TEN Magazine, September – October 2016

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Magazine September – October 2016


Freedom For


Rock of Ages’ incredible prison ministry

new exciting Church Partnership

Encourage your Church’s heart for mission

An Unforgettable week in Moldova

Partners and Projects Transforming Lives


Severe floods and an unprecedented storm have claimed the lives of 22 people and devastated large parts of Skopje during the evening of Sunday 7th August.


any victims drowned in their cars as the water rose, and hundreds were injured as water, debris and mud slides tore through the region. Continuous storms lashed the capital city of Macedonia and the surrounding area for several hours. Three-and-a-half inches (93mm) of rain fell in Skopje in the storm—more than the average for the whole of August, and the water level rose up to five feet (1.5 metres) in some areas. It was not until daybreak that the full horror of the floods was realised. Dramatic scenes emerged of damaged vehicles piled up and major destruction of the highway. Agencies from across the Balkans, the

Macedonian army and police, churches and local communities are all helping with relief efforts and the FYR Macedonian government has declared a state of emergency. Supplies of emergency drinking water, food and hygiene products are being brought in and Macedonia faces weeks and many months of recovery. TEN Partner, Mirco Andreev, Pastor of The Evangelical Church and AGAPE Macedonia and his small team are seeking to help people and says: “Please pray that God will take care for all these things and for all this people that are in a really great need. Most of all pray that in this times of crisis, people to find comfort in the Lord.”

Please donate to support TEN’s Disaster Relief




ince our last TEN Magazine the UK has decided to leave the European Union, albeit by a small majority, we have a new prime minster and cabinet. The last few months have certainly been a time of instability and change. Leaving the EU presents many uncertainties for all of us, but for TEN it doesn’t change our missional objectives, our focus and purpose. The needs across Europe remain the same, so it is imperative we continue in our mission to transform Europe for Christ, to show His Kingdom principles and demonstrate the love of Christ by sharing the holistic Gospel across our continent. While we still face market instability, financial and exchange rate uncertainty, our partners and their ministry continue as before Brexit. Our passion to reach the lost, help those in need and support our amazing partners across Europe remains as before Brexit. Romans 13:1 says, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” It is so reassuring to know in the midst of all this change, that God has a plan and a purpose. Our God is Sovereign, He sets the governments and authorities in place. This is a significant time for Europe and I believe more than ever this is a vital time for TEN to advance in its commission to reach Europe with the transforming love of Jesus Christ. I also believe, with all the uncertainties and challenges we have a God given opportunity to increase our efforts to reach out to all the nations of Europe, to encourage more UK Christians and churches to support our partners and above all to pray for God’s Kingdom to come on earth, in Europe, as it is in heaven. Thank you for your continued support. Many blessings,

Contents 4

Transforming Europe – one life at a time In Romania’s Prisons

6 7 8 11 12 13


Latest News

Bike Challenge and Christmas

You and Europe Prayer diary

September – October 2016

60 Seconds with... …Maki Miço

What’s going on in... Moldova

Church Partnerships

Kinmel Bay Church sees the benefits of partnership

Transforming Europe – one life at a time An inspiring week in Moldova

Shopping Online? Raise money for TEN by shopping online through www.easyfundraising.org.uk!



Transform Europe Now 1 Holdenhurst Road, Kingswood Bristol BS15 1HL

Gerry Partridge CEO Transform Europe Now

Tel: +44 (0)117 961 5161 Email: info@transformeuropenow.org Written and produced by the TEN team Design: Simon Petherick Graphic and Web Design Transform Europe Now is the operating name for Eurovangelism. Registered Charity No. 1140592 and Company Limited by Guarantee No. 7507682.

Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

Transforming lives in

Romania’s Prisons

When Andrei* faced the harsh reality that he was going to die in a Romanian prison he was gripped with fear not knowing where he would go after his life ended. In desperate need of reassurance he wrote a letter to Mircea Cristian, director of prison ministry Rock of Ages simply saying: “I’m afraid my life is about to end. How can I be sure I’m going to heaven?”


