 / “Pray for the gospel literature to bear fruit as it is given to the people in Sveti Nikole.” 17 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia: “Five teenagers from our church went to Youth Conference in Mostar in January. Pray that things which they heard will bring fruit in their lives” 18 / “Please pray as we choose which families and individuals we should help through TEN’s humanitarian project. Pray that the people we help will be open to the Gospel and that we will see conversions.” 19 / “We are working on the project for Bosnia. Pray for good cooperation with other churches” 20 / “Please pray as we continue to teach religious classes to eight students in the public elementary school.” 21 / “Sister Sabaheta and her husband have in their home a former drug addict who is there on rehabilitation. Pray for God’s protection over Sabaheta and her home, for wisdom and God’s guidance, and also for the ministry to pregnant ladies which Sabaheta is doing.” 22 / Igor Sin, Moldova: “Please pray for God to help us organize more meetings for widows and to see some of them saved.” 23 / “Pray for for Jora and Anisoara’s baby, Gabriela. Doctors discovered a disease in her blood. Please pray for God to heal her.” 24 / Peter Wooding: Pray for our communications officer Peter Wooding as he runs the London Marathon today to raise funds for

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

our anti-trafficking projects in Moldova and Greece. 25 / Igor Sin, Moldova: “Please pray that people who visited our church will come again and get to know Jesus.” 26 / “Please pray for our student ministry that we can overcome their skepticism.” 27 / Mircea & Ronela Cristian, Romania: “Please pray for the people we help with food through our programs in prisons and society. Pray God will open their hearts and eyes to see His love in everything we are doing and respond by receiving His salvation.” 28 / “Pray for us to find the right people to work in the Romanian prisons where the directors are asking us to develop our programs.” 29 / “Pray for the halfway house designated to the ladies released from prison, which the volunteers from Bacau want to open in their area.” 30 / “Pray for the prison work among Romanian convicts, which God started to open in Norway. We need the Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom.”

Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.

8 / Stoyan Angelov, Bulgaria: “My prayer request is about the refugee camp in our town. The administration of the camp asked me for help—for food cans or medical products. We need God`s provision.”

Corrie ten Boom

Team Updates

Team updates Welcome to Melanie Griffiths We are very pleased to welcome Melanie Griffiths to TEN. Melanie joined the Bristol office team in January and will be responsible for Supporter Relations and Funding Development. Already she has settled well into the team and is contributing greatly to the organisation. Melanie brings a wealth of expertise and we are confident she will be a real blessing and asset to TEN, our supporters and partners. Melanie has always had a heart for mission. In 1990 she went on a Love Europe Outreach with OM to Berlin, which she says was inspirational. Melanie is very excited about the opportunity of working for TEN. She believes this is a key time for Europe and is keen to make a difference and encourage

support for our amazing mission partners. Melanie would love to hear from you. Please call the office or email her at She would welcome the opportunity to come and share the latest news and updates of what TEN is doing across Europe and how you can help. Read more about Melanie at:

Marathon effort to support TEN’s anti-trafficking work Our Communications Officer Peter Wooding will be running the London Marathon this April, to raise funds for antitrafficking projects in Greece and Moldova supported by TEN. Peter has been training hard for this and explains that his key motivation is knowing that the funds raised will go to supporting TEN’s vital work in tackling human trafficking: “Training for a full marathon is always a major challenge, especially during the cold winter months. What helps is knowing every pound we raise will make a huge difference to some of the most vulnerable women and children who are trafficked

throughout Europe every day.” Peter was able to witness first-hand one of our anti-trafficking projects last November when he travelled to Athens and spent some time with Viorica Tataru, who runs an amazing ministry to women in prostitution in the city, which is seeing the lives of many of these women turned around and completely transformed. Please sponsor Peter today so we can continue to support projects like these that are making a real difference in tackling the serious issue of human trafficking across Europe:

+44 (0)117 961 5161 /


Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

60 Seconds with…


How did you first hear about TEN? I have had a love for Europe since my childhood days when I visited my aunts in Spain. Back then you could go to prison for sharing your faith, or have the family split up and be put into exile. I remember Dave Foster speaking and being one of the few people who understood the plight of the Spanish Church under Franco. When I got married, Eric and I decided that TEN (formerly Eurovangelism) was something we wanted to know more about and support.

What areas of ministry are you most passionate about? I am convinced that Europe is a mission area to which the British Church should be more committed. So I am passionate that this should be understood. I do think that the time has come for TEN to be less concentrated on the East and more panEurope. Obviously Spain features very highly and I guess always will. How have you been involved with TEN? Other than serving as a trustee and helping with things in the UK my main involvement has been in Spain and Portugal—visiting on behalf of TEN and most recently helping to set up a church-to-church partnership with TEN Ambassador Chris Hill . Why do you support TEN? Because TEN is supporting nationals and I am committed to this as a mission strategy. I also like the holistic understanding that TEN seeks in their partners—faith and action.