illed with compassion for Andrei, Mircea wrote back assuring him of his prayers along with a list of helpful Bible verses and a book on salvation. Mircea never heard again what happened to Andrei until the following month when he received a letter with the sad news that he’d passed away. But when Mircea checked through their records on Andrei he found a letter that said: “I got saved. I studied the Bible and I trusted my Lord and I asked Him to forgive me.” It was a stark reminder to Mircea and his wife Ronela who started Rock of Ages 22 years ago of how short life is and what a vital opportunity they have to offer true freedom and the gift of eternal life to 4

thousands of men and women in prisons across Romania. This year alone more than one hundred men and women in prisons in Romania have given their lives to Christ like Andrei did through the ministry of Rock of Ages. Remarkably more than 750 are also doing Bible correspondence courses so they can be discipled and trained for ministry themselves. Rock of Ages began when Mircea and Ronela felt challenged to give up their very successful careers to go full-time into this prison ministry in the early 90s. “In 1994 we were praying everyday what to do as we had very well paid jobs. We stepped out in faith and quit our jobs. We

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

This year alone more than one hundred men and women in prisons in Romania have given their lives to Christ

are here to say 22 years later that the Lord is faithful.” “We came across prisoners with low self-esteem, loneliness, abandonment, fear, terror and self-destruction and suicide. So we started wondering how we could help these people to be free.” Over more than two decades this dedicated couple has seen many men and women experience true freedom in Christ and they are now working in 39 prisons with a vision to eventually minister in every prison in Romania. To help them fulfil this vision they have now mobilised a team of 168 volunteers from churches where they previously had no desire to work in prisons. “What’s wonderful is these volunteers are now on fire for God and churches are being blessed because they are seeing people in prisons being saved.” Ronela says their work with women in prisons is very rewarding: “Many only have the clothes they wore into prison if they don’t have family support, so we help with clothes and shoes and blankets because it

gets very cold in the winter. It’s not enough to tell them that God loves them. We have to show them. “We are teaching them skills as well like crafts for when they go out of prison because in most cases nobody will provide a job for them.” For many years one of Mircea and Ronela’s biggest dreams has been to build a House of Hope as a halfway house for women when they come out of prison in the Bacau area. This is set to become a reality thanks to the local ministry team who have caught the vision to make this happen. Mircea concluded by explaining that as they are seeing such transformation in prisons where the atmosphere is being completely changed the demand is outweighing their resources: “We have prisons and prison officials calling me and begging me to start work in their place. But we don’t have enough teams. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Please pray for us to be able to reach every prison in our country.”

Photos: Mircea Preaching in prison (left); Mircea & Ronela giving aid to to mothers and children in prison (right). Photos edited to protect the identities. * Not his real name

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


Latest News

TEN CEO Climbs Higher than Everest in Portugal to Spain Bike Challenge


hen our CEO Gerry Partridge decided to take on a 450-mile bike challenge from Portugal to Spain, if he’d known he’d have to cycle uphill 10,000 feet higher than Everest in intense heat, he may have thought twice. But thanks to the motivation of the Beginning of Life anti-trafficking project he was raising money for, he successfully completed this mammoth task. The challenge took place June 8–16 from Porto in Portugal to Santander in Spain as part of a 12-strong team from his church in Taunton. Gerry reflected on the spiritual lessons he learned during those eight gruelling days riding through some stunning mountains and valleys: “God doesn’t always show us beforehand what’s ahead of us, because we won’t necessarily have the strength or the faith to deal with what our tomorrow holds. If we knew what challenges we have to face

tomorrow we may feel despondent and even give up, but He gives us the faith and grace to get through one day at a time.” It’s not too late to sponsor Gerry, who has raised nearly £2,000 so far. Go to: my.give.net/iTacChallenge

Giving this Christmas


s far as the shops are concerned Christmas seems to get earlier every year! Nonetheless, the months leading up to the festive season gives us a great opportunity to think about creative ways of giving this Christmas. Here are some ideas that you might like to consider: » Essential Gifts Catalogue Struggling to know what to get for the person who has everything this Christmas? Why not buy something from our Essential Gifts catalogue to help poor families in Eastern Europe?

» Christmas fair Are you good at creating cards, crafts or cakes? Could you enquire about having a stall at your local Christmas event to raise some funds for TEN?


Some of our partners make crafts which you might like to sell on their behalf. For more information email: melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org » Easygiving This is a fantastic way to generate income for TEN at no additional cost to yourself, whilst doing your Christmas shopping. Purchase your presents from: easyfundraising.org.uk/ten and a percentage will go to TEN.

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

You and Europe

Transform Europe Now works across 15 European countries with around 70 partners, so if you or your church wishes to make a difference in Europe you don’t have to go it alone. Church partnerships, short-term teams, special church services, volunteering, targeted prayer and financial support—there’s something for everyone! Countries we operate in include:

Our prayer for Europe: Heavenly Father, We pray for the most marginalised people across Europe including the many men and women in prisons in Romania who have lost all hope.

Help us to continue to demonstrate your love and compassion to those facing long sentences, so that they may turn to you for forgiveness and new life. Amen

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


Prayer Diary


MPA, Albania

Dessie & Anatoli Bulgaria

Slavko & Sanja Bosnia

Nesa & Vesna Serbia



Dragan & Biljana Macedonia




Compassion Ministry, Russia

Prayer Diary

September – October 2016 September 2016 1 / Please pray for Tom and Helen Harflett, TEN Ambassadors, as they travel throughout the Balkans September 1–22 visiting some of our partners. 2 / Besa Shapllo, Mission Possible Albania: “Pray that God may use our ladies’ meetings and teenagers’ meetings for His Glory that these meetings will be a way to change their lives.” 3 / “Please pray for every activity in our community library that they will be used for His glory. Please pray that many more of the readers who come to our Community Library will be part of our programmes including Miracle Bible Clubs, Bible Study Groups and Youth Meetings.” 4 / “Please pray that our Spring Day Centre will find support and be able to positively impact the lives of children with special needs who come from very poor families in Bathore.” 5 / “Pray that the Mission Possible Albania Team begins the new projects full of renewed energy, and courageously face the new challenges and bring new kids and youth to faith.”


6 / Pray for TEN’s James Chilcott who’ll be travelling to Kosovo September 9–12 to visit our partners there. 7 / Anatoli & Desi Yankovi, Bulgaria: “Please pray for God to provide a new hall for us to be able to gather together.” 8 / “Please pray for us to find more helpers to support all our ministry work.” 9 / “I need a new car for the ministry. The current car is old and often breaks. This stops our journey to the places we serve.” 10 / “Please pray for our church. Many believers go through many difficulties and some of them have stopped coming.” 11 / Slavko Hadzic, Bosnia: “We will have the promotion of the pre-evangelistic book “Golden Lilies” about the war in Bosnia. Pray that we will have good coverage from the media and that it will help the spread of the Gospel and visibility of the church in Bosnia.” 12 / “Please pray for good attendance to all our regular weekly activities including Bible studies, prayer meetings and youth groups.”

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

13 / “This month we will have evangelistic meetings for ladies called “Circle of Women.” Pray that many will come and that they will be open to the Gospel.” 14 / “I’ll be organizing Langham Preaching regional consultations October 11–13 for training preachers. Pray that key leaders will come and that we will make good plans for the future.” 15 / “Pray for our humanitarian work and all the families who we are visiting each month.” 16 / Nesa Radeka, Serbia: “Please pray for me as I’ve come back from a sabbatical and I’m taking a new shared pastoral role of Novi Sad Nexus Church with a colleague. Pray for a smooth transition, clear vision and courage as we make big decisions.” 17 / “Please pray for our community centre in one of the fastest growing areas in Novi Sad. There is a huge opportunity for our church to complete this building and put it to use for the glory of Jesus Christ.” 18 / “Pray for Choose Life maternity home and women with babies as we support and help them to get out of their terrible

Prayer Diary

Marian, Ionica & Gratzian PRR, Romania

Nikola & Daniela Bulgaria

Milcho & Beni Bulgaria

circumstances. Pray for Kosara, Jelena and their three children who are currently living in our maternity home.” 19 / Maca Turner, Serbia: “Please pray for all the people to be impacted who came to the English club.” 20 / “Please pray for people who came to the different events in the church for the first time to continue to come.” 21 / “Pray for our team and our church, that we are salt and light to the people around us.” 22 / Dragan Manev, Macedonia: “Please pray for us as we go on a Roma leadership conference in Budapest September 21–24. It is a very important event for organising and praying for God’s work among Roma people in Europe, especially the Balkans area.” 23 / “Pray for our work with refugees in the camp in Tabanovce on the border between Macedonia and Serbia.” 24 / “Please pray for a women’s conference in the south of Macedonia in the town of Ohrid October 22–24.” 25 / Please pray for TEN’s Supporter Relations and Funding Development Officer Melanie Griffiths and TEN Ambassador Hazel Vinson as they travel to Russia to visit our partner Galina Dzhuzenova.