Toni Coulton


Toni with Abel and Rafi at Vilanova i la Geltru Church in Spain

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

What’s going on in...



ith a population of more than 22 million, the Balkan State of Romania has a history of oppressive persecution under Communism. Despite being officially declared a secular state Romania has a large and growing evangelical population, Europe’s fourth largest. It is also considered to be one of the more spiritually receptive European nations. This growth is largely due to Romania’s sustained church planting movement, which has existed since the fall of Communism. TEN’s partners in Romania are playing a significant part in this growing movement, including Beni and Ancuta Micle, who are based in Constanta in the South East of the country. Pastor of Christian Centre Navodari, Beni also oversees a sector of four towns and 16 villages. Beni explains some of the challenges in Constanta: “It’s a desert area where water is a problem as well

as jobs. There are a few lakes but now they have become private property, which means nobody can freely fish. There is high unemployment resulting in a lack of food and low life standard.” Beni adds: “Agape Church Sinoe is enjoying a beautiful season where more people are hungry for the word of God and fellowship. Many have found purpose in life and church has become a living testimony in the community for transforming

lives and destiny! “Also our Betezda Church in Mihai Viteazu has doubled in size since we were able to move into a new building thanks to a financial donation from TEN. “Thank you to TEN for your support in getting the building. This is the biggest breakthrough!! Enabling us to see many more receive spiritual and material aid. “It’s wonderful to see how so many young men and women have dedicated their lives to Christ!”

Please pray for this transformational outreach. Also pray for God to bring a greater unity among churches where religiosity and traditions have caused divisions for many years.

Young people attending Agape Church in Sinoe

+44 (0)117 961 5161 /


What’s going on in...



ussia is the world’s largest country, extending across nine time zones between the Baltic and the Pacific. The Church in Russia has suffered some of the most severe and sustained persecution of any nation in recent history, but since the fall of the Iron Curtain evangelical churches have more than doubled in size following an unprecedented opportunity for evangelism. The country continues to face many challenges including a deadly decline in the country’s population and many health issues spiralling to crisis level. TEN’s partners are responding to this urgent need, reaching out to some of the poorest and most vulnerable people in Russia with the love of Jesus. Galina Dzhuzenova, who is the leader of the Brotherhood of Compassion in Moscow, has been working with TEN since 1990. Her team visits hospitals, shelters, 14

children’s homes, poor and needy families and disabled children, providing vital practical and spiritual support. Galina shares one inspiring example of the kind of people they’re ministering to with compassion: “One day an old woman came to us called Ekaterina. She lives in a village in Ivanovo district, but now only 15 old people live there. She is the youngest, 73 years old. “She takes care of other inhabitants, because there is nobody else to do this. Firstly, she visited them at their homes, helped them with cooking and cleaning and treating their illnesses. “Now almost all of them live in her small wooden house. We gave her food, medicines, clothes, hygienic and sanitary items and blankets. After, Ekaterina told us that she believes in God, but she is not a member of a church, and she wants to have a Bible. We were talking with

Transform europe now / March – April 2016

her about Jesus and His love, about His love in her heart. We gave her a Bible, Children Bible, and some Christian books. “Ekaterina is such an example for us, Christians!”

Photos: Galina (top-right) with elderly women who’ve received their practical and spiritual support

CO N FEREN CE • 2016 • • 2016 • 13 – 15 MAY | WOKEFIELD PARK, READING

I found TEN’s conference to be a valuable way of understanding the wider work of TEN better, meeting other supporters and seeing the full value that TEN offers: seeking to match UK based supporters with church planters and supporting opportunities in other parts of Europe.

CHRIS HILL Ten Supporter and Ambassador

See the back cover for details of the Speakers To book, please complete and return the booking form to: Transform Europe Now, 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 1HL or call Ken Millwood on 0117 961 5161 or email

Special room rates available for children under 16, please contact Ken Millwood for details. Please note a £4 booking fee will be added for all card payments. Balance of payments are due by 15 April 2016. (Please use BLOCK CAPITALS)

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CO N FEREN CE • 2016 • • 2016 • 13 – 15 MAY WOKEFIELD PARK, READING FEATURING: TEDDY & DIDI OPRENOV Sofia First Baptist Church, Bulgaria

SLAVKO & SANJA HADZIC Sarajevo Evangelical Church, Bosnia

MIRCEA & RONELA CRISTIAN Rock of Ages, Constanta, Romania

JOHN & PAM BLANCHARD Bible Teacher and former Chair of Trustees

ROB NEWEY Worship Leader

See over page for booking details.

Partners with TEN for over a decade, this dedicated couple have been ministering in Sofia and Bulgaria for over 20 years. They have been involved in ministry to all ages and serving the needy and neglected by society— Roma, orphans, homeless and most recently refugees. A highly esteemed leader and long-term partner of TEN, Slavko pastors a church alongside being national co-ordinator for Alpha; board member and teacher at a Bible School; denominational secretary and board member of national IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students). Mircea and Ronela started Rock of Ages 22 years ago and now co-ordinate an army of 180 volunteers from 25 different churches, currently visiting 27 prisons in Romania, and their work has recently also expanded into Moldova. Pam needs no introduction, having been a member and then Chair of Trustees for TEN for over 20 years. Dr. John Blanchard is an international preacher, teacher and author of over 30 books. We are pleased that John will bring his inspiring Bible teaching to this conference. Rob has been writing and performing songs as his main vocation for over 30 years now. He is a long-term friend and supporter of TEN. He will lead worship at the conference again this year.

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