Roumen Bulgaria

Dusan Beredi & Family





Erion & family Albania


26 / Metin Mintaz,Turkey: “Our church is currently meeting in a temporary location. We will ask the municipality to give us a permanent place for meeting. Please pray for our meeting with a mayor of the one of districts of Istanbul who is sympathetic to the churches.” 27 / “I am discipling a leader in Elbistan. Please pray that God may give him strength and courage. Please also pray as we seek to cover his church’s financial needs.” 28 / “Following the terror attack earlier this year on Istanbul airport please pray for God to protect his churches in Turkey. Because of terrorism people are suffering.” 29 / “Please pray for all churches across Turkey as they minister to Syrian refugees. May God bless the churches so we can help them more.” 30 / “Please pray for churches in Turkey as they face increasing pressure as a result of how the media reports religion.”

October 2016 1 / Please pray for TEN staff and Ambassadors as they speak in churches about our Harvest for the Hungry appeal. 2 / Galina Dzhuzenova, Russia: “From time to time we have problems in some hospitals. It

is not easy to get permission for visits as most of the management there are new. Please pray we could get permission and continue the ministry.” 3 / “In September and October we have our Harvest for the Hungry project and visit various organisations. May God bless us to proclaim the Gospel through this ministry.” 4 / “Please pray for wisdom and guidance for our ministry following the new law introduced recently restricting evangelism outside of churches.” 5 / Marian Serban, PRR Romania: “Please pray for the new beneficiaries God has in His mind for our project. We want to hear from Him and help the new children adjust well and quickly in Casa Chara, Casa Benjamin, the day centre in Constanta and our after school in Murfatlar.” 6 / “Please pray for a new lady at the Girls’ Home to replace staff member Flori who is pregnant.” 7 / “Please pray for our schools ministry for good cooperation with the school officials.” 8 / Nikola Atanasov, Bulgaria: “We need to pray for three new elderly believers. We visited them in their homes with Harvest For The Hungry food parcels and they have started coming to our church.”

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


Prayer Diary

9 / Milcho Deyanov, Bulgaria: “Please pray for spiritual and physical breakthrough for the people in our church. Pray against cancer, blood pressure, problems with internal diseases, the occult and witchcraft.” 10 / Please pray for a team from Stockwood Church who are ministering with our partners in Moldova this week. 11 / Please pray for the TEN team as they prepare to exhibit at the Global Missions Conference in London October 12–15. 12 / Roumen Ivanov, Mission Possible Bulgaria: “Please pray for an event called Women at Risk, October 14–23, which is a 10 day restoration programme for hurting women in Dobromirka.” 13 / “Please pray for Bulgarian Christian teachers for wisdom in presenting the Gospel and for protection from verbal and administrative attacks in schools.” 14 / “Please pray for pastors who attended a seminar last month. Bulgarian pastors are brave and love the Lord dearly, but are very busy, exhausted and lonely in their ministry.” 15 / “Please pray for the children’s ministry which is slowing down. Please pray for a revival among Bulgarian children—they easily absorb scepticism from their parents.” 16 / Dusan Beredi, Serbia: “Please pray for all the new people who came to our Alpha adult and youth courses.” 17 / “The Alpha West Balkan office started a campaign in September. Please pray for all the churches promoting A lpha.”


18 / “Pray for our Rainbow Rehab Centre. At the moment there are about 20 men and five girls going through rehabilitation (heroin addicts residing in the centre for a year). Pray for their spiritual growth, freedom, and also for the centre’s finances.” 19 / Dario Kapin, Bosnia: “Please continue to pray for God to provide our church facility and pray for our discipleship teaching programme that we recently started.” 20 / “Pray for our bee project. Now we need to do everything to finish the season and prepare the bees for winter.” 21 / “Please pray for our bee marketing that we will have plenty of honey to sell and that many will buy it.” 22 / “Please pray for our church to continue to grow as we reach out to the community.” 23 / “Please pray for God to provide a van that we need for our church.” 24 / Artur Krasniqi, Kosovo: “Pray for Kosova Bible School which started this month. Pray for all the local teachers who are going to teach and also for all the young people who have registered to be part of the school, for them to grow in God’s knowledge and get ready to serve him.” 25 / “Pray for the children’s ministries that the church has in different cities of Kosova, Prishtina, Millosheva and Vushtrri. Please pray for around 200 children who attend these meetings for God to bless them as they grow up with His word and message.”

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

26 / “Pray for the children and workers at Shega Kindergarten in Prishtina which was established by the church and offers services for the community. Pray for God’s protection for the working team as they put lots of effort into giving a good example to children and parents by serving, loving and teaching them.” 27 / “Pray for House of Hope Community Development centre, which is the church’s social ministry placed in different cities of Kosova, working among children, youth and women. As these target groups get support in social, educational, economical aspect through the centres pray for them to also find God’s hope for their lives.” 28 / Erion Cuni, Albania: “Please pray for us to find someone to take over our prison ministry, so I can more effectively serve the church and increase our small groups and children’s ministry. Pray for someone to take my place. It is a very dear and precious ministry and the change must happen in a very good way.” 29 / “Pray for a possible church plant on the other side of Tirana as a result of the work among drug addicts and their families.” 30 / “Pray for the impact of a team from the World Racers USA coming to help among youth and in the community with English lessons and children’s ministry.” 31 / “Pray for a man and woman in our church as they visit different villages to have courage and wisdom sharing Christ and some finances for transportation costs.”

60 seconds with...

60 Seconds with…

Maki Miço

How did you get involved in TEN? I am passionate about mission and especially having come to know Christ through missionaries. The person who led me to Christ is a long-standing friend of one of the current trustees and she suggested I should be looking into getting involved with TEN. After some months of consideration and several meetings with TEN’s CEO Gerry Partridge I decided to get more involved and be part of what God is doing in Europe by becoming a TEN Trustee. What have been the highlights of your involvement with TEN? It is still very early but what excites me are the opportunities that TEN has with the partners and their indigenous ministries and the passion that is in the team to empower and support them in what God has called them to do. Could you share with us a bit of your background? I became a Christian in 1992 just as Albania had opened up. I was led to Christ by people who were passionate about the Gospel and the transformation it brings in individuals, communities and in society as a whole. I had a strong sense of God calling me into ministry since my early teens and I have been privileged to exercise my calling in different capacities. God has been faithful in giving me the opportunity to lead children’s and youth work for many. I’ve been an elder in my

home church in Albania and I now serve as a Baptist minister in Bristol. Why do you give of your time to the work of TEN? Because I believe that TEN’s strategy is inspiring, long-sighted and seeks to produce lasting fruits. What most inspired you about the work of TEN? The countries we work in, their need, the work of our partners and also the results of people’s prayers. I’m also inspired by the faithfulness of people in this country to see the Gospel transform Europe.

Maki Miço, TEN Trustee

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


What’s Going on In...



oldova is a nation with significant social and economic problems. One of the biggest challenges is 30% of the population has left the country over the last two decades in search of a better life and desperate for work. As a result of the estimated 300,000 children are ‘social orphans’, abandoned by one or both parents, thus deprived of parental care, love and protection. 149,000 children of school age (29%) are not reached by education. This has contributed to a fivefold increase in the number of suicides and attempted suicides among abandoned minors and this trend is continuing to grow. However, evangelical churches in Moldova are responding to this desperate need through a very holistic approach to mission and evangelism among young people. One of these projects is called Beginning of Life (BOL), which is impacting 12

young people in many areas of social action as well as Christian discipleship through a number of educational programmes. Recently 196 students completed their Way to Success school. BOL’s Serghei Mihailov says it’s been amazing to see the transformation in these young graduates: “They made a step forward in achieving social transformation, by engaging in practicing their ideas of reaching out to the brokenness and social injustice around them. We witnessed many changes and victories, both in their thinking and acting. We

worked hard, and slowly observed how shyness, inferiority, insecurity, confusion, fear and so many other obstacles in their way towards success were defeated and replaced with strength, passion, independence, moral values and victory over tomorrow.” Please pray for this vital work among Moldova’s young people. Serghei concluded: “Pray for changes in the lives of the people we assist and opportunities to reach many others in need. Pray for our team’s spiritual growth, as we understand that there is need for more spiritual strength to reach out to teenagers.”

196 students completed the Way to Success school

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

Church Partnerships

A Call to

Partnership ‘During the night, Paul had a vision of someone from Macedonia who was standing there and begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us!” After Paul had seen the vision, we began looking for a way to go to Macedonia. We were sure that God had called us to preach the Good News there.’ Acts 16. 9–10 NIV


e are really excited that our 9th Church Partnership between a UK church and a partner church in Europe was created on July 1st this year. Church partnerships are a tremendous encouragement to the churches on both sides and have generated a real heart for mission in the UK congregations. One of TEN’s long-standing Church Partnerships, Kinmel Bay Church in Rhyl, said: “The benefits have been great. The church feels very connected to the church in Moldova and there’s a real warmth to the relationship which perhaps would not be there if the link was merely financial. We feel a great responsibility to develop the partnership in a way which will continue to be mutually beneficial.”

Some benefits of Church Partnerships include: » Enabling prayer, people, resources and finances to flow to the point of need » Encouraging a heart for mission » Building relationships » Raising awareness of the experience of Christians in other parts of the world Getting started 1 Pray 2 Identify your vision and interests as a congregation so we can help you to find the right partnership 3 Contact the TEN office 4 We will identify some possible partnerships for you and then meet with the church leadership to discuss how this might work. TEN tries to: » Connect UK churches with similarly minded churches in Europe » Ensure that any partnership is of the right kind and adds value for both churches

Kinmel Bay Church’s summer camp mission to Moldova

For more information, contact melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

Unforgettable week in


TEN’s CEO Gerry Partridge along with Operations Administrator Ken Millwood recently returned from an inspiring week in Moldova visiting the many projects and partners we support there.


ne of the partners Gerry and Ken went to see was Vladimir Ubeiviolc in Chisinau, who directs an antitrafficking project called Beginning of Life (BOL) and he is also the pastor of the Evangelical church. “We were both amazed and so inspired with the work of BOL and the church,” explains Gerry. “They have been accepted and approved by the authorities and now have access to all the schools across Moldova. One of the anti-trafficking preventative projects is running a number of education programmes for vulnerable kids along with

The children’s parents had left the country and abandoned their children. The grandparents had to step in to care for them and they have no idea where the girls’ parents are or if they will ever return.


programmes to help them develop and become successful. “BOL are now running a youth church on Saturdays. This started with four kids and has now grown to 140, in just four years. Other programmes include youth camps, children’s day centres, compassion ministry, art studio, training centres, mothers’ training, an art shop and much more. The church is sharing a holistic Gospel to the people of Chisinau and beyond.” Another one of their visits was to Cantemir in south-west Moldova to meet with three mission partners, Volodia (Vladimir), Stefan and Misa, who are the local pastors at Cantemir and other local churches. “We have some amazing partners who are dedicated and committed to the calling God has put on their lives. In the face of much opposition, persecution and hardship they press on in the work they have been called to,” said Gerry. He added: “At this meeting, we were encouraged and inspired by the work of these partners, serving God in some of the poorest areas of Moldova. All three of

Transform europe now / September – October 2016

Transforming Europe – One Life at a time

the pastors had a real passion to reach the least, the last and the lost for Christ and to share love and compassion with those in most need in their communities.” As well as meeting with many other pastors across the country, throughout the week they also delivered food packages to several needy families. Gerry said it was particularly heartbreaking to visit one family in the village of Burlacu where the grandparents were caring for their two grand-daughters. “The children’s parents had left the country and abandoned their children. The grandparents had to step in to care for them and they have no idea where the girls’ parents are or if they will ever return. “On the day we visited it was the grandmother’s birthday and she said she was 58 years old. She said, ‘My birthday is like any other day, I have to get up early to work in the fields before it gets too hot. Then I return home to care for the children and cook the meal. In the evening I go out to the fields again to work.’ “She does this to earn enough money to survive and to feed the children. She also has to care for her sick husband. The burden of caring for the whole family falls to the grandmother, with no support apart from the local church run by Andrei.” TEN’s Ken Millwood concluded by sharing his thoughts on visiting families like these as well as his overall observations during the trip: “This was a challenging, yet hugely encouraging week. For the first time I came across ‘social orphans’—children in families where one or both parents are working abroad leaving them with no real role model of parents or ‘normal’ family life. “I could see how the Evangelical churches are making a difference sharing the love of God in many practical ways including food parcels, day centres, summer camps, while also sharing the Gospel message.”

Gerry & Ken with three pastors at Cantemir, Stefan, Volodia & Misa (top); 58 year old grandmother with two grandchildren and husband (bottom)

+44 (0)117 961 5161 / www.transformeuropenow.org


This year would you help us feed many more children like Zumrid’s in Macedonia?

She was so desperate to even get milk for her little baby and feed her other five children she had to beg on the streets of the Roma community where she lives on the hills of Veles. With the harsh winter months coming up we need your help to provide vital food packages to many more children like these.

If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday. Isaiah 58:10

TEN has put together a special resource pack to enable you and your churches to get involved in our Harvest for The Hungry (HFTH) appeal this year. We also have speakers available to come and share at your church for your Harvest services.

To book your Harvest speakers or to pre-order your free HFTH 2016 pack call 0117 9615161 or email admin@ten-uk.org

